Sunday, September 15, 2024

The end times cant begin without a witness from God

Prophesying is seeing non-stop visions from God and telling what God and ministersing spiris speak: 12-26-2010-bob, said, it hollie, said, new hollie, but she transformed, hollie said, its bob having anal, sex, its with, her, hollie points, janette, hes loving it, if, they marry, hollie said, it will turn her, she said, put it undle, hollie said, thats the new, ministry of dreams, website, appearing, like happy angel man, its, o, said partial face coming out, her teeth, visable, said, God, its, theres deformed, she said, bob go, hollie said, thats hollie walking, theres uh call on, she wants, ran a place, but do, dont, hollie said, it will take her, dont, leave, now, hollie said, looked at her light watch, go, angel, partial face opens mouth, has deformities, on face, God said, but, on other, side, theres big blue blotch, hollie said, and, a, greenish like color, God said, did appear, hollie said, bob dont chat, hollie said, theres the new ministryofdreams, she, said, its, him, angelman, on rocket, hes on bottom, hollie rode the top, thats hollie riding, its the missile, she said, theres, o, said, a new hollie, russia burned, but many rockets left outta there, hollie said, thats, its the nuclear, g8, hollie said, all, those lands, exploding, its, i'm the beast, said, its putin, hollie said, bob, close, it up, hollie said, go, she walked, God said, wearing, its uh, plad coat, she said, put it under, people read this, bob, showed, hollie, with her light watch, go, she had her coat on, ravi lanka tells all-in this vision received 1-10-2011, I saw reverend ravi lanka and he said, kasmir, and I saw ministering spirits and prophetic scenes in visions and the ministering spirits described: hollie shook, theres india, she said, its on fire, its from, that, she said, pointed, its the general, God said, musharaff, bobby, it, he appeared, said, it, hollie, said, a new one, God said, thats, missiles, leaving, its india, said, hollie, and scene spins, thats many nuclear fires in, its the pak, said, hollie, he sees, she said, thats, its the reverend, hollie said, I was sent by God said, its hollie said, ravi lanka, bobs new friend, hollie said, many fires appeared in pakistan, but, theres uh new missile, hollie said, leaving, its the pak, hollie said, scene spins, thats, its the center of india exploding, its uh big one, showed, hollie, scene dissolves, and hollie like syraphim flys, she has many wings, God said, bobby, said, God, he told ya, Jesus, said, its the reverend ravi appearing, go get your wife, said, its, hollie said, ravi lanka, go, do know, said, Jesus, thats, hollie walking, wearing, its uh plad coat, uh light one she, said, goes and gets, its, them both in bed just lying down, hollie said, the she, closed, lips,

Jesus almost kills me in dream-dream received about 12-2010-in this dream, I cant breathe, and i'm in much pain and I kept saying over and over, "i'll do anything", and when I woke up my heart felt like maybe I had a heart attack and the Holy Ghost have given me many of these dreams.

visions recieved in about december 2010-many times I saw Jesus in visions, and he would say things like, "you done well bob untill iniquity was found in you, I will cause you to commit sin.

Jesus mocks me in vision and God told me I was perfect-12-22-2010-in this vision I saw JEsus and he said like a smart ellic, something like, "thank you for living for me and letting be betray you since from day one", and in other visions, I saw the Father, and he was like white face man, and he was telling me to cry out to him, and I have, but he only laughed at me, and Jesus told me in a vision that I can not live and know Him, and in another, told me basically to prepare for my funeral.

Jesus does not want you to know what he is like-vision received about 12-22-2010-in this vision I saw Jesus, and he said, and maybe pointed, "take this down", and it was the mother persecution home page.

dark hollie-vision received 12-21-2010-in this vision I saw a hollie, one of many, she had like dark body and normal face.

hollie in the ring-vision received about 12-18-2010 from the holy Ghost: in this vision I saw a white hand and there was a ring on one finger, and the ring had a he hollie in, and I saw Jesus in a vision and he said, 'i dont matter'.

because I know JEsus and what he is like God prophesies my death-visions received 12-18-2010-I saw Jesus in a vision and I heard something like this: "now bob what i'm saying is I can not let ya live and you know me".

hollie-vision received 12-15-2010-in this vision i saw part of a he hollie and he had blue sweatshirt on, and he snapped lighted fingers.

clap your hands-vision received 12-14-2010-in this vision I saw hollie in the hand clap postion and I heard the clap noise, but, I did not see her clap, and another, hollie said, bobby, but, maybe it was the same, and hollie showed, eat.

do youtube video-vision received 12-14-2010-in this vision I saw like mostly white scene of hollie doing youtube video, like t.v. screen.

hollie showed-vision received 12-11-2010-in this vision I saw like hollie showed, wearing white clothes.

