Sunday, September 15, 2024
God enters the body of bob hickman and speaks in june of 2002 and said get a website, and i prayed 2 days and asked what to call it, and God spoke, "call it MinistryOfDreams"
1-31-2014-bob, hollie shook, bob its that, katie murphy, shes being looked at, not by original owner, but, by women look like her, thinking, that looks like me but aint, its, they all want youth, thats hollie working on face, many seeking, its plastic surgery, its, face being pulled and it works, but when you get to old, it sags anyway, hollie pointed turn, went to, its goodwill, thats goodwill hammo, its like, happy face, but hollie showed, eat more, came out, fingers pointing up, Jesus high in air, world appeared, blue, face on, happy, bob, God said, hollie shakes, dont, both, 2-1-2014-bob I have just got offended by what you put on there, its Jesus, having sex, many versions of hollie saw, bob, those will not do good or bad saith the lord, it was Jesus, he appeared, hollie said, coming out, sweatshirt changing colors, bob, its moodie, sticking out light tongue, heavy again, looking pretty good, burgundy red coat on, plad, its him, thin agin, screwing, its, raise your hands and repeat delete after me, hollie said, dont loose friends, keep, dont argue, hollie showed, no way, hollie, like going hammo, like, cat face, somewhat, sang, hollie showed turn, lighted golden hand, showed bob, spruce up, go in, its spanish flea market, stamped hollie, bob, hollie looked affeared, moved eyes, dull golden color in, its work on spanish page, make it reach more, hollie sat at computer, unhappy angel head, face on, had like, triangle hat, light, hollie showed, its whale wars, she saluted, its paul watson, hes soon in jail, boo, hollie comes out, showed, its him, many, its he hollie showed said, burgundy sweatshirt, gray pants, not happy, they chant boo, 2-2-2014-bob, hollie showed head, showed, clean out, spetic tank, keep clean, its people, many, new angel, like face, of light, not happy, bob, did something with hands, shook head, showed, its new friends, now christian, bob it wont go down, thats tomorrow, facebook still up, and you stunned, but its full, again, but with christian friends this time, bob, hollie showed, just keep it bobby hickman, thats it going, bobby hickman hammo, its, kind of like bob, kind of like hollie, angelic face, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, but did something, she went out into world and things were going on, turn, hollie showed, she went hammo head, upset, its emails going out, like, its uh network, bluish back ground with, light arrows, shot, many, hollie showed turn, they chant boo hum, hollie said, its him, in room, full, not happy, he hollie, many, 2-3-2014-bob, God said, hollie showed, time, Jesus on light dial, bob, its, turkish page, its, thats something going on, hollie came out while, and, like shafts being shot, and, gray setting, some black shafts, and white, hollie thought, enough, its getting thru, put it under, hollie showed, time, light watch, Jesus on, smiling, big red gloved hands, hollie showed, its superbowl, peyton manning, winning, hes, its, denver broncos, 2-4-2014-bob, hollie shook head, this is Jesus, hollie and God said, its moodie, fucking again, God said, angel, shes, not caring, but will like, its, the money, the loot, hollie said, put it under, give her twenty, and take home, she wont bother, but will want you to call, and you will, but not to often, 2-5-2014-bob, hollie shook head, shes, wanting, but not able, watch her come to you, you show church, its happy new world order, apostolic church, God said, and hollie, and, she, trembles, but doesnt say anything, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, but woke up, quick, bob its call, there call hammo, like angelic face being, happy, bob thats you back to work, now bank it, God said, hollie saw, its snowing, bob, hollie shook, had coat on, but thin, bob, its dress warm, and I stamp, hollie said, with stick, its scene forming, bob theres church, hollie appeared quick, like silhouette hollie, blue hammo being, thing, theres building, with, its hammo, like angelic head, appearing, part of way, up, hollie, showed time, hey, light watch, Jesus on, big red gloved hands, bob, hollie looked at time, she, showed, Jesus, like cat, on light dial, hes, happy, big red gloved hands, its her, she sits next to, asks for ride, thats when you pop her, then every once in awhile, saith God, get alone, its angel, shes, fucking all, and knows about you, saith God, shes a whore, like your wife, and she wants sex, its for loot, they all do, saith God, bob, now, hear me, God said, its going to work out, soon you will be working, and having fun, again, saith the lord, and many people will come to your church, and fuck, you saith God, put it under, lets, hollie said, many will come, from all over, so this is the god man, the elijah, many said, put it under, lets, many said, 2-6-2014-bob, hollie said, the balloon blew, its he hollie, on, blue background, hollie showed, put it under, hollie blew, lets, many said, they are, not seperated, but, slowly, in the decline, its whoever, with, janette, bob, God said, do slow, be easy, hollie came out, showed, go easy, its on, scene spins, and I stamp, hollie said, 2-7-2014-bob, hollie smiled, looked stunned, I know how to do buisness, its moodie fucking janette, sticks out light tongue, Jesus comes out, changes to hollie, bob dont do it, do lease, with option, get paid, to do nothing, you will, and take half, and make lots of money, no, i.r.s., but be wary, antonio is a buisness man to, they wont do it, unless they have some control, tell antonio, how to give, but he wont, they will fued, and want money back, put it under, watch, he will give, but wont want to, and laugh, but want it back, soon, soon you will have money, saith the lord, and wont have to work, 2-8-2014-bob, God said, hollie shakes, dont mess with him, he will pocket all, but you sell to, and wont, tell on you, but if they are stolen, he has, not you, but, he wont, he will keep, and not get nothing, but, hollie showed the i-phone, the are precious, and can spam with, look, hollie said, like white hollie, she, emailed, quick, bob, hollie said, quicker then computer, but, it wont last, soon, they will, its facebook owner, going hammo, like birdie, stop, the emailing, he said, to save room, put it under, hollie showed sleep, 2-9=2014-turn, hollie said, she said, many said, God said, hollie appeared, like martian hollie, bob dont, God said, it was Jesus, hollie said, coming out, hands raised, its, build katie murphy, its boost, hollie said, bob in israel, God said, its, out, many now know, and you will blast it tomorrow, and millions will find out, making God cry, and will be wiped out, in, its my own homeland, its makes them ashamed, God said, bob, hollie comes out, its pink floyd, they still sell, thats him, david gilmour, hes old now, so is, roger waters, they will work together again, but, both old and now, even roger waters, is thinking about retirement, bob you will soon work, and need nothing, I will give you a wife, but you will have to behave, and you want to ruin the world and have already, soon, thats people running, and you at church, and vino nuevo leading, bob, now, God said, rubbing chin, im going to bring janette back, and she wont leave, to stop you, it wont be enough, saith god, bob, now hear me, thats church, hollie showed siphon, its, well, septic tank, thats angel inside, showing, clean me, its level in side, its, shew, hollie said, down to ground, bob I want it that way, saith the lord, clean, new hollie, like stunned, showed, use capitol, in, its JEsus, scene spins, out comes the beast, its with, seven heads and ten horns, thats thats putin coming down, its serpent, hollie said, with, like pointy scales coming out of back, its, horns, saith God, bob, hollie said, hollie like space matial, showed turn, its bear, licking prophet, big red tongue, 2-10-2014-bob, God said, its sex, with her, just be patient, she will talk to you, knows you want, put it under, hollie showed time, light watch, Jesus on, big re gloved hands, like cat, big nose, put it under, its janette, sex again, moodie sticks out light tongue, put it under, hollie showed time, bob, hollie shook her head, leave her alone, heres why, she does drugs, and smokes, and you know it, but she will fuck you, and she knows it, put it under, give her fifteen, and get laid, and do it now, start right now, and make some money, and get this going, do it in the van, next in church, you can trust her, but just keep her, under control, she is about firty saith God, 2-11-2014-BOB HOLLIE SHOOK HEAD, SHE IS BACK, BOTH, ITS, SHEY, AND JANETTE, ITS MOODIE STICKING OUT LIGHT TONGUE, RED PLAD COAT ON, ITS, ORAL AND ANAL SEX AGAIN, SAITH GOD, hollie put back, c'mon, she said, play ball, in her mitton, turn, turn, hollie said, golden arm, she showed, git busy, brought it to her, its katrina, shes back, soon its her laughing, moodie trying to screw, but, there it is, she said, hollie said, 2-12-2014-bob, tell her poop hole, or once a week, which means, thats hollie waving, good bye, she does, and you cum, you like better, saith God, bob, hollie shook head, slow down, God said, oh, woman said, in terror, shes like hollie, she came to hollie, hollie calls on, bob, its speedway, indiana, now they know, they will not put a plague up, but will pray, thats one praying, hollie showed, its stan lee, bob, he, thats him trembling, but says, oh god, I want this, he goes to work, its the god man, the man god entered into like a body perfect size, then others join in, watch, saith God, hollie said, showed, its john denver, she clapped hands, thats his song, rocky mountain high, its still loved, thats people dancing when he sang, it made hollie cry, now, hollie showed, with hands, its beast carriage, theres, raise your hands and repeat after me, she sang, pope on dark side, like angel of light, theres red side with, its hu hintao, thats, its kim jong-hu hintao man, there were are, both alike, but thats, politburo, showing hintao, keep it down, quiet she said, its to prevent war, thats chinese missile, hollie showed, its aimed, armed, and ready, thats it, hollie saw, exploding, its near that, russia, hollie said, hey she said, thats exchange, thats russia and china burning, thats pope coming on scene, thats hollie like two horned red beast, space suit on, its, she sang, hintao and, its emperor of japan, coming out of horns, thats, its peace treaty, its six six six, signed at table, between them, thats pope like ram, theres kings coming out, of horns, there pope and, its smiling putin, and, medvedev, theres pope coming out, slash appearing on face, hey hollie said, its, in israel, thats hintao with armies of east slashing pope, theres kings of the world wailing, armies of the pope there to, theres Jesus appearing in sky, that was putin appearing and nuclear fire ball from russia, hollie showed seal it up, its battle of armageddon, lets unite and force, hintao said, thats gitty up, scene went blue, its china, nuking and invading russia, its like a cloud of people, covering the land, hollie showed go, hollie showed keep going stright, space martian hollie, looked to turn, like like space suit on, golden helmut, on, vest, shirt, hollie, 2-13-2014-bob, God said, hollie appeared, shook head, thats you working, and taking home, over three hundred dollars, and buying meal for vino nuevo, hollie showed time, its she went to interview, she was confident, its to old, you walked out abased, hollie, showed, its him, he hollie, whole room, hollie said, why do they chant boo, its, hollie apearing with blanket, sucking thumb, its bob dont take it, its truck driving job, 2-14-2014-bob, hollie said, showed, its sofia, bulgaria, the land shaking, whole nation, its government, lets crackdown, president said, no russians, but it was uh lie, hollie said, Jesus appeared, and, was, getting mad, but, to late, bob, soon you work, and have money, help sissy, help church, heres how, start american ministry, cut their rent, I will give you woman, saith God, bob, hollie put back, tear up, but face went blank, then like hands showed play ball, but head not seen but it was there, hollie showed eat something, bob, its to late now, they, thats them at employment plus, laughing, but afraid of you, hollie showed turn, just hands seen but rest appeared, face kind of blank, she showed eat something, 2-15-2015-bob, hollie shook head, its sex, with shea, she doesnt give up butt, unless you press, you will get, its janette, shes, back, watch, both, bob, put it under, soon, thats bob as a workman, and big paycheck, but, hollie clapped, but only hands seen, rest, another hollie, bob they wont keep you for long, but send you to quaker state, and there will stay, thats you filling out application, and becoming permanent employee there, saith God, she said, hollie said, showed, walk, had weight on, shorts, drank drink, but it was not seen, but it appeared, its was light straw, stripes around straw, fluid appeared in cup, changed to like beer, bob drink beer, go with janette, party, hollie sang, its only make believe, conway twitty, hes dead now but, was, thats him while alive, bob he was friendly hollie said, he shook hands, hollie showed turn, walked around at goodwill, bob, hollie showed, dont go home, 2-16-2014-bob, hollie pulled up sleeves, and she, shook head, bob your tearing up churches, now, hear me saith God, they will all weep, then check you out, lord the young girl said, what are you doing, thats torture, now were ruint, and you are being ruint, saith the girl, bob, hollie said, its her and angel, screwing again, put it under, lets go, hollie said, spoke it, bob, you are dangerous, hollie, when people come home, they will see, Lord im lost, and young girl said, and i knew it, but preteneded, and now, lost forever, lord I spoke blaspheme, the young girl said, God said, 2-17-2014-bob, hollie shook head, appeared, its japanese hollie, shes, shaking head, not believing, bob, its accurate, its, translation, thats translation forming, its, japanese woman said, God entered my body, as a body, my perfect size, she trembles, but knows, its acts, God said, holy ghost baptism, 2-18-2014-hear me, it was JEsus, said, hollie said, coming out, shes, hand up, burgundy sweat shirt on, dark blue pants, kelly smith, has another man, its charlie, and he wont come back, but both will be ruint, tell the