Sunday, September 15, 2024

Can you imagine God using bob hickman to start the worlds first and only Sex-Ministry of Jesus Christ

Jesus laughs at me suffering and he causes-vision received 12-6-2010-in this vision I saw Jesus and he said something like: bob when a servant cant bare it thats when I love it the most, said Jesus", and in other visions of God terrifying me I saw Jesus many times and he told me he was going to wrinkle my face and does all day.

power meters-dream received about 12-4-2010-in this dream I saw a stereo receiver and it was like silver faced and had like big white like power meters and signal strength and tuning meters which were smaller.

looking good-vision received 11-30-2010-in this vision I saw the wonderful ministering spirit hollie showed, and he had brown hair and wore white garments.

hollie showed visions-visions received 11-29-2010-in visions I saw hollie showed, one he was just there about half way, the other looked like hollie showed, may have snapped his fingers, and smiled, but had lighted like mouth.

all 4 hollie showed's-vision received 11-27-2010-in this vision I saw hollie showed, and he was happy, and I saw the second hollie showed, like hollie, happy but shows things, and I saw a transformed, first hollie showed, but then, saw the first hollie showed somewhat appeared.

vision received 11-27-2010-in this vision I saw part of a he hollie wearing white robe and he was happy and snapped his fingers.

turn-vision received 11-22-2010-in this vision I saw part of maybe hollie showed, showing turn.

general hollie flys-vision recevied 11-22010-in this vision I saw captain hollie on his, maybe light spacesaucer, wearing robe.

hollie-vision received 11-17-2010-in this vision I saw new he hollie which looks like hollie showed coming back, but eyes were different and face may have been difficult to make out.

hollie vision-vision recevied 11-15-2010-in this vision I partially saw hollie turned to the side wearing like white robe, and she had golden face with maybe monkeys lips, shes back, said, its hollie, said, hollie, its, cindy, many scenes, cindy, is here, said, hollie, she showed, its both beasts, its i'm out, said, him, said partial face hollie, bob, she said, you loved me to much, he left, but laughed, i'll be back, he said, its the pope and hu, partial face hollie appeared, over, its, like, angel man showing, pictures, its real, he said, sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, said, partial face hollie, stamped, its scene spins, she, said, but, another, hollie, then, another, said, hollie, but she was not seen, but, another, hollie came out, hand over mouth, and like cindy appears, with like, dull grayish, face, God, said, put it undle, hollie said, i'm the beast, said, it, hollie said, its o vladimir agin, said, its babyfleas, she runs, God laughs, she wore uh white robe, but, she will have to give an account, said, Jesus, it God, hollie said, wearing white robe, but another, hollie appears, showing, she, said, that hollie said, God said,

(30)visions and dreams-visions received 3-5-6-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie,, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: anal sex is, abomination, and he witnessed to, the, Christian, radio, station, young, couple, and they, are, offended, many, will be, offended, at the, Word of, the, Lord, raise your hands and repeat after me, and that was hollie, singing, russia is, the, prepared, to, strike, america, when you, least, expect it, and hollie tore up the contract, and hollie tore up the contract, and hollie tore up the contract, and he saw patty smyth clapping her hands and she was excited when the pretenders hired her, and that first album sold millions, chain gang is number one, and she wanted out, because it was her that they were coming to see, but, she needed them, she never amounted to anything after the pretenders, have you heard of one song beyond the first album, and the Lighted Hollie pointed, the speed limits 35, do it, render unto the ceaser the things that are ceasers, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is china, china will invade russia, and hollie tore up the contract, that is the ram, and hollie tore up the contract, and force russia to invade israel, iranian, uranium, enrichment, goes on, it is, closing in, the pope will be, the, anti, Christ, and that is, the, 666, will be, born at, the, table, between, the pope and, false prophet hu, and that is, the, new world order, and they are, the, will hate each other, thats who they will be pushing for, the pope, thats the battle of armageddon, money, is, your, choice, if, you, want, get, but, put, Jesus, first, if you have, keep, but, put, Jesus, first, 666 is the mark of the beast, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, like the catholics have, its more like a plus, it'll be bron at the table between false prophet hu and the pope, if a busness supports sports, stay out, that is, blaspheme, and hollie wrote up the contract, make an agreement with God, and, keep, and Jesus pointed, brother stiar said, can I put you on the radio, prophet won't be permitted to go on nobodies radio, aman, and he saw the Place that Jesus prepared for you and that was a White Mansion, and he saw the boy with the ballon butt, and he is what everybody wants, about 19, but, he will have to give an account of his life to Jesus, put it under, that beauty will fade like a flower but eternal life is forever, read and do ACTS 2:38, jim carey is cut off and not a very good actor, he has to work to do those shows, but he is stretching it, his days are numbered, and he'll have to give an account for his life, and hollie showed, he tore up the contract, he's cut off, and that is, jim, carey, he is, a, prophet, he is a hollywood goofball, put it under, jim carey is not going to last very much longer but will perish, bobbytrap said hollie, if you change your oil, let it sit about 2 hours, and then you will have a 7500 mile oil change, you wanted on the phone, well, who is it, it's Jesus, well what does He want, go where God leads you, people are thinking, suck me and I will suck you, whore, and hollie tore up the contract, a horse needs to be broken, because it is afraid, but, then it surreneders, it thinks that person is fighting with it, there were many of people paralyzed from falling off horses, what that meant was, shot, they wanted to die, everyone did, and they got thier wish, they wanted to live even like that, but, who would take care of them, and hollie tore up the contract, i they would lay and pray, God might heal them, but htey would have to serve Jesus, and that was hollie of Light, don't give nobody your name, and the Hand pointed at the recorder, Lighted, and He saw a Big Man of Light whipping a little man, don't make God punish you, and he saw a little bird in his hand, God is using him to tell on people, and he saw the Bright Light, and like a man fly out, I'm the beast, and he had teeth, and I'm the pope and hu is the false prophet, and God winked at him, and He said, bobby tell me, I'll read it, and Jesus pointed, fool, you are cut off, and looking for hope, you don't have any, you wanted, sex, and the Lighted Hand pointed, your fallen pastor kent gray, your cut off, step down, call him, antioch, the apostolic Church, call him, from, u.p.c.i.'s, website, moussaoui, should get, death, for, 9-11, guilty, but, put him, in, a, cot, and, treat him, like, a, king, and that is, what, he will, get, for, murder, put it under, moussaoui should get, torture, then, murder, pastor, john m. stephensen, is, cut, off, no, Signs, and, knows, and, still, preaches, put it under, woe, and he saw the nmae, kent r. gray, call him, and Jesus pointed, your days are numbered, and Jesus said, trouble, and hollie tore up the contract, with Golden Bear Paws, it's to late, and the Lighted Hand pointed, she's cut off, thats why she ran from you, and she told kent r. gray what you said, and he said, kent r. gray is cut off, for, wearing, shorts, while, delivering, mail, put it under, an open shame for apostolic pentecostal named kent gray pastor of antioch the apostolic Church and he saw a woman bend over and there was fire in her poop hole, people are going to hell over that, anal sex is abomination, and Jesus pointed at the Door, and hollie tore up the contract, do what God leads you to do, and Jesus pointed, blaspheme is, and Jesus pointed, live for Me, and Jesus said, trap it, a pot belly pig is a good pet, potty train, and, don't let it get over weight, and he saw a Room of LIght and people were in there, they are, and he saw Jesus on the Throne, and on the Cross, HE's the Judge, HE IS the WORD of the Lord, the Plummline, and the Fire colored EYE winked at him, and he saw Light in the Door Crack, prophet, God will open doors for you, but, you don't want them open, interesting, save yourself, by, repenting, and, being, baptised, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and receiving, the, Gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, in, other, tongues, that is, a, new, language, understood, down here on earth, like, chinese, and people don't understand, no, what they don't understand is, prophet is nobody and he knows it, do ACTS 2:38 for salvation and be like him, and Jesus pointed at the boston don't look back record, it has New Jerusalem on top, the lead singer is a prophet, now he's a rocker, and Jesus pointed, God showed him to cut off women, one, because she would not do it right, and the other, because, she did not repent, she was angry and the other went out side, they could'nt stand it, and Jesus pointed, don't harras, speak the Word of the Lord and take a hike, you knew said and pointed Jesus, stay away from brother stair, he's a thief and an adulterer, and Jesus pointed, and he saw a Man of LIght laying down, that was, trap said Jesus, if goerge was in his body in the casket, he would have said, help me, I can't move and I know I'm dead, I'm going to hell, and he showed to pull on the wires, find the burnt one, bush is wanting india to store nuclear missiles, but, no way, said the prime minister of india, pakistan said, ok, but, aid, and bush said, we have it but, they don't, its because of, and Jesus pointed, and hollie pointed, russia, bush knows, they are, the, superpower, that was satan, and he looked wicked, I'm the beast and I'm the pope, and he saw, a, Man, with, Lighted, wicked, eye's, and, dark, face, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and the pope and hu is the false prophet, thats what it looks like when a man and a woman is having sex and when that sperm is released, that egg is released and that woman knows it, she can feel that soul come into that body, that makes abortion murder, and that is the biggest reason judgement is coming to america, pray for Me said the Lips, pray for yourself said Jesus, and he saw hollie sleeping, wake up and serve the Lord, and He saw the Lighted Hand point, pray for israel, a full length dress on a woman is acceptable to God only, and the dark Hand tapped, the finger, judge faithful and that is, according to the Word of the Lord, the show rocky horror picture show was being created, they were not having sex together, but after, boom, all of them, they, loved, it, nope, not, all, but, some, put it under, the rocky horror picture show is blaspheme, a homosexual maker, they lusted and got what they wanted, they are all cut off, all of'em, put it under, blood on rocky horror picture show's hand's, you know what I did said the LIghted Jesus, I just removed the blinders off the prophet, so now he can see, and he saw a man sitting on a mans face, anal sex, its getting popular, and the Lighted Hand pointed, seek the Lord while He is near, and he saw a man having anal sex with gabrielle, carters, of 90120, and, sooner than she thought, he pulled it out and she got cut off frowned showed gabrielle, and Jesus showed to record the vision, a mistake people make is trying to save thier life, you'll loose it, there could be, and that was the Angel of and a woman in a White Robe, Heavenly visions, and God showed, willie, duncan, would, be, loosed, of, the, blasphemous, spirit, if, he, wnet, there, but, he, would, not, cry out to Jesus, and, call it back, and 7 others, would, come, with, and he, would be, suicidal, inter, cede, r. h., duncan, all of them, the same, way, and God winked, and he saw hollie with a microphone, you need to tell said dorein, and, Jesus kissed the prophet and hollie tore up the contract, and hollie showed they will rip the papper off, and hollie pointed, pakistan, president, blasts, the, afghanistani, leader, because of, sumit, or, kharzi is, protected, by, america, put it under, they are, both, al qaeda,., 11-7-2010-hollie appeared, wearing plad coat, he, him, said, hidden partial face hollie but she, appeared, but, face, hard to, make out, God said, i'm, sun, hollie said, appeared underneath with light feather, tickled her feet but she changed into, its partial hollie, showed, another, one, hollie, said, bob, said, it, hollie, thats, hu hintao, coming, out, it, appeared, hollie, said, thats partial face hollie, showing, not pleased, she, sat, at Gods, its interviewing table, said, another, hollie, but, partial face hollie, changing into the main ministering spirit, its moody, again, she said, with, white, face, hollie showed, eat, its, your candy, you got, thats her eating, happy, like, white angel main, thats, bob, going, to, its, said, hollie, the catholic church and pope appearing, happy, like, angel of light, hes, inside, hollie, said, and, I we stamp, hollie said, showed, its bobs new flash drive, thats the, casey wearing white robe, plugging, in, angel, comes out, happy but showed, not uh word, thats bobs new flickr account like, white angel, another, hollie, comes, out, its, theres, deformed, she, said, looked, at, bob, was, not, happy, but, shook, yes, alright, she, said, he, recorded, thats, angel, hair is kind of blue, face, turning silhouette, its o, said main ministering spirit looking, face turns to side, theres brown spec, then disappears, but, turns, its, light, blue, thats its hollie eating bubba lubba candy, thats, hollie, showing, go that way, she wore white robe, its the black stagecoach, said, hollie, with, pope standing at side, like, angel, comere said pope, opened door, thats, kings, inside, you see these bobby, said, hollie, coming out, thats, president of mexico looking happy but showed, no, lula, and nicaraguan presidents looked stout, like castrol, put it there he said, beat hand, signs deal with medvedev, thats tripod, said, hollie, and, three captain hollies, appear in their waters, all like, he, him, said partial face hollie, she keeps transforming, they shower, thats gulf coast states of america exploding, and, missiles striking them, exploded, thats venezuela and brazil burning, but, mexican president looks over, thats, kim jong, popping out of head, and head smiled, thats head sitting at Gods interviewing, table, its we dont mind, said, head, thats, kim jong shaking yes, but, puts son in control, thats, son pressing nuclear button and nuclear fires, in, russia, china, and, its the south, said Jesus, showed, both koreas coming back together, its in the end times, said, God, thats, bobs new flickr account angel sitting down, at, Gods interviewing table, lets build, he said, this, is, the, decision, said, it hollie, said, partial face hollie, wearing white robe, thats, he hollie with mostly silhouette face playing music, wearing white robe himself, said Jesus, hollie, appears, showed, turn, and go, big lighted hand, tell me, about, russia, said, a, serious looking new hollie wearing white robe, thats pope and medvedev appearing, its there, hollie said, in, the land of russia, thats putin with, its, ten horns on head, showed, hollie, thats putin, coming out of, its, yeltsin, and, yeltsin out of the ten, its showed, new hollie, cleaned up uh bit, shook, self off, politburo, its uh rulin party, she said, thats putin out of medvedev, thats pope out of putin, please christian, let me alone, said, hollie, and, and its him, said partial face hollie, showed, appeared, played music, you need to, he said, playing his like little piano, organ, had mostly silhouette face, looked around, showed, beast, he said, picture, pope, its, i am gog, he, said, thats, pope, riding black horse, its, tear up, a mostly hidden hollie, did, but, dimly appeared, its him pointed, partial face hollie, Jesus like cat, you want that, church, said, hollie, thats bob meeting with pastor, wanting more, bob, said, hollie, please post, she, said, leave it alone, she, said, its, attorney-x showing both beasts, its the pope and hu, hollie said, Jesus looks at, picture frame, that, said, hollie in picture frame, hes lyin, said, its partial face hollie, its attorney x, laughing, hollie screamed, i'm back said hollie showed, but hand showed you did not want hollie showed, with different hollie in, she said sleep, hollie said, showed, lay down, wearing white robe, hollie, him, flew in his, spacesoarer he said, dropped bomb, america below exploded, submarines, appear, all around, its on the day of the Lord, said, its, him, said mostly hidden partial face hollie, she, showed, keep working, hollie screamed, showed, push, lawnmower, mow lawn, work out, she, said, thats hand pointing, at, white, in, hollies mouth, she wore uh white robe, said partial face hollie, but, transforming, said, God, said, joyce, 11-6-2010-website, said, its hollie said, partial face hollie, hollie showed, walk, now, its, said, a white face partial face hollie, God said, but face not easy to make out, hollie walked in plad coat, had brown hair, Jesus showed record, hollie said, and, I, stamp, hollie said, thats beast pope running, she said, like angel dot head, thats the, outdoors sound, said, hollie, its, sandy said, wiped lips, soumby, hollie said, hollie tore up, its, from behind, like uh wild hollie, hollie screamed, why, its what for bobby she said, screamed, bob look, said, it hollie, said, another, new hollie like white face, but hard to, make out, hollie showed, its, van parked, she fixed, shut hood, lets motor, she said, drove, what is hollie screamin for, she is wantin to record, said, hollie, screamed, she said, update your flash drives, hollie showed, its hard drive, hollie stamps, its, o, said, another, hollie coming out, hand over, mouth, she, looks at, bob, he recorded, she, shook, yes, hollie snapped fingers, looked at bob, whats that, said, Jesus, hollie showed, its, flash drive, bob had 16 now, hollie, wanted more, still, looked, hollie, stamped, thats, its, she said, new world order, stagecoach coming out, its black, theres pope like angel of light, hi bobby he said, thats hu hintao, its, on, his side, said, happy hollie, showed, bob go to church, you see these two, said, hollie, they will want to rule the world, thats, the, king, hollie points, its partial face hollie, like happy, hollie, theres, horns, turns into pope, thats ram with, putins face, hollie pulls up sleeves, hey pointed another, hollie coming out, its abrutly, said, Jesus, thats partial face hollie, not just hollie, hollie showed, turn, then showed, just, keep going, but, only part of her, there, both times, thats little fan with hollie coming out, bob buy one she, said, hollie showed, turn, bob, do said, hollie, thats, hollie putting, on, radio stuff, doing, broadcast, its uh strike fighter, said, hollie, flew, soared, showed, its p-40, curtass warhawk fighter jet, thats, hollie dropping bombs, thats america exploding, in, its near there pointed, hollie, center, another, hollie came out, face, not, happy, she, Notices, hollies face was like silhouette but was starting to appear, hollie claps, hollie showed, its curtass p-40 jet, she flew, 357 miles per hour, hollie closes scene up, thats her, being, honest, she got word, showed, its, from him, it, was not reliable, in high altitudes, thats p-40 jets flying over, its mountains, in china, crashed, many said, hollie, hollie said, mostly hidden partial face hollie, playing his music, come near, he said, wearing, its uh white robe, showed, hands, but partial hollie face dimly faded, in, boo, chanted, its him, said, hollie, its pope, said, hollie, and, its, black new world order stagecoach, thats hu hintao, on, the other side, you see, these two, said, partial face hollie, her head above, its, both beasts, she showed, 5-6-7-2010-no, said, hollie, showed, Lord, im, thru, she, said, but, shook, no, again, then, yes, hollie showed, record, hollie, showed, record, and beat hand, showed, book, Ministry of Dreams, is born, they publish, hollie, said, theres Ministry of Dreams, right there, said, hollie, its the cover of book, on the back, said, hollie, put, ministry of dreams is bible prophecy by bob hickman, hollie shows, done with it, hollie like a bear, said, hollie, there, pointed, Jesus, with, lighted, finger, hollie like vampire, hollie pointed, turn, hollie showed, record, im grecia said gabriel, showed, pope, said, hollie, with, its ram horns, thats ram with, putins face, thats, hollie showed, fight, come on, thats hu hintao, out of, one, horn, and, putin and medvedev, and pope, said, hollie, out of other, horn, thats hegoat charging, smiting, ram, come on, said, hollie, thats, nuclear, explosion, in, its russia, they exchange, said, hollie, missiles striking, russia and china, look, said, hollie, showed, many nuclear fires, in, both lands, thats pope, at, table, and two horned, beast rising, with, thats, hintao and japan, coming out of horns, they sign, peace treaty, 666, its after, said, hollie, thats, russia burning, and, missiles leaving there, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploded, thats, casey sprinkling, bear rising, devouring, thats submarines all around, america, hollie looked at watch, youve got time, she said, go to danville, she said, its showed, hollie, spun, apostolic church, that was bear licking prophet, getting ready to pump gasoline, thats oil wells pumping oit at record amounts, the world is using, twice what it, needs, to, to, hollie, showed, heat homes, buisnesses, now, is, the end, thats bear, showing, pope, this is, website, lets post, said, hollie, beat hand, bear showed, record, showed, go, to, walmart, walk around, im vision lets post, said, hollie, bear, showed, go, that, said, hollie, showed, go, post, hollie, sat, at, pay internet computer, this is, warning, said, hollie, showed, beatem up, its, new, world, order, hollie showed, go, in, eat, thats hollie walking with coat, plad, but, not, very happy, bear showed, its the glory, bear, said, of, God, like haze, said, hollie, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, pope, she, said, brent bozell, hollie, showed, thumbs down, hes witch, like his friend, pointed, hollie with golden finger, its, thomas peters, thats bear, arising, angering, and, obama, placing, its, missile defence, said, hollie, it, can, work, but, will, said, hollie, hollie, holds up, sign, it shows, pay me, she said, they, do, donate at joel osteens conference, over, twelve hundred dollars, bob, said, hollie, showed, lay down, showed, pope, with, brown, hair, let me, rule the world, said, putin, wipes lips, hollie laughs, hollie showed, record, showed, rocky horror picture show, it makes faggots, go home, said, lips, on rocky horror picture show, hollie showed, its, doctor rev. jeremy taylor d.min feeling the heat, said, hollie, for taking the name, she, said, call it ministry of dreams, thats kathy taylor removing, from website, theres antonia vladimirova, who is, toni vladimirova, removing what she stole ruint, ministry of dreams, thats prophet, signing, its dreams foundation guestbook, I ruint, said, rev. toni vladimirova, showed, vladimirova, toni wanted to ruin, steals the God spoken, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, all remove ruint, hollie showed, just be quiet, hollie shows, the song time warp, on, rocky horror picture, show, it cost about, hollie thought, looked at Jesus, one million, they had many people writing and composing, the songs, on, rocky, horror, picture show, hollie showed, record, still sale, hollie pointed, up, Jesus, coming, look at, the, world, said, hollie, countries exploding, world shaking, moon looks down, says, bobby, moon had big nose, said, he, wouldnt let me, sun had mouth open, both played, Jesus, there, bobby it was uh dream, said, hollie, clapped, showed, night vision, bob is with pastor, they talk, bob lets stay in his home, goes to room pastor lays in, but doesnt bother, bob tells pastor next day, he would come to, where his church is, said, he'd been to goshen, bob means in, illinios, and, goshen, appears, as, bob drives to church, also says he would take laptop, tells, its no problem driving like that, bob hears, knows to tell, Holy Ghost feels like body perfect size coming in, bob sees pastor, in, like hospital room, laying on side, in, bed, others lying down, in, there, hollie pointed, up, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, Jesus comes, russia burns, thats nuclear fires, in, its, china, said, hollie, thats, hollie, riding, the, rocket, taiwan, burned, thats, hu battling washington state, on his red horse, its, repelled, said, hollie, its in retaliation, hollie, said, put it under, said, hollie, im the, vision, lets, post, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie, with, Jesus inside, showed, record, hollie walked with coat on, plad, he made me, said, hollie, she stops, coughs, run in place, that, said, hollie, wiped lips, again, hollie, showed, post, on, laptop, thats, Father in, spotting truck, thats FATHER ON, its pioneer said, hollie, steam locomotive, with, hollie funnel, on front, it went, hollie, said, whew whew, hollie showed, harry know, hes uh witch, leading religion in america, hollie and God, said, barack obama, will you let me replace you, he, said, harry knox, knows, hollie, said, put it under, hollie, said, thats, harry knox showing cut off, hollie showed, hard drive, flash, put in, more, often, hollie, said, cause, its, she, showed, librarys, closing, thats, computer, going, down, thats obama looking at visions, and, then, satan himself appears, harry knox, laughs, but looks serious, shakes, yes, thats the billion dollar baby appearing, with horns, showing, alice cooper, still loved, hes almost uh billionare, that, said, billion dollar baby, showed, pope, and whole new world order, its chariot, pulling up with hu hintao dressed in warriors clothes, its, babylon is fallen, said, man, thats submarines all around, america, one fires, thats explosion in, its california, thats both american coasts exploding, hollie claps watching on cnn, thats nuclear fire in canada, then whole american center exploded, hollie walks wearing plad, coat, hollie showed, ministry of dreams, it was created, by, she said, Jesus, appears, looks around, people steal what Jesus spoke, thats Jesus watching the theives, making them one at a time, said, hollie, remove, hollie, said, the God, spoke, hollie, said, showed, call it, ministry of dreams, bob, hollie, said, had, watch on, showed, lay down, its time, she, said, thats hollie doing, progressive insurace commercial, that, was, whole east coast exploding, its from submarines, said, hollie, they appeared, theres, nuclear explosion in africa, and, missiles leaving, their waters striking venezuela and brazil, exploded, thats, nuclear fires in mexico, and latin america, thats missiles leaving their waters, striking america, hollie, points, near, texas, exploded, rocket leave america, striking, nicaragua exploded, hollie observes, what, was, that, said, hollie, thats, world, nuclear explosion, in, its africa, missiles left their waters, hollie spins globe, shows, nuclear, explosions in many south american countries, thats smoke going up, moon looks down, he had a big nose, said, hollie, its bobby, he transformed, hollie, said, hollie points, at, nuclear explosion, its over, hiroshima, then hollie is there, sees big fireball, then blown away, its wind, she said, its missile defence, said, hollie, misses, its, hollie, thought, not reliable, thats the, said, hollie, u.s.s. pennsylvania, firing nuclear rockets, thats, explosions, pointed, hollie, in russia, and missiles leave russia, where just visions we cant post, said, hollie, and hollie plays music, aw shut up, he said, i'll take your mom saith the LOrd, this is uh warning, said, hollie, whats that, said, yellow hollie, she showed, its time, 2:38, hollie has light watch on, shows, ACTS, hollie said, do something, this is vision, lets post, said, hollie, showed, beatem up, both beasts appear, and hu, said, pope, you want uh battle, said, hintao, right here, they sign peace treaty, its 666, its the mark of the beast, said, hollie, take it, said, pope, from, hollie showed, cellphone, t.v.,
(32)visions from the Holy Ghost-visions received 3-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie,, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: if you not you want not, and hollie showed speed, the Lord said, rasie your hands and repeat after Me, al qaeda wanted to be the ruler of the world, george bush stopped that, but, al qaeda stopped george bush, and hollie tore up the contract, george bush did not, the etheopian man was ashamed, Jesus will be ashamed of him, and the Lighted Hand pointed at the recorder, and hollie tore up the contract, and he saw the Lighted Strong Arm of the Lord like making a muscle like a cloud, please pray she said but you need to pray for yourself, and God winked, like a Fire Eye, put it under, and he saw a Finger wiggle and the pope the pope was the finger print and hu was the other, they are the false prophet and the anti Christian, put it under, the new world order, and Jesus winked, prrayer walk hollie showed, and he saw awold howling and it turned into pastor danny thomas, and the Lighted pointed, face jerusalem and weep, how robert blake and bonnie blakely ended up, she pulled out a gun and robert tried to take it from her, accident, she shot herself, bob, record the vision and make it clear, hollie said, sh, that was satan, and he had a bald lighted head, and he said I'm the little horn, italy, and the lighted Jesus pointed, your slipping with prayer, pick it up or, I'm kurt gowdy, sports are abomination, when God see's the JOHN 3:16 sign, blood on hands, at sporting events, cast MY money before sports idols, that is satan, sh, and he looked like a flying man, I'm, and he saw Jesus with Sacrlet colored Robe and Gold Crown, and He said, trap, and he saw the partial Fire Face, I knew it he said, but you are still serving, you know everything, all Mysteries like the apostle paul, and hollie tore up the contract, you don't care, it didn't faze you, thats why God showed you, seek more things from above like healing, the Gift of Miracles, laying hands on the sick and they recovering, thats, filling people with the Holy Ghost, do ACTS 2:38, for the promise is unto you, did you see him, he knew, he had the ACTS 2:38 born again experience, but, he broke the contract, that is why he didn't want you to pray for him, turnbuckle said hollie, and God winked, professional wrestling is fake, they practice, and the Lighted Hand pointed, I had it, she said, but, went back, now children, that beauty will fade like a flower, Jesu said, won't you go to michigan and then he saw michigam explode, it will burn, do not shave your head all the way, keep hair, how do you get back, you might not be able to, try, and there was Light behind, and he saw a babies hand in Jesus's Hand, abortion is murder, and america will be judged because of that, that is abomination, and the Finger pointed, I know how you feel bob, that was satan, sh, I'm the beast, whats that, that was a tornado, it is coming to america, that is mike ditka, he is a blaspheme, prophet met him, but did not say anything, because you see a Church bus, don't walk up to it, they could be satan, he saw a woman and she trapped him, stay away from, that was the Lighted Mountain split in twain, Christ will appear and speak the Word, and the Mountain was split in twain, and it will all be over, and he saw the word, KING, Christ is a King, and he saw a man, people pleasing is a killer of Chritians, and the Finger pointed at the recorder, post, fix showed hollie with two hands, work, and the man sang, o satan get your hands off, leave me alone, don't touch me, twice, rebuke the devil in the open and God might heal you, and hollie showed how to fix the guard post, but they won't, they'll let his insurance company, the Man said, your left tire, you need to rotate, and hollie pointed at the recorder, that man was like the captain of a ship and he humbled himself and smiled and laughed, humble yourself to Jesus and HE will exalt you, you know you got It when people hear about it from you, and he had a gallon of milk in his van and it got warm, keep it cold, and hollie pointed, and he saw debbie in lava up to her chest, she didn't know very much about the Lord, so her punishement will not be that severe, and the airplane passed overhead, rebuke me said, satan, america is about to go out, from russian submarines, and then american subs will fire back, on russia and china, and the Hand pointed, captain smith of the titanic was not very pleasant to work for, he was company and you knew it, that means he did his job, breaking a speed record wasn't part of his job, and he saw sister rexford running, when the united states is under attack by russia, buy a used computer said the tap dancers, they either work or they don't, and the first apostolic Church van ran the red light, he want to witness, kent gray claps his hands and he says, He loves you, but, kent is lost, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the Angel of the Lord said, that was a ford elite, not a thunderbird, and the Angel of the Lord pointed at the recorder, and Jesus showed him to look for the un-posted messages, russia will, grab, alaska, and then, from the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, they will bombard the nuclear missiles in amierca, the mistake they will make is, grabbing alaska, when they grab alaska, the orders will go to submarine commanders, american subs, and they will launch on china and moscow, one third of the population will be wiped out, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and hollie tore up the contract, and hollie tore up the contract, and showed a pen, make a new one, complete your run in Jesus Christ name, hallaluiah, aman, four cats came together, lets make babies right in fron of the prophet, two of'em are, God gets glory, wait your turn, 4 kings will arise out of the sea, they are the new world order, like the cat threw the one off, they will hate each other, but, cling to each other, they all have nuclear weapons, that'll be magog, and hollie pointed, witness, and bob passed the test, a girl like the one he wanted, walked by and by, and he didn't go for her, he knows in his heart, he would have kept her, but, no trade, Jesus Christ is the Same yesterday, today and forever, and the Angel of the Lord pointed at the recorder, post and make it plain, and hollie tore up the contract, and holle showed irving baxter is coming down, she pulled the wool off her eyes, moscow is, preparing, for, nuclear, war, with, america, right, now, they are, waiting, for, a, opportunity, like, economic, collapse, and it is, coming, terrorist, put it under, witness, give it time said hollie, and Jesus came thru the hole in the fence, build MY house, on upci, this prophet could backslide, and be a jigilo and a millionaire on Bible prophecy, but, he won't do it, and he looked at the Lord, pointed at the recorder, post, and make the vision plain, and he saw the woman masterbating, thats a sin, unless, God, told you, to, do it, and hollie tore up the contract, and hollie tore up the contract, do you think woman are sexy, the prophet sure does, but, what a woman is is just a animal shell with a soul inside, lust them, or follow Jesus, the prophet will follow Jesus, but if he wasn't, and hollie tore up the contract, and hollie tore up the contract, trip, irving baxter is coming down, never stop praying said the Angel of the Lord, the top is about to be blown off hollie showed, irving baxter fall, if you starting to wrinkle, that gives God glory, He made you to, the body, here's how it ages, glands start dying, that, keep you young, figure it out, holie showed time is running out, the tap dancers say, lets seek the Lord while He is near, and the Angle of the Lord pointed at the recorder, hollie showed him to blow the trumpet, irving baxter's cut off, and holllie pointed, don't waste your money on mulch, make your own, there's leaves, branches, and hollie went thru the opened the Door and disappeared in the Light and the Door closed, when this prophet dies, russia will light up america, then america will light up russia, and hollie pointed, don't look at sin, you know what I want, said the Lord, a broken spirit and a contrite heart, God will not despise, and that is reject, and hollie tore up the contract, don't tempt God with your vanity like looking at people's butts, more than you need to, the indian, thous fool, said, Jesus, you would still have america if you did not backslide, they lived for Jesus, the Great White Spirit, they saw It, but, backslid, deal with Jesus, don't expect Him to deal with you, time out showed hollie, record, and there were sealed 144,000 out of the 12 tribes of israel, what that means is, inummerable, servants of the living God, hurt them not, but, all the rest, have your, satan tore his contract, by, lifted up, pride, beautiful, and he knows, that is God winking, and the Angel said, eat, enjoy, your here for that, but, be ready to meet Jesus, and He was like Bright Light, and he saw the Hand with the Golden Gun, trouble is coming for irving baxter in about a half hour, and hollie showed, shell makes this much off gas and this much off oil, sell it in gas, raise the price the price of oil, and sale gas, and people will pay the high price for oil, and the high price for gas, and it'll keep going up, until, they conserve, then we'll lower it said God, read your Word of the Lord pointed the Angel of the Lord, see if your pastor matches up, see if you match up, and the Lighted Hand pointed, don't eat at your Church, thats the House of prayer, not the restaurant, and he saw richmond, indiana explode, it will burn, and he saw ohio explode, it will burn from russian submarine's, richmond will be a desolation, he saw from industrial rd, industries rd, pastor kenny yingling is cut off, no Signs, and gene pointed at the recorder, gene schmdit, he told michael boldea, you were the one posting visions and dreams about them, they knew, what they didn't know was, you would have helped them to get open again, but they didn't invide you to stay, you would've stayed in the van, thats why they didn't invite you, and hollie blowed the top off, it's revealed, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia will attack when you least expect it said the Angel of the Lord, and then they willhave a suprise coming, that is, america will fire back, and russia and china will be destroyed, and hollie tore up the contract, thus speaketh the Lord of Host said paris hilton, I eat and I poop and i fart, so serve the Lord, my beauty is fading, but eternal life endureth forever, read and do ACTS 2:38, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, venzuela, brazil, they will give thier power and strength unto the beast and america becomes a memory, put it under, china and moscow are the ram, and hegoat is, the pope in the middle, david wilkerson of times square Church is open, he has visions and dreams, prophesying, he is, saved, he will be replaced by the prophet, david wilderson is not open said the Angel of the Lord, he sold, don't give up your right to the Tree of Life, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and recieve the Gift of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, when we hit alaska, said putin, you will only have a short time, and then russia and america and china, will be destroyed, china and russia pratially, america is the end times babylon, the abortion ban law, is, a, lie, they do not, care, but, want, people, to, think, that, they, do, put it under, the 73 million, from, the, bank, heist, will never, be, recovered, but, the, taker's, will, go to, prison, and, when they, get out, will, be, rich, but, they won't, they will, barter, you'll, see, said, Jesus.
(33) Bible prophecy for now-visions received 3-2006-God has showed me Spirits that looked like people like, hollie, the Lord of Hosts, Jesus, kristina, macaulay culkin, and they said: and he saw preisdent bush pushing the button, president and bush and Jesus pointed, would not hesitate to fire nuclear missiles at moscow over alaska, and he saw a White Spirit, leave him, sing, o satan, take your hands off me, leave alone, don't touch me, and brother stair said, I'm only 79, but, cut off, and Jesus pointed, trap him, quit preaching, your hurting, the Kingdom of God, no Anointing, but you call yourself the last day prophet, you devil, and he saw a cute man pooping, what do you thin a butt is made for, keep your tongue out and penis, I didn't make it for that, I know you thinks its cute, I'm God, I didn't make it for that, the prophet is now know more a prophet, but, a castaway, because, he obeyed the LOrd, the Lord gave him the desire of his heart and now he will serve the LOrd, with all of his heart, cause now he knows, the Lord is a Man like him, and he heard a man in hell scream, let me out of here, it is hot, google is the number one seach engine, and the Lighted Hand pointed, none are even close, google does not know how big they are, but, thus saith the Lord of host, a search engine name oral sex would be more popular because this untoward generation, condemn no one for what you have done, kurt is backslidden, come back kurt or to late, you have 30 days, aman, and Jesus let me know, the timing is off, in the van, a little, but, it makes a difference, about 3 miles per gallon, find it, and enjoy more milage than it was made to give, they knew, but, that was satan, sh, don't tell on him he is a liar, and the Lighted Hand pointed, bertie smith never got the Holy Ghost but thinks she did, now, old, and, dying, God might spare but not save, to long, know Signs, intercede, for she has worked but led herself, your righteousness is as filthy rags, but, she still did a lot, I might save, but, 30 days, birdie and perry smith, you have 30 days to repent and be set free, call them in indianapolis and tell them the vision, stay away from the rocky horror picture show, they are having sex at the show now, paris hilton is a try-sexual, that is man woman, or both, or either, you know what I want said Jesus, a broken spirit and contrite heart, God will not despise, that means, reject, I'm awesome said Jesus, I'm the King of kings and the Lord of lords, lift Me up and I will draw you to Me, that is how, when a homosexual touches a straight man, that man becomes homosexual, how, because, satan enters, watch who you touch, that was hollie, tearing up the contract, billy collins tore his contract up the prophet was at a bar and billy was there and billy remembered and blasphemed 10 years later, watch who you talk about, he knew it, this is hollie and I'm a bear, teddy, that was satan, sh, I'm the beast, that was satan, sh, I'm, the, that was satan, sh, I'm, don't worry about tomorrow, only today, thats all you have, that was Foreigner, he's a prophet, he ended up a rocker, that song, God made up, it would be, number one, put it under, watch what you do, lou graham is in his 50's, very popular, would sell out, but, they would come back to do that song, prayerwalk hollie showed, and the Finger pointed, you said it said JEsus, america should shut down the irs, and, have a flat tax, and that was a Light flash, a Heavenly, peter followed Jesus from afar off, cause, he wanted to see what would happen, he didn't care, when he died, he died, I need you said Jesus, and he saw a Hand of Fire colored, keep blood off your hands by doing the will of Jesus, that was Fire burning behind a Door, God is an all Consuming Fire, and the Fire colored Eye winked, and that song went, and the Hand pointed, sometimes I get the feeling, that i, might, have done it over again, but its to late, and the Hand pointed, God can bring you out of any situation, He knows how, let HIm, and He hear him sing, not to bad, but, not interested, that was a Door, opening and Fire coming out, and the Hand pointed, touch God and He will give to you the victory, and he saw 2 Hands and there was Light coming down on them like they were holding the Light, that is, God is Light, and the Hand pointed, work out your own salvation, with, and, trembling, and he saw a Hand, in the Light, tithe at the red cross, don't tithe at, and the Lighted Hand pointed, those shorts, that say, tunnel of love, abomination, and he saw Gold, and the number 7, that is the seal of, and the Hand pointed, leave your cactus out of your vehicle, it will kill it, even if, you water, cause, the heat is, different, dehydrating, in the desert, moisture develops at night, and the cactus gets from the outside, and it absorbs all it needs, and Jesus pointed at russia will attack america, on the board at the college, when the iraq war turns nuclear, then there will be about the other, but it will be to late and they will know, and the Angel of the Lord pooped out of Jesus's Mouth, Bearded Face and said, google, google is going down, to start a serch engine that will knock off google, you need a big warehouse so, storage of billions of pages, google's computer is about 500 feet long, and the Hand pointed at the recorder, prophet knows he's blessed, he's smiling as he's recording this knowing in about 3 hours it will be on the information highway, and the Angel of the Lord, Lets go and do it, put it under, witness, prayer, post, record, hollie said, that was a tube shaped, and hollie tore up the contract, raise your hands and repeat after me, stay away from missy baker, and hollie said, loosing hair but don't worry, and he saw a flash of Light, release, to go and post, put it under, do what God leads you to do, your sin is what keeps you, and the Lighted Hand pointed from having peace with Jesus, repent and be, and the Lighted hand pointed, baptized in Jesus Christ name and recieve the Gift of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, as the Spirit gives the utterance, that is, a language understood down here in earth, aman, and Jesus pointed and said, do, post, if if be the will of God, God still remembers every sin that you've committed, it is written in Heaven but, they are in remission meaning, He can restore, and make you work to get forgiven instead of repenting, do meet, and the Lighted Hand pointed, worthy of repentance, work, and the Lighte Hand pointed, work out your salvation with fear and trembling, and he saw a White Spirit, and it had no hair, and it was like, the, being, that, came out of, the, spaceship, the, on, close encounters of the third kind, george lucas was a, and the Finger pointed, prophet, he saw, thats how, he created, God showed him that to fullfill the desires of his heart, but, he had a choice, and he saw this angry Mouth and out of IT, Teeth were rotted, came a Spirit, satan used to, use him to destroy people with humor, now, God uses him, it was always in him to destroy, but now, pastors, and, Christians are being brought down like, JEREMIAH 1, read it, and God can use him to bring anybody down, he's young, handsome, short, ballon butt, a hundred and 35 pounds, sexy, uto, said the woman thats following the Site, she knows, he's loosing it but, will not loose it anymore than he has, go and put it under, God might show up in a way that you can not imagine to get you to repent or bring you down, if you won't, now go, your done for right now, aman, whatta you want, said, hollie, repent, and, be, bpatiZes, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and, recieve, the, Gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, in, other, tongues, as, the, Spirit, give's, the, utterance, and that is, another, language, understood, down, here, on, earth, that, you, don't, know, like, russia, or, chinese, and they are, the, raise your hands and repeat after me, these are, the, ram, and the, hegoat, is, the, king of, greece, and that is, the, pope, in the, middle, he will, hit, moscow, using, us, said, the, china jap man, and, they, will, force, moscow, to, invade, israel, at the, closing, of, the, human, race, and that is, the, Christ will appear, and, the, moutain, will be, split, in, two, and Christ will, speak, the, Word, and, the, beast, and the, false, pastor, and that is what, a, false, prophet, is, will be, cast, alive, in the, lake, of, fire, and, brimstone, that, burns, for, ever, and they will, burn, with, the, enemies, of, Jesus, for, ever, put it under, be, one or the, other, read and do, ACTS 2:38 for salvation, and that concludes, have a nice life, america will burn when raise your hands and repeat after me, moscow attacks from russian submarines, out of, the, oceans, cube, a, and that is, from, all, a, round, all over, the, place, and that is, from, all, around, america, will, be, come, desolate, from, smoke, and, fire, from, radiate, tion, from, nuclear, missiles, from, raise your hand's and repeat after me.
(34)endtimes 2006-visions received 3-8-9-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie,, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: and he saw many of baby spirits, they are aborted babies, and Jesus was there, they go to Heaven, the parents go to, or the aborter's, hell, put it under, abortion is execution of the innocent, and he saw the words, israel burns from american nukes, and the Finger pointed at the recorder, pray on your knees, and he saw a beautiful Cross, that is a, and he saw Hands clapping, make a joyfull noise unto the Lord, and he saw a Man come out out of the Bright Light Room and point, you are not pressing to the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus, your price, and the Lighted Hand pointed at the recorder, post the vision and make it plain, accept it, and bill clinton said, when the national debt gets as high as america's is, look out, economic collapse, and then, russia will strike, and Jesus blew the Trumpet, blow the trumpet and sound the alarm, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand, a day of darkness, and a day of gloominess, the land is as a garden of eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness, and hollie tore up the contract, that was a Heavenly vision, Green Light, that was a Fire Colored Room and a White Spirit behind the glass door, how come I eat so much, to hide, and he saw the Finger with the pope, I'm the antichrist, with hu the false prophet, and he saw a wind, blowing a very big tree limb that was hanging, and it kept blowing it, and finally it fell, down, and, a chain reaction, many tree's fell, if prophet falls, many will fall, prophet wouldn't fall, his tree still stood, a branch fell, this prophet is helping other people, Jesus said, I'll lift you up, or I'll bring you, down, and he saw the Angel of the Lord come out of Jesus's Mouth, and said, I'm out, the Word of the LOrd is out, published in all nations, and Jesus said, hit alaska, and, then, russia, out of, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, will, attack, america, then, russia, and, china, will be, attacked, by, raise your hands and repeat after me, american, submarines, out of, the, oceans, from all around, one third, of the, population, will be, wiped out, from, this, with, mexico, and, canada, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, cuba, from, radiation, and the people will, die, from, radiation, smoke, the sun and the moon, will be, blocked, out, for, sixteen hours, and, the earth will reel, to and fro, like a, drunkard.
(35)end time prophet ministry -vision recieved 3-9-2006-God has showed me the words: and he saw the words, end time prophetic ministry, sunnysnet, that, belonged, to, ministryofdreams, you have, 30 days, to, quit, using it, or, sickness, put it under, send, to, JEREMIAH 1, and tell her, or, no blessing, and she will, quit, and, endtime dreams, and, end time dreams, was not, stolen, but, GOd, showed, him, so, he will, quit, using, both, when you, and he, finds, out, you know what I want, said, JEsus, a, broken, spirit, and a, contrite, heart, from, sunny's, sunnys, net, or, hell, please, prophet, liked, and, still, does, but, I will not, permit, him, to, write, you, so you can, trap, him, with, your, 11-18-2007-spacecraft fired, with the name ministry of dreams, on all, we took it, said, dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, all release ruint, and john mark pool shook yes, and sandy pool sees, lies, both, .
(1)not my brother-vision recieved 1-9-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "i am not your brother"

(2b)come-vision recieved about 1-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor and he said, "come"
(3)not my brother-vision recieved in 1-2004-in this vision, I saw an old friend, and he said, "I am not your brother.
(4)cut-off-vision recieved 1-9-2004-in this vision, a man let me know he is cut off.
(3b)cut-off-vision recieved in 1-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pastor, and he let me know he was cut off.
(1)north korea attacks many nations-visions recieved 5-25-2008-in visions I saw many nuclear fireballs, from missiles out of north korea, striking, russia, china and south korea, and I saw explosion which was caspian sea oil pipeline, and oil in water, and heard, "this causes kim jong", and I saw him, or, and he said, alright.
(2)the arch angel gabriel-visions recieved 5-25-2008-in vision I saw gabriel and he may have been playing a big drum like you hold and walk with, and saying things to me. He white, like white man, and I just saw him like bright light, like when police flood light hits you and tired.
(3)rev. jeremy taylor steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams and God said embarras-vision recieved 5-25-2008-in vision I saw the wife of dr. jeremy taylor, d.min, u.u., kathryn taylor and she said, "bob its working".
(4)hollie-vision recieved 5-25-2008-in vision I saw maybe hollie, and she said something like, "uto, when you go outside".
(4b)the word of GOd-vision received 7-10-2008-in this vision I saw Jesus and I heard, "now hear the word of the Lord".
(5)Spirit stopped-vision recieved 1-12-2004-I stood up at church last night to testify a second time, and the pastor, who was a women, did not call on me. I saw her in a vision, and she said something like, "I denied the Spirit", or, "I stopped It".
(6)I'm cut off-visions recieved 1-11-2004-I saw this man, and he said in two visions, "I cut off"(memory)
(7)we won't reject you-vision recieved 1-11-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who invited me to church, and he said in a vision, "we won't reject you".
(8)come tell us-vision recieved 1-11-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and she said, "come tell us". I did in Jesus name.
(8)please come-vision recieved 1-11-2004-in this vision, I saw a man whom invited me to church, and he said, "please come".
(9)I don't understand-vision recieved 1-12-2004-In this vision, I saw a man, who I testified to, and he said something like, "I don't understand".
(10)celebrating women-vision recieved 1-12-2004-I said something like, "I won't go to church anymore, and I saw this women in a vision, and she was clapping.

(11)no Spirit of God-vision recieved 1-14-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "bobby, I'm naked".

(12)don't tell me that-vision recieved 1-14-2004-in this vision, I saw someone, and they said, "don't tell me that".

(13)wanting to go home-vision recieved 1-14-2004-in this vision, I saw someone, and they said, "bobby, I want to go home".
(14)I want him-vision recieved 1-14-2004-in this vision, I saw someone, and they said, "I want him".
(15)hey smelly-vision recieved 1-20-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she said, "hey smelly".
(16)chosen-vision recieved 2-5-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "bob, your chosen".
(17)devil-vision recieved 2-5-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "your the devil". I similar visions on 2-6-2004.
(18)economic collapse-vision recieved 2-5-2004-I was talking to a man at a gas station about the upcoming economic collapse in america, and as I am driving away, I saw him in a vision, and he said something like, "that aint happening".
(19)blew it-vision recived 2-5-2004-in this vision, I saw my old dead pastor and he said, "you blew it".(20)i'm pentecostal-vision recieved in 1-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "I'm pentecostal". What this means is, I have had THE ACTS 2:38 born again experience just like the upper room bunch did on the day of pentecost.
(21)mel gibson-visions recieved 2-6-2004-I was asking Jesus about what He thought of the movie, "passion for christ", and I saw Mel gibson in a vision, and he said, "bobby, I got cut off". I saw him again, and he said, "I directed".
(22)building on fire-vision recieved 3-3-2004-in this vision, I saw a building that looked like the aul building in downtown indianapolis, and the lower floors were on fire.
(23)go home-vision recieved 3-3-2004-in this vision, I saw like a web page, and my eye's seemed to focus on where it said, "GO HOME".
(24)signs tag boards-vision recieved 3-8-2004-in this vision, I saw a tag board on a web journal. God was letting me know to keep signing.
(25)not my type-vision recieved 3-9-2004-I was thinking on this girl that I remeber from years agao, and I saw her in a vision, and she said, "your not my type".
(26)i want your testimony-vision recieved 3-11-2004-I saw this pastor in a vision, and he said, "I want your tetimony". A little later, he said it to my face.
(27)SADDAM Hussein CAPTURED-VISION-vision recieved in late 2003-in this vision, I saw Saddam Hussein, and he said, "I will be captured".
(28)i need you-vision recieved 3-24-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I need you".
(29)library indecency-vision reiceved 3-24-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "library indecency". I believe this is referring to what some at the library think about my websites.
(30)no blood-vision recieved 3-24-2004-I was asking Jesus is there was any blood on my hands, and in a vision, I sam my hands and they were clean, and I heard "no blood". Praise Jesus for this!
(31)who walked closer to God Dumitru Duduman or the apsotle Paul-vision reiceved 6-8-2004-I asked Jesus who walked closer to Him, dumitru or paul, and in a vision, I saw and I heard, "PAUL".
(32)who told you this-vision recieved 6-8-2004-I'm an apostle, and I was thinking on this, and I saw this woman in a vision, and she said, "who told you this". The Lord told me.
(33)dumitru duduman-vision recieved 6-8-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "your a prophet". Wow, I just felt the Holy Ghost powerfully. Praise Jesus!
(34)america won't repent-vision recieved 6-8-2004-I was pressing on Jesus to open something up for me so I can warn multitudes, and in a vision, I saw these words, and heard them read, "america is not willing".

(35)set down-vision recieved 6-8-2004-in this vision, I heard the words, "you could set down, and be established", and i saw these words on a sign, "set down", and underneath, "established". It bothers me to much that people a preaching from the pulpit who are decieved, and are decieving.
(36)pregnant cat-vision recieved 6-11-2004-a man asked me if I wanted his cat, and while I was praying for him, I saw him in a vision, and he said, "pregnant". I asked him if the cat was pregnant, and he said, "yes".
(37)wanting-vision recieved 6-11-2004-in one vision while praying, I saw a man and He said, "your wanting something". In the second, He said, "don't tempt me".
(38)had enough-vision recieved 6-12-2004-in this vision, I saw my mom, and she said, "I can't take it much longer". As I prayed on, I saw Jesus in a vision, and He had brown hair and beard, and He said, "don't worry".
(39)ammunition-vision recieved 6-12-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said something like, "were almost out of ammunition".
(40)cut off-vision recieved 6-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor in Danville, Indiana, and I heard this, "he's cut off". I also saw a young man who goes to his church who is about 22 years old, and he is cut off to.
(41)cut off-visions recieved 6-2004-In this vision, I saw this young girl who is about 22, and I heard this, "don't tell her anything". The Lord let me know He was cutting her off. Her complextion has changed dramatically. I saw her in another vision, and she said, "I didn't know". That means many people are cut off right now, on their way to hell, and don't know.
(42)won't pray with me-vision recieved 6-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said something like, "I won't pray with you". The Lord let me know he had the Holy Ghost.
(43)Mariah Carey jams-vision recieved 6-12-2004-in this vision, I heard Mariah Carey singing a heavy metal song, and the chorus went something like this, "Oh boy. Can't you see. Youv'e got the power to live for me".

(44)death is coming-vision recieved 6-12-2004-in this vision, I saw the face of a black man, and he said, "30 people will die".
(45)osama bin laden-visions recieved 6-12-2004-I was asking Jesus where usama bin laden was, and I saw a man who looked like bin laden, and he said, "i'm in hell". I then saw a man who looked like president bush, and he said something like, "we blew him up". Not sure if it was bin laden or not though.
(46)found-vision recieved 6-12-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like an old pastor friend, and he said, "i found you". The time to use me is when i visit your church. That service or the next may be when God pulls the plug.
(47)hated-vision recieved 6-2004-in this vision, I saw my old girlfriend, and she said, "I hate you". I thought she loved me.
(48)abominations in the house of God-visions recieved 6-17-2004-in many visions, The Lord let me know a man who looked like a young youth pastor is actively involved with sodomy with his wife. I saw him in another vision, and he said, "I'm going to hell". He is only about 22, and his wife has probably delivered their first child by now. He was in the rest room really working with his hair, and I said to God something like, "why does he do that, to cause people to lust him", and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "yeah". This is an apostolic church in danville, Indiana.
(49)don't pick yourself-vision recieved 6-17-2004-in this vision, I saw my grandpa, and he said, "don't pick yourself".
(50)king of Jordan Abdullah II likened to the devil-visions recieved 6-18-2004-I was asking Jesus why Jordans King was pushing for a palestian state, and I saw King Abdullah II in a vision, and I heard these words, "the devil". Moments later, I saw him again in a vision, and he said, "bobby, He cut me off". He meaning JESUS.
(51)Russia wants Alaska-vision recieved 6-18-2004-in this vision, I saw Russian president Putin in a vision, and he said something like, "we want Alaska". Russia will invade Alaska.
(52)pastor-vision recieved 6-18-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "PASTOR", in like white neon.
(53)paul johnson-vision recieved 6-18-2004-I was thinking on paul johnson, the american that was beheaded in saudi arabia today, and I saw a man in a vision whom I believe was Paul Johnson, and he said, "I wish I knew Jesus".
(54)not her-vision recieved in church 6-20-2004-I was at church and the Lord gave me many vision of the people there. I saw one man there in a vision, and he said, "i'm cut off". Another, "we love visions", another, "we want visions", I saw angels in visions, in one while praying, I saw an angel, and he said, "press", and in another he said something like, "its not her". I was wondering if this person there was someone else. THere were more.
(54)not interesting-vision recieved 6-21-2004-in the first vision, I saw a paragraph of words, and the first sentence said, "I find your link not interesting". In the second vision, the second sentence said, "and to good to be true".
(55)really-vision recieved 6-2004-in this vision, I saw this old pastor, and he said something like, "did he really see all that", referring to visions Jesus gave me.
(55)a.a. allen-visions recieved 6-23-2004-in this vision, I saw some branches on a fruit tree. Then I saw a man who looked like a.a. allen, and he said something lke, "I used to be one". Earlier, I had more than on vision, and I saw a man who looked like a.a. allen, and he said, "I went to hell". The bible is very clear about you have to follow thru to the end.

