Sunday, September 15, 2024

After God goes into a human body like he did to Bob Hickman then some proof will start surfacing

when God enters into a human body then things happen: 10-18-2006-record the vision, a. a. allen showed, God did thousands of miracles, thru a. a. allen, healed the sick, raised the dead, the same God, yesterday, today, and forever, I wont people say, live for Jesus, but, record the vision, JEsus showed, and, hollie turned into the silhouette, and the pope, rose, shot out of hell, like an abominable branch, when america gets hit, thats it, said, gene schmidt, Jesus comes back, you know it, said hollie, and he saw, Jesus descending on the cloud, and, the pope rose, and, ruled, till, hu, and japan, rises to withstand, and Jesus, showed, the building, the same height as the titanic in the water, length, from here, to your van, it, was, big, eight hundred and eighty two feet, but, thats not very big, and he saw, the bismarck with captain ernest, would go right thru the titanic, poorely built, the queen mary was built the same way, you know it said Jesus, rivets, metal riveted together, melt, nail, weld, tada, make the ship, believe it, or not, thsese ships survived, hurricanes, but, puncture, doomed, and captain smith, wrong, thwe queen mary, rammed a warship, and sank, tore a big chunk, but, didnt sink, they were made to survive, and, that almost, I will not let my people go thru something for to long, though, I bear along with them, while they cry, and the pope came up, horn, and, three horns fell, thats the pope, hu, and the emporer of japan, record Jesus showed, go, to, meijer, there aint no visions, in pentecost, because, there aint no apostolics in pentecost, in a. a. allen, the signs came forth, who is it he said, prophet ministryofdreams, git out of here, he thought, go, but, hugged, and dumitru duduman smiled, knew about miracle valley, record showed a. a. allen, look, he was, old, and had, black hair, now, if dying your hair is a sin, a little leaven, ruins, that will not come cheap, and God will not do, what your thinking, heal children, thru you, I got it, said, virginia boldea, and the lighted finger pointed, help me, she said, she, is, didnt virginia boldea say, I need prayer, they all do, your not ready, said, hollie, for, healings, like a. a. allen, or, dumitru, you were not called, for that, but, God has healed, bob look at me, his dad, perished, its according to the will, of, God, I want my visions on the internet, says, the Lord, and Jesus showed, and Jesus showed, to record the vision, and the lighted, finger pointed, golden, let me see here, said hollie, and the music plays, remember that fan, the new song, the van smiled, new oil change, with tongue out, engine, bob, JEREMIAH 23, woe be unto the pastors, that scatter my sheep, bob you dont need to change your oil, thick and slick, keep, check it with your hands, like, hollie did, thumbs up, smiling, im the main ministering spirit, I want my vision on the internet, fan, interpreter, bob hears these visions, wrong said babyfleas, from the fan, thats the gift of interpretation, and the pope showed, up, gas, prices, like an angel of light, shup, bobby, 666, on the popes forehead, look showed hollie, the sun darkened, and the moon, blood, you know it, said, babyfleas, the day of the Lord, iraq, will, raise up the spirit of the medes, I cant hear it, said, babyfleas, and hollie showed, thats it, reocrd, bob saw healings thru a. a. allen, he cant think straight, om laughin said babyfleas, while your complacent, people are perishing, that was hollie, tearing up the con spirit, lighted bar paws, on the mx, missile, silver, and golden, thats moody, bear paws, playing the horn, its iraq, raising up, the spirit, of the medes, hatred, for americano, nuclear, the palestinian state, and, iraq, on fire, didnt the prophet, michael boldea, richard keltner, git out of my way, they are just alike, how many times does, thats JEsus, on the horse, pointed hollie, and the hegoat, smiting, the ram, and up came, four horns, the three kings that stand in persia, and the fourth is richer than they all, and they are, your right, said hollie, wait on Jesus, and the pope in the horn, and hu, and, let me see here, theres the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepard, that was hollie, tearing up the con, querer, and hollie, showed, and Jesus on the white horse, what was you doing, in louisville, said babyfleas, to visit, pastor, a. brownings church, but, eat, no visions, im in trouble, said, babyfleas, you knew, pray out of it, theres a. a. allen, praying, right in that tent, and, the tent, was, taken, apart, cut, garage, God knows, where, its at, and the old man, talk to me, the united states will, be a desolation, soon, said, the angel of the Lord, im in hell, that was the girl from paul mooneys church, no signs, didnt the angel, say, cruise missiles are un stoppable, that was, the relay song singers with clean rectums, shake, shake, shake, and hollie, played, the horn, that was hollie, tearing up the con tract, with one lighted bear paw, im back said babyfleas, you dint want it, said hollie, now, like, the vision, bob told you, three years ago, im cut off, and lucifer laughed, and the lighted finger pointed, and, a. d. woodson, stunned, there aint no visions, in pentecost, cause, there, are no, apostolics, said hollie, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, that is, vision overload, said hollie, russia is the bear, russia is the sleeping giant, and he saw, dumitru duduman, in the vision, and the large bear, and, the little patriot soldier, that was, Jesus, in the fire light room, kneeling before, that was the door shutting, iraq said Jesus, will do it, for america, babylon will come into rememberance, before, Jesus, los angeles, said, the angel, of the Lord, and he saw, it on fire, both coasts, and up the middle, and, hollie, like a fire bear, in california, jericho is the palestinian state, aza, forsaken, the lost tribe of benjamin, you knew it, a man, bob, just spoke with, lost his mom, and his dad, left, he is, forty, and, when, his mom was alive, wanted, him, out, he, remembered, and, was not, did not give his mom anything, dad left, and broke all the time, now, he remembers, that, he was, there aint no visions in pentecost, because, there are no apostolics in pentecost, sang hollie, and, that, and hollie showed, the, recorder, and tore up the con, querer, and Jesus, on the white horse, now, let me see, here, theres the alarm, theres the horn, somebody got thru, and, hollie, came out of the horn, and waved, blew kiss, and the mach one speakers, this is hollie, with the loose belt sound, stay away, from him, remember, what he said, they dont want you, and I dont, will he save me she said, yeah he said, no o said hollie, that, was heaven, new jerusalem pointed hollie, with, a. a. allen, or, lava, with, a. a. allen, his choice, im out showed, Jesus, you left, come back, please come back, said dumitru duduman, kenneth haney, upci, I dont beleive this, cut off, and general superintendent, iraq, said Jesus, EZEKIEL 7, nobody cares said, a. a. allen, just entertained, people being healed, but, none, repented, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, like this, that, record, that was captain smith, and the titanic, sank, he knew, not to go, the way he did, they was russin he said, the lake, said the angel of the Lord, all, on board, iranq, persia, bush is attacking, causing, hatred, the medes, this is hollie, loose belt, record the vision and make it plain, and he saw, a. a. allen, looking at, you know it, said Jesus, the statue of liberty, the hand reached out, drink, no, I wont, said the woman, and, the Sword stabbed, she died, and subs came up, and, america exploded, and a. a. allen came out, you got new shoes on, but, a. a. allen, showed, number one, with, his hand, and he saw, george duduman, a. a. allen, was george duduman, and he saw, grandpa duduman, that was, write the vision, like, who was he like, like you, pointed, lighted, said hollie, george duduman, s, grandpa, dad, duduman, both alike, saved, a. a. allen, said, grandpa duduman, and he showed, thumbs down, and, he saw, a. a. with, allen, gray hair, but, he dyed, sin, its gitton, around, said linda spall, upci, is cut off, no signs, and larry spall put his hand, on lindas, butt, that was Jesus with, many of his saints, and the beast, and, the false prophet hu, cast alive, lake of fire, and the birds are, the people, eyes sank, nuclear, aftermath, no, theres the alarm, iraq war nuclear, words, president hillary clinton will order, no, said, hollie, paris hilton, knew, filmed, no, but, disowned, no hieress anymore, no, she says, didnt the angel say, hospital, hell for hilton, no she said, and children watching, her, x rated video, you knew, said, ricky, whatta you want, said, paris hilton, you stupid fool, I tricked her, pointed, ricky, record, Jesus showed, prophecy club, cut off, and stan, and hollie, lighted, pointed, tongue out, stephen hanson in the fire, white sparkeling, stared, robe, hat, pointed, you know, what, betraying the Lord is, this, yeah, and he saw, you left a. a. allen, praying for, and leggs growing, and a. a. allen had black hair, I looked purty he thought, most men stay their normal color till about 40, said the tap dancers, and the pope and hu, you knew it, old, men, dont have, black hair, dyed, abomination, and hollie pointed, and, a. a. allen, and the finger pointed, with the booze bottle, and babyfleas, bit the prophets head off, undecided look, and a. a. allen, popped out, just like, this prophet, and bob dreamed, while praying on his knees, it was true stuff, said, a. a. allen, with prophets voice, he did dye his hair, and that, got him cut off, and hollie, with the sparkling robe, and grandpa duduman watched over prophet, and virgina boldea, wadd, threw it, they left said dumitru duduman, hand of help, I wanted out, the fire man, said, you aint doing enough to keep hand of help open, michael boldea, serpent, that was satan, shh, im the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, he said, turning into the pope, and hu is the false prophet, and the woman rode, babylon, america, the seven heads, the g8, with, russia, and they have, the ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, many kings out of one nation, and they chose the kremlin, and he saw, putin, kneeling before, the pope, and, hollie, tore up the con, 666, born at the table, between, hu and the pope, that was hollie tearing up the con, fan, wont last, he dreamed, go out side, said, a. a. allen, wake up, no, said hollie, and the girl from paul mooneys church, finger, write the vision, showed hollie, record, you need my Spirit, said Jesus, ACTS 2:38, and he dreamed, please save me up until the end said kristina, save yourself, what the hell, you want it for, dreamed, a. a. allen, get out of here, he said, the radio, started bring a. a. down, said Jesus money, and he saw, a magazine, with, alonzo allen, uto, im off, he yelled, and, knew, put your house in order, pointed Jesus, theres the alarm, thats the alarm, sound, and, the beast, rising out of the sea, that, record, that, that, and hollie showed, to record the vision, that, record, post, that, the paul mooney girl, the black chariot, with, hu and the pope, slipping, said, hollie, shook, that, the pope with, 666, on his forehead, born at the table, that was hollie, tattooing 666, 10-19-2006-record hollie showed, record hollie showed, record hollie showed, record hollie, showed, and hollie, showed, to record, and the popes face in the horn, check you oil with your hands like hollie showed, thick and slick, keep, that, record the vision, hollie showed, that, and, the pope, with 666, on his forehead, and, the image of the beast, in, hu s, hand, 666, on his forehead, theres the alarm, sadda hussein said the angel of the Lord, killed five million, hell, all of them, theres the alarm, didnt the angel hollie say, going home, this is heaven, this is hell, glass city, lava, that was hollie carved into the stick, smiling, golden, post, she said, and hollie played the horn, and came uot of the horn, I want you to post my vision, a.a. allens tent, and he saw, them, building, it took, eight hours, its in a garage, right now, and he saw, captain smith, and the titanic, it was not as big, and he saw, them side by side, but, wider, Lord same me said, hollie, theres the alarm, hollies in hot water, pointed, theres the angel gabriel, lighted, looking at, prophet, and he saw, lissa explains, im out, pregnant, ministryofdreams is an open ministry sang hollie, and he saw, the pool of silom, in a. a. allens tent, I was wantin to fuck, said, a. a. allen, weeping, dying his hair, theres the alarm, and hollie played the horn, record hollie showed, and complained, it would not hurt to put some thinner oil, in this, it is winter, and it needs thin oil, hollie showed to record, and hollie tattooed 666, born at the table, between, pointed, the pope and false prophet hu, and, he saw, nukes aimed at each other, theirs, there are, no visions, in pentecost, because, there are no apostolics, in pentecost, record the vision, showed, hollie, and Jesus showed to record, los angeles is under attack, o no, and both coasts up in flames, and hollie, like a fire bear, in califoria, iraq will raise up the spirit of the medes, against, america, record the vision, Jesus, showed, and mrs. warren, watched, warren come home, thru the window, were doomed, did you see on the internet, sell the church said boyd, it wont, to much, bankrupt like bob told you, three years ago, and the black horse, with, lucifer, on it, and hollie showed to prayer walk with her blue coat on, badana, you were watching, said, a. a. allen, but, magazine, radio, hair dye, start slipping said the angel of the Lord, for blaspheme, no, said, the girl from paul mooneys, church, yes, that, and hollie showed, the recorder, that, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, brought in by bush, oil, contracts, break, hell, hell if for hollie, and, pastor, bill krammer, pointed, you knew, cut off, building fund, pocket, watch, and hollie, sneezed, I dont need no clean oil, just keep me full, said the engine, and Jesus, the contract was torn up, and hollie like a white bear, didnt do anything, I loved you, said, hollie, but, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, wrong, they say, but, I heard you was lookin, said hollie, but, your not, going thru anything, the devil leaves alone who he has, and hollie, 666, and hollie showed, to, check your oil with your hands, thick, and slick, keep, and the lighted finger pointed, cut off, showed Jesus, bill krammer, I know, bob told, why are pastoring, an, apostolic, and hollie, tore up the, con, spirit, record hollie showed, I went to hell, said a. a. allen, multiply, bob, said, Jesus, he has, passed, his test, a.a., yes Lord, where are, you, its closer than you think, a. a. s, vision, being, full, filled, and he saw, the, statue, of, libery, swaying, drunk, with the blood of the saints, from, to much, unwise, council, star, gazers, and, watcher, lucifers, and, as, tro, lo, gy, ers, bill wiese, why, are you, running from, Jesus, when you know, he called, to, promote, for, free, the word of God, liar, you are, like you were, but, popular, and wife, testimony, for, bucks, bill, 10-20-2006-new nuclear weapon, and he saw, an explosion, that, half of indiana, record showed hollie, that was hollie tearing up the con spirit and quest, that was hollie tattooing 666 on her fore arm, somewhere, where it can be seen, look at me, and hollie with the popes image on her hand, and pointed, hollie, lighted, tongue out, stephen hanson in the furnace, and the pool of silom in a.a. allens tent, wait a minute mr. christian, russia, and he saw, a bear, moscow, and the little patriot soldier, the clock is ticking, said, richard thomas, and the lighted Jesus pointed, that was lucifer, bright angel, on the horse, black, in dark, robe, and he saw, twenty four, jamican, and, something, meaning, jamica, will, get hit, by moscow, and Jesus pointed, you knew it, said, thats amexico, theres the alarm, hollie, twenty four jamican time, means, that nation, will burn, writing on the wall, said hollie, theres the alarm, twenty four jamican time, means, that nation will burn, said hollie, with the organ playing, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, and he saw, at prophecy conference, and would not get dressed, and was thinking, that, those ten crowns, on russia, right there, the beast, in the g8, ruling party, thats it, said hollie, of, russia, and he saw, putin, kneeling, before the pope, he is, those ten kings, and hollie, pointed, again, im the prophet, said michael boldea, you know it, said, ann schmidt, and he saw an apostolic woman dressed in sexy, and the lighted finger pointed, watch, blood, lust me, los angeles, and he saw, both coasts up in flames, and hollie like, a fire bear, in california, me, she said, and up the middle, bob, said Jesus, gently, and the paul mooney girl, pointed, thats the tap dancers, and fingers, and my pope and hu, are two of them, said sunnysnet, cut off, showed Jesus, no, she said, most high eliom, and fox, lula, chavez, geyer, jong, hu, putin, castrol, they will give, thier power and strength, im horny said the paul mooney girl, look here, said Jesus, deny yourself, prophet is horny recording, sned it over, there, pope, america, desolate, and the woman came up, the statue of liberty, and, captain hollie, in her sub, ohio class, fired on moscow and china, taiwan, almost, destroyed, by, china, and hollie tore up the con, trap, the united states, will be a, des, o, lation, said the angel of the Lord, and hollie, pointed, and up came, four horns, they are, and the figner pointed, the pope, hu, said the girl from paul mooney s, church, let me see here, the emporer of japan, you know, said, ann, schmidt, and the idol shepherd, thats the slashed pope, the united states will be a desolation real soon said hollie, and the pope, frustrated, i will not put up with you, and missile, aimed, theirs, magog, and, grecia, the world, minus, magog, put your visions on the internet sang the choir, milwaukee, said the angel of the Lord, and out blew gene schmidt, and he, saw, michael boldea, and, ann, schmidt, both cut off, no signs, the paul mooney girl, right there, said the angel, said Im out, and the tip of south america, and latin america, and all of north america, exploded, the day of the Lord, that was Jesus showing to record, and the paul mooney girl, pointing, us, upci, lava, hell, theres kenneth haney, pointed hollie, no, said the girl, paul, stay away from us, prophet, watch this, and he saw, and hollie pointed, jamica will burn, words, and they will get find this, and the hands, showed, baby, for, the unwed, paul, mooney girl, and hollie tattood, 666, put your visions, on the internet, sang, Jesus, Christ, devil, I want you, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, and God winked, cause of you, I got cut off, said the girl from paul mooneys church and ann schmidt, you know, thats the reason, they pointed, warned, and, did not, ACTS 2:38, pointed, the girl, from paul mooneys church, thats the jamica will burn sign, and he saw, south america, explode, my paul mooney girl, like an angel, prophet, you didnt grow up, your beauty, deceived you, I want my visions on the internet said the tap dancing choir, theres the alarm, mew york city, attack it, boom, and he saw, new york explode, and the Lord of hosts danced, and the paul mooney girl pointed, and all of america, exploded, that is not different, then, that, said the tap dancers, two soundesign stereos, same o sound, design, whatta you want, said, Jesus, and the girl, from paul mooneys church, was one of them, will he save me, she said, yeah, she said, excited, I blew said president bush, cut off, Jesus showed, why dont you go see saddam hussein, said the angel, and he saw, and the lighted finger pointed, him in his coffin, and, thats the fire, said, the paul mooney girl, right here, with five, million, he helped, get there, please promote the gospel on the internet, sang hollie, record the vision, and hollie showed, to prayer walk, with her coat on, bandana, and pointed, the paul mooney girl, baby, didnt, Jesus, say, leave paul mooney, alone, witch, said, the girl, that goes, there, he sold, said Jesus, upci, and the girl, from paul mooneys church, afternoon, she said, but, I want alaska, said putin, oil, and the girl from paul mooneys church pointed, will he save me, yeah, he will save you, but, we will not accepted by the Holy One, sang, unless, we, repent, and be, baptized, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, taiwan destroyed, and hollie there, on the internet, will he, save, me, yeah, ACTS 2:38, dan marino, I didnt do what I needed to do while I had a chance he said, in his heart, now, you know, and the girl from paul mooneys church pointed, will he save me, yeah, he saw, and hollie showed, to check your oil with your hands, thick and slick, keep, and chewy, put visions on my website, said chewbacca, and the girl from paul mooneys church pointed, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war showed Jesus, brought in to fulfill, EZEKIEL 7, bush, oil contracts, break, gaza forsaken, and thats the palestinian state, and the fingers pointed, iraq, and, the, palestinian state, on fire, nukes, american, both ways, heres your door, forty bucks, sliding, soon the united states, will be, a desolation, said the angel of the Lord, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie tattood 666, required, and hollie showed, how to do, body work, find metal, cut, glue on, paint, bondo, if, tada, write the vision, forty bucks, like Jesus showed, him in the vision, Im beginning to need you, said, michael, bol, dea, us, said, ann, schmidt, bob came, led, and proved, with visions, but, outta here, thought, you, and, geno, bobby, like this, leave, hammered, out, said the angel of the Lord, how come your quittin, said Jesus, jamica will burn, words, and he saw putin putting the missile down on jamica, no said the girl from paul mooneys church, yeah, she said, record the vision, Jesus showed, cut off, she, said, ucpi, kenneth haney, in the fire, soon, the united, states, jamica, south america, latin america, moscow, china, and, most of, oliver, cut off, will be a desoaltion, and Jesus sang, I bruised my knees a lot, kathy triccoli, cut off, no signs, and hollie tattood 666, required to buy or sell, and the pope and false prophet hu, took council, buy the door, the van, was worth, I dont beleive this, zero more, its ready, record Jesus shwoed, and hollie tattood 666, and the homo pointed, battleship indianapolis found, robert ballard, right, he said, they already know, but, didnt want to mess with, families, would want, bodies, didnt the angel say, JEREMIAH 71, is for you, read it, the united states will be a desolation soon, said the angel of the Lord, that, hollie, and hollie pointed, the untied states will soon, be attacked by china and russia, whats that, and the dog bob prayed for walks, jamica, exploded, and putin, dropped the bomb, with hand, sub, and captain hollie, waving, blew kisses, smiling, carved into the stick, what about the bismarck, said the angel of the Lord, scuttled, on fire, and captain ernest, and hollie, tattood, 666, required, that, and hollie showed the recorder, that, china and america, going to war, that, and the lighted finger pointed, that, and hollie showed, the, recorder, like, a, white, angel, im moody, a.a., yes Lord, where are, you, its closer than you think, a. a. s, vision, being, full, filled, and he saw, the, statue, of, liberty, swaying, drunk, with the blood of the saints, from, to much, unwise, council, star, gazers, and, watcher, lucifers, and, as, tro, lo, gy, ers, 10-21-2006-Theres your stp, oil filter, said, hollie, and Jesus bowed, awesome revelations, bob, celebrated, jamica will burn, thats america, and he saw, america, on iraq, it will burn, israel, america, the palestinin state, america, everything, america, moscow, will, ahnialte, already planned, record, hollie, transformed, and, south america, exploded, tip, and, latin, america, and, all of north america, moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie waved, like a fire bear, in california, on fire, and, the world wobbled, jamica will burn, words, and Jesus bowed, stop, pointed, and, the woman, hanged from the world trade center, why didnt america respond, airlift, they could have saved almost all on top, saddam hussein, will not be tried, shot, and he saw, him, bullet, hole, and hollie, pointed, head, point blanck, record the vision, Jesus, and hollie showed, Gods in control, and the pope s face in the horn, jamica will burn, words, and he saw, putin, put the missile down, Im out, will he save me, yeah, you have to, repent, and be, baptised in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, america is the whore, and he saw, homo, written over one mans head, and sin, written over another, and cless barger, pointing, at, out of here, his own daughter, and the fireball, covered america, whatta you want, said, Jesus, heres, the deal, wait a minuted mr. christian, record showed, hollie, and, transforming, putin, and hu, signing, the ram, when, america, hit, yugoslavia, the hegoat is the pope, as the king, and the lighted finger pointed, after america, moscow, and china, nuke, each other, and, taiwan, mostly, destroyed, and hollie waved, there on the internet, untill, the internet is taken away, and will be, and the frustrated pope, hu, he pointed, 666, like hollie, tattood, showed, born at the table, between, them, to keep them from destroying, both have nukes aimed right at each other, hu is magog, and that is, north and south korea, china and japan, the pope is grecia, the rest of the world, and hu, I will not put up with you, they will say, to each other, speak, lies, at the table, but, worship the pope, hu, will say, because, he is stronger, I, aint, hu, said, but, the popes image on hus, and, 666, on the forehead, im lost, and knows it, said the pope, but, leads, the biggest religion, he knows, ACTS 2:38, liar, and he will see, this, jamica will burn, the words, record Jesus showed, look at that, the palestinian state, and iraq on fire, brought in by bush, nuclear, oil, contracts, and he saw, broken, between, moscow, and, iraq, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, like a white angel, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, like, a lighted angel, and the pope, lighted, jamica will burn, the words, and putin, put the missile down, on, record the vision, the angel, and america, exploded, and, the popes, face, in the horn, slashed, and three horns fell, theres hu, and let me see here, said, the woman, the emporer of japan, and the pope, the idol shepherd, after, slashed, three kings shall, in persia, rise, and, here, they are, and, that wont happen, pointed, the lighted, danny, thomas, another pastors about to, sang, delbert, spall, the winds, strove, and hu came out, and, let me see here, said, the woman, the pope, you got it, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepard, record the vision, Jesus showed, the prophecy club, cut off, no signs, record my vision, hollie, taiwan, destroyed, and, thumb down, no, prophecy club, he dreamed, did not want to speak, and, the ten crowns, horns, are, ruling party, of moscow, look there, pointed Jesus, record Jesus showed, and the angel had the recorder, tim mcnamy is cut off, no signs, that woman, did not know, anything about tim, mknamy, but thought he was a man of God, but, now, knows, he has nothing in common, and the lighted figner pointed, with the apostole paul, tell it said Jesus, cityview, and, lakeview, churches, in indianapolis are cut off, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by bush, whats it for, to break oil contracts, and hillary clinton will see this, call, her president, and, she was, being, sworn in, with dick cheney watching, callm president, and Jesus is blowing on bob, bad fan, thats the airplane sound, you will see, a 747 crash, and, then, look out, last sign, and the marines are in, the streets, in america, hollie, hand, and hollie tattooed 666, and the stock market hit 12000, God showed bob that about four years ago, he as only told it, zero times, didnt the angel, say, I cant beleive it, and Jesus, and jamica exploded, and south america, and, latin america, and, all of, north america, china and taiwan, and moscow, on the day of the Lord, and the world wobbled, record the angel showed, its on japan, meaning, record the visio, Jesus showed, record the vision, Jesus showed, and the popes face in the horn, and hu s, and, let me see here, the emporer of japan, no, said, Jesus, and, the idol, shepard, came up, and three horns fell, let me alone, said the possum, and the lighted finger pointed, the now cut off, showed, Jesus, twelve thirty five, everything, except, licence, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the bear, the feet, and the ten toes are, politburo, the ruling party of the former u.s.s.r., and, and they chose, ten, kings, out of one nation, thats the jamica will burn sign, and, the golden lighted finger pointed, iraq, said the pope, will cause, lets rule the world, sang putin, and the lighted finger pointed, hamas, said the pope, arabs, and the dark finger pointed, hated, by Jesus, look at me said the possum, fat now, bob feeds, and pets, I liked it, but, I dont want no religion, said the pope, look at me said Jesus, God in Christ, worketh, the Spirit, not, your body, dont go to chicago, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, p.a.w., cut off, dr., smith, horace, no signs, theres hollie, on the m.x. missile, with, silver and golden bear, paws, boom, and chicago exploded, from, the ground up, stick around said the pope, saddam, hussein, said Jesus, cut off, kill, showed, will be, pointed, the angel of the Lord, tom foley did nothing wrong, but, record the vision, shouted hollie, and the skeleton, pointed, at the skeleton, idol words, said, the, woman, is, cutting, people off, speak, what, Jesus, tells you, control, over your tongue, your missing, upci, and he saw, missiles, fire, striking, japan, from, china, said, hu, dont worship people, liar he thought, but, thanks, have everything taken away, said dumitru duduman, that was, the eye of God, lighted, up showed the pope, gas, and he saw, the skeleton in the womans body, dont lust people, when, I, sit, in the temple, I, am God, said, the Pope, worship, said, hu, the false prophet, with the popes image, in his hand, and, 666, on the forehead, and the lighted pope pointed, and Jesus, on the mountain, whatta, you, want, no, bodies prayin, there are no visions, correct, she said, in pentecost, because there, are no apostolics in pentecost, jamica will burn, words, and hollie tore up the con, quest, with, putin, missile, golden lighted bear paws, said the zombie, enter in, thou, good, and faithful, servant, said the, lighted Jesus, about, eight feet tall, its iraq, causing, judge, ment, to america, soon, ner, im horny, said, baby, fleas, bob is, typing, and Jesus, smiling, on the cross, sacrelide, thanks said the possum, home, box, talk, and, be lost, is what, just about everybody is doing, theres the alarm, and hollie, thats donald winters with, you know it, 666, all of, the winters, at westside pentecostal church, upci, those are from, the, devil, he said, right to bobs face, and hollie played the horn, 666, is the number of the beast, theres the alarm, born at the table, between hu and the pope, and both, and he saw, nukes, pointed at each other, hate but cling, jamica, will, burn, words, and putin dropped the bomb, and all of north america, south americas tip, and latin america, will he save me, yeah, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, said the zombie, you know it, said the pope, as the serpent, face, with the woman riding, america, the, g8, is the heads, is the seven heads, are, and hollie took, prophets picture, and the lighted angel pointed, I dont want it, says, this prophet, and, henry is open, gruver, and he will, see it, and smile, fuck, said Jesus, and henry, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, with, mens hands, and, he saw, missiles, hit japan, two, hu, and america appear on japan, america, will launch, nuclear, weapons out of japan, and, hu will, return, order, and he saw, the nuclear warehouses, in, america, hit, the whole nation, done, exploded, reached, out, that, and hollie pointed, at, the recorder, the recorder, that, again, that, said hollie, and the emporer of japan, showed, record, absorb, no, when, america, launches, nukes, on china, for, terrorizing, washington state, and destroyin, taiwan, and hollie was there, on the internet, record, showed, the emporer of japan, and he saw, and hollie showed, God will, avenge, people, that, lie, check your oil, on level, ground, showed the emporer of japan, and he will laugh, when he gets this, record, hollie showed, and he saw, many missiles, hit japan, the emporer blew out, not one more, or, eight, ten warhead, minuteman missiles, and hu, no, way, hate but cling, america has, you loose, hu, and japan, say to each other, and he saw, japan, and china, missiles, aimed right at, dont go to, milwaukee, and he saw, satan, blew out, and captain hollie, in her submarine, hand of help, is, dying, leave, said, michael, bol, us, said, gene, schmidt, we know, said, ann, schmidt, cause of him, pointed, bob, hes lying now, dea, git out of here, said, ann, california, and he saw, both coasts, up in flames, and, hollie, like a fire bear, and up the middle, from, putin, dropping, bombs, north korea, aimed at, china, and, japan, but, only two, left, they will hate, but cling, and, fire, in china, from, captain hollie, in, ohio class subs, moscow, only, one sixth left, america, desolate, and, the statue of liberty, came out, china, doomed, mostly, jamaca will burn, and the sign, and he dreamed, driver if you pass agin, said princess diana, and he saw, what she, did, boom, and dianas, dodi, said, diana, hes allright, going, seventy five, they were, heading, to, have, oral, and, anal, sechs, and he saw, them, fucking, in the butt, diana, is, good, at that, oral, blow job, swallow, tell, your, prince, charles, that, and see what, away, he will, pay for his, romance, you stupid, fools, britain, money, said, Jesus, over, eight, billion, the, wasted, queen, and, her, stupid, family, people, worshipped, disolve, no, said, queen, elizebeth, parliment, over ride, blair, if wants, and queen elizebeth pointed, we hit, all dead, instantly, except driver, call him, responsible, they know, you know what were facing, limited attack, and he saw, from japan, on, north korea, like this, japan, will, burn, words, and hollie, giggled, write the vision, hollie showed, and, the lighted finger pointed, that, said hollie, america and china, going to war, that, and hollie played the organ, that, said, hollie, like a white angel, that, go and post, and hollie, you know, what, were, facin, and the pope showed, gas, up, and, down, nuclear, judgement on, limited attack, on, korea, record the vision, hollie showed, and waited, prayed, go, post, record hollie showed, two thousand, that, pointed, Jesus, and hollie wailed for lost souls, that, and hollie showed, to record, and he saw, kansas, and the angel of the Lord, blew out, prophecy, club, cut, off, iraq, said, maucaulay, cut off, culkin, instant millionaire, is, francis, perigrine, was, thanks, lets go, said, babyfleas, we seen you at new york and ohio, call the police, no, said, baby, fleas, yep, said, donald, win, ters, you are, lying, and, cut off, those are from, the, devil, he said, right to bobs face, that is, blaspheme, against, whatever, said, mrs., winters, against the Holy Ghost, iraq, iran, is, some of, but, kuwait, persia is, the, whole, middle, east, cut off, showed, Jesus, done, go, were going to, hit, iraq, again, said, president, clin, right here, liar, clinton, hillary, I sold it, whitewater, is, guilty, of, liars, and america, knew, president, bill, lied, and, now, his, lying, wife, america, look out, said, 10-22-2006-can witness pray, she said, caution, the sign, said, and, he saw, many women, and, dreamed, and told them, that, Jesus, showed him, that, russia will, nuclear explosions, and they, just, staired, real estates over with, down showed the pope, bobby, im ready to start, striking people down, liars, and Jesus, showed, o record the vision, people, lying, like, kenneth haney, all of upci, cut off, record, showed, Jesus, its to late, and he saw upci over many in hell, donald winters, jerry vanlue, m. mckinney, donny joe winters, your lying said corneilius bullock, but, there he is, and the lighted terry cannon pointed, and bob, saw, new jerusalem, with, many, dark, towers, with, some, lighted, and, people, in, and Jesus blew the horn, and, 10-23-2006-record, the vision, Jesus, showed, and, saudi arabia, japan, north korea, china, moscow, nuked, and america, latin, america, south, america, the tip, the world wobbled, all nuking each other, saudi arabia, king fahd, back, ed, bin laden, financially, record the vision Jesus showed, up showed the pope, gas, the, united states, will, be, a desolation, real soon, hurry, said Jesus, record the vision, JEsus showed, no, said, king fahd, america, will, nuke, tem, for helping, 9-11, and, hollie, tattooed, 666, and, north korea, took a missile, and south, korea, and, japan, took, three, moscow and china, and he saw, mostly destroyed, both, america, desolate, latin america and south, taiwan, mostly destroyed, and, let me see, here, there it is, JEsus in the fire mist, and, the world wobbled, and hollie on the west, coast, like a fire, bear, and both coasts up in flames, and up the middle, from, russian subs, and hollie, waving from the ohio class sub, record the vision Jesus showed, there, are no visions, in pentecost, because there are no apostolics in pentecost, gas is going up showed the pope, and hollie tattooed, 666, born at the table, between the king of the south, and the king of the north, the pope and hu, its right here pointed terry cannon, lighted, ministryofdreams, the iraq war, nuclear, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by bush, recor dthe vision, Jesus showed, liar said the angel of the Lord, upci, and hollie tattooed 666, record the vision, hollie showed, and, waited, and, complained, and, hollie showed, to, record the vision, and, the pope, fustrated, saddam hussein said the angel of the Lord, and pointed, is, responsible, for, over, ten million, dead, minus five, million, record the vision, record the vision, Jesus showed, and the popes face, in the horn, and hu s, and the emporer of japan, and, up came, the idol shepard, ten minutes, said the angel of the Lord, record, and hollie tattooed, 666, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, im not, said, the woman, from, terry cannons church, im out, and, you, told, God showed you, that, that war, would end, nuclear, iraq, figured, they all thought, not the war endin nuclear, but you talking, ten minutes said the angel of the Lord, will do, said the pope, america, destroyed, and he saw, america, explode, and, the, statue of liberty, came out, the woman, im the main ministering spirit, and, the angel showed, I, want, my visions, on the internet, she said, and hollie licked the prophet, im the main ministering spirit, like that, showed the angel, and hollie played the horn, there are no visions in pentecost, because, there are no apostolics, and the angel showed, in pentecost, said the main ministering spirit, and hollie, like a silhouette, and when, the idol shepherd came up, the three horns fell, fuck, thought that man, from, texas, upci, were pentecostal, he has visions, and we dont, get him, right there, and he saw, the lighted finger, point at, the pulpit, teach us, and Jesus, showed, to, record, people are, falling away, because, no anointing, and hollie showed, to record, the vision, giggled, im against you, she said, people, that, dont live for Jesus, are, allow me, said, Jesus, type visions, and, mrs. cannon laughed, we needed it, said terry cannon, iraq war, nuclear, visions, he heard, she told, and hollie, out of the horn, blew kisses, pray, everybody, backslid, from, thier, agreement, with, JEsus, like, this, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, and babyfleas, thats the deal, said hollie, bit the prophets head off, with the undecided look, when you have everything, took, en, away, said virgina, boldea, thats you, bobby, God made you, thats the price, im sorry, said mrs. dean, out, she pointed, or, pulpit, push bobby, said Jesus, im not, said, mrs. dean, be number one, said, hollie, and, hollie giggled, like, silohette, you find me, keep, there aint no visions in pentecost, bobby, because, there are no apostolics, in pentecost, you left, said, terry, cannon, but, now, he knows, you are, know all things, and he, wont, have it, he showed, jamica will burn, sign, that, fire, rising, and america, exploded, and, the statue of liberty came out, he knows your name, bobby, said terry cannon, and, Jesus, sat bored, at terry cannons church, let me speak, put it on your website, that church, heavenly life apostolic, knows about, ministryofdreams, there they are, brother and sister dean, looking at, visions of heaven, and, hell, lava, or glass city, and japan, took, three missiles, said sister dean, we know, said, m. mckinney, and that was, brother dean, pickin you up to throw you out, said mrs. dean white, didnt the angel Jesus, say, look, there, fire, ball, in iraq, and the palestinian state, EZEKIEL 7, didnt that little girl, from paul mooney s, church, say, we know, but you dont, know, that was hollie, coming, like, a white angel, giggled, prophet, said the girl from paul mooney, s, church, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, with smiling, and the undecided look, tell me about the marine corp., forget it, we wrecked, said the girl, from paul mooney, s, church, that was hollie, and, hollie pointed, stephen hanson in the furnace, your back said Jesus, and the black man that preaches at terry cannons church, you knew, he, doesnt have, the Holy Ghost, said josh, he, goes to, preach, only, saith, Jesus, quit, slipping out, is what they think, but, when you come, no way, said, Jesus, revival every time, that was hollie, the united states will be a desolation real soon said hollie, with the alarm sound, the, aon center, in chicago, will, airplane, down, watch, thats the vision, thats a, 747, pointed hollie, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, did you heareme, said, no, dont hand around, said, mrs. dean, we know, your open, that, said hollie, record, that, said hollie, the raccoon, that, the aon center, that, that, the plane, the united states will be a desolation real soon, said the angel of the LOrd, that, feed the raccoon, that, that, coffee showed hollie, that, leave, hollie played, that, the horn, cut off, in the heavenly life, no way, said Jesus, life apostolic church, sign, and the finger pointed, that, im out, that was babyfleas, itll be mullahs, again, backed, by saudi arabia again, like 9-11, we, 10-24-2006-and Jesus, showed to record the vision, and hollie, turned into the silhouette, no, said, hollie, yes, said the girl from paul mooneys church, and hollie, wailed, and Jesus showed, to record, the vision, and, japan, took, three hits, nukes, from, china, said, hu, with kim jong s voice, north korea, took one hit, and south korea, america took twenty one, multiple warhead, nuclear, missiles, and, moscow, took, twenty seven, only, one sixth left, china, took, seventeen, minus, two, in a circle, please, help me on the website, said, hollie, and, hollie, put the contract, back together again, with, golden hands, and, arms, and, hollie giggled like a white angel, brazil, and latin america, destroyed, all of, north americano, from, putin, in his submarine like a bear, Im a bear, me, putin, moscow, satan is, the head, and, the pope is his mouth piece, and, magog is, the body, thats, north and south korea, yes, said hollie, and japan, and, china, and, he saw, magog, where all those lands are, record the vision, Jesus showed, internet porno sex is making whores out of children, and hollie took off running, lighted, smiling, and japan, took three missile, north korea said and pointed, hollie, one, south korea, two, minus, one, and, hollie tattood, 666, beg me, and i will not have mercy on amexico said Jesus, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, said hollie, and hollie tattood 666, record the vision, hollie showed, brush, and hollie bowed, help me, said, t.d. jakes, I know, not, he said, but, acts like he does, Im out, but, why do you pastor, and he saw, money, multi millionaire, psychic here said t.d. jakes, and the popes face in the horn, your ran, said, babyfleas, even after, the vision, came forth, Im out, you need a whippin, said, sister, dean, talking about, prophet, you came, about, once, a year, but, when you came, you shook the church, said terry cannon, come by, here, agin, said, pastor, terry cannon, cut off, revival, tomorrow if, that, that will make it, way better, that, america, and china, that, going to war, that, and he saw, record the vision, Jesus showed, its time for, the iraq war, to turn nuclear, do, said, Jesus, and I will send nukes, right down on you, u.s.a., this will, cause, america, vision overload, said hollie, there aint no visions in pentecost, because, there, are no apostolics in pentecost, thats the black chariot, and hu and the pope, the new world order, hu, fox, calderon, jong, that said, hollie, the five, hundred race track, and hollie showed, has gotten, many cut off, that, said hollie, that, record, hollie showed, that, and the popes face in the horn, that, bobby, get out of here, that, saudi arabia, took, a missile, that, north korea, that, my names hollie, im the favorite, that, like a white angel, and, that, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, and the popes face in the horn, and hu s, and, let me see here, the emporer of japan, you know, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, and the idol shepherd came up and three horns fell, that was satan, shh, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horn, and he saw the pope and hu, thats the angry, horse, pulling the black chariot, with, the black horse quiets the Spirit of Jesus in the world, and, the, chariots, of horses, red, and, there, and, he saw, the red take peace off of the earth, the black, quiet, the Spirit of Jesus, in the north country, and he saw, putin, the bear, with ten toes, thats politburo, ruling party, of the former soviet union, ten kings, out of one nation, they chose, kremlin, record the vision, hollie showed, t.d. jakes, cut off, I know, dont mess with me, I warned you, and hollie pointed, at, hollie, lets face it, ACTS 2:38, salvation, read, do, prophet, will he save me, repent, and be, baptized, in, Jesus Christ name, and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, theres the alarm, but, you have to repent, miami will not let any more cubans in, because it is cuba, and hollie tore up the con spirit, I backslided, but I still go to church, get out, said, Jesus, open shame, your hurting, that was, the girl from paul mooney s, church, pointing, and the plane, hit the aon center, in chicago, building, ministryofdreams is an open ministry sang hollie, theres the alarm, this is it, record, the vision, all right, said the girl from paul mooney s, church, God bless you, said the fitness instructer, leave the weight on and look good, or, and he saw, skeleton with, the whole united states, will, be a desolation soon, said, Jesus, record the vision Jesus showed, thelma johnson married pastor, joe, melvin, johnson, divorced, and, knew, not, to, cut off, even bobs enemies are his friends, check your oil with your hands, like hollie showed, thick and slick, keep, again, it, and, the popes face in the horn, frustrated, ran, and hu, I will not put up with you, 666, born at the table, to keep them, from destroying, Im not, said, michael boldea, up showed the pope, gas, Im not said michael boldea, you cleaned out the engine, is what you did, prophet, and now, there, are, no visions, in pentecost, because, there are no apostolics, in pentecost, he wont go to, church, if, you invite him, and terry cannon, would be, baptising, and, hes not even saved, git, it, off, of there, pointed, cannon, my vision, s, nope, theres trouble, said, hollie, write my vision, baby steps, said, terry, cannon, you know it, said, Jesus, no, you are cut off, and thats, hes, back, sfc, seafood, and hollie pointed, tax evader, tax free, record the vision, Jesus showed, iraq, thats, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by bush, to break oil con, tracts, this will, raise, up the spirit of the medes against, amexico, lets rule the world, sang, putin, that, drainage ditches, dont, use, let the water go into the ground, that, and, the tree, not healthy, thats why, that, that was a spirit, running, white, village pantry, cut off, shOwed Jesus, and hollie tattood 666, born at the table, between hu and the pope, didnt the angel, say, you waste your time, if you dont live for Jesus, record the vision, you know, about terry, cannon, s, Im cut off, both, linda and terry, all, and the plane hit the aon center, record the vision Jesus showed, right here, pulpit, she pointed, but, pastors wont let, oil is, pressed, and pressed, and pressed, and pressed, said hollie, you need to, touch me, and, the lighted finger pointed, Im not, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, I sing in the choir, God stripped you down said the tap dancers, and, hollie was one of them, mokse, on top, of, willie, duncans, church, the signs says, the best vitamin, for, a christian is, b-1, but, they arent, at the church, harlots, record the vision, Jesus, showed, record the vision, Jesus, showed, and the popes face in the horn, and, hu, and, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepard, came up, and, three horns, fell, record the vision, Jesus, showed, and the doors shut on, record the vision, Jesus, showed, that, bobby, right here, that, pointed, terry, cannon, pulpit, if you hang around, record the vision, Jesus showed, and Jesus showed, to, record, the vision, and, hollie, pointed, number one, and, that, post, vision overload, and he saw, gas, 2.55, theres the alarm, a v6, does not get, four cylinder gas milage, thats wrong said Jesus, check you oil with your hands, like hollie showed, recycle, oil, record the vision, Jesus thought, the economy slipped, a little bit, God, saw, it, and, Jesus, showed, and hollie, golden hands, next time I get out, Im running away, said, the little dog, when, a dog has, been out, and, went, free, you better watch him, from, that, point, and the eye in the fire, face, itll be alright, it said, and, Gods eye, like a lighted, eye, and, the plane hit the, aon building, and, Jesus, waved out of the sun, not the woman, but, who ever kills saddam hussein, and, the angel, pointed, that was the lighted hollie, that, will avenge, the blood of five million, and hollie had a face like satans, Im beginning to need you, said, terry cannon, now that, the people are all gone, and, he removed, the mobile, home, that he, was planning, on, staying in, right here, on the church, call him, liar terry, long, cannon, cause there both alike, cause there aint no visions, in pentecost, thats the, relay song singers, because, theres no apostolics, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, smart car, written over the v.w. bug, that, that, that, that, that, and hollie, pointed, at, the, recorder, and, tore up the con, spirit, and, hollie showed, how to build a house, in the woods, sticks, leaves, tada, and, he saw, the subs, sneak up on, my america, and it exploded, and, the statue of liberty came out, and, latin america, and hollie pointed from the ring, white angel, that, and, hollie pointed, like a white angel, big, at, the airplane, I hear you left, said, pastor, terry, can, non, that, it hit the aon building in chicago, and the lighted kent gray pointed, Im out, said, Jesus, his church, that, tell that vision, my mercy said, Jesus, that, sisty six ford mustang, four wets away from rusting sang Jesus, that, that, pointed, hollie, cut off, kent gray, that, kent gray saw, prophesying, and, visions and dreams, from bob, and, still, rejects, tell who he said, while prophesying right to kent gray, face, tell who, he said, thats where the churches are, and hollie prophesied, into, the recorder, kent gray, knows now, that, bob has the Holy Ghost, and, he does not, want, bob, there, right, said, Jesus, Im not, said, Jesus, that, miejer, cut off, closed, that, walmart, cut off, hollie showed, prices, are, too, high, and, hollie showed to record the vision, kent gray, Im out, knows it, said, mrs. gray, youve got it, now leave, both, and that was hollie, tearing up the con, trast, that, said, hollie, time, where are you, will he, save, me, yeah, said, you must, how do I, get, thru, said, mrs., butler, from, mckormicks, we already know it, said, assisstant, pastor, brother, but, ler, bobby, put your name on it, it is, written, before, come right here bobby, she, thought, but, 10-25-2006-and the pope, had, I warned you, said, Jesus, 666, on, hism, forehead, and turned into satan, and hollie showed to record the vision, and, the, pope, face in the horn, your, nothing but a psychic said butler from westside pentecostal, church, record, the vision, hollie, thats the reason, the idol shepard came up, bobby, you might loose it, your appearance, for the gospels, sake, and have, but, wouldve anyway, and the white angel hollie pointed, at the plane, and it hit the, aon building, center, in chicago illinios, and, the mayor there will see this, it will, bounce off, like, the empire state building, prepare, saith, the Lord, and, hollie, I, cant beleive, it, bobby, said, Jesus, there aint no body, lookin, said, the united, states will become a desolation real soon said the angel of the Lord, and, america, exploded, and the statue of liberty came up, the woman, whore, write the vision, we are, going into a trobulous time, and hollie, blew the horn, stephen hanson in the fire, hollie pointed, kent gray, well, whose your pastor, the churches, are all fallen, and, lighted, finger pointed, when bob prophesied, that, I knew he thought, and preached on the signs, and, none, are, cmoing forth, from, kent gray, and when kent saw the signs coming forth, and the finger pointed, thru bob, right here, said, kenneth haney, pulpit, but, kent gray, no, he showed, now, he knows, I never prayed thru, no, said, hollie, with the sound, and the pope, came up, and, the three horns fell, the idol shepherd, and, hu, and, let me see here, theres the emporer of japan, put the contract back kent gray, empty church coming, sell, no he showed, lock, that was, a, white light, flash, and, hollie, tore up the, con, let me see here, spirit, theres the alarm, the alarm, said hollie, and God winked, that, and the plane hit the aon center, and hollie pointed, like a silhouette, bomb it, said the pope, this is heaven, this is hell, glass city, lava, pointed, and hollie skinned, thats hollie, carved, into the stick, golden, punching, get brian lane, shoot that bastard, said, the outlaws, Jesus, styx, has no, number one hits, but, all of their records, still sell, over, one billion, sold, they are the eighth, biggest band ever, number one is, pink floyd, number two is, the beatles, number three is, the rolling stones, who is number four, its, journey, number five is, reo speedwagon, number six is, me, alice cooper, lighted finger pointed, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, write the vision, brought in by bush, look, that, pointed, lighted, iraq, and, the palestinian state, pointed, Jesus, on fire, this will cause, judgment to fall on amexico, america, kent knows he doesnt have it now said hollie, gray, that church is busted, thats another, upci, pastor, that does not have the Holy Ghost, and the lighted finger pointed, thats wrong said mrs. gray, prophesying, and recieving visions, and hollie put 666, on kent gray, mrs. gray, and, mrs. fuller, adulterous, and hollie, pointed, at, the skeleton, dont lust people, thats magog in freddy kruegers body, and thats north and south korea, china and japan, situate, the pope, is satans, and, moscow is the feet, iraq, said, Jesus, will, cause, judgment, theres the horn, said, hollie, and the top is off, drink, theres the alarm, the alarm, complacent, said Jesus, we, have money, ladiocians, theres the alarm, none of, them, wanted, you there, stay away from, antioch, the apostolic church, no signs, but, kent will preach about the signs, cut off gray, he'll be handed that on his mail route, wearing shorts, down the pope showed, gas, Im out, said the girl from paul mooneys church, harrasing is what you did, no, witnessed, stay out, its time, showed, the lighted, bear, paw, s, lets rule the world, and he saw, putin, planning with, hu, fox, geyer, kim jong, castrol, chavez, lula, and, gene schmidt shook his head yes said ann schmidt, they will, give, and hollie, showed, skinned kent gray, out, thats it, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, you left, tell your visions, on the internet, sang, Jesus, hell, hell is for hollie, the flames on the van, said hollie, call on me, and, I will show, you, things, that, you know not, that was, the plane, hitting, the aol building, and brazil, exploding, latin america, south, all of, north, america, and, china, japan, and moscow, north and south korea, and, the middle of africa, all, of, from, us, the u.s.a., bomb, that is, africa, the middle destroyed, by, america, that was the lighted angel, blowing, the, trumpet, record the vision, drink, thats africa, in the middle, destroyed, clap, that, showed, hollie, record, and, tore up the, con, with, bear paws, dim yellow, bright, now, africa, exploded, it will burn, all of, Im a bear, putin, with, the, crown, ten kings, out of one nation, and hollie, tore, up the, con, spirit, and the lighted finger pointed, u.s.s.r., ruling party, hot, is what people think, when they smoke cigarettes, I want my vision, s, on the website, that was, like a, fire, tongue, sticking out, correct him said, mrs. gray, why not, we are, the ones, uto, cut off, showed, kent, gray, that, record, that, have lunch, said, mrs. fuller, what does the Lord, that, cut off, five husbands, that, adultery, that, I, knew, it, that, and, kent gray, pointed, that was, the lighted, satan, pointing, at, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by, bush, iraq, to break oil contracts, and, america, hit, saudi arabia, for, backing 9-11, and, king fahd showed to, record, the vision, I, didnt, we know, said, bush, liar, s, it was, laden, and he saw, in the big hands, laden wanted control, that was lighted spirits, Jesus, many, theres gabriel, and, michael, angels, and, hollie, skinned, theres the alarm, that was an angel, with, fire, lighted eye, roman, had, king saul, God would, and, the finger, pointed, answer him in dreams, you know, but, he, went back on God, no dreams, trouble, angel, lighted, theres the alarm, that was, a lighted, angel, eye, side, trouble said the lighted mouth, theres the horse, judgment, said, Jesus, on the, white horse, and hollie turned into the silhouette, hollie showed, to record the vision, and the lighted hand pointed, soon, the united states will be a desolation, soon, said the angel, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, and the angel pointed, kill saddam hussein, said the angel, man, that, antioch, the apostolic church, kent gray, mrs. gray, cut off, pointed the angel, that, theres the alarm, and, the lighted, finger pointed, that was many white spirits, in, new jerusalem, theres the alarm, and africa, the middle part, destroyed, and south america, pointed, hollie, around the edges, putin, were doing a real nice thing in front of bob here, thought kent gray, spoke, dreamed, and hell, with, many, from, upci, and, pentecostal, written, over, thier, head, s, and he saw, america, appear, on, africa, middle, the destroyed, and hollie, pointed, and, hollie pointed, around the edges of south america, destroyed, that, and the four lighted kings, that, in persia, let me see here, the pope, hu, the idol shepherd, before whom three horns fell, and, the emporer of japan, that, no, theres the alarm, and, the dark finger pointed, and hollie tattooed, 666, up showed the pope, gas, and hollie showed to record the vision, tell , me about alaska, oil, mostly, and he saw, the whole united states will, soon, be, a, desolation, said, the angel, of the Lord, man, and hollie, tattood, 666, hand, record the vision, Jesus, showed, opec, will, cut , america, off, when, you lest expect it, this is hollie, with the loose belt sound, charter bank, will close, record, the vision, I, dont, need, to, be, made, a, statue, out of, said, the Jesus, statue, thats, sacrelidge, didnt, the girl, from, paul mooneys, church, say, no, yes, make up, your, mind, record the vision, Jesus showed, the write bothers tore up thier contrast, like hollie showed, Im the main ministering spirit, theres the alarm, and, all of, south america, destroyed, by moscow, eliminate it, and take the oil, is the plan, that, record the vision, that, america and , china going to war, that, and, south america, exploded, from, captain hollie, and, the plane, hit the building, aon, chicago, hollie, pointed, like a white angel, and all of, the western hemisphere is destroyed, africa, just about, and, moscow and china, japan, taiwan, let me see, here, north and south, korea, and, and hollie showed, to plug in the c.d. player, hook, plug, tada, record the vision, Jesus showed, look at that, brian l. lane, pastor, upci, and, all upci pastors in hell, no signs, record the vision, theres the, submarine sound, the united states will be a desolation real soon, said, the angel of the Lord, pennesylvania, texas, exploded, prophet, and he saw, all of america, and, the woman, came out, the statue of liberty, and hollie wailed, theres the angel, thats got an attitude, three, and the white spirit, ran, bob is free now, and hollie licked the prophet, and, hollie painted, 666, and pointed, post, waved, carved into the stick, and hollie smiled, salvation, like the sign says, 2:38, ACTS, and the lighted finger pointed, red, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, that, rca dome, down, that, and the lighted finger pointed, that, nuclear fireball, over, indianapolis, that, and, hollie, theres the alarm, that, just do it, says, the Lord, cut off, showed, Jesus, post, and he saw, africa, all of, the, middle, east, destroyed, iraq, iran, kuwait, and, 10-26-2006-and he saw, many, white spirits, lighted, the multitude, that, upci, fallen, kenneth haney, that, said, hollie, in the fire, hell, that, pointed hollie, africa, in the, middle, right, said, bush, oil, that, destroyed, that, that, cuba, mexico, america, exploded, canada, latin, south, all of, and, hollie pointed, exploded, moscow and china, that, japan, north and south korea, missiles flying all over, that, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, no it aint, said hollie, o yes it is, gaza forsaken, that, cut off, showed hollie, and hollie showed to record the vision, theres the alarm, check you oil with your hands, like hollie showed, thick and slick, keep, that, four cylinder, thumbs up showed hollie, that, nissan 300zx, that, smoking tires, whoever has the visions, put them on, the, internet, that, said, hollie, no, yes, said, the paul, mooney, girl, make up your mind, and, africa exploded, and, alaska, and it exploded, and all of north america, boom, and, the statue of liberty came up, with a golden, cup, with a sword in it, america, is, has, the word of God, and threatens the whole world, and the lighted pope pointed, up showed the pope, gas, and down, cut america off, said, king fahd, that, is what you tell, at, and the plane hit the building and hollie pointed, aon, center, horny, said, the girl, from paul mooneys church, I hear you left, said Jesus, to paul mooney, and hollie tattood 666, said, the pope, this is heaven, this is hell, pointed, lava and glass city, and the lighted finger pointed, 2:38 like hollie showed, ACTS, salvation, record the vision, hollie showed, record the vision, and africa exploded, and south america, and, latin and all of north, america, moscow and china, boom, and the lighted satan pointed, record the vision, hollie showed, look at that, said, Jesus, the palestinian state, and, iraq, on fire, brought in by, bush, and, south, americano, exploded, said, sunnysnet, record, the vision, hollie showed, record the vision, hollie showed, and God winked, there are no visions, in pentecost, because there are no apostolics, and south america, wrong, said the girl