Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Holy Spirit reveals all to bob hickman and bob posts the visions on the internet

(-13)judgment to dallas-vision recieved 8-4-2008-in a vision I saw a big nuclear fireball in texas and I saw, "dallas", and hollie showed, later, and the p.a.w. convention is taking place there with director horace smith.
(-12)nuclear destruction to america-vision received 2-2008-in this vision, I saw america like an animation, some or all, and saw many fireballs coming up from u.s.a.
(11)america destroyed-visions recieved 3-22-2007-in visions I saw babyfleas point and she pointed at smoke, and I saw gabriel like a lighted man walking in america and I saw the woman, the statue of liberty, and gabriel knelt and lifted his hands, and then I saw subs all around the u.s.a. and gabriels hands lifted and the angel flew over and poured out the vial and the subs launched, and I saw a.a. allen with dyed hair, and america exploded, and the world shook, and I saw bill clintons fingers on the nuclear button, and moscow and china, magog, from ohio class subs firing, and hollie pointed at nuclear explosion in russia and china was nuked in a circle, for attacking taiwan, and the curtain was drawed back, and I saw the words, "the sixth seal", and I saw gabriel, and michael and Jesus and lucifer, all with bright faces, and gabriel pulled the wagon to the fire with diana hughey and jeremy taylor and cecil pennyton and lawrence forman for stealing the name, ministry of dreams, on thier websites. They will all remove and see this vision saith the Lord, like arron shutt, dee finney, jose alvarez, john mark pool, janet mcknight, duncan rouleau, matt brady, jonah weiland, and more, like katie bazor, david shapiro, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, dave karlotski, all that have the name ministry of dreams release after being ruint like the massive bri, thats bill of the massive bri, brian of the massive bri, tom beland, ismail kadare, wole soyinka, tom beland, quinling harlequin, Laurie Behncke, eric lindberg, Kunnis, diana hughey, jeff dee, manda dee, amanda dee, the heirs of reverend william e. caldwell, have placed the name ministry of dreams, in their peoples bible, they stole to make prophet fall, and will see, and be ruint, then remove, saith the Lord, reverend william caldwell, 11-29-2007-jean patrick charrey got Fazile Zahir got Zesp�� Doradc�w Gospodarczych, to steal the name ministry of dreams like mike hull, daniel kaps, richard starkings, who publishes for duncan rouleau, and joe kelly edited the book, the nightmarist, and rouleau, duncan will remove the name ministry of dreams, and christian daniel kaps stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, all release after iraq, saith the Lord, and Jesus smiled, with angry look, 12-2-2007-Larry Clow stole the name ministry of dreams, posted dave karlotskis website, laughed at dave, but not Larry Clow is exosed as one of rouleaus mullahs, Larry Clow stole the name ministry of dreams, when he wrote article about the nightmarist, releases ruint, like dave karlotski, .
(10) vision of judgement to the usa and Jesus coming back-visions recieved 3-1-2007-in visions, I saw subs around america, and they fired, and, the woman came up, the statue of liberty, and, america, burned, and hollie pointed, at Jesus in the sky.
(-9)destruction is coming-vision received 4-6-2005-in this vision, I saw this angel, and only about half of Him was there, and He was like made out of lite. This angels hair was like straw that was really shafts of light and body and garments were all outlined with light, and may have had a garment on that had a cross on it, about where His chest is. It was kind of like if you draw something on a black piece of paper, using a white or light color piece of chalk. This angel had His sword drawn back like He was ready to strike".
(-8)destruction to america-vision received 11-8-2005-God showed me the statue of liberty with a nuclear explosion behind it, and the woman witch thou sawest is that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth, russia'll do it, thats Jesus lauhin at america, and people said, that was america after the judgment, there was smoke, like, a haze, and the sky looked like fire, thats, called, nuclear, winter.
(-7)judgment to america the MYSTERY, BABYLON -vision received 11-1-2005-God showed me the statue of liberty, and flames covered all else I could see, and I saw Jesus run out of the statue of liberty, and He had Brown Hair and White Robe like a Cloud, and He just Blowed on me, and I felt Wind come from Him, and here is what one or more people said, I saw the statue of liberty, and the statue of liberty was surrounded by flame, and Jesus ran out of the statue of liberty, and that meant, and Jesus said, return and repent and be, and al gore said, baptised and Jesus said, in Jesus Christ Name, and receive the Holy One, Israel must be destroyed, and Israel is america, and somebody said, that was Jesus lookin at the Cross replacing the statue f liberty, the statue of liberty has to go and I'll return, if you repent and be baptized in Jesus Name, the general superintendent of, united pentecostal Church international, kenneth haney said, and be filled with the Holy One! and ken haney said, how awesome, and irving baxter said, o my God, he's and ken said, a and irving said, fuckin, and ken said, prophet!
(-6)america will burn visions received 11-2-2005 God has showed me the statue of liberty, and I only saw the top part, and the rest was consumed in flames, and russian president vladimir putin said, when the statue of liberty was created and broght here, thats why God's condition for judgment was met in the 1800's and thats the reason God turned away from america and eventually the united states will be destroyed.
(-5)nuclear destruction to a city-vision received 11-1-2005-God showed me a city, that I was in, and I don't know where I was, but, I could see way off in the distance a big nuclear fireball, and I received this vision: I saw hollie and she said, all this in one day, and kristina said, it, and hollie said, will burn, judge, and kristina said, ment to Indian, and kristina said, apolis is pronounced
(-4)the west coast destroyed by many nuclear explosions-vision received 10-31-2005-God showed me the west coast of america, and it was like an animated map, and I saw a string of many nuclear exposions the went from the bottom to the top, and there were many, and the explosions were tremendous in size.
(-3)nuclear destruction to washington d.c.-vision received 10-22-2005-God showed me the back a a penney, and I could see the white house, and behind the white house there was a big nuclear fireball.
(-2)nuclear destruction to indianapolis-vision received 10-22-2005-God showed me a big nuclear fireball and I felt like I was in indianapolis, and I may have been downtown, and the nuclear explosion that went into the sky may have happened somewhere near downtown. Praise Jesus for warnig us what is coming!
(-1)submarines rising around america's coast-vision received 10-22-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked putin and he said some things, and I saw what I felt was one or possibly both amrerican coasts, and I saw submarines rising up out of the water. This is attack will occur when you least expect it.

(-0)Indianapolis will be destroyed-vision recieved 8-14-2005-I was at heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and the childrens choir was singing and all of a sudden it was like I was outside possibly of the Church and I may have been looking toward downtown Indianapolis and I saw a big nuclear explosion that looked like a mushroom shaped fireball. The fire went higher than you can imagine, mayb as far as a mile or two in the sky.

(0)nuclear destruction-vision received 1-30-2005-in this vision, it's like I'm underwater, and I can see the front part of a submarine, and missile or missile's are fired out of it. Next, I can see part one one city, and I beleive it was at night, and it exploded into complete fire from the missile. Then I'm in another area, and it exploded into fire from another nuclear weapon.

(ob)visions of coming judgment to america-visions recieved 11-28-2003-in the first vision, what I saw was an animated map of about the western three quarters of america, and the ocean. From top to bottom along the west coast and about the midway point of america, I saw dark stripes from top to bottom. In the second vision, I saw the east coast, and it had a dark stripe from top to bottom, and I was asking God what this meant, and I heard these words:"this represents fire" and a moment later, I heard this, "from the ocean". RUSSIAN ballistic missile submarines are prowling the oceans right now.

(0c)Indiana under attack-vision received 10-31-2004-in this vision, I'm in Indianapolis, and it is dark, and my brother is there. There was a nuclear explosion to the west, and I felt in my heart it was Plainfield, Indiana, and the sky seemed to just stay the bright yellow color of fire, which went into the atmosphere above Plainfield, and I want to get in the car and run, but, I know I could not go to downtown Indianapolis, because I knew the city was going to be nuked. I remember seeing a missile climbing into the sky, and I seemed to feel that this was an american nuclear missile, and it was heading for russia. Then Indianapolis was nuked, and redish color fire just hovered high above the city, and blanketed the whole city, and went into the atmosphere. I remember calling for my brother, because I want to leave, and he walks somewhere. I did not see the explosions either time, and unless you are watching right when the missile explodes, you won't, but, what I did see terrified me. I'm wanting to seek safety.

(1a)nuclear destruction-visions received 7-23-2005-In a vision, I saw possibly a city and it was a clear day, and there was like a mushroome cloud those rose into the heavens. I did not write it down just then, but, I received another vision where Somebody asked me about what I saw and I said something like, "it looked like a nuclear explosion".

(1)attack on a city-vision received 11-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a city and it was at night time, and there were skyscrapers and they had their lights on. Then I saw a missile come in and hit one of the skyscrapers, and explode, and the building was hidden behind the massive fireball. I don't know if this was a small nuclear weapon or not, but, I don't know is a conventional weapon is capable of a explosion like that. Then I saw another missile coming into the city. It seems like I heard jets, but, I don't remember seeing any.

(1b)nuclear explosions-visions received 4-9-2005-in the first vision, I saw a nuclear explosion in a city. The fire rose from the ground like the sun rising and was the color of the sun. In the next vision, I was standing by the banks of white river and could see downtown Indianapolis, and all of a sudden, there was a nuclear explosion in it that probably engulfed the whole city in fire. It looked similar to the color of the sun, and seemed to come up from the ground like the sun rising. This was on a nice day and there was no notice.

(2)Indianapolis hit by nuclear missile-vision recieved about 1997. On this sunday, I prayed and hour, and went to church, got home and prayed another hour, and laid down. After I did, the Lord gave me two visions, where I saw Indianapolis being nuked. In one of the visions, I saw two nuclear explosions in Indianapolis, it was a multiple warhead nuclear missile, and it is coming from Russia-the first exploded about downtown and reached all the way to about a mile from the Indy 500 race track, which is about 5 miles away. It coated the groud with fire like molten steel coming out of the furnace going down the line and I could feel the searing heat coming from it, and it sounded like a car going over the cliff in the movies as it raced toward me, popping, crunching, and grinding noise. Then a second went off high in the air behind me and I turned and saw it flashing thru the smoke. This was over abot the top of the indy 500 race track, and I knew this one was going to to take me out, so I asked God a question and he answered me and the vison ended.
(3)chicago will burn-vision received about the summer of 98-I sat outside on my pastors porch and we talked for about six hours and he went inside for a while and I was given a vision from the Lord Jesus. In it, I was on the banks of Lake michigan in Indiana and could see chicago off in the distance with it's towering skyscrapers and it was day time and a clear day. I see a missile streak into the city and explode. It was like going into a dark room and turning the light on. That's how quick the city was hidden behind the fire. I never told my pastor the vision, or the church we went to.

(3b)alaska attacked-vision recieved 4-21-2004-in this vision, I saw these words, "it will start with alaska". Later I heard and or saw "ALASKA", and said, "what about alaska, then I saw the president of russia in a vision, and he said, "hit it", which means "attack". I was also thinking on usama bin laden having nuclear weapons, and I saw someone who looked like usama bin laden in a vision, and he said, "we do". When I finally was getting up, I heard these words, "its starting", then I saw me in a vision, and I said, "let it start". It would be easy for russia to take oil rich alaska.

(4)Judgement to america, prepare now to meet your maker, for when you think not-In this vision, I was outside and it was at night time and a man pointed to the sky and I looked up and saw three nuclear missiles going to their targets. THey were so high that I only saw like flashing indented lights surrounding the missile, but, I was made aware of what they were, and I become afraid because I know the country is being attacked. Then I see the one that is going to take indianapolis out and it was flying very low, and it was like it was searching for it's target. I start running and I'm looking for a payphone very desparately because I want to call my mom and tell her I love her and I run and run and finally find one and dial the number and then the vision ends(do what you have to do now, because the day is coming when you will not be able to)

(4b)nuclear explosion in a city-vision received 5-30-2005-In this vision, I'm in like a field and I'm walking up possibly a hill, and the sky was beautiful and it was a pretty day, and there may have may have been power lines and a tower there that they run on, and I saw a nuclear explosion way off in the distance. Looking up at the sky from being on the hill, but, not at the top of it, I could see the fire that rose like a big cloud in the sky. Judgement will come to america.

(5)nuclear ruin brought on kansas-In this vision in November of 2002, I was high above the ground in the Kansas area and the ground had a dark brown color to it and the surrounding states were separated by black borderlines and the state of Kansas instantly exploded into a big fireball that completely engulfed the state in about a second and then God spoke to me and said, "Kansas will burn".
(6)Kansas burns -visions received 11-22-2004-in this vision, It was like I was on one of my angelfire page, and the background is red, and I the page was moving up, and when it finally stopped, it stopped on a vision name KANSAS. I could see the name KANSAS, and it was like it had been burned and was a little hard to make out, but, I could. I was praying and asking Jesus, and I heard, "kansas", and I was asking Jesus about kansas, and I saw a man in a vision, that seemed to be dressed in overhalls like a famer would wear, but, I'm not sure it was overhalls, and His face seemed to be all white like an angel, and He said, "It got hit by a nuclear missile.

(6b)judgment to america-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "the United States is going to burn".

(7a)the sun and the moon will be blocked out for 16 hours from america burning-visions received 3-31-2005-in visions, and Jesus had to give me some more than once, I head while praying something like, "the sun and the moon", and I saw a man in a vision and he said, "be darkened", and then I may have seen me in a vision and I said, "you know whats causing it", and I saw the man again and he said, "nuclear explosion", and I saw me again and I said, "who got nuked", and I saw a man and he said, "the united states".
(7b)China attacking Taiwan-vision recieved about march of 2003-I asked God for years to show me what China would do to draw America into war and in a vision God gave me, I saw the president of China and He said, "we will grab Taiwan".

(7c)destruction to lousiville, usa-vision recieved 6-27-2005-In this vision, I'm several thousand feet in the air, and it is at night, and I could see a downtown, and in my heart, I felt it was lousiville, kentucky, and there was a nuclear explosion. The fire was still spreading when the vision ended. The fire went far above the skyscrapers and was starting to engulf the whole city.

(8)china attacking united states- vision recieved about september of 2002- I saw China attacking America on one of its costal states. I felt in the vision that this was the state of Washington. World war 2 era America planes would go out to sea to fight back. I don't know or remember what the chinese troops showed up in.

(8b)nuclear explosion in Indianapolis-vision received 5-2-2005-In this vision while praying, I saw the dark sky where I live and there was an explosion high in the air. I knew this was nuclear, and from what I have seen, some or all nuclear weapons have an explosion before the big bang.

(9) The russians are coming- In this vision,I am with Bill Clinton and I am telling him as I grab his arm and shake it, "the Russians are coming", "the russians" are coming, and he shakes me off and keeps walking and the look in his face tells me that he does not believe me and that this is the most stupid thing he has ever heard. And I catch him again and do the same thing all over again and he does the same thing all over again.
(10)Indianapolis bombed - In this vision, I am in the car with my mom, and we are in the car and we are downtown indianapolis, and it is being bombed hard and I remember looking at my my mom and there was a tear going down her cheek.
(10b)russia will attack alaska first-visions recieved 7-2-2005-In visions, I saw a prophetess whose name is hollie and she said things like, "hit alaska first", "it will start with alaska".

(11)Indianapolis being attacked - In this vision, I am walking in downtown Indianapolis, and it is a nice day, and I have my sweetshirt on and the leaves are on the trees, and I'm either praying to Jesus or to myself, and I look up into the blue sky and see a cruise missile that was fying low and slow to it's target and it is so low that I can make out details on it which I believe were russian letter, and I began to run and get inside this like shelter which was made of cement, and the missile explodes and the ground starts shaking vioently and keeps getting worse, and building I am in actually starts coming apart, so I run outside to keep from getting hit by cement that is falling out of the cieling, and look downtown and it is still there.
(11b)eight nations will rise and destroy america-vision received 11-1-2004-while praying, I named off 8 nations that Jesus showed me will destroy america. Russia, China, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, North Korea, Venezuela, and Brazil, and after I named them, I saw a man in a vision and HE said, 'those are the ones".

(12) America in the bible-vision recieved 3-18-2003-while praying, in a vision, I saw America all by its self, and the flag was on the inside of it, and coming out from like the middle of the nation was the statue of liberty.
(12b)Usa invaded-vision received 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw these words appear one at a time, "Invasion: U.S. invaded". In another vision, I heard and maybe even saw a man say, "it's already planned".

(13) The sneak russian attack-vision recieved about march of 2003-In this vision, I was inside my home, and all of a sudden, on the outside, I heard explosions, and jets attacking, and in the vision, I'm fully aware that russia is attacking, and I was shocked and caught by total suprise, and I'm running up the steps and just wondering in my heart where America's defence, cause there was nothing to withstand, and I get into the attack in total panick, and I lay by the window and hold the window in, cuse its trying to blow out by the explosions out side, and it was dark. Please be ready for this, it will catch lot's of people off guard.
(14A)nuclear explosion-vision received 8-13-2005-In this vision, I was at the airport and it was like I may have been standing on the runway and it was day time and a clear day and way off in the distance, I saw a big nuclear explosion. It turned into a big mushroom shaped fireball that kept going. This may have been in Indianapolis.

(14b)China and America at war-this vision was spiritual, and I was full aware of what was going on. In it, I saw a field, and it was dark, and I saw a tractor, way out in the field, and the tractor shot something like a bullet, and fire spewed out of it. Then I saw an America Jet starting to take off.(in this vision, I was aware America and China were at war, and they were her. I didn't sleep much after that that night for the fear I felt.

(15)In this vision recieved about march of 2003, I saw these words in neon yellow, "Chinese attack". I now know from more visions from Jesus that China will attack america, taiwan, and russia, and ultimately force russia to lead the way to the invasion of Israel, which is the "battle of armageddon".
(16a)visions of coming judgment-vision recieved about 6-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "visions of coming judgement".

(16)America is number one-vision recieved 3-23-2003-while praying, I asked God to give me a vision for the website and this is what God gave me. I saw president Bush, and he said,"America is number one". Pride is one of the big reasons this nation will burn.

(17)San Francisco will burn-vision recieved 4-2-2003-In this vision, I saw the golden gate bridge, and I knew this was San Francisco, and I saw a huge nuclear explosion that just kept going.

(18)"warn people"-I often ask God what He wants me to do. In a vision from God, I was inside this church, and the service ended, and I ran out of the church. Then I remembered I left something inside the, Dumitru's Dudumans book, thru the fire without burning, and went back inside to get the book. While I was inside, I got the book, and starting telling people what is coming. Then God spoke to me and said, "warn people"

(19)Chicago will burn-I asked God what was coming to Chicago and he spoke to me and said Chicago will burn and in the vision I had I saw the sears tower, which I think is black and on the other side Jesus was coming and there was light that got brighter and brighter and it Got so bright that it actually shined right thru the tower, all of it you could see was the skeleton.

(20) Judgment to Plainfield, Indiana- In this vision in June of 2002, I am driving my car on Perry Road in Plainfield, Indiana, and it is dark and raining and I am going to Walmart. All of a sudden , I hear a big explosion, and the sky turns into fire. I don' know what I was thinking as I was driving before i saw that, but after I did, I felt like sinking in my car seat, and I went on to Walmart with a changed attitude.
(21) Judgment to America, get ready now!! My neighbor and her church was having a cookout and i was invited and i decided to give that time to God and in the vision I had while praying, I saw flashing thru the basement windows and I knew the attack had begun and i am running up the base ment stairs and i am afraid in the vision becase i did not feel i was ready to Go back with Jesus(get ready, and stay ready)

(22)Warn people(this is my calling)- In this vision,I sand leading up to the edge of a town and it was dark and there were some houses in the town which had there lights on and from like the middle of the town, i saw three fireballs shoot high into the sky and by the time they got into the sky, there was a big nuclear explosion and the fireball just kept going and then the Spirit Of God carried me back and said, Warn people.

(23)Warn people- In this vision i saw written on a yellow piece of paper, "give them warning from me".
(24)Vision of the end day message-recieved about February of 2003-In this vision, I am in a grocery store, and I see two ladies I used to go to church with, and I approach them, and start talking to one, and she said some things back, and what I told her is what was coming.(in this vision, God was putting other visions He gave me together)I told her the next major event you will see is that war firing up again in Iraq. You will see Iraq shoot nuclear wapons into Israel. If you want the scipture for it read EZEKIEL 7 where he prophesied and end is come and He is talking about to the land of Israel, and he is prophesying it from captivity in babylon. He is talking about another time. Then you will see Israel fire back and elimainate Iraq, and our gas prices soar over this. After this you will see China do something to deliberatey draw America into war, and when we go, Russia will attack us from the oceans, from Cuba, niacaragua, mexico, airplanes.(shortend)(God has given me this vision three times now, and in one of the times, Korea was also named)
(25)The huge black bear rising-vision recieved 3-23-2003-while praying, I saw this huge black bear rising out of the ground. It was only about half way out, and it was as tall as a builing. This bear is rising in Russia, and that nation is being stirred and angered, and it will not be long before that nation rises and destroys America.

(26)He's your man-vision recieved about February of 2003-I saw Russian president Putin, and God spoke to me and said, "he's your man"(you better stay close to God, cause it's time for this attack)

(27)Russia will attack America-vison recieved twice on 3-8-2003-In a vision, I was witnessing to a girl and telling her exactly what God has showed me. Here is what I said, " Russia will attack America from Cuba, nicaragu, Mexico.

(28)Russia will attack America-vison recieved twice on 3-8-2003-In a vision, I was witnessing to a girl and telling her exactly what God has showed me. Here is what I said, " Russia will attack America from Cuba, nicaragua, Mexico.

(29)The Great War-visions recieved 2-20-2003 at about 12 noon indianapolis time-While praying I saw these words in a vision "The Great War". I was asking God who was involved in this great war, and I said to God, is this when Russia, China, Cuba. Nicaragua, Mexico, and Korea attack America? Then In a vision, I saw this mouth and it said, "yes Bob"

(30) nuclear vacation-vision recieved 5-5-2003-in this vision, I was at the edge of a body of water, in the woods, a beautiful place to camp, or fish. To my left I saw a where a huge nuclear explosion occured. The smoke went up into the heaven's. (this is how it will be when Russia attacks America. No warning.

(31)the angry dragon-in this vision while praying, I saw this dragon, and he was inside of a cage, and there were people all around the cage looking in. The dragon appeared to be very upset, angry, impatient. This dragon represents China, and all that is keeping China from attacking is the prayer of the saints.

(32)Grizzly bear in panda's clothing-vision recieved this vision while praying, I saw a bear walking. It was very big, like a grizzly bear. This bear had the fur of a panda bear...the bear represents Russia. This bear being in a panda's bears skin, which is a harmless bear, means right now Russia appears harmless, and like they like America. But, that is still a bear, which is viscous, and a destroyer. That nation has one of the biggest nuclear arsenals on the planet, and when the time comes, Russia will destroy America.

(33)Russia will attack America-vision recieved 9-26-2003-(memory)In this vision, I am on this large ship, and the captain notices a small Russian sub, and turns the ship, and blocks the sub. We board the sub, and I start talking with one of the sailors on it, who shows me this like window in the sub, and lets me know that when it is done, ships won't be able to push it around anymore. I start to to tell him about what Jesus has showed me. I told God has showed me in visions that Russia will attack America from the oceans, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, airplane. It was like he argued with me and did not believe it.(God will give all the nations coming against America one mind when the time comes)

(34)my testimony-vision recieved 10-8-2003-I don't remember everything, but, In this vision, I was inside a buisness talking with the clerk. I was sharing with her some visions Jesus gave me. I told her, "you will see Iraq shoot nuclear weapons into Israel, and a chunk (gaza) of Israel will be destroyed. Then you will see Israel fire back and Eliminate Iraq. If you want the scripture for it read EZEKIEL 7 where he prophesied, "the end has come" and he was talking about Israel, and he prophesied it from captivity in BABYLON. After that you will see America and China go to war, and God has already showed me in visions what China will do to draw America into war, and when we go, Russia will attack America from the oceans, from out of Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico. Her eyes kept widening as I was telling her this.

(35)Russian president -vision recieved in 10-2003-God gave me this vision twice. I saw Russian president, and he said, "I am going to pulverize you"-I just saw him again in a vision, and he cursed God's name.

(36)we will attack you-vision recieved 10-27-2003-In this vision while walking and praying, I saw Russian president, and he said, "we will attack you".
(37) The angel with the trumpet-vision recieved 10-28-2003-In this vision while praying, I saw an angel on like the top of an old castle where there are notches you fire arrows out of. He was wearing a white robe, with red trim on it, and he had a trumpet in his mouth.(its time for war, and the second coming of Jesus) (38)the Eagle cries-vision recieved 11-13-2003-In this vision, I saw the head of a big eagle, and there was a tear in his eye that disappeared.(it is so sad to see America rapidly waste away, and falling quickly heading to judgement)

(39)when America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning-vision recieved 11-20-2003-I was in a Speedway gas station, and witnessing to a girl, and I told her something like, "China and Taiwan are into it. When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning", which is what God showed me, and exactly what the angel Gabriel spoke to Dumitru Duduman. As I am walking out of the station, I see the other employee which overheard some or all of the conversation in a vision, and she said, "that's right".
(40)my calling-vision recieved 12-7-2003-while praying, I saw these words, "my calling, "warn people", written in blue letters.
(41)war between Usa and China approaches-vision recieved 12-10-2003-while praying, I was talking to Jesus. I don't remeber word for word what I said, but was talking about president Bush's threat to help Taiwan in the event of war with China, and in a vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "we will"(its brewing) (42)chicago destroyed by a nuclear missile-vision recieved 12-17-2003-in this vision, I am telling somebody about the vision Jesus gave me where I was sitting on the banks of lake Michigan, and could see Chicago, and saw a missile streak in and boom, exploded and the city was gone that quick(memory)

(42)time is running out-on 12-22-2003-I awakened to these words, "it's almost time".
(43)the suprise violent storm-vision recieved 12-30-2003-in this vision, I am sitting out on my porch, and all of a sudden the sky turns very dark from storm clouds and violent lightening. The wind was blowing so hard, and sounded like wild animals screaming. I ran to the front door to go in the house, because I was afraid of getting struck by lightening, but, then turned back around and prayed to Jesus. At first I was crying out to Jesus, and then I noticed something. My voice replaced the sound the storm was making in the atmosphere, and I changed my message and said something like: America you need to fal on your face and repent of your sins and cry out to God for His mercy. You are dieing the death. You are about to suffer a nuclear strike from Russia.(it won't be long till Jesus uses Russia, and other nations to carry out judgement on America. Now is the time to get saved. Like the suprise storm, you will not have time when it comes to pass)(radio? t.v.?)
(44)Indianapolis destroyed by a nuclear missile-vision recieved 1-1-2004-in this vision, I was riding my bike, and went to a strip mall to visit a Radio Shack, which was closed. I looked out in the parking lot, and saw some Radio Shack stero equimpment and things on a table, so I go there, and there was a girl there, and I spoke with her, and I am going mostly by memory, "Back in 97, one of the visions God gave me was I saw two nuclear explosions in the city of Indianapolis. It was a multiple warhead nuclear missile coming from Russia". Lastly, she is walking, and I tell her", If you want to read the vision God gave me, you can go to google, and punch in, "Indianapolis destroyed by a nuclear missile". She said, "I will".

(45)Russia will destroy America-visions recieved 1-3-2004-while praying, I saw a man in a vision, and he said, "Russia", and I started to ask Jesus, "what about Russia", then I saw Russian president Putin in a vision, and he said, "we are going to get you". USA will be destroyed-while praying on 12-31-2003-I heard these words, "America will be destroyed".
(46)America meets the conditions of God's judgment-visions recieved 2-12-2004-in this vision while praying, I was inside my home, and at the back door, when this huge helicopter buzzed me. I could not believe how quickly it dropped from the sky, and how close it came to my door. I could see the people in it looking at me. It said on the side of it something like, "U.S. National Security Concerns". I closed the back door, and then the front door, grabbed my blanket, and went down inot the basement, and was looking for a way out of there. I am not america's problem. Falling away from Jesus Christ is.

(48)Russia has top scientist-vision received 2-24-2004-while praying, I said to God, Russia has top scientist, after learning that Russia is already testing a system geared at defeating missile defence. I saw the russian president in a vision, and he said, "we do".

(49)vision of coming judgment to america-vision recieved 3-18-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw the earth from a far distance, and the oceans was blue and the ground was green, and it was spinning around, and I saw the North america, and it was like America was separated by a neon white borderline, and I heard these words, "I will make this a burnt mountain".
(50)judgement coming-vision recieved 3-23-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "judgment's coming".

(51)Bear and the leopard-visions reiceved 3-2004-in one vision, I saw this man who was all white, and he said, "I'm the leopard". That man was satan. In the other vision, I saw the very large bear, and it was ready to attack. I was asking Jesus who this bear was, and I saw Russsian president in a vision, and he said, "me". read REVELATION 13. God's wrath on america-vision recieved 3-2004-in this vision, I saw the earth spinning around, and I was high in the air, and the land was green, and the oceans were blue, and I saw where america was, and it was black.

(52)Russia will attack Alaska-visions recieved 3-31-2004-while praying, I heard, "alaska", and I said, what about Alaska, and in the first vision, I saw Russian president, and he said, "take it back", and in the last two visions, I saw Putin, and he said, "attack it".

(53)Alaska-vision recieved 3-30-2004-while praying, I heard "Alaska", and I said, "what about Alaska?". Then I saw Russian president in a vision, and he said, "battleground".

(54)nuclear missile streaks over the Indianapolis sky-vision recieved 4-9-2004-in this vision, many things happened, and I won't tell you all, but, what I will say is I was with my mom and sister, and we saw this missile high in the sky. It seems like I looked away, and then looked back, and there it was. It was flying so fast. It went past me and headed for its target. I saw me in a vision afterwards, and I said, "I was scared" I later saw Russian president in visions. In one he said, "we starting". In onother, he said, "we started". I was wondering what they started, and I saw him again, and he said, "preparation"

(55)alaska-vision recieved 4-21-2004-in this vision, I saw these words, "it will start with alaka". Later I heard and or saw "ALASKA", and said, "what about alaska, then I saw Russia president of russia in a vision, and he said, "hit it". I saw this again on 8-28 and 29-2003. I was also thinking on osama bin laden having nuclear weapons, and I saw somebody who looked like osama bin laden in a vision, and he said, "we do". When I finally was getting up, I heard these words, "its starting", then I saw me in a vision, and I said, "let it start".

(56)America is Babylon-vision recieved 5-11-2004-in this vision, I'm at some kind of class, and a girl near me asks a question, "is America Babylon". And I raise my hand and anwer her, and say something like, "Yes, America is Babylon. "God has showed me this in many visions". "You are going to see Russia lead an all out attack." America is going to be destroyed in one hour". "Its going to be a destruction in its perfection". "Thats the WORD".

(57)invasion-vision recieved 5-15-2004-in this vision while praying, I quickly saw a newspaper, and the headline read, "The U.S. will see an invasion by Russia".

(58)coming judgment to america-vision recieved 5-26-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw like animated map of the United States, and the states were separated by black borderlines. I saw a ball of fire streak in from high in the sky, and it landed on about the California-Nevada border, and a very big splash of fire shot up into the atmosphere. I don't know what this was, but, I do know what one thing does not get in america, something else will.

(59)china has nuclear subs-vision recieved 7-15-2003-I was praying and wondering if China had nuclear subs, and in a vision, I saw the former president of china and he said, "five nuclear submarines"then I saw me in a vision, and I said, 'they have five nuclear submarines? "then I saw this mouth and it said, "yes"

(60)End-day message-vision recieved 9-1-2003-In this vision, I am inside some kind of buisness, and this girl comes up to me angrily, and acts offended at me and says some things to me angrily, because I did not hit on her, or ask her out. I simply tole her that she would not want any thing to me with me after she knew what I did. I told her I lived for God, and then told her some of the things God showed me in visions. I told her that, In one of the visions God gave me, I saw two nuclear explosions, in this city, it was a multiple warhead nuclear missile. It's coming from Russia. I also tole her that it would be after the Iraq war, which God has showed me in visions will end nuclear. She departs from me talking as she goes, and the vision ends.(memory) (we were in Indianapolis)

(62)nuclear fire-vision recieved 9-1-2003-In this vision, I saw this huge nulcear blast fire. It went into the heaven's, and seemed to spread for miles. It was dark.

(63)Red China-vision recieved 8-29-2003-while praying, God spoke to me and said, "Red China" and I said, "what about Red China"? Then God gave me a vision, and I saw the president of China, and he said, "we want war".

(64)angels come-vision recieved may 98 -driving home from Maine, I pull into a dark reststop and lay over my steering wheel. Shortly after I do there is knocking on my window and I look out and see two twin boys. They had on white beanies(maybe a Yarmulkas or Kippas) and white robes(angels) and they were bright like it was day time and I jumped out of the car in the vision and say, "where is your father"? Then God comes down and says, "its closer than you think". He was referring to the two nuclear explosions He showed me in Indianapolis, which is the judgement coming to America(babylon)
(65)My interview-vision recieved 8-11-2003-it was like I was being interviewed, and I was telling the end day message. I don't remember it word for word, but here is about what I said. "Russia will attack America from the oceans, from cuba, nicauragua, mexico, airplanes. This will happen when you see America go to war with China. I asked God to show me what China will do to draw America into war, and in the first vision, I saw China attacking one of our costal states, and in the second vision, I saw the president of China, and he said, "we will grab Taiwan". (shortened)

(66)america on fire-vision 8-11-2003-It was like I was out to sea, and it was dark, and I was looking at a major American city, which looked exactly like Chicago, and most of the city was on fire. Thick black smoke poured out of it as it burned. Then the other part went up in flames. I saw a building, which looked like the John Hancock building, just fall over. The whole city was on fire.

(67)the angry black bear-vision recieved 8-2-2003-while praying, I saw this very dark black bear, and he was charging at me in fury.(the bear represents Russia, and that nation is getting angrier, and it will not be long before Russia attacks America)

(68)America and China closer to war-vision recieved 8-1-2003-In this vision while praying, I saw these word's written in black, with an off blue background,"When America and China go to war". I will pray and ask God for the rest.

(69)america and china goes to war-In this vision, recieved in about late 2002- I saw a multitude of chinese military men charging unprepared american's. These America's were not even in military apparel(suprise attack)

(70)Indianapolis nuclear suprise-vision recieved 7-7-2003-In this vision, I am at the house I grew up in, in one of the bedrooms, when suddenly my mom calls for me, making me aware the missile that I have been warning about is here. I run into the kitchen, and look out the door into the sky, and I see a missile high in the air, streaking across the sky. It went pass where I could see it, and I heard it explode, and the sky turned like a yellowish color. I hurried the family, into the basement. there was more than my family there. I told my mom, "I love you" and I said, "see, if you would have only believed me instead of making fun of me" she was destroyed. My sister was balling like a baby(shortened)(this was a complete suprise)

(71)compromise(inside of one of the biggest prophetic ministries in america")-vision recieved 7-5-2003-In this vision, I am with a bunch of friends, and we are talking about something wich I don't remember. Then we all left for a party in the next house, which was upstairs in a room. I remember looking at a the door to the room, and I start talking to four girls who were sitting there, If they knew what was going on the other side of the door. While talking with them, I discover two of the girls are out of the same church I am out of. I said, "we all came out of west side pentecostal church, and now we are here". Then I asked them if they wanted me to share some visions with them God gave and they did. I was about to start when the two girls male companions came and took them away. We were leaving, and as we were I told the others saw in two nuclear explosions in Indianapolis, it was a multiple warhead nuclear missile. Its coming from Russia. Next, I am inside the this prophetic ministry, and I see the founder and many foreigners there playing like games. This was the prophecy club. I was made aware that Stan johnson was trying to lead them to their god, not Jesus, which was what these games were about. The vision finishes out with me walking home a man who worked for the prophecy club, and him and I some how knew each other well. I was telling him some visions by force, cause he would not stop and listen to me, and he constantly interupted me, mocking me more or less, changing the subject. This was robert williams. I told him I saw Kansas exploded. I told him in this vision, I was high above the ground, and the ground had a dark brown appearance, I knew this was the Kansas are, and the surrounding states were separated by black borderlines. All of a sudden the state of Kansas exploded into a huge fireball. It only lasted about 2 seconds and came down. It was a nuclear missile. Then I started to tell him about the teaching visions God gave me where He was putting other visions He gave me together, almost chasing him as I am trying. All of a sudden, we are at his house, and he runs into a hole he has dug in the yard we he has some pet birds. Four rats run out of the whole first, then come out baby birds. Finally, we are on the porch and his dad is there, and I am trying to warn them, being interupted by one or the other constantly, and we start leaving. I tell them, God showed me in many visions when America goes to war with China, then Russia will attack America. It seems to me like they are both mocking me. I said, "I asked God for years to show me what China would do to draw America into war. Do you want to know what God showed me?" They were both mocking me, and then all of a sudden, I felt my anointing leave, which means God was done, so I started to run away from them. Then one yells, "yeah Bob, we want to know". I turned around and said, "In one vision, I saw China attacking one of our coastal states and in the other vision, I saw the president of China and he said, "we will grab Taiwan" They started walking again, and it seemed to me like they were mocking me again.(shortened)

(72)end time dream-vision recieved 6-12-2003-many things happened in this vision, and I don't remember all, but, I will tell you what I remember. It started with me in a church, and a service was going on. I believe the pastor said something, and I said, "you want me to take that further?""You have to get in the condition where the Spirit of God can lead you". Next, I am in this house, and there are a lot of people there. I approach one and ask him, "do you go to church?" He told me he did and started telling me where it was, and I told him, "I just left that church" Then I started rolling off some visions that God gave me.I said, "the Iraq war will end with a nuclear exchange between Iraq and Israel' "then you will see russia attack america for the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, airplanes. God has showed me all this in many visions. You will see this when America goes to war with china. I have seen the antichrist, Jesus, heaven, hell, in visions. Then I told them the heaven vision, "while praying, I saw this city, that was like looking into chicago and new york together, many different sizes skyscrapers, all made of like transparent glass, John described it like pure Gold. This was New Jerusalem. Hell, while praying in a vision, I was in this dark room, that was a bout the color of the skt on a dark starry night, that dark blue purple color, and in the room there was a door open. On the other side of the door was hell. I saw nothing but flames, that almost looked like liquid flames. We had all agreed to go some where and watch Dumitru Duduman's tape, "wake up america" and we all left and I was telling a lady somethings as I was walking her to her car. I told her God showed me Russia attacking America out of cuba. Then I stopped for some reason. I told her about Dumitru Duduman. I said, "the angel Gabriel came down and told Dumitru exactly what will happen"

(73)China wants war-vision recieved 9-9-2003-In this vision, I saw like a glow in the dark sign. And what it said on it was, "China want to edge close to war" I had it twice.

(74)Dumitru Duduman-vision recieved 9-13-2003-In this vision, I am in my house, and some visitor's show up, and one of them is talking about God. I quickly responded back, "since you brought it up, God has showed me Russia attacking the U.S. out of the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, airplanes. Then I told them to let me go and get Dumitru Duduman's book, 'thru the fire without burning". I told them God showed Dumitru Duduman the same things He showed me, just in a more dramatic way. I find the book, and by this time, my roomate, a person I refer to as my brother Duane shows up, and asks me, "are you going to read out of that book from that Mexican". And I let him know, "yes, I am going to read out of that book by that mexican, but they brought it up".(Dumitru is Romanian, not Mexican) Duane says, "you ain't reading out of that book". And I said, " I know its your house, and I respect that, and if I have to leave I will, but, I am reading out of the book". Then Duane grabs a knife and pulls it on me, and I grab a heavy glass ashtray, and we are going around in circles with me ready to throw the as tray, and him ready to stab me and he is saying, "you ain't reading out of no book". And I say, "I am reading out of that book" over and over again.(buy that book)(by memory)

(75)some nations that will attack america-vision recieved 10-25-2003-In this vision, I heard this man praying that may be a prophet. He was talking to people like they were there. Here is one of the things he said. "A list of nations that are coming after us. China, Nicaragua, Korea, Cuba, and sumershall-some will shortly know".

(76) President of a nation-vision recieved 10-25-2003-I saw a presdent of america, and he said, "there bombing us".
(77)when will Russia attack america-vision recieved 11-16-2003-I was talking to Jesus saying something like, "will Russia attack America"-then I saw President of russia in a vision, and he said, "yes we will"-then I finished my question, "when we go broke"

(78)Nuclear missile heading for downtown Chicago-vision recieved 11-16-2003-In this vision, It was like I was just above a nuclear missile, and could see it's nose, and may have even been riding it, and it was heading for downtown Chicago.
(79)it's going to happen-vision recieved 11-21-2003-in this vision while praying, I saw this man, and he said, "it's going to happen".(never doubt in your mind, because it has not happened yet, Jesus is patient and longsuffering, but, the time is coming)
(80)the leopard with a lions head-vision recieved 11-24-2004-In this vision, while praying, I saw a leopard walking, and it saw me, and started heading toward me. It had a lion's head. Is this the beast in REVELATION 13.
(80b)war is on the way-vision recieved 11-26-2003-in this vision while praying, I heard and saw these words, "war is on the way"(I don't doubt this)
(81)the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard -vision recieved 1-10-2004-while praying, I was asking Jesus to giv eme the vision of the earth reeling to and fro like a drunkard, talked about in ISAIAH 24. I know Russia is going to attack America From the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and airplanes, and if you read in ISAIAH 13, the world will be moved out of its place when this happens. I also know from visions Jesus has given me that, China, North Korea, and Japan will attack Russia. I know Russia will strike America first. What I don't know is if China, North Korea, and Japan, will hit Russia while Russia is hitting America. If you read in EZEKIEL 38, Russia is made to lead the way to the invasion of Israel, "the battle of Armageddon". China, and all who are with her, are the one's who force Russia to do this. A man appeared to me in a vision, and said something like, "lets not do that yet".

(82)Judgment to america-vision recieved 1-14-2004-I don't remember everything that happened in this vision, but, I do remember a group of people sitting around, and one of them saying something like, "judgment is on its way". In another vision, I saw the person who was talking, and he revealed to me he is cut off. Even people who don't know Jesus see it.
(82b)attack America-vision received 2-1-2004-in this vision, I saw the former president of China, and he said, "attack America".

(83)we will give you a revolution-vision recieved 2-13-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw Russian president, and he said, "we will give you a revolution". I don't know what this means yet, but, in a way, it frightens me.
(83b)internal revolution coming-vision received 1-19-2005-in this vision I saw a female and I think it was a female spirit and she said "there's an internal revolution". I kept asking Jesus about this revolution and or where it would occur, and twice I saw president of usa in visions and he said, 'us'.

(84)China and America going to war-vision recieved in 2003-I was praying, and wondering if China was going to use nuclear weapons on America, and I saw the former president of china in a vision, and he said, "don't worry bobby, we won't nuke you". Russia sure will when China lures America into war.

(85)America will burn-visions recieved 2-15-2004-in the first vision while praying, I saw the former president of china, who is over China's military, and he said, "you will burn". Then I started praying and saying to Jesus that Russia is suppost to attack America, and I saw Jiang Zemin again, and he said something like, "you are correct". China will attack America to draw America into war.

(86)8 nations that will attack america-vision recieved in 2003-Jesus has already revealed to me in visions that, China, North Korea, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico will be in on the attack on America. I was aking Jesus to show me th other nations, and I saw these two nation written in like neon letters, "VENEZUELA" and "BRAZIL". The Lord has not yet given me the second vision, so you can bank on the first 6 for now. These nations that will destroy america agree-received 11-2004-while praying I heard one of them say this, "lets rule the world".

(87)when will america burn-visions recieved 7-6-2004-in the first vision, I saw the words in red neon letter, "when america will burn will be". I was praying and asking Jesus when this would happen, and I saw the face of an angel in the second vision, and He said, "when america goes to war with china". I said, "when will that be, when america goes broke", and I heard this, "they already are".
(88) Russia will bomb Usa-vision recieved 7-9-2004-in this vision, I saw Russian president, and he said, "were going to bomb you". In a vision earlier, I saw president Bush, and he said something like, "were being bombed".
(89)u.s.a. will be destroyed -visions recieved 7-11-2004-in the first vision, I saw or heard, "he united states", and I said, "what about the united states", and I saw the head of a white being in a vision, and He said, "it will burn". I also saw russian president in visions, and he said, "hit minnesota", "hit new york". That means attack. (90)city nuked-vision recieved 7-15-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw the downtown of some city, and I could only really see one building, and there was a huge nuclear fireball that seemed to be as big as the building was tall. There may have been other buildings behind the fireball. IT's very possible this nuclear explosion came from the ground.

(91)Gods judgment hanging over america-vision recieved 8-6-2004-in this vision, I saw the blue sky, and it was darkened by a black cloud. I knew this represented America, and judgement is coming.
(92)coming judgment to america-vision recieved 8-26-2004-one thing that happened in this vision was I was witnessing to a man, and I told him about Jesus showing Russia was going to attack america, and I did not seem to feel he believed me. I also told him Jesus showed me China attacking america. One thing that I said about China's suprise attack was something like, "I don't know how they got in on us, and us not knowing anything about it.

(93)alaska will be detroyed-vision recieved 9-12-2004-while praying, I heard, "alaska", and I said, "what about alaska", and I saw the white face of an angel in a vision, and HE said, "it will burn".

(94)decieved-visions recieved 9-17-2004-in the first vision while praying, I saw president of united states, and he said, "we have been lied to". I was asking Jesus about how we have been lied to, and I saw this mans face and He said, "Russia", and I said "what about Russia", and I saw president Bush again, and he said, "we think we have them won". Russia appears to be americas friend, but, will destroy america.

(95)russian invasion of america-vision recieved 9-21-2004-I heard the word, "invasion", and I said, "what about invasion", and I saw in a vision, I saw russian president, and he said, "I will invade you".

(96)the russian threat-vision recieved 9-22-2004-in this vision, I'm in a room, and it is underwater like somewhere in the ocean, and there are windows that have shades over them. There are two fish swimming outside, and I'm made fully aware that these fish are american nuclear weapons, and they just went by slowly, like they were not expecting anything. Then I saw the fish that represented Russia, and there were many of them, and they were nuclear. I could see thru the blinds that one fish even tried to look thru the blinds, and I could see his face and he was angry, and I felt like he wanted to attack, and was looking for a reason to. All he had to do was break thru the window, and then there would have been a nuclear explosion. I was amazed in my heart, and thinking something like, "I can't believe them (russia), we only have one or two and they have so many". It was like I was offended. That nation is angry, and ready to attack america, and they have many, many weapons. America is rocked to sleep.