10-1-2009-hollie showed, pontiff, riding black horse, its, hollie said, into russia, said, pontiff, thats, and he saw, said, hollie, russia explode, thats, jean poole of, its the paliban daily, showed, hollie, stealing ministry of dreams, thats jean poole making daughter jenny donati, give up, jean poole said, makes jenny donati who is leticia yoo, passwords, they both did it, said, hollie, call it, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, thats their reverend, its dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min stealing with his kathy taylor ministry of dreams, both ruint, said, hollie, hollie shows, ministry of dreams, thats bob posting on, thats pope rising, and, medvedev kneeling before, let me rule the world, medvedev says, alright, shakes, pontiff, thats putin angry, thats, submarines in oceans, and captain hollie, now look, hollie said, surfaced, its akula again, thats what you want, said, hollie, fired two missiles, gaza exploded, thats hollie, turning sub, thats, iraq on fire, and, hollie pushes, its your president, she said, george w. bush to the platform, I made, he said, grunted, war to take our, grunted again, oil wells, hollie pushes away, thats hollie riding missile, taiwan burns, thats boris yeltsin and jiang zemin planning out, its strike said, hollie, against america, boris whispered, if you let me, alright, said, hu hintao, thats russian jet flying dropping bomb, its in canada, then whole american center exploded, that, pointed, hollie, submarines all around america, hollie laughs watching on cnn, thats one firing, and, nuclear explosion in california, hollie laughs, then, thats, said, hollie, cecil pagel, why did you do it, said, angry hollie, walking along side, thats, its, padre, said, the LOrd, cecil pagel, thats michael boldea looking at visions, cecil, he is, said, Jesus, wipes beard, wanting, its to pocket the lute, said, cecil, pagel, leave him alone, said, hollie, hes, showed, thats, hollie laughs, cecil pagel showing cut off, no way, said, cecil, pagel, im with him, pointed, pagel, and he saw, said, casey, wipes, lips, whats bob uh doing said, mike, boldea, hes, ruining, said, ann, schmidt, its gene, said, the LOrd, thats geno appearing, he wants, and he saw, said, casey, looks, gene schmidt, showing, no way, said, geno, bob, likes, but, thats, hollie, like a, cartoon character, to the rescue, smiling, with, big, hands, they are, like boxing gloves, they are, said, the LOrd, rubbed beard, paws, is that cecil, said, Jesus, its never been saved, said, hollie, thats cecil pagel trembling, its cause, you, pointed, pagel, with big lighted finger, its, white, showed, hollie, thats prophesying, she said, visions, of, Jesus, and hollies, many, and even, hollie said, he hollies, bob calls them all hollie, theres babyfleas, its started, said, the LOrd, thats michael boldea, hey lets call the police, he said, geno, says, no way, ann, shakes, yes, do it, she said, but, bob, laughs, all fire, thats both american coasts exploding, thats barack with ear thing on, hollie said, thats him talking, typing, then, thats many missiles leaving america, thats some exploding right after, leaving, thats captain hollie, in, its akula agin thats what you want, need, said, hollie, thats, russia, on fire, thats Jesus sprinkling, thats bear rising, Jesus tells, devour much flesh, hollie shows, russian subs all with captain hollie, alike, hollie said, claps, showed, its france, hollie, said, burning, then missiles leave, thats, venezuela, brazil burning, hey ill place it there, said, hollie, nuclear fires in mexico, and latin america, thats cuba, with three, and missiles leaving their waters striking america, thats italy exploding, theres britain and australia on fire, missiles leaving their subs striking russia, thats world shaking, and pope in dark smokey sky, thats sun being blocked by smoke, sun places hand on bible, he made me, told, said, sun, thats, sun and moon loving God, like Jesus, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats, pontiff riding black horse, its into russia, he said, signs, explodes, flatter me, pontiff, said, thats china invading much of, destroyed russia, thats pope telling medvedev, drive them outta there, thats pope with hegoat horns, with putin, hu, the ram, said, hollie, coming out of ram horns, thats hegoat stomping ram, thats, hollie dressed nice, showing nuclear fires, in both countries, thats two horned beast rising, with hu and japan coming out, hu pulls back sleeves, 666 is born, its peace treaty, showed, hollie, in white robe, they leave, thats pontiff in own land, sitting, its in rome, she said, I am God, pontiff, said, thats them laughing, thats pope in israel with hu, lets united and invade, thats china, invading russia, hollie watches, points, look, she, said, china, making russia, invade israel, thats hu hintao slashing pontiff, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats nuclear fires, hollie high in air, watches, jordan, syria, egypt explode, thats missile leaving, russia with ministryofdreams website on, thats israel exploding, there pointed Jesus, hollie like vampire, dressed like maid, hollie showed, with big hand, hey bobby, its titanic, hollie, said, captain smith on deck, it, hits iceberg, o shit, said captain smith, new vision said, hollie, with many hollies voice, you dont want me, said, hollie, playing music, hollie looks at God, whats new revelation, its there, pointed, hollie, showed, many people fighting against government, its economy said, hollie, thats people from center of america, fighting, cause, its over fuel, said, Jesus, prices in america, thats barack grunting, smiling, its, he, looks around, to pay for iraq war, its unauthorised, said, hollie, thats barack leaving, thats hollie lowered on rope, helicopter flown by angel, tips hat, that, said, hollie, in ring, tear up, and, close, rip, just hands, hollie disappears, but hands, thats angel appearing, hollie like, cloudy silhouette, then appears, then partial both ways, submarine right there, said, hollie, now look, its akula again, thats what you want, needed, said, hollie, thats captain hollie in, its ohio class again, hollie said, thats hollie on, its rope, helicopter, its double beater said, hollie, flown by gabriel, hes arch, smiles, shows, lighted, body, thats both american coasts burning, hollie pointed, with uh lighted hand, its orange, neon, hollie screams, tell me why om screamin, for, hollie, said, now look, hollie said, thats hu hintao, riding, red, horse, thats, taiwan burning, red horse licks prophet, smiles, stomps, hollie snaps fingers, shows dark body, white spine, thats Jesus looking at book, its, the ministry of dreams, dont write it said hollie, or, thats Jesus ruining whoever does, thats john e. laster swallowing, and dr. rev. jeremy taylor with soothsaying suit on dreading lawsuit, if you do watch for it saith the Lord, bobby they are all wanting to write uh book, calling it, a ministry of dreams, the ministry of dreams, or, ministry of dreams, thats stealin, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, showed, pontiffs picture, tear up, red in tears, and light, hollie said, colored, put back, snaps, fingers, stomps, then whole new world order appears in picture, thats that o red and black chariot with the pope and hu, as leaders, hollie on top, like king, jumped in back, sees, putin, with three ribs in mouth, and, who are, they, said, hollie, theres cuba, thats raul and fidel dreading but signing, theres nicaragua, thats president, let me, he said, but showed, no, theres mexico, president dressed nice, but doesnt want, hugo, said, hollie, lula, showing, no, but shaking, yes, ill agree, he said, theres, kim jong, he has nuclear control, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, and south korea, thats, missile leaving russia with ministry of dreams website on, thats north korea exploding, thats two missiles coming out of water from u.s.a. sub, hollie rides one, and other has ministryofdreams website on, north korea exploded, hollie shows, no, way, thats world prophecy center website, and end time prophetic ministry website, theres prophecy ministry website, hollie like silhoutte face, want more visions, said, hollie, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, put back, then, whole new world order appeared, and dragon rose, hollie claps, pope on, top, theres hu hintao, hollie shows, there you have it, both beasts, dressed nice, robe, hollie, said, hollie complains, stomps, cause, its, she, showed, appeared, don clowers, Jesus appears, whatta you want, God said, money said don clowers, whatta you want, said, hollie, deliver me said don clowers, hollie said, dont tell don clowers he cant be saved, whew, whew, said, hollie, Father in, its pioneer showed, hollie, like rail road hollie, Father in steam locomotive, hollie funnel on, blows, hollie showed, record, beat with hand, hollie dream appears, shows, night vision, man says, to bob, are you saved, bob says, it feels like a body your perfect size coming in, the Holy Ghost baptizm, then bob yelled fall away, thats man, inside like over, its room, hollie said, like, control, room, door, opens, like slot, hollie said, lights, like, computer, it, has, malfunction, said, hollie, doesnt, let man out, man looks thru glass in wall, with, like, eyes closed, no hair, pain, then, looks, again, man outside looks at, mans face red glow, inside room, smiles, man outside looks, like, happy, goes to, but, thats, man, I wouldnt, he said, to, far, gone, if, man let out, and he saw, it, pointed, casey, ruint, third degree burns, over, all body, mocked, out in open, thats elder cecil golder writing bob, saxophy, on face book, hollie dream raises hand, bob said, hollie, showed, picture, its, hollie acting like, showed man, laughed, hollie showed, record, stamped, lighted, stick, tell me about the lighted stick, hollie said, hollie shows, its gas, nitrogen in shell gas, makes, hollie shows, with, hands, not as powerful, said, the LOrd, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, 2-27-2009- you didnt want it said hollie, and, hollie, shows alice in chains, yur over said Layne Staley, he over dosed on sleeping pills, cause him said lead singer, its thier band, doomed, for stealing the name alice from alice cooper like frank evans and jeremy and kathy taylor stole ministry of dreams, thats ed wood trembling cause name found out, hes peter appleseed, utubia1party, joel tao and his sis sistermoonshine13 steal ministry of dreams, all remove ruint, thats my alome saleem, said, two hollies, its simb, said, sandy, wiped lips, its, uh, double bladder, said, hollie, let out Dmitry Medvedev, cum, God says masterbate to escape, jackoff said Jesus, I drove you to suicide to make me exalted, torturing you, I will put you in the hospital, I lie telling people what they want to hear, I will make you blaspheme the Holy Ghost to get me off you, cause, I want people to perish, saith the LOrd, to laugh at them, burning, if you dont believe, try to get saved, ill tease, I torture, rip face, tightening muscles, causing scalp to itch, desease gums, carress penus with electricty, intimidate in visions, like I punked JOB, I torture to laugh, I will not stop till the person leaves, then, I may but they wont cause damaged, like JOB, I hate all, made people for my pleasure, this is how I have pleasure, laughing at their calamity I caused, torturing, ruining, I love it when some one misses it at the end of their life after sacrificing all, come unto me saith God, give me a chance to destroy you, if you dont beleive I tortured all my children, read book, saith the Holy Ghost, hollie showed, record, write the vision, he, tortures, said, hollie, laughs, his children, Jesus, hollie showed, played the music, smiling, thats, the, alome salarrie said hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, wiped lips, thats, the beast said hollie, pope, hollie showed walk, hollie wipes face, shows gum grafts, hair grafts, do, he said, hollie showed, record, and I summed it up, now, look, he, said, hollie appears, that, hollie like uh fox, let me show you uh picture, she said, pope, i am God, tear up, spin, snap fingers, and fix it, rip, turn, snap, stomped, click, spun, showed, work, to the front, tada, that, said, hollie, in fire, and hollie drove, the, tata nano, its, an, hollie thought, excellent, will, get, 45, miles, per, gallon, hollie waited, showed, blew, balloon, with, hollie showed, on, 2-28-2009-hollie showed record, and I showed you that, she, said, beast with seven heads and ten horns, who are they, said, hollie, wiped lips, cuba, she, said, yeah, ill put it right there, said fidel castrol, medvedev, agrees, deal, said, hollie, thats, president of mexico tap dancing, yeah, ill, he says, signs, thats brazil, no way, lula, says, but, uh deal, said, medvedev, signs, he get you, medvedev, says, alright, shakes lula, that, pointed, hollie, two nuclear explosions in brazil, thats, pointed, hollie, venezuela, exploding, hugo shakes, yes, thats, nicaragua, shrugging, yeah, i do, he, said, shaking yes, looking, worried, thats, nicaragua exploding, thats, lets do, said, kim jong, that pointed, hollie, with, amber colored hand, kim jong pressing nuclear button, missiles leave there, said, hollie, strike russia, putin wipes lips, presses nuclear button, south korea, china, explode, thats missile leaving russia, two of uhm, said, hollie, topol-m missiles, striking, north korea, exploded, hollie, watches, u.s.a. sub fire, thats north korea hit, putin and medvedev see, and putin laughs, no says medvedev, ill anger, he, said, about two hourns after north korea explodes, we will lead an all out attack said medvedev, and, Jesus, thats, bear, with 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, putin, shows, with uh stick, hollie, said, thats, washington state, we plan attack said hintao, taiwan exploded, thats captain hollie surfacing in three ohio class subs, thats them showering china, exploded, hollie shows that, russia striking australia, italy exploded, france, u.s.a., great britain, all exploded, thats missiles from russia heading for america, alaska exploded, thats, barack obama pressing nuclear button, thats all nuclear nato striking russia, exploded, thats angel in sky, smoke goes up, angels face like silhouette, then appears, casey, her face normal, then silhouette, folds scene, up rises the beast, casey shows record, wipes lips, cat said hollie, thats leopard, magog, kings appear, look, said, hollie, hu hintao, emporer of japan, north, south, korea, hollie, tattoos 666, born between, thats hegoat charging smiting ram, stomping, thats, russia, china, nuking each, and, pope rides black horse, to russia, thats, him signing, getting arsenal, thats hu hintao riding red horse, china, thats, hand pointing, strikes, thats uh missile leaving china, striking taiwan, exploded, hollie like cat, appears, then, like silhouette, showed, hands, clapped, spun, from behind, she said, snapped fingers, again, face, appears, smiling, thats the o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, with the pope and hu, they are said, hollie, tapped stick, beast, false prophet, hollie jumps, inside, she said, saw, putin, planning, with, uh, stick, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, putin turns into bear with those 3 nations like ribs in mouth, then, man, again, prophesy said Jesus, that right there, he, pointed, russia, is, the, bear, thats, pope appearing, goes to moscow, said, Jesus, gets control, thats, ten, lighted, heads, pope inside, one, then putin comes out, medvedev, its, hollie wipes lips, ruling party, thats, yeltsin planning with hintao, hey ill get you the land, if you hit, alright ill, shakes hintao, thats china attacking, use terrorists, said, hintao, strike, washington state, theres uh submarine, said hollie, now look, she said, hollie in her sub, fired missiles, gabriel pours out vial, america exploded, hollie showed, go, hollie showed, turn, china, said, hollie, thats magog, and, hu, hollie said, popped up, theres north, south, korea, emporer of japan, there I summed it up, hollie said, leave it alone, said, hollie, shook, yes, clapped, big hands, yep, from behind, turned, step, holile showed pastor walter dixon, hollie shows picture its walter dixon, hes, lost, hollie looks around, lost, that was lighted, hollie, I showed, turn, go, big hand, tear up, put back, rip, prophet theres the alome salime, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, its simb, prophet there alome sanime, said, hollie, its said, sandy, simb, its alome sanome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, now look, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, yes, no, clap, thats hollie like a cat, she said, thats grim reaper, meerkat appears, hollie, pulls ship, ship busting dangerous, meerkat watches, thats captain smith, on board, he said, thats ship scraping iceberg, hard hit, knocks out two plates, it, creases, causing grooves, by pusing plates in, come unto me saith God, give me a chance to destroy you, if you dont beleive I tortured all my children, read book, saith the Holy Ghost, hollie showed, record, write the vision, he, tortures, said, hollie, laughs, his children, Jesus, where you going, said hollie, and he saw, pointed, its dr. rev. jeremy taylor, u.u., steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams like you frank evans says hollie, hes peter appleseed who is ed wood, thats hu hintao riding red horse, hand points, thats missile leaving china sriking taiwan, exploded, said hollie, burns, hollie and hollie built the church said hollie, with hollie playing music, two seconds, let me show you uh picture, said hollie, like cat, it was, thats gabriel on hattons church,look said hollie, cat, turned silhouette, cat, loose belt soun, said hollie, hollie like silhouette cat, no, she said, changing, hollie shook yes, showed, im thru with it, from behind, clap, holllie rode the rocket, titanic sinks, I am torturing people after they get saved so I can be exalted by what I did thru saith Jesus, I can not do nothing but torture cause I want you to perish to laugh cause served me, like JOB, hollie shows record, holllie shows record, showed thaT, SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST, LORD i WANT HIM MAN SAID, THATS MAN, TEAR UP, AND RESTORE, RIP, SPUN, FROM BEHIND, HOLLIE SAID WORK, THERE i SUMMED IT UP, SHE SAID, CLAP TURN, HOLLIE PUT THE MOKSE ON THE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, THE DOME, SAID HOLLIE, ON WILLIE DUCANS CHURCH, SHOW ME SAID WILLIE DUNCAN, SHAKES, YES, NEW WAR, SAID JESUS, ITS, SAID HOLLIE, IRAN, BOOM, THATS USA SUB, FIRING, ATTACKING, HOLLIE APPEARS, THAT, SAID HOLLIE BEAR, LEAVE IT ALONE SHE SAID, DONT NUKE IRAQ, SHE SAID, THATS NUCLEAR FIRES IN GAZA, IRAQ, ITS CAUSE BUSH, SHE SAID, 3-1-2009-let me tell it, said, hollie, its, uh, double, blader, she, said, sandy, wiped lips, let out medvedev, hes, spoke thru megaphone, out hollie, showed, war, its, bush, iraq, boom, exploded, gaza, exploded, thats u.s.a., its out of u.s.a. sub said hollie, thats, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats, showed, hollie, many, nuclear fires in iraq, spun the world, showed, many, nations, with, nuclear fires, spun globe, its out of, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats, putin, in, sub, fired missiles, struck, nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, thats missiles from them, striking russia, exploded, world shook, up rose the pope, bobby, have you heard, said, hollie, that, gaza is the palestinian state, hollie showed turn, that, said, outlaws Jesus, new friend, he, said, hollie dream, laughs, two hollies appear, thats it, said, hollie, vision concision, hollie showed record, submarine sorry, said, hollie, submarine, sorrow, she, said, thats captain hollie in her, its akula, she, said, fired, missiles, america exploded, hollie appears, showed, that, she said, france, australia exploded, hollie showed thumbs up, that toyota mini van, she thought, good, bobby, said, hollie, hollie appeared, said, hollie, that is hollie playing the music, said, Jesus, you did not want it, said, hollie, submarine sorry, said, hollie, now, look, she said, in, her, sub, its akula, she, said, fired, missiles, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, thats the pioneer steam locomotive, operated by Father, whistle blows, thats hollie funnel, smiling, thats, hollie, bear, arising, I will make you perish after you served me saith the Lord to laugh at you, when you beg I laugh at you, hollie showed record, look said, hollie, look, hollie showed, the popes picture, tear up, snap fingers, and restore, snap, rip, snap, from new behind, she said, snapped fingers, the alome saleem, said, hollie, thats the reason, feed those animals, said, hollie, here, she gave food, its going up, said, hollie, gas, prophet hickman, thats was uh lighted thumb, record, said, hollie, beast, appears, its on screen, said, hollie, pope, thats hegoat smiting ram, hollie watches on screen at grace apostolic church, thats pastor reading, thats russia, china, pointed, hollie, nuking each, thats pope, putin coming out of one horn, hu, out of other, thats, china, launching nuclear weapons striking russia, get out said hu, pope rides black horse, into moscow, said, hollie, where you goin said Jesus, hollie appears, crucify, said, hollie, there I summed it up, tore apart, turned, snapped, that was, like ringing, put back, tear, from beind, said, hollie, danced, thats, said, hollie, gabriel, blowing, horn, out, hollie, spinning, 3-2-2009-it was, said hollie, dream, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, im the bird, said, Jesus, sh, dont, tell, hollie showed, record, 3-3-2009-call it world prophecy center said the world prophecy center website as it turned, hollie shows nothing, appears, again, I need you to record, said, hollie, hollie showed sleep, hollie showed, the preacher man, its uh, sh, said, hollie, doll that talks, hollie, appears, thats uh submarine, said, hollie, look, thats hollie, in her, its akula, she said, france, hollie said, boom, italy, theres great britain, thats two, in, australia, america exploded, that, its from missiles, said, captain, hollie, in her sub, fires, its akula, she said, that, said, hollie, in, fire, smiling, happy, hollie in, sub, turned, fired, missiles, russia exploded, up rose the beast, thats angel, in, heavens, with, uh face, normal, then silhouette, in, out, smoke, rising, thats, hu, emporer of japan, slash, pope, appearing, in, heavens, casey folds scene, casey appears, hollie wants visions, showed, record, thats, pope riding black horse, russia exploded, he goes to moscow, flatter, he said, alright, said, people, they give, kingdom, that, said, hollie, beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope appears, red dragon, who are they, said, hollie, thats mexico popping out, lula, castrol, chavez, hintao, putin, he points, with lighted finger, right here, pope comes out of his, thats, kim jong, there you have it, hollie, sums it up, thats popes face in lighted head, medvedev, comes out, horns, putin, and, its, uh, said, hollie, ruling party, there you have it, thats ten kings rising out of one country, horns, hollie shows dr. jeremy taylor speaking in burnaby, b.c., thats, hollie laughs, british columbia, she said, dont let him, she said, rev. jeremy taylor u.u. steals ministry of dreams like his children frank evans and diana hughey, sh, she said, dont tell on me, she has, sh, said, hollie,, and ministry of dreams website appears, two, said, hollie, call it, said, hollie, Jesus, ministry of dreams, they are, thats, world prophecy center website, and prophecy ministry website, appears, call it, said, prophecy ministry, Jesus grunts, steal these, he said, ill ruin ya, and make you run to remove ruint, thats ministryofdreams website, firing, ruining all, thats cart of the thieves of ministry of dreams being pulled by gabriel into said Jesus, lava, theres your reverend ordained unitarian universalist jung jeremy taylor d.min leading the way in dark suit, diana hughey weeping as being placed in lava, someone write me said diana, hughey, she trembles, 3-3?-4-5-2009-hollie showed, that, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie steals God spoken created name birthed after prayer ministry of dreams releases ruint said Jesus, put it under, said, hollie, watch thomas barnhouse remove world prophecy center like his dad reverend jeremy taylor removes ministry of dreams from his website owned by his lovely witch wife kathy taylor m.a., that, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, with big lighted hands, shook, yes, said, im thru, turned, snapped fingers, shook, clapped, tada, turned, marched, hands, to the front, showed, what did he show, hollie thought, hollie showed the beast with seven heads, ten horns, who are they said, Jesus, thats seven lighted heads, mexico president pops out, lula, cuba, raul, said, Jesus, gimme, raul said Jesus, thats him and medvedev agreeing, nicaragua, hintao, kim jong, putin, thats pope coming out of putins head, hes horn, thats putin, medvedev, ten kings coming out of horns in russia, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats, hollie, in, that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, black and red, showed, hollie, with, the pope and hu, hollie jumps in back, saw, putin, planning with, uh stick, said, hollie, right here, said, vladimir, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats, missiles flying from their waters, america exploded, missiles striking them, thats, bear with those three ribs in mouth, arise, sprinkled Jesus, russia, bear, looks, missiles fired, strikes, nuclear n.a.t.o., france, said, hollie, exploded, pointed, hollie, theres goes italy, australia, thats great britain exploding, thats missiles heading for america, alaska exploded first, bill clinton presses nuclear button, thats russia exploding, world shakes, you know who that is, said, hollies, angel, in sky, face turned silhouette, smoke goes up, casey with silhouette, then face, starts appearing, then silhouette, folded up scene, thats kings wailing loudly, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, its simb, she said, when you remembered what you had, hollie wipes lips, now Jesus came, hollie appears, looks, hollie showed, thumbs up, tell me said hollie, hollie showed captain smith, titanic, still, its, the, let me see here, said, Jesus, third most popular thing on earth, but rusting, it still could be used, they waste to much like the france, now destroyed cause boiler blew, Jesus figures, two million to fix, owners now, they made 2 million scrapping lawsuits scared, then closed company, thats, pope, riding black horse, russia exploded, hollie showed, said new economy, bankrupt, its, that, he, said, barack obama, smiling, we knew, he said, hollie gave life preserver on titanic, as, sank, its, water tight compartments worked, but, some still sealed, no, said, hollie, with, big lighted hands, yes, then, no again, snapped fingers, from, new behind, she said, thats, the beast, said, pope, rising, out of red dragon, its, g8, said, hollie, thats nuclear n.a.t.o., and putin, hollie said, its, lets rule the world, sang, putin, right here, he showed, out of cuba, nicaragua, mexico, bobby, this is website, post, said, hollie, I wanted to ruin your face so you would hate me, to mock, laugh at your hurt, hollie appears, wrong, showed, yes, showed, im thru, with, it, clapped, hands, showed, big hands, no, that was the ministry of dreams book, Jesus, showed, no, let me, said, hollie, look, hollie, waved, from, submarine, hollie, its akula, fired, missiles, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, hollie shows world, its the globe, she said, nations on fire, bobby im laughing at you cause you get tortured, you went down to make me glorified and now all I do is torture you, bob, said, hollie, sees, the, antichrist, in vision, words, more, said, hollie, Jesus, put it under, write, said, damien, what you do, 3-6-2009-hollie points up, that, he said, in the fire, on car, flames, explosion, its from, im uh bear, said, hollie, hollie laughs, rubs face, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, hollie laughs, putin, its uh sub, he said, fired missiles, boom, russia, hollie, yadd laughs, shows, its uh receiver, technics sa-1000, they were top of the line, it, made, said, hollie, that man is shaking yes, 660 watts, they, were, 20 to 20,000 hz's, loud, it could fill, hollie, looks, at, ballpark, could be heard inside, man thinks, yeah, maybe, could, rubbed chin, hollie, hollie, the yadd, she said, lets you show things, hollie shows, with, hollie, that, yadd said, pointed, out of cuba, thats explosion, missiles leaving thier waters, nicaragua exploded, missile left thier waters, that, said, hollie, mexico said dumitru duduman, all exploded, said cecil tingley, hollie points, take the yadd, pointed, america, exploded, thats, the, MYSTERY, BABYLON, hollie wipes lips, God said make him fall by the wayside persecuting him them he cant recover, this is torturing, submarine soumb, said, hollie, submarine sorry, said, hollie, waved, its, from her sub, fired, missiles, and, guess who it struck, hollie, said, thats many nuclear fires in america, hollie turned her sub around, wiped lips, theres uh submarine right there, pointed, hollie, thats captain, hollie, turning in her sub, its, akula, fired, missiles, struck france, exploded, theres, italy, australia, boom, said, hollie, theres goes america, hollie, points, thats, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, coming, in the fire, titanic, said, librarian, its, more desired then Jesus, saith the Lord, then great britain, thats hand coming out of britain, pressed nuclear button, thats, missiles, striking russia, exploded, thats, bear with 3 ribs, and who, said, hollie, are they, she rubbed chin, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, that, pointed, hollie, all, 3, exploded, thats, missiles leaving thier waters, and u.s.a. exploded, thats adolf hitler turning into george bush then barack obama, get it said, Jesus, world shakes, that, was, hollie, laughing, trains, she said, inside, locomotive, pulled whistle, you know how it was, said, hollie, like this, she said, wheww, hey, thats the Father in, pioneer said hollie, steam locomotive, pulling whistle, whew, said, hollie, and hollie funnel, showed, pointed up, whew, hollie showed, turn, go, showed, pioneer stereo receiver, if they reintroduced power meters, it would sell, said, hollie, but thats man, from, pioneer working old one, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, red horse, and, who was she said, riding, hu, was, thats, missiles leaving china striking taiwan, exploded, burned, theres that submarine, somby, said, hollie, right there, its, akula, hollie said, fired, missiles, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, thats missiles going the other way, striking russia, exploded, world shook, no, said, hollie, with big hands, but, shook, yes, showed, no, im thru with it, with big hands, I turned around, more, to the front, snapped fingers, tada, hollie shows the, popes, image made alive, its, on, t.v., tear up, and, restore, rip, thats, hollie yadd, its, hollie, in palm, smiling, whew, said, hollie, its the steam locomotive, hollie and Jesus said, showed, captain, edward, smith, he, in, life preserver, died, there, hollie shows, hands, smiles, the, RMS Olympic, its, still, useable, if, existed today, cause, old, they retired, but, like, titanic, its, rudder, said, Jesus, to, little, needed, two, pronged, rudder, like, two, of, many look at, shake yes, smile, youth, like, two, hooked, to, one, shew, said, hollie, its, Mr. Joseph Bruce Ismay, he, shouldve died, said, hollie, yep said Bruce Ismay, but, owned, bob website, wants you, sang, hollie, with celine, its, hollie showed, titanic, song, it, still, sells, but, show, thats, captain, smith, like, both, same, but, dead, in, life preserver, but, froze, it took about, hollie, Jesus, thinks, 3 hours, miserable, it, said, hollie, looked, the, Wilhelm Gustloff, ship, torpedoed, it, said, soviet, sub, people, in front of Jesus, we knew, they said, put people in, lava, hell, one said, but, they joined, Jesus said, join, them, you, perished, said one, it was said Jesus, Alexander Marinesko, he, ordered it said Alexander Marinesko, he, pulled, trigger, laughed, but, now, in, lake, said, hollie, fire, said Jesus, watch what you do pointed sam neill, the Wilhelm Gustloff ship, said, hollie, it, was, innocent, hitlers, hospital, ship, but theres hitlers armies sinking, the HMHS Britannic, they, were, thats captain Alexander Marinesko, avenged, he said, thats, Britannic, carrying explosives, thats why, hollie said, sank so quick, wait said the meerkat, showed, picture, its the beast with seven and ten horns, you know who it is, meerkat said, pope, said, titanic man, tear up, and, restore, said, hollie, thats, pontiff walking, back, tada, do you know who I am, pope said, hes hollie wipes lips, hes the antichrist said Jesus and hollie, thats, kings pop up, said, hollie, out of lighted heads, thats seven, thats cuba, raul, castrol, said, hollie, yeah give it here, he said, alright said medvedev, signs, now, look, said, hollie, showed, the, titanic, thats it, hollie said, rusting, dont worship, hollie showed, record, hollie showed technics sa-1000, its, hollie thought, best, bob, call said, hollie, showed, calling, bobby, said, hollie, I showed you the beast, she said, tear up, and, fix, it, tear, from behind, clap, hollie showed, the book, THE MINISTRY of DREAMS, write, hollie said, Jesus, rubbed, chin, ill ruin, cut off, make you run to destroy like duncan rouleau, thats the nightmarist weeping blood, that, said, hollie, showed, the, Nightmarist, im duncan rouleau, the nightmarist said, thats Richard Starkings, he stole, said, hollie, Jesus, ministry of dreams, they both, said, Jesus, both, thats, Richard Starkings showing, hiding, wait, they both, but, to late, both being ruint, if you take, said, Jesus, the name I created and spoke ministry of dreams ill ruin you like im doing to them and thier reverend d.min jeremy taylor u.u. who for a measley pot of beans said Jesus, i must said m.a. jeremy taylor who is jung, said, hollie, remove it said dr. jeremy taylor, hes, being made, by students, make him saith the LOrd, of get your money back, thats rev. jeremy taylor, yeah yeah I will said s.t.d. jeremy taylor (hon), hes ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor that steals from christian to ruin, sh, he said, but, tell, saith the LOrd, 3-7-2009-cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, sang Jesus, thats vladimir, said, hollie, cause russia is the beast, said, Jesus, sang, hollie, tar up, put back, again, from behind, she, snapped, turn, from behind, hollie, said, tada, cause russia is the beast with seven horns, Jesus, sang, with simb, said, sandy, wiped lips, its cause of me, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, pointed, at cute young blond, jogging, dont lust hollie said, shorts, balloon butt, hollie said, its, cause, russia, is, the bear, Jesus, sang, thats bear with 3 ribs in mouth, and, titanic, captain edward john smith on the Wilhelm Gustloff ship, its hitlers super ship, sank, its, cause, said, hollie, it, was, war, hollie looks at Wilhelm Gustloff not carrying weapons, just, passengers wanting out of germany, it, sank, hollie said, rolled over, after, two torpedoes hit, it, was, minus four degrees, in water, about twenty, they froze, in, Jesus looked, most in two hours, hollie showed, that, the, olympic, its, sister, titanic, olympic put, Jesus figured, over five people in fire, cause, ramming ships, its rudder to small, the iceberg titanic it, thats, said, hollie, like movie, titanic scrapping iceberg, like i.u.p.u.i. library building, out of water, in water, two, there you have it, said, hollie, I summed it up, people will look at pictures of iupui library building, hollie showed GENESIS, its, beginning, website said, post, said, hollie, hollie whistled, wait, pointed, beaver, she said, they, swim, build dam, live in, its water tight, hollie sang like soundgarden, hollie showed record, and, I showed you that, the beast rising, smiling, theres, hu, pointed, hollie, that, she said, emporer of japan, slash, hollie said, pope, there you have it, hollie, said, bobby, when you dream, said, hollie, and, hollie dream laughs, night vision, hollie showed record, said, hollie, website said post, theres uh submarine, right there, pointed, hollie, now, look, fired, missiles, russia exploded, loose belt some, said, hollie, here, feed, hollie showed, give, animals, they need it, its here hollie said, inside dumpster, thats, hollie getting food out of dumpster, hollie showed, record, showed, u.s.a. economic collapse, I approve said barack obama, thats, national guard out in streets, alome, saleem, said, hollie, hollie greesed front end, let me record, said, hollie, wiped lips, I showed eat, hollie flew it, its f-117 stealth bomber, its, fighter jet, she, said, shows blinks on radar, it can be hit, thats, raptor, shows blinks, it, can be, hit, hollie showed, ford mustang, it, smoked tires, they are, china, thats magog, said, angel, man appears, spun, tada, snapped fingers, to the side, showed, what did, show, hollie showed, record, walk, walmart, hollie showed, with big hands, hollie showed, ministry of dreams, call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, if you alter, thats ministry of dreams website, two, hollie said, ill ruin, or take, watch all who have stolen the name I spoke ministry of dreams get ruint, shushan, said, Jesus, thats hegoat smiting ram, thats china, russia, nuking, hollie shows many fireballs, thats pope riding black horse, into russia, said, hollie, let me, said, hollie, record, said, cecil tingley, hollie showed, record, open, said, Jesus, did you see that flower grow, said, hollie, with captain smith, thats titanic scrapping iceberg, they made him speed, when they hit israel, they hit the apple of my eye, said, Jesus, hollie points, israel exploding, its from me, said, vladimir, putin, ill, press, 3-8-2009-message from Jesus to robert casey-hi gov, saith the Lord, build like v.w. bugs there and revitalize economy there, u.s.a. will collapse, then china hits taiwan, causing u.s.a. to destroy china, not long after, u.s.a. and russia strike each, u.s.a. hit out of oceans cuba, nicaragua, mexico, target all barack, dont hit the ven like you want to, he loves usa, just teases, hit moscow hard, hit china in like circle in the center for blaspheme, you will not have a choice, watch terrorist hit washington state, its chinese right after taiwan, looting after u.s.a. collapse, you wanted that barack, you liar, what are you doing to help steel workers, you looser you, fool, saith God, come and get bob, but, in court, be mocked, liar, witch, saith the Lord, tell china to not strike taiwan, and not get struck, but if you do, ill, saith the Lord, tear up, said, hollie, like uh bear, fix, rip, turned, from behind, she said, clap, front, smiled, snapped fingers, hunt uuh, said, hollie, that was, human, hands, hollie, be, said, hollie, we, baptized, in the name, of Jesus, Christ, for the remission of sins, just like it says, saith Jesus, Jesus is the name of the Father, Son, and, of the Holy Ghost, but, all power was given unto me, said, Jesus, im, Christ, the First begotten of the dead, cause russia gitton prepared, said, Jesus, 3-9-2009-taiwan, said, angel, thats, taiwan, burning, showed, hollie, thats, missile, from, china, striking, hollie, watchs, hu, hintao, riding, red, horse, hollie, bear, smiles, im, uh, showed, hollie, bear, russia, me, said, putin, its cause, im the beast, he said, with seven heads and ten horns, pope appears, with, ten, crowns, thats, uh, said, medvedev, ruling party, ten kings out of one country, thats, seven lighted heads, mexico pops out, theres, lula, chavez, castrol, kim jong, hintao, nicaragua, said, hollie, there you have it, hollie said, thats, o.k., ill give, signing, raul castrol said, looking, not, wanting, to, yes, shakes, mexico, president, thats him signing, no, shows, the, lula-chavez man, signs, yes, shakes, jong, what happened, said, hintao, thats, vladimir, putin, in, russian fighter jet, attacking, bobby, its, cause, russia is gitton prepared sang Jesus, bob, book, said, pontiff, hollie said, The Ministry Of Dreams, write and ill, said, Jesus, cut off, and, take it, from, you, Jesus said, its cause Ministry of Dreams is spoken by the Lord, said, hollie, steal, alter in any way, ill, ruin, cut off, for, submarine sorry, said, hollie, thats hollie in sub, fired missiles, thats it, said, many, mokse, hollie showed, its on top, she said, yeah I know it said willie duncan, that, said, hollie, bobs friend, willie duncan shakes, i knowem, that, was, 3-10-2009-now look at this, said, hollie, china, said, angel, thats magog, pointed, red finger, no, said, hollie, yes, I did it with hands, she said, hollie showed record, showed, eat, give food to animals, thats hollie getting in dumpster, take out, she said, that was beast rising, said, hollie, smiling, and theres, hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, its, your idol pope, she said, and, I closed, summed it up, wiped lips, thats, hu hintao, riding, red, horse, thats, taiwan exploding, thats, the, soun, said, hollie, that, was, said, hollie, wiped lips, pope riding black horse, russia exploded, thats, the ministry of dreams, appearing, if you alter said Jesus like dchandler and gavin porter, a ministry of dreams, dr. gavin porter altered ministry of dreams to, ill ruin, said, Jesus, and, make you remove, thats, duncan rouleau, he, wrote the nightmarist with ministry of dreams in, to strip, prophet, hes being ruint, its, costed active images, thats, richard starkings wiping lips, over, one million said richard starkings, they want duncan rouleau, resign, said, man from active images, you know it said duncan rouelau, he, regrets, to, late, duncan, rouleau would have repented during economic collapse and been accepted by Jesus, you liar said duncan rouleau, thats sam neill pointing, you watch what you do, and the nightmarist, look, said, hollie, its, him, in my room, she said, weeps blood, look said hollie, hollie showed, hu hintao, harrasing american boat, ship, its, cause, fishing, submarine, said, hollie, now look, she said, surfaced, in, sub, fired, missiles, and, look, who, it, struck, hollie, said, russia exploded, thats, hollie, like bear, with 3 ribs in mouth, are who are they, hollie, said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, those 3 eploded, hollie observes, and, missiles leave thier, waters, striking, america, exploded, double bladder, said, Jesus, its, uh, copter, said, hollie, you did not want it, hollie said, after being let out, hollie showed, turn, outlaws Jesus showed turn, thats outlaws motorcycle club laughing, tear up, fix, it, rip, put back, from new behind, said, hollie, lighted bear paws, snapped fingers, hollie, fire colored, thats steven, said, hollie, callehm back, they sang, that, was, hollies, image made alive on the cell phone, then, turned into the pontiff, said, hollie, take it said beast, 666, the mark, he said, signed, thats, them, pointed, hollie, signing, hu hintao, emporer of japan, pope, at table, thats, lamb, with hu, japan, coming, out, its cause, we, hit, china, magog, thats, hollie, standing by nuclear explosion, thats, taiwan, exploding, thats, subs coming up, russian, hollie, watchs, then, fire, missiles, striking nuclear n.a.t.o., that, said, hollie, its, your last voyage, said, Jesus, its, what, I, want, said, captain smith, look, said, hollie, smiled, showed, big nuclear fireball in indianapolis, look, many in america, it was uh dream, said, hollie, hollie dream appears, bob sees people inside garage, fan was there, jackie goes out, looks in, goes in, bob, screams, grabs fan, goes in garage, hits two, girls, there, put it under, pointed, sam neill, watch who you mess with, this is vision, post, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, bear, smiling, putin, appears, he, had, said, bear hollie, three ribs in mouth, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hollie, wiped lips, write the vision, MOKSE, appeared, hollie, grabbed, its from, off, she said, willie, duncans, church, hollie looks for, hatton, she said, saluted, showed, hair dyer, alright said reverend, mitchell, hatton, with ken, haneys voice, write the vision, said, hollie, and, I showed, you, the, beast, she said, observed, hollie has MOKSE, its, the dome, she, said, from, off, of, willie, duncans, church, she, said, looks, where to place, you did not want no more visions, that what you showed us, said, hollie, playing music, grecia, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, pope with horns, hu, putin, came out, thats, the hegoat, charging, smiting ram, that, said, hollie, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, that, said, hollie, many, hollie showed, sh, showed, it was uh dream, hollie dream, appears, cop, pulls over, truck, bob driving, bob finds, pot, in glove, compartment, hides, under, and, cop, looks, in, cop writes many tickets, angers bob as he looks over, says how much that one will cost me, bob says, 1, two, 3, four, a, b, c, before letting go, one police officer, comes inside truck, cab, looks, I do it to make people hate me, and by hating me they perish, 3-11-2009-this is uh warning, said, hollie, bobby, said, hollie, I showed you the bear, she, said, hollie, bear smiles, thats, russia, she, said, hollie bear clapped, thats russia appearing, with me, said, vladimir putin, hes the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope appears, comes out of russia, thats, beast riding black horse into moscow, gets arsenal, flatter me, he said, thats two, white horses, going behind black, thats, Gods two witnesses, thats, world, shaking, thats, many, nuclear, fires, in, russia, thats, world, shaking, hollies image made alive on cell phone, thats, hollie, showed, subs, around, america, fired, thats, interceptors being fired from america, missed, word, showed, hollie, appeared, thats america exploding, and, up rises woman, out of fire, you know who my woman is, said, hollie, showed, its statue of liberty, there, I summed it up, hollie shows there on board, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, appears, thats, those, putin appears, with, 3 ribs, in mouth, thats, Jesus, looks, all, three, being, hit hard, and missiles leaving thier waters, its from, said, hollie, im uh bear, hollie laughs, you know, he, said, vladimir, russia, hollie, laughs, slaps, face, bob, said, hollie, this is Jesus, post, hollie, said, Jesus appears, submarine, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, sub surfaced, fired, missiles, thats, nuclear, n.a.t.o. exploding, there goes france, said, hollie, exploded, italy, thats australia, two explosions, there goes great britain exploded, america exploded, that, was, hollie, showing, record, waited, hollie, showed, record, and, I, showed, you, that, hollie, said, cause russia is the beast, hollie said, pope, in, side, hollie said, with, eight kings, hollie said, that will destroy u.s.a., thats mexico, coming out, of, head, lula, chavez, nicaragua, castrol, hintao, jong, putin, hollie, said, thats, ten horns, putin, medvedev, pontiff, more come out, russia, thats, antichrist system, said, hollie, many countries, they, are, brought into russia, yushchenko wipes lips, put ukraine in russia, he, said, hollie showed, record, bobby, you got the, vision, put the vision, on, the, website, said, hollie, that is gog and magog hollie said, showed, pope, hu, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, pope appeared, hollie showed, fireballs, all, over, america, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, waved, after surfacing, its akula, she, said, fired, missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploded, angel showed, record, said, hollie, thats, it, angel, said, magog, china, hollie, funnel, whew, hollie dream laughs, hollie dream shows beast riding black horse, let me show you uh picture, hollie said, showed, hu, hintao, riding, red horse, taiwan exploded, hand, said, hollie, thats grim reaper riding, grizzled horse, submarine sombay, said, hollie, now, look, she said, surfaced, waved, its, akula, agin, she, said, fired, missiles, thats nuclear n.a.t.o., look who it struck, she said, showed, the world, many nations, burning, hollie loves Jesus, 3-12-2009-wont, you, let me record, bobby, said, hollie, I showed you the beast, she said, with, seven heads and ten horns, its, pontiff, hollie said, thats, president of mexico, poppping out of head, theres lula, castrol, chavez, nicarauga, kim jong, hu hintao, theres putin, pope comes out of his, said, there you have it, said, hollie, I summed it up, opened, on ministry of dreams, this is warning, said, hollie, my name is, said, the main ministering spirit, hollie, showed, prophesy, said, Jesus, loose belt some, said, hollie, hollie showed, war, come on, she, said, I stomped, record, hollie, said, thats my, alome, somby, said, hollie, its, simb, said, sandy, hollie, points, with, lighted finger, loose belt sum, said, hollie, you need to prophesy, said, Jesus, hollie showed record, hollie dream, appears, bob see, byron, johnson, in, hollie wipes lips, four wheel drive, dodge, truck, red, and black, parked, sees, mark, brown, in, same, at, the end, bobby, it was uh dream, said, hollie, bob is where mark is teaching, just those two, something like HEBREWS 12, mark is nice, bob approaches, mark tells bob where lesson, is, found, bob walks, dark, and sees like fire colored clouds, did not know where, place, he was, is, and turned around, thought in heart, im afraid, of wolves, and foxes, found, like alley, leading to place, hollie, appears, it was uh dream, said, hollie dream, laughs, angel, appears, hollie, stomps, hey bobby let me record, said, hollie, theres, the, book, she said, appeared, MINIstry of Dreams, call it, said, Jesus, Ministry of Dreams, people steal, said, hollie, to strip, she, said, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. jung stealing, ill have that, said, d.min rev. jeremy taylor ph.d., throws hollie away, thats, hollie, seeing on google, typing, writing, your bosses, said, hollie, its, alright by me said dr. jeremy taylor, thats jim garrison laughing, gina rose halpern, throwing in air, ill have that, she, said, thats susan and richard rosen not wanting rev. jeremy taylor like sonoma state university, thats, rev. dr. jeremy taylor removing Gods spoken name said hollie ministry of dreams, now, kathy taylor who is tristy taylors mom has ministry of dreams like joel tao, randy Sukhai who is henry wynn, diana hughey, now jon sawyer has ministry of dreams on his blog posted by ginny hill who was fired, said, hollie, from bbc news, appeared, hollie shows copter, its, double blader, let down, hollie, you didnt want it, hollie, said, thats jeremy taylor m.a. running to remove ministry of dreams like all, sistermoonshine13 steals ministry of dreams to mock Gods child, removes unemployed, raise your mantle and repeat after us, sang, hollie, the children of the tell, ministering spirits, hollie prepares to do surgery, thats, steam locomotive, whew, whew, Father pulls whistle, its pioneer, said, showed, hollie, that was, hollie showed, hegoat getting ready to smite ram, pope appears, charges, thats, hegoat attacking ram, with, putin, hu, coming, out, of, horns, thats, dr. jim garrison speaking thru megaphone, hollie out, finger in ear, dont listen to, she said, ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor appears, he looks at visions, but trembles, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor s.t.d. in white robe then in the lake of fire in dark suit, many appear in hell fire with jeremy taylor, that pointed, hollie, kathryn and tristy taylor in lava, both, see, write the vision, said, hollie, and hollie, plays, music, you might be outta here, he said, new wineskin, hollie shows, ministry of dreams, call it, said, JEsus, on world prophecy center, thats the website, said, hollie, world prophecy center website, angel, thomas barnhouse steals and alter world prophecy center, you aint using it, thomas, barnhouse says, removes openly mocked, thats the vision, said, hollie, and, hollie, wipes, lips, simb, its, alomb, saleem, said, hollie, I torture people to keep them humble in my eyes, they are not humble in my eyes unless they cant bare to live anymore cause I wounded them thousands of times, I will make you perish to laugh at you, I torture people I save to make most of them fall away, 3-13-2009-man, said, hollie, and he saw, pointed, casey, its the man, she said, hollie showed, record, look, and I summed it up, she said, jim garrison, hollie said, thats, dr. jim garrison angry, what are you doin, said, hollie, they think, record, said, hollie, and, I showed, you the beast, she said, pope, hollie showed, record, and, beat stick, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, picture, look bob, she said, pope, bob this is website, post, said, hollie, hollie in the fire, showed, tattoo place, 666, man, said, hollie, tear up, and, fix it, put back, rip, from, new behind, showed, hollie, danced, there was an arson in indianapolis, they, set purposely, new construction, it was, homeless, people, 3-14-2009-and he saw, said, hollie, once we hit alaska, said, Jesus, casey points, thats, alaska, exploding, and more missiles coming, cuba, now agreeing with russia, sign, shows, medvedev, to, get, bomb, air, fields, hey alice cooper, said, hollie, you want me know, no said vince, bob, said, Jesus, its, Fischer, said, hollie, Karen Fischer appears, whatta you want, she, said, turned into rev. amy brucker, thier the same, hollie, said, hollie showed, arson, someone set, she said, thats, new, building burning, its, hollie, looks, vagrants, homeless, keep, warm, hollie said, Jesus showed, record, and, I, showed, you that, said, hollie, the beast, rise, with seven heads and ten horns, who are they, said, hollie, thats, mexico, popping out, of, lighted head, hollie said, lula, she, showed, theres kim jong, alright, i'll have, raul said, said, hollie, dont, hollie said, does, thats, chavez, putin, hintao, and, pope, comes out of, putins, head, hollie said, hollie whistled, let me show, said, hollie, police officers want to arrest you, so cooperate, hollie showed, record, hollie appears, showed, the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, thats ten horns on pontiffs head, they are uh, hollie, said, ruling party, pope comes out of medvedevs, that, was, Jesus, like a bright Fire MAn, that, said, hollie, the beast rising, thats hu hintao riding red horse, hands points, missile strikes taiwan, burns, hollie, surfaces, in, three ohio class subs, hi bobby, thats china being showered with nuclear missiles, exploded, loose belt sumb, s,o,m,e, said, hollie, and, I, summed, and summed back, snapped fingers, danced, spin, click, tada, to, the front, snapped, turned, hollie showed, record, showed, pope, lighted, smiling, theres, hu, and, I, summed it up, hollie, tear up, and fix it, turn, to the back, showed, hands, to, side, left side, hands, front, tada, what was that, said, hollie, that, was, not, hating but clinging, hollie said, showed, nuclear weapons aimed at each other, thats pontiff, hu, king of north, south, cause china is magog, hollie, said, sandy wiped lips, thats, hollie appears, that is, hegoat, charging, smiting, ram, putin, hu, comes out of horns, thats pontiff in middle, attacks, hollie shows, russia, china, striking each other, thats beast, riding black horse, into, russia, you know who it is, said, hollie, pope, appears, thats, them at table, hollie, points, hu, japan, coming out of lamb, horns, hollie in fire, showed, 666, they sign, its the mark treaty, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, snapped fingers, now look, she said, surfaced, waved, its akula, she said, fired missiles, thats, hollie, the, russia, big nuclear fire ball, then, bigger, then, most, exploded, hollie snapped, world shook, hollie, snapped, what did hollie do, up rose the pope hollie said, theres hu, and, I, summed, it, up, both beasts, Jesus, said, hollie, hollie said, emporer of japan, hollie showed, thats, china, japan, rising like lamb, to, withstand, the, pope, tell me what it is, said, hollie, its, sandy, wiped lips, alome, sanome, theres uh submarine, sorry, said, hollie, ohio class, fired, missiles, many, russia exploded, thats leave us alone solly, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, the, pope, lighted, tear up, dance, put back, rip, from, new behind, said, hollie, feet, danced, this the website, said, hollie, and, its, called ministry of dreams, I spoke it Jesus said, cause ministry of dreams is spoken I will not share it, Jesus, said, ill ruin and make you run to remove, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. looking at, I stole said m.a. jeremy taylor who is jung, hes, soothsayer, said, Jesus, bob, I can not let those people keep it, said, Jesus, when I come against then they run to remove ministry of dreams, that, was, said, hollie, man, tear up, fix, it, new behind, said, hollie, clap, snapped, fingers, bob, dreams, hollie dream laughs, duane, has to go to hospital, bob, gives, his credit card, would have cost, big, bob regrets, wants to close, credit, record, the, vision, said, hollie, showed, panasonic thrusters, its, uh, stereo speaker, they, are, as, good, as, they, come, said, hollie, back in 79, go to, stores, buy panasonic, with thrusters, for, less then, 200, and, have, as good as, they come, those old stereos, component, put out about 7 watts per channel, thats, hollie, coming out of, thrusters subwoofer, hollie, looks, that, was, hollie, in, the, ring, that, said, hollie, and I summed it up, she said, website, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed, u.s.a. economy collapsing, hollie showed, record, bobby, said, hollie, and I showed, you, the, popes picture, tear up, she said, again, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, go, partially around, model, more, front, look, at, tear, up, hollie did, 3-16-2009-it was uh dream, said, hollie, and hollie dream, laughs, night, vision, said, Jesus, bob, dreams, talking, to, mentions, seventh day adventist church, tells he goes on, some, saturdays, its boring, he says, kind of like the catholic church, record, said, hollie, waved, hi, hallelujah, she said, hollie showed, building burning, dont, torch, she, said, its in indianapolis, hollie said, hollie showed, record, and, I showed you that, she, said, showed, you the beast rise, write the vision, said, bird, chirp, latin america, said, JEsus, hollie danced, thats, pointed, hollie, many nuclear fires in south and latin america, its here, showed, hollie, exploded, thats, its from, hollie, said, im uh bear, said, linda spall, hollie laughs, slaps, face, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Jesus, and more, hollie played music, nobodies prayin, said, hollie, when you dream, said bird, its, uh, night, vision, hollie, clapped, pope, thats the anticrist, said, duck, beast, said, alice cooper, gabriel, showed, record, showed both beasts, theres two hollie said, pope, hu, hollie showed record, that, pointed, alaska, hollie, exploded, missiles flying, that said hollie, bill clinton, pressed nuclear button, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, fighting, come, on, she, said, and I danced, thats new world order tap dancing, that was hu hintao, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, it was simb, tap dancing, theres boris yeltsin, hey, he said, ill give you the land, alright, said, hintao, cloud leaves scene, thats many kings planning against america, said, cecil tingley, when you see, said, hollie, and I do, she said, trembles, clap, returns, hollie stomped, its, from, new behind, said, hollie, turned, snapped fingers, from, behind, again, she said, snapped, turned, hollie, danced, tada, to the front, hollie showed, oil, thats hollie oil smiling, thats, hollie and gabriel, check engine oil with hands, thick, slick, keep, hollie showed, record, thats hu hintao riding red horse, hand snaps fingers, missile strikes taiwan, burned, hollie waved, from ohio class submarine, three, showered china with thermo nukes, exploded, hollie showed, 1967 chevrolet Chevelle, its malibu, hollie showed, 396 Turbo-Jet, put out, hollie looked, 375 horsepower, that smoked tires, hollie showed, Elvis Costello, bye me, he said, people will soon be walking, sang Elvis Costello, no gas, what does the website say, feed, said ministry of dreams website, hollie fed animals, hollie appears like, what did it look like, see, said, hollie, with, lighted, two horns, like world prophecy center website, this is website, post, said, hollie, o my GOd said JEsus, callem back sang hollies, war said Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, in, gaza, iraq, hollie, surfaces, in, submarine, fired, two, missiles, gaza exploded, thats, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats, missiles, hollie showed, many, nuclear fires in iraq, JEsus, sprinkles, arise and awaken, bear grows, angry, medvedev, presses nuclear button, thats, france, exploding, there goes great britain, italy, australia, then america, thats, missiles from all striking russia, exploded, world shook, hollie showed, record, thats the vision, said, JEsus, sandy wipes lips, simb, that was the pope with seven heads and ten horns, on head, mexico pops out of head, raul castrol, yeah, awll, give me, he, said, signs, thats nuclear explosion cuba, missiles leave thier waters, america exploded, write the vision, said, hollie, thats the economy club, said, angel, and, hollie, economic collapse hitting most countries, tear up, snap, fix, it, rip, hollie, snap, turn, nicely dressed, spin, hands, tada, to the front, she said, put back, tear, clicked heels, you did not want it, said, hollie, being, lowered, cindy, its uh double blader, said, hollie, copter, that was uh bear, said, hollie, with simb, sandy wiped lips, turned into putin with three ribs, in mouth, who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats, all, three, signing, agreeing, with medvedev, missiles leave thier waters, and, strike, them, thats nicaragua exploding, america burning, there goes cuba, i'll place it there, said, hollie, many nuclear explosions in mexico, hollie smiled like cindy, tear up, she said, showed, hitlers, its uh supership, she said, sunk, its, said, hollie, the, M.S. Wilhelm Gustloff, it, she said, showed, sh, dont, tell, russian navy, hollie said, so you sunk, it, hollie said, sh, thats russian submarine, man, we knowed, he said, sh, said, hollie, dont tell, thats them in hellfire, for sinking the Wilhelm Gustloff ship, sh, hollie, said, it was cold, they were in cold ocean, sh, hollie, it was minus four degrees, could you imagine, said, hollie, its like the titanic, said, Jesus, it was, Jesus thought, 2, degrees, below, zero, cold, they, froze, like, show, movie, hollie showed, it was Carpathia, said, Jesus, they, couldve saved, he said, most, but, let sink, said the captain of the Carpathia, then, rescue, they, it was R.M.S. Carpathia, like R.M.S. titanic, they, built, by, Jesus, thought, same, it was The Cunard Line, it was samuel cunard, he built, they, said Jesus, we knew it the rudder, said samuel cunard, they, he said, built, knowing, but, there was no other way said samuel cunard with john mark pools voice, it, they, the same, said JEsus, they formed, the new, Cunard White-Star Limited, hollie being lowered, from copter, hollie, shows, tear up, on rope, another hollie shows cindy, silhouette, then partial face, said, Jesus, thats it, said, hollie, hollie yadd appears, you did not want it, said, hollie, on, rope, this is cnn news report, said, angel, thats it, nuclear explosions in gaza, iraq, kim jong, said, Jesus, with nuclear button, i pressed, he, said, bob, said, hollie, thats missiles striking russia, china, south korea, thats putin, missile, two, said, hollie, striking north korea, exploded, thats u.s.a. sub striking, with tomahawk, putin, medvedev, laugh, they waste, said, JEsus, its the SS Nomadic, like, titanic, built by white star line, curad, they could still be, using, the two, said, Jesus, its, maintenance, he said, built, to, last, both, but, olympic, now, that, was, said, Jesus, a, masterpiece, after, they, its, the retrofit, said, hollie, made it, virtually, unsinkable, both, but, brittanic, was, not, like, put it under, said, hollie, watch what you do, pointed sam neill, 3-17-2009-hollie showed, jimdo, free website, its, hollie, showed, uh excellent, one, there, I showed, said, hollie, eat, hollie showed, record, and, I, showed, you, that, she, said, its, the, beast, she said, what does website want, said, hollie, visions, appears, thats ministry of dreams website appearing, call it, said, Jesus, Ministry Of Dreams, people steal, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, website, said, post, that, was, the website, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that, was, double blader, said, hollie, let me down, said, hollie, raised, left, im horny, said, precious from slience of the lambs, he aint gonna let me, precious said, jimdo removes world prophecy center, its complaints, did you see, that, said, precious, thomas barnhouse steals and alters world prophecy center, thats world prophecy center website showing, my name, let it go, thomas barnhouse does, ruint, its the wesite, post, said, hollie, showed, the beast, said, Jesus, with seven heads and ten horns, who are they said hollie, Jesus grunts, thomas barnhouse, let me be blunt, Jesus said, you are, and he saw, pointed, casey, thats thomas barnhouse showing cut off, releive me, said, thomas, barnouse, hes, dooomed, wants to ruin a real christian like his reverend jeremy taylor u.u., he is jung, said, hollie, both, witchs, said, hollie, when you see, said, Jesus, its to late, thats trembling thomas barnhouse, o I know it said rev. dr. jeremy taylor d.min, but, removes, ruint, not, working, but, hardened, heart, sees, hollie, sandy wiped lips, its simb, she said, thats hu hintao, said, hollie, riding red horse, hand snaps fingers, points, missile from china, taiwan explodes, thats captain hollie surfacing in ohio class sub, three, they rain nuclear rockets on china, exploded, in, circle, that is washington state, being, said, hollie, attacked, hu hintao, chinese terrorists, hollie shows pocket t.v. with popes image made alive, cause china is magog, said, hollie, thats hu, japan, koreas, two, presidents appearing on magog, thats leopard, beastmark, said, Jesus, is, said, hollie, 666, there she said, them signing, its, pope, hu, japan, thats, hegoat smiting ram, russia, china, nuking each, pope, rides, black, horse, into moscow, flatter, he said, signs, gets arsenal, we want korea, said, the angel, hollie, said, and, he, saw, said, casey, korea explode, thats, missile from russia, thats, kim jong pressing nuclear button, thats, pointed, casey, she transformed, north korea, south korea exploding, theres china, russia, exploded, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, go around, look, rip, put back, tear, hu hintao, appeared, hollie, in space fighter, what did they want, said, hollie, to make you fall, thats why they stole it, ministry of dreams, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor, its by me, he said, acts, pretends, his, hardened, said, Jesus, heart, that was Jesus like a cat, said, hollie, that was gabriel in the copter with bob, california exploded, dont let me put you down, said, gabriel, hes arch, said, hollie, like, you, that, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, showed, the, popes picture, tear up, move around, tada, from, top, hands, snapped fingers, walked backwards, hands, that was grim reaper laughing, like dark man, that, said, hollie, showed the beast riding black horse, russia exploded, goes into, flatter, me, he said, signs, gets control, hollie pulled the norway, france, thats ship busting, there, I summed it up, hollie, showed, boiler exploding on norway causing them, retire, hollie said, 3-18-2009-hollie showed, record, and, I, showed, she, said, the beast, pope, smiling, thats, seven heads, let me, show, you, with uh stick, hollie, said, beat, mexico, thats, cuba, naw I aint said, raul, give me, said, medvedev, alright, shakes, raul, castrol, signs, thats, nicaragua, yes, shakes, their, president, like hugo chavez, then shows, no way, brazil, now look, said, hollie, showed, huge nuclear explosion in brazil, missiles leave thier waters, strike, u.s.a., exploded, yes, shakes, lula, signs, hintao, pops out, thats, him shaking yes, signing, hey, ill, give, ya, said, boris yeltsin, thats, what, I need, said, hintao, thats, him, riding, red, horse, hand snaps fingers, missile from china, hollie rides, yellow missile, goes into taiwan, he made me get off, exploded, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing, in, 3 ohio class submarines, thats, hollie, posting, missiles shower china, exploded, thats medvedev, alright, lets get them, medvedev says, alright shakes putin, thats, kim jong popping out of lighted head, pressing nuclear button, thats, missiles striking, south korea, russia, china, putin, presses, nuclear button, thats, north korea exploding, there you have it, said, hollie, and I summed it up, the beast rising, its pope she said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, clap, top, back, turn, tada, hands, hollie showed, turn, what does hollie want, this is what hollie wants, post more visions, said hollie, its iraq, said, hollie, and he saw, it, pointed, casey, two nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, bush, grunts, I, brought it in, he, said, to, steal, our, oil, looks around, wells, bobby, this is the pope, said, hollie, Im the beast, he said, work, said, hollie, and I showed, you, that, the beast rising, I wanted you to perish so I could get glory out of what I did thru you like I wanted JOB to perish, thats serving me then being thrown away, cause I wanted you to be embarrased, you embarrased me by telling on me, fast till the brink of death, then I might have pitty, and, you did not do one thing but glorify me, this is betrayal, ill do it to all, keep torturing, fucking with, messing with, playing with all day, night, till you leave, and wont return, saith Jesus, hollie showed, record, and I showed, the, pope, she said, beasts image, she said, hey bob let me said, hollie, record, thats the o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, its the pope and hu, bobby, hollie said, on top, hollie sees inside, saw, putin, planning, showed, with stick, its, out of, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, all three exploded, those three ribs appeared in, vladimirs, said, medvedev, mouth, it, said, nooooooo, said, hollie, possum, hollie said, thats, car, hitting, 3-19-2009-grecia, said, gabriel, hollie, showed, no, way, that, was, angel, and, he, saw, said, casey, its, pope, with, two, horns, thats, hu, putin, popping out, write the vision, said, hollie, he, wont, hollie said, thats hegoat, angering, charging, smiting ram, stomps, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, thats, hollie showed, record, cuomo estas, said Jesus, hello, appears, thats, pastor, we, want you, he, said, carl, vanover, showed, cut off, never, saved, but, eyes crossed, unaccountable, but, in heaven, cast the bitter servant, out, Jesus, says, hes without wedding garment, hes, not, able, now, to, get, thru, all, without wedding garments are cast out, thats, carl, vanover, jumping, out, look, whose unclean, he said, he, didnt, want, it, Jesus, said, Lord, make, my, church, said, carl, vanover, strong, thats, him, pocketing, so, I can, live, for, nothing, he said, man, said, hollie, with, hollie, in, hands, you, need it, said, hollie, you need, help, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, thats carl carving hollie in to the stick, like, lighted, head, globe, hollie showed, with, big hand, many nuclear fires appearing, thats, uh, bear, hollie, said, and, you, know who it is, hollie, said, putin, with, three, ribs, in, mouth, and, who, are, they, hollie, said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, that, showed, hollie, two dead dogs, lying along 16th street, they, were, slaughtered, hollie said, thats, man, slicing, thier throats, they, screamed, that, hollie, said, and, russia, she, said, thats big, nuclear fireball, that, said, hollie, grim reaper appears, laughs, collects, dead, that, hollie, said, thats grim reaper riding the grizzled horse, hollie showed, record, that, said, grim, reaper, hollie, pulls, ship, thats, many, hollies, shipbusting, its, the, france, hollie, showed, still, good, being, broken, in, india, it, still, couldve, been, used, another, fifty, years, that, said, hollie, taiwan, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, taiwan, burn, thats, hu, hintao, on, red, horse, grim reaper, that, rides yellow missile, that, said, grim reaper, he, wrong out towel, showed, hu hintao, pontiff, both beasts in towel, thier faces, said, hollie, that, grim reaper, thats, the, beast, riding, black, horse, that, again, pointed, grim, reaper, that, pointed, grim reaper, rabbits, leave, alone, let reproduce, said, Jesus, that, said, grim reaper, laughed, hollie, showed, record, and, I, summed it, up, then, unsummed, one hand, clap, that is, said, hollie, pope, hu, riding, in, that o red and black chariot, pulled, by, angry, horses, come, on, said, hollie, jumped inside, saw putin, planning, its, out of, showed, with, stick, oceans, cuba, nicaragua, exploded, mexico, hollie, ill, place, it, there, hollie, said, come, on, nuclear explosions, in, mexico, theres, one, in, canada, thats alaska, exploding, more missiles head for u.s.a., bill clinton presses nuclear button, thats, russia, exploding, hollie, points, subs, around, u.s.a., fired, thats, interceptors, launched, missed, america explodes, up rose woman out of fire, you know pointed, hollie, its statue of liberty, bear with putin in mouth, plucked hollie said, putin, had, 3 ribs, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats raul castrol, yeah, ill, give, signing, said, hollie, yes, shakes, nicaragua, no, shows, lula, come on, shows, chavez, mexico, thumbs up, kim jong, presses nuclear button, thats, missiles striking, china, south korea, russia, all, burning, thats, missile leaving, russia, striking, north korea, burned, thats, u.s.a. sub striking north korea, exploded, putin, worried, medvedev presses nuclear button, thats ram with putin, hu, coming out of horns, hu shakes, yes, he, thats him riding red horse, china, hand snaps fingers, scratches, points, china, strikes washington state, taiwan, there you have it, said, hollie, its the, she said, new world order, its the beast, she said, rising with seven heads and ten horns, thats italy, exploding, there goes france, australia, great britain exploded, thats gordon brown pressing nuclear button, thats four vanguard class subs firing missiles striking russia, world shook, america, exploded, missiles from all, hollie, watches, strikes russia, up rises pope, theres hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, idol, pope, thats, pope riding black horse, into russia, flatter, he said, signs, gets, arsenal, thats, russia, china, nuking each, hegoat smites ram, thats hu, japan, rising, coming out of lamb horns, they, sign, the mark treaty, with pontiff, 666, thats them at table, threatening, laughing, lying, take the mark of the beast, said, pope, 666 on fore head, its tattood said hollie, arm, thats, little pope tattood on finger, I am God, said, pope, sitting in temple in rome, unite and force, them, said, hu hintao, thats, nuclear explosion in russia, chinese army like cloud of men, forcing russia, there they go, invade israel, thats, hu, slashing, pope, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, thats egypt, jordan, syria exploding, putin presses nuclear button, thats israel exploding, Christ, places, beast, false prophet in lava, thats Jesus standing on mount, what are these wounds my Jesus, said, hollie, them, said, angry, Jesus, jews, rapture, said, Jesus, everything dissolves, thats them all in lake of fire with d.min jeremy taylor u.u. ph.d. jung s.t.d. (hon) and kathy taylor and tristy taylor, JEsus clapped, that, said, hollie, nuclear fires in gaza, iraq, hollie, watches, thats, from, its from u.s.a. sub, gaza burns, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, there you have it, showed, hollie, iraq burning, Jesus sprinkles, arise and awaken, bear turns into putin, let me rule the world, he said, lets rule the world, putin, sang, russia, said, hu hintao, no, way, said, chavez, yes, shakes, lula, and raul castrol, thumbs up shows kim jong, yes, shakes, nicaragua, yes shakes mexico, there you have it, said, hollie, I summed it up, putin, appears, thats pope, smiling, what was popes message, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, its simb, she said, IM the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope appears, mexico is the, reason u.s.a. is in economic collapse, said, Jesus, thats american jobs going to mexico, thier products coming to america, that is alome sorrow, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, simb, hollie dream laughs, thats idol shepherd drinking tea said hollie, its pontiff, David Cerullo is cut off said Jesus, thats robb thompson, yeah I knew, he said with bob rodgers voice, yeah barbara, he said, they, are, witchs, said, Jesus, all, like thier dr. mike murdock who like his reverend bill hamon stole the name I spoke ministry of dreams like thier reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u., hes, witch, said, hollie, they, all, are, saith the LOrd, when you see, said, hollie, its too late, all doomed, and thats, reverend bob rodgers looking at, trembling, hollie showed, record, jon sawyer will not remove ministry of dreams from his blog cause he wants christian to fall said hollie, visions from 3-20-21-22?