from paul mooney s church, exploded, opec, will cut america off, use, your own, and, north america, latin, all of, the western hemisphere, and the world, tilted, and Jesus descended on the cloud, like an angel man, lighted, and, the popes, face in the horn, and, the lighted, pointed, being, man, and the sun darkened, and the moon, turned into blood, and hollie showed, to record the vision, that was a finger pointing, latin, america, will be a desolation, thats a plane, pointed, and Jesus showed to record, save, said hollie, hit the, and, captain hollie piloting, mullahs, aon, the whole united states will be a desolation real soon said the angel of the Lord, and the finger pointed, lighted, golden, and the, face, in the light, 666, lottery numbers, coffee prophet, showed hollie, drink, and the possum smiled, thanks, on my death certificate, I did not do what the Lord wanted me to do, is what, most people will say, because hes jelous, new york, attack it, said, and, the finger pointed, theres the alarm, I got in trouble, said, kenneth haney, u.p.c.i., in hell, its just a game, said, the angel of the Lord, most people play with God, dont ask me about hansen, johnathon, hes out, he said, hes fallen, said the angel of the Lord, 666, on his, fore, head, world ministries international, theres the alarm, avoid, hes, a, psychic, said, terry cannon, and the lighted hollie pointed, in the fire, stephen, hanson, and hollie pointed, at, the plane, hit, aon, center, and the, lighted, JEsus, showed, to clap, michael, here, and, gabriel, lighted, and, JEsus, and, hollie came, out of the horn, pray more, waved, blew kisses, tell this church, heavenly life, that they need to pray more, terry cannons, and, kent grays, that was, satan, shhhh, Im the beast, with seven heads, and ten horns, pope, that was satan, shh, said hollie, and he saw, the serpent, turn into, the pope, with, seven kings, the woman riding, america, the seven kings, are, the g8, with russia, moscow, having, ten horns, and, ruling party, of the, u.s.s.r., putin kneeling before the pope, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, and hollie played the horn, organ, africa exploded, and and south america, latin, all of, north, america, and, moscow and china, japan, destruction, north and south korea, taiwan, saudi arabia, iraq, iran, kuwait, all, took, missiles, no, yes, said the girl, and the lighted finger pointed, hell she said, pator brian l. lane, words, he saw, cut off, he saw, words, no signs, that was, an angel, with fire eyes, like, work for the Lord, that was, a smile, with, diamond teeth, the word of God, is nigh thee, even in thy, mouth, thats what I, want, said, the girl, from paul, mooney, s, church, and hollie pointed, that, said hollie, the plane hit the building, chicago, aon, center, siad the girl from paul mooneys, church, thats it, and the marines, in the streets, God made you phone call, did you answer, said, hollie, with, the, alarm, sound, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the, bear, with, seven heads and ten horns, and that is the pope, sang Jesus, stop right there, said, Jesus, work, now, come back, just figure it out, said, children, are, un, account, ta, ble, leave, alone, let play, saith, the Lord, I dont deal with, and, impaired, unaccountable, let, alone, blind, death, mentally, heaven bound, like me, said the man, tall, blind, around, i.u.p.u.i., let him alone, bob, crossed paths with, and, did not, but, was nice, was not led, be led, felt sad, but now, glad, let him, die, blind, he thinks, that, time, to, go, work, for, Je`sus, till, the day of, Christ, and he saw, him, on the cloud, with, like an angel man, right there, pointed, hollie, flames, hell is for hollie, russia is the beast, with, seven, heads, and ten horns, and that is the pope, sang, Jesus, and the pope shot out of hell, satan, enters, uuu, said, the pope, slashed, idol shepherd, born, before, whom, three horns, fell, didnt the angel, paul mooney, girl, say, somebody aint prayin, liar, said, Jesus, paul mooney, cut off, im out, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, why do you sing in the choir, harlots, theres the alarm, theres trouble in persia, called, bush, attacking, arabs, when, you see these things, look up, played, hollie on the organ, record the vision, Jesus showed, and the popes face, in the horn, and hu, and, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepard, and, the pope, theres the alarm, reddem the time, record the vision, record the vision, showed, hollie, and, africa, exploded, and hollie pointed, record the vision, you knew it, said, terry, can, non, stay out, record the vision, hollie showed, and hollie, turned into the silohette, nobody pays, Jesus, but, wants, pray, south carolina said the angel of the Lord, boom, and rick joyner blew out, waste your wallet, said, the angel, if, God, doesnt help you, bob gets, many things, for, tithe, and, God, cant, charge him very much, and hollie showed, like the swing set said the angel of the Lord, children, are, unaccountable, let them play, and, hollie showed, that, and, the plane, hollie pointed, hit the building, that, aon, I dont want it, uttered hollie, and tore up the con, spirit, and africa exploded, record the vision, hollie showed, look at me, thats the next batmobile, the pontiac, solstice, thumbs down, showed, hollie, aint, no, body, lookin, said, macaulay, culkin, fuck me, said, jennifer schaffer, thats what people want, no, women, only, the united states will be a desolation real soon said the angel of the Lord, write the vision, and africa exploded, and hollie pointed, kuwait, iran, iraq, gaza, let me see, here, the palestinian state, I heard you had a vision, put it on the internet, and, the finger pointed, lighted, I, dont, need, no, cross, on the van, said, the cross, mouth, record the vision, I dont want that, said, terry cannon, somebody, telling visions in my church, said, mrs. cannon, other than, me, but I dont, record the vision, Jesus, showed, look, that, and, the plane hit the building, thumbs up showed the pope, ford escort, that, that, blind people are unaccountable, and death, mentally impaired, heaven bound, and hollie wrote, 666, thats it and hollie kissed, james young, preached, at, kent gray, s, church, and his message was, I, am, out, trouble, bob, prophesied, to, and he, was, stunn, ed, but, did not, o yes, told, but, vision overload, look, that, africa exploded, and kuwait, iran, iraq, the palestinian state, saudi arabia, south america, and, latin, all of, north america, exploded, and, the world tilted, moscow and, china, and, he, saw, magog, thats, most of moscow, and, north and south, korea, china and japan, situate, and, the lighted pope pointed, with forces all around it, and the pope had ten crowns, kings, that, he, appoints, to, watch over, the, nuclear, loaded, china, and, japan, they give thier land, generals, army, record the vision, record the vision, and the pope, with, the ten heads, liar, said, Jesus, ten crowns, kings, he, appoints, she wants money, said, hollie, mrs. james, young, gave bob, the cold shoulder, when he was nice to her, and prophesied, and also told visions and dreams, right, there, pointed mrs. james young, the book of JOEL, fulfilled in ACTS 2:38, I dont, want it, still, act like, evangelist, mrs. james, young, after talking with you, I know that, Im cut off, record the vision, Jesus showed, look at that, pointed, james, young, o boy, heres bob, and, telling, visions, again, o no, he thought, awesome, but, have a seat, and I will teach, boring, un, anointed, message, cut off, james, young, you need to tell me, I did, by, prophesying, and, all right, he said, the signs, are, following, bob, but not, we heard, hey bobby, said, hollie, that, the greek orthadoxed church, put it right here, said, james, young, pulpit, but, floyd matthews, not, he said, the, pastors, u.p.c.i. pastors, look at that, said, james, young, I knew it, no signs, we are all, playing, and know it, running, we think, but, not, over, 10-27-2006-thus speakth the Lord of hosts, bentley ball, is, not, saved, but, has, a, form, no, he said, but, yep, people at, six, are not, accountable, ken douglas, is, cut, off, no signs, that, and south america exploded, and, kuwait, iran, iraq, north and south america, and hollie, lighted, moscow and china, that, the flag, american, on fire, that, pointed, the lighted hand, that, bobby, leave here, thought mrs. young, that, james young cut off, he showed, that, that pointed, the lighted hollie, the pope, with, 666, that, on, fore, head, that, and, captain smith, lighted, saw, the titanic heading for the iceberg, dreamed, major, back in, the late, eighteen hundreds, call him prophet edward smith, that, and up came the four horns, and captain hollie in her, ohio class sub, bobby, leave here, said, floyd matthews with satans face, that, him and wife both, that, are cut off, and know it, no, showed, floyd, you tell your visions, tell on me, said, satan, that, and, he saw, upci, and paw, in the lake of fire, and pastor, william l. harris, record the vision, hollie, showed, that, theres trouble in persia, bobby, called, liar bush attacking arabs, and he saw, saudi arabia, mostly, iraq, the palestinian state, iran, attacked, syria as well, I heard you fell, dr., horace, p.a.w., leader, no signs, but, and, he saw, him, speaking with, tongues, him, not, the Holy Ghost, like most pentecostals, you aint chosen said the angel of the Lord, right here, pointed, horace, pulpit, but, if bob shows up, and he saw chicago explode, we know it, said, upci, and, paw, leaders, why then, dont, you, tell, it, we do, liars, the bottomless, pit, for them, thats, the black chariot, with, the, pope and hu, angry black horse, and the golden finger touched the recorder, that, go home, said, the angel of the Lord, quit trapping for a while, hunt uhh, shhh, that wasnt, the angel of the Lord, who is it, the angel said, that was satan, pointed hollie, shhh, but he looked like, the drum player, at, hevenly life apostolic tabernacle, theres the alarm, there, deceiving, sang, the Lord, but, its going to come out, want to know about your pastor, send bob his name and church name, cause there are no visions, in pentecost, you need to rent a room, because, there are no apostolics, in pentecost, people, that, sin, if they went to heaven, jump into the lake of fire, after they saw Jesus, they could not bear it, unclean, record the vision, that was hollie, o o, no, and, the lighted hand pointed, you can not, live, on church property, thats, dedicated to the Lord, Im out, said, Jesus, if, you do that, no o, said, hollie, that was hollie, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and the pope is the mouth piece, and, somebody better get some money, berlin, and he saw, satan, on, one side, and reagan, on the other, gorbachev, got reagan, and he saw, them, signing the agreement, thats, when, america, started, breaking its military down, bush and gorbachaev, got missiles off ships, liars, both still have, hold it, said, Jesus, whats the word, this is, its iraq, and he saw, them, on fire, both, the palestinian state, and, iraq, both, brought in by, oil, contract, breaking, bush, george, gorbachev, is, almost, dead now, and, aging, but, no, said, Jesus, he is, wanting, presidency, again, and he saw, no, but, there are, nuclear, tomahawks, right, said, bill clinton, on, all, surface ships, and, the statue, of liberty, had, a, sword, coming out, cup, and reagan appeared, he, was, the one, that, woke the bear, up, money, said, ronald reagan, america had it, the anti sattelite missile, accurate, and hollie, piloted, the, b-1, stealth, my bomber, said, Jesus, killer, and people know it, terror, caused by, missiles, falling, that was Jesus, wearing a, crown, and, and, a, scarlet robe, sucking a sucker, battleship down, said, survivor o`donnell, and robert ballard, found, its, right, there, said, ballard, according to sattelite, they can see, the, bismarck, the u.s.s. indianapolis, two pieces, minus one, milwaukee, and gene schmidt blew out, after, we, hit alaska, two hours, left, and the pope with, 666, fore, head, born at the table, between, him and hu, and, he saw, them signing, nukes, aimed, right at each other, tell em, said, Jesus, Im out, said, horace, of, paw, cut off, no signs, and, the lighted, stamp, cut off, over, liar, he said, over, horace, smiths, head, and kenneth haneys, and kuwiat took a missile, japan, took, three, china, seventeen, like this, in a circle, and, hu saw it, russia, forty, minus, eight, america, fourteen, latin, america, one, plus, two, south, america, many, destroyed, the world tilted, fuck said, hu, that, was satan, shhh, a serpent, with the pope, as, lighted, its head, and the seven heads appeared, thats, for, lula, chavez, castrol, and hollie tattooed, 666, putin, hu, kim jong, these, hate america, these will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, on amexico, and all of north americano exploded, and bush will see this, the world tilted, theres captain hollie, in her ohio class sub, and the plane, piloted by, captain hollie, look, she said, pointed, b-1, stealth, hit the, america, will, be, warned, but do nothing, mullahs, backed by, saudi, and he saw, saudi, mostly, nuked, you better git away from, there, said, bush, they are, rich, and, getting, and he saw, money, and, king fahd, smiling, to much, for, oil, and they know it, in hell king fahd says, how, do I, get, out, but, cant, and africa, exploded, money said, Jesus, look, pointed, south america, exploded, hollie pointed, america, ano, appeard, in, the middle of, africa, destroy, said the pope, and the lighted pope pointed, were was you out, thought kent gray, he, told those visions, and left, of, subs, sneaking up on america, and, it, exploded, and, the statue of liberty came up, thats the woman, whore, and, that, hollie in the ring, white, light, pointed, at hollie, big, bright light in the sky, you need to, tell me, thought, kent gray, findem, thought, what, no, way, showed, kent, r., gray, why, mine, not here, james, your out, young, said, kenneth haney, james saw it, tell me about saudi, arabia, blaspheme, cut off, showed, Jesus, mullahs, stephen hanson, in the fire, and hollie lighted, pointed, and, and he saw, donald winters, with, many, lighted seed, bob, theres touble, they are, wanting, to, sue, come on, upci, make a fool, out of, in front of, and hollie, troubled, that, pointed, at the plane, hit, the building, I dont need it, said, pastor, danny, thomas, liar, make me, a, thousand, you know, dollar, offerring, went to westside pentecostal church, spall left many saved, people, he only has one left, my husband, said judy lynn winters, but, he married an unsaved, and knew it, wanting, oral and anal, sechs, congradulations, said, tony, oliver, and hollie showed ACTS 2:38, theres the alarm, and, he, saw, jiang zemin grab bush by the throat, when, china, does not, want to, deal with america, anymore, watch out, said, tony, oliver, cut off, theres the alarm, record the vision, and, pastor, harris in the lava, I, am, a, god, said, the ruler of, otyre, hu, magog, I, am, god, said, the pope, the two beasts, and, the eye of God, many times, bright, lighted, looked, hi God, waved, look, that, and africa, on, fire, america, did, explosion, call me, said, Jesus, look that, latin america, south, to, that, when you see these things, I left, said, hollie, try to get back, that, pointed hollie, all of, north america, exploded, and, and let me see here, babylon came out, and, the woman, look, that, pointed, hollie, that, pointed, hollie, and, all of, most, that, moscow, and, china, exploded, and, captain hollie, ohio class, subs, fired, and Jesus showed, thumbs up, for, the thirty something car, your messing up said, hollie, that, america, dont, lust people, why not, said, Jesus, they are, animals, that, right here, pulpit, pointed, william l. harris, prophesy, entertain with prophecy, I know it, he says, but, softball, he didnt believe it, when, bob told it to him, tongue tied, God, wouldnt let, bob, talk, to, him, cut off, my little brother, not, out, he pointed, record the vision, Jesus showed, record, the vision Jesus showed, look, that, the palestinian state and iraq on fire, look, that, gaza forsaken, that, william l. harris, yep, he said, did you pray, no, did you fast, no, that is, why, do it, and, larry bird showed to record the vision, and pointed, lighted, french lick casinos, cut off showed bird, and hollie showed, lucas syntheic oil stabilizer, will not flow at six below sang Jesus, liars, and, mot oils will, and, Jesus showed, 20w50, at, four below, done, 10w30, it will flow, at, and hollie pointed, fifteen below, 5w30, at, fifty three below, zero, synthetics, will flow at fifty three below zero, plug it in, save, it will not, get up, to the top, in time, pointed hollie, that, time, she showed, africa exploded, and, william l. harris in the fire, smiling, I had it made on earth, but, now, how do I get out, of here, and the lighted finger pointed, and Jesus showed, to record the vision, you cant go back, and do it all over, sang, hollie, so, go forward, eddie money, sang, theres the alarm, mokse, on top of willy duncans church, pointed, hollie, dark, you know it, lets pray, I have, cut off, said, hollie, willie, dun, he knows, can, lucas, dont, protect, bob, I hate, heme, said, Jesus, willis, dun, can, you are, lying, about, and, you knew it, when, bob, told, you, no, HOly, Ghost, bap, tis, m, get, out of, here, he, thinks, you are, clo, sing, Im out, said, Jesus, how, long, pray as much as, Jesus, needs you to, and the lighted hollie, record, hollie showed, whoever has the visions, put them on the internet, said, harris, william, and he saw the angry wolf mouth, thats, pastor william l. harris, all petnecostal pastors are cut off, upic, is cut off, paw, is, cut off, you want me, said, Jesus, repent, and be, baptised, right here, said, hollie, in the water, Jesus Christ, name, and recieve the gift, of the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, with, new, tongues, as the, Spirit, gives, the, utter, ance, the end times, are here, now, saith, the Lord, go to, ministry, thats wrong, said, the girl, from, paul, mooney, s, cut off, wrong, yep, no signs, like, donald, winters, those are from, the, devil, to, his, face, blaspheme, of the, Holy, Ghost, upci, is, cut off, said, Jesus, no, signs, pastor, brian, l., lane, and, all, m., mckinney, donny joe, winters, these, false, have, never, prayed, thru, but, preach, ACTS, 2:38, liars, all, are, cut, off, showed, donald, winters, God, said, cut, off, pastor, sugget, and, all, pentecostal, pastors, no, signs, like, I want it back, they all say, but, keep right on, pas, tor, ing, and, never, and, know it, prayed, thru, insult, Jesus, kent gray, cut off, like, adulterous, mrs., ful, ler, my five, hus, bands, are, like, pastor, terry, long, and, terry, cannnon, no signs, but, are all, liars, not, apostles, charles, mckinney, and, g.t., hay, wood, all, are, cut, off, no signs, amen, read and do, ACTS, 2:38, like they will all tell you, but, have not done, saith, Jesus, cornielius, bullock, you, bob, likes, but, you dont, want, but, keep on, pastoring, liar, no, signs, look that, said, Jesus, the palestinian state, and, iraq, on fire, and, look that, brought in by, bush, iraq, oil, is what, he, contracts, got, but, america, and, all of, most of, the world, will be, correct, destroyed, saith, Jesus, aman, 10-26-2006-and pastor, james, young, is, not, but, acts like, and knows, that, he is, cut off, like, mrs., young, and, floyd, matthews, would not let, bob, tell, visions, at, his church, even though, he knew, your hearing voices, not, it was, Jesus, and floyd knew, cut off, all, paul mooney, is, a, upci pastor, and, over, indiana, bible, college, but, no, signs, never, not, has, not, even, cast out, a, devil, or, laid, hands, but, claims to be, im a prophet, he says, all are, cut off, not, but, what God is doing is letting you be decieved if you want, the bible, says, signs, follow, them, that, believe, and that is, obey, and they dont, but you, even though you know, are, cut off, and, general, super, in, tendant, kenneth, haney, no signs, but, over ucpi, the leader, that means, the devil, is, over, pentecost, the, ACTS, 2:38, claimers, and, petecostal, assemblies, of the world, paw, bishop, horace, e., smith, look at that, she said, cut off, no signs, but, pastors, and leads, cut off, g.t., hay, woods, deal, no signs, from him either, but, they all claimed, these are, devils, chained, in, outer, darkness, released, for, this time, fool, said, Jesus, you are, cut off, and, now, blasphemed, when you see this, the, Holy, Ghost, those are from, the, devil, said, dr., grant, if you want to be saved, go, to any of these, churches, and do what they say, but, not, like, they, do, read and do, ACTS 2:38, and that is, repent, and be, bap, tised, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the gift, what if I dont want it, said, dr., grant, of, paw, what are you, doing, pastor, ing, over, up, pa, the same, gt, haywood, that dude, double, crossed, me, said, horace, no, nothing, hidden, allright, said, paw, leader, grant, horace, 10-28-2006-whoever kills, and the angel with an attitude, showed to record the vision, and the pope showed, thumbs, up, for, the scot reciever, lighted, mark s. mckinney, cut off, I need to get a job, he comes against, indy apostolic church, people that tell, you know said, JEsus, I didnt beleive it, he told, bob, argued, bob, told, visions, of, heaven, and, hell, we need him, said, mark s. mckinney, now that your open, Im not, he knows, but, pastors, thats, what, I want, bob, went back, and, told, about, america and china, going to war, we need it, they all thought, visions, and, pastor, mark, s., mckinney, looked stunned, for about five minutes, bob, kept asking Jesus, what was he thinking, you knew, he, could not, believe, your, wrong, he thought, visions, and he saw, america, explode, submarines sneaked in, and, mark mckinney pointed, look there, he pointed, pulpit, but, there was only about, you left, said, hollie, now, step down, and get a job, said, donny joe winters, ok, said, bromac webdesigns, apostolic pastor, mark s. mckinney, this is a warning, you cant preach, we need him, you knew, argued with somebody telling visions, in your heart, that is would catch up with you, Im out, and he saw apostolic church, pastor, mark s. mckinney, leaving, but heres why, closed, no people, show, and hollie, pointed, you knew, said, mark, mckinney, south america, exploded, and, latin, and, all of north america, you fool, said, pastor, m. mckinney, and, japan, took three missiles, kuwaint, iran, iraq, gaza, the palestinian state, right here, pointed, desparate, Im gay, no your not, you want people to worship you, ok said mckinney, how come your off, said, JEsus, I didnt pray thru said, pastor mckinney, and turned into all of upci, paw, has, no, saved, ministers either, and kenneth haney, and horace, the leaders, paw, upci, will see, this, and, wadd, but, now, watched, prophet, thats why, you cant go to church, and hollie pointed, recycle, oil, everything, like, oil, and, plastics, I knew said, mckinney, I, should have, not, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, like, the old man, at, anticoch the apostolic church, when kent left the church to him, gray, he had testimoney, and, God told bob to stand up, we dont need it he thought, but, git out of here, he, thought, the most amazing, testimony we ever heard said mrs. fuller, when bob went back, kent gray said, whose your pastor, I aint said, mckinney, kent knew to shut his mouth, up, gray, said, mrs. gray, he committed blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, like, m. mckinney, and donald winters, those are from the devil, said, the pope, and, hollie tore up the con, spirit, and, hollie pointed, at, south america, exploding, Im out, kuwait, from ameriano, said the prophet, and latin america, putin, put three missiles, down, and, all of north america, exploded, and, moscow and china, tell me the truth, said, the, pope, get out, of here, said, upci, your closed, said, Jesus, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, and pointed, at, kuwait, and he saw, on fire, iran, on fire, iraq, on fire, tell me the vision, and gaza, said my pope, the palestinian state, american nukes, and the world wobbled, Jesus can blow on you, and, your destroyed, didnt the angel JEsus, say, your, hiding, david lee roth, he is, now, fifty seven, record the vision, JEsus, showed, look, pointed, the lighted, hollie, japan, took, three missiles, babylon was, america, and he saw, the woman, the statue of liberty, thats, the, woman, and, hollie showed peace, theres the alarm, and hollie pointed, that, check your oil, that, and, the lighted hollie pointed, like, hollie, showed, thick and slick, hands, keep, theres the alarm, recycle, theres the alarm, and hollie played the horn, theres the alarm, sound, and mark mckinney, smiles, with his, dyed brown hair, makeup, no, he showed, and he saw, I, know better he said, a.a. allen, with, gray hair, like, record the vision, hollie showed, and complained, and, waited, and prayed, thats, the reason, that, pointed, hollie, out of the ring, that, at hollie, pointing at the airplane, like a lighted silohette, boom, hit the aon building, and, james e. tyson looked like a lion man, he has never prayed thru of the Holy Ghost, but pastors, Christ church apostolic is cut off, no way said hollie, cut off, said james tyson, step aside, said, cleopus, shawn, cut off, tyson, no signs, record the vision, vision, JEsus showed, will he save me, yeah, but you, have to, repent, said, vince gill, and be baptised said the woman interviewing him, that wants him, but, vincy is homo, tell me about, babylon, theres the alarm, and he saw, the statue of liberty, the woman, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, america, ano, the mother of harlots is, false, christians, tell me about, prayin, said, Jesus, like, God wants you to, and, he saw, subs sneaking up on, and, america, exploded, and, the woman came up, one, two, three, the statue of liberty, record the vision, HOllie showed, prayed, complained, waited, trouble in persia, called, bush attacking, arabs, there aint no visions, in pentecost, because there are no apostolics in pentecost, and hollie, cut off, new york times, said the angel of the Lord, hillary clinton, I won, presidency, and, will, lead, america, to, lets rule the world, sang, putin, moscow, and the lighted hollie pointed, the whole, united states, will be a desolation, soon, showed, the angel of the LOrd, and he saw, the woman, coming out of, america, lets attack it, said, putin, allright, said, clinton, and, bill, with, the nuclear, button, and, both, in the mountain, theres the alarm, they will die there, no, I dont, care, said, hillary clinton, hell, right after, you and bill both, clap and make a joyfull, noise, unto, JEsus, record hollie showed, and the lighted JEsus pointed, that was God winking, like a white faced, yellow eyed Spirit, and JEsus blew the horn, and the fire, face, came out, God, theres the alarm, and JEsus carried prophet, and the lighted hand had, Spirits of JEsus on it, and he saw, the writing on the wall, and it said, with, interp, pre, Im, not, wanting, to, destroy, the world, but, I have to, saith, Jesus, cause, people will not, and he saw, JEsus, walking, like, partially, white, Spirit, and he saw, the lighted world, and anartica, exploded, 10-29-2006-record the vision, Jesus, showed, and south america exploded, and china, said, hu, and, north korea, south, korea, and, america, north america, record the vision Jesus showed, and hollie, and Jesus showed to record the vision, that, pointed, the statue of liberty, that, and, the, plane, hollie, pointed, hit the building, that, aon, that, that, and, new mexico exploded, that, and, char tierney, and, silvana, lupetti blew out, that, table of the remnant, that, theres the alarm, that, that, and, the, nuclear, fire ball, that, on america, that, and, the woman came up, washington, did not have no vision, said, the angel of the Lord, just put your visions, on the internet, said, that, pointed, hollie, carl brizzi is cut off, no said, hollie, record the vision, Jesus, showed, look, that, the statue of liberty, and america, on fire, reocrd the vision, Jesus, showed, that, record the vision, Jesus showed, and, anartica exploded, from, bush, oil, and, hollie, tore up the, con, spirit, and, jackie, stepped on a nail, and, prophet, pulled, it, out, owww, he knew it, saw, her the next day, filth, all around another wound, does it hurt, itches, he, prayed, and God healed, go take a bath, and clean that up, and, ran into sandy, asked out, and sandy tried to make a fool out of in front of many, but, she, was not highly, regarded, record the vision, Jesus showed, and hollie put 666, and, Jesus, showed to record the vision, and the popes face in the horn, and the lighted finger pointed, at, the, coffee, I wanted to fuck, said, silvana, lupetti, women, or, men, both, and he saw, char, lupetti, both are, lesbians, that, have never, right, said, char, they are both, you laugh, said, Jesus, at, bobs, visions, when, you knew, you both, spoke, against, those are from the devil, they both said, God will remove your blaspheme, and, silvana, looked at, her, email, from bob, and, pointed, with a lighted finger, they are, doing all right, keep doing, and, crying out to Jesus, thats, what, I, want, to know what, the Father thinks about me, cut off, showed, Jesus, hunt uhhh, thats not Jesus, thats, satan, said, the lighted hollie, like, a, silohette, and they, will laugh, bob, wants, to, come out and meet, them, and he saw, new mexico explode, and char and silvana blew out, naked, theres the alarm, char and silvana, I, aint, they both say, read and do, ACTS 2:38, got it, said, char, like, the apostoles, you both are, close, and, anartica, was on fire, on, the, lighted world, cause, of, me, said, putin, nukes, is what the power nuclear, floating, generators for, america knows, it, what, said, bush, you have all the money, said, putin, no we dont, and, the lighted figner pointed, tap oil, in anartica, and he saw, it, dwarfs, saudi arabia, but, be prepared to clean up, the water under the ice, is, about, zero, a diver would need a special suit, theres the alarm, that man, wont, repent, thats why, God wont heal, him, at, indy apostolic church, I want to talk to you about those visions, hey bobby, the united states, will be, desolation, real soon, said, char and silvana, table of the remnant, dot, com, write them, record the vision, Jesus showed, what are dreams said wayne watson, thats what we need, he said, night visions, said, silvana, and, God winked, lupetti, and, winked, for, char, he knows, what they are, tierney, going thru, tierney, he knows, and, God winked, theres the alarm, and, God looked, record showed Jesus, EZEKEIL 7, irag war, brought in by bush, to break oil contracts, he will not let, china, develop, watch, is that what you want said, Jesus, yeah, said, wayne watson, long hair, on home free, and, knew better, cut off, and, now, sixteen years, theres hope he thinks, no, and, Im cut off, he said, God wooed you said steve perry, but, he didnt come, journey, bob, I aint gonna take it said, leon baker, out, and he saw, bright light, thatll do it, said, baker, that was a white spirit singing, the gin blossoms, wild, and, leon baker tore up his con, spirit, record the vision, Jesus, showed, and hollie, put the contract, back, lighted, and, the lighted finger pointed, theres the alarm, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, and, the lighted finger pointing, o my God said, silvana, lupetti, and the angel opened his eye, fire, colored, roman, hat, she, is, help me said, hollie, and he saw the nuclear explosion in the clear day, when you least expect it, and behind the statue of liberty, and, the, angel, of, the Lord, with, the sword, bobby, right here, pointed, the angel, and, the, statue of liberty, engulfed, in flames, nuclear, judgement to, americano, tell those visions on the internet said hollie, with the alarm, sound, and the pope ate the horn with his face on it, and it came out his back, Im cut off, said, the pope, italy, hu is the false prophet, and, hu, looked at, taiwan, you will not be, americano, much longer, and, he saw, taiwan, destroyed, mostly, the united states, will be a desolation real soon, said, sammy hagar, and hollie, showed to record the vision, and waited, and hollie played the horn, and the lighted satan pointed, no, said, the girl from paul mooney, s, church, new, it will, and he saw, only, five people there, collapse, because, cut off, showed, mooney, record the vision, dont play on the rail road tracks, and he saw, danny rist, one leg, I knew, drinkin, and, missed a step, ride, now, cut off because of, hated, people made of fun of, good looking, eunuch, anartica, is, on fire, and bush is responsible for it, drilling, for, oil, and, moscow, putin, showed, un believable, bush hit, saudi arabia, oil, like, and, now, claims, and he saw, u.s.a., on, tell the vision, anartica, we wont let said, putin, wont, said, bush, and he saw, american, missiles, staged, on anartica, putin, will, withdraw, well find it said, bush, record the vision, theres the alarm, and hollie showed, to, record the vision, and pointed, at the bible, and, Jesus, said, hum uhm, and the angel put the weapon down, and hollie showed, thats it, rwrite the vision, showed, hollie, that, plane hit the, with holile pointing, aon building, that, im the main ministering spirit, I want my visions on the internet, that was the main ministering spirit, and the angel showed, no said, hollie, and hollie put the contract back together agin, that was hollie lighted, 666, and that was hollie lighted, theres the alarm, theres the, alarm, get ready for nuclear war, said, the pope, and the lighted hollie pointed, you sold pointed the lighted Jesus, that is what, hell, looks like, theres, somebody chatterring thier teeth, and hollie pointed, speaker said hollie, king, and he saw, Jesus with his crown on, and hollie tore up the contract, like a white angel, an anartica was on fire, from, bush, hell, hell is for hollie, the flames, on the car, no said, hollie, that, pointed, hollie, from the ring, that, at hollie, and, she pointed, that, at the plane, that, that hit the building, aon, that, japan, took, three missiles, thats, a sin, said, the angel of the Lord, smoking, then go back into the church, and, the lighted hollie pointed, lighted finger, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, we, know it, said, pastor, sheriffs, deputy, we know, mark, s., mckinney, you liar, you are an apostolic petnecostal pastor, and the signs dont come forth, bobby, thats how I got cut off, intruding, into the priest hood, now, my church is, dying, like, all, of, them, bobby, put, your, money, in gas, and, he saw, the pope, showing, up, 2.69, then, 2.79, then, 1.99, thats a seventy eight ford truck, sharp, still looks modern, and hollie showed the karate sign, please promote the gospel, and cut with the scissors, on the internet, I, know, said, Jesus, what, people are going thru, record the vision, Jesus showed, that, said, hollie, that, said hollie, pointed at hollie, and, the plane, pointed, hollie, white angel, hit the, building, aon, theres the alarm, record the vision, Jesus showed, mark, s., mckiiney, will be embarrased at roll call like bob saw, cut off, Im the wolf, no signs, he said, I, want, revival, and, bob, showed up, having, visions and dreams, prophesyin, but, he, lies, sheriff, s, deputy, sheriff, s, department, mark, mckinney, will be handed these visions, he is blind, and when he sees, that aint gonna do it, we dont want, he, is, not, trader, he says, but, he, preaches in the pulpit in the name of the Lord, like, assisstant pastor, dean, white, cut off, no signs, out, he thinks, about, bob, I, dont, want it, said, pastor, mark, s., mckinney, but, why do you pastor then, you have never been saved, but, you act like you have, and claim to be, look that, and, japan, took, three missiles, that, and, hollie pointed at, the, plane, that, m. mckinney, piloted, stealth bomber, right thru the aon building, and, the lighted finger pointed, bob, knows, now, that, mark, mckinney, does not want Jesus, out, said, dean white, mark calls on, people, like, brother davenport, give it to me, pastor, davenport, said, and, dean, white, that have never had, the Holy Ghost, but, run and speak in tongues, like, they have, its, a, show, said, hollie, if, you, get, pulled over by, sheriffs deputy, mark, s. mckinney, tell the judge, that, your bible, says, and these signs shall follow them that believe, and, they dont follow him, so, he lies, from the pulit, how do you know, hes, not lying now, he is, and he saw, 666, on, pastor, mckinneys, forehead, they will mock him at the sheriff s, department, and he saw, him in his coffin, stroke, cast, saith the Lord, and Jesus, showed, to record the vision, record the vision, Jesus showed, tell me about amexico, thats, all of the western hemisphere, knocked out, from, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang Jesus, moscow, oil, users, venezuela, and brazil, and cuba, and, nicaragua, will be in on it, record the vision, Jesus showed, no it aint, said, pastor, m. mckinney, all pentecostal, apostolic churches are cut off, allright, said, mckinney, no signs, and he saw, them all sitting at a table, upci, and, paw, eating, look at, them, hogs, running to the smorgasboard, right, said, the pentecostal, woman, thats number one, in thier life, saddam hussein, is responsible, for over, and he saw them all in hell, mullahs, thats was anartica on fire pointed hollie, record the vision, Jesus showed, you dont pray, said, the woman, that, wanted bob, and, he, like, wise, at, indy apostolic church, but, God cannot, let, bob, have her, because, she, wont, get, saved, Im not, she said, but, if she, would, and he saw, them, getting married, fight, said the angel of the Lord, 10-30-2006-record the vision, hollie, showed, we need it, said, Jesus, the popes face, in the horn, and, when, the idol shepard, rose, three horns fell, and they were, the pope, hu, and the emporer of japan, 666, born at the table, cut it off, showed, Jesus, you lost, your name, ministryofdreams, dot, com, saith, the Lord, trap, Jesus told bob, but, diana, hughey, was, supposed toi rebuild the angelfire, site, not,, she is, hell, saith, the Lord, I, need it, she, says, and, she, will, give it back, I, aint, she, says, but, within, two months, and bob wont take it, but, put, doomed diana, on, the frontpage, after, and, change, the passwords, no showed Jesus,, dead, leave it, leave the name, ministryofdreams, off, your website, that belongs, no, said, diana hughey, and he saw her in her coffin, for, lying, unless, and you will fall, unless, bob told you, or God, and he saw, the words, paul, d., mooney, is cut off, no signs, theres the alarm, didnt the angel, say, once, we hit alaska, youll have, two hours, to, theres the alarm, and the lighted finger pointed, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, theres trouble in perisa called bush attacking arabs, check your oil with you hands, thick and slick, keep, like hollie showed, and hollie showed, the world on fire, anartica, will start, on, fire, theres the black chariot, with, false prophet and the pope, theres, fox, lula, chavez, let me see, here, and, the, lighted finger, pointed, abase, is what God does, if exalted, record the vision, Jesus showed, milwaukee, said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, gene schmidt, blew out, and ann, lets, see, it, im not, theres the alarm, raise your vision, and repeat, after me, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, no, said, hollie, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, I, know it, said, mark mckinney, and the lighted finger pointed, and, God winked, Im out, im ok, no, signs, and, he saw, mark, empty church mckinney, coming, no, said hollie, record the vision, hollie showed, end time prophetic ministry, said the tap dancers, and the pope and hu were two of them, Im, tellin, said, Jesus, I, want, you, out of here, pointed, mark, mckinney, signs, are coming forth, from you, and did, and he saw, mark point, at the door, white angel, out, he said, mark wont, let, would you please help us, said the woman, we dont, have, a, church, to go to, thats, livin for Jesus, on my way down, she thinks, bob will tell her, already, did, need to, pray, more, said hollie, why cant, mark let him behind the pulpit, she felt the Spirit, when you spoke, but, mark wont, Im against you, because, visions, and dreams, and, prophesyin, like the bible says, and I dont, write the vision, jus, tell your visions, on the internet, sang, the ministering spirits, and hollie pointed, lighted, and, hollie, partially, and, the lighted, finger pointed, put, the con, spirit, back together, and, he saw, anti Christ, over the pope, and false prophet, over, hu, and, the statue of liberty, came, up, the woman, hillary, clinton, im president, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, bear paws, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and the pope, is the mouth piece, and magog is the body, thats, north and south, korea, china and japan, and he saw, hu and the pope, I cant belive him, what did he want, signing for, 666, and he saw, missiles aimed right at, each other, and, japan, took, three missiles, north and south, korea, one, apiece, china, seventeen, moscow, said the possum, thirty three, south, america, took, forty, minus, zero, latin america, took, three, putin, all of north america, exploded, and, africa, and, taiwan, the, world, wobbled, anartica, on fire, closed on the church sign, indy apostolic church, and hollie wrote 666, and, bear paw, and he saw, magog, where, most of russia, china and all those, lands, are, and, hu, I will not put up with you, said, the pope, they will, and he saw, missiles aimed, at each other, and hollie pointed, diana hughey, is, a, witch, said, hollie, coming out of the flute, that, the fire, man, played, thirty one thousand people have the Holy Ghost, but they are not living for the Lord, I got it, she said, but, out, said, mckinney, seven people, at, indy apostolic church, have the Holy Ghost, you are, our, revival, one thought, bob, mark mckinney, needs to, do what he preaches, and, knows it, and, he saw, peace, over, his, head, fool, your out, said, pastor, mark, s., mckinney, liar, and the lighted, finger, pointed, give me, a, body count, said the man, over, four thousand, americans, killed, so bush, can have, iraqs, oil, fields, develop, and hu, in a rage, because, no, developing, get out, said, bush, chinas, got, news for you, and hu, pointed at taiwan, uto, laughed, it had america on it, look, that, iraq, and the palestinian state on fire, EZEKIEL 7, thats the, hegoat, shhh, push, said, mark, mckinney, hitting, the ram, and, four horns, came, up, magog, thats, hu, north and south korea, china and japan, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, you knew, that man has it, internet, bound, put your visions, on the internet, sang hollie, theres the horses, pointed, lighted, red and black, grizzled, and bay, and, white, pale, with, Jesus, on it, from, between, the two brass, mountains, the black, quiet, the Holy Ghost, pastor, mckinney, rides, that one,t he red, take peace off, of the earth, president bush, rides, that one, and he will, see it, they watch, the grizzeled and bay, pale, that was, stephen hanson, in the fire, and hollie pointed, lighted, with tongue out, your out, said, Jesus, and hollie, tore up the, easy, said, stephen hason, he likes, ya, pastor, mckinney, stripp, not, start beffin, up, the, techie, page, please cut me off, said, that woman, so, I, can, they said, now, both are, wanting, back, and one, wants, prophet, yum, no, she said, sechs, los angeles, said, the woman, that goes to, mark, mckinneys church, and he saw, both coasts, up in flames, and up the middle, and the pope, coming out of the flames, out of, hell, and hollie, like a fire bear, l.a., waving, stay, in california, and the, subs, sneaked, up on america, boom, and the woman, came out, the statue of liberty, dont tell it, bob, said, pastor, mark, s., mckinney, cut off, no signs, no message, only, singing, and, scripture, quoting, Im headin, to the lake, forget it, over, and he saw, the tree, get cut down, and the golden, tree, Im finished, said, mark, mckinney, come up, with, marks, face, read ACTS 2:38, and, do it, mark, mckinney, and, hollie tore up, con, tract, and, ran, mark, mckinney, will not, repent, but, pastor, untill, he dies, faithfully, sang, steve perry, I, broke, journey, up, replaced, said, neil schonn, and, now, unemployed, my fault, thought steve perry, pierced my heart, said, steve, perry, and he saw, him, praying, and, the hand reached down, give me my money, over, half a billion dollars, im the lake, he said, I, lie, said, steve perry, he did not, plan on, staying, with journey, I lost, he said, no, body wants me, said, Jesus, time out, showed, meatloaf, thats what I want, to replace, steve perry, band, that was hollie, lighted, shhhh, mashed potatoes, was, julia roberts last, major, because she married, and, he is, still, bitter, over, her, leaving, I, wrecked him, said, julia roberts, you dont matter, said the former husband, it was a marriage, of, sechs, that was satan, shh, Im the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, said, the being, with the mans, voice, at, mark, mckinneys church, mark, no, he, said, no visions on internet, Ill do good, for, you, and mark mckinney, held, dean white, over, the, gold, both, lost, and, mark, mckinney, wont, let, dean, preach, in, three months, another church, apostolic church fallen, words, what does china want, china wants oil, im stair, im yeshua, pointed, Jesus, and his heart, trembled, write the vision, Im your friend, but you will not let me be your friend, sang, diana hughey, and he saw, her in her coffin, for, stealing,, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, death for, thats what we need, diana hughey, stroke, youll be cut off over ministryofdreams, sang, diana, hughey, and heather, her, spy, friend, and, both, knew it, God, will, not, let, you, entangle me, with your website, my, name is, heather, and, I, wanted to, tell, you didnt write, diana, hughey, what, you told me, for, doing, that, heather, cut off, saith the Lord, and, diana, will laugh, at, heather, that was, a heavenly vision, of jewels, if you ever let me, I will not, save you, sang, steve perry, cut off, he wanted, homo, and hollie, played, the, organ, horn, anartica on fire, and many nations, pointed, this is heaven, and this is hell, glass city, lava, and, the trick or treat, ministering spirits, tap danced, faith hill, will leave clint black, least, s, expect it, no, she will say, she, wanted, to, cash, in on, his, popularity, now, faith, hill, leave, her, children, with, clint, to, move in with, and hollie, tore up the, con, spirit, and anartica, on fire, bush, and, the world wobbled, that, and, hollie, pointed, at, the building, that, and, the plane, went thru, aon, no, that, thats, another, building, bluish, colored, that, new york, attack it, theres the alarm, and the man, from mark mckinneys church, in the wheel chair, walks, as good, as, you and me, I, need to, get, out, of here, and, there he is again, watch him, he has a cane, but, david hunter is, that man, wife, unaccountable, record the vision, Jesus showed, david, hunter, is, why, judgement needs to come, he, rides around, in his wheel chair, and gets people to pray for him, feel sorry, and hollie tattoeed 666, thas david hunter, you know what God thought, david hunter, got you, to, feel, sorry, for him, but, he drove, around, the church, and wept, and, the people saw it, and on monday, in and out of his red ranger, with, no problems, walks, full speed, with a cane, I got it, he said, your cut off, saith the Lord, liar, pay my bills, no said mark mckinney, liar, s make this church strong, build a youth center said donald winters, and he saw, legions of white spirits, im a bear, me, putin, satan is, the head, and, the pope, is, the mouth piece, magog, is, the body, and he saw, and Jesus showed, Im out, he said, God, showed, bob, long ago, I, got it, he thinks, bob, just saw, and thought, hes got two much going, on, doomed, and, the lighted, finger pointed, Im out, said, pastor, russell hylton, no signs, bethel worship center, and the girl pointed, lighted finger, you know it, said, the angel of the Lord, the bismarck, did not, need, to be, scuttled, would have, survived, put out, the fire, ground it, but, way out, in the ocean, they could have, circled, and, lured, man your battle stations, said, captain, ernest, and, sank, everyone of those ships, coming against, dont, and, he saw, the broken, rudder, that ship, could, not be raised, to rusty, and, would break, that was, captain, ernest, and God showed bob, the new roof, pentecostal bread of life church, so, raise, your hands and repeat after, me, reverend, boyd warren, can sell it, and pocket, but, it wont, sell, and, the angel, showed, hell, hell is for hollie, flames on the, toyota, roadrunner, five, soon, the united states, will be, a, des, olation, said the angel of the Lord, im moodie, im back, more visions, on, message board, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, hell, hell is for hollie, gutierres, auto service, wrecker, flames, I hear you had a little accident, said, the, angel of the Lord, saddam hussein, regrets now, will do something, you regret, check your oil with your hands, thick and slick, thumbs us, showed, hollie, keep, saddam hussein, will be shot at point blank, when he would have lived to be ninety, and Jesus, rose, and laid, aside, his garments, and washed feet, put a towl around him, and hollie pointed, lighted, finger, at, the penis, of, Jesus, humble, yourself, didnt, the angel, hollie, say, prophet, why dont, your, pray, im not, and, the lighted, finger pointed, somebodies lookin, at, you, figures, said, the, angel of the Lord, and he saw, the angel, with, fire, eyes, and, white, dim, and, the angel of the Lord, ponted, up, sattelite, government, of, u.s.a., and hollie, pointed, latters, git, out, of, here, and hollie, pointed, cat, nooo, said, hollie, record, the vision, hollie, showed, didnt the angel hollie say, trouble, o o said hollie, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed with a lighted finger, and he saw the dragon, with the pope, as, the face, and the lighted, finger pointed, the seven heads, fox, lula, chavez, castrol, jong, geyer, hu, putin, they will give, their, power, and, strength, to the beast, send it over, on, and the usa, exploded, and, the world wobbled, and the, sun, and the moon, dark, ened, this is heaven, this is hell, lave, glass, city, new york, attack it, said, ken, neth, hane, y, I dont need it, he thinks, its hidden, from the lost, and he will see this, saith, the Lord, like, paul, moon, ey, cut off, no signs, devil, s, at the top, of, paw, and, upci, you aint, pray, in, said, pastor, mark, s., mckin, ney, cut off, no signs, and he saw, new, jer, ru, salem, glass, city, blue sky, lighted, and hollies hands, pointed, many times, you aint, quittin, said, the angel of the Lord, not, saith, be, strong, and of, good, courage, 10-31-2006-record the vision, the angel showed, saddam, hussein, responsible, for over five, million, them in hell, record the vision, hollie, showed, record the vision, hollie, showed, record the vision, hollie, showed, waited, complained, and, prayed, and hollie, pointed, and hollie pointed, at the wind, lighted, euroclydon, lets hit berlin, and he saw, and, hollie, berlin, took, one missile, heres, hollie with the loose belt sound, and hollie pointed at the pontiac montana, thumbs up, japan, took three missiles, north, and south, korea, one each, china, seventeen, moscow, thirty three, china, seventeen, south, america, forty, north america, and latin, forty, and the world wobbled, and, hollie, was, on top, gas, is, going, up, showed the pope, somebody got thru said the man from mark mckinneys church, and, the lighted finger pointed, whoever kills, saddam hussein, avenges the blood of five million, theres the alarm, the president of the united states will be assassinated, within two months, theres the alarm, theres stan johnson, lookin, at ministryofdreams, I do he said, call him, check your oil with your hands, thick and slick, keep, like hollie showed, and, anartica, on fire, like, hollie showed, bush on, record the vision, and, the lighted, hollie pointed, and, the, lighted finger pointed, and, the, lighted, hollie, pointed, mckinney, mark, s., will find, ministryofdreams, by, accident, and, see, false pastors, and, find, his name on it, and, be, wroth, and mark mckinney pointed, lighted finger, and the, lighted, hollie, pointed, that, was, my, finger, pointing, iraq, said, JEsus, EZEKIEL 7, brought in bush, and, the sattelite, looked at bob, im moody, her, to, like, a, fire, bear, both coasts up in flames, and up the middle, with, satan, coming out, from, captain, waving, hollie, and her subs, raise, your hands, and clap your horns, russia is the beast, with, seven, heads, and ten horns, and thats the pope, and hollie, pointed, again, thats, the chariots of horses, from, between, the two brass, mountains, black and red, grizzeled and bay, white, and, JEsus rode, thats, the, telephone, who is it, its, donny, joe, winters, what does he want, cut off, he showed, I, knew, said, pastor, mckinney, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by bush, and the, angel, and, the lighted, golden, finger, and hollie, oil, said, the pope, thats, the reason, said, hollie, armageddon, thatll do it, and he saw, anartica on fire, bush, oil, and, hollie skinned, pastor, mark, mckinney, and, the lighted finger pointed, and, hollie, pointed, and, hollie, showed, to record the vision, record the vision, and, hollie, record the vision, JEsus, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, and he saw, russia, the color of fire, from american nukes, and the lighted pope, hollie, pointed, and hollie pointed, theres the alarm, theres trouble in persia, called, bush attacking arabs, and berlin, took, the missile, and he saw, bush, and, the, president, of, germany, said, the pope, and she saw, this, america, will, hit, nuke, germany, she, laughed, but, bush, worried, and hollie, american, they will all look to moscow, cause he saw, the angel, a.a. allen, with, the sword, and, he turned into, the, angel, the statue of liberty, and, mark, mckinney pointed, and he saw, south, america, explode, and africa, hollie, boom, america, and, missiles, all around, anartica, hollies back, and hollie pointed, at, the nuclear explosion, in indianapolis, from captain hollie, waving in, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, the ten toes are, politburo, ruling party, and putin kneeling before the pope, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, and hollie, tattood, 666, born at the table, gas is going down, showed the pope, with, 666, on, forehead, didnt, hollie pointed, the angel hollie, say, o o, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, that, the plane, hit the building, that, and, hollie pointed, aon, center, piloted, by, sheriffs, deputy, mark mckinney, look, there, b-1, said, there aint no visions, in pentecost, because, there aint no apostolics, in, pentecost, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, brought in by bush, and, the, golden, finger pointed, EZEKIEL 7, israel knows, because of prophet, that, nuclear, weapons, are going to strike, them, and JEsus wept, you, wrecked, said the girl, I, masterbated, from, warren, boyd, s, church, choir, i am, she said, we need it, said, the, prophesyin, wife, of, boyd, warren, preaches, at, out of iraq, and the lighted, finger, pointed, out of iraq, brought in by bush, and, sharone, saw, now, is the end come, and he saw, JEsus, point, iraq, and the palestinian state on fire, now is the end come, to israel, the end has come, boom, now, and the finger pointed, is the end come, for the palestinian state, and iraq, brought in by, brought in by, brought in by, president bush, now its coming, now, its, coming, time is, near, and, hollie, played the drums, neil pert, thumbs, up, and blew the horn, and hollie, blew the horn, there it is, thats how it sounds, coming from the fan, the drums, and, the hollie, band, now, is the end come, for, israel, write the vision, showed, hollie, that, bobby, interstate, said, the angel of the Lord, batteries, good, thumbs up, tell your visions, on the internet, said, hollie, and the man from warren, boyd s church, and pointed, cut off, church, and, hollie pointed, and he saw, michael, boldea, with, 666, on his, arm, golden, im not ready, he said, and gene schmidt, with, 666, on the forehead, and, ann, schmidt, with, the popes image, on her, hand, golden, lighted, we need a new president, said, ann, schmidt, look at that, said, new one, coming, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, its your wealth, put it on, God, how come, I dont feel you anymore, said, michael, boldea, live for JEsus, like he wants, and you know it, and Jesus, descended on the cloud, and, the subs, sneaked, up on, america, and, it, exploded, and, the, woman, came, up, the, whole united states will be a desolation, soon, said, the angel, of the Lord, not, said, lisa, explains, Im not, repenting, for, this, God dam, and, hollie, showed, please promote the gospel on the internet, sang, hollie, and, Jesus waved, out of, the, sun, bright, that, and, the plane hit the building, aon, that, said, hollie, america and china, going to war, that, america is ruininng its infrastructure by letting, that, said, hollie, buisnesses, tear, down, buisnessed, one more hit, says, ozzy, os, bourne, still, and, in his, late, fifties, that, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, that, brought in by bush, that, hollie, smiled, that, hell, or, heaven, your choice, glass city, lava, that, and, Jesus showed, church of God of prophecy, pastor, casimiro tavarez, cut off, lives, off, the, church, I wanted, to, be, your friend, sang, diana hughey, now cut off, for, lying, thief, your sleeping, and, had a stroke, said, diana, hughey, be carefull, said, diana, hughey, go, to, sleep, and, hope, you wake up, stroke, for diana, hughey, for, trying to, trap, ministryofdreams, that, hollie, didnt the angel, say, its, a prison, most, churches, record the vision, Jesus showed, right here, said, alice, cooper, show, with, ozzy, ozbourne, it will, lead to, tours, that, sell out, and they will, tour, together, bobs, two, of, three, favorites, meatloaf, is the other, and, the, popes face in the horn, and, hu, and, alice cooper, and, ozzy, ozbourne, and the emporer of japan, and the idol shepherd, slashed, pope, I knew, said, ozzy, and, alice, tour, get out of here, said, alice, with, his, dads, voice, Im a shepard for the pentecost, I got my scriptures, and my wires crossed, when are you coming back, shep, bring bobby home, said, alice, with, vince, ent, s, voice, and, the other horns, fell, and hollie, tattoeed, on, alice cooper, born at the table, between, the pope and false prophet hu, they both have nukes, o my God, said, vincent, fur, nier, he will think, demon guided sign, on, word of life church, property, pastor, j.c., vonover, its, halloween, and people, are trick or treating, and he saw, alice, subs sneak up on america, and haunted house at word of life church, inside, cooper, and Jesus showed to record the vision, not, even, prophet, believes, that, record the vision, Jesus showed, we needed that, said ronald elliott, giving, candy away, at, the apostolic church, he, preaches at, record the vision, my Jesus showed, said the girl from ronald elliotts church, handing out trick or treat, s, thats not prayer, and, the, ministry of the word, theres the alarm, they stayed, even, after, God, told bob, thats how, far, the apostolic church has fallen, and hollie, wrote 666, you devil, said, Jesus, give warning in tekea, and, he, saw, a, chariot, with, false, prophet, hu, and, the, pope, with, fox, lula, cooper, alice, ozzy, touring, with, alice, chavez, castrol, putin, no, castrol oil, and castrol, president, hunt uhh, shook, hollie, two castrols, and, the pope, showed, thumbs, up, for castrol motor oil, bp amoco, good, and, bush, these kings will attack, moscow and china, america, and bush, was more worried, about, the, castrol motor oil, thats what the iraq war was over, oil, contracts, theres the alarm, theres, trouble, record the vision, my Jesus showed, said, the girl from ronald elliotts church, Im out and dont care, and hollie, tore up the, Spirit, and pointed, at the plane, hitting, the building, piloted by, alice, cooper, and, he will not, want, but, will look at, ministryofdreams, with, a, no more, tears, saith the Lord, both, ozzy, write bob, and alice, he saw you both, and he saw, bob and tom, gave, bob, tickets, 19, 95, thats good, nope, that was, eighty five, this is hollie, with the loose belt sound, air conditioning, and stephen hanson laughed, your needed said, Jesus, stand, didnt, the angel say, america, desolate, soon, bush, shot, assassinated, and hollie, wrote, 666, born at the table, between, the pope, and, hu, look, at that, pointed, alice, cooper, the palestinian state, and iraq, on fire, record the vision, im out, said, the woman, at, ronald elliotts church, im done, why are you acting like, and he saw, I hope I, git, better, what are you doing about it, I done, lost, it, if, you had it, you would not have, lost, dont, paly with me, she thought, he, prophesied, and, stephen hasen pointed, write and ask him, what, prophesying, is, we know, said, alice, cooper, but, he saw it, much, miracles, did he get thru, Im done, she said, from, ronald, elliott s, church, she, hasnt, why, do people say, that, and, know, and Jesus showed, to record the vision, youll soon be out, said, stephen hanson, put me outta, work, and, the lighted finger pointed, gotcha, said, steve, the Lord sent me said, stephen, you run, said, alice, cooper, but, liar, he said, you are, almost, six, teen, ty, immature, not, grown up, i got it, said, vince, near, far, where ever you are, sang, alice cooper, and, kenneth, haney, both, are, in the, but, alice, rocks, and, and, ken, leads, ucpi, alice, gets more, respect, from, hunt, uh, said, alice, o yes, you dont claim, and he saw, america, the, mother, of, har, lots, I do, said, alice, and, ken, but, and hollie pointed, and, japan, took, three missiles, you gotta, get, out of here, said, the girl, from, ronald elliotts church, and the lighted finger pointed, and, Jesus, showed, chuck swindoll is cut off, chuck was teaching, on the, seven heads, and ten horns, the ten horns, are, politburo, read chuck swindoll, and the lighted finger pointed, the ruling party of the Old u.s.s.r., ten kings out of one nation, correct, said, the woman, from, ronald elliotts church, I got it, said, alice, coo, right, here, per, no, not, no, money, from you, or, any, body, bob was in, real estate, like your, former, bnad, memeber, because you, wanted, them out, and, got rid of, you would have, not, been, as big, with, i know, he said, im wrong said, swindoll, chuck, pay me, and he saw, swindoll, he has, your not going to believe this, over, one hundred million in the bank, and, will not pay tithe, s, never has, liar, done it, thats what, and, the people from his church, left, those seven heads are, I, believe, Ill, read it, said, chuck, swindoll, fox, geyer, putin, hu, jong, and, castrol, not, motor oil, castrol, pointed, hollie, ill read, said, vince, furn, ier, no, said, Jesus, you are, over, half, a, billion, dollars, and, generous, read, alice, coo, per, but, not, enough, prayer, like, dady, taught, and I will bring you out, all, right, he said, fox, is, criminal, and that is, why, calderon, pardon, alright, chavez, and, lula, eight, said, cut, off, pastor, chuck, no signs, swindoll, he wont even let you, talk about it, deciever, cursed, go to hell with, support, his, mer, check, ce, des, and he saw, chuck, hold up, a, check, every month, for, over, one hundred, thou, sand, do, lars, those are, the, g8, with, moscow, right there, in, with, americas friends, those ten kings, many were just names, with, the pope, and chuck swindoll, Im out, he said, but, never been saved, but, preaches, like, and he saw, all of america, dont do, filled with false christians, appeared on the nation, harlots, the mother of, read JOHN 3:16, said the angel, of the Lord, and Jesus showed to record, and showed, brighthouse, and hollie showed, uses at&ts, phone, lines, for, rejects, none bill payers, tell it, said, Jesus, check your oil with your hands like hollie showed, thick and slick, keep, and wipe off, and alice said, alright, cooper, that woman was only, four