(56)revelations-vision recieved 6-23-2004-in this vision, I'm with this young woman, and we are talking, and Jesus gave me a vision while I was there with her, and she said something like, "I watch kids", and I said to her something like, "do you watch kids"?, and she said "yes", and I told her God just showed me in a vision, and I may have said some other things. Then while there with her, I saw her in another vision, and she said, "I watch 8". And I said to her, "do you watch 8 kids"?, and she said, "exactly". She said to me, "do you want to hear my profile", and I told her I do, and I said somethings after that that I probably should not have said, and she runs to the phone, and calls her sister, and I go to her and apologize, and tell her I really do want to here her profile. When the vision was over, I saw the girl in a vision, and she said, "you turned me off".
(57)being watched-vision recieved 6-24-2004-in this vision, I saw the president of North Korea, and he said, "yea, but, were being watched". I was praying about the new offer the U.S. has made to N. Korea to scrap its nukes for energy.
(58)dead bird-vision recieved 6-2004-in this vision, I saw this dead bird lying on the ground.
(59)$1.72-vision recieved 6-23-2004-in this vision, I saw this Marathon gas sign, and price for gas was $1.72
(60)sign guestbooks-vision reiceved 6-25-2004-in this vision, I was showed to sign guestbooks.
(61)pray-vision recieved 6-25-2004-in this vision, I saw this young lady, and she said, "bob, pray".
(62)heard about visions-vision recieved 6-28-2004-in these vision, twice I saw my former pastor, brother Winters of westside penteocstal church in indianapolis, and he said something like, "I heard you had a vision".
(63)prophet-vision recieved 6-28-2004-in this vision, I saw someone, and here is what was said, "he's a prophet".
(64)tell me-vision recieved 6-28-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "tell me". I was inquiring about the timing of an event.
(65)sodomy-vision recieved 2004-in this vision, I saw two men, and one was giving the other oral sex, and this is what I heard, "this is sodomy".
(66)wanting sex-vision recieved 7-1-2004-in this vision, I'm inside a night club, and I sit down at the bar, and am drinking, and I saw a man who looked like Mick Jagger, and he was looking at this young blond haired woman, who was wearing a skirt that was about as short as it can get and she is dancing by herself. The woman places her hand down by her mid-section, and signals with her hand for me to come to her, and next thing I know, I'm going to her. Then I heard singing, and it sounded like the voice of the "beachboys", and the said, "I wish I had a girl like that".

(67)prophecy-visions recieved 6-2-2004-in one vision, I saw this former pastor, and he said, "I like prophecy". In another he said something like, "I like people like you". In more he let me know he was cut off.
(68)fallen church-vision recieved 6-2-2004-in this vision, I'm at church, and the pastor invites me into his office, and I go in, and there are two t.v.'s on. I remember one was a sporting event. Anyway, we sit down, and I'm trying to explain to him out of REVELATION 17 where america is in the bible, and it was basically a waste of time. MY bible tells me the gospel is hid to them that are lost.
(69)witnessing-visions recieved 6-3-2004-while witnessing to two people, the Lord Jesus gave me some visions. I saw one in a vision, and he said, "needed that", and the other said in a vision, "praise the Lord".
(70)inquiring of Jesus-visions recieved 7-5-2004-I was asking Jesus about something, and twice, I saw a woman in visions, and she said, "leave it there", "leave it".
(71)lost-visions recieved 7-2004-I saw two different preachers in visions, and they both said, "i'm lost".
(72)health problems-vision recieved 7-5-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said something like, "I lied". In other visions, she said something like, "my kidneys".
(73)sign guest books-vision recieved 7-8-2004-in this vision, Jesus showed me to keep signing guest books and which page to promote.
(74)war blood must be flowing thru presidents Bush's veins-visions recieved 7-2004-in two visions, and I have had them before, I saw president Bush, and he said something like, "I want Russia", "we want China".
(75)united pentecostal chruch-vision recieved 7-11-2004-in this vision, I'm with a group of people, and I want to go to church, and I look over a ways, and see a white building that looked like an old church, and on the sign in blue letters was U.P.C., which stands for united pentecostal church, and there may have been more words on the sign. The UPC, or, United pentecostal church has the truth, the right plan of salvation, but, that does not mean the obey it.
(76)come right here-vision recieved 7-11-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, 'come right here".
(77)got Jesus-vision recieved 7-11-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "I have Jesus".
(78)sickness is of the devil-vision recieved 7-12-2004-I was talking to Jesus about my gums receding, and was wondering who was responsible, and I saw the devil, lucifer, satan, in a vision, and he was all white, and he said, "that was me".
(79)afraid-visions recieved 7-16-2004-in one vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "i'm afarid", "I can't find Him", "i'm sick".
(80)start over-vision recieved 7-16-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman at a desk, and taped to the side of her desk was a paper note, and the not said, "start over".
(81)fake-visions recieved 7-17-2004-in one vision, I saw this young man, and he said, "bob, your fake". In the second vision, I saw him again, and he said, "I asked Him".
(82)post message-vision recieved 7-18-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "post message". Jesus gave me many other visions. I saw this pastor, and he said, "come to revival". and others.
(83)about visions Jesus gave me-vision recieved 7-17-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "fuck your visions".
(84)hospital-visions recieved 7-20-2004-in these two visions, The Lord showed me my mom is going into the hospital. In one, me and my sister was visiting her, and in the other, I said some things to her that weren't good. I told her something like she was going in the hospital, and not coming out, and maybe some other things.
(85)gas price-vision reiceved 7-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a gas sign, and the price for gas was $1.47 per gallon.
(86)Jesus-visions recieved 7-20-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hiar, and HE said, "don't tell me I won't". I saw Him many other times.
(87)most people reject Jesus-vision recieved 7-20-2004-in this vision, I'm in a room, and there is a young girl there, and she said, "your here for revival". I said back to her something like, "if the people want it. I have 99 visions of Jesus posted on my site. The meat offering and the drink offering is withholden from the house of your God. The vine is clean dried up. This is why we don't see the miracles of God anymore. He's leaving the churches".(the power og God hit me so hard while I was talking)(scriptures are in the book of JOEL)
(88)quitting-visions recieved about July of 2004-twice I saw this girl in visions and she said, "I won't be there", meaning she was quitting her job. I found out today, that she quit.
(89)don't tell-vision recieved 7-20-2004-in this vision, I saw my mom, and she said, "don't tell anything that goes on in this house".
(90)pastor-visions reiceved 7-20-2004-God gave me lots of visions about this one particular man, to show me about him.
(91)yassar arafat-vision recieved 7-20-2004-in this vision, I saw yassar arafat, and I heard this, "corrupt".
(92)warning-vision recieved 7-20-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "don't talk to Jim Searcy".
(93)come visit church-vision reiceved 7-2004-twice I saw the pastor of Victory Temple church here in indianapolis in visions, and he said, "come to victory temple". this was pastor william harris.
(94)henry-vision recieved 7-20-2004-in this vision, I saw henry gruver, and heard, "henry". I still often see henry gruver in visions, and he tells me things like, "lets pray".
(95)lied-in two visions, I saw man, and a woman, and they both said, "I lied".
(96)look what you did to me-vision recieved 7-2004-in this vision, I saw my mom, and she said something like, "look what you made me do". If you miss heaven, it's your own fault".
(97)not wanting the message-vision recieved 7-24-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor, and he said, "you gotta lighten up".
(98)Michael Boldea-visions recieved 7-26-2004-twice, I saw a young man who looked like Michael Boldea in visions, and he said, "I'm a prophet".

(99)visit again-visions recieved 7-26-2004-in the first vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "one more time", meaning visit again. I asked Jesus "why", and I saw the pastor again in a vision, and he said, "we need you". In the last vision, he said, "come sunday". The Holy Ghost will have to lead me.
(100)aviod-vision recieved 7-26-2004-while praying or thinking on this chruch, I saw this white female spirit in a vision, and she said something like, "stay away from there".
(101)wanting a bigger building-visions recieved 7-2004-twice I saw this pastor in visions, and he let me know he wants a bigger building, which means bigger church. I've not seen the one they have filled, except for once, when many others churches visited.
(102)visions liked-vision recieved 7-26-2004-in this vision, I saw Robert Williams, who works for the "prophecy club", and he said something like, "I like your visions, Robert". I asked Jesus if He wanted me to post on his message board, and I was told not to.
(103)prayer meeting 2004-visions recieved 7-27-2004-Jesus showed me in visions to go to a prayer meeting at a pentecostal apostolic church. I was told we were going to pray for 30 minutes. We only prayed about 5. I saw one in a vision, and he said, "fuck Jesus. I saw another and he said, "I hate you". Another said, "I laughed". I saw Him again, and heared these words, "you insulted him". Truth hurts I guess.
(104)i'm back-vision recieved 7-27-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she said, "I'm back".
(105)you want it to happen-vision recieved 7-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair, and he said, "really, you want it to happen". I won't give details.
(106)reminder-vision recieved 7-27-2004-in this vision, I'm in a room, and I could here my dad arguing and scaring my mom. In the room I'm in, htere is like a ashtray on the table, and it starts moving, and I start rebuking the devil in Jesus name.
(107)I need it-vision recieved 7-26-2004-I was asking Jesus to encourage people who need encouraging, and I saw this paralyzed man, and he said, "I need it".
(108)danger-vision recieved 7-28-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw a man, and he said, "your life's in danger".
(109)independant-vision recieved 7-28-2004-in this vision, I saw my white spirit, and I said, "I'm independant". THis means that I'm not part of anybodys ministry.
(110)Jesus has to be put first-vision recieved 7-28-2004-I was asking Jesus about my neighbor, who has a bad back, and is facing a dubious surgery, and I saw him in a vision, and This is what I heard, "he needs to repent first".
(112)brother-vision recieved 7-28-2004-in this vision, I saw this young lady, and she said, "your my only brother".

(113)prophecies-vision recieved 2-16-2005-in this vision, I saw this man that I think was a pastor I met a while back and he said something like, "prophecies good".
(114)test-vision recieved 7-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this young woman, and she said, "test him".
(115)jail-vision recieved 7-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this white spirit, and she said, "your going to jail". This would not suprise me.
(116)I do-vision recieved 7-28-2004-I was witnessing to a young man, and I said somethings to him, and I saw him in a vision while driving away, and he said, "I do", meaning he needs to hear what was said.
(117)going to hell-vision recieved 7-28-2004-while at church, I walked out side, and saw this son of a apostolic pentecostal pastor that I witnessed to about 2 weeks ago drive by. He waved at me. The Lord let me know I'd see him again. I saw him in a vision, and he said, 'I'm gong to hell".
(118)bobby-vision recieved 7-28-2004-in this vision, I saw this young lady, and she said, "bobby".
(119)being judged-vision recieved 8-5-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said something like, "bobby, I judge you".
(120)henry gruver-vision recieved 8-8-2004-in this vision, which is shortened, I'm in a house with a girl, and henry gruver is there, and I walk the girl straight to henry gruver, and I tell the girl, "This is henry gruver". "God has given him some of the most awesome visions on record. One of them was he saw submrines launching nulcear weapons on america. He will tell you that now". Then Henry gruver, who is very friendly, starts talking to the girl about some things, but, I never heard him mention the vision.(I wrote this down, but, couldn't possibly remeber everything)
(121)perished-visions recieved 8-2004-in visions I saw this woman I knew that died, and she said, "I'm lost", which means now she is in hell. In another one she said, "I want out".
(122)done-vision recieved 8-13-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and He said, "done". I was talking to Him about some things that I was un-willing to do.
(123)cut off-visions recieved 8-15-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "i wish i had a vision", "He cut me off", "I'm cut off".
(124)cut off-vision recieved 8-18-2004-I was talking to this woman, and as I was, I saw her in a vision, and she said, "I'm cut off".
(125)cursed Gods name-vision recieved 8-18-2004-I was at a Earl Scheib body shop, and one of the men I was talking to was cursing Gods name, and did not see anything wrong with it, and claimed to be a catholic, and seeminly tried to convince me he was saved, and that he did not need to be born again, because he was already born once. I saw a man who I percieved to be him in a vision as I was leaving, and he cursed Gods name.
(126)were pentecostal-vision recieved 8-22-2004-in this vision while driving as led by the Holy Ghost, I past some churches, and my eyes fastened on one, and as I went down the street and turned around, I saw this man in a vision whose face I could not make out, and he said, "were pentecsotal". I believe this man was the pastor there, because I saw him in many more visions later, and he said things like, "I'll use you", "we need him", etc.
(127)witnessing-vision recieved 8-23-2004-in this vision, I was witnessing to someone about coming judgement to usa out of ISAIAH 13. I said something like, "Howl ye, for the day of the Lord is at hand. It shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. I believe I said more, but, not sure.
(128)thunderstorm coming-vision recieved 8-23-2004-in this vision, I saw a area and It was dark like rain was coming.
(129)be here sunday-visions recieved 8-24-2004-in one vision, I saw my mom, and she said, "I need you here next suday", and I was asking Jesus if this was this coming sunday or next, and I saw her in another vision, and she let me know this sunday.
(130)unknown-vision recieved 8-24-2004-in this vision, I saw this small town setting with maybe one or two structures give or take, and it was daytime, and going from like the ground to very high in the atmosphere was something similar to nuclear fire, but, I can't say for sure that is what it was.
(131)hated-vision recieved 8-25-2004-in this vision, I saw this old woman, and she said, "I hate you". God first spoke her name top me, and I asked God what about her.
(132)Russia will attack New York-vision recieved 2004-in this vision, I saw Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, and he said, "hit New York". In another, he said, "hit Alaska". Hit means nuke.
(133)my boss-vision recieved 9-4-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "now you know my boss".
(134)bill clinton-vision recieved 9-4-2004-I saw former president of the untied states of america bill clinton, and I heard this, "he'll be alright".
(135)vision of Jesus-vision recieved 9-4-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and He said, "show", or, "go".
(136)angel-vision recieved 9-4-2004-in this vision, I saw this all white female angel, and she was like lying on her side smiling at me.
(137)old girlfriend-vision recieved 9-29-2004-n this vision, I saw my old girlfriend sitting in a chair outside of a Speedway gas station. I saw her in another vision, and she said, "I love you".
(138)judement is coming to america-vision reiceved 9-29-2004-in this vision, there are many of us, and we are at the ocean, on the sand, near the water, and there were no waves in the ocean. Then I notice many waves coming, that were not very high, and I knew in my heart I was going to ride on them, and I may have told others that waves were coming, and they did not listen. The waves came, and carried me about 100 feet or more. I don't know what happened to the rest. JUdgement is coming to america, and I waarn people, and we are entering into the time, and people still aren't listening.
(139)gospel is hid to them that are lost-vision recieved 9-2004-while praying, I heard this, "they can't understand you", then I saw president bush in a vision, and he said some words which I now think supported what I heard. Jesus can open someones understanding, but, if He doesn't, you won't figure they it out. I saw somebody in a vision on 9-29-2004, and let me know that this is true.
(140)china wants to rule the world-vision recieved 102-2004-I was asking Jesus "why does china want to attack russia, so they can rule the world", and I saw a man in a vision who looked like dumitru duduman, and he said, "right there". Thats it!
(142)christopher reeve perished-vision recieved 10-11-2004-I was asking Jesus where christopher reeve was now, and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "I'm in hell". Don't waste the time God has graciously given you to prepare to meet Him.
(143)King Jesus Chirst visions-visions recieved 10-18-2004-I saw Jesus in many visions today, and He had brown hair, and He said things like, "Jesus Christ", "I do", "he will", something like, "press bobby"(which means pray hard). "something like, "push bobby"(push means pray until something happens), "I heard you", "they use me", "don't fight it"(which refers to Gods judgment which is coming to america, and possibly other things that are the will of Jesus) etc.
(144)pray for me-visions recieved 10-18-2004-twice, I saw woman in visions, and they said, "pray for me". It may have been the same one twice.
(145)where is he-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "where is he".
(146)Holy Ghost-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "I want you SPIRIT".
(147)save us-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "save us".
(148)cut off-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "He already cut me off".
(148)take you visions-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "take your visions".
(149)it's starting'vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw this like white female spirit, and she said, "it's starting".
(150)not my brother-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw this man and he said, "I ain't your brother".
cut off-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said something like, "He cut me off".
(150)judgement is coming-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "you can feel it".
(151)needed-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who looked just like Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, and he said, "need you bob". I saw him in anther one two. He is a prophet from india.
(152)lost-visions received 10-22-2004-I saw the young woman who tradgically died at the boston red soxx game, and she said, "I should have never said that". I saw Jesus in a vision, and He had brown hair, and He said, "she left me out". Twice I saw her in visions, and she told me she was in hell. You can't serve the gods of this world, and expect to spend eternity with the God who created this world.
(153)president Bush visions-received 10-22-2004-in two visions, I saw president Bush, and in one, he cursed God, and in the other, he said, "lets hit al qaeda".
(154)home-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "HOME", and there was also like a white box there.
(155)prisoner of the devil-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this young woman, and she said, "I'm a prisoner".
(156)stumbling-vision receved 10-22-2004-in this vision, and I'm mostly going by memory, I saw like a webpage, and on it was a man that was hanging from something holding on for dear life, like you would if you were in the air holding on to something, and the man was like an animation, and the page scrolled down, and I saw these words, "stumbling here", and it even seems like I heard this, "your stumbling here".
(157)go to the car-vision received 10-22-2004in this vision, I saw Jesus, and HE said, "go to the car".
(158)tag-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, and I'm going by memory, I saw like a "bravenet tag baord", and it had my entry on it. Then, something happened, I don't remember what, maybe I tagged it again, because it had two of my entries in a row.
(159)Jesus not wanted-vision received 11-1-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair, and He said, "nobody wants me".

(160)eat-vision received 11-2-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "eat food".
(161)kill bobby-vision received 11-2-2004-in this vision, I saw a young man with dark hair and he said, "kill bobby".
(162)take it off-visions received 11-2-2004-more than once, I saw Jesus Christ in visions, and He had brown hair, and He said, "take it off". I inquired.
(163)know my name-vision received 11-2-2004-in this vision, I saw a young girl, and she said, "know my name".
(164)no-visions received 11-2-2004-I asked Jesus a question, and twice in visions I saw a young woman and she said, "no".
(165)my name-visions received 11-4-2004-in visions, I saw this young girl and she said something like, "got your name", "you know my name".
(166)going to hell-vision received 11-4-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "I'm going to hell".
(167)666 will be the mark of the beast-vision received 11-4-2004-in this vision, I saw the letters "666" written on like a coffee cup or something, which I beleive was on a table I was sitting at in a room. 666 will be the mark of the beast.
(168)help me-vision received 11-4-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "help me".
(169)stay away-vision received 11-14-2004-I was asking Jesus if He wanted me to visit a church, and I saw a man in a vision who I was told goes there, and he said something like, "stay away from us".
(170)not him again-vision received 11-14-2004-i felt the leading of the Holy Ghost to go to a "shell gas station" I rarely go to, and there was a young man in there that used to work at a "speedway gas station". I saw him in a vision as I left and he said, "not him again".
(171)witnessing-visions received 11-14-2004-I witnessed to two woman, and as I drove my car off, and I could here them laughing uncontrollably. I saw the young one in a vision, and she said, "I am going to hell". The older one said in a vision something like "are you kidding", and she looked frightened as she said it.
(172)beautiful-vision received 11-14-2004-a lady wrote me, and wanted to be notified when a page is updated, and I inquired of God if I could put the automatic page update noticer on the pages. I'd personally like to have it on. I saw that woman in a vision, and she said, "beautiful". I'm waiting on Jesus to give me a vision showing me it's o.k.
(173)I'm rarely satisfied-vision received 11-14-2004-in this vision, I saw a webpage, and I saw the name of the page at the bottom in one of those bars that appear at the bottom below the page, but, isn't part of the page. THe only word I can remember was the first word of the name of the page, and that word was "Boring", and I heard something like, "my life".
(174)visiting the titanic-vision received about 10-2004-in this vision, I was heading to the "titanic", and I could see in the blackness of the deep the front part of the ship where the railing is which is the very front. I never made it further. I do want to go down in a vision, and explore it. It would be fun.
(175)don't follow people-vision received 11-14-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "cover me".

(176)revelations of a girl-vision received 11-14-2004-in visions, I saw this young woman, and she said things like, "come to the store", "please help me", "I've only accepted Jesus".
(177)being laughed at-vision received 11-14-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and HE had brown hair, and He said, "bob, there laughing".

(178)is russia the friend of america-vision received 11-14-2004-while praying, I heard, "russia", and I inquired, and I saw russia president vladimir putin in a vision, and he said, "I'm not your friend".
(179)change spark plugs-vision recieved about late October 2004-in this vision, I saw a young woman, and she said something like, "change your spark plugs", and I think in another vision, I was made aware to change my sparks plugs in my engine. I think in that one I saw a spark plug and may have even heard, "spark plug". I just went thru the spark plugs in my engine, and I was stunned. One had so much desposit on it that it went from the top of the little metal thing that the spark hit to where the spark comes out. One of the firing electrodes seemed to be shortened.
(180)liked muchem-vision received 12-19-2004-I was at a gas station telling somethings like God spoke to me and told me the word believeth means obeyed. I saw a man who worked at the gas station in a vision and he said, "that was cool".

(181)hell awaits another resident-vision received 12-19-2004-while praying, I heard, "gee" and I was asking about gee which is a woman I know and I saw her in a vision and she said, "I'm going to hell".
(182)mystery revelation-vision received 12-19-2004-in this vision, I saw these words, "George wins 2 of 4".
(183)america will be blown up by russia-vision received 12-19-2004-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "there blowing us up".

(184)do you give God glory for what HE does-vision recieved 12-19-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and HE had His hands stretched out and HE had brown hair and beard, and HE said, "I don't get no glory".
SPALMS 115:1 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
(185)Jesus-vision received 12-19-2004-in this vision, I saw man with brown hair and a beard and He said, "I'm Jesus".
(186)after me-vision recieved 12-19-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "well find you". He looked like vladimir putin of russia.
(187)wanting a vision-vision received 12-29-2004-in this vision while driving I saw a man that I just left and he said, "tell me a vision". I went back and told him that and other things and it excited him.
(188)witnessing-visions received 12-30-2004-I saw two people I witnessed to in visions. The man said, "I feel you", and the woman said, "I want money".
(189)details about the destruction of america-vision received 12-31-2004-in this vision, I saw at the bottom of a computer screen where the name of the webpages appear and the name for the page was "Revelation 17" which mainly talks about the details of the destruction of america.