apostle, no, but, never, help, who you dont want to help, saith God, cause you dont want to impress them, bob, now hear the word of the Lord, many people are seeing your page, and, thats trembling, but, they dont care, and when they seek, they dont get, now hear me, I the lord dont care, and wont save nobody, 2-19-2014-bob, hollie said, shook head, its the hit and run, hollie showed, let me council, he kept going, so he is at fault, but wanted to hit you, to tell you, whoops, im sorry, he said, bob, hollie, took hand, patted, its arm, showed, keep trucking, 2-20-2014-bob, hollie said, showed time, its, the apostle, leave alone, he wants, thats money in his pocket, and, now, embarrased, but he will turn on you, thats france, hollie said, they chant boo hum, hollie saw, turned head, many he hollies, in room, under blanket, bob hollie saw time, its Jesus on lighted dial, and, big red gloved, like up to something, sneaky Jesus, bob, hollie flew, its, space fightem Jesus, its, circling world, on like lighted string, and, like, mustang fighter jet, of light, but, but left light streaks, bob, hollie showed, its pink floyd, they are, still, its seperate, touring, its, hollie saw, like door shut, they dont get alone, david gilmour, and roger waters, but, thats, bob on national t.v., and, when you see it, then you will know, time is short, Jesus appeared, said, bob, hollie clapped real quick, hes lying, now watch, that woman knows, but, cant do anything, and she will, tremble, but cancel, heres why, hes not good looking, but, will find another, put it under, bob get done, saith God, bob, hollie saw, iats, ministry of dreams, hollie went like blue silhouette, and she, was, affeared, bob, its you, hollie said, hands rubbed each other, now hear me, hollie said, get done, and do other things, hollie said, God said, 2-21-2014-bob, hollie showed, its king of saudi arabia, smiling, but, dont trouble, hes got it hard enough, Lord were broke, the king said, put it under, hollie showed time, light watch, hollie on dial, Jesus at first, like sneaky Jesus, hollie, like stunned hollie, 2-22-2014-bob, God said, now your face is ruint, and you are attacking me, and telling people what I do, go ahead, ruin the world, thats what you want, and you got it already, saith God, 2-23-2014-bob, God said, Im going to punish you, for saying that, dont ever do it again, heres janette, keep now, I will fix your face, and do every thing you want, but dont tell people what I did, and you did, hollie and God said, put it under, lets, many said, hollie looks at light watch, its Jesus, on, hapy, big red gloved hands, 2-24-2014-bob, hollie mowed lawn, and now she is, hot, sweaty, put it under, thats good, hard work, she said, spoke it, hollie said, showed cut off, 2-25-2014-hollie screamed, she said, showed walk, bob, God rubbed chin, im going to get you, now you are in italy, thats italy, shaking, and hollie appearing near, like green hollie, bob you seem like your after money, they think, the pope, hes, trembling, and knows, but, doesnt care, Lord, I dont care, pope and God said, its, lets rule the world, putin sang, pope appeared with, theres beast rising out of sea, with putin and medvedev, bob, you see these three, hollie and God said, they will want to rule the world, 2-26-2014-bob, hollie said, had light watch, it was bright, the dial, on arm, put it under, hollie said, Jesus showed cut it off, with him, hes, sneaky, but wont get nothing, no, she said, hollies said, but babyfleas appeared, happy, looking at bob, but acting like walking, happy, Jesus showed light watch, its, time, somebody on light watch, bob, hes not looking at you, beef up pages, but dont do anything and waste your time, now you are, recruiting the whole world, for armageddon, lets, putin sang, rule, showed its watch, watch had, terror face on, putin dressed well, bob, God said, showed his watch, go, and be, fun tonight, comedy, thats what they want, give, in abundance, but steal people, heres why, you wont be there long, so take, and they will come to, 2-27-2014-hollie showed turn, many times, you dont wont record, she said, put it under, hollie showed time, bob its your time, hollie and God said, put it under, watch the world end, even rolly, was worried, cause now he knows, God is inside you, and you are ruining, but he liked you, and would go to your church, they all would, they whole neighborhood, saith God, 2-28-2014-bob, hollie showed, its georgia, russia, boom, she said, explosion appeared, thats many looking, and seeing, for the first time, so lord its real, a woman said, in moscow, but putin didnt look at, its, him, medvedev, he did, and, trembled, but thought, I would love to have it, and looked around, afraid, you see in moscow, they dont allow, is christianity, God said, 3-1-2014-bob, hollie said, showed time, but face on light watch, not happy, keep friends, dont loose any, in connections, God said, links, keep, hollie like ship captain, showed time, Jesus on light watch, but dial not lighted, big red gloved hands, 3-2-2014-bob, hollie showed, smiled, its, she clapped, tamil, its now accurate, so what, God said, put it under, Jesus showed time, looked at light watch, Jesus on like cat, 3-3-2014-bob, hollie shook head, you should have emailed, but you will now, put it under, hollie showed time, light watch, Jesus on dial, like happy cat, 3-4-2014-bob, hollie showed, its the land of finland, bob leave alone, they dont know anything, hollie said, showed, its finland shaking, bob, hollie showed, its the new albanian leader, hes corrupt, he wants, there, hollie said, he smiled, but didnt take, its the money, both said, put it under, hollie said, showed sleep, 3-5-2014-bob, hollie said, showed, its fleas, shes, happy, but wondering, its, the people, they like you, keep friends, hollie said, spoke it, now hear the word of the lord, you will cause no problems, for the arabs, they are going to declare, a holy jihad, on you, Jesus appeared, he didnt care either, thats it on their television, bob, hollie said, spoke it, keep your friends, they look at that and they wonder, holy spirt enters like a body, hollie said, they know, when they read, oh no, God said, they dont want to be your friend, when they find out, but, let them, master, rule, and they will keep you, saith God, you look real good, to uh young woman, let them be young, like you once were, saith the Lord, bob the arabs will have you on national t.v., they want a, holy jihad, saith the lord, hear me, it was Jesus, hollie said, spoke it, looked at light watch, Jesus appeared, happy, neither care, cause your here, they are there, bob, hollie said, showed with hands, take it easy, on them, they will not know, unless you tell them, and when they find out, Jesus showed, cut off, they know, but leave alone, and keep friends, and email, later, saith God, bob, hear me, it was, God and hollie, both said, take it easy, hollie showed, on all, at church, and away, and keep, now hear the word of the lord, your the one who did it, they wont stalk your mom, but you will see arabs, look at you, and want to kill, but they wont, and you will love them, and talk to, but they wont do it, they will tell, hes corrupt, but its true, i am not killing God man, they will say, but thats arab pastor, showing, away with, bob your stalked, here in america, saith the lord, 3-6-2014-bob, hollie made popping noise, showed time, bob, hollie said, mothered, you got a job, tell the pastor, and he wont get his tithes, but, he will know, God gave you a job, and thats your working, and liking it, put it under, hollie comes back out, God will work it out, 3-7-2014-bob, hollie showed, its katie murphy, get that off, she said, its, her witness, dont let people think, there are two saith God, do it now, or I will punish you, now hear me, do it, no you wont, you wont make deals, saith God, but, im embarrased, its them, in malaysia, they are laughing, when God is torturing, the young malaysian man said, laughing, all are, saith God, 3-6-7--?-8-2014-bob, its iceland, hollie showed, showed, slow down, you got major languages today, saith God, bob, hollie showed, hollie showed run in place, showed, bob, its janette, thats her, red plad coat on, its moodie sticking out light tongue, its anal sex agin, put it under, hollie showed, just wait, starfighter, pointed, hollie, its him, driving, he hollie, thats dropping three bombs, hollie said, its massive explosion, whew we, she said, in terror, another hollie appeared in terror its cuba on fire, thats nicaragua exploding, venezuela and brazil on fire, but thats subs, all with captain, hollie, thats firing, its three pointed, hollie, like shawdow sub captain hollie, its texas burning, and, both american coasts went up, whew we hollie said, put hands on mouth, terror, she saw, planes flying, he hollie in, no expression, but looked down, then pressed button, massive explosion, hollie was in terror, dressed pentecostal, bobby, its over you, hollie spun the world, thats, its nuclear fires breaking out in russia, hollie spin the world again, thats four british submarines, but great britain exploding, thats missile rising in france, but france exploded, its were the nuclear g8, God said, subs showering, its moscow, hollie saw, whew we she said, went into terror, thats many fires breaking out in russia, but hey she said, its missile rising from russia, its thats, south africa exploded, put it under, hollie saw, sleep, when you see that hollie said, its her in submarine, relaxing, but its near america, it will be on cnn, its on the day of the lord, subs around america, russian, God said, hollie saw, its show, thats bob on, acting stupid, bob, put it under, bob your show, would hit number one, heres how, visit churches, talk to people, doing things with the camera, you see, hollie said, showed, its facebook hammo, like, angelic, happy, hollie showed, showed, he showed cut it off, like birdy hollie, light watch on, white light, black outlined, thats it turning, head covering on, bob cover your head with hair, its an open shame to me the lord for a chrisitan to be bald, I will put hair back on your head, facebook hammo turned into hollie, you see she said, to make google index, page well, theres google hammo forming, into like birdy hollie, outlined, just white, it nees a variety of things on it, like, government, and, the people, and more, God showed his light watch, cut it off, bob, 3-9-2014-bob, hollie said, I made pop, she said, popping noise with mouth, hollie took bath, cleaned up, then she went out, its bald head, bob, hollie showed, sh, people dont care, but, it makes you more attractive, you will see, bob, see these those translations, that will be the first time in history, saith the lord, it was Jesus, hollie said, she appeared, hand raised, it was light, burgundy sweatshirt on, dark gray pants, its holy ghost baptism feels like a body, pefect size, popping up, thats it popping up in malaysia, like birdy head hammo, showing, hollie thought, showed with hands, now, its like dinosaur head of light, with like, golden like, somewhat, wig thing on, birdy, hollie opened hands, there it is indonsia, but dinosaur head more like, hollie stencilled, with pencil, somewhat, theres iceland, hollie said, whew we, she said, shook, she was cold, thats president of iceland looking at, its holy ghost baptism feels like body perfect size coming in, he trembled, she said, hollie said, showed, git walken, bob go there, its spanish flea market again, do, hollie showed, then coughed, its hollie night vision, shes dressed like, its disney angel appeared, hollie saw, its you with black woman, black woman asked, stated, what are you doing in north korea, bob replied, im in north korea to cause the great falling away, im there in north korea cause its part of the nuclear beast, bob stated something else, hollie didnt know, but it was to, know, put it under, its hollie night vision changing, looking back, burgundy shirt on, like ballet dancer wears, skirt, like wedding skirt, hollie showed turn, thats her, its old car from the thirties, she spun rear tires, 3-10-2014-bob, hollie said, it was god, Jesus, hollie said, showed, its latin, its, buske, like white statue of head and kneck, hollie showed, bob its not spoken, but many know it, bob that girl trembled, and she is young, soon hooking, laughing at me, saith God, bob, its korea, hollie showed, its accurate, leave alone,bob, these indiana bible college, students, leave alone, hollie said, coming out, thats girl smiling, and knowing, Lord I spoke blasphemy, they teach it, hollie showed, its the beast, putin, with seven heads and ten horns, theres the pope, forming a triangle of kings, he lead, thats hands, hollies, showing, 3-11-2014-bob, you done did it, hollie said, spoke it, she said, put it under, hollie looked at her watch, its moodie, sticking out light tongue, its anal sex again, put it under, theres janette, God and hollie said, its, them, she had plad coat on, now, and I stamp, hollie said, hand beat, its light hand, but bear paw, its bluish light, its putin appearing, singing, bob record the vision, agin, this is website talking, it was Jesus, hollie said, hand raised, showed, shut up, clothes, burgundy sweat shirt on, dark gray pants, hollie looked to turn, showed, at first, just golden hand seen, but, 3-12-2014-bob, bobby, hollie said, she left quick, went to church, is the land of mongolia, shaking, hollie cames out, showed, sh, she said, be quiet, dont say nothing, let them talk, they will, thats hollie being put out, she left on her on, but, left, still, hollie said, its cause, pastor, all, want you out now, hollie, put it under, hollie said, sh, its shae, dont write back, let her, go, God said, 3-13-2014-hollie night vision, showed, looked back, had big nose, dressed, its skirt, like, designer, like ballet dancer wears, dark shirt, its designer to, it was uh dreAM, hollie night vision, said, its, bob your cuasing the great falling away, you knew you should have recorded it, now you wish you did, leave him alone, hes reachable, but they are watching him, its the leader of north korea, hollie night vision saw, its, missiles leaping out of sea, striking north korea, boom, hollie surfaces, its, showing, away with, but him, God said, 3-14-2014-bob, God has said this, hollie had hands up, burgundy sweatshirt on, dark green pants, Jesus appeared, like cocky, hollie said, hollie said, that, another said, it was God, it was Jesus, many said, that hollie said, she worked on the