(97)it's starting-vision recieved 9-26-2004-I believe the Lord gave me a vision. In it, I saw like the sattelite weather image of florida, and I saw a big hurricane going to florida, and would hit the state at about the midway point, but, cover most of the state, and I heard this, "It's starting". Jesus gave me a very similar second vision today as well!

(98)america under attack-vision recieved 9-27-2004-in this vision, I'm in my room, and all of a sudden I here many explosions outside, and am made aware that the attack has begun. My room lit up many times when explosions would occur, and it seemed to me that america was returning fire. I left my room to go outside and see, but, believe I was told to return to my room by the Lord.

(99)judgment is coming-visions recieved 10-5-2004-in one vision, I saw a missile pop out of its silo. In anther vision, I saw three missiles flying high in the sky heading to their targets. The day will come.

(100)fire in america-visions recieved 10-5-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "fire in america", as the title for a newly posted vision. I was asking Jesus about this fire in america, and I later saw russian president vladimir putin in a vision, and he said, "nuclear strike".

(101)californina will burn-visions recieved 10-9-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "california", and I said, what about california, and I saw another man in a vision, and HE said, "it will burn". I later saw Jesus and He had brown hair and beard, and HE said, "ask for details", and I did.

(102)coming judgment to america-visions recieved 10-14-2004-in many visions today, Jesus showed me judgment is coming to america, and it is planned out. I saw president of usa in visions, and he said, "were going to get attacked", "somebodys nuke'en us". I saw russian president of russia in a vision, and he said, "we've planned it".
(103)visions of coming judgement to america-recieved 10-16-2004-Jesus gave me many visions today about coming judgment to america. In one I saw president bush, and he said, "russia attacked us". While praying, I heard this, "this country's", and after asking Jesus about this, I heard this, and may have even seen a man speaking it, "in judgment". In this next vision, I saw a man with short curly hair, and He whispered to me, "this country's in judgment". Lasty, I saw the head of a man in a vision, and he said, "we planned it".

(104)russia will attack america by suprise-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw president of america and he said, "there coming on top of us".

(105)city destroyed by a nuclear explosion-vision received 10-21-2004-in this vision, I saw this city, and there appeared to be government buildings there. Lots of buildings. I saw this nuclear explosion that very quickly enguled the whole city. By the time the vision ended, the whole city was just about destroyed. The fire from the explosion was still expanding when the vision ended. It was daytime, and it was a clear day when this occured. When russia hits america, it will be short, and quick with little or no warning.

(106)russia will attack america-visions received 10-24-2004-while praying, I heard, "russia", and I said, "what about russia", and in visions I saw russian president in visions, and he said, "we're attacking", "were attacking", "attack". In another vision, I saw a man and he said, "they planned".

(107)visions of coming judgement to america-visions received 10-30-2004-while praying, I saw a man in a vision who had curly brown hair possible with gray in it, and He said, "america", and I said, "what about america", and I saw Him again in another vision, and He said, "America will burn". In another vision today, I saw russian president Putin in a vision, and he said, "attack".

(108)visions of coming judgment to u.s.a.-visions received 11-14-2004-in visions, I saw president of of russia, and he said, "attack", "we will destroy". The sun and the moon will be blocked out for 16 hours from america burning.
(109)the angel gabriel-visions recevied 7-2-2007-gabriel, showed, record, and I saw a nuclear explosion behind the statue of liberty.
(110)americas defeat will be planned-vision received 11-28-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "plan for Americas defeat". In another vision received 11-27-2004-it's like a small group of us was in a boat, and it was dark, and we saw a missile take of, and I seemed to feel it was heading for china as it climbed into the sky. Then out of no-where a missile appears almost over the top of us and explodes. There was only a moment or an instant to become frightened, and I was.
(111)city explodes-vision received 11-30-2004-in this vision, it's dark, and it is like at at the banks of a river looking at the downtown of a city, and there are buildings there with their lights on, and like to oil or gas storage tanks at the edge of the city. THen one by one the buildings began to explode, and it went right down the line. These were big explosions that covered the whole building. Then the first like oil storage tank like what you see at a refinery explodes, and when the second one exploded, I think the explosion almost got me, and I was about a mile away. It's like the I could see the skeletons of one or more of the tanks when they exploded maybe from the heat. THese explosions seemed to big to be convention. I don't know what caused these explosions. I did not see missiles or hear fighter aircraft. All I know is America has kicked or is trying to kick Jesus out and Jesus showed me judgment is coming.
(112)coming judgment to america- In this vision-recieved in October of 2002, and this is the event that brings Jesus back and the event that brings the beast in and and at least one third of the population will be killed when this happens, and this is the day of the Lord spoken about in ISAIAH 13 and other places. I saw me saying to a small church group(shortened)"you will see China do something to deliberately draw America into war and when we go, Russia will attack us from the oceans,from Cuba, from Nicaragua, from Mexico, from airplanes. The next major event you will see is that war firing up again in Iraq. You will see Iraq shoot nuclear weapons into Israel. Most of Israel will be destryoed. If you want the scripture for it , read EZEKIEL 7 where he prophesied an end is come and he is talking about Israel and he prophesied it from captivity in Babylon, he was talking about another time. Then you will see Israel fire back and the nation of Iraq will be completely eliminated and gas prices in America soar. One of the signs I saw said 5.01, one said 3.75, one said 4.03. After all this was said, a man stuck his head from around like a wall, and I saw his head, and he said, "you boo bood", and a second time, "you boo bood". Now I know the Iraq war will turn nuclear after the creation of a Palestinian State, and they may be someone elses nuclear weapons coming out of Iraq, and the Lord Jesus showed me China will attack Taiwan and America to draw her into war for Russia to destroy.
(113)the kings that hate america will be given one mind-vision received 12-31-2004-in this vision, I'm out side and I saw an airplane fly over head that seemed strange to me. It had turbine engines and propellar engines and other planes flew over as well. I seemed to think the one that was strange was carrying president of america. Other things happened. Not long after, I'm in like a motel where I and maybe some others meet with president of america and I tell bush something like that those kings that are coming after america will be given one mind. I heard the president of russia say, "lets rule the world". American president prayed for me and made a grunting noise, and I do not feel like he believed me. More happened, but I will leave it there.
(114)the united states will be destroyed-vision received 1-9-2005-while praying and I heard "the united states", and I asked Jesus about the united states, then I saw president bush in a vision and he said, "it's burning".
(115)judgment to america-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "the united states is under attack.

(116)judgment to america planned-vision recieved 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "already planned".

(117)judgement to usa-visions received 3-29-2005-in visions, I saw a man and he said, "america", and in the next I heard, and may have seen somebody say, "will burn". America will be destroyed in one hour when this hit.

(118)nicaragua will attack america-vision received 3-30-2005-while praying, I heard, "nicaragua", and I later saw a woman in a vision that may have been the former president of nicaragua and she said, "we will attack".

(119)when will russia attack america-vision received 10-2004-I was asking Jesus when russia would attack america, and I saw russian president Putin in a vision, and he said, "when they go down".

(120)judgment to america-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision, I saw some words that I forgot to quickly, and was told to write them down. Let me just say that in them I was clearly told judgment is coming to america, and drugs were mentioned possibly as a cause.

(121)america will burn-vision received 6-4-2005-In visions, I saw like the white spirit face of a woman and she said, "america is going to burn". I beleive she said this twice.

(122)judgment to america will be a suprise-visions recieved 6-11-2005-In a vision, I saw the words, "ready to bomb", and in another vision, I saw a beautiful day with clouds in the sky, then I saw a large possibly nuclear explosion climb high quickly in the sky.

(122)coming judgment to america-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "when the bombs come".

(123)the smoke from america burning will block the sun and the moon for 16 hours-vision recieved 6-20-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "when they shall see the smoke of her burning".

(124)the day will come-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a missile being launched, possibly from a silo. There was no warning.

(125)Indianapolis will be destroyed by a nuclear missile-vision received 7-12-2005-In the first vision, I heard and beleive I saw a man that looked like dumitru duduman say, "a missile", "is heading right here". I was praying in my van in down town indianapolis.

(126)nuclear missiles can fly at any given moment-vision received 7-12-2005-In a vision, I saw maybe a house of some kind of structure and it was a clear day and I saw a nuclear missile taking off. Prepare now.

(127)visions of coming judgment to america-visions received 7-12-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like dumitru duduman and he said things like, "america's going to blow up", "america's cut off".

(128)russia will attack alaska first-vision received 7-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like president vladimir putin and he said, "lets hit alaska first".

(129)dr. dan bohler prophecies jusgement to usa-vision recieved 8-7-2005-I was asking Jesus what dan bohler means when he talks about russia invading america and I saw a spirit that looked like dr. dan bohler and he said things like, "thats nuclear missle invasion we got coming" and maybe something like, "Invasion of fire".
(130)for when they shall say peace and safety, then the united states will be destroyed-visions recieved 8-11-2005-I saw some words in a vision and they were something like, "for when they shall say peace and safety", and I saw me in a vision and I said, "they", and I was asking Jesus if they was america or something like that, and I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "yes".
(131)attack on the united states-vision recieved 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "where's bobby", "when the economys dead", "cruise missile attack".
(132)gene schmidt prophecies america's destruction-vision received 9-1-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like geno and he said, "the united states in under attack", "the united states is going to burn". This is gene schmidt of hand of help and he has had some awesome visions from Jesus Himself! I saw a Man with White Hair like a Cloud and he said, "lets hit israel", and I asked who it was, and I saw geno and he said something like, "its us". Geno also said, "the united states", and I saw anne schmidt and she said, "burn", and I saw me and I said, "told", and I saw geno and he said, "bob, your needed", "hang around". That would be ablast to visit with them again.
(133)u.s.a. getting into trouble-vision received 9-13-2005-God has let me hear, when you bomb north korea, russia will attack south korea, and I saw putin and he said, the united states will attack north north korea, and the president of north korea said things like, russia will attack, and dumitru duduman said, los angeles, out of north korea, and I saw hollie, and she said things like, he won't, out of subs, and I saw the president of north korea, and he said things like, ocean, thats where, and dumitru said, just keep it down, prepare, and I heard, when you hit north korea, then we will hit you, russia will eliminate south korea, and the president of north korea said things like, may have said, iran, and I saw a woman and she said, los angeles.
(134)russia will attack america-vision received 9-13-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like russia president putin and he said, when you attack north korea, and I saw the president of nk and he said, attack the united states, russia will hit america, fall, israel, and maybe, haney decieving, and I saw kenneth haney, and he said, repent, religion, o my God, Jesus help me.
(135)martial law in america-vision recieved 9-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody, and they said, national guard, and I saw pastor tyson, and he said, police, the united will be attacked by russia, the united states will be destroyed, and something like, the united states will see martial law, git ready.
(136)u.s.a. attacked by russia-vision received 9-14-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said things like, the united states will be attacked by russia, I'm russia, bear, russia, is, the , bear.
(137)visions of coming judgement to america-vision received 9-14-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, iraq is the reason, for destruction of america, and I saw this president and he said, I can't handle iraq, so I nuke'm, my names bush, I don't care, oil. I saw the president of russis in a vision and he said things like, when the economy collapses in united states, missile, attack, and I heard, thats when. THere may have been more people invovled here, and putin said, mercy, no mercy, and somebody said, the united states will collapse the economy, and i saw kristina fox and she said, its oil and putin said, let, and maybe, give last warning, you collaspe the economy, and maybe, the united states will be destroyed, don't, we'll collapse it for you, you have a choice, return, to, iraq, to saddam, and I heard, or be destroyed, and putin said, now thats simple, and I heard, repent, and be baptised, and I saw kenneth haney, and he said, in the name of Jesus, and I heard, and let God fill ya, and haney said, come on bobby preach, and somebody said, gift, and haney said, Gift of the Holy Ghost, and and maybe, with the evidece of speaking in other tongues, and these signs, will follow, them, that, I heard, obey, they'll speak with new tongues, cast out, devils, tread serpents, heal the sick, visions, dreams.
(138)korea-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like the president of north korea, and he said, bad decision, bacause of iraq, america will burn.
(139)russia president putin received 9-20-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said, attack alaska, interesting, the Mantle is gitton me in trouble, and I saw this president and he said, hit russia, I'm bush, and putin said, you won't, you won't attack, you won't take the chance, sister heaggy said, look what I found, and putin said, russia will avenge iran, russia will attack america, there's your answer.
(140)nuclear explosion-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a big nuclear flash and it was at night time and I heard, that's the east coast, and somebody may have said, nuclear explosion.
(141)the new national i.d. card will allow russia to shut the computers in america down-vision received 10-10-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like, this president, and that was upci pastor simison, and this president said, the new licence, and simion said, russia, and this president said, will, give new licence, and simison said, russia will attack, computer, and this president maybe its the licence, and simison who pastors the the Bible Church said, thats it, and stephen hanson and pastor simison said, that will allow russia to get into the computers, and simison said, an shut, them, good night, repent, and this president said, return, they'll shut the and maybe the wheel chair man said, computer down, and this president said, from the licence, how, show it, and this president said, maybe, and simison said, the, wealth, tahts it, take, the, indianapolis's money, economic collapse, and Im the wheel chair man, and I'm president bush
(142)Jesus will use russia to judge america-vision received 10-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like, russian president, vladimir putin and he said things like, russia will attack america out of cuba, nicaragua, mexico, airplanes.
(143)russia will destroy america in one hour-vision received 10-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked may putin and he said, russia will destroy russia, and I saw completely, and dorein with stephen hansen finishing of said, and that is, america.
(144)many nations will be in on the judgment of the usa-vision received 10-15-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe president putin and he sang lets rule the world, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezela, brazil, and iran, and germany, Germany will fall away, and I was mainly going by memory.
(145)and the ten horns on the beast are ten kings that hate america-vision received 10-15-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she sang, lets rule the world, and putin sang, lets rule the world, russia, china, nicarvania, that, is, cuba and I saw fidel castrol, venezeula, and I saw president lula and I heard, brazil, and lula may have said, when china, goes, to, and stephen hanson said, to war, the united states, and china will attack amerirussia and that looked like china president hu, but sounded like someone else, then russia will, and putin said, strike, amerirussia, russia, and that was macaulay, will, attack, america, when china and putin said, china, goes, and macaulay said, russia, attack, america, then russia will strike amerirussia, america.
(145)smoke of america burning-vision received 10-18-2005-God showed me the air in america, where I was, and the smoke was very thick, and I could see light, but, it can't be breathed, a dorein and maybe others said, and they will not be able to breathe from the smoke of her burning, and and thats america, and maybe kristina and hollie and maybe dorein was in on that. In two other visions, I saw a big nuclear explosion fireball that was in the atomosphere, possibly above smoke, and in the other the sky was on fire above the smoke. This is judgment to america, that Jesus is bring to punish america, cause she has fallen from Jesus, and presses sin on nations of the world.
(146)judgment draweth nigh-vision received 11-2-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like, putin and he said things like, russia can not attack america until you are taken out of the picture, and michael said something like, if you put that on the curse come's upon, and putin said, amerussia.
(147)nuclear destruction to a city -vision received 11-9-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like, the bullock woman, and she said, this city, and there was a nuclear fireball behind it, and hollie said, it was l.a.
(148)the end times babylon in america -vision received 11-9-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, the last days babylon is the united states, end of story, it's need ful for you to be here for the futherance of the Gospel, and maybe more were in on saying this.
(149)the pope is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns -vision received 11-17-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like putin and he said, russia is the beast, 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is the pope, and russia is and china president us said, magog, and magog is, and the pope said, satan, and the pope said, russia is magog, and that is satan, and hu said, and satan is, and the president of north korea said, magog, and the president of japan said, and that is the new world order, and the pope said, and russia is will invade israel, and israeli prime minister sharone said, and that is, and bejamin netanyahu said, the end, and the president of north korea said, russia will attack america, and china will attack russia, and force russia to invade Isreal.
(150)the smoke of america burning will block the sun and the moon out for 16 hours read ST. MATTHEW 24, JOEL, ISAIAH 13-vision received 12-5-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like hollie, and she said, said, the sun, and kristina fox said, and, and hollie said, moon will be dark for 16 hours from america burnin, and hollie said, were on fire.
(164)new york city destroyed by a nuclear explosion-vision received 12-30-2005-God showed me , new york city, and I was told that is where it was, and I was looking down on it from high in the air or possibly from the eye of a sattlelite, and I was showed possibly the same scene and destruction was sweeping thru it, and people said, thats lookin at new york city from a submarine periscope, submarines will destroy america, and in a vision earlier in the month, I saw the city of chicago and there was a nuclear explosion from high in the air, and in another vision, Jesus showed me the united states and it was like an animated map, and from about the mid point of the nation, a fire storm was possibly sweeping thru. The fire strected from top to bottom of the nation, and I can recall in another vision, seeing, both coasts and from about the middle of the nation lines or fire that represented destruction. Praise Jesus for this end times warning for the nation of babylon, which is america.
(151)coming judgment to the united states -vision received 12-2005-God showed me the united states and it was on fire, and people said, that was all of america on fire, and she shall be utterly destroyed, for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her, put it under, america will be destro.
(152)judgment to america when you least expect it -vision received 12-31-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: and he saw the statue of liberty in the fire, america will burn when you least expect it, hallelujah, aman.
(153)alaska destroyed vision-vision received 1-6-2006-God showed me the state of alaska, and it was like an animated map, and I saw like a black dot, which I beleive represented a missile streak to the middle and explode, and the whole state went, and people said, and he saw a missile streak to alaska and when it exploded, the whole state went, alaska will burn and the united states will to, aman.
(154)judgment to america-visions received 1-6-2006-God showed me many part of the united states and they were like black, and I saw several states like explode and turn into fire, like kansas and florida and many more and that was the east coast people said, nuke, from, russian submarines, and he saw the state of kansas turn into fire, kansas will burn, get ready, and in one about the middle of the nation, I saw an explosion that took out a big part of the middle part of america and was made aware that is was a nuclear storage facility.
(155)indianapolis will burn-vision recieved 2-1-2006-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked people and they said: indianapolis will burn, he saw Indiana explode, Indiana will burn when you least expect it, and that is, when your least concerned, and he saw barren land where indianapolis used to be.
(156)the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard-vision recieved 3-12-2006-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked people and they said: and he saw, the, globe, like, animation, rocking, from, submarines, firing, russia will, hit, america, and, america, will, hit, moscow, and, china, put it under, that is, one third, of the, population, will be, wiped out.
(157)the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard-vision recieved 4-1-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: and the world, moving, out its, place, when, moscow, hits, america, the world will be, moved.
(158)america on fire-vision recieved 5-4-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: and he saw, the, world, spin, and, america, was, on, fire, from, russian, submarines, and then, exploded, like that, wiped out,.
(159)alaska-visions recieved 8-2007-I saw the angel gabriel, and he said, thats alaska, and alaska exploded and gene schmidt saw, laughs.
(160)coming judgement to the usa-vision recieved 7-17-2006-God has showed me in a vision the statue of liberty, which I only partially saw, and there was thick flames coming up it.
(162)america will burn-vision recieved 10-2006-In this vision, I saw, a, missile, and it, exploded, and, the words, america on fire, appeared in the fire.
(161)judgment to the big apple-vision recieved 1-4-2007-God has showed me in a vision the statue of liberty, thru a pericope, and are behind it, and there was a explosion, that was white like, and that was the color of all of it, whitish, and maybe grayish or.
(162)america catching on fire-visions recieved 1-2007-in visions, I saw america catching on fire, big parts, if not all, and I saw the white spirit of pastor willie duncan.

last days dreams, prophecy visions, prophetic biblical prophecy
(1)push gene schmidt-vision recieved 9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like gene schmidt and he said, "you need to push".
(2)hillary clinton lost-visions received 9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hillary clinton and she said things like, "maybe he's right", "I'm out", "because of my husband".
(3)stan johnson-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like stan johnson and he said something like, "om gonna writem".
(4)lost -vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and he said, "cut off".
(5)ask God -vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like stan johnson and he said, "whats he doin".
(5)stan johnson-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like stan johnson and he said, "all right", "im a little short".
(6)robert williams-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like robert williams and he looked, and said, "allright", and he was leaving the prophecy club.
(7)moriah apostolic church-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Kristin Urshan Saunders at moriah apostolic church and she said, "git out".
(8)Kristin Urshan Saunders-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Kristin Urshan Saunders singer at moriah apostolic church and she said, "its dead", and her husband said, "fuck", and she shook yes, and.
(9)gabriel-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like gabriel and he was a white light like man.
(10)nathaniel paul urshan-visions recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like nathaniel p. urshan and he said things like, "bobby go back", "learn to push".
(10)america is the woman-visions recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe america and the statue of liberty came up and gabriel said things.
(11)lafayette square mall-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the angel gabriel and he said something like, "bobby dont go to lafayette square and I saw it mostly empty parking lot, and melvin simon looked at this and threw away.
(12)gabriel-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like gabriel and he pointed I beleive.
(13)sex-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like two apostolic people from moriah apostolic church maybe having sex. It was the bass player and the singer.
(14)army national guard-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like two army national guard angels, and they were patrolling streets in usa, and hillary clinton looked.
(15)warning from the angel of the LOrd-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like gabriel and he said, "I warned you".
(16)come down off your imaginary throne-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like nathaniel urshan and he said something like, "you write me".
(17)judgment to alaska-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like gabriel and he said something like, when we hit alaska, and maybe him and some else said, borders will be closed.
(18)arch angel gabriel-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the angel man gabriel and he pointed with a lighted finger.
(19)bring forth meet unto repentance-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like nathaniel urshan and he said something like, "when we move out", and I saw joel urshan to.
(20)terry cannon-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he may have looked down.
(21)heavenly life apostolic tabernacle-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said, "he wants you back".
(22)terry cannon looking-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he saw maybe his name on the computer.
(23)abated-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like preacher terry cannon and he said, "bobby, we heard", and he was looking at a guestbook with his name on.
(24)deny yourself-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe Jesus and he said, "you want me".
(25)apostolic terry cannon-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe terry cannon and he said something like and maybe some else, "bobby, we done make it", "I heard".
(26)first lady linda cannon of heavenly life apostolic tabernacle-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like linda cannon and her hair is either dyed, or not graying fast, and she said, "no".
(27)nuclear explosion in france-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a explosion in france.
(28)italy takes hit-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed explosion in italy.
(29)start from scratch terry cannon-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said, testify, and I saw terry cannon looking like he dreaded.
(30)no where to run-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and he said something like, "got him", and I saw a troubled nathaniel p. urshan, and he got up.
(31)libraries close-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a librarian and he said, "look", and the public library was changed to nothing, and I saw indianapolis mayer bart petereson and I saw the brand new colts stadium being built.
(32)God led-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe the dark haired blue eyed singer from moriah apostolic church and she said, "git away from me", and maybe hollie said, "you knew".
(33)Jesus created the name ministry of dreams-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a woman, and she said, "got your name".
(34)hollie showedsickness-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me the ministering spirit hollie showed.
(35)original hollie showed sickness-vision recieved 4-24-2007-God has showed me the original hollie showed showing.
(36)masterbation-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit maybe the librarian and he said, "no jackin off".
(37)visions are from Jesus-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit hollie and she said somehting like, "thats the vision".
(38)the leopard is magog-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit leopard hollie.
(39)the president of china is the false prophet-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit hu hintao and I saw the words, "false prophet".
(40)the son of perdition-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me the word, "beast", and I saw the pope.
(41)nathaniel paul urshan-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit maybe the librarian and he said, allright, and pastor nathaniel urshan said some or all, "Ill soon be looking at ya".
(42)hollie showed-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit the ministering spirit hollie showed 2.
(43)the ministering spirit hollie showed-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie showed and she was smiling and showing with her hands.
(44)alright-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit woman and she said, alright.
(45)the fear of those that just died-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit my mom, and she may have just dyed, and she made a groaning sound, and God let me know that I didnt care. I took advantage
(46)pastor terry cannon-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit preacher terry cannon, and hollie said, he lied, and darrell stewart said, "allright".
(47)they who wait upon the LOrd-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit maybe hollie and she said, "dont do it bobby".
(48)abate terry cannon-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit hollie and she said, "abate him", and I saw terry cannon.
(49)hollie out of the saxaphone-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit hollie out of the saxaphone at heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and she showed, "shh", and pointed, at sin over terry cannon and linda cannons heads.
(50)sherwood stereo recievers-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a sherwood stereo reciever and hollie showed thumbs up.
(51)the truth hurts-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit maybe one woman and she said, were not going to read it, and terry cannon saw, it was his hair dyer wife linda cannon.
(52)hair dying pentecostals-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit mrs. caldwell of drexel gardens apostolic church and she had dyed hair and palyed piano.
(53)ministry of dreams is true-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit a man and he said, aint true.
(54)andre the giant-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like andre the giant.
(55)let God have his way-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mrs. caldwell and she said, we caint use her", and she was talking about lost charity.
(56)they say they know but lie-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit a man and he said, You know it.
(57)the church you beong to is your mother-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit hollie and she said, "mom".
(58)suicide-vision recieved 4-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like my mom, and she enterend into a funeral parlor and my sister was in casket.
(59)abated nathaniel urshan-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and he said somehting like, "gotchu", and I saw nathaniel urshan of moriah apostolic church, and church empting, and pockets less full.
(60)no the ax is laid to the root of the trees-vision recieved 4-2007-God has showed me like a spinning light ax at the church.
(61)take the warning of Jesus lightly-vision recieved 4-25-2007-God has showed me a spirit like mrs. caldwell and she said, "o.k.". She is the hair dying wife of pastor caldwell at drexel gardens apostolic church and I heard and saw Jesus say, "git out", and first lady caldwell said, "no", and the church emptyed, and reverend l. caldwell said, "put bobby right here", and then guarded pulpit, and nathaniel urshan saw, and his moriah apostolic church emptied.
(62)delivered-vision received 4-4-2005-"delivered is what this smiling Man said to me in this vision. His face was very light, kind of white in color.
(63) Ukraine will become part of russia-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "put ukraine in russia".
(64)the end is near-vision received 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "end time is near".
(65)president hillary clinton-vision received 5-5-2005-In this vision, I'm talking with a person and one thing I tell the person was that hillary clinton would be president. I tell her something like that first you will see dick cheney, and then hillary clinton. An I later heard, "dick cheney", and I saw him in a vision and he said, "because of clinton".
(66)there are conditions you have to meet to serve Jesus-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "conditions".
(67)we are in the end times-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "lastdays".
(68)it's about the Lord-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "Jesus". Praise Jesus!
(69) finish your course-vision received 5-25-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "over". Run this race with patience till the end.
(70)you must grow or go-vision received 5-25-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw the word, "perfection". In HEBREWS 6, it talks about going into perfection and I believe this is a command. God has got to permit you to go to the next level and unless you have done your job in Christ where you are, you won't move up, but, I believe, ultimately, you'll move out. It is very clear in REVELATION where the Lord clearly tells us that He would that you be hot or cold, but, goes onto say that if you are lukewarm, He will spew you out of His mouth.
(71)war brewing between united states and china-vision received 5-23-2005-While praying laying in the front seat of my dodge aries k, I saw president of usa in a vision and he yelled, "we want China". The other day, I saw a man that looked like the president of china in visions and he said things like, 'attack', "we will attack". This leads to the event that brings Jesus back, and we can see it coming.
(72)show Jesus something with your life and He may take you back-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "victory again". It may not happen the first day.
(74) spiritual warfare for the beleiver-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "try to battle".
(75)go in the Power of the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "HIS POWER".
(76)oral sex is an abomination-vision received 6-12-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, 'oral sex". Look what happened to sodom and gomorrah.
(77)the unbeleive Jews stoped Jesus-vision received 6-12-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "Jews stopped". What could Jesus have done more when He walked the earth, and even now.
(78)humble yourself-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "fast".
(79)enemy of satan-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "your one of lucifers foes".
(80)you have to be perfect-vision received 6--2005-In this vision, I saw th word, "perfect", and I beleive I saw man and he said, "I'm perfect".
(81)God is a SAVIOR-vision recieved 6-14-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "Savior".
(82)love God-vision recieved 6-14-2005-In this vision, I saw the sentence, "thou serve one bosom". The word bosom means many things like, "a close affectionate and protective acceptance, very close friend ship or affection. I hope this means I love Jesus and He loves me. I try to protecct my walk in Christ.
(83)Jesus is Lord-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "Jesus is KING".
(84)enemy of lucifer-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "your one of lucifers foes".

(83)you must be perfect-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw th word, "perfect", and I beleive I saw man and he said, "I'm perfect".

(84)gas will hit $.99 cents per gallon again-vision received 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a speedway gas station sign and the price for gas was, "$.99" per gallon.

(85)There is only ONE WAY-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "one way".

(86)two Fingers-vision recieved 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He was holding up two Fingers. He may have been wearing a White Robe. I did not see His head. Jesus may give me tow wishes.

(87)helped-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw this broight White Light and I saw this Being come down to me and do something. Praise Jesus!

(88)will times get so hard in the united states near the end that the military personel is walking the streets-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw 3 military personel walking in downtown indianapolis. In another, I saw a sheriff, and he was possibly doing something maybe cause by martial law type conditions.
(89)it's unspoken-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "it's unspoken", "spoken", and maybe, pay my bills", "done", "blasphemed", 'that me", "thats the Word", "help me", "I'm nothing but an adulterer", "I'm back".
(90)off-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said, "off", "witness is off", "he won't hear it".
(91)hunting Jesus received 7-29-2005-I thought about moving all this stuff to my another host and I heard a voice and it may have been the voice of hollie and I was warnied not to do that and in another, she warned me that if I buy a house, "I'll me cut off".
(92)forgiven-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "Gods forgiven you", and maybe, "but, I'm not". It looked like michael boldea.
(93)not-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "close the website down", and I may have seen me and I said, "don't matter".
(94)hated-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "hate him".
(95)closed-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "he's closed now".
(96)its me-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said, "its me", "warn me", and maybe, this is moody", "I'm going to heaven", "witness is over", and I saw somebody and they said, 'not'. It looked like hollie.
(97)pray for two hours-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe somebody and they said, "pray for two hours". I'd like to book and do that. I need to.
(98)warn people-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe dumitru duduman and he said, "warn people".
(99)still open-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, 'still open', and maybe, "but bobby closed", and I saw her and she said, "close the website", and "website done". These spirits all did not look alike, but, similar to hollie.
(100)adversary-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "an adversary".
(101)called-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "mike called", and maybe, "I'm frozen".
(102)hit alsksa-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "hit alaska", and "witness closed". This looked like dumitru duduman.
(103)I'm a man of like passion-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "he's horny", and, "the Holy Ghost will be taken away from hollie", and I saw a spirit that looked like her and she said, 'save me", 'no mercy'.
(104)sexy no more-visions received 7-29-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like me and I was praying nude and it seemed I focused on my behind. If the Lord has His way, that will be fasted away. I have to obey Jesus. This would basically make me skin and bones, which means I'm tired and sore, but, I'll try to obey. Jesus may want to feed me like He did the children of israel as the marched around the desert 40 years, which is spiritual food. I'm not excited about this, but, I have to let Jesus have His way, or perish. I bet them old testament prophets rarely if ever ate and basically only had the clothes on thier back, but, where are they now. The apostle paul suffered more than we can imagine, but, look what the Holy Ghost did thru him. I will try to let Jesus have His way.
(105)prayer-visions received 7-29-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something about prayer.
(106)don't-visions received 7-29-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "bobby don't", and maybe, "your witness is open". Open is saved. I just a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "but, I'm not".
(106)you must be led by the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 7-31-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "empty your wallet".
(107)naked is no Holy Ghost-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, 'I'm naked", "hollie moody".
(108)identified-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "thats him".
(109)over-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she said, "your over".
(110)prophet-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "get the prophet".
(111)leave alone-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman that goes to heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and she said things like, "leave him alone", "he's a prophet".
(112)required-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "bob you didn't".
(113)embarrased-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he said, "you made me embarrased", "embarrased", "hit russia", "look who fell", "financial".
(114)embarras-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "embarras me", "emabbarasing", and maybe, "he's all I got", fianacial", "blaspheme", "mercy", "your going to death", "your wrote me", "can prophet pray".
(115)embarrased-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he said, "you made me embarrased", "embarrased", "hit russia", "look who fell", "financial".
(114)embarras-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "embarras me", "emabbarasing", and maybe, "he's all I got", fianacial", "blaspheme", "mercy", "your going to death", "your wrote me", "my husband", "gary"(saw a young man with like curly or wavy hair and he said things like, "prophet", "fianacial"), "website", "website closed", "close website", "close down", "can prophet pray", "can prophet fall"(saw somebody and they said, "yes he can", saw me and I said, "no" I'm kept by the Power of God). In one the other day not long ago she said something like, "200 visions in one day". I love you the real hollie. I hope you make it to heaven with or without me. Dinner for you'ins on me Lords will!
(115) MYSTERY, BABYLON in america-vision recieved 8-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael jordan and one thing he mentioned was, "MYSTERY, BABYLON", and he said something like, "its a mystery to me", and I saw me in a vision and I said, "its america".
(116)wearing shorts is sin-vision recieved 8-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man wearing shorts and he may have been preaching.
(117)cut off-vision recieved 8-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like debbie, and she said, "cyt me off", "no mercy", "I'm done".
(118)pastor vanslyke-vision recieved 8-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a pastor vanslyke and he said things like, "we had an agreement", "I won't return".
(119)wanting me to go with him-vision recieved 8-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he was wanting something like me to go with him on tour or something like that. I just saw him in a vision and he said, "prophet". In other visions, I saw him and he said things like, "it was witness turn", "why don't you take my next turn".
(120)turn-vision recieved 8-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that may have looked like henry gruver and he may have said, "turn".
(121)prophet-vision recieved 8-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like irving baxter jr. and he said, "oh my God", "witness is a prophet".
(122)TRuth hurts-vision recieved 8-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man that I talked to and he said, "that hurt".
(123)publish-vision recieved 8-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said, "would you let me publish you".
(124)wallace vanslyke-vision recieved 8-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor vanslyke and he said things like, "O my God", "witness is a prophet", "go to AMOS", "I sold", "my blaspheme off". I saw a White Finger point and I heard and van slyke or somebody may have said, "go to us", and I saw vanslyke again and he said, "if you do, I'll call the police".
(125)pentecostal pastor wallace vanslyke-vision recieved 8-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like van slyke and he said things like, "got a yoke", "have my own word", "you wasn't serious", "It was you who I blasphemed", and maybe, "lets pray over it", ", and I saw me in a vision and i said, "forgive".
(126)pastor Jerry-vision recieved 8-23-2005-I heard, "hows jerry", and In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor jerry barger which was her maiden name and she pastors the pentecostal church of the Lord Jesus Christ, which may be the name and she said things like, "I blasphemed the prophet", "I want It back", "you made me jelous".
(127)vanslyke-vision recieved 8-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like van apostolic pastor vanslyke and he said, "I left", and maybe, I saw him or me and here is what was said, "raise your hands", "you did'nt", and I saw me and I said, "stay", "stand".
(128)the screams of hell-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe, sissy, debbie, and irving baxter and they were all screaming from hell things like, "help me", "help me", "help me".
(129)thomas-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like thomas and he said things like, "cause I masterbate", "thats my brother", and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "thats thomas", and I saw thomas and he said, "put me on for the last time", "repent", "alcoholic".
(130)pastor terry long-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like lawrence apostolic Church pasor terry long and he said things like, "bobby, I killed", "take in new coustomers", "religion".
(131)hollie-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "give money", "I want money", "herpes", and I saw a man that may have been gary and he said, "give herpes".
(132)dumitru duduman-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, "mike give out", and I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "you need to tell me".
(133)wanted t.v.-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like jackie and she said, "I wanted television", and I saw debbie and she said, "I want jackie", and I saw the mother sissy and she said, "please debbie".
(134)thomas-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like thomas and he said, "he's gonna get killed", and I saw me and I revealed I know what will happen.
(135)you dress like Jesus wants you to-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor david dalton of kings house of prayer and he says something like maybe as he flips a mans tie or possibly points at it, "we don't this at my Church". You must give God your best.
(136)westside pentecostal Church is closed-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister winters and she said things like, "stay away from westside", "it closed".
(137)read ST. JOHN 3:16-vision recieved 8-23-2005-I heard soemthing like, "read JOHN 3:16".
(138)Fill-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me possibly a White Finger point maybe at a chair and I heard, "fill his chair".
(139)prophecy flow-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me the words, "prophecy flow".
(140)jackie-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she may have said, "jackie".
(141)heavenly life apostolic tabernacle-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a sign that said, "heavenly life apostolic", and I saw pastor terry cannon and he said, "it's a show".
(142)iran attack coming-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "hit iran", "because iran", "economic callapse", "iran got us in trouble", and I asked how and I may have seen the president of iran in a vision and he said, "terrorism".
(143)iran knows if they strike israel heavey that retaliation could be nuclear, possibly because america wants irans oil-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the president of iran, we know", "we won't return it".
(144)colonel gadafi-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a "gadafi", and I heard hsi name called, and then I saw the president of iran and he said, "my best man", and I saw gadfi and he said, "hit the president", and I saw this president and he said, "I heard it". This is possibly why the this president is invited to libya.
(145)jeff schabel-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like jeff schabel and he said things like, "go ahead and tell", "why does prophet hurt your feelings", "selling".
(146)wanting gas-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like his president and he said things like, "strip me", "git some more gasoline", and maybe, "it's planted", "lets nuke".
(147)cab company will go under-vision recieved 8-23-2005-I heard, "cab company", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like a that works for this cab company and he said things like, "soon bankrupt", "I hurt you", "I blasphemed".
(148)dumitru-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like duduman and he said, "got a present", and I saw debbie and she said, "I'm sorry', and maybe, "I'm wrong', "you hurt bobby", "blaspheme".
(149)will be rejected-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "when debbie cries for mercy".
(150)if you won't hear, I'll tell somebody else-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "no visions", "I'm false".
(151)prophet-vision recieved 8-22-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said, "I can't beleive it", "witness is a prophet".
(152)people don't care for the most part-vision recieved 8-22-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "who cares", and Maybe, "I wanted religion".
(153)missiles will come-vision recieved 8-22-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "incoming missiles".
(154)iraq attack-vision recieved 8-22-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "hit iraq", "don't say that".
(155)you can kill with your actions-vision received 10-30-2005-God has showed me the word, kill.
(156)don't look back-vision received 11-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the speedway woman and she said, don't look back, and maybe the rock group boston sang, don't look back, and that was one singer, and maybe the other singer from boston sang, it's been so long since I filled with way.
(157)the name of God is Jesus -vision recieved 11-3-2005 God has showed a Spirit looked like, Jesus Christ, and He said, Yeshua is not My name. Jesus is not Jehova, those are manifestations of the Holy One.
(156)revelations of the beast and 7 heads and 10 horns -vision recieved 11-3-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like somebody and they said, and eventually, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and tell'em the prophet sent and prophet is henry gruver, Henry gruver is sittin on visions, to keep him humble, he knows it, say henry gruver sent ya, the prophecy club close down.
(158)666 is the number of the beast -vision received 11-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina and maybe more, and here is what was said: 666 is the the mark of the beast, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross.
(159)the Golden Lamp-vision received 11-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody or bodies and here is what was said: the 7 lamps were very special, the represent the 7 tribes of Israel, there are 7 tribes that lived for God.
(160)burnt offering in the old testament-vision received 11-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody or bodies and here is what was said: The Lord would come down and consume burnt offerings before Moses.
(161)Spiritual Wine-vision received 11-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody or bodies and here is what was said: the Wine that children of Israel drank was Spiritual. Spiritual Wine is not natuaral.
(162)taco bell-vision received 11-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sombody or bodies and here is what was said: Taco Bell is the biggest rip off in america, and a man said, how come he won't trap me, got'em, smokin, he is trapped, me, hear o Israel, trap, and people said, its you money, and michael boldea said, I wont', and somebody said, taco bell will not fill the taco's up like the picture said to save money, they save about 10 cents, the the vision, end of story, taco bell would make more money by filling them up.
(163)if you don't live for Jesus then don't pray-vision received 11-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody or bodies and here is what was said: don't pray if you don't want to live the life.
(164)the ford focus -vision received 11-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody or bodies and here is what was said: that car is made in mexico, ford is wanting to take production out of america, end of story, they want low wages, end of story.
(165)make the most of it-vision received 11-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like People and they said: Jesus said, make Me understand, and somebody or bodies said, prophet why would you serve the Lord with scond chance if you don't do it with your first chance.
(166)coffee-vision received 11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Finger that ws made of Lite and It pointed at my coffee.
(167)sit with Christ Jesus in Heavenly places-vision received 11-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like, Jesus, and He sang, and I sang also some with Him. He looked like a Spirit that Had Beard and Brown Hair, and He sings so Much. ALLeLUjAH!.
(168)FIRE in Mouth-vision received 11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, that was prophet _____ with Fire in His Mouth, the Fire is, and the Speedway woman said, the Word, and hollie said, of the One.
(169)tears from Heaven -vision received 11-5-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, that was tears from Heaven, as she pointed at raindrops that fell on vehicle window as was going down hiway.
(170)chevrolet corvette -vision received 11-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she pointed and she said, corvett, what a piece of junk, they cost about 22000, and they sell for about 60.
(171)465-vision received 11-6-2005-God has showed me a Arm that and the Finger pointed at the Highway sign.
(172)Jesus made you to hear His Voice to be instructed -vision received 11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, out of Heaven He made you to hear His Voice, that He might, instruct.
(173)the new world order is politburo-vision received 12-30-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: politboro is the new world order, and that is, russia, china, north korea, magog, russia is the bear, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, the 3 ribs, the pope will say, I am god in the temple.
(174)china will attack america and taiwan and russia-vision received 1-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: when china goes to war with america, russia will strike without warning, aman, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan, then russia will strike from the oceans, from cuba, from nicaragua, from mexico, absorb, russia will absorb amexico, and that is, russia will, strike, from airplanes, boom, aman, put it under, russia will strike when you least expect it, and that is when your not looking for it, aman, the day of the Lord prophesied in ISAIAH 13 and JOEL, hallelujah, aman, lets rule the world, said vladimir putin, russia hurry up, said the china jap man, can we chat.
(175)the mark of the beast will be 666-vision recieved 2-2-2006 God has showed a spirit looked like people and they said: 666 will be born at the tabe with the false prophet hu of china and the pope, and he will be, out of , italy, the little horn, I'm the little horn, and he is, the, pope, and they are, the, antichrist.
(176)the earth will reel to and fro-vision recieved 3-8-2006 God has showed a spirit looked like people and they said: the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, when, russia, attacks, america, and, america, attacks, raise your hands and repeat after me, china, and, us, meaning, russia, one third of the population, wiped, out, and, mexico, and, canada, and, cuba.
(177)the righteousness of the saint-vision recieved 5-4-2006 God has showed a spirit looked like people and they said: and he saw him, in a, white, robe,.
(178)the girl from paul mooneys church that looks like demi moore-visions recieved 11-10-2006-I saw the beautiful young woman, from calvary temple, that looks like, demi moore, and twice she said, that, and once, pointed. I just saw Jesus in a vision and he said, you wont pray.
(179)judgement to china-visions recieved 4-24-2007-in this vision, I saw a big explosion, in china, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, he wants to dream, said, hollie, jeremy taylor of wisdom university, stop, and start, saith the LOrd, and nathaniel urshan kenneth haney man saw this.

PROPHECIES-vision recieved 5-22-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "PROPHECIES", so that is what I will call the page.
(1)war coming-vision recieved 6-18-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "invasion", which means one thing, "war", which is no doubt, on the way!
(2)no carnal advice -vision recieved 7-17-2004-in this vision, I saw this older man who goes to church, and he said something like, "don't recieve our council". Seek the Spirit of God, and recieved His council.
(3)united states the Babylon-vision recieved 7-17-2004-in this vision, I saw a blue paper with two rows of words, which were written in diferents shades and blue and white, and it seemed like I could only make out one row of words, and here is what it said, "Babylon is U.S.
(4)chance to be saved lost-vision recieved 7-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He said, "they can't find Me". If you play around and get cut off, you'll search for Jesus, and will not find HIM.
(5)war-vision recieved 7-20-2004-in this vision, I saw and heard the words, "theres news of guerilla war". I kept asking Jesus over and over where, and twice, I saw the word, and or heard, "IRAQ". This war is far from over. Read the Iraq war visions Jesus gave me.
(6)put Christ first-vision recieved 7-23-2004-while praying and seek Jesus, I saw a trash can in a vision, and I heard this, "I'm right over there where you left me". Do you only serve God when you want or need Him, and throw Him away the rest of the time.
(7)Jesus is angry at sheep-vision recieved 7-24-2004-in this vision, I saw like a page name bar, like what you see at the bottom of your computer when you click onto a page, and there may have been other ones there. The one I saw said, "angry at sheep". The church is for the most part asleep. I told a church last night during prayer request that Jesus showed me in visions russia was going to lead an all out attack on america, and for today, they have a softball game planned. There were about 20 adults there when I told that, about 30 more came in late, and missed it, which was about 15 minutes into the service.
(8)try the spirits-vision recieved 8-6-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw a young man who had dark hair, and I heard a voice that said, "don't write him", and I believe the voice was referring to me. I saw the man, and he said, "I didn't". This is why we always have to be led by the Spirit of God.
(9) always be led by the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 8-6-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw the word, "SCANDAL" in white neon letters. This is what lots of people who call themselves christians are really doing when they try to get you to donate to their ministries.
(10)go to church to worship and serve God-vision recieved 8-13-2004-in this vision, I'm sitting down and talking to a pastor and I tell him, "the reason I'm here is to warn people", and he utters some words to me, but, at the same time Jesus gives me a vision of him, and in the vision he said, "don't start that". There was more said.
(11)what do you expect from Jesus-vision recieved 8-13-2004-in this vision, I'm at like a meeting, and the man in charge behind the like pulpit said something like to me, "what did you expect", and he called for a friend because he wanted that friend to here my response. I said something like, "I expected it to be o.k. Now I don't know what to expect".
(12)Heard and seen by Jesus-vision recieved 8-17-2004-in this vision, I saw a big sign like you see advertising a cinema, and it had two little signs attached at the bottom, and one said, "I see you now", and the other said, "and I here you".
(13)tell people-vision recieved 8-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a webpage of mine that is indexed on google, and the name of the page is, "my calling-warn people".
(14)trap-vision reiceved 9-22-2004-in this vision, I'm walking, and a baseball rolls by me, and I pick it up, and throw it hard and perfectly to the little boy there, and was amazed how good I did that, and then it rolls by me again, and there is a mit there, and I put the mit on, and throw it back. Next thing I know was there offered to let me play baseball with them, and I agreed, and I'm thinking in my heart something like, "I was just judging "victory tabernacle for playing baseball, and here i am doing the same thing". Don't let the devil trap you. Avoid sin. Don't even let the door get open.
(15)put God first, not men-vision recieved 9-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor who is with united pentecostal church international, and he said, "put me first".
(16)france has fallen away from america-visions recieved 9-2004-in one vision, I saw president Chirac of france, and he said, "destroy north america", and in the other, I saw him again, and he said, "were with Putin".
(17)King James bible-vision recieved 10-3-2004-in this vision I saw the words, "King James Bible", at the top of like a webpage. There was more there. The bible keeps getting rewritten and changed.
(18)terrorism is coming to america-vision recieved 10-13-2004-in this vision, I can remember seeing like a dark blue webpage, and there were many words written on the page, and they were being read off by someone, and I seemed to feel that all these words were different torments and judgements to america. The one word I remember seeing very clearly was, "terrorism".
(19) current president of america will win re-election-vision recieved 10-13-2004-in this vision, I saw the current president of ameria, and he said, "i'm elected".
(20)serve Jesus now-vision recieved 10-15-2004-while praying I heard this, "the ones who miss it", and then I saw the words in a vision, "there's no second chance". This is your chance to make heaven your home.
(21)God loves-vision recieved 10-15-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "Jesus - you are loved", like the entry to one of the visions. Thanks Jesus. I love you to.

