Sunday, September 15, 2024

I pushed the end times starting button because of the way God treats me by revealing the holy ghost enters into your body, like a body, your same size

(35) prophesying-visions received 4-23-24-2006-God has showed me Spirits that looked like people like, hollie, the Lord of Hosts, Jesus, kristina, macaulay culkin, and they said: and hollie pointed, witness, tarry, your, choice, russia is, the, beast, said, the, angel, of, the, Lord, and he is, Jesus, manifestation, and looks like, shaved, clean, short hair, and, dances, when bob is, stronger, and bob laughs, and, likes, iran attack coming, the iraq war, was over, breaking, oil contracts, with, moscow, and preventing, china, from, recieving, and saddam would have, gave, them, to, the, usa, for, weapons, and saddam, would have, lived, until, about, 80, and he is only, 67, and will, shot, killed, that is what, the, main, reason, for the, iraq, war, bush, wanted, saddam, and, got, but, people, hate, because of, the, spirit, of, the, medes, raise up, against, america, they will, give, thier, power, and, thier, strength, unto, the, beast, the, p,o,p,e, and he will, send it over, on, the, usa, read and do, ACTS 2:38, for, salvation, and that is, repent, and be, bap, tised, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and recieve, the, gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, propehsied, in, joel, and it shall, come to pass, that, I will, pour out, of, my, Spirit, upon, all, flesh, your sons and your daughters, shall, prophesy, and that is, recieving, visions, while, right, there, like, elisha, did, and, wept, and, warned, that, man, that, he, would, lead, the, attack, on, israel, and that, the, king, would, die, and all, came, to, pass, visions are, accurate, and, trap, the, world, do not come against, because, Jesus, gave, them, how come I don't feel him, she, said, you have, sin, God, hates, sin, and, will not, let you, do not, come against, people, speaking, in, Jesus, name, many are, false, but, some are, real, los angeles will be, wiped, out, said, the, angel, of the, Lord, and he saw, california, explode, it will, burn, from, russian, submarines, and, the, east coast, in, flames, and, the middle, of, america, all, judgment, to, the, MYSTERY, BABYLON, is, REVELATION 17, how did I get cold, no, prayer, of, not, enough, and that is, spue, time, tarry, for, many, hours, or, perish, all, give yourself, to, prayer, and, the, ministry, of, the, word, like, ACTS 6, says, or, 5, read both, all, let, Jesus, have, his, way, put it on, and, witness, enough, said, Jesus, this will be read, by, many, over, one, thousand, after, Jesus, has, come, and, america, has, gone, they will, wonder, what, happened, and, right here it is, on, the, infor, mation, highway, but, they did not, look, the kings of the earth, will, wail, loudly, when they, relaise, what they had, and, now, Jesus, is, gone, record the vision hollie showed, fill up, both, sides, of the, recorder, then, record over, give, Jesus, glory, EZEKIEL 7, fulfilled, the, iraq, war, was over, breaking, oil, contracts, and preventing, china, from, getting, will end, nuclear, bush will be, ass, sin, ated, by, his, own, cabinet, dick cheney, will be, next, then, hillary, clinton, then, moscow, will, attack, then, china, will, attack, washington, state, and, grab, tai, wan, to, lure, america, into, war, and, russia, will, grab, alaska, and, orders will go, to, american, sub, marine, s, commanders, and they will, fire, on, china, and, moscow, one third, of the, population, will be, wiped, out, from, radiation, and, the sun and the moon, will be, blokced, out, for, 16, hours, the earth, will be, moved, out of, it's, place, will reel, to, and, fro, like, a, drunk, man, don't go two milwaukee, said the, angel, of, the, Lord, and, he saw, michigan, explode, that will, take, milwaukee, no, she, said, yes, said, Jesus, one, radiation, fire, storms, all, across, america, and that was a spirit running, that, looked, like, hollie, lit, then russia will be invaded by, raise your hands and repeat after me, raise your hands and repeat after me, china, will, attack, moscow, with, many, nuclear, weapons, called, american, like, tomahawks, that, clinton, sold, and, gore, to, get, re-, election, money, that is how, they, one, partially, but, they would have anyway, read ACTS 2:38 for salvation, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, the, prophet, of ministryofdreams, time is, s, h, o, r, t, hurry, make your, calling, and, elction, sure, signs will follow, remember me, and I will, remember, you, saith, Jesus, put it on, and, witness, till, prayer, time, aman, record the vision hollie showed and complained because bob needs to record, to keep busy, the site will get bigger than you can image, being added to almost everyday, that, when america and china goes to war, then, raise your hands and repeat after me, then, moscow, will lead an allout attack, and hollie booked, read it, it's still there, and hollie pointed twice, magog is, china, north and south korea and japan, where all those lands are, including, moscow, india, and, pakistan, and Jesus showed his hands, no blood, irving baxter is, a liar, and knows it, he guesses, the father did not feel the pain, o yes he did, from, the son being, tortured, he was the son, bob saw, the white Spirit Father with beard, crawling, draggin the cross, but, never saw the cross, only, and the finger pointed, the Father agonizing, he remembers and wants visions like that, pray 18 hours per day like you were and you will recieve them, and you will, want to live for Jesus more, stirred, but when you stop, witness, see both my hands said Jesus, the holes are still there and, the Spirit is on the inside, Jesus is God, the Father, manisfes, ted, in the flesh, Jesus Christ is the son and hollie pointed, and the father, both, witness, you have to match up to the word of God to make it to heaven, if, it catches you, your done, it won't if you are, led by the Spirit of God, read and do, ACTS 2:38, it will match you up, the Spirit, you know I hate you, said Jesus, sh, that was, satan, and he looked like Jesus, and hollie laughed, no, bob knows, the Spirit, the united states wil be attacked real soon said the angel of the Lord, like a white faced man, prophesied in joel, and he heard the hoofbeats, judge said Jesus, work, and Jesus tore up the contract, while it is still day, for the night cometh when no man can work, and he saw luke skywalker, when they filmed star wars, they made it up as it when along, they had to, because, it wasn't written yet, the rest were, that clock is turning said the angel of the Lord, and hollie showed to adjust, the alignment, and the angel of the Lord, pointed, that, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the seven heads are, seven nations that have an agreement with, america, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the mother of harlots, is, false christians, and abominations is sin, and Jesus showed victory, tabernacle, apostolic faith church, is cut off, like you told that woman, pointed Jesus, the ten horns are ten kings that hate the whore, america, they give thier power and strength unto the beast, destroy, said the pope, and Jesus pointed, and that was keri fox hooking, she's got herpes, and chunky, and keri pointed, and Jesus pointed at the recorder, wait on the Lord, and he'll give you the victory, and Jesus pointed, again, and Jesus tore up the concious, hunger for the Lord, and he will help you, with your sin problem, I don't want you to gamble on me said the horse, abomination, thats what gambling is, and Jesus rubbed his fingers to together, show him some money if you want his goods, Spiritual, money, and hollie showed you are this much short and pointed at the road closed sign, anal sex is a closed road, and hollie pointed at the cop car, they are out tonight, o my God said irving baxter, I'm on the internet, exposed, no signs, and irving baxter pointed, and Jesus pointed, dumitru duduman, was on fire, until he came to amexico, then he cooled off, but, had the message, and died open, saved, and dumitru tore up his contrast, he didn't get away from God, but, when maria died, and she died open, he got angry, and almost went back on God but, God sent him back to amexico, and he re kindled, the prophecy club hurt him because, stan offered dumitru duduman a bunch of money, and didn't give it to him, and dumitru got mad, and he said, that was the devil, and when he said that, he blasphemed the Holy Ghost, cause God told stan what to give him, now, dumitru's heaven, and that is heaven to those that go there, I was asleep said dumitru, he got cut off, for going on the prophecy club, I'm in hell, he said, over the prophecy club, stan will trap you, stay away from the prophecy club, and irving baxter pointed, dumitru is, and open shame to the prophecy club, they trapped, him, stan will know about it when you tell him, write him, and call him a liar, and send him the visions, and he saw dumitru duduman driving his van and smiling, he is the new dumitru duduman, and keri fox pointed, and, Jesus pointed, prayer, as much as Jesus requires, will build you up, and you'll be stirred, God likes to be sang to, sing to him, in psalms, and hymns, of, what he is doing in your life, I ran ministryofdreams said Jesus, and he saw gas prices in the one ninety's, and hollie, showed the recorder, help Jesus and he will help you, that was God winking at you like a fire eye, whoever, kills saddam hussein will get a blessing from Jesus, uuuuu, that was when you were living in the van, and hollie pointed, new york said the angel of the Lord, terrorise, thats what they will do, theres an iran attack coming real soon, prophet said Jesus, trust, gasoline, was waiting on mr. prophet here pointed Jesus, now it will go down, and God winked, and hollie tore up the contrast, don't try to get, people to worship you, that was Jesus pointed hollie, singing, Jesus, over and over again, the son to the father, and hollie, showed how to make ethanol, get a still, like they made moonshine with, and hollie tore up the contract, and wolf blitzer said, the united states will be attacked by moscow soon, and hollie pointed, that was stephen hansen in the furnace, traffic will be going up said the angel of the Lord, pray hard, and hollie showed the, recorder, when america gets hit, then, ministryofdreams very popular, the kings of the earth will wail loudly when they realise what they had and now Jesus is gone, only jews can be saved at that pointed, its in the book said Jesus, the king james bible, read, it, and do it, saith, paris, hilton, you can get 40 thousand miles out of a synthetic oil change said Jesus, and hollie showed the clip makes the brakes snap back, get that, the tap dancers said, fix them right, and hollie said, cat, and he saw, 4 kings, the leopard, hu, kim jong, the president of south korea, and japan's emporer, russia will be invaded by china, and divided into 4, and out of, moscow, comes the pope, watchtower pointed Jesus is blaspheme, the, take the name Jesus out, like sunnysnet, Jehova was a manifestation of Jesus, at engineered wheel repair, he wanted a hundred bucks to tell bob what the problem is with his brakes, maybe, thats what he said in his heart, bob left, and he thought, why did I say that, they need to, and Jesus pointed, likes hills autocare center, close, your needed pointed Jesus, and hollie tore, up the contract, go back and tell her, maybe all of that was found, not, don't worry, thats what you thought, and, it may be accurate, he did, and hollie pointed, wearing her blue sweatshirt, tell me said paul mooney, he is cut off, no signs, he found money in the trast, and a gas can and oil, come testify said paul mooney, but, when you go there, you won't even got to, make, a, prayer, request, they do not, care, he will let, his, indiana, bible, college, students, preach, that don't even know, Jesus, a, message, they, plan, Jesus, gives you, what, to, say, when, you, need, it, the, Holy, Ghost, and paul, teaches, call it, an, open, shame, for, paul, moon, ey, is he the Holy Ghost, calvary temple in indianapolis, where he is pastor, write, calvary chrsitian schools, you will not even get to make a prayer request, just by, uplifting of hands, they don't care, the united states will be attacked real soon, said the angel of the Lord, don't go to new york, attack, it, terrorism, record the vision hollie showed, and paul mooney said, prophet, can't prophesy, but, give his own opinion, the synagog of satan is, the church, that is why, Jesus won't let you go, know signs, and you know it, that woman was, single, bob could marry her, but, they both would fall away so let them both, and the angel pointed, bob saw a woman crying that had cotton in one of her eyes missing, God needs to do some miracles, and he saw a woman poop out, a spirit, that whore spirit can be, cast out, seek it, sh, that was satan, and he had, the serpent, the popes, face, and, hu's, face, the, double, faced, new world order, serpent, satan's, dream, team, after new york, the terrorists will move all over, and he saw many flashes all, over, the, country, and he saw, dumitru, duduman, and holie tore up the contrast, with golden bear paws, terrorism is what russia will use to, create, caois, in america, the natianal guard will be in the streets and then look out, that was a speck of light called satan, I'm cast out, and Jesus beheld it, and he saw, a woman, masterbating and, a spirit came out of her vagina, I'm the devil he said, thats how, you become a whore, irreversible, even after the devil, is, casted, out, you still, want, it, and the being pointed, and God winked and the serpent said, I'm the beast and the leopard man said, I'm, and hollie pointed, turn, and hollie tore up the contract, thats what they all did, that is, a barraCUDa, about a 71, it will fly, but, gas hog, it's worth about, 15,000, don't buy a barracuda, buy a chevy caviler and save your money, God knows about those about those cars, he knows what they were thinking, when they created it, they wanted, and hollie pointed at the chevy chevette, they wanted, people to, buy them, and race, and the tap dancers said, they will be together all the way up until the end, young and cute but baby, that will, tie them both up, they will raise it, and never marry, that's called shacking up parents, and hollie pointed, pastor ron elliott is cut off, no signs, and hollie pointed, bob was hungry, and he found some cookies in the trash with oil, God will take care of his own, and hollie tore up the contract, they will make babies, two young studs, woman, no disire for God, that was the contrast, they won't live for the Lord, they'll just want, sex, they don't even think about, Jesus, reprobates, go back said Jesus, and hollie tore up the concious, thats the agreement with Jesus, that geese in on the bridge tier not doing anything, and thats what people are doing, take the message from the prophet and give it right back to the prophet, will you live for Jesus, so this prophet can hit the beach, and go see alice cooper in concert, you won't, the deader your flesh is, by prayer, the more excited you will be about Jesus, give yourself to prayer and to the ministry of the word, people want thier poopholes licked, and God made them to be poopholes, keep your tongue in your mouth, if thats the only you stick it out, and hollie tore up the concious, find oil, and change, that was hollie tearing up the contracious, on my death certificate, I denied myself and lived for the Lord even though I hated him and went to heaven and you say, you love Jesus, but, don't serve him, where are the signs, in my house there are many rooms, mansions, if not, I would have told you so, and hollie pointed, read and do, ACTS 2:38 for salvation, they are, building and planting in america and judgment is hanging over, the, usa, it will come from moscow, thank God for what he has done for you, and the angel cop said, 40, and the speed limit was 40, his speedometer does not work, Let Jesus drive, and hollie pointed, turn, there ain't no more visions in pentecost becasue there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, and hollie tore up the, and hollie pointed, drink, the contrast, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, post the vision and make it plain, saith paris hilton, but she is a whore, a bony one at that, and if you tell her, she will say, and I'm proud of it, but she will have to give an account for her life someday, ACTS 2:38, she won't be the prettiest person in hell, because when you take off all the make up, prophet saw her, uu, loosing all that weight took its toll, and hollie, pointed, on my death certificate, I did what the Lord wanted me to, and hollie showed to prayer walk with her blue sweatshirt on, the terroist attack in egytp, was, by, al qaeda, gas probe in america, it is, to, pay for, the, iraq war, ethanol, more, when, it, only, cost, about, 10 cents, per, gallon, to, make, they could, revitalize, the, economy, but, steal, iraq's, oil, that is what, america, wants, put it under, post, tell, read on the radio, the iraq war, was, to, break, oil, contracts, and, prevent, china, from, getting, them, EZEKIEL 7, might be fullfilled, iraq, will end, nuclear, exchange, between, iraq, and, israel, martha stewart stock is, gaining, because, people like, a, liar, and know, that, she, is, saddam is, running, the, iraq, war, from, prison, and, america, will, shoot, him, soon, chernobly was, planned, they, should have, bombed, and, sealed, that would have, the rian leader, president, mahmoud, ahmadinejad, is, a, liar, he likes, israel, and wants, peace, but, nuclear, weapons, and, they, get, american, bombs, attack, bush, will, assassinate, him, both, record the vision hollie showed to record, the, vision, when the national debt, is, as, high, as, america's, is, then, economic, collpse, has, already, happened, the banks will, close, down, go, witness, and, prepare, I'll send you, a, national, thunder, storm, because of, bush, judgment, to, america, because of, false, christians, and, abundance, of, food, and, idle, ness, like, sodom, and, homo, sexu, ali, ty, and hollie showed to record the vision, and complained, because he will not, but, some, iraq, will, end, nuclear, because of, the, greed, of, bush, he wants, thier, oil, and, will, not, take, no, for, an, answer, much, longer, hillary, clinton, will, order, get out of there, and, nuke, because of, the, oil, that is what, the, whole, american, nation, wants, and, will not, get, dam, said, hollie, record, expose, read on the radio, here it is, witness, you have, been, filled, with, the, Holy, Ghost, and you don't even, show, it, Christ, temple, apostolic, faith, Church, is, cut, off, no, signs, and he told, two, and they, beleived, but, one, mocked, and, is, cut, off, and, was, in, formed, and, the, other, since, humble, was, given, 30, days, but, will not, g.t., haywood, was, cut, off, no, signs, but, started, many, churches, but, for no reason, good works, will not, get you into, heaven, only, read and do, ACTS, 2:38, for, salva, tion, that is, repent, and be, bap, tised, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and, recieve, the, gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, in, a, new, lang, guage, which, the, Spirit, Jesus, causes, you to, speak, it is, understood, down here, on, earth, but, you, don't, speak it, the, Spirit, causes, it, prophesied, in joel, and it shall come to pass, that I will, pour out, of my, Spirit, upon, all, flesh, your sons and your daughters, shall, prophesy, that is, recieving, visions, while, there, and, telling, what, the, tell, you, he people, you, see, speak, and, you speak, when, led, what, they, said, casting out devils, laying hands on the sick, and they recovering, and, many, more, miracles, and, signs, and, wonder, prophesied, in, ISAIAH 28:11, and all over, the, bible, read and do, ACTS 2:38, now, it will take you, about, 2, weeks, if you, want, it, do, works, meet, for, repentance, prove, to, Jesus, that, you want it, aman,.
(36)end time dreams and visions-visions received 4-24-25-2006-God has showed me Spirits that looked like people like, hollie, the Lord of Hosts, Jesus, kristina, maucaulay culkin, and they said: Jesus said, bobby will you fast, he would have, but witness, you have, been, filled, with, the, Holy, Ghost, and you don't even, show, it, Christ, temple, apostolic, faith, Church, is, cut, off, no, signs, and he told, two, and they, beleived, but, one, mocked, and, is, cut, off, and, was, in, formed, and, the, other, since, humble, was, given, 30, days, but, will not, g.t., haywood, was, cut, off, no, signs, but, started, many, churches, but, for no reason, good works, will not, get you into, heaven, only, read and do, ACTS, 2:38, for, salva, tion, that is, repent, and be, bap, tised, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and, recieve, the, gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, in, a, new, lang, guage, which, the, Spirit, Jesus, causes, you to, speak, it is, understood, down here, on, earth, but, you, don't, speak it, the, Spirit, causes, it, prophesied, in joel, and it shall come to pass, that I will, pour out, of my, Spirit, upon, all, flesh, your sons and your daughters, shall, prophesy, that is, recieving, visions, while, there, and, telling, what, the, tell, you, he people, you, see, speak, and, you speak, when, led, what, they, said, casting out devils, laying hands on the sick, and they recovering, and, many, more, miracles, and, signs, and, wonder, prophesied, in, ISAIAH 28:11, and all over, the, bible, read and do, ACTS 2:38, now, it will take you, about, 2, weeks, if you, want, it, do, works, meet, for, repentance, prove, to, Jesus, that, you want it, aman, reocrd the vision hollie showed and complained because bob won't, and he saw the pope with many horns on his head, the beast, with ten horns, the seven heads are seven nations tha agree with america the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the mother of harlots, that is sin, the false christians, the ten horns are, ten kings that hate america, they give thier power and strength unto the beast and he sends it over on america, and the earth reeled to and fro like a drunkard and hollie complained, ameirca will fire on moscow and china, one third of the population will be wiped out including mexico and canada and cub said irene, bobs old girl friend, and he saw both aemrican coasts on fire from russian submarines and captain hollie, attack, said captain smith, lebed, alexander lebed would not have done it, he said, it is time for russia to put all of her enemys under her feet, but, they collapsed and lebed became governor and died in a helicopter crash, and bob saw, stephen hansen in the fire and hollie pointed at him, you blew it steven, now, take down your website and quit prophesying, you are in the fires of affliction, bob likes you and would post on your message board, but, God won't let him, some of your prophesy, and not, all of the way, but, knew or suspected it was from Jesus, the new message on the iupui board, when america and china goes to war, then, russia will attack the usa and the iraq war, was over breaking oil contracts, bush is an oil man, over, 500, know about it, because, some saw it, and read it, I.u.p.u.i., is getting cut off, from that board, bob saw, cute young chics and he would, take any of them to his van, or all together, but, they know, and are, no repentace, cut off, when the united states comes under attack, then I will get right with God, you better be right already, saith the Lord, you migh be, cut off, and don't even know it, see, the city is, beautiful and a nuclear missile will dive in, and he saw it explode, in one day, this will burn, russia will elminate america, don't think, like bil deagle said, you can, go to the suburbs, the radiation will, as a. a. allen showed, go all over the world, even, mexico and canada and cuba, one third of the population, and he saw he world reel to and fro like a drunkard, then, moscow, no, saddam hussein will be attacked real soon by his own people, america, and hollie tore up the contrust, and that is, he's cut off, and knows it, you witnessed to him, and he rejected Jesus, now recompense, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, the five, hundred race track is sin, stay away from it, the indianapolis motor speedway, it hurts said the Lord, when my children fall, but, what more can I do, I must live the life, inside of you, and you have to prepare your vessel or I can't do it, read and do ACTS 2:38, and follow thru, and hollie was playing pool, abomination, saith the Lord, and hollie pointed, family video is abomination, that has caused a lot of people to fall, watching, vidoe's, and hollie showed the recorder with her blue sweatshirt on, and the angel pointed, that was not an angel, that was the pope like an angel of light, iraq said the angel of the Lord, exchange, nuclear, iraq and israel, and, the lighted finger pointed, EZEKIEL 7 fulfilled, american nukes both ways, tell my visions said the angel of the Lord, los angeles, said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, the west coast and the east coast in flames from submarines, and captain holie pulling the whistle string, blow the trumpet in zion and sound the alarm in my holy mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand, this is, and hollie with blue sweatshirt, showed, when, america, gets attacked, and they will fire on, china, and moscow, put it under, the pope will come out of italy, the little horn and he saw it, and then, moscow, and hu is the false prophet, and the pope like satan pointed, and hollie showed to record the vision with her blue sweatshirt on, cause russia is the beast, the pope, alice cooper, record those visions he said, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan said alice cooper, and the angel of the Lord, and when america goes to war with china, moscow will grab alaska, then, out of the oceans, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, they will lead an all out attack and he saw flames on both coasts and going up the middle from submarines and captain hollie at the periscope, then orders will go to, american submarine commanders and they will fiire on china and moscow, one third of the population will be wiped out including cuba, mexico, and canada, terrorise new york city said the angel of the Lord, russia will use terroists to create caois, no remission, I ain't no angel said pastor harris, william l. harris, and hollie said, cat, and tha is the leopard, china, with hu, and he pointed, kim jong, the president of north korea and japan, the emporer, these for are the leopard, the new world order, your letting it fall, kenneth haney, of upci, said Jesus, and pointed, raise your hands and repeat after us said hollie's, kenneth haney is cut off, write upci chuches and hollie tore up the contrust, kenneth haney is out, the united states will be attacked real soon said the sexy angel by moscow, and he saw captain, smith and the titamic hit the ice berg and smith was afraid, and when it hit it, water gushed in, the ship rolled, lifted a little, broke, gone, knifed into the bottom at about, 20 miles per hour, the wound in buried, a plate riveted in, it should have been welded, but, get it done, thats what, and that was hollie like a wizard, a psychic is a false prophet that God has not stripped yet, there visions are not accurate because they see lying spirits, from Jesus, but, a lying spirit is, a, witch, that spirit said, i will be a lying spirit in the mouth's of the prophets, that means, the prophet tells what he or she or it said, the prophet didn't lie, and the prophet knows but, led by the Spirit of the Lord, lets rule the world, russia, china, they will give thier power and strength, and he saw ten horns on the beast's head like an angel of light, the pope, send it over on america he said, desolate in one hour, and captain hollie, submarines firing, trap it said the pope, that woman, that had the face transplant, cannot get any better, mouth will stay open, tooth loss, will follow, desease wills set in unless she takes antibiotics, she wishes in her heart, death, but, perished, when, and knows it, don't laugh at her, she wasn't at fault, and he saw Jesus laughing, he will alugh at your calamity, stay he said, if you do not serve him, with you near, theres nothing I need sang Jesus, serve him, and he saw the sexy young woman jogging and her skeleton he saw, don't lust woman, they have poop holes and bleed, spit, fart, hocker, I can't forgive you, if you commit blaspheme, but, I can't remove it, saying something from Jesus came from Beezlebub, that was the pope, like an angel, and the devil just left him, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang hollie, putin will get angry when america attacks iran, that is when, the thought will come, lets rule the world, God will give them, and he saw the pope, like an angel, they will give their, china, north korea, mexico, cuba, russia, and more, venezuela, brazil, to the beast, and he pointed, when we hit iran, and the pope pointed, moscow will plan out and attack, on america, it is planned out but, help, land, things, he will get, and he saw, a bunch of kings at a table, listen to me said putin, give me your and hollie pointed, land, and I will eliminate, america, they will, hu was there, kim jong, vicenete fox, lula, and more, fidel, and he saw stephen hanson the furnace, like a wizard, and hollie pointed, with her tongue sticking out, excsue me mr. prophet, I want my vision on the internet, and the hand touched the recorder, lighted, hugo, leave this place pointed putin but, hugo will not want to do it but, we will said hu, we will said vicente fox, we will said kim jong, many will, all right said hugo, and lula will say, shut them down, terrorize said putin, here's what i will do, said putin, and the lighted touched the recorder, yellow light, transport, america, wanted, out of, cci, beccause trailer damage, caused by, this prophet, put it on your website pointed hollie, kalen barcus wanted bob to fall so he could get bobs job and that was hollie, with bear paws, he did not, and God winked, that, said hollie, the i.u.p.u.i. board, got, i.u.p.u.i. cut off, and that was, yellow, like, bear, paw, touching recorder, that, when america goes to war with china, then russia will attack, america, on the board, at the college, they all, rejected, that pointed hollie, he is in the fire of afflictions, trails, that, God will bring you thru trails to strengthen and make you grow, that, and he saw, him, in a, wizards uniform, that, no, a, angels robe, white, which way will he go, limited attack said the angel of the Lord, on iran, and he pointed, every second counts said Jesus like a spirit man, pointed, bearded, sh, satan, jack nicolson, the shining, and he saw a girl screaming in hell, like cannot imagine, pain, read and do, ACTS 2:38, while you have a time, and he saw the feet stomping, and he pointed, at stephen in the furnace and took off running like a martian of golden light on the wall, and that was, a, black bird, satan, and, turned into the pope, and hu is the false prophet, and he dreamed he was in hiding from arabs over testimony, and bob dreamed he was at a church, upci, where he found out he was trapping by the message, and the pastor was wearing shorts, and he saw the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, like an angel of light, lair, said, Jesus, the pope is, a, liar, thats you, said, the, pope, he will, blaspheme, Jesus, and hollie pointed, he would not talk to them, now they know, that God did not want to speak to them, and he saw chuckie, sh, thats satan, I want your website taken of the air said chuckie, like a little lit demon, that was hollie tearing up the con tract, and alice cooper tore up his contrast, sing alice, and wave your sword, peter said, but, we will give ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word, you serve tables, we will serve Jesus Christ, and Jesus pointed, those that had them beaten, they got crucified themselves, they were not preaching much longer, and air pocket called a fart, thats how you make ethanol, you let it, fermentate, everyday that passes, and I don't get closer to Jesus, I've got one less day to make it to heaven, and he saw sister rexford in the lake of fire, to her chin, and then the fire went over, she knew a lot, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed with her tongue out, there goes the tap dancers, and hollie was one of them, jumping around, I want my visions on the internet said Jesus, you've all had them, put them on the internet, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, mobil keeps playing around with thier oil bottles, the name will not sell, the name quaker state sells, kendall does not, castrol gtx does, pennzoil does, and he saw massachusetts explode from russian submarines, on the day of the Lord prophesied in ISAIAH 13 said the tap dancers, cross reference in the bible the day of the Lord, its all about america, what was that, that was hollie tap dacning with her tongue out, in her sweatshirt, and it's summer, and hollie tore up the, 1,2,3,4, contrust, thats, and hollie pointed, thats your agreement with Jesus, write the vision, that woman had to pee, but, she didn't think about her eternity, and that was her last call, I'll have a pack of smokes, got, to late woman, those dogs are just wanting something to eat, God can see in thier hearts, and they are, eating, but, follow Jesus for, more than, fishes and loaves, and bob picked up the tire that fell out of the trunk, and holle tore up the contrast, that person just lost about one good tire, barter with it bob, thats exactly what your going to do said the angel of the Lord, this could be your last day, walking with the Lord, so make the most of it, record the vision hollie showed with her blue sweatshirt on, and hollie pointed, they are building and planting in america, and judgment is hanging, and hollie pointed, with an angel body, the tap dancers said, post the vision and make it plain, and the pope and hollie were two of them, a snapping turtle about the size of a 45 rpm record, can take a man's finger off, with no problem, will you make me said the turtle, and he saw the ram, and the two horns came up, and one was putin, and second one was, china, and they popped out, and then he saw the hegoat and, the pope was the face of the hegoat, and china was the last horn that came up and putin was the other horn, and they smote the ram, and what that means is, china and moscow will go to war, and china will destroy moscow with the pope, and he saw four horns pop out of russia, and he saw hu, and the emporer of japan, and the president of south korea and, raise your hands and repeat after me, the fourth horn was, north korea's kim jong, the new world order, the leopard, and the pope came out of russia, and the little horn is italy, they will hate each other, but, cling, to each other, to prevent from destroying each other, the pope will be slashed, and satan will enter in like that, and he'll be happy, and blaspheme against God, and his tabernacle, untill Christ appears and destroys them all, the mountain will split in twain and the beast and the false prophet hu, are thrown into the lake of fire, and the rest, the jewish remnant that the beast was looking for, will be caught away unto God, they were hidden in the wilderness, by the people, and that, was what, satan, was, looking, for, Christ will deliver the church up to the father, and the word of God will be fullfilled, read and do ACTS 2:38, for salvation, share my vision, share my vision, share my vision, sang hollie, nobody wants me said Jesus, let it be you, and hollie showed the recorder, record the vision, there ain't no more visions in pentecost, because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, and bob found some white castles in the trash, eat up, use me, but, you have to, live, the, life, first, read and do, ACTS 2:38, and that is, repent, and be, bap, tized, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and, recieve, the, gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with, the, evidence, of, speaking, in, a, new, lang, guage, you do not, know, but, is, under, stood, down here, on, earth, the russian launched, israel, spy, sattelite, is, a, joke, it, is, ob, so, lete, but, better, then, nothing, new york faces 9-11 AGain, yep, terrorise, much, coming, russia, will, terrorize, before, attacking, the asian alliance, in, hating, america, is, raising, over, the, iraq, war, which was, to, break, oil, contracts, with, moscow, and, prevent, china, from, getting, the vatican, is, stepping up, rethoric, against, condoms, for, nothing, he is, the, anti, Christ, jordon uncovers hamas weapons, when, moscow, helps, put it under, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast, with, seven, heads, and, ten, horns, and that is, the, pope, and, hu is, the, false, prophet, the new world order, and hu, i will not put up with you, said, the, pope, and, hu, they will, hate, but, cling, to prevent, from, destroying, each, both have, nuclear, weapons, but, put it under, the king of grecia, and, the, king of the east, and he saw, captain, smith, of, the, ti, tan, ic, afraid, when he saw, the, ice, berg, and, when, the, titanic, hit, it, broke, after, rolling, to, one, side, and, lifting, a, little, put it under, it was, not, well, built, and, captain, smith, knew, it would, sink, it, could not, take, a, big, storm, without, breaking, realize, will, only, threaten, to, raise, oil, prices, for, a, while, but, won't, and it will not, go, down, the arabs, are, seeing, that they can, get, and, nations, are, becoming, angry, war, said, hu, this will, lead to, arm, a, ge, ddon, put ukraine in moscow, that is how, as, yushchenko said, they will, build, the, beast, they will, give, thier, power and, thier, strength, unto, the, beast, the, p, o, p, e, and he will, send it over, on, the usa, desolate, in, one, hour, a, destruction, in, it's, per, fec, tion, 11-19-2007-that was, said, hollie, im the main, she said, thats, moody, hollie, pointed, at the beast, dragon, the main, showed, yes, shook, the g8, russia having ten crowns, politburo, lets rule the world, said, putin, rubbed chin, and hu hintao shook yes, and, the rest, bush was the woman, and, the pope came out of italty, thats the little horn, whew, said, the iupui security guard, likes, put it under, im the beast, said, the pope, im hu, the false prophet, put it under, cut off showed hollie moody, duncan rouleau and his kids like jonah weiland, bobby you see, said, dee finney, wrote a book, she said, with ministry of dreams, in it, the name, the nightmarist, and his children, posted his article, like, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, jonah weiland, matt brady,
dream with ace frehley-dream received 6-5-2008-God gave me a dream and I was with ace frehley of, or formerly of, KISS, and many things where said, but I shared with him i believe how I listened to KISS, and I told him I was filled with the HOly Ghost, and I believe he said something to the fact that he didnt want to hear, or stop, but I told him because of his face, which had acne scars, and it did, but not deep, he was unaccountable, and God said something like, both of us knowing that ace is not with KISS no more like chris, "how do you think he feels", and in this dream I also saw the paul stanley, gene simmons man, and I asked questions or made comments, and he answered or spoke, with just one word, or, I remember I even sang part of one of ace frehleys songs from ace frehleys comet album to ace.
(33)visions-visions recieved 8-26-2008-hollie showed, record, cut off, reverend jeremy taylor, why what did he do, said, hollie, stole ministry of dreams, runs to remove.