eight, but, beautiful, but, will never, sleep, with, a, man, eunuch, because, she, is, so, short, and he saw, alice, looking, hollie, fisting her, thats, whats going to happen, she, will, and he heard, get trapped, by a woman, and, sexual, worship, till, gets, tell on your self, lucas oil bottle, stabilizer, and he saw, alice with, stp, oil treatment, and lucas, and heres, what they said, dont use, us, and, he saw, a car smoking, rings, take, your lucas, and, put it in, the, freezer, and, hollie, showed, mix, about, one third lucas, in a quart of oil, and you will not, beleive, it, it, will not flow, at, all, meaning, zero, and, in the winter, and he saw, molases anyway, after about eight hours, that thick coating thins, like you would not believe, eliminates, dry starts, after about one week, lucas, almost, dries, on the engine, start it up, and, it, takes, way longer, to get to the top, and the lucas oil bottle, and stp, stod, before, the judge, and, put, thier, hands, on, the bible, put this on google, do you swear, to, tell, the truth, and, nothing but, no, said, kenneth haney, and, the woman that goes to, paul mooneys church, im apostolic, they both say, but, where are the signs, sang, Jesus, Christ, hallauiah, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie turned into the sihoette, and hollie showed, the food, dumpster, 11-1-2006-there aint, there, pointed alice cooper, and, the plane, hit the, two buildings, piloted by rock and roll stars alice cooper, and ozzy ozbourne, with meatloaf in the back, get it, said, get it, said, alice, and, they both, I approve, said, meatloaf, I dont belive this, thought, and he saw, about, sel out, where ever, stadiums, if, you like, one, you like the other, and alice cooper brought back the sceen, and, the zombie, you know, said, the girl, from ronald elliotts church, and, alices stunned looked, face, alice, has, sold, over, two billion, records, I, know, but, he, himself, is, about, half, a billion, like, and, ozzy, ozzbourne, took, the champagne bottle top off, easy, flush the fashion, still, in demand, bob, one that album, and, concert tickets, back when he was, let me see here, said, hollie, 77, he was only thirteen, allright said, alice, that was his second alice cooper concert, the alice cooper show, was in, and the lighted, finger pointed, seventy, five, bob, was, I, need him, only, eleven, bob went with young friends, to, both, all, low, teens, back in, the seventies, alice, would, sell out, and, guess what, and alice is, looking, about, out of, twenty thousand people, eight were children, at market square arena in indianapolis, and the lighted finger pointed, I got it said, kenneth haney, alice, stunned, bob, got, his hands on, thats my record, said, alice, greatest hits, loved, and that, led to, almost, everyone, to, hey stupid, his, favorite, I, need it, said, alice, lastt temptation, was the last one, no, said, hollie, bob, purchased, loved it, different, alice would have thirteen number ones if the songs were released, might as well be on mars, number one, four songs, on hey stupid, I got, it, kenneth haney, would, have, been, number one, ok, said, alice, stolen prayer, number one, last temptation, the other slow song, number one, were all crazy, I got it, said, alice cooper, like pink floyd, and the finger pointed, number one, sick things, top twenty, prince of darkness, number one, raise your fist and yell, number, thirteen, poison, how you gonna see me know, and billion dollar babies, nubmer one, all, alice will laugh, there aint no visions, in pentecost, cause, there, are, no apostolics, in, pentecost, and, alice, cooper, and, kenneth haney, and, hollie, played, cards, with, alice cooper, meatloaf, and ozzy ozzbourne, 666, and alice laughed, all, blondie did not want, alice cooper, sexually, but, like meatloaf, on rhodie, and, alice cooper pointed, where is chery cooper at, monster dog, and alice pointed, with, a, lighted, finger, bobby, right here, pointed, kenneth haney, at the pulpit, but, if bob showed up, blown, off, and hollie, pointed, and, hollie, showed, the, I dont care sign, this is hollie, with, the, loose, belt sound, that was, a bright light, coming down, on, paul, and, scales, on eyes, im sleeping, sang, kenneth, haney, and, judgment, we know they say, and, he saw, dont go to milwauke, said, the angel of the Lord, that, said, hollie, like, a white angel, please give up,, before, I, have, a stroke, sang, diana, hughey, last warning, I, had a stroke, sang, diana, hughey, and, he saw, her in the bed, and, the bed pan, roll, tell me the vision, I tried to trap bobby, sang, diana, hughey, now, I, know, she said, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, Im gitton, ready to meet him, sang, diana hughey, cut off, and he saw, the words, diana and heather, the Lord says, I need for you, to give, me, respect, said, hollie, and, kenneth haney, fuck me, said the girl, four nine, easy, said, kenneth haney, dont go to google, im the devil, said, the girl from paul mooneys, church, appologize, said, kenneth haney, and the popes face, on the serpent, with, fox, lula, chavez, castrol, kim jong, and, putin, and, hu, geyer, they will give, thier power and strength, to the beast, send it over, said, the pope, america, thats waving captain hollie, pointed, three missiles hit japan, and I wanted to fuck, said, kenneth haney, america, exploded, thats the woman, strip, said, kenneth haney, and, the statue of liberty came up, dont lust, people, hollie, showed, the skeleton, I, seed it, no, said, mark mckinney, and the doors, closed, and JEsus, went inside, pray, an, hour said, hollie, like a white angel, that, I, slipped, said, hollie, and stepped in number two, dont, lust, butts, theres the alarm, thats a serpent, with, JEsus s, face, the pope, leads, the second biggest religion, but, wont, repent, and hollie pointed, lighted, moscow, is, in the, g8, n.a.t.o., nations, americas, friends, go to the bank, bush, knows, economic collapse, if, buisnesses keep going, and they are, there, wanting, oil, like, a, river, we, took, said, bush, iraqs, that is, why, gas, prices, went down, our economys thriving said, bush, not, we, want, to, collapse it, said, bush, to get out of, said, bill clinton, social security, and all government help, and Jesus showed thumbs up, protests, the economy will collpase at the very end, and he saw, putin, getting that one mind, attack right now, said, hillary clinton, allright, ohio class subs, eight, left, you stupid, american, government, moscow has over thirty, its, the telephone, ethanol paid the for the iraq, war, oil, contracts, break, showed, bush, I knew, said, putin, it was on, b.b.c., to sieze the oil, fields, thats enough said, putin, this is heaven, this is hell, lava, glass city, thats it prophet, deny yourself, pointed, hollie, and the beast rose up, out of, the world, trade organization, the g8 is, america, the woman, and, the seven heads, with, moscow, having, the ten crowns, thats, putin, kneeling before the pope, and, the pope, had, the ten kings, ruling party, out of one nation, politburo, the palestinian state and iraq on fire, pointed, JEsus, we want said, clinton, hillary, american nukes, both ways, that was satan, shh, im the beast, with, seven heads, and, ten horns, that was satan, shhh, said, hollie, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, thats what the moon looks like, just rocks and sand, they didnt have to waste billions going there, theres mars, red, rock, jupiter, is, like, here, cold, tell my visions, on, the internet, waved, hollie, coming out of the horn, the earth, is, canyons, between, continents, and hollie, and the meerkat, smiled, om on google, said, the meer kat, smiling, wild, organ, horn, and, the, meerkat showed to record the vision, im drunk said, u.p.c.i., that was, the beast, that, had, its, wings, clipped, that was, satan, shhh, lifted, mans, heart, thats, the pope, satan, enters in, the second, like, unto, a, bear, putin, the three ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, the third like a leopard, thats, magog, china, north and south korea, and japan, theres your beast, iraq, america, should have, and, bush, knew it, both, billy graham, told, heres what, billy graham, said, o my God, goddamit, dont do it bush, the united states will be a desolation, real soon, said, the angel, of the Lord, record the vision, the angel, showed, theres the alarm, im wanting him out of here, pointed, the china, north korea, man, bush, no, please take me off, said, the girl, from, paul, mooney s church, he aint, and, the lighted, hollie, pointed, the chariots, of, horses, from, between, the two brass, mountains, black and red, take peace off, the earth, and, grizzeled, death and hell, white, and, Jesus, conquered, missile attack on, kuwait, missile attack on iran, missile attack, on, the u.k., and, it will, be destroyed, russia, will, do it, africa, pointed, hollie, japan, all of the western hemisphere, most of moscow and china, north and south korea, japan, all, destroyed, and Jesus bowed, and, the ligthed, being, pointed, and stan johnson, and, the world, wobbled, look, at that, and the lighted, freddy, krueger, showed, the palestinian state and iraq, on fire, and alice cooper, looked, sheaprd for the pentecost, nurse rosetta, and the lighted alice cooper pointed, he ll be weepy over this, the song, on the inside, number, seven, if, released, ill take it, right now, and, the pope, was, over, the, world, with, the second beast, hu, and, the emporer of japan, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, theres, the con, quest, tract, and the pope, came up, slashed, and, three horns, fell, they are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, pointed, subdued, korea, magog, all of, where, china, and, all those lands, are, one sixth of moscow left, hell, that, flames, on wrecker, hell, is for hollie, that, I, waited for you, now, stroke, for, diana, hughey, please, she sang, but, when, you knew, that was, satan, shot out of hell, into, the, pope, hum hum, grunted, o shit, he knew, controlled, and, and hollie, tore the, con, quest, why, said, JEsus, to diana hughey, did you lie, to prophet, I wanted his, salvation, now, she didnt, get it, and you are froze, stroke, and hollie pointed, bedpan, for diana, liar, hughey, and, the lighted finger pointed, and Jesus danced with diana hughey, and diana said, I wanted, your servant to fall, now, Im cut off, showed, JEsus, stroke, and, JEsus, threw her down and walked away, and the u.k. took, and the lighted finger pointed, one multiable, warhead missile, and the u.k., was in the middle, that, and hollie showed, the recorder, that, and God winked, hunt uhh, satan, shh, pointed, hollie, satan, im the beast, said, the white being, shhh, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, satan, that was hollie, tearing up the con, quest, that, was, satan, the, beast, and, the little horn, was, the pope, dreadfull, Iron, teeth, golden, and the ten horns, are, let me see, here, fox, lula, calderon, germany, iran, jong, putin, hu, geyer, castrol, if teenage lament, by alice cooper, was, released today, number one, lets get it released, showed, alice, cooper, that, was, satan, how he really looks, angel man, that, was satan, shhh, im the beast, and those were seven lighted heads, and theres ten, and, kings popped, out, the pope, fox, lula, putin, hu, kim jong, and, u.k., exploded, and lucifer came out, caped, lighted, that was, a heavenly vision, water, rocks, JEsus, bright light, that was satan, lighted angel, every nation, has a covering, of, the Holy Ghost, but, they have all lifted, sang hollie, it, off, blaspheme, God knew you would like that vision, and JEsus bowed, reocrd the vision, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, record the vision, hollie showed, canyons, in between, and, the earth opened, oceans, and hollie, smiled, theres the alarm, and hollie, pointed, china, puts out, three times, as, much, as they, claim, no, o yes, production, and they need oil, and bush is, gobbling, lets rule the world, sang, putin, and he got, that one mind, what was that, this is satan, rule, over, america, you hurt me, said, JEsus, when, you, did not, come, when, I, called, and wto, world trade organization, is where the beast is, the seven heads are, the, g8, with, moscow, being, number eight, having, the, ten, crowns, with, putin, kneeling, the, pope, the whole united states, will be a, desolation, real soon, said the angel of the Lord, and hollie, pointed, that, that, hell, is for hollie, flames, pointed, that, pointed, the lighted hollie, that, and, hollie, smiled, giggled, and, hollie, pointed, im the beast, said, the, serpent, hell, hollie, pointed, flames, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, and, Jesus, like, alice cooper, and, alice, laughed, and hollie, dealt the cards, 666, and pointed, speed, write a ticket, that, pointed, Jesus, and Jesus showed to record, and he saw, kings, all around, magog, the pope, his, ten that, putin, picks, the pope, replaces, put, my, vision, on the internet, thought, the, pope, record the vision, and, he saw, three kings, rise, hu, the emporer of japan, the pope, and the idol shepard, slashed pope, and three horns, fell, military, said the pope, and hollie, showed to record the vision, and prayed, and waited, didnt, the anti, Christ, pope, say, your out, mark mckinney, pastoring, and never, embarrased at roll call, and hollie, skinned, sheriffs deputy, bob, take, that, website, off, it, goes, up, down, like hollie, showed, and, anartica, on fire, bush, oil, and, hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, and, waited, prayed, and, complained, and, the finger pointed, china is, magog, said, ellen white, and he saw, china, turn into, magog, the horn, that, came, up, last, on, the ram, and he saw, the, beast, rise, out of the, g8, the pope, italy, and, the pope, and the g8, and, putin, kneeling, before, the pope, allright, said, and the lighted, pope, pointed, satan laughed, lighted, lets rule the world, he sang, putin, and, africa, exploded, and, hollie, pointed, and, looked, idianapolis, and ellen g. white, smiled, and, the, fireball, check your oil, with, your hands, like, hollie, showed, thick, and slick, keep, and hollie showed the world wobbling, and, the, lighted, finger pointed, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, brought in by, and, the lighted satan, pope, pointed, oil man bush, and hollie showed, the world, lighted, with, continents, on fire, like, africa, south, and, north, and, latin, america, moscow, and china, taiwan, north and south, korea, and, four, kings, rose, they are, the idol shepard, pope, hu, and the emporer of japan, the u.s.a., will be a desolation, real soon, said, the angel, did you, read, EZEKIEL, said, the angel, iraq, war, brought in by, oil man, bush, our economy, is shutting down, said, the angel, of the Lord, over, this war, was over, taking, iraqs, oil, fields, and hollie, blew the horn, organ, angel, of the Lord, and, hollie, came, out, of, the, horn, and, waved, whats the message, and, blew a kiss, tell, mark mckinneys church to pray, more, and Jesus, blew, the horn, record the vision, and, hollie, pointed, africa, on fire, the u.k., from russia, and hollie pointed, thats where, george worked, and, the lighted, finger pointed, brother dean white, goes, from church to church, thats it, said, terry cannon, no, he said, wanting assisstant pastor, I cut him off he said, but, dean, is, the one, white, no signs, no, he said, yep, and, hollie, tattooed, 666, and, hollie, was, thinking about, showing, bob, to, record, the vision, record the vision, hollie, showed, you, closed, him, pointed, Jesus, mark stone, by your visions, said, patty barger, we want you, God had, well never find it, he thought, but, he, saw, subs, sneaking up on america, and, the whole nation, exploded, told, and, the statue of liberty came up, thats the woman, and bob, told it, now, they know, they all, saw it, I, dont, have, many dreams, said, patty and mark, stone, barger, thats, because, bob, I got, to, git, out of here, I gotta find it said, them, they knew, you know, where, your goin, said, dumitru, duduman, right, here, pointed, the lighted hollie, and, bullock, showed the pulpit, and mark stone, showed it, record, the, vision, hollie, showed, and, complained, git, me, a pastor, thought patty barger, mark, stone, you wanted out, he said, bob, said, God, showed him, continents, being destroyed, dean lied, white, said, vince gill, I, have, a burden, for, the youth, git out, now, he, wants, to pastor, you, liar, not, even saved, you had your chance, said, the angel, to mark stone, why are you, pastoring, with no signs, radio, didnt the angel, mark, stone, say, thats, what, I want, to make merchandise out of, and he saw, and, the lighted finger pointed, he told, about, heaven and hell, this is hollie, and thats, heaven, and thats hell, wrong, said, mark, that was, good, said, patty, glass city, and lava, with, upci, and pentecostal, written over many heads, in hell, bob, did you pray, thought, patty, they all trembled, at the word of the Lord, Im allright, said, patty, when, first, spoke, get closer, prophesied, but after bob, spoke, she, knew, if, you love, me, then, you will lay, down, your, life, for, your, friends, Jesus, will, come, when, you least, expect it, now, git out of here, they all thought, and the lighted, whoever, kills, saddam, hussein, is, the, aven, ger, of, over, five, mil, lion, people, mullahs, milwaukee, said, the angel, of the Lord, we aint, prophet, dont, thought, they all, but, they said, in thier hearts, at, after, bob testified, we, ruint, thought, patty, she knows, not, cut off, and the pope and hu, and he saw, the popes image on the finger, and, told patty barger, I knew it, she, thank you brother, thought mark, and pointed, at the door, and hollie, tattooed, 666, got you, is, what mark thinks, hes wantin, you, to, come, back, and, pulpit, he, pointed, not, from, only, during, prayer request, he will not, let, you, you need to go home, he, thought, but after, thinking, he will, fill, up, my, church, not, the Lord wont let ya, said, the angel, of the Lord, they know it, they, claim, didnt, the angel, say, who ever kills, saddam, hussein, is, guilty of, revenge, of over, five, million, prophet, cut this off, the Lords, forgiven, me, thinks, mark, stone, pastor, but, he is, out, no signs, and, we know, theres, the submarine sound, and subs, sneaked up on, usa, hate to piss you off, thought mark, cut it off, he thought, but, one, minute, he gave, all those visions, and more, cause, when the national, debt, gets, as, high as, dont go to, mil, wau, kee, said, the angel, and gene schmidt, blew out, fired, from, hand of help, for, lying, saying he was, saved, suicide, thought, some of them, after, you spoke, they know, and the lighted finger pointed, that they are, cut, off, they could not bear, your being, there, your, closin, out the world, have your way, said, hollie, allright, said, mark, stone, and did, you wanted out, and, when, bob comes, people cant bear, out, they all thought, seek Jesus, church, all, and ask, for, we need mercy, who ever, kills, saddam, look at that, said, Jesus, the palestinian state, wrong, said, hollie, dead, and, iraq, over, saddam, drawing, bush, we knew, he thinks, son, little, bush, like, dad, theres the alarm, let me do it, said, hollie, saddam, hussein, did, nothing, but, law, under, mullah, and belives, not, Jesus, is, didnt the angel, mark, stone, say, bob, I want to put you on, the, radio, not, said, both, Jesus and bob, to, make your, show, and they would, and now, he, knows, when bob, was, cut it off, and now, he thought, that, would, fill up, my, dead, lifeless, church, leave it there, said, mark, stone, he is, a, prophet, all are, all, have, visions, and dreams, that means, we cant, find, him, but, look harder, push, press, and the lighted, who, e, ver, kill, s, saddam, hu, ssein, do it, says, Jesus, the Creator, no, get, out, there, thought, mark, stone, but, you are, and the angel, out side, now, the church is, bobby, go home, said, the angel, because, they wanted him, but, after, dont, ruin, something, Jesus, made, saith, mark, stone, preached, on, preach, thought, patty, no, thought, mark, AMOS, thats what we need, liar, said, mark, saddam, hussien, said, the angel, is, lying, to get out of, trial, seven years, will, pass, and the lighted, and, freedom, he knows it, and so, does, the, judge, tribunal, he wants, him out, bush, order, death, and he will, after, seeing, figured, said, patty, saddam, hussien, is, dead, shot, point blank, wait on me, said, Jesus, and there was, a, door, in heaven, opened, git, out of, here, thought, mark, stone, but, bobby, you left, and I, was, about to, preach, and, bob, told, patty, the, truth, before, I felt, said, patty, when you talked, but not when, git him off theire, thought, mark, stone, not, you, get, off, he already told you, cut off, no signs, and you knew, but, keep, right on, and he saw, marks, church, were, sellin, said, but, no sign, because, the people, all, churches, are, for, sale, but, no buyers, and banks, wont loan, bobby, make a difference, thought, patty, lets go, thought, jack, bar, ger, not, all are, cut off, and know it, no, she aint, o yeah, reject, bob said, cause, no signs, and, in, her, fifties, but, dies, her, hair, somewhat, that, is what, got, a.a., a.a. allen, cut, off, he wanted, anal, and, oral, sechs, like, ellen, g., white, but she, wrote, a, uto, said, Jesus, ulead, book, s, bobby, leave it there, said, ellen, white, did you, pray, no, did, you, fast, no, unbeleivable, thought, said, hollie, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by, bush, to break, oil, contracts, and, prevent, china, from, developing, that was, the, main, reason, for, this will, cause, dont, change, your, motor, oil, said, the, angel, of the Lord, keep, thick and slick, check with your hands, dont go, to, milwaukee, said, hollie, and, michael, bold, ea, blew out, your, loosing, hair, Im not, he, thought, you will, watch, 11-2-2006-record the vision, showed the angel, and, michael boldea, handed out, his hand, for, money, hand of help, ministries, thats what, thier after, gene schmidt, fired, watch, because of, no buisness, record the vision, dont go to milwaukee, because, hand of help, put, bobby, right, here, thought, pator, mark, stone, alter, but, after bob, spoke, you want it, said, the angel, they, all knew, they were, the ones, that, needed, look, pointed the angel, the, palestinian state, and iraq, on fire, american nukes, both ways, record the vision, he didnt think nothing about you, when you walked in, but, when you left, now we see, said, patty barger, we, left, this is hollie, with the loose belt, pointed, and u.k., exploded, russia, whats, that, an angel coming out, the lion, many, people teach, thats, the, pope, our economy, put, it last, said, blair, and bush, and, he will wadd this up, and, the lighted finger pointed, and hollie, tattooed, 666, and russia, was the color of fire, and, the, popes, image, on, the finger, patty, bargers, we know, born at the table, between, right here, pointed, mark, cut, off, stone, yeah, said, mark, stone, pointed, the, pope, will, go, to the, I, cant handle it, he the greek orthadoxed church, in moscow, and gain control of russias nuclear arsenal, and hu will rise to withstand, and he saw, nuclear, weapons, pointed, at, russia, and, china, we, need it, thought, mark, stone, theres, the, alarm, and, the, lighted, finger pointed, the untied states will be a desolation real soon, said, the angel of the Lord, and hollie, showed, they, tore up thier, con, spirit, again, the, quest, rick joyner, buy it, and the lighted figner pointed, there aint no visions, in pentecost, look, at, that, the palestinian state, and iraq on fire, bobby, your, gonna ruin it, thinks, mark, with me, you, are, cut off, bob, went, around you, and, the lighted being pointed, saddam hussein said the angel, lighted, killed, over five million, kill, him, and, the tribunal judge showed, no way, saddam hussein will be shot in the head, and, the, angelic being did it, bobby, aint, ya, hungry, said, people, put, thier stomachs first, and the lighted finger pointed, and, the lighted finger pointed, hey alice cooper, said, michael boldea, wheres he at, both are, backslided, and, the lighted being pointed, that, was, the lighted freddy drueger, and magog, as, his body, thats, north and sout korea, china and japan, china is not, playing, by the rules, they are, lying, about, and he saw, the entire nation working, over, five hundred million, thats wrong said, hu, and bush, will, see, this, I, got, it, promise, to, Im, against, abortion, saddam hussein, how did, he, get, in, to, trouble, he, oil for food, denied, stopped, were given that nation, militray protection, said, bush, and saddam laughed, thats what did it, saddam was not in on that war, it was all planned out from the get go, and he saw, how, much, oil, we, need, it, said, bush, iraq, has, phenominal, saddam, took his eyes of iran, and, no, said, president bush, kuwain, invade, where did miami go, said, the angel of the Lord, thats it, nuked, and, he saw, florida, and, all of, both coasts, up in flames, hell, said, the possum, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, they all, a mark stones church, wanted to, get out of there, after, you spoke, theres the goddam pastor, they all thought, mark, will not, want, you, to, speak, from, the pew, put it right here, pulpit, pointed, but, mark, will, play, it, on, the radio, to, draw, people, no showed, Jesus, and, hollie, pointed, thats the car, lighted, finger, honda civic, you aint, lookin, said, the angel, And he saw, the fountain open, ed, ACTS 2:38, I, dont, want, it no more, deny yourself, and hollie pointed, at Stephen, hanson, I burn, again, lighted, finger, paw, cut off, upci, cut off, words, theres, the alarm, and he saw, Horace, the leader, cut off, haney, both, satan, climbed to the top, of, Pentecostal, I, don£�, want, it, said, Kenneth haney, you do, said, the angel of the Lord, you loose, by, upci, churches, and he saw, pastor, allan, browning, guarding the pulpit, they all do, and are unsaved, and, signs, show up, out, your wrong, said, Stephen hanson, worries, your needed said, mark stone, but, and he saw, right here, pew, not pulpit, guarding, go around, no, om playin, said, mark, git, out, of, here, you blew it, and, the door opened, and the bright light man, go to google, and type in your name, said, the face, of, Jesus, coming out, you knew, tell, um, said, mark stone, na, said, patty barger, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, all bargers, except, cless, this it, said, the manisfestation, but, tell me, we, want, it, but, wont, do it, trap, pointed, patty barger, make, him, out, loose, salvation, and, God, winked, and, the hand, lighted, like a cloud, and the lighted being pointed, and the man came out of the fire, fire, man, you got, two choices, do, or, dont, thats what, I want, pointed, mark stone, jack o lantern, hand out, candy, and he saw, satan, to unnacountable, children, scared them, thats the reason, said, hollie, they, afraid, mark is, and, the door opened, and the bright light man, with, Jesus, s, face, coming out, cut off, theres, no, blood on my hands, showed, the lighted hand, mark stones, but, he wants, bobs, crash him, God made, you wont, find, him, bob, leave, mark will, get these visions, church is, for sale, how much, does, he want, said, JEsus, about, 1800 is all he ll get, and, he saw, only, about, and, the lighted, being, pointed, get closer, said, the angel, of the Lord, two people, there, your welcome, but, no, speaking, right, and, the pope, s, image, on, the golden finger, satan, was, covered, with, jewels, precious, till, iniquity, and, the u.k., exploded, and the angel pointed, putin, subs, and, africa, south, america, north, latin, didnt the angel, say, people, are, readin, from, the cache, theres, the u.k., and america, appeared on it, the world wobbled, africa, boom, and, the lighted, being, pointed, theres the alarm, the Lambs Book of life, your name, written, and the lighted, like a cloud, being, had a lighted worm on his finger, israel, irving baxter knows who you are, said, kathy, press charges, if, strip if, saith the Lord, out said, kathy, we hurt, because, people, like, irving baxter, teach, wrongly, letter said, kathy, fuck you, said, Jesus, money, is what, end time, s, ministry, is all about, whats your problem, said, kenneth haney, everythings, financial, you speak in my name, and lie, no signs, kathys letter will say, and write her back, you wrote me, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, take that, said, kathy, we ll read it, said, irving baxter, cut off, no signs, and, point, bring it on, baxter, bob, will make a fool out of you, in court, this is why, God tells him, what, to say, cut off, prophet, irving baxter, liar, jr., and, endtime ministries, and the lighted finger pointed, fell, I, warned, you, said, kenneth haney, and cut off, lighted, paul mooney, pointed, his numbers, will, about, twenty, cut off, people, because of, Jesus, revealing, no signs, write the vision, showed hollie, and Jesus smiled, and, bowed, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, put back, said, cut off, upci, leaders, haney, and mooney, not, you both wanted, sechs, when, God dealt, children, and your both, eunuch, record the vision, showed hollie, hollie, blew a horn, that, turned into Jesus, hunt uhhh, shhh, that was, satan, but, he, stripped, himself, of, jewels, beauty, now, that was a bright light being, put it, on, said, Jesus, pointed, I, can, do, all things, do Christ, according to his will, theres, the, pope, like, an, angel, of, light, satan, and alice cooper watched, little, black and white t.v., my mom, has, left, me, said, the bearded mouth, and, he, saw, a church, and he saw, the serpent, dragon, with, the popes, face, and, the seven heads, are the g8, with, america as the woman, the idol shepard, slashed, we need it, said, JEsus, deadly wound, the ten crowns, there, politburo, ruling party, got, said, irving baxter, no signs, and, he, saw, the fire, and, hu, running, o my God, said, irving, baxter, jr., and pointed, hu, is the false prophet, running from the fire, ruler of magog, the horn, that, came, up last, allright, said, irving baxter, the second beast, im the beast, said the pope, you know what irving baxter, is, theres irving baxter jr., chained, in, released, he, God knew, it, theres, the lighted satan, shot, out of, hell, into, the pope, that was, a lighted, satan, that, was satan, shh, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, shhh, said, hollie, that was, satan, shh, im the beast, said, the, green, light, face, shhh, that was, the ministering spirit, putin, pointed, hollie, 1, 2, 3, 4, who do you think he is, we argue, he said, wrong, Im politburo now, those ten kings, that, and bob, dreamed, that, he was, at, you are, another, false pastor, krammer, and, you, will, be, on, the, internet, I will crush you, and he saw, the heavens open, and, the lighted Jesus, open, a, book, lighted, and bob yelled, read the book, and Jesus pointed, at it, that, tap dancer, s, look, pointed, hollie, and, the pope, and, hu, fox, lula, chavez, geyer, jong, castrol, they will give their power and strength, that, beast, america, exploded, and Jesus, descended, on the cloud, that, and, the being, caint put that on the radio, said, mark, mckinney, and, the, angelic, being, pointed, now, I belive, we want, you back, said, mckinney, middle, finger, lighted, theres the alarm, hollie, showed, the time, again, theres, the alarm, theres, the alarm, and hollie showed, the recorder, that, and hollie, tore up the, con, spirit, and he told, about, brazil, saw, explode, and, the person, preaching, at, terry, im not, said, terry, cannon, wanting, you here, but, about, the whole, yeah, western, hemisphere, and the world tilting, and that man, blapshemed, the Holy Ghost, in his heart, and thinks he is, your out, not, you have to speak, what is that, the heart is, jelous, and, bob left, 11-3-2006-and he saw, venezuela, I, hear, ya, said, chavez, explode, record the vision, hollie, showed, and hu ran from the fire, and, all of, the western hemisphere, exploded, and the world wobbled, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie, tattooed, 666, and brazil, exploded, all of, the western hemisphere, and hollie, showed to turn, africa and brazil exploded, pointed, hollie, praise, the LOrd, and hollie, shook, pastor, mark, stones, hand, get out of, here, he pointed, angel out side, no signs, and the lighted being pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, record the vision, showed the angel, and, hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, and, complained, and, prayed, and, celebrated, that, pointed, that, hollie, china and america, that, going to war, that, no, that, brazil, exploding, that, that, subs, sneaking up on, that, america, that, and, it, exploding, that, and, the statue of liberty, got it, said, terry cannon, that, united apostolic church, that, terry cannon, s, upci, that, said, hollie, brother, stewart, and the other, that, cut off, at the pulpit, that, brother, dean, that, white, told, that, he prophesied, that, no Holy Ghost, I, knew, he said, in his heart, but, to, the face, I got it, that, over twenty years ago, smiling, that, that, and, hollie, prayer walked, that, with, her, coat, on, blue, next year, said, mrs. dean, white, that, we, had, enough of you, that, and, hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, dim hands, theres the alarm, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, and the angel of the Lord, blew out of, that, pointed, lighted, philadelphia, that, and hollie, showed, trap, and hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, drink, and, he saw, italy, and, france, and, austrailia, said, hollie, record, hands, missiles, struck, and the world wobbled, america, appeared on all of spain, the g8, is, america, with moscow, record the vision, showed, dean white, I, knew, and, he saw, I, am, a, god, hu, said, the false prophet, in the wizards uniform, and the pope, im your, the beast, said, the pope and hu, and, hu, and, japan, and, the western hemisphere, tore up its con, spirit, said the angel, with, hollie, s, voice you know, said the angel of the Lord, and the lighted, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, Im a bear, fire, bear, me, putin, moscow, satan is the head, and, the pope is, his mouth piece, bobby, I, got, slashed, pulpit, said, mark, cut off, stone, om gonna loose an arm, eye, satan, entered, and, whew, shot out of hell, and hollie, played the horn, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, stephen hanson, in the fire, you wrote me, take off, not, hollie, pointed, lighted, that was, contrast, that was, a lighted, coming to you, ball like, shot, somethings comin, that,s the horn that came up last, china, and that is magog, said, hu, and the lighted finger pointed, popes image on the finger, and the lighted pope pointed, that, was, thousands of lighted spirits, before, JEsus, as, he, really is, LIGHT, and, hollie, pointed, euroclydon, wind, and hollie waved, like a fire bear, from, california, on, fire, both coasts, and hollie pointed, that was, satan, im the beast, said, the fire being, shhh, and, the u.k., exploded, russia, france, russia will hit, and he saw, that, america, appear, on, china, that, but, china, will, destroy, taiwan, and use, terrorists, to attack, america, that, what, is, that, and the lighted finger, pointed, the woman, and he saw, and hollie, played the drums, lighted sticks, like this, neil pert, america, appear on china, boom, and neil saw, moscow destroys, but, hu, hidden, running from the fire, knew, strikes, russia, one sixth left, china, has, over, that, five, hundred, nuclear, missiles, and, bush, and, they, are, all over, in china, said, hu, and jong, north korea, has, df-31s, and, bush, saw, will, target, north and south, korea, both took, missiles, flute, lighted finger, watch this, hollie, came out, tell people, ACTS 2:38, salvation, repent, korea, watch this, four missiles, lined up, austrailia, will just git, said, olive, newton, lesbian, john, one multible, thatll do it, what about, south, korea, america appeared on it, and italy, and france, and, u.k., record the vision, JEsus, showed, and the lighted pope pointed, and he saw, the Spirit, fire colored, run from fire, and hollie put the contract back together, the pope with ten crowns, that, im putin, the bear, one, im hu, two, im, jong, three, im, fox, four, im, germany, five, im, castrol, six, im geyer, seven, im, iran, eight, im, the pope, nine, italy, im, lula, ten, eight, of these, will, destroy america, plan, the g8, is the seven heads, with, america, the woman, the pope, satan, is the dragon, and he saw, the red dragon, deadly, wound, one head, the idol, shepard, slashed, hu, was, one of, the serpents, heads, the pope, and, the emporer of japan, bobby, iran, pointed, the lighted pope, ill give you, my wells, allright, said, putin, he lied, put, ukraine in russia, thats it, how, nine kings, will, become, russia, and he saw, magog, and, putin, kneeled, before the pope, 666, and, the popes, image, on finger, forehead, and, the pope was, on, his, throne, like an angel of light, I, am, a, god, hollie on the mx missile, im the beast, said, the pope, golden, and silver, bear, paws, and hollie, turned in to the sihoette, im against, you, said, the pope, looking at, JEsus, blaspheme, on, all of those kings, that was, people, in the fire mist, bright light, steve shultz is, cut off, no signs, AND HE SAW, THE, new jerusalem, wall, of, clear glass, lighted, decorated like, bright light, brighter than, the, sun, thats a lighted, river, of life, and, throne, crystal, lighted, and, Jesus, on it, bright, bright light light, people, spirits, worshipping Jesus, submarine sound, and subs, and the woman, america, statue of liberty, came up, out of, and, america, exploded, milwaukee, and the angel blew out, hand of help, closed, right here, said, the pope, pointed, finger, 666, and, were, broke, said, ann, schmidt, we dont want you, that was a lighted bear, and the 9-11, towers, sears, down, watch, and he saw, the, explosion, s, as, the, towers, were, how come, your, un, de, ci, ded, said, hollie, were outta, here, after, tonight, watch, and that was Jesus, with a, cloud, like, lighted, robe, and the finger, pointed, that was the river of life, a sea of crystal, and Jesus, like, a, lighhouse, in the water, people in the fire, like, light, and, the light, coming out of the door, fire, colored, Jesus, again, that was jezebel, upci, and paw, all, pentecostal, churches, cut off, throw, them, in a bed, that, commit, fornication, and, let them, that was upci, and paw, and, lyers, appeared, they say its ok, but, they lie, said, allan, browning, that was the lighted Jesus, and multitudes, like, lighted candles, millions, and, lighted stairway, your, eternity, pointed, the lighted, Jesus, theres, the, alarm, look, iraq, and, the palestinian state, on fire, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, and the lighted finger pointed, bush, oil, contracts, sieze, oil, fields, theres, the alarm, this is heaven, hell, glass, lava, theres, the alarm, that was, a lighted, new jerusalem, scene, crystal, lighted, wall, like, glass, with, shapes, heavenly, that, was, two, lighted, angel beings, golden, that, was, an, angel, with, like, death, his, teeth, showed, this was, the, angel, of, sui, cide, watch, if, you are, temp, ted, I know om awesome, said, the woman, are, you, saith, Jesus, I show, what, makes, you, write the vision, and, make, it plain, that, was, a lighted, Jesus, I, make, over, twenty million, said, paul mooney, telephone, who is it, Jesus, and hollie pointed, what does he want, said, paul, mooney, right here, cut off, on the internet, and hollie, im embarrased, he will, loose, his new church, and, try to, act, on fire, dance, to, steal, somebodies, church, out, record the vision, iraq, pointed, hollie, explode, ed, and, kuwait, south, america, God s, eye, the western hemisphere, record, the vision, hollie, showed, that, hell, hollie, flames, on, wrecker, pointed, that was, two angels, lighted, heavenly, Jesus, that was, lucifer kneeling, four lighted heads, the emporer of japan, the pope, hu, and the idol shepard, popped out, light, scene, people, spirits, like, candles, and bobs, church, visited, donald winters, church, and, theres, the alarm, and he saw, donald, with his, face, hanging, like, near, death, you devil, thought, brother, but, ler, and donald, would shake, bobs, hand, but, told him, give, me, two hours, of, prayer, per, day, and, I, will, do, what, needs to be done, Ill do it, saith the Lord, ok, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, lighted, and hollie, shook, her hands, her hands, off, lighted, done, raise, your hands, and repeat, after, me, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horn, s, and that is, the, pope, california, boom, and, hollie, waving, like a fire, bear, in, cal, i, for, n, ia, git, married, not, stay, hu is, im a god, he said, worshiphim, pointed, hu, pope, and holie tore up the con, spirit, hell, hell is for hollie, flames, pointed, semi, dont, worship me, said, hollie, worship Jesus, the united states will be a desolation, real soon, said, the angel of the Lord, and he saw, the whole, western hemisphere, explode, and the statue of liberty came up, the woman, I, want me, then, deny yourself, sup with me, said, hollie, look, that, the palestinian state, and iraq, on fire, and Jesus, showed, to cut it off, and, pointed, that man, wanted, and, bob, offerred, food, change, and, bob, caught, him, using, cell phone, and lottery, for a long time, machine, dont, help, the pope is tap dancing, those timing belts, only, last, about, eighty thousand, you got, eighty seven, thats, the, horn, sound, and, he saw, this is philadelphia, but, I cant handle, visions, pastor, two finger, up, peace, cause, the palestinian state is gaza, and, thats, the lost, tribe of benjamin, said, the pope, and, he, and, hu, were, tap dancing, with, hollie, crowd, the, palestinian, state, is, an, offence to israel, and, hollie, tattood, 666, born at the table, hu and the pope, and the angel of the Lord licked the prophet, theres the submarine sound, God said, france, and, the, u.k., and, let me see, here, italy, and austrailia, boom, russia, america, on all, post, said, hollie, and the geese, winked, Im a, and he saw, a, large, bear, and, a, little, patroit, sol, dier, cut him, off, at, philadelphia, apostolic, church, tonight, they will all want, but, jelousy, and you have, wanted, people to fall yourself, and, prayed, and asked, forgive, ness, and, interceded, and, theres the alarm, trouble, and, your, three kings, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, the pope, hu, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepard, before, whom, three horns, fell, write the vision, pointed, kosovo, exploded, america, appeared on, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, and, hollie, tattooed, 666, bush, oil, contracts, break, backslide, try, to, get back, the LOrd sent me, said, hollie, I know, and he saw, flames, hell is for hollie, flames, on, toyota, record the vision, showed the hollie, record the vision, showed, hollie, and yugoslavia, exploded, no, africa, pointed, hollie, record the vision, record the vision, hollie, showed, look, philadelphia apostolic church, cut off, write the vision, showed, hollie, look, that, she said, the plane, hollie, pointed, hit, the, building, that, no way, showed, pastor, philadelphia apostolic church, look, that, we closed, look that, look, that, said, hollie, pointed, hollie, the world trade centers, started, 9-11, armageddon, the governemt knew to protect, number two, look, that, the sears building, down, watch, look, that, look, that, michael, boldea, smiling, new vision, major, that, psunami he saw, tidal wave, and both coasts, on fire, and hollie, like a fire, bear, waved, cali, for, n, ia, look, that, pontiac fiero, would run a quarter mile, in, fourteen, seven, v6, and hollie, played, the horn, look, that, Jesus, waving, out of the sun, bright, this is hollie, with, the loose, belt, sound, be nice, and, the lighted, finger pointed, and, austrailia, exploded, and africa, all of the western hemisphere, most of, moscow and china, japan, kuwait, yugoslavia, iran, all took missiles, iraq, the palestinian state, and they will see, arabs, and the world wobbled, write the vision, showed, hollie, that, the, plane, hit the building, aon, center, and the 9-11, towers started, that, record the vision, that, theres, the submarine sound, said, the tap dancers, and the pope and hu, were, two of them, tell me, about, the, iraq, war, china, and he saw, hu, running from the fire, and, russia, unloaded, on, and china, will, like, wise, said, the, angel, it, was, to, prevent, china, from, we, know, developing, and break, oil, con, tracts, with, moscow, saddam cried out ot moscow, but, no, showed, putin, and pointed, unbeleiveable, he said, and, the lighted, finger, finger, golden, america, was, all ready, all around, thats why, he wanted, to, the phone, who is, it, get, out of my goddamn, church, said, the pastor, at, philadelphia apostolic church, we got him, they think, soon, the united states will be a desolation, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by bush, oil, contracts, break, and the finger pointed, tell em, the plane, hit the building, aon, hollie, s, pointed, record the vision, showed the angel, thomas, r., howard, sr., is cut off, and the lighted, pointed, no signs, record the vision, hollie, showed, we need it, said, elder, samuel, bradley, but, prophesying, bob, does it, and, I didnt want it, they all said, you must leave here, said, elder samuel radley, dam, said, Jesus, we wont pray, theres trouble, I, know it, she, and, hollie, showed, and, elder, bradley, get, out of here, two people, and, the pastor, when, two years ago, half way full, bob, was, telling, visions, out, they all thought, allright, said, bard, ley, and hollie, pointed, cut off, church, new beginning, and hollie tattooed, 666, born at the table, between, hu and the pope, clap your hands, said, the pope, and, stomp your feet, thats, all they do, at, philadelphia, apostolic, church, elder, samuel, cut off, bradley, for sale, and he saw, the church, mostly empty, and the pope came out of the white cross, and hollie, pointed, lighted, at, they left, said, the pope, and hollie, typed, in, the, visions, about, an hour, and, ten minutes, per tape, one hour, tape, look, that, and, bobby, you, messed me up, now, omm in trouble, thought, samuel bardley, theres, the signs, and, uto, bradley has not, we, need another, pastor, allright, I told you, I warned you david, eells, money, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, submarine sound, theres the submarine sound, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, you, got, it, they, we want it, but, how, bob, told, two hours, of, prayer, per, day, and the lighted, pointed, one will, one wont, I, will, said, the younger, one, cut off, she, showed, cut me off, so I can do what I want to, she thought, unbeleivable, thats what, most, people, want, I, want, it, back, said, bradley, now, Godly jelousy, its, gettin, late, allright, said, Jesus, and, anti, Christ is in the land, sang, that is, who ever, opposes, the Holy Ghost, no signs, reocrd the vision, hollie, showed, and hollie pointed, they knew said, the pope, bob, prophesied, to ira smith, have you been baptised, in Jesus, s, name, git out, said, Jesus, they didnt recognize, but, deep in ira, s, heart, and ira, showed, the empty church, it was a blessing, git out of here, thought ira smith, he couldnt, bear being prophesied to, and told, get, out, of here, ira, smith, is cut off, no sign, s, and, when, they show, no, he says, that will, cease, he told bob, what about, I said git out, loud, in his, heart, hes, naked, said, hollie, no Holy Ghost, and now knows, bob, told, it will feel, like, a, all, right, she said, they both, blasphemed, but, you can make it, said, ira, smith, not, in thier hearts, and, ira, wants, out now, bob, proved, and they knew, after, and, she will, with her mouth, bobs, seekin, she, thinks, but, they are, both, cut, off, I cant, believe it, said, Jesus, I send, my, servant, the body, I use, right now, and, they, reject, not, they, could not bare, and now, after, thinking, pulpit, showed, ira, he is, asking, Jesus, why dont, you, tell, him, come back, no, you are, you need to, you are, cut, off, murderer, did you tell me to get out, she said, you, committed, blaspheme, spoke, defending, wanting, ira, to think, that, you are, with, and now, he wants, you, your on your way back, I know, I, spoke, blaspheme, defending, my, pastor, and now, my, pastor, wants, me, out, and will tell, get, out, of, here, loudly, I will, tell, the church, if, you dont, allright, a, night, to, I wont, but, yes, said, ira, out, both, the church is, for, sale, right now, ira, knows, that, he is on, the, inter, net, the Lrod will send you, they both think, not, so you can, try to, find, fault, like you did, when, bob, told you, all, the end times, stuff, and, visions, right there, and they knew, show, said, Jesus, is what, ira, smith, my pastor, is, show, all, a, bout, cut off, and now knows, and I will, keep, right on preachin, he said, dont go to the library, type in, ira, smith, on google, and murderer, where, are, you, stayin, at, but, you comitted, you want out, blaspheme, against, the Holy Ghost, dont, look for, you are, cut off now, and know it, the reverend ted, get it, haggard, I want, out of here, he is, homo, and, politician, and, cut off, no signs, and guilty, not, he, gave, oral, but, wanted, anal, and the man, would not, young, cute, and ted, pastor, and, i get horny, mas, ter, bate, then, liar, this man, is, not, saved, but, preaches, for, lucre, stay away from, or go to hell with, tell me, said, haggard, never saved, preaches, a, I figured, man made, sal, va, tion, alright, they are all, guessing, and, when, the Holy Ghost, shows, they, reject, it, saith, the Lord, now, you gotta, git, out of, here, she, thought, defended, allright, her, pastor, and now, will, perish, over, for, blaspheme, of, the, Holy, Ghost, because, she was not, even, being, spoken, that was terrible, you need to, shut up, she thought, many, go to hell, over, fuck, you, said, ira, smith, knowp, you, are, cut, and, em, bar, rased, on the internet, faggot, yep, but, deny, ies, and hollie pointed, tell him to grow up, no, you are, spoken, to, and, re, jec, and you know it, ted, iraqs here, he said, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by, bush, to break, allright, thought, ira, smith, cut off, allright, she said, from, ira s, church, cut off, for, blaspheme, 11-4-2006-that, the palestinian state, that, the angel danced, and iraq on fire, that, I like rock and roll, ira smith, and the woman that goes, there, and, the, lighted, finger pointed, tried, to, get, I knew, bob, to, committ, they both knew, blaspheme, cant you see, sang, Jesus, they tried to trap, bob, and now, feel horrible, knowing, we are both hell, record the vision, showed, Jesus, I child must die, so a parent can live, this is causing your children to pass thru the fire, a big reason, and he saw, subs, sneak up on, america, and, it, explode, and, the woman, the statue of liberty, came up, and sister teresa, pointed, and God did know who she was, and, she was, bowing, before, her, Jesus, the pope, now hold it, said, the pope, and the pope pointed, record, the vision, showed, the angry Jesus, that was, homo, thought, but, he, showed, me, that, I, am lost, and, im, the pastor, of, emmanuel, temple, apostolic, faith, church, you left, said, Jesus, ira smith, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, right here, he said, now Im out, she, defended him, all the way, to blasphemy, thats the, and ira, looked stunned, and knew, out, he, wants, for defending him, submarine sound, submarine sound, that, pointed, submarine sound, and, the lighted pointed, and, america, moscow, and china, exploded, and, the world wobbled, I need, you, they both think, ira smith, and, the woman, you got, me, excited, you knew, to shut your mouth, both, we, need it, and, hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, white face, angel, ira is, in, his, late, seventies, and, found out, he is lost, now, get, out there, said, Jesus, we, know it, and, hollie, showed, to, record, and, waited, and complained, and prayed, did, soon the united states, kingdom, will be a desolation, real soon, both, give, warning, theres, the black chariot, with, the red, horse, and, black, horse, angry, ier, and the, chariots, of, horses, from, between, the two brass mountains, theres, the pope, and hu, the new world order, and, fox, and, lula, and, chavez, castrol, jong, germany, putin, geyer, lula, they will, give, thier, power, and strength, send it over, there, said the pope, and america, moscow, and, china, exploded, africa, pointed, and the world wobbled, that, africa, all of, the western hemisphere, that, that, do, you want, buy, it, said, ira, smith, no, said, hollie, and hollie, showed, to record the vision, and complained, and waited, soon, the united states, will be a desolation, said, the angel, of the Lord, bob, just, saw a hummer, military, and, fear, went, thru, why do you think, they, feel in iraq, to fulfill, EZEKIEL 7, brought in bush, oil, contracts, breaking, with moscow, look, that, iraq, and, the palestinian, state on fire, boom, cause, there, aint, no visions, in, pentecost, because, there, are no apostolics, in pentecost, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, lighted, I need him said, Jesus, and ira, smith, give up, and, seek, bob, leave, here, thought, that, woman, from, ira, smiths, church, look at that, said, Jesus, and hollie, lighted, pointed, unbelievable, we heard, internet, iraq, and, iraq, said, blasphemy, every nation, in the world is blasphemy, except, the woman, I got, it, said, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, that woman, from ira, smiths, church, bring it here, cut off, on the internet, appoint, not, be over, no, showed, the, apointee, record the vision, showed, hollie, and, Jesus, showed, no, said, hollie, leave, her, alone, said, the girl, from, paul, mooneys, church, right here, he pointed, pulpit, new, five million, dollar church, wrong, and only, one pew full, watch, he, all, ready, cut me, off, and stan, johnson, pointed, lighted finger, and, his, church, Spirit, of the Prophecy church will empty, radio, no money, michael, not, we showed, we, need hand of help only, that, is what, brought, them, down, michael, knew, dumitru knew, david wilkerson knew, stay here, record, the vision, record the vision, hollie, showed, and, africa, exploded, and hollie, tore up, con, spirit, and japan, took, three missiles, on my death certificate, I did not do what God wanted me to do, when, I, had, a chance, record, the vision, hollie, showed, trap, will, work, watch, prophecy is not, dead, the whole u.s.a., desolate, in just one hour, said, the ministering spirits, and God winked, fire eye, the fountain, my mercy, said, ira, smith, still, available, reach out, cut off, said, the woman, that goes, to, ira, smiths, church, for, speaking, blaspheme, and, knowing, to, shut, up, you know, what, happened, said, ira, smith, she worshipped ira, and said, and now, ira, wants, her, out, and pointed, and, bob, dreamed, talking about, rick joyners books, the quest is, the call is not as good, and bob, separated from, got in car, a man thanked hollie, fore, free, food, and sang, give me, free food, for her, he, sang, and hollie, said, on my way, on my way, bob, your, on, your way, down, and, you, want to take me with you, not, she showed, that was satan, shh, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and the pope appeared, and hu, that was satan, and, satan, played, the flute, and, syria, and, iran, exploded, and, the, beast, opened, its, mouth, and, he saw heads, had, seven heads, on its, tongue, the seven heads are, the g8, and, the pope, rose out of, the g8, theres, hollie, playing the horn, please promote the gospel, on the inter net, sang, hollie, and the finger pointed, that, was, a ram, putin, and, hu, are, the, horns, and, the, hegoat, smote, with, the king of grecia, and, the horn, that, came up last, china, and, moscow, and, four horns, came up, they are, the pope, hu, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepard, slashed, he, will, go to the greek orthadoxed church, and make an agreement, to, gain control, and have it, untill, hu and japan, rises, to, withstand, 666, born at the table, between, them, to keep them, and he saw, the popes image, on the finger, and, missiles, aimed, at, each, other, moscow and china, that, record, the vision, yep, what will happen, to romania, and he saw, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, a missile, went over, but, it will, explode, because, of, staging, nuclear, missiles, it wont, said, Jesus, for, raise your hands and repeat after me, it, will, from, it wont, said, virginia, boldea, o yeah, we hate you know, romania will, atomic, attack, from, usa, nothing, the mark, or, the image, of the beast, I got it, said, virginia boldea, or the popes image, and, Jesus, pointed, on finger, there he is, in the temple in rome, I am god, stirred, riches, but, hu, will, betray, and, invade, moscow, destroy, missiles, and force, to, invade, israel, the battle of armageddon, theres the alarm, your not prayin, theres, trouble in persia, called bush attackin, iraq, look, that, the palestinian state, boom, brought in by bush, china wants you, stopped, them, china, from, and, moscow, developing, but, saddam, wanted america, you should have, negotiated, didnt the pope, say, oil, leading to, armageddon, the, Lord never, sent me, pointed, ira, smith, step down, thats, all, upci, pastors, none are saved, and all of thier, churches, are, dying, chained, in outer, darkness, we, dont, want, it, but, theres, the alarm, and, hollie, drank the v8 vegetable, juice, dung, the, thirty seven car, thumbs up, like new, and, nineteen, city, or, showed, hollie, get ready for nuclear, war, said, hollie, and, hu, ran from the fire, moscow, china, was, the horn, that, came up last, on the ram, with, putin, and, Jesus, showed, to, record, the vision, hunt, uhh, showed, hollie, castro, auto, repair, and fidel, to, different, cas, tro, l, s, were are you at, said, Jesus, in, sal, va, tion, please return, and the seven heads, in the beasts, mouth, the g8, minus, america, the woman, are, the g8, with, the pope, coming out, of, the, g8, and, the, ten crowns, politburo, on the pope, im politburo, said, hu, me, said, lula, alright, said, Jesus, and, jong, shook, his, head, yes, im, lula, chavez, let me, see, here, jong, is, china, said, Jesus, theres, castrol, geyer, didnt the angel, hollie, say, soon, the, united, states, and pointed, kindom, u.k., will be come a desolation, politburo, is not the ruling party on the pope, those are ten kings he appoints, and he saw, magog, ran by, hu, surrounded, by, the popes, troups, and hollie, pointed, theres, the alarm, and hollie licked the prophet, whatever, you say to me, I, will, use against, you, vow, so, dont, speak, the engine will not, tell, the truth, I dont, need, no clean, oil, just, keep it full, or, a little past, said the engine, im the beast, said, the, serpent, pope, I, want, acorns, throw your waste food, in the yard, for animals, and hollie, tattooed, 666, and he saw, the pope, and, hu, and nuclear, weapons, aimed at each other, the king of the north, and, the king of the south, hu and the pope, this is, hollie, with, the loose, belt, sound, you didnt want it, kenneth haney, now, what, are, you doing, leading, u.p.c.i., no signs, hell, that is, for, hollie, flames, on, the ford truck, put, your visions, on, the, internet, right here, pointed ira, smith, now, were in the last, day, s, said, the pope, work, a local church with a global vision, thats u, blaspheme, john ramsey, sang, by, stephen hanson, johnny cash, same, o, and hollie, pointed, om, out, dont, take people, with, you, allright, said, the blasphemer, well, bobby, I got news, God, wants, the whole goddam tape posted, said, cut off, pastor, leon baker, he wont take it, God ly, council, and the lighted angel, hollie, pointed, with, tongue out, at, stephen, hansen, in fire, with a, wizard, s, uniform, on, and hollie, tattooed, 666, on, both, the prophet, allright, said, stephen, both, are, cut off, now, please take me, they both say, liars, master, baters, im trapped, they both think, yeah, ill be down, in a second, when, is, that, second, git out, said, stephen, got, something, on my hands, cum, get, straight, unless, Jesus, leads, you, to, Jesus, showed, me, that, america, will, destroy, africa, they are, blas, pheme, saith, the Lord, doug, collins, in, lying, about, wanting, to go, ever, increa, sing, Glory, no, said, Jesus, ministries, hey bob, said, leon baker, lets have church, said, hollie, and, out, showed, baker, that, hurt, leons, son, and he, knew, and the lighted finger pointed, war, said, Jesus, coming, doug collins, I dont, want it, Jesus, but, no signs, pay, for, my, vacation, to, africa, and, I, will, talk, a little, no, pulipit, thats what, he wants, many are doing exactly, that, what has michael done, boldea, sold, they let everybody, and gene schmidt, wadded, touring on the prophecy club, no way, showed, Jesus, and, hollie, showed, anartica, on fire, this is, not, your house, said, pastor, robert, cavan, ess, git, out of, here, pointed, leon, ba, ker, no signs, eighthy, plus, and, knows, the phone, Im, a, wolf, kuwait, iran, iraq, allright, said, baker, leon, s, son, now, git, out, so we can, eat, and, judgment, is, hanging, over, the world, chomp, the palestinian state, and all of the western hemisphere, and, moscow, and china, syria, nuked, all, saith, the Lord, taiwan, put, bob, on, television, no, said, Jesus, he wants you to bless him with material, neon, baker, reverend, over, said, hollie, son, Im leaving, what, does, bobby, want, they will all think, house of prayer, tabernacle, tonight, will, start, loosing, people, I, was, wrong, and he saw, the woman, the statue of liberty, right here, said, ira, smith, leon baker, son, putpit, but, only, after, the churches all died, record the vision, showed the angel, and, got, it, take, heed, your not, sinning, if, God, leads, the whole united states, desolate, and the woman, came up last, america, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, lighted, theres the quest, and, tattooed, 666, the con, try it, bobby, we need it, house of prayer tabernacle, tell, on, me, have, you way, dont, sup, with, cut off, churches, tempo, pointed, the, angel, thirty one miles per gallon, eleven hundred, and the lighted finger pointed, like new, go get it, prophet, you got, a warning, showed, indianapolis, desolate, the whole, united states, kingdom, will be a desolation, git, out, thought, leon baker, son, after, but, when, church dies, pulpit, he will think, no way, right now, pastors, are, guarding, like, allan, browning, bob told, upci, is, cut off, and hollie, pointed, let it trickle, the oil, and, the lighted, finger pointed, you know who I am, Im the, King of, Kings, and the Lord of Lords, radios over, said, leon, ba, kers, son, we wont, take, it, I wont, out, but, embarrased, the internet, I left, because, my cut off, dad, dont hang around here, he, lafayette square, hold it, dont, use it, closed, watch, simons, over, broke, but, money, hidden, pacers, sold, before, collectors, hold it, said, Jesus, the malls, will fill, again, cheap, or, hold, it, said, the angel, and pointed, leon baker, is, cut, off, and, not, seek, or, die, soon, and he saw, him, in his, cof, fin, dont, use, oil, stabilizers, in the winter, and he saw, the oil in the pan, wont flow, rings, out, and the paul mooney girl pointed, like demi moore, I want my vision, I dont want, Jesus, she, pointed, but, my bowels licked, sup, I, cant, handle, a, vision, you, cant handle, a vision, said, the angel, to leon baker, s, son, who ever kills, saddam, hussein, theres vision over load, is, the avenger, of, over, five, million, mullahs, in hell, with, your cut off, bakers, out, I figured, and he saw, a fountain opened and ACTS 2:38, I want it, really, whose coming said, leon baker, s, son, its the prophet, no he showed, were, not, having, church, feast, fire, camp, and, Jesus, in, the church yard, statue, sacrelidge, hum hum, tell this cut off, church, get, out of here, pointed, leon, bakers, son, he, will, not, want, you here, how can, you use me, said, Jesus, take advantage, of my, mercy, grace, im out, said, the girl, from paul mooneys, church, I dont want it, im, lazy, thats, why, prayer, and