(22)Bush wins-vision received 10-23-2004-in this vision, I saw something like this, "BUSH ELLEDGEDLY WINS". I think this is telling you who will win before they have won.
(23)more power-vision received 10-27-2004-in this vision, I saw some words, and they said something like this, "do you want more".
(23)hated for my testimony-vision received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw and maybe heard the words, "they lie in wait for you", and I was asking "who", and I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor in a vision, and he said, "we need to catch bob".
(24)Gods curse-vision received 11-11-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "Gods curse". If you don't serve Jesus like He wants, your in trouble big time.
(25)false teachers-vision recieved 11-17-2004-while praying, I saw these words, "FALSE TEACHERS".
26)lost of people clain they serve Jesus, but, don't-vision received 11-20-2004-in this vision, I saw an apostolic pentecostal pastor, and he said, "I'm a witch".
(27)perfect-vision received 11-20-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "I'm perfect". I'm stunned. I often ask Jesus to show me where I'm at, and this time, it's exactly where I need to be. I'm being tempted like you can not believe. I have devils all around me teasing me, and saying all kinds of things, joking, cursing, and sometimes I see them in visions. Sometimes one will appear on one side and say something, and one will appear on the other side and answer.
(28)no e-mails-visions received 11-2004-I was talking to Jesus about Him having me on e-mail freeze, and I saw Him in a vision, and He said, "right". He had brown hair. In the other receive, and I'm going by memory on this, I saw Jesus, and He was wearing a robe, and He said, "no e-mails".
(29)much prayer-vision received 11-24-2004-in this vision, I saw like a webpage, and it was going up, and it stopped at like a little box, and the word written in the little box was "pray".(30)do you know what "turn" means-vision received 11-28-2004-in this vision, I saw the word "turn". Turn not only means stop sinning, but, also repent of sins you have done. You have to repent until Jesus forgives you.
(31)America invaded Cuba-vision received 11-30-004-in this vision, and it was very quick, I believe I saw these words written in blue letters. "America invaded Cuba".

(32b)america might attack cuba-vision received 1-21-2005-in a vision, I saw president bush and I'm going by memory. He said either: "attack Cuba" or "invade cuba".

(32)will america attack iran-vision recieved 12-11-2004-in this vision, I saw president of usa and he said, "bomb iran".
(33)destruction is on it's way-vision recieved 12-14-2004-in this vision I saw these words, "unto us the angel of destruction".
(34)vision of a letter-vision received 12-2004-in this vision, I saw a whole like a paragraph of words, and I could not make out one because they were blurry. The Word of the Lord is priceless.
(35)people won't recognize you whe Jesus works on you-vision received 12-26-2004-in this vision, I saw my old boss a ran into a about a coulpe of years ago and he said, "I wonder what happened to him".
(36)do you obey the doctrine of Christ-vision received 12-31-2004-in this vision, I saw the words and heard, "BELIEVETH THIS DOCTRINE". Believeth means "obeyed".
(37)Gods wrath on sin-vision received 1-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "My wroth".
(38)have you been filled with the Holy Ghost-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "what's my problem" and I heard this, "she's not been baptized". Then I saw like an open bible and I could see the page and it was like in a dark are and this sripture out of the 16 chapter of the gospel according to ST. MARK lite up on the page the color of fire, " 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."
(39)Jesus Christ is the King-vision received 1-14-2005-in this vision while praying, I saw the letter "J" and right over the top of it or near the top was a halo or a ring that was the color of fire.
(40)will iran be attacked by america-visions received 12-22-2004-while praying, I heard "iran", and may have even seen president of iran, and I was asking what about Iran, and I saw president of usa in a vision, and he said, "attack". I do believe he wants to do this, but, will he. I was asking about the attack and in another vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "just bomb it".
(41)going to the lake of fire-visions received 1-18-2005-in two visions, I saw this pastor. In the first vision, I saw a pastor and he said, "I'm going to the lake". In the second vision, I saw the words that he spoke and I think they appeared one word at a time, "I'm going to the lake". Follow Jesus to heaven.
(42)could medicade be in trouble-vision received 1-19-2005-in this vision I saw a man with dark hair walking toward me and he had a like a notebook in his hand and he showed me one of the pages and it said, "medicade" on it. I felt like he was taking a petition. I seemed to feel like he wanted me to sign.
(43)end time prophet-vision recieved 8-1-2004-in this vision, I saw like the name bars for page names of websites, and here is the name I saw, "end time prophet".
(44)WHORECIES-visions recieved 8-1-2004-in thie first vision, I saw like a pulpit, and on the front of it, it had like three different names written on it on white cardboard. Two of the names were, "WHORECIES", "PROPHECIES". In the next vision, I saw a girl, who looked possesed by satan, and she handed me a tract that had "WHORECIES" written on it. This is witchcraft. Maybe people that profess Jesus Christ as thier Lord, but, have went back on Him, or have the wrong spirit, and that wrong spirit is using that vessel to promote itself from pulpits in churches, and in other places.
(44)russia has nuclear missile subs-vision recieved 7-2004-I asked Jesus how many nuclear missile submarines Russia had, and I saw Russian president in a vision, and he said, "10". Some sumarines have up to 24 nuclear missiles, with many warheads per missile. One submarine could easily wipe out the population of America.

(45)watch and pray-visions received 7-9-2007-did not said, hollie, fleas say, "aint nobody lookin".
(46)make sure you can find your plan of salvation in the king jame's bible-vision received 1-26-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "research", and maybe some other word's. I later heard this, "write down what you see".
(47)axis of evil-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw the word's, "axis of evil", and then I heard, "america".
(48)another 9-11 must be coming-visions received 1-28-2005-in a vision while praying, I saw "9-11" and heard, "another 9-11".
(48)believe-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision I saw the word, "believe". It may have been part of a page name indexed on perhap's google. THere were more word's there, but, beleive is the one I focused on. I thnik the other the other word's or some of them was, "believe the vision".

(49)new testament salvation-vision received 2-3-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "read and do THE ACTS 2:38".
(50)pre-emptive war-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "pre-emptive war".

(50b)clean car-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw the plastic cups in the passenger side of my cars floor and I was told to clean it up.
(51)don't trespass-vision received 2-6-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "trespassing".
(52)terrorists can smuggle thru florida with ease-vision received 2-9-2005-while praying, I heard, "thru florida", and I saw florida, and I saw like hands or a line start at about the bottom tip of florida, and kind of go around the the state that the ocean boundry's on and I heard this, "they can't guard it".
(53)pray until something happens-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "push". THere was more there.
(54)make sure your right with Jesus according to scripture-vision received 2-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a like a woman spirit and she said, "you need to try your spirit".
(55)what will your decision be-vision recieved 2-27-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "didn't want".
(56)teacher-vision recieved 2-28-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "teacher".
(57)end time prophetic ministry is good news-vision received 3-1-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "bad news". One thing that makes the news on this site good is we are warned in advance.
(57)stay away from trouble-vision received 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "distance".
(58)time is running out-vision recieved 3-9-2005-in this vision, I saw these words, "put the trumpet to my mouth".
(59)south pole-visions received 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw like an animated globe or something similar of the earth and it seemed I went to the bottom of the earth, and I believe I was told or made aware that it was the south pole, and I saw it it. I just looked at a map and it was anartica, and it had like a thick red line all the way around it. I saw president of usa in a vision and he said, "drill it".
(59)God wants your best-vision received 3-20-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "Best". There was more there. This is putting Jesus first.
(60)an angel-vision received 3-25-2005-I often see a young looking man that is all white in visions, similar to the moon. He may have blue colored eyes. I started asking Jesus who this angel is. I saw Him in a vision and HE was beautiful. He may have been dresssed in priests garments, and they may have been light in the area that He was in. He spoke to me in a child like voice as He smile big, and HE said, "I'm your priest". Praise Jesus Christ!!
(61) make a profile page-vision recieved 8-25-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "MAKE A PROFILE", and I heard this, "make a public profile page".
(62)still soviet-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the president of russia and he said, "soviet union".
(63)ANTI JESUS CHRIST-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, maybe on a page and they were seperated, but, put together in order, "ANTI JESUS CHRIST".
(63)fight until the end-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "keep up". They may have been at the end of a sentence.
(64)work for Jesus-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "work for Jesus".
(65)delivered-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, which was a complete suprise, I saw the face of man and He was a kind of a white color like an angel, with His hair possibly being a different shade, and He was smiling and He said, "delivered".
(66)america will attack iran-vision received 4-6-2005-I may have heard or saw somebody in a vision, or saw the word, "Iran". I then saw the president of the usa in a vision and he said, "we'll bomb it". In another vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "they will".
(67)terrorism-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a internationally wanted terrorist, and he said, "hit the rail road tracks".
(68)Much needed revival-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the words rising from the bottom and the were in italic letters, "WELCOME TO REVIVAL". I already fell better.
(69)Jesus know everything-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw an angel, and He is very hard to describe. He looked like a man, but, His head was like a star wars type character. It was like it was big and had no hair and possibly big eye all similar to maybe a bug. He said, "do you know what you've done".
(70)heaven-vision recieved 4-3-2004-I was wondering about this sister I used to go tho church with, and I saw her in a vision, and she said, "I went on to heaven".
(71)lets pray-vision recieved 4-3-2004-I was awakened at about 5:13 am, and I a prophetic man in a vision, and he said, "lets pray".
(72)warning-vision recieved 5-22-2004-in this vision, I saw these 4 words written on a piece of paper like this, "NO SECURITY (my hobbie)". America is no doubt filled with terroists.
(73)america does not want taiwan to re-unify with China-vision recieved 5-2004-I was thinking on Tawain, and I saw president of usa in a vision, and he said, "we'll keep it".
(74)vision of the pope and the red dragon-visions recieved 7-9-2007-in a vision, I saw the pope riding the red dragon, with, the g8 and bush as the woman, and russia having, the 10 crowns, politburo.
(75)friend in need-visions recieved 7-25-2004-in thes vision, I saw this pastor jerry friend, and he said, "please help me", "no Holy Ghost". I don't know what to do, that I have not already done with him. I forced the message on him before service, and gently got slammed for it years ago.
(76)called a prophet-vision recieved 8-6-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "you know your a prophet".
(77)people are longing for the truth-vision recieved 8-20-2004-in this vision, it is like I'm in a church, and painted on the wall at the back of a the church was words that went something like this, "to much people are longing in their hearts for a church". The church that exist today does not even mirror the first church, and Im hoping there are execeptions.
(78)have the keys-vision recieved 9-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a hand handing me keys, and I heard these words, "bobby, have the keys".
(79)don't look back-vision recieved 9-19-2004-in this vision, I saw like my yahoo mailbox page, and one of the titles of one of the letters was, "don't look back".
(80)food shortages coming to usa-vision recieved 10-2-2004-in this vision, I was inside a grocery store looking at the shelves, and they were completly empty. There may have been one or two items, but, that was all.
(81)the second coming of Jesus draweth nigh-vision recieved 10-13-2004-in this vision, I saw like a webpage that had a list of words on it. The background was black, and the words were written in white. The words that I seemed to focus on were, "THE SECOND COMING". Are you ready.
(82) Holy Ghost baptism-vision recieved 10-13-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "the gift of the Holy Ghost". You need to have this.
(83)second coming of Jesus-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I was somewhere, and I could see a door that was open, and light was coming out of the room that the door was to, and I saw a sign coming out of the room that said, "SECOND COMING" on it, and I said, "it's", and then I heard a voice like a computer generated voice read the sign, "second coming".
(84)u.s.a. running out of cash-visions received 10-27-2004-in this vision, I saw president of america, and he said, "running out of money". I asked Jesus what happens when we run out of money, and I saw president of united states in another vision, and he said, "raise taxes".
(85)lots of people are expecting judgment-vision received 11-7-2004-in this vision, I saw this bald man, and he said, "were expecting judgment".
(86)was u.s. invasion of iraq for oil-vision received 11-8-2004-I was asking Jesus about what the america invasion of Iraq was really about, what america really wanted, and I saw dumitru duduman in a vision, and he said, "their oil".
(87)anger-vision received 11-11-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "anger". I don't know what this was in referrence to, but, if I looked at things thru the eye's of Jesus, I could see Him being angry.
(88)time is running out-vision received 11-19-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and He said, "time is running out". Are you rapture ready?
(89)ESAU-vision received 11-24-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "ESAU" on my website. ESAU traded his chance to be saved for a bowl of beans. Are you trading your chance to be saved for something.
(90)rapture missed-vision received 11-28-2004-in this vision, I was looking in the black sky, and I could see something coming to me from way out in the universe, and it was a man with brown hair and I think He was wearing a robe, and when He got close to me, I could see He was very big, then it was like HE shot to my left or right and was gone in an instant. THis vision probably only took about three seconds. You better prepare now for this.
(91) believe means to obey the gospel-vision received 11-30-2004-in this vision, I was at a church, and I was witnessing to the pastor in a hallway area, and he loved it, and one thing I told him was something like this, "do you know what the word believe means"? I forget his response. I told him, "In a vision, I saw this man, and, he said, "believe means to obey the gospel", and the pastor let me know something like thats what God showed him, and told me something like he'd like to have me preach somethime, and he was in a hurry because I think service time was about to begin.
(92)streaking spark -vision received 12-22-2004-while looking and or reading over some visions Jesus gave me, I saw a little spark of of loght shoot by.
(92b)eunuch-vision received 12-30-2004-in this vision, I saw and maybe even heard the word "eunuch".
(93)Jesus is coming ready or not-vision recieved 1-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "look for Me soon".
(94)end time prophetic ministry welcomes you-vision received 1-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "welcome visits". I personally welcome all visitors and hope you get flooded with all kinds of helpful info!
(95)we need the mercy of Jesus-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "mercy".
(96)it's past time for Jesus to return-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "it's past the midnight hour", "wake up".
(97)if we cross path's, Jesus probably sent me-vision received 1-20-2005-in this vision I saw me and I said, "I got sent". Jesus was sent.
(98)limited strike on iran likely-visions received 1-25-2005-in one vision, I saw the word, "Iran", and in another vision, I saw president of usa and he said, "attack".
(99) Bible studies-vision received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I saw me holding up a sing and "bible study" was written on the sign. Wouldn't be neat for us'in's to GiT together and have bible studies, prayer meeting's, church service's, radio, tv, etc?
(100)those who know Jesus push for more time-vision received 1-28-2005-I was asking Jesus what is stopping Him, and I saw and heard the word, "remnant".
(101)Jesus preached to the spirits in hell-vision received 2-6-2005-in this vision I saw the words, "Jesus went to hell". This is why on the cross, Jesus asked His Father why He ahd forsaken Him. THe Spirit came out of Jesus and went into hell and preched to the spirits there, and after three days, went back to the body of Jesus in the tomb, and resurrected that body. Seek Jesus and live!
(102)you must be baptised with the Holy Ghost-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "Holy Ghost".
(103)loosing-vision received 2-19-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "loosing".

(104)last hour-vision recieved 3-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with curly brown hiar and beard and He said, "last hour".
(104)on the brink of war-vision received 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "READY TO WAR".
(106)end approaceth-vision recieved 3-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "time is running out".
(107)cut off-vision received 3-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a tree falling. John the baptist was very clear about every tree not bring forth good fruit being hewn down. I was asking Jesus if it was me, and I saw one of the most in demand prophetic speakers alive today and he said, "that's my tree", "I wanted control".
(108)Jesus can open-vision received 3-19-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "opening". Thank God!
(109)gas will go down-visions received 3-20-2005-in visions, I saw a couple of gas signs and the prices on the signs was, "$1.98", and the other was in the $1.60's. One was a marathon gas sign.
(110)people are suprised at these visions and dreams from Jesus-visions received 3-21-2005-in this vision, I'm witnessing to a man, and saying something like, "I saw that person in a vision", and I saw his face have the look of being suprised, and then I saw a man in a vision and he said, "your suprising".
(111)everything but serving Jesus is vanity-vision received 3-24-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard, "it's vain".
(112)terrorism-vision received 3-35-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "terrorism"
(113)Gods price-vision received 3-25-2005-in this vision, which I did not write down, I saw some words and the words were something like, "you will pay everything".
(114)politburo-visions received 3-26-2005-while praying, I saw a woman and she said, "politburo", and after praying more, I saw russian president in a vision and he said, "we want politburo back". I saw him in other visions and he said things like, "were not russia", "I'm soviet". Politburo was the ruling party of the soviet union made up of ten kings. If you read in the book of DANIEL, a beast rises having ten horns which is ten kings. The beast represents one king. Politburo chose the next soviet president from amongst themsleves, so he comes out of the ten.
(115)apostle-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "apostle", and I heard something like, "your an apostle".
(116)In a vision from Jesus on 2-7-2005, I saw the words written in bright white letters on webpage that was dark, "END TIME PROPHETIC MINISTRY".
(117)the nuclear agreement-visions received 10-26-2004-in visions, I saw president of usa, and he said things like, "won't stop it", "no nuclear reduction", "rearrangement", "your embarrasing me", "nuclear missile", were being set up", "were getting nuked"(america will be pounded with nuclear weapons by russia).
(118)america being sold-visions received 10-26-2004-in visions, I saw president of usa, and he said, "I'm selling the land", "I'm selling". I was asking Jesus about how he is selling the land, and I saw a man in a vision, and he said, "iraq", and another man, and he said, "al qaeda". I kept asking about how the land was being sold, and I saw a man or heard something like this, "to the fed". America is being sold to pay for these wars.
(119)ministries-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "I buy a ministries".
(120)end time prophetic ministry-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "end time prophetic ministry", which is the name of this site!
(121)visions of angels-visions received 4-6-2005-in this vision, I saw an all white angel and he said, "you have blasphemed the Holy Ghost". I asked who it was that said it, and in the next vision, I saw him again, and he said something like, "I am lucifer". In another vision, I saw the face of an all white angel and He was expressionless and He said, "gabriel".
(122)satan-vision received 4-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a man, and I think he slowly appeard, and I felt is was satan, and what he looked like was he had dark hair, and I believe sideburns, and maybe a mustache a partial beard. He was all lite, similar to a plastic statue of a holloween villian you put of lite in so it glows. I heard some words.
(123)no sin-vision received 4-13-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "no sin".
(124)come up higher-vision received 4-22-2005-In this vision while praying, I saw an all White Spirit and He said, "come up higher".
(125) Fast for Jesus-vision received 4-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a being that had a head like a martian, but was all white with big bug like eyes and He said, "you don't need to eat". His voice sounded like a computer generated voice.
(126)gas prices on the way down-visions received 4-24-2005-In visions, I saw gas signs and the prices were, "$1.33", "$1.59". I believe one was a marathon petroleum sign and the other was a speedway gas station sign.
(127)about to die-vision received 5-26-2005-In htis vision, I saw a pastors a woman that looks like a pastors wife and she said, "I'm about to die".
(128)Jesus loves me-vision recieved 6-18-2004-in this vision, I saw like a chekout counter, and there was like an ash try there, and written on the ashtray was, "JESUS LOVES YOU".
(129)prophet-vision recieved 6-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He looked like a black and white drawing that was alive, and He said, "your a prophet". I later saw my mom in a vision, and she said, "you ain't no prophet".
(130)terrorist in america-vision recieved 6-21-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman who I used to go to church with, and she was a spirit, and she said, "the terrorists are already here".
(131)End Time Prophecy-vision recieved 7-5-2004-in this vision, I saw and heard the words, "end time prophecy", and the Lord reminded me that I ask for it.
(132)seek Help-vision recieved 7-5-2004-after I woke up, In a vision, I saw these words, "Seek Help". Jesus is my help.
133)Read the book of "THE ACTS OF THE APOSOTLES-visions received 1-31-2005-in one visions, I saw the word, "ACTS", and in the other one, I saw a person and the person said something like, "read ACTS 4:7". One thing that is talked about in this chapter is the question was raised to the apostles or at least some of them of what name they or authority they were doing things in.
(134)prayer-vision received 2-1-2005-in this vision while praying, I saw the face of a woman that was white and she said, "God hears".
(135)will war visit iran-visions received 2-1-2005-in at least two visions, I saw president of usa and he said, "take iran". In another he said, "sell iran".
(136)are you on the side of Jesus or the devil-vision received 2-6-2005-in this vision, I saw some words, and they were about a woman I witnessed to and the words were something like, "she's from the devil". Choose!
(137)put Jesus first-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw the words and believe I also heard, "God me".
(138)have faith in Jesus-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "faith".
(139)my purpose in life is to please Jesus-vision recieved 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "you don't have any purpose in life".
(140)control-vision recieved 3-5-2005-in this vision, I saw russian presdient of russia and he said, "we need control".
(141)usa next-vision recieved 3-6-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "America is next". I feel this was a warning.
(142)seek Jesus-vision recieved 3-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "seek".
(143)tests-vision recieved 3-10-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "tests".
(144)fuel supplies dwindling-vision received 3-13-2005-while praying I heard, "Iran", and I asked about Iran, and I saw the president of iran in a vision and he said, "were out of gas". I was going to post this vision on the other website, and I saw a little girl in a vision and she said, "no".
(145)you are commanded to go into perfection-vision received 3-19-2005-in this vision, I saw these words, "did you grow up".
(146)the pen-vision recieved 7-24-2004-I write this vision with saddness, and can feel Jesus falling on me. In this vision, I have a pen, and I'm made aware the the the pen is an alive man, that is handicapped, and I'm going by memory on this. I didn't know what to do, so I put the pen in may hand, and placed the ball point on paper. I could feel the leading of the Holy Ghost in my hand, and the pen wrote out some words. It wrote so fast. It wrote something like, "putin, and the authority he has, he's taking away the rights of the people". I took the pen into a room where prayer was going on, and was univited, and tried to explain to the person who was in charge, and he made me leave the room. I ended up sitting down, and was wanting to eat, and seeminly dreaded taking back out the pen, because I didn't want to have to take care of him or something like that. I wish with right now, that Jesus would give me other visions with the pen-man, and let him reveal things to me.
(147)food shortages to america-vision received 3-24-2005-in this vision, a refridgerator freezer door was opened and it was empty. It's like I could see from inside of it out.
(148)is america approching conflict-vision received 3-27-2005-in this vision, I saw some words, and I believe the words were, "bush get close to war". Seek Jesus!
(149)war-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "DANGER WAR".
(149b)Russia is the bear-vision recieved 9-5-2004-in this vision, I saw the president of russia, and he said, "I'm the bear". READ REVELATION 13.
(150)end time prophetic ministry is Christian News-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "Christian News".
(151)prophet-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "I'm a prophet".
(152)president hillary clinton-vision received 4-205-In this vision, I was riding my bike, and I saw senator hillory clinton standing at a gas pump and maybe bill clinton walked into pay. I rode to her and I said to her something like, "can I have the priviledge of shaking your hand", and I think she possibly reluctantly agreed. I told her, "God showed me in a vision that you were going to be president", and she looked down and said, "no". I said to her something like, "you'll be the next president", and I then kind of took it back and told her that dick cheney would be, and I got out of there. I beleive she wanted to know more, and I became afraid, and was trying to flee. I won't go into details.
(152) Judgment-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw this young woman that I've witnessed to and she may have been bent, and I saw like a dark Hand tap her and I heard, "judgment".
(153) Ukraine will become part of russia-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "put ukraine in russia".
(154)I MUST FIGHT UNTIL DEATH-vision received 4-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "prophets going to stand". This may have been somekind of heavenly being that had a white face with no features.
(155) new york, new york-vision recieved 5-1-2005-In this vision, its like I flying thru new york city and it was possibly at night and the city is like a computer animation and I end up at the twin towers which I could see in front of me and I see a lightening bolt come down and strike one of the world trade centers buildings about half way down.
(156) what have you offered Jesus Christ?-vision received 5-8-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "offering". I just saw a woman in a vision and she said, "I want you to tell me".
(157) requirements-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "conditions".
(158) lastdays-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "lastdays".
(159)people against people-vision received 5-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "Family vs Family".
(160)represent Christ-vision received 5-12-2005-In this vision, I saw the words or me, and here is what was said, "I represent Him". All you have to do is get saved and get led by the Holy Ghost!
(161)freedom from the bondage of sin-vision received 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "free". Jesus can break your yokes.
(162)fight the GOOD fight of faith for Christ Jesus the Lord and KING-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "get tempted with us". Lay down your life for Jesus!
(163) victory-visions received 5-19-2005-In a vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said, "have your wish", then I saw a white hand and arm, or arm in like a sleeve of a white robe and it touched me near my heart. Felt better. Thanks Father!
(164)arms race going on?-vision received 5-22-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "arms race".
(164)You can get Jesus's pity-vision received 5-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a possibly a sentence of words and they may have been on like the licence plate on the front of a car and one of the words was, "pathetically". Look this word up.
(165)indebted to God-vision received 5-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with yellow hair and possibly white skin and He almost looked like an animation and He said to me and I believe HE was pointing at me, "you owe every bill". Jesus is God!
(166) presidential revelation-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that looked like hillary clinton and she said, "I'm the president". Watch for it.
(167)In God is LIGHT, and no darkness-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vsiion, I saw me or possibly someone else in a room or something that was black as coal and there was a doorway opening there, even though I did not see a door, and inside that room was LIGHT. I could not see into the room because I could not see thru the LIGHT. JESUS IS LIGHT!
(168) went foprward with strong resistance-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "forged".
(169)prosper in Jesus Christ-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "peace and prosperity". It's for you.
(170)the Father God and Father of our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gave me these visions and dreams, free website, the name of the website which is my ministry-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "visions from new jerusalem". Thank You Jesus for giving so much to me! He gave it too you to. Seek the FATHER OF MERCIES TODAY!
(171) fight until the end-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I was an apostle".
(172) Angelic beings-visions received 5-28-2005-In visions, I saw two different angelic beings that both looked like men. One was like a young man made out of lite. HIs face and hair were like the moon, and He said, "keep cindy away from him". Then I saw cindy in a vision and she said, "I blasphemed". The other had like a face of lite and that all I could see was the head and His face was like made out of light and there was possibly a blck background and HE had an expression on His face possibly like being very suprised or angry. Thank God for Angels!
(172)God can keep you from sin lset you keep fighting Him-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I'm with a woman that I know and she is sitting on something and wearing a dress and I feel she wants me to look under her dress and I do, and I can't see anything even though its right there before me and I keep looking or look again and don't remember seeing anything and I look a last time and finally I saw her body and she does not have any underwear on and finally her whole body is nude, which I may have pulled her dress away. Then she turns into a demon that has a face like the skull of a dead buffalo, and looks at me angrily and may have even growled. Serve Jesus!
(173)visions and dreams from Jesus are prophesied-vision received 5-30-2005-I got home or was getting home and while in my car, I saw in a vision In like neon letters and numbers, "Acts 2:17", and I did not think much about it at first I don't beleive, but, I grabbed the KIng James bible, and looked it up and was stunned.
(174)is Jesus number one in your life-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I sawt he words, "nobody wants me". He can be.
(175)people being trapped by enemies-In this vision, I saw two beast that looked like the, "monster", creature. The just seemed to have feet and a blob body, and they were on some kind of surface that had like high places and low places similir to what eggs come in, and in one of the low places there was a little fish and I don't recall seeing any water around, so it may have been trapped. The vision finishes out with one or both of the beast trying to suck out the fish. The fish did not have a chance unless help came. Stay in constant prayer. The enemy is trapping people.
(176) witnessing-vision received 6-4-2005-I told a pastor and some of the congregation some visions Jesus gave me, and we talked. As I drove away, I saw the pastor in a vision and he said, "I didn't tell you to send me a Christian". Later I saw him in another vision and he said something like, "come and talk".
(177)open your heart to Jesus-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a locked door, and it was like Somebody tried to open it, but, the lock stopped it from opening, and I heard, "unlock your door". Pour your heart out to God.
(178)clean up with the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw an old bath tub and I heard, "take a bath". You must be free from sin.
(179)two wishes?-vision recieved 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He was holding up two Fingers. He may have been wearing a White Robe. I did not see His head. Jesus may give me two desires.
(180)choose heaven or hell-vision received 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "choose".
(181)you can please the Lord-vision recieved 6-18-2005-I was talking to Jesus about what seemed like an impossible thing to please God and I saw the words, "you can". Give it a shot!
(182)if you won't praise Jesus, He will find someone who will and replace you-vision received 7-3-2005-In this vision, I saw this man with brown hair and he said something like, "I'll praise you".
(182)if you don't have a prayer life, you out of IT-visin received 7-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man wearing a Bright White Robe and He was on His Knee's and praying with His Face looking at the floor. He had Brown Hair.
(183)visons-visions received 7-15-2005-In visions, I saw people and they said things like, "I quit", "I ain't messing with you", "you o.k."(I just saw a woman that looked like dee finney in a vision and she said, "no"), "lost my dad"(crying), "witness praying".
(184)to late-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a sister rexford and she said things like, "cut me off", "its too late for us".
(185)we'll see-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a possible a man and he said, "your false".
(187)do you see the Fruit of the Spirit in my life-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "is prophet cut off".
(188)excited-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "excited".
(189)religion is doing what you want-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "religion".
(190)I take hollie very serious-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "take me serious", "fast", "excited", "he cares". Maybe Jesus will allow me and this precious little prophetess to meet later.
(191)is money your God-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, "financial".
(192)new chance-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly a woman and she said something like, "hollie has a new chance". I could be off on that one.
(193)victory at last-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "I'm delivered".
(194)prison-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, 'prison'.
(195)beautiful-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly a man and he said, "your beautiful".
(196)people are blaspheming me left and right-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly a woman and she said something like, "I blasphemed bob hickman".
(197)its your choice-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "take it off", "its my choice", "I married", everything financial", "whatever you say".
(198)open-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like siter rexford and she said something like, "witness is coming back open". Open is saved.
(199)don't come against me with your mouth-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "who'd I blaspheme", "bobby hickman", "please", "the Word".
(200)go home-visions received 7-28-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe me and I said, "go home.
(201)fallen-visions received 8-16-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a irving baxter jr. and he said, "your fallen".
(202)MYSTERY, BABYLON is america-visions received 8-16-2005-I was asking Jesus why it was a mystery, and In vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a irving baxter jr. and he said, "it ain't", and he said, "rome". MYSTERY, BABYLON is not rome, it is america.
(203)cut off-vision received 8-26-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I got cut off", "thats not right".
(204)pick up those smokes-visions received 8-26-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a cigarette butt and I heard, "get it up".
(205)talked about-vision received 8-26-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "my dad keeps talking about you".
(206)flock of black birds-visions received 8-26-2005--visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a flock of black birds and they were flying together going somewhere. I saw the words, "then I saw", so I wrote it down.
(207)its coming-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me the word, "coming".
(208)out-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "I think I want you to leave".
(209)Terry S. Presgrove-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry prescott and he said things like, "when you going to go out"(terry if its the Lords will, I can come to your Church and preach revival), "terry prescot", "I'm a reject", "religion", "you ain't praying", "I tell people", "we fight", "I'm naked", "tell people", and in one terry was asking if I had a pillow. I heard, "don't answer"
(210)idea-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'll give you an idea".
(211)debbie blew It-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "you wrecked". In another vision, she was crying and maybe in that or another one she uterred some words that I could not make out, but saddened me.
(212)free car-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "free car". Thats what we all want. Free car, gas, insurance, everything.
(213)indiana state police-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me two indiana state police cars and the were near me and may have been wanting me.
(214)terry cannon-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry and he said things like, "are you a witch", "witch doctor", "I was questioning". In other visions he repeated three times something like, "bring bobby hickman back".
(215)my calling-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me the words, "there is a calling bastard".
(216)strife-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me the word, "strife".
(217)hollie hey-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "it's over", "need money", "to much computer", "website", "bobby different", "give your mom 50", and maybe, "I'm death".
(218)my house-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked my me and I was sleeping on the floor with my blanket and a man knocks on the front door and I may have not answered, but, he looked thur the gap in the door and I could see him and he could see me and he is big and the next thing I know was he actually bent the top of the door down like it was nothing and I may have told him to come in and and to fix the door and he bent it back and I felt he worked for the authorities and a young man comes in the back door and goes up the steps and I see something so I go back and he comes down and he is taller than me and he has a cigarette in his mouth and I say to him something like, "hey, get that cigarette out of my house. You ain't gonna disrespect Gods house like that, now get out. He may have resisted and said somethings and I say something like, "One way or another your going to get it out, now get it out", and I go up the steps and I'm not seeing him so well, but, I beleive I grab him and may have began the extraction process the old fashioned way.
(219)something about that oil-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me about a 5 quart bottle of oil, and it may have been quaker state, because it had something on it that led me to think it was, and I saw these words on it, "second impurities", and more was there. I was asking Jesus about walmart oil.
(220)social security will collapse-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "how about social security", and I saw a man and he said, "collapse".
(221)elected-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me the word, "elected", and it was circled right before my eyes.
(222)terry cannon-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry and he said things like, "your in my heart", and I saw me and I said, "invite me", and I saw terry and he said, "right there", and I saw me and I said, "work with me", and I saw terry and he said, "if you ever go back", and I saw me and I said, "I cain't", "I got the Seed of God". I just saw terry in a vision and he said, "just keep your mouth shut".
(223)stop blaspheming-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "don't blaspheme", "can I have 50".
(224)phone call-visions received 8-26-2005-God has let me hear, "its your phone call".
(224)terry wants to know why-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "how come we fell".
(225)adolf hitler perished-visions received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like former president of germany, adolf hitler, and he said things like, "I'm adolf hilter", "lake". I asked Jesus something like, why adolf hitler started world war two or invading nations and I saw adolf in a vision and he said something like, :to get control".
(226)embarras-visions received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "embarras him", and I sw pastor luster at the upper room Church and he said things like, "ain't happening".
(227)sister stewart-visions received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister stewart and she said things like, "theres Church at heavenly life", "your forgiven", and just now, "religion".
(228)laugh now mockers-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "were laughing".
(229)left-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, "you left".
(230)religion is doing what you want-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "religion".
(230)go ahead and fight Jesus if you want-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "I'm telling the police", "I saw".
(231)pastor delvert spall-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe spall and he said things like, "I'm brother spall", "50 dollars", "he left", "religion", "you ain't nothing but a show", "embarras", "I need material", "blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "reject".
(232)cut off-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "your cut off".
(233)pastor windberg-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like former pastor russell windberg and he said things like, "your a psychic", "witch".
(234)thomas gibson-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like thomas and he said things like, "how come you not looking", "how come your blowing it".
(235)revelations man-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "religion", "what if I doubt", and I saw hollie and she said, "blaspheme", and I saw a woman and she said, "he will".
(236)pierce brosnon-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like actor pierce bosnon and he said things like, "james bond", "psychic", "pierce brosnon", "corect", "I want Jesus", "blown It", "thats all", "I told Jesus", and maybe, "bob knew it".
(237)rick joyner-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like rick and he said things like, "thats a bacslider", "no way", "I'm adultery", "I am", "finding out".
(238)bother randy-visions received 8-26-2005-I heard, "bother randy", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like bother randy that used to go to the Church cless barger pastored and he said things like, "I'm in jail", "saved", "thats me".
(239)teresa hedger-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like teresa and she said things like, "religion", "did you ever masterbate", "that means you", "help", "teresa", "hedger", "masterbated", "it's to late", "use me", "You loved me", "I know", "hurt", "don't tell", "I blaspheme", "next time you masterbate", "thru", "take it off".
(240)oil-visions received 8-26-2005-I heard, "oil" and God has showed me a spirit that looked like bin laden and he said, "take you oil".
(241)cindy tomey-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like cindy and she said things like, "prophet", "need wrods", "leave me alone", "committed blaspheme", "need you", "witness is psychic", "you done sold".
(242)colonel gadafi-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "gadfi", and I saw gadafi and he said things like, "when your moneys gone", "attack", and I just saw somebody and hey said, "so are you", and I saw this president and he said things like, "you ain't gonna attack", "new missile", "how you gonna attack".
(243)michael boldea-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said, "cant beleive I blew It".
(244)billy collins-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like billy and he said things like, "I'm billy", "the lake", "hell", "she gives me head", "lost my Mantle", "I need my kids", "psychic", "you are", "who I blasphemed".
(245)press-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "press bobby", "He said there's no more chance", "you been defeated", "lift me up", "you want to touch people", "don't touch", "devils pass". I beleive this was hollie.
(246)dean white-visions received 8-26-2005-I heard, "brother dean", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like brother dean white who is assisstant pastor of heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and he said things like, "get off me", "can witness pray", "please come", "blaspheme", "please help" and maybe, "I did", "your a psychic", "please help", "made me perish", "blasphemed".
(247)pastor terry cannon-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry and he said things like, "witness", "keep out", "bobbys back", "stay away", "witness lying", "press", "I need that".
(248)satan-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like satan and he looked like a witch doctor angel that was all black with long mop like hair and he said, "cigarette".
(249)bother stewart from heavenly life apostolic is cut off-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like brother stewart and he said, "God has cut me off".
(250)visions-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this man and he said, "you slept with me", "thats false", "jeffrey". This looked like pastor jeffrey johnson of who pastors eastern star Church which I never been to and I have never met the pastor. I just heard the voice of a man and he said, "spiritual".
(251)irving baxter-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said things like, "o my God", "witness is a prophet", "I'm delivered", "now I'm psychic".
(252)I don't want to perish either-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like soembody and they said something like, "don't let me perish".
(253)kelly-visions received 8-26-2005-I heard, "kelly", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like kelly and she said something like, "fix him".
(254)lusting is wanting-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said, "how come your lusting".
(255)Angel guarding my office door-visions received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like this Angel, and He was sitting in some kind of chair, right in front of my office door. He had Yellow Hair, and WHITE ROBE, and WHITE SKIN, and looked young.
(256)be number one vessel Jesus uses-vision received 10-30-2005-God has showed a Spirit that looked like a Being, and he held up his hand and his finger had number one.
(257)the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns-vision received 11-3-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like maybe people and they said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and the beast is the pope and the pope is the antichrist, and china president is the false prophet, like a lamb rising out of the sea, the horns are china and japan, and irving baxter jr from, endtime ministries, said, we know, and the wheel chair man said, well I'm the wheel chair guy, will eventually, turn.
(258)Jesus return's you won't think anything about it when Jesus return's, cause you'll be watchin, the next question, how do you know when He come's back, He'll come out of the fire, thje Fire is Burnin.
(259)california will burn-visions received 1-7-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: california is where you need to be, that place will burn, and he saw california explode, aman, russian missile submarine attack, aman.
(260)america will burn-vision received 2-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: many people said, they are, the, whore, and that is, the, cheater on God, Jesus, and they are, america, the, MYSTERY, BABYLON.
(261)top u.s. bishop accused of sex abuse, guilty-vision recieved 3-8-005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: bishop william, skylstad, step, down, you are, a, open, shame, for, Jesus, and you, know, put it under, bishop skylstad would sell out sporting arenea's, because, he is, gay, and, that is what, people, want, to think, that, they are, o.k., but, gay.
(262)abasement coming-vision recieved 11-10-2006-I saw me in a vision and I said, God will abase you for what you have done. Ive been almost daily abased for about a year, now. My guess is, cast out, visions stripped, etc.
(263)ACTS 2:38 is salvation-visions recieved 1-29-2007-in a vision, I saw maybe a woman and she said something like, will he save me, and maybe a man said, yeah! And maybe more than one said, but you have to repent.
(264)vision of the king of grecia-visions recieved 4-30-2007-I saw Jesus and he said something like, "who is the king of grecia", and I saw like the popes face with a horn coming out of it.
(265)ministering spirits-visions recieved 4-30-2007-in visions I saw hollie showed, and he pointed, and I saw the angel gabriel.