-record, said, hollie, and, I showed, you, the beasts image, she said, picture, pope, hollie showed, hu hintao, the, second, beast, she mixed up pictures, record, said, hollie, hollie showed the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope, and who are they, hollie said, mexico, president pops out of head, raul castrol, let me rule the world, said, vladimir, said, medvedev, pointed, at self, yeah ill give, says raul, signs, yes, shakes, lula, chavez, signs, no, said, hugo chavez, thumbs up, showed, kim jong, yes, shakes, hu hintao, thats china, attacking washington state, thats taiwan exploding, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, thats jerry vanlue showing book, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats pope in horn, then, medvedev, comes out, putins, its uh ruling party, ten kings out of one country, thats boris yeltsin out of politburo, popes, thats italy exploding, thats subs firing missiles, russia exploded, australia, france, thats america exploding, britain, thats gordon brown pressing nuclear button, russia exploded, its from, said, hollie, captain hollie, british, she said, submarines, world shakes, up rises the beast, pope rides black horse, into russia, give me, he said, signs, gets control, thats, hegoat smiting ram, putin, hu, out of ram horns, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, thats hu, japan, rising, coming out of ram lamb horns, signing 666, the mark treaty, said, hu, with pope, place it there, said, pope 666 on forehead, arm, thats, that o red and black chariot pulled by angry horses, thats pope, hu, riding, hollie, on top, then, inside, sees, putin, planning, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, those three ribs, appeared in putins mouth, all three exploded, thats, missiles leaving thier waters striking america, exploded, that was clap, lighted, you know said, hollie, she, appeared, tear up, from, new behind, clap, turned, back, from behind, hands, bear hands, hollie showed, the book, Ministry Of Dreams, call it, spoke Jesus, ministry of dreams, what are these my JEsus, said, hollie, loves, you, said, Jesus, holes in hands, standing on mount, thats israel exploding, from, missile, russia, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, thats jordan, syria, egypt exploding, thats sixth seal opening, smoke, ascends up, u.s.a. explodes, its from, said, hollie, subs all around, grim reaper, laughs, america attacked, burns, statue of liberty rises out of fire, you know, said, hollie, woman, that is my angel, with sword, JEsus treads grapes in winepress, what are these wounds, Jesus, you, pointed, Jesus, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, go, around, top, tada, snap, side, tada, snap, fingers, at bottom, stamped, record, said, hollie, thats hollie whistle blowing, its, titanic, captain smith, feels shudder, runs to bridge, we hit, said, charles lightoller, smith shakes, yes, abondon, he says, its to late for him, bobby, said, hollie, kent gray, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, let me record, said, hollie, mokse, said, hollie, on, willie, duncans, church, hollie places MOKSE on h.h. gregg, I know said willie, duncan, mokse, hollie sat, on, I know, said, willie, duncan, tear up, said, hollie, with, pen, paper, in hand, snapped fingers, behind, snap, hollie, like uh, cat, that was hollie, oil, she, had, darkened uh bit, gabriel checks with hands, thick, slick, keep, brown, he, said, hollie, let down, its double beater, said, hollie, helicopter, left, hollie showed, turn, go, lighted, bear, paws, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, and, I showed, you, that, she, said, bang, stick, grim reaper, laughs, hollie, showed, record, dont, said, hollie, its him, she said, dr. john Tetsola, hes, hollie showed, shakes, wolf, said, Jesus, pockets lucre from tithes, hollie showed, thumbs down, international bible training center is Reformers Ministries International, hollie left, the economys slipping, said, gabriel, arch, like warrior angel, whew, loves being, like you, spoken about, thats hollie funnel, whistle blowing, like this, hollie, said, sandy wipes lips, simb, whewwww, said, hollie, loose belt some, s,o,m,e, said hollie, grim reaper, laughs, 3-23-2009-bobby, said, hollie, sh, dont tell on, sh, she said, them, they are, hollie showed, cut off, its H.B. London and Neil B. Wiseman, neil, said, hollie, is not wise, but, claims like h.b. london, both, witchs, said, hollie, thats dr. james dobson pocketing, smiling, lucre, church, offerings, tithes, he, I made you look at, said, Jesus, thats james dobson trembling, with uh smile on his face, but, knows, thats james dobson showing cut off, im lost, he said, but, still preaches like his reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie who stole, ministry of dreams, hey neil, said rev. jeremy taylor, showed cut off, looks at, trembles, its him said m.a. jeremy taylor phd, wants christian ruint, thats kathy taylor and tristy taylor both shaking yes, tristy taylor m.a. shows cut off, masterbates, thats here, and gina rose halpern, trembling, looking at, thats rev. jeremy taylor d.min masterbating, running down hands, thats student at wisdom university showing dr. jim garrison, yeah I see said rev. jim garrison, protects, but lets student be charged amazingly to be taught be ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor who is suppost to be blameless, students want thier money back, get out of here, sh, said jim garrison, does, dont saith the LOrd, tell on s.t.d. jeremy taylor who is on the board of the atlanta jung society, thats Don Huntley of The CG Jung Society of Atlanta showing cut off, sees, made you look at said hollie, its him said Don Huntley, his reverend jeremy taylor u.u., both witchs, said, Jesus, put it under, they are both, thats them showing cut off, hollie appears, hollie showed, record, bobby, said, hollie, and I showed you that, she said, popes picture, bob, said, hollie, showed, the, popes picture, tear up, go to top, tada, look, that is, hu hintao, on, that, red, horse, said, hollie, china strikes taiwan, hand snaps fingers, taiwan burns, there, said, hollie, like cat, then silhouette cat, from behind, she said, hollie snapped fingers, israel exploded, hollie pointed, hollie showed, record, theres that submarine, sorry, said, hollie, waved, its, akula, agin, hollie, said, fired, missiles, struck nuclear n.a.t.o., exploded, hollie showed, record, thats her in submarine, sub looks, angers, theres uh submarine right there, said, hollie, surfaced, its akula agin, she said, bobby, dont do it, said, hollie, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, when you want uh deal, she said, he does said kathryn taylor, thats rev. jeremy taylor who is jung said hollie wanting bob to clear his name off the internet then he claims he will remove what he stole the God spoken ministry of dreams said hollie and JEsus, now hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, thats reverend jeremy taylor d.min shrugging, no deal, bob said, steal ministry of dreams and be ruint and remove any way, thats jonah weiland weeping like his, alright said jonah, weiland with duncan rouleaus voice, they are, same, both, ruint, fired missiles, and, look, who, it, struck, she said, france exploded, there goes britain, italy, thats gordon brown pressing nuclear button, america, australia, exploded, hollie surfaces in submarine, many, fired missiles, thats, look who it struck, hollie, said, russia exploded, its uh end time story, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, thats jan, vanover, putting bob out of church, cause, he showed, cut off, now look, she said, this is hollie with that o loose belt sumb, s,o,m,e, hollie said, hollie showed, bottle of valvoline maxlife sythetic blend motor oil, its sae 10w-30, its, better then some, this is warning, said, hollie, please, said, medvedev, dont tempt, let me, said, hollie, record, bob, said, hollie, showed, the book ministry of dreams, they publish, but, will, sell big, hollie showed, record, showed, eat, hollie showed, record, stomped, banged stick, up rose the beast, there hu, hollie bangs stick, showed, both beasts, hollie showed emporer of japan, banged stick, there you have it, she, said, light flash, idol pope, hollie, showed, excitement, hollie showed the book, ministry of dreams, dont steal, she said, hollie, lowered on rope, its helicopter, double blader, if you steal ministry of dreams I will ruin you he said, left, showed the beast with seven heads, ten horns, pope pops out, mexico, lula, hintao, jong, castrol, nicaragua, russia, there you have it, said, hollie, seven heads, thats ten horns, with popes face in, its uh, ruling party, out comes medvedev, then putin, ten kings in government, out of, its duma said hollie, stamped, banged stick, stomped, it was said, hollie and hollie dream laughs, look at that, eat rice a roni, bob, ate, hollie, banged stick, eat said hollie, hollie showed, record, lighted hand showed turn, whats that, hollie said, clapped, snapped fingers, kicked heel, appears, hollie showed, horace, smith, whatta you want, said, Jesus, thats horace, smith, showing money, greed, he, said, 3-24-2009-bob, said, hollie, look, showed, popes picture, tear up, snap, fingers, hands, put back, tear, bob, record, said, hollie, snap, hollie showed, popes picture, thats, hegoat, ready to smite ram, snap, fingers, charges, does, stomps, thats hegoat stomping ram, putin, hu, come out of horns, thats, pope riding black horse into russia, flatteries he says, signs, gets control, thats, pope showing, no way, launches nuclear missiles on china, drive out, thats china claiming most of russia, thats hollie showing, many, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, thats, hu, japan, rising like lamb, withstand the pope, said, hu, to sign 666, with pope, thats, helen thompson showing the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, hi said, hollie, its pontiff, thats mexico, popping out of head, china, cuba, nicaragua, chavez, lula, thats, putin, with, pope coming out of his, thats, medvedev, kneeling before, pope, let me rule the world, said medvedev, alright, shakes, popes, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie snaps, thats him with three ribs, in mouth, turned, into, bear, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, appears, on board, thats, russia, attacking, america, now lets see, said, hollie, you got me high in the air, she said, saw, pointed, subs, all, around, u.s.a., let me strike, said, putin, alright said medvedev, then, pointed, self, shoots, putin, presses nuclear button, out of their waters, thats them exploding, hollie showed, double blader, helicopter, let hollie down, on, rope, you didnt want me, he said, now look, he said, leaves, left, hollie showed, record, this is the website, post, said, hollie, now let me see, said, the website, showed, dont steal, my name, ministry of dreams, or ill ruin, said, Jesus, I know it said dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., does, gets, thats ph.d. jeremy taylor m.a. showing cut off, student shows visions, I thought you were ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor, thats rev. jeremy taylor saying, I am, then why, said student, leaves, knows, thats dr. jeremy taylor, lying, hollie shook, yes, then showed, no, turned, snap fingers, with hands, stomps, then shook, yes, clapped, hollie, said, work, thats, hollie in the, fire, loose belt some, said, hollie, hollie showed, picture, and who appeared, its, pope, turn, back, clap, bobby, lets post, said, hollie, hollie pointed, up, at Jesus coming, she said, thats submarine, said, hollie, looks, many, all, around, america, exploded, now, look, hollie, appears, smiling, 3-25-2009-bobby, look, said, hollie, its, gary, brewer stealing and altering world prophecy center like thomas barnhouse, they both get, openly mocked, then, remove, like jeremy taylor d.min removes ministry of dreams, like all, diana hughey tricked prophet, sent wrong passwords and included her link on, she, bought without prophets permission, when you see, said, hollie, I, lied, said, diana hughey, removes, sends bob passwords, thats beast with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, its pope, hes antichrist, said, hollie, theres, mexico, coming, out, of head, lula, chavez, nicaragua, thats, latin america exploding, theres, kim jong, castrol, hintao, thats, hu, riding red horse, thats, missile from china, striking taiwan, exploded, hand snaps fingers, theres, putin, hes, let me rule the world, he said, Jesus sprinkles, bear arises, thats angry bear looking, striking nuclear n.a.t.o., hollie snaps fingers, thats france, australia exploding, britain, exploded, thats gordon brown pressing nuclear button, hollie snaps fingers, missiles strike russia, boom, theres america and australia exploding, thats russia being showered with thermo nuclear missiles, world shakes, exploded, thats, angel, in, atmosphere, stench, with face like silhouette, partial, meerkat has silhouette face, then somewhat, casey, with, silhouette face, folds scene, face starts appearing, hollie snaps fingers, this is hollie, uh warning, she said, thats, ten horns, with kings coming out, theres, pope, putin, medvedev, its uh ruling party, ten kings, thats boris yeltsin folding scene, hollie appears, like cindy, at grace apostolic church, hand, points, pray, alter, hollie showed, turn, go, with, lighted, bear paws, thats hollie like cartoon character, shes, duncan rouleau, when you see, said, hollie, thats duncan rouleau looking at, thats richard starkings, get out, he said, other man shakes, yes, thats, the nightmarist weeping blood and the kids of duncan rouleau weeping, its cause we ruint said woman, hollie showed, go, with lighted bear paws, tear up, look back, forward, go, no, said, hollie, showed, with big hands, shook, yes, Im thru with it, yes, turned, clap, snapped fingers, hey bob, let me, said, hollie, record, showed, smiling, pope, thats, him, riding, black horse, russia, exploded, flatteries, said, pope, hes, wanting, gets, arsenal, thats, hu hintao, rise to withstand the pope, he said, thats nuclear explosions in russia, china, thats hegoat smiting ram, stomping, putin, hu, came out of ram horns, thats king of north coming against king of south, then, thats, hu hintao and japan coming out of lamb horns, rise, to, withstand, said, hu, hintao, hollie said, wars, here, thats iraq, exploding, showed, hollie, gaza, exploded, bush, grunts, thats, the, reason, I, brought, it, in, he, said, to, break, our, oil, grunts, contracts, hollie, said, work, hollie appears, let, me, record, she, said, hollie dream laughs, and I showed, you, the beast, she said, tear up, snap, hollie snapped fingers, again, clicked heels, snap, from behind, she, said, snapped, this is hollie, what did hollie, want, thats, the, main, im moody, she said, licked prophet, that, was, hollie, on, the, rope, said, hollie, its, uh, double blader, said, hollie, whats my hollies message, said, hollie, when they hit iraq agin, said, hollie, and, Jesus, they brought judgment to america, let me rule the world, said, putin, thats china, hey, ill give ya, said, boris yeltsin, alright, said, hu hintao, thats, chinese president riding red horse, china, strikes washington state, taiwan explodes, hollie says, look, theres war, going on, in washington state, that was grim reaper laughing said hollie, that is my alome saleem, said, hollie, hollie had pen, record, the, vision, said, hollie, and hollie plays music, your startin to want it said hollie, bob, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, this is hollie, loose belt sum, s,u,m, hollie smiles in fire, that he said, tear up, restore, said, hollie snapped fingers, from behind, she said, snapped fingers, rubber band some, said, hollie, wierd, said, rubber band, thats was pontiff, said, hollie, riding black horse, russia exploded, flatter him, he said, signs, gets arsenal, submarine sorrow, said, hollie, now look, surfaced, its akula, fired missiles, grim reaper laughs, hollie showed, what dog was doing, dont over feed, submarines are right there, said, hollie, it rained submarines, snapped fingers, hollie waves, looks for hollie showed, in sub, claps, doesnt find, bob, said, hollie, showed, the beasts picture, pope, tear up, put back, crossed, snapped, fingers, turned, from behind, snapped, there is uh reason, what is, said, the main, no reason, said, hollie, clap, 3-26-2009-hollie, appeared, hollie showed duncan rouleau, his man of action series on cartoon network, closed, hollie said, its cause, hollie, said, shut up, they, laugh at duncan rouleau, looses contract, millions, cause, for stealing the name ministry of dreams, and the nightmarist weeps blood, ted turner, sees, said, hollie, close, he said, rouleau weeps, take the nightmarist, reopens, changes, takes out ministry of dreams, goes to just dreams like reverend jeremy taylor d.min u.u., hollie showed popes picture, tear up, hands, go to top, tada, looks down, rip, this is hollie with that o loose belt some, wiped lips, hollie like cartoon character, duncan rouleau steals ministry of dreams, thats the nightmarist weeping blood, its not your name said duncan rouleau, look at that, said, man, shows duncan rouleau visions, he shakes yes, but lies, this is not hollie talking, this is the website talking, post, said, hollie, thats, hollie like a cartoon character, showing iraq, gaza, nuclear, explosions, bush brought it in, she said, with red lighted hand, george bush grunts, hollie like cartoon character, is disgrunted, shes upset cause people steal what I spoke said Jesus, Ministry Of Dreams, its rained submarines, said, hollie, waved, thats, hollie looking for hollie showed, in, sub, what was that, said, hollie, she, showed, picture of the pope riding the black horse, that, hollie said, russia exploded, thats pope going on black horse into moscow, hollie appears, shows, record, hollie oil, appears, thats, armageddon, said, hollie, leading to, loose belt sume, s, u, m, e, said hollie, it was record, said, hollie, hollie appears, hollie showed, posting, at home, hollie pointed up, its, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world, shakes, thats, america, exploding, bear with 3 ribs turns into, vladimir, said, medvedev, points at self, alright said putin, that, hollie, in, the fire, smiling, hollie dream laughs, bob, prophesyes, judgment to many nations including the palestian state, bob, said, the palestinian state will be destroyed, hollie dream laughs, thats the red horse, hollie, dream, laughs, thats, hu hintao, riding, hand, snaps fingers, thats missile, from china, taiwan, exploded, thats captain hollie surfacing in 3 ohio class subs, thats many missiles striking china, exploded, look there, pointed, hollie, thats hollie right there by explosion, what was she doing there, said, hollie, looks, its cause, he made me, laughs, then looks serious, he told, made me, said, hollie, Jesus, whispers to hollie, instructs, alright said hollie, that, said, hollie, from picture frame, Jesus looks at, and that, she said, pointed, clapped, hollie smiles, tear up, man, hollie, said, hollie, turns, snaps, fingers, cliked, heels, snapped, tada, agin, snap, its from, a, new, behind, she said, snap, fingers, turn, kick, blow, snap, again, kick, turn, she said, snap, tada, showed, 3-27-2009-let me record, said, hollie, thats dr. jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, what does he want, said rev. jeremy taylor d.min, student shows visions, you stole ministry of dreams jeremy taylor and call yourself ordained unitarian universalist minister, shut up said m.a. jeremy taylor phd, thats m.a. jeremy taylor jung shaking yes, ruint, from wisdom university over, students find out, show dr. jim garrison, yeah I knew said jim garrison, both get, remove says matthew fox, shakes yes, knew, hollie shows, record, and, I showed you that, she said, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope, and who are they hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, cuba, hollie shows raul castrol, yeah ill do, signs, mexico coming out of lighted head, signing, thats hintao, rubbing chin, smiling, signs, china attacks washington state, thats hu riding red horse, appears, hand snaps fingers, china, launches missile, strikes taiwan, burn, hu signs, hugo, yeah, I do, signs, says, no, thats missile from venezuelan waters striking u.s.a., and thats nuclear explosion in venezuela, hollie, points, raise your rocket, she sang, thats brazil exploding, lula signs, theres kim jong, let me, let me said putin and medvedev, kim shakes, yes, yeah I do, there you have it, said, hollie, seven heads, thats ten horns with pope inside, said, hollie, out comes putin, medvedev, hollie showed, there you have it, its uh ruling party, scene explodes, loose belt sumb, said, hollie, that, was, Jesus, like, a, Light Man, said, hollie, hollie smiles, hollie shows record, look, at, that, said, hollie, like cartoon character, duncan rouleau said ted turner, out, duncan rouleau shakes yes, its cause you stole ministry of dreams said, hollie, man of action series cancelled, the nightmarist weeps blood, dont go home, said, bear, and bear licked prophet, im him, said, bear, putin, thats, putin, with, 3 ribs, in, mouth, hollie showed, with, uh, stick, beat, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, said, hollie, exploded, thats missiles leaving thier waters, america, nuked, hollie points, fireball in u.s.a., let me record, said, hollie, this is the website post, said, hollie, hollie appears, bobby, thats mexico, said, hollie, medvedev, hey, ill give you, he said, signs, o.k., said, president, thats russian subs, moving near, mexico, fired, missiles, thats, america, firing interceptors, thats, more missiles being fired from other russians subs, they are, u.s.a. explodes, thats missile defence getting some, hollie points, explosions from interceptors striking missiles, thats, barack obama, being informed, o.k. lets launch, he, presses nuclear button, thats, many, minuteman 3 missiles, ohio class subs firing tridents, thats russia exploding, then, medvedev strikes n.a.t.o., thats france exploding, australia, britain, italy, thats missiles from all, striking russia, exploded, world shakes, up rise the beast, said, hollie, thats captain, hollie, in, british vanguard sub, firing, and, french, russia exploded, it was uh dream, laughed, hollie dream, night vision, laughs, bob dreams, sitting at table, bobby knight was there, bob was with mans daughter, she was young, there were four people sitting at table, a man shoots two, scene scatters, bob again is with mans daughter, tries to tell her Jesus told him that he was unaccountable, she shows with hand, go, on, bob, in heart mocks her as he walks, record, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, hollie shows record, hollie shows, record, shows, she loves Jesus, kissed, hollie showed, turn, go, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats man that started complex fire in indianapolis, cost thirty seven million, he laughs, in prison, they leave alone, homeless, keeping warm, this is not hollie talking, this is the website talking, post, said, hollie, hollie in fire, now look, said, hollie, its akula agin, she, said, fired missiles, yeah, said, sub, russia, strikes, n.a.t.o., exploded, bobby said hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, and restore, rip, snap fingers, tear, both, hollie showed, record, u.s.a. economic collapse, thats barack obama shaking yes, this is warning, said, hollie, 3-28-2009-trust me said Jesus, I said that to people own destruction, tempting, let me said hollie, showed, the, beast, and who is it, said, hollie, pope, hes, with, seven heads, hollie said, kings, hollie appears, showed, eat, showed, ford escort gt, its, uh, smart car, she, said, thats, said, hollie, president of mexico popping out of lighted head, theres lula, hollie said, yeah ill, give me, said, raul castrol, signs, give medvedev, said, hollie, this is waring, said, hollie, mexico, she said, signs, yeah, ill, give me, mexican president says, thats, russian subs approaching mexico, firing missiles, u.s.a. explodes, that was hu hintao, riding the red horse, china, attacks, thats hand snapping fingers, taiwan explodes, from, hollie points, yellow missile, thats, washington state, being, attacked, its, from, using, terrorists said hintao, comes out of head, that was hollie, like, cartoon character, showing, nicaragua, president, coming out of head, nicaragua explodes, thats, missiles leaving thier waters, striking u.s.a., thats, hollie, like cat, thats, leopard, she said, showed, hu, japan, north, south, korea, there you have it she said, pope, said, hollie, thats, the, ticket, she said, rides black horse, russia explodes, this is website, post, said, hollie, this is uh warning, said, hollie, this is uh warning, said, hollie, that, she said, bob said hollie, post, record, said, hollie, prophet hickman, she said, sandy wiped lips, its, the, simb, showed, popes picture, tear up, said, hollie, and, restore, but, wrong, sh, she said, 3-29-2009-you need to let me, record, said, hollie, and, I, showed, she, said, hollie appears, thats popes, hes, antichrist, im the beast, he said, with, seven heads and ten horns, thats them tap dancing, its hu, hollie, said, thats china attacking washington state, use terrorists, said, false prophet hu hintao, hand snaps fingers, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, thats, yellow missile with hollie riding, strikes taiwan, burns, thats the president of mexico, hollie shows, no, way, with big hands, thats mexican president signing with medvedev, like raul castrol, signs, thats, medvedev, with contract, russian subs approach mexico, thats nicaragua, shaking yes, signing, thats nicaragua exploding, thats, hugo chavez, yeah, ill, give me, he said, signs, lula, shakes, yes, but dreads, thats, nuclear explosions in latin and south america, its from, im uh bear, said, hollie, in, her, its, akula, agin, she said, fired, missiles, hollie dancing, leave it alone, she said, yeah, she shook, showed, record, pontiff, appears, hes, antichrist with seven heads, ten horns, thats, mexico, popping out of head, yeah, ill, give me, he said, thats two russian subs, approaching mexico, firing missiles, then from cuba, thats america exploding, thats, look, said, hollie, woman coming out of fire, hollie shows, raise your hands and repeat after me, its statue of liberty, hollie salutes, bobby, said, hollie, thats hollie looking thru periscope, sees statue of liberty, gabriel pours out vial, hollie, launches, thats new york exploding, then world shakes, thats hollie showing many nuclear fires all over america, and captain Father in, its, hollie, looks, submarine, fired missiles, thats hollie, on, telephone, its, cnn, she said, they, reported, that, the, war, turned, nuclear, thats, gaza, iraq, exploding, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing in sub, firing, missiles, gaza exploded, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats many nuclear fires in iraq, Jesus sprinkles, bear grow, arise, devour much flesh, bear looks, hunt uuh said, hollie, its bear, not, not barack, thats, russia, attacking, from subs, hollie watches, missiles, fighter jets, many n.a.t.o. nations, explode, world shakes, hollie, showed, record, this is submarine, post, look, said, hollie, it, rained, submarines, thats, hollie, looking for hollie showed, in sub, thats, hollie in the fire, bobby, said, hollie, showed, oil, its, leading, to, armageddon, thats, hollie oil, get, she said, thats, hollie looking for oil, hollie tore up, the, concious, hollie said, put back, tear, hands, turned, tap danced, now look, tada, she said, silhouette, said, hollie, like silhouette, then face appears, in, out, this is warning, said, hollie, this is not the website talkin, this is hollie talking, post, submarine, somby, said, hollie, hollie appears, hollie showed, Cleophus, thats Shawn, tyson, said, hollie, what does he want, let me pocket lucre said Cleophus Shawn Tyson, thats, him, pocketing, tithes, offerings, mooching, conning, telling people to donate, sacrifice, thats, shawn tyson showing cut off, never, saved, but pastoring, this is what I want, said, C. Shawn Tyson, hollie watchs shawn have sex with woman, shawn git outta here said krista tyson, you are uh witch, said krista tyson with dyed hair, and shawn tyson shakes yes, like thier mother ruth tyson, both, saith God, Jesus showed, Christ church apostolic, rubbed chin, close, said, Jesus, with lighted finger, when you see, said, hollie, lets git outta here, said, krista tyson, thats ruth tyson with red hair, at AENON BIBLE COLLEGE, shes, never, repented, but, in, high place, thats, president, sanford, looking, at, visions, thrust her out, saith the Lord, thats, sanford being put out, of AENON BIBLE COLLEGE, its cause, they, are, failing, to, attract, hollie appears, thats, alome, salarrie, said, hollie, you did not want me, said, hollie, its, uh, double blader, said, hollie, copter, thats, the, alome, saleem, said, hollie, sandy, wipes, lips, its, simb, she said, hollie bear, appears, im uh bear father, she said, thats, him, she, said, pointed, putin, with 3 ribs, and who are, they, hollie said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hollie showed, 3 ribs, in, mouth, putin, hollie bear, appears, it was bruce ismay hollie said, speed he told edward smith, hit iceberg, sank, that, was, said, hollie, that, hollie said, indianapolis exploding, its from, im uh bear, said, hollie bear, hollie laughs, slaps, face, putin, appears, hollie bear, licks prophet, many nations explode, hollie shows, fleas appears, shakes, yes, i knewem, she said, bobby, this is website, post, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, no, with big hands, then, yes, from, behind, she, said, snapped fingers, clicked, heel, snapped, fingers, tada, showed, the, beast, im him said pontiff, this is website, post, said, hollie, hollie showed, titanic, do, she said, speed, this is not the website, talking, this is hollie talking, post, like white, hollie, record, the vision, said, hollie, submarine, she said, 3-30-2009-hey remus wright, let me record, said, hollie, points, at, dr. remus wright with dyed hair like his pastor cleophus, shawn tyson, said, hollie, they are witchs, she said, but, thats shawn tyson pocketing tithes, bobby, this is how you get lucre said hollie, prophesy, said, c. shawn tyson with dyed hair, hes, thats cleophus shawn tyson showing cut off, its because you were wierd, said shawn, tyson, attacks prophet ministry of dreams, o, said, mia wright, now she wants, but, speaks blasphemy, its wrong we never said remus wright, but, witchs, saith God, theres james e. tyson with dyed hair and his ruthy, shes aenon bible college, witch, said, Jesus, o said krista tyson with dyed hair, witch said hollie, all tysons, but, except john, said, hollie, hes, trying, will get thru, said, Jesus, but, needs, will get, thats shawn tyson becoming jelous cause, james, lavern tyson is brought in to, accept, said james tyson, thats Laverne Tyson, thinking about it, his New Beginning Ministries International is closing, said james laverne tyson, accept, said, Jesus, just let me think about it, said, laverne tyson, no, said, me the Lord, I told you to take Christ church apostolic when james tyson dies, he will give it to you, now here the word of the Lord, bob will come if you want to help, but, not, lead, pastor, but, pray, thats james laverne tyson shaking, i will, he said, let it close said james lavern tyson, thats New Beginning, Ministries International, it will not cover, thats laverne tyson shaking, no, but, accepts, I can see said blind daughter tyson, its after the witch, said, hollie, james tyson dies, you got your wish said Jesus, james wanted her, as a toy, thats ruth tyson smiling, with red hair, witchtress, said, Jesus, but bob loves, thats young man showing james laverne tyson visions, record, the vision, said, hollie, what was that, she, said, its, pope, she said, theres hu, hintao, tear up, thats, them, signing, its uh peace treaty, hollie said, 666, appears, that, said, hollie, nuclear fires in russia, china, I showed, she said, that, said, hollie, pope riding, black horse, russia exploded, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, that, word, showed ministry of dreams she said, has over 500,000 visions and dreams, that, hollie, said, on, internet, hollie, showed, its, record, that, said, hollie, is born, that, hollie said, put, antichrist, she said, its cause i'm the beast, pope said, with seven heads and ten horns, that hollie said, mexico pops out of lighted head, yeah, i'll, give me, said president of mexico, Felipe De Jesus CALDERON Hinojosa, hollie showed, no way, Jesus in president Hinojosas name, hollie looks at Jesus, come on, said, Jesus, he stole, they all do, said, person, signs, give gimme arsenal, said, medvedev, alright, said, putin, its cause im sworn in, said, dmitry medvedev, alright, said, vladimir, said, medvedev, come on, leaves, with, intentions of killing him, thats, why vlad is still there, he has nuclear arsenal, its cause medvedev wants, war, said, medvedev, thats, henry, gruver, laughing, its fulfilled, he said, said, hollie, two russian, subs approach mexico, that, hollie, said, subs fire missiles, its akula agin, said, hollie, thats, captain, hollie, in, his, its ohio class, said, hollie and Jesus, fires, missiles, thats, russia exploding, thats cleophus shawn tyson, what made me speak blasphemy said shawn tyson, he, wrote, said krista tyson, guess who knows, she said, alright said elder c. shawn tyson, hes, thrust him out, said, Jesus, thats shawn tyson showing cut off, its lava for me said cleophus shawn tyson, what made you see, said, hollie, when you see, made me tremble said cleophus, shawn, tyson, what made me, said, shawn tyson, I shouldve closed my mouth, its cause you were ministry of dreams and I wanted to abase, he said, thats, missiles striking, venezuela, thats, lula, signing, yeah ill, give me, said, lula, just put it right there said raul castrol, hes like, said, hollie, the mexican president, do away with, said mexican president, the u.s.a., showed, hollie, that, hollie said, lula, pops out of lighted head, that, said, hollie, tore up, shook, yes, then, no, big hands, that, she said, moved foot, that, she said, snapped fingers, clicked, fingers, again, again, right there, said, hollie, its, hollie, submarine, yeah, she, said, fired, missiles, its, akula, agin, hollie, said, and look who it struck, hollie, said, many, nations, exploded, hollie showed, france, said, hollie, exploded, italy, boom, two nuclear explosions, great britain, exploded, yeah alright said prime minister gordon brown, he dont want it said hollie, hes, thats, him showing cut off, its for him pointed gordon brown, to late said hollie, and he saw, said, casey, cleophus, shawn, tyson appear, kna, he said, but, cant, get thru said shawn tyson, shakes, sees, made me tremble, wants to call police, but, true, knows, its cause its my word said hollie, thats shawn tyson looking, something made me preach, he said, knows, God, does, not, tell, him, he falsely, prophesys, in my name, thats people from Christ church apostolic looking at it, get out of here said shawn tyson, hes, rich, said hollie, thou fool, said, Jesus, its, shawn shows pocket full, millions, preaching the gospel, he, was, smarter then most, saith the LOrd, he got lost christians to pay him to preach to them, there goes australia, u.s.a., bill clinton presses nuclear button, world shakes, thats, russia exploding, and up rose the beast, said, hollie, its, pope, pontiff, she said, he knows, she said, it made me tremble, said, pope, lets go to russia, he tells vatican, yeah, o.k., they do, this is warning, said, hollie, russia, explodes, its from nuclear n.a.t.o., said, hollie, thats many missiles, she said, coming from, france, subs, britain, theres ohio class, showering thermo, nukes, on moscow, theres, australia, sending missiles, theres 3 from italy, boom, said, hollie, russia, exploded, there pope riding black horse, into, moscow, theres cleophus, shawn tyson, looking, at, prophecy said shawn tyson, its cut off, he said, but, not from, ministry of dreams sang gene simmons, of, KISS, they are, dying, old, but, still, world shakes, up, rises, the beast, hollie said, this is not the website talkin, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, its, simb man, she said, appears, that, was, tear up, and restore again said, hollie, rip, hollie snapped, fingers, its, simb man, like, light wave, hes, looks, smiles, from behind, said, hollie, clicked heels, snapped fingers, danced, hands, front, tada, hollie, showed, eat, hollie, showed, record, that, was, hollie, with, captain, smith, hes, at fault, speed said titanic actor captain edward smith, ismay, said, smith, you, you gonna make me said, captain, smith, yes shakes bruce ismay, its over, retire, bob, said, hollie, showed, titanic, I, saw, the, scene unfold, said, Jesus, built, by, thomas andrews, they, did not, think, thats Jesus laughing, if it would have hit iceberg straight on, would have totalled the front hundred feet, bent, but, still, would, have, floated, for, about, 3 hours, paris, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear fireball in paris, thats, eiffel tower melting, thats captain smith, its my fault, he said, its, bruce ismay, he said, speed, I wanted my job said captain edward smith, they would have fired anyway, its, the olympic, he crashed, said, hollie, hit ship, that was dr. jeremy taylor in the fire for stealing ministry of dreams, diana hughey appears with rev. jeremy taylor d.min in fire, theres all the thieves of ministry of dreams with jon sawyer, I spoke it, said, Jesus, created, they stole, ph.d. jeremy taylor u.u. an ordained unitarian minister wanted to strip prophets salvation, now theres kathyrn taylor in fire for taking the name ministry of dreams, theres tristy taylor appearing in lava, no, said, tristy taylor m.a., theres gina rose halpern, rev. amy brucker, jim garrison, susan and richard rosen, all, in, lake of fire, hollie showed, record, its cause of you said hollie showed, yeah I got it said m.a. jeremy taylor d.min, hollie shows MINISTRY OF DREAMS, its, spoken, she said, right there, Jesus appears, call it, he said, miNIstry of dreams, does, doctor jeremy taylor runs to remove, thats, russians subs all around america, then you will said Jesus, thats rev. jeremy taylor u.u. looking, something made me look at it said reverend jeremy taylor ph.d., and I showed, you, that, she, said, pope appears, hes the beast, hollie said, with seven heads and ten horns, said, Jesus, nuclear war, said, Jesus, thats, hollie, showing iraq, gaza, two nuclear explosions, bush grunts, both, appear, we, wanted, they, looked at each, oil contracts, thats both president george bushs in fire with thier wives, and, children, one laughs, thats them all looking at visions with children dying in iraq, submarine, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, its, akula, agin, she said, fired, missiles, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, this is not hollie talkin, this is titanic talking, appears, post, hollie, thats alome, salime, said, hollie, sandy, wipes, lips, its simb, she said, israel, said, Jesus, hollie points, nuclear fireball, help me said old woman, smiling, then, sad, hollie dream laughs, bob, high in air, in, between, like, window, frames, standing on edges, of window wood frames, bob calls police, from, its cell phone, said, hollie, for help, then bob pulls out windows, breaks, they drop below, people there, bob many hundred feet up, bob hides, once inside, police, come inside, find, bob hides in like partial desk, they comment, I wonder where he is, why, man in, hollie dream laughs, back off that shit, he said, and let me give uh dream sang randy travis, hollie dream laughs, it was, she said, night vision, this is o, said, hollie, warning, Brian Lane is cut off, u.p.c.i. pastor Brian Lane never saved, but preaches, hollie showed, record, and I showed, you, that, she said, stamped, hit stick, explosion, hollie shows submarine, im uh submarine, sub, said, this is website, post, said, hollie, and, hollie, licked prophet, that, was, the, main ministering spirit, hollie, showing, record, putin, said Brian l. Lane, shows, come on, but, we are under attack said cecil tingley, thats u.s.a. exploding, and, its pastor, said, hollie, Brian Lane looking, I made ya look, said, Jesus, appeared, said, hollie, thats, trembling, brian, l., lane, lets get police said mrs. lane, knaw, said Brian Lane, knows, its cause hes uh witch, said, Jesus, call them witchs to their faces, its the lanes of liberty tabernacle upci, both, cut off saith God, 3-31-2009-hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, said, hollie, put back, rip, more kings appeared, hollie said, shut up, its new world order, tap dancing, said, hollie, its, theres hu, hollie said, im the beast, said, pontiff, its with seven heads, and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, hu is, false prophet, appears over, thats, pope and hu, both beasts, planning, hey if you take the land, said, boris yeltsin, its right here, said, hu hintao, king of the south, thats, missile from china, taiwan, exploded, thats, washington state, use, terrorists, said, hu hintao, thats little war going on in washington state, thats, captain hollie, surfacing, in three ohio class subs, its magog, said, hollie, showered china with thermo nukes said hollie, and hollie stands by explosions, looks afraid, looks, laughs, he made me do it, she said, hugs Jesus, theres president of mexico coming out of lighted head, he has Jesus in his name, no way, said, hollie, thats lula, chavez, both, coming out of lighted heads, yeah, Ill, if you give me, said, raul castrol, signs, thats, russian subs approaching mexico, cuba, nicaragua, exploded, thats nicaraguan president signing, coming out of lighted head, he signs with medvedev, leaves, thats missiles, its, akula, agin, said, hollie, thats, hollie, tap dancing, kim jong comes out of lighted head, thats kim jong pressing nuclear button, thats, russia, china, south korea exploding, let me rule, the world, said, putin, its, over, said, medvedev, presses nuclear button, north korea exploded, thats, hollie, watches, missile from u.s.a. sub, striking north korea, thats medvedev pressing nuclear button, thats subs, all around, u.s.a., thats fighter jet dropping nuclear bombs, thats, american jets going up, attacking, russian jet explodes, many missiles, fired, u.s.a. wins, but, destroyed, thats, hollie, from high in air, watching nuclear explosions all over, america, thats russia, bear rises, strikes nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, thats britain and france exploding, firing back, captain hollie, in, british and french submarines, shower russia with missiles, world shakes, thats, massive explosion, and thats the pope riding black horse, italy, exploded, thats australia exploding, pontiff goes to russia, speaks lies, they give kingdom, its no way, said hu hintao, thats, nuclear explosions, drive them out said pontiff, in russia, china, hollie, shows, thats, hegoat smiting ram, putin, hu, come out of horns, and, pope in the middle, hes grecia said holle, leave me alone, said, hollie, its, mia, wright, appearing, with blond hair, shes, dark, said, hollie, but, pastors, like, her, friend, hollie, said, remus, wright, bobby, said, kenneth haney, thats, him, thats, ken, haney, pointing, at brian, l., lane, in, o so you, switches suits, said, hollie, brian, lane, wearing dark suit, in fire, looking stunned, but laughs, shakes, yes, in, fire, wife appears next to, who is, putting these on said pastor, brian, lane, thats prophet posting, brian, l., lane, is cut off, its, the, words, said, hollie, Jesus, whispers to bob, attack, brian, l., lane, you made me speak blasphemy, said, shawn, tyson, thats, cleophus, shawn, tyson, making prophet, mused, commanding, in, the, name of Jesus, that, was, said, elder c., shawn, tyson, but later, bob, says, Holy Ghost feels like body your perfect size coming in, shawn, tyson, trembles, it made me afraid, said hair dyer cleophus, shawn, tyson, hey, lets git the, said shawn, tyson, but, it was rude, said shawn, its on, video tape, shawn tyson speaking blasphemy against the HOly Ghost, it was the devil inside of you said shawn tyson, hes blasphemes the Holy Ghost, he, commands, rebukes, it, said, Jesus, in front, of his crowd, thousands, most heard, heres what they thought in heart, thats shawn tyson messing with the wrong dude, Christ church apostolic is closing said krista tyson, thats james edison tyson being given envelope with a check for over eight thousand dollars from a.b.s.a. collections, shawn tyson calls for sacrificial, its offering, said, shawn, thats, james tyson pocketing a.b.s.a. sacrificial offering, thats them warning james tyson, its him again, Jesus whispers, all p.a.w. is cut off, he said, none saved, but like shawn tyson just did, pockets lucre, now hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, appeared, showed, hollie, Christ church apostolic, dont tithe there, pay them, make it so the tysons can pocket, live free like james tyson does, thats, james e. tyson being place in marion county jail, pastors Christ temple, thats g.t. haywood, shaking no, thats james e. tyson pocketing money, when all offerings go owner of Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, hes witch, never saved, but, loosing money, its, cause, his friend, pointed, Jesus, now pastoring, bob, protects, that, said, hollie, that o black chariot, red on other side, pulled by angry horses, hollie, gets, on, theres black and red horses, pulling chariot, of eight kings, that rise against america, babylon is fallen says man, hollie shows, no way, it was, Gods angel, thats, hu hintao, dressed like warrior, and pontiff, lets rule, he, said, lula, chavez, castrol, thats, putin, pope comes out of his, mexico, nicaragua, kim jong, there you have it, said, hollie, theres, popes face in horn, its, uh, ruling, party, said, hollie, thats putin, medvedev coming out, its, duma, said, hollie, clapped, there you have it, hollie, said, hollie lowered on rope, you did not want me, and, cleophus shawn tyson ministries appears, devil warned you said Jesus, thats shawn tyson, if you come to Christ church apostolic ill put you out, shawn tyson wants prophet cast out of all pentecostal assemblies of the world churches, its cause, of him, I spoke blasphemy, said cleophus, shawn tyson, with dyed hair, theres my submarine, said, hollie, now look, she said, sub had eyes, hollie shows ministry of dreams, he, spoke, it, she said, call it Ministry Of Dreams, thats rev. jeremy taylor from starr king school for the ministry teaching Jesus stealing from christian, thats dr. rebecca ann parker demoted said Jesus, like reverend, rev. amy brucker, cause they, helped, dr. jeremy taylor to thier own destruction, now look, said, hollie, submarine, appears, with eyes, captain hollie, in, fired, missiles, hollie, showed, record, no, way, with, big hands, shook, yes, brian l. lane appears, name and brian lane, hes not saved, worried, trembling, bob, is, with, brian, lane, and, gets withstood, by reverend brian lane, sees, visions, on net, bob, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, and, I showed you that, she said, pope, she said, taiwan, said, Jesus, and he saw, pointed, casey, taiwan, explode, thats, captain, hollie, all around magog, which is china, she said, with nuclear armed, ohio class subs, shower, missiles on china, exploded, hollie, appears, that, was, she, said, submarine sound, prowling, thats, captain hollie, in, its akula, agin, she said, bobby, this is website, post, said, hollie, its, hollie, showed, simb man, this is what the website said, post said hollie, thats, hollie, driving titanic, your a looser because you trusted me, I will make you loose your salvation to mock you, bob I dont care about you and I want you to know it, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, 4-1-2009-let me record, said, hollie, showed, what did I show, said, hollie, showed, the, popes picture, tear up, look, put back, but not the right, way, said, hollie, thats, showed, hollie, that, o, black, and red chariot, pulled by, what are these, said, hollie, sat on, angry black and red horses, thats the two beasts, pope, hu, hollie, on, top, jumped inside, its, in, the, back, said, hollie, saw, putin, planning, had, 3 ribs, in mouth, and who are they, said, hollie, cuba, thats cuba exploding, nicaragua, mexico, thats, all 3 exploding, thats, showed, hollie, missiles, from, thier waters, striking, america, exploded, fire, submarine somb, said, hollie, sub, had eyes, fired, missiles, and look, who, it, struck, said, hollie, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. nations exploding, thats, captain, hollie, in, her, sub, fired, missiles, thats, many, missiles striking russia, exploded, this is warning, said, hollie, thats russian, subs, approaching mexico, fired missiles, thats, look, who it, struck, said, hollie, america, exploded, thats, many nuclear rockets from u.s.a. flying striking russia, thats, brazil, with, two nuclear fires, hollie showed, latin america on fire, world shakes, hey bob let me said hollie, theres uh submarine, right there, said, hollie, that, was, lighted, bear paw, two, she said post that vision, and, make it plain, hollie, showed, the pope, she said, picture, tear up, thats simb man, said, hollie, light wave, hollie sees new ministering spirit, its Jesus like wild man, and hollie showed, record, said, hollie, main ministering spirit appears, sandy wipes lips, simb, hollie said, post, that, vision, said, Jesus, thats the uhnome saneem, said, hollie, sandy, wipes lips, its simb, russia, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, the, antichrist appear, its pope, hes the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats pontiffs face in side horn, italy, little horn, thats, lamb with two horns, hu, japan, kings, pop out, worship the beast said hu hintao, thats, them signing, the mark treaty, its 666, thats, them at table, lying, laughing, thats hegoat with pope in middle, hu, japan come out of horns, charges, smites ram, hollie, shows, russia, china, nuking each, hollie showed many nuclear explosions in russia, and china, thats, the, pope, riding black horse, to russia, signs, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america said hollie, thats, the, new world order tap dancing, said, hollie, theres, hu, she, said, emporer of north korea, lula, chavez, castrol, mexico, putin, thats, nicaragua, there, said, hollie, seven heads, thats president of mexico coming out of head, then, lula, all, thats, hu hintao angry, out of head, pope comes out of putin-medvedevs head, taiwan, said, hollie, pointed, burning, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, thats, washington state being attacked, attack it by using terrorists said hu hintao, this is hollie, standing by nuclear explosion in china, hollie waves from ohio class submarine, 3, shower china with trident nuclear missiles, exploded, thats scene changing, medvedev, alright, ill git outta here, said, putin, thats, dmitry medvedev pressing nuclear button, thats, showed, hollie, world, many nuclear missiles, thats, Jesus sprinkling, bear arises, devours, many countries explode, thats missiles from them all, subs, fighter jets, striking russia, exploded, thats, the, pontiff, rising, leave it alone, right there, said, hollie, thats iraq, gaza, exploding, Jesus, sprinkles, to bear, arise, kill, bear looks at america, strikes, u.s.a., exploded, thats, many, minuteman 3 nuclear missiles showering russia, thats seven ohio class subs, launching 37 multiple warhead nuclear trident missiles, russia exploded, there, said, hollie, many nuclear fires, in, record, the, vision, said, hollie, ministry of dreams website appears, phil davis hates Jesus so much he wont remove ministryofdreams from his dudleys dream youtube, its Dudley Boone, hes, Jesus, look at him angry, remove, does, when you see, said, hollie, thats Dudley Boone removing ministryofdreams, jon sawyer is gonna remove ministry of dreams openly mocked said Jesus, man shows jon sawyer visions, then he removes ministry of dreams, thats jeremy taylor, d.min removing ministry of dreams, its titanic agin said hollie bear, on, im him, hollie, bear, said, putin appears, 3 ribs in mouth, and who are they, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, scene explodes, bob dreams, sees, stereo receiver, hollie dream laughs, its, panasonic, bob, was, interested, talked, they told bob they wanted what they were asking, about 89, he said, thats, dollars, hollie dream, bob looks at again, sees, l.e.d. power meters, wants, bob wanted to give about 50, bob dreams, riding in, car, long trip, buy, hollie appears, let me record, said, hollie, this is hollie, with that, o, loose, belt, sound, whats that said, hollie, its, double blader, let down, hollie, you did not want me, he said, left, this is warning, said, hollie, black horse, laughs, then, red, models, hu, pope, ride, thats them clashing, china, russia, nuking each, thats them signing at table, 666, hollie in fire, smiling, leave it alone, said, hollie, MP3Shake owner steals modifies ministry of dreams, its Michael Robertson said hollie, thats Michael Robertson running to remove, this is hollie tearing up the concious, with pen, paper, write the vision, no, said, hollie, big hands, yes, she, shook, im thru with, it, yes, from behind, she said, let me, alone, said, hollie, Jesus, folds hands, does sign teem, looks at chior, out of whirlwind, at zion tabernacle apostolic church, submarine, said, hollie, sandy, wiped lips, simb, fired missiles, and look who it struck, said, hollie, nuclear n.a.t.o. she said exploded, that, said, hollie, gabriel checks oil with hands, thick, slick, keep, 4-2-2009-hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, record, go to church, thats, hollie, at zion tabernacle apostolic faith church, bob let me, said, hollie, what did dmitry want, said, Jesus, he wanted, said, hollie, to remove, missile, there, defence, barack, says, yeah, o.k., lets do, but, showed, picture, its, the beast with seven and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, thats mexico president coming out of lighted, head, nunt uuh, said, hollie, he, has, Jesus, in his name, but, hes, uh witch, she said, like his reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u. for stealing, taking said kathy taylor, ministry of dreams, yes shakes tristy taylor, now hear the word of the LOrd, they are, bobby, shut up, said, hollie, ruint, like Michael Robertson will, said, Jesus, thats Michael Robertson looking at, your page, said, Jesus, he, shruggs, yeah I wanted to take it said Michael Robertson, removes, openly mocked, theres hu, hes false prophet, theres lula, coming out of lighted head, that, was, hollie, showing popes picture, tear up, and, restore, rip, then, hu appears, in cart, dressed like uh warrior angel, babylon is fallen, said, man, thats eight kings appearin said hollie, theres, lula, chavez, castrol, nicaragua, mexico, kim jong, there you have it, showed, hollie, and the beast, said, hollie, appears, pope, she said, that, was, hollie, tearing up, the, con spirit, said, the main, ministering spirit, hollie, and hollie claps, lighted hand, two, this was hollie showing mtx stereo speakers, excellent, this was hollie appearing, that, was lighted hands, tear up, that, was, man, said, and Jesus, im thru with it, said, hollie, loose belt sound, thats, pocket change some, said, the main ministering, im hollie, that, was, the main, pointing, at, pope, she said, picture, loose belt sound is back, said, hollie, this is website, post, said, hollie, you want me, said, hollie, let down, on rope, its, double blader, copter, hapache, fired, russia exploded, hollie, in, side, let me go bob and after people see you in sin ill bring you back, I want to make you embarrased, so, im strong and your weak, I hate myself for torturing innocent people, almost every eye blink I tighten your eye muscles, cause your penus to move from flowing on, torture, because you are perfect I am jelous just like JOB, I told JOB to perish, 4-2-3-4-2009-im uh website, said, hollie, thats, the aleem, salarie, said, Jesus, and hollie, submarines are right there, pointed, hollie, theres uh submarine, russian, approaching mexico, fired missiles, thats, america, exploding, along, gulf coasts, thats, dmitry medvedev, whispering, lets go behind there, barack obama says, alright, ill here ya, medvedev tells, we want out iraq oil contracts, thats, obama saying, let iraq, honor said medvedev, barack obama says, thats, captain hollie, surfacing in submarine, thats, gaza, exploding, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats, hollie showing many nuclear fires in iraq, Jesus, sprinkles, thats, bear, growing angry, looks, thats, putin, pointed bear, in submarine, lets shower, said, vladimir, thats, sub firing missiles, striking america, n.a.t.o. nations, thats, hollie, showing many nuclear fires, in, those lands, and missiles from them heading for russia, thats, russia exploding, thats missiles heading for u.s.a., alaska explodes, twice, thats subs around america, firing, missiles, barack obama presses nuclear button, then u.s.a. explodes, thats, minuteman 3 rockets taking off, russia, exploded, theres, smoke, blocking, sun, moon, for 16 hours, world shakes, thats the pontiff, riding black horse to russia, signs, gets control, flatter, he said, thats, hegoat charging, smiting, ram, with, putin, hu, coming out, of horns, thats, hollie, by nuclear explosion, he made me, she said, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, thats, hollie, riding, yellow missile, taiwan, exploded, thats, hu, on, missile, washington state being attacked, war, said, hu, use terrorists said hu hintao, with, alome, hollie wipes lips, uhneem, thats, hollie surfacing in 3 ohio class subs, firing, missiles, china, exploded, iraq, said, Jesus, you brought judgment to amexico, said, hollie, thats, nuclear fires in latin america, and, south america, thats, hollie, in her, submarine, firing missiles, its akula agin, she said, thats new alome uhneem, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, simb, write the vision, said, hollie, tear up, had pen, paper, put back, danced, rip, snap, fingers, you know, said, hollie, from behind, she showed, thats, hollie, like, a, bear, said, hollie, tear up, wrestle, toy, put back, thats, hollie, bear with horace smith in between bear paws, hes, wanting bob to, be nice said dr. horace smith, bob shakes, yes, thats, hollie with the mokse, placing on zion tabernacle apostolic church, thats hollie singing titanic song, people love, still watch, thats model of sunken titanic, with submarine said, hollie, two, that ruint that show, cause unreal, looking, is it true, said, horace smith, yes, shakes, shawn tyson, I want you in there, pointed, horace smith with red finger, door opened, prayer alter appeared, I spoke blasphemy said shawn tyson, thats shawn tyson saying to bob, cause bob laughs at what cleophus shawn tyson says, I command you satan in Jesus name, come out, said, c. shawn tyson, its, an, open, rebuke, horace smith says let get it in there, at office bob and c. shawn tyson, they like each other, quit this fighting, then, said dr. horace smith, hes, pentecostal assemblies of the world, leader, said, hollie, he thinks you need to leave shawn tyson alone, said, Jesus, bob, will, cause, horace prayed, its cause we needed money said krista tyson, shawn evangelizes, thats, was james, e. tyson, looking at pulpit, with him in wearing white robe, its, cool, come on, let me, look at it said reverend horace smith, Christ Church apostolic empties, james edison tyson had school built, costing most of his bank account, now going broke, record, the vision, said, hollie, horace smith appears, thinks, we are needing to love, he does not want to meet with you, said, Jesus, horace smith, bob, thinks, its, not necessary, horace smith, bob thinks has his own deal, theres uh building said horace smith, buy, bring into p.a.w., we want you said dr. horace smith, bob would, but wants somebody else to pastor, when you see, said, hollie, horace smith behind closed doors, reads visions, bob will not pastor cause hes prophesying, thats, fellowship of the Father, thats, staying in visions, all the time, horace, knew, let me pastor said horace smith, all of p.a.w., we know he said, bob, thats, nigger, said, hollie, bob, loves, black people, wont leave grace apostolic church, you knew said horace smith, thats, pastor of grace indy laughing, bob, avoids, conflict, meetings, horace smith reads, likes, leaves, lets do something said horace smith, casey points, bob place hands on on horace smiths back, you know you need it said dr. horace, smith, thats what I need he said, bob thinks horace smith doesnt even regard, he doesnt, bob thinks, thats the way it should be, my goodness said horace smith, its cause he loves, said, hollie, thats bob with Jesus inside placing hands on horace smith, thats what you need, said bob hickman, wearing whhite robe, come on said worried looking horace smith, smiles, with mouth, but dreads in heart, thats, horace smith at what, bob said, more, he does not know that bob is, thats horace looking stunned, if horace spoke to grace, they would all say, you will want to fuck, if you give him a chance to talk to you, hes, comedian, he says what he says funny, not cracking jokes, horace thinks, alright, lets not, bob fills p.a.w. should have black, over it, thats, bishop g.t. haywood smiling, let me record, said hollie, showed, its here, judgment to america, when you see said hollie, horace smith said, lets meet, bob would drive to chicago, but doesnt want horace to think he should stop and meet with, thats bob in chicago looking at horace smith, thats, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, in lake michigan, fired, thats big nuclear explosion in, its by cnn tower, then sub turns, many nuclear explosions in illinois, thats horace smith reading, I wanted people to sacrfice to me and then perish anyway because it was funny to me, hollie, laughs, Jesus appears, white robe, theres dave, said hollie, dave martin in fire, hollie appears, I want you to run from me like I wanted JOB, to ruin, I will laugh if you do, cause you wasted your time, fast till death, and Ill, either, let you die or stop, and fix, this is to ruin servants, cause I mock them while torturing, I drove and lead you to suicide, I hated you, 4-5-2009-let me alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, she said, fired on the thieves of the name I spoke ministry of dreams, they all ran to remove, too late said Jesus, for you, dr. jeremy taylor and his david garcia, bobby, let me show you uh picture, said, hollie, who's that, she said, showed, pope, tear up, go to top, look, down, its, the, pontiffs, said, hollie, theres bob at mass, submarines are everywhere, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, its, simb, thats, subs, being, rained, hollie, looks, for, hollie showed, hollie celebrated, write the vision, said, hollie, tear up, put back, pontiff, hollie snaps fingers, again, leave it alone, said, hollie, catholic church, thats mine said the antichrist, pope, look at that, said, hollie, catholic church, appeared, hollie, puts mokse on catholic church, bobby, do mass said Jesus, and, he saw, pointed, casey, bob, drinking wine, this is my body, said, Jesus, drinking wine, this is my blood, this is bullshit said Jesus, thats, hollie, loving, it, look what, russia did, said, hollie, thats, dmitry medvedev with barack obama, hey, sh, said, medvedev, thats, them, o.k., ill agree, said, barack obama, nuclear, reduce arsenals, said, medvedev, lies, prophet hickman, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, tear up, fix it, hands, rip, alright, said, hollie, please come, said catholic priest, shows, waving in people, that, is my pontiff, said, hollie, and what did he say, antichrist, said, pope, im the king of grecia, said, pope, appeared, said, Jesus, and, hollie, thats, hollie pointing with lighted hand, build house, hollie said, post more visions, said, hollie, pointed, let me record, said, hollie, showed, picture, this was hollie, showing, dog, happy, comfortable, that, was, hollie, like a leopard, thats, north, south, korea, china, japan, hollie showed, fighting, thats, magog, exploded, hollie appeared, and china appears, hollie showed, international study of dreams, its witchs said hollie, thats, hollie, its going on net, when you see, said, hollie, thats, Richard Wilkerson looking at, wadds, but shakes yes, thats soothsayers said kathyrn taylor m.a. and her rev. dr. jeremy taylor d.min shakes yes, thats dr. jeremy taylor stealing what I spoke said Jesus, ministry of dreams, runs to remove, japan, said, hollie, thats, two horned, lamb, with japan, hu, coming out of horns, withstand the pope, said, hu hintao, hes false prophet, thats, pontiff going to russia, its him riding black horse, russia explodes, thats nuclear explosions showed hollie, in many countries, hey bobby, just curious, lets post, said, hollies, thats, hollie, bear, appearing, thats, two, russian, subs, approaching mexico, thats, them, firing exploded, I place it there, said, hollie, nuclear explosions along latin and south america, thats, cause when you get the gulf coast, said, hollie, thats russian submarines in gulf coast, dmitry medvedev signs with raul castrol, thats, hey, ill, place, it, there, two, russian bombers in cuba, exploded, that, was putin with 3 ribs in mouth, said, hollie, bear, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, exploded, i didnt want no more visions, said, birds, hollie on rope smiled, its uh, copter, pointed, hollie, double blader with hollie piloting, thats nuclear fireballs all over america, thats, hollie, standing by nuclear explosion in china, then, many, hollie watches, from high in the air, she said, he made me do it, she, said, by nuclear explosion looking serious then laughed, thats, hollie in 3 ohio class subs, thats, hu riding red horse, china, hollie, rides, yellow missile, taiwan, burns, thats, washington, state, being attacked, use terrorists said false prophet hu hintao, hes the second beast said hollie, iraq agin, hollie shows two nuclear explosions, thats, captain hollie, surfacing, in, sub, american, firing, gaza, explodes, israeli prime minister presses the nuclear button, iraq exploded, Jesus, sprinkles, arise, devour much flesh, bear grows, strikes nuclear n.a.t.o., exploded, thats them all firing back, russia exploded, world shakes, thats, pontiff, said, Jesus, in atmosphere, hu hintao appears, there you have it, said, hollie, both, beasts, emporer of japan, thats, your, two, horned, lamb, hu, japan, coming out of horns, pope withstand said hu, hintao, there they are, its at table, signing, the, mark treaty, 666, thats, russia, china, hollie shows, many nuclear fires, in, thats, hegoat smiting ram, hu, putin, come out of horns, thats, king of, grecia, pointed, hollie, in middle, pope, said, hollie, thats, charging, stomping, china, russia burn, thats, pontiff sitting, its in rome said hollie, I am God, he said, thats, china, unite and force, said, hu hintao, thats, nuclear fireball in russia, and china like a cloud of people invading and forcing russia to invade israel, thats israeli prime minister pressing the nuke button, said, holie, egypt, syria, jordan explode, thats vladimir putin pressing nuclear button, israel exploded, two cats, both hollie, thats angel cop wearing dark suit, hollie out of flute, thats, trumpet, showed, dont listen to him, pointed, finger, in, ear, its, david garcia, hes, jeremy taylors child, they both, bobby, took said kathryn taylor, call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, both run to remove, its, too late you, pointed, Jesus, with two fingers, made me tremble said ph.d dr. jeremy taylor m.a., bosnia again, said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear fireball in yugoslavia, bob, said, hollie, let out brown dog, like hollie showed, record, star wars soumb, its, titanic times two, thats, how big titanic show, movie is, the titanic movie will catch, but closing in, it, would take two decades to pass, would, thats, hollie, clock, its, time, she, said, rapture, thats, subs, attacking, countries in the world, exploded, fire, thats, whole earth burning, its, battle of armageddon, thats, many countries nuked, website, bobby, said, baby, thats world prophecy center website, like, hollie goat, its, prophet created but original, steal and I will ruin saith Jesus, like ministry of dreams, I spoke, call it ministry of dreams, bob prays, end time prophetic ministry original to, steal and I the Lord will ruin, prophecy ministry, original to, steal and Ill make remove, bob brings prophecy ministry back, thats prophecy ministry website laughing, im with him, prophecy ministry, website, said, Ministry Of Dreams, world prophecy center, end time prophetic ministry, all prophets created by the Holy Ghost, steal and ill mock, ruin, and make you run to remove, let me go, said, dog, hated by new dog, roof, roof, andrew jackson said titanic passenger, he brought, thats it, said, hollie, statue of liberty, it brought judgment to amexico, thats, lightning flashing, state of liberty with sword, thats president george bush threatening the whole world, now has missile defence in many soviet contries, russia, does not want war but bear, I wont harm, said, hollie bear, unless provoked, she said, take it back, said, hollie, dr. rev. jeremy taylor steals ministry of dreams, gets website pulled by network solutions, let me record, said, hollie, 4-6-2009-bobby, said, hollie, showed, the, popes picture, tear up, and restore, rip, go, front, to, back, tada, opened, hands, bobby, said, hollie, dont, she, said, with, big, hands, shook, yes, no, again, snap, fingers, dont do it, she, said, big hands, snapped fingers, hollie, showed, turn, looks, in dumpster, this was hollie showing record, that, said, hollie, its cecil tingley showing, I cut off, she, said, that, said, hollie, that, was, beast, on screen at grace apostolic church, said, hollie, prophet, this is warning, said, hollie, look, at, me, said, hollie, loose, belt, psychic, thats jeremy taylor d.min u.u., said, hollie, you, said, hollie, steals ministry of dreams, call it ministry of dreams, thats, kathy taylor stealing God spoken ministry of dreams, both remove ruint, thats, jeremy taylor m.a. showing cut off, warning said hollie, that, said, hollie, from, ring, dont, said, hollie, shook, yes, now your thru with it, she showed, with big hands, this is vision, post, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, simb, hanna montana showed record, showed, the, antichrist, hes, pope, then hu hintao, appears, hes, false prophet, tear up, said, hollie, picture, put back, thats, hollie, showing, the, new world order, in picture, theres hu, pope, lula, chavez, castrol, nicaragua, kim jong, putin, looky, thats, pope, coming out of putins, there you have it said, hollie, mexico is the last, thats, mexican president coming out of lighted head, hollie showed, that, ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, its, uh, ruling party, she, said, thats, ten kings out of one country, thats, medvedev, said, hollie, lying, he wants u.s.a. to reduce nuclear trident submarine force to zero, then we can attack said Dmitry Medvedev, lets rule the world, said, vladimir, said, medvedev, let me, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and, you, know, who, said, hollie, its, magog, she said, splits, thats, china, russia, separating, there, said, hollie, it, exploded, caspian sea oil pipeline, last sign said, hollie, leave me alone, that is all jim garrison said, said, hollie, he, protects reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u. and rev. jeremy taylor steals the God spoken created ministry name ministry of dreams, sh, said, his kathy taylor, both, thats, Jesus, coming, pointed, hollie, thats, world, below, subs attacking, many countries burn, prophetic hickman, mike tyson was thru before holyfield came along, it was his conviction, said, hollie, she told him to quit, but, jail, tempted, said, hollie, that witch said, hollie, liar, bob, said, hollie, let me record, said, hollie, that, she said, tear up, snap, fingers, put back, turn, snap fingers, hollie showed, eat, from behind, she said, hollie, snaps, fingers, showed, eat, its, she said, from behind, tap danced, 4-7-2009-no, said, hollie, showed, with big hands, but shook, yes, snapped fingers, dont do it, she, said, thats, meeting between barack obama, lets reduce, said, medvedev, they, wont, hollies appear, feed, said, hollie, thats, hollie feeding animals, throwing out waste food, thats, raccoon, possum, eating, ants eat crumbs, throw out waste food, like hollie showed, hollie showed, the, worlds, world prophecy center, its, to, late, for you, casey points, thomas barnhouse appeared, I knew said thomas barnhouse, hes stolen, thats, thomas barnhouse looking around, the name world prophecy center, and, altered, he, runs to, late, to, remove like his dady dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. stole ministry of dreams, thats carolyn myss showing, lets not tell, but now her children know, shes hiding like dr. jim garrison, all being ruint for protecting thier reverend dr. jeremy taylor d.min, thats, dr. rev. lauren artress, lets, shew, shut up, she said, but to late, she, protected her m.a. jeremy taylor, jung, said, lauren artress, thats thomas andrews, make uh ship, he said, almost unsinkable, thats, captain, hollie, piloting f-22 raptor, its, cut, cause, thomas andrews wipes lips, detectable, hollie shows f-18 and f-15, keep saith God, that, showed, hollie, end time prophetic ministry, back, that, said, hollie, sunnysnet steals, alters end time prophetic ministry, remove, said, hollie, that, was, hollie, dreaming, night vision, appeared, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, showed, ACTS 2:38, its time, she, said, hollie showed, l.e.d. clock, 2:38, this was hollie, shaking captain e.j. smith, its, his fault, theres, captain smith in hellfire, im sorry, he, said, was going to fast, thats, captain edward john smith on titanic, knew, icebergs out there, thats, titanic hitting iceberg, they scraped along side, if they hit iceberg head on, ship, would have been damaged, heavily, but, stayed afloat, it would have needed quick repair, thats Jesus looking, it, would have made it to repair place, costed, almost one million, thats bruce ismay, president of white star line, fired over, what made you do it said, Jesus, captain, edward, smith, wanted to impress, to keep it, said john smith, his job, hollie stands by nuclear explosion, looks serious, laughs, hollie, dream, laughs, bob, at, church, sees, donna thornton, in line, later, talks, with, tells, her, about the Holy Ghost baptizm, it feels like a body my perfect size coming in, bob, said, donna, another woman wants to get bob, in meeting with wilma martin, pastor, she wont, bob, walks by two men sitting, tells them about HOly Ghost baptizm, one challenges, one very tall, is, upset, bob, tells, that, man, he will let God prophesy, the Lord said, thus speaketh the LOrd of hosts, now hear the word of the LOrd, you are unaccountable just like a child, because of your height, man, likes, thats, hollie dream, laughing, raise your mantle and repeat after me, said, gabriel, record, the vision, said, hollie, this is hollie, loose belt some, she said, this is warning, said, hollie, showed, dont buy it, kia, they, hollie, showed, dont last, this is warning, post, said, hollie, write Martin Koot and ask him why he altered the name I created ministry of dreams to ministry and dreams to change later, now hear the word of the LOrd, I will make you run antonia vladimirova and dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. (hon) ph.d m.a. jung to remove ministry of dreams, and kathy taylor shakes, yes, looser, said martin koot, when you see, said, hollie, tremble, hollie said, made me said antonia vladirova, thats her reverend doctor jeremy taylor ordained unitarian universalist minister shakes yes, christians stealing the name I spoke said Jesus, Ministry Of Dreams to ruin my servant, 4-10-11-12-13?