(0)Tupolev Tu-160 strategic bombers in venezuela for attacking america?-dream recieved 9-11-2008-in this dream im at a table in room with many more tables and maybe two people per table sitting, and I say things like, russias going to attack, thats the reason they deployed those two bombers in venezuela, and mayhave said more, but, and I remember seeing john mccain sitting at table alone and he said something like, why dont you work for us instead of against, and he had papers, which he kind of flipped, that were on table, and they were emails from me, people got away and looked at where glass like doors where, and knew, and said, something like, no, and guardsmen surrounded me, and had guns out, may have seen bullet, and I told them what I said about those two russian bombers in venezuela are for attacking america, I talked with on of the army men or national guardsmen that was in circle around me, and I was wanting my mom to have my debit cards, and told him that or, but knew, waste of time, and national guardsman said, "whats your moms name", I wasnt willing to do it with him, john mccain came in circle and put arm on my shoulder and talked with me, may have hugged, it seemed like he mentioned uncle toms cabin, possibly wanting to tell me or was, who I reminded him of, or, memory, 9-6-2008-hi, said, hollie, showed, and that, orlando beck, hollie showed, cut off, put, he said, something, in, my, pocket, pockets, tithes, offerings, and bob shows, ruins, he knew, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, fleas, laughed, Jesus, came, hollie, looked out of power meter, fleas, laughed, and realistic mach one speaker showed record, theres trouble, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, three kings, rise, theres, hu, emporer of japan, pope, idol, shepherd, fleas, showed, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, bear grew, Jesus, said, devour, fleas, showed, russia, striking, most, nuclear g8 nations, no, said, hollie, tore, up, fix, rip, they fired back, hollie showed, the globe, many, nuclear fireballs coming up, submarine somb, said, hollie, now look, she said, showed, record, and that, she pointed, at, pope, not happy, and many nuclear missiles from china, striking, russia, and they fire back, ohio class, said, hollie, fired, missiles, many nations nuked, thats, nuclear fireballs, thats alome siren, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, hollie showed, dr. gavin porter, he stole ministry of dreams, its, cruel, said, pope, gavin porter wanted to ruin prophet, no, said, fleas, hollie shook, yes, showed, no way, hollie showed, record, I dont need no mcs receiver, said, mcs speaker, they were excellent, that was lighted, hegoat smiting ram, america, moscow, china, casey, watched, nuclear fireballs, come up, from, high in air, world shook, sun, moon darkened, angel, what is this stench, its, fallout, said, casey, im not the main, said, hollie, showed, mcs stereo receiver, they, were, as, good, as, any, but, over, priced, theres that, submarine, sorry, said, hollie, surfaced in akula, she said, fired missiles, world shook, that, was, bear, rising, at zion tabernacle, Jesus, said, devour much flesh, russia, struck, many, g8, nuclear nations, they, fired, back, world, shook, we dont want it, said, hollie, they run, and he saw, said, casey, woman, at, zion tabernacle running from Jesus smiling, but, Jesus turns, then, she, seeks, showed, cut off, hollie showed, cut off, hollie showed, record, surfaced, in, sub, this is warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, popes picture, tear, look, back, rip, then, new world order, in, picture, hollie showed, hating but clinging, hollie showed, pope, hu, hintao, casey, watched, them, sign, its, uh, treaty, said, casey, 666, take it, said, pope, hollie showed, from, television screen, hollie showed, fighting, emporer of japan, china, casey, watched, them, exchange, nuclear missiles, many explosions, near coast, in, china, one near shanghi, japan, takes many, casey, saw, fireballs, come, up, from, japan, they, rise, like, lamb, to, withstand, pope, hollie showed, fighting, hugo chavez, brazil, cuba, nicaragua, all destroyed, and he saw, said, casey, many missiles, flying, sun, moon, dark, casey, in sky, angel, this is, stench, casey rolls up universe, like, scroll, showed, record, destroyed, casey, pointed, subs, soviet, hollie surfaces, in akula, fires, america burns, and, returns, fire, casey, saw, many, nuclear explosions, in, those nations, hollie showed, fighting, mexico, they, casey, saw, many, nuclear fireballs, in mexico, pointed, thats, bear, with, three ribs, plucked, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, russia, out of subs, fire, on, america, and they, destroy, hollie showed, hating, clinging, kim jong, he, casey, pointed, caspian sea oil pipeline, sabatoge, no, oil, said, hu, kim launches missiles, theres, pointed, casey, nuclear explosions, in, russia, china, south korea, one, goes, for, japan, its intercepted by Aegis class carrier, russia strikes north korea, theres many nuclear explosions in n.k., and usa, from, casey, saw, launches, from, sub, conventional, russia launches on america, theres, hundreds, hollie, casey, gabriel, saw, many, nuclear, fire, balls, come, up, from, america, and, america, hits russia, thats russia on fire, thats alome siren said, hollie, looked out, dont, said, fleas, shook, no, hollie showed, record, now look, she, said, pope, grew like flower, theres, hu, hollie held nose, showed, fighting, they sign, its uh treaty, she, said, the mark, emporer of japan, he, rises, like, lamb, with, hu, slash, pope, hollie showed, record, theres no, economy, said, hollie, with, alome saleem, its sandy, somb, its, bankrupt, cause, I made, war, grunted bush, to, break, pulled finger, from lie detector, gabriel, points, I want it back, oil contracts, hollie showed, record, showed, new world order, pope, hollie held nose, hu, hollie showed, fighting, emporer of japan, hugo, hollie showed, nuclear rocket, striking, russia, fires, back, then, high in air, cuba, mexico, brazil, all strike, america, strikes, venezuela, hollie showed, hes, oil, signs, with, china, and, south africa, world shakes, hollie showed, record, with, its, said, sandy, alome saleen, hollie showed, sound, licked prophet, bobby, said, hollie, eat, submarine, soun, said, hollie, surfaced, its, ohio class, fired missiles, bear grew out of russia, Jesus, told, arise, devour much flesh, russia strikes, all, nuclear g8 nations, they all fire back, up rises pope, angel in atmosphere, what can this be, said, angel, stench, casey, rolls atmosphere like scroll, thats hollie, like, showing iran, syria, bush grunts, gabriel, pointed, lie detector, bush grunts, attack, hollie showed, record, now, look, she said, om gonna show you uh picture, she said, pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, hollie showed, hating but clinging, submarine sorry, said, hollie, surfaced, its, hollie, held nose, akula, old, they, are, hollie showed, retire, cause, poor maintenance, fired missiles, america exploded, australia, france, italy, and great britain, thats tony blair like cat, fires, back, world shakes, 9-7-2008-let me said, hollie, showed, pope grow like flower, theres, hu, she, said, emporer of japan, no, said, hollie, dont, take, it, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor stealing ministry of dreams, laughs but being ruint, removes after job losses, like wesley, carey, all, let me, said, hollie, showed, Jesus, coming, subs, striking many nations, thats, hollie, showing, globe, with, many nuclear fireballs, coming up, wont ya let me record, said, hollie, bob, said, fleas, showed, no way, submarine, sorry, said, hollie, surfaced, in living water, fired missiles, world shook, submarine sound, said, hollie, and fired missiles, new jerusalem, she said, from, crystal sea, russia, that was bear, growing, Jesus, said, arise, devour much flesh, theres uh submarine, checkout, said, hollie, subs, prowled oceans, hollie in, atmosphere, showed, subs striking many nations, france, said, Jesus, los angeles class sub, said, gabriel, now, they, are, loaded with, its because of him, said, gabriel, bush, putin, nuclear tipped, tomahawks, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, hu, hollie showed, fighting, thats, them, signing, japan, the mark, 666, its treaty, thats pope driving out china, many nuclear explosions, in, china, and they exchanged, then, signed, gabriel, showed, record, hollie, wont ya, let me, record, record, said, hollie, they knew, it, said, hollie, america, will be taken apart by looting cause bush cause economic collapse with iraq, gabriel, made bush, tell, bush grunts, I brought, pulled back, gabriel, points, bush, grunts, to steal oil, putin, rose, let me rule the world he said, china, shakes, yes, hugo chavez, no way, thinks in heart, brazil, lula, wants, no part, cuba, fidel castrol shakes yes, then, shows, no, and, he, saw, nuclear explosion in cuba, and, fidel in hospital, man kills, slaughter, he said, fidel castrol, let me alone, he said, had thousands, shot, for wanting, over throw, if he suspected, got you, he, said, bob, could, after, noon, said, Jesus, its double bladder, said, hollie, let out, henry gruver, spoke thru megaphone, hollie showed, pointed, bush, gorbachev, sign start one, left, hollie rolled up universe like scroll, theres the alome siren, pointed, hollie, its, soumb, said, sandy, hollie, flew, tear up, restore, rip, that, tore, up, hollie, restore, hollie to the rescue, and meerkat rose, its uh m.x., said, hollie, struck russia, thats, pointed, hollie, nuclear fireballs coming up from russia, china, strikes, casey, pointed, taiwan, exploded, hollie, like, cat, surfaced, three ohio class subs, china, thats, saw, casey, many nuclear missiles striking china, thats, brazil, exploding, venezuela, cuba, casey, saw, big, nuclear, explosion, in, nicaragua, and, bill clinton, destroys, russia, hollie showed, fighting, new world order, pope, rose, from, dragon, its, g8, said, hollie, putin, appears, having ten crowns, the pope out of italy, fleas, laughs, hollie showed, record, iraq, agin, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, hollie, pointed, put back, tear, up, con truit, hollie pointed, explosions in gaza, iraq, alome salome, said, hollie, casey, pointed up, with lighted finger, Jesus, 9-8-2008-this economy is fixing itself, said, hollie, iraq, she said, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, casey pointed, up, with lighted finger, Jesus, subs, attacking, that, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, hollie, said, record, explained, hollie showed, record, submarine somby, said, hollie, now look, she said, sub surfaced, fired, missiles, world shakes, that was tear up, put back, hollie, said, hollie, come on, said, hollie, in, robe, scarlet, she, showed, fighting, new world order, that is, saith Him that persecuteth to destroy your confidence in the flesh, for, no reason, but to get gorified from what I have done, created, ministry of dreams is Jesus, bob, said, hollie, showed, go, 9-9-2008-hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, bob, theres, trouble, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, kings arise, theres hu, hollie said, pope, hollie showed, fighting, they signed the mark treaty, 666, emporer of japan, hollie showed, slash, idol shepherd, hes, beast, pope, and, putin, appeared, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, lets rule the world, sang, putin, russia, he said, and hu, he showed, no way, hugo chavez, ill do it, he, said, lula, quit, he, said, castrol, smiles, shakes, yes, then, shows, no, nicaragua, geyer shakes, yes, thats, nuclear explosion in nicaragua, mexico, fox, shows, thumbs, up, thats, many nuclear explosions in mexico, thats kim jong, said, hollie, launching nuclear missiles, after, and he saw, said, casey, caspian sea oil pipeline sabatoge, hu hintao, cuts kim jongs oil off, casey, pointed, nuclear fireballs, out of, north korea, striking south korea, russia, china, russia launches, two nuclear missiles, theres, two nuclear explosions in north korea, bush, launches, casey, saw, from, sub, tomahawk, no, said, new russian president, launches, all, out, attack, on, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, america, thats, america, exploding, hundreds of missiles heading for u.s.a., alaska, exploded, first, then, bill, clinton, fired, back, russia, burned, come here, said, Jesus, bear grew, Jesus, said, devour, russia, strikes, n.a.t.o. nuclear nations, they all fired, back, thats casey, watching missiles strike, many nations, casey, showed, record, prophet, lets pray said, hollie, you owe me robert brownell, said, Jesus, you are not saved, replace website with only your, hollie showed, turn, sh, be quiet, said, casey, its over, oil, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, bush brought it in, and he saw, said, casey, bush, grunt, pointed, lie detector, I made war, said, bush, saw, grunt agin, said, prophet, bush, took finger, out, gabriel, pointed, to make oil wells, yanked hand away, thats bush, in, fire, im uh screaming, spirit, said, hollie, screamed, hollie tore, up, screamed, im uh screaming spirit, she, said, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, pope, grew, like, flower, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, that was hollie to the rescue, when you want suicide I am glorified thru you, I want you in lava, cause, im jelous, you begged, now im sorry I saved you, to destroy you, I wanted you to walk in circles, spin when stopped, but you wouldnt, so I destroyed, you, walking in circles, destroyed, every body, I made do it, cause it despairs, I tell them spin, rapidly, till they collapse, then roll on ground, if police arrest, spin while they are arresting, it despairs, cause, no end, depressing, it, makes you lake, all, thats why, cause, I was, jelous, ill, destroy you, until you die, I will torture you until you backslide, hollie showed, record, explained, hey china, said, hollie, they, are, said, the Lord, hu, hintao, false prophet, magog, said, emporer of japan, yes shook kim jong, hes, dying, and south korea, yeahp, said, hollie, otyre, thats, russia, said, putin, I am beginning to wonder who's next, said, putin, let me rule the world, she said, alright, said, hu, and he saw, said casey, china and russia attack each other and usa, 9-10-2008-TUPOLEV, said, hugo chavez, landuhm right here, he said, they strike, the usa, said, hollie, hugo, scratches, kneck, use, land, pluck, and he saw, said, casey, two, russian bombers land in venezuela, you ruint, said, Jesus, america, was watchin, cause, prophet, you got warnin, said, the Lord, they are there to attack usa, but, bush, laughs, shows, breakem, oil, contracts, in, its, said hugo chavez, cause, said, prophet, bush, said chavez, iraq, ends, nuclear, now we wantum, said, chavez, showed cut off, come on, said, hollie, we just got hit, by, russia, said, librarian, and willie, duncan, sees, hollie dressed in robe, like king, hollie showed, record, showed, no way, dont lust young women, they poop, casey saw young woman dunging, no, said, fleas, come on, said, hollie, in kings, robe, let me, said, putin, I want to rule the world, and putin, looks at young medvedev, he said, its, our new ruler, putin, showed, cut off, its, georgia, he said, casey, saw, bush, I want you, said, dmitry medvedev, bush, we'll take you, I want georgia back, he said, no, said, hollie, dont do it, said, hollie, cause, when they hit iraq, said, jim garrison-steven stargardter pope, showed, cut off, let me rule the world, said, putin, looked to china, hu shakes, yes, hugo chavez, ill help, he, said, but, showed, dont, brazil, lula, grunts, swallows, whispers, dont, do, castrol, shakes, yes, that was black chariot, pulled, by, angry, horses, pope, hu, hollie, jumped in back, saw, eight kings, planning, against, america, putin, pointed, geyer, he said, would you let, said, putin, geyer showed, shook, yes, hugo showed, no, but, showed, thumbs, up, ill, let, said, lula, yes, smiled, vicente fox, yes, shook, castrol, yes, shakes, hu, hintao, kim jong, no way, he, says, he, saw, said, hollie, sub surface, right here, in grace apostolic church, fired, missiles, up went americas, said, hollie, interceptors, missed, for when they shall say peace and security, then russia destroyed babylon, up came woman, here she comes, said, hollie, you, know, who it, is, she, said, its, statue of liberty, and statue licked prophet, hollie with stick, showed, on, board, nicaragua, took, missile, mexico, three, thats, massive explosions, in cuba, nicaragua, mexico, the bear grew, said, hollie, and it, was, told, to, devour, much flesh, destroyed, most, nuclear nato, nations, they all fired, casey pointed, back, russia burned, hollie showed, record, pointed, cuba, she said, nuclear fireball, hollie pointed, fireball coming out of nicaragua, two, ofem, mexico, many, hollie saw, that was america, exploding, take this, said, hollie, mokse, she said, the dome, she, looked, down, on, on, top of willie duncans chapel, cuba, said, gabriel, you brought judgment by allowing soviet, said, Jesus, stage subs there said, putin, hollie showed, turn, licked, website said, post, said, hollie, website, smiled, showed, iraq, its, britain-usa, absorb, said, hollie, dont touch my website said hollie, shut it down, she, said, casey, pointed, at hollie flying in her, my rocket, she, said, its uh spacecraft, ministry of dreams fired, and pruden, she said, dont come back said washington post-times, he lost lifetime career, over taking, said honglien do, ministry of dreams, and, john carey dreads, ginny hill, whats she done, said, hollie, we took it, said, dee finney, and antonia vladimirova smiles, ginny hill steals ministry of dreams, looses journalist jobs, bbc in sanna, cut her off, said, manager, whatta you want said, ginny hill, he showed emails, I didnt do it, she, said, your out, said, bbc news man, she, lost, jobs, and, jon sawyer removes from poynter blog, submarine sorry, said, hollie, radar, said, woman, and he saw, said, casey, raptor f-22 evade, now, look, she said, sub surfaced, its ohio class, she said, fired missiles, struck, russia, thats stench, said, angel, in, atmosphere, casey rolled up like scroll, let me, no, how to beat china, said, man, and, he saw, pointed, casey, nuclear explosions, in circle, hollie surfaced, in, its just what I wanted, she, said, ohio class, three, they, all, fired, missiles, after, he saw, said, casey, missile from china, to ofem, strike taiwan, thats, pointed, casey, taiwan, burning, casey, showed, new world order, turn, hollie in scarlet colored, robe, like king, showed, hating but clinging, and, putin, appears, its, iran, said, hollie, let me, said, tony blair, I will push the button, he said, hollie pointed, nuclear, fire, ball, in, gaza, iraq, bush, grunts, I, brought it, in, gabriel, points, bush, puts, finger, back, in, lie detector, grunts, to make oil, wells, gabriel, points, syria, iran, we hit, said, bush, gabriel puts bush in fire, for when they shall say peace and safety sang hollie, kenneth haney, then sudden destruction cometh, said, hollie, casey, pointed, subs, from, high, in air, around, america, fired, missiles, interceptors, fired, miss, america, exploded, up came woman, bob, pointed, casey, Jesus, in, sky, america, explodes, raptures, church, hollie showed, record, submarine somby, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, you know, which sound it is, said, kristina and hollie, it, said, sandy, was, sumb, that was, said, hollie, the, main, looking, in, water, look at myself, she said, hollie showed, record, 9-11-2008-hollie pointed, elevator, takes steps, exercise, save, muscles, they sag, cause, no, blood pressure, if you, let droop, then, hard, to, restore, bobby, said, hollie, showed, pope, like, angel, fighters, flying overhead, hollie posting, they are russias, like, americas stealth bombers, they, are, equal, thats, missile, knocking one down, its stinger, hand held, hollie fired, they, will, hollie pointed, up, pope, riding, black horse, smiling, going, into, russia, gimme, said, pope, control, they, did, hu rides red horse, china, strikes, taiwan, it, casey, watched, exploded, thats, hollie, surfacing, in, ohio class, sub, three, they, destroy china, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, take the mark, he said, and he saw, said, casey, its in new york city, said, man, thats, gabriel, in, street, dancing, tada, he, said, thats frog coming out of Euphrates, river, and hu hintao and his armies march acrossed, Euphrates, into, force, said, hu, russia, and he saw, said, casey, russia, take many, casey, pointed, nuclear explosions, china, invade, said hu hintao, marched, forced russia to, right here, said, putin, with nuclear button, destroys, china, and china forces, russia, to, invade israel, hu, slashes, pope, casey, saw, israel, fires, nuclear missiles, striking, jordan, and, jordanian king held nose, syria, exploded, and, egypt, took, casey, saw, many, nuclear, explosions, russia, launches, one, topol-m on israrel, expldoed, casey, saw, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, my moneys up, said, showed, hollie, that, said, hollie, tear up, clap, put back, rip, nuclear rocket, said, gabriel, that was topol-m, dropping, many, war heads, thousands of fireballs came out of america, hollie showed, record, you, said, gabriel, in, robe, on, cargill, grain mill, showed, popes, picture, hu hintao, that, was, brazil, lula-castrol man, hugo chavez, putin, geyer, fox, kim jong, they, gabriel, tear up, rip, restore, new world order, picture, this is warning, said, hollie, this the website, post, said, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, record, showed, no way, jesse russell perished, for, thats him, said, hollie, casey, saw, jesse, russell, running from, Jesus, then, stopped, looked, back, Jesus, now, running from jesse, wait, on, me, said jesse russell, its to late, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, lighted, finger, Jesus, came, subs, attacked, many, and, he saw, said, casey, pointed, nato and russia, explode, hollie showed, turn, hollie thought about turning, showed, keep going, then, turn, with, lighted hand, iraq is going down, said, Jesus, casey, watched, thats, hollie, showing, gaza, iraq, leaned on nuclear fireball, rolled up, like scroll, prophesy to russia, said, hollie, venzuela, hugo, shows, come on, russia deploys two bombers, their, aircraft are, thumbs up, showed, Jesus, these have no weapons, medvedev, lets provem, he, said, bush, naaa, git outta here, when, officer shows visions, cuba, this is where, russia, wants bombers, lets do, said, bush, call, he, said, castrol, yes, dont, or, absorb, castrol, says, get outta here, we'll let, says, raul, submarine somby, said, hollie, hollie showed, russias airplanes, firing missiles, on america, those two, in venezuela will be used, no, said, bush, hollie showed, record, hollie showed whistle blew, again, that, said, hollie, quit, said, hollie, pointed, submarine somby, said, hollie, and, german submarine surfaced, hollie waved, fired missiles, its akula, said, hollie, bear grew, thats, many nations being struck, hollie spun, globe, many countries burning, tore up, put back, rip, this your website, post, said, hollie, new york city, said, man, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear fireball behind, statue of liberty, said, hollie, the woman, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, licked prophet, hey, she said, thats, hu hintao, leading, the, kings of, east, force, said, hu, invade, russia, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in russia, from, china, that, was hollie, firing, from, spacecraft, ministry of dreams said dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., steals to ruin Gods servant, but, gets ruint, and ph.d. jeremy taylor d.min, sees, looks away, but, knows, I hate him, said jeremy taylor, it aint yur house, said kathy taylor, they, split up, over, saith God, this the website, website said, post, said, hollie, 9-12-2008-hollie showed, record, nope, softly, gently, Jesus is calling, calling for sinners come home, sang, kenneth haney, he, sees, vision, with dyed hair, at paul mooneys church, he, sees, prophet, bob, comere, he said, am I, he says, bob, shakes, yes, good, said, kenneth haney, leaves, paul thinks, git out of here, micki mooney, stay, but showed, cut off, submarine somby, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, its ohio class, like bear, showed, picture, its, ohio class, she, said, fired missiles, struck, all, nuclear nato nations, america, bill clinton, fires, back, pointed, casey, world, shakes, up rises, pope, hu, emporer of japan, idol shepherd, thats, hu hintao slashing pope, in, israel, they, fired, many nuclear missiles, striking, jordan, egypt, syria, russia, fires, two topol-m's, striking, israel, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, tear up, she said, spin, restore, rip, hollie showed, record, showed, no, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, 9-13-2008-hollie showed, record, showed kristina, cindy appears, now look, said, hollie, pope, grows like flower, theres, hu, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, there you have it showed, hollie, the kings of persia, hollie in, robe, like king, shes king hollie, showing, fighting, the new world order, come on, showed, hollie, saw beast, pope, hes antichrist, smiling, theres hu, come on, showed, hollie, lets rule the world, said, putin, they, all, thats putin kneeling before pope, and pope grunts, americas gitton out of order, he, said, alright, ill take care of it, said, putin, let me out, said, putin, dmitry medvedev shows, prime minister, ok shakes putin, ill handle it, he, said, they are now both equal, thats o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, with the pope and hu, hintao, new world order, that was pope and hu fighting, missiles leaving otyre and magog, strike each other, thats russia and china, they sign uh peace treaty, 666, take it, said, pope, from, hollie showed, television screen, thats, showed, hollie, man, with 666 on forehead, and, popes image on finger, prophet, thats, vision over roan, said, hollie, with, its, said, sandy, sumb, brand new emergency sound, thats bear growing out of russia, Jesus whispers, arise, devour much flesh, bear strikes all nuclear nato nations, then, they, all, fired, back, casey, in, air, watches, held nose, thats over 1000 missiles flying, the world shakes, hollie shows globe, thats nuclear fireballs coming out of many countries, hollie leans on nuclear fireball, it dont hurt, she, said, with hollie showeds face coming out, hes back, showed, pope, in, kings robe, he sits in temple, i am God, he said, rides black horse, into, russia, thats people offering pope rule, and, before, that, pointed, casey, hundreds of nuclear missiles striking russia, thats otyre, said, man, signs, gets, and, hu threatens pope, i will not put up with you, they, both, say, pope shows, record, record, said, hollie, brother, said, hollie, showed, picture, pope, tear up, put back, tear, bobby, record, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, showed, pope, coming out of flower, hu, hollie held lighted nose, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hes, pope, thats, hu, slashing in israel, missiles being launched striking jordan, egypt, syria, russia launches, thats two explosions in israel, there aint no visions in pentecost, yelled hollie showed, playing organ, laughed, let me, said, hollie, showed, france, on, board, with, stick, nato, appeared, its, nuclear g8, the seven heads, bush appears as woman, pope out of italy, i am God, he said, thats russia having ten crowns, who are they, said, hollie, its, politburo, said, putin, there you have it, said, hollie, g8, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns said, pope, hollie clock on locomotive, showed, its past time, she, said, hollie showed, whistle blew, meerkat operates, captain smith on titanic, hit the bridge, he, said, two plates knocked out, from iceberg, and, charles lightoller rubs cold hands, sees iceberg, about one mile ahead, radioed, but, they, they did not turn hard enough, they could have missed, made grinding noise, charles prays, Lord forgive me, to late, appears, thats u.s.s. yorktown hitting bottom of oceans at 20 miles per hour, raiseable, but, needs, major, repair, the quick stop, loosened, most floors, many collapsed, submarine somby, said, hollie, surfaced, which is, hollie thought, its, akula, ohio class, same, fired missiles, hollie tried to get akula to work, retire, appeared, russia, said, Jesus, he, sprinkled, bear grew, devoured, struck, all, nuclear nato nations, they, all, fired, back, record, said, hollie, showed, fighting, thats new world order, shut up, she said, pope, hu, hollie, showed, fighting, they, signed, its the mark treaty, said, hollie, 666, said, hollie, showed, come on, in robe, kim jong, stroke, no, said, fleas, thats hollie like bear, doing, a, a pet to be remembered, funeral, said, hollie, 9-14-2008-hollie showed, record, and, look, she, said, pope, grew, like flower, hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, hollie showed, now look, she said, pope, hu, fighting, they, sign, the mark treaty, said, hollie, its there, said hollie, 666, its, take it, said, pope, from hollie showed, big screen, russia, said, pope, mine, he goes to, otyre, said, hollie, they, meet, offer, sign, by flatteries, gets russia, says in speech, im God, come on, said, hollie, showed, fighting, im uh screaming spirit, said, hollie, screamed, china, she, pointed, magog, kings, popped out, hu, hintao, kim jong, south korea, japan, then, lamb, appeared, hu and japan, pops out, rise, said, hu, withstand, worship, the, pope, said, hu, and, he saw, said, casey, russia, china, have nukes, aimed at each other, you aint gonna help me out in otyre, said, pope, him and hu, sign 666, the mark treaty, thats hollie showed, following doctor rev. jeremy taylor, why said, hollie, showed, what did he do, you need to git outta here said kathy taylor m.a., jeremy taylor u.u. steals ministry of dreams, thats ph.d. jeremy taylor d.min flying in stolen spacecraft ministry of dreams and cluracan who is lawrence forman shakes yes like janetmck, all run to remove, spacecraft crashes, taylor stripped of career, let me record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats hollie driving eagle four wheel drive station wagon, its him, chrysler chairman, american motors corporation, they were, as good as any, but no sales, if chysler had not bought amc, AMC would, have closed about 98, go, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, samuel carter pulling in tithes, offerings, pocketing, thats samuel carter living easy life, then in lava, up to mid-section in black suit, this economy, said, hollie, and he saw, it, said, casey, economic collapse, u.s.a., that was explosion in iran, syria, and, syrian president calling on russia, will you give us control, said, putin, syrian president says, no, hollie flying in, f-18 hornet, excellent, its as good as raptor f-22, in, battle raptor would go down most of time, cause of, manuverability, leave the raptor alone, said, hollie, bush sees, and the cymbol beat, pope walks out, theres hu, said, hollie, they, argued, emporer of japan, hu slashes pope, submarine somby, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, showed, picture, of, uss moniter, it, sank during storm, they, wanted to, Abandon, but, captain made them go down, with, but he swam, put it under an open shame for the uss moniter captain Lt. John L. Worden, he, died, drowned, in lava, thinks, I could have saved, those men, hollie patrolling in sub, fired, russia burns, then, america, france, this economy is collapsing said, hollie, america, new york times, thats gabriel, in, the picture, record me, said, gabriel, sarah palin never saved, Larry Kroon is, and he saw, said, casey, Larry Kroon show cut off, like sarah palin, hollie showed, record, now, look, she said, showed, pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, there you have it, she said, 4 kings, 9-15-2008-hollie showed, record, hollie laughed, hollie showed record, no, said, fleas, shook, yes, hollie pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs attacking, world, shakes, on, fire, 9-16-2008-the economy says broke, said, hollie, hollie said, put something on your website, this is uh warning, said, hollie, gabriel, thats hollie showed, with, new hair style, in the fire, showed, explosion, economic collapse, america, coming, hollie showed, please let me, he said, record, pointed, pope, grew, like flower, theres hu, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie, hes the slashed pope, rolled scene up like scroll, submarine, somby, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, its, akula, she, said, surfaced, fired, missiles, russia strikes, all nuclear g8 nations, they all, thats bill clinton, firing back, thats missile leaving china, taiwan, explodes, hollie surfaced, in three ohio class subs, fired, china, burns, thats tony blair like, hollie wiped lips, cat, firing on russia, and he saw, said, casey, four big, then little nuclear explosions in britain, thats hu hintao riding red horse, china stikes taiwan, pope on black, he, goes, casey, pointed, russia out of subs, thats, pointed casey, big nuclear explosion in italy, pope goes to russia, gets arsenal, they, pope lies, hollie said, up, hollie showed, record, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, surfaced, waved, fired missiles, hollie showed, record, cindy, and the sun danced, showed, popes image, on, pocket t.v., the oak motors sun, take it, said, the, pope, said, hollie, and, live, said, pope, im uh screamin spirit, said, hollie, screamed, whats my message, pointed, hollie, the economy is slipping, said, hollie, and, gabriel, hollie pointed, hurricane ike costing over 100,000 tax payers jobs, bush, will, soon, we aint got no money, he said, they will, suspend, social security and welfare, hollie in ring, that, she, said, pointed, meerkat riding missile, economic collapse is coming to america, said, Jesus, thats alome salome, said, hollie, licked, prophet, after economic collapse, you will see looting said, Jesus, licked prophet, Jesus, showed, record, red finger, pointed, up, hollie, showed, fisher speaker system model stm-993, its excellent almost accurately reproduces sound, you need at least 12 inch woofer to accurate, Gary McSpadden, right here, he said, wants prophet, lets, on show, said Gary McSpadden, but, showed, its to late, broke, but bill and gloria gaither, we want your mouth, she, said, but, doesnt pay, good, but, they, pocketed, almost one billion dollars, they, got, cut off, then tried to, cash in, hollie showed, played the horn, said, hollie, out hollie showed, on balloon, bored, hollie showed, website said post, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, pointed, up, 9-17-2008-look, said, hollie, submarine, soun, said, hollie, surfaced, its ohio class, she, said, fired, missiles, all, nuclear g8, nato, nations struck, and, bill clinton fires back, russia burns, look, said, hollie, thats missile from china striking taiwan, exploded, then, hollie, surfaces, three ohio class subs, they, all, fired, thats, pointed, lighted, hand, missiles striking china, and, china, burns, thats four nuclear explosions in great britain, and tony blair like cat, fires out of submarines, britain almost destroys russia, medvedev fires, knowing, thats missiles going both ways, both nations, burn, what can this stench be, said, angel, in, atmosphere, held nose, casey, rolled up world, like scroll, hollie like silhouette, then, normal, silhouette again, hollie pointed, hollie showed, the pope, i am God, he said, and look, said, hollie, pope walked, with, hu, hintao said pope, they argued, disagreed, signed, for, its uh treaty, said, pope, the mark, he said, treaty, you know what it is said, hollie, 666, they, laughed, hollie tore up, put back, turned into silhouette, bob, said, hollie, I got something you gotta see, she said, its the beasts image, she said, you know what om gonna do, said, pope in picture, thats, tear up, said, hollie, put back, rip, submarine, soun, said, hollie, waved, in, its, akula, she, said, fired, missiles, world shakes, up, rises, pope, theres, hu, emporer of japan, slash, thats hu hintao riding red horse, whats it, mean, said, hollie, china, thats missile from china striking taiwan, hollie explained, theres uh submarine, sorry, said, hollie, waved, its akula, she, said, fired missiles, with, captain hollie, in, and captain smith, he, was, over, last trip, knew, he, thought, record, sped, thats the reason, I, want you, pointed, Jesus, cause, put people in hell, that would have gotten saved, he, wanted, to, keep job, but, when, he, wrecked olympic, then they decided, put on titanic, retire, captain smith, almost bankrupted white star lines, hollie, showed, record, thats captain smith in lava, its embarrasing he said, you knew, said, hollie, showed, captain smith, begged for salvation, but, it was not enough, he, would commit, then, when, left, church, uncommit, like most, hollie showed, record, pointed up, Jesus coming, submarines attacking, thats, hollie, pointed, america, surrounded by subs, fired, hollie, thats interceptors, fired out of america, missed, america, exploded, and, woman rose, thats, hollie, showed, statue of liberty, rolled