Sunday, September 15, 2024

God goes into the body of bob hickman and shows visions and dreams and revleations

3-29-2007-hollie showed, record, and, hollie showed, the world, on fire, subs, attacking, and, gabriel like a white man, on top of grainmill, record, jeremy taylor, soothsayer, work bobby said Jesus, and, hollie, licked the prophet, find oil, babyfleas smiled, spun in chair, seen she is a ministering spirit on ministry of dreams, but, doesnt like, anymore, cut off, was her vision, cause her vision, and she is starting to fullfill, bit, she bit the prophets head off, angry, but, let go, young, clapped hollie, record showed, blessed precious, right here, pupit, says nathaniel urshan, but when bob is there, guards, record showed, hollie, drink, picture, babyfleas out of tuba, nathaniel urshan, didnt the angel fleas say, no, there is a woman, 21, at moriah apostolic church, chosen, God, needs to, get her, to pastor caldwells church, drexel gardens apostolic church, the woman that sings, beautiful, and adjusts sound will held her, they both will seek, together, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, what is the message, I eat cum, thats what apostolics, pentecostals are doing, oral, anal, sechs, all, thats the reason, false teachers, jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams, clapped, the tap dancers, releases, after being, ruined, the baby polar bear is the new ministering spirit on ministryofdreams with jeremy taylor and lawrence forman, diana hughey, they stole the name ministryofdreams said the baby polar bear, kill me, those people wanted the zoo to look bad, we'll see, im, the main ministering spirit, a normal bear can not jump in artic water, but, live on artic, hollie on the missile, said, the main ministering spirit, and licked the prophet, clapped hollie, hollie showed smiled, I want you, said, amy brucker, beat the cymbol like this said the enthusiastic hollie like a fox, the main got lifted, thats my crowd, main, ministering spirit they chanted, hollie showed pointed, unbeleivable said renea hazel barker, that was Jesus, like a cat, hollie, like a cat, leopard said the pope, that is north and south korea, china and japan, leopard is magog, that is otyre said the main ministering spirit, thats the little horn, bald, lit, the pope, russia, they both have, nukes, aimed at each, other, 666 born between, hollie pointed, whatta you want, said, Jesus, and jermey taylor smiled, that name ministry of dreams, everybody does, do not copy on website will hold up in court, suit, bob wins, easy, florida, will have, devastating, storm, theres that o black chariot with the pope and hu, the false prophet, new world order, and, putin, pulled hollie in back, he saw, eight kings planning to destroy america, hollie showed, record, putin, hollie held nose, theres mercy said jim garrison, and hollie showed, smiled, flames, window, thought, analyzed, thumbs, partially up, most of the way, theres a reason, tell me, said, hollie, hollie showed, thought, the reason is, thumbs, down, thats what you want, expensive sticker on truck, waste, hollie showed, pointed, inside black chariot, pointed, stripe, ford ranger, thought, thumbs, thought, smiled, thought, up, hollie showed, record, post, hollie said, give it here, record, pioneer hpm 100 stereo speakers, thumbs up, excellent, and hollie out of the zenith 200 allegro, thumbs up, keep it down said hollie, jeremy taylor fired from wisdom university over stealing the name ministry of dreams like lawrence forman and cecil pennyton, and diana hughey let go, but embarrased, whatta you want said Jesus, ethyanol pays for the iraq war, bush just asked for, and gas prices now, no heat, but, raising, theres the alarm sound, and hollie licked the prophet, jeremy taylor is fired from wisdom university, watch, hollie grabbed the recorder, those pioneer hpm 100 stereo speakers were top of the line, hollie prayed, record, pointed, magnavox stereo, buy, 18 watts per channel, fool said jim garrison, should have let jeremy taylor go sooner, now wisdom university closed, record, showed, hollie, and, licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, stallion, stipes, thought, thumbs down, the stallion said, we dont, need, to be made stripes, somebody got your name, said, babyfleas, lawrence forman, watch, him release, when somebody that knows him, confronts, he wanted to make bob fall, like jeremy taylor, and, diana hughey, but, they fell, and, all in the wagon being pulled to the lake of fire by gabriel, hollie pointed, at the sign of the, clapped, coming, of the Son of man, and, america, being, destroyed, thats, a hummer, hollie pointed at, h2, 8 miles per gallon, the owner loves driving, but, parks, starts, but, idle mostly, thats the future of hummers, that woman knew, after, you spoke, teller said Jesus, I dont have, the Holy Ghost, but now, in heart, asking, for it, hollie, showed, pointed, stripe, fire, thumbs, thought, up, thought again, down, I dont want to hear that right now, thought that woman, from lawrence apostolic church, drexel gardens apostolic, no difference, same, go on and post that vision said, hollie showed, pointed, record, were living in the last days, clapped hollie, said, jim garrison, of wisdom university, and prophet showed record, it wont said jim garrison, ups freight will not sale, fedex freight does, american freightways best, record, showed, hollie, post, didnt the angel fleas, thats what I want to hear said the woman from drexel gardens apostolic church, I know now I dont have the HOly Ghost, but, speak with tongues, hollie showed, stripe, thought, thumbs, thought, toyota truck, up, theres that o alarm sound, hollie garrbed recorder, acoustic moniter speakers are like fishers, excellent, gabriel said, you know the reason, we want, alaska, its, saudi arabia, oil, lots, thats america starting to tap in, I left you said gabriel, many pentecostals because of wickedness, and hollie clapped, eat, showed, out of tuba, wait, like a, dot, flames, smiled, hollie showed, thought, tattoo place, abomination, said, hollie showed, how do you get closer, said, pastor david mccolley, seek, prayer, much, tattooing 666, git out of here, thinks babyfleas, tattooing, 666 on prophet, you know she said, record, showed, gabriel, theres that o my God, I dont, have the HOly Ghost, but, speak with tongues, like most pentecostals, bobby, wreck said amy brucker, soothsayer, you know it said jeremy taylor, both, liars, record, showed, hollie, whatta you want, money, all, you need to go home said gabriel, donald winters, those are from the devil, he said, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, pointed, advance auto truck, stripes, thought, smiled, thumbs, I aint gonna hear you said hollie showe,d jeremy taylor for stealing name, you knew it, liar, he will release after being destroyed, hollie showed, smiled, flames, wrecker, thought, smiled, thought, na, I aint gonna hear you said hollie showed, amy brucker for putting the name, I stole it said amy brucker, and, jeremy taylor, ministry of dreams, on jeremy taylors website, whatta you want said prophet, right here showed jeremy taylor, to make bob fall, but, they did, and amy brucker showed record, prayed, hollie showed, record, the dog ate, no grace, God did not put mans understanding in dogs heart, put it on said Jesus, jeremy taylor wanted the name ministry of dreams, but, will release, now, that exposed, thief, theres that o alarm sound, and jeremy taylor releases, smiling, but, in heart, I knew, lost, all, weeping, knows he is, ruined, you know what china did, stole american buisnesses, now they are facing economic collapse cause of no oil, and buisnesses starting to leave, you know how we beat china said gabriel, by, leaving the door open to christianity in u.s.a., but, christians are falling and never saved, record showed, gabriel, bob, with new reciever, watch, hollie held nose, hope baptist church, all of them, youll never see me again said gabriel if you fall away, record, he showed, record showed, gabriel, didnt the angel, fleas, say, yeah, record, bobby, said, gabriel, God wont leave, you, unless you sin, that was hollie, in the, spaceship, riding, star wars, one million souls in lava over right now, and, adding, write jeremy taylor of wisdom university and j.f.k. university, and ask him why he stole the name ministry of dreams, show him this website and Jesus will bless, he, took, to make bob fall, write the presidents of places he works at, and Jesus will bless, tell them, to type in, jeremy taylor stole the name, on google, and they will see what he took, and hollie showed, with bear paw, jeremy taylor wanted to make bob fall, now he will, 3-30-2007-and he saw, said, casey, and the LOrd of hosts, sang, hollie showed, on the, wood plaza, i.u.p.u.i., on top, and the lighted being, pointed, and babyfleas, tore up the, con quest, out of, flute, and, hollie showed a picture of nathaniel urshan, cut off, tear, smiled, and captain smith, saw the iceberg, and, hit, knocked, plates, in, hollie showed, pointed, flames, on, truck, ford ranger, thought, thumbs, down, 2-9-2010-no, said, hollie, showed, Lord im away with it, but, shook, yes, I turned, around, hollie, said, showed, pope, and, hu, hintao, hes, both, beasts, put it under, said, hollie, is it funny now, jean poole, saith God, showed, cut off, ruint, said, Jesus, steal what I spoke and created and birth, ministry of dreams, showed, hollie, and give passwords to, daughter, its, jenny donati, both witchs, you loosers, said, hollie, put it under, hollie, said, its to late for the paliban daily, hollie showed, bob go home, and lay down, she, said, showed, flash drive, update, more often, she, said, hollie showed, record, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, hollie laughs, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie, does uh facelift, snip, she said, hollie showed, record, they needed oil, said, Jesus, that is, why they went after iraqs oil wells, said, hollie, this brought it, said, Jesus, judgment to our land, said, robert irsay, lets rule the world, said, putin, lighted finger pointed, turn, prophet this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats engine, showing, thumbs up, hollie, checked oil with hands, thick and slick, keep, it, she, said, shut hood, lets motor, its the last times mission, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, showed, eat, hollie, showed, record, whats that, said, hollie, beat hand, pope rose, thats, pontiff, riding, black horse, its into russia, pope said, their uh vision, they cant post, said, hollie, hollie, ran, showed, lay down, thats the one, you wanted, said, hollie, its, the, alome, leave it alone, she, said, sandy wiped lips, it sorry, she, said, beat hand, thats, hollie, in the copter, said, hollie, its, double blade, kind, beater she said, its high in air, hollie, pilots, drop bombs, hollie, said, thats, nuclear explosions, in, canada, then, america, thats, from, high in, air, pointed, gabriels finger, body like silhouette, faded in, its dull, said, hollie, submarines, hollie looks down, all around america, thats one firing, hollie claps, watching, it, on, cnn, thats, hollie, news anchor man, both, one shows, thats, both american coasts, exploding, thats, barack obama, typing, submarines all around u.s.a., fired, thats, rockets leaving, america, and their submarines, said, hollie, thats, captain, hollie, in, many ohio class subs, they shower, said, hollie, thats, many rockets striking russia, burned, and rockets left russia, thats, nuclear, n.a.t.o. countries exploding, Jesus, watches, hollie, shows, its, uh 19, hollie rubs chin, 64 chevrolet corvette convertible, it spun rear wheel tires, hollie, said, syria, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, thats, missile striking syria, burned, thats egypt and jordan exploding, its benjamin netanyahu with the nuclear button said, hollie, thats rocket leaving russia with, its world prophecy center, website, on, that israel exploding, im uh website I cant post, said, hollie, and, hollie, askes, which one, to Jesus, thats, world prophecy center, website, appearing, grecia is the pope, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, thats, pope with ram horns, thats, ram, showed, hollie, with, putins face, and, hintao out of one horn, and, theres putin, said, hollie, medvedev, and pope out of other, horn, this is vision lets post, said, hollie, hollie showed, the, u.s.s. oriskany, they scrapped, showed, hollie, still good, she said, thats, the, u.s.s. oriskany, showed, hollie, still could be used, they wasted, hollie said, wiped lips, russia is going to, attack the u.s.a. when you least expect it, said, hollie, it was simb, said, sandy, wiped lips, I have to bob, lift the standard up uh little bit or you will fast saith Jesus, I torture, my children, maybe theres uh warning, said, hollie, that, was, dragon appearing, its the g8, said, hollie, appeared, 3-31-2007-and the baby polar bear showed to record, that pointed hollie with hollies voice, the main, record showed the main, im the main ministering spirit, and hollie licked the prophet, dont, tell me about syria said gabriel, and jeremy taylor, boom, america, iran, boom, hollie showed record, pakistain, india, boom, at the end, im not blessed precious, thats just hollie, record showed, hollie showed, write my vision said hollie, the, popes face in the horn, and, hu, and, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, slashed, pope, tell the popes stroy clapped hollie, write the vision, china will not take, america ruling the world, said, gabriel, and, hu, with a, sword and four nuclear submarines appeared, with 16 missiles each, nuclear, nuclear rocket said gabriel, lighted, fasteset man made, the eagles landed, wisdom is Jesus, and he saw Jesus, hollie, in the spaceship, jeremy taylor, white robe, stars, wand, hat, jim garrison, black suit, about one year from now, jim garrison, white robe, stars, wand, hat, jeremy taylor, black suit, jim garrison will teach jeremy taylors class at wisdom university and jeremy taylor will see this and remember what he had, lost all 3 jobs, that was hollie with enthusiastics voice, how come you dont dream said Jesus, bobby, that dont do it, pray, said, babyfleas, jeremy taylor is ruined, over, night, because of, lying, said, jeremy taylor, talks about the HOly Ghost, but, doesnt have, knew bob did, but, stole the name ministryofdreams, now, God led bob to bring jeremy taylor down, im loosing he said, gabriel with the eagles, wisdom in Jesus, hollie showed, attutude, turn she showed, your out said Jesus, jeremy taylor, and, he saw, bob, in jeremy taylors hand, he wanted to make bob fall, but, God, led bob to make him fall, he did, lost, all 3 jobs, and, all speaking engadgements, God inside of bob warned, jeremy taylor, take the name off, ministryofdreams, or fall, he chose fall, jeremy taylor did not do one thing, but, he brought wisdom university down with him said gabriel, j.f.k., and the chaplaincy institute, both will fire, not use, anymore, record showed hollie, what happened to you said gabriel and jeremy taylor unhappy now, but, chose to keep the name ministry of dreams, lawrence forman will loose his job when a person that works there finds out, cecil pennyton is lawrence forman, hollie with recorder, the angel showed, gabriel, hollie showed, and, the yellow finger pointed, jeremy taylor is running from taking off the name he stole, ministry of dreams, but now cornered, all three employers, got me said Jesus, is what you thought, now, you are, fired, from 3 universitys, and then you will release, about, september of 2007 is when, theres that o black chariot, and, putin, pulled, hollie and the baby polar bear in back, and they saw, kill me thinks the baby polar bear, it is like a pet, loves people, bob and the baby polar bear, saw, 8 kings planning to destroy america, they are, the pope and hu, git, out, of here, said, hu, I can see were not going to get along said the pope, 666, born between, and hte baby polar bear, you watch it, said, Jesus, will still be alive, until earth is destroyed, Christ will speak the word, and, it will dissolve, burn up like this, God is an all consuming fire, the baby polar bear will be remembered by many in lava, record, showed, hollie, record showed the paul mooney girl, that man is, when the united states will be attacked by russia, said, gabriel, and hollie licked the prophet, shes hurtin, said, gabriel, paul mooney girl, that, that was the paul mooney girl, out of, the pioneer hpm 100 woofer and back, excellent stereo speakers, paul mooney girl showed, record, and prayed, and, waited, thumbs up, hollie pointed, out of, flute, need you said, babyfleas, right there, computer, she, smiled, spun in chair, when she found out she was a ministering spirit on ministryofdreams, with, jeremy taylor of wisdom university and j.f.k. university and the chaplainicy institute, fired from all three and, didnt the angel fleas laugh at jeremy taylors calamity, the baby polar bear is a ministering spirit on ministryofdreams, and, the baby polar bear and blessed precious hollie showed record, thats the paul mooney girl, thats gabriel, record showed, gabriel, right here, they say, pulpit, but when bob shows, watch, pointed gabriel, new york city, hillary clinton wins president, wont even, unless he forces like pastor alan browning, drove all the way to louisville from indianapolis and alan browning, had to force, then he left for church dinner, that was gabriel, he said, a limited attack on syria coming, and, iran, hollie, clapped, record showed gabriel, right here, baby polar bear, God made polar bears and hollie clapped, to live in cold enviornments, they are the strongest animal, on the planet, nothing can beat a polar bear, one could kill 8 lions, if all, but, would die, itself, reocord, suusi, got me, said, the president, sent to the whole board, now, jeremy taylor, will be, cancelled, then, think about releasing, the name ministry of dreams, but, other cancellations is what will make him do it, hollie showed pointed, flames, car, thumbs, thought, up, help me said, Jesus, garry streeval, bobby, we can use ya he said, but, guards pulpit, bob, doesnt care, hollie showed, pointed, flames, smiled, thought, na, thumbs, thought, up, what if they dont want ya, said, gabriel, garry streevals church, look beyond the fault and at the need, theres that o alarm sound, said hollie, we got trouble said pastor garry streeval, this might be your last summer, said, gabriel, closing, no, stripped of everything and pastoring, guards pulpit, and babyfleas spun in her chair, smiling, and hollie played with recorder, and, pointed, storms, coming, hollie showed, pointed, trans am, firebird, g.m. will bring back, watch, hollie out of the pioneer hpm 100 woofer, tore up the con quest, back, and, the lighted, being pointed, hollie showed, pointed, flames, smiled, ford truck, thought, thumbs, thought, down, thought, down, I dont want no clean oil, just keep me full, said, the engine, and, licked the prophet, I cant keep running said fleas, downtown scratched head, hollie showed, geese, circled, gabriel showed record, hollie showed, pointed, almost, on top of the pyramid, waterfall at i.u.p.u.i., hollie showed, the wood plaza, hollie showed is a he, and the polar bear, baby, showed record, hollie showed, pointed, rain coming, and, hollie pointed, prayer, gabriel, councilling, wiht, hollie, gabriel, pointed, why, I needed to seek help, now, cut off, over, record showed hollie, gum desease if from fiery darts from the devil said the pope, get God to quench, record showed hollie, check your oil with your hands, thick and slick, keep, like hollie, showed, hollie showed record, hollie showed, geese, scratched head, pointed, downtown, pointed, record, showed, hollie, pointed, at the sign, of the coming of the Son of man, and, america being destroyed, by submarines, from, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, satan shot out of hell, into, and, bill clinton returned, fire, moscow and china, the world shook, didnt the angel gabriel say, didnt want it, to post, and, gabriel clicked his heals, played drum, wait showed hollie out of horn, again, with, thats hollie with the popes image on the pocket t.v., made alive, im the false prophet, said, hu hintao, record, showed, gabriel, that, hollie celebrated, clapped, hollie showed how oil works, its pressed and pressed and pressed insde engine, and hollie tattood 666, born between hu and the pope, both have nukes aimed at each other, and she wrote on the paul mooney board, jiffy lube said gabriel, closed, watched, hollie showed how to fix the dent, sang, grind, bondo, knock out, dry, sand, shred, primar, sand, paint, tape, tada, brand new, hollie had bear paws, im the baby polar bear, record showed the baby polar bear, record showed hollie, gas, up, like, the pope showed, in the end, and, hollie licked the prophet, china invades russia and forces russia to invade israel, pushing at the pope, Christ appears, with many, saints, throws the beast and false prophet into lava, satan and magog is the pope and china, the false prophet, record, showed, blessed precious, jeremy taylor, white robe, stars, lit, wand, 4-1-2007-and he saw, the Father, lighted, face, and, israel destroyed, that was babyfleas with vampires teeth, I want my website back, and, hollie showed, pointed, at, the flame, van, what is the reason, hell is for hollie, pointed, at the cobra shelby mustang g.t. 500, Im the beast said the pope, in the, cobras mouth, satan, shot out of hell, into, the pope, whew he showed, jeremy taylor smiles and releases the name he stole, career ender, ministryofdreams, hollie pointed at the sign of the coming of Jesus, and, america, being, destroyed, by, subs, putin, and, bill clinton returning, hollie pointed, fire on moscow and china, the world shook, record showed hollie, drink out of horn, you aint prayin said gabriel, and hollie, licked the prophet, and, the baby polar bear showed, to record, what is the message, its polar bear is not like a dog, and the baby polar bear showed to record, kill me, nuclear rocket attack, all over iraq, israel, will destroy cause, didnt the angel gabriel say, we got you, those ministers at ronald elliots church, social meeting is what that was all about, no, flame, thought, hollie showed, but, thumbs, partially, up, theres a reason, what is, hollie showed, pointed, cobra g.t. 350, who am I, embarrasing said jim garrison, didnt the angel Jesus say, who am i, koran, and he saw, that is all of moscow, north and south korea, china and japan, all of it, did not the angel, fleas, say, uncover me, meaning, so I can, do what I want, china, said, gabriel, hollie clapped, is, magog, russia, is, otyre, the ram, the pope, like an angel, of light, will rule, otyre, and, china, will rule, magog, both have nukes aimed at each other, got you said lawrence forman, stole the name ministry of dreams, watch, he will write bob and say, i give it back, sorry, the united states, will be a desolation, said gabriel, and hollie, licked the prophet, hollie showed, pointed, stripe, car, thumbs, down, thought, up, did not yor angel fleas say, war, brewing between, shot, said, the enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, I am said jeremy taylor, white robe, stars, wand, hat, jim garrison, black suit, one year from now, jim garrison, white robe, lit, stars, wand, hat, jeremy taylor, black suit, he stole the name ministry of dreams and, hollie tattood, 666, born between the pope and hu, new world order, slashed, pope, idol shephard, Im going to loose my appearance, but I will be satans body, said the pope, theres that o black chariot with the pope and hu, the new world order, thats, the, reason, said, hollie showed, bush, warring, you enter into Gods body when baptised with the Holy Ghost, thats salvation, clapped the tap dancers, and, the pope and hu, were two of them, with hollie, having a bear paw with the popes image, 666, on forehead, born between, the pope and hu, michael, gabriel, and Jesus, and, lucifer, the arch angels, and, the lighted pope pointed, at bible, read, nathaniel urshan, pockets money, credit card from calvary tabernacle and moriah apostolic church, knows is wrong, over, mr. urshan, what said joel urshan, nathaniel urshan sr., git, out of here, taught them, but, bob is, bringing both down, sell it said nathaniel p. urshan, wont, theres, the, alone, sound, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, hollie, whistled, leave me alone, sound, whistled, wait, with jean urshans voice, I caint handle you, whistled, pointed, jim garrison, jeremy taylor stealing was number one desired soothsayer, now, brought down, cause he, stole the name ministry of dreams, wisdom university is closing up yelled hollie out of pipe, with the pope and hu, in hands, the new world order, record showed, the baby polar bear, aint nothin wrong said fred, that pointed, hollie, flames, and hollie showed, saw, thought, hollie clapped, thought, thumbs, up, partially, and hollie showed, to check your oil with your hands, thick and slick, keep, put it back, said, Jesus, nathaniel urshan pocketing church money, credit card, calvary tabernacle, he has taken, over, one million dollars from the church, driving, all the way to the funeral of charles mahaney who was no signs, cut off, acted like, stunned, but, never called, got to preach that night, thats what he really wanted, write the vision, can we talk said Jesus, the urshans, are, decieving, that pointed, hollie, your room, that, thats the reason, that, is, prophet blaspheme, irving baxter jr., sarah is 30, beautiful, and, sledor, but, not saved, she is, one that, sought the Holy Ghost, but, never prayed thru, now, God will, save her, if she, seeks, till finds, lesbian now, being fisted, group sex, she will not depart, from, there is that o black chariot, hollie geese showed, where did she show, downtown, circled, pointed, im the main, ministering spirit and Jesus pointed, hollie showed, played, the horn, and, hollie came out, showing dinner time, pointed a louisville and alan browning, told visions, then, church dinner, left, bob, came back, that was con spirit pointed, hollie, trashed, alan browning is upci, there all, the same, that was nathaniel urshan, knows, bob, knows, all things, visions, but, let brother tilden preach, and he is, stipped, alan browning does not have the Holy Ghost, but acts, he will see this, Im off said gabriel at moriah apostolic church, nathaniel urshan prophesied, preached, when woman spoke in tongues, God spoke to bob, tell this church to seek Jesus, the woman from kokomo nathaniel urshan trembled, knows urshan is phony, hit china and he saw hu riding the red horse, hollie showed, tore up the con, thought, spirit, whats, it mean, china hit taiwan, drawing america, and russia, the world shook, did not the angel, hollie say, no, that was, a, flash, with hollie in, when jeffrey dahmer saw hell, collapsed, then angels cated him in, now in fire thinks, I wish, I did what my pentecostal pastor preached, ACTS 2:38, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, and, the steam engine, blew its whistle with hollie driving, record, showed, the paul mooney girl, those old, stereos are all the same, 9 watts per channel, if it had a loudness button, it put out, gabriel clicked his heals, hollie clapped, and tap danced, with 8 kings planning on destroying america, hollie clapped, 3 lighted angels, paul mooney girl blows hollie like angel, that, new jerusalem, thats putin pulling hollie in the black chariot, with, the pope, and, hu, new world order, and, putin, planning, on destroying, america, the woman, like a.a. allen, showed, threatening the whole world, what about syria, hollie showed, thought, boom, iran, hollie showed, thought, boom, abate him, pointed gabriel, dick clark, was over, 200 million, now, almost, broke, stroke and paralyzed, now, help, hollie out of, the, zenith allgro 200, and, back, and, the golden, finger pointed, gold means world of God, and, america, had it, but, fell, now, mother of harlots, false, christians, beat the cymbol like this, that was a nuclear explosion behind jeremy taylor called wisdom university, westside pentecostal church empty, tear up showed hollie, that was a warrior, fight, didnt the angel fleas, say, fix, it, look bob, you are in, Gods hands, there aint, no visions, in pentecost, and hollie licked the prophet, record, showed, hollie, and, hollie showed, pointed, like dumitru, flames, thought, thumbs, thought, down, mostly, theres that reason, what is, meaning, tell the meaning, it, na, wasted, those 3 lighted angelic beings where lucifer, michael, and gabriel, lucifer had an attitude, he didnt like his job, eraser said prophet, and, he saw, angels, looking at the LAmbs book of life, spots remained, hollie tore up the con spirit, bishop lambert w. gates did not want bob telling visions cause he knew people would not stay under him, thats the enthusiastic hollie like a fox, and licked the prophet, casey, theres a, hollie showed, thought, and, licked the prophet, reason, keep hurting said Jesus, or quit doing wrong, there is that o alarm sound, and, hollie, licked the prophet, nathaniel urshan, is, upci, and they are all lost, bobby, you can loose it, ROMANS 1, didnt the angel fleas say, hit, me, didnt your angel fleas say, lost, hollie showed, pointed, what is the reason, its just a stripe, grill covering, no flames, did not your angel, did not the angel fleas say, trouble and he saw 3 kings arise, and the fourth was richer than they all, and, they were, the pope, hu, the idol shephard, and the emporer of japan, the fourth is the idol shepherd, slashed, pope, richer, more loved, that was, Jesus, smiling, outlaws Jesus, in a sweatshirt, nathaniel urshan, showing, out, for bob, they at moriah apostolic church think bob is a prophet, record showed, blessed precious, you cant come back again said dumitru duduman, work while you have time, and, hollie pointed, storms, coming, this is a race against, what is it against, those two geese, stay right there, at that church, but, the church is, dead, bob told, that pastor, visions, thank you for being obediant, he knew, that those people, just, opening, would not, stay, under him, if, bob, came, and, he did not, invite, record showed hollie, record showed, clapped hollie, its france, said, Jesus, they are, falling from america, and, britain, iraq, is now, ameribritain, absorbed, hollie pointed, at, nuclear, explosions all over, iraq, and, gaza, forsaken, said, amy bruker, amy brucker showed record, and hollie pointed at the sign of the coming of the Son of man, and america being destroyed, by subs, Im a bear, and the woman, bush is the woman, hollie pointed, stripe, thought, tell my your vision, did not your angel dumitru duduman say, git closer, by prayer, seeking, george duduman was not harrased, much, by the government of romania, only, when, they, got complaints, from, non, saved, people, then, he was, un breakable, he was, dumitru duduman time two, cause, he did not, have, any thing, and, they would, take, in romania, evrything, often, did not the angel, fleas, say, theres trouble, and he saw, the pope, rise, and hu, and the emporer of japan, and, the idol shephard, keep praying said Jesus, how did I get old, they think, life is, a vapor, and hollie and the baby polar bear showed, record, look bobby, the popes image in the hand, and, 666, on forehead, born between hu and the pope, hollie pointed at the sign of the coming of Jesus, and, america, being, destroyed, by subs, and, hollie showed, pointed, flames, harley davidson, thought, thumbs, down, tell the reason, its a waste, flames, painted, on, harley, hollie, pointed, old car, with flames, smiled, old car, thumbs, up, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, flames, thumbs, up, tell me how to git, back, repent, flames, window, hollie held nose, baptist church van, I, can collapse you pointed Jesus, like jeremy taylor will be, watch, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, geese, thought, downtown said, circled the geese, thats a 1971 monte carlo, smokes tires, did not the angel fleas say, hes slippin, nathaniel urshan, you mean you aint gonna lift me up Jesus, after all I have done, and he saw, them worshipping nathaniel urshan, thats what he wants, the united states will be, and hollie licked the prophet, a desolation said gabriel, the world shook, when the usa went to the moon, and nixon spoke, those astronauts did not know if they would make it back, secretly asked nixon to look after thier familes, allright, but, he lied, and, they knew it, that had to blast off from the moon, and get fifty miles, high, to, soar in the atmosphere, up there, and, Jesus, clapped, no gravity, what makes things move is, no, said, fleas, hollie showed, pointed, harley davidson motorcycles are cheap, did not my angel, fleas, say, come and, help us, out, they say, but, if the apostle paul showed up at church, the pastors like, nathaniel urshan, would guard the pulpit, from, him, and, they are stripped, I hear you had a vision, celebrated hollie, put the vision, on the internet, and, hollie licked, the prophet, hanna asked the Lord, and, hollie tore up the con spirit, for a man child, eli, God spoke, go thy way, granted, but, when, the child, samuel was five, he wanted his mother, she left him with eli, and he at first, loved, it, but, when, samuel got older, he, departed from eli, eli got cut off, cause disobediance, and, Jesus, appeared out of, the window sticker, sacrelidge, reverend ralph d. murry sr. is, hollie held nose, no signs, ralph murry, hollie showed, record and pointed, hawthorne baptist church is cut off, talk and be lost is all nathaniel urshan, does, and, pointed, those two are liars, pointed satan, doug stafford and nathaniel urshan, both lost, im satan but I dont claim to be saved, somebody got your name, so what, God will, I wont said mrs. chris amonett, both are, lost, its over, she thinks, revival, and, both recommitted, now, look at ministry of dreams, and, keep, your, recomit, ment, saith the Lord, I hear you got it, said, gabriel, to, chris amonett, he is, not saved, but, pastors, how did you do, now, they, know, mrs. chris amonett, both are, decieved, bob, showed, up, at, thier, church, and, they had, the most awesome, time, and, know, he is, the one we wanted out, now, we, repent, now that, church, is empty, liar, said, mrs. amonett, and hollie pointed at the Son of man coming like a white man, and, america, being, destroyed, behind, they, are, not, going, to, repent, until, they loose, all, and will, he will, leave, it, what is the message, said, babyfleas, out, said, chris amonett, first, step down, then, seek, Jesus, he, did not, call, you, and you, are, not, saved, decieved, and, decieve, now, 6 people, mom, one, and, gabriel, showed, at peace, and, to record, how do we git out of here, said, mrs. amonett, they are, now, in, debt, over, church, and paying, for, with, daycare, money, and, people are, seeking, cheaper, and, they, know, time is, only, bob, can, save, give, bob assisstant pastor or loose, and chris amonett will say, cut off, no, then, loose, his church, will, close, soon, let is close, said, gabriel, its your moma, old, but, ok, she will be here until the end, I want nothin, that is, a sleep, your makin us drunk said chris amonett, 4-2-2007-and hollie, showed, the sign of the coming of Jesus, and america, being, destroyed, by, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, russia, im a bear, me, thats, putin, hollie, pointed, and that woman, was, put on, a, wheel, that, spun, inside, an, over, and, cooked, glowed, people, are, not, taking, thier, chance, to be saved, serious, she, made, no facial, expression, in that vision, they would have, taken, her, out, and, made, sport, like the man, cooked, before, both had, defects, and, thought, better off, he, was, poked, and, spewed out, but was alive, no, hands, legs, like the other, there, gabriel, showed, to, record, hollie, showed, to, record, 4-3-2007-hollie tore up the con, spirit, tear, she said, hollie tore up the con, and, the finger pointed, spirit, from behind, jeremy taylor is out of all three employers, watch, what is the message said babyfleas, im going to run jeremy off said jim garrison, he lies, that was hollie, tearing up the con, quest, nathaniel urshan is not saved like all upci, but, they act, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, beat the cymbol like this, and, the feet stomped, and, gabriel, showed, record, that was hu riding the red horse, china will destroy taiwan and hollie pointed, theres that o alarm, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, write the vision, like the hands showed, thats hollie tearing up the con tract, tell the vision, sang, hollie, that, is, that o pope, satan shot out of hell, into, and, hollie, pointed, up, at the sign of the coming of the Son of man, and, america, being, destroyed, by submarines, that, point the finger, said, hollie, pointed, up, at the sign of the coming of Jesus, and the dragon rose out of china and russia, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, that is, the eagles, landing, by, wisdom, JEsus, and the Father with a face like the sun, whats that, it is, bright light, im a bear, write the vision, thats not hollie pointed, hollies, that the im a bear woman, that is, putin, thats, nathaniel urshan glowing red hot, in the oven, he will see this, theres his dad, and, joel urshan for pocketing church money, lived, off of, jean urshan, when she dies, there she is, in the oven, live for Jesus said, hollie, or, oven, they tell me theres no visions in pentecost, and, hollie licked the prophet, and gabriel licked the prophet, hollie, out of the zenith allegro 200 stereo speaker and the finger pointed, bobby, tell the vision, thats gabriel beating the drum, jeremy taylor he said, out of three employers, that was Jesus, pointing like a lighted, cat, leophard hollie, thats korea, north and south, china and japan, that was hollie doing something with the con spirit, and hollie out of flute blown by prophet waving goodbye to jeremy taylor, heres hollie whistling, like this, like a flame face, tore up con, wisdom university, face it said jim garrion, jeremy taylor, right here, thats hollie clapping and hollie out of tuba, pointed, hollie, with, the popes image, on her finger, and, 666 on jeremy taylor, out of flute blown by jim garrion, born, between hu and the pope, and, casey, showed, record, and, he saw, casey, said, pointed, nukes, aimed, at, each, other, the pope is otyre, russia, and, hu, is, the leophard, like leopard hollie showed, china, north and south korea, china and japan, this is, situate said hollie, meaing, situate is close, that was hollie showed tearing up the con spirit in a black suit, jeremy taylor, got you, and hollie tore up the con, quest, what is the message, dont, talk, to nathaniel urshan, he is, cut off, and, he knows it, theres the tap dancers, pointed hollie, and the pope and hu, were two of them, with, 6 kings, that will, rise, against, america, we will attack, they all said, but, only, putin, and hu, will do it, the ram, and hollie blew the horn, and, out came, the beautiful woman from moriah apostolic church that sings, with black hair and blue eyes, and, Jesus behind like a light man, and hollie putting up her dukes, and she running from Jesus, smiling, after revival, sunday afternoon, and Jesus pointed, she ran one step to far, now, hell, she will see this vision, and, throw a fit, theres that o alone sound, that was many spirits, being, released by Jesus, they followed, lucifer, one third of the angels, now, that was the beast, daniel saw, with a noteable horn on his head, and the popes, face, inside, record, showed hollie showed, and JEsus, and, the paul mooney girl, showed, record, and, israel destroyed, write the vision, like this, and hollie tore up the, concious, o my God, im prophet blaspheme, thats him, pointed, hollie, irving baxter jr., he dyes his hair, pointed, hollie, and the pope pointed, turn, and hollie sang like tina turner, danced like, and, nathaniel urshan requested bob to come to office, he wanted to make bob not say one thing there, unless, he approved, now, no HOly Ghost people at moriah apostolic church, hollie-vision recieved 4-2007-in this vision I saw hollie tearing up the con tract. she was lighted.
the word of the Lord man-vision recieved 4-2007-in this vision I saw the word of the LOrd man and he was white and he said something like, now here the word of the LOrd.
torture dream-visions recieved 4-2007-in this dream something happened to me that was horrible, and I dont remember, but, It ended and or I was being hit by like spikes which I felt and I also beleive in that particular series of events that I saw Jesus and he said something like, "now press about that", in a smart tone.
america is the woman of REVELATION 17-vision recieved 4-2007-in this vision, I saw like a lighted monkey looking at the statue of liberty on something and there may have been writing under the statue.
Christ church apostolic-vision recieved 4-2007-I heard, "shawn", and I saw the inside of Christ church apostolic and it was empty.
I told the LOrd he was destroying me-visions recieved 4-2007-in visions I saw spirits that looked like people like Jesus and they said: and hollie tore up the con quest, what is the message, dont talk to nathaniel urshan, he is cut, and nathaniel urshan pointed, devil you done made up your mind he sang, wanted bob out, of moriah apostolic church, he will not close, and, pocket the church money building fund is nathaniel urshan called calvary tabernacle credit card, record, man om sinnin sang nathaniel urshan, they all are, upci, none saved, please go back sang nathaniel haney, om not worthy to stand here, he knows, but, tempts God anyway, thats good said joel urshan, record showed hollie, bob, that aint gonna do it is what nathaniel p. urshan would have said in meeting, he did not want bob telling visions at moriah apostolic church, only, and he saw, him, on nathaniel p. urshans hand, he wanted bob to fall, now he has, when with bob there, some would have gotten saved, nathaniel will swallow when he sees this, jelous said nathaniel urshan, haney, they stopped people from getting saved, dont do this said nathaniel p. urshan, you liar, you will be brought down, living off of the church, and casey showed to record, and, he saw, nathaniel urshan pocketing offerrings, tithes, like joel urshan, nathaniel a. urshan now in hell, taught them, live off the church, he said, with his hand over mouth, and nathaniel a. urshan pointed, how do we git him back said nathaniel p. urshan, if you angered, and you would have, he, would have, went to the kokomo church and nathaniel urshan sr. pointed and closed it like he did moriah, knew the moment he left, the Spirit gone, sang, nathaniel haney.