apostolic servant, pentecostal witness, apostolic pentecostal

mercy of Jesus, power of God, saved by Grace
(1)create new page-visions received 5-21-2005-In visions, I saw, "13", "13.html", so I knew to start a new page. Prasie Jesus for visions and dreams!
(2)cut off-visions received 5-21-2005-In visions, I saw this woman and she said, "He already cut me off", "suicide". I saw her in one and she was frightened and she yelled, "bobby". Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
(3)tell-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision as I was typing visions or thinking on them, I saw a man and He said, "tell".
(4)Gods perfect number-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision, I saw the number, "7".
(5)people can ditch Jesus in their own lives now, but, the day will come when they will regret-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "fuck religion". I saw him in another vision and he said, "come on and fix it", referring to a car problem.
(6)Jesus please save people-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "save me". I beleive I also saw a man and I interceded.
(7)end time prophetic-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "end time prophetic". That's what the MinistryOFdreamS sites are! Thank God for prophetic visions and dreams!
(8)Man sitting possibly on throne-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision, I saw half of a Man sitting on maybe a throne, and He was wearing possibly a white robe and His hands were like illuminated. I could not see the upper part of His body.
(9)told on-vision received 5-21-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "I tell the police". I do to. I witness to police officers.
(10)IT is WRITTEN-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "As it is written". The bible is bullet proof, but, our interpretation of scripture can be very limited. Jesus can do what He wants to.
(11)reverend johnathon hansen-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision, I saw the johnathon hansen and he said, "I need nothing". Jesus Christ is our need and if we have Him, we have what we need, and He can tach things onto our walk as He see's fit. If we are full of the world and carnal and have shoved Jesus aside for pursuit of this life, we can become full of carnality and loose out with Jesus.
(12)too late-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "too late for me". I was probably not going to write that down and I saw me in a vision writing it down, "T".
(13)arnold Schwarzenegger-vision received 5-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a name like this or simlilar, "Schwarzenegger".
(14)you can destroy your walk with Jesus-visions received 2-21-2005-In visions, I saw a person that I believe is a man whom I regard and fear. Not not going to id him, but, here are some of the things he said, "wreck", "I blew it", "you cannot control", "I need money", "I'd appreciate", "you want me to fast", "you need to be cut off", "you need hell", "I fear you"(obviously, I fear him). I will bring this man before Jesus if the Lord wills and have already beeged Jesus on his behalf. I want to say again, I believe these were all the same man, and I beleive I know who he is. Guard your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ or you will surely perish.
(14)cut off-visions received 5-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like a woman I witnessed to and she said things like, "financial", "I've been cut off", "I need in your wallet". In one, I beleive I saw her and she was talking and possibly pointing at me and she said, "chosen".
(15)you must pray-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "we must offer prayer".
(16)Boy-vision recieved 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "Boy".
(17)burning-vision recieved 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "burning"
(18)on fire-vision received 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "my hands on fire".
(19)coffee-vision received 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "coffee".
(20)iraq war will end nuclear-vision received 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw the words and heard, "THE IRAQ WAR".
(21)reliable-vision received 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a word and I believe the word was, "reliable".
(22)vehicle-vision received 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "vehicle".
(23)prophet-vision recieved 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a sign in a yard and a word on the sign was, "prophet".
(24)after me-vision received 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw the wrods, "after me".
(25)Jesus can take you through the fire-vision recieved 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "through the fire". I seemed to only focus on the word, "through".
(26)they-vision received 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "they".
(27)your on your way to heaven or hell-vision received 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "on way".
(28)hurt-vision received 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "hurt".
(29)there-vision received 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "there".
(30)wake up-vision received 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "asleep".
(31)the love of the things of the world will send multitudes to hell-vision received 5-30-2005-I saw this woman in a vision and she said, "please tell me I'm in adultery". She is 73 and I told her, and I beleive she accepted it. I just saw her in another vision and she said, "I am". I saw her in many more. In one It's like she said to me and may have been pointing and said, "chosen".
(32)serve Jesus all the time, not only when you want. Don't throw Him away when you don't want to serve Him-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said, "the trash can".
(33)touched-vision received 5-31-2005-While praying, I heard, "give touch", and something White came down and touched me. Thanks Jesus!
(34)I know-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "knowing".
(35)these visions are effective-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "effective".
(36)frame-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "frame". The devil can try to frame you. Bed led by the Holy Ghost.
(37)maintain your walk with God-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "maintain", or, "maintenance".
(38)I want to be IN the body of Christ-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "in".
(39)dick cheney will be president of usa-vision recieved 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw dick cheney and he said, "Im the president".
(40)passed-vision recieved 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "passed". I hope that means I passed my test.
(41)nuclear war coming-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision vision, I saw the word, "nuclear".
(42)than Jesus I got what I got, instead of what I deserved-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "deserved".
(43)magazine-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly me and I said, "my own magazine".
(44)you will perish if-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw this female white spirit face and she screamed, "help me".
(45)prayer-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw two hands come together like for prayer.
(46)sex will put many in hell-visions received 5-31-2005-In visions, I saw this man whose name was called out to me and he said, "you know how I fell", "I couldn't kee my britches on".
(47)the TRUTH can hurt-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your making people unhappy". I want to please Jesus.
(48)be a blessing-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "leave behind a blessing".
(49)only what Jesus wants-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "leave alone".
(50)Jesus is coming-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "coming".
(51)be good to michael boldea-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "be goo to michael". I desire a time of fellowship and prayer and fasting with the "hand of help" er's!
(52)do you put yourself first-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "debbie first". It was her.
(53)do you put Jesus first or yourself-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw the letter, "i". Jesus is the Big, "I".
(54)what do you really want-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "what do you want".
(55)joking is sin-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm jesting".
(56)Jesus can exalt you in do time-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw perhaps me and I said, "I was put in the center". There may have been two other people there and I went to the middle.
(57)try the spirits-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "try the spirit". Compare what you have to the WORD OD GOD!
(58)you can be cut off, READ ROMANS 1, HEBREWS 6 and 10-vision received 5-31-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and eh said, "I've been let go".
(59)strong throttle-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "strong throttle".
(60)reprobate-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "reprobate".
(61)undefiled-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "undefiled".
(62)look at yourself-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "look at yourself".
(63)don't speak the word because then it becomes sin-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "don't speak".
(65)channel 40-vision received 6-1-2005-I Heard, "channel 40" and may have seen some or all, "40".
(66)cruise missiles-vision received 6-1-2005-It seems like many times while praying, I kept seeing a man and he was saying over and over things like, "cruise missiles", "new cruise missile".
(67)spoken with the mouth makes it sin-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I did so with my mouth".
(68)already been said-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and he said, "it's already been said".
(69)screaming woman-visions received 6-1-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and may have heard her screaming possibly from hell as well. In the visions she said things like, "teach me", " I blasphemed". I believe it was her screaming in possibly hell and saying things like, "please help me", "cut off", "committed adultery". In one vision, which I beleive was her she said something like, "never accept it".
(70)$1.90-vision received about 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a gas sign and it said about, "$1.90"
(71)cut off-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "cut off". I asked Jesus who it was for, and I saw somebody in a vision and he said, "me".
(72)michael-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "michael", and I heard something.
(73)Healing-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "Healing".
(74)suspicious-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "suspicious". I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "check bobby".
(75)wanted-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that I would probably consider marrying and she said, "I want you". I want her, but, I want Christ Jesus more.
(76)Bruce-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the name, "Bruce", and I saw a man named bruce in a vision and he said, "I need an answer".
(77)not worthy-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman I witnessed to and she said, "not worthy".
(78)heaven-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and the person said, "bobby went to heaven".
(79)closer-vision received 6-1-2005-I just drove about 50 somethig miles and on and off talked to God and when it was about over, I saw a Man in a vision with brown hair and beard and He said, "come closer".
(80)pray much-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody I believe and the person said, "pray much".
(81)there is a page on this website that embarrases people-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said, "embarras him".
(82)Adulterer-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm an adulterer".
(83)perishing-vision received 6-2-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said, "went to hell", "cut off". This is a man with one of the healing room ministries.
(84)wanting money-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw this man who is with this ministry and he said, "I'm financial". This is a man with one of the healing room ministries.
(85)therefore-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "therefore".
(86)Lord-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "LORD".
(87)I-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "I".
(88)you can scare people-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you scare me". I saw her or heard or saw somebody else, "with your words".
(89)b-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw the letter, "b", and i believe this let me to know to write a vision down.
(90)christian slater-vision received 6-2-2005-While praying, I heard, "christian slater", then I saw a young man in a vision that had dark hair and he said, "I ain't Christian".
(91)be a friend of Jesus-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "friend".
(92)getting around something-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw somewords and they were something like, "I'm getting around it".
(93)shop-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "shop".
(94)deparate cry too late-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw my former pastor and he was like a white spirit and he cried loudly, "please help me". Do you help your brethern.
(95)don't purposely cause people to lust you-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I lsut you".
(96)former girlfriend-visions received 6-2-2005-In visions, I saw a former girlfriend and she said, "I'm back", "I'm horny". Jesus is not for trade.
(97)naked-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and they said, "I naked". That means no Holy Ghost. I beleieve this was racer jeff gordon.
(98)don't hang around people that don't do right-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I'm with two friends and we walk places and we end up like by rail road tracks and there may have been a junkyard there or maintanence shop or something and they walk back and maybe I wtih them and one is commenting about the tools there and one or both actually take some tools and I plead with them to not do it, but, they do, and I flee them even thought I think I need one or both's help. Christians who don't live for Jesus like He wants steal.
(99)I left my girlfriend to serve Jesus-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a somebody and they said, "you left kerri".
(100)Jehovah witness-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and he said soemthing like, "were Jehova's witnesses", which I beleive are mormons. I was with this man and he was wearing shorts. I stopped in the paring lot the other day of the Jesus Christ church of the latter days saints the other day and witnessed to the some people and I was invited to the church. There were probably 60 people out there when I got there and most if not all were young. I was invited to the mormon website by one person I witnessed to, and I heard these words spoken to me by the Holy Ghost, "don't go near it".
(101)I must stand for Jesus-vision received 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she was pointing at me and she said, "stand". Then I saw a word appearing, "ol" which is short for, "old". At first I called the woman an old lady, but, she was not.
(102)bestrong and of good courage-vision received 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "brave".
(103)hell-vision received 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "hell".
(104)eat, work-visions received 6-4-2005-In visions I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said, "work for Jesus", "eat", "eat". I saw like a fork pick up part of a hot dog and maybe put it in my mouth in a vision.
(104)bugging-vision received 6-5-2005-In visions, I saw the words, "bug", "bugging".
(105)pray-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "pray for me". I did, and another vision Jesus gave me, I saw him and he said, "I'm financial". I told him.
(106)cut off-visions received 6-5-2005-I see people as I walk and I see them in visions and they say things like, "He cut me off", "I'm cut off".
(107)hated-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "bob, I hate you". I saw her daughter in a vision and she said, "don't pray for me".
(108)timing belt-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I possibly saw a White hand or Finger and the Finger came down and pointed and I believe I heard, "timing belt". It needs replaced.
(109)avoid-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I don't want you to come near this place".,
(110)I'm staying single for Jesus Christ-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'll marry you". In another vision she offered or let me know she gives oral sex. I'm going to live for Jesus.
(111)life-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "life".
(112)lost-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I left here unprepared". In others she said things like, "cut me off", "I can't find Him". Even in other visions, I believe I saw her and she said things like, "I fell", "I wanted control", "mom help me, please help me". In one she was screaming like she was in hell. I saw a Man and HE said something like, "put her out in the fire".
(113)die-vision recieved 6-52005-In this vision, I saw the word, "die".
(114)138-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw, (138). It may have been for vision 138.
(115)dreams-vision recieved 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "MY", and I heard, "my dream".
(116)cry too late-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "please help". In other visions, I saw woman or women and they said, "Oh my God", "tell on me", "please help me", "cause I blasphemed the witness", "you". In other visions, I saw the words, "I blaspheme", "I'm against you".
(117)material-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "material".
(118)opportunists-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "opportunists". I just saw a pastor in a vision and he said, "thats me".
(119)DANIEL-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "Daniel".
(119)laughing-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and HE said, "look at Me laughing".
(120)yes me-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw the words, "who me".
(121)religion is living for Jesus or another God like you want-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "religion".
(122)Do you have the Holy Ghost-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "The Holy Ghost".
(123)warning-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "never go around him".
(124)wanting to do away with me-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "have bobby arrested".
(125)live for Jesus-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "live for bobby". I saw women in other visions and they said things like, "I want you", "come lets fight", "lets fight", "suicide", "something has come", "I'm jelous", "because you have discipline".
(126)remove-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "remove". There was I believe a paragraph there and the letters were in red neon.
(127)don't lust your body or others bodies-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "body".
(128)write letter-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "write letter".
(129)do walls separate you and Jesus-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "WALLS".
(130)Will i preach in mexico-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "mexico".
(131)I only witnessed-vision received 6-5-2005-In two visions, which I only wrote one down way later, I saw this man that looked like a pastor and he said things like, "don't want no crook around here", "come and talk. There was another one that amazed me I believe, but, I forgot it.
(132)Jelous is hateful-visions received 6-5-2005-In vision or visions, I saw a Man and He said, "bobby, there jelous of you". Jelousy can destroy you.
(133)better to obey God rather than man-vision recieved 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "tell the witness to shut up".
(134)if food first in your life-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw this former pastor and he said, "stomach".
(135)WONDERFUL-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "wonderful".
(136)Deception-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw like a red emgergency type button like you press to turn on an alarm or something and the word, "decieve", was by that button.
(137)Is Jesus going to let me sing guestbooks again-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a guestbook part like where you sign and I also saw a Man with brown hair and I forget what was said if anything was, but, He made expressions. I beleive He was letting me to know to sign guest books again. I'll see.
(138)hated-visions received 6-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "bobby, I hate you", "you need to tell me.
(139) shown I can change the size of the letters-vision recieved about 6-2005-In this vision, I saw one of these pages and the letters were smaller. I asked Jesus if I could do that. He answers me in dreams. praise Jesus!
(140)wanted to be lusted-vision recieved 5-2005-In this vision I saw a woman wearing very short shorts and she said something like, "I wanted you to look".
(141)wolf-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I beleive I saw a man that I just witnessed to and he said, "I'm a wolf".
(142)shell gasoline is best-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I heard and believe I saw, "shell".
(143)turn-vision recieved 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw one of the turn signals flash in the van I've had less than 24 hours. Turn means repent. Repent means stop sinning and repent of sins you have committed until Jesus forgives you.
(144)death-vision received 6-8-2005-While praying, I heard, "caroline", and then I saw carolyn in vision and she said, "I went to death".
(145)option-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "option".
(146)your not embarrasing me-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "embarras you".
(147)left handed-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I'm left handed".
(148)I'm the brother of those who do the WIll of the Father-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw my sister and she said, "you ain't my brother". I saw her name, "debbie", and in another visions she said, "hi witch", "I ai'nt sorry". I had other visions and was told things like, "it's too late for debbie".
(149)I'm not taking donations-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "he wants money". I cut this womans grass about two times and did not charge and would not have taken any money if offered. Jesus stopped me. That yard is about an acre.
(150)ohio-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "ohio".
(151)I'm striving to go to heaven-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "your going to heaven".
(152)I've got a relation ship with Jesus Christ and the FATHER-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "get a relationship".
(153)adultery-vision received 6-8-2005-I witnessed to two young men and one asked if I had a vision for him or them or something like that, and i didn't yet, but, one came. I saw somebody and HE said, "he's in adultery". I told him and he was.
(154)unitl the day come-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'll do what I want". Jesus can cast you off this earth quicker than you can blink your eyes.
(155)praying in the van-vision recieved 6-9-2005-In this vision while praying, I saw a Man and he said, "pray more here". I was in my plymouth voyager van.
(156)loving the world is adultery-vision received 6-9-2005-I sat down at the computer and I saw a Man in a vision that brown hair and beard and He said, "adultery". What are you doing when you go to the computer? Did Jesus lead you?
(157) thats you-vision recieved 6-11-2005-I was posting a vision Jesus gave me about cleaning up, and I saw a Man in a vision with brown hair and beard and He said, "thats you". I saw Him again and He said, "how come your not seeking". I've seen Him I beleive more than once and He would say things like, "how come your not watching". I just saw Him again and He said, "right". If your not watching, you probably are not stirred and you know your not going back with Jesus.
(158) I'm apostolic-vision received 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "bobby, are you apostolic".
(159)sister stela-vision recieved 6-2005-While reading out of dumitru dudumans book, "thru the fire without burning", and reading about sister stela, I had a vision right then or later and I saw an old woman that I beleive was sister stela, and she said something like, "you know I had to push". Push means, "pray until something happens". Dumutru prayed for her or somebody did and dumitru saw a rat come out her. I once saw a rat come out of me. I believe the rat caused bitterness.
(160)Jesus may give me more sentences-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "sentence".
(161)brother-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "brother".
(162)change antifreeze-vision received 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw shown to change antifreeze in my van.
(163)cut off-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "He cut me off".
(164)prophecy ministries-vision received 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "prophecy ministries".
(165)don't run from Jesus-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "running", and may have been on a sign.
(166)the devil can trap you-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "trap".
(167)restore me Jesus-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "restore Daniel".
(168)michael jackson-visions recieved 6-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like michael jackson and he said, "arrest", "I will go later", "I live in fear".
(169)you'll find out later if you don't beleive now that what I declare came from Jesus-visions received 6-15-2005-In visions, I saw this woman and she said, "o'h my God", "you mean he's a prophet".
(170)kashmir-vision received 6-15-2005-While praying, I heard, "kashmir", and I saw a man that looked like general musharraf and he said, "thats what I want".
(171)glue sniffing-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In a vision, I saw a man and he said, "tally wau", and I heard, "glue sniffing".
(172)Spirit in lite-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw bright White Lite and I saw the image dimly of a Man in it. In another vision, I saw possibly me and I said, "I saw IT".
(173)withstood-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I'm at somekind of meeting and I witness there to a person or people and one of them was the man who was leading, and he professed to me somekind of faith in Christ, then he throws me the piece of chalk and lets me talk. I tell the group something like, "God has given me 1000's and 1000's of visions, and they are on ministryofdreams. If you go to google or yahoo and type in ministryofdreams, you can read them. They are not all on ministry of dreams. Visions of heaven and visions of hell, and visions of coming judgment to america, visions of the iraq war ending nuclear. And for some reason, I repeated most if not all that, like I had no Anointing, or something and a frind of mine who was there, that I have not seen for probably 25 years or more, who was sitting at the table I was sitting at utters some words that are against me like, "it will sin", and the man in charge takes back the meeting. I sit at the table and the friend looks at me and was saying something like, "sin is sin", and I don't say nothing to him and might have been amazed. Another man sitting at the table looked at me and said, "it will sin?". We were both in disbeleif. If you are at a church service or something like that, you can stop a mighty move of the Holy Ghost with comments you make to anybody and end up with blood on you hands, because Jesus wanted to do something, and you offended Him and He could not.
(174) no witches in heaven-visions received 6-15-2005-In visions, I saw the words, "witch", "no witches", and may have heard, "no witches in heaven". A witch is a rebel, or one in rebellion to God.
(175)people can be imprisioned by the devil-vision received 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "imprisioned".
(176)there are people that want me to fall-visions recieved 6-15-2005-In visions, Jesus showed me there are people wanint me to fall, and I did not do a very good job recording. I have this written down, "wanting me to fall", "how do we get booby". A man may have said both these or.
(177)If I come, I was sent by the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "send me".
(178)misc-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "misc". That is short for, "miscellaneous ".
(179) end of the road-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "end of the road is near".
(180)stopped-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a stop sign. I cannot move on in Jesus lest He permits.
(181)fulfilling-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man, and He said, 'I Am fulfilling".
(182)phillipi-vision received 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "philipi".
(183) difference between warm and cold and hot is, hot is on fire for Jesus all the time. Warm in on fire sometime -vision received 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a somebody and they said, "whats the difference between warm and".
(184)You will know them by thier fruits.-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "how do you know if your pastor works for the devil".
(185)overeating will send you to hell-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I overeat".
(186)you must be led by the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I either saw the word, "leading", or, "reading". My writing is sloopy.
(187)at a church service-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I'm at a church service and there is a man there I kind of know and one thing I ask him is something like, "where is everybody", and he lets me know that they are in this other building there, which is more or less a recreatation type building where they possible paly cards and do other things. I believe I make comments like this, "that needs to be shut down", "we'll all I will say is, and then I stopped and said, "I won't say anything at all".
(188) needed water-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vsiion, I saw the word, 'water'. I was thirsty.
(189)suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem-vision received 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like, "I'm going to take my life".
(190)website traffic-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "traffic getting ready to go up". If Jesus wants that, then, Praise the Lord! If Jesus does not want that, than, thank you Jesus!
(191)starsky and hutch-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a striped ford gran torino, like the one used by starsky and hutch. I had a 1976 for gran torino and a 1971 for torino.
(192)testimony rejected-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw this beautiful young woman that I witnessed to and she said something like, "I won't have it". In another vision, I saw her and she said, "I'm tina". Tina is a woman that I would love to marry and for some reason, this woman reminded me of her.
(193)clothes-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "buy me clothes".
(194)chosen-visions recieved 6-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said, "I beleive your chosen", "chosen".
(195)what would you like to see happen to me-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "judge bobby".
(196)mystery-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw the back of an ambulance and there was fire coming out of one of the back windows, but, the window may have been closed, almost like the fire went thru the window. Was this Holy Ghost fire?
(197)you want to play God-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I got control".
(198)satan-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw lucifer and he said something like, 'I'm leaving'. He was like a white man with blondish white hair.
(199)pray-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw pastor gates and he said, "pray with us".
(200)devil-vision will send you to hell-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I like television".
(201)are there prophets that lie-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I didn't see anything".
(202)apostolic pentecostal-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly me and I said, "I'm apostolic".
(202)26-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw the number, "26". I asked Jesus how many miles per gallon my van got. I beleive this is the answer if they are high way miles.
(203)not-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you devil".
(204)ask Jesus yourself-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I asked him".
(205)fight me won't help you-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "that hurt bobby".
(206)corvette-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw an old chevrolet corvette convertable.
(207)get Him-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "don't have Christ in me".
(208)what is said is said-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "thats said".
(209)area-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "area". I cover an area and it may expand.
(210)revelation-vision received 7-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "go to hell".
(211)victory-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "tell me I'm back. Gladly.
(212)pray for yourself-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "help me", the lake". I believe these were both the same woman. In another vision, I saw a woman and she said, "we lost debbie".
(213)perished-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "your mothers dead".
(214)time running out-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "bobby come", " hurry", "tell me".
(215)brother bob-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, 'my brother'.
(216)don't laugh at peoples calamity-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "you laughed at me".
(217)I'm witness-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "can witness pray".
(218)help-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, 'please help bobby", "your the devil".
(218)it not wise to play with Gods mercy-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "mercy has been taken off".
(219)I'm willing to put a picture on, but, its not necessary-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a possibly a man and he said, "picture".
(220)stand before God Almighty-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like Jesus and He said something like, "will you stand".
(221)maybe need to pray-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said something about going back home to pray.
(222)financial report-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a hollie and she said something about financial report.
(223)elisha-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like possibly a woman and she said, "elisha".
(224)mercy-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like possibly a girl and she said, "mercy".
(225)payback-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like possibly like pastor donald winters and he said something like, "I'm going to embarras you".
(226)delivered-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like possibly hollie and she said something like, "delivered".
(227)back-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "I'm back", Prophets o.k., "your back".
(228)blood-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "theres your blood".
(229)keep blood off your hands-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "new bloodstains".
(230)not-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "hi witch".
(231)be prepared-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "o'h my God".
(232)advantage-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said, "advantage".
(233)open your bank account to Jesus-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said, "my wallet".
(234)blaspheme-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said, "blaspheme".
(235)bloodstains-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "bloodstains".
(236)open-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "he closed".
(237)be nice-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like possibly a woman and she said, "leave witness alone".
(238)Jesus counts on those who walk upright before Him-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "I'm the one He's counting on".
(239)blasphemed-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "you blasphemed".
(240)don't blaspheme yourself-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "you blasphemed you", 'prophet".
(240)watch and pray-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she may have said, "watch".
(241)your first chance may be you only one-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like possibly a girl and she said, "take me back".
(242)off-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "I'm off".
(243)closed-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said, "your closed". I just saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "open".
(244) teresa hedger-vision recieved 8-4-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like teresa hedger and she said things like, "I'm chose", "just a witch", "money", and I saw me and I said, "repent".
(245a)found-vision recieved 8-4-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "prophets in backseat of van". I was.
(245b)fervant effectual prayer of the rightous avialeth much-vision recieved 8-4-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like me and I was on my van's floor on my hands and knees and praying hard rocking back and forth.
(246)willie duncan-vision recieved 8-4-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like dr. willie duncan and he said, "where's the prophet".
(247)visions of me-vision recieved 8-4-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like me and I said things like, "open"(thats saved" Praise Jesus! hallaluiah!), "gonna get taken".
(248)don't be decieved-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like a man or maybe more than one and here is what was said. Thins like, "I'm eternal", "I'm financial", 'adulterer'.
(249)dan bohler-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a dan bohler and he said things like, "pay my bills", "financial", "doubted", "cai'nt stop it".
L(250)Jeremiah-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "your Jeremiah". I was given it twice.
(251)pay the ransom-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said things like, "I paid the ransom", "I walk", "me".
(252)cut off-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a woman and she had short either dark red or brown hair and she said things like, "cut me off", "lift me up", "I walk", "todays my last chance", "bobby, tell me". I wonder if this is the real live living hollie and not the hollie spirits that I see that more or less look like the animation of her that used to be on her site.
(253)death-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a debbie and she said, "I'm death".
(254)I haved called-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a dan bohler and he said, "I wish you'd call", and maybe, "need ya". I can't get a hold of dan, and for now, don't plan on trying.
(255)people burning in hell-vision recieved 8-8-2005-I heard many people screaming and may have dimly seen some and I felt that they were screaming from hell. The first was my former pastor and he said, "somebody help me", "I'm burning in hell", and he may have shouted thru out this. Then another voice joined in and even though I don't have the correct order, it may have been irving baxter jr and he screamed and said things, and then another voice joined in and it was hollie and she said things like, "git off me", "help", "blasphemer", and maybe, "I backslided" I may have seen her and then another voice joined in and it was thomas, and I asked who it was and hollie let me know, "thomas". Thomas said things like, "prophet, get some help", and I saw a Man in a vision and he said, "prophet can't help us". More happened, but, don't let this be you.
(256)cause of you-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a michael boldea and he said, "cause of you".
(257)accept-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a White Arm and I heard, "accept".
(258)thomas-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a maybe thomas and he said things like, "embarras me", "I'm a a pastor", "lift me up", "turn me on", "your blowing It", "your going to loose your Mantle".
(259)its bobby again-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said, "thats bobby".
(260)unspoken-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a maybe me and I said, "unspoken".
(261)repent-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "repent".
(262)sorry-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'm sorry".
(263)cannon-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a pastor terry cannon and he said, "I lived with you".
(264)financial-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he had a face that was white like the moon and he said something like, "highly financial".
(265)Jesus can replace you-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "get me replaced".
(266)help-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a thomas and he said, "please help me".
(267)google-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a mabye hollie and she said, "go to google".
(268)is one of these visions for you-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "thats my vision".
(269)write down-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I'll write it down".
(270)pray for me-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a thomas and he said, "pray for bobby".
(271)sold-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a sister rexford and she said, "he sold", "need help".
(272)irving baxter jr.-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a irving baxter jr. and he said things like, "why didn't you help me", "I'm burning in hell", "go to website", "please help me". I met him and Jesus showed me I would and I told him some things Jesus showed me. I believe I just saw irving baxter jr. again and he said, "I want in your pocket". This looked like endtime ministries irving baxter jr., and religion and politics radio show host. I just saw him again and he said, "insult", "God'll get you", "put you name on it".
(273)hollie-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said things like, "I'm a witch", "I want my wallet", "please call".
(274)proven-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "bobs proven".
(275)revelations-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "theres satan", "I need you".
(276)president-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a president and he said things like, "I blasphemed". I was talking to Jesus about high gas prices and I dimly saw this president and he said things like, "I already know it", "I had no choice", "we need taxes".
(277)norm heaggy-vision recieved 8-8-2005-I heard norm heaggy's voice and he said things like, "look nice", "I want testimony", and something like, "hell".
(278)your chance-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like maybe a pastor and he said, "nows your chance".
(279)I witness-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "harassing".
(280)talk-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a thomas and he said, "he needs to talk".
(281)hollie-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie possibly two visions and I heard, but, maybe not clear enough. She said something about a blow job and something like, 'I'm finished', 'to late', 'I offend you'. I declaring what I see, not casting my judgment.
(282)hurt-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like maybe thomas and he said, "hurt", and maybe, "need your help". I'm hand cuffed, schackeled, restricted. I'm seeing this stuff, but, prayer is all I'm being allowed to give right now.
(283)prophet-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like man and he said, "I aint a prophet".
(284)invitation-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a thomas and he said, "come here and say something". I'd love to.
(285)financial-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "financial".
(286)what does Jesus say-vision recieved 8-15-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like maybe a little child and he said, you a prophet? It doesn't matter. A prophet has nothing to prophesy unless Jesus gives it to him. That makes me a decaler.
(287)kenneth haney of u.p.c.i.-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like kenneth haney from united pentecostal Church international and he said things like, "blew", "call me a witch", "what I needed", "I beleived", "call", "reject",witch", "I ai'nt going to hear It", "come and be with us", "I heard", "make me nervous", "let", "the lake", "need address", "sue him", "come", "to the lake", "make me embarrased", "that hurt", "I ain't pentecostal", "going to the lake", "I'm off", "because you overeat".
(288)seek the Face of God-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I ain't sought God enough".
(289)hollie-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie, and in some she was screaming from possibly hell and she said things like, "lift me up", "I'm going to hell", " whose bob hickman", "undecided", "satan knows heart", "write the visions", "I'm a master", "cause gary", "gary running her off"(gary or hollie said this), and I saw gary and he said things like, "were married", "want to have sex with her", "I let", "piss me off", "it was me", I left Him".
(290)many nations will attack russia-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "hit russia".
(291)pastor lambert w. gates sr.-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I am lambert gates", blaspheme", "religion".
(292)many nations want america attacked-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "I want america hit", and in another vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm putin".
(293)keep me Jesus-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like maybe me and I said, "please keep me".
(294)husband-vision recieved 8-23-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like woman and she said, "my husband".
(295)debbie doomed-vision recieved 8-23-2005-I heard, "debbie blasphemed Me" and God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like me and I said, "debbie blasphemed", and before I finished I saw debbie and she said, "Jesus". In another vision, I saw Somebody and they said, "write it down", "please write".
(296) thomas-vision recieved 8-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like thomas and he said, "backslider".
(298)nothing is for free-vision recieved 8-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "live for free", "thats bobby", and I may have seen hollie and she said, "live here", and something like, "the ? cut me off".
(299)come here-vision recieved 8-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "come here".
(300)sold-vision recieved 8-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like g. t. haywood and he said things like, "I sold", "I need material", and maybe, "I blasphemed", "I got blood".
(301)lake goshen-vision recieved 8-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "I'm in the lake". In other visions she said things like, "now I'm back", "cause of bobby". Cuase of Jesus fetching.
(302)sister stewart-vision recieved 8-30-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like sister stewart and she said things like, "he's satan", "my number is 666", "use me again", "need help", "pisses me off", "you know your lost".
(303)america is the MYSTERY, BABYLON-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON.
(304)america is the woman of REVELATION 17-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, the united states is the great city city that reigneth over the kings of the earth, the united states is the woman.
(305)nations of politburo-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, politburo is georgia, politburo is ukraine, politburo is germany in the future, france is not politburo, politburo is italy in the future, canada is not politburo, canada will be destroyed when russia blows up alaska, u.k. will be destroyed by russia.
(306)the lake of fire -vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like possibly pastor simison and others and they said, that was debbie about to be thrown in the the lake of fire. (she was being held by both ends by somethings, and her face was lit up with terror like you cannot imagine).
(307)will america attack cuba-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, cuba, you've had it, invade cuba, natural, reserves, don't tell, fidel, castrol, fidel castrol, won't take, and putin said, russia, will protect, and I heard, cause cuba is politburo, and that was hollie.
(308)nafta was geared at collapsing the economy-vision recieved 10-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, al gore, and I asked him something or things, and one thing I asked him was, and I saw al gore and he said, was if nafta was geared at breking the economy out, it ain't, destroy, two years, didn't, and this president said, do, allright, we'll do it, terroists, 9-11, al collapse, empire state, collapse the, al said, the, and this president said, the economy, it won't, and I saw al and I heard, banks will close for two days.
(309)air plane coming down-vision recieved 11-1-2005-God has showed me a like a big passenger airplane, and it appeared to me that it was coming down. It was not smoking and didn't appear damaged, but, and irene said, terrorists.
(310)the Keys -vision recieved 11-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Something putin in my Hand as I was walking. I was talking to Jesus about filthy homosexual relationship, and Hollie pointed at this as I typed it in and she looked like a Being made of Light and she said, put it right there.
(311)america will be destroyed on the day of the Lord-vision recieved 12-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: alas for the day, for the day of the Lord is at hand and as a destruction from the, o my God, the Holy One shall it come, and he saw lookin thur lafayette square mall fron door window's gross darkness and that was from america on fire from russia missile strike. .
(312)welcome to the troth -vision recieved 12-14-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people, and the said, perkins family restaurant is a troth, don't go there.
(313) the new world order will be politboro -vision recieved 12-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: lets rule the world, russia china, cuba, nicaragua, don't forgit about mexico, venezuela and brazil, russia will attack america when you least expect it, halleljah, aman, that will be the new world order, hallejah, aman, mexico, Gods waring you, your country will be plucked up, you'll read about it in the news, flatteries.
(314)the judgment of america will be short and accurate-visions received 12-5-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: america gets hit by russia, he saw, a missile, and the monkey clapped its symbol, the statue of liberty, and the woman which thou sawest is the great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth, and that is, d.c. washington, go, put it under, Mrs. statue of liberty, save us when russis hits the usa, it will be short, accurate.
(315)intercessory-vision recieved 2-1-2006- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and they said: Jesus said, somebody left, intercede, always, interced for everybody.
(316)judgement to amexico-vision recieved 3-12-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: that is, america, canada, and, mexico, and, cuba, will be, destructed, when, russian, submarines, light up, americano, and that, is, ISAIAH 13, judgment to, babylon.
(317)be strong in Christ Jesus-vision recieved 4-1-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: by reading and doing, ACTS 2:38 for salvation, prophesied by joel.
(318)your deal with God-vision recieved 5-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said:and hollie tore up the concious,.
(319)what is your church-vision recieved 10-31-2006-in this vision, I saw a sign, and it said something like, this, THE PRAYER.
(320)revival temple church-vision recieved 1-25-2007- God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she pointed, at the gold dome on pastor willie duncans church, and she said, mokse.
(321)russia will threaten the u.s.a. over syria-visions recieved 5-1-2007-I saw hollie and she said, "bobby, its on the television", no said nathaniel p. urshan, we got it, said the woman, russia threatens the usa over syria.
(322)the ministering spirits of ministry of dreams-visions recieved 5-1-2007-in visions, I saw the angel gabriel, hollie, fleas, Jesus, nathaniel urshan, and the baby polar bear.
voice for Jesus, bible prophecy for now, day of pentecost

(1)apostle-vision recieved 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "your an apostle".
(2)God will-vision recieved 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw the white spirit face of a woman I used to go to church with who is dead and she said, "He will".
(3)car wreck-vision received 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw the polic officer who took accident report and he said something like, "you were re-ended".
(4)the book of MICAH-vision received 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "MICAH".
(5)I don't care what people think about me-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you need to go to the doctor".
(6)praying with my hands together-vision receoived 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly two white hands come together.
(7)man with red face-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw this man with a red face very similar to freed kruger.
(7)no Holy Ghost covering-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "naked".
(8)crowned-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw a golden crown put on my head".
(9)don't put on a show-vision recieved 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "cinema 3".
(10)angel?-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw an angel like being. His face was long like a horses which I could only partially see because HE was wearing a hooded garment that covered most of it. His face was white like the moons.
(11)2024-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw, "2024".
(12)by-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "by".
(13)she-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "She". I believe there was more words there.
(14)Jesus made you for His pleasure-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "pleasure".
(15)we-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "we".
(16)want-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "want".
(17)Jesus has me-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "the devils got you". This man asked me for possibly money and I did not feel the leading of the Holy Ghost to give him a dime. If you don't live for Jesus, don't expect Jesus to be used by you.
(18)the HOLY GHOST is in me-vision recieved 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "Gods in Him".
(19)chosen-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your chosen".
(20)cop killer will get caught-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the bounty hunter, "dog", and he said, "we found him".
(21)I not allowed to tell you what Jesus requires out of me everyday-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and HE said, "bobby, don't tell your price".
(22)I'm pentecostal-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "that's a pentecostal".
(23)blind-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "blind".
(24)fight the GOOD fight-vision recieved 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "I fight".
(25)Jesus will not be inquired of by people who refuse to repent-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "EZEKIEL 20".
(26)what somebody wonders-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "are you a prophet".
(27)whose fault is it-vision recieved 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "fault".
(28)Angel to the rescue-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the white face of an Angel in like a fire suit and He said, "he's going to be responsible for the collision".
(29)ZECHARIAH-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "ZECHARIAH". I believe in another vision, I saw me or somebody or possibly me with my flahslight on wrting this down, "I saw", "so I wrote it down.

(30)you can't depend on me, I need to serve Jesus-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I need to depen on you".
(31)separate-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw this Man with curly brown hair and He said, "I need to get debbie a room".
visions of a woman-vision received 5-2005-In visions, I saw a beautiful young woman that I witnessed to, and I believe may have been a backslider, and I felt Jesus would have taken her back for a period while I was witnessing to her. I saw her and she said things like, "bloodstains", "10"(this is a gay bar in indianapolis), "I'm going to hell", "I blasphemed", "I like fun", "you can't afford me", "bloods getting onto my hands", "I didn't sense you cared". In one she looked frightened and she yelled, "bobby".
(33)jelous-vision received 5-2005-In a vision, I saw a woman and she said, 'I'm jelous'. I heard her screaming and felt she was in hell, and it was a nonstop scream. As I typed that in, I saw a Man in a vision and He had brown hair and beard and He said, "that's what I need". I heard this more than once. I've tried to intercede for her, but, Jesus isn't buying it.