up scene, thats pointed, hollie, fire sent on magog, thats nato firing on russia, hollie showed write the vision, france, said, Jesus, and he saw, it, said, casey, dragon arise, hollie pointed, its, red, nato, its, pointed, hollie, g8, bush, showed, hollie, woman, i am God, said, pope, out of italy, thats putin, having, ten crowns, and who are they, said, hollie, you know who, she, said, politburo, thats uh ruling party, hollie rolled up scene, hollie showed, batteries, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, restore, rip, bob, on harley with outlaws Jesus, turn, he showed, record, let me, hollie showed, record, submarine somby, said, hollie, surfaced, hollie, like a, cat, said, hollie, its sumb, said, sandy, siren, said, hollie, tore up, fixed, rip, restore, from behind, she clapped, spun, tada, spun, cleaned up, from, behind, then, spun, tore, hollie and hollie showed bricked the world, joe osbourne is cut off said hollie showed, that was j.h. osbourne, no I dont want anything to do with it he said, bob, knew, git outta here said hollie, j.h. osbourne shakes yes, showed, no, submarine soun, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, waved, from, its akula, she, said, fired, missiles, all, nuclear g8 nato nations, struck, thats angel in atmosphere, like silhouette, held nose, stench, casey, rolled up scene like scroll, america, exploded, jordan, said steven stargardter-jim garrison pope, exploded, from, israel, thats false prophet hu slashing, beast, and armies of both, slaughtering, each other, Christ appears, throw hu, pope, in lava, thats angel spinning globe, showed, where destruction is coming from, right there, he said, with david gilmores voice, nicaragua, venezuela, brazil, and, he, saw, said, casey, all, three explode, cindy, showed, turn, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, up, rises, pope, theres hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie, pointed, hes the slashed pope, that is pope riding black horse, hu riding red horse, Jesus riding white, grim reaper, riding, bay, why did you cut me off, said, hollie, jeremy taylor, d.min steals ministry of dreams, runs to remove, im the bear father, thats it said, hollie, the inflatable, let me show you uh picture, said, hollie, showed, ducks picture, im the inflattable duck, hollie blew up, Richard Wright, could not stand, david, gilmour, touring, under, pink, floyd, signing, songs, they all did, made, cause, roger watters, wanted, just, him and david, touring, would not let Richard Wright, but, still, now dead, they, hey dude, said, david gilmour, with prophets voice, showed, cut off, roger, watters, cut off, showed, david, they are, not selling, well, but, had, fun, put it under, hollie showed, its to late for pink floyd, new york, said, Jesus, and he saw, said casey, poured out, vial, thats, she pointed, woman, statue of liberty, and nuclear explosion behind, its from, said, hollie, im uh bear, said, linda spall, bear, hollie, laughed, thats putin, satan is the head, and the pope is his mouth, and magog, is the body, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, china, north and south, korea, japan, like lamb, with, hu, hintao, said, linda spall, casey, showed, cut off, usa, economy, over, iraq, said, her, 9-20-2008-leave me alone, said, hollie, bobby, record, said, hollie, that was the new world order, tap dancing, with the pontiff, hes, said, hollie, held nose, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the pope said, hollie said, sh, she said, dont, outlaws Jesus, he is, the, ruler said the pope-satan man, said, hollie, sh, said, hollie, that is, hu hintao, he is, second beast, pope, both beasts, put it under, they rule the new world order, that was, said, hollie, pope on black horse, going in moscow, they held up pens, hu riding, red horse, china strikes taiwan, grim reaper on bay horse, he collected souls, of america, subs, said, hollie, attacked, attacked all around, thats sam neill, said, hollie, hes dmitry medvedev, with finger, on nuclear button, pressed, thats many nations, hollie held nose, n.a.t.o., exploding, and firing back, world shakes, sun, moon, darkened, thats angel in atmosphere, holding nose, this stench, he said, casey rolled up atmosphere like scroll, up rose pope, said, hollie, angry, theres hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, thats hu slashing in israel, hollie leaning on nuclear fireball, israel exploded, out of russia, strike, jordan, that was king of jordan, holding nose, he, said, holliekets terrorists, in gaza, destroyed, syria, damascus, exploded, egypt, burns, submarine sorry, said, hollie, its ohio class, she said, surfaced, fired, missiles, world shakes, these people feel the con scripture said, hollie, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, im the bear father, said, the yard characters, hollie, rode in bus, held nose, bush, hes, im iraq war, he said, ends nuclear, submarine somby, said, hollie, waved, its akula, she said, fired, missiles, world, shakes, i am God, said, beast, said, hollie, sittin in the temple, rome, said, hollie, I made your wreck, said, hollie, are the two beasts, the pope, hu, thats the Father, standing, in for pope, said, hollie, thats america, being destroyed, by, hollie, pointed, moscow, submarines, come on, bush, said, dumitry medvedev, they, attack, each, thats, from, high in air, hollie, watching, missiles, go, both ways, then, the, bear, grew, arise, said, hollie, devour, yes, shakes, bear, all, nuclear, g8, nations, struck, france, exploded, out blew Father like cat, italy, great britain, thats, pointed, Father, them exploding, rising, returning fire, australia, hollie watched, along coasts, exploded, then in middle, then missiles, fired, minuteman missiles all over, america, over, 200 minuteman missiles strike russia, thats, pointed, hollie, like, uh, angel, face, pointing, missile from, china, striking, taiwan, hollie, surfaces, in, ohio class, she, said, subs, fired, china, struck, burns, in half, thats angel, in, atmosphere, holding nose, turned into silhouette, face, back, somewhat, stench, he said, then, silhouette, casey, rolled, up, universe, like, scroll, then, turned, into, silhouette, hollie rode missile, like partial silhouette, then, casey, record me, said, gabriel, licked prophet, no, smiled, hollie, he turned, into, Father, then, hollie, turned into silhouette, david gilmour, why, said, hollie, whats he done, lets tour, said, david, gilmour, roger watters, agrees, pink floyd, tear up, said, hollie, fix, it, rip, that, said, hollie, shh, Father, like white Man, White Man showed, behold, thats, turn, pointed, outlaws, Jesus, showed, dont, talk, on harley, high in air, saw, explosions, nuclear, along, both, american coasts, brought back down, shut up, said, outlaws, then, showed, france, exploding, italy, australia, bear grew, attacked, but, missiles, surrounded bear, exploded, out laws Jesus showed, record, outlaws Jesus pointed, wishard hospital exploded, medical expenses destroying insurance companies, that was hollie, tear up, the, con scriptous, had pen, write the vision, in, palm, record, said, gabriel, hollie and hollie showed put window in church, built ship, bricked world, abate him pointed Jesus, charles sims is lost, pastoring, submarine sorry, said, hollie, waved, its, akula, agin, she, said, fired, missiles, russia, strikes, bear grew, Jesus, said, devour, strikes all n.a.t.o. nations, nuclear, ones, casey, watched, them, all, fire, back, website said post some visions, said, hollie, and, website showed, name, Ministry Of Dreams, and, why said, hollie, what has he done, doctor rev. jeremy taylor u.u. steals ministry of dreams, runs to remove, like all, hollie showed, record, out, said, fleas, hollie shook, yes, showed, no, shook, yes, from, behind, said fleas, clap, spun, tore, spun, I didnt, do, nothin, with, it, she, said, spun, tada, tear, fix, rip, hollie tore up, showed, record, 9-21-22-2008-russia, will, attack, usa, out of, venzuela, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, carry, on, said, dmitry, medvedev, putin, swallows, if you want my answer, he said, we dont said dumitry, hollie showed, record, pope, theres hu, hollie put them together, they, its the mark treaty, she said, 666, hollie showed, in the fire, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, of geno, you know who it is, she said, and, dumitru duduman, swallows, he hired, cause, thats, what I want, said, gabriel, him, geno, cause God knew, gene schmidt would work at hand of help, michael boldea, wants, them, there, put it under, said, hollie, its, hand of help versus ministry of dreams, they are alike, hollie showed, thumbs, up, its mercedes benz, she said, 560 sl, they were excellent, would last, as long as any, but, not, longer, and gene schmidt points up, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, and, ann schmidt laughs, thats our new dumitry, she says, right here, she said, medvedev, and henry gruver sees, its lebed, he, said, pressed nuclear button, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, waved, its akula, she said, fired missiles, up rose, beast, explained, hollie showed, record, we got you, said, gabriel, hollie paints 1971 cutlas, thats what you want, said, kenneth haney with dyed hair, shut up, he, showed, hollie clapped, to late, for submarine sorry, said, hollie, waved, its, akula, she, said, fired, missiles, submarine, soun, said, hollie, come and lifteme up said hollie, 20 bucks uh shot, meal, kenneth haney, hollie screamed, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, pray, said, Jesus, thats, the, main, on, cargill grain mill, wont ya, let me, record, she, said, im not the main, anybody, she, said, showed, gabriel, that was hollie, like a copter, letting out, joe urshan, pocketing tithes, its uh free ride, he said, thats alome, salome, said, hollie, and, jim garrison-steven stargardter-pope man showed record, that was hollie, like a copter letting out new world order, come on, she, said, tell me about the website, said, hollie, post, tell me about the website, said, hollie, tap dancing, post more visions, the nathaniel haney-urshan man is rich said hollie but lost, he doesnt need God to pastor, pockets, he wants people to worship him, hollie showed, laughed and bricked world, with, that was hollie, said, hollie, thats alarie sorry, sumb, said, hollie, Write Alexander Micevski and ask him why he hated Jesus so much he stole ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, spacecraft got you, said, hollie, fired and Alexander Micevski runs to remove ministry of dreams, spacecraft, said, hollie, got you, pointed, dr. rev. jeremy taylor m.a. runs to remove ministry of dreams, that was fire sent on magog, russia, china, bill clinton fires, om burnin in lava my name is joel urshan said, hollie, rip, hollie thought, tap danced, its alime con new world order, it, is, said, sandy, sumb, said, her, alome, salome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, sumb, hollie licked, the prophet, record me, said, fleas, hollie showed, record, you dont appreciate no more, said, Darlene Zschech, she is, lesbian, but, not, put it under, said, hollie, she, sees, you, looked, said, Jesus, like in video, bob, loves, but, you, are, heavy, now, cut off, cause, you wanted, this life, put it under, my Jesus, my Savior, sang, Darlene Zschech, but, wasnt, saith, the Lord, like most, put it there, I said, I laid down my life, and like the video, Darlene Zschech, now hear the word of the LOrd, that was Darlene Zschech pocketing tithes, offerings, thats what you did, dont tell me bob, said, Darlene Zschech, she is, now, and Darlene Zschech showed cut off, cant, dont put it under, said, hollie, an ann, you got, your wish, no bob, said geno, but, now, they know they are witchs, saith the Lord, and when pastor ken, sees, just let me look at you, he said, but, showed, that was, said, hollie, pastor ken showing cut off, Pastor Ken Stolar Jr., that, was, said, hollie, you looked, she said, gene schmidt, Ken Stolar pocketing, tithes, I wont even look at it said Ken Stolar, but, does, weeps, but, in heart, come, but, bob, doesnt want to drive, cause, gas, you made me look at it said ann schmidt, bob, sees, said, Jesus, with a crown of thorns, in head, that, said, hollie, was, the, pope, i, said, pope, am, said, Jesus, God, said, pope, he sits, in rome, said, hollie, declares, and they laugh, but, bow, to enter, tain, thier beast, he gets slashed, by hu, said, Jesus, in, israel, and, they fire, on egypt, syria, jordan, let me said Ken Stolar, uto, said, Jesus, preach, said, Ken Stolar, can he, he said, no, showed, bob, let me hear, and, that was, said, hollie, the world, exploding, Christ does away with, and bob left standing, in white robe, shout to the Lord, sang, Darlene Zschech, and ken stolar, weeps, can you stand, said, Jesus, and ken, thinks, maybe, but, now hear the word of the LOrd, wont you shut up, said, hollie, I drove bob crazy, now, he fights, me, in heart, tells what I do, to him, on net, and, I dont, like, but, I do it, he calls it, a tribute, and geno laughs, to ROMANS 1, the christians, that fell away, said, Jesus, like a brown haired, bearded man, he would, invite, but, be nice, friendly, hes persecuted, while laughing, and he is more mature now then most on planet cause of, ken stolar, now hear the word of the Lord, you witch, said Jesus, you are a deceiver, and know it, bob told gene schmidt, I dont feel God there, and gene, thought, cut off, get, and bob, did, danger, I said, but knew, time is almost up, now hear the word of the Lord, I wont let michael come there, come here, said ken stolar, but mike wont, preach, for you, he is you, both, witchs, saith Jesus, nothing compares to the hope that I have in you, sang, Darlene Zschech, bob, this does it, said, geno, come on, said, bob, and the ground opens, where gene schmidt, stand, bob, says, no, closes, but cracked, he trembles, but laughs, Jesus laughs, bob saw, put it under, said, hollie, bob would help you, and God wants, cause what you have done, remove, website, storage, said, Jesus, put it under, said, hollie, i am God, said, pontiff, said, Jesus, and hu, said, hollie, hintao, i am the beast, said, him, both beasts, they rule russia, and magog, thats, china and otyre, bob, lets put it right there said ann schmidt, alright, said, Jesus, bob knows all cause I showed, him, give, yes, said, ken stolar, two hundred million dollar video, and thats, said, hollie, ken stolar, lets shut the door, he said, showed cut off, and bob, weeps, for, God would, put it under, ministry of dreams is dumitru duduman, and hollie held nose, at Mike and Karen Steggall, who are they, foolin, she said, ken Steggall, she said, never, and he saw, said casey, with hollies face, ken Steggall show cut off, and wife, showed, cut off, both, not saved, saith the Lord, wont you go, said, hollie, and bob shows, they look at and ken Steggall laughs, this little runt, he said, but, has Jesus on the inside, 9-23-2008-hollie showed, record, shouldve left me alone, she, said, michael boldea, why, said, hollie, what, does, he, want, and, he, saw, said, hollie, appeared, mike boldea, read letter, Holy Ghost baptizm feels like Body your perfect size coming in, now I dont want it, he said, stay here, said, hollie, and, he, saw, michael boldea reading vision, gene schmidt, sees, they, michael boldea jr. shows, says, come on, bob, he, doesnt, but, does, hollie showed, record, thier, getting, mad, at, you, she, said, and, stolar, said, hollie, thats, the, reason, you, wrecked, no, said, fleas, its, right here, said, hollie, people stealing ministry of dreams like Alexander Micevski, thats hollie flying in spacecraft firing, struck all, and, jeremy taylor u.u. d.min removes ruint, hollie smiles, thats the main, on cargill grain mill, I need to record, she, said, God I want you, said, shout to the Lord's Darlene Zschech pocketing money off song, hillsong, is, millionaires, off, hollie showed, hit song, they, wrote, hollie showed, subs, all, around, u.s.a., said, Darlene Zschech, and, they fired, thats, a.a. allen, watching, interceptors, go up, alaska, exploded, allen points, 37 multi-warhead nuclear missiles coming, bill clinton has nuclear button, presses, then, america, exploded, and, he saw, wiped lips casey, woman come out of fire, thats the statue of liberty, said, hollie, and, all nuclear n.a.t.o. nations struck by medvedev, and, casey, saw, nuclear, explosions, in, australia, many, france, thats chirac angry, pressing button, hollie in, vanguard, fires, over, 80 multi warhead, missiles, russia, exploded, thats, great britain, burning, hollie, tony blair, cat, firing back, thats, I am God said pope, hes, pointed lighted finger, antichrist, and hu, they walked, lied, both beasts, hollie laughed, false pastors, false christians, false religious leaders, page, still on, net, and kenneth haney, I made you look, said, the Lord, hes the pope, put me down, said, hollie, thats what people are doing, stealing the name I spoke ministry of dreams like Dilson Rodrigues, God, makes all, remove ruint, tear up, said, hollie, fix, it, rip, spin, that was Father, man, that was Father, spinning, from behind, said, hollie, clap, spun, rip, tada, let me alone, said, hollie, flying in spacecraft ministry of dreams fires, all ruint, thats henry gruver, high in eagle tower, casey, in, atmosphere, he, saw, missiles, out of, submarines, said, o no, laughed, strike america, and, bill clinton, like cat, fires, on, russia, and, hand pointed, missile from china, striking taiwan, hollie like, cat, fired, out 3, ohio class, subs, china, burns, angel, like, silhouette, then partial, held nose, then silhouette, stench, he said, blocked sun and moon, casey, rolled, up, universe, like, scroll, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, no way, tear up, said, hollie, from behind, restore, rip, no, she, said, spun, smiled, tore, from behind, she laughed, bobby, said, hollie, showed, have nothin to do with, it, clap, tear, from behind, she said, fix, hollie showed, record, my name, is, said, the main ministering spirit, moody, showed, saved, theres uh reason, that ship is going over there, said, hollie, let me record, the russian navy warship, heading for, venezuela, we will strike, said, dmitry medvedev, its, cool, he, said, it carries, 20 cruise, missiles, with, single, warheads, hollie showed, drink, website, said, post, hollie with nice hair, showed, record, thats, preachin, said, hollie, bird, its, the word, said, another, tell the vision, said, squirrel, hollie showed, record, get off the phone, said, steven stargardter-jim garrison man, wiped lips, tell the vision, said, hollie, tell the vision, that was, said, hollie, pope, riding, black horse, wheres pope going, she, said, russico, said, pope, yeah, git outta there, he said, he, is, im the beast, he said, said, hollie, thats hu, on, the, red horse, said, hollie, thats, pointed, finger, missile from china, striking, taiwan, hollie surfaces, in, its ohio class, she, said, three, theres, missiles, striking, china, angel, casey, in atmosphere, what is, this, he, said, stench, casey rolled up universe, thats the grim reaper, said, hollie, laughing, on bay horse, collecting, souls, and, dumitry medvedev, presses nuclear button, america, destroyed, said, hollie, and, ministry of dreams website, looked, submarine, sommy, said, hollie, waved, its, ohio class, she, said, fired, missiles, russia, exploded, pointed, casey, china, burns, ministry of dreams, website man, looked, said, hollie, like, uh, white angel man, record the vision, he said, again, showed, record, that was, said, hollie, beast, he was pope man, put it under, and hu, she said, they walked, lied, I spoke something, he said, blasphemy, gene schmidt, those are of the devil, he said, but, didnt, know, put it under, said, hollie, blasphemy against the HOly Ghost is coming against Me saith Jesus, not saying devil did, and ministry of dreams website showed, name, and people stealing like Alexander Micevski, he stole said hollie like Dilson Rodrigues, they fooled, said, hollie, Alexander Micevski and Dilson Rodrigues steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, put it under, said hollie watch them run to remove and lie, we wanted to help, they will lie, put it under, watch them get fired from jobs and that was, boss firing both, witchs they said, 9-24-2008-hollie screamed, im uh screaming spirit, she, said, can I, said, young dark haired woman in the passion for Christ, movie, no, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, her masterbating, now, im 22, she, said, and, I want sex, young, beautiful, God will save her if she repents, in movie, beautiful, said, Jesus, but, not, real, thats her masterbating before shoot, sleeping after, and, the, passion for Christ Jesus showed, record, you, he said, and, temple priest, get out, he said, like kent gray, points, no more visions, or dreams, or prophesying here, bob, leaves, that was nuclear explosion, in, taiwan, china, strikes, pointed, hand, and, hollie, like, cat, surfaces, in, three ohio class subs, waved, fires 37 multiwarhead trident thermal nuclear warhead missiles, china burns, dumitry medvedev, this is the last, time, he said, launches on america, thats, pointed, casey, over, 80 topol-m's coming for america, alaska explodes, bill clinton fires back, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing, in, three ohio class subs, fired 42 trident missiles on moscow, and, pointed, hand, thats, over, 300 minuteman missiles firing out of america, most, strike, thats, dumitry, medvedev, firing, on france, exploded, great gritain, four, australia, takes, many, italy, exploded, they, all, fired, minuteman rockets back, thats, angel, in, atmosphere, holding nose, like, silhouette, what could this be, he said, stench, said, casey, blocked, sun, moon, 16 hours, casey, rolled, up, universe, submarine, somby, said, hollie, surfaced, its ohio class, she said, fired missiles, striking russia, china, thats, putin, like, ram, out came hu hintao, and, pope, thats nuclear, explosion, many, on, globe, at joe osbournes church, then world explodes, right here, pointed, hollie, world, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, russia, record me, said, hollie, licked, prophet, you, she, said, hollie showed, mirror, look at myself, she, said, thats, hollie, on, grain mill, like silhouette, thats, hollie, with nice hair, meerkat riding, its m.x. missile, said, hollie, dropping warheads on russia, tear up, put back, said, hollie, thats two nuclear explosions, hollie, showed, tada, iraq, gaza, its bush, she, said, gabriel, pointed, lie detector, bush, grunts, I made, wanted to remove finger, gabriel, points, to break oil contracts, you, lied, said, gabriel, showed, bush in, hell, submarine, somby, said, hollie, its, soumb, said, sandy, Jesus, said, its, because of iraq, said, hollie, that judgment is brought to america, lets rule the world, sang, putin, hu, shakes, yes, no, said, hugo, chavez, yes, shakes, kim jong, no, shows, lula, yes, shakes, castrol, yes, shakes, nicaragua, you know what I want, said, putin, yur oil, said, hollie, thats, the, leer jet sound, this is website, post, and website, shakes, yes, saw, smiles, this is website, post, and, website, looked, submarine, somby, said, hollie, pointed, lighted, red finger, hollie fired, missiles, hollie and, hollie showed, bricked, the world, said, Jesus, snails, like Foilage, said, Jesus, thats leaves, hollie snail smiled, showed, alome, salome, said, hollie, theres uh submarine sorry, said, hollie, waved, its, akula, she, said, and snail fired missiles, all nuclear g8 nations struck, and, they, all, fired, back, thats angel in atmosphere, with, casey, and, casey, held nose, what could this be, said, angel, like partial, silhouette, then, all, then, partial, casey, rolled, up, universe, like picture, its the con scriptous, said, hollie, who is that, said, the snail, that, was, hollie, like, a, copter, letting out henry gruver, spoke, hollie showed, in megaphone, spoke, hollie, out, clap, this is website, she, said, post more visions, and, ministry of dreams website, appears, what did it do, said, hollie, showed, name, pointed, its spoken by Him, and he saw, said, casey, Jesus, steal, Jesus Christ showed, cut off, ruint, china, said, guitar, magog, appeared, thats, hu, putin, out of ram, and, pope comes out, record, said, hollie, hollie said, record, pope, she said, riding, black horse, theres, hu, riding, red, horse, china, pointed, finger, strikes taiwan, grim reaper, on, bay, and, hollie pointed, up, that was, the, pope man, pope man showed, record, that, was, satan, said, hollie, im the bear father, hollie laughed, thats putin, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, thats, hollie, showing, globe, that, said, hollie, out of, fire, world, shakes, up rises, the beast, hu, hintao, emporer of japan, idol shepherd, hes slashed pope, put it under, thats new world order, tap dancing, hug me said, hollie, I made you look, said, Jesus, irving baxter, hollie said, work, taiwan, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, sumb, and, he saw, said, casey, taiwan, exploded, pointed, missile from china, thats, china, and, russia, striking, each other, pope, drives, out, china, they sign, mark treaty, 666, russia, said, Jesus, sprinkled, bear grew, arise, devour, said, hollie, struck all nuclear g8 nations, submarine soun, said, hollie, submarine, sound, she, surfaced, its ohio class, said, hollie, akula, fired missiles world shakes, pope rises, no, said, hollie, yes, shook, yes, let me record, said, hollie, what did you do, said, hollie, its uh show irving baxter, she said, pockets, yeah yeah said irving baxter, with dyed, said, hollie, irving shakes, git outta the way, he said, I will, but, not, now, saith the LOrd, put it under, he knows said librarian, wheres mike, he said, michael, michael go home said the passion for Christ Jesus, hollie shows, hes, and he saw, said, casey, michael boldea show cut off, its uh show said ann schmidt, we told it, said, ann, and, gene schmidt, shows, anger, bob we hate, he said, but, loves, in heart, and they look at each other again, like, put it under, said, hollie, lets go, said, Jesus, dont tell me about iraq, said, man, they are, a, crime, committed, by, us, said, hollie, america, dont put it under, said, hollie showed, iraq, he said, thats, hollie, standing, on nuclear explosions, by, she, showed, iraq, two, gaza, one, then, one more, thats, america, stealing, but, russia, stops, threatens, and ohio class subs, position, take, said, dmitry, showed, cut off, they, make, up, mind, there, Jesus sprinkles, lets rule the world, said, putin, bob, said, hollie, eat, showed, cut grass, lets work, said, Jesus, website says post, said, hollie, and, thats, I made you look, said, Jesus, the ministry of dreams website, angel, put it under, said, hollie, dont steal the God spoken name ministry of dreams, hollie showed, cut off, over, this is the website, post more visions, said, hollie, now look, she said, showed, the popes picture, hes, the man, said, hollie, like ann schmidt, put it under, hollie showed, cut off, hand of help, bob, shows, leave, them alone, and geno, sees, you told, said, hollie, and geno, swallows, leave here said prophet with ann schmidts, voice, both, witchs, put it under, to late for hand of help, said, hollie, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns said the pontiff, said, hollie, and, pope, man, shakes, yeah, and, putin, kneeled, let me take that out, said, pope, shakes, yes, america, let me rule the world, said, putin, hu, hintao, said, hollie, shakes, yes, kim jong, she said, no, he said, china, said, man, struck, and he saw, said, casey, taiwan, explode, let me, said, putin, no, said dmitry medvedev with hu hintaos voice, put it under, said, hollie, pointed, hand, and use terrorists, said, hu, washington state, submarine sorry, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, surfaced, its akula, she said, fired missiles, thats, held nose, hollie, and australia exploding, many, and, firing, back, russia burns, subs, that, soviet, said, hollie, around, america, fired, america, exploded, and, the woman came up, thats, statue of liberty, showed, hollie, that, said, hollie, subs, all around the u.s., said, hollie, fired, america, exploded, tell me about the submarine somby, said, hollie, now look, she said, surfaced, its ohio class, she said, its akula, she said, hold it, said, Jesus, dmitry medvedev, wants, cuba, and usa, says, george bush, showed, cut off, now hear the word of the Lord, stage, destroy, ha ha usa, now laugh at my grace, now, look, said, hollie, jeremy taylor u.u. steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams and ministry of dreams website sees, jordan, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, jordan nuked, said, hollie, out of israel, casey, watched, battle of armageddon, hu slashes, its the beast, said, hollie, pope man, israel, smiles hollie, launches, nuclear missiles, striking jordan, syria, egypt, casey, saw, big nuclear, explosions, and, king of north, invades, king of south, they, destroy, each, then, sign, mark, treaty, thats, nuclear explosions, in, russia, china, fireworks, said, gabriel, coming, thats, the world, and, many, nuclear explosions, hollie spun, tada, she, said, russia burns, spun, globe, theres, china, she, said, burning, spun, america, hollie held nose, on fire, fleas, said, let me, 9-25-2008-im uh screaming spirit, said, hollie, screamed, bobby, said, hollie, showed, boston full gospel mass choir, and lead singer, smiles, lost, bobby, this is the website, post more, said, hollie, and Ministry of Dreams website, looked, go, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, now, look, she said, and, lighted, finger, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, no, said, fleas, hollie screams, hollie showed, turn, theres uh submarine, pointed, hollie, waved, its, akula, she, said, fired missiles, she said, record showed, hollie, now look, she pointed, gabriel, no, said, hollie, shook yes, showed, no way, now I want you, said, Jesus, 9-26-2008-gabriel showed, reverend jeremy taylor d.min in lava in cart for taking the name God spoke ministry of dreams, put it under, dont steal or get ruint, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed jet fighter, striking all the thieves said jeremy taylor d.min of ministry of dreams, thats the alome salome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, soumb, hollie showed, record, what does the screamin spirit want, screamed, hollie, and, hollie tore up, wrote 666, with, bear hands, arms, put it under, thats, the, pope, beast, spelled hollie, theres hu, hollie showed, fighting, they, hated, but, clinged, walked, let me, said, hollie, and, fleas, showed, that, it was, on, t.v., said, Jesus, america, ruint, said, president, bush, cnn, economic collapse coming, bush, grunts, we used, he said, iraq as battle weapon against, putin, appeared, we knowed, he said, oil, bush, showed, its, out, in, the world, put it under, said, hollie, iraq brought judgment to america, om a sreaming spirit, said, hollie, showed, 1976 cadillac, peeled out, im, uh screaming spirit, screamed, hollie, whats my message, she said, record, post, me, said, hollie, wiped lips, enthusiastic hollie, bobby, said, tim pedigo, showed, come on, go on, said, paul mooney, and, micki mooney shakes yes, they, are, lost, make false christians, hinder, tim shows come on, bob likes tim pedigo, bob, showed, thumbs up for tims singing, no, said, hollie, and, hollie screamed, pointed, bob, dreamed, said, hollie, do not put him on youtube, he will file a complaint, and he saw, said, casey, whew, she held nose, the nathaniel haney-urshan-paul mooney-Jesus man, I lost my ring, said, hollie, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie out of ring, tore up, put back, I will, said, peyton manning, hollie showed peyton manning, we won he said, but, they, are, peyton manning showed, money, rich, not caring, ted dungy knows, put it under, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, bear grew, Jesus, arise, devour much flesh, struck, nato, thats, australia, someone looked, said, robert irsay, thats, showed, hollie, peyton manning, he, visits ministry of dreams, thats, tap dancers, hollies, turned into indianapolis colts, we are not hungry, loose, hollie showed, up, Jesus, great britain, exploded, thats, tony blair, like, cat, firing, like, australia, france, thats, many, nuclear, explosions, and, chirac, wiped lips, fired back, like berlusconi, russia burns, america, thats, pointed, casey, subs, around, exploded, angel in atmosphere, holding, nose, turned into silhouette, then, partial, normal angel, casey rolled up universe, thats hollie riding, new m.x. missile, she, said, struck, russia, many, placed in alaska, Jesus, said, this economy is slipping, cause, bush, grunted, wiped lips, showed, iraq, exploded, bush, smiles, take oil, he, said, gaza, casey, points, many, nuclear, explosions, gabriel, points, bush, sitting, I made war, to steal, break oil contracts, yanks hand away from lie detector, gabriel, pointed, lava, thats, george bush in suit in hell fire, om the smiling face, said, hollie, and oak motors sun danced, looky here, sun, said, showed, popes image made alive, like nathaniel a. urshan, same, and nathaniel p. urshan, sees, and beast smiled, right here, showed, hollie, from pocket t.v., take it, he said, the mark, treaty, said, hollie, 666, hu, pope, signs, hollie pointed, up, tear up, said, hollie, fix, it, smiled, from behind, she clapped, spun, tada, throw, fix, from behind, clap, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, submarine sorrow, said, hollie, now look, she said, I surfaced, its, akula, she, said, fired missiles, struck, said, hollie, all, nuclear, g8, nations, angel, in atmosphere, stench, he said, smoke, casey, rolled up, like picture, up rose beast, theres hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, give warning, said, hollie, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, said, hollie, and Jesus, watched, bob heard, california, saw it exploded, look at it, said, outlaws Jesus, hollie showed, turn, 9-27-2008-hollie, showed, confusion, did you get ready, said actor, paul newman, he, showed, cut off, like friend, robert, redford, both, tried, to get, saved, put it under, said, hollie, make you calling and election sure, let me show you uh picture, said, hollie, showed, the, beast, tear up, fix, it, rip, from behind, spun, changed, hollie, clap, spun, man, and, rip, hollie showed, cut off, paul newman, in, sleep, right now, but, lava, soon, then, weeps, in this life, he will say, hollie showed, record, bob, and, that, she, pointed, Jesus comings, subs, attacking, thier goes america, up in smoke, hollie said, from high in air, subs, surround, putin wipes lips, let me, he said, alright, said dmitry medvedev, they fight, dmitry presses nuclear button, world shakes, up rose angry, pope, this is a warning, said, hollie, thats angry bill clinton, returning fire, russia, exploded, that was many nuclear explosions in russia, thats australia exploding, returning, like, pointed, casey, france, italy, thats, great britain, hold it, said, Jesus, hollie wiped lips, four, big, then all britain exploded, and, tony blair fires, out of two vanguard class subs, over, 100 nuclear warheads rained on russia, thats, pointed, casey, nuclear, missiles, going both ways said amy brucker, world shakes, up rises, hollie, wiped lips, pope, theres hu, he wiped lips, walked with, pope, they signed, the mark treaty, 666, thats nuclear explosions in russia, china, then, they, sign, pope, git outta here, drives out china, rides black horse, into, moscow, they, give, kingdom, by flatteries, he goes to temple, i am God, he, says, goes to israel, unite, force, said, thats what I want, said, hu, nations, thats, nuclear, explosions, in russia, force russia to invade, israel, then israel launches, casey pointed, nuclear missiles, striking, thats, explosions in egypt, syria, jordan, russia, destroys, casey, pointed, explosion in israel, Christ appears, raptures, thats jews rising, he takes, beast and false prophet hu, throws in, thats them pointed, hollie, in hell, hollie showed, confusion, wipes lips, 9-28-2008-hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, thats, woman, statue of liberty, coming out of america, casey, pointed, subs, firing, on, hollie showed, putin, the bear grew, struck, arise, said, Jesus, devour, all, nuclear, g8, nations, struck, and, tony, blair, wipes, lips, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, here goes over, 100, multi warhead nuclear missiles, russia exploded, stench said, angel, in atmosphere, smoke rose, blocked, sun, moon, casey, rolled un universe, up rose, angry, pope, theres hu, he, wiped lips, smiled, theres emporer of japan, slash, pope, they walked, signed, 666, its, uh, treaty, smiled, pope, thats, nuclear, explosion, in, russia, then, two, in, china, they, kept exchanging, then, hu and japan, rise, like, lamb, to withstand, worship the pope, said, hu hintao, cause, more loved, but, both, casey, pointed, nuclear missiles aimed at each other, thats, pope and hu, sitting at table, lying, laughing, threatening, each other, submarine, somby, said, hollie, thats, hollies, like, cats, in, subs, going both ways, world, shakes, up, rises, beast, theres, hu, said, hollie, hes the second beast, said, Jesus, emporer of japan, and, cut appears on pontiff, hollie showed