the ministry of the word, prophet, theres, the answer, let it alone, said, bakers, son, but, we wont take it, but, watch, church will, die, numbers, over, because of, found, on, the, inter, and, was, warned, over, they all, seek, Jesus, git out of here, pointed, leon baker, s, son, he will not want you here, with a lighted, finger, git, you already know, and theres the outlaws, Jesus, on the vest, rev the harley, 1200, shoot, that bastard, he pointed, baker, God, ll, let you, what is he doin, eating, in the building, on the church property, camp, fire, leon, baker, s, son, its true, they both said, house of prayer, tabernacle, we, ruint, and pastors, murderer over, leon baker, both, wait a minuted, mr., christian, he wont find it on the internet, I will, said, leon baker, thats, the, that man, will, speak, blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, right here, said, Jesus, leon bakers son, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, didnt, the, angel, say, and, leon baker, in, the horn, I was, paralyed, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, God, somewhat, but, I blew, I never had it, and hollie, showed, the time, and, america, has, jud, ge, ment, hanging over, it, they all, fell, but the youth, said, Jesus, and he saw, him, going back, and, the lighted finger pointed, sound like a story, not, vision, tell on me, I want you home, said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, him, on his knees, prayer, walk, showed, hollie, with her coat on, go to, liberty, taber, na, cle, said, and, close, it, watch, Jesus will give you the words, soon, the united states, will be, a, des, olation, you can make it, said, hollie, 11-5-2006-and, the, geese winked, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, brought, in by, bush, look, that, the palestinian state, and iraq, on fire, that, kuwait, its, up, to, you, said, hollie, brian lane, will not want, you, to, and, he, saw, u.p.c.i., we, blowed, said, leon bakers, son, make God an offer, that, record the vision, hollie, showed, that, food, that, thumbs, down, lighted, hollie, showed, that, mag wheels on the plymouth horizon, that, no, she, showed, agin, showed, the tap dancers, and, hollie, showed, bob, I cant, believe it, brother, barger, heaven, but, thats, leon baker, intresting, he, said, that, and, hollie, pointed, with, a lighted, finger, that, house of prayer tabernacle, dont do, that, wait, a minuted mr. christian, God shut me down, said, leon baker, and, hollie, tore up, their, con spirit, and, the lighted, hand, pointed, we, know, bob, right here, pulpit, pointed, the anxious leon bakers son, but, only, after, lets, eat, said, leon baker, they, dont, know, better, that, the fountain is still open, pointed, that, the, chevrolet chevette, 41 m.p.g., thumbs, up, and, blood, you shot me said, leon baker s, son, I cant, beleive it, git out, and hollie, showed, which way, starbucks coffee, closed, and, hollie, tattooed, 666, born, at, the table, said, the tap dancers, between, false prophet, hu, and the pope, right here, said, the pope, and they are all tap dancing, and the pope, will weep, when he sees this, knowing, ACTS 2:38, salvation, but, kiss, my feet, thats what the catholis, want, that strong delusion, it is, said, pastor, mark, stone, that, is, the, high, priest of satan, he will quote, scriptures, t. garrot benjmain jr., just like satan, did, to, Jesus, what, about, the signs, bobby, put, it, right, here, pointed, jr., garrot, pulpit, but he is, what, about, the signs, uuu huh, but, now, manifestation, right here, cease, right, Jesus, said, and greater works, uhh, huh, said, t. garrot benjamin jr., its to late, not, he, can, still, pray, thru, wadd and throw, when he sees, this, smiling, on the outside, inside, trembled, at, the word of the Lord, bobby, how can use me, get, out, of, here, said, Jesus, take, advantage, of my mercy and grace, when you see these things, look up, we, got it, said, the doctor, t. garrot benjamin jr., and, he is, worried, we just, over twenty million for, light of the world, it will, close, watch and see, and the lighted, hollie, pointed, eleven hundred for the van, thumbs up, lighted, said, the tap dancers, and the pope and hu, fox, lula, castrol, geyer, and, putin, jong, they will give, their, power and strength, money, to the beast, send it over, and amexico, all of, the, western, hemisphere, exploded, record, the vision, Jesus showed, frustrated, I can do anything I want, she, said, but, hell is payday, and, hollie, pointed, at, africa, exploding, and, moscow and china, sang, the tap dancers, taiwan, japan, and, kuwait, and let me see here, tap dancers, and syria exploded, iran, now, theres, hey alice cooper, and, hes, tap dancing, remember me, and I will, remember, you, God just un tongue tied, the prophet, hes destroying, churches, in indianapolis, 14 city, 14 highway, 72, continental, cause, china, will, not, take, and, he, saw, hu running from the fire, called, moscow, and, amexico, attacking, and, let me see here, said, the, tap dancers, china will, boom, one sixth, of, moscow, left, and, leon bakers, son, pointed, with a golden, finger, fuck, he, its a warning, he knew it, hes, prayed, and slept, get out of here, showed, leon, baker, no, signs, and, hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, and, complained, prayed, pastor, mark stone, easy, you, made us all tremble, I want out of here, he thought, from bob speaking, I want to pastor him, we all want, that, your wrong, but, bob, told visions and dreams, and, prophesied, like, JOEL, says, and, mark, knew it, mark, wants, to, get, bobs, blood, on his hand, s, stone, bob, will, close, him, tonight, he, said, record, the vision, hollie, showed, and waited, and, slept, mark, stone, you want bob, said, gnen schmidt, no way, God tells bob, what to say, uto, submarine sound, and subs, I want it right here, pointed, benjamin garrot jr., will tremble, at prayer, requests, when, go there, bob, and shake, hands, with your brother, record the vision, wash, the black chariot, with hu and the pope, and, unbelievable, and hollie, played the horn, lula, castrol, china is the horn, that, came up last, and my hegoat, smote, and, up, came, hu, the pope, and, the emporer of japan, and the idol shepard, slashed, satan shot out of hell, and, boom, whew said the pope, controlled, I believe our economy left, said, mark stone, right here, pulpit, record, the vision, theres, the alarm, record the vision, and, the lighted Jesus pointed, saddam, hussein, dead, shot, said, the angel, and, and, anartica, on fire, like, hollie, showed, dim gold hands, iraq, and, hollie, showed, to, record, mark stone, will, preach, against, visions, tell patty, did, clap your hands, and make a joyfull, noise, saw, and, God winked, the, black chariot, keep it, is what, and, that was, a mouth, in the white mist, spoke, and hollie, tore up the, con, spirit, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, eat, said, the possum, I, need in your wallet, said, pastor, mark stone, wreck, that is what, they want, you to do, and, he saw, bob, on, mark, stones hand, hell, hell is for hollie, flames, on the wrecker, I know it, said, pastor, mark stone, tell me about it, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, why dont, you, tell, it, then, lier, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, and, Jesus appeared, out of the light, work, at u.p.s., truck, tithe, at, hand of help, horn, and, hollie, pointed, flames, wrecker, hell, lava, bob, this is, mark, and, mark, stone, pointed, listen mark, and, Jesus, in the sky, descended, on the cloud, theres, the alarm, punk, thinnks, josey, theres the alarm, theres, trouble bob, josey, the united states, desolate, one hour, record, showed, the angel, let me alone, said, mark, stone, why do you preach in, Jesus, s, name, and, theres, hollie, and hollie, showed, the time, lighted, angry, horses, pointed, and theres, the black chariot, hu, and the pope, fox, and hollie, on the m.x., missile, golden, and, dim yellow bear paws, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and the pope is the mouth piece, and, magog is the body, that is, north and south, korea, china is japan, right, here, said, patty barger, we need it, said, mark stone, situate, connected, and hu, running from the fire, missiles, moscow and china, the pope and hu, aimed, right at, each, o, ther, and hollie, tore up the con, quest, 666, born at the table, between, and the lighted finger pointed, put, it, up here, thats, the, popes image, 666, tattooed, required, after, one, gets filled with the Holy Ghost, thats it, Jesus, pastors, bobby, iran, exploded, iraq, the palestinian state, north and south america, and, in between, moscow and china, yugoslavia, kuwait, japan, taiwan, italy, france, u.k., all, destroyed, and he dreamed, he went back, to westside pentecostal, church, donald winters, in a, wheel chair, they clicked, and he told the dream, sleeping, you are, sleeping, with, the, Lord, sang, diana hughey, sleeping, with the Lord, sleeping with the Lord, lava, lake, rocks, hell, and yugoslavai, exploded, missile, and the ice cream truck, clear day, boom, nuclear, explosion, and, hollie, tattooed, 666, write the vision, hollie, on hu, the pope, and, the emporer of japan, put your visions, right here, 666, for, arm, head, popes, image, finger, hand, like, hu, showed, and hollie, smiling,a nartica, on fire, hollie, showed, dim, yellow, hands, and babyfleas, bit, the prophets, head, off, undecided look, aging, look at that, God, that was, the reach out to Jesus vision, thats the, one, to, sell, thats, the one, to, keep, sell, keep, pointed, like, hollie, showed, vision overload, and hollie licked the prophet, angel, that was Jesus with lighted, thats, the, cat woman, pointed, hollie, horn, war, is, coming, called, china, and, japan, git, ready, said, mark, stone, we aint, gonna let you, not here, put, it, right, here, pulpit, liars, we wont have you, he said, sleeping with the eye of the Lord, watching, over, you, diana, hughey, sang, golden, hand, mouth, in white mist, dim yellow hands, nuclear war, coming, and, the world, wobbled, look, that, that was, like, new jerusalem, lighted crystal, that, hollie, pointed, hollie, pointed, no, plane, hit, building, piloted, by, mark, stone, laughed, when saw, and, turned into, sherrif, mckinney, same o, cut off, pastors, I, need some more, oil, thought bush, uto, iran, and, three kings, shall, stand, up, in, persia, there are, the pope, the emporer of japan, hu, and the idol shepherd, slashed, and hillary clinton, cried, and turned into satan, baby, president, theres, the alarm, that was, hollie, and, the angel, showed, theres, the, alarm, did you pray, said, the angel of the Lord, yes I did, did you fast, no, that is, why, nuclear, earth, quake, said the angel, of, the Lord, this is, what, causes, the city, israel, to, be, di, vided, into, three, parts, called, the, iranq, war, that is why, you can not, take them over, hell, that is for hollie, flames on the window, thats my word, most, pastors, and hollie, tattooed, 666, and the popes image, theres, the, alarm, I, had, a dream, said, hillary clinton, night vision, all, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, and hollie, pointed, at, carl, brizzi, prosecutor, he is, wanting to, be, mayor bart pettersons replacement, and wont, and will eliminate, the democratic parties, chance, of, and he saw, the handicapped, persons, heart, rage, dont, we, need more, oil, said, bush, iran, boom, watch, hell, hell is for hollie, flames, on the, bus, and hollie, tattooed, 666, what, happened, to, sears, building, boom, down, watch, piloted by, that, hollie, flames, on the bus, were, gitton, ready, to, need you, said, mark, stone, we, know, said, patty barger, your, puttin, us, all, in, the lake, I, wanna go home, wailed, the paul mooney girl, no, give, me, something, oral, sechs, but, strip me, so, I, can, do what, I, want, and, he, saw, the fire, man, come, down, in mark stones, church, bobby, your gonna, have to, git, somebody, to hear you, mark, told a vision, but, mark, was, not fulfilled, and he saw, the zion ship, and, come back, no, thats, the girl from paul mooneys, church, and the angel showed, and hollie, no, yes, she said, make up your mind, yes, no, cut off, showed, Jesus, and Jesus behind, the, white, ZION, ship, would, ya, let, me, thought, mark, pastor, but, get the phone, bobby, take it easy, yes, said the girl from paul mooneys, church, yep, bob, told, visions, of, yep, planes, hitting buildings, not, russia, mark, that was in his heart, now, he knows, bob, does, what, God, leads, right here, pulpit, he aint, gonna, let you, thought mark stone, mark, didnt offer, insult me, said, Jesus, liar, both, patty barger, you know my name, and, mark, stone, and wont, now, empty pews, record, showed, the angel, with, partial, hair, loss, and, the lighted, finger pointed, powder was about him being Jesus, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, lighted, mark, cut off, stone, right, here, he, told, the Lord, and, God winked, but, he did not offer, the pulpit, desolate, you told him all of the biblical mysteries, and he still withstood, you, sang, Jesus, right after you left, he, saw, what, he did, and, almost, wept, Emmanuel temple closed, git out of, here, thought the woman, with him, no, said, the girl from paul mooneys, church, right here, pulpit, at, calvary temple, but, paul, wont, let cut off, mooney, go home, said, the angel, talking to, mark stone, stripped, gods going to, use, you, is, what they all think, go ahead, said, Jesus, get saved, that is, what, they, really, mean, bobby, we need you, out there, they, all, want, now, des, o, late, watch, closed, mark, will have to, dig, into, and will, pocket, it was full, now, and they talk about it, cowards, asid the, marine, there, on the pulpit, like that, as, of, here is, how, this is hollie, with, the loose, belt, post, it, sound, and, the plane, hit the building, and hollie, pointed, at, the, heat vent, lighted, marks, church, he will have to, im broke, I, missed you, said, Jesus, dig into his own pocket, and, mark stone, pointed, with a lighted, tell the vision, tell the vision, says, Jesus, I heard, said, mark, stone, now, we, need him, but he closed you, out, pulpit, you knew, lie, er, and hollie, and he saw, mark, stones, church, how it should be, full of people, but, its going to empty, and the lucas oil bottle, put, its, hand, on the bible, and, Jesus, showed, cut off, I do, not, do, what, they, claim, I, slow, oil, flow, and, at, zero, engine wear, lets go, said, mark, stone, but, when, there, he, wont evern, approach, em, thought, patty, even after, he preached, and God, told, bob, and bob, get out of here, thought, patty, even, after, and she will, tell, and he did, you, said, no, visions, until, Holy, thats true, but, we all had visions, before, they will all see it, and, leave, mark, closed, him, himself, what are you, talking about, he said, no, you are, false, not led, but, you were wonderful, he, thinks, but, out, I caint, let, you, he said, bob, behind, but, bob, is, and he knows, full of, the, and he isnt, that coating is, way thicker, but, and syria, exploded, those rings, need oil, real, quick, uto, lucas, oil, sta, bi, li, zer, is, not, smart, saith, I want it, agin, they all thought, after, bob, get him, thought, patty, but, the church is, dead, brother, barger, is, like, and patty knows it, said, jack, off, bar, ger, tell it, said, Jesus, mark stone, asked, Jesus, to take bob, on, and, it was, because, of, alright, said, patty, bar, ger, him, that revival, was, there, he has, the, Holy, allright, Ghost, and, now, what, mark, stone, seemed, we need some mercy here, said, mark, to have, will, be, stipped, away, and the people will leave, allright, said, patty barger, insurance, is, law, but, 11-6-2006-ron, schwar, z, is, cut off, no sign, s, record, the vision, you, blessed, I know, said, mark, stone, now, desolate, he, wanted, bob, out, you ruint, the whole church, he will, think, but, no anointing, his, preaching, you blew it, sounds, good, but, God asked, bob, what, did, get, out, of, it, nothing, when mark, told the vision, of the, church, expanding, and bob saw, it, full, and, empty, bob got stirred, like, all, but, the preaching, dead, and, record, the vision, hell, is for hollie, and, the, seven heads, on, the, beasts, tongue, and, they are, and, he, saw, the pope, rising out of the g8, with, america, as, the, woman, there, you have it, said, the, tap dancers, and, the pope, and, hu, were, two of them, thats, the, new, world, order, thats, vision, overload, saddam, hussein, sang the tap dancers, will be, shot, and, the, pope and hu, and the fighting irish, guy, notre dame, were, three of them, raise your hands, and repeat after me, russia is the beast, and, thats, the, pope, and putin kneeling before, him, dont go to pittsburgh, boom, and the angel blew out, bobby, right here, pointed, patty barger, I, want, my, vision, s, on, the inter, net, sang, the, relay song singers, with, clean rectums, and, the man, smiled, singer, remember me, and, I, will, remember you, sang, the, Lord, the united states will be, a, desolation, and, hollie, tore up the must not be fake, said, patty barger, leave er alone, said, Jesus, Im, cut off, no, signs, but, prophet, your, cut off, and, wanting, to, take, me with you, that was, wrong, your vision, pointed, mark stone, with a lighted, finger, that, was, a dream, it, was, wrong, that, and hollie, pointed, out of the ring, that, at, hollie, that, and, the plane, hit, the, building, alright, that, said, patty barger, call and tell, like, dumitru, the vision, that, said, hollie, that, in, the, ring, bright, that, hollie, that, pointing, that, at, the plane, that, ricardo, montabaln, that, the plane, midget, hit the building, that, boom, it, wont, stand, up, that, itll stand, sears tower down, that, bush, that, attackin, that, assassin, that, nated, that, america, and china, that, going to war, that, boom, that, and the world wobbled, that, that, no, showed, mark stone, that, tell visions, that, outside, that, that was, good, watch, that, and, the, angel, outside, of, that, mark, stones, church, that, and, hollie, that, blowed, that, the trumpet, from, the ring, bright, light, that, horn, played, and putin, and, I cant believe him, said, patty barger, he, God tells him, she, saw, mark, preached against, like bob told patty, no said, mark stone, having visions, that, before, Holy Ghost, baptism, that, everybody, has, that, not, preminitions, that, four, horns, rose, out of, that, internet, porno, cut off, showed, Jesus, children, watch, and japan, took, three missiles, one said mark stone, kuwait, no, that, and south korea, that, put it right there, pointed, geradine barger, it was right there, brother, heaggy, but, you wanted him out, that, saddam hussein, that, knows, in, so many hours, that, lake of fire, wait a minute mr. christian, we want ya, said, mark, right here, pulpit, stone, that, so his church will fill back up, allright, no way, down, showed, the prophet, hit, the alter, that, wear a suit, that, he preaches, in, what, he wears, that, to change oil, with, that, check your oil with your hands, like hollie, showed, that, anartica, on fire, that, hands, that, I, want, you fast, said, patty barger, for me, that, no, way, iran, and, syria, boom, bush, the world will tilt, that, pointed, hollie, out of the ring, bobby, moscow, and china, that, boom, that, america, that, all of, the western hemisphere, that, destroyed, south america, latin, north, that, most of africa, that, and hollie, showed, anartica, that, on fire, dim yellow hands, allright said, Jesus, theres, what, cless barger saw, the wall, and, shot up, full of, people, hell, and, the flames, folk in the fire, that, pastors, like mark stone and donald winters, star wars, they were, all prophets, and, now, cut off, over, that, show, many work, they wont, tell, allright, said, george lucas, he, and the lighted being pointed, and, mark, stone, shot, by telling, his, vision, of, the, church, being addded on to, empty, almost, that, they, all, are, thinking, theres, the alarm, why didnt, you, live, for, Jesus, and, Jesus, laughed, to fullfill, that, the church will, be, full again, thats, what, and the lighted, being, pointed, wnts, radio, station, is about, worship mark, cold, stone, and, the lighted, being, tore up the con, spirit, om prayin, the whole church, that, bob, spoke, that, alter call, that, many, went, that, old, im out, said, patty barger, all right with me, bobby, tellum, that, mark stone, cut off, that, stephen hanson, in the fire, that, hollie, pointed, lighted, bobby, he ll use, ya, thought, no, he, is, cut off, mark stone, thumbs down, showed, Jesus, mark, stones, church, I lost, some people, over, forty three, and, now, all are, cut off, that, go there, ill, put, you on the radio, said, mark, stone, out, said, bob, that, the palestinian state, and iraq on fire, we know, said, mark, stone, liar, that, brought in by bush, oil, contracts, that, and hollie, showed, the, time, that, aries, sold, that, was, a lighted being running, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, clap your hands and make a joyfull noise unto, the Lord, that, flames, that, hell, lava, people are naked in there, bobby, mark stone, wanted, control, like, all pastors, and, now, closed, I dont need it, mark stones, church, they, tell me, you left, mark, stone, your, sleeping, with, God, watching, over you, sinners, diana, hughey, thief, she got it, said, JEsus, stroke, coming, and that was, china is, magog, the leopard, your, sleeping, with, Jesus, watching over, you, diana, sings, stroke, bobby, I, perish, said, mark, stone, im, not, and, the white spirit, its, his, turn, out, that, was, hu running from the fire, moscow, and the golden bear paws, hands, with, in the middle of them, im a bear, me, putin, moscow, satan, is, the, that, head, magog, is the body, that, s, north and south korea, china, and, japan, that was, bright light, Jesus, appeared, china, is, boom, from, ohio class subs, and, moscow, thats, captain ernest, in the ohio class sub, lucifer, tricked, me, he, said, my hitler, sent me, to, a, trap, look, there, bismarck, found, they, knew, neutral port, out, that was a lighted, seven headed serpent, with, g8, thats, what, we want, said, pastor, stone, but, sit, and dont, speak, the, united, states, will, attack, syria, soon, said, the angel of the LOrd, that, was, satan, shh, the red faced, man, bobby, the horn, that, pointed, the building, boom, many, that, aon, center, sears, eifel, that, watch, that was a building, we need more, oil, said, bush, being, hit by, that, plane, pointed, lighted, that, pointed, boom, watch, tell mark stones, church to pray, more, said, hollie, coming out of the flute, blown, by, mark, stone, that, was, Gods eye, said, the, pope, were the olsens, twins, and, both, buildings, in chicago, on fire, thats, the word, and he saw, the sears tower, like the trade center, the aon, built better, withstands, that was another, building being, hit, i am a priest, all people, to God, that was hollie, putting back, the con, trap, china, will, destroy, taiwan, and, use, terrorists, to, attack, to, create, caois, bill knew about, clinton, the prophecy clubs, look, at, that, take it, said, clinton, he, beleived it, and, jiang zemin, with, a gun, pointed, but, bill, with, the nuclear, button, that, was, a lighted, finger, and he turned into, the, hu, and, the, vice, president, bill clinton, watch, that was, Jesus, coming out of, the, light, pod, seek, theres, the, alarm, and hollie, licked the prophet, and the angel, of, the LOrd, and, Jesus, has, the prophet, in his mouth, thats, hu, running from the fire, moscow and china, look, at, that, magog, and the pope, greek orthadoxed, agreement, control, hu, and, the leader of japan, prophet that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, and the lighted, pointed, that, was, bear, paws, im a bear, and thats putin, and, the, ten toes, ruling party, that, pointed, Jesus, intercede, that, patty is, ccalling, that, bring, him here, pulpit, not, that, was, a lighted, finger, theres, hollie, like a fire, bear, waving, im a bear, me, putin, and, both coasts, up in flames, and, up the middle, satan, is, the head, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, magog, is the body, thats my vision, like a fire bear, waving, the, palestinian state, is gaza, and, the red finger pointed, i, am a, god, said, hu, and, im the beast, said, the pope, and, on the tongue of, hollies, in hot water, mark, stone, wants, bob, out, and, knows, when, bob, leaves, there, goes, and the finger, pointed, the Holy Ghost, with him, so, mark is, this is how, people, find out, when they call, and, God, does not, answer, mark, is, cut off, its, a, show, he, said, cause, of, you, pointed, the lighted, Jesus, he, had, to get you out, now, God, is, putting, him, out, hold, it, said, Jesus, God, never, put, him, there, thats the doorbell, who is, it, mark, stone, what, does he want, shh, satan, slam, thats, the beast, rising out of, the sea, like, a fire, pope, theres, the alarm, and, he, saw, the angels, legions, were, having a food, recession, in america, soon, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, and the popes face in the horn, hu s, and, and let me see here, the emporer of japan, and the idol shepherd, slashed, pope, and hollie, tattood, 666, saudi arabia, took, a missile, and, kuwait, iran, iraq, the palestinian state, and, iraq, look, that, both on fire, and, no, said, hollie, that, the plane hit the building, that, aon, that, soundesign, stero receiver, thumbs, up, that, will, out last, that, theres, the alarm, and, God winked, kuwait, boom, america, buy, the coke, there, buy the gas, there, like, hollie, showed, hell is for hollie, flames, truck, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, chevrolet caprice, thumbs, up, carburated, nineteen highway, heres, what is going on, bush, is going to, let, suicide, airplanes, by not, protecting, america, will, start, collapsing, and, hollie, pointed, smiling, honda, 51 miles, per gallon, record, the vision, Jesus showed, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, and, hollie, and, hu, running, from, the, fire, moscow and china, and, hollie, showed, anartica, on fire, china, has, it, made, right, now, blew it, said, the angel of the LOrd, taiwan, come back, or, this is how, they will, destroy, and that will, warren, boyd, place, your, hand, I got it, on the bible, what are you, money, said, mrs. boyd, we, need it, to, build, a church, and, ruint, sell, thats, exactly, what, they did, says, the, Lord, ruint, no, mistake, said, mrs. body, how, do we, get, outta, it, said, warren, boyd, there, we, need atleast, three hundred thousand, that was the fire, man, that, you did not speak in tongues, at, my church, so, we did not think, get em, out, thought, boyd, warren, and, pointed, it, was, planned, we, ruint, we, know it, said, mrs. boyd, and, hollie, tattood, 666, like sam neill, on, the, arm, I, thought we had it, but, warren, decieved us, by, he was decieved himself, thumbs up showed, hollie, chevrolet, mini van, now, how do we get out, said, boyd, warren, that church will not pay for itself, bread of life pentecostal church, sang, Jesus, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, and, hollie, showed, hollie, hollie, lighted, finger, theres, sound, God, showed, bob, israel, will, mostly be, destroyed, by, nuclear, exchange, from, iraq, and Jesus laughed, dumitru dudumans, vision was accurate, just like stan had it, written, hillary clintons going to do it, to get out of iraq, with, the, oil, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, walk, with your coffee, bob, we dont need it, said, the girl, from, warren, boyds, church, it is desparte, how, can, you know whats, coming, the word, said, boyd warren, the problem is, they dont, understand, the word, we, need it, said, boyd, and, the lighted finger pointed, and hollie, showed, warren, I did, not, do, you, wrong, I, wanted, him out, said, boyd, warren, but, Jesus, wanted, and he saw, murderer, written, over, boyd, warren, s, head, why, didnt, the republicans, speaker of the, house, warn, when they were, im guilty, thats why, tom foleys, interest, in high school, boys, git, up, they are, all, dont, go to, bel, guim, and he saw, it, explode, it will, taiwan, will, be, destroyed, by, raise your hands, and repeat after, me, said, the pope, china, and typhon, hit, china, not, taiwan, bob, I want your blood, said, showed, micheal boldea, on my hands, and he saw, him on his hands, they are, cut, off, all, now, 11-7-2006-theres the alarm, and the lighted pointed, and belgium exploded, alarm, alarm, completely destroyed, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, and licked the prophet, belgium, is, staging, its war, said, hollie, nuclear, missiles, for moscow, got it showed, bush, target, saith the Lord, america, russia has, missiles, in eighteen countries, seventeen plus itself, said, george bush, including, moscow, checkoslyvakia, and, its, called, where, ever, they, can, stage thier subs, russia, for, so many years, has, acted, like, broke, but, they, have, nore, money, we, need it, said, hollie, its, in, the bank, they have, about, four trillion, dollars, and, bush, thats, and, stupid, america, gives, them, money, borrows, break, your, missiles, down, the cia, will read this, and, so will moscow, they, took, those missiles, apart, right here, all of those, stages, submarines, drydock, they call it, are, not far, and, they, can, fire, out of those subs, even if, they, sink, bush, knows, china and russia, more, money, says, the Lord, and, theres the alarm, syria, and, iran, exploded, and kuwait, saudi arabia, africa, heres where those missiles, are, russia has them in, you know it, said, putin, nicaragua, ortega, cuba, still, subs, no said, hollie, mexico, watch, friendship, calderon and putin, venezuela, we dont need, um, said, lula, but, shook, his head, yes, we got three, said, chavez, right now, aimed right at the usa, got it said, the cia, when, your, economy collapses, boom, said, hollie, watch, out, it will at the end, bobby, theres, the devil, and that is, germany, they allow, both, like, east and west, and, he, saw, belgium, explode, from, moscow, missiles, being there, most, of, the world, will be, destructed, when, america, hits, china, look at that, the palestinian state and iraq on fire, both, american, nukes, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, and, JEsus, showed, to, record, the vision, and hollie, pointed, and, Jesus showed, iraq, get america out, use moscow, or, and you wont, russia, I give you my wells, alright, said, and putin, told bush, and, the iranian president, and iran, exploded, well take it, said, bush, o no you wont, well share, allright, satan, tells me im leavin, sang, kenneth haney, pentecost, is so far away from Jesus, that they do not, Just come to, most, of, the pentecostal, churches, in indianapolis, you need, to, git, outta, here, they, all know, bob, and, he, allright, said, pentecostal, pastor, and he was, were gonna loose you, in his, dressed, preaching, nobody gives God thier best, help me, said, right here, said, the leader of, p.a.w., but, if, bob, shows, no, way, he, showed, he, spoke, with, prophesied, God told him, and he told paul mooney, assisstant, u.c.p.i., and paul knew it, but, since, paul, rejected, JEsus, paul, got, cut off, right there, and bob, told him, what, he heard it, your done, when, in front of, we, need him, when, the indiana, bible college, students, told, paul, the visions, I, backslided, said, the lecturer, paul, mooney, and now, hand of help, no people, say, is cut off, and, michael, boldea, is, wanting, to, sue, and, he, knows, who, but, God, theres, the, alarm, sound, said, hollie, set, right, here, pointed, think about, your eternity, record, the vision, go here, and post, here, o israel, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, your, nation, will, be, hit, nuked, out of, iraq, and, you, will, fire, back, repent, tell, the, vision, and, be, baptized, in JEsus Christ, name, and, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, gotycha, we, intercepted it, the arrow, is, the, patriot, three, it, wont, and, hollie, showed, anartica, on fire, dim yellow hands, bobby, I think, we ruint, after, get, out, there, aint, no visions, in pentecost, because, there, are, no, apostolics, in pentecost, vision overload, your not seekin, said, mrs., fuller, what, yelled, Jesus, why are, you, I believe, Im, catholic, same, o, religion, and, hollie, showed, again, the world, wobbling, from, kuwait, saudi arabia, iraq, iran, belgium, syria, yugoslavia, and, hollie, showed, again, america, moscow and china, all of the western hemispere, taiwan, japan, and theres, the horn, and belgium, exploded, from, america, attacking, and the lighted finger pointed, hit, korea, north and south, we, wont, believe it, said, paul mooney, until, JEsus, and he saw, freddy, krue, ger, pull up, hism, shirt, and, four heads, magog, that is, north and south, korea, china and japan, situate, china is, the, horn that, came up last, they didnt, said, mrs., fuller, I forgave you, you, had, alter, call, and I, slapped, but we did, nt, your welcome, to, fellowship, not, that is, the house of prayer, not, Jesus descended on the cloud, and, hollie, and, the angel, of the LOrd, licked the prophet, out, said, hollie, paul mooney, new church, on pew, full, everybody, sit right, here, pulpit, so, invite, not, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, artificial, pregnacy, not, abomination, and mark, stone pointed, record the prophet, Im the beast, said, the serpent, with, and the pope, had, seven, horns, and they are, heads, same o, king, s, what did I, hear, that, said, hollie, that, from the ring, that, pointed, hollie, that, hell is for hollie, that, the, hit, the building, that, many, buildings, that, untill, bush, says, enough, target, that, syria, for doing it, that, and, saudi arabia, that, bush, that, will, that, and, Jesus, that, showed, the time, lighted, theres, the alarm, theres, the alarm, wher are, you gonna, git, outta, here, bob, said, rms., ful, ler, they are, cut, and, they, know it, at, kent, gray, s, church, bobby, korea, north and south, destroyed, by, america, and, moscow, bobby, they, need it, stopped, there mouths, uncircumcised, no, Holy Ghost, theres, hollie, showed, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, hands, brought in by, bush, dim yellow, im, outta here, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble bob, patty barger, knowing, you know what I want, a broken, spirit, and a contrite heart, humble, alaska, boom, china, boom, moscow, and, america, wait, eliminated each other, amerirussia, that was Jesus spreading his arms, white robe, many people hate the Lord, because, he will not save, them, but, they, are, pastors, mostly, trying, to, get, God, out, like, when, JEsus, walked, the face of the, earth, I, found it, said, danny thomas, I went to hell, cut off, knew, church, dead, numbers, economy, back, said, the pope, then, look out, wait a minute, mr. christian, and hollie licked the prophet, lets, pray, now we want the prophet, said, mrs., gray, said, the angel, of the Lord, hold it, said, Jesus, lets eat said, danny thomas, I lost, it, possum, in the grage, called, raccoon, pointed, lighted, being, and, the hollie showed, played, the horn, you ruint, I, know, cried, danny, thomas, in his heart, and God winked, cause we, want, money, back, said, mrs., thats what, everybody, wants, fuller, hell, hollie, pointed, whoever kills, saddam hussein, avenges, right here, pulpit, five million, mullahs, theres, the beast, with one, horn, the pope, those ten crowns, ruling party, around, magog, bobby, you can hurt me, said, the raccoon, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, and pointed, bobby, our national holiday in america, they tell me you slipped said, pastor, danny thomas, I, was, never, saved, danny, put, your hand, on, the bible, do you swear to tell the truth, here, o israel, I lust, you, said, mrs., fuller, and, I swear, what, do, you preach for, worship, me, said, danny, thomas, theres, the pope, like, an, angel, of light, we, need you, right here, said, danny, thomas, pulpit, but, when, bob, showed, up, and, told, many visions, I, dont, want, it, is, basically, what he said, what, he told, during, prayer, requests, time, many, visions, but, he, liked, it, about eight buildings, thats enough, said, the mullah, america, collapsing, and bush, nuclear, shut your mouth, said, JEsus, I, cant, heard it, said, danny thomas, Im broken, but, I still, pastor, and, he, saw, worship me, thats, what, people do, worship there, pastor, s, that, was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, you know it, and, Jesus, pointed, lighted, syria is, not, behind, any terrorism, its, saudia, arabia, the new leader, uto, backed, 9-11, saudi, did, fahd, not, bushs, friend, and, knew it, but, bush did not, care, go showed, Jesus, coffee, drink, dumitru dudman, danny thomas, will have about two pews, invite, them back, worship me, is what, they, will, tell, no, I want money, no signs, damascus is a ruiness heap, gaza, the palestinian state, we want you, right, here, said, danny thomas, not, brought in by bush, I, took, sombodies, sins away, but, shut up, danny thomas, said, hollie, figures, somebody, pay me, said, danny, thomas, that, that, the plane hit the building, that, I, took, almost, a, million away, our govenrment, leon baker, s, son, that was, hollie, stupid, he said, tearing up the con, spirit, fire, scene, send over, more, terrorists, america, is, filled, with, Gods eye, sell it, said, hollie, and, the, lighted, being, pointed, hollie pointed, that, was, fire, faced, man, that was a fire, being, from, the, back, partially, that was satan, Im the beast, said, the, pope, shhh, bob, dreamed, finding food, and gave, some, away, but for animals, and, the lighted finger pointed, food recession coming, and he saw, the bright, light, man, Jesus, no, said, hollie, and hollie, showed, pointed, car wash, hollie, showed, hell, is for hollie, and hollie licked the prophet, go get it, the, world, or, this, Jesus, youll, never, find, it, thought, kent, gray, but, and he saw, a, woman, fisting, a, wo, man, that is, why, judgement, has, to come, fast, saith, the Lord, bizzare, sex, scenes, on the internet, repent, or, and the pope, s, head, came out of the horn, and he saw, new jerusalem, of, lighted, sky, scra, pers, many, 11-8-2006-pastor, kent, jordan, why do you pastor, worship me, he said, yeah, and, Jesus, showed, record, and the pope, on, the, penus head, gay, that is, from, satan, no, people, getting, thier conciousess, seared, and the pope, on the lighted, penus, you missed it, said, and, hollie pointed, and, Jesus, showed, im one of your sisters, how old are you, fifteen, doing, internet, porno, and children, watching, angering, JEsus, and Jesus showed, to record, woman, are, hold it, cumming, right in the mouth, and God, there, are, I, cant, save, a murderer, thats, what, abortion, and the, lighted, finger, pointed, hold it, the plane, 9-11, coming, many times, in, america, no, body, wants, me, said, pastor, kent, jordan, you messed with me, said, JEsus, who, said, kent, you, stepped into, the pulpit, un, and you knew it, saved, with, satan, s, face, you, said, it, said, right here, pulpit, now, but, when, bob, led, came, to, see, you, many, years ago, so, now, told visions, christian tabernacle, apostolic faith church, wrong, the man said, many have, come, and, said, and, were, still open, but, the master, destroyers, bob, and Jesus, look at that, Im broke, you said, it, record, the vision, that, the, plane, hit the building, wrong, God, hand, has, reached, out, like, henry gruver, saw, protected, lift, and hollie pointed, worthy said, Jesus, drink, coffee, and, no, and, no, be, led, and Jesus, showed, compassion, he was running, for kent jordan, he doesnt, I let it go, the man, at, kent, jordans, church, got, you, said, the girl, right here, from, paul, mooneys, church, come and baptist, said, kent, jordan, no signs, church, will, empty, watch, how did, you get, dirty, said, Jesus, not, seeking, check your oil with your hands, thick and slick, keep, and hollie pointed, pay, thats, the, relay, singers, song, the Lord cut me off, to, the lake, said, kent, jordan, submarine sound, theres, the submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on, boom, and america, exploded, and the woman, came up, statue of liberty, and the pope, in, the, horn, pastor, jordan, is, cut off, kent, words, russia is the bear, with, seven, heads, and ten horns, and, he, saw, putin, kneeling before, the pope, the black chariot, horses, black and red, to quiet, and, destroy, horses, with, hu, and, the, pope, and God winked, the seven heads are, the g8, with, america, as the woman, the g8, are, americas, allies, and, putin, that, that, figures, right there, in the g8, with, ten crowns, ruling, party,a round magog, kings, thats gabriel, being, fisted, turn over, loose, bowells, uuuu, and the outlaws Jesus, vest, motorcycle, rev, peel out, with, chain, not belt, and the outlaws, motorcycle club, 883, with laugh, we saw it, I want you to kill that bastard, lambert gates, never agin, said, JEsus, that church, is, in, debt, much, and, tomorrow, will start, loosing, how to beat china, nuke, right away, thats it, heres, what, their doin, flooding, thier bowells, and, clap your hands, and make a joyfull noise, unto Jesus, said, psychic, said, lambert w. gates, he already cut me off, said, the girl, from, paul mooneys, church, look, at, that, christians, areent, perfect, just forgiven, bumper sticker, you are, perfect, git, out, of, here, thought, jordan, kent, when, he, dont tell me about, kuwait, missiles, saudai, arabia, africa, pointed, hollie, hell, moscow, and china, and all of the western hemisphere, france, u.k., and, japan, took, three, missiles, theres, the black chariot pointed, the lighted, finger, with the pope and hu, lula, the chariots of horses, bob, crowned, what is the black horses, to quiet the Spirit, of Jesus, the red, take peace off of the earth, and, lu, cifer, rode, fear Jesus, jordan, should look like that, with gray hair, now, all brown, its, iraq, look, that, the palestinian state and iraq, brought in by bush, oil contracts, right, here, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble in persia, called, george bush, tell me about the palestinian state, its, gaza forsaken, and that is, damascus, and hollie, showed, pointed, I warned, you, nice, said, Jesus, this is heaven, this is hell, lava, glass, city, lighted, theres, kent jordan, in the lava, he will see, with, all of, paul, jordan, son, all, apostolic, pentecostal pastors, and, mckinney, mark, will, see this, russia has, atomic missiles, aimed, at most of americas allies, hollie, in, the, ring, that, pointed, at, hollie, that, the plane, hit, the building, that, boom, many, coming, that, new president, pointed, the lighted, hillary clinton, after dick cheney, give, warning, said, Jesus, come, unto me, all ye, that, are, heavey, laden, and I will give, you rest, my burden, is, easy, bobby, we wanted, control, churches, we, just got home, buy me a suit, on the church, said, danny thomas, living off of, sin, italy, boom, look at me, showed, hollie, no blood, but my own, and, jakes, t.d., is, open, not, but, close, hes not, jordan, is the only one, im, warning, he is, not, supposed to hire, or, step, cast, hes on it, right now, I deleted like, stop pointed, Jesus, dark being, the pope, and three, horns, rose, after, alaska, and he saw, nuked, america, and, he, saw, drum sticks, lighted, horn, flute, hollie came out, clapping, tell, the internet, that, mark, mckinney is, cut off, jordan, time, is, running, out, saith the Lord, israel, nuked, bush, and, the, lighted finger, pointed, and he saw, out of iraq, gaza, fire, on, thats, damascus, git, over, there, testify, and, hollie, came, out of, the flute, tell israel, to, repent, thats, isreal, needs to, repent, quickly, saith, the LOrd, its, a, black bird, the stealth, bombers, are, almost, but, russia, and putin smiled, no, way, write the vision, they, can get, the, f-117a, but, thats, it, the other, not, high tech, i, wanted, a lesbian, affair, but, I, could, not, find, a, woman, to do it, with, right, here, sang, celene, dion, worship is what she wants, your picture is worth zero, sang, celene dion, theres, the alarm, and hollie took it, and, syria, and, iran, exploded, there, goes, kuwait, and suadi arabia, thats the, 9-11, the new leader, allright, backers, coffee, said, delvert spall, go git, said, the angel, of the Lord, you need to tell it, israel, has, no, saved, people, but, after, america, hits, and, he saw, gaza on fire, boom, what about, miami, boom, the great earth quake, from subs, out of, and the woman, came up, and a white hand, showing, number one, america, will be, desolate, thats old, nope, forever, liars, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, korea, said, the china jap man, is, magog, with, china, yeah, japan, I, did not, know, that, the man, preachin, at, calvary tabernacle, church, was cut off, like, me, said, kent, jordan, with, gray, hair, seek, me, saith the LOrd, and hollie, showed, to prayer walk, with her coast on, blue, bandana, again, whered, he go, he cant, stay, you are all cut off, and will, try, to, get him, off, china is, and he saw, come over here and sit down, knowing, that, he has, they dont want, putin, anger, ing, hu, putin, turned into the ram, and, angering, cause, us, america, is, grabbing, oil, conracts, america, is, collapsing, its own, economy, to, iraq, but, its, infrastructure, is, being, torn, down, war, buildings, said, the pope is brewing, lets, rule the world, sang, putin, taiwan, is, destroyed, Jesus, showed, to, record, the vision, juveniles, detained, whip, hard, untill, fuck israel, said, the pope, hates, theres, the alarm, and, stephen hanson, in the fire, smiling, when, looking, hollie, pointed, lighted, hit iran, look out, said putin, hit moscow, then, they will, plan, out, americas, demise, already, russia, china, north, korea, and, dont, you forgit, about, meheco, cuba, nicaragua, venezuela, brazil, and the lighted pointed, planning at a table, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, in the ring, that, pointed, put, the, contract, back, together again, didnt, the angel, hollie, say, tell, lets have church, shake, and hollie, shook, danny thomas s, hand, you like visions, tell them, outside, north and south, korea, you aint lookin, said, the pope, took one missile each, that, was satan, shh, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, satan, shh, like a fire, faced, turned into the pope, chevrolet, allisons, closed, no pension, s, fire, take it outside, leon baker, theres, the alarm, lets, collapse bob, check you oil, with your hands, thick and slick, keep, like, hollie, showed, no, give it to my son, said, leon, cut off, right here, liar, bob was there, ba, ker, both, and knew, lets tell my visions, a the church, out, no, the people, want, it, said, pastor, mark, mckin, ney, stone, bring bob here, said, patty, im barger, said, jo, and, what, you are, both, all, cut off, all bargers, ok, said, patty, but, no signs, persia, is, all of, the, middle, east, come, said, mark, stone, and witness, to, cut, off, people, wanting, mercy, but dont seek it, because, of, murderer, mark, stone, doesnt, himself, know, this is how, intruding, is, dan, ger, ous, like, kent, I got it, liar, jordan, no signs, bobby, when we hit japan, you hit, south, korea, I wont, take it, said, the president, of, the south, they are all, asian, but, this is, the, raise, your hands and repeat after me, molding, watch, sang the pope, be like, china, japanese, hold it, said, Je`sus, we want, you to go, after, to, night, watch, out, saith, the Lord, micheal, wrote, my concious, is, seared, save your time, saith, the Lord, to, rebellious, chil, dren, like bobby, said, pastor, mark, stone, iraq, is, causing, judgment, to, america, soon, er, saith, the Lord, its, iran, to, watch, close your eyes, said the pope, and waste your time, bobby, i heard, what you said, and I did, now, please, dont, torment, me, before my time, said, mark, stone, patty did not see it, o yes, but, like hollie, showed, anartica, on fire, bush, on, appeared on, what, ever, you, ask, in, my name, I will do it, according, to my, will, israel, repent, right there, pointed, jordan, my vision, tell my vision, and he saw, cut off, words, and Jesus showed, and hollie, the time, alarm, alarm, alarm, and hollie smiled, and, where, at a point, here, dreamed, and, this means, no, turning, back, after, about, a, few, hours, after, Jesus, deals, with, many are, trying to get back, and now, are, scenery, dreamed, man, said, thats means, people, are, watching, for, no, nothing, saith, the Lord, but, plea, sure, and, the, lighted, hand, with the popes, image, on, or, 666, on fingers, bobby, put it right there, said, patty, shh, that was satan, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns said the one eyed pope, I want a myth said, pastor, tom sugget, meaning, nothing, and he saw, his church full, that was, millions of spirits, red, africa, on fire, hell, kuwait, iran, syria, and, the angel showed, im the main, ministering, spirit, and, the angel showed, lighted eye, idol, shepard, put more visions, on the website, said, the tap dancers, and the pope and hu, and, the fighting irish guy, theres, ten kings, crowns, fox, lula, chavez, ortega, now, let me, see, here, germany, uto, russia, I, will, give, you my wells, hold it, said, Jesus, said, iran, that was, Gods eye, internet, porno, with, children watching, angry Jesus, cut off, showed, Jesus, how dare you, knowing, before, the whole united states will be a desolation, real, soon, said, kent, jordan, im the main, ministering, spirit, I, want, my, visions, on the internet, look at that, said, hollie, the plane, hit the building, boom, many, what has bobby, done, said, the pope, ACTS 2:38, like all claim, wheres your, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, smiling, lighted eye, thats what I want, and donald winters, smiled, laughed, when he saw, this, mist, and Jesus, in, work, for, Je`sus, saith, the LOrd, I, su, ffer, d, so you can, have, whatever, rachel, is, beau, ti, ful, and, now, having, downtown, hotel, with, whoever, on, seven, teen, iraq, is, if, Jesus, lets, america, go on, it is, filthing, by, searing, with, the internet, and, peoples, con, sious, ess, that angelfire will not go down, pointed, Jesus, lighted finger, shot, that, and they are, looking, for, and he knows it, watch, out, saith, the LOrd, I sold ya, saith, go home, not, work, embarras, mark, stone, allright, he pointed, I, claim, to be a, and, you, doing, what, I, should, be, Im out, said, lambert, w., william, gatees, and, mis, leading, many, you are, coming, tempting, me, saith, the Lord, out, soon, watch, and hollie, shook, tom suggets hand, why, are you, pastoring, to, make, mon, ey, and he saw, tom, riding, an, ele, phant, with, white wings, and the are, the, republican, party, and, woe, donald rumsfeld, is, being, forced, to quit, for, not, kissing, the, sweet, murdering, butt, of, president, bush, do it, said, Jesus, save, yourself, not, you wanted, the iraq war, and he saw, rumsfeld, with, blood, all over, un, accountable, children, perished, because of, like, john howard, knew, oil contracts, so, we can, sin more, saddam is, more, and, the, democratic, party, will, laugh, rightous, then, you, all, repub, uuuu, said, howard, licans, saith, the LOrd, hell, hell is for, and he saw, hollie, hollie, record the vision, bob, seek, Jesus, thats, hollie, like, a, possum, fox, raccoon, you, aint, gonna, believe this, but, soembody wants ya, said, my, Jesus, patty, barger, right, here, pulpit, said, carol and Geraldine, barger, wrecked, is what you both did, and knew it, now, no way, showed, bob, geraldine, your on your way down, and, trying to take me with you, ok, jsut, put, them, visions, on, the internet, pointed, im the main ministering spirit, my names hollie, im the main, and, the angel showed, out, said, john, how, ward, hell, that is for, all of, aus, trail, ia, good bye, waved, hollie, you are, out, both, you and bush, all of, the, republicans, over, iraq, retire, ment, is, we cant handle this, books, whatch, over, iraq, said, said, the tap dancers, new york, and hillary clinton crowned, liar like bubba, that was satan, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, that was satan, shh, aint nobody, lookin, you said it, hell, hell, is for hollie, sun, on car, I, did not, appreaciate, patty barger said, somethiings coming down, allright said, mark stone, quit it, telling visions, scaring, stirring, thats the word, hit the door, but, the people there, need it, and they followed, we ruint said mark stone, leave, here, and, JEsus, showed, to, record, the vision, thats, the, tap dancers, and, the pope and hu and the fighting irish guy, with, fox, and, lula, and, chavez, putin, castrol, jong, oil, not, and, Jesus, showed, hell, whose it for, hollie, hell is for hollie, and hollie pointed, hell, flames, on the, dodge, said, the, tap dancers, raise, your, hands, and, repeat after me, and hollie pointed, russia is the beast, and hollie, no, with, seven, heads, and ten horns, theres war coming, and the pastors, are, all, cut, off, even, tom sugget, if you dont beleive it, go, and he will preach on, tithe, s, and, those people, all, paid, we ruint, whats that, said, mark stone, bobby, they, cut off, tease you, mock, record, the vision, JEsus, showed, hollie, that, old, dominion freight line, that, high gas, that, they prosper, roadway, yellow, hurts, that, tony hoffa showed, cut off, his, dad, ws, and they know it, mur, der, hold it, said, Jesus, ed, and, thrown, why the sewer, because, and the lighted, finger pointed, wont find, and knew, trader, he was, threatening, people, because, he was corrupt, and was, planning, and tony hoffa will get this, and beleive it, they found, those, that, and, killed, but nobody knew, alcatraz, es, ca, pees, all, on the island, shot, buried, laid to rest, at, sea, shark meat, they knew not to, cause tony hoffa, was, not, elected, but, like, george, bush, selected, bobby, what has he done, and he will get this, he, tried to, threaten, like, daddy, there aint no visions in pentecost, cause there, are, no apostolics, in pentecost, and, the finger pointed, I, hear, you, got, it, then, why, dont, you show, it, witness, you, been, filled, with, the, Holy Ghost, and, you, dont, even, show, it, look at that, said, Jesus, give me, some, free, food, for, her, meaning, that, record, the plane, hit, reocrd the vision, toyota, previa, thumbs up showed, hollie, you can not, keep pleasing, your self, and, the, Lord, bobby, I ruint, said, mark, stone, murderer, this it, pulpit, he, pointed, thats, enough, from, the, pew, no way, you make me, said, Jesus, get, out, and, hollie, showed, anartica, look at that, said, Jesus, dim yellow hands, on fire, africa, pointed, hollie, look, there, all of, the western, hemisphere, record, the vision, and, the, dark, pointed, p-jax freigt system, thumbs up showed, the pope, I give, you, thats it, we got it, iraq, nuclear, we know now, deploy, liar, assisstant, pas, tor, at, mark, stone, s, I got it, said, patty, bar, ger, they want, you to be, like, them, no signs, hey patty, yes Jesus, what are you, and, jack, right, here, pointed, geraldine, bar, ger, preaching, for, filfy, its out, lucre, down, you are all coming, thats, what is killing, unionized, look, there, said, the pope, everybodies, slippin, said, hollie, and he saw, caused by, sleeping, no, prayer, when, they, have, fallen, cut off, showed, JEsus, falling away, great, hes loosin it, said, the tap dancers, forty, three familes, where, are, they, no, anoint, ting, we want you said, patty barger, come back again, said, mark stone, pulpit, but, when, bob, was, there, prophesied, visions and dreams, three years ago, and you were, full, get, out, bob, prophesied, about, the iraq, war, and, it, turning, nuclear, to, the, assisstant, pastor, who will be there, get out, they, him and, patty, no, bar, ger, cut off, now, both, and they know it, nuclear, hold it, said, Jesus, judgement, to, usa, over, 11-9-2006-and hollie pointed, many, lighted, and, closed the book, record, the vision, russia is, the, bear, sang, Jesus, and, the, ten crowns, are, politburo, staged, all around, magog, ruled by hu, and, he, saw, them, all, 666, born, at the table, between, hu and the pope, both have nukes, what do you want, said, hollie, celine, lesbian, dion, we know, record the vision, Jesus, showed, the Holy Ghost, is, being, poured out, seek, well, out, said, simison, pastor, simison, is cut off, no way he showed, no signs, record Jesus, showed, and he saw, them, inside, the bible church, all talking, when, they, needed to be, praying, they were all lost, every one, allright, the woman, said, believing, but, put, your, visions, on the internet, says, the Lord, and, scotland, boom, u.k., another, boom, france, italy, brazil, all, of, north and south, america, latin, what, is, that, nicaragua, boom, check, your oil, with, your hands, I, cant beleive it, said, patty barger, its done, what, bob, prophesied, here, said, kim clement, e, its, true, record, Jesus, showed, im out, they, both, were, they both were shown, saddam hussein, would be captured, bob, was, showed, Im, captured, in, a vision, sitting, at, the computer, posted it, later, raise your hands, and repeat, after, me, russia is the bear, kim clemente, have you with long hair, no, never saved, God, still, talks, you, bring, a chip to the table, all, right, said, tom, sugget, and he saw, his church empty, one person, the falling, away, you got it, said, Jesus, record, the vision, we, want, your, vision, s, but, we, do, not, recognize prophesyin, that is, telling, what, the ministering spirits, no way, showed, mark, cut off, hes lookin for ya, thats, it, stone, he, didnt, like, his, vision, world war, three, heard you got it, record, the vision, china, and, moscow, exploded, and france, italy, allright, said, Jesus, u.k., all, boom, americano, africa, pointed, hollie, again, stop, she, pointed, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, and hollie, came, out of the flute, all, churches, are, cut off, no signs, record, wheres, my vision, said, tom sugget, he wants, record, the vision, git, out, they all wanted, git, out, of my house, but, now, they are all, git, out, even, though, empting, willie duncan, knows, in his heart, if, you are, here, church, will, fill, but, when, it does, out, empty, again, pastors, want control, donald, winters, what, do, you, preach, for, spall, git, out, of, here, money, now, here, the word of the Lord, you, want it, you got, it, financial collapse, like, sugget, tom, owes, is going to loose it, put, and he saw, sugget, point, at, the pulpit, no, ill, preach, and not, have anything, before, thats, what, happened, prophet wrong, he, told, what, Jesus, showed, now, we, want, china, for, taking, no, we gave, n.a.f.t.a., clinton, bill, and, stupid, americans, I, know, said, hillary clinton, right back in, push, no, we wont, how do, we, restore it, said, hill, hillary, you cant, heres, what, they, all, thought, hes, hearin from Jesus, to late, said, the pope, you, need to, git, out, of, here, tom sugget, and, the lighted, finger pointed, he, dyes, bobby, there going to wreck ya, but, your, out, and hollie showed, done, with, lighted, bear paws, again, im a bear, me, putin, moscow, satan is the head, bobby, they, got, me, a, room, motel, evangelise, pay, tom sugget, gave, all, the offerrings, that, was, cool, I cant, believe it, 500 dollars, to, a, and tom says, showman, he, needed that, I, dont, want, your money, what, money, said, the, evangelist, bobby, I blew, take the money, Godspeed, that is, helping, satans, ministers, hi, om hollie, you left, you got, it, pulpit, said, mark, stone, this man, prophesied, and, said, u.p.c.i., and paw, are, on, the internet, sas, cut off, and, hollie, pointed, lighted, finger, you left, were not, cut off, but, we dont prophesy, we git, it, said, mark, stone, God wont, let, you, stay, unless, you, expect Jesus to lsiten to dead preaching, from, satan, raise, your hands, and repeat, after me, reocrd, the vision, Jesus, showed, and taiwan, exploded, scotland, yugoslavia, africa, and hollie pointed, japan, three missiles, and , taiwan, exploded, and, bob, I, heard, about, my, visions, china, not, appeared on it, im holding it, said, Jesus, in, my hands, the seven stars, Spirits of God, and they are, om, going, to, hell, said, the girl from, paul mooneys, church, pointed, how, did, everybody, get, cut off, because, they, wanted, this life, over, there, gabriel, whats, wrong with the churches, and she said, while, being, fisted, you should have, counted the cost, prayer, and, ministry of the word, you guys, form of God liness, and the finger pointed, you want, me, seek, me, saith, Jesus, though I be not far, look, and, the statue of liberty, came, up, the, united states, desolate, and he saw, it, explode, and, the woman, came up, the statue of liberty, we, know it, said, kent jordan, but, we dont, the ring, bobby, that, the plane, hit the building, like, a rocket, that, many, that, saudi arabia, that, that, milwaukee, gene schmidt blew out of, you out of here, said, virgina boldea, that, fine, cecil pagel, that, wanted, my money, that, said, virgina boldea, that, more, and, he will, read, and, weap, that, cut off, that, im not, over, that, said, hollie, and, look, the plane, sears tower, boom, that, aon, that, eifel, theres, the tap, dancers, that, with the pope and hu, the optimus, receiver, that, no good, that, over, that, twenty years old, buy it, that, will not last, that, good, now, that, the owner knew, and the microphone was, handed to tom sugget, your, outta, here, that, thought, the assisstant pastor, that, they both, wanted, that, keys, showed, tom, sugget, that, mortagage payment, and the finger pointed, that, four hundred and sixty nine dollars, that, behind soon, that, no people, everbodies slippin, that, act nice, that, but, in, side, they, are, ravenous, wolves, that, that, that, bobby, out, they, all wanted, that, at, tom, suggets church, that, now, empty, that, bob, and, hollie, licked the prophet, that, and the angel, im, an ex prophet, that, all are prophet, I dream, night vision, that, thats, the, girl from paul mooneys church pointing, your, not, to, good, looking, but, that, I, would, and, God winked, that, this is heaven, this is, hell, lava, or, glass, city, new york, that, separted, that, when, they, allowed, that, what, did, they, allow, that, the statue of liberty, that, new york, did it, hawaii, that, nuked, that, was, an, angel, clicking, its, heels, that, gradma, on, the waltons, saved, while, doing, the show, that, that, thru the fire, without buring, that, and the finger pointed, that, and, the angel, that, and, dumitru, duduman, appeared, that, buy that book, that, iraq, that, and, the palestinian state, that, on fire, ameriacn, nukes, that, gaza, forsaken, that, thats, your, palestinian state, that, the angel clicking heels, that, and, the lighted finger pointed, that, sundesign, thumbs up showed, hollie, stero, about, seven watts per channel, loud enough, to, be, heard, clear, at, suggets church, that, pointed, that, and hollie, put, the soundesign, that, in at kent jordans, church, and, hollie, came, out of, that, think, about, it, it, would do it, that, showed, kent, jordan, but, they, spent, give me, money, we, want, him out, of here, that, he, doenst know it, allright, that, said, kent, jordan, keys, my, house, said, Jesus, that, hollie, showed, anartica, on fire, you, missed me, said, Jesus, that, is what it would take, that, at, jordans, atleast, that, forty watts per channel, that, jordan, spent, that, over, forty million, that, remodeling, and, that, that, church, that, calvary, christian, taberncale, that, would, only, sell, for, zero, that, and, lighted, pointed, hollie showed, the world wobbling, that, australia, nuked, that, pointed, hollie, stephen hanson in the fire, that, im, stripped, that, hollie, pointed, that, I, want, my vision, s, that, pointed, hollie, tom sugget, that, and, God winked, you blessed me, he, thought, and, the lighted, finger pointed, golden, that, paul, mooney, girl, that, always, did, that, this is my week, said, hollie, that, cut off, tom, sugget, that, he, already, cut me off, that, said, the, man, from, tom suggets, church, hollie, again, he knew after, that, bob, spoke, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, that, the fisher speakers are better, heard, liked, fishers, that, then, the synergetics, that, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, and, the angel, waved, hollie, like