computerr, that, hollie said, its moodie with janette, both red plad coats on, its sex agin, its shae., moodie liking, sitcking out tongue, anal sex, bob the arabs, they are going to declare a holy jihad, on you, pointed jesus, hollie showed, she was happy, arms apart, it was uh dream, bobby, hollie night visions said, its arab man, walking by bob, looking at, that, hollie said, showed get drink, go, bob, now hear the word of the lord, this is hollie, it was Jesus, hollie said, gain your weight back, and your face will fix, or dont, but sand it down, and wont fix, all the way, but some, put it under, hollie showed, time, her light watch, bob dont, hollie said, you dont need another page, just put up the ones you have, its all over the internet, and people are seeing, now hear the word of the Lord, God ruint you, and laughed, and now you are ruining him back, but you wont prosper, cause its to late, and you know it, but you got him, the world will end now, and, hollie comes out, showed, its the m.v., wilhelm gustloff ship, hilter on deck, ship happy, thats torpedo striking, and ship getting sad, and sinking, bobby, its still there, showed hollie, on bottom of the sea 3-15-16-2014-bob, God said, its finished, you got it, hollie came out, hand raised, she, no expression, burgundy sweatshirt on, light blue pants, with dark blue spots, bob, God said, you got this world, Jesus comes out, and his face, is also, coming out of world, world like, surrounded, with, like blue lines, like the weather uses, its, and I stamp, hollie said, its beast, pope said, with seven heads and ten horns, bob, its trouble, its putin, hes the antichrist, he starting trouble, it will start in ukraine, then develop, into war, all over, there missile flying, over world, in air, thats it striking, its moscow exploding, and putin laughing, but medvedev, lets rule the world, putin said, medvedev presses button, bob, hollie said, bob drink, God said, it was JEsus, hollie said, coming out, hand raised, she drank water, bob its not that good, it help, but just wake up, she said, got up, looked, car left, its barack obama in, hes, warning you, to your face, its, in person, soon, God said, its over, that, hollie said, hollie stamper, stamped, its like light, bald hollie, just partial body, of light, beating hand, BOB, God said, looked at his light watch, burgundy sweatshirt on, saw septic tank angel, where watch should be, bob worry, god said, its over that, ukraine, russia has taken it, and will not let it go back, here is why, they want, God said, grunted, its money, you see, ukraine is rich in, its money, they want the economy and now have it, so america want care, cause they do it all the time, and now america sees what they do, done but that, God said, put appeared, like being looked at, they now want putin out, but he will not go, and people are not wanting him, they world is approaching war, nuclear weapons will be used, populations will be eliminated, hollie like doggy saw world, it reeled to and fro like a drunkard, its nuclear explosion on a continent, and world shook, theres many fires, thats sun and moon blocked, hollie laid in bed, it was jesus, she was like outlined in light, showed, post the vision, bobby you see that, God said, its your spanish hollie Ghost page, that was the one that done it, it is reaching multitudes, over half a million people know about it now, and they are seeking the holy ghost, bob tell the people, nothing, let them figure it out, most know and protect you, bob your spanish page, is all over south america, and spain, all the spanish countries, bob its nuclear explosion, its near argentina and another missile left, thats south african exploding, whew we hollie said in terror, saw many fires in canada, bob its the cruise ship, queen mary, its the longest and best, oasis of the seas, that ship is heaviest, God said, but hollie shook, like cold, saw the, costa concordia, its still useable, but as a prison ship, many ships could be used, bobby, hollie said, im the beast, it was putin, with seven heads and ten horns, bob theres the world, and medvedev signing a deal, its with mexican president, afraid, but thats nuclear fire, in mexico, many, but he knew not to, thats nicaraguan president, and lula and chavez, all looking stout at the table with medvedev, but thats nuclear fires in their lands but missiles leaving their waters, thats cuba on fire, but missiles jumping out of the sea, hollie saw, texas explode, saw many nuclear fires in gulf coast states, thats nuclear fire, along both coasts, but barack obama not really caring, thats russia exploding, but missiles leaving there, thats great britain and fance on fire, but their subs, hollie points, they shower, she said, its world shaking, from russia exploding, and beast pope coming up out of the chaos, bob, hollie showed lay down, its beer appearing, hollie drank, its budweiser, bob drink, loosen up, thats go dancing, have fun, you will soon drive a semi agin, thats hollie in a semi tractor, Bob its san francisco, whew we, hollie said, in terror, its massive nuclear explosion there, but the statue of liberty, bobby its the woman, which reigns over the kings of the earth, its america, the mystery babylon, God said, God showed lay down, like uh doggy, bobby, hollie said, she appeared, like looking at time, but no watch on, did you see that, many said, its new ministering spirit, like little yellow man, but not quite, God said, bob its church, church of Christ, they want you, thats you leaving building, its over tithes, when you work, then come back, bob, hollie said, its inside the septic tank, angel sitting, hes dressed pretty good, gray pants, shirt that changes colors, its mostly empty, bobby fix me, he said, its rid x, it works, way better then septi pak, hollie showed little septi-pack bag, bobby keep lots of bacteria in, soon its sex with her agin, its shea, and janette both, moodie appeared, stuck out light tongue, hollie appeared with moodie, he only does sex scenes, God said, thats him, he used to do music, but back inside the spetic tank, thats angel sitting inside, pool hose goes in, thats siphoning, angel looks but stunned, thats it empty, angel sees, 3-16-2014-bob, hollie worked on face, got perfect, you can, sang out, get, thats blood shooting out, but in the end, it was god agin, put it under, lets git, hollie said, moved something in her mouth, she rinsed, its with, listerne, hollie did something else, bob your making me looking like a fool, and i can not take it anymore, Im getting angry, and I the lord, will loose the world, now you are telling, people you have to get blood everyday and they will remember and tell people and I can not take it, saith God, tomorrow you will blast me to hundreds, telling, you have the holy ghost, thats Gods inside hollie, God like ghost, sheet ghost, hollie like normal hollie, but happy, put it under, bob, buy book, your book, holy ghost enters like a body perfect size, its how to get the holy ghost, and people will buy, but not to many, and it will sell, but not uh lot, put it under, hollie said, showed, time, get going, she left, prepared for church, took bath, thats her, scrubbing back, bob, God said, now hear the word of the lord, those pages will get hits, just tell people, you have God inside you, and they will believe, put it under, hollie said, look at light watch, appeared with on, like new hollie, face on light watch, big face, bobby is the pacers, the indiana pacers, they will win, the national basketball championship, this year, with larry bird, Jesus showed cut it off, bobby so you can get linked up, saith God, france, many said, it was Jesus, hollie, hollie saluted like ship captain, its septic tank angel inside septic tank, he sits, gray jeans, burgundy sweatshirt, showed ridx coming in, and much dissolving away, its, you put enough in to make water level, you see it eats, hollie said, dropped 20 gallons, with what you put in, bob spanish is indexing, they all are, someday, you will have, over one millions hits a day, now about, forty to fifty thousand, and it is growing, people are finding out, its holy ghost baptism feels like a body your perfect size coming in saith God, im the holy ghost God said, she knows, thats her reading van, bob when she looked at you she knew, he wants to talk about, you having fun with him, and you two will get along, but not fight, you will make him laugh, hollie, showed, use, commas, its, after, every word, yep, hollie said, looked at cellphone, it opened up to be a laptop, phone, bob, jesus said, looked at his light watch, hollie on, just face, happy, all kind of white, bob people will see this, and since this is coming from you, god and hollie kind of said, but they want the truth, bob theres, indiana bible college, they all looked at email, and theres a woman looking at this, its from i.b.c., hollie said, they want, saved, hollie said, put it under, thats hollie emailing all of them, and they looking at, getting happy, bob they are weeping, now sit and enjoy service, these people want you here, and you are enjoying it, he wont care about you, just sit, hollie sat on pew, thats hollie moon, like sleeping moon, it was dark, bobby moon said waking up, smoke rose and blocked, thats sun with sun glasses, stamped with hand, both at Gods interviewing table, its him, the moon pointed, putin appeared, he wants war, God said, now listen, sit and act interested, these pages are being beefed up, seen, 3-17-2014-bob, God said, looked at his light watch, hollie left library, plad coat on, leave these kids alone, dont tell them things, or I will not come, saith God, bob these people didnt care, but all told, thats her, young girl, telling, its God inside bob hickman, like a body perfect size, its eilijah, but god is evil to him, for I persecture my servants, and cause most to loose their salvation, now people are laughing at me, in my own land, israel, and I am embarrased, saith jesus, bob, bobby, hollie said, its, raise your hands and delete after me, she sang, its, them, the jews, they love, even the girl, smiles, but dont tempt, tell them everything, they love you now, and want you there, to be their president, bob, God said, looked at his light watch, its becoming time, to leave this world, you are causing trouble, and not repairing, and people are laughing, cause of what you are doing, and because of what I am doing, saith Jesus, now I am in trouble, not you, but, thats, even president, netanyahu, not wanting, but taking and looking at, its elijah, netanyahu said, put it under, lets, many said, but he hollie appeared, it was moodie, like stunned, bob, hear me, saith Jesus, dont tempt people, tell them things they dont need to know, I will repent, but you need to, to, both, lets make it up, but you wont, hollie saw, bob laughing, making God pay, to end, rule the world, Jesus said, it appeared, hollie said, coming out, hand raised, put it under, hollie, looked at light watch, its, her on, but, like, outlined, in white light, record, hollie showed, its battery, angel head, showing, it was resting, hollie, charge battery, hollie looked to turn, showed, its hollie, hollie, hollie, appeared, turned to the side, it was moodie, not uh happy camper, bob hollie said, showed janette coming in, sex, janette word red plad coat, bobby she didnt leave, but stayed this time, thats her locked up in jail, here was why, thats janette shoplifting, put it under, hollie showed shut up, sat up and watched the show, its jodi arias, thats hollie acting like jodi arias with the knife, it was funny to the lord, he saw it forming, its because, why dont he love me, arias said, but people dont, they just want sex, put it under, bobby hollie said, dont do to much, its there, hollie showed, its church of christ, they dont want you to, just be quiet, hollie showed, bob, be cool, bob, hollie showed, nose grew quick, evil smile, but normal, burgundy sweat shirt on, bobby its japan, shaking, hollie said, bob, god said, you need to go to the church, bob, i want, nothing, people in korea will tremble, but so, bobby, hollie said, these pages are getting hits, they were mormon, the mormons think they are the ones, bobby, hollie said, but not seen to well, it was dark, she was happy, burgundy sweatshirt on, gray jeans, weight all gone, she looked weak, and was deadly, but only on the computer, bob you need new pages, now hear the word of the lord, no matter what you put on, it will help indexing, in any language, but you know it, you will get tonight, about twenty thousand hits, but most will just see, its hollie fading, holy ghost enters like a body perfect size, bobby your getting world wide attention, millions are finding out, its in all languages now, and people are trembling, like hollie showed, bob, hollie showed, is in retirement, but he is there watching, he knows you want him brought back, but he doesnt want to come back, but he will, but she played him, but people will not know, the real truth, only you, you cant be, another man, you cant work, he knows, its pastor welch, he trembles, but wont put you out, bob, god said, its im the beast, it was putin, hollie said, and thats with, seven heads and ten horns, putin watchs the malaysian 747 go over, hollie flew, happy, but lost control quick, and heres why, its blowing apart, thats bomb inside, and somebody sneaked it in, it was all planned out, its ukraine, God and hollie said, its now russia, but russia wont keep it, here is why, its putin talking with obama, neither cared, but obama will put sanctions on russia, these will do nothing but make everybody hate russia, here is how, america gives aid to russia, and russia cant make it without america, cause of what they do, bob your indexing right now, theres googlebot angel, many are seeing for the first time, if you would have put this up 15 years ago, most of the world would know by now, but they will soon know anyhow, heres how, you will go on talk shows, and national t.v., and people will look in your eyes and talk to God, many will want me, but none will have, here is why, cause people hate me, and want sin, bob, hollie said, now, its airplane flying, bob its katie murphy, its you, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed lay down, they were in uh room, they chanted boo, one went under blankets, its he hollie, blanket was smoke covered, she said, hollie said, was happy, its tree growing high, japanese emporer looking, you see that, hollie said, she showed lay down, big nose, bob, God