record, modelled, then, another, heres warning, said, hollie, grecia, said, Jesus, that is pope like nathaniel a. urshan, pointed, lighted finger, thats ram with putin, hu, coming out of, horns, when, the, hegoat, said, Jesus, casey, points, smites, casey, high in atmosphere, saw china striking taiwan, russia america, attacking each other, u.s.a., attacking china, russia, attacking u.s. nuclear allies, and, america, strikes, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and brazil, venezuela, for, allowing, soviet subs, america wont strike mexico, showed, hollie, leave it alone, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, website, man, appeared, showed, name, Ministry of Dreams, Jesus speaking, call it ministry of dreams, and, people stealing, ill make all run to unsteal ministry Of dreams, and ministry of dreams website man smiled, showed, iraq, war, thats, fleas, leaning on nuclear fireball, it dont hurt, she, said, showed, many nuclear fireballs, in, iraq, and, gaza, bush, grunts, gabriel, points, lie detector, I made war, breakem, said bent over bush, steal oil, he said, gabriel, showed, bush, in fire, thats, hollie, laughing, in, catholic church, them, mother mary, hollie looks up, them making cross, hollie laughs, likes, record, said, website, showed, new world order, putin, hollie showed, fighting, and pope, steps over putin, they give russia to, hu, hollie showed, fight, come on, she, said, russia, china, exchange nuclear missiles, then sign mark treaty, 666, and emporer of japan, come on, showed, hollie, thats, pointed, casey, nuclear missiles, striking china, and, japan, then, they, unite, rise like lamb, thats lula, hugo, castrol, geyer, fox, showing, dont, and, kim jong, thats, caspian sea oil pipeline exploding, he launches, no oil says hu hintao, on russia, china, south korea, russia launches, that, pointed, casey, nuclear fire, wall, in those three nations, thats, missile from russia, showering nuclear warheads on north korea, usa sub strikes north korea, bobby, its venezuela, hugo, showing, get out, but, smiles, allowing russia, stage, said medvedev, hollie showed, turn, record, now, look, she, said, showed, pope, hu, both beasts, hollie, turn, she said, hollie showed, hey, bobby, showed, oliver avenue, nuclear explosion, hollie showed, turn, lighted, hollie appears, explosion, bear smiled, licked prophet, showed, pope, on, laptop, take it, he said, the mark, said, woman, 666, bobby, the pope man said oil, it is leading to armageddon, the phone, said, showed, hollie, why did you tell us that for, now we know we are cut off and want to get laid, said, man with wifes voice, they separate, cause, now, know, their lost, but let preach, happy showed man, submarine sorrow said, hollie, hollie showed, complaint, hollie showed, zz top, they, sell, lots of tickets, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, pointed up, Jesus coming, no yelled hollie, shook, yes, showed, no, let me show, you, uh, picture, said, hollie, put back, mash, tear, its, pope man, hollie pointed, up, Jesus coming, theres subs, attacking, many nations, explode, thats ministry of dreams website, I belong to Jesus, he, said, pointed, that, said, hollie, I made war, grunted, bush, pulled, away, from, lie detector, gabriel, points, put back, to steal oil, yanked, let me, said, hollie, explosions, world shakes, up rises pope, theres hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, there you have it, showed, hollie, 3 kings, loose belt soun, said, hollie meerkat rode missile, thats hollie pulling ship, titanic, doomed, thats hollie, ship busting, dangerous, the u.s.s. north carolina, dreadnought, is still useable, hollie showed, stored, its better then the iowa class, could sink them, hollie and hollie showed bricked the world, hollie showed, record, jordan, said zion tabernacle people, exploded, jordan, they said, and he saw, said casey, king of jordan allowing terrorists in gaza, hi Pastor Jeffery Ralston, you are lost and not ever HOly GHost baptized, type your name in google tomorrow, and he saw, said, casey, Jeffery Ralston pocketing tithes, offerings, saves, but knows, cut off showed Pastor Jeffery Ralston, 9-29-2008-Alec Mackenzie, why said, hollie, what did he do, thats, ginny hill, both of bbc news, flying in stolen spacecraft ministry of dreams, Alec Mackenzie protected ginny hill over taking the name said ginny hill, ministry of dreams spoken by Jesus, both get removed said bbc news president, hollie put back, tear, spacecraft fired, said, hollie, struck Alec Mackenzie and ginny hill, both will be fired from bbc news, said, hollie, like dr. rev. jeremy taylor m.a. over taking the name bobby said dee finney, ministry of dreams, and john mark pool and bill hamon ashamed, give me money said cluracan, now ruint cause she, take said cluracan, ministry of dreams and lawrence forman, git out, ruint, robert gillen and joel tao ruint, seperate over stealing ministry of dreams, russia, appears, and, hollie showed, thats otyre, she said, im the beast, said, pope, with seven heads and ten horns, and, putin, wears ten crowns, and who are they said, hollie, with ginny hills voice, politburo, its ruling party, smiled, hollie, and, nato, thats, seven heads, its, pope out of italy, bush having, womans hair, and, thats, hollie like cat, firing, its, akula, she said, on, all, those nuclear, g8, nations, casey, pointed, and, they, all, fired, back, on russia, from subs, over, 300 nuclear missiles, both ways, up, rose, pope, emporer of japan, hu, hintao, slash, pope, the united states submarine thresher, had explosion, thats, captain hollie, on thresher, talking, then, explosion, it started to sink, they, began to surface, said, captain, rise, then, it, was, a, leak, sprung, then, explosion, caused, by water, it crushed, at, over, 7000 feet, close your ministry of dreams website said ginny hill, said, hollie, with, hollie showed, playing piano, she looses, right here pointed ginny hill, court, make me, jon sawyer knows, ginny hill looses bbc news and freelance career, said ginny hill, over, taking the name, she said, ministry of dreams, Alec Mackenzie shakes yes, smiles, ruint over, submarine somby, said, hollie, surfaced, its, ohio, class, she, said, fired nuclear missiles on russia, china, over, fifty, its uh warning, said, hollie, showed, cruise missile, shooting many warheads, they, can, not, be stopped, undetectable, they fly, under, radar, patriot 3 interceptors, will get, but, need to be seen, thats, radar, showing, hollie and blinks, cruise missiles, disappear, fly under, they fly, hollie pointed, tomahawk, hollie piloting, waved, about, 900 feet, high, will go around buildings, thats usa missile defence interceptors, striking many topol-m missiles but most hit thier target said Jesus, hollie pointed, many nuclear explosions in america, and angry bill rises, clinton, fires, then, dies, tear up, fix, it, lighted, smiling, man, rip, said, hollie, showed, fighting, spun, jump, from behind, clapped, hollie, spun, Im uh bear, said, bear, hollie laughed, thats, putin, and bear tore up, put back, smiles, put back, stomped, hollie showed, 1968 chevrolet, its, impala, its, excellent like that 74 monte carlo, submarine sorrow said, hollie, surfaced, its akula, she said, fired, missiles, all, nuclear, g8 nations struck, and, many, ministering spirits, surfaced, in, subs, russia, burns, prophet, give warning, said, man, at, grace, showed, cut off, submarine, submarine, said, hollie, waved, its, akula, agin, she said, fired, missiles, up rose, pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, pope, this is uh warning, said, hollie, post, and, ministry of dreams website licked prophet, hollie blew up balloon, hollie showed, on, hollie showed, record, that was hu, pope, on, that, pointed, hollie, o, red, and, black, chariot, hollie jumped on top, in back, saw, 8 kings that will, hollie showed, rise, against, america, want more visions, clapped, my tap dancer, said, hollie, and, hollie tap dancing, that was hollie like a copter, said, hollie, letting, out, henry gruver, start, he said, hollie showed, out, of, megaphone, we dont need it, he said, pastors preaching lost, that was hollie like a copter, letting, out, churches, lost, left, its truit, said, hollie, smiled, its the con scriptous, smiled hollie, let me record, said, hollie, that is the warning, said, hollie, its said, sandy, soun, and, sandy, licked the prophet, amplifier, smiled, that, said, hollie, russia, said, hollie, thats, otyre, said, hollie, with, sound, said, sandy, hollie pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, write uh vision, said, hollie, hollie pointed, fireball, the u.s.s. yorktown, thats its captain, killed more people, then, any, world war two ship, over 40,000, yomato had one weak spot, its, exhaust, thats, what sank, this is website, post, said, hollie, and, ministry of dreams website showed, pearl harbor, there was warning, given, and, japan, received, it, ordered, cause usa not wanting war, that, brought, and, he saw, said, casey, two nuclear explosions in japan, tell the vision, said, hollie, that, it, said, sandy, submarine, siren, thats, hollies, in, subs, lurking, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, 9-30-2008-no, said, fleas, one more time, said, hollie, and, renee williamson, what has she done, said, Jesus, she, masterbates, and preaches, Jesus, like on, fire, thats, james tyson and cleophus, no, said, hollie, dont put her out, we are all witchs said james e. tyson with shawn tysons voice, thats it, said, Evangelist Krista Tyson, they are both lost to, and renee williamson laughs, hollie showed, record, fighting, theres hu and pope, they are the two beasts, its cause hu slashes pope, Christ appears, hu tries to kill, hollie showed, record, seek, said, hollie, for me said train whistle, and hollie showed whistle blew, e.z. sanders, why, said, hollie showed, what did he do, tell me my vision, said, pastor, showed cut off, with dyed hair, put back, tear, from, behind, spun, clap, write the vision, said, hollie, thats captain hollie, submarine, she, said, its thresher, she said, sank, it, was, Jesus shows picture of captain hollie on thresher, you, knew, it, said, captain of the u.s.s. yorktown, poorly maintained, let me, said, hollie, hollie blew horn, out, hollie showed, thats, hollie, with, nice hair, economic collapse, she said, soon, back in horn, thats red dragon with pope, g8, said, hollie, look, she, said, putin, having, politburo, ten crowns, bush, long, hair, france, said, steven stargardter jim garrison pope man, it started, he, said, n.a.t.o., britain during world war one, sank, french ships, but, didnt, have to, they, wanted, france, to, submit, let me, said, I did said hollie, its, said, sandy, somb, thats hollie, tap dancing, with, alome saleem, she, said, sandy, smiled, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, thats, america, exploding, look, said, hollie, woman, came, up, you know who it is, she, said, statue of liberty, and, bill clinton, returning, fire, russia destroyed, bear grew, Jesus, said, arise, it, struck, all, g8, nato, nations, thats, hollie, showing, hundreds, of, missiles, coming, both ways, angel like normal, then, silhouette, held nose, what, could this be, said, casey, stench, said, angel, then, casey, turned into silhouette, then dim face, hollie showed, dont record, then do, momby somby, said, hollie, sound, hollie showed, rush, and, neil peart, she said, whatta you want, said neil peart, rush old, rich, thats, geddy lee, in, lava, saying, Lord I dont want ya, thats them showed, hollie, jamming, but, perished, Alex Lifeson hated hell more then any body there, heres why, thats Alex speaking in tongues, thought, rush made 21 12, someone wrote me, said, Alex Lifeson, geddy lee, he said, grunted, they, hated each other, but, stayed, cause, songs, thatll do it said Alex Lifeson, they, love, not, having, control, of, each, other, Alex showed, cut off, bob, loves, rush, and, Alex Lifeson and geddy lee visit ministry of dreams, they like, Alex Lifeson is cut off said hollie, geddy and neil can be saved, why, bob, said, to, Jesus, Alex prays now in tongues, but, swallows when reads, yeah I got the Holy Ghost said Alex Lifeson, but, doesnt, that puts Jesus to open shame, Alex weeps, God notices, repent appears, you knowed it said Alex Lifeson, they all perish, bob, says, Alex Lifeson, come he showed, hugs, geddy smiles, they would come to indianapolis if bob went, and, God would let, they would be in revival, thats, Jesus, on, bob, RUSH will be playing in indiana, bob, wont, know, Alex Lifeson laughs, we'll write him, theres email from Alex Lifeson at, he said, geddy shakes, yes, thats alome saleem, sound, said, hollie, its, because of RUSH, judgment to the world, music brought the world down, no, said, fleas, geddy lee laughs, my God we need you, said, hollie, geddy would not leave rush for God, but, alex would, put it under, its to late for rush, said, hollie, pointed, lighted, finger, people loved, alex lifeson would love bobs stereo receiver collection, old pioneers, jvc's, sherwoods, more, geddy lee would love bobs pioneer sx-780, neil, pioneer sx-980, alex lifeson is pioneer sx-434, hes deaf almost, they are, rich, but, during economic collapse, loose, most, tour after, they, make new hits, rich again, alome salome, said, hollie, no, said, geddy lee, with, alex lifesons voice, they, while, on, stage, run off, cause, russia striking, amexico, thats, police, taking, to, keep, safe, submarine somby said, hollie, im making you offend to wound you by teasing, your gums will not heal because I want people to loose their teeth, I desease, bob im coming against you to make you perish, I made those in ROMANS 1 perish, I tried to make all servants perish, teasing, carressing sex organ with electricity, hair loss, bagging face, kneck, tightening muscles when moving, gum desease, stripping heart, of desire to want me, making them hate me, you are just a toy to me saith the Lord, this is persecution, I did all of my servants like that till they left me and I would not let them come back, put your eyes out to make me laugh, that is what I do, laugh at my servants, wounding all the time they are awake, causing them to hate me so much they cant bare being around, and have hell under thier feet, saith the LOrd, hollie on phone, with d.min jeremy taylor u.u., I release he said ministry of dreams I took, said ginny hill, and ministry of dreams website smiles, hollie showed, record, thats ministry of dreams angel website man, call it said Jesus, ministry of dreams, and website smiled, hollie showed, steal the name, git cut off, ccn, news, said, hollie, and cnn anchor, hollie showed, iraq, gaza, nuclear explosions, and cnn news anchor man, showed, hey, dont do that, said, hollie, cindy, showed, turn, theres irani, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, hollie, showed, two big explosions in iran, casey wiped lips, showed, record, fighting, hey bobby, come here, said, hollie, 10-1-2008-hollie explained, thats new world order, tap dancing, pope, dressed like, wizard, uniform, said, hollie, hollie showed, im beast, said, pope, showed, with seven heads, thats, he said, nato, bush, he said, showed, cut off, iraq, gaza, destroyed, blew on, showed, hollie showed, record, hollie pointed, up, Jesus, coming, thats, it, said, hollie, showed, eat, hollie showed, record, now look, she, pointed, lucas motor oil, on bus, she, said, excellent, its leading to armageddon, oil, hollie showed, fighting, turn, she said, clap, spun, tada, tear up, fix, it, toy with, hollie pointed, im un bear, she said, licked prophet, record, said, hollie, that was Jesus on rock, smiled, hollie, like Light Man, hollie pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, thats Jesus, putting, sword, in, statue, of libertys, hand, drink, swallowed, died, america, exploded, bill clinton, presses nuclear button, then, explosion, kills, steven stargardter-jim garrison pope showed, record, hollie showed, record, showed picture, steven stargardter, jim garrison, pope, tear up, write the vision, said, hollie, showed, mingling, they hate but cling, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, submarine, somb, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, its, akula, surfaced, fired, missiles, bear grew, Jesus said, devour, thats, bear, nuclear, missiles, striking, all, nuclear, g8, nations, and, they, fired, back, thats, big nuclear explosion, in, russia, hollie showed, record, bobby, make uh difference, said, hollie, showed, fighting, thats hu, hintao, hes, the second beast, and, japan, emporer, rises like, lamb, to, withstand, pope, they sign, its the mark, treaty, 666, thats, nuclear, weapons, flying, out of russia, china, striking, each, pope, drives, china, out, then, sign, take it, said, pope, from, hollie showed, pocket t.v., thats people, its, on, arm, said, hollie, the mark of the beast, said, hollie, 666, or, popes, face, tattood, on finger, tip, or, forehead, he told me to do it, said, hollie, Jesus smiled, hollie with popes face tattood, take it said pope, out of face, the mark, he sits in temple, i am God, he, says, showed, park, tear up, fix it, danced, hollie, kick, showed, record, hollie, record, said, hollie, its saleem, she said, lighted, bear paws, tear up, put back, from behind, hollie showed, record, clap, showed, fighting, thats it, she, said, new world order, thats, hu, pope, she said, emporer of japan, slice, thats, pope, said, hollie, said, hollie, thats, nuclear missiles, striking, china, and, japan, from, each, she, said, then, rise, like, lamb, sign, the mark treaty, with, beast, hollie showed, war, hugo chavez, hollie showed, staging, salted, russia, said, hugo, thats, hegoat smiting ram, and, america, moscow, china, nuke, putin, comes out of one horn, hu hintao out of other, its, alome salour, its, said, sandy, simb, record, said, hollie, iraq agin, said, Jesus, tell me about iraq, said, hollie, iraq agin, she, said, with, oil contracts, its, said, sandy, armageddon, soum, said, hollie, bush, I need it, he said, gabriel, points, lie detector, bush, grunts, I made war to steal oil, alright, said, gabriel, points, bush in lava, with his saddam hussein, thats, hollie leaning on nuclear explosion, it dont hurt, she, said, thats, gaza, iraq, exploding, bush, grunts, gabriel, shows, tell, gets, in george bushs face, you wont, he said, put, mccain down, I will, said, john mccain, lava, thats, nuclear missiles, flying out of iraq, gaza, exploded, israeli prime minister, give me the button, he said, presses, many nuclear explosions in iraq, thats, king of saudi arabia, thinking, u.s.a. is at fault, he stops oil shipments to america, it, causes usa to collapse, thats, all, minuteman 111 nuclear missiles turned on, target said bush, saudi arabia, russia, china, hugo, cuba, nicaragua, brazil, one goes in atmosphere, explodes, this is uh warning, said, bush, try it he said, medvedev, tempted, will fire after usa strikes china, bush, gets, oil, from, hugo chavez and iraq, it, will, cover, thats m.x. missile salome, america, took, thier mx missiles apart, took, one stage off of, strategic, now, range, of, 6000 miles, they, place, in, alaska, thats, all 100 being put there now, shower, said bush, its, because, of, him, said, bush, dumitry medvedev, threatening, usa, were heading for war said dmitry, its oil, he said, showed, iraq nightmare, its gone to far, he said, if you do, said, putin, outta here, said, medvedev, presses button, kills putin, thats missiles, flying for america, alaska, exploded, then, bill, clinton, presses nuclear button, thats minuteman missiles going for russia, both nations burn, angel in atmosphere like partial silhouette, then all the way, then, less partial, stench, casey, rolled up universe, no, said, fleas, showed, hollie put back, tear, restore, clap, spun, fought, tore, new behind, she said, spun, tada, fix, tear, spin, rip, bob dreams, woman, dreamed, john testa will be out, another, dreamed, same, bob, he argued with man that was going to replace john, and later apologized, telling, im sorry for what I said, you will replace john testa, hollie showed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, up, rose, angry, beast, theres, hu, emporer of japan, slash, pope, hollie showed, up, Jesus, coming, hollie flying in jet, fired, all, thieves release ministry of dreams, and website smiles, shows, record, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, look, at, that, she, showed, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, hollie showed, america, exploding, come on, showed, hollie, stomping, thats the reason, that I stamp, she, said, and, indianapolis colts inflattable points, peyton manning, thats, no, good, said, ted dungy, colts, loosers, lucas oil stadium, not filling, up, and, thats, the, reason, I, got, an, empty wallet, showed, bart peterson, now, unemployed, like many, in, indianapolis, cause, he, wanted control, lucas oil stadium, ruint, the economy in indianapolis, bart shows, I dont care, thats president george bush stealing oil, and, he, showed, said, casey, bush, grunts, thats, the, reason, I, take, he said, dad, grunts, invade, colin powell salutes, its, a, breakem said the bush man, dad with sons voice, bush grunts, pointed, lighted, shaft, gabriel, makes, puts, face, in, bushs face, make offer, said, bush, steal oil wells, he reinvaded iraq, to, break oil contracts, saddam had signed with russia, thats, pope, on, black, horse, goes to russia, they offer, kingdom, flatteries, thats hu hintao, riding, red, horse, china, hollie shows, two, fires, nuclear missiles, striking taiwan, hollie surfaced in 3 ohio class subs, waves, fires missiles, striking china, then medvedev, launches on usa, thats pointed casey, nuclear missiles striking, america, alaska, explodes, first, bill clinton, strikes russia, 10-2-2008-bob, look, showed, hollie, its uh picture, she said, of, t.d. jakes, whatta you want, she said, and he saw, said, casey, money, showed, cut off, t.d. jakes, put it under, its to late for jakes, hollie, showed, now look, she said, hollie showed, horace, smith, git outta here, said, woman from grace apostolic church, horace, after finding out, bob goes to, there, wants to meet, they, see, each other, hollie showed, both ways, go, again, turn, lighted hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, go, she, showed, hollie showed, come on, she, said, fight, its, tell the vision, said, hollie, new world order, hollie showed, record, rolled up sleeves, showed, come on, pope, hu, hugo chavez, vicente fox, geyer, nicaragua exploded like cuba, hollie, pointed, thats three explosion, its for allowing, said, hollie, russia, to put subs, there, they fired, america, exploded, pointed, hollie, and bill clinton, thats, hundreds of nuclear missiles heading, for russia, hollie pointed, many, nuclear, fire, balls, coming, out of russia, they, thats, medvedev firing striking all nuclear g8 nato nations, and, them all, pointed, hollie, firing back, russia, smokes, angel in atmosphere, stench, turned into silhouette, tore up, fix, said, hollie, restore, rip, angel spun, clap, said, hollie, spun, danced, tada, said, hollie, rip, restore, tear, hollie showed, record, showed, thru with, fix, p.a.w. is cut off, and horace smith sees, hollie showed, record, we want you, said, hollie, you said horace smith, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, with dyed hair, hollie showed, come on, clap, put up your dukes, showed, hating but clinging, thats new world order, beast, she said, hu hintao, hollie showed, fighting, they, sign, the mark treaty, 666, submarine somby, said, hollie, s, o m, b, y, clapped the tap dancers, said, hollie, thats, hollie showed, tree, making, fruit, 10-3-2008-hollie shows, record, Kate Kilbourne alters the God spoken name ministry of dreams to promote doctor rev. jeremy taylor m.a. who steals ministry of dreams, both run to remove, and git ruint, said, hollie, put it under, ministry of dreams website showed name Ministry of dreams, dont steal or get ruint, like over, 1000, come one, showed, hollie, rolled up, her sleeves, showed, fighting, thats new world order, showed, pope, hu, come on, said, hollie, they, hated, but, cling, said, Kate Kilbourne, she, ruins, veriditas over taking the name said kathy taylor ministry of dreams, come on, showed, hollie, pulled back sleeves, and, hugo, what has he done, said, hollie, lets, allows staging, medvedev, said, hollie, force, he said, america to, and bill clinton launches minuteman nuclear missile in atmosphere, bush grunts, this is warning, dmitry medvedev withdraws, opec cuts america off, is this what you want, said, the king of saudi arabia, yes, shakes, bush, steals oil contracts, reason for war in iraq, thats hollie leaning on nuclear missile, explosion, gaza, iraq destroyed, hollie showed, clinging, thats it, said, hollie, put it under, lets rule the world, sang, putin, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, up rises, angry, pope, theres, hu, showed, sh, im the second beast, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, bob, this economies going down said david gilmour, pink floyd helped, music, hollie showed, turn, blew horn, out hollie showed, with nice hair, thats, hollie, with, nice hair, winking, hollie tore up, fixed it, tear, new behind, she, said, hollie showed, walk, tell me what it said, hollie said, I, said the Edmund Fitzgerald, hit rock on, I knowed, it, said, put it under, Edmund Fitzgerald hit, it said, rock, wounding, weaking, broke on surface, and, Edmund Fitzgerald showed, popes, image, hollie in submarine, I hit bottom said Edmund Fitzgerald, tore, water, came in, more, then, pumps, can, put out, om home said the Edmund Fitzgerald, I wouldve made it, he, said, it was over loaded, he said, ore, kept moving, damaging, thats what did it, said Edmund Fitzgerald, where ore spilled out, he said, there, they, knew, put it under, Edmund Fitzgerald bottomed out, winked, om home, he said, rusting slowly, it would have be wrecked anyway, collision, in, 2000, pointed, lighted shaft, both ships sank, leave me alone said Edmund Fitzgerald, im gaveyard now, ship wrecks are graveyards, dont bother, they rust in water, weaken, from, almost day one, paint peels off, rust, 50 years, leave me alone said Edmund Fitzgerald, held breath, went down, resting, you need to record, said, hollie, I said, no, more, said, francis perigrine, the indianapolis and news fired for stealing newspapers, they all did, it hurts, its hurts, it hurts sang meat loaf, it was uh dream, said, hollie, put back, rip, bob dreamed, wild animals released, killed, for food, one got turtle, wrestled, two got snake, bit at, then got, snake, being eaten, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, hollie showed, record, begged, paris, said, Jesus, and he saw, said casey, dragon rise, cause, nato, thats, smiled, hollie, seven heads, thats, smiling, pope, with ten crowns, they, are, ten kings out of one nation, its, ruling party, he, came, pointed, casey, out of one, lets rule the world, said, putin, let me, he said, russia, said, hu, wait, he showed, then, no, hugo, shows, come, then, dont, cuba, shakes, yes, shows, no, nicaragua, yes, no, brazil, no, kim jong, no oil yelled hu hintao, caspian sea oil pipeling exploded, he, pointed, casey, launched nuclear missiles, theres, explosions in russia, china, south korea, russia, fires, theres, nuclear explosions in, north korea, then, america, launches, pointed, casey, out of sub, medvedev, strikes america, bill strikes russia, thats missile from china striking taiwan, hollie surfaced in ohio class subs, fired, china, burns, hollie showed, turn, engine, said, I dont need no clean oil just keep it clean, full, he said, hollie showed, you know what it is, mokse, appeared, hollie said, its, dome, said, said, on willie duncans church, hollie showed, smiles, laughs, 10-4-2008-hollie showed, record, the beast, she said, with seven heads and ten horns, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, the g8, nato and russia, its, clapped, hollie, g8, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns said putin, thats, him, kneeling before, pope, he, makes, america desolate grunted pope, let me, said, putin, thats america, exploding, the woman, said, hollie, put it under, she, said, the wrath of God on america, its over that, said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in gaza, iraq, hollie leans on one, it dont hurt, said, hollie, showed, in hollies body, bush grunts, takem, he said, oil, stealem, and putin angered, bear grew, arise, said, Jesus, russia destroys most nuclear powers, thats, pointed, hollie, them firing, back, america, australia, breat britain, italy, france, thats, hundreds of nuclear missiles heading for all those nations, willie duncan points up, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, mokse, said, hollie, its golden dome, she said, looked down on, hollie appears, that was, lightening flash, Jesus came, lets face it said rebecca st. james, I caint hear you, with leather pants on, I beleive in God, she sings, shaking it, lust her christians, saith the LOrd, thats the bear father, hollie wadded, its con spirit, said, hollie, prophet hickman you need to record the vision, russia is coming right now, said, hollie, medvedev is staging, said, hollie, in venezuela, engine said, I dont need no clean motor oil, just keep me full, and, engine showed thumbs up, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, no way, shook, yes, from behind, clapped, hollie, spun, tada, tear up, thats him, said, bear, putin, bear smiled, tore up, fix it, from behind, clap, this is uh warning, said, hollie, smiling, hollie, smiling, praise the LOrd, said, woman, she is, lost, but wants, dont put it under, said, hollie, harlots is america, lets rule the world sang, putin, pointing up, 10-5-2008-hollie pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, america, explodes, hollie, showed, record, this is the website, post, said, hollie, ministry of dreams website, you got me, said, reverend jeremy taylor u.u. to remove ministry of dreams, you, said, gabriel, bye, waved, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, china, thats magog, said, the edmund fitzgerald, russia is otyre said queen mary, let me agin, said, edmund fitzgerald, whats that, he said, showed, russia being struck, by nuclear missiles, this is warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie pointed, up, hollie showed, check your oil with your hands, thick, slick, keep, thats arch angel gabriel looking under hood, dont smoke, he said, good, hollie showed, iran, syria, thats syria exploding, and syrian president, calling on russia, he said, hollie showed, fighting, new world order, hollie tore, up, fix it, rip, from behind, she, said, hollie points, thats, playing, with, mokse said hollie, looked down on, the dome, she, said, golden, on, home said willie duncan, church, put it on, said, hollie, thats, she said, hollie moody playing piano singin, Ill fly away, hollie played, and, made, it, hollie said, work, fleas, showed, play, clapped, screamin spirit, said, hollie, screamed, 6-2006-alice cooper, s, poison, was number one for about, I knew it he said, 5 minutes, 3 number ones, poison hit number one for 5 minutes sang the choir, it was about sin, alice cooper sells about 1 million records per year, I'm against you Jesus he said, and he will see it, shepherd for the pentecost, alice will be in lava, and the lighted being pointed, up to his chin, and the flames went over, he actually, never went thru, but, sought, the whole furnier family in lava, up top their knecks, and the flames went over, ethanol is how, the government is, still floating, the film projector of the old alice cooper show's, cost about, 200,000 dollars, and that was a lot of money back in the 70's, but it had to, throw a beam over 100 feet, his screen would come down, stripped, and he would jump thru it and sing songs and jump back thru, it, would go up and come down, several times during one show, you where the film projector was, it had to be far enough back to throw a beam that would be as wide as the stage, cause, thats how big the screen was, the alice cooper show, that screen cost alice cooper, about one billion dollars in profits, thats why, they killed it, we had it but we lost it, no hits, but, a following, then, poison, raise your fist and yell, was the first hard rock, alice cooper sings about 10 songs, then, over, because, out, he wants to get to the next one, 10-6-2006-and hollie pointed, and hollie was on the mx missile with golden and silver bear paws, dont go to chicago, and, it exploded, and subs sneaked in, and all of america, boom, and the statue of liberty came out, the woman, north carolina, and rick joyner, blew out, open, record the angel showed, right there, 1.99, buy gas, record the angel showed, I did not want that man in this church said linda and terry cannon, and he was the one that had the vision, that, we needed, now, we know, we fought against the Lord, terry cannon, wanted, bob out, even though, he knew everything, let me, united apostolic church, terry wanted to start upci, now, and he saw, the trailer that, linda and terry, cannon, were planning living in, next to the church, and now, they both know, they wanted bob out, and, we accept it, they will say, but, keep right on pastoring, an empty church, and the horn blew and the scroll unrolled, judgment to america, soon, thats hollie with satans face, and on the mx missile, golden and silver bear paws, im a bear said the bear, that looked like putin, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, look that, pointed Jesus, thats dumitru said the wife of brother dean, im warning you said Jesus, theres the alarm, 8 nations will rise against, america, same o website said hollie, and the angel pointed, lighted, pointed hollie, same o website, same o computer, same o all, donald winters went to oak hill tabernacle and saw miracles, crutches hanged on walls, and singer finger pointed, up, down like hollie showed, that was america on fire with the statue of liberty coming out, that was Jesus laughing and only children and cut off people at terry cannons church, sang the choir, thats the vision, hollie coming out of the horn, hi bob, she waved, the palestinian state is on fire pointed Jesus, and iraq, EZEKIEL 7, and he saw, EZEKIEL 7, read, bobby, I asked Jesus to send you back, and, that vision was awesome, they all thought, iran nukes said the headlines the angel read, im the main ministering spirit, ministryofdreams is a trap website, licked hollie, and the main bowed, go back agin, pointed the angel, im the main ministering spirit, terry cannon is cut off, and hollie licked the prophet, thats heaven, thats hell, pointed, hollie, glass city, lava, you blasphemed the Holy Ghost when you blasphemed hollie moody, armageddon, and God winked, china will fierce russia, pushing at the pope, like a cloud, and, o, said hollie, with the sound, tell on yourself, said the angel of the Lord, and the van, and the lighted finger pointed, puts is hand on the bible, Ive not even lived half my life yet, hes out, said, roger penske, danny sullivan, spin and win, hes got it, said penske, but, out, he pointed, wrecked to many times, pastor willie mack, cut off, your open said hollie, that, turn the fan on, that, go git a coffee, that, right here, said robert cavaness, liar, that, post more visions, waved hollie carved into the stick, that, and hollie drank coffee, that, dont lust people, and hollie cut herself open, that, pulled, organs, that, go to louisville, pointed the angel, lighted, that, that, dont come near here said terry cannon, we know, you dont want trouble, but God, is bringing us donw using you, theres the alarm, that, JEREMIAH 1, that was satan, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and im satan, satan, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and that was hollie on the missile pointed satan, m.x., war, o no, new york, its under attack, hollies in hot water, and tore up the con, trap, trapt, God wants bob to fall, by, peircing his heart, over, two hundred times, spiking his gums, offending like paul, stay or leave, and bob says, the only reason I serve you, is, to stay out of hell, I dont blame these young people, for not coming to you, and, staying, or anybody, the only reason to serve JEsus is to stay out of hell, and heres what the Lord says, I dont care if you do or not, but, if I cant have my way, your wasting your time, I will get you when you least expect it, like, I befriended bob, and then, pierced his heart, he went fom bullet proof, to rage, knew, and Jesus danced, Ill be working my way back to you babe, sang hollie, like a white angel, looking at, thru the top, of her eyes, your not prayin said hollie, up showed the pope, gas, and he dreamed, he was with alice cooper, hired, to sing, but, alice did not sing, the last song, what this meant was, alice wanted to go, and bob let, to phoenix, now, alice, would have, in about, three months, wrote bob, and sent, tickets, for another show, and bob, wouldve wrote back, thanks, Ill be there, he didnt want to sing because, you were the only one there, that fool, said Jesus, and the lighted finger pointed, bob, wanted, to get alice, in indianapolis, to do a free show, and he wouldve payed, about, 30,000, if, doing another show near by, record JEsus showed,
(139)vision of king hillary clinton-vision recieved 1-17-2007-in this vision, I saw senator hillary clinton and she was wearing the kings crown.