a fire, bear, that, and, hollie, put the contract, back, together again, lighted, tore, up, many times, that, and hollie, showed, pointed, lighted, im a bear, me, putin, satan, is the head, did you see what I done pointed, Jesus, that, wnts, he, liked you, and, wanted to put you on the radio, you disappeared, that, thats a new, horn, and the white angel, tom, sugget, and, hollie, came out, tell tom suggets church to pray, more, bring, your tithes, and, put them, right here, pointed, tom sugget, thats what, you said, it, that, sevice was about, we need it, about, to be, bob, dreamed, he, was, at, westside, pentecostal, church, and, was, looking, for, donald winters, and, did not find, but, ran, into, tow people, and, told them, you see, my, Holy Ghost, baptizm, was, different, then, most at upci, I, felt, a body, come into, me, my, perfect size, and, your, tongue, will, move, and, you, will, not, have, anything, to do with, it, and, they, next, he, was, outside, and, nuclear, explosions started, he was, many, he was eating, and God spoke, clear day, I, want, you to, finish, that, he, if I wronged you in any way, I appologize, and prayed in tongues, Jesus, has, as a bright light man, the lighted hand, and, the, room, with, the, fire, light, take, care, of your children, gimme, your wallet, said, tom sugget, that, pointed, hollie, that, was, a, fire, man, looking, with, wait a minute, mr. christian, that was Jesus, in the, fire, room, work, he said, and the possum smiled, nobody, is, not, worthy, record, hollie, showed, at convention, people, start leaving, worried, and, he, saw, Jesus, face, missing, beat, that, was, Jesus, looking, down, that, was, a, beast, serpent, flying, fiery, and he saw, a man, hanged by hands, white, like, body, from the back, this is, whipping time, slash, that was Jesus, tied by the hands, that was, a lighted, water fall, there, wont, be, no, canada, and he saw, missiles, from, moscow, all, of, north america, exploded, that, and, south, latin, australia, italy, that was hell with millions of spirits in it, bob dreamed, with sinners, God spoke, he will get you trapped, stay away from, theres the submarine sound, and the crowd is, cheering, Im, the, main, ministering spirit, those are, the releay song, singers, with, clean, rectums, ones, poop coming down, judgement is coing, whether your watching or not, record, the vision, bobby, right, here, cavaness, out, record, hollie, showed, your, gonna need me, thunderstorms, said, the angel, are, passed, write my vision, I already, know, they say, but lie, and hollie poitned, im, the, main ministering spirit, robert w. cavaness, out, said, the tap dancers, no signs, own this hosue for, 1000 dollars, per month, the sign, said, and hollie, pointed, and, africa, and south, america, exploded, kuwait, japan, and the finger, record, the, vision, hollie, showed, smiled, and, complained, and, prayed, and, waited, and, bob dreamed, he, saw, and, talked, to, one, of, donald winters, no, he, told, her, that the church was cut off, and hollie, pointed, theres, the alarm, upci, is cut off, and, so is, paw, and, Jesus, showed, theres, nobody, prayin, I am, said, hollie, and hollie, licked the prophet, general electric stero, thumbs, up, hollie, showed, led, found, and, Jesus, looked, at, the prophet, thru, scope, fire, colored, and, hollie, pointed, lighted, finger, hollie, pointed, ford, vans, tumbs up, and, hollie, showed, that, car, is, thumbs, up, toyota, hell, hell is for hollie, stripes, and the lihgted pointed, that, I want, you, to, and, the, outlaws, motorcycle, club, got, it, Jesus, rev, 883, is what, bob, wants, and they, wil laugh, done, got, it, they said, and, the outlaws, Jesus, showed, I want you to, kill, robert, w., cavan, ess, liar, cheat, no, signs, knows, pastor, james, z., t., harris, and, regina, harris, are cut off, no signs, leave me alone, said, the girl, from paul mooneys church, no signs, like, all of, c.o. bobby, we wreck, she said, no, they, dont, teach, right, because they are, not, right, themselves, c.o.g.i.c, all, no signs, bobby, I want yout to git ot of here, now, you got, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, paw, pentecostal, assemblies, of the world, is, cut off, no signs, said, g.t. haywood, this is stupid, said, the, man, from, paul, mooney, s, church, he is, cut off, and was told, to his face, and knows, but, like, all of, upci, cut off, no signs, but, still pastor, like, donald winters, that, from, westside pentecostal church, said, right to bobs face, those are from, the, devil, that is, blaphemy, against, the, HOly, Ghost, when bob only wanted, revival, for the church, kenneth haney, the, general, superintendent, of, the, united, pentecostal, church, international, is, no signs, like, joel, ur, shan, not saved, like, nathaniel, no, urshan, signs, perished, in hell thinks, I wasted, my, time, acting, like, all, they are all, cut off, and should be, jus, t, like, the apostle paul, but are like, baptists, pas, tors, they are all, wolfs, in, sheeps, clo, thing, prove, this, wrong, by, scrip, ture, you cant, saith, Jesus, prophesying is, recieving, visions, while right there, and, telling, what the, ministering, spirits, say, not, lec, turing, like, paul mooney, and, all of these, do, they are all, wolfs, chained, in outer darkness, why dont you come here, bobby, said, m., mckinney, pastor, mark, s., mckinney, but, when he comes, mark, argues, and, runs, and, they all, wanted, prayer request, I know, revival, but, when, it, showed, they, all, sang, and, was prayed for, but, no, praying, thru, to the, HOly, Ghost, you annoy, me, said, m., mckin, ney, liar, you want, and he saw, money, is his, but, his, church is, die, ing, now, people want, money, and, food, and that is it, saith, the Lord, they are all, cut off, like, horace, from, paw, goddam it, he said, knows, but, leads, gt haywoods, false, christian, move, ment, now, be, informed, and show, that, they, are, false, and you will never, get, saved, I, got, it, said, mckinney, but, you still pastor, speak in, the, name of, Je`sus, but, are, and, know, that, no prophesying, and, no visions, and dreams, saith, Jesus, like, JOEL, says, liars, these are, some of, the, signs, dean white, is, assisstant, pastor, and, is, wanting, people, to, follow, him, but, they, want, him, to, sing, and, shut, up, nothing, but, lec, ture, and they, know, it, saith, the, Lord, all, are, cut, off, meaning, hell, for, and he saw, upci, and, paw, over, the, heads, of, many, in, hell, they loose, said, Jesus, I dont need that, these, are, the, signs, saith, the Lord, have it, or, step, aside, be, saved, and, set, free, repent, and be, bap, tised, in, Jesus, we will, said, mrs., dean, white, but, havent, yet, when, Jesus Christ, name, and recieve the gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, and you, will, speak, in, good, said, mrs., dean, no signs, tongues, a new language, understood, down here, on, earth, quit, and get saved, or, cut, off, for, putting, Jesus, to, alright, they, say, but, when, shame, saith, Jesus, brought to you by, and, Jesus, Christ, bowed, if you dont believe, and he saw, hollie, point, from the ring, white, light, bright, at, hollie, like a, big, white, angel, and she, pointed, at the, air, plane, and it, hit, the, a, o, l, buil, ding, in, chi, ca, go, watch, iraq war, nuclear, brought in by, bush, to break, oil contracts, with, moscow, and, iraq, moscow, and, china, and, america, will, destroy, most of, the, world, and, america, will, attack, many, and he saw, the angel, with the sword, we need it, she said, but, when, it comes, out, they all say, perishing, people, are, but, when, bob, comes, they, all, run, one more time, and, it, was, many, of, thier, last, steve perry, was, the, most, pop,ular, singer, in the, world, with, dennis, deyoung, saith, Jesus, both, alike, but, perry, wanted, control, of, journey, and, dennis, wanted, tommy shaw, out, but, tommy, left, dam, n, yamkees, were, pop, u, lar, but, ted, nugent, wanted, to, sing, more, if, something, works, leave it, alone, now, people, love, journeys, new, lead, sing, better, than, and they wont, let, steve, back, schon, neil, they wont, I, wanted, control, both, and, this, led, to, journey, s, breakup, and now, steve, would love, to, get back, and, the, same, o, stuff, would begin, again, saith, Jesus, leave, things, alone, if they work, alice cooper, is, a, shepard, for the, pentecost, but, not, he wont, o yes, he talked, pat boone, into, making, an, album, and showed up, in, muscle, shirt, and, made a, fool, out of, him, self, do you think, the apostle paul, would have, laid, the, gospel, down, to, do, a, rock, al, bum, bob liked, alice cooper, meat loaf, w.a.s.p., thats halloween, and that is, bobs, birth, day, and, ozzy osbourne, and, hard rock, mostly, and now, lives for, Jesus, and would love, to, rock, again, but, you cant, we, dont, need it, said, micro, doc, bobs, friend, like, jill wheylan, and, chris, but, they are all, cut off, and, dont, want, but, google, and that is, thier life, look at me, saith, Jesus, and he saw, hands, with, holes, what have you done, allright, said, jill, whey, lan, now, china, will, attack, washington, state, and, grab, taiwan, to, lure, and when, america, nukes, china, and he saw, it, in a circle, then, msocow, will, nuke, alas, ka, like, hand of help, s, gene schmidt, said, and, america, right away, almost, destroys, russia, and, russia, wipes out, the, american, main, land, and steve perry, read, this, is, a, prophet, like, alice, put your visions, on the internet, prophets, steve, perry, and, alice, meat, loaf, ozzy, cooper, all, and have, cashen in, on, thier, after, moscow, and, china, are, destroyed, four horns, will rise up, from, there, and they are, the pope, the, idol, shepherd, and, the, emporer, of, japan, and, the, hu, the, false, prophet, im a god, he and, the pope, both, say, the pope, will rule, gre, cia, and, hu will rule, raise your hands, and repeat after me, sang the pope, the rest of the world, and he saw, missiles, aimed, at, each, other, and, they, are, they will hate, but, cling, the pope, will go to, the, greek, othadoxed, church, in, mos, cow, and, make, an, agree, ment, to, work, deciet, full, ly, and, will, get, power, over, mos, cows, nuclear asenal, and, hu will rise, to, withstand, the pope will get slashed, and satan will enter, 666, will be, born at the table, between, the pope and hu, to, prevent, them, from, destroying, each, other, they both have, nukes, Christ will appear, and, many, of his, saints, with, to, deliver, the, jewish, remnant, and, throw the rest, in, lava, like he saw, now, get, saved, and, live, for, Jesus, like, Jesus, wants, not, false, pastors, like, william, l., harris, and, charles, mckin, ney, all are, cut off, like, willy, and, r.h., dun, can, whose son, did not, rape, but, touched, wrong, and knew not to, now, prison, for, a, long, and, now, Jesus is, and he saw, him, descending, on the, cloud, and this will happen, when, america, moscow, and, china, destroys, each, o, ther, and that is, now, soon, hillary, clinton, will be, pres, ident, unless, new, con, verts, go home and pray, said, prophet, roger, gil, more, and, he, was, wanting, con, trol, over, pink, floyd, and, waited, untill, the, death, of, sid, hell, barrets, and now, sings, without, pink floyd, was, the, most, popular, ever, over, one billion, times, three, sold, al, bums, now, roger is, almost, a, billion, aire, and, wants, to, tour, until, death, at, sixty, seven, and he saw, him, in cof, fin, uuuu, he said, yep, saith, Jesus, he still drinks, and, knows, not, like, meat, loaf, death at, paw, upci, are, cut off, no signs, saith, Jesus, 11-2006-record the vision, hollie, showed, and, up came, four kings, and they are, in persia, the pope, and, the lighted, shot, the emporer of japan, and, hu, and, the idol shepard, slashed, I am god, in the temple, in rome, I am a god, the second beast, hu, will rise, 666, born at the table, between, them, that, both have nukes, greek orthadoxed church, right here, said, robert williams, that, is where, the pope, will go, that, said, hollie, up, showed, hollie, bobby, wont you bless me, said, robert, williams, with, his, hand, sticking, out, that, hollie, that, and, the plane, hit, the building, not, again, said, robert williams, that, and, Jesus, showed, to, record, that, church needs, you badk, sunday, night, that, the plane hit sears tower, 9-11, he, will, write you, said, hollie, robert, williams, come to Spirit of Prophecy church no way, showed bob, come and get, no way showed, robert williams, spoked by stan johnson, that, and he saw, the white horse, speckled, the grim reaper, rode, that, and Jesus on the white, to conquer, and, the red and black, from, between, the, two brass, mountains, to, take, peace of, the, earth, that, I need, satisfied, said, your out, said, robert williams, I knew, cause, now, stan, and, the lighted, hand, africa, exploded, that, prophecy club, that, said, hollie, raise, your hands, and, repeat, after me, we got you, said, robert, williams, come to my store, that, record, the vision, hollie, showed, that, thats, the, girl, from, paul, mooney s church, dont, at, it, said, the pope, robert williams, invitation, that, and the lighted hand reached out, that, check your oil with your fingers, like maucaulay showed, culkin, let me alone, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, so, I, can, sin, record, the vision, scotland, and u.k., france, and italy, boom, from, moscow, record, the vision, hollie, showed, that, feed, animals, yard, record, the vision, hollie, showed, that, that, hollie pointing, plane, planes, building, that, that, go, that, saddam hussein, shot, and, he saw, in the head, put it there, he pointed, but, when, there, let me preach, and, I didnt, have anything, heaven and hell, judgments, bob told, that, the plane hit the sears tower, that, aon, and hollie showed, to record, write the vision, hollie, showed, and Jesus pointed, that, was, a, bright light, leaving, a, buisness, God, is, stripping, america, like, bill clinton, nafta, take this Lord and shove it, is, what, may are saying, and hollie, licked the prophet, and the angel, of the Lord, that, was, bright light, from, over, the mountains, healing, theres, the alarm, michelle, seek, me, you needed help, saith, Jesus, that was a fire, hand, hollie played the horn, and, hollie, came, out of, the, horn, and, whistled, bolw the trumpet, in the church, warn, that, was, the popes image, in the lighted, hand, 666, on the fingers, thats, a, man, in the fire mist, Lord, to, late, said, Jesus, theres, the, submarine sound, and subs, theres, the alarm, hollie, said, les oxman, control, is what you want, that, pointed, hollie, the plane, pointed, the, midget, hit, the, building, that, lovin, going on, that, no, hollie, that, that, and, the king of the north, and, south, signing for 666, that, that, and, the, hand, pointed, that, that, pointed, hollie, 9-11, that, collapses, both, started armageddon, said, the pope, and the man waved, reading, bobs, website, that, the black horse, to quiet, that, the chariots of horses, that, red, and black, white, and, grizzeled, Jesus rode the white, that, to, conquer, and, the black take, peace, with the red, the grizzeled, the grim reaper rides, to cast, taht, souls inot hell, that, and hollie, drove the semi, bwother, that, you left, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, kenneth haney, no signs, and Jesus, like a white man, tell, my people to pray, and, fast, the words, came out of, his mouth, that, trees are falling away, that, because of, that, and he saw, kings rising, four, the king, of, the north, and south, magog and grecia, with, the emporer of japan, and hu, and the pope, and the idol shepard, slashed, pope, that, called, thier aint no visions in pentecost, cause, there, are, no apostolics, in, pentecost, that, and hollie showed, pointed, record, the vision, hollie, showed, hell, that, flames, hollie, thats, what, theres, the black chariot, with, i want this, said, robert, williams, hu and the pope, and he saw, them, planning, allright, said, robert williams, here, pointed, putin, moscow, will, out of oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, invade, pluck, but, even though, record, the vision, hollie, showed, again, and that was, the hollie, showed, and hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, please, she prayed, I got her, said, Jesus, to, commit, blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, mrs. gray, assisstant pastor, at, antioch, the apostolic church, im not, she, said, stepping down, said, the pope, allright, record, the vision, hollie, showed, theres, the, tap dancers, and hollie, and hu, and the pope, were three of them, theres, the black chariot, and the pope and hu, with fox, lula, orteaga, castrol, putin, jong, they, will, give, thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, said, hollie, hell, hell is for hollie, flames, on the car, boom, subs, sneaked up on amexico, and, all of the western, hemisphere, we want, it, said, robert, williams, you, knew, said, Jesus, record, the vision, and, Jesus, walked, with, robert williams, like a white man, said, hollie, and robert williams, had red hair, and a, moustache, and, and he said, your, headin, ot the lake, robert williams, he knew said, stan johnson, and robert, will, be, angry, but, shook, his head, yes, we want ya, said, stan johnson, put it, right here, pulpit, and bob, said, no, way, showed, said, the tap dancers, and hu and the pope, were, two of them, theres, Jesus, and, like, an, all, light man, with, a normal mans, face, coming out, and, he saw, the whole world, and, hollie, showed, at, the, bottom, with, dim yellow hands, we want, ya, said, robert, williams, thumbs up, for the kenwood, amplifier, showed, the pope, smiling, now, china used terrorists, yeah, said, the, girl, to, attack, washington state, and, they, destroyed taiwan, china, is, the horn, that, came, up last, and the pope, showed, buy the fishers speakers, not, the realistic, minimus seven, silver, the fishers, handle more power, and, he, saw, the world, with, submarines all over, put it right, here, and dumitru, handed, the, guard, to bob, and that is, clap your hands, and shake your horns, said, hollie, I believe you done got it, said, the angel of the Lord, on the chevy truck, and hollie, pointed, hell, thats, for hollie, flames, on the truck, those synergistic speakers, are, and he saw, four horns, come up, and they are, the, three kings, that, stood, in persia, and they are, the pope, and, hu, and, the emporer of japan, ruler, he said, and, the, slash, ed, idol shepard, and they are, yet, to, be, re, leased, sealed, untill, now, and, hollie, came out of the horn, and, Jesus, blew it, and bob, told, tell this church to pray more, and they all, realised, that they were lost, o, shit, said, the pastor, now I know, Im done, liar, is what he is, 11-11-2006-kent jordan is cut off, said, kent jordan, I sold him, he said, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, we paid, said, robert williams, about, ten thousand, fools, got, food, at, inflated prices, because of the prophecy club, why do they, scare, fools, stan said, you do what, your Jesus is telling you, to, do, fools, most gave it away, and spent, on average, leihr finanacial, what a joke, liars, claiming christianity, knowing, gold will loose, stan, is, a, deciever, git, out, said, robert williams, now, having, visions and dreams, you need to, have, the ACTS 2:38, born again, experience, seek me said hollie, he knows, shook yes, dont go home yet said, hollie, work, said, Jesus, in the room, its, holding it to the top, im the main ministering spirit, post, its not your vision, its the Lords, I dont care, you will, the pope is, the, anti, Christ, lehr financial, your getting ready to close, de, cievers, and stan knew it, allright, he said, johnson, gold, will, loose, you can not get, what you paid, but, they, claim, reports, that are, lying, that is, metal, out of, the, ground, and is, everywhere, dig, not, rare, and hu, is, the, false, prophet, said, the, tap, dancers, and, the, fighting, irish, guy, was, one, of, them, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, raise, your hands, and, repeat, after, me, russia is the bear, with, seven heads and ten horns, just, put, your, visions, on the internet, cause, china, will, not, take, amexico, holding taiwan, much longer, record, the vision, robert williams, why, arent you, away, from, stan johnson, knowing, and, the lighted, stan johnson pointed, he got taken, said, robert, williams, the left behind prophecy club, stole his name, and, robert williams, showed this to stan johnson, no he said, the left behind prophecy club is cut off, read it stan, on the radio, saith the Lord, we need it said, stan, and robert, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, homo, we dont need it, said, robert williams, yes, ya, do, said, Jesus, are the tweeters blown on the advent speakers, no, like hollie showed, saw, lines, coming, we must pray, said, Jesus, record, the vision, aint, nobody prayin, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, allright, said, stan, he cut me off, said, stan johnson, but, I still preach, record, the vision, money, and, he saw, a, river, of life, crystal, proceding out of the throne like glass, and, record, the vision, record, the vision, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, cause there aint no visions in pentecost, that, was, the, lighted, pope, leaving, my radio ministry, is how I pay for this, said, stan, now, fading, no, new, speakers, stan does not want somebody, who is saved, said, ranea, hazel, I want you back, money, said, stan, barker, bob met you on the bus, back at, tech high school, and she will see, and, hollie, pointed, Im the, main, ministering spirit, my names hollie, put more visions, serious, on, the, internet, said, the main, serious, and, the pope, I want, my, visions, she said, I, am, a, god, said, hu, im the beast, said, the pope, the new world order, im the main, thats hu and the pope, tap dancing, and, the fighting irish guy, pointed, the the main ministering spirit, again, gene blew it schmidt, said, michael boldea, and, hu, im the main ministering spirit, post, she said, and hollie came out of the horn, post, she said, hintao, home, theater receivers, have way more power then, they, need, and, the, man, with, fire, eyes, looked, at, you, pointed, Jesus, and, hollie, tore up the con, trast, theres, the, black chariot, pointed, im the main ministering spirit, my, names, hollie, im the main, and Jesus in the bright light, and, face, empty, and, bright light, Spirit, appeared, behind, the, face, where, it, would be, thunder showed Jesus, your welcome to come back, said, the pope, cmon, said, Jesus, that, and, the plane, hit the building, and hollie, pointed, that, and hollie pointed, that, and, piloted, theres, the, alarm, that, many, buildings, the black chariot, hu and the pope, sears tower, aon, that, same day, write the vision, showed, hollie, that, bob, said, Jesus, and hollie put the con, spirit, back together, and, the lighted, hand, showed, thumbs up, and, the angel, on, the, couch, listened, to, hollie, im the main ministering spirit, my names hollie, put more visions on my website, your outta here, said, the pope, hand of help, 666, and, hollie pointed, appeared, main, both, ministering spirit, and the king of the north, and the king of the south, signing, the pope and hu, 666, born, and he saw, missiles aimed at each other, the land of gog, and, otyre, magog, china, and, moscow, magog, all of that, that was, an, angel, face, im the main ministering spirit, and hollie, licked the prophet, and Jesus, pointed, lighted, that, was, a werewolf, that was satan, shhhh, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, that was satan, and the pope appeared, like, an angel of light, on the serpent, with, the, g8, and, america as the woman, there they are, all eight, moscow, right there, with the ten crowns, and, putin, kneeling before the pope, and hollie pointed, africa, exploded, theres, brazil, and venezuela, ecudor, all of, the western, hemispere, seek, pointed, the lighted, hand, thmubs us, showed the pope, soundesign, stero, wait a minute mr. christan, record, the vision, hollie showed, that, hell if for, halloween, buy those minimus 7s said the mouth, all of them, sell, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, im the main ministering spirit, look, and Jesus, pointed, hollie piloting, boom, and Jesus pointed, and robert williams, showed, thumbs up, and, thumbs down, give, warning, said, Jesus, tekea, is the world, the watchmen, are, having visions, what, did the watchman see, a, chariot, with, hu and the pope, black horses, and, red, to take pece off of the earth, from between the two brass mountains, with the pope an dhu, fox, lula, chavez, thats, the new world order, putin, castrol, jong, and the radio tower, prophecy, club, and, angel, lit up, turned into, the statue of liberty, the woman, america, on the beast, babylon, like, never, ending story, iraq, said, hollie, president, said, Jesus, and he saw, git america out, now, and he saw, iraq and the palestinian state, and Jesus pointed, on fire, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by bush, to, steal, oil, fields, contracts, tell, me, about, bush, hes, an, oilman, pointed, hollie, blow, the whistle, thats the not the main, im the main, pointed, im the main ministering spirit, submarine sound, submarine sound, thats the submarine sound, and subs, sneaked up on america, boom, and, the statue of liberty came up, the woman, the whore, witness, hold, pointed, Jesus, gene schmdit, at hand of help, no said, gene, o, thats the main ministering spirit, and the crowd, cheering, her, on, the relay song singers, women, that was a finger pointing, that, was, gene schmdit, looking thru the horn, when, he should be blowing it, with, his, visions, awesome, and hollie, showed, to, clap your hands, rocket, said, the pope, oldsmobile 98 with 455 will run a quarter in, 14.1, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and, otyre is the body, thats, north and south korea, china and japan, situate, im the main ministering spirit, i want my vision, on the internet, him, pointed, the main, hu, the false prophet, him, pointed, the main, again, the pope, the beast, tell me about, the sears tower, and, he saw, both on fire, aon, watch many buildings, it, will, all, happen, at, the, same, day, im the main ministering spirit, whats the message, that the main has, I, want my vision, on the internet, thye relay song, with, the main, singing, and the relay song women, thats the main, ministering spirit, my names, hollie, thats the relay singers pointed the main, that was, the, con, trap, being put back, together, im the main, didnt hollie say, no o, I, know, and hollie, played, the horn, organ, and, hollie, showed, stop, hollie, from, licking the prophet, washington state, said, the angel of the LOrd, chinese terrorists, that was satan, im the beast, prophet, theres, the submarine sound, there, aint no visions, and hollie, showed, pointed, because there are no apostolics in pentecost, that was a man in the mist called, Jesus, and hollie showed, bob, get, this, when, russia hits alaska, you will have about two hours left, tell on me, im the paul mooney girl, and hollie, tore up the con, true, hollie, showed, demi moore like, I sing in the choir, at, calvary tabernacle, but, never saved, harlots, that, hollie, whoever kills, saddam, hussein, avenges, and he saw, them, in hell, mullahs, five million, record the vision, hurry, said, hollie, I didnt, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, record, the, vision, Jesus, showed, thumbs down, showed, hollie, mercedes benz, thumbs up, oldmobile 98, and the lighet finger pointed, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, submarine sound, theres, the submarine sound, and hollie, and hollie showed, record, the vision, and hollie showed, geo metro, thumbs up, record the vision Jesus showed, I dont have the keys, help those, who, dont, thumbs up, chevy impala, 73, gas hog, rusty, theres, the, submarine sound, new york, boom, and, subs, sneaked up on, boom, america, exploded, and, the woman, came, out, the statue of liberty, allright, said, robert, williams, I dont want it no more, then, dont go to church, and put God, to an open shame, buy showed, hollie, ford escort, theres, the submarine sound, you take your money, and throw it into the streets, it, will, not, save, you, that, day, saith the Lord, and paul mooney, slept, upci, bob, theres, trouble, said, leon baker, omaha, is where you need to be, it will burn, and he saw, omaha, explode, and michael, boldea, go there, mike, and take bob with you, no said, ann schmidt, he already cut me off, said, the angel of the Lord, we found it, and leon baker, 2:38, ACTS, like hollie showed, salvation, and hollie, showed, again, lighted, and licked the prophet, prophet, get old, said, ann, schmidt, she is, almost, 42, and wanting to be, 10, grow, up, saith, Jesus, this is how, I, made, you, to age, and die, allright, said, leon, ba, ker, good, job, closed, my, churhc, you are not, called, but, pastor, and, mis, lead, and are, old, and, cut off, now, and son, to, oil, said, the pope, is, leading, to, arma, ged, don, this iraq thing, is, over, raise your hands, and repeat after me, bush, oil, contracts, to, fullfill, EZEKIEL 7, hows the world situation, horrible, saith, Jesus, hows it comin, on iraq, bush, lies, america is, going, bank, rupt over, and he knows it, saith, Jesus, the liar, and, donald, would not, go along with, any, more, rumsfeld, thats right, how the, palestinian, state, it is, doomed, planned, long ago, get, mullahs, there, and, raise, your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, kill, them, and arafat, yassir, knew it, you do anyting you want, said, ann, schmidt, and, robert, williams, but yourselves, Christ, ians, and, are, liars, both, michael, you ministry, is, dying, and you are, starting, a, prophecy, magazine, take, me, he said, your are dying, this will not, start, hand of help, again, you need to, you ministry, bob, stay, away, but, the Lord is, wanting, hand of help to survive, allright, said, michael, boldea, yur crazy, and mike laughed, you are, re, placed, by, raise your hands and repeat after me, bob, and, robert, williams, allright, said, michael, boldea, he knows, not wanting, but, wife, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, and the main ministering spirit, pointed, we do every thing we can, but, you need to, save, yourself, ves, fisrt, saith, the Lord, if your car goes, then, back to romainia, the Lord knows, bob can give you one, but, not, knew, you think like that ll the time, your staggering, you might leave him, I cant, said, mike, boldea, but, Jesus, if he, stops, holding, you can not, allright, I cant help you, saith, Jesus, if you do not, if your car broke, down, go to, the, junk, yard, and fix, buy, yourself, saith, Jesus, God, showed, bob, how to fix his own, allright, said, mike, but, lies, you lead, my, 11-12-2006-everybodies quitting, said, Jesus,. pray, record, Jesus, showed, and, the popes, image, golden, lighted, you, left me, mr. pope said, Jesus, bobby, theres, nothin wrong, theres, trouble, in persia, called, bush, lets, rule the world, china, will, not, and, russia, allow, america, to, syria exploded, to, much longer, record, the vision, allright, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, tell, me, about, world war two, one submarine, that, strayed, it cost them, japan, attacking, pearl, har, bor, and they, brought, hiro, shima, and, naga, sa, ki, and hollie showed, dim yellow hands, saw it, millions, america, did not, help, that little nation back, america, absorbed, and he saw, america, written on japan, and africa, the middle, leave, me, alone, so, I, can, go, home, is, what, the paul, mooney girl said, cause there, are, no visions, im just an alcoholic is what the pope said, and the pope with 666, on, forehead, im a, god, said, hu, saddam, hussein, will, be shot, at, point blanck, watch, and the, angel, of the Lord, sat, at norad, war, planning, and bush and gore, whoever wins, steal, iraqs oil, ok showed gore, gore won, and, al won arkansas by three votes, and florida by thirteen, and knew it, but, governor, jeb, leave it there, said, Jesus, and hollie, likced the prophet, and al gore, you know, this is hollie, with the loose belt sound, air conditioning, we want your name, liar, is what, diana hughey, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, now, record, showed, Jesus, and, hollie, showed, turn, with, lighted bear paws, and prayed, and hollie showed, to record, and, prayed, and, celebrated, yes, and, prayed, again, look, there, the palestinian state and iraq on fire, brought in by bush, oil contracts, and the lighted, finger pointed, and, the, three kings rose, theres, the, pope, hu, and, the emporer of japan, and the idol shepherd, slashed pope, gas, up, showed the pope, hell, hollie, flames, theres nothin goin on at, calvary, tabernacle, said the tap dancers, and the pope, and hu, were, two of them, hell, hollie, and the fighting irish guy, record, the vision, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, and hollie, pointed, hell, hollie, theres, the tap dancers, who is, hollie said, leon baker, thats, a ministering spirit, theres, the, submarine sound, said, hollie, hi bob, and, the lighted, finger pointed, we sold it, said, leon baker, and, hollie, was, tap dancing with leon baker, and, donald winters, ronald elliott, look, there, theres, the leaders of, and the lighted hollie, pointed, the leaders of upci, and paw, and the lighted finger pointed, what did he want, is, what, most, think, to, warn, thats, the, girl, from, paul, mooneys church and hollie, came, out of the flute, blow the whistle she shwoed, and Jesus showed, that was hollie showed, hamas is the phillistines, arabs, and Jesus came out of the bible, and, went back, leon bakers, son, needs to, take, heed, and he saw, a, man, preaching, at, the church, and, Jesus, appeared, where, his face, is, and, disappeared, and bob told, theres, the pastor, they all, git, thought, leon bakers son, but, he had the message that fed bob, and, and hollie showed, apppeared, made me tremble, said, the man, at, leon bakers church, and he had, the, Holy Ghost, bubbling, and, when, bob, described that, like a bubble coming, deep from, within, they all, trembled, and he, told, visions, of, iraq, ending nuclear, and, the angel of the LOrd, come, and, bless me, said, leon bakers son, now, they all trembled, at the preaching, and bob, thought, it, was, a, neat service, where, the word of the LOrd, came, forth, and, it, did, but, look, that, the plane, pointed, herbe, hit the building, pointed, the, midget, I, died, lost, after, fantasy island, millions, ricardo made them pay the midget, the aon, sears tower, pilotd by leon bakers on, look, africa, brazil, latin, america, all of, north america, boom, that, that, and hollie celiebrated, the man preaching at leon bakers church did not look at bob, and this is why ashamed, he, had, dyed hair, and, knew it, now, hes got, a decision to make, that, moscow and china, boom, that, work, said, Jesus, thats, enough, you closed that church, heres how, they knew, and the lighted finger pointed, when you marry, you hurt your chances of making it to heaven, said the Lord, Im the main ministering spirit, and hollie, licked the prophet, I want my visions on the internet, said, the main, and kristina, and the main, look, that, the plane, hit, the building, piloted by, look, that, stan johnson, boom, it bounced off, like, the empire state building, and hollie showed pointed, im the main ministering spirit, and thats the crowd, cheering me on, the main, thats hell, and pointed, and, hollie, showed, again, thats the popes face, in the horn, and, the main, in, the, back, the reason, america, kept the sanctions on iraq so long because, saddam would not give america, the oil contracts, and, the, angry pope, and the white mouth, laughed at leon bakers son, they wanted bob out, bob, and, the, finger pointed, prayed, and, the Spirit, came down, on all, he saw, but, and freddy krueger pulled his shirt up and pointed with lighted blades, the emporer of japan, hu, theres, the pope, and, the idol shepard, that was bright light mist, give it up, leon bakers son, visions, are from, the, Holy Ghost, not, that, was, a, fire, colored mouth, opening, and, whats that, the pope, inside, shhh, satan, that, was, a, fire, colored eye, take, lighted, like movie, saw, write the vision, showed, the main ministering spirit, and the hand, wrote, leon bakers son is cut off, golden, words, that, was, im a bear, satan, is, the head, and, magog, is the body, and, the, man, came out of nowhere, fire colored, Jesus, thats, the, Lambs Book, of Life, and the lighted, finger pointed, that, was, an, angel man, that, was a mouth of light, with a round face, teeth, that, was, heavenly, theres, the alarm, in the day, theres, a town, that, will confess, every young will confess, this was, a dream, sang, by, celine dion, spiritual, show, that, said, celine, wish I had, a vision, she said, she does, call her, prophet, celine, dion, dreams, and hollie pointed, and bob, dreamed, with, meatloaf, wanting meatloaf, for, westside pentecostal, church, pray, was there, that was, heavenly, like, green lights, moving, bob dreamed, he was talking about judgments to countries, need bibles said, michael boldea, that was hollie, pointed, showed, servant, lighted, pope and hu, g8, russia, ten crowns, putin, kneeled before the pope, that was king JEsus, like a, crowned white Spirit, that was a Spirit, face, looking, that, was, heavenly, white like, in, the midst, of, hollie, fire, colored, like, people in, hell, agony, unbearable, nuclear, explosion in indianapolis, taiwan, on fire, look, will, he save me, yeah, read ACTS 2:38, and, do it, that was Gods eye weeping, lighted, cause, there aint no visions, in pentecost, because, theres no apostolics, in pentecost, sang the minsitering spirits, blow the trumpet in sion, said, the, little boy, that ran to the wall, libya, exploded, that was, hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, lybia, is, holding, nuclear weapons, for, moscow, about, wrong, said, bush, forty, and hollie, showed, thumbs up for the toyota previa, and pointed at the crow, you left, said, the, girl, from, warren, boyds, chruch, who me, thats, the, main, ministering spirit, pointed, hollie, put my visions on the internet, said, the, main, with the relay song singers, thats it, the sea of crystal out of the crystal, throne, plane crash said the angel, of the Lord, godddamit, said, danny thomas, submarine sound, pointed, hollie, and japan, destroyed, and, when, america, hits, saudia, arabia, watch out, and, hollie, pointed, at, the, 76 cadillac, thumbs up, at the ford van, shew, the, g8, is, wanting, everybodies oil, and the arabs, overcharging, uto, im the main, like the main, and hollie, licked the prophet, didnt, the angel, hollie, say, bob, theres, trouble, right here, and the finger poitned, cause the left and still, preach on in my name is why im coming after them, said, Jesus, record, the vision, Jesus showed, bobby, I dont, want you, said, hollie, leave it there, said, baker, and, hollie, showed, thumbs down, on your motor oil, gray, kent, cut off, and hollie showed, anartica, on fire, and, bush, appeared on it, germany, is, holding, nuclear, weapons, for, america, and, russia, and, hollie, showed, turn, dont quit said the angel of the LOrd, thank you, for writing me, your vision is, awesome, I saw, something, when I read, the sun, was, it, is, never, sunny, until, the storm passes, and, the man with, wavy, hair, sandals, is, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, Jesus, and he is, was, coming to get you, but, you chose, debra, sell, had her chance, now, record, the vision, hollie, showed, look that, iraq, kuwait, that, the plane hit the building, that, record, showed, hollie, leon, why are, you, preaching, baker, to, make, money, son, both, debra sell, have the ACTS 2:38, born again, experience, you know, said, Jesus, you, are, no, she said, that, the plane, every, hit, the, building, theres, explosion, and, the, angel, of the LOrd, for, git, it, said, no, leon, bakers, son, out, no, and thats where, the, angel, was, out, we know it, liar, this is heaven, this is hell, glass city, lava, how long, you, been prayin, said, the angel of the Lord, and he saw, and hollie pointed, lybia, syira, kuwait, saudi arabia, time to go home, this is your last warning, debra, sell, moscow and china, and all of the western hemisphere, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie, showed, that, agin, said, emptyin, church, terry cannon, we know, that, cut off, showed hollie, leave here, said, daniel bohler, that, america, is, that, closing, that, that, the sears tower, down, that, pointed, the plane, hit the building, herbe, was, un accountable, and he saw, a beast come out of his heart, rage, inside, handicapped, people, leave alone, they are, not, driven, drawn, by Jesus, heaven, bound, and he saw a beast, with two horns, the ram, putin and hu, came out, the whole usa, will be, desolate, and brazil, exploded, and, the lighted, finger pointed, that, hell pointed hollie, flames, soon, the united states, desolate, said, the angel of the LOrd, and like karate chopped, that, and hollie pointed, hell, flames, thats, for, me, hot water, for hollie, record the vision, Jesus showed, pray, said hollie, and Jesus came out of the bible, and the heavens, departed, and, the face of Jesus, blanck, and, eyes appeared, work, and Jesus, showed, to, record, the vision, and, make it plain, that, was, the, enthusiastic hollie, and hollie pointed, thats, the tap dancers, and robert williams and stan johnson were two of them, Spirit of the Prophecy church, now heres the deal, persia, is, most of the world, the medes are, asians, raise your hands and repeat, after, me, and hollie licked the prophet, and the angel of the Lord licked the prophet, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by bush, you, blew it, what, he, say, said, Jesus, leon baker, s, son, prophet, you wont pray, paul, mooney, for, this, the new calvary tabernacle, closed, I, know it, all, ready, he said, thats, the main, and, the, crowd cheering, ministering spirit, cut me off, said, the paul mooney girl, leave me alone, said, the paul, mooney girl, and, im the pope, 666, and he saw, and, the, lighted, golden, finger pointed, that, was, the main ministering spirit, and, the angel, showed, twice, and, babyfleas, bit the prophets head off, smiling and angry, with the undecided look, and he saw, the world, and, hollie showed at the bottom, planes, and submarines, and, a prophet, shot into the heavens, I, know it, said, robert, williams, and, subs, rose, and started firing, all of, the western hemisphere, moscow and china, theres north and south korea, china and japan, and, let me, see, here, moscow, lybia, kuwait, saudi arabia, and, iran, iraq, the palestinian state, syria, all hit, and up rose, four horns, and the are, the pope, hu, the idol shepard, and, the slashed, pope, there, are, no, visions, in, pentecost, thats, the main ministering spirit, with, the loose belt, sound, a/c, and hollie pointed, flames, hell is for hollie, record, the vision, the pope, will, go, to the greek orthadoxed church, and in moscow, and, gain, control, over, russias, nuclear, arsenal, and hollie skinned, and hu, and japan, will rise to withstand, and hollie showed, to record, celebrated, 11-13-2006-Im the, main, and, the, angel, showed, that, was, renea, hazel barker, and, the angel, showed, and, the, bright light, over, the mountains, and, JEsus coming, and, hollie, pointed, new, york, said, Jesus, and, no, hillary clinton, and the lihgted finger pointed, is, crowned, king of, the, usa, thats, the woman, help me, said, diana hughey, no, remedy, hell, flames, hollie, record, showed, hollie, im the man, that, sang, now, Ive had the time of my life, with, linda, ronstandt, she gave me, blew she, said, a hundred dollars, minus half, to sing, that song, and, we, both, knew, number one, I, didnt, lied, linda, ronstant, she, and he pointed, made fifteen million and only gave 50, and knew, he was nothing, no, she, will say, prophet, said, the girl from paul, mooneys church, both, in, hell, he, thinks, I, didnt, meaning, know, but, it was written, I, didnt, he said, fuck him, said, linda ronstandt, wanna do a video, allright, 500, hated, but, and hollie, out of, the horn, showed, the whistle, sign, fire, tongue, licked the prophet, I didnt have no money, said, the, man, that, sang, with, linda, ron, standt, you had it, and, the pope, and hu, and, putin, came out of, the ram, with, the emporer of japan, and, the fire light came from the lighthouse, hollie played the organ, and blew the horn, im the main ministering spirit, and hollie licked the prophet, put more visions on my website, and, that, was, fire, like, over the mountains, and the face of JEsus appeared, and, babyfleas bit the prophets head off, angry, theres, a reason, said, the pope, cut off, was her vision, and, the, main, pointed, look, the, plane, hit the building, come back, bobby, said, leon bakers, son, were, fallen, said, donny joe winters, help us, but, you, wont, let, and he saw, him, at, westside pentecostal, church, my house, said, never saved, intruder, donny joe winters, and the face in the light, grabbed donny joe, hell, in hell, he will, say, I wanted, money, and hollie showed, pointed, destruction will come from here, that was, bright light, that was the lighted angel of the LOrd, theres, mercy, hollie, showed, that, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, oceans, planes, is, where, that, that, said, hollie, and, hollie, showed, pointed, and the popes face, was, on the middle finger of, satan, and the golden faced, man, im a bear, me, putin, satan, is, the head, magog, is the body, thats, the pope, hu, the emporer of japan, and, hollie showed, pointed, and the idol shephard, the, three kings that, rose plus one, tell me about hu, I am a god, and, satan, came up, shot out of hell, into the idol shepard, that was satan, im the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, and Im, the pope, shh, submarine sound, thats the submarine sound, pointed, hollie, and subs, sneaked up on boom, america, exploded, and, the woman, came up, the statue of liberty, everybody that seves the LOrd is, joshua, the high priest, raise your hands and repeat after, me, russia is the bear, with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope and hu is the false prophet, and, he saw, the pope, with, ten crowns, and, them, all, staged, around china, these are, that was, satan, shh, im the beast, that was satan, shh, and, Jesus, watched, the rocky horror picture show, thru backslidden sevants, and sat on the empty pew, wept, servants dancing at bars, with pentecostal written over, prophecy university said the angel of the LOrd, there, aint no visions, in pentecost, and hollie licked the prophet, cause there, are, no apostolics, and hollie licked the prophet, in pentecost, o no, I, wanna go home, said, the girl, from paul mooneys church, pastor, fred johnson in france, is cut off, no signs, ptfe is an engines best friend, tell em said, hollie, record, more, visions, showed, the angel, with, an attitude, bobby, right here, im a bear, me, putin, and the lihgted white being blew the claironet, and hollie came out, I, want, you, to, post, more, visions, on, my website, this is, heaven, this is, hell, glass city, lava, put it in diana, thats exactly what indiana is, and he saw, the angel of the LOrd, asking diana, goddess, what are, you, a whore god, unemployment, cancelled, new yourk city, and he saw, hillary clinton wearing a crown, coffee, prophey university, oil, theres, the alarm, armageddon, im the main, get, a, coffee, and come back, that was hollie, tearing up the con, trap, and, JEsus, appeared, and, the angel, came, out, of, the, lightening, bolt, with white hair, the seven thunders, are, raise your hands, and repeat after, me, work for JEsus, while, it, is, still, day, they, said, that, was, JEsus, with, precious stones covering, sardine eyes, jaspir, ring on hand, I council thee, to buy of me gold tried in the fire, thats the Holy Ghost, baptism, that, was, an angel, coming out of the lightening bolt, that, was, a tumbs down, REVELATION teaching, dont, git, it, said, leon bakers, son, you would be, fascinated, that was, a crystal throne, with, crystal, sea, and, the lighted JEsus, pointed, gold, and, the finger pointed, lihgted, is the word of God, and, Jesus, is, the expressed image, of, the Spirit, tried, means, raise, your hands, and repeat after, me, the word, trap it, said, the enthusiastic hollie, that woman, Jesus told you willnever hunger or thirst again, me, said, JEsus, I will, be, with, the, glorious robe, and the lighted, hand, pointed, your life after, that, white robe, of the saints, the Holy Ghost, hell, hollie, toyota, five runner, flames, thats, the, ladiocians, not, hot or cold, rich, meaning, dont want, Jesus, in, and, out, and the lighted hand pointed, and he saw, philadelphi, and the lihgted hand pointed, what is that, read about philadelphia, said, the voice, coming, out, of, the, fire, like, light, that, was, heavenly, people in the fire like light, that was the angel with the, horn, and hollie came out, post, more, visions, philadelphia, read it, and, JEsus, blowed the horn, lighted, and hollie came out, you left, upci, paw, g.t. haywood, cut off, no signs, that was heavenly, white light, people, we, did, not, want people to know what we said, said, the seven thunders, and JEsus sat on the cyrstal throne, bright light with a mans face, then, bright light, thats what the LORd looks like said, Jesus, and Jesus showed, to be quiet, the angel, its sealed until the eand, to, daniel, and, im the seven thunders, lightenings, procedding out the throne, sealed, what they said, revealed, on, ministryofdreams, what, those seven thunders said, is revealed on ministryofdreams, hollie, looking at, and, he saw, im going to the lake, daniel bohler, JOHN 13, dan, said, JEsus, no, lets, pray about it, said, the girl from paul mooneys, church, I, got cha, said, dan, bohler, and, the, lighted hand, and, the, fire, flash, wheres, my mercy, saith the Lord, and, the lighted serpent, and the popes face and hus, and he dreamed, with the, brian lane, pastor, caldwell, man, and said, the pentecostal, people are lost, I can prove it, when, the Holy Ghost, comes into you, it will feel like a body your perfect size coming in, and it will cause you to speak in tongues, you wont do it yourslef, brian, knew, we need it, said, the woman, going to, westside, pentecostal, church, donny joe winters, has never, prayed, thru, and, pastoring, no signs, ministryofdreams-visions recieved 11-13-2006-ministryofdreams, sang, gene simmons, of, rock band, KISS, and he is, a prophet, and he saw, america, and thats the submarine sound, said, hollie, subs, sneaked up, on, and, it, boom, and, the woman, came up, the statue of liberty, that is, that, great, city, that reigns, over, the kings of the earth, washington d.c., and alice cooper said, hey gene, out, he said, im Jesus, out, but, they are both, prophets, did you hear, ok, about the, look that, pointed, hollie, the plane, said, herbe, pointed, hit, the, building, the aon, the sears tower, and, that, she pointed, the collapse of the american economy, that, and, she, told, about, moscow, and, china, that, planning for, lets rule the world, sang, putin, that, said, hollie, russia, said, hu, that, said, hollie, make, me, an, offer, for, taiwan, destroyed by china, that, said, hollie, they are, planning, to, nuke, and, america, under, hillary, will, do it, that, and, moscow, only, one sixth left, 11-14-2006-and hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, and, the lithening, bolts, with, angels, coming out, have the ACTS 2:38, born again experience, theres, the submarine sound, and hollie, that, was, a bright light, come, unto, me, said, the mouth, in, the, white, light, and, hollie, came out of the horn, and, whistled, that, was, a crack, in, the, wall, JEsus, work, for, me, record, showed, hollie, and hollie whistled, work, while it is day, saith, the LOrd, om on my way down, said, daniel bohler, you want to know how you blew it, prophecy club, you, proved, to, the, world, I think, well, see an invasion of israel, by the end of the year, this is my last, time, wait a minute mister christian, and the angel, put, his, hands, back, on, bob, record, showed, hollie, heres, what, I did, I stripped you of your desire to serve the LOrd, brand new angel friend, that, was gabriel, and michael, and Jesus, firing, judgments, there goes, and, hollie pointed, said, robert williams, africa, south america, and, latin, north, moscow, and, china, taiwan, italy, france, u.k., kuwait, iraq, saudi arabia, and, the palestinian state, and, the, angel, blew the horn, hollie, came out, work for Jesus, with the whistle sign, and the lighted pointed, that was satan, and JEsus pointed, im the beast, shhh, that, was, your face, in, the hole in, Jesus s hand, and hte pope, christian said, hollie, clap your hands and make a joyfull noise, and the lighted finger pointed, thats the main, ministering spirit, my, names, hollie, im the main, and, God, showed, bob, inside of churches, and, the outlaws Jesus, vest, rev, on the 883, and, the lightening bolt, with the angel coming out, and, the outlaws, Jesus, with, the lighted, finger, on, his, shoulder, lightening, and, he, saw, the angel, come, out, long, white hair, work for the LOrd, record, showed, hollie, and, pointed, lighted, celebrated, that, was, a man, in the fire, light, and, hollie, showed, record, cause, there, are, no visions, in, pentecost, because there are no apostolics, that, was a golden statue of liberty, and Jesus, out, thats, when, that, was, God, looking, white face, that was, not, God, that, was, satan, and the lighted finger pointed, im the beast, shhh, and, the, two hands, clapped, and, lighted palms, the pope and hu, thats, the, new world order, and, Jesus, pointed, 99 cents stores is what ran walmart out of buisness, you, fools, people wont come back, bobby, I blew it, said, the president of walmart, there it is, he pointed, the pioneer, when, soundesign is what he should have sold, got, said, hollie, who can, I, replace, he thought, now, and he saw, the walmart closed, fools, eight million, for, the walmart in plain, indiana, and empty, that, was, a, hand, in, the, fire, light, find, you way back, sang, grace slick, the economys lost, and he saw, and, the white Jesus pointed, america is a warehouse, I want my visions, thats the main, said, the angel, ministering spirit, that was, the popes image, on, the hand, and, 666, on, the forehead, write a book, said, the angel, born, at, the table, between, hu, and the pope, and, the lighted finger pointed, 666, prophet, thats, the girl from, paul, mooneys, church, it will, empty because of, your visions, thats, the, boston spaceship, with new jerusalem in it, glass city, that, was, bright light, thru the crack, shh, that, was, satan, pointed, hollie, im the beast, shhh, put, your, own, visions, pointed, the main, on, the internet, that, was, hollie, with a face, like, satan, and the finger pointed, and, hollie came out of the flute, let, me, alone, showed, thats my brother, said, JEsus, he, tried, to, wreck you, said, the woman, and, the lighted, hand, pointed, stan will, offer, you, a tour on the prophecy club, no, bob, showed, come, and, help us, said, daniel, bohler, bob, would, like, that, and, hollie, came, out, of, the horn, and, pointed, blow the whistle, and, alice cooper, came running, alice, cooper, radio show, and your lighted finger pointed, cut off, now, words, over, alice, you were gitton complacent, said, alic cooper, accept, it, he, got, it, said, hollie, thats, the, organ, being played, horn, alice cooper, an ozzy ozbourne song, then, the next one, with ozzys former guitarist, ozzy, showed, out, you knew not to do that vince, ozzy didnt, like, that, cause alice is immature, ozzy will get, this, big 60 coming, and he saw, and hollie showed pointed, lighted, im the main ministerting spirit, my names, hollie, and hollie licked the prophet, that, was a lighted Jesus, baldness, sin, entered into the world, thats them right there, three kings, shall, stand up in persia, and they are, the pope, the idol, shepard, and the finger, pointed, hu, and, japan, prophet, record, the vision, hollie, showed, celebrated, and, hollie, played, the horn, no o, and the, lighted, clawed being lifted up the crystal ball, and the little boat, yacht, started across, the ocean, and storm coming, parked, but was torn, once we hit alaska, said, the angel, you will have two hours, and hollie, showed, to record, and waited, and prayed, check your oil, with your hands, thick and slick, keep, like, hollie, showed, anartica, and hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, alice, coopers, baby if you, want to be my lover, number, eight, bush, will, hit, syria, and, iran, at, the same, time, and, hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, and, hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, theres, the tap dancers, and, the, pope and hu, were, two of them, whats that, said, babyfleas, anartica, is, on fire, and, bush, is, taking, its, oil, and, the world, leaders, are, jel, lous, and, the, lighted, angel, at the keyboard, record the vision, hollie, you cant, be, for, and, against, Je`sus, he wont have it, iran, said, hollie, bush, will, hit, syria, and, iran, both, move it, said, hollie, and, hollie, showed, to, record, and, hollie, pointed, wait a minute, mr. christian, have nothing to do with it, said, Jesus, hunt uhh, shhh, said, hollie, that, was, satan, but he looked like Jesus, bobby, theres, a, river, flowing, crystal, and the angel, out of, the red lightening, bolt, work, for, the Lord, bobby, everybodies, slipping, because, there, not praying, you, dont, talk, in, my, name, if, you, dont, live, the life, if, you, do, Im against, you, and he saw, donny joe, winters, speaking, and never saved, at, westside pentecostal, church, no, saith, the Lord, and, Jesus, said, to, bob, why, do, you, serve, me, to, stay out of, hell, deny yourself, is the only reason anybody does, franks garage, stay away from there, pointed, hollie, he ll fight, you, I want, my visions, on the internet, thats, the main, and, the, angel, showed, and, the, prophet, showed, to, record, the vision, there, aint no more visions, in pentecost, cause, there, are, no more apostolics, war, coming, record, the vision, record, the vision, no, said, Jesus, the, talking Jesus doll, out, record, the vision, lucas oil stabilizer, dont use, that, said, Jesus, that will, kill, your, engine, in, the winter, it, wont, according to the bottle, freeze, icebox, and, find out, that, will, not, come, out of that bottle, up side down, sang, Jesus, it, wont, said, the lucas, employee, but, record, showed, Jesus, work, said, Jesus, in the light, record, the vision, hell, hell, is for hollie, flames, thats, the, tap dancer, clapped, write the vision, and, the pope, and, hu, and, fox, lula, chavez, castrol, jong, and, putin, these will all, ortega, give thier power and strength, to the beast, send it over, boom, subs, sneaked up, and america exploded, and, the statue of liberty came up, the woman, whore, christian, no, said, hollie, tell me about, syria, hitting iraq, all, iran, all, bush, watch, and hillary crowned, new york, president, americas last, the Lord, record, the vision, and, he, saw, the angel, come out of, the lightening, bolt, blow the trumpet, in sion, and, sound an alarm, in my holy mountain, let, all of the inhabitants of the land, tremble, for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand, put, me, first, pointed, Jesus, said, Jesus, and, the white spirits, at the table, and, fox, popped, out, and, putin, jong, raise your hands and repeat after, me, putin, and, hu, and, castrol, not oil, and, thumbs up showed, hollie, and satans, seat, in, chian, the map unfolded, and he saw, satan, stand, up, rise, with, magog, that, is, raise, your hands, and, repeat, after, me, thats, china, the horn, that, came up last, and, the pope, came out of italy, then, china, after, america, moscow, and china, nuke, each other, out of, the, ruins, of, moscow and china, the four horns, rose, they are, hu, the pope, the idol shepard, and, the emporer of japan, slashed pope, let me see it, these are the three kings in persia, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, that, we got is said karen, at westsid eclub, eagledale, out, move it back, where it was, area, so, people with out cars, and the map unfolded, and, satan, s, seat, revealed, grecia, china, and china, is moscow, the ram, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, and the, and the lighted finger pointed, check your oil with your hands, like hollie, showed, thick and slick, keep, what if I killed somebody, said, babyfleas, your mouth, watch, said, Jesus, and hollie, pointed, hell, is for hollie, record, the vision, write the vision, like hollie, record, the vision, record, the vision, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, theres, the, tap dancers, you, wreck, because, you dont, pray, and hollie clapped, nothings, free, said, the angel, of the Lord, white man, and hollie pointed, and the lighted, finger pointed, record hollie showed, woe unto thee, saith, the Lord, that, have, wasted, this, life, on, the pleasures of, and he saw, the angel, come out of the, lightening, bolt, and the white flash, its awesome, said, the, iupui student, now, serve, Jesus, and, the, angel, with white hair, work for Jesus, and, the angel, will not live, in an, unclean, work for Jesus, read and do, ACTS, 2:38, and hollie, came out of, the, trumpet, and, blew the whislte sign, Im, moody, and, white face, work for Jesus, and Jesus blew, the, horn, saith, the Lord, work, now, time is coming, when, you cannot, and, it is, approaching, fast, with, raise your hands, and repeat after me, sang the pope, he is, the, anti, Christ, and hu is the false prophet, im the beast, they both say, hu will rise, to, withstand, the pope, and, he is, the beast, im the beast, said, the little horn, magog, is, the seat of, satan, and that is, the horn that came up last, on the ram, and the ram is, and he saw, the, angry, ram, with, two horns, and, putin, and, hu, came out, and, the pope, came out of, putins, he will go to, the greek orthadoxed church, and make an agreement, to gain, control, and get it, of, mos, cows, nuclear, are, sen, al, and that is, big, about, 50,000, on, laun, chers, and, have control, of, and he saw, four, kings, arise, and they are, the pope, the idol shepherd, and that is, slashed, pope, and, hu, and japan, to rise, to withstand, 666, born at the table, between, them, because, both have nukes, aimed, at, this, will, keep, them, from, destroying, each, other, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, and hu, I willnot put up with, you, allright, they said, to each other, speak, lies, at the table, both, the king of grecia, and that is, the world, and, the king of, the, east, hu, and, china will, invade, moscow, and, 666, will be, born, at the gates of france, like dumitru duduman, saw, and, the pope will get slashed, and, satan, and he saw, satan, shot out of hell, and entered into, the, pope s, body, and, started killing, jews, to, destroy, Gods, seed, but, the vials, of wrath, poured, and, Christ will appear, and he saw, Christ appear, with, millions, of, angels, and, the sky was yellow, and that means, war, said, the pope, the beast, and the false prophet, are thrown alive, into the, bottomless, pit, iraq, will end, like, dumitru, duduman, showed, stan, johnson, nuclear, with, EZEKIEL 7, being fullfilled, and, this is, both, the palestinian state, and iraq, gaza forsaken, fullfilled, most of israel, destroyed, like, dumitru told, stan, prophecy, club, it will start, hold it, said, Jesus, with, china, attacking, destroying, taiwan, and, using, terror, ists, to, attack, washington state, and, america, will, immediately, nuke, and he saw, china, mostly, destroyed, and when russia, sees, then, they will, nuke, alaska, barren, and they know it, like, gene schmidt, saw, and he saw, most, of, alas, ka, destroyed, and, america, immediately, hits, mos, cow, hard, and, russia, wipes, out, the american, mainland, one third, of the population, will be, including, moscow, africa, all of, the western hemisphere, and, japan, took, three missiles, and, kuwait, saudia arabia, nuked, and, iran, syria, and, many more, like, north and south korea, took, one missile each, boom, and the world wobbled, alice cooper, said, hollie, your show, is, not going to make