said, jesus comes out, your done, soon you will git over uh hundred thousand hits uh day, people are finding out, but, people are dying, now the world is over, but, time will catch me, but it will take over a year, now we are in trouble, the police are finding out, its them, in hong kong, and china, soon, thats chinese president with obama, he will ask about you, they all will, but barack will only smile, but sick the c.i.a. On you, they will get you, but they will not do anything about it, but, soon a million a day will find out, even that i betrayed you saith God, i am being ruint all over the world, and israel was shook today, putin showed, im the beast, he said, its like stealth bomber, showing up in u.s.a., theres the meeting, its obama and putin, obama doesnt care, its ukraine, hollie said, obama only say, we dont care but the arabs want you out, and want us to destroy you before you get to powerful again and putin trembles and only says, we have over 1000 topol m missile, fully armed and barack say, we can take them out of the sky, putin only tells, war with you is over, but as soon as it starts, russia sends in cruise missiles and none got thru, but barack said, lets stop, but medevdev sends in nukes and most landed cause nothing was left to stop them, now hear the worrd of the lord, thats russia exploding and, great britain on fire, but thats smoke rising and moon wearing sunglasses, its im, said the sun, thats both at Gods interviewing table, its he made me do it, sun said, thats world shaking below, and explosion noise, but thats many nations burning, its france, missile leaving, but it exploding, thats italy on fire but, did you see that, hollie said, its missile going around world, striking south africa, burned, but the american coasts exploded, its on the day of the lord, jesus said, 3-18-2014-bob, now hear the word of the lord, heres your visions page, its that, hollie said, showed, its God gives gum disease, bobby, remember, that, hollie said, she spoke it, Its God, saving you, now destroying, and, wont quit, but you will, end the world, lets put it under, many said, JEsus showed, just take it easy, irsay was on drugs, this is good for him, but he will be embarrased, many will want the colts, and he cant be president now, but they will leave him alone, saith God, bob, build up a visions page, its for transfer, go ahead and bomb, hong kong and japan, they are, its korea, soon they will know and people will find out, saith God, that the holy ghost baptism feels like a body your perfect size coming in, bob, that little girl, did not know, you would have fun with her, now she loves you, tomorrow will hate, think about what you do, people cant take this, but love it, put it under, hollie showed time, its her light watch, her on, lighted dial, but she was part of, its bulgaria, its shaking, but you dont care, and now many in china know, they are telling, its holy ghost baptism feels like a body your perfect size coming in, saith God, 3-17-18-?-hollie, thats her at, going to blood bank, thats getting blood, hollie showed, bob, hollie showed, its hong kong, she went blue, theres korea, partially shaking, bob put it back together again, hollie screamed, showed, its robert irsay, hes guilty, thats him appearing, put it under, thats him getting slapped on the wrist, by hand, hollie was laying, it was jesus, hollie said, but spoke in her heart, it was a green heart of light, hollie on heart, bob louisville will not win, bob it will be florida this year, bob hollie showed, come on, gray sweat shirt on, she laid down, but still awake, on back this time, she didnt sleep, but dozed off, woke back up, rolled on side, covers half way up, room was dark, theres both heaters on, one had angel face, other just talked, its lips were the heating coils, bobby, heater said, showed lay down, hollie got in bed, but didnt lay down, bob, God is striking you, and people are seeing it, and they tremble, bob your posting to many visions, people are wondering, to many know about you know, over a hundred thousand will find out, tomorrow, hollie showed, its word of mouth, bob hollie showed lay down, but she clapped, got back up, still had gray sweatshirt on, bob your spanish hits, over one thousand per day, they, 3-19-20-2014-bob, I the lord, persecute, my servants, to make them perish, saith God, by ripping and tearing their faces, giving gum disease, taking their wives, tormenting all day saith God, to laugh at their suffering, and make them perish, myself, saith God, bob hollie said, made sound, looked to see what time it was, its the visions page, and its hammo, like angel head coming out, bob dont beed up, its brazil facebook page hammo coming out, looking angry, like imcomplete head, bob it showed, hat on, over a million people will find out this year, next year about ten million, bob thats not many, but enough to destroy the world, thats world shaking, and hollie flying up to it, in uh new secret jet, its new stealth bomber, that is undetectable, its being made right now, and will not be shot down, but america is making it, soon they will sell it, its like the raptor, but stable, put it under, lets git go, hollie said, had on light watch, she wanted to post and did, but did much emailing, bob your campaigns are yielding, but not to much but when you hot children, thats what done it, you have fifty years of witness, in that time, they will tell hundreds, and the hundreds will tell, bob, now here the word of the Lord, be nice to him, he wont get jelous if you dont make him, hollie appeared, another looked to turn, bobby, jesus, it was God hollie said, its your translations, they are all accurate, bob your bengali, its good enough, tell him you are in open vision, he wont tremble, but he will wonder, they all will, put it under, hollie sat in pew, had light watch on, she just sat, hollies face was on the light watch, but, but it was white, with her outlined in gray, bob your reaching, about a million a month, and people will wonder, but not tremble, soon google will do it easy, work with, and find a way, and you will have no problems, posting visions, its google blogspot, its hammo, like angelic face, not seen to well, its not formed yet, it will let you do more but you didnt need to cause face is enough, thats its angel forming, but nobody cares, people are seeing all these visions and they indexing, hollie comes out, hand raised, burgundy sweatshirt on, God appeared, light watch on, sit back and listen to the service, bob, its mcdonalds, hollie smied, she ate at mcdonalds, its cheeseburger, and french fires, bob eat, drink, and be merry, tomorrow your going to see something, people are not finding what you are posting, but they like you here, so enjoy, and be nice, hollie showed, watch jokes, and be nice, it doesnt matter what you do, just do it, you will find another woman, and you will like her, that woman was to young and would have not had you but you would have found that out, saith God, i feel like a fool, now that the whole world is finding out, that you have God inside of you, yep, he said, showed, hollie said, use capital, he said, letters, J in Jesus, G in God, bob, he hollie comes out, ready to shut it up, hollie said, showed with hands, shutting, golden clothes on, but she was only partially seen, and now, your, hollie saw, she said, her with light watch on, its like faceless hollie on light watch dial, but like flower with no middle, its moodie sticking out light tongue, red plad coat on, its anal sex agin, shae and janette, bob you slap shae if she gets out of line, she wont cry but gey mad, put it under, hollie said, i showed, she tried to sleep, but woke up, man she said, saw trouble coming, it is, janette, soon, locked up for life and wants help, and you will ask her, what will you do for me, she will offer to be your wife, and you wont do it, but she will say, i wouldnt have been anyway, cause she wanted wealth, she robbed a man, and called the police and they caught her with his stuff, and she denied it, but they arrested and prosecuted and you didnt even go,but she writes you in time and says, im sorry i didnt give you time of day and you write her back and say, im married, i dont care, and you will not show her, 3-21-22-2014-bob hollie said, she came out, light watch on, her impression on, but it was outlined gray, bob these people like that, they wante kritisis out, he was uh killer, bob hollie comes out, burgundy sweat shirt still, sit down and enjoy the service, enjoy the people while they are still here, bob im not going to let you ruin me in the world, your translations are accurate, thought Jesus, and being found, but they are not understanding, that man in afghanistan, he trembled, but liked it, knows what you said is true, now sit down, enjoy, people like you here and you will not leave, but sit still, watch people, they are not after you, be nice to them, they are your friends, now people are wondering, why is God torturing you, and they laugh, bob your causing the great falling away, and people will not follow you, but wonder, everybody is home and nobody is wanting to mess with you, your armenian page, is not doing nothing yet, Bob your pages are all getting hits, your new pages, will not do so good but will get big in time, but not nothing now, the man in afghanistan, will tell many, he was not american, he was police, but will tell many, they want freedom, and will not get it cause the arabs are unruly, but many are knowing, they arabs are stunned, bob you see that man, he will read, they will want you dead, cause its jihad time, listen, enjoy, and interpret, saith God, bob, hollie said, showed, rinse more, keep teeth clean, bob, God said, showed his light watch, hollie on lighted dial, but not happy, she appeared, burgundy sweat shirt on, dark green pants, bob, hollie said, hands clapped, you are making trouble and now people dont want you, but since, you are the holy ghost man, they all want that, how do we get it, they all said, put it under, hollie showed time, dressed the same, went to church, and ran, and ate, thats spoon coming to hand, bob leave people alone, or they will turn on you, you have now, God thought, it he appeared, hollie said, coming out, many visions on, and now you are telling, hell is fake, and it is, and im torturing you, and I am, saith God, put it under, hollie said, showed, go, spoon appeared again, showed eat, drink, she gallops, has fun, bob now hear the word of the lord, these people are seeing and wondering, it was him, stunned like, cause you didnt capitol, letter, use, capitol J, in Jesus, G, in God, he reappeared, stunned like, but showed approval, now hear the word of the lord, Jesus, showed his light watch, go, run, like hollie showed, Bob you are setting up witnesses, all over the world, and they are all you and nobody is finding out, but they are many, theres bob hickman, and katie murphy, and this one, saith God, but they are all you, nobody knows, but people want, left alone and they tremble and laugh, but they are, going by the, hordes, people are leaving me, and not coming back, saith God, Hollie showed, its dee snyder, hes twisted sister, he would us you in his play, but they would make a mock out of you, put it under, hollie said, hes almost sixty, and wanted to retire, but here us why, bobby hollie said, he never had uh woman, for long, but now is married, and wants to keep her, there will still be twisted sister concerts, hollie said, its islamic temple, beautiful church, but they are nothing, put it under, God said, people are laughing at me, and you are wasting away, soon you will be dead, and leave everything behind, in ten years, half the world will know about you, and love you, but you will be old, and you will make sure, that i have to end all things saith God, but i am over anyway, when you told the church in shelbyville, it was your first time, telling almost five hundred, now you have told over uh million, but people are dying and nobody knows, but to many will know, Saith god, bob go and post and enail and get done because soon you will retire and live in big house and you will, 3-22-2014-bob, God said, hollie came, light watch on, showed janette on lighted dial, like her buske, outlined in gray, bob, hollie wore burgundy sweatshirt, dark gray pants, but it was dark, its bacteria man, like ball, head, eating in septic tank, hat appeared on but disappeared, like triangle hat, of light, thats many bacteria, there in septic tank eat, non stop, night and day, bob, hollie showed time, your tired, she said, updating pages will do nothing, God said, many people are finding, but not doing one thing, but try and fail, and then they know, im cut off, that woman said, put it under, hollie showed where watch should be, it was gone, but theres like little angel hammo there, under like sleeve, it came out, happy, bob your van, it will last uh long time, thats oil bottle, keep clean oil in it, its high mileage oil, its not very good, its additives, to many, not enough oil, but it serves its purpose, stops leaks, hollie showed wait, bob it was accurate, its page with God, God entered into my body like a body my perfect size, bob it was right, God and hollie said, put it under, God said, now its more accurate,easier to read, understand, now they will tremble, but not care, cause you will change all, and people will see, by the multitiudes, and all will seek God and not find, saith God, bob this will cause people to tremble and I know it, saith God, you will have accuracy, hollie showed, now wait, she said, its batman, hes, coming back, soon, hes, waiting, its not him anymore, they will have a new one, molly likes you, but not to much, shes want, youth, like her, like them, your wife will be back and not leave, arnold in that scene, was crying and could not help it, but he was happy, and rich, and knows about you, put it under, hollie showed time, bob, light watch, God said, on hollie, bugundy sweatshirt on, and, her face, on light watch, but lighted dial, and, her, outlined, in gray, just head, hollie said, with god, Jesus, hollie, but he hollie, looks stunned, hes, showing, use capitol, letters, in Jesus, and God, thats him, now showing approval, God said, bob, dont be mad, it was accurate, thats accurate hammo appearing, hes angelic head, God said, like, ghost man, but, hes, not wanting, its, him, like complaining, and, white, like sheet ghost, but are not wanting, to know the truth, cause when they do, thats ghost looking around, like