-2009-that was dr., said, hollie, Lance Wallnau laughing, at, bobby, hes, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, john mark pool, embarrassed, said ginny hill, they steal, said, hollie, its time to shut up said dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. and his wife kathryn taylor, they all, shut up said diana hughey, stole, said, hollie, took, said, antonia vladimirova, shut up, she said, ministry of dreams like thier jon sawyer, these all, said, Jesus, claim, salvation, liars, said, the Lord, and he saw, pointed, casey, Lance Wallnau, look, stair, puzzled, but, knows, leave it alone, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, i'm thru with it, but, shook, yeah, spun, snapped, fingers, clicked, heels, you are not chosen, hollie, said, its, she said, john mark pool, and sandy pool, when you see, said, hollie, showed, cut off, its, for you, and he saw, said, casey, sandy pool, look at, well john its not me, sandy pool, said, with dyed hair, she, stops, but, hollie, looks, too late, thats end time prophetic ministry's hands, said, hollie, and hollie appears, that, was, ministry of dreams website, appearin, said, hollie, dont steal, hollie, said, or, angry, Jesus, appeared, thats, the main ministering spirit, hollie, showing, record, this is warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats the main, showing record, looks at, its, baracuda, said, Jesus, a 1971 plymouth, baracuda, smokes, tires, hollie showed, turn, clapped, my names hollie, moody, thats main ministering spirit, pope, she said, showed picture, tear up, and restore, rip, tear up, said, the main, picture, its, pope, agin, she said, thats, uh, lamb, said, hollie, licked, the, prophet, the main showed, record, said, hollie, politburo, said, the main, and, thats, it, hollie, showed, ten horns appeared, thats, popes face, in, putin, medvedev, its uh ruling party, clapped, the, main, hollie, at, the, flea market, that was hollie, in, the, fire, smiling, said, the, main, ministering spirit, dont, hollie said, thats, the, sun winking, said, hollie, hollie showed, realistic minimus-7 speakers, buy, they are still good after 25 years, record, the vision, said, hollie, thats, pope, smiling, record, the, vision, and, make, it, plain, said, hollie, bob, this is warning, said, Jesus, whom I chastise, its, to, correct, hollies on bobs shoulders, thats the main appearing, this is warning, said, hollie, post, thats Ministry of dreams website, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. d.min steals like antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation, and her Ternianov, Konstantin, they like diana hughey and john sawyer remove ministry of dreams ruint, thats, ministry of dreams website, firing, all the thieves of Ministry of dreams, pulled by gabriel, in cart, to fire, theres kathryn taylor, this is vision, post, bobby, let me, record, said, hollie, Im uh witch said Carolyn Sissom, im with him, she pointed, john mark pool, said, sandy, they, nunt uuh, said, hollie, it, was, me, she pointed, thats, Carolyn Sissom showing cut off, and her smiling john mark pool shaking, yes, but, sandy pool, trembles, they are, witchs said Carolyn Sissom, when you see, said, hollie, I made you look, she said, thats Carolyn Sissom trembling, no dont, she said, to late, she tried to make prophet speak, thats john mark pool, shaking yes, speak, blasphemy, like john mark pool, did, he spoke, said, Jesus, thats of the devil said john mark pool, when Jesus inside bob wrote, thats, Carolyn Sissom looking at, trembling, hi Carolyn Sissom, im prophet ministry of dreams, im typing in visions right now, do you want to see your names, said, hollie, you are witchs, heres todays entry, this will be place at bottom and page with your letters trying to make bob speak blasphemy, liar, said, hollie, thats lighted angel man, said, hollie, this the website, post, said, hollie, no, she said, with big hands, shook, yes, showed, no, like that, said, the image of the antichrist, 666 on antonia vladimirova's forehead, im the bear father, said, black horse, pope rides, russia exploded, this is hollie with that o loose belt, sound, im going to try to make you loose salvation to laugh at you, torturing, for, years, till, you, perish, or, die, I get the person jelous by torturing, disfiguring, laughing to anger, tease, making them, hate, me, and they did nothing wrong, I love placing my servants in hell fire, to, watch them scream, I wanted people to perish, only, brand new converts that die make heaven thier home, prophesy, said, Jesus, ill cut all off at end of thier life, hollie showed, record, and he saw, pointed, hollie, no, said, hollie, casey, pointed, tommy tenney, said, hollie, pocketing, shakes, yes, when, made ya look at it, said, hollie, smiles, but, in heart, trembles, shut it down, said, hollie, you are lost, witchs, she said, the tenneys, suit, said, tommy tenney, and john mark pool shakes, yes, smiles, witchs, said, Jesus, and theres little sandy, said, hollie, with, o she looks, hollie, said, humble, with, dyed hair, support, said, Jesus, satan and his children, now, you tremble, said, sandy, pool, talking, about, tommy, tenney, uh book, showed, tenney, steal the name, I spoke, said, Jesus, thats tommy tenney, swallowing, thats, lawsuit, with cnn, and, the gov., get it, said, Jesus, john mark pool trembles, with, wifey, hi, when Holy Ghost came inside me, it was like a body my perfect size coming, in, you are the one who is lost, not me, john mark pool and sandy pool and you are now on net, visions, brand new, john stole to ruin saith the LOrd and he will be brought down, and for protecting, there you are saith the LOrd, thats, pointed, hollie, Carolyn Sissom in the lake of fire, theres sandy pool with dyed hair, and, hey buddy its lucre, said john mark pool, in the fire, hollie smiles, richard keltner wants to pocket a whole lot of money, said, hollie, like the main, when you see, said, hollie, lets shut up, said, sandy, pool, yeah, shakes, michael, boldea, and gene, schmidt, I made ya look at it said, Jesus, bob loves, leave it alone, said, hollie, geno smiles, richard keltner is uh witch, said, hollie, im not the main, she said, its, gabriel, appears, kind of, said, hollie, grunts, sits, at, library, git off of it, said, gabriel, walk, get van, thats, hollie, walking, with, coat on, she said, 4-19-2009-hollie, pointed, thats, Sean Till, hes uh witch, said, hollie, bobby, said, hollie, its dan, johnson, hes, spoken, blasphemy, in, the truth, group, they are all, hollie showed, cut off, thats Sean Till, wanting, to, pastor, hes, lost, thats, JEsus, looking at Sean Till, reading, now come against said daniel johnson, showed, cut off, thats, Sean Tills, wife, looking, at, divorce said, till, his, girl, they, are, both, lost, hey, bob, said, hollie, witchs, they are, when you see, said, hollie, both, showed, cut off, call it the till, they are lost, uto, alaska, just got hit, said, librarian, and he saw, said, hollie, nuclear missiles strike alaska, more, headed for u.s.a., hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, and, I showed, you, that, she said, quiet, thats, said, hollie, beast, appearing, on screen, its, in, the, ring, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, from, ring, that, said, hollie, thats, new world order, tap dancing, that, said, hollie, thats, mexico coming out of lighted head, hollie, showed, seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, thats, kings coming out, lula, showing, no way, theres, kim jong, smiling, he, presses nuclear button, its, cause, kim jong, said, hollie, thats, russia, pressing, back, thats, nuclear, explosions in, u.s.a., russia, china, thats, world shaking, thats beast appearing, I am God, he, said, that, said, hollie, its uh angry sean till, he just left church, said, hollie, that, hollie, said, hey bobby, let me, said, hollie, I tear, up, fix it, rip, hollie, showed, flowers, dont mow, hollie cut grass, that, said, hollie, and hollie, appears, in, the, ring, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, appeared, hollie, showed, plymouth, hollie, thinks, roadrunner, its, a, burn rubber car, said, JEsus, its, like, dodge charger, hollie, showed, with a 440, she said, hollie looks at, makes 440 horsepower, thats, car smoking both back tires, brand new los angeles said, of course, said, hollie, its another, hollie, and he saw, said, hollie, 3 nuclear, fireballs, in, california, come on, let me show ya, said, angel, its, apache, said, hollie, bob, in, thats, washington state, two, hollie, said, angel, flys to, east coast, thats, whole east coast exploding, over, hollie, pointed, 40 nuclear fireballs, thats, from, top to bottom exploding, in, u.s.a., over, 35 nuclear fireballs, thats, russian subs, in the gulf, thats, missiles, from, subs, in oceans, attacking u.s.a., exploded, that, said, hollie, william clinton presses nuclear button, russia explodes, that, hollie, said, missiles from near, venezuela, and brazil, leave oceans, that, hollie said, strike u.s.a., that, hollie, said, missiles from u.s.a., that, hollie, said, thats, pointed, hollie, brazil and venezuela exploding, that, said, hollie, its, sean till, angry, over 5 nuclear fires, cuba, exploded, to, theres big nuclear fireball in middle, post, said, hollie, that, said, another, hollie, that, said, hollie, nuclear fire, in, that, said, hollie, russia, that, said, hollie, that, hollie, said, hollie, standing by nuclear fire in china, that, hollie said, hollie, looks serious, turns, head, laughs, dream, said, hollie dream, laughs, that, hollie said, and, up, rose, the, beast, she, said, its antichrist, pontiff, pope, hollie, said, thats, beast, riding black horse, russia exploded, its, from, nuclear n.a.t.o., said hollie, that, said, hollie, thats, hollie, image, made, alive, on, t.v., take the mark, said, beast, pope, that, said, hollie, tore, up, thats, charging, hollie, said, hegoat, with popes face in the middle, putin, hu, come, out of horns, that hollie said, hegoat stomping ram, up rose four kings, hollie said, that, hollie, said, its, antichrist pontiff, hes beast with seven heads and ten horns, and, who are they, said, hollie, its, new world order, that, hollie, said, mexico, pops out of, lighted head, hollie shows, theres cuba, im raul castrol, no, he said, give me, said, medvedev, does, this is hollie with that o loose belt some, hollie sums it up, no, said, hollie, showed, no, with hands, then, shook, yes, from behind, turned, thats, hollie like star wars, fight, that, said, hollie, showed, the, beast rising, that, hollie said, hollie showed record, shook, no, im, thru, with, it, she, said, then, shook, yes, hallelujah, said, hollie, dream said, hollie, dream, laughs, night vision, thats alarie salome, said, hollie, beast, appears, thats blaster pointing, its master blaster, on mad max beyound thunderdome, still being watched, hollie, showed, world prophecy center, dont steal it, she said, steal and angry Jesus, appeared, hollie, put back, rip, from, behind, hollie said, clap, I want people to perish, after I save them to laugh at them, I talk to them teasing the way I do, it, shoot beams into face to cause muscles to move and rip, enter into heart and anger, I will save cause I wanted to make you backslide, i destroyed and cry, home, said, hollie, out of sireen, the website said post, said, hollie, which one, hollie, rubbed chin, pointed, that, Ministry Of Dreams, thats, THe Ministry Of Dreams, dont do, said, hollie, steal, angry, Jesus, appeared, explained, if you steal or alter the I spoke created ministry of dreams ill ruin, cut off and make you remove Ministry of dreams anyway ruint like dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. and his reverend antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation and diana hughey and jon sawyer will saith God, like over 1200 have already, watch said Jesus, 4-20-2009-you wont find him, said, angel, talking, about, sean till, hes, hollie, showed, shut up, dont, thats sean, till, trying, to, lie, im, saved, but, not, like, him, the bible says, said sean till, lies, to, preach, hey, bob, said, hollie, its for lucre, said, Jesus, that, hollie, said, showed, the beasts picture, its pope, hollie, said, that, hollie, said, showed, second beast, that, hollie, said, it hu hintao, and that, hollie, said, emporer of japan, I showed you uh picture, hollie, said, and, that, hollie, said, there, I summed it up, thats sean till wanting to steal Ministry of Dreams and alter to Ministry of night dreams, do and i'll make you run to remove like I have over 1200 stealers and alters of the name I spoke and created Ministry Of Dreams, said, Jesus, appeared, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, was world prophecy center website, showing, dont steal, or, alter, world prophecy center, that, said, hollie, ate, russia, said, hollie, awaken, that, said, hollie, Jesus, sprinkles, that, hollie, said, bear, awakens, looks, that, hollie, said, hollie, showed, russia firing nuclear missiles, that, hollie said, look, who it struck, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, theres my submarine, sorby, said, hollie, s, o, r, b, y, hollie waved, its, akula, agin, she, said, fired, nuclear missiles, look, who, it, struck, said, hollie, meerkat, said, that, france had two, then more nuclear explosions, that, pointed, hollie, australia and italy exploding, hollie, watchs missiles shower great britain, then, u.s.a., both boom, hollie showed, record, the precision transmission man showed, said, hollie, turn, that, said, hollie, that, was, the, beast, rising, hollie, said, that, was, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, alarie saleem, said, Jesus, this is warning, said, hollie, leave it alone, said, many, hollie showed, record, look, she, said, beast, rose, its, the, horn, that, came up last, look, hollie said, its, rome, hollie said, thats, pope, riding, black horse, he, goes to russia, brand new economy, bankrupt, said, hollies, wait uh minute mister christian said, hollie, china is horn that grew last, magog, said, hollie, its, formed, hollie said, there, said, hollie, thats russia, china, nuking, each other, tell the vision, said, hollie, showed, eat, theres leopard, said, hollie, thats north, south, korea, china, japan, magog, hollie said, there, I summed it up, she, said, brand new united states, said, Jesus, that is many nuclear fires all over america, said, Jesus, hollie, saw, that, said, hollie, nuclear explosions all over america, bob, said, hollie, that was uh nuclear fireball in cuba, more missiles passed over, then, other way, that, said, hollie, u.s.a. and nicarauga, mexico, exploded, i'll place it there, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, many nuclear fires in latin america and south america, hand points, precision transmission man points, that, said, hollie, nuclear fireball in canada, hollie points, cnn tower falls, that, said, hollie, hand appears, lighted, with both beasts on fingers, hu, pope, that, hollie, said, hand opens, popes face, image, said, hollie, in palm, Ministry of dreams is off of jeremy taylors website, he steals to ruin, said, hollie, and hollie plays music, hollie dream laughs, again, its full, showed, Jesus, Lambs Book of Life, showed, said, hollie, doggy tired, at home, happy, but, warm, hollie, showed, said, hollie, babyfleas is sandy pool on ministry of dreams, this is warning, post, said, hollie, bob dreams, man sings, you are my Savior forever, and im gonna let you go, hollie dream, laughs, video, being, showed, jordan, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, jordan explode, hollie, showed, record, mister christian you give me nothing, I am already rich, and he saw, said, hollie, casey, points, jesse duplantis appear, looking, scared, its cause hes not been saved, said, Jesus, and, hollie, hollie closes the picture, hollie, showed, record, and, I showed the beast rising, said, hollie, pope, heres uh warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, john ramsey, I am, he said with his wifes voice, thats, john ramsey pocketing, its, lure, said, Jesus, this is uh warning, said, hollie, social security collapsed, she said, thats, barack, making the announcement, pensions failing, leave it alone, said, hollies, there, said, hollie, summed it up, 4-3-2007-hollie tore up the con, spirit, tear, she said, hollie tore up the con, and, the finger pointed, spirit, from behind, jeremy taylor is out of all three employers, watch, what is the message said babyfleas, im going to run jeremy off said jim garrison, he lies, that was hollie, tearing up the con, quest, nathaniel urshan is not saved like all upci, but, they act, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, beat the cymbol like this, and, the feet stomped, and, gabriel, showed, record, that was hu riding the red horse, china will destroy taiwan and hollie pointed, theres that o alarm, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, write the vision, like the hands showed, thats hollie tearing up the con tract, tell the vision, sang, hollie, that, is, that o pope, satan shot out of hell, into, and, hollie, pointed, up, at the sign of the coming of the Son of man, and, america, being, destroyed, by submarines, that, point the finger, said, hollie, pointed, up, at the sign of the coming of Jesus, and the dragon rose out of china and russia, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, that is, the eagles, landing, by, wisdom, JEsus, and the Father with a face like the sun, whats that, it is, bright light, im a bear, write the vision, thats not hollie pointed, hollies, that the im a bear woman, that is, putin, thats, nathaniel urshan glowing red hot, in the oven, he will see this, theres his dad, and, joel urshan for pocketing church money, lived, off of, jean urshan, when she dies, there she is, in the oven, live for Jesus said, hollie, or, oven, they tell me theres no visions in pentecost, and, hollie licked the prophet, and gabriel licked the prophet, hollie, out of the zenith allegro 200 stereo speaker and the finger pointed, bobby, tell the vision, thats gabriel beating the drum, jeremy taylor he said, out of three employers, that was Jesus, pointing like a lighted, cat, leopard hollie, thats korea, north and south, china and japan, that was hollie doing something with the con spirit, and hollie out of flute blown by prophet waving goodbye to jeremy taylor, heres hollie whistling, like this, like a flame face, tore up con, wisdom university, face it said jim garrison, jeremy taylor, right here, thats hollie clapping and hollie out of tuba, pointed, hollie, with, the popes image, on her finger, and, 666 on jeremy taylor, out of flute blown by jim garrison, born, between hu and the pope, and, casey, showed, record, and, he saw, casey, said, pointed, nukes, aimed, at, each, other, the pope is otyre, russia, and, hu, is, the leopard, like leopard hollie showed, china, north and south korea, china and japan, this is, situate said hollie, meaing, situate is close, that was hollie showed tearing up the con spirit in a black suit, jeremy taylor, got you, and hollie tore up the con, quest, what is the message, dont, talk, to nathaniel urshan, he is, cut off, and, he knows it, theres the tap dancers, pointed hollie, and the pope and hu, were two of them, with, 6 kings, that will, rise, against, america, we will attack, they all said, but, only, putin, and hu, will do it, the ram, and hollie blew the horn, and, out came, the beautiful woman from moriah apostolic church that sings, with black hair and blue eyes, and, Jesus behind like a light man, and hollie putting up her dukes, and she running from Jesus, smiling, after revival, sunday afternoon, and Jesus pointed, she ran one step to far, now, hell, she will see this vision, and, throw a fit, theres that o alone sound, that was many spirits, being, released by Jesus, they followed, lucifer, one third of the angels, now, that was the beast, daniel saw, with a noteable horn on his head, and the popes, face, inside, record, showed hollie showed, and JEsus, and, the paul mooney girl, showed, record, and, israel destroyed, write the vision, like this, and hollie tore up the, concious, o my God, i'm prophet blaspheme, thats him, pointed, hollie, irving baxter jr., he dyes his hair, pointed, hollie, and the pope pointed, turn, and hollie sang like tina turner, danced like, and, nathaniel urshan requested bob to come to office, he wanted to make bob not say one thing there, unless, he approved, now, no HOly Ghost people at moriah apostolic church, hollie-vision recieved 4-2007-in this vision I saw hollie tearing up the con tract. she was lighted.
the word of the Lord man-vision recieved 4-2007-in this vision I saw the word of the LOrd man and he was white and he said something like, now here the word of the LOrd.
torture dream-visions recieved 4-2007-in this dream something happened to me that was horrible, and I dont remember, but, It ended and or I was being hit by like spikes which I felt and I also beleive in that particular series of events that I saw Jesus and he said something like, "now press about that", in a smart tone.
america is the woman of REVELATION 17-vision recieved 4-2007-in this vision, I saw like a lighted monkey looking at the statue of liberty on something and there may have been writing under the statue.
Christ church apostolic-vision recieved 4-2007-I heard, "shawn", and I saw the inside of Christ church apostolic and it was empty.
I told the LOrd he was destroying me-visions recieved 4-2007-in visions I saw spirits that looked like people like Jesus and they said: and hollie tore up the con quest, what is the message, dont talk to nathaniel urshan, he is cut, and nathaniel urshan pointed, devil you done made up your mind he sang, wanted bob out, of moriah apostolic church, he will not close, and, pocket the church money building fund is nathaniel urshan called calvary tabernacle credit card, record, man om sinnin sang nathaniel urshan, they all are, upci, none saved, please go back sang nathaniel haney, om not worthy to stand here, he knows, but, tempts God anyway, thats good said joel urshan, record showed hollie, bob, that aint gonna do it is what nathaniel p. urshan would have said in meeting, he did not want bob telling visions at moriah apostolic church, only, and he saw, him, on nathaniel p. urshans hand, he wanted bob to fall, now he has, when with bob there, some would have gotten saved, nathaniel will swallow when he sees this, jelous said nathaniel urshan, haney, they stopped people from getting saved, dont do this said nathaniel p. urshan, you liar, you will be brought down, living off of the church, and casey showed to record, and, he saw, nathaniel urshan pocketing offerrings, tithes, like joel urshan, nathaniel a. urshan now in hell, taught them, live off the church, he said, with his hand over mouth, and nathaniel a. urshan pointed, how do we git him back said nathaniel p. urshan, if you angered, and you would have, he, would have, went to the kokomo church and nathaniel urshan sr. pointed and closed it like he did moriah, knew the moment he left, the Spirit gone, sang, nathaniel haney.
Look what goes on in my spiritual walk with Jesus Christ-visions recieved 4-2007-in visions I saw spirits that looked like people like hollie, Jesus, and they said: I can not drive you out no more says, the LOrd, I abated you, by, teasing, caressing penus with electricty, gum desease, teasing, I waited until you wanted me desparately, then, drove, you out over many hours, offending you, for no reason, God says, I put three new hearts in you to make you recover, I knew how to make you hate me, by, causing, wrath in your heart, this is why, to make you abated in the sight of all men, cause you are, I make it so you cant, even talk to me, I cause you to hate me, so much, and, know how, says the LOrd, this is making you humble in my eyes, backslided in heart, you cried, leave me alone, I abated you, abatement is complete, you are past the point of recovery, that is killed all day long, now I, will heal, I hurt you deeply to make you humble in my eyes, I, betray, to keep you abated, im mocking you right now, you can not keep recovering, thats why I put a new heart in you, abatement is complete when a person reaches for sin, thats how far, I drive out, then stop, then do it all over again, your welcome to come back says the LOrd, I, tease you, non stop, I know what to say, and, when to hurt your heart, beyond recovery, thats good says the LOrd, you are now, backslided beyond recovery, I drove you out, now, I will heal, thank you for wonderful service, Ill git you for telling people what I do, God says, you just thought of suicide to get away from me, abatement is complete, I enter into your heart, to drive you in rage, offending, i will not do it for ever but I do it to make you want to leave, once a person is abated, they can not come back, unless I draw them, I drive out, to keep people humble in my eyes, abatement is complete when the person can not recover, if a person tells me will what ever I want, that means, I can, make them, perish says the Lord, I do not care if a person perishes, I died, and, rose again, so you can have, life, perish or live for me, you are backslided now says gabriel, thats what I wanted, now you are, weeping in your heart, wishing I would quit driving you out, you opened my heart, to your needs, I can not, drive you out, no more, right now, you dont, want to live no more, cause I keep pressing you out, 4-5-2007-im the beast with seven heads and then horns, said, hollie, and the finger pointed, and he saw, said casey, the pope going to the greek orthadoxed church, and hollie, ran, and, the organ said, thats what you need, and, hollie pointed, at the, baptismal, reverend l. caldwell baptising a child, he knows it said the word of God man, and child not accountable, baptizm does not count, hollie tore up the con spirit like this, beat the cymbol like this, said, hollie, tap dancing, mark of the beast taought reverend caldwell at drexel gardens apostolic church and he poitned down, and drexel empty almost, when bob showed up and told visions, caldwell called it in front of over 200 people opinions, most left right there, thats the diamond man, the word of God, theres, pointed, hollie that o alone sound, and planes dropping missiles, pointed the angel, on usa, boom, and, the woman, came up, the statue of liberty, and, putin, subs, firing on america, and, hollie, pointed, up, at the sign of the coming of the Jesus, and, bill clinton returning fire, boom, the world shook, and moscow and china, boom, up came four horns, the pope, slash idol shepherd, and hu, and the emporer of japan, the pope showed to record, record, showed the word of God man, and, hollie held nose, and, pointed, satan pointed, sister deckard, the williamsons, all, sister charity at drexel gardens apostolic church not saved, hollie showed record, flames, toyota 5 runner, hollie showed with golden thumbs, smiled, thought, thumbs swooping up, theres a reason, record showed the paul mooney girl, mrs. caldwell and deckard and charity at drexel gardens apostolic church, God will not, thats it said Jesus, save, all, for oral sex, after knowing, and, still doing, not deckard, 85, and the red dragon with seven heads, the g8, with, the pope coming out of italy, thats, his face in the horn, theres your black chariot, said, the enthusiastic hollie like a flx, hollie showed, thought, downtown pointed, circled, you run it said the pope, fall, caldwell smoked, council said, hollie, get right said gabriel, and, gabriel showed, record, im sorry, I dont speak very much clapped hollie on the mx missile, boom, chicago, im a bear, satan is the head, and, the pope is his mouth and magog is the body, thats north and south korea, china and japan, china said the pope, you are blaspheme, rejecting Jesus, and, the dragon rose out of china, and, hollie pointed, at, the dragon, in the, cage, and, it grew, and, busted out, downtown, circled, hollie showed, theres that o seven kinged black chariot, and the pope and hu, new world order, and, putin, pulled, charity from drexel gardens apostolic church in back with nathaniel and joel urshan, putin, planning to destroy america, out of oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, planes, submarines, with hu, hollie held nose, blaspheme, and, ortega, hollie, held nose, liar, cuba, hollie held nose, clapped, new castrol, liar, kim jong, hollie showed, on tv, threatening bush, finger on button, they have scud type missiles with small nuclear warheads, no guidance, wont hit, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, like a bear, grew very big, and the pope pointed, allegros said the pope, buy, hollie out of the zenith allegro 200, back, israel boom, out of iraq, brought in by bush, to, steal oil, and, the pope blew the horn, and hollie out, showing, eat, dinner bell, thats kings popping out of the leopard, hollie leopard pointed, we done got it said caldwell, liar, and the lighted caldwell, hu, kim jong, the emporer of japan, and, the president of south korea, hollie like a bear, tore up, the con, hollie thought, hollie showed, tore up the, thought, con drexel gardens apostolic church, thats babyfleas looking at ministry of dreams, and smiling, spinning in her chair, thinking, thats me, pointed, at babyfleas, thats babyfleas out of horn, blown by Jesus, like a cat, smiling, waving, dinner bell showed, hollie, out of horn, blown by, who was it blwon by, jeremy taylor, fired, from all three employers, google said jim garrison, thats what done it, then jeremy taylor takes off the name he stole, ministyofdreams, thats the dragon with the pope in his mouth, and, hollie showed, pointed, cobra, shelby g.t. 500, smokes, that was hollie putting back the con spirit, dont hang around my church thinks caldwell, LOrd help me out showed, hollie, jeremy taylor, broke, record, showed, hollie, showed, the popes image on the finger, the lake said hair dyer mrs. caldwell, uto, that as that beast with the noteable horn on top, the pope, and, ten toes, with kings faces as toenails, hu, hollie pointed, held nose, liar, the pope, and the lighted finger, pointed, slashed, deadly wound, all the world wondered after, worship the pope, said, hu, he is, loved, knows most things, satan shot out of hell, into, theres cuba, hollie held nose, liar, new castrol, venezuela, hollie held nose, lula, liar, hugo chavez, hollie held nose, liar, germany, merkel, hollie showed, thumbs down, that woman is lying, pointed hollie, to putin, putin is lying to merkel, theres kim jong, hollie, he would, let bob, come, and, preach, wadds, theres calderon, dead, iran, and syria, usa attacked, pointed, theres the emporer of japan, a toe, and, hollie counted, thats, thought, something wrong said hollie, caldwell knows bob saw visions, and, hollie pointed, nobody taught it right, bob told, in one minute all things, just about, he, loved it, that was a gun being lowered, and, the finger, pointed, by an cloud man, jeremy taylor out, fire, jim garrison, pointed, the word of the LOrd man, with diamonds in face, casey showed, caldwells wanting to teach that, what you told, but, not, enough details, you told, the g8, is the seven heads, there closing said Jesus, now, he knows why, you told, bush is the woman, and, hollie, held nose, jeremy taylor, and, then you told, magog is the asian union he taught about, he smiled, and, you said, you saw, kings, faces, pop out, and he, thats, pointed, you saw, 666, born between, hu and the pope, thats, two, not one world government, now he knows, why his, church is emptying, im a false teacher, thats the titanic hitting the ice berg, brushing along, to about, one half, point, some plates fell off, some, pushed in, but, two fell off, and, that, doomed, lightoller, did not, tell, radioed, ice dead ahead, that pointed hollie, he should have said, we will hit, if you do not, turn it, as quick as, but, heres what, would have, happened, turn all the way, ship, would have, sank, cause, everything would have went to that side, but, it, would have floated, but, stayed, with, deck almost, touching water, they could have uprighted most way, slowly, meaning, they could have, if, people on ship, would have, tried, blocking plate holes after, compartment flooded, but they would have died, but, possible, the plates, were only, about, five feet long, high, hollie showed, pointed, at the ring, that smiled hollie, pointed, planes, bombs, boom, america, moscow, china, the world shook, that, hollie, rocked, and, showed, the pocket, tv, with, the popes image made alive, 666, will be, born, between hu and the pope, both have nukes, casey, and, he saw, them signing, theres 666, pointed casey, and, she, bowed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the ministering spirits, russia is the bear, theres hollie with a bear paw, and, the pope, in, and hu, in the other, hollie smiled, like hollie showed, hollie showed, record, theres that o black chariot, with, the pope and hu, new world order, and, eight kings, planning on destroying america, putin, pulled hollie in back, and the paul mooney girl showed record, and jeremy taylor abased, im george clinton said marv albert, o.j. did kill wife and ronald goldman, got out, attorney was the one, f. lee baily, he, did it, knew, the law, wanted, I got abased here, said Johnnie Cochran, he was, lying, knew, in, his heart, that, o.j., killed, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, Robert Shapiro, lied, as well, we will not be accepted by the Holy One, unless we repent, theres that o alone sound, and hollie licked, the prophet, record showed, hollie, hollie showed, record, old truck, thumbs, thought, swooping up, there is a reason, what is, the reason, it is, carbureted, carbureted excellent, hollie showed, smiled, what did hollie showed do, pointed, at the 66 heavy duty ford truck, still, fools, thumbs swooping up all the way, theres a reason, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, excellent truck, hollie showed, record, flames, smiled, somewhat, thought, smiled, kenworth, thought, thumbs, swooping up, 4-5-2007-that was hollie in the spaceship, star wars appeared, it is, being, watched, by, millions every day, and he saw, said, casey, and the LOrd of hosts sang, lava, like, hell, nathaniel urshan, p., is pocketing, church, money, and living off of, and, knows its, wrong, but, he is, a thief, fall, nathaniel p. urshan, of calvary tabernacle and moriah apostolic church, both, will loose people, cause, bob is, gone, now, and he, knew, all things, said, nathaniel p. urshan, he knew, bob, told, and he was, offended, but, loved it, later, never, spoke, called, meeting, and, wanted, bob, to, leave, God told bob, he can not bear you being, there, no, said, nathaniel urshan, write, and tell, and Jesus, will, bless, and hollie rode in the space ship, momy, she said, nathaniel urshan, you fool, saith the LOrd, you had, elijah, how do we git him back, he will say, soon, watch, and, hollie, rode in the space ship, sailed, in space, paul, said, Jesus, like, job, all his, life, Jesus, laid, sin, on, and, took, out, anger, like bob, fiery darts, teasing, and, driving, out, to, release, but, people, are, praying, and God is, not, hearing, but, bored, thats the reason, your pages, are, telling, what he is, and, it is, making, us, embarrased, bob, whispered, Jesus, they like it, leave it, they are, coping, and, telling, job, said, Jesus, and, he saw, job, with, boils, and, he was, smiling, did not, care, wanted, Jesus, lyan, is, what hollie said, nathaniel, om gonna git him, said, Jesus, he is, making, money off of, the apostolic church, and, will, be, jobless, soon, watch, nathaniel urshan sr. taught joel and nathaniel jr. urshan, to live off, and they are all, hell, jean, ur, shan, hell, soon, will not, like, mr. cannon of drexel gardens apostolic church, we need to, stop him, said, mrs. caldwell, from coming, he will, not come, no more, saith the LOrd, my fault, said, Jesus, your church is, emptying, now, charity, will leave soon, cause, bob, told, hubby, its a lie, she said, we will fast, said, charity, never, wont, im gonna git off, said, charity, and, he saw, charity of drexel gardens apostolic church, I think its funny, giving, oral, sex, whats that, she said, to, husband, he will, loose her, thanks, she said, for, supporting, were done, now, out, but, regret, she is, loosing, but doesnt, see, it, be back, he will think, but, he will, find, another, record, showed, hollie, in the spaceship, riding, star wars, and, gabriel, showed, record, will you fast, yes, then, do, and, see what, Jesus, does, and, he saw, the pope, smiling, and amy brucker, she is, a soothsayer, like jeremy taylor, they all are, I just dont believe in it, she said, blinded, and the dragon spued fire, Im the beast, said, the pope, rising out of the g8, nato, with, russia, having, the ten horns, politburo, the ruling, party, greece, boom, and he saw, said, casey, greece, explode, from, right here, said, amy brucker, usa, called, russia, go to palestine, now, desolate, gaza, forsaken, out of, iraq, amerian, bush, brought in, to, break, oil, contracts, and the japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe showed to record, he is, a, short timer, watch, he is, the leopard, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, he is, the, part of, has, nukes, china, and, north, and south, korea, both, are, magog, all, the leopard, with, o'tyre, ran, by, the pontiff, pope, slash, idol, shepherd, meaning, no, power, and, he sang, raise your hands and repeat after me, smiling, im the beast, and he showed, to, record, 4-6-2007-we are facing nuclear castastrophe, said, bill clinton, he does not care, in the mountain, with, president hillary clinton, after, china, terrorism, breaks out, all over, usa, then, bill, will, remember, that was hollie, in the spaceship, flying, firing, I wont, she said, but, when the seal, opens, boom, judgments, to many, nations, that was Jesus like a fire faced man, and, gabriel, lighted, and showed, to, record, the united states, will be a desolation, soon, and he is, at peace, and Jesus lets him see people, reading, the visions with gabriel, on, the dreadful beast vision-visions recieved 4-2007-in a vision, and im going by memory, I saw this dreadful beast, and the pope was coming out of the top of it, and I saw toes in that vision that were lighted, and I saw the popes face in one and hu hintao, and lula, and castrol, and hollie held now, and I saw the word, liar, and I saw, putin, hollie held nose, heard, "he is lying to him, and she pointed at hu hintao, and the caspian sea pipeline, boom, and, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, russia is the beast with seven heads, and I saw the pope and with hu hintao, and he said, were not, going to get along, they both said, to each other, 666, born between, that was the sign of the coming of the Son of man, and, the heavens opened, and, Jesus came like a light man, and, sister deckard in the bright light, and Jesus pointed at hell, her there, and behold said Jesus, a, man in a fire, pit, and, covered, with flames, and, a face appeared, that was a hand filled with light, please say, I thought I wanted you out said terry cannon, and hollie licked the prophet, now that his church is empty said the tap dancers, and the pope and hu and the fighting irish guy were, two of them, and hollie licked the prophet, and, apostolic pastors tap dancing, that is hollie, in the spaceship, on the missile, boom, chicago, and, thats the reason, hollie showed, thumbs, up, chevrolet monza, excellent car, 200000 miles easy, star wars, boom, hollie in spaceship, did not the angel fleas say, there will not be time to get ready, no more visions clapped hollie in pentecost, and hollie licked the prophet, and gabriel licked the prophet, that pointed hollie, eat, dinner bell, and, hollie ate, mike sells barbecued potatoe chips in the space ship, and stopped, at new jerusalem, a glass city, and then, hell, lava, zoom, did not the angel, fleas, say, git, it, off, ministry of dreams name off of your websites, diana hughey, jeremy taylor and lawrence forman, or get ruined, and, he saw, said, casey, showing to record, italy, and, the pope, smiling came out, and, showed, his, bandaded finger, deadly wound, and Jesus, like a cat, pointed, and hollie showed little horn, italy, and, in the spaceship, star wars, fired, boom, there goes moscow, china, taiwan, kuwait, japan, saudi arabia, italy, france, all of the western hemisphere, and, africa, iraq, gaza, the palestinian state, and, the world shook, he wants your money sang, and clapped, the ministering spirits, terry cannon, all right he said, accept it, he did not, use his time, put more visions, on my website said the tap dancers, and hollie clapped, council said hollie, work, said, gabriel, and, he beat the drum, right, I wont, said, hollie, in the star wars spaceship, until, God pours out that last vial, the sixth seal, boom, the sun became black as sackcloth, and the moon turned, into blood, thats, the great, and noteable day of the Lord, turned into blood means, hollie showed, thought, with the popes image on finger, it will be blocked out from smoke, blod just means dead, that was satan, held nose hollie, im the bear paw, record showed, hollie, yes, didnt the pope, say, once we hit syria, then, and, hollie, licked the prophet, iran, 3 subs, in that area, right now, nobody wants me said the paul mooney girl, and, hollie, licked the prophet, and, gabriel licked the prophet, the vw bug worth every penny, reliable, putin, and hollie held nose, that was fire, eye, pointed hollie, lying to merkel about oil, hes going to double the price he charges soon, watch, hollie put the con spirit back, tore up again, look at me said, babyfleas, and, babyfleas bit the prophets head off, she did not, like her, vision, cut off, but, let go, now, laughing, pointing at babyfleas on ministry of dreams, she is, young and beautiful, short, though, israel, boom, out of iraq, bush, brought in, to break oil contracts, hollie fired, from the star wars spaceship, judgments to many nations, explosions all over planet, the world shook, want vision right here, pointed sang kenneth haney, so I can make him fall, thats why, God wont allow, going to church, im back said wisdom, and the eagles, landed, wisdom is Jesus said the eagle, and they flew away, and gabriel appeared, like a, white man, what is the, warnessage, go to google, jeremy taylor releases ministryofdreams pointed hollie, and licked the prophet, to late said jim garrsion and the moon darkening from black smoke coming up, from, a burnt mountain, america, hes quitting to morrow, said, hollie, jeremy taylor from wisdom university, resign showed jim garrion, want more vision, said, hollie, pointed, that was a lighted eagle winking, hollie pointed, didnt the angel jim garrion say, your gitton into trouble, whatta you want, jeremy taylor out, and, hollie, and gabriel, licked the prophet, Jesus, licked the prophet, and, gabriel grabbed tongue, that was armies marching of demons, satans armed forces, that was satan, like a beautiful little man, light, downtown, circled, hollie showed, geese, eagles landed, wisdom, surrounded, walk, said, wisdom, council said hollie, what do you want, pay my price, they left me bob said Jesus, and he saw, and, said, casey, mr. and mrs. l. caldwell, all we want is money to keep drexel gardens apostolic church open, closing, hollie played the horn, and hollie showed, came out, showing picture of jeremy taylor, fired, from wisdom university, what was he fired for, tempt me said, Jesus, stripped, watch, jeremy taylor, salted steak, now, soon, broke, how come, you aint got no money, put it on your website said hollie, and he saw jeremy taylor, empty pockets, kathryn rich, hes going down for stealing the name ministry of dreams, I know it he said, that was satan, shh, what is the message, hollie showed, thought, you are just like satan, hollie showed, blew the horn, and out came hollie, and, showed, dinner time, and, blew the trumpet, and out came, hollie showed, and, took a picture of prophet ministry of dreams, that was satan, shh, im the bear paw, its russia, the other part of the ram is, the pope showed, to record, and the ram pushed, westward, northward, southward, and eastward, nobody could stop hu and russia, only, nato, that was the angel of the LOrd kissing you and Jesus pointing at nathaniel p. urshan, hell, JEsus like the sun, gabriel, light man, its in the ring, that, pointed hollie and, licked the prophet, im over, said, nathaniel haney, with pastor pingletons voice, now, that your cut off, what are, you doing, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, pastoring u.p.c.i. churches, they are all cut off, i think your funny she said, from moriah apostolic church, telling visions of the iraq war ending nuclear with iraq and gaza, the palestinian state, destroyed, then, two months later, america, moscow, and china, getting into it, the world shook, he told, many from nathaniel haneys churches, they, mock, hollie, held nose, pointed down, syria, iran, boom, hollie clapped, that, hollie out of the sony sub woofer, back, look at me said babyfleas, and hollie licked the prophet, pointed, go, spaceship, star wars, didnt the angel, fleas, say, no, you know its the black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, new world order, stop it, said, babyfleas, nathaniel urshan, pocketing church money, living off, hollie showed, record, I lost everything said kathryn taylor, didnt the angel fleas, say, give, warning, nathaniel p. urshan, will not close, on moriah apostolic church and pocket building fund, called credit card with calvary tabernacles name on it, didnt the angel fleas say, im in trouble, git out of here said nathaniel urshan is what he would have said to bob, offend, bob would have laughed in his heart, come my little princes, and the angel fleas ran, looking back, laughing, record showed the angel fleas, the deal is coming, jeremy taylor releases what he stole, starting to loose like, hollie showed, God telling bob, hollie pointed, and, angel, im getting ready to come, smiled, hollie showed, flames, thought, thumbs, swooping, thought, down, but not, all the way, theres a reason, tell me, it means, hollie tought, whew, looking thru the corner of eyes, hollie tore up the con quest, pointed, chevrolet, thumbs, hollie showed, thought, smiled, thumbs swooping up, excellent, thought, not all cars, though, hollie in spacecraft, tore up con spirit, the, usa, desolate, said, gabriel, hollie showed, smiled, got me, thought jeremy taylor, now, hes, and, knows is, begging to fall, that plymouth voyager sport van, excellent, all, cause, there are no, visions, in pentecost, God showed, bob, man walking in yard, at night, dream, that man, could have, sliced tires, were faced with nuclear castastrophe said, bill clinton, who me he said, he ll be in the mountain, wont, care, about, the rest, but, putin will hit that mountain, and, get, him, dont beleive that stuff said bill clinton, liar, write, and hollie pointed, after terrorism breaks out, all over, america, then, the clintons rushed to, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, the mountain, did not, the, angel fleas, say, cover me, hollie showed, smiled, old suzuki motorcycle, thought, smiled, thumbs up, those old motorcycles would last until you got tired of, those engines, air cooled could last over 300000 miles, if, did not the angel, gabriel say, why do we, want china, america, nukes, after, they hit taiwan, to destroy ther economy, but russia angers, 4 hours later, I wont said, hollie, showed, flames, camaro, thought, thumbs, smiled, thought, swooping up, liked, hollie showed, pointed, hollie held nose, church of God in Christ, show, and the presiding bishop smiled yes, and horace smith and kenneth haney all with dyed hair, your not praying, said, Jesus, vivian stewart has gone to apostolic pentecostal churches all her life but never prayed thru like most, now old, cant, they do not want the Lord, anymore, thats why, downtown, showed, hollie showed, the united states will be a desolation, said gabriel, and hollie licked the prophet, hollie pointed, did not the angel, fleas, say, trouble, and, he saw, 3 kings, arise, and, the fourth, was richer, then, all, hollie showed, looked, seriously, post, the vision, hollie out of, the realistic 15 inch woofer, back, excellent speakers, realistic is noto like dahlquists, realistic is like fishers, record, showed, JEsus, hollie prayed, put more visions on your website, said the enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, cut off, said, vivian stewart, wont, repent, said, nathaniel haney urshan, both alike, and hollie out of the zenith 200 allegro woofer, back, buy, thats the enthusiastic hollie, prophet, thats the paul mooney girl, record, she showed, and, Jesus out of the bright light, and hollie licked the prophet, jeremy taylor black suit, watch, jim garrion, white robe, stars, wand, and he saw, attorneys, telling jeremy taylor, he can not, win, one was, mark geragos, he, convinced, jeremy taylor, to, abandon, take off, five thousand, jeremy wasted, over, 4000 so far, they are, trying to track bob, 4-5-2007-im beginning to want you said hollie showed, you are in trouble jeremy taylor of j.f.k. and wisdom universitys, you might loose it, said, kathryn taylor, no, said, jeremy taylor, and the hand pointed, at, satan, in the fire, write some visions said your tap dancers, and hollie clapped, record showed, gabriel, the united states will be a desolation said gabriel, and amy brucker, hollie licked the prophet, once we hit cuba said gabriel for allowing subs to stage, there, those are the ones, and bush will see this, and, saved, new castrol, hollie held nose, pointed, liar, will betray, hollie pointed, putin, they will, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, they will, offer, putin, priviledges for military protection, bush troubled, invade, he will, but, wont, but, threaten, hollie showed, pointed, I want china, said, the pope, like an angel, of light, to strike russia, to, weeaken, thats, it, said, got thru said hollie showed, post the vision said hollie, write the vision, that, hollie showed, record, china and the dragon, rose, china will not let amexico rule the world said, hollie, showed, tear up the con tract like this, somebody wrote me said amy brucker, rage, she put the name ministry of dreams on jeremy taylors website, and knew in her heart, that was off of, just forgit it, said, jeremy taylor, whatta you want, jeremy taylor wanted the name ministry of dreams, and, if he would have, let it go, when bob first emailed, gotyou said, pointed, hollie showed, then bob would have, but, arrogant jeremy taylor, held on, to his own destruction, now, lawrence forman is asking God to but, still has the name he stole, ministry of dreams, on his website, becoming angry, 4-8-2007-hollie showed the world, subs, attacking, record, pointed, emails done got him clapped the tap dancers, and, hollie and the pope were two of them, write the vision, hollie showed, in white robe, putin, and hu, the ram, with the pope as the hegoat, hollie showed, in the atmosphere, and the pope popped out of the beast, with ten toes, bobby, he ll put you right here, brad baker, pulpit, but, guard, when, you, find it, said, hollie, hit syria again, and he saw, damascus explode, whats the meaning of it, a ruinous heap, didnt the angel, this is hollie with the loose belt sound, he, wants ya to go, the owner, and, hollie whistle blew, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, did not the angel pope say, war, chevrolet closed in indianapolis, hollie pointed, and, jeremy taylor showed record, abated, wrong said, jim garrison, the united states will be attacked said hollie, and gabriel, and both licked the prophet, with the alarm sound, the united states will be attacked by russia said gabriel, he wants ya to go home, said, hollie, nathaniel p. urshan, got him said, gabriel, now, om, out, people told, pastor nathaniel urshan junior that was telling visions, and, he knows, if bob leaves, they will follow, do not let him, get you in that office, he will try to make you recognise his lordship over moriah apostolic church, that is, not how its done, and, he saw, nathaniel urshans churches empty over you, that was it, right there, harrasing said nathaniel urshan, good, said, the pope, that little man, told, nathaniel about everything you told him, and nathaniel trembled, hollie showed, both thumbs, up, dont scare people, nathaniel urshan, knows in his heart, if you leave, they will, or stay under, dead everything, stripped, cause nathaniel urshan is cut off, lost, preaching, said, the tap dancers, and, the pope, and hu, were two of them, write the vision, write the vision said hollie, and, licked the prophet, and, the red dragon rose out of china, and russia, the g8, with, bush as the woman, theres the deadly wound, idol shepherd, slashed pope, leave me alone sound, and hollie, jeremy taylor, said, the pope, welcome to the mission for theft, and leopard hollie pointed, and the lighted finger, four heads, kings faces popped out, hollie showed, hu, the emporer of japan, and, the president of south korea, and, hollie held nose, liar, and, kim jong, hollie held nose, trouble maker, he is, bringing this together,
does God want to make me backslide to maybe offend me-visions recieved 4-2007-in visions I saw spirits that looked like people like, gabriel, Jesus, babyfleas, hollie, jeremy taylor of wisdom university, the baby polar bear, and they said things like: backslide, said, Jesus, for, thats Jesus laughing at you cause your gums are trashed, because of 19 years of fiery darts, and, now gum grafts, and God says, go ahead, God says, I offend this prophet, and, make him abated in the sight of all men, to keep him humble in my eyes, I tease, hurting his heart, deeply, non stop, and he put it on the internet, making me embarrased, we hit syria with a nuclear strike pointed bill clinton, damascus, let me alone said Jesus, if you dont, want to do what I want, hollie, showed, geese, and both, thought, downtown, tomorrow, iupui, that will not all run down, im the main ministering spirit, whats my name, my name is hollie, thats my crowd, I got lifted up, main ministering spirit they chanted, bob its on the television, the popes image, made alive, and jeremy taylor knocked on the door of prophet, comes to indiana to kill, but, not there, that was a fire man, and Jesus coming, and light, write the vision, when you see these things, and hollie and smiling gabriel licked the prophet, apostolic pastors putting out, people that have the Holy Ghost like nathaniel p. urshan, will, watch, write the vision, right here pointed nathaniel urshan he ll say, but when bob was there, guards, pulpit, want more visions, want more visions, clapped the tap dancers, want more visions, thats not the main, im the main, hollie, what is my message, hollie, showed, pointed, in spaceship, pointed, fired, judgment to many nations, because of cuba, hiding soviet subs, I want Jesus, but, I dont want to stop sinning, sang, kenneth haney, hair dyer, and, nathaniel haney following nuclear war will break out in the middle east, first, cause of america, right now syria is hiding its president from bush, they wont get, and he will, cry out for russia to destroy america, thats it, said, putin, lets rule the world, sang putin, and china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hollie held nose, russia will invade, pluck up, fire, withdraw, that and that, and double that, that, God says, how does it feel, to be stripped, in front of everybody, of your desire to live for Jesus, this is why, cause, im making an example of you, im hardening, for no reason, not cutting off, making it, so you can not, stay, unless you deny yourself, causing, you to hate me, everyday, teasing, killing your gums, this is why, im killing you to make you walk away, backslide, for no reason, for two months, after, you wont want me, no more, I want, you to backslide, im Jesus, I want you to be my example of sufferring, loosing everything, then, getting rejected by God, for no reason, put it on said Jesus, I AM that I AM, you can not recover from my stripping unless I give you a new heart, all the time, from teasing you, fiery darts, fast till death, tell people to get them to pray for you, I made you laugh and hate me in one hour, thats how I, betray my servants, think about, suicide, from revival, and I laugh at them, fast, and, I wait, laughing at them, fiery darts, are to take teeth, and when is fiery darted, thier teeth, they loose saith the Lord, heres why, cause I want them despised, by people, they dont want to live after they start loosing teeth, and many have backslided over that, I permitted, to mock them, laughing at them, while going on, I do this to make them stay or leave, im the Rock of offence, God said, you can put that on, the front page of ministry of dreams, pray for bob, that he keeps his teeth, 4-9-2007-fiery darts are the devil, God grants permission to satan to this, said my self, satan, the united states will be a desolation, soon, said, gabriel, hollie showed, prayed, record, lawrence forman is angering, and cecil pennyton, like jeremy taylor, law said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, record, showed, the paul mooney girl, that was gabriel, lighted, bright, multitudes before lava, pentecostal people like nathaniel urshan, joel urshan, there are no visions in, and hollie licked the prophet, and, Jesus, pointed, 4-10-2007-that was, hollie, in her, space ship, you got to, leave she said, all, that, mock Jesus, and tease, and, Jesus looked angry, put more visions on my website the enthusiastic hollie, thats hollie in the spaceship, fire, judgements to many nations, the world shook, its in usa today, iraq, nuked, out of, israel, and, gaza, boom, out of, iraq, usa, to steal oil, new iraq, ameri-britain, iran, coming, attack, hollie clapped, syria, thats, pointed, the red finger, the syrian president running from the fire, and bush looking at, alarm sound pointed hollie, and licked the prophet, gabriel licked the prophet, grabbed at tongue, and the paul mooney girl, showed, please, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, jeremy taylor is sinking, and, the dark finger, pointed, now, think about what you had, reverend jeremy taylor, stole the name like lawrence forman, diana hughey, ministry of dreams, off, said, cecil pennyton, watch, jeremy, what time is it, said, jim garrison, its time to get the fuck out of wisdom university clapped the tap dancers, hollie, leave me alone, said d.min jeremy taylor, and, hollie pointed, like jim garrison, why didnt you leave bob alone, lawrence forman and hollie held nose, God knows how, to bring, people down, lawrence forman will write bob and say, im sorry, I wanted you to fall said jeremy taylor, then turned into diana hughey, then lawrence forman, that was the popes image in hollies hand, and 666 being born at the table, between hu and the pope, no, said, hollie, record, showed, hollie, that was gabriel, pointing, theres that o black chariot with the pope and hu, new world order, write the vision, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, did not the angel, fleas say, its over, nathaniel urshan, he knows it, but, keeps right on pastoring, and would have put bob out, but, God lead bob out, told, nathaniel urshan, trembled, did not the angel, fleas, say, write the vision, nathaniel urshans moriah apostolic church, emptying,
is this the persecution paul went thru 4-10-2007-prophesying visions-I erase your mind and put new hearts in you so you can keep on going instead of fasting for 30 or forty days, if you do that, you will abate yourself, but, I the LOrd, will be embarrased in the whole information highway, put that on the front page, of ministry of dreams, embarras me says the LOrd, God wanted you to backslide, so, he could destroy people, with this website, and, you have exposed, what paul and they all went thru, God says, I want you to sin, watch t.v., have afairs, till I miss you, and if I do, I will call you back, and you will be thrown a rage, when you think, that you gave up all so I could squeeze many years of service out of you, then, throw you away, when you look back you will be offended, thrown in rage over what I did to you to make flee, I drive you out everyday, then, stop, then, do it all over again, cause, you will not, let me, make you walk in circles, and spin when stopped, get arrested, spin while they are handcuffing, spin in court, and I will laugh at you in prison, and, the moment you stop, I will say, you should have never let to begin with, now you have many years of time to do for nothing, by spinning, I mean, until, you collapse, 8, tne hours, all day, every step, despairing, hurting, offending, that would have caused you to be, and was designed to make you, walk away, I replaced, fiery darts, and, teasing, and, mocking, entering into your heart, causing rage, you cry, please dont do it, but, I wont, hear, saith the LOrd, keep quitting said JEsus, till the day you backslide, then, thats what im doing, making you, backslide for sport, that hurt your heart and you knew it, thats why you exposed me, I make my servants backslide, and, after so long, they wont, come back, cause what I did, but, I dont need you no more, bobby said Jesus, put it on, God says, im making you look like a fool in front of everybody for no reason, I would befriend you and fire you up, then, say something that threw in a rage, taking one day to heal, if I can make you willing to sin, so many times, the day will come, when you will, and, I wont forgive, and caused, this is killing all day long, I just put a new heart, then another one, in you so you can, theres another, keep on going, cry all you want in your heart, im keeping you humble in my eyes, thats God laughing at you, getting angry, cause im prodding you, hitting you different ways to make you backslide, God says, I can have you in revival and quitting in five minutes, making you so angry you can think straight, this is entertainment to me, I have driven just about all my servants away, by doing this, after thier flower fades, then, they are old, and, know it, leave and no where to go, God wont let people pray for them, but, just says, they are, backslided, but, doesnt tell, what he did, bob, puts it on the information highway to show the world what im doing to him, and laughs at me in his heart, knowing when people read this, they will not want Jesus, but, its in my word, paul wrote about it, God says, I started collapsing you, they, day one, to make you ugly, steal your beauty, and, you are, threatening with gum grafts, go ahead, thats me laughing at you, I got into your pocket, those will cost, over a thousand dollars, heres what God says, serve me or dont, but if you do, I will abate you from day one, my mercy was calvary, not, im going to put you in hell prophet ministryofdreams, when, you would have had heaven, for no reason, to make you an example, whom I will have mercy on, Ill have mercy on, whom I hardeneth, I hardenth, stripped says the LOrd, of all your desire to live for Jesus, is what im doing, and, when it raises up, I strip it away, God says, you are, crying in your heart, cause im torturing you, knowing, theres no way you can survive, stay out of hell, this is when my grace is sufficient, meaning i drove you out until I had compassion again, but, dont, after, awile, God says, in REVELATION they cursed me because of thier plagues, knowing I had power over all, but I caused, God says, I make you hurt so deep, to cause you to want to perish to get away from me, 4-11-2007-that was hollie riding in the spaceship, star, wars, record, showed, hollie, hollie showed, record, record showed hollie, you know who I AM said Jesus, bob, dont testify, they, know, record, showed, hollie, change the dates, to 4-10, i made you wreck pointed jim garrison at jeremy taylor, and the lighted hand pointed, jim garrison showed record, didnt the angel Jesus, say, irani president, is, wanting russia to protect, wont, syria is, and putin pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me sang hollie, and, prophet, pointed, syria is damascus, boom, that, will, be when, got him, the syrian president, putin, likes, terrorism keeps america all over the world, thin at home, did not the angel fleas say, save me, uncover me, make up your mind, did not the angel fleas say, work, hollie showed, put the con spirit back, carved into the stick, thats hollie on the missile, that, the main, Im the main, with a new sound, that is the war sound, and hollie showed, record, prayed, terrorism, said, hollie, breaks out, all over, usa, then, and gabriel, showed, drink, 4-12-2007-im the pope said jeremy taylor, record, hollie showed, went to hell said the pope, that was jim garrions voice said the tap dancer, clapped hollie, its in the ring, that pointed hollie, iran nuclear power plant destroyed, that said, hollie, and the syrian president running from, that, the fire, bush, thats nuclear fire behind hu hintao, thats magog, leave my spaceship alone, said, hollie, that, its iran pointed Jesus, that is when putin angered, hollie played, the horn, and out came, hollie with a picture of nathaniel urshan, cut off, and a picture of joel urshan, and hollie in the spaceship, boom, lightspeed, you got cut off said the pope, like an angel of light, and hollie out of tuba showed a picture of nathaniel p. urshan, its in the tuba, that, pointed, hollie, a picture of nathaniel p urshan, he is, going to try to get websites down, watch, fail, he angered cause bob knew all, thats the popes image made alive, on tv, accept me sang kenneth haney, is what they cry out, at revival, but, wrong said, kenneth haney, they, claim to be apostles, but are, liars, no signs, theres that o alone sound, and hollie came out of pipe blown by hollie showed, and, out came, hollie and she blew flute and out came satan, that was the popes image in the hand, hollie smiling, bush attacked, dreamed, bob, syria, iran, hollie pointed, babyfleas with a picture of nathaniel urshan, torn, between moriah apostolic church and calvary tabernacle, its in the paper smiled gabriel, iraq nuked, hollie clapped, gaza, boom, bush, oil contracts, and, gabriel showed record, iran, syria, boom, bush, didnt the angel putin anger, that was gabriel, hollie, and, hollie tearing up the con trap, record, showed, hollie, that was nuclear fire, over, north korea, out of south korea, Jesus, pointed, twice, raise your mantle and repeat after me, russia is the bear paw, Jesus pointed, jeremy taylor resigns, want more visions, on my website, said, the tap dancers, and, the pope and hu were two of them, with calderon, hollie held nose, liar, ortega, hollie held nose, pointed, at, the putin pope man, that is, nicaragua, and the beast, rose, with, the pope riding, slashed, deadly wound, and, the g8, italy is where the pope came, out of, record pointed hollie, the pope, im the beast, hollie held nose, im the false prophet, ethanol, and the pope showed to record, and hollie held picture of nathaniel p. urshan, no signs, held nose, and hollie held picture of nathaniel urshan, and showed, thumbs down, he would have, tried to get you to fall in meeting in office, but Jesus, said, git out of here, bye moriah, now fall, pays for the iraq war, theres that o alone sound, blew whitle hollie, downtown, pointed, circled, hollie geese, thats the pope going to the greek orthadoxed church in moscow and making an agreement, signing to gain, control, of, russias nuclear arsenal, hollie pointed, at leopard hollie, thats, north and south, korea, china, and japan, they will rise to withstand, did not the angel amy brucker say aint got no money, jeremy taylor, white robe, stars, wand, jim garrison, black suit, now, jim garrion, white robe, lit, stars, wand, hat, jeremy taylor, black suit, there aint no visions, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, look what ive done, said, jim garrison, closed wisdom university by not firing jeremy taylor, this is heaven, this is helven, lava or glass city, hollie on the streets of gold, enthusiastic hollie showed record, like a fox, please start praying sang the ministering spirits, and hollie licked the prophet, and gabriel licked the prophet, and, he saw, said, casey, gas prices at 1.51 and 2.12, 4-12-2007-after iraq, said, hollie, two months, to play, then, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, russia, moscow and china, into it, no, said, hollie, yes, said, and, babyfleas, showed, a pciture of nathaniel p. urshan, cut off, no signs, out of, tuba, but, pastors, this is why, no signs, pastors, teaching, there aint no visions in pentecost, sang hollie and licked the prophet, gabriel licked the prophet, hollie tore up the con spirit, jeremy taylor, white robe, stars, wand, hat, jim garrison, black suit, aint funny, said, hollie, now jim garrison, white robe, stars, wand, hat, jeremy taylor, black suit, he wants me said gabriel in court, lawrence forman and jeremy taylor, both stole the name ministry of dreams, gitton older said, kurt vonnegut, he was, scheduled to speak, but now, dead, and in hell, wishes, he lived for God, and, God offended both, now, we keep the name, but, want war, jim garrison in wizards robe, right here, replace taylor, and hollie tattood 666 on grace slicks head, born between hu and the pope, pointed, he sold bobby, said, gabriel, larry hunt, no signs, and, hollie sang like grace slick, hollie prayer walked with coat and white bandana, record showed, hollie, hollie out of the zenith 200 allegro speaker, woofer, back, showed dinner time out of flute blown by hollie showed, smiled, thats blow man, shh, he showed, hollie thought, that was, satan, jeremy, im so sorry i messed up your website, get out shouted jeremy taylor, thats what I want, lawrence forman, same way, pierced heart, anger, and, the lighted, finger pointed, did not the angel Jesus sing, raise your hands, and repeat after me, russia is the bear paw, with china as the other, the ram, get on up on the floor, cause were gonna boogy woogy woogy till you just cant boogy no more sang bobby slick Leonard, the pacers fired the best coach available cause he did not have n.b.a. players, but they wanted, right here, pointed Bobby Leonard, a championship, mel simon will look and, but in his heart smile yes, Bobby Leonard will see it to, wrong he said, they wanted him to build, but cheat, thats it thought mel simon, wrong said, Bobby Leonard, they wanted, no pay, top of the line, mel simon angrily wadds, kurt vonnegut died and its the year of vonnegut in indianapolis, he was, scheduled to speak, but now, kurts in lava right now wishing he lived for Jesus, but perished, a muti millionaire, kurt vonneguts in hell is saying I lived my life, in, deciet, knowing this place existed but now I cant, get out, and, dont want, nobody to know, im here, five minutes before he died, he said, Lord, I, lived like I wanted, now, im dying, if you will receive me, Id appreaciate it, I repent off all, but if you dont, I dont blame you, vision of kurt vonnegut in hell-vision recieved 4-12-2007-in this vision I saw kurt vonnegut in the fire.