(140)bill clinton with the nuclear button-visions recieved 1-17-2007-in visions, I saw bill clinton and he had the nuclear button, and pressed it.
9-10-2006-enrique bolanos geyer, is, in on, the, attack, of, america, record the vision hollie showed, and complained, and, waited, with white robe, record the vision hollie showed, and complained, that was a lighted hollie, im the main ministering spirit, hollie, theres the four horns pointed Jesus, north and south korea, china and japan, situate, and the pope came out of china, after, ohio class subs, fired, moscow and china, china will claim moscow, and, the pope, will go to the greek orthadoxed church and make an agreement to gain control, and he heard the nuclear explosion and saw fire, in plainfield, indiana, and captain hollie in her, im a bear, me putin, satan is the head, and hollie tore up the con try it, magog is the body, record the vision hollie showed, and complained, twice, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, magog, no, said hollie, and the pope came out of the horn, magog, china will claim moscow, after, moscow is destroyed, he will go to the greek orthadoxed church, and make an agreement, for, control, to work deceitfully, but, hu and japan, will, rise to withstand, the second beast, the pope will rule grecia, the whole world, except china and magog, it is, all of those surrounding lands, and Jesus, radio shack, done, there are no visions in pentecost, because, there, are no more, apostolics, in pentecost, and hollie, licked the prophet, submarine sound, and hollie pointed, and licked, and subs sneaked up on americano, and, moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and the lighted finger pointed, give God time to work things out, im the main ministering spirit, hollie, I want visions on my website, im the main, and hollie licked the prophet, the united states will be a desolation real soon, said Jesus, and hollie, licked the prophet, and pointed, and showed, bobby, saddam hussein said the angel of the Lord, killed, five million, slauther, soon the united states, and he saw, america, on fire, and the statue of liberty came out, saddam hussein will be shot, in the head, that was the angel of the Lord, and hollie, saying, I want my visions on the internet, saith hollie, the main ministering spirit, and the pope came out of the horn, magog, china, but, china will claim moscow, and they dont, own it, here comes the train, the united states will go out on a bang, boom, and the world will wobble, thats the main ministering spirit, and the angel pointed, hollie, the united states will be a desolation real soon, said Jesus, no, said hollie, stop me said the pope, hu, and japan, the second beast, will, rise to withstand, the ruler of magog, how do I get back said Jesus, try, theres the black chariot, with hu, and the pope, the new world order, lets rule the world, sang putin, russia, wake up, said Jesus, and he dropped, that one mind, cuba, nicaraguas, mexico, plucked, fox, calderon, geyer, castrol, putin, jong, they will give thier power and strength, and hollie pointed, to the beast, send it over, on, americano, boom, and the world wobbled, and the hegoat, stomped the ram, the hegoat is the ram, putin and hu, with the pope, china will, invade, moscow, absorb, and ultimately force to invade, israel, pushing at the pope, china will not let, america, keep taiwan much longer, put it under, and he saw, taiwan, destroyed, mostly, china will attack taiwan, and, america, washington state, terror, ise, said putin, to lure, america, into war, create caos, and when they go, boom, mostly destroy china, and putin will see it on the screen, and, order, an hit on alaska, and, ohio class subs will hit moscow, one sixth left, and russia will wipe out, the american mainland, boom, and the world will wobble, no said the girl from paul mooneys church, yeah, she said, record, the vision, hollie showed, and complained, white robe, china wants russias oil, and, moscow has twice as much as saudi arabia, but, the pope will have control, God put that oil there, for the whole region, but, moscow, will not sell much, now, this is why, shorth supply around the world, it is, angering, russia, russia, give me oil, said yuchenko, no, shook putin, pay more, we dont have it, ok, no, we have it, you no om leavin, said, but, the united states will become a desolation soon, and the united states will be attacked by moscow and china, and them by america, and the world will wobble, and teh raccoons ate, and hollie showed, record the vision, that was light, coming thru the cracked door, and Jesus, in a white robe, in the room, lit, hot water for hollie, you reminded me of, irving baxter, thought, and hollie, boyd warren, but, you told visions, he knew it, record the vision, hollie showed, and complained, and waited, thats what I needed was for you to fall away for not spinning in circles, walking in circles, everywhere, everystep, you can only deny yourself right now, and you are, there aint no visions in pentecost, and the lighted finger pointed, because, there are no apostolics in pentecost, record the vision hollie showed, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, wait, on the Lord, and hollie showed, and hollie played the horn, because there aint no visions in pentecost, because there are no apostolics in pentecost, sang the tap dancers, and hu and the pope were two of them, the new world order, otr ministries ministry to the truck drivers is cut off, no signs, theres hot water for hollie, and hollie showed to record the vision, and Jesus showed, to, stop, this, the, cut, throat, sign, dont put it on yet,
(13)being thrown away for disobediance -visions received 9-11-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: God said, this is what, I wanted, you to, fall away, so, the whole, world, would know, that, any, body, could, I drove you out, by, offending, over, eight months, and, fiery darts, tormenting, hitting, your, gums, and, body, causing, recession, piercing, your, heart, all this time, I wanted, you to, get, angry, and, stay, or, leave, and now, I, lead you, to, put, engine, restorer, in your, trans, mission, and, destroy, it, to, drive you away, and you stayed, but you hate me now, over, ten months, and I will, not stop, until you, humble, or, leave, you are not, exalted, but, humble, so I can, I want you to, walk, in, cir, cles, everywhere you go, and, spin, when, I want, at, the, checkout, coun, ter, till, the, police, come, to, remove you, jail, dont, you love me, saith, the Lord, more than, your life, I know, it, offends, and, despairs, but, it, is, what, I want, now, Im, without, you, over, this, but, you need to, leave, or be willing, what, yep, saith, Jesus, one the other, or, I, will, drive, you, out, saith, Jesus, leave it there, these are, your, choices, bob, spin, or, be, cast, out, out, said, hollie, no, said, Jesus, bobby, Im, not wanting, you to do this, no more, you did, but, could not, anymore, now, Im, sorry, that, I, start, ed, punishing, you, because, I stripped you, everyday, many times, for over, eight months, and now, worse, disease, put on you, because of, you will not, spin, or, walk, in circles, now, put this on, and you can not, hold this, over, my, head, no more, I will not, use, you, anymore, after, you are, cast, out, and you are close, with, me, I can, knock, any, body, out, right, I know how, and you know it, leave it there, bobby, the Lord is, looking, at you, and you are, not, believing, or, wanting, but, you have to, be, obediant, and, if you will not, spin, then, you must be, thrown, out, no, ands, ifs, buts, or, ors, leave it there, saith, the, Lord, I can not, stand, disobediance, you have done, more, then, anybody, but, I look at, the one, not, the, all, and you will not, walk, in circles, every, where, every, step, al the time, everyday, and if you will not, dont, come to me, saith, Jesus, now put that on, prophesied, from, heaven, said, sang, Jesus, theres the alarm, God was, testing, no, this happened, but, God will not let, bob, stand, much more, because, he can not, like, job, after, and, this is, similar, you can, and bob is, deny, but, you, depair, and, will, only, offer, slight, put it under, Jesus will, find, away, to, heal, bob, and, keep, him, leave it there, theres the alarm, go, and, get, fucked, saith, Jesus, if you, wont, spin, around, out, saith, Jesus, and bob says, good bye, and, thanks, for, bob will not, and, Jesus, will not, over, ten months, of, daily, casting out, now, bob is, starting to, threaten, same o website, same o computer, sang, Jesus, he has, repented, of the, evil, that he, thought, to do to, dont, saith, hollie, like a, white angel, the rhinoceros, will, not, let, you, come near, spike, and hollie, showed to record the vision, and complained, and waited, and pointed, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, and hollie, tore up the con, quest, and hollie showed, ministry of dreams, on the screen, like God wants it, but bob says, no, separate, record the vision hollie showed, glendale is where you need to be, I been praying, but, my prayer, is not answered, have you got sin, or, is it something, God does not want you to have, or, and, the lighted finger pointed, wiat a minute mr. christian, and hollie licked the prophet, now, heres what the Lord says, go and post and post and post, its supper time, im the beast, said the serpent, the pope, and slithered, same website, same o computer, im the main minsitering spirit, and hollie licked the prophet, record the vision hollie showed, and the pope came out of the horn, china, after china claims moscow, thatll be, the greek orthadoxed church in moscow, and he saw, america, on fire, and, the, statue, of, liberty, came out, babylon, china will, attack, washington state, and, grab, tai, wan, to, lure, then, after, america, hits, nuclear, china, moscow, hits, alas, ka, then, orders, go to, american, sub, mar, ine, commanders, and they will, fire on, mos, cow, and, china, boom, and the world wobbled, and he saw, the beast, in, hell, lava, and, he was, shot out, of his, m, grave, like an, abominable, branch, he had, ten, crowns, they are, po, lit, buro, the, former, hum hum, said the pope, america, alright, said, putin, lets rule the world, sang, putin, russia, china, nicaragua, and dont you forget about mexico, sang, vincente fox, lula, and, kim jong, they will give, thier, power, and, strength, the the beast, send it over, there, on, amexico, and he saw, north americano, explode, it will burn, and, somebody, pointed, new rules, said, putin, no, said, hu, 9-2006-that, and Jesus, repented, of, the evil, that, EZEKIEL 7, the iraq war, brought in by, oil man bush, to, break, oil, contracts, and, prevent, china, that, said, hollie, china, from, gitting, and hollie pointed, again, that, record the vision, hollie showed, that, said, hollie, your, bumming, nope, doing what, that, and, he saw, the, four horns, that, record, that, that, ministryofdreams, is, that, number, that, two, and, one, prophecy, that, ministry, is, that, ok, number, both, time to go, pray, that, record, and hollie showed, that, drink, coffee, and, dit, pep, si, no, roger, david, gilmour, con, cert, that, sell out, every, this will, ear him, not, the last, but, until, death, now he gets, hunt uhhh, nope, the other members, are, not, but, didnt want to, go, but, pay us, alright, said, david, gilmour, for the songs, split, and he will, that, is, macaulay, culkin, gay, and he, said, macaulay, and he, pointed, with a, lighted finger, and, shook his head, no and yes, he is, a, masterbating, whore, and, will, sleep, with, discrete, theres the alarm, said, hollie, the link, will come off, and Jesus, will, repent, of, the evil, he thought to do to you, the transmission, is your problem, it was, done, anyway, you just did not know it, moscow and china, boom, and russia, firing on amexico, and hollie pointed, boom, and hollie was on top, the world wobbled, and magog rose, out of the, china, north and south korea, and, japan, prophesied, EZEKIEL, 38 and 39, and hollie, put the contract, back together, and tore, up, the eye of God, checking out the prophet, said the pope, that was satan, im the beast, shhh, said hollie, that was a lighted finger, marantz, recievers, and, sansui, were, technics, cheap, when, america hits syria and iran, then, and Jesus showed, I need my visions on the website, said hollie, carved into the stick, waving, smiling, again, look around, its beautiful, and, God has to destroy, because, people, wont live for him, God resists, the proud, and gives grace to the humble, but, when a person gets old, they get, proud, happy, and hollie, and wont repent, but, most cant, even if, cut off, that was the beast, with seven horns, the heads are not the horns, but, three are plucked, subdued, china will not take, america, holding, taiwan, much longer, taiwan, that belongs to, taiwan, not, china, hu, knows it, it never was china, submit, hu said, its really, america, thats why, china wants it, bob, take, it off, said Jesus, angry, north korea, said Jesus, leave me alone, said jong, I have, and hollie, nukes, pointed, but, chinese df-31s, aimed at, moscow, thier only friend, jong, already knows, oil, and russias got it, much, saith, the Lord, and Jesus clapped, world war two was over hitler wanting to run the world, most nations, want that, but, one is, americano, God will give, many nations, they already have it, that one mind, to rule the world, lets rule the world, sang, putin, china, and, moscow, the ram, put it under, Jesus is not, embarrased, but, will, not, a desire, they all want to rule the world, all have nukes, and hollie was on the mx missile, you aint, been prayin, said babyfleas, I work, what about, the other, most of the day, thats the submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on america, moscow, and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, im a bear, and he saw elisha, on the computer, prophet pointed, that hand, lighted, high bob, waved hollie, carved into the stick, no, said hollie, you fool, said, Jesus, about, pastor, hunt, at, grace, apostolic, church, you knew, bob was, a, prophet, and you, did not, want, visions, and, dreams, in your, church, hinderer, he told you, and you knew, from, Jesus, but, and God winked, im the main, ministering spirit, hollie, 9-14-2006-thats the tap dancers, and the pope, and hu, were two of them, and hollie pointed, thats the tap dancers, and hollie kissed the prophet, 731 north elm street is where you need to be, thats where that man lives at, krueger, and he saw, souls, in his, body, thats, magog, north and south korea, china, and japan, situate, and satan is the mouth, and the pope is, his, mouth, im the beast, pointed, said, the pope, and the spirit slithered and hollie poin ted at it leave, God says I cannot always wink at sin, make up your mind, and the pope, hit the target, the greek orthadoxed church in moscow, and hollie showed, and hollie tore up the con spirit, saddam hussein, said the angel of the Lord, sley, killed, over, five million, fool, said Jesus about pator hunt, grace apostolic church, he liked bob and had him right there, but, did not want him there, because, he knew, they would want him to pastor, but bob would not have done it, theres the black chariot, and the tap dancers, thats hu and the pope, pointed, hollie, and waved, carved into the stick, I want visions on my website, she said, brother hunt knew, said hollie, and hollie tore up the con spirit, there she is, and hollie pointed, im back, hollie, with blue eyes, talks, but, the words dont match her lips, im not going to put up with disobediance saith the Lord, and hollie showed to record the vision, the song, thank you, sang on christian radio, the singer, was full of shit saith the Lord, wanting, theres the air conditioning sound, im the main ministering spirit, hollie, a different look, we will not go there, and just get a computer, and the angel pointed, hollie, talking, and the words matching the mouth, thats what that means, im the main, people say, but dont do, and hollie pointed Gods emple of deliverance, what a joke, elder ronald smith sr., no signs, and he saw Jesus, lit up, bright light, and then, a man appear, then, bright light, transfigured, man, transfigured, and hollie showed, ministryofdreams, number one, you thought it was wednesday said hollie with the big lips, trap the vision, trap the vision, tra the vision, that pastor is cut off, and knows it, he does not want you back, ronald smith, and he saw, the ten toed beast, lets rule the world, right here, they all want, you to preach, but, God prophesies, and he saw, the demons in the church around him, that pastor, I want him, and the finger pointed, and Jesus had the crown, right here, they all do, that pastor was, way off, but, bob knew it, and did not, but,helped, when you told that endday message about china attacking taiwan and america, and americano attacking china, and, russia attacking america, and, america, attacking russia, and russia wiping out americano, the pope being the antichrist, and hu the being the false prophet, they beleived every word, I see it, said, them, but, they are all, cut off, and you knew, before you went, 9-14-2006-jani lane, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, your out, and, you cannot, rebound, from, serve, Jesus, and, live, bob, likes, thus saith the Lord of hosts, judgment, is, coming, ready or not, and, it will start, with the, children, of, Jesus, record the vision, hollie showed, moscow is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hum hum, said the pope, grunted, mr. putin, alright, well take care of it, americas gitton out of order, lets rule the world, the thought, dropped by, Jesus, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, north korea, venezuela, and brazil, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, and he will send it over, on, america, boom, and the world will wobble, and america will, after china attacks it, attack, china, magog, then, moscow will attack alaska, then, america, will attack, moscow, we heard, said that pastor, before, you, thats what they belived, out of the mouth of two witnesses, let every word be established, they were so far off, Gods temple of deliverance, should be called, satans temple of deliverance, and the angel, of the Lord, pastor, ronald, is, cut off, and knows it, bob was, there, and, prophesied, and they, recieved, but, he did not, even though he knew, preached at, off, message, and bob listened, thou fool, said the pope, that pastor, even though, he knew, God was speaking thru bob, would not let, bob, teach, bob didnt want to, and, does not see, anything wrong with what he did, but, he was way off, and bob, knew it, but, did not try to correct, I knew he wills say, that, im cut off, and, what you said, but, he didnt, and the winds strove, and, four great beasts arose, hu, japan, the pope, and the idol shepherd, three kings shall stand up in persia, and the fourth shall be richer than all, thats the idol shepherd, record the vision hollie showed and complained, the united states will be a desolation, real soon, said the tap dancers, and the pope and hu were two of them, Im jelous of him she thought, but, Godly, they all were, and he saw, donald winters with 666 on his forehead, im satan, he said, he tried, to bob, those are from the devil, we cant go to heaven if we do things like that, how stupid do, saith the Lord, be careful, said the angel of the LOrd, theres the alarm, shhhh, that was, satan, im, thats the hegoat smiting the ram, moscow and china, china and four horns rose, magog, north and south korea, china and japan, china will claim moscow, and, the pastor pointed, and the lighted hand picked up prophet and took him to the bright light room where Jesus is, awesome said Jesus, you moved me, he pointed, with the link, off, or, cut off, not, but, hollies in hot water, and showed, that was a bear on ministryofdreams, putin, feet, and the door cracked, and Jesus, in the bright light room, and prophet kneeling before in a white robe praying, its out said Jesus, hi bob, im hollie carved into the stick, thats the pope hitting the target, thats the false prophet hu, ministryofdreams is becoming all trapping sang hollie moody, that was Jesus, like, a bright light man, face, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie tore up the con try it, golden hands, heres the deal, you did not, do anything wrong, but, I just wanted, to abase you and hollie pointed, now, your, threatening me, and, if I want you to, make heaven your home, I will, have to give in, but, I led you to destroy your, vans transmission, and the lighted hollie showed, and you are threatening, to hold back your tithes, and, take donations, and, the woman wadded the paper, nows here what the Lord says, the van belongs to me and you do not owe ties, usary, but, no donations, or, theres the submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on, america, moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled and hollie was on top, there are no visions in pentecost because there are no apostolics in pentecost, this is heaven, this is hell pointed hollie, a lighted glass city on the silver platter, in the hand of cut off assisstant pastor butler, hell is lava, pointed hollie, theres the butlers, and holie pointed, theres the black chariot, with, false prophet hu and the pope, the new world order, fox, lula, chavez, putin, castrol jong, they will give, thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, on americano, boom, submarine sound, and subs, sneaked up on, north america, boom, and hollie waved, carved into the stick, and hollie played the horn, and pointed, and the lighted hand pointed, and the lighted hand pointed at the door, light, behind, warren boyds church, prophet, put it on your website said hollie like a white angel, thats michael pointed the angel of the Lord, thats lucifer, bright, good lookin, thats gabriel, bright, like lucifer, and the hand pointed, and the explosions, and Jesus, with, those two angels, firing on the world, judgments, hollie celebrated, and david gilmore came out of the fire room, and went back, theres the alarm, and the lighted, david gilmour pointed, thats the two headed beast, with the pope, and false prophet, hu, theres your two beasts, prophet, that was God the Father, with, a, white light face, git my prophet back, o.k., said hollie, and Jesus pointed, and the angel, this is the guy thats got all of the money, hes the pentecostal pastor, sandra bullock, lesbian, whore, america, the whore, God says, there are no more visions in pentecost because there are no apostolics in pentecost, they are young and cute and God knows it, but, they will have to give an account for thier lives, and hollie, save, more, michael boldea, s, in hot water, fuck, said, the woman, when you, were, at, pentecostal, bread of life, leave me alone, said, pastor, warren, boyd, he heard, and, knew, that book, he pointed, dumitru's, thru the fire, without, burning, he thought, you got, from, but, he also knows, you have, visions, true, he said, and hollie, taiwan, is going to be a major flash pointed, in the end times, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, again, your open, write the vision and make it plain, thats the tap dancer, hollie, Gods stripping you, even when you dont know it, to cause you to fall away, its all about russia, they are stopping, they know to attack america, but, they know they will take hits, moscow is angered over, america attacking whomever they will, and bush is, and hollie pointed, arming, moscow, will attack america, when you least expect it, the day of the Lord, new york, look pointed Jesus, the statue of liberty, babylon, the woman, boom, explosion behind it, from, submarine, im captain hollie, im a bear, me, putin, the Lord tells me, time is short, work, please me or perish says the Lord, bob said Jesus, warren boyd, cut off, he saw the words, neon, well put ya right here, thought warren, pulpit, theres the alarm, post, said hollie, post, and hollie waved, carved into the stick, carved in stick, waving, I want you to, post, said, hollie, cause russia, will not, put up with, america, ruling, the world, much longer, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw, the mouth open, and on the tongue, in, bright, white, light, and him, outlined, Jesus, body, is this prophet, bobby, post my visions, pointed Jesus, americas, gitton in trouble because of bush, that started it pointed hollie, the twin towers, missile defence will not work saith the Lord, on cruise missiles, and hollie pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, and, 9-21-2009-no, said, hollie, but shook yes, then showed, I thru with it, but, shook, yes, snapped fingers, showed, silhouette body, white spine, stomped, hollie showed, record, why did you that, hollie, said, thats worried looking sandy pool lying to cover john mark pool, thats john pool stealing the God spoke ministry of dreams, thats their reverend and father dr. rev. jeremy taylor and his mother kathy taylor both, witchs, said, hollie, stealing the God spoke ministry of dreams, thats the paliban dailys jean poole purchasing, and letting, its my daughter tish, said, jean poole, has dot org, not, jenny donati who claims to be letecia yoo, thats jenny donati looking, at visions, hey said, hollie, showed, its uh luxman, its, hollie, said, Luxman L-505u Integrated Amplifier, thats, power, meters, hollie, watches, them, move, jenny donati has ministry of dreams, dot, org, thats diana hughey holding ministry of dreams dot com, thats artdizons diana hughey looking at visions, she, lied, told prophet she would not place link on and said she would send passwords, diana hughey sends wrogn passwords, bob pays twice what witch, said, hollie, diana hughey asks, thats the children of diana hughey looking at visions, hey mom, son says, thats pontiff, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang hollie, riding black horse, its into, said, hollie, russia, exploded, flatter him, pontiff said, thats him, them signing, getting control, thats man turning into God, pulling back sleeves, thats pontiff being interviewed, he made pointed, pope, thats pope loving Jesus, hes ministering spirit on, hollie shows, ministry of dreams, thats two horned beast, rising, lets rise and withstand pope, hu hintao says, thats hintao and japan, coming out of horns, thats hollie showing nuclear fires in russia, and china, thats hegoat stomping, hes pontiff with ram horns, thats ram with putin, hu, coming out of horns, thats hegoat stomping, smiting the ram, thats china invading, hey bobby its most of, said, Jesus, russia, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. missiles striking russia, and russia burning, thats medvedev pulling up sleeves, drive them back, then, thats 666 being signed for at table, between, pope and hintao, with japan, hollie showed, record, beatem up, hollie showed, with red hands, he made me, said, hollie, hollie points, with submarine sorrow, surfaces, its akula agin, thats what you need, said, hollie, gaza burns, iraq burns, hollie appears, that, he said, israeli prime minister appears, thats hollie pushing, its president george bush, she said, you, hollie said, bush grunts, I made war, he said, its, not peace, grunted bush, points, our, he pointed at oil wells, thats george w. bush leaving, hollie pointed, with, neon lit finger, now look, said, hollie, showed, its warfare, hollie said, submarines in oceans, many countries, burning, thats fiery explosion, appearing in dark sky, 2.38, like hollie showed, pulled back sleeves, its ACTS, hollie said, 2:38, salvation, hollie played the music, says, hollie, let me home, said, hollie, showed, laptop, get, hollie said, that is pope, growing like tree, theres hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, pontiff, hollie shows, their you have it, three kings, she said, rise in persia, thats pontiff, clapped hollie, riding black horse, russia said pope, exploded, thats pontiff signing, flatter he said, one, hollie claps, what kind of visions do you want, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie beats, there, right now, there laughin, said, hollie, thats, looting going on, in, its hollie said, economic collapsed america, this uh warning, said, hollie, beat, thats pontiff, hollie said, and, golden, dragon, appearing, theres, its cuba, said, hollie, theres mexico president, hes doing good, lula, chavez, theres nicaraguan president, kim jong, theres, hu hintao, and boris yeltsin, planning, hey, said, yeltsin, showed, spoke, alright lets do it said hintao, thats hollie riding yellow missile, taiwan exploded, hu turns red horse, thats china attacking washington state, little, its, war, said, hollie, that is smoke going up, its blocking sun and moon, thats sun and moon at interviewing table, if he lets me said moon, sun points, Jesus, looking serious, thats, let me, said, sun, moon, sun, said, thats moon, wiping lips, shows, its sixth seal, they both look over edge to see submarines all around america, thats it said sun, hollie laughs, watching on t.v., thats one firing, explosion in california, hollie laughs watchin cnn, then, all fire, barack presses nuclear button, thats both american coasts exploding, thats missiles leaving u.s.a., some are hit, explode while leaving silo, but most, strike, said, Jesus, thats fireballs in russia, that was hollie running like dark, hollie, bobby please dont, pointed, hollie, hollie showed, titanic, with big hand, rubbing iceberg, sinking, hollie showed, just like the movie, that, was, laughed, hollie, its patron setting fire, its, said, hollie, Grand Ole Opry in nashville, theres owner, scratching head, shaking yes, do you want to rebuild, hollie said, owner shakes no, but, thats many hollies rebuilding, hollie showed, its after mid-night, do you, know where your Grand Ole Opry is, the owner knows the person that set, light said, young man with womans voice, gray bar inn, said, hollie, thats hollie in jail, people stealing the God spoke, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, then calling police like, no, said, the Father, but shook, yes, then showed im away with it, said, hollie, shook, yes, clapped, hands, showed, silhouette body, normal face, then, started, but almost appeared, normal, hollie showed, 2:38, its time, ACTS, salvation, hollie, smiles, points, hollie said, you dont want that no more, and he saw, said, casey, popes face tattood on arm, thats hollie like bear, geese circling, one looks out, showing, under, with fin, 9-17-2006-and the pope had 666 on his forehead, the mark of the beast, said the angel of the Lord, im hu, the false prophet, yeah said warrants lead singer, he did visit ministryofdreams, now he, wont come to Jesus, bob, likes, warrant, but, and the LOrd of hosts pointed, and he saw, Jesus, on his throne, white robe, brown hair, beard, and the fiery wheels spinning, like, fire works, smiled hollie, whom shall I send, said, Jesus, and the Lord of hosts pointed, bowed, and he saw, Jesus, on his throne, white robe, brown hair, beard, and, the fiery wheels spinning, crystal throne, like pure gold, glass, gold in heaven is pure, like glass, and the angel pointed, this is spiritual said the angel of the Lord, this website, you may not understand all of it, but, what you do is for you, china is the end times magog, and all those surrounding lands, including, north and south korea, china and japan, and the beast came out of the wind, hu, and then, jong, and then, japan, and then, the pope, tha was a lighted hand, heres your pope, and 666, on his forehead, born at the table between, him and false prophet hu, and Jesus had the recorder, prophesy, desire above all, he blowed said Jesus, donald winters, those are from the devil, pakistan, said the pope is, they let, for nine billion, america use thier space to invade iraq, thats breaking americas economy, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie put the horn to her mouth, thats your only comfort pointed Jesus, with the golden finger, there are no visions in pentecost because there are no apostolics in pentecost, and the dark being skinned, were in the last days said the pope, come witness, thought that security guard, at eastern star church, and hollie pointed, where, pastor, jefferey, johnson, cold, he said, is cut off, you know me, leave me alone, no signs, and he saw, him, with, a, hand full, of, money, and the lighted finger pointed, jefferey johnson sr., no signs, cut off, and the lighted hollie, pointed, hands, and the raccoons ate, theres the black chariot pointed hollie with false prophet hu and the pope, there aint no prophet, s, they, say, pointed, hollie, lighted, but, everybody is, look at this, pointed hollie, the face of Jesus, on this link, and hollie played the horn, thats hollie, tap dancing with the pope and false prophet hu, please promote the gospel on the internet, that was Jesus, like, a God, and the golden Cross, Him nailed to it, hollie on the mx missile with a golden and silver bear paw, and the lighted hollie pointed, sierra, they are lesbian, but, never, america is, the statue of liberty, the woman, the whore, and he saw, the statue of liberty, with a bra, america is, the whore, and the lighted king david pointed, theres the alarm, and he saw hu, im the false prophet, sang the choir, and Jesus is smiling, but, hu, will rise with japan to withstand, record Jesus showed, and hollie played the horn, and Jesu blowed the horn, thats the vision, pointed hollie, read REVELATION, and the lighted finger pointed, whats that, and hollie tore up the conrast, golden, im a bear, me, putin, the feet, I want my visions on the internet, and hollie waved, carved into the stick, post, she said, that, record the vision, that, said hollie, america and china going to war, that, you lost me, he said, that, sta-200 coming your way, that, that, pointed, the lighted hand, that, the four horns, magog, that, the pope, coming out of, hu, s, that, after, america, destroys moscow and china, magog, will rise, that, china will claim, that, moscow, that, polk audio speakers, that, realistic reciever, that, good, that, the pope will go to the greek orthadoxed church, in moscow, that, and make an agreement, to gain control, that, and get it, till hu, and japan, rises to withstand, that, that, california, and he saw both coasts up in flames, and up the middle, said hollie, carved into the stick, that, that, henry gruver, that, pray for him, that, the new captain smith, of the queen elizebeth, that, the biggest ship, was, that, but longer, and he saw, it, on its side, that, bob you know the king of grecia, the pope, and, the king of the east, south, hu, 666, born at the table, to preven them from destroying each other, they both have nukes, that, the pope was over the four horns, but, surrounded, but, those four horns have nukes, jong has df-31s, chinese, that, I love you said Jesus, and died, what are you doing for me, that, said hollie, pray in your van, that, that, the caravan, better, resale, not, both, keep, that, sell aries, put those visions on the internet, said the tap dancer, s, hollie, hu, and the pope, fox, lula, chavez, putin, geyer, all tap dancing, lets rule the world, sang putin, give me your land, they will, boom, and america exploded, and the world wobbled, moscow and china, boom, ohio class, and the world wobbled, retrofitted nuclear subs, tomahawks, there are no visions in pentecost, because there are no apostolics in pentecost, that was a man, in a fire room, doorway, shot out, that was, shhh, satan, cast out, and the pope, rose out of the sea, milwaukee, said the angel of the Lord, boom, and the world wobbled, and gene schmidt came out, he needs to be fired, cut off, that was hollie tearing up the con truit, thats hollie blowing the horn, and waving, carved into, smiling, the stick, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by bush, to break oil contracts, o my God, said brother stair, he was right, im a prophet, said irving baxter, and the lighted pope pointed, lighted finger, 666, on his forehead, and him and hu, making the agreement, china will push russia to the gates of france, and make it right there, and then united against israel, america will not be there, and he saw, america on the globe, scorched, and north america explode, hi bob said captain hollie with david eells, s, voice, cut off, no signs, stan johnson knew it, but, let him talk, anyway, thats it, pointed, the angel, turned into hollie, hollie with the blue eyes, I dont want my visions on the internet if you dont live the life, ves, your short said babyfleas, telephone said Jesus, realistic stero equipment, bobs favorite, cheap, there are about fifty, sta, 2100, d, s, in the, dump, in, indianapolis, some still work, fools, thats a collectors item, thats the black chariot, with, the pope and hu, the new world order, fox, calderon, geyer, lula, chavez, jong, putin, the angry black horse, and the chariots of horses, from between the two brass mountains, quiesting the Spirit of Jesus in the world, lets rule the world sang putin in the chariot, that was Jesus in the midst of the fire, intercede, he looks at it pointed Jesus, bill gates, internet porno, take it off, saith the Lord, and he will see this, but, say, wadd, and hollie, that was betty cunningham, come to Jesus, heres what the Lord says, transmission works, wait, did, baxter, irving, cut off, no signs, theres the tap dancers, bob dreamed, people were being, stripped, searched, bend over, dont let, somebody do that to you, heres what the Lord says, says the tap dancers, things will work out in Gods time, ACTS 2:38 IS salvation, like the mcclure sign says, and hollie showed, and hollie pointed, T, s, auto salvage, nothing to do with, because, over priced, like, claytons auto salvage parts, they get, those cars for free, but, want two hundred and fifty bucks for transmission, s, that have big time miles, thats the devil pointed babyfleas, donald winters, and he saw, donald, winters, with, 666, on his, forehead, submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on america, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, come all ye, that are heavey laden, and I will give you rest, theres the black chariot with the pope and false prophet, hu, fox, lula, chavez, geyer, jong, putin, they will give, thier power and strength to me said the pope, send it over, and the world wobbled, thats north america pointed hollie, and moscow and