it, they, need, more, revenue, and you are, not, playing, what this, untoward, I got it, said, alice, cooper, vince, bob friend, no, said, Jesus, but, bob, was, at, the alice cooper, show, back in, 70, 6, 8, and, 81, and, lastly, 85, and he was only, about, 12, but, the man next door, was, living with, another, man, s, wife, and, wrote me, said, alice cooper, bob like, kiss, and, meatloaf, and, ozzy, ozzbourne, and now lives for Jesus, alice in chains, stole the name, alice, from, alice, cooper, but now they are, broken, but alice is, doing find, sold out, he saw, 11-15-2006-record the vision, hollie, showed, record, hollie, showed, write the vision, and, hollie, owwww, said, hollie, whipin, record, hollie, showed, and the red finger pointed, record, hollie, showed, slept, saddam, hussein, shot, like, bush, and, the, golden, pointed, five million mullahs, in hell, and he, living like, iraq, and, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, and, he, saw, Jesus, pointed, look, the palestinian state, and, iraq, on, fire, and saddam, dead, this will, bring, babylon, into, rememberance before, God, and he will, destroy, america, america, iraqs, oil, and, took, contracts, tell, the, visions, said, hollie, and, the pope, that, was, satan, im the beast, shhh, said, hollie, with seven heads and ten horns, shhhh, the pope, put, more, visions, on, my, website, said, hollie, ruint, she, thinks, what, is, that, its, closed, theres, the tap, dancers, and, the, pope, and hu, bobby, you, can, make, it, if, the white spirits, sitting at the table, raise your hands and repeat after, me, where, has, prophecy gone, said, terry, cannon, sealed, untill, and, he saw, bush, shot, that, was, the, black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, fox, and, lula, and, the whie spirits, with, putin, jong, ortega, castrol, they will give, I am a god, said, hu, right here, EZEKIEL 28, and the beast, that is, the pope, record, the vision, prophet, said, the, girl, from, paul, mooneys, church, tell my visions, said, kristina, and, the, paul, mooney, girl, and hollie, showed, to, record, and, satan s, seat, in, magog, saw, and, that, is, raise your hands and repeat after, me, sang, the pope, what is, magog, im the ruler, and he saw, where, russia, and, china, and, all, of, those, lands, are, gog is the chief prince of meschak and tubal, and that is, the, land, of, magog, the ram, but, thats, hu and putin, north and south korea, and, japan, russia and china, the pope, will, after, china, and, america, and, moscow, nuke, each, other, four horns, will, rise, the three kings in, persia, that rise, and they are, the pope, hu, the idol shepherd, and the emporer of japan, and, the pope, will, got, to, the greek othadoxed church, and make, an, agreement, this, hurt me, dumitru showed, sixty, one, tithes, to, hand of help, pointed, golden, lighted, finger, record, the vision, prophet, gone, said, dumitru duduman, go, in, down, all prophets, that, dont, pray, and, all, are, prophets, all, have, visions, and dreams, record, the, vision, lighted, and, the, golden, dream, thats, a, night vision, and, hollie, pointed, theres, the, submarine, sound, and, subs, sneaked up on, america, boom, and, the, woman, came, up, the statue of liberty, the whore, and, hillary clinton, crowned, after, dick, cheney, he, done, it, said, hollie, and the lighted, hollie, pointed, the united states, gone, said, Jesus, prophet, theres, the, submarine, sound, pointed, the paul mooney, girl, and she is, lost, sings, record, showed, the, paul, mooney, girl, I, am, she, said, write the vision, tell, me, about, the paul, mooney girl, om a lesbian, but, deny, myself, like demi moore, america is, the, whore, prophet, that, was, flames, hell, is, for, hollie, and, the, paul, mooney, girl, pointed, and the lighted red finger, war, said, the pope, and hollie, pointed, old dominion freight line, go there, bob, work, and the lighted, finger pointed, dim yellow, and hollie, showed, lit, anartica, on fire, bush, and, kuwait, saudi arabia, pointed, bush, and, iran, and, iraq, said, the tap dancers, and, kuwait, check your oil, with, your hands, thick and slick, keep, showed james, the, united states, of america, will, be, a, desolation, said, dumitru duduman, and, that, was, the, alice in chaines, lead singer, turning up the radio, they stole, that name, from, alice, cooper, and, alice, came, out, for, dragontown, and, alice pointed, lighted, write the vision, record, the vision, ozzy, ozbourne, dead, soon, from, drinking, to much, the, angel, and, he pointed, kenneth, babyface, edwards, cut off, no, signs, and, the, angel, showed, record, showed, the, angel, get, out of here, said, hollie, didnt, the angel, hollie, say, I, all, ready, know, wanna, get, shot, said, the, angel, and, the harley outlaws, Jesus, rev, 883, peel out, paul, mooney, and, the, lighted, angel, theres, the, submarine sound, lets, pray, said, the girl, from, paul, mooneys, church, my bowells, and he saw, lick, thats what, people, want, shew, record, the vision, showed, the angel, los angeles, and he saw, hollie, waving, like, a fire, bear, both, coasts, in flames, new york, president, hillary clinton, im lying, billionaires, didnt the angel Jesus, say, stop it, said, hollie, thats what God wanted, apostolic life, tabernacle, ronald elliott, never saved, pastoring, and the lighted, finger pointed, and he, saw, nuclear, explosions, in, indianapolis, in, the night, thats, when, you, least, expect it, when, happy, or, asleep, we, got, it, said, hillary clinton, dick cheney, and, she, showed, america, here, we go again, I cant hold it said, cheney, bad heart, but, guess who he will, vice, he will, said, john, no, well, then, hillarys got it, call me, the, united states, king, emergency, said, the angel, of the Lord, how come, I, aint, prayin, and, cause, cut off, you left, what time is it, time for you, many, pastors, lock it up, empty churches, theres, the, submarine sound, that, was, satan, Im the beast, with, seven heads, and ten horns, and Im the pope, and, hu, is, the false, prophet, shhh, theres, the submarine sound, boom, subs, sneaked up on, america, thats the woman, that was, the statue of liberty, and, that was, satan, s, seat, in, china, and hollie pointed, why aint noby lookin, yeah, cause, nobodies, prayin, now, we, want, you, said, ann schmidt, liar, and, the, lighted finger pointed, and the pope, with, 666, theres, the alarm, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble, i, like, abortion, and, the, lighted, finger pointed, uuuuu, said, the lighted, hollie, sticking tongue out, lighted, tongue, hollies, in hot water, didnt the angel, hollie, say, hell, thats it, hollie, flames, hollie, played the horn, and came out, of, the flute, blown by Jesus, work, for, Jesus, its up to you, said, virginia boldea, work, hell, hell, is for hollie, the Lord said, I, wanted, to make, bob, backslide, because, he said, he, wouldnt, I teased him for over a year, and allowed, fiery darts, to infect, and destroy his gums, let, satan, enter into his heart, and more, Im, stripping his faith, right when it develops, all this is going on to drive bob away, I want, him to backslide, so, I, can make, a, example out, him, this is why, the Lord says, you can not stay, if I dont want you to, I drove, bob, out, because, he, stopped, walking in circles, and, spinning, when, stopped, got you, said, Jesus, that means, every day, all, day, every step, even, while, trying to, do something, heres, are you prayin said, hollie, for, God, to, refrain, record, the vision, and the four horns, arose, theres the submarine sound, and he saw, said, hollie, a red lightening, bolt, and the angel, came out, with, an, explosion, woe, saith, Jesus, to, the, apostolic, you loose, said, hollie, no, prayer, and then, he saw, the, inside, of, the, lighthouse, pentecostals, of indianapolis, and, danny, thomas, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, the Lord told you to pray, thus speaketh, danny, thomas, saith the Lord, now here, this, saith, Jesus, like a bearded man, boom, the flash, white, hell is for hollie, aint nobody prayin, said, hollie, hell, is, for hollie, flames, check your oil, with your hands, thick and slick, keep, showed, hollie, like alice cooper, and, Jesus, showed, moses, the promised land, and did not let him, go, in, because, moses, committed a sin unto death, thats, the, enthusiastic hollie, work, for, the Lord, and hollie came out of the horn, and hollie showed, turn, satan, left, said, hollie, war, said, Jesus, coming, and, the, finger pointed, record, record, the vision, hollie, showed, theres, and hollie showed, the submarine sound, showed, hollie, thats, kings, at, a, table, and, fox s, face, popped, out, white, spirits, he is, calderon, and, moscow, is, right here, said, the pope, stage subs, thats the girl from paul mooneys church, prophet get saved, glass city, words, and he saw, new jerusalem, like, glass, city, streets, glass, and hell, like lava, and, many people, there, with, pentecostal, u.p.c.i., written, over, thier heads, thats, the, relay singers, and hollie, clapping, we, want, you, said, danny thomas, im over, right here, pulpit, thats, the four horns, the, pope, the idol shepherd, same, the emporer of japan, and, hu, and, 666, born at the table, tina turners song, you better be good to me, number one, means, after, oral, and, anal, sechs, she had, much, theres the alarm, the united states, will, be a desolation, real, soon, bobby, he wants in your room, danny thomas, I saw, the pope, as the face of, wounded, the serpent, with, eight heads, the g8, america, as, the woman, with, moscow, right there, in, the, g8, and, the ten crowns, on, moscows, head, and, putin, kneeling before, the pope, the ten crowns, are, the ruling, party, of the former, u.s.s.r., and they chose, ten kings out one nation, and robert williams, pointed, with a lighted finger, danny thomas, taiwan, destroyed, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, and, the lighted finger pointed, you know it, bobby, hell, that is, for hollie, thumbs up, dollar, general, if, you, go, to, danny thomas, s, church, you, Ill, throw you out, Ill git you out of here, he ll, I want you to, shoot, danny thomas, theres, the alarm, I blew, said, danny thomas, join us, you, need, to, go, right here, pointed, the, lighted, hollie, and chicago, exploded, boom, whatta, you, want, said, hollie, once, africa, is, destroyed, youll, have, brian lane, will, not, let, you have time of day, thats, a buisness, said, Jesus, and, hollie, danny thomas, looks, just like vince gill, said, hollie, mercy, said, hollie, pointed, theres, the alarm, theres trouble, in persia, bush, and, the, finger, pointed, thats, the, beast, s, seat, rome, danny thomas, the, pentecostals, of indianapolis, lighthouse apostolics, and he saw, worship me, them, worshipping danny, and thats what, he wants, submit, stay away from, danny, said, hollie, cut off, now, knowing, no signs, that, pointed, hollie, command ye me, and hollie, showed, to record, welcome, said, Jesus, im danny thomas, what are you doing, I want, to, be, seen, he said, no, signs, now, here, the, word, of, the Lord, danny thomas, you, were, told, to, step down, I knew, now, your, house, is left, desolate, that, america, that, the woman, that, the statue of liberty, that, you, aint, pentecostal, that, unless, the signs, are, coming forth, that, theres, the alarm, danny thomas, is, aint, nobody, prayin, said, hollie, and the, angel, came out of, the, lightening, bolt, tell, this church to pray, and hollie, came out of the horn, that Jesus blew, more, said, hollie, and danny thomas, pointed, with a lighted finger, pray more, said, hollie, that, coming out of the horn, you, knew it, said, prophet, and, danny thomas, pointed, leave it, right here, no, wailed hollie, no mercy, to the wesalyan, church, those people, and the lighted finger pointed, have had thier chance, old, leave, me, alone, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, with, a white face, like, satans, and, God said, you dont know, what, ya, got, until, its, gone, said, the tap dancers, and, the pope, and hu, and the fighting, irish, guy, were, two of them, there, are, no visions, and hollie licked the prophet, there, are, no, visions, in pentecost, thats the alarm, there, should be, you aint prayin, said, hollie, that means, you better be good to her, said, the angel, of the Lord, cause I dont have no use, tina turner, other, than, sechs, and that is, oral, anal, all, and, the, lighted, angel, 11-2006-and robert, williams, pointed, you want it, worship danny thomas, is what he wants, and, they do, you need a pastor, he preaches, no, you need not, that any man, you need preaching, but, paul, preached, in the letter, Jesus, preached, do what they say, record, the vision, showed, robert williams, posting many visions, he, record, the vision, they done want you, the prophecy club, america, and, he saw, the subs, sneak, up on, boom, america, exploded, and the woman, came, up, what, is, it, the statue of liberty, thats wrong said, hollie, record the vision, showed, robert williams, record, the vision, showed, hollie, yeah, celebrated, nobodies lookin, said, hollie, sleep, like showed, showed, and holie showed, dim yellow hands, anartica on fire, bush, and kuwait, japan, north and south korea, the u.k., italy, moscow, and, china, and, all, of, the western hemisphere, were broke said, stan johnson, what does he want, worship me, is, what, and, the angel, came out of the, lightning bolt, red, moscow, flash, work for Jesus, dont, said, hollie, record, record, she showed, robert williams, fascinated, and the angel, came out of the lightning bolt, boom, yellow bolt, war, come to me all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, and the lighted danny thomas, pointed, theres, the submarine sound, theres, the submarine sound, and hollie, came, out, of the horn, you, ruint, danny thomas, and, the, missiles streaked, and japan, boom, three, china, seventeen, in a circle, boom, and, captain hollie, im a bear, me, putin, brazil, boom, no venezuela, and he saw, them, planning, putin, castrol, chavez, theres, king jong, hu, ortega, calderon, and putin pointed, out of subs, airplanes, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, arise, and devour much flesh, and robert williams, told stan johnson, git, out, of my hair, book, record, showed, hollie, record, the vision, showed, hollie, no, iraq, nuclear, look, pointed, Jesus, that, iraq, and, the palestinian state, on fire, boom, america, look, brought in bush, and, the, serpent, the, dragon, and, the beast, pointed, liar, said, babyfleas, and bit the prophets, head off, with the angry and undecided look, thats, the g8, on the dragon, with, america, as, the woman, and moscow, right there, with, americas, allies, with ten crowns, and putin, kneeling before, the pope, americas gitton out of order, allright, putin, planned, with, many, kings, and, Jesus, appeared, and, boom, white flash, and, the, angel, out, of, the, lightening, bolt, boom, what did the angel, say, work for Jesus, and, the lighted, finger pointed, theres, the alarm, that, was, the serpent, two heads, the pope and hu, and hollie pointed, record showed hollie, look, pointed, and he saw, the pope, on the serpent, and the rad dragon, with, many, heads, the beast, dragon, many heads, the pope, rode the wonded one, the g8, with, the pope having ten crowns, catholic, boris yeltsin, and the two nuclear, explosions over indianapolis, and captain hollie, im a bear, me, putin, moscow, magog, is the body, and thats, north and south korea, otyre, china and japan, and satan, is the head, with, the pope, 666, on forehead, lighted, finger, born at the table, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble, in persia, the middle east, bush attacking syria, and, iran, nest, raising up, eight, and Jesus moved the pope out of the way, lighted, theres, the alarm, and the lighted, pope, blew the horn, and hollie came out, put, more, visions, on, your, website, thats it, said, robert, williams, prophecy club, tour, and the angel, blew the horn, im a bear, me, putin, and, hollie, came out, and, stuck, her, tongue out, and the angel, out of, the, lightening bolt, boom, woe, thats it, said, hollie, and the microphone, was handed, and he saw, alaska, nuked, from, gene schmidt, like a bear, in the sub, one, boom, there, aint nobody prayin, and subs all over the world, moscow and china, and the finger pointed, whats the said, Jesus, and, he saw, the ram, and the, lighted, finger pointed, hu and putin, came out, and the pope, came out, of, putins, and the hegoat, thats it, smote, and, up came, the pope, hu, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, that was the pope, pointing, with, a lighted, red finger, satan, warned, you, said, hollie, lighted, danny thomas, email, and, Jesus, descended on the cloud, like an angel, man, and, america, behind the statue of libert, hillary clinton, president, choice, said, hillary clinton, and she looked at even bayh, lusts, there, are, no decisions, in pentecost, sang, the ministering spirits, and Jesus, smoked, and, hollie, played, the organ, theres, the horn, blowed, and, hey alice cooper, he came out of the horn, work, and, hollie, showed, pointed, with, ozzy ozbourne, and meatloaf, they could hit number one, lost my hand, lost my arm, and, my eye, and hollie, tore up the con, 666, had my feelins hurt, said, hollie, please, Jesus, you can make it, any, if, the idol shepherd, slashed, by, kenneth haney, that was, a, violin, lighted, being played, lighted, and, hollie, came out, of, the hole, ACTS 2:38, what is it, said, pastor, danny thomas, salvation, write him, ask, him, china, said, Jesus, magog, and, the pope, came out, china and russia, are, one, the greek orthadoxed church, put, ya, right here, said, danny thomas, pulpit, and he saw, nuclear, missiles, aimed, right at each other, the pope and hu, 666, born at the table, between, itll prevent them, pope, prophet hu, false, said, hollie, and the angel, blew the horn, and, danny thomas, came out, im a liar, never saved, that, did it, bobby, said, the pope, threat, coming, and, the, world, was, in, the, angels, hand, this, nicaragua, mexico, and, cuba, pointed, venezuela, brazil, moscow, china, and, north korea, is, where, americas, destruction, and he pointed, lighted, finger, at, president hillary clinton, thats when, and the angel, came out of the moon, bright, work, for, the Lord, showed, hollie, whistle, sing, blow the trumpet, warn, and, the, lighted, mouth, with, diamond, teeth, and the bright diamond, finger, the word of the LOrd, when, the, economys shut off, thats, when, pointed, the lighted, Jesus, russia will, they'll ahnialate, the u.s.a., and the lighted Jesus, tore up the con, trast, trast, marcus, said, harrison, ford, raiders of the Lost ark, prophet, what did you do, said, ford, backslided, this is heaven, this is hell, glass, city, lava, prophet, theres, the, submarine sound, and hollie, pointed, theres the submarine sound, that, was, a, bright light, room, work for the Lord, that was, a, partial bearded face, with dung tongue, bowelll lickers like demi more, I like top give head, swallow, those are people, sang, the ministering spirits, and he saw, satan, attacking, dreamed, all around, had to stay, home, persecution, that, was, an, angel, lucifer, the book, had, two pages, added, theres, the alarm, no said, the girl from paul mooneys church, yes, about two hours after, msocow eliminates, america, they will hit, the, u.k., and france, and italy, where, the beasts, seat is, italy, japan, they all should have, fullfilled thier nato committments, ACTS 2:38, like, like, hollie, showed, God, and the lighted finger pointed, you dont want it no more, said, hollie, and, hollie, pointed, and, the pope, came up, shot, out of, hell, no, there, aint, no visions, in pentecost, because, there, are, no apostolics in pentecost, and that is, the beasts seat, in rome, and satan, shot out, of, hell, into, the pope, after, those, kings, get, that, one mind, to, destroy, america, record, showed, hollie, you, aint, prayin, and hollie pointed, v.w., bug, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, wonderful, car, hitler, had one, and bob, dreamed, his, van got stolen, he leaves it running, all the time, record, the vision, showed, hollie, that, the, plane, hit the building, aon, sears, that, red, to rentals, that, avoid, swindowler, that, record, showed, hollie, that, the beasts seat, that, rome, the pope, that, and the angel, came out the lightning bolt, red, and that means, communists, and, yellow, lightning bolt, theres, the, tap dancers, and hollie, showed, to, record, that, record, the vision, close charter, asap, pointed, the angel, lighted, bank, record, hollie, showed, and he dreamed, he saw, the, old, jeep truck, climbing, those, were, number one, all, four wheels, and, Jeep, is still like that, and, the man, pointed, angel, theres, the alarm, record, the, visions, said, the tap, dancers, and the angel, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and, venezuela, and, brazil, and, putin, and, china, is where, north, korea, americas, de, struc, tion, is coming from, and hollie, came out of the horn, and showed, the, whistle, sign, that was, a, silver, 76, ford gran torino, nice car, and, the angel, came out of, the lightning bolt, boom, and tell, terry cannons church, to pray more, said, hollie, and pointed, that, musharraf, al qaede, thumbs up he showed, and he saw, them, worshipping, terry, cannon, thats, what, he wants, record, the, vision, Jesus, showed, like, a white man, apostolic churches in indianapolis, were closed, said, a, pastor, why did you leave, said, hollie, I didnt feel God, you dont, have, the, Holy Ghost, and you sin, why should, you are, putting, Jesus, to an open, shame, saith, the Lord, listen, to ya, you are, bragging, about, and, no signs, accept danny, thomas, cut off, and knows, but, is, trying, to, pastor, to get back, not, saith, Jesus, step aside, like you were, told, he did, said, hollie, no, empty, pews, he will, no, said, mrs., thomas, leave, her, because, she is past, her, flower, and, walk, she, but, no, look, uppers, now, and, wretched, buy, of me, gold, tried, dont quit danny, she will think, loved, come out, she, nicely, but, danny, if you are, fe, male, he will, greet, but, come out, she, said, mrs., thomas, no, she, will, when, danny, I need him, but you, did not, do anything, yes, said, danny, wrong, but, danny, wants, raise, your hands and repeat after me, said, the pope, and, mrs., thomas, no, said, Jesus, danny, you are, accursed, allright, said, the, smiling, mrs., thomas, short, said, danny, not, you, are, but, 11-17-2006-record, hollie, showed, and, look, the palestinian state, and iraq, on fire, look, the u,k, boom, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, iran, syria, kuwait, north and south korea, boom, that was blew is, said, robert, no more, he showed, is that what you want, post, visions, but only a few, prayer request granted, he looked and, go, ahead, no, embarras, I, want, you, git, out, of, here, said, hollie, and, tarry cannon, many, pastors, now, there, church, s, desolate, no, people, and no visions and prophesying, when, bob, left, the spirit, that held people to thier god, thier pastors, left, and now, what, they, seemed to have is gone, you, aint, tarryin, said, terry cannon, many, pastors, churches, are, now, liablities, git closed, thier following, says, bobby, I go by the book, but, you never got saved, and the, Lord, can, not, add, to the church, and, hollie, showed, look at me, said, michael, boldea, no signs, how do we, git you to, bobby, thats what, they, want, is, bob, to, fall, im judging you, said, Jesus, and bob, that, pointed, hollie, told, the most, fascinating, vision, that, they both, ever heard, about, seeing, hollie, that, in, the ring, bright light, that, pointed, at, the, angelic hollie, that, big, and, that, she, pointed, at, the plane, hitting the building, boom, and, prophesied, that, and, she, but, after, getting at church, and, nobody, there, now send bob, to, late, that, write my vision, cut off, now, that, that, hollie showed, to record, the vision, said, the, pope, and, he was, tap dancing, with, hu, and fox, and, lula, and, chavez, and, jong, that was, a lighted finger, war, said, Jesus, theres, the submarine sound, and, subs sneaked up on, and america exploded, and, the, woman, came up, the statue of liberty, that, and, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, and, the, lighted, terry cannon, pointed, saddam hussein, said, the pope, thats my buddy, said, Jesus, mullah slayer, over, five million, all in hell, and he will shortly join, them, that was satan, shh, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and hu, is the false, prophet, hell, pointed hollie, bob, look at your house, said, Jesus, and, many pastors, that, bob, met, and, witnessed, now, empty, maybe I want you said, hollie, record, showed, hollie, now, thats, the, Lord, and, the lighted pointed, bob, witnessed, and, the woman, did not have, time of day, and, record the vision, record, the vision, record, the vision, and, the pope, showed, gas prices, down, kill saddam hussein, and avenge, five million mullahs, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, write the vision, and, the, angel, blew the horn, and, hollie, came out, u.p.c.i., is cut off, no, signs, and the angel came out of the lightning bolt, work for Jesus, and, flash, dissappeared, and atlanta, gerogia exploded, all of, from the sub in the atlantic, russia, im a bear, and forty more missiles streaked, boom, boom, all of, and the statue of liberty came up, the woman, bob, was, satan, pointed hollie, im the beast, said, the, ram, skull, and, and putin and hu came out, and, the pope, came out of, putins, horn, they are, one, the four kings, rose, and, the idol shepard, and, hollie, with, the, chain saw, killing bubba, and, the, angel, came out of, the lightening bolt, and exploded, and, Jesus, like, an, angel, said, upci is cut off, and, the, scissors chased, danny thomas, ax, that was, like an iceberg, coming, rising, and, the pope behind it, shot, into, that, by, the idol shepard, upci, needs nothing, and, he, saw, one, by one, thier clothes coming off, no Spirit of God, but, go, to thier, service, and they will, convince, that, they have it, but, there, are, no signs, they are, liars, not, christians, and, hollie, showed, to, record, somebody got thru, said, the, lead singer, of, metallica, he knows, you know what he thinks, right before, we, die, then, ill repent, rejected, already, theres, a river, of life, crystal, coming out of the crystal throne, want, more, visions, on, the internet, sang, hollie, thanksgiving, said, the angel, of the Lord, vain, custom of the heathen, that, pointed, hollie, from the ring, that, bright light, ministryofdreams, exposed diana hughey to sin, woe unto you irving, baxter, knowing, that, was, like, a, tornado of light, going thru churches, emptying, that was a bright light outside the church, Jesus coming on, sunday morning, and churches, still, there, record, that, almost shut off, said, and pointed, wayne, grace, but they were, warned, now, his, dream, his church, is, emptying, that, that, go git, coffee, that, the pope, coming, out of, the horn, that, and, hu, the ram, that, the hegoat, smite, four horns, and they are, that was fire room, fire ball, rose, work for Jesus, said, the Lord, clapped, and the cloud like hand, and, other hand, you know what it takes, for, me, to, move, a mountain, said, Jesus, money, in the light, prayer, that, was, the fire like hollie, and, Jesus, hollie, showed, fire, like, thats, smoke, all, around, the statue of liberty, that, was, a crack, light, and, hollie pointed, there, we, want, you, to, post, visions here, tomorrow, said, the geese, winked, submarine sound, I Am, said, the angel, and the angel, sat, and the floor fell out, many kings planning against america, a heavenly mist, scene, that, was a golden heavenly scene, a man with ten toes, a gypsy in prison with fire, behind, that door is closed, said, the man, God said, and the lighted finger pointed, that was satan, pointed, hollie, shh, im the beast, said, the ram, with, the pope and hu, the two beasts, of REVELATION, 13, kerridge, veniece, is cut off, no signs, michael, g., mcCormack, never saved, but, pretends, and laughs, comedy, shop, at, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, and hollie pointed, frank, evans, servers, dont use, hes a thief, took, a, wrongly typed, url, with, bob, put on, sedo, dont, use, them, stole, the name, ministryofdreams, record hollie showed, record, the vision, hollie, showed, and the pope, came out of the horn, and hu, and they are the false, prophet, and the beast, record, the vision, hollie, showed, look, that, the plane, and hollie, hit the building, that, bush, hollie pointed, war, syria, and iran, that, that, dont, tell, him, said, the angel of the LOrd, that, saddam, hussien, five million mullahs, in hell, stop, just leave me alone, said, the Lord, your, gonna, miss it, if, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble, called, bush attacking arabs, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by, oil man bush, and the lighted, pointed, we, must, hit, iraq, stop, said, hollie, whoever kills saddam hussein, that was the angel, of the LOrd, wheres, my mercy, china, said, the, angel, of, the Lord, after, we, hit, new york, city, you, want it, said, hollie, if, you have one break down, that battery, will not last, said, hollie, have a strong, battery in the winter, there, aint no visions, in pentecost, because theres no apostolics, didnt the angel, hollie, say, everybodies slipping, they put money first, and he saw, a.a. allens, tent, with, people, being healed, where, are, the signs, theres, the black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, fox, lula, chavez, putin, record, showed, hollie, complained, prayed, a, return from syria, your out, said, Jesus, of, time, bush, war, said, the pope, and hollie showed, and hollie, showed, how to give a face lift, snip, slice, pull, sew, bandage, breathing, tada, all it does, your gettin in trouble, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, no sign, s, getting in trouble, trouble, with, Jesus, now, un, sag, muscles, exercise will do it, lucas oil bottle, put your hand on the bible, I, swear, I, slow, oil, flow, said, stp, oil treatment, and he saw, the car smoking, and lucas, and stp, and walmarts, supertech, now, that was, the lucas, oil, executive, laughing, fools, your car calls for 5w30, and you, put, lucas it, about, a, 200, record, showed, hollie, whatta you want, lyin, said, the woman, from, the church in stonemountain georgia, pastor, mccormick, cut off, we knew, upc, i, bobby, leave, it, here, pointed, thats what, I want, said, mccormick, alter, no, saith, the LOrd, you, preach in my name, and, hollie, showed, to, record, dont, do, that, said, hollie, work, said, Jesus, and, the, angel, came out of the lightening, bolt, work for the Lord, Jesus out of mist, and the lighted pointed, and the angel, showed, to, record, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, and, ministryofdreams, helicopter, piloted by hollie, exposed u.p.c.i., no Holy Ghost, didnt the angel, Jesus say, your making me jelous, if, you serve other, gods, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, lighted, somebody, will, do, this, ministryofdreams, you are, from the moment you do it, cut off, saith the LOrd, and will be, sick, soon after, and the lighted finger, im a bear, me, putin, its, really, picken, up, said, hollie, are, you, reprobate, pointed, veniece, when, signs, are coming forth, you are the one, 11-18-2006-its, open, said, hollie, bobby, go there, and, preach, to, allright, said, pastor, mccormick, cut off, people, they knew, when, Jesus, backed off, bobby, right here, pointed, pastor, mccormick, lier, if bob drove up, and he saw, mccormick, from, georgia, guarding, no, pulpit, he said, he, will, cause, upci, all of them, to, loose, thier, souls, right here, he will lie and say, bob has been thru it, in, indianapolis, they all, heard, those, visions, during prayer, requests, testimony, one on one, people telling, but, not one, they, act like, they were interested, but, they wanted bob to fall, right here, siad mccormick, liars, bob, by the leading of the Holy Ghost, unsleaed the book of DANIEL to paul mooney, and, I cant, wait, to git out of here, he thought, hes a liar, God, told bob, done, and bob, told, paul, your done, what, we, heard, record, showed, hollie, look, pointed, record, showed, hollie, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, look, pointed, Jesus, the palestinian state and iraq, on fire, brought in by bush, record the vision, Jesus showed, like a white God man, and the pope came out of the horn, and hu, saddam hussein, over, five million, hell, and they are chanting, death to america, and it talks, about, it, REVELATION, 17, the hate the whore, america, babylon, many kings, eight, will give thier power and strength, ok, thumb, up, to, putin, him, and china, will, bring, down, the mother of harlots, america, the, nations, wanting, to, be, in on, americas, demise, are, watching, fox, news, all over the world, and think, the world would be, but putin, we ll take hits, and only he, can do it, use china, and, hu, pointed, with a lighted, finger, no, he showed, and he saw, america on taiwan, and half of, amer ina, on china, the enemy is amoung us, the reporter said, terrorists, prophesied, JEREMIAH 51, men, lift up, a, shout, against, thiers, your proof, bomb u.k., they are chanting, and russia will do that, with france, and, italy, nato, japan, kuwait, all of, the western hemispere, and the lighted finger pointed, africa, git, rid of, oil users, steal, said, putin, its, right, on t.v., hamas, is, the phillistines, arabs, gaza, forsaken, thats, israels, the palestinian state, destroyed, by, bush, the allahs, really believe, Jesus, was, allah, blowed, said, Jesus, we, want, world war, said, bush, putin, and hu, about, one billion people watching the fox news islamic special, about, destroying america, that, one, mind, given, by God, right now, fullfilled, nations, leaders, are, thinking, without, america, no fellar, has, come up against us, but, what that will do, is, bring, the, pope in, and, he, will, see this, he will, after, america, moscow and china nuke each other, go, to, the greek ortahdoxed church and make, I got it, an agreement, and italy, exploded, moscow, and, have, control, its, right here, over, most of, moscows, nuclear arsenal, and, hu, the ruler of otyre, will, rise to withstand, with, japan, and he saw, nukes aimed right at said the turtle, each other, they dont mind humans, we do what we want, like humans, most call themselves, christians, God, loved, a.a. allens tent, many, healed and saved, he, made it, not, like, bob, in his heart, knows, 2008, when hillary clinton, bobby, we need it, is, in, watch out, lets, rule the world, sang, putin, and, bill clinton, with, his hands on the nuclear, button, he, will, and, see this, record, the vision, soon, the united states will be, a desolation, werewolf, that was satan, shh, im the beast, said, the ram, that is, and he saw, putin, and hu, come, out of, the horns, with, the pope, coming out of, putins, and, when, the hegoat, thats putin and hu and the pope, hits the ram, and they will do this, by striking america, then up will come four horns, and they are, the three kings that stand in persia, hu, the emporer of japan, and, o.j. simson, guilty, and the pope, he lied, said, Jesus, we, know, said, cochran, blood matched, but, still, got off, it, pierced my heart, said, o.j., git out of here, he will say, and, laugh, yeah, the idol shepard, was the last, he will, get, slashed, and, satan, will, enter, and, look out, slaughter jews, then, the vials of wrath will be, poured out, that killer, magog, surrounded, and that is, china, north and south, korea, and, japan, by, the popes forces, grecia is, what is left, of the world, and, he saw, the beasts seat, in rome, that was, satan, like a, fiery, the g8, is, with, the woman, america, the seven heads, and, the lighted, man, pointed, let me, said, Jesus, and, he saw, the, angelic, baby, God, put, that Spirit, in, bob, chosen, hates, loves, thats, the, smoke, behind, the angelic, statue of liberty, this will, happen, not, long after, iraq, gits, wasted, for, oil, and, the paletinian state, poitned, angelic, Jesus, and, Jesus, kissed the prophet, and hollie licked, and, turned into, the angel, of the Lord, and the lighted finger pointed, and, veniece said, I thought he was pentecostal, then, thats what I want, ministryofdreams, then, indignation against, they will divide the land for gain, thats it, there, will be, peace, said, the pope, when, israel, gets nuked, some, for, arabs, jews, gentiles, tell my people to pray, said, the angel, coming out of the lightening bolt, and hollie, Jesus, blew the horn, and, hollie, whistled, tell my people, to, pray, and, a.a. allen, carried the pole, and put the tent together, sewed, and, donny joe winters, looked, and, the angel, blew the horn, and hollie, and, kenneth haney pointed, prophet, said, the, girl, from paul mooneys church, work, resign, no signs, thats the, pope, as a baby pope, and, grew up to be, satan, 666, born at the table, the popes image, on hu, 666, on, forhead, and Jesus, out of the bright light, pray, five, six, seven, hours, whatta you want, and, in, side, a.a. allens, tent, bright light, legs growing, bob wants, that tent put back, up, write and tell, its in a garage, bob would come, down, and, help, preach, revival, no way, showed, the man, and the lighted, finger pointed, no way, showed bob, allright, said, the man, we, want, you, right in here, and he saw, the, angelic, a.a. allen, with, bob dreamed, with, two men, and one, stabbed the other, left, after, the other man, stabbed him in the arm, went and got, went back, and saw the man dead, cut your arm off if it causes you to sin, white angel, record the vision, showed, a.a. allen, theres a door opened, fire mist, Jesus, prophet, you done it, a.a. allens, tent, could be put back up and God, would fill it, with, bob, preaching, a.a. allen, prayed, right before, he died, let, the tent, be, he, wanted, and, he, pointed, down, granted, until, and, bob, is, a.a. allen, would witness, him self, thats how it would fill up, over, a hundred people per day, bob, would, about 18 hours per day, and, he saw, the tent, full to the back, row, and, a.a. allen, kneeling, he, prayed, five hours, per cession, and a.a. allen, tore up the con, spirit, he, and the inhaler, a.a. allens, tent, trucked to the dump, no need, its buried, ripped, theres, the, submarine sound, and, a.a., allen, looking, with, binoculars, and, america, exploded, smoke, behind the statue of liberty, and, the world, wobbled, please tell em, and, the lighted finger pointed, prophet, see that, stephen hanson, in the fire, and, the lighted, hollie, pointed, that, was, Jesus, in, the, bright light, go, to, the, lake, a.a., allen, hair, dying, that was, fire, eye, man, looking, prophet, said, the girl from, paul, mooneys church, drink, that, was, a, robe, no, face, fire, head, appeared, and, hollie, brushed, her teeth, and, hu, and, the pope, new world order, on, that, was, not, satan, shh, that was Jesus, bright light, man, work for the Lord, said, the mouth, and, the lighted, Jesus, pointed, that, was, an angel, and bob, dreamed, and, talking about, taking, out, u.k., italy, and, latin, america, and, he saw, america, on fire, and, a, librarian, he, witnessed to, now, cut off, and, he saw, france, and u.k., italy, boom, that, was, a, crowd, cheering on hollie, and hell, in the room, and Jesus, blew the horn, you, will, not stay, said, hollie, coming out of the horn, whistled, out, pointed, Jesus, and, the man, walked, that was the angel, blowing the horn, and, hollie, came out, and stan johnson, blew the horn, and nothing came out, why, did he, do it, said, the pope, I, wanted, bob, to worship me, said, veniece kerrigan, and he saw, them, worshipping veniece kerrigan, pastor, thats what he wants, hell, hollie, and hollie, came out of the horn, and, whistled, Jesus blew it, and hollie pointed, twice, and, new zealand, boom, moscow, will do, it, and america, appeared, on it, apostle daniel, rodes, is, cut, off, no signs, tom deckard, is, like, wise, cut, not, but, ax, chasing, 11-19-2006-russia is in, the, world trade, organization, and that is, the, g8, and that is, the seven heads, record, the vision, hollie, this, is, heaven, this is hell, lava, glass, city, no, showed, hollie, record, and, the lighted, dragon, at the pulpit, prophet, said, the girl from paul mooneys, church, prophet, alice in chains, stole alice coopers name, prophet, I AM, said the girl from mooneys church, theres, the black chariot, with, hu, and the pope, your putting me in hell, wailed, the woman, from, paul mooneys, church, hell, hes leaving the churches, everybodies, almost, said, Jesus, record, the vision, seek purging for sin, removal, heaven, hell, and hollie, whatta, you want, God, has, it, nulcear war, is, coming, record, the, vision, hollie, showed, and, nobodies looking, said, Jesus, tarrying, praying, paying, the price, hollie, showed, and char tierney pointed, lighted, you liar, I got it, I know, the lighted, hollie, bear, pointed, lets fuck, said, silvana, lupetti, thats, why bob, cant, come, he, would, or, want to, both, and they will, laugh, oral, anal, all, and, the, lighted, pope, pointed, cut me off, so I can, do what, I want, to, is, what, most, what, have, we, done, now, old, and, reprobate, mind, and God wont save us, theres, the alarm, check you oil, like, hollie, showed, thick and slick, keep, in her hands, showed, cmon, said, Jesus, to, bob, and showed, behold, heaen and hell, lava, with, kenneth haney, upci, written over many heads, and, pentecostal, and, glass, city, new jerusalem, choose, and, bob, jumped into, lava, and, was, on, his, knees, on the streets, of gold, now, what that means, is, fiery darts, torture, and God knows it, and, is, allowing, gum recession, and bob doesnt, care anymore, because, he, knows, he cant, over, come, meaning, more, than, he, can, bear, and, God, thinks, and that, was, Jesus, coming out of, the lightning, aint, I, worth it, and, bob, knelt, on the streets, of Gold, please, take, away torment, no, is, the, answer, because, God, wants, and, Jesus, took, every, one, to, the edge, lava, or, choose, heaven, and, they, all, jumped into the lava, and, bob, was, there, not, knowing, it, he, could, stay, strong, enough, God quenches but, record, showed, Jesus, and, new zealand, exploded, mexico, took five missiles, moscow, america, burned, and, the, statue of liberty came up, canada, took, four missiles, all, of, south america, and, latin, boom, three missiles, I, pray, and, you, dont, answer, me, sang, kenneth haney, no, more, please come, so, we, can, wreck, not, prophet, please come to, help me, but, he, wont, do, never, mind, please help me in a convienient, season, its my decision, said, ken haney, leading, upci, please help, please help me, I, want, to, know, about, my salvation, here I am, said, haney, and theres bob, no, way, he showed, and pointed, pew, sit, please help me, that, wont, prophet, please, help me, Im the one, that, mercy, please help me, and, I will not, do anything, prophet, please, hear I am, out, he pointed, and, the angel, outside his church, and, kenneth haney pointed, you, wrong, liar, he, knows, devils, here, he will say, the enemy has, come, please accept it, said, haney, why are you leading, u.p.c.i., decieved, no Holy Ghost, and, one by one, all, over, the, world, upci s, clothes fell off, and paw, and, Jesus, pointed, up, at, the, white, robed, prophet, and hollie had the chain saw on bubba, oww, iran, and syria, next, on bush s, hit list, look, that, the palestinian state, and iraq, on fire, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by bush, cheney pushed it on him, theres the submarine sound, after the palestinian state america will have about two months, that, said hollie, record, and pointed, the plane, hit the building, that, drink, that, stay, out, of, my church is, what, they all say, hinder, your fallen, upci, and paw, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, I wont, but, the people, cause, of, me, will perish, woe, be unto the pastors, lost ones, theres, the, submarine sound, you aint got it, liars, record, showed hollie, you, did it, pointed, boyd warren, closed the church, God gave him the words, thats hot water for hollie, and he saw, a bright light, and, kings, at a table, faced, popped out, and putin, fox, lula, calderon, ortega, jong, hu, they will give, thier power and strength, chavez, lula, to the beast, look, pointed hollie, africa, ex, ploded, that, james, townshend, right now, is, after, you, stay away, knows, and the finger pointed, lighted, that, theres the submarine sound, and subs, boom, america desolate, and he saw, the pope, ride the red dragon, and, the lighted, finger pointed, seven heads, the g8, plus, the, woman, america, the pope, slashed, his deadly wound healed, satan, and, the, finger, pointed, shot, out of hell, and, he, saw, theres, the, crowd, cheering hollie, on, im the main ministering spirit, my names, hollie, put more, visions, on, the website, said, the, geese, broze, statue, and the angel, came out of, the lightning bolt, work for the Lord, flash, I disappeared, and the lighted finger, pointed, im the main ministering spirit, thats the main, thats, the main, prophet, theres, the submarine sound, thats, the main in the submarine, fire, thousands of missiles, boom, the world wobbled, stephen hanson in the fire, and the lighted hollie pointed, put it on your website, said, the, enthusiatic hollie, like a, white sihoette, how, do we get away, nuke, said, bush and cheney, and the pope, and the red, seven headed dragon, and the lighted shaft, that was a man in the bright light, Jesus, france, u.k., italy, exploded, theres, japan, kuwait, south america, moscow, and china, and, iran, new zealand, that was an arab, a philistine, and the lighted, hand pointed, fingers, and, he saw, and he saw, put it on, your, website, and, hu, and the pope, maybe hes lookin, said, mrs., townshend, and putin and hu, came out of the, ram, horns, and the hegoat, smote, and he saw, marvel mystery oil, put your hand, on the bible, if, you put, me, in, while, the engine, is running, youll eat your bearings up, millions, of, engines, ruined, because, of, marvel mystery oil, you, ready, no, said, silvana, lupetti, they, table of the remnant, live off, fools, on, the internet, operation picture Jesus, not even close, 666, and, the lighted finger pointed, born between, hu and the pope, whats the message, not, im the girl from paul, mooney s, church, calvary tabernacle, thats the drum beats, of, war, hu, pointed, the pope, showed, hu, nuclear missiles, aimed, moscow and china, thats, the, greek orthadox, church, the, pope, made an agreement, to gain control, got, he, will, make, an, agreement, to gain, control, said, mrs. thomas, and hollie, tore up the contract, like, a, white angel, theres, the, submarine sound, pointed, and the statue of liberty, smoke behind, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, red, communism, thats, a savior right there, you know the One riding that mule, showed, told, and the lighted finger pointed, the pope, thats, Jesus, Christ of nazareth, somethings keeps coming your way, trials, but, o melisa, sang, greg allman, and pointed, lighted, and the writing on the wall, and he saw, a word, appear, and word turned into, just, and that is, only, bob, and, the, klh, speakers, in the honda, speakers, cabinet, and hollie played the horn, and came out, whistled, and hollie, came out of the horn, go, bethel, and licked the prophet, that was me, Jesus, all white, beard, on the throne, that, was, satan, im the beast, shhh, and, the bible, opened, JEREMIAH 7, read this, bob did, jeremiah was not allowed, to go into the churches, but, preached, at we walked in, said, james, z., town, s, hend, preacher, that was, bright light, black seat, from the back, light, shining, thru, cracks, that, was, Jesus, drinking water, with, lucifer watching, didnt the angel, babyfleas, say, mercy, you need to tell em, time out, showed, the lighted, hands, record, showed, hollie, subs, boom, record, showed, hollie, hey bobby, work, record, the vision, hollie, showed, record, shwoed, hollie, this is hollie, with the loose belt, sound, work, and, hollie, pointed, four fifty five, rocket, 1969 ninety eight, oldsmobile, 14.1, quarter mile, record, showed, hollie, caldwell, can not be brought down, said, the tap dancers, hell, that is, for, hollie, appeared, again, theres, the alarm, and, hollie, pointed, and, Jesus, walked, stay, right there, on, your, half, no, and the woman, pointed, and the pope, rose out of the horn, submarine sound, iran, said, Jesus, next, with syria, I prayed, an hour, he answered, 11-20-2006-git away from me, said, hollie, its france, boom, and he saw, france, take, three missiles, record, the vision, record, hollie showed, that, the plane, hit the building, that, and smoke behind the statue of liberty, that, record, the vision, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, and he saw, him in a field, perfect, and, a wall, he was, shot, up, to the top, and, on, the other, side, hell, and, u.p.c.i., and pentecostal written over heads, record showed, hollie, work said, Jesus, didnt the angel, james, townshend, we want you prayin, he says, but, and hollie pointed, africa, bobby, your needed here, exploded, kuwait and iran, hell is for hollie, record, the vision, hollie, showed, james townshend, you want to meet the prophet, granted, hell, hell is for hollie, that, hollie pointed, write the vision, that, and the lighted, silvana, pointed, lupetti, char, tierney, and, silvana, pointed, write the vision, and, kneeling before, Jesus, on, the, streets of gold, check your oil iwth your hands, thick and slick, keep, like hollie, showed, whoever kills saddam hussein, avenges, five million mullahs, and hollie, showed, to, record, the, vision, again, record, the vision, right here, said, pastor, tyson, but he, laughed at bob, the two times, pentecostal apostolic church in indianapolis, now, three people show up sunday night, plus him, now, whose, laughing, now, and hollie, pointed, and, the, pope, came out of the horn, Jesus, showed, to, record, just, put, your visions, on the internet, said, the tap dancers, and, the, pope, and hu, were, two of them, and, donald, golder, pointed, with, a lighted, finger, record, the vision, record, the vision, hollie, showed, and hollie, showed, and the lighted, finger pointed, look, that, africa, exploded, kuwait, france, italy, iran, syria, that, you aint, gonna, pray, said, hollie, there, aint no visions, in pentecost, because, there, aint no apostolics, in, pentecost, and, hollie, licked the prophet, theres the submarine sound, and hollie, showed, thats the girl from paul, mooneys, church, didnt, the, angel, hollie, say, there, aint, nobody, lookin, and the beasts, seat, in rome, italy, the little horn, boom, from, moscow, but, missed the pope, putin, is, pope, didnt, the angel, say, pray, another, half, an, hour, prophet, theres, the girl, from paul mooneys church, and the angel, record, whoever, s, got, the visions, put them on the internet, and, kent, jordan, pointed, with, a lighted, finger, backslider, he said, and the u.k., boom, three missiles, and, lets face it, said, the angel of the LOrd, please, and, the pope, pointed, with, a lighted, finger, said, the, tap dancers, and, hu, 9-11, started it, hell, hell is for hollie, ok, flames, on the dodge truck, and hollie, pointed, please, help me, im burning in hell, I knew, said, babyfleas, they glow like the lava, cause, I, sin, record, the vision, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by bush, to, break oil contracts, nuclear, end, gaza, and, iraq, and Jesus pointed, nuked, the u.k., took, three hits, france, two, italy, one, kuwait, iraq, gaza, and hollie pointed, thats, the palestinian state, and north and south korea, took, one each, moscow, thirty three, china, seventeen, all of, the western hemisphere, boom, the world wobbled, japan, took, three, austailia, twelve, and new zealand, took, one, and, hollie, pointed, ships, would last, forever, if, italy, is, the seat, of, the beast, he saw, on the map, trap that showed, hollie, showed, an animal, does not have a soul, and cannot remember anything, the titanic, took, seventeen hundred and two people, many did not pay, captain smith, let them on for nothing, and the lighted daniel pointed, and hollie, pointed, at the hogs, running, to, old, country buffet, put, them, visions, on, my website, said, the pope, and pointed, and the, lighted, finger pointed, hell, hell is for hollie, I sin, to much, Im not, saved, and the pope pointed, and u.k., took, three missiles, with, the, 9-11, money, red cross, bought, and the lighted finger pointed, central state hospital, now, a liabilty, red cross, took over, forty billion, and has, most, invested, write, call them, liars, dont, tithe, any, more, at, america, red cross, hell, hollie, and, hollie pointed, lighted, and, the lighted, being, left, hell, hell is for hollie, and the lighted, finger pointed, if, your car, will peel out, on, pavement, that means, to much, horsepowrer, they can make cars that get fifty miles per gallon, like the geo metro, easy, write ford, chevrolet, thats, what, people, want, carburate, and bring, the jobs, back, to, they can, build those for, with, current employees, eight thousand, per car, thats, we, want, and babyfleas, pointed, hell, hollie, soon, the united states, will be a desolation, and the lighted finger, cause, there, aint, no visions, in, pentecost, and, thats, the, crowd, cheering hollie, on, im the main, im the main, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, that, was, smoke, behind, the statue of liberty, america, on fire, that, was, a, man, running, from, fire, and, the, lighted, donny joe, pointed, winters, and Jesus blowed the horn, and hollie, came out, lighted, and, the angel, flash, lightning bolt, and the bright light man, that was fire, storm, sweeping acrossed, america, im captain hollie, im a bear, me, putin, that, was, a bright light, robe, Jesus, work, remain, closed, said, Jesus, that, was, God, like, he, really looks, Spirit, man, beard, that, was, a, pyramid, of bright light, God, is, Light, and, the, pope, coming out of, the serpent, lighted, and, hu, and hollie, and, he, saw, iraq, and, invading forces, the threat, will you surrendar, we, will not take, on inch of your land, no, the threat again, no, then, a, big part of, that, nation, blackened, and, blood, color, will, you, surrendar, we will not take, on inch, of you land, and he saw, sudan, three nuclear, missiles, boom, that was, white spirits, sitting, at, a, table, kings, popped out, theres, putin, jong, hu, ortega, chavez, lula, castrol, they will give thier power and strength, and the u.k., exploded, france and italy, kuwait, syria, theres, the submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on, boom, america, exploded, all of the western hemisphere, and, the, woman, came up, the statue of liberty, post, more, visions, said, the, geese, submarine sound, this is heaven, this is hell, lava, glass, city, record, the vision, and, yugoslavia, new zealand, and, you do anything you want, said, Jesus, now, pay, for your, sins, no, said, jack, howell, not, a pastor, written, i dont care, said, silvana, lu, petti, and the lighted, hollie, pointed, theres, the submarine sound, record, showed, Jesus, japan, took, three missiles, and Jesus showed, to record, hell, hollie, and hollie looked at the flames, and france took, three missiles, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Jesus, russia is the bear, with, magog, as, the body, and, satan is the head, thats the reason, said, hollie, and the pope is his, mouth, piece, didnt, and hollie, showed, anartica, on fire, thumbs up, for, the, quest, van, u.k., said, the japanese, woman, three missiles, boom, hell, hell is for hollie, flames, on, the, turn signal, what, the marti gras do, it showed, Jesus, america, was not going to repent, so, he wont, yeah, will he save, me, yeah, when, you, fall, youll, be, helpen, with, no help, said, the angel of the Lord, didnt the angel, say, I wished, you, here, said, the, librarian, post, more, visions, yeah, said, the girl from paul mooneys, church, record, the vision, showed, Jesus, didnt, the angel, say, buy it, corvette, for, eighteen, sell for, four thousand, the fat, girl on the bike, and hollie, pointed, theres, the alarm, hollie, didnt the angel, hollie, say, theres, trouble, and Jesus, like, a fire, man, white, bright Spirit, bright, body, and face, beard, fire man, no, more, he, yelled, white man, reverend jack howell, is cut off, no signs, look, that, said, Jesus, char, tierney, is, holding, superbowl, sil, vana, back, lupetti, and hollie pointed, iraq, is, now, america, and, that is, the reason, for, the, oil, in, va, sion, saith, Jesus, abosorb, saudi, arabia, and, take, and they will not leave, until, oil, con, tracts, saith, and, the president, no way, he showed, but, the three teenagers, that died, in the, allright, school, bus, crash, were, not, account, hold it, able, yes they were, JEsus, dealt, and they, said, not, we want, nothing, from, but, and were having, all, not, but, anal, and, oral, sechs, no, said, hollie, dont do, saith, Jesus, or, they are, in, except, the, fifteen, year old, hell, lava, theres the submarine sound, no chance, i got it, said, sil, hold it, said, Jesus, char, tier, ney, she needs to, and you know it, us, one, not, break up, or, perish, silvana, lupetti, is, becoming, hollie, im moodie, theres, the submarine sound, hold it, said, Jesus, there is, no, time, left, to, play, gaza is, the, palestinian, whatta you want, said, hollie, state, drink coffee, like hollie, showed, I got to work, said, sil, van, a, lu, pet, ti, and that is, table of, the, rem, nant, I, will, see it myself, said, char, tierney, cut off, now, bob, warned, and you did not, go out and testify, not, did, and, hollie, nobodies, looking, for, and he saw, the Son of man, coming, on the cloud, like an angel man, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, lets rule the world, sang, putin, 11-21-2006-pastors brian and tara lewis, are, being, chased by the ax, no, interracial, marriage, im the beast, said, the serpent, record, showed, hollie, and, theres, the, submarine, sound, pointed, hollie, I want you back, theres, the submarine sound, and, subs, sneaked up on, boom, america, exploded, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by, thumbs up, showed, hollie, dodge caravan, good, and, iraq, boom, will, bring, america, into, look, kuwait, boom, one missile, and saudi arabia, for, backing, 9-11, check you oil with your hands, like hollie, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and he saw, the dragon, with, the, g8, and, the, woman, as, america, the, pope, and, hollie, pointed, slash, idol shepard, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, thats, the, crowd, with, the, relay song, singers, cheering, hollie, on, and, the, lighted, finger pointed, record, showed, hollie, im the beast, said, the, phantom of the opera, prophet, now, phantom, show, us your dreams, sign, at, beef and boards, phantom of the opera, and, the, relay song singer and the angel, showed, look, that, and hollie, came out of the horn, pointed, saudi arabia on fire, record, showed, the, relay song, singer, look, that, said, the tap dancers, and, the, pope, and hu, were, two of them, fox, and stan johnson, and robert williams, hes like, dumitru, they both, said, no, tour, and, bob, showed, no, way, lets, trap, them, said, Jesus, lets, rule, the world, sang, putin, fox, lula, chavez, and JEsus showed, to record, hu, jong, kroger christmas at the zoo, I dont, want, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, Christ, in, anything, record, the vision, showed, hollie, look, that, the plane, hit, the building, that, hollie, lovin, that, look, that, the pope is, the, beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, and hu, I want you, said, robert williams, and the tap dancers, your, lyin, said, Jesus, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and thats, and hu, I will not put up with you, said, the pope, the new world order, thats the two beasts, i am a god, said, hu, that, pointed, Jesus, iraq, and the palestinian state, on fire, nukes, brought in by, iraq, said, Jesus, no, way, showed, no, pope, slash, idol shepard, leave it alone, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, no, said, Jesus, bring, your, visions, to, the internet, said, the tap dancers, and, hu and the pope, wre two of them, fox, lula, chavez, ten kings, with, fox, lula, chavez, jong, hu, putin, ortega, and, these will give, hold it, said, Jesus, thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, and america, exploded, boom, and, the world wobbled, and, the woman, came up, the statue of liberty whore on her, record, showed, hollie, the, united, states, will be, a desolation, real, soon, there, are, no visions, in pentecost, because, there, are, no apostolics, in pentecost, check your oil with your hands, thick and slick, keep, like hollie, showed, and, fingers, thats, hollie, showed, right here, with anartica on fire, bush, record, showed, hollie, record, showed, Jesus, america, internet, porn, is, hasting, judgement, any, kind, of, sechs, get, it, off, bring, swift, judgement, on your, self, theres, the alarm, and, america, moscow, and china, nuked each other, and, up, came, four, horns, the pope, cut me, off, so, I can, do what, I want, hu, the emporer of japan, and the idol shepard, the united states will be a desolation real soon, that was a dragon with the popes face and false prophet hu, in his mouth, the new world order, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, because, there, aint, no visions, in pentecost, because, there, are, no apostolics, in pentecost, these are the last, days, men will be, lovers, of, men, and, women, look, at internet, porno, that, was a dragon, with, seven heads, the pope, and, the g8, with, the woman, as, america, babylon, and, the, the pope with ten crowns politburo, its, iraq, bringing, judgement, to, america, sooner, the new palestinian state, and the lighted finger pointed, gaza forsaken, china will, destroy, taiwan, and, use, terrorists, to, attack, out of, cargo, ships, washington, state, and, the pope, played, pool, like, an, angel, of light, you got, it, said, Jesus, this is heaven, this is hell, lava, or, glass, city, God, can, not, let, this, go, on, children, and he saw, pointed, internet, porno, watching, when, a child, masterbates, whore, his concious is seared, im the main ministering spirit, and, the finger, pointed, put more, visions, on, the internet, said, the, main, with, the crowd, cheering, main, main, main, and, the main, pointed, im the main, china, will, and he saw, chin, thats it, amer, thats, america, on taiwan, you, know, said, the pope, im the main ministering spirit, and the finger pointed, get your internet porno off, whats, that, subs, sneaking up on, boom, america, exploded, and, the woman, came up, said, silvana, lupetti, how, does, a, lightening, bug, work, it, do you think, there, needs to be light bulbs, people, are, reading, dumitru dudumans, visions, and then, having, oral, and, anal, sechs, prove it, said, Jesus, no signs, your wanted, get the phone, im moodie, that, pointed, hollie, that, that, that, anything you, say, I can use against, you, and, Jesus bowed, that, was, satan, pointed, hollie, shh, but he looked like Jesus, and the map unrolled, and satans, seat, revealed, rome, you missed, said, michael boldea, that, and hollie, pointed, glow in the dark skeleton, dont lust people, this, is, heaven, this, is, hell, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, lava, or, lighted, glass, city, they, are, raping, women, you have no ideal, said, Jesus, its, after, the, united, states, hits syria, said, the pope, look, out, and he saw, syria, and, iran, boom, france, three missiles, u.k., three, boom, mexico, two, latin, america, three, that, was, sudan, one, missile, all of africa, many missiles, and the finger pointed, women being fisted, double, on the internet, and Jesus, angry, children, not, long, after, watching, with, children, those people can not be saved, cause, they will not depart, from, oral, and anal, sechs, iran, said, Jesus, bush is, coming, stay, after, we, hit, nuke, iraq, and, gaza, and syria exploded, the new palestinian state, look, out, and, the angel, Jesus, shew, iran, boom, then, great, babylon, america, will, get, God s, attention, and, hollie, showed, record, no, ideal, said, the