Sunday, September 15, 2024

God entered into my body, as the body of an angel. my perfect size. this is baptism of the holy Spirit. I make love to men and women with God inside of my body and see visions of God whilest doing

World prophecy center is created by God for the end times and is filled with visions and dreams from God

visions of hollie and the antichrist-vision received 9-1-2010-in this vision I saw part of hollie and she had like lighted golden hands, bear paws, like boxing gloves, and in between her hands appeared popes picture with brown hair, and I saw vladimir putin and he said, let me, pontey shook yes, said, hollie and another, hollie shows, world, spacecraft soared, she, said, its nuclear n.a.t.o., hollie said, exploding, thats missiles from them, striking, their target, said, hollie, its, she, said, placed hand over mouth, russia, exploded, its on the day of the Lord, said, its him, a partial face hollie said, and billy appears, smoke rises, bobby, said, its, a serious looking moon, watches, said, God,

hollie wonders-vision received 8-31-2010-in this vision I saw hollie appear and she had her hand on her mouth and appears like this to see if I record the vision.

Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and they said: 8-30-2010-fool, said, hollie, showed, i'm done, she, said, no, said, its, babyfleas, she, runs, and laughs, and thats God laughing with her, but she will have to give an account, saith the Lord, like You will Jesus, said, put it undle, hollie said, showed, its, work, she said, showed her light watch, its bob go, she, said, thats hollie walking, in, wearing plad coat, she, said,

red horse rider takes peace off of the earth-vision received 8-30-2010-in this vision I saw part of the happy red horse and horse licked the prophet, and said, you see, showed, its, hollie, said, hu hintao, hes, hollie, said, sh, the rider,

hollie flys in spacesaucer-vision received 8-29-2010-in this vision I saw hollie flying and she said, "my spacesaucer".

Jesus describes-vision received about 8-28-2010-in this vision I saw the Lord and he told me he persecutes me driving me to suicide, and does, by, tightening face muscles when using, caressing penus.

8-28-2010-in this vision from Jesus I saw part of hollie and she was speaking in other tongues, as the Spirit gave the utterance, in another, vision I saw hollie and she said, we gotta eat bobby.

hollie showed-visions received about 8-22-2010-in vision I saw the face of, hollie showed, sad, may have been white on mouth that was open like an o.

visions of hollies-visions received 8-20-2010-in visions I saw a he hollie with light brown hair, and he either tore up, or put back, and a she hollie appears, and may have pointed at him, and perhaps, same o she hollie appears, and looks at me, and maybe have placed hand over mouth wondering if I would post vision, but, another, hollie shook, yes, happy, and hands clapped.

economic collapse in america with protests-vision received about 8-14-2010-in this vision I saw like angel people dot head and more marching, and have been made aware the social security collapses, and pension insurance fails in the united states of america.

revelation of the three woes-visions received 8-15-2010-while at church on sunday, at the, church of Christ, on rockville road, in indianapolis, indiana, Jesus showed me in visions and told me about the three woes, the first woe, I saw part of america and was told it was the judgment to u.s.a., the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the second woe, is, the hegoat smiting ram, this is, nuclear exchanges, between, china and russia, cause china invades much of destroyed russia and the beast pope tells the russian president to drive them out, and the third woe, was, the battle of armageddon, and I just saw like many people from china invading russia, nuking, and forcing to invade israel, and there the beast was slashed by false prophet hu hintao, hollie pointed at nuclear fire in russia.

the f-104 starfighter-vision received 8-13-2010-in vision I saw hollie and she said, 'starfighter', and in another vision I saw maybe to f-104 star fighter military, fighter jets, fly by, and I saw hollie with one.

antichrist-vision received 8-12-2010-in this vision I saw the pope like an angel of light and he said, "i am God".

visions over-roan-vision received 8-12-2010-in this vision I saw me at computer, and I saw hollie up by my head, and this goes on while i'm posting visions that I already have.

vision received 8-10-2010-I saw Jesus in a vision, just his head, and he sang, "shes changed her picture".

hollie-vision received 8-9-2010-in visions I saw hollie and she had on a light watch.