china, from ohio class, and the four horns came up, magog, and hollie showed, reboot, north and south korea, china and japan, and the pope will come out of moscow, but, china will claim it after america destroys, one sixth left, and hollie pointed, and he saw, 21, mb, much, more coming, theres no visions, in pentecost, because, there are no apostolics in pentecost, somebody, needs to praying all the time, a chain, for the world is full of bloody crimes, pointed, and he saw Jesus driving the corvette, thats a 79 chevrolet camaro, and he thinks, its worth, a, fortune, but, 800, you know, whats in my heart, they both said, get away from me, talking that Lord stuff, that is it, pointed Jesus, david gilmour, leave me alone, he said, is reaping he sowed, I know it he said, cheers of millions, but, cut off, and his clock is winding down, he will tour till he dies, but, and he saw, david gilmour in his coffin, at 67, you know it, thats how many clicks, his heart has left, the 66 ford mustang convertible right there is like new, but, when he gets it wet, about 8 times, rust, bubbles, will start appearing, he already knows, that, is what, you need to focus on, judgment to america pointed Jesus, post the vision, and the lighted hand pointed, that, change, that pointed hollie, that, thats God the Father, like he really looks, bright light, Spirit Man, white, that, again, that, build the bridge, and hollie with ahrd hat and safety glass, blueprint, carane, workers, platform, nail in, to bedrock, cement, put beams over, cement, guardrails, sidewalks, stripes, tada, bridge, that is, the biggest band that ever was, its, the rolling stones, the beatles, and journey and sticks put together, and he saw people waiting to get into the david gilmour concert, what he does before the show, and he saw david gilmour, in the suit, white, sitting on the couch, watching, cnn, hes just like you, drinking beer, go ahead and tell me said gilmore, miller high life, thats his fave, he does not, o yes he does, drunk, no friends, immature, git, it, off, there, he thought, but, all the time, you know it, there aint no visions in pentecost because there are no apostolics in pentecost, bobby, you loose, if, God is not glorified, God actually got glory out of that, tell the vision, said sunnysnet, and Jesus, s, face, on the page, thats the relay song singer, we dont want our vision on the internet, lesbians, the relay song, sang the lead singer, and the spider knew that bob was trying to catch it, and did, but, God told him, to put it in the basement, now it will live, about, one year, before, and he saw, the dead spider, because of overeating, not, the opposite, bugs are in the basement, but, disappear, submarine sound, and hollie, waved, and blew kiss, s, carved, into the stick, record the vision, Jesus showed, when you are, baptised with the Holy Ghost, a Body, your size, will enter in, and, youll speak, another language, the united states will be a desolation real soon, and Jesus had the recorder, post, you knew, they thought, God was, telling you, they knew it, that Jesus in the midst, but, thats a tap dancer, and hollie pointed, and, the pope, hit the target, magog, over, watching, surrounds, the king of grecia, and the east, hu, thats hu and the pope said hollie, when your fallen, youll be helpen with little help said rod sterling, the tidal wave that michael boldea said, was judgment to, and he saw subs sneaking up on amexico, boom, and all of north america exploded, does bobby have any idea who he is talking to they thought, were the pentecostals, but, the signs, dont come forth, you are, hit the alter, they thought, but, the signs were coming forth, somethings wrong we thought, but now we know it was us, and hu, rose the horse, and he saw, the, red horse, the, this, and the black, quiets, the, Spirit, of, Jesus, in the world, and hollie, thats, the false prophet, said rod sterling, and the pope was over the four horns, magog, thats, north and south korea, and, hu laughed, and china and japan, thats what hu rules, the pope rules the rest, grecia, 666, born at the table, to prevent them from destroying each other, they both have nukes, and Jesus pointed, close that door, and, he was on the other side of the door, in the bright light, and he saw, him, kneeling, in the bright light, and the face of Jesus, you make me backslide she said, you blasphemed the Holy Ghost, cause you did not recognise, she said, thats, satan, prophet, God did not, want you to go there, everyone, was cut off, but, they recieved it, and dont know, but, try to make, God an offer, they could not bear, git out of here, they thought, press, is what they have to do now, to get, and hollie, and he saw, satan is the popes uniform, 666, on hims, forehead, born at the table between, him and false prophet hu, to prevent them from nuking each other, I will not put up with you they will say to each other, speak lies a the table, I can see were not going to get along, hollies in hot water, that, pointed Jesus, weep for the souls, and hollie, showed the recorder, this, post, and the possum ate and just ran in the yard, did not, want to go in, if you eat, be thankful, its eating, cookie crisp cereal and cheetos, the cat is to, and the raccoons, throw, waste, food, in the yard, spread it, stop, pointed Jesus, keep my aries said Jesus, reliable, buy another, keep what you have, both vans are good, equivelent, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, carved, into the stick, waving, hollie, thats what I want, post, blew kisses, and hollie, blew a kiss sang the choir, and God winked, and Jesus climbed straight up, theres the black chariot, and the angry black horse, pulling, thats, Jesus, like, hollie, laughing, horse face, golden, hunt, uhhh, that was, pointed, hollie, satan, shhhhhh, and the chariots from in between the two brass mountains, these quiet the Spirit of the Lord, in the whole world, and hollie, and the pope and hu, in, the black chariot, with, fox, calderon, lula, chavez, let me see here, putin, jong, geyer, thatll work, said david gilmore, its off, he would call his, but, bob likes, david gilmour, email him, he gets about, zero, because, david gilmours email adress is, has numbers in it, 666, trader, he knows, the truth, but, hes, tarried, make God an offer, the pink floyd songs are spiritual, he could almost sing them in concert and give God glory, and the lighted being pointed, and hollie tore up the con spirit, and Jesus poined at the time, and hollie, and Jesus smiled, and is showing bob how to do body work, you know what frank mcgwire did, cheated on, his wife, and she, did not, care, los angeles, and he saw, both coasts up in flames, and up the middle, and captain hollie, in her submarine, fire, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and the statue of liberty, the woman, no said hollie, record, that, moscow and china, that, limited attack, that, on, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, that, the four horns rose from the target that, magog, china and moscow, that, where, all those lands are, that, he didnt want you there, that, you knew it, that, said hollie, om a christian, he says, that, but, that, when your there, that, he knows, that, hes not, that, cut off, willie duncan, no signs, that, post, amd many times, the, lighted, finger, pointed, im the beast, said the face, can bobby talk, no, the four horns, magog, thats, north and south korea, china and japan, ruled by hu, the king of the south, and the pope will rule grecia, the rest of the world, 666, born at the table, to prevent them from destroying each other, both have nukes, and Jesus blowed the horn, sound the alarm, im sion, the church, and let all of the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord cometh, that is, the day babylon gets destroyed, and the finger pointed, and, russia and china, which is magog, the ram, part of, let me see here, i will send a fire on magog, and, one sixth of moscow left, and he saw, taiwan, mostly destroyed, from china, that, and hollie showed the recorder, if gene schmidt, recorded, had a record deal, he would have, three, top ten hits, one number one, on christian radio, that was the angel david gilmour, that woman that was blind, and married in dumitru s, book, did not live for the Lord, her husband didnt either, the woman with the goiter, didnt either, read, thru the fire, without, burning, that was satan, im the beast, its fall and leaves are falling off the trees, another season has come and gone, are you saved, vision overload, thats to many visions, leave me alone, carmella johnson said, but, you talked to Jesus, but, when somebody comes around, shew, this is your meat is due season, website, and thats all you want, no, said, hollie, put it under, post and post and post, theres the alarm, vision overload, and hollie with the headphones on, they have a little speaker, and sound wonderful, and hollie, played the horn, and the lighted hand, and hollie tore up the con spirit, and Jesus danced with the ministering spirits, love will find away, the band that sang that song knows the radio station, s, still play it, but, it wont sell, they are all broke, about, fifty thousand each, thats the yellow wrecker, yellow means war said hu, and china is wanting, and he saw, china attacking, theres the alarm, that mitsubushi, is, over, because of, and he saw, the trailer hitch, a local church with a global vision, thats us, the ramseys, blaspheme, john ramsey, no signs, he wants you prayin, said babyfleas, and hollie pointed, tell, hollie, she pointed, a the flames, thats cute and God knows it, he knows, that womas rear end is cute, but, she will have, and he saw, her sitting on the stool, an account, and the lighted finger pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, that, tree, is loosing it bark, and, thats what, pastors are doing, loosing, what they seem to have, mokse, pointed hollie, on top of willie duncans, church, the dome, theres, hollie skinning, bobby, did the angel michael boldea say, have nothing to do with you, thats what he thought, when, you two met, and God showed you years before that you would, whoever, kills, saddam, we know, said, roger, gilmour, not, they say, and God winked, twice, I was sinking deep in sin, sang, Jesus, now, open, work, and hollie tore up the con spirit, hell, hollie, pointed, flames on the wrecker, hell is for hollie, the furnace of affliction, and Jesus bowed, he told bob, where to take his van and how much he would get, suprised as hes recording, he even told him what to do, a little body work, tutone, and, exact, 1300, paid, has in about 11, bob has, o my God said Jesus, compassion on the dog because he can see its old, but, what about, people, thats what, Jesus, is after, bob sometimes loves, but, for the most part, wants to cause them to blaspheme the Holy Ghost, now heres the deal, if they do it, in thier heart, they are afraid, and, a driven by it, but, if they do it with thier mouth, ves, then, like donald winters, those are from the devil, doomed, jackie, said the angel of the Lord, is, its over, he said, for, most, thats why, God wont let you, witness, and the lighted hand pointed, you made me apologize said the angel of the Lord, and hollie licked the prophet, somebody got thru, out, they, take back, right after, even, after, and Jesus showed, to, cut this off, tomorrow, aman, saddam hussein, said the angel, of the Lord, sley, his is, re, spon, si, ble, for, the murder of, five million, war, un, autor, i, sed, by, Jesus, now put that on, 9-18-2006-teen actor, pablo, santos, is in, hell, now, and only, 19, he knew, how to be saved, ACTS 2:38, he knew it, and now thinking, I wish, but, I dont want, Jesus, whoever, kills, saddam, hussein, will, avenge, the blood of, over, five million, and Jesus showed, to record, and the pope, hit the target, magog, thats, north and south korea, and, china and japan, where all those lands are, including, most of moscow, ruled by, false prophet hu, the pope, will rule the rest of the world, grecia, 666, born at the table, to prevent, them, from, destroying each other, theres the alarm, vision overload, and michael boldea, what does he want, to ruin you, gene thought, how, by causing you to fall, like he did, all of us, you caused it yourself, and hollie, was carved into the stick, hi, post more visions, on your website, she waved, and God winked, and hollie played the horn, post the vision and make it plain, yelled hollie, and the pope with 666 on his forehead, post, the visions, smiled, hollie, and the finger pointed, lighted, can he save me, no, only Jesus, ACTS 2:38, repent, and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the finger pointed, and gene simmons laughed, and the angel of the Lord, on top of, the grain mill, storage, cargill, theres the music said hollie, ministryofdreams is an open ministry sang hollie, submarine sound pointed hollie, lighted, and subs sneaked up on amexico, moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, all of north americano said sunnysnet, when michael boldea preaches, my testimony, trash can said Jesus, and he saw, and the lighted hollie pointed, michael boldea in the trash can, and, amerirussia, they will destroy each other, and Jesus looked like the God, and the lighted finger pointed, hollie, submarine sound, look, pointed, henry gruver, and he saw, who is it, the woman, pointed, the statue of liberty, the whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON, thats hollie blowing the horn pointed, and the lighted hollie pointed, and, ann and scott are cut off, no signs, coofer, said Jesus, kimber, cut off, no signs, college park baptist church, help me out he said, but, financially, and he saw, him with, empty pockets, kimber, thats it, overwhelm, overload, come and help me out, said michael boldea, but, when he comes, later, and the geese winked, come here and post, ministryofdreams, is open, sang the mad man, thats hollie, on the aircraft carrier, nimitz, u.s.s., and the lighted, im a madman, im like alice cooper and blackie lawless put together, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by, oil man, bush, and the lighted hollie pointed, in the stick, smiling, waving, islam is not the fastest growing religion, and he saw, and the hand pointed, the pope, with, the tatoo, I wont, said king fahd, put it right here, he said, on the forehead, my pope, smiled, king fahd, the strong delusion, and Jesus bowed, before the pope, thats what he wants, kiss those feet, he pointed, 666, born at the table, between hu and the pope, the agreement, and the pope as slashed, the idol shepherd, madman, slaughter jews, eliminate the witness, and hollie showed how to roof, carry up shingles, take the black tar paper, put on, take chalk, measurer, and measure up about five feet, tack, chalkline, put shingles on, and hollie showed, bring the end down, over the first one, so far, to make the valley, overlap, cut, tada, roof, and hollie prayed to record the vision, got you, 21 m.b., no, said hollie, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by bush to break oil contracts and prevent china from getting, theres the black chariot, with false prophet hu and the pope, fox and lula, and, let me see here, chavez, kim jong, putin, geyer, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over said the pope, and america was on fire, and subs sneaked up, boom, and the statue of liberty came out of the middle, thats the woman, thats the whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON, and, sub, s, sneaked up on moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, ohio class, and, theres the submarine said, whatta you want said babyfleas, and out of the ruins came four horns, magog, thats, north and south korea, china and japan, and the pope, came out of, the greek orthadoxed church, in moscow, which china will claim, but he will regain control, pope, and Jesus showed, to record the vision, the pope, will rule the world, but hu, will rule, magog, and the pope was over the for horns, watching, and hu, I will not put up with you, they will, say, to each other, 666, born at the table, between, to prevent them from destroying each other, both have nukes, its starting, said, baby, fleas, I want my talon, eagle, said, Jesus, this car, is, going to be, in, demand, in about, ten years, watch, turbo, only, and hollie, and hollie waved, carved into the stick, I want you to post, visions, on the website, and Jesus showed, to record, thats a mart car, said the Lord, the vw, bug, good gas, reliable, wear your coat, and he saw Jesus driving the bug with his coat on, that engine would run 900 degrees, all they would have had to do is, work with it just a little, slit, and he saw, the body, pulled open, organs, dont lust people, and he saw, the thick oil, in the pan, not, getting to the pump, use, 5, 30, or, 10, 30, in the winter, in the winter, 5 30 is never 5 30, way thicker, but, not as thick as 10w30, 10w40 is thicker, way, there aint no more visions in pentecost because, there aint no more apo, stolics in pentecost, and hollie said, yeah, her vision got recorded, the ministering spirits want thier vision, and Jesus watched the tv, out, he yelled, click, devil vision, and hollie showed, put, tranmission stop leak, if leaking, and it will, keep it going, for, their are about, 2000, people living for Jesus, in america, only, buy it, said Jesus, gold, said, baby, fleas, faith, to beleive, prayer, much, bob, submarine sound said hollie, and subs, sneaked up on, amexico, moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, hollie was on top, and Jesus, is bored, not, post, the apostle paul, prayed out loud, as he, walked, try it, where ever, what about, linda, spall, bob, thinks about you, you are, cut off, no signs, never, and, larry, and, the, famous, reverend, spall, never, prayed, and, Jesus, healed, thru, God did not want you to, post, yet, save, for, later, nope, said, the, reverend, spall, u.p.c.i., all, cut off, no signs, look boby, more hits, in the, twos, but, work, while you have, time, taiwan, is, a, major, endtimes, nation, whoever, kills, saddam, hussein, is, avenging, the blood of, over, five, mil, lion, people, lets hit mark, who, brey, he is, cut off, and, comes against, every, where, bob, for, prophesying, over, the, iraq, war, years ago, and now, can, see, that, america, needs, an, out, and, is, thinking, im sorry Jesus, to late, mark, y, you should have, been, what, you, were, acting like, po, st, said, Je, sus, keep, pray, in, said, baby, fleas, but, no, ting, is, seeming, to, hap, pen, yep, you are, building, read, baby, flea, s, putting, preasure, on, Jesus, to, save, you, and he saw, the, angel, in the white robe, him, with, yellow, hair, war, said, hu, that, is, what, yellow, means, and, china, you lost, said, baby, fle, as, not, said, hu, america, will, de, stro, y, taiwan is china, s, not, they are, thier, own, na, tion, and he saw, tai, wan, with, ameri, ca, on, it, that is, america, chooses, the, leaders, alright, said, the, man, next to, and hollie, there are no visions, in, pentecost, because, there, are, no, apo, sto, lics, in, pentecost, fuck, said, the, re, lay, song, singer, and he saw, thier, bow, els, cleaned, because, then they, sang, that, they, lust, ed, each other, read, the, sing, er, the eagle talon, is, the, and he saw, the, buick, gand, national, the, one, that, run, s, the, quarter, mile, in, the, elevens, it, is, order, only, about, four hundred, horse, power, cheap, right now, because of, high, main, tain, ence, the submarine sound pointed hollie, and hollie tore up the conspirit, and smiled and slit and pulled, organs, lighted, dont lust people, hum, the four cylinder is economical, grunted dumitru duduman, and hollie tore up the contrast, bobby you know it, four cylinder only, recieved, and hollie took off running, like a dark spirit, hold it, said, the, angel, of the Lord, like uh, whate man, your, fallen, you will be, helpen, with, no, why should, Jesus, if, you will not, live, for, him, s, and, the pope, is, coming, ready, or, not, to, destroy, with, the, strong, de, lu, sion, sent, by, Jesus, no, HOly Ghost, you, will, follow, him, s, the united states, will be, a, des, o, la, tion, said, the, angel, of, the, Lord, and he saw, america, on, fire, and the, woman, came out, the statue of liberty, and bob dreamed, he was with, about, a, 60, year old, woman, and she, was, hitting, and even, half way, stripped, for, bob, but he, did not want, seven woman, will cleave, to one man, over, not, marring, when, young, now, old, and nobody wants, your not seeking, said, baby, fleas, yep, you need to, put it under, and hollie, like a, dark, slithered, the pope, is, the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, hum hum, he grunted, mr., putin, were ready, he, said, america, is, gitton, out, of, or, der, lets, rule the world, sang, putin, china, russia, geyer, jong, fox, japan, not, but, fallen, most, have, fallen, america, s, al, lies, put it under, that is, the,s even, heads, the, g8, they are, minus, america, the ten, politburo, and he saw, the, pope with, 666, and, ten crowns, they are, a, ruling, par, ty, of the, former, u.s.s.r., now, the king, of, mos, cow, is, those, ten, chose, ten king, s, out of, one, na, tion, put it under, post, the ram, is, moscow, and, china, the hegoat, and he saw, the, pope, on, the, ram, s, horn, china will, force, moscow, to, invade, is, rael, at the end, pushing, the, pope, the king of, the, south, and, north, and he saw, them, the pope and hu, sitting, at, the, you know it, said, Jesus, work, table, 666, born there, who did i, blaspheme, said, the, pope, nobody, but you are, rejecting, Jesus, and the finger pointed, yowp, said, now, repent, and be, bap, tised, everone of you, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and receive, the, gift of, the, Holy, its for you, said, Jesus, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, with, other, ton, gues, as, the, Spirit, gives the, utter, ance, a language, understood, down here, on, earth, the pope is, the, beast, im the beast, he said, coming out of, the, little, horn, and hu, im the beast false prophet, the second beast, will rise, to, with, stand, now, with, japan, c'mon use me, said, michael, boldea, but, I cant, said, hollie, now, we are in, the, last, days, saith, the Lord, and he saw, Jesus, with, bright, light, coming off of, and, wants, end times, only, but, there is more, coming, and he saw, the pope, as, satan, running, somebody got thru, said, baby, fleas, alright, said, Jesus, pray for, new, pro, set, tyl, lytes, they are, new, christian, con, ver, ts, and babyfleas, laughed, and Jesus means, it, just like, that, 9-19-2006-record the vision hollie showed, and complained, and stomped, google is blaspheme, prorno, they cant stop it, but, they can eliminate, it, and hollie pointed, showed, its beautiful, but, God has to, and he saw the winds, striving, and four kings came out, hu with japan, the pope, and the idol shepherd, these are the four kings, the fourth, shall be richer than they all, downtown indy, beautiful, but soon, and he saw, the nuclear explosion, over downtown indianapolis, and Jesus spoke into the recorder, sometimes, the Holy Ghost speaks right thru bob, he heres it, but, and it, moves his, mouth, he doesnt, when God gets full control, thats how, thats how, and Jesus shook, no, o yeah, the old testament prophets, and the Spirit entered into me said ezekiel, im a show, said pastor browning in louisville, no signs, all of u.p.c.i., and he saw, taiwan, destroyed, surrounded by about 50 american, russian, and chinese submarines, put it on your website, vision overload, vision overload, and hollie played the horn, whose that, I moody, and Jesus showed, to record, the united states will be a desolation real soon, now, repent and be, baptized in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the Gift of The Holy Ghost, alright, with the eveidence of speaking with other tongues, prophesied in JOEL, and hollie was on the streets of gold, like pure glass, bluish, and that is, new jerusalem, and clear skyscrapers with light coming thru, some of them, and Jesus underneath, if david lee roth stayed with van halen, they would have been worse, sammy hagar saved, whats that, its called 5150, and, the next, no, the big one, please promote the gospel on the internet sang hollie, vision overload, and hollie, theres the alarm, and Jesus laughed, golden face, will the Lord save me, if you try to get right, do it according to the bible, that was satan, shhh, im the beast, said the being, and he saw, the pope, that was satan, shhh, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and hu, I will not put up with you, they will say to each other, 666, born at the table to prevent them from destroying, each other, both have nukes, he will be the president of the world, and the lighted finger pointed, and hu, will be the president of magog, thats china, north and south korea, and japan, and the pope was over the four horns, there aint no visions in pentecost, because, there are no more apostolics in pentecost, theres the black chariot with the angry black horse, and the chariots of horses from between the two brass mountains, these quiet the Spirit of Jesus, the red, take peace off the earth, the black, quiet, the Spirit of Jesus, in the world, the grizzled and bay, pale, and the angel, grim reaper, on the white horse, speckled, and Jesus on the white horse, to conquer, read ACTS agin, if you didnt understand, and hollie played the horn, im out said Jesus, and the Lord of hosts, looked out of Jesus, s, mouth, the word of God is out, what time is it, that, said hollie, and hollie showed the recorder, that, that was God winking, submarine sound, theres the submarine sound, submarine sound, pointed hollie, and subs sneaked in on amexico, boom, and hollie, was on top, and the world wobbled, and moved, and moscow and china, and farah fawcett pointed, charlies angels are all old now, but, look almost, like they did, all, please promote the gospel, on the internet, plese promote the gospel on the internet sang Jesus, that was satan, im the beast, said the fiery face, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, bush, s, oil, that was the lighted hollie, didnt the angel point at the hell, thats where, kiss is going, swallowed gene simmons, lets pray said Jesus all night, you want me to save you, make me an offer, that I cannot say no to, prophet, didnt the pope, your needed on the floor, that was the hegoat stomping the ram, and the pope, hu, the emporer of japan, and the presidents of north and south korea, popped up, and the pope came out of, china, they claim, moscow, after, ohio class subs, boom, and captain hollie, boom, and the world wobbled, didnt the angel of the Lrod say, los angeles, and he saw, los angeles, boths coasts up in flames, and up the middle, from, captain hollie, in her sub, im a bear, said, teddy, thats putin, the feet, look, thats the gold tried in the fire, and it said, faith on it, buy, pray, and recieve, its oil, said the pope, armageddon, and america is using, wasting, eliminate, there just went summer, she said, another one, come and gone, where are you, with Jesus, your clock is ticking, and he saw, heaven and hell, ACTS 2:38, and chewbacca, looked, with binoculars, and david eells, yeah, 666, on the popes forehead, and bob dreamed, oil, was over, 100, per barrell, watch for it, in the headlines, and bob dreamed, in, class with teresa hedger, and she said, accuse, he said, no I didnt, im here because of ministry, THE ACTS 2:38 Holy Ghost born again experience, I would marry you if, but, she would not have, that was satan, shhh, im the beast said the fire face, theres the alarm, hot water for hollie, and hollie waved carved into the stick, and Jesus clikced the tv off, right after sitting down, that, post, david eells, cut off, no signs, and he will read this and wadd up, smiling, im a bear, me, putin, moscow, satan is the head, and, the pope is, his mouth piece, and he saw, seven lighted heads, and, golden, faces popped out, berlusconi, and fox, canada, geyer, australia, france, moscow, and, britain, these nations have an agreement, with america, they are, the g8, minus, mexico, and geyer, the g8, are the seven heads, and, the ten horns are, and he saw, the big beast, politburo, ruling party of the former u.s.s.r., ten kings in one nation, just reach out and touch the Lord as he goes by, sang, hollie, you will find, hims not to busy to here your heart cry, seek Jesus, this prophet would have been vice president of estes express lines, and the safety manager will see this and wadd it up, and look at it again, and want to contact, bob wants to come back to us, the vice president, meaning, the owners family, the safety manager would have been, what ever, he wanted, with bob there, liked, cmon he will say, he would have wanted him to go to, terminals, and try to, give seminar, to, reduce claims, and the old man that worked there, that came to, indianapolis, both, both are still there, the safety manager would want to know how to reduce claims, heres what the Lrod says, make people accountable, and he will wadd, how do you do this, track, and the terminal, manager, can, know, and make the people pay, yes, said the safety manager, even for thier wrecks, that, the recorder, record, and Jesus was on the other side of the crack in the black wall, the light room, and hollie tore up the contract, im in hot water, said hollie, look, that was satan, shhh, im the beast, and the pope, appeared, with ten crowns, politburo, and hollie tore up the con, trast, and the Lord of hosts, came out of, the golden Jesus, s, mouth, im out, the word of the Lord, and hollie tore up the con spirit, thats the eye of God with a tear in it, serve Jesus, los angeles, and he saw, both coasts up in flames, and up the middle, from, me, said captain hollie, in her sub, and pointed, world war three is on its way, post, oil, is leading to armageddon, that was Jesus, looking like a golden light man, hit los angeles, pointed the angel of the Lord, and he saw both coasts up in flames and up the middle, and Jesus in the, light, in the, room, thru the crack, in the, black, vision overload, black like wall, look at me, said, the, angel, of the Lord, like uh, white man, holes, in hand, s, what have, you done, for, God, the, Father, were both married, said, baby, fleas, not, you are, not, be saved, read and do, ACTS, 2:38, the titanic would have been sank, in world war, one, like the, britannic, the olympic was hidden, they used it as a troop ship, EZEKIEL 7, the iraq war, and that was, Jesus, good night prophet, he just put sleep on you, and the hegoat stomped the ram, and four horns came up, magog, what is it, north and south korea, china and japan, situate, and the pope, will rule the rest of the world, grecia, 666, born at the table, between, hu, and the pope, both have nukes, and hu, I will not put up with you, they will say, to each other, and hollie pointed at hollie, and showed, golden, no said hollie, yes, said, babyfleas, she was in a white robe, complained, will he save me, she said, try to, get right, according, to, scripture, no, said, baby, fleas, yep, said, Jesus, there are no more, revelations, said, the, choir, work for Jesus, on the internet, witness, you been filled with the Holy Ghost, and you dont show it said dorien, winked, running with the devil sang the choir, and donald winters appeared with 666 on his, and the lighted hand pointed, forehead, and hu, and the pope, signing, right here, that, and hollie, pointed, and showed, the recorder, golden, smiling, both hands, submarine sound, and hollie pointed, and subs sneaked up on, amexico, moscow, and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and he saw, north america, explode, and captain hollie, in her, im a bear, me, putin, the, feet, magog, is the, body, that is, north, and, south, korea, china, and, japan, satan is, the, head, and the pope is, the, mouth, piece, there, you, have it, your, beast, of, REVELATION, 13, read, there shall stand up, yet, three kings, in, per, sia, the pope, hu, and, japan, and, the, idol, she, pherd, the fourth, is, the, idol, shep, herd, richer, then, they, all, and thru his, riches, he shall stir, up, all, in the, realm, of, gre, cia, save it, pointed, hollie, and now, you have it, stir up means, they shall, love, thier, pope, and, hu, and, japan, will, rise to, with, stand, they both, have, nu, kes, but, the pope, has, mos, cow, s, nuclear, ar, sen, al, how come, there are no visions, no more, revelations, bob, likes, the old, and, so does, Jesus, in heaven, sang, because, he is, the, Spirit, of, Prophecy, there are, seven, Spirits, of, Jesus, seven, mani, fes, tat, tions, and they are, the Word, the Holy Ghost, and, the, Father, and these, three, are, ONE, the rest are, angels, like, michael, and, ga, bri, el, and, bob, slipping, the, economy, and, people, are, falling, away, in the, last, days, saith, Jesus, prayer, keeps, much, two hours, per, day, or, more, as, need, ed, allright, said, Jesus, work, for, Jesus, till, more, is, shown, ets, the economys slipping, now, time is, short, work for Jesus, till, the day of, Christ, and he saw, the angel, of, Jesus, descending, on the, cloud, like a, angel, man, bobby, work, prayer, needed, much, catch up, or, pay more, to be, pro, tec, ted, from, satan, and the, fery darts, of the, enemy, today is, the, day of, sal, va, tion, repent, and be, bap, tise, d, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the gift, of, the, HOly, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, with, new, tong, ues, as the, Spirit, gives the, utter, ance, prophesied, in, JOEL, and it shall come to pass, the, I will, pour out, of my, Spirit, upon, all flesh, your sons and your daughters, shall, prophesy, and, that is, recieving, visions, while, right, there, and, telling, what the, ministering, Spirits, say, and these signs, shall, follow, them, that, obey, casting out, de, vils, speaking with, new, tong, ues, and, miracles, and, visions, dreams, and, more, read, all of, the, bible, and, do, according, to the, will of, Jesus, now, time is, short, china, will, attak, tai, wan, and, america, and, when, america, goes, to, war, with, then, moscow, will, hit, alas, ka, and, america, will, hit, mos, cow, and, moscow, will, wipe out, the, american, main, land, one sixth, of, moscow, left, save, said hollie, and, china, and he saw, mostly, de, stroyed, like, around in, a, cir, cle, so, radiation, will not, spread, out of, china, that is how, america, will, do it, taiwan, mostly, de, stroyed, stop me, said, the, angel, of the Lord, like uh white man, leave it there, there you have it, and the, four, winds, strove, and, out of, the, wind, like, elec, tri, ci, ty, and, the, finger, pointed, came, hu, and, the, pope, and, the, em, por, er, of, japan, and, the idol shepherd, slashed, no, eye, and, arm, against, all, that is, according to, Jesus, in heaven, you need to pray, be, stirred, all the time, change your oil, to thick, colder, it is, about, a, right now, in the morning, a, 14, w, 70, to thick, he finds, and, mixes, that, record, said, hollie, we are, not, set, free, by, the, Holy, ONE, sang, Jesus, now, get, set, free, about, ten people, will read this, to, night, on the, 9, 19, no way, but, soon, that was, america, on, fire, and, Jesus, showed, to, record, lets, do it, he said, all night, prayer, and the statue of liberty, came, out, and, the, golden, lighted, heads, the, g, 8, with, italy, france, canada, great britain, mos, cow, and, america, and, australia, and, germany, and, out of, one, came, the, beast, that is, italy, the little horn, with, ten crowns, politburo, he will go to, the, greek, orthadoxed, church, and make a, agreement, to, regain, control, of, the, destroyed, mos, cow, after, america, and, russia, fire on, each, other, and get it, and, hu and, japan, will rise to witstand, magog, with, north and south, korea, and, that is, grecia is, the, rest, of, the, world, they will, push, moscow, to the, gates, of, france, to, make, this, but, moscow, will, regroup, and, strengthen, under, thier, beast, and, the world, will, wonder, after, love, he will, know the, secrets, of the, heart, but, be like, a, man, with, satan, in, after, 666, born at the table, between, him and, false, prophet, hu, is born, they will, he will get, slashed, and, satan, will enter in, and, destroy, jews, searching, for, the, jewish, remnant, you like, this, said, Jesus, yeah, she said, the woman, reading, this, with, blond, hair, bob would, love to, marry, you, and you will be, turned, off, but, under, stand, bob is, single, and, getting, old, now, and, is, real, is, tic, but, you would, marry, him, if you, knew, he is, good, look, ing, and, yeah, she said, but, you would only, want, to gain, on, and you would not, not, like, that, Jesus, bob will not come to meet you, but, he think, s, what is, the, use, but, if Jesus told him, he would, to, help, you, God needs, people, to, live, for him, till, he, helps, but, you need to, show, Jesus, that you, stay, no matter, what, but, if you, will, he will, worship, you, but, you must, worship, him, s, first, always, no matter, what, post, and hollie, waved, carved into the, stick, Jesus, never, runs, out of, things, to, say, he can, tell you, yeah, she said, about, any, thing, including, all, songs, ever, written, and they, were, written, about, bob, wants, hits, and, Jesus, wants, to, whats that, she said, visits, to the, web, site, and you will be, turned, off, but, Jesus, want, s, souls, saved, like, milwaukee, said the angel of the Lord, whats that, wis, con, sin, and he saw, gene, schmidt, blown, out of, hand of help, cut off, no signs, even after, Jesus, showed, him, marvelous, things, he chose, sechs, will he save me, she said, you must, read, and, do, ACTS, 2:38, like, they did, and they, walked, whats that, prophesied, in JOEL, and it shall come to pass, that I will, pour out, of MY, Spirit, on, all, flesh, all have had, a, and, heard, and, they, had, it, on, the, day, of, i know, she, said, do, you can, if you want, bob can, inter, cede, thats all right, she, said, now, read, and, have, fun, if you dont, but, what is, the, use, if you dont, youll know, what, is, coming, but, no, when it, comes, fear, will, take, hold, of, you, and you know it, try, and be, saved, your out, yelled, Jesus, get in, now, and I will, give you, like this, and give you, a, name, you have had, many, dreams, and they are, night, visions, from, Jesus, you