who will find out, but when people find out, thats many running for, and not getting, put it under, hollie and God said, they want you, out of the church, its church of christ, go back to, pentecostal church, apostolic church, churches that like you, go to methodist church, the lutheran church, the catholic church, go to any church but there, people find out, and tremble and want the truth, but its to late, soon, God said, thats the sky, and like black angel, like airplane angel, like jet, like birdy jet, with eyes, going up, its nuclear explosion in the sky, and russia, its your president, obama, launcing, its trident, warning russia, dont use nukes, on, urkraine, or any, and russia laughs, but is warned, put it under, hollie showed time, bob you dont have time for this, now, put truth up, and post, saith God, 3-23-22-2014-bob, God said, jesus had on his light watch, bob your going to beef up pages, and it will matter this time, but millions will find out slow, its holy ghost enters like a body perfect size, now here the word of the lord, hollie showed, its alice cooper, hes hard rock now, its teenage frankenstien, bob dont worry, its moodie fighnting with janette, soon she will be there, jail, thats bars appearing around janette, hollie said, bob tomorrow you will strike me harder then ever, they will warn you at church, your getting big, and we know, heres how, its the welch, hes telling, millions are finding out, soon the whole world will now, then i will put you on that, its time magazine, comedy shows will have you, but religious broadcasts, bob, this is the first big post on this, your mouth will be bleeding if i dont stop, i the lord rip and tear your face to deform you and laugh and make you perish, bob you are making to many visions on the internet, all it is doing, is changing things, making brand new, people see, and they are finding out, but they wont matter, hollie showed, bobby its, iron maiden, soon def leppard, and, kiss, will be here, its tour, they will sell out, KISs, would do it on their own, but they tour together, to share expense, soon bob your going to have billions of visions, on the internet, God said, on world wode web, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed lay down, its, scorpions, they are still touring, ac/dc, they are still touring, so is, van halen, sammy hagar, he is now, hollie showed, another band, but they are all coming again, go to sleep, hollie said, and showed, hollie tore up, put back, rip, she said, but showed, put it back, now, its, dee snyder, hes, twisted sister, theres, dio, and judas priest, thats journey, and styx, they are all your favorite bands, all still touring, bob sleep, you are tired now, and want fun, but trouble is coming, time is short, and people, bob, God said, hollie showed, your posting to many visions, hollie showed slow down, bob your ending the world, i will just make another, saith God, you are posting visions, this page, Jesus thought, hollie that wants you to use capitaol letters, shook his head yes, bob God is coming against you and you are ruining God and soon will begin, working on translations agin, and perfect, but they were good enough and didnt need fixing, theres you emailing truth and people trembling and thats people talking about it, hollie comes out, sholwed, thats is spreading all over the world, soon whole world will know, bob go and get drink, come home lay down ruint and get up and ruin me back tomorrow, you will wound me tomorrow, and it will not go away, but my time has come saith God, soon jay leno, will dl his own show agin, and he will be number one, same network, but they wont let him back on the tonigh show, but he will pocket lots of money, that was jay leno smiling, and pocket full, of, its loot, but he will do this, his show, 3-23-24-2014-bob, hollie said, that man, hollie showed, no, hes afraid, and wants you, thats his pockets, filling with money, but showed, I dont care about you, the philippines pastor said, put it under, hollie showed, be quiet, let him, reach out, he will, but wont care, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed time, its her light watch, and, her face on, lighted dial, outlined, in gray lines, I say, lord jesus, here i am, come and get me babydoll. Lets see what god says: bob i will not let you, it was jesus, hollie said, casting his pearls before swine, bob take it all off or die, and i see in your heart you are calling me on, this will soon index on google, and many will see, i ripped your face, and fondled you, and put gum disease on you, and kept you single, to ruin you, and make you live ruint, to wear you down, to laugh at you when you feel, saith God, and you made me fall, the world is now over, it wont recover, and you are calling the end on, to get out of life, you have ruint it, hollie comes out, jesus walked away, white robe on, its to late he said, bob its septic tank angel, still, not pleased, dressed in gray jeans, tan like sweatshirt, sees tenants pour everything down drain, bob you want them out, but finger system is o.k., bob hollie said, light watch on, her on lighted dial, her head outlined in gray, its her doing something, burgundy sweat shirt on, dark gray pants, its, her showing, be nice, dont take advantage, be nice, be gentle, hollie said, people are wondering about you, you will tell him, and he will look, but tremble, all people are saved, in time, make all people know, hell is fake, hollie said, a decon is just a person in the church, just a tithe payer, thats all a decon is, people pay tithes, and they call themselves pentecostal, apostolic, oness, holiness, but they are not saved, just tithe payer, bob he will tremble but look at you, go home and run, and take it easy, people in chruch, they see you on phone, and wonder, he will know and not care, its the open vision, its seeing non stop visions, hollie showed cap this, bob this page, was sleeping, not it is awake, and getting hits, saith God, , take it off, its holy ghost baptism feels like a body your perfect size coming in, take it off or die, i will not let it stay on saith jesus, 3-25-2014-hollie came out, God said, showed be quiet, bob looked for visions, and couldnt find, hollie had on light watch, her on, lighted dial, outlined, in gray, hollie, put it under, God and hollie said, both showed time, its time, bob, to get up, go, and walk, because, you are, getting in trouble, and people are not putting up with you, they want out, the pastor, welch, and his owner, they want to pocket the money of the church, and let you have, the non tithe payers, go broke, but make me rich, is their attitude, bob, go, thats bob leaving, its library, stamped hollie, scene spun, its the beast, pope man, hollie said, new ministering spirit, its, thing hollie, light, dull greenish light, thing, like, alien hollie, God said, 3-26-2014-bob, hollie showed, time, light watch on, put it under, its for your own good, she will come, and you and her will have sex, she wants, put it, there, thats poophole, that, anal sex, moodie, red plad coat, on, sticks tongue out, not seen, but it was there, hollie stamps, quick, and, the beast, its pope, hollie comes out, its italy shaking, hollie saw, whole nation, moving, from your emails, they all know and people are talking, even them, he said he has sex, thats hollie sex hammo, like angelic, white, ghost like head, being, with, like, body, of, like dress, white light, put it under, hollie showed, time, go to church, she left library, and, had plad coat on, your phone, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, its page hammo, coming out of page, its facebook page, bob, its alive now, you didnt post any visions, God said, now put it under, God and hollie said, she showed, service card, this time, straight talk, will not give any free time, but let, many, go over, ten days, and, make, you, friendly, saith God, and I stamp, hollie said, im the beast, putin said, only hollies hand, seen, but rest appeared, she showed eat, bob your sick, eat, get better, stay healthy, its her, kristen, shes coming, thats her living with, bob she dont mind, heres why, she doesnt know your age, but you look young, thats with hair growing, God and hollie said, put it under, hollies arm, face appeared, burgundy sleeve, of sweat shirt, but uh bear, appeared, just face, but like teddy bear, golden bear, God said, bob, your going to beef up these pages, now do, and get hits, thats many looking, and people wondering, how can God, thats, God, like angelic man, inside of hollie, shes normal hollie, showed drink, and she played, and thats sex, bob its kristen, shes coming, has no where to live, wont stay in room long, dont promise, tell her, no, she would say, get drunk, then do, she would wake up and hate you, but get drunk, and not care, hollie said, put it under, hollies arm, showed time, light watch, her on, out lined, in gray, out lines, God said, 3-27-2014-bob, hollie showed, its family mobile, thats walmart, they wanted, Jesus, cleaned nose, straight talk out, and, now, thats Jesus putting them out, put it under, God said, thats kristen, go git phone, turn on, and use, cause your over with walmart, straight talk, saith God, bob, hollie showed, its, adolf hilter, hes, giving, is, salute, arm sraight out, hey, hollie said, its hollie like doggy, of white light, 3-28-2014-now you got bob, she had new phone, its computer, smart phone, hollie said, put it under, lets, she said, but, time is coming, this page, is understandable, and people wont report it, they will love, thats young woman, smiling, its, God enters as a body, she now knows, its holy ghost baptism, its hammo, like angelic being, face, big, of light, shaped like egg, bob, hollie said, God said, hollie showed, get busy, its shea, use, as much as you, bob, I will release you, to do it, saith God, dont put to much on, cause it wont index, thats googlebot, like angel, ghost like, white, clapped hands, in sheet, bob, hollie said, showed, keep teeth clean, burgundy sweatshirt on, tell shea, it was you, God said, lighted, light blue, shaft pointed, its her, not wanting a white man, but, liking, when the money comes, heres how she stops outs, its, she, wants rush, knows to rush you, but thats what you get, check out book and have fun, now I the lord, will release, to see her, and have fun, saith God, put it under, hollie showed, time, like, uto, lips on lighted dial, white light, of watch, angel comes out, like ghost, she, sh, angel said, put finger but mouth, bob, God said, hollie showed, work, wait, you will fuck shea again, and have nut, put it under, lets, many said, bob go to church, go to noblesville, indiana, and have fun, they are wanting him, behind bars, thats robert irsay, jail bars, in front of, he wont move, but just wait, they want him out, but, he wont, still owns colts, the league cant put him out, now all the owners, are laughing at him, but now, thats, a slap on the wrist, hollie slapt, robert irsay, she was like hollie, bob, she said, hollie sano older then you, but be nice to him, he is hard to be around, like you, bob, God said, hollie showed his approval, Jesus wiped chin, its janette, its anal sex again, red plad coat on, she wore, hollie said, its him, bob, Jesus showed, his light watch, hollie on, lighted dial, her outline, in gray, but, she changed, got happy, had long nose, bob its women, they are all the same, use them, and fall in love, but you make the whole world to tremble, bob this page, its bob coming out of page, hasnt been posted on in years, now its woke up, hollie comes out, saw sleeping bob, waking up, had pushed at, bob, leave people alone, this page will get a hundred hits, bob theres hollie, leaning up against street like pole, Bob, hollie said, showed time, sh she said, dont tell them, thats her being told, and its heart trembling, but face didnt show it, they dont know one thing and if you tell them, they will wait, but not get, hes paying money, none of the spanish people know, so let them, it was not the translation, because, it is in the bible, put it under, hollie showed leave, bob its walmart straight talk, leave them for about one year, here is why, they dont want to do buisness with you, and its your fault, bob, hollie and God thought, hollie showed, just be still, your translation, is so good, people are trembling, all over the world, hollie saw them shake in heart, and they dont know what to do, but will try, and seek, it, hollie said, holy ghost, bob, god said, hollie showed go take bath, its coming, thats dog, it are, feed, god said, its hollie said, wild animals, bob, hollie said, showed time, her, on light watch, burgundy sweatshirt on, she, her outlined, in gray, 3-28-29-2014-bob, hollie showed time, there isnt much, hurry, she posted, its chinese visions, bob, thats mom, take care of, dont make worry, thats hollie, fixing, its over hang, on roof, God said, bob, god said, its him, a she hollie said, acting like, stunned, pushed over, its capitol J, hollie said, its in Jesus, i like it, he said, burgundy sweat shirt on, bob, its man in band, he is no older then you, but be nice to him, he is hard to be around, like you, bob, God said, hollie showed his approval, Jesus wiped chin, its janette, its anal sex again, red plad coat on, she wore, hollie said, its him, bob, Jesus showed, his light watch, hollie on, lighted dial, her outline, in gray, but, she changed, got happy, had long nose, bob its women, they are all the same, use them, and fall in love, but you make the whole world to tremble, bob this page, its bob coming out of page, hasnt been posted on in years, now its woke up, hollie comes out, saw sleeping bob, waking up, had pushed at, bob, leave people alone, this page will get a hundred hits, bob theres hollie, leaning up against street like pole, Bob, hollie said, showed time, sh she said, dont tell them, thats her being told, and its heart trembling, but face didnt show it, they dont know one thing and if you tell them, they will wait, but not get, hes paying money, none of the spanish people know, so let them, it was not the translation, because, it is in the bible, put it under, hollie showed leave, bob its walmart straight talk, leave them for about one year, here is why, they dont want to do buisness with you, and its your fault, bob, hollie and God thought, hollie showed, just be still, your translation, is so good, people are trembling, all over the world, hollie saw them shake in heart, and they dont know what to do, but will try, and