(34)mystery-vision received 5-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you can't get thru here".
(35)I want to be a friend of Jesus-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "friend".
(36)need new shoes-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "shoes".
(37)what do you want most of all-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "most".
(38)will I get married-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "my husband".
(39)talk to me-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "got something I need to talk to you about".
(40)Jesus going to let me drink pepsi again-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "pepsi". I like diet pepsi.
(41)no gas-visions received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "no gas". Then I saw the words, "no gas".
(42)the Lords-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, and I believe these are those, "appointment to Lord".
(43)Get ready to meet Jesus-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and HE said, "get ready".
(44)cried too late-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she yelled my name and maybe another word. I can help now, but, the day is coming when I can't haelp.
(45)search your life and make sure there is no sin-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I got to excavate".
(46)religion is doing what you want and calling it living for Jesus-vision recieved 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that I witnessed to and he said, "religion".
(47)everyone needs to hear-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a young lady and she said something like, "I need to hear that".
(48)whippin-vision recieved 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a nude me and I heard, "I got a whippin". I saw this Hand whippin my beeeeeeeeehind, but, it was really only lightly hitting me. Thank Jesus I got what I got instead of what I deserved.
(49)woman-visions received 5-20-2005-I witnessed to a woman and I saw her in visions and she said things like, "no Spirit", "why didn't you tell me your vision", "don't tell me that again".
(50)suicide coming to my family-visions received 5-20-2005-In visions, I saw a woman or women and here is what was said, "your sister", "debbie's going to commit suicide".
(51)test-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "test". You know God left hezekiah to see what he would do. Jesus never left me. I beleive I just felt a large portion of Jesus return.
(52)face of light-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this face of a man that was really like outline of His face in light, and disapper. I believe it was an Angel. Maybe it was Gabriel.
(53)doors could be opening big time soon-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "opening". I may have heard, "there's an opening".
(54)put Jesus first-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "put me first". I talked to her a long time ago and with a cigarette in her hand, she told me she was pentecost. The apostle peter and paul were pentecost. Do you have anything in common with them other than a claim?
(55)appearing-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I possibly saw the word, "appearing".
(56)approved-vision recieved 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, 'approved'. That's what I want. To be approved by Jesus Christ!
(57)it will be a big deal-vision recieved 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that I witnessed to and she said, "so".
(58)hormones-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "hormones".
(59)103-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw the numbers, "103".
(60)loves Jesus-visions recieved 5-20-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and said, 'I love Jesus', "save me".
(61) declare some of what Jesus shows me-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "I declared".
(62)finished-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "finished".
(63)cry now or later-visions received 5-24-2005-IN this vision, i saw a woman and she cried, "momy". I was given this several times. In one she may have cried out for me.
(64)change oil-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "change your oil".
(66)cut off-visions received 5-26-2005-In two visions, I saw a man who looked like a man that I was talking to that is passing out tracks and was holding up a sign that had reference to the bible on it and he said things like, "I'm cut off", and in one he cursed God.
(67)religion is living for Jesus like you want, doing what you want for the most past-visions received 5-27-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "I like religion", "I got cut off".
(68)buy a house-vision received 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and HE said, "buy a house".
(69)religon wanted-vision received 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "we want religion".
(70)man-visions recieved 5-27-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "come and talk to us", "chosen", "I'm done rejected".
(71)yes I have changed, thank you Holy Ghost-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "you have changed".
(72)cursed God-vision received 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw the frightened white face of my dad who is dead and he cursed God. I believe he saw where he was going.
(73)watch who you warn-visions received 5-28-2005-In visions, I saw a indianapolis police officer I was teeling things to and he said things like, "I'm gonna check it", "I hate you".
(74)excused-vision received 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "excused".
(75)new world order-vision received 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw, "NWO".
(76)$100,000-vision received 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw, "$100,000".
(77)time running out-vision received 5-28-2005-IN this vision, I saw a Man and HE said, "it's coming".
(78)the benefits of serving Jesus-vision received 5-28-2005-IN this vision, I saw the word, "benefit".
(79)are you a rebel-vision received 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "rebel".
(80)are you a witch-vision received 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "witch".
(81)what you do is eternal-vision received 5-28-2005-IN this vision, I saw the word, "eternal".
(82)have you received the Hoy Ghost since you beleived-vision recieved 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "Holy Ghost". Believed means to obey the gosple.
(83)next-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "next".
(84)help-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "be a help".
(85)written-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "written".
(86)chilley-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "chilley".
(87)test-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "test".
(88)work-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "work".
(89)put Jesus off when He calls, He may put you off-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I may have dialed a number, but, the phone had a busy signal that was dialed.
(90)me-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "me".
(91)unopede-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw something like this, "unopede". Maybe I did not see the word long enough.
(92)back-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "back".
(93)claim agent-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "claim agent". I probably need to talk to one.
(94)time will catch you-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw maybe the white spirit like face of a woman and she yelled, "bobby, I'm in hell".
(95)liar-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "liar".
(96)I-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw, "I".
(97)unsuspend-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "unsuspend".
(98)channel-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw, "channel".
(99)hell-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I beleive I saw the words, "destroyed in hell".
(100)err-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw, "err". I may have seen error as well or maybe "error" was the word
(101)liar-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "liar".
(96)hill-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "on the hill".
(102)Jesus can get closer-vision recieved 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said, "I can get closer".
(103)you could be replaced-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly an indexed google page and part of the description for a word was something like, "how could replace".
(104)question answered-vision received 6-1-2005-Jesus has shown me that I was in adultery and I did not know what He was talking about, so I asked, and IN a vision, I saw this woman that works at a gas station and she was naked. I will avoid her now if possible. I beleive I also heard, "adultery".
(105)get clean now-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I didnt even know".
(106)message-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I need a message".
(107)jeff gordon racing-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw jeff gordon and he had a racing uniform on and the name on the uniform was, "JEFF GORDON RACING".
(108)visions-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said soemthing like, "you have visions".
(109)trust Jesus-visions received 6-1-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said, "trust Jesus", "trust Him".
(110)assure-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "assure".
(111)apostolic-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "your apostolic".
(112)blasphemed the Holy Ghost-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "blasphemed the Holy Ghost", and I may have seen a man in another vision and he said something like, "that was me".
(113)what is repent-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "repent" and may have heard or seen the words, "what is it". This is turning away from your sins and repenting of the sins that you have committed. You have to repent until Jesus forgives you. Pour your heart out to Jesus.
(114)is true-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "that's ain't true".
(115)tell people-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a young man and he said soemthing like, "tell me something".
(116)Jesus-vision recieved 6-3-2005-While praying, I felt Electricity come down all over me and in a vision, I saw BRIGHT LIGHT MOVINg toward me.
(117)Star-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "STAR". I believe there was more there.
(118)blasphemed-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "Jesus help, because I blasphemed the Spirit". I may have seen the same woman in another vision and she may have been pointing at me andd she said, "thats the devil". In another vision, I saw the words, "I BLASPHEMED".
(119)false-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "false".
(120)stop fingerprint-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "stopfingerprint".
(121)perishing-visions received 6-3-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said, "it hurts", "momy", "He already cut me off", and in one she was lettting out a terrifying continuous scream.
(122)BARRABAS-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I SAW the name, "BARRABAS".
(123)impossible-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "impossible".
(124)weeping-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman weeping.
(125)pocket-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "pocket".
(126)flocks-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "flocks".
(127)nothing impossible-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "nothing impossible".
(128)offended-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "we offend you".
(129)being told on-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I been telling the police".
(130)slick 50-vision recieved 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a bottle of slick 50.
(130)david crosby-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw david crosby and he was weeping.
(131)prayer walker-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw henry gruver and he said, "prayer walk". I do.
(132)devil-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "devil".
(133)Crosswinds-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I possibly saw a sign and it said on it, "crosswinds". I also have written next to that the words, "just arrived". They may be two different visions. Crosswinds is a church.
(134)stans auto electric-visions received 6-3-2005-In visions, I saw twop men who work at stans auto electric in indianapolis. ONe was the counter man and the other was the one who worked on my car. I was charged there about $157.00 and the entire diagnostic was incorrect. The mechanic said the computer was bad and wanted to replace it at a cost of about $190.00, but, would not guarantee me the alternator would charge if I did. The computer was fine, and is still in the car. The problem was the alternator and logic module which is separate from the computer on my car. THe person who looked like the counter man in visions said things like, "I hurt you". The person who looked like the mechanic said in visions, "it's your computer", "I knew". I went back and asked for half the money back and he would not give it, and even seemed to mention me having my attorney contact. I tore the recipt up while I was there, because I knew it was not right.
(135)live for Jesus-vision received 6-3-2005-In this vision, I saw some words like, "witness needs to be alive".
(136)search me o'l Lord-vision recieved 6-9-2005-In this vision, I saw like a dark area and then a light went thru there like a search light".
(137)shown a different way to pray-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw me on my knee's and I was clapping and saying something like, "thank you God". In other visions I was shown to pray hard.
(138)chevy corsica-vision recieved 6-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, take the car".
(139)baby-vision recieved 6-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a sign and one of the words on the sign was, "baby". In anothere vision received 6-14-2005-I saw the word, "single". I'm kept by the Power of God, if He were to lift that, I may be in trouble. That POWER is what keeps me out of sin.
(140)ANGEL-vision received 6-14-2005-In this vision, I uickly saw this Angel and HE was all White like a MAN of LITE.
(141)gas going up-vision recieved 6-14-2005-In this vision, I saw a gas sign and the price was, "$2.19".
(142)lawyer-vision received 6-14-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "lawyer by his side".
(143)I know Jesus wants me to use my credit cards-vision received 6-14-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "credit card".
(144)WHITe HAND-vision recieved 6-14-2005-In this vision, I saw a WHITE HAND and the FINGER was pointing at me, and I heard this, "don't miss". If you miss, you will eternally regret.
(145)visions of woman or women-visions recieved 6-14-2005-In visions, I saw woman or women and they said things like, "bob, "lost", "no". In one I saw one crying.
(146)tighten a/c belt-vision recieved 6-14-2005-In this vision, I was made aware to tighten my van's aircondition belt. It's loose.
(147)visions of woman or women-visions recieved 6-14-2005-In visions, I saw woman or women and they said things like, "bob, "lost", "no". In one I saw one crying.
(146)tighten a/c belt-vision recieved 6-14-2005-In this vision, I was made aware to tighten my van's aircondition belt. It's loose.
(147)witnessing-visions recieved 6-2005-In visions, I saw these women that I witnessed to and they said things like, "I got cut off", "It's your Word, "I'm the devil", "there false", "I'm an adulterer". One told me to stop by where she lives. Even though I don't recall ever meeting her, she knew of me. Can't. I saw her in two other visions and she said things like, "horny", and in one let me know she gives oral sex. I consider marrying a woman like her, because I liked her, but, won't trade Jesus.
(148)perished-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "I went to hell".
(149)lost-vision received 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "lost". Is this vision for you?
(150)stiffnecked-vision recieved 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "stiffnecks".
(151)you can blow it-vision received 6-17-2005-In this vision, I al least saw the word, "blow", and I heard an or saw something like, "you blow it".
(152)abandoned-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw my mom and she said, "God I can feel It". I left the house.
(153)usa will be attacked by russia and china-vision recieved 6-18-2005-While praying, I heard, "the united states", and in a vision I saw a man and he said, "is under attack".
(154)terrorism-vision recieved 6-18-2005-IN this vision, I saw a man that looked like president bush and he said something like, "al qadea's struck".
(155)too late-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw saw possibly the white spirit like face of a woman and she screamed, "bobby, help me".
(156)the economy is not back-vision recieved 6-2oo5-IN this vision, I saw ta woman and she said soemthing like, "the economy's back".
(157)false-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "false".
(158)promote Jesus-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "promote". I think Jesus may be about to promote me.
(159)ain't-vision received 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "ain't".
(160)the WORD-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "the word". I believe this was showing me to write a vision down.
(160)kidnapped-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw a blind folded man and he may have been kidnapped, like possibly a person in iraq, and he said, "I work for the cia".
(161)you better watch what you call me-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "thats the devil".
(162)won't hear-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "won't hear". That may mean, "won't do, won't obey".
(163)mastercard-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw like a building and the name on the building was, "mastercard". I read about how hackers broke into cardsystems database and stole information on about 40 million cards. I asked Jesus soemthing like, if they got mine, and I saw a white male in a vision and he said, "not yet".
(164)nothing for free-visions recieved 6-18-2005-In two similar visions, I saw a man and HE said, "I'm just not going to give them to you".
(165)crying-vision recieved 6-18-2005-IN this vision, I saw this woman crying.
(166)write down-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and he said, "I'm suppost to write these down as my good memory serves me".
(167)perished-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "perished". Where will you stand?
(168)One more wish-vision recieved 6-18-2005-In this vision, I partially saw this Man and He was holding up one finger. He may have been White, I don't remember.
(169)visions of a woman-vision recieved 6-2005-In visions, I saw this woman and she said things like, "I passed", "bobby", "don't tell anybody", "mom", "I'm on fire because I backslid", "I'm in hell", "I can't stand you", "I'm financial", "my death certificate is suicide". I beleive these were all the same woman.
(170)Wink-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody, possibly the Master Wink at me.
(172)accepting Jesus won't do you anygood-visions recieved 6-19-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said, "I accepted", "I accepted". I may have seen the words one of these times.
(173)walking-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man walking. I should 've id'ed this Man.
(174)on the Throne-vision recieved 6-19-2005-I was talking to Jesus about His THRONE. I may have seen IT once. What I saw was made out of PURE GLASS, which in heaven, PURE GOLD is like, PURE GLASS. Anyway, I saw a Man sitting on something and all I could see was His Hand coming out of like a White SLEEVE from possibly a ROBE. It's like everything was White after that, like a painting had been started on a piece of paper, but, not finished.
(175)not-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "devils back".
(176)get ready-visions recieved 6-19-2005-In these visions, I saw a woman and she said, "tell me to get ready", "tell me". GET READY!
(177)love Jesus-vision recieved 6-19-2005-I'm going to declare what I have written down. I have this written, "woman sitting on the back porch of a house, I love Jesus". This may have been the woman saying that, two separate visions, or something else.
(178)incest-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I comitted incest". Repent. You can get forgiven.
(179)help-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vsiion, I saw a woman and she said, "help".
(180)hand appears-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a Hand appear.
(181)the Lords prayer-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "forgive me of my trespasses".
(182)perishing-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm going to hell". I just saw a woman in a vision and she said, "cause mom". Lying for, covering for, not teaching your children the RIGHT Thing will doom them. You can just about bank on it.
(183)you better beleive I'm praying-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "bobbys praying".
(184)eunuch means no wife for life-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw me and I said, "I'm eunuch". I'm allright with this now, but, lots of times I absolutely hate it, and am angry and bitter over it.
(185)hell is forever-visions received 6-19-2005-In visions, I saw one or maybe two people and here is what was said, "help", "let me out of here".
(186)eat something-vision recieved 6-19-2005-I was about 2 hours and 48 minutes into prayer, and In a vision, I saw the refrdgerator door open and there was pizza in there. I didn't really fell hungry, but, I went upstairs, opened the fridge door and there was pizza and chicken and more. I ate.
(187)I'm nice-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you can't be nice".
(188)pointing-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He was pointing.
(190)visions from Jesus-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your seeing something".
(191)people hear me-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I heard him".
(192)o.k-vision received 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your o.k.".
(193)warning people is helping people-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "help sombody".
(194)can you give Jesus Christ an hour a day of prayer-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "whats an hour". Your life will change if you do this. Try it for 30 days.
(195)enemy?-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that works for speedway gas station and she let me know she was watching me and possibly wanted to get me. I believe I noticed her watching me. The cupppacino machine at that store on the white chocalate was not mixing right, and hasn't for a long time, so I would take the canister out and pour some mix right on top my coffee cup. The manager came out and jumped me. I told them both why I did it, and the manager I believe tried to convince me there was nothing wrong. Any way, out side the store, I spoke with the woman and I believe she made me aware that they knew there was a problem and have tried to order possibly new, but, the company has not approved. I beleive she told me it was the gears. What I did was probably wrong, and I believe I appologized. Trust Jesus, but, others??
(196)make yourself ready to meet Jesus-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw like this white spirit face and it was like it was screaming and in obvious pain.
(197)I don't have a phone-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I can't call you on the phone".
(198)overeating is sin-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and they were at a refridgerator and the freezer door was open and I could not see the face, because the open door blocked it, but, because of the clothes that the person was wearing, I could see the persons belly and the person was already overweight. I'm starting to believe because of visions that the Lord hates it when people pig out, chow down, overeat. It's sin.
(199)teresa-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw teresa, a woman I went to school with and she was old in the vision. She was about 60. Now, she is about 40. She still looked young.
(200)sensor is problem-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "it's your sensor". Speed sensor is going out of van, but, what caused it to go out. I've replaced it before, and I think the one I replace was not the original.
(201)Angelic security guard-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a security gurad that had a White Face and He looked at me and then looked down.
(202)me and Jesus-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown Hair and He said, "us".
(203)man-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "man".
(204)left Jesus-visions received 7-2-2005-In visions, I saw this woman and she said, "I know", "I left". I think it was teresa hedger.
(205)witnessing-visions received 7-3-2005-In visions, I saw this woman that I witnessed to and she said things like, "I committed blasphme"(thats coming against, cursing God, giving credit to somebody else when the Holy Ghost really did it-it's easy to pick up a blaspheme-your better off not saying nothing about no-body-don't talk to the devil-think before you talk), "that hurt", i want revival", "tell me", "that did hurt".
(206)turn the t.v. off-visions received 7-8-2005-In this vision, I saw like a female spirit and she said, "tell me to turn the t.v. off". I saw her in other visions and she said things like, "I'm with satan", "I'm cut off", etc.
(207)no time limit on God-vision received 7-12-2005-I may have been told to start praying today at 10:00 pm and I may have responed something like my set time is 12:00 and I saw a man in a vision and he said something like, "there is not set".
(208)visions of a man-visions received 7-15-2005-In visions, I saw this man and he said things like, "Lord, I don't feel You", "needed mercy", etc.
(209)revelations of a man-visions received 7-15-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "I really hate you", "is witness right".
(210)put Jesus first-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, I may have seen this woman and she said, "put me first".
(211)are you on or off-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, 'off'.
(212)arrived-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "prophets here".
(213)to late-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "too late for me".
(214)hang on to Jesus-vision received 8-3-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "loosing Power".
(215)Holy Ghost-vision received 8-2005-God has showed me a Bright White Light Flash near the door at the Church.
(216)the Mantle-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "my Mantle".
(217)I'm not for sale-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe me and I said things like, "I'm not for sale", "and I'm not for free". I have to be sent by the Holy Ghost. THis may have went with a cluster of visions of pastor Chris amonett and his wife and mom at Christian Life Worship Center. I saw a spirit that looked like pastor Chris and he said things like, "make video", "do what ever you want to", "I'm willing", "I aint apostolic(I heard this, "there bapstists"), "this you home phone number", "need his story", "I'm rich", "material", "I'm adultery", "need history", "how did he do it, "how he do it", "I'm on my way out", "money", "save me", "it's worrying", "bring prophet here", "I invited you". I believe all these were Chris. In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like his mom and she said something like, "Chris ai'nt gonna turn around", "you left", and I saw his wife and she said things like, "you witch", "I need Jesus, "a show". THere were more and it is possible I got visions mixed up. I wrote to small on some and I can't be sure. I heard things like while praying", "there dying", "put in your path", "see Chris". I'll go there if Jesus requires me to. I believe these visions were them, but, it's possible I got some mixed up. In others I saw a spirit that looked like Chris and he said things like, "no funds". I saw me in a vision and I said to Jesus something like, "does he know ministryofdreams in mine".
(218)terry cannon-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon who pastors heaveny life apostolic tabernacle and he said, "adultery", "send prophet". I heard, "he loved". I'm not 100 percent sure who this was for. I thought me. I may have heard, "heavenly life", and I may have seen pastor canon in a vision and he said something like, "heavenly life go under". I may have seen pastor cannon again and he said things like, "whatever you say", "were not", and I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Bear and He may have said something like, "let it". I Saw a White Hand in a vision and maybe the Finger was pointing and I heard, "record information".
(219)if you loose This, you'll want It back-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "I want Mantle again", "I'm lost", "stay away".
(220)running from Jesus-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "your running". Thats hiding.
(221)norm heaggy-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said things like, "the Mantle's his", "website's off".
(222)at a moment, calamity can strike-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe me, and I may have been running to the door, which was a glass door and something was going on out side.
(223)last place may mean Jesus first-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "your in last place".
(224)cut off-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "cut off".
(225)need to be sent-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "can witness come", and maybe, "pray for prophecy". This may have been hollie. I just saw her.
(226)got-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a ann and she said, "we got". I was wondering if they got a letter I sent. In other visions that may have been her or somebody else, I saw a woman and she said things like, "bobby, your in trouble", "Lord, send me prophet", "stealin", "your a prophet", "give money", "need ya", and maybe, "your fallen", "sold". These may have been anne schmidt. I may have seen me or somebody else and Here is what was said,"your cut off". It may have been for her.
(227)pastor-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I'm a pastor".
(228)world war 2-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me somebody and the said, "ww II".
(229)leave alone-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "don't call me".
(230)baldness could be open punishment-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he was almost all the way bald.
(231)last warning-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "my last warning", and maybe, "almost done", "having fun", "the Mantle", " my Mantles clear", "I'll be taken off". THis may have been me. If Jesus yanked me out right now, more could have been done, but, a lot was. Praise Jesus for giving a nothing like me such an Awesome chance to serve so Mighty of a God! I'm excited and I'm having fun. THis is fun!
(232)you can matter if you serve Jesus-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I don't matter".
(233)if money is your god, you are in trouble-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said, "my wallet", "it's my wallet".
(233)women without shirts-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirits that looked like two women and they were walking and they had nothing on the top part of their bodies, like men not wearing shirts. Their breast were showing. I hope this does not become legal in america, but, it wouldn't suprise me.
(234)henry gruver-vision received 8-4-2005-I heard, "henry", and I saw spirit that looked like henry gruver and he said, "going to the lake".
(235)named-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "bobby, I got your name". I just saw her and she said something and one of the words was, "please".
(236)fallen away from Jesus-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I fell".
(237)roselyn bakery-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me an old roselyn bakery sign.
(238)tuck your shirts in-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he had on a dress shirt and it was not tucked in, and came down over his behind. Be Holy.
(239) elaine tanner perished-recieved 84-2005-I heard, "elaine", and I saw elaine tanner in a vision and she screamed, "hell".
(240)people are asleep-received 8-4-2005-I heard this, "everybodies asleep". Sleeping is not ready to go back with Jesus.
(241)last stand-vision received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "your on your last stand brother".
(242)seek first the Kingdom of God-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, your body, and maybe, prove it.
(243)witch-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, hi witch.
(244)irving baxter tells me to embarras him-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irvin baxter and he said, "embarras me", "again", "come on lets pray", "to late", "cut off".
(245)religion is being you own god-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "religion".
(246)pastor simison-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like simison and he said things like, "I don't hate you", "prophet we heard".
(247)to late-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "its to late", "against me", "against blaspheme", and I saw me and I said, "that was me".
(248)blaspheme-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "who did I blaspheme", and I may have seen me and I said, "me the prophet".
(249)blaspheme against the Holy Ghost-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like I may have dimly saw the woman over aways, but, I heard what she said something like, "I blasphemed the against the Holy Ghost". If you have done this, seek to get it purged or taken away or removed.
(250)is Scrpiture-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a woman which I heard, but, not sure I saw and she said, "that ain't Scripture".
(251)endtime ministries -vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter jr. and he said, "prophet, get away from me".
(252)hi hollie-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said, "it's me again", and something like, "be nice".
(253)encouragement from somebody I never saw- received 8-18-2005-I heard a voice like the persons over away from me and he said, "bobs allright", and he also said something like, "my price".
(254)its started- received 8-18-2005-God has let me her a voice like the mans away from me and he said something like, "its started", and maybe, "hit iraq". I may have just seen this president and he said, "tell us".
(255)wanting to help-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said things like, "he wants to kill me", "lost", and maybe, "military".
(256)virginia boldea-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe virginia boldea and she may have said things like, "perished", "we need prophet".
(257)has irving baxter dropped out of the race-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said something like, 'I dropped out", "your unforgiven", "witches", "you blaspheme is not taken off", I need some help", "backslider", "tell it", and maybe, go to radio shack", "you won't get off", "need your licence", "that will do it" .
(258)the irving baxter show-vision received 8-30-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said, "your nothing but a show".
(259)jackie and sissy-vision received 8-30-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like jackie and she said, "my mom", and I saw sis and she said something like, "he needs help".
(260)keri fox-vision received 8-30-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like keri and she said things like, "I'm going to the lake", "committed blaspheme", "will not", "lake", "turned me off", "my husband", "thats you", "my stomach", "lift me up", "I wouldn't hear It". I saw keri's daughter kristina and she said things like, "prophet's wrong", "cause momy", "need her", "lust", "bob cares".
(261)embarrased-vision received 8-30-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "thats embarrasing", "let me help".
(262)attack on new york-vision received8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said thing about attacks on new york and new york city.
(263)humble yourself-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "if My people will humble themselves", "take your wallet", "hit russia", "let me get closer", "how dow I get closer", "are you an apostle", "how about debbie", "cause my husband", and your cut off", "put it in the rectum", and I saw a man and he asked her for oral sex".
(264)alice cooper-vision received8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like alice and he said things like, "your cut off", "to late bobby".
(265)new president-vision received8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dick cheney and he said, "we need a new president".
(266)tried-vision received8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said, "you tried to tell me".
(267)dumitru duduman-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said things like, "whats happening", "thaought I had lost a devil", "cause I'm apostolic", "you lost you Mantle", "hell", "prove it", and I may have seen gene schimidt and he said things like, "embarras", "I really don't care", and I saw dumitru and he said, "I committed blaspheme", "hand of help", and I sw ann and she said, "we want out", "I missed my chance". I saw dumitru and he said, "the Mantle", "keep It On', "close the website".
(268)not planning on quitting-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "bobby keep this Mantle on", and I saw michael boldea and he said, "he has It".
(269)ship-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a dumitru and he said, "bomb the ship".
(270)geraldine barger-vision received 8-2005-I heard, "geraldine" "In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a jerry barger and she said things like, "I'm barger", "blow the whistle", "I couldn't hear", "rules", "you backslider", "wre closed", "come back".
(271)attack on new york city-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a somebody and she said things like "how about new york city", and something about attacking it.
(272)under attack-vision received8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said something like, "under atttack".
(273)oil may be the reason for upcoming attacks-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said something like, "oil", "it won't go down", 'it'll go up", "thats the reason I will attack".
(274)dumitru-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, "bush", and I may have seen him and he said, "iran", and I saw irving and he said, "attack it", "hit iran".
(275)donald winters-vision received8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like donald winters and he said things like, "bobby you got a room", "give bobby a room and one hundred dollars".
(276)singer prince-vision received8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "prince", and I saw prince and he said things like, "I'm going to hell", "I'm in the lake", "empty wallet".
(277)jackie-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like jackie and she said things like, "I repent", "does bobby tell", "I need my vision", and something about her job.
(278)dumitru duduman-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, "you know what I did", "I comitted blaspheme".
(279)phone call-vision received8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "your wanted on the phone", and I may have asked who it was, and I saw a man and he said, "by me", and I saw irving baxter and he said, "save me".
(280)rebecca st. james-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like rebecca saint james and she said things like, "it's me", "you know what I did", "I masterbated", "I'm lesbian", "and I eat it", "I'm a witch", "God has mercy", "rejected", and maybe, "the economys slipping", "close the website".
(281)donald winters-vision received 8-2005-vision received 8-2005-I asked Jesus what donald winters thinks of me, In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a donald winters and he said, "I hate you", "you last", "I'm out", "attorney" "I save myself", "tell the police".
(282)cindy fox-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a cindy fox and she said things like, "cindy here", "cindy fox", "did a head job".
(283)rebecca st. James-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a like debbie and she said, "tell me about rebecca st. James", and I saw rebecca and she said things like, "o this fells so good", "I wrecked".
(283)the wreck of the uss indianapolis-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man that survived the wreck of the uss indianapolis and he said something like, "bring'em back", witness", and maybe, "batttleship down" I saw a man that looks like th friend he has that travels with him and he said things like, "under attack", "the indianapolis", and maybe, "can't find it".
(284)why did japan torpedo the uss indianapolis-vision received 8-2005-I asked Jesus that question, and In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like the prime minsiter of japan and he said, "revenge".
(285)mx missile was deadly-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "mx missile". I asked Jesus if russia could stop the mx missile and and I saw a Man and he said, "no".
(286)thomas-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a thomas and he said things like, "false", "are you thru trapping me", "he needs a whippin", "I don't fool around", "why didn't you tell me", and I may have seen me and I said, "I repent". I love thomas and pray for him often.
(287)britney spears-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like britney and she said things like, "he did", and I may have seen the man she married and he said, "I masterbated", "he go the money", and I saw britney and she said, "take".
(288)revival-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "revival", "come and talk".
(289)brutus mosteller-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like brutus and he said, "I'm going to judgment".
(290)attacks on new york city-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said something about an attack on nyc or ny, and so did hollie.
(291)woman-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "we need your pocket", "I'm the first lady", "don't stick around", "behind us", "leave now".
(292)shut down-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said things like, "shut me down", "mom, I killed myself, "you go put out", so theres no mercy", and I may have heard her scream over and over, "git me out of here, I committed blaspheme" .
(293)dan bohler-vision received 8-2005-I heard, "dan bohler" and In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he said, "son", "turned me off".
(294)sissy-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like sis and she said things like, "don't do this to mom", "I can't beleive this is happening", "bobby, I'm bleeding", "no mercy", "be nice to bobby", "come and support me now", "why didn't you tell me about there closing", and I saw me and I said, 'I did".
(294)tried to destroy me-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "I tried to wreck bobby".
(295)spychic-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said, "I'm psychic".
(296)lost-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, 'I'm lost", "I'm virginia". I don't know if it was virgina boldea and I saw dumitru and he said, "thier closed".
(297)carol sue barger-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like carol sue and she said things like, "carol sue is backsliding", "I wrecked", "bobby, keep it to yourself", "you woke me up".
(298)passed-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "passed", "I'm out", "goshen'.
(299)blaspheme-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I blasphemed", "embarras her".
(300)ariel sharone-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like ariel sharone and he said, "why am I in trouble".
(301)money-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "wow, money", "I'm out", "back", tell people I blasphemed".
(302)dumitru-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, "your Mantles off".
(303)dumitru duduman-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said things like, "I comitted adultery", "comitted blaspheme", and I may have asked how, and dumitru said, 'satan knows', "devil got me", and I saw stan johnson and he said, "I'm satan", and I saw dumitru and he said, "he trapped", "I didn't recognize', and I saw stan and he said, "you know what he did", and I saw dumitru and he said, "he's satan", don't go near him my little friend", "make stan johnson your problem", and I saw hollie and she said, "don't go near him", and something like, "put my full name", and I saw stan and he said, "how do I get bobby", and I saw hollie and she said, "I'm in a trap", and I saw dumitru and he said, "he'll take your Mantle off", "I slipped", and maybe, "I lost It", and I saw hollie and she said, "you need to come and watch me", its your money", and I saw dumitru and he said, "he's chosen", "he turned on", "you know how he did", "he committed blaspheme", and I saw stan and he said, "bob, I'll get you", and I saw dumitru and he said, "should have left me alone", "off", "it's nothin but a show", "I'll sell It", "I blew It", "I wrecked", "you know what bobby did', and I saw me and I said, "changed my heart", and I saw stan and he said, "bob, I'm gonna get you", and I saw dumitru and he said, "you know how I did", "I blasphemed when I was pissed off", "I called him devil", and I saw stan and he said, "I blasphemed an open Church", and I saw dumitru and he said, "he sold". I saw dumitru duduman and he said something like, "put me to an open shame bobby, "he didn't".
(304)trains are in danger-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like caboose on was the last car on a train and it was dark and I may have seen some strange looking vehicle possibly pursing it.
(305)the little Being-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a little Being and He was in like a plastic container that was sealed and He looked like a Brownish clored tadpole and I was in a van with two others and we were hiding out in a snow covered area by possible a barn and I was afraid and the little Being said things like, "look for japan to go communists", "look for sylverster stallone to kill people", and I may have yelled at the Being along the lines of what about us.
(306)jeff rense-vision received 8-2005-I heard, "rense" and In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like jeff rense and he said things like, 'I'm out", "show", "this is jeff rense bobby", "were closed", "please help", and something about comitting blaspheme, and something like, "I can't wait", and something about supporting the guy.
(307)nope-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe dan bohler and he said something like, "I thought I got ya".
(308)tina knobby-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like tina knobby and she said things like, "I'm gay", "I'll take your Mantle off", "you know what I got", "you set me up", "I'll help him", "chosen", "I'm your new wife", "you done spoke it", "I masterbated", and maybe, "I'm your best secret", "that hurts", and more.
(309)farrah fawcett-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like farrah fawcett and she said things like, "please comb my hair", "lift me up", "I'm farrah".
(310)taxes-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "taxes", and I saw maiden name carol sue barger and she said, "raise", "call", "you got Something I want", "its you website", "who did you tell", "don't turn it in", "back", "I'm last", and I saw a Man and He said, "prophet got a website", and I saw vladimir putin and he said, "storage".
(310)luster-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe mrs luster and she said, "go to prophet".
(311)visions-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he said, "angels here", "won't get back", and I saw a girl and she said things like, "wrong", "blaspheme really hurt", and I saw the man again maybe and he said, "love him". These two go to pastor danny thomas Church in indianapolis, and I saw pastor thomas and he said things like, "take the website down", "and he'll bring it back up again", "its already ready".
(313)the daughter of pastor jerry barger which was her maiden name-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a young woman and she said things like, "I'm barger", "blaspheme prophet", "blaspheme won't come off", and I saw me and I said, "purge", "purge it".
(314)doomed-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "I wonder how bobby fell", "he won't", "you blaspheme", and I may have said, "purge debbie", and I saw a Man with and He said something like, "blaspheme's eternal".
(315)pastor jerry barger-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like maiden name, jerry barger and she said things like, "tell on jerry", "prophet going under".
(316)michael boldea-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said things like, "respct me", "ain't I handsome", "leave website alone", "mercy", "wonder how prophet fell", "we swap Mantles", "cause prophet can't pray".
(317)will meijer's department stores close-vision received 9-2005-I was thinking on meijer's, and In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "it's closing".
(318)sister rexford-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister rexford, and she said things like, "close it", "and he'll bring it back", "don't close then".
(318)president-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "we need some help", "I'm bush", "I blew it", "russia", "attack", and I saw me and I said things like, "under attack", "prophet controlling", and maybe, "he's holding out"(president may have said this or somebody else), and I saw michael boldea and he said, "back", "ain't true", and maybe, "I'll be in Jail", "tell police", "close website"(and I saw somebody and they said, "website prepared", and I saw mrs amonett and she said something like, "he'll put it back up again", and maybe, "website", "in storage", "your fallen", "to sleep", "don't give head", and I saw her husband Chris and he said, "thats awesome"), "Mantle", "down", an, and I saw me and I said, "choice", "hit los angeles".
(319)mike cunningham-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said, "close", and I saw hollie and she said, "website put in storage", and I saw mike and he said, "thats it".
(320)kirk franklin-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like kirk and he said things like, "pussY", "sex fiend", "tell me something".
(321)brother dell-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dell and he said things like, "prophet you devil", "take it off".
(322)donald trump-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like donald and he said things like, "liar", "new york", "attack", "attack", "my bowells", "are closed", "I like religion".
(323)thomas-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like thomas and he said things like, "My Mantle", and I saw maiden name carol sue barger and she said things like, "take it down", "reject", "we ain't gonna hear it", "close", "he's open", "religion", "website close", "he'll put it back", "blaspheme", "you die", "He's worthy".
(324)hollie-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said things like, "prophet fell", "prophet fallen", "prophet down".
(325)michael boldea-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said things like, "I think I'll close the website", "it's in starage", "I didn't do nothin"m, "please help me", "put it back up", "Who is MYSTERY, BABYLON", and I saw virginia boldea look alike and she said, "thats us", "it's america", "you left".
(326)president-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "take this prophet", "I'm bush", "out of us", and I may have dimly seen me and I said things like, "hurt", "and the economy will collapse", "I prayed for", "economy open right now", and I saw the president and he said, "o".
(327)fox-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like mexico president and he said things like, "israel", "attack israel loose the Mantle", "russia", "attack".
(328)if you get website taken down-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man that looked like Jesus and He said, "It's in storage".
(329)prophet-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "prophets on the loose".
(330)website can be back in two minutes-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "website's back up", and I saw me and I said, "go ahead and close it", and I saw hollie and she said, "back again", and I saw me and I said, "your running", "i have a website in storage", "link it", and I saw maybe hollie and she said, "prophet won't press" and maybe, "we heard", "cause you won't press", "you are", "website", "don't close it", "awesome", "thats me", "you ain't gonna die", "chosen", "serious", "I want the Mantle back", and mabye, "He won't take It", "you git right", "website is up", "close", "website back up", "close", "back", "it's open".
(331)michael boldea-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said things like, "website closed", "up", "close", and I saw mike sr and he said, "It's up", "he's got it in storage", and I saw mike jr. and he said things like, "back to sleep", "look", and I saw somebody that looked like virginia and she said, "come and witness", and maybe, "good luck", "website closed", "back", "attack", "new york".
(332)taxes-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "I want taxes", "oil", "fixin it", "double the price of oil", "blaspheme", "stay secret", "only prophet knows", "I'm bush", "new taxes", "witness can call all around", "on my death certificate", "I blaspheme", "he's psychic", "harras him", and I saw me and I said, "that ai'n gonna stop", and maybe, "collapse it", "I'll collapse it", and I saw somebody and they said, "Jesus's propeht clear".
(333)alaska will be nuked by russia-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said things like, "how do we get alaska", "I'll nike it", "you help me", "on my death certificate", "balspheme".
(334)Jennifer dearing-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like jenifer and she said things like, "I'm jenifer", "prophet fell", "who cares". Thats jenifer dearing.
(335)gene schmidt-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like gene and he said things like, "leave the website alone", "witneses Mantle", and I saw dumitru and he said, 'dumitru", "he's real", "My Mantle", and maybe, "awesome", "you are awesome", and I saw a man that looked like me and I said, "restore"", and I saw ann and she said, 'restore", and I saw a spirit that looked like anne schmidt and she said, "its awesome", and I saw gene and he said, "leave website alone".
(336)attack on syria-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, 'I'm bush", "syria", "attack syria", and maybe, "philadelphia"(he or somebody else said this), "smokin", and maybe, "tell somebody esle", "website going up again".
(337)Chrysler-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like maybe me and I said, "no more Chrysler", "mercedes diamler".
(338)michael boldea-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like mike and he said things like, "russia", "control", "how do we beat russia", and I saw hollie and she said, "cruise missiles".
(339)hollie-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "when prophet leaves _____", "its over", "backslide", "he's trying", "I want you stan", 'lets eat lunch", and maybe, 'that'll cost you your Mantle", "no it won't", "leave it alone", "my body", "I'm a trap", "keep your promise", 'I'm moody", 'hollie".
(340)sissy-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like sissy and she said something like, "were's debbie", and I saw debbie and she said, 'I fell into a trap", and I saw sis and she said, "God take your Hands off me", "don't come around us".
(341)hillary clinton will be president of usa-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like hillary and she said things like, "your lost".
(342)brother dell-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like brother dell and he said things like, "take the website down", "website will be back up", "website in storage", "call me", "no prophet", "I'm going home", and maybe, 'I perish", "that'll collpse it", "put bobby into the lake", "lake", "collapse the economy", "then russia will attack", and I saw stan johnson and he said, "no taxes", and I saw this president and he said, "higher".
(343)carol sue barger-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like maiden name carol sue barger and she said things like, "leave propeht alone", "prophet blasphemed", "I'll shut bowells", "I'm worried", "false", "leave", "please help Me", "thats pretty good", "you leave my Mantle alone".
(344)president-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "thats wrong", "close it", "where does prophet live", "prophet live's in louisville", and I saw pastor alan browning and he said, "with us", and I saw this president and he said things like, "thats it", "how'd I blaspheme".
(345)brother dell-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like del and he said things like, "you messed with your wallet", "hey pastor", "return", "do", "I'm going to heaven", "you close website", "website back up", "keep closing", "destruction".
(346)hollie prophecies-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "we'll attack you", and I saw this president and he said, "true", "I'm bush", and I saw hollie and she said, "remember henry", and I saw henry gruver and he said, "false", "I had It", "return".
(347)brother dell-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like brother dell and he said things like, "I won't", and maybe, "prophet", "he's on his way out", and maybe, "better get you money out of that car".
(348)nothin hidden will remain secret michael boldea-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like mike and he said, "secret".
(349)henry gruver-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like henry and he said things like, "mercy", "hit new orleans", "loose Mantle", "write number down", "there's my Mantle", I'm a joke", and I herd him call out my name.
(350)visions of nuclear explosions-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions two nuclear explosions. The fireballs were more than you can image.
(351)attack on alaska-vision recieved 9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said, "you know your late", "hit alaska", "somebody got thru", and I saw michael boldea and he said, "tell on me", and I saw virginia and she said, 'take"
(352)back-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said, "o my God", "websites back".
(353)something must have happened-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me my yahoo email box and I had 136 messages wating on me.
(354)ended-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me the word, "ended".
(355)pakistan will attack russia -vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe the president of pakistan and he may have said, "pakistan", "will hit russia".
(356)clear-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "now your clear", and he was smiling.
(357)blaspheme-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said things like, "I'm jelous", "I blaspheme", "take it off", 'backslider".
(358)orders-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said, "I have orders", "prophet is closed", "hit me where it hurts", and I saw a woman that looked like virgina boldea and she said, "tell it", and I saw mike and he said, "witness going under", "wait and see".
(359)hollie-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "how does it taste".
(360)brother dell-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dell and he said things like, "you wrong", "right", "website close", "blaspheme taken off", "take it off", "how can we beat russia".
(361)laughed at-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "when I die" "can't stop it", and I saw dick and he was laughing, and I saw this preisdent and he said something like, "embarras", "blaspheme", "cut me off", "religion", "you commited blaspheme".
(362)embarras vladimir putin-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said something like, "embarras me", and maybe, "blacked out", "no feelin", "heart attack", "don't do that", "Christian". I'm not sure if this was him or not.
(363)leave website alone-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "you take the website off", and I saw mrs amonett and she said, "he'll put it back up", and I saw chris amonett and he said, "watch", "I've blown it", "mercy", "I had my chance", "its to late", "website a problem", and I saw hollie and she said, "don't close it", "up", and maybe, "he's clear", "website back up", and I saw pastor chris amonett and he said, "lake", and I saw his wife and she said something like, "money's tight", "why is money tight", and I saw chris and he said something like, "i'm gonna loose it", and maybe something about a heart attack.
(364)president-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "bush", "lets have it", "last stand", "killed", "I can't beleive it", "is witness drunk", and Imay have seen me and I said, "I'm a prophet".
(365)iraq war helping americas economy to collapsevanslyke-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "bush", "iraq", and I saw hollie and she said, "you hit iraq", "collapse", and I saw this president and he said, "collapse", "comitted blaspheme".
(366)virginia boldea-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia and she said something like, "now the Lord has warned you", and maybe, "its up to you", "your fallen", "please help me", and I saw hollie and she said, "please help me", over and over, and, "prophet says website back up again", and I saw irving and he said, "pleae help me".
(367)abide in your calling-vision received 10-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a Hand while I was praying, and It was put right in my face, and I was asking Jesus what He wanted me to do, and the truth is, it's what I'm doing.
(368)made to give Jesus Glory-vision received 10-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a Spirit that looked like Jesus, and He was like and He said, thats it.
(369)the coming terror-vision recieved 10-30-2005 God has showed me a Spirit that looked, Jesus, and He said, the coming terror.
(370)rebuke the devil in Jesus name-vision recieved 11-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a Spirit that looked like the speedway woman and she said, that devil just left you, you saw, and hollie said, it go, and the walmart girl said, look, and maybe hollie said, like a black spirit, that's, and hollie said, the, and the walmart girl said, homosexual and hollie said, spirit.
(371)the amazing Website of Jesus-vision received 11-4-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like the speedway woman and she said, praise God, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, tel her about the Website, if you, God will bless you.
(372)revelation of the beast-vision received 11-4-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and al gore said, I made a promise, and putin said, russia is the beast, and eventuaully russia is, and somebody said, the united states, and putin said, is russia, and maucaulay said, russia is the beast and russia is the bear.
(373)the Death ANGEL -vision recieved 11-6-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like people and they said, the Death ANGEL, looks like Skull Face, and He is angry and He is not set free, there is one more thing, the Death Angel is lost, the Death Angel not bow down to Christ, that the end of story.
(374)the mark of the beast is 666-vision received 12-15-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, 666 is the mark of the beast, 666 and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, 666 is the mark of the beast.
(375)judgment to america -vision received 12-31-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: thats what the tallest building in indianapolis looks like when it collpases, it will collapse from a nuclear explosion from russian sub, the united states, when you least expect it, thats when your not lookin for it, amen, for when they shall say peace and safety, then suddden destruction cometh, aman, go and put it under, peace and safety is the national anthem for america, aman.
(376)tell God the truth-vision received 1-6-2006-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: don't make a vow if you won't keep it, don't lie to Jesus, aman.
(377)china will attack america-vision recieved 2-1-2006-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked people and they said: china will strike america and grab taiwan to lure america into war, then russia will destroy america.
(378)rumors-vision received 3-12-2006-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: God is using, this, prophet, to, start, rumors, and they are, true, but, not, welcomed, about, fallen, pastors.
(379)the day of the Lord-vision received 4-1-2006-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: and he saw the earth, reel, to and fro, like, a, drunk, ard, from, explosions, on, both, sides, submarines, firing, russian, at, america, and, american, at, moscow, and, china, one third of the population will be wiped out.
(380)prophesying is recieving visions while right there-vision recieved 10-31-2006-in this vision, I saw maybe only hollie, and she said, theres the alarm, just prophesy it, and showed to record the vision.

voice of prophecy, end times prophecy, end times witness
(1)cut off-visions reiceved 5-11-2004-in at least one vision, I saw a man who looked like stan johnson at the prophecy club, and he said, "write me". I later saw him in another vision, and he let me know he was cut off.
(2)must pray-vision recieved 4-12-2004-in this vision, I saw Henry gruver, and he said, "you must pray". Also, the Lord showed me that one of my pages will end up in the number two slot . Cool!
(3)cut off-visions recieved 4-12-2004-twice I saw a man in visions who has one of the largest radio programs on the planet, and he let me know he was cut off.