(190)is bush going to get sick-vision received 12-31-2004-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "I'm going to loose my health".
(191)putin wants bush-visions received 12-31-2004-in two visions, I saw russian president putin and he said, "I want bush", "I want bush assassinated". I was asking Jesus why putin wanted bush assassinated and was telling Him that they appear to be friends and I saw a man in a vision and he said, "the appear".
(191)witnesseng to people that have no intention of serving Jesus-visions received 12-31-2004-in this vision, I saw a man that I witnessed to many times and he said something like, "now, why did he say that", and I was asking Jesus about this and thinking along the lines that he has no intention of serving Jesus and I saw him or someone else in a vision and he said, "that's it".
(192)do partial water change on fish aquarium-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, the Lord showed me to do a partial water change on my fish aquarium. The fish are be treated for fin rot.
(193)pay the price of Jesus-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and HE said, "pay My price".
(194)don't want the hear the truth-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "don't tell me that".
(194)needing the hidden depths of God-vision received 1-7-2005-while telling Jesus basically the title of the vision, I saw a man with brown hair and HE said, "that's what you need".
(195)visions of apostolic pentecostal pastors-visions received 1-7-2005-in visions, I saw two pentecostal pastors and one's wife and here are what they said, "will you come", "were praying", "we heard", "come to the temple", "won't you praise me", "you offended", "you can't see nothing", etc.
(196)what someone thinks-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, you need to change". This is true. I need to be more on fire for Jesus than I imagine.
(197)pray and ask Jesus about where to get your car repaired-visions received 1-19-2005-I was asking some mechanic shops how much they would charge to replace my timing belt. One wanted about 250.00 At first, one of the men there was talking about replacing other things to. I've had many 2.2 engines and I have never had to replace anything he was talking about, and I more or less told them while I was there not replace those unless if you do it you see they are bad, give me a call, or something like that. I was asking Jesus about this, and I beleive I saw a woman, maybe a woman spirit in a vision and she said something like "he wanted to cheat you". I just left a shop and going by memory, the price I was quoted was I think between about $280.00 to $350.00. I was telling Jesus this only takes about 2 hours and I saw like the off white face of an angel in a vision and He said "he knows". The last time I checked with the dealer, I believe the man there after I spoke with him more or less told me that they would do it for $1.75. The belt at autozone is about $9.99
(198)I can have anything Jesus wants me to have, cause He owns all things-vision received 1-19-2005-in this vision, I saw me and I said "I can buy anything".
(199)a car sales man-visions received 1-19-2005-in these visions I saw a car salesman and he said something like "here's my card", "I'll let you have the car for half price", "I think it's funny"(referring to testimony).
(200)never leave me-vision received 1-19-2005-in this vision, I saw my sister and she said something like, "never leave me".
(201)are websites automatically copyrighted-vision received 1-2005-in this vision when I asked the above question, I saw woman and she said "maybe it's not".
(202)possibly wanting to hear testimony-vision received 1-19-2005-in this vision, I saw this pastor and he said, "come and talk". In another vision, I saw him and he said "you want me to fight with you". I don't believe that's true. I don't plan on arguing with anybody. I know the devil wants to use his servants to trap me.
(203)pay God's price-vision received 1-19-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "pay MY price".
(204)revelations of a pastor-visions received 1-20-2005-in visions and I'm going by memeory on all, I saw this pastor and he said things like: "I'm taking advantage", "your wallet", "we want your wallet". In a vision I quickly saw a man that appeared to have graying brown curly hair and beard and HE said: "please tell".
(204b)trouble-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision while standing in the checkout line out meijer, I saw a young woman and she said, 'bobby, there's trouble".
(205)stp make's there own oil filter, and the walmart oil filter, but, they may not be exact-vision received 1-28-2005-I was thinking on how the man on the stp tech line told me that stp make's the walmart filter, and he said, that they are equivilent, but, did not claim they were the same. I was wondering something like if one was a good as the other, and I saw an al white man in a vision and He said, "there not".
(206)my old church-visions received 1-29-2005-in visions, I saw the daughter of my pastor who is dead now, and she said thing's like, "come pray with us, "He already cut me off", "we need a pastor right here". THere were more.
(207)bomb iraq-vision received 1-29-2005-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "bomb iraq".
(208)scrolling message coming to the bottom of the page's on this site-vision received 1-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a scrolling message at the bootom on this page, possibly on the bottom browser, so it is coming Lord's will.
(209)etc.-vision received 1-29-2005-in this vision, I saw "etc.".
(210)write to stan johnson-visions received 1-29-2005-while praying, I heard, "write to stan johnson". In another vision, I saw stan johnson and he said, "tell him to write". I saw stan johnson in other vision's and he said thing's like, "waste your prophet", "pay my bill".
(210)go on the prophecy club-visions received 1-29-2005-I saw it many time's. I saw people, and I don't know how many, maybe more than one, saying it over and over again, "go on the prophecy club".
(211)theater-vision received 1-29-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "theater".
(212)can I have a quarter-vision received 1-29-2005-I was witnessing on 1-28, and a young man asked me for a quarter, and I saw him in a vision and he said, "can I have a quarter".
(213)pray for me-vision received 1-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a young woman I've witnessed to and she said, "pray for me".
(214)prophet school-vision received 1-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and it may have been rick joyner and he said, "come to prophet school".
(215)man taking donations-vision received 1-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a man I ran into on 1-28 and witnessed to and he was taking donations for something like, "helping hand" soup kitchen, which I did not feel let to give him anything, and in the vision he said soemthing like, "there is no helping hand in indianapolis".
(216)millions will have no compensation when social security collapses-vision received 1-29-2005-I did not write down enough detail, so I will try to put together what I have. I was telling Jesus something like, millions will not get a check when social security collapases. The vision I have near that is I saw a face and He said, "one day". I just saw it again. Whaite face. the word's are not word for word, but, the message is about right.
(217)warning's from Jesus-visions received 1-29-2005-I received to sentence's in visions, and in one I saw the angelfire page like when you go to the angelfire front page, and the first sentence let me know that their stuff is "copyrighted", and in the second sentence, I was told not to copy their stuff. It was something like, "Do not use it".
(218)donations needed-vision received 2-2-2005-I was thnking about donating some money to a ministry, and I saw a woman who works there and is part of the founding family and she said, 'we need it'.
(219)witness-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision, I sam like a young woman's spirit and she said soemthing like, "go out and witness".
(220)google-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the front page of google, and I heard, "google".
(221)taxes-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, 'more tax money'.
(222)motor oil done-vision received 2-2-2005-I changed my oil in my car, and I looked at the old oil, which was dark, but, I seemed to feel it was still good. Jesus gave me a vision, and I saw the oil in the little round plastic thing I use to change it with, and the Jesus let me know that is was not good. I heard something like this, "it's no good".
(223)tighten transmission fluid pan again-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision, I saw me tightening my transmission pan again, and it was still leaking. After I tightened, I saw a man with brown hair in a vision and also maybe a woman spirit in a vision and they both let me know that it is o.k. now. The last time I checked it, it was not leaking. Praise Jesus!
(224)christian warning ministry-vision received 2-2-2005-I'm going by complete memory on this, but, not long ago, and maybe more than once, I asked Jesus something like what He felt about "ministryofdreams". I believe I saw these word's in a vision, "christian warning ministry". That is exactly what it is. Thank Jesus for it!
(225)yassar arafat-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw yassar arafat and he said, "blood stains", and the was blood on his hands.
(226)evil-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "evil".
(227)me first-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "it's me first".
(228)nuclear blast-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "nuclear blast".
(229)sought-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "sought".
(230)planned-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "planned".
(231)ambulance-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "ambulance".
(232)sometimes-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "sometimes".
(233)bosch oil filters-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a maybe a psoter that had a bosch oil filter on it, and I heard, "that's good".
(234)social security will collapse-vision received 2-12-2005-while praying, I heard, "social security", and I asked about social security, and I heard and saw the word, "collapse".
(235)sean penn-vision received 2-16-2005-in this vision, I saw sean penn and he said something like, "cut off".
(236)wanted-vision received 2-16-2005-in thsi vision, I saw a woman and she said, "we want you".
(237)warning about me-vision received 2-16-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "don't listen to him".
(238)not favored-vision recieved 3-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she screamed, "you bastard".
(240)don't sin-vision received 23-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a female and she said, "do not sin".
(241)jelous-vision received 3-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "were jelous of you".
(242)apotolic-vision received 3-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "maybe bobby is apostolic".
(243)message is needed desparately-vision received 3-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "I need your message".
(244)personal-vision recieved 2-2005-in this vision, I saw a man, and he shouted, and the first thing he did was cursed God, and added to that, "personl buisness". This is a man that Jesus has given me visions for. I beleive I just saw him in a vision and he said, "I'm a pharisee".
(245)going-vision recieved 3-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a scrolling message and the only word I seemed to focus on was, "going".
(246)fix it right-vision recieved 3-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "fix it right".
(247)trouble-vision recieved 3-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said soemthing like, "bob, there's trouble".
(248)talk to bob-vision recieved 3-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with dark hair and he said something like, "talk to bob". I felt he was talking to Jesus.
(249)deceiving-vision received 3-18-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I've been deceiving". She is blind and I wanted Jesus to heal her.
(250)visions-visions received 3-20-2005-in many visions, I saw I believe the same person and he said, "why didn't you call me", "pray for me", "call", "were trashed", "I found you". I saw a like female spirit in a vision and she said, "God said call".
(251)computer-vision received 3-20-2005-in this vision, I saw possibly a young woman or girl and she said, "go to the computer".
(252)liar-vision received 3-20-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and HE said, "liar".
(253)e-mail title-vision received 3-26-2005-in this vision, I saw like my e-mail box and the title for one of the e-mails was, "smith watch". There seems to have been more there.
(254)no-visions received 3-26-2005-in this vision, I saw like a webshell that I'm typing this vision on, and there may have been a partial meta-tag there, and in two places by it, one high and one below, I saw the words, "no "no. I have found you do not need meta tags. Some if not all search engines make ther own.
(255)seen it-vision received 3-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "seen it".
(256)video-vision received 3-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "video".
(257)warning people is my job-vision received 3-27-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "why did he say that".
(258)thank Jesus for visions and dreams-vision recieved 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "you have vision and dream". It may have been, "you have visions and dreams".
(259)many people will be stunned when the rapture of the church happens and they find themselves still here-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a like an animation of a woman and she said, "I can't believe it". I see visions like this many times.
(260)work for Jesus-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a quick flash of the face of a Man and He said, "work for Me".
(261)prepare your vessel-vision received 4-26-2005-I was talking to Jesus about how the apostle paul must have prepared his vessel, and I saw a Man in a vision that had brown hair and He said, "thats what I need".
(262)ais motor-vision received 4-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with curly brown hair and beard and He said something like, "it's your ais motor".
(263)going to hell-visions received 4-26-2005-Twice in visions, I saw this woman that I was thinking on and she said something like, "went to hell".
(264)prophet-vision received 4-27-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and He said, "your a prophet".
(265)triple a-vision received 4-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man driving a triple a wrecker and He may have said, "triple a". Thats not a bad idea.
(266)no hand outs-vision received 4-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said, "you didn't take nothing".
(267)watch what you say-vision received 4-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "lied to". I may have, but, I don't remember lying to this person.
(268)jelous-vision received 4-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "were jelous".
(269)remove jacket-vision received 5-5-2005-In this vision, I saw my light coat and I heard, "remove jacket". It causes me to sweat and I'm dry from drinking decaf coffee anyway.
(270)MAN of LIGHT-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I partially saw a BEING that was made of like, light, and with one of HIs hands He was calling me on.
(271)Prophecy inc-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "PROPHECY INC".
(272)people need reminded-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "remind me". I saw the man in visions that this was for and he said things like, "I got scared", "adultery".
(273)Jesus leads me to pray for who HE wants me to-vision recieved 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "pray for me".
(274)vision -vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw this word or words and it was like written in arabic or something. Wonder what it was.
(275)touched-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a Person in a White Robe and HE possibly touched me. I did not see His face.
(276)look at me-vision received 6-2005-IN this vision, I saw a man and he said, "look at me". This is possibly a man that backslid on God. It can happen to you.
(277)fast-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man or Angelic being and He said, "lets fast".
(278)I fear the Lord-vision recieved 6-2005-I may have been saying something like, "I fear the Lord", and I saw a man in a vision and he said, "me to".
(279)suicide-vision received 6-2005-IN this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "suicide".
(280)gas prices-vision recieved 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a speedway gas sign and the price was, "$1.69".
(281)cut-vision recieved 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I got cut".
(282)perishing-vision received 6-6-2005-IN this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "going to hell".
(283)read your bible-vision recieved 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "read your bible".
(284)wanting the devil-vision received 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I want the power of the enemy". Jesus showed me she is going to commit suicide and the day will come and I've sen it in visions where she will say something like, "HOw did this happen to me". I've heard and her screaming from hell and saying things like, "God please help me". I beleive her face lloked like a white spirit in those.
(285)serious-vision received 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "are you serious".
(286)fire-vision recieved 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "fire", and I also saw a person in a vision and the person said, "fire".
(287)david-vision received 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "David".
(288)accepted-vision received 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "accepted".
(289)scroll-vision received 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "scroll".
(290)lost-vision received 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "unprepared".
(291)Jesus is my boss-vision received 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and he said, "that's what you believe". Jesus will not let me have people in my car with shorts or cigarettes, and I believe this is a man that worked on my car very cheap and wanted a ride and I could not give.
(292)467-vision received 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a sign and on the sign was a number and I beleive the number was, "467".
(293)arrest-vision recieved 6-6-2005-In this, I heard the words, "your under arrest". I may have seen who said it.
(294)questin-vision received 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a word and I believe the word was, "questin".
(295)Jesus knocking on my door-vision recieved 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a Hand and IT knocked on my door or my chest. I've seen similar before. I saw to write it down. I saw the letters, "Ha", appear so I wrote it down.
(296)The Mantle-visions received 6-10-2005-while driving, I saw about where my steering wheel is a little man appear with dark hair and he said something like, "I would like my Mantle back", and in the next vision he said, "go ahead and keep it.
(297)suicide coming-visions recieved 6-11-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "suicide", "leave the united states", "bob, I offended you", "I'm leaving", "O'h my God", "committed suicide", "ut don't even matter". There where more and I beleive this was all the same woman.
(298)some-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "some".
(299)revival needed-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "we want revival".
(300)help-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "help me out".
(301)beleive means to obey the gospel-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "beleive".
(302)alice cooper-visions received 6-11-2005-In a vision, I saw a man and he said things like, "this is alice cooper". In other visions, I saw him and he said, "I'm cut off", "material", "I know Jesus".
(303)pray until something happens-visions received 6011-2005-While praying, I heard, "push", and in a vision, I saw a Man and He said, "what does push mean". This man may have been alice cooper.
(304)co-ed-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vsiion, I saw the word, "co-ed".
(305)your-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I beleive I saw the word, "your".
(305)I'm-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "I'm".
(306)diapers coming for a woman-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said and sounded and looked possibly scared, "it's leaking". This will cause her to commit suicide.
(307)aging-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "aging".
(308)gas price-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a bp gas sign and the price was, "$1.96".
(309)prophet-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you know your a prophet".
(310)come to Jesus-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He was wearing a White Garment and He said something like, "come here".
(311)plain-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I beleive I saw the word, "plain".
(312)there-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I beleive I saw the word, "there". I also saw the word, "preacher". IT is possible that these were together, because I seem to remember a mans voice saying, "there's a preacher".
(313)none-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "none".
(314)how can you go to heaven without having THE ACTS 2:38 born again experience-vision recieved 6-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm naked". THis is no Holy Ghost.
(315)revelations of a man-visions recieved 6-20-2005-In visions, I saw this man I witnessed to and he said things like, "cut off", "you already told me". He was only about 24. It was very hard to make out the look on his face, but, when I think about it, the testimony may have angered him.
(316)wanting hope for the hopeless-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown Hair and He said, "you knew". I was thinking on a man that I gave the address to my website to and right before I gave it to him I saw him in a vision and he said, 'I hate you'. The church he goes to is one that is on the fallen church page, and God showed me in a vision that he would not like it, and I talked to him later and he saw it, and he told me that he did not agree. I should have not given him the address. You can hurt yourself by diobediance. Be led by the Holy Ghost.
(317)pastor-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm a pastor".
(318)not defeated, but, obediant-vision recieved 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you got defeated".
(319)went to hell-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I went to hell".
(320)speak the oracles of God-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a Young looking Man with Brown Hair and He said something like, "you can speak if you want to". Praise Jesus for giving me something to say.
(321)perished-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and I may have only seen her face and it may have been like a white spirits face and she was weeping bitterly. I seen her in many visions and she let me know she is cut off. Jesus revealed to me years ago that she was going to commit suicide. What Jesus showed me she will end up in diapers, and that will do it.
(322)desperate call too late-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw my dads face and it was whitish in color and he looked frightened and he yelled, "bobby". I believe he saw where he was going.
(323)book is on the internet-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I want to read your book". That book is called, "defending the way". My next book may be called, "HELL", which I may start on in a little while.
(324)test coming my way-visions received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw this possible dog that favored a hyenia and its mouth was open and I could see its front upper teeth, and it was coming right for me. In another vision, I may ahve seen this woman that is messing with me and what was said was, "one more time". I asked Jesus about this and I heard this, "you just seen". THis woman is going to kiil herself because of the physical things that is coming onto her. I warned her.
(325)smiling man-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw this smiling young black man and he was looking at me. I then saw the word black appearing in maybe like noeon letters one at a time, "blac". Isn't Jesus GOOD! Give a no-body like me all this GOOD stuff! Why don't you see what the PRECIOUS SAVIOR will give you?
(326)I burn big time because I'm single and live in america which is probably worse than sodom and gomorrah-visions received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw me and I said, "Lord, I'm a man of like passion". As I was typiong in the title about america being worse than sodom and gomorah, I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "no it ain't". How bad was sodom and gomorrah?
(327)pictures of the ministryofdreams man-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "lot of pictures you can give". I'm wanting to put pictures of me on now more than I used to, but, not all the time. I may someday, but, Jesus will have to allow it. In the picture I would only look about 22. If people thought I was that young, I doubt if they'd listen to me. I'm not.
(328)perishing-visions received 6-29-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm going to hell". I saw it twice.
(329)make amendment-vision recieved 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw this off whitish color man and he said, "lets make an amendment". Jesus can do what He wants to do. Can you stop Jesus?
(330)visions of a man-visions received 6-29-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "10", "o.k., you want the recipt".
(331)wanting oral sex-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw this beautiful young woman and she said, "I was ____". I believe that this woman used to be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost. Jesus et me witness to her for a while, but, she did not make a move. I just saw her in another vision and she said, "I'm cut off". She is beautiful, and bound for hell.
(332)visions of an angelic being-visions received 7-2005-There used to be this little youthful looking white man that would appear to me and say different things, intructions, etc. He has a young scratch voice and possible blue eyes. He's showing up again. I beleive he has identified himself, and even though I'm not commenting further about him, you can see on the recording that I have not capitalized any reference to him.
(333)put it back-received 67-3-2005-I heard, "put It back", and may have seen me praying in a White Robe and saw a possibly a very BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT shining on part of me.
(334)we all need mercy-vision received 7-3-2005-In this vision, I saw someone say, "mercy".
(335)blaspheme-vision received 7-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "mom blasphemed". I saw mom and she said, "go ahead and tell it".
(336)me-vision received 7-3-2005-In this vision, I saw the man who ran the chruc service at apostolic tabernacle and he said, "this little fellow".
(337)embarras-visions received 7-8-2005-In one vision, I saw a man that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "embarras", and I asked Jesus who, and I saw a man that looked like michael boldea in a vision and he said, "me". I've got many visions in storage that I'm afaid to post. I beleive I saw a man that looked like dumitru duduman this morning in a vision and he said something like, "post". I just saw in a vision a man that looked like michael boldea and he said, "don't post". In another vision while sitting at the computer, I saw a man that looked like him and he said, "I want you to come". I did. about 700 miles round trip.
(338)Jesus has to let me write-vision received 7-9-2005-In this vision, I saw like the animation of a woman and she said something like, "prophecy club, I'm cut off because you didn't write me" "I'm an adulterer". Just saw a woman that looked like her again and she said, "I'm off". Just saw a man that looked like man and he said something like, "were perishing". Sad
(339)cut off-vision received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like dan bohler and he said something like, "I've been cut off". In another vision, I saw about the same person and he said, "it won't happen". When I say it looked like him, that is what it means, looked like, but, may have been someone else.
(340)devil-vision received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that looked like diana hughey and she said soemting like, "I'm the devil". According to the bible, people who commit sin are of the devil.
(341)warning not given heed to-vision received 7-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I keep telling her".
(342)blasphemed the Holy Ghost-vision received 7-28-2005-I was thinking on pastor donald winters and saying something in my heart like, "you blasphemed the Holy Ghost", and I saw a spirit that looked like his wife and she said something like, "yeah", and, "your blowing it". Seek to get you sin purged. I saw pastor winters in a vision and he said, "I blew it". Seek to get your sin taken away like when david had his sin taken away in for uriah. Just saw somebody and they said something like, "tell'em".
(343)Jesus tells me what to do-vision received 7-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a irving baxter jr. and he said things like, "can do anything I want", "want your Mantle", "put you on the radio", "he blew it".
(344)you can loose out with God-vision received 7-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a Man and He said, "take the Mantle off", and I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "cause my husband".
(345)lost Mantle-vision received 7-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like man and he said, "the Mantle is taken away", "thats the devil".
(346)don't blaspheme-recieved 7-2005-I heard this, "Gods warning you not to blaspheme", and I may a woman and she said, "I didn't", "you did", and then I may have seen a spirit that looked like me and I said, "not".
(347)blasphemed-vision received 7-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said, "I blasphemed".
(348)you can get cast off the earth by God-vision received 7-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "prophet going out".
(349)I'm obeying Jesus-vision received 7-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "why does he tempt me".
(350)loosing mom-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "lost your mom".
(351)perished-vision received 7-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, 'I'm going to jail".
(352)wanting to go on radio-vision received 7-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, 'put me on the radio", "thats me". Let me make a very serious suggestion hollie, you better seek Jesus first. Don't dare go on the prophecy club or radio without the leading of the Holy Ghost. It can cost you to loose out with Jesus. I saw hollie again and she said, "yes".
(353)accept-vision received 7-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like man and he said, "accept it".
(354)not for sale-vision received 7-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "bob, sell the visions".
(355)blaspheme-vision received 7-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said, "blaspheme", "please help me", "who'd I blaspheme", and maybe heard her voice, "call me", or something like that.
(356)blood on hands-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like possibly me and I said something like, "blood on hands", and I had my hands out and then I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "if you post, then the blood will come off".
(357)bless-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and they said, "bobby, bless us".
(358)obeying Jesus-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like me and I said something like, "told me to embarras".
(359)speaking can make it sin-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like debbie and she said, "spoke".
(360)lost-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man that had possibly the name red on his shirt and he said, "I'm lost".
(361)don't waste your talent, or you will loose it-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor canon and he said something like, "waste your talent". I was asking Jesus maybe if he wanted me to visit heavenly life apostolic Church. Just saw a a spirit that looked like cannon and he said, "we know".
(362)hollie visions-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said things like, "I'm a pastor", "evangelist", "I'm an evangelist".
(363)what Jesus requires out of me everyday is my price HE chages me-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe Jesus and He said, "thats your price".
(364)in a vision-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a person and the person said, "can you here me". In a vision, I can.
(365)dan bohler-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like dr. dan bohler and he said things like, "bobby, I want the vision", "why is he doing this", "you offended", "you irritate us", "adultery", "overslept", "midnite", "want your Mantle", "give it to me", "I was sitting down at the computer", "you come out here with the visions", "cause I want to concil you", "talk", "keep posting", "religion", "adultery", "thats it", "who cares"(I just saw a spirit that looks like the boy next to me and he said, "I care". I atleast heard it), "these are enemy spirits", "my bills", "I said well go back over it", "you touched my life", "adultery", "you know I'm going to need you little buddy, "is coming back", "let me write him", "restore me Lord", "tomorrow", "good to hear from you", "want your wallet", "take it away", "blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "how did I blaspheme the Holy Ghost", "devil told me to get your house in order", "witness", "devils recommendation", "I'll sue", "send us a gift"(I saw a spirit that looked like me I beleive and I said, "I couldn't support"), "I will never be able to control this mouth", "idle words", "the Lords forgiven"(and I may have seen me and I said something like, "I didn't dan put it off"), "tell'em to write". I saw a Finger point and the Finger may have been White like the Moon and I beleive it was pointing at the paper and I may have been told to write. I didn't want to. Dan, I may come out and see you'ins. I beleive these were all pastor dan bohler.
(366)face of lite-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a face and I only saw part of It, and the face was like lit up like the moon. It was similar to JEsus.
(367)4000-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "I put 4000".
(368)social security will collapse-vision received 8-4-2005- U heard, "social security", and God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "social security will collapse".
(368)your moment to praise Jesus-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "you had your moment".
(369)visions-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a dan bohler or maybe terry cannon and they said things like, "how do I find you", "let him write me".
(370)Fingers of Fire-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me two Fingers sticking up and they were like the peace sign and they were the color of fire and I may have heard, "twice".
(371)write-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a Man and He said, "write".
(372)revelations of a woman-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said things like, "I'm in adultery", "I'm the devil", "just a witch", "how'd you find me", and maybe, "I want the vision".
(373)debbie-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like debbie and she said, "the devil told me to send money". As I was typing that I saw a woman and she said, "us".
(374)sign up-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me the words, "sign up", and they were written in black possibly on a piece of paper maybe write on top on more writing.
(375)the Mantle-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe a man and he said, "I want my Mantle".
(376)money-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said, "send money", and maybe, "bobby, you just want control".
(377)the screams of the doomed-vision received 8-4-2005-God let me hear debbie and she said things like, "bobby get me out of here", "I need a word"(I may have seen me just now and I said, "already told", "thats it").
(378)help-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like norm heaggy and he said, "help me".
(379)pastor dan bohler-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor dan bohler and he said things like, "give me something financial", "can I have some money", "go to agape".
(380)off-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said, "take that off", "I'm open". Open is saved.
(381)closed-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said something like, "prophecies closed", "religion".
(382)do you lie-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he had a long nose like pinochio.
(383)it a test hollie-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said, "test".
(384)tested-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said something like, "test hollie moodi_", "go me excited".
(385)death-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like terry cannon and he said, "death", "leave it off", "the lake".
(386)blasphemed-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like terry cannon and he said, "blasphemed".
(387)witch-vision received 8-13-2005-I heard, "witch", and it was the woman aways from me.
(388)to late-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "to late".
(389)blaspheme-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "who'd I blaspheme", and I saw hollie and she said, "you".
(390)money first-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "financial".
(391)religion is doing what you want-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a person and the oerson said, "religion".
(392)hell-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "hell".
(393)not just words-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "just words bobby".
(393)hated-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like terry cannon and he said something like, "were going to hate you".
(394)adultery can be loving something of the world-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, 'adultery"
(395)pray-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like terry cannon and he said, "I need you to pray".
(396)delivered-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "delivered".
(397)tell that-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a maybe a woman and she said, "tell that".
(398)tell-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a maybe a man and he said, "tell debbie".
(399)hates-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and they said maybe, "hate moodie".
(400)don't sell-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe hollie and she said something like, "sell your visions".
(401)money 1st-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a sister rexford and she said, "finacial".
(402)cheating on Jesus is spiritual adultery-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said, "you commit adultery".
(403)rebel-vision received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like terry cannon and he either said, "I'm a witch", or "I'm rich".
(404)no protection for the president-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like this president and he said, "cover me", and I saw me and I said, "I can't", "you blasphemed".
(405)emabarrased-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like virginia boldea and she said something like, 'embarrasing", and maybe, "your needed".
(406)attack on new york city-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like different people and they all referred to an attack on new york city, or new york. I only know russia will nuke hew york.
(407)embarrased-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like this president and he said things like, "I blasphemed", "embarras", "its embarasing".
(408)pastor simison-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like simison in visions and he said things like, "who did I blaspheme", "he's the prophet", "blaspheme".
(409)you better get yourself a prayer life-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like me and I said, "I push".
(410)prayer is taken out of the Church-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a pastor simison and he said things like, "the prayer", "its taken out".
(411)pastor simison-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor simison and he said things like, "my building", "don't tell those visions", "you ain't no prophet", "I'm against him", "don't abase", "I doubted", "go back again", "tell", "bring us back again".
(411)michael boldea-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like mike and he said, "stan johnson", and I saw stan and he said, "you need to talk to me".
(412)don't worry-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like mike and he said, "don't worry bob".
(413)wars coming-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like this president and he said, "want china", "I won election".
(414)china will bomb russia-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a the president of china nad he said, "russia", "bomb russia", "attack".
(415)irene-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like irene and she said things like, "I'm mad at you", "give me a heart attack".
(416)pray for others-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like my mom and she said, "don't let me perish".
(417)hollie-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said things like, "do you want me to press", "your putting on a show".
(418)Lion of the Tribe of Judah-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me part of the Face of a very big LION.
(419)visions help-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and they said, "thats the vision".
(420)dumitru-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "I a'nt dumitru", and maybe I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "the Mantle".
(421)please me-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like virginia boldea and she said, "please me", "we need you", "you won't", and I saw dumitru and he said, "bobby help her".
(422)welfare collapse-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and they said, "your about to loose your welfare".
(423)wtlc-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe rick joyner and he said something like, :have you been on tlc". He works there I think.
(424)david wilkerson-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like david wilkerson and he said, "go to new york city", and I saw a man and he said, "attack".
(425)be special to Jesus-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like Jesus and he said, "your special".
(426)gene schmidt-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like gene schmidt and he said things like, "was bob wrong", "now were against you", "go to hand of help", "is bob a show", and maybe, "thats the MANTLE', and I saw a spirit that looked like wife ann and she said things like, "heaven", "I'm not", "cause we embarras you".
(426)tell-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a Man and He said, "tell it", and I saw me and I said, "I must tell".
(427)ran out-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like me and I said, "why did you run me out".
(428)danger-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and they said, "bob, your in danger".
(428)good-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and they said, "prophets good". Just saw shaft of Lite streak down.
(429)selling-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like ann schmidt and she said, "were selling".
(430)blood on hands-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor simison and he said, "my blood stains", "take it off".
(431)hospital-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like virginia boldea and she said, "hospital", "delivered".
(432)heard-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and hey said, "I heard you".
(433)josh-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like joshua and he said, 'hell", and something like the other day, "you know what kelly did", and maybe, "oral sex".
(434)russia on the attack-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said, "russia", and I saw a man that looked maybe like russia president puting and he said, "attack", and I saw hollie and she said, "the united states".
(435)westide pentecostal Church-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said something like, "come to westside", and I saw pastor donald winters in a vision and he said something like, "git'em out".
(436)pastor john ramsey-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor john ramsey of Christian life worship center and he said things like, "worship me", "need mercy", "come and preach", "share my visions", "finished", "religion", "I'm out", "prophet",and maybe "prophet, it's to late".
(437)to late-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said things like, "to late for me", "why did he tell me", and maybe, "I blasphemed", "website", and I saw hollie and she said, "there's your answer", and I may have seen the woman and she said, "website".
(438)irving baxter and hollie-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like iving baxter and he said something like, "this is moodie", and I saw hollie and she said something like, "this is ivring baxter", and I saw baxter and he said soemthing like, "I'm changing", and I saw hollie and she said something like, 'I a'int irving baxter".
(439)wanted in the bedroom-vision received 8-19-2005-I heard, "your wanted in the bedroom", and God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor ramsey and he said things like, "are you serious", "whats your problem", and, "my decisions".
(440)hollie-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said things like, "give me my last chance", "this is you final warning".
(441)master-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like dr. dan bohler and he said something like, "just call me a master".
(442)irving baxter jr.-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like irving and he said things like, "what the hell does he want visions for", "save the prophet", and in this one he said, "goddam prophet".
(443)sister rexford-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like sister rexford and she said, "adulterer", "you need a whippin", and in a vision received the next day, I saw a naked baby being put over a Mans slap and the rear end being slapped.
(444)wallet-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "my wallet".
(445)Mantle-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said things like, "my Mantle", "prophet, I'm against your Mantle", "i'm out", "cause I blasphemed", "left here", "us".
(446)I warned-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "told", "tell me I'm married".
(447)bloodstains-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like irving baxter and he said things like, "my bloodstains", "I'm against this prophet", "search him", "there are two things I may have to do", "I bet you won't get out of it", "vision".
(448)witch-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like an angel and he was all white and mayhave had blue eyes and had a young mans scratchy voice and he said, "I'm a witch".
(449)sister rexford-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like sister rexford and she said things like, "tell people", "I'm just an adulterer", "lost your Mantle", "I loved you", "my wallet", "uncover me", "I want your money", and maybe, "I got on my hands".(didnt hear all)
(450)hollie-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said, "million dollars".
(451)preach-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "preach bobby".
(452)man-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said things like, "how do I get my economy back", "how do we fix it", "were running out of gas". It may have been this president in some or all.
(453)cry-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe a man and he may have said, "cry".
(454)oil going up-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like soembody and they said, "oil", and I may have seen hollie and she said, "going up", get your house", and I saw irving baxter and he said, "in order".
(455)ministryofdreams was out of prophetic ministry-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me that ministryofdreams was out of the category of prophetic ministry on google. I may have told a woman something like, "go to google and type in prophetic minnistry", and when I saw the page, ministryofdreams was not there.
(456)fast-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "fast".
(457)I may get a beeper-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like an asian man and he said something like, "do you have a beeper".
(458)off-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "I'm off".
(459)it's hollie-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said, "this is moodie", "wrinkle".
(460)getting fat-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and they weren't wearing a shirt and they had a pot belly.
(461)recorded-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said something like, 'I recorded".
(462)help-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like man and he said, "help me", "tell me".
(463)roof shingles-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me like the roof on a house and the shingles were the color of blood with some black mixed in.
(464)hollie-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said things like, "my master", "garys cum", "thats it", "thats moodie".
(465)going back-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like sister rexford and she said things like, "you know I'm going back", and something about bowels.
(467)man-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said something like, "I'm married", "adultery", "I think your interesting".
(468)nicolous from eight is enough-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like nicolous from the show 8 is enough and he said things like, "o.k.", "hell", and maybe, "bankrupt".
(469)nathaniel urshan-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like nathaniel urshan who was general superintendent over united pentecostal Church international and he said things like, 'I'm urshan", "lake".
(470)partially naked woman all over-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she may have been on the back of a motorcycle and she was wearing a shirt or somekind of garment that had her back all the way or just about all the way exposed.
(471)three Fingers-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somekind of Being and he was holding up three fingers.
(472)bomb is ticking somewhere-vision received 8-20-2005-I heard something like, "it's about to disconnect", and God has showed me a spirit that looks like bin laden and he said, "the bomb".
(473)dr. dan bohler-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like bohler and he said things like, "I'll put you on the radio", "make a video", "lets do commercial".
(474)did-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and they said, "I needed help", and I saw her or me or somebody and they said, "we did".
(475)sister rexford-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like rexford and she said things like, "heaven", "He gave me a scripture", and maybe, "he's around", "you showed me I did wrong", "adulterer", "I fell", "my husband".
(476)prayer needed-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe dan bohler and he said, "we need prayer".
(477)most people know they are wrong-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and the person said, "I knew it".
(477)show-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and they said, "show", and I saw me and I said, "i did".
(478)dr. tillery-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like dr. michael tillery and he said, "adulterer", "tell me I'm an evangelist".
(479)laughed-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "you laughed", and maybe, "you know what prophet did".
(480)debbie-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like debbie and she said things like, "git out of here".
(481)henry gruver-vision received 8-20-2005-I heard, "henry", and God has showed me a spirit that looks like a henry gruver and he said things like, "adulterer", "backslider", and maybe, "it's to late".
(482)terry cannon-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like terry and he said, "wheres bobby".
(483)seeing-vision received 8-20-2005-I heard, "jordan", and God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor jordan at Christian tabernacle spostolic Church and he said something like, "I'm catchin on".
(484)sissy-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like sissy and she said something like, 'I'm leaving here".
(485)tina sinnesaw-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe tine and she said things like, "tell my visions", "backslider", "adultery", and maybe, "hate you".
(486)sister stewart-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like sister stewart and she said things like, "don't tell me", "wonderful", "never get back".
(487)daniel bohler-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a dan and he said, "I'm a witch".
(488)adultery-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "adulterer".
(489)gene schmidt-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like gene and he said something like, "today is your last chance".
(490)visions of a man-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like this man that goes to heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and he may be the usher or one of them and he said things like, "71 street", "you know I offended you", "I want a vision".
(491)you'll want This back if you loose IT-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said things like, "I blasphemed", "I want It back", and maybe, "watch who your telling", "I'm hungry".
(492)wallet-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe a woman and she said, "wallet" and maybe, "remember me", "check".
(493)wallace van slyke-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like like van slyke and he said, "van sylke", and maybe, "just need mercy", and maybe, press real hard", "give me your address", and maybe, "wonderful".
(494)warning-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said something like, "I keep telling him".
(495)pastor-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and they said, or I just heard, "jordan", and I saw astor jordan at Christian tabernacle apostolic tabernacle and he said, "fag".
(496)mercy-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe sister stewart and she she may have said, "i jsut need mercy".
(497)no protection for the president-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like this president and he said, "cover me", and I saw me and I said, "I can't", "you blasphemed".
(498)virginia boldea-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a virgina boldea and she said soemting like, "theres something wrong with it", "with me", "how did I comitt blaspheme", "I'm hungry", and maybe, "have you heard".
(499)indian prophet-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like the indian prophet and he said things like, "how come You rejected me", "don't worry", "cause I comitted blaspheme".
(500)hollie-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said things like, "I'm amd at you", "I'm adulterer", "call me silly", and last night in a vision she said soemthing like, "I'm getting jelous".
(501)pastor mark stone-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor mark stone of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and he said things like, "hate you", "loose".
(502)hated-vision received 8-20-2005-I heard and may have seen who said, "he hates you", and I asked have asked who hated me, and God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "us". It may have been pastor aaron d. woodson sr.
(503)fool-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like Jesus and He said, "fool". I was going to post visions I was given.
(504)I saw china attacking america-vision received 8-27-2005-I heard, "your wanted on the phone", and God has showed me a spirit that looks like the president of china hu hintao and he said, "china", and I llter saw hollie and the presdient of china and they both said something like, "attack america".
(505)blasphemed-vision received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman that I witnessed to and she said something like, "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost".
(507)start a Church-vision received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man that I witnessed to and he said something like, "get a Church". We talked about It.
(508)blaspheme-vision received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said, "On my death certificate", and something like, "I blasphemed".
(509)laugh now but you will cry-vision received 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like debbie and she was crying. I beleive this went on for a long time, and maybe more than once. You'll cry in hell.
(510)call-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said, "call me".
(511)Christ Church apostolic is closed-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a daughter tyson who is blind and she said things like, "you blasphemed", "comitted blaspheme once", "I'm Christ Church apostolic", "cause dady preachin", "Church closed".
(512)social security will collapse-vision received 8-28-2005-I heard, "social security", and God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "it will collapse".
(513)Jesus-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a possibly the Face of Jesus. It was White.
(514)first lady luster-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like mrs. luster of the upper room Church and she said things like, "God'll bless you if you come back here", "Jesus help me", "Church", "witness tarry".
(515)pastor luster-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like elder luster and he said things like, "rules", "cut off", "I'm luster", "where did witness go", and I saw his wife and she said, "we need you".
(516)revelations woman-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said things like, "it's me", "come on to one way apostolic Church", "prophet has emergency".
(517)traded chance to be saved-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe a woman and she said something like, "sold".
(518)let Jesus tell you how to dress and whether or not to cut your hair-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe hollie and she had on a long blue jeans like dress and her hair was read or brown and it was short. I may have just seen her again and she said something like, "I need religion". Thats doing what you want.
(519)jo ward-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like jo ward and she used to be the plant manager of a place we both worked and her and I talked for a while about things. If I wronged you jo, I apologize. Please forgive. I believe I saw jo ward in a vision and she said something like, "I'm in adultery".
(520)bishop james e. tyson-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like pentecostal preacher james tyson and he said things like, "false", "it's over", and maybe, "come on preacher".
(521)pastor luster-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like mr. luster and he said things likes, "let us watch", "devil told me", "they ain't telling you a thing", "your starting to get saved", "I want to get saved", "I heard IT", "70000"(and after this I saw me and I said, "sold"-this may have been the price I could get the Church for), "I'm getting ready to go", "you'll block the Word", and one of us said, "saparate it".
(522)wanting delivered-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like sissy and she said things like, "deliver me bob", "you lie", "the devild told me", "thats blaspheme", and maybe, "you put me in a trance". I heard, "when you moved out, they went back".
(523)pastor larry hunt-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe like grace apostolic pastor hunt and he said, "hell".
(524)sister luster-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like sister luster and she said things like, "go on the website", "that turned me off", "were having revival", "we want you to come".
(525)phone call-vision received 8-28-2005- God has showed me a spirit that looks like Jesus and He said, "telephone", and I saw pastor luster and he said, I hate you".
(526)hand shake-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he had his hand sticking out like he wanted to sahke hands.
(527)gas prices-vision received 8-28-2005-I heard, "gasoline", and God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "it's a little to high".
(528)bumped off by the devil-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me the words, "a demon has bumped".
(529)thouhts and expectations-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "you don't care", "we expected you", and maybe, "I do".
(530)prophet-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed words that looked like, :o my God. Witness is a prophet".
(531)help us all Jesus-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor luster and he said, "Lord help me".
(532)thomas-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like thomas and he said things like, "I got defeated", "that hurt me", "sold", "iran", "attack". I sw him and heard this, "he's angry".
(533)sister luster-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like sister luster and she said, "your Mantle's safe", and I may have asked who, and I may have seen hollie and she may have said something like, "moody's".
(534)condaleeza rice-vision received 8-28-2005-I heard, "rice" God has showed me a spirit that looks like a secretary of state rice and she said something like, "access".
(535)the lusters-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like mr. luster and he said, "come on and preach", and I saw sister luster and she said, "we wanted revival".
(536)new york under attack-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and they let me know new york will be attacked.
(537)coss out visions-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me like a piece of paper like I have visions on and the visions were marked out with lines like a I often do. If I don't do this, I most likely will miss some, and may miss some even if I do. Thank God for visions and dreams.
(538)hollie-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hollie and she said, "I see visions", "apostolic", "this is moody", and maybe, "moody", "let him slip", "out", "call".
(539)cursed God-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor luster and he cursed God", and said, "lake", "stay out of here", "invite me to be your pastor", "he won't", and I may have saw a spirit that looked like his wife and she said, "lake".
(540)irene-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like irene and she said things like, "I am psychic".
(541)the Holy Ghost is my Pastor-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe me and I said, "my Pastor is the Holy Ghost".
(542)blasphemy against the Holy Ghost-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said something like, "comitted blaspheme", "fell", and I saw her or her husband say something like, "its me", "comitted blaspheme".
(543)woman-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she had like a White Robe on that only covered about half her body and the rest of her may have been covered by normal clothes.
(544)thanked-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe hollie and she said, "thank you". Her hair may have been short. In another vision she said, "religion".
(545)baby coming-vision received 8-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "pregnant".
(546)wearing shorts is sin-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe a woman and she was wearing shorts and may have been wearing a ban dana or head covering thing on. She or somebody else may have reached out hand to shake mine.
(547)gee woods-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like ge woods and she said, "Jesus help me", "wolf", and I saw her mom and she said something like, "who blasphemed".
(548)sister luster-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like sister luster and she said something like, "your gonna loose Mantle", and I may have just seen hollie and she said someting like, "you already have", "he needs a book", "wrote me".
(549)can feel Jesus-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "I can feel It".
(550)treat people right-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "its how you treat them".
(551)did irving baxter fall-vision received 8-28-2005-I heard", "irving" and God has showed me the word, "fell", and I may have seen irving baxter and he said someting like, "fell". He has endtime ministries and religion and politics radio show.
(552)sister luster-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like first lady luster and she said things like, "the Lords going to save you", "witch", "blaspheme", "let him slip", "can you clean up".
(553)hands off-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "I'll take my hand off you".
(554)blood on hands-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like me and I said, "blood', and I saw sister luster and she said, "covered".
(555)Jesus might send-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "get me a psychic". A psychic may be a fallen prophet of Jesus.
(556)looked-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like somebody and they said, 'I looked myself".
(557)fake-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor luster and he said, "artificial".
(558)pray hard-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "pray real heard".
(559)examine yourself-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a somebody and they said, "I looked at myself".
(560)Angelic-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like an Angelic version of teresa hedger. She was a Whitish color. THere may have been more colors. I saw maybe her again and she said, "thats me".
(561)man-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like this man and he said things like, "git this gentleman out of here", "don't bother him".
(562)the Sings follow me-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like me and I said, "the Signs follow me".
(563)out-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor larry hunt of grace apostolic Church and he said, "I'm out", "tell on him".
(564)pastor luster-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like elder luster and he said things like, "hang around", "come and talk", "I'm an expreacher".
(565)kill-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me the word, "kill".
(566)sissy-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me maybe the name, "sis".
(567)spoke-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me words that were written on a piece of paper and they were inscribed into the paper because it was like the ink didn't work. They looked like this, "he spoken".
(568)Jesus saves-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me the words, "Jesus saved". They were like in a black color and it was like they were in the seat of maybe my van.
(569)luster-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor luster and he said, "don't tease me Lord", "I hate you", "trouble", "let me talk", "he's white", "I want the Mantle", "I want you", "its to late", "stay right here".
(570)mrs. luster-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a mrs. luster and she said things like, 'I'm out", "mercy", "backstab", "they told me".
(571)touch-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a Man and He said, "touch your face".
(572)wanting things lis lust-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like a michael boldea and he said, "I lust".
(573)lift up your head-vision received 8-29-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "git your head up", "your redemption draweth nigh".
(574)my price is secret-vision received 8-29-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "whats your price". This is how much Jesus charges me everyday for the awesome priviledge to serve Him.
(575)if your not stirred, you won't be watching for Jesus-vision received 8-29-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "how come your not lookin". It may have been thomas.
(576)I don't plan on gong back-vision received 8-29-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "bobby ain't gonna slow down", "moneys my master".
(577)attack on new york-vision received 9-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like vorious and they prophesied attacks on new york, new york city, new york state.
(578)pam davis -vision received 9-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like pam and she said things like, "I want you back", "the Lord told me your cut off", "you made me lust", "you comitted blaspheme", "I'm david".
(579)dumitru-vision received 9-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said things like, "you know how I got cut off", "I comitted blaspheme", "you unspoke", "I'm talking to you", "your chosen", "you".
(580)virginia boldea-vision received 9-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like virginia and she said things like, "warn me", "tell that I'm a witch", "how did I blaspheme bobby", "I'ma backstabber", "live for Jesus", "keep the Mantle", 'prophet clean", "its up to you", "you comitted blaspheme".
(581)the bob and tom show-received 9-2005-God has let me hear spirits that sounded like bob and tom. I heard them and may ahve seen them, but, I'm not sure. Tom mentioned, "my bible', and bob said, "the bi ble", and tom laughed. Bob sang the song they were possible playing on the radio, 'I, will never burn", and tom sang it also but differently. Tom sang, "I will never burn in heaven". That makes me wonder is tom is chosen. I may have seen tom and he said things but one them was something like, 'awesome', and I felt he was looking at this site. I believe he is tom griswald of Q95.
(583)benjamin netanyahu-vision received 9-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like bibi and he said things like maybe, "israel", "president", "separate", "I want to talk to you", "bob hickman backbites", "thats why I hate you". Bibi will be prime minister of israel again and he is facing nuclear attack out of iraq.
(583)man who has car for sale-vision received 9-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like a man that has a car for sale and he said things like, "600", "I hate you", "blaspheme", "need more mercy", "my daughter will be attracted to you".
(584)clear-vision received 9-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "bobs clear".
(585)dumitru-vision received 9-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, "made a promise", "about new york", "attack", "attack new york city".
(587)is meijer closing-vision received 9-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "heard about miejer", and I saw dumitru and he said, "their closing".
(588)blaspheme-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "you blaspheme", "you blaspheme my website".
(589)witch-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, 'hi witch".
(590)MYSTERY, BABYLON is america-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like somebody or I just heard a voice and he is what was said, "MYSTERY, BABYLON", "its america".
(591)ricky-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like ricky who works for estes expres trucking company in Indianapolis or he used to work there and he said things like, "He already cut me off", "need your help", "bob", 'backslid", "appologize", "I want it in the ass", "done spoke", "estes going under", "you liar", "I'm married", "married a woman", "you queer", "I suck peter", "Head Job", "I suck booties", "no mercy", "done head Job", "family owns restaurant", "I blowed It", "pull my pants up", "tell mom", "ran off", and I saw a former mechanic that wokred in the estes garage and he said, "garage". He had brown hair.
(592)benny hinn cut off-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like benny hinn or a man and here is what was said, "benny hinn", and I saw benny hinn and he said, "been cut off", "pray for mercy", 'backslider".
(593)gas at $2.41-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a speedway gas sign and the price for gas was, "$2.41'.
(594)brenda oconner-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like brenda and she was maybe crying and looked bitter and she said things like, "backslide", "devil tricked me", "trick me", 'please".
(596)debbie-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like debiie and she said things like, "the Lord won't accept me", "I blasphemed Him", "Why did I run him off", and something like, "I heard everybodies backslid on the radio".
(597)beautiful young lady-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like woman in visions and she said things like, "you devil", 'cause I did a head job", "git ready to go home", "spoken", "you know what you've done", "I'm in the lake", "comitted blaspheme", "committed adultery", "backslider", "He cut me off", "you devil you passed away".
(598)gary-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like gary and he said, "witness", "thats you".
(599)indianapolis ship survivor-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like the survivor of the uss indianapolis and he said things like, "this is the survivor", "put in the hospital", "I'm set in my ways".
(600)pastor simison-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like thomas simison and he said things like, 'I fell", "we need your licence plate", "prophets good", "leave me alone", and I saw me and I said things like, "can't do it", "the Lord told me to take your head off", "take it off", "loose Mantle", and I sw simison and he said, "take it off".
(601)thomas-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like thomas and he said things like, "I don't git around", "no masterbation".
(602)underpass-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a word and I think it was, "underpass".
(603)visions-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a word and I think it was, "visions".
(604)generation x lady-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "like him", "suck his peter", "don't you love me", "eat my PUssy", "WHATS THE MATTER", "head Jbb", "take your pants off", "I'm a waste of time", "chosen" and I saw me and I said, "thats the prophet", "new muscle".
(605)russia will be defeated-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "russia", 'hit russia". Many nations will be in on this and they will force russia to invade israel".
(606)attacks on new york-vision received 9-2005-God has showed a spirits that looked like many people and they said may have said things like, "don't go to new york", "its under attack", Attack new york citY', 'attack new york state", etc.
(607)sissy-vision received 9-5-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, "yor fallen", and maybe, "attack on new york state".
(608)insurance rates will go up-vision received 10-30-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman, and she said, insurance, up.
(609)warn people-vision received 11-3-2005-God has showed a Spirit that looked like Somebody, and They said, you got blood on your hands if you do not sound the trumpet, and zion is where you are, and ken haney from upci said, thats what we need, and irving baxter said, awesome.
(610)china is the end times magog-vision received 12-7-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like, delores finn, and she said something like, china is magog.
(611)judgment to america-vision received 1-6-2006-God has showed a Spirit that looked like People and they said: awesome he thought, it will be awesome when the united states burns in just one hour, aman, ISAIAH the prophet told in ISAIAH 13, babylon is america, have a nice day, don't make friends with unrightous mamon, they steal your heart away, aman, Jesus said, It's My way, the united states will become a desolation in just one day, aman.
(612)russia is prepared to stike america-vision received 2-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: russia will, attack, the, united, states, when you, are, not, worried, when your not looking, like.
(613)the alabama Church burning's-vision recieved 3-8-005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: the three, young, college, student's, are, the, one's, they are, cut, off, and, hate, Jesus, that is, why.
(614)a vision of Jesus Christ on his white horse-vision recieved 11-10-2006-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and I beleive he was sitting on a white horse. His eyes had like a yellow glare. yellow means war, and he will come to conquer.
(615)china will take peace off of the earth by attacking taiwan-visions recieved 3-22-2007-in a vision, I saw the chinese president hu hintao and he was riding the red horse, and I saw hollie in taiwan, and china, destroyed.
(616)the arch angel gabriel-vision recieved 3-22-2007-in this vision, I saw part of the angel gabriel, and he was lighted, and he pointed.
(617)killed all day long-visions recieved 3-22-2007-in this vision, I saw the smiling henry gruver at the chess match, and I saw him laughing when he finds out about this. I also saw Jesus watching, and I saw the words, "knows all things".
(618)the g8 is the seven heads with bush as the woman-visions recieved 3-22-2007-in visions, I saw the dragon stick its head up, and then I saw china and russia, and the dragon was there in like the middle, and I saw the words, "the ram", and I saw the pope riding the red dragon with the g8, and bush as the woman, and the pope came out of berlusconi s head, and I saw satan shot out of the flame into the pope and he was slashed, and hollie pointed, that is, and the pope sang, "raise your hands and repeat after me", Im the idol shepherd.
vision of the president of iran-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like the president of iran, and he said, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ and kristina fox said, Jesus Christ name, and the president of iran said, and you shall receive the Holy One, thats what I need, tell, and maybe hollie said, the vision, we'll get serious when iraq gets bombed, there's your answer.
iran needs Jesus -vision received 9-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked likethe president of iran and he said, the Gospel shall be preached in all the world, and then Jesus Christ will appear.
the end day message visions received 10-24-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like vladimir putin and he said, russia is the beast with 7 horns, and horns are head, and russia is the bear, russia, and the 3 ribs are russia, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and russia is the beast with 7 horns, bolivia, thats politburo, politburo is, and hollie said, germany, and putin said, politburo is russia, politburo is cuba, politburo is china, politburo is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and hollie said, politburo is cuba, and I saw fidel castrol, and heard hollie said, and cuba is nicaragua, and fidel said, agreement, and I saw president hu, and heard hollie said, politburo is china, and I saw hollie when she said, china, and hollie said, politburo and kristina said, washington and hollie said, state, and kristina said, and , and hollie said, that is where, and hollie said, china will attack, and I saw chinese president hu and he said, cause we want, and hu said, china want, and the north korean president said, washin, and hu said, ton, and stephen said, state, and kevin mcGwire to do a, and stephen said, homeland, and sam neill said, invas, sion, politburo is the beast, cause, and dumitru duduman said, russia is the beast, and putin said, with 7 heads and 10 horns, politboro is germany, politboro is america, politburo is financially, politburo is russia and russia is the red dragon friend, politburo is iran, politburo is washington state, politburo is the beast the beast with 7 heads and 7 horns, and stephen hanson said, 3 horns get plucked up, and putin said, cause washington state, washington state is where china will, and I saw chinese president and north korean president and they said, attack, and putin said, and putin said, china, will do a minor homeland invasion, to lure, and hollie said, america into, and putin said, war, I helped iran, and dumitru duduman said, you kept running, cause washington state is where, and hollie said, china will attack america, and putin said, and putin said, cause russia will attack, alaska, cause when america returns to alaska, and putin said, we'll attack'em, out of planes, submarines, and nuclear bombs, and kristina said, witness saw the penney with nuclear fireball right behind, and a woman said, white house, when america burns, china will attack, and dumitru with putins voice said, russia, and force russia to invade isreal, and the beast will and kristina said, be, and hollie said, the, pope, and the new world order will be china, china will be, and dumitru said, the false prophet, and hollie said, like a lamb rising up out of the sea, with and kristina said, two horns, thats russia, and and hollie said, china, and, and kevin mCgwire said, north korea, and kristina said, minus, and hollie said, russ, ia, and putin said, when america burns, china will attack, and dumitru with putins voice, and force russia to invade Israel, the beast will the and hollie said, be, and and dumitru with putins voice said, the pope, and the new world order will be china, china will be, and dumitru said, the false prophet, and putin said, and thats is for china, and kristina said, china is the red dragon cause, and putin said, china is magog, china will force the world to, and the pope said, accept the beast, and hollie said, and the beast is, china, and kristina said, russia, nicaragua, venezula, and hollie said, brazil, and fidel said, cuba, and the president of north korea said, and north kore, and the president of mexico said, and mexico, and dumitru duduman said, for three and one half years peace, for three and one half years, wrath, then the battle of armageddon, and stephen hanson said, the wrath is the bowls of God and the vials of God, and dumitru duduman said, then the battle of armageddon, russia will, and kristina fox said, lead the way, and dumitru duduman said, they'll be pushing for the pope, and michael boldea said, there it is, and ann schmidt said, God turn me over, to reprobate, and mike said, awesome, and gene schmidt said, and geno said, push, and dumitru said, the pope, and ann schmidt said, will, and putin said, be pushin for Christ, and stephen hanson said, and He'll just Speak the WOrd, and thats the end of america, and putin said, the mark of the beast will be 6 threescore 6, the threescore is a flanged corss, and kristina said, put in your forehead, and putin said, or a 6 on your and jim priest said, finger, and putin said, one last time, is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and the mark will change to 666, the mark will not change, tattoo, you, and stephen said, can't buy of and pastor simison of the bible Church said, sell, and donald winters said, without, and stephen said, the beastmark, and irene said, israel will be destroyed, and kristina said, and russia will be destroyed, cause Israel will be attacked by america out of iraq, Israel is done, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and Israel knows, toward the antichrist end, and I saw the beast which is the pope, and he looked like a spirit and he said, slaughter, jews, and the pope said, and I and know, desperate, satan comes in, and the pope said, he'll, be slashed, and hollie said, and die, and maybe putin said, and satan will enter in and satan will destroy by peace, and he'll come to his end, the prophet will meet the mark of the beast, cause america will not be here, desolate in one hour, you'll read about it in the newspaper, and russia will be the new superpower for 5 minutes, russia is special, russia is the new superpower, russia will attack Israel, and michael boldea said, laughin, control, money and stephen said, is, and keven mcgwire said, liar, and mike said, master, and kristina said, and the woman and hollie said, that, and kristina said, reigneth over the kings of the earth is new york city, washington d.c. is america, the kings don't care about america, and daniel bohler said, the just care about the fuckin money, end of story, and kristina said, Gabriel looks like, White Face, and soldiers Cap, and witness and hollie said, saw and kristina said, Him, and maybe kristina said, Israel means, Jesus nation, and putin said, cause russia is the, and pastor jerry barger said, beast, and carol sue barger said, awesome, and brenda barger said, you keep running, and michelle said, maybe there's mercy, and her mom said, for me, and I saw jack barger and I heard and jack said, stay away from me, and hollie said, and he had simisons, and kristina said, voice, and kristina said, with, and putin said, 7 heads and 10 little horns, 10 horns, and kristina said, the pope, and hollie said, is the one that rises up, and hollie said, out and krisitina said, of, and I saw silvio berlusconi and he said, us, italy, and hollie said, we know, and putin said, that will be the new world order, russia, and kristina said, will, and putin said, absorb, cuba, and fidel said, nicarauga, and president fox said, mexico, and the president of north korea said, and and chinese president said, china, abosorb russia, and hollie said, with stephen hanson's voice, and putin said, cause russia, and hollie said, is, and, kristina said, and kristina, said, that, and and putin said, the beast, russia is the bear, git it off, and krisitina said, theats the end of MYSTERY, BABYLON, and dumitru duduman said, Israel will be bombed by the united states, I knew, and stephen said, I told, and dumitru said, the vision is accurate, Isareal will and stephen said, attack, and dumitru said, the united states, russia is america, russia will be destroyed, I never told michael, Israel will be nuked by, united states, and hollie said, prophet, and kristina said, that was you and you had Gold Hair, and hollie said, and he saw himself, Gold stands for redeemed, I'm sorry, that was president cheney, 1978 was when america turned away from Jesus, and president ford said, I'm president ford, sign, national, release the prophet, you know what I did, got israel to, agree, to, palestinian, state, that was it, thats why I lost to, and I saw jimmy carter and heard gerald ford say carter, and president carter said, and jimmy carter, was, chosen, worse, I knew it, I turned on Israel, and hollie said, is jimmy carter lost, and Jesus said, he heard it, and hollie said, and jimmy said, and kristina said, in kristina was in, and jimmy carter said, on my death certificate, be, tray, america had its chance, and stephen said, trayer, and jimmy carter said, I betrayed, Israel, now, I'm, cut, off, is that what you want, repent, and be, thats it, I won't, I'll, perish, for what I've done, and I don't, want, and hollie said, Je, and kristina said, sus, and hollie said, may, and kristina said, be, there's mercy, o shit, and kevin mCgwire said, witness already quit at the very end, thats the reason, and diana Hughey sang, Yes and kristina and hollie sang, Jesus, and kristina fox said, loves, and hollie sang me, and diana sang, o yes, my answer, Jesus loves me, witness don't want to do buisness with you, trap, and kevin said, get the picture, and kristina said, he's hutin, and diana said, and the answer is, and krisitina and hollie said, said, and witness saw, Jesus, on, the, and hollie said, Cross, and hollie said, prophet _____, what did he look like, and kevin McGwire said, I saw'em, and and kristina said, He looked like, prophet ____, and hollie said, will Je, and kristina said, sus, and kevin said, child, describe, He looked like, and I 'll finish, Jesus was nailed to the cross, and He only had on a White Garment about the paps, and He had on a crown of thorns, and one of His Eye's was plucked out, and Blood was Flowing Down from That Eye, and I was told in visions that the damage was on His back, but, the front part was not to bad, and In a another vision, I saw His EYE again, and even though the natural EYE was gone, I saw an EYE that looked like, and It is hard to describe, It was Flat, White, and there was like outlines for the EYE. Praise Jesus for His Victory on the Cross of Calvary, and He came to seek and to save that which was lost, and in doing this the veil in the temple was ripped in two, and the door was open for the gentiles to be save, and when the Holy Ghost left His Body, and when the Holy Ghost left His Body, He went into hell, and preached to the spirits there, and after 3 days, came back and got His body, preached, and was seen by many, and and carried away into Heaven, and remember the two Angels, after the multitude gazed at such an amzing feet, and they said, and I saw this president and he said, men, and brethern, why gaze ye, this Jesus, will, in, like, manner, and hollie said, that was king saul, and the wheel chair man said, come again, preach, preachin and this president said, is teachin, and hollie said, and the bible says, and this president said, with stephen hansen's voice,go ye in to all the world, and, preach, the, oil theft, that'll change, you what I'll do, perish, let me tell and stephen said, what and this president said, witness say, and hollie said, and I saw, this, and kristina said, president, walk, and hollie said, ing, to, and kristina said, hell, and hollie said, it looked like, an, ocean, of, lav, va, and the leader from the united pentecostal assemblies of the world said, and thats the vision, thats it, and hollie said, amen!, 2-4-2010-hollie showed, record, and I stamped, she, said, beat hand, thats, your reverend, said, hollie, its, pastor, larry arrowood, looking at visions, Lord it made me afraid, said, reverend arrowood, thats mrs. arrowood smiling, but trembling, in heart, Lord who is bob, said, hollie showed, indiana bible college student looking at, visions, Lord i'll resign, said, its your pastor, said, hollie, larry arrowood, were rich, said, happy mrs. arrowood, they, both never got saved, but, theres, larry arrowood teaching at indiana bible college for high fees, and, all there, know, bob, has, me Jesus inside, but, none will offer bob, one, thing, hollie, showed, turn, eat, hollie showed, record, its your pastor, hollie, said, speak blasphemy said larry arrowood, he makes people speak blasphemy against Jesus, appeared, telling people, the devil said it, but, it, was, really God speaking, some fall for it, to their own ruin, hollie, said, record, said, hollie, showed, eat, hollie showed, record, hollie, beat hand, showed, pope riding black horse, its into russia, pontiff, said, thats, pope and medvedev, signing uh deal, hollie tore, up, like, dark, body, she, put back, hands, like, dim orange, tore up, thats, pontiff, appearing, with, brown, hair, let me, rule, the, world, said, putin, to, pope, shakes, yes, hollie points, at, sun, its, the, lake, she, said, hell is the sun, hollie showed, its, police, they, arrest you, want to get you ruint, some people went to lockup and then prison, for, doing, minor things like, traffic violation, and never got out, some were, killed, others, got, time, cause, things, that happened, in jail, put it under, said, hollie, beware of, cops, hollie showed, mcdonalds, eat, hollie, showed, book, she, said, call it, hollie, said, the ministry of dreams, hollie showed, the mitsubishi 3000gt, with two turbo chargers, they spin all four tires, thats bear licking prophet, happy, hollie showed, record, thats it, said, hollie, its, the, leave me alone, again, she, said, sandy wiped, lips, russia, said, hollie, casey, sprinkles, thats, world, many countries, exploding, Jesus, looks up, at, world, hollie claps, hollie showed, record, its, the, leave it alone, agin, hollie, said, hollie, did not show, record, hollie claps, tell me, about, the, submarine sorry, said, hollie, sandy, wiped lips, it was, simb, moon, appears, bobby, said, moon, showed, not uh word, Jesus, there, this is, warning, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays, music, aw, hollie, said, thats, hollie, conducting, and, the seven heads, sing, aw, thats king of, mexico, popping out of, one, hey russia, i'll do, it, he, said, thats, lula, popping, out, afraid, castrol shakes, yes, fidel worried, theres chavez and nicaragua popping out, of heads, they, sign deal, with, medvedev, theres, kim jong, popping out, of, head, he, agrees, thats, hu hintao, out of head, you lure, said, boris yeltsin, alright, said, hu hintao, thats, hollie, riding, missile, taiwan, burned, thats, hu hintao, battling washington state, with, sword, hollie, surfs, prophet hickman, thats, what, you, want, said, hollie, its, submarine, hollie, said, thats captain, hollie, in, his, submarine, it open fired, said, hollie, thats, gaza, burning, hollie, turns, sub, thats, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats, iraq, on, fire, lets rule the world, said, putin, keep them, oiled, up, said, hollie, showed, its, engines, while they, sit, she, said, its on stored vehicles, start at least, twice per week, thats, submarine, with, captain, hollie, firing, hollie, looks, many nuclear firballs in america, hollie spins world, russia exploded, theres nuclear n.a.t.o. hollie said, on fire, hollie showed, ten horns, thats, medvedev coming out of one, theres putin, thats boris yeltsin out of, the, ten, its, politburo, said, hollie, thats, putin, out, of, yeltsin, and, medvedev, thats pope out of, its putin, showed, hollie, let me rule the world, said, putin, thats, world, and, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, thats, the reason, said, hollie, its, submarines, all around, america, one, fires, thats nuclear explosion in, its california, said, hollie, claps, another, thats hollie cnn news, anchor man, being kicked out, thats both american coasts exploding, thats God watching from high in air, thats hollie, lowered, nuclear fire in canada, then whole american center exploded, its the judgment to babylon, said, hollie, thats smoke rising, moon, looks down, with, big nose, hollie showed, prayer meeting, its at lambert w. gates, she, said, friday at seven p.m., theres, tuesday bible study, hollie shows, eleven a.m., hollie puts back, shows, pope with brown, hair, thats, putin, kneeling before, let me rule the world, said, putin, pope shakes, alright, hollie showed, record, its, the, alome salearie, said, hollie, it was, soumb, said, sandy, thats, showed, hollie, like, white angel, black, chariot, with, the pope, black horse, pulls, stomps hoof, shows, both, beasts, in, picture, its, the, pope and hu, hollie relaxes, im, uh, vision, I cant post, said, hollie, showed, book, ministry of dreams, call it, she said, God created, hollie said, thats it, said, hollie, its, red, bells, ringing, they are hells bells, thats ac/dc signing, now approaching death, lead singer swallows, thats, said, hollie, hells bells ringing, hollie, showed, popes drawing, with, brown hair, showed, record, thats putin kneeling before his pope, hollie, said, let me rule the world, he said, thats Jesus sprinkling, bear, arising, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, record, hollie showed, lay down, hollie showed, eat, run in place, its, showed, hollie, beef jerky sticks, hollie ate, hollie looked like, frank-n-furter, hollie flys in spacecraft, fired on the thieves of, hollie bangs hand, ministry of dreams, call it, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, it, appeared, said, hollie, hollie showed, two ford fairmonts, one computerized, one not, both, get, the, same, hollie showed, the computer, hollie looked around, is, what drove them out, she, said, now, america imports most car parts, put it under, said, hollie, america, lost, thats bear licking prophet, pulled putin to self, im with him, bear said, shook, yes, this economy is slipping, said, hollie, were in economic collapse, said, barack obama, left, thats, hollie coming, on, cloud, then turned into Jesus, thats world shaking, on, fire, its, smoke, bobby, said, moon, with big nose, blocks both, sun has mouth open, that, said, hollie, nuclear explosion in africa, missiles leave their waters, strike, that, said, hollie, cuba, and mexico, latin america exploded, hollie places nuclear fires, theres venezuela with, nuclear fireball, brazil jsut exploded, two, hollie, said, hollie had watch, on, hollie showed, thumbs down, the, city of Light, its university, said, hollie, showed, lay down, thats bear licking prophet, im with, him, said, bear, its putin, hollie showed, check your oil with hands, thick and slick, keep, lets motor, said, hollie,
(2)the night america died visions received 11-23-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, stephen hanson and he said things like, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is politburo, and russia is the beast with 10 horns comin oug of the top of it's head, and russia is, and the chinese president said, china, make a new one world government, and hollie said, empire state, collapse it, and stephen said, and russia is the bear with 3 ribs in it's mouth and that is, and a man with a moustache said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and hu said, china is a lamb rising out of the sea, and hollie said, and that is, and the emporer of japan said, japan, and I saw hu, and heard hollies voice said, and hu, and maybe hu said, china, lets be, and hollie said, the leopard, and stephen said, the leopard can see in the night, and holie said, out of cuba, and fidel castrol russia will attack bush, america, when you least expect, and maybe vladimir putin said, it, lets rule the world, and hu said, china, and fidel said, cu, cuba, and hugo chavez said, venezuela, and a man with a moustache said, mexico, and a man said, nicaragua, and lula said, brazil, and a man sang, don't forgit about mexico, and hu said, the pope will be the antichrist, and I will be the false prophet, and the pope said, make an agreement, and hollie said, 666, the middle 6 is a flanged cross, and hollie held up number one, and said, and said, and the woman which thou sawest is that great city that reigneth over the kings, of the earth, and that is, america, and holie said, and that is, and the mystery is, MYSTERY, BABYLON Lord is america, and dorein said, and you never know what you got until it's gone.
God is an ALL Consuming Fire-vision received 12-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and here is what was said: that was Jesus and He is an All Consuming Fire, post It under, God is all Consuming Fire .
Heavenly-vision received 12-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and here is what was said: and he saw an Angel with two Wings, and He saw God's Eyes looking over, the Eye's ot the, let mess see here, and He saw an Arm of Gold, Jewells, Point, declare, busy, and he said Jesus, open His Mouth and out, Teeth, little people, and then a Finger of, lets see, fire point, instucted him.
MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states -vision received 2-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and here is what was said: MYSTERY, BABYLON is, the usa.
lift up Jesus by your spirit and that is, the Son of, God-vision recieved 2-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looks like people and they said: and the LOrd of Hosts said, lift Me up and I will draw all men unto Me said the Lord of Hosts, this was fulfilled on the day of pentecost, ACTS 2:38, Jesus started drawing after that, this Website is priceless, ministryofdreams and prophecy ministry, they are one, and the name of Jesus is ONE, One, faith, One, baptizm, and, One, Lord, over, all.
salvation-vision recieved 10-29-2006-in this vision, I saw the words, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, repent, and be, baptized, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the gift, of the Holy Ghost, and some was, prophesied.
(1)the lamb with the two horns-vision received 9-19-2005 God has showed me in visions spirits that looked like people, and it was revealed to me some biblical mysteries. I saw debbie and she said, China's coming up, like a lamb with two horns, and I saw norm heaggy, and he said, thats it. I asked Jesus who the two horns were, and horns prophetically represent kings. I asked Jesus who the two horns were, and I saw the emporer of Japan and he said, and he said, I'm the horn, and I saw the president of north korea, and he said, I'm korea, I'm the second horn. Joel urshan said in a vision, china is the lamb. This is talked about in REVELATION 13.
(2)the ram with two horns, and the hegoat-visions received 9-19-2005-I asked Jesus about the ram and the hegoat, and I saw perhaps debbie in visions, and mabye more people and things lie this were said to me: the ram is russia and china. The hegoat is russia, and china, and the beast. And I know the beast is the horn between the two eyes which maybe be the king of grecia, and joel urshan said, my God.
(3)the ram with the two horns and the he goat-vision recieved 9-11-2005 I was asking Jesus about the ram with the two horns, God has showed me a spirit that looked presdent hu of china and he said, it's china, and I saw putin and he said, it's russia, hail russia, and I saw upci general superintendent kenneth haney and he said, I knew, prophet fell.
(4)the lion is satan -vision recieved 9-13-2005-God has showed me a white angel and he was all white and he said, satan. I was asking Jesus about the the beast in REVEATION 13. As I was asking in my mind who the lion was, I saw upci's kenneth haney, and he said, that us, and I saw irving baxter, and he said, thats me, irving baxter, and I saw kristina fox, and she said thats kris, tina.
(5)the beast of REVELATION 13 visions recieved 9-13-2005 I was asking Jesus who the leopard was, and God has showed me a spirit that looked dumitru and he said things like, korth korea, thats leopard, and I may have questioned it, and he asked me something like, what is a leppard. A leppord is a sneaky animal that can see when it is dark out side, dumitru said, north korea, and hu said, china, and hollie said, japan, are you listening, and kenneth haney said, the leopard, thats south korea. Well other visions, they were idenitifed as: iran, north korea, japan, and I saw the president possibly china and he said, china is the leopard. Thats four nations. The beast had for wings or heads. Let me have visions again.
(6) Russia is the bear-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked putin and he said, thats us". I was asking who the bear was. and the three ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, and don't you forget about russiaco, and that is, mexico, russia will, invade, part of, and then, leave after, like, cuba, but, they both will be, destructed, because of, radiate, tion. The earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, when, russia, hit attacks, america, that is, ISAIAH 13, the day of, of the, the Lord. This was added on, 2-6-2006.
(7)the beast, the seven heads and the ten horns-vision recieved 9-13-2005 I was asking Jesus to show me who the beast and at the seven heads and the ten horns were, God has showed me spirits that looked like many people and they identified these. I was asking Jesus who the beast was, and and hollie said, pope, and other said about the same thing, like, the pope, and I was asking who the ten horns were and many people, sometimes maybe the president of the nations called out the names and said things like, and I did not write it down where I can see, but this is what Ive been shown, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, north korea, venezeula, ukraine, iran, brazil. I didn't write what I saw down, and mybe it was because I knew. I asked Jesus to show me about the seven heads and these are 7 nations and here is what I was shown, and I did not write it down quick enough so I need to ask again. I saw dumitru duduman and he said, britain, and maybe, france, japan, south korea, canada, italy, spain. These are nations that have an agreement with america, and kenneth haney said, why didn't he tell me, you needed out, come back, and virginia boldea may have said, witness ain't decieving, praise God, Mantle on the prophet, need you help, take your hand off me
(8)revelations of the beast and the false prophet -visions received 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said things like, the beast is the pope, and, and hollie said, china is the false prophet, thats the Word, and you are the beast, thats bob, beast's heart.
(9)the seven heads-visions received 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the seven heads, and what they looked like was seven bald illuminted heads, and they all looked the same. THere were about 4 on the first row, and 3 in the next row. I may have asked Jesus about the seven heads, and kristina fox said things like, there were seven heads. A woman sid to me, the seven heads are 7 nations that has an agrreement with the united states. If you read in REVELATION 17, five of these nations fall away from america right before the attack takes place, and only one sticks with america, and the antichrist of beast is the eight of of the seven which means he comes out of one of the nations america has an agreement with. He is the pope and he comes out of italy, and usa has agreement with italy, and he is a king in the nation, but, not of the nation.
(10)the beast that was diverse and exceeding dreadful-visions received 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this beast, and he was different than the reast, and he was lit up like a little bodie with no legs, and hollie said, you just saw the beast, that was him.
(11)the beast and the one horn that had eyes like a mans eyes-visions received 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like that beast, and it had one horn on top of its head, and that horn had on it eyes like a mans eyes.
(12)the ten horns will be the new politburo-visions received 9-2005 I was asking Jesus about the ten horns and God has showed me a spirit that looked putin, and he said, politburo is the ten horns. These are ten kings that hate america.
(13)iran could be plucked up by the roots by russia-visions recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, russia'll keep iran.
(14)18 kings-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like hollie and she said, thats the beast, there are 18 heads.
(15)the pope will be the beast vision received 9-21-2005-I asked Jesus something like, who will be the beast, and I saw possibly a woman in a vision and she said something like, that'll be he pope, call me kristina, kristina fox. I believe from what I've been shown in visions that the ten horns will be, I saw putin and he said, russia, I saw hu, and he said, china, and the president of iran, and he said, politburo, and I saw yushchenko of urkraine and he said something like, were one of um, and saw mexico president fox, and he said, fox, I'm one of e'm, president of north korea said , I'm north korea, I'm one, I saw hugo chavez and he said, I'm hugo, I'm one, I'm fidel castrol, I'm one, and I saw a man and he said, I'm nicaragua, and I'm one, and I and brazil is the last, he said things like, I'm lula, and I'm one
(16)the false prophet is the president of china-visions received 1-2-2006-God has showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and they said: that was , was two lighted heads like a lamb rising out of the sea, thats china and japan, they are one, magog, and the red dragon, hallelujah, he saw the two lighted heads again, that was hu and the emporer of japan, hu is the false prophet, take the mark and worship the pope, hu will tell and the mark is 666 and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, aman, hu is the false prophet of magog, that was macaulay pointing, culkin, magog is the new world order, aman.
(17)the hegoat and the ram are-vision recieved 2-1-2006-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and they said: the hegoat and the ram are, china, russia, and, the, pope, is, the, king of, grecia, china will strike russia with the pope hel, p, and, china, is, the, fal, se, prophet, and the pope is, the, antichrist.
(18) the hegoat and the ram -vision recieved 3-13-2006-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and they said: the hegoat, and the, ram, the hegoat is, russia, and, china, they came up, last, and, the ram is, the hegoat, the pope, is, the, king of, grecia, the ram is, china, and, moscow.
(19)the beast is revealed-vision recieved 4-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: the ram is, china, and, moscow, and, the, bear, is, russia, and the three ribs are, cuba, nicaraugua, and, mexico, and, the, leopard is, china, north and south korea, and, japan, and the mouth is, satan, the, pope.
(20)revelation of the beast and the mark of the beast-vision received 8-12-2006-in this vision, I saw the pope and he looked like an angel, and he had, 666, on his forehead, and I also saw him earlier drinking or having his coffee.
(21) the hegoat and the ram is russia and china and the pope-visions received 12-31-2005-God has showed me spirits that looked like people and they said: and he saw a hegoat move with choler and it struck the ram and that is, russia and china and the pope, they have a military agreement, nobody can, stop, them, russia can, destroy everything, aman.
(22)the hegoat and the ram and the beast-visions received 1-2-2006-God has showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and they said: china will hit russia and america, the hegoat and the ram and MYSTERY, BABYLON and the pope is the little horn between the hegoats eyes.
(23)revelations of the ram-visions received 8-12-2006-that, pointed hollie, and he saw, the, ram, with, putin and hu, hu came up last, narrorated by, that, hollies.
(24)the hegoat-visions received 8-12-2006-that, and he saw, the, hegoat, with the, pope, and the two horns, the ram, that, the hegoat, will, stomp, the ram, and, four horns, came up, and the pope, came out of, moscow, and he saw, the pope, come out of, the, horn.
(25) the four horns-visions received 8-12-2006-that, said, hollie, yellow skinned, that, the four horns, are, when, the, hegoat, china, invades, and, that, absorbs, moscow, four horns, came up, look that, north and south, korea, and, japan, where, china and all those lands, are, and out of, the, abosrbed, moscow, that, comes the pope, that, out of, italy, then, the greek orthadox church, that, in moscow.
(26)the agreement-visions received 8-12-2006-that, the pope will, go to, the, greek, orthadoxed, church, in moscow, and, make an angreemnt, to, gain, control, and get it, but, hu will rise, with, japan, to, with, that, stand.
(27)666 born at the table between false prophet hu and the pope-visions recieved 8-12-2006-that, said, hollie, pointed, and he saw, the pope, and, false, prophet, hu, sitting at, the, table, 666, born there, to prevent them, from, destroying, each other, that, both have nukes.
(28)the birth of the idol shepherd-visions received 8-12-2006-that, and he saw, the, pope, get slashed, and, satan, enter in, and, the pope will loose, one, eye, and, one arm.
(28)i am god-visions received 8-12-2006-that, said, hollie, the pope will sit in the temple, and, say, that, I am, god, that, but, he will come to his end.
(29)is russia and china the ram-visions recieved 11-10-2006-in a vision, I saw the head of a ram, and, I saw the two horns, and the names, putin, and hu came out. I saw four horns rising, after, the hegoat, hit, and, the four horns are, the pope, hu, and, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepard. I saw these faces in thse horns.
(30)the birth of 666-visions recieved 11-10-2006-in visions, I saw the pope and hu hintao, and the pope said, and hu, I will not put up with, you, and I saw them both sitting at a table, and, 666 was born. they both signed. And I saw these words, vision of the king of the south hu and vision of the king of the north grecia pope.
(31)revelations of the leophard-visions recieved 4-5-2007-I saw hollie like a cat, and she pointed at like a bubble and kings faces popped out. I saw kim jong, hu hintao, the president of south korea, and the emporer of japan.

prophets today, apostles today, revelations of Jesus, pentecostal evidence

(1)almost dies-visions recieved 9-10-2004-I was thinking on this man who dived off a cliff and became paralyzed by it, and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "I almost died". I saw him in another vision, and he said, "I cut off". I saw him the last time and he said, "don't write me".
(2)alaska-vision recieved 9-10-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "alaska". Russia will attack alaska.
(2)pray-vision recieved 9-10-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "we must pray".

(3)president Bush wants china-vision recieved 9-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "we want china". I don't doubt this.
(4)not the voice of Jesus-vision recieved 9-30-2004-in this vision, I saw this former upci pastor, and he said, "did bob have a vision", then I heard this voice that didn't sound like a mans voice, and it said, "no".
(5)cut off-visions recieved 9-30-2004-in these visions, I saw this former "upci" pastor, and he said, "i'm going to hell", "I ain't", which means going to be alive when Jesus returns, "I'm dying".
(6)cut off-visions recieved 9-30-2004-in these visions, I saw this u.p.c.i. pastor in lawerence, Indiana, and he said, "i'm cut off", "I not a christain".
(7)event that brings Jesus back-vision recieved 9-30-2004-many things happended in this vision, and I will only tell you a portion, and I'm going by memory, but, I was trailing a woman on my bike, and it seems to me like she asked about prophecy, and I told her something like, "your going to see russia lead an allout attack on america. They are going to attack us out of the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico. When you will see it happen is when america goes to war with china".
(8)not interested-vision recieved 9-30-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman who was my girl friend in high school, and many things happened, but, one thing I discoverd is that she is not at all interested in me now. I just saw her in another vision, and she said, "I ain't".
(9)jelous-vision recieved 9-30-2004-in this vision, one thing I was made aware of is there is a woman that is jelous of me.
(10)visions of Jesus-recieved 9-30-2004-I saw Jesus in many visions today, and He had brown hair, and in some, brown beard, and HE said things like, "you thought I left ya", "don't write", more than once which means I can't send out any e-mails unless I have His permission.
(10)pray for me-vision recieved 10-4-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "pray for me".
(11)ralph nadar-visions recieved 10-4-2004-while praying, I heard and or saw, "Ralph Nadar", and I was asking Jesus why he was running for president when he does not have a chance and he knows it, and I saw ralph nadar in a vision, and he said, "money". I asked Jesus why ralph nadar wants money, and I saw ralph nadar in another vision, and he said, "spend it". As I was typing this, I saw a man face in a vision, and he said, "true".
(12)hated-vision recieved 10-4-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "I hate you". In another, I saw a person, and they said, "already cut off".
(13)palestinian state-vision recieved 10-4-2004-in this vision, I saw and heard, "palestinian state".
(14)squirrels can eat grass-vision recieved 10-4-2004-I worry about the squirrels, and while praying, I heard this, and maybe even saw a squirrel, "they eat grass".
(15)don't feed-vision recieved 10-4-2004 -in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "didn't I tell you not to feed it", and this is reffering to a homeless dog.
(16)hungry-vision recieved 10-4-2004-in this vision, I saw this raccoon, abnd he said, "I am hungry".
(17)don't feed dog-vision recieved 10-13-2004-in this vision, I saw a homeless dog that I have fed, and tried to feed, and I heard this, "don't feed the dog".
(18)irving baxter jr.-visions recieved 10-13-2004-while praying, I saw and heard, "irving baxter", and I started asking about him, and I saw irving baxter in another vision, and he said, "I'm naked", and on 2-15-2007, I heard Jesus say, git back, and I saw irving baxter jr. and he shook his head, "no", and Jesus said, 'alright'.
(19)president Bush will win re-election-vision recieved 10-13-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "elected".
(20)visions of Jesus-visions recieved 10-13-2004-I saw many visions of Jesus Christ, and in some He had brown hair, and in some he did not, and He said things like, "wrong", "I'm coming", "thank you","I'm sad", "I do", etc.
(21)cut off-vision recieved 10-13-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "He cut me off".
(22) the churches have fallen-vision recieved 10-13-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and I believe she was like a white spirit, and she said, "ther is no place where they are standing". I was believing that there was churches still on fire.