Look what goes on in my spiritual walk with Jesus Christ-visions recieved 4-2007-in visions I saw spirits that looked like people like hollie, Jesus, and they said: I can not drive you out no more says, the LOrd, I abated you, by, teasing, caressing penus with electricty, gum desease, teasing, I waited until you wanted me desparately, then, drove, you out over many hours, offending you, for no reason, God says, I put three new hearts in you to make you recover, I knew how to make you hate me, by, causing, wrath in your heart, this is why, to make you abated in the sight of all men, cause you are, I make it so you cant, even talk to me, I cause you to hate me, so much, and, know how, says the LOrd, this is making you humble in my eyes, backslided in heart, you cried, leave me alone, I abated you, abatement is complete, you are past the point of recovery, that is killed all day long, now I, will heal, I hurt you deeply to make you humble in my eyes, I, betray, to keep you abated, im mocking you right now, you can not keep recovering, thats why I put a new heart in you, abatement is complete when a person reaches for sin, thats how far, I drive out, then stop, then do it all over again, your welcome to come back says the LOrd, I, tease you, non stop, I know what to say, and, when to hurt your heart, beyond recovery, thats good says the LOrd, you are now, backslided beyond recovery, I drove you out, now, I will heal, thank you for wonderful service, Ill git you for telling people what I do, God says, you just thought of suicide to get away from me, abatement is complete, I enter into your heart, to drive you in rage, offending, i will not do it for ever but I do it to make you want to leave, once a person is abated, they can not come back, unless I draw them, I drive out, to keep people humble in my eyes, abatement is complete when the person can not recover, if a person tells me will what ever I want, that means, I can, make them, perish says the Lord, I do not care if a person perishes, I died, and, rose again, so you can have, life, perish or live for me, you are backslided now says gabriel, thats what I wanted, now you are, weeping in your heart, wishing I would quit driving you out, you opened my heart, to your needs, I can not, drive you out, no more, right now, you dont, want to live no more, cause I keep pressing you out, 4-5-2007-im the beast with seven heads and then horns, said, hollie, and the finger pointed, and he saw, said casey, the pope going to the greek orthadoxed church, and hollie, ran, and, the organ said, thats what you need, and, hollie pointed, at the, baptismal, reverend l. caldwell baptising a child, he knows it said the word of God man, and child not accountable, baptizm does not count, hollie tore up the con spirit like this, beat the cymbol like this, said, hollie, tap dancing, mark of the beast taought reverend caldwell at drexel gardens apostolic church and he poitned down, and drexel empty almost, when bob showed up and told visions, caldwell called it in front of over 200 people opinions, most left right there, thats the diamond man, the word of God, theres, pointed, hollie that o alone sound, and planes dropping missiles, pointed the angel, on u.s.a., boom, and, the woman, came up, the statue of liberty, and, putin, subs, firing on america, and, hollie, pointed, up, at the sign of the coming of the Jesus, and, bill clinton returning fire, boom, the world shook, and moscow and china, boom, up came four horns, the pope, slash idol shepherd, and hu, and the emporer of japan, the pope showed to record, record, showed the word of God man, and, hollie held nose, and, pointed, satan pointed, sister deckerd, the williamsons, all, sister charity at drexel gardens apostolic church not saved, hollie showed record, flames, toyota 5 runner, hollie showed with golden thumbs, smiled, thought, thumbs swooping up, theres a reason, record showed the paul mooney girl, mrs. caldwell and deckerd and charity at drexel gardens apostolic church, God will not, thats it said Jesus, save, all, for oral sex, after knowing, and, still doing, not deckard, 85, and the red dragon with seven heads, the g8, with, the pope coming out of italy, thats, his face in the horn, theres your black chariot, said, the enthusiastic hollie like a flx, hollie showed, thought, downtown pointed, circled, you run it said the pope, fall, caldwell smoked, coucil said, hollie, get right said gabriel, and, gabriel showed, record, im sorry, I dont speak very much clapped hollie on the mx missile, boom, chicago, im a bear, satan is the head, and, the pope is his mouth and magog is the body, thats north and south korea, china and japan, china said the pope, you are blaspheme, rejecting Jesus, and, the dragon rose out of china, and, hollie pointed, at, the dragon, in the, cage, and, it grew, and, busted out, downtown, circled, hollie showed, theres that o seven kinged black chariot, and the pope and hu, new world order, and, putin, pulled, charity from drexel gardens apostolic church in back with nathaniel and joel urshan, putin, planning to destroy america, out of oceans, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, planes, submarines, with hu, hollie held nose, blaspheme, and, ortega, hollie, held nose, liar, cuba, hollie held nose, clapped, new castrol, liar, kim jong, hollie showed, on t.v., threatening bush, finger on button, they have scud type missiles with small nuclear warheads, no guidance, wont hit, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, like a bear, grew very big, and the pope pointed, allegros said the pope, buy, hollie out of the zenith allegro 200, back, israel boom, out of iraq, brought in by bush, to, steal oil, and, the pope blew the horn, and hollie out, showing, eat, dinner bell, thats kings popping out of the leophard, hollie leophard pointed, we done got it said caldwell, liar, and the lighted caldwell, hu, kim jong, the emporer of japan, and, the president of south korea, hollie like a bear, tore up, the con, hollie thought, hollie showed, tore up the, thought, con drexel gardens apostolic church, thats babyfleas looking at ministry of dreams, and smiling, spinning in her chair, thinking, thats me, pointed, at babyfleas, thats babyfleas out of horn, blown by Jesus, like a cat, smiling, waving, dinner bell showed, hollie, out of horn, blown by, who was it blwon by, jeremy taylor, fired, from all three employers, google said jim garrison, thats what done it, then jeremy taylor takes off the name he stole, ministyofdreams, thats the dragon with the pope in his mouth, and, hollie showed, pointed, cobra, shelby g.t. 500, smokes, that was hollie putting back the con spirit, dont hang around my church thinks caldwell, LOrd help me out showed, hollie, jeremy taylor, broke, record, showed, hollie, showed, the popes image on the finger, the lake said hair dyer mrs. caldwell, uto, that as that beast with the noteable horn on top, the pope, and, ten toes, with kings faces as toenails, hu, hollie pointed, held nose, liar, the pope, and the lighted finger, pointed, slashed, deadly wound, all the world wondered after, worship the pope, said, hu, he is, loved, knows most things, satan shot out of hell, into, theres cuba, hollie held nose, liar, new castrol, venezuela, hollie held nose, lula, liar, hugo chavez, hollie held nose, liar, germany, merkel, hollie showed, thumbs down, that woman is lying, pointed hollie, to putin, putin is lying to merkel, theres kim jong, hollie, he would, let bob, come, and, preach, wadds, theres claderon, dead, iran, and syria, usa attacked, pointed, theres the emporer of japan, a toe, and, hollie counted, thats, thought, something wrong said hollie, caldwell knows bob saw visions, and, hollie pointed, nobody taught it right, bob told, in one minute all things, just about, he, loved it, that was a gun being lowered, and, the finger, pointed, by an cloud man, jeremy taylor out, fire, jim garrion, pointed, the word of the LOrd man, with diamonds in face, casey showed, caldwells wanting to teach that, what you told, but, not, enough details, you told, the g8, is the seven heads, there closing said Jesus, now, he knows why, you told, bush is the woman, and, hollie, held nose, jeremy taylor, and, then you told, magog is the asian union he taught about, he smiled, and, you said, you saw, kings, faces, pop out, and he, thats, pointed, you saw, 666, born between, hu and the pope, thats, two, not one world government, now he knows, why his, church is emptying, im a false teacher, thats the titanic hitting the ice berg, brushing along, to about, one half, point, some plates fell off, some, pushed in, but, two fell off, and, that, doomed, lightoller, did not, tell, radioed, ice dead ahead, that pointed hollie, he should have said, we will hit, if you do not, turn it, as quick as, but, heres what, would have, happened, turn all the way, ship, would have, sank, cause, everything would have went to that side, but, it, would have floated, but, stayed, with, deck almost, touching water, they could have uprighted most way, slowly, meaning, they could have, if, people on ship, would have, tried, blocking plate holes after, compartment flooded, but they would have died, but, possible, the plates, were only, about, five feet long, high, hollie showed, pointed, at the ring, that smiled hollie, pointed, planes, bombs, boom, america, moscow, china, the world shook, that, hollie, rocked, and, showed, the pocket, tv, with, the popes image made alive, 666, will be, born, between hu and the pope, both have nukes, casey, and, he saw, them signing, theres 666, pointed casey, and, she, bowed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the ministering spirits, russia is the bear, theres hollie with a bear paw, and, the pope, in, and hu, in the other, hollie smiled, like hollie showed, hollie showed, record, theres that o black chariot, with, the pope and hu, new world order, and, eight kings, planning on destroying america, putin, pulled hollie in back, and the paul mooney girl showed record, and jeremy taylor abased, im george clinton said marv albert, o.j. did kill wife and ronald goldman, got out, attorney was the one, f. lee baily, he, did it, knew, the law, wanted, I got abased here, said Johnnie Cochran, he was, lying, knew, in, his heart, that, oj, killed, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, Robert Shapiro, lied, as well, we will not be accepted by the Holy One, unless we repent, theres that o alone sound, and hollie licked, the prophet, record showed, hollie, hollie showed, record, old truck, thumbs, thought, swooping up, there is a reason, what is, the reason, it is, carburated, carbureted excellent, hollie showed, smiled, what did hollie showed do, pointed, at the 66 heavey duty ford truck, still, fools, thumbs swooping up all the way, theres a reason, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, excellent truck, hollie showed, record, flames, smiled, somewhat, thought, smiled, kenworth, thought, thumbs, swooping up, 4-5-2007-that was hollie in the spaceship, star wars appeared, it is, being, watched, by, millions every day, and he saw, said, casey, and the LOrd of hosts sang, lava, like, hell, nathaniel urshan, p., is pocketing, church, money, and living off of, and, knows its, wrong, but, he is, a thief, fall, nathaniel p. urshan, of calvary tabernacle and moriah apostolic church, both, will loose people, cause, bob is, gone, now, and he, knew, all things, said, nathaniel p. urshan, he knew, bob, told, and he was, offended, but, loved it, later, never, spoke, called, meeting, and, wanted, bob, to, leave, God told bob, he can not bear you being, there, no, said, nathaniel urshan, write, and tell, and Jesus, will, bless, and hollie rode in the space ship, momy, she said, nathaniel urshan, you fool, saith the LOrd, you had, elijah, how do we git him back, he will say, soon, watch, and, hollie, rode in the space ship, sailed, in space, paul, said, Jesus, like, job, all his, life, Jesus, laid, sin, on, and, took, out, anger, like bob, fiery darts, teasing, and, driving, out, to, release, but, people, are, praying, and God is, not, hearing, but, bored, thats the reason, your pages, are, telling, what he is, and, it is, making, us, embarrased, bob, whispered, Jesus, they like it, leave it, they are, coping, and, telling, job, said, Jesus, and, he saw, job, with, boils, and, he was, smiling, did not, care, wanted, Jesus, lyan, is, what hollie said, nathaniel, om gonna git him, said, Jesus, he is, making, money off of, the apostolic church, and, will, be, jobless, soon, watch, nathaniel urshan sr. taught joel and nathaniel jr. urshan, to live off, and they are all, hell, jean, ur, shan, hell, soon, will not, like, mr. cannon of drexel gardens apostolic church, we need to, stop him, said, mrs. caldwell, from coming, he will, not come, no more, saith the LOrd, my fault, said, Jesus, your church is, emptying, now, charity, will leave soon, cause, bob, told, hubby, its a lie, she said, we will fast, said, charity, never, wont, im gonna git off, said, charity, and, he saw, charity of drexel gardens apostolic church, I think its funny, giving, oral, sex, whats that, she said, to, husband, he will, loose her, thanks, she said, for, supporting, were done, now, out, but, regret, she is, loosing, but doesnt, see, it, be back, he will think, but, he will, find, another, record, showed, hollie, in the spaceship, riding, star wars, and, gabriel, showed, record, will you fast, yes, then, do, and, see what, Jesus, does, and, he saw, the pope, smiling, and amy brucker, she is, a soothsayer, like jeremy taylor, they all are, I just dont believe in it, she said, blinded, and the dragon spued fire, Im the beast, said, the pope, rising out of the g8, nato, with, russia, having, the ten horns, politburo, the ruling, party, greece, boom, and he saw, said, casey, greece, explode, from, right here, said, amy brucker, usa, called, russia, go to palestine, now, desolate, gaza, forsaken, out of, iraq, amerian, bush, brought in, to, break, oil, contracts, and the japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe showed to record, he is, a, short timer, watch, he is, the leopard, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, he is, the, part of, has, nukes, china, and, north, and south, korea, both, are, magog, all, the leopard, with, otyre, ran, by, the pontiff, pope, slash, idol, shepherd, meaning, no, power, and, he sang, raise your hands and repeat after me, smiling, im the beast, and he showed, to, record, 4-6-2007-we are facing nuclear castastrophe, said, bill clinton, he does not care, in the mountain, with, president hillary clinton, after, china, terrorism, breaks out, all over, u.s.a., then, bill, will, remember, that was hollie, in the spaceship, flying, firing, I wont, she said, but, when the seal, opens, boom, judgments, to many, nations, that was Jesus like a fire faced man, and, gabriel, lighted, and showed, to, record, the united states, will be a desolation, soon, and he is, at peace, and Jesus lets him see people, reading, the visions with gabriel, on, the dreadful beast vision-visions recieved 4-2007-in a vision, and im going by memory, I saw this dreaful beast, and the pope was coming out of the top of it, and I saw toes in that vision that were lighted, and I saw the popes face in one and hu hintao, and lula, and castrol, and hollie held now, and I saw the word, liar, and I saw, putin, hollie held nose, heard, "he is lying to him, and she pointed at hu hintao, and the caspian sea pipeline, boom, and, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, russia is the beast with seven heads, and I saw the pope and with hu hintao, and he said, were not, going to get along, they both said, to each other, 666, born between, that was the sign of the coming of the Son of man, and, the heavens opened, and, Jesus came like a light man, and, sister deckerd in the bright light, and Jesus pointed at hell, her there, and behold said Jesus, a, man in a fire, pit, and, covered, with flames, and, a face appeared, that was a hand filled with light, please say, I thought I wanted you out said terry cannon, and hollie licked the prophet, now that his church is empty said the tap dancers, and the pope and hu and the fighting irish guy were, two of them, and hollie licked the prophet, and, apostolic pastors tap dancing, that is hollie, in the spaceship, on the missile, boom, chicago, and, thats the reason, hollie showed, thumbs, up, chevrolet monza, excellent car, 200000 miles easy, star wars, boom, hollie in spaceship, did not the angel fleas say, there will not be time to get ready, no more visions clapped hollie in pentecost, and hollie licked the prophet, and gabriel licked the prophet, that pointed hollie, eat, dinner bell, and, hollie ate, mike sells barbecued potatoe chips in the space ship, and stopped, at new jerusalem, a glass city, and then, hell, lava, zoom, did not the angel, fleas, say, git, it, off, ministry of dreams name off of your websites, diana hughey, jeremy taylor and lawrence forman, or get ruined, and, he saw, said, casey, showing to record, italy, and, the pope, smiling came out, and, showed, his, bandaded finger, deadly wound, and Jesus, like a cat, pointed, and hollie showed little horn, italy, and, in the spaceship, star wars, fired, boom, there goes moscow, china, taiwan, kuwait, japan, suadi arabia, italy, france, all of the western hemisphere, and, africa, iraq, gaza, the palestinian state, and, the world shook, he wants your money sang, and clapped, the ministering spirits, terry cannon, all right he said, accept it, he did not, use his time, put more visions, on my website said the tap dancers, and hollie clapped, council said hollie, work, said, gabriel, and, he beat the drum, right, I wont, said, hollie, in the star wars spaceship, until, God pours out that last vial, the sixth seal, boom, the sun became black as sackcloth, and the moon turned, into blood, thats, the great, and noteable day of the Lord, turned into blood means, hollie showed, thought, with the popes image on finger, it will be blocked out from smoke, blod just means dead, that was satan, held nose hollie, im the bear paw, record showed, hollie, yes, didnt the pope, say, once we hit syria, then, and, hollie, licked the prophet, iran, 3 subs, in that area, right now, nobody wants me said the paul mooney girl, and, hollie, licked the prophet, and, gabriel licked the prophet, the vw bug worth every penny, reliable, putin, and hollie held nose, that was fire, eye, pointed hollie, lying to merkel about oil, hes going to double the price he charges soon, watch, hollie put the con spirit back, tore up again, look at me said, babyfleas, and, babyfleas bit the prophets head off, she did not, like her, vision, cut off, but, let go, now, laughing, pointing at babyfleas on ministry of dreams, she is, young and beautiful, short, though, israel, boom, out of iraq, bush, brought in, to break oil contracts, hollie fired, from the star wars spaceship, judgments to many nations, explosions all over planet, the world shook, want vision right here, pointed sang kenneth haney, so I can make him fall, thats why, God wont allow, going to church, im back said wisdom, and the eagles, landed, wisdom is Jesus said the eagle, and they flew away, and gabriel appeared, like a, white man, what is the, warnessage, go to google, jeremy taylor releases ministryofdreams pointed hollie, and licked the prophet, to late said jim garrion and the moon darkening from black smoke coming up, from, a burnt mountain, america, hes quitting to morrow, said, hollie, jeremy taylor from wisdom university, resign showed jim garrion, want more vision, said, hollie, pointed, that was a lighted eagle winking, hollie pointed, didnt the angel jim garrion say, your gitton into trouble, whatta you want, jeremy taylor out, and, hollie, and gabriel, licked the prophet, Jesus, licked the prophet, and, gabriel grabbed tongue, that was armies marching of demons, satans armed forces, that was satan, like a beautiful little man, light, downtown, circled, hollie showed, geese, eagles landed, wisdom, surrounded, walk, said, wisdom, council said hollie, what do you want, pay my price, they left me bob said Jesus, and he saw, and, said, casey, mr. and mrs. l. caldwell, all we want is money to keep drexel gardens apostolic church open, closing, hollie played the horn, and hollie showed, came out, showing picture of jeremy taylor, fired, from wisdom university, what was he fired for, tempt me said, Jesus, stripped, watch, jeremy taylor, salted steak, now, soon, broke, how come, you aint got no money, put it on your website said hollie, and he saw jeremy taylor, empty pockets, kathryn rich, hes going down for stealing the name ministry of dreams, I know it he said, that was satan, shh, what is the message, hollie showed, thought, you are just like satan, hollie showed, blew the horn, and out came hollie, and, showed, dinner time, and, blew the trumpet, and out came, hollie showed, and, took a picture of prophet ministry of dreams, that was satan, shh, im the bear paw, its russia, the other part of the ram is, the pope showed, to record, and the ram pushed, westward, northward, southward, and eastward, nobody could stop hu and russia, only, nato, that was the angel of the LOrd kissing you and Jesus pointing at nathaniel p. urshan, hell, JEsus like the sun, gabriel, light man, its in the ring, that, pointed hollie and, licked the prophet, im over, said, nathaniel haney, with pastor pingletons voice, now, that your cut off, what are, you doing, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, pastoring u.p.c.i. churches, they are all cut off, i think your funny she said, from moriah apostolic church, telling visions of the iraq war ending nuclear with iraq and gaza, the palestinian state, destroyed, then, two months later, america, moscow, and china, getting into it, the world shook, he told, many from nathaniel haneys churches, they, mock, hollie, held nose, pointed down, syria, iran, boom, hollie clapped, that, hollie out of the sony sub woofer, back, look at me said babyfleas, and hollie licked the prophet, pointed, go, spaceship, star wars, didnt the angel, fleas, say, no, you know its the black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, new world order, stop it, said, babyfleas, nathaniel urshan, pocketing church money, living off, hollie showed, record, I lost everything said kathryn taylor, didnt the angel fleas, say, give, warning, nathaniel p. urshan, will not close, on moriah apostolic church and pocket building fund, called credit card with calvary tabernacles name on it, didnt the angel fleas say, im in trouble, git out of here said nathaniel urshan is what he would have said to bob, offend, bob would have laughed in his heart, come my little princes, and the angel fleas ran, looking back, laughing, record showed the angel fleas, the deal is coming, jeremy taylor releases what he stole, starting to loose like, hollie showed, God telling bob, hollie pointed, and, angel, im getting ready to come, smiled, hollie showed, flames, thought, thumbs, swooping, thought, down, but not, all the way, theres a reason, tell me, it means, hollie tought, whew, looking thru the corner of eyes, hollie tore up the con quest, pointed, chevrolet, thumbs, hollie showed, thought, smiled, thumbs swooping up, excellent, thought, not all cars, though, hollie in spacecraft, tore up con spirit, the, usa, desolate, said, gabriel, hollie showed, smiled, got me, thought jeremy taylor, now, hes, and, knows is, begging to fall, that plymouth voyager sport van, excellent, all, cause, there are no, visions, in pentecost, God showed, bob, man walking in yard, at night, dream, that man, could have, sliced tires, were faced with nuclear castastrophe said, bill clinton, who me he said, he ll be in the mountain, wont, care, about, the rest, but, putin will hit that mountain, and, get, him, dont beleive that stuff said bill clinton, liar, write, and hollie pointed, after terrorism breaks out, all over, america, then, the clintons rushed to, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, the mountain, did not, the, angel fleas, say, cover me, hollie showed, smiled, old suzuki motorcycle, thought, smiled, thumbs up, those old motorcycles would last until you got tired of, those engines, air cooled could last over 300000 miles, if, did not the angel, gabriel say, why do we, want china, america, nukes, after, they hit taiwan, to destroy ther economy, but russia angers, 4 hours later, I wont said, hollie, showed, flames, camaro, thought, thumbs, smiled, thought, swooping up, liked, hollie showed, pointed, hollie held nose, church of God in Christ, show, and the presiding bishop smiled yes, and horace smith and kenneth haney all with dyed hair, your not praying, said, Jesus, vivian stewart has gone to apostolic pentecostal churches all her life but never prayed thru like most, now old, cant, they do not want the Lord, anymore, thats why, downtown, showed, hollie showed, the united states will be a desolation, said gabriel, and hollie licked the prophet, hollie pointed, did not the angel, fleas, say, trouble, and, he saw, 3 kings, arise, and, the fourth, was richer, then, all, hollie showed, looked, seriously, post, the vision, hollie out of, the realistic 15 inch woofer, back, excellent speakers, realistic is not like dahlquists, realistic is like fishers, record, showed, JEsus, hollie prayed, put more visions on your website, said the enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, cut off, said, vivian stewart, wont, repent, said, nathaniel haney urshan, both alike, and hollie out of the zenith 200 allegro woofer, back, buy, thats the enthusiastic hollie, prophet, thats the paul mooney girl, record, she showed, and, Jesus out of the bright light, and hollie licked the prophet, jeremy taylor black suit, watch, jim garrion, white robe, stars, wand, and he saw, attorneys, telling jeremy taylor, he can not, win, one was, mark geragos, he, convinced, jeremy taylor, to, abandon, take off, five thousand, jeremy wasted, over, 4000 so far, they are, trying to track bob, 4-5-2007-im beginning to want you said hollie showed, you are in trouble jeremy taylor of j.f.k. and wisdom universitys, you might loose it, said, kathryn taylor, no, said, jeremy taylor, and the hand pointed, at, satan, in the fire, write some visions said your tap dancers, and hollie clapped, record showed, gabriel, the united states will be a desolation said gabriel, and amy brucker, hollie licked the prophet, once we hit cuba said gabriel for allowing subs to stage, there, those are the ones, and bush will see this, and, saved, new castrol, hollie held nose, pointed, liar, will betray, hollie pointed, putin, they will, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, they will, offer, putin, priviledges for military protection, bush troubled, invade, he will, but, wont, but, threaten, hollie showed, pointed, I want china, said, the pope, like an angel, of light, to strike russia, to, weeaken, thats, it, said, got thru said hollie showed, post the vision said hollie, write the vision, that, hollie showed, record, china and the dragon, rose, china will not let amexico rule the world said, hollie, showed, tear up the con tract like this, somebody wrote me said amy brucker, rage, she put the name ministry of dreams on jeremy taylors website, and knew in her heart, that was off of, just forgit it, said, jeremy taylor, whatta you want, jeremy taylor wanted the name ministry of dreams, and, if he would have, let it go, when bob first emailed, got you said, pointed, hollie showed, then bob would have, but, arrogant jeremy taylor, held on, to his own destruction, now, lawrence forman is asking God to but, still has the name he stole, ministry of dreams, on his website, becoming angry, 4-8-2007-hollie showed the world, subs, attacking, record, pointed, emails done got him clapped the tap dancers, and, hollie and the pope were two of them, write the vision, hollie showed, in white robe, putin, and hu, the ram, with the pope as the hegoat, hollie showed, in the atmosphere, and the pope popped out of the beast, with ten toes, bobby, he ll put you right here, brad baker, pulpit, but, guard, when, you, find it, said, hollie, hit syria again, and he saw, damascus explode, whats the meaning of it, a ruinous heap, didnt the angel, this is hollie with the loose belt sound, he, wants ya to go, the owner, and, hollie whistle blew, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, did not the angel pope say, war, chevrolet closed in indianapolis, hollie pointed, and, jeremy taylor showed record, abated, wrong said, jim garrion, the united states will be attacked said hollie, and gabriel, and both licked the prophet, with the alarm sound, the united states will be attacked by russia said gabriel, he wants ya to go home, said, hollie, nathaniel p. urshan, got him said, gabriel, now, om, out, people told, pastor nathaniel urshan jr. that was telling visions, and, he knows, if bob leaves, they will follow, do not let him, get you in that office, he will try to make you recognise his lordship over moriah apostolic church, that is, not how its done, and, he saw, nathaniel urshans churches empty over you, that was it, right there, harrasing said nathaniel urshan, good, said, the pope, that little man, told, nathaniel about everything you told him, and nathaniel trembled, hollie showed, both thumbs, up, dont scare people, nathaniel urshan, knows in his heart, if you leave, they will, or stay under, dead everything, stripped, cause nathaniel urshan is cut off, lost, preaching, said, the tap dancers, and, the pope, and hu, were two of them, write the vision, write the vision said hollie, and, licked the prophet, and, the red dragon rose out of china, and russia, the g8, with, bush as the woman, theres the deadly wound, idol shepherd, slashed pope, leave me alone sound, and hollie, jeremy taylor, said, the pope, welcome to the mission for theft, and leophard hollie pointed, and the lighted finger, four heads, kings faces popped out, hollie showed, hu, the emporer of japan, and, the president of south korea, and, hollie held nose, liar, and, kim jong, hollie held nose, trouble maker, he is, bringing this together,
judgment to cuba-visions recieved 7-26-2008-theres cuba, pointed, hollie, and he saw it, said, casey, nuclear, it was from uh missile, said, hollie.
does God want to make me backslide to maybe offend me-visions recieved 4-2007-in visions I saw spirits that looked like people like, gabriel, Jesus, babyfleas, hollie, jeremy taylor of wisdom university, the baby polar bear, and they said things like: backslide, said, Jesus, for, thats Jesus laughing at you cause your gums are trashed, because of 19 years of fiery darts, and, now gum grafts, and God says, go ahead, God says, I offend this prophet, and, make him abated in the sight of all men, to keep him humble in my eyes, I tease, hurting his heart, deeply, non stop, and he put it on the internet, making me embarrased, we hit syria with a nuclear strike pointed bill clinton, damascus, let me alone said Jesus, if you dont, want to do what I want, hollie, showed, geese, and both, thought, downtown, tomorrow, i.u.p.u.i., that will not all run down, im the main ministering spirit, whats my name, my name is hollie, thats my crowd, I got lifted up, main ministering spirit they chanted, bob its on the television, the popes image, made alive, and jeremy taylor knocked on the door of prophet, comes to indiana to kill, but, not there, that was a fire man, and Jesus coming, and light, write the vision, when you see these things, and hollie and smiling gabriel licked the prophet, apostolic pastors putting out, people that have the Holy Ghost like nathaniel p. urshan, will, watch, write the vision, right here pointed nathaniel urshan he ll say, but when bob was there, guards, pulpit, want more visions, want more visions, clapped the tap dancers, want more visions, thats not the main, im the main, hollie, what is my message, hollie, showed, pointed, in spaceship, pointed, fired, judgement to many nations, because of cuba, hiding soviet subs, I want Jesus, but, I dont want to stop sinning, sang, kenneth haney, hair dyer, and, nathaniel haney following nuclear war will break out in the middle east, first, cause of america, right now syria is hiding its president from bush, they wont get, and he will, cry out for russia to destroy america, thats it, said, putin, lets rule the world, sang putin, and china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hollie held nose, russia will invade, pluck up, fire, withdraw, that and that, and double that, that, God says, how does it feel, to be stripped, in front of everybody, of your desire to live for Jesus, this is why, cause, im making an example of you, im hardening, for no reason, not cutting off, making it, so you can not, stay, unless you deny yourself, causing, you to hate me, everyday, teasing, killing your gums, this is why, im killing you to make you walk away, backslide, for no reason, for two months, after, you wont want me, no more, I want, you to backslide, im Jesus, I want you to be my example of suffering, loosing everything, then, getting rejected by God, for no reason, put it on said Jesus, I AM that I AM, you can not recover from my stripping unless I give you a new heart, all the time, from teasing you, fiery darts, fast till death, tell people to get them to pray for you, I made you laugh and hate me in one hour, thats how I, betray my servants, think about, suicide, from revival, and I laugh at them, fast, and, I wait, laughing at them, fiery darts, are to take teeth, and when is fiery darted, thier teeth, they loose saith the Lord, heres why, cause I want them despised, by people, they dont want to live after they start loosing teeth, and many have backslided over that, I permitted, to mock them, laughing at them, while going on, I do this to make them stay or leave, im the Rock of offence, God said, you can put that on, the front page of ministry of dreams, pray for bob, that he keeps his teeth, 4-9-2007-fiery darts are the devil, God grants permission to satan to this, said my self, satan, the united states will be a desolation, soon, said, gabriel, hollie showed, prayed, record, lawrence forman is angering, and cecil pennyton, like jeremy taylor, law said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, record, showed, the paul mooney girl, that was gabriel, lighted, bright, multitudes before lava, pentecostal people like nathaniel urshan, joel urshan, there are no visions in, and hollie licked the prophet, and, Jesus, pointed, 4-10-2007-that was, hollie, in her, space ship, you got to, leave she said, all, that, mock Jesus, and tease, and, Jesus looked angry, put more visions on my website the enthusiastic hollie, thats hollie in the spaceship, fire, judgments to many nations, the world shook, its in usa today, iraq, nuked, out of, israel, and, gaza, boom, out of, iraq, usa, to steal oil, new iraq, amri britain, iran, coming, attack, hollie clapped, syria, thats, pointed, the red finger, the syrian president running from the fire, and bush looking at, alarm sound pointed hollie, and licked the prophet, gabriel licked the prophet, grabbed at tongue, and the paul mooney girl, showed, please, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, jeremy taylor is sinking, and, the dark finger, pointed, now, think about what you had, reverend jeremy taylor, stole the name like lawrence forman, diana hughey, ministry of dreams, off, said, cecil pennyton, watch, jeremy, what time is it, said, jim garrison, its time to get the fuck out of wisdom university clapped the tap dancers, hollie, leave me alone, said d.min jeremy taylor, and, hollie pointed, like jim garrison, why didnt you leave bob alone, lawrence forman and hollie held nose, God knows how, to bring, people down, lawrence forman will write bob and say, im sorry, I wanted you to fall said jeremy taylor, then turned into diana hughey, then lawrence forman, that was the popes image in hollies hand, and 666 being born at the table, between hu and the pope, no, said, hollie, record, showed, hollie, that was gabriel, pointing, theres that o black chariot with the pope and hu, new world order, write the vision, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, did not the angel, fleas say, its over, nathaniel urshan, he knows it, but, keeps right on pastoring, and would have put bob out, but, God lead bob out, told, nathaniel urshan, trembled, did not the angel, fleas, say, write the vision, nathaniel urshans moriah apostolic church, emptying,
is this the persecution paul went thru 4-10-2007-prophesying visions-I erase your mind and put new hearts in you so you can keep on going instead of fasting for 30 or forty days, if you do that, you will abate yourself, but, I the LOrd, will be embarrased in the whole information highway, put that on the front page, of ministry of dreams, embarras me says the LOrd, God wanted you to backslide, so, he could destroy people, with this website, and, you have exposed, what paul and they all went thru, God says, I want you to sin, watch tv, have afairs, till I miss you, and if I do, I will call you back, and you will be thrown a rage, when you think, that you gave up all so I could squeeze many years of service out of you, then, throw you away, when you look back you will be offended, thrown in rage over what I did to you to make flee, I drive you out everyday, then, stop, then, do it all over again, cause, you will not, let me, make you walk in circles, and spin when stopped, get arrested, spin while they are handcuffing, spin in court, and I will laugh at you in prison, and, the moment you stop, I will say, you should have never let to begin with, now you have many years of time to do for nothing, by spinning, I mean, until, you collapse, 8, tne hours, all day, every step, despairing, hurting, offending, that would have caused you to be, and was designed to make you, walk away, I replaced, fiery darts, and, teasing, and, mocking, entering into your heart, causing rage, you cry, please dont do it, but, I wont, hear, saith the LOrd, keep quitting said JEsus, till the day you backslide, then, thats what im doing, making you, backslide for sport, that hurt your heart and you knew it, thats why you exposed me, I make my servants backslide, and, after so long, they wont, come back, cause what I did, but, I dont need you no more, bobby said Jesus, put it on, God says, im making you look like a fool in front of everybody for no reason, I would befriend you and fire you up, then, say something that threw in a rage, taking one day to heal, if I can make you willing to sin, so many times, the day will come, when you will, and, I wont forgive, and caused, this is killing all day long, I just put a new heart, then another one, in you so you can, theres another, keep on going, cry all you want in your heart, im keeping you humble in my eyes, thats God laughing at you, getting angry, cause im prodding you, hitting you different ways to make you backslide, God says, I can have you in revival and quitting in five minutes, making you so angry you can think straight, this is entertainment to me, I have driven just about all my servants away, by doing this, after thier flower fades, then, they are old, and, know it, leave and no where to go, God wont let people pray for them, but, just says, they are, backslided, but, doesnt tell, what he did, bob, puts it on the information highway to show the world what im doing to him, and laughs at me in his heart, knowing when people read this, they will not want Jesus, but, its in my word, paul wrote about it, God says, I started collapsing you, they, day one, to make you ugly, steal your beauty, and, you are, threatening with gum grafts, go ahead, thats me laughing at you, I got into your pocket, those will cost, over a thousand dollars, heres what God says, serve me or dont, but if you do, I will abate you from day one, my mercy was calvary, not, im going to put you in hell prophet ministryofdreams, when, you would have had heaven, for no reason, to make you an example, whom I will have mercy on, Ill have mercy on, whom I hardeneth, I hardenth, stripped says the LOrd, of all your desire to live for Jesus, is what im doing, and, when it raises up, I strip it away, God says, you are, crying in your heart, cause im torturing you, knowing, theres no way you can survive, stay out of hell, this is when my grace is sufficient, meaning i drove you out until I had compassion again, but, dont, after, awile, God says, in REVELATION they cursed me because of thier plagues, knowing I had power over all, but I caused, God says, I make you hurt so deep, to cause you to wnat to perish to get away from me, 4-11-2007-that was hollie riding in the spaceship, star, wars, record, showed, hollie, hollie showed, record, record showed hollie, you know who I AM said Jesus, bob, dont testify, they, know, record, showed, hollie, change the dates, to 4-10, imade you wreck pointed jim garrison at jeremy taylor, and the lighted hand pointed, jim garrison showed record, didnt the angel Jesus, say, irani president, is, wanting russia to protect, wont, syria is, and putin pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me sang hollie, and, prophet, pointed, syria is damascus, boom, that, will, be when, got him, the syrian president, putin, likes, terrorism keeps america all over the world, thin at home, did not the angel fleas say, save me, uncover me, make up your mind, did not the angel fleas say, work, hollie showed, put the con spirit back, carved into the stick, thats hollie on the missile, that, the main, Im the main, with a new sound, that is the war sound, and hollie showed, record, prayed, terrorism, said, hollie, breaks out, all over, usa, then, and gabriel, showed, drink, 4-12-2007-im the pope said jeremy taylor, record, hollie showed, went to hell said the pope, that was jim garrions voice said the tap dancer, clapped hollie, its in the ring, that pointed hollie, iran nuclear power plant destroyed, that said, hollie, and the syrian president running from, that, the fire, bush, thats nuclear fire behind hu hintao, thats magog, leave my spaceship alone, said, hollie, that, its iran pointed Jesus, that is when putin angered, hollie played, the horn, and out came, hollie with a picture of nathaniel urshan, cut off, and a picture of joel urshan, and hollie in the spaceship, boom, lightspeed, you got cut off said the pope, like an angel of light, and hollie out of tuba showed a picture of nathaniel p. urshan, its in the tuba, that, pointed, hollie, a picture of nathaniel p urshan, he is, going to try to get websites down, watch, fail, he angered cause bob knew all, thats the popes image made alive, on t.v., accept me sang kenneth haney, is what they cry out, at revival, but, wrong said, kenneth haney, they, claim to be apostles, but are, liars, no signs, theres that o alone sound, and hollie came out of pipe blown by hollie showed, and, out came, hollie and she blew flute and out came satan, that was the popes image in the hand, hollie smiling, bush attacked, dreamed, bob, syria, iran, hollie pointed, babyfleas with a picture of nathaniel urshan, torn, between moriah apostolic church and calvary tabernacle, its in the paper smiled gabriel, iraq nuked, hollie clapped, gaza, boom, bush, oil contracts, and, gabriel showed record, iran, syria, boom, bush, didnt the angel putin anger, that was gabriel, hollie, and, hollie tearing up the con trap, record, showed, hollie, that was nuclear fire, over, north korea, out of south korea, Jesus, pointed, twice, raise your mantle and repeat after me, russia is the bear paw, Jesus pointed, jeremy taylor resigns, want more visions, on my website, said, the tap dancers, and, the pope and hu were two of them, with calderon, hollie held nose, liar, ortega, hollie held nose, pointed, at, the putin pope man, that is, nicaragua, and the beast, rose, with, the pope riding, slashed, deadly wound, and, the g8, italy is where the pope came, out of, record pointed hollie, the pope, im the beast, hollie held nose, im the false prophet, ethanyol, and the pope showed to record, and hollie held picture of nathaniel p. urshan, no signs, held nose, and hollie held picture of nathaniel urshan, and showed, thumbs down, he would have, tried to get you to fall in meeting in office, but Jesus, said, git out of here, bye moriah, now fall, pays for the iraq war, theres that o alone sound, blew whitle hollie, downtown, pointed, circled, hollie geese, thats the pope going to the greek orthadoxed church in moscow and making an agreement, signing to gain, control, of, russias nuclear arsenal, hollie pointed, at leopard hollie, thats, north and south, korea, china, and japan, they will rise to withstand, did not the angel amy brucker say aint got no money, jeremy taylor, white robe, stars, wand, jim garrison, black suit, now, jim garrion, white robe, lit, stars, wand, hat, jeremy taylor, black suit, there aint no visions, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, look what ive done, said, jim garrison, closed wisdom university by not firing jeremy taylor, this is heaven, this is helven, lava or glass city, hollie on the streets of gold, enthusiastic hollie showed record, like a fox, please start praying sang the ministering spirits, and hollie licked the prophet, and gabriel licked the prophet, and, he saw, said, casey, gas prices at 1.51 and 2.12, 4-12-2007-after iraq, said, hollie, two months, to play, then, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, russia, moscow and china, into it, no, said, hollie, yes, said, and, babyfleas, showed, a pciture of nathaniel p. urshan, cut off, no signs, out of, tuba, but, pastors, this is why, no signs, pastors, teaching, there aint no visions in pentecost, sang hollie and licked the prophet, gabriel licked the prophet, hollie tore up the con spirit, jeremy taylor, white robe, stars, wand, hat, jim garrison, black suit, aint funny, said, hollie, now jim garrison, white robe, stars, wand, hat, jeremy taylor, black suit, he wants me said gabriel in court, lawrence forman and jeremy taylor, both stole the name ministry of dreams, gitton older said, kurt vonnegut, he was, scheduled to speak, but now, dead, and in hell, wishes, he lived for God, and, God offended both, now, we keep the name, but, want war, jim garrion in wizards robe, right here, replace taylor, and hollie tattood 666 on grace slicks head, born between hu and the pope, pointed, he sold bobby, said, gabriel, larry hunt, no signs, and, hollie sang like grace slick, hollie prayer walked with coat and white bandana, record showed, hollie, hollie out of the zenith 200 allegro speaker, woofer, back, showed dinner time out of flute blown by hollie showed, smiled, thats blow man, shh, he showed, hollie thought, that was, satan, jeremy, im so sorry i messed up your website, get out shouted jeremy taylor, thats what I want, lawrence forman, same way, pierced heart, anger, and, the lighted, finger pointed, did not the angel Jesus sing, raise your hands, and repeat after me, russia is the bear paw, with china as the other, the ram, get on up on the floor, cause were gonna boogy woogy woogy till you just cant boogy no more sang bobby slick Leonard, the pacers fired the best coach available cause he did not have n.b.a. players, but they wanted, right here, pointed Bobby Leonard, a championship, mel simon will look and, but in his heart smile yes, Bobby Leonard will see it to, wrong he said, they wanted him to build, but cheat, thats it thought mel simon, wrong said, Bobby Leonard, they wanted, no pay, top of the line, mel simon angrily wadds, kurt vonnegut died and its the year of vonnegut in indianapolis, he was, scheduled to speak, but now, kurts in lava right now wishing he lived for Jesus, but perished, a muti millionaire, kurt vonneguts in hell is saying I lived my life, in, deciet, knowing this place existed but now I cant, get out, and, dont want, nobody to know, im here, five minutes before he died, he said, Lord, I, lived like I wanted, now, im dying, if you will receive me, Id appreaciate it, I repent off all, but if you dont, I dont blame you, vision of kurt vonnegut in hell-vision recieved 4-12-2007-in this vision I saw kurt vonnegut in the fire.
prophetic times visions and dreams-recieved 4-2007-in visions I saw spirits that looked like people like Jesus Christ, the arch angel gabriel, the baby polar bear, sunnysnet, hollie, babyfleas, the pope, satan, hollie showed and they said things like: write the visions, flames, smiles, hollie showed, thumbs swooping up, theres a reason, what is it, hollie showed, thought, smiled, thumbs, down, but, not all the way, why not, hollie showed, thought, terry cannon pointed, quenched written over his head, revival, at church, that was Jesus in the cloud, miram and aaron, spoke against moses, but, moses did what they said, but, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, no, said Jesus, put bobby right here, thought terry cannon, but, when bobby showed, boring message, chicago said, and hollie on the missile, beat the cymbol like this, and the feet stomped, theres that o black chariot, with hu on the black side, and hollie licked the prophet, and the pope on the red side, this will take peace off of the earth, and putin, pulled, hollie in back, Jesus at the back door of terry cannons church, lets go, theres that o alone sound, and hollie licked the prophet, hollie whistle blew, record showed the paul mooney girl, and hollie licked the prophet, the army national guard in the streets, and poor old israel, boom, out of, iraq, and, gaza forsaken, the palestinian state, boom, terry cannons father, never got saved, but, went to apostolic churches, all his life, now, in lava, he knows said, terry cannon, I didnt do what I said, that was france and the united kingdom, boom, wrong said, Jesus, is what they say, but, terry cannon is wanting those visions off, put more visions clapped hollie tap dancing, with hollie held nose, the pope and hu, and, eight kings, that was a bear, im the bear paw, said, putin, and, satan is the head, and the pope, is his mouth, funny they say about what your sending, but, they know, jeremy taylor, black suit, soon, jim garrison, hollie clapped, held nose, white robe, stars, wand, hat, gabriel showed, record, dinner bell showed hollie, gabriel, ate ice cream, hollie said, no more visions, for, brother stewart at heavenly life apostolic church cause wont get saved but likes opening service, jeremy taylor pointed, out of ring, that, lost all, for stealing, prophet said, hollie like a bear, want more visions, on my website, clapped, hollie, theres yoru black chariot, pointed the girl from gary streevals church, that was the popes image, on the finger clapped the tap dancers, and the pope and hu were two of them, its in the ring, that, said, hollie, the pope, im the beast, said, hu, anti Christ, pope, 666, born, between, that, pointed, hollie, tell me something said jim garrison, jeremy taylor will loose all 3 jobs, all talks, pointed, hollie, terry cannon is thinking, bob, stay or leave, but dont, come and pray revival down, then leave, he, wants, you, behind the pulpit, they felt the Spirit of God in your voice, but not, terry cannons, they are, terry cannon knows, sad, and sunnysnet showed to record, and hollie tore up the con spirit, astronomy said, rick roberston, is, these pastors, all upci, lost, leave or stay up here, pulpit, but he will guard from bob, has revival coming, and, the man that is coming is not saved, darrell stewart, Evangelist Wilson Honeycutt, Sean Barber, Reverend Kevin Danforth, are all lost, but act saith the LOrd, that is the helicopter sound, whatta you want, said, hollie, oil, said, pointed, gabriel, iraq, iran, syria, two far, thinks, putin, hollie blew horn, and, out came, hollie, and hollie blew and out came hollie, showing dinner bell, then the pope and hu, new world order, leave me alone said hollie, sang hollie, licked the prophet, gabriel, licked the prophet, hollie on tongue, and jim garrison blew horn, out came jeremy taylor, pointed at google angel, indexed jeremy taylor, aint funny said kathryn taylor, for stealing my name, ruined, and, gabriel licked the prophet, hollie on tongue, noah saw people in boats, canoes, wanting to get in the ark, but, couldnt, it rained, till all were dead, that was, a serpent, fire colored, and, the popes, image, came out, and, hu s, its in the ring, that, pointed, hollie, write the vision, that was Jesus, tearing up the con trast, from the side, lighted, that was Jesus, showing time out, jeremy taylor, hollie stuck out tongue out of pipe blown by Jesus, didnt hollie say, git, out, of here, jeremy taylor, looking at, the angelfire website, he will report, but, he will report again, and, it became .com, and jim garrion pointed, startin to rip me off, go to westside said Jesus, those are from the devil said hollie, is what, donald winters said, with kenneth haneys voice, I hear you blew it said hair dyer mrs. winters and donald winters pointed, it left said mrs. winters, the HOly Ghost, leave my spaceship alone said hollie and licked the prophet, you know what youve done said hollie, jeremy taylor, lawrence forman, offended, and got ruined, for doing, cecil pennyton had nothing and knows, will write, stop, did not the pope say, oil leading to armageddon, and hollie, licked the prophet, you dont want me, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, like a, fire bear, no, said, fleas, no, said, fleas, its, me, said, raise my mantle, and repeat after me, sang, Jesus, tara exposed breast and ruined, carrer, knows now, planned, inside, dance, topless almost, hollie licked the prophet, start slipping, said fleas, hollie out of the zenith allegro 200 stereo speaker, showed, thumbs swooping up, excellent speakers, thats the war sound blew whistle hollie, and the angel smiled, pointed, at, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, planes, loaded with atom bombs, hollie pointed, at Jesus coming, downtown, thought, circled, hollie geese, and america being destroyed, thats that o alone sound, hollie pointed, angel, and, gabriel, showed, to check your oil with your hands, thick and slick, keep, bobby, chevrolet, said, gabriel, is, closing, did not, the, angel model with blue eyes from calvary tabernalce say, put bobby right here, pulpit, but, the pastor from heavenly life apostolic church guarded, fools, 4-14-2007-record showed gabriel, your not prayin, he said, you are staying by self denial, but, not good enough saith the LOrd, hollie showed record, watch this said hollie, that was Jesus, with the prod, prodding prophet to make him fall, hitting him in all kinds of directions to make him backslide, thats the helicopter sound with fleas piloting and it dropped the container and gabriel opened, hollie clapped, and out came prince charles in his, skirt, Ive got news for you, america is at war, but, sadly, God is not with you this time, and he threw away, there pointed gabriel, henry gruver dead, got no money said gabriel, and she said, nobody wants you, and hollie showed, record, pointed at jeremy taylor in the spaceship, with black suit, hollie, white robe, jeremy taylor, white robe, stars, wand, lit, hat, jim garrison, black suit, now jeremy taylor, black suit, jim garrison, white robe, stars, wand, hat, holding hollie, but, wont get, teaching jeremy taylors class, wreckedme said, jim garrison, miriams well, you know your welcome, if you take, the name you stole off, she will tell right to face, lawrence forman, I will correct him said cecil pennyton, will release ministryofdreams, hollie clapped, and tore up, hollie, thats what, jeremy taylor wanted, and lawrence forman, leave me alone said hollie, in her spaceship, star wars, and, george lucas will see these visions, he is out of work, that was hollie with a bear, thats russia and sunnysnet showed record, and the baby polar bear showed record, pointed, that was a light flash, satan falling from heaven, with one third of the angels, what did he want, said, JEsus, to do his own thing, but, theres only one God, in heaven, Jesus, thats the Father, bright light man, that was prophet garrison of wisdom university in a white robe, then turned into jeremy taylor, what did he want, said, kathryn taylor and jermey taylor tore up the con spirit, to make bob fall, he was number one, but, he stole bobs ministry name spoken by Jesus, then God led bob to bring jeremy taylor down, and, jim garrison pointed at jeremy taylor with black suit, jim garrison, white robe, replaces, jeremy taylor, unemployed, will be completely stripped, kathryn taylor will leave with money, MYSTERY, BABYLON is amexico said kathryn taylor, and, fleas pointed at jim garrison with white robe, jeremy taylor, black suit, tongue out on fleas, and the popes image, in the hand, 666, born at the table, and, jim garrison showed to record, the united states, will be a desolation, said jim garrison, and hollie and gabriel licked the prophet, and, wisdom university appeared, on gabriels tongue, what did he want, said, jim garrison, when jim garrison saw the letter that bob sent, he, knew, taylor was over, heres what he thought, he called, jeremy taylor to his office, and, taylor went thinking, speaking engadgement, but, jim showed taylor what is was on computer screen, jeremy taylor sank, pointed hollie, but, heres what happened, and, hollie licked, the prophet, God led bob to offend, jeremy taylor, and he wrote a letter without thinking, it is what sank him, he confessed, and still wont deny taking bobs minsitry name, but by leaving on and not taking heed, two months later, minus almost one, he is, crushed, now, and, hollie bear blew the horn, hollie waved, out, pointed, pakistan, india, boom, no more saudi, arabia will be the new name, that was the popes image in the hand, born, between, hu and the pope, gabriel showed to record, and hollie, theres a terrorist strike on amexico coming, washington state said gabriel, china using terrorists, gabriel smiled, that was fleas out of horn, lighted, did not the angel gabriel, say, pointed, your closing him, jeremy taylor, soon, lawrence forman, soon, storm moving acrosed florida, theres that o alone sound, bob dreamed, stayed all night with friend, man got in bed with, talked, God said, leave, he wont leave you alone, did not the angel say, hollie showed, thought, its, over iran, said, gabriel, usa attacking, did not the angel pope sing, raise your hands and repeat after me, cause, washington state, your wrong said gabriel, did not the angel, gabriel say, he didnt do you right, lawrence forman, now sickness, theres that o alone sound, did not the angel kathryn taylor say, he did not leave you alone, press said gabriel, poor o jeremy taylor, spacecraft said hollie, and licked the propeht, flew, leave me alone, whatta you want, fall said jeremy taylor, we got you said jim garrison, the united states said gabriel, thats amexico, hollie tore up the con spirit, like this, new iraq, its amexico and britain right now, and hollie blew horn, and, out came, hollie, hollie showed, thought, what did hollie say, pointed, dinner, on knees, mrs. caldwell tore up the con spirit, hair dyes, leave me alone said pastor caldwell, knows, thats the popes face in the horn, pointed hollie and hu, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, the new world order, thats it said hollie, that was gabriel and hollie licked the prophet, leave me alone said hollie, in spaceship, thats a secret, lawrence forman is lying, about, his identity, he is cecil pennyton pointed hollie, theres your website pointed hollie, no name on either, theres that o alone sound, whistle hollie with hat, flowers, tore up the con spirit, Im enthusiastic hollie, like fox, record, you got me said lawrence forman, im the main, ministering spirit, when the main speaks, whats my message, hollie showed, thought, licked the prophet, the main thought, thats it, for jeremy taylor, lawrence forman, thats cecil pennyton, he ll write you said Jesus like whistle hollie and repent, lawrece forman and jeremy taylor, wait a minute mr. christians, whats the message, and hollie licked the prophet, angel grabbed tongue, people on tongue, 8 kings that will, and the being pointed, rise up against, america, put it on, theres that o black and red chariot, with, the pope, and hu, the pope, on the black side, and hu on the red side, this will, hollie showed, tore up the con spirit, thought, downtown pointed hollie, putin, pulled, hollie, in back, the old black chariot, there was, raise your hands, and repeat after me, sang pope, hollie held nose, pointed, calderon, dead, your lying, ortega, hollie held nose, liar, new castrol, chavez said, almost fully recovered, old castrol, hes lying to, hollie, showed, thumbs down, theres the alarm sound, he is backslided from wisdom university called fired, right now, jeremy taylor, what did you want, fall bob, and, hollie licked prophet, and, on tongue, wisdom university faculty, angel grabbed tongue, hollie held nose, jim garrison, made taylor leave, theres the black chariot, new world order, putin pulled hollie in back, end times events on ministry of dreams-visions recieved 4-14-2007-Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people like gabriel, Jesus, the baby polar bear, outlaws Jesus, hollie, babyfleas and they said things like: putin pulled hollie in back, lula, hollie held nose, pointed, thumbs down, liar, jong, hollie held nose, trouble maker, what does he want, the LOrd says, war between usa and russia, they know it, tell me about ortega said hollie, hes, the pope thought, lying, he wants russia to give military aid, we got him said putin, hollie whistle, what does he want, war, usa out, he wanted you to fall, jeremy taylor and lawrence forman, they will fall in your place, said, the tap dancer, he wants to get out, of that, thief jeremy taylor stole, lawrence forman wants you to backslide, God will strip both, he is lying to everybody about you, lawrence forman, but, that was hollie out of saxaphone at heavenly life apostolic church pointing at man on stage, all cut off, he knows, terry cannon, that was a hand pointing, that was hollie, out of, pipe, back, looked, prophets done, that was, jeremy taylor, black suit, jim garrison, white robe, hat, stars, wand, hollie showed, in the LOrds hands, whitin two days, returned, both, that, was, babyfleas, she pointed, she said, witness, dorein, winked, you wanted bob to get fired, cause he witnessed to you, never spoke again, you got fired, your moneys in the mail said jim garrison, I cant beleive you did so stupidly, threw away number one over stealing, a, name, jeremy taylor, what does he want, said, jeremy taylor wants to make bob fall, he knows you caused him to fall, and has, indignation against the Holy convenant, tell us my vision said, jim garrison, pointed, in white robe, soothsayer, hat, stars, wand, jeremy taylor, dream workers, d.min, whats it mean, the pope smiled, in DANIEL they, tell us the dream, and we will interpret, thats tearing up the con spirit, with lighted, bear, paws, thats, im a bear, father, thats the polar bear, that baby polar bears growing, he will attract 13000, people this week, they love him, and, the baby polar bear showed record, sunnysnet, pointed, showed record, they want to release, the baby polar bear, if they do, the older ones, will, parent, write the vision, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, hollie pointed, polar bears, like each other, broke it said Jesus, thats the sixth seal, the sun darkened, hollie, held nose, anthony warner, what does he want, and he saw, he wrecked, him raking in money, pocketing from church offerrings, protecting, fleas, out of tuba, back, and showing picture of nathaniel p. urshan, cut off, turned into soothsayer jeremy taylor, no difference, and fleas pointed, that was satan, sh, pointed, hollie, im the bear paw, forget it said, hu, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, im not the main, loose belt sound, I want my vision on the internet, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, lawrence forman is, that was satan, sh, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pointed the pope, oil is leading to armageddon, us said robin wood s, over, that was a man, bright, walking, that was background into meetings link, follow, hollie put back the con spirit, showed turn, 4-15-2007-hollie pointed out of saxaphone, at, sin, mrs. linda cannon is a hair dyer, hollie showed record, I hear you had a heart attack, said, gabriel, jeremy taylor, while, talking, dont write him back said linda cannon, liar, not, saved, but, acts,
heavenly life apostolic tabernacle-visions recieved 4-15-2007-while at service at heavenly life church, Jesus gave me many visions like, I saw the face of babyfleas several times come out of the saxaphone and point at people on platform and I saw the word, sin, written over, and I saw the word quenched written over I beleive pastor terry cannons head. I saw linda cannon and her hair was gray in one vision like is should be and dyed in one vision like it is. I saw the young man there on stage with terry cannon in visions and I know he wants me out from, and I saw him worshipping terry cannon. If you dont beleive, go listen to him.