(4)thats wrong-I was writing to this pastor, and as I was, I kept seeing him in visions, and he would say, "thats wrong", "your wrong" on 4-12-2004.
(5)lets pray-vision recieved 4-12-2004-I just now saw Henry Gruver in a vision, and he said, "lets pray". I also saw a man who looked like him, and he said, "bob, I'm false".
(6)cut off-vision recieved 4-12-2004-in this vision, I saw ths pastor, and he said, "I'm cut off bob".
(7)love Jesus-vision recieved 4-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she said, "I love Jesus".
(8)stopped-vision recieved 4-13-2004-I was aking Jesus to bless my mom, and I saw a man in a vision, and He said, "shes stopping me".
(9)gas prices will lower-vision recieved 4-13-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like the king of saudi arabia, and he said, "increase production".(fullfilled)
(10)dick cheney-vision recieved 4-13-2004-in this vision, I saw dick cheney, and he said, "nuclear war", which is on the way in iraq.
(11)prophecy ministry-vision recieved 4-13-2004-in this vision, I saw this man who had whitish blond hair and skin, and blue eyes and he said, "prophecy ministry", and he also called my name".
(12)used vision-visions recieved 4-13-2004-in these visions, and a man let me know he used a vision that Jesus gave me for his book, and he was not not supposed to till the Lord gave me permission. He wants it to sell his book. Should have waited on Jesus.
(13)america on fire-vision recieved 4-13-2004-in this vision, I saw a sketch of the earth, and smoe was coming up high into the atomosphere from one of the nations.
(14)get out-vision recieved 4-13-2004-in this vision, I saw this man who goes to this church, and he said, "get the hell out of here".
(15)i did-vision recieved 4-13-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "i did", and what this was regarding was to what I witnessed to him.
(16)warning on a billboard-vision recieved 4-13-2004-in this vision, I was walking by a building, and it was daytime, and I could see part of a big billboard behind me, and was made aware that my warning was on that billboard. The warning the great God Jesus gave me. Praise Jesus!
(17)dumb-vision recieved in aabout 3-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she said, "i'm dumb".
(18)atlanta-vision recieved 4-14-2004-in this vision, I saw like a yahoo message title for a sent message to me and the message was something like, "Hi Bob. Come to Atlanta".
(18)checking-vision recieved 4-13-2004-in this vision, it was like I was in the kitchen of my house, and this little boy wearing a white robe opened the door a little and looked in, then closed the door.
(19)I'm your pastor-vision recieved 4-14-2004-in this vision I saw a man barely and He said, "I'm your pastor".
(20)there here-vision recieved 4-14-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she was afraid, and she said something like, "there here bob".
(21)tell the vision-vision recieved 4-14-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she said, "tell the vision".
(22)you must pray-vision recieved 4-14-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair, and He said, "you must pray".
(23)save me-visions recieved 4-2004-I see various people in visions, and they say, "save me".
(24)do you know more than God -vision recieved 4-15-2004-I saw me in a vision, and I said, "i am"
(25)lucre-vision received 4-15-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she said, "I like money".
(26)gay-vision received 4-15-2004-in this vision, I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he said, "i'm gay".
(27)bro. Heaggy-vision recieved 4-15-2004-in this vision I saw and heard, "brother heaggy". I later saw him again, and he said, "he wants trouble"
(28)liar-vision recieved 4-15-2004-in this vision, I saw this man and he said, "liar".
(29)tell me-vision recieved 4-15-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she said, "tell me". I just saw her again, and she said, "i'm cut off".
(30)almost caught-visions recieved 4-16-2004-in this vision, I saw a slightly chubby man with a mustache, and he said, "I almost had you". Then I saw me writing the vision in a vision.
(31)in hell-visions recieved 4-16-2004-in these visions, I saw the girl, and said, "i'm in hell", and other things.
(32)sign the book-visions recieved 4-16-2004-in one vision, I saw this girl and she said, something like, "sign the book", which means her guestbook, and in the other she said, "tell me something".
(33)not retarded-vision recieved 4-16-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she said, "I'm not retarded".
(34)being watched-vision recieved 4-16-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "there watching me". The visions are from Jesus Christ.
(35)keep nuclear deterrant-vision recieved 4-16-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "do you want the missiles".
(36)witch-vision recieved 4-16-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "i'm a witch".
(37)I want visions-vision recieved 4-16-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she said, "I want visions".
(38)trouble-vision recieved 4-16-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "i'm trouble".
(39)titanic-vision recieved 4-17-2004-In this vision, I saw the titanic on the ocean floor from the front. It was rusty.
(40)four-visions recieved 4-17-2004-in this vision, I saw me holding up 4 fingers, and in another vision, I saw a piece of paper, and one of the things it said on it was 3 excellent. I was asking Jesus how many people to witness to each day.
(41)time to book-vision recieved 1-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said: "go to the computer".
(42)church-visions recieved 4-2004-I went to church, and Jesus was giving me visions of the people there, this one girl there said, "leave me alone", "I want in your pants", "your false". This one man said, "tell me". Jesus gave me others, I'll just leave it there.
(43)being led-vision recieved 4-17-2004-while at church, wanting to leave, I saw a man in a vision that was white, and it was so quick, I could not make much out, but, He said, "I will lead you". When I finally did leave, outside the church, I was able to witness to about 6 people, and pray for some.
(44)I'm sorry-vision recieved 4-17-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman pastor, and she said, "I'm sorry".
(45)various visions-received 4-19-2004-in one vision, I saw this pastor, and she said, "the church is closed", and I saw her other times.
(46)prepare your self-vision recieved 4-19-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus. He had blue eyes and brown hair and beard, and He said, "prepare thy self".
(47)spam artist-vision recieved 4-19-2004-in this vision, I saw the a man who is a spam artist, and he said, "I want your social security number".
(48)amused-vision recieved 4-19-2004-I went to church on 4-17, and shared lots a visions. I saw the pastor who was a woman in a vision, and she said, "it was amusing".
(49)I laughed-vision recieved 4-19-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "I laughed". The day will come.
(50)put yourself last-vision recieved 4-19-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "put bobby first".
(51)trouble-vision recieved 4-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "i'm trouble".
(51)go-vision recieved 4-20-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "go to the computer". I saw her other times to.
(51)Jordans king Abdullah 11-visions recieved 4-202004-I was asking Jesus why Jordans King Abdullah 11 meeeting with president bush was cancelled, and I saw King Abdullah 11 in a vision, and he said, "I was afraid", and I inquired, "afraid of what", and I saw the king again, and he said, "its my religion".
(52)creation of a palestinian state-recieved 4-20-2004-I heard while praying, "a palestian state", and I said, "what about a palestinian state", and I heard, "there ready". I may have seen visions with these.
(53)pray-visions recieved 4-20-2004-in this vision, I saw this young lady and she said, "pray".
(53)Iraq war-vision recieved 4-20-2004-in this vision, I saw, "IRAQ WAR VISIONS".
(54)brought back-vision recieved 4-20-2004-I saw an old friend in a vision, and he said, "help me". Less than a year ago, him and his wife was walking down my street, and they were living with there son, and both jobless. I prayed for them, and next time I saw them, they both had jobs. I saw them yesterday, and I think now they are in the same predicament, except living with a daughter this time. It saddens me, but, if you don't give Jesus glory for what He does, it gives Him no reason to do anything else. I'm not throwing stones, thank God he gave me what He did, instead of what I deserved.
(55)that's wrong-visions recieved 4-21-2004-I shared some visions at church with this pastor, and while I was praying at the church at the alter, I saw him in a vision, and he said, "thats wrong". I saw it again while driving. He also said in another, "your trouble", and also let me know he was cut off.
(56)economic collapse-visions recieved 4-21-2004-I saw president Bush in a vision, and he said, "the economy", and I said , "what about the economy", and I saw a word in white letters, that looked like, "collapsing". I just saw my mom in a vision, and she said, "is collapsing". Again, I saw president Bush, and he said, "the economy", and I said what about the economy", and in the next vision, he said something like, "it's doing fine". The government can see the collapse coming. I just saw president Bush in a vision, and he said, "we know".
(57)closing-visions recieved 4-23-2004-in many visions, my mom let me know her job is closing.
(58)witch-vision recieved 4-23-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor and he said, "I'm a witch".
(59)not ready-vision recieved 4-23-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she said, "i'm not ready yet".
(59)take it off-visions recieved 4-2004-I saw this woman, and she said in avision, "take it off", referring to life support many times, she said, "I'm dying", her daughter said many things, and so did the mother.
(60)Bush wants Russia and china-visions recieved 4-24-2004-in visions while praying, I saw Bush, and he said something like, "I want China", "we wnat Russia".
(61)number on the wall-vision recieved 4-24-2004-Jesus showed me to write a number to somethings personal on the wall.
(61)Michael Jackson-visions recieved 4-24-2004-I was asking Jesus about Michael Jackson, and I saw him in many visions. The crime he is charged with he said, "I did". I saw him more than once, and he said, "bankrupt", but also let me know he has money in other accounts. I saw him in more.
(62)Robert williams-vision recieved 4-24-2004-in this vision, I saw Robert Williams at the "Prophecy Club", and he said, "write me".
(63)I'm lost-visions recieved 4-24-2004-there was a man working in the yard today, and in more than one vision, Jesus let me know he was lost, so, I invited him to my website, "prophetic ministry ministries of ministryofdreams".
(64)Jesus still hated-vision recieved 4-24-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw Jesus, and He looked like an ordinary man with a white robe and brown hair, and He said, "They hate me". While driving to post, I saw Him again, and this time He had brown hair and beard, and blue eyes, and He said, "no-body wants me".
(65) not him-vision recieved 4-24-2004-I was talking to a mechanic about fixing my car, and let him no I would pray first. While praying, Jesus gave me this vision, I saw the mechanic, and he said, "don't come back".
(66) Free up yourself for Jesus-vision recieved 4-24-2004-in this vision, I saw like the "yahoo mail box" recieved e-mail subject lines, and one e-mail subject said this, "Bob release". If you hold onto some of you, that is less that Jesus has to work with.
(67)breast cancer-vision recieved 4-25-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "I have breast cancer".
(68)bible studies-vision recieved 4-25-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "do more bible studies".
(69)visions of a pastor-recieved 4-25-2004-in many vision, Jesus revealed many things to me about this pastor, mainly that he thinks I'm crazy, and is laughing at me.
(70)she wants you to pray-visions recieved 4-25-2004-I was at the hospital, and I told this woman more or less to tell me things from her heart, she can't talk. I had many visions, but, one, I saw this man with whitish blond hair and skin and blue eyes, and He said, "she wants you to pray".
(71)get licence plates, and keep using syntheic blend-vision recieved 4-25-2004-in this vision, Jesus in His own way showed me to get licence plates and keep using quaker state synthetic blend oil. I went to two licence branches, and the machine would not process my request, and I became very afraid I was suspended, and I went home and prayed, and I saw a man in a vision, and He let me know that I was not suspended. I finally got it done-thank you Jesus.
(72)hug mom-vision recieved 4-25-2004-in this vision, I saw me hugging my mom. Jesus was showing me to do it.
(73)not believe-visions recieved 4-26-2004-in this first vision, I saw a man I witness to and he said, "i don't believe that", and in the other one, he let me know he was cut off.
(74)o.k.-visions recieved 4-26-2004-in many visions, the Lord let me know that something I was inquiring about will be o.k.
(75)dark streak-vision recieved 4-28-2004-while siting at the computer, and I was starting to worry about something, I saw in a vision this dark shaft streak in front of me.
(75)you and me-vision recieved 4-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this old apostolic pentecostal pastor, and he said, "you and me". I saw a young lady who goes to his church and she said, "liar".
(76)Canada's economy will collapse-recieved 4-2004-the Lord let me know Canada economy will collapse, but, it will not be as bad as america's economic collapse.
(77)not neeeded-visions recieved 4-29-2004-twice I saw a man in canada, and he said, "your not needed".
(78)false-visions recieved 4-30-2004-I was asking Jesus about what people at a church I witnessed to, and He showed me every one thought I was false.
(79)I lost me-vision recieved 4-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a Jesus, and He looked like an ordinary man, and He said, "I lost me". I saw Him again, and He said, "I made a decision"..
(80)did not want-visions recieved 4-30-2004-I jsut found out my neighbor was unplugged from life support, and I kept seeing her in visions, and she said, "you didn't want me".
(81)scared-vision recieved 4-30-2004-I was asking Jesus about this woman, and I saw her in a vision, and heard something like, "scared".
(81)visions of Jesus-recieved 4-30-2004-in one vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair, and He said, "my son", and in the other, He said, "don't go", which He was referring to church.
(82)aids-visions recieved 5-1-2004-twice, I saw this young woman in visions, and she said, "I have aids".
(83)conceited-vision recieved 5-1-2004-in this vision, I saw my former neighbor, and she said, "your conceited".
(84)link-vision recieved 5-2-2004-in this vision, I saw this man with white hair, and he said, "I will link to you".
(84)jelous-vision recieved 5-3-2004-I saw this woman in a vision, and she said, "bob, i'm jelous". Jelous of a nobody.
(85)sign guestbooks-vision reiceved 5-2004-in this vision, I saw a guestbook, so I will keep signing.
(86)door-vision recieved 5-2004-in this vision, I saw the like darkness lite up, and I heard, "bob, there's someone at the door".
(87)thanks-vision recieved 5-6-2004-in this vision, a woman thanked me for witnessing to her.
(88)false proselyte makers-vision recieved 57-2004-many things happened in this vision, but, It was like a scene from Andy Griffith show, and andy was with a bible, and one thing he said was something like, "one thing about false prosetelytes, they like you, and they do aquick work".
(89)coming judgment-vision recieved 5-7-2004-I'm going by memory on this, but, I'm with an old girlfriend, and she had a friend there, and we are around other friends, all of whom I should have stayed away from, because none live for Jesus, and I was being tempted. Finally, I let the girlfriend go, and witness to her friend, and tell him about some of the visions Jesus gave me where I saw various states nuked, and dark lines along the east coast and west, and about the midway point of the oceans, which is the vision Jesus gave me showing a sumarine attack on america. I told him something like, "you will see Russia lead an allout attack". They walked off, and the other friends were still tempting me, and even though in my heart, I was looking for an opening to get out of there, I still stayed and was being tempted. Each moment you stay in a situation like this, makes it most likely you will not make it it. Get out and away quickly.
(90)leave him alone-vision recieved 5-7-2004-in this vision, the Lord let me know to leave someone alone.
(91)my old pastor-vision recieved 5-7-2004-while driving my car stopped at a lite, I saw my old pastor and his son acrossed the street, and I appologized and asked forgiveness if I wronged either one in my heart, and I saw the pastor in a vision, and he said, "you'd didn't". I just saw the son and he said, "fuck you bobby".
(92)sign guestbooks-vision recieved 5-8-2004-while praying, I heard, "pray for prophecy", so I did, and I saw two words, and I could only make out one, and that one was "guestbooks", which tells me to keep signing.
(92)visions of Jesus-recieved 5-8-2004-in one I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and He said, "november", and in the other, He said, "I can hear what you are saying". There were more.
(93)fired-vision recieved 5-8-2004-in this vision, I saw stan Johnson at the prophecy club, and he said, "i'm fired".
is henry gruver dying-visions recieved in 2004-in many visions, most I recorded, I just did not use his name, Henry gruver let me know he will die of natural causes. Maybe they were spiritual. the last one was on 5-8-2004.
(94)me hanged-vision recieved 5-9-2004-in this vision, I saw a man hanged by his neck from a tree. The man had on a white hood, and I knew this man was me.
(95)no mothers day-vision recieved 5-10-2004-in this vision, I saw my mom, and she said, "you could have been here". I want to avoid her.
(95)U.S.S.R.-vision recieved 10-12-2004-in this vision, I saw like the Cnn news page and the first word in one of the articles was U.S.S.R.. I could not make out the rest of it. Is that nation going to come back together.
(96)apostle Paul-vision recieved 5-12-2004-in this vision, I watched the apostle Paul going about and serving Jesus endlessly, and reminding God often about his bonds.
(97)don't publish-vision reiceved 5-14-2004-i was asking Jesus about writing a book and publishing, and I saw a man who was all white in a vision, and He said, "don't publish".
(98)seek Jesus yourself-vision recieved 5-14-2004-i was asking Jesus for a person who wants a Word, and I saw Jesus in a vision, and He had brown hair. I said, "what do I tell him", and Jesus said, "nothing".
(99)Russia will attack Alaska-visions recieved 5-15-2004-in one vision, I saw and or heard,"Alaska", and I said, "what about Alaska", and then I saw Putin in a vision, and he said, "hit it". I saw others and am going by memory, but, I was clearly shown Russia will attack Alaska.
(100)hate-vision recieved 5-17-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I hate you".
(101)hell-vision recieved 5-17-2004-in more than one vision, the Lord let me know my brother who killed himself perished.
(102)love-vision recieved 5-21-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she said, "i love you".
(103)MINISTRYofDREAMS-vision recieved 5-21-2004-in this vision, I saw, "MINISTRYofDREAMS" in my yahoo recieved mail category. It was written similar to how i have it typed.
(104)trouble-vision recieved 5-23-2004-in this vision, I saw a white man who looked just like President Bush, and he said, "bobby, are we in trouble".
(105)coming judgment to america-vision reccieved 5-29-2004-I'm going by memory on this,but, I ended up in this building, and I'm walking, and walk past a couple of guys in a room, and one of them yells something like, "lets get him', and I walk fast, and he comes after me and catches up with me, and I see this young woman and she blows cigaret smoke out of her mouth, and she says something like,"give me a kiss', and she was sticking her tongue out, and I deny her, and say something to her and she says something like, "so, you've been down in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost". We are both sitting, and I then began to warn her of what Jesus has showed me. I said something like, "I saw two nuclear explosions in the city of Indianapolis. It was a multiwarhead nuclear missile. In another vision, I saw a missile streak into the heart of chicago. It got about over the sears tower and "bam". The whole city was gone. It was like going into a dark room and turning the light on". She was weeping, and I was weeping, and I knew I was scaring her. She still needed to hear it. It finished with me say, "ISAIAH 13 says, "Howl ye, for the day of the Lord is at hand. It shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms-and the vision ended.
(106)killed-vision recieved 5-29-2004-in two visions, I saw Jimmy Hoffa, and he said, "I got killed". God could show me right where his body is.
(107)cursed God name-vision recieved 5-29-2004-in this vision, I'm with my mom, and she says somethings, and curses Gods name. I told her to not say that and if she did again, I was going to move out, and she responds by telling me to get out and cursing me.
(108)bacskslid-vision recieved 6-3-2004-in this vision, I saw a visiting pastor who preached last night at Danville Apostolic Church, and I heard these words, "he had the Holy Spirit".
(109)olsen twin-vision recieved 6-24-2004-in the first vision, I saw one of the olsen twins, and I heard, "olsen", and in the other, I saw her, and she said, "i thought about suicide".
(109)no book-vision recieved 6-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this being, and He said, "no book".
(110)write book-vision recieved 6-28-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said something like, "why don't you write a book so we can understand".
(111)check it out-vision recieved 7-8-2004-in this vision, I saw a car salesman, and he said something like, "come and check it out". I then saw both people who worked in that office, and I heard this, "you have already warned them". I saw one of them in many more visions.
(112)health problems-visions recieved 7-8-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "I have health problems".
(113)church is going-vision reiceved 7-8-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "the church is going".
(114)new car-vision recieved 8-4-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said something like, "I want another car". I truly hope she forgets this.
(115)henry gruver-vision recieved 8-8-2004-in this vision, I saw henry gruver, and he said, "lay off me". God gave me about 6 give or take Henry gruver visions today, and I don't know if I asked Him for them today. I told Jesus something like, "are you wanting to reveal something about henry gruver to me", and I saw a , man in a vision that I could not make out to well, and He said, "I do".
(116)prophecy ministry-vision recieved 2-19-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "prophecy ministry"..
(117)prophecy ministry-visions recieved 3-11-2004-more than once I saw the words, "prophecy ministry".
(118)prophecy ministry-vision recieved 4-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who had whitish blond hair and skin, and blue eyes and He said, "prophecy ministry".
(119)prophecy ministry-visions recieved 3-4-2004-twice in visions, I saw a man who was white and He had blue eyes and He said,"prophecy ministry".
(120)the gospel is hidden to the lost-vision recieved 9-8-2004-in this vision, I saw this former pastor, and I heard these words, "they can't see". The gospel is hidden to the lost.
(121)no-vision recieved 9-8-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and HE had brown hair, and He said, "no".
(122)scared-vision recieved 9-9-2004-in this vision, I saw this former pastor, and he said something like, "I'm a afraid".
(123)Gods council-vision recieved 9-10-2004-In this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and He said, "do nothing".
(124)it's up to you-vision recieved 9-9-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "it's up to you". I was asking Jesus if it was o.k. to post a vision He gave me long ago.
(125) pray fervantly-vision recieved 9-16-2004-in this vision, The Lord showed me me on all fours rocking back and forth praying hard. This is the prayer that pleases Jesus most.
(126)the DOOR opens-vision recieved 9-16-2004-in this vision while praying, I see this huge door open and bright light shines out of it.
(127)don't bother-recieved-vision recieved 9-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "leave me alone". I told her Jesus did give me a vision for her, but, I could not release it. I saw another man who works at that gas station, and he said something like, "how are you doing". I saw a third man who works there and can't remember.
(128)good point-vision reiceved 9-16-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and HE had brown hair, and He said, "thats a good point".
(129)busier-vision received 9-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "were busier now", referring to the company she works for, which, I pray lots for.
(130)revelations of a woman-vision received 11-2004-I saw this young woman I witnessed to in many visions, and she said things like, 'cut me off', "divorce", "never talk to me again", "I'm an adversary", etc. If the Lord Jesus comes your way once and you reject that visitation, you are in serious trouble. I saw that woamn again and she said, "I have". She's only about 22.
(131)reprobate mind-vision received 11-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "turn me over to a reprobate".
(132)pray-vision received 11-18-2004-in this vision, I saw the face of Jesus, and He had curly brown hair and beard that may have been graying, and He said, "pray".
(133)saved-vision received 11-18-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said something like, "I can't believe it I'm saved".
(134)dumitru duduman-vision received 11-18-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "do you miss me". I never met him, but, it would have been fun to fellowship with him in Jesus Christ.
(135)Man pointing at me-visions received 11-23-2004-while praying, I received a vision where I saw this Man that was about 6 feet tall, and HE was white, and had like a brown afro and I think He had a beard to, and HE was pointing at me, and this somewhat frightened me. I was not going to write the vision down, and Jesus showed me in a vision my note book and I believe also told me to write it down, so I did. Then I saw the Man in another vision, and He said, "PAY MY price". This is what Jesus expects me to do or requires out of me everyday.
(136)I'm referred to as a bastard-vision received 11-23-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He said, "they tell me your a bastard". Jesus had like a brown afro, and maybe even a beard. I can't help but to wonder when I come around and tell visions and dreams and reavelations, and that most if not just about all people who call themselves christians are so far away from Jesus, that they don't even recognize, and or deny and reject what I say, thinking in their hearts that I'm decieved. I believe that is what is meant here. I see this rejection all the time. I believe bastard simply means, not one of us, not like us, different, questionable. If the apostle Paul came to town, what would he say? Would he sound just like me. It was the partially the chief preist that sought council to have Jesus killed, and that was the religious folks of that day, and the very same thing is going on today.
(137)go-vision received 11-23-2004-in this vision, I saw a MAN that Had graying brown hair and beard, and He said, "go to the car".
(138)witness-vision received 11-23-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "witness".
(139)tell people-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision while sitting at the computer, I saw the face of a man, and it was all I could see, and He said, "tell people". I was reading about the newest attack on Israel.
(140)curious-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor and he said, "curious".
(141)what do people think about you-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this young woman, and she said, "are you saved".
(142)serve Jesus today-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this black woman and she said something like, "do you got one day at a time".
(143)commanded by God-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision, I saw me and I said, "I'm commanded".
(144)russia will attack alaska-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision, I saw vladimir putin and he said something like, "I want alaska". I asked Jesus how much oil in alasa, and I saw a man in a vision with brown hair and HE said, "enough". When I was talking about oil, I saw president bush in a vision, and he said, "that's what we need". I also saw bush in a vision and he let me know he knew alaska was rich in oil.
(145)scott peterson-vision recieved 12-15-2004-in this vision, I saw scott peterson and he was crying.
(146)wanting something Jesus is not wanting you to have is sin-vision received 12-30-2004-in this vision I saw a young woman and she said, "your lusting".
(147)report spam-vision received 12-30-2004-in this vision, it's like I saw these words written in like lite red neon drop down "REPORT SPAM".
(148)you can hurt he fellings of Jesus-vision received 12-30-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair and beard and He said, "that hurt".
(149)preaching the WORD-vision received 1-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "that's the WORD'. I believe I saw her in another vision and she said, "I love material".
(150)called a prophet-visions received 1-2005-in visions I saw a man with brown hair and beard and HE said, "your a prophet". In another vision, I saw Him and He said, "there laughing". There were others.
(151)gas price-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a gas sign and it was on like the stations awning and I believe the prce was $1.99
(152)being followed-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "there following me".
(153)repent-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I repent".
(154)accused-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "accused".
(155)apostolic pastor-vision received 1-7-2005-there is a church that I was told sold, and I saw the pastor in a vision and he said, "I don't work here anymore". I was going to comment, but, I saw a man with brown hair and beard in a vision and HE said, "lay off".
(156)introduction-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "introduction".
(157)revelations about a pentecostal preacher-visions received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw this upci apostolic pentecostal pastor and he said, "I'm going to the lake". In this vision, and I believe it was referring to his church I heard the word "clix" and then I saw the word "clix" in a vision. I believe I saw him in another vision and he said, "what can we do". this was chris amonett.
(158)trust Jesus-visions received 1-21-2005-twice in visions, I saw this woman and she said in one or both, "I'm a trap".
(159)cast your cares upon Jesus-vision received 1-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with graying beard and hair and HE said something like: "tell me your problem".
(160)testimoy-vision recieved 3-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a pastor and he said something like, "what a testimony". I ran into two people that go there, and told them visions and things Jesus showed me where coming, and even told them I would write some things down for them, and I beleive my hope was that they would take it to the church. It took about 20 minutes and I received a vision and saw a mans face and he said something like, "they're allready gone". I walked thru the marsh grocery store and looked for them, and could not find them. I was writing things on paper, and I believe the I had the paper on top of a copy machine, and I was very close to the exit. I'm amazed that they slipped by me. I can't see a realistic possibility of them missing me, because of where I was. I saw the woman in a vision and she said something like, "come and witness". The last words I can remember that pastor speaking to me where, "I'm not interested in that. I'm not". This was my former pastor donald winters of westside pentecostal church in indianapolis.
(161)witch-vision recieved 3-5-2005-I was driving not far from Christ Church Apostolic, and I was thinking on shawn tyson, and I saw a man in a vision that I believe was shawn tyson and he said, 'I'm a witch'.
(162)witness-visions recieved 3-5-2005-in a vision, I saw a woman and she said, 'made promise'. I saw her in another vision and she said something like, "I got cut off".
(163)tell people-vision recieved 3-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "tell people".
(164)testify-vision received 3-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and HE said, "go witness".
(165)I killed-visions received 3-25-2005-in one vision, I saw president bush and he said, "I killed". In another, I saw president bush and he said, "we get hit". In another, I heard something like, "your president", and I saw president bush, and then I saw a man that looked like vice president dick cheney, and he said something like, "I killed".
(166)nope, more-vision received 3-27-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that I witnessed to and he said, "that's enough". I bleive he was referring to me having testified to enough people today.
(167)negotiations-vision received 3-30-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "negotiations".
(169)delete-vision received 3-30-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "delete", and I heard something like, "I delete".
(170)stripes-vision received 3-30-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "stripes", which is what you might have to take if you mess up. You maight have to pay the penalty.
(171)does have meaning-vision recieved 3-30-2005-I wrote down, "the Word doesn't have meaning". I believe a pastor spoke it to me and I may have seen him".
(172)killed-visions received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "gen LEBED", and I saw him in a vision and he said, "I killed". He died in a helicopter wreck.
(173)pakistan-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard the word, "pakistan", and in a vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm lying to them". It may have been pakistans president. I was asking Jesus about the american sell of f16's to paskistan and I saw the a man that looked like the president of pakistan in a vision and he said, "black mail". I saw the president of usa in a vision and he said something like, "because pakistan helped us".
(174)hated-visions received 4-2-2005-in a vision, I saw the words, "sen. John Kerry", and I saw him in another vision and he said, "I hate you".
(175)what now-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw something like an oil dipstick on an engine and written on it was words like, "what will we do now".
(176)visit-visions received 4-2-2005-in visions, I saw this man and he said, "come next april", "april the 25". In other visions, I saw him. In one, he was looking at a computer moniter and he was looking at my website and the page was there with no writing on it and he said, "got him". In another he said, "there paying me". In other visions, I saw him or other people and they said, "were paying 6 grand", "I don't feel Him".
(177)prophet-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "prophet". In another vision, I saw a mans name spelled out. I don't know if he is a prophet, but, I think he is.
(178)jackpot-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, saw the word, "pot", and I heard, "jackpot".
(179)attorney-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "attorney".
(180)save-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "save", and I was asking about what, and I saw a woman or girl and she said, "freeservers", which is one of my main sites.
(180)being pursued-visions received 4-2-2005-while praying, I heard, "he's after you", and twice I saw the word, "hide", in visions
(181)sold-vision received 4-4-2005-sold-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "we got sold".
(182)cursed God-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw may dad and he cursed God. When he wa alive, he did this more than you can imagine. He spent most of his life bound by the devil. Sad.
(183)go to computer-vision recieved 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a Man with curly hair and beard, and He said, "go to the computer".
(184)prophet-vision received 4-8-2005-in visions, I saw people and they said things like, "your a prophet", "your chosen".
(185)witch-visions received 4-2005-I spoke with this former pastor and he tried to convince me that if he was going to heaven, but, I did not feel the Holy Ghost coming from a word he spoke. I saw him in a visions and he said things like, "witch", "I'm cut off". I bleive I just saw him and he cursed God in this vision.In another vision, he said something like, "I'm a witch", "adulterer". If I don't make it, I won't be suprised. What about these who really believe there ready, and are no more saved than lucifer.
(185)God will supply all my need-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "take no".
(186)rebel-vision received 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm a witch".
(187)words-vision received 5-8-2005-In a vision, I saw the words, "written in". I believe there was another vision. I don't no if I recorded it or not. There is a vision that I'm having trouble reading.
(188)revelation-vision received 5-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and I heard, "that's the devil".
(189)not against-visions received 5-14-2005-In visions, I saw this woman and she said, "is bob against me", "I'm o.k".
(190)Jets-vision received 5-16-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "Jets".
(191)trust Jesus-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "trust Jesus".
(192)avoid-vision received 5-23-2005-I was in this gas station and I saw a woman that works there in a vision and she said things like, "have nothing to do with me".
(193)cut off-visions received 5-24-2005-IN a vision, I saw the word, "cut off", appear. Then I saw a woman and she said things like, "tell me", "I'm satan", etc.
(194)JOB-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "JOB".
(195)shown-vision recieved 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "he'll have to be shown".
(196)don't warn the cop again-vision recieved 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw this police officer and he said, "don't trust me again".
(197)sin-vision received 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw the place on this site where you look and it shows how man hits your site got for the past 24 hours and today when I looked it was about 263, and I may have told Jesus it was an accident and I saw a Man with brown hair in a vision and He said angrily said something like, "IT WAS A MISTAKE".
(198)will I stand-vision received 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with a face made that was like lit up and His hair was short and He said, "see".
(199)whiteland, indiana-vision recieved 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw and heard, "whiteland".
(200)established-vision received 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "established", and I heard, "I established you".
(201)are you really watching for Jesus to come-vision received 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "how come you ain't looking".
(202)cut off-vision received 6-4-2005-In these visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "cut off", "stop him", "trap"(i felt like this meamt trapping me).
(203)chosen-vision received 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "make me chosen".
(204)blasphemed-vision received 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like my former pastor and he said, "I blasphemed".
(205)I'll try let Jesus do the judging-vision received 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "do call me a witch bobby".
(206)write those visions down-vision recieved 6-19-2005-I'm often showed in visions writing them down and this lets me to know to write them down. Praise Jesus for His Goodness and GREATNESS!
(207)go-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In a vision, I saw a Man and He said, "go now". The house I'm living in, Jesus showed me that there is a woman there that wants to cause me to backslide. Jesus showed me what she wants to do, and will or would have done to trap me. I won't mention things hse has already done, but, I will say, Jesus showed me she will end up in diapers and commit suicide because of it. I saw her in a visions and she said things like, "don't matter", "I'm against bobby", "miss me mom", etc. In many visions, I saw her scream and she was like a white spirit and I felt she was in hell. In one she said, "no", "bobby". In others which may have been her, she said things like, "plastic surgery", "take poison", "lost my money".
(208)let Jesus do the warring-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "don't fight".
(209)job lost-visions recieved 6-21-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "I lost my job", "they want me out of here".
(210)you better watch what you call me-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "bobs the devil". In another vision, I saw a man and he said, "you know what the devil told me".
(211)snitch-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I snitch".
(212)devil setting traps-vision recieved 6-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I fell into a trap". In another vision, I saw a woman and she said, "trap".
(213)visions of a man in a whell chair-visions recieved 6-21-2005-In visions, I saw this man in a wheel chair that I've witnessed to and he said things like, "I'm the devil", "thinking about suicide".
(214)adultery-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw this young woman and I heard, "adultery".
(215)you might think you will-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision just now, I saw a woman and she said something like, "I'm making you fall", and then she laughed. You may fall into your own trap, and not get out.
(216)small explosion-vision received 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw what appeard to be a nuclear fireball from an explosion. Didn't get to see much. It may have been in indianapolis.
(217)my being there may be the problem-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, he pissed me off". In prayer, I believe I have turned this woman over to satan. Her days are numbered before she ends up in diapers and then takes her life. This is what the Lord showed me.
(218)webshell of maybe this site-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw the webshell of an angelfire site. Maybe it was this one. It possible ministryofdreams in just about it's entirety could be moved here.
(219)Angelic-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a man I know, and he was smiling, and he turned into an Angel. It's like The Angel had no hair and His skin was white, like it was Lite.
(220)I was asking Jesus if mick jagger of the rolling stones was gay-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In a vision, I saw mick jagger and he said, "no". In another vision while walking, I saw john mellencamp, formerly, john cougar, and he cursed God.
(221)not ready-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm not ready for that".
(222)stan johnson-vision recieved 6-21-2005-While praying, I heard, "stan johnson", and I saw him in a vision and he said something like, "I got tickled".
(223)not accountable-received 6-21-2005-While praying I heard something like this, "children: they won't be held accountable. Some will never be born."
(224)probably moving-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw perhaps me and I said, "I need my apartment tonight". When I recieved that, I knew something was up. In another vision, I saw that there was a piece of toilet paper placed in my bed. I asked Jesus why she does that, and in a vision, I saw her and she said, "to stay in charge". I just saw her and she was laughing. That laughter will soon turn into eternal torture for her. Jesus will let somebody mess with somebody so long, then, watch out!
(225)drink water-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a cup of water being poured, possible into my mouth.
(226)death-vision received 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "on my death certificate", and I thought in the other vision she said something like, "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost".
(227)job lost-vision received 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you mean I lost my job". In another vision, she said, "I love you".
(228)change some antifreeze in the van-visions recieved 6-21-2005-In a vision, Jesus showed me to siphon some old anti freeze out of the van, and in another, HE showed me to replace four quarts. I bought two.
(229)you are wasting your time if you think you are going to trap me-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'll never get you". Jesus warns me it's coming.
(230)do you recognize and give glory to Jesus for what He is doing in your life-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "recognize Jesus".
(231)witch is a rebel-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm a witch".
(232)people will go to hell if you don not do your job in Christ Jesus-vision redcieved 6-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, 'I'm in hell', "because of bobby". this may have been two seperate visions or one.
(233)I beleive I'm telling the truth-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "that liar".
(234)vision of Jesus-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw like a white outline of Jesus. He had a Beard, and may have had the Crown of Thorns in His Head.
(235)laughing-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown Hair and HE was laughing.
(236)you better believe it's true-vision recieved 6-25-2005-I witnessed to a woman and told her things like Jesus showed me in visions that babylon was america, you will see two more presidents, hillary clinton, dick cheney, russia will lead an all out attack on america and it will happen when america and china goes to was. In a vision, I saw her and she said something like, "wonder if that's true".
(237)I'm not about to support you if you are in sin-vision recieved 6-25-2005-I witnessed to two young men and prayed for them. One or both did not see eye to eye with me. I think he beleives you can live for Jesus, go back and sin, and come back to Jesus whenever you want. Thats a lie. If Jesus has forgiven you, and you go back, Jesus does not have to take you back. Read ROMANS 1. I saw the man in a vision and he said, "why didn't you support me". Even doing that is sin. It's called, "God speed".
(238)I don't talk much-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said me me aware that I was not talking to her or talking to her much. It was my mom. Jesus doesn't want me talking to her, or just about any of my family because the ones I know of don't live for Jesus. My real family are those who do the will of the FATHER!
(239)in rebellion-visions recieved 6-27-2005-In visions, I saw this woman at a gas station that I would have witnessed to and she said things like, 'I'm a witch', "let me alone". I believe those were her. I skipped her and hit the people in the car she was putting gas in.
(240)visions of men and woman-visions recieved 6-28-2005-In visions I saw men and woman and they said things like, "I'm the devil", "no tape"(this is sit on my new cassette), "channel 13"(this was rich vanwyke, whom I met and he came to grade school once and talked with us), "take your visions"(they came from Jesus), "fuck your visions".
(241)warning-visions recieved 6-28-2005-While praying, I saw this woman and I heard her name, "tess", and then I saw tess in visions and she said things like, "don't come near me", " going to hell", "I offend", "layoff". In one she may have confessed to oral sex. She works at a gas station I frequent. I don't think I've witnessed to her for the longest, nor did I know there was a problem.
(242)visions of women and men-visions received 6-29 and 6-30-2005-In visions, I saw men and women and they said things like, "I'm going to hell", "how can he tell"(Jesus shows me), "I'm the devil"(whose side you on), "suicide", "don't say that", "pray for yourself", "yeah", "wasted money", "all things are possible with God", "I commited adultery", "lick my ass", "I'm already married", "dyke", "I'm the new president"(this was dick cheney), "cot me off", "but your coffee", "bobs on fire", "wait"(I beleive this woman was possibly perishing-you won't be able to fix things then), "I'm first".
(243)one Finger-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw One Finger pointing up. This may represent one more wish from Jesus.
(243b)bald-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw this little bald man that had a beard and a mustache. I beleive I had it twice.
(244a)fat-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw part of a man on a bike and he was on the bile but standing, and he was getting fat. I seemed to feel like this was me.
(244b)Indianapolis sky looked gloomy-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, it's like I'm driving or something and I can see downtown Indianapolis from a distance and there was something wrong with the sky. There was darkness way like a storm coming and the sky had a small color of fire to it, like it was on fire.
(245a)l.a. mass choir-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw the l.a. mass choir tape I was looking at yestaurday. I beleive Jesus will let me get it if I want.
(245b)raise your Hands and praise Jesus-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw two hands raised up to God. There were sleeves on the arms from like a robe that feel slightly back like if you raise your hands yp, you shirt sleeves will reced a bit.
(245c)dyke-vision received 6-30-2005-I heard while praying, "sarah", and I saw her in visions and she said things like, "I'm cut off". In others she told me she wanted oral and anal sex. I beleive this woman used to be saved.
(245e)I was willing-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw me and I said, "I was willing". Be willing for Jesus! For He is WORTHY!! I then saw a White Thumb it IT was UP, like He was approving. I believe these two were together. Praise Jesus!
(246)I witness-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you irritate customers".
(247a)billy graham-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw billy graham and he was possibly preaching at a pullpit. I thought I just saw him in another vision and he said, 'I blasphemed'. I think I saw him in another one and he was referring to me, "thats the devil", "stay away from bobby".(mostly memory".
(248)ANGELIC BEINGS-visions received 6-30-2005-In visions, I saw ANGELIC BEINGS. One was all WHITE, and He may have said, "WE know", and for the other, HE was a Man of Lite. I believe This One was like just a POWER MASS in the shape of A MAN. NO HAIR. He looked at me.
(249)many people are preaching right now that Jesus did not call-vision recieved 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw maybe me, and what was said was something like this, "if you are not called by God, let me show you what you can expect". Then I beleive I saw the word, "judgment", appear. Then I may have said, "real quick". Intruding into the priesthood gets many in trouble. Look at king saul in the old testament. He offered burnt sacrifices unto God and when he got done, Samuel shows up, and that was all of king saul. God would not answer saul in dreams or by prophets any more except for when samuel was brought back up just before king sauls death.
(250)told-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "you already told me". I told her if she did not stop sinning and more, that Jesus showed me she would end up in diapers. What I did not tell her was Jesus showed me that would lead to her suicide. She will perish. I heard her screaming in hell and saying things like, "because mom let me sin".
(251)who God calls, God will qualify-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with Brown hair and He said something like, "if you are called by God, you will be qualified". This may be one of the biggest reasons churches are dead. Many preaching that Jesus did not call, that were qualified by man, in churches that are ran by man.
(251b)finish your Race till the end-vision received 6-302005-In this vision, I saw somebody and the person said, "bob made it". You can if you want.
(252a)blasphemy can bring you down-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "debbie blasphemed".
(252b)people can be a trap-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I the yoke".
(253)whose side are you on-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm the devil".
(246c)wounded but, not stopped-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I know how to trap you".
(254)last chance-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "last chance", "leave this place".
(255)have to leave it in the Hands of Jesus-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "let me perish".
(256)hell for the offender-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, i saw this woman and she said, "I offended". Days are numbered.
(246e)cut off-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I'm already cut off".
(257)mow your on yard-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she told me to mow her lawn. It's about an acre.
(258)yes! ME!-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw this White Hand and the Finger pointed at me and I heard, "you".
(259)you can make a shipwreck oy your salvation-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "wreck". Some wrecks are rebuildable, some are not. Back when the apostle paul wrote the letter, ships were probably made of wood, and I would have to say, it was probably rare at best if a shipwreck was restoreable.
(260)calling for me won't do any good-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby".
(261)man with brown hair-visions recieved 3-2-2005-I see a man with brown hair often in visions and He says things to me. I see a man with brown hair and beard, and sometimes I see Him good enough to see graying, and He says things to me. This happens so often. Praise Jesus for visions and dreams!
(262)that's all-vision received 12-20-2004-I was going to add another comment to the last vision "prophetic information" and I saw Jesus in a vision and HE had brown hair and beard, and He said, "that's all".
(263)cut off-visions received 12-20-2004-in the first vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm cut off", and in the second vision she said, "don't tell me".
(264)people who serve Jesus are my family-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I ain't your family".
(265)house won't sell, owners will move in-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw this man and he said, "howdy neighbor".
(266)stay out -vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and HE said, "bobby, I want you to stay out".
(267)taxes will be raised in america-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "taxes going up".
(268)Jesus know what you feel-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "I know what you fell".
(269)russia will attack america-visions received 12-20-2004-in the first vision, I saw president bush and he said, "were under attack", "they hit alaska", and in the last vision, I saw a man who looked like president putin and he said something like, "we got alaska".
(270)prophecy-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "tell me something".
(272)sorry-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, I'm sorry".
(273)witness-visions received 12-22-2004-twice in visions, I saw a man with brown hair and He said, "witness", "go witness". I witnessed to a young woman and I saw her in a vision and she said, "I thought it was funny".
(274)woe to alaska-vision recieved 12-22-2004-in this vision, I sas russian president vladimir putin and he said "I want alaska". I just waled by a t.v. where the person describe the american military as being the most powerful on the face of the planet, and that may be true, but, it would only take about 8 off russia's missiles to destroy america, and america can not stop them once they are fired. Missile defence may ultimately get some, but, not all, and keep in mind, it does not take many.
(275)soviet union-vision received 12-2004-in this vision, I saw russian president vladimir putin and I heard some words, and the only that I remember now are "soviet union". He worked for the "k.g.b." from about 1975 to 1990, and this was in the U.S.S.R.
(276)have to do all Jesus requires out of you everday or your didn't do your job-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and He said, "Pay your price".
(277)being laughed and mused at-vision recieved 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor and he said, "I thought it was funny", and this was referring to my testimony, and usally in my testimony, I warn people of whats coming.
(278)the WORD is desparately needed today-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "now that's the WORD". This WORD needs to brought forth by the Holy Ghost, not man.
(279)if you don't give in to Jesus, HE will leave you-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "He already left me bobby".
(280)MINISTRY OF DREAMS-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a newly built ministry of dreams website. It just had, "MINISTRYOFDREAMS", in white letters. No mention of prophetic ministry ministries, which may go in time. It had a new template.
(281)didn't witness-visions received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman that was sitting next to me and she said something like, "why you not tell me", and after the Lord gave me this vision, I wondered, and I later saw her in another vision and she said something like, "I'm cut off". THat's probably the reason why I never felt the leading of the Holy Ghost to witness to her. I never even thought about it.
(282)avoid me-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman who does not live for Jesus and she said, "stay away from bobby".
(282a)always being withstood by servants of satan-vision received 12-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, we fight against you".
(282b)visions of Jesus-visions received 12-2004-I saw many visions of Jesus and He had brown hair and He said things like, "do", "that's right"(I was talking to Him about recording being stealing. That is without permission), "My price"(this is what Jesus expects out of me everyday), "oil".
(282c)go-vision received 12-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He appeared to be graying and He said, "leave the room".
(283a)your either for Jesus or against Him-vision received 12-26-2004-in this vision, I saw my dead brothers son and he said, "I'm the devil".
(283b)will Jesus heal balding-vision received 1-2-2005-in this vision while praying, I saw on top of my head where serious thinning is occuring and the Lord told me to put me finger on it and I did.
(283c)use quaker state-vision received 1-3-2005-in this vision I saw a jug of quaker state motor oil and I heard this, "go to quaker state". I believe it was 10w30. Quaker State motor oil must be one of the best. I believe they offer a 250,000 mile guarantee.
(283d)vince neil of motley crue-vision received 1-4-2005-in this vision, I saw vince neil of motley crue and he said, "cut off".
(283d)warn people-vision received 1-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a girl and she said, "tell us".
(283e)purchased-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, and I'm going by memory, I beleive I saw president bush and he said something like, "my dady puchased".
(284)kill my husband-vision received 1-8-2005-in this vision, I saw andrea yates and she said, "kill my husband". I'd say that he is lucky to be alive. With the new trial ordered the thought crossed my mind that now the death penalty could be an option for mrs. yates and as I said something like that, I saw a man in a vision and he said, "that's it".
(285)talk about another oil output cut by opec-vision received 1-9-2005-I was just reading a news article that stated something along the lines that saudi arabia would not support another oil production cut with prices as high as they are now and I saw a man whom I thought was the king of saudi arabia in a vision King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz and he said, "we will". So, I don't know when the next oil production cut will come, but, bank on it.
(286)you have to be right with Jesus first-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "save yourself".
(287)walmart-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I heard "walmart" and I saw this woman with brown hair.
(288)elijah-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "your elijah".
(289)time to go-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "go to the car".
(290)price paid-visions received 1-10-2005-in the first vision, I saw a man and He said, "pay Me your price", and in the second vision I saw the man and He said, "the price is paid". I believe that means that the requirement of how much prayer Jesus needs from me today is knocked out.
(291)I believe Jesus wants me to delete all e-mail-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "delete" and I heard soemthing like, "c'mon bobby, let's delete".