seek, it, hollie said, holy ghost, bob, god said, hollie showed go take bath, its coming, thats dog, it are, feed, god said, its hollie said, wild animals, bob, hollie said, showed time, her, on light watch, burgundy sweatshirt on, she, her outlined, in gray, 3-29-30-2014-bob i will destroy yo saith God, to mock you, by destroying your appearance, and torturing you day and night, and teasing you, i have caused you to turn the world on me, like i tried to turn you on me, now the world is lost, and it will not be recovered, its because you told to many people, that i ripped your face, and fondled you, and gave you gum disease, and kept you single, now over, ten million people, know, holy ghost enters like a body same size, and none have and you wont get away, the pope, told obama, bob is growing and soon the whole world will know, and they will laugh at you, and make me, put out of everything, hollie comes out, hand raised, burgundy sweatshirt on, everybody is seeing and nobody is getting, its the baptism of the holy ghost, i the lord deceived the whole world, he hollie looks stunned, its use capitol letters, J in Jesus, hes happy know, thats putting another antonio, in your church, he will make it, and not have meals, but do what you ask, bob i told you not to get sick, you are now, and will run, but start fading, your body is weak, and you are slipping into death, cause i was hitting you to many times, saith God, 3-31-2014-bob, hollie showed time, looked at light watch, but hey, theres a character of white light coming out of, its, hollie on white horse, same hollie looks at, Jesus tells, showed, eat, both hollies, do part, one like white hollie, but, they both did, put it under, lets, many said, bob, you emailed, over three hundred today, I cant allow this to go on, saith God, 4-1-2014-bob, your page, God rubbed chin, it was Jesus, it, he appeared, hollie said, bob these are on, facebook, soon, the whole world, will see, what God does and beleive it, bob, your making me mad, saith God, hollie screamed, bob, pages, your gettin to much of them, hollie said, Jesus appeared, so did page hammo, thats, angelic head, coming out of page, white head, blue page, put it under, hollie said, she came out, burgundy sweatshirt on, 4-2-2014-hollie showed, she spoke it, appeared, but different, like planet of the apes hollie, bible baptist church, it aint for sale, its hollie and pastor, it sits, untill right offer comes along, he wants half uh million, way to much, hollie said, showed, shew, bob, hollie saluted, its captain hollie, saluting, its, the, lusitania ship, out of sea, angel face coming out, but afraid like, put it under, hollie said, sh, she said, dont tell in romania, bob, hollie saluted but changed, its this church, now it, full, its classes, he knew, bob come on sunday from now on, they wont loose people, its septic tank, changing into hammo, turned to side, bob thats angel, sitting in septic tank, its empty now, he was well dressed, but not happy, he wants, thats sludge, up to his kneck, let it stay full, he said, thats rid x, its like angel head, like ball, thats it eating, thats many, in septic tank, all eating, all the time, bob its clean, clean out as often as you want, it wont matter, but they pay you, bob, hollie sat on pew, she was, seeing church, empty like, but it wont, put it under, hollie said, but, its titanic, hollie saluted, like female ship captain, face comes out of ship, like angel face, hollie salutes again, its m.v. Wilhelm gustloff ship, thats it sinking, after something struck, its torpedoes, thats russian sub, stalking, but, they were at war, and, 4-3-201-bob, hollie and God said, hollie showed, its, mountain of fire, bob, these are good people, he will call you, thats you, showing pastor building, him loving it, but, not, he wants, bigger, but will, think, saith God, bob, God said, im getting, thats, him, hollie said, coming out, anger, God is, being mocked, by arabs, and many, dont want, anyway, bob, its, janettes wrath, striking all over the planet, and I am getting, embarrased, the man from mountain of fire, will lease, but not deposit, tell him, pay high price where you are at then, and he will, but come back, but he leaves, he gives up his deposit, get, more money then, saith God, he will give a little more, your getting into trouble, hollie said, bob, she said, burgundy sweatshirt on, showed, be quiet, the arabs, laugh, at what you said, but, its not true, put it under, thats many, showing, its the king of saudi arabia, and he said, lets declare a jihad, and tells obama, tell bob to shut his mouth, and I will shut it, obama sends word, but you keep on, but obama calls, thats, king of america, talking on phone, angel comes out of phone, to king of saudi arabia, he assures, but they both know, theres next report to king of saudi arabia, bob he wants to meet you, but have you killed he showed, lets cut his head off, but likes, shakes his head yes, but still makes the order, kill, 4-3-4-2014-bob im, hollie comes out, it was jesus, she said, but hollie showed use capitol letters, stunned, its cause you wont bob, hollie said, god is at his end, there is no stopping it, God will not be able to recover, its from torturing you, you see i give gum disease, its my plague of mouth, saith God, bob stop me, you have, but it will take years and you wont be able to see it, thats people in saudia arabia, seeing your stuff for the fist time, and trembling and you are ruining them and soon you will ruin the whole world saith God, avenge me, and you will not accomplish one thing, but if thats what you want, when you see people asking you, why are you ruining people by sending out stuff, all you will say is, sending out what, and they wont fight but will want to beat you up, but they wont fight you, and if they see you, challenge outside, all you will do is loose even if you win the fight, but tell them, did you receive an, bob, hollie said, hes going to be, she looked around, afraid, offended, hes, the God mover, and God didnt move, but he wont be back, soon, hollie said, its mountain of fire, ministries, there, its, at, new world order apostolic church, she said, its hammo, like, round like, angel head, coming out of, was part of, like round thing, like sun, with points, put it under, hollie showed, sh, she said, dont speak, let him, wonder, who you are, you are the american, he was told, but not owner, he now knows, you are the owner, of vino nuevo church, iglesia, in indianapolis, hollie and God said, spoke it, hollie said, bob, hollie showed, its carlos, hes pastor, hes rich, thats money, coming to him, soon, thats him, trembling, ruint, put it under, sh, hollie, or, thats God, carlos, will become, comedian, and say, lord im not saved, what difference does it make, im not going to make a fool out of my self, if you wont help me, then I will help myself, on your people, and live off of, but thats them, going away, saith God, cause he, isnt, fun no more, 4-5-6-2014-bob, hollie said, God said, hollie made popping noise, be nice to these people, they dont understand, hollie popped again, bob, hollie said, you see these people, they are a different nation, different culture, and all beleive, that woman trembled, but she doesnt want, Lord I'll just take my chances, she said, spoke it, hollie said, bob, he beleives, and wants, you to be, his, child, sex, all, but dont tell him, just play with, and he will go away, bob, these people, sh, hollie said, they are cut off, like that man, showed, God and hollie said, put it under, lets, many said, bob, hollie showed, go, brush teeth, take it easy, she showed, burgundy sweatshirt on, bob, hollie showed, God said, you made me look like uh fool and I will punish you, but now, I cant touch, you are protected, by all these people, and they want your best, saith God, bob this man is laughing, its typical american, he says, bob go home, take bath, to go, its spanish meeting, hollie said, and I stamp, she said, scene spun, out came beast, out of whirlwind, it was pope, bob, hollie said, she spoke it, God is angering and laughing at you, ripping and tearing your face to deform you, and you cant do one thing about it, bob, I the lord, am torturing you and am jelous, and walmart, will put them out, its wireless straight talk, hollie said, showed, phone, but on screen came out, was sad, like white angel man 4-7-2014-bob, now you will appreciate yahoo, hollie appeared, its yahoo hammo, like angelic head, of white light, coming out, bob, thats Jesus, thinking, hollie comes out, God turned to side, hes, worried, thats his heart, now you are, three fold, many visions up, and people will see, for the very first time, that, God is inside you, hollie comes out, burgundy sweatshirt on, dark gray pants, thin again, she, blew on hose, is, siphon, thats septic tank, full, empty, both, bob, theres two saith God, compartments, in septic tank, thats, angel inside, sitting, well dressed, not much in, but, he, got happy, showed, bobby, its keep me empty, its, thats rain coming down, do now saith God, bob, its brazil, hollie said, shaking, bob, thats kids, finding, its holy ghost baptism, feels like a body, your same size, entering into you, bob, they tremble, even young kids, and cant beleive, lord, thats God inside, girl said, put it under, hollie comes out, showed time, take visions, put on, here, do, bob, you want new visions, God thought, I will give, but it will take to much time, off, notes, saith God, put new notes on, then, do, new visions, from notes, put it under, hollie appeared, quick, like profile picture, its, notes, 4-8-2014-bob, hollie said, showed, something with hands, its the Jesus doll, appearing, in robe, like dress, he has ax, no expression, but started laughing, thats Jesus, attacking bob, with his ax, put it under, hollie said, showed time, janette appeared as watch dial, watch for her, she will come, but, now, just wait, saith God, 4-9-2014-bob, God said, hollie showed, go, they suspect, and wonder, but, wont, cALL POLICE, THATS WOMAN ON PHONE, IT LOOKS LIKE HES, BUT SHE HANGS UP, EMAILING ALL OVER THE WORLD, and people are seeing, almost every email, bob, hollie showed, its time, made popping noise, with mouth, its alyssia, she will, talk to you, wondering, but not wanting, put it under, do you want her at your church, be nice, you will have her but she wont pay, none do, its there, church of christ, nows lets, hollie said, put it under, she showed time, go, hollie left library, plad coat on, bob, today, you blasted, its, facebook hammo, like angelic facebook man, of white light, blue shirt, head almost, shaped like egg, sending out emails, hundreds, today, hollie thought, over three hundred, and they are, making people tremble, put it under, bobby, hollie said, move around, thats bob leaving library, bob, its ghost, like sheet ghost, whew, hollie said, new york, its under attack around here, hollie and doreen, and maybe another, said, its statue of liberty, on berth, and big nuclear fireball behind, putin appears, put it under, hollie showed, time, light watch, gray outlined, face on, bob, hollie looked at watch, its almost time, thats it, bob said, like billy, you are not going to take it, its pastor john, wants you, member, but tell him yes, and he wants faithfullness, but, you wont, put it under, hollie said, build up page agin, and watch people come back, bob, God said, spoke it, hollie said, lets go, she left library, white plad coat, on, but she, went to church, drank drink, but straw, sank down, its, no drink there, bob slow down, your hurting your body, saith God, bob, God said, lets go, hate people, and be nice, but, its the old man, be nice to him, he cant take it, put it under, he knows hes lost, but wont, but you will, he knows, saith God, bob the time is coming, when, over, 100,000 people will find out about you, almost, everyday, God said, put it under, hollie said, looked at her light watch, face on, got sad, 4-9-10-2-14-bob is the loose belt sound, hollie said, there squeaky, its pulley for a belt, put it under, hollie showed lay down, but got back up quick, bobby be nice, gentle, and will not, ruin the world, hollie showed, its nigeria, she was on, like part of the nation, but was black, its nigger, she said, put it under, hollie looked at light watch, burgundy sweatshirt on, dark gray pants., tell janette tomorrow, ha ha ha, you wanted out, and your friend got you arrested, but heres how, hollie showed wait, like doggy, with moustache, burgundy sweatshirt on, its ghost, hollie said, like sheet ghost, boo, hollie said, bob, hollie said, everybodies wanting you to go, heres why, its van, holy ghost entered me like a body perfect size, painted on, and you wont take it off, so, I wont let you, speak to people, at my church, said pastor welch, but he marvels, lord who is he, pastor welch said, hes, bob, the man, thats jesus, god, the father, but, they are all the same, welch thinks, put it under, hollie said, showed time, her light watch, lighted dial, hollie drawn on, in gray outlines, was coming out, spoke, but went hammo, like angelic being, 4-11-2014-hollie said, her hands out, burgundy sweat shirt on, she looked, thats hollie thinking, spole with Jesus, do the part he said, hollie that shows use capital letters, showed approval, bob, jesus said, came out, whew we, hollie said, they are not wanting you, in nigeria, thats scene, turning into nation of nigeria, with hollies face on, white eye, bob its ngger, God and hollie said, bob, its bacteria hammo, like round head, eating, its of white light, thats many in septic tank, all eating, its sewage, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed time, burgundy sweat shirt on, its light watch, another hollie drawn on, in gray outlines, bob you will turn this into another language, god said, bob you have all the major ones, and now people are seeing, they tremble when the look at katie murphy, shes got the holy ghost, its holy ghost hammo appearing, like white angelic being, and people are wondering, bob, hollie came out, thats going around her, her hands out, and she was, doing scene, bob, hollie had, its him, the jesus doll, thats the jesus doll attacking bob, 4-12-2014-bob, hollie said, I made the pop, she said, with, noise, its, with mouth, bob, its how spanish people talk, but they understand, hollie said, bob you have now, put me to an open shame, saith God, cause many people know and I am embarrased, for ripping your face, and giving you gum disease, and keeping you single, saith