visions from Jesus for the last days-visions recieved 4-2007-Jesus showed me spirits in visions that looked like people like, satan, Jesus Christ, hollie, babyfleas showing a picture of nathaniel p. urshan, the baby polar bear and they said things like: hollie showed record, watch this said hollie, 4-17-2007-record the vision said hollie, hollie showed, record the vision said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed hollie, walk, prayer walk, she, showed, that was pastor terry cannon looking at new jerusalem, a glass city, from the other side of the crystal sea, record showed hollie, that was hollie in the spaceship, now, your preaching said kevin danforth, liar, sin, written right over head, that was hollie showd playing piano, hollie showed smiled, that was hollie the main poining, that is the popes image on the finger, that is the signing of 666, between hu and the pope, the new world order, has just arrived, please Lord save me sang the dark haired woman from moriah apostolic church, but she wont repent as long as, nathaniel urshan lets her sing, and fleas showed a picture of nathaniel urshan and joel urshan, tore, out of, horn, blown by a bear, and, the baby polar bear showed record, and, showed putins image in paw, wait a minute mr. christian said hollie, that was hollie running, like a spirit, you comitted blaspheme they think by not coming back to moriah apostolic church, but, nathaniel urshan wanted meeting, to make bob, worship him, fool, that was fleas with a picture of nathaniel urshan, tore, that was kenneth haney-nathaniel urshan man and joel urshan, angry, ripped, a picture of hollie, like a bear, whats the message, they are, cut off, said, pointed, hollie, out of, torn picture, that was the moon being darkened said the tap dancers, and, the pope and hu, were two of them, pointed hollie, hollie showed, thought, thumbs, swooping up, mostly, what does it mean, said, hollie, the main ministering spirit, downtown said, hollie showed, what did jean want, urshan, the worship and praise of men, but, now, death, and, Jesus lowered baby satan, a mans heart given to it, people want to be worshipped, the united states will be attacked by moscow said the pope, that was hollie, like a bear, con tract, tear up, im a bear paw, hollie clapped, thats russia, with hu s image, satan is the head, and, the pope is his mouth, that was hollie showed out of the serpents mouth, downtown, pointed, cicled the geese, post, like hollie showed, and, hollie showed, both, a picture of inside moriah apostolic church, they are, you aint very funny, thought that woman that sings with blue eyes, dark hair, telling visions of iraq ending nuclear, and, america, moscow, and china, getting into it, two months later, she told nathaniel urshan, and, he wanted bob to not say, anything, but, he left, and, she saw, and, her and hair dying husband laughed, now the church is, why did he, cut me off, they both think, he plays bass at moriah apostolic church, he dyed his hair, after bob told him, about visions, that was hollie on the missile, boom, chicago, hollie showed, blew the horn, and out came, hollie showed, smiled, record, the vision, showed, hollie, nathaniels church is closing up, sang the tap dancers, and joel and nathaniel urshan, were two of them, with many u.p.c.i. pastors, that are, cut off, but, preaching and, terry cannon, looked at this, hes seeking the Holy Ghost, that said, hollie, jean urshan, dead, soon, that, there are no visions in pentecost, and, hollie pointed, and, licked the prophet, that was Jesus pointing like a cat, hollie leopard pointed at the leopard, and four kings popped out, hu, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, with, the popes, image, on, hollie held nose, cause he is, liar, capian sea oil pipeline, boom, kim jong, is, hollie showed, thumbs down, trouble maker, whats he doing, causing hatred, lying, south korea, boom, with, north and china and moscow, france, boom, pointed, hollie showed, babyfleas, come on, lay down, and, he saw, those two from moriah apostolic church, oral sex, then, that was hollie out of, horn, blown hollie hollie showed, that was Jesus, like light man, hollie giving approval, shame on prophet blaspheme, thats irving baxter, no signs, and tore up the con, querer, dont you want it hair dyer, you preach, leave my spacecraft alone said, hollie and flew, licked the prophet, trap pointed Jesus, jonathan hasen is not saved, but, pastors, jonathan hansen is lying said ministering spirits, what does he want, and, casey showed, record, jonathan, raking in money, pocketing, living off of the church, showed no to visions, bill bright fasted to be seen sang hollie, and, pointed, tore up the, con, ACTS 2:38, thats the reason, bill bright preached, accept Jesus as savior, then, turned into jonathan hansen, please said jonathan hansen, jonathan hansen, said, my money put me in the lake, take it off, he shouted, and came against website, but, angelfire wont, take it down, jonathan hansen is not going to get, saved, until he, and there it is, church empyting, jonathan hansen, will not believe that stuff sang hollie, close that website down said hansen, jonathan, and he saw, jonathan hansen filing complaint, at the beep, that was the paul mooney girl, and, pointed, at, hollie in spaceship, zoom, theres my report card, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, thats, pointed, hollie, henry gruver, a+, dumitru duduman, a+, prophet ministry of dreams, c, thats babyfleas, spinning, smiling, pointing at her on ministryofdreams, thats hollie in spaceship, angel pouring out vial, hollie fired, boom, judgments to many nations, and, the world, shoook, theres the woman, the statue of liberty, thats a yellow dragon, rising, china, with, the pope, riding, war, the end, showed, on the wall, thats hollie tap dancing, turned into, and hollie showed, pointed, jon benet ramsey, her mother let him babysit, knowing, cause she wanted insurance money, planned, those two planned that out, right the vision, like the pen showed, said, hollie, i aint over said fleas, that was Jesus tearing up the con, thought, spirit, lighted bear paws, hollie showed, record, pointed, no, said, fleas, pointed, france boom, italy, fire, did not the angel, fleas, say, no, they hit russia pointed hollie, boom, clinton, and, china, and, hu in the red horse, by attacking taiwan, peace taken off the earth, that was a lighted, man, did not the angel, debbie say, its on tv, iraq on fire, gaza, destroyed, bush brought in to break oil contracts, tv yelled debby, kuwait, saudi arabia, tv, boom, africa, boom, all, of, the western hemisphere, tv, destroyed, china, moscow, japan, italy, tv pointed debbie, the popes image, italy, boom, france, boom, tv pointed debbie, japan, tv, kuwait, tv, north and south, korea, that, boom, that, pointed, hollie, that, tv, the popes image, made alive, tv, that, leave it alone, said, hollie, piloting the ministry of dreams, spaceship, tv, pointed, debbie, that, pointed hollie, beast, pope, that, hu, false prophet, that, that was a lighted finger, that, that, that was, lybia taking a hit, nuclear, that, raise your hands, and repeat, that, that, after, me, that, sang, the, that, pope, your like satan, wanting worshipped, no said, fleas, that was hollie tearing up con spirit, I, got you, said, Jesus, lawrence forman, and, hollie, showed, record, and, licked, the prophet, gabriel, people on tongue, 8 kings, that, will rise, against, america, theres that o alone sound, did not the angel fleas said, christian, and licked, the prophet, angel grabbed tongue, did not the angel fleas, say, your gitton in trouble, nathaniel urshan, thats what, we want, said, Jesus, deciever, did not the angel, fleas, say, accept it, yeah, said, hollie, hollie showed, and, hollie showed, blew the horn, and, out came, fleas with a picture of nathaniel urshan, rip, back, tell me about , tell me about the urshan man, said, fleas, thats, kenneth haney nathaniel urshan, both, wanting rule of upci, thats, wrong they think, take it, said, javier froosevelt, and lawrence forman stole the name and cecil s. pennyton put it on the heroin puppy, liars and will be separated saith the LOrd, we will said javier froosevelt, all cause, Jesus cursed and we are lost for tempting Jesus, the new york times said gabriel iraq nuked like gaza, bush brought in, to break, oil, contracts, no, said, fleas, 4-18-2007-thou art my battle ax, with whom Im breaking down nations, you are, not lost but saved, keep, tell, on, nathaniel urshan, he is, lost, and pastoring, like, all urshans, before, and joel, soon, all, empty churches, saith the Lord, and hollie whistle blew, how do you git it, said, nathaniel p. urshan, he would not have sought, if, not, brought down, to late, saith the LOrd, blood on hands, both, all, cut off, now, ucpi, are, all, done, no signs, no ones worthy, said, hollie showed, to loose the seals, except, bob, and he is, not, wanting, no more, not, enough, to, seek, longer, now, hear the word of the LOrd, seek and you will find, all, things, are possible, somebody said the usa has to start all over again, now hear the word of the Lord, it is, ran its, course, no, said, mrs. lawrence forman, watch, doom, and gloom, coming, saith the LOrd, you, poot, your time, and wasted, now, cut off, give, oral, and anal, to, all, for, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, love, thats what, and you are, number one, and dont, know it, you will see this, and it will be, to late, saith the LOrd, your time was, when, you and lawrence forman stole the name ministry of dreams, like, jeremy taylor did, now all lost, om out, said, Jesus, of upci, and wont return, to late, they had thier fun, now reap, tell, nathaniel urshan, they tell me you left, not coming back, but, thrust, out soon, saith the LOrd, and, no, job, money, etc, lost, wife, leaves, I want you to pay me said mrs. lawrence forman for sex, but, not long, anal herpes coming, lawrence, facial, herpes, and, not, want to live, but, knew, 7-28-2007-thats it, im the main ministering spirit, my name is hollie, im not the main, any more, those are, your visions, your prophecy, if, you fall, your prophecy ceasts, when we hit korea, said, gabriel, you loose, bush, you liar, saith the Lord, and he sees, pitches, 10-2007-you went to hell, said, linda spall, and reverend, spall, forgit it, said, linda, larry spall, caused, thats what I want, she said, sex, but, now, Jesus, to late, 10-12-2008-hollie showed, record, pointed, up, hollie showed, record, fought, this is the website, post, said, hollie, and, ministry of dreams website showed name, call it Ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, read your bible, persecution is to strip people of thier salvation, 10-24-2008-good God said, hollie, the shindolls, they tremble, I knowed, said dawn shindoll, all oak park knew, said kevin shindoll, I comand you said, Jesus, show, make them leave, and they are red faced, but dont, till irving makes, bob comes back, but, irving showed, cut off, bob lays hands on irving baxter, he trembles, weeps, they hug, love, heaven for politics and religion, we need him, said, hollie, all, that will, afar off, said, Jesus, irving baxter sees, I made you look at it said Jesus, looks at bobs picture, shakes, yes, that, said, hollie, little fucker, said, irving, bax, ter, he said go home, said, hollie, no, said, irving, then, go, but, come, back, soon, 11-6-2008-that was the beast, coming out of, said, hollie, g8, its, nato, russia, having, politburo, thats, dumitry, medvedev, having, ten crowns, and pope coming out of one, thats, medvedev, kneeling before, pope, let me, he, said, pope shakes yes, rule the world, said, putin, lets rule the world, he, sang, thats, missiles leaving russia, striking, all, nato, nuclear, nations, and they all fired, back, casey saw, missiles flying both ways, russia explodes, pointed, hollie, hollie showed record, hu hintao, appears, hollie screamed, you know who she, said, im uh screaming spirit, hollie screamed, rebecca st. james shows record, masterbates, pointed, casey, when you saw me, she said, lust, she wants, dressed sexy, hollie showed, thumbs down, mark v. brown, with dyed hair, preaches salvation, hollie showed mark brown showing git outta here, bob tells about being Holy Ghost baptized, mark trembles, come back, he said, that is her, hollie, with crowd sound, hollie showed, record, cut the grass, sleep, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, im thru with it, she, showed, spun, smiled, spun, stomping, tada, tell the vision, mark v. brown is cut off, said the tap dancers, hollie, and, thats the new world order, she said, when mark v., said, hollie, sees visions, you made me tremble, said, woman, at church with dyed hair, france said hollie, and he saw it, said casey, france, explode, and, thats, thats why she said, dragon rose, pope, came out, that, said, hollie, that, pointed, hollie, australia appears, explodes, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, oscar class submarine fire, then, the other way, great britain exploded, that, said, hollie, posting, single visions, Jesus showed, record, lets hit alaska, he, said, hollie showed, turn, alaska explodes, more missiles on the way, bill presses nuclear button, russia explodes, bear rises, with, I tell you who it is, said, hollie, cuba, she showed, on board, nicaragua, mexico, showed 3 ribs in bears mouth, thats, missiles, from, typhoon class subs, from thier waters, america, exploded, and bill presses button, nicaragua, brazil, cuba, exploded, I need somebody, said, hollie, wont you let me record, she said, and cuba, she said, showed, with stick, on board, exploded, three, 11-7-2008-I the Lord toture to abase, causing my slaves to hate me by manifold temptations, teasing, caressing dick, making it harden, soften, make face, crease, bag, tithening muscles, when used, stripping heart, of all desire to live for me, laughing at them, teasing, night and day, to make them offended all the time, causing most to loose their souls, perish, said, Jesus, after you served, to abase, in hell, saith the LOrd, I hate people cause the tortured me, saith God, Im the LOrd, who saves, then destroys, ha ha, saith God, make me your Lord, and I will destroy, you, till you perish, saith God, hollie dances, in white robe, look at me, she said, wont you let me record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, again, hollie showed, pope, wearing blue sweatshirt, showed, hes, antichrist, hollie points, that, is, alome saleem, she, said, its, said, sandy, sound, said, hollie, thats, pontiff in blue sweatshirt, hollie showed, hu, tear up, she, said, put back, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, of, d.min jeremy taylor u.u., she said, look, she said, he stole ministry of dreams, hollie held nose, but removes ruint, kathryn taylor leaves, with, my money said kathy taylor, u.u., said, hollie, mock them saith God, trash, fix, toy, tear, tada, hollie, put back, tore, with, lighted, bear, paws, rip, from, behind, clapped, hollie, raise your mantle, and, repeat after me, sang, hollie, hollie showed record, wait, I pointed up, she said, Jesus, takes, beast, pope, false prophet, hu, puts in, hell fire, raise your bomb and repeat after me, sang, hollie, thats, medvedev, in, mig-29, bombing america, exploded, hollie, points, up rose statue of liberty, out of fire, thats, the, woman, she, said, australia, exploded, president of australia wipes lips, presses button, russia, exploded, thats great britain being bombed, by, hollie surfaces, its oscar class, she, said, fired, missiles, thats blair pressing button, hollie, waves, in, vanguard class subs, fires, missiles, russia exploded, hollie showed, record, wont you let me record, said, hollie, saw missiles going both ways, thats, hollie, showing, world, with, many, nuclear fireballs coming up, hollie showed, record, hollie shows, picture, now look, she said, pope, theres, hu, next picture, emporer of japan, hes in next picture, thats beasts, pontiff, said, hollie, hes slashed, pope, put it under, and three kings shall rise in persia, hollie showed, thats, beast, rising, pope, she said, and, hu, hollie held nose, shew, she, said, both beasts, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie, let me show you the beasts picture, showed, pope, on, color t.v., take the mark, he, said, signed, for, right here, pointed, hollie, between, pope, hu, thats, nuclear explosions, in, russia, china, then, drive out, said, pope, thats alome saleem, said, hollie, its said, sandy, soumb, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, turkey exploding, its, from, she, said, im uh bear, said, linda spall bear, thats, hollie, surfacing, its, akula, she, said, world shakes, hit france, said, woman, and he saw, said, hollie, france exploded, jacques chirac presses button, russia hit, hollie showed, record, thats alome saleem, said, hollie, licked prophet, that was military in streets, u.s.a., last sign, gabriel, in helicopter, showing, bob, california, exoploding, florida, boom, look at that, he said, indiana, exploded, that hollie like a bear, there, gabriel landed, questions, bob, kisses, not me said, gabriel, leaves, thats, alome sanome, said, hollie, barack obama, said, hollie, shot, hollie showed, record, bob dreams, with man, in ocean, boat, they both dive to search ship wreck, bob goes down so far, comes back, up, cant see, he brings up, thing like hand held oil can, hes happy, has fuse, in, lights, explodes, ocean water, like, muddy, cool, did not want to go down for long, hollie showed, turn, she said, go, with lighted bear paws, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, its almost out, said hollie oil, showed, armageddon, its, leading, she, said, put it under, thats, what, people want said hollie, oil, its on cnn, said, hollie, bob saw, nuclear fire, smoke, coming from, iraq, then, missiles, on t.v., take off, strike, gaza, thats, hollie, in, submarine, israeli, striking, gaza, 11-2008-no, said, fleas, shook, maybe, no, she said, showed, happy, put it under, said, hollie, work, its time for dinner bell she showed, no, said, fleas, 11-2008-bob, said, hollie, joel, she said, go, meet, hes, friendly, she said, hugs, goes, come back, he says, to me, cincinnati, 11-11-2008-hollie, that, she said, pope, appears, his picture, she said, tear, up, restore, rip, then, hu hintao, rip, apart, she said, now put it under, said, hollie, that, was, dream with, donald, golder, bob, said, come, on, he didnt, they were in house, people there eating, people, bob, gets, to steps, puts bowl of ice cream, in ones, face, stops, donald, goes, on, bob sees other, could get out, second dream, donald golder does not want to talk with bob, hollie showed, record, that, the beast, she, said, pontiff, tear up, she said, hu, hintao, appears, hollie, showed, fighting, hollie shows, emporer of japan, slash, she, said, pope, hollie points, bob, wont, you, let, me, said, hollie, record, thats, beast, she, said, tap dancing, with, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, pope, she, said, hollie shows, record, that, she, pointed, that was nathaniel andrew urshan pointing, said, hollie, lighted, go to china, said, the, man, hollie said, that, said, hollie, showed, that, said, hollie, showed, no, I didnt, he, said, joel, said, hollie, and, joel urshan shakes, yes, your conceited, said, hollie, and joel urshan shakes, yes, how did you do, hollie, said, joel urshan preachs lost and collects, its, in, the, offering plate, Jesus, said, joel urshan jumps over, 1000 dollars, that, said, hollie, showed, joel urshan showed cut off, I will not save joel urshan saith the LOrd, cause, hes, blasphemy, you might as well forgit it, said, hollie, both, joel and nathaniel p. urshan, thats, the nathaniel haney-urshan man pocketing, tithes, offerings, lost, hes uh witch, said, hollie, put it under, dont support your local witch said Jesus, when nathaniel urshan looks, laughs, but, time is almost up, for both, said, the Lord, but cheats people out of lucre, said, Jesus, that, hollie, out of horn, with, lighted, bear, paws, tear up, put back, rip, hollie, said, work, showed, pope, growing, like, flower, theres hu, hollie, said, showed, war, they, hate but cling, the emporer of japan, slash, pope, there you have it showed, hollie, three kings that shall rise in persia, its to late for me, is what they, thought, hollie, plays music, at, a.b.s.a. council meeting, submarine sorrow, said, hollie, showed, picture, its akula again, she, said, with bear, golden, said, hollie, inside, fired missiles, all nuclear g8 nato nations struck, and, all, fired, back, russia, exploded, the beast said hollie, rose, thats, pope, riding, black horse, im, russia, he, said, signs, flatter, he said, gets arsenal, that, said, hollie, its said sandy, soumb, prophesy and say, medvedev, said, hollie, destroys usa, hollie showed picture, submarine, its, akula, said, bear, fired, missiles, america, exploded, great britain, italy, france, australia, bear watches missiles come the other way, russia, exploded, Brezhnev said, Jesus, Leonid Brezhnev appeared, he, had, christians beat, now, in, hell fire, I knew it, he, said, like, romanias Nicolae Ceausescu, both, thats, hollie, its, ohio, class, captain hollie, fired, missiles, russia, china, thats, the, ram, said, hollie, burned, thats, hegoat, smiting, ram, and, russia, china, and, nuclear g8 nato nations exploded, thats, bear, with, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, in, mouth, hollie showed, ice cream cone, on average, she said, 501 calories, licked, hollie, put back, rip, clap, from, whats my direction, she, said, clap, it is from behind, she, said, hollie posts visions, that, said, hollie, bobby, war, said, Jesus, pope, appears, hollie, laughs, that is, Jesus, at, the, table with children preparing to sup said LOrd, out, said, hollie, on, the, days, of, your fathers funeral, said, g.t. haywood, bob, dreams, said, hollie, hes, lost, like, all p.a.w., hollie showed aenon bible college, showed, thumbs down, they, are, not saved, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, beast, worship the beast, said, hu hintao, both have nuclear weapons aimed at each other, no, said, Jesus, hollie shook, yes, showed, no, warning, said, hollie, thats hollie leopard, and hu pops out, japan, north, south korea, hollie lectured like aenon bible college, showed, thats, michael sanford with dyed hair, hollie showed, turn, thats the clap dancers, hollie, and, eight kings that will rise against america, shew, said, hollie, pope, hu hintao, lula, vicente fox, castrol, thats geyer, kim jong, thats kim jong lauching, nuclear missiles striking russia, china, south korea, hollie points, explosions, russia strikes, north korea exploded, thats, bush, firing, striking, north, korea, hollie, saw, from, sub, medvedev, strikes, america, thats, alaska, exploding, and, hundreds more missiles, thats bill clinton pressing nuclear button, russia exploded, america, exploded, thats all nato nuclear g8 nations, countries, exploding, bear, with, three, ribs, and who are they said hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hollie folded scene, that, said, hollie, the dreadful beast, she said, licked prophet, your lying about the WoRD AGIN, SAID, WOMAN, and he saw, said, casey, steven thompson making it sound like support him said joel urshan, for preaching, to me, said, hollie, lost, pope came out of little horn, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, with stick, she, said, how hydrogen car works, hollie put hydrogen in, put cap on, tada, started, its, hollie, thought, water, with chemicals, that cause, water to explode, its, not, as, powerful, as, gas, engine, it, makes, about half, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, put back, rip, submarine, somby, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, akula, with, bear, inside,
(0)prophesying visions-visions recieved 11-5-2008-hollie showed, record, said, Jesus, that was, said, hollie, new jerusalem, like uh, glass, city, she said, in grace apostolic church, hollie showed, picture, of, submarine, with, bear inside, he was golden, she said, fired, missiles, all, nuclear g8, hollie said, n.a.t.o., nations, exploded, and, bill clinton wipes lips, like jacques chirac, fired, australia, exploded, thats missiles coming the other way, im uh bear, said, the pope, and bear, tore up, put back, thats hu, he said, hes, false prophet, there you have it, the two beasts, showed, hollie, put it under, she said, thats Jesus, smiling, modelling, showed, up, my coming, he said, thats, Jesus, taking, said, hollie, the beast, false prophet, hu hintao, and placing them in hell, fire, that is, showed, Jesus, the sun, and he saw, said, casey, iraq, gaza, explode, there, hollie, leans on nuclear explosion, bush grunts, I brought it in, he said, tries to stand, gabriel, makes, to break our oil wells, he said, contracts, appears, putin, russia, had, this gets, and he saw, said, casey, bush, in lava, both, hollie showed, eat, drink, walk, with hands in pockets, red, striped, coat, king of grecia, said, gabriel, and he saw, said, hollie, pope, hes, the, antichrist, she said, put it under, the mark of the beast, said, hollie, 666, put it there, she said, its tattood, she said, on, forehead, put mark, said, pontiff, on, head, showed, on, finger, thats, said, hollie, the Father, image, made, alive, then, pope, tattood, signed for between, thats, lamb, pointed, hollie, with, hu, hintao, said, hollie, and emporer of japan, they rise, withstand, sign, with, pope, said, prophet, put it under, thats, said, hollie, nuclear explosions, in russia, china, putem out, said, pope, china, they claim, said, hollie, our oil, said, pope, they drive out china, then, force, said, hu, at end, in israel, thats, false prophet, slashing, beast, said, hu hintao, then israel launches, missiles, they strike, said, hollie, egypt, whew, held nose hollie, jordan, syria, hollie ate, that was king of jordan, and iran, both, the same, said, Jesus, and it looks like iran got bombed, said, hollie, new damascus, said, Jesus, and he saw, pointed, casey, syria, nuked, i brought it in, said, george bush, to, break, steal our oil wells, iraq, hollie leans on nuclear explosions, both, gaza, iraq, thats captain hollie, in nuclear missile sub, she said, fired, near jordan, thats, many nuclear fireballs in iraq, and israeli prime minister wipes lips, put it under, said, hollie, Brezhnev come on said, Jesus, places, in, hell fire, for not allowing christians., Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and prophetic scenes they described and they said: 10-28-2008-hey bobby, let me, said, hollie, pope appeared, modelled, theres, hu hintao, hollie, showed, fighting, hugo chavez, hollie showed he allows staging, hollie, showed, fighting, lula, he, showed, git outta here, doesnt want war, fidel castrol, hollie showed liar, hes hooked up to life support, but wouldnt let his own people do it, dies, in, hell, hollie points, at, castrol in the lake of fire, thinks, Lord I blew it, had all of his life, but, wouldnt let true christians, but lets pope, hollie shows, mexico president, shows, no, gets, plucked, by bear, and he saw, said, casey, big bear, with nicaragua, cuba, russia, attacks, casey, watchs, subs, fire, america explodes, putin, and, many, missiles, appear, striking, alaska, exploded, then, both usa coasts, henry gruver shakes yes, bill clinton presses nuclear button, russia burns, hollie surfaces, in, its ohio class, she, said, strikes china, hu presses nuclear button, strikes taiwan, Lord I told ya, said, david gilmour, he tours as pink floyd, doesnt want saved, but in hell, says, let me out, I want money, said, kim jong, im going to let you roast, said, Jesus, hollie points to the door, go, shut up, she showed, kim jong would not allow christians, but, lived, better then most in world, had, stroke, now, paralyzed, still ruling, but, they, are, taking away, will let kim jong die, bob, write the vision, said, hollie, and hollie showed, record, she said, cut off, she said, dr. jeremy taylor, u.u., she said, thats, him, in the lake said kathryn taylor, jeremy taylor m.a. in the lake of fire with suit on, said, hollie, I, said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor ph.d., stole money, he said, from, christians, preached said reverend d.min jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, for, money said reverend jeremy taylor (hon), he dies lost and broke saith God, its usa, said reverend jeremy taylor d.min economic collapse, kathy taylor m.a. sees, you made me temble said kathryn taylor m.a., both witchs, lost, but, we act said kathy taylor, use us said reverend jeremy taylor, for 1200, no less, to be your devil man, he said, both, saith God, Elder Gerald Pace is lost, saith God, he preachs, for, and elder, gerald, pace, showed, money, pocket, he said, dont, saith Jesus, thats hollie in world war two bomber, its enola gay, drops bomb on hiroshima, thats, explosion, american president Eisenhower knew this answered THE BOOK OF REVELATION, where many are killed, record, hollie out of flute, tear up, he said, put back, rip, tear, spin, tada, tore, spun, put back, spun, showed, the popes image made alive, its on pocket t.v. said hollie, hes, male hollie, like hollie showed, with lighted bear paws, I showed, record, he said, rip, thats the alome salime, its, said, sandy, simb, thats nuclear explosions, and lighted finger pointed, its enola gay, said, God, that brought judgment to usa, thats king hollie like copter, its double blader, she, said, let out dmitry, said, hollie, war said medvedev, brewing, said, hollie, left, from behind, said, hollie, Jesus, said, jong, said, hollies, Jesus, said, its, starting, hollies said, thats alime salome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, thats hu hintao riding red horse, china, thats missile, from china, striking taiwan, hollie surfaces, waves, in three ohio class subs, fires, china explodes, Jesus, said, new york agin, said, hollie, casey, showed, statue of liberty, that was a dream with charles finnell, smiling, happy, to see, theres that woman said, hollie, tell me about that o woman, said, hollie, thats america, thats, that, o, alarrie sorry, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, sound, prophesy, said, hollie, and, Jesus, dumitry medvedev is going to destroy, said, hollies, america, thats alome salime, simb, said, hollie, thats, hollie, like, copter, letting, out, pope, im the beast, he said, then, hu hintao, im the second beast, left, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, sleep, why dont you go, to ministry of dreams said samuel, rogers, and ministry of dreams website showed name, call it Ministry of Dreams said Jesus, people steal like d.min reverend jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, write the vision said hollie, that lughed hollie showed, that was hollie tearing up the, its, said, hollie, con, spirit, let, me, restore, she, said, spun, rip, tada, he said, spun, played, with, tap danced, spun, tore, spun, played, rip, bobby, said, hollie, showed, work, showed, pope, hes, the, beast, riding black horse, its like, dog, she said, hollie blew balloon with louis farrakahn on, she spoke like farrakhan, clap, 10-29-2008-hollie showed, record, dont go home, said, Jesus, can we walk, hollie said, showed fighting, the pope like angel, and hu hintao, tear up, said, hollie, put back, rip, its uh warning said fleas, hollie showed, record, I showed, fighting, she, said, hollie clapped, showed, fist, tada, said, hollie, in, walmart, thats grim reaper, I need somebody to record, he, said, that, hollie showed, record, turn, go, gabriel, showed, record, hollie begged, record, showed, go, thats alome salome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, sound, appeared, theres, alome, salome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, sandy showed, thats, hollie, sandy and hollie showed record, hollie showed, record, hollie tears up, showed, pope, hu, restore, she said, hugo chavez, hollie held nose, these three are ruining the world, said, Jesus, thats, pope, riding, black, horse, he, goes to russia, they, hold, up, contracts, loose me, he, said, look said, hollie, the beast and gabriel, dressed nice, write the vision, said, showed, hollie, showed, picture, new, hollie, tear up, just, let me, restore, she, said, rip, its saleem, said, sandy, simb, warning sireen, said, hollie, and hollie out, whatta you want, said, hollie with hollie showeds voice, that was bear paws, and medvedev, appears, like, bear, pluck, them, said, Jesus, alright, said, medvedev, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, bear has 3 ribs, Jesus, arise, devour much flesh, bear, shakes, yes, soon the united states will be uh desolation, said, Jesus, and, hollie, record, me, said, hollie, that is the woman, coming out of america, on, fire, what has dumitry done, said, Jesus, thats medvedev pressing nuclear button, and president clinton pressing, this is war, said, hollie, showed, fight, thats missiles flying striking nuclear g8 nato countries, and, they, all, fire, back, casey, showed, russia, explodes, the whole u.s.a. will be desolate, in one hour, said, hollie, and Jesus, and, up rose the beast said hollie, goes to russia, gets, control, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, emporer of japan, like lamb, goes, to, withstand, beast, thats that beast sitting in the catholic church, hollie puts nuclear explosion down on canada, and he saw, it, said, casey, canada explode, let me push the button, said, medvedev, did, thats, over, 200 topol-m missiles striking n.a.t.o. nuclear g8 nations, bill clinton and all firing back, russia explodes, hollie showed, record, thats hu riding red horse, china strikes, pointed, hand, taiwan, explodes, bill presses, right here, said, hollie, waves, surfaces, thats, trident missiles, exploding, in, china, then, medvedev, no way, he, said, kim jong launches nuclear missiles striking china, russia, south korea, medvedev, strikes, and, he saw, said, casey, north korea explode, casey, pointed, many nuclear fires in north, wait uh minute, said, hollie, theres missile from, its uh tomahawk, said, casey, then, medvedev strikes america, theres alaska exploding, bill with advisors, do it, they, said, clinton presses button, america starts exploding, and the woman came up, said, hollie, thats statue of liberty, russia, takes over 200 multiple warhead nuclear rockets, thats, russia exploding, hollie showed, pope, on, git up she said, t.v., hollie showed, record, rested her case, showed, sleep, prophesy, said, angel, russia destroys almost half population, thats, russia, exploding, thats, one third, of, men, hollie showed, record, explained, brand new iraq, said, hollie, you know who, she, said, ameri-britain, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear, explosions in iraq, gaza, bush grunts, I made war, he said, gabriel, makes, bush grunts, to steal our oil wells, gabriel, puts, bush, in lava, thats the economy going down said hollie, hollie showed, leave me alone, hollie said, my spacecraft, she said, hollie dropping, bombs, on russia, spacecraft, fired, shot, destroyed all the thiefs of ministry of dreams like d.min jeremy taylor u.u. wiped lips hollie, hollie like a copter let out prince charles, work, he said, left, 10-2008-hollie, come on, she said, put up your dukes, showed, hating, but, fighting, im the bear father, said hollie, put it under, looky, said, fleas, putin, kneeling before, pontiff, let me, said, hollie, that, was, said, hollie, putin having ten crowns, put it under, said, hollie, that is politburo, rules otyre, and out of one came pope, said hollie, that was hollie, like a copter, letting of the beast, said, the pope, with seven heads and ten horns, im the bear father, said, hollie, that is my pope, said, Jesus, put it under, REVELATION of the antichrist, God said, im the second beast, said, hu hintao, hollie showed fighting, they hate but cling, she said, put it under, thats, pointed, sam neill, with tony blairs voice, both beasts, put it under, said, hollie, worship the bear father, said, hu hintao, said, hollie, cause he is more loved, said Jesus and hollie, they have nuclear weapons, said, Jesus, aimed at each other, said hollie, thats hollie like a copter, said the Lord, letting out oak park church, worship him, said, kevin shindoll, loves, hes uh witch, said, God, but, im not, said, dawn shindoll, youll want me, said, hollie, when trouble starts, said Jesus, put it under, said, the One, thats missile leaving china, striking taiwan, said, Jesus, send bobby up, said kevin shindoll, but, guarded pulpit, loves, treaching, lost, tear up, put back, said, hollie, high on top, of, grace, apostolic church, with new jerusalem, in, put it under, said, Jesus, kevin shindoll, dont come harrasing me, he said, dont harras satan, said, hollie, he will look at it, tremble, said, Jesus, hollie like a copter, letting out irving backslided baxter, im back, he said, bobby, said, hollie, pope, showed, write the vision, 10-30-2008-hollie showed, record, d.min, she said, witchs, she said, and powder, she said, he was, called, God, said, beast, both, like, but, put it under, they are lost at u.u. churches, israel, said, man, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear, explosion, tear up, said, hollie, restore again, rip, hollie showed, record, im cut off said rebecca ann parker, leave our school, she said, hollie showed, record, hollie showed record, dont go home, said, Jesus, can we walk, hollie said, showed, fighting, thats pope like angel, and hu hintao, tear up, said, hollie, put back, rip, its uh warning, said, fleas, hollie showed, record, I showed, fighting, she, said, hollie showed, record, showed, cut off, reverend d.min jeremy taylor in black suit, she said, in lava said dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollie, an ordained unitarian universalist minister said jeremy taylor, m.a., witch said reverend jeremy taylor d.min, he stole ministry of dreams said doctor jeremy taylor of starr king school for the ministry, when rebecca ann parker sees, said, Jesus, and he saw, said casey, rebecca ann parker show cut off, its cause im uh witch said dr. rev. rebecca ann parker, yur fallen off, she said, and dr. d.min witch jeremy taylor ph.d. sees, look at it said reverend jeremy taylor u.u., now regrets stealing the God spoken christian ministry name ministry of dreams, call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, people steal cause they are jelous, cut off showed m.a. jeremy taylor (hon), so I want to make said dr. rev. jeremy taylor, showed cut off, bob cut off said doctor jeremy taylor u.u., hollie showed, record, cindy, said, Jesus, 10-31-2004-hollie showed, record, website said, hollie said, and ministry of dreams website, showed, name, call it MINISTRY of DREAMS said Jesus, people, said, hollie, steal, said, prophet, like ginny hill of the bbc news, jeremy taylor, why said, hollie, whats he done, stole said reverend jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollie, its to make him said dr. rev. jeremy taylor, showed, cut off, wants, all, ruint, like dr. rev. rebecca ann parker, looses, head job at starr king school for the ministry cause, him said rebecca parker, ruint, she said, and jeremy taylor laughs, put it under, dont trust me said m.a. jeremy taylor ph.d., showed, lost, and kathyrn taylor m.a. shakes, yes, laughs, hollie showed, record, put it on youtube, she said, hollie showed, cut off, youtube, over taking the name said sis of sistermoonshine13, she is joel tao, and utubiaparty1 shakes, yeah, he said, he is robert gillen, they, took, said ginny hill, the name said dee finney, shakes, yes, when done, but, now, regrets, ministry OF dreams, all run to remove, git out said cluracan, she and lawrence forman, we took, said, dr. bill hamon and mike murdock, showed, cut off, yes shakes john mark pool, all witchs saith God, but preach, put it under, john mark pool preaches the end times but is a witch and irving baxter with dyed hair sees, ill look at it said irving baxter, trembles, website said keep posting, said, hollie and ministry of dreams website, man, said, hollie showed, name, call it, he said, Ministry of dreams, people steal, said, hollie, to ruin, Gods elijah, put it under, they are the reason the end must come for the elects sake, saith Him, who, Is, and, Was, and Is to come, I showed, nail, in hand, saith Jesus, work, bob said hollie, showed, pray, thats hollie, giving ticket, its, uh, warning, said, police officer, we, want to arrest, like i.p.d. said Jesus, officer p. snyder, he harrased bob for no reason, wanted to arrest, yelled, talked like maniac, officer michael clupper, what did you do, said, hollie, just gimme uh arrest warrant, bob, leaves grace apostolic church, and, michael clupper, can I see you outside, clupper said, searched, for, druggs, said, michael clupper, thats, hollie with bag of white powder, liar said hollie, micahel clupper, you got me, he said, just wanted to ruin, another life by arresting, loose your job said mike clupper, thats wrecker taking away van, police dont care, put thier names on internet if they wrong you, thats hollie posting, looking at michael clupper, on computer moniter screen, hes, embarrased, thats beast, thats alome salarrie, said, hollie, tore up, fixed it, she, said, had, speedway police officer mike clupper, in, her, hand, now michael clupper knows how it feels to be told on, that is hu hintao, said, hollie, riding red horse, hand points, hollie appears, missile leaving china, thats, nuclear explosion in taiwan, hollie waves, surfacing in 3 ohio class subs, fired missiles, thats, them striking china, many fires in magog, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, hollie showed playing the synthesizer, said Jesus, and, new hollie, and new hollie licked prophet, that was hollie showed, on, that, o, red, and black chariot with pope and hu hintao, hollie wipes lips, laughs, thats alome salome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, appears, that was hollie tearing up the con, spirit, put back, hollie, clock, on locomotive, showed time, that is hollie showed like a copter, said, hollie, letting out hollie showed, im back, he, said, showed, fighting, its, him, he, said, showed, pope, hu hintao, castrol, lula, hugo, geyer, fox, jong, they are, tear up, said, showed, hollie showed, with golden face, tap dancing, its, he said, new world order, thats, said, hollie showed, new hollie, playing music, thats hollie like a copter, she said, its, double blader, letting out dumitry medvedev, hollie showed, record, that, he said, tore up, fixed, it, rip, record, the, vision, thats, him, pointed, hollie showed, the antichrist, pope, appears, im the g8, beast said, with seven heads, and nuclear nato appears, politburo, said, hollie, on putin, ten crowns, and, out of one came pope, thats, medvedev kneeling before, beast, bob dreams, tells someone, Holy Ghost baptizm feels like a body your perfect size coming in, saw rick holcomb, sitting, wanted to walk back to rick holcomb, and say, ive been praying to God about coming back to your church, but kept going, saw brother white, rick got up, moving around, that was birthday present, from hollie and gabriel, bob loved, hollies, gabriel, when bob opened, exploded, Jesus, came out, still there, hollie showed, record, eat, hollie showed, turn, 11-1-2008-hollie showed, record, said, Jesus, o taiwan, said, kathy, and he saw, said casey, nuke it, she said, taiwan, explode, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, from, china, and hu hintao, appears, thats, he pointed, magog, said, hu hintao, hollie showed, record, hollie, looked, wheres bob, said, robert cavaness, but, goes around during testimony, no visions here said robert cavaness, hollie showed, beast, the pope, she, said, hollie showed, posting, hu hintao, appears, on, screen, showed, hollie, hes, the, false prophet, she, said, showed, both beasts, hu hintao and pope, wadded, thats, colts inflattable with glowing eyes, said, hollie, showing, with, ten dungy out, win another superbowl, quit, said, Jesus, hollie, hes, not motivating enough, she, said, wadded scene, hollie shows record, hollie showed, like uh golden face, said, hollie, lit, explosion, hollie wiped lips, hollie pointed, up, beast appears, hollie showed, fighting, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, pope, gabriel shows record, get oil, showed, hollie, im leading to armageddon said hollie oil, thats, hu and his armies slashing pope in israel, many missiles launched, jordan, damascus, egypt, explode, russia, thats, putin, pushing button, israel explodes, Jesus puts beast, false prophet, in hell, fire, thats, gabriel, in, the, headlines, bush, he, said, I made war, he, said, to steal, break, our oil contracts, gabriel puts bush in hellfire, hollie showed, pope, hu, hintao, she, showed, both beasts, hollie came out of horns with lighted bear paws, tear up, showed, popes, flag, new ruler, it, said, hollie showed, record, dressed up like trick or treater, hollie showed, no, way, hollie looked like alice cooper, hollie screams, showed, popes picture, tear up, restore, trash, hollie showed, record, again, that was, said, hollie, TRASH, by, none other then, hey, its, alice cooper, recorded, to, get, new, people, did, hit, number, 7, but, is, still, selling, put it under, said, hollie, hey stupid was the only album alice cooper needed, ten top 20 hits, 11-2-2008-france, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, pointed, france, explode, cause im the g8, said, pontiff, put it under, said, hollie, thats the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hollie showed record, and, that, she said, showed, u.u. reverend jeremy taylor d.min, hollie wipes lips, its cause dr. rev. jeremy taylor ph.d. steals ministry of dreams, runs to remove, hollie shows d.min, jeremy taylor, m.a., removing Ministry Of Dreams cause that what we want said kathryn taylor, wiped lips, its cause you enjoyed doctor jeremy taylor (hon) tempting christian, yeah laughs ginn hill, all run to remove ministry of dreams, yeahp said john e. carey, duncan rouleau shakes yes, I got you unconceited said Jesus, yeahp said jeremy taylor ph.d. from starr king school for the ministry, jeremy git outta here said dr. rev. rebecca ann parker, shakes yes, its because we love, she said, witch, she said, you want me to tell on her said jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollie, rebecca parker has never been saved, but leads unitarian universalist ministry school like Dorsey Blake, jeremy taylor wipes lips, shakes, yes, its because people see it, reverend jeremy taylor m.a. says, embarrased, hollie showed popes picture, hu hintao, appears, both beasts, said, hollie, shut up, said, hollie, jeremy taylor, lies, now put it under, she said, hollie showed be quiet, thats hugo chavez, hes, causing o.p.e.c. to over charge, for oil, said, hollie, then, lula, appears, showed, no way, he said, thats, showed, hollie, nuclear explosions in brazil, venezuela, cuba, nicaragua, and hollie puts many nuclear fireballs down in mexico, its because we plucked hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, thats bear with three ribs, turns into vladimir putin, destroy he said, thats america and nuclear g8 nato on fire, you want me out said dr. rev. rebecca ann parker, out said dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., yes said rebecca parker, both witchs, saith Jesus, pope comes out of red dragon, with, its g8, showed, hollie, folded, picture, hollie shows record, hollie showed, write the vision, showed popes drawing, im the beast, he said, take it he said, the mark, thats, 666, said, hollie, place it said pope, on, thats, pope, with, it on, this is the website, post, said, hollie, and, MINISTRY OF DREAMS website appears, hollie shows, record, showed popes picture, tear up, she said, restore, rip, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, she, said, come thru, put back, showed, hollie, showed, dont, be nice, hes, your, friend, said, mrs. terry cannon, thats reverend terry cannon pocketing tithes, offerings, thats hollie like a copter, letting, out, heavenly life apostolic tabernacle, hollie came out of woodwork, she said, thats captain hollie flying in her spacecraft, call it Ministry of dreams said Jesus, people steal like dr. reverend jeremy taylor u.u., yeah said rebecca ann parker, terry did you heareme, said, man, were lost, terry swallows, come back, bye says, bob, left, hollie showed, record, dont gimme that hollie showed, terry cannon is lost, pastoring, terry cannon spent almost 200,000, to remodel church, had dyed hair, prophet shows, empties crowd, whatta you want said hollie, terry cannon wants saved, but its to late, terry, cannon, knew not to open up uh church, said, hollie, tap dancing, bye said, Jesus, but made about five million, pockets, saw, websites down, websites up, showed, hollie, and, ministry OF dreams website appears, hollie complained, showed, popes picture, thats, said, hollie, colts inflattable with glowing eyes, ted dungy appears, showed, cut off, the main showed record, bobby, said, hollie, showed, war, said, dumitry medvedev, hollie showed, shave, tada, clean, record, showed, popes picture, tear up, restore, rip, put back, go around, look, and who did I see, said, hollie, both beasts, hu