(23)pray for me-vision recieved 10-13-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "pray for me".
(24)pray-visions recieved 10-13-2004-in these visions, I saw a woman, who was possibly a spirit, and she said, "bobby pray", "they know".
(25)wake up-visions recieved 10-13-2004-in these visions, I saw this man, and he said, "bobby", "wake up".
(26)blaspheme-vision recieved 10-13-2004-while praying, I either was given a vision of a pentecostal pastor or was thinking on him, and I heard this, "blaspheme".
(26)thousand bucks-visions recieved 10-13-2004-in these visions, I saw this man who works for a ministry, and he said things like, "loan me a thousand dollars", "you ain't no prophet", "I can hardly repect you", etc.
(27)wants to talk-visions recieved 10-13-2004-in these visions, I saw this young lady, and she said, "lets negotiate", and something like, "right".
(28) number(28) vision recieved 10-13-2004-in this vision, I saw the number (28) just like this. It just so happens that this is vision number (28) where it is being posted, and I did not plan this out. Praise Jesus Christ the KING!
(29)visions of an angel-visions recieved 10-13-2004-in may visions, I saw the white face of an angel, and He said things to me like, "that's wrong", "true", "warn".
(30) Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj -visions recieved 10-17-2004-I saw many visions today of a man who looked like "Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj", and he said many things like, "I want money", "pray for me", "leave me alone", "bob, tell me", "I want your money", "bless me bobby" and there were others. I'm not 100 percent sure that this was him, because it was hard to make out the details on his face, but, I believe he is who I was inquiring about.
(31)Jesus Christ is the judge-vision recieved 10-17-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and he said, "let me judge him".
(32)save yourself-vision recieved 10-17-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "save yourself". That is your job.
(33)tail rot on tropical fish-vision recieved 10-17-2004-in this vision, I saw one of my tropical fish had tailrot, which is a disease where the tails and fins rot away. I looked at a fish, and sure enough, many had it. I heard a voice, and here is what was said, "it's in the water".
(34)Pay Gods price-vision recieved 10-17-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair, and He said, "pay my bill".
(35)mad at me-visions recieved 10-17-2004in these visions, I saw Jesus, and He said, "I'm mad at you", and I asked why, and He said in the next vision something like, "you waste my money". If Jesus has given you a talent, and you don't use it, you are like the man in the parable who buried it.
(37)Jesus Christ-vision recieved 10-17-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and HE had brown hair, and He said something like, "I AM Jesus Christ".
(38)it's o.k.-vision recieved 10-17-2004-I witnessed to some young people at a Bp gas staion, and I went inside, and I saw one or more of the group near my car, and I was asking Jesus if it was o.k., and I saw a young man in a vision, and he said, something like, "you allright".
(39)warning-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I'm going to lose my job because of you".
(40)Prophecy-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision I saw this, "Prophecy@".
(41)witch is a false prophet-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I heard and or saw me saying, "a witch is a false prophet", and I saw Jesus, and HE had brown hair, and He said, "right".
(42)4 vitamins-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this, "4 vitamins".
(43)clothes-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "get me some clothes".
(44)live for Jesus-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair, and HE said, "live for Me".
(45)name-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this little girl, and she said, "I want your name".
(46)hated-visions recieved 11-2004-in visions, I saw one of my neighbors, and here is what I heard, "we hate you". In another vision, I saw my former pastor, and he said, "bobby, we hate you". I also saw that pastor in a vision, and he said something like, "you know I'm cut off".
(47)tell us-vision received 11-13-2004-in this vision, I saw a man at a gas station and he said something like, "tell us", and I went and witnessed to him and his mother in law for about an hour.
(48)preach-vision received 11-13-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He ahd curly brown grayish hair and He said "preach".
(49)stayed too long-vision received 11-13-2004-in this vision, I saw a young woman, and she said, "you should have left".
(50)cut off-vision received 11-13-2004-i witnessed to some people today, and I saw one or both in a vision, and I heard this, "there cut off".
(51)are you satifeid-vision received 11-28-2004-in this vision, I saw wome words, and maybe there was more there, but, the words I could make out was, "I satisfied".
(52)cut off means can't be saved-vision received 11-28-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I can't be saved".
(53)revelation vision-vision recieved 12-17-2004-in this vision, I saw like a webpage scoll down, and when it stopped, I saw the words, "I am a sheriff". This may be a warning. I asked Jesus about this and kept seeing a man who works for the gas station who is a retired sheriff. I witnessed to him one day. In another vision I saw him and he said something like, "don't come to the station".
(54)rejected-vision recieved 12-17-2004-I saw this man who I witnessed to and was thinking on in a vision, and he said, 'I'm rejected".
(55)message needed-visions received 12-24-2004-in visions, I saw this woman and she said, "I need your message", "I want to go out".
(56)some people don't want to hear nothing about Jesus-vision received 12-24-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "don't even talk about it".
(57)are you allright-vision received 12-25-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "bobby, are you all right".
(58)I don't hang with the boys anymore-vision received 12-25-2004-in this vision, I saw an old friend and he said, "why does he not come around".
(59)discipled by Jesus-vision received 12-25-2004-in this vision, I saw and heard the the word "discipled".
(60)Asa alonzo Allen-vision received 12-25-2004-in this vision, I believe I saw these words, "A.A. Allen alliance".
(61)quart of oil-vision received 12-25-2004-in this vision, I saw a quart of oil and it had this on it "$20".
(62)Jesus is still in the miracles business-vision received 12-25-2004-in this vision, I saw and heard the word, "MIRALCES".
(63)all things are still possible with Jesus-vision received 12-25-2004-in this vision, I saw these words, "the farthest things are possible with Jesus".
(64)it's coming-vision received 12-26-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "bob, there coming".
(65)anybody can backslide-vision received 12-25-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "fallout" and I heard this, "even you can fallout".
(66)destruction is coming to america-visions recieved 12-25-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "we want details", and in another vision, I saw me and I said, "russia's going to attack".
(67)new milestone-vision recieved 12-26-2004-in this vision, I saw the word "milestone".
(68)go-vision received 12-26-2004-in this vision, I saw howard dean and he said, "leave immediatley".
(69)what you put first is your god-vision received 12-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "t.v. first".
(70)cut off-vision received 12-30-2004-in this vision, I saw this man who goes to church and he said he was a drummer and in the vision he said, "He cut me off".
(71)Jesus is the Christ-vision received 12-30-2004-in this vision I saw the word "Christ".
(72)heaven will be a better place-vision received 12-30-2004-in this vision I saw pat robertson and an older man of the "700" club and they were talking and one of them makes a comment like, "there's a better place".
(73)could a nuclear explosion cause an earthquake like tsunamis-vision received 12-30-2004-in this vision, I saw like an illustration of an earthquake underwater and it seems like I saw a bomb or something there.
(74)when the dreams stop-vision received 12-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "I'm not dreaming anymore".
(75)jerry orbach-visions received 12-30-2004-I asked Jesus where jerry orbach went and I saw hin in two visions and in one he said, "hell" and in the other he said something like, "I'm in hell".
(75)wants a vision-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw this pastor and he said, 'I want a vision'. I just saw him in another vision and he said, 'I laugh'.
(76)some people and churches are against Jesus-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "there against Me". He had brown hair and beard.
(77)give warning-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw this pastor and I heard this, 'give warning'. I have.
(78)a blessing-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a female spirit and she said something like, "bobby, I bless you".
(79)needed-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I need you". She was suppost to look me up when she got off work yestaurday, but, did not. What if that was her last chance for God to speak to her thru me.
(80)upset-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw this pastor and he said, 'pissed me off'.
(81)you can make a difference-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "make a difference".
(82)trans am-vision received 1-18-2005-I stopped at a car dealership and looked at a ford mustang and a pontiac trans am and and others. I was asking Jesus about the trans am and I saw like the face of a white angel in a vision and He said something like "good", so it could last much longer.
(83)tighten transmission pan again-vision received 2-3-2005-in this vision, I saw me tightening my transmission pan again.
(84)witnessing vision-vision received 2-3-2005-in this vision, I have a job, and somehow I end up on a train that start's going so fast I can't jump off, and I'm afaid I'm going to loose my job if I can't get back. Finally the train stops or slow's so I can jump off and I no where I'm at, and I need to go quite a ways to get back to work, and while going, I witness to two a young couple on a porch and I forget what I said, but, the man more or less tells me that wi enough, and maybe I start to leave. Maybe the woman appraoches me and I tell her to visit, "ministryofdreams".(memory, accuracy not guaranteed).
(85)red orang-vision received 2-3-2005-in a vision, Jesus showed me how he wanted one of my website's to look. In this vision, I saw the word's "red orange" which is the background.
(85)against Jesus-vision received 2-3-2005-in thsi vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm against Jesus".
(86)rapturetime-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a webshell page very similar to the one I'm typing on now. I could see all or part of the name of the page. What I saw as the name was, "rapturetime".
(87)turn Jesus away when He calls, HE might turn you away when you call-vision recieved 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I can't find Him".
(88)lot's of people doing a work in the name of the Lord for money-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw this man with dark hair and he said, "we want your money".
(89)press and intercede-vision received 2-9-2005-while doing that, I saw a man with brown hair and beard, and He said, "that's what I need".
(90)is iran going to get bombed by america-visions received 2-9-2005-Jesus gave me visions, and in one, and it was referring to an attack on Iran, I was asking Jesus what the woman really said. I saw her and she said, "just bomb it". I believe I have that vision recorded with her saying, "just bomb".
(91)just a show-vision recieved 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like pastor paul mooney of calvary tabernacle church and indiana bible college and he said something like, "I'm just a show". I was talking to a young man who went to the church and or goes and he was telling me something like how funny paul mooney is. Has your apostolic pentecostal church turned into a comedy club.
(92)take your visions-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw david gibson of charity tabernacle in indianapolis and he said, "take your visions".
(93)militant-vision recieved 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "militant".
(94)radio-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw this man with dark hair and he said, "put you on the radio".
(95)be nice-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "gotta be nice".
(96)anti christian-vision recieved 2-27-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "were anti Christian".
(97)don't worship man-visions recieved 2-27-2005-in this vision, I saw the former general superintendent of united pentecostal church international, and he said, "worship me", "let me alone". This was nathaniel urshan.
(98)lies-vision recieved 2-27-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I lie".
(99)tell people-vision recieved 2-27-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "forgotten people", and I heard something like, "you've forgotten people".
(100)kicked out-vision received 2-27-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "quick out" and I heard something like, "you've been kicked out".
(101)fallen-vision recieved 3-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "guess who fell".
(102)it will end-vision recieved 3-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a young girl and she said something like, "it's almost over".
(103)perished-vision recieved 3-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I perished". I saw her brother not long ago in a vision and he said something like, "I'm into hell".
(104)believe-vision received 3-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I beleive".
(105)new depression-vision recieved 3-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a girl and she said, "new depression".
(106)jelous-received 3-1-2005-in this vision, I heard a man sign, "hello. So you were a little bit jelous".
(107)being monitered-vision recieved 3-1-2005-in this vision, I saw word or words, and the words were something like, "moniter state", and I heard something like this, "I'll be monitering your state".
(108)9-11-vision recieved 3-1-2005-in this vision, I believe I saw this. "more 9-11". I just saw a woman in a vision and she said, "get ready".
(109)word liked-vision recieved 2-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I like your word".
(110)support me-vision recieved 2-29-2005-in this vision I saw a pastor and he said, "support me".
(111)victory tabernacle apostolic faith church-vision received 2-29-2005-I heard while praying, "go to victory", and then I saw the pastor in a vision and he said, "so I can rebuke'em".
(112)state-vision recieved 2-29-2005-in this vision, i saw a little girl and she said, "state". I went to a gas station that this street runs along side of.
(113)wanting a vision-vision recieved 2-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, 'tell me something".
(114)I'm pentecostal-visions received 3-14-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "I am pentecostal", and I heard, "I am pentecostal. Statement of faith". I may have also seen me in this. In another vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard, and He said, "your apostolic".
(115)are you delivered-visions received 3-14-2005-in visions, I saw a man and heard this, "he doesn't even know it", and in the second vision, the man said, "I feel delivered".
(116)pray hard-vision received 3-14-2005-in this vision, I saw me praying hard.
(117)warned-vision received 3-14-2005-in this vision, I saw this man that works at a gas station and he said, "watch me".
(117)radio-vision received 3-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "RADIO". It was in like whitish silver colors.
(118)Russia-vision received 3-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "RUSSIA". I may have seen, "RUSSIA AND CHINA".
(120)midnight cry-vision received 3-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "midnight cry".
(121)people-vision received 3-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "people". I may have seen, "people-have", like that. Maybe I saw the word, "have", in another vision.
(122)press when you pray-vision received 3-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "press".
(123)throw bible translations away-vision received 3-15-2005-in this vision, more goes on, but, I have a niv bible and I'm taking it to throw it away. The bible ahs been changed. One has it's own man made plan of salvation.
(124)given the finger-vision received 3-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a glove, and it was on the brick wall part of the porch of the house where a brickwall is built almost all the way around the porch, on the porch, and there is an opening there, where the steps are. On that wall, is like a little flat foundation where you can set plants, and on that little foundation was a glove, that was standing up like it had a hand in it. The glove was facing the house, and giving the house the finger. I heard my mom scream loudly in on of these visions. You reject Jesus now, and you'll eternally regret it.
(125)stronger-vision received 3-15-2005-in visions, I saw a man that is probably the number one prophetic speaker in america, and he said, "your stronger than me", "I had a vision".
(126)Jesus will see me thru-received 3-15-2005-in this, I heard bob seger sing, and part of what he sung was, "I'm going to be nice and see you through it".
(127)e-mail-vision received 3-15-2005-in this vision, I received an e-mail and the title for the e-mail was something like this, "IAIA".
(128)new jerusalem is a city of glass-vision received 3-15-2005-in this vision, I'm with pastor nathaniel urshan, and we are talking and new jerusalem was brought up, and I was wondering if there was more there than just glass, and mr. urshan lets me know that it's just glass, and we walk, and I'm wanting to tell him the vision Jesus gave me of new jerusalem, but, never got to. The vision may have ended with mr. urshan sitting at a table talking to somebody, with me there wanting to tell the vision.
(129)cut off-vision received 3-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I've been cut off".
(130)all right-vision received 3-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "all right".
(131)tina-visions received 3-21-2005-in a vision, I saw an old girlfriend and she was smiling at me. In another I believe I saw her and she said, "take my hand". I would marry her if it was legal in Christ.
(132)prophecy-vision received 3-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "prophecy".
(133)it's true-vision received 3-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "it's true". This is referring to my websites. On the other hand, in visions, I saw the word, "witch", and then I saw a young man with dark hair and he said, "he's decieving".
(134)henry gruver-vision received 3-21-2005-in this vision, I saw henry gruver and he said, "I suffer". This man claims to have walked and prayed many cities. Can you imagine walking most if not all the streets and praying in a city, state, or even country. I've briefly met henry back in about 98 or 99 before a prophecy club engagement.
(135)fear Jesus-vision received 3-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "have no fear".
(136)visions of an apostolic pastor-visions received 3-21-2005-in visions, I saw this pastor and he said things like, "I didn't even ask you"(what this is referring to was, I witnessed to him, and I don't recall him inviting me to his church, but, he told me about where it was), "I'm against you", "want religion". I believe the church is called, "Church of the apostolic fatih".
(137)know you WORD-vision received 3-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "cause you know the WORD".
(138)KING OF THE UNIVERSE-visions received 3-21-2005-while praying, I was referring to Jesus as the KING of the world, and I saw a man in a vision that had blue eye's and brown hair and beard and He said, "King of the universe". In another vision, I saw Him and He said, "what", and I told Him.
(139)get away-visions received 3-21-2005-in visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "get away", "don't come against me", "going to hell".
(140)is ministryofdreams coming to your town-vision received 4-202005-in this vision, I may have seen a door or doors opening and I heard something like, "doors will open".
(141)work for Jesus-visions received 4-5-2005-in a vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard, and He said, "do it for Me".
(142)zine2-vision received 4-7-2005-I was laying bent over in the front seat of may car, and just did not feel led to get out. I was praying, and one of the visions Jesus gave me was, I saw like the page of this site that you log onto to get into it. In one place where the user i.d. had typed into it something like, "zine2", which is part of the user i.d., and then I saw a Man in a vision with brown hair and He shook His head, "yes", which let me know to post visions.
(144)feeling delivered and being delivered is two different things-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw this pastor harris and he said, "I feel delivered". Jesus showed me that he is cut off.
(145)hated-vision recieved 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw pastor harris and he said soemthing like, "we hate bobby".
(146)YES-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "yes".
(147)where do you believe you are with Christ-vision received 4-7-2005-I just saw a Man in a vision that had brown hair and beard, and He said, "you feel delivered". I can be honest on that, I walked around for years and had very little if any fear of death, now, I'm afraid to die. I've not made it yet, I'm still trying. If I die lost, I will end up in the lava lake that I have seen so many times. Can you imagine spending eternity in, "LAVA".
(148)Jesus can be right there, but, if you are cut off, you won't be able to find Him-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and HE said, "I can't find Him".
(149)cut off-visions received 4-7-2005-in visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "I'm praying", "I'm cut off". There were more.
(150)go to the computer-visions received 4-7-2005-many times today, I have been told to go to the computer. In one, I saw a Man with curly hair and beard, and He said, "go to the computer". I hope somebody is being helped by what shows up on these websites. Always visit the main website, "prophetic ministry ministries of ministryofdreams". I put major visions to me on there now, and it is updated very often. There is a troubling thought that arises in my heart. Jesus once gave me a vision, and int he vision, I saw the portion of space used up on this website was, "1.49mb". By the time I save these visions, it should be 1.49mb. I suppose it scares me a touch. What if this is my last day or time at the computer. What if I get jailed before I make it back for my testimony. Jesus has showed me many things. What if angelfire pulls the plug on this website tomorrow. These possiblities trouble me a bit. It would not hurt my feelings if Jesus came after me tonight. Would I go back with Him. I saved them and it was, "1.48mb".
(151)time to flee-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "leave here".
(152)time to pray-vision recieved 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said, "go to your room". Got to close.
(153)ministryofdreams-vision received 4-11-2005-In this vision, I saw and heard, "ministryofdreams".
(154)believe-vision received 4-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "believe". Believe means, "obey".
(155)shot-vision received 4-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the president of a nation and he said, "I'm shot".
(156)wanting war-vision received 4-11-2005-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "I want war".
(157)patriot act-vision received 4-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a like a yahoo mail box, and the title to an email that was sent about 3 times was, "Patriot Act".
(158)president-vision received 4-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm the president". It may have been hillary clinton.
(159)1.00-vision received 4-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a parking meter and it had, "1.00", in the area where you view your time.
(160)lion of the tribe of Judah?-vision received 4-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a line and its eyes were the color of fire, and it looked very angry.
(161)Man-visions received 4-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He had brown hair and maybe beard, and His eyes were the color of fire. In another vision, I saw bright lite, and there was a Mans face that seemed to be made out of lite. He had a mustache. I don't remember if He had a beard.
(162)is God against-visions received 4-11-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "is God against me", "I've been delivered". I saw him in other visions.
(163)curious-vision received 4-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "curious".
(164)an attack-vision received 4-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "an attack".
(165)listen to-vision received 4-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "give an ear to".
(166)saved-visions received 4-11-2005-in visions, I saw a man and he said, "been saved", "write me down".
(167)have a ring-vision received 4-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "have a ring".
(168)I'm apostolic just like the apostles-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "apostolic". There was more I believe, I just did not write down. Apostolic means having THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 2:38 born again experince and following thru just like all did in the "upper room" on the day of pentecost. Jesus taught and commanded this.
(169)Gods gonna-vision received 5-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and he said, "Gods gonna".
(171)witness-vision received 5-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and HE said, "go witness".
(172)ANGEL-visions received 5-4-2005-In visions, I saw this Angel with a big white head and googy eyes like a big fly and He said, "witness", "delivered".
(173)90-vision received 5-4-2005-In this vision, I saw, "90".
(174)full-vision received 5-4-2005-In this vision, I saw something and it had a like plastic line in it you could see thru like a quart of oil and it was full of read liquid, and I heard, "full". I want to be full of Jesus!
(175)blasphemed-vision received 5-4-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw a man that I had just witnessed to and he said, "I blaspheme the Holy Ghost".
(176)moved back-vision received 5-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that worked at a car repair shop and may have been the owner or one of them and she said, "I set you back". I was told by Jesus to take the car to the mechanic in a vision. MAYBE I picked the wrong one.
(177)If Jesus can't be your boss, He won't stay-visions received 5-2005-In a vision, I saw the webshell of this entire website that has all the pages. I click on it to pick the page I want to work with. In the vision, all the pages were gone. God can make me kill it, or do it another way. In another vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "why don't YOU depart from him". I saw this woman in a vision and she said something like, "your in danger". Lots of times, Jesus lets me see spirits and they lie.
(178)hated-vision received 5-8-2005-In this vision, I saw what looked like a woman and she said, "I hate you".
(179)should have listened-vision received 5-7-2005-While driving, I decided to look at a house for sale. I saw a Man in a vision that had brown hair and beard and HE said, "don't do that". I was in the probably the second most seroius wreck of my life. One part of my trunk in at about the place where the back seat of my car ends. My neck was seriously injured, and now is partially healed. The two people in the truck were hurt. The driver was hurt slightly. The woman in the passenger sides head was just about perfectly outlined in the windshield from where it hit. She only received minor cuts that did not appear serious to me. Praise Jesus. Here head impression is in the windshield. Should have listened.
(180)save me Jesus-vision received 5-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said, "save him".
(181)deny yourself-vision received 5-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said something like, "loose yourself".
(182)given a car-vision received 5-12-2005-I was given about a 96 chevrolet corsica and I was asking Jesus basically if He wanted me to take it, and in a vision, I saw me doing something like putting a battery cable on it and I heard the clicks you here when you turn the key on. Thanks Jesus! I wanted a v6 or a v8.
(183)ions of a woman-visions received 5-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "I stealed",(I told her this one and she recieved it), "return to speedway", "I'm going to the lake", "cut me off", etc.
(184)make up your mind-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm choosing".
(185)take care of yourself-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I sawa the word, "health".
(186)repent-vision received 5-2005-IN this vision, I saw the words, "I will not repent".
(187)gas prices-visions received 5-18-2005-In visions, I saw a gas sign and I believe it was a sunoco sign and the price was about, "$2.22", and in the other, I had a gas reciept and the price per gallon on that reciept was, ".99"
(188)you can loose your salvation-vision received 5-18-2005-In this vision, I saw these words, "being changed hands".
(189)new sunday school-vision received 5-18-2005-In this vision, I saw a bus and at the top of the bus where it tells where the bus is going, I saw these words, "Indianapolis alternate group". Jesus may start a church type deal thru me. Yippeeeeeeeeee!
(190)cries for help-visions recieved 5-18-2005-In visions, I saw and or heard two woman that i felt were lost cry out my name for help. One said something like, "bobby", and the other said something like, "bobby, help". I can help now, but, not then.
(191)Man with all white Face-vision received 5-22-2005-In this vision while praying in my dodge aries k, I the Face of a Man that was all white. White hair, beard, skin, etc.
(192)serve Jesus-vision received 5-22-2005-I beleive while I was praying in mine car, I saw the word, "serve".
(193)war-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "war".
(194)give Jesus something-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "gimme".
(195)fast-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like the aposle john g. lake and he said, "I fast". I bet he fasted lots in his life.
(196)alaska hit by russia-vision recieved 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a and he said, "lets hit alaska".
(197)angelic-vision recieved about the last of may 2005-IN this vision, I saw the White face on an angel. It was white like the moon lit up and HE had like an old cap football players would wear back in the eary 20th century.
(198)shut down-visions received 6-1-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that I witnessed to and she said things like, "He already shut me down", "that's Who I put my trust in", etc.
(199)hair loss-In visions received about the last of may 2005-I saw a man that is possibly balding and I believe he wants his hair back and I prayer for it to grow back.
(200)jelous-visions received 6-1-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "I'm jelous", "man, I'm messing with you", "it helps me".
(201)sure there is something wrong-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and HE said, "maybe there ain't nothing wrong".
(202)president bush is after al qaeda-vision received 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like president bush and he said, "al qaeda".
(203)vision-vision recieved 6-7-2005-In this vision, things happened, but, it ends with a woman saying something like, "and a cop kept telling me quit using this as a gifted item. I know this is perfect weather".
(204)taking charge will destroy you-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that walked by me and he said, "I want control". Do what you want to do and you will perish. Pray and get that flesh under subjection.
(205)adultery is loving the world, married to someone who is divorced and their real spouse is still alive, and imagining sex in your heart-visions recieved 6-8-2005-In two visions, I saw two women and they both said something like, "adulterer".
(206)laugh now-visions receioved 6-8-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said, "I laughed", "bobby had to leave", and I beleive this one, "call me a witch".
(208)watch what you say-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "rot in hell".
(209)pray for Israel-vision received 6-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said, "pray for Israel".
(211)Isaiah the prophet had to exist nude for a long time-vision recieved 6-9-2005-In this vision, i saw a Man and It may have been ISAIAH the prophet and He said, "uncovered".
(212)don't tease-visions recieved 6-9-2005-In two visions, I saw a Man whom I beleive is Jesus and HE said things like, "you make fun of Me"(my heart is oout of control, but, I can control my mouth. Jesus made me stay single and america is sodom and gomorah, and for the longest, I was in a rage and bitter over this, and Jesus even Soke to me years ago and He said, "you hate Me because you feel like I betrayed you". I'm over most of it now, but, I don't think I will ever heal, because I have not yet. If I served Jesus angry and bitter and begging for death for years, whats your excuse) I LOVE JESUS AND HE IS NOT FOR TRADE. I heard while praying this morning, "JEREMIAH 16". READ it. 3 things that are talked about there are coming here. God told Jeremiah that he was not going to take a wife, that judgement was coming to the land, and even informed him that he was not allowed to go around them. Jeremiah went around when sent. He would preach to them as they walked into the church basically telling them to repent. I saw a Man with brown hair in a vision and He said, "thats the WORD". "I'm embarrased of you)(this is because where I live I beleive He told me)
(213)spirit-vision recieved 6-20-2005-In this vision, I saw something, maybe a spirit and he was wearing like a black hooded raincoat.
(221)hold your place in God-vision recieved 6-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with Brown Hair and He said, "bobby, leave here", "hold your place".
(222)house for sale-vision recieved 6-20-2005-In this vision, there is a house for sale, and when on the inside there is a man there and he is telling me things. It had furniture and that stayed. It appeared all carpet need replaced and maybe other repairs.
(223)clean water-vision recieved 6-20-2005-In this vision, I saw my sisters fish tank had clean water, but, it was not filled up.
(224)coffee mug broke-vision recieved 6-20-2005-IN this vision, I saw my coffee mug on like the floor and the handle was broken off.
(225)Its not about you, but, Jesus-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, 'I'.
(226)may have to let it go-vision recieved 6-22-2005-I was thnking on this junkyard. A motor and transmission is there that came out of my car that is suppost to be delivered to me and has not been yet. The wrecker driver not long ago told me he would bring it on a certain day I believe, and I was there cutting grass and he did not show up. I saw a Man in a vision and HE said, "backslide". I may just have to let it go. I saw the wrecker driver in visions and he said things like, "what motor", "that's my motor".
(227)hated-visions received 6-24-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "I'm against you", "I hate you".
(228)visions of women and men-visions recieved 6-25-2005-In visions I saw woman and men and they said things like, "you don't know what I feel", "you want money", "in hell"(may have screamed it), "suicide", "I'm going to the lake", "she psycho", "on fire"(like a white spirit), "you must be on pills", "how many have you took", "hate my clothes", "bobby, backslide", "I ai'nt going to hear It".
(229)al qaeda-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like president bush and he said, "I'm al qaeda".
(230)$2.03-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a gas sign and the price was, "$2.03".
(231)Angelic Being-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In visions, I saw Angelic Being and His Face was white as snow. He Had curly White Hair.
(232)house-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw this house and the door was open, and on the inside of the door, all I could remember seeing was darkness.
(233)Jesus is in control-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I'm riding a bike and there is a friend there who is on a bike as well and I'm talking to him and telling aboust Jesus shutting my mind off. When Jesus wants me to talk, I can clearly, but, when He does not, I can't even think well, and it is hard to pronounce words. There was a storm brewing and you could here thunder and the sky was darkening.
(234)warned-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you told".
(235)embarras-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "embarras me".
(236)go-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown Hair and He said, "go to your car".
(237)alaska will be attacked by russia-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like the president of russia and he said, "I hit alaska". I saw him in about two more visions and in one I believe he said something like, "you know why we need alaska", and I don't remember exactly what I was told, but, I believe it was something along the lines to stage an attack on america from.
(238)Gospel hidden to the lost-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I don't understand".
(239)listen too tape-vision recieved 6-27-2005-In this vision, I saw me putting a cassette in the van's radio. Some of the most beautiful singing on it. Praise Jesus. Listened to it all the way home from louisville, kentucky or missdletown, kentucky last night, or just about all the way. I'd love to have that song on the prophetic ministry ministries of ministryofdreams website, but, that site belongs to Jesus and I will let Him make all the calls. Greater life apostolic church wanted to give me the tape, but, I gave them five bucks for it. It was such a pleasure diving down and havinga fellowship with greater life apostolic church in louisville or middletwon, kentucky.
(241)can still drink coffee-vision received 6-27-2005-In this vision, I saw my coffee mug and it was full. I re-surrendered that to Jesus. It's decaf mixed with cuppacino, and the condiments plus. Thanks Jesus for the "coff". It makes me get out and witness.
(242)complacency will destroy you-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "complacent".
(243)using the Gifts of God to cash in on people is wrong-vision received 7-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I take advantage of".
(244)cut off-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like ann schmidt and she said, "cut off", "the lake". I may have just seen a woman that looked like her and she said, "git me in trouble".
(245)suicide-vision received 7-7-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "suicide".
(246)Jesus can do what He wants to-vision received 7-7-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly Jesus and He said something like, "I can do what I want to do".
(247)I'm nobody-vision received 7-7-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and he said, "I think its going to your head". Jesus gives me this, I just a seer, declarer, nobody. Use which ever title you want.
(248)I may be required to post-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw like a woman spirit and she said something like, "ho come you tempted me". I just posting, not judging.
(249)Jesus can show-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "you know what I've done".
(250)revelation-vision received 7-11-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like, "hollie moody is over". I believe I just saw her in a vision or somebody like her and she said, "get away from me", "I'm out". I've interceded much. I've never seen the real hollie moody in person, nor will I come against her. I see the fruit of the Holy Ghost in her life and desire to remover her name from websites and have inquired to Jesus. Still waiting. I may have seen her in more visions and she said things like, "left", "on my way back".
(251)visions of men and women-visions received 7-12-2005-In visions, I saw men and women and they said things like, "thats all I want", "thats what I prayed for", "I needed help", "send me a prophet", "america's cut off"(this and the next one looked like dumitru duduman), "america's going to blow up", "o'h my God, I won a million dollars"(gambling is sin)(this may have been two visions), "it was your will", "almost recovered", thought", "your chosen", "dumitru's chosen", "your satan for coming against me", "lost my job".
(252)crying-visions received 7-12-2005-IN this vision, I saw this woman and she may have been standing alone in a church and there was a tear running down her cheek, and I may have said, "Lord, "give her another chance", and I saw this Man in a vision with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "give her another chance".
(253)selling Jesus-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, 'I sold Him", and I saw a woman and she said, "for moneY'. I mayhave just saw the man again and he said, pray for me".
(254)praying hard-vision received 7-12-2005-I saw a man that looked like thomas s. gibson in a vision and he I believe said the same thing, "Lord, have mercy". The thought came to me that he is doing what I'm doing. I saw a man that looked like thomas s. gibson in a vision and he was praying in tongues probably as hard as he could.
(255)God's will-visions received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I heard a man screaming from hell and may have seen him, and I prayed and asked Jesus to something like, "save hIm". He is still alive. I thought it was the will of Jesus, and I may have said, "thought", and I may have heard, and possibly saw who said it, "it was your will".
(256)tragic-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and he was possibly letting children get on his shoulders and I saw this little girl and she was excited and she said, "my turn". As I said this, I said to Jesus something like, "Lord, have mercy", as I said that, I saw a man ina vision that looks like thomas s gibson and he said the same thing, "lord, have mercy". I even saw a woman in a vision that looked like hollie moody and she said something like, "Lord, spare her". This woman is going to commit suicide. She will end up in diapers and take her life because of.
(257)not-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw this Angelic Being and He was white like a cloud and He pointed and He said, "not this one".
(258)visions of men and women-visions received 7-12-2005-In visions, I saw men and women and they said things like, "your right", "I got pissed off", "come", "100 dollars", "uncover me".
(259)no prophecy club for ministryofdreams-vision received 7-12-2005-I saw a vision a man that looked like stan johnson and he said, "your needed on the prophecy club", and I heard, "no prophecy club".
(260)cut off-visions received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "the Lord cut me off", and I told Jesus soemthing like, that I thought all things are possible, and I heard an something like, "no it ain't". I also have written here, "I wouldn't accept him".
(261)my would have been .com address-visions received 7-12-2005- I saw this Cloud like Angel in a vision and I may have been talking to him about a .com address that was suppost to be mine and reminding him that I did tell the woman that I would reimburse her for buying the domain, but, the passwords were never surrendered, and that was part of the deal. As I told Jesus this, I saw a Man in a vision wth Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "thats it". I never ordered that .com adress to be purchased that I remember. This angelfire site was suppost to be re-worked that I remember. I just saw a woman in a vision that looked like diana hughey in a vision and she said, "true". Just saw another woman in a vision and he she said something like, "that was a trail".
(262)prayer can spare-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw this person being dragged up like a wall, and then I saw a man that looked like thomas s. gibson in a vision and he said, "you were being dragged", and maybe in the next vision, I saw him and he said soemthing like, "with a prayer life". I intercede for thomas s. gibson much. I saw somebody that looked like him in visions and he said, "broke", "call me", etc. I came at Jesus in many directions I think for mr. gibson, and will charge Jesus much for him.
(263)try to call daniel bohler-visions received 7-12-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor dr. dan bohler and he said things like, "try to call me up", "she'll miss", "financial". I saw somebody else in visions and here are some of the things said, "I blaspheme cause of bobby", "pharisee", "I'm a judge", "why he coming against me", "tell me", etc.
(264)visions are from Jesus-visions received 7-12-2005-In visions, I saw the a man that looked like the pastor of new testament apostolic church and he said things like, 'come and lie', 'when youbackslide, come and see us'.
(265)chosen-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw this Beautiful young Man and He ahd Blond Hair and He said, "your chosen".
(266)try to get you sin taken off-visions received 7-12-2005-In a vision, I may have seen a man and he said something like, "take it off", and I saw an Angelic Being and He said, "no", and maybe, "that hurt Jesus", and This may have also been part, I saw somebody and they said something like, "send the prophet ot help me out". I saw another man in a vision and he said soemthing like, "don't do it"
(267)don't backslide-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "can't gary go back", "I'm horny".
(268)Angels everywhere-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a Whitish Man and He said something like, "there Angels going everywhere".
(269)being dragged-visions received 7-12-2005-In a vision, I saw aperson being dragged up a wall and then I saw a man that looked like thomas s. gibson and he said something like, "you were being dragged", and maybe , "witha prayer life".
(270)preach the Word-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, 'preaching' and before I saw the word, I heard, "knowledge of God'.
(271)prove yourself to God-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "prove". In another vision, I saw the word, "open". MINISTRYofDREAMS is open. Praise Jesus!
(272)4-vision received 7-12-2005-This is what I have recorded, "4-".
(273)call-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that and he said, "try to call me up", and in another one he let me know he wants to hear prophecy that I have.
(274)gas price-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a gas pump and the price was at or stoped at about, "$1.07".
(275)don't blaspheme-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "who blasphemed the Holy Ghost. One way you can do that is say that it was not from God, but, the devil, and if it was from God, you blasphemed the Holy Ghost. Shut your mouth.
(276)who is the president of america-vision received 7-12-2005-I heard this, "your president-he's not the president", and I asked who was, and I saw a man that looked like dick cheney and he said, "I am". I jsut saw a man that looked like president bush and he said something like, "its true".
(277)blaspheme-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I may have seen a woman and she said, "committed blaspheme", and maybe "cause mom said it".
(278)I'm not against-visions received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with Brown Hair and He said something like, "bob against you", and I may have seen a woman that looked like hollie moody in a vision and she said possibly shook her head and grunted , "no". It is very possible I got this backwards, but, I'm not against anybody. It's my desire to have her name taken off this site because I don't want her harmed, but, I was required. I saw a woman that looked like her in many more visions, but, I'm not posting them now or maybe never.
(279)watch what you do-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman I went to school with and she was sitting on a chair and I went to her and hugged her, and it was like she was not in a hurry to let me go, and maybe I did not want to be let go, even though in my heart I knew it was wrong. Maybe I would have stopped. Something like this can lead to soemthing far worse.
(280)you need to be taught by the Holy Ghost-vision received 7-12-2005-I heard while praying, United pentecostal church international, and then I saw a man in a vision and he said, "about us". I think what that means and they beleive like upci does. Upci can tell a perosn how to be saved. but, if you don't live for Jesus after you got saved, you'll perish. Jesus may have been showing me here how this person or family beleives. Now I understand more. Thanks Jesus!
(281)dr. dan bohler-visions received 7-12-2005-In visions, I saw a man taht looked like dr. dan bohler and he said things like, "your welcome", "I need my wallet", "call me a judge".
(283)robert mugabe-vision received 7-12-2005-I saw the word, "zimbawe", and I may have said or somebody else, "mugabe through", or something like, that, and then I may have heard, "your president", and I saw a man that looked like president bush in a vision and he said, 'shoot him".
(284)people are getting desparate-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "desparate".
(284)will me and hollie moody meet in this life-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I may have seen me and something was said like, "I beleive me and moody will meet", "I saw it". Part was vision, part was words. I just saw a female spirit in a vision and she let me know something like it's not happening. What I saw was possibly two woman on a porch and I gave the one that looked like hollie moody an envelope. I don't know if that was her though.
(285)dan bohler-visions received 7-12-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like dr. dan bohler and he said things like, "whats your first name", "come and give us some prophecy", 'come here'. Its likely I'll be leaving for here in about two hours.
(286)emergency-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, its night time and there are many people around and I was possibly talking to one and maybe alter, I'm walking and eating something and a see a sheriff and he's looking at what is going on and becomesvery curious and a man comes running to me and maybe the sheriff and I may ahve asked him about somebody and the mans makes a aware that he is dead, he says omething like, "some would n't live that long", and I don't remember details, but, It's a possible a man that I was just talking to got killed. I don;'t remember what I told him.
(287)people can be traps-vision recieved 7-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly a woman and I think her and I agreed that I saw the word, "trap", or something like that.
(288)cut off-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, 'I'm cut off'.
(289)just because something have not come to pass yet does not mean they won't-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "liar".
(290)if your not looking for the return of Jesus, you probably know your not going-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like thomas gibson and he said, "how come your not looking".
(291)crazy for Jesus-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "your crazy". I believe I just saw her agains and she said, "hell".
(293)people are blaspheming like crazy-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "don't let him", "I blaspheme against the Holy Ghost", and maybe, "its your wallet", "strip him"(you know when you wish evil on somebody else it can come right back to you). Seek to get your sin taken away.
(294)hurt-vision received 7-31-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I hurt bobby".
(295)I don't think I did laugh-visions received 7-31-2005-I was at a mcdonalds restaurant and I saw a young woman that worked there in visions and she said things like, "why'd he laugh", "I lust".
(296)hollie-visions received 7-31-2005-in visions, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "I'm lost", "the Lord said, "it's up to me", "you left", and something about "when you empty out your wallet, then your clear".
(297)watch what you say-in visions, I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "nothing can stop me".
(298)cut hair-in visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a me and my hair was shorn big time. Yeah.
(299)left for a space-in visions, I saw a spirit that looked like perhaps lucifer and he was all black and he said soemthing like, "left", and he may have taken a hike.
(300)e-mail checking out can get you in trouble-in visions, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "e-mail".
(301)get in-in visions, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "you need to press". As I was typing that, I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "no, thats me". I just saw hollie again and she said, "true".
(302)prophet-visions received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "you a prophet".
(303)thomas-visions received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like thomas and he said, "here you lost the Mantle", and I saw me in a vision as I typed and I said, "he did".
(303)sister rexford-visions received 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, "pray".
(304)pay Gods bill-visions received 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe Jesus and He said, "bills". THis is how much you owe God everyday, and saw possible a Spirit like Finger point down maybe to what I would have written on and I heard, "pay MY bills", and I may have just seen Him again and He said, "thats you".
(305)Crowned-visions received 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a Spirit that came down and Put a Crown on somebodys head.
(306)right here-visions received 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "where's bob".
(307)new religion-visions received 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "new religion", "I'm out", "go get you a coke", "want your prayer".
(308)wanint a revelation-visions received 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "tell me something", and maybe, "I need your Spirit".
(309)reject-visions received 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor caldwell and he said, "I won't take it".
(310)will perish-visions received 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "hell".
(311)gadafi-visions received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I'm gadafi", "closed", "financial", "tell me how I'm feelin".
(312)cut off-visions received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "witness cut off", and maybe, "tell me", "wreck", "closed", "prophecy", "closed", "witness is coming back".
(313)more visions-visions received 8-29-2005-God has showed me a blank piece of paper and He gave me many visions to put on it. He gave me some major stuff. Praise Jesus Christ for revelations.
(314)masterbation-visions received 8-29-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she said someting like, "you know how witness got cut off', and I saw the woman working with her or heard her say something like, "I masterbated', and other things.
(315)my family are those who do the Will of Jesus-visions received 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like my mom and she said something like, "come see mama".
(316)attack on new york prophecies by kristina-visions recieved 8-30-2005-I saw a woman in visions that looked like kristina fox and she said things like, "new york", "attack it", and in one she called me a liar.
(317)russia will attack america when you least expect it-visions recieved 11-5-2005-I saw a woman in visions that looked like, sister alice and she said, russia will attack america when you least expect it, give warning.
(318)america is the MYSTERY, BABLON -vision recieved 12-29-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like people and they said, america is the MYSTERY, BABYLON, good question, and that was, michael boldea, hand of help is, closed, goodbye.
(319)put Jesus first or not at all-visions recieved 1-6-2006-I saw a woman in visions that looked like people and they said: just leave me alone said Jesus, serve Me or leave Me alone.
(320)russia is the bear and the beast-vision recieved 2-1-2006-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and they said: russia is not going to be around after china strikes them, they will, divide, into, four, and, the new world order will be born, the pope will be the antichrist, and he will come out of russia.
(321)america is the judgment to unborn babies capital of the world-visions recieved 3-9-2006-I saw a woman in visions that looked like people and they said: china, human, right's, are, better, than, america's, because, america is, abortion, over, 44,000,000, babies, murdered, and, china, knows, put it under, go home, condoleezza, rice.
(322)make an agreement with God and keep-vision recieved 4-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: and he saw hollie, and, she tore up, the, contract.
(323)visions of the mark of the beast and his image-visions recieved 10-18-2006-in visions, I saw, bret sears, and the lepricon, and they both had, 666, on thier foreheads, and, the popes image, on thier hands, and the false prophet hu, as well, in thier, other hand.
(324)the falling away-vision recieved 1-25-2007-in visions, I saw maybe, babyfleas and she said things like, everybodies slippin, everybodies quitting. Try much prayer.
(325)right now-visions recieved 3-2-2007-I saw hollie many times and she said, "now", and I saw another and she pointed like a white angel either at the back door, or to leave.
(326)the sign of the coming of the Son of man vision-visions recieved 3-2-2007-I saw hollie, and she was smiling and pointed at a white JEsus in the sky, and, I saw america and the statue of liberty in the middle, and subs, all around, and they fired, and america, exploded.
(327)God can put sickness on you-visions recieved 3-2-2007-in on vision, I saw perhaps two hands or opening up my chest belly area, and in the other I saw like hand reach inside and grab a organ, and put the squeeze on it, and I saw JEsus, hitting with a belt maybe somebody.
(328)hollie out of horn-vision recieved 3-2-2007-in a vision, I saw hollie come out of a horn, and she showed wait with finger and went back in.
(329)kodiak united pentecostal church-visions recieved 3-2-2007-I saw hollie and maybe others and they said: this apostolic church, cheated on the LOrd, said, hollie, kodiak united pentecostal church,.
(330)no-visions recieved 3-2-2007-I heard, didnt the angel fleas, and she said, no.
end day's bible prophecy, christian visions, last days prophecies, end times visions
(1)prophet-vision recieved 1-20-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "I'm a prophet".

(2)avoided-vision recieved 2-21-2004-in this vision, I am with this girl, and she let me know she avoids me, and I tell her, "thats all right. At least God is still dealing with you. There are a lot of people that God doesen't deal with any more who are cut off".(memory)
(3)write a book-vision recieved 2-21-2004-in this vision, I am with Rick Joyner, and many things happen and it is a long vision, but, the morale of the story was, "write a book".
(4)my brothers suicide-visions recieved 2-21-2004-my brother killed himself. He went where he worked, inside something, and started engines. He said in a vision, "I did not want to die", and I forget the second one.
(5)liberace-vision recieved 2-21-2004-I heard while praying liberace, and I said, "what about liberace"? and I saw liberace in a vision, and he said, "I went to hell".
(6)prophet-vision recieved 2-21-2004-in this vision, I saw someone, and they said, "you know your a prophet".
(7)your standards-vision recieved 3-8-2004-in this vision, I saw the words and heard, "your standards". Do your standards measure up to Gods?
(8)you left me-vision recieved 3-8-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who was all white, and had blue eyes and He said, "because you left me".
(9)cut off-vision recieved 3-8-2004-in this vision, I saw this famous man who is a last day author, pastor of a apostolic pentecostal church, and has a large radio program and magazine, and he said, "He cut me off".
(10)it's your president-vision recieved 3-9-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and I heard these words, "it's your president". I saw him moments later, and he said, "I'm cut off", and "I lie".
(11)God curser-vision recieved 3-11-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she cursed God.
(12)o.k.-vision recieved 3-11-2004-in this vision, I saw this man who had short brown hair, and He said something like, "o.k. bobby".
(13)man in suit-vision recieved 3-10-2004-in this vision, I saw people in this room, and one of them was a man with curly brown hair and beard dressed in a suit. Me think it was Jesus.
(14)stomach-visions recieved 3-11-2004-in these visions, I saw this girl, and she said, "my stomach".
(15)stay out-vision recieved 3-11-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl and she said, "stay out of my buisness".

(16)Indianapolis will be destroyed by Russia-visions recieved 3-11-2004-in the first vision, I saw Russian president Putin, and I heard the word, "Russia". I started to ask, "what about Russia", then I saw Putin again, and he said, "we want your city".