God, 4-13-2014-bob, God said, hollie left library, she wore plad coat, bobby, hollie said, your tamil, was good, enough, now its perfect, both, put it under, hollie said, spoke it, you dont need a, arabic, translation, most, dont get on, but some do, but not many, saith, God, but, they see, and tremble, and want, its, a holy jihad, to do away with you, saith God, bob, tell him, God said, hollie showed, reel them in, showed, fish, its at your own church, heres how, be nice to them, the church is for sale, and will sell, called close, cause not enough money coming in, saith God, 4-13-14-2014-bob, its your church, hollie said, its church hammo appearing, like round happy face, surrounded, by, hollie comes out, like, whats around the sun, the points, bob, hollies still there with the face, bob hollie thought, cap this, its katie murphy, shes you, hollie said, he wants you to come, but you wont, sit and enjoy, thats hollie sitting in pew, by herself, now, hollie claps, facing, back, but turned to an angle, hollie looked, turn backwards, to an angle, but you will not haunt arabs, there they are looking at this, they want, their belief, they want, you to leave them alone but they will not be, your problem, people are coming to you, they are, just wondering, thats you jogging at the church, people look at you and say, he has God inside his body, hollie that shows use capital, shook yes, moved capital J for Jesus, septic tank angel, hes, up to kneck, its full, thats angel, want you to siphon out, but you wont, you will put, thats rid x, in, and it will work, much will, grass draws it out, and it, no, no, she said, another hollie said, showed get going, feet not seen, but they appeared, black socks, hard shoes, with like buckle, she wore uh dress, with like bears on, im uh bear, one said, licked the prophet, will, bob, hollie said, I made the pop, she said, with her mouth, bob, God said, thats man, writing orpahange, its hand of help, hammo, like people, and they tell him, dumtri was killed by them, and we know what bob is doing, and we dont like it, it was michael, one and two, put it under, you need an ass beating, michael, boldea said, but, he tells, theres a man, that tells, people in romania, dumitru was tortured, for his faith, but he beleives, God wanted him beat, and people know it, saith God, 4-15-2014-thats septic tank angel out of tank, this is hollie., he has white light skin, well dressed, hes out visiting other septic tank angels, there they are in tank, its dark, she said, hollie said, showed get going, dressed like angel, septic tank angel was laying down, clothes on, god said, bob, now hear the world of the lord, hollie showed, its bravenet guest map, its hammo, like angelic face, roundish, coming out, of guest map, hollie said, 4-16-2014-bob, leave alone, she will hate, see janette, she knows, you know all, and wont bother, but now understands, one man or none, and its none, till death, but you will be with another, and people wont care, but janette, will die lonely, she is almost there, saith God, bob, she said, hollie said, with another, he stuck head out, happy, white robe on, hollie showed, get going, bob, its the biker christian, hes, thats him trembling, knowing, lord Im lost, he said, but looks tough, bob be nice to them, saith God, bob its your face, new rip, it will, hollie looked at Jesus, fix on its on, unless I keep ripping saith God, bob, thats tamil language, its, spoke, good, but, people dont use it anymore, saith God, bob I wanted you to leave people alone and I would have not, made you perish, just, wanted you to commit suicide, to laugh at you and get rid of, by persecuting, thats breaking and ripping your face, shooting in gum disease, fondling, teasing all day, terrorising, making you loose job and messing with, taking all you have and now you tell on me and people find out, saith, God, 4-17-18-2014-bob, hollie said, i made the pop, she said, with mouth, b, hollie said, and i stamp she said, but little angelic hollie, appeared, like white light being man, hollie said, put it under, bob its your van, people are seeing, it made me ashamed, god said, he hollie, looks stunned, showed use capital, its G in God, he showed yes, do he said, put it under, that church was set on fire, somebody, wanted insurance money, but they didnt get much, just fixing, they are not caring, people are wondering, hollie came out, showed arab man, bob your hitting arabs, they are laughing, you are telling what God is doing to you, change, dont tell them, i love killers, jesus said, was with adolf hilter, bob today, you made me embarrased, and your page will get many hits, theres a german person looking at, but he hollie showed, i was stunned, he said, showed use capital, pushed, J for Jesus, now hear the world of the lord, bob you are making me embarrased, they want me to save them to and there is no chance, cause they are arabic and the king will not allow it, they want, salvation, bob, hollie looked at light watch, its not time yet, 4-19-20-21-2014-bob, hollie said, its your dick, thats it cut off, God didnt, but, put it under, hollie just yawned, bob, hollie said, showed, draw them in, heres how, charge deposit, and take it out, its more money for you, God and hollie said, bob, hollie said, its katrina, she is coming back, dont let her go, its hollie, showing, what, hollie said, a she one, another hollie said, he showed use capital, its letters, he said, showed, use capital J, its for Jesus, there he said, showed his approval, bob, its, a he hollie said, showed, put foot down, he rebuked ya, but now knows, i didnt get thru, the sunday school teacher said, bob your hair is growing back, leave alone, thats he hollie doing hair grafts, his own, God said, dont be a trouble maker, God said, be nice, and enjoy, you will be here for a long time and people like you, they are afriad of you, its pasor reed, a he hollie said, dont be a trouble man, saith God, he now will tell john, bob paid tithes, and he will here, john will not pray you out, people are embarrased, dont, hollie used the bathroom, she us beautiful, but thats her flower fading quick, thats you and janet having sex agin, saith God, he hollie showed cut it off, now dont, oh i didnt know, she said, bob hollie looked at her watch, she was turned to side, burgundy sweat shirt on, bob the van, thats face coming out of front of van, git, van said, showed, its old, im retiring soon, thats van in junk yard, bob its to over, will lat a week, bob, bob its janette knocking on door, she will be back, bob fix the roof, turned into hollie, do it slowd, she said, bob, hollie, these notes are being seen, and people are trembling, they know that katie murphy, is saved, bob im not going to mess around with you, its pastor john, its cause your hair cut, soon thas hair back, dont cut agin, hollie said, bob, hollie said, beat with light hammer, she was dressed in white clothes, its the beast, i am god, hollie and the pope said, but he hollie looked stunned, its use capitol, he said, moved J, for Jesus, yep, he said, bob hollie saluted, its for m.s., she said, wilhelm gustloff ship, it appeared, bob your germany website, has stunned many people, bob go, hollie walked, she did something, got, 4-22-2014-bob, its italy, shaking, hollie showed, God said, with hollie, she helped, bob thats people, looking at email, and trembling, and the pope, knows, soon, saith God, 4-23-24-2014-bob, its getting church time, God said, hollie showed, thru with, burgundy sweat shirt on, bob, hollie left library, white plad coat on,
bob, hollie made popping noise, you can fix it, but if i rebreak it, your face, many said, it wont do no good, bob she doesnt know anything, but you are holy ghost filled, that she saw on van, she can not be savec but it wont matter, she will not perish, cause hell doesnt exist, you are getting tired, she saw and laughed, and will tell many in taiwan, bob many people are seeing, its translations hammo forming, hes like little angelic man, but the translations, are all accurate, and people are seeing there in the google cache, they dont look any further, here is why, when the find out, they are lost, they tremble, and they can not do anything about it, tell people what you want, about ten thousand a day, theres translations hsmmo forming again, hes angelic man, its oh, hollie said, showed, use capital J in Jesus, dont let people bother you, rebuke them and they will leave you alone, saith the Lord, she is sexy and knows it, thinks your cute and older, and wont bother you, she is, bob, hollie laid down, on back, but didnt sleep, put it under, she rolled on her, side, hollie screamy for this reason, new hollie like doggy, it is sexx, agin, hollie did say, 4-25-2014-bob, now hear me, hollie showed, its septic tank, angel, in finger system, sleeping, thats much water coming, lord help me, angel said, like, egg shaped head, and, thats it in terror, up to kneck, thats God talking to, bob, go empty, bob, did, thats, angel going back to sleep, thats angel, showing, protect me, bob, Jesus came out, dont let git to full, it wont, collapse ground, but let ground dry, then fill it up agin, saith God, 4-26-2014-bob git outta here, hollie said, changing face on her light watch, like uh him, hollie, with long nose, he was hollie head of light, on light watch dial, god said, put it under, bob, antonio said, he grunted, go home and play, soon you will have gutter fixed, it wont break agin, thats gutter, thats finger system angel, like cocky, angel of light, it was just head, hollie said, of light, but not shaped, like, hollie showed with hands, egg on its side, but not quite, thats its calling on sludge, but when it came a lot did, put it under, thats it flooded agin, bob you let it go for months, now dont worry, it will work right till you sell church god said, theres septic tank angel in tank, hes just waiting, not worried, he knows you will empty, but thats him sad, up to kneck in sewer, but thats it lowering agin, keep it full, finger system angel said, two angels, hands brought together, they are all afraid, they know about you, god said, bob, its her, she wont stop, its antonios wife, she is the guilty one, put it under, Lord I dont care, she said, but, hollie putting her out, just wait, they now know, they close to buying and never will get, God said, hollie comes out, its sex, all summer, with janette, she wore red plad coat, moodie sticks out light tongue, nice hair, 4-27-2014-there, hollie said, hes uh fucking bumb, wont work, cant get you on, but, laugh at you, tell him, put it under, work or dont eat, same oh george, hollie said, walking with him, no work, no eat, 4-28-2014-hi, hollie said, she said, hollie said, showed get going, fast, happy, 4-29-2014-bob, hollie showed, its adolf hitler, bob, that page, hollie shook, no, she indicated, thats millions looking at, not believing, put it under, hollie showed, go rest, 4-30-2014-it just aint time, hollie said, light watch on arm, and, scene forms on light watch, its im the beast, its pope, God said, 5-1-2014-bob, hollie showed time, showed, she spat it out, shes, its, burgundy sweatshirt on, God said, 5-3-2-14-bob, its sex, with janette, your wife, tell people, what you want, saith God, but dont get me in trouble, when I exalt you, but you will, on facebook, thats hollie like hammo, wicked one, bug like light face, blasting on emails, thats email hammo, coming out of computer, like, light face, but like bug, she said, many said, hollie appeared, but only patially see, but the rest was there, moodie appeared, and tickled feet with feather, but, bottom part was dark, hollie mowed the lawn, bob it only takes, one hour, ten minutes, its, clear glas piggy bank, licking the prophet, long pink tongue, its again, hollie comes out, showed, just keep metabolism going, its work, bob it wont take you long, just do, hollie showed, janette came back, and nobody knew, its, he trembled, bishop, hollie said, smiliing, its the money, bishop said, he didnt know, but, wants money, see him, he shook, and will not come back here, but will know, the holy ghost baptism feels like a body your perfect size coming in, saith God, its he hollie, thats shows use capitol letter, looking stunned, dont bobby he said, he moved with his finger, a capitol j, the word Jesus, appears, bob god sat in his pew, showed just listen, Jesus sat in pew, this note saith God, hollie comes out, somebody clapped, moodie appeared, many hits, 5-5-2014-hi, hollie said, be nice, bob, God said, tell him, your playing and I dont care to, that, hollie said, its antonio, that, hollie said, offering, eighty nine thousand, but you wont take, and he will be sad, but you will say, no, God said, that, hollie said, 5-6-2014-bob, hollie said, hollie showed get going, not in big hurry, put it under, lets, many said, its the land of somalia, shaking, soon, bob, hollie and God said, hollie showed, shes happy, be nice, 5-7-2014-hollie comes out, is new hollie, like big doggy hollie, happy, showed fold it up, but now shows, wind up, bob, is toy, the god man, now available, on internet, you will see it with your own eyes, saith God, 5-8-2014-bob, hollie said, another showed get going, she had light red sweat shirt on, pants not seen but they appeared, bob this note indexed, is katie murphy, thats them in russia, hollie comes out, she showed walk, now, i tease to ruin people, and i rip your face, and give you gum disease, bobby lord, god said, he hollie looked stunned, showed use capital J for Jesus, showed approval, bob, im getting ruint in the world, theres janette, walking, having fun, shes the reason, and you are telling people all kinds of thing, people are laughing at me, you see that, hollie came out, its south america, shaking, sounding like valcano, now bob im being ruint, thats children laughing, about to tease approaching christians, thats the christians, walking away, his face red, children laughing as they do, bob your putting fear in peoples hearts, they are afraid to go to church, afraid of people coming up to them, bob you have sent out, over one million emails, today was the biggest day, his website, 5-9-2014-bob, God said, they want you, but keep your mouth closed, put it under, hollie said, looked at her watch, her on, with long nose, its light watch, and, she was outlined, it was mouse, hollie played with mouse, she said, hollie showed, said, go home, light red sweat shirt on, thats hollie in a semi, truck, she, sweated, bob its hard, thats terminal