hintao appears right along side of pontiff, thats the alome salarie, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, showed, work, explained, hollie showed, record, hollie shook, showed, beasts image, made alive, on, t.v., take, it, said, antichrist, and, live, 666 on forehead, popes image, tattood, on, finger, this is uh warning, said, hollie, like, copter, let, out dumitry medvedev, war he said, brewing, said, hollie, hollie showed, Jesus, giving head, most christians have oral sex, thats Jesus swallowing, doing anal sex, they swallow, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, came, subs, attacked, world shakes, up rises pope, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, showed, fighting, emporer of japan, hollie showed, lamb, hu, japan, came out of horns, thats them and beast signing the treaty 666, hollie showed, done, look, said, hollie, eat, hollie said, thats, pope riding black horse, hollie showed, china, riding, red, china strikes taiwan, thats snapping turtle catching fish underwater, they chew, alive, hollie showed, record, showed, fighting, thats, new, world, order, tap dancing, theres hu, showed, hollie, showed, record, hugo chavez, hollie showed, hes, causing o.p.e.c. to overcharge, record, said, hollie, kim jong, she said, lauched missiles, exploding, showed, hollie, in, china, south korea, russia, then russia, thats, nuclear, explosions in russia, hollie shows, tomahawk, out of u.s.a. sub, striking, north korea, explosion, record said, hollie, licked prophet, thats pope, hollie showed, i am God, said pope, submarine sorrow, said, hollie, showed, picture, its akula she said, fired missiles, struck nuclear g8, she said, they all fired back, world moves, thats, pointed, hollie, america exploding, on planet, and many other nations exploded, thats, hu, riding the red horse, hand, points, china, strikes, thats taiwan, exploding, bobby, this is website, post, said, hollie, and MINISTRY of dreams website appears, call it ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, people hate me so much they steal MINIstry of dreams name I spoke and created to ruin elijah, ill make them run to remove saith God, the united states, said gabriel, hollie showed, exploded, on, globe, and many nuclear explosion coming up from, planet said hollie, showed, from, atmosphere, she said, there the are, many countries, hollie spun globe, usa, burns, up rose the woman, she said, the statue of liberty out of america, said the Lord, 11-3-2008-this the website, website said post, said, hollie, and ministry of dreams website looks, hes uh, said, hollie, white angel man, put it under, dont steal the name God spoke ministry of dreams, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, looky, said, hollie, showed, pope picture, tear up, she said, let me restore, she said, tear, record, said, fleas, look, said, hollie, jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, appears, why, she said, what have you done, said, kathryn taylor, m.a., steals ministry of dreams and Ministry of Dreams website shows name, call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, people dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. steal to ruin Gods servant, I will ruin you if you tampor with, alter or steal the name I spoke and created said Jesus, ministry of dreams, that said hollie, was, nuclear explosions in usa, and many, in russia, china, the sign pointed, hollie, korean war veterans memorial, and vietnam, said, Jesus, america eploded, look, said, fleas, babylon appeared on, hollie showed, france exploding, great britain, many explosions, pope out of red dragon, thats italy exploding, beast blowing out, hollie showed, pope, image, thats pointed casey, hundreds of nuclear missiles coming from all those lands, striking, russia, hollie showed, the beast, she said, pope, hes the antichrist, thats russia exploding, hollie showed, hu hintao, riding red horse, thats, missile going to taiwan, exploding, casey, watchs, captain hollie, surfacing, in, three, ohio class subs, missiles striking china, no way, said, dumitry medvedev, presses, nuclear button, after kim jong said Jesus, fires, missiles, striking, south korea, china, russia, thats, missiles striking north korea from russia, and, american sub, then, thats, the, reason, we, go, all out, said, medvedev, if you do, said, putin, medvedev, shoots, putin, presses button, world shakes, up rises beast, pope, hu, hintao, wipes lips, emporer of japan, lamb appears, showed, hollie, hu, japan, comes out, signs, mark treaty with pope, slash, pope, prophet had a, twenty inch bicycle, got it up to about thirty miles per hour, went on ramp, flew about 28, said, Jesus, feet, he, never, wrecked, people remember, thats, world record on bicycle, hollie showed, record, submarine sorrow, said, hollie, im uh bear father, said, bear, in, submarine, fired, missiles, nuclear n.a.t.o. explodes, all, g8 nato nations fired back, russia explodes, hollie wipes lips, this the website, lets post, echoed hollies voice, no said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, no way, then, o.k., come, on, she, said, showed, vicente fox, he, lost, presidency of mexico for corruption, cheated people like u.s.a. government, social security collapsed, but people will still pay from paycheck, and, anger, property taxes, are, reassessed, houses have lost about 70 percent of worth, but, people still paying, many are starting to fight against government, in america, grecia, said, prophet, and he saw, said, casey, pope, appear, hollie showed, record, wait, no, way, yes, no, what did hollie show that for, said, hollie, make up your mind, record me, said, hollie, that, said, hollie showed, that, he said, what was he smiling for, in the ring, pointed, that, said, hollie showed, that, said, hollie showed, hollie showed, beast, pope, put back, rip, played with, hollie showed, record, thats the alome salime, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, I want you to die lost, I want all that I save to perish saith the LOrd, teasing, im going to make you want suicide to cause you to despair unto life, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, 11-4-2008-no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, showed, git it away from me, she said, shook, yes, hollie showed, record, rebecca st. james, appears, looking sexy, singing, Yes I beleive in God, lust me cuties, she, says, hollie showed, pope, growing, like, flower, theres hu, she said, hollie wiped lips, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, that was lamb with hu and japan coming out, thats them signing with beast at the table, 666, take it said pontiff, thats, rebecca, st. james, looking at Ministry of dreams, likes, thats, rebecca, st., james, showing, write the vision, no, im, not, saved, she, said, but, shook, yes, thats, alome salome, said, hollie, its sireen, thats rebecca st. james in australia, and, nuclear explosion in australia, many, from, thats, bear, with, three ribs, in mouth, and who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hollie shows submarines, showed picture, its akula, she said, fired, missiles, striking all nuclear g8, nato nations, bill clinton wipes lips, they all fired back, russia exploded, like, france, many, italy, thats, pope blowing, out, he goes to russia, signs, gets, arsenal, thats, taiwan exploding, hu hintao riding red, horse, hand points, missile leaving china, taiwan, exploded, beast rose, with, pope, hugo chavez, geyer, kim, jong, fox, lula, castrol, hintao, they are the seven heads, hugo chavez wipes lips, he allows staging, said, hollie, thats pope having ten crowns, and who are they said, hollie, they are, she said, ruling party, of, politburo, russia, thats bush, the woman, that, reigns, and, n.a.t.o., all, are, america, bush, rules n.a.t.o., barack obama appears, he, is, next president, I vow said john mccain, iraq till 2013, that cost him presidency, people think, he, chose, iraq over our economy, obama wipes lips, shakes, yes, he, will, be the one assassinted, biden sworn in, thats, people fighting against government, social security collapses, property taxes being charged on thier property, way higher, than worth, thats hollie, leaning on nuclear explosion in iraq, gaza, thats, many, israeli prime minister wipes lips, presses button, gaza, destroyed, thats, pointed, hollie, many nuclear fireballs in iraq, thats, explosion in iran, coming, from, u.s.a. sub, saw, hollie, she, salted, let me record said, hollie, wiped lips, thats crystal lewis, lost, but made millions singing gospel, no christian singer is saved, thats the reason we want you, said, rebecca st. james, but, to late, saith God, thats false prophet hu, and, his armies, meeting with beast, pope and his armies, slashes, thats nuclear missiles leaving israel striking jordan, syria, egypt, thats, putin, pressing button, israel explodes, Christ putting beast and false prophet in hellfire, china gets, I am God, said, pope, in italy, china makes, thats, nuclear explosion in russia, unite and take it says false prophet hu, forces russia to invade israel, hollie wipes lips, u.u., jeremy taylor, d.min steals ministry of dreams name, his career going down, charges, its fee said dr. rev. jeremy taylor, m.a., 1200 per talk, but, now his talks, people not showing, failing, looses, many, over taking the name, said, ginny hill, thats the reason said, hollie, reverend taylor, jeremy runs to remove ministry of dreams and mike murdock shakes yes, broke, kathryn taylor leaves with loot, this the website, post, said, hollie, and, Ministry of dreams website appears, both, the angel Ministry of Dreams and website, both same, website, said, post, said, hollie, thats, MINISTRY of dreams website showing name, call it Ministry OF dreams, said, Jesus, tell me what the website said, post, said, hollie, thats, both MINISTRY OF DREAMS websites, two, showed, hollie, one is angel, Ministry of Dreams, and other is website MINISTRy of dreAMs, and he showed write the vision, hollie showed turn, bob said hollie, look, showed, beasts picture, tear up, now lets see, restore, go around, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, thats the tap dancer, clapped, hollie, pope, hu, tap dancing, hollie showed, they are, both beasts, she, said, put it under, mark of the beast is 666, signed for between them, said, hollies, hollie showed record, ministry of dreams said, the website, showed, name, call it, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, and website shakes, yes, second website smiles, shows, pope, hu, clapped, both beasts, explained, Ministry of dreams website shows record, and, website smiles, shows ministry of dreams, both websites, hugged, thats hu hintao, hes second beast, pope appears, hes antichrist, they lied, laughed, signed, 666, its, the, mark treaty, take it, said, no way, showed, hu, thats nuclear explosions in canada, hollie watched from submarine, placed nuclear explosions, in canada, bear showed, tear up, restore, again, rip, showed, beasts image, on pocket t.v., turned, off, licked, prophet, showed, russia, putin, hes, gaining power, medvedev, kills, im uh bear, said, bear, thats, putin, he, said, putin came out of moscow, showed, pope, take it, said, pope, knelt before, pope grunts, let me have, they both said, america, lets rule the world, putin, said, russia, china, cuba, hugo, lula, fox, geyer, kim jong, hintao, thats putin, in, russian jet, drops bombs, on, nato, they exploded, bill clinton, wipes, lips, let me rule the world, said, putin, russia almost destroyed, thats, adolf hitler, kill, his heart said, bob said, hollie, showed, thumbs down, bose wave music system, its, expensive, buy cheap she showed, hand held for 50 bucks, hollie appears, shows record, models, this is the website, post more, said, hollie, both ministry of dreams websites appears, hollie showed, 2:38, ACTS, she said, do, showed, 2:39, shook, yes, for the promise is, she said, for you, france, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, france explode, dragon rise, with, smiling, pope, kings appeared, thats g8, with pope tap dancing, hollie showed, record, thats pope riding black horse, to russia, signs, gets, arsenal, thats lamb rising with hu and japan, to withstand beast, thats, nuclear explosions in russia, china, then, they, sign, the mark treaty, 666, hollie said, and you know what it is, 666, appears, russia, said, Jesus, arise, sprinkled, devour, and, bear, rose, attacked, nato, nuclear, nations, thats, three ribs, in bears, mouth, and, who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, written on the ribs, plucked said, hollie, america explodes, thats captain hollie, in submarine, fired missiles, its akula, she said, world shakes, up rises, pope, beast, hu, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, pope, heres how it works said, hollie, showed, microwave oven, she, put food in, set timer, turned, on, its electricity, she said, inside microwave, electricity flows, cooks, hollie showed, record, thats, nuclear g8 nations exploding, missiles coming from all, russia explodes, thats, captain hollie, surfacing, in three ohio class, subarmines, showed, pope picture, fired missiles, china exploded, china, thats hand pointing, strikes taiwan, casey saw taiwan explode, bobby record the vision, said, hollie, submarine sorry, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, akula, class, she said, fired missiles, russia, struck, said, hollie, nuclear g8, HOLLIE WIPES LIPS, RECORD ME, she said, showed, popes picture, tear, now, let me, restore, she, said, rip, hollie showed, done with, it, hollie showed, turn, whats that said, hollie, its uh 1969 pontiac bonneville, squalem hollie said, Jesus showed, cut off, 11-5-2008-record, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, showed, popes picture, tear up, fix, tear, go, above, look at it, rip, put back, rip, hollie showed, record, beast rose, hollie smiled, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol, shepherd, turn, hollie showed, go, with, lighted, bear, paws, tear, up, put back, rip, thats the alome salome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, soumb, hollie showed, picture, its ohio class, she said, fired, missiles, russia, exploded, hollie showed, picture, its, akula, class, sub, bear, rose, Jesus, sprinkled, devour, he, said, russia, attacks, nuclear, nato, hollie showed, turn, let me show, you what the beast looks like, she, said, showed, pope, theres, hu, hintao, tada, both beasts, thats hollie like golden bear, tore up, put back, showed, popes picture, he rides, black, horse, to, russia, signs, gets, arsenal, hollie showed, the yad, it showed, record, thats america, pointed the yad, both coasts exploded, and byron johnson points, its, his yad, when you look at it, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, byron v. johnson reading visions, im right here, he, pointed, america, exploded, up came woman, thats, said, hollie, showed the woman, statue of liberty, hollie folded, smiled, hollie showed yad, scratched back with, the yad showed iraq, gaza, exploded, bush, grunts, the yad points up, I brought war in, grunts bush, yad makes, bush, grunts, to steal our oil wells, the yad puts president bush in hell fire, showed, record, bob, said, hollie, website said, post, she, said, and, both Ministry of dreams websites smiled, tell me about the yad, said, hollie, had, yad, in, hands, its, the new ministering spirit on ministry of dreams, and he saw, said, casey, yad show board, pointed with stick, bear appears, with, three ribs, and, who are they, said, hollie, in, class, yad, points, at, her, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, bear had in mouth, that was nuclear explosion coming from board, yad, laughs, thats yad showing barack obama killed, biden sworn in, that was new jerusalem in new wineskin ministries church, leave me alone said, hollie, that was d.min, jeremy taylor, u.u., flying in stolen spacecraft, ministry of dreams, thats, all running to remove ministry of dreams after iraq, gaza, and, he saw, said, hollie, leaning on nuclear fire ball, gaza, iraq, explode, hollie points, many fires in iraq, God brings america into remembrance, lets, rule the world, pointed putin, thats hollie on top of that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, hollie showed thumbs down, reverend arvery j. bush, hes, reverend moton, said, hollie, showed, be quiet, thats, them, pocketing, living off lost christians, hollie showed, record, water plants, prophesy, said, gabriel, medvedev, is, angry, preparing, attack on america, gabriel, showed, record, hollie laughs, hollie showed, record, showed, yad, with, thumbs up, pointed, hollie riding nuclear missile, many, hollies riding rockets, turkey, hollie said, exploded, its from, she said, im uh bear, australia, thats yad on nuclear missile, exploded, britain, many nuclear explosions, that was angry tony blair, fire, vanguard class subs, surfaced, two, fired, all ofum, said captain hollie, russia, exploded, that said hollie, bob, barack obama wins, pointed, hollie, out of van, barack obama will be shot, said, hollie, and, hollie showed, played, music, that was hollie tearing up the concious, said, hollie, put back, rip, clap, light, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, hollie pointed, up, Jesus, putting pope, hu, false prophet in lava, raptures, jews, speaks, do away with, world dissolves, hollie showed, said, hollie, that, said, hollie showed, hollie showed 2:38, ACTS, do, she, said, hollie showed, sleep, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, showed tear up, and restore, rip, look, she, said, showed, hu, hollie held nose, both beasts, look, she, said, look, said, hollie, showed, castrol, hollie held nose, hes, liar, look, said, hollie, held nose, showed, hugo chavez, hes, hollie held nose, allowing staging, for, war, said, medvedev, look, hollie said, look, said, hollie, showed, geyer, hollie held nose, rolled, up, sleeves, come on she said, thats, nuclear missile striking nicaragua, and, many leaving striking america, look, said, hollie, lula she said, showed, no, thats, brazil, exploding, missiles, leaving, there, striking america, look, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, that, showed, hollie, look, hollie said, showed, 1970 ford thunderbird, smoked tires, hollie showed, record, eat, 11-6-?-2008-this is decision, said, hollie, do or dont, record, said, hollie, showed popes picture, tear up, and, restore, again, hollie showed, record, cat, she said, pope, appeared, like, cat, you need to let me said, hollie, record, thats alome, salome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, sound, said, hollie, showed, behold, pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, new president bush will be killed, barack obama said hollie, casey, showed, barack shot, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, wont ya let me record, said, hollie, showed pope picture, tear up, restore, rip, run, put back, clap, this is hollie with that o loose belt soun, she said, whats her message, yelled hollie, saw pope, thats, helicopter sound, hollie like king, letting out prince charles, dumitry medvedev, war he said like tony blair, its, brewing, left, thats, nuclear explosions in gaza, iraq, bush, grunts, I made war, gabriel, makes, bush, grunts, to our oil wells, steal, appears, thats, prophet, watching, smoke, going, on cnn news, from gaza, burning, watches missile, many take off from israel, iraq, explodes, thats hollie like golden bear, in submarine, that, said, hollie, fed, cat, hollie showed, record, barack obama shot, hollie shows medvedev, threatens missile deployment, its, he, said, cause, bush, showed, iraq, threatening, he, said, thats the tap dancers, clapped hollie, hollie showed, record, hit australia, said, david gergen, thats australia exploding, france, said, hollie, exploded, thats, nuclear explosions, in, great, britain, america, exploded, from, subs, all, around, missiles, struck, alaska, first, said, hollie, bill clinton, jacques chirac, they all fired back, russia, exploded, hand, points, thats, missile striking taiwan, two, massive explosions, hollie suraces in two ohio class subs, 3, fired, china, exploded, hollie showed, dumitry medvedev, deploy, he said, hugo chavez, shows, come on, hollie pointed, up, Jesus, placing, pope, hu, in, hell fire, israeli prime minister launches missiles striking egypt, jordan, syria, hu, slashes, pope, unite and force, said, hu, thats, nuclear explosion in, russia, thats, armies, invading, russia, and, going to israel, thats russia, launching nuclear missile, striking, israel, kills, millions, thats, bill clinton, looking, down, on, its MYSTERY, BABYLON, said, hollie, america, exploded, thats, both, coasts going up, from, captain hollie in subs, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, put it, she said, wiped lips, on google blog spot, thats alome salime, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, thats, alome, salime, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, appears, hollie showed, rocky balboa, its, still making money, ali was not the best, george foreman was the one said, Jesus, beast fighting, endured, in fight foreman would have beaten rocky, hollie smiles, drinks, hollie showed, record, bobby, said, hollie, eat, record, said, hollie, hollie, record, showed, beast, in blue sweatshirt, like, barack, said, person, and, he saw, said, casey, barack shot, giving speech, hollie showed, record, bobby, said, hollie, showed, pope, hollie, showed, wait, hollie, in typhoon class sub, fired, missiles, all nuclear n.a.t.o. nations struck, exploded, hollie fired, missiles, from, its ohio class, russia, exploded, shew, said, hollie, in, atmosphere, turned silhouette, angel, like silhouette, held nose, stench, he said, smoke, blocked, sun, moon, he, pointed, up rose, pope, theres, hu, said, hollie, held nose, those, she said, emporer of japan, all, signed, 666, treaty, said, hollie, slash, pope, britain, said, hollie, thats, oscar class sub, surfacing, two, hollie, said, waved, fired, britain, exploded, australia exploded, pointed, bear, turned, thats france, many, and chirac presses button, italy, thats, two, massive, explosions, and, missiles, coming, from, all, russia, exploded, hollie showed, many, thats, most, of, russia, exploding, prophet, said, hollie, thats, alome salome, she, said, its, said, sandy, simb, new iraq, said, Jesus, its, said, sandy, ameri-britain, with, alome, hollie showed, its, said, sandy, simb, hollie, captains seawolf, its excellent, she said, fired, tomahawks, direct hit, said, hollie, that was nuclear tipped tomahawk on seawolf exploding, its war, said, Jesus, that was submarine, most, of, russia, exploded, from, one, ohio class, hollie, showed, sleep, new iraq, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, iraq, gaza, explode, thats, captain, hollie, in, israeli, sub, patrolled, wearing, hat, she said, fired missiles, striking, jordan, hollie held nose, syria, damascus, exploded, hollie held nose, egypt, and thats egyptian prime minister, laughing, dying, 11-8-2008-hollie showed, record, again, showed, beast, hollie showed, record, thats the o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, with, pope, hu, leading, hollie showed, they, are, both beasts, jumped in back, saw eight kings, planning against america, shew, said, hollie, held nose, showed, fighting, hollie screamed, whatta am I screaming for, she, screamed, showed 1979 ford pinto station wagon, its excellent, would last, hollie held nose, about 200,000 miles, hollie showed, putin planning, with stick, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats, bear with, those three ribs in mouth, hollie screamed, she, screamed, showed, venezuela, exploded, and, missiles, leaving their waters, and, brazils, cubas, all, struck, america, and, america, struck them, thats, hollie, showing, the world, many, nuclear, explosions, coming, up, shook, hollie showed, eat, dinner, rang, bell, hollie showed, record, hollie, in, red, and, black chariot, showed, and cuba, nicaragua, mexico, said, hollie, north korea, held nose, cause kim launches, she, said, missiles, striking, russia, china, south korea, they fire back, north korea exploded, thats, missile from a u.s.a. sub, said, hollie, strikes, north korea, cause when we hit amexico, said, gabriel, showed, from helicopter, russia, hollie, points, at, putin, in, subs, striking, many, nations, hollie showed, record, hollie showed mister bendo she said, france, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, france exploded, hollie showed, work, hollie screamed, hollie points, iraq, gaza, many nuclear explosions, thats, captain hollie, in, submarine, fired, iraq, explodes, hollie showed, record, its to late for economy, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, look, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, eat, 11-2008-russia has nukes around america, hollie showed, sh, let, tear up, said, bear, smiled, im uh, he said, showed, putin, tear up, said, bear, restore, rip, showed, wait, hollie showed, and hollie showed, you didnt want it, he said, bob, said, hollie, thats the g8, she said, pope, i am God, he said, tell zion, said, hollie, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said pontiff, said, hollie, thats n.a.t.o., bush, said, hollie, woman, italy, she said, im the little horn, said, pope, thats nuclear nato, who can make war with it, said, hollie, I can said putin, thats ten horns on his head, she said, politburo, ruling party, she said, and out of one, door opens, beast comes, out, theat, she pointed, at Jesus, at pulpit, tell griffith, he said, left, hollie showed, thumbs, down, thats pastor, bobby were in fellowship said david birchett, hes, said, hollie, trembling, showed, im lost, he said, wait, with samuel, rogers, voice, said, Jesus, smiled, hollie showed, thumbs down, and thats, for, she said, alfred amos, with dyed hair, hollie siad, bob, dont, said, fleas, hollie pointed up, Jesus coming, placing, said, Jesus, pope, hu, in lava, pope unhappy, LOrd, same me, says, beast, but, in life, worship, said, Jesus, people, kneeling before pontiff, loves, hollie showed, record, or write, she said, thats, her posting, white robe, hollie showed, up, Jesus coming, subs, attacked, thats, said, hollie, usa burning, bill clinton wwipes libs, presses the dam button, he said, russia exploded, hollie, pointed, stumbled, they are, they dont, know, you, hollie points, thats, said, hollie, new jerusalem, like uh glass city, placed, in, zion tabernacle, they are lost, happy, but, time is running out, said, hollie, hollie, showed, sh, dont speak, they are wanting to be but wont, that is, beast and false prophet hu, signing, the mark treaty, 666, thats nuclear explosions in china, magog, blows out, the words, said, hollie, russia, then, they sign, thats, said, hollie, i am God, said, pontiff, in rome, said, hollie, bob, said, Jesus, they are open in thier own hearts, sh, said, hollie, thats, pontiff, in blue sweatshirt, sh, said, hollie, its cause hes antichrist, hollie showed, peace and safety, she said, thats gorbachev and president george bush, senior, signing, they signed start one, thta reduced nuclear arms, for both, usa, off of surface ships, it made long range missiles, reduced, sh, said, hollie, be quiet, she said, russia, sh, said, hollie, did not do it, because they spent millions building, they, both, kept, now, world dangerous, sh, said, hollie, its because france nuked, russia, does, u.s.a. hits russia, hard, but, 11-9-2008-wont ya let me record, said, hollie, hi, showed, the beast, now, who is it, she said, showed, pope, showed hu hintao, second beast, hollie showed, emporer of japan, showed, lamb, rising, thats, hu, she, said, held nose, cause hes uh liar, false prophet, japan, hollie showed, hes, struck, from, china, thats, missiles, striking, china, from, japan, then, they, unite, said, hu, hollie showed, record, do, it, agin, she said, thats gabriel, in, helicopter, california, explodes, florida, maine, both coasts, lets, bob, out, hollie showed, go, thats, hu, marching with his armies, they claim most of russia, pope, git outta here, said, pope, drives, out, russia, thats, bill clinton, dropping, bombs, in f-4 phantom, russia exploded, hollie showed, f-4 phantom, its, hollie rubbed chin, still, good, enough, thats, f-18 hornet, hollie showed, its, best, thats, mig-29, dropping bombs, america, and, all, nuclear g8 n.a.t.o. nations exploded, cindy, that, was, hollie, pointing, up, Jesus coming, subs attacking, world shakes, up, rises, pope, theres, hu hintao, said, hollie, emporer of japan, like that, said, hollie, they rose like lamb, withstand said pontiff, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, restore, rip, hollie clapped, submarine sorrow, said, hollie, its, akula, she said, let me show you uh, picture, she said, showed, bear, in, submarine, putin, appears, thats pope, in that, old, red, and, black, chariot, hollie jumps on, in, pulled, by, angry, horses, winks, cindy, thats, putin, planning, against, america, shows cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, said, hollie, thats, america, exploding, and, those three nations in bears mouth, ribs, cuba, said, hollie, thats, three, nuclear explosions, there, tell me about nicaragua, said, hollie, thats, she, said, destroyed, for allowing russia, to, stage there, subs, two, hollie watched, mexico, exploded, canada, hollie, put that right there, she, said, nuclear explosion, above montana, that, stunned both countries, medvedev, is, wanting, 11-10-2008-hollie showed, record, hollie showed, sistermoonshine13 and utubiaparty1 flying in stolen spacecraft ministry of dreams, both run to remove, thats, hollie, leaning on nuclear explosions, iraq, gaza, then joel tao runs to remove Ministry of Dreams, like dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, all, hollie showed, putin, flying in rocketship, he said, fired missiles, america and all nuclear g8 nations exploded, theres, missiles, pointed, casey, coming, other way, russia, exploded, up rose the pontiff, said, hollie, theres hu, hollie held nose, lamb, appears, hu, emporer of japan, come, out, of, horns, they, sign with beast, 666, the mark treaty, then, they, thats, nuclear, explosions, in, china, russia, drive out said pope, then, after, many, exchanges, thats, pope, sitting in rome, i am God, he said, unite and force, said, hu, hintao, thats, nuclear, explosion in russia, china invading, force, said, hu, china, invades israel, thats, hu, slashing, pontiff, and israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, missiles strike jordan, syria, egypt, thats, nuclear explosions, two, in israel, Christ places beast, false prophet in hell fire, raptures, jews, hollie tap dances, claps, hollie showed, record, showed, beasts picture, tear up, and, restore, rip, turn, look back, clap, hollie showed, wait, record, thats hu hintao riding red horse, china strikes taiwan, points hand, hollie shows, picture, its akula, she said, with, golden, bear, fired, missiles, many nations struck, like, that, points, hollie, australia exploded, thats, pope blowing out of italy, france exploded, great britain, many, nuclear explosions, america, and, I, saw, from high in the air, said, hollie, from, subs, america, exploded, up, rose, woman out of fire, thats, pointed, hollie, statue of liberty, hollie, said, work, showed, and, thats, she, said, uh pretty camaro, its, 1969, smoked tires, this is that website, Ministry Of dreams, and, Ministry of dreams, said, post, said, hollie, and ministryofdreams websites appear, both, im the first, said, ministry of dreams website, bob, loves, second, like, white angel, man, appears, and ministry of dreams website shows name, call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, name Ministry of dreams on website, tap danced, showed beast, hu, castrol, lula, geyer, fox, chavez, jong, tap dancing, thats it, clapped, ministry of dreams website, new world order, and Ministry of dreams website licks prophet, and, the dreadful beast licked prophet, with little horn on, top, pope, hollie showed, picture, its oscar, said, hollie, i am God, said, pope, thru megaphone, fired missiles, nuclear, nato struck, hollie showed, picture, of, young pope, in, submarine, that, said, hollie, turn, showed, lighted, angel, again, hollie showed, popes picture, tear, up, and, restore, rip, thats, the, clap, dancers, hollies, tap dancing, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, thats, alarie sorry, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, MYSTERY, BABYLON appears, said, hollie, and, new, hollie played, music, thats america, tell me about MYSTERY, BABYLON said, hollie, its, said, sandy, out, no money, thats, president bush, whatta you want, said, alan greenspan, what did president bush say, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, president bush wanted iraqs oil wells, said, hollie, thats, hollie, leaning, on, nuclear, explosion, thats, iraq war sorry soun, said, hollie, i brought it in, grunted, george bush, grunts, to steal our oil wells, gabriel, places, bush, in, fire, with, over, half a million people you slaughtered, said, Jesus, thats, Jesus, coming, out, of, opened, bible, thats, hollie, placing, nuclear explosions in mexico, canada, all, of, america, exploded, thats casey, high in, air, watching, pointing, subs, fired, america exploded, thats, angel, in, atmosphere, like silhouette, then, face appears, held, nose, stench, he said, blocked sun and moon, casey, rolled up atmosphere, new york city, thats gabriel, in, headlines, git outta there, said, hollie, kicked, hillary clinton out, barack obama beat, cause, he, was claiming, to, are you against iraq war, said, Jesus, obama shakes, no, and, dreadful beast licked prophet, bear shows putin, skins, medvedev, that is what I want, somebody to perish after they served me, saith the LOrd, by persecution, me making them loose thier salvation all day, everyday, I will not stop until you leave, then, I may call you back, for no reason, hollie showed, record, 11-?-11-12-2008-hollie showed, beast, modelled, hollie, posting, antichrist is pope, hollie showed, picture, hu, hintao, tear up, wiggle, and, restore, she, said, submarine, sorry, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, ohio, class, fired, missiles, russia, china, burn, hollie showed, picture, its, akula, she said, fired, missiles, with bear in, she said, all, nuclear, g8, nato, nations, struck, thats, angel, in atmosphere, we want you to post more visions, circled, geese, its bronze, said, hollie, statues, at, glendale, she said, let me show you uh picture, said, hollie, its, pope, tear, twist, put back, rip, hollie showed, picture, its akula, she said, with bear, fired, missiles, france, said, hollie, showed, exploded, hollie showed, record, hollie kissed prophet, showed, pope, bob said, hollie, that was Jesus with, to the lake, said, Jesus, beast and false prophet, in, Gods hands, places, them, in hellfire, thats pope in hell, in, suit, weeps, thats nuclear explosions, in china, russia, they drive, said, hollie, at each, other, thats, the, said, hollie, king of north, and south, hollie showed, i.d. wont do, sang, let me said, david birchett, said, hollie, 666, place it on, forehead, she said, that is beast, said, hollie, pope, thats, hollie, taking picture, he will, said, hollie, that was, hegoat smiting ram, amercia, moscow, its cause they nuke, said, hollie, up rose pontiff, hu, emporer of japan, slash, pope, said, hollie, france, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, france, its g8, she said, its nato, said, prophet, russia having politburo, said, hollie, thats putin, with ten crowns, and out of one, she said, came beast, said, hollie, its, australia, exploded, britain, boom, four, tony blair fires back, said, hollie, thats captain hollie firing missiles, struck, thats, russia exploding, america, boom, its from, said, hollie, im uh bear, she said, thats, hollie, laughed, putin, with 10 crowns, they are ruling party, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns said pontiff, thats, said, hollie, nato, rusia having politburo, hollie showed, with stick, its, pope, hu hintao, both beasts, they are, said, hollie, welcome to zion said gabriel, im the beast, said, pope, that, said, hollie, was, syraphin flying, many, heads, all about, they are, said, hollie, in zion apostolic tabernacle, i aint the pope, said, pontiff, he is, said, Jesus, antichrist, said, God, put it under, gabriel, holds up 2 fingers, thats, hollie showing new jerusalem, put it in uh platter, she said, like uh glass city, lit up, put it under, said, hollie, thats, hollie, leopard, like cat, she said, thats north and south korea, china, japan, exploded, all, said, God, like uh brown, haired, said, hollie, man, thats, hollie, I put it on uh platter, she said, new jerusalem, yeah, said, hollie, I let-ur said Jesus, like, uh, said, hollie, brown haired man, she said, put it under, we are, said, pope, the new world order, tap dancing, that is, pope, hu hintao, lula, castrol, chavez, geyer, mexico, kim jong, he said, fired missiles, striking, russia, china, south korea, thats, pointed, hollie, russia striking north korea, exploded, then, usa fires, explosion, in north korea, no, said, medvedev, what are uou doin said, putin, medvedev, shoots, presses, alaska exploded, then bill presses button, russia exploded, thats, nuclear g8, said, hollie, all struck, bear with 3 ribs, and who are they hollie said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, they all, pointed, hollie, exploded, thats missiles going other way, america, thats, pointed, hollie, MYSTERY, BABYLON, russia struck all nuclear nato, world shakes, angel, in atmosphere, held nose, stench, he said, like uh silhoeutte, said, holie, partial, casey, rolled up universe, iraq, said, nuked, gaza, boom, bush brought it in she said, bush grunts, I wanted allowance, he said, to steal our oil wells, gabriel, puts bush in lava, put it under, said, hollie, sh, she said, be quiet, thats, four kings coming out of wind, said, hollie, and who are they she said, pope, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol, shepherd, hollie out of horn, tear up, another, hollie, put back, rip, she said, lighted, hands, licked prophet, thats hollie, like, copter, letting, out, dmitry medvedev, war, he said, its, now, brewing, said, hollie, in africa, said, medvedev, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear explosion come from africa, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, said, thru with it, 11-13-2008-hollie showed, record, that woman, she said, wanted, to speak, kind, ly, but, mocked, in heart, her authority, now, is, mocked, put it under, said, hollie, I will not let people embarras without embarrasing, saith the LOrd, Jesus, appears, God, showed, im cut off said bishop charles sims, loves talking, in Jesus name, but, lost, saith the Lord, put it under, said, hollie, when charles sims sees, he will tremble, but all his life, loved, sitting, in the high places, yeah, im uh rabbi, but, lost, he, witch, saith God, people will show charles sims, and he will say, yeah let me look at it, and look back, and appear stunned, but charles sims has millions in the bank, from preaching, lost, hes, not going to get saved as long as stupid christians support him, saith God, iraq, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, wiped my lip, she said, iraq, explode, india, said, hollie, not indiana, she showed, exploded, its from, im uh bear, said, linda spall, hollie laughs, rubs, face, thats, putin, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, man, im the pope, said, beast, said, Jesus, raise your mantle, said, the Lord, and repeat, said, hollie, after me, said, hollie, russia is the bear, and pope appears, hes, anti, hollie showed, record, showed, you, that, she said, popes picture, tear up, submarine, sorrow, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, ohio class, she, said, fired missiles, with captain hollie in, russia, china, exploded, wont ya let me, said, hollie, whats that, she, said, putin, he is, becoming ruler agin, said, hollie, thats, vladimir putin pressing nuclear button, all g8 n.a.t.o. nations struck, thats, hollie, showed, record, tear up, and, restore, it, rip, hollie showed, picture, of, its, akula, she said, with, bear, inside, lighted, golden, fired, missiles, america, exploded, now put it under, thats g8, she said, nuclear nato, and russia having, politburo, ten, crowns, and out of one came beast, said, hollie, 11-14-2008-wont ya let me said, hollie, record, showed, pope, hu hintao, tear up, she, showed, emporer of japan, its, like, uh, lamb, she, said, no, said, hollie, slash, pope, said, hollie, hollie showed, nuclear explosion, its, coming, from, iraq, she, said, bush, grunts, he stole oil contracts, from russia, said, hollie, bush, grunts, gaza, thats, pointed, lighted, hands, many, nuclear, fireballs in gaza, bush, grunts, im grecia, said hollie, thats you, she said, pope, indianapolis police said gabriel, dressed like an officer, said, hollie, people stealing ministry of dreams and calling police on prophet like reverend jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, thats, america, surrounded by subs, exploded, thats, hollie, with, foam kit, refoaming, its 15 inch woofer, she said, realistic mach one, buy me, it said, tada said, hollie, its like new, and, realistic mach one licked prophet, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie, its, double blader, she, said, letting out dmitry medvedev, he, pressed nuclear button, its, war, he said, and bear rose, with 3 ribs, in mouth, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, all, nuclear, g8, nations, struck, and bush presses button, they, all, fired, back, russia exploded, thats beast with seven heads, and who are they, said, hollie, its, the, g8, its nuclear nato, she said, thats, chirac, pressing nuclear button like blair, both exploded, australia, thats, them exploding, missiles, coming, from, striking russia, hollie showed, record, flying in raptor f-22, it leaves like smoke, steam, she, said, its from air heating up, going sub sonic, she, said, hollie breathed, took a breath, its, steam, she, said, licked prophet, prophesy said Jesus, and, say that the sanfords are in lava, michael sanford and mrs. sanford, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, eat, hollie showed, turn, go, hollie showed go, lighted, hollie tore, up, fixed it, she said, showed, record, hollie had lighted bear paws, that was subwoofer, hollie out, showing, wait, that was gabriel, said, hollie, sitting in zion tabernacle apostolic faith church, hollie points, intercontinental ballistic missile, with putins face, america, exploded, hollie points, go to zion, said, the LOrd, hollie pointed, golden, gabriel, speaks, iraq agin, said, hollie, and he saw, said casey, I brought it in grunted bush, to steal our, breakem, he said, oil, contracts, bush grunts, lava, gabriel, pointed, thats, many nuclear fireballs in iraq, gaza, cause, bush, said, hollie, put it under, she said, watch, point dumitry medvedev, war, said, man, cause of you, pointed, garfield haywood, at mrs. g.t. haywood, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, said, holllie, put back, rip, with bear paws, lighted, hollie showed, record, 11-15-2008-bob, said, hollie, lets record, write the vision and make it plain, said, hollie, licked prophet, tell me said, hollie, about, what you saw, she said, a, seraphyn flying, with, wings, she said, faces, many, hollie showed, and that, she said, reverend jeremy taylor u.u. she said, steals ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, God makes d.min jeremy taylor on Dreams, Myth and Social Change to remove ministry of dreams ruint said prophet, put it under, said, hollie, watch all run to remove, iraq said, hollie, and he saw, said casey, iraq, gaza, destroyed, pointed, many nuclear fireballs, then they run to remove ministry of dreams and dchandler said Jesus, showed, cut off, over stealing ministry of dreams like joel tao who is utubiaparty1 and his sis who is sistermoonshine13, all, saith God, 11-17-2008-leave me alone, said, hollie, smiling, doctor rev. jeremy taylor, she said, steals, yehp, said joel tao, who is utubiaparty1 and his sistermoonsine13, both, knew, said Jesus, is that what you want, said, hollie, yes shakes, joel taos mistress said Jesus, put bob in prison, yeop said jeremy taylor u.u., God makes them said hollie, run to releave it, she said, and ministry of dreams website, looks, dchandler steals, removes, ruint, openly mocked, all, saith God, for hating christian, said Jesus, that much, to try to ruin him, jelous, said, Jesus, they all were, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, wiped lips, hollie screamed, you know who she said, screamed, hollie showed, eat, thats it said hollie, that, enthusiastic hollie, that, she said, hollie showed, turn, go, tear up, fix it, she showed, with lighted bear paws, tear up, she said, restore, record the vision said hollie, russia said hollie, and he saw, said, casey, the beast with seven heads and ten crowns appear, who is it said hollie, at zion, said, another hollie, its, pope, thats, bush, pointed, hollie, right there, woman, thats statue of liberty, its our national emblem, said, president george bush, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosion behind statue of liberty, tore up hollie, thats hollie, said, hollie, its, uh, double blader, she said, let out dumitry medvedev, spoke thru megaphone, hollie, out, like yellow light blob, pointed, its, putin, hes gaining control, he, lets me, said, vladimir putin, rule, he, said, dont touch that button said putin, if you do ill shoot, said, medvedev, does, thats, putin, shot, dumitry presses nuclear button, thats, and he saw, said, casey, all nuclear g8 nato nations nuked, and, tony blair, like putin presses button, russia exploded, casey, saw missiles going both ways, thats alaska exploding, thats subs saw casey around america, both coasts exploded, thats yellow light, we want you do more, said, circled geese, hollie, dances, back, like, grim reaper, points, thats alome salome, said, hollie, tear up, fix it, said, hollie, rip, and thats alome sanome, thats it, said, hollie, what is it, she, said, its, said, sandy, soumb, helicopter, with hollie, like king, letting out dumitry medvedev, you lied, said, Jesus, hes, planting nuclear missiles around america, tell me whats the warning sound is for, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, thats, captain edward smith, striking iceberg, charles lightoller wasnt watching, alome sireen, said, hollie, its, said sandy, simb, hollie showed, record, hollie showed record, hollie, record, she said, thats, alime, sanome, hollie showed, record, nobody wants it said Jesus, showed, cut off, national city bank, leave it alone, showed, hollie, with stick, smiled, showed, on board, national city bank over soon, scene faded, this the website, post, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, soumb, Ministry Of fear, said, Ministry of Dreams website, and, second MInistry OF dReams website shows yeah, hollie waves, hollie showed, record, turn, go, with, lighted bear paws, tear up, put back, fix, it, hollie shook, yes, showed, no, thought, yes, thought, thru with it, hollie showed, that, starr king school for the ministry, on top, and jeremy taylor, d.min, she said, steals ministry of dreams, like sistermoonshine13 and her utubiaparty1, and that is joel tao, they run to remove, hollie points, at dchandler removing ministry of dreams and dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. goes before the board said hollie, of starr, king, school, for, the, ministry, you knew it said dr. rev. rebecca ann parker, they remove, jeremy taylor m.a. weeps as he leaves, put it under, said, hollie, dont steal, or, and ministry of dreams website shows up, both said hollie, ruin, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, showed, up, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, Jesus, places pope said, hollie, and hu hintao, hes, sh, said, hollie, false, prophet, put it under, she said, watch doctor jeremy taylor a unitarian ordained universalist minister run to remove ministry of dreams from his website said, hollie, put it under, dont steal, she said, and ministry of dreams website appears, leave it off, he said, or showed, cut off, and unitarian jeremy taylor, who is jung, said, hollie, removes ministry of dreams ruint, she said, record, said, hollie, showed, eat, brother, said, hollie, cause when we hit iraq, she said, and he saw, said casey, iraq, gaza, nuked, massive explosions, bush grunts, when I brought it in, he said, stands, gabriel, bush sits, grunts, I made war to breakem, he said, leaves, lava, thats, pointed, hollie, president george w. bush in lava, al gore saith Jesus won arkansas and florida, they, staged, hollie showed, record, turkey, said, woman, and he saw, said, casey, turkey explode, from, thats, pointed, hand, captain, hollie, in her jewish sub, she said, hat, fired, missiles, turkey, egypt, said, hollie, jordan, syria, thats, beast and false prophet, in, israel, hu slashes pope, and, his armies, get, nuked, by israel, thats iraeli prime minister, wiping lips, presses button, fire, Jesus puts beast, hu, in, hell fire, that was man, tear up, fix it, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, and he saw, said, casey, wiped my lips, japan, explode, twice, its from, said, hollie, im uh bear, said, linda spall, hollie, slaps, laughs, putin, bobby, said, hollie, showed, record, no, said, fleas, shook, yes, showed, om thru with it, she said, and he saw, missiles, striking, now lets see that, said, hollie, russia, china, the ram, with putin, and hu, coming out of horns, hegoat smites, russia, china, america, nuke, world, shakes, up rises, beast, pope, you know who, said, hollie, licked prophet, explained, 11-18-2008-hollie showed, record, whatta you want, she, said, and, he, saw, said, casey, dr. reverend jeremy taylor u.u. steal Ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, joel tao shakes yes, joel tao is sistermoonshine13, russia, said, hollie, exploded, that was bear with three ribs, and who are they said, hollie, you know who, she said, its, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hollie showed, plucked up, she, said, a lamb can live in the arctic, said, Jesus, they do, rams, they, wur not cold, said, ram, at 40 below, when your skin freezes, said, Jesus, its, dead, cuba, said, hollie, wur is it at, she said, casey pointed, smoke, from, america, covering, cuba, and they allowed, this is radiation, kills, most, cubans, its, touches, mexico, canada, that was most of n.a.t.o. said, hollie, exploding, record, said, hollie, eat, prophet, bobby, said, gabriel, this is website, said, hollie, put back, rip, she said, restore, showed, up, thats alome sanome, said, hollie, showed, look, God destroyed his servants persecuting, ruining all day to abase, everyone perished except new born servants, Jesus showed record, he made most perish persecuting, torturing, destroying, thier bodies, parts, all day, he told them to walk away cause he wanted to devour their christian walks, that was Jesus said hollie, beating prophet, said, I hate you God dam it, for no reason, you will not make it unless I let you said Jesus, it, entertains me when servant cant bare being around me cause I kill all day long, they, were, forced, out, to be openly mocked, I made them perish, I make people perish because they are exalted in revelations, and, can profit, they know, I, torture, mock, laugh, at thier calamity, I, caused, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, let me record, said, hollie, hollie showed, pope riding black horse, to russia, they give, she said, rule, flatter them, said, pontiff, hu hintao, rides red, thats hand pointing, taiwan exploded, from, missile, from, china, thats, grim reaper on bay, pale, and Jesus, on, white, hollie showed, eye, they sag cause, hollie showed, stretch, its from being to big or small, hollie showed, all, releasing the name Ministry OF dreams after, pointed, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, iraq, gaza, explode, bush, grunts, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, Im thru with it, she showed, I made war, stands, sits, to breakem, he said, steal our oil wells, thats george bush being taken to hellfire by gabriel, submarine somby, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, taiwan, said, hollie, casey, said, nuked, she said, its from china, thats, missile, flying, exploded, hu hintao, appears, I take it, he said, wiped lips, well im george bush said barack obama, he orders, nuked, with advisors, does, its ohio class, she, said, fired, missiles, russia, exploded, the bear, said, hollie, hollie showed, picture, is akula, with bear, fired, missiles, all nuclear, g8 nato nations struck, world, shakes, up, rises, beast, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, you know who said, hollie, showed, picture, pope, put it there, said, hollie, nuclear, explosion, in, france, pointed, many, great britain, exploded, hollie, showed, australia exploding, thats, pope blowing out of italy, subs, around, its from, im uh bear, hollie laughs, slaps face, thats, hollies, in subs, fired, missiles, america, exploded, many nations, thats, captain hollie, surfacing, its, ohio class, she, said, showed china being nuked, place it there, said, hollie, mexico, hit hard, thats, cuba, exploding, venezuela, brazil, exploded, casey, watched, missiles left striking america, up rose the beast, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, showed, war, said, pope, thats nuclear missiles striking russia, china, then, they, sign, peace treaty, said, beast, 666, the mark, said, hollie, treaty, hu rose with japan, she, said, casey, points, them at table, signing, laughing, threatening, leaving, turn, showed, hollie, go, either she said, hollie, reaches, showed, now that, git food, out of dumpsters, for, animals, cat, said, hollie, its, hollie, leopard, thats hu, japan, south, north, korea, popping, out, hollie, wadded, scene, tell me who the, leopard is, said, hollie, and bear had 3 ribs in mouth, cuba, said, hollie, nicaragua, mexico, thats, them, exploding, and, missiles, leaving, thier waters, from, subs, america, burns, thats angel in atmosphere, like uh silhouette said hollie, holding nose, then face appears, casey, folded scene, do you know what france did, said, hollie, it, fell, she said, most nato, falls from, america, hollie showed, bose 901 speakers, its, excellent, like, panasonic thrusters, thats, hollie, like, copter, letting, out, the, speaker, she, said, klipsch, excellent, left, tear up, fix, it, its, man, said, hollie, rip, hollie showed, how engines get oil, with stick, pump, first, you, select the good grade, she, said, and, he, saw, said, casey oil, 10w-30, pump moves all over engine, tada, 11-19-2008-war, said, hollie, its, she said, brewing, look at n.a.t.o., said, hollie, its the g8, she said, with bush, she said, as woman, i am God, said, pontiff, out of italy, he is eighth, and of the seven, those are the seven heads, ten, crowns, thats, politburo, ruling party, of russia, and, putin, is, the, ruler, right now, under, medvedev, but, they fight, putin, is, gaining, dictatorship, record, said, hollie, tear up, fix it, rip, did the man, hollie showed, record, showed, hollie leopard, like, cat, thats, hu hintao, hollie said, popped, out, south, north, korea, she said, thats, she pointed, japan, hollie showed, record, new economy, said, hollie, its, broke, hollie showed record, eat again, showed, hollie, tell me about val johnson, said, hollie, hollie showed, eat, val johnson, he is, she said, and mrs. val johnson, hair dyers, they want sex, kids, youth, sees, trembles, threatens, but, we cant said val johnson, get thru, both said, put it under, said, hollie, watch val johnson get openly mocked, teased, thats val johnson pocketing, tithes, offerings, lost, we preach, said, mrs. val, johnson, to, profit, this the website, post, said, hollie, Ministry of dreams said ministry of dreams website angel, showed, dont steal it, said, hollie, like over 1000 have, dr. bill hamon, you claim christianity, said, hollie, but steal, rewrite an old book and include ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant like, mike murdock, said, hollie, showed, cut off, wrote book, ministry dreams, to later include ministry of dreams, and dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. does the same things, steals ministry of dreams and hides, but googlebot tells on d.min u.u. jeremy taylor m.a. ph.d., both, all steal, and ministry of dreams website, showed, to kill Gods servant, and second ministry of dreams website, shows, yeah, all run to remove the God spoken name said Jesus, ministry of dreams after iraq, gaza, nuked, and he saw, said casey, pointed, hollie, iraq, gaza, explode, thats captain, hollie, in her sub, fired, near jordan, iraq, explodes, thats israeli prime minister wiping lips, after, iraq, nukes, gaza, hollie shows, thats not iraq, thats usa sub, bush, I brought it in, he said, grunted, to breakem, oil, contracts, stands, gabriel, puts, president george bush in lava, hollie shook yes, another, hollie showed, im thru with it, thats, the, marine corp. out in streets, america, what, did, the, economy, slip, for, said, hollie, it, is, my iraq war, said, hollie, speaking, for, president bush, its, soumb, said, sandy, showed, time, out, hollie showed, record, hollie, like, its, double, blader, said, hollie, let, out, dmitry medvedev, spoke thru, megaphone, hollie, out, pointed, at america exploding, let me, said, hollie, out, of, jbl woofer, back, website said post, said, hollie, thats, her, the, main, ministering spirit appears, hollie, im not the main, anybody, she said, its, said, sandy, soumb, thats gabriel, pointed, hollie, that, was, hollie, going, to, the, bed, room, said, hollie, thats bear, with, three, ribs, in, mouth, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, up, said, hollie, thats america, exploding, world, spins, gabriel, points, thats, australia exploding, great britain, exploded, france, did, the, same, said, hollie, italy exploded, thats bill clinton, wiping lips, russia exploded, casey, points, missiles going both ways, world, shakes, let me show ya, said, hollie, spun, globe, thats, nicaragua, appearing, showed, exploded, bear, with three ribs, cuba, she said, thats, smoke, angel, like, partial, silhouette, holding, nose, stench, casey, rolled, up, universe, up, rose, the beast, said, hollie, thats, world, with, many, nuclear, fire balls, coming, up, world, spins, hollie showed, record, hollie plays music, record, the vision, pointed, hollie, right there, he said, that, pointed, hollie, was, Jesus, being given, gun, smiles, he tortures, his children, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, record, 11-20-2008-hollie showed, record, bobby, can you press, said, hollie, thats, what, people want, they, wont, let, me, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, now russia dont want it, said, hollie, tell me what, she, said, thought, hollie like a copter, said, hollie, let out dmitry medvedev, spoke, thru, megaphone, hollie, out, pointed, showed, hollie, like, goddess, hollie is human, hollie showed, record, that was enthusiastic hollie, that, she said, dont, tell, me, about barack obama, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays, music, that, was, hollie, like, copter, letting, out, dumitry medvedev, hollie, out, of, megaphone, pointed, russia, she, said, exploded, thats, many, captain hollies in subs, firing, missiles, thats, hollie, showing, the globe, spun, many countries, exploding, world, shook, up rose beast, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, pope, thats pontiff, riding black horse, flatter, he said, russia, italy exploded, they, give, arsenal, its nuclear controls, said, hollie, thats russia, china, nuclear explosions, in, both, drive out, said, pope, then, hu japan, rise like lamb, its, to, withstand, said, hollie, thats them signing, the peace treaty, said, beast, 666, thats the mark of the beast on forehead, place it, said, pope, said, hollie, his image tattood, on finger, hollie, points, thats, like, nathaniel andrew urshan, I am God, said, beast, in rome, said, hollie, thats, unite, and, force, she said, the armies of hintao, said, hollie, thats, nuclear, explosion, in russia, force, said, hollie, russia, to invade, drivem, said, hu, thats, china, making, russia, invade, israel, hu, slashes, pope, thats, nuclear, missiles, leaving, israel, egypt, jordan, syria, Christ places beast, false prophet, in, the fire, that was captain hollie, in, israeli sub, she, said, fired missiles, struck, iraq, hollie, points, many, nuclear fireballs, in, iraq, gaza, exploded, thats, nuclear missiles leaving a u.s.a. sub, said, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, tore up, and fix, it, said, hollie, rip, hollie blows whistle, the united states will be attacked, when, you least expect it, said, Jesus, ukraine, said, man, and he saw, said, casey, ukraine, and yushchenko wiped lips, explode, said, hollie, tear up, fix, it, rip, put back, tear, spin, from behind, she said, nothing with, its, truit, said, hollie, spin, rip, it, she, said, thats, pope, on, screen, sitting on throne, turns into man hollie said, whats the name she, said, thats nathaniel a. urshan, she, said, thats what I want, said the nathaniel haney-urshan man, pointed, right here, court, that was, said, hollie, turkey, exploding, france said, hollie, exploded, canada, enthusiastic hollie wipes lips, put it there, she, said, nuclear explosion, near, cnn tower, it falls, from, thats hollie in cnn tower, with binoculars, watching, america exploded, up, rose, beast, thats uh dragon, said, hollie, its, nato, bush, she said, woman, I am God, said, pope, out of italy, russia, had ten crowns, and who are they, said, hollie, you know she, said, politburo, thats, uh, she, said, ruling party, out of one, came pope, let me, said, medvedev, kneeling before beast, he shakes, yes, thats, russia, striking america, all around, explosions, thats, hollie, looking, many nuclear fireballs, coming out of u.s.a., bill clinton presses nuclear button, thats, russia, being, attacked, exploded, bear had three ribs, in mouth, n.a.t.o.'s breaking up, said, hollie, and who are they, said, hollie, and hollie, speaks, devour, thats cuba, nicaragua, mexico, russia, firing, from, thier waters, and missiles striking usa, bill clinton wipes lips, presses button, thats, radioactive smoke covering most of cuba, nicaragua, venezuela, exploded, now I want you, said hugo chavez, and, he saw, said, hollie, big nuclear fireball in venezuela, hollie licks prophet, from, cymbol, eat, she said, record, the, vision, france, they did it, they fell away, said, hollie, and, dragon appears, thats, nato, said, hollie, hollie eats carrot, heres uh submarine, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, ohio class, she, said, with, bear, inside, fired, missiles, russia, exploded, hu hintao rides red horse, china, points, hand, strikes taiwan, exploded, hollie, surfaces, in three subs, fired, missiles, china, burns, thats, kim jong launching nuclear missiles striking russia, china, south korea, thats many nuclear explosions, coming from those lands, hollie spins world, shows, missile leaving russia, two, strike, north korea, theres massive explosions, thats tomahawk, from usa sub, exploding, in north korea, medvedev, om gonna nuke, he, said, if you do, said, putin, its, n.a.t.o., let me, said, medvedev, alright said putin, if you make me, he said, thats medvedev pressing nuclear button, ill hurt ya, said, putin, no, you, dont, said dumitry, shoots, kill said medvedev, then, presses, button, thats, missiles, heading for america, alaska, pointed, hollie, exploded, bill clinton with advisors, presses button, thats, minuteman missiles taking off, then america exploded, russia exploded after, thats angel in atmosphere, smoke rises, blocks sun, moon, casey, folded scene, thats, its uh treaty, said, hollie, bush, gorbachev, signing, peace and safety, its, start one, casey, folded scene, taiwan, said, hollie, and he said, said, casey, taiwan, explode, cuba, hollie, said, casey points, cuba exploded, greece, hollie said, boom, thats, pointed, hand, nuclear explosion in greece, many, hollie spins world, nuclear fireballs come up, from many nations, world, shakes, let me record, said, hollie, tear up, danced, shushan said singer, and he saw, said, casey, hegoat smite ram, america, moscow, china, exploded, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, this the website, post, said, hollie, ministry of dreams said, website, showed, both, name, call it ministry of dreams said JEsus, hollie showed record, hollie showed, turn, go, prophesy, said, Jesus, what did Jesus prophesy, said, hollie, that was turkey said hollie, and he saw, said, casey, nato explode, its, from, said, linda spall, im uh bear, hollie laughs, slaps, face, putin, 11-21-2008-bob, pointed hollie, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, that was hollie in her, spaceship, said, hollie, and Wendy Treat, said, hollie, Bobby Darin spoke Wendy Treat, she showed cut off like Casey Treat Ministries, you want, said, hollie, and when you see it, she said, weep, its to late, you fool, saith the Lord, you wanted my servant to speak blasphemy, alright said Wendy Treat, showed cut off, like, casey treat, both, witchs said wendy treat, I want that off there said wendy treat, make it, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, hollie flying her, spacecraft, in the butt, said casey treat, they are whores, saith the Lord, watch them, look, said, fleas, put back, tear up, fixed, it, said, hollie, look, she, said, please kill me, please kill me, sang, hollie, in fan, she said, now look, she said, Alessio Bianchi and Angelo Buono, killed, maimed, over, 20, young women, raped, Alessio Bianchi is still in prison alive, but, not his, children, as, he called, them, put said, hollie, on, google blog-spot, tell said, Jesus, whoever kills Alessio Bianchi will receive the mercy of the LOrd, just try me said Jesus, thier blood is still crying out of the ground, saith the Lord, when you see, said, Jesus, bobby, look, you made me tremble, said, hollie, speaking, and showing, on the behalf of Alessio Bianchi, sees, people, find, out, seek, to destroy, will, saith the Lord, look, said, Alessio Bianchi lies, wont talk about, but on t.v., now I know said Alessio Bianchi, kill him said Jesus for killing innocent people, saith the Lord, tear up, fix, its too late to fix it, said, Jesus, when people are, tell me the, vision, said, hollie, and hollie played music, that was a piano, playing, said, hollie, tell me what peace and safety means, said, hollie, its, being, satisfied, peace and safety means no war, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, thats, george bush, covered with winepress, on side, and, Jesus, looks down, I ordered it, president bush, said, its iraq, thats, tomahawks, said, Jesus, tell me what tomahawks are for, said, hollie, thats nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, just followin my orders, saluted, hollie, in her sub, its israeli, she said, I made war, said, president george bush, with my friend, moscow, he, said, I brokem, said bush, seize oil wells he said, Jesus showed, record, what did president bush say, said hollie, I makeum, he said, we did it, said, george bush, junior, and he saw, said casey, both george bushs with clinton, they, kept, alive, said bill clinton, our war said president bush, seize those oil wells, said, george bush, senior, thats exactly what they did, said, Jesus, iraq, said, Jesus, this is warning, said, hollie, laughed, economic collapse coming to america, saith God, thats, tear up, fix it, said, hollie, rip, spun, danced, its to late for turkey, said man, and he saw, pointed, casey, turkey exploded, hollie laughs, tear up, fix it, she said, the united states pushed nicaragua into it, said, angel, nicaragua exploded, missiles left, from there, striking america, hollie showed, go, thats, alome salime, said, hollie, its said sandy, simb, thats the pope coming out of the red dragon, said, hollie, pointed, antichrist, and, nato, thats, seven heads, bush, has, long hair, its woman, thats, putin, having, ten, crowns, you know who they are, said, hollie, who are they said hollie, ruling party, pope comes out of one, dmitry medvedev kneeling before, let me, he said, alright, said, antichrist, russia, strikes, america, thats, the, vision, pointed, hollie, bear with three ribs, and who are the clapped hollie, and hollie played music, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hollie shows those 3 nations are russia, all three destroyed, tell me what hugo chavez, appeared for, said, hollie, he spoke thru megaphone, calling on o.p.e.c. to raise, prices, it charges, rip, said, hollie, thats, big nuclear fire ball in venezuela, prophet, give warning, said, hollie, thats, the, warning, soun, she, said, russia, rise, she, said, and dmitry medvedev and dragon appears having seven heads, they are cuba, nicaragua, mexico, russia, venezuela, brazil, china, thats, kim jong, those are seven heads, im the beast, said, pope, hes, out, of, nato, italy, they, after, russia, strikes, hollie, sees, world, thats, captain hollies in, hollie showed, picture, its, alome, sireen, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, thats kim jong, launching nuclear missiles striking, hollie wipes lips, russia, china, south korea, hollie posting, thats, russia, striking, north korea, with two nuclear missiles, north korea explodes, whats that, said, hollie, missile from u.s.a. sub striking north korea, no way said medvedev, he, orders, if you do, said, putin, he shoots putin, thats, many nuclear missiles, heading for usa, alaska, exploded, pointed, casey, thats, president america, with advisors, pressing nuclear button, theres over 200 minuteman 111 missiles taking off, striking russia, thats, saw, hollie, australia, exploding, hollie, saw, britain, france, explode, like, italy, missiles, leave, there, striking russia, world shakes, up rises, you know who, said, hollie, hollie said, pope, that was pope rising having seven heads and ten horns, dont, tell me about new york city, said, gabriel, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear fire ball behind statue of liberty, big lighted hand puts sword in statue of libertys hand, america, threatens whole world, its george bush, hollie showed, giving face lift, and, that, she said, Realistic STA-2150 Digital Synthesized AM/FM Stereo Receiver, licked prophet, excellent, its, for, churches, hollie showed, record, wiped lips, 11-22-2008-bob, let me record, said, hollie, showed, eat, pope, pontiff, said, hollie, rose, im the beast, he said, with seven heads and ten horns, who are they, said, hollie, they are, she said, they are, said, hollie, im, said, showed, hollie, woofer, its, she said, 30 inch, big, said, hollie, bass, made, its, said, sandy, simb, and, angel of woofer, way of dreams, said, hollie, its jeremy taylor stealing ministry of dreams, altering, and ministry of dreams website looked, sad, release he said, remove or die, he said, thats, pointed, hollie, iraq, gaza, destroyed, then, she said, they remove, hollie said, ministry of dreams, yeah, said, ministry of dreams website, both, bob said, hollie, they wanted to ruin but, and he saw, said, hollie, doctor jeremy taylor u.u. run to remove she said ministry of dreams, that said hollie, its hu's armies advancing, she said, that, said, hollie, they are driven back, she said, when russia, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, showed, im thru with it, she said, no, putin, said, hollie, ride the missile, america, exploded, bill clinton wipes lips, with his advisors, presses nuclear button, thats, pointed, hollie, russia exploding, all nuclear g8 nato nations exploded, and fired back, said, hollie, russia burned, thats, pointed, hollie, angel in sky, holding nose, stench, face like silhouette, whats, thats, said, hollie, smoke rose, it blocked, said, hollie, our light, casey rolled up universe, thats, hollie posting, and that, said, hollie, ministering spirits filled Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, and that, said, hollie, g.t. haywood, shows, thumbs, down, fallen, he said, thumbs down, let me record, said, and, garfield, said, hollie, t. haywood, she said, iraq, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, iraq, gaza, nuked, pointed, hollie, bush grunts, I brought it in, he said, grunted, wanted to stand, said, hollie, sit, she said, grunted, to make our, he said, looked around, said, hollie, steal our oil wells, he said, gabriel, places in lava, this is the website, post, said, hollie, wiped chin, look, said, hollie, tada, said, hollie, new, jerusalem, comes down, hollie, showed, like, glass city, russia, said, hollie, arise, sprinkled, hollie, Jesus, appears, whispers, to, dmitry medvedev, devour, he said, turn, showed, hollie, medvedev, rises, strikes, nato, and, bush, said, Jesus, presses nuclear button, russia explodes, give warning, said, hollie, 11-23-2008-hollie showed, record, I need somebody to let me record, said, hollie, hollie, showed, that, hollie showed, d.min jeremy taylor u.u. stealing ministry of dreams, runs to remove, ruint, hollie appears, and, that, said, hollie, showed, fire, erupt, in, indianapolis 500 race track, from, that, she said, missile with putin on, indianapolis explodes, thats, many, fireballs, coming, up, from, america, and, that, pointed, hollie, subs around usa, exploded, look, pointed, hollie, explosion, write the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, ill show you a submarine, she, said, show you uh picture, its ohio class, she said, fired, missiles, on, russia, china, and, angry, hu, hintao, fires, back, taiwan, explodes, world shakes, record more visions, said, the main, hollie showed, record, turn, go, tear, up, fix it, with, lighted, bear, paws, and bear rose with 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hollie showed, plucked, to invade america, saw, it, explode, more, more, again, wont ya let me record, said, hollie, theres the submarine soun, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, prophet hickman, said, hollie, its iraq, said, charles finnell, and charles finnell looks stunned, he offended prophet by not shaking his hand, so God makes prophet offend charles finnell, stay away from me said charles finnell, he, thought, after, prophet, left, his church, I shouldve, its to late for charles finnell, said, hollie, charles finnell shows behold, I show you uh mystery, thats what I want, he thought, bob, out, hollie showed, record, hollie flying in spacecraft fired on the thieves, and ministry of dreams website appears, yeah, said, second website, ministry of dreams, all run to remove, after, iraq, gaza, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, many, fire balls, thats captain, hollie, in, israeli submarine, fired, when the marine corp. is in the streets, said, hollie, write the vision, said, hollie, playing, its, piano, he said, that was alome sireen, said hollie, that, said, hollie, was, dean martin, he, was, comic, said, hollie, and, hollie, blew horn, out, hollie, pointing, down, at, the rat pack, all comedians, now they are all in hell cause in this life they wanted money, said, Jesus, and charles finnell appears, hes, angry, cause, I let him, go, but, he, ran, married, pastored, but never got, thru said charles finnell, when you dream, said, hollie, its uh night vision, bob dreamed, in house, people outside, wanting, in, to break, steal, people inside, protecting, with guns, looking thru windows, 11-24-2008-leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft, ministry of dreams said, mister reed, hes, uh hair dyer, but, deacon, hollie showed, tristy taylor showed cut off, not saved, but, minister, youve been ordained, said Jesus, but lost, looser said tristy taylor, but, shakes, no, I didnt say it, but lies, shes uh witch, said hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie, showed, looting, it was, she said, the dream, people, trashing, america, cause, hollie showed, thumbs, down, minister james howard davis, 111, hes, cut off, but, can, be, saved, put it under, said, hollie, most, people are preaching not saved, you need to let me, said, hollie, hollie showed, work, russia, said, Jesus, and he saw, Jesus, sprinkle, bear, rise, devour, strikes, all, nuclear, g8, nato, nations, marvin sapp sees, and bill clinton presses nuclear button, they, all, fire, back, russia, exploded, world shakes, up rises the beast said Jesus, hollie showed hu hintao, hollie showed, fighting, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, hes the slashed pope she said, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, record, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, explosion, tear up, said, hollie, out of horn, fix it, with big lighted hands, submarine sorrow, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, its, akula, hollie, said, with, bear, inside, fired missiles, russia struck, said, hollie, nuclear g8 nato nations, bill clinton fires back, they, all, showered, russia with missiles, and, bear tattood 666, born at the table between hu and pontiff, thats, nuclear explosions in russia, china, the ram, said, hollie, then, hu, japan, rise, like lamb, withstand beast, he rides black horse to russia, flatter he said, gets kingdom, hollie, tore up, put back, rip, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, dale foster, what does it look like, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, dale foster show cut off, but, thats, dale, foster preaching, hey, its, my loot, said, dale, foster, pocketing, offerings, tithes, hollie showed, turn, go, with, lighted, bear, paws, tear up, fix, it, rip, let me, said, hollie, thats, what, I want, she, said, hollie played horn, hollie out, peace, on, banner, left, looked, out, thats, pope with red dragon, its, g8, pointed, hollie, thats, politburo, she, said, on, putin, ruling, party, and, nuclear, nato, appears, missiles fly, all, those, nations, exploded, up, rose, the, beast, said, pope, hollie showed, record, eat, walk, again, thats, nato, she, said, and bush, she, said, woman, I, am, God, said, pontiff, russia, having, politburo, thats, wadded, hollie, ruling party, hollie licked prophet, let me record, again, she said, put down, hollie showed, wrinkling face, sleeping, causes, thats, hollie, cryin, said, hollie, its him, she said, cried, dale foster appears, laughs, pockets, tithes, offerings, they, tell me, dale foster is cut off, said, hollie, support him, said, Jesus, and that, said, hollie, hollie showed played the horn, hollie out, ran, tear up, put back, rip, from, behind, said, hollie, clap, come, on, record, me, tapped, hollie, missile streaks, destroys taiwan, that was hollie, like king, its, uh, double bladder, said, hollie, hollie showed like a silhouette, copter, he said, behold, he said, showed, its, ohio, class, said, hollie, it surfaces, fires, china, burns, hollie showed, that, a, nuclear, trident, missile, submarine, it punctured, she, said, the, ice, in, arctic, that, said, hollie, arctic ice, hollie measures, almost, 17 inches, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, thats, hollie, driving, 80,000 pound semi tractor trailer on arctic ice, sub surfaces, breaks, that was new jerusalem, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, soumb, like tall glass skyscrapers, Jesus, said, dont, go, to, iraq, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, hollie, lean, on, nuclear, explosions, my war, grunted, bush, to, breakem, he, grunted, our new oil wells, he said, thats, george bush in fire, that is hegoat smiting ram, said, hollie, that, she, said, saw, pope, appear, theres hu hintao, and, that, she, said, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, rising, to, withstand, me, said, pontiff, that, was, music, said, hollie, and, the main, appeared, im not the main anybody, she said, gabriel, appears, that was hollie looking in water, reflection, you expect me to save me but you will not live for me, she, said, 11-25-2008-look at that, pointed, said, hollie, ministry of dreams website, showed, car, drive, hollie showed, record, this is nome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, put it under, said, hollie, suckers exercise facial muscles, buy, use, said, hollie, keep your face from sagging, hollie showed, record, and, that, she, said, hollie showed, record, tristy taylor, teaches, she said, lied on dr. rev. jeremy taylor, he kept, is what tristy really meant, but, acted, like, keep, tristy taylor said, sh, lies, wants jeremy taylor d.min to steal ministry of dreams, he runs to remove, and dchandler, said, hollie, runs, like, utubiaparty1, who is, hollie points, joel tao, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, tristy taylor m.a., I knew, said, kathy taylor, d.min, jeremy taylor, u.u. steals ministry of dreams, hollie, showed, doctor rev. jeremy taylor, m.a., under her feet, hollie showed, record, hollie like copter, its, uh, double beater, said, hollie, let, out, dmitry medvedev, with, putin, behind, said, hollie, git, outta, here, he, said, I, knew, said medvedev, left, tada, said, hollie, showed, its uh pioneer she said, sx-980, its, uh, receiver, said, hollie, rubbed, chin, thats power meters showing 80 watts per channel, hollie played the music, hollie out of horn, put back, tear, she, said, from, behind, she said, that was golden lighted, bear paws, tear up, fix it, rip, said, hollie, showed, tear up, fix, it, tear, she, said, hollie looks out of horn, blown by hollie, its, cause, russia, said, hollie showed, another star wars, said, woman, usa, is given to pleasure, thats alome sanome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that, she said, wait uh minute, she said, pontiff, she, said, on black horse, gitty up, he said, let me said, hollie, raise your hands and reach, she said, pope, flatter, he said, goes to moscow, gets, nuclear arsenal, thats hu hintao riding red, horse, taiwan exploded, thats emporer of japan, rises like lamb, with hu, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, china, thats, magog, said, hollie, that was, hollie, playing, my, piano, said, hollie, saw, reflection in water, thats, angel, in, atmosphere, like, silhouette, then, partial face, smiled, hollie showed, record, I am God, said, pope, sits in the temple, in, rome, goes to israel, thats, hu, unite, and, force, he said, invades russia, with, his armies, thats, nuclear, explosion, forces, russia to invade, israel, slashes, pontiff, thats, israeli prime minister launching nuclear missiles, striking egypt, jordan, syria, hollie showed, they are, destroyed, bob, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, and, that, she, said, showed popes picture, tear, fix, rip, and whole new world order, appears, tap dancing, with hu, hollie, held nose, showed, hes false prophet, we want you to come here, showed, circled, geese, hollie licked prophet, held nose, and hugo chavez, she said, hes, uh, liar, showed, come on, russia, staging, fires, america, exploded, from, hugo, hollie said, thats, venezuela, exploding, its from right here, said, hollie, america, thats, cuba, boom, smoke, covers, and hollie, in subs, fired, from, thier, waters, hugo chavez, let, said, hollie, he caused, let me, said, hollie, showed, turn, go, with, lighted, bear paws, tear up, fix, rip, hollie showed, sony component stereo, its uh, she said, am/fm receiver, two cassette decks, its, excellent, good enough, for house, with hands, showed, peace, hollie showed, record, showed, popes image, made, alive, on pocket t.v. with brown, hair, hes, medvedev, comes out of, take it, said, beast, thats, popes image, tattood on finger, thats medvedev, kneeling, before, pontiff, let me he said, pope, shakes, yeah, looks, angry, I like it, he said, russia, strikes, usa, bear, grew, devour, said, medvedev, 666 on forehead, bob om warnin, said Jesus, said, hollie, look, she said, they are getting angry, Jesus said, churches, lost, want, saved, bob is, they, know, signed, for, between, pope, hu, hintao, said, hollie, thats, nuclear explosions, in, russia, china, then, they sign, mark, treaty, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, klipsche, stereo speakers, its uh, she said, excellent, put recorder, down, weve got uh warning, said, hollie, thats alome siren, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, and Ministry of dreams website points, at indianapolis, said, hollie, art museum, this is uh warning, said, hollie, zenith allegro stereo speakers, excellent, they, are, as good, as, any, this is not the website, this is hollie talking for the website, post, and ministry of dreams website, shows, thieves, both, one stomps dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollie, for stealing, she said, and joel, she said, tao, showed, cut off, ruint, she said, and sis, of sistermoonshine13, shakes, yes, thats, said, hollie, CKYT Radio 13, said, hollies, its uh, she said, they stole ministry of dreams and website, looks, remove, he said, they do, after, its, iraq, said, hollie, bush, grunts, I, he said, made war, tries to stand, after, stealing, oil, wells, gabriel, points, up, puts president bush in the fire, put it under, said, hollie, no presidential pardon there, and george bush shows record, you know what I want, he said, showed, cut off, war, said, dmitry medvedev, and dmitry kneels before, pontiff, let me he said, pope rubs, chin, shakes, yea, hollie, showed, china, you know who, she said, thats magog, hollie showed, record, 11-26-2008-you need to record, said, hollie, and, that, she, said, showed, 1971 lincoln continental, smoked tires, submarine sorrow, said, hollie, now look, she said, licked prophet, showed, picture, its, ohio class, she, said, with captain hollie, fired missiles, russia, china, exploded, its the ram, said, hollie, wiped lips, and hegoat smote ram, america, moscow, nuke, thats, bear, rising, im with putin, said, bear, captain hollie salutes, hollie whispers, Jesus sprinkles, arise, devour flesh, hollie showed, record, thats, 3 ribs, in bears, mouth, yeah and who are they said hollie, you know who, another, said, and captain hollie, wiped, forehead, showed, cuba, hollie saluted, thought, thats, missiles, leaving, thier waters, and smoke from, that, pointed hollie, u.s.a., burning, covering, cuba, thats, russian topol-m missiles striking all nuclear g8 n.a.t.o. nations, and bill clinton, wipes lips, they, all, fired, back, that was italy, france, exploding, you need to record, me said, hollie, saluted, that, she said, Mikhail S. Gorbachev and president George Herbert Walker Bush, signed, start, one, it, shut up, said, gorbachev, weakened, thier use, he said, of, bombers, and long range, dont stock them reduce, them, said Mikhail Gorbachev, now said Mikhail S. Gorbachev with Leonid I. Brezhnevs voice, weak, like, all, most n.a.t.o., now, strong, but, not strong, enough, to strike, moscow, cause, no, surface, ships, have nuclear, missiles, or, even, capability, said, Leonid Brezhnev, now, watch, russia, and he saw, said, casey, putin, wipe, lips, rebuild, its from scrap, said, woman, they, still, have, all, and, united states, kept, in storage, we can reuse said barack obama with george bushs voice, but, and he saw, said, casye, george bush wipe forhead, wont, hollie, wiped lips, australia, exploded, fired, missiles, great britain, exploded, thats, angry tony blair, like, cat, vanguard class subs fired, and he saw, said, casey, pointed, hollie, russia, exploding, and tony, blair, fires, prophet hickman, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, hollie, watch, pointed, sam neill with tony blairs voice, they are, same, said, woman, thats, nuclear explosions, in, circle, and, china, burns, and medvedev, wipes, forehead, I think ill press it, he said, putin grunts, if you do, now wait Ill shoot said dmitry medvedev, putin, angry, dont, both said, but, does, thats, saw, hollie, hundreds, of nuclear topol-m rockets heading, toward, america, and he saw, said, casey, alaska, explode, and bill clinton with advisors, presses, nuclear button, thats, many minuteman 111 missiles, taking off, heading, thats, interceptors, striking, some, minuteman, and some topol-m, but, many get thru, both, thats, russia, and he saw, pointed, casey, russia, explode, and captain, hollie, saw, bear, rise, with, 3 ribs, hit china, said, Jesus, and barack obama, does, but, to his own, and medvedev, thinks, LOrd, wait till I do it, but, Jesus, says, now, put it under, said, casey, the judgment to the great whore, she said, two said, hollie, russia, exploded, thats, hollie, high in air, subs, around, america, exploded, and up rose the woman, hollie said, statue of liberty, out of the, fire, let me record, said, hollie, hollie showed, pointed, explosion, hollie, showed, turn, go, record the vision, said, hollie, showed, turn, she said, I pointed, he, the economys quit, said, hollie, ruint, cause, bush, he grunted, I made war, he said, tried to get away, gabriel, points, up, sit, said, outlaws Jesus, does, to steal breakem grunted george w. bush, he, stole iraqs oil, now put it under, said, hollie, they are over, saith the LOrd, iraq, gaza, destroyed, bush grunts, I made it, he said, looks around, nukes, does, said, prophet, bobby, said, hollie, dont tell me about the marine corp., said woman, and he saw, said, hollie, u.s.a. marines in streets, last, sign, hollie showed record, ill salute, showed, mold, its, plant, and excited hollie, danced, hollie smiles, hollie showed, record, iraq, said, hollie, with, its, said, sandy, simb, appears, thats, nuclear, explosions, hollie, leans, bush, grunts, I made, war, he, said, bush, tried, to, stand, up, said, hollie, with, its, said, sandy, simb, to breakem, steal our oil wells, gabriel, points, up, takes, president george bush, places in fire, hollie showed, record, iraq, said, librarian, and he saw, said, casey, george dont nuke it, she said, but, thats president george w. bush pressing the nuclear button, gaza, nuked, thats, and he saw, said, casey, pointed, many fireballs in gaza, and the israeli prime minister wiped lips, presses, thats, pointed casey, iraq, buring, thats, iran, exploding, put it on, said, gabriel and outlaws Jesus, and outlaws Jesus showed record, they are, said, hollie, watching, Ministry of dreams, to steal, said, hollie, but, and he saw, said, casey, out laws Jesus wipe forehead, Ill make you run to remove Ministry of dreams said Jesus, put it under, said, outlaws Jesus, dont steal, said, hollie, take it away, said, out, laws, Jesus, is what, they wanted to, do, and he saw, said, casey, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., yeoup, he said, but, gets, mocked, ruint, looses, health cause of, said, hollie, runs to remove, and dchandler, she said, runs like utubiaparty1, who is, none other, said, hollie, than joel tao, and his sis, thats, sistermoonshine 13, from, hollie, said, CKYT Radio13, thats, said, hollie, the thieves of ministry of dreams, hollie showed red dragon with pontiff leading, she said, hollie, and, kings appeared, theres, vincente fox, said, hollie, showed, stomping, hes, out, ruler, she said, hu hintao, hollie showed, stomping, hes, uh witch, she said, hes, rises with, said, hu hintao, japan, sign, the beast, she said, mark, treaty, and you know who it is, she said, 666, with, pontiff, take it, smiled, the, pope, let me said, hollie, hugo chavez, hollie showed, stomping, hes, allowing, she said, saw, hugo, chavez, invited, medvedev, staging, lula, hollie stomped, showed, fighting, we dont want said lula, but, ok, he says, shows, come on, hollie, points, thats, missiles leaving, thier waters, and, missiles striking brazil, exploded, both, said, hollie, and thats the MYSTERY, BABYLON, said, hollie, america, castrol, hollie stomps, fidel, she said, casey pointed, on life support, but he wont let people, hollie said, dies, brother, raul, showed, not wanting said raul castrol, and he saw, said, casey, a bottle of castrol motor oil, its, not, hollie said, stomped, its leading to armageddon, said, Jesus, bob hickman, said, hollie, he is, she said, and he saw, said, casey, ministry of dreams website, both, look, they are, the, two, websites, and hollie, showed, only, one, bob, says, no way, hollie stomps, nicaragua, hollie, jogged in place, looked at time, they are, she said, avenging, usa, cause, for not allowing, she said, that, missiles, there, hollie stomps, and lula, said, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, said, Jesus, he wants, war, said, hollie, but, with, Marxist guerrilla, people, not america, now we got it, said, medvedev, wipes, lips, presses, can you send 8, said, putin, no, said, medvedev, all, no, showed, said, putin, if you do Ill shoot, they both said, ok, alright said vladimir putin, kills, anyway, dmitry perishes over shooting, im avenging, said, medvedev, hollie showed, record, she said, out laws Jesus, with bright, said, hollie, sweatshirt, they are, she said, nice, but, not, good, enough, help the homeless, she said, showed, close mouth, new problem, said, Jesus, this is what I want said librarian, this life, but, in hell, regret, and, kim jong, hollie stomped, cause, he, she said, launches, cruise, said kim, jong, missiles, striking, casey, points, russia, china, south korea, and medvedev, wipes, lips, looks at watch, presses, button, north korea, casey, pointed, exploded, thats, missile from usa sub, she said, striking, north, korea, and medvedev, looks at watch, presses, button, if you do, said vladimir, putin, vladimir, said, dmitry, let me do it, he said, alright, shakes, putin, pulls gun, but ill shoot first, said, medvedev, does, thats, vladimir putin with two bullet holes in body, thats, russian leader talking to chinese leader, we'll give you taiwan, alright ill take it, said, hu hintao, thats, taiwan, exploding, now watch what russia does, said, hollie, showed, wiped, and captain, hollie, surfaces in three ohio class subs, fired, missiles, its, the, ram, said, and, hegoat smites, america, moscow, china, nuke, thats, bear, rising, with, three ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, you know who, showed, cuba, thats missiles leaving thier waters, like, venezuelas, and america, returned, the, fire, mexico, Ill place it there, said, hollie, many nuclear explosions, in, mexico, nicaragua, and geyer, said, hollie, showed, stomped, hes, its for allowing, she said, thats nicaragua exploding, and medvedev, wiped, lips, presses, button, it aint time, he said, knows, usa, still, have, 14 trident missile submarines, and captain, hollie, surfaces, they can, casey pointed, one, can, wipe out russias population, and missile, leaving, there, america, hit, thats, big nuclear fire ball, coming up, from, united states, hollie points, from, high in air, subs, all, around, u.s., fired, america, exploded, and up said, hollie, rose, the woman, you know who it is, she, said, statue, of liberty, thats, beast, rising, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol pope, tell me what alome saleem, means, said, mad max boy, the Feral Kid, he said, hollie, Emil Minty, she said, young, cute, he growls, now, 36, but, still, young, lookin, and emil, said, hollie, seek, the LOrd, she said, and Emil Minty, I made you look at it, hollie said, grunts, shakes, no, I want sex said Emil Minty, beautiful, rich, perishes, but, showed, cut off, put it under, watch what you do, said, tony blair, china, said, hollie, that is, magog, thats, o red and black chariot, with hollie on top, licked prophet, pope, hu, new, world order, 666, thats, hegoat smiting ram, america, moscow, china, nuke, thats massive, coming up from world, fireball, hu, pope, emporer of japan, slash, pope, appeared, put it under, thats, new, world order, hollie showed, record, sleep, hollie sings, like, KISS, thats gene simmons having sex, tape, said, woman, showed, cut off, hollie showed, that, pope riding black horse, hu, hintao, said, hollie, thats, hand, pointing, at him, she said, riding, red, horse, its cause you, he takes peace off of, said, hollie, the earth, thats, hand, pointing, missile, leaving, china, striking, blowing up, said, hollie, taiwan, grim reaper, laughs, that, he said, rides pale, horse, Jesus rides white horse, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, exhaust build up, its fuel that, never, burned, she said, to much, check computer censors, should, be, almost, none, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, jonah, arise, said, Jesus, go to ninevah, jonah, kept fleeing, till, God, stopped, drawing, hollie showed work, hollie showed oldsmobile, its like cadillac, smoked tires, hollie showed picture, its akula class, she said, with bear inside, fired, missiles, america, and, all, nuclear, g8 n.a.t.o. nations explode, world, shakes, and, president chirac wipes lips, they, all, fired, back, thats, australia, france, exploding, world shakes, up, rises, beast, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, showed, fighting, now let me see, she said, in suit, three piece, she said, look, good, thats nuclear explosions, in, russia, china, the ram, said, hollie, then, they sign, the mark treaty, you know what it is, said, pontiff, 666, hollie showed, record, when they shall say peace and safety, that is start one, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, president george bush and gorbachev, signing, it weakened america, scene folded, peace and safety is, said, hollie, thats bear rising, over, all, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, time out, 11-26-27-28-?