are a, prophet, and you are, reading, on a , tear, and Jesus, sees, it, and you know it, now, do, bob will, come to you, allright, but, he said, do, its slipping, said, hollie, the economy, that is, when, moscow, will, attack, I will, she said, bob will, come, if you, want, and help, Jesus will, and he will, live in his, van, like, he used to, and you did to, mini, his van, gets, 20, seven, on the, high, way, im out, he said, but, get in, bob will, come to you, and, put, visions, on, this, website, in your, house, and you will, like, and miss, when he, leaves, he will, invite, in, prayer, and bob will, come to your, church, and, awake, en, and he saw the pope, with, 666, on hism, forehead, born, at the table, between, him, and, false, prophet, hu, go east, said, Jesus, he is, but, you need to, obey, what, Jesus, tells, him, and he, will, tell, you, cheer, s, said, am, neill, good night, he said, and he saw, ozzy, oz, bourne, and, alice, cooper, tour together, and, sell, out, most, and, make, more, money, or, fade, both, of you, aman, these are, the, voy, ages, of, ministry, of, dreams, like that, is how, Jesus, wants, it, but, bob likes, ministryofdreams, now russia is, the, beast, and he saw, the, pope, kneel, before, putin, but, not in that, or, der, hum hum, grunted, the, pope, america, is, gitton, out of, I understand, said, putin, lets rule the world, he, sang, china, and, mos, cow, are, the, ram, and that was hollie, in, hot, water, russia, china, cuba, nicar, au, gua, mexico, and, north korea, and, they will all, and he said, the, black, chariot, and, false, prophet, hu, and the pope, let me see here, they are, the, new, world, order, and the pope, and, hu, will, rule, the, world, but, hate, cling, but, want to, and he saw, them, hum hum, I see were not, going to get along, said, the pope, and, hu, they will, laugh, and, tell, lies, at, one, table, and when, the, pope, gets, slashed, he will, kill, jews, searching, for, the, jewish, remnant, i cant believe that, she, said, these are, ministering, spirits, talking, and, bob, sees, like, the, bible, says, flames, of, fire, the, apostole, paul, called, no, mercy, as, bob, says, from, witnessing, and them, telling, what, they, knew, and what, Jesus, showed, prophecy, and the finger, s, pointed, save, said, hollie, and complained, with the head phones on, and, record, you devil, poined, Jesus, at, kenneth, haney, no signs, u.p.c.i., general, super, in, ten, dent, no, signs, any of, and they, come against, if, you, have, signs, like, donald, winters, those are from, the, devil, right to bob, s, face, and, grace, apostolic, church, surrounded, and tried to, sift, and, find, an, accuse, to, find, fault, and could not, Jesus, now, tells, bob, what to say, and, you cannot, break, Je`sus, that is, how, it is, in the, bible, read, and, do, that, pointed, hollie, the clock, time is, running, out, bob is, ex, ci, ted, but only, because of, increase, the, vision, s, dick, cheney, said, and, they, are, and, he, records, some, and writes some, that, said, hollie, the pope, with, 666, on his, m, forehead, and, this is, born, at the table, between, him and, false, prophet, look that, said, hollie, hu, to, prevent, them, from, destroying, each, other, both, have, nukes, the king of grecia, and, the, king of, the, south, that, said, hollie, im the beast, said, the, face, with, seven, heads, and, ten, horns, and that is, the, pope, with, ten, crowns, that, pointed, hollie, the time, it is, running, out, that, pointed, hollie, work, for, Jesus, now, witness, you have, been filled, with the, Holy, Ghost, and you do not, even, show, it, show, off, Jesus, like, bob, and, the, apostle, paul, does, aman, God wants, people, to, be, happy, but, in him, s, put, Jesus, first, and, even, things, that, wont, work, out, I do, she, said, but, where, are, the, signs, git out of here, said, Je`sus, never agin, they all, say, work, for, Jesus, till, he, comes, this is, faith, upon, the, earth, hot water for hollie, and he saw, the pope, with, 666, on his, m, forehead, born, at the, table, between, him and, false, prophet, hu, im the false prophet, hu said, im the beast, the pope said, there you have it, these are, the, last, days, talked about, in, JOEL, prophesied, and, ISAIAH 28:11, you know what I did, committed, blasphemy, against, Jesus, the, Holy, Ghost, by not, coming, when, he drawed, me, now, show, Jesus, something, and he will, help, you, he, tried, now, you, try, bobby, go home, and, tarry, 9-20-2006-this is, the, last, times, ministry, that, closes, out, the, world, like, JEREMIAH 1, and hollie and Jesus showed to record the vision, and hollie complained, white robe, like, bright light, white, now, write the vision and make it plain, and the lighted hollie showed, you liar, said babyfleas, im not cut off, like, your, vision, you told me, but, you wont live for Jesus, you are, like, you asked, and bob prayed, and, he saw hims, in babyfleas mouth, she bit the prophets head off, and got angry, shew, and he saw, him, in babyfleas, s, mouth, she bit, and, smiled, after, om gonna git ya, no om not, no om not, om gonna git ya, no om not, no, om not, you put pressure on me, she, said, but, she did not, do, any, thing, but, laugh, now, bob thought, my wife, when he saw her picture, just what he wants, but, she is only about 4-12, and, a midget to most people, eunuch, because of, short people, are, for the most part, eunuch, because, they are, not, wanted, or, lusted, and he saw, hollie, like, babyfleas, in, a, porno, that is, where, they, end, up, at, and, baby, fleas, has thought, for, but, no, bucks, and she, showed, dis, gust, bob is, 5-4, paul was, 5, 9, but, he chose, eunuch, to live for, and bob has chose eunuch, but if God would let, he would, for help, mate, that, showed, hollie, record, and hollie in the white robe, prayed, and, waited, and the lighted finger, theres the alarm, post, and the pope, like, satan, 666, on his, m, forehead, born at the table, between, him and false prophet hu, both have nukes, the king of grecia, and the south, the east, s, liar, said, the pope, when, he sees this, but, shake his head yes, smile, ing, not yet, change your oil, said, the angel of the Lord, there they are, celine dion and captain smith, singing, whereever you are, and she laughed, the blond, looking at the website, tell people, said the angel of the Lord, record the vision Jesus showed, put my visions on the internet, says the Lord, and the angel of the Lord showed, ok, like a white man, keep your oil full, no need to change, hurry up, moscow, said hu, china is, deparate, fur oil, said the pope, and thats Jesus on the white horse, to conquer, and the grizzled, and, the, bay, horse, I know it, said, baby, fleas, I dont do it, pale horse, death and hell follow that horse, to cast the soul, s, in the lake of fire, and he saw, a multitude in the lake of fire, u.p.c.i., well represented there, I know it, said, kenneth haney, strip tease, demi moore, s, last, big movie, she knew, not to do that, but, did anyway, now, exposed, and, abased, and the lighted finger pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, thats the tap dancer, pointed, the lighted hollie, work, waved hollie, carved into the stick, black, chariot, and the angry black horse, and, the horses, chariots, in between, the two brass mountains, these, quiet, the Spirit of God, in the world, and hu and the pope, in the black chariot, with fox, lula, chavez, let me see here, kim jong, geyer, putin, record the vision, and the lighted finger pointed, submarine sound, and hollie showed, and the lighted finger pointed, at the recorder, look that, record, and god winked, that, submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on america, moscow, and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and the lighted finger pointed, tell my visions on the internet sang the choir, and satan bowed, he used, his servent, to offend bob, and bob is, rejoicing, helped by it, and he saw, satan, in his hand, theres the alarm, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, that was satan, im the beast said the werewolf, shhh, and hollie played the horn, and pointed, and smiled, taht was satan, im the beast, shhh, that was the fire mountain, what did you say, thats, what, one man called, satans mountain, thats babylon on fire, and he saw, america, on fire, and the woman, the statue of liberty came out, the whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON, that, theres the alarm, theres the black chariot pointed, the lighted finger, with, false prophet hu and the pope, whats that, the new world order, and Jesus on the other side of the cracked door, in the, dark, bright, you aint lookin said hollie, and the lighted finger pointed, you aint looking, look that, pointed hollie, hollie moody, with her eyes starring at, trapping people, and she, he kuped, right after, during that, louisville, and he saw, louisville explode, and pastor browning came out, lets eat instead of hearing what bob told you, trader, upci, cut off, no signs, there aint no visions, in pentecost, cause, there, are no apostolics in pentecost, theres the alarm, and the lighted finger pointed, mail these visions to the prophecy club, and he saw stan reading, but, not interested, he wants, cut off people, and hollie tore up the con spirit, with golden bear paws, lighted, and hollie tore up the, con, querer, and Jesus, on the horse, california state, and he saw, both coasts up in flames, and up the middle, from, russian subs, sneaking in, thats the tap dancers, and hollie, the pope, and hu, and the emporer of japan were some of them, koran, thats all of magog, and he saw, where china, north and south korea, and, japan, and all those lands are, including msot of moscow, that was the fire eye of God, he said, once we hit alaska, then, you have, two hours, hollies in hot water, that golden face, and vicente fox, popped out, and, calderon, they both want american buisnesses, thats why mexico will not sell america oil, no, is what fox will say, and bob dreamed, that he and others, were, climbing a mountain, snowy, and like, avalanches, and they started to come back, get off that mountain they were told, now, heres the deal, you must finish, what God, or, you cannot go back, and bob dreamed, there was like a large area where buffalo were being kept, and some of the rock boundries, was coming out of place, and bob went in, but, without equipment, heavey, he could not, do anything, but, the buffalo, never, tried to, come after, him, but, nobody would help him, he did not want that to fall on the buffalo, but, they arent stupid, theres the alarm, write the vision, vision overload, and the lighted finger pointed, submarine sound, lets pray, and subs, sneaked up on, amexico, moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, record the vision, JEsus showed, and the four horns came up, magog, and out of, china, came the pope, china will claim moscow, only one sixth left, but, they will regain control, after, the pope goes, to the greek orthadoxed church and makes an agreement to work deceitfully, hu will rule magog, china, and all those surrounding lands, the pope will rule, and he saw, and the lighted finger pointed, the pope over the four horns, 666, born at the table, to prevent them from destroying each other, both have nukes, china, china is the end times magog, the horn that rose up last, on the ram, milwaukee, said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, it explode, and hand of help came out, cut off, no signs, that was hollie, tearing up the con, trast, nobody wants it, said ann schmidt, not even, her, or, geno, vision over load, rense, goddam, taiwan, taiwan, destroyed, by china, they will also, attack america, then, america will, and he saw, where america, and hollie, in the ohio class sub, nuked, in a circle, then, moscow nukes, alasksa, then america nukes moscow, then, moscow, wipes out the american mainland, the world will wobble, tell the vision, s, on the internet, said, donald, winters, those are from, the, de, vil, he said, to, bob, s, face, blaspheme, of the, Holy, Ghost, unforgiveable, and, still, pastors, u.p.c.i., westside, pente, costal, church, its over, that was the bride of Christ like, a lighted outlined, man, and, him agonizing, lighted face, that, Jesus looking at, glassed, the, plan for, the, prophet, s, life, and Jesus wept, tear, s, of, blood, in the, gar, den, of, geth, sem, an, e, and he saw, him, s, in, the, furnace, of, affli, c, tion, its over, whe, people, do not, want, Jesus, bob is, being, stripped, of his, desire, to, live, for Jesus, at the, com, puter, but, keeps, on, ty, ping, and will, till, finish, ed, wha tis koran, it is, all of, and he saw, good afternoon, baby, fleas, and, that, said hollie, vision over laod, said hollie, and the lighted eye, cat, north and south korea, china, and, japan, situate, magog, and the pope, will rule grecia, and the lighted finger, come, all ye, that, are, heavey, laden, to, Jesus, my burden is easy, my, yoke is light, meaning, I will not, require, to much, out of, you, and I will give you rest said Jesus, that was, the beast, rising out of the sea, and the pope popped out, thats the gospel ship with Jesus on it, lighted, and Jesus pointed, and they looked at the pastor, with, standing the bible, you quoted the scripture, git out of here, they, all, thought, even though, he, just, taught, against, he said, that was, a plate full of diamonds, the word of God, all over, the song, everything I do, I do it for you, that was about, pleasing that woman to get, sechs, woman, rule over, my, people, pointed, calm down, said, Jesus, that was Jesus, lighted, outlined, and the, michael, boldea, bear, showed, four, fing, ers, that is, how much, prayer, he needs, to, stay, open, and he does, none, write him, and, show, saith, Jesus, git away from me, I sing at the apostolic churches, but, I dont live the life, said, the, girl, from, paul, mooney, s, church, cut off leader, paul mooney, no signs, get ready for nuclear war, God healed about fifty thousand thru john lake, but, none, repented, that was a lighted diamond, big, thats, ministryofdreams, judgment is coming said Jesus with hollies voice, with, white robe, God loved doing that, thru, hollie, im moody, for years, thousands, bob warned about, 40,000, with his, mouth, if you live in the gulf, put your waste oil in bottles, and then the ocean, and most will show up in cuba, they need it, for cars, if you threw it out about fifty feet, then, it would go ahead, there aint no visions, in pentecost, because, there are no apostolics in pentecost, that was a hand full of golden seeds, bob is throwing, over the internet, but, nobody is repenting, visions and dreams on ministryofdreams will not cease until the end, that was God looking, golden eyes, that was the pope as satan, and hu, and the emporer of japan, and fox, and, lula, and, chavez, they will give their power and strength, and putin, and, geyer, to the beast, send it over, boom, said the pope, and amercia exploded, help me promote the gospel over the internet, said the mouth, bearded, submarine sound, and subs, sneaked up on, people are wanting prophecy, but not to repent, God is a little confused over that, but, heres the real reason, something to watch for, excites, that is a 1978 ford wrecker, it gets 10 in the city, and 10 on the highway, the new ones dont do any better, and hollie, looked at ministryofdreams, im a bear, me, putin, moscow, that was hollie tearing up the con spirit, write the vision and make it plain, satan is the head, and, the pope is, hims, mouth, and, magog is the body, thats, north and south korea, china and japan, and the pope, was over the four horns, watching, hey will hate each other, the pope rules the world, and hu rules magog, and hu, I will not put up with you, and the angel showed, im the main ministering spirit, and hollie licked the prophet, i want visions on my website said the horse, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie showed, and, the, finger, pointed, wait a minute mr. christian, and hollie tatooed 666, record, the vision, butches auto salvage, parts, butch is, the, biggest, lair, and, a, muti, millionaire, but, treacherous, not, wanting, to, help, people, but, strip, of, cash, and he gets, most, of his, m, cars, for, free, from the, city, and, tax, evades, and the chariots of horses, from, between, the, two, brass, mountains, these, quiet, the, HOly, GHost, in the world, followed, by the, pale, and this is, grizzled, death, hell, follows, this, means, cast, into, hell, right after, death, the red, take peace off the earth, the black, quiet, the Spirit of Jesus in the world, the grizzled and bay, pale, and the angel grim reaper on the white horse, speckled, and Jesus, on the white horse, to conquer, read ACTS agin, if you didnt understand, and hollie played the horn, im out, said Jesus, and the Lord of hosts, looked out of Jesus, s, mouth, the word of God, is out, what time is it, that, and hollie, showed, the recorder, that, said hollie, that was God winking, submarine sound, theres the submarine sound, submarine sound, pointed hollie, and subs sneaked in on amexico, boom, and hollie, was on top, and the world, wobbled, and moved, and moscow and china, and hollie tatood, 666, on her, fore, hand, and, head, you can not, buy, or, sell, look at that, said, Jesus, and, hollie, and pointed, a phone call from Jesus-vision received 1-12-2006 God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: your wanted on the phone, who is it, it is Je`sus, what does He want, rend your heart and not your garments, with, fasting, and, weeping, and mourning, read and do ACTS 2:39, ACTS 2:38, and what is in between, ACTS 2:38 is salvation
visions for the end times-vision received 1-12-2006 God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: russia is the bear, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, china wants russia to attack america, mexico and canada will be destroyed when the MYSTERY, BABYLON gets destroyed, aman, that is america and russia will be attacked by china, and divided into 4, and out or one of them comes the pope, that will be magog, and magog is the new world order and that will be the politburo nations on the beasts head, the 10 horns, and they will be, be hated by one another, but they will cleave to one another, aman, the pope will be the endtime ruler and hu will be the false prophet and they make an agreement at the table for 666 and the middle 6 will be a flanged cross, and that is threescore, and the pope will be slashed and the idol shepherd will be born, satan will enter in and the pope will become the idol shepherd, hallelujah, aman, russia will strike MYSTERY, BABYLON, and that is america, and china will strike russia, and force russia to invade israel, and that will be all of our taxes on the hoosier dome, aman, bart peterson raised up taxes in indianapolis to pay for a new dome stadium and the old one ain't worn out yet and the colts will never win the superbowl, aman, that is the end of this endtimes message of destruction and hope, read and do ACTS 2:38, hallelujah, aman, we all want sechs, that is anal, that is oral, good bye america, aman, that is the main reason right there, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, sin and false Christians, aman, the end times babylon is america, russia will strike amexico and that is america and mexico, its no secret, he's cute, but, single, that is, the, pro, phet, none, labor, will you pardon this, sin is, not, but can be, for, give, en, but, stay away from, don't touch'em, he, hates, even, mercy, he will, not, offend, easy, but, if you, were perishing, but, God, won't, let, him, cause, you will, try, to, slap, thats what, kent r. gray's mom did, he, called, for, prayer, at the end of, and donald winters said, tell me, he, wants to, be, accepted, by, you, but, you, reject, he won't hurt us, said pastor winters, but, we will hurt him, he couldn't, hang around, no, Spiritual, Food, that is why, gene schmidt, bob, loves, you, and, ann, ann schmidt, but, you don't, want, God told him to, leave, when he was in your home, michael boldea, bob wanted to, revive, you, but, you did not, want, bob, to, hang around, he would have, lived, in, hims, van, he does right not, hold it,
the endtime reign of the antichrist-vision received 1-12-2006 God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is the pope, russia is china, and that is, ma, gog, the prince of russia is the pope, the prince of tyre is the pope, 54 degree's in january, judgment to america, natures off, what does blind man think, what do things look like, they can't relate seeing, but God helps them, aman, the prince of tyre is, the, pope, and he is, satan, and that is, the, pope, called, the, idol, shepherd, post it under, witness, by thy wisdom and thy knowledge thou hast gotten merchandise, that, 666, will be the national anthem of magog, and that will be, I am god he will say, be he won't be, aman, the figs that are, first ripe are, giving, Jesus, your, best, read, NAHUM 3:19, and the cankerworm is, the, destroyer, NAHUM was, like, dumitru, duduman, he was on, fire, for, Je`sus, and that was, and maucaulay pointed, the, way it, hard, back, then, zecharias the priest was, the, father, of, no one, he, was, father of, john the baptist, but, God overshadowed like Jesus, and, He, was, full, of, the, Holy, Scriptures or the Holy Spirit, go, put it under, lots of prophecy in these visions on these trap pages, hallelujah, aman.
the antichrist will not have as easy of a time as you think-vision received 1-12-2006 God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is the pope, divide, into 4, and the rest is in chapter 38 of EZKEIEL, thats about magog, aman, thus saith the, the Lord, gog is satan, meshech and tubal are tyre's, and the pope is the prince of tyre's, and the beast is not the pope, I'm sorry, yes he is, hu is the false prophet, the pope will have 3 years and a half to perform his, iniquity and the pope will be slashed, and the idol shepherd will be born, end of vision, go and post it under, more will be revealed, tell me the truth, the pope is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, end of Scipture, they will have a good time, it will not go well, the pope and hu will be at each others throats, they will know who they are, kent gray said, take my name off, aman, the pope will make the agreement at the table for 666, willard aquatic center is blaspheme, they are sin, aman, the pope will not be as successful as you think, vials of wrath will be poured, out, and, God will bring it to its end, at the sound of prophecy, no more chance for the gentiles, only a remnant of jews will be saved, afinish, he will be pushed at by the king of the south, and that is china, the false prophet, and eventually, divide russia into 4, out of one of them comes the pope, hallelujah, aman, magog is, north korea and south korea, the pope will come out of russia, the greek orthadox church is what boris yeltsin lagalized, have a good year, aman, put it under, this is the last call for america, that great city that riegneth over the kings of the earth, aman, the united states will become a desolation when russia attacks them, and china will attack russia, aman, go and put it under, the sun and the moon will be darkened for 16 hours from the smoke of america burning, call the endtime vision, alaska, that is where, russia will penetrate america, right there, oil, they, need, russia will penetrate america, and they will, out of cuba, nicaragua, mexico, they will bomb america, and that will be the event that brins Jesus back and the beast in, put it under, this is the message were facing upic, u.p.c.i., hallelujah, put it under, the pope is the best freind of the satan, understand, the pope is the bear, and that is russia, and the 10 horns are 10 nations that hate america, and the 7 heads are 7 nations that like america, 5 fall away, one, stays, lets face it, aman, put it under, the beast, is, the, eighth, he, comes out of, italy, and he is, the, pope, put it under, he is the eighth and of the 7, italy has an agreement with america, but, fall, a, away, put it under, thats your endtime message.
prophetic visions from Jesus-vision received 1-12-2006 God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is the bear, the king of babylon is president bush, pointed, hollie, go, put it under, she is transforming, to, teddy, bear, the fold of Christ Church of the apostle faith, bishop rodgers archie, is, cut, off, he saw gas at $1.99, speedway, the king of persia is, iran iraq kuwait, satan, the king of rock and roll is pink floyd, that name means oral sechs, pink is the olor of the inside of a uterus, pink floyd is oral seq's, and if you've had anal sex, you will always want anal sex, you have to deny yourself, aman, if you partake in sin, you will always want it, aman, sissy said, bobby I can't sleep, she wanted you to leave, he saw a man masterbating a man ready to swallow his cum when he cumed, that was, abomination, I want peter said he, I want, oral, stay away from the weapons of mass destruction website, sex show, he saw Fire shoot from White Light called, america is wasting money on things they don't need, its called, 123, the devils after me, gluttony, aminuted, abomination, aman, put that back on, false pastor, false teachers, false religious leaders, hallelujah, aminute, don't, leave it , put that on instead, if she will fast God will not save me, cut off, she laughed, she was only about 20, but, blaspheme, today is the day of salvation, ACTS 2:38, is, sal, va, tion, don't even mess with her, hallelujah, aman, don't run over that bottle, litter is abomination, america is the MTSTERY, BABYLON, of, REVELATION 17, the woman whore, thats america, the mother of harlots is false Christians, mother of abominations is sin, aman, hollie said, pray for 3 hours, he, has, not, but, close, tell the reason, God will not raise your price, but, He sets it, amanor, be, courteous, but, if the LOrd says don't speak, then, don't, carmella johnson wants Jesus to save her, she was having anal sex when HE was dealing with her, she would not stop and now she is cut off andshe can't be saved, hallelujah, thank you Jesus, aman.
judgment to america-visions recieved 1-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: judgment to america started back when the statue of liberty was brought to america, it was given by, actually, that wasn't enough, the Christians fell, and nationally, america fell away from the Truth, babylon hath been a Golden Cup in the Lord's Hand that made the earth drunken, america pressed its sin on nations of the world, hallelujah, aman, its called, democracy, human rights, post it under, america, your time is here.
I didn't wat to hear, its to late, I did not change my mind, I wanted to ask you a question, and the Lord says to late, aMantle, bush, he is, the, bear, and that is, the most, dangerous, animal, in, north, against'em, in america, he is, leading, america, to, judge, ment, put it under, you got what you wanted america, now, reap, put it under, (-0)war brewing-vision received 10-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like , putin said, you cannot attack, and this president said, iran, and putin said, they expect me to defend and this president said, them, if you attack alaska, I'll con, and kyle said, fiscate, and putin said, alas, s, ka, and this president said, I got news for you, and putin said, president bus, a, las, and this president said, ka, and stephen said, is almost and he had simison's voice, and hollie said, taken and stpehen said, is, and he had simison's voice and said, on , and this president said, putin, om bush, and putin said, attack, and this president said, bush, a, and this president said, laska, and stephen said, is almost, om, and I saw this president and he said, putin, and putin said, attack, and this president said, bush, barter, attack, and putin said, it's not, oil, that is what, amerirussia, and putin said, need, and this president said, they want russia to, t, and hollie said, hink, and somebody said, that, and stephen said, kristina, tll, and hollie said, russia, russia wants to attack for oil, iraq, and I saw saddam when he said that, and hollie said, for oil, and putin and hu said, that is, and this president said, what, and putin said, ameriusssia, and hollie said, want to, russia, on the mainline, tell him what you want, and this president said, we want oil, and hollie said, they have control over america's military right now, and putin said, we, and this president said, can, and putin said, fire, and this president said, america's, and putin said, missiles, and this president said on, and putin said, them, and this president said, right and putin said, now, you know what george done, and this president said, i gave it, and stephen said, to gorbachav, called and mickhail gorbachev said, gorbachev, and stephen said, found, and gorbachev said, da, and stephen said, da, dation, and gorbachev said, we know the nuclear codes, and stephen said, it's, and gorbachev said, website, here they are, 666, and putin said, the devil lies, and Condoleezza rice said, cause of him president bush do you have anything to say, and she may have had the wheel chair man's voice, and maybe I saw him, and kristina said, cause oil, and this president said, lets trade, and I saw putin with this presidents voice and here is what i heard, secret for secret, and putin said, do, and this president said, nuclear secret for, and putin said, nuclear holocaust, and this president said, why do we and putin said, give, and this president said, me, or, el, se, and putin said, it's irreversible, bush, you traded, for, and with and this president voice, oil, and putin said, nu, and this president said, clear, and putin said, elijah, does not, be and stephen said, leive, and putin said, we have control, and stephen said, over, and this president said, the, and putin said, nuclear arson, al, it's close than you think, what do you think president bush, I got, control over, your, brain, and I saw putin, and this president said, let'em, and irene said, and the reason is, it's closer than you think, and putin said, all over oil, wem will, take, new, licence, and, and this president said, bankrupt, and putin said, it's oil, by, computer, they, and I saw putin, and this president said, will, and putin said, not, and this president said, give, and putin said, us, and this president said, an clear, and I saw putin as he said that, blackmail, and putin said, we got, 50, suitcase, in, the, u, s, a, and bush, and I saw him as he said this, and putin said, know, and now, you, post, they are all over, us, bush, and I saw him, and final comment, and this president said, you will give, and I saw putin and he said, git out, politburo, or, perish, and this president said, I got one thing to say, you'll per, and putin said, ish, to, and hollie said, take warning, and putin said, fact, do not post, yet, and this president said, remember, and I saw and her, lebed, and his real name is alexander lebed, and putin said, where are they, and lebed said, bill, and lebed said, in, and russ, and putin said, ia, and putin said, we want, think, you, and putin said, he promised, to be hush, and I saw lebed and he had stephen hanson's voice, he was going to tell, and this president said, there in, and putin said, los angeles, san francisco, and stephen said, all ov, and kevin mcgwire said, er, russ, and I did not record that accurate, but the Lord showed me what was said, I had, us, written down, and putin said, ssia, and dumitru said, you'll find'em, and putin said, suprise, and this president said, attack, and putin said, america, coming, and dumitru said, thats why, and putin said, oll over oil, and this president said, money out, that, s, is, and stephen said, why, and this president said, bush, and putin said, want, rus, sia, russia has, more oil, than, and I saw last king of saudi arabia and he said, saud, di, and this president said, russia is, and somebody said, and the noise of the engines grew even louder, and putin said, to late for bobby, and this president said, it's all over oil, and jackie said, money back, and putin said, boom, when you, and hollie said, lea, and kristina said something like, st, and putin said, ex, and this president said, pect, it's all over oil, putin said, it, suitcase, des, truct, and hollie said, tion, and putin said, anhialate, us, and this president said, russia, and I saw putin laughing, and putin said, both, ameriussia, and this president said, we hit israel, watch, out, and stephen said, God will not take the APple of His Eye, and this president said, light, and putin said, put, and something I recorded I can't make out, and I saw kristina and she said, putin, and hollie said, yur, and kristina said, in, and hollie said, for, and this president said, about, and putin said, to, and this president said, be, and putin said, su, and putin said, su, prise, one quarter, and this president said of, and putin said, population, and kristina said, and the, and the president of north korea said, wiped out, and then kristina said, the earth, and hollie said, shall, and kristina said, reel, and hollie said, to, and putin said, to and fro, like, and this president said, a and putin said, drunk, thats, ISAIAH, and stephen said, 23, and putin said, thats, and stephen said, 24, russia, and putin said, and, amer, and stephen said, ica will be, and putin said, de, stroyed, at, and stephen said, at, same, and hollie said, time, and hu said, china will attack russia, using american weapons, stole, um, and hollie said, norht china, and the emporer of japan said, thats japan, in control, and hollie said, in control, we want russia, and the japanese president said, prophet, new, and hu said, world, and the president said or north korea said, order, and hu said, that, and the japan president said, that, look like, and putin said, russ, uss, ia, and the japanese emporer said, ab, sor, sorb, and stephen said, said, hu, and hu said, china will abosorb russia and commy, thats us, force and putin said, russia, indvade, Israel, that, what, russia, want, and maybe hu said, will absorb russia and force and the president of north korea said, russia, and putin said, invade, Israel, and maybe hu said, magog, and the president on japan said, thats it, and hu said, the antichrist is and stephen hanson said, the fourth horn, and stephen said, hanson its to late, and I saw the president of syria and hu said, syria, attack, Israel, thats how, and I beleive the president of syria said some of that, and this president said said, I'm russia, bush, once you make promise, and the wheel chair man said, bound, and this president said, I'm out, ark of, and stephen sang, safety, ark of safety, and the president of syria u,s,a, into battle, draw, that, is, how, and putin said, russia, and the president of syria said, come, help, website, and this president said, that's our country, and the president of syria said, create country, palestinian state, thats how, start, and it all, and irene said, all, read, and the president of north korea said, y, and irene said, exit, and thomas said, it's over, it's up to you, and maybe jon said, prophet ____, hallelujah, my name is prophet _______, hallelujah, you know, and hollie said, you, are, and hollie said, last day, and somebody said, prophet, your choices, and this president said, there strong, and chinese president hu said, we ain't got no navy, and putin said, I'm russia, politburo, thats russia, and the emporer of japan said, japan, that, korea, and russia is, absorb, and hollie said, and and stephen said, russia will become, and putin said, russia, magog, and stephen said, that was, and he had china's presidents voice, and the president of north korea said, red dragon, represent, hate, the spirit, and hollie said, it, and they both said, of, and the north korea said, mede's, and medes, and stephen said, spirit, and the north korea president said, hate, and the north korea president said, and the medes hate Christian, no Spirit, jelous, lous, sy, that, is, al, ready, es, st, stablish, ment, and thats the reason, and hollie said, God, and kristina said, will and hollie said, give, and kristina said, them, and hollie said, one, and kristina said, heart, and the north korea president said, hate, God wants to use them to judge ameriussia, that is, and stephen said, russia, and and the north korea president said, japan, and I saw the japanese emporer and he said, I hate russia, they, and I saw putin and he said, rule the world, lets and macaulay said, rule, and putin said, the world, and putin said, russia, and hu said, china, and the emporer of japan said, japan, and the president of noth korea said, nicarvania, nicaragua, russia, and the emporer of japan said, japan said, japan, , and and macaulay said, japan, you left, and putin sang, russia, china, and a man with a moustache said, nicaragua, and the japanese president said, jap, and hu said, japan, new world order, thats who, and putin sang russia, and hollie said, china, and I saw multitudes and hollie said, that was, and hu said, china, 200 million man army, and putin said, russia, is the beast, and stephen sang, with 7 heads and 10 horns, and putin said, russia is the pope, and hu said, and japan is, and hollie said, russia, and stephen sang, repent and be baptized, cuase russia is the beast, russia is the bear, cause russia, and kristina said, is and hollie said, in, and kristina said, control, and stephen said, read ACTS 2:37, 2:39, read ACTS 2:38, and the japanese president said, om japan, absorb russia, attack, and hu said, china, attack, and stephen sang, russia will, and the president of north korea said, be, absorb, you want power, and stephen said, Italy is a little horn that the pope will come out of, he is the beast, he is the antichrist, sang, READ ACTS 2:37, 2:39, read ACTS, and whats in between, and hollie said, I'm hollie, moody, and stephen said, I'm stephen, hanson, and ken haney said, I'm, hane, ey, you won't get, and sissy said, sissy, and ken said, what happened to you, and stephen said, you and pastor simison said, got saved, and kevin Mcgwire said, if thats the case, come to, G.O.D., G.O.D., and I saw rodney dangerfield and he said, I don't get, no respect, no, fist, fu, cking, good day, and sam neil said, cheers! and this president said, and kevin mcgwire said, this, you didn't deserve this, and macaulay culkin said, I know.