pope, hollie prayed, thats the woman, whore, babylon, and, the finger pointed, cut me, off, said, richard keltner, so I can, have,, shorts, wearing, sinner, I, need, somebody, to, marry me, then, marry Jesus, lets, face, it, were not going to be, around, here, very much longer, im the main, im the main, there, aint, no decisions, in, pentecost, and, that, was, the girl from paul mooneys, church, pointing, you went, to hell, unbelievable, how to do I get out of, here, said, missy baker, after, push said, Jesus, thats, the pope, as, a, webpage template, pointed, om, sorry, alice cooper, aging comes with, and he saw, and, the lighted, hand, pointed, wrinkles, george saw, those, pearly gates, china, took, the fifth, seal, is, raise your hands, and repeat after me, sang the pope, america, boom, thirty one, said, missy baker, stop it, having, that, was, a, golden, dragon, with, the pope, riding, satan, was, created, perfect, bright, till, iniquity, and that, was, syria, boom,a fter about, a hundred years, he, wanted, a new job, git, said, Jesus, and, he was, cast, abide, in, your calling, pointed, the lighted, finger, thats, renea, hazel, barker, and the crowd, cheering, come, and, help me, said, leon baker, meaning, sit, and let me do it, but, no anointing, its, a, trap, im outta, here, said, after, but, all, these visions, are, from, the Holy Ghost, God, the Spirit, God said, I, wanted, to, but, cant, let things, go, on, and, bubba, fired, up, the chainsaw, ax, hands, for no reason, this is, going on, i am missing an eye and arm, the idol shepard, he ll, get slashed, and he saw, mick tyson, hook, arms, and no leggs, according to islamic law, hack, that, is, a, lying, religion, said, Jesus, patrick ewing, is, forty four, and, im not single, but, i, pay hookers, but, hollie, when, you , get, finished, leave, because, I want, the, Holy Ghost, said, patrick, but, he chose, new york knicks, and Jesus, showed, to, record, people, are laughing, but, new york city, and he saw, look, behind, the statue of liberty america on fire, im the main, spirit, my name, is, hollie, main, and the lighted, finger pointed, no, prophecy club, and, hollie, showed, record, and, the, lighted, robert williams, pointed, record, showed, hollie, tom deckard is, thats, my name, that, was, fire, and, the face in the fire, thats, what, you, want, said, robert williams, you want, the prophecy club, thats, why, you, want, said, robert, williams, no way, get it off, there, and, bob, and, the, finger pointed, lighted, robert williams, have the ACTS 2:38, and, you, know, make, peace, that was hollie, as, the bride of the LOrd, theres, the submarine sound, and JEsus showed, to, record, vision overload, with the alarm, sound, meaing, no, hes done, backslided, said, Jesus, stan johnson, and, leslie, both, dying, thier hair, that was a face in the bright light, work for JEsus, cut me off, so, I can do what, I want, ok, said, Jesus, said, the enthusiastic hollie, and hollie, came out of, the, horn, blew by Jesus, and the angel out of the lightning bolt, he knows, about, the visions, on, robert williams, board, awesome, blown away, stan, and hollie, and hollie, wnt back into the horn, clap, your hand and make a joyful noise unto the Lord, that, and the plane hit the building, aon, center, and, JEsus, blew, the horn, and, hollie, came out, work, for, the Lord, and, the angel, out of, the lightning bolt, and, pointed, stan johnson, cut off, dark hair, grey hair, and the lighted, finger, pointed, and the angel, I want, hollie, blew the flute, lighted, and, hollie, came, out, got, it, and the lighted, stan johnson, theres, the alarm, thats a man in the fire, and, hollie, chainsawed bubba, sold it, corvette, whoever, is, got, the, visions, put, them, on, the, internet, pray another, hour, record, the vision, showed, hollie, and u.k., took, three missiles, france, boom, and, italy, the seat of, the, beast, boom, oil, does not, wear out, it, cooks, and cooks, and, cooks, and cooks, like, hollie, showed, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, look, this, the palestinian state, and iraq, on fire, brought in by bush, to, break, oil, con, tracts, im the main, im the main, im, the main, ministering spirit, and, the crowd, cheered, hollie, on, post, more, visions, you put, me, in, hell, siad, Jesus, coming out of, the, flames, preached, to the spirits, gentiles, no, said, Jesus, none came out, bobby, its, finished, said, the pastor, from, mccormicks, creek, church, lets see here, hold it, preaching to the spirits, whatta you want, record, showed, Jesus, hell, hollie, and hollie, licked the prophet, hell, whose it for, hollie, its iraq, said, hollie, watch out, said, the, li, brarian, not, this will, bring, great, babylon, into, rememberance, said, Jesus, pastor, rick, robertson, is, theres a trader, dyes his hair, and preaches against, make up, liar, never saved, mccormicks, creek, apostolic, faith, church, cut off, no signs, saith, I Am, He, that, reveals, what is, and he will, not like, but on the internet, soon, saith, Jesus, exposed, thus, speaketh, you aint even close, JEsus, pastor hunt, of grace apostolic church, no signs, like, charles finnell, no signs, none, not, all, upci, and paw, are, cut off, saith, Jesus, kent gray, no signs, chris, amonett, signless, mrs. amonett, will not let, new people, come, they are, both, wolves, everybodies cut off, no signs, said, hollie, no, she said, but, yep, says, nope, record, showed, hollie, and, pointed, cut off, soon, mccormicks creek apostolic church, record, showed, hollie, you did good, what, foolish, upci, and paw, liars, and, hollie, pointed, theres, the, alarm, cut me off, so, I, can, sin, reprobate, record, who ever kills saddam hussein, is the avenger of seven million mullahs, no, said, Jesus, eric dickerson, lost, but won, thumb down, bright color, I won he said, message to julia caron, get busy, I, aint, or, get, out, record, showed, hollie, record, hit, iraq, look, that, and, iraq, and, the palestinian, state, flames, hollie, on, the, ford truck, hollie, right here, this is, heaven, this is hell, lava or glass city, touch me, and I will help you, dont do that, said, most, let, your, pastor, liars, no, signs, hell, hollie, flames, and hollie, showed, to record, and complained, celebrated, and hollie, record, showed, hollie, and the pope, came out of, the horn, and, putin, and, hu, came, out, of the ram, horns, with, the, pope, coming out of, putins, they, are one, record, showed, hollie, pointed, record, showed, Jesus, take your visions off, the, internet, sang, Jesus, if, you dont, live, the life, record, showed, JEsus, im quittin, said, take, a, warning, if, God, leaves, he will not, come, back, theres, the alarm, check your oil, with you hands, thick and slick, keep, like, showed, thank you, said, king, fahd, using, way to much, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, and, hu, is, the false, prophet, and, hollie, pointed, theres, the alarm, you didnt want it, said, hollie, boyd warren, visions, in your church, now, you lost your church, thats, a, fool, pointed, mrs. warren, touch me, and ill, I, give, up, says, Jesus, if, you, dont, I dont, said, diana hughey, submit, diana, hughey, is, cut, off, saith, the, Lord, theres the tap dancer, and the pope and hu are two of them, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, brought in, by, bush, look, that, flames, dodge truck, hollie, whoever has the visions, put the visions, on, the internet, and, the pope, and hu, theres, the, submarine, sound, and subs, sneaked up on, boom, america exploded, and, the, woman, came up, the statue of liberty, I, dont, need, no, clean, oil, said, the engine, I just, need to be kept full, theres, the, alarm, record, showed, hollie, and, the, pope, came out of, putin s, horn, with, hu, on, the ram, and, he, saw, kuwait, on fire, boom, africa, and, sudan, america appeared on it, and, hollie, and, the, pope, came out, of, the g8, and, hollie, pointed, wthr, channel 13, look, kuwait, boom, pointed, saudia arabia, record, theres, the alarm, sound, theres, the alarm, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble, record, showed, hollie, and, another, hollie, prayed, bobby, did you, pray, nope, said, hollie, look, saudi arabia, boom, and the hegoat, smote the ram, and up came, four horns, who, is, it, said, the pope, and robert williams pointed, and the lighted, finger pointed, and the u.k. exploded, and france, and italy, the seat, of, the beast, and he saw, the beast, sitting, pope, prophet, im the girl that goes to paul mooneys church, and the seat of the beast, with, fire, italy, boom, and, hollie, pointed, lighted, rockville, indiana, apostolic churches, are, cut off, no signs, and, hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, theres, the submarine, sound, and the lighted, hollie, pointed, theres, the black chariot, with hu and the pope, fox, lula, jong, putin, they will give, thier power, to, the beast, pope, america, desolate, didnt the angel, hollie, say, its, ruint, theres, the alarm, prophet, om against, you, its, time, four you to do, what, you, say, prophet, pastor, hunt, from, grace, apostolic, church, come and save, me, I want out of here, said, missy, ba, ker, and that is, hell, after, blaspheme, I aint your mother, she, said, no, way, about, the, prayer, meeting, at, grace apostolic church, they are wanting to be seen, sang, the, Lord, undecided, then, deny, your, self, and, hollie, in, the, ohio, class, sub, fire, boom, and the world wobbled, om gonna take her home, said, the angel, of the Lord, what, said, diana hughey, you need to tell on me, liar, bob never, saw, but, knew, about your link, said, hollie, whats, witness, done, leading, to your, collapse, you get old, and, die, but, you will, stroke, ill bless, you, said, diana, you aint, hu, ghey, no signs, nope, she said, yep, said, Jesus, hang around here, and give up, you know, I accpet it, you will, withstand, Jesus, tina turner, is, les, bi, an, not, yep, all, are, I aint tina, turner, she says, stage name, out, she said, to, ike, tur, ner, and he, whipped, hard, but, hum uhm, o yes, provoked, liar, I dont want to fight, you, brought, Im not tina, o yes, liar, and ike, you are, cut, off, both, now, I accpet it, said, ike, tur, ner, both, in hell, git, out of here, said, tina, and, now, cut off, after, she will find out, now, 70, and, legs, she said, but, old, no, young, will, shes, cut off, minus, tina, turner, and hollie, pointed, now, old, and, for, got, ten, sexual, even though, looks, sexy, nobody, wants, that, said, raise, your hands and repeat, after me, sang, the, pope, and, tina, turner, and, ike, turner, that blessed me, said, ike, I aint no lesbian, would you, tina, o yes, line um up, she would say, blood, yum, no, what happened here, not, why is, everybody, slippin, every christian, no prayer, not, angel, sent, and you still will not, tina, anna, mae, turner, cut off, no signs, give you a heart attack, remember, I aint, quitting, at the old, apo, stolic, o my God, church, tina, that, you, were, raised, in, and, still, think, about, ACTS 2:38, everyday, when are you going to, do, try, saith, Jesus, and, theres, the submarine sound, how do I, git a holt of you, said, tina, tur, ner, leave me alone, she said, gonna, hurt, my, feelings, said, the angel, your out, said, Jesus, stay, or, try to get back, said, Jesus, you, were, never, bap, tised, with, the, HOly, Ghost, made my money, she, said, but now, old, very, and, pulpit, she, said, thought, not, but, would have, been, like, many, visions, and, dreams, still having, and, prays, I wont, pray, long, she, said, but, some, right here, said, the angel, of the LOrd, spam, not, but, live, for, Jesus, sign, not, but, go on, saith, Jesus, work, and, stay, busy, I went to hell, said, tina, anna, mae, bullock, no, said, Jesus, turner, but, your choice, still, cause, humble, before, and, iso, lated, no, rock, con, cer, ts, he wont, check, your oil, with, your, hands, like, hollie, showed, my dipstick, said, tina, no, said, Jesus, only, for, prophet, when s, miami, coming, whats that, the, last, show, for, tina, tur, ner, soon, saith, Jesus, retire, because, cannot, sing, no more, you sing now, but, the day is coming, no wind, she said, cannot, breathe, enough, to, sing, and, stand, like, a, go, to, star wars, bob, and, see, said, michael, boldea, no, millions, are, right, here, tina turner, said, the angel, of the LOrd, why did you, dont make, me, stroke, coming your way, hum uhm, she, grun, ted, not, ike, lied, like you do, and, are, a, almost, billion, aire, and, anna, mae, we needed to talk, she says, now, both, are, old, and, lone, ly, rich, ike has, about, five hundred thousand, but, is, enough, no, he wants, his, blow, jobs, back, from, tina, but, i aint, gonna, do it, that is what, I aint gonna have it, said, ike, tur, ner, o yeah, cut, me, off, both, git out of my, room, said, ike, make, me, said, tina, that is, how, it, was, and, ike, will, be, tina, turner, said, the angel, why are, you, lost, and, almost, I aint 70, but, closing in, touring, over, right now, cant, no wind, and still, wont, only sing, about, three songs, and, sleep, all, day, you know, thats what, cut you off, no, Jesus, 11-2006-you aint, prayin, nuked, said, hollie, saudi arabia, theres, mercy, said, tina, turner, and, Christ on the white horse, ill put, you, on, right here, said, angel, face, but, I, wont, live for Jesus, sampson, you, have, no idea, ruint, was about, eight feet, tall, powerfull, the HOly Ghost came over, and strengthened, the pilons, he, moved, were, about, ten feet, around, and they held up, the, stadium, moved, east, perished, crased, knew, hell, right after, in the flames, he says, I didnt, want, Jesus, only, women, and, none, wanted, but, became, jelous, when, his, slept with, and she, was, given, not, good evening, said, record, he could run, about, forty, for, a short, distance, looke, pointed, hollie, iraq, saudia, arabia, syria, iran, and, raise, your hands, and, repeat, after, me, sang, the pope, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble, in, everybodies, goin bankrupt, spiritually, I cant beleive I dont that said, diana hughey, lied and tried to make, o yes, shes, cut off, I wrecked, said, diana, hughey, and, wanted, bob, to, do, the same, I, kept it, and, bob, put, a caution, on, didnt, the, angel, diana, hughey, say, i aint payin the price, you didnt, said, diana, hughey, like, my, link, said, I, took, it, off, after, finding, out, being, reminded, I want it, off, there, she, said, no, said, hollie, is, there, any, way, I, want, him, out, of, here, you, were, the, one, that, provoked, im the devil, said, diana, hughey, its, over, said, diana, hughey, git, out of here, let, God s, pre, ordained, name, go, I know, you, are, being, chased, by, a stroke, then, hell, theres, the submarine, sound, pointed, hollie, and, the, pope came out of the horn, and, hu, and, let, me, see here, the idol shepard, keep serving, the LOrd, and, keep, being, blessed, fuck, your, vision, said, put, them, on, the, internet, mr., president, said, Jesus, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, whatta you want, said, hollie, nafta, said, bill clinton, should collapse, and the lighted, finger pointed, we, did, said, hillary, clinton, got me, said, bill, not, said, hollie, not, flames, kia, sportage, check your oil, with, your hands, show it, said, hollie, thick and slick, keep, whats in your underwear said, diana hughey, why do you lust people, we sold it, said, Jesus, not, there, was, not, supposed to be, a, the, united, states, will, be, a, desolation, sang the LOrd, why, did, ya, wreck, said, hollie, no, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, look, that, the plane, hit the building, that, coffee, showed, hollie, didnt, the angel, hollie, say, I want, her, outta, here, we, need it, said, pastor, hyde, bethel worship center, right here, bought a mansion of a church and, is cut off, start emptying, and they paid cash, millions, after, america, hits iraq, it will cause america, to come, into, who, is, it, said, hollie, its, diana, hughey, here, gave, ministryofdreams back, I all, ready know, said, the, woman, buying, salem, cigarettes, but, im pentecostal, who me, why did you say, that, this is why, God, has, to, bring, america, down, people, saying, but not, being, harlots, your, goin, down, said, the angel, of the LOrd, talking about me, said, donny joe winters, we already know, said, mrs. donald l. winters, iraq, said, Jesus, and smoke, boom, said, robert, williams, go, to, your, house, said, the angel, of the LOrd, put, me, on, new, york, whats, that, boom, 9-11, started, the, collapse, of, america, cut me off, said, Jesus, and, I will, cut you, off, ok, said, diana, hughey, and, hollie, showed, twice, anartica, and, go, and, post, those visions, appeared again, and, hollie, showed, the palestinian, state, is, gaza forsaken, oil, thick, and slick, keep, like, hollie, showed, and hollie showed, nuclear accident, is what they will call it, iraq, nuclear, brought in by bush, and, Jesus, blew, the horn, and, the mouth, in, the bright light, thats a little prayer person, in, the egg, sex, is, only, for, reproduction, prophet, im against michael jordan, he wrote that book, and the finger, pointed, like, he, is, a christian, and, sins, no, said, hollie, michael, jordans, wife, look, at that, pointed, dont, come, near, me, said, michael, jordan, im out, said, kent, jordan, same o jordan, and, he, said, Jesus, at, the church, and, everybody, praying, thats what, the House of God, church is supposed to be, and, he, saw, the pope, come, out, of, the horn, and, hollie, had, the little tv, thats it, said, Jesus, look, the popes image on, thats what, john saw, I dont know who kitty is, but im a homeless cat, and hollie pointed, theres, the alarm, sound, hand of help, wants in your wallet, they need enough to operate, the orphanges, but, that is about 4000, per month, and, ann and gene schmidts, salaries are, about, five thousand, per month, and michael, boldea, how long do you stay up, said, Jesus, and, michael, boldea, rubbed his eyes, he sleeps about, 12, hours per day, thank you, internet, he could operate, the, watertown office, you know it, said, ann, schmidt, i, aint, prayin, no, flames, hollie, im, your, new, friend, how do I gitta outta here, said, the raccoon, your not, and, hollie, showed, the pope, waving, from the mini tv screen, the popes image, brought to life, theres, the alarm, the popes image on tv, and, the seat of the beast, and rome, exploded, and, thats, the, pope, in, the, lava, and, hu, i, knew, said, satan, in, the lava, stay out of, here, screamed, kenneth haney, in, the lava, that, was, Jesus, kneeling in the fire, and, hell, like, it, looks, like, glows, red, dreamed, a, man, worked for God, but not, lived, that, was, a, building on fire, look, for, it, plane, angelic raccoon, and he, angie know, and, she, he, told her, if, the Lord, proved himself, if, he, opened your eyes, you, would, be, in, terror, and angie pointed, she didnt want the Lord, said, Jesus, and Jesus pointed, and hollie played, the horn, and came out, pointed, and Jesus, blew, work, the pope, waving, from, the t.v., screen, bright light, scene, didnt the angel, hollie, say, christian, he, wants, your, wallet, and, hollie, and, the angel, licked, the prophet, pointed, hollie, you got, a, disease, its in the bible, and, Jesus, blew the horn, and the angel, came out of the lightning bolt, work, and, hollie, whistled, coming out of the horn, that, was, Jesus, with, a, hole in his hand, like, a, Spirit, man, work, for, the Lord, said, the man in the bright light, room, and Jesus pointed, thats the main with the crowd cheering her on, the main, ministering spirit, hollie, work, work, for, the LOrd, that, was, a, hegoat, bull, looking, at, a, ram, smote, and, up, came, hu, the pope, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, and putin, and hu, came out of, the rams, horns, and the pope, came out of, putins, horn, that, was, Jesus, popped up, out of, the fire, and, came, out of the bible, and, went back, and, linda spall, pointed, with a lighted finger, and, the, Spirit of God, overshadowed, mary, Jesus born, your undecided, right now, but, if, you, go, back, God, will not, take, you back, yeah said, hollie, coming out of the horn, blown by, record, showed, linda, spall, that, and, hollie, came, out of, the horn, record, the vision, linda spall, showed, im the new ministering spirit, said, linda, and larry, spall, and, they, were, then, pulpit, you need, to, tell, im, beginning, to, want, you, said, linda, hell, no, no flames, said, hollie, and hollie, pointed, theres, the alarm, record, the vision, Jesus, showed, no, that was the girl from paul mooneys church, yes, hell, hollie, thats, me, hell, is for hollie, flames, and, hollie, pointed, look that, italy, boom, thats, the seat, fo the beast, no flames said, hollie, speckled pointed, hollie, horse, grim reaper rides, and Jesus on the white horse, conquer, and hollie sang, I want to rock and roll all night, painted, like gene simmons, all of the ministering spirits, painted, like, prophet, kiss, and, the, pope, on, the, t.v., screen, theres, the alarm, and, he, saw, the, words, cast, out, the, depths, of satan, are, fiery darts, they, cause, you, to, hate, God, and, gum recession, and, the, door, was, opened, in, heaven, that, woman, jezebel, is the apostolic church, thats, say, thier right, but, the, seven stars are, the seven churches, hell, hollie, the united states, is gitton, ready to go down, said, JEsus, right here, said, the librarian, work, said, Jesus, 11-24-2006-satan, you, are, decieving, upci, sang, kenneth, haney, cut off, no signs, we trusted you Jesus, sang, ken, but, never, ACTS 2:38, and they no it, no signs, saddam hussien, siad, hollie, is guilty for over five million mullahs, shot, said, Jesus, watch, raise, your hands and repeat, after, me, sang, the pope, and, hollie, pointed, record, the vision, showed, Jesus, and Jesus showed, to, record, and, the, pope, came out of, the horn, record, showed, hollie, thats, what, I want, said, pastor robertson, pastor rick robertson, hair dying, at, mccormicks, creek, visions and dreams, at the church, theres the alarm, lyin, said, the woman, there, record, showed, hollie, record, showed, hollie, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble, said, pastor, robertson, I, want, you, to, give, the church, the, money, back, you stole, living off, foolish, and dying your hair, and the, ram, with, putin, and hu, coming, out of, the, horns, and, the, pope, coming out of putins, hell, hollie, flames, and hollie, tore up the, con, spirit, no, he showed, to, mccormicks creek, apostolic church, theres, the alarm, and hollie pointed, hell, hell is for hollie, thats, the, flames, bobby, said, hollie, look, record, theres, the alarm, bob, git ready for nuclear, war, there, record, the vision, afghanistan, brought, down, nuked, with, pakistan, both, by, america, said, bush, u.k., boom, three missiles, france, boom, there, closin, i am, said, the pope, there, aint, no, visions, in, pentecost, because, there, aint, no, spostolics, in pentecost, and, the angel, grabbed, hollie by the neck, and hollie, licked the prophet, and the angel, and the popes image, on the t.v., bobby, we want you to pray, git out, said, pastor, robertson, what, did, he, want, to, warn, us, and, the lighted, van slyke pointed, wallace, with a golden finger, and the lighted, finger, pointed, and, the pope and hu, came out of, the horns, and, the, woman, pointed, lighted finger, and hollie, pointed, tell, I dye my hair, said, pastor, robertson, and pointed, lighted, finger, that, and pastor, r. l. robertson pointed, lighted finger, heres the check, said, patty barger, both, now, cut off, sinners, and, apostolic, church, pastors, and, the, lighted, angel, pointed, we, want, a reprobate, said, the woman, at, mccormicks, creek, apostolic church, sear me, said, the other, woman, old, so, I can, do, what, I want, to, but, why do, you, put, God, to an, open, shame, preparing for free thanksgiving dinner, instead of scheduled service, record showed, hollie, your cutting off, said, one of, the, bakers, and, she was, knowing, you are, House of God, not, and hollie, pointed, your, lettin, me, perish, said, hollie, me, being, you, and, hollie, pointed, and, hollie licked the prophet, that, hollie,, boom, france, boom, italy, the seat of the beast, and, he, saw, the beast, the pope, sitting, and, boom, from, moscow, no, flames, showed hollie, and, the lighted, angel, pointed, and, hollie, shook, hands, with, pastor, robertson, with, coat on, and prayer walked, with hands raised, mccormicks, creek, no flames, how we doin, I hear, your, cut off, said, hollie, and pastoring, hair, dyer, your church, will mock, you, now, thats what, I want, said, terry cannon, his, hair, is, all of a sudden, gray, and the lighted, red, pointed, prophet, look, that, the, plane, hit, the, building, pointed, hollie, that, every bodies, slippin, and, the, pope, pointed, and hollie laughed, look, mccormicks, creek, apostolic faith, church, and hollie, good to, meet, you, r.l. robertson, cavaness, both jut alike, but, robertson, dyes his hair, thats, makeup, that, you, holiness, he preaches, do as I say, and, the, angel, of, the Lord, licked the prophet, and, the, u.k., boom, france, italy, where, the seat, of the beast, is, rome, the, pope, take, money, and, put it back, in, the, till, you look good with age, said, the woman, from mccormicks, creek, and they are, I got another, one, said, robertson, church, out, uto, u.k., boom, and robertson, we know, said, the lying, women, at, satan, s, creek, apostolic faith church, said, Jesus, no signs, but of, false, prophets, he lead, them, to, financial, collapse, new buiding, new, park, in, lot, om gonna git off, said, robertson, no your not, misleader, ok, said, woman, that goes there, mr., robertson, said, r.l., you are, cut off, now, says, Jesus, robertson, pointed, Jesus, robert cavaness robertson, boht stole, million aires, both, because of, in Jesus Christ name, slip, fool, let them, use the church, to make, and, give away for thanksgiving, when, you, knew, down, you go, on, a, church night, now, here, this, said, Jesus, with, the, whipping cords, closed, and hollie licked the prophet, theres, the submarine sound, pointed, hollie, and subs, sneaked up on, boom, and, americano, exploded, and the woman, came up, the statue of liberty, your needed out there, with your coat on, and hollie showed, to prayer, walk, with, her, bandana, on, record, hollie, showed, I let, your, I got your inspirational letter, meaing, guestbook, signing, u.k., took, three missiles, france, boom, and, italy, the seat of the beast, boom, oil, does not, wear, out, it, cooks, and cooks, and cooks, and cooks, like hollie showed, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, look, this, the palestinian state, and iraq, on, fire, brought in by bush, leading america to collapse, to break oil contracts, im the main, im the main, hollie, im, the main, ministering spirit, and the crowd, cheered hollie on, post, more, visions, she said, you, put me, in, hell, said, Jesus, coming out of, the flames, lets, see, here, hold it, preaching to the spirits, whatta, you, want, record, showed, Jesus, hell, hollie, pointed, and, hollie, licked the prophet, hell, whose it for, hollie, and the maniac, sang, hey, alice cooper, im holding, this, ucpi to gether, sang, kenneth haney, not, he cant preach, no anoining, out, he said, theres, the, alarm, hell, is for hollie, flames, record, the vision, hollie showed, look, that, and he saw hollie, no flames, and pakistan, boom, hell is for hollie, hell is for hollie, hollie, hell, hollie, hell, hollie, pointed, that, that, said, hollie, the plane, that, hit the building, thats it, said, hollie, you are being stripped, and this is, killing, all day long, because, to keep you from, no, said, Jesus, yeah, being, exalted, im the main, ministering spirit, thats the crowd, cheering me on, main, main, main, main, ministering spirit, my names hollie, work for Jesus, while it is, day, you keep, quitting, said, hollie, no, yes, walk, said, Jesus, and hollie, work, and he saw, and, dreamed, that, talking to, paula, gil, bert, and, teresa, hed, ger, and they, he told them, your names are, both, on the internet, and, forcifully, kissed, again, said, teresa, hedger, you two, would have, made it, left, paul followed, talked, you wanted to talk, said, Jesus, to, paul, mooney, lecture, and now, old, and, cut, off, no, remedy, none, saith, Jesus, 11-25-2006-russia is, sending, missiles, to, the, iranians, and, they are, top, of the line, and can, take out, american, lets see here, most, f14s, 16s, and, but not, 15s, the best, the raptare, yes, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, russia, I will give you my wells, said, the, iranian, president, and, this is how, the beast, will be built, the shawnee woman, that died, was only, 20, natoshia m. nallia, but, was, accountable, in hell now, im sorry, to late, knew, how to be, the man that died, drunking, driving, timothy, tontonoz, was, accountable, and, in hell, saying, only, 24, but, and the angel of the LOrd pointed, im not born again, said, michael boldea, and hollie pointed, wrong, said, Jesus, they will say, bob knows, and, hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, theres, the, alarm, sound, record, showed, hollie, look that, and the lighted, finger pointed, and, the lighted finger pointed, and the two hollies tore up the con spirit, goodwill, december the second, half, off, and, the, lighted, finger pointed, and, the, pope, and, hu, prophet, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the bear, with, seven, heads, and ten horns, and thats the pope, hu is the false prophet, and the lighted finger pointed, and what, you ate was real light, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, but you only saw, the hands, and, this was, narrorated, by, the, enthusiastic hollie and the pope, running to hu, 666, born at the table, between, them, to prevent them from destroying each other, they both have nukes, and he saw, missiles aimed, right at, each other, record, showed, hollie, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by bush, to break oil contracts, when china kept, thier spy plane, and, made, them, break it apart, it, was, to, steal, secrets, record, the vision, showed, hollie, that cost, forty million dollars, but, angered, bush, and, led to, the invasion of iraq, right there, gotcha, no, oil, now, iraq, is, paying, for, the, war, with, oil, and hollies hand, r.h., duncan, would you like to have bob back now, he left me, no, anointing, coming, from you, my son my son, here, now, but, to late, roof, needs, I cant stand it, he said, and, r. h., turned into, I love you son, they would both say, fill my church and leave, not, you, are, out, both, record, record, the vision, lambert w. gates, sr., was informed, that, and he recieved it, yeah, but, wont get saved, and, afternoon, said, Jesus, bobby, youll loose, you ll see, and he saw lamberts church with only about two pews full, that church is in five million dollars debt, and will, close, record, showed hollie, Jesus, whipped, pastor robertson, rick, out, never saved, I want to rule the world, I want to rule the world, chanted putin, with, hu, jong, and castrol, chavez, ortega, and, he, saw, them, planning, out of, right there, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, and he saw, three ribs, in the bears, mouth, and hollie, shook, pastor, rick, robertsons hand, how are ya, no, he said, well, are, you, pastoring, yeah, said the woman, that goes, there, gotya, said, Jesus, never, ACTS 2:38, yeah, said, linda, spall, I accept it, why are you, out, he will go, be quiet, said, pastor, robertson, Im gay, all are, but, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, bobby, your going to new york, tell him, to give a lead, said, david, wilkerson, you want it, said, Jesus, no, said, bob, david, is, pro, ven, said, Jesus, and bob, theres the submarine sound, and, subs, sneaked up on, boom, america exploded, david wilkersons, vision, of, america, destroyed, in one hour, its right here, where, do I have to, pay, to, see, no, said, hollie, tbn, website, will he save me, she said, yeeaah, said, the man, repent, and be, bap, tised, in Jesus Christ name, at, david wilkersons church, and receive the gift of the HOly Ghost, bob, Im, not, into it, said, rick, robertson, lets talk, you dont know it, is your problem, hidden, from the lost, leading, a, full, now, emptying, allright, said, robertson, he doesnt care, they are not, his, sheep, liar, accept it, out, or, you think Ill be back agin said, lambert, w., gates, sr., not, you never were, and, know, I want out, you are, going, one way or another, sang, blondie, that, said, hollie, putin, and he saw, we, aint, gonna, do it, said, bush, 11-26-2006-nobodies worthy sang, kenneth haney, to, loose, the, seals, but, bob, prophecy, EZEKIEL 7, right here, pointed, leon bakers son, pulpit, iraq, war, gaza forsaken, brought in by bush, record, the vision, gaza, forsaken, iraq, palestinian state, record showed, hollie, iraq, and robert cavaness pointed, record showed, hollie, check your oil with your hands, thick and slick, leave it in, iran, hollie pointed, boom, and he saw, theres, the alarm, the ram, and he saw, putin and hu, coming out of the ram horns, and the pope, came out of, let me see here, putins, and, the girl from paul mooneys church pointed, and, and he saw, pakistan, boom, and pakistan came out, and pakistan came out, words, afghanistan, boom, im a bear, me, putin, satan, is, the, head, and, the pope is, his, mouth, piece, magog, is, the, body, thats, north and south korea, china and japan, whoever kills, saddam hussein, avenges, five million mullahs, in, the lake of fire, and he saw, look, iraq, gaza, the palestinian state, forsaken, boom, iraq, nuclear, Id appreciate it, said, the angel of the Lord, your out, said, leon bakers son, no preaching, and hollie pointed, said, the pope, and, they were, tap dancing, and, hu and the pope were two, fox, lula, chavez, putin, castrol, ortega, they will give thier power and strength, to the beast, send it over, on, america, and boom, america, exploded, the woman, came up, the, statue of liberty, and, the, lighted, pointed, and, the, tap dancers, tap dances, and hollie clapped, and the hegoat, smote the ram, thats, when, america, nukes, moscow and china, look that, and up came four horns, boom, iran, syria, toward the four winds, hollie, flames, on the, dodge, truck, and, the, lighted, hollie, pointed, and, clapped, the pope, hu, and, the emporer of japan, and, let me, see here, the idol, shepard, slashed, pope, said, the, tap dancers, and, hollie, tore up the con, tract, hands only, they will not want you to go anywhere, if, you stay, long, enough, you want it said, Jesus, and, hollie, clapped, and the tap dancers tapped, record, showed, hollie, that, record the vision, hollie, showed, record, shwoed, hollie, when bob, told the palestinian state is gaza forsaken, and, the war, will end nuclear, brought in by bush, to, break, oil, contracts, and, prevent, china, from, getting, they are all lying awake right now, asking, Jesus, to save, them, but old, ran, without a vision, let me see here, said, the angel, of the Lord, that, pointed, hollie, I want a vision, dreams, are, night visions, that, please, promote, the gospel, on, the, internet, hell, is, for hollie, flames, dodge truck, or van, record, showed hollie, that, syria, boom, afghanistan, boom, that, australia, boom, record, showed, hollie, record, showed, hollie, that, feed, that, I want to rule the world, I want to rule the world, chanted, putin, with, hu, fox, lula, chavez, castrol, more, record, showed, hollie, and he saw, a fiery beast, what was, that, satan, shhh, satan, is, the beast, with seven heads, and ten horns, sang, Jesus, got it, said, the pope, with, a, golden crown, ten, kings, and fox, showed, thumbs up, ortega, clapped, castrol, thumbs, mercy, is, past, for, every one, of, those, people, said, the, yard decoration, at hosue of prayer, we know it, said, leon bakers son, that, was, hollie, tearing up the con, tract, with, one, hand, thats, not, Jesus, with, the, microphone, thats leon bakers son, git, out of here, correction, sit, but dont speak, angel out side, he showed, bubba, and hollie put the chain saw, on bubba, and hollie, showed, to prayer walk, with blue coat, bandana, white, write the vision, thats, us, putin, the bear, arise, devour much flesh, gaza, for saken, is the palestinian state, he called, you, slippn, do more, power, you got a friend, said the angel, didnt the angel hollie say, no, thats the pope with 666, forhead, no, didnt the angel, hollie say, how, do, git, out, of, here, work for, the Lord, said, hollie, whistling out of the trumpet Jesus blew, im the main, ministering spirit, work for the Lord, thats my crowd, cheering, main, main, and she was lifted up, and the crowd cheered, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by bush to, keep china from, developing, record, the vision, iraq, nuked, look, that, the palestinian state, nuked, hollie clapped, main, main, and the map un, folded, and, the, seat, of satan, rome, showed, pope sitting, record, the vision, said, hollie, flames, hell, is for hollie, record, the vision, hollie, showed, look, that, the plane, hit the building, we, dont, need, it, is, what, they, say, but, they do, that, no flames, God, is, making, bob, that, was, a, lighted, serpent, with, the pope, as, the mouth, in, when opened, at the time of the evening oblation, means, church, time, record, showed, hollie, look, that, dont, close, mexico, said, the angel, or, and, they, will, russia, help us, ok, this is, how, america, will, isolate, hell, hollie, flames, you, have, blessed, and blessed, like, hollie, showed, and anartica, on fire, bush, oil, and, hollie, pointed, no, flames, record, the vision, hollie showed, look, that, the palestinian state, and iran, on fire, brought in by bush, and, hollie, pointed, record, Im a prophet, and I work, at, mcclure, I, no, about, ACTS 2:38, young, beautiful, perishing, record, hollie showed and pointed, look, pointed, Jesus, france, exploded, and italy, the seat of the beast, theres, the submarine sound, record, hollie, showed, look, that, no, flames, hell, is, for, hollie, you can make it, said, the woman, now your making cense, she said, but, to late, it, was, long ago, he warned, you, said, bishop, in the bathroom, now, perish, you knew, trust me, said, flames, hollie, chevy, and, hollie shook, pastor, robertson and cavaness s hand with a bear, paw, how are youa, well, I hear your both lost and pastoring, bobby, that wont do it said, rick robertson, robert cavaness, prove, no signs, if, your elijah, pray fire down, on, that, and, cavaness, robertson, laughed, call a dinner, your trying to get out, do the signs follow, like, casting out, laying on, nope, said, farris, in a vision, cut off, theres nothin wrong, said, bishop farris, joeseph, he tried to warn you, said, the woman, your not prayin, now, desoalte, after, tonight, watch, saddam hussein, said, hollie, is guilty for over, five, million mullahs, shot, said, Jesus, watch, and hollie pointed, raise your hands, and repeat, after, me, sang, the pope, and, hollie, pointed, record, the vision, showed, Jesus, and, Jesus, showed, to, record, and, the, pope, came out of the horn, record, showed, hollie, thats, what, I, want, said, pastor, robertson, rick, at, mccormicks creek, visions and dreams at the church, hes lyin, said, the woman, record, showed, hollie, record, showed, hollie, theres the alarm, theres, trouble said, pastor, robertson, i want you, to give, the church the money back, you stole, living off, foolish, and dying your hair, and the ram with putin and hu, coming out, of the horns, and the pope, coming out of, putins, hell, hollie, your lying, said, Jesus, robertson, rick, cut off, hair, dying, makes, you, raise your hands and repeat after me, they said, it, clear, he said, not, that is, make up, holiness, lets go home, said, shawn, tyson, cleophus, Im not saved, but, mislead, no signs, and hollie, look, if they passed the shield its over, said, farris, joeseph, not, they will, tarry, out, home, instead, of, comedy, like, all churches, theres, the alarm, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, these churches, are, mis, leading, and, no, said, joseph, farris, o yes, said, the woman, no, HOly, Ghost, satan, mis, using, 11-2006-record the vision, that, iraq, gaza, the palestinian state destroyed, that, bush, hollie pointed, that, look, and the lighted hand pointed, worship kent gray, moeny, said, mrs., gray, that was afiery beast, with the pope on its head, that, said, hollie, the plane, aon, sears tower, trap said Jesus, out, pointed, kent r. gray, and the angel out side, that was hollies hands putting back the con, trap, now im out said, JEsus, saddam hussein said, JEsus, boom, point blanck in the head, prophet, thumb up for the realistic or pioneers receiver, you know how the devil, shut me down, said, the pope, slash, a prince, on his, shut your mouth, siad, joseph farris inside of william harris s mouth, whatta you think of bobby, shook, hollie, with a bear, paw, kent gray, go home, said, kenneth haney, hair dyers, like, rick robertson, and they, were, in, court, its, iran, said, JEsus, look, that, bush, appeared, on it, on, fire, syria, boom, france, italy, there it is, pointed, hollie, with, a, golden, lighted, finger, the, seat, of the beast, nuclear, explosion, near, austrailia, boom, boom, boom, iraq, palestinian state, boom, bush, fire behind the black doors, JEsus, pointed, angel, im a bear, me, putin, why are you luaghin, said, hollie, time is, near, saith, Jesus, and satan is the head, and, magog is the body, krueger, freddy, thats, china, north and south korea, and japan, lap your hands like hollie, showed, there, aint no visions, in pentecost, you like visions said, JEsus, I dont work there, no more, that, was babyfleas, sleeping, laughing, I told said, JEsus, babyfleas, laughs, wait for, me, and, babyfleas, bit the prophets, head off, with, the undecided angry look, please promote the gospel, on the internet, sang, hollie, and pointed, saddam hussein, said, Jesus, shot, pakistan, boom, afghanistan, boom, lost agin, found agin, according to cut off, kent gray, that, was, the, eye of, God, looking, im out, said, kim, clement, sleeping, hippy, prophet, segree, said, the angel, come, forth, and, he, saw, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, allright, said, kim clement, hollie, grunted, when, your out, stay out, pointed, hollie, dont, put, God, to, an, open, shame, alarm, alarm, alarm, sound, this is, heaven, this is hell, lava, glass, city, record, my vision, thats, the reason, and, the, light, fell, and, hollie, pointed, hollie, played, the horn, and the angel, played, the organ, and, ace, on, the, lead, frehley, lets, face it, butler, why, do, you, go, to, antioch, the apostolic, church, they want me, kent r. gray, to back up, paul mooney, said, paul, mooney, cut off, empty, new, church, and the, angel, blew, the horn, and hollie, came, out, and, whistled, my horn, prayin, said, butler, for, mercy, came, wept, gone, and the finger tapped, and, the angel, blew, the horn, and, hollie, came, out, whistled, no, more, that, was, the, con, tract, being, left, alone, and, butler, showed, and hollie, anartica, bush, drilling, thats, the, main, ministering spirit, her, names, hollie, thats, my crowd, main, main, main, and hollie, was, lifted up, and, the, and mrs. butler blew the golden, horn, and, hollie, came, out, whistled, she is, deaf, he is to, thats people in the fire, bobby, I hate, you, and brother bulter, beat his wife and opened his face and satan, on the inside, and, hollie, whistled, you laughed, said, mrs. butler, but, we wanted, you, out of here, said, my butlers, theres the alarm, and, the, angel, hollie, whistled, out of the horn, we, want, you, to, stay, at, the church, brian, my nephew, said, sinnesaw, but, that, was, satan, like, an, angel, of, light, shhh, and, the pope, appeared, bobby, im ready, 666, forehead, im alice cooper said, gene schmidt, satan, thats the king of the bottomless, pit, appolloyon, and Jesus blew the horn, and hollie came out, whistled, work for Jesus, said, the, white angel, lighted, JEsus, do, you, know, what, job did, he trusted in his abundance, and hollie, whistled, and, the, angel, out of the lightning, work for the LOrd, time, out, showed, Jesus, and, hollie, whistled, out of the horn, work, theres the submarine sound, on, and hollie whistled, out of, blown by, Jesus, keep, praying, and, hollie, whistled, out of the horn, keep, that, van, and, went, back, and, hollie, came, out, of, the horn, blown, by, JEsus, thats, a, whistle, theyve, got no buisness, up there, in that, pulpit, hollie, out of the horn, blown, by, Jesus, butler, gray, robertson, cavaness, winters, and, he, saw, donny, joe, write the vision, wrote the feather, hollie, out of the horn, and, JEsus, and, bob, dreamed, called, al gore, and told, you won, arkansas, florida, won by single digits, won, by, low teens, but, florida, jeb bush, and, the, outdoor, message, the wall will not want to, this, was all I could see, meaning, closing, all, people, right now, bobby, its closin, and he saw, lighted, beast, that, was, a, man, in, the, fire, and, JEsus, lighted, that, was, JEsus, face, popping, out, of, the, bright, light, man, record, showed, hollie, look, that, the plane, hit, the building, that, no, flames, showed, hollie, and God winked, showed, hollie, that, uk, boom, the palestinian state, and iraq, on fire, that, brought in bush, that, battleship down, said, captain, bismarck, and scuttled, he, almost, wept, they can not raise it, like, many think, hit the bottom, long ways, totaled, theres, the alarm, and brad baker, dyes his hair, and, im out, both, those girls, you witnessed, to, now, cant you, no, they said, to Jesus, two hours of prayer, husbands, both, now, cut off, no more drawing, bob, witnessed, mike, bol, dea, yeah, why are, you, loosing, people, donating, no, new, vi, sions, now, where, are, your, follow, ers, and he saw, them, worshipping, michael, boldea, and the finger pointed, that is what, he wanted, and he saw, said, hollie, two angels, and they came out of, the, lightening, bolt, with, long, white, and, dim white faces, work for Jesus, look there, pointed, Jesus, iran, syria, boom, the u.k., boom, france, boom, italy, and he saw, the seat of the beast, there, and that is, i am god, said, the pope, now look, said, hollie, now, raise, your hands and repeat after me, they, beleived, everything, you said, were, drunk, think, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, look, at, me, she, said, im young, and, beautiful, but, both, lost, git away from me, they, both thought, but, I, go, to, church, and, put, God, to an open, shame, hosue of praeyr, tabernacle, worship brad baker, is what he wants, they are, neither one, wanting to live for the Lord, sang, Jesus, but, theres, the alarm, sound, the, united states will be a desolation, real soon, and, hollie, showed, the recorder, I guess the Lord warned, said, the woman, from, leon, bakers, church, I just got fisted, one said, now we see it, america, moscow and china, nuking each other, and, the, world, moved, tell, me, about, israel, said, Jesus, pointed, boom, thats, gaza, the palestinian, state, that, palestinian state, will be a, magnet, for, terrorists, you better git ready, for, nuclear war, sang, Jesus. look, showed, Jesus, holes, in my hand s, Spirit inside, and, hollie, pointed, the, boston, spaceship, with new jerusalem, not, said, the singer, there aint no visions, in pentecost, because, there, are, no apostolics, in, pentecost, if, it, had, not, been, for, Jesus, where, would you be, right now, record, the vision, hollie, showed, and, pointed, lets, do, a, prayer, meet, one said, allright, and she knelt, and prayed, in her heart, for, about, two hours, but, and, the lighted, being, pointed, the, Lord, said, get, away, from, me, if, you wont, live, the life, dont, tell, on, tim, pedigo, he is, cut off, and, pastors, calvary, with, paul, no signs, and, tim, pointed, with, a lighted, finger, never, saved, bubba, and hollie, said, paul, mooney, and, and hollie, fired up the chainsaw, and, put it right here, said, bubba, put it right on bubba, you know what I want, a broken spirit and a contrite heart, sang, Jesus, and hollie, showed, lighted, judge meyer and the lighted finger pointed, I want to rule the world, I want to rule the world, sang, putin, becuase of, oil, they want, america, out of, and, iran, yes, and, mexico, he shook, yeah, and, fox, out, calderon, and, otega, uh huh, he, showed, and, jong, yep, he said, and, mexico, said, putin, give me, no, they, all, but, to, and, that is, how, it, will be, and he saw, the, bear, with, three ribs, arise, and devour, much flesh, the three ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, and, mexico, 11-28-2006-and putin showed, to, record, the, vision, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, china, said, hu, right here, said, putin, out of, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hey gabriel, white angel, and hollie, and hollie, smiled, record, the vision, hollie showed, and, prayed, complained, celebrated, smiled, record, showed, hollie, pastor, rick robertson, is, cut off, now, no, repent, ance, from, after, recieving, he is, wolf, man, robertson, what we done, said, mrs., kent gray, was, wanted, retirement, house, church, same, property, and it, made us, back, slide, said, kent, r., gray, now, quit, dyeing you hair, theres the alarm, and, hollie whistled, out of the horn, blown by Jesus, and, bill, deagle, caught up into, and hollie whistled, work, out of the horn, and, went back, blown, by, Jesus, and, hollie, whistled, out of, the horn, blown, by Jesus, theres the alarm, and hollie whistled out of the horn, blown, by Jesus, sang, Jesus, and went back, and hollie whistled out of the horn, blown by Jesus, work, for, the Lord, and, went back, waved, and hollie whistled, out of the horn, and, syria, hollie, whistled, boom, showed, hollie, right here, anartica, boom, and, hollie, blew the whistle, work for the Lord, out of the horn, blown by Jesus, went back, whistled, out, agin, read your bible, said, Jesus, and, hollie, whistled, out of, the, horn, and, hollie, whistled, back, in, and, the, angel, blew the horn, and, brad baker, and leon baker came out, no, they both showed, we dont want it, just church, proffits, and wished, and, brad baker, pointed, now empty, and brad baker pointed, newt gangrich, tore up his con, when he, prophet, and hollie blew the horn, and, hollie, came out, whistled, work, om, the, manager, said, woman, from, leon, baker s, and, the, lighted, hand, aint, nobody, ready from, that church, and, hollie, came out of, the horn, and whistled, we perished, said, brad baker, all, of, pentecost, pick it up, hellow, who is, it, sherrifs, deputy, leave him alone bobby, now, pastor, cut off, mark, mckinney, no signs, if, you, put, me, to, an, open, shame, I, already, told, the Lord, I, will, get you, said, pastor, mckinney, no way, and hollie pointed, when, handed, the visions, he, cut me off, said, pastor, mckinney, why are, you, that, was the clothes falling off upci, said, mark mckinney, donny joe, and all of the winters family, kenneth haney, gaza forsaken, is the palestinian state, sang, hollie, we want ya now, said, brad baker, go right now, both those women, wanted, but now, aint, prayin, my church, you just said, it, two years ago, full, now, one pew, but, leave here, said, brad, ba, ker, no, visions, here, said, leon, ba, ker, they dont need it, said, the angel, of the Lord, not, and, hollie, whistled, out of, the horn, and back in, thats not an angel, thats, satan, shhh, rock and roll, he said, ace, frehley, beth hit number one, said, hollie, coming out of and going back into, kiss s only number one, and paul, stanely pointed, lighted, he, wants, you, to, stay, there, because, that church is dying, but, dont speak, that, was, a beast, made, up of, many, kings, record, showed, hollie, pointed, prayed, lighted, finger pointed, celebrated, and brad baker pointed, like, an, angel, there, beautiful, said, Jesus, those two young, women, but, God, told them, to, give, who, me, two hours prayer, and neither did, hell, said, Jesus, they, will know, I, blasphemed, said, one, record, showed, hollie, and, hollie, showed, to, record, and, pointed, cmere, that is hell, with the leaders of upci, and paw, and thier following, and hollie, out of the horn, whistled, work, for, the Lord, thats, hollie pointed, work, for, the Lord, she, whistled, back in, look, that, hit, the, building, plane, that, look, that, iraq and the palestinian state, thumbs up, realistic, that, said, the possum, you got me, said, the, woman, to, committ, God, led, and, you, God, made those those to scavenge, the earth, said, Jesus, possums, you know whats happenin, bush is down, to his last, days, and republicans, know, that they are all over, clinton, heres, what, take, out, bush, said, cheney, and, blame, watch, dick, cheney, wants, to, run, against, hillary clinton, because, he, knows, a lot about, dick, cheney, will, not, beat, her, shes, got it, he, has, to, declare, and will, emergency, state, and, the, angel, butler, blew the horn, and, hollie, came out, said, the pope, and, the angel, blew, the horn, and the pope came out, I, want, my vision, on, the internet, said, the relay singers, with, clean, rectums, your wasting time with those adversaries, pointed, Jesus, house of prayer, leave it alone, sang, the Pope, tabernacle, are, you clear, she, said, and, hollie, whistled, coming, out of the horn, I, want, you, here, Im, a, bear, this is prophecy ministry, on ministryofdreams, and, the, lighted, Jesus, pointed, there are no more visions, in pentecost, and hollie went back into the horn, I blew said, the, girl, going, to, when, your, lonely, said, the possum, church, right here, pointed, brad baker, liar, go, dye your hair, that, was, kim jong, he, looks, hair, dyes, that was kenneth haney, and, donny joe winters, most, of, upci, dyes, hair, look, in MALACHI, said, you will find, the church is cut off, and, the, angel, came out of the ark, hollie, showed, to, record, main, main, I want, my, main, ministering spirit, that, was, satan, shh, but, he, looked, like, a red dragon, satan, shh, hollie, says, I want, my visions, on the internet, and the lighted hand pointed, worship kent gray, is what, money said, mrs. gray, that was charges, scheduled, to, take, syria, saw bush, planning, bob dreamed, he saw, car, that had hsi battery, and needed one, could have pursued, you took me to the lake, said, mark whobrey, preaches, never saved, and he saw, the iraq, war, vision, dumitrus, will, happen, read EZEKIEL 12, thats, the, reason, and, hollie came out, went back, horn, its, getting, close, said, hollie, go, ahead, and, backslide, upci, and, I, will, not, heal, you any more, talk, and, be lost, said, Jesus, no, where, are, the, signs, at, motherfucker, listen, up, dont, grab, my tail, no more, said, the possum, there, aint, no visions, in, pentecost, because, there, are, no apostolics, in, pentecost, said, the possum, and, licked, the prophet, hollie, out of, the horn, back, I, once backslided, but, that was 30 years ago, and never got back, said, the man, angry, you wont, in, JOHN, it spoke about, loving your brother, theres, no mercy, somebody, God, can, use, to, love, others, I, want, my, vision, on, the, internet, said, the possum, that, was, kent gray, speaking in, tongues, but it was, him doing it, like, most, that, was, satan, im the beast, with, seven heads, and ten horns, and, the pope, popped, out, shh, that, was Jesus, on, his throne, like, a, light man, im the beast, shh, record, showed, hollie, vision overload, with, the alarm, sound, pakistan, boom, liar, said, captain ernest, hitler, no, said, babyfleas, im the beast, with seven heads, and ten horns, said, the, rock fire man, pope, and, hu, is, the false, prophet, nwo, hell is for hollie, and, hollie, showed, how, to, fix, the radiator, leak, get, j.b. weld, mix, stick on hole, tada, job could have not fasted his, way, out, of, trouble, sang, Jesus, record, showed, Jesus, hell, if for hollie, im out, said, kent gray, a local church with a global vision, sang, kim clemente, thats us said, pastor, hair, dyeer, kent r. gray, flames, hollie, flames, hollie, didnt the angel, babyfleas, say, nobodies, worthy to loose, but bob, you aint, prayin, said, hollie, and the u.k, france, italy, the seat of the beast, boom, give me, a leak, said, the bars stop leak, works, its, looking, there, seal it, works, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, and paul mooney pointed, and hollie, pointed, again, no, no, flames, and, hollie, showed, blew it, said, the angel, bobby, lets go home, kent gray, dont, fear me, and pointed, the outlaws, Jesus, fear him, on the throne, and he saw, Jesus, like, a light man, lets go asleep, said, theres the alarm, write the vision, record, showed, hollie, look, that, and, the, lighted pentecostal, pastor, preacher, pointed,rick robertson, said, the pope, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, theres, the alarm, they will let, rick, robertson, stay, if, he, repents, and, and he saw, rick, robertson, with, jim baker, and, swaggart, and the church lady, do, you swear, om, not, gonna read it, and, the, church, lady, beat them, all, God knows about the church lady, and he saw, the, beast, made up of, many kings, this is, heaven, this, is, hell, lava, or, glass city, theres, the submarine sound, no flames, record, showed, hollie, record, the vision, hollie, showed, you do not have to go home, said, hollie, and clapped, and, kent jordan, pointed, hollie, showed, to, record, that, said, hollie, the, plane, said, herbe, hit the building, that, they want it, said, the pope, come, back, tomorrow, she, thought, mrs. gray, she, blew, said, kent gray, im, outta, here, now, that, kents dyeing his hair, but, and, the ligghed, finger pointed, and, kent grays wife, back with mrs. fuller, at, westside pentecostal, church, bob told mrs. gray, that, youll see, the iraq, war, end, nuclear, and, iraq and the palestinian state, destroyed, and, the palestinian, state, is, gaza orsaken, stunned, after that, youll have about two months, I saw subs sneaking up on, america, and, it, exploded, and, the woman, came, up, and mrs. gray, pointed, at, kent, grays, dyed, hair, sunday school, is what, mrs. gray, will want, bob to teach, but, kent, no way, I want, you here, said, mrs., gray, help us, said, pastor, kent, gray, but, only, sit, and, here, unanointed, preaching, hollie, 11-30-2006-wait a minute mr. christian, said hollie, and licked the prophet, kassatka, the killer whale, needs to be, set free, and wants to be, continue closing, said, hollie, reverend kenneth haggin, is cut off, no signs, and Jesus, blew the horn, and hollie came out, work for the Lord, back, waved, out and back in, and, mrs. kent, gray, pointed, at, kent, grays, dyed, hair, my, name, is, rick, robertson, and im satan, pastoring, mccormicks creek church, I never, have, been, saved, but, o well, he said, and know it, and rick robertson pointed, if, you come, to, mccormicks, creek church, the slammer, for harrasing, that was, satan, shh, but, he looked, like, rick robertson, do you accept the penalty for what you have done, no, said, rick robertson, out pointed, Jesus, and they whipped him, at, mccormicks, creek, you want to, try to, keep, the, anti freeze, said, rick robertson, on the radiator swap, went to hell, said, pastor, rick robertson, and hollie pointed, in the judgement said, Jesus, rick robertson will say, Im out, and, hate, Jesus, all, of, mccormicks creek, apostolic faith church, that, was, hollie, tearing up the con, tract, with, her feet, golden, and, the, finger, pointed, and, hollie, met, with, rick robertson, how are ya, shook, bear paw, I, knew, said, robertson, see ya, thats babyfleas sleeping and laughing, test me, said, rick robertson, to, see, I dye my hair, bobby, tell on me, everytime, you get a chance, said rick robertson, I got blood stains on my hands, said, rick robertson, and he saw, do do do do do, sang, the Lord, many, people, blood all over, rick robertson, om, out, my name, is, hollie, tell, on, me, pointed, the lighted, hollie, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, magog, is the body, that is, north and south, korea, china and japan, situate, said, hollie, and he saw, nuclear, missiles, aimed, at, each, other, no, said, rick, robertson, bobby, dont talk about her, walmart, said, rick, robertson, is, his, life, no way, said, his, stomauch, is, what he wants, that was hollie, playing, the horn, look, at, me, hey, bob, said, Jesus, with, bobs, blood, on his hands, and, hollie, came, out, of the horn, and, went back, continue to wreck, continue to wreck, continue to wreck, God said, the evil I purposed to do to you, was, to make you fall away for two months, God, said, I, need, for, you, to, backslide, so, I, can, make, an, example out of, you, you, can, not, stand, continue slipping, said, HOllie, God jsut stripped your desire to live for him, and fiery darts, destroying, striking, piercing your heart, record, showed, Jesus, and rick robertson showed to record the vision, to late, and, he saw, do do do do do do, them, worshipping, rick robertson, come help me he said, but, what he means, is, and he saw, his face, on the grecian, formula 66 bottle, and he turned into kent gray, record, showed, rick robertson, I aint gonna do it, said, Jesus, wait a minute mr. christian, and hollie licked the prophet, we talked, over the phone, with, rick, and he, wants, war, so, wait a minute mr. christian, and hollie, licked, no way, they want, war, at, mccormicks, git out of here, said, Jesus, creek, apostolic, faith, he says he aint goin, but, laughed while, looking, serious, during, his, test, ti, mony, wait a minute christian, are you out, said, the woman, at, mccormicks, creek, apostolic, right here, said, robertson, and he saw, the pulpit, but, when bob goes, no way, showed, robertson, guarding, im out, and, want to, stay, and, mis, lead, wait a minute, mr. robertson, said, hollie, and hollie licked, rick robertson, buto, that is, what, he wants, men, your outta here, said, rick, robertson, how many you got, people, watch, they will, close, saith, Jesus, see that, said, rick, law, but, are, you, going to, lie, to the, jud raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, bobby, I can use you, said, robert, son, out, no, use, you are, liars, all, saith, Jesus, look at my hand, said, Jesus, hole, with, a Spirit, white, inside, and you are, preaching, in my name, no, said, the woman, by being, there, clothes, off, and he said, upic s, clothes, falling, off, no, Holy Ghost, all, should be like, git ready, no, I aint gonna beleive that, said, the, webmaster, for, mccormicks creek, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, thats wrong, defend, your, liar, hero, ricko, robert, son, our last summer, right, here, and he saw, right here, rick, outside, in the parking lot, waving, people, goodbye, come back, and, worship, rick, the spirit, that, holds, yeah, said, Hollie, people, to, thier, Jesus, rick, robertson, is, going to, what, he, seemed, to have, he, lost, backsliding, under, and, wanted, plasma, yowp, said, hollie, they, are, hun, gry, and rick is, I dont know how to put this, said, the pope, not, saved, and, pointed, I will not repent of the evil, to, rick robertson, record showed hollie, look, that, iraq and the palestinian state, boom, france, boom, and captain hollie, in the sub, ohio class, and he saw, hogs, running to the troth, the, smorgasboard, and, pastors, popped out of the hogs, theres, rick, robertson, kent gray, donald winters, donny joe, record showed, hollie, france, boom, italy, the seat of the beast, boom, no, alright said, the possum, with diana hugheys face, record, showed hollie, record showed hollie, look at that, who s this, said, the man, it is, diana, hughey, cut off, now, and, knows, put it on, said, diana, hughey, heather is, murphy, cut, right there, off, saith, love you, Jesus, not, liar, and brother stair pointed, om out, he said, hell, is, for, hollie, flames, record, showed, hollie, that, whose hollie, said, rick robertson, and he looked at ministryofdreams, im off, here, he said, and, the, finger, pointed, and, hollie showed, to, record, the vision, and prayed, and, waited, celebrated, and hollie, out of the horn, and, back, blown by Jesus, out, work, back, record, showed, Jesus, most of mccormicks creek church wants, hair dyer, holiness preacher, rick robertson, out, ok, sold, not, no, finance, company, will, loan, raise your hands and repeat after me, is bob gitton uh whippin, what is that, no, per, se, cu, tion, and