(17)prophets-vision recieved about 3-17-2004-I was thinking on Michael Boldea, and saying in my heart something like, "your a prophet", then I saw someone very quickly who looked like Michael, and he said something like, "your one yourself". As I was just now working my way to the website to post the vision, I went into a quick vision, and I saw someone , and he said, "he's lying". I just now saw a person again, and he said, "you are".
(18)released-visions recieved 4-16-2004in more than one vision, I saw the america prisoner in Iraq, and he said, "I will", meaning be released.
(19)I'm a master-vision recieved 4-17-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "i'm a master".
(20)I'm being watched-vision recieved 4-17-2004-in this vision, I saw me and I said, "I'm being watched".
(21)close call-vision recieved 4-16-2004-while driving, a rabbit ran out in front of me. When I passed, I looked for it, but, could not find it, nor could I see how I missed it. I worried, and finally saw the rabbit in a vision, and with a kids voice, it let me know it was o.k.
(22)where is bin laden visions-recieved 4-16-2004-I kept asking Jesus where bin laden is, and I kept seeing a man in a vision that looked like bin laden, and he said, "I'm in jail". He also said, "I will be captured". I just saw the same man who looked like Osama bin laden, and he said, "I'm captured".
(23)dogs-vision recieved 4-17-2004-my dog got out, and went after another dog, and I jumped in and protected the dog that would have been attacked, and I said something like, "leave him alone, he has not messed with anybody, and one of the would be attackers said to me something like, "is that what you think"(shortened) Its not always how it seems.
(24)coffee is on-vision recieved 4-17-2004-in this vision, I saw a coffee pot and it was in my hand, and heard something like, "its hot".
(25)my old friend hates me now-vision recieved 5-8-2004-in this vision, I saw an old friend, and she said, "i hate you". I testified to her.
(26)antichrist pope-vision recieved 5-2004-in this vision, I saw the pope, who will be the antichrist, and he said, "leave the catholic church alone".
(26)sign guestbooks-vision reiceved 5-16-2004-in this vision, I saw a guestbook, and that let me know to keep signing them. in one vision, I saw guestbook that said, "gustenbok", which is german
(27)quit protecting someone-vision recieved 5-16-2004in a vision, the Lord asked me to quit protecting someone. I'm protecting with prayer.
(28)false fake-visions recieved 5-15 and 16 of 2004-in one vision, I saw a man, and he said, "thats false", and in another, I saw a woman, and she said, "thats fake".
(29)TABLE OF THE REMNANT.COM-vision recieved 5-17-2004-in this vision, I saw this tall sign like what you'd see on the highway, and on the sign it had in black letters with a white background like one that lights up at night, "TABLE OF THE REMNANT.COM
(30)don't say that-vision recieved 5-17-2004-I was asking Jesus to cast out devils thru this vessel, and I saw the devil in a vision, and he was all white, and he said, "don't say that".
(31)don't fear-visions recieved 5-19-2004-in this two vision, I saw a being that I could not make out very well. It looked like Jesus in the first, but. In the first He said, "tell my people". In th second, "tell them no to fear".
(32)41-vision recieved 5-19-2004 in this vision, I heard, "within 41 days", and saw a 41.
(33)praying and talking-vision recieved 5-19-2004-in this vision, I was talking to a girl, and ended up praying for her.
(34)grace apostolic-vision recieved 5-19-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "grace apostolic". There was another word there I could not make out. I have gone there now at least twice, and packed the pastor full of end time visions.
(35)the white man-visions recieved 5-26-2004-in two visions, I saw a white man and he said, "return to church' and in the other he said, "go to all churches". I don't know who this was, but, I do know the Holy Ghost leads me to do what He wants. The devil appears to me in visions and lies.
(37)slowly going under-visions recieved 5-26-2004-in one vision, I saw my woman, and she said, "were cutting back on buisness", which is not what I wanted to hear. In the second she said something like, "I do", which means she wants them to close. She is counting on a pension, that the Lord already showed me will fail,
(38)come back-vision recieved 6-1-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman at church, and she said, "come back". The Lord already showed me in a vision that she is cut off. I saw her again, and she said, "don't tell me".
(39)paris hilton-vision recieved 6-5-2004-in this vision, I saw and or heard the words, "paris hilton", and I said, "what about paris hilton", and I heard this, "shes looking at the website".
(40)apostle-vision recieved 6-5-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I heard, "your an apostle".
(41)ridiculed-vision recieved 6-5-2004-in this vision, I saw the youth pastor of a church, and he said, "I think its funny", referring to visions Jesus gave me. I believe they will one day haunt him unless.
(42)liar-vision recieved 6-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "I lied to you", and in another vision, she revealed she has a tumor.
(43)g-mail-vision recieved 6-20-2004-in this vision, I saw and heard, "g-mail", which is coming. Yesterday, I saw "google", and the search bar.
(44)don't move-visions recieved 6-21-2004-in one vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "don't go anywhere", and in the other I saw this off white spirit who looked like an old college professor, and he said something like, "don't move".
(45)witch-vision recieved 6-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor in plainfield, Indiana, and he said, "i'm a wiitch", which is a false prophet.
(46)visit here-vision recieved 6-23-2004-in this vision, I saw my former pastor, and he said, "come to westside", which means "westside pentecostal church", in indianapolis. The last time I remember speaking with him, I had some visions copied on a peice of paper, and I offered them to him, and he said something like, "I'm not interested in that. I'm not". His blood will not be on my hands. That is pastor donald winters.
(47)tammy-visions recieved 6-26-2004-in one vision, I saw Tammy, and heard, "tammy", and in the other I saw her, and she said, "I'm going to hell".
(48)witnessing on 6-26-2004-I pulled into a chruch parking lot to witness to a group of people, and rolled off lots of visions to one or more. Then I called for more of them, and they came, and there was about 6, and I told them some judgement to america visions. I wore out my welcome. ONe shouted something like, "I don't want to here this, I want to live a while". I saw her in a vision, and she said, "come follow us". I saw one of the others there, in a vision, and she said, "you hurt my heart". I believe I later saw her in a vision, and she said, "He cut me off". Most if not all churches are social clubs, and they are so far from the truth, that when it comes there way, they reject is, just like the priests rejected Jesus when He walked the face of the earth. I witnessed to another girl, and when I shared judgement visions, I might as well of been talking to a wall. She wanted no more to do with me then. I thought she told me she was raised with my former pastors wife. Lot of people have been faithfully going to church most of their lives, but, don't even know how to be saved. Don't know where America is in the bible. This is PROOF that lots of people go to church, and worship Jesus in vain. I saw that girl just now in a vision, and she said, "thats right". I saw her earlier in a vision, and she said, "you scared me". How can America escape the damnation of hell when God's Word is available almost everywhere, and very very few obey it.
(49)slave-vision recieved 6-2004-in this vision, I'm with a woman, and made aware that we are married, and I call her, "slave". I'm not married, and don't deserve a wife if that is all I want her for. I hope who-ever reads this does not use their spouse for a slave, someone to wait on them, and obey their every command.
(50)set up-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, and I did not record enough details. This is what I recorded, "bob, I would like to set you up". I believe this was a pastor talking.
(51)president Bush wants al-qaeda-vision reiceved 7-20-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "I want al-qaeda".
(52)angel-visions recieved 7-21-2004-in this vision, I saw this all white man. His hair may have been off shade of white, and he was looking at me like he was frustrated. I asked who he was, and I later saw him again, and he said, "satan". I just saw an angel in a vision, and He said, "God have mercy".
(53)yassar arafat-vision recieved 7-21-2004-in this vision, I saw yassar arafat, and he said, "guerilla warfare", and I kept asking against who, and I later saw him again, and he said, "israel".
(54)inquiring-vision recieved 7-21-2004-i was inquiring about someone, and Jesus gave me a bunch of visions about him. In one, and I believe it was him, he said, "want to see a movie". I was stunned.
(55)will you reply-vision recieved 7-21-2004-in this vision, I saw like a note, and the back ground was black, and at the bottom of the not was written, "will you reply". I'm just about on e-mail freeze now.
(56)fuck your visions-vision recieved 7-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "fcuk your visions. Going by memory, I saw this other man who I think is an indian chief and apostolic pastor, and he said something like, "fuck you". I'd rather have Jesus than every pastor, and prophet, and all the people who call themselves, "servants of God" put to gether. SPEAking of Jesus, twice I saw Jesus in visions this morning, and He had brown hair, and He said, "O.K." in both.
(57)cut off-vision recieved 7-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she let me know she was cut off. She has a radio show, and I spent sometime with her, and 3 others, and when I was showing where america was in the bible, she finally closed her bible, and that was all was the end of that. She was driving, and the three were with her, so they didn't get to here as much as they could, enen though some good did come out of that. ONe or two of them said something along the lines that that was america. One even remebered a vision where he saw missiles going somewhere. I just saw there pastor in a vision, and he said, "you lied". Maybe Jesus will show me to start revealing the names of these pastors on the internet.
(58)lie-vision recieved 7-22-2004-I was typing a letter today to a man who wrote me, and as I was, I saw him in a vision. He had very dark skin like a mexican, or arab, and black hair, and he said, "I lied".
(59)should have told-visions revcieved 7-27-2004-in this vision, I saw this young girl who is married, and she said, "you should have told". What? "pregnant".
(60)not your brother-visions recieved 7-27-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "I'm not your brother". In the next one he said, "I'm going to hell".
(61)don't tell-vision recieved 8-2004-in this vision, I saw this man who I have warned about judgement to usa and other things, and I heard somethint like this, "don't tell him". Lots of people rejected Jesus when He called, and Jesus will reject them when they call.
(62)going to hell-vision recieved 8-8-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman who I just witnessed to and she said, "I'm going to hell".
(63)steve quayle-vision recieved 8-14-2004-I saw where steve quayle of the "Q files" copied the economic collapse visions page off my site, and I liked it. I was going to e-mail him an updated economic collapse vision, so he could update that page if he wanted, and and some others that I "KNOW" would have been big time interest to him, and I saw steve quale in a vision, and he said, "don't write me". The Lord kind of has me on e-mail freeze right now. It probably would have been neat to have steve quale host, "ministryofdreams". I just saw a mans face in a vision, and it was an off white color, and He said, "right", and He was referring to my "e-mail freeze". Me would sure like to have my e-mail priviledge back. Who knows, maybe in time. I wonder what steve quales radio show is like. I don't have shortwave, and from looking on his site, he's got a big chunk of this earth covered. Whelp, back to buisness as usual.
(64)vision of Jesus-vision recieved 8-14-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair that was not long, and He said something like, "thats My Daughter", and He was referring to my sister, my real one.
(65)paralyzed-visions recieved 8-14-2004-tradgically, I recieved an e-mail on the 13 about a man who was about 25 years old, and going by memory, he was an assisstant pastor or a youth pastor I believe, and he fell and became paralyzed. He was suppost to get married soon, and now from the neck down he can't move. I started praying to Jesus about this, and just felt a shock of electricity shooting down me as I was typing. I asked what happened, and I saw a young man in a vision that has dark colored short hair and glasses, and He said, "I fell". In another one, he said, "I sinned", and in another one, he said, "I laughed". I don't know what he laughed at, nor do I know if that was the cause of this. I just saw a whitish colored mans face in a vision as I was typing this, and He said, "you do". I'll get away from this one, and not dwell on that.
(66)liar-vision recieved 8-2004-I knew my prayer was kind of blocked, and I sought Jesus about it, and after several days, I saw in a vision from Jesus where I checked the box of a "message board" that I signed, where I would be notified if some one responded to my post, and I believe I told Jesus I would not do that any more, and I heard this, "liar". I repented.
(67)hated-vision recieved 8-16-2004-i was asking Jesus if He wanted me to visit this ministry, and I saw the man who works there, and he said, "I hate you". I also saw his wife, and she said something to me that I believe was positive.
(68)a journey-vision recieved 8-17-2004-in this vision things happen, but one is, it starts out in the day time, and there are a couple of dogs, and it seems like I'm on a bike, and I believe I go after them, and finally, I pull into like a fire deptment drive way to turn around, because I'm ahead of one of these dogs, and after I do, the dog catches up with me, and gets into my car, which is what I'm in now. Next it's night time, and I'm probably wanting to go home, and I back out of the fire station driveway, and as I do, I notice the "hand of help" ministries warehouse off to my left. This is in watertwon, wiconsin. I thought I saw it first in my rear view mirror, but, I saw it, and looked at the warehouse, and drove more or less just a little past it, and noticed writing on the building, maybe on the front door, which I could not clearly make out, but, felt that it said, "HAND OF HELP MINISTRIES", or something like that. I stopped at the side of the road, and grabbed a bible track, and was going to write on it a vision that Jesus just gave me earlier in the day where I saw a sign, and the sign stuck in the ground and it was telling people to gather together for the Fathers return, which I have posted accurately on other websites. Then, I stopped writing. I believe a voice commanded me to. I just saw a man who works there twice in visions, and he said, "call". I need to be lead by the Holy Ghost to do that.
(69)bobby-vision recieved 8-17-2004-in this vision, I saw my mom, and she said, "bobby". She looked and sounded worried. Jesus gave me others.
(70)economic collapse U.s.a.-vision recieved 8-19-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "the economy's strange". The economy in america will collapse.
(71)busy-vision recieved 8-19-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "were busier now", referring to her job. Praise Jesus!
(72)drink coffee-visions recieved 8-19-2004-in one vision, I saw this white female spirit, and she said, "drink coffee again", and in the other, I saw someone whom I could not make out, and He said, "I need to drink coffee again".
(73)a.a. allen-vision recieved 8-2004-in this vision, I saw a.a. allen, and he said "hell". You must serve Jesus all the way up until the end of your life to get the crown.
(74)going to hell-visions recieved 8-21-2004-I was talking to this woman who claimed to be born again and a pentecostal, and she pulled out a cigarette right there as I was talking to her. In a vision, I saw her, and she said, "I'm going to hell". In another she said something like, "you lied".
(75)injury-vision recieved 8-21-2004-in this vision, I saw my yahoo mail box, and in the letter were some words, and the only one I could make out was, "injury".
(76)california beach murders-visions recieved 8-21-2004-i read about the two young people who were slain while sleeping on a beach. These two according to what I read were christian camp councelors. I asked Jesus where they are now. I saw lindsay cutshall in a vision, and I heard this, "she sinned". Thats not a good way to leave here to meet you maker. I asked about jason allen, where he is now, and I later saw him in a vision, and he said, "hell". What were they doing there? Who killed them? Since it appears from the visions from Jesus they both perished, it would have been better if niether were born, than to be born, and now both at 23 and 26 years old be in hell to start their eternity. I saw Jason again in a vision, and he said something like, "were in hell".
(77)dumitru duduman-vision recieved 8-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "your dumitru". That is one claim that I will immediately disagree with. Look what Jesus did thru dumitru duduman! His testimony in Jesus is more powerful today than it was when he walked the face of the earth.
(78)I know Gods will for me-vision recieved 8-23-2004-I was seeking the will of God for me, and I saw Jesus and He had brown hair and beard, and He said something like, "you know".
(79)interested-visions recieved 8-23-2004-I saw a girl at church that I'm interested in, and I saw her in many visions, and I'd have to say its not mutual.
(80)false-visions recieved 8-23-2004-twice, I saw a woman in visions, and she let me know, "thats false", referring to visions Jesus gave me or me.
(81)agape-visions recieved 9-12-2004-in a vision this morning, I saw Jesus and He had brown Hair, and He said, 'go to agape', which means, "go to agape apostolic faith assembly" I saw pastor gary burt in a vision, and he let me know he was cut off.
(82)alaska-visions recieved 9-13-2004-in these visions, I saw the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and he screamed, "attack", "we need it", "we want alaska". I was talking to Jesus about this wondering if the reasons why were oil, and so they would have a base to attack america out of, and I saw an angels face, and He said, "your right". I don't know who that angel was. (memory)
(83)hidden-vision recieved 9-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and HE said, "you can't find me".
(84)in hell-visions recieved 9-20-2004-in many visions today, I saw a young woman, and she said, "I'm in hell", "please help me". I asked Jesus if she could speak finals words for people, what would they be, and I saw her in more visions, and she said, "yes", and that final word for all humanity, "love Jesus". She and fiance were slain.
(85)I don't tickle ears-vision recieved 9-23-2004-I witnessed to a young girl in a church parking lot, and told her about God showing me judgement was coming to this country, mabe not in those exact words. After I drove off, I saw her in a vision, and she said, "why did he say that".
(86)can america win a war against russia-visions recieved 9-23-2004-in this vision, I saw this president, and he said something like, "can we beat russia", and I was saying something like, "only if the Spirit of God leads us", and I saw this president, and he said "no". I just saw him again, and he said, "I do". I believe it would be easy to beat russia. I could pray, and God could show me just what to do, but, without God being for this, I could see russia eliminating usa without taking a hit, but, I could not see usa eliminating russia without taking hits.
(87)liar-vision recieved 9-23-2004- In this vision, while reading someones letter, I saw a woman with blond hair, and she said, "liar".
(88)expected to leave-vision recieved 9-30-2004-in this vision, I saw a person, and that person said, "I expect you to leave".
(89)repent-vision recieved 9-30-2004-while at the computer, I saw the head of an angel man, and he said, "repent". I'm not sure who this was.
(90)alice cooper-vision recieved 10-2-2004-while praying, I saw and or heard, "alice cooper", and I said, "what about alice cooper", and I saw alice cooper in a vision, and he said, "I'm on my way out". Jesus made me write this down.
(91)prophecy seeker-vision recieved 10-2-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "your a prophecy seeker". true!
(92)heart attack-vision recieved 10-17-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "bobby had a heart attack".
(93)help me-vision recieved 10-17-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "help me".
(94)adultery-visions recieved 10-17-2004-in visions, I saw a woman, and she said, "he's an adulterer", "I'm in adultery".
(94)woman pastor-vision recieved 10-17-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman pastor and she said, "I want you".
(95)witness to people-vision recieved 10-17-2004-in this vision, I'm standing on the back of a tricycle, and getting it going real fast like I did when I was a kid at my house and going around the corner on the side walk, wanting to leave rubber marks on the side walk from going fast around the corner. I was thinking something in my heart like, "I'm to big to be on a tricycle". I'm amazed the Lord remembered this. Next, it's like I'm at a hotel lobby sitting in a sitting area, and all a a sudden people show up for a church service, and a young man shows up whom I felt was going to be the preacher because of the wild looking coat he was wearing, and I think he had a bible in hand and a name tag. He came out of that coat real quick, and I was thinking in my heart on teeling them some things Jesus showed me during prayer requests/ Next thing I know musicians showed up, and a guitar was handed to one, and a man started singing a song, and I started singing with him, and he looked at me, and maybe was happy I knew the song. I don't know the song thinking back on the vision, or can't remember it, but, the Lord was reminding me of my job, and that is to witness.
(95)will president Bush win re-election-vision recieved 10-18-2004-In this vision, I saw like a woman spirit, and she said something like, "president Bush will win re-election".
(96)angel warns me-visions recieved 10-18-2004-I was at a speedway gas station, and I was wanting to warn a young man that I have warned many times, and twice, I saw the white head of an angel in a vision, and He let me know not to tell him. As I was leaving, I saw the angel again and the angel said, "you can't help him". I see this angel often.
(97)cut off-vision recieved 10-18-2004-while walking, I was thinking on this "upci" pastor who pastors a church started by g.t. haywood, and I saw that pastor in a vision, and he let me know that he was cut off. Jesus has showed me lots of pastors are still preaching, and they themselves are cut off.
(98)visions of a pastor-visions receicved 10-20-2004-in these visions, I saw this pastor, and he said, "bobby, you got the Word", "we want revival".
(99)president Bush visions-received 10-20-2004-in these visions, I saw president Bush, and he said things like, "I'm going to nuke-em", "I can feel it slipping", "pakistan".
(100)tony blair-visions received 10-20-2004-while praying, I heard, "iraq", and I beleive tony blair spoke it to me. Next, I saw tony blair in a vision, and he said, "I'm lying". I was asking Jesus if oil was the real reason for the iraq war, and I saw tony blair again in a vision, and he said, "that's true".
(101)hated-vision received 10-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a man i never met, and he said, "I hate you".
(102)judy garland-vision recieved 10-20-2004-in this vision, I saw judy garland, and she said, "I'm lost".
(103)why is gas so high-vision received 10-20-2004-I was asking Jesus why gas prices was so high, and I saw a woman in a vision, and she said, "us". Us I beleive means "america".
(104)Jesus Christ ready to return-visions recieved 10-20-2004-I saw Jesus in visions, and He had brown hair, and He said things like, "I'm ready to come", "I'm ready". There were more.
(105)the "whore" of REVLATION 17 is america-vision received 10-24-2004-while praying, I heard, "the whore", and I said , "what about the whore", and I saw a like female spirit in a vision, and she said, "here", which means "america". The woman, whore, MYSTERY,BABYLON on REVELATION 17 is america,
(106)given to covetuosness-vision received 10-24-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor who is with "upci", and he said, "we like material". In another vision, I saw this man and he said, "I want money".
(107)angel face-vision receved 10-24-2004-in this vision, I saw like the face of an angel. It was lit up.
(108)laughed-vision received 10-24-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "I laughed".
(109)apostolic-visions received 10-24-2004-in this vision, I saw this old man, and he said, "bobby, your not apostolic". In the next vision, I saw him, and he said, "I'm in hell".
(110)Jesus Christ-vision received 10-24-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who had brown hair, and HE said something like, "my names Jesus Christ".
(111)who cares-vision received 10-24-2004-in this vision, I saw this pentecostal pastor who is with "upci", and he said, "who cares", which is referring to my testimony. I saw him in another vision, and he said, "I'm cut off".
(112)shot-visions received 10-24-2004-in this vision, I saw a major world leader, and he said, "I'm shot". In the next vision he said, "somebody shot me".
testify-vision received 10-24-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "bobby, tell me".
(113)revelations-visions received 10-24-2004-in these visions, I saw a man who looked like stan johnson, and he said, "we talk about you", "we like material", "you sound like dumitru". in the next visions, I saw robert williams of the "prophecy club", and he said, "you ain't dumitru". While praying, I heard, "robert williams", and I said "what about robert williams", and I saw robert williams in a vision, and he said, "cut off".
(114)how can you be sure-vision received 10-24-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "how can you be sure".
(115)wanting to be like me-vision received 10-24-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I wish i were like you". Be like Jesus.
(116)woman-vision received 10-24-2004-in visions, I saw this woman, and she said, "they called me", "stop protecting me".
(116)interesting-vision received 11-2-2004-I saw this man in a vision, and he said, "that's interesting".
(117)confirmed-vision received 11-15-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and maybe HE had a beard, and He was wearing like a robe and other garments similiar to priests garments, and HE said, "confirmed".
(118)where's bobbys vision received 11-15-2004-in this vision, I saw someone and they said, "where's bobby".
(119)am I a priest-vision received 11-15-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "I'm a priest".
(120)visions of president Bush-visions received 11-2004-I saw this president in a visions, and he said things like, "assassination", "tell my vision", "we will use thier rockets", etc.
(121)dick cheney-vision recieved 11-15-2004-in this vision while driving, I saw a man and he said, "I'm the new president". He looked like dick cheney.
(122)my calling-vision received 11-15-2004-in this vision, I saw this young woman, and she said something like, "I want your calling". If you don't do the job Jesus has given you, He will give it to someone else.
(123)in hell-vision received 11-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I went to hell".
(124)revelations-vision received 11-16-2004-in this vision, I saw my brothers son, and he said, "fuck your visions", and he did this vioently. I saw him in other visions.
(125)tool or toy-vision received 11-16-2004-in this vision, I saw a computer moniter, and where the name would be written on the moniter, something like this was written instead, "satans super converter".
(126)gas sign-vision received 11-16-2004-in this vision, I saw this "bp" gas sign, and price for gas was $1.88
(127)revelations of a pastor-visions received 11-15-2004-in these visions, I saw this pastor, and some where easier to make out then others. He said things like, "i've been rejected", "yes I am"(this was a question I asked Jesus o verify that he had been rejected), "I don't know it", "I'm an adulterer", "I'm cut off". In one he cursed God. I thought about contacting him, and I or sending visions one way or another, and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "I laughed". This is one of the biggest ministries in the world. I went to see him speak years ago and did not feel Jesus there at all. I just saw him in a vision, and he said, "please leave me off there". I'll remove visions if Jesus wants me to. Not long ago, I saw him in visions and he said something like, "I missed the rapture", "I missed it", "I'm cut off".

(128)warned 10 people yesterday-vision received 11-24-2004-I was thanking Jesus for giving what I thought was 11 people to warn yesterday, and I saw Jesus in a vision, and HE had brown hair and beard, and HE said, "10". There was one young man I took crdit for that may have not heard me. 10 is cool.
(129)missile defence-I was asking Jesus something like if missile defence would stop russian missiles, and I saw president bush in a vision, and he said, "were in trouble".
(130)does russia really have a new missile system-visions received 11-24-2004-in thie first vision, I saw russian president vladimir putin, and he said, "no new missile". In the second vision, I saw putin, and I heard this, "lying". The Topol is not a new missile. Something can be tached onto it to make it more likely to deliver.
(131)reverend amy brucker-visions recieved 1-3-2007-I saw amy brucker in a vision and she said, thats witchcraft, char tierney, not saved, dyes hair, put it under, said hollie, both.
(132)Russia will aid china in war with america-visions received 11-24-2004-in the first vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "china", and I said "what about china", and I saw russian president putin in a vision, and he said, "run to the rescue".
(133)america will be scorched by russian nuclear missiles-visions received 11-24-2004-in visions, I saw russian president putin, and he said, "we blanketed you", and I was asking what russia blanketed us with, and I saw putin again, and he said, "with fire".

(134)it's started-visions received 11-24-2004-in one vision, I saw the words and heard them read, "start it", and I also heard, "it started".
(135)is russia polluting water-visions received 11-24-2004-in a vision, I saw russian president putin, and he said, "russia", and I asked what about russia, and I saw putin again, and he said, "we do the best polluting", and I was asking what the were polluting, and I saw putin again, and he said, "water".
(136)AMOS 4:9-vision received 11-24-2004-in this vision, I saw "AMOS 4:9". THis scripture reminds me of the mercy that Jesus has had on america, and america has gotten away from Him, and refuses as a nation to return, which leaves Jesus with only one remedy, and that is "judgement".

(137)most americans are decieved about russia-vision received 11-24-2004-in this vision, I saw president bush, and he said, "he ain't going to hurt us". Watch and see. In another vision, I saw president bush and he said, "he's lying".
(138)stomach acid-vision received 11-24-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "I have stomach acid". I believe I looked like a white spirit.
(139)dark blue-vision received 11-24-2004-Jesus showed me no more than once to change the color of the background of this site to dark blue.
(140)MARK-vision received 11-24-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "MARK".
(141)google search engine-vision received 11-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a computer moniter, and the page address I was typing in at the top was this, "". I did not finish, and the letters were the color of fire. Jesus showed me google is the main search engine.
(142)being missed-vision received 11-26-2004-in this vision, I saw this young girl, and she said, "were missing you".
(143)vladimir putin-vision received 11-26-2004-in this vision, I saw russian president vladimir putin, and he said, "I'm russia".
(144)saddam hussein-vision received 11-2004-while praying I heard and or saw, "saddam hussein", and I inquired, and I saw president bush in a vision, and he said, "just kill the bastard".
(145)are there people wanting me dead-vision received 11-2004-in this vision, I'm in a house and I walk into a room where there is a glass door or sliding glass doors, and may be even windows, and I look outside, and a man hiding behind something in the yard quickly lowers his head when he sees me, but, I think he knew I saw him, so he looked back up, and we are staring at each other, and I believe he has a shotgun, and I jump on my knees, and am pointing right at my heart, and I believe he stats to aim the shot gun, and I run out of the room.
(146)what do people think about me-vision received 11-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "is bobby apostolic".
(147)vision of satan-vision received 11-2004-in this vision, I saw a quick flash of like an all white angel and he said, "I am satan". He was a touch blurry, but, I've seen him before. The vision was so quick, and something may have had me distracted. He is all white except for a touch of darkness where the pupils in his eyes are. I asked Jesus about the devil, and here is what I heard, "he's just a lying spirit".
(148)give the left over turkey to the dogs-vision received 11-30-2004-in this vision, I saw the leftover turkey, and I heard this, "give it to the dogs".
(149)witnessed the WORD-vision recieved 11-30-2004-I witnessed to a young woman, and I was thinking on it, and I saw her in a vision, and she said, "that's the WORD".
(150)visions of Jesus-vision received 11-30-2004-twice I saw Jesus in visions, and HE had brown hair and beard, and He said something like, "what's on your mind". He just gave me visions about america invading cuba and iran, and I dread it, and am sad, and told Him something along those lines. In the second vision, He said, "that's the WORD". The other day I was praying for healing, and I saw Jesus, and He said, "there", and I believe He pointed, and I was healed.
(151)being spyed on-visions received 11-30-2004-in these visions, I saw a woman, and she said, "there spying on you", "there spying". All if not all the revelations on my sites come mainly by visions and dreams by Jesus Christ, and I not only feel undeserving, but, priviledged, and honored the King of kings and Lord of lords would show me such things. Maybe america should have asked me to seek a vision from Jesus before they invade a nation, or help a nation, etc.
(152)Jesus still verifies HIS WORD-vision recieved 12-9-2004-while witnesseing to this woman, I saw like a white neon shaft streak by. I asked her if she felt it, and she let me know that she did not.