(292)fish aquarium light on-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I saw that my fish aquarium light was on. Twice this morning I turned the little knob, but, the light did not seem to come on. After the vision, I looked out in the room from almost buried in covers and could tell the light was on. Praise Jesus!.
(293)warn people-vision received 1-10-2005-while working at the computer, I saw dumutru duduman in a vision and he said, "tell people".
(294)you will care later-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he made a grunting "aaaaaaa" noise and also said, "who cares". In another vision, I saw him and he said, "cut me off". I saw his dad in a vision and he sa something like, "cain't serve Jesus" then he cursed God.
(295)right-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and He said, 'that's right".
(296)you have to pay God's price-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, is saw a man with brown hair and He said, "pay My price". I just saw a man in a vision and He said, "that's true".
(297)some people will find out the hard way that these visions and dreams are from Jesus-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like "just a dream".
(298)the testimony Jesus has given me needed and required to be told-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I pull behind a car and it was stopped and I believe the licence plate had the word "TESTIMONY" where the state should be.
(299)exeter-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "EXETER" which in the name of a street. Mybe I'll buy a house on exeter st.
(300)russia will attack america from all around-vision received 1-15-2005-I said something like while praying, "how's russia going to take america out Lord" and I saw a man in a vision and HE said, "all the way around". I saw a man in a vision and He said, "I'm planning it".
(301)sacrifice all to Jesus-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said something like, "you sacrificed everything".
(302)leave it off-vision received 1-15-2005-I was going to post a vision, and I saw a woman in a vision and she said "leave it off". So for now, it will be. I saw her again and she said, "go to your car".
(303)believe means obeyed the gospel-vision received 1-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "when do you believe".
(304)heart was opened-vision received 1-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a man looking out an open door to like a house and he said "open". My heart was opened.
(305)the TRUTH-vision received 1-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "it's the truth".
(306)remedy-vision received 1-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman in water about half way up and she was wearing a white garment, which was partially under water and she said, "I can do something about it".
(307)saw and heard org.-vision received 1-17-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard org. so I went to my old org. address and found out somebody took it and it appears to me that it was turned into porn sites. It amazes me that sombody would have the nerve to do that. Jesus gave me a vision a while back and I saw a man and he said, "I stole your name". He had dark hair. I just had a vision and I don't remember who I saw, but, I heard a womans voice and she said, 'it's the devil". I will put this in the Lords hands. I just saw like an angel face in a vision and He said, "that's it". Long ago I heard this, "that's your name".
(308)visions of an old friend-visions received 1-17-2005-in visions, I saw a woman I went to school with and she said, "I'm highly educated", "you make me curios".
(309)russia will attack america-visions received 1-17-2005-while praying I heard "russia" and I inquired and I saw the face of a man twice in visions and he said "attack".
(310)Jesus opens the door-vision received 1-17-2005-while walking I heard a man say a pastors name that I knew of and I was given a vision and in the vision I saw him and heard this, "he know's him". I told him the vision and he did know him and I witnessed to him.
(311)punishment is coming-vision received 1-17-2005-I used to have a .org address and a man brought it back and it appears he is promoting porno on it. I saw the white face of an angel in a vision and I heard something like this, "we will punish him".
(312)snake-visions received 1-17-2005-I was talking to a pastor and sharing some visions to him, and he shared and I believe I saw him in visions and he said, 'I'm a snake', "I hate you", "that's me". In another vision, I believe I saw him and he said, "I know he's for real".
(313)hated-visions received 1-18-2005-in visions, I saw this pastor and he said things like, "I'm against you", "I'm a witch", "I really hate you".
(314)will Jesus brings me out-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "reveal". Maybe Jesus wants me to post a picture.
(315)economic collapse u.s.a. imminent-visions received 1-18-2005-in the first vision I saw and or heard "the economy" and I inquired and in the second vision I heard and or saw "collapse". I may have even seen a woman in both.
(316)are you really looking for Jesus-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "your not looking".
(317)you will-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision I saw a man with brown hair and He said 'you will', and what this was referring to was visiting a site that is using my old .org address. I did. It's tragic, but, the Lord will take care of it.
(318)it may be best if your try not to make one jelous since it can cause much harm-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said "you made me jelous". He had dark hair.
(319)texan-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision I saw president bush and he said something like "I'm texan".
(320)won't listen to me-vision received 1-29-2005-while thinkin on rick joyner and his prophet school, I saw a man in a vision whom I thought was rick joyner and he said something like, "I will not listen to you".
(321)people sometimes know there in trouble with God-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision I saw a man who is part of a ministry and he said, "we know".
(322)last stand-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "this is your last satnd".
(323)walk-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard, "walk". It was in white letters.
(324)talking the talk will not save you-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like, "were not apostolic".
(325)this website-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, it's like I was logging into this site.
(326)called boring-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your boring". Heavenly talk is boring to people whose heart is in the world.
(327)I reveal visions from Jesus, not commit treason-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, that's treason".
(328)abundant faith apostolic church-visions recieved 3-2-2005-i went and visited a church today. The church is for sale, and I asked Jesus if it was going to sell as I was walking and praying, and I saw a black man with a moustache in a vision and he said, "sold". I told the pastor the vision, who was a black man with a moustache. I saw him in other visions and he said things like, "that's wrong", "tell me your a prophet", "your welcome", "going to hell", "curious". I just saw him in a vision and he cursed God. I saw some people that go there in visions and they were mixed. Good and bad. I was asking Jesus if He wanted me to go, and I saw a little girl in a vision and she said, "go". I just saw a woman in a vision and she said, "your all right". There were more.
(329)mocked-vision received 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "we think your funny".
(330)greater love temple apostolic church-visions received 3-2005-I saw somebody once, maybe twice, and maybe they were different people in visions and in the visions I was told the church was closed. I went there twice on 3-1-2005, and they were closed. According to the sign, there was suppost to be a prayer meeting there. I'm nobody, but, Jesus has showed me things, and if they were there, I could have told them something that may have affected their walk with Jesus. I don't know why they were not there, unless, they were, and I did not know about it. I don't know if Jesus will let me visit them again.
(331)man with brown hair-visions recieved 3-2-2005-I see a man with brown hair often in visions and He says things to me. I see a man with brown hair and beard, and sometimes I see Him good enough to see graying, and He says things to me. This happens so often. Praise Jesus for visions and dreams!
(332)arrest warrant-vision received 3-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "arrest warrant".
(333)space used-vision received 3-19-2005-in this vision, I saw the space used part of this website, and it was at, "1.47", which is 1.47mb used out of 20mb. Right now I'm at 1.36mb. If I brought the ministryofdreams visions all to this site, I'm sure it would go to that. This certainly makes me wonder. We'll se what happens in Jesus name!
(334)witch-vision received 3-25-2005-while praying, I heard, "al unser", and I later saw al unser in a vision and he said, "witch".
(337)mother teresa-vision received 3-25-2005-I heard, "mother teresa", and after asking about her, I saw her in a vision and she said something like, "hell". In another vision she said, "i fooled".
(338)enough said-vision received 3-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "don't tell me nothing".
(339)teach-vision received 3-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "come and teach".
(340)Gods fish are dying-vision received 3-39-2005-in this vision, I'm near a warehouse and there is water all around, like it rained heavey. At a certain place, maybe near a semi trailer, I can see this big fish basically swimming back and forth in a water puddle that I knew would dry up. I could not see all of the puddle, but, when the fish would swim near the edge I could see, I could see it. I may have tried to catch the fish in a bucket or something, possibly to take it to more water, and don't believe I could catch it because what ever I had was not big enough, or possibly, I could not get at it good enough becuase of the area being tight, and I felt like I was trespassing, so, I went near the warehouse and found two paper like buckets, like used for chicken you buy, and one still had a piece of chicken it it, and I threw the piece of chicken to the fish, and I was going to fill the buckets with water, to bring the fish more water. The interpretation of this is, Gods fish are dying, because they are not being Spiritually feed and there time is running out, which was the puddle would not have lasted long, and when Jesus send me along, there is much help with me, but, because I have no church to take the people to, that help is limited.
(341)link up to these sites if you want-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I link".
(342)witness-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "go witness".
(343)visions of many different people-visions received 4-1-2005-in visions, I saw many different people and they said things like, "I'm deaf", "they tell me your a prophet", "reprobate mind", "you a prophet ain't you", "bob, why are you coming against us", "he's not coming against you, he just wrote it down".
(344)many end signs-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "signs".
(345)what are you sold out for-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "sold".
(346)save a nazarene-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "save a nazarene".
(347)murdered-visions received 4-1-2005-I was asking Jesus about this famous child actor that was murdered at about the age of 6, and I saw her in a vision and she said, "heaven". I saw her mother and dad in visions and they said things like, "I did it for money", "life insurance", "killed", "insurance policy".
(348)gospel is hidden to the lost-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and I heard this, "he says it won't happen".
(349)salvation link-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "salvation link". I changed the salvation page link name on my main website partially to salvation link.
(350)promises-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "promises".
(351)why-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "why".
(352)hand-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "hand".
(353)embarrassing-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "embarrasing".
(354)I'm right because Jesus gave me the visions-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with beard and curly hair and I really could not make out on colors and He said, "they tell Me your worng".
(354b)michael boldea-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "michael boldea".
(355)economic collapse coming-visions received 4-4-2005-in the first vision, I saw and heard, "the economy", and in the next vision, I saw like the white spirit of a woman and she said, "collapsing".
(356)praying hard-visions received 4-4-2005-in two visions, I saw me praying on hard on my knees.
(357)I did see it-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you never saw it".
(358)already taken-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a former girl friend and she said, "I'm married".
(359)alaska will be attacked by russia-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, which I wrote down way later, I saw somebody, and It may have been Jesus, and He said things like, "hit alaska", "hit oil refineries", and things similar to this. Just the other day, my prayer was not going well, and I maybe saw Jesus in a vision and He said something like, "add 25 cents to gas". Its very high today.
(360)my testimony-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, Its like angels would possibly show up one at a time, and they would say things like, "judgment", "judgment". Then one shows that has a white face, and HE said, "I need your testimony".
(361)arizona-vision received 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a man similar to me and he said, "I'm in arizona".
(362)everybody needs salvation-vision recieved 5-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "save us all". Then I saw a man in a vision that may have been me and he said, "thats a good desire".
(363)for real-vision received 5-4-2005-In this vision, I saw this pastor and he said, "I know he's for real".
(364)gOiNg UP-vision received 5-4-2005-In this vision, I heard, "going up to the top". I may have seen who said it.
(365)danger-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and he said, "I'm in danger". I told him the vision and he was thinking about committing suicide and I prayed for him.
(366)need to be told by Jesus-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I saw this pastor and he said, "come and give a talk".
(367)you can wreck your salvation-vision recieved 5-12-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "wreck".
(368)this is done on Jesus's terms-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "terms".
(369)build yourself a spiritual house-vision recieved 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "build a house".
(370)I want to be the brother of Jesus-vision received 5-12-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "Brother".
(371)I want to be a Christian-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "Christian".
(372)Jesus is usally the MAN with brown hair-vision recieved 5-12-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "MAN with brown hair"
(373)sodomy will get you in trouble with Jesus-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a street sign and it was on a utility pole and the name of the street was, "oral sex". If you are doing this, YOU BETTER STOP!
(374)STOP-vision recieved 5-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a sign and it said, "STOP", on it.
(375)encourage-visions received 5-13-2005-In visions, I saw this woman and she said, "pray for bobby", "try to support me".
(376)visions of a woman-visions received 5-14-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "need you Word", "thanks for the Word", 'I blasphemed".
(377)re-work front page-vision received 4-15-2005-In this vision, I was shown to re-work front page of this site.
(378)suffer-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "suffer".
(378)cut off-visions received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a young lady and she said, "been cut off", "me, "shut up"..
(379)last days-vision received 5-15-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "last days". I may have seen them one word at a time.
(380)hated-vision receved 5-19-2005-In this vision, I saw this young woman and she said, "I hate you". I saw her in others and she said something like, "I already been cut off".
(381)visions of an angelic being-visions received 5-24-2005-IN two vision, I saw this being that looked like a person and it was looking at me. It's face was lit up similar to something you put a light in. The face was a white yellowish color, and HE may have had like a hooded garment on because the top of His head was covered. Hid face was expressionless and He did not say anything.
(382)promises-vision recieved 5-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like mark whobrey and he said, "I ai'nt keeping my promise".
(383)pregnant-vision received 5-25-2005-In this vision, I saw something like this, "I pregnant".
(384)your background can haunt you-vision received 5-25-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "background".
(385)perished-vision received 5-25-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "perished".
(386)but-vision received 5-25-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "but".
(387)frightened-vision received 5-25-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "frightened".
(388)overheating-vision received 5-25-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "Overheating".
(389)I have to delete e-mails-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I beleive I saw and heard, "delete emails".
(390)leave alone-vision recieved 5-26-2005-In this vision I saw possibly a pastor and he said, "don't mess with me". I believe I saw him in another and he said, "backslider".
(391)some people won't change-visions received 5-29-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "accept me", "we ain't going to change".
(392)hated-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a young woman that I witnessed to the TRUTH and she said something like, "bobby, I hate you".
(393)the book of MALACHI-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "MALACHI".
(394)die out to yourself in prayer-vision received 5-29-2005-I was praying and possibly pouring out my heart to God, and I saw the word, "died", in a vision and I heard, "you died".
(395)wanted: alaska-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like vladimir putin of russia and he said, "I want alaska".
(396)curious-visions recieved 6-1-2005-While walking by a man I witnessed and I had a vision and saw a woman ans she said, "he's curious". I went back and he was and told more. I saw him again in a vision and he said, "I'm in adultery". I told him.
(397)wasting time-vision recieved 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw the White Face of an Angel and He said, "your wasting time".
(398)visions come whenever-vision received 6-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she something like, "when does your vision come".
(399)visions of a woman-visions received 6-2005-In many visions Jesus showed me a woman and she said things like, "I'm a witch", "he ain't going to slip". In one vision, I saw the word, "SMIT".
(400)put Jesus first-vision received 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "put me first".
(401)judged-vision received 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I judge you".
(402)disobedience can cost you your life-vision recieved 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "the Lord told me not to put that there".
(403)revelation-visions received 6-4-2005-In these vision, I saw the daughter and she said, "my name is sissy", which is the mother, and I saw the mother and she said, "I'm george", which is the dad husband that is dead. I believe.
(404)perished-vision received 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw like the white spirit face of a woman and she screamed, "bobby".
(405)perished-vision received 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I went to hell".
(406)sad revelations of a woman-visions received 6-6-2005-In visions, I saw this woman and she said things like, "you need to tell me", "satan wants me", "owllllll, He touched my bowels", etc.
(407)Jesus can give you peace-vision received 6-9-2005-In this vision while praying, I saw a hand and it had two fingers up making the peace sign.
(408)shown I could water plants again-vision recieved 6-15-2005-In this vision, I was shown I could water the plants again. I surrendered much over to Jesus not long ago, and eh has restored it all. Prove to God you mean buisness, and Love Him more than THINGS.
(409)accident-visions received 6-15-2005-In visions, I saw this man that died in a wreck. When I got there, he was laying on the highway with one of his legs behid his back above his shoulder. I prayed for him. I saw him in visions and he said things like, "goed to jail", "I'm in the lake", "hell", "cut off because I sin", "I'm in hell", "never backslide". I showed somebody there at the scene some of the visions, and the officer later told us he died.
(410)perishing-vision received 6-15-2005-In a vision, I saw a woman and she may have been like a white spirit and she was sreaming and she said, "why didn't he help me".
(411)not buying-vision recieved 6-2005-In visions, I saw this man and he said things like, "buy the van", "whatever". That van had over 149,000 miles on it and the price was about 4500 0r 5500 give or take.
(412)traffic-vision received 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "traffic". If Jesus wants my sites to have traffic, then have at it. If not, let His will be done.
(413)htmlGod-vision received 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw the, "htmlGod". This is on the end of about every page on this website now for an unmentioned reason.
(414)no-vision received 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "no". I forget what was being prayed about.
(415)Jesus-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, 'My name is Jesus'. I did not put the descrpition down.
(416)saw me-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I was at somekind of buisness checkout counter and I saw me, and I had a beard, and my hair wasn't long, but, longer than I usally keep it. I have not shaved today. Please Keep me Jesus.
(417)had-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "had".
(418)getting pierced-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "getting pierced". This may mean that I'm forcing.
(419)voltage regulator-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "voltage regulator".
(420)motor oil priced will skyrocket-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw bottles of quaker state motor oil and the price I saw in big black letters was, "$2.50".
(421)proud-vision received 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "proud".
(422)do you hear the WORD OF GOD-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "hear".
(423)fast-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "fast".
(424)masterbation-vision received 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, I materbate".
(424)needing a church-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "we need a church home". In another he said, "I hate you".
(425)sin-vision received 6-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I sin".
(426)bank teller was a spirit-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw this young looking woman and she was the bankteller at the bank and she was sitting behind the counter and she was like a ghost or a spirit, like she was partailly faded out.
(427)what is thought of me-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said soemthing like, "fuck you punk".
(428)you'll have to pay for you sin-vision received 7-4-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like, "I'm goning to be gone and I'm going to pay".
(429)walked out-vision received 7-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I walked out".
(430)don't blaspheme-vision received 7-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I almost blasphemed". In other visions I saw men and women and they said things like, "bless him", "we love religion", "you stay away from", "prayer night", "fell into a trap", "lead service bobby", "bobby"(this may have screamed), "we want the visions", "oh my goodness"(take care of your sin now-these may have been together or separate), "your tremendous bobby", "don't touch him", then I saw the letter, "w", and I believe that was a woman that said that, and Jesus was showing me to write it down.
(431)Jesus is my Father-vision received 7-4-2005-In this vision, I saw like the white spirit of a woman and she said, "your Dads a Father".
(432)trying-vision received 7-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "I think your trying to look".
(433)second baptist church in indianapolis-vision received 7-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a sign and maybe the building and the sign said on it something like, "second baptist church". Maybe Jesus will let me visit.
(434)I'm just declaring what Jesus shows for a purpose tht I don't fully understand-vision received 7-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that looked like woman and she said, "you insulted me". I don't even like hurting bugs, much less people. I'm required to post what Jesus shows. I saw her in other visions and she said things like, "post me bob", "lake", "cut off", "I'm off'. I just saw he again and this time it was different. It makes me want to cry. She said, "I'm back" and maybe "cause of you". GET BACK if you fall. Ask Jesus and He can show me to remove names and or visions, and I would do it gladly. Don't come against me-vision received 7-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman or maybe an animation of a woman and she said, "blaspheme".
I just heard and may have seen who said it, "she left". Just saw the woman again and she said, "he's right". Believe I just saw her again and she said, "your making me fall". I don't want you to fall, nor do I want to post anything bad. I was shown this, and it may help you in the long run. Just the other day, I posted what Jesus gave me and the person in one of the visions revelaed he can't see it.
(436)what if its true-vision received 7-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "what if its a show".
(437)visions of men and women-visions received 7-2005-IN visions I saw men and women and they said things like, "won't press"(thats pray hard), "suicide", "we temted you", "we laugh", "I sold", "Jesus help", I want Jesus", "cut off", "come to florida", "I'm not accepted", "dying", "hurt myself", "I laughed", "I'm going to live with bobby", "left Him", "financial", "bobby, your holding a lot of Power".
(438)very deformed-vision received 7-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that looked like the wife of the pastor of new testament apostolic church, and her face was destroyed like acid or something burned it off, and I heard this, "this is open punishment". I heard something like, "she knows". THen I saw a Man in vision with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "yes, she knows". I saw a woman that looked like her in other visions and she said things like, "I sold", "I'm worried", "I'll perish", "put in hell".
(439)happy-vision received 7-11-2005-IN this vision, I saw this woman whose last maiden name was smith and she was smiling like she got saved. More went on.
(440)website found-vision received 7-11-2005-IN this vision, I saw a man that looked like president bush and he said, "found it".
(441)diana hughey-visions received 7-11-2005-IN a vision, I saw a woman that looked like diana hughey and she said, "I'm sorry", "nothing personal". I saw a woman in a vision who looked like a woman that I think is named heather and she said, "she's out".
(441)revelation-visions received 7-11-2005-In a vision, I saw a possibly like a white woman spirit and she said things like, "look at me". I saw another and she said, "blaspheme". I saw another woman and she said, "I'm in goshen". I thought goshen was hell, but, it may not be. IN others I saw a like white female spirit and she was sreaming. I may have interceded and I beleive I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "He ain't going to hear it".
(442)closed-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "closed".
(443)embarrased-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "make me embarrassed". He had a rough voice and white hair and beard.
(444)prayer needed-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman that I was witnessing to while I was with her and she said something like, "I need prayer". I asked her is she wanted me to pray for her.
(445)prayer-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman that I was witnessing to and she said something like, "I need prayer". I asked her.
(446)blaspheme against the Holy Ghost can be purged I beleive-vision received7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a michael boldea and he said something like, "you blasphemed the Holy Ghost when you blasphemed against my witnesss", "there ain't no forgiveness", "thats it", "your abusing authority".
(444)up to Jesus-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a that looked like hollie and she said things like, 'I a'int taken your visions", "tell him to leave me alone", "I'm off", "my answer is backslide", "bobby don't care", "cause my husband", 'closing', and in one just now someting about judgment was said.
(445)why-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "why'd you do it".
(446)the price-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly a woman and she said, "you know the price".
(447)prophet-vision received 7-28-2005-I was sitting at a mcdonalds restaurant and there was music on and i heard the singer say this something like this, "your a prophet". This happens all the time. People say one thing, but, I hear sometimes something else.
(448)pray for yourself first, and then others-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "pray for me".
(449)avoid-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "leave debbie alone".
(450)woman wearing swimsuit type pannies-vision received 8-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and I only saw her butt and she was wearing those swimsuit type pannies that woman wear on beaches. Its a spirit I believe that gets into people that causes them to want to take off thier clothes and decieves them into thinking that they are hot, sexy. How does God look at this. I know I need to be careful here, but, looking at it thru God's eyes, this is filthy. He made everything for a purpose and everything for HIs pleasure and I can just about promise you Jesus is not getting pleasure out of filth like this. If I was president, I'd ban it. Women would dress like women are suppost to and men would do the same or be kicked out of the country. Churches would either be established by God or I'd close them down. I'd empty this land of the filth that exist here. You'd either serve Jesus according to scripture or you might be in trouble.
(451)time running out-vision received 8-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "your time is up".
(452)dinner-vision received 8-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "invite me to eat", and he may have been on the phone and I told him something like, 'Jesus has already show me in a vision that you'd invite me to dinner. Do you want me to go and get the vision", and he did not and It seems like I could see him when he talked and I forget his name and I asked him for his name and it seemed to make him angry and or annoyed and I told him in a way that was sincere and gentle, and in a voice that I wish I had all the time that was humble and plain and I said, "I'm not very good with names. I'm sorry". He seemed very frustrated.
(453)I'm going to ride this out until the end-vision received 8-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "I'm going to stick it out".
(454)visions are from Jesus-vision received 8-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "that vision".
(455)too late-vision received 8-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "too late for me prophet". Lots of times you may think that. Keep trying. Jesus is the Father of mercies. Have you went your distance yet.
(456)go milk-vision received 8-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "this is a glass of milk".
(457)quit-vision received 8-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like karen and she said, "george just quit".
(458)dumitru duduman-vision received 8-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "I'm dumitru", "preacher".
(459)no-vision received 8-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "no".
(460)I do care-vision received 8-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "you just don't care", "I'd like to tell him off".
(461)is it possible a man that died left me something-vision received 8-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a Curtis who died years ago and he said soemthing like, "the Lord told me to give this to you".
(462)hollie-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said things like, "this is our last chance", "just get away from me".
(463)number one-vision received 8-4-2005-God shoew me in this vision, possibly One Finger and it was pointing up. It may have been White.
(464)me-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor tom sugget and he said something like, "its me".
(465)fire-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like possibly thick black smoke from maybe an explosion of in the distance. It was a clear day.
(466)suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem-vision received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "I'm suicide".
(467)usa turning communist-vision received 8-10-2005-I heard this while praying, "look whose communist", and I saw a man and he said, "the united states is".
(468)dan bohler visions-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he said things like, "everybody that comes here jears something", I'm take a chance", "how do I look tonight", "tonight", "it really happened", "get away from me", "thats a witch", "make a difference", "talk to me", "I left here", "I need my vision"comne here tomorrow", "get out of here", "I need mercy", "I here you been fuckin up", "I get excited".
(469)iran attack coming-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a president and he said, "lets hit iran".
(470)visions of a man-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor and he said, "had a good one", "need a prophet", "I want your Mantle".
(471)visions hurt-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said things like, "vision", "hurt me", "cut me off".
(472)visions of terry cannon-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "out", "help bobby out", "accept me"we ain't got time for you to go wild".
(473)I did not feel the Holy Ghost coming from dan bohler-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "I didn't feel you coming from his".
(474)man-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and I hard, "that man was moved".
(475)the mountain-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "you want me to move your mountain".
(476)pastor kent jordan-vision received 8-10-2005-I heard, 'jordan", and I saw pastor, kent jordan from Christain tabernacle and he said, "judge him".
(477)prophet-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "he's a prophet".
(478)awesome-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I think he's awesome".
(479)stay-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "stay".
(480)Man-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a Man and he said, "you said it", "help us here", and maybe, "I need a speaker". These may have not all been the same man.
(481)mercy-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "all I need is mercy".
(482)bankrupt-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "bankrupt".
(483)chance-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he aid, "cahnce".
(484)help-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, :please help".
(485)not-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I'm not a witch".
(486)mercy-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "need mercy".
(487)money-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "money first".
(488)send-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said, "send bobby", "thats you".
(489)Christ temple apostolic assemblies-vision received 8-10-2005-I heard, "Christ Temple", and I saw pastor charles finnell and he said, "Church". I may be off.
(490)lazy-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "lazy".
(491)defeated-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "defeated".
(492)chosen-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "were chosen".
(493)dreams-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "boby had a dream".
(494)tell-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "you tell".
(495)business-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a pastor terry cannon and he said, "thats my buisness".
(496)cut off-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "bee cut off".
(497)show-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'm putting on a show".
(498)wreck-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'm a wreck".
(499)lusting-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "thats lusting".
(500)Mantle-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I had a White garment on.
(501)heaven-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'm, in heaven".
(502)cut off-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "cut off".
(503)iran attack coming-vision received 8-10-2005-I heard "iran", and I saw this president and he said, "nervous", "do it", "attack", "tonight".
Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and they said: 3-27-2010-bob let me, said, hollie, give warning, said, Jesus, wiped lips, thats barack obama signing nuclear reduction treaty with medvedev, for when they shall say, said, hollie, peace and safety, thats barack looking, putting hand to mouth, dmitry medvedev justs agrees, they will not do one thing but, move missiles, around, not reducing, one, they are, just, toying, with, each other, saith God, that, was, bush and gorbachev, signing, start one, hollie appeared, that was the peace and safety agreement, thats nuclear explosion, new york, said, doreen, its under attack it, said, hollie, thats, nuclear fireball behind, its said, hollie, statue of liberty, thats, said, hollie, the, woman, she, said, hollie, shows, speakers at Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies church, they are community speakers, submarine are right there, said, hollie, now, look, hollie, said, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing in his submarine, showed, sub, thats, sub talking, thats gaza burning, thats, hollie turning his submarine around, thats, showed, hollie, nuclear fires in iraq, thats, hollie pushing bush to microphone, I made war, president bush said, our, he said, ate chicken, to breakem, he said, ate, steal our oil wells contracts, hollie, it appeared, hollie, said, takes president george w. bush to fire, hollie showed, record, and I stamped, hollie, said, and up rose, pope, hollie, said, and up rose pope, hollie, said, hollie, said, dont, speak, to her, showed, its community stereo speakers at Christ temple, its like, radio shack, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie, showed, record, and, I, stamped, hollie, said, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, for, she, said, arnick shouse, thats arnick shouse pocketing my lute said mrs. shouse, hollie, showed, there, said, hollie, its hollie like vampire, silhouette face, then normal, then, back, hollie claps, hollie screamed, I dont want no more, thats, what your showin, us, me, said, hollie, wiped lips, with loose belt, sandy, wiped lips, it was simb, hollie showed, its uh 1956 pontiac, she, said, hollie checked, out, drove, lets motor, she, said, spun rear tires, bob where are you goin, said, submarine are right there, said, hollie, now look, she, said, its akula agin, thats, what, you, wanted, need, hollie, said, showed, many, thats all submarines firing, thats them around america, thats both american coasts exploding, thats, center exploding, from, rocket, missile attack, theres one nuclear explosion in canada, cnn tower falls, let me, said, hollie, thats, hollie, with, nice hair, winking, same o website, same o computer, sang, hollie, let me record, said, hollie, walked, wearing plad coat, that, was bear licking the prophet, said, hollie, tell me why what for, bear said, put it under, said, hollie, that was hollie bear, showing, lay down, bear said, let me, said, bear, showed, lay down, dont, said, hollie, showed, lay down, bob sees, said, hollie, that, van, moving, fast, coming around, like, bend, hollie, said, that, hollie said, van strikes house, after looses, control, that, hollie, said, vans front tire, comes off, but, that, hollie said, house catches on fire, then, that, hollie, said, people go in, bob, does not want to, but does, people come out, but, bob looks for, daughter, and goes into basement, smokey, comes back up, opens bathroom, door, tells young woman, we need to get out of here, woman goes into room, young dauther there, woman sits on bed, looks at bob, and, he wants to get out, dream ends, that, hollie, said, looked, showed, book, ministry of dreams, sell, on t.v. television network, they will, promote, just, ask, hollie, said, this is vision lets post, said, hollie, showed, arnick shouse, let me pocket, he said, loot, said, its, your reverend, said, hollie, arnick shouse, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, she, said, pope, beast arose, hollie, sums, bobby, said, hollie, showed, post, at library, beat hand, pope arose, hollie, played, air guitar, top part of body hidden, fades, in, hollie showed, turn, with, bear hand, body hidden, but, fades, in, hollie, screamed, why what for, she, said, screamed, again, hollie showed, pope, beasts image, laughed, no, said, hollie, showed, Lord om thru, away, but shook, yes, trouble, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, and hollie, three kings rise in persia, and, they are, pope, hollie, said, theres, hu hintao, and, emporer of japan, and, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, pope, bob I am now saying in my heart I would have been better off not creating people cause all I want to do to them is what i'm doing to you, torture, said, Jesus, 3-28-2010-write the vision claimed the tap dancers, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, wearing plad coat, hollie, stamps, and, I, beat my hand, hollie, said, pope, she, said, arose, pope, hollie, said, and I stamped, hollie, said, beat hand, hollie showed, no, she, said, jeremy taylor, ordained unitarian universalist minister, appeared, yeow, said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, d.min, show me, said, rev. jeremy taylor, u.u., steals the God spoke, hollie said, Ministry of dreams, thats, ordained jeremy taylor writing the, witch fess, saying things like, placing the phrase, ministry above copyrights, lies, said, Jesus, thats, kathy taylor, with, rev. jeremy taylor m.a.'s website, thats jeremy and kathy taylor are now being opening mocked, hey did you hate the christian, said, woman to kathryn taylor, shakes, yes, they are children of jenny donati, said, Jesus, like janetmck, who is, janet mcknight, now, lies, but, stole, ministry of dreams, the God spoke, said, hollie, showed, I spoke it, said, Jesus, call it Ministry of Dreams, said, Jesus, thats all removing, ruint, its, jean poole, ruint, who lies, said, Jesus, all claimed victory salvation but like, antonia vladimirova, had to be openly mocked, to remove what they stole, its to ruin, ministry of dreams, hollie claps, then tears up, but only, hands, visable, body fades, in, but, then, hollie, seen, hollie screamed, why for, hollie, said, what, screamed, im the beast, said, putin, showed, hollie, they are, made up of seven heads, aw, the seven heads sang, hollie, conducts, thats kings popping out of seven lighted heads, theres, its, the, thats, cart with hu hintao, pulled by angry black and red horses, its, babylon the great is fallen, said, hu hintao, theres pope, hollie, said, it appeared, she, showed, in, cart, with medvedev and putin, you lure, said, yeltsin, alright, shook, hu hintao, thats, hollie, riding, red rocket, taiwan, exploded, theres hu hintao battling washington state on red horse, its repelled, said, hollie, thats, her, and many others going out to sea bombing ships, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing, in, three ohio class submarines, thats them firing, nuclear explosions in china, thats, putin and medvedev looking at each other, medvedev presses nuclear button, thats, missiles striking america, thats alaska exploding first, thats nuclear fire in canada, cnn tower falls, thats, explosions in center of america, hollie, said, post, they are, aw, sang, seven heads, thats king of mexico, popping out of one head, theres castrol, thats hugo, chavez, and lula, they all agree but dread, thats missile leaving america, exploding in russia, fire, hollie, said, showed, it appeared, i'm uh vision, I cant post, said, hollie, thats kim jong popping out of head, theres kim with nuclear button, pressed, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, and, south korea, hollie watched, from high above, thats, missile leaving, russia, with, ministry of dreams website on, spins and world prophecy center website on, it exploded in north korea, hollie rolled, I pulled, she, said, up sleeves, showed, they will fight but cling, that, was, lighted, being, head, popping out of, nicaragua, thats, nicaraguan president signing, its, uh, deal, said, medvedev, thats nicaragua on fire, and missiles leave their waters striking america, exploded, thats, rockets striking venezuela and brazil, theres fires in cuba, and along mexican and latin american coast, but, rockets leave, many submarines, striking america, thats fires in many states, hollie claps, showed, eat, let me, said, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, showed, record, and I stamp, said, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, thats, pope, like angel of light, in, cart, pulled by black horse, that is putin, flying with white light wings, to pope, hollie, said, let me, rule, the, world, said, vladimir, to pontiff, shook, yes, hollie pointed, go, she, said, beat hand, tore up, showed, popes picture, pope, hollie, said, showed, being pulled, by black horse, in, carriage, leave me alone, said, hollie, with, the, loose, belt sound, sandy, wiped lips, hollie, showed, pontiac firebird, spun rear tires, hollie showed, eat again, hey bob let me, said, hollie, I, showed, record, no, said, hollie, no, dont, she, said, loose belt sorry, said, hollie, whats my message, said, hollie, pope, thats moon looking down, with big nose, hound dog appears, that was, smoke, coming up, said, hollie, from, world, Jesus, watched, many countries exploded, moon, looks down, then, at, body, shows, picture, it happy, moon, its both beasts, theres hu hintao, moon rolls up sleeves, hes, the, leader of, magog, and gog, hes, moon pulls up sleeves, lets war, said, pope, moon appears, this is warning, said, hollie, you dont want no more thats what your showin me, said, hollie, I got cut off said michael b. martin, thats micheal martin showing not saved, laughing at woman, showing visions to, so called, said, Jesus, minister michael martin, its to late for michael martin, said, hollie, tap dancing, showed, its me said mike martin, showed, cut off, i'm uh witch, michael martin, said, hollie, hollie showed, lay down, hollie screamed, its why, she said, whats my word, screamed, hollie, showed, light watch, bob, she, said, 3-29-2010-i'm neva michaels, I promote that, she, said, smiling, but, uh witch, hollie, said, put it under, thats neva michaels showing cut off, its to late for me said neva michaels, ministry of dreams, said, God, hollie, said, showed, with hand, smiling, bob is, sh, said, hollie, looked around, single, cause God, him, said, hollie, kept him, tongue tied, thats bob trying to talk, but, cant, thats, bob posting on, its, showed, hollie, ministry of dreams, the God spoke, she said, stop, hollie said, Jesus, said, you are stunned, said, God, its, showed, hollie, karen gates, but, she, wants it, seek, said, hollie, its, like, bob said, callings, hollie looks around, sees, Jesus, its, the beast and false prophet, signing, 666, it born, said, hollie, theres, the third, hollie, said, its the emporer of japan, they come out of the two horned, beast, hollie, said, put it under, she, said, its, the birth of the peace treaty, 666, Ministry of dreams is open, said, Jesus, hollie screamed, why, what for, she, said, screamed, hollie showed, record, pope, she, said, it appeared, hollie, said, showed, yola site, its, bobs new website, it, gets, hollie, thought, about, fifty hits per day, thats, the, tap dancers, said, hollie, many, hollies, and, pope, hollie, said, theres hu hintao, there you have it, said, hollie, both beasts, that was, pope, said, hollie, on, black horse, theres hu hintao, on, red horse, it, appeared, said, hollie, thats, hollie, riding, missile, taiwan, burned, you lure, said, yeltsin to, hu hintao, thats, hintao, battling washington state, with, sword, on, red, horse, its, light, said, hollie, sword, flys out, bombs, thats hollie in old world war two airplane bombing chinese ship, sinks, bobby, said, hollie, this uh mystery, she, said, showed, charles ellis, you, hollie, said, thats, charles ellis leading pentecostal assemblies of the world, showed, cut off, thats, woman wanting to show charles ellis visions, but, charles ellis wont look, it was I never got saved said p.a.w. leader charles ellis, hollie said, God, will, not, save, charles ellis, tap dancing, bomb syria, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, this, said, casey, syria on fire, then, egypt and jordan exploded, thats benjamin netanyahu with nuclear button, thats rocket leaving russia with new, ministry of dreams, website, on, it, its, yola, said, hollie, yolasite, thats, israel exploding, thats, beast, pope and his armies, and, the kings of east in israel, gathered there, said, Jesus, put it on yola, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, like, lighted, hollie, its, the, harding street exit, exploded, its from, i'm uh bear, said, linda spall bear, hollie, like bear laughs, its putin, hollie, said, pointed, just hands, body fades in, hollie drives semi truck again, tell me what the loose belt sound, is, for, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, hollie, showed, eat, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, heres uh warning, said, hollie, thats, hollie, showing, sh, shut up, she, said, you didnt wanteme, hollie, said, hand, shows, its, hollie, showed, but hollie showed, appeared, that, said, hollie, links book up to websites, bob, said, hollie, thats yola owner looking stunned, I was impressed, she, said, hes has God inside him, she tells her friends, hes ministry of dreams, loose belt somby, s,o,m,b,y, said, hollie, showed, post, in white robe, hollie ate pizza, this is, vision, lets post, it, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays music, aw shut up, aw you didnt want it, hollie, said, its, john stephenson, pastor, hollie, said, thats, john stephenson trembling but not showing fear, hollie showed, turn, posted, on, pay computer, this is, uh warnin, said, hollie, showed, get, out, laptop, wallace vanslyke showed, turn, submarine are right there, said, hollie, now, look, hollie, said, sub surfaced, it had mouth, what did it say, said, hollie, thats submarine looking around, being interviewed, I fired on gaza, said, submarine, and, iraq, sub said, looked, its bush, sub said, thats, submarine placing hand on bible, its, uh war over oil contracts, break them, said, hollie, speaking on the behalf of the submarine, now look, said, hollie, showed, record, showed, pope, picutre, hollie comes out of, lighted, finger, pointed, yellow, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, thats monday prayer meeting, its in franklin, indiana, showed, hollie, look, said, hollie, like uh thing, showed, popes picture, pointed lighted yellow finger, hollie showed, beatem up, from the side, wearing dull white robe, thats nuclear fireball, in russia, thats, missiles leaving russia exploding in china, hollie points, thats rockets leaving both, they exchange, said, hollie, that, hollie said, fire in both countries, that, said, hollie, its, pope, at, table, thats, two horned, beast, that, hollie, said, with, hintao, and, japan, coming out of its, horns, that, hollie, said, 666 is born, its peace treaty, that, hollie, said, they go to own lands, you dont wnat no more, thats what your showin, said, hollie, with, its loose belt sorry, that was putin, behind, the, ten toed beast, driven by pope, hollie, said, pointed, thats, kings rising out of russia, its, politburo, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, it was, just arms, with lighted, hands, amber, hollie said, pulling back sleeves, dull yellow robe, hollie appears, but, somewhat dimly, whats my word, said, hollie, hollie, showed, bob, charge loot, she, said, send to witches, hollie, said, for a fee, thats elder shawn tyson reading email, hollie showed, with big hand, its r.m.s. titanic, with captain smith on deck, scrapes, iceberg, smith, says, o, scared, thats his ship, said, babyfleas, its, wilhelm gustloff, ship, o, ship, said, face turned, silhouette, then appears, claps, shows, pope, picture, hollie showed, lay down, but, eyes were still open, no, said, hollie, showed, Lord om thru, away, again, hollie stomps foot, snaps fingers, showed, thru, thats Father on old steam locomotive, its number, 7, said, hollie, thats, hollie funnel blowing, pope out, theres hu hintao, hollie clapped, there you have it, she said, both beasts, hollie, relaxes, hollie screamed, what for, she, said, hollie, throws spacecraft, flown by hollie, hollie looked, showed, turn, body, hidden, but, fades, in, somewhat, spacecraft, said, hollie, flying in propellar, airplane, that, was, hollie, bombing america in spacecraft, exploded, hollie flys, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, Jesus watches, thats, moon looking down, with big nose, its, moon, said, bobby he made me, 3-30-2010-and he saw, said, casey, wiped lips, its, said, hollie, ester, Estoria Owens, hollie said, thats Estoria Owens showing cut off, its cause I dye, said, hollie showed, its your reverend, Estoria Owens, lost said Estoria Owens, cut off, she, said, what does the moon say, said, hollie, that, moon, said, hey, hollie, moon looks down, that, moon, said, looked at, smoke, coming from world, that moon, said, Jesus, watches, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploded, that, pointed, moon, world, shakes, and, up rose the beast, hollie, said, its, pope, theres hu hintao, that, said, moon, put back, its, picture of, whole new world order, that, said, moon, that, said, moon, laughs, thats, hollie, dressed like, captain, showing, with big hand, worried looking, captain smith, on deck of, its s.s. titanic, o, said, wilhelm gustloff, m.v., said, hollie, ship, with face, normal, but changing silhouette, then, back, but, that, said, moon, showed, yolasite website, angel showed, record, its over taiwan, angel, said, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, showed, hollie rode missile, its into, taiwan, exploded, thats, hollie turning, around, on, missile, thats nuclear fires in china, thats, three ohio class submarines firing, thats, boris yeltsin, and, hu hintao, you lure, said, yeltsin, thats, hu hintao, battling washington state with sword, its, repelled, said, hollie, flew out to sea, in, old world war two aircraft, its starfighter, said, hollie, flown by jim steinman upsidedown, hollie bombs chinese ship, sinks, starfighter, said, hollie, thats, f-104 starfighter, flying, they were, said, hollie, Jesus, wiped chin, good enough, brother stephenson is telling you to keep your mouth shut, thats john m. stephenson, clapped, the, tap dancers, sh, said, Jesus, loose belt, sorrow, said, hollie, s,o,r,r,o, hollie, said, she, spelled, hollie, said, what kind of visions do you want, thats, what showin us, said, hollie, and, another, hollie claps, hollie was, to the side, its to late for south korea, said, Jesus, hollie, said, and he saw, that, said, casey, south korea on fire, thats rockets striking russia and china, thats kim jong with nuclear button, pressed, thats missile leaving russia with putin on, north korea exploded, hollie rode the rocket, i'm uh vision, said, hollie, thats, hollie riding, bike, happy, wearing plad coat, its the final four, lucas oil stadium said, hollie, duke won, hollie showed, go, whew, whew, said, hollie, its Father on old steam locomotive, its pioneer, said, hollie, with, hollie funnel on front, blew, thats, pope, coming out, theres, hu hintao, said, hollie, there, she, said, both beasts, its, old, number seven, showed, hollie, hollie showed, the popes picture, clapped the tap dancer, hollie showed, turn, like, new, thing, hollie, thats, it, said, hollie, write the vision, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, eat, thats it, tell me what their going to do to alaska, said, hollie, thats missile flying, alaska exploded first, the rest exploded in center of america, thats, nuclear explosion in canada, cnn, tower falls, hollie tore up, hands lit, body hidden, but, fades, in, hollie shows, picture, its pope, give warning, said, hollie, and Jesus, aw you want it, said, hollie, playing music, this economy slipping, sang, hollies, barack obama blows on hand, its, economic collapse, he, said, at, podium, said, Jesus, hollie, said, lets lay down, hollie layed, down, eyes open, watch hollie surface, said, hollie, thats hollie surfacing, its submarine, thats, gaza burning, hollie turns, sub, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, thats two nuclear fires in iraq, hollie pushes bush to platform, hollie wore coat, bush ate chicken, I made war, our, he said, bit, its to breakem, he, said, ate chicken, thats oil wells appearing, its our contracts, he said, left, hollie puts bush in fire, thats bear licking prophet, its on, rocky horror picture show, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie claps, stomps foot, claps, thats, bear licking, prophet, hollie layed down, and he saw, it, said, casey, thats submarines all around america, hollie claps, one fires, explosion along west coast, hollie on t.v. news, lets wrap it up, hollie, said, thats all subs firing, both american coasts exploded, barack obama types, thats Jesus appearing, and bear with three ribs in mouth, lets destroy, this, said, JEsus, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, Jesus watches world, missiles from strike russia, burned, thats moon with big nose looking down, at, smoke, i'm, said, sun, both play, laugh, thats Jesus, there, let me record, said, hollie, stamped, with hand, pope rose, 3-2010-tell me about tiger woods, said, hollie, showed, its, him, you married a white girl, yes I did said, its, said, hollie, tiger woods, put her away, said, hollie, o.k., said, tiger, I did, perished anyway, said, Jesus, put it under, said, God, dont play, said, hollie, with me, hollie, said, sh, said, God, whats my reason for, hollie, said, its charles simm, hollie, said, he, sh, hollie, said, its witch, both, hollie and God said, they are, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, charles simms, pocketing, the loot, charles and mrs. charles simms said, its, for they are witchs, hollie and God said, put it under, God said, sh, hollie said, bobby, sh, dont, hollie said, its the escripturuan, hollie, said, strong deluding, the wicked, hollie said, thats Father, on steam locomotive, its pioneer, hollie said, rolled up sleeves, its, come on, hollie said, its war, thats hollie, fight, she, said, its pope and hu, hintao, hollie, said, bobby, that was, said, hollie, sh, she, said, pope, its on, cellphone, t.v., said, hollie, and God, put it under, its the popes image made alive, sh, said, hollie, dont tell on him, hollie, said, thats, its, tiger woods, pocketing, the loot, knows, bob, has, Jesus, inside, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, tiger woods laughs, 3-31-2010-this is uh warning, said, hollie, you aint gonna make it said estoria owens, mister christian said, hollie, showed, ronnie james dio, dying, its, from, old age, said, hollie, aw, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, he aint gonna do it, said, pope, hollie said, ronnie james, dio, it, appeared, said, hollie, looking at bobs offer to pray and fast for his health for one hundred grand said, Jesus, do it, said, man, showing dio offer, lets do said dio, hollie showed, record, shave, hollie showed, thats beast rising, its with, seven heads and ten horns, hollie said, bob, somebody is gonna write you, its, dio, said, showed, hollie, bob, somebody, wants to, get, you cut off, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, estoria owens, its, cause shes uh witch, said, Jesus, put it under, said, hollie, estoria owens cant not be set free, trouble, said, Jesus, and he saw, it, said, hollie, three kings rise in the world, theres pope, hu hintao, there, said, hollie, showed, war, pulled sleeves up, emporer of japan, theres, slash, idol pope, there you have it, said, hollie, showed, its, ford windstar, they are, hollie, thought, showed, o.k., tell me what the loose belt some, said, hollie, thats, hollie, and, I summed, she, said, thats, body hidden, but, appeared, hollie, shows, its, kendall synthetic motor oil, with, its claiming liquid titanium, hollie inspects, its just chemical, they