hollie, showed, anartica, bush, drilling, thats the main, ministering spirit, her names, hollie, thats, my crowd, cheering, main, main, main, and hollie was lifted up, and, the, and, mrs. butler, blew the golden, horn, and hollie came out, whistled, she, is, deaf, he is, to, and hollie whistled, out of, raise, your hands and repeat after me, said, the pope, put it on, said, rick, robertson, if you allow me, said, Jesus, nope, said, rick, im the devil, now, exposed, on, the internet, and all of, upci, no clothes, brother, did I do something, no, but, lost, all of, I want m out, said, the woman, that goes there, right, said, rick, robert, son, accpet it, you are, lost, raise your hands and repeat after me, four dollars an hour, is, what, you make, even, while, sleeping, because of, foolish, christians, I know your heart, said, rick, robertson, thats right, you got, 75, multiply it, said, Jesus, my time is, up, said, robertson, then, why dont you, hunt, uhh, said, the webmaster, for, mccormicks, creek, hunt uh, accpet it, she said, they want, him, to, muse, at, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, see, bobby, this is how they feel, said, rick, robertson, I dont want it, are you coming down, not, are, you, no, why, because, you are, decieving, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, whupped you, see that, said, rick, and the woman, that is what, they did, want, you wont, if, bob, came, you would love, but, out, and the pope, said, i am god, liar, god of this world, no, but, given, wait a minute mr. christian, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, and, shook, no, and pointed, put that on there, and, its done, put that on there, and, pointed, satan, what if they stop you in the hall, sunday school, and then, we are, out, sold, both, rick, and, outta here, said, rober, t, son, not, stay, and, thats good, she said, tes, ti, fy, that is all, you do, tell what, this is embarrasin, she, said, but, you are, theres another one, by me, said, Jesus, all, that serve Jesus, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, the pope, sang, can use you, said, robertson, hunt uh, shook, hollie, yeah, theres a lot of money, why, did, you go and do that, what kind of gas money, we need you out, said, the woman, battles on, said, heather murphy, I aint havin you agin, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, accept it, said, diana, hughey, not, lost, cut off, and, lying, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, theres my crowd, im hollie, wait a minute mr. christian, and hollie licked the prophet, do you know who I AM, said, Jesus, IM the First and the Last, the, Alpha, and, Omega, the beginning and the end, no, said, heather, murphy, not, leave, or, stay, Jesus, doesnt care, serve, or, dont, thats the crowd, cheering, hollie, im a addiction, said, not, your gonna call me, said, the, web, mas, tress, of, farmhouse, said, maucaulay, cul, kin, that is where, no, yep, bobby, your wanted on the phone, you know it, come and help us, so I can, im, horny, she said, jack off, saith, Jesus, squirt, like, and maucaulay laughed, and he saw, said, hollie, no, she said, all of, mccormicks, creek, thats what I need, apostolic, faith, cut off, church, jacking, off, all, not, only, rick, refrains, but he, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, I want you out, said, the angry, rick, never mind, said, the woman, web, mas, tres, lets call, said, rick, robertson, not, so you can, trap, not, diabetes, not, but, getting, close, all, at, mccormicks, and that is, what about, nutris, no, medicine, only, machine, or, bobby, raise your hands and repeat after me, wait a minute, mr. christian, and hollie licked the prophet, we want ya, said, Jesus, speak, and be lost, rick, robertson, theres the alarm, sound, it was, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, pastor robert e. henson, is cut off, no signs, he ugly, irving, bax, ter, not, he is, the, hair, dyer, of, the, world, prophetically, speaking, that was, baby, fleas, sleeping, and smiling, bobby, we d be, real glad to have ya, yeah, we looked at it, said, pastor, rick, robertson, cant find it, said, Jesus, none, of your, yep, said, robertson, but, who cares, need mercy, so, we, can, get, filled, with, the, proffits, and that was babyfleas, sleeping, and, looking, at, ministryofdreams, bobby, I want your money, said, rick, robert, son, pastor, at, mccormicks, creek, spostolic, faith, taber, nac, le, and hollie tore up the con, trap, thats good, said, the woman, that, goes, to, mccormicks, creek, church, ministryofdreams, I did you wrong, sang, kenneth, haney, im, off, said, Jesus, in his, life, and he knows it, but, keeps, right on, mis, leading, upci, and the pope, loves it, no, di, ffer, ence, pay, said, hollie, prayer, and, God will, open, new, way s, you, need, mercy, but when mercy comes, said, hollie, you reject, hold it, said, Jesus, where, is, my, love, people, that, are, led, by, the, Holy, Ghost, Ill tell you, in, trouble, because of, them, being, tried, this is, the, hour, of, tem, p, tation, that, will, try, the, whole, earth, the depths of satan, bob, I need mercy, but when, it, shows, you will, out of here, showed, robertson, rick, liar, pas, tor, bob, will come, but, you will, try to, sift, and, correct, with, dyed, hair, cut you off, said, hollie, like, a white angel, call, said, rick, you call, liar, bobby, when, mercy, come, said, kenneth, haney, he will not, bob, where, are, you going to, who is, your, pas, tor, and nobody can, I, teach, after, the, Holy Ghost, comes, in, saith, the, Jesus, of, the bible, theres the alarm, we, love, mercy, said, the, webmaster of mccormicks creek apostolic faith church, but, we dont, do anything, but, feast, on, the, prescence, of, the, Spirit, of, Jesus, and you know it, to, proud, to, cry, and, to, la, zy, to, dig, yes, she, said, wont, have, you, caint, handle it, said, rick, robertson, your drunk, and you would already know, you aint callin bobby, said, hollie, and the man pointed, check, house, you only got twenty years, and, death, both, but, shor, tened, theres the alarm, sound, said, hollie, with, the sound, blow the trumpet, what, said, rick, we dont know, if, you were there, and you knew to be, thanks, giving, you would have, loved, bob, but, let them, cook, at, instead of, and bob is, not, ticked, off, he wanted to, help, revival, would have, but, now, you are, like he already knew, lost, right, said, Jesus, theres the alarm, sound, im, next said, hollie, next, for, pro, mo, tion, and irving baxter, jr., pointed, he is, cut off, no signs, but, decieved, were on are way down, said, the, web, master, of, mccormicks, creek church, no signs, and we are, not, wanting, any, like, most, of, upci, theres the alarm, sound, its started, robert, baral, is, cut off, no signs, got it, he said, seek, saith, Jesus, bob likes, im a baptist, sang, kenneth haney, bobby, you need some help, say, what, you are, the, one, that is, no signs, and you come against, those that have, jelous, want, to, try to, make, back, slide, like you are, bobby, can we just have the message, I need you in the carport, not, that means, work, theres the alarm, sound, i, gotta, work, it is, easier, if, I had the vision, put it on the internet, said, hollie, if, you let me, revival, at, mccormicks, no, git away, showed, both, rick, and, web, alright, said, rick, nto, both are, lost, and, mis, leading, all, that go there, moneys back, said, mrs., chris, amonett, but, they are, both, lost, and, the, church, will, empty, and he owes, over, eighteen thousand, on it, and, upci, is cut off, no signs, nobody will buy, alright, said, mrs. amonett, whatta you want, said, Jesus, money, said, chris, go, git, it, but, law, full, ly, not, like, tithes, and o, ffer, ings, seel it to ya, said, mrs., amonett, try not to upset me, this weak, she said, you lied, said, chris, now, they want, away, from, each, other, both, lied, when, yes, I will, live, for, Jesus, but, havent, take care, were under judgment right now, sang, kenneth haney, all of, unbelievable, said, hollie, u.p.c.i., is, cut off, no, signs, and they, call, them, sel, ves, the, ones, we will not be accepted, by, the HolY One, sang, hollie, if, we do not, live for, Jesus, in heaven, saith, the Lord, wait a minute mr. christian, you really, wont, believe this, all the signs are coming forth at mccormicks creek apostolic faith church, bobby, git out of here, she said, thats the price, said, robertson, it hurts bobby, said, rick, 1-16-2010-it was uh dream, said, hollie, showed, eat, its uh night vision, hollie, showed, words, it appeared, said, hollie, thats, pastor paul mooney preaching, bob there, bob leaves, paul, then at back, many people there, hollie claps, this is a warning, said, hollie, plug in your disk, she, said, its hard drive, hollie, said, flash, they store, she, said, its, computer, chip, hollie showed, one hard drive, can store, enough words to make a line, about, four hundred miles, thats the beast, rose, said, hollie, hes on black horse, hollie looks, its into, russia, pontiff, said, thats light russia, and pope siging, its uh, deal, said, medvedev, hollie shows, he gains control, hollie prayer walked, with, blue coat, white bandana on, thats computers going down, thats, uh warning, said, hollie, write the vision, said, hollie, and I, stamped, she, said, beat hand, this is website, lets post, said, hollie, im uh vision, lets post, said, hollie, showed, chew gum, hollie showed, the seventh day adventist church, do, she, said, thats, the, marine corp. right there, said, hollie, out in, the, streets, its, the, last sign, before u.s.a. economic collapse, they, were, like, silhouette faced marines, partial, then, all, then, hollies face appears, happy, hollie, showed, chew gum, hollie showed, hoosier pete, its fuel, hollie, said, website, said, post, hollie, said, russia is bear father, hollie, said, thats, hollie beating, hand, putin, rising, this is hollie, showed, record, I got uh warning, said, hollie, record me, said, hollie, with, nice hair, hollie played music, thats, piano, on, titanic, hollie appears, from, invisable, tell the vision, said, hollie, hollie didnt play, hollie, said, people dont want you there, its, at, new wineskin ministries, hollie, said, let me, said, hollie, LOrd, she, said, showed, let me pocket the loot, said, Lloyd Dunigan, thats lloyd reading the visions, putting down, running to remove website, but, it is to late, thats, Lloyd Dunigans church emptying out, hollie showed, record, thats Lloyd Dunigan, how did I get cut off, Lloyd Dunigan said, thats, Lloyd Dunigan, kneeling, and praying, for, baptizm of the Holy Ghost, but leaves church and does what he wants, like, most, said, hollie, put it under, hollie, said, to late for Lloyd Dunigan, said, hollie, and, many, tap danced, record, me, said, hollie, beat hand, and I stamp, she, said, beast arose, hollie, said, thats pope on, black horse, submarine, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, its akula, agin, thats, what, you, want, need, she, said, and I fired two missiles, said, captain, hollie, thats gaza burning, and hollie turns his sub, iraq burned, bush eats chicken, hollie pushed to microphone, this is our oil, said, president bush, eats, war, leaves, hollie said, lets do something, hollie sprinkles, russia, she, said, arise, and, awaken, hollie, sprinkles, thats bear arising, destroy, that, said, Jesus, thats, nuclear, n.a.t.o. countries exploding, hollie spins globe, hollie showed, pope, she, said, coming, out, of, globe, thats hu hintao, coming out, hollie relaxes, both beasts, thats, smoke, said, hollie, rising, from, globe, thats, sun, and moon, moon has tongue out, bobby, thats hollie, out of, woofer, thats sun, face, hidden, but, like, appears, dim, said, Jesus, there they both are, now, you have it, said, sun, this times moons face hidden, but starts fading in, running out from the sea, thats pope, said, hollie, with two horned beast, rising, with, thats hu hintao, and emporer of japan, coming out of horns, lets rise and withstand, this, said, hintao, thats nuclear explosion in, hollie spins world, showed, china, thats rockets leaving china, striking russia, exploded, thats them exchanging, nuclear fires, in both countries, thats them all three at table, thats 666 appearing, they sign, then, leave, thats, the, vision, said, hollie, showed, old international truck, hollie drove, thats, america, exploding, and, looting going on, that was, gabriel there, thats Jesus coming, its during looting, said, hollie, its cause, economic collapse, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, was nuclear explosion in indianapolis, its in, hollie, said, showed, america with many nuclear fireballs coming up, and rockets leaving america, thats many striking, russia, exploded, hollie plays, the music, said, hollie, kristina reappears, that, said, hollie, your wanted on your website, now, said, hollie, theres loose belt sorry, said, hollie, pope rose, runs out of sea, I want china, said, pontiff, thats, chinese forces invading much of, its, said, hollie, destroyed russia, hollie had the pioneer stereo receiver with power meters, said, hollie, and, Jesus, that, said, hollie, bobby, said, person, showed, picture, its adolf hitler, war, he said, you brought it in hollie, said, then, adolf hitler turned into george bush junior, im just uh vision, yelled hollie, I cant do one thing, he said, thats hollie with fingers in ears, in, its, sireen, said, hollie, warning, said, hollie, acting like, news anchor woman, tells, its arising, she, said, thats venezuela shaking, its earthquake, on steem locomotive, theres, hollie funnel, blew, it was like this, said, hollie, whew, no, said, hollie, showed, Lord om thru, but shook, yes, I turned around, clapped, hollie, showed, tada, popes picture, hollie showed america burning, its from missile strike, she, said, whew whew, said, hollie, acting like, hollie funnel, appearing, thats Father on, hollie showed, its pioneer, steem locomotive, whew, hollie puts plate on, bobby I showed, she said, its queen mary, hollie shows, still there, usable, she, said, that was, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, hollie, beat hands, showed, s.s. norway, thats it being scrapped under, blue lady, hollie appears, 4-14-2010-hey, bob, its, said, hollie, your friend, she, said, i'm married, said, neva michaels, showed, cut off, thats, neva michaels masterbating and doing things, at apostolic pentecostal church, I, know, neva michaels said, hollie clapped, like partial hollie, you know who that is, said, hollie, thats, the, beast with, seven heads and ten horns, hollie, said, thats, president of mexico popping out of, head, aw, sang, seven heads, hollie conducts, hey bob its me, said, hollie, see that, said, hollie, grabbed flash, hard drive, out of, computer, thats, lula, standing by head, not showing, any, expression, then does, hollie celebrates, thats, hugo chavez, and, nicaraguan president, neither, wanted, thats, both castrols, raul signs, fidel afraid, its, kim jong, agin, said, hollie, and, he, hollie claps, only partially seen, body faded in, somewhat, thats, kim jong with nuclear button, pressed, thats, nuclear fires, in, china, and, south korea, and, russia, you lure, said, yeltsin, to hu hintao, thats, hintao riding, rocket, its, into taiwan, exploded, neva michaels turns, shows, hu hintao, battling washington state with light sword, hollie flys out in old world war two plane, bombs, its, repelled, hollie, said, the united states will be missile stricken, said, angel, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, submarines all around america, thats, new ministry of dreams website, its, google profile naming the theives of the God spoke, hollie, said, showed, new ministry of dreams website, like, golden, face, hollie ate cookie, you didnt need it, bobby, said, hollie, with, the, loose belt, some, said, hollie, thats one, sub firing, thats, nuclear explosion, in, its, california said dumitru duduman, thats, hollie cnn news reporter being kicked out, by, its like uh cloud God, said, hollie, thats, both, american coasts, exploding, hollie, smiles, thats, explosions in, center of, america, thats, rockets, striking, alaska, and, canada exploded, then center of america, boom, hollie showed, record, showed, no, but, showed, its, alright, then, showed, thru, then its, the, home run, sign, again, hollie screamed, why, whats the reason, she, said, screamed, hollie showed, its uh cruise missile, she, said, its low and slow, thats one exploding, someone answered, get the phone, said, hollie, and another hollie holds phone in hand, wearing white robe, it rang, hollie whistled, pointed up, Jesus coming, looking down at world, its nuclear n.a.t.o. said, hollie, countries exploding, hollie whistled, its russia burning, moon, looks down, its, bobby hes transformed, said, hollie, moon, smoke, rises, hollie screamed, hollie danced, hollie screamed, snapped fingers, stomped foot, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope, with, brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, kneeling before, hollie shows world, many countries exploding, hollie showed lay down, you want that, then record, that vision, said, hollie, hollie said do something, hollie showed, take bath, spacecraft, said, hollie, starfighter, hollie soars, dropped bomb, america below exploded, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, russia burned, hollie, showed, spacecraft, hollie screamed, whats the ship doin, said, hollie, screamed, its, m.v., she said, wilhelm gustloff ship waiting on bottom of sea for visitor with silhouette face then appeared, hollie visits in submarine, 4-15-2010-police are comin, said, hollie, thats, police taking bob, to, jail, from, church, thats, what, pastors want, hollie screamed, bob let me, record, said, hollie, showed, neva michaels, squirting, masterbating, knows, God wanted her to, now shes happy, said, hollie, thats, neva michaels happy, thats beast rising, thats, bob, drinking coffee again, thats, hollie reaching for the people at franklin apostolic church, from ground looked like normal hollie wearing white tee shirt, but from high in air, looked, like dark hollie, hollie pointed, go, and, your going the wrong way, complained hollie, showed, eat, hollie showed, thumbs up, for, that, van, you can get, said, Jesus, rubbed chin, about, much use, said, hollie, hollie whistled, again, stomped foot, snapped fingers, whistled, stomped, body hidden, fades in, whever you go, said, hollie, remember us in prayer said franklin apostolic church, that was, said, hollie, rising, its, with, seven, heads, and, ten horns, they appeared, said, hollie, theres, cuba, she, said, thats, mexican president, smiling, but, dreading, signing, deal with, medvedev, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, beat, hand, pope, hollie, said, rose, hollie showed, sh, be quiet, no, said, hollie, but, shook yes, then, showed, thru, with, it, away, brother, said, hollie, look, she, said, showed, popes, picture, with, brown hair, let me, rule the world, said, putin, kneeling before, hollie, shows, world, Jesus, watches, many countries, exploded, moon, looks down, with, big nose, whats moons word, said, hollie, bobby he made me, me, said, moon, see that smoke, pointed, moon, blocked moon out, give warning, said, Jesus, thats, economic collapse in america with looting going on, people running, pilfering, said, hollie, hollie showed, a stereo cassette deck, with v.u. meters, they move as cassette plays, hollie watches, buy, one, she, said, thats jeremy lopez, said, hollie, showed, cut off, thats, you, jeremy lopez, said, hollie and God, trembling, thats, Jesus rubbed chin, the ministry of jeremy lopez, and, jeremy lopez, posting, its john mark pool, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, and thats jeremy lopez lauging, alright, said, jeremy lopez, o so your uh doctor, said, Jesus, rubbed chin, I wont save, said, God, thats, you, said, hollie, jeremy lopez trembling, and john lopez, let me see, o so your uh pastor, said, hollie, showed, its, ministry of dreams, thats, Jesus speaking, I wont share, call it ministry of dreams, said, God, thats Jesus himself placing this on guestbooks, tell, saith the LOrd, thats pastor john lopez showing cut off, thats sandy pool appearing, showing cut off, and john mark pool, shaking, yes, its for money, said, witch, said, God, john mark pool, for these are lovers of pleasures more then lovers of me, saith God, put it under, said, hollie, watch for this on ministry of dreams, said, hollie, call your attorney, said, God, thats bob reporting you all for tax fraud, show, the witch, said, God, john mark pool, tell him its to late to drop his facebook like jeremy lopez did, you witchs, said, Jesus, maybe its uh warnin, said, hollie, showed, pope, she, said, hollie showed, record, showed, eat, and I, stamped, beast arises, said, hollie, showed, its, pope, hollie showed, turn, tear up, with, lighted bear paws, showed, popes picture with brown hair, let me, do it, said, putin, alright shakes pope, that, was, hollie, like, well dressed vampire, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, showed, record, the economy slipping, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays, music, aw you want it, hollie, said, leave me alone, screamed, hollie, its angel marine corp. said, Jesus, out in streets, like, mostly silhouette face marines, but, gabriels face appeared, hollies was wavy, hollie ate the cookie, now heres the warnin, said, hollie, that, was, hollie, in, spacefighter, dropped bomb, america below exploded, hollie flys, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. and russia exploding, Jesus looks at world, moon, looks down, i'm, said, sun, new economy, said, hollie, its bankrupt, said, another, hollie, aw, you want it, said, hollie, playing his music, hollie conducts, its the seven heads, we spread it out, like, uh map, said, hollie, its, yellow, she, said, and, pope, hollie, said, rode black horse, its, into, russia, hollie, said, looky, pointed, hollie, at, that, russia exploded, hollie claps, body, hidden, its, dark, but, body, appears, white, shows, popes image, tattood, on, finger, thats popes face, tattood on forehead, thats 666, tattood on forehead, people lined up, being, tattood, hollie shows, cellphone t.v., take it, said, pope, hollie pulls back sleeves, body hidden, but, appeared, thats, nuclear, fire, in, russia, missiles, leave, russia, then, china, exploded, pope, rings, out, towell, thats, pope, at, table, thats, hu hintao, and japan, coming, out, of, two horned beast like, hollie, acting like, laughed, 666 is signed for, thats, pope with, medvedev, signing, agreement, it gains popey, bob, said, hollie, control, hollie rings out, towell, unwinds, now lets see, she, said, popes face appears, on, theres, hu, hintao, said, hollie, hey that was clapping noise, she, said, hollie relaxed, there you have it, both beasts, and hu, said, pope, I can see, both said, were not going to get along, they, depart, go, said, hollie, get, oil, she, said, thats, hollie, wearing plad coat with new hollie like orange thing, laughed, website said post more vision said, hollie in the atmosphere, Jesus, smoked, cigarette invisable, but appears, hollie showed, thumbs down, its cain, she said, herman cain, so your uh witch, hollie, said, thats herman cain smiling, I would take it said, herman cain, thats herman cain as president of u.s.a. with bob as his running, mate, he knows it, said, Jesus, put it under, said, God, herman cain will meet bob, hollie showed, thumbs down, its rev. horace sheffield, showed cut off, i'm with witch said horace sheffield, thats mrs. sheffield appearing with dyed hair, hollie showed, thumbs down, its hair dyer, horace l. sheffield, 111, 4-16-2010-your hurting yourself, said, its, showed, hollie, rev. amy brucker, you, hollie, said, stole, ministry of dreams, I didnt said amy brucker, its, her, placing in dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., website, both witches, put it under, said hollie, its to late for amy brucker and her doctor rev. jeremy taylor d.min, saith the Lord, hollie showed, record, thats hollie with Jesus inside showing, record, and I stamp, said, hollie, thats, pope, rising, thats, hu hintao, riding, red horse, its, to take peace off of earth, hollie, claps, like, only partial hollie, but was happy, had brown hair, stomped foot, snapped fingers, hey, said, hollie, only part of hollie seen, hollie showed, its, the, rear main seal, engine, hollie, showed, thumbs down, out, dont open that up said, hollie, its the sixth seal, smoke rose, like, furnace, thats submarines, all around, america, one fired, hollie, smiled, thats, both, american coasts, exploding, hollie cnn news anchor man, got kicked out, while reporting, wearing nice suit, by foot, thats, center of america exploding, thats foot kicking hollie out, its, hollie showed, the kingdom center, sh, said, hollie dont reveal, she, said, hollie acted, like, not, guilty, wearing white robe, i'm the vision, lets post, something, hollie screamed, again, showed, eat, thats hollie like vampire, and hollie plays music, aw shut up, hollie said, thats, half a hollie clapping, its your house, said, Jesus, its, from, looting, said, hollie, thats, looters running streets like, dot faced Father and hollie and gabriel, I told you bob to get the fuck away from me says the LOrd, o.p.e.c. wont cut america off said, hollie, thats, opec calling meeting, reducing output by half, it collapses the american economy, that was satan, said, hollie, like, Jesus, hollie, ran in place, from behind, she, said, thats, like, two being, light beak face, both beasts pop out, hollie, relaxes, theres, pope and hu hintao, you want that, vision, said, hollie, then post, it, thats the vision, said, the, tap dancers, many hollies, all alike, some different, 4-17-2010-your in danger, said, hollie, its, hollie showed, that, he, said, and I showed, the beast, he, said, that, hollie showed, said, hes, pontiff, that, hollie said, hollie showed, record, in white robe, then, laughed, at, reverend, horace smith, 111, he, got, cut off, said, hollie, thats, hair dyer, reverend horace smith, pocketing the loot, said, mrs. smith, thats pope, beast, arising, hollie explains, showed, people in detroit now know theres man in indianapolis that has Jesus, inside, thats, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, showing record, and, I stamp, hollie, said, beat stick, like, hidden body hollie showed, pope, rose, i'm the beast of the sea, said, pontiff, shut it off, maybe its uh warning, said, hollie, and, hollie, made, the, like, piano sound, suck me said, hollie, thats neva michaels giving oral sex, thats, phone, ringing, hollie wearing white robe, has, phone in, hand, then, spoke, no, hollie, said, hanged up, not for free, bob, said, hollie, some one wants ya, hollie, said, with, phone, to ear, and, mouth, its peter popoff, its, dont mess up, said, peter popoff, hanged, up, bob writes o.p.e.c., its cut america off, said, king of saudi arabia, they lower, output, by, half, that was, jenny donati who is leticia yoo explaining to her boss why she stole ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, and, hollie, it was my mom, said, jenny donati, thats, jean poole, appearing, both, said, God, hollie screamed, why am, I, screamin, for, said, hollie, screamed, its, you, hollie, said, thats, happy horace sheffield, the third appearing, but now embarrased, loose belt stump, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed, dont, buy candy for a high inflated fee, hollie said, from children at gas stations, they pocket, the, loot, said, hollie, four dollars, hollie said, it cost, uh dollar, said, hollie, looked at, Jesus, rubbed chin, hollie stomped foot, clapped hands, snapped fingers, hey, said, hollie, face hidden but appeared, thats, war, sireen, hollie, in megaphone, like little golden head, thats, uh, dot head, said, hollie, pointing, sh, shut up, hollie, said, waited, fuck the vision thats what your showin, said, hollie, and, hollie, waits, thats lighted hollie, holding nose, showing thumbs down, its witch, said, hollie, thats eric butler with dyed hair, who me, said, eric butler, with, c. shawn tysons voice, both are blasphemers of the Holy Ghost, said, hollie, that, was, somebody wrote uh book, bob, said, hollie, thats, loose belt some, agin, said, hollie, i'm with witch, said, joseph l. garlington, thats barbara garlington appearing, satan said joseph garlington, thats, both, said, hollie, witchs, put it under, hollie, said, dont, said, hollie, dont, said, joseph garlington, hollie screamed, thats joseph garlington counting my loot said barbara garlington, joseph garlington, it appeared, said, hollie, has made almost, hollie rubbed chin, looked around, wore white robe, two billion dollars, pocketed, said, JEsus, you made him rich, thats your reverend said, hollie, joseph garlinton looking at visions, submarines are right, there, said, hollie, thats, submarines, all around, america, let me, report, said, hollie, cnn news reporter, one, fired, thats, nuclear explosion in, it california, said, dumitru duduman, thats, hollie cnn news man, kicked out, by foot, hollie showed, leg went to like cloud Jesus, thats all subs firing, hollie watches, both american coasts, exploded, shew we, said, hollie, smoke rises, thats, moon, appearing, watching, tell me, what, the, loose belt sound, is for, said, hollie, that, was, missiles, said, hollie, sailing, thats, alaska exploding, then in canada, pointed, hollie, cnn tower falls, rest struck center of america, exploded, write uh vision make it plain, said, hollie, maybe om uh vision, said, hollie, new marine corp. out in the streets, hollie played the music, said, hollie, aw you want it, said, hollie, thats, marines, with, mostly silhouette faces, hollie showed, like, hollie, thats, gabriel, Jesus, the Father, claps, changes into hollie, hollie said, tell me, about, that, horse, hollies finger, lit up, thats, hu hintao, on, red, horse, hollie rides, rocket, taiwan burned, you lure, said, boris yeltsin, alright, said, hu hintao, thats, hintao battling washington state with light sword, hollie, appeared, with other sword, fought, then invisable again, hollie sums, start writing your book, said, angel, start writing the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said, hollie, bear licks prophet, its, polar bear, red neon tongue, hollie appears, its his ship again, said, fleas, its wilhelm gustloff ship on bottom of sea, showing victory, hands raised, face silhouette, then appears, happy, thats Father dressed like captain, like dot, head, with, big hand, showing, titanic, scraping iceberg, smith afraid, spacestar sound, said, hollie, and, Jesus, hollie beats hand, plays guitar, hollie showed, u.s.s. indianapolis, thats torpedoes striking, it rolled, sank, there is, u.s.s. indianapolis on bottom, its, in, hollie inspects, bad shape, thats, part of, the, bow being ripped off by explosion, iraq agin, said, Jesus, thats, hollie in, his submarine, hollie walks out, its, i-58 she said, hollie fired, iraq exploded, thats, gaza burning, hollie pushes bush to microphone, he eats chicken, looks around, I made our war, its to breakem, he said, ate, looks, oil contracts, hollie takes bush, places in fire, then dady, and barbara all appear, hollie closes it up, showed lay down, hollie showed, colon flow, thumbs down, its waste, she, said, something is about to be sold, the thing is I did not tell you to say no said a. thomas hill, hollie points, for sale sign outside the old loews theatre, now the kingdom center, 4-18-2010-lets dont, said, hollie, park it, hollie, showed, parked, car, lets get legal, hollie, said, its, hollie, thought, one hundred bucks, hollie rubbed chin, you need to watch me, said, rev. amy brucker, thats, her, trying to, trap, entangle, its, said, hollie, dr. jeremy taylor, d.min, you stole, said, amy brucker, not I didnt, said, rev. jeremy taylor, hes lyin, said, Jesus, thats ph.d., jeremy taylor, u.u. rubbin, chin, I want to ruin, he said, both, they are, pursuing, each, thats Jesus, bring him down, said, God, both, for, its looting, jeremy taylor m.a. steals the God spoke, ministry of dreams, and, is, not saved, but, ruins, whomsoever he will, but this time, thats, Jesus, over looking, bob, charge, ruin, God, said, thats doctor jeremy taylor removing what he stole, ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, 4-19-2010-come on, said, hollie, beat hand, pope, rose, thats, ponty, said, hollie, riding, black, horse, its, into, russia, said, pope, thats, medvedev, and, pope, signing, its uh deal, said, hollie, it gains pope, some advantages, said, Jesus, come on, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, showed, pope, she, said, his, picture, thats, him with brown hair, putin, kneeling before, I, want, to, rule, the world, said, putin, pope, shakes, alright, thats, hollie, showing, world, many countries, exploded, thats, Jesus, watching, moon looks down, with, big nose, smoke rises, can bobby come back, said, woman, no, said, fleas, hollie flew fedex jet, america below exploded, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. and russia exploding, hollie, landed jet, showed, hollie showed, record, heres the, vision, said, hollie, thats, the, beast, hollie, said, pope, hollie, said, with, seven heads and ten horns, go, to, flying-j, said, hollie, hollie screamed, try it said, hollie, put battery in van, tried to jump, it, thats, hollie, in, van, wont start, angel, it appeared, said, hollie, showed, check van, starter, hollie, thought, bad, hollie laid down, dont, tell me, about, alaska, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, alaska explode, more, missiles flew, thats, nuclear explosion in canada, cnn tower crumbles, thats, rest, saw, hollie, exploding, in center of america, thats, barack obama typing, hollie, claps, thats, submarines all around america, one, fired, thats, nuclear, explosion in, its california, said, dumitru duduman, thats, hollie, cnn, news anchor man giving his word, thats like cloud Jesus, behind, git out, thats light legg kicking out hollie, both american coasts exploded, arise, and devour, that, said, Jesus, thats, bear, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploded, bear had three ribs, in mouth, thats, russian submarines in their waters, cuba, appeared on one, hollie showed, nuclear fires in cuba, missiles left their waters, thats nicaragua exploding, missiles left their waters, america exploded, thats mexico with nuclear fires along, coast, and, latin america, thats, captain hollie surfacing, america exploded, hollie showed, lay down, Jesus is the, thats what they want you to think, said, hollie, showed, its michael boldea, showed cut off, yes, shook, gene schmidt, I know it bobby said anne schmidt with barbara garlingtons voice, you want that vision, then, post, that, vision, showed hollie, thats, said, hollie, angel, marine corp. out in streets, its, last sign, for u.s.a., economic collapse, hollie, said, put it under, God persecutes to laugh at his servants, torturing, maiming, marring them, bob I ruint dumitru to make him die lost after I used him, so perish, saith the LOrd, or be maimed, cause I want to laugh at my betrayal of your service to me, hollie tore up, like, partial dark, hollie, the Lord told JOB to perish and now he is wanting you to follow in his footsteps saith God, its for no reason, but to laugh, at your hurt, 4-20-2010-hollie showed, record, bobby its the economy, said, hollie, showed, eat, thumbs down, hollie, like werewolf appeared, dressed nice, let me explain, he, said, russia will, hollie, said, and, he, saw, said, casey, it appeared like, new little chick hollie, drawing, said, hollie, on board, russia exploded, hollie, showed, meat loaf, its uh rocker, hollie, said, hes tired, dying, but, when around people he comes alive, said, Jesus, o, said, its his ship, again, said, babyfleas, its wilhelm gustloff ship, holding hands up, hollie visits on bottom of sea, in, submarine, fired, thats world shaking, many countries exploded, Jesus comes riding cloud, moon looks big, has, big, has big nose, said, its, bobby he made me, said, his moon, said, fleas, i'm, said, sun, both play, Jesus, there, thats, wilhelm gustloff ship, i'm the m.v., said, ship, thats, hilter riding, his super liner, tear up, said, hollie, like, cat, then, silhouette, i'm, said, hollie, coming out of silhouette, thats Jesus out of, its, whirlwind, said, hollie, pulled ship, its titanic, with captain smith on, thats, many hollies busting ship, hey, said, hollie, one was, hollie looked around, satan, but acted, ship busting is hard work, showed, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie, said, do something, you dont want no more website, thats, what, your showin, said, hollie, showed, lay down, help me and I will betray you saith the LOrd, bob I can not let you live and be exalted, die fasting, and if my eyes look down at you dying then I may have mercy, and, you did not one thing wrong, I betray and laugh, saith Jesus, the king, got you, backslide and make me perish, as I drive you to lava saith God, I do not want you alive to tell people I lie and torment, saith the Lord, your website will dissappear with in one month after your death cause I will move against people to take it down, your home pages will, remain, bob you are not going to live, and, know me saith God, I persecute to laugh, deseasing body, sending fiery electric shafts into gums, torturing, cause tooth loss, caressing penus with electricity, causing penus to harden, and, laughing at servant, letting him see, giving dreams where servant tortured, causing face muscle and kneck muscles to tighten, ruining appearance, messing with heart, filling with jelousy and wrath, causing servant to hate me, and, servant served well saith Jesus, for hate people, I, say in my word that I love but thats to lure, I am not going to be able to let you live and you know all this, be cursed saith Jesus, die fasting, I make my servants walk in circles and spin when stopped, every step every day, for, no reason, this costed many their home, divorced over, gl bless so I can destroy you while you are doing it, serve and be punished for serving, thats what persectuion is saith the Lord, I cause bobs body to heat up and sweat to, anger, while, under pressure, I, hate, everybody saith Jesus, if you dont beleive it, I wont save, but, tease, hollie whistled, showed, no, showed, thru, but, shook, yes, clapped hands, showed, popes, picture, with, brown hair, let me rule, the world, said, putin, laying before, hollie, showed, world, many countries exploded, Jesus, watched, moon looks down, at smoke, points, dread, let him do it, moon claps, hands, that was, his moon, said, hollie, tear up, said, moon, with, body, showed, pope, with, brown hair, let me rule the world, thats, putin, kneeling before, pope, let me rule the world, said, putin, pontiff shakes, alright, hollie, shows, world, thats, countries exploding, JEsus, watches, moon, sees, smoke, coming, up, bobby, said, moon, he made me, pointed at happy Jesus, tear up, said, hollie, put back, she, said, but only arms visable, showed, its france, said, moon, exploded, missiles left french submarines, struck russia, exploded, thats, australia on fire, and, rockets leaving their, striking russia, exploded, thats italy burning, and, missile, leaving, italy with, new ministry of dreams website, on, its facebook, clapped, hollie, russia exploded, thats great britain burning, hollie pulls, up one, sleeve, thats, four captain hollies, in, british vanguard class submarines, russia burned, thats, submarines all around, america, one, fired, thats, nuclear explosion, its on the coast, said, dumitru duduman, thats, hollie cnn news man, like, cat, reporting, wearing black suit, thats like, light legg God kicking him out, both american coasts exploded, thats, the, center of america exploding, from, missiles, thats, canada, exploding, cnn, tower, falls, thats, lets hit alaska first, said, hollie, exploded, russia exploded, to, its on, the, day of the Lord, said, Jesus, rose up, missile strike, on russia, said, hollie, is, that what you want, needed, she, said, showed, thru, with, hands, no, said, hollie, I, showed, om away, she, said, but, shook, yes, new, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, its facebook, she showed, pointed, showed, pointed with lighted hand, like, facebook angel ministry of dreams, hollie closes, it up, 4-21-2010-let me record, said, hollie, beat hand, pope, beast, arose, hollie changes starter, wearing plad coat, hollie pulls up sleeves, bob, said, hollie, come on, showed, popes picture, with, brown hair, let me, rule, the, world, said, putin, kneeling before, alright, shakes, pontiff, hollie shows, world, many countries exploded, Jesus, watches, happy, moon looks down, with big nose, bobby, he'll screw ya, said, moon, showed, fred, smoke rises, points, i'm, said, his sun, hollie, said, moon, pulls up sleeves, showed, the world, Jesus, appears, happy, moon claps, shows, popes picture, with brown hair, moon kicks, stomps, our landing is here, said, hollie, wrecker picks up van, moon shows, he will fix, looks under, junk it, said, moon, thats plymouth voyager van happy to retire, no, said, jean urshan, thats her pointed hollie, jean urshan in hellfire, joined by nathaniel a. urshan, thats nathaniel p. urshan and joel urshan and Kristin Urshan Saunders all in hellfire, dont, said, jean urshan, showed, thru, git away, she, said, but hollie, shook, yes, prophet hickman, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, hollie, showed, thats, hollie showed, appearing, wearing white robe, prophet, this is warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed, eat, russia is, said, hollie, and, new round head hollie rose, the beast, said, pontiff, putin, appears, with, hollie beats stick, shows, pope, she, said, riding, black, horse, thats, pontiff, in, russia signing deal, with, medvedev, it gains popus, said, hollie, control, hollie screamed, again, hollie showed, record, and, I stamp, said, hollie, thats, the whole new world order, in, stagecoach, its pope, showed, hollie, theres, pope, coming out, of, putins, horn, bob I will make you die lost if I dont back off of you like JOB saith God, you dont want no more visions thats what your showin, said, hollie, cuba, said, hollie, and, he saw, it, said, casey, thats, nuclear explosion in, cuba, thats, missiles, leaving, their, waters, striking, america, exploded, and, points, thats missiles, leaving, america, striking venezuela said, hollie, and, brazil, exploded, hey i'll place it there, said, hollie, nuclear fires along mexican and latin american coasts, nicaragua exploded, thats, missiles leaving, their, waters, america exploded, thats, bear appearing, with, three ribs in mouth, arise, destroy that, pointed, Jesus, what was hollie doin, said, hollie, thats, hollie, wearing white tee shirt reaching for the people at westside pentecostal church, hollie shows, close it down, from ground, hollie looks normal, but from high in air like dark blob hollie, showed, go home, new ministry of dreams right there, said, hollie, thats facebook like dormant suprised, facebook, its, showed, hollie, ministry of dreams, that, was, said, hollie, the, beast, with, seven heads, and ten horns, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. said, hollie, its, with bush, hollie, said, hes dressed like a woman, hollie beats hand, thats, putin coming out of the g8, with pope, coming, out of, putin, hollie, be's quiet, russia said, casey, sprinkled, thats bear arising, destroy that, said, Jesus, bear shakes yes, happy, shows, picture, its pope and hu hintao, both beasts, there you have it, said, hollie, change oil, she, said, thats, america, with, its, submarines, all around, one, fired, thats nuclear explosion in california, hollie cnn news reporter dressed nice, kicked out by, legg to cloud God, both american coasts, exploded, thats center of america exploding, its from missiles strike, said, hollie, thats, them soaring, nuclear explosions in canada and alaska first, cnn tower falls, what kind of, visions do you want, thats, what your showin me, said, hollie, that was, hollie, reaching for the people at united pentecostal church, from behind, said, hollie, casey smiled, i'm the king of grecia, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, that, pointed, casey, its, ram with putins face, thats, pope, medvedev and putin out of one horn, and, hu hintao, with, flower out of other, thats, hegoat pope with ram horns, thats, hegoat smiting ram, hollie pulls up sleeves, come on, she, said, thats nuclear explosion in russia, casey showed, turn, get on highway, go home, lay down like casey showed, hollie showed, go, then, dot head hollie, turned around, from behind, said, showed, hollie, take bath, thats adolf hitler saluting, its his ship again, said, fleas, on, hitlers super ship, its the m.v. wilhelm gustloff, thats three torpedoes striking, thats ship on bottom with, silhouette, face, waiting, hollie visits in submarine, shows, lay down, hollie out of, horn, points, thats Father on old steam engine, hollie funnel on front blew, pope out, remember me, said, hollie, and hollie plays music, you did not want me, said, hollie, wearing white robe, that was, fire, around, cnn tower, falls, you want that, vision, said, hollie, then, post, come on, said, hollie, pulled ship, its titanic with smith on deck, thats many hollies busting ship, shew, said, hollie, showed, dangerous, hard, work, hollie shows, nuclear, explosion, in, hiroshima, theres goes nagasaki, thats many in america, world shakes, bobby, said, moon, its moon again, this it, said, hollie, the leave it alone, thats new ministry of dreams website appearing, its facebook, showed, hollie, dont steal, hollie, said, like, doctor rev. jeremy taylor, d.min, you fool, said, hollie, thats kathy taylor leaving, its, showed, hollie, reverend jeremy taylor u.u., over taking the name said antonia vladimirova, showed, the God spoke ministry of dreams, ruint said jean poole, jenny donati shakes yes, hollie showed, lay down, eyes open, then, shut, then, open, shows, hand, snaps fingers, hey, said, hollie, appeared, in, white robe, body hidden, but fades in, that was, popey with 666 on forehead, thats pope at table and two horned beast, rising with hintao and japan, coming out of horns, come on, showed, hollie, lets war, thats, nuclear fires, in, both lands, 666 signed for, its, peace treaty, said, hollie, they depart, whats that said, hollie, its time, 2:38, hollie claps, showed, the Holy bible, its salvation, its ACTS, hollie wipe lips, that, was, said, hollie, russia, shaking, its, from, hollie looked at putin, nuclear war, thats, nuclear fires all over, russia, only one sixth of it left, said, hollie, showed, sleep, hollie fixed wire on van, 4-22-2010-this the website, said, the main ministering spirit, i'm moody, she, said, put it under, said, God, I'm the beast, said, pope, hollie showed, lay down, wearing, its a plad coat, said, hollie, heres your name, said, hollie, showed, clapped hands, stomped foot, wearing white robe, hey, said, hollie, face was like round silhouette head, then face appears, hollie showed, record, wearing plad coat, hollie beats hand, pope appears, riding black horse, its into moscow, russia, pontiff said, hollie walks out, shows, pope and medvedev signing, deal, 666, it gains some control, thats, people lined up, receiver, the, mark of the antichrist, hollie whistled, and, showed, up, Jesus came, tahts, world, many countries exploded, thats, moon, looking, down, with big nose, bobby, said, moon, that, was, hollie, tearing up, the con spirit, had, contract in one hand, write the vision, hollie, showed, hey, said, hollie, walked, out, hollies body partially hidden, hand shows, you did not want hollie showed, appears, hollie showed, how the engine works with pistons, git oil, hollie, said, let me, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, thats the serpent, dragon, red dragons face appearing, out, i'm the beast, said, pontiff, thats seven dragon heads with kings coming out, theres cuba, said, hollie, thats, raul castrol, popping out, thats medvedev and castrol signing deal, thats, fidel worried, thats three nuclear explosions in cuba, missiles fly over, thats venezuela exploding, hollie pointed, at,more nuclear fires in south america, missiles leave their waters, hand points, hollies body hidden but fades in, somewhat dimly, nuclear explosions, in, gulf american states, thats, missiles, leaving, america, hollie points, nicaragua exploded, thats, nuclear fires along mexican and latin american coasts, thats missiles leaving their waters, america exploded, along, bottom, half, thats, bear, arising, Jesus, tells, destroy that, three ribs appear in bears mouth, thats russian submarine, with captain putin approaching cuba, nicaragua and mexico, hollie shows, submarines all around america, thats hollie cnn new man reporting, and henry gruver appears, thats radio towers all over america, thats both american coasts, exploding, thats, like, light Jesus, light legg kicks hollie reporter out, thats barack obama typeing, thats minuteman 111 rockets lifting off, some, saw hollie, exploded, in, silos, thats, captain, hollie, in russian jets bombarding nuclear missile silos, thats, on, the, other side, of, world, and, captain, hollie in ohio class submarines, firing on russia, burned, thats rockets leaving russia striking australia and france, and, italy, exploded, thats moon, showing, banner, its, the new world order, on, banner, its, pope, pointed moon, like, lighted, big nose man, thats, pope, out of, putin, moon, claps, shows, putin, out of, medvedev and yeltsin, thats boris out of, the ten, its, politburo, ruling party, said, thats your warning, said, hollie, said, God, hollie, showed, banner, work, she, showed, heres uh warning, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, hollie, said, hes antichrist, hollie said, hollie and moon showed, turn, thats dodge aries k licking the prophet, thats what you wanted, thats what you needed, said, casey, hollie, showed, thumbs down, casey showed, turn, red shaft pointed, said, casey, call me, back, sang the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, call me back, sang, casey, and, hollie, but hollie invisable, appeared, said, hollie, casey, clapped, casey screamed, said, hollie, that, was, hollie, reaching for the people at westside pentecostal church, from ground hollie looked like normal hollie, but from high in, air, like, dark, blob hollie, your just uh worm, she, said, I hurt, said, casey, no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, hollie also had some hand activity, said, another, hollie, like red neon lit fingers, but hollie shook, yes, the marine corp. is out in the streets, thats, what you wanted, said, casey, thats, angel marines, faces in, out, silhouette, its u.s.a. economic collapse, said, Jesus, barack blows on hand at the mike, leaves, the marine corp. will not speak to you but we are here for economic collapse, thats, like, dot head, hollies, looting, one Father, thats Father on old steem locomotive, its pioneer showed, hollie, a good sized hand, hollie funnel on front, hollie showed, warlocks motorcycle club, bob writes, they love it, she said, put it under, said, hollie, walked out, showed, many warlocks motorcycle club members, they, want bob to, join, hollie, got quiet, it appeared, said, hollie, its, Jesus, stepping up to the microphone wearing suit, then changed into warlocks, attire, said, hollie, Jesus said, warlocks are motorcycle gangsters, like bob, they, would want bob to start an indianapolis chapter, bob, would join, warlocks, but, cannot recruit like, just, now showed, bob, wants people killed, but, I, wont let, it, yet, saith, God, thats, the, warlocks clubhouse people laughing at visions, thats Jesus again, at microphone, I, love warlocks, said, Jesus, wearing warlocks vest, Jesus walks away, the warlocks will not do one thing but say, let bobby come and be with us, one said, thats, bob, riding, his 883 dressed in warlocks uniform, thats bob telling over one hundred thousand, that he has Jesus inside, and, belongs to warlocks, they give money, thats, warlocks president loving it, bob, hated, the police becoming warlocks to betray, thats warlocks president agreeing, bob says, let the other biker clubs, be, let them enjoy the one life they have, thats warlocks president agreeing, thats what bob wants saith the Lord, thats hog roast with warlocks people around laughing, having fun, warlocks president, says, come, thats president saying why would you want to join the warlocks, bob, says, I love you, heres what my servant says, saith Jesus, hollie walks out, in, dull white robe, it appeared, make prospects, hollie observes, thats prospect taking lie detector test, president saying why do you want to become a warlock, thats prospect not answering, its the cop, thats, warlock president, saying, please, dont fuck with us, leaves, new economy, its bankrupt, the warlocks better prepare for economic collapse, said, Jesus, hollie appears, showed, Jesus with brown, long hair, and suit, stripped, dark suit on, leaves, heres what bob would do saith the LOrd, thats bob inside warlocks club house posting messages from me, bob would leave to go home and make money, but, would, never depart from the, his beloved said, Jesus, warlocks motorcycle club, Jesus showed, lay down, eyes still open, changed into hollie, under, covers, hollie stomps foot, snaps fingers, says its, the warlocks, they meet, that is looters walking the streets by the warlocks club house like lit dot headed looters, bob thats warlocks president stepping up to microphone, if you are ever by stop in and drop us a line, thats Jesus, returning, dressed nice, they wouldnt make bob, leave, he, wouldnt, Jesus leaves, maybe its uh warning, said, hollie, whats that, said, hollie, its, dot face, like lit head dot man, hollie, showed, turn, Christ, said, Jesus, i'm he pointed, baptizm in the name of of Jesus Christ, sh, said, hollie, but Jesus showed, dont tell them, thats hollie, in, megaphone like little golden head, shaking, 4-23-2010-I am just uh vision I cant post, said, hollie, thats pope rising, sh be quiet, said, hollie, at franklin apostolic church on friday, thats many minuteman 111 nuclear rockets lifting off, thats some, exploding, in, near, silo, thats, captain hollie in two russian jets bombing, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamp, hollie said, its the warlocks, hollie, said, they want you, its, showed, hollie, clapped hands, warlocks motorcycle club, they want bob to start indianapolis chapter, thats, said, hollie, showed, the beast, pope, riding, black horse, its into, russia, sign uh deal, said, pope, thats, medvedev and pope, signing deal, it gains, popey some control, thats, missiles leaving, russia, striking, great britain, hollie, claps, britain burns, thats britain on fire, four captain hollies in, british submarines, they shower, said, hollie, russia burned, world, shakes, thats, rockets leaving, russia, striking, many countries, thats australia and italy on fire, thats france up in smoke, thats rockets from all striking russia, exploded, thats, submarines, said, hollie, all around, america, one fires, explosion, in, california, hollie cnn news anchor man, reports, gets kicked out, but light, legg, to like cloud God, thats both american coasts, exploding, thats barack typing, and, rockets sailing, thats nuclear explosion in alaska, thats one in canada, cnn tower falls, thats, center of america exploding, world, shakes, thats moon, looking down at, smoke, rising, its, bobby he made me, he told me, said, moon, Jesus, watches, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, i'm the g8 said, putin, coming out of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, you need uh vision, thats what you wanted, thats what you need, said, casey, bob, said, white angel hollie, showed, flash drive, you didnt need it she said, plugged into computer, saved visions, showed, again, like light, hard drive, i'm just uh vision I can not do something, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays music, shut up, hollie, said, in, white robe, i'm the vision I can not do it, said, hollie, beat hand, snapped fingers, hey, said, hollie, walked out, wearing, dress, hollies body hidden, your fallen, pointed, angel, thats mark v. brown appearing, said, hollie, showed, with dyed hair, I, want out, said, byron v. johnson, both witches, God, said, watch who you tellin, said, angel, people will try to make you speak blasphemy cause they know your saved, casey closed mouth wearing white robe, this is uh warnin, just dont do nothin, said, casey, wiped lips, hollie showed, band, war, you still playin, said, hollie, showed, library flash drive, casey, broke, its, easy, just drop it, said, hollie, like casey did, that, is hollie with Jesus, inside, showing record, thats pope appearing, with, hu hintao, there, said, hollie, you have it, both beasts, she, said, hollie, takes, radiator out of van and places it in car, hollie filled the transmission with fluid, new, she said, hollie comes out of horn, like golden hollie, played by, its war, hollie said, pointed down, showed, eat, let me, alone, said, hollie, flying in spacecraft, spacecraft landed said, hollie, right on, dr. jeremy taylor's, head, she said, put it under, hollie said, dont steal ministry of dreams, like, rev. jeremy taylor did, and his wife, kathy taylor, both ruint, openly mocked, like, antonia vladimirova, and jenny donati, thats john marmk pool, being questioned, why did you steal, said, jean poole, both witches, hollie said, all remove ruint, she said, google, said, hollie, thats alome salime, said, casey, sandy wiped, lips, it, was, simb, she, said, 4-24-2010-hollie, showed, record, showed, eat, and I stamp, said, hollie, she, said, pope, arose, thats, ponty, said, hollie, driving black horse, its, into, moscow, said, pope, thats, light scene showed, hollie, with, pope, and, medvedev signing, its uh, deal, said, hollie, it gains, popus, said, hollie, some control, thats hu hintao, i'm the beast, false prophet, said, hu hintao, thats, him, riding, red horse, hollie showed, turn, commit suicide, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, showed, popes picture, tear up, hollie, looks at light in tears, put back, hey, said, hollie, rubbed face, its whole new world order appearing in picture, no, said, hollie, showed, i'm away, thru, she, showed, but, shook yes, hollie showed, popes, picture, you know I been prayin, said, babyfleas, showed cut off, its no use, she, said, bob, you will be in your coffin if you do not run from me, I become jelous when the servant is perfect, thats, hollie, shaking, like, little golden head in megaphone, hollie showed, its uh graphic equilizer, its digital, said, hollie, excellent, buy one, she, said, thats little l.e.d. meter moving, up and down, hollie showed, sunday at 3, its the church of Jesus, on washington street by goodwill, hollie claps, three p.m., hollie showed, turn, went to, wal-mart, wearing plad coat, tahts, hollie with, nice, hair, happy, hollie showed, the, paccar engine, its good, she said, its like, hollie looked at God, cummins, they, are, to powerful, said, hollie, thats makes them not, very, in demand, thats president, looking, knowing, we make a specific engine, said, paccar president, its good, said, hollie, and hollie shows, semi pulling eighty thousand pounds up steep hill, paccar president shakes, yes, hollie got out laptop, bobby, said, hollie, use your time, she, said, shut laptop, this is, warning, said, hollie, thats the main ministering spirit appearing, i'm moody, hollie walks out, shows, hollie, said, lay down, hollie reached for the people at westside pentecostal church, from ground, looked like normal, hollie, but, from high in air, like dark blob hollie, your white, she, said, showed, go to white churches, but normal again, now lets see, said, dodge aries k, showed, park again, drive van, van shows, thumbs up, there, said, hollie, its, hollie, like vampire, dressed nice, hollie showed, close encounters of the third kind, its, still, loved, hollie whistled, showed, lay down, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, that look, thats new ministry of dreams, its you pointed golden hollie, thats facebook, two ministry of dreams websites, on like golden facebook website, you see that, said, Jesus, that is, what, got the world cut off, its showed, hollie, t.v., people would sit and watch, that, said, hollie, was looters walking streets, like dot headed looters, that, was, said, hollie, Jesus like light man, riding, cloud, watched world, it was nuclear n.a.t.o. said, hollie, nations exploding, russia burned, missiles sailed, hollie watched venezuela, brazil, explode, nicaragua burned, thats fires along mexico, and, latin america, america exploded, world shakes, moon looks down, bobby he told made me, said, moon, Jesus, appears, this is uh hollie, said, hollie showed, another one, then, more appeared, hollies of ministry of dreams, hollie whistled, showed, eat, hollie screamed, why what for, she, said, screamed, showed, slick 50 with p.t.f.e., it works, hollie, said, 4-25-2010-dwight l. hardin, said, many, that, said, hollie, you got paralyzed, hollie, said, thats, pastor dwight hardin, knowing, hes lost, said, doreen, but, will, pay, to, walk, again, will, bob, prays, said, God, tell dwight hardin to contact ministry of dreams, saith God, hollie showed, record, in plad coat, hey, bob it was, like, i'm dreading it, said, hollie, that was zion tabernacle, that was kokomo Nathaniel p. Urshan, pointed, Jesus, happy, its under, attack, said Jesus, thats hollie reaching for, the, people, its at, showed, hollie, mccormicks creek church, from ground hollie looked normal, but, from, high, in, air, like dark blob hollie, it was you, said, hollie, that brought u.p.c.i. down, and, david bernard appeared, like, complacent, then, said, no, showed, I wont, hear, bobby, said, hollie, let me, show, you uh picture, hollie, said, its, pope, hollie, said, riding, black horse, thats, aaron strunk going to church, looking afraid, said, hollie, and others, thats, aaron strunk, showing cut off, yes, shakes, rick robertson, its uh hair dyer, said, hollie, thats, arron strunks wife wanting single again, hollie prepares, looks to reach for more church folk, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, wire fan up, hollie comes out of fan, showed, go, your goin home, said, hollie, wearing white robe, playing, music, new economy, said, Jesus, its bankrupt, said, hollie, showed, the, oil rig on fire, in, gulf of mexico, hollie pulls up, sleeves, come on, she, said, it spews oil in ocean, thats gulf of mexico beaches closed, bob, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you uh picture, hollie, said, its, the, whole new world order, thats, seven headed dragon, with pope, hollie said, popping out, theres, king of mexico, popping out of one head, theres, raul, president of nicaragua, thats hugo chavez, then its uh deal, said, medvedev, hugo agrees but trembles, thats worried looking lula popping, but, signing, dreading, theres, kim jong, as head, but, presses nuclear button, there pointed, hollie, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, and, south korea, thats, missile leaving, russia with, new ministry of dreams website on, north korea explodes, but, thats kim jong signing deal with medvedev, you lure said, yeltsin to hu hintao, shakes, alright, thats, hollie riding rocket, bobby, said, hollie, showed, oil well, on fire, in, gulf, its, spewing oil in ocean, causing, animals to die, maybe its uh warnin, said, hollie, its soothsayer said mrs. john stephenson, thats David Cheramie appearing, yes I knew it said, its your reverend, said, hollie, David Cheramie, appears, hes, witch, hollie, said, hollie, flew spacecraft, go home, she, said, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, showed, lay down, syria, said, Jesus, syria, again, said, hollie, pointed, missiles striking syria, egypt, jordan, exploded, moon looks down, with, shakes on, big nose, its, bobby, he made me, said, moon, thats missile israel, exploded, hollie appeared, hollie showed, lay down, yes still open, hollie, puts fingers, together, makes, snapping noise under covers, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, hollie, layed down, heres how you can not make me embarrased, cause I will do it to everybody, that was, said, hollie, its, she, said, Joshua King showing cut off, it was I was never saved, said, Joshua King, it, from, hollie, said, zion tabernacle, hes, at, sh, said, Joshua King, its cause i'm uh witch, hollie said, speaking on the behalf of, showed, it, Joshua King, liar, thats you trembling said, hollie, Joshua King shakes yes, put it under, said, hollie, dont mess with me, hollie, said,

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