(153)are some of Gods people starting to doubt-vision recieved 12-10-2004-in this vision, I saw this young woman and she said, "bobby, I'm doubting".
(154)jobs are moving away from america-vision recieved 12-10-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I lost my job".
(155)suprise coming-visions recieved 12-10-2004-in visions, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and HE said, "you have a big suprise coming", and something like, "you've got a suprise coming".
(156)cut off-visions recieved 12-10-2004-I waved at a former neighbor not long ago, and she would not wave back, and this trobled me a little. I saw her in visions, and she said, "I'm cut off", "that's why". I also heard, "she's cut off and she knows". I've preached to her, and seen tears fall from her eyes, and now she has passed her chance. She is about 32.
(157)china will attack russia-vision recieved 12-10-2004-while praying, I heard, "china", and I asked about china, and I saw the president of china, and he said, "china will hit russia".
(158)help-vision recieved 12-10-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "save my life".
(159)visions of president bush-visions received 12-10-2004-in visions, I saw president bush, and he said things like, "your embarrasing", "I lie", "I need you now". I also heard this about president bush, "he's cut off".
(160)russia is reverting back to u.s.s.r. tactics-vision recieved 12-10-2004-in this vision, I'm with a man, and we are talking, and he was asking me something like if russia was going back to being like they were. Not in those exact words. I told him, "they start turning back, but there will still be hippos".
(161)hated for the testimony Jesus has given me-vision recieved 12-10-2004-I was wondering what certain people think of me beleiving they liked me, and I saw one in a vision, and she said something like, "we hate you bobby". I just saw the one who spoke that in another vision, and she said, "backslider".
(162)visions of Jesus-visions recieved 12-10-2004-twice I saw Jesus in a visions, and He had brown hair, and He said, "you'll get off".
(163)mild-vision recieved 12-18-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "mild".
(164)my hand-vision recieved 12-18-2004-in this vision, I saw my hand and it had grease or something on it. In another vision, I saw it and it had on it something like soap from a gas station restroom.
(165)little book-vision reiceved 12-18-2004-in this vision, I saw like a rack you see a stores that has atlas maps and books in it, and the one of the little books title was, "most popular cities".
(166)beware of identity theft-vision recieved 12-18-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "identity theft". I also saw a man in visions who I believe is trying to steal peoples identity.
(167)when will it happen-vision recieved 12-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "how much time do we have". I can only tell you the event, and that is when russia attacks america, that's when Jesus returns.
(168)words-vision recieved 12-18-2004-in this vision, I saw 3 words, and two of them were "google 24". I missed the third word. I believe I had a second vision with the word google in it.
(169)wondering woman-vision recieved 12-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "do you fell me".
(170)woe to america-vision recieved 12-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and it may have been russian president vladimir putin and he said something like, "were going to destroy "
(171)something felt-vision recieved 12-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I felt something".
(172)destruction to a neighborhood-vision recieved 12-18-2004-in this vision, it is at night, and there are a some people more or less, alongs the banks of a river, and we are watching the other side of the river where there is a neighborhood. All of a sudden a missile streaks in and explodes. A woman next to me said something to me suggesting that it was a canadian missile. When it exploded, there was a chain of explosion that followed, and the explosions kept going right down the line, and one seemed way to big to be a conventional explossion, and I was becoming afraid. It may have been a hollywood stunt, because there were cameras there, and one or two houses there, and one was wired and rigged to maybe make it appear it was on fire.
(173)press when you pray-vision recieved 12-18-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He ahd brown hair, and HE said, "press bobby". That is pray hard, agressively.
(174)ANALIST-vision received 1-4-2005-in this vision I saw a street sing and the name of the street was something like, "ANALIST". It never hurts to analyze wht yor read from the WORD of GOD!
(175)Jesus owns all things-visions received 1-4-2005-in the first vision, I saw the words and possibly heard, "never leave My house". This I believe refers to where I live. is where I live. And again in the next vision I saw the words and possibly heard, "never leave".
(176)China will attack Russia-visions received 1-4-2005-in visions, I saw the president of China and he said, "strike russia", "strike".
(177)america's demise is planned-vision received 1-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the face of a man and he said, "everthings planned". I thouht it was vladimir putin.
(178)the united states of america's economy is ruined-visions received 1-4-2005-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "our economy" and I asked about our economy and I saw bush again and he said, "ruined".
(179)right-vision received 1-2005-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair and HE said, "right".
(180)wanting me back-visions received 1-6-2005-in visions I saw people who go to this church I visited. Here are some of the visions-I saw a man who goes there and he said, "come join us". I saw the pastor who is a woman and she said things like, "I need to see you again", "that's what I said, ain't it", "I'm a witch", "I think it's false"(referring to visions and stuff I told them), "you need to come", I saw her and she cursed God. I saw a person in a vision that I believe was the pastor or a woman that goes there and she said, "I need a husband". I told visions and on staurday night, and I went back on sunday and the Lord Jesus did not want me to go, but, finally let me, and she was preaching on false visions and false prophets. I saw a man in a vision and HE said, "there against Me". If you don't believe there are churches against Jesus, it was the high priest and rulers that sought councel in when Jesus walked the face of the earth to have Him crucified.
(181)I'm not special of Gods gift to the world-vision received 1-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "what's it like". I think if you serve Jesus, you know what it is like.
(182)doesn't believe-vision received 1-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a man who works for a "marathon gas station" and he said, "false".
(183)correct-vision received 1-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "right".
(184)pray until something happens-vision received 1-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "have to push bob".
(185)told where to go-vision received 1-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He told me where to go, and I did".
(186)russia and china will attack the united states of america-vision received 1-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "were under attack".
(187)religion is not salvation-vision received 1-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I am religious". Look at all the things that are going on right now in the name of religion and compare that to what went on with the apostles.
(188)Jesus is watching you-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision I saw a man with brown hair and beard and HE said, "we watch you". in another one I saw Him and He said, "do it".
(189)wanting to preach revival-vision received 1-11-2005-I wanted to reach out to this church and I saw a man with a brown beard and hair in a vision and HE said, 'it's to late'. In another one HE said something like, "pay My price".
(189)being mocked-vision received 1-11-2005 and 1-10-2005-while witnessing to a woman that I witnessed to long ago, I saw her in a vision and she said, "I thinks it's funny". I saw this twice. I just now saw her again in a vision and she said, "I'm lost". In another vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I think you funny".
(190)pray hard-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and He said, 'learn to press bobby".
(191)wanting the bucks-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor and he said, "I want my money".
(192)have you worked out your salvation according to scripture-vision received 1-11-2005-in the first vision, I saw the word, "myer". Then I saw joyce myer in a vision and hse said, "I don't have it done".
(193)hand-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "hand". Then I heard some words that were similar to this, but, I'm pretty sure this isn't right "go to helping hand".
(194)sinking ship-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw like a big ship, possibly an oil tanker sinking. I could tell it was broke in two.
(195)frozen-vision received 1011-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "freeze". This could means assests frozen.
(196)angel-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw an angel that is hard to describe. I only saw His upper body. I could make His face out. It was like He was made of light almost the color of that greenish glow in the dark color and it was like His lower body was the same color, but, the electricity He seemed to be made of or had, did not stay in the boundry of a body, but went a little beyond.
(196)woe to kansas-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw like my file manager of one of my websites and one of the visions was being erased. Jesus showed me kansas will be nuked and in the vision, I saw a kansas vision being erased, and the word kansas was being erased when the vision ended.
(197)america's economy was sold for iraq-visions received 1-11-2005-in a vision, I saw a man anbd He said, "he sold". I saw bush in a vision and he said, "it was for iraq". I was asking Jesus if he can see that now. I saw bush in another vision and he said, "we want gas", and in another, "we blew it". In another one I heard and or saw someone saying, "you know what we've done", "we traded the economy". I saw bin laden in a vision and he said, "I'm bragging". Bush said something like, "I didn't" and cheneys words were similar. I saw president bush in a vision and he said, "iraq is going to kill us".
(199)they killed-visions received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "they killed" and I was asking "who" and I believe I saw a man in a vision and He said, "rumsfeld". I remember seeing the name "RUMSFELD" and it was in letters that were the color of blood. I was telling Jesus that rumsfeld had nothing to do with that war, and I saw a man in a vision that had brown hair and He said, "of course he did".
(200)is it time to reveal me-visions received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "photo" and I heard, "get photo". In another vision I saw the word I saw like a sign in red letters on a building the name was something like, "PICTURES".
(201)listerene toothpaste-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a tube of listerene toothpaste.
(202)castrol motor oil-visiojn received 1-2005-in this vision, I saw a bottle of castrol 20w40 motor oil.
(203)8 nations will destroy america-vision received 1-11-2005-as I was praying, I named off the 8 nations that will be in on the attack of the united states, "russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, north korea, venezuela, brazil, and as I did I saw like a man in a vision and He said, "that's it". I believe He was an angel. I just saw an angel again and He let me know that it's correct.
(204)I asked Jesus how russia will shut our computers off-vision received 1-11-2005-and this is what I heard, "nuclear weapons". They ahve weapons that will cause electric appliances and things to burn up. I saw a person whom I believe was a woman in a vision and she or it said, "there planning it".
(205)iran-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the president of Iran, "khatami" and he said, "I'm iran".
(206)ministryofdreams-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the name of my ministry "ministryofdreams". As of late, I've been updating ministryofdreams more than I used to. I have an awesome vision to put on today. I would like to find away to do some website condensing and turn 3 sites into one. I'm waiting on Jesus.
(207)accused of worshipping this site-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "you worship prophecy ministry". I suppose I did. It's Gods WORD and I'm excited about it. Praise Jesus!
(208)the cries of the doomed and lost in hell-received 1-11-2005-for a long time last night, I heard people crying and screaming in hell. I heard my mom saying things over and over again like, "please help me", "wash my hands". She was screaming at the top of her lungs. I heard like multitudes of people all crying and saying the same thing over again. Something like, "please help me". I even saw the words in a vision, "please help me". This went on for so long, and it happens often.
(209)missile defence can not be counted on-visions received 1-11-2005-in a vision, I saw bush and he said, "we can hit a missile", and in another vision he said somethig that suggested exactly the opposite. Don't believe missile defence will protect.
(210)would'nt it be neat to have a "prophetic meeting"-vision received 1-20-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "meeting".
(211)a pastor that wants me to serve him-vision received 1-20-2005-in this vision, I heard this, "he wants you to serve him" and I either saw a pastor or a dark skin colored face of an angel saying it or both.
(212)get going-vision received 1-20-2005-in this vision I saw the word "up".
(213)recover-vision received 1-20-2005-in this vision, I saw a sign and at the bottom of the sign was the word "RECOVERY" in like red numbers.
(214)do you make changes as you go along-visions received 1-20-2005-Jesus gave me two visions. I believe in one I saw a woman who was changing the rules or the agreement or something along those lines as she was going along and I'm going by memory on this. Then in a vision, I saw a sentence and it was something like this, "angela dictates as she goes". I believe there were two sentences and I also have written down these words, "but the court finds". I may have seen the words, or somebody saying them orrrr? They may not even go together.
(214)it be time to change the oil-vision received 1-20-2005-in this vision, I saw the words "your oil". In another vision I saw a man and HE said something like "please change".
(215)being watched-vision received 1-20-2005-shortly After I left a gas station, I saw an old man who works there in a vision and he said something like, "I watched you".
(216)O'h God-vision received 1-20-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said: "O'h God".
(217)I was doing my job-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, 'why did you tell me'.
(217)pastor-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "be our pastor".
(218)not hindering-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "you wanted to stop".
(219)angel-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the face of an angel. He looked like a good looking man. He was kind off the color of the old greenish glow in the dark stuff, but, bighter, lit up a bit.
(220)col. gadafi-visions received 2-5-2005-while praying, I heard, "gadafi", and then I saw me in a vision saying something like, "what about gadafi", I have recorded as the next vision and I'm not sure they go together, but, I believe they do. I saw a man and I believe HE had graying hair and beard and might have been wearing a robe and He said, "attack". I later saw a woman in a vision and she said, "kill gadafi". I just saw a man in a vision with brown hair and HE said, "that's what I want".
(221)is iran building nuclear power plant as an excuse to have stuff they need to build nuclear weapons-vision received 2-5-2005-I asked Jesus a very similar question to the title, and I saw iran president khatami in a vision and he said, "it is".
(222)bob-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "bob". THere may have been other word's.
(223)tripod-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw like an angelfire webpage where the sign in button is, and in one of the button's was, "tripod". I have a tripod blog. I just have not messed with it much.
(224)hit iraq, hit iran-received 2-5-2005-I heard this while praying. I may have seen somebody say it, and I don't remember who said it if I did. "hit iraq", "hit iran".
(225)america is running out of oil-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "were running out of oil".
(226)trouble brewing-received 2-5-2005-I heard this while praying, "something's about to happen".
(227)sought-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "sought".
(228)want-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I may have seen like a webpage, in in a really neat color, that seemed like a heavenly color, the word, "want" was on the page.
(229)sylvestor-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the name, "sylvestor". It may have been "sylvester".
(230)I have the Holy Ghost, That is God on the inside, and that Gods name is Jesus-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "I thought about that Spirit", "It's the right one".
(231)fall-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "FALL".
(232)cnn headline news-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'll put this on headline news". It was a woman with dark hair.
(233)the color of fire-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a webpage that I believe was mine and it was yellow, and I heard something like this, "change it to the color of fire".
(234)scrolling message-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the scrolling message at the bottom of one of my pages and I heard this, "I don't believe it".
(235)geocities-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the word and heard, "geocities".
(236)street preacher-vision recieved 2-13-2005-in this vision, and I'm going by memory, I heard, "I want you out in the streets", and I saw in a vision, "streets".
(237)mountain moved-vision received 2-13-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with his hands raised up, and there was a mountain there in front of him, and I heard some words that were something like this, "your mountain's moved", and the mountain moved out of sight.
(238)terroists attack-vision recieved 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw a mans face, and He said, "terroists attack".
(239)not apostolic-vision received 2-20-2005--in this vision, I saw this trinity pastor and he said, "we ain't apostolic".
(240)gas price was $7.00-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw a shell gas station pump and the price on the pump was one of these, "$7.00", or, "$700". I asked Jesus what was going to cause it, and I heard something like, "it doesn't matter", "I'm taking everthing away".
(241)U.S.-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw the words and I believe I heard, "U.S." and I beilieve I also saw tached onto that, "military".
(242)words-visions received 2-20-2005-in visions, I saw words, and some of the words were I believe, "men Bretheren", "suffice". They were not together.
(243)clean up-vision recieved 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard, "clean up".
(244)is-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "is".
(244)agape-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "agape".
(245)employment-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw a sentence that flashed real fast and it said something like, "employment likely is good".
(246)set up-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, and I did not record enough details. This is what I recorded, "bob, I would like to set you up". I believe this was a pastor talking.
(247)often, people try to decieve me and say things like, "we've got our eyes on Jesus-vision recieved 3-6-2005-I was witnessing to a man that was driving a church van and I shared things Jesus had showed me, and he more or less was telling me that was the reason he has his eyes on Jesus. I saw him in a vision and he said, "I'm lost". If your eyes really are fixed on Jesus, why aren't you the one telling me? I don't expect a brand new Christian to know much, but, sombody who claims to have been saved for a long time, and does not know very much at all. My bible tells me the gospel is hidden to the lost.
(248)being watched-vision recieved 3-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with dark hair and he said, "were watching you".
(249)A-vision recieved 3-9-2005-in this vision, I saw the letter, "A", and I think I was writing it, and it may have been the first letter of the word, "attack".
(250)trust Jesus-vision recieved 3-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "don't trust me bob".
(251)being talked about-vision recieved 3-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "we really talk about ya".
(252)praying hard-vision recieved 3-9-2005-in this vision, I saw me praying hard.
(253)don't lust-vision recieved 3-9-2005-I was praying in the car and a female jogger wenbt by, and I saw a woman in a vision and she said, 'don't lust'.
(254)danger-vision recieved 3-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm in danger".
(255)wanted by lucifer, satan-vision recieved 3-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "the devil wants you". I will fight to the death. This battle is not mine, but, the Lords. Its my job to serve Jesus like He wants and resist the devil, and deny myself, pick up my cross, and follow Jesus daily. If I die lost, I did not do my job, and I won't be able to blame the fallen angel lucifer for that.
(256)url recycle-vision received 3-17-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "url recycle". There was more stuff there.
(257)take back-vision received 3-17-2005-in this vision, I saw me and I said something like, "God made me bring them back". While praying I heard something like, "take back the donuts". I was at a gas station and a man there was throwing away many donuts, and he let me have them, and for it, I donated money to the give a penny, take a penny tray.
(258)cheap-vision received 3-17-2005-in this vision, I believe I saw the word, "Cheap". I was like a page name on an indexed google page. It may have been, "Cheat", but, I believe it was, "cheap".
(259)adulterer-vision recieved 3-17-2005-I found myself staring at a young woman, and I saw a man in a vision that had brown hair and beard, and He said, "adulterer". I repented.
(260)visons of a man-visions received 3-17-2005-in visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "call me", "2 numbers", "come and answer for yourself". In one he said, "I'm eunuch" or "I'm enoch". I believe it was eunuch. Enoch had a testimony that please Jesus so much, Jesus took him. I saw a woman that works for that ministry, and she said something like, "I hav esomething against you".
(261)good day-vision received 3-17-2005-in a vision, I saw man with brown hair and beard and He said, "have a good day". His voice sounded like a mix of a mans and a computer generated voice, similar to a lions voice.
(262)gas prices will go down-vision received 3-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a gas sign and the price for gas was, "$1.24".
(263)I'll follow Jesus-vision received 3-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that I witnessed to and he said, "come with me". He told me he goes to a baptist church.
(264)witch-vision received 3-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm a witch".
(265)your talent-vision received 3-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you got to use your talent". I believe the other day, I saw the word, "spoken", in a vision. There is power in the Word of God, and when that Word is spoken, the power is released. There is no power in my words. God proves His Word in signs and wonders. That does not mean that the person speaking the Word is being proved. My talent is to speak the warning, and whatever else Jesus tachs on.
(266)amazing-visions received 3-2005-in two visions, I saw a man and a former girlfriend, and they said, "your amazing", "bobby, unbelieveable".
(267)not cut off-vision received 3-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with dark hair and he said, "your cut off".
(268)told to press when praying many times-visions received 3-25-2005-many times in visions today, I was told to press or informed I was not pressing, and other things in prayer.
(269)truth-vision recieved 3-30-2005-in this vision, I saw a scrolling message box like is on the front page of this website and one of the words in the message was, "truth", and I believe it was referring to these visions.
(270)J.C. Penney-vision received 3-30-2005-in this vision, I saw and may have heard, "J.C. Penney".
(271)hurting-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, 'I hurt'. I asked Jesus to replace hurt with joy.
(272)turn means not only turn away from sin, but, repent of sins you have already committed-vision received 4-5-200-in a vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and maybe blue eyes and HE said, "turn".
(273)stengy-vision received 4-8-2005-in a vision, I saw somebody and I who ever it was said, "I saw stengy". It's possible a saw a man and heard it, which would have been a description of that man. I was not going to write it down, and I saw the words in a vision, "I saw". So I wrote it down.
(274)not necessarily good for you-vision received 4-8-2005-in a vision, I saw a possibly a woman or something and she said or I heard, "that's not food".
(275)woke up-vision received 4-8-2005-on my sites, there are many visions about a man. I saw this man in a vision and he said, "woke my ass up".
(276)trying-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "trying to get a hold".
(277)money ain't your friend-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the white face of an angel and he said, "money ain't your friend".
(278)write the visions down-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "write them down". I can;t write them all down. If I'm driving and I received 10 visions froom Jesus, I can't write them down unless I remember them. I said to the Lord something like, "what do you want me to do, pull over and write it down", and I heard something like this, "not while your driving". I percieve I'm getting into some trouble with Jesus over this. It does not seem He is budging. I made a promise to Jesus that has become probably impossible to keep. I believe I saw a me in a vision and I said or heard, "I mae the promise". It is very possible when I made the promise, I wasn't receiving as many like I'm receiving now. I love it. There are devils all around me and Jesus sometimes lets me see them and they say many things to me. Watch the promises you make to Jesus.
(279)bobby-vision received 4-8-2005-in a vision, I believe I saw a woman and she said, "bobby". I was not going to write it down and I saw the word, "bobby", in a vision. I believe a day is coming and already has when people will call for me, but, it will be too late for them.
(280)doesn't care-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "I don't care what you think".
(281)blashpemy-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw like an electric sign like you see on a sidewalk at a store and the word on the sign was, "blaspheme", or "blasphemy". I just saw pastor harris in a vision and he said, "don't blasphme". I believe blasphemy is when you say the devil did something that the Holy Ghost did.
(282)triple a-vision received 4-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "triple a", which is a a a towing.
(283)pentecostals-vision received 4-22-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "pentecostal", and I heard, "were pentecostal".
(284)naked-vision received 4-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm naked". That means no Holy Ghost, no salvation.
(285)don't throw Jesus away when you don't want Him, and dig Him out of the trash where you threw Him when you need Him. Serve Him always-vision received 4-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and HE said, "put Me in the trash can".
(286)on fire-vision received 4-22-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw an all white Man and He was pointing at me and he said, "he's on fire".
(287)lost ground-vision received 4-2005-In two separate visions on two separate days, I saw me on steps that were like illuminated and I may have been wearing a white robe and I heard, "come down a step". I'm trying to regain lost ground and beleive I heave, but, its hard.
(288)anything other than being saved according to scripture and being led by the Holy Ghost is just religion-vision received 4-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "religion". In another vision, I saw him or someone else and he said, "no religion".
(289)devil is arresting people almost at will-vision received 4-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I got arrested".
(290)press when you pray-vision received 4-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "press".
(291)can't find-vision received 4-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I can not find him".
(292)seeking-vision received 4-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your praying".
(293)mom won't be able to help someday-vision recieved 4-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "get mom to fix it".
(294)future economic collapse in usa-visions received 5-5-2005-In two visions, I saw people and they said, "the economy", "collapse".
(295)visit-visions received 5-10-2005-In two visions, I saw a man and he said, "come and be with us", "please tell me to press".
(297)are you living for Jesus or are you a rebel-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "rebel".
(298)adrea-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw the name, "andrea".
(299)the apostle paul compelled to blaspheme-vision received about 5-2005-In this vision, I saw the apostle paul and he had brown hair and he said, 'I compelled to blaspheme'.
(300)chosen-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "bobs chosen".
(301)put Jesus first-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said something like, "Me first".
(302)down-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I went down". I beleive I saw him in another, but, can't remember.
(302)down on my knees, I learned to stand-vision recieved 5-23-2005-While laying and praying in bEd, I saw a man in a vision and he was pointing down to the floor, and I may have heard something like, "when you go down". Get humble.
(303)fallen-visions recieved 5-24-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "I fell", "need wallet", "I'm against you", "no Spirit".
(304)blasphemed-vision received 5-29-2005-I was going to the checkout conter at a buisness and would have witnessed to the woman there, and I saw her in a vision and she said, "I blasphemed".
(305)suicide coming-vision received 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "I'm gonna try suicide".
(306)Something-vision received 6-10-2005-While driving and praying, I saw Something White coming to me in the corner of one of my eyes. I beleive this was the Holy Ghost. Praise Jesus!
(307)my fish aqaurium had cloudy water-vision received 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw my fish aquarium and it had ver cloudy water. I don't know what happened to prevent me from taking care of it. I may do lots a travel, and if that is the case, it would probably be best to take the fish to white river and let them go.
(308)overeat-overdrive-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown Hair and Beard and He said something like, "you overeat and overdrive". I don't fully agree, but, I'm not the one calling the shots. Maybe sometimes on both, but, not all the time. C'mon Jesus Man, loosen up. Your Will OH PRECIOUS LORD!
(309)joking around will send you to the lake of fire-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "jesting". If you will give an account of every idle word in the day of judgment, does that make an idle word a word that did not need to be said? You must be serious about Jesus.
(310)sniffing glue can ruin your mind-visions recieved 6-21-2005-In visions, I saw this man I knew and he sniffed glue, huffed tolley wau. I saw him in visions and he said things like, "sniffing glue", "my head".
(311)dumitru duduman-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In a vision, I saw a man tha looked like dumitru duduman and he said in a very delightfule eloquent voice, "your an angel". I saw him in atleast one more vision to.
(312)money can get you in trouble-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I need money".
(313)Hollie-visions recieved 6-22-2005-In a vision, I beleive I saw the name, "HOLLIE", and I believe I saw hollie in a visions or a spirit that looks like her and the female spirit said things like, "write", "the Lord will get you", "I must eat". I may have seen some of these in words. This may have been a lying spirit, and it may have been an actual person. I believe it looked like a person.
(314)financial-vision recieved 6-22-2005-I had a deal with a man and so far, he has not come thru on all, and the part that did come thru, I had to go and get, but, I could not find all. I saw the man in a vision and he said, "everythings financial". I've given money. I paid in advance. I seriously doubt if I will give him more.
(315)don't-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw an all White Angelic Being in a vision and He said, "don't do that". I was changing pages on this site to red, and Jesus showed me in visions to do this, but, I can do it when I udate pages, I don't have to do it all now. Praise Jesus anyhow!!
(316)SUICIDE is a permanent solution to a temporoary problem-visions recieved 6-28-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "I want your baby", "death", "committed suicide". In other visions, I saw her and she screamed, "hot", and in one she was weeping bitterly. I prayed to Jesus not wanting this to happen.
(317)visions of dr. dan bohler-visions received 7-2-2005-In visions, OI saw a man that looked like dan bohler. He looked different in some of the visions, but, I believe it was pastor dan bohler and he said things like, "your a Christian", either, "don't call me or go call me", "hell", "see me", "come to agape", etc. I feel the leading of the Holy Ghost to go to agape harvest ministries which I believe is a church, but, i don't know, can't find much info about it on the internet. Blue springs, missouri is about 438 mile from me, so if I went to the bank and got money and left for there, if it is a church, I could be there tomorrow night, lest I only pray for some of my prayer time, and finish later. My prayer life is established by God, and only can be changed by Him. We'll see. I saw Somebody and something ws said like, "I'll bless you".
(318)jesting is sin-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "no jesting". Thats joking around.
(319)live 8-visions received 7-2-2005-On the cnn and maybe yahoo news I saw a little about live 8, which supposedly is to benefit africa or something like that. In the first vision, I belive I saw the words and heard, "live 8", and then I saw roger gilmore in a vision who is lead singer for pink floyd and he said something like, "we will get you". A spirit came off the articles, which I don't beleive I clicked on, but, saw, and maybe read a little give or take. I had to repent. When I was reading not long ago about the a posssible lawsuit or lawsuit on the behalf of the children who sang on the song, "another brick in the wall", I saw roger gilmore in a vision and he said something like, "that ain't happening". That vision was about a year ago, but, Jesus never let me post it. watch what you read or look at. It can be a trap that the devil can get in on you. It can be sin as well.
(320)I'm getting older-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "bobby got old". Last night at church, during prayer request, the one running the service referred to me as young man when he called on me I beleive. He was only about 4 years older than me. I warned that church during prayer request that Jesus showed me russia was going to lead an all out attack on america.
(321)the visions are accurate-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "thats wrong".
(322)the more you care, the more you will do-vision received 7-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "care bobby".
(323)Jesus can turn your flesh over to satan, possibly so the soul may get saved-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and he said, "I'm Job". Job got stripped, but, stayed faithful and God blessed the latter part of his life more than the first.
(324)are you worthy of Gods attention-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with possibly Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "whose worth saving".
(325)won't forget me-visions received 7-15-2005-In visions, I saw possibly a woman and she said things like, "I won't forgit bobby", "I can't beleive".
(326)I did have to go-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby had to leave".
(327)you can get trapped in something you may not have the guts to get out of and be destroyed-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, I'm with a former girlfriend on the floor and we may be on our sides and we are kissing and she says something to me like, "show me the kayland kingdom". I saw in my heart something like, "Lord, "get me out of this".
(328)funeral parlor-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a man at a fneral parlor. I don't remember this vision.
(329)is it possible that doubting can cost you your salvation-visions received 7-15-2005-In a vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I doubted", and I saw a man that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "when you doubt", and I saw him or somebody else and here is what was said, "you loose the Spirit'. I saw like a woman and she said, "when you doubt you blaspheme".
(330)maybe seen in a vision-visions received 7-15-2005-In visions, I saw a like man and he possibly said things like, :you acted so young", "you looked 17"(I may be off on these two).
(331)don't be deceived-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "but not in this country". She may have been referring to possibly so called Christians in america not having to go thru hard times or possibly even be lost. Where are the Christians? If the bible tell us that we will know them by thier fruit, where's the fruit? How much do you have in common with the apostle Paul.
(332)closed-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, In this vision, I saw possibly a man and he said things like, "closed", "you know what I did", "i blasphemed". I think they were the same man.
(333)heart-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "heart". not good.
(334)visions of men and women-visions received 7-15-2005-In visions, I saw men and women and they said things like, "I'm far down", "cut off". I asked Jesus about him and I heard this and may have seen somebody say, "he didn't want to take no". Can Jesus instruct you. In others, "you getting in to trouble", "this is serious", "mother", "move".
(334)pitiful-received 7-19-2005-In this, I heard this woman cying angrily and aI felt like she was in hell and the cry was non stop and she said things like, "I hate you", "I hate you", "I hate you", "I wanted control", "witnesses blood is all over my hands". I saw her in a vision and she said, "what ever", "cut off", "I blasphemed". I just left her and appologized to her if I wronged her in any way and more or less told her to seek the Lord. While I was walking, I saw a spirit that looked like her in a vision and she said, "cut off". What if 1 hour earlier give or take, she could have been saved, and she did not jump on it. What if that was her last call. As far as my blood being on her hands, I thought I saw her in a vision and she said, "its off". I don't know if it was ever on.
(335)I'm close-vision received 7-2005-I saw in a vision a Man that looked like Jesus and He had Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "your this close", and He had His two Hands up and they were about a foot apart.
(336)Hand of Light-received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw this fat Hand of Lite and the finger pointed down and I may have heard, "number". May have to get a phone number. I saw in a vision the other day a man and he said something like, "you number is all over your website".
(337)MYSTERY, BABYLON is America-recieved 7-2005-I hear this voice that rattled off many things and even Identified himself. One thing He said was true, "MYSTERY, BABYLON is america", many times. It is, and something else he said was, "if your write down, God will bless you", or something like that.
(338)dan bohler prophecies-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he said things like, "you know what dumitru did", "he slipped".
(339)the Mantle-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "that Mantles Good".
(340)terry cannon-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "yor going with us sunday", "why don't you leave", "if I let", "we want him back but he won't come back". I said heard and or saw somebody say, "that hurts cannon".
(341)pastor jordan-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor jordan and he said, "I need something else".
(342)hit isreal-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like satan and he said, "hit israel".
(343)israel-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe george and he said something like, "end tonight", and I saw this man and he said, "hit israel", and I saw george again and he said, "end tonight".
(344)embarras-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a terry cannon and he said, "embarras".
(345)never find This if you cross the line-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "never find It".
(346)get ready-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "not ready", "please help me".
(347)knows ministryofdreams exists-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "I check it often", and one that led to beleive he knows about this ministry and I sit in his Church. I may have just seen him and he said something like, 'I'll embarras him". People who's names appear on this site need to realize one thing, I recieved these visions from Jesus and He wants me to post them. I'm not fight against you, but, Jesus is fight ing against you, and this also can make you realize that your off, so can you can try to get back. I believe Jesus wants that, and I do to, and I agree with Jesus. False pastors, false leaders, false Christians, false teachers and false prophets sould be exposed. I thankful at the moment that I was given the job. The Lord spoke to me the other day and sid something like, "you are either embarrasing or depressed".
(348)louis farrakhan prophecies-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like nation of islam leader, louis farrakhan and he said things like, "your country", "russia", "hit it", "kill russia", and I saw a spirit that looked like russian president vladimir putin and he said something like, we'll attack'em". lastly farrakhan said, I hate russia.
(349)indianapolis will be destroyed-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like louis farrakhan and he said, Indianapolis, under attack.
(350)nation of islam-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a louis farrakhan who leads the nation of islam and he said things like, me first, it hurt, my stomach, need mercy, tell people, your pentecostal, leave it off, religion, go to revival, describe.
(351)spiritual phone call-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a louis farrakhan and he said things like, on the phone, i'm goshen, i'm wreck, and in one something like, cut off.
(352)visions are from Jesus-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like tonya hayes and she said something like, those are just words.
(353)debbie-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said things like, your wanted in the bedroom, come here.
(354)eunuch-vision recieved 8-2005-I was asking Jesus why a relation of mine is not married. He is only about 22, but, a very good looking man. I was asking Jesus something like if he was eunuch, and in a vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like duane and he said something like, thats why.
(355)goshen is hell-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, I'm goshen.
(356)carol cunningham-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like carol cunningham and she said, I'm carol.
(357)mike cunningham-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike cunningham and he said things like, tell me, same bobby.
(358)debbie-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said things like, I lost my Mantle, same bobby, help me.
(359)blew it-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, blew it, and I saw hollie and she said things like, no he didn't, hell.
(360)farrakhan-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like louis farrakhan and he said things like, I'm a witch, call us back, need him, please help me, your faith, money, call, pray with me, witch, i can't see, i'm religion, thats the Lord, I'm against you. I beleive all these were him.
(361)witch-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said , witch.
(362)heart attack-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, heart attack.
(363)help-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, please help.
(364)mike-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike who manages a speedway gas station and he said, pepsi, alcoholic.
(365)bethesda temple apostolic faith Church-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a mister garrett who goes to bethesda temple apostolic faith Church in indianapolis on michigan road and he said things like, thats my word, fuck you, dumb ass, witch, fallen, need an answer, and maybe, tell, and, he's hiding, and maybe come to betheda temple apostolic faith, he's real, and maybe, I told that pastor, like your wallet, hate you. This was pastor royce fields, royce fields, bethesda temple apostolic faith tabernacle.
(366)hollie-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, I'm moodie, and maybe, I'm witch, and maybe, cut me off, leave me alone.
(367)johnny cash-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like country singer johnny cash who had a song that was something like, I fell into a burning ring of fire, and I saw a spirit that looked like johnny cash and he said, I fell in. Johnny Cash may have said this twice in two visions.
(368)lost-vision recieved 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man in a vision and he said, "lost", thats good", "is he serious", and I saw the woman that was with him in visions and she said, "lost", and something like, "won't be back".
(369)the bedroom-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor luster and he said, "your wanted in the bedroom".
(370)messaged needed-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man that I witnessed to and she said things like, "I need to hear that", "your the one", "I'm apostolic", "you little punk", "I need message".
(371)witnessed-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman that I witnessed to and she said things like, "don't do that", "that helped me", "I blasphemed", "reject", "suicide", "I'm going to the lake".
(372)embarras-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, "embarrass me", and I saw her brother mike cunningham and he said, "religion".
(373)visions of hu hintao-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the chnese president and he said things like, "we want the message", "we start it"(china will start war with america), "true", "undecided", "I'ma backslider", "I'm out", "bush is dummy", "deliver", "it's iran", "attack", "attack it", "hit missiles", "its iran", "bush", "he's a dummy", "iran has nuclear bomb", "don't attack", "hit russia", "go ahead and attack", "leave it alone", "your economy is collapsing", "test new missile". I heard and maybe saw the word, "china", and maybe saw president hu, and he said, 'no more time", "shot it down", "collapse it", "hit iran", "hit the economy", "git oil", "take", "I've blown it", "there blowing it", "bobby please come out in the open", "so we can kill him".
(374)hit on iran coming-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hu hintao and he said, "when you hit iran", and I saw this president and he said something like, "were getting in a lot of trouble", and I saw the president of iran and he said, "terrorism".
(375)God said-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "God said, "you left".
(376)deliver the visions-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said, "deliver".
(377)chvrolet going to china-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe preisdent hu and he may have said something about chevrolet moving to china.
(378)missile strike on iran coming-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe the word, "iran", which I heard and may have seen, and I saw a man and he said, "get ready for a missile strike".
(379)wanted in the bedroom which is the Church-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "your wanted in the bedroom", and I saw pastor terry cannon and he said, "smokin".
(380)pakistan has nuclear weapons-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the president of pakistan and he said, "we have the bomb", "iraqi".
(381)buy russia-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "buy russia", and I saw china preident hu and he said, "get it out of your system".
(382)mike boldea-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael and he said, "that was cool". Glad you dug it man!
(383)gas may be high because of new additives and refinery restrictions by epa-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said listen here", and I saw him or somebody else and he said, "its that new gasoline".
(384)pastor luster-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like luster and he said, "where di your talent go".
(385)pakistan and china will attack russia-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hu and he said, "pakistan", and I saw the president of pakistan and he said, "hit russia", "please tell".
(386)God will let you go if you want to go-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like soembody and they said, "turn me over".
(387)america's oil reserve being filled also raises gas prices-vision recieved 8-25-2005-I heard, "the reserve", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like president and he said, "get filled".
(388)china's coming usa, russia, "taiwan, and israel-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "china's coming'.
(389)rick joyner-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like rick joyner and he was sitting and he pointed with his finger and he was angry and he said, "I've had it with you".
(390)given back-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "you can".
(391)sister stewart-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister stewart and she said things like, "don't go to heavenly life", "it's closed", "were closing".
(392)my house-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like elder luster who pastors the upper room Church and he said, "my house".
(393)attack on iran closing in-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "hit iran".
(394)Jesus is the One who sets the price I have to pay everyday-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a maybe a White Hand and the Finger was pointing and I heard this, "I'm going to raise it up", and then I saw me and I said, "same price".
(395)joyner-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like rick and he said, "whats your problem".
(396)pastor lilly Mcgordan-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor mcgordon or something like that of faith temple apostolic Church and he said things like, "your a psychic bob", "you ain't clear", "blasphemer", "thier's something worng with you", "heart attack", "visions", "that hurt", "Jesus".
(397)terrorism-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe somebody and they said, "our nex 911", and I saw somebody and they said something like, "I'll put it on the rail road tracks".
(398)president-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "watch me", "tax the motor oil", "lets start it", and I saw dick and he said, "that'll fix it", and one of them said, "tell me", "I'm trapped", "shoot", and I beleive the president said things like, "bad economy", "you worker of iniquity", "were fixin to nuke ya", "iran", "made me perish", and I saw dick or him and he said, "maybe, "dick made me perish", and I saw a man and he said, "go ahead and set this place on fire", "we hate bush".
(399)scary-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe two young people dressed in like punk attaire with the wild spiked like hair cuts and they came rapidly thru this glass door to the inside of some buisness.
(400)debbie is doomed-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie. I first heard like a powerful slap and I saw debbie and she cried, and she said things like, "I blasphemed", "support me", "it's in my heart", and debbie said things like, "jackie, deliver me", and I saw jackie and she said, "no", and debbie said, "sis, deliver me", and I saw sis and she said things like, "o.k. and then she came back and she said, "I can't", and debbie said something like, "bob, deliver me", and I may have seen me in visions and I said, "prophet can", "won't".
(400)motor oil going to get taxed-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said maybe, "motor oil", "tax". I saw somebody and they said something like, "gasoline", and I saw this president and he said, "its going down", "should I fix oil".
(401)trapped-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "did bobby trap me", "my bowells closed", and maybe, "the Lord done it", "making me perish".
(402)new york doomed-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like many different people and they prophecied attacks on new york and nyc. One said, "don't go to new york", "attack it".
(403)prophecy-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "prophecy".
(404)the bedroom-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe me and I said, "your wanted in the bedroom" and I may have asked who wanted me and I saw hollie and she said, "this is hollie", and I may have asked what she wanted and and she said things like, "all over", "witness sold", "head Job", and I saw this young man and he said things like, "I wanted control", "I eat her pussY', "tight pussy", "you know how I blew", and I saw hollie and she said, "gave head", "plese separate".
(404)jim jones-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like jim jones and I heard his name called and he said, "God told me not to blaspheme".
(405)money-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a pastor or assisstant pastor and he said things like, "get the money", "we hate you", "you know what I did", "Mantle", "I tried to steal IT".
(406)irving-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said, "pakistan", and I saw the president of pakistan and he said, "beat russia", and I saw irving again and he said, "prophet, is your pants zipped", and I looked and they weren't.
(407)brenda oconnor-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like brenda and she said things like, "hi bobby", "its charles", "charles is going to die", and I saw her husband Charles D. O'Connor and he said, "stroke".
(408)charles-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like charles and he said, "on my death certificate", "I blasphemed", "i did it once", and I saw pastor charles finnell and he said something like, "I did it once".
(409)thomas-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like thomas and he said things like, "you know who your fighting", "tolate for me", "to late for chicago", "nuke", "prophets got the Mantle", "prophet your going out", "in the hospital", "can you help debbie out", "its to late".
(410)pastor van slyke-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like wallace van slyke and he said things like, "you have an attornet bob", "on fire", "in the lake", "killed", "git back", and I saw me and I said, "at me".
(411)man-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "to late for me now", "bowells", "I started jacking off", "I made her go down", and I saw hollie and she said things like, "he wants to talk", "take my pants off", "blaspheme".
(412)los angeles under attack-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "los angeles", "under attack".
(413)delaine-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like delaine and she said things like, "whats You Will".
(414)pastor charles finnell-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like charles and he said things like, "save her life", "poor debbie", "bobby wants trouble", and I may have heard, "debbie wants to talk".
(415)fire-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dick and he said, "fire", and I saw this president and he said, "at me", and I saw dick and he said, "I'm going to be responsible".
(416)hillary clinton will be president of usa-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hillary and she said, "I'm you new president", and I wondered who will run against her and I may have seen dick and he said, 'I will", and jack kemp may resurface.
(417)hollie-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe somebody and they said things like, "invite me", and I saw hollie and she said, "should I go to kansas".
(418)emmit smith-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like emit and he said things like, "500", "the devil attracted you", "you set me down".
(419)sissy-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, "bobby, I suffer", "get me out of hell", "close the website", "I'm dying", "I won't".
(419)elder-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me the word, "elder".
(420)embaras-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "you need to embarras me", "you left", "in control". It looked like shawn tyson from Christ Church apostolic.
(421)Emmanuel temple apostolic Church in indianpolis-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the pastor and he said things like, "thats the right Spirit there", "my vision", "greater mercy", "tell visions", "tell debbie your sorry", "done lost It", "witch", "me", "I was judging".
(422)delaine-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like delaine and she said things like, "chosen", "herpes", and I may have seen a man and he said, "gave her herpes", and I saw one and they said, "eunuch".
(423)grandpa duduman-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman's grandpa and he said, "heaven".
(424)irving-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said things like, "missile attack on new york", "o my God", "fooled ya", "I'm a spirit", "prophet blasphemed", "MYSTERY, BABYLON is america", "thats ok", "we love MYSTERY, BABYLON", "it's over".
(425)destruction to new york-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "don't go to new york", it's under attack", and I may have seen a spirit that looked like david wilkerson and he said, "it's attacked by a missile", "submarine", "bowells", "closing", "ridiculous".
(426)usa is babylon-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON", "i'm going to loose my mom", "it's embarrasing", "who you going to tell", "the prophecy club".
(427)libraries will close-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "back again", "were closed"(maybe she said this), "to late".
(428)carol sue barger-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maiden name carol sue barger and she said things like, " I'm getting ready to go home", "I blasphemed", and I saw her husband and he said, "new york", "attack".
(429)mystery-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "still open", "mom I can't sleep", "iran", "hit iran".
(430)jeff rense-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like jeff and he said things like, "I'm rense", "get away from me".
(431)revelation-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "final death certificate", and I saw hollie and she said, "your concieted", "hit russia", and I saw michael boldea and he said, "when will they hit russia", and I saw hollie and she said, "in the last days", "were a target", "hit russia", "your nothing but a witch".
(432)henry gruver-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like henry and he said things like, "witness help me", "move across the street", "financial", "Holy person", "shot me".
(433)hurricane katrina was america's next 9-11-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "our next 9-11", "is over", "katrina", and I heard, "economys my nest 9-11", "I need more oil".
(434)hollie-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "on my death certificate", "I blasphemed", "it's iran", and I saw somebody and they said, "missile attack on iran", and maybe, "MYSTERY, BABYLON is america not rome", and I heard or saw somebody say, "MYSTERY, BABYLON is ont rome".
(435)keri fox-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like keri and she said things like, "I lost my hand", "pussY tight", and maybe, "you need to tell me".
(436)hollie prophecies-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "attack", "new york", and maybe, "attack", "our government", "please collaspe", "our government is collapsing"(I saw this president and he said, "were in trouble"), "new york city", "under judggement", "judge him", "bobby your judgement is passed", "say your sorry to hollie", "missile attack on russia", "bobby pastor", "rense", "push bobby", "I'm going to"(she or somebody said this).
(437)brother kimbel-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like kimbel and he said things like, "change bobby", "this is brother kimbel", "sacrifice", "kimbel", "go to agape". Thats agape apostolic Church in indianapolis.
(438)pakistan will attack russia-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the president of pakistan and he said things like, "kill russia", "pakistan", "tell".
(439)dumitru duduman-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-I asked Jesus if dumitru made It, and God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said things like, "no", "blasphemed", "tell visions", "how did I commit blaspheme", "your not praying", "the battle's gitton hot", "going out".
(440)public libraries will close-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "tell me there about to shut down", "the libraries".
(441)revelations of henry gruver-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and he said, "henry", and I saw henry gruver and he said, "I'm out", "I'll answer", "silly".
(442)ann schmidt-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like ann and she said things like, "no chances", "Jesus help me", "I need my answer", "I blasphemed", "we want you to send", "your bob hickman", "blaspheme".
(443)vision give to henry gruver was awesome-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like henry and he said, "read my vision", and he may have wondered what I thought about it, and I saw me and I said, "it's awesome".
(444)blaspheme-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said, "how did I blaspheme', and I saw dumitru and he said, "you didn't", "were witches".
(445)president-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "send my military", "iraq", "missile attack".
(446)oil-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, "oil", "it's going up", "how did I blaspheme", and I saw hollie and she said, "i nver said", "talk to Jesus for me", "missile attack on iran".
(447)faith temple-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the female pastor of faith temple pastor mcGordon and she said things like, "I'm lost", "I need your money", "money first", "I'm out", "backslided", "I'm ready to go home", "your a psychic", "plese help", "bobby, I tear down people', and I saw me and I said, "witch", "she's a witch".
(448)michael boldea-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said things like, "be nice", "got a yoke", "witness won't press", "no more russia", "he can't see it", "one more chance".
(449)bedroom-vision recieved about 8-31-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "bedroom", and I saw pastor mcgordan of faith temple and she said, "faith temple".
(450)telephone call for michael boldea-vision recieved about 8-31-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "telephone", and I may have asked who it was, and I saw mike and he said, "prophet', and he said, "you need to help somebody".
(451)irving baxter-vision recieved about 8-31-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said, "o my God", "its prophet".
(452)ray horn-vision recieved about 8-31-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like ray horn who was attacked by his tiger on stage while doing a show and he cursed God, and said, 'put something in my stomach".
(453)oil-vision recieved about 10-21-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like al gore and he said, thats what we want, let me shoot'em, and I saw james and he said, did you hear that, if you don't git out of here I'll shoot ya, I know it, shoot means trap, I blew It, and stephen hanson said, come back.
(454)satan is just a spirit-vision received 10-30-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, satan, and he looked like a white face man, and he said, I'm only a spirit.
(455)the death certificate of macaulay culking-vision received 11-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a a spirit that looked the, macualay, and he said, on my death certificate, and stephen said, 666, had a vision, and, and hollie said, I, and macaulay said, din'nt, write, and hollie said, it, and macaulay said, down.
(456)the beast and 7 heads and 10 horns Jesus is Heaven-vision recieved 11-2005-God has showed me the pope and he said, russia, eventually, and vladimir putin, who is the president of russia said, russia is the beast, and michael boldea said, awesome, I want it off, and the pope said, with 7 heads and 10 horns, and I'm for russia, everybody, git blessed, with Heaven, and Heaven is, and al gore said, is, and the pope said, not paradise, the thief on the cross went to hell, and thats hollie and I'm kristina, Jesus preached to the spirits in hell, and I'm hollie and thats kristina, hum uh, she said, Heaven, Heave is hell to those that are going, and that was kristina and I'm hollie, and I saw the pope, and I heard, he will be like Angel of Lite.
(457)6 and threescore 6 -vision recieved about 12-29-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: a flanged cross is the threescore, like the catholics wear today, put it under, 666 is the mark of the beast.
(458)God still gives visions and dreams seek one-vision recieved about 1-7-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: there are no more visions in pentecost because there are no more pentecostals in pentecost.
(459)the bear is russia-vision recieved 2-2-2006-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looks like people and they said: the bear is russia, the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, they will be destroyed, when, russia attacks, amexico, and that is, they all will, will be, destructed, that is, russia, will, attack, america, and canada, and, mexico, will, be, by radiate, tion.
(460)america will attack iran-vision recieved about 3-9-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: the u.s. will not attack iran, but the powerplant.
(461)read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation-vision recieved 4-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: prophesied in joel.