manager, knowing, you know and you do volunteer, thats eighteen hour day, then right back, he likes, bob you made over a thousand per week, then you quit, put it under, when your bank account, God thought, hits over thirty thousand, quit, let somebody else, saith god, terminal manager, wont care, 5-10-2014-bobby look, many said, God said, he hollie, sticks his head out, its bob and tom, mentioning you on their show, its because, we love alice cooper, tom said, hollie comes out, showed with hand, it was him, looking stunned, he moved capital J, its for Jesus, he showed his approval, showed, capital letters in GOD, bob its trucking company, M and w, bob take job, thats bob in semi truck, make as much money as you can, stop after, let somebody else have, you will be rich at twenty five thousand, it will take one year, hollie screamed, its starfighter, he hollie points, she hollie drives starfighter model, she bombs, its america below, exploding, hollies sees both coasts on fire, it was puting hollie said, she appeared in ukraine, this started it, soon he will absorb it, then go after georgia, thats putin and medvedev, putin wants him gone, to have total control, soon russia will be empire again, they want, its america, lured, to war, with them, on their soil, but it wont happen, put it under, putin will nuke america, and laugh while it happens, bob hollie saw, you get about, one hundred thousand hits per day, its there in the google cache, 5-11-2014-bob, they are affeared, they know they will loose it, antonio will stay, and and angel will restore him, but not leave him in charge, tell antonio, the written warning, were the texted, they can not get an attorney, but if they do, laugh at them and tell them, you let kids endanger themselves, and now your out no matter what you do, they cant buy, its to late, 5-12-2014-hollie mowed the lawn, bobby, fix, hollie said, its lawnmower you bought, its, lawnmower hammo, like angelic face, happy, of white light God said, 5-13-2014-bob, hollie showed done with it, your going to get married, she said, hollie said, more said to, he hollie sticks head out, nice hair, its hollie with nice hair, but uh she hollie, claps hands, showed, its, keri, sex, then, thats your marrying, she not really wanting, but liking after, thats her inside church with you, trembling, loving, soon, you two live there, and build, thats many at church, but not full, but full enough, thats much money coming to you, 5-14-2014-bob, hollie said, I made the pop, take it, she said, its, blow job, with, keri, she will swallow, like in dream, if you saw her butt, shes know, she wont want, put it under, lets, hollie said, spoke it, he hollie, him, a she one said, stuck head out, hes, like moodie, 5-15-2014-bob, hollie said, I made the pop, she said, God laughed at you, now you are ending the world, tell jester, God is ripping my face, and shooting gum disease, 5-16-2014-bob, hollie showed, she was happy, translations now accurate, its translations hammo, like, its, bug, hollie said, face of light, head, but not shaped right, like bug mouth, 5-17-2014-bob, hollie said, did something with hands, today you done it, she said, their out, thats hollie, putting antonio out, big hand, and wife, 5-18-2014-bob, hollie said, did something with hands, its somalia, shaking, it appeared, hollie said, spoke it, put it under, hollie looked at watch, now your in somalia, and many know, God said, spoke it, 5-19-2014-hollie screamed, again, showed with big white hand, its old ford truck, from the forties, hollie out of the box, she was big, partially still in, but box small, thats Gods hand, stuffing hollie in box, 5-21-2014-bobby, it was JEsus, hollie said, spoke it, now let me see, she said, showed, its the beast, pope, 5-22-2014-bob, God said, hollie showed time, showed do something, play ball, she spoke it, God and hollie said, your thailand, its thailand hammo, appearing, like angelic being, just head, hollie said, bluish light, bob, hollie said, it is the catholic, the church, they are closing, all, god spoke its, hollie said, the catholic church is gitton in trouble, hollie showed lay down, bob god said, hollie showed, its the catholic church, thats leader, its i am God, he said, its pope3 hollie said, hes the antichrist, this is the one, he doesnt know, but here is the sign, he doesnt care, but knows about you, and asks, whats he doing, i would like to meet him, but you wont, he doesnt tremble, but dreads you, knows, its the other one telling, but they dont want you, they want peace, bob its i am God, it was pope, coming out of box, the old one, but they dont care about each other, bob, its was Jesus, hollie said, she came out, people want to ruin, each other, but antonio cant and will come back with angel and he will want their money but will not let them do anything but the day will come when you will lease to antonio again but not for long, its because, you will want to sell at that point, its honda van, 5-23-2014-bob, hollie said, God said, she showed, do something, call attorneys and prepare, thats free money, coming to hollie, over, you, pointed God, its your fault, the man from straight talk said, but you will use it, that, hollie like bug face, hammo, seeing airplane move over head, another hollie in, shes, big now, God said, 5-24-2014-bob, hollie showed, its vietnam, its, over uh hundred people, that girl looked, and shook, bobby you see hollie said, even thou, thats her heart, trembling, and her walking away, and showing her dad, bob, now its starting God said, you will see wars pop up, thats putin, we want war, he said, 5-25-26-2014-bob hollie showed, how do you git away with it, its my uterus, people want sex, tolerate much, but she will leave them all and end up with you, stamp, she said, new world order forming, lets see, theres pope, she said, spoke hollie said, hu hintao, hes false prophet, and the beast, God said, brought them both together, bob hollie said, she was creaming, leave google alone, both said, hollie appeae, its him, showing use capitol J, its for Jesus, both, both he and she said, its angelfire hammo, like birdy, blue, turned to, what, hollie said, they will go, soon with out you knowing, you are embarrasing me, and thats, many said, swedish hammo, like angelfire birdy, mouth open, a little more, soon your face will be destroyed, but you walmart straight talk lawsuit, will make you half a million, dollars, they will not want to mess with you, it is all on file, straight talk keeps their records, bob they will win, pointed holle, its swedish angel hammo, like birdy head, no he said, i dont mind, thats this changing into sweden, and a man looking at, bob if they threaten you, lock out, here is why, make them loose crowd, and leave that way, thats the pope, in bethlehem, and you tomorrow, its bomb, same hollie that explained vision, flew plane, bob, hollie said, showed woman, leave alone, she said, thats her happy, or acting, but dont tempt, she wont want you, your her dad, God said, put it under, hollie said, she, yawned, bob, its israel, shaking, hollie comes out, showed, whole land, under attack, its by you, hollie pointed, bob appeared, but, then in like in, many frames, pictures of bob, next to each other, 5-27-28-2014-
bobby, sh, hollie said, dont tell attorney, he will already know, its straight talk wireless, its hammo appearing, like bluish bird, wile bird, like road runner, hollue drove the plymouth, roadrunner., she floored it, smoked tires, bob its wal mart, she hollie showed, dont tell them, they wont find out, its settlement time, hollie showed, thats a chech, you will get, almost, million, if you let attorney handle, it will take, a week, cause straight talk, has to much to loose, hollie came, its angel in septic tank, its full, its, despaired, it had been so long, thats angel trying to sleep, but pool hose appearing in black, its sludge, hollie, thats angel looking at, like tired angel, but thats hollie turning shop vac on, its siphoning, she said, thats angel becoming happy, but thats more eyes in the black, its jesus wanting to keep it there, theres tank cleaned out first time, bobby its the first time that done it, this is hollie, now its perfect, thats finger system healed, and it now working perfect, Bob, hollie showed lay down, but she was tired, but, hollie saluted, but, titanic appeared, thats it rubbing aginst iceberg, face coming out of ship unhappy, its like angelic head, bluish light, but ship still there, hollie showed, its on bottom of ocean, hollie got done showing, showed lay down, fell asleep, thats phone ringing, angelic like head coming out, its, hey law office, its attorney, he wants, thinks, this may be the jackpot, but you will win millions, your own your way, Jesus showed, lay down, she said, showed lay down, thats he hollie, moving over capitol J, its for Jesus, he showed lay down, but stayed up, its your norwegian, God said, hollie showed, she appeared, norway shaking, its that little nation, she said, hollie said, both, God said, she showed get going, was going north, west uh little to, bob its germany, shaking, hollie showed, its nation of germany, hollie saluted like ship captain, its angel head hammo, but not a right one, the m.v, wilhelm gustloff ship, thats ship sad, sinking, its torpedo, ship said, went hollie like doggy, of light, hollie drove the gto, its made by pontiac, those were good, will burn rubber, but they were not powerful, bob, God said, showed israel, its jewish priest, he just looked, and wanted to run, Lord, the rabbi said, how did he get thru, bob thats german child, i will punish you for that, telling them what i do, them children are laughing at me, tomorrow you will bomb frace, its france, hollie and many said, its nuclear explosion, but thats missiles leaving france, and they struck, thats russia burn, but missiles left theres, thats united states on fire, that, 5-28-2014-she said, hollie said, showed get walking, bobby what was that, hollie said, showed, its woman at church, is going to ask you for a ride, but you will not give, she wants your money, and you will not give, here is the sign, i heard you own a church, she will say to you, hollie showed post, her finger got tired, remember that, God said, its bill estes chevrolet, they expect you, but you didnt show, and they didnt care, cause you wanted to, steal it, bo said, hollie showed, its bobo, two men called bo, both at same chevrolet dealership, but they wont see, God said, bob its isreal, shaking severly, they know that you have God, and wont let go, soon the whole world will know, its because you would not stop emailing and when you become popular, all will want to see and muse, but none will do, they will all want to be with you, and you will not be anything but a popular man, but you will not make money, no where, but you church, millions, bob its to late, people are laughing and im 5-28-29-2014-bob, hollie said, showed be quiet, its the nation of thailand, hollie came, showed it shaking, like a white thailand country, hollie had the m.v. Wilhelm gustloff ship, with her, that, hollie said, he didnt want you, bob, hollie said, showed be quiet, he doesnt need to know, he is trembling right there, hes knows, i could come up, but he wont, hollie installed, its irrigation system, but it wont work, its uh hose with holes in it, heres why, theres fire, hollie showed, that, hollie said, but its, eat, she showed, but, they are not wanting you here now, its theresia, that, hollie said, showed eat again, God said, but people in thailand, thats little kid, with mom, dad, looking like stunned, but thats him laughing, oh, it feels like a body your perfect size coming into you, the baptism of the holy ghost, but, its holy ghost hammo forming, its birdy, hollie said, she wants money, be nice, tell her you want her, but not, that hollie said, its nuclear fires in cuba, that, hollie said, you need to shut up, hollie said, its that, woman, shes, looser, wanting love, but heavy, you wont want, but she will not, help you, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, but woke up, and, 5-29-2014-bob, hollie showed, its right, and wont go wrong, took uh while, but now its worth it, children, thats kid laughing, 5-30-31-2014-God said, something wiped mouth, not seen, it was hand, theres him, he hollie, he showed, use capital J, moved over, it for Jesus, hollie said, put it under, indonesia, God said, its malaysia, they are both the same, speak almost same language, but they aee not, wanting you there, its pepsico, thats scene changing, hollie wwnt blue, something else happened, like stealth fighter jet, white flash, like light, bob its your websites, they will fall if you dont open, open some, five uh day, get into the habit, to keep them, tagged is facebook, 5-31-2014-bob, he didnt convert to islam, hollie said, God said, its, Jesus, she looked, dont, she showed, God said, Jesus appeared, Bob, its the graveyard, its flea market, they are spanish, leave alone, hollie showed flea market, its old washers and dryers, with face and arms., of white light, coming out, buy, they want, were still good, they all say, bobby its there will be somebody on the phone, its angel lopez, saying, we have the building now, they left, they will start packing tomorrow, they will leave uh lot, but hollie put the sign on church, put it under, whew, thats uh lot uh work, showed hollie, God said, 6-1-2014-bob, God said, hollie showed done with it, antonio left, but thats letter, good luck, it doesnt matter, put it under, hollie said, looked at light watch, face on watch, its time, she said, spoke it, hollie said, 6-3-2014-bob, God said, hollie, hollie jogged at church, church hammo appeared, like round head, of blue light, happy, bob, you put them out, God and hollie said, and they are gone, for awhile, but will return, to be, pastors again, but this time, share, saith the Lord, put it under, hollie looked at light watch, face on, was happy, but god sad, its her, shes coming, keri, but wont stay, 6-4-2014-she said, hollie showed get going, she was in uh hurry, hollie looked at letter, nothing in it, bob they cant win, hand showed, its new world order apostolic church hammo, like face, in like circle, it was cloudy like, with like points, going around it, like sunflower, made of clouds, it was blue, hollie and God said, put it under, hollie showed, showed work, only partially seen, turned to the side uh little, bob go, hollie said, she got her drink,
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