-2008-hollie showed, record, showed, turn, again, hollie showed, turn, many, times, iraq, agin, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, iraq explode, bush grunts, I brought it in, he, said, looked around, to breakem, steal, he said, our oil wells, once they hit alaska, said, hollie, thats alaska exploding, and many missiles heading for the mainland, bill clinton, wipes lips, presses button, with his advisors, said, hollie, russia, and, america exploded, if he'll let me, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, showed, picture, its, again, sub, with bear, fired, thats, all nuclear g8 n.a.t.o. nations exploding, and bill clinton wipes lips, presses button, russia exploded, and up rises, said, casey, the beast, she said, and pope appears, said, casey, walks with hu hintao, he said, come on, he said, they, sign, the mark treaty, said the false propht, hu, 666, and that was, missiles, striking, russia, china, then, said, beast, 41 said dmitry medvedev, but, showed, I hatem, george w. bush, appears, thats medvedev pressing the, nuke button, he said, ill shoot, said, vladimir, said, medvedev, he shoots, killem, said, putin, thats, and he saw, said, casey, many topol-m nukes heading for america, thats, showed, hollie, chevrolet turbo sprint, its, uh, excellent car, said, hollie, spun tires, hollie showed record, showed submarine, picture, thats, letting air out sound, hollie showed turn, go, tear up, fix it, rip, with, she said, lighted, bear paws, rip, hollie rubbed chin, showed, turn, its, to, late, for, israel, said, hollie, thats, pope, in israel, with, hu, and, his armies, hu slashes, israeli prime minister looks at watch, presses nuclear button, syria, egypt, jordan explode, russia fires nuclear rocket, israel exploded, pointed casey, Christ puts beast, false prophet in fire, that was hollie, brown, coat, worship, she showed, nunt uuh, she said, pulled hand back, tear up, said, hollie, smiling, fix it, hollie showed, wont ya let me record, she said, showed, time, hollie showed, record, let me, said, hollie, showed, rabbits, birds, they think like, food, hollie showed, sleeping, and repro, that was a house on fire, tear down, dont rebuild, that was doctor thomas griffith pointing with uh lighted finger, it, was, uh, red, finger, said, hollie, hollie and ministry of dreams website points, indiana state fair pepsi coliseum exploded, this is, smiled hollie, warning, hollie showed, soumb, with, its, said, sandy, simb, jong, said, Jesus, with, the, alome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, and he saw, said, casey, whats that, said, hollie, thats, hu, hintao she, said, launching, he said, missile, two, casey, points, taiwan explodes, bush, wipes lips, why did somebody tell me I caint do, he said, presses button, thats, hollie surfacing in 3 ohio class subs, fired missiles, thats, many nuclear explosions in, china, hollie showed with big hands, like, michael jackson, she, said, white gloves, china nuked in uh circle, she, said, put it under she said, watch china explode, thats, magog, coming out of fire, raise my terror and repeat after me, sang, hollie, with, hollie playing music, trouble, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, sumb, hu hintao rose, hollie put back, tore, let me fix it, she said, agin, clap, with lighted hands, tore, tada, jumped, around, three quarters position, then straight, put back, rip, its kim jong, said, Jesus, kim jong will strike russia, said, hollie, casey saw, china, south korea, to, many explosions, striking north korea, thats nuclear explosion, that was u.s.a. sub striking north korea said hollie, this is warning, post, smiled hollie, and hands appeared, toyed, shook, that was put back, said, hollie, then, clap, hollie, showed, record, no, said, hollie, hollie showed record, israel, said, hollie, casey pointed, exploded, hollie showed, record, again, hollie showed cell phone, posting on internet on phone, hollie showed, laptop, git, one, she, said, hollie showed, turn, record, hollie, pointed, explosion, new hollie, hes thin, said, hollie, and ministry of dreams website, appears, call me, he said, do it, said, I steal, people steal the name I spoke ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant like christians dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. (hon) s.t.d. d.min m.a. ph.d. and joel tao to ruin Gods servant, I will make you run to remove saith the Lord, its my mom said doctor jeremy taylor d.min, international study of dreams, he started, said, hollie, ruins many, hes a soothsayer, said, hollie, thats uh witch, she said, and kathy taylor, sees, i know said reverend jeremy taylor u.u., you witch, said, Jesus, 11-29-2008-record the vision clapped the tap dancers, hollies, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, and that, she said, showed, the beast, she said, with seven heads and ten horns, who are they said, hollie, its politburo, she said, thats, ruling party, thats putin with ten crowns on head, and out of one came pope, let me rule said the pope with Dmitry Medvedevs voice, put it under, said, hollie, watch, russia rule the world, with the beast in charge, she said, thats, seven heads, said, pointed, hollie, and, kings appeared, theres Dmitry, she said, showed, sh, dont speak, to him, bush, said Dmitry Medvedev, he lies, said, hollie, and hugo chavez, appears, he showed, come on, lets russia, Ill allow it said Dmitry Medvedev, staging, thats, and he saw, said, casey, russia shooting nuclear rockets, from venezuela, and usa, returns, fire, boom, to both, thats, casey, pointing, both, smoking, with explosions, thats fidel castrol, naw, he said, let my brother raul, he said, showed, let, smiled, russia, stage here said fidel castrol, spoke to raul castrol, let, just teasem, he said, thats, missiles taking off from cuban waters, and america, exploded, and smoke from usa burning covering cuba, its radioactive, said, hollie, held nose, shew, she said, and angel in heavens, held nose, like partial silhouette, then, face, then, partial, dim, silhouette, held nose, smoke blocks sun, moon, for, 16 hours, said, hollie, Jesus showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie shows, record, points, explosion, over cargill grain mill, you, said, gabriel, on mill, gabriel, and, hollie, showed record, and that, hollie explained, wrote on board, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. steals ministry of dreams, you lie said hollie, ive been using it for decades said reverend jeremy taylor d.min, m.a., said, hollie, and, hollie on board, she said, showed ph.d. jeremy taylor (hon), his letters calling ministry above copyrights, I lie said doctor jeremy taylor, jung, ian, he runs to remove, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed, record, said, the main, hollie showed record, showed, fighting, thats, new world order, record, said, hollie, showed, turn, go, tear up, with lighted bear, paws, fix it, tear up, more, put back, spun, rip, from behind, said, hollie, spun, around, tada, turned, had, lighted hands, rip, turned, tada, she showed, rip, turned, put back, that was explosion over indiana state fair pepsi coliseum, hollie drank diet pepsi, liked, let me show you something, she said, zipped lip, hollie, showed, record, pointed, up, hollie showed, record, grecia, said, gabriel, casey, pointed, at pontiff with two horns, and look who popped out, she said, hu hintao, vladimir putin, and medvedev, came, out, with putin, they, fought, whose in control, said, putin, they are now equal cause laws changed, and hegoat smote the ram, with pope in middle, u.s.a., dont tell me thats grecia, said, hollie, holding, nose, pope, is, and casey pointed, smiling, beast, i am God, he said, but, lies, put it under, watch who you are following, said, hollie, put it undle, said, hollie, thats reverend jeremy taylor, u.u., said, hollie, ordained unitarian universalist minister in hospital over taking the name said hollie, Ministry of dreams, removes ruint, prophesy, said, Jesus, and hollie, its because of medvedev, russia, is, collapsing, hollie held nose, its, cause, and he saw, said, casey, we want you vladimir said medvedev with leonid brezhnevs voice, showed, cut off, out, but, vlad, i, mir, stays, still single, people, wonder, stay, hes, wanting, we can rebuild it, he said, no, said putin, alright, he said, the military, thats, nuclear missiles being aimed, russia, has, more, then, anyone, but, medvedev wants u.s.s.r., that was hegoat smiting ram, america, moscow, china, nuke each other, casey, saw, many explosions, world, shook, that was hollie playing the music, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, and that, she pointed, hollie stomping, on, hu hintao, and kim jong, they are alike, there is no Jesus, said adolf hitler, but, prayed, at the end of life, said, hollie, they all do, but, to late, Jesus showed, cut off, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, u.u., said, hollie, reverend jeremy taylor is a unitarian universalist minister that is ordained and stole the God spoken created name ministry of dreams, but runs to remove, ruint, thats doctor rev. jeremy taylor u.u., (hon), s.t.d., m.a., ph.d., d.min, showing cut off, in black suit, jeremy taylor loves preaching, the word, said, dr. reverend jeremy taylor, d.min, who is jungian, but, loves, the praise and worship of men, hes, cut off, steals ministry of dreams from christian, and ministry of dreams website appears, showed, fired, ruint doctor taylor, over taking said, hollie, the name, God, spoke, call it ministry of dreams, like cluracan who is sistermoonshine13, and her utubiaparty1, who is joel tao, all, and he saw, said, casey, joel tao show cut off, and sis shakes yes, all run to remove like dchandler, hollie showed, eat, drink, come back, and that, she said, thats Ministryof dreams, that was putin, wanting to know, what to do, said, hollie, at library, its i.u.p.u.i., said, hollie, the pope is a king, hollie showed, im cut off, she said, beast appears, hes the pope, i am God, he said, said, casey, put it under, cut off, showed, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, Fred Muir, hes, pointed casey, a witch, but pretends, hes not saved, said, hollie, shut up, she said, thats Fred Muir M.Div., hes, teaching as UUAs Safe Congregations Panel, but, and he saw, said casey, Fred Muir show cut off, he cant be saved, she said, but, acts, dont payem, she said, witch, she said, hes, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., all unitarians are witchs saith the Lord, its the Holy Ghost, said, Jesus, baptizm, it, said, hollie, feels like a body coming in your perfect size, and I speak, said the Lord, put it under said, casey, when Fred Muir sees, he trembles, seeks, 11-30-2008-hollie showed, record, this is warning, this is uh warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, turn, no, said, hollie, sat, said, wilma martin, showed, cut off, pastors, with dyed hair, jason davis showed, no, said, hollie, not saved, but, hes, pastor jason davis, try me said mrs. jason davis, no, said, hollie, hollie presented, hollie, stop, hu hintao, hollie, grabs, pope, thats winepress of God, hollie, stomping, Jesus, appears, pulling, hollie, showed, that church, she said, cut off said wilma martin, no, said, hollie, they want saved, this is hollie with that o loose belt some, said, hollie, thats fan, they blow air, spin, around, about, 700 rpm's, not enough, to, it would take about 2000 to fly, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, no, hollie showed record, thats hollie like a cat, shouted the crowd, leopard, hu hintao pops out, japan, south and north korea, hollie showed kim jong, launching nuclear missiles, striking, medvedev, russia, not me, he said, south korea, china, many explosions, pointed, casey, thats, missile leaving russia, exploding in north korea, thats missile leaving u.s.a. sub, striking north korea, and bear angers, presses nuclear button, and, thats missiles going for america, alaska exploded, thats bill clinton with advisors, pressing nuclear button, many minuteman 111 nuclear missiles launched, russia exploded, thats missile defence, striking topol-m missiles, but hollie saw, subs, around america, fired, usa exploded, and woman came up out of fire, hollie showed record, and that, she, showed, pontiff, hes, beast with seven heads and ten horns, who are they, said, hollie, stomping, hollie, white robe, thats, putin, with, ten crowns, out of one came pontiff, let me, said, medvedev, alright said antichrist, thats putin, let me rule the world, he said, go, said, hollie, seven heads appeared, thats, vicente fox, lula, said, Jesus, hugo chavez, come on, he said, russia, allows, castrol, shook, yes, hu hintao, showed, no way, wants, come, on, kim jong, geyer, nicaragua, boom, all struck, when, russia strikes n.a.t.o., and, they, all, fired, back, thats hollie pointing, spinning globe, many nuclear fireballs, coming up, up rises the beast, theres hu, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, appears, on, and you know who, said, hollie, antichrist, hes pope, theres hu, slashing, in israel, thats nuclear explosion in russia, unite and force said hu, his armies make russia invade israel, thats israeli prime minister, wiping lips, pressing nuclear button, missiles strike egypt, jordan, syria, thats, many explosions, Christ places, beast, false prophet in fire, shows wounds, what are these wounds, said, hollie, them, said, Jesus, pointed, israel, Jesus, raptures jews, everything dissolves, hollie showed record, thats hollie showed like king, showing, the bee gees, they are rich, but, old, MAURICE gibb died, like his brother, andy gibb, young, now, both in lava, wanting, tour, said, MAURICE GIBB, thats, the bee gees, playing to sold out arena, it, was, Saturday Night Fever, pointed, up, hollie, showed, no way, that movie, she said, cut off hundreds, cause, of, them, she said, bee, gees, sang, good, that made them popular, said, bee gees lead singer barry gibb, that is hollie showed, like a copter, prove me he said, left, thats, hollie, clapping, tap dancing, tear up, fix, it, rip, hollie showed, record, from behind, she said, with, I showed, you, she said, new lighted bear paws, rip, there, like, light, she said, hollie, showed, and, that, hair loss, its irreversible, he said, hollie rubbed face, it takes time with rogaine, about two years, cause, chemical, it, causes, body to make, is, born again said Jesus, hollie showed, record, that is that o red and black chariot, said, hollie, with, the pope and hu, he said, hollie jumps on top, hollie showed record, in, back, saw, putin, planning, he, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, he, said, now, wait uh minute, he said, putin said, its my world, no it idint said medvedev, he rolled up sleeves, come on, he said, he let putin stay, now I want him out, said putin, and, being points, explosion, its, economy, said, hollie, saudi arabia wants o.p.e.c. to charge, its uh minimum, said king of saudi, 75 dollars per barrel, nuclear war said Jesus over o.p.e.c., casey points, its, cause, they hit saudi, said, casey, bush grunts, out of a u.s.a. sub, she, said, we made war, grunted bush, and you knew, he said, over you, and he saw, said casey, the king of saudi arabia, showing, suprise, but, give money to terrorists he said, thats nuclear explosions in saudi arabia, bush grunts, hollie showed record, that was world with nuclear explosion coming up, then more, shaking, then, beast on top, hu hintao, thats, pope, hu signing, the mark treaty said pope, 666 appeared, emporer of japan, thats many nuclear explosions in japan, and, china burning, near the coast, said, hollie, then they unite, rise like lamb, thats nuclear explosions in china, russia, from the world, pointed, casey, shook, then, the mark treaty, said, beast, put it undle, said, casey, thats, grim reaper, laughing, collecting dead souls, its our economy going down, said, hollie, and the king of saudi arabia, I knew it, he said, bush grunts, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, eat, hollie showed record, wont ya let me record, said, hollie, showed, people lost, putting prophet out, hollie showed that, pope, riding black horse, flatter, he said, thats him blowing out of italy, goes to moscow, flatter, he said, gets nuclear arsenal, hollie showed, record, showed, hu hintao, riding red horse, china, thats hand pointing, strikes taiwan, exploded, bobby, record, me, said, hollie, hollie showed record, and elder daniel killebrew showed cut off, that was syria exploding, said, hollie, tell them MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, she said, put it under, said, hollie, saudi arabia, exploded, its, from, I, grunted bush, made, war, he said, them tell, we paid, said king of saudi arabia, terrorise, he said, and bush, both, put it under, said, hollie, showed, cut off, elder, dan, killebrew, hes, hair dyer, witch, said, hollie, both, him and his, 12-1-2008-look, said, hollie, showed, doctor, rev. jeremy taylor, u.u., hollie said, steals ministry of dreams like his sistermoonshine13, who is joel tao, of utubiaparty1, they all like dchandler take the God spoken name said hollie, ministry of dreams to ruin God's servant, now hear the word of the LOrd, I Jesus will make them all run to remove the name ministry of dreams I hid and created before the foundations of the world, and when you see it, like d.min, jeremy taylor, ph.d., it will be to late, I will have placed sickness on you for wanting my child in hell like you are going to, saith the LOrd, and he saw, pointed, casey, Jesus show nails in hand, and ordained unitarian universalist minister reverend jeremy taylor speaking in the name of Christ with blood on his hands and pocket bulging out with, loot said dr. rev. jeremy taylor, m.a., like his kathryn taylor, m.a., and tristy taylor, m.a., all, stole to ruin Gods servant, now hear the word of the LOrd, The Chaplaincy Institute for Arts and Interfaith Ministries is of the devil, saith the LOrd, they are witchs like gina rose halpern, she is richard rosen and susan rosen of miriam's well, they are all children of dr. jeremy taylor, and he is of satan, saith the LOrd, thus saith the Lord, you will know them by thier fruits, can people claim to be saved and come against my children saith the Lord, like john mark pool and dee finney and dan kaps, they all claim to be christians like dr. bill hamon, but stole the name I spoke ministry of dreams, dr., bill hamon of christian international ministries rewrote old book and included the name I spoke said Jesus ministry of dreams to ruin, but got ruint, but pocketed millions like jeffrey johnson sr. of eastern star church, hes, hair dyer, witch, but pastoring, pocketing, off stupid christians, saith the Lord, that, pointed, hollie, theres trouble rising, she said, and he saw, said, casey, the pope, hes, the, antichrist, she said, with, hu hintao, they rose, after, usa, moscow, and china, nuke, she said, and bill hamon, looks, im warning you, said Jesus, he reports, ministry of dreams to geocities, they laugh, where, they say, put it under, said, hollie, watch bill hamon perish, theres john mark pool and his sandy pool in lava, saith the Lord, like mike murdock, all witchs, saith the Lord, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor flying in stolen spacecraft ministy of dreams, runs to have kathy taylor, remove said m.a. jeremy taylor u.u., all run to remove, and he saw, said casey, iraq, gaza, explode, thats hollie, leaning on nuclear explosion, then, jeremy taylor runs to remove ministry of dreams, I created, said Jesus, im uh witch said bill hamon, hollie saw, he stole, take it said diana hughey, shook, yes, ministry of dreams, lies, but claims to be saved, saith the Lord, like cluracan who is little mustie, her and lawrence forman, lets git outta here said cluracan, they stole ministry of dreams like david shapiro and his katie bazor, to ruin like duncan rouleau and his children, duncan rouleau, and he saw, said casey, wrote the, book, the nightmarist, stole ministry of dreams, put in book, ran to remove, ruint, it cost duncan rouleau his soul saith the Lord, duncan rouleau would have gotten saved in the end, but, chose to ruin a christian and he knew, like matt brady, and dave karlostski, they all, we take said diana hughey, to ruin said cluracan, and dr. jeremy taylor says, yeahp, but all ruint now for doing, and gina rose halpern, I made ya look at it said Jesus, showed, cut off, shes, liar, acts, preaches like her unitarian universalist ministers dr. jim garrison and her Lord reverend jeremy taylor, no said u.u. jeremy taylor m.a., runs to remove, it said jim garrison, no way said unitarian jeremy taylor, but in hospital, calls kathy, take the name off, he said, ministry of dreams, Jesus showed, cut off, thats, hugh hefner, hes playboy, put it under, thats hugh hefner shaking yes with his lauching young children, his women, he calls them, my children, put it under, dont go to playboy, said, hollie, thats, hollie, tear up, rip it, but, she fixed, tear, showed, loving, coffee, drink, she showed, and that, she said, showed, the pontiff, I am God, he said, sits in temple, said the LOrd, in rome, said, hollie, smiles, goes to israel, thats, hu hintao, looking, unite and force, he said, armies, thats nuclear explosion, in russia, then, pointed, casey, his armies, advanced said hu hintao, hes, hollie, smelled, stomped, false prophet hu, slashes, pope, in israel, thats, israeli prime minister launching nuclear missiles striking, jordan, syria, egypt, and vladimir putin presses the nuclear button, israel destroyed, Christ places beast and false prophet in hell, fire, put it under, hollie smelled, thats the battle of armageddon, said Jesus, MINISTRY OF DREAMS, appeared, call it, said Jesus, ministry of dreams, bob prayed, God hid ministry of dreams till bob sought, and people steal it, said, hollie, to ruin, I will make them, said Jesus, run to remove, you caint feel it, said Jesus, tristy taylor, shakes, no, she said, with dr. rev. jeremy taylors voice, u.u., said, hollie, witchs, she said, they are, all, untarian universalist, ministers, pastors, they are, cut off, showed, hollie, the main, ministering, spirit, she is, hollie, Senyum Sayang alters ministry of dreams to ministry dreams to steal later and change to ministry of dreams like dr. mick murdock, he wrote book, ministry dreams to change later, alter, and claim, he created ministry of dreams, mike murdock is a witch said hollie, never, saved, never will be and mrs. woods shakes, hollie showed, im cut off said tristy taylor, dr. reverend jeremy taylor, shakes, yes, like, kathy taylor, m.a., u.u., said, hollie, they are, witchs, she said, not saved, and reverend jeremy taylor, when you, sees, said, hollie, and he saw, pointed, casey, The Chaplaincy Institute for Arts and Interfaith Ministries gina rose halper shake yes, and doctor rev. u.u. said hollie, jeremy taylor said amy brucker, and he saw, said casey, rev. amy brucker show cut off, i am she said, thats her, said, hollie, bathsheba, thats, she showed, yum, the u.p.c.i. organization, they are, and he saw, said hollie, kenneth haney with dyed hair, and horace smith, you shut up, he said, with dyed hair, hes uh witch, said, hollie, both, but the lead pentecost, and charles finnell repented of hair dyeing, now hear the word of the Lord, said Jesus, charles finnell, and he saw, looks at visions, Ill save you, be nice to bob, you like, but, he loves, but, avoid, both, saith God, yeahp, said vivian finnell, she loved, but, the church, and he saw, said casey, willie bland show, im cut off he said, but, preaches, michael boldea, said arch, angel, gabriel, wednesday night, said ann schmidt, you are, going to meet with prophet ministry of dreams to shake him, with your testimony, saith the Lord, you are cut off, and know it, but, want, the praise and worship of men, its right here, said mike boldea, bobs address, come on, showed, bob, wont, they like, gene, schmidt, likes, im ken stolar, said pastor ken, hes, and thats, said, hollie, ken stolar showing, cut off, but, can be saved, loves, but, wants, I controllem, he said, hollie showed, record, whatta you want for it, said hollie, and he saw, said casey, Ill remove said jeremy taylor d.min after I loose my jobs, talks, then, but, is gaining, that will all fall thru, said, hollie, watch, and he saw, said casey, doctor rev. jeremy taylor, a student, asking, if he was, and ph.d. jeremy taylor, u.u. swallows, yeah ill take it off, does, but, embarrased, gabriel, shows, record, 12-2-2008-hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, wait, you need to record, said, hollie, and, that, she, said, tear up, fix, it, rip, hollie, its, the, scripture, said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, what was it, said, hollie, over, the, pepsi coliseum, said, hollie, look, indiana state fair, light, swirling, said, hollie, different colors, exploded, its, from, Im uh bear, said, linda spall, hollie, laughed, putin, hollie showed, beasts image made alive, on phone, she, said, take it, said, pontiff, 666 appears, its, the mark, of, treaty, said hollie, thats, o, red, and, black, chariot, with the pope and hu, hollie on top, pulled, by, angry, horses, hollie stomped, why was hollie smiling, said, hollie, with, hollie playing music, sandy, its, simb, she, said, hollie saw, putin, planning, hollie, stomped, pointed, right there, said, Jesus, bear had three ribs, cuba, said, hollie, stomped, smiled, pointed, hugo chavez, come on, he said, its, cause, he, allows, staging, said, hollie, thats, russian military, in venezuela, exploded, hollie showed record, bob, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, russia didnt want it, said, hollie, casey, pointed, venezuela, they, leave, cause, hugo, changing, mind, cause, threat, said, vladimir, putin, angry, hollie showed, record, again, hollie showed, turn, go, tear up, fix, it, she showed, with, lighted bear paws, hollie showed, record, its looming, said, hollie, the banks crisis, banks appeared, they are, going broke, and want to, make government, and he saw, said, casey, bush, shrug, f.d.i.c. is broke, now, hear the word of the LOrd, banks are closing, get out now, or, give your hard earned money to, whoever receives it, said Jesus, I warned you, pointed, Jesus, you have about 42 days, saith the LOrd, many banks close, cause, people, arent paying mortgages, cause high property taxes, hollie showed, journey, I need ya to record, she, said, put it under, hollie said, journey get back, hollie, pointed, at steve perry, he, got rich, and, wanted to, thats, steve, perry, laughing, wanted, control, hollie showed, record, pointed, pioneer sx-980, its, as good as they come, she said, record, the vision, said, hollie, blew horn, out, hollie showed, tear up, and, restore, rip, from behind, said, hollie, clap, tear, this is hollie showed like a copter, letting out the new world order, he, said, tada, thats, them, tap dancing, hollie stomped, showed, hating but clinging, that was hollie showed, said, hollie, showed, when the marine corp. is out in the streets, said Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, and he saw, hollie, gabriel, like marine, in streets, then, u.s.a., prepares for, economic collapse, they, will, be, at intersections, it was peace and safety when bush and gorbachev signed start one, said, Jesus, its uh new pact, said, angel, called, missile reduction, thats hollie showed, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, tear up, said, hollie, put back, hollie showed, record, the vision, said, hollie, showed, no more, said, Jesus, thats, the, alome, sireen, said, hollie, taiwan will that be the start of it, said, Jesus, right here, circled, pointed, geese, hollie posting, at, glendale, and, he, saw, said, casey, taiwan exploded, theres, that, said, casey, missile from, china, hollie showed, record, hollie showed record, showed, carver, said, hollie hr-722 Sonic Holography stereo reciever, its uh, said, hollie, excellent, one, buy, one she said, perfect, not any better, showed, moving, gabriel, hollie, I the Lord wanted people to perish after they surrendered all, so I tortured by destroying appearance, bagging eyes, hair loss, job loss, limbs, then, tortured, wore down till the left, then I called back, and did it all over again, everyday, allday, killing to make them, a, living sacrifice, and none could bare it, I dont care, if, you perish or not, heres why, I dont need any of you, and I made you for my pleasure, make me laugh at your calamity saith Jesus, bob I will make people perish for no reason, I moved satan against JOB, he embarrased me by fasting till death, JOB perished anyway cause I destroyed, very few make it, brand new young women, only, cause, I like, hollie showed turn, that, said hollie showed, that, 12-3-2008-record, said, hollie, russia, appears, hollie showed, war, said, medvedev, russia, is, in economic collapse, and, charging way to much for oil, to bankrupt america, record, me said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed key to safe, keep it she said, look, hollie showed, let me, she said, record, this is hollie with that o loose belt sumb, she, said, hollie showed record, hollie showed record, caughed, hollie stomped, thats hu hintao, and, o, red, and, black, chariot, thats alome saleem, said, hollie, marines are here, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, hollie, marine corp. in streets, that was explosion, that was hollie like copter, letting out ali, he, claimed christianity at end of life, it was hugo chavez, said, hollie, he, appeared, wanted o.p.e.c. to charge more, allows russia staging, hollie smiled, thats the busy phone sound, thats muhammed ali not answering the call to Jesus, knew, now hes, dying, like michael j. foxx, put it undle, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, website up, website down, showed, hollie, and I turned, she said, with lighted hands, tear up, and restore, rip, put back, no, she said, you need to record, said, hollie, hollie explained, they told me record, said, hollie, and, that, she, said, showed, safe, full, of money, keep, she said, shut, this is hollie with that o loose belt sumb, showed hollie, no, said, hollie, shook yes, showed, no way, im thru with it, shook yes, showed, no, from behind, clapped, hollie, with new lighted hands, tear up, fix it, rip, put back, I need somebody to let me, said, hollie, showed, bank, closing, git, out, now, hollie showed, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, no, im thru with, she showed, banks, hollie said, lie, to get you to make deposit, but, love, ripping, off, close, no, money, but, people, I knew said woman, put it under, dont be tricked by banks, and hollie showed, Old National Bancorp, its, Old National Bank, she said, and chairman c.e.o., hollie said, Bob Jones grunted, we, he said, wanted bank, charter one, to, and Bob Jones grunted, to steal, take it away, he said, rip, off, thier accounts, then, make them plea, give, if, and Bob Jones grunted again, rip off, he said, left, and debbie know of wish channel 8, sees, put it undle, said, hollie, she sought, and debbie knox grunts, pointed, at, harvey know, yeah im related, she said, and harvey know sees, jimbo, shows, hollie settled her case, showed, hollie showed, turn, hollie told the scoup, rubbed chin, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im thru, shook, yes, had lighted bear paws, ter up, let me fix it, rip, and restore again, tear, put back, hollie shook, yes, buy church, hollie showed, go, 11-4-2008-you need to record, said, hollie, Jesus showed cut off, thats, james, e., tyson, bob dreamed, said, hollie, talked with, he, wanted on the internet, didnt, know he was on, left, bob wanted to stay with, put it under, that, was, and cleophus, said, james tyson, showed cut off, that, was, bear, smiling, and it grew, said, hollie, angry, that was, vladimir, hes, wanting, con-rule, he said, but, med, vedev, said, hollie, I want it, he said, put it under, when the banks close, said, hollie, its, to late, get, out now, they, will, but, not for long, the government makes them reopen, but, no money, its, and bob jones grunts, here, he said, in his pocket, ha ha, he said, thanks for making me rich, left, hollie showed, ginny hill, you work for the bbc, said, hollie, yeah, said, ginny hill, im uh reporter, but why did you, said, hollie, take it said ginny hill, ministry of dreams, and john e. carey showed cut off, they stole like their reverend jeremy taylor u.u. but will run to remove, and janetmck, said, hollie, watch her take it off like dchandler, who posted on johnny hams website, bush, said, hollie, and he saw, said casey, george w. bush show, im cut off, he said, for, blasphemy, thats, shrugged bush, not, getting saved, when God delt with, hollie showed, blasphemy, she said, cuts off, peoples choice, she said, its, rejecting, the LOrd, not say the devil did it when HOly Ghost did, said, her, put it under, dont reject him, she said, and he saw, said, casey, saw, Jesus, humbly, looking, laughed, hollie showed record, hollie showed, world prophecy center church, opened, hollie showed, tada, hollie showed go, record, wait, let me record, said, hollie, and, that, she, showed, with red, hand, store, git money, thats it, said, hollie, smiling, hollie, showed, fighting, thats, said, hollie, hu hintao, the, second beast she said, that, she said, showed, pope, tore up, fix it, rip, put back, hollie showed, record, we want you to come here, circled, geese, tomorrow, smiled, circled, at the mall, said, hollie, glendale, hollie showed record, and that, tore up, fix it, rip, that was one hand, said, hollie, there is uh reason, said, hollie, what is, thought hollie, buy, fix up church, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, bobby, said, hollie, rode exercycle, hollie showed the pope, you aint gonna let me, said, the bear, said linda spall, you need to record, said, bear, tear up, fix, toy, bear showed, record, charter, said, bear, and, bob jones grunts, get out, he, said, left, that, showed, hollie, ACTS 2:38, its time, she, said, what was that she did, said, hollie, I zipped my lips, she said, and, enthusiastic hollie, appears, hollie, turned, into silhouette, back, hollie dances, raise my mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, showed, the pope, she said, vladimir putin appears, thats, the second beast, and, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie, said, nunt way, thats, the Father, and, Son, like, Spirit, and, Man, Father shakes yes, teeth, record, the vision, said, hollie, showed, that, thats, the, beast, she, sang, and, false prophet, with armies in, israel, hu slashes, pontiff, israeli prime minister launches nuclear strike, he, said, thats, huge, fireball, in jordan, syria, egypt, Christ places, beast, false prophet, in, fire, raptures, then, everything, dissolves, hollie, smiles, shakes, yes, the titanic, dissolved, thats, the reason, she said, showed, charles lightoller rubbing hands, iceberg appears, about, two minutes before, contact, charles, was, not, looking, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that was charles, said, hollie, lying, it took, he, said, to long, to, steer, they, could have sank ship steering to hard, it, barely, hit, iceberg, thats, hollie, with submersible, she said, in, titanic, sees, its, right here, she, said, plates knocked out, there, pointed, hollie, two plates, missing, its, down here, she said, nice, but, rusting, there you have it, bob saw, robert ballard found, the one, two were knocked out, captain, smith, was, smiling, said, hollie, then, the, lights, went, out, ship leaned, and raised out of water, hollie measures, about 21 feet, then broke, many people were in back section, which uprighted, again, then tilted, sank, they, because of clothes, coats, went to bottom, with, ship, they all knew, oll go down with history, thats titanic showed, hollie, still, could be used, thats hollie pulling ship, ship busting in india is dangerous, thats, hollie, pulling, titanic, if still, here, would, have, been rusty, and needed new plates, thats hollie like copter, letting out dumitry medvedev, it was start one, he said, thru megaphone, hollie, out, saw, bush, gorbachev, its uh treaty, said, gorbachev, and Mikhail, said, hollie, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, is still reigning, she said, hes, vlad, it reduced nuclear arms by one third, thats david lee roth, singing, the gigolo, hes, going broke, reunited with van halen, they are selling out, with hagar and david lee, roth, thats, God inside of bob, bob sings, dances to the gigolo, God didnt care for song, it was not, very, poorly done, said, Jesus, I saw you looked said, hollie, david, lee, roth, hey, we want ya to git outta here, said, eddie van halen, david lee roth sang van halen songs, hagar made millions, both together, would be awesome, he wants it, said, Jesus, and he saw, said casey, david lee roth say, yeah, and sammy hagar, said, come on with it, no, said, hollie, that was eddie van halen, how awesome said, david lee roth, thats david lee roth laughing, sell out, said, Valerie Bertinelli, Jesus wiped forehead, that, pointed, Jesus, would be, hey bob, he, already knows, it, let sammy hagar play guitar, do, it would draw, as many as, thats half of indianapolis 500 race track grandstands full, when, they, see, said, hollie, git bob, said, david lee roth, sammy likes, but, bob, cant sing, has, pink floyds, said, hollie, voice, david, shakes, yeah, they did not like each others music, hey, thats, david lee roth with, the wall, record, opened, loved, and, alice cooper, appears, hes number one, heres what separated van halen from alice cooper, thats people appearing, to help alice cooper, eddie van halen shows, no, thats full stadium for alice, empty for van halen, we knew, this, said, david lee roth, Ministry Of Dreams appears, steal it, said, david lee roth, we'll git ya said eddie van halen with david gilmours voice, pink floyd, is now, david gilmour, thats, roger waters, appearing, he wanted out, and, is, david gilmour could sing under pink floyd, but didnt, it was cause, he did not want, roger waters, back, thats, iraq, gaza, exploding, and, hollie, shows, bush, I brought it in, to, breakem, oil, contracts, thats, u.s.a. sub with captain hollie and rockstars firing from trident missile submarine, thats, two nuclear explosions, in, gaza, and, many in iraq, israeli prime minister wipes lips, let me, press the button, thats, many, nuclear missiles, leaving israel striking iraq, exploding, more said, hollie, thats, beast slashing pontiff, she said, both, and hu, she said, showed, smelling, savor, its, coffee, she said, thats missiles leaving, israel, firing, said prime minister, striking, egypt, jordan, syria, arabs afterwards, think, yeah, they protected gaza, said king of saudi arabia, but, killed, innocence, they, do, not do one thing, I laud, said, king of saudi, thats the reason, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, hollie, king of saudi wanting seventy five per barrel that they will get over 100, that brings armies to saudi, thats, nuclear missile exploding in saudi arabia, from captain hollie, in, thats, picture, of, its, ohio class, said, hollie, with bear, inside, david lee roth says, whew, its both, america and russia, thats the hegoat smiting ram, america, moscow, nuke, thats china burning, from captain hollie, after striking taiwan, this aint no way, said, david lee roth, its iraqi, said, the, steven stargardter-jim garrison, man, and he saw, said, hollie, iraq, gaza, explode, bush, wipes, lips, I brought it in, he said, grunted, wiped lips, looks, to, steal, breakem, he said, gabriel, points, up, lava, puts george w. bush in fire, and bob was in value world where the gigolo was playing in people were singing, at, said, its uh, said, hollie, second hand store, Jesus, showed, record, 12-5-2008-hollie showed, record, and geese, circled, hollie, appears, put it undle, said hollie, charter one, said, the branch manager, and he saw, said, casey, showed, cut off, hollie showed, bobby im cut off, said, the woman, and he saw, said, casey, people, lying, claiming, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im thru with it, shook, yes, that, said, hollie, the geese circled, we want ya to come back bobby, they said, hollie, appears, showed, record, and, the pontiff, appears, she said, put it under, hes the, pope, appeared, one smiled, geese, hollie shows, showed, here tomorrow, thats, hollie posting, hands, out, of, computer, tore up, looked, made hollie, presentable, and circlin geese, tore up, fix it, to the side, that, said, hollie, theres my reason, said, hollie, thats, playing, spin, more, kept, buy that, said, circling geese, soundesign stereo, its excellent, has, little power meters, puts out, about, thats got, said, hollie, 4 watts per channel at, Jesus, thought, 20 to 20,000 hz's, that, said, hollie, is, mike murdock in hellfire with black suit, thinking, I wanna git outta here, showed cut off, there he was joined by bill hamon, said, hollie, posting on youtube, o my God, said, mike, murdock, with, bill hamons voice, bobby, made, somebody, look, said, hollie, its, the 700 club, they are lost, but, are wanting saved, pat robertson wants bob on show, sh said Terry Meeuwsen, shes, witch, said, Jesus, their done cut off, said, hollie, sh said Terry Meeuwsen, dont tell, and mike, murdock, appears, aw, come on mike, said, Jesus, hollie points, at dr. mike murdock, hes, lost, with, hair dyer, pockets, off, stupid, let me alone said dr. mike murdock, liar, put it under, said, hollie, watch the witchs remove, she said, ministry of dreams, they stole, like, dr. jeremy taylor, u.u., that is the woman, in the fire, america exploded, that was, said, hollie, the statue of liberty, and behind it, she said, massive, nuclear, explosion, and hillary, she said, im being sworn in, said, hillary clinton, to, secretary of state, shes, president, now, cause, that, is, ruler, of, usa, watch, that, said, hollie, was many people, around, she said, and Bright Light, Jesus, in, hollie showed, get money, banks closing, she showed, put it undle, said, hollie, economic collapse u.s.a. cause bush, and he saw, said, casey, bush grunt, I brought it in, he said, grunted, to, make our, looked around, oil wells, lets stealem he said, thats, hollie leaning on nuclear explosions, bush, grunts, I brought it in, he, said, got taken away, thats george bush in lava, both, showed, hollie, hollie showed, record, bush is in lava, said, hollie, thats, hollie showed, and, hollie, thats, screen, and bush appears, I take it, he said, oil, sees, king of, saudi, and he, shows, cut that off, and bush, grunts, well, maybe, gonna raise oil, said george w. bush, and king of saudi arabia, shakes, yes, its cause you, he said, and economic collapse in most countries of the world follow, and casey, points, thats, massive nuclear explosion in saudi arabia, by, a u.s.a. sub, said, hollie, 12-6-2008-hollie showed, that, she, said, the, beast appeared, and, who is it, she said, its the pontiff, and hu, hollie, stomped, it made me look, said, hollie, theres jeremy taylor in the lava, said, hollie, hes, ordained unitarian universalist minister that steals ministry of dreams name from christian, and jong, said, Jesus, hollie points, that, kim jong, he launches, said, hollie, missiles, thats casey, high in air, watching, missiles, strike, south korea, russia, china, gotcha said micki sue mooney, and he saw, pointed casey, russia, thats vladimir, said, hollie, pressing the nuclear button, no way said dumitry medvedev, and north korea exploding, and, thats, pointed, hollie, missile arising from u.s.a. sub, striking, north korea, Im the dude watching you, your scaring him, said, Jesus, hollie points, shew, she said, go away, go to, calvary, and hear paul, she said, another boring lecture said paul mooney, he ought to resign, hollie said, bob showed, no, way, dont, said mickie sue, but, he wont, he gets, put out, and chuck barcus laughs, bob says, prophecy, and carl jung shakes no, jeremy taylor shows, right here, make me, court, Jesus, whispers, embarras, that, makes u.u. dr. rev. jeremy taylor (hon) m.a. ph.d., d.min, jungian, run to remove ministry of dreams, and, thats reverend jeremy taylor swallowing, Jesus showed, record, louisville, said, hollie, thats, she said, explosion, its from im uh bear, said, linda spall, hollie slaps face, as large bear appears, thats russia, said, hollie, with 3 ribs, in mouth, and who are they, said, hollie, and paul mooney looks, cuba, said, hollie, plucked, nicaragua, thats, pointed, casey, nicaragua exploding, from, america, and missiles taking off from there, and, many striking all nato nations, nuclear showed, hollie, and they all fired back, russia burns, thats, pointed, hollie, sun, moon, smoke, blocking, no, said, paul mooney, for a third of the day, smitten, said, their captain, said, hollie, paul, and angel in heavens appears, and paul writes police, come, thats angel cop, standing, to make bob leave, shut up said the paul mooney-chuck barcus man, they are same, said, hollie, tim pedigo, hes, showed, cut off, but savable, cause, merciful, sees, but, trembles, happy, and tim pedigo showed, record, and that said, hollie, and he saw, said casey, a pair of bose, she said, 901, speakers, and tim pedigo, you like said hollie, tim pedigo shakes, yeah I do, loves, rock, and that, said, holile, Jesus, wiped lips, you wanna take me on said, Jesus, and, casey, points, doctor rev. jeremy taylor shakes yes, ill ruin said Jesus, and m.a. jeremy taylor s.t.d. looks around, whose seein me, dr. jeremy taylor said, now, hear the word of the Lord, if you steal ministry of dreams ill cut you off and make you beg to release it, I lie said u.u., reverend, jeremy taylor, d.min, (hon), that was angel blowing horn, hollie out, laughed, thats robert cavaness, no said micki mooney, hollie showed thumbs down, cause he pockets, the loot said robert cavaness, gimme, licked lips, your cut off, said, Jesus, Frederick Hyche, no I aint, he said, look around, I knew, he said, Frederick Hyche wants people to come in, and be taught by him, but, hes, not, saved, said, hollie, thats, fred hyche, ill, show him, said, woman, that reads, he, looks at, vision, reads, looks at her, and, wants to hide, hollie, like, silhouette, thats it, she said, put it undle, she, turned, back into hollie, then, partial, bob talks to man, comes to bob, he tells about being Holy Ghost filled, it feels like a body your perfect size coming in, man leaves, uto said micki mooney, stunned, when she, I made you look at it said woman from indiana bible college, and micki sue mooney, stunned, but in heart, I knew, thats Jesus laughing, now shes, old, cant get thru, I dont want it said micki mooney, put it undle, said, hollie, thats solomon, she said, seek the Lord when youth, he showed, and paul mooney, put me off there, but bob shows at calvary any, how said paul, that, said, hollie, was, hegoat smiting ram, america, moscow, china, nuke, each, hey bob, said, hollie, and up rose pope, hollie stomps, showed, tear up, fix it, agin, rip, put back, paul wants you to go, said, hollie, and he saw, that, said, hollie, and casey, calvary, emptying, hollie showed, eat, dont, worry, about, your face, its, being, looked, at, hollie showed, what was she showing, said, hollie, hollie thought, showing, contract, its, truit, hollie showed, cell phone, with beasts image, made alive, thats, pope, take it, he said, the mark said, hollie, 666, thats pope and beast, false prophet, hu hintao signing, the two beasts, and emporer of japan, I am God, said, beast, in rome, spoke thru megaphone, put hollie over there, he said, and he saw, said casey, bob speak for calvary tabernacle, and paul mooney shows, come on, hu hintao, getting armies to unite, advance, he said, forced russia, thats, nuclear explosion, in, russia, forces russia, to, invade, israel, thats, I am God, said, pope, hu slashing pontiff, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, jordan, syria, egypt explode, Christ places beast, false prophet in fire, everything, rapture said, Jesus, then, everything dissolves, God warned ya, said, hollie, hollie showed, sh, hollie showed, record, hand heals, thats, charter one, said, Jesus, hollie stomps, closing, put it under, said, hollie, watch economic collapse in u.s.a., hollie tattood 666, in red letters, born, right there, she showed, between, pope, and hu, hollie showed, record, and that, showed, beast, tear up, put back, from, behind, clapped, hollie,
(-0)grecian formula 666 pastors-visions recieved 10-27-2008-in visions maybe hollie pointed and said, bobby that and I saw the stogsdills with dyed hair, thats terry ray stogsdill and mrs. terry stogsdill of liberty church in beech grove, indiana. Terry stogsdill preaches ACTS 2:38, repent, but he hasnt, or she.
(1)trap-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm a trap".
(1b)grace apostolic church-vision received 3-2-2008-in this vision, I saw hollie at grace apostolic church in indianapolis and she pointed, and I saw like chrome continents about where pulpit it or, and they were in air, and saw like little explosion come out of ocean, and a big part of africa exploded, and explosions in russia, china, u.s.a., australia, and maybe more, and I saw larry hunt in vision and he said something like, "that was my message". We both talked about taking things for granted.
(1c)take advantage-vision recieved 3-2-2008-in this vision, hollie high in air said, "appreciate".
(1d)hollie rides the rocket-vision recieved 3-2-2008-in this vision I saw hollie ride the missile, and he licked the prophet, and in other I saw gabriel checking motor oil with hands, under hood of vehicle, and maybe rubbing in on prophets face, and prophet smiled, and.
(2)chastised-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "chastised".
(3a)the spirit of the medes risen against america-visions received 5-2008-in vision I saw president george bush, and he said, "how do we get our economy back", and I saw the king of saudi arabia, and he said, "dont bother me", and bush said, "I got conceited", and king of saudi arabia said, "its over iraq", and bush put hands on nuclear button and said, "steal", and smoke rose from gaza and iraq, and I heard, "thats jugment".