named titanium, tell me about the website, said, hollie, thats, yolasite website appearing, showing, tear up, and, put back, rip, thats, popes picture, appearing, with, brown, hair, thats putin, laying, before, thats, hollie, appearing, then, turned, silhouette, then, partial, i'm the horse, said, the horse, thats, pope, like, angel, of, light appearing on, hollie showed, its on black horse, hollie, claps, thats, hu hintao, on red horse, christian this is uh warnin, said, hollie, aw, shut up, said, hollie, playing music, when the marine corp. is out in the streets, thats, when, you fast, said, hollie, its, she, said, theres, no, food, that, was, hollie, reaching for the people at westside pentecostal church, from ground hollie looked normal, wearing short sleeve white tee shirt, but from high in air, hollie looks like big dark hollie, whats my message, said, hollie, buy me said sarah barbour, this is website, lets, post, said, hollie, showed, beatem up, thats pope, said, hollie, its, the, whole new world order, said, hollie, clapped, stomped foot, hey, said, hollie, body was, hidden, but, faded, in, hollie showed, yellow hands, dark background, hollie screamed, hollie slaps, thats uh submarine, said, hollie, firing, with, submarine somby, said, hollie, and hollie, surfaces, thats, sub, looking, gaza burned, thats, hollie, turning, sub, thats, hollie, pointing, two nuclear explosions, fires, in, iraq, hollie pushes, bush to the podium, bush eats chicken, dressed like king, I made its ours, said, president george bush, ate chicken, it to breakem, he said, bites chicken, stealem, our oil wells contracts, president bush said, hollie takes to fire, theres uh subamrine, said, hollie, now, look, hollie, said, thats, submarines all around america, its, akula, thats, what, you want, need, said, hollie, one fires, thats, explosion in california, lets wrap this up, said, hollie, cnn news woman, thats both american coasts exploding, he made me, said, hollie, cried, thats, JEsus, appearing, telling hollie weep, marine corp., said, Jesus, out in the streets, said, hollie, aw you want it, said, hollie, playing, like organ, thats barack obama with nice breath, tellings, its economic collapse, said, president obama, leaves, hollie showed, dressed nice, thats Father on old steam locomotive, hollie funnel on front, hollie showed, old no.7, thats moon, dressed real nice, its, bobby, he made me, said, moon, Jesus appears, tells moon, look nice, good, said, moon, thats, the alome suleary, said, hollie, showed, its landon turner, paralyzed from the kneck down, but while at boys club camp, teased, bob, new ministry of dreams, its yola, said, hollie, yolasite, showed, the yolasite website like pink angel, thats, hollie flying in spacecraft, fired on the thieves of the God spoke, hollie said, showed, MInistry of Dreams, call it ministryofdreams, said, Jesus, thats, people stealing, no, said, hollie, showed, away, thru, had lighted hands, but, shook, yes, thats, hollie, flying in spacecraft, fired, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o., countries exploding, russia, on fire, JEsus, watches, thats, moon, looking down, with, big nose, at, smoke coming, its bobby he made me said, moon, Jesus, appears, thats, like, dark being, lighted hands, tear up, body fades in, thats, nuclear explosion in indiana, hollie showed, many states with nuclear fire, thats rockets leaving america, its minuteman silos said, hollie, thats fires in russia, missiles left russia, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, missiles left them, russia exploded, hollie blew whistle, thats alome saleem, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, it was soumb, tell me what the tap dancers said, clapped, the tap dancers, many hollies, and hollie showed, lay down, thats nuclear fireball coming up from center of america, said, hollie, and, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, nuclear missiles flying, thats alaska exploding first, then, theres nuclear explosion in canada, it, cnn tower falls, said, hollie, and, Jesus, thats Jesus, thats center of america exploding, hollie flys x-47b, spacefighter, she, said, dropped bomb, america below exploded, hollie pilots little plane, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, countries, and russia burning, thats fire, world, shakes, moon appears, bobby, its, he made me, said, moon, thats, hollie like bear, 4-1-2010-no, said, hollie, showed, Lord I said i'm thru, hollie, said, showed, its, hollie showed, holliefleas, no, she, said, bob, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie showed, record, this is uh warning, said, hollie, and I stamped, with the loose belt sound, leave it alone, said, hollie, there, hollie said, showed, no, it appeared, said, hollie, thats, charles ellis, of, assisstant bishop over, hollie showed, its pentecostal assemblies of the world, thats charles ellis showing not saved, its i'm with witch, said, your reverend, hollie, said, charles ellis, thats mrs. ellis appearing, put it in the pocket, said, mrs. charles ellis, thats pastor charles ellis with dyed hair looking at visions, I wont resign, said, bishop charles ellis, showed, lots of money, but, showed, cut off, what is that, said, hollie, showed, ford galaxie 500, its uh 1962, spun rear tires, I got, uh warnin, said, hollie, showed, pope, hollie, said, tell me what the loose belt soum, is, for, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, nothing, then, pope, hollie, said, appeared, thats hu hintaos picture, hollie relaxes, there you have it, both beasts, hey bobby, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, this is warnin, said, hollie, hollie slapped, with uh e,d, prophet, said, hollie, hollie scream, that was it, said, hollie, its bush and gorbachev on the ship, hollie, said, its, peace and safety, start one, hollie, said, hollie showed, trouble, hollie, said, pope, and he saw, it, said, casey, kings arise, theres hu hintao, says hollie, and hollie in dull white robe, showed, hes false prophet, theres, pope, hollie, showed, hes, anti, theres emporer of japan, hollie showed, thats, two horned, beast, with, those two, coming out of, its horns, bob, said, hollie, showed, lay down, thats hollie, laying down, lets war, said, hollie, showed, in, its, uh dark setting, hollie had dull, white, robe, pulled sleeves back, had, amber colored hands, hollie pilots spacecraft, dropped bomb, thats america below exploding, hollie, looks at the nuclear n.a.t.o. lands exploding, thats russia on fire, Jesus watches, thats moon dressed very nice, bobby, he made me, said, moon, showed, picture, it, whole new world order, hollie like, stick hollie moved hands, tear up, said, hollie, had lighted hands, showed, them, hollie whistled, war, said, hollie, other, hollie, shows, lighted amber hands, thats, massive nuclear fireball, hollie, said, its in russia, thats missiles leaving, russia, its, they exchange, said, hollie, showed, nuclear fires, in both countries, thats hegoat pope with ram horns, thats, ram with putins face, thats hu hintao coming out of, one, horn, theres, putin, medvedev, pope out of other, thats hegoat smiting ram, thats, pope, hu and japan at table, signing, 666, its, peace treaty, they leave, hollie screamed, e,d, she said, why what for, hollie, said, screamed, when, ya get home, said, hollie, screamed, showed, lay down, jong, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, kim jong with nuclear button, thats, nuclear fires in russia, china, and south korea, moon, dressed nice, watches, that, said, moon, missile leaves russia, with, its yola, said, hollie, website on, like, pink post angel, north korea exploded, record, said, hollie, let me, stomped foot, that, was, clap, heard, hollies body faded, in, snapped fingers, its, nigger, said, hollie, thats, end time prophetic ministry, website, bobby its time to go home, this is uh warnin, said, hollie, dot face licked prophet, bear licked prophet, I will bob come against sissy, said, Jesus, hollie showed, lay down, bobby dont, said, hollie, o, its his ship, said, fleas, are you talken about me said wilhelm gustloff ship, m.v., said, hollie, thats ship, with, changing face, put back, tear up, showed, popes picture, with brown hair, let me, rule, the, world, said, putin, kneeling before, hollie shows, world, thats many countries exploding, smoke goes up, and moon, looks down, its, moon, said, bobby he made me, 4-2-2010-its leticia yoo, said, hollie, its you, hollie pointed at, its, jenny donati, sh, said, its, jean poole, both witchs, said, hollie, both steal, the God spoke, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, like their two reverends, hollie said, its, sh, said, kathryn taylor, her, reverend, dr. jeremy taylor, u.u., and his reverend, its toni, said, hollie, its, toni vladimirova, of, dreams foundation, so you call your self a reverend, said, hollie, yes, shakes, antonia vladimirova, shes uh witch, hollie, said, like, their friends, its, john mark pool, and his lovely, said, hollie, sandy poole, both witchs, said God, put it under, dont steal what I spoke, said, hollie, showed, call it, she, said, the God spoke, Ministry of Dreams, write uh book, said, hollie, showed, call it, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hollie had book, make that the new ministry of dreams, on ruinnowkim, said, Jesus, its on, gmail, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamp, said, hollie, pope, said, hollie, he appeared, hollie, said, thats pope going to table, thats hu hintao and japan, going to table, 666, hollie claps, appears, thats them two coming out of two horned beast, showed, hollie, christian website said post, more, hollie, said, thats, yola appearing, website, like, pink post angel, dot, said, hollie, thats dot talking, hollie like silhouette faced, vampire, appears, there, said, Jesus, hollie was, dressed real good, bob the economy, said, hollie, its, collapsed, bankrupt, hollie, said, and, barack obama, just blows, laughs, I take it, he, said, there are no visions in pentecost, said, hollie, and, hollie, showed, its, new, building, marriott, hollie, said, thats missile striking, building crumbles, I need somebody let me record, said, hollie, and, hollie screamed, record, said, hollie, thats, beast, rising, hollie, said, its, g8, hollie, said, theres putin, appearing, dressed like king, with, its nuclear n.a.t.o., said, hollie, record, said, hollie, you should put the economy first, said, hollie, thats barack obama, blows, he, said, its, economic collapse, barack obama said, leaves, look, hollie, said, showed, pope, head shaped like little horn, thats, hollie, showing, eat, and, nuclear fireball in, its africa, showed, hollie, that was, nuclear explosions in many countries of world, thats, Jesus, watching, moon grunts, dressed nice, looks down, smoke comes up, this is hollie, with that o loose belt soum, said, hollie, that, was, the statue of liberty, said, hollie, it the woman, she, said, thats statue of liberty sitting on its berth, and, nuclear explosion in new york, thats, hollie appearing, missile leaving dark ocean, thats gabriel pouring out vial, and he saw, it, said, casey, hollie, pulled up sleeves, amber, she, said, dull white robe, lit hands, submarines all around america, moon looks nice, hollie showed, lay down, said, hollie, same o website, same o computer, said, hollie, aw you want me, said, hollie, playing music, that, was, hollie playing piano, see, said, hollie, piano not seen, but appeared, then hollie appeared at, dressed nice, played, hey that, said, hollie, was, piano on, its, showed, hollie, like, Father, with big hand, dressed like captain, titanic, hollie plays piano, o shit, said, captain smith, ship hits iceberg, sinks, thats, ship, its still there, showed, hand, hollie appears, on bottom of, its atlantic, hollie played piano, its to late for south america, said, holie, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, hollie played music, thats nuclear fireball in south america, then others, appeared, thats rockets leaving oceans, striking america, exploded, hollie showed, missiles leaving american submarines, thats nuclear fires in cuba, Hey i will place it there said, hollie, nuclear fires along latin and mexican coasts, thats nicaragua exploding, hollie posts on laptop wearing white robe, hollie showed, eat, no, said, hollie, showed, away, thru, but shook, yes, showed, eat, that, was, bear licking prophet, go to Christ church, said, hollie, showed, be quiet, hollie showed, record, and, I stamp, hollie said, beast, arose, pope, hollie looked, showed, turn, big lighted hand, body hidden, but, faded, in, white robe, that, was, hollie, in, the, fire, looking, no expression, no, said, hollie, showed, Lord i'm away, thru, but, shook, yes, hollie, beats stick, pope, appears, i'm the anti beast, said, its, hey, said hollie, pontiff, 4-3-2010-thats new world order tap dancing, it, said, hollie, pope, theres hu hintao, said, pope, pointed, hes false prophet, hollie relaxes, thyere you have it, she said, both beats, theres mexican president, hes dreading, signing uh deal, with, medvedev, like lula and hugo, theres castrol, not wanting, with kim jong, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, shakes, yes, thats hollie riding rocket, its into taiwan, hollie said, exploded, theres hu hintao, battling, its washington state, showed, hollie, with sword, its, repelled, she said, goes out to sea, in, its old world war two airplane, hollie, said, bombs, thats, ship, sinking, leaving , thats the ten toed, said, hollie, beast, with, pope, drving, like machine, thats ten russian kings coming up out of, remember me, said, Jesus, showed, cut that off, telling people, what you do, thats music playing, thats, hollie playing music, showed, eat something, that pope, beast, rising, take this off, said, hollie, wearing white robe, how do we get the economy back, said, hollie, showed, with, thats barack obama appearing, its economic collapse, obama said, blows, leaves, thats, hollie like golden little head, in, megaphone, one finger, in, ear, we must warn, said, hollie, showed, its economic collapse, thats u.s.a., looting, bob, said, hollie, you needed links, hollie, said, many, to keep your number one spot, this is hollie, with, that, loose, belt some, thats, hollie, summing, body hidden, but fades, in, white robe, hollie teases dogs, they love it, said, God, that, was hollie, showing airplane, america is under attack, said, Jesus, flying, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, face lift, buy one, thats, doctors giving hollie face lift, you need to record, said, hollie, changes links, she, said, go to all your forums, thats, hollie, changing, thats, hollie, like vampire, showing, its the beast, said, hollie, pope, thats, with, seven heads and ten horns, hollie watches, building burn, thats, them tearing out burned parts, good, hollie said, theres, storm clouds brewin, said, Jesus, thats dark rainy clouds, it appeared, said, hollie, with, Jesus, like post angel, in, clouds watching, thats Jesus like Light man riding cloud, countries below exploded, Jesus, watches, world, smoke bobby, said, moon, with big nose, points, rises, thats, hollie, posting, on, its laptop, wearing white robe, no, said, hollie, showed, thru, away, its his ship, said, babyfleas, o, said, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, thats, three torpedoes, striking, ship rolling, sinking, waiting on bottom of the sea like a silhouette face ship, hollie visits, in, submarine, ships face appears, then silhouette, hollie fires, its akula class, thats what you want, need, said, hollie, thats, nuclear, n.a.t.o. lands exploding, russia, exploded, world shakes, bobby, said, moon, points, smoke rises, in, moons face, hollie, plays, music, she, will not hear, you, thats, pope, riding black horse, its into, there, pointed, hollie, signs, uh, deal, with, medvedev, hollie shows, the, m.s. gustloff ship with adolf hitler on, this economys slipping rapidly, said, hollie, and, hollie, played, music, hollie showed, taprecorder, pope laughs, mister christian, said, pope, showed, his picture, tare up, hollie looks at light in tares, this is, uh warning, lets do something, said, hollie, hey, said, hollie, more kings appear, in, picture, with, pope, hollie showed, turn, eat, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats, people looting, its after economic collapse, hollie, said, thats, it, said, the, tap dancers, eight kings that will rise against, its, the, u.s.a., said, hollie, tell me about the beast, said, hollie, i'm the beast, said, its pope, hollie, said, you lure, said, boris yeltsin, alright, said, hu hintao, thats, hollie, riding, missile, its into, taiwan, exploded, thats, hu battling washington state, with, sword, thats, hollie flying out to sea, many old world war two airplane, they repell, chinese ships, thats nuclear fires in, china, captain, hollie, in, ohio class submarine, three, firing, china exploded, that, was, the, president of mexico, acting happy, signing, it uh deal, said, hollie, with medvedev, theres lula and chavez, both not wanting, thats castrol and nicaraguan president, both sign, neither want, thats, kim jong with the nuclear button, pressed, thats, nuclear, fires, in, russia, and, china, and, south korea, thats rocket leaving russia with new ministry of dreams website on, its jenny donati acting like letecia yoo, stole said, hollie, north korea exploded, this is the ten toed beast driven by the pontiff, thats ten russian kings rising out of, thats, pope coming out of putin, this uh warning, said, hollie, dont do that, said, hollie, like uh nigger website, hollie got, ready, to, fight, pulled up sleeves, dull white robe, showed, post on laptop, hollie showed, turn, lighted, fist, body, appeared, then, hidden, then, faded, in, showed, turn, again, big hand, thats, Father dressed like captain, big red hand, its his ship, said, babyfleas, go, said, wilhelm gustloff ship, hollie took off, prophet, said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope, appeared, said, hollie, bobby, said, hollie, smiled, thats Father with big dark hand showing, its ship again, said, babyfleas, its r.m.s. titanic with worried looking captain, smith, on deck, rubs, iceberg, sinks, its still lying there, said, fleas, big hand shows, sunken liner titanic, thats, captain, hollie, in, submarine, thats gaza on fire, thats, nuclear destruction in iraq, fleas, shows, fire, thats, Jesus, placing president bush, both ofuhm, said, Jesus, at microphone, we made our war, george w. bush, said, thats george bush senior, not saying uh word, said, Jesus, its, iraq agin, said, george bush junior, lets breakem, stealem, he whispered to daddy, george senior shakes, yes, thats, hollie placing both president bush's in hellfire, thats, Jesus, appearing, stomping foot, showing lay down, leave how its made alone, said, hollie, this is website, lets post, captain, hollie, showed, iraq and gaza on fire, with, big hand, wearing nice clothes, thats Father like dot head, 3-4-5-2010-your cut off, said, hollie, its, she, said, ed hindson, appeared, hollie, said, who me, said, worried looking, its, doctor, said, hollie, thats, liberty school of religion putting out ed hindson, said, Jesus, all there are cut off, saith the Lord, now I want, said, Jesus, it appeared, said, hollie, thats Jesus rubbing chin, its, showed, hollie, witchs, hollie said, showed, stomped foot, libery school of religion, were all thieves, said, its, doctor, said, Jesus, loose belt somby, said, hollie, tell me what the loose belt is for, said, hollie, showed, loose, belt, squeaking, that, was, pope, rising, syria was on fire, said, Jesus, bob, said, hollie, thats, the, horn, some, hollie sums, face partially hidden, bob, said, hollie, this is, website, hollie, said, website, hollie, said, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, it appeared, later, loose belt stone, said, hollie, showed, eat, c'mon, said, let me, hollie, said, showed, change, recorders, tell me, what, the, loose belt some message is for, said, hollie, thats, hollie flying, hollie, said, its starfighter, dropped bomb, america below exploded, hollie flys, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, hollie claps, this is, uh, warning, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, its, akula, agin, thats what you want needed, hollie, said, thats, hollie, in his submarine, prowling, ocean, thats, many, thats them firing, that, was, many countries burning, Jesus, appeared, hollie, showed, turn, moon, appears, bobby, said, moon, showed, quiet, hollie sang like zztop, moon appears, bobby he dont want that, said, worried looking moon, dont you come near me, said, afraid, ed hindson, it appeared, showed, hollie, thats ed hindson showing cut off, with dyed hair, thats people at liberty school of religion laughing at, its him, said, Jesus, ed hindson, but, thats, witch, God, said, ed hindson preaching Jesus with satan himself, God, said, its tim layhe, the devil, Jesus, said, it appeared, said, hollie, both, thats tim layhe showing cut off, bobby dont you come near me said ed hindson, never, sang, hollie, hollie showed, popes picture, thats, hollie, explaining, he told the pope no expression, whats this said, hollie like dot head, tapped the stick, hollie snaps fingers, stomps foot, body, hidden, fades in, hollie, showed, war, beatem up, hollie, said, thats hollie walking in plad coat, had nice hair, thats, hollie, with, nice, hair, appearing, happy, hollie showed, its, clyde best, bobby said, hollie, what are you wanting, hollie, said, thats clyde best rubbing chin, the word, saved, appeared, then why are you an elder in the seventh day adventist church, said, hollie, this is uh warning, thats, what your hollie said, hollie, said, thats, hollie posting on laptop, white robe, showed, thats, hollie in the fire, looking, around, but laughs, that, was, hollie, typeing, on, cellphone, popes image, made alive, on, cellphone, bob, clyde best, what, said, Jesus, what does, clyde best say, said, hollie, hes wanting to be saved, said, hollie, what is that, said, hollie, pointed, at, odometer, 666 appeared, thats, pope, said, hollie, screamed, hollie, showed, hollie showed, have a1 savor sack, at white castle with a1 steak sauce, hollie said, lets do something, this is warning, said, hollie, posted on, laptop, wearing white robe, hollie showed, with, big hand, you did not want need him, said, hollie, hand shook, talking about hollie showed, thats Father like captain showing with big dark hand, its s.s. titanic with edward smith afraid, sank, scraped iceberg, here, said, hollie, feeds prophet a cadbury egg, i'm the trolley track, looked, thats people putting cement over me, track, said, hollie, showed, still there, its buried deep, hollie, said, hollie whistled, hollie licks prophet, out of saxaphone, thats, seat of the beast, pope, hollie said, like, give us your mercy, said, its, showed, hollie, Ellen Denham, showed, cut off, i'm uh witch said, its, showed, God, Ellen Denham, singing, at, its, showed, hollie, saint johns, indy, catholic church, thats Ellen Denham looking at visions, i'm paid, she, said, hollie, showed, turn, thats, fans celebrating, its, butler won, beat michigan state, hollie said, the catholic church is the synogogue of satan, thats, Father acting like satan, said, hollie, sh, hollie, said, dont squeal, tell on them, hollie showed, record, Jesus, sings at the catholic church, thats submarines right there, said, hollie, now, look, said, hollie, in, his, its akula again, thats, what, you want, needed, hollie, said, hollie beats cymbol, showed, bob eat again, hollie showed, in white robe, its rocky, hollie, said, horror picture, show, Jesus sang, hollie layed down, bob, get out the laptop, hollie posted on laptop, hollie showed, record, in white robe, showed, lay down, hollie layed down, white robe, my rules, said, Jesus, in fire setting, hollie screamed, what kind of website do you want, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, wearing, white robe, showed, why arent you recording, loose belt some, and hollie summed, body hidden, but faded, in, hollie, posted, on laptop, wearing white robe, bob, said, hollie, showed, leave, its, at, wal-mart, hollie showed, bob, said, hollie, showed, record, wait, showed, hollie, hollie shook it up, its donald bault, bobby, hes, hollie looks around, don bault is satan, hollie said, put it under, we know, said, wallace vanslyke, leave donald bault alone, said, hollie, he can not get saved, she, said, donald bault, was, raised in church but never got the Holy Ghost, said, Jesus, this is wision, lets post, said, hollie, posted in laptop, bobby, said, hollie, showed, turn, lighted hollie, posted on laptop, i'm just uh vision I cant post, said, hollie, showed, confusion, hollie showed, take bath, showed, lay down, 4-6-2010-christian, said, hollie, shook, dont, this is website, lets post, said, hollie, showed, new ministry of dreams website, its, over blog, hollie, said, put it under, dont use overblog, thats them going under, said, hollie, bob, hollie, said, showed, time, showed, run, when, you get outside, hollie showed, record, had, watch on, showed, eat, bob, said, hollie, thats pope, riding, black horse, its in to, moscow, pope, hollie said, thats, pope, signing, deal, with, medvedev, bob, said, hollie, work with it, hollie laughs, its your doctor rev. said, hollie, jeremy taylor, d.min appears, said, hollie, within one month, said, hollie, thats, rev. jeremy taylor u.u. removing what he stole, hollie showed, the God spoke, she, said, Ministry of Dreams, thats, it, said, hollie, kathryn taylor, shakes, yes, steals, but both remove, like their jenny donati, said, hollie, showed, its, of, the, paliban daily, and, you, said, hollie, its antonia vladimirova appearing, shes dreams foundation, showed, hollie, toni vladimirova, calls self reverend, and steals, the God, spoke, said, hollie, Ministry of dreams after bob signs dreams foundation guest book, thats rev. toni vladimirova looking at visions, hollie teaches music, how to sing, i'm the beast, said, pope, thats serpent, snake appearing in fiery scene, sticking out, tongue, popes face appears on, hollie, showed, turn, get drink, go, loose belt stone, said, hollie, what was hollie saying for, said, hollie, that, was, lighted shaft pointing, yellow, thats angel riding yellow lightening bolt, let me said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, and, I showed, pope, hollie, said, this is hollie with, that, o loose belt sumb, s,u,m,b, that was Jesus, said, hollie, riding the lightening bolt, storm clouds brewing, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, said, hollie, beast, pope arose, russia is now, preparing, to strike america, with, nuclear destruction, said, hollie, showed, bobs new website, its, thought hollie, like tear drop post angel, that, was, hollie, hands lit, body faded in, showed, its uh glass city, hollie, said, new jerusalem, crystal sea with captain hollie in his akula class submarine, fired, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burning, world shakes, Jesus, watches, moon looks down, bobby, said, moon, smoke rises, bobby, said, hollie, showed, picture, you know who it is, said, hollie, its pope, let me, tap the stick, said, hollie, pope, she, said, arose, theres, hu hintao, hollie relaxed, there, you have it, both beasts, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, big yellow lighted hand, tear up, said, hollie, with, lighted, bear paws, from behind, hollie showed, bear paws, that, was john m. stepehnson showing turn, said, hollie, lighted being showed nothing, said, hollie, this is uh warnin, said, hollie, aw shut up, said, hollie, playing music, there prayin, said, hollie, git out, said, pastor stephenson, said, hollie, Lord I want him, said, mrs. john m. stephenson, thats bob sitting, on front row, you liar, said, mrs. stephenson, hollie showed, its, hollie put sign in, apostolic church franklin, that, was, cloud, whats clouds word, said, hollie, i'm, said, cloud, hey, said, hollie, clouds face looked like hollies face, laughed, thats hollie like uh nigger, black, bobby its just leave me alone, said, hollie, with, futuristic noise, hollie played his music, website say, said, hollie, its miarroba, hollie, said, the new, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, showed, trolley, said, hollie, and he saw, it, was, said, casey, its opening in, street, trolley tracks, buried beneath, hollie, showed, i'm said, trolley, bobby, said, Jesus, what does the website say, said, hollie, thats, new ministry of dreams website looking around, showed, thumbs up, i'm, ministry of dreams website, said, bobby, said, hollie, slapped, that, said, hollie, nuclear explosion in australia, hollie appeared, that, was, missiles flying striking, that, said, hollie, russia, exploded, missiles left russia, that, said, hollie, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploded, hollie spun globe, america exploded, thats, submarines all around, thats, sun and moon, looking at smoke rising, watch this, said, Jesus, thats, God strengthening, the hollie, showed, sh, be quiet, she said, butler bulldogs to win, its n.c.a.a. title, hollie said, thats butler player with ribbon around, hollie showed, lay down, hollie showed, record, bob you see that grass, you will cut that, three days into your fast and I will say go and die, hollie had light watch on, showed, lay down, bob, said, hollie, showed, light watch, go, you hide from me in sin to be abated saith God, live for me so I can torture you, 4-7-2010-hollie, with, Jesus, God, hollie, said, inside, showed, record, new website, said, hollie, its french, she, said, thats, bobs, new, Ministry of Dreams, website, appearing, like, dot, tear drop, face, with, a, like, birth mark on, but, not quite, said, Jesus, put it under, said, hollie, thats, hollie walking, wearing, plad coat, hollie, with, nice hair, appears, showed, pope, beast, she, said, picture, its, whole new world order, she, said, its, appeared, hollie clapped, in, picture, theres, hu, said, hollie, hes, false prophet, theres, lula, afraid, signs, its uh deal, said, hollie, with medvedev, and, chavez, same, medvedev leaves, theres, castrol, agrees, fidel, afraid, though, theres, nicaraguan president, hes, agreeing, shaking, yes, but, scared, thats, mexican president, hes, not wanting, but agrees, you lure, said, boris yeltsin to hu hintao, lastly, kim jong said raul castrol, thats, kim, with, the, nuclear controls, presses, thats, nuclear fires, in, hollie showed, russia, china, and, south korea, thats, missile leaving russia, with, new ministry of dreams website on, north korea exploded, but kim jong shakes yes with medvedev, this is website, said, hollie, wiped lips, hollie showed, run, hurry, quick, hand beat, white hand, like, pope rose, thats, said, hollie, pope, riding, black horse, its, into, moscow, said, happy pope, thats, pope, signing, deal, with, medvedev, it gains pope some control, hollie, showed, record, you dont want no more website thats what your showin her, said, hollie, with, the, loose belt some, hollie, said, you dont want no more thats what your showin me, said, hollie, the marine corp. is out in the streets, said, JEsus, and, he, saw, this, said, casey, angel marines out in american streets, faces were like silhouette, partial or all the way, this is cause looting, thats barack obama, its economic collapse, he, said, hollie shows, old war two tank, its, stored in indianapolis, still good, thats hollie driving tank, hollie claps, theres, uh, submarine, said, hollie, thats, hollie, prowling ocean in his submarine, its light sub, thats submarine being interviewed, its fire, sub, said, thats world shaking, hey, many countries exploding, Jesus, watches, the economy is slipping, said, hollie, and, hollie plays music, aw, he dont want you, said, hollie, what the hell am I screamin for, said, hollie, screamed, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, gregory m. kenny, hes, said, hollie, shut up said mrs. kenny, both showed cut off, the united states is under attack by uh russian missile delivery, said, hollie, showed, rocket part of missile, thats, warhead, hollie puts on, exploded, hollie showed, turn, prophet, said, hollie, got laptop out, hollie posted on laptop, it was a he and she hollie, theres another ministry of dreams website up, said, hollie, like, a, tear drop head face, turned head, had something on, then looked straight again, hollie showed, turn, golden, go get oil, look, said, fleas, showed, picture, its, pope, thats, hu hintao, appearing, in, picture, hollie, points, there you have it, said, hollie, relaxed, both beasts, pope, said, hollie, and he saw it, said, casey, pope ride black horse, write the vision, make it plain, said, hollie, hollie ran in place, that was the seat of the wilhelm gustloff ship with silhouette face, but appeared, hollie showed, record, c'mon, she, said, that was copter, its the double beat, blade kind, said, hollie, flown by, its none other, said, hollie, then, hollie, drops bomb, america below exploded, thats submarines all around, u.s.a., hollie looks down, thats, one firing, explosion, in, california, thats, hollie cnn news anchor man, telling, reporting, hey said, hollie, thats the same hollie that flew copter, got, kicked out, both american coasts exploded, then center of america exploded, its uh missile strike, said, hollie, thats russian missiles flying, alaska exploded, first, theres on in, canada, cnn tower falls, then, center of america exploded, tell me, where the, spacecraft is goin, said, hollie, thats hollie flying in her spacecraft, firing, its the thieves of, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, removing, this is uh warning, said, hollie, hollie ate the one dollar double cheese burger, showed, burger king, buy one, said, hollie, this is, the, website, lets post, said, hollie, with, its, loose belt sorry, thats, hollie showing, long john silvers, eat, hollie, showed, hollie showed, lay down, showed, bobby cut that off, 4-8-2010-hollie screamed, why what for, hollie, said, thats, captain, Father, showing, its, titanic, with big hand, o shit, said, edward smith, ship strikes iceberg, o, said, its his ship again, said, fleas, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, o, ship, said, thats, beast rising, i'm the g8, said, pontiff, thats, kings appearing with, they are, nuclear n.a.t.o. lands, bobby write uh book, said, hollie, showed, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats, red, dragon with, bush, riding, dressed like, woman, i'm the beast, said, red dragon, turned into pope, dont letem, said, airplane noise, thats lighted being showing, its, said, hollie, kessler boulevard sign, exploded, Jesus, said, did, you, see what syria did, said, hollie, with the loose belt sound, thats syrian president signing deal with medvedev, thats iranian president, russia said irans president, use our turf, thats russian military on both soils, thats russian military in many countries, hollie showed, record, showed, turn, eat, lighted, hollie, its, cause russia, said, hollie, showed, eat, tear up, said, hollie, appeared, smiling, put back, but, popes picture, appeared, with brown hair, let me, rule, the, world, said, putin, kneeling before little horn head shaped pope, shakes, yes, russia, said, hollie, showed, world, many countries exploding, russian burns, Jesus, watches, hollie claps, like hidden hollie but appeared, hollie showed, record, submarine, theres one right there, said, hollie, its the submarine somby, said, woman, thats, hollie, in, ocean, under water in submarine, fired, thats, hollie showing, many countries exploding, moon looks at with, big nose, its bobby he made me, i'm said, sun, both play, Jesus, there, moon, said, hollie, he transformed, now moon has body, showed, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope, look, said, hollie, showed, hu hintaos, picture, i'm the bear father, its, skull on the grill, said, hollie, thats, chrome skull looking, pope, said, hollie, let me, show, you, uh picture, hollie, said, its pope, you dont tell me about south korea, said, angel, its, uh missile strike, said, hollie, with egypt and jordan exploding, thats rocket with ministry of dreams website on, from, russia, israel exploded, thats beast pope and his armies in israel, showed, hollie, thats, the, king of the east, its, said, hollie, hu hintao, slashing pope, thats, nuclear fire, in, russia, hey lets unite and force, said, hintao, thats, china invading russia, forcing russia to invade israel, pope, said, hollie, let me, show, you uh picture, hollie, said, its pontiff, hollie showed, record, thats, beast, pope, riding, black horse, its into, russia, pope, said, showed, turn, russia, thats, my home, said pope, pointed, hollie, showed, eat, you know russia, said, hollie, thats, the, home, pope, hollie said, its his seat, hollie flys fedex jet, drops bomb, america below exploded, hollie soars, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burns, Jesus, watches, moon looks at smoke, its, bobby, he made me, said, moon, Jesus, tells moon what to say, alright i'll do this, said, moon, its all over, taiwan, said, hollie, thats, hollie riding, missile, taiwan exploded, hu hintao battles washington state, with, light sword, thats, hollie, flying, out in, old world war two fighter plane, bombs, its repelled, hollie, said, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, was, nuclear explosion in, that, hollie said, africa, missiles left their waters, tell me what hollie showed, thumbs down, for, said, hollie, its with the uhleave it alone, said, hollie, soumb, said, sandy, hollie appears, shows, bethesda missionairy baptist church, thumbs down, showed, hollie, its, she, said, witchs, that was hollie, from high above, looked like brown hollie, but, from ground reached for church people like normal hollie, no, said, hollie, but I shook, yes, she, said, then, thru, hollie, claps hands, stomps foot, hey, pointed, hollie, body hidden, but fades, in, thats, hollie, slapping face, like mostly silhouette face, eye seen, hollie showed, record, hand, shook, showed, you did not want hollie showed, go home, said, hollie, like, a dark hollie, but from ground, like, normal hollie, reaching for, the, pastor of westside pentecostal church, pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, then hu hintao, picture appeared, there you have it, said, hollie, relaxed both beasts, and, hu I can see were not going to get along, said, pope, thats nuclear fireball in russia, they exchange, thats, fires in both countries, thats them with japan at table, 666 is born, said, hollie, that was two horned, beast, said, Jesus, hollie, plays, music, with hintao and japan coming out, thats, hegoat pope with ram horns, thats ram, with, putins face, thats, hu hintao, out of, one, horn, theres, pope, showed, hollie and medvedev and putin out of, other, hollie, pulled back sleeves, lets war hollie, said, had blue sweatshirt on, iraq agin, said, and he saw, this, said, happy casey, hollie, with, his, submarine, sub looks around, gaza burns, thats, nuclear fires in, iraq, thats bush pushed to microphone, hollie pushes with plad coat, teeth, front, seen, its over oil contracts, said, male hollie, I made our peace, said, bush, its, for cronies, hollie, said, another hollie, puts president bush in lava, thats george w. bush in lava, dressed nice, iraq agin, said, angelic being, its EZEKIEL 7, thats, pope, hollie said, in, ten toed beast, thats, ten russian kings, coming up, hollie, shows, with big hand, boris yeltsin comes out of, the, ten, thats putin out of yeltsin and medvedev, thats, pope out of, putin, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie, showed, world, many countries exploding, its nuclear n.a.t.o. hollie said, russia burned, thats missile streaking, hollie showed, thumbs down, its hes cut off said Bishop Charles H. Ellis, III, now, running from, its, p.a.w. president, thats Charles H. Ellis, III looking around, its my dady made me do it, Charles Ellis said, thats, the older, said, God, charles ellis, hes uh witch, said, its your pastor, said, hollie, its, bishop charles ellis senior, nuclear fires, in, cuba, hollie points, venezuela and brazil with explosions, nicaragua burns, hey i'll place it there, said, hollie, nuclear fires in mexico and latin america, thats nuclear explosion in africa, missiles leave their waters, thats submarines around america, exploded, thats, missiles flying, nuclear fire in canada, alaska first, boom, thats center of america exploding, its the, said, hollie, cnn tower falling, hollie showed, done, laid down, hollie summed, like partial hidden hollie, i'm the vision said, the tap dancers, many different hollies, 4-9-2010-hollie showed, with, big, lighted, hand, body was there, but, then, just hand, its elijah, said, israel news man, thats some calling, bob, he speaks, with, does interview, hollie wipes lips, thats barack obama and medvedev signing new nuclear arms redcution treaty, it will not change one thing, heres why, thats, hollie, its in, starfighter, said, hollie, drops bomb, thats, america, below exploding, hollie flys, its f-104 starfighter, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, hollie pulls up sleeves, of white robe, this nuclear arms reduction treaty, hollie shows, its missile defence, its good, hollie, said, thats, american interceptor striking russian missile, thats many launched, from, ground capable of, thats them striking cruise missiles, nows heres the deal, said, hollie, keep warheads, said barack obama, stored, thats nuclear warehouse, showed, hollie, thats, one being struck by russian missile, it exploded, new ministry of dreams, said, hollie, its, on, facebook, she, showed, thats ministry of dreams website, hollie pulled back sleeves, showed, its uh, 1986 chevrolet deluxe ten truck, spun rear tires, hollie pulls up sleeves, lets war, said, pope, hollies, body hidden, why for, said, hollie, screamed, hollie showed, my popus, said, hollie, popey, its pontiff, hollie like, invisable body, hollie, pulls up sleeves, body, fades, in, that, was, new world order, appearing, said, hollie, that, she, said, showed, be quiet, white robe, hollie, pulls up, sleeves, shows, releastic minimus-7 speaker, they, were, good enough, hollie, listened, their sound was natural, it was, pope, it was, i'm hu, said, hintao, thats hugo chavez, and lula, both signing, deal, with, medvedev, but dreading, raul shook, yes, but fidel castrol afraid, thats, nicaraguan, president, looking, strong, but, trembles in heart, thats, mexican president, shaking yes, but, dreads, you lure, said, boris yeltsin, alright, shook, worried hu hintao, thats, hollie, riding, missile, its into taiwan, exploded, thats, hu hintao battling washington state on his red horse with light sword, thats light sword battling hu, hollie appeared, holding, thats hollie flying out in, its old world war two airplane, bombs, ship, its repelled, thats, captain, hollie, in, three ohio class submarines, china exploded, thats medvedev and putin, looking at each other, if you do, said, putin, now I gotta shut my mouth, vladimir, said, medvedev presses nuclear button, hollie screamed, thats, ten horned beast, its, pope, in, middle, thats ten russian kings rising, thats, pope, coming, out, of putin, and, putin, out of, medvedev, and yeltsin, thats boris out of, its, said, hollie, politburo, the ruling party, hollie pulls up sleeves, thats butler bulldog licking prophet, thats angel riding, lightening bolt, then, hollie appears, like, angel, from, the side, thats, hollie from behind, what the hell am I screamin, for, said, hollie, Jesus, said, russia, sprinkled, thats bear arising, said, hollie, destroy that, pointed Jesus, america appeared, thats, explosion in, it california, said, dumitru duduman, then, both american coasts, exploded, thats, hollie cnn news anchor man reporting, being kicked out by angel cloud, hollie stomped, hollie showed, rocky horror picture show, janet weiss, hollie, said, loose belt some, said, hollie, and hollie sums, partially hidden body, faded in, ministry of dreams is over, thats what, roland harding, and chrissy harding, thought, said, hollie and God, thats why they stole, said, hollie, thats their reverend, its antonia vladimirova, of dreams world, appearing, thieves, christians, hi, said, hollie, this is the, website, lets post something, said, hollie, and new ministry of dreams website appeared, like tear drop face with something on one side, ministry of dreams, website, showed, pictures, whole new world order, hollie showed, prepare income taxes, hollie flew, little twin engined cessna, they will hit, hollie thought, about four hundred miles per hour, stop, said, hollie, showed, its, emailing jews, this is vision lets post, said, hollie, and hollie plays the, music, I guess you dont want no more website thats what your showin, said, hollie, thief, said, hollie, its, hollie showed, rolled up sleeves, its, she, said, rev. jeremy taylor, appearings, hes, wolf, said, hollie, but, thats ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor stealing what I stole, said, God, ministry of dreams, now, thats, kathy taylor with, the website, of her, Lord and ruler, said, Jesus, jeremy taylor d.min, both witches, release, said, Jesus, Lord I wont said, its, hollie showed, d.min jeremy taylor u.u., but does, ruint, thats ph.d. jeremy taylor m.a. showing cut off, but, thats, your reverend, said, hollie, jeremy taylor, preaching, God, me, said, Jesus, both witches, Lord give me time said, its their director, said, Jesus, international study of dreams, thats, rev., dr. jeremy taylor, reading, O so I made you look at it, said, God, both, run to remove, what they stole, I'll harm, said, Jesus, go ahead and do it, said, doctor jeremy taylor, lets plague, said, God, thats jeremy taylor (hon) changing his mind and removing what I spoke, said, God, hollie showed, its, she, said, ministry of dreams, thats bear licking prophet, hollie showed, light watch, hollie showed, buy uh building, said, showed, hollie, thats bob having church, in, its building bob builds, its costs, hollie looks at Jesus, eight thousand, i'm the website, lets post, said, hollie, thats, new ministry of dreams website looking like tear drop head, turns head, something wrong with other side, that, said, hollie, laughed, nuclear explosion in australia, missiles left their waters, that, said, hollie, russia exploded, missiles left russia, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploded, thats, barack and dmitry medvedev, signing, its uh deal, said, medvedev, thats america exploding, lets sign, said, medvedev, barack obama shakes, yes, hollie showed, lay down, hollie showed, record, thumbs down, its, city of light, 4-10-2010-bob, said, hollie, showed, eat, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, pope, she, said, thats, pontiff, riding, black horse, its into, russia, thats, pope and medvedev signing deal, it gains some control, hollie, showed, record, thats, pope, hollie, said, I got uh deal, said, pontiff, thats black horse, hollie showed, pontiff rides, loose belt soar, hollie flew, said, hollie, what am I screamin for, said, hollie, screamed, that, was, Jesus, laughing at, willie bland at, Christ temple, Jesus sat in the back, said, hollie, that, was, hollie reaching for israel, they blew it, hollie, said, from high in air, she looked like dark being, but from ground, looked like normal, hollie, home, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, pope appeared, pope, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, i'm the beast said, pope, riding, black horse, thats, said, hollie, angel, marine, thats them out in streets, its, economic collapse, said, barack, obama, blows, leaves, hollie, sang, like, zztop, i'm uh vision, I can not post, said, hollie, and post angel rose, I dont want me said, its his ship, said, fleas, thats, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship waiting for visitor on bottom of sea, hollie visits in submarine, bobby dont, said, hollie, showed, lay down, bear licked the prophet, o, said, m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship, its his ship, said, fleas, thats, hollie with, Jesus, inside, showing, record, go, git mail, hollie, said, thats, spacecraft, landed, said, hollie, what was, spacecraft doin, said, babyfleas, look, said, hollie, came out of woofer, its m.c.s. stereo speaker, hollie looked at, its, good, this is, hollie, with, that, o, loose, belt sorrow, this is uh warning, leave everybody alone, said, hollie, let me, alone, thats, what they wanted, said, hollie, crying, its melissa scott, angry, showed, cut off, you dont want it no more thats what your showin, said, hollie, aw shut up, said, hollie playing music, bobby your going to get sick, said, hollie, and now it, hollie showed, lay down, eyes were shut, but she opened, thats, hollie laughing, hollie screamed, what did hollie say, 4-11-2010-hollie screamed, again, why, tell me what its for, said, hollie, screamed, showed, its uh realistic tape recorder, buy one, she, said, screamed, tell me what thats, for, said, hollie, screamed, thats uh stagecoach, said, hollie, its, red on one side, black on, the other, pope, sits on, black side, its, to, take peace off of, the earth, said, pontiff, thats, hu hintao, Yes I agree he said, thats, hollie, riding, missile, its, into, taiwan, hollie, said, she, surfed, on, nuclear rocket, taiwan, exploded, thats, hollie, pulling up sleeves, come on, she, said, thats, hu hintao battling washington state, with sword, thats busy noise, people dont want to, hear, threats, thats hollie flying out to sea in old world war two airplane, its, repelled, thats, hintao, battling washington state with light sword, thats, hollie, bombing, sinking, chinese ship, syria is on fire, said, hollie, damascus shall be uh ruinious heap, said, hollie, thats, missiles, striking, egypt, and, jordan, thats, rocket, leaving, russia, with, new ministry of dreams website on, israel exploded, thats, nuclear fire, in, russia, lets unite and force, said, hu hintao, thats, china, invading russia, and, forcing, russia, to, invade, israel, thats, the m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship watching, moon looks down, with, big nose, i'm, said, sun, thats, sun, showing, pictures, its, whole, new world order, theres hu hintao, sun, said, you lure, said, yeltsin, hollie showed, lay down, that was hollie crying, thats, the, wilhelm gustloff ship, three torpedoes, striking, the side, said, Jesus, ship rolls, sinks, hollie showed, picture, its, pope, with, brown, hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, kneeling before, pope, shakes, yes, thats, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. said, hollie, countries, exploding, thats, russia, burning, hollie cnn news anchor man, reports, thats submarines, all around america, one fired, thats nuclear explosion in california, hollie reporter kicked out, both american coasts, exploded, thats, hollie, lowered, on, rope, copter flown, by, gabriel, thats, missiles, leaving, russia, thats, nuclear explosions, in, alaska, first, said, Jesus, theres, nuclear fire, in, canada, cnn tower, falls, thats, center of, america, exploding, arise and devour, that, said, Jesus, to bear, n.a.t.o. lands exploded, thats missiles from all of them, striking russia, exploded, moon, looks down, with big nose, smoke rises, tell me about, the sun, said, moon, i'm, said, sun, both play, Jesus, there, new economy said, hollie, thats barack obama, its economic collapse, he, said, leaves, thats, angel, hollie, and, marine, gabriel in streets, its, looting, said, hollie, both had partial silhouette faces, hollie, shows, stop recording, hollie appeared, showed, lay down, record, said, hollie, showed, lay down, record, said, hollie, showed, lay, down, but, eyes were still open, then shut, then open, hollie stomps foot, in, bed, snaps fingers, shows, popes picture, then, whole new world order, theres, hu hintao, you lure, said, yeltsin, thats, president of mexico afraid, but signs, like castrol and nicaraguan president, all afraid, like mexican president showed, thats hugo and lula dreading, theres kim jong, saying, lets do, presses nuclear button, thats, fire, in, russia, and, china, and, south korea, thats rocket leaving, russia, with ministry of dreams website, on, shows, face, one side, good, other side, has growth on, thats north korea exploding, putin looks at medvedev, if you do, medvedev presses nuclear button, hollie shows, world, many, countries exploded, moon looks down with big nose, showed, bobby sleep, but moons eyes still opened, i'm said, sun, laughs, both play, sun laid down, 4-12-2010-you knew john mark pool stole the God spoken protected birthed ministry of dreams, but what you did not know, but john mark pool does know is it feels like a body your perfect size coming in, the Holy Ghost baptizm, neither you or your john mark pool have jeremy lopez, and ministry of dreams is protected and there is a book out by bob hickman, call, ministry of dreams, you fool, now, you are going to be spiritual warfared with john mark pool, bob I wanted to offend you so deeply that you could not recover, saith God, now i'm going to reduce you to the brink of death, by fasting, and terrorising, cause I wanted to destroy you and laugh and make you an example, of, being lost after being exalted to the top of the world, saith Jesus, I hate, all, even my own, now, go fast untill death, to mock me, for not wanting to finish what I began like my servant JOB, john mark pool, saith the Lord, is, not, caring, but, does not want to be reported to the i.r.s., and wants to sue you, but, will, over, taking, the name, said, sany montgomery pool, ministry of dreams, thats sandy pool showing, book, ministry of dreams, they stole, its to ruin, said, john mark pool, they remove openly abated, saith the LOrd, bob, jeremy lopez, is not saved, said, Jesus, neither is, john lopez, you made me, tremble, said, its, showed, hollie, john lopez, both witchs, now, they are being openly mocked, cause they, you knew, said, hollie, stole, ministry of dreams, with their reverend, john mark pool, hollie showed, record, hollie stamps, beat hand, pope rose, thats, ponty, said, hollie, riding, black, horse, its, into, russia, said, pope, hollie, said, hollie beats hand, stamps, thats, light, scene, russia, with, medvedev, and, pope, signing, uh deal, said, pope, it gains, some, control, said, hollie, and, hollie, claps, hands, thats, daniel appearing, in, shushan, and, hegoat smiting, charging, ram, thats, ram, with, putins, face, out of horns, theres, hu hintao, and, other, horn, theres, pope, showing, flower, medvedev, and, putin, hollie, shows, lets war, thats, nuclear, fire, in, russia, its, they exchange, bobby, said, hollie, thats, nuclear fires, in, both lands, then, thats, pope, sitting at, table, 666, being, signed, for, thats, two, horned, beast, with, hintao, and, japan, coming, out, of, its, horns, there they are, threatening, and, lying, to, each other, then, they, leave, popey, said, hollie, thats, pope, on, black horse, they already, know it, said, hollie, thats, Jesus, entering into, prophet ministry of dreams, like, body, perfect size, its, Holy Ghost, said, hollie, baptizm, paul dorsey is cut off, said, hollie, thats rev. paul dorsey, preaching Jesus, but never got, saved, thats people showing, reverend, paul, dorsey, visions, I know it, said, paul dorsey, hollie, showed, turn, lighted, hollie, beast, said, hollie, thats, pope, appearing, hollie appeared, that was, new ministry of dreams website, said, hollie, on one side, of, face, normal, but other, side, had, deformity, but looked straight, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, said, hollie, and, restore, rip, hollie, said, look, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, hollie played guitar like r e o speedwagon, thats, hollie, showing, its, reo, she, said, they have over, forty hits, but, you dont, draw, anymore, said, hollie, I know, said, kevin cronin, hollie showed, turn, like, lighted, hollie, hollie showed, turn, go, brush me off, said, hollie, wearing white robe, website, said, hollie, in megaphone like little golden head, war sireens blowing, hollie shows, world, many countries exploded, Jesus watches, moon looks down with big nose, then, has, body, shows, the end of the world, time, then, moon, rubs hand, together, dressed good, leaves, hollie looks at, its, she, showed, michael Youssef and joshua Youssef, pocketing, its the, leading the way, loot, thats, joshua Youssef looking at visions, woman talking, to, laughing, in heart, o so your not a christian, said, woman, michael Youssef is embarrased but, i'm rich, said, the joshua-michael Youssef man, put it under, said, hollie, tell, its, to, late for joshua and michael Youssef, bob, said, hollie, its, pope, said, another, hollie, laughed, picture, spacefighter, said, hollie, soared, dropped bomb, america below exploded, thats looters appearing, in dark smokey america, and, more, states, exploded, hollie showed, it made them, embarrased, the Youssef man, no, said, hollie, showed, away, but, shook, yes, thats, styx, rockband, still touring, they draw, its, sell out, said, hollie, thats, reo speedwagon still drawing huge, do you want to, know, what, syria, did, said, angel, syria, said, hollie, its, missile strike, thats, jordan and egypt, exploding, thats, beast, pope and his, armies, gathered there in israel, thats, hu hintao, and, his armies, thats, nuclear explosion in, russia, lets unite and force, this, said, hintao, thats, russia, being, forced to invade israel, buy china, thats, nuclear missile leaving, russia, with, last ministry of dreams, website, on, like, angelic cat face, israel exploded, you, said, Jesus, mountain splits, thats, horses, running, in, between two brass mountains, said, hollie, theres red, thats hu hintao, riding, theres black, thats, pope riding, a measure of wheat for a penny, thats, pope with, scales, 666 is there, thats, grim reaper, laughing, souls flying, from world, he, collected them, thats, nation exploding, then many, countries exploded, this is the website, lets post, said, something, hollie, posted, on, laptop, hollie showed, lay down, but eyes still open, hollie snapped fingers, stomped foot, that, was, hollie, seawolf class, she, said, surfaced, sees, its statue of liberty, wham, said, hollie, fires, like, captain, thats, nuclear explosion in new york, and, many, nuclear fires, in, coastal states, hollie, showed, lay down, 4-13-2010-you will not eat for one month, then at the brink of death I the LOrd will stop betraying you, I will fix the damage I caused you cause I wanted you to perish so bad I tortured and maimed you, caressing wiener with electricy, disfiguring face with boils and causing muscles to tighten when moving facial muscles, deseasing gums and body, giving dreams where you choke, laughing at you in visions, I hate all people, who, its john mark pool again, said, hollie, why did you steal, Ministry of Dreams, hollie said, thats, john mark pool, laughing, people sending emails asking him to leave christian alone, I cant, said, john mark, pool, sandy pool, becomes, worried, cause, her reverend, said, Jesus, wont leave, a, Holy GHost christian alone, both remain lost saith the Lord, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor stealing ministry of dreams, like, its, jenny donati, who claims to be leticia yoo, thats, jean poole, buying ministry of dreams dot org, and, jeremy and john lopez stealing what I spoke, said, Jesus, the God spoken, hollie, said, showed, ministryofdreams, jeremy lopez laughs, but, now, knows, hes, lost, loose belt, some, said, hollie, and, hollie, sums, body hidden, but appeared, maybe its, uh, warning, said, hollie, leave it alone, hollie, said, thats, ministry of dreams website appearing, its hollie showed, on facebook, hollie showed, record, thats beast, pope arising, said, hollie, sh, said, hollie, its, doug mckee, hollie, said, showed, thumbs down, its, witchs, hollie, said, loose, belt, some, s,u,m,e, said, hollie, tear up, said, hollie, let me, fix it, she, said, put back, showed, popes picture, with, brown hair, let me, rule, the, world, said, putin, laying before, its, over, said, hollie, alright, said, john mark pool, sandy pool threatens divorce, or both, taking the name, said, antonia vladimirova, toni, ministry of dreams, thats, the, marine corp. out in the streets, like, Jesus, said, hollie, said, with, partial, silhouette, face, but, faded, in, i'm out, said, hollie, marine guard, theres, gabriel, hollie showed, its, economic collapse, make uh wish, said, hollie, wearing brown pants, red sweatshirt, hollie showed, turn, with fist, body hidden, but fades in, tell me about, south korea, said, angel, thats, what you want said, hollie, thats where you need to be, it will burn, she, said, it from uh missile strike, hollie, said, and, he, saw, it, pointed, casey, like uh cat, missiles, strike, egypt, jordan, and syria, exploded, whatta you want, said, hollie, its, to, ruin said john mark pool, its by me said sandy pool with fingers crossed behind back, both steal the God spoke, hollie showed, ministry of dreams, like, jeremy lopez, and, pastor, john lopez, thats, the lopez's appearing, not showing any expression but one trembles in heart, one laughs, cause, hes, cut off, knows, thats jeremy lopez removing what he posted, ministry of dreams, the God spoke, said, Jesus, they are not caring, bobbel, said, hollie, showed, picture, its pontiff, hollie showed, lay down, hollie prowled in his submarine, fired, thats, iraq burning, hollie, points, two nuclear fires, in gaza, hollie pushes bush to microphone, I made our war, bush said, ate chicken, its to breakem, he said, bit chicken, oil wells contracts, hollie puts bush in fire, lets, rule, the, world, said, putin, kneeling before pontiff, alright shakes, pope, that, was, bear licking prophet, with, neon red tongue, pulls putin, to, self, hand shows, you did not want, hollie showed, thats, showed, hollie, God two witnesses commanding the Lord to plague their harmers, thats bob speaking, Jesus plauging the theives of ministry of dreams, said, hollie, showed, lay down, michigan state is going to win the national championship next year said, Jesus, thats tom izzo looking at visions, this is not the warnin, this is hollie, talken for the warnin, hollie looked, like, dot hand, pointed, turn,

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