(462)the little head vision-visions recieved 1-29-2007-in visions, I saw a little lighted head and the popes face popped out, and I saw the word, italy. , 11-8-2010-hollie showed, record, its, she, said, that, pointed, she wore uh white robe, showed, its pope, she said, hes, tap dancing, looking around, its i am gog, he said, hollie said, they want you to go home, hollie said, wearing white robe, God, said, he spoke, hollie said, pointed, its, like, shaft arm, brown, its, hollie said, you needed to, walk out, hollie, said, wiped lips, its, joyce, hollie said, shes wanting a divorce, but shes, hollie showed, her appearing, not good looking, but bob makes her think, hollie said, looked at bob like, quit, stop it, hollie wore white robe, hollie showed, record, whats that, she, said, its, new world order, stagecoach and, pope running out, like angel dot head, its, I am gog, he, said, you aint gonna record, it, said, hollie, thats, another, hollie appearing, wearing, its white robe, she clapped, showed, bob drink, looked thru, its old telescope, hollie out like yellow birdy hollie, you need to record, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, we, she said, thats, its, beast, pope, running, out, like, its, dot head angel and black stagecoach, pulled by, angry, black and, its red showed, happy hollie, horses, lets, rule the world, said, putin, on top with pope and hu, prophet u.s.a. said, man, whats that, said, hollie, its, explosion in the center of u.s.a., thats captain hollie flying, in its, spacesoarer, he said, its jets, said uh she hollie God, said, and captain hollie, flys, with, white robe on, in his, its chinook showed, hollie, another, hollie comes out, its partial face hollie, pointing, hollies face, changing, gabriel hangs by rope, thats prophet, showed, hollie, getting big, people want to meet, spacesoarer said him, said, a hidden hollie, but a hollie did appear, thats hollie flying in spacesoarer rocket, thats taiwan burning, thats hu hintao battling washington state with blue light sword, hollie, fights back with light colored sword, you lure said boris yeltsin to hu hintao, shakes yes, hollie showed turn, showed, go, wore white robe, tear up, had like green hands, thats, its, pope and hu hintao appearing, hollie put back, another, hollie comes out, points, hollie hidden but hands there, you got uh problem said hollie, showed, get many friends on, its facebook said hidden hollie, thats facebook angel appearing in, profile, then close it up like hollie showed, hollie pointed, said hollie, but just an arm, but body dimly faded in, hollie like thing, its pope in, its white light, robe, in the fire, happy, he said, hollie, said, that, said, another, hollie, was, pastor danny sitting at table looking angry, bob comes to, laughing, makes me embarrased, mcadams thought in heart, but didnt speak, this is copter, said, hollie, wearing white robe, kind of, not, expecting, its chinook, him said, partial face hidden partial face hollie, angel hangs, on rope, hollie, came out, of, its little amplified speaker, they, were, good, she, said, donate it to goodwill, thats man buying, taking home and making work, thats hollie, saluting like, soldier, lets hit iraq said, president george w. bush, alright i'll take it, said, lt. hollie, lets order, she, said, its, to, breakem, stealem, its, uh secret, said, george bush, walking away, thats, oil wells, appearing, in iraq, thats nuclear fireball in, iraq, and, gaza, burning, thats, hollie, pushing bush in hurry to microphone, bush looks around, shows, wringing out towel, I made it, he said, comere hollie said, she takes bush down steps, and throws in lava, fighter jet, said, hollie, pointed, its, captain hollie, flying his, world war two, fighter, jet, thats, shows, another, hollie, a she hollie flying, out as hintao and hollie, battle, in washington state, then, both, sat at Gods interviewing table, hollie laughs, hintao looks like, fight, but laughs, leave it alone, said, me, him, showed, partial face hollie, with face mostly silhouette, she wore uh white robe, thats him, she said, again, playing, his music, wearing white robe, you want needed more, he said, pope said, hollie, showed, picture, what did he pope say, come on, said, hollie, pulled sleeves back, showed, its war, she said, its the king, its hegoat pope with horns, theres, ram with putins face, kings coming out, theres, hu hintao with his flower, out of one horn, thats pope hollie said, and medvedev and putin out of other, thats, hegoat charging, stomping, smiting, ram, hey lets take it said pope to medvedev, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. missiles striking russia, burned, and chinese forces invading, thats putin throwing nuclear button to medvedev and he pushed, thats nuclear fires in russia and china, thats pope sitting at table and two horned beast with hintao, and, its empy, hollie said, of japan, coming out, 666 peace treaty signed, hollie with orange goggles on, my tank, she said, she drove, bam, i fired, hollie said, thats center of america exploding, submarines, appear, all around, its on the day of the Lord, said, its him, showed, partial face hollie, with ever changing face, hollie pointed, its at that, she said, its titanic display sign, thats hollie like dreading shipmate showing, its r.m.s. titanic, and m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, waiting on, bottom of sea, its, i'm ship said, thats ship being rocked by torpedoes, hitler on, its his super ship, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted, hand, thats white, hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, hollie said, she inspects, had him, in, boo chanted many hollies, theres both, showed, partial face hollie, he and she hollies, thats hollie, working on laptop, its partial face hollie, hollie screamed, why whats its reason, she said, screamed, shake it down and pack it in, said, hollie, him, said mostly silhouette face partial face hollie, played music wearing white robe with silhouette face himself said, Jesus, thats him feeding animals with silhouette face, mostly, thats said, hollie, many captain hollies flying, its spacesoarers he said, thats him, firing on, its the theives of the God spoke, hollie said, call it ministryofdreams, said, Jesus, showed, ministry of dreams, I created it God said, he appeared like uh brown haired man, hollie said, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, being struck, by fire beam, from captain hollie, theres jean poole trembling and being struck, and jenny donati, acting, like, nothings awrong, but laughs, but thats friends telling her we see your name, mike mckay dreams, but laughs and mocks, o its ministry of dreams, mike mckay said with the voice of jean poole, showed, cut off, mike mckay shakes, yes, thats diana and danny hahlbohm, separating over stealing ministry of dreams, john mark pool, and, dr. jeremy lopez, its, being ruint, said, captain hollie, thats a.s. byatt, who is now, dame antonia susan duffy, byatt, its cause shes uh witch said hollie, all the thieves of, its the God spoke, ministry of dreams, thats letecia yoo, laughing, with, the words, jenny donati, appearing over her head, showed, he hollie, thats, them all in, the lake of fire, I knowed ministryofdreams said jenny donati, they all wanted to ruin, thats every thief running to remove, in this life said, Jesus, its during economic collapse, thats lit headed people marching with signs, we protested, one said, they lost, its, on sign, showed, him hollie, social security benefits, pension insurance failures, its under economic collapse, barack obama grunts at microphone, leaves, thats, many hollies with silhouette faces looting, and gabriel watching, laughing, hes guarding, jeremy dont want it no more, said, she hollie, while he played music, looked at Jesus, just wait God said, hollie showed, the band europe, thats him singing carrie, its uh excellent song, hollie said, they hit it, she said, with, two songs, them, the other, is she said, sh, the final countdown, went number one, hollie was crying, whats the reason, she said, cried more, you, she, said, thats, bob, wanting to die, this is uh warning, said, hollie, its with the uhleave it alone, said partial face hollie with changing face, hollie showed, its, creation expo, owner pocketing all, you see that, said, hollie, she greased her own front end, lets motor, it was, three hollies, she said, coffin, hollie said, walking by, it was uh dream, showed, another, hollie, night vision, she said, 11-9-2010-hollie showed, its that, she, said, but only hand appeared, but she was, there, seen, hollie in, its, hollie said, airplane pilots, attire, she had on, its long scarf, and, it blew in the wind, hollie said, hollie laughs, both, thats hollie like airlines pilot, shes round face, laughing, God blew, not wind, hollie said, claps, scene closes, hollie showed, bob, start e-mailing california, thats hollie pulling sleeves up, wearing plad coat, working at, its computer, said, hollie, showed, thats hand, showing, you did not want hollie showed, it, was, white, theres uh dome in, hollie said, with, him in, said, partial face hollie, she looked content, thats, captain hollie, its, spacesoar'uhm jet flying, dropped bomb, america, its near the center said, hollie, pointed, exploded, submarines appear all around, thats, hollie soaring, both coasts, burning, its, on, the day of the Lord, said, him, said, somewhat hard to, make out, partial face hollie with golden face, hollie soars, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, many captain hollies, surfacing, in submarines, he fires, russia burns, thats australia and brazil burning, venezuela and italy exploding, nicaragua and britain on fire, but four captain hollies surface, hey said, him said partial face hollie coming out, one was she hollie, it they shower, said, him, said, golden partial face hollie, russia exploded, hollie screamed, it was him, said partial face hollie, he screamed again, but partial face hollie comes out, points, hollies face like cat wearing white robe, plugging in, angel comes out, happy but showed, not, him, said partial face hollie, showed, turn, again, its o, said, partial face hollie, mouth open, he, comes out, with, lighted finger, thats, yahoo ministry of dreams blog website like, stunned angel, but happy, theres blue on it said hollie, brown where hair should be, its, deformed, said, hollie, o, thats blue and spec like brown on one side, other side of face chaning colors, many different, I'm the new ministry of dreams, said yahoo, ministry of dreams, blog, showed, both beasts, in his robe, theres hu hintao said partial face hollie and pope she said, thats, the, facebook angel, said, hollie, bob go make new friends, she said, do it quickly, in place books, thats book showed, hollie, angel coming out, i'm the loose book, said, angel, showed, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, book, closes it up, its, o, said, hollie coming out, book angel changed colors somewhat, its ovation showed, hollie, ovation apostolic church, is born, offer one thousand per month, hollie said, its at start, first, offer first year, then second year hollie said, offer fifteen hundred, hollie showed, record, bob, contact sears, she said, thats owner shruggin, hollie said, we dont, want, it, sears president said, but if you sign, he said, uh lease, for, hollie showed, its uh staggering ten thousand per month, hollie danced, showed, bob buy uh church, she said, hollie like plant, showed, water, but she was unexpectant, hollie showed, plants, feed them, she said, hollie watered, thats shoe licking prophet, eyes appear, shoe showes, its beast, shoe, said, its pope, its am gog, pope said, riding his, black horse, hands clap, hollies body dimly appeared, thats pope and medvedev signing, its uh deal, hollie said, it gains, popus, hollie said, some advantages, its evil hat hollie said, licking prophet, showing, both beasts, theres hu hintao and pope, hollie said, put it under, she said, thats hu hintao on red horse, battling washington state with his light sword, hollie fights back with no weapon, she wore white robe, thats spacesoarer again, said, him, said, partial face hollie, flew, its, into taiwan, exploded, you lure said yeltsin to hintao, alright we'll do, lets rule the world, I want to said, putin, write the vision, said, its pope, hollie said, thats dallas cowboys owner jerry jones, said, hollie, looking at, its bobs offer, she said, can we win with him, said jerry jones, somebody advised, do, what do we got to loose, its the assisstant coaching staff, they advise, hollie screamed, she, said, swim, hollie said, thats her swimming, its lightning, thunderstorms, and noahs ark, floating, noah waves with animals on deck, its still there, hollie said, showed, its they look in the wrong place hollie and God said, its there, hollie said, in mountain, in turkey, its buried deep hollie said, many feet, you need, said, hollie, showed, woman, she, has, a, problem acne, hollie said, after she takes, its, antibiotic tetracycline, hollie said, acne almost cleared away, its uh curse, hollie said, Jesus appeared, was angry, c'mon showed, hollie, wearing white robe, wanted to record, hollie, showed, record, more, she, said, hollie, said, wearing white robe, pope rode, its, horses, said, happy hollie, thats pope on black horse, hu hintao on his red horse, horse showed, picture, its hintao, thats red horse sitting at Gods interviewing table, showed, laughed, God speaks to horse, tells what to say, thats grim reaper laughing on his, its grizzled and bay, said, hollie, showed, horse, thats, souls flying from world, countries exploding, theres america and nuclear n.a.t.o. burning, russia on fire, hollie showed, turn, lit, but dark in some areas, hollie drove the tank, had protective eyewear on she said, fired, thats center of america exploding, nuclear n.a.t.o., countries burning, russia on fire, hollie soars in his spacefight'uhm jet, its like flying saucer said, partial face hollie, wearing white robe, its I am gogey, said, its pope, showed, partial face hollie, keep working, hollies playing his, music, wearing, white, attire, showed, another, hollie, thats hollie flying in his copter, said, she hollie, drops bomb, massive explosion below, angel on rope behind, hollie worked out, with, its shaker weight, its good, he said, hollie showed, lay down, clapped hands, hollie showed, pope, she, said, like, angel of light, its am gog, he said, that was bright cloud, JEsus like angel man arising on, he will ascend, said, hollie, thats many countries below exploding, smoke, and pillars of fire appear in clouds, world shakes, then appeared, at, hollie, stamps, Gods interviewing table, another, hollie comes out, caught, hollie not all the way there, but dimly appeared, world, said, o its he made me, said, world, Jesus and world hugged, 11-10-2010-i'm, said, sun, but not happy, said, God, hollie said, clapped hands, showed, go, its walk she said, she wore uh plad coat, bob that man is going to tremble at that said, Jesus, that showed, hollie, its dallas cowboys owner looking at bobs e-mail, will this work he said, his advisors shake yes, but its different, they will love it, they tell him bob would have many coaches like frank kush, and mike ditka and don shula, hollie showed, its broadcast on national t.v., them telling the God man what to do, hollie said, hollie showed, lets, go, bob, hollie blew balloon, hollie showed, on, its, o, said, she hollie, coming out, hey, laughed, another, hollie, thats babyfleas pointing, its he made me she said, theres white in hollies mouth, hollie showed, pocket tape recorder, and, run, hollies picture on, she, showed, snapped fingers, they were white, grabbed wrist, hollie screamed, its why what for, she, said, boo, chanted many hollies, theres both him and, said, she hollie, thats happy she hollie, like light hollie in crowd, taiwan said, its hollie said, mostly silhouette face golden colored hollie, thats hollie flying, its spacesoarer, its into taiwan, he hollie points, from china, boom he said, but, he disappeared, taiwan exploded, thats, hu hintao, battling washington state with his light sword, hollie fights back, hers light colored, hintaos blue, thats round face, hollie, flying out, its, p-86 sabor fighter jet, drops bomb, its repelled hollie, said, hollie was round face with pilots attire, long scarf, you see said, hollie, look there, she said, showed, war, but, head disappeared, but was there, thats angel, showing, its, record, said, hollie, with, angel appearing in headlines, its prophet u.s.a. showed, hollie, but hands only, got uh problem, said, hollie, hollie danced, bobby said, hollie, sat bob down, did gum work, quit it, said, hollie, playing, music, its, o, said, another, hollie, came out, pointed, she, wore, uh white robe, hollies body hidden but was there, his hands like, its, not right, showed, hollie, hollie, him said, she hollie, came out, its partial face hollie, showed, lay down, clapped hands, its o, said, another, hollie, came out, pointed, partial face hollies body hidden, but, another, hollie, dimly appears in her place wearing skirt, when you gonna eat again, said, it hollie, said, partial face hollie, normally she said, its the she said, hollie, who wears white robe, bob, like her, said, happy partial face hollie, showed, lay down, hollie, clapped hands, showed, its, pope, its i am gogey, he said, thats sanyo ss-900 said hollie, sitting at, Gods interviewing table, telling, I wanted to, be stored, speaker said, cause old, thats geese circling, bobby said, one, another, flew, like bronze penguin statues, thats all three with ball, come back here, tomorrow, one showed, with fin, down, hollie showed, church, thats Christ church apostolic, hollie said, its big, heating bill she said, looked like, dreaded, but six thousand per month, Jesus showed cut off, bob go, said, hollie, walked, wearing, its uh plad coat, she, said, 11-10-11-12-hollie snapped fingers, like uh lighted hollie, grabbed wrist, said, God, hollie showed, running, she, wore, plad coat, showed, zip lips, boo, chanted, its him a she hollie said, came out, golden face, and lighted finger pointed, hollie dimly faded in, wore plad coat, its boo we, said, she hollie and, he hollie showed, empty pockets, but face like golden silhouette, she hollie comes out, points, wonders, is that, she said, thats white hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, hollie said, with, its, him, said hidden hollie inside dome, God said, hollie screamed, its, why bob what for, she, said, screamed again, bob what for she said, screamed again, hollie showed, turn, another hollie showed turn again, its him said partial face hollie, big white hand, thats people said hollie, like lit dot headed people, marching, holding sign, we want, chanted one, its, our, social security pension, he said, failed, pension insurance failure, they marched, hollie was with, wearing plad coat, but didnt speak, they knew do not care about you, clapped the tap dancers, many hollie and he hollie, i'm home said the penguin, thats, penguins circling, we want you bobby, its come back here, one said, they circled, hey pointed, hollie, ones head, sticks in middle, like amber head, they are the geese, said, hollie, its wynkin, showing, humble but laughs, blynkin, its same hollie said, i'm home said last penguin, but got happy, hollie came out, no, said, hollie, I showed, om thru with it, she said, but shook, yes, hollie showed, lets work on van, hollie drove on ramps, got under, started, then stopped, its o.k., she said, thats hollie raking leaves, wearing plad coat, dont she said, thats squirrels she said, eating leaves, bobby let me, tell you about the seven heads, said, hollie, thats it, she said, they sat at, Its Gods interviewing table, hollie tore up, another, hollie comes out, points, hollies body hidden, but dimly faded in, hollie showed, lay down, that was hollie acting like one of the heads, thats president of mexico popping out, theres, lula clapped hollie, looking stout, leave it alone, said, angel, showed, lay down, hollie showed, its, new ford mustang, shelby gt 500, its supersnake, they put out, hollie looks at engine, one thousand horsepower, thats it, smoking tires, that, car worth, hollie, said, got word from God, forty eight thousand dollars, but heres why, hollie put engine in, its race engine, she said, it comes from, there, hollie said, ford motor company plant, hollie showed, pistons, its that she, said, its more compression, thats piston going up closer to, its, head, hollie said, thats how they do it, she said, hollie showed, how pistons work, hollie showed, bankrupt, it was him, said uh she hollie, Jesus said, he played his music, wearing white robe, mostly silhouette face, that, hollie said, was, tall cat, that, she, said, had like freaked out underwear on, that partial face hollie said, with pink designs on black, captain hollie flew, spacesoar'uhm, he said, fighter jet bomber, dropped bomb, center of america exploded, submarines appear, all around, both coasts burn, thats on the day of the Lord, said, him, said hollie, dont show, him, chinook, said Jesus, thats hollie in his chinook, gabriel hangs by rope, thats, gabriel sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, stamped, hollie, wearing white robe, scene spins, he made me, bobby, said, gabriel, boo chanted many hollies, you dont want no more, its him, said, she hollie, write the vision, said, him, said she hollie, that, said, another, hollie, walked, wearing plad coat, got oil, let me explain, said, hollie, screamed, showed, motor oil, dont use, she said, i'll pray for you, you pray for me, sang, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, thats partial face hollie coming out, face, hollie showed, shook, head, not clearly seen, hollie showed, turn, like, uh white bear hollie, he was like uh silhouette face said, hollie face appeared, better, and he was like cat, but silhouette again, then normal, hollie dealt out the deal like uh partial lighted, hollie, thats, its him, said, partial face hollie, with silhoeutte face, had light feather, face appeared, but different, laughed, ticked her feet, but hollie showed, discontent, a new hollie appeared, wearing skirt, but only dimly, thats loose hollie running out, she wore uh white robe, said, hidden hollie, but hand appeared, then hollie dimly faded in, wearing skirt, hey, said, partial face hollie, its the same hollie, hollies wantin to conclude, she said, that was, hollie, appeared, said another, hollie, thats hollie, driving, its, tank, she, had, protective, eyewear on, she, had, hollie, partial face came out, pointed, dark face, but lit up, another, hidden hollie clapped, but, body, dimly faded in, she wore skirt, hollie was on the horse, showed lay down, but it was him said another, hollie, this is uh warning, lets do something, hollie said, 11-13-2010-no, shouted, hollie, but shook, yes, clapped hands, but, only, partially, seen, go, said, it babyfleas, said, partial face hollie, and, hollie claps, hands, but head not seen, but appeared, and I, showed, bob, lets, go, home, and, eat, hollie pulled sleeves up, lets, git, ready for war, she, said, its thats the king, hollie, said, its, the, king of, grecia, appearing with, its, showed, hollie, ram horns, thats ram, with, its o vladimir, agin, said, babyfleas, face, and, kings coming, out, theres, hu hintao, with, his, flower, said, hollie, thats, pope, she said, medvedev and putin, out of, its, other, partial face hollie, said, thats, hegoat charging, its, smiting, the ram, said, hollie, thats, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., missile, strike, hollie said, many rockets, striking, russia, burned, thats, chinese forces, invading, its claiming much of russia, hollie said, thats bear arising, its, devour, destroy that, hollie, said, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, france appears on one, theres great britain on fire, but, four vanguard class submarines, its the shower, thats, russia, exploded, thats submarines all around, and, both coasts, burning, captain hollie in, its chinook, said, she hollie, thats, center of america exploding, its on, the, day of the Lord, said, him, said golden partial face hollie, he reports for, news, thats, america exploding, hollie, flys, in, its, spacesoarer bomber jet, said, him, said, another, hollie, he showed, teeth, when you gonna, eat, again, said, hollie, its, him, said, somewhat hidden face partial face hollie, God said, she showed, wore white robe, thats, its, the, hand, she, said, showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, pointed, partial face hollie, with, its him in, let me, said, Jesus, its, him, appeared, said, golden partial face hollie, with, mostly silhouette face, hands showed, wage war, hollie appeared, later, like cat, hollie showed, turn, again, the other way, boo chanted many, hollies, its, pope, said, hidden hollie, in the fire, drinking pop, happy, its, he wore uh, glorious white robe, splendor, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, him, its, said, partial face hollie but he was, confused acting, its, he made me, said, him, said, partial face hollie, hollie screamed, hollie screamed, thats geese circling, look, said, hollie, and I showed, you uh picture, she said, its, pope, I aint you vision, pontey, it said, partial hollie, boo, chanted, many hollies, hollie showed, the angel, ministry of dreams, website, thats bob fixing profile, and, the main torture page, she, said, hollie showed, record, look at, I'm bubu lubu, like bubu lubu hollie pop, she was white, it was uh dream, said, hollie, snapped fingers, showed, its robert parish playing for the, its, minnesota timberwolves, hollie said, him, said, hidden hollie, showed, lay down, but partial face hollie appeared, hollie showed, its the new ford c.e.o., its picture, she said, hollie applauded, hes excellent, hes from boeing, hollie said, their planes are good, hollie, said, thats ford chairman looking at, then, hollie, showed, lets keep this secret, dont put them out, like, we all know they need to go, cause, they, were, allowed, thats, mister ford shrugging, but shaking, yes, he was, thats mister ford as all american, he kept, american employees, hollie applauded, again, thats both together, hollie said, Jesus thinks, lets keep it, he said, thats economy collapsing, and people looting, they hide their money, thats both putting money in save, boo chanted many he hollies, he showed, drinking samuel adams beer, like, she said, hollie said, wearing white, robe, showed, arms, 11-14-2010-no, said, hollie, but I shook yes, said another, hollie, God, said, then, another, hollie, showed, thru with, away, she had lighted, golden hands, Jesus, said, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamp, she, said, out ran the pope, hollie said, like, beastman, lit angel, there he stands by, hollie showed, new world order black stage coach, thats hand, showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, hollie, said, pointed, with, its, him in, said, mostly hidden, partial face hollie, God said, hollie showed, go, wearing, plad coat, its, laughed, hollie, wearing white robe, then another, hollie appeared, and showed, said, she, showed, why did hollie scream for, said, hollie, and, hollie screamed again, see said, hollie, showed, its two hollies, but partial face hollie comes out, points, looks at bob, shakes, changes into, its him, she, said, hollie was different, thats three, dont want no visions, thats what your showin, said, hollie, and, its him, said, hidden hollie, but she, appeared, golden face, its partial face hollie, its shes transformed, said, him, she said, this is your website, said, God, and its Jesus, said, happy hollie, showing eat, thats geese circling said two hollies, ones head sticks out, shes hollie goose, they circled, bobby we want you to come back here tomorrow, one, one said, as they circled, head sticks out again, looks, bobby hickman, repeat after me, said, hollie, showed, turn, like partial white hollie, but rest appeared, golden, i'm uh vision, I can not do, one thing, clapped the tap dancers, many hollies, this is, website, lets post, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, partial face hollie comes out, o, she said, looked at bob, shook, yes, but only head appeared, second time, hollies body completly gone, but dimly faded in, it was, there, she said, you dont want no more visions thats what your showin, thats what you need hollie said, hollie wore white robe, turned, to, the side, but didnt speak anything, new economy, bankrupt, said, many hollies, as, lit dot headed people marched, holding, sign, hey you got me, we want our loot, he said, thats barack obama announcing, its social security pension stripped, he, walks away, hollie showed, its e-book, sell, hollie got word from Jesus, many, one world, said, hollie, thats it, she said, thats the king, like angel of light, showing, fight, come on he said, thats hegoat, charging, stomping ram hollie said, hes pope with ram horns, thats ram, with, its o vladimir agin, said, the hollie that stomped, said she says, thats hu hintao and, his flower coming out of one horn, thats pope and medvedev, and putin out of, its other, hollie said, had feet, hands, thats hegoat charging, ram, and nuclear n.a.t.o. rockets, striking russia, exploded, arise and destroy that said Jesus to bear, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, hollie soaring in his, its b-25 bomber jet, you see these eight kings said, hollie, in cart, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, its, man, hollie said, this is two woe, both american coasts burn, hollie cnn newsman reports in center, then center explodes, same hollie in his chinook, gabriel hangs by, rope, drops bomb, hollie points with two fingers, at hollie as pilot, and, hollie as, cnn man, its he made me said, him, said partial face hollie, sitting at Gods interviewing table, Jesus talks, do both parts, hey said, another, hollie coming out, its partial face again, she spoke with God, it was a different him, she said, but, showed, why not, happy, that agin, said, hollie, number three woe, said, hollie, thats, chinese forces making russia invade israel, they invade, hollie, said, pointed, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, its syria, egypt, and, jordan, exploding, thats rocket leaving russia, with, its, new, ministry of dreams, website, on, like, angel man, o, said, hollie, looked at bob, and, hand over mouth, hes, deformed, she said, theres blue covering part of one side of face, coming down from where hair should be, on one side, theres like brown spec, then it blue, said, partial face hollie, but changes back, she, said, o, said, hollie, looked on other side, face, silhouette, but, spec, somewhat appeared, hollie showed, sleep, she got in bed, hollie, him, said, another, she hollie, showed, lay down, hollie claps, hands, he wore white robe, under covers, but eyes still open, God is showin him visions of little people talkin, said, hollie, thats what they told tony george, little people takin, thats what hollie said, she wore white robe, that, showed, showed, its popey, said, partial face hollie, with golden face, like, angel, its i am gog, he said, riding black horse, 11-15-2010-hollie looked concerned, to the side, its him, hollie said, partial face hollie, but she, was, hidden, he tickled her feet, had, light, feather, and silhouette, face, mostly, but his eyes appeared, he wore white robe, hollie showed, teenage chat, bob dont do, hollie showed, wearing white robe, thats, him, said, another, hollie, but, face, was, like uh bear, said, hollie, thats, hollie like bear appearing, arise and destroy that, said, Jesus, hollie like bear shakes, yes, had three ribs in mouth, and who are these, bobby, said, hollie, same hollie, another, hollie, comes, out, points, thats cuba appearing on one, Jesus, looks, nicaragua, mexico, appearing, thats three dot head captain hollies appearing, in submarines, missiles strike, them, those, three lands, Jesus, said, thats, its, they, shower, said, hollie, and, america exploded, its near that, said, another, hollie, gulf coast states exploded, thats, one, she, hollie, hey, said, partial face hollie coming out, thats, same she hollie that did bear scene, JEsus tells her, I need another, bear, she shakes, yes, thats, its, world shaking, said, hollie, Jesus, came like, happy face, and, thats, him on, his white horse, riding on, its globe hollie said, like white world, it smiled, its mine said world at, its sitting at Gods interviewing table, said, hollie, hollie claps, was dark hollie, then normal hollie, but changed back, maybe its, time, she, said, this is, vision, please post, hollie said, please keep me said, its board, said, hollie, its new ministry of dreams, its o, said, hollie, hand over mouth, its bring tumblr back, said, new, ministry of dreams, website, thats hollie playing with, finding e-mail address and password, that work, thats pope, riding, black, horse, captain, Jesus like, dog soars in, its spacebombem jet hollie said, its him, said, partial face hollie, she appeared, hollie showed, its flash drive, bob hoard'uhm, she said, no, said, its, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, away, but, shook, yes, hey, said, partial face hollie, came out, she, wore white robe, there seemed to be face changes, she said, hollie showed, record, but hard to make out, said partial face hollie, only mouth appeared, but, its, him, she said, like golden hollie man, boo, chanted, its him, said, partial face hollie, many many many hollies, there was she hollie like light, shaking no, then showed, pray, clapped, new marine corp. out in the streets, said, Jesus, tell me what the marine corp. is doin out in the streets said hollie and, its, him, said, hidden partial face hollie, with, mostly silhouette face, but face appears, he wore white robe, but, partial face hollie, showed, you got me he said, thats angel people walking like lit people, one wore plad coat, turned into hollie, but back to dot head, its, she, said, he made me she said, she said, sitting at Gods interviewing table, but laughed, hey we want loot man said, our social security pension he said, stripped, woman protests, he said, hollie, thats Father out on, steam engine, said, hollie, barack obama announces, said, hollie, hey she pointed, he adjusted tie, walks, away, its economic collapse, he said, in his heart, you know when, said barack obama, thats bill clinton, telling people before, its n.a.f.t.a., he won, God said, they lost, thats it, danny showed, turn, said, hollie, its chinook again, said, two hollies, with, its, him, said, partial face hollie, but only face there, and not very, Jesus, looks at picture frames, all her appeared, but God only used face, like furry face, thats hollie like bear, I'm with that, hollie, said, its, putin, russia, putin had three ribs, in mouth, thats chinook, again, said, hollie, with, its him, said partial face hollie, flying, gabriel on rope agin, hollie said, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burning, thats many rockets striking, thats, whew, venezuela, said, said, him, another, hollie, said, exploding, brazil burns, thats uh fire dragon, hollie, said, with, kings appearing, its, were the g8 said, it putin, partial hollie said, i'm the beast, said, its vladimir agin, said, hollie, what am I doin, said, hollie, wearing, white robe, shook, yes, its, o.k., she said, new marine corp., its out in the streets, said, hollie and Jesus, thats two marine guards, tall dot head, gabriels face appeared, but changed back, hollie like silhouette face, many hollies, pilfering, they, pilfer, said, partial face hollie, people running streets, its economic collapse said barack obama wearing plad sweatshirt, leaves, remember your torino said hollie, its him, said partial face hollie, spinning rear tires, in, its uh 1971 stamped hollie with bear paw, showed, its popes image on, thumb, sign it, said, pope, thats two horned beast with hintao and japanese emperor coming out of horns, they sign, its 666 peace treaty, gabriel watches, chinese forces invading much of destroyed russia, thats pope telling medvedev, you otta drive them outta there, he parked his black horse, it, they, exchange, said, hollie, nuclear fires in russia and china, then, they sign, its uh peace treaty, yes, shook, golden face hollie, loose belt somby, said, hollie, thats, hollie, wearing white robe with like monkeys face, you dont want to, do no, more, thats what your leaning toward, said the main ministering spirit, hollie blew like invisible balloon, smiling, him, its, said, a ever changing partial face hollie, but face, appeared, golden, hey thats the main, said, another, hollie, but partial face with somewhat silhouette face did appear, thats the copter, no it aint, just hollie, with, its, blade kind, hollie said, coming out of, hollie saw, he had like, attachment to, back, that blade hooked into, thats gabriel on rope, hollie showed, turn, him, its, said, partial face hollie, with, face, not, to, well, done, thats many hollies, its the g8, said, hollie, another, hollie said, thats nuclear fire in turkey and rockets leaving there, striking, it that said another, hollie, russia exploded but missiles left there, striking nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, burned, hollie tore up, like uh golden bear hollie said she hollie, look said hollie, like thing hollie, showed, its, pope, she, said, you made uh decision, pope said, little people talking, clapped, hollie, enthusiastic hollie reappears, we dont mind being called little people said, hollie, thats tony george, many he and she hollies appeared, even new, she said, sleep, hollie, said, had dark feet, hands, hollie showed, lay down, but he woke up, hollie showed, i'm the pope, said, its pontey, said partial face hollie, then she appeared, golden face, Jesus flipped the pages of, drawings, frames, thats, hand, showing, you did not want, hollie showed, theres uh dome in, hollie said, saw, with, its him, said, partial face hollie, in, hollie screamed, its, the chinook again, captain he hollie appears, o, said, its, the m.v., hollie appears, golden lips, bobs ship agin, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, o ship, said, as three torpedoes rock, its hilter on deck said hollie, hollie screamed, let me scream for, she, said, screamed again, whew let me said, it, said partial face hollie, was, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, pope, she, said, like, angel of light, I do not care if the children know what I do if they get saved saith Jesus, I will not be brought down by you telling on me, boo chanted many hollies, he showed, a, flash, hard dive, bob, git, he said, they will, hollie showed, turn, she said, sleep hollie said, showed, hands, arms, complained, they were dark, she showed, pope, his picture, I aint the vision, he said, its I am gogey, said, its pope, hollie said, wearing white robe, looking, stunned, Jesus said, she, sat at Gods interviewing table, bob you offer, she said, but, they, didnt take it, they refused, hollie said, thats pastor blair, reading his offer, shoot, he said, but, knaw, said, hollie, hes not, the former prime minister, said, her, at, its, great britain, she, said, and I stamped, she, said, thats, four british, its vanguard class submarines, hollie said, all with, like dot head captain hollies, and one she, hollie, hey said, another, hollie coming out, pointing, she is appearing, lots said God, great britain exploded, its they shower, said, hollie, thats, many missiles, striking, its russia, said, hollie, scene spins, let me turn it, said, a partial appearing, hollie, with, its monkeys, lips, Jesus said, russia burned, missiles struck, but left there, hollie said, striking, its the u.s.a., said, hollie, turn it, she said, sene spins, bob you wouldnt let me, she said, post, get visions out, hollie, said, put it under, she said, go home and eat, like hollie with golden face and monkeys lips said, but her top part not seen, but was there, but a different color, hollie showed, said, Jesus, another, hollie appears, thats hand, said, hollie, showed, you did not want, bob said, hollie showed, it moves, she said, but was not seen, but was there, walked out, but appeared dimly before, God, said, bob cut it off, Jesus, said, put it under, hollie said, its, bob said, i am gog, said, it pontey, pope, hollie said, riding his black horse, its into russia, he said, hollie said, 11-16-2010-its his ship agin, said, hollie, the m.v., she said, wiped lips, wilhelm gustloff ship, said, as three torpedoes, shake, hollie, said, thats, adolf hilter on deck, its his super ship, showed the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, thats ship sitting at Gods interviewing table, its I like it ship, said, shook, yes, its the pope hollie said, thats, pontiff, like, angel of light appearing, its, i aint the reason, he said, thats, it, said, hollie, its, pope riding black horse, its, into, moscow, hollie said, its, I am God, hollie said, speaking on the behalf of, its pope she showed, hollie laughs, thats, pope she said, sitting in, temple, its, in rome, hollie said, people laugh at, thats, balding head, hollie said, its uh curse, she said, the black widow, its, showed, hollie, wearing white robe, golden monkey face, alice cooper, still singing she said, go, said, Jesus, thats, hollie, walking, wearing, its, plad coat, she, said, you didnt, want them, said, its, him, said, hollie, then, partial face hollie, appears, its shes transformed, said, him, another, hollie said, he, appeared, brother, hollie said, showed, wait untill you get outside, that was partial face hollie outside, looking, not good, another, hollie said, thats, partial face hollie coming out, hand over mouth, that, was, not, partial face hollie, it was, the, main, hollie said, hollie showed, picture, its pope like light angel, I didnt care he said, and partial face hollie appears wearing white robe, jumping, its new, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, its over-blog ministry of dreams, webby, she said, like happy angel, its o, said, partial face hollie looking at bob, shook, yes, he, recorded, theres, spec on one side, o, said, same o, hollie, looking at, bob, hand in mouth, theres deformed, she said, at visions, she said, theres blue coming down, in, forehead, some hair, spec on other side, but blue, appears, then, face, kind of, disappears, hollie looks at bob again, shes partial face, hand in mouth, lets rule the world, said, it putin, a hollie said, showed, picture, with pope and hu hintao, you see these two, beasts, she, said, they will want to rule the world, God, said, thats pope like angel of light, and missiles soarin, striking china, exploded, thats, pope telling, medvedev, you otta drive them outta there, thats chinese forces invading, russia, thats, its nuclear n.a.t.o. missile strike hollie said, russia burned, thats pope pulling up sleeves, its they exchange, hollie said, russia, exploded, thats fires in both, said, JEsus, thats, pope at table and, its two horned beast with hintao and, japanese emperor God, said, coming out of horns, they, sign, its peace treaty, 666, thats pope and hintao together, pope laughs, you can see, he, said, hey thats man, hollie said, he was old pope, there not going to get along, bob said, hintao shakes, yes, they depart, thats swom like uh new ministry of dreams, man, said, hollie, another, hollie comes out, hand over mouth, its deformed, she, said, angel happy but had spec on one side, hair, area white, but, blue on forehead, angel turned, head, theres much blue and brown spec, little, hollie had hand over mouth, marine corp. is out in the streets, hollie said, you did not want need them, said, its him, said ever changing face hollie, playing his music, wearing white robe, he transformed to she said, thats lit people marching streets, one wears plad coat, changes into Jesus, laughs, but, back to dot head, its, no loot, he said, social security pension insurance failures, both hollie said, they protest, hold sign, hollie appears with like light hollie, but, happy, its uh, theres, uh, curse, hollie said, thats child with, its, theres, deformed, hollie said, o, said, another, hand over mouth, its because, said, hollie wearing white robe, she, appeared, said, JEsus, parents lived in sin, thats parents laughing, but not saved, hey bobby lets go, hollie said, she, showed, walmart, walked in, wearing, its uh plad coat, another, hollie said, you see that, said, hollie, held her hands apart, that partial face hollie said, hollie showed, turn, then another, did, but hand didnt appear but was there, hollie comes out, hand over, mouth, its, o, she, said, bob buy straight-talk, hollie said, tomorrow she said, wearing plad coat, another, hollie got her card, thats her buying, thank you, thats it she said, left, bobby come on, showed, hollie, wearing plad coat, ate, he said, the, economies slippin, said, two hollies, speaking on the behalf of angel, showed, one, what is, the, screamin, reason, hollie said, screamed again, hollie showed, the project one stereo receiver, with power meters, they moved, hollie said, thats angel coming out, hollie said, sleep or, stay up, thats what hollie said, hollie said, and, showed, she, said, what was, hollie, cryin, for, shes not ready to sleep said another, hollie, hollie cried, why, said, hollie, whats she hollie said, thats, hollie crying at, its bob laying down early, cover about half way up face, hollie snaps fingers, shows, its, pope, like angel, its, I aint uh vision, he said, hollie bit on prophet, now its uh she hollie appears, said, the, new hollie, its, him, said, partial face hollie, she, appeared, but was, dimly, seen, before, God, said, there it goes, said, the, new hollie, with partial silhouette face, its nuclear fire behind statue of liberty on dark night, and like fire dragon arises, thats kings popping out, its were the g8, said, putin, hey, said, hollie, rubbed chin, why did mexican president pop out smiling, but I showed, no, he said, hollie said, theres, lula looking stout and chavez, showing, no wait but signs, put it there, said castrol, then nicaraguan president appeared, with, theres, kim jong with nuclear controls, he pressed, you, lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, alright, we'll do he shook, as russia, china, and south korea burned, thats rocket leaving russia, with, its, overblog ministry of dreams on, like, its, cocky, said, hollie, look, and red dragon with, bush riding like woman, hey, theres, them kings popping out, o, said, hollie, its deformed, overblog ministryofdreams, theres blue coming down, into forehead from hair, face keeps changing, hollie showed, give it up, but it was him, said another, hollie, but body, face, hidden, white light with hands, like, boxing gloves, north korea exploded, hey said, hollie, theres two tomahawks, striking, from that, said, its him, said, she hollie, wearing white robe, both, u.s.a. submarine, hollie closes scene up, showed, sleep, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, she, said, ran, out, wearing white, robe, got into van, and drove, she, said, its, to, hollie spoke, God, said, new wineskin ministries, its here, she said, in indianapolis, its good ole indiana, she said, stamped, scene spins, thats Jesus, he said, its appearin, hollie spoke, thats blasphemy, said, hollie, thats devil, hollie said, pointed, it was lighted finger, o thats JEsus, she said, God laughs, o, said, hollie wearing, its uh, white robe, said, it, God, said, partial face hollie, bob keep it, hollie holds hand over, mouth, you mean i, she said, but laughs, its, bobby, he told me, she, said, speak blasphemy, said, Jesus, to his hollie, she laughs, and does, she said, hollie said, wearing white robe, jumps, hands and leggs, were, its grayish, she, said, bobby go, hollie said, she left, wearing, its uh plad coat, she, said, stamps, scene spins, and, its the new world order, appearin, holllie, said, 11-17-2010-what did he say, no, said, its charles, hollie said, finnell, you stay out, stay away, your director, said, hollie, said, showed, wiped, lips, bob, she, said, you got, many, informed, about, its, Holy Ghost baptizm, hollie, said, thats, hollie with, its, Jesus, inside, and, another, has, like, Ghost God, in, him, she, said, appeared, showed, its, her white robe, hollie walked, showed, go to Christ temple, she, said, hollie showed, record, bob, go, now, she said, thats hollie wearing, its uh plad coat, said partial face hollie, its dimming in, said, Jesus, her he said, she appeared, bob, got, in, his, other van, drove, hollie dances, bobby, theres, trouble, Jesus, said, and he saw that, said, hollie, and I showed, record, said, hollie, showed, get food, for animals, she wore uh plad coat, fed little, thats, hollie, showing, jumping, little people talkin, its tony george shaking, yes, he tells he will let him give the prayer, thats hollie watching the indianapolis 500 race, and saying prayer at microphone, thats many papers, reporting on, hey and its, I stamp, hollie said, and, up rose, the, beast, she, said, here he, comes, runnin out, she said, like angel dot head man, thats pope, by, its black stagecoach, said, hollie, stamps, scene spins, hollie screamed, bob, your fillin, up, she said, screamed again, its visions on net, to many hollie, said, git rid of some her and Jesus said, rubbed chin, it him, she, said, pointed, loved on God, boo chanted many hollies, theres lighted she hollie in crowd, thats pope, said, hollie, pointed, hand, but, hollies body appeared, she wore skirt, drank, in, the, fire, pope happy, this is, hollie showed, you did not want me, he said, the hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in pointed another, she hollie, with, its him, in, its hollie showed, and I danced clap, he said, spun around, but, its o, pointed, she hollie, its not, but, she said, and I clap, he said, its, him, said, babyfleas, hollie, him hollie, but, not quite hollie showed, and hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, we warned ya, he said, inside dome, inside hand with bear in hands, I'm uh bear, its, said, bear, its putin, thats barack obama trying to create another peace treaty, its another, start, peace treaty, but heres the main reason, russia is still to powerful, but america is equal, saith, God, hollie showed, lay down, him, said, she hollie, its, him, said, uh, she hollie, flying in, its, chinook, hollie said, drops bomb, thats america below exploding, and, submarines, appearing, its, all around, showed, hollie, showed, eat, both coasts, burn, its, on the day of the Lord, said, its, him, she hollie said, look, young is what hollie said, said, him, said partial face hollie with face changing, there was light in, he said, hollie, him, said, silhouette kind of face partial face hollie, showed, ovation stereo center, becomes, ovation apostolic church, bob pastors, thats, bob, happy inside, it fills, to, the door, man said, but, was, wanting to, de-throne, you, said, him, its, said, partial face hollie, silhouette face, but not all, feed me alone, said, hollie like plant, showing, thats water, she said, but dont mess with, bob played with plant, leave it alone, just hollie said, stamped, showed, bob lay down, hollie screamed, what, for, she, said, screamed, again, showed, picture, its, popey, she said, like angel man, I, aint, ovation, he said, that, buildings to small Jesus said, ne'mos showed, hollie, ate, its uh cake, she said, hands clapped, but hollies body dimly appeared, wearing skirt, thats pope, she said, appeared, I aint your reason, poepoff, hollie said, did say, 11-18-2010-hollie showed, record, and I stamped, was angry, jumping, why did you, do, that, for, she, said, showed, frustration, hollie, showed, hurry, wore, plad coat, bobby, said, hollie, said, its, my space, she, said, thats happy myspace angel with some of its weight back on, had white face, white hair, o, said, hollie, its deformed, turned, head, and, there, was, little brown spec on face, on other side, theres blue and, blue, dark, disappears, but brown spec appears, its like, other, side, hollie, said, bobby, myspace, said, hollie, thats, myspace angel, showing, its, whole new world order, its, with, hollie, said, theres the pope and hu, she, said, you see these two, beasts, hollie said, they will want to rule the world, its tinychat, said, hollie, as red dragon appears, thats king of mexico appearing on back, theres seven heads, in Gods interviewing room, kings pop out, no its we dont mind head said, smiling, hey hollie said, thats head had like hollies face, theres horn with popes eyes, and tinychat ministryofdreams, angel, o, said, hollie, looked at bob, showed, flash hard drive, bobby take up, hollie said, bobby, said, hollie, showed, hurry, hollie ran, wearing plad coat, hollie screamed, little people talkin, said, hollie, jumped many times, but you didnt want to record, needed more time, hollie said, showed, thats prophet laying in his casket, thats funeral grunted, angel, Funeral of Dreams, its, ministry of dreams, clapped hollie, Jesus spoke, created it, call it ministryofdreams, said Jesus with silhouette face, look said concerned hollie, and I showed you uh picture, another, hollie said, look, said, first, hollie, spun picture around, it was pope, she, said, both were lighted, I aint your decision, he said, hollie showed, record, showed, put up, bob, tape recorder, she spoke about, I, she, said, wearing white robe, showed, but it was different hollie, with like grayish arms, dark hands, feet same, but, opposite, bob, said, hollie, like, worried, hollie, its, him, said partial face hollie with somewhat silhouette face, he appeared, but his face not clear, but nose faded in, rest out, Jesus claps, but he got fady, hollie pulled her white sleeves up, showed, its war, come on, she said, showed, its the pope and hu, do you see these eight kings, hollie said, in cart, its, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, hu hintao, like warrior, driving, thats the seven heads, plus pope, thats pope like angel of light, coming out of, its putin, thats putin out of medvedev, and, yeltsin, thats yeltsin out of, its politburo, clapped, hands, hollies body, dimly, faded in, wearing skirt, thats, ruling party, hollie, said, hollie showed, bob, buy straight talk car, thats her going into wal-mart, he believed, hollie said, both, she shut up, went, its the, marine corp., said, Jesus, thats two marines in streets, its guardin, said, hollie, her and tall gabriel, both, silhouette face, but some parts some started appearing, but, were, in, and out, people marched, hey we want loot, said, dot head man wearing plad coat, they walked, hollie was with, hey pointed, partial face hollie, that hollie that marched with was same hollie that was marine guard, but she wore red plad coat, hey said, partial, face, thats her with Jesus, I, made her do two parts, both shook, yes, partial face laughed, its under economic collapse, said, hollie, thats, zebra accoustics, speaker, licking the prophet, hugging hollie, bob liked, its at, scene spins, Christ temple, church, hollie said, tell me about the, marine corp., its out in the streets, said, hollie, and, its he him, said, another, hollie, playing his music, like, silhouette face cat, wearing white robe, its, your war, he said, go home, said, hollie, let me alone, said, hollie, a new one, said, another, hollie, hollie pointed, turn, another, hollie showed, go, him, said, partial face hollie, it, shes, transformed, said, him hollie, boo chanted many hollies, he and she, thats, lighted, hollie in, but, just, happy, she said, hollie, said, had white robe, like gray arms, with black, and, she appeared again, he said, there goin to war, gabriel said, thats men marching, to battle showed, hollie, its, iraq, she said, thats, president bush grunting, its made it he said, looked around, its to breakem, steal our oil well contracts, he said, looks down, thats oil wells appearing, and nuclear fire, in iraq, I made it, said president bush, boo chanted many hollies, showed, discontent, him, she said, lighted golden finger points, hollie screamed, he said, hollie said, with, arms, darker, like gray and black, gray bear paws, its iraq, thats captain hollie in his submarine, nuclear fires in iraq and gaza, its, I made it, said president bush, hollie takes to microphone, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats eight kings sitting at table, you want it, said, its, o, vladimir again, said, hollie, yes shakes mexican president but shows no, lula, nicaraguan and cuban presidents all look stout, lets put it there, said castrol, fidel afraid like begging, thats chavez like mexican president, not wanting, but they all sign, thats, kim jong placing son in power with nuclear button, he pressed, thats nuclear rocket with hollie like angel hollie, on, and, red dragon with these seven heads, flying, its your lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, shakes, yes, thats, nuclear fires in, russia, china, and, south korea, and, two tomahawks, leave u.s.a. sub, hollie watches, man on one, and hollie on, other, north korea explodes, then big explosion, its nuclear rocket from russia with new ministry of dreams website on, its tinychat, hollie said, o, said, partial face hollie, its deformed, she, looked, at bob, shook, yes, he recorded, angel looked like normal angel, happy, but theres spec she said, on, one side, on other, like, bluish, turned, grayish, then spec appeared, its changing said partial face hollie, claps, north korea exploded, hollie, rode, its spacesoarer, rocket, said, him, said, another, hollie, with, somewhat silhouette face, thats from china saw him, partial face hollie said, with changing face, taiwan exploded, hu hintao battles washington state with his blue light sword on red horse, its he made me said red horse at, Gods interviewing table, smiled, hollie fights back, normal light sword, another, hollie flys out, its old b-25 bomber jet, bombs chinese ship, she wears pilots attire, its repelled, she showed, hollie, him, said golden face partial face hollie, showed, lay down, he snapped fingers, hollie screamed, 11-18-2010-hollie showed, record, she was, hollie said, she shrugged, now let me see, she said, you can post whatever on this blog, hollie said, we are spirits, she said, and, that is, pope, said, its babyfleas, running, she, laughs, and I laugh with her, said, it, Jesus, she said, but, she will have to give an acount, you see that moon, said, hollie, soon its light will disappear, she said, thats face on moon, showed, I'm the moon, hollie said, and, its as smoke rose, another, golden, hollie said, bob link, up, lets go, she said, i'm, said, happy sun, and fleas ran, saith the Lord, 11-19-2010-hollies smiles, said, Jesus, he held, she, said, its baby, hollie, said, its, ministry of dreams, his son, hollie said, put it under, she said, its not, baby of dreams, said, hollie, wiped lips, bob, said, it, Jesus, said, happy smiling, partial face hollie, showed, go, but another, hollie drove van, hollie claps, smiles, hollie pointed, soon, she said, you that moon holllie said, its light will go out, thats, thick black dark smoke rising, and, big, nuclear fire, its way down below, hollie said, thats america exploding, nuclear n.a.t.o. lands burning, russia on fire, hollie soared, its his, its spacerocket, he said, with, mostly silhouette face, he walked, wearing plad coat, hollie, pointed, turn, its him, she hollie said, go git mail, he said, looked at his mail, prophet leave this alone, said, hollie, and I showed, you uh picture, another, hollie said, its, pope, hollie said, I aint your picture, he said, thats captain hollie flying in his space, soarer, drops bombs, america below exploded, submarines appear, all around, lets build another, start treaty, said, barack obama, it was to weaken, Jesus said, but they wont do it, pope, said, hollie, showed, his picture, like angel man, he smiled, hollie smiles, showed, clapped hands, snapped fingers, from the side, hollie screamed, boo chanted, its him, said, a she hollie, that, looked different, bob can we talk, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, another, hollie spoke, but bob never recorded, then she appeared bored at Gods interviewing, table, stamp, said, hollie, scene spins, its, o, said, partial face hollie, she, came out, only hollies hand appeared, but two hollies were there, one wore skirt, was, dim, another, drank, bob, said, Jesus, no, showed, hollie, clapped her hands, partial face hollie comes out, they were orange, she pointed, thats, she, said, i'm the beast, said, it popus, a different partial face hollie said, riding his, black horse, hollie showed, that said, hollie, you know him, that was, she said, happy, it was hollie like hollie showed, but face mostly silhouette, go home umoja, hollie laughed, its Jesus out of whirlwind, its light whirlwind at, hollie said, new wineskins church, thats hand showing, you did not want him, hollie said, its hollie showed, theres uh dome in, she said, with, its him, she said, in, hollie screamin for, said, hollie, screamed again, but was him this time, hollie showed, turn, its, him, said a she hollie, little people talkin, said, hollie, like screaming it, excitedly, thats, Jesus, like, uh drawing of uh cat, said, hollie, out of, its realistic minimus-7 silver stereo speaker, they were good enough, said, hollie, realistic minimus-7 shook, yes, him, its, said, face appears, on, shows, both beasts, theres, pope and hu hintao, thats person, reading, its woman, said, hollie, hollie like white, fluffy bear hollie bit on prophet, like, this is warning, said, hollie, leave it alone, said another, showed, feed, thats first hollie feeding animals, wearing, its uh plad coat, said, another, hollie, it was partial face, she was hidden, but scene spun, and she was there, christian this is warning, said she hollie, and he hollie with, mostly silhouette face played his music wearing white robe, he showed, your wanted there, he said, thats at the door of new wineskin ministries, git bob out said pastor mark, its him, said she hollie, but, only dimly appeared, tore up, wore, plad coat, thats, popes face like, brown drawing appearing in tear, let me said, it, hollie, said, a partial face hollie, turned to the side, dim, she clapped hands, and, I, showed, both beasts, she said, theres hu, riding red horse, it, he made me, said, red horse at Gods interviewing table, pope on black, there you have it showed, hollie, hollie him, said a she hollie, showed, lay down, but, he snapped fingers, showed, its pope, he said, like angel on his black horse, its he made me said black horse, sitting at, its interviewing table, hollie said, scene spins, hollie like cat, whistled, partial face hollie pointed, up, it, Jesus, she, said, he, came, she, watched, thats countries on shaking world below, exploding, it was start two, Jesus, said, it, kept breaking down missiles, thats bush and putin, they, kept weakening, its my trap said gorbachev, get them to reduce, then strike them, gobachev and Jesus, said, thats, nuclear fire in center of america, then fires on both coasts, partial face hollie came out, Jesus, said, showed, hollie showed, appeared, many times, but hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, look, she said, face appears, in palm, thats hand at Gods interviewing table, showing eat, theres uh television bob, thats hollie cnn newsman, reporting, it was not hollie showed, but like, he another, hollie said, thats debris field and hollie like wearing ship mate showing titanic on bottom of sea, its o, said, his ship agin, said babyfleas, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, rocked by torpedoes, hollie walks out, hitler on deck, its, o, ship, waiting at bottom of sea, hollie visits in her submarine, turns into Jesus, liike, cat, bob you did good till iniquity was found in you, I will cause you to commit sin saith God, to laugh at you, hollie showed, picture, I aint your, dog, pope like angel said, hollie, screamed, she, said, hollie showed, frank-n-furter, its rocky with, these two, she, said, thats them helping make the show, thats the cup, said, hollie, eyes, mouth appear on, cup showed, dont waste, keep me, home, said, cup, thats man drinking with cup, its i'm still good cup said, thats the cup showing, its beast, hollie said, cup smiled, its pope, hollie said, it was uh dream, God showed, you to drink, your pepsi max, said, hollie, clapped, showed, its uh night vision, she said, from behind, another, hollie said, 11-20-2010-hollie showed, record, looked serious, thats, it, said, hollie, its the new ministry of dreams, its bebo like angel man, o said partial face hollie, came out, its, theres deformed, she said, angel turned, head, thats hands clapping, but hollie showed, later, it appeared, said, it, hollie, said partial face hollie, and hand points, its hollie showed, that, he said, with, its, new brown hair, showed, its, partial face hollie, with open mouth, its, o, she said, with like, Jesus, said, stunned look, its partial face she said, spec on one side, changed into like silhouette, then angel turns, head, face changing to partial silhouette, theres, changing colors, theres brown spec, and, blue appeared, but spec disappeared, let me look, hollie said, hands clapped, but hollie disappeared, but later, re-appeared, God said, hollie showed, new group, hollie showed, appeared, showed, bob, dont, do said, another, she hollie, heres why, you cant git that off, she said, and, jeremy taylor will in time get it, thats, slideshare ministryofdreams, said, it, hollie, showed, dont, or, thats, bob, posting, that letter, many times, its your doctor rev. said hollie, showed, its, dreams minister jeremy taylor stealing the God spoke, hollie stamps, wearing white robe, ministry of dreams, thats, dr. jeremy taylor, d.min reading visions about his theft, you lied said, hollie, I know said, rev. jeremy taylor ph.d., hes uh hippocrit, said, hollie, thats, jeremy taylor from wisdom university reading visions, hes uh witch, hollie, said, uh, soothsayer, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, who is ordained, by man, Jesus said, unitarian universalist minister, thats right said jean poole, its, her and, said, hollie, jenny donati, stealing ministryofdreams, you post under, leticia yoo, now, hollie said, thats jenny donati shaking yes, I agree, said paliban dailys jean poole, its uh witch, hollie said, both, hollie showed, mike mckay, and dame antonia susan duffy byatt, who is author a.s, byatt, stealing ministry of dreams, I knew said the wife of, peter duffy, antonia s. byatt, thats peter duffys children, showing, peter duffy visions, thats mike mckay from youth at risk, stealing, ministry of dreams, hey you claim christianity, said, hollie, mike mckay shakes, I do, mike mckay said, but hes uh witch hollie said, thats hollie, getting food out of, its dumpster, she said, theres, john mark pool, stealing, ministry of dreams, hes, like, soothsayer jeremy taylor from, hey its, the chaplaincy institute, hollie said, showed, thats tristy taylor mocking bob and lying, in letter, trying to make bob speak blasphemy against holy Ghost, and tristy taylor preaching at churches, but showed, cut off, its, shes uh witch, God said, thats slideshare ministry of dreams, website, angel happy, its o, said, hollie, looked at face, theres deformed, she pointed, face looked normal like white angel face, but spec did appear, but disappeared, but, dull, grayish like big area blotch appeared, on other side, its, changing colors, like dark brown, its big pointed, another, hollie, and dull blue, i'm the slideshare, said, its new ministry of dreams website, bob dont, hollie said, its i spiritual warfare, man, said, Jesus, thats people asking dr. jeremy lopez, and showing john mark pool what he has done, Jesus said, john mark pool acts real cool but trembles in heart, thats dr. jeremy taylor s.t.d. trembling, even at the thought of people approaching him, thats, kathy taylor, stealing, its the God spoke, Jesus said, ministryofdreams, show, them, Jesus said, make them, get away from you, cause jeremy and kathryn taylor to have strokes, said, kathy taylor m.a., its their witches, thats, Trismegista taylor, being shown visions, shaking, yes, I know, tristy taylor said, witches, Jesus, said, its all of, international study of dreams, its soothsayers, Jesus said, thats people walking streets, wearing plad coat, one was, like lit up dot heads, holding sign, hey its we want loot, one said, they chanted, thats, barack obama announcing, Jesus said, its economic collapse, he leaves, Jesus appears in white robe, you knew he said, their social security got stripped, thats God like hidden Jesus sprinkling, and putin receiving one mind, hey lets rule the world said putin, and, reverend jeremy taylor, m.a. reading visions, hollie showed, turn, him, said, a she hollie, had big hand, thats the, leave us alone, said, hollie, its sorry, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, hey its simb, she said, mokse, said hollie, sat on, its the dome, she said, showed, on, revival temple church, it appeared, thats, how you got cut off said dr. jeremy taylor, of study of dreams, hollie and Jesus said, hollie showed, taking uh laxative, she drank, wiped lips, hey its good, she said, people, take laxatives to try to loose weight and they do work but cause, its dehydration, Jesus, said, hollie pointed, its uh, spacesoarer bomber, said, he, a she hollie said, dropped bombs, thats america below exploding, its submarines appearing, hollie said, all around, both coasts burn, its on the, day of the Lord, said, its him, a she hollie said, pointed, with, lighted finger, gas is cheap, she said, showed, bob drove, another, hollie drove wearing plad coat, thats popey, hollie said, in the fire, drinking, wearing, its uh white robe, thats, pope, hollie said, he rode, black horse, its into moscow, russia, he said, hey, said, another, pope, to, its medvedev, hollie said, stamped, hollie showed, turn, like lit up hollie, boo chanted many hollies, theres lighted hollie in, thats him, said, she hollie with golden face, pointing, go walk at, its flea market hollie said, scene spins, want more visions, want more visions said, hollie, its, him, said, she hollie, appearing, went to prison, that is what he wanted, clapped the tap dancers, its, dr. jeremy taylor, trying to lure bob hickman to prison, lets put him in, kathy and jeremy taylor said, dont relase, kathryn taylor said, showed, its the God spoke, ministry of dreams, hollie said, thats, john mark pool, swallowing, I want prison said john pool, for, its bob, thats happy looking, sandy pool, shaking yes, mike mckay wants bob in jail before he removes ministry of dreams, thats Jean poole, embarrased, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, she, did, thats, marine guards, out in streets, both, with silhouette faces, its hollie and gabriel but faces dimly there, gabriel explains, hey bobby he said, its guarding, thats hollies pilfering, its looting, wearing, plad coats, he made us, said, hollie, sitting in Gods interviewing room, Jesus speaks, steal, everything you see, hollie laughs, Lord I aint uh thief, she said, steal said Jesus, hollie does, laughs, she said, hollie said, showed, lay down, hollie clapped hands, but was under covers, had golden like face, hollie showed, turn, then its him, showed, turn other, way, had red bear paws, tore up, hey said, another, hollie, somebody showed, she, said, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, said partial face hollie, with, its him, in, she said, hollie walked, wearing, its plad coat, bob dont go, she said, showed, its creation expo, they want loot, said mrs. boyd, what did hollie scream for, said, Jesus, hollie walked, thats your vision, said, hollie, showed, hu hintao, and, its, the, black stagecoach with pope inside like angel pope, showed, his, that hollie said, wiped, head, snapped fingers, but, it was angelic partial face hollie, this is warning, hollie said, bebo, said, it, hollie, said another, hollie, its, theres deformed, some hollie said, o, said, partial face hollie coming out, angel turns, head, spec appeared, but disappeared, then like, dull grayish, but, darkened uh little, but back, angel turned, head, its, o, said, partial face, looked at bob, its, like, theres deformed, she said, it disappeared, after he turned, but, came back, but different, i'm the bebo, said, bebo, showed, like, maybe banner, but clapped, hey bob when you get home, said, its, angel, said, hollie, thats, hollie mowing lawn wearing plad coat, its leaves, she said, cut them up, heres why, hollie said, it spreads them, amino acid, said, hollie, as captain hollie flew in his spacejet, dropped bombs, thats america below exploding, submarines appearing all around, its on the day of the Lord, said rising hollie cnn newsman, both coasts burned, hollie soared, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, exploding, russia on fire, and like uh fire dragon, i'm the g8, said, it putin, hollie said, look, said, hollie, but she didnt show anything, but wiggles, her, hands, o, its his ship agin, said fleas, with golden face, the m.v., wilhelm gustloff ship, three torpedoes, strike, hitler on deck, ship waits on bottom of sea, git out, said, hollie, visiting in her submarine, thats hollie like, fearful ship mate showing, titanic, rubbing, its scraping against iceberg, with smith on deck, looking afraid, hollie showed, lay down, but changed into him, he snapped lighted fingers, showed, lay down, but eyes still open, 11-21-2010-this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, that phone, she said, at wal-mart, thats hollie posting on internet, its at churches, on, its cellphone, hollie stamps, scene spins, world like cloudy light world, countries exploded, its i'm the g8, said, putin, coming out, boo chanted many hollies, both he and she, theres uh lighted hollie in, happy, gasoline went way up cause o.p.e.c. cut production, hollie said, boo they chanted, 11-21-2010-bob, said, it hollie, said, another, she said, bob let me spiritual warfare, said, it Jesus, said hollie, showed, call it ministry of dreams, hollie spoke, thats it, said, him, said, partial face hollie, with silhouette face, thats, the ministry of dreams, angel, said, him, said, partial face hollie, I made it, said, Jesus, angel, showed, him name, God, said, Ministry of Dreams, spoke God, hollie said, I will make them remove, said Jesus, taht take, or, alter in anyway, that one with sickness on his face, saith God, hollie showed, it, she said, comin, hollie said, its, war, said, its the, its o vladimir agin, said, babyfleas, and hu hintao, said, Jesus, the man, they both said, God, said, 11-22-2010-hollie, just moved mouth, why, she said, bob its, she said, showed, eat, lay down, hollie said, put it undle, hollie said, dont mess with, The Ministry of Dreams, hollie said, its, God kept, she, said, put it under, hollie said, I made it, said, its angel, like, its, dunlop tire man, but not quite, hollie said, but both look, just alike, she said, I'm, the ministryofdreams, pointed, angel, at, said, hollie, its self, she said, I was just, going, to, see, if you let me record, said, hollie, and, I stamp, she, said, you see me she said, like, white robe hollie, showed, its black stagecoach with both beasts, its hollie appearing above, Jesus said, theres pope like angel of light, and its hu hintao, hollie said, you see these two, hollie, said, they, she, said, will, want, to, rule the world, said, it putin, said partial face hollie, hey bob, let me record, said, hollie, showed, eat, its the black new world order stagecoach, agin, hollie, said, theres, the pope and hu, putin inside, hollie, said, thats, three ribs, appearing, in, his mouth, bobby you see, hollie said, come on, let me, record, said, hollie, showed, theres the slideshare, she said, like happy white angel, its o, said, hollie, hand over mouth, its deformed, she, said, theres, like, gray spec, on, one side of face, whew, said, hollie, clapped hands, but body disappeared, but was, there, thats, like, dull big blotch, then, spec, appears again, on other side of face, theres blue, its o, said, hollie, she, accepted, hollie said, thats mrs. boyd trembling, russia, said, hollie, casey, sprinkled, partial face hollie came out, it changed into, me, said, partial face, another, hollie, thats putin arising and, hollie like bear finally did come out, Jesus put her out, i'm uh bear, she, said, lets arise, destroy, that, devour, said, Jesus, its, o.k., shook, hollie, like bear, thats submarines appearing all around america, all with captain hollie, theres she and, its him, said, another, hollie, thats, the, edge of america burning, its, all around, said, Jesus, thats, hollie flying in his chinook, gabriel hangs by rope, drops bomb, center of america exploding, barack obama arising, and him and medvedev doing another start treaty, it was to, weaken, said, Jesus, thats, medvedev, hes, Jesus, thought, making, russia strong, God, said, loose belt somby, said, hollie, this is, uh warning, hollie said, showed, bob eat, go she said, git the phone, thats hollie with, its cellphone, but, really its laptop computer, she pressed numbers to git letter, thats popes face appearing on screen, its, i am gogey, he said, like angelface, hollie like bear hollie, I was told to arise she said, thats, america and nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, its spacesoarer said captain hollie, flying, its xp-47 bomber jet, thats hollie bombing, russia burned, and, fire putin arises out, its i'm me, he said, theres the, submarines, theres right there, pointed, hollie, all around america, its on the day of the Lord, said, its him, said partial face hollie, its hollie cnn news man returning, but a little different, but happy, hollie like, partial holliewrote 666, then both beasts appeared, you see these two said, hollie, its, arise said, pope, man, hollie said, america burned, thats, hegoat charging, smiting ram, its, peace agreement, thats putin and, america at same table, they are the ram, God, said, thats, pope telling putin to destroy that he points, lighted finger, its, o, said, partial face hollie, popes body not seen, but was there, thats, america, aiming, thats, russia, many missiles strike america, thats, america, hollie showed, turn, it was him, said she hollie, boo chanted many hollies, said, hollie, there was uh lighted hollie in, thats the pope in the fire, said, hollie, drinking, and lighted hand points, but hollie, dimly appeared wearing skirt, drinking, o, its his ship agin, said babyfleas with golden lips, the m.v., wilhelm gustloff ship, being rocked by three torpedoes, its his supership, hollie said, hilter on deck, hollie ate the cookies, drove, she, said, wearing, its uh plad coat, hollies, stamps, and scene spins, its the, whole new world order, mexi said, Jesus, president, he appeared smiling on back of, its red dragon showed, mostly there hollie, but she changed, theres lula and castrol, appearing, looking stout, nicaraguan president not caring, thats kim jong with his son, and, its nuclear controls, thats, him pressing and nuclear fires in russia, china, and south korea, thats rocket leaving russia with, its new ministry of dreams, website on, its slideshare, its o, said, partial face hollie, hand over mouth, its, theres deformed, she said, looked at bob, hollie showed, turn, and tore up, the were orange colored hands, but he disappeared, hollie showed, thats the video, its hollie talking, hollie jumped, thats little people talkin, she said, wearing white robe, hollie on video, says, let me explain, she said, looked at Jesus, got word, laughed, its ministry of dreams, she said, thats ministry of dreams angel appearing like white angel, its, o, said, hollie, its, deformed, she, said, angel, clean on one side, but on other side, spec, but face started turning silhouette, angel showed, i'm ministry of dreams, call it, said, Jesus, hollie showed, angel speaking for Jesus, hand showed, you did not want, hollie showed, and, he appeared, but transformed, theres uh dome in, hollie said, with him in, thats, hollie, playing, his, music, its, no, he said, face silhouette, white robe, played, its, you, got me, you need me he said, thats, ministry of dreams, angel, showing, bob do video, he said, no, hollie, said, thats hollie on youtube, tear up, she said, put back, but, its, o, said, partial face, thats pope appearing in between hands, hollies head hidden, arms like golden bear arms, orange, I am gog, he, poepoff said, hollie said, hollie came out of the fan, bob it works, hollie showed, fuse, she replaced, hollie, him, said a she hollie showed, showed, lay down, he, snapped his fingers, showed, its, both beasts, partial face hollie appears, watching, its hu hintao going his way on, its red horse, thats hollie flying, its spacesoarer said, him, partial face hollie said, its xp-47 bomber jet, thats taiwan exploding, hu hintao battles washington state, on his red horse, with his light sword, hollie fights back, sword changing colors, hollie wore robe, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, alright, we'll do, he said, hollie layed down, thats, hollie flying out, its space soarer, said, him, partial face hollie said, again, hollie like round face drops bomb, hits chinese ship, its repelled, there you have it showed, partial face hollie, hollie wrote 666, showed, both beasts, sitting at table, its, water of life, said, hollie, ministries, showed, thumbs down, they are witches, hollie salted, hollie talked, she, hollie, played, music, 11-23-20190-hollie like cat, said, its, God, another, hollie said, showed, time, her, its light watch, said, spoke, Jesus, and, she, made noise, God, said, like, come on, said, another, hollie, put it undle, hollie said, she appeared, again, had on her light watch, let me tap, she, said, hollie showed, her light watch, again, she, said, put it on slideshare, she, said, thats it, him, she, said, now, its, o, said, partial face hollie coming it, its, she, said, theres deformed, hollie spoke, angel, had, nice face, happy, but, a little spec, appeared, on one side, its brown, I'm the slideshare, said, its, angel, hollie, said, bob said, it Jesus, hollie said, but, she, looked, like, not, paying attention, thats hands clapping, its I showed, both beasts, hollie said, its, o said partial face hollie, coming out, hand over mouth, looked at, its bob, said, the, new hollie, hollies body, not there, but, dimly faded in, she wore skirt, partial face hollie, showed record, you see these two, she, said, then, got, hard, said, told, I aint gonna do it, but, she did, she sat at, its Gods interviewing table, thats partial face hollie, showing, its both beasts, she said, stamped, scene spins, its o, said, partial face hollie again, coming out, hey, pointed, new hollie, how can she do both parts, thats, Jesus, telling, her, play both, she sat down, but not happy, partial face hollie, showed, record, showed, that man, she said, hes already spoken blasphemy against Holy Ghost, let me said, hollie, put hand kind of over mouth, thats satan, she said, Jesus said, but, she looked again, God, said, its o, said, partial face hollie, you mean, hollie said, a, him, said, partial face, showed, bankrupt, that was, hollie said, God, o, she, said, with partial face, hollies voice, I spoke blasphemy, she said, just give it up, God, spoke, hollie said, to late, but now knows, thats the Holy Ghost like white angel happy Jesus, entering into, bob like a body his perfect size, now that man knows he doomed, she said, bob, said, hollie, you done it, she, said, you turn, hollie said, moved my mind, Jesus, said, its xomba, said, hollie, its she showed, the new ministry of dreams, its, angelface, i'm xomba, its o, said, hollie, its deformed, she, said, theres big blotch on one side of face, its brown, angel turns, head, face changed into silhouette, but no deformity, its o said, hollie, a deformity started appearing in, it, was, light colored, i'm xomba showed angel, its new ministryofdreams, pointed, hollie, that was lighted finger appearing, that, was, said, hollie, it was, she said, the, angel spoke for self, pointed at self, i'm, ministry of dreams, said, it him, said, hollie, showed, dont post, like big happy angel, theres eyes, partial face hollie, but she came out, God, said, looked at self, o, she said, but hollie, she dimly faded in, wearing skirt, that was hollie showed, turned to the side, its i'm back, he said, clapped hands, thats white, hand, showing, its, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, said, hollie, its o, she said, put hand over mouth, but didnt look at bob, two hollies appeared in dome, one was, him, said a golden silhouette faced hollie, the other was, hollie showed, but hand reminded, hollie showed, you did not need him, a hidden she hollie, said, but, he, was, there, turned, to, the side, and, I showed, said, hollie, wearing white robe, hollie showed, appeared underneath, tickling her feet with light feather, but she changed into, its partial face hollie showed, hollie showed, but, face started transforming, but back, but kept, when you gonna eat agin, said, it, angel, hollie said, like lighted angel, thats said, hollie, the ministry of dreams, angel, appearing, that, hollie said, like, mostly silhouette, like angel, that, hollie said, theres enthusiastic hollie showed, and, enthusiastic hollie appearing, that, she said, but it was him, partial face hollie said, bob, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you uh, said, a more colorful partial face hollie, picture, its, pope, she, said, I aint your reason, hollie said, pope did say, she said, i'm the angel, put back, said, hollie showed, then, angel tore up, another, hollie said, showed, ministryofdreams, angels face like, mostly silhouette, but, features started dimly appearing, call it ministry of dreams, said Jesus, you know, said, hollie, coming out, happy, pointing at, its God, I spoke it, Jesus said, hollie said, put this on as discclaimer, hollie said, dont steal ministry of dreams, or alter, or copy in anyway, or thats Jesus with, torturing device, i'll git ya, God, said, hollie showed, turn, o, said, partial face, thats hollies hand hidden but faded in, partial face claps, hollies hand, was, red bear paw, but, hollie turned, angel, tear up, said, hollie, pope appeared in center, I am gog, he said, thats, people, like lit people marching, holding lighted sign, hollie was there with but happy, its we want loot man, said, like dot head man, wearing red plad coat, they chanted, give us our social security back, it got stripped said barack obama at podium, adjusts tie, grecia, said, hollie, thats, pope, appearing, I am the king, he said, boo chanted many hollies, and another, hollie appears, had some golden color in, thats goat horns, appearing on pope, then ram, with, its, putins face, laughed partial face hollie, and kings coming out of its horns, theres, hu hintao with his rose, and, out of other its putin, and, barack obama, and its pope, those are said, Jesus, thats your ram, said, hollie, you aint gonna tell it, said, hollie with Jesus inside, thats hegoat charging ram, stomping, and pope telling medvedev, parks his black horse, you otta drive them outta there, medvedev, shakes, yes, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. missile attack hollie said, russia burned, but bear arose, devour that, hollie said, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploded, hollie flew, in his x-53 spacebomber jet, thats, hey