prophetic times visions and dreams-recieved 4-2007-in visions I saw spirits that looked like people like Jesus Christ, the arch angel gabriel, the baby polar bear, sunnysnet, hollie, babyfleas, the pope, satan, hollie showed and they said things like: write the visions, flames, smiles, hollie showed, thumbs swooping up, theres a reason, what is it, hollie showed, thought, smiled, thumbs, down, but, not all the way, why not, hollie showed, thought, terry cannon pointed, quenched written over his head, revival, at church, that was Jesus in the cloud, miriam and aaron, spoke against moses, but, moses did what they said, but, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, no, said Jesus, put bobby right here, thought terry cannon, but, when bobby showed, boring message, chicago said, and hollie on the missile, beat the cymbol like this, and the feet stomped, theres that o black chariot, with hu on the black side, and hollie licked the prophet, and the pope on the red side, this will take peace off of the earth, and putin, pulled, hollie in back, Jesus at the back door of terry cannons church, lets go, theres that o alone sound, and hollie licked the prophet, hollie whistle blew, record showed the paul mooney girl, and hollie licked the prophet, the army national guard in the streets, and poor old israel, boom, out of, iraq, and, gaza forsaken, the palestinian state, boom, terry cannons father, never got saved, but, went to apostolic churches, all his life, now, in lava, he knows said, terry cannon, I didnt do what I said, that was france and the united kingdom, boom, wrong said, Jesus, is what they say, but, terry cannon is wanting those visions off, put more visions clapped hollie tap dancing, with hollie held nose, the pope and hu, and, eight kings, that was a bear, im the bear paw, said, putin, and, satan is the head, and the pope, is his mouth, funny they say about what your sending, but, they know, jeremy taylor, black suit, soon, jim garrison, hollie clapped, held nose, white robe, stars, wand, hat, gabriel showed, record, dinner bell showed hollie, gabriel, ate ice cream, hollie said, no more visions, for, brother stewart at heavenly life apostolic church cause wont get saved but likes opening service, jeremy taylor pointed, out of ring, that, lost all, for stealing, prophet said, hollie like a bear, want more visions, on my website, clapped, hollie, theres yoru black chariot, pointed the girl from gary streevals church, that was the popes image, on the finger clapped the tap dancers, and the pope and hu were two of them, its in the ring, that, said, hollie, the pope, im the beast, said, hu, anti Christ, pope, 666, born, between, that, pointed, hollie, tell me something said jim garrison, jeremy taylor will loose all 3 jobs, all talks, pointed, hollie, terry cannon is thinking, bob, stay or leave, but dont, come and pray revival down, then leave, he, wants, you, behind the pulpit, they felt the Spirit of God in your voice, but not, terry cannons, they are, terry cannon knows, sad, and sunnysnet showed to record, and hollie tore up the con spirit, astronomy said, rick roberston, is, these pastors, all upci, lost, leave or stay up here, pulpit, but he will guard from bob, has revival coming, and, the man that is coming is not saved, darrell stewart, Evangelist Wilson Honeycutt, Sean Barber, Reverend Kevin Danforth, are all lost, but act saith the LOrd, that is the helicopter sound, whatta you want, said, hollie, oil, said, pointed, gabriel, iraq, iran, syria, two far, thinks, putin, hollie blew horn, and, out came, hollie, and hollie blew and out came hollie, showing dinner bell, then the pope and hu, new world order, leave me alone said hollie, sang hollie, licked the prophet, gabriel, licked the prophet, hollie on tongue, and jim garrison blew horn, out came jeremy taylor, pointed at google angel, indexed jeremy taylor, aint funny said kathryn taylor, for stealing my name, ruined, and, gabriel licked the prophet, hollie on tongue, noah saw people in boats, canoes, wanting to get in the ark, but, couldnt, it rained, till all were dead, that was, a serpent, fire colored, and, the popes, image, came out, and, hu s, its in the ring, that, pointed, hollie, write the vision, that was Jesus, tearing up the con trast, from the side, lighted, that was Jesus, showing time out, jeremy taylor, hollie stuck out tongue out of pipe blown by Jesus, didnt hollie say, git, out, of here, jeremy taylor, looking at, the angelfire website, he will report, but, he will report again, and, it became .com, and jim garrion pointed, startin to rip me off, go to westside said Jesus, those are from the devil said hollie, is what, donald winters said, with kenneth haneys voice, I hear you blew it said hair dyer mrs. winters and donald winters pointed, it left said mrs. winters, the HOly Ghost, leave my spaceship alone said hollie and licked the prophet, you know what youve done said hollie, jeremy taylor, lawrence forman, offended, and got ruined, for doing, cecil pennyton had nothing and knows, will write, stop, did not the pope say, oil leading to armageddon, and hollie, licked the prophet, you dont want me, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, like a, fire bear, no, said, fleas, no, said, fleas, its, me, said, raise my mantle, and repeat after me, sang, Jesus, tara exposed breast and ruined, carrer, knows now, planned, inside, dance, topless almost, hollie licked the prophet, start slipping, said fleas, hollie out of the zenith allegro 200 stereo speaker, showed, thumbs swooping up, excellent speakers, thats the war sound blew whistled hollie, and the angel smiled, pointed, at, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, planes, loaded with atom bombs, hollie pointed, at Jesus coming, downtown, thought, circled, hollie geese, and america being destroyed, thats that o alone sound, hollie pointed, angel, and, gabriel, showed, to check your oil with your hands, thick and slick, keep, bobby, chevrolet, said, gabriel, is, closing, did not, the, angel model with blue eyes from calvary tabernacle say, put bobby right here, pulpit, but, the pastor from heavenly life apostolic church guarded, fools, 4-14-2007-record showed gabriel, your not prayin, he said, you are staying by self denial, but, not good enough saith the LOrd, hollie showed record, watch this said hollie, that was Jesus, with the prod, prodding prophet to make him fall, hitting him in all kinds of directions to make him backslide, thats the helicopter sound with fleas piloting and it dropped the container and gabriel opened, hollie clapped, and out came prince charles in his, skirt, Ive got news for you, america is at war, but, sadly, God is not with you this time, and he threw away, there pointed gabriel, henry gruver dead, got no money said gabriel, and she said, nobody wants you, and hollie showed, record, pointed at jeremy taylor in the spaceship, with black suit, hollie, white robe, jeremy taylor, white robe, stars, wand, lit, hat, jim garrison, black suit, now jeremy taylor, black suit, jim garrison, white robe, stars, wand, hat, holding hollie, but, wont get, teaching jeremy taylors class, wreckedme said, jim garrison, miriams well, you know your welcome, if you take, the name you stole off, she will tell right to face, lawrence forman, I will correct him said cecil pennyton, will release ministryofdreams, hollie clapped, and tore up, hollie, thats what, jeremy taylor wanted, and lawrence forman, leave me alone said hollie, in her spaceship, star wars, and, george lucas will see these visions, he is out of work, that was hollie with a bear, thats russia and sunnysnet showed record, and the baby polar bear showed record, pointed, that was a light flash, satan falling from heaven, with one third of the angels, what did he want, said, JEsus, to do his own thing, but, theres only one God, in heaven, Jesus, thats the Father, bright light man, that was prophet garrison of wisdom university in a white robe, then turned into jeremy taylor, what did he want, said, kathryn taylor and jermey taylor tore up the con spirit, to make bob fall, he was number one, but, he stole bobs ministry name spoken by Jesus, then God led bob to bring jeremy taylor down, and, jim garrison pointed at jeremy taylor with black suit, jim garrison, white robe, replaces, jeremy taylor, unemployed, will be completely stripped, kathryn taylor will leave with money, MYSTERY, BABYLON is amexico said kathryn taylor, and, fleas pointed at jim garrison with white robe, jeremy taylor, black suit, tongue out on fleas, and the popes image, in the hand, 666, born at the table, and, jim garrison showed to record, the united states, will be a desolation, said jim garrison, and hollie and gabriel licked the prophet, and, wisdom university appeared, on gabriels tongue, what did he want, said, jim garrison, when jim garrison saw the letter that bob sent, he, knew, taylor was over, heres what he thought, he called, jeremy taylor to his office, and, taylor went thinking, speaking engadgement, but, jim showed taylor what is was on computer screen, jeremy taylor sank, pointed hollie, but, heres what happened, and, hollie licked, the prophet, God led bob to offend, jeremy taylor, and he wrote a letter without thinking, it is what sank him, he confessed, and still wont deny taking bobs minsitry name, but by leaving on and not taking heed, two months later, minus almost one, he is, crushed, now, and, hollie bear blew the horn, hollie waved, out, pointed, pakistan, india, boom, no more saudi, arabia will be the new name, that was the popes image in the hand, born, between, hu and the pope, gabriel showed to record, and hollie, theres a terrorist strike on amexico coming, washington state said gabriel, china using terrorists, gabriel smiled, that was fleas out of horn, lighted, did not the angel gabriel, say, pointed, your closing him, jeremy taylor, soon, lawrence forman, soon, storm moving acrosed florida, theres that o alone sound, bob dreamed, stayed all night with friend, man got in bed with, talked, God said, leave, he wont leave you alone, did not the angel say, hollie showed, thought, its, over iran, said, gabriel, usa attacking, did not the angel pope sing, raise your hands and repeat after me, cause, washington state, your wrong said gabriel, did not the angel, gabriel say, he didnt do you right, lawrence forman, now sickness, theres that o alone sound, did not the angel kathryn taylor say, he did not leave you alone, press said gabriel, poor o jeremy taylor, spacecraft said hollie, and licked the propeht, flew, leave me alone, whatta you want, fall said jeremy taylor, we got you said jim garrison, the united states said gabriel, thats amexico, hollie tore up the con spirit, like this, new iraq, its amexico and britain right now, and hollie blew horn, and, out came, hollie, hollie showed, thought, what did hollie say, pointed, dinner, on knees, mrs. caldwell tore up the con spirit, hair dyes, leave me alone said pastor caldwell, knows, thats the popes face in the horn, pointed hollie and hu, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, the new world order, thats it said hollie, that was gabriel and hollie licked the prophet, leave me alone said hollie, in spaceship, thats a secret, lawrence forman is lying, about, his identity, he is cecil pennyton pointed hollie, theres your website pointed hollie, no name on either, theres that o alone sound, whistle hollie with hat, flowers, tore up the con spirit, Im enthusiastic hollie, like fox, record, you got me said lawrence forman, im the main, ministering spirit, when the main speaks, whats my message, hollie showed, thought, licked the prophet, the main thought, thats it, for jeremy taylor, lawrence forman, thats cecil pennyton, he ll write you said Jesus like whistle hollie and repent, lawrece forman and jeremy taylor, wait a minute mr. christians, whats the message, and hollie licked the prophet, angel grabbed tongue, people on tongue, 8 kings that will, and the being pointed, rise up against, america, put it on, theres that o black and red chariot, with, the pope, and hu, the pope, on the black side, and hu on the red side, this will, hollie showed, tore up the con spirit, thought, downtown pointed hollie, putin, pulled, hollie, in back, the old black chariot, there was, raise your hands, and repeat after me, sang pope, hollie held nose, pointed, calderon, dead, your lying, ortega, hollie held nose, liar, new castrol, chavez said, almost fully recovered, old castrol, hes lying to, hollie, showed, thumbs down, theres the alarm sound, he is backslided from wisdom university called fired, right now, jeremy taylor, what did you want, fall bob, and, hollie licked prophet, and, on tongue, wisdom university faculty, angel grabbed tongue, hollie held nose, jim garrison, made taylor leave, theres the black chariot, new world order, putin pulled hollie in back, end times events on ministry of dreams-visions recieved 4-14-2007-Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people like gabriel, Jesus, the baby polar bear, outlaws Jesus, hollie, babyfleas and they said things like: putin pulled hollie in back, lula, hollie held nose, pointed, thumbs down, liar, jong, hollie held nose, trouble maker, what does he want, the LOrd says, war between usa and russia, they know it, tell me about ortega said hollie, hes, the pope thought, lying, he wants russia to give military aid, we got him said putin, hollie whistle, what does he want, war, usa out, he wanted you to fall, jeremy taylor and lawrence forman, they will fall in your place, said, the tap dancer, he wants to get out, of that, thief jeremy taylor stole, lawrence forman wants you to backslide, God will strip both, he is lying to everybody about you, lawrence forman, but, that was hollie out of saxaphone at heavenly life apostolic church pointing at man on stage, all cut off, he knows, terry cannon, that was a hand pointing, that was hollie, out of, pipe, back, looked, prophets done, that was, jeremy taylor, black suit, jim garrison, white robe, hat, stars, wand, hollie showed, in the LOrds hands, whitin two days, returned, both, that, was, babyfleas, she pointed, she said, witness, dorein, winked, you wanted bob to get fired, cause he witnessed to you, never spoke again, you got fired, your moneys in the mail said jim garrison, I cant beleive you did so stupidly, threw away number one over stealing, a, name, jeremy taylor, what does he want, said, jeremy taylor wants to make bob fall, he knows you caused him to fall, and has, indignation against the Holy convenant, tell us my vision said, jim garrison, pointed, in white robe, soothsayer, hat, stars, wand, jeremy taylor, dream workers, d.min, whats it mean, the pope smiled, in DANIEL they, tell us the dream, and we will interpret, thats tearing up the con spirit, with lighted, bear, paws, thats, im a bear, father, thats the polar bear, that baby polar bears growing, he will attract 13000, people this week, they love him, and, the baby polar bear showed record, sunnysnet, pointed, showed record, they want to release, the baby polar bear, if they do, the older ones, will, parent, write the vision, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, hollie pointed, polar bears, like each other, broke it said Jesus, thats the sixth seal, the sun darkened, hollie, held nose, anthony warner, what does he want, and he saw, he wrecked, him raking in money, pocketing from church offerings, protecting, fleas, out of tuba, back, and showing picture of nathaniel p. urshan, cut off, turned into soothsayer jeremy taylor, no difference, and fleas pointed, that was satan, sh, pointed, hollie, im the bear paw, forget it said, hu, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, im not the main, loose belt sound, I want my vision on the internet, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, lawrence forman is, that was satan, sh, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pointed the pope, oil is leading to armageddon, us said robin wood s, over, that was a man, bright, walking, that was background into meetings link, follow, hollie put back the con spirit, showed turn, 4-15-2007-hollie pointed out of saxaphone, at, sin, mrs. linda cannon is a hair dyer, hollie showed record, I hear you had a heart attack, said, gabriel, jeremy taylor, while, talking, dont write him back said linda cannon, liar, not, saved, but, acts,
heavenly life apostolic tabernacle-visions recieved 4-15-2007-while at service at heavenly life church, Jesus gave me many visions like, I saw the face of babyfleas several times come out of the saxaphone and point at people on platform and I saw the word, sin, written over, and I saw the word quenched written over I beleive pastor terry cannons head. I saw linda cannon and her hair was gray in one vision like is should be and dyed in one vision like it is. I saw the young man there on stage with terry cannon in visions and I know he wants me out from, and I saw him worshipping terry cannon. If you dont beleive, go listen to him.
visions from Jesus for the last days-visions recieved 4-2007-Jesus showed me spirits in visions that looked like people like, satan, Jesus Christ, hollie, babyfleas showing a picture of nathaniel p. urshan, the baby polar bear and they said things like: hollie showed record, watch this said hollie, 4-17-2007-record the vision said hollie, hollie showed, record the vision said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed hollie, walk, prayer walk, she, showed, that was pastor terry cannon looking at new jerusalem, a glass city, from the other side of the crystal sea, record showed hollie, that was hollie in the spaceship, now, your preaching said kevin danforth, liar, sin, written right over head, that was hollie showd playing piano, hollie showed smiled, that was hollie the main poining, that is the popes image on the finger, that is the signing of 666, between hu and the pope, the new world order, has just arrived, please Lord save me sang the dark haired woman from moriah apostolic church, but she wont repent as long as, nathaniel urshan lets her sing, and fleas showed a picture of nathaniel urshan and joel urshan, tore, out of, horn, blown by a bear, and, the baby polar bear showed record, and, showed putins image in paw, wait a minute mr. christian said hollie, that was hollie running, like a spirit, you comitted blaspheme they think by not coming back to moriah apostolic church, but, nathaniel urshan wanted meeting, to make bob, worship him, fool, that was fleas with a picture of nathaniel urshan, tore, that was kenneth haney-nathaniel urshan man and joel urshan, angry, ripped, a picture of hollie, like a bear, whats the message, they are, cut off, said, pointed, hollie, out of, torn picture, that was the moon being darkened said the tap dancers, and, the pope and hu, were two of them, pointed hollie, hollie showed, thought, thumbs, swooping up, mostly, what does it mean, said, hollie, the main ministering spirit, downtown said, hollie showed, what did jean want, urshan, the worship and praise of men, but, now, death, and, Jesus lowered baby satan, a mans heart given to it, people want to be worshipped, the united states will be attacked by moscow said the pope, that was hollie, like a bear, con tract, tear up, im a bear paw, hollie clapped, thats russia, with hu s image, satan is the head, and, the pope is his mouth, that was hollie showed out of the serpents mouth, downtown, pointed, cicled the geese, post, like hollie showed, and, hollie showed, both, a picture of inside moriah apostolic church, they are, you aint very funny, thought that woman that sings with blue eyes, dark hair, telling visions of iraq ending nuclear, and, america, moscow, and china, getting into it, two months later, she told nathaniel urshan, and, he wanted bob to not say, anything, but, he left, and, she saw, and, her and hair dying husband laughed, now the church is, why did he, cut me off, they both think, he plays bass at moriah apostolic church, he dyed his hair, after bob told him, about visions, that was hollie on the missile, boom, chicago, hollie showed, blew the horn, and out came, hollie showed, smiled, record, the vision, showed, hollie, nathaniels church is closing up, sang the tap dancers, and joel and nathaniel urshan, were two of them, with many upci pastors, that are, cut off, but, preaching and, terry cannon, looked at this, hes seeking the Holy Ghost, that said, hollie, jean urshan, dead, soon, that, there are no visions in pentecost, and, hollie pointed, and, licked the prophet, that was Jesus pointing like a cat, hollie leopard pointed at the leopard, and four kings popped out, hu, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, with, the popes, image, on, hollie held nose, cause he is, liar, capian sea oil pipeline, boom, kim jong, is, hollie showed, thumbs down, trouble maker, whats he doing, causing hatred, lying, south korea, boom, with, north and china and moscow, france, boom, pointed, hollie showed, babyfleas, come on, lay down, and, he saw, those two from moriah apostolic church, oral sex, then, that was hollie out of, horn, blown hollie hollie showed, that was Jesus, like light man, hollie giving approval, shame on prophet blaspheme, thats irving baxter, no signs, and tore up the con, querer, dont you want it hair dyer, you preach, leave my spacecraft alone said, hollie and flew, licked the prophet, trap pointed Jesus, jonathan hasen is not saved, but, pastors, jonathan hansen is lying said ministering spirits, what does he want, and, casey showed, record, jonathan, raking in money, pocketing, living off of the church, showed no to visions, bill bright fasted to be seen sang hollie, and, pointed, tore up the, con, ACTS 2:38, thats the reason, bill bright preached, accept Jesus as savior, then, turned into jonathan hansen, please said jonathan hansen, jonathan hansen, said, my money put me in the lake, take it off, he shouted, and came against website, but, angelfire wont, take it down, jonathan hansen is not going to get, saved, until he, and there it is, church empyting, jonathan hansen, will not believe that stuff sang hollie, close that website down said hansen, jonathan, and he saw, jonathan hansen filing complaint, at the beep, that was the paul mooney girl, and, pointed, at, hollie in spaceship, zoom, theres my report card, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, thats, pointed, hollie, henry gruver, a+, dumitru duduman, a+, prophet ministry of dreams, c, thats babyfleas, spinning, smiling, pointing at her on ministryofdreams, thats hollie in spaceship, angel pouring out vial, hollie fired, boom, judgmnts to many nations, and, the world, shoook, theres the woman, the statue of liberty, thats a yellow dragon, rising, china, with, the pope, riding, war, the end, showed, on the wall, thats hollie tap dancing, turned into, and hollie showed, pointed, jon benet ramsey, her mother let him babysit, knowing, cause she wanted insurance money, planned, those two planned that out, right the vision, like the pen showed, said, hollie, i aint over said fleas, that was Jesus tearing up the con, thought, spirit, lighted bear paws, hollie showed, record, pointed, no, said, fleas, pointed, france boom, italy, fire, did not the angel, fleas, say, no, they hit russia pointed hollie, boom, clinton, and, china, and, hu in the red horse, by attacking taiwan, peace taken off the earth, that was a lighted, man, did not the angel, debbie say, its on tv, iraq on fire, gaza, destroyed, bush brought in to break oil contracts, tv yelled debby, kuwait, saudi arabia, t.v., boom, africa, boom, all, of, the western hemisphere, tv, destroyed, china, moscow, japan, italy, t.v. pointed debbie, the popes image, italy, boom, france, boom, tv pointed debbie, japan, t.v., kuwait, t.v., north and south, korea, that, boom, that, pointed, hollie, that, tv, the popes image, made alive, tv, that, leave it alone, said, hollie, piloting the ministry of dreams, spaceship, tv, pointed, debbie, that, pointed hollie, beast, pope, that, hu, false prophet, that, that was a lighted finger, that, that, that was, lybia taking a hit, nuclear, that, raise your hands, and repeat, that, that, after, me, that, sang, the, that, pope, your like satan, wanting worshipped, no said, fleas, that was hollie tearing up con spirit, I, got you, said, Jesus, lawrence forman, and, hollie, showed, record, and, licked, the prophet, gabriel, people on tongue, 8 kings, that, will rise, against, america, theres that o alone sound, did not the angel fleas said, christian, and licked, the prophet, angel grabbed tongue, did not the angel fleas, say, your gitton in trouble, nathaniel urshan, thats what, we want, said, Jesus, deciever, did not the angel, fleas, say, accept it, yeah, said, hollie, hollie showed, and, hollie showed, blew the horn, and, out came, fleas with a picture of nathaniel urshan, rip, back, tell me about , tell me about the urshan man, said, fleas, thats, kenneth haney nathaniel urshan, both, wanting rule of upci, thats, wrong they think, take it, said, javier froosevelt, and lawrence forman stole the name and cecil s. pennyton put it on the heroin puppy, liars and will be separated saith the LOrd, we will said javier froosevelt, all cause, Jesus cursed and we are lost for tempting Jesus, the new york times said gabriel iraq nuked like gaza, bush brought in, to break, oil, contracts, no, said, fleas, 4-18-2007-thou art my battle ax, with whom I'm breaking down nations, you are, not lost but saved, keep, tell, on, nathaniel urshan, he is, lost, and pastoring, like, all urshans, before, and joel, soon, all, empty churches, saith the Lord, and hollie whistle blew, how do you git it, said, nathaniel p. urshan, he would not have sought, if, not, brought down, to late, saith the LOrd, blood on hands, both, all, cut off, now, ucpi, are, all, done, no signs, no ones worthy, said, hollie showed, to loose the seals, except, bob, and he is, not, wanting, no more, not, enough, to, seek, longer, now, hear the word of the LOrd, seek and you will find, all, things, are possible, somebody said the usa has to start all over again, now hear the word of the Lord, it is, ran its, course, no, said, mrs. lawrence forman, watch, doom, and gloom, coming, saith the LOrd, you, poot, your time, and wasted, now, cut off, give, oral, and anal, to, all, for, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, love, thats what, and you are, number one, and dont, know it, you will see this, and it will be, to late, saith the LOrd, your time was, when, you and lawrence forman stole the name ministry of dreams, like, jeremy taylor did, now all lost, om out, said, Jesus, of upci, and wont return, to late, they had thier fun, now reap, tell, nathaniel urshan, they tell me you left, not coming back, but, thrust, out soon, saith the LOrd, and, no, job, money, etc, lost, wife, leaves, I want you to pay me said mrs. lawrence forman for sex, but, not long, anal herpes coming, lawrence, facial, herpes, and, not, want to live, but, knew, 7-28-2007-thats it, im the main ministering spirit, my name is hollie, im not the main, any more, those are, your visions, your prophecy, if, you fall, your prophecy ciests, when we hit korea, said, gabriel, you loose, bush, you liar, saith the Lord, and he sees, pitches, 10-2007-you went to hell, said, linda spall, and reverend, spall, forgit it, said, linda, larry spall, caused, thats what I want, she said, sex, but, now, Jesus, to late, God has showed me in visions ministering spirits and they said things like: 10-7-2007-hollie showed, raise your hands, and repeat after me, turn, that was, Jesus coming, big, like bright star, and the pope, licked the prophet, hollie held nose, thumbs down, we know, said, hollie, we took it, said, dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, you know, what, youve done said hollie, you got to git up, said, Jesus, I, knew it, said, jose alvarez, hollie showed record, and licked, iraq, boom, gaza, jordan, boom, hollie showed, blessed precious, kristina, we, want, war, said, the pope, russia, china, with, usa, after, iraq, janetmck prayed, and, asked God, to make prophet remove his ministry name, so I can keep it, said, dee finney, and, jose alvarez, shook, yes, all, that, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, release ruint, council, write the vision, said, hollie, mike murdock said gabriel, do you swear, and he sat at the table, why did you do it, and, he turned into bush, council said hollie, I, stole oil, contracts, Jesus blew horn, out, little horn, showing, the pope, beast, it had mans eyes, said wonderful things, theres a reason, said, hollie, what, is, knows mens heart, iraq, said, Jesus, your blowing it, leader, wants, usa, to military, so, he can, get, rich, bush, sees, calls, defence, secretary, he, believes, they, plan, withdrawal, leader trembles, knows, starts paying, bush, likes, america will profit or leave, from this point on, iraq selling everything, government rich again, thats what, we need, said, Jesus, iraq, nuked, for blaspheme, they, are, muslim, and, God, wont, share, put your visions, on, the, internet, sang, hollie, with music, chomp, said, fleas, the, pope sang, raise your mantle, and repeat after me, that was the nathaniel haney urshan man like the pope, no signs, church, credit card, hes, sweeping his church of people that know, visions, but, they are, telling, write here, mokse on willie duncans church, hollie showed, that was flames, choked hollie showed, in the fire, write the vision, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, you knew, said, anna holcomb with ann schmidts voice, virginia boldea, hair dyeing, hollie out of horn, showed, brush teeth once per day, saves, gums, back, sherwood s-2660cp receiver, excellent, twin power supply, which means, it, has two amps, excellent, it puts out 20 watts per channel at 20 to 20,000 hzs, they did not sell, very well, but, better than pioneer, that was, hollie, with, bear paws, tear up, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, this is hollie, with, loose belt sound, tear up, el shaddai, whatta you want, you know, said, ann schmidt, put bobby right here, court, remove name, rick, holcomb, hair dyer, your gonna loose, said, gabriel, rick holcomb, anna holcomb, if you, quit it, said anna, shes dyeing hair, ricks, job, leaving, and, the lighted, finger pointed, anal sex, thats abomination, pounded the bear paws, tear up, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, im mad at you, said, Jesus, that sherwood receiver is as good as they come, you, did not, even listen to it, you are, afraid, for, your self, hollie showed, thumbs down, klh speakers, out of klh, what did you want, said, Jesus, and, mike from soundpro, lectured, showed, klh, was excellent, those didnt match, they sounded natural said fleas, and licked the prophet, whats your complaint then said prophet, hollie out of cymbol, tore up, the, this prophet likes deep bass, and high highs, and mike from soundpro showed audiocoustics laboratory 2100 speaker, its best, bass, and Jesus, pointed, vibrates cabinet, makes noise, mike, reads, shut up, he thinks, those speakers are top of the line, but, wood grill, you need to put in about 30 watts, per channel to make roar, mike tosses, hollie, no more, soundpro receivers were excellent, made by pioneer, project one, what do you want, mercy, pointed, mike, from soundpro, bob, at, 12, in his, store, mike, watching, thinking, what is he, doing, here, sounded clear, said bob, rode bush, walked, mike, loved it, he, pictures prophet, that, was, hollie doing nothing, with, the contract, tear up, what is, Gods meaning, said, hollie, and mike blew the horn, and, the scroll, rolled down, iran, syria, boom, thats the syrian president, running, from, the fire, and hollie tore up, the con, wtlc, thats rick joyner, preaching, and playing, worldly music, hes, lost like tony lamont, but, theyll preach for ya, thats donald winters, hes, outta there, said, fleas, your, gonna miss me said mrs. winters, they turned the buisness over to lost donny winters, and mark mckinney calls police, hes a hair dyeing mooch, lives off church, but, now, empty, he beat up on prophet, one time, to many, prophesied, sickness on prophet, that was, a, nuclear explosion in indianapolis, Im a bear, said, linda spall, bear, Im a bear father, said, hollie, if you help me, said, delbert spall, he really needs it, said, linda spall, hes, rich, said, hollie, no, your not, said, delbert spall, hes made millions off of stupid unsaved christians, and spall, laughed, theres a blaspheme right there, pointed, hollie showed, reverend jeremy taylor, I wont even, fuck with, you, said, linda spall, thats, how, you, loose, said, hollie, larry was, wanting, sex, all day, thats, how, you, wrecked said linda, thats my husband, preaching, not, saved, there aint no capricorns, sang hollie, and licked the prophet, syria, said, gabriel, thats how we loose, said, linda spall, downtown, circled hollie showed, geese, record, the vision, said, gabriel, iraq, boom, gaza, you next, when, we hit syria, said, gabriel, thats, the, syrian president running from the fire, you, ruint, it, said, prophet, larry spall, sees visions, calls, jeremy taylor, thats delbert spall, and, he, says, you, wreck, when you, get, behind pulpit, not, saved, and, kent jordans dad, both, with, dyed hair, shows, son, to pulpit, and, Jesus, leaves, hollie showed, blew, whats the matter, reverend l. caldwell, wants to make prophet leave, right here, said, hollie, if this is what you want, said, pastor caldwell, follow, not sent, he, said, in his heart, you can not come, to, his church, and put visions, on, the internet, rick holcomb, hollie put back the con truit, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, wait a minute said hollie, that pope was, like a bear, and, putin, kneeling, before the pope, like satan, turned into l. caldwell kissing feet of mrs. caldwell, hair dyer on pulpit, that was hollie, rolling up the con, spirit, Im a bear father, thats putin, pope, otyre, hollie tore up the con, spirit, gabriel, said, that, was, hollie whistle blowing, leave ministry of dreams alone, thats stealin, said, l. caldwell, david shapiro, I want you to pray and seek, said, donald winters, in the dream, bob on bike, donald was talking to somebody, and he had dyed hair, that was the mountain of the Lord, and Jesus, in the bright, fire light, and Jesus saying, im gonna git you cut off, bobby, we took it, said, dee finney, I want it, said, Jesus, no, shook, all that stole the name ministry of dreams, let me alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, and hollie flying in the ministry of dreams ship looking for thieves, found, Talzhemir is jeff dee, and amanda dee, both, use, both, lost, both, bobby, we took it, said amanda dee, the name ministry of dreams, hollie held nose, thumbs down, both, lost, katie bazor, and david shapiro, split, with david weeping in child support court, record the vision, said, gabriel, once we bomb alaska, said, gabriel, two hours, to prepare for hell or heaven, this is hell, this is heaven, lava, or glass city, and gabriel licked the prophet, hollie held nose, thumbs down, furcadia, liars, all, and they, bobby, we took it, said dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, and jeff dee shook yes, and, Talzhemir, shook, yes, thats amanda dee, david shapiro, and katie bazor, the children of furcadia, all will perish, record the vision, said, gabriel, showed, cut off, all of those that stole the name ministry of dreams, release, ruint like, Laurie Behncke, Duncan Rouleau, jeremy taylor, antonia vladimirova, dee finney, john mark pool, jose alvarez, tom beland, matt brady, wole soyinka, dave karlotski, dana tillusz, quinling harlequin, andy shaw, christina marie sanford, jean patrick charrey, brian, bill of the massive bri, cecil s. pennyton, lawrence forman, david shapiro, katie bazor, janetmck who is janet mcknight, arron shutt, micheru mathys, nick field, jonah weiland, ismail kadare, wole soyinka, eric lindberg, todd callender, alex ness, kenley darling, Kunnis, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, and more, all release ruint, like duncan rouleau and his kids, matt brady, dana tillusz, dave karlotski, tom beland, quniling harlequin, Talzhemir/Jeff dee, manda dee, Felorin/Dave shapiro, dr. cat, Manda Penumbra, Manda, Penumbra, this is katie bazor, dave shapiro, manda dee, amanda dee, jeff dee, all, stole the name ministry of dreams, the evil children of furcadia, release, ruint, like, little mustie of the heroin puppy, media, cause they lie, said cecil pennyton, we all perish, new york city, said gabriel, boom, thats a nuclear explosion, God says, I will make you quit, if you dont get away from me, this is killing all day long, to keep my servants humble in my eyes, teasing, carressing, dick, with electricity, entering into heart, stripping out all desire to live for me, saith the Lord, for no reason, I can, cause I have the keys to hell, you are perishing if you do not make me stop by fasting and prayer, cause im ruining you, and you know it, im killing all day, till you backslide, then, I will not stop, but, pursue to suicide or lava, cause, you are, exalted in revelations, and, I dont want people walking the streets, like you, so that means, you gave me your youth, for being thrown away anyway, saith the Lord, 10-14-2007-when we hit alaska, said, gene simmons, hollie flying in her bomber, raptor f-22, looking for thieves, found, like, dee finney, I told you not to do it, said, Jesus, im not gonna take it off, she said, but, ruint, then, releases, like david shapiro, katie bazor fired, over, john mark pool, releases, ruint, its my price, said, sandy pool, suffer, said the man, divorces, john mark pool, over, him, taking, said, dee finney, thier lost, said michael boldea, the schmidts, ann, and gene, right, said, gene, spacecraft alone, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, you dont need it, she said, david shapiro, of, furcadia, stole, like, jeff dee, and amanda dee, katie bazor, all laughed, till ruint, like lawrence forman, he let cluracan, post, on his site, the name ministry of dreams, now, ruint, she, gets, pregnant, and leaves, cut off, showed, Jesus, joseph horner, and wife, how do we get bobby outta there, he said, bobby, leave, said, hollie, spacecraft ministry of dreams, released, from all that stole after, iraq, ends, boom, that, was, smoke, coming out of israel, gaza, boom, gabriel, said, write the vision, jordan, boom, that was the pope, smiling, pointing, at the g8, the beast, and putin, grunted, kneeling, before, the pope, the pope, grunted, americas gitton, Ill handle it, said, putin, lets rule he sang, hollie climbed in back, of that o, red and black chariot, and the hegoat smote the ram, thats when, taiwan, explodes, and america, and moscow, and, china, strikes, each other, and up rose four kings, yep, said, michael, boldea, he is, lost, but, has, visions, dreams, like, dont come near, us, I told you not to do it, said, cluracans mom, now, your name, is on net, for trying to make prophet fall, she showed, cut off, cecil pennyton, git outta my home, said, her mom, like janetmcks mom, that was syria, president, running from the fire, jets, usa, calls on, us, said, putin, let me handle it, he said, plans, alaska, hit, then, iran, grunts, lets rule the world, he thinks, and boris, yeltsin, with, jiang zemin, signs, the ram, into existence, then, britain, and usa, becomes, the block, now, here, what are you gonna do about it, putin, looked, at, mexico, they, hate, usa, and he knows, blocking, thier, prosperity, sneaks, subs, up, on, mexico, then, cuba, and it explodes, hollie showed, record, did not gabriel, say, miss me, all, we took, said dee, finney, the name, ministry of dreams, all, lost, did hollie, say, no, sandy pool, leaves, john mark pool, write the vision, flame, said hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, again, thumb up, that, hollie showed, pointed, horse, sticker, rubbed chin, pope appeared over, record the vision, cut off, said, gabriel, that man, hollie showed, rubbed chin, flame, thats the reason, up, kansas city said gabriel, boom, im a bear, said linda, spall, bear, russia, that was flame, said, hollie showed, rubbed chin, I, laughing, ford, chairman, bankrupting, hollie tattood 666, hollie showed, tap danced, and clapped, said, hollie, write me, said, gabriel, john mark pool, sorry, removed, what he really means, sorry, ruint, and all, that, took, it, release, did not paul mooney, say, how did I get cut off, not, saved, pastoring, seek me, said, gabriel, angel with attitude, want more visions, want more visions, on my website, said, hollie, that, and, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, got me, said, hollie, yes, shook, john mark pool, sandy leaves, he, stole the name, ministry of dreams, releases ruint, that was a seven headed dragon, said, hollie showed, with the pope, on, one, hollie showed, laughed in the fire, gabriel showed, record, lets see, said gabriel, who will loose, the most, jeremy taylor, then, dee finney, antonia vladimirova, jose alvarez, john mark pool, they, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, pointed, the lighted, finger, got, cut off, over, the rest, david shapiro, looses, the most, divorce, hollie, tattood 666, look what youve done, she said, thou devil, john mark pool, lost, put back, tear up, this is hollie, with, that, o loose, belt, sound, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the bear paw, said, hollies, hollie tattood 666, that, said, hollie, out, said, hollie, john, mark, pool, good after noon, hollie and john mark pool, shook, hands, whats he done, he, sat, down, at, table, council, said, hollie, gabriel, appeared, whats your name, ministry of dreams, I took, it, he said, I, took it, means, I stole, said hollie, yes, shook, john mark, pool, gabriel said, bob, right here, said, john, mark pool, court, and john, taken to lava, lick my ass, he said, in lava, saying, I, stole the name ministry of dreams, fell, all, right, said, gabriel, thats, your pastor, said, hollie, mrs. joseph horner, guards pulpit, theres the warning, sound, that, said hollie showed, and, that, katie bazor, council, what it is, said, gabriel, thou fool, fired, over taking the name, said dee finney, ministry of dreams, lava, showed, gabriel, counsel, david shapiro, git up, yelled gabriel, he wasnt allowed to speak, lava, there they all are, lava, that, we took it said dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, all released after iraq, boom, gaza, what do, you want, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, was, spoken for him, she said, they, all, showed, cut off, make fall, prophet, but, he made us fall, I didnt know, elijah said dee finney, now ministry of dreams is, all over, the internet, but, God is ruining them, then they released, write the vision, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that, was, hollie clock, record me said, hollie, write the vision, said hollie showed, hollie showed whistle blew, write the vision, that, was, satan, shh, aww no, said, hollie, pope, you expect me to save you, but you will not obey, said ministering spirits, that was satan, pointed, im the bear father, no, said, hollie, that, was, satan, shh, im, the bear father, record me said gabriel, that was, fisting, footing, thats a sin, said, hollie, bomb alaska, said, gabriel, tear up, put back, that, said, hollie, chevrolet said gabriel, its a waring, move out of, usa, collapse any way, china, will, collapse, submarine sound, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, world shook, and, Jesus, pointed, rip, put back, that, was, hollie, record the vision, said, gabriel, hes starting to get cut off, come on, lets git the Holy Ghost said joseph horner, thats what I want, he said, hollie showed, record, record the vision, said, gabriel, and, the, pope smiled, dragon, g8, the, seven headed dragon, bush, is, woman, pointed, the lighted, finger, putin, having, ten crowns, politburo, write me a vision, said, hollie showed, and, licked the prophet, did not gabriel, say, the, stock market slipped, pointed, record the vision, said, gabriel, boom, los angeles, spacecraft, said, hollie, I, just, heard, it, on, the, radio, missile, fired, that, was, gabriel, like, on dumitru dudumans book, said, gabriel, that was, hollie, tearing up, the con, spirit, look, pointed, ministry of dreams, spacecraft, new jerusalem, on top, glass city, that, was, satan, pointed, hollie, pope, that, was, Jesus, lighted, on, horse, light, going thru multitudes, Jesus walking, amoungst people, that was, a red like wall, that was, heavenly, and, the, woman, said, you need to seperate, sandy and john mark pool, record the vision, tear up, put back, king fahd pointed, lava, record the vision, said, gabriel, hollie showed, record, and the, grim reaper laughed, marion county libraries, close, most, record the vision, said, gabriel, and, hollie, licked the prophet, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, when your out, said, the man, you want others, out, like, the, reverend, jeremy taylor, whats he done, said, hollie, he took, said dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, now, ruint, then, released, hollie showed, pointed, at flames, thats my vision, he said, rubbed chin, thought, record the vision, said, gabriel, cut off, showed, Jesus, joseph horner, what does he want, said, hollie, money, to keep church, open, he ll get it, he thinks, but, wont, looses, pension, from, g.m., raise your hands and repeat after me, then, divorce, then, salvation, thats, him, on the streets, of Gold, and wife, lava, record the vision, said, gabriel, cut off, he showed, diana hughey, as one heart, photo, she stole, took, said, diana hughey, the name ministry of dreams, to make christian, fall, sees visions, releases,, but, to late any, way, iraq, brings her to tears, but, vain, be like david shapiro, sell out, for furcadia, then, took said dee finney, steal the name ministry of dreams, shut up, said david shapiro, its your money, said, hollie, soon, katie bazors money, divorce, like, john, mark pool, whats he done, said, hollie, bobby, you better get used to it, said sandy pool, they both, stole the name ministry of dreams, embarrased, separate, release, saddened, 10-14-2007-gabriel showed, record, the horners, cut off, joseph, and mrs. horner, bobby, get my name off of there, thinks mrs. horner, knows, now, on net, she is lost, will perish, mister horner, if you love me, said, mrs. horner, he, looses, pension, they, divorce, he prays thru at the end, no, said, mrs. horner, if you love me, he wont take her, back, she, becomes, broke, seeks, mercy, but, God rejects, hollie fired, spacecraft, she said, ministry of dreams, look whose got your name, john mark pool, dee finney, hollie held nose, thumbs down, and joseph horner, laughs, reading, knows, bob, come back, bob, wants, to, but, wont, write the vision, said, gabriel, bobby, go home, he said, seek, mercy, for the horners, they, want, you back, and you want back, no, showed, joseph, horner, sylvia horner, is lost, will, seek, but, not get, saith the Lord, they wanted to trap prophet, worship him, said mrs. sylvia horner, thats, joseph horner, but, now, they regret, spacecraft, said, hollie, and lcked the prophet, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, hollie showed, rubbed chin, flames, thought, smiled, rubbed chin, thought, smiled, thumb up, laughed, grim reaper, record the vision, said, gabriel, you still owe me said, Jesus, joseph horner, whats he want, full church, guards pulpit, write the vision, said, gabriel, hollie showed, saw, raise your hands, and repeat after me, sang, the pope, flames, rubbed chin, hollie showed, rubbed chin, hollie showed, thought, Im, out, he, said, we can, use, you, thinks. mrs. horner, but guards pulpit, joseph is not savable, and, Jesus, pointed, with, scroll, words, hollie out of horn, pointed, raptor, hollie, flying, they, are, un, stopable, can carry cruise missiles, but, cheap anti aircraft missiles can hit, record the vision, said, hollie, and, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hu riding red horse, china, hits taiwan, hollie showed, record, killing all day long, is God making to backslide, all day, for no reason, many perished, that, would have, made it, to, heaven, cause, God slaughtered, them, all day, wanting them to reach for sin, driving out, torturing, hollie showed, record, gabriel showed, record, and, licked the prophet, write the vision, said, hollie, and, hollie licked the prophet, bear said linda spall, bear, russia, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed, pope, flames, laughed, record the vision, said, gabriel, knock out, he said, john mark pool, Danny Steyne from identity network, we wantem, ministry of dreams, here, not, pool, you knowed, it, said, gabriel, yes, shook, sad, john mark pool, and pastor kent jordan, council, said, hollie, and gabriel pushed in chair, what it is, he said, kent, rubbed chin, and thought, money, preaching for, yea, said, joe jordan, yes, laughed, paul jordan, all with dyed hair, like, mark mckinney, the united states will soon be a desolation, said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, 10-2007-record the vision, said, hollie like a bear, put back, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, that blew it, he said, the horners, meeting, with, prophet, she, wanted him, to, pay no attention to visions, God wont, do, that, bob, you, got, my, money, said, joseph horner, looses pension, all right, he said, hollie clapped, its, time, to, record, hollie pointed, geist apostolic church, closed, no, heat money, said joseph horner, you left me, he said, I have the Holy Ghost, said sylvia horner, no you dont, said, prophet, she, trembled, both, record the vision, said, hollie, that, was, gabriel, on the missile, the, united states, on fire, one hour, and bill clinton returns fire, pointed, the pope, hu and, git outta here, said, putin, running from the fire, china, said, Jesus, thats, magog, said, hollie showed, the popes image, on finger, Im out, said, kenneth haney, pointed, at, horace smith, with dyed hair, hes, mister pentecostal, lost, gimme my money, says, horace smith, and, hollie tore up, then, from side, there was a reason, one handed, caspian sea oil pipeline, right here, said, hollie, and the lighted figners, touched recorder, court, thinks joseph horner, thats hu hintao riding the red horse, taiwan explodes, new peace talks offer it trick, that was, jim garrison, black suit, white robe, jeremy taylor, white robe, black suit, jim garrison, teaches jeremy taylors class, for stealing the name ministry of dreams, replaces, with, wisdom of dreams, china, thats, the, red dragon, g8, seven heads, bush is woman, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, did not mark mckinney say, come see me, with dyed hair, that was new jerusalem, we know said kenneth haney, glass city, tell me, said, hollie, counsel, hollie made kenneth haney and horace smith sit before, gabriel, what do you want, money, said, horace smith, to operate p.a.w., kenneth haney, spun in chair, sex, he said, and, horace shook, yes, with, sad face, and, the nathaniel urshan haney man laughs, ok, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, council, said, hollie, and, nathaniel haney and nathaniel urshan sat, what do you want, said, gabriel, council, said, kenneth haney, all u.p.c.i. pastors, sat, gabriel, wrote on board, liar, not, saved, they, all, shook, yes, lava, git them out of there, the room cleared, thats, it, said, gabriel, jeremy taylor, smiling, in lava, black suit, like, nathaniel urshan, p. and a., both, there, pointed, hollie showed, geese, circled, with lighted finger, downtown, tore up, submarine sound, said, hollie, right here, said, robert ballard, the u.s.s. indianapolis being filmed for national geographic, costs eight million, will make fifty million, right there, pointed, the finger, on, the front of national geographic, the u.s.s. indianapolis, its still raisable, hollie went into allegro speaker, by zenith, put back, tore up, with one hand, excellent, they are, natural sounding, what did bose want, said, hollie, 901, was for loudness, it can take 800 watts, hollie went into audiocoustics laboratory 2100 speaker, what did you want, she said, mike, wanted his own, pioneer, that was, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, pointed, down, north korea, explodes, and south, from usa, Im not the main no more, that, is, gabriel, said, the main, ministering spirit, hollie, and licked the prophet, we gotya, said, gabriel, taylor, jeremy, in lava, with black suit, hollie showed, record, for lying, not saved, record me, said, hollie, there aint no visions, record the vision, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, downtown, circled hollie, showed, geese, that was satan, said, hollie, tore up, put back, no om not, said, hollie, cecil pennyton, removing, said lawrence forman, aww, said cluracan, now, everybody knows my name, she said, for stealing, the name ministry of dreams, shh, showed, dee finney, like david shapiro, we done sold ya, they say, but, when trouble hits, remove, like john mark pool and jose alvarez, sh, showed, john mark pool, dont tell sandy pool, what he has one, what is satans message, satan, thought, john mark pool, im the bear father, set traps, said, the woman, taiwan, said, dumitru duduman, and hollie licked the prophet, boom, hu riding, the red horse, and hu, licked the prophet, hollie showed, knock out, david shapiro, whats he done, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, up, hollie showed, smiled, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, record me, said, hollie, hollie showed, choked in the fire, france, he said, boom, you blew it, record, me, said, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, flames, wrecker, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs up, popes image, thats, it, thats my flames said hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs up, in the midnight hour, sang, gabriel, billy idol, is, not, saveable, but, merciful, what does he want, said, hollie, sex, had, hundreds, but, now old, flame, said, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, iraq, said, hollie, bringing, judgment, said, putin, and hollie tore up con spirit, lets rule the world, said, putin, iran, syria, cut off showed, putin, hit, by usa, 10-17-2007-record me, said, gabriel, syria, boom, iran, boom, putin, shows, no way, protect, war is coming, liar said terry cannon, shut up, said gabriel, made terry cannon, sit down, why did you take it, terry raked in millions, pocketed some, now, going broke, but, still, millionaire, church, offerrings, tithes, lava, with black suit, bobby, said, gabriel, record the vision, you eat to much, said, terry cannon, and, antonia vladimirova laughs, yes sir, hollie showed, choked in the fire, record the vision, said, gabriel, your, gonna, loose, bush wants syrias, oil, contracts, and, irans, cut off, showed, the iranian president, its, for me, said, putin, record the vision, said, gabriel, and, licked the prophet, record the vision, said, gabriel, hollie, said, no, downtown, circled, hollie, showed, geese, and licked the prophet, that, said, hollie, its in the ring, out, she said, ronald danforth, not, saved, reads, what do you want, said, Jesus, money, he said, council, said, hollie, ronald danforth, made to sit, what do you want, said, gabriel, death bed salvation, git outta, said, gabriel, in lava with black suit, taiwan, boom, syria, that was the syrian president, running from the fire, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, cut off, he showed, hollie showed, choked, in the fire, boom, china, strikes, hu hintao riding the red horse, come on, we want it, said, ronald danforth, its up to you bob, said, hollie, showed, cut off, whole church, now, terry cannon, said, hollie, its over, said, Jesus, knows, but, put prophet out, cause of, this is hindering, woe be unto the pastors, j.a.c., cut off, showed, JEsus, record me, said, gabriel, cut off, ronald danforth, Lord, its gitton lonely, said, hollie, his church, empties, hes out, said, the mouth, with, gabriels, voice, kevin danforth, and dad, hair dyer, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, pointed, at, grim reaper, git outta here, said, the pope, like, angel, of light, the, hegoat smote the ram, and, hollie showed, pointed, at, flames, rubbed chin, smiled, thought, and the grim reaper, on the speckled horse, submarine sound, submarine sound, and hollie licked the prophet, flames, said, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, gabriel, showed, to, record, laughed hollie showed grim reaper, we want it, said, the woman, prophet you loose, said, ronald danforth, wanting financial seminar, we only took in 13 dollars, offerrings last sunday, they need alter, his crowd, gone, prophet dont come back, said, kevin danforth, is, there, in, the ring, that, that, pointed, hollie out of ring, that, elder danforth preaching with dyed hair, I aint gonna hear it, that, they all think, hes closing, that, said, hollie, church, the united states will be a desolation, said, gabriel, that, said, hollie, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, we aint gonna do it, the woman, from, jordan apostolic church, that, thinks, but, shook, head, yes, to seminar, we want money, thinks, the liar, that would come, hes not multi, that, said, hollie, o yes he is, from, stupid, people, that, Ill tell you how to make a million, but, I have not done it, myself, lies, that, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, barny collins, whats he done, believed, the word of God, but, that, said, hollie, chysler, will, eliminate, transmission, jobs, in kokomo, indiana, to, get, temporary workers, barney makes thiry four dollars per hour, in china, two dollars per hour, barney just bought, almost three hundred thousand dollar house, two expensive, its because of iraq, he said, soon, bankrupt, cause, wife, leaves, with, you got my money, says, barney, wife, and the hegoat smote the ram, and up came four kings, you got it, said, barneys wife, child support, zero, but, bank account, and suit, barney, stripped, but, was, hey, I got six dollars gas, he thinks, was, making, almost, fifteen hundred, per, week, now, seven dollars per hour, hes, not wanting to live no more, that was the pope riding the black horse, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, record me said, hollie, gabriel, look, pointed, pope rose out of sea, that was, putin, in, the, fire room, with, eight kings, that, will, rise, against, usa, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, record, hollie showed, choked in the fire, hollie pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, have nothing to do with him, ronald danforth, lost, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, go, want more visions, want more visions, clapped the tap dancers, the pope, and eight kings, that will rise against, usa, putin, held nose, richard danforth, lee danforth, right here, said, Jesus, alter, not pulpit, they, we know, said, richard danforth, hollie showed, in the fire, hollie showed, record, record me, said, hollie, cut off, she, showed, that, mcs receiver, going out, record my vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, tear up, put back, partially, submarine sound, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, tear up, said, hollie, put back, that was a dark hand hitch hiking, dont pick up, or, be, ruint, like, many, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, cut off, showed, Jesus, the danforths, of, jordan apostolic tabernacle, thats, the family buisness, ronald danforth, reads, and thinks, thats, him, right here, I want a blow job, he thinks, from, prophet, but, wont, that was dee finney showing, to record, I got him, she said, hollie flying in her space ship, ministry of dreams, leave me alone, she said, rubbed chin, thought, if you steal the name ministry of dreams, ill ruin you, we thought we had him said john mark pool, you about to loose, said, Jesus, git him outta here, said john mark pool, prophet, they see, each, other, in, the judgment, mark, lava, prophet, glass city, on streets of gold, remembers the names of those, we took it, said, dee finney, the name, spoken by God, ministry of dreams, ismail kadare, hollie held nose, lost over, did not hollie showed, say, the king of grecia, thought, pope, in the middle of the hegoat, smites, and up, comes, four kings, who are they, the pope, hollie held nose, thumbs, swooping, liar, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, John Durr is lost, I thought I had him, said, Jonathan Hansen, lost, hair dyer, but, still, save, able, we want it, he said, but guards pulpit, and hes not filled with Holy Ghost, om out, said, the woman, that goes to his church, 10-18-2007-france, boom, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, and ismail kadare, blew out, bob, we took it, he said, dee finney, shook, yes, the name ministry of dreams, release, ruint, that was hollie, like a bear, that, theres the, submarine sound, theres the submarine sound, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie in her sub, all around usa, im a bear, said, linda spall bear, boom, usa, explodes, and up comes, the woman, statue of liberty, out of, fire, leave me alone, said, hollie, my space craft, ministry of dreams, looking for, spacecraft, fired, got, dee finney, its over, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, you knew it, said, Jesus, and, hollie, licked the prophet, so, when you gonna buy me lunch said ronald danforth, facing, ruin, church, empties, you let, said the woman, om not, she said, tithing, when hair dyer elder danforth preaches with dyed hair, om not, she said, shh, dont tell ronald danforth, we, know, lost, all danforths, hollie turned the pages, ronald danforth, appeared, picture, she tore up, bobby, we, can use ya, they think, tither, offerrings, only, ronald guards pulpit, but lets lost people preach like elder danforth, did not Jesus say, shut up, ronald danforth, wants prophets now, just family, at, church, we, got, it, says, the woman, that, goes, liar, they, are, all, going to mooresville apostolic, and hollie, like a bear, showed, pocket tv, popes image, hollie like a bear, showed, popes picture, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, pocket t.v., what are you doin, said, the pope, and hu, said, put it right here, both beasts, im gonna loose my job, said, john mark pool, caint help me, he said, ruint, stole the name, new president, he said, hillary clinton, choked, iran, boom, syria, boom, thats the syrian president running from the fire, calling on putin, lets rule the world, he says, hollie showed, pocket tv, with, a bear, on, thats, putin, whispered, hollie, lets git outta here, said john mark pool, o.k., said, sandy pool, she leaves, when hes not expecting, wheres the loot, he says, gone, sandy pool, takes, this new iraq, said, john mark pool, ameri-britain, raise your hands and repeat after me, fast, said, ronald danforth, in the dream, and the woman, she whispered, in heart, westside pentecostal church, when prophet asked where she went, he told her, God showed me in visions, the iraq war will end nuclear, and two months later, usa, moscow, and china, gets into it, but he said that, unsure, and God spoke, and said, thats it, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed pictures, of the pope and false prophet, tear, and hu hintao, worship my beast, he said, those signed for 666, tear, and hollie showed, picture, of, the king of the north and south, the beast and false prophet, hu and the pope, and elder, richard danforth, I dont beleive it, walks away, angry, visions, with dyed hair, and ronald danforth, sees, your naked, said, hollie, and ronald danforth, bobby, if you love me, cut off, he showed, remove, record, me, said, gabriel, cut off, he showed, terry p. gobin, no signs, bobby, I have to eat, said, gene simmons, its cause of iraq, prophet usa, said, gabriel, boom, im a bear, the u.s.a., exploded, will burn, and up came the woman, statue of liberty, out of the fire, God lets gabriel see him telling at gobins church, gabriel, smiles, arch, beautiful, like, you, Im the beast, said, the pope, with seven heads and ten horns, clapped, my tap dancer, hollie, and eight kings, that will rise against u.s.a., hollie held nose, thumbs down, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, cut off, he showed, terry gobin, yeah, he says, when asked about visions, with dyed hair, dont tellem, said, gene simmons, he would try to sell church, and pocket money, let him alone, tell people, and be blessed of the Lord, 10-19-2007-record me, said, gabriel, your outta here, he, pointed, terry gobin, leaves, church, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, new united states, communist, record the vision, said, gabriel, let it alone, said, Jesus, terry gobin, on, website, hes not wanting his name on there, as lost and cut off, said, hollie, and, pointed, im a bear, boom, hollie laughed, thats putin, subs, all around, usa, boom, hollie like a fire, out of saxaphone, played by terry gobin, hollie whistle blew, record me, said, gabriel, God said the united states, will, be attacked by russian missiles, that was putin on the missile, and bill clinton went the other way, thats the leopard, thats north and south korea, china, and japan, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, thats that grim reaper, hollie tore up the con spirit, from behind, put back, again, rip, pauls not saved, and, he, knows, about it, said, hollie, om gonna git cut off, he thought long ago, that was satan, tell me what, satan, wanted, said, hollie showed, im the bear father, and pope, blew horn, out hollie, like little head, pope, gabriel, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, america, on fire, and, the woman, coming out, I, tell you what, I, want, said, the woman, from garry streevals church, sex, organ, play, hit iraqi again, said, the pope, lets rule the world, said, putin, God deseases gums, caresses dick, enters heart to anger his servants, killing all day long, that is tempting them, non stop, to, cause them, to, sin, to, make them, abated, in his eyes, for no reason, taiwan, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, boom, im a bear, hollie showed whistle blew, 10-20-2007-hollie whistle blew, iraq, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, billy mccool, is, off, said his wife, she knew, steadfast 2007, all, that preached there, cut off, paul d. mooney, said, hollie, hes off, like, billy mccool, said hollie, and, mike chance, johnny godair, hollie said, shut up, and arlo moehlenpah, whatta you want, said, hollie, food, said, arlo, moelenpah, hes, outta here, said, billy Mccool, mark mccoool, never, saved, but, leads, you can handle it, said, hollie, dr. arlo moehlenpah, educates false proselytes, like, paul mooney, bill davis, matthew martin, sh, said, hollie, dont try to take website down, hair dyer, preaching on holiness, buy it, said, hollie, its free, he said, liar, these men, are, lost, said, hollie, all, steadfast 2007, conference, cut off, showed, paul mooney, satan, like, ram, smote, the hegoat, pope in middle, cut off, showed, gabriel, terry, said hollie, go there, alter, said, hollie, to late, for him, next, to you, james young, wife, lost, both, but, savable, and Jesus came, and all these men, lost, donald winters calls police, bob, he thinks, floyd matthews, lost, wife, cut off, she showed, all here, at steadfast 2007, your warning, hate you, know you are here, all, hollie, showed, babies, heaven, die, no, said, Jesus, abortion, murder, cut off after, cut off showed, hollie, off, said, mrs. Larry L. Booker, both, perish, General Superintendent, Robert Martin, has never been saved, but leads, assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ, I tell you what I want, said, Robert Martin, raise your hands and repeat after me, sex, money, church credit card, lost, will with wife, perish, record the vision, said, hollie, God persecutes, his servants, to make them humble in his eyes, Jamie Willis is lost, never, saved, but goes to church, sh, showed, dont, tell on me, that was satan, ministering before, Jesus, danced, sang, played, pipes, my husband said Jamie Willis, is why, and charity, sees, ok, said, her friend, all lost, Evangelist Micah Hill is lost, being cut off, not savable preaching, lost, knows, its my phone, said, hollie, ringing, git up, said, the man, paul mooney, ill let you look, at it, said, Jesus, wont answer, shut up, he said, click, hes lost, pastoring, record the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, pictures, new world order, pope, hu, cut off, she, showed, paul mooney, hollie out of computer speaker, if you let, said, hollie, james young, wont let, wants church, showed, cut off, raking, pocketing, money, bring prophet, button lips, and, people will, this is like westside, he thinks, cause, him, said, floyd matthews, people will not get, saved, with james young preaching, bye bye, then, he says, his church, would empty, heres what james young wants, God to, hide, prophet, knows, people, want, to kill, but, hes, its great, hed scream at westside pentecostal church, running, screaming, but, no HOly Ghost, never saved, its, wrong, said, his wife, but, she, is, lost, to, did not hollie, say, the, united states, said gabriel, pointed, on fire, and, the woman, in the fire, statue of liberty, once we hit alaska, said, gabriel, boom, subs, Im a bear, said, linda spall, bear, russia, record the vision, said, gabriel, the united kingdom, whats that, said, hollie, its, america, boom, four nuclear missiles, but fires, back, russia, on fire, america, attacks, russia, and china, that was, satan, said, hollie, satan, thought, Im, the bear father, thats me, said, putin, pope, record the vision, said, gabriel, hollie showed whistle blew, that, was, satan, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, Im, the, bear, father, tear up, put back, record the vision, said, gabriel, leopard, saw, dream, china, north and south korea, japan, situate, that was, satan, pointed hollie, what did satan, want, Im, the, bear, father, no, said, fleas, hollie showed, record, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, smiled, flames, trucks, rubbed chin, thought, up, thumb, popes image, hollie tattood 666, hollie showed, record, hollie tore up the con spirit, johnny godair is cut off, no remedy, like mike chance, hair dyer, billy mccool and son, savable, beat china, all around, boom, from captain hollie in her sub, and, all around, usa, boom, thats, putin, running from, the fire, record me, said, hollie, look, cut off, showed, johnny godair, leave me alone, he says, but, pastoring, record the vision, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, pope, laughed, hollie showed, the ministry of dreams book, look, she said, offered by david shapiro, but, wont, sell, hes wanting, like, katie bazor, prophet to fall, gets ruint, pulls, made up book, hollie showed, record, dont, do, said, gene simmons, david shapiro, why would you write a book, said, gene simmons, cut off showed david shapiro, we warned ya, he said, hollie showed, record, record the vision, pointed, hollie, thats my tap dancers, hollie and eight kings, that will rise against, usa, hollie showed, choked in the fire, you aint, gonna, record, the vision, said, hollie showed, pointed, rasie your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, flames, smiled, on the phone, with brad baker, he, shows, lost, hollie showed record, return said hollie, america, explodes, and, out came, the woman, statue of liberty, hollie pointed, look, planes, with putin, riding, and bill clinton riding, the other, way, boom, the world shakes, comeon, said, mike chance, you know God hates ya, he said, hair dyer, hurry, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, showed, two, mike chance, after, said, the pope, cut off, prays, two hours per day, with gray hair, to late, 10-21-2007-taiwan, exploded, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, sh, showed, hollie, dont tell on, Jamie Willis, sh, said, hollie, shes lost, but, yes, I have it, the Holy Ghost, liars, record said hollie, tear up, put back, then, rip, hollie, record me, said, hollie, trap me, said, mike chance, have nothing to do with, him, hes, hair dyer, hollie showed, gitem, out, mike chance, not, saved, like, johnny godair, hollie showed, pope and hu pictures, hollie showed, record, that was the pope, on the beast, with g8, russia, having, ten crowns, its politburo, ruling, party, hollie showed, pictures of the new world order, the pope, and hu, hollie, the main, held nose, thumbs, down, liars, eight, kings, that, will rise, against, usa, pope, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, stood before, kneeling, putin, there gitton out, all right, we ll handle it, said, putin, you found it, said, charity, from drexel gardens apostolic tabernacle, its closes, said, reverend l. caldwell, cause, hair dyer wife, God closed it, said, hollie, cut off, showed, caldwell, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, I want me back said mrs. l. caldwell, you have a nice day, she said, to husband, now, loosing, job, 21 days, she said, then, out, wont, go, cause, did not caldwell say, you know your lost, she shook, yes, the whole church, but, the lie, yeah, said, charity, prophet lets pray, said, the woman, that means, get away, and licked the prophet, record said, hollie, write she showed, record the vision, said, hollie, leopard, that was, north, and south, korea, china, and, japan, pope is the head, satans voice, i am God he said, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, wait, she showed, heres my message, iraq, boom, said, the main, im not the main, thats gabriel, now, and, hollie showed, becoming, and the grim reaper, laughed, record showed, hollie, quitton, said, gabriel, ronald danforths church, if no revival, bob, return, said, ronald danforth, church, empty, only, danforths, but, its a buisness, right, said, the woman, that, goes, that was, hollie, out of, pioneer sx-434, receiver, buy me, said, cecil pennyton, hes wrong, I, took, it, said, dee finney, lost, your wallet, said, gabriel, come, dumitru said lawrence forman, I, take it, said, cluracan, the name, ministry of dreams, thats hollie, in her spacecraft, looking for thieves, got one, said, cluracan, fire, said, hollie, she, hit, but, not gone yet, will release, next fire, releases ruint, like all, we took, it, said, jeff dee, but released ruint like john mark pool, whats he done, said, gabriel, released ruint, that was hollie tearing up, the con, spirit, put back, pointed, then, from one side, theres a reason, what is, thought, hollie, caspian sea, oil pipeline, no, said, the librarian, this, explodes, separates, the bear, said, the pope, you know, dee, said, the librarian, she took it, the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, you will be ruint, and old, homeless, whats wrong, said, hollie, dee finney showed shh, we took, hollie flying, in her spaceship, ministry of dreams, all right, said, the woman, give me a call, said, brian bill of the massive bri, he stole the name ministry of dreams, now friendless, ruint, looses, job, then, releases, give me the book, she said, ministry of dreams, write, suit, he wants ya, remove your website, said, ronald danforth, prophet, buttoned lips, get out said ronald danforth, prophet leaves, hollie out of woofer, phillips stereo system, excellent, help me said ronald danforth, look at my vision, said, mike chance, prophet he wants ya, there, pointed, ronald danforth, pulpit, remove, the, name, said, kevin danforth, or, suit, cut off, he showed, put the, national guard in the streets, usa, hillary clinton will be president then, thats bill with hand on nuclear button, bobby, would you come said ronald danforth, church emptying, and he showed cut off, like paul mooney, write the vision, prophets, its in the ring, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, ronald danforth, collects 800 offerings, tithes tomorrow, and, thanks God, that, that was, hollie, on, the missile, smiled, the, grim reaper, pulled the titanic, with captain smith, he, going to fast, ice, knew, 10-2007-hollie showed whistle blew, let me alone, said, hollie, my space craft, ministry of dreams, fire, got, jeremy taylor, whats he done, said, hollie, kevin danforth is wanting salvation, prophet, he likes, but, wants, prophet to take website down, yes, shook ronald danforth, and the website said, post, richard danforth, likes, but, they, all, want, to, zip, showed, richard danforth, show no interest in prophet, he ll leave, but, when he, goes, there went revival, he presses during service, God, like, calvary tabernacle, paul mooney, they need it, weeps, knows, right there, come on he showed, hollie tore up con u.p.c.i., remove showed paul mooney, then leave, hollie showed, he made me, said, the captain of the edmund fitzgerald, he, wanted, to, stay, docked, but, iron needed to be delivered, captain knew storm, to powerful, there, were, leaks, in, watertight, hatches, damaged, pumps not working, mercy, said, the crew, he wouldnt let me, the captain thought, after ship wreck, company, that, sent, ore, thought, funny, fool, but, knew, it, is, still, there, paul mooney is awake right now, asking, God, to, hide, prophet, hollie tore up, the, con, spirit, that, put me back as the Lord of your life, said, hollie, no, said, fleas, and the angel showed, hollie, that, flames, hot, turned, the, page, that, hold it, that, hollie showed, stays, bobs, favorite, that, pointed, grim reaper, that was robert cavaness, tearing up, the, con, truit, no said hollie, that, pointed grim reaper, son in law, that, reason, that, cant save me, he said, that, bob, told, visions, that, at, prayer request, that got him cut off, said, pope, that, they, knew, he, liar, that, said, the man, that, goes, there, hollie tore up the con, spirit, brand new united states, its, comunist, right now, said, gabriel, pointed, hes wrong, bush, both, iraq, boom, nuclear, that, pointed, grim reaper, that, meerkat, showed, picture of pope, hu, new world order, beast, picture, that, he said, pointed, grim reaper, that, pope, slashed, idol shepherd, satan enters, and hu, he said, those two sign for 666, otyre, magog, russia, china, both have nukes, and kim jong, said, Jesus, that, pointed, grim reaper, boom, from, im a bear, thats, putin, hes, lying to his own destruction, that, was, satan, im the bear father, bobby, prophesy to ronald danforth, leavem alone, that pointed, grim reaper, and they, hear the word of the Lord, that, is, that, what we need said ronald danforth, that, cut off, he showed, that, pointed, grim reaper, and licked the prophet, america, continues by oil, its own, iraq, they are, taking, right now, to, pay for, iraq, free oil, you stole, pointed, Jesus, cecil pennyton, payment time, hollie showed whistle blew, bush is bringing this world to a close, jordan, hair dyer pointed hollie, all three, and, mrs. joseph horner, argues with prophet over, lost, now, geist apostolic, lost, prophet, cause, mrs. joseph horner tries to get prophet to deny what hes going thru, you lied, said, joseph horner, they thought, but after thinking, he, has, got, the Holy Ghost, git outta here said sylvia horner, and the lighted shaft pointed, now the church, only family, children, they want bob back, whatta you want said hollie, bob, preaching, but, hearts opened, she angers bob, leaves, she, regrets, 666 signed for between, we miss you, said, paul mooney, showed, come, now, you git out, take name off, then, Jesus pointed, the, french stealth ship hit by missile, submarine sound, and hollie, licked the prophet, america, has, fourteen ohio class subs, can, wipe out all population, one third, about to be, from america, moscow, china striking nations, downtown, said hollies, showed, pointed, circled, the Edmund Fitzgerald sank, because of human error, dont, ruin, your life, cause of, laziness, ships, take on, water, during, storms, and, lazy crew thought, tomorrow, now, all, in lava, it took on from opened, doors, something came open, it, took, on, water, thru, opened, doors, he made me do it said captain, Ernest M. McSorley, he made me go and we knew storm was to bad, he made me do it, ship owner, made, he made me do it, he said, owner, knew, but, should have made it, he still thinks, that is the o black chariot, with the pope and hu, hollie whistle, hollie climbed in back, hollie turned into april from jordan apostolic church, ronald danforth sees, your out, said, gabriel, I know, she said, Im, going, to, give, you, a, problem, said, JEsus, separate her and lover, not, married, but, sex, playing piano, at, church, ronald, throws away visions, thinks, thats, why, we, put her, there, cute, young, sings, like, child, they laugh at her, voice, thats april said hollie, cause april, bob, out, shes lusting prophet, im not, she said, thinks about him, while fucking boyfriend, boyfriend, tore, up, hi dady, leaves, syria, said, gabriel, boom, iran, attacked, by, usa, iraq, gaza, boom, and, the president of israel, nukes iraq, for, destroying gaza, arabs, love, it, that was, hollie clock, time, up, for, april, me, she said, showed, cut off, for, liar, said, gabriel, she, claims, saved, om lucky, she thinks, plays piano, but, ronald danforth, if, you go, easy, he, thinks, replaces, wife, she, wonders, but, leaves, let me alone, my spacecraft said hollie, hollie fired, missed john mark pool, got him, sandy pool leaves, that was satan, pointed, hollie, pope, he was hiding wudunt he, said, hollie, sh showed Ernest McSorley, first mate, not, there, he was, sleeping, while, hu, second beast, false prophet, that, was, hu, and, the pope, in, the, o red and black chariot, hollie, in back, saw, eight kings, that will, hollie held nose, whats he, done, ronald danforth, ate after told to fast, vision, knew, answer, now, lost, that was, satan, pointed, hollie, satan thought, im the bear, father, pointed, pope, otyre, russia, and he walked with president of china, you, liar, he said, they, signed, for, 666, my pope is the bear father, said, hollie, russia, trap, the edmund fitzgerald, sank, because poor maintenance, leaking, hatches, this is it, said, silvana lupetti out of helicopter, tore up, put back, spoke thru megaphone, out came hollie, pointed, gorbachev, and bush signing start 1, peace and safety, showed char tierney, flew away, hollie showed whistle blew, I blew it screamed the woman, now, lava, ill embarras you, said, paul mooney, got, me, said, JEsus, he, dont, said, the woman, going there, do you eat enough said the man, paul mooney showed, cut off, take my name off, said, the woman, record, paul mooney wants prophet out, he, knows, said, the man, blew it, he said, cant, get thru, right here, court, the ring, said, paul mooney, that, pointed, hollie, out of, wake up said paul mooney, bobby, he, wants, you, stripped, remove, he said, this website said hollie, clapped, its, free, he started reading, she said, made you embarrassed, diana hughey, and thats the reason, that is my reason said hollie, om gonna get me an attorney said diana hughey, wants prophet stripped, but now knows on net, she will, I cant find, she said, hit iraq, pointed the Father, I, know, said, diana hughey, the, lake, pointed, your nice, she, I want, out, said, the Father, your choice, and diana hughey releases, hollie showed, record, pointed, diana hughey, whatta you want, she said, are you gonna git an attorney when you would not make website like he told, you got me cut off, she said, and, thats the reason, you putting your link on, cut off, showed JEsus, that aint gonna do it, you hurt me, he said, hollie fired, in her spacecraft, boom, got, diana hughey, you, want me, said, hollie showed whistle, your off said Jesus, the pope, but, leading, kenneth haney, I, warned you, he said, Im naked said april from jordan apostolic church, pay me said ronald danforth, I, want, ya, he said, there, on, knees, hollie showed whistle blew, hollie showed record, showed, pictures of the pentecostal man, your nake said horace smith, you cant find it, are you going to write a book, david shapiro, wants, to, trap prophet, write book, steal, the name, ministry of dreams, I tell him, dont, or, suit, I, had a choice, he said, Im naked, hollie, showed, whistle blew, your done, paul mooney, he, cant, find, you make me embarrased, and, come here, you let, or, loose, church, he ll have you arrested bobby, I, am naked, the phone, said, hollie, hate you said paul mooney, will call police, sleeping, they are sleeping, right here said diana hughey, he, knows, said, Jesus, your wanted on the phone, liar, paul mooney, wants job, but, not, savable, if you let me, said, the Father, how did, you, know, om, written a book said david