(3)what is thought of my visit-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "the devil sent you".(4a)the idol shepherd vision-visions recieved 5-2008-in vision, I saw a like light slash appear on face of pope, and the pope said, "Im gonn git cut off", and he rubbed angry chin, and said, america, I tell you who it is, rubbed chin, new russian leader knelt before, attack, said pope with the nathaniel haney urshan mans voice, and I heard, "lets rule the world".
(4)cursed God-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she cursed God.
(5)against me-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman a pastor and she said, "I'm highly against you".
(6)three kings shall rise in persia-visions recieved 5 or 6-1-2008-in visions I saw or heard hollie and she said, trouble, and I saw kings arise, theres hu, said, hollie, pope, the emporer of japan, and, slash, idol, said, hollie, shepherd, put it under, she said, when we hit iraq, said, man, brought, usa down, said, hollie, Jesus showed, cut off, hollie points, go, she showed, enter, into cathdral of praise, thats uh church, said, hollie, and cindy, that, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, put it under, work, and someone blew, said, hollie, horn, out hollie showed, tear up, put back, rip said hollie showed, with bear paws,
(6)iran under attack-visions received 2-15-2005-in a vision, I saw a woman and she said, "Iran", and I saw president bush in a vision and he said, "bomb iran".
(6b)judgment to japan-visions recieved 9-8-2008-I was think on japans judgment and I saw hollie she pointed and I saw a nuclear fireball, and explosions in japan and china as they work together to become the lamb.
(7)warned already-visions recieved 2-2005-I saw this woman at a gas station that I warned many times, and I avoided her and did not feel led to go to her. In visions, I saw her and she said things like, "you are ready told", "I've been cut off".
(8)abide-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "abide".
(9)irans nuclear reactor has presidents bush's attention-vision received 2-21-2005-in a vision, I saw president bush and he said, "that's what I want".
(10)Jesus is my creator-vision received 2-21-2005-while praying, I heard, 'don't tell your mom', and I saw my mom in a vision and she said, "you ain't my son".
(11)I'm available-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "available".
(12)problem-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw and may have even heard the word, "problem".
(13)pastor-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "pastor".
(14)no Spirit of God-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman pastor and she said, "I'm naked".
(15)a.a. allen-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like a.a. allen and he said, "I'm in hell".
(16)Mercy-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "MERCY". I believe I saw and maybe even heard the words something like, "thou shall have mercy".
(17)home-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "you need a home".
(18)isn't-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw the word or somebody say, "isn't".
(19)perry's-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw maybe a church or a house and it had a sign on it, and the first word on the sign was, "PERRY'S".
(20)words-visions recieved 2-21-2005-one mistake I often make is I think I will remember details when posting time comes, and I usally always forget. I have some words here, and I sure I saw atleast one, and may have seen them all separate or some together, or may have seen somebody say some. Here are the words, "brother", "erase", "rapture", "appear".
(21)I'm a witnesser-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a sentence similar to this. I think it is accurate, and I don't beleive I wrote it down until later, "once you were a top voice".
(22)mocked-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "mocked".
(23)ex-rules-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "ex-rules".
(24)plan-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "plan".
(25)-guilty-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "guilty".
(26)visions from church-visions received 2-2005-I visited a church on 2-22-2005, and here are some of the visions Jesus gave me. Some of the people I saw where men and some where women, and the pastor is also here, and it is possible I saw people in visions that were not at that service. They said things like, "he's interesting", "keep coming back", "I'm the devil", "why'd he say that", "go easy", "he's going to get us in trouble", "I'm lost", "husband", "I made my choice", "we want your prophecy", "I'm jelous", "need you here", "he's real", "I ain't christian", "that's wrong", "and if this were a prophet". There were more.
(27)blind-vision received 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a person and they said, "I don't see it".
(28)hell bound-vision recieved 2-23-2005-while praying, I heard, "michelle", and I later saw her and she said something like, "going to the lake".
(29)not-vision received 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I ain't christian".
(30)celine dion-vision recieved 2-23-2005-while praying, I heard, "celine", and I later saw her in a vision and she said, "I'm cut off".
(31)cares-vision received 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "cares", and may have heard or saw, "who cares".
(32)repeat-vision received 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "repeat".
(33)my main website-vision recieved 2-23-2005-in this vision I saw the words, "freeservers number 1", and was cleary told that is the number 1 main site, not in those words, but, similar.
(34)reluctant-vision received 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw something like this in words, "re-luctant first lady".
(35)pastor vision-vision recieved 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a pastor and he said, "boy, I don't know about you".
(36)obey Jesus-vision recieved 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "if he does what I say to".
(37)people warner-vision recieved 2-23-2005-in words, I saw this, "I warn people".
(38)gay-visions received 2-2005-in visions, I saw this cute young lady and she said things like, "gay", "I'm gay", "I'm gay".
(38)james z. townshend-vision recieved 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw pastor james townshend of mt. bethel apostolic church and he said, "the reason I am different is because of my life". I saw him atleast once and he said, "hindered".
(39)the pope will be the antichrist-vision received 2-23-2005- I saw the prime minister of Italy in a vision, silvio berlusconi, and he said something like, "that's us".
(40)lost-vision recieved 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm lost".
(41)cursed God-vision recieved 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a young woman and she cursed God. We were walking in opposite directions, and the Lord showed me. Praise Jesus!!
(43)help-vision recieved 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman that was at church last night and she screamed, "help". I just saw another woman in a vision and she was screaming. I felt like they both were in hell or on the way.
(44)come back-vision recieved 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a pastor and he said, "won't you come back". I saw him in other visions and he said things like, "I listen to the tape", "I'm bethel apostolic", "that hurt", "run bishop out"(he may have said, "drive", insted of, "run", and I think he was referring to me". I have this vision recorded, and he or somebody else said it, and it is, "don't want you around here".
(44)save yourself-vision received 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "save me". I believe she was at church last night".
(45)heard already-vision received 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I already heard".
(46)Jesus's sheep hear Jesus's voice-vision received 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "that's false".
(47)answer-vision recieved 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "we have a new answer".
(48)what you do better be enough-vision recieved 2-23-2005-while praying, I said something like, "what we do", and I saw a man in a vision and He said, "better be enough". I may have said it with Him".
(49)tommy tenney-visions recieved 2-23-2005-in visions, I saw tommy tenney of the Godchasers and he said things like, "I ain't pentecostal", "bobby, I hate you". In one he cursed God.
(50)it's fellowship-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "what's it like".
(51)pastor-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw pastor james e. townshend and he said, "I'm the dam pastor".
(52)cut off-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm rejected".
(53)help-vision received 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she screamed, "help me".
(54)it's right-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "that's wrong".
(55)donny winters-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw donnie winters, and he said, "hell".
(56)website stats-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, 'stats', and heard, "you can get your stats".
(57)sunny-visions received 2-24-2005-in a vision, I saw the name, "Sunny", and I saw a woman in visions that I bleive was her, and she said somethings to me.
to late-received 2-24-2005-I heard while praying, "michelle", which is a woman I've witnessed to many times, and I asked about her, and I heard her screaming over and over again things like, "bobby, please help. Help me".
(58)north or south pole-visions received 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw like an animated globe or something similar of the earth and it seemed I went to the bottom of the earth, and I believe I was told or made aware that it was the south pole, and I saw it it. I just looked at a map and it was anartica, and it had like a thick red line all the way around it. I saw president bush in a vision and he said, "drill it".
(59)Jehovahs-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "JEHOVAHS".
(60)Mrs. Bush-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "Mrs. Bush". There is a possibility it was "Mr."
(61)angelface-vision received 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw an angel looking at me. He may have had a hat on. His face was had like light on the inside lighting it up. He was looking at me with His head slanted down with possibly a disappointed look.
(62)moscow-vision received 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "moscow".
(63)pas-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "pas".
(64)gospel-vision received 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "gospel", and it may have been the only word on possibly a webpage. It was near the top in the middle.
(65)zion tabernacle-visions recieved 2-24-2005-in the first vision, I saw a girl and she said, "zion tabernacle", and then I saw the pastor in a vision and he said, "I'm apostolic". I may have seen him again and he said, "he's false".
(66)satans has ministers in apostolic pentecostal pulpits and high positions in the apostolic church-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm satan". This may have been the pastor of an apostolic pentecostal church. THe vision is recorded with visions of an apostolic pastor, but, for safety's sake, I'll record it like this.
(67)general superintendent of united pentecostal church internation-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in a vision, I saw kenneth haney who is general superintendent of upci. I was asking Jesus something like why he even preaches or something like that, and I saw mr. haney in a vision I saw mr. haney and heard him say or heard, "job".
(68)minister of satan-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a man who I thought was donald winters of westside pentecostal church and he said, 'I'm satan'. He also resembled simison of the bible church. I beleive he was one or the other, but, I felt it was winters.
(69)come back-visions received 2-25-2005-in visions, I saw a woman from a church I visited and she said things like, "come back and be with us", "I'm the devil", "next time you come back, we'll have you arrested". I beleive these were all the same women. THis women may have been the pastors wife.
(70)because of president bush-visions recieved 2-25-2005-in two visions, I saw a women and she said, "it's all because of you preident", and then I saw president bush in a vision and he said, "I'm jelous".
(71)syria-vision recieved 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "syria", or syrian".
(72)being investigated-vision recieved 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "your investigation".
(73)Jesus freak-vision received 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "Jesus Freak".
(74)dumitru duduman-vision recieved 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "dumitru duduman", and I saw dumitru duduman in a vision and he said, "hand of help". I did not record the visions, But, in other vision or visions, I believe dumitru suggested I visit them again. If I have an invite, I may.
(75)michael boldea-vision received 2-25-2005-in a vision, I saw these words, and may have also heard them, and they scrolled, "michael and his baptism was a work of Jesus Christ". I just saw a women in a vision that I beleive works for hand of help who had blong hair and she said, 'thank you'.
(76)tribulation period-vision recieved 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "TRIBULATION PERIOD". THere were more words there. I think it may have been there twice, and it may have been, "The Tribulation Period".
(77)world revival ministries-vision recieved 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "WORLD REVIVAL MINISTRIES".
(78)pray loud-vision recieved 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw an about 3 year old girl and she said, "pray loud". In another vision, she said, "20".
(79)judgement-vision recieved 2-25-2005-I heard, "judgement", and I beleive this is what I saw, "judge". I may have seen, "judgement".
(80)JOKE-vision recieved 2-25-2005-in this, I heard and or saw the word, "JOKE".
(81)sings and wonders-vision recieved 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw and or heard something like this, "signs and works". There may have been more.
(82)speedway convienient stores-visions recieved 2-25-2005-in the first vision, I saw the word and possibly heard, "speedway". In the second vision, I saw man with brown curly hair and beard and He said, 'go to speedway'.
(83)will the draft restart-vision received 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "draft".
(84)cursed God-vision recieved 2-25-2005-I was just witnessing to a woman and when I left, I saw her in a vision and she cursed God. I just saw her again and she said, "don't come here".
(85)pay taxes-vision received 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw a little girl and she said, "pay taxes".
(86)nuclear war approaching-vision recieved 2-26-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "nuclear war".
(87)visions-vision recieved 2-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "when did you start dreaming".
(88)bomb syria-vision recieved 2-26-2005-in this vision, I saw somebody and they said, "bomb syria".
(89)cut off-visions recieved 2-26-2005-in two visions, I saw a pastor and he said things like, "God bless you", "cut me off".
(90)wanted-vision received 2-27-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "wanted FBI".
(91)terri schiavo-visions recieved 2-27-2005-in visions, I saw terri schiavo and she said things like, "kill me". In another vision, I saw her and heard, "trespassing". I don't think she said it.
(92)new-vision recieved 2-27-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "new".
(93)security force-vision received 2-27-2005-in this vision, I saw the back of a man and he was wearing a shirt and the shirt said, "security force".
(94)iran war revelation-vision recieved 2-28-2005-In this vision while praying, I saw some words, and here are the words I thought I saw. "IRAN'S GOING NUKE". I will ask Jesus to give me it again or something like it to verify. Not long ago when praying, I saw a person in atleast one vision, and I think it was iran president khatami and he said, "we have". This is regarding nuclear weapons. I'll ask Jesus for more visions.
(95)don't decieve yourself-vision recieved 2-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like my uncle and he is wealthy, and he said, "tell me something I cain't do".
(96)1.21 mb-vision recieved 3-1-2005-in this vision, I saw something like this, "1.21mb". That is about how much space is used on this entire website before the additions that I put on moments ago. I have 20mb. Praise Jesus for "angelfire" free hosting!
(97)ten people-vision recieved 3-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "ten people".
(98)hedger-visions recieved 3-11-2005-in visions, I saw teresa hedger and here is about some of the things I heard her say, or were said, "hedger", "I'm jelous", "take me off", I'm cut off".
(99)trouble all around-visions recieved 3-11-2005-in visions, I saw women and they said, "there's trouble", "all around us".
(100)politburo-vision recieved 3-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "politburo".
(101)backslider-visions recieved 3-11-2005-in visions, I saw a woman and she said thigs like, "I'm a backslider", "go to hell". In one vision, I believe I saw this woman or another one and she was pointing a gun right at me and she said, "if I didn't work here".
(102)not recognized-vision recieved 3-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "hardly recognize bobby".
(103)thelma johnson-visions recieved 3-11-2005-in visions, I saw thelma johnson and she said things like, "I'm a witch", "tell him not to come around here".
(104)witnessed to two young marines-vision recieved 3-11-2005-I witnessed to two young marines, and I heard this regarding that, "they were led to it". This refers to the gas station we met at.
(105)sold out-vision received 3-11-2005-in one vision, I saw a man and he said, "sold out", and in another I saw his wife and she said, "I'm a witch".
(106)come out of your sleep-vision recieved 3-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "when I woke".
(107)take out the president-visions reiceved 3-11-2005-in the first vision, I saw some words, and they were this, or similar, "american limited strikes", and I felt this was on Iran. I saw president bush in a vision and he said, "take out the president".
(108)listings-vision recieved 3-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "listings considered".
(109)armys-vision received 3-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "armys".
(110)man with shiny face-vision recieved 3-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a man, and he had like a hood on like what is on a hooded sweetshirt, and his face was similar to a darker chrome. He had his head turned, and he was looking at me smiling.
(111)Christ on the cross-vision recieved 3-11-2005-not long after I started my prayer, I was flashed two very quick visions, and I seemed to feel they were Christ on the cross. I only saw His face area, and a little more. In one vision, His mouth was open wide, and I seemed to feel like this was from pain, but, I'm not sure.
(112)hugo chavez-visions recieved 3-11-2005-in one vision, I saw venezela president hugo chavez, and he said, "stay away from us", and in the next vision, I saw president bush and he said, "lets not attack him".
(113)terry schiavo-visions received 3-18-2005-I was pleading with Jesus for the healing of terry schiavo and I could not move Him one bit. I reminded Him of how much glory He would get out of healing her, since this is know all over the wolrd. I saw terry schiavo in visions and she said, "I've been rejected". In another vision, I believe I saw her when she was young and beautiful and she said, "I lusted". The bible is very clear about one thing: If you reject Jesus when He cries, HE will reject you when you cry. He will laugh at your calamity.
(114)high gas prices-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a marathon gas sign and the price for unleaded was, "$2.66".(memory)
(115)LATER-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "LATER", on a page, that also had a paragraph on it.
(116)the time will come-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw russian president vladimir putin and he said, "I can't make it explode".
(117)our missiles-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and it might have been president bush and he said, "our missiles".
(118)prayer helps-vision received 3-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said soemthing like, "prayer helps". I saw him in other visions and he said things like, "I'm broke", "bankrupt", "I'm depresed all the time".
(119)rense-vision received 3-22-2005-while praying, I heard, "rense", then I saw the man whose animated picture on on the jeff rense website and he cursed God.
(120)stay out-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a real estate agent that I've done buis with and he said, "stay out".
(121)cut off-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "cut off".
(122)rapture will catch lots by suprise-visions received 3-22-2005-in visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "I can't believe it", "bobby, I just can't believe it".
(123)don't assume you know everything there is to know about somebody-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "you don't know how I feel".
(124)some people want to do away with me just like Jesus-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "take him to jail".
(125)prophecy club-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "want to go on the prophecy club".
(126)in hell-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that died, and he was screaming and he said, "I'm in hell". He said other things.
(127)gospel is hidden to the lost, so it does matter-vision received 3-2005-in this vision, I saw this pastor and he said something like, "but, that does'nt matter".
(128)stay away-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman that works at a gas station and she said, "don't come here".
(130)vision-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "need your vision".
(131)secret-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "secret".
(132)I'll die when indianapolis nuked by russia-vision received 3-22-2005-I waS asking Jesus when I was going to die, and I remembered the vision Jesus gave me about Indianapolis being destroyed by nuclear explosion and I saw a man that looked like dumitru duduman in a vision and he said something like, "it's true". I believe now I'm calling this on, more than pushing against it. I don't see people repenting, and I'm being came against. The longer away this event is, the less chance I have of making heaven my home.
(133)michael boldea e-mail address-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw michael boldea's e-mail address. I saw it in like green neon letters and words. I'm not going to list it. I've written mike many times, and I believe he only wrote me once, and that was when I was offering to pay probably million or millions(I don't remember the exact amount) in ties to hand of help if something that came my way went thru. It was a spam artist offering me millions, but, the Lord Jesus would not let me send him what he wanted. He wanted my i.d. I sent that letter to michael boldea and it was returned in no time. Maybe none of the other letters amounted to anything, but, none were returned.
(134)won't tolerate-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man whose face I could not see, only his body, and he did not have a shirt on, and I beleive he was pointing at me and I heard this, "I won't tolerate".
(135)slap-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "slap me".
(136)you want $1.19 gas price-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw all or some of this and heard, "you want $1.19".
(137)wanting or needing things-visions received 3-22-2005-in these visions, I saw a man or men and they said things like, "buy me a car", "help us heat up the church". I believe these were vision of michael boldea. I have a extra car that needs some work, and I'm warning churches often and people daily.
(138)caves-visions received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "caves" and I saw caves and I heard this, and maybe I saw who said it, "I hide in caves". I also heard something like, "he doesn't have his beard".
(139)america's economy is stricken-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw like the whitish spirit of president bush and he said, "the economy's stricken". America is heading straight to economic collapse. That means banks will close, most or all the governement will shut down, no money or not much for police, fire, city workers, armed forces, banks closed, social security fails, government sponsered programs like health care become a memory, welfare gone, and more.(this is what I believe, and have been showed some it in visions)
(140)hair cut-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision I saw me or someone that maybe looks like me and the person had a in style haircut. Its like the top was there, almost like a yamakas, and the sides were burred.
(141)if you are saved according to scripture and follow thru, you are the Ark-received 3-26-2005-I heard while praying, "you are the Ark". In the old testament, the Ark of the covenant represented the prescence of God. If you have the Holy Ghost on the inside of you, you have God on the inside and that makes your body the ARK. I also heard and may have seen, "dormant". Don't be dormant.
(142)fixed-vision received 4-6-2005-I recently spent many hours removing names from most of my websites, and I have discovered that this thing did not please God. While I was doing it, I had a vision or more, and I would see a man with brown hair and beard and He's say, "don't fix". Today, I restored the pages. I saw the man in a vision and he said, "that'll fix it". I also brought back a site that I killed.
(143)rapture of the churc will suprise many-vision recieved 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I can't believe it happened when I wasn't ready".
(144)elijah-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "elijah".
(145)trust Jesus-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "trust Jesus".
(146)doubting-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "why are you doubting".
(147)will saddam hussein be executed-visions received 4-8-2005-twice in visions, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard, and He said, "saddam hussein", and twice I saw saddam hussein in visions and he said things like, "killed", "going to hell".
(148)america's economy is falling-vision received 4-8-2005-in a vision, I saw a man and he said, "you economys going under".
(149)what kind of fruit comes off your tree-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he cursed God. The other day, I saw my dad in a vision and he did the same thing.
(150)press-visions received 4-8-2005-in many visions, I saw people and they told me to press. About 3 times in a vision, I saw me praying on my knees in tongues rubing my hands together rocking back and forth.
(151)warning-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "how do I get your pants off".
(152)When the Holy Ghost came inside me, I don't feel Jesus on the outside to much anymore-vision received 4-2005-in this vision, I possibly saw my former pastor and I heard this in a womans voice. I may have seen the woman. "Brother Barger was right". He told me that when God came on the inside, he doesnt feel God on the outside to much or something like that. This is true.
(153)save me-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw my mom and she said, "save me".
(154)gas prices-visions received 4-8-2005-in visions, I saw gas signs and one said, "1.51". The other may have said something like, "1.71". I couldn't make out the first number because it was so quick.
(155)multitudes in hell-received 4-8-2005-while praying, I heard what seemed like multitudes screaming in hell and saying things. I also saw this woman and she said, "im in the lake", "I got cut off".
(156)saul-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw like a webpage and there was like a button there on the page and the name in the button was saul. There were atleast two saul's in the bible. One was king saul, and he went back on God. The other was a man in the new testament that was on fire for God under the law, and he came against the new testatment plan of salvation, and one day while he was going to bind some of the grace covenant believers, a light from heaven shone about him and said unto him, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? This saul was also known as the Apostle Paul. Never write anybody off.
(157)at least 1.54mb of this website will be used up-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the number, "1.54mb", and I may have seen it on this site. Thats about 700 to 1000 new visions added. Praise God!
(158)visions of a man that I've never met-visions recieved 4-8-2005-in visions, I saw a man that i've never met and he said, "we fought", "I haven't fought him", "why's he coming against me", "bob, I hate you". I post visions and dreams Jesus gives me and it can lead people to think I'm taking them on.
(159)heard me-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I hear you". I beleive I witnessed to this man, and he heard.
(160)possibility exist that Jesus could require me to take this site down-vision received 4-8-2005-on the webshell page of this site, and I box where all the pages are, and you select from there the page you want to see or work with. I saw that box in a vision, and all the pages were gone. Over the past several days give or take, the Lord has been warning me.
(161)economic collapse coming to usa-visions received 4-8-2005-in the first vision, I saw a man and he said, "the economys", and in the second vision, "the economys collapsed".
(162)terrorist's are going to hit the train tracks-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw somebody and the person said something like, "bob, they are going to hit the train tracks".(memory)
(163)it is-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "it is".
(164)one of my former tenants cut off-visions received 4-8-2005-in visions, I saw a former tenant and he said, "I'm cut off", "I've been cut off".
(165)Word-visions received 4-8-2005-in a vision, I saw a man and he said some4thing like, "need your Word". In another vision, I saw pastor harris and he said, "just the Word".
(166)old desire-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision, I'm with this woman that I always liked, but, never dated, and everything is going fine and I told her something like I always liked her. I told Jesus I'm not trading Him for a woman.
(167)pray much-vision received 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "pray with me". I beleive I saw him in other visions and he said things like, "your my brother". In one series of visions, he wants me to call him, and in another vision he said, "that's my sign".(I need to be led by the Holy Ghost")
(168)america under attack-vision received 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "were under attack".
(169)backslider-vision received 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a angel whose face was white and He had no features in His face and He said, "backslider". He may have pointed at me. If you commit one sin, you've backslid.
(170)angel visions-visions received 4-30-2005-In visions, I saw this angel and His head looked like a movie martians head and it was white and He had big googy eyes and HE said things like, "last chance", "hour press".
(171)missed-vision received 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I missed you". I can't go back on God.
(172)called david-vision received 5-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said, "your david".
(173)no wrecker for me-vision received 5-1-2005-I'm interested in buying a wrecker and towing cars, and I saw a man in a vision that I talked to and he said, "bobby, don't". Scrapped! Thanks God!
(174)gas $1.49-vision reecieved 5-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a bp gas sign and the price was, "$1.49".
(175)we need mercy from Jesus-vision received 5-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "mercy".
(176)end-vision received 5-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "end".
(177)you better serve God while you have a chance-vision received 5-1-2005-In this vision, I was like in a house and I was set on my knees and I might have been wearing a white robe like an ephod, and I was instructed with serious words.
(178)Jesus can forgive who He wants and deliver who He wants-vision received 5-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and HE said, "I deliver who I want", "I deliever". SEEK THIS MAN CHRIST JESUS. GIVE HIM REASON TO DELIVER YOU!
(179)mstery-vision received 4-2005-I was praying, and I saw something little made out of like dim lite and it was coming to me and it hit my tongue. It felt like electricity.
(180)tell-vision recieved 5-2005-In thi vision, I saw the word, "tell".
(181)don't waste talent-vision recieved 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "wasted talent".
(182)sevantJesus-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and this person said, "hes your servant Lord".
(183)heart-visions received 5-2005-In two vision I saw two Men and they both said soemthing like, "you got My heart".
(184)I saw Jesus-vision received 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw me or somebody and here is what was said, "I saw Jesus". Then I saw the word, "I", which let me know to write it down.
(185)kept by the power of God Almighty-vision recieved 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "Im going to keep you". Thanks Jesus! Please do.
(186)just keep watching-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I know your no different".
(187)men with men-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "Man with Man".
(188)words, "Man with Man".
(188)crying for mercy-vision received 5-11-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "dady, dady".
(189)humble yourself-vision received 5-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said, "come down".
(190)witch-vision received 5-19-2005-In this vision, I beleive i saw a woman that was on the elevator with me and she said, "I'm a witch". That's a rEbEl!
(191)against me-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and he was pointing at me and He said something like, "I'm against you".
(192)still a problem-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw the front page of this site and it had a link missing or something and I heard some words like, "there's still a problem". I looked and found possibly two and there may still be another like a page missing. I'm done messing with it for now. I rebuilt the front page. I want to get away for awhile.
(193)proud-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "proud".
(194)still to close to the world-visions received 5-2005-In two visions, I saw the words, "I adultery".
(195)try your spirit-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "try your Spirit".
(196)perishing-vision recieved 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman I rode the elevator with and she said, "I'm in hell".
(197)against Jesus-visions received 5-29-2005-In two visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "I'm against Jesus", "against Him".
(197)don't put on a show-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "show".
(198)psychic-visions received 5-29-2005-In visions, I saw this woman and she said things like, "Im psychic", "I'm the devil".
(199)prophet-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw henry gruver and he said, "your a prophet". I hope henry gruver receives the reward of the rightoues.
(200)those-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "those".
(201)alaska wanted by russia-vision recieved 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that may have been the president of russia and he said something like, "we need alaska".
(202)hope I dont get cut off-vision recieved 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that is cut off, the Lord showed me and she said, "I hope he's cut off".
(203)not lying-vision recieved 6-4-2005-I was telling a woman that works for the library about Jesus showing me that the libraries would close and as I walked away, I saw her in a vision and she said something like, "your lying". Twice I saw a woman in visions just now and she said, "no he's not".
(204)visions of women and men or Man-visions received 6-2005-In visions, I saw different women and men and they said things like, "witness", "I can't see", "it's in my blood", "bobby, your messing around", "I want the devil", "I can't see it", "tell me not to run", "come and be with my Jesus", "in the fire", "come as you are", "no vision"(this is a car called an eagel vision), "but the intrepid", "backslide", "suicide", "look like we aint doing nothing", "now there going agianst us", "tell me a vision", "he warned me", "I'm going to hell", "please save my mom", "thats the devil", "I'm laughing", "hell", "true", "He already cut me off", "I'm sick", "Oh God", "going to the lake", "you judge me", "give it to bobby", "I was", etc.
(205)visions of doomed men or women-visions received 6-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and or more indiviuals and they usally look like white spirits and they were crying and or screaming and I felt like they were in hell and things were said like, "oh my God", "help me". In one this woman was nonstop crying.
(206)calm down-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly an Angel and HE looked maybe like a Boy and He said, "calm him down", and maybe with His hand touched me and I calmed down. I calm now, but, posted some of these visions and thinking on them and remembering them almost breaks my heart and makes me want to cry.
(207)1.33 mb-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw the part of an angelfire website where it tells you how much room has been used and it was at about 1.33mb. I know it was not 133mb. This site is at 1.70 mb right now and by the time I get down posting today, it should be at 1.71 mb out 20mb available on the free off.
(208)I want to be IN this-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "in".
(209)I want to be forgiven of all my sins-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "forgiven".
(210)clear-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw my licence and the words, "FINE FREE", were on them. Thanks Jesus!
(210)am I going to get another car-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw a blue car in maybe a parking lot and I might have been walking to it. It was probably a plymouth reliant k or a dodge aries k. THeses car last and they are cheap to maintain. I smiled when I came out of the vision. Jesus knows thats what I want.
(211)I apostolic-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "Apostolic". I don't remember having this vision, but, thank Jesus for it anyway.
(212)is-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "is". There was probably much more to this vision.
(213)please-vision recieved 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "please". Please God. When you ask Him things, you might want to say, "please".
(214)Go-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "go".
(215)trouble-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw a police car. Jesus has protected me MIghtily and I have been warning people for years and had very little come against me. If you read in the bible, many people were killed, imprisoned, beat, etc for there faith. I thank Jesus for His protection.
(215)THE book of EPHESIANS-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said,but EPHESIANS 2. I need to read this.
(216)open door-vision recieved 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw maybe a church or small one story building and the front door was open. I want the DOOR open.
(217)looking for a house-vison received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw a nice house and it had a for sale by owner type sign in the front yard. Lead me to this house GREAT Jesus!
(218)abandoned?-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, it was like I was next door and I could see that the power company had removed the little thing that shows the power meter reader how much power was used. The main reason I don't want to buy the house is it sits on two lots and has a third that comes with it and property taxes are a fortune.
(219)new prices-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "NEW PRICES", and they were possibly on a shopping bag that someone was carrying. This may mean that Jesus is going to cahrge me new prices, which is how much He requires out of me everyday.
(220)w-vision received 6-7-2005-In visions, I saw, "w", "wor", maybe like that. These may be incomplete, and usally what things like this mean is Jesus is showing me to write a vision down that maybe I would not have. My writing on this paper is so sloppy, its very hard to be accurate. Most visions are by memory and even when I write one down, sometimes they were so fast, that I can't remember exactly, but they are usally close. Even if they are not accurate, I want the meaning to be right or I usally don't mess with it.
(221)you must be Holy-vision recieved 6-7-2005-In this vision, I'm with an old friend and one thing that we talked about was a volleyball tournament that he was going to be in and maybe his church was in on it, and one thing I did was asked Jesus who was going to win the tournament, because I wanted to tell him. I don't remember Jesus speaking to me in the vision who would win. Games like this is sin. I believe I saw the man in a vision and he said, "me", but, sporting events are sin. That is probably a big reason judgment is coming to usa. People fill these sporting arenas and shout at the top of thier lungs worshipping and praising men. I wonder what Jesus thinks when He looks down and sees junk like this.
(222)weeping-vision received 6-7-2005-I had to give a message to a woman today and it was something like, "if you don't stop sinning, your going to end up in diapers". I told her more than that. I saw her in a vision and she was weeping.
(223)me-vision eceived 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw me from the back and I was standing and I did not have a shirt on and I had a pair of levi s pants on and one thing I noticed about me was my buns had shrank.
(224)warn-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "tell me". I did. I told him the vision and I believe he told me he has them too.
(225)accepting Jesus is a man made plan of salvation that will send you to hell-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "accept Him". I should have written in down. THis is a man made plan of salvation. Know where in the King James bible does it say anything about accepting Jesus. Jesus did not walk the face of the earth and tell people to accept him. You can can do what ever you want and call that salvation and be decieved. I believe I just saw that woman and she said, "He's already cut me off". I believe I saw me in a vision and I heard or said, "bobby knew". How do I know?
(226)masterbation-vision recieved 6-10-2005-I looked at a mans house for sale, witnessed and prayed for him. As I walked away, I saw him in a vision and he said something like, "I masterbate". If you do this, did Jesus show to or tell you to. All unrighteousness is sin.
(227)trying to hang tight-vision received 6-10-2005-I just heard, "I want bobby lost". I may have seen the woman that said it.
(228)I'm apostolic-vision received 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your apostolic".
(229)whispered-vision received 6-17-2005-I was at the scene of an accident the other day where there was a man there laying on the highway. One of his legs was behind his back, and his foot was about where his head is, next to it. I prayed for the man and asked Jesus to spare his life. He may have been trying to talk. His eyes were rolled up. In the vision, he whispered something to me which I did not here. I saw him in another vision and he said, "I'm lost". I watched for that soul to come out of the body, but, he died later. There were other people there, and I don't think anybody saw any hope for him. Its sad. He did not know when he got on that highway that about 10 minutes later give of take, he would be involved in an accident that would take his life. Hell is catching people everyday. Will it catch you, where you will spend eternity in lava.
(229)I can help now, but, the day will come when I can't-vision recieved 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw like the white spirit face of a woman and she yelled fearfully, "bobby".
(230)I'm declaring what the Holy Ghost shows, not, making up-vision received 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your wrong".
(231)hell has room for all who want to go there-vision recieved 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "hell".
(232)how can you escape hell if you commit suicide-vision recieved 6-17-2005-In a couple of visions, I saw this woman and she said things like, "suicide", "in hell".
(233)do people just get fat-vision recieved 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I fat". Why? Do you belly up to the plate to much, to often, pigging out every meal? There may be exceptions to the rule, but, I don't beleive people just get fat. Overeating, pigging out, chowing down, can be sin.
(234)maybe Jesus won't let you feel IT-vision recieved 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I don't feel IT". Are you somebody that Jesus has dealt with for years to repent of your sins, but, you refused thinking why do today what I can do tomorrow? How many tomorrow's showed up, and you still did not repent. The day may come that you repent, but, Jesus won't hear you. You shove Jesus on the backburner when He calls, He may laugh at you when you call. You can't play with God. Its His mercy and long suffering that He continues to deal with you, but, It has a limit.
(235)stop-vision received 7-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "you ain't going to stop it".
(236)sat down on God-vision received 7-3-2005-In this vision, I heard, "I sat down", and I saw me sitting down".
(237)danger-vision received 7-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bob, there's danger".
(238)prophecy is a part of my walk-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "you've got prophecy on the mind"
(239)roby could be on his way back-vision received 7-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "bring roby back". Come back robey! Bless God for another chance!
(240)I would like to see Jesus open the Door to the whole world-vision received 7-3-2005-In this vision, I heard something like, "open the door to the whole world", and I saw a Man saying it or partially saw or saw a Being. I think He was pointing. Praise Jesus for this!
(241)pour your heart out ot God-vision received 7-3-2005-I have written down, "door being pushed-your heart". I don't remember exactly about this, but, I remember something. I want my heart open. Help me Jesus my Lord.
(242)visions of a woman-visions recieved 7-3-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "there's satan", "I want It", "committed blaspheme", "I want dick".
(243)judy -visions received 7-3-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "I'm judy", "help".
(244)shot-vision received 7-3-2005-In a vision, I saw this man, and I heard, "shot".
(245)missy-vision received 7-2005-I've got written down, "I'm missy". This may be a woman that I could go marry right now. I saw her in a vision and she said, "I'm a witch". That's why I can't marry her.
(246)God dam-vision received 7-3-2005-I this beautiful young woman in a vision and she said, God, dam. She works for fith third bank. I just saw her again and she said something like, "michelle", "I ain't going to hear it".
(247)I believe I can can Jesus to open the door for you-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "can't you save me".
(248)laughed-visions received 7-2-2005-In visions, I saw a man who looked like g. pastor alan browning and he said things like, "I laugh", "come back and help us".
(249)laughing-visions received 7-3-2005-In visions, I saw a man whom I thought was dr. dan bohler and he was laughing.
(250)witch-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm a witch".
(251)pray-vision received 7-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "prophet pray".
(252)rejected-vision received 7-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I've been rejected".
(253)may not make it tonight-vision received 7-3-2005-I was wondering if Jesus wanted me to go to apostolic tabernacle tonight and I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "stay away from". This may be what keeps me from going.
(254)I don't want to look at the way things are, but, how they can be-vision received 7-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "just say I'm lost". Lords will, when my belly starts to empty, I'm going to intercede heavily for this man.
(255)a cry-vision recieved 7-5-2005-in this vision, I believe I saw a young woman with brown hair and she is weeping bitterly. Intercession coming dear friend. This woman looked similar to hollie moody. I saw the spirit version of this woman in visions and she said things like, "lost my body", etc. Intercession is coming friend. I believe I saw this woman in many visions today, and I believe this woman will get another chance. She has told me in visions. Use it wisely dear. Stay humble before Jesus. The first time you pack that belly, and that humbleness flees, the devil may move in on you and destroy you. Just saw her again and she said, "I committed blaspheme". So. My bible tells me that all things are possible with God. Jesus told me in a vision that something like, "I can do what I want to do". Does Jesus have a reason to forgive you for blaspheme of the Holy GHOST? Just saw her again and she said, "first". Deny yourself, and make this first. Make your restoration first.
(256)here-vision received 7-5-2005-In visions I saw a man that looked like irving baxter jr. in visions and he said things like, "here", and I think this meant his church which is oak park church in richmond, indiana, that is about 70 miles from me. In the next one he said something like, "take advantage". don't you know God will destroy you.
(257)new vision coming for michael boldea-visions received 7-5-2005-In a vision, I saw a man that looked like michael boldea and he said something like, "I want a vision", and I talked to Jesus, and in the next vision, I saw him again and he said, "new vision". So if this was michael boldea, he's got a NEW VISION working it's way toward him right now. Praise God for visions and dreams. I beleive I can remember back when I would ask Jesus to give visions and possibly did it for gene schmidt of hand of help and Jesus gave him one. ONe that was more awesome than any He gave Me. Jesus showed Gene Schmidt an awesome russian attack on alaska, and even told him, "it will start with alaska". That was a major revelation. I just saw a Man in a vision with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "thats good". Better believe it. Beyond good. Sad thing is, I will probably never get to read the vision mike is going to receive. I rarely now mess with other peoples revelations. One reason is, the persecution that the devil has on me is so severe that, when i get my mind of Jesus, I get into troble. Maybe I can go and be with michael and gene and ann again. Just had a vision, probably not going to happen for a while. Maybe later.
(258)pray for me-vision received 7-5-2005-I may have seen the words, "pray for me", and it may have been a link on my main sites home page. I now have all the visions on one website and that is this one. I still have the former home apge for this site, and don't yet now how to rework this. Once Jesus gave me a vision, and the first two pages on this google page was, "prophetic ministry ministries of ministryofdreams". This may be very close, but, I'm waiting on God to show me. I have number one right now in prophetic ministry on google, and number 5 in the category of prophetic ministries. I'd like number 1 and 2 in both categories, but, I'm going to wait on Jesus. Lots of people would like one and two. I feel Jesus electrifying me head right now. What IT looks like is all WHITE BRIGHT LITE coming to you. Just saw a woman in a vision and she said, "blaspheming will be taken off". What that means is somebody may be about to be forgiven of blaspheme agains the Holy Ghost. Just saw a woman like spirit in a vision and she said, "except for me". Just saw her again and she said, "I'm Hollie". I'm not going to say that this was hollie moody, but, what I will say is intercession is coming! lasltly, I saw her and she said, "I need you". I will come to your doorstep if Jesus allows. Another she said something like, "blaspheming was taken off". Jesus is VICTORY!
(259)getting married can cost you your soul-visions received 7-5-2005-In visions, I woman who really looked like a female spirit let me know that her getting married will be the reason for her doom. Just saw her and she said something like, "its all over", "oh my God". Nope, it can just begin. Plow into the Father of mercies hard!
(260)revelations-visions received 7-9-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like ann schmidt and she said things like, "In in adultery", "I'm a witch", "witch", "because of my husband??????", I didn't remember all that. then I saw a man that looked like gene schmidt and he said things like, "witch", "it was me". I saw a woman that looked like hollie moody and she said things like, "hand of help", "there perishing", or, "were perishing". I may just saw her and I'm not sure , but she said something like, "tell me I'm an adulterer", "you laughed". I have laughed, and I saw her in a vision and she said something like, "I have". I from my heart cry out to God, and repent for laughing. I want people to be saved.
(261)decorating your conversations with jokes will send you to hell-vision received 7-14-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "no jesting".
(262)press when you pray-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a sister rexford and she said, "learn how to press more", "bobby, you need to rest", "Jesus", "your about to get me into trouble"..
(263)the powerful prayer of thomas s. gibson-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a thomas s. gibson and he said something like, "put him in a safe place". I'm always involved in battling the host of hell, and I received much help and I have my spiritual claws in the back of thomas s. gibson and I not the type that takes know for an answer very easy. I want thomas s. gibson in heaven. I saw a spirit that looked like him in other visions and he said, "control", "thats what I need". I beleive with everything in me that He just got blasted by the Holy Ghost, because I felt POWER leave me. I'd love to have lunch with Mr. Gibson. Just saw the spirit again and he said, "good afternoon".
(264)is your witness open or closed-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "witness is closed". I believe Jesus spoke to me and said, "open means saved".
(265)keep praying, I may already want to come-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "send bobby".
(266)revelations-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "I blew it", "I want control", "I'm back". I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "he knows".
(267)pastor donald winters-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man that looked like pastor donald winters and he said things like, "mercy", "already told".
(268)don't have a phone number-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "you need to give your number".
(269)i did try to help-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "why didn't you help me". Still trying, but, now, mostly if not all the way in prayer.
(270)sad revelation-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "He lets me do what I want to", "I don't believe". Believe means to obey the gospel.
(271)embarrassed-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "I can't beleive it", "he embarrassed me".
(272)my time is here-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "now its your time".
(273)don't be decieved-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "an eye for an eye", "a tooth for a tooth", "got you", "I was already cut off".
(274)going down-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a pastor donald winters and he said, "I hear your going down".
(275)I'm clear-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I heard a voice and she said, "witness is clear", and may have said this over and over and other thing as well.
(276)I did warn and still warn-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "I can't beleive you bob, you didn't warn me", "its too late", "your witness is over", "I'm against you", "against the Spirit", "I can't beleive this".
(277)don't backslide or you may not get back-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and or heard her voice and she said over and over things like, "prophet, let me not backslide", "I ned you", "I need you", "I need you", "go backslide", and possibly, and maybe, "it was me". I'm praying and willing to run to the rescue, but, what does God want.
(278)heart attack-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "heart attack".
(279)me embarrassed-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a dumitru duduman and he said, "embarras yourself". Let me just say, I'm weak, but, You are Strong". Jesus keep me from all wrong". I can't throw an stones. Jesus has even showed me in visions that He has showed possibly others. One won't post, one I believe wants to. I just saw the woman spirit and she said something like, "He won't let us post", "can I post". I just saw the spirit that looked ike dumitru again and he said something like, "don't post".
(280)I for the most part don't pray loud enough-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she let me know I was praying loud. Break the heart open to Jesus. Are you praying to Jesus, or talking to yourself.
(281)don't embarras-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a me and I said, "don't embarras me". I'm laughing as I post this. It's funny. If the shoe fits, you have to wear it. The danger is, what if somebody saw a spirit that looked like me, but, wasn't, but, it was still a vision from Jesus and I or somebody else came against that vision and or servant. You can blaspheme the Holy Ghost that way. Be careful. If your name in on my sites, pray and ask Jesus to have me remove it, but, I don't suggest you come against me. I'm just declaring as required.
(282)needed-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "we need you".
(283)almost over-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "it's almost over".
(284)repair shop-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman that works at a repair shop and she said things like, "let us fix", "I lust you", "get something to eat", and I was told by Somebody not to mess with vehicle, and I did, and problem was not fixed and may be out of over $50.00 bucks on top of that.
(285)prophet-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a elisha the prophet and he was bald and may have had on a white robe and he had dark beard and mustache and he said things like, "you cockroache", "prophet".
(286)wallet getting people into trouble-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a pastor lambert w. gates and he said, "I want my wallet".
(287)send the bucks-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirits that looked like woman and they said things like, "send me 800", "rent", "I need 200". I have not felt the Leading of the Holy Ghost yet.
(288)masterbated-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a possibly a woman and she said things like, "I want vision", "you masterbated", "prophet taken away", and a woman said, "cause of me", "unspoken"(this may be referring to blaspheme of the Holy GHost in the heart, but, not spoken-there is a difference-it is with the mouth that you are defiled or justified)
(289)devil is the adversary-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a possibly elisha and he said something like, "devil is adversary".
(290)can't beleive-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she is pounding herself and saying things like, "I can't beleive you backslided", and possibly other things. It is so easy to do. You can wake up charged, on fire for Jesus, and before the day is over, because of something that happened, you can have one foot in hell and the other on the way. If you have fallen, don't lean to your own understanding. Show Jesus something. Seek Jesus. Go after Him. Wear Him out. Don't stop. I just saw a spirit that looked like me and i said, "unspoken". Youmay be getting a whippin from Jesus that you nver imagined. Keep after Him. Jesus is the FATHER OF MERCY. If your name shows up on my website, He may really be wanting to bring you back. It can seem like a curse, but, may be a blessing in disquise". I just saw a woman spirit and she said, "I still want to punish you".
(291)perished-visions received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "hell".
(292)terry cannon who pastors heavenly life apostolic Church-visions received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said things like, "backslide", "try to wreck the prophet", "come and see me bobby", "bobby blew it", "move the car". I saw a man that looked like terry cannon and I heard, "a machinest".
(293)seek Jesus and get your record clear-visions received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'm cleard".
(294)be prepared-vision recieved 8-13-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he screamed, "Oh my God", and I almost died". IT looked like irving baxter jr. from religion and politics and endtime ministries.