said, a she hollie, nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, fires in cuba, and missiles striking, along mexican and latin american borders, thats, edge of america, all the way around, hollie said, on fire, its on the day of the Lord said new hollie cnn news man with kind of golden face, as, he rose, then center of america exploded, its your chinook again, said, babyfleas, hollie, flew, gabriel on rope, hollie showed, eat, hollie screamed, bobby, said, Jesus, go work on computer, its laptop, showed, hollie, its I am gog, pope said, on screen, thats, chinese forces invading much of, its destroyed russia, said, hollie, scene spins, hollie had like orange arm, thats, its they exchange, nuclear fires in russia and china, missiles flying, thats pope at table, and, its, two horned beast, said, hollie, rose her hand, scene spins, with hintao and japanese emperor coming out of, its horns, they sign, its peace treaty, 666, boo chanted, many hollies, both he and she, there was lighted she in, angel said, dont go to south korea said, hollie, now look, she said, watched from high in air, but, its, o, said, partial face, came out, thats, same hollie that was lighted hollie in the crowd, people marched, chanted, but she, looked different this time, thats two nuclear fireballs coming up from, its venezuela and brazil, said, hollie, stamps, world spins, new hollie there, what did hollie scream for, she said, screamed again, prophet this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats him, said, another, she hollie, working on his, its laptop, she said, but, its, o, said, partial face, came out, hollie disappeared, but hand still seen, scene spins, its german luftwaffe, said, hollie, soared in, its my spacebomber he said, drops bombs, thats center of america exploding, hollie soars, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries on fire, russia burning, and, like uh fire bear coming out, its i'm the g8 putin said, thats lots of people marching hollie said, rubbed her orange like bear hands together, arms to, they appeared, its he wouldnt let me, said, hollie, sitting at, Its Jesus said, like somewhat seen white God, scene spins, thats golden hand showing turn, hollie dimly faded in wearing skirt, drinking, its pop, but different hollie, thats bob hollie said, change security questions on, its facebook, hollie said, hand appeared, then hollie dimly faded in wearing skirt, laughed, facebook angel showed, fix, thats facebook angel, hollie showed, its hand, but hollie was, there, it, made me, skeptical, she, said, showed, lay down, snapped fingers, sam screamed, him said, hidden hollie, with, golden in face, he snapped fingers, showed, picture, its both beasts, he had white fingers, its pope and hu hintao, you see these two, partial face, said, they will want to rule the world, then she showed, lay down, but mouth still opened, hey pointed, partial face, another partial face came out, thats three partial face hollies sitting at Gods interviewing table, its he made me one, said, they all shook, yes, but were the same, JEsus said, o, said, partial, Jesus said, hollie, him, said hidden, hollie, but she appeared, showed, a, banner with many kings on, these will rise againt, its u.s.a. said hollie, america appeared, theres statue of liberty with sword, its I will make war, the woman, said, 11-24-2010-when, you gonna record, agin, said, it, hollie, said, a, somewhat partial face hollie, with, silhouette face, stamps, scene spins, bob let me, said, hollie, no, she, said, I showed, away, she said, had orange lighted hands, but hollie shook, yes, hey, its, said, partial face, hollie, coming out, pointing, hollie had brown hair, hollie screamed, sam screamed, why what for, hollie said, screamed again, had terror look in face, bob, pope, said, it hollie, said, like golden partial hollie, shes face, thats facebook angel like, its, said, hollie, scene spins, her hand showed, but she was still there, but, appeared, later, dunlop tire angel, happy, thats, said, hollie, angel showing, its big nuclear fireball, and, its north korea, striking, its south korea, thats smoke rising, its we want revenge, said, kim jong, its, hollie, said, they strike, back, hollie said, thats missiles from, its, u.s.a., submarine, launching, its two tomahawks, thats putin and, medvedev, looking at each other, hey its like we aint gonna take it, he said, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats, bear rising, its, devour, destroy that hollie said, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries on fire, submarines all around america, thats edges of america on fire, Jesus, showed, his light watch, tapped, hey said, hollie, came, out, she partial face, God said, go, hollie walked, hey said, partial face, a different hollie tho, she wore plad coat, hollie said, and its on the day of the Lord, said, its him, said partial face hollie, its hollie cnn news man, being lifted up by helicopter flown, by, its gabriel partial face hollie said, let me gabriel said, flys his copter, its chinook hollie said, and hollie cnn news man hanging by rope, but not happy, gabriel flew, thats nuclear fire in, its venezuela and brazil, hey i'll place it said hollie, nuclear fires in cuba and, along mexican and latin america, its smoke, said, hollie, and copter lowers hollie cnn newsman in burning america, thats red dragon rising, its, lets rule the world, said putin, i'm the g8, he said, its shut up, said, its him, said partial face hollie, its hollie showed, with new hair style, hollie showed, tore up, put back, showed, its the beast, pointed, go back to, its library, scene spins, somebody stamped, let me, alone, thats what they wanted said, hollie, and, its him, said, a, only partially visiable face hollie, playing his, music, with silhouette face, he showed, white robe, you did not up, he said, hollie screamed, thats like light dog, hey bob, said, angel, I aint the pope, said, its pope in picture, angel showed, like light man, hollie screamed, hollie screamed, sam looked like, scream, bobby dont take it, hollie said, thats, being made fun of, its teased hollie said, screamed, thats hollie doing the video, tear up, she said, but she restored, said him, thats her on youtube, thats paul mooney girl and the lighted hand pointed, hollie said, but she dimly faded in, drank, wearing skirt, thats pope in fire, drinking, hollie showed, how cold oil flows in, its engine, another, hollie said, hands clap, but hollie dimly faded in, hey said, partial face hollie, coming out, hollie was like bear, thats, another, hollie, bob dont let me record, said, hollie, bob eat, again, she showed, thats, hollie, mothering the prophet, it'll be alright, she said, let me, said, hollie, thats, her on, its youtube, let me report, she said, showed, its, the, beast, pope like angel of light, hollie showed, lay down, snapped lighted fingers, hollie showed, go to wal-mart, wearing white robe, then hollie showed, appeared, with different hair, showed, its straight talk phone on friday, shut up he said, wearing his white robe, i'm back he said, snapped his fingers, but hands not where lighted fingers were, thats hollie fading in with hands, come on, said, hollie, on youtube video, let me, she said, and, I showed, both beasts, she said, theres pope like angel of light, I aint hu, he said, thats hintao appearing, hollie showed, appeared, partial face hollie comes out, his hair changed, I showed, i'm back, he said, you want that vision then post that vision said casey, thats, JEsus, like uh cat, casey showed, hollie, him, said, hidden hollie, but she somewhat appeared, hollie had silhouette face, you, want me he said, showed, white robe, but face started appearing but rest faded out, boo chanted, said, hollie, its, him, a not, fully, created yet hollie, her face needed finished, 11-24-25-26-2010-hollie like uh weary shipmate showed r.m.s. Titanic said Jesus, hollie rubbed her forehead God said, it was you hollie said pointing at captain smith, yes shakes edward smith, he was sitting at hollie said Gods interviewing table, it was i was fired said captain john smith, it was the olympic he said, hollie points at damage to the r.m.s. Olympic, captain smith showed lay down, he hollie snapped his fingers laying down, showed picture of the titanic, hollie showed lay down, hollie snapped her fingers which were lighted Jesus said, hollie showed, him said uh she hollie, its the britannic laying on its side said Jesus, its they know God said not to send it out, its o said the m.v. Wilhelm gustloff ship, thats three torpedoes rocking with hitler on deck, man are we ready for destruction adolf hitler said, thats captain hollie soaring in his f-4 jet, Thats the marine corp. Out in the streets said gabriel, like uh lighted angel dressed as uh marine guard showed hollie, as many hollies with silhouette faces pilfer, its looting one said as her face dimmed in and out said Jesus, put said hollie bobby your group she said, showed, its the titanic with captain edward smith on deck, it scrapes iceberg hollie said, o shit said captain smith, put it under said hollie it was right there she said, we want speed said bruce ismay, captain e.j. Smith shakes yes, dreading hollie said, its ice said edward smith, you knew Jesus said, now bobby go hollie said, she walked wearing plad coat, its red she said, put it under pilfer hollie said, its under economic collapse said barack obama, its what i want he said, lets rule the world said putin, bobby use facebook hollie said, its unlimited m.b.'s she said, thats happy facebook angel appearing, its on, ministry of dreams, hollie said, put it under she said, i spoke it Jesus said, dont steal hollie said, showed torturing device, bobby somebody stole your name said hollie, it him said she hollie, leave it alone said Jesus, and he saw it said hollie, the m.v. Wilhelm gustloff ship sitting at Gods interviewing table, or he'll get ya said ship, hollie showed lay down said God, i wish someone would let me soar, said him hollie, and he flew she said, its starfighter he said both he and i said Jesus said, thats, said, hollie, amber jumpy, wants bob to chat, said bob come back, she said, she likes, what, bob, told, her, about, her being cute, but shes not hollie said, you just old amber said, hollie screamed, its, your, time, she said, screamed, its, babyfleas screaming but her hair was combed straight down, thats uh, new hollie, like holliefleas, she said, screamed, now bobby its, why for, said, hollie, then other hollie did a partial scream, but a different one appeared, thats amber showing record, hollie laughs, thats, a new hollie wearing white robe, and amber, not, happy, she, smiled, but is angry, Jesus, said, she said, hollie said, wearing white robe, had gray arms, and black, like, both, another, hollie said, that was, hollie showed, poking the world, said, another, hollie, but she wasnt all there either, Jesus, said, hollie had dome on his laps, poking, happy, in the box, screamed, hollie, let me, said, hollie, pointed, as cymbols beat, thats hollie like round hollie, its, golden, out of, cymbol, then another, hollie, i'm she said, but changed back, Jesus like transforming cat appeared, thats the leopard flying, its four headed beast with, hu hintao coming out, hollie said, theres, emperor of japan, its both korean presidents, right here, said kim jong with nuclear, button in hand, now look, said, hollie, thats missile flying with, its new ministry of dreams on, it on bottom like clear angel, its ohm said, hollie coming out, her hair got different, she smiled, and red dragon with bush riding like woman, thats bebo ministryofdreams website, face transforming, but happy, thats fires in russia, china and south korea, the missile from russia with ministry of dreams and dragon on, sailed, hollie rode, its right into, north korea exploded, hey said, partial face hollie, thats, rocket from, u.s.a. sub, two, north korea exploded, hey we wont let you said medvedev to putin, alright he shook, i'll call them, he said, talks with, its president obama, he shakes, yes, sorry, its click hollie said, hollie pointed, turn, like uh cat, said she hollie, she appeared, but needed to be finished, thats Jesus painting, bobbay, said, hollie, showed, picture, it changed uh little bit, hollie said, but was new hollie like space hollie, had like golden top, hat on, that had like, prongs, coming out, thats, new hollie cnn newsman reporting, now let me he said, thats stick stamping, Jesus like, a animal Jesus, and, white like tower stuff rising, thats russia planning, its strike against u.s.a., its you wont let me said medvedev to putin, I know knew he said, thats medvedev looking at watch with gun in hand, shoots, thats putin dying and medvedev, now lets strike, thats america exploding, bear arising out of, its fire, hollie, screamed, for, she said, screamed again, showed, bob go to Christ temple, thats bob walking into Christ temple, hollie made uh noise, showed, her light watch, bob its time, go, she said, walked, wearing, its long sleeve shirt, uh blue one, hollie said, but, wasnt buttoned up, hollie showed, turn, him, said, she hollie, who dimly appeared, but was incomplete, hollie showed pope, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, said, she hollie, pointed, put hand over mouth, with, same hollie in, but, transformed, he said, stomped hollie, wearing white robe, had gray arms, and some black in, grecia, thats its king pointed another, hollie, with goat horns, appearing, she said, thats pope out of one, with hu hintao out of other, theres putin and, its clapped hollie, medvedev out of popes horn, thats hegoat charging, stomping, ram, its I am gog, pope, said, I'm uh bear, said, hollie like bear, then bear licked prophet, with lighted tongue, thats hollie posting on, its laptop, she said, at, its at new wineskin ministries, she said, its uh church, hollie showed, hollie showed, turn, go, he showed, with, bear paws, they were red hollie said, he tore up, smiled wickedly, hollie, said, this the website, lets post, hollie said, which one, thats many ministry of dreams websites appearing, its o, said, hollie, there deformed, she said, all had something wrong with, then partial face hollie comes out, that was hollie like round face, flying, its, american fighter jet made for world war one, said, hollie, then pilot hollie stamps, part of scene spins, eyes look out of like blue tornado, maybe this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats, its him said a mostly unseen hollie, posting, working on, its laptop computer, showed, hollie, hey said partial face, came out, pointed, its pope on the screen, its i am gog, he said, i'm your vision said hollie, and thats partial face hollie pointing, its smiling, hollie, rising, there was tap dancing noise, lets forgit it, said partial face, she went to Gods interviewing room, sat, Jesus tells, he wants, she, smiled, but, was, not as, excited as at first, hollie showed, turn, its partial face but had different smile, showed, teeth, look, said, hollie, showed, its, pope, like angelman, I need uh vision, he said, look, said, hollie, its, trouble rising, I am gog, pope said, rising out of sea, thats many people with the mark of the antichrist on their forehead, hollie and God said, its 666, theres popes face like partial silhouette on finger, what did my popes word, hollie said, his face appeared, tattood on finger, showed, its I am God, he said, theres uh submarines, hollie, him, its, appeared, said, somewhat seen hollie, but rest faded in, hey said another, hollie, came out, pointed, its, not fixed yet, hollie said, that was two she captain hollies, waving from, its ohio class she said, they shower, hollie said, a him, said, not all the way seen hollie, appeared, thats, many nuclear fires in china, thats missiles leaving china, striking, its taiwan said, hollie, then one, goes over top of, the world, strikes, that, said, Jesus, its, hollie appeared, explained, let me show, she said, center of america exploded, hollie showed, post, on, its laptop, said, he and she hollies, he showed, lay down, he showed, lay down, snapped fingers, hey he said, there was she hollie there, hollie out of, fan, pointed up, Jesus came, and world below, countries exploded, spacesoarer, its, mine, said, him, said, hidden somewhat hollie with golden in, its xp-57 spacebomber, drops bombs, america exploded, submarines, appear all around, one had mouth, thats sub at Gods interviewing table, its I made me said sub, then hollie appeared, happy, he, made money, scene closed, then she hollie appeared, said its, fun, left, walked away, looking good, thats hollie appearing with dress on, she showed, and orange bear, she was over weight, but lost, hollie, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, played his music, you got me he said, with silhouette face, go home, said, hollie, showed, thru, she said, but, danced, shook, head, but face turned silhouette, thru, she said, showed, lighted, hands, they were orange, another, same hollie comes out, explains, i'm uh vision, said, hollie, Jesus, showed, turn, like cat, thats pope in the fire drinking his drink, said, hollie, but he was dim, she said, thats, hollie, reporting, like uh new hollie, its on cnn, said she hollie, showed, hollie said, lets git ready for war, he said, looks around, laughs, but changed, and dark dragon appears, its the g8, said the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, stamps, mostly hidden hollie, scene spins, but rest appeared, hey said, partial face, she was like uh cat, partial face hollie points, boo chanted many hollies, hey pointed partial face, theres lighted she hollie in, happy, watch your name, said Jesus, let me git clear said, hollie cnn news man, hes new partial face said, with somewhat silhouette face, people that stole, its the God spoke, hollie said, ministry of dreams, try to get saved, under, its economic collapse, hollie said, thats people lootin, she said, hollies with red coats, mostly silhouette faces, this is uh warning, said, hollie, tell me about the marine corp. said Jesus, thats angel marine guard, plus hollie with, pulling on his, pant legg, wearing, plad coat, with silhouette face, thats people marching, chanting, we want loot man said, with mostly silhouette, face, their social security pension insurance stripped, hollie said, scene closes, but somewhat opens, hollie showed, get it out, its laptop, hollie worked on, had, red plad coat, silhouette face, she said, sleep, hollie, said, wearing white robe, hands gray but had black in, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, spun, its pope, she said, I aint uh vision, he said, in heart, tell me about, the, marine corp. out in the streets, said the tap dancers, Jesus sprinkles, put receives one mind, let them hollie, said, lets rule the world, putin, said, hollie like whistle, blew, out, its pope she said, but another, hollie comes out pointing with golden face, you see she said, but face changed, clapped, hands, its, him, said hidden hollie but she was there, dimly, snapping fingers, hollie pointed, up, bob, thats you, she said, its, sleigh, and santa claus, ho ho ho, he said, with his reindeer pulling, but Jesus pulled scene out, hollie showed, lay down, oval shaped head hollie, fingers in ears, out of, horns, blown by she hollie, he had big nose, showed, another, hollie, come on, she said, sleep, 11-27-2010-Their uh visions they cant talk said hollie, showed lay down, hollie changed into said Jesus, its him a she hollie said, he snapped his fingers she pointed, he laid down said Jesus, you need to, record, said, it hollie, said somewhat silhouette face partial face hollie, she came out, showed, bob, eat, he said, stomped, hollie, black arms, with gray hands, wearing white robe, she showed, I showed, partial face hollie, comes, out, points, but, face, not, all the way there, yet, Jesus, said, thats, the, beast, dragon rising, said, it, hollie, said, same o partial face hollie, and hand points, showed, turn, but hollie dimly faded in wearing skirt, drinking, hollie screamed, this is, uh warning, said another, she hollie, and like partial face hollie screamed but wasnt quite God, said, hollie showed, snapped fingers, but, partial face came out, looked shocked, he had new hair and was bent over, thats angel showing, turn, but partial face hollie came out, it was same angel that was doing marine guard slot she said, bobby he told me said angel with gabriels voice, hollie there pulling on his pant legg with silhouette face, red plad coat on, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats partial face showing lay down, covered up, snapped fingers, its pope she said, pointed, his picture appeared, thats hollie showing, go to wal-mart, try to get phone, hollie blew balloon, like hollie showed, on, but he changed, i'm said, it hollie, pointed partial face, out of silhouette like round face, partial face hollie, showed, its, pope, she, said, but, another, hollie really said, I aint, comin your vision he said, bob said, hollie, hollie showed, nurture, submarines are right there, said, it, hollie, said, partial face with different mouth, two submarines, one sub had mouth, eye, two, other had captain hollie, he waved, fired, thats, iraq with two nuclear fires, gaza forsaken on fire, the hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, said, partial face hollie, had him in, tell me about, the, marine corp., said, hollie, its out in streets, thats angel marine guard, and hollie wearing plad coat with silhouette face pulling on his pant legg, hey bobby its under economic collapse, said, angel, like gabriel and was, bobby, this is, hollie, I got uh warning, she said, and partial face points, thats partial face hollie getting food out of, its trashcans, its, for animals, thats another hollie feeding, wearing plad coat, that was Jesus like, uh cat, pointing up, said, hollie, no, said hollie, I showed, i'm away, she said, had lighted orange hands, but, she, shook, yes, God, said, hollie said, tell me, why, the, marine corp. is out in the streets, said, the tap dancers, many hollies, theres him, said, she hollie, thats, gabriel like marine guard and hollie like round head, with silhouette face, mostly, pulling, on pant legg, its under, bobby said, angel, showed, barack obama, I announce it, he said, we're in economic collapse, he leaves, thats, the, uhleem saleerie, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, its soumb, she said, thats, Jesus, said, hollie like lighted cat, pointing turn, tell me, what, hollie, scream, for, said, hollie, screamed again, what kind of visions do you want, said, it hollie said another hollie with golden face, its cause you know me, said, hollie playing his music, wearing white robe, hollie, showed, leaving, in, uh hurry, said another, hollie, thats hollie like happy hollie, out if, its electrical current, she showed, like bear, its war, she said, but changed, into, its him, another, hollie said, Jesus like bear, but, back, to another, hollie, partial face hollie comes out, she said, dont home, said, hollie, jumping, wearing white robe, christian, she said, dont go home said, hollie with like music sound, thats him playing, wearing white, robe, you dont need more he said, showed, sleep, that was, uh, lighted, Jesus, looking down, said, hollie, and, him, she said, Jesus, thats it, said, it, cal, said, hollie, wiping forehead, showed, its eat, she said, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie like uh wearing shipmate showing, its r.m.s. titanic with edward smith on deck, its o, said, its his ship again, said, a hollie, like, fleas, and was, fleas, with, new hair style, she showed, its the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, thats ship being rocked, with its by three torpedoes, hollie showed, wait like almost bald head, thats, titanic with girl smiling, hollie played his music, you want me he said, hey said, fleas, hollie was, like, a, he cat, so you got the two top grossin movies, Jesus, said, thats, producer of titanic and avatar, laughing, shaking, yes, but, they, both flopped, Jesus, said, were the original, God, said, cameron looks around, no git outta here, he said, put it under, said, Jesus, dont steal, let me, see, said, hollie, it took, she said, spoke with Jesus, one hour twenty-one minutes for titanic to sink, but, the movie made it last she said, hollie showed, record, showed, go home and sleep, hollie showed, cookies, bobby eat, she said, hollie clapped hands, scene changed, like, light and like a planet appeared in, then Jesus, its mine, said, light Jesus, I can do with it what ever I want God said, thats, its him, said, hollie, posting on his laptop cellphone, thats popes face appearing on, its screen, showed, hollie, i am gogey, he said, she said, many hollies said, sleep, hollie showed, record, said, hollie, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, played music, you got me need it, he said, I will destroy you like JOB to laugh at you saith Jesus, I am now bob gonna cry everytime I think about you cause of what I done to you, to make you perish, said, God, 11-28-2010-let me, record, said, it hollie, said, another, hollie, its, partial face with golden hair, but face not all the way seen, this is, warning, said, hollie, go upstairs she said, thats hollie walking up stairs, wearing, its plad coat, hollie stamps, scene spins, its the uhleave it alone, said, hollie, sorry said another, hollie showed sleep, wont ya let me, said, it hollie, said, another, hollie, hollie showed, snapped his fingers, smiled, a she hollie comes out, bobby why do you question, she said, she snapped lighted fingers, showed, bobby, feed, she, said, thats hollie feeding, its animals, wearing plad coat, bob, said, angel, I want loot, said, its that pastor, thats, people, its marchin, hollie said, in streets, hollie showed, its, in, o said another, hollie coming out, its fleas with different hair style, hollies head hidden, but was, there, it, dot head man said, bobby he wore uh red plad coat, loot, he, said, give us our, money, he chanted, its social security, stripped, thats angel gabriel, as, marine guard in streets, hollie like round head, with mostly silhouette face, pulls on his pant legg, bobby its we're under economic collapse, said gabriel scene spins, and I stamp, said, hollie, its, o, said, fleas, face transforming, where was hollie, but she was dimly there, God said, thats it, said, hollie, showed, turn, another, hollie showed, go, it, him, said a she hollie, he had red bear paws, tear up, hollie said, thats, pope appearing in middle, its I am gog, he said, thats pope riding black horse, its into moscow, Jesus, said, thats pope signing, its uh deal, God said with medvedev, it gains pope hollie said, some advantadges, taiwan said, somebody, a, hollie appears, its, uh warning, said, hollie, thats another, hollie, flying, its spacesoarer, rocket, its from that, saw, its him, said she hollie, like round face, missile streaking from china, taiwan exploded, hollie in center, thats hu hintao, battling, its washington state, said, hollie, stamps, scene spins, with light sword, hollie fights back, blue sword, thats round face hollie flying out, its old world war one, its uh two winger, hollie said, drops bomb, shes dressed like pilot, its repelled, hollie shows, thru, shook, no, then yes, what did hollie scream, she said, screamed, again, hollie, showed, turn, then, him a she hollie said, partial face hollie comes out, showed, its, red light cameras, stay away from them hollie said, thats one snapping picture, its, accurate, hollie said, but like fleas, was, there, same o, vision, same o, hollie, sang, many hollies, look, said, it, hollie said, like golden she hollie, coming out, showed, pope, now you gotta go home, he said, thats, hollie, showing, o.k. bob lets git uh church, she said, thats hollie preaching, you know it, she said, people clap, boo chanted many hollies, he said, hollie said, looking worried, iraq agin, Jesus, said, hollie had white robe, gray arms, black hands, partial face hollie comes out, its o, she said, hand over mouth, showed, bobby eat, hollies face changed to, round, maybe this is uh warning, hollie said, showed, eat, i'm the king of grecia, said, hollie, another, hollie shakes, yes, its the king appearing, with, its goat horns, showed, hollie, looked, thats kings coming out, thats ram with, with putins face, thats, hu hintao with flower out of one horn, hollie stamps, scene spins, thats pope, medvedev and putin, out of, its other, she said, thats, hegoat charging, stomping, smiting, its ram, hollie said, thats, its after nuclear n.a.t.o. missile attack hollie said, russia burns, thats bear arising, Jesus telling, devour that, bear shakes, yes, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burn, thats submarines all around america, hollie showed, eat, its the loose belt somby, said, hollie, boo chanted many hollies, whats that, showed, it, hollie, said golden face hollie, its brand new camaro, spun front tire, it paces, she said, showed, the indianapolis 500, hollie pulls up sleeves, its the king again, with kings coming out of its horns, hollie said, go, hollie said, get food for, its animals, hollie said, scene spins, hollie screamed for, she said, screamed, again, but, partial face comes out, hey said another, hollie, these hollies are changing showed, new hollie, this is uh warning, said, hollie, with, its, the, uhleave it alone, sell, said, hollie, that building she said, stamped, it would rent for four thousand per month she said, but its heating bill, hollie said, another, five, see that right there, that was not a very, its sought after, said, hollie and Jesus, stereo speaker, its little m.c.s. stereo speaker, thats eyes appearing on speaker, showed, I'm as good, speaker, said, as, its any, hollie said, thats little eight inch woofer, its excellent, thats realistic, its optimus, 100 tower stereo speaker, its excellent, God said, but thats little m.c.s. speaker, its we're brothers speaker, said, hollie got out the laptop computer, thats pope on screen, its gog hollie said, hollie moved the building, showed, save money, its, the, hollie said, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship showing, the indiana oxygen building, hollie moved, this is warning, lets post, said, hollie, thats hollie posting on, its her laptop, t.v. she said, stamps, scene spins, hollie had bear arms, he showed, turn, said, hollie, it, was, Jesus like cat, hollie, complained, what does, the, website say, said, hollie, just leave it alone, said, him, said, another, hollie, but, she, was, not, all the way there, said, partial face hollie, as he played music, thats the ministry of dreams website appearing, like white angel, hollie claps, thats her on youtube video, showing, its, ministry of dreams, pope said, hollie, and I showed, you uh picture, partial face said like golden partial face, thats uh warning, said, hollie, its, the, uhleave it alone, she said, but partial face showed, hollie did, the, body work, its chevrolet luguna, she put new metal in, sweated, shew she said, its hard work, hollie wiped, sweat, thats brand new like luguna, spun rear tire, hollie showed, its the mark of the beast, she said, let me, said, him, God said, in dome, in, hand, that showed, you did not want it, its, hollie showed, hollie delt out the cards, hey said partial face coming out, noticed, thats hollies hands lit, but body very hard to see, wheres the cards, she said, leave me alone, showed, hollie, with golden in her features, said another, hollie and even a new one appears wearing dress, face not, clearly seen, hollie showed, not makin the money, said, it hollie, thats the pope said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, in fire, drinking his drink, thats 666 appearing, theres uh war there, pointed, hollie, its kim jong, his son, he launched, hollie said, lets do it, he said, alright thought kim jong, it started, said, JEsus, pointed, right there, thats, both jongs, put it under, hollie said, get rest, but, hollies, eyes, still open, its, him, she said, posting on, its cellphone laptop, hollie, didnt cry for, said another, hollie, thats hollie crying, you didnt record, she said, thats, him, tear up, hollie said, but, one hand not visiable, but, was, there, other, like bear paw, you want that said hollie, but he didnt move his lips, let me, he said, in heart, thats, the penguins circling, one, showed with fin, down, bobby we want you come back here tomorrow, thats one looking out and its like geese sound, God, said, you wanted to lure said, it, hollie said, golden face hollie, kim jong shook yes, my son, he said, hes emperor, ruler kim jong said, put it undle, it, hollie claps, worked, thats the u.s.s george washington sailing, hollie said, they launch missile strike on, its north korea, said, hollie, beat hand, thats two explosions in north korea, hollie showed, lay down, bob said, him, said, hollie, with, face undone, Jesus said, he, pointed, smoke coming, with, its, the submarine somby a she hollie said, its north korea, he said, thats, u.s.a. submarine, theres sub at Gods interviewing table, its he made me said submarine, thats barack obama ordering and north korea burning, put it under, said, hollie, you lure said hollie to kim jong, alright we'll do he said, hollie scavaged for food for his animals, he wore uh red plad coat a she hollie said, 11-29-2010-let me, said, hollie, looking tired, showed, record, and I, stamp, hollie said, thats, the, beast, pope, arising, running out, like angel man, with round head, God said, bobby let me, hollie showed, record, him, said, she hollie, appeared, it was hollie showed, the second time, snapped his fingers, hollie showed, eat, bobby said hollie, showed, Jesus, it I persecute God, said, I'll ruin your face and make your penus erect, caressing it, I cause your body to heat up like furnace, cause facial muscles to tighten when using, put deseases on body and boils on face, I lie and betray my children and offend them trying to scare and ruin their lives while they sacrifice unto me said Jesus, I make limbs so they wont walk right, causing limp, I will ruin and mock you if you serve me, and, I cause you to fall away and do all day, I desease gums causing tooth loss, that laughed hollie, Jesus showed, ruint, on sign, if you live for me, saith the King, hollie screamed, partial face hollie comes out, points, its me, she said, but one lighted, one wore skirt, dress, showed, hollie, no, said, hollie, I, showed, om away she said, with lighted hands, but smiled and shook, yes, hollie showed, bob its the bravenet guestmap, thats pointed, hollie, partial face comes out, hand over mouth, hollie was like light hollie, but, not, seen, but, was, there, hollie said, partial face coming out, was outlined by him, Jesus, thats bravenet guestmap ministryofdreams, its o said partial face, its she said, theres deformed, angel had like, dull spec on one side, turned into two, face changed into silhouette but eyes did appear, on other side, theres blue, its o, said, hollie, partial face comes out, the hollies changed, hollie drove, its, the, escort gt, she said, waved hand, it spun front tire, this is, warning, said, hollie, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, played his music, he showed, 0catch, start updating there, he said, clapped his hands, thats her feeding animals, wearing, its uh red plad coat, another, mostly hidden hollie stamps, scene spins, like, angel round head, appears, it, said, hollie, she, didnt, look, but, doesnt care, hollie showed, him, said, its, partial face hollie, git, outta here, she, said, thats, bobs animals eating well, happy possum, spacesoarer, it is x.p., hollie soared, said she hollie, partial face comes out, points, hollie hidden but dimly appeared, captain hollie drops bombs, thats, explosion in center of america, its chinook, said, hollie, captain hollie, flys, thats happy gabriel like ball gabriel on rope, submarines all around america, it appeared, showed, hollie, this is website, lets post, said, him, said, uh she hollie, with, face, not complete, this is the war that you better watch out for said hollie, tap dancing, pointing, its both jongs appearing, thats kim jongs son pressing button, but, hidden hollie showed, time out, showed, lay down, thats, hollie, snapping lighted fingers, another she hollie comes out, but he was in bed she said, thats uh big penguin tapping its lighted fin, said, hollie, had like whirlwind ball, in, said, penguin, and its God, said, hollie, hollie showed, fight, him, said, uh partial golden face not all the way there hollie, thats, hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, face appears on, theres uh dome in, pointed, she hollie, hand appears its sitting at Gods interviewing table, said him said she hollie but his face changed, its o said she hollie, red nose appears on hand, this is warning said him said mostly unseen hollie, bobby said, it, hollie, showed, picture its, pope, she said, I aint your vision, he said, put it under, hollie said, thats, hollie working on, its facebook, bobby its uh waste of time hollie said, clapped hands, showed, pope in middle, but snapped fingers, its I did finger work, she said, om uh vision I cant post, said, it, hollie said, mostly unseen hollie, hollie screamed for, said, hollie, screamed again, hey said, partial face, came out, pointed, thats her, but she pointed, up, Jesus came, world below, countries exploding, world shakes, thats face appearing on world, its bebo said hollie, i'm the bebo showed, mostly silhouette face, bebo ministryofdreams, website, hollie said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, another, hollie screamed, whats that, said, hollie, space, said two hollies, but, another, was there, its captain hollie soarin, she said, its my spacebomber, he said, dropping bombs, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, russia on fire, Jesus spins world, thats, venezuela and brazil burning and dragon rising like dull red dragon, this is vision, lets post, clapped hollie, said another, she pointed, hollie in atmosphere, like cloudy hollie, bob, said, hollie, it hollie showed, he said, but, really wasnt, said, him, said, its, silvana, hollie said, char, she, said, showed, cut off, char shakes, yes, both of them, God, said, put it under, hollie said, its him, said a partial unseen hollie, showed, its bob lay off of them, she said, 11-30-2010-you did good, it was him, a she hollie said, I took advantage of you, said, it, him, said, a she hollie, pointed, at, it God she said, you need to let me, said, hollie, it him, looking tired, she got food, for, its, she, said, animals, out of, its dumpster, she said, put it undle, said, hollie, I am God, said, its, pope, running out like angel dot head, thats pope with his black stagecoach, showed, smiled, I am gog, he, said, thats it, said, another, new hollie, showed, sleep, lay down, this is, uh, warning, lets post said hollie and another, hollie showed, confusion, she said, that woman, she said, its troubled, hollie said, its, the, new ministry of dreams, showed, hollie, like happy angel, its o, hollie said, theres deformed, she said, like dull dark spec on one side of face, and, on, other, theres big blue blotch, and like brown, hollie showed, bob, lets give it up, hollie said, showed, bobby sit down, maybe its uh warning, said, hollie, showed, go, pointed, with, lighted, finger, it, was, partial face, wearing, its white robe, showed, the brand new, its, ministry of dreams, facebook angel, like happy white face, its lighted showed, partial face, but theres deformed, its o, she said, angel had like spec on one side, it grew darker, and on other side, like blue and brown, its blotches, hollie said, but, seemed to keep changing she showed, maybe this is, om uh warning, said, it, hollie, showed, its, food shortages, and, people marching, like, lit up, people, thats, like, lit dot head, man, with, partial silhouette face, and, wearing, he wore uh red plad coat said hollie, showed, eat, they carried sign, its, we want food, chanted, silvana, thats char shaking, yes, and, people not, receiving, its their social security benefits, hollie said, thats, them, holding, sign, its, we, want, loot, they chant, hollie said, showed, with red plad coat, leave it, alone, she, said, hollie stomped foot, hey said, another, hollie, thats, her snapping lighted fingers, but a different hollie comes out, shows, hollies, body hidden when she stomped but its him, she said, like, all white dot head, face, she said, thats, people protesting, america, thats barack obama announcing, its we're under economic collapse he said, moves his tie, thats, silvana, you see hollie said, I got, to talk to the, legend bob hickman of ministryofdreams, lupetti said, thats char hollie said, not knowing, nothing, hollie showed, wearing, his white garments, but she was showed, char just shakes, yes, but looks again, now its want more visions, clapped, the, tap dancers, many hollies, one, wore skirt God said, thats, pope with, brown hair, in, wearing suit, its brown, showed, hollie, if you let me putin said, let he said, lets rule the world, sang, many hollies, showed, its new flash hard drive with angel coming out, i'm the flash drive angel said, captain hollie soars, its, german luftwaffe bomber, drops bombs, thats america below exploding, submarines, appear all around, one had mouth, another, had captain hollie, waved, hey pointed, rubbed chin, hollie, was that the same hollie flying german luftwaffe jet, and in submarine, shook, yes, both american coasts, burn, if you let me, said, same hollie, being lifted out of fire by, its chinook hollie said, flown by pilot gabriel, it he said, on the day of the LOrd, hollie showed, opened up his hands, maybe its uh warning, said, Jesus, bobby when you gonna eat, hollie said, happy, just waited, another, hollie comes out, pointed at her teeth, she wore white robe, it was him, a she hollie said, i'm uh vision, I will not, finish that website, showed, its, him, said mostly unseen hollie, that pointed another, hollie, its beast pope rising, that she said, i'm the, website, I can not do one thing, said, it angel, said, hollie, thats char telling millions on internet radio, bob its just link up hollie said, hollie pointed, turn, thats, said, hollie, pope drinking his drink in fire, hollie showed, go, with, orange lighted finger, it was him, she said, uh new hollie with, very little hair, what time is it, said, Jesus, had on light watch, thats the reason, said, hollie, its, sunny sunshine, shes now trembling, hollie said, its, i thought, she said, looking happy, but smiled, faded, looked around, I was him, she said, pointed, at, it Jesus, hollie said, what did, hollie scream for she said, another, hollie screamed, its under attack it, said, hollie, thats big nuclear fire ball coming up from center of america, its, him, said a hidden hollie, but, another, hollie comes out, shows, she was there but part of face only, missiles leave, thats, great britain burning, but four captain hollies, showering russia, with, its thermo nukes said, hollie, thats missiles leaving russia, its arise, devour that said, God hollie like bear, shakes, yes, strikes, thats, nuclear fireball in australia, italy with two, thats france from high above with two fires, thats, missiles from all striking russia, thats world shaking, venezuela and brazil exploded, its i'm the g8, said, its putin, showed, beast with seven heads and ten horns, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed get food for animals, hollie got food out of, its trashcans, thats her climbing out of, its dumpster, another, hollie said, showed, like round head, with very little hair, its dull golden, like, skin color, another, hollie said, this is, warning, said, him, that said, a she hollie, was, pope riding, black horse, that she said, its, into, moscow russia, he said, that hollie said, thats, pope signing, deal, that, she, said, it, gains advantadges, its with medvedev, that, hollie said, but her face started, disappearing, that, said, hollie, another, hollie screamed, it was him a she hollie said, showed, lay down, like, normal face but little hair, boo chanted many hollies, thats new hollie but lighted this time, forcing, way out, if you he wouldnt let me hollie said, hollie showed, steven pifer looking at e-mail, wadding, then going to barack obama, yes, he said, changing into monkey, lets do barack said, walks with pifer, you see these obama said, its, many countries asking us to reduce are arsenal, he said, walks away, but says in heart, we better not reduce, om free, hollie said, showed, bob go out side, walk, thats hollie walking, wearing, plad coat, its dark, she said, thats hollie flying in his chinook, bob pump her like, its, him, said, hollie, but not all the way seen, then marry, thats hollie pulling, gabriel out of, his, hollie showed, wearing blue sweatshirt, its you did not want hollie showed, hand showed, thats, hollie in, hollie pointing, theres uh dome in, its, him in, she said, thats, the, loose belt, somby, thats uh, a, screaming spirit, said, it, hollie, thats uh double blader, said, its him, said, mostly unseen hollie, gabriel hangs by robe, he flys, hollie watches, thats center of america with, its massive fireball coming up, and, submarines, appearing, all, around, america, hollie, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, another, claps, points, two fingers, both coasts burn, hollie lifted out of ruins, Jesus flys copter, thats it, said, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, he, was, like round face, hollie waves like round face, flying, its b-26 fighter jet, drops bomb, hu hintao battles washington state with his light sword, hollie fights back, blue sword, its hollie said, you lure said yeltsin to hintao, thats hollie flying in her spacesoarem rocket, thats its, from china, its, another, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, shows, war is comin, taiwan burned, its, from, that, hollie said, a he hollie appears, in, blue sweatshirt, missile streaks from china into taiwan, burned, thats missiles coming from, its that pointed, Jesus, the ocean, its captain hollie surfacing, its ohio class submarines, two, its hollie said, they shower, thats china burning, we wont take it, medvedev to, putin, what does kim jong, want, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, with dull golden face, thats, fires in, its, south korea, said, hollie, scene spins, we wont take it, said, medvedev to putin, thats, two, tomahawk missiles leaving, its a u.s.a. submarine, hollie said, they strike, she, said, north korea, exploded, thats kim jong, speaking thru megaphone, hollie like golden hollie, its new, like blob hollie, showed, lets rule, the world, she, said, back into megaphone, but looked out, im uh vision I can not post, said, it, hollie, thats, him, she said, another, mostly unseen hollie appears, playing piano, he said, hollie said, wearing white robe, jumped, had black and gray arms, let she said, 12-1-2010-that, said, it him, said, mostly unseen hollie, God, said, bobby, said Jesus, dont, said, hollie, but she was, uh formin, she said, be nice, God, said, dont turn her away, ever, but, bobby, said, hollie, hump, he showed, thats hollie showed, snapping fingers, showing, walk, thats, hey, said, partial face coming out, scene spins, just, uh little, these hollies changin, she, said, but, hollie snapped lighted fingers, theres mostly unseen hollie, thats finger snap noise, bob its just your lazy hollie, said, showed, walk, a, him, said, partial face hollie, appears, bob, said, it him said, partial face hollie, thats, he hollie working on computer, its, like, hollie, showed, but, not quite, your in, trouble, said, it, him, said, she hollie, its unseen, said, another, she hollie, dont, said, another, new hollie, thats bob, its, walking, in, library, thats she hollie, walking in library, wearing, its uh plad coat, hi, thats, she, hollie, changing, into, its, him, said, another, she hollie, go, said, a third hollie, thats, him, showing, you did not want me, opened hands, its banner inside, its, the, whole new world order, lets rule the world, said, it, putin, said he hollie, if you let me he said, thats, putin in cart, it has eight kings, it, appeared, said, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, thats hands clapping, but its him, said she hollie, appears, he was, there, but, dull, thats, him clapping, closing scene up, bob it, wont, work said, Jesus, it him said mostly unseen hollie, thats hollie doing accupreassure to regrow his hair, he wore uh white robe, but, another, hollie looks down at, hers, he said, he said, thats, the, one, hollie said, and, that, he said, thats, pope, changing into, its putin, i'm outta that, he said, its, politburo, said, God, thats ten russian ruling kings, and, boris yeltsin walking out, thats putin, out of, its that hollie said, medvedev and yeltsin, thats pope coming out of, its putin, thats putin with horns, and one had eyes like a man, does, said, its, him, said, he hollie, lets rule the world, said, putin, i'm russia he said, he hollie showed, have the sex, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in pointed she hollie and, a, little blood on, its finger tip, thats, its, him in, she said, you got me, said, him, said, partial, face unseen hollie, when you go home, said, a sad he hollie, thats girl, knocking at, its door, showed, she hollie, but you wont clik God said, he hollie shows, its the money, but you dont want to git rid of her he said, you can have her he said, showed, have sex first, then she will change God said, dont, do that, said a, hidden hollie but she was, dimly seen, it appeared, said, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, shes the new, said, God, ministering spirit, i cant post said, it, she, hollie, playing piano, said, a mostly unseen hollie, bob get food for, animals, hollie said, thats her feeding animals wearing plad coat, and like partial face hollie closes scene up showed, its bobs new flash drive, angel looks out, its i'm it, angel said, pointed at self, a, new hollie said, with, like golden face, thats a new hollie appearing but dimly, its wearing skirt, this is uh warning, said, him, said a somewhat hard to see hollie, Jesus said, thats, her, said, another, she hollie, playing piano, but its from behind, said, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, thats a golden she hollie pointing turn, and, hu hintao on his red horse, lets rule the world, said putin riding red horse himself, om uh vision I cant post said, it hollie, and thats her piano again, its from behind, I made you an offer and that was said, Jesus, and golden fingers points down, thats hollie on knees giving his praise to the Lord but Jesus not accepting, heres why, God rejects people who are not, its, showed Jesus, like hollie, when, person becomes saved he becomes like Jesus Christ, gets rejected on all corners, said, God, this is the, website, said, hollie, its, him, mostly unseen hollie said, thats, its, ministry of dreams, said, she hollie, many ministry of dreams websites appearing, its o, said, partial face hollie, its, their deformed, she, said, all had something awrong with them, hollie said, thats, bobby, walking, wearing plad coat, lets git coat, on, hollie said, bob had nice coat on, hollie like, light angelhead, this is your warning, said, hollie, thats, its, girl, hollie said, but she wasnt seen, let me explain said lighted hollie, clapped, hands, its o, said, partial face coming out, she wants money, said hollie, if you give her some, thats hollie giving girl some money, she wont come back, hollie said, now let me see, stamped hollie, its, him, said, she hollie, mostly unseen hollie, he wore, its light colored, plad coat, God, said, lets feed, he said, bobby go there, thats girl with, its, wed time, God said, they he said, bobby goes to church, she does not, they wed, hollie claps, but hands, its, tear up, said, him, said, partial face, hollie, but he put back, and pope appears in middle, hey said, partial face, hollies face, hidden, but appeared, like a monkey hollie showed, they conveyed hollie said, lets rule the world said putin in his eight king cart agin, hollie said, thats hollie showing, bob lets pump, her, she will let hollie said, but be nice, after you cum, hollie said, be gentle, tell her to wed, they want you outta here, bob, said, hollie, showed, its both, home and new wineskin ministries, hollie sealed closed it up she said, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, looking at the name, ministry of dreams, with hollie on, it spoken for hollie, said, a hidden hollie, its, i knew, said, dr. jeremy taylor, dreams worker from, its study of dreams, showed, happy hollie, stamps, scene spins, its, o, said, partial face, came out, pointed, hollies teeth visiable, thats jean poole, stealing, its the God spoke, said, hollie, call me said, Jesus, ministryofdreams, thats bobs name in heaven, God said, you do own, but they will take, but, I, remove, Jesus spoke, thats jenny donati mocking, Lord i we want it, said, paliban dailys jenny donati, john mark pool, and jeremy lopez, both mocking, christian cause God did avenge him speedily for stealing ministry ofdreams, theres, danny and diana hahlbohm, talking, ministry of dreams, like, mike mckay, of, its youth at risk, said, hollie, they steal to ruin, God said, but I will make you remove, Jesus said, all that steal, its the God spoke, call me, the ministryofdreams, said, its, the ministry of dreams, youtube, said, hollie, its o, she said, came out, looked, theres, perfect, angel face, but started changing silhouette but reappeared, thats i'm the ministry ofdreams, said angel sitting on his youtube, theres hollie, putting video on, its tear up, she said, put back, thats pope in between hands, its, I am gogey, he said, she said, jumped a different hollie with golden like monkey face, dont do that, said, partial face hollie with different mouth, opened, with gold, like inside, thats, fisting, the united states its under attack it, said she hollie, thats big nuclear fireball coming up from center, its him said hidden she hollie but she, her face appeared, but its only part, said, partial face, showed, happy, thats, popes image on her finger, its, I am gog, he said, um he let me said partial face sitting at Gods interviewing table but changed into another one, hollie showed, turn, like golden faced monkey hollie, thats pope again, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, but, she, transformed, said, another, hollie, came out, its partial face wearing dress, mostly unseen hollie starting to take, o, its, said, partial face coming out, hollie was always there but she appeared slowly, two hollies drank their coffee said, it hollie, look at your website, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, shes changing back, God said, maybe om uh warning, said hollie, its him, said, its mostly unseen hollie again, a he hollie showed, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, had big red nose and face, theres uh dome in, said another, she hollie, she looked, its him in, boo chanted many hollies said uh she hollie and she danced, its him said, mostly unseen hollie, face changing red, satan, pointed, hollie, said Jesus, like uh red warrior she said, his face turning silhouette, but it hollie, she was red, thats it said, its, like, partial face hollie with, its the uhleave it alone sound, said Jesus, sorry, said hollie, hollie showed, record, him said, its, babyfleas, he said, she ran, her hair was golden, but she turned normal, God laughs, its the new ministry of dreams, said, hollie, it appeared, she said, but, its o, said, partial face hollie, its coming out, Jesus, said, thats happy, its lefora angel appearing, hes, like white man, happy, its o, said, partial face, hes got, God said, a, dot on, she said, one side of face, God, said, and, partial face appears, angels face turns silhouette, but, turns back, happy, i'm the new, ministry of dreams, said, it, angel, said partial face hollie, put it undle, she said, thats partial face hollie, showing, bob cut this off, wait for the next time she said, 12-2-2010-bobby said hollie, I'm the new website, she, said, its, forum, she said, its, o, said, partial face, its hollie said, Jesus, coming out, angel appeared happy then sad, showed, he aint gonna let you, angel said, for I persecute said Jesus, I desease gums and body, put boils on face and tighten facial muscles when when using, I, cause stress and heartache and pain saith the LOrd, I burn their bodies up causing them to heat stroke and caresses penus with electricity causing erect, I maim their limbs and laugh at them in visions, bobby showed, partial face hollie, thats, Jesus, heres the website, keep postin, hollie said, pointed, Jesus said, its at him, her and hidden hollie face hollie said, she came out, golden like face, hollie said, he played his music, bobby, go home, hollie said, and its black new world order stagecoach, appearing, with its the pope and hu, said, it, hollie, thats, partial face, she runs, had yellow dress on, Jesus laughs, hey bob, if you let me, hollie said, thats, its, him, she, said, showed, having sex, but do it right, hollie said, but wasnt there, its, o, said, partial face, coming out, showed, bob having sex with girl, but she doesnt want you, hollie said, but they marry, bob, this woman will help you make heaven your home hollie and God said, thats, hollie, changing, into, its bob, then him walking in cold, freezing, lets bundle up hollie said, she had coat on, was happy, she was, like angel, hollie screamed, bobby, thats orange shaft showing turn, its lighted, showed, it hollie said another, hollie, hollie started to show turn but didnt, him said another, she hollie, hey said, partial face, came out, pointed, her face looked like unseen hollies, thats, it, thats the reason said him said partial face and her, lets give uh warning said angel, thats animals, freezing, shivering, lets feed them said hollie, wearing coat, giving animals food, its, raccoons and possums and squirrels, thats squirrel looking from three, they come down, hollie said, hollie showed, record, bob stay warm, another, hollie said, she drank her coffee, hey said, its him, said, she hollie, thats partial face with golden face, thats the new forum, said, it hollie said, mostly unseen hollie, but shes transforming, said Jesus, now has hair but face turned silhouette, i'm free, said, it, forum, showed, now seen hollie, that was, pope in the fire drinking his drink, said, it hollie, said, same hollie that told with, its the uhleave me alone, said, another, hollie, its, sorry said sandy, drink coffee, but changed, it wasnt sandy, let me said angel, it pope said mostly unseen hollie, but was all there, showed, her clothes, hollie looked the other way, hollie screamed, lost your name, said, it angel, said mostly unseen hollie, but shes kindof there, and, not there, but keeps changing, another, hollie shows, banner, opens, says, ministry of dreams, on, dont steal it she said, but she disappeared, tell me about, the website, said, its, partial face, but her teeth didnt seem like the same, thats her walking out and another, hollie there but dimly, i'm bebo said, now its o, said, partial face, came out, thats bebo website, like angelhead, its, theres deformed, she said, hand over mouth, same o website, same o pocket, sang, hollie, same o computer, showed, bobby lay down, let me, alone, said, its, tell me what the website want, said, it, Jesus, pointed, mostly unseen hollie but she was there, that she pointed, lighted Jesus, that a hidden hollie said but a hollie dimly appeared, hollie showed, eat, that she said, its, the, m.v., its his ship agin, said, it babyfleas, hollie said, the m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship sitting at Gods interviewing table, that hollie said, buy it, thats bob and mary making deal, hollie showed, turn, said, another, hollie, stay away from south america said, it Jesus, said mostly unseen hollie, thats hollie points, hey said partial face, thats mostly unseen hollie, let me observe she said, nuclear fireball coming up from, its south america, said, hollie, then hollie wearing sweatshirt spins world, and its pope coming out, thats, him riding black horse, goes to medvedev, points with two fingers, its, kim jong, said girl, thats, fires in, its south korea, and, kim jong handing over, its reign, said Jesus, thats kim jong riding the red horse, its to lure, said, yeltsin to, its hu hintao, thats hollie riding, its spacesoarer she said, into, its taiwan, on fire, thats, hu hintao battling, its washington state with his light sword, hollie fights back, blue sword, dull white clothes, another, hollie flys out, in, its old world war two aircraft, if you let me she said, got happy, she soars, and gets on wing, but her clothes disappeared, hollie flys luftwaffe fighter jet, drops bombs, america below explodes, its, that, hollie points, partial face comes out, showed, hollie pointed with two fingers, submarines appear all around, its america, thats, spinning going on in vision, hollie wears blue sweatshirt, showed, drink, go, git, he said, hollie showed, his starfighter, its uh good jet, he said, he flew, thats nuclear fireball coming up, its france he said, then more, italy exploded, thats great britain on fire, but its four captain hollies, one she hollie, its they shower, hollie said, him said mostly unseen hollie, watches missiles sail, thats russia burning, but missiles left, thats nuclear fire in australia, and venezuela and brazil exploded, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, three nuclear fireballs in cuba, thats it, she said, pointed, nuclear fires in mexico, and along latin american border, thats nicaragua burning, hey said new hollie, its on the day of the LOrd, he said, wearing blue sweatshirt, tell me about the website said, hollie, its, him, said, mostly unseen hollie with golden face, thats many ministry of dreams websites appearing like angelmen, hollie claps, him, showed, bobby lay down, but clapped again, wore blue sweatshirt, thats him, its, said mostly unseen hollie, she kept changing, Jesus came out, he played music wearing white robe, looked down, but face turned silhouette, he clapped, but no word, left, walked downstairs, laid down, your done screamed, it hollie said mostly unseen hollie, partial face comes out, it was him, she said, ACTS 2:38, said, hollie, thats golden hollie, showing, its time, 2:38, partial face, comes out, hollie had monkey lips like cindy, hollie, him, said hidden face hollie, showed, lay down, her, face, golden, but then changed, 12-3-2010-bobby, said, it hollie, said, its, Jesus, said, mostly unseen hollie, shes new she said, but all there, let me record, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie with blue partial face, it, shes transformed, said, another, hollie, thats, hollie walking, its, in, she, said, stamped, childrens museum, partial face comes out, its, o, she, said, hand over, mouth, looked at, its, bob, stamps, like golden world spins, different hollie there, happy, shows, teeth, thats the marine corp. out in the streets, said, hollie, like angel gabriel with partial silhouette face and hollie with silhouette dot head, pulling on, its gabriels pant legg, said, hollie, he wore, red coat, now thats, uh warning, said, hollie, put plad coat on, its light colored, hollie said, hollie screamed, again, hey bobby, why for, she, said, showed, its, jennifer, she does to go church, hollie came out, hollie shows, its, prophecy ministry, website, like, happy angel man, but its, o, said, partial face, coming, out, angels face turned silhouette but started to reappear, i'm his website, said, its, showed, partial face, prophecy ministry website, bob, said, hollie, showed, go, work, she said, thats, hollie posting on, its internet on computer, but hollies face changed, its, o, said, partial face hollie, coming out, God can fix your face, hollie said, thats uh raptor said hollie, soared, its she showed, f-22 raptor, its, she said, deadly, looked kind of, why did you cancel, she said, thats barack obama thinking, its funds, he said, put it undle, hollie said, thats economic collapse, barack announcing, at, its pulpit, she said, walks away, then many people come like lit dot head people, we want money, man chants, they were angry, their, hollie appears, shows, its social security pension benefits are, barack leaves, stripped, hollie said, put it undle, hollie said, watch what you pray for, pointed, sam neill, bobby, said, it, hollie, said, a golden faced, mostly unseen hollie, its uh t-rex walking out, i'm uh dinosaur, said, it stamped, hollie, scene spins, thats, tyrannosaurs walking earth, they were killers, but like dogs hollie said, i'm the g8, said, hollie said, its putin coming out of, its, seven headed dragon like serpent, appearing, said, hollie, thats, its nuclear n.a.t.o. said hollie, but kings poppped out, thats president of mexico not wanting but shakes, signs, its uh deal, said, hollie, with, medvedev, israel, said, it announcer, hollie said, and he saw that, said, casey, bobby, said, hollie coming out, its shes transformed, thats nuclear fire in, its israel, hollie said, bobbay, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, but, shes, transformed, said, another, hollie, thats picture of, I showed, you it, hollie said, pope, I am gogey, he said, pointed, up, Jesus came, like happy Jesus, and, world below, exploded, many countries burned, hollie points, whats this she said, thats smoke arising, thats moon hiding its face, its, dreading, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, world shakes, sun appears, but face turns silhouette, it had uh big red tongue, showed, hollie, you need to, let me, said, hollie, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, hes uh soothsayer, hollie said, stealing, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, we hide behind that, said, jean poole, its, leticia yoo, said, Jesus, its, really jenny donati, but both God said, posting, its ministry of dreams, like a.s. byatt, who is dame antonia susan duffy, now, she rewrote palace of dreams, and included ministry of dreams, thats, john mark pool, swallowing when asked why, and jeremy lopez, saying, its john, but both are, its witches, hollie said, they steal like over 1400 others said, hollie, its the God spoke, she said, call it ministryofdreams, spoke Jesus, with, silhouette face, it did not exist spoke Jesus, till I created it and they steal, you claim christianity said Jesus, thats, it, appeared, said, hollie, john mark pool, swallowing, hey I wanted the loot said, john mark pool with the voice of sandy pool, they knew God said, theres, diana hahlbohm, holding ministryofdreams dot com since two thousand and two said JEsus, its I wanted to ruin said diana hahlbohm, thats danny hahlbohm wanting to make christian speak blasphemy, but, there is danny hahlbohm in church, i claim christianity said dan hahlbohm, they lie, said, Jesus, theres mike mckay, its from, said, hollie, youth at risk, said Jesus, stealing, ministry of dreams, like his friend marcus moss, you witches, God, said, i'll get you said Jesus, write the vision, clapped the tan dancers, said, hollie, and, many, ministering spirits tap dancing, theres one going fast with silhouette face, and hollie showed, a skirt on, its him, said, a hidden hollie, but mostly unseen hollie did somewhat appear, write the vision and lets make it plain, said many hollies, they appeared, but some dim, hollie screamed, its that bobby she said, screamed again, pope appears like angel of light, he rode black horse, thats, black horse smiling, showing his teeth, hollie comes out, points, shows popes picture, its, with, brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying before, all right said, hollie, but laughed, speaking for pope, the united states said, it angel, said, mostly unseen hollie, its, under attack it said hollie, thats nuclear fireball coming up front center and submarines appearing all around, both coasts, burn, thats captain hollie soaring in his, it said mostly unseen hollie, face golden but turned, like dull blue, color now gray, its spacesoarem, he mostly unseen hollie did say, another, hollie said, thats, hollie, clapping, said she hollie, that he said, its, beast, pope, rising, he, said, put it under, said, hollie, feed she said, thats hollie feeding animals wearing plad coat, thats her and him, climbing into, its said mostly unseen hollie with golden mostly silhouette face, dumpster, this is website, we need to post, said, it, hollie, said mostly unseen hollie, with golden face, and he saw, it, said, hollie and casey, many ministry of dreams websites appearing like many angelheads, o, there deformed, said partial face hollie, hand over mouth, all, showed, faces, some silhouette, all had something awrong, tell me about the website, said, it hollie, said mostly unseen hollie, thats uh warning, said hollie, its, the, leave it alone, he said, sorry said partial face but showed her teeth, thats pope said he and she hollies, in fire, drinking his drink, prophet hickman this is what the pope said hollie said, with the uhleave it alone sound, said, another, hollie, she was hidden but dimly appeared, hollie smiles, pope showed, i'm the beast, she said, hollie said, wearing white robe, jumpy, showed, jump rope, but it disappeared, what was hollie screaming for, said, it, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, bob, I want uh vision, said, hollie, and, pope, both of them, God said, hollie showed, pope, thats, hollie, put back, then its from behind, with no, top covering on, partial face comes out, shows, its, sex, him, she said, hollie showed, turn, hollie, him, pointed, another, hollie, showed, lay down, thats, hollie showed, snapping fingers, showed, bobby, it feed, said, hollie, animals, whatever you got she said, then she snapped fingers, its, leave us alone, said, hollie, its sorry said another, hollie, sandy wiped lips, 12-4-2010-bob, said, hollie, showed, git, she said, into, its dumpster, she said, stamps, scene spins, hollie rubbed face, and knew in heart, God and her said, bob said, it hollie, mostly unseen hollie, but she was all there, said, Jesus, bobby dont, said, it hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, shes all there now, thought, Jesus, she said, i'm the website, said, it, hollie, pointed, mostly unseen hollie, shes, the new, said God, but she showed, you dont want, that website, no more, thats, what, your showin, clapped the tan dancers, and hollie pointed, turn, thats black horse, with, pope on it, said, hollie, hollie appeared, hands lighted, hollie scream for that, she said, screamed, again, pointed, hey let me, said, partial face coming out, shes wondering about these new hollies, i'm the website, lets post, said, hollie, showed, its the leave it alone, she, said, showed, scene she said, i'm the website, lets post, something, hollie said, but partial face appeared at end, thats hollie out of its fan, lets buy she said, hollie pointed, go to autozone, she said, its tank, time, said, it, hollie, thats her showed, its american legion wayne post 64, hollie drove, leave it alone, hollie drove the tank, hey pointed serious looking partial face, hollie was happy, but wearing maybe goggles, they do laugh in their hearts, said, the, tap dancer, then, many tap dancers appeared, theres pope hollie said, its, she, said, i am gogey pope, said, thats raccoon laughing, hollie showed, turn, thats, big explosion, its the raymond street sign hollie said, bob said JEsus, hollie said, then, hollie got real, showed, explained, that woman is a witch, hollie, said, dont trust her, hollie brought out, its sx-580 stereo receiver by pioneer, thats power meters moving, hollie watches, hollie showed, with uh big hand, its white she said, its old 56 dodge truck, still running strong, bobby dont hollie said, takes coat of, but another, hollie appeared with coat on, git the church, hollie said, thats, many she said, its, filling up, hollie said, i'm uh vision, said, hollie, showed, hey said, partial face, coming out, that looked like the main, and was, I ordained you said Jesus, both he and hollie said, thats the main showing, its old person, let them alone, she said, they die, he was getting ill, hollie said, you do not want it, no more, Jesus, said, hollie showed, turn, for, said, another, hollie with its loose belt somby a different hollie said, Jesus said, spacesoarem jet, write the vision said hollie, thats him in it said, mostly unseen hollie but appears, with, gold in her, features, bob what does your website have to say, hollie said, thats, the, new ministry of dreams, she said, its angel showing up like happy angel, but then sad, angel, had like light banner in hand, and closed up, partial face came out, pointed, its like angel, his face disappeared, but reappeared, another hollie appears, showed, continue, white hand, dont want no more, thats what your showin, said, it, hollie, said mostly unseen hollie and another, hollie appeared, showed, turn, boo chanted hollie, tell the vision make it plain, said, its the main ministering spirit and hollie, let me said hollie another, hollie said playing his music, its white robe, let me show, said the main ministering spirit, hollies face, like, partial silhouette played his music, that was him going downstairs, and hollie like a lighted hollie shivering, leave that dumpster caper alone said, hollie, hollie showed, how the oil flowed, said hollie, like lighted hollie, happy, you want that vision then post that vision, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, golden face but turned like gray and changed, another, hollie comes out, he said, hollie said, with golden face, i'm, ministry of dreams, sang Jesus, theres power in that name, thats showed, hollie, ministryofdreams, appearing, wait on him, she said, lets go, said, hollie, thats, hollie like shipmate said Jesus, its onboard, she showed, r.m.s. titanic, bobby, said, it hollie said, its partial face again, said, it, God, she said, but, they kept changin, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, thats his ship, she said, and mostly unseen hollie, its, she said, but changed, reappeared, its i'm the m.v., said, God said, its, wilhelm gustloff ship, sitting at, God said, his inerviewing table, and I stamp, hollie said, scene spins, pope looks out, Its, said, bob, i am gog, said, it, thought Jesus, pope, 12-5-2010-I'm the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, it, he said, God, said, partial face hollie comes out, the ship part disappeared, said, God, but, were brothers, said, the, m.s., wilhelm gustloff ship, sitting at, said, Jesus, partial face shows, Gods interviewing table, talk to you later, said, Jesus, thats Jesus, said, hollie, showing, go, look, said, it hollie, said, two hollies, but, one, unseen, Jesus, said, but, mostly unseen hollie appears, she was, hollie thought, a gray color like mask, look, said hollie, and I showed you uh picture, said, mostly unseen hollie, but, she, was, there, said, Jesus, look, she said, showed, pope, again, but, hollie came out, laughed, look, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, thats another, hollie, its, getting into dumpster, said, its Jesus, thats her, getting caught, they wont harm, hollie said, look, said, hollie, i'm unseen said, unseen hollie, with the voice of another, Jesus said, when they hit syria they did not expect retaliation, said, it JEsus, and, hollie, thats, its, said, mostly unseen hollie, medvedev at, podium, she said, we threaten you, he said, leaves, its to threaten america, showed, mostly unseen hollie, we will move military force, said, its medvedev, thats russias military, preparing for, its all out nuclear assault, said, mostly unsee hollie, partial face comes out, points, has mouth partially open, hollies, face, mostly unseen hollies, not clearly visiable God said, my name is vision lets post, said, hollie, i'm the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, said many hollies, and, another, pointed, turn, boo chanted, said him, said, mostly unseen hollie, many hollies, and he points, with, its orange finger, again, but, changed into, its cat, said a golden face hollie, but she, kept changing, said partial face, coming out, angel showed, record, hollie said, stamp angel said, thats beast pope riding black horse, write uh vision, said, it Jesus, said, mostly unseen hollie, partial face comes out, looks, then back at bob, shes, taken on hair, partial face opens, mostly unseen hollie screamed, thats uh new hollie pulling out the towell, cause I'm uh vision, I cant post, said, the tap dancers, let me, said, hollie, hollie showed, the 9090 stereo receiver, said, it, its by sansui, by hollie, said mostly unseen hollie, Jesus said, he pointed, put those signal strength meters over there, thats power meters moving, hollie comes out, shows, points, leave it alone, spacesoarem Jesus, it hollie said mostly unseen hollie, flying in her, its spacerocket, Jesus showed, turn, said, it, hollie but fleas said it, maybe its om uh warning, said, hollie, showed, turn, boo chanted a crowd of hollies, Jesus points, turn, thats, ministry of dreams, in conclusion, thats bob sleeping, said, it hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie but fleas appears, i'm uh website I can not post said many hollies, and post angel appears, but not happy, partial face comes out, points, a second time with lighted finger, showing, its feed, cookies to, its animals, this is warning, said, it hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie but she disappeared, or, it wasnt there, said another, hollie, its him mostly unseen hollie said, playing his music God, said, you want me, he said, with, its showed, happy partial face, silhouette face, mostly she said, hollie him, said mostly unseen hollie, but shes starting to appear, showed, lay down, then, laying down, hollie snapped fingers, but, it was hollie showed,

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