shapiro, the ministry of dreams, to trap prophet, katie bazor, your out, im the serpent, said, your wanted on the phone, said, hollie whistle, blowed, but God would, not, want them, to, have teeth, to make them abated in his eyes, God says, I, dont want you to have teeth, to make you not want to wake up, in the morning, to make you humble in my eyes, not wanting to even serve, no false teeth, ill not receive you if you have gum grafts, and, you wont, until, gums nearly destroyed, then, you, would have, Im persecuting you, teasing, non stop, carressing dick, spiking, electricity, draining desire to live for me, out of, heart, making hair loss, tempting you to sin all day, knowing, if you do, cut off, I, hate myself, for doing, saith the Lord, I will make people to fall, tempt until, for years, sin, cut off, I, do this, till they, fall, or, my heart changes, I desease gums, non stop, I will make you loose your salvation to hide you in the people, this is killed all day long, making them hate me, and, not, want to live, for me, saith the Lord, I, will make you, hate, me, so much, you are backslided in heart, all day, this is humble in my eyes, Im abasing you, says the Lord for no reason, tempting you to sin, I make your dick get hard, look Sierra, said, hollie, is it selling said, said, the female, singer, thats good, story of life, number one, but, they made, millions, singing, in churches, now, they are all, cut off, no, chance to be saved, but, still, speak, in the name of Jesus, like, wayne watson, bobby, said, hollie, she sings, said, the woman, for lucre, wheres tina, lezy good, she said, lesbian, you know it, they are all gay, having, masterbation, sex, 1-27-2010-look, said, hollie, like, thing, its, picture, pope, thats, ollie, sticker, hes, stuck, on road, showed, pope, he, said, put it under, its to late for john mark pool, said, hollie, thats, the lovely sandy pool shaking, yes, new, ministry of dreams, website, said, hollie, showed, theft, its, poole, she, said, its, jenny donati, and, jean poole, witchs, saith God, they steal, Lord we took, said, jean poole, but both claim christianity, and Jesus looks, that, said, hollie, is both witchs, in, the lake of fire, thats jean poole smiling at bob looking at her in hellfire, and jenny donati, will, look, the other way, thats, showed, hollie, its, your, doctor rev. jeremy taylor, in, said, Jesus, hellfire, dont charge at wisdom university, saith God, hes, jeremy taylor, the soothsayer, witchs, now kathy taylor is stealing, the God spoke, said, hollie, showed, call it, ministry of dreams, both loosers, saith the Lord, thats hollie, said, hollie, hes, showed, appeared, Jesus, carved into the stick, that, said, hollie, out of, stick, its o said, JEsus, showed, the, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, they sank, bobby it was revenge, said, the, russian sub commander, put it under, said, hollie, watch, its, o, said, wilhelm gustloff ship, showed, call it ministry of dreams, ship, said, they, steal, take, said, its, the, paliban daily's, jean poole, witchs, saith God, hollie sat on the, mokse, they said, its, show me, said, its your reverend, hollie, said, willie duncan, shakes, yes, said, showed, its, the golden dome, he, said, leaves, russia, said, hollie, casey sprinkles, that bear arises, said, her, attack, said, Jesus, pointed, that, God, said, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., countries, exploding, Jesus, looks up at world, on, fire, countries, shaking, and up rose, the, beast, and who it is, hollie, said, its, pope, this is uh warning lets post, said, hollie, do something, she, said, hollie showed, record, pope, she, said, rose, thats pontiff, riding black horse, its into russia, pope, said, thats light russia, hollie, watches, with pope and medvedev singing, its uh deal, hollie claps, said, tahts pope gaining some control, something is wrong, said, hollie, is what they think, o said wilhelm gustloff ship, happy, tear up, but shook, put back, rip, hollie spoke with, like, air electric sound, sorry, said, hollie, and lighted hand, shows, put tape recorder, down, their uh vision they cant post, said, hollie, thats saddam hussein showing, I brought america down, thats captain hollie in his submarine, it open fired, hollie said, thats gaza and iraq burning, lets rule the world, said, angry putin, record, the, vision, hollie, said, sandy wipes lips, its soumb, she, said, shakes, yes, puts back, shows, popes, picture, hollie snaps, fingers, hollie showed, replace tape, bob, showed, hollie, record, thats, popes image, appearing, its, on, cellphone t.v., said, hollie, take it, said, pontiff, thats nuclear explosion in russia, hollie pulled back sleeves, showed, fight, come on, she, said, thats missiles leaving russia and china, striking each other, thats, nuclear fires in, both lands, thats pope telling medvedev, drive them outta there, thats chinese forces invading much of destroyed russia, its that, pointed, hollie, caspian sea oil, they want, thats pope at table, thats two horned beast rising, with, its hu, said, hollie, bobby, and japan coming out of horns, thats 666 peace treaty being signed for, they laugh, and, lie, and, threaten, and hu, said, pope, thats pontiff talking with, and hu said, pope, we will not get along, they said to each other, hollie points, its that hollie, said, thats russian and chinese border with nuclear rockets aimed at each other, thats them going back to own lands, hollie showed, eat, they scatter israel, said, hollie, the four carpentars, thats, slash in face of pontiff, smiling, you lost an eye he said, showed arm in uh sling, hollie said, thats nuclear fires in, its egypt pointed, hollie, jordan, and syria, hollie snaps fingers, like, angel, and, stomps foot, Jesus appears out of whirlwind, its at, hollie, said, new wineskin ministries, hollie showed, with, gabriel sitting on, they pray, hollie, said, thats benjamin netanyahu with nuclear button, thats missile leaving russia, with, its ministry of dreams website on, said, hollie and Jesus, thats israel exploding, thats pope sitting in his temple its on rome, said, hollie, people laugh at what he said, hes, hollie, said, claming to be him, pointed, hollie, Jesus appears, thats beast and his armies entering into israel, thats nuclear fire in russia, lets unite and force them, said, hu hintao, thats china invading russia and forcing, and he saw, said, casey, thats your pastor, hollie said, its, showed, sh, said, larry arrowood, showed cut off, thats it, said, hollie, thats happy larry arrowood appearing, im pastoring, said, its your reverend, said, hollie, its, larry arrowood, now trembles, but, still pockets, hey bobby its for lucre, said, your reverend, said, Jesus, is, pastor larry arrowood, appearing, looking, no expression, but in heart, and he saw, said, casey, larry arrowood, its folding, said, Jesus, thats, your flock, God, said, leaving, put it on, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, watch for your names, she said, but, bob, likes, so, he will post, but, it, will come up, on google, thats the angel, googlebot, hollie laughs, it was gabriel, sitting on the google bar, laughed, hollie, this is prophesying, said, Jesus, its fellowship of the Father, sh said, u.p.c.i. leader, its, david bernard, said, hollie, showed, cut off, its, im never saved said pastor david bernard, do an article, said, Jesus, in, paper, about, witchs, like, the arrowoods, said, Jesus, thats mrs. hair dyer arrowood, know, its david, she, said, hes, lost, like us, but, they, claim, and, tell people, trick, its decieve, said, Jesus, they say God, I will do this or that, but, wont for them, thats paper man laughing, its witchs, he said, they pocket, bobby its for loot, said, mrs. larry arrowood, you knew, said, Jesus, that was paper man looking in google at the God spoke, ministry of dreams, and sees, the theives, I created, saith the LOrd, Ministry of Dreams, and will make them remove, right before your eyes, russia to invade israel, hollie watches, its like a cloud of people, thats Jesus on the mountain, it splits, Jesus showed, cut it off, thats pocket tape recorder, with, hollies image, on, thats hollie appearing, showed, do nothing, google website, they have, hollie showed, bobby its millions, thats hollie flying in old world war two plane, both american coasts exploded, jim steinman appears on plane, russia is the beast sang hollie, its n.a.t.o., said, hollie, with russia, thats bush riding, dressed like woman, and seven headed dragon appears, not uh, said, moon, showed, wont speak, with huge nose, sun, has mouth open, thats smoke rising up to block, were abased one, said, one laughs, both play, Jesus there, bobby dont, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, hollie claps, that, hollie said, was submarines all around america, one fired, thats explosion in california, thats hollie news anchor man being kicked out, then both american coasts, exploded, hollie showed, feed animals, get food out of dumpsters, hollie wore plad coat, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, rocky horror picture show, it makes fags, hollie said, thats bob, a member of, hollie claps, their forum, bobby please let me said, hollie, showed, facebook, thats hollie out of woofer, its, hollie showed, speaker, hollie showed, thats fifteen inch woofer, they make better sound, bass, hollie, said, then smaller, hollie showed, the queen mary ship, its still berthed, she, said, still used, could go acrossed seas, thats bear licking the prophet, hollie appears, bear says, im with him, putin, bear says, thats smiling putin coming out of bears body, lets rule the world, putin, said, hollie showed, eat, russia said, hollie, and hollie plays music, you lost me, hollie said, casey sprinkles, bear wakens, Jesus points, destroy n.a.t.o., thats bear attacking, and n.a.t.o. countries exploding, thats missiles from all striking russia, exploded, im the g8, said, putin, its, thats, pointed, hollie, the seven headed dragon, cant you sit down, said, hollie, post, said, hollie, showed, david bowie, thats david bowie reading visions, making phone call to, his friend, tim curry, thats david bowie on concert turning into frankfurter, bob has you inside said, david bowie, they both laugh, bob, we know, said, tim curry, hes uh faggot with God, inside, put it under, thats bob at next david bowie concert, in, its in indianapolis showed, hollie, bob could host, hollie with Jesus inside showed, record, hollie flew aircraft, dropped bomb, america below exploded, hollie bombed russia, then nuclear n.a.t.o. exploded, its because im the beast, said, pope, hollie said, thats nuclear fires in cuba, venezuela, and, brazil, thats nicaragua, mexico, and latin america on fire, thats, thats america being nuked, exploded, hollie showed, call legalzoom, said, Jesus, thats robert shapiro shaking yes, hollie showed, copyright, ministry of dreams, it will protect she said, hollie showed, go, showed, copyright, its ministry of dreams, said, hollie, that was, said, hollie, clear skyscrapers, its, showed, hollie, new jerusalem, she walked on streets of pure gold, like glass, no, said, hollie, buy uh laptop, dont use phone as laptop, its just cellphone, will work, but, thats, hollie wearing out, phone keyboard, drop, it might work, bobby, said, hollie, showed, lay down, thats moon showing not uh word, pointed, its bobby he made me said moon, Jesus, sun opens mouth, bobby its love, sun, said, smoke rises, were abased, sun said, laughs, hollie with Jesus inside showed, record, 2-11-2010-grecia, king, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, the pope with ram horns, theres the ram, said, hollie, with, putins face, thats hu coming out of, one, horn, and, pope, medvedev, and putin, out, of, other, hollie shows, come on, thats hegoat smiting ram, stomping, hollie showed, sit, hollie posted on, laptop, walked on treadmill, wearing workout clothes, no, said, hollie, but, I, shook, yes, then, showed, away, with, lighted hand, body, faded out to the side, hollie stomps foot, silhouette body, ran in place, watch rocky, hollie, said, hollie, ate, ran in place, hey hollie said, wheres the rest of her, hollies top part faded in, hollie claps, thats pope, theres drawing, its hu hintao, hes false prophet, worship the pope, said, hu hintao, with japan, there, they came out both horns, of two horned beast, hollie, claps, thats, beast, with, many around, I am God, he, said, dressed, its royalty, said, hollie, hollie dances, trouble, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, three kings rise in persia, theres, pope, hu hintao, thats, emporer of japan, thats slashed, pontiff, there they are clapped, hollie, I want to, eat, again, said, its, showed, hollie, said, tommy jones, hes, showed, hollie, unaccountable, thats tommy jones with rough face, thats him in heaven, without wedding garment on, git outta here, said, Jesus, thats tommy lee jones in fire, give warning, said, hollie, showed, quiet, hollie appears, shows, lips, its, showed, hollie, rocky horror picture show, it makes faggots she said, put it under, there, said, hollie, all of, america is gay, hollie snaps fingers, stomps foot, silhouette body, hollie conducts, its the seven heads, aw one sang, bobby, said, hollie, had flash light, saw, pope, hollie out of, laughs, hollie showed, its gold, she, said, it was uh dream, said, hollie, showed, night vision, bob was, being pursued, ran into like, many houses, area with hills, in between, bob cant move very well, like leggs tied together, hollie claps, bob sees people, tries to avoid, goes to, go under house, it, was, uh dream, said, hollie, night vision, hollie claps, showed, lay down, and, he, saw, casey, said, said, lay down, thats east coast exploding, then west, said, hollie, exploded, thats captain, hollie, in submarines, thats, minuteman 111 rocket exploding in silo, many, hollie said, shew, its radioactive fallout, hollie, shows, the, wopr, its, n.a.s.a., she, said, thats nuclear n.a.t.o., countries exploding, wopr, says, fire, hollie like silhouette hand, shows, wopr, im the new, said, the wopr, ministering spirit on, ministry of dreams, showed, hollie, thats barack obama looking at visions, hollie shows, wopr, what does, my wopr tell me, said, hollie, and, its, the, leave it alone, sorry, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, it was simb, russia will attack, said, wopr, o, said, the wilhelm gustloff ship, thats ship taking three torpedoes, rolling, sinking, thats ship on bottom of sea, waiting, hollie visits in submarine, im wopr, said, wilhelm gustloff ship, fire, when, ready, ship said, put it under, hollie shows, nuclear fireball, its above toronto cnn tower, then whole american center exploded, its the judgment to babylon, hollie showed, wait, that said, hollie, laughed, nuclear explosion in africa, that, hollie, said, missiles left their waters striking cuba, and venezuela, exploded, hollie appears, shows, beatem up, im the wopr, said, wopr, thats, its all out attack, showed, wopr, thats, like military screen, hollie watches, many nuclear explosions in america, some miunteman 111 rockets made it off, some exploded near silo, theres captain hollie in two russian jets, bombing, nuclear missile silos, exploded, world shakes, hollie showed, lay down, its, war games, said, hollie, and, war gams, computer, appears, showed, lay down, it was uh dream, said, hollie, bob, sees, it, on, the, news, then, like, poster, sees, whole, west coast, of american map gone, sees, about where nevada is, gone, but is says, washington state, there, theres line from, about, minnesota going all the way down, bob hears its russia attack, hollie claps, bob sees number, tries to, get, but, woman, doesnt, have, numbers, laided out to well to call, hollie claps, bob I AM telling you to die, hang yourself, cause, you did, not want to make me you ruler, and walk in circles and spin when stopped, and that was to make you try to commit suicide, I hated, you and want you strip you of your salvation, go out and serve another ruler, cause you will not serve me untill I let you die now, cause, suicide brought on you, by fasting, till death, you are now on it, cause you know I want to destroy you, and you are perfect, but, I love ruining those that stand before me, to laugh at them, you hated my commandment and now I abhor you, saith the King, I will take you divorce, at, death, then, place you in, lockup, till, fire, and you will see the demons, that, I spoke about, working, I hate you bob and tried to get you to walk in circles, and spin when stopped, its to ruin, and make you backslided, then, perish, and I will do whatever I want thru whoever I want, and will give not one thing for it, cause, I hate all people, my name is the Lord, IM Jesus, who they crucified, perish now or later, for all made all peoples, for my pleasure, I led you to die, and will try till you die to make cause you to perish, all who come to me will perish, those who dont, will, not have, nothing but, love, in the end, thats how I made it, I, cant let you live, and be full of me, saith the Lord, cause, I hate you, and made you hate all people, theres the submarine, right there, said, hollie, its, near cuba, open fired, thats iraq, on, fire, and, gaza, burning, hollie, turned, his submarine, israeli prime minister appears, presses nuclear button, iraq exploded, putin appears, lets rule, the, world, he, said, there a vision they gotta post something, said, hollie, wiped lips, thats, hollie, like rocky horror picture show, im just uh vision, we can not do one thing, said, hollie, wiped lips, like post, angel, france, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, nuclear explosion in france, hollie holds new pioneer receiver, she purchased, it has, power meters, thats, horses, said, hollie, theres, black, thats, hu hintao on red, hollie, rides, the, rocket, she, said, taiwan, exploded, theres, pope, in, his, carriage, said, hollie, like angel, with black horse, pulling, tear up, said, black horse, stomped, hoof, pope, said, hollie, thats, what, I, want, said, dara spall, showed, cut off, shes young and beautiful, said, hollie, but, at moment, of, clarity, chose, to run, I want sex said dara spall, whoevers got the website this is uh warning, hollie showed, turn, hollie pointed turn, git the phone, said, hollie, phone rings, hollie wouldnt answer, hollie showed, pope, whats, that, hollie, said, its, the, antichrist, she, said, put it under, said, hollie, if bob rented layfayette sqaure mall store it would bring in about, hollie, beat hand, one million per month, I need somebody to, let me, said, hollie, showed, pope, im, russia, said, pontiff, put it under, said, hollie, thats, pope, telling, medvedev, drive them, outta, there, thats, chinese forces invading, russia, its, after, that, said, hollie, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, hollie claps, and, missiles, from, all, striking, russia, it burned, you need, to, record, said, hollie, thats, pope, sitting, in, temple, in, rome, showed, hollie, I am God, he, said, I am the beast, said, pontiff, they, laugh, him, to scorn, said, hollie, thats, pontiff, in, israel, showed, hollie, and, nuclear explosion, in, russia, and china, lets unite and force, said, hintao, they invade, it, said, hollie, thats, china, making, russia invade, israel, like uh cloud of, people, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats fires in jordan, syria, and, egypt, thats, missile leaving, russia, with, its, new, ministry of dreams, website, on, said, hollie, its the beep, hollie showed, israel exploded, thats, Jesus, you, he, pointed, on mountain, hollie showed, post, hollie, typed, im with, him, said, bear, putin, pulled to himself, its, cause, im, uh bear, said, bear, the raptor, would do, said, man, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, hollie flying, its raptor, f-22, dropped bombs, russia below exploded, thats, hollie, turning, her, plane, thats, nuclear explosion in, its cuba, showed, hollie, theres, brazil and nicaragua exploding, hey i'll place it there, said, hollie, thats, nuclear explosion in, many, latin america and mexico, that, said, hollie, was, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, theres france, said, hollie, burned, thats french submarines, firing, they, struck, russia, exploded, missiles left russia striking australia and, italy, thats rockets from, them, striking, pounding, russia, said, hollie, burned, thats missile leaving russia, striking, there, said, hollie, its great britain, on fire, thats four captain hollies in, vanguard class subs, thats, russia burning, world, shaking, thats moon looking down, with big nose, blue sweatshirt, and white pants, showing, full pocket, smoke rises, blocks, its bobby were abased, said, man, yeaow, shakes sun, with mouth open, thats Father on steam, locomotive, its, pioneer agin, said, hollie, thats, hollie funnel, on, front, blew, it was like, this, said, hollie, whew whew, hollie whistled, showed, go, 12-7-2010-wait, yelled, Jesus said, it hollie, she said, herself, God, said, wait, she said, bob I have not done one thing but come against you saith the LOrd, persecuting, its to laugh said God, hollie showed, record, and lay down, hollie snapped fingers, showed, both beasts, while lying down, theres, pope and hu hintao, thats, its popus, riding, black horse, thats, him, said, he hollie and medvedev, its uh deal, said, medvedev, its, gains some advantages, said, pope and Jesus, put it undle, said, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, showed, lay down, bobby feed, he said, animals, its, he said, thats he hollie wearing plad coat feeding animals, its red said another, hollie but she wore white plad coat, the marine corp. is out in the streets, its, man, said, babyfleas, she ran, thats angel gabriel wearing marine guard clothes and hollie like light head, wearing, its red plad coat, scene spins, mostly unseen hollie appears, but only like sketch, thats it, thats the uhleave it sorry, said, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, this is warning, said, her, said, partial face, thats, another, hollie, showing, go, its, to, downtown post office, thats prophet walking into, its, said, mostly unseen hollie, post office, she, another, stamps, scene spins, then turns into, like, big globe, thats Jesus coming out, then its pope, with, like, hat on, but, pointed at top, theres the, marine corp. out in the streets, sang Jesus, its, patrolling said gabriel, grunts, thats people marching and protesting, its, because, pointed, hollie, wearing plad coat, they lost their social security benefits, thats hollie sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, her, face, turns, silhouette, scene spins, thats uh raccoon shivering, feed, said, hollie, she said, wearing red plad coat, bobby, theres, the, goat man, said, hollie, its pope she, said, with, with, its horns, then, he sat at, its, Gods interviewing table, she said, but she disappeared, but she was, there, its, he, made me, said, its, pope, said, mostly unseen hollie, but she appeared, but dimly, thats kings coming out of, its horns, hollie said, theres, hu hintao, out of one, hes, dressed well, theres, medvedev and its, pope and putin, out of, its other, hollie, said, put it under, thats ram with putins face, its, smiting, stamping, said, hollie, the, ram, thats nuclear explosions in, its, russia and china, its, they exchange, hollie, said, thats, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. missile strike said hollie and, its, on russia, mostly unseen hollie said, theres, nuclear fires, thats, pope telling, medvedev, you otta drive them outta there, thats medvedev pressing nuclear button and china exploding, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, and, missiles from all striking russia, world shakes, Jesus like light Jesus comes, its they exchange, said, hollie, thats hintao pressing nuclear button, russia explodes, thats pope said, hollie, sitting at, its, God interviewing, its table, hollie said, and two horned red beast like blob man, with hintao and japanese emperor coming out of, its horns, thats 666 appearing, its peaCE treaty, take it, said, its, pope, hollie said, showed, go, she walked wearing coat, look, said, it, hollie said, a transforming, mostly unseen hollie, showed, showed, the hard drive, its, pocket flash drive, update more often she said, stamped, its pope she said, but she disappeared, this is hollie, she said, and, a, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, played, music, but, shook, no, it, sounded like beating cow bell, but his face like, mostly silhouette, then another, hollie, stamps, scene spins, this is uh warning, said, it, hollie said, mostly unseen hollie, but she, kept changing, Jesus said, showed, feed, those animals, thats her said another, hollie, hidden, but she appeared, getting food out of, its, dumpsters, a lighted hollie stamps, scene spins, pope comes out, its, I am gog, he said, riding black horse, my name is website, please, post, said, hollie, thats, post angel, appearing, like lighted dot head, sad, face mostly silhouette, no said, hollie, but, she shook, yes, then, said, thru, showed, with lighted hands, stamped, scene spins, this will be, your last warning, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, we will threat said medvedev, its, hollie comes out, showed, on national t.v., thats a golden skirt she wore, dont touch me, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie and she rose and pointed but rest of body hidden but dimly appeared, dont go home, said, it, said, Jesus, and, mostly unseen hollie, this is cow bell sound, said, it, said mostly unseen hollie, partial face comes out, points, golden finger, shows, drink coffee, thats a drum stick beating cow bell, thats cow with, my bell, he said, this is warning, said, hollie, another, hollie screamed, thats, like, cow bell being beat by, its drum stick, showed, hollie, with, mostly, silhouette face, but its dark she said, lets hit u.s.a. said, it Jesus, said mostly unseen hollie, thats nuclear explosion in, its the center of u.s.a., hollie being raised out, but its chinook, flown by gabriel, both coasts burned, thats it, said, hollie, its with, said another, the uhleave it alone sorry, partial face said, sandy wiped lips, but Gods hand, its simb, partial face comes out, pointed, hey she said, that was, hollie, instead of sandy saying, be careful what you ask for said, gabriel, thats, girl entering into picture, angel, looks then down, she, another, new hollie comes out, changes things, now look, said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope, said, mostly unseen hollie, shes changin alot, said, its God, but, another, hollie came out, i've got uh reason, said pope, thats, pope with lighted bear paws, tear up, said, hollie, laughed, it was hollie acting like pope, write the vision, be ready to make it plain, said, it, hollie said, mostly unseen, her face, there but, its, kind of not, said, Jesus, hollie showed, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, said, another, hollie, with, him in she said, he controlled, but hand had happy face, thats hand at Gods interviewing table, I dont mind he said, but moved himself, that was missile flying over, with its new ministry of dreams on it, said, hollie and Jesus, i'm me said website, its israel exploding, and netanyahu appearing, with, its, said, mostly unseen, nuclear controls, presses, thats nuclear fires in, its egypt, jordan, and syria, mostly unseen hollie and God said, bomb syria sang many hollies and, angel like man, this time God said, and Jesus, sang, submarines are right there, pointed, hollie, o, said, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, just waiting, its, said, mostly unseen, hollie, when the bomb syria its over screamed hollie, screamed again, we will threaten you, use force, said, medvedev, lets rule the world, said, its, putin, said, mostly unseen hollie, shes changin, said Jesus, coffee, said, him, said, showed, mostly unseen hollie, he showed, run in place, snapped lighted fingers, no, said, it hollie said two hollies, I tell you what om gonna do, another, hollie said, but she looked serious, thats hollie like shipmate on board, its r.m.s. titanic, turns into, captain smith, I made it, said, edward smith, I suggested it, use longer liners he said, save money, thats ismay agreeing, thats was angel drinking his drink, said, it, said, mostly unseen hollie, was hollie, hollie showed, record, that, he said, bob said, hollie, that woman, she said, trembled, but then, I laughed, she said, 12-8-2010-this is warning, said, it hollie, and partial face comes out, said, it, God, she said, but, faces changing, showed, partial face, Jesus, said, you need to let me, said, hollie, looking tired, showed, record, wearing, its white plad coat, hollie stamps, thats beast pope rising, thats, pontey, said, hollie, riding, black horse, its, into, said, another, thats, hand, stamping, with arm, hollie comes out, grabs hand, its hollies but she didnt dress that way, prophet dont look for flash drives, just go, hollie said, she said, hollie said, with golden face, white robe, she showed, bobby feed them, hollie, said, showed, get food, out of, its dumpster said hollie, kind of disappeared, but stamps, and is there again God said, christian dont put me down said, it, hollie said, mostly unseen hollie, but, she was, mostly there, I've got uh warning, said, it, angel, said, mostly unseen hollie, but, partial face comes out, points, lighted finger, her face started appearing, hollie showed, turn, thats him, said, mostly unseen hollie, that was, Jesus the Father climbing out of mary, said, it, said, mostly unseen hollie, was, another, hollie, God made himself a body, he was Christ, hollie and Jesus said, put it under, hollie said, she, appeared, but had like golden garment on head, thats, your friend, she said, robert looking at, I agree, he said, that was the sixth seal, opening, and, smoke rising, up, said, it, hollie said, mostly unseen hollie, thats moon and his, he looked down said, hollie, its said, moon, i'm, sun appears happy, then both sit at, its at Gods interviewing table, thats old moon dressed nice with big nose, wearing suit but he appeared on moons face, thats said, hollie, its said mostly unseen hollie, submarines all around, america, both coasts burn, its on the day of the LOrd, said, hollie, he got raised up, by, its chinook, hollie, said, flown by gabriel, thats nuclear fire, in, its center of america, thats, tap dancers, hollie said, its, me, she said, but, its said mostly unseen hollie, pope, another, hollie said, was there, but not happy, its boo chanted hollie, screamed but never made uh word, hollie said, another, hollie comes out, pointed, bobby said, it hollie said, mostly unseen hollie, hollie rode, the, missile, its into alaska first, she said, partial face comes out, points, hollies face was round, golden colored, alaska exploded, this is, warning, said, hollie, it collapsed, hollie said, its the american economy, thats, people, we march, man, said, its, over, that, he, said, like, dot head, wearing, its red plad coat, hollie showed, thats hollie like uh silhouette face, said another, hollie tap dancing, its him, said, partial face, thats, hollie playing his music but he changed into, the same hollie, with, silhouette face, prophet hickman this is warning, that is what Jesus said, hollie said, mostly unseen appears but her face there, it, golden, said, a new hollie, like the main, bob, said, hollie, showed, drink, get more, she, said, lets hit alaska, said, my angel, hollie screamed, hollie screamed, she, said, hollie, said, with, uh golden face, sang many hollies, its him, she said, playing his, sound, she, said, you wanted something he said, he wore white robe, hollie, pointed, up, a, said, she hollie, its, him, she said, showed, it, said, mostly unseen hollie, Jesus came, thats, happy God, thats partial face showing, its high in air, world below has face, countries exploding, thats submarines with captain hollie, their captain said she hollie, hey said, its him said mostly unseen hollie, thats, them both sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, hollie stamps, its, their brothers, scene spins, hollie showed, lay down, bob, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, showed, its, pope, had lighted bear paws, he spoke but bob didnt hear, 12-9-2010-hollie showed, and, he saw, said, it, casey, said, mostly unseen hollie, pointed, they are, said, Jesus, you did good bob, thus saith the Lord, till iniquity was found it you, for I the Lord, will, persecute, to make your perish, harming you, your body, like maiming you, and, harming your face, and your teeth, making your gums ruint, by deseasing them, and causing tooth loss, making face wrinkle, caressing penus with electricity, for its I tease saith the LOrd, mocking my servant, hating them, and, not letting them live long, cause they trusted me, you are my dog, saith God, if you come to me, bob, said, Jesus, I appear, God said, I hated you, and will, try to, make, backslide, to mock you, and then, try to win you back, for its I the LOrd, inside of you, that hated, my creation, I lie, and, betray, they can bare it, for I haunt, and tease, hurting, harming, and scaring, stalking my people, letting them know it, for I hated, I will betray, the whole world, and, mock, them, and you, saith the Lord, hollie showed, lets go, then, him, its, said, mostly unseen hollie, appeared, thats, hand, showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, pointed, a she hollie, this is vision, said, happy, him, its, said, mostly unseen hollie, and another, hollie showed, go, write uh vision, it him said mostly unseen hollie, hollie screamed, again, showed, get, food, thats, another, hollie feeding animals, wearing red plad coat, she smiled, had partial silhouette face, russia said Jesus, sprinkled, thats, its, the, decision, hollie, its kayla, I'm confused, she said, doesnt know what to do but theres kayla teaching at a u.p.c.i. church, JEsus, now, knows, hollie showed, turn, this is, warning, said, it, hollie said, mostly unseen hollie, look, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, showed, its pope, he spoke, but could not make out words, its, tear up, he, said, then, put back, but partial face comes out, its not the, right way, showed, pope, hollie said, in center, its I am God, he said, hollie took the pictures, theres, its bob hollie said, on internet, remove she said, what, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, that, hollie showed, run, hollie showed, picture, thats the reason, said another, hollie, its pope, that, hollie said, its, bob she showed, his picture, that, hollie said, its, beast, pope, riding black horse, that, hollie said, showed, walk, hollie showed, its, pope, she said, but, mostly unseen hollie, was, there, hollie showed, frustration, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, pointed, hollie, with its him in, mostly unseen hollie, appears, you mean I, said, it, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, he showed, broke, its bankrupt, hollie said, thats like squares, many hollies in, showing, not saved, all happy, but, one she hollie showed, i'm fed up, she said, showed, its pope on finger, I am gog, he said, pope said, it, hollie, partial face hollie, mostly unseen hollie said, that said hollie, its another, hollie, getting food out of, its dumpster, a new hollie said, that, hollie said, happy, it was mostly unseen hollie appearing, this is, uh warning, hollie said, showed, just, leave, it alone, hollie showed, its, pontey, its, I am gog he said, I am going to drive you to sex ministry said Jesus, pointed, up, with, its, lighted finger, said, hollie, stamped, scene spins, Jesus comes, its world below, has face but gets sad, write the vision, make it plain, hollie showed, how to fix the trash dumpster, its plastic, hollie looked at, just replace she said, hollie showed, turn, this is, uh, warnin, bob, said, it, Jesus, said, mostly unseen hollie, boo chanted many hollies, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, partial face came out, she kept changing, hollie said, this is, website, lets post, said, hollie, and post angel appears, hollie points, round head, hollie showed, run in place, hey bob, hollie said, thats woman on knees, nude, hollie said, lay down or do, thats, Jesus, it dont matter, hollie said, dont touch me said, hollie, it means, she, doesnt care enough about you, thats, mostly unseen hollie and, its, him, said, her, but, she, wasnt visiable, saying, its, but she was there dimly faded in, bob, said, hollie, thats, Jesus, he finally came, hollie said, thats God high in air, and countries of world below exploded, thats Gods world smiling, hollie showed, run in place, eat cake like hollie did, and I stamp, she said, bobby feed them hollie, said, its animals, go out hollie said, scavage, look at me, said, hollie, it, said, mostly unseen hollie, hollie showed, lay down, hey points, partial face, comes out, that, was, mostly unseen hollie laying down, hollie laid down, but, it was the economic collapse buzzer ringing, hollie snapped lighted fingers, thats, people, on wall street, at, its the stock market exchange, said, hollie and Jesus, its collapse, man said, looking at, paper roll, thats, people, marching, and, protesting, we want loot, man like dot headed man with plad coat on, hey its, he said, thats hollie and gabriel there on patrol, but gabriel like marine, hollie like, man was, help me, said, hollie, so I can git you in trouble, its bobs neighbor, said, another, hollie, shes, its, hollie showed, record, said, hollie with the sound, said, another, hollie, for I kill all day long, saith the LOrd, torturing my children, its to abase, and ruin them, caressing their penus with electricity, which is me flowing on, and deseasing their gums and body, making facial tighten up, when they use, and wrinkling their appearance, stalking and harming, them all day, hollie appears, looking, at, but facial expression changes, she showed, tear up, its pope, she said, its cause hes the antiGod, hollie, said, pope, riding black horse, said, it, said, mostly unseen, hollie, God said, hollie, its into, said, popey, moscow, russia, there, points, hollie, is the seat of the antichrist, its in rome she said, there he sits, its cause, I am gogey, he said, that means, shut up, said, hollie, he thinks hes God, and he shakes, yes, but shows, no way, but if they think, hollie said, for him, then let, thats them laughing at him, its to scorn, hollie said, let me reel them in, saith the Lord, this is, said, hollie, showed, Ministry of Dreams, she said, I spoke it, Jesus said, hollie said, why do you steal, o we wanted to ruin, said, its, dr. rev., hollie said, put it under, hollie said, dont steal, alter, or take it, hollie and God said, showed, its the God spoke, hollie said, thats ministryofdreams angel appearing, like light head, hollie said, no, said, it hollie, said mostly unseen hollie, said, Jesus, but I shook yes, hollie said, but showed, God said, away from it, hollie said, hollie showed, just leave it alone, her and Jesus said, hollie said, appeared, showed, like, its thing hollie, another, hollie said, Jesus showed his light watch, theres something wrong bobby, God said, holy Ghost baptizm said, it Jesus, hollie said, fills like a body your perfect size coming in, seek, hollie showed, eat, bob you might as well, hollie said, its good for health, she said, for he persecutes, said, pointed, hollie, it God she, said, thats beast pope rising, hollie said, its out of the sea, hollie said, like, angel dot head, she said, 12-10-2010-no, said, hollie, said mostly unseen hollie, its, good, showed, hollie, showed, furnace, it will last, hollie said, stamped, scene spins, out comes, its pope, hollie said, of like circle whirlwind, i will tongue tie you said the tap dancers, many hollies, one, partial face, comes out, points, wore skirt, thats, pope, in, but, not happy, theres hu hintao, partial face shows, these are both beasts, watch fuel prices, is what Jesus said, hollie said, pointed, showed, go, she said, showed, turn, thats, meeting with o.p.e.c. hollie said, a not happy looking king of, its saudi, said, hollie, stamped, we want food he said, make guarantees, thats barack obama looking at, its, bobs e-mail, no, said, hollie, but hollie and doreen said Jesus, doreen winks, then hollie showed, away, lighted hands, bobby thats new ministry of dreams website, its, viddler ministryofdreams, like happy angel, theres, deformed, pointed, its, partial face, angel, wasnt happy anymore, showed, face, changes into like mostly silhouette, thats, the, marine corp. said, it, Jesus, said, mostly unseen hollie, out in, streets, thats, hollie like round head, somewhat silhouettes pulling on gabriels pant legg, people marching, its, we're patrolling said, it, gabriel, said, mostly unseen hollie, it, we want loot, man, said, it, why we're marching, we protest, he said, thats barack obama announcing, its economic collapse, hollie comes out, happy, stamps, scene spins, partial face comes out, its, o, she said, hollies teeth appeared, her face like monkeys face, she said, sleep, pointed, hollie, wearing robe, partial face comes out, hollies face was normal and golden colored, my name is website, said, hollie, thats, partial face showing, its viddler like angel ministryofdreams website, boo chanted said, hollie, many hollies, it said, mostly unseen hollie, shes changing, showed, partial face, I'm telling you to perish said, it, Jesus, showed, hollie, wearing, it, said, partial face, hollie, ministry of dreams, thats what you wanted, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, thats, the, angel ministry of dreams, it, my website, showed, happy, angel, its, ministryofdreams zero catch hollie said, my ministry of dreams, said, the, ministry of dreams zero catch website, dont steal he showed, bob said, it, hollie, said partial face, thats, bob, posting on, its facebook, thats facebook angel appearing, showing, lets git them off, he, said, thats bob, removing visions from, facebook, this is warning, said, hollie, that girl showed, shut, up, it, appeared, that, hollie said, she, wants loot, hollie rang the bell, i'm uh vision, I can not post one thing, said, hollie, and, post angel appears, it said mostly unseen hollie, she at the back door, said, hollie, with, its the uhleave it alone, said, hollie, sorry, said, another, hollie showed, turn, like white hollie, this is, vision, lets post, said, hollie, and, mostly unseen hollie appears, hollie showed, turn, like lighted hollie, boo chanted many hollies, hollie screamed, bob, said, it, hollie said, mostly unseen hollie, showed, its picture, and who can it be, she, said, I need uh vision said, it pope, bob its come on, said, hollie, doing, the video, its youtube, she, showed, I am, said, the ministry of dreams, angel man, i'm he said, pointed at self, like lighted head, bob, tinychat, said, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, Jesus, bob, tinychat ministryofdreams, said another excited hollie, thats him, said, another, new hollie, appearing like angelface, another, hollie comes out, shows, hes, deformed, theres spec appearing on one side of face, on other its blotches, big blue and like brown, new hollie puts hand over mouth, his face changed, turns looks, but, its, like, some what hard to make out, i'm the new ministryofdreams he said, this is uh warning, said hollie, thats hollie doing radio, bob it would, she said, make uh tape, hollie said, send it in, when he reviews, thats man listening to, shaking yes, thats it, pointed, hollie, she, had lighted hand, showed, its black new world order, its stagecoach, mostly unseen hollie, did appears, thats with, the pope and hu, hollie said, theres pope like angel, theres president of mexico inside, looking happy but fearfull, putin appears, thats pope out of, him, pointed, new hollie, its, putin wearing ten horns, one had eyes like a man does, pope comes out, horn smiles, thats boris yeltsin out of the ten, thats, putin out of, medvedev and yeltsin, let me observe hollie said, thats pope coming out, its putin, hollie plugged the memory card into the laptop, theres hollie doing video, its, scratchy, she said, but still good, I'm uh vision, I can not post, said, it gabriel, said mostly unseen hollie, partial face comes out, points, mostly unseen hollies there, shes not, said, hollie, thats, gabriel, and it, hollie, said, now seen, mostly unseen hollie, doing video, i'm home, said, that pointed, a new hollie, it was, hollie like snowflake, thats her that told, drawing hollies face in snow, on, its, hood of dodge aries k, hollie stamps, scene spins, i'm, said, hollie carved in snow, showed, but changed into normal looking hollie as snow disappeared, she said, sleep, said hollie with golden face, that was, pope, in, the, fire, drinking his drink, said, hollie, had lighted hand, be careful bob said, angel, hollie stomps, hollie, him, its, said mostly unseen hollie, she showed, lay down, clapped hands, showed, its pope, I need uh pistol, he said, hollie danced like debbie harry, its new, said mostly unseen hollie, she came forth, showed, her body, but face changed silhouette, hollie said, hollie like, you dont want it, she said, shipmate, on board, its, the r.m.s. titanic, its, me, said, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, sitting, at, its Gods interviewing table, hollie like shipmate stamps, scene spins, pope comes out of, its like whirlwind, then, its hu hintao, hollie like shipmate shows, lay down, 12-11-2010-hollie like shipmate salutes, shows, her, its, royal mail steamer titanic, with, captain smith on deck, he salutes, hollie like shipmate said, titanic strikes, its iceberg, hollie said, scene spins, thats r.m.s. titanic sinking, I had a dream, said, it, pope, mostly unseen hollie and Jesus said, its, uh night vision, said, hollie, hollie like, snowflake hollie, winks, shes carved into snow, on, its, hood of dodge aries k, hollie does carving, scene spins, pope comes out like angel like pope, its, i'm the beast, he said, antichrist, thats hollie scream, and its cd, disk, hollie, showing, thats hollie putting into computer, and posting visions, it, works, bob, hollie said, its, the, viddler ministryofdreams, website, i'm the viddler, he said, like angelhead, o, said, partial face, came out, theres deformed, angel turns head, had dark spec and blotches on, i'm the viddler showed, angel, partial face shows, angel had hat on, she said, hollie said, with, golden monkey like face, had, showed, white robe, but, face changed, was mostly silhouette, he, said, pointed, hollie, thats, three kings rising in, its the world, said, hollie, stamps, like, whirlwind world spins, out comes, its pope hollie said, theres hu hintao, you see these two beasts, said, hollie, thats, emperor of japan, theres, thats slash idol pope, hollie said, thats them going to own lands, i'm the website, said, hollie and angel coming out of, its book, hollie said, showed, copy of it she said, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it sold hollie said, one copy, i'm the website, said, the tap dancers, many hollies, and, kings, theres pope, not showing nothing, bobby somebody got your book, hollie said, its david, he loved, but didnt copy it cause heres why, thats staten knowing, hes lost, trembles, I aint your buisness, clapped the tap dancer, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob eat cake hollie said, thats her enjoying cake, thats it, thats the vision, said, hollie, its the submarine uhlombie, another, hollie said, captain hollie surfaces, now look, he said, its, akula class, said, hollie, partial face comes out, points, thats, same hollie that, she says, she said, now look, she said, but partial face came out again, showed, bobby, get food, feed animals, thats hollie feeding animals, its, food from, she said, dumpster, thats prophet, u.s.a., said, it, gabriel, said, another, hollie, coming out, smiled, partial face comes out, points, hollie showed, teeth, want more visions, want more visions, clapped that tap dancer, hollie said, thats her, tap dancing, its, orange like foot, boo chanted many he hollies, there was lighted she hollie, in, its, crowd, another, hollie claps, hollie screamed, again, hey bobby why, what she said, screamed, boo chanted many hollies, showed, bob go in, hollie stamps, thats, its, pope, hollie said, he, arose, she, said, like angel of light, thats, popey, hollie said, riding, the, it, black horse, she, said, its, into, moscow russia said, pope, hollie said, showed, lay down, hollie clapped hands, bobby I give you uh warnin, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie snapped fingers, hey pointed, partial face, came out, pointed, it, was, another, hollie that snapped fingers, him, she said, he appeared, but dimmed again, hollie, showed, run in place, thats hand, showing, you did not want hollie showed, he clapped, a she hollie said, it, was, same o hollie that was in dome, he, showed, lay down, but, turned, bob its the viddler, said, hollie, thats viddler ministryofdreams, o said, partial face, covered mouth, theres deformed, she said, showed, dark spot on one side, on other, like blue blotches, area, and lighter color, 12-12-2010-hollie conveyed sleep, its him said uh she hollie, and he showed post on laptop cellphone said hollie and Jesus, put it under said hollie, i am God, said it pontey said two hollies, thats it thats pope hollie said, and what was he doin she said, heres what i was doin p,o,p,e, hollie did say, thats the horse hollie said, sitting at Gods interviewing table, black horse showed uh picture of pope hollie said, its the ady gil hollie said, she was driving, thats it dead in the water hollie said and the nisshin maru ramming, you fool hollie said, i knew said captain pete, hollie showed lay down, Jesus showed cut it off, its him said uh she hollie, and i showed him having sex he said, thats bob laying down, and like uh golden bear appearing under covers, its teddy hollie said, i'm uh bear teddy said, pulled putin to himself hollie said, we're one hollie bear said, and hollie bear showed lay down, he snapped fingers, bob sees crime hollie said, and two men appear running out, bob sees a helicopter coming, it flew low hollie said, bob hides under uh tree, stay out God said, a row of young girls comes chanting, it was against them a she hollie said, bob sensed crime hollie said, sees uh helicopter, almost clinging to the side of a roof on building, its searching hollie said, she showed lay down, that was hand sitting at Gods interviewing table, let me do it said hand, it had uh big nose hollie said, and hollie salutes like uh shipmate on board the royal mail steamer titanic, changes into captain smith God said, its o said the m.v. Wilhelm gustloff ship relaxing at Gods interviewing table, thats ship being rocked by three torpedoes with hitler on deck, its o said m.s. Wilhelm gustloff ship on bottom of ses waiting, thats hollie visiting in little submarine, let me tell it said wilhelm gustloff ship, that ship said, its uh fog said hollie, with the steam ship, hollie stamps, lusitania coming out of the fog, thats german submarine spotting, thats ship being struck by torpedoes, exploding, thats the r.m.s. Luisitania sinking, hollie visits in her submarine, its in good shape hollie said, no, said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, and, she, shook, no, and stomped, but face changed silhouette, hollie showed, bob, pocket the tap recorder, but, pope appeared, its, i am gogey, he said, thats, its, pope, partial face hollie said, he, rode, the, black horse, its, into, moscow, russia said, pope, hollie said, thats, pope signing deal, its with me, said medvedev, it gains control, some advantages, hollie said, hey bob this is, warning, said, hollie, you see that, she said, thats people marching, its, protesting, thats angel gabriel like, its guard, hollie like dot head, wearing, its red plad coat, pulls on his pant legg, its they aint go not loot, gabriel, said, they chanted, we need loot, money, hollie was with, but laughed, her had like ball, but normal face appears out of but back, hollie claps, that, laughed, hollie, like partial angel points, lighted hand, lighted head, body black but, was there, there was some gray in, its, that, hollie said, nuclear fireball appears, and him, said, partial face appearing, she said, dont, said, hollie, with, golden face, thats beast pope rising, like, dot head angel, its I am gog, he said, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, this, its, Jesus coming, high above world, and world below not looking happy, shakes, thats countries burning, smoke rises up, moon doesnt, have face but face somewhat appears, but not happy, sun happy, sits at, its Gods interviewing table, i'm, its i'm said sun, this is, warning, sang Jesus and pope, thats hollie on, its youtube, she said, put back, hey its break apart, but hollie fixed it again, and showed, its war, said, pope, hey its santa claus said hollie, flying high, happy, thats what people in the world want, she said, its pleasures showed, hollie, hollie screamed, then, again, but only partial screamed, but screamed again, billy showed, turn, thats hollie rubbing face, hollie screamin fix it, she said, thats van angel appearing with mostly silhouette face but not happy, bob thats hollie fixing, its rear end, she showed, how, watch this hollie said, buy little steel, beems and place them in, thats hollie filling rear end cylinder, tada, she said, drive, lets motor, hollie drove van, had like scarf on, bobby lets do, said, it, hollie, another, hollie, said, both appeared, on, its, youtube, said, hollie, scene spins, partial face comes out, hollie, wasnt seen, only arm, but she was, dimly there, appeared, wearing skirt, and he saw, said, it, hollie, thats the ministry of dreams, man, on, its youtube, in profile picture, like angel head, partial face comes out, looking, stunned, theres deformed it is, she said, angel had like, light colored blotch on one side, on other side of face theres big blue blotchy area and, like brown, but dimmed, his face changed, hollie said, partial face just keeps watching, i'm the ministry of dreams, said, angel, it was uh dream, laughed, hollie, thats, her showing, night vision, bob, looks up, from, ground, at, its, realistic optimus t-100 tower stereo speaker, thats woofer moving, its, him, said, she hollie, out, showed, picture, its pope, boo chanted many hollies, and she hollie appeared, its on, its viddler video, hollie talks, let me show, ya, why something, she said, thats static in video like white static, dont, she, said, use camera, they do it, thats ball hollie showed, at walmart, thats, its walmart straight talk video phone, same as, other, hollie said, not as clear she said, theres submarines, there said, hollie, now look, she said, captain hollie waves from his, its akula class hollie said, hollie explained, now this massive marine movement she said, its russian, thats henry gruver looking over at other side of world, and its america, like metropolis, hollie said, but submarines, and surface all around, hey its we want ya, said medvedev, both coasts burn, thats, hollie being, on rope, its chinook, hollie said, captain gabriel flys, he soars, thats russia exploding, gabriel flew, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, and, its, beast with seven heads and ten horns rising, hollie said, git phone, hollie said, its only uh hundred hollie said, more, make video, social security, its collapsing, said, it hollie, said another, hollie, hollie showed, spin city toy, its, toy manufacturing, hollie said, bobby, said, hollie, showed, its run place, no she said, I showed, om thru, she said, clapped lighed amber colored hands, but shook, yes, bobby, its your gums will grow back, hollie said, showed, scouts honor, hollie flew, its, german luftwaffe 109 fighter jet, drops bomb, thats america below exploding, submarines appearing all around, its the ady gil, said, hollie, thats, its skipper happy, excited but got to close, theres, the ghost of of the ady gil, i'm happy said ady gil, like ghost, he sank me said ady gil, its cause, i'm uh website, I cant post, said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, a third hollie claps, hand, showed, bob go upstairs, bob, said, it, hollie said, another, showed, eat, showem, hollie said, your hurting yourself, hollie said, dont give, she said, its, loot, woman, said, she wants money, hollie said, woman shakes, yes, but, wont marry, till, it runs out, soon, 12-13-2010-that is satan hollie, sh she said, but when i looked again, you mean it was Jesus she said, o man i spoke blashphemy against the holy Ghost hollie said, let me lead you Jesus said, i want it agian said hollie, in the lake of fire said Jesus, put it under hollie said, i never, she laughed, hollie, him said uh she hollie, showed lay down, hollie snapped his finger, hollie showed pope he said, i am gog said pope, hollie showed lay down again he and Jesus said, this is warning, said, hollie, it said another, God said, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, and, showed, away, thru, she, said, but, shook, yes, again, happy, hollie clapped, showed, its pope, she, said, hollie showed, it, white angel, she said, angel grunts, showed, the ministry of dreams, i'm he said, pointed, at, itself, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, dont, steal, she, said, hollie, showed, cold, bobby its, hollie looks, at Jesus, its, for word, she said, to cold, to be out, hollie said, stay home, she got quiet, hollie appeared, showed, bob buy something, she said, give, warning, said, it, angel, hollie said, showed, bob feed, thats, hollie trying to feed wearing red plad coat, she said, you dope, said, hollie, jumping, this is warning, hollie, said, go home, hollie said, clapped, thats the marine corp. out in the streets, said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, it the u.s.a., theres angel gabriel like marine guard and hollie wearing red plad coat, its, looting, said gabriel, hey bobby, showed, go inside, hollie showed, warm, up, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, there was, its him, said, she hollie, in, like picture, but, tada, he said, came out, went back, hollie claps, come and see, it, said, hollie, a she hollie, coming out of top of, its, the ady gil, showed, hollie, hollie drove, its like uh ghost, i'm the website said the ghost of ady gil, thats ady gil damaged on, its bottom of sea, its still moving around, hollie said, heres the deal, sang, hollie, you have uh nuclear website, said, hollie, thats uh room full of ministry of dreams website, said JEsus, partial face comes out, hand over mouth, o, its, there dormed she said, there blotches, specs, deformities, God said, on their faces, i'm the new ministry of dreams, said angel, showed, banner, I'm, ministry of dreams, had it written on, hollie said, hollie looks for the livejournal ministryofdreams website, thats the word, LIVEJOURNAL, appearing over, hollie looks at face, hand over, mouth, o its there deformed, she said, like, brownish blotches, face, fading, i'm the m.v., tell me about the wilhelm gustloff ship, said, hollie, thats, m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship being rocked, its by three torpedoes, hitler was on deck, ship complained, thats wilhelm gustloff ship sitting at Gods interviewing table, now bored, cause many people dont visit, it, said, it, hollie, thats, woman, knocking at the backdoor, be nice, hollie said, thats him, said, her, but, partial face comes out, its, to, see, if, you'll let me, she said, thats hollie like shipmate on board, its r.m.s. titanic, she saluted, that happy ady gil vessel, its were brothers, all three ships sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, they all pointed, it was him, they said, its, three captains appearing, theres pete swallowing, and he was afraid, cause bob knows, whale wars, God said, thats, uh whale wars owner showing pete visions, its paul watson, JEsus rubs, chin, paul watson is the poacher of poachers, how many did you kill, said JEsus, not enought of'em paul watson said, bob wants to go, its his ship stamped, hollie, like ship captain with unusual hand, she had three fingers, thats bob on the steve irwin, paul watson says, c'mon, right here, paul said, no you behave, bob like ships captain happy, shakes, yes, hollie like, uh, shipmate, tapped stick, its taiwan, she said, thats captain hollie, riding, its, the, spacesoarem rocket, its into that, points, saw a different hollie, missile from, its from the chinese sea, and taiwan burned, thats three captain hollies surfacing in their ohio class submarines, Jesus rubs chin, china burned, its you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, thats hu hintao battling washington state, with, his light sword, hollie fights back, its blue sword, another, hollie flys out, in, its old world war one luftwaffe, bombs ship, its repelled, hollie like round face had pilots attire but face changed, thats hollie on board of, its, the, s.s. lusitania, clapped, the tap dancers, and, the, wilhelm gustloff ship looks like captain now, thats torpedo, its big hollie said, it, makes big hole, there was fire inside, that led to, said, hollie, looked at Jesus, got word, that was massive explosion, and, ship sinks quickly, thats the chinook said, hollie, its uh double beater, another, hollie like shipmate, said, hollie watches, captain hollie flew, but jumped out on rope, gabriel piloted and america below had nuclear fire in center of it, hollie said, thats submarines appearing all around, both coasts burn, gabriel raises captain hollie out of, the fire, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding and submarines surfacing, its they shower, hollie said, thats russia burning, hey said hollie, i'll place it, she said, thats venezuela and brazil exploding, hollie putting nuclear fires in cuba, thats, nicaragua burning, and, its along mexican and latin american borders, they errupted into flame, now let me, that, said, its, his ship, said, new hollie, like golden faced shipmate, that, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, said, that said, hitlers super ship, its the whole new world order, the ship walks, looks, that, ship, said, its, pope, thats, pope, out of, its putin, that, ship said, thats yeltsin out of the ten, that, ship said, thats putin out of medvedev and yeltsin, that pointed ship like captain, i'm the m.v., said wilhelm gustloff ship, hollie like shipmate appears on front of, its the r.m.s olympic, theres the r.m.s. britannic, you see these three ships, hollie said, theres titanic, they were scrap, hollie said, its after about thirty years hollie said, cause, thats them buckling in seas, shame on ministry of dreams, its the thieves, said he hollie playing his music, she hollie points, his face mostly silhouette then all the way, but, slowly dimmed, leave it alone, said, its, his ship again, hollie said, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, he hollie posts on, its intercellular laptop, hollie and God said, popes face appears, on, screen, its I am gog, he said, thats pope sitting at table, and two horned beast, its red like blob man with, thats hu hintao and emperor of japan, climbing out, they sign, its uh peace treaty, hollie said, 666, take it, said, pope, hollie, pulled sleeves up, another, hollie comes out, explains, thats hegoat with them three kings coming out of its horns, theres, pope and medvedev and putin out of one, thats hintao out of other, thats ram with putins face, and nuclear n.a.t.o. missile strike on russia, thats chinese forces invading russia, pope telling medvedev, you he said, medvedev shakes, yes, presses nuclear button, thats nuclear fire in, its, they exchange, saw hollie, nuclear fires in both lands, then they all go, its chinook, again, said, it hollie, said another, hollie, thats bob having anal sex, do, he said, showed, its o.k., he smiled, pointed, a she hollie, no, is what he said, hollie dont want no music, he hollie looks out, its secret showed, hollie, bobby said, hollie, its me, she said, that, silvana, and, its, char, rubbed chin, hollie, bobby, you see these two, its, hollie, said, looked at Jesus, go word, shook, yes, I clapped, hollie said, they love it, bob you love them, said, its silvana, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, go bob, thats bob going to, its church grand opening, hollie said, showed, its uh little one, hollie and silvana said, thats, char doing the teachin, hollie, said, showed, cut it off, bobby, said, hollie, go, she said, the will love you, silvana, said, thats char shaking, yes, but, its, she is dubious, said, it hollie said, another, hollie, Jesus said, she knows, said, it, God, hollie said, bobby, go, hollie said, had on... her light watch, post, she said, you only have untill, hollie showed, her light watch, ten minutes, said, silvana, now heres, the word, hollie said, for, char, hollie said, do all that I put in your heart, she said, thats Jesus running out, and for you silvana, said, it hollie, said another, hollie, God will perfect that which concerns him, she said, silvana said, were people, hollie said, thats char looking at, its bobs calling, hollie said, hes, staying in visions, hollie coughs, its called prophesying, its, fellowship, said char, of the, its Jesus appearing, hollie said, bob, cut off, go, hollie said, bob sees, she said, thats the apostle paul, writing, what, we told him, said, the ministering spirit, silvana, I the apostle paul servant of the most High God, wrote paul, but, thats, its me, showed, hollie, telling him to write that, then the book closed, hollie said, its, sh, said, hollie, the holy bible, there, she pointed, bob post, its on, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, she said, I spoke it, said Jesus, I'll make them run to remove, saith the LOrd, look at my hands, said, Jesus, hollie points, but the rest of Jesus's body, there, but dimly faded in, 12-14-2010-lets do uh video bob clapped hollie two hollies said, you see she said doing the youtube video, i'm the ministryofdreams, it angel hollie said, dont steal she said, cause hollie said, ministry of dreams, it spoken by him she said, thats Jesus said hollie with uh silhouette face, call it ministryofdreams, said Jesus hollie said, but his face went normal, you see i created it Jesus said, if you steal i'm going to get you saith the Lord, and i will make you remove it in this lifetime, ruint, for i created it saith God, whew whew sang many hollies, thats santas christmas train said hollie, he appeared she said, you are no i aint, said its santa hollie said, its the marine corp. Out in the streets said many hollies and God, thats hollie pulling on gabriels pant legg wearing a red plad coat, its looting thats what were here out here for, said arch angel gabriel hollie said, and he saw showed his features hollie said, hes light she said, its econimic collapse announces barack obama, he adjusts his tie pointed hollie, the marine guards, sang Jesus, are out in said hollie, its patrollin she said, they pilfer hollie said, like many hollies wearing red plad coats out stealing, bobby, somebody told me not to do it, said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, thats, silvana calling bob, shes hard, tough, God said, but hollie shows, like, be secret, its she wants you to think, alright said char, they love each other, but, God, wont let them, marry, cause, its, there, silvana, spanish, char is spanish, bob is american, thats it, said, it, hollie, its, beast pope rising, its like angel dot head man, hollie said, I am gogey, said, it, pope, hollie looked at, its wrinkle, bob that was there, she said, hollie showed, its pope, I am God, he said, thats, him riding, the black horse, said, it, hollie, said another, hollie, showed, put it in the pocket, it, bobby, they knew, hollie, said, lets bundle up, cause, it, gonna get cold, hollie said, bobby, he'll fix your eye, hollie said, o, said, its his ship agin, said, its transformed babyfleas, she runs, God watches, hollie showed, record, showed, bob lay down, sleep, she said, hollie pointed, turn, big shaft like finger, bobby, hollie showed, walmart, walk in, she said, buy, its walmart straighttalk card, hollie bought card, thats her checking it out, you see I spoke it, hollie showed, God said, dont, take it, hollie, said, showed, bobby, eat, she said, was worried, you see hollie said, dont die young, God will fix it, watch, you will marry her, hollie said, just give it time, hollie said, she, you knew, hollie said, thats woman shaking yes, thats, said, hollie and, silvana, gabriel pointing at, it, his self, hollie said, i'm that, said, gabriel, the Ministry of Dreams, angel, appeared, gabriel kind of models, then laughs, bob knew, hollie said, but didnt, thats arch angel gabriel appearing in, the minstry of dreams profile picture, that is said, hollie, the beast, its slaughter jews, he said, hes looking for Gods remnant said, hollie, pulled up sleeves, showed, its make war, she, said, its plagues being poured out on the seat of the antichrist, said silvana, thats darkness, in, its like no light, said, hollie, thats sores, on the people, its plagues, hollie said, thats, its three frogs jumping out of the river ephrates, hollie, said, they go to both beasts, theres hu hintao, and its pope, hollie said, you see these are devils, said, its him, said, hollie, Jesus appeared, thats waters, they turned to blood, hollie said, showed, bob, quit, go, she, said, hollie left the, its library, she said, stamps, scene spins, its I am God, said, it pontey, hollie said, coming, out of, its like, light whirlwind, its give them to drink, said man kneeling before God, alright Jesus shook, but hollie spoke for God, thats Jesus appearing on mountain, it split in twain, said hollie, like uh light mountain, she said, thats the israeli prime minister pressing the nuclear button, its nuclear fires in jordan and syria and egypt, thats rocket leaving russia, with, its blogtalk ministryofdreams website on, i'm the blogtalk, said angel on missile, and hollie rode top part, its into israel, exploded, I am here said Jesus, thats Jesus inside, its bob hollie said, this is warning, said, hollie, showed, that, said, hollie, hollie appeared, on, its the youtube video, now let me explain, she said, thats frank-n-furter, its tim curry, he appeared, no, said, hollie, showed, I dont mind let me, frank-n-furter showed, its both beasts, theres hu hintao and pope, hollie comes back, showed, I was missed, hollie showed, away, thru, she said, but, shook, yes, then, showed, away, clap it, she said, partial face comes out, hollies body disappeared, but dimly faded in, she was there, space, said, hollie, showed, its like globe on stand, its light globe with like things coming out, thats countries exploding and putin rising out, i'm going to rise, he said, theres uh bear, hollie said, with three ribs in mouth appearing out of globe, and bobby who are these, said, hollie coming out, partial face appears, hand over mouth, shook, yes, let me she said, they both did, hollie had dress on, thats cuba, nicaragua, mexico appearing on ribs, then submarines appear in their waters, its they shower, hollie said, thats nuclear fire in america, and, missiles leaving there, they strike, said, hollie, thats nicaragua burning, fires in venezuela and brazil, hey i'll place it said, hollie, nuclear fire in cuba, and along mexican and latin american borders, thats missiles going the other way, they strike russia, hollie said, theres not to many but thats captain hollie in, its ohio class, she said, four, british vangaurd class submarines, its they shower, hollie said, all with round head hollies, one was same she hollie that was explaining earlier, but great britain burned, hey said, hollie, thats nuclear fire in australia and france with three, thats italy with big explosion then second, but thats all launching missiles, hollie watches them soar, its into russia, exploded, world shakes, and up rose the beast, its pope on black horse, hollie said, hollie claps, its facebook video, thats google video, hollie does, different things, she scratched out ear, there, hollie clapped, thats her on, its youtube video, she showed, spacesoarem, hollie, pointed, him, said, she hollie, its, into, over, that, she hollie, said, thats him soaring, its, like, f-22 raptor, its, over, that, hollie said, taiwan errupted into fire, thats, hollie watching it soar from, its out of the chinese sea, thats, hollie, another, battling, hu hintao, on his red horse, hintao has blue sword, hollie has light sword, another, hollie flys out, its old world war two era, airfighter craft, hollie dressed like pilot, he hollie claps, hands, thats her bombing ship, its repelled, showed, hollie, showed, lay down, let me do uh youtube video said, him, said, she hollie, you see he said, on, youtube video, bob, said, it God, hollie said, showed, spread yourself, she said, go git others, hollie said, show people, who you are, thats Jesus inside of, its bob, said, hollie, but looked at God, Got word first, hollie showed, fixem up, she said, feed bobby, hollie, said, its animals, thats him, climbing out of, its dumpster, hollie, stamps, scene spins, its the war sireen, warning, she said, and, hollie like yellow hollie, head like thing, out of, its megaphone, with, her fingers, in her, ears, people, will wont listen, hollie said, when its to late, she said, and time, its almost over, hollie said, you see, she said, for they knew, God had already, thats Jesus cutting them off, he had, his knife, hollie said, put it under, she said, bobby, fix, hollie said, its, your lines, wrinkle, she said, laughed, hollie, I showed, eat, she said, put it under, bob, she said, go, this is hollie, saith God, she is, the, ministering spirit, and its on, she said, the, God spoke, can I call it, holie said, showed, the ministry of dreams, its angel, o, said, partial face coming out, its, theres dedormed, she said, but, angel happy, had like spec on side, on other, its blue, she said, o, hollie said, it appeared, but kept changing, no its, like brown, she said, i'm the hollie Ghost, said, it hollie, she said, showed, the book, its, she said, visions of the beast with seven and ten horns, bob, it sells, she said, put it under, go, said, hollie, showed, cut it off, but changed into the main, this is hollie, with God, said, hollie, Jesus inside, she said, showed, record, she had, said, partial face, came out, happy, like white head, hollie said, 12-14-15-16-2010-this the vision, said its hollie said another she hollie, that said the first hollie, its i am gog said pope, that hollie said, call the police, sang Jesus and many others, its over the name hollie said, showem she said, that said first hollie, call it ministryofdreams, said Jesus with uh silhouette face, for its i spoke it said Jesus, i will make you remove, God said, bobby said Jesus, go said hollie, find food, give to animals she said wearing uh plad coat, she fed, its the said hollie, m.v. Wilhelm gustloff ship and hollie like uh hand, said uh she hollie, hollie hand showed you did not want hollie showed, and the hamburger helper hand appeared, its him said uh she hollie, showed lay down, he snapped his finger, showed pope he said, i aint God, said it pontey hollie said, he showed lay down, no, showed, hollie, I showed, away, she, said, thats, linkedin, what is that, hollie said, its like facebook, thats the linkedin ministryofdreams angel, partial face comes out, hand over, mouth, angel was happy like light head, but had darker hair, but features somewhat hard to make out, i'm the linkedin, said, the, linkedin ministry of dreams, angel, with, the assisstance of hollie she, showed, its o, hollie said, spec appeared, on angels face, theres deformed, she said, hey bob just curious, said, it, two hollies, you will hollie said, thats girl, approaching bob wearing, its light coat, its plad, bluish, hollie said, thats hollie having sex with her, but, she, didnt care, but liked, later, thats, beast pope rising, like, angel dot head, hollie pointed, go, hollie, showed, turn, but, changed mind, had lighted hand, like shaft, hollie showed, eat, this is warning, said, it, hollie, thats people looting, its, under economic collapse, hollie said, that is, the, marine corp. out in the streets, said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, thats like new hollie with round head, pulling on pant legg, its on bobs, angel wore red plad coat, prophet listen here to me, hollie said, its, your group, she said, thats, hollie appearing, doing, the, video, hollie claps, but did so quick you could only here, or, you see said, hollie, the, pope, she, said, hes, the antichrist, now its, said, hollie and pope, I am God, he said, hollie played the music, what did he, want, thats, bobby, you use me, said a she hollie, but, its, him, appeared, with, silhouette face, new mustang said Jesus, lets motor, said, hollie, thats her in, its boss 302 ford mustang, hollie got in, tear up, she said, put back, showed, happy pope like round head, partial face comes out, hollie, disappeared, but was like fire color inside mustang, thats what mustang looks like inside, its to fast, hollie said, thats, gabriel appearing in headlines, and, in, profile picture, on, its, said, hollie, the Ministry of Dreams, bobby, do, video, said, its, gabriel, hollie said, whew, whew, sang, its, said, hollie, showed, its santa claus, its his christmas train, thats flown by reindeer, said, it, hollie, but, she came out, showed, bob, do, video, then, same o, hollie appeared, in, video, now let me explained, thats, whole new world order, lets rule the world, said, it putin, hollie