(295)open is saved-vision recieved 8-13-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, "witness open".
(296)likes-vision recieved 8-13-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said, "he likes me", "financial", "your what I need".
(297)help-vision recieved 8-13-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "help me out", "I'm getting excited".
(298)witch-vision recieved 8-13-2005-I heard, "witch", and it was the man over from me.
(299)saved-vision recieved 8-13-2005-I heard, "saved", and it was the woman behind me and in another she said, "reeally I'm not".
(300)I'm nobody-vision recieved 8-13-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "don't bother him", and maybe, "come".
(301)israel will be attacked by russia-visions received 8-23-2005-I heard, "israel", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like a maybe russia president putin and he said something like, "attack".
(302)man revelations-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man that I witnessed to this morning and he said things like, "let It go", "pay my bills", "give you bloodstains", "final warning", "bobby I blaspheme", "I live in adultery", "save my self". I just saw dr. michael tillery in a vision and he said, "you cai'nt", and I saw dumitru and he said, "he knows"), hows your book", "I'm out". I believe these were all this man. I may have just seen somebody else and heard, "you gave final warning'.
(303)irving baxter-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said things like, "o my God", "witness is a prophet", "help me", "I'm over my head", "don't touch me", "witness committed blaspheme".
(304)did I blaspheme-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "did bobby blaspheme", and I saw me and I said, 'I didn't".
(305)hollie-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "the bedroom", "to nice".
(306)money first-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "financial", and I just saw a spirit that looked like the indian prophet and he said, "thats me".
(307)almost got a pager and considered cell phone-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like thomas and he said something like, "get phone".
(308)getty-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, 'I'm getty", and I just saw a man and he said, "bankrupt".
(309)sold-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, "I sold", "get out".
(310)embarrass-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "embarras me", "adultery", "pay my bills", "your wrong", "try to stop it", and I saw me and I said, "can't", "suffer". In other visions this man said things like, "you pestor me", "I'm naked", "hows my handshake", and I saw me and I said, "loose your talent". I believe this was pastor thomas simison of maybe, the bible Church in indianapolis.
(311)chelsea-visions received 8-23-2005-I heard, "hows chelsea", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like chelsea clinton and she said, "I'm a witch".
(312)don't expect-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "you let me down".
(313)new york under attack-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said something like, "hit new york city", and I saw dumitru and and he said something about new york. In one he said, "new york", and I may have seen sombody and they said, 'attack", and "cain't stop".
(313)tell-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said, "bob tell".
(314)missy baker-visions received 8-23-2005-I heard, "what about missy", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like missy baker and she said things like, "I sold", "adultery".
(315)Jeff gordon-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like nascar driver jeff gordon and he said, "I lusted".
(316)phone call-visions received 8-23-2005-I heard, "your wanted on the phone", and may have seen somebody say it", and I may have asked who wanted me, and God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "I'm an ex prophet", "financial", and in others, "o my God", "I went to hell", "bob tell", "my husband", "I want money", "made me repent".
(317)taxes-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "give me taxes".
(318)dumitru duduman prophecies-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, "don't go to new york", "it's fixin to go out".
(319)los angeles-visions received 8-23-2005-I heard, "los angeles", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, "explosion".
(320)he book of the gentiles is surely almost full-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a possible a Hand shutting a book and I heard, "shut the book". If your name is not written in that book, your doomed, lest you be a jew.
(321)know-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "i knew".(322)phone-visions received 8-23-2005-I heard, "phone", and may have saw hollie say it, and God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "hollie", "I blaspheme", "my blood".
(323)you know-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me the words, "he knows", and I saw a spirit that looked like pastor wallace vanslyke in visions and he said things like, "I blaspheme", "blaspheme", "page", "stomach", "give money", "you ain't gonna need it", "I'm going to the lake", "need you".
(324)Jesus will laugh at your calamity-visions received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He was laughing, and I saw me and I said something like, "is He laughing at my calamity".
(325)preacher james e. tyson-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like james tyson of Christ Church apostolic and he said things like, "don't follow me", "follow me", "wanted in the bedroom", "Christ Church apostolic", "you need to push", "I'm a snake", "delivered", "I'm a devil", "pray for me". I saw jackie in a vision and she said something like, "your cut off", and I saw james and he said something like, "that's o.k.", "that'll straighten me out", "tell more people", "pull my levers", "your cold", "you wanted Out", and I saw jackie and she said, "that's secret".
(326)Hollie prophesies economic collapse-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "that helped me", "I'm back", "the economys trashed".
(327)usa economy crash coming-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "the economys weak".
(328)I go where Jesus Leads me-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like james e. tyson who is an apostolic penecostal preacher and he said, "where does he go to Church", and I saw pastor luster with the upper room Church and he said something like, "with us".
(329)nursing home-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "your needed in the nursing home".
(330)Jesus proves Himself-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I want a vision", and I saw the man that was there and he said things like, "I don't have a drivers licence", "I'm breaking my rules", and maybe something about getting turned around and he mentioned Jesus in other vision or visions.
(331)hollie and pastor james tyson-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like james tyson who pastors and he said things like, "same prophet", "same computer", and I saw hollie and she said something like, "and same o vision", "no vision", "please deliver me", "help me".
(332)deliver my friend hollie sweet Jesus-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she's crying out for deliverance, and may have got delivered according to another vision.
(333)bush-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "bush", and I saw this president and he said, "I blasphemed".
(334)delivered-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe two people at the upper room Church and they both said something like, "delivered". I gave warning, and they heard.
(335)wallace vanslyke-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "van slyke", and I saw a spirit that looked like wallace and he said, "I'm finised", "insulting", and I saw my mom in a vision and she said, "hit him where it hurts".
(336)Jesus has to send-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like my mom and she wants me to come and see her.
(337)out-visions received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said, "witness going out".
(337)people are crying to be delivered-received 8-2005-I heard a voice of like a young man near me, "they want deliverance', "nursing home".
(338)eat food-recieved 8-2005-I heard like the young man possibly nest to me voice, "eta food".
(339)my job may be done at upper room Church-visions received 8-27-2005-I heard something like, "how did witness fall", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like first lady luster and she said, "by eating with us".
(340)hollie's price may be going up-vision received 8-29-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said something like, "your price is going up", and I saw hollie and she said things. Try to do all Jesus requires for that day.
(341) dumitru duduman-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, "never go to new york", and I saw hollie and she said, "its under attack", and I saw dumitru and he said, "los angeles", and I saw somebody and they said, "attack'em".
(342)economic collapse closing in on usa-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "the economys", and I saw this president and he said, "collapsing".
(343)oil going up-vision recieved 9-2-2005-I heard and may have even seen the word, "oil", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "its going up", and I saw this president and he said, "our economy", and I saw somebody and they said, "its going down", and I saw hollie in other visions and she said things like, "hit iraq", "there laughing", "your insurance", "it'll increas", "those are just words".
(344)blasphemed the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe brother barger and I beleive he said, or I heard, "brother barger you blasphemed the Holy Ghost".
(345)america's oil-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "bobby, I got you oil", "it's in the strategic reserve", "give last chance", "I'm bush", "who killed me", "who shot me", "dick", and I saw somebody and they said, "dick cheney shot bush", and I saw a spirit that looked like dick cheney and he said things like, "no I did'nt", "bush", "bush is a trouble maker", and I saw this president and he said things like, "I comitted blaspheme", "I'm satan", and I saw dick and he said, "thats why", "who shot dick cheney", and I saw somebody and they said, "us", and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "spiritual".
(346)irving baxter-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said things like, "that wa cool", "blasphemer", "try to get out", "your in adultery", "I'm a witch", "alaska", and I saw somebody and they said, "is under attack".
(347)many visions about the destruction of new york-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said something like, "why so many visions about new york".
(348)russia-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "russia", "hit russia", "russia", "attack", "me", "I'm cut off", and maybe, "come and tell me". It looked like benjamin netanyahu.
(349)end of the world coming soon-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "the end of this world".
(350)president-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "I'm finished", "embarras me", "I'm bush", "pocketbook", and maybe, "thank you".
(351)hand of help-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said things like, "embarras", "hand od help", and I saw dumitru duduman in a vision and he said things like, "there fallen", and I asked who, and I saw somebody and they said, "us", and maybe them or somebody else said, "hand of help", "let'em fall", and I saw ann where works there and she said things like, "hell", "stay away from", and I saw gene who works there and he said, "stomach", and I may have seen virginia boldea and she said, "the Lords given you a choice", and I saw mike boldea sr. and he said things like, "I'm lost", "eat breakfast", "show", and I may have seen virgina and she said things like, "I'm a witch", "hand of help is going under", and I may have seen michael boldea and he said, "because their decieving", "no it ain't", and I saw somebody and they said, "you are".
(352)the fall of america began long ago- recieved 9-2-2005-God has let me hear things like, "it started in the 1800s", "when the statue of liberty". The statue of liberty may represent a false god that existed in people's imaginiations, and there is sits in the bay overlooking this country. If I was president, Jesus would replace it. Work would begin immediately.
(353)pastor mcgovern-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor mcgovern and she said things like, "death", "show", "let me punish you", "embarras", "how come you left the bedroom", and in other visions she let me know her Church is for sale, and the possiblity also exists that she will give It to me.
(354)the wages of sin is hell-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said things like, "I'm going to hell", "I had to go".
(355)debbie ramey-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said things like, "bobby said", "debbie ramey", "in the lake", "my business", "oral sex", "snake", "backslider", "cut off", "He cut me off", and I saw a Man and He said, "can't deliver".
(356)leave alone-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, 'leave me alone".
(357)bill ramey-vision recieved 9-2-2005-I heard, "bill ramey", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like bill ramey and he said things like, "I fooled", "I blasphemed". If I ever wronged you bill, I apologize. Please forgive.
(358)netanyahu-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like benjamin and he said things like, "backslider", "do what you want", "I sleep", "economy's back", "I need you".
(359)gene schmidt-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like geno and he said, "you wanted out".
(360)stopped-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a traffic lite and it was read and I saw irving baxter and he said, "I'm stopped", and maybe, "who knows", "moneys my master", "I'm cut off", "I was glad you left".
(361)hollie-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said things like, "you left", "765", "8687", "traffic court".
(362)are you sure-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said something like, "the Lord told me to fall", and I saw Man and He said, "no I didn't", and maybe, "embarras", and I saw maybe mike again and he said, "I'm mike", "your conceited", "I need a Message".
(363)destuction-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe virginia boldea and she said something like, "your headed for destruction", "not again", "I got to many things", "embarrass me", "delivered", "tell me to separate".
(364)the uss indianapolis survivor-vision recieved 9-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a the survivor of the stricken battleship and he said things like", "please help me", "your cut off", "delivered", "thats it", "you won't stand".
(365)carol sue barger and alice cooper-vision recieved 9-6-2005-God has showed me a spirits that looked like carol and alice. I saw carol and she said something like, "this is alice cooper", and I saw alice and he said something like, "this is carol sue". I sw carol sue looking at the vision and she said, "alice cooper", and laughed. She said other things like, "went to heaven", "I'm just another apostle", "don't fight it", "visions are in storage", "he'll put it back up", "I married", and possibly something along the lines that she may have been better or staying single. There were many more. Carols sue said, "your wanted in the bedroom", and I asked something like who wanted me in the bedroom, and I saw carol sue and she said, "me", "I'm barger", "I backslid". I saw alice cooper and he said things like, "no money", and maybe, "I sold"
(366)michael and virginia boldea-vision recieved 9-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia and and she said, "I'm sleeping with a backslider", and I saw michael boldea sr. and he said things like, "I didn't", "can witness come", and maybe, "I'm backslid", "we understand if you can't come", and maybe, "do". WHen I got up this morning, I heard very clearly, "go to hand of help". Mike's voice was very gentle. I personally feel if its worth it to Jesus, it's worth it to me". I just saw mike again and he cursed God. I may have seen him in another vision and he let me know he won't return, and I saw virginia and she said something like, "I'm backslided", and maybe, 'I had It", "prophet stay away". I've been helped tremendously by the Powerful testimony of dumitru duduman, and I suppose this could possibly be repayment. I can't make people live for Jesus. This requires much prayer. Are you'ins willing, and of course I must keep in mind, that these looked like as all the visions usally do, but, that does not mean that it was them.
(367)pray for mercy hollie-vision recieved 9-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "pleae help me", "please", "pray for mercy", and I saw virginia boldea and she said, "grant", and I saw mike sr. and he said, "return", "God help me", "you can't stop it now", and I saw the U.s.s. indianapolis survivor and he said, "can't stop the nukin", and, "its delivered", and I saw virginia and she said, "what does witness want", and I saw the ca-35 survivor and he said, "money", and maybe, "I'll give you one more chance".
(368)new york will be attack from the ocean-visions recieved 9-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "attack new york city", "attack new york state", "attack new york", and I saw maybe, kristina fox, and she asked how new york would be attacked, and hollie said something like, "from the ocean", "mixed message", "all the way down".
(369)cindy crawford-vision recieved 9-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like cindy and she said things like, "I'm cindy crawford", "did a head job", and I saw a woman and she said, "cindy crawford your messing up", and I saw cindy and she said, "its me", "head job", "o my God", "oral sex", "I sold".
(370)mrs. cox-vision recieved 9-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mrs. cox who works at speedway gas station and she said things like, "I'm lost", "I lusted you".
(371)chancellor gerhard schroeder-vision recieved 10-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like scroeder and he said, germany will be, and russia president putin said, politburo.
(372)russia will attack america-vision recieved 10-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said things like, russia will attack america and be attacked by america.
(373)the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns-vision recieved 10-22-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said, and the beast with and stephen said, 7, and putin said, heads and 10 horns is russia, china cuba, nicaragua, north korea, venzeula, and br, it's over, brazil, the ten horns are, russia, china, cuba, mexico, and, MYSTERY BABYLON, and hollie joins in and says is america, and putin said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and hugo chavez said, cuba, and hollie said, what, and putin said, russia is and stepheen said, the beast, and putin said, the ten horns, are, ten nations, that arise out of russia, and russia is the beast, and the bear, and the three ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, and macaulay said, mexico with putins voice and alice cooper said, thats the end.
(374)america would rather have fun and sin than repent-vision recieved 10-30-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and he said, the united states will not make it thru the second day unless they repent.
(375)Jesus owns ministryofdreams-vision recieved 11-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like stephen and he said, the website is not fault, the website is, and kristina said, Jesus, Jesus owns MINISTRYofDREAMS.
(376)Jesus will put it all together-vision recieved 11-5-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the emporer of japan, and he said, we want you, what the, and pastor simison said, the fuck, and the japanese president said, you talkin about, you'll find out, and hollie said, say, and people said, God will give them one heart, and the japanese leader said, russia, how will you do it, and putin said, you'll find out, russia will attack their oil supply, prophet saw, russia hit alaska, that will cause caos, then we ll attack, from, and castrol said, from cuba, and a man said, from nicaragua, that was mexheco vincente fox, and putin said, from russia, from the ocean, s, from out, standing, sub, mar, marine, from canarussia, russia will take canada, with ease, russia will not repent, thats all, russia will destroy america, how am I supposed to do it, from russia, russia .
(377)visions -vision recieved 11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said, that was the Face of the Holy One, partially, His Eye was like Fire and It travels thruout the earth the whole earth seekin who He can show Himself strong, let it be you, His Eye looked like Fire, a Fire with a little dot.
(378)Spirit -vision recieved 11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a People and they said, we saw a White Spirit go thru the black wall, he said, sup, give financially help.
(379)russia is magog is china -vision recieved 12-5-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a, this man, and he said, and eventually, and stephen hanson sang, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and a man that looked like the president of north korea said, and magog, and a man said, magog is, and dorein said, china.
(380)the beast will reign-vision recieved 12-31-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: persia is the middle east-visions received 12-31-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, there shall stand up 3 kings in persia, that is iran, maybe its iraq, kuwait, thank Jesus, and the fourth is, its iran, no, maybe its iran, iran is politboro, and politburo is, is russia, and that is, the, whats that, maybe, china will invade russia and absorb it, and create magog, there it is, politburo is russia, has politburo on top, politburo is the new world order, and they the ruling party of china, and politburo is, usa nd iraq, hollie said bobby, politburo is cuba, nicaragua, mexico, russia, china, venezuela, brazil, germany, and italy, and italy is where the popes from, understand, the pope is russia, and out of russia comes, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and china will invade russia, divide, and, hu is the false prophet, and that is, russia will be given to north korea, north korea and south korea will become one again, he saw a little Angel Man and He said, stay right here and he saw the word, magog is china, and that is, the new world order, aman, and that is, the new world order is, that is china and everybody but israel, israel will be destroyed by american nukes from iraq, destroy the palestinian state aman, EZEKIEL 7, aman, go and put it under, the beast will reign for three and one half years of peace and three and one half years of wrath, and thats when vials get poured out aman, and hollie pointed, look, God will shake it up to bring repentance for israel, the beast wants to destroy israel but he can't, he will come against israel, but God will not let'em aman, the beast will make an agreement with hu for 666 and the middle 6 is a flanged cross like catholics where today, he said, I will make you to know the meaning of the vision, the daily sacrifice was the pig slaughter and that was blood, now the antichrist was in power, but his time will be short and he will break his agreement with the jews for pigs blood and he will make them take the mark of 666, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, but they won't want it, aman, he will take away the sacrifice and sit in the Temple and say, I am god, and that is, the god of this earth, but, not for long, 1,2,3, the number 1 sacrifice for the bear is a, the Bible says where there is no vision, the people perish, seek a vision for yourself, aman, worte the vision and make it plain, the beast will not do so well he will be surrounded by forces, they can destroy that body but satan will go into somebody else, bobby theres war brewing between russia and china is the only one that knows about it, hallelujah, aman, they will push at the beast with great, sackcloth, they will worship him because of the strong delusion sent by God, and he will come to his end by pushing his agenda on china and they will not go for it, tell the story, your best friend is your Bible, aman, read It, amen.
(381)tyre is, magog, that is, china, go, put it under, more is coming, for thy traffickers, are, all the earth, that is, ISAIAH, 22, and EZEKIEL, 28, go and put it under, post and post prophet ____, I'm sorry, let us, eat, and, we'll, thats, what they thought, did you change you last name, and he saw, hu, and the, pope, and the pope was, like, lit, and hu was, the, president, of, china, and that is, magog, and that is, I'm the pope said john paul, hu is, the, how do you git me out of here said hu, and the pope said, I ain't messin with you, they will, hate, each, other, but they will cleave to one another, I ain't said hu, it is interesting said the pope, I will destroy, you, we, will, destroy, you, they will, be like, ab let Me see ble, nuclear destruction, that was, I'm the pope, I will be, cast out, of, my, grave, like, an, abominable, how will I put this, branch, the deadly wound, cut off, hang around, preserved mosque, they are, they know it, I'll be, rein, carnated, go, the pope will be, tran, s, formed, into, an, angel, of, light, they will, he will, be, satan, man, so, he'll be like, like, God, but, no, Power, move my bowels, hate, but, we can, work it, out, 666, will, the message, sealed, but, internet, enought, abondon, do it, you will, not, but, willing, but, they will, hate, kill, said the pope, I can't take it, tidings out of the east, but, he will, russia, their, whatta you want, cal, ash, china, we, can't, they've got, arsenal, however much it takes, defeat, russia, see that, they have, thats what I want, 2, thousand, war, head, 's, and they are, on a sub, called, cause russia is the beast, its called sonar, push, under, us, no, they are, in, the, oh no, ocean, sank, that is not true, but, where are they, russia, 's, subs, are, china, they, could, launch, but, physically they are no table, hit israel, hu said, but, attack, but, attack, america, first, removem, get out, trap, that is how, china will, lure, ameri let Me see, russia, out, destroy, both, at the, same, time, and that is, and he saw a Light Pen, cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and, russia is, look here, china, and that is, prepare, china is getting ready to strike america, using, russia's missile's, that's a secret, tell me.
(382)america, canada, and mexico will be destroyed by nuke-vision recieved 2-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: america and canada and mexico will be destructed, when russia attacks, we are the beast, but, there is more to it.
(383)a message from Jesus -vision recieved 3-6-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, turn, read and do, ACTS 2:38 for, salvation.
(383)the eye's of the Lord searching for perfection-vision recieved 5-4-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: that was the eye of the Lord going to and fro, like fire, white face, bright,.
(384)vision of heaven and hell-vision recieved 6-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: and he saw, new jerusalem, with, its, crystal, like, skyscrapers, and, hell, lava,.
(385)(-4)no-visions received 11-29-2008-I saw hollie in a vision and she said, "no", said, im thru with it, shook, no, then, yes, showed, now way, said woman.
(-3)make up your mind-visions recieved 11-2008-in visions hollie said, "no", and maybe another shook, "yes".
(-2)which stereo speaker is beast-visions recieved 11-18-2008-in visions I saw a realistic mach one fight against bose 901. I believe the bose 901 won, and God spoke something like this, "that bose 901 will beat that realistic mach one". I was asking Jesus which had better bass.
(--1)Parliament-vision recieved 11-2008-in vision I saw the big flower that opened, on stage as funkadelic band Parliament plays, and hollies face was inside, and she smiled.
(-1)endtime ministries-vision recieved 10-28-2008-Jesus tole me something about kathy of endtime ministries vision, and I saw an angel cop, and he might have been the arch angel gabriel dressed in police officers uniform standing by chair, and I just saw gabriel showing go, dressed as cop, and irving baxter appears.
(-0)post the visions-vision recieved 10-28-2008-"it is all on there" said hollie tap dancing, but it seemed like I heard others tap dancing, and saw hollie showed, ?, laughed, and Jesus, hell, said the woman next to me.

(1)hollie showed-vision recieved 11-10-2008-in vision I saw hollie showed.
(2)Ministry of dreams-vision recieved 11-10-2008-in vision I saw the Ministry of dreams website, like website with eyes and legs, and Jesus whispered, call it ministry of dreams, people steal said hollie, all run to remove, said, hollie, and he saw, said casey, iraq, gaza, nuked, thats, captain, hollie, near jordan, in sub, israeli, said, hollie, fired, iraq, explodes, you leave gaza alone said israeli prime minister, put it under, said, hollie, watch, what you do, said, damien, sam neill.
(3)angel-vision recieved 11-10-2008-in vision I saw angel face, with no face, like a silhouette, then face started to appear, and he showed, hollie.
(4)the hegoat smiting ram-vision recieved 12-6-2008-in this vision I saw a hegoat with maybe the popes face ran into a ram, and I saw four kings arise, in maybe horns, pope, hu hintao, emporer of japan, and slash, pope, his face had slash in.
(-6)judment visions-visions recieved 11-2008-in visions I saw captain hollie in her white submarine, and I saw many fireballs in iraq and massive explosion in gaza, in dark sky, hollie said, "shew", and maybe smoke came up starting blocking sun, and moon, and maybe there was angel there, in another vision, the word IRAQ appeared in fire colored letters and many little fireballs.
(-5)jamming with hollie-vision recieved 11-4-2008-in a vision I saw a hollie come up and had guitar and heard music, and I saw kings rise, pope, hu hintao, emporer of japan, and slash pope, and hollie s said, "you expect me to save me but you wont live for me", and I heard music before, she, they said, one may have looked at reflection in water, but saw anothers sad face, tell me bobby, said barack obama, when, he said, after usa threatens russia, openly, on cnn, thats bush sending two minuteman missiles, exploding into atmosphere, then.
(-4)turn-visions recieved 1013-2008-in visions I saw hollie and she showed, turn, go, pointed with hand s,
(-3)Jesus knows your name-vision recieved 10-13-2008-in vision I saw man that looked like Jesus and he said, "bob".
(-2)record the vision-vision recieved 10-13-2008-in vision I saw brown haired Jesus and she showed, record, and I saw hollie, and another hollie said, "wait", and the white face angel gabriel said, "record", "sh", and hollie said, "dont tell them", and the woman from grace apostolic church said, "are you playing with me",
(-1)judgment to united states of america-visions recieved 10-13-2008-in visions I saw america, and subs all around, hollie pointed down, subs fired, and a.a. allen appears, with dyed hair, and missile defence went off, and missed, and usa explodes, and the woman came out of the fire said hollie and Jesus, thats, said, hollie, with hands, lighted, like gloves, statue of liberty, and angry bill clinton fires on medvedev, people read saith the Lord, and tremble, seek me and live, saith Jesus, I AM He who liveth, and was dead, and AM alive for ever more, and I have the keys to hell and the grave, turn to me and live, saith Him who Is and Was and Will Always Be, I AM the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, hollie showed, nunt uh, not fist, fisting, sh, said, hollie, is abomination, and Jesus, watches woman and men fist each other,
(0)steal the God spoken created name ministry of dreams and get ruint and release anyway-vision recieved 11-2-2008-in vision I saw the ministry of dreams angel, showing, his name, "ministry of dreams", call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, steal and I the LOrd will make you run to remove like over 1000 already have, still have the name I spoke and created ministry of dreams ill ruin you and put you in lava with prophet watching and you will release in this life anyway, no said Jesus, I wont share, modify, alter, and remove ruint any way, there is no the ministry of dreams, that is altering said Jesus, run now and remove or later, but you will remove saith God, just try me saith the Lord.
(1)the sign teem-vision recieved 10-28-2008-in vision I saw hollie laughing doing sign teem.
(2)go and no-visions recieved 10-2008-in visions, I saw same hollie of different hollies, and they said, "go", "no".
(3) hollie showed the popes picture-vision recieved 11-1-2008-in visions hollie said, something like, "let me show you uh picture", and i saw the popes picture.
(4)im tortured in persecution-vision recieved 10-2008-in vision I saw Jesus and he said, "i have mercy", and he laughed.

(0)they will want to rule the world-vision recieved 10-22-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like russia president vladimir putin and he sang, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, and he sang, russia, china, and I saw hu and putin said, cuba, and I saw castrol when he said, that, and putin said, mexico, and I saw fox, and putin said, venezuela, and I saw hugo, and he said, and brazil, and I saw lula, and I'm going by memory, and he said, and eventaully, iran, german, and schroeder said, man, many, many, visions, about, the endtime, on, ministry, and gene simmons of kiss sang, ministry of dreams, and schroeder said, ministry, and gene sang ministryofdreams, is, and schroeder said, the, and gene sang awesome website, hallelujah.
(1)house of the Lord built and destroyed-vision recived 10-25-2004-I was reading in the bible where God(Jesus)was telling Solomon that if he served Him, than He would stablish his throne forever, but, if he turned, God was telling him about the penalties like, He would cast the House of the Lord out of his sight, that Solomon built or had built or both. Solomon did forsake Jesus, and the House of the Lord was destroyed. While reading this, I saw an all white head of an angel, and HE said, "I did".
in about 11-2006-I saw the upper part of Jesus in a vision, and he pointed, and Im going by memory, and he said, something like, I tried to make you backslide in about 11-2006-I saw the upper part of Jesus in a vision, and he pointed, and Im going by memory, and he said, something like, I tried to make you backslide
(2)witnessing-visions received 10-25-2004-I witnessed to a man about judgement coming to usa, and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "liar". I heard this, "he's cut off".
(3)prophet school-vision received 10-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like rick joyner, and he said, "come to prophet school". Jesus is my prophetic teacher.
(4)visions of president Bush-visions received 10-26-2004-in visions, I saw president Bush, and he said things like, "won't stop it", "no nuclear reduction", "rearrangement", "your embarrassing me", "nuclear missile", were being set up", "were getting nuked"(america will be pounded with nuclear weapons by russia).
(4)america being sold-visions received 10-26-2004-in visions, I saw president Bush, and he said, "I'm selling the land", "I'm selling". I was asking Jesus about how he is selling the land, and I saw a man in a vision, and he said, "iraq", and another man, and he said, "al qaeda". I kept asking about how the land was being sold, and I saw a man or heard something like this, "to the fed". America is being sold to pay for these wars.
(5)just say no for Jesus-vision received 10-26-2004-in this vision, there is a woman and her mom, and me. Me and the woman are suppost to have sex which it seems the mother wants to happen but warns of a baby. The mother leaves, and the woman takes off her clothes, and is wanting me bad. I did not take off my clothes or have sex with her. I said somethings, etc.
(6)russia wants alaska-in a vision, I saw russian president putin, and he said something like, "we want alaska". I saw a president, and he said something like, "I want russia".
(7)no church-vision received 10-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with short brown hair that might have been grayish, and He said, "no church". I beleive this was Jesus.
(8)laughed-visions received 10-26-2004-in two visions, I saw a man, and He said, "I laugh", and the woman said, "we laugh".
(9)wanting me-vision received 10-26-2004-in this vision, I saw an old friend, and he said, "I want to talk to you".
(10)no change-vision received 10-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said something like, "you have'nt changed". I live for Jesus like He wants, not like people think I should.
(10)kill him-vision received 10-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said "kill him".
(11)oh my God-visions received 10-26-2004-at least twice in visions, I saw this woman, and she said, "oh my God".
(12)tell me something-vision received 10-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a young woman, and she said "tell me something".
(13)visions of Jesus-visions received 10-26-2004-I saw Jesus in many visions today, and He said different things to me.
(14)saddam hussein-vision received 10-26-2004-in this vision, I saw saddam hussein, and he said, "saddam hussein".
(15)alan greenspan-vision received 10-26-2004-in this vision, I saw alan greenspan, and he said, "world bank".
(16)visions of a servant of Jesus-visions received 10-26-2004-in this vision, I saw wome words the said something like, "visions from a servant of Jesus".
(17)witnessing-vision received 10-26-2004-in this vision, I'm at some buisness witnessing to the man behind the counter, and there is another man there, and he hears some of it. I get outside, and the man, and had long hair and a mustache says to me, "what's up dude", "what's up with your message'.
(18)radio shack-vision received 10-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "come to radio shack".
(19)go to the car-vision received 10-26-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "go to your car". In another vision, she let me know that she would witness to people.
(20)witnessing-visions received 10-26-2004-I wtnessed to some people and Jesus gave me some visions. I saw a woman that I witnessed to, and she said something like, 'I'm in adultery". I saw another woman, and she said, 'I wrote you". She was telling me about her sister dying, and while thinking on it, I had a vision of a person I could not make out, and she said, "I'm in hell". I saw one again, and she said, "I'm in adutery". I saw a young daughter of one, and she said something like, "I want Jesus".
(21) wins-vision received 10-26-2004-in this vision, I saw president of usa, and he said, "I'm getting elected".
(22)not him-vision received 10-27-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor who is with "upci", and he said, "not him again". I believe I saw him in another vision, and he said, "I've been rejected". I saw this other man who is with an apostolic pentecostal church in indianapolis, and he said something like, "I'm cut off". In another he said something like, "I listened", and that was to the testimony I gave him.
(23)noahs ark-visions received 10-2004-I've ben pounding Jesus about where noahs ark is. In one vision, I saw Jesus and HE had brown hair and beard, and He said, "leave it alone". In another vision, I saw this angel. It almost looked like an animated man. All white. Clothes, skin, hair and all. I don't know who this angel was, but, I remember what He said. "It's cut up".
(24)jelous-vision received 10-27-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said something like, "you made me jelous".
(25)talk-vision received 10-27-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I talk". I don't care to go into details about this.
(26)visions of a president-vision received 10-2004-I saw a president in visions, and he said things like, "no peace", "I'm going to hell", "sell nuclear".
(27)I AM-vision received 10-28-2004-I saw Jesus in many visions, and HE had brwon hair, and HE said things like, "I AM", "prepare yourself", etc.

(28)america will not be protected-vision received 10-28-2004-I was asking Jesus to protect america from terrorism, and I saw an angels face, and He was like a bone color, and HE said, "I'm not".
(29)what a person thinks of me-vision received 10-28-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "that's bobs story". I saw his wife, and she said, "that liar".
(30)prophet-vision received 10-28-2004-I was asking Jesus why this ministry wants me to join their yahoo group, and I saw a woman in a vision, and she said, "your a prophet".
(31)jeff nyquist-vision received 10-27-2004-I asked Jesus if jeff nyquist was cut off, and I saw jeff nyquist in a vision, and he said, "I'm not".
(32)what's your name-vision received 10-27-2004-in this vision while driving, I saw this woman, and she said, "what's your last name".
(33)wanting her out-vision received 10-28-2004-when I woke up this morning, I had a vision, and I beleive I saw a woman, and she said, "there wanting to get rid of me". I've seen her in past visions, and she said many times, "fired".
(34)iraq war will be nuclear-vision received 10-28-2004-many things happened in this vision, and I will just tell part of one. I was with janet jackson, and I was trying to tell her that Jesus showed me that the iraq war will be nuclear, and she said somethings to me in response.
(35)do it-visions received 10-28-2004-I saw Jesus in many visions, and He said things like, "do it". In sometimes He has beard, and sometimes He does not.
(36)welcome-vision received 10-28-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor who preaches at a "upci" church, and he said, "your welcome". I went, and only witnessed to one person, and that was the person who did the preaching. I later saw him in a vision, and he said, "I'm lost". I could tell he wanted to get away from me while I was talking to him.
(37)my raccoon friend-visions received 10-28-2004-while walking along the banks of a river, twice, I ran into this raccoon that was stranded. The banks are like cement barriers, and there is no way the raccoon could climb up. I fed it like power bars and dog food twice, and I petted it, and it ate right out of my fingers. I should have tried to catch it. I finally led it to freedom about 4 blocks away. I saw it in visions, and it said things to me like, "don't hurt me", "I'm not"(which means it was not coming home with me), and other things. It had like a scared childs voice. Thank you Jesus for this.
(38)the end has come-vision received 10-2004-in this vision, I saw my former pastor, and he said something like, "the end is come", "the end is come".
(39)Jesus Christ-visions received 10-29-2004-in many visions, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hiar. He said things like, "I AM", "bobby, they use Me", "don't worry about it", etc. He sometimes has a beard, and sometimes HE does not.
(40)prophet-vision received 10-29-2004-I saw this man in a visions, and he said things like, "I know your a prophet", "I thought he was a smart ellic".
(41)this is not an act-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a women and she said, "bobby, you act serious".
(42)saddam hussein-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw saddam hussein, and he said, "Iraq is dead".
(43)dumitru duduman-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "my buddy".
(44)was ready-visions received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw like a room or something, and I heard this, "we had it already for you". Then I heard this, "we had it".
(45)king of Jordan-visions received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw and heard, "the king of Jordan", and I was inquiring, and I saw the king of jordan, and he said, "he's dead".
(46)Jesus abundant-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "Jesus abundant".
(47)keep following Jesus-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair, and He said, "keep following Me".
(48)Bush will win re-election-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said something like, "I'm the president".
(49)revelations of colonel gadafy-visions received 10-29-2004-in many visions, I saw cononel gadafy, and he said things like, "what this world needs is s blood sheddar". I saw this man, and he said, "I want gadafy", and I was asking why, and I saw gadafy in a vision, and he said, "because I killed". I saw him again, and he said, "I wanted to".
(50)work for Jesus-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and I believe He had a beard and He said, "are you working for Me".
(51)what's your name-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this young womans face, and she said, "what's your name".
(52)feed me-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this dog, and it said, "feed me". I beleive its a homeless dog that I used to feed, and stopped because Jesus made me, and now the Lord is giving me permission to do it again.
(53)sin-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw some a sentence, and the words were in like red neon, and the only one I could make out was, "sin". The bible clearly tells us that if we sin we are of the devil.
(54)note taped on door-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this red piece of paper taped on like a glass door. It was a note, that I may have written in a prior vision, but, forgot what it said.
(55)what's his name-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this young girl with blue eyes and she said, "what's his name".
(56)apostolic-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "bobby, your apostolic". THis means that I teach what the apostles taught, and they taught what Jesus taught them.
(57)truth hidden-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "bob, that's a lie".
(58)senator john kerry-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw john kerry, and he said something like, "I want iraq". I beleive he did vote to support the invasion.
(59)president Bush-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said something like, "there changing the rules".
(60)won't hear sound doctrine-vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I won't hear it".
(61)get in deep-vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "I can tell your in deep".
(62)received-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "received", where you type in your url. I may have seen, "vision received", very quickly.
(63)where are you getting your stuff from-vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision, I saw this man and he said, "who's shoing you". My pastor Jesus Christ is.
(64)prophesied-vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I heard this someone say this, "he's prophesied".
(65)visions of Jesus Christ the Lord-visions received 10-30-2004-I saw Jesus in many visions today, and He said things like, "you done told them". I have pounded the message of judgement coming to america in lots of churches.
(66)irving baxter jr. vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision, I saw irving baxter jr. and he said something like, "don't mess with me any more".
(67)i'm abated-vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "I'm abated". One thing this word can mean is rejected, mocked, turned away, separated from, etc.
(68)licence plate number-vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said something like, "we need a licence plate number". In another vision, I saw a man, and he said something like, "bench warrant". Witness for Jesus, and it could land you in jail.
(69)go to the computer-visions received 10-30-2004-twice in visions, I saw men, and they said, "go to the computer". I beleive on was Jesus, and the other was dumitru Duduman.
(70)lost-vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor, and he said, "I'm lost".
(71)saddam hussein-visions received 10-30-2004-in the first vision, I saw a man who looked like alice cooper looks on his album, "alice cooper goes to hell", and he said, "saddam hussein", and I started asking about saddam hussein, and I saw saddam in visions, and he said thing like, "He cut me off", "kill jordan"(I saw the king of jordan in a vision when he said this), "hit america", "I'm free".
(72)young-vision received 10-31-2004-in this vision, I saw a young man I witnessed to, and he said, "bobby, I'm young".
(73)whats your name-vision received 10-31-2004-in this vision, I saw this young girl of about 14, and she said, "what's your name".
(74)will usama bin laden be captured-vision received 10-31-2004-in this vision, I saw a man whose face I could not make out , but, it may have been usama bin laden, and he said, "they captured me".
(75)let me kill-vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision, I saw a man whose face I could not make out very well, but, seemed to feel it was osama bin laden. He said, "let me kill". I often asked Jesus to protect america and Israel, and whoever else He will from terrorism.
(76)hated-vision received 10-31-2004-a girl at a phillips gas station was asking me if there was any thing new, and I told her about a new vision from Jesus where I saw indianapolis nuked, and plainfield nuked. I saw her later in a vision, and she said, "I hate you".
(77)warn people-vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "tell people".
(78)fast-vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision, I saw this young woman, and she said, "you need to fast".
(79)not saved-vision received 10-30-2004-I witnessed to a young girl, and one of the things she told me was she was saved, but, I did not feel the Holy Ghost coming from her speech. I saw her in a vision, and she was crying, and she said something like, "I wasn't saved".
(80)what do people think of me-vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision,
(81)read your bible-vision received 10-30-2004-I was reading dumitru dudumans book, "thru the fire without burning", and I saw dumitru duduman in a vision, and he said soemthing like, "read your bible". Dumitru's book is AweSoMe!
(81)I leave it all to you-vision received 10-31-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I leave it all to you".
(82)no raccoon-vision received 10-2004-I was wanting a raccoon, and I saw a raccoon in a vision, and I heard this, "no raccoon".
(82)vision-received 10-31-2004-in this vision, I'm with a man who I felt was the man in charge of a very big ministry, and he is moving that ministry into my old house. I'm made aware that a man named robert does not work there any more. One thing the man tells me is that if I stay, I can stay in his house. He was talking to someone else, and I wanted to tell him that I felt the Leading to stay. Much more is said, and I can not remember.
(83)heard about testimony-vision received 10-31-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I heard".
(84)MY promise-vision received 10-31-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "my promise".
(85)don't tell-vision received 10-31-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "don't tell".
(86)identify please-vision received 10-31-2004-in this vision, I saw someone, and they said, "what's your name". I beleive it was a young girl.
(87)won't here-vision received 11-1-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said something like, "we ain't going to here you".
(88)wanting money-vision received 11-1-2004-I was thinking on this apostolic pentecostal pastor and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "I want your wallet".
(89)real-vision received 11-1-2004-in this vision, I saw this young girl, and she said, "is he for real".(90)I AM-vision received 11-2-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He said, "I AM".
(90)bush wins-vision received 11-2-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said something like, "I'm getting elected".
(91)what's up-vision received 11-2-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "what's bobby doing".
(92)saddam hussein-vision received 11-2-2004-in this vision, I saw saddam hussein, and I heard this, "kill him". It sounded like the voice of president bush.
(93)choose Jesus or something else-vision received 10-2004-in this vision, I saw a computer, and I heard this, "new god".
(94)serious-vision received 11-2-2004-in this vision, I saw a young man and he had dark hair, and he said, "are you serious".
(95)prophet-vision received 11-2-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said something like, "bobs a prophet".
(96)who are we-visions received 11-3-2004-twice in visions, I saw this young girl and she said, "what's my name", "what's your name".
(97)tax raises coming-vision received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw a president , and he said, "pay more taxes". In another vision he said, "I'm cut off".
(98)sinner-vision received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I'm a sinner". She likes talking to me, and wants me to visit the gas station she works at.
(98)what does Jesus expect from you-vision received 11-3-2004-while praying I heard this, "you know what I want in return", and I said something like "what", and I saw Jesus in a vision, and He had brown hair and beard, and HE said, "pay MY price".
(99)little girl-visions received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw a little girl and she said, "call my name".
(100)prophet-vision received 11-3-2004-in this vision I saw a man, and he said something like, "your a prophet".
(101)fast-vision received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw my former pastor and he said, "you need to fast".
(102)why-vision receved 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman I witnessed to, and she said something like, "now, why did he say that".
(103)thanks-vision received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "thank you".
(104)liar-vision received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman I witnessed to, and she said, "liar".
(105)deny yourself-vision received 11-4-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "bobby, loose yourself".
(106)radio broadcast-vision received 11-4-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "we'll put you on the radio".
(107)nuclear war-visions received 11-4-2004-twice I saw a man in visions, and he said, "probably nuke".
(108)Jesus name-vision received 11-4-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "Jesus name". This is the name above every name. Do your service to God in "Jesus name".
(109)warning-vision received 11-4-2004-while praying, I heard this, "you better watch stan", and then I saw stan in a vision, and he said, "I hate Jesus". This stan has one of the biggest "prophetic warning ministries" in america.
(110)iraq-visions received 11-4-2004-in the forst vision, I saw a man, and he said, "iraq", and I was asking about iraq, and I saw president Bush in a vision, and he said something like, "were getting ready to run it".
(111)does iran support al-qaeda-vision received 11-4-2004-I was asking Jesus if irans kathami was part of al-qaeda, and I saw khatami in a vision, and he said, "we support".
(112)pakistan-visions received 1-4-2004-in the forst vision, I saw israel president sharon in and he said, "pakistan", and I said, "what about pakistan", and I saw pakistan president musharaf in a vision, and he said, "tell them I'm not your friend". I just saw Jesus in a vision and He said, "it's true". He had brown hair and beard.
(113)russia-visions received 11-4-2004-in the first vision, I saw general musharaf, president of pakistan, and he said, "russia", and I was asking, "what about russia", and I saw russian president vladimir putin in a vision, and he said, "we despise you".
(114)tear up the phone number-vision received 11-6-2004-in this vision, Jesus showed me to tear up a paper that I have a phone number written on, and I did.
(115)wait and see-vision received 11-6-2004-in this vision, I saw a young woman, and she said, "wait and see".
(115)accepted-vision received 11-6-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had grayish brown hiar and maybe beard, and He said, "your accepted bob".
(116)MY husband-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He said, "your My husband".
(117)after money-vision received 11-6-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said something like, "I want your money".
(118)come-vision received 11-6-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "please come".
(119)come-vision received 11-6-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He said, "come".
(119)bless the name of Jesus-vision received 11-6-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had grayish brown hair and beard, and He said, "bless My Name".
(120)call-visions received 11-6-2004-in these visions, I saw a man with brwon hair, and He said, "call".
(121)go-vision received 11-6-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and He said, "go to the car".(123)not missiles-vision received 11-2004-in this vision, I'm with a friend, and it is dark, and he makes me aware that missiles are coming, and I look, and many objects are coming our way high in the sky, and they twinkled like stars, and were about the color of fire. When they got close enough, I could tell they were not missiles, but, like geese that were the color of fire, and twinkled.
(124)radio-vision received 11-7-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "put you on the radio".
(125)cut off-visions received 11-8-2004-I was thinking on two friends, and I saw one in a vision, and she said, "I'm in hell", and I saw the other one, and she said, 'I got cut off".
(126)don't-vision received 11-8-2004-my mind was starting to stray, and I saw Jesus in a vision, and He had brown hair and beard and blue eyes and He said, "don't".
(127)yassar arafat-vision received 11-2004-in this vision, I saw yassar arafat, and he said something like, "I'm in hell".
(128)warn 5 people-vision received 11-10-2004-in this vision, I saw a white man and HE said, "tell 5 people".
(129)cut off-visions received 11-10-2004-in this vision, I saw a pastor I warned and he said something like, "He cut me off". I twice saw an angel in visions while talking with him, and the angel was like a bone color, and He said, "leave him alone". I just saw the pastor again, and he said, "rejected". I just saw him in another vision, and he said, "I need your vision".
(130)my name visions recieved 11-10-2004-in visions I saw a little girl, and she said, "you know my name", "what's may name", "what's his name".
(131)be kind-vision received 11-11-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "kind", and I beleive there was more there.
(132)reprobate-vision received 11-11-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor that I was witnessing to and he said, "reprobate".


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