(0)nations Jesus will use to judge fallen america will want to rule the world vision received 10-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, russia president vladimir putin and he sang things like, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, russia, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezela, brazil, and On the the second time, I saw the president of China and he said something like, not for long, and putin said, russia, will, revenge, and dan bohler said, iran, this is dan bohler, and bobby you fucked up, we read It, it's, prophetic, bull, you and the wheel chair man said have, and dan said, It or you don't, and macaulay culkin said, I want this message, go on, the, prophecy, lay off, prophechy club, lay off, we perish, go on, and hollie said, the, prophet, price, pay it, he would, I keep my eye on it, they will, attack, putin said, russia, and, the, and the wheel chair man might have been in on that, and macaulay said, engine, and stephen said, long time, and macaulay said, put new oil it, and hollie said, quaker state, no castrol, castrol gtx, not, good, thats bush's oil, bush, is, assass, sin, nated, by, and dick cheney said, dick, and hollie said, dick, I want, hard, pray for me, diaper, coming, loose Mantle return, and thats the ticket, and putin said, russia will, attack america, and this president said, and we'll hit russia, out of, and I saw the emporer of japan and he said, out of japan, out of, and I saw chinese president hu, and he said, out of, canada, thats, message, china, and somebody else said, cuba, nic, and hollie said, nic, car, agua, and macaulay culkin said, maybe russia need help, bob got cut off, thou fool, I'm, not, clear, bobs, open, and I saw the emporer of japan and he said, china, will, be, the, and I saw chines president hu and he said, the lamb, and michael boldea said, if you do I'll punish you, and hu said, the lamb, with, and the wheel chair man said, with, and hu said, with, with, with, two horns, like, a, lamb, rising, and stephen said, up, out of, and that was sam neill, the sea, anbd I saw president hu, and he said, I'm the false, and somebody else said, false, false bob, and that was hu, and somebody said, I'm the false prophet, give me respect, and I asked who that was, and maybe kristina fox said, that was stephen, you liar, and hollie said, and that was sam neills voice, I'm moody, and she sang, can't you see, what that woman, been doin to me, and macaulay may have sang the word, do, and hollie said, and the woman is, that, great, reigns, over, the, kings, of, and stephen hanson said, the earth, and thats the end day message and I'm sam neill, good day, and michael boldea said, I know your works, and ann schimidt said, your hot, cuba, and hollie said, leave this website alone, and mike said, thats a choice, and hollie said, the new world order is and the emporer of japan shouted, japan, come near, relax, read It on, prophecy, prophecy, I fell, and a man said, prophet, and hollie said, bobby's in danger, and he, wants, to, website, more, than, head, and ann said, sorry we offended you, and hollie said, prophecy get out of here, go, to, sleep, and a man said, thats it, no pride, and thats the wheel chair dude, and chinese president hu said, and we will force, the world, and that may have been jiang zemin, to and putin said, russia, and zemin said, invade, and I saw putin and zemin said, after him, and dan said, bobby wants trouble, and michael boldea said how do you invade russia, and the president of north korea said, it's easy, I shoot rockets, rockets, do, the, and the emporer of japan said, hit, and dan bohler said, in, the air, excuse me, and putin said, russia, russia, will, and macaulay said, thats interesting, and putin sang, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, lets try, attack, by missiles, the, and the this presidents face wth the wheel chair mans voice said, the united states, and dan bohler said, alice cooper, and alice said, sing, and stephen hanson sang, the city streets are cold and wet and weak, and you you just wanna suffocate, and the emporer of japan, and hollie said, and he saw a, and terry cannon said, a marathon sign, and hollie said, and the and terry said, price, is, and pastor simison of the bible Church said, one dollar and four cents a gallon, terrible, and stephen hanson said, that website is awesome, and dorein said, thats the end of this message, and russia president putin said, the city streets are cold and wet and weak, it closes and that was stephen, and putin sang, and makes me want to suffocate, and alice cooper sang, and you just live across the street, and I felt a POWERFUL anointing coming from him and he sang and You just live across the street, and hollie said, there's mercy, and macaulay said, I found, and hollie said the prophecy club in now in session, now, speaking, on, the, website, is, I'm, prophecy, empty wallet, give it to me and stephen hanson may have been in on that, and now speakin is, I'm hollie and I'm moody, and, I'm, the, new, generation x prophet, and witness will give me nothin, but he, and dan bohler said, prophet, its time to shut your fold mouth, and stephen said something like, prophecys beautiful, and hollie said, and thats the end of, website, its closin, when prophet, and I saw me and I said, I got no more chance, to, and stephen said, be, and I said, I perish, and stephen said, in, heaven, and heaven is, is, is, choose, and the wheel chair man said the message is, unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, awesome, I ain't gonna read, and hollie said, thats all right, the message is, closin, the, world, out, to, the TRUE GOSPEL, close the website down and leave, and dan bohler said, prophet I got one thing to say to you, turn, and stephen said, and, he knows, he's, and I said, the price, and stephen said, is, 6 hours, and hollie said, a day, will you come, and hollie said, bob hickman, thats for you, the website, open, and stephen said, open, and hollie said, same price, and a woman said, you should have stuck around, and dumitru duduman says, the price is simple, what, Jesus, charges, everyday, and more beings were in on that, and stephen said, leave me alone, the price, 3 hours, thats the new price, for, me, and I'm stephen, hanson, and sam neill may have been in on that, and stephen said, hey buddy, and michael boldea said, you blow, encourage, and stephen said, virginia, and putin said, world war 2, was started by, germany, and michael boldea said, escape, clause, and hollie said, is now, and simison said, working, and somebody said, raise your hands and repeat after me, and kristina said, tell the visions, tell the visions, with maybe others, and I said, one more reason to close MYSTERY, BABYLON, and hollie said, is, and russia, they started, world war 1, 2, russia has been started it all, russia, and I'm out, and putin said, started, and I said, this blaspheme, russia, and hollie said, my God, you need a whippin, and simison said, close the website, close the world, and I said, tell the TRUTH, and sissy said, ain't no secret, I'm witness's mom, and barbara dearing said, and I don't give a fuck about witness, and dorein said, and the reason is, and I said, close dwon the website and go home, and I heard axl rose from guns and roses sing, do you need some time, on your own, and kristina said, do, and axl, some time, and simison said, fire it up, and sissy said, must have the RIGHT SPIRIT, and hollie said I'm moody, prophet _____, no more chance, russia goin to attack soon, and barbara said, and thats what I want, and a Man that Looked like Jesus said, bob delivered, and sissy said, thats Jesus, and I said, russia, attack, attack, america, when you least expect it, repent and be, baptized, and donald winters said, in Jesus name, and judy lynn said, I'm judy, I blaspheme, and dorein said, please help me, and I said, pay the ransome, and judy lynn winters oliver said, and thats all I got, and I saw her husband and he said, and I'm brother oliver, I'll make it, if I only, If I only, loose my pastor, he blasphemed, and I saw westside pentecostal pastor donald winters and he said, ain't true, and I saw me, and I heard maybe hollie's voice say, what did he say, and I saw united pentecostal Church international THE ACTS 2:38 pentecostal preacher, donald winters and he said, those are from the devil, and somebody else said it as well, and kristina fox said, lift your hands up and repeat after me, and I said, those are pretty awesome, that friek, I, and judy lynn with dorein's voice said, I got news for you pastor, and judy said, remember that tract, witness gave, and dumitru duduman said, thats dumitru, and stephen hanson said, duduman, and michael boldea said, its different price, lots, and hollie said, and lots, and dorein said,and lots, and stephen said, of, blaspheme, and donald winters said, he sold, I transferred, my in and the wheel chair man said, heritance, and winters said, her, I quit, witness I want you to come, to westside again, witness please and he had the wheel chair mans voice, and pastor winters said, help, us, so we can trap him, and a man said, how we gonna get money to pay to pay bills, bob will cover, and and kristina said, thats it, and this president said, the iraq war, my names bush, putin, and hollie said, that was macaulay, and this president said, the iraq money, and saddam hussein said the united states, we'll attack, cause, were, and putin said, politburo with mayabe saddam helping some, and saddam said, I wished you'd leave me alone, the Lord, told me, to, invade, and putin said, russia, go home, lets start it, and saddam said, witness, and somebody said, he won't start, and saddam said, he knows, and this president said, saddam was suppost to invade kuwait, and putin said, russia will hit the united states, and kristina said, tell the TRUTH, and donald winters said, when I see that I'll quit, and dorein said, witness don't want you to quit, get right, or loose, and teresa hedger said, all, thats crazy, and the wintess said, and that was with doreins voice, and gene schmidt said, was bob mistaken, and gene said with the wheel chair mans voice said, sing the ministryofdreams song, and ann schmidt said, thats the price, witness pray, and I said, bob will, and pastor thomas e. simison said, bob will play it on his website, and gene said, a profile of Jesus, hallelujah, I ain't gonna hear it, and dorein said, you remember what you said, and simison said, profile of Jesus, and I saw Jesus and He said, seek and to save that which was lost, nothin, can, website, is, and putin said, transylvania, and kristina said, clear, and kristina said and Jesus says, and I saw me and I said, hang around, and I saw Jesus and He had Brown Hair, and HE said, SERVE, We close it, if, you, want, if, and I saw greg oliver from southwest apostolic Church and he said, bobby, and I saw pastor floyd matthews and he said, git out of here, and macaulay and kristina said, git out of here, and dorein said, and the Lord said, thats your profile page, and Jesus said, Witness turning, it over, to, and I saw Jesus, and He said, ok, lets love, tarry bob, git out of here, and go home, and with maybe kristina said, and, wait, on, Me, and that looked like Jesus, website, and kristina said, is, and Jesus said, awesome, git away for a while, smell the roses, and witness was at the pet shop, and I said, uncle bills, lets face it, and kristina said, and he heard, and I heard guns and roses november rain, and axl sang, do you need some time, on and kristina said, your, and axl said, on, and sissy said, c'mon lets start it, and Jesus said, smell the roses while there here, and putin told bush, and putin said, collapse, if you go into iraq, we'll collapse it, politburo, is, koran, and that, blaspheme, is, and I said, I'm out, and putin said, russia, and kristina said, on fire, and putin said, on fire, thats it, and Jesus said, witness is on fire for Jesus, lets pray, and dentist dr. michael tillery said, spend all afternoon, and dumitru duduman said, go home and sleep do what you want to do, and ann schmidt said, I'll pass, and dumitru said, I wrecked bobby, and I saw me and I said, and putin said, russia will collapse the economy in america, and I said, russia, and this president said, I got news for you, we'll collapse your economy, like, like you, and boris yeltsin said, won't go home, and bill clinton said the united states, special, that and stephen hanson said, nuclear missile and bill said, was ours, we know you can, and maybe the wheel chair man was in on that, and bill said, not, and steven said, take it out, and dorein and others said, and boris said, we knew it, you were testin us, and bill said, clinton I got news for ya, and the wheel cahir man said, when I'm in office, or that was bill with his voice and he said, I'll shoot missiles at, and putin said, russia, and bill said, you'll see, and hillary clinton said, I'm, the president, I'll give it to bill, and maybe that was dorein and bill said, I won't here it, and sam neill said, good night, and sissy said, your fallen, and dorein said, and I saw george which was witness's dad, in, lake of water, lake of restaurant, he was in streams of, and the stream was melten lava, he knew, and george said, russia, I got angry, bob, go, and macaulay said, on, and george said, its a trip, and he and mabye simison said, you don't want to make, and george said, feet deep, with somebody elses voice, and george said, ewe God, pain, is, tremendous, and kristina said, hot, and sissy said, there's are answer, and the wheel chair man said, and george said, and george said, eat food, and the wheel chair man said, drink, and kristina said, owl try, and wheel chair man said, and sleep, stomach, and Jesus said, leave here, leave, and wheel chair man said, whose talkin, pass, and george said, macaulay's voice, om in hell, join me, and the wheel chair man said, and that was stepehen hanson,, using george's face.
(1a)they will want to rule the the world-visions recieved 10-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like possbily me and I said, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezela, brazil, and putin said, russia, we will rule the world, and I'm sam neill, thats all, and putin said, attack, when you least expect it, and the wheel chair man may have been in on it, and chris noll said, now we know, and hollie said, he's on fire, for and john said coffee, and chris said, donuts can't trap, he's, on, fire, the most, and pastor simison may have joined in on that.
(1)a message from satan to all people he uses-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like satan and he said, om satan, this is how I feel, and joel urshan said, thats the Word, and lucifer said, the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues is of the Holy One, but, you are not of Jesus name, lying, decieving, mocker, you put Jesus to a shame, you put prophet to a shame, Jesus likes prophets, and maybe, be careful, Jesus will protect, He hates Jesus, he hates the Holy One, He knows, witness you still can't beleive it, you blasphemed the Holy One, how'ed it feel, and the walmart girls said, witness is the walmart girl, and it felt good, and satan which had an all white face like an angel said, hallelujah, you know what you need, russia to wipe you out, your embarrasing, and joel urshan said, who's satan, and satan said, satan is, witch, like all of you, and joel urshan said, there it is, your a witch, is what satan said, and satan said, you think I'm lying, wheres the Signs, the signs you see in an apostolic Church are the Signs sinners can duplicate, and satan said, satan, doesnt always tell, a lie, like you all, and joel said, thats bob, and satan said, I'll prove it, when you blaspheme the Holy One, the Word, blaspheme is not, and joel said, o shit, and satan said, blaspheme is not, Jesus Christ, ohio state, and I heard, bobby knight, and may have seen him, and satan said, coach, thats it. Lastly satan said, satan, accept, his fate, but you don't. Thats all. Satan is clean and joel said, I can't beleive this, and satan said, satan, already lost, but, can be saved, you just, don't beleive, thats what the Word tells me take the website, get blood on your hands-vision recieved 9-17-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, norm heaggy, and he said things like, take the website out, get blood on yours, then my hole will just be deeper, and I saw wallace vanslyke and he said, we know. A big reason for this page is to bring revelation, and restoration, for Jesus is the Father of mercies, and can be moved. Will you pay the price?
olsen twins God has showed me a young blond girl and she said, were olsens, and there may have been two, and one said things like, Jesus please help me, you help me once, please help me again, and alice cooper said, he delivered ya, and alice cooper said, your headed to destruction, God turned it around, and olsen twin said, please pray, help me, and alice cooper said, read, ACTS 2:37, read ACTS 2:39, and what is in between, and kenneth haney said, please call me, and maybe, befor I have a heart attack, doctor, find and as upci Church and as he said that hen haney faded and alice cooper arose and michael boldea said, this is serious, and maybe, read the new testament, and ann schmidt of hand of help ministries in watertown, wisconsin, said, things like, get it right, and give us a call, before we close, gene will sing you a song, and gene schimdt sang, trouble knocking on you window pane,
(1)blaspheme against the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has showed the words, blaspheme against the Holy Ghost. If you have committed blapsheme against the Holy Ghost, I saw the walmart girl in a vision and she said something like, blaspheme is forgiven by paying a ransome. Seek to get your blaspheme purged, all things are possible to those that believe. Believe manes to obey

about closing website-vision recieved 9-6-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said things like, prophet clean", "close the website down", "prophet will put it back", "it's in starage", "taken off the website makes no sense", "leave witness alone".
(0a)the arch angel gabriel-visions recieved 6-11-2007-I saw gabriel in a vision and heard, "look at that", and I saw jeremy taylor of john f. kennedy university fired, and he sees, throws.
(0)macaulay culkin-visions received 9-15-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, home alone, star, macaulay culkin, and he said things like, and don't read no more visions, just your own, your gettin in trouble, I have a message, read no more visions, and don't say nothin about the visions, thats blaspheme, and thats the Word, judgment is about to hit, I know your burning, your about to get put on, call kenneth haney, witness will remove the visions, you comitted blaspheme, ther ain't no forgiveness, the mantle got you puged, you did it by accident, you need to understand, theres mercy, israel will be destroyed, destruction coming to iraq, nuclear exchange, time is short, start takin the word, you'll poop, heart attack, serious, call haney, kenneth haney, and haney said, I don't beleive this guy, and macaulay said, warn me, you need to put on the Mantle, you rich now, at upci international, kenneth haney will help, and I saw the president of north korea, and he said, iraq, and isreal, syria, and north korea. Apostolic pastor james tyson said things like, Jesus lets pray about It, macaulay, you need, to get baptized, In Jesus, Jesus name, and filled with the Holy Ghost, he won't though, and macaulay said things like, maybe there's mercy, say nothing about the visions, say nothing, thats blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, and thats not forgiven, please help, you know how I goofed, I went with michael jackson, tell me what happened, and mike said, thats not true, and and macaulay said things like, he needs arrested, he raped me, I didn't run from'em, he cut me off, he licked my penis, he put it in my butt, he's a witch, use that Mantle, witch is on the loose, he will confess, he'll have a heart attack, whats your name, I'm a prophet, and I want to see you saved, REad ACTS 2:38, please help me, God is revealing, He make him publish him, you won't beleive what he did to me, he licked my poop hole, he licked it all, he eat it, he blasphemed the Holy Ghost, he licked it in his hand, he masterbated in front of me, he masterbated in front of everyone, he masterbated in front of everybody, he licked my poop hole, he eats cum, he licked my balls, he masterbated in front of me, he licked my nipples, I was only ten, give him a heart attack, and I saw him and he said, made me cry. Don't read the other visions, its waht the devil says, to late for you, its not to late, give your last name, and its not culkin, you'll never grow up, your last chance, go to pentecostal Church, u.p.c.i., take the Word with you, you msut be born again, I will help you, judgment is coming to america, russia will attack america, you better grow up, and kenneth haney said, go to upc Church, joel urshan said, check out this guy, and he cursed God, and dan bohler said, I'm bohler said, my God, that ai'nt bobby hickman, loose your Mantle, and macaulay said, thats the Mantle, Mantle is Jesus, and irving baxter said, I'm irving baxter, you can come to my Church, I will, and maybe haney said something like, and I will, pick you up, and maybe, God will deliver you, and dan bohler said something about not being delivered, and he said, and macaulay said, you in trouble, read no other visions, they'll make you blaspheme, witness will meet you, dan bohler's turning around, witness will meet you and dan bohlers going home, and dan said, I can't beleive this guy, and something like, he's gotta be out if his fuckin mind, and macaulay said, lets pray about, don't read no more visions, thats my warning, made me sleep, and thats the Word, don't say nothing about the visions, blasphemy is unforgiven, and kenneth haney said, you will not git out, good luck, call dan bohler, and dan said, I don't beleive this guy, don't give dan no money, he likes to hallucinate, thats the Word, leave a message, dan will call you when he comes home, and he called me a backstabber, and kenneth haney said things like, take the witness out, take the witness home, I don't beleive him,
(0)the pope is the beast with seven heads and ten horns-visions received 1-18-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like People and they said: lets rule the world, russia, china, nicarvania, thats cuba and nicaragua, they will be the evangelist of the beast, he will strike america when you least expect it, and that is when your not looking for it, mana, washington d.c. is the great kingdom that rules over the kings of the earth, how awesome said michael boldea, lets rule the world, russia, china, nicaragua and north korea and venezuela and brazil, they will be given one heart and one mind and they will give their power and strength to the beast and he will send it over on america, that is MYSTERY, BABYLON is the kingdom, that is unbelieveable, america is this babylon, read ISAIAH 13 and THE BOOK OF JOEL, aman, 666 is the mark of the beast and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, a flanged cross is threescore, aman, put it under, the mark of the beast is not america's problem, they won't see a mark of the beast, thats the event that brings Jesus back and the beast in, the sun and the moon will be darkened for 16 hours, the earth will be moved out of its place, aman, put it under, america is MYSTERY, BABYLON, that great witch, aman, because russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is the pope, and the pope will come out of russia, the pope will, divide, into, 4, and he will, come, out of, russia, and that is, the, new world, order, and that is, the, tyre, magog, he will, rule, and, become, the, idol, shepherd, but, not un, till, he, get's, slashed, he will, be, revived, with, satan, in, that, body, destroy, , russia is the bear, the ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, I saw, write the vision and make it plain, I dont need to repeat myself, that was renea hazel barker, and people said, russia will destroy america, aman, elder plummer at greater faith apostolic faith Church is cut off, ron meins is cut off, lambert gates sr. is cut off and so is the woman you told, holie pointed a the van, go and post it under, witness, nonstop, aman, he saw a lighted dragon, that was satan, and he is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and he saw a lighted man, that was hu the false prophet, go and post it under, apostolic pentecostal been cut off, I saw it, said, sam, neill, he was, the, antichrist, on, the, the final, conflict, he had, 666, thats my name, on, hims, forhead, under, hims, hair, that is, close, but, go, and put it under, labor after MEAT that endures to ETERNAL LIFE!, put an apostrophe and go, put it under, russia is, the, bearest, the kings of the east are, china, and, all the, world, they will, make, russia, invade, the Glory Land, israel, but, Christ will, He come's, Speak, goodbye, READ AND DO, ACTS 2:37, ACTS 2:39, and what is in between, ACTS 2:38, go, put it under, witness to people near and far, and, labor, not, for, this, planet, but, for, the, eventually speakin, russia is, pre, and that is, the are, ready, but, china will, start, attack, los angeles, washington state, all, the, you get MY point, shoot, cargo, ship, but, russia will, attack alaska, and, grab, tai, wan, that is, china, and, russia will, lead, an, allout, attack, on, america, and that is, boom, put it under, china will, attack, russia, force, russia, to, invade, israel, magog will be, the, new world, order, and they are, china, japan, russia, north and south korea, pakistan, will, betray, america, collapse, economy, o my God, o my God, o my God, o my God, o my God., 2-8-2010-this is uh warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, like, bear, changes, laughs, happy, and he saw, said, casey, its, Rick Childs, im with witch, said, its your pastor, said, hollie, showed, Rick Childs, thats, said, bob, Rick Childs, pocketing, his loot, said, mrs. rick childs, put it under, said, hollie, you knew, she, said, thats Rick Childs shaking, I knowed it, said, its your reverend, Rick Childs, hollie said, this is warning, said, hollie, showed, lay down, write the vision make it plain, said, hollie, maybe its uh warning, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie showed, popes picture, spun around, showed, its putin, kneeling before pope, in picture, hollie, showed, update, the, exactpages website cause many corrections, this is vision, lets post, said, hollie, submarines, are, prowling, right there, said, hollie, clapped, thats submarines all around, its america, showed, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, thats one, sub firing, nuclear, explosion in, its california, said, dumitru duduman, hollie claps, watching, on, cnn, thats, hollie cnn news anchor man, telling, showing, both, american, coasts, exploding, hollie tells, while telling, thats, hollie and nuclear explosion in canada, then whole american center exploded, thats, Jesus, coming, and, bear arising, devouring, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, and up rose the pontiff, beast, thats nuclear rockets from them striking russia, exploded, burned, thats smoke rising, like, furnace, moon with big nose, looks down, shows, bobby he made me, said, worried looking moon in heart, sun has mouth opened, were abased, one said, both play, Jesus, there, hollie showed, lay down, hollie showed, lay down, hollie said, post, and, post angel appears, dances, hollie showed, get over, bob, said, hollie, showed, time, how important is it, she, said, stamped, hollie said, beat hand, I want uh copy of your book, said, dara, shes, cute, 20, but cut off, said, bob, Jesus, thinks, at 17, there was uh moment of clarity, she chose, I want sex, said, dara, uh warnin, said, hollie, beat hand, thats hollie posting on, its laptop, she, showed, hollie had, uh watch on, its, light, she, said, please let me, said, hollie, diamonds are forever, she, said, showed, james bond, that, hollie said, was expensive to film, that, hollie said, loose belt somby, said, hollie, sandy, wiped lips, it was simb, she, said, hollie smiles, he aint gonna let me, she, said, record, hollie shows mr. for loot, thats, on youtube, hollie said, hollie showed, record, there, hollie said, your, flash drive, hollie showed, go to, halifax, she, showed, hollie showed, record, hollie, said, dont, go, showed, eat, prophet hickman, have I got news you, said, hollie, its, soumb, said, sandy, hollie, played, music, whatta you want, said, hollie, hit syria, said, the, pope, hollie, said, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, syria burning, then egypt and jordan, exploded, thats israeli prime minister with the nuclear button, and armies marched into israel led by hu hintao, thats, hintao slashing ponitff, lets unite and force said, hintao, thats, nuclear explosion, in, its, israel, said, hollie, china invading russia and forcing russia to invade israel, thats rocket leaving russia with the prophecies center website on, israel exploded, mountain splits in two, you, pointed, Jesus, thats jews being raptured, flying up, jong, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, kim jong with the nuclear button, hollie showed, turn, lighted hand, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, and, south korea, and, china, thats, rocket leaving, russia, with, hollie, showed, its, the ministry of dreams, website, on, thats nuclear explosion in north korea, hey said, hollie, thats, two missiles coming out of, oceans, its uh u.s.a. sub, hollie, said, north korea, exploded, hollie walked, wearing, plad coat on, not looking happy, but then smiles, bobby he made me, said, hollie, Jesus, it appeared, said, hollie, both sun and moon, there, hollie dances, what for, said, hollie, om grecia, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, pointed, casey, its, the, king, of, grecia, pope, with, horns, thats hu hintao, out of, one horn, and, pope, medvedev, and putin, out of, other, thats, ram, with, putins, face, and, those kings coming out of, its, horns, hollie showed, its, the, publisher, witaker house, hollie showed, use, hollie showed, thumbs down, its george g. bloomer, theres george bloomer, pocketing the loot said mrs. bloomer, hey bobby its to late, said, mary k. baxter, she, stole, hollie, said, thats mary k. baxter knowing bob is the owner of, Ministry of Dreams, she altered to, the ministry of deliverance, to ruin, and take later, ministryofdreams, Lord I didnt do it, said, mary baxter, put it under, said, hollie, mary baxter never got saved, said, hollie, shes unaccountable, said, Jesus, casey sprinkles, thats bear rising, and he saw, it, said, casey, thats, your reverend, mary k. baxter in hellfire, and, Jesus, telling, it to devour, pointed, JEsus, that, thats, world, and, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, hey I will place it, there, said, hollie, thats, many, nuclear rockets, striking, russia, exploded, thats rockets, flying, africa, in, its near the center, said, hollie, exploded, thats rockets leaving, their waters striking, its, cuba, said, hollie, theres, cuba, with, nuclear, fires, rockets, leave, their waters, striking, america, hollie points, its near gulf coast states, burned, hollie, showed, record, thats, the, dreadful beast with ten toes, its, got, popes face, thats, faces as toenails, they are, said, hollie, putin, theres medvedev, thats, ten russian kings, boris yeltsin out of the ten, originally, said, hollie, it was politburo, thats, putin out of, yeltsin and medvedev, thats pope out of putin, lets rule, the, world, said, putin, alright, shakes, pontiff, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, showed, hollie, jonathon carter ministries, hollie, showed, thumbs down, its witchs, hollie, said, thats jonathon cater, pocketing the loot, said, mrs. carter, hollie showed, run in place, hollie showed, thumbs down, its Matthew Ashimolowo, hollie showed, thumbs down, thats him pocketing the loot said mrs. Ashimolowo, put it under, said, hollie, its to late for the Ashimolowos, thats matthew looking at visions trembling, hollie with Jesus inside showed, record, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, she, said, for, him, said, hollie, Hank Hanegraaff, hollie showed, thumbs down, you blasphemer, she, said, thats Hank Hanegraaff looking at visions, hollie showed, eat, with big red hand, its, titanic, with, captain, smith, on, deck, it scraped iceberg, then sank, you knew, said, smith wipes chin, shakes, I knew, he said, it was you said, edward smith, bruce ismay wanted speed, teased, smith didnt care, knew it would probably hit iceberg, said, smith, damage, then smith would laugh at ismay, both would be fired, on the titanic, said, Jesus, just like movie, tell me about the titanic said, hollie, big ship, she said, thats hollie posting on laptop, thats Jesus looking at robert irsay, telling robert irsay, thats irsay laughing, I wont, he said, thats, bob prays before the game, irsay hires bob to do announcing, thats bob as colts announcer with Jesus inside, thats rober irsay laughing, I will give him uh job, to forecast, he said, thats bob, hearing from Jesus, telling who to draft and who to release, we need uh coach, said, robert irsay, thats indianapolis colts coach appearing, it was you said, hollie, you broke, their winning streak taking away their hunger, I knew said coach with robert irsays voice, your fired said, irsay, you coach, said, robert irsay, thats bob coaching the, showed, hollie, indianapolis, colts, bob doesnt know coaching but Jesus tells bob what to do, get mike ditka, said, Jesus, he would take, thats ditka and irsay meeting, tell bob, said, Jesus, thats irsay showing, come on over, hollie, sat with dress on, waited, hollie showed, record, thats Father on steam locomotive, its number 7 train, it blew, like, whew, said, hollie, thats, pigs running to troth, its showed, hollie, all you eat restaraunts, hollie laughs, hollie showed, with big hand, bob go back, hollie showed, thumbs down, its for doctor, thats world exploding, and, pope rising, said, hollie, theres hu hintao, she, said, there you have it, both beasts, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie showed, thumbs down, its him, she said, jerry rose, hollie showed, thumbs down, hes witch, hollie, said, that was nuclear explosion in, its africa, said, hollie, missiles left their waters, striking cuba, exploded, and venezuela, and brazil, thats nuclear fires in, thats rockets leaving their waters, striking, pointed, hollie, there, texas, exploded, missiles left a u.s.a. sub, thats nicaragua exploded, hey i'll place it there, said, hollie, nuclear fires in, mexico, and latin america, hollie showed, run in place, thats russia the bear exploding, said, hollie, missiles leave there, striking, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, world shook, bobby this is website, said, hollie, showed, work, 2-27-28-2009-that was hollie laughing, reaching for the youth at, hollie showed, its westside pentecostal church, from ground, looked like normal hollie but from high above she said looked dark, laughs like normal, growls like dark, put it under hollie said, dont change, hollie cried backslider Jesus calls bob teasing said hollie many times, thats defence department, robert gates, said, hollie, looking at Gods idea, thats, showed, hollie, hands, body hidden, but then, appears, hollie snaps fingers, stomps foot, again, hollie shows, missile defence drone shooting down missiles, robert gates loves, its, will work, hollie shows, robert gates talking with barack obama, they agree, send bob letter, hollie shows, record, showed, its, danville apostolic church, its, said, hollie, bobs, home, church, its ordered by God, hollie, said, put it under, hollie, said, work, she, said, this is, uh, warning, said, angel, hollie screamed, angel shows time, what for, hollie, said, screamed, pope, appeared, thats, pontiff, riding, black, horse, its, into, russia, thats pontiff and medvedev signing uh deal, it gains some control for, hollie showed, like silhouette body, normal arms, snaps fingers, pope, hollie showed, look over visions for mistakes, hollie, happy, showed, buick reatta, its still loved, bob said, hollie, slaps face, again, like, invisable hollie, and, hollie, appears, stomps foot, hollie showed, appears, claps, shows, popes picture with brown hair, thats, putin, kneeling before, let me rule the world, said, putin, pope, shakes, yes, thats, rockets flying and missile defence, its knabbing uh few, said, hollie, america exploded anyhow, you do know it, said, hollie, this the, vision, she, said, thats bush, at, microphone, hollie makes talk, bush eats chicken, I made our war, he said, ate, its oil, bush said, leaves eating chicken, its to breakem, bush, said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, hollie puts bush in fire, record, the, vision, said, hollie, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing, in, his submarine, its light, showed, hollie, thats gaza burning, thats israeli prime minister, iraq exploded, hollie shows, two fires, hollie, slaps, hollie said, leave barack obama alone, hollie showed, book, Ministry of Dreams, sells, at, wal-mart, hollie showed, you did not want me, said, hollie, speaking, for, hollie showed, thats, lighted hollie showing, turn, thats, bear licking, prophet, im, with, him, said, bear, hugs putin, putin, said, hollie, heres you answer, in, good concience towared God to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, putin, said, thats Jesus write there, said, hollie, I have manifested thy name said, Jesus, kneeling before Father, were both Christ, said, angel like Father, sh, said, hollie, that was, satan, but, he looked like the Father, and was the Father, said, hollie, hollie said, work, hollie posted, on laptop, wearing white robe, hollie slaps, thats red dragon rising, its, showed, hollie, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and, who, are, they, bobby, said, hollie, beat hand, its, the, g8, hollie said, theres bush riding, dressed like woman, its the MYSTERY, BABYLON, said, hollie, its america hollie showed, thats submarines all around america, one fires, hollie, watches on cnn, thats hollie cnn news anchor man reporting, its being watched all over the world, thats rockets leaving america, striking russia, exploded, thats red dragon, thats Jesus sprinkling, giving them one mind, its destroy, that, pointed Jesus, with white gloves, thats subs all around america, thats both american coasts exploding, thats captain hollie in russian jet dropping bombs, thats, minuteman 111 nuclear rockets exploding in silos, thats some, lifting off, thats barack obama, using bob to campaign, thats what I want, said, obama, hollie claps, shows, time, its, light watch, you gotem, hollie, said, its, her, dr. jeremy taylor, reverend, appearing, said, hollie, and God, you said, hollie, stole, thats rev. jeremy taylor, d.min, from, its, showed, hollie, wisdom university, being fired, its over taking the name, said, hollie, kathy taylor reads, ministry of dreams, showed, hollie, and hollie showed, appears, claps, shows, the beast, hollie showed, said, its, pope, hollie showed, rubs chin, stomps foot, snaps fingers, hey said, hollie, kind uh kicks, hollie claps, shows, take bath, hollie showed, lay down, chile, said, hollie, thats, chile shaking, its earthquake, showed, hollie, then opened hands, showed, popes picture, with brown hair, whats that, said, golden hollie, its 2:38, its ACTS saLVATION, hollie closes it up, hollie slaps, showed, lay down, hollie showed, the who, still tourin, hollie, said, put it under, hollie said, who, sells, out, every show, now, cause, people love, some of, their, songs, thats, pete townshend rocking, it was, hollie, reaching for the youth at westside pentecostal church, from ground she looks happy, normal, reaches, but from high, hollie looks like angry, dark, hollie, hollie showed, picture, its titanic with captain smith, its on deck, said, hollie, scraping iceberg, sinks, thats, hand, showing, on the bottom of, its atlantic, ocean, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, hey, said, hollie, that, was, put back, she, said, light in, the tears, hollie looked, thats hu hintao, appearing, in, its picture, showed, hollie, relaxed, here you have it, said, hollie, both beasts, you did not want it, showed, hollie, with finger, its hollie showed, appeared, happy, in, its white robe, thats wilhelm gustloff ship, o, said, ship, dressed in royalty, hollie posted, on, its laptop, she, said, this is website, pointed, hollie, im back said, hollie showed, showed, antichrist, pope, hollie showed, f-104 starfighter, on the, hollie showed, its, the, u.s.s. oriskany, strafighter, said, hollie, hollie showed, nuclear fires, in brazil and venezuela, thats missile streaking, cuba exploded, just arm visable, body fades in, let me, said, hollie, showed, exercycle bike, hollie rode with plad coat on, its red hollie, said, striped black, hollie showed, thumbs, down, its, im minister said, larry harris, its, hollie showed, larry a. harris, pocketing, its the loot, said mrs. larry harris, put it under, its, witchs, hollie, said, the harris's,