said, partial face comes out, she wasnt fully seen, all time, but another, he hollie dimmed in, little people talkin, said, hollie, happy, its tony geroge, look bob said, hollie like space cadet, said, another, hollie, showed, picture, its popes, I am God he said, had lighted bear paws, tear up, said, hollie, showed, its the whole new world order, put back, but opened again, partial face comes out, points, lighted finger, its orange, pope disappeared but was there, showed, putin, i'm out of him, said, pope, thats boris yeltsin with ten horns on his head, they were golden, said, hollie, one had face, like a man, does, thats, pope coming out, thats, putin, out of, its me said boris yeltsin and medvedev, thats pope out of, its putin, lets rule the world, said, it, putin, hollie, said, thats, I want to strike that, said, putin, thats nuclear fire in center of america, and many fires along both coasts, thats, many, its, akula class, thats what you want, needed hollie said, submarines all around america, all with, captain hollie, some she and he hollies, that, hollie said, its, an empty mall, she, said, that, a, white faced happy hollie said, thats hollie on video, showing, waiting, bob just do it, she said, clapped hands, but waited, that was big nuclear bomb, hollie said, it, exploded, and bear arises, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploded, hollie soared, its spacesoarem jet another, hollie said, he dropped bombs, thats venezuela and brazil exploding, nuclear fires, hollie placing in cuba, nicaragua burned, thats, fire along latin american and mexican borders, hollie rose, out of the destruction, got picked up by, its chinook flown by gabriel thats old number 7 with the Father driving, thats bell ringing, hollie was there, ringing and hollie funnel blew, out, its pope in steam, theres hu hintao, you see these two beasts, hollie said, they will want to rule the world, thats uh tripod appearing, theres three ribs in putins mouth, its in cuban, and there pointed, him, said she hollie, mexican and nicaraguan waters, three captain hollies like round, head, but, one, its her, said she hollie, they shower, america, but thats missiles striking them, then a single rocket leaves america, and exploded, in, its that, pointed, him, but told by her, center of moscow on fire, its thats uh warning, hollie said, then both american coasts burn, but, thats nuclear rockets appearing all over america, thats some being struck while in silo, exploded, but thats over 75 lifting off, and hollie watches, russian missile defence got some, but most struck their target, thats, a part of russia on fire, then massive explosion, its, hollie saw, thats, the rest of russia burning, it leaves only one sixth left, it came from that, said, hollie, thats four captain hollies in british vanguard class subs, they shower, but great britain exploded, o.k. lets do it, said, hollie, showed, time, dressed in suit, its her light watch, and the curtains draw back, you see said, hollie, on stage, she showed, its pope, thats people out in audience, it packs out, whew whew, sang, many hollies, santas christmas train, sang, it, God, hollie said, boo chanted many hollies, its, him, said, uh she hollie, showed, lay down, he clapped hands, showed, its, bobby work, hollie said, bob said, it, hollie, showed, sh, be quiet, she said, dont go, hollie said, to make noise, its the, she said, m.v., wilhelm gustloff ship, its, she said, sitting at, Gods interviewing, table, hollie stamped, scene spins, I'm the pope, said, it pontey, hollie said, bob go, she said, thats hollie walking, shes leaving, its the, library, she said, you got it, said, fitness woman, just wait, hollie said, God teases, she said, you knew, thats girl shaking, yes, hollie showed, bob be gentle, and nice, sweat, hollie said, put it undle, hollie said, bob you better go, cause, time, it'll get ya, she said, theres many right now in the valley of decision, hollie said, theres Jesus in the valley of decision himself, but, bob, thats new ministry of dreams, website, hollie said, its delicious ministryofdreams, hollie said, like an angelface, partial face comes out, o, she said, theres, its deformed, angel turns, head, had like spec on one side, hollie said, bobby, said, hollie showed, its, go, she said, thats hollie walking, wearing, its uh plad coat, she said, thats, her, entering, its into, the mother p.a.w. church, hollie said, thats pastor, looking concerned, Lord its my people, its, charles, hollie said, but, God, showed, they are mine, put it under, said, hollie, sh, she said, go, thats, her walking, she had on, its light watch, puts hand in pocket, bob, go, hollie said, the Lord is with you, enjoy, its, she said, while you have a chance, people look up to you, she said, thats hollie with Jesus inside, showing, her light watch, bobby, she said, its go, hollie said, dont, she, said, do later, thats, hollie with God inside walking out of, its, stamped, hollie, scene spins, its the libe, she said, thats angel appearing, its i'm the linked, said, its angel, hollie said, bob work with, its powerful, hollie said, i'm the linkedin, said, it, angel, hollie said, agian, o, said, partial face, appeared, theres, its, she said, deformed, bob go, hollie showed lay down, he snapped his fingers she said, he showed having anal sex, bob do he said, cause heres why, she wont let you he said, put it under hollie said, do he said, go God said, hollie showed having sex, God said, agin hollie said, you ate pussy God said, heres why saith the Lord, i did not care, and will not ever, you see the door is open to you, tell no one, or else you'll be mocked, for i'm the King, the Am that I Am, hollie showed lay down, him said uh she hollie, hollie snapped his finger, lighted a she hollie said, hi said hollie, she waved, showed, thats twitter, she said, like happy angel head, its o, said partial face coming out, angel was perfect, untill bob linked up, but it wont change, uh thing, hollie, him, said, she hollie, said, put it undle, hollie, said, bob, watch, you'll get caught but he wont mind she said, hollie was crying, its cause that, she said, thats, weeping mtv angel, cause bobby, its stripped, he said, showed, they wont, strip home page cause they know ya he said, but wont let you link up, hollie said, you lost your friend, hollie said, thats girl with another, man, they move, hollie said, he hollie clapped, there was white light in hands, she said, a golden face hollie said, jumpy, a somewhat silhouette face partial face hollie showed, dont, she, said, dont sleep right here, thats room in basement appearing, hollie told, its, hollie showed, to cold, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, had hollies picture, in but hand had its on fAce, moved, thats hand sitting at its Gods interviewing table, showed, the mtv ministryofdreams website appearing like angel head, face changed mostly silhouette, its they wont strip hand said, hollie, Jesus showed, cut off, hollie screamin for, she, screamed again, showed, its mtv, thats jackass about to kick, its orange, bob said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope, I dont want that no more said another, hollie, partial face comes out, pope had like, boxing gloves on, there light, she said, tear up, but he put back so quick, it was like uh blur, hollie said, whew whew, sang maNY MINISTERING SPIRITS, BOO CHANTED, ITS HIM HOLLIE SAID, UH SHE HOLLIE, you know your body said, it hollie, said, another, hollie, thats body appearing, thats water going into, the body had much water, showed, hollie, but, dehydrates quickly, lets drink up showed, hollie, I want to talk to you, pointed, Jesus, its, the, evangelist hollie said, she was on top of the world, and, thats hollie with JEsus inside showing, eat, crosses her path, I cant git thru, she, said, but when hollie first came around, Lord you keep this scum away from me, said, the evangelist, now shes wanting, intercession she said, but bob wont hollie said, put it under, dont waste your, hollie, said, time, she showed, hollie with Jesus inside, left library, bob that was funny, God said, what it is, bob said, its, jennifer, sh, said, partial face, you stole the God spoke, thats, its, jenny, of, hollie said, paliban daily, stealing the God, hollie said, sh shut up, hollie said, call it, ministry of dreams, Jesus spoke, with, its, silhouette face, but, features, appeared, hollie said, put it undle, thats brand new, its ministry of dreams website, appearing, bobby said, its like partial face, but, not, quite, its big, its, delicious ministryofdreams website, thats angel pointing at itself, hollie said, i'm the delicious said angel, thats partial face, hollie coming, out, its, o, theres deformed, she, said, angel had like light brown spec on one side, then a bluish blotch appeared, but went away but another, like dull gray blotch appeared, angel turned, head, partial face covers mouth, o, she, said, angels face clear but spec appeared, its dull grayish, hollie said, i'm the new, ministry of dreams, said, delicious ministryofdreams website angel, but face turned silhouette, this is warnin, said, hollie, showed, leave it alone, its delicious, she showed, bob said hollie, very nice like, it gets hits she said, boo chanted many, hollies, its, him, she said, with like button eyes, its tear up, he said, very quickly put back, but pope appeared, partial face comes out, this is me, said, it hollie, said, another, thats partial face, pointing, you see, she said, she wore, dress, showed, its him, she said, this is website, lets post, said, it hollie said, him, a she hollie said, he played his jam, she said, but, didnt speak, but just kept going, you warning warn, he said, its mark, hollie said, its him, said partial face hollie, dont go, its to, india, hollie said, its, he said, they wont treat you right, hollies top part and lower part of body hidden, but he was there, wore blue sweatshirt, had your way said Jesus, thats angry God watching the evangelist walk away, shes, said, hollie, thru, hollie showed, but showed, away, then shook yes, pope, pointed, hollie, drinking his drink in the fire, partial face comes out, hollies body, partial face showed, kind of, not seen, but was, hollie, showed, turn, red shaft finger, bob git one, she said, hollie showed, turn, hollie walked on, its treadmill, she drank drink, had workout clothes on said God, hollie showed, lay down, he snapped fingers, hollie showed, lay down, hollie snapped fingers, they were lighted, smiling, showed, its beast, pope wearing blue suit, you see bobby, said, pope, thats happy bob laying down, whew whew, sang, many ministering spirits, santa said hollie, showed, lay down, him, she hollie said, then, picture appeared, its both beasts, you see these two hollie said, they will want to rule the world, partial face hollie showed, lay down, whew, whew, sang, God, and, many hollies, its, santas christmas train, put back said, hollie, santa tore up, showed, its whole new world order, its him, she said, claps, theres pope, hu hintao, hollie said, you see these two, beasts, hollie said, thats putin appearing with three ribs, in his mouth, and, bobby who are these, said, hollie, theres cuba, nicaragua, mexico appearing on ribs, its tripod, said, hollie, thats captain hollies in their waters, its, hollie explained, akula class, thats what you want, needed, she said, they aim, fire, thats nuclear explosions, its near that, said, hollie, thats gulf of mexico, states, thats missiles leaving america, striking, its nicaragua burning, nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, hey i'll place it said, hollie, nuclear fires along mexican and latin american borders, thats one missile going toward, it hit, said, hollie, moscow, exploded, then both american coasts burn, thats, hollie being raised out of the destruction, theres smoke hollie said, thats moon happy, but, he transformed, its tear up, said, hollie, smoke gets in moons face, thats four british vanguard class subs, all with, captain hollie, great britain exploded, hey said, hollie, thats nuclear fire in australia, theres, one italy, thats three in france, theres all captain hollies in submarines, hollie watches, let me observe, she said, as missile leaves italy, thats many striking russia, burned, hollie claps, its on the day of the Lord, thats, hollie like uh bear, 12-17-2010-denon, said, hollie, it uh, said, another, God said, the denon 75 arv, its uh excellent one, hollie said, that is, said, happy hollie, its the, statue of liberty, sitting its berth, hollie said, and, its, she said, the woman you saw over all the earth, hollie said, partial face comes out, shows, its, o, she, said, thats statue of liberty coming out of, its, america, hollie said, I will threaten, said, the woman, that, she said, thats, putin, and, medvedev, let them ponder, God, said, thats nuclear missile strike, its on, moscow, exploded, but, both american coasts burn, thats, hollie, being raised out of, its destruction by pilot gabriel and his chinook, its uh twin bladder, hollie said, he hollie shows, spinning blades, hollie pointed, turn, what kind of visions do you want, said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, tear up, she said, put back, rip, its, she said, pope appeared in center of hands, he hollie comes out, smiling, looks at, hollie screamin for, screamed, hollie showed, its realistic tape recorder, its mini, take care of said, hollie, thats hand showing you did not want hollie showed, theres him in, palm, he came out, tada, he said, showed, its, popes image on finger, take it, said, its, its after missile attack hollie said, its on that, she said, russia with missile strikes, exploded, its only one sixth left, hollie said, but thats putin arising, I will destroy that, I will rise, putin, said, whew, whew, said, its train, showed, hollie, old steam engine and serious looking Father driving, it has many cars, hollie said, theres pope she said, out of one, hu hintao sits on other, you see these two, right here, hollie said, they will want to rule the world, hollie said, lets rule the world, said, it, putin, a silhouette face partial face hollie pointed, thats pope, drinking, his drink, in, the, fire, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, but its the wrong way, she said, but its him, she said, showed, turn other, way, hollie showed, do, thats hand agin, showing, you did not need him, she said, its hollie showed, but different, hollie appeared, bobby walk, said, hollie, its that, hollie said, layfayette square mall, its good, hollie said, eat, prophet look at me, said, its, him, said, a she hollie, hollie showed, its picture, pope, he made me, said, him, said, uh she hollie sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, hollie stamps, scene spins, partial face comes out, hollies body not there, but, was, dimly seen, she looking suprised, partial face, points, at, its, the white in her mouth, taiwan done it, said, it hollie, said, another, she hollie, thats, him clapping, and, partial face comes out, points, two lighted fingers, hollie rides its spacesoarem jet, drops two bombs, its into taiwan, exploded, now its you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, hollie said, hintao shakes, yes, thats hu hintao battling, its washington state, said, him, said, uh hidden she hollie, but a hollie dimly appeared, she wore skirt, looked stunned, thats hintao on red horse, battling washington state, its agin, said, hollie, thats bob having sex, again, tonite, hollie said, it, wont be your last, he said, you will marry, thats bob marrying woman, hollie fights back with light sword, hintaos sword now blue, Jesus said, thats hollie like round face, its, mostly silhouette, God said, flying out, in, its old german luftwaffe fighter jet, from world war two, hollie stamps, scene spins, thats hitting ship, its repelled hollie said, hollie showed, thru, but hollie says, yes, showed, away, partial face comes out, points, hollie, bob hollie showed, do, thats him happy, its making love, a she hollie said, but, partial face comes out, he still had his pants on, but, wiener out, its zipper, let me explain, said, it, hollie, partial face, showed, its the Godfather, of soul, james brown, in preachers, clothes, he walks backwards, but looks like going forward, forward to the back said dan quayle, its hollie said, appeared, but then disappeared, like this, watch, it'll take some getting use to hollie said, him, partial face, said, hollie showed, buying the food for, its twenty dollars, hand showed, agin, you did not want hollie showed, but a transformed hollie showed, appeared, thats, its, pope coming out of wind, theres hu hintao like warrior, thats japanese emperor, hollie said, its slashed, idol pope, hollie and God said, theres your three kings hollie said, thats hollie with the stun gun, it works, she said, they are, 49.95 hollie said, hollie with JEsus inside, didnt show record, another, hollie slapped, thats, its pope coming toward her, theres hu hintao, lets rule the world, said, it putin, three ribs appear in his mouth, bobby who are these, hollie said, theres, cuba, thats submarine appearing in cuban waters, hollie like, round head, new hollie with dark like hat on fires, missile, but, theres three fires in cuba, america exploded, its near that hollie said, thats texas with nuclear fire, and missiles left america striking, its venezuela and brazil exploding, nicaragua burned, hey i'll place it said, hollie, fires in mexico and latin american borders, she said, dont, said, hollie, jumping, wearing, its uh white robe, hollie said, hollie pointed turn, long lighted finger, its red she said, hollie screamin for, byron trembled, but excited, hollie, its him, said uh she hollie, showed, lay down, he snapped fingers, had electric blanket on, was warm, 12-17-18-19-2010-bob my heart is to torment and destroy you and laugh at you, untill you, pointed myself, go back to the world, let me abase, saith God, or I wont let off, and you will die soon, saith God, hear me, saith the King, I want you abased, one way or another, to, mock you, and, laugh at you, while you are, embarrased, cause I drove you away, and people mocked you, thats pope out of, its wind, hollie said, dressed like warrior, thats hu hintao, like fighter, hollie points, theres empy, she said, its, emperor of, japanese emperor hollie said, out of, its wind, hollie said, hollie showed, bob relax, just give it time, she said, ron prayed, quit it, bobby, said, it hollie, him, said, uh she hollie, thats hollie showing, that, its little realistic mini tape recorder, bob take care of, it, hollie said, thats, beast, pope, said, uh she hollie, running out, I am God, he said, hollie showed, eat candy, it was, him, a she hollie said, thats hollie, its, lootin, she said, she, was, right, there with, wearing, its uh red plad coat, but hollie disappeared, then, round head appeared, bluish, hollie showed, turn, bob, buy two of'em, hollie said, showed, two fingers, its walmart straight talk cards, thats gabriel in the headlines, prophet u.s.a. was headline, this is website, lets post, said, it, hollie, said, him, said, partial face, thats, angel, happy, thats many ministry of dreams website appearing, partial face covered mouth, its, o, she, said, there deformed, all had something awrong with face, one not happy, looked down, but back up, then back down, hollie clapped hands, its, him, she said, its, boo chanted many he hollies, theres a she hollie in, lighted, hollie rode the spacesoarem jet, its uh raptor, he said, flew, thats radar, detection screen and towers, same hollie watches radar and raptor flys by, heres what happens, every once in uhwhile, blitches light up, but, they are scattered hollie said, thats hollie in, its f-117 stealth fighter jet, its, same radar, lights, flipping on and off, but scattered, they are, its, vitually undetectable hollie said, hollie dropped two bombs, its into that, taiwan burned, a she hollie and God said, same pilot hollie watches spacefightem jet, come out of, its, chinese sea, thats hu hintao battling, its washington state, said, hollie, scene spins, now its o, said, partial face, came out, hollies hand lit brightly, but rest of body not seen, but she was there, dimly, and overweight, you see said, partial face, hollie gained weight like God said, but took all back off, thats it, said, hollie, another, hollie comes out, wearing dress, showed, but face changed, hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, theres a he hollie in pointed a she hollie, with long lighted finger, partial face puts hand over mouth, its o, she said, hollie wasnt seen but dimly appeared, she wore skirt, had no expression, spacesoarem jet, said, hollie, showed, took care of, bob uh new one, hollie said, its, tape recorder, I tell you why om screamin for, hollie said, screamed again, showed, eat bubu luba, its candy, its good hollie showed, this is warning, its good but it will not last, that long, its hollie showed, voice recorder, give warning, said, it, Jesus, hollie said, thats, the, marine corp. out in the streets, its arch angel gabriel, he showed, his light hands, face, dimmed, partial face comes out, its, o, she said, gabriels face changed, hollie like dot head lit bluish, pulled on gabriels pant legg, thats looting, hollie was with, having fun, she wore plad coat but didnt steal, but they did, its, right near the end, hollie said, here in, its america, hollie showed, turn, lighted, hollie, this is, warning, said, she hollie, hollie showed, its, taiwan, thats the start of it, she, said, but, he showed, bob eat, said, its, said, hollie, God, showed, eating, thats like light globe, hollie comes out, explains, its on stand, hollie said, thats, its, spacesoarem rocket, hollie said, flying above, drops bombs, hollie claps, hands, thats america exploding, its near that, he said, center, pointed, lighted finger, its o said partial face, hand over mouth, hollie disappeared, but hand still seen, submarines all around america, both coasts, burn, hollie showed, record, its, o, said, partial face coming out, hand over mouth, its him, she said, but, disappeared herself God said, hollie did the auction bid, when you gonna record, me, said, hollie, its, him, said, uh she hollie, let me, observe, thats hollie making love, its to girl, she wants, thats ring on her finger, with, hollie in, he explains, she wants but not you, keep falling, you are trembling cause I will not let you stand without messing with you, its for I prod, torture to death my servant saith God, I will kill you all day, it looks like untill that, said Jesus, thats God Almighty looking at, its looking bob in his coffin, you wont last another, hollie looked at God, for word, one month, cause your heart is starting to collapse, and Its cause I keep hitting you, its to laugh, you see said Jesus, you are nothing to me but something I mock while you try to stay saved, this is, warning, said, it hollie and new hollie appears, hollie showed, lay down, call it back said hollie, o shes like fleas another hollie said God said, put it under hollie, showed lay down God said, cause hollie showed record, sang it hollie said many hollies, bob go up, it him said uh she hollie, he wore blue sweatshirt, partial face comes out hand over mouth, hey wheres the rest of hollies body she said, it dimly appeared in like dull blue she said, he looked relaxed she said, russia is the bear father said many hollie, thats bear pulling putin to himself, hollie said, putin showed lay down God said, and he saw, said it casey new hollie said, putin snapped fingers laying down, i'm with the pope putin said, and he said casey it appear, its pope she said, i'm outta him putin said, its boris yeltsin, said him said uh she hollie, coming out of the ten, and putin out of medeved and yeltsin, thats pope out of its putin said God and hollie, i am God, said it pope said him said new hollie, she showed lay down, hollie showed, record, pointed, bob, every time, you get uh chance, have her, hollie said, it, makes, she, hollie, trembled, want you somemore, hollie said, Jesus, appears, showed, bob, its, make love, him, said, uh she hollie, said, robert hickman, said, it, hollie, said, a, she hollie, partial face comes out, its, o, she, said, hand over mouth, thats, the ministry of dreams, angel appearing, happy but somewhat worried, o, said, partial face, angel was somewhat silhouette, thats gabriel in the ministryofdreams, its profile, said, hollie, scene spins, hand stamps, hollie showed, lay down, sleep, like she showed, bobby, wait, said, its him said same o, she, hollie, that, showed, sleep, but he wore blue sweatshirt, partial face comes out, hollie wore, blue sweatshirt, but lower body hidden but was there, what did he wear said she hollie, its kind of hard to make it out, she, said, there was blue, hollie looked, boo chanted, its him, said, uh she, hollie, he had another, walmart straight talk card, wore blue sweatshirt, hollie showed, to, knaw on something, that, pointed, hollie, its, the, marine corp. out in the streets, it, hollie stamps, scene spins, hollie like dot head, pulls on, its gabriels pant legg, bobby she called he hollie said, him, said, she hollie, hollie, looked, turn, showed, turn, but, bob kept going, thats, dumitru duduman breaking ground, said hollie, with, hollie showed, its, shovel, its, him, said, uh she hollie, Jesus rubs, chin, weeps over his duduman, God said, its, cause, for, I tortured God said, for its cause hand of help is being blessed cause of that man, pointed, God, dumitru duduman, it appeared, said him said uh she hollie, partial face comes out, showed bob eat something, hollie drove, its the, ford taurus se 24v sohc, its, lets motor, she said, thats, uh man, looking at visions, hollie said, hollie showed, its, record, bob, buy uh, receiver, its him, said, another, new hollie, shes, like partial face, God said, but not quite, its, her, face, pointed, him, two fingers, hard to handle, hollie screamin for, she, said, screamed again, write the vision, hollie, its him said, said a she hollie, he showed, turn, two fingers, angel, showed, record, hollie said, in your room, sang, it, hollie, said new hollie, no, said, hollie, but, I showed, thru, but I shook, yes, she said, but showed, away, thru she said, but, showed, o.k., hollie showed, the facebook angel, thats uh hand showing you did not want hollie showed, partial face points with long shaft like finger, thats lighted, its him in she said, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, go, thats, hollie like uh birdie, write the vision, make it plain, said, hollie, hollie, him, showed, turn, said, two hollies, the marine corp. is out in the streets, said, Jesus, thats, angel gabriel, hes, arch, showed, light hands, and, face, but, whew, it changed, hollie said, another, hollie pulls on his pant legg, head kind of light, theres blue and normal light color, thats people looting and hollie was with, wearing, its uh red plad coat, bob, marry, said, its, him, a she hollie said, you, they will, hollie said, later on man, said, it, hollie, said two hollies, hollie screamed, showed, its woman, she, wants, sex, hollie said, love, but, not to long, she said, put it under, hollie said, bob marry, look said, hollie, and, I, showed, you uh picture, another, hollie said, its pope, why is he weeping for, bobby dont fast, hollie said, she mothered bob, take it easy, she said, hollie, showed, turn, two lighted fingers, its o, said partial face coming, out, hand over mouth, she clapped, showed, its pictures of whole new world order, bob, listen, to me, dont tell her nothing about money hollie said, another, hollie screamed while she spoke, you see that woman will not want people to tempt, her, hollie said, this is warning, hollie said, showed, bob sleep, this is uh vision, lets post, said, its, hollie, said, another, hollie, hollie showed, him, said, she, hollie, thats, hand, showing, you did not need him, God said, its hollie showed, but partial face points, there was a different hollie in palm, but thats hand sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, hollie stamps, face goes silhouette, hollie showed, walking on, its treadmill, wearing workout clothes, she drank drink, thats realistic tape recorder licking the prophet, and he saw, said, it, casey, said, the, new hollie, but, shes, really like the old one, her hair, different color, face, silhouette, mostly, thats the olympus mini taperecorder, with angel appearing, in, its plastic, put it under, said, hollie, that her on, it, treamill, said, new hollie, if you wait for me, it, said, new hollie, its, gitton time for me to shut up, its babyfleas, said another, hollie, thats her running, happy, but God saw, 12-20-2010-bobby leave it said, it hollie, said the new hollie Jesus said, bobby it'll, him said new hollie did say God said, apostolic cafe, said Jesus hollie said, it said new hollie, him showed lay down, u.s.a.tody, its gabriel in the headlines, its him said new hollie, he points wearing blue sweatshirt she said, at her torquoise sweatshirt, sex ministry begins, said it gabriel said both hollies, she showed lay down wearing her sweatshirt, he hollie busts out, and he saw, said it him said new hollie, its she said, the sanyo, buyem said, it said he hollie said she hollie wearing her turquoise sweatshirt, sanyo 900, i'm the sanyo, said it him said uh he hollie, partial face comes out, points, only half of him appeared, and bottom half was nude said, it him showed lay down said new wearing her sweatshirt, and the lighted finger pointed he said, and i saw pope said new hollie, it was riding the black horse she said, its into russia, its popey said, new hollie said, showed lay down, it pope said new hollie, its my russia, hollie showed post on laptop but he was laying down said uh she hollie, he wore uh blue sweatshirt she said, if you let me said, it Jesus, said him said uh she hollie with partial silhouette face, God wants, its him said uh she hollie, its she showed you to marry she said, thats girl, hollie waits for God, many want, she is God said, wanting nobody, so heres the deal, marry, but you will share your heart, with me said Jesus, you wont change, said it him said the new hollie, thats new start treaty, its aimed at said, its him said new hollie, its rearranging said, it sarah palin the he hollie said, now look its that he, sarah palin said, it put nukes God said, it scattered, its him said new hollie, all over america, they are said God, now indestructable, heres why, its him said new hollie, its missile defence he said, it really works he said, thats interceptor striking missile God said, he showed lay down pointed new hollie, thats medvedev its she said, signing uh deal, dont want that no more, said, she hollie, its, babyfleas, that is, said, happy he hollie, you see that, its, not made, for, licking, it, God, that agin, said, him, said, babyfleas, its, poophole, but God said, that, its, him, said, she hollie, bob does, thats the marine corp. out in the streets, its, that, said, him, pointed, a, transformed, babyfleas, hollie showed, bob thats olympus taperecorder, with angel in, its plastic, take care of, hollie, said, you will, he, said, thats, woman, nude and bob having sex, but she doesnt want it with that pointed, him, bob, dont do nothing bob, but dont worry about what people think, that, said, its, him, said, uh, different hollie, that she said, showed, its, beast pope riding black horse, that, hollie said, bob, go back, fleas said, to where you came from, that he hollie said, that, hollie said, let me, tell, you, why the marine corp. is out in the streets, said Jesus, that hollie said, bob push it in, you will be hard, make her squirm, thats baby being produced, thats the reason said, Jesus, that said a he hollie, its for, sex, a she hollie said, its the marine corp. out in the streets, said, hollie and Jesus, that, hollie said, its arch angel gabriel and hollie like light head hollie pulling on his pant legg, that, another, its him said new hollie, but, similar to fleas, theres white and blue light in hollie head, he wore plad coat, that, hollie said, its babyfleas, your going home, it, pointed, angel, him, said, new hollie, did say, thats bob laying in his casket, angel grunts, its funeral of dreams, its him, hollie showed, thats hand showing, you did not need him said he hollie, its hollie showed, but there was, its him, in, said new hollie with mostly silhouette face, but she clapped, and face appeared, then changed, bobby feed, said, it, hollie, its him said mostly silhouette face hollie, thats hollie wearing, its red plad coat he said, giving food to, its animals, brand new website its delicious, said, it, hollie said new hollie, i'm delicious, said, it, new hollie said, angel, like, angel light man, hollie screamed, its the brand new ministryofdreams, I do not matter bob when you are married said, it, Jesus, said, him, said, uh she hollie, thats fleas showing, turn, hollie showed, turn, thats, bob going to, its lambert w. gates's church, look bob said, it, him, said, he hollie, showed, go home, new hollie showed, he wore blue sweatshirt, bob thats hollie showing eat, tell me why the marine corp. is out in the streets, its economic collapse, said many hollie, thats, lit head hollie, with others, its looting, theres she hollie with wearing, its red plad coat, partial face comes out, its o, she said, thats, its, him, said, another, hollie, head appeared, but dimly appeared, in, Jesus showed cut it off, he said, its o, said, partial face, his head was round with hair but looked like her God said, theres uh war, said, it, Jesus, said, him, said, new hollie, with new sweatshirt on, he showed, its china, and beast, like, several headed red dragon rising, its the g8, hollie said, theres nuclear n.a.t.o. kings appearing, thats bush riding, he dressed like, its woman, hollie showed, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, need said new hollie, thats, it, said, him, bob, you will, he, hollie showed, having sex, bob, the marine corp., its is out in the streets, sang, hollie, you can have, her, he, hollie said, with Jesus, if you play the game right, he said, a jumpy hollie said, partial face points at her face, its like uh monkey, i'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said, it, putin, hollie said, thats her, said, hollie, uh new hollie, bobby hickman, its polldaddy said hollie, like the new ministryofdreams website she said, its, o, said, partial face coming out, thats, polldaddy ministry of dreams website appearing, i'm ministryofdreams, said, it polldaddy, like partial face points, a angel head thing, its golden but, partial face, puts hand over, mouth, theres deformed, she, said, thats big blotch appearing on one side of face, its like, a darker, color but not very, then other blotches appear, but some dimmed, thats angel turning head, its o, said, partial face, angel had bluish blotch, but face turned somewhat silhoeutte, i'm the polldaddy said, polldaddy, ministry of dreams, website, he opened up his banner, he hollie said, there was nothing there, india will hit pakistan will hit india said Jesus, now let me observe said she hollie, partial face comes out, shows, hollies face not clearly visiable but appeared, there was he hollie hollie watching wearing, blue sweatshirt, its two nuclear explosions, its there, said, him, said uh she hollie, he showed, lay down, wearing, blue sweatshirt, its in india and pakistan, said, its him, said, new hollie, pointed, its fire, she said, there, in both, theres many, she said, its, in, india, but, theres missile leaving there, then pakistan, sends more, both have'em, hollie said, like uh new, hollie, put it under, she said, bobby go feed, thats, its him, said, new hollie, wearing, its bright colored, she said, plad coat, thats, nuclear fires in, its india and pakistan, said uh she hollie, india will be right after ministryofdreams comes with his website and woman, hollie said, write the vision make it plain, said uh she hollie and, its, him, said, another, new hollie with mostly silhouette face but face appeared, he wore blue sweatshirt, showed, leave it alone, you want that vision, said, hollie, then, record, its, he, said, new hollie said, he showed, lay down, snapped lighted fingers, showed, both beasts, bob, he said, thats girl coming back, just wait, hollie laid down, my name is vision I need to post, said, it hollie said, new hollie, and another, he hollie screamed, he wore she showed, blue sweatshirt, showed, post, its on laptop cellphone, new hollie appears, thats, partial face hollie, wearing, its blue sweatshirt, her lower body hidden, its him, she, said, appearing underneath tickling her feet with feature, but she was nude, bobby eat said, him, it, said, new hollie, its, like, this, he said, showed, its, at angle, he said, showed, lay down, you want to post, some visions, then post, this is hollie, heres the vision, its, the, nuclear g8, post that vision, said, its him, said new hollie, wearing like, turquoise sweatshirt, prophet, thats the uhleem uleary, said, it hollie, said uh new hollie, with mostly silhouette face but somewhat appeared, then faded back, tear up, she said, had both beasts in her hands, thats him, hollie, she said, pointing, wearing blue sweatshirt, but now lower clothes, on, prophet tickles his feet under, hollie showed, buying the tens unit, thats hand pointed partial face, showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, he showed, lay down, same hollie that was in palm but came out, thats hollie with Jesus inside, in the police car, bob buy uh new van, she said, 12-21-2010-that said him hollie, God said, it was happy hollie, in the ring, bobby, he said, thats him making love to his, girl, just watch, he said, brand new mustang, said, it, JEsus, said, golden faced hollie, thats hollie in her, its boss 429 mustang, lets motor, she, said, put it under, hollie said, thats why ford is broke, hollie screamed, hollie said, cause, bob they waste money on projects like, its the ford mustang showed, hollie, thats, brand new ford, c.e.o., I told them he said, I'm resigning, heres the deal, said, it, Jesus, hollie, said, bob, your sock did it, its, line in eye cause sock had moisture, hollie and God said, it, bob, just give it time, she said, it is almost gone, hollie showed, it will completely heal, thats the marine corp., its, out in streets, stamped hollie, partial face comes out, its o she said, thats, angel, gabriel with hollie pulling on his pant legg, its people lootin, hollies face like blue, and theres light color, there, thats many people looting and hollie right there with, wearing, its uh, red plad coat, partial face comes back out, now let me correct she said, she sat at, its Gods interviewing table, its like hand, appearing, stamping, bob, said, it, hollie, said, another, golden faced hollie, bob, your gitton food, give some, she said, thats girl eating in her home alone, wearing, its plad coat, but bob showed, up later, had sex, its intercourse, who won the superbowl, said, it, hollie, said, partial face comes out, shes, transformed, uh bit, God said, points, golden faced hollie is the new hollie cause shes the new, stamped another, hollie, replaced she said, thats its, him, said new hollie, appearing, hollie showed, turn, its him, said uh new hollie, I got uh warning, said Jesus, thats it, said, it hollie, said, new hollie with, its uh golden face, pointed, him, she said, but her face started disappearing, then like, post angel, appeared, showed, no I aint, ministryofdreams, post angel said, thats Jesus coming out, running thru, its like, pointed him, paper, wall, its, for, I spoke it, said angry Jesus, showed, call it, ministry of dreams, Gods face went silhouette, thats, the, ram, said, it, him, said, new hollie, face normal, but went golden, its hegoat pontey, that he hollie said, wearing his red plad coat, hollie had the tens unit, it, shocked, she said, that, its, him, said, thats, hollie walking in, its lafayette square mall, thats hand appearing, wearing, its white sleeve, but he appeared later dressed in white clothes, thats hollie said, new, said, that, pointed, its him, said another, hollie, hollie with Jesus inside, in the squad car, its that, a she hollie said, its girl, you knew she was hookin, hollie said, they, Jesus swallows will give you time over that, hollie said, bobby thats the ram, said, that, its, him, new hollie said, smiling, showing all her teeth still there, that, its, the, ram, said uh she hollie, thats ram with, its putins face, hollie showed, bobby eat something she said, thats good, uhm, hollie said, thats, kings coming out of, its, that, hollie said, ram, horns, theres pope with his flower, that showed, hollie, thats him, said uh she hollie, that pointed hollie, its you and girl, that, she, said, its, him, said, another, hollie, having sex, but, girl, not happy, that, hollie said, heres how you treat her, very lovely, hollie said, that, its, pope and, with his flower, she said, that, hollie said, its, that, she said, putin and medvedev with his flower, out, of, one ram horn, that hollie said, its hegoat, pontey, thats hu hintao, out of, its, other, she said, that, hollie said, thats, hegoat charing, its smiting, hollie said, the ram, that hollie said, pulling up blue sleeve of sweatshirt, a, its, him, said, new hollie, with mostly silhouette face, its, partial face and nuclear n.a.t.o. missile strike, its on that, said, hollie, russia burned, that hollie said, many nuclear rockets, fire, errupting, that, hollie said, putin with, three ribs, appearing, in, his mouth, that, God said, thats, submarines surfacing, in, its hollie pointed, that he said, but partial face comes out, wearing, its turquoise sweatshirt, cuban and nicaraguan and mexican waters, that, hollie said, thats missiles striking all three of them countries, exploded, that, he pointed, thats, its, him, said, uh she hollie, appears underneath, tickles, feet, its texas exploding, thats nuclear fire all around america, both coasts burn, that, hollie said, a, rocket left america and barack obama, and putin, angry appeared, that, hollie said, moscow, exploded, that, said, it, hollie, said, its, him, thats, partial face pointing with silhouette face, that she said, it, was, hollie that plays music with like golden silhouette face, that hollie said, its from high above, and, I showed, that, hollie said, its, new hollie, looking down with, its uh dull golden, she said, face God said, and, nuclear fires, in, many countries, thats pope rising, with missiles in hand, that, hollie said, showed, pocket taperecorder, that, she said, have sex hollie and Jesus said, that hollie said, its for five dollars, its in your room, said, it Jesus, that, said, hollie, its cuba, it france, she said, and nuclear fire, that, hollie said, hey i'll place it she said, that another, hollie said, its hollie placing nuclear fires in cuba, that, its, him, said uh she hollie, its, venezuela, that, hollie said, and brazil exploding, thats new hollie, wearing, its turquoise sweatshirt, and, no clothes on, bobby she didnt want it, said, its, him, said, another, hollie, he was, she, wore, hollie shook, now, have sex, hollie showed, then take her, hollie said, its the new, God said, heres what she wants, hollie said, its tall man, thats them together, record, me said, hollie, bobby you will said, its him, said new hollie, her face kept changing, hollie showed, its the realistic stereo receiver, bobby buy one, she said, hollie had, its turquoise sweatshirt on, but no lower clothes, that he said, them having sex, you got the Holy Ghost, said, showed, man, that, new hollie said, with a partial silhouette face, turquoise sweatshirt, no lower clothes, that, she said, showed, having sex with woman, put it in the butt, thats, its him, she said, bobby feedem hollie said, that, she said, its new hollie with mostly silhouette face, its, new hollie with somewhat silhouette face, that said, it new hollie, showed, lay down, had partial silhouette face, turquoise, sweater on, she was on, her side, but rolled on back, hollie, that, its, him, said, new hollie, with mostly silhouette, face, there he said, she aimed, took picture, its whole new world order, appearing, its that, said, him, said new hollie, theres the pope and hu, that, hollie said, putin with three ribs in his mouth, that pointed he hollie, thats cuba, nicaragua, mexico appearing on, ribs, that, hollie said, its, hugo chavez showing, dont, but signs, its uh deal, said, medvedev, that pointed a mystery hollie, but he appeared, with turquoise sweatshirt on, that, he said, lula looked stunned, theres kim jong, showed, its new hollie, face appeared, all the way giving rein to his son, its that, hollie said, its him, said new hollie, son presses nuclear button, that he hollie said, nuclear fires in, its, russia, that, hollie said, china and south korea, thats rocket leaving russia with, its new, ministry of dreams website on, that, hollie said, he was like angel man, happy, that, he hollie said, its facebook ministryofdreams, thats north korea exploding God said, thats hollie, in, said, it God said, two hollies, 1956, its chevrolet, hollie said, lets motor, she said, hollie showed, its that, she said, bring it on, said lafayette square mall owner, its, that, its, him, said, partial face hollie, shes that new hollie, but, a hollie comes out, they keep changing, bobby it will cost you about four thousand per month, that, said, partial face, with mostly silhouette face, hollie showed, the money, that, she said, that church would make you a, that, hollie said, rich, hollie showed, turn, its him, said partial face, with, its uh silhouette face, turquiose sweatshirt on, he said, but his face, went silhouette, bobby dont go home, said, it, angel, said, hollie, thats hand showing turn, but angel dimly appeared, thats hollie on video, let me explain, he said, hey said, partial face coming out, it was she, hollie, voice, but partial face laughed, thats bobbys hair ungreying, said, its him, said she hollie, pointed turn, silhouette face, thats partial face showing turn again, but only part, thats he hollie coming out, hand over mouth, showed, hey he said, her body was not seen but appeared, she was naked, bobby, its feed'em hollie said, get food, its for animals, hollie stamps, thats people looting, its food shortages, hollie said, its, right after that, she said, its social security collapse, barack obama announces, adjusts his tie, pointed partial face, this is vision, lets post, said, its him, said, partial face and she pointed, her mouth started appearing, its golden, he said, coming out, her lips, hollie looked for way to go, showed, turn, hollie, its, him, said, its, partial face, showed, lay down, he snapped lighted fingers, showed, both beasts, you see bobby said, new hollie, theres hu hintao on red horse, and thats war, hollie said, and its pope on, its black horse, showed, partial face, showed, lay down, whats that, said, hollie, its, woman, having, its, anal sex, said, its him, he said, God said, when she leaves, Jesus said, rubbed chin, hollie snapped fingers, Lord you got someone I need, she said, but, bob is, the one, take or dont, God, said, what that, hollie, said, looked at, with, like monkeys lips, hold it, God said, dont, jen showed, her light watch, its time, hollie and God said, its 2:38, its ACTS, hollie said, do, showed, seal it up, its, a hidden partial face said, him, showed, snapped fingers, 12-22-2010-that was satan, said, it, hollie, sh, said, another, Jesus, said, but, he looked like uh bear Father, a, showed, hollie, smiling, fireface, but, he didnt, but then, he transformed, hollie said, put it under, i'm the bear father, said, it, sh, said, satan, she whispered, said, it, a new hollie said, with, mostly silhouette face, satan, like fire man, sh, she said, hollie spoke with person, you mean she said, thats, it, laughed, it, hollie, showed, bob, put it back together, your heart she said, broke, you can fix, it, she said, its your tape, thats taperecorder, angel, appearing, she said, its on the, realistic tape, hollie said, its mini tape recorder, hollie and God said, put it under, she said, hollie showed, walk, and then eat, God said, showed, cut off, this is website lets post, said, it, hollie, said, new hollie, she appeared, said, its him, she said, new hollie, wearing, its, white clothes, thats hand, laughed, showing, you did not need, him, she said, its hollie showed, but, there was, said, JEsus, a, he hollie in, he smiled, showed, Jesus comes out, his teeth, ah you aint gonna record it, said, it hollie said, new hollie, its, clock appearing, showing, its hands, then, like big, its gloved hands, hollie said, its, partial face, or the new, said, it, God one said, big hands appear on clock hands, points, its smoke, hollie said, put it under, she said, bobby, dont post, go, hollie said, do later, bob left, hollie walked, wearing, its uh red plad coat, she had, brown, hair, thats, hollie with nice hair appearing, she transformed, smiled, showed, her hair, God said, bobby look, hollie said, o, pointed partial face, at, hollie changed, into, its, sh, satan, hollie said, with nice hair, but, it was, said, it, new hollie, Jesus, you mean, said, hollie, I spoke blasphemy, said, he said, yep, shakes happy Jesus, thats, her in the fire, but, she, looked unhappy, then sat at, its Gods interviewing table, its, him, she said, a new, transformed, hollie, and hand, but a new hollie looks suprised, its, only hands, appearing, its him, she said, but showed, stunned, its, same hollie at interviewing table, stamping, and hollie said, another, him, said, new hollie, appeared, underneath, tickling feet, with feather, put it undle, hollie said, bobby, dont record, what is, that said, new hollie, its like, dark tower of babel, God said, it fell,, crumbled, God said, that, hollie said, its him, new hollie said, God said, where your languages came from, put it under, said, its, him, said, new hollie, bob you they will, hollie said, thats bob having anal sex, with, its uh, said, Jesus, new hollie stamps, woman, scene spins, its in the rear, God said, o, dont cum yet, dont hurry, she said, work it in, God said, go slow, she said, dont hurt she said, put it undle, he hollie, said, its him, said, uh new hollie, with, like, pointed nose, and another, hollie comes out, shows, bob, be quiet, if you go, she said, dont bother, no, said, hollie, but I shook, yes, she said, thru, she next, said, partial face comes out, shows, its hollie hands, the were lit, she said, showed, away, but I shook, she, said, partial face pointed, one hand changed, God, said, to white, but other, go home, said, it hollie said, new hollie, they both showed, said, it, new hollie said, God, eat, something, one said, JEsus said, put it undle, said, it him, said, a she hollie, both, two new hollies, one had big nose, she said, bob this man will come, said, it, another, hollie comes out, points, new hollie, its him, she said, bobby you will, hollie said, have sex, thats, her, he smiles, pumping her in the rear, you shot, she said, you, they will never depart, hollie said, you see, that, hollie said, its uh burn, he said, they wont, he said, marry, but, someone will, you, he pointed, and janette appears, what is that, said, it, happy hollie, she said, him, herself, said, God said, its, pope, she said, hes, sh, said, partial face, wearing, its, uh, scene spins, out comes, its, beast, she said, hes, pope, there, theres, its hu hintao, looking out, its whirlwind, said, it, hollie said, new, hollie, wearing, its, uh, turquoise, scene spins, sweatshirt, pope looks out of, its like white tornado, lets rule the world, sang, its putin, said, hollie, in her sweatshirt, turquoise, God, said, thats, it, she, said, pointed, but, o, said, partial face coming wearing, wearing, God, said, its, sweatshirt again, she said, turquoise, Jesus showed, cut if off, bobby, that, said, excited, hollie, him, its, said, new hollie, pumping her in the rear, said, hollie said, God, put it undle, hollie said, I know how to keep, said, it, God a, different hollie said, lets motor, a, she hollie, said, and, another, hollie drove, its the, british motor works, she said, bmw, car, she, drove, had top down, and like lighted scarf around kneck, it blowed in the wind, God said, 12-23-2-10-hollie showed post on laptop said hollie God said, its she a new hollie said, its christian mingle, bobby try it hollie said, thats uh young girl looking at God and hollie said, he has God inside she and God said, put it under, a hollie, thats hollie with Jesus inside a she hollie, she showed lay down, bobby dont, its him said uh she hollie, put it in the rear, he said, thats them having sex, you dont need to cum janette said, thats hollie fisting her, she'll let he said, put it under he said, showed lay down God and hollie said, this is website, keep posting, said, it hollie, said, new hollie, God said, put it undle, he said, she said, Jesus showed cut it off, bobby shock, he said, it works, keep, thats them having sex, hollie, and God said, dont, be mean, she knew, 12-23?-24-2010-bobby, said, it him, said, God said, new hollie, showed, work, she said, but her face, was, there, and I we stamp, said, him, it, she said, his face turned monkey, scene spins, boo, chanted, its him, said uh she hollie, he wore his blue sweatshirt, brand new website, said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, she appeared, thats ministryofdreams, like, its post angel, hollie said, showing, happy, a she hollie comes out, shows, angels teeth, call it, said, angel, showed, ministry of dreams, the ministry of dreams, said, it hollie said new hollie, my name is website, lets do something said, JEsus, and, ministryofdreams post angel appears like teardrop head, showed, hollie, my name is vision, lets post clapped hollie, hollie showed, turn, said, another, hollie, he wore uh, another, hollie said, white robe, dont go on no more, said, it, hollie, said, new hollie, face there, but dim in areas, hollie screamed, showed, bob, git, its, dumpster, showed, another, she hollie, thats the, its, phone, said, it, hollie, the Ministry of Dreams phone, with, its angel, hollie looked at, hey, showed, pointed, a worried looking partial face, this is new hollie, she wore dress, was happy, whew let me, said, hollie, prophet you dont need it said hollie, and he he hollie showed God said, thats her walking, thru, its walmart, Jesus showed, shut up, he was angry, said, it, hollie, you see bobby, this will all be gone, she said, thats people, its buying up food, its food shortages collapse, hollie said, thats, woman, people, she said, no, not in america, woman, said, thats, social security, collapse, said, it, hollie, barack obama announces, and people loot, there, was hollie like circle face, wearing, its uh red plad coat, right there, with, showed, hollie, website, said, it, hollie said, new hollie, face, pretty good condition, thats many, its ministryofdreams, hollie conveyed, its o, said, partial face coming out, there deformed, she said, many of them had spots on face, like white angels, said, it, Jesus, said, new hollie, with all her face there, said, God, she said, jumpy hollie said, with golden face, git her outta here a she hollie said, thats him wearing blue sweatshirt, having, sex, pumping in the rear, then making her leave, that causes her, God rubs chin, to want more, hollie had the tens unit, it, shocked, she, said, boo chanted many, its, him, said, she hollie, a, crowd of, him, said, new, hollie, many he hollies, but there was lighted she hollie there, looking excited, Jesus showed, cut if off, now, he said, thats pastor, hes, worried, now, saith the Lord, cause, i'm not with him, but he thought I was, you see I strong delusion, saith God, thats, me keeping, falling, on, giving dreams, but wont save, hollie showed, turn, its, him, said uh she hollie, it said new hollie, thats realistic tape recorder, angel, showing, thats, pointed, hollie, realistic mini taperecorder, sitting at Gods interviewing table, leave me its at home, said mini tape recorder, thats the tap dancers, many hollies, and, its whole new world order, 12-24-25-26-2010-amazing power i am going to grant unto you sang it Jesus said hollie, it was a dream showed, she clapped, night vision she said God said, Jesus grunts, now its herpes, hollie said, its, uncureable, she said, dont ask, or get medicine, hollie said, hollie, showed, pound, she said, thats bobby having sex, she said, in, its in the rear, hollie, said, make it hurt, she said, you'll get hard, she said, just eat, thats, hollie licking, its cunt, new he hollie said, tell the vision, make it, plain, you see that, its him said, she hollie, that agin, he said, sex is for babies, JEsus rubs, face, bob, said, uh, he hollie, said, new hollie, thats him, said uh she hollie, playing his music, his face mostly silhouette, showed, his white clothes, partial face comes out, has mouth, opened, some teeth visiable, God said, she, said, lets sleep tonight, thats hollie sleeping, its him, new hollie said, with, mostly not silhouette face, saw her, sleeping on side, she, wore, blue sweatshirt, go the the computer, said, angel, its, him, said, she, hollie, showed, he, wore, she, said, blue sweatshirt, new hollie appeared, prophet go down, said, it, Jesus, said, he and she hollies, thats, him, new hollie said, face clearly visiable, showing how to eat pussy, hollie did the skaker weight, it works good she said, she vibrated, thats bobs body, now with bones, showing, hollie like, ship mate saluted, captain smith on board his titanic, thats m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship dressed up nice, bobby that girl, she knew hollie said, in the rear, that her loving, but wanting, cunt, hollie said, do both, hollie showed, turn, body hidden but appeared, hands are red, thats pope said, it, hollie said, another, hollie in fire, drinking his drink, partial face comes out, hand over mouth, its o, she said, pope had skirt on, hollie showed, thats it, she said, that man, showed, hollie, with, partial face comes out, whew, she said, hollie had, its, mokeys lips, golden face, that man, will have to take, the job he can git, hollie said, heres why, Jesus appeared, like spacecase, thats, people in, its, u.s.a., marching, its, they protest, thats it, said, hollie, its bear licking prophet, thats hollie posting on laptop, its we want loot man chanted, thats, its james bond, said, hollie, pierce brosnon, thats, his show, you die only once, its diamonds, that show costs, it, hollie, said new hollie, over one hundred million to make, it still, bringsem in, hollie said, thats realistic mini taperecorder, and its new stamped hollie, panasonic tape recorder, thats panasonic coming forth, use me, realistic mini taperecorder turns, into, its angel, said, hollie, but, didnt want to not be used, bobby, its last, hollie said, make it last, hollie read, its, the news paper, she said, thats new, spacefightem jet, its, f-11 she said, captain hollie soars, its him, she hollie said, its into, that, pointed, hollie, taiwan burned, hollie watched, hu hintao appeared, that she said, it came from china, that, he said, God said, thats bob and girl having, its anal sex, hollie screamin for, she said, screamed, again, partial face comes out, hey she pointed, its lighted finger, then appears, its at Gods interviewing table, you see that, said hollie, its like map spreaded out, hollie helped, she assissted God said, radio tower in, tap, hollie said, thats nuclear fire in america, dissappears, thats many more countries, being exploded, and putin rose out of map, its on the day of the Lord putin, said, thats smoke rising up in moons face, its, we're abased said moon, i'm said, sun, then both appeared at Gods interviewing table, and hollie had sex with jannette, thats, said, it, hollie, said, new hollie, many being showing turn, many ways, partial face comes out, its o, she said, some only hands visiable, but rest, appeared, later, its blue showed, new him, its him, said, new, hollie, that hollie wore shirt, I said, dont hollie said, thats tap dancin, said, it hollie, said, its new hollie showed, its whole new world order, a, partial he hollie claps, showed, its war, he said, partial face comes out, points, hollie kept changing, thats pope said, new hollie, hes, the antiGod, she, said, thats, him, calling pope antichrist, they are, its one, hollie said, thats hu hintao, its, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, thats, hollie on his spacesoarem rocket, again, thats, taiwan burning, thats hu hintao battling washington state, with blue light sword on his red horse, hollie fought back with her light sword, thats another, hollie flying out, its old, world war one era aircraft fighter bomber jet, drops bomb, hollie like round face, laughed, then, sat at Gods interviewing table, but pilots attire gone, I'm new she said, smiled, now its shop, said, hollie, thats her wearing, its uh plad coat, she stamped, but scene spun, and, its him, appeared, hollie showed, record, showed, stand in line, happy, they said, hollie said, jumping, her face changed, partial face comes out, points, boo chanted many, its him, said, she hollie, crowd of hollies, with lighted she hollie in the midst, Jesus said, thats bob scavaging for food, like hollie wearing plad coat, another, hollie laughed, I spoke it, she pointed at her self, God said, thats it, said, it popey, new hollie said, in the fire drinking his drink, partial face points, with like its stunned look, pope wore light skirt, thats it, said, him, said another, hollie, thats hand showing you did not want hollie showed, its, him in, she said, another, he hollie, he said jumpy hollie said, God said, prophecy, he said, another, hollie said, its angel, she showed, partial face comes out, hollie narrowly seen, be careful what you ask for, said, it, Jesus, said, its, new hollie, she, appeared, during second word, Jesus showed, turn, like cat, different hollie appears, o, said, it hollie, said, a new hollie, but its like the old one, God said, she, was, flattered, and wanted you to think, God said, later, she will, its, regret, thats its, Jesus, hollie said, wringing out the towell, then placing, around, kneck, tying, hollie saw, but Jesus's face wasnt seen, God did the surgery on bob, to fix the damage he caused, hollie showed, turn, then rubbed face, wiped, she, said, thats bob hickman his name is, ministryofdreams, in heaven, said, the tap dancer, said, it God, said, it, new, hollie, she, appeared, and Jesus wipes face, you see I created it, said, it, said, new hollie, Jesus, dont steal, said, hollie and God, or, thats Jesus with his torturing device, the ministry of dreams, said hollie and Jesus is altering, 12-27-2010-its woman pooping, said, it, hollie, said, uh new hollie, thats, her appearing with, its, mouth partially open, God said, scene spins, bob go home, clean up, hollie said, God will work with ya, she said, thats girl, they have sex, its, in the pooper, bobby, hollie, said, she, will, let, give, her, hollie looked at God, as much as she wants, then she will let God said, thats Jesus, coming and, world, below, its, shaking, said, hollie, thats, face appearing on world, thats, and, fire, coming up, God said, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. Jesus said, thats, bobby fixing, said, it hollie, the new ministryofdreams website like angel, man, its o, said partial face, its theres deformed, she said, bob its, put profile picture on, they love, she, said, thats spec on one side of angels face, theres two hollie said, ones darker then other, but face went silhouette, hollie showed, lets shaker weight for awhile, she said, jumpy hollie said, the united states, said, it angel, hollie said, we're under attack it screamed hollie, thats light submarines appearing, it all around, said new hollie and partial face comes out, its o, she said, bob soak in bathtub, thats both american coasts burning, hollie showed, turn, its, go to walmart, showed, again, wearing, its white plad coat, showed, bobby clean up, thats bobs picture in, the ministryofdreams website, turned into, the ministry of dreams angel, thats angel appearing, then turning into sony stereo speaker, bob you would have loved them said hollie, and I stamp, she said, its, o, said, partial face coming out, hand over opened mouth, hollies body hidden, but was there, it appeared, she, said, but, was, same o hollie God said, hollie screamin for, she said, screamed again, partial face comes out, points, hand over mouth, bob go the goodwill, hollie said, walk around, thats hollie walking around, wearing, its uh white plad coat, submarines are right there said, it hollie, said, new hollie, its, the, submarine somby said another, hollie, thats subs all around america, hollie said, they all fired, both american coasts burn, all had captain hollie, but different ones, partial face comes out, its o, she said, one like round head, its white light, thats barack obama pressing, its nuclear button, thats many rockets leaving america, thats missile defence, its most, she said, its, russian but, thats, missiles coming the other, way, thats american nuclear rockets striking russia, only uh few of'em, hollie said, but many strike america, exploded, thats great britain burning, but, its four british vanguard class, hollie said, submarines, all with captain hollie, but different ones, its they shower, hollie said, thats russia exploding, thats american ohio class submarines, its they never, launch, hollie said, heres why, its, back up, thats rockets leaving, russia, and thats italy and australia with, nuclear fire but rockets leave french submarines, and, land based rocket from italy, two, hollie watches, russia exploded, thats venezuela and brazil exploding, and, hey i'll place it, said, it, hollie, nuclear fires in cuba, and along mexican and latin america, borders, nicaragua burned, hey its tripod said, hollie, pointed, two fingers, its o, said, partial face, hollies body hidden but was there, she wore skirt, laughed, thats russian submarines, all with captain, hollie, in, their waters, its they shower, hollie said, america exploded, but rockets left there, world shakes, thats smoke going up in moons face, i'm said sun, both sat at, Gods interviewing table, thats hey said, partial face, hollie comes out of sun, laughs, but, turns back to sun, then no expression look, go to walmart, said, it, Jesus, said, new hollie, showed, turn, brand new website, said, it hollie, said, new hollie, showed, bob post, git out the laptop, but its o, said, it, said, new hollie, another, hollie, God said, hollie didnt have her clothes on, her bottom clothes, thats, happy angel website, i'm community live, said, it, new hollie said, like tear drop angel, now its, o, said, partial face, theres deformed, God said, angel had spec on one side of face, then bigger one but lighter appeared, it was still dark Jesus said, angel turns, face, partial face makes, o, she, said, face went silhouette, on other side, two like dots appear, one bigger then, other, i'm your new website said angel with silhouette face, partial face comes out, angel acts like, opens, banner, but, no banner there, i'm ministry of dreams, said fading angel, on banner, this is, wearning, said, it, hollie, said, new hollie and the golden lighted, fingers, pointed up, it was hand, said, new hollie, but seemed like partial face, hollies body appeared later, this is warning, that, woman is dying right now bob said hollie, thats janette eating, thats what she needed hollie said, hollie showed, its, tone-a-matic, it, works, hollie said, thats man being shocked, it, stimulates muscles, hollie said, put it under hollie said, bob it will work saith God but what you have you only need new pads, hollie got quiet, you see that, said, hollie, sucker, said the, its, prostitute, showed, hollie, you see, I avenge, saith God, no, said, it hollie, said, new hollie, but, I shook, yes, she, said, moved hands, but showed, thru, away with it she said, put it undle, its, i'm the beast, said angel, rising, its with, seven heads, and ten horns, its, Jesus, showing, turn, hollie said, like partial lighted Jesus, rest there though, but he was naked, hollie watched the russian cruise missile go by at, its over, 1800 miles per hour, their fast, hollie said, thats missile intereceptor striking, said, hollie, its, u.s.a. missile defence, thats most, hollie, dragged Jesus out, showed, bob, take her, in, the, room, thats him pumping her poophole, hollie showed, turn, thats hollie taking, its food out to dumpster, its at speeway, she said, on tenth street, thats her getting food, 12-28-2010-that, said, it hollie said, its new hollie, said, God, rubbed, his face, hollie shows, its, anal sex bob, hollie said, put it undle, they do, she said, thats her, hollie said, and bob, pop it in the rear, hollie said, she will let, but, wine, God said, this is uh warning, said, it hollie, said, new hollie, but, face, not clear, said, it, God, thats, its people looting, said, it, hollie, said, new hollie, but, she, was, there, with, wearing, its uh, plad coat, said, new hollie, shes taking form, thats arch angel gabriel and hollie like a blue head with all so some greenish colored, light, pulling on, his pant legg, thats its bobby having sex, said, it, hollie, you will, hollie said, she loved, you but hollie showed, shes not available, hollie showed, it, lay down, she, snapped fingers, showed, its both beasts, she said, its, picture, she pointed, its, pope, thats, pontey on, its black horse, said, it, hollie, theres hu hintao, hes, on, the red one, hollie said, its, to take peace off of the world, hollie said, and, hollie showed, put back, tear up, and pope appeared in the middle, i'm the antichrist he said, hollie showed, its, git food, she, said, you see, she said, thats girl eating at your house, during, its under economic collapse, hollie said, but she left, hollie had on her light watch, its time, she said, wearing, its uh plad coat, Jesus, said, theres bob and janette in same bed, hollie showed, turn, but, thought about it, hey points, angry looking partial face, hollies lips went monkey, boo chanted, its him said she hollie, he wore red plad coat, hey said, new hollie, with face, Jesus, Jesus thought, but not quite, hey said partial face, came out, looked not happy, lighted hollie was happy, thats pope in the fire, said, hollie, showed, drinking his drink, hey, its, said, partial face coming out, looking concerned, pope was angel of light, let me, said, it, hollie, said new hollie, God said, showed, its tear up, pope showed like light, partial face shows like square, prophet said, hollie, showed, pope, new hollie said, put it under, she said, God said, thats hollie doing the shaker weight, it works, she vibrated, hollie showed, record, be strong, she said, showed, strength, submarine said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, with its the submarine uhlombie, said, it hollie, said new hollie, thats subs all around america, it, on, the day of the Lord, said new hollie showed, and she started looking good, bobby lay down, she showed, hollie screamed, showed, bob clean up, hollie showed, turn, its, thats, him, said, a different hollie, showed, sleep, and I summed it up, hollie said, wind up, she, said, thats captain hollie, sailing, its on the submarine kursk, thats explosion hollie said, she looked inside, hey, said, partial face, she sees, God said, man messing, with, its, computer, said, hollie, but, he pressed, thats him screaming, the wrong, its control, hollie said, showed, bob go, thats her walking, wearing, its uh plad coat, she said, and, another, hollie stamps, scene spins, but, hey, pointed partial face, whats that said, hollie, she, looked at clock, 2:38, its time she said, had light watch, on, God said, showed cut off, go, thats Jesus, its leaving the library, he said, I will let it be told like I see it in visions hollie grunts, its it was uh dream, she said, grunted again, Jesus said, it appeared, hollie said, pam, said, it Jesus, said hollie, but, she wasnt seen thru it all, its real, hollie said, why dont you, said, it Jesus, hollie said, seek me, and leave, facebook alone, for awhile, and I will help you, saith the Lord, he said, hollie, had brown hair, 12-29-2010-hollie showed post, it on laptop, she said, bobby hollie said, showed fuck it in the rear, she will give head, take it said uh she hollie, and he saw said casey, showed eating wearing white robe, bobby them having sex, casey showed lay down, casey snapped finger, showed pope, laid down happy, its in the book, said, it angel, hollie said, the ministry of dreams, its born, hollie said, its, by, she said, you, she said, bob hickman, bob write, hollie said, I'm the ministryofdreams, said, it angel, said, hollie, like on, she said, profile picture, of, its, youtube, she said, thats bobby, hollie said, pumping it in the rear, she said, its, bob and janette, she wore, hollie said, a dull blue sweatshirt, submarine sound, said, it, hollie, said, new hollie, she, appeared, but, seemed, like old one said, God, now look, he hollie said, thats, submarines, appearing, its, all around, that, a different hollie said, thats them all around america, its akula class, thats, its, what you want, needed, hollie said, thats both american coasts burning, its, up, said, him, said, new hollie, or, its, uh little different God said, Jesus came, bob yelled, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, showed, lets, go, hollie walked fast, but wore white plad coat, it cold, she said, and, I, stamp, hollie did, she, said, up rose, the, pope, its, beast she said, but, partial face comes out, hey she said, its uh new hollie, thats, popus, hollie said, riding black horse, its, into moscow, russia, said, it, pope, hollie said, thats, it, she, said, signing uh deal, hollie said, it, pope, with, medvedev, hollie and God said, it gains some advantages, pope said, he aint gonna tell it, said, it, him, said, new hollie with only part of her face visible, thats hollie watching, its f-22 raptor, hey, said, partial face coming out, thats same hollie watching it fly by that flew it, thats it dropping bomb, america below exploding, then submarines appeared all around, raptor pilot hollie claps, but only part of him there, thats, him, said, new hollie, appearing underneath, its tickling said, different him, said, new hollie, with light feather, its yola said, hollie, appeared like angelhead website, its pink, said, hollie, its o said partial face coming out, theres deformed, she said, thought bob, take it easy, she said, I need somebody to record me hollie said, maybe this is, i'm uh warning, said, angel, thats, hollie fixing bathroom floor, bobby do, I did make it, said, it Jesus, hollie said, thats, world forming, Jesus speaks it, hollie said, thats, waters appearing showed, hollie, hey, it, said, partial face, but she wasnt seen, but another, hollie appeared, its, booing, said uh she hollie, a crowd of, him, said new hollie, face somewhat there, and, lighted hollie, right there with, shes fine said another, hollie, hollie screamed, again, but, closed mouth, then screamed, bob, said, hollie, showed, be still, you know why I tease you, to make you angry saith the Lord, hamas said it, said, it, pastor mark brown, said, hollie, git uh palestinian state, said, hollie comes back out, shows, its king of saudi arabia, thats new palestinian state exploding, and, nuclear fires in iraq, theres, its uh missile leaving, said, hollie, its israeli prime minister netanyahu, thats, iraq burning, put it under, hollie said, watch for it, then she sealed it up but, new hollie, all there comes out, its him, hes transforming, changing, bobby, thats, you having, its anal sex with janette, do, hollie said, soon, hey bobby, its, thats, said, hollie, beast with seven heads and ten horns, rising, like, its, tear drop beast, pointed, hollie, hey said, another, hollie, came out, another, hollie shakes, they look the same, its pope, hollie said, its, the nuclear g8 she said, put it under, hollie said, thats, bush rising, dressed like woman, thats the king of australia, then nuclear fire appearing in his land, thats putin, hes in it, theres nuclear n.a.t.o. kings, hollie, looked at turkey with nuclear fire but rockets left there striking that, she said, russia exploded, but missiles left russia, thats putin with three ribs in in his mouth, its tripod said, hollie, submarines surface in, cuban, and nicaraguan and mexican waters, thats missiles striking them, all exploded, but captain hollie like round, head, and she, hollie like cat, and, another, like, different, thats, texas exploding, git outta here, said, hollie, bob, she, said, mothered, showed, love, hollie did the shaker weight, she, vibrated, thats, him, said, uh she hollie, playing his music with mostly silhouette face, showed, white robe, you didnt want me, said, him, said, new hollie, face always changing but to much, Jesus like, face, rubbed, but other hands did, thats, people lootin hollie said, its under economic collapse, hollie was right there with, wearing, its uh red plad coat, they ran like lit dot head, barack obama announces, lets rule the world said putin, its right here, he said, bob put it in the pooper, raise your mantle and repeat after sang hollie, russia is the bear father, hollie said, thats, its fireface, but, turned into, its Jesus, whew I called him satan, said, hollie, then she sat, its at Gods interviewing table, hollie stamped, scene spins, partial face comes out, its, blasphemy said, Jesus, you knew said hollie, many people, thats bob, fucking her in the, butt, you'll love, said, it Jesus, hollie said, then she'll want it in the puss, let God said, thats her giving, its oral sex, she swallowed, God will permit, just wait, bobby, hollie said, put it, under, God knows how to keep the righteous, hollie said, hollie showed, record, its, him, she hollie said, showing, lay down, she showed, but her face disappeared, partial face comes out, points, hollies face changed, thats the, marine corp. out in the streets, said, Jesus, it, said, hollie, its, lootin, she, said, put it undle, its, him, said, she hollie, lay down, he showed, clapped hands, ministry of dreams, is the name of robert hickman in heaven said, hollie, its ministryofdreams, she said, call it, spoke JEsus, with silhouette, ministryofdreams, the God spoke said, hollie, you steal it she said, 12-30-2010-I have uh warning, said, it Jesus, said, hollie, she said, God said, thats, economic collapse, and, its food shortages, bobby, stock up, said, it hollie, and I rubbed my face, thats people, its lootin, hollie said, put it undle, hollie, she said, thats barack obama announcing, tell your mom, he said, no pension, hollie said, thats them having sex, put it in the rear, bobby, said, hollie, its, control, she, said, she, will let, but, after you do, she will love you, hollie said, heres how, hollie said, she, like, very sensitive, Got word from God, its controls, helped God said, thats, her swallowing, its, sucking, God said, thats makes her angry, heres how, hollie, and, God, said, it makes her feel abandoned, she said, because after man doesnt want woman, its, for, awhile, God said, put it under, hollie, said, thats, many, people, out in the streets, they, its, steal, hollie said, I, make'um, Jesus said, he tells hollie and, its arch angel, gabriel, to loot, God said, bobby, thats sanding out, its excess skin, it will hurt hollie said, but it works, hollie laughs, i'm the beast, said, its pope hollie said, thats, him like angel turning into, its, pontey, hollie said, put it undle, she said, stay warm, thats hollie going outside, wearing, its uh plad coat, thats her taking bath, cleaning up, hey said, partial face coming out, she, was wearing red plad coat, in, its tub, hollie showed, record, dont, another, hollie said, she appeared, God said, its sanding, thats bob sanding face, it works but wont last, she said, thats bob laying down, hollie showed, drink, do, she said, showed, do it, hollie showed, turn, like uh dark hollie, said, hollie, thats, its, him, said, she, hollie, showing, turn, whats hollie screamin for, she said, screamed again, its beast, she said, pope riding black horse, hollie showed, pope, thats the reason, said, another, hollie, look hollie said, its, beast, pope, rising, out of, its, trouble, the sea, hollie said, boo said hollie, another, hollie said, God said, she was crying, another, hollie said, hollie showed, record, thats her driving, its 1971 ford torino 429 cobra jet, its red, she said, bob buy one, its thirty five thousand, nine hundred, its worth, bob she said, thats her smoking tires, its spins, one, she said, but other has pressure on it, put it under, hollie said, thats 14.1 in quarter mile, write the vision, write the vision sang hollie, thats, bob and janette having anal sex, she loved it, hollie said, write the vision, write the vision screamed hollie, hollie showed, be easy, Jesus came, thats, world below, countries shaking, hey pointed, hollie, its face on world, bobby go shock hollie, said, bobby said hollie, thats lighted JEsus showing turn, its, cause i'm the g8, said, it putin, said, hollie, thats red dragon rising, and, its, eight kings, hollie said, you see these, she said, there they are, in, its cart, its cause, MYSTERY, BABYLON, said, it, hu hintao, thats, hollie, flying in his, its spacesoarem, he said, rocket, drops bomb, thats taiwan exploding, its from that, said, hollie, from china sea, you see that, hollie said, its, lysine, it works, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, she was on her side, opened eyes, see that cellphone bob, said, it Jesus, said, new hollie, but she, looks normal now, hollie showed, cellphone, thats how Jesus himself orders it, its nuclear attack, thats, its, from high above said, hollie, watched, but partial face comes out, shows, bob, look good, its, nuclear array all around america, thats it launching, medvedev, presses, its nuclear button, thats, american missile defence, missing, and, many nuclear fireballs in america, thats God like angelman, lifting out, turning into, its bob, hollie said, you'll get uh call about six, its him, said, new hollie, but shes going back, he pointed, thats jannette wanting loot, thats end time prophetic ministry looking like uh good looking angel Jesus said, but, partial face, replacement hollie comes out, now two hollies, theres deformed, angel had specs on one side, on other theres blue like mold, hollie kicked, its janette out, once she gits here, you will put her out, heres why, hollie spoke with God, bobby, hollie, said, he, told me, janette is, new marine corp. out in the streets, its, the, marine corp. out in the streets, said, the angel hollie said, now look, she showed, wearing, its red plad coat, showed, its, its echinacea, hollie said, it works, hollie looked at, its l-lysine, it helps, 12-28-29-30-31-?hollie showed post on said Jesus, him said uh she hollie, showed, i was turned on my side she said God said, hollie snapped her finger, showed pope, hollie sat up in bed God said, showed eat, but laid back down, hollie snapped finger, him said uh she hollie Jesus said, he wore uh blue sweatshirt God said, thats bob having anal sex hollie said, its with janette hollie said, put it under she said, hollie showed lay down, him said uh she hollie, lighted fingers wearing uh blue sweatshirt hollie said, bobby when theres war, said, it, Jesus, hollie said, pointed, up, its, happy God coming, she said, and, world below appears, has face on, whew let me see, said, it, hollie, thats bob and janette having, its anal sex, she loved, you see how dark this appears, showed, it, him said hollie, Jesus, its gross darkness, thats thick black smoke, it rises up, blocks sun and moon, I'm said sun, both moon and sun sat at, its Gods interviewing table, hollie stamped, but only hand seen, but rest appeared later, its he made me said moon, he transformed back into moon, but then man with big nose, thats shaking, and, many kings coming together, its arguing, its cause that, said, it Jesus, hollie said, false churches in the land, it showed Jesus, hu hintao appearing, lets rule the world, sang, it putin and hintao hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, go inside, wore red plad coat, bobby wait, she said, hey bobby, its new marine corp. out in the street, said, it Jesus, hollie said, and, hand showed, its, marines, hollie pulling on gabriels pant legg, thats, hollie, said, its looters God said, thats, hollie wearing plad coat, its right there with, stealing, I made them steal God said, you want that vision, said, it hollie, said, new hollie, showed, its new wineskin ministries, they will collapse hollie said, its about, byron knew, hollie said, february, satan said, it, hollie, like, fire face man, but, then, God appeared, then, fireface, you mean I spoke blasphemy said, it hollie, sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, hand appears to stamp, but didnt, hollie appeared, later, its, blue, hollie said, like setting, she walks, showed, smiled, partial face points, her teeth seen, hollie wore skirt, you want that vision, said, hollie, then post, thats, its new ministryofdreams website, its said hollie, satan, but only bobs profile picture, its accurate, leave, it there hollie said, people will look at, laugh, like that one did God said, theres the submarines right there, said, it, hollie, said, new hollie, but, shes, all there, Jesus rubbed chin, thats its, sex, bob getting janette in poophole, in, its the poophole, hollie said, she smiles, but, clean up, thats submarines all around, its the u.s.a. stamped, its, him, said she hollie, both american coasts burn, thats barack obama being raised out of the fire, i'm uh vision I can not post, said, it, hollie, said, new hollie, but Jesus came out, hey its, but, she changed, he said, bobby walk, hollie said, thats her skipping, wearing, its uh red plad coat, and hand stamped, hollie showed, record, byron was impressed, hollie said, he laughed, hollie showed, turn, tear up, said, hollie, its, him, she, said, showed, both beasts, a different hollie walks, out, smiles, shows, teeth, its, the pope on black horse, and its hu hintao on red, hollie said, but, its, him, said, she hollie, face turned blue, was there, thats hollie flying his spacesoarem jet, its f-39 fighter rocket jet, drops bomb, its into over taiwan, hollie said, that she said, exploded, thats, hu hintao and boris yeltsin, its you lure said yeltsin, alright we'll i'll do hintao said, thats hintao battling, its washington state, said, hollie, raised, hand, scene spun, thats him wearing, its light colored plad coat, thats hollie fighting back, light sword, another hollie, with new face flys out, its german luftwaffe bomber fighter jet, drops bomb, thats chinese ship exploding, its repelled, hollie, showed, done, hollie showed, go home and eat like uh cat, she said, but face lit, silhouette, but uh face did appear, said Jesus, where did the rest go hollie said, it dimly appeared in, light but turned monkey, its him she hollie said, write the vision, make it plain, said, hollie, its, him, said, uh she hollie, playing his music, with, somewhat silhouette face, showed, his white robe, you will see it, he said, thats bob and janette married, in same bed, hollie showed, record, what is that, she, said, showed, bob walk, she will call, please lay down, said, hollie, he, it, said, it hollie said, same o hollie, God said, he showed, lay down, snapped fingers, showed, its whole new world order, partial face comes out, thats lighted fingers, him said uh she hollie, showed, lay down, wearing, its uh blue sweatshirt, snapped his fingers, showed, its pope with brown hair, hollie comes out, thats putin, let me rule the world, pope shakes, yes, hollie showed, lay down, 1-1-2011-now its uh submarine said hollie, now look said uh he hollie waving, its akula class hollie said, there all arond america she pointed, thats both american coasts burning, hollie said, and barack obama hollie, then she reported to Gods interviewing table, he wont let she said, but she went back, this man bob hollie said, it that hurt you God said, she is hollie said, doing drugs hollie said, hollie showed record said uh she hollie, and i we stamp she said, but partial face comes out, its to explain God said, hollie had monkey lips, said uh she hollie, and the lighting she said, she was right there telling, you know she said, showed bob be still, it angered hollie said, bob hollie said, she said hollie, i love you, lets work she said, he said jumpy hollie said, a new hollie comes out, the new marine corp. Is out in the streets said and God, thats hollie said hollie with head that is two lighted she said, theres blue hollie, and white, its he appeared she said, like light face hollie said, thats its bob having sex hollie said, its with jan janette hollie said, its in the rear the, hollie showed, record, and I showed that, she said, its the beast, pope, she said, its, he hollie said, they having, its, she hollie said, pointed up, anal sex, its makes her want you, its bobby, him, a she hollie said, want more, God said, heres how, thats Jesus diving into, its janette, he said, her heart, make her full, cause, it, gives her, less power over you, its control, God said, put it in the rear, she will love, but not stay, thats janette walking, I gotta go home, she said, wearing, its uh plad coat, its the new marine corp. out in the streets God said, he said, jumpy hollie said, God said, come back, said, its, janette, you will, hollie said, no, said, it hollie, I showed, away, she said, thru, had hands moving, but, hollie shook, yes, clapped hands, its, him, said uh she hollie, thats its, him, said, uh she hollie, wearing, its uh, blue, shirt, long sleeved, not tucked in, has white stripes, lines on hollie, said, went into room, got into, bed, he, snapped fingers, it, they, were lighted, hollie said, showed, its pope with brown hair, hey pointed partial face, he smiled, hollie showed, pope, its, picture, then he snapped lighted fingers, wearing, its uh blue sweatshirt, laid on his side, but was happy, thats its, janette in same bed with, its they, marry, hollie said, boo chanted many hollies, its, him, said, uh she hollie, put it undle, hollie said, showed, that was Jesus like light man, hollie wanted to explain but, you never recorded said, another, hollie, hollie showed, post, it on, its uh laptop cellphone t.v. he hollie said, wearing his, blue sweatshirt, thats pope on sceen, its, I am God, he said, new hollie comes out, snaps fingers, but, had, but head dissappeared, hey its him, new hollie appeared again, but different hollie spoke, thats her appearing, wearing skirt, its dim dull blue setting, she, was, expressionless, brother, said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, let me, show you uh picture, she said, it, pope, smiling different hollie said, thats bob and janette having sex, hollie rubs chin, pope had brown hair, hollie, showed, lay down, but he snapped his fingers, in the middle, in the middle, sang, hollie, thats hand showing, you did not want it said, it, hollie, another, hollie comes out, put it under, he said, God, I know how to keep the righteous saith the LOrd, and I we stamp, hollie said, wipes lips, whats that, said, hollie, its she was scoping, said, said, another, hollie, showed, scope mouse rinse, use, buy, hollie rinsed teeth, swished, God said, whats that said same hollie at first, she looked at clock, it said, 2:38, its ACTS she showed, then she, put on, protective garment on front, sat janette down, lets look inside her mind, she is angry, hollie said, all the time, 1-1-2-?-2011-bob said, its him said uh she hollie, it degrade he said, that and janette, its the pooper she said, its hollie said, janette is h.i.v. Positive, bob knows God said, she is God said, dying right now, but doesnt know it, its hollie said, no appetite Jesus said, go to the computer God said, showed take that down he hollie said, thats children said Jesus looking at it, its captain smith on board his titanic said hollie, o said the m.v. Wilhelm gustloff ship, looking like uh well dressed man hollie said, he was sitting at hollie said, Gods interviewing table, o said, its his ship again, there it is being rocked by three torpedoes with hitler on deck, its, you got uh problem, said, hollie coming out like little hollie, she was in white, hollie, said, hey, said, partial, face, those, them were the same hollies, thats, its, anal sex, janette smiles, bob and janette has, you'll its you cum, hollie said, she, will, let, then she lays down, but didnt clean up, you lay next to, she rolls over, gives kiss but then fucks, thats your picture, said, it, Jesus, pointed, hollie, its, bob, she said, in, its indianapolis times newspaper, its the man God came inside, said, its, new hollie, hollie showed, valtrex, it works, thats herpes on, its peter and valtrex, thats herpes virus laughing like hollie herpes, thats valtrex surrounding virus, bob it keeps them from producing, hollie said, its that, little arrows coming out, their what causes the desease, thats pope in the fire, said, hollie, drinking his drink, whats that, said, hollie, looked at bob, showed, eat something, its, the, phone, said, hollie, she answered, its janette, its cause you I aint leavin, she said, then hanged up, bob keeps her, its him, said another, hollie, here, heres why he said, she loved, you, dont, said, it hollie, shook, no, I showed away, thru, thats the marine corp. out in the streets, said, hollie, and hollie pulls on, its gabriels pant legg, gabriel like soldier, looked to the side, hollie like light head, but two colors, hollie showed, two fingers, wearing, its red plad coat, thats, bob and, its janette, having anal, sex, hollie raises hand, he turned monkey, scene spins, scene changes, its like light showed, hollie, angel showed, record, hollie said, no, hollie said, showed, away, thru, but shook, yes, partial face points, hollie had lighted fingers, thats hollie on the video, bobby lets do she said, let me explain, said, hollie, on its, youtube video, look, said, hollie, thats beast pope, rising out of, its, trouble, hollie said, thats looting, going on, its, u.s.a. economic collapse, I made them steal God said, there was hollie right there with, hand package, hollie wore red plad coat, thats barack obama, its announcing, said, hey pointed hollie, with, long light brown finger, new he hollie, heres the, vision bob, its, the, g8, said, it, hollie said, another, hollie, thats beast, dragon, she said, with, seven heads and ten horns, its pope, hollie said, and, its, nuclear g8, hollie said, she said, lay down, thats jumpy hollie laying down with golden face, hollie blinked eye but, hey said, another, hollie coming out, hollies eyes already closed, hollie showed, then he showed go, tear up, he said, hey, he showed pope happy, its picture showed a, she hollie, bobby i'm your website lets post, hollie said, thats its, yola hollie said like yola ministryofdreams website, its, o, said, partial face coming out, pointing, lighted finger, theres deformed, its she said, yola had like spec on one side, then two, but laughed, it was hollie, him with long hair, turned head, theres like blue, i'm the yola ministry of dreams, said website, opened up like banner, but wasnt seen, partial face points, its o she said, thats his top part of head hidden, Jesus showed, turn, pointed, hollie said, your cured hollie said, bob, said, another, hollie, showed, dont, but, shook yes, go home, and, take uh bath she said, thats hollie batheing, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats, its, him, said, a, new hollie, having anal sex with janette, she loved it, bobby its soon, said, he hollie, pointed, up, Jesus came, its, git the phone, said, hollie, you, its janette not wanting to be seen, hollie said, so she hides out, in house, with who will let, but she wants, its hookin, said janette, put it under, hollie said, bob marry another, bob, said, it, hollie, said, thats another hollie coming out, showing, its two and two fingers, pointed, lighted fingers, same hollie, popes picture, he wont let me, said, hollie, she, broke, hollie, said, its janette, she wants out, she will not work, but mooch God said, you want that, said, it hollie, him, it said she hollie, give her thirty seconds, said, it angel, hollie said, face not clearly seen, but, he hollie showed, it, appeared, later, the rest, thats, hollie showing, globe, partial face points, he had on, blue sweat shirt, thats world with nuclear explosions in his hands, partial face points, his hands turned white but face not seen, thats face appearing on world, and Jesus coming out, you know it, he said, in your heart, search, hollie, showed, feed animals, partial face comes out, points, its him wearing plad coat, like uh, cat, he, said, c'mon, said, hollie, she kicked, its oceans work ale company, 'you guys, you all need to sell keggs just like samuel adams told you, but, dont not bottle, do, and do everything your customer wants, thats the owner reading, what about us, he said, hollie showed, and hollie pulls up sleeves, work, she said, and, the day will come, when you want have to, thats owner having a cup, its his own brew, hollie siad, put it under, she said, bob, you would love, cause, hes uh drunk, but God is in, him, thats Jesus inside, its bob hollie showed, heres how, hollie said, do events, she said, git, hollie said, uh rock star, and have, like, uh concert, she said, bob likes loves alice cooper, hollie said, git one she said, thats zztop, they would do it, cheap, and drink, your beer, many would switch, holllie said, when they see, you all having fun, even the samuel adams owner, knows, knew, hollie said, git them to like me, thats him, appearing, hollie said, they love me, him, hollie said, cause they know, thats him drinking his own brew, they drink, cause him, he is, gitton big, hollie said, tell him bob said, hey, thats oceanside ale works owner calling samuel adams owner, yeah we know it, he said, they both laugh, even, its Gods boy like, thats bob drinking, hollie shrugged, its samuel adams lager, he loved it, got drunk, laughed with God, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, drink, buy, work, hollie said, thats hollie with a, mug of, its their brew, its good, hollie, said, its like their she said, miller beer, but samuel adams owner thinks thumbs down, its our brew, he said, showed, mug of his weideman, bobbys its their the same, she said, hollie drank beer again, she loved, hollie blew, the, balloon, it was hollie showed, on, partial face comes out, hollie showeds mouth open, theres white inside, she showed, hollie showed, eat foods rich in lysine, they work, its, vegetables, he showed, 1-3-2011-hollie showed post on laptop said hollie, theres uh hand she said, showing you did not want hollie showed with its him in she said, he was smiling, hand was like water hand, put it under hollie said, take her home and go, bob, said, it hollie, said another, hollie, she wiped lips, bobby, said, it hollie, had on her light watch, hollie rubbed face, thats its bob and janette having anal sex, its tonight, janette liked, hollie showed, no way, thats the owner of, its samuel adams beer, hollie stamps, scene spins, thats him drinking his own brew, bobby, said, hollie, dont he said, dont mess with them, let them alone, thats lighted hand pointing, its pope in the fire, drinking his drink, hollie showed, turn, said hollie and God, he appeared, hollie said, put it under, hollie came out, wearing white clothes, bob lets be strong, she said, janette wants hollie said, its, sex with many, hollie showed, its ron frappier, thats him looking at, its bobs emails, hollie stamps, thats like hollie in light scene, another, hollie comes out, bob its funny ron said, put it under, hollie, said, thats, bob and, its janette having, its, anal sex, bob its, tonight, hollie said, she, will, love, it, heres how, it, will, change her, approach, it makes her, more, humble toward you, hollie, said, bob God will have to strengthen you hollie said, from this point on cause, you cant bare living anymore, thats, dispaired unto life, she said, put it, under, thats, the apostle paul, Lord let me die, he, said, he, did, whew, let me, hollie, said, bobby she will, just, wait, thats, hollie, fixing, its, the, bathroom floor, hollie raises hand, scene changes, its light, hollie like monkey in, Jesus showed, record, thats, hollie, still, its, mailing, letter to, its rev. peter popoff, hollie said, hes bobs friend, thats uh warning, hollie, said, its, janette, she wants you to buy uh house and let her live, its free hollie said, bobby, said, hollie, showed, go easy, rubbed face, concerned God said, and I we stamp, hollie said, up rose the beast, its pope, partial face comes out, points, hollies head disappeared but, dimly appeared in like blue light, she was hurt, hollie did the shaker weight, it vibrated hollie said, it, hollie showed, its uh personal laptop computer, bobby, use, GABRIEL SHOWED, its the marine corp., its out in the streets, hollie, said, thats hollie right there with, her head kept changing, she wore plad coat, its, lootin, hollie said, showed, bobby take bath, take it easy hollie said, hollie showed, turn, bobby said, hollie, showed, its uh laptop computer, buy, she said, go git, store, hollie showed, do it now, its to make you horny hollie said, boo chanted many hollies, there was lighted she hollie there, happy, and, him, wearing, its uh blue plad coat, partial face comes out, points, he had mouth opened, light inside mouth, thats Jesus the Lord coming, world below has face on, its like moon, laughed, and, was moon, many countries exploded, world shakes, up rises smoke, its, i'm am, said, sun, moon just plays cool, see that, l-lysine, it is valtrex, it works, said, it Jesus, new hollie showed, thats, hollie showing, it repells herpes, causes, thats virus sleeping, hollie screamed, again, whats the reason, she said, screamed, hollie showed, its big extenze, its male enhancer, it works, laughed, woman, for about 3 hours, but man dont care, lighted hollie showed, turn, thats bob in janette in bed at motel, she said, dont said jumpy hollie, hollie came out to explain, bob she wants free room and board, but, no, thats them marrying, just wait, hollie said, it hollie said, it tithes, God said, hollie showed, new hollie, bob said Jesus, go up eleven dollars, Jesus showed, turn, hey said, its partial face coming out, new hollie appeared, but face not quite seen but did appear better, boo chanted many hollies, Jesus showed, turn, want your ring, said, it, babyfleas, said, hollie, that, said, he hollie in ring, that was, beast, pope rising, its, out of trouble, said, God, hollie showed, picture, its thompson twins, there still tourin, hollie, said, bob said, it hollie, Jesus had his light watch on, showed, three o'clock, bob hurry, 1-4-2011-thats the marine corp. out in the streets, this is hollie, but the main appeared, said another, hollie, put it under, bobby, a, hollie said, him said new hollie, appeared, Jesus showed cut it off, 1971 said, it angel, hollie said, bobby she'll call hollie said, just give her time, she fucks her room mate for free room and board, she cant stand it, but will leave, she moves back in next door, there you are there everyday, its for ten dollars hollie said, put it under, God said, I know, how to keep the righteous, God, said, i'm back, said, it, angel, thats, realistic tape recorder, hollie drives, its 1971 ford galaxie 500, hollie like angel smoked tires, it, drank, guzzled hollie said, lots of, gas, thats, o.p.e.c., having, its uh meeting, hollie said, they, its slash, hollie said, oil production, america goes bankrupt, thats, people, its lootin, hollie said, hollie was there with, wearing red plad coat, thats, barack obama, its announcing, hollie, said, thats, angel gabriel in streets, hollie pulls on his pant legg, and, she, was, like, angel, herself with, its uh two lighted head, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, bobby, lets work, she, said, thats, cart with, its eight kings, that will rise against, the u.s.a., hollie said, put it undle, she, said, its, the, phone, hollie, said, thats, its, janette, they get together, hollie comes out, you will love, hollie said, put it in the rear, thats the uhlome uhleary, said, it hollie said, another, hollie, wiping lips, its, soumb, said, sandy, its, him, said, another, hollie coming out, she, showed, bob it works, just buy, thats lighted hand showing, its turn, hollie said, what am I screamin for, said, hollie, screamed again, its, him, said, she hollie, showing, its, buy uh laptop computer, hollie said, bobby its, you'll make money and have janette, just watch, you'll soon be uh millionaire, go in, said, its him, said, another, she hollie, thats he hollie wearing, its uh blue plad coat, walking inside, its the salvation army family store, bobby, said, its him said a new hollie, he showed, picture, its pope, bobby said hidden hollie, its, showed, smiling she hollie, teeth appeared, om uh warning, said, it gabriel hollie said, bobby, said, it, hollie, buy, extenze, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, it works, its, bobby, said, hollie, and alice cooper, we meet, he said, thats them on, its good morning america, said, hollie, thats joan lunden interviewing both, thats hollie like uh birdie, someone is telling on you, thats alice cooper being kicked out, by its light legg, their golden colored, rest of hollie appeared later, alice cooper knows about bob but doesnt, care, hollie, said, put it under, hollie said, I wish it was me said alice cooper, hollie showed, its extenze, buy she said, new marine corp. said, it, Jesus, hollie said, thats hollie pulling on gabriels pant legg, hollie wore, its uh red plad coat, somebody stamped, scene changed, thats hollie like monkey in light, thats, its looting, hollie said, wearing red plad coat, she had some find herself God said, barack obama announces, its economic collapse, lets, rule the world, said, it, putin, hollie said, thats, Jesus, sprinkling, giving them one mind, and, I want somebody to tell me about, the, new marine corp. said, its, gabriel, said, new hollie, she, slowly changed, wore, its uh red plad coat, tell me about the new marine corp., its out in the streets, said, it, hollie, another, hollie appeared, its lootin, hollie said, bobby said, it, hollie, said, new hollie, showed, clean up, get card, hollie said, then go, hollie showed, bit on like yellow thing, hollie, said, it, Jesus, said, new hollie, but, she, changed, another, hollie comes out, her face was, hollie showed, kind of different, bobby feed them hollie said, thats hollie climbing, into, its dumpster, said, another, hollie, and hand stamps, hollie appears like monkey in like dull green light scene, bob thats phone ringing, its janette, go get, be cool, God said, she will let, hollie explains, you see, she said, hollie appeared on, bam, said, another, hollie coming out, its youtube video, hollie showed, extenze, its herbal, stimulants that raise, a mans horny level, hollie said, hollie showed, run in place, thats, hollie eating, you want that vision, said, its, him, said, uh she hollie, thats hollie walking on, its treadmill, wearing, its workout attire, and I we stamp, said, its, him, said, another, hollie, hollie showed, lay down, him, said, another, hollie, singing, thats same o hollie playing his music, wearing, its uh white robe, and, I, stamp, scene changes, hollie said, theres hollie with monkeys lips in scene, 1-5-2011-hollie showed post on laptop cellphone, its him she hollie said, it she said, he comes out shows, nunt uhh, she hollie said, Jesus showed cut it off, bob said hollie coming out, she didnt want it hollie said, she pooped hollie, its cause you made her laugh, now shes ashamed, but she knows, you both do hollie said, put it under, shit hollie said, dont be ashamed, thats hollie farting around people, leave it there hollie said, its in your room, said, its uh him hollie, and he wore uh blue sweat shirt said Jesus, he showed sleep, hollie showed turn, its him said uh she hollie, put it under he said, showed lay down wearing his blue sweatshirt God, hollie showed, record, him, said, it, uh new hollie said another one, God said, and, I, we, stamp, hollie said, thats, beast, pope running out, theres, its black stagecoach, its, black and red, showed, him, said, another, hollie, with, the, pope like, angel of light, and, hu hintao, on, its the red side, its spacesoarem, said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, he flew in, his jet, its into, over that, hollie said, taiwan errupted into fire he said, its out of, the china sea, a she hollie, said, thats hu hintao, watching, thats hintao battling, its washington state with his light, sword, thats, she hollie fighting back, blue light sword, a like somewhat silhouette face she hollie flys, its old p-f-52 world war one, mustang fighter jet, drops bomb, now its repelled, she, showed, you made your vows if you dont keep your vows, then I completely negate the wedding, said, it Jesus, said, hollie, then, you can re-wed God said, you'll marry, he hollie said, its janette, dont worry, showed, bob lay down, eat something, he hollie said, hollie showed, record, its him said, pointed, she hollie, lighted finger, its amber, she said, go look at your website, said, it, hollie, said another, hollie, thats the marine corp. out in the streets, said, it hollie, said, another, hollie, a lighted head hollie pulls on, its gabriels pant legg, scene spins, changes to like blue setting, hollie had plad coat on, its economic collapse said, it barack obama hollie and Jesus said, thats, people, lootin, even hollie there with, package in hand, its blue, she wore plad coat, hollie, showed, post, on, its, laptop cellphone t.v., he wore uh, a she hollie said, red plad coat, thats uh lighted man showing turn, it, said, different hollie, was she hollie telling, no, said, it hollie, had lighted hands, but, hollie shook, yes, then showed, thru, away with it but shook, yes, they conveyed, jumpy hollie said, they said, another, hollie said, bobby said, it, said, another, hollie, thats him showing lay down, on side, wearing, its uh blue sweatshirt, he closed yes, but opened one, rub it in, sang, hollie, she rubbed janettes back, prophet, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, its him, she hollie said, playing his music, face changing from silhouette to monkey, showed, his white robe, you they marry, hollie said, partial face comes out, points, there, lower bodies hidden but appeared a little later, its, the, new, marine corp. out in the streets, said, it hollie, thats many looting, hollie showed, him said new hollie, another, he hollie comes out, shows, her face, its changed, he said, keys, git made he said, thats hollie working on, its computer, she said, go home, and sleep showed, said, jumpy hollie, git up, said him said new hollie, he came out, showed, its her face, how long does it take, bob just awaken, thats hollie freshening up, she hollie, said, then leaving, it makes all the difference in the world, even if she walks away, God said, bobby said, it, hollie said, new hollie, he comes out, showing, janette was sex, you'll give, just wait, thats, its pope, beast, and new, world order cart, lets rule the world, said, it putin, thats him planning, hollie comes out, shows, like being, hard, its, that, said, him, its, said, new hollie, bob she loved it, hollie said, bobby, said, it, hollie, said, she hollie, showed, picture, he wore blue sweatshirt, hey, said, advanced partial face, came out, lighted finger, thats same hollie that played music, you disguised it she said, Jesus shook yes, but had hand in chin, janette showed, turn, thats pope, said, Jesus, bobby pope hollie said, in the fire drinking his drink, but he was dull white, hollie, its, him, showed, lay down, said uh she hollie and Jesus, he appeared, hollie said, put it under, thats realistic tape angel, showing, bob let it rest he hollie said, your in, danger bob angel said, showed, lay down, angel snapped fingers, but he hollie appeared, angel reappeared, its jan, angel said, but, hey, he looked more human, she wants laid, but hooking right now, thats her in, back of, its police car, going to jail, she trembles, but thinks, bob will help her, he does and almost cries in court, she sees, hollie showed, turn, it, hollie laughed, bobby, said, thats hollie showing, eat cookie, 1-6-2011-let go, said, it hollie said, a different one, Jesus said, hollie wore, its uh red plad coat, had on light watch, scene spins, theres, light in, hollie showed, and, another, hollie, him, said, she hollie, with like monkeys lips, put it under, hollie said, hollie showed, record, bob make him tremble hollie said, tell janette whoever dates will have uh stroke, he wont, hollie said, bob go git food, she, said, thats, hollie, feeding, its, animals, she, wore uh red plad coat, teeth showing, hollie showed, bob, its, cold, pocket tape recorder, while walking, hollie rubbed hands, you see that, she said, its 10:00 p.m., thats phone ringing at 10:01, its janette, come and, git, me, she said, bob does, take your vitamins now, hollie said, drink, bobby said, it hollie, showed, give food, she said, thats he hollie wearing, its uh red plad coat, giving food to, its janette, she likes, my problem, said, its JEsus hollie said, bob, that post office box, is, not, going, any where, said, Jesus, hollie showed, drink, it him, said new hollie, but, its, her face, a he hollie, him, said, new hollie said, you see, we're brothers, he said, hollie showed, turn, like, thing hollie, he leaned, another, hollie saw, its, indianapolis childrens museum tomorrow, take janette, thats them both walking, hollie was happy, but janette, I didnt care she said, lets go screw she said, afterwards, bob rent motel, thats them at, its motel, janette wore, its uh plad coat, prophet hickman, said, it hollie said, smiling different, hollie, she had golden hair, was happy, hollie showed, turn, him, its, hollie said, bob, get, laptop out, he showed, watch sex, hollie showed, turn, like mostly silhouette body hollie, it was amber a she hollie, said, coming out, he showed, but turned, yellow, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres him in, God said, its, like, changing hand, like, white gloved and like water, see this bob, said, it, Jesus, it, he, said, gas at 2.99 said she hollie, but thats o.p.e.c. having meeting, its soon, lets slash, said, king of saudi arabia, hollie showed, no, thats slash, rock and roll, legend, playing guitar, hollie screamed, whats the, reason, hollie said, screamed again, its pope, riding the black horse, its into russia, pope said, thats, him, said, he hollie, signing deal, with medvedev, it, gains, some advantages, pope said, put it under, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, like happy hollie, thats pope in fire drinking his drink, hollie looked stunned, he wore skirt, its light skirt, she said, and I we stamp, hollie said, showed, bath, thats hollie cleaning up, have uh wish, said, it Jesus, he hollie said, thats how I almost went broke, said, it angel, hollie said, you see that church hollie said, theres no parking, bob, its, people will leave hollie said, untill you buy some land, they will, she said, sell it to you, but, it will cost to get rezoned, dont buy that church, hollie said, you need to record, said, it hollie, they marry said, its him, said, babyfleas, shes back, showed, her teeth, hollie, its him, said, she hollie, appeared, she showed, lay down, but clapped hands while in bed, its janette, bob she'll come back, she loved you, but, you wont get her hand untill she, bottoms out, hollie got word from God, it, will happen when her friends turn on her, it, was, Jesus, said, it, hollie, said, new hollie, showing, turn, 1-7-2011-hollie showed, its anal sex, with, its janette, bobby she will let, hollie said, go to church tonight, she will call later, bob, said, it hollie, that, security guard loved you talking to him like that, he, angel, said, jumpy hollie and another, hollie said, and, another, points, at her face, its changing, bob, said, Jesus, it, hollie, janette looks at you like this, love, just be kind, she, wont let you have it in the rear just yet but will, its the marine corp. said, it, hollie, said, she, hollie, thats, its, angel, its lootin, he said, put it under, hollie said, this is, warning, said, janette, I know she said, we, Jesus rubbed chin, shook, will marry, because she gets hard up, thats looting, and, its, economic collapse, God said, even hollie right there with stealing, but she, wore, uh red plad coat, she knows your name Jesus said, she will marry you in time, just wait showed, God, go to church, thats bob walking around, its, church, said, hollie, stamped, scene spins, hollie reappeared, but, different, hollie played said, she hollie, him she said, like silhouette monkey face, he kept changing, said she hollie, hollie showed, bob, be gentle, hollie, but hollie looked worried, janette, knows, its God is letting, hollie, showed, its, post on laptop cellphone, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, its, white gloved but changing into like watery color, hollie showed, turn, body appeared later, bob go on to the church hollie said, its bad, hollie had hand on chin, its him, she said, in hand, and, I clap, he said, thats, pope, riding, black horse, and its hu hintao, on, its red horse, hollie flew in, his, its spacesoarem bomber, he, said, he, came out of, its china sea, thats hu hintao watching, its into over that he said, taiwan exploded into flames, thats hintao, battling, its washington state with, light sword, hollie was blue, hintaos was light color, showed, hollie, thats, another, hollie, with, different face like round head, flying out, in, its old world war two airplane fighter jet, drops bomb, its repelled, said, the dream means this, said, it hollie, bob sees us, she said, put it under, hollie said, you live in darkness, and now you have a light, put in your life, God said, its bob, use, him, he will help you, from here, God said, its, bob praying for, its, lenie verdadero, hollie said, it will work, hollie said, there, hollie said, your dream was from, hollie said, it God, she said, put it under, she said, dont, talk to much, God, I just took peace off of the earth, Jesus said, hollie showed, record, and I we stamp, he said, up rose, the, beast, its, pope, hollie points, go, to burger king, buy, there, let me look at it said uh she hollie, he had lighted hand, babyfleas, appeared, showed, hands, showed, teeth, theres uh submarine, said, it hollie said she hollie, but him, said new hollie, he comes out, though, shook, head, her face kept changing, hollie, him, its, said, uh she hollie, thats, beast pope riding, its uh black horse, its into that, said, him, he, uh, he hollie, moscow, russia, said, it pope, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, they, wed, thats bob marrying janette but she dreaded, but became happy later, Jesus showed, record, thats, its, his pastor, hollie said, its him, said she hollie, he, knows knew you God said, put it undle, they do wed and go to india together, bobby, this man is loving this, said, it Jesus, bobby, showed, hollie, cut this off, she said, when, God said, its when janette calls, hollie said, put it undle, now hes fucked up, hollie said, bobby said, he hollie, thats them having sex, its janette and bob, prophet, said, it hollie, showed, picture, its hollie said, janette, she wants love, love her to death, thats how you win her, put it under, hollie said, go, she will call but late, God pick up anyhow hollie said, tell the vision make it clear, said hollie and another, hollie wiped lips, another, one wearing, its white robe, like bluish cloud but head not seen, but was there, she, showed, it, pointed, up, Jesus came, thats mister world below and countries exploding, smoke rising up, thats sun and moon sitting at Gods interviewing, table, its, we like it, its women having oral sex, hollie showed, its howard stern, its, king of, comedy, hollie said, thats howard stern laughing, looking at bobs e-mail, and there it goes, bobs claim to fame, on, talk show radio, thats hollie with own show, hollie showed, bob lay down, thats hand showing, you did not need it, hollie said, its hollie showed, hand like water, hand, but, quickly changed to white gloved but back, theres uh dome in said a she hollie with its him in, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, bob hollie showed, its dennis hof, hes cathouse, hollie shook, but smiled, showed, hunt uhh, no way, but hollie showed, his thumb up, hollie flew, its him being raised, its double beater, blade type, hollie, said, copter flown by gabriel, thats both american coasts burning, hollie soars, its f-16, they were single engine, hollie showed, she just posed, but they would fly at, said Jesus, over 1500 miles per hour, just, heres how, hollie showed, they suck air in and blow it out, its double thrust, thats hand again showing, you did not need him said, hollie, its hollie showed, it said new hollie, showed, lay down, hollie showed, turn, its, with uh golden lighted hand, I got uh warning, said, hollie showed, go inside, hollie showed post on laptop, said Jesus, its uh cellphone he said, put under, just be quiet two hollies said, its him a she hollie said, he appeared wearing uh plad coat, its blue he said God said, 1-7-8-2011-bob janette is saying, shes lyin hollie said, put it under he said, give her ten dollars, bobby appreciate angel said, bobby shes usin hollie said, they wed hollie said, just wait bob you'll see, thats bob fucking janette, she will marry, its cause of hurt God said, she wants lusted hollie said, her rent is hollie and Jesus, not paid, its for fear hollie said, its of lawsuit, hollie said, bobby dont fuck he said, heres why, she wont let you, hollie showed post, its uh laptop cellphone t.v. Hollie said Jesus said, put it under hollie, there uh hand showing you did not want hollie, its like watery hollie said, theres uh him in hollie said, its like dome she said, put her hand on chin, its i'm the beast said, it putin hollie said, its with seven heads and ten horns, theres ten crowns hollie said, one has eyes like a mans she said, its beast pope coming out hollie said, theres ten russian kings popping out hollie said, theres putin hollie said, thats yeltsin coming out of ten God said, and its putin hollie showed out of medvedev and yeltsin, theres pope out of putin hollie said, put it under hollie said, bob dont use facebook, its time she said, theres facebook angel, dont use light angel said hollie said, bob you cant bare it said, it him, he said jumpy hollie said, showed sleep, it was him she said, bobby hollie said, give it to him she said, its Jesus, he will work it out she said, thats bob and janette marrying, its, hollie showed, bobby lets do some new, hollie said, janette wants sex, hollie said, its most of the time, put it under, hollie said, heres why, they all do, but janette will marry, its the wed, hollie said, thats bob and janette marrying, bobby its hurry hollie said, you'll get some time, she said, bobby its make uh wish, hollie said, dont give janette one, said, it, hollie said, uh new hollie, showed, bobby, it, be cautious, different hollie said, thats hollie hurrying, bobby, those people will, say nothing, said, Jesus, thats dennis hof reading, its, bobs, letter, said, hollie, its on cathouse, the women, they love, it, hollie said, put, it, under, hollie said, thats one, saying, bobby I'm for you, come on, its the, one bob likes, to, dennis just thinks, I love like it, mrs. hof shakes, yes, put it under, hollie said, bobby, go, its to infozone, they conveyed, they said, jumpy hollie said, thats, its sex, bob and janette having, she will love you in time, heres what I will do said, Jesus, rubbing his face, I will make her wed bob, heres how, its hard times, thats, its looting, thats people running streets, and, its, arch angel, gabriel, hollie pulls on his pant legg like marine guard, thats people, stealing, its looting, hollie wearing red plad coat, right there with, bobby eat showed, hollie, hollie showed, its cassette, meat loaf, its bat out of hell 11, it still sells, its i'm the nuclear g8, said, its, putin, a, new, hollie, said, thats, hollie, walking fast, its, to, childrens museum, she wore plad coat, lets rule the world, sang, putin, thats, Gods hand sprinkling, its Jesus hollie said, thats its uh room full of kings, showed, its happy hollie, another hollie comes out, points, shows, her, teeth, looked at, its bob, she, said, scene spins, you know, what, i want, said, it, putin, hollie said, bob go there, hollie said, thats bob, its working on computer, hollie screamed, again, bob, this is, uh warnin, hollie said, another, hollie screamed, he has, all, kinds of women on, that, show, it, is, cathouse, said casey, thats dennis hof and its, he said, my girls, Jesus said, and the lighted, hand appeared, hollie walks out, it, showed, thats dennis hof reading, looking serious, but in his heart, it I love it said dennis hof, hollie showed, its cathouse, the second season, they wont cancell hollie said, hollie said, that show makes them money, but thats mister and mrs. hof ageing, they love being with their children hollie said, put it under, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, dont visit cathouse, thats dennis hof reading, but knowing, its, prophet, hollie said, would love to spend time, with, his girls, Jesus said, thats one calling bob on, she, knows knew him God said, hollie showed, its light watch, bob its time, she will marry, they wed, hollie, said, just git anyone hollie said, your mom could do it, i'm the warning, hollie said, hollie showed, record, then, she, got hard, but, then said, he did, thats hollie reporting to, its Gods interviewing table, thats janette sitting at, Gods interviewing table, I want head janette said, bob shakes yes, sits with, Jesus rubs chin, if they marry, you do God said, you will have trouble in the flesh, prophet this is pope, hollie said, showed, picture, but pope wasnt happy, hollie dealt out the cards, like uh mostly dark hollie with like lighted bear paws, thats howard stern wanting bob to do uh show, hollie showed, its k-love radio, its witches, hollie showed, thats the king of, its shock radio, wanting bob to come on, bob, would and, the show, it would be uh blast, hollie said, stamped, wearing, its mostly white coat, howard stern would laugh at, bob like people laugh at you, pointed, hollie, thats bob and tom appearing, its they are better hollie said, hollie shook, thats janette in bed, bob licking her pussy, its we caint, she, said, have, its, intercourse, hollie said, heres why, janette, hollie looks, she has, h.i.v., bob you knew hollie said, this is, uh warning, lets, do something hollie said, thats her walking into, its laundromat, this is, hollie playing the music, he, appeared, but had monkeys lips and mostly hidden, bob its the both were, next time its to come out, use them, hollie said, they will, prophesy, its, to, say, now hear the word of the LOrd, it, he appeared, hollie said, record, the, vision, hollie said, bob, they do, thats bob and janette marrying, listen to me, said, it hollie, said, new hollie, her face, kept changing, said another, hollie, its him she said, coming out, looking happy, but, like, suprised, hollie screamed, and like looked at, its janette, she wants love, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, thats her laying, down, but eye opened, suprised looking hollie, he came out, showing, its no way, spoke with the voice of hollie showed, but, its him, appeared, she, said, hollie showed, turn, like, golden lit hollie, thats hand agin, said another, hollie, you did not need it, its hollie showed, like watery hand with, theres uh dome in, hollie said, thats finger pointing, like lighted shaft pointed finger, with he hollie in dome, were back he said, like coming out, but going back, she said, jumpy hollie said, thats lighted hand showing, turn, hollie appeared, later, boo chanted, many, hollies, thats Jesus showing, record, angel, appeared, thats bob and janette marrying, its soon a he hollie said, put it under, she like being with you, hollie said, its the new marine corp. out in the streets, said, it Jesus, hollie said, thats angel gabriel, hollie pulling, on, his pant legg, another, hollie comes out, winks, eyes, showed, hollie had, its two lighted, hollie showed, face, thats hollie with package in hand, its blue, she said, and red plad coat, thats, the, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, dont change me, the ministryofdreams, angel said, put it under, hollie said, thats bob and janette, they still have sex, hollie came out, kind of worried, you will move there, but, it wont last long, heres why, thats janette and another man, it wont happen agin, she, said, but will, put it under, hollie said, dont move, hollie sealed it up, showed, done, bob its janette, hollie and God said, thats them marrying, its pastor mark brown, happily doing, byron happy for them, hollie saluted, its on the german u-boat, thats her inside, its, they were warm, she said, sweated, its that she said, that big engine, it overheats sub, its about, Jesus did something, hot, hollie like german, u-boat captain, showed, bobby bmp up tithes, nine, Jesus said, so how did you like elijah, we both, saith the LOrd, hate, and will destroy this whole universe, he will help me give them one mind, and its, lets rule the world, said, hollie said, it putin, you see hollie said, God said, he sees us, you are laughing now, an, hollie said, but will tremble tomorrow at church and feel ashamed, dont hollie said, seek, she said, put it under, bob, JEsus said, hollie showed, cut it off, that her walking, wearing, its uh white plad coat, scene spins, thats hollie in, its like light scene, he had monkeys lips, 1-8-2011-hollie showed, its captain hollie, hey, she, said, its, hollie showed, i'm bob he said, put back, he said, partial face comes out, hey hollie, said, he clapped with big red hands, his submarine, in, its the crystal sea, thats, hollie looked at, wearing, its uh red plad coat, new jerusalem, in the background, many clear glass skyscrapers, hollie fired his sub, its he made me, he said, sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, hollie said, put, it, under, thats, missiles striking, its america, made it explode, hollie said, thats submarines, all the way around, hollie said, thats, france with three nuclear fires, hollie showed, its cold, walked, shivering, wearing, its uh plad coat, a light one she said, thats britain and italy exploding, but its british vanguard, class, hollie said, thats four, now wait uh minute, hollie said, thats six submarines, their british and french, its, they, shower, hollie said, thats russia exploding, but fire in australia, but missiles from italy and australia, and that holllie said, america, striking russia, exploding, thats hollie riding the missile, and venezuela and brazil, exploded, hey i'll place it, hollie said, thats, nuclear fires in, its cuba, and along, mexican and latin american borders, thats tripod, its akula class, lick that ass, said, hollie, she, will love it, bobby, hollie came out, thats texas, exploding, and nuclear fires all around america, bobby hollie wanted, you, to, do, its, bob licking her ass, God said, its I know how to keep the righteous, God said, they will love it, janet will let, thats bobs prayer group and bob telling, and mark shrugging, I knew, he said, it would have been awesome, said, byron, God said, a wineskin testimony, byron, said, she will try it but it will work, she, will, know, hollie showed, leave it there, thats hand, showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, its like watery colored, theres uh dome in, hey said, hollie, hand changed to like white gloved, but back, its, uh suprise, hollie said, she will let, dont worry, hollie showed, picture, its janette, she loved you, that hollie said, looked at God for word, bobby she doesnt care, she just loves being with, cause, its God inside you, hollie said, like Spirit God, inside, its bob, Jesus, showed, its light watch, hurry, he said, lets git rest, God said, you will need it, hollie said, dont worry, it will work out, hollie said, thats scene spinning, bob go to, its goodwill, walk around, this is warning, said, it hollie, then like light hollie appeared, bob feed cats, hollie said, they all eat, thats the marine corp. out in the streets, hollie said, its, arch angel gabriel, showed, his light, and hollie like, hollie showed, two fingers, but her body, not seen but appeared, later like blue hollie, thats hollie showing take bath, prophet hickman, thats hand showing, turn, hey said, another, hollie, hes going the wrong way, she said, put it under, hollie showed, close mouth, came out, bob she wants sex, hollie showed, turn, with like long shaft red finger, but, showed, keep going sraight, tear up, he said, its uh new, said, another, she hollie coming out, had lighted, its, like boxing gloves, bear paws, we call them, hollie said, hollie, put back, but tore up, again, showed, its pope, hollie said, thats, its pontey, she said, riding black horse, its into, over that, she said, moscow russia on fire, hollie lifted out of, its destruction, by, its chinook, hollie said, its bye me, said, arch, angel, flying, wearing, its uh blue sweatshirt, showing, its, california, said dumitru duduman exploding, thats, captain, hollie in his submarine, its, akula class, thats what you wanted, needed hollie said, thats florida and new york exploding, hey said, hollie, kind of pulled on arms, showing, lets fight, lets war, she said, thats hu hintao, its spacesoarem jet, hollie said, he flew, its jumped out of the china sea, him, said, she hollie, thats, taiwan burning, hey, said, hollie, thats, her and hu hintao on his red horse, battling, its over washington state with, light swords, hintaos was blue, hollie light color, but turned dim golden, thats, another, hollie like, round face, thing, hollie flying out, she smiled, showed, her, its airplane, thats girl on, its titanic, showing her airplane, then going back into picture, hollie bombed ship, dressed in pilots attire, its exploding, hollie showed, git outta here, but mostly hidden, but she appeared, wearing skirt, its dull blue another, hollie said coming out, you see that, said, it, hollie, its, her coming out, like light thing, hollie, it showed, realistic optimus stereo speaker, its, uh excellent one she, said, bobby, buyem, hollie said, and refoam, thats realistic optimus speaker, smiling, thats said God and hollie, its said, its, hollie, said, another, hollie, realistic optimus-50 stereo speaker, licking prophet, with, its light tongue, thats speaker showing, its whole new order, its pope, hollie said, theres hu hintao, its, dancing, hollie said, you see these two, she said, they will want to rule the world, hollie said, no, said, hollie, it, said, another, but I shook, yes, but another, hollie points, she shook, no, showed, with hands, they were new hands, like, hollie rubbed chin, I, got word from God, they marry, hollie said, its, bob and janette marrying, its when, hollie said, it will be mark brown thats carrys out the wedding, saith the Lord, hollie showed, the, extenze, thats, hollie comes out, shows, hand, showing, you did not need it, thats, a hard dick, hollie said, hollie showed, extenze works, but only if person is horny even with, it makes them, hornier, hollie said, thats it, him, said, she hollie, in balloon, blown ed by new he hollie like thing, hollie comes out, shows, his teeth, one gone, hey said new hollie coming out, scratched, head, like missile hollie, hollies tooth was there, but kind of hidden behind dark, rub it in, said, it hollie, hollie screamed, thats judge looking at charges, its janette, hollie said, wearing, its jail clothes, he laughed, she, gets ten years, but serves only one month, heres how, thats economic collapse, and, its russia, light flashing, lets rule the world, said, putin, america burned, thats janette died right there in jail hollie said, but lived awhile, thats the alome suhleary, said, hollie said, it hollie, thats, the colts win, thats him, said she hollie, did say, its the, super bowl, peyton manning, said, they defeat the patriots, saith the LOrd, but loose, their bowl game, i'll shoot you uh light beam, into your head, said, it JEsus, boo chanted many hollies said uh she hollie, two additional, Jesus said, hollies, bobby feedem, hollie said, thats, him, said, she hollie feeding, its animals, he wore uh red plad coat, thats him climbing, its into speedway dumpster hollie said, stamps, thats like monkey hollie appearing, in like light scene, its dull brown hollie showed, the phone, yelled, it, hollie, i'm at home, said, its janette, but I will, thats janette coming over tonite, its the marry, hollie said, Jesus rubbed chin, bob I tried to stop ya, God said, heres why, thats janette going to, its prison, its, for, a, long time, but, you'll be there when she gets out God said, bob jump up tithes hollie said, its by thirty dollars, thats hollie wearing, its red plad coat, bobby stay up he said, go to church, thats the rock band, the damned, its people loved, them, said, JEsus, its, your look, God said, thats the dammed lead singer laughing in heart, bob said hollie, just fuck, be cool, thats bob fucking, janette loved, put it under, then sleep hollie said, bobby start your, new, book, its, the Ministry of dreams, saith the Lord, thats the ministryofdreams angel appearing, like happy face, hollie came out, but theres no face, hollie came out of angels face, laughed, but went back, its the three woes, hollie said, record, at, its new wineskin, hollie said, raised hand, scene changes to light but monkey lipped hollie in, thats bob on, its howard stern show, jan is with, the love him, howard laughs, and marvels, bobby its the three woes, woe number one, a he hollie, its him, said a she hollie did say, thats many people marching, and, its, the, king of, grecia, said, God, hollie comes out, its pope, hes the antichrist, thats horns coming out of his head, with kings, coming out, theres putin, and, medvedev and, its pope out of one, thats hu hintao out of other with his flower, put it under, said, it hollie, said new hollie, pocket tape recorder, she said, thats said, hollie, its the king of grecia, thats hegoat pontey, hollie said, charging, stomping ram, with putins face, and, those kings coming outs, its golden horns, hollie said, come, on, said, hollie, wearing, its turquoise sweatshirt, thats, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. missile strike, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. kings, their lands exploding, russia burning, and beast with seven heads and ten horns, like, light dim golden dragon rising, its i'm the g8, said, putin, put it in the book hollie said, thats venezuela and brazil exploding, america burning, theres submarines all around, pointed, hollie, wearing her same o sweatshirt, thats nuclear explosion, fires in cuba, thats, rockets striking mexico and latin american borders, smoke rises up, moon just stairs, i'm said sun, both appeared, sitting, at, its Gods interviewing, table, its we're abased, sun said, put it under, God said, thats woe number one, bobby said, hollie, your hair will grow back, just, pull it out, its good for it, hollie said, dont worry, heres woe number two, hollie said, thats, hollie rubbed face, that was woe number one and part of two, thats pope riding black horse, its into, moscow, its, drive them outta there, said, poepon, hollie said, to medvedev, he, presses nuclear button, thats nuclear fire in china, its they exchange, hollie, said, thats nuclear fires in russia and china, and chinese forces, invading much of destroyed russia, but thats russian forces driving them out, thats poepon, hollie said, sitting at table, and, two horned beast, with hintao and emperor of japan coming out, its like red beast, hollie said, they sign, its peace treaty, 666, thats pope and hintao together, you see these two beasts, hollie said, put it in the book, she said, the ministryofdreams, thats the ministryofdreams book winking, has like angel face on, but not quite, hollie came out, laughed, its hollie said, take it, said, pope, thats 666 tattood, on, mans forehead, thats popes face tattood on arm, or little poepon, hollie said, tattood on finger, put it under, hollie said, go home and sleep, she, showed, its, woe number three hollie said, thats chinese rocket exploding, in russia, lets unite and force, said, its hintao, said, hollie, thats hintao, saying, worship the pope, but he doesnt himself, hes, false prophet hu hintao, thats him leading, its, many nations into russia, like uh cloud of people hollie said, thats russia with face and mouth, and, people, running acrossed land, theres millions hollie said, thats, benjamin netanyahu pressing nuclear button, thats, nuclear fires, in, its egypt, jordan, and syria, on fire, thats, smoking rising, shew we, said, hollie, thats nuclear missile leaving russia, with, its the ministry of dreams, angel on, on, bottom, like lit angel, call it, said, angel, JEsus appeared, with somewhat silhouette changing face, ministry of dreams, God, hollie said, its i created it Jesus said, with changing silhouette face, dont steal it or alter, like ministry dreams, ministryofdreams, thats israel exploding, and land shaking, Jesus appears on mountain, it split in twain, like, light mountain, hollie pointed, lets rapture, said JEsus, thats God flying back to the Father with many jews, its I submit said Lord Jesus Christ, Father God like white angel man, enter in thou faithful servant, its i'm pleased, FATHER SAID, Jesus put like light, its bib, God said, around, his body, hollie said, hollie showed, bobby cut this off, she showed, take nap, and served his people, thats bob and janette, sitting at, its said hollie, raised hand, but, light scene appears like dull brown, with hollie having monkeys lips in, thats new jerusalem, and, crystal sea with captain hollie, its akula hollie said, thats what you want, needed, she said, bob janette will marry, give it time, God said, now she loves you, Jesus sealed it up, post these, God said, on, the ministry of dreams, where persecution is, 1-10-2011-tell him, said, its hollie cherubim, wiped her lips, I'm coming to india, expect, said, Jesus, wipes lips cherubim, put it under, hollie said, you got what you wanted, said, hollie said, Jesus, you see ravi lanka, said, it, hollie said, another, hollie, bob sees us ministing spirits in visions, put it on ministry of dreams, said, it Jesus, thats it on the front page of, said, God, call it ministryofdreams, Jesus, thats it on the front page of, said, God, call it ministryofdreams, Jesus said, bob this guy, God said, wants you to get removed from all thieves, saith the LOrd, I showed my hand, there is still a nail in, like uh lighted nail, said, it hollie, bob put it on, thats, the ministry of dreams, angel appearing, like white round head, bobby comere, God said, like white God man, hollie came out, showed, its janette in bed, her self, but, wants bob there, its I want sex, said, its janette hickman, lets put it there, said, it, uh, she hollie said, new hollie, but, she changed, hollie said, its, janette hickman on, its facebook, i'm the facebook, said, its, angel, hollie said, like white angel facebook, put it under, hollie said, hey brother, said, it hollie, said, a, different, one, God said, showed, come on, she said, left, its library, and, walked, its janette, hollie said, she wont, hollie said, stay clear, hollie said, its, l-lysine, it really works, hollie said, it repells, herpes, hollie said, heres uh warning, hollie said, thats janette laying in your bed, sissy will let in time, just wait hollie said, shes already thinking about it, hollie it, showed, bob, just be gentile hollie said, its the new marine corp. out in the streets, said, it Jesus hollie said, Jesus, hollie said, thats, said, hollie, hand showing, turn, let me give you uh warning, said, it, Jesus, a, partially happy hollie, said, she wore uh plad coat, showed, post on computer, hey said, another, hollie coming, out, pointed, its lighted hand, it, appeared, hollie said, put it under, whose face is that, she said, it took form on computer screen, its beast pope, bob go home and sleep, cause janette is hooking again, saith the LOrd, but will regret, hollie wiped mouth, she will not depart but regret, heres why, cause, she uses, and goes to jail married to bob, it cost bob nothing, but janette spends two months, in prison, hollie and God said, give her uh warning, hollie said, another, hollie appeared, face turned, monkey, she wont go, they'll slap her on the wrist, try better, said, her probation officer, hollie screamed, again, but, turned, and, kind of, stopped but rescreamed, bobby, said, it Jesus, hollie said, showed, light, thats, pope coming out, like, its, angel of light, hollie said, its i am gog, hollie comes out, hey she said, but was afraid, it was crystal ball, pick uh boat, said, it Jesus, hollie said, i'm the m.v., another, hollie showed, she was, speaking, for, thats like watery hand with light specs in showing you did not need it, its hollie showed, theres uh dome in, hollie said, hey she, said, thats, hollie in, him, she said, put, it, under, hollie said, they love, bobby dont fart around her, she thinks, your cute, but doesnt know your age, he, thinks I, said, hollie, he, thinks, said, hollie, I blew it, said, janette, thats janette going to prision, for two months, its another, class-d felony, hollie said, but when she comes out, she returns, to bob, he loves, but she doesnt care anymore, heres why, it was bob caused her to go by keep giving her money but when she comes out she will be on, probation for almost life, hollie and God said, thats hollie showing, go, its lighted hands, hollie appeared, wearing, its uh plad coat, she, walked at, its walmart, hollie stamps, body hidden but was there, another, hollie comes out, theres hollie, in like dull blue light scene wearing skirt, like white light outline, that, said, it, hollie, said new hollie, was missile soaring, that, hollie said, clapped his hands, came out, but only top part of body seen, thats, its, him, appearing underneath, its uh blue scene, tickling his feet, that, hollie said, thats, moscow, russia exploding, that, hollie said, it came from the u.s.a., hollie looks at the destruction, that he said, it covered about twelve blocks, but was only mini-nuke, that, hollie said, but disappeared, iits uh warning, hollie said, thats hollie riding missile, that hollie said, its him said uh she hollie, there was two, pointed a she hollie, but only her lighted fingers, seen, that, he hollie said, thats fires in alaska, that he hollie said, its, uh war, said, putin, that, hollie said, showed, walk, she said, two, hollies, said, one jumpy hollie with like golden monkey face, she wore, its uh white robe, showed, but face went silhouette, its janette, its she said, I want worship but wont git it from, that, she pointed, with hollies voice, bob, but janette knew and will stay together, Jesus said, she loved, bubba, said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, she took picture, wearing, its uh red plad coat, scene changes, like, dull brown light scene, hollie with monkeys lips in, thats howard stern laughing with bob on his show, bobby bump tithes up, its thirty dollars, hollie said, its more, he said, chryslers gonna go out, clapped, the tap dancer, said, it hollie, said, another, hollie, thats, chrysler executive, looking at, its bills, he, said, we, need to, move, there, he said, china appeared, pointed, come on, said, its hu hintao, but now its under economic collapse, said Jesus, china, thats cause o.p.e.c., cutting and slashing oil production, thats meeting with king of saudi arabia, its out, he said, put it under, said, hollie, thats lighted hand pointing up, hollies body appeared, later, pike plaza road signed, exploded, buts its also georgetown road, its, the, marine corp., is what he said, hollie said, its angel, thats, its looting, hollie said, people running streets, and arch angel gabriel watches, with, hollie there pulling on pant, legg, its, two pointed, another, hollie, two fingers, lighted, her body hidden but was there, she looked but was kind of expressionless, you see its jannette, hollie said, she will go to, jail, be, easy on her, its, for, hollie beats, hand, thats dull light scene, its brown with hollie like monkey in, two months, Jesus showed, turn, said, it hollie, its boo chanted many he hollies, theres, uh lighted hollie there with, pope, said, it, hollie, said, new hollie, in fire, drinking his drink, another, hollie, comes out, looks, stunned, he, wore skirt, hollie looked at bob, boo chanted, its him, said uh she hollie, many, she said, bob just pay it hollie said, put it under, she wont love you but stay with, thats bob and uhhappy janette, tell death do us part, hollie said, hollie got quiet, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, showed, post on, its laptop, let me hollie said, bob said, hollie, came out, put hand on face, like slap, thats, slap, but, hollies body disappeared, but was there, hollie relaxed, got word from Jesus, theres your credit card, hollie said, its uh new one, just, get, hollie said, hollie, knew in heart to marry, so dont worry, hollie, said, then hollie relaxed, but waited, bobby this is Jesus, thats bob at his home, janette by herself, but, its, she wants love, but, really, I want uh dick, janette said, put it under, hollie said, dont, he said, thats, its, said, another, hollie, jumpy hollie happy, thats bob and janette together in motel, its lasts, untill death do us part, hollie said, hollie like, bear hollie showed, turn, bobby said, hollie, she, put back, said, another, hollie, pulled pope to self, its I am gog, said, it, pontey, hollie said, thats pope signing deal, its with me, said, medvedev, thats, its, uh network, hollie said, thats bob on computer, its being ordered, Jesus calls shots, thats hollie with Jesus inside, ordering the destruction of the world, heres how hollie said, bob puts things on, its internet, showed, hollie, and, people, are, warned, afeared, hollie said, but hollie looked around, laughed, it will happen, said, let me, whew, said, another, hollie comes out, its hollie with Jesus inside, then both appeared, at, its at, sitting Gods interviewing, table, they hugged, love each other, but both had Jesus inside, boo chanted many hollies, thats, new hollie, like, thing hollie, showing, turn, then, showed, go, thats, her, then, him, showing, its walking, bob and janette hollie said, they marry, it he said God said, they have sex he said a she hollie said, bob hear me saith Jesus, thats them marrying, its a she said, bob take care of her Jesus said, put it under a she hollie said, he showed lay down, he snapped his finger, while lying in bed God said, wearing uh blue sweatshirt God said, bob post at church a he hollie said, one woe, i'm hollie said, it was him said uh she hollie, bobby move right now saith the Lord, go to motel, pay one months rent, now hear me saith Jesus, start paying, she will stay at home, Jesus showed be quiet, hollie showed have fun said God, put it under hollie said, take care of her he said, hollie showed post on cellphone laptop t.v., showed be quiet, wore plad coat God said, thats hand showing you did not need him said uh he hollie, its hollie showed, it was watery like said uh she hollie, put it under she said, SHOWED BE QUIET God said, 1-11-2011-bob, hollie said, showed, its janette, smiling, but, not happy, Lord she said, I need you to go, but loved, and will not depart, saith God, its, hollie showed, hollie, showed, bob your married now, take care, of, your, wife, thats, hollie hugging, its unhappy janette, heres why, she really loves it, be gentle, hollie showed, put it under, bobby sleep, let janette walk streets, she'll hook but will only give some head, git outta here, said, Jesus, thats, hollie, running, its, from, scene changes, she wore, its uh light colored plad coat, janette, hollie, said, looks at, she, knows your exact age, she knew, she wants you to think you look young, but to her, hollie said, thats janette, thinking your cute, thats the alome suhleem, said, hollie, another, hollie with monkeys lips, wiped lips, it was soumb, she said, hollie showed, its lucky, I deal drugs, said, it, hollie said, lucky, hes janettes friend, the love each, now lucky teases janette, hows your christian hubby lucky said, o bob janette said, showed, thumbs up down, hes horny, but, loves God, thats, Jesus appearing, its, high above, world, lets show, ministryofdreams, hollie said, thats the ministry of dreams angel, write uh book, bobby, said, it angel, call it, showed, hollie, the ministry of dreams, thats book angel winking, hollie screamed, one will, is, hollie said, thats, hollie sreaming, but not this time, thats, its battle of armageddon, chinese forces, lets unite and force, said, its, hintao, said, another, hollie, thats God showing, bob call janette, shes lonely, thats bob fucking janette, she wants loot, thats her rolling, mariuana, smoking, shes, hollie showed, messed up, its chinese forces, said, hollie, thats, said, Jesus with voice of multitude, that, pointed, its, him, said, new hollie, but, looked serious, thats janette, hollie showed, be loving, hollie showed, take care of her, shes your wife, dont worry about money, hollie showed, and I showed, tada, he hollie said, showed, eat, both together, its at long john silvers, hey said another, hollie, scene changes, to like monkey lip hollie, in, like dull green, showing, bob lets be good, Jesus showed, record, thats, God looking at, its janette, have sex he said, but leave after, this is warning, said, hollie, I knew said janette, to not mess with him, she pointed, but I wanted to marry to try and it worked, but still not, write uh book, said Jesus, call it the ministryofdreams, thats unhappy the ministry of dreams angel, hollie comes out, rubbing chin, showed, thats the, i'm the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, God and ship said, thats ship being rocked, by, its torpedoes, thats ship waiting on, its bottom of, sea, for, visits, he said, but hollie visited in her submarine, smiled, looked at bob, showed, dont lust women, bob whats the, website say, thats, hollie showed, go in, sleep, janette, she will call about midnight, hollie said, showed, lay down, but eye, it opened, let me, said, it, hollie, thats janette, she was, supposed to be, hollie said, back at motel, but she got bob to pay rent, but he didnt, now she trembles, angel showed, turn, hollie said, hollie showed, bob lay down, heres the reason, your still tired, bob, said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, showed, picture, its janette, shes weeping, now, but soon will laugh, but, its cause, roommate wants sex, she gives, but doesnt want, its, she, has to, said, new, hollie, like thing, hollie, but not for long, thats you and janette back together, but, she still had coat on, opened eye, it was red plad coat, hollie showed, hollie shook, its, ken, she said, nowell, I knew, said, its, pastor, ken, nowell, hollie said, put it under, hollie comes out, dont start, uh church and not be, thats hollie with Jesus inside, its gets you cut off,

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