change oil-vision received 8-2010-I asked Jesus something like if the van wanted me to change oil and I heard plymouth voyager mini-van say something like, yeowp, and I saw in vision a big lighted thumbs up coming from like middle of van, possibly out of engine compartment, and hollie said, use, quaker state, its thickest,

hollie showed-vision received 8-7-2010-in this vision I saw the face of hollie showed on balloon and his mouth partly open with light in.
Jesus ruins you after he saves-vision received 8-7-2010-in this vision I saw Jesus with brown hair and he said something like, "bob i'm trying to make you perish by manifold temptation", and he does and I saw him in visions laughing at me as he was, deseasing my gums, making my heart fill what ever he wants, anger, rage, caressing dick with electricity, scaring in visions, threatens, shoots gun at me, tells me, "om gonna give you a problem
I asked Jesus for a ministering spirit that was willing to do a blasphemy vision and a hollie volunteered so she says to some one your of the devil and she took off running and running and some like rounded feet shoe things tripped her up and like a cat Jesus possibly got on her and said that was Jesus and i saw hollie by herself and she trembled but laughed at end.

(188)no Spirit-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like dan bohler and he said, "no Spirit", "financial".
(189)pray for me-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a man and he said something like, "pray for bobby'. I thought this was michael jackson.
(190)coffee-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like maybe a woman and she said, "the coffee's on". By going and buying decaff, I usally warn people while there.
(191)financial-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like dan bohler and he said something like, "give me something financial".
(192)more prayer-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like JEsus and he said, "two hours".
(193)thunderstorm-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like maybe virgina boldea and she said, "thunderstorm", "tell it".
(194)left-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like maybe me and I said, "moody just left here".
(195)lost Mantle-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like dr. tillery and he said, "lost Mantle".
(196)Jesus-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like dr. tillery and he said, "Jesus pray".
(197)hollie-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like hollie and she said things like, 'I don't give head", "once", "cain't hear ya".
(198)trap-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, 'I'm a trap".
(199)lost-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "lost".
(200)turn people on Jesus-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like man and he said, "turn me on", "financial".
(201)open-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like hollie and she said soemthing like, "open"
(202)somebody needs your prayer-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a man and he said, 'I need your prayer".
(203)intercede-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "can witness pray".
(203)adultery-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a woman and she said something like, "I'm in adultery".
(204)eat less-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a mcdonalds double chesseburger and medium fries.
(205)I've got the answer-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like mr. stewart of heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and he said something like, "theres our answer", and maybe, "I hate you".
(206)Gods money-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like terry cannon and he said, "my money", "you left me".
(207)cut off-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like sister rexford and she said things like,"He already cut me off", "call me", "you got something I need", "witch", and something like, "youd did close, didn't you", and maybe, "start going to westside".
(208)loose-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like terry cannon and he said, "I'm loose", "tell my word".
(209)running from Jesus-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like hollie and she said, "you know your running", and maybe, "I'm lost". Hi hollie!
(210)talk to Jesus pastor jordan-vision received 8-11-2005-I may have heard, "jordan" and saw pastor jordan and he said, "talk to Jesus", and he may have just said in another, "come over", "witness wrong".
(211)God still has real PRIESTS-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like terry cannon and he said something like, "bobby goning to be a PRIEST",and maybe, "done told", "adultery".
(212)needed-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like dan bohler and he said, "I need you", "hell".
(213)chosen-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like possibly dan bohler and he said, "I'm chosen", and I also may have seen a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "I am too".
(214)Christian-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a little girl and she said something like, "Your a Christian".
(215)adultery can be loving the world and Spiritually cheating on Jesus-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "adultery", and something like, "I only have one more chance".
(216)push-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "push". That pray until something happens.
(217)prayer-vision received 8-11-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "lets pray".
(218)hollie-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like hollie and she said things like, "stop it Lord", "that really pissed me off", "new mercy", and twice I saw me and I said things like, "I can't stop it", "bob delivered"
(219)it's the Mantle-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like me and I said, "its the Mantle", "its idle words".
(220)be called to duty-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like maybe two people that go to a Church and they are both calling the message on. Not necessarily the messenger, but, the message.
(221)westside pentecostal Church-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like terry cannon and he said, "go to westside", and, maybe, "fuck him", and maybe, "I'm financial".
(222)hit-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like this president and he said, "what did you hit", and I saw maybe irving baxter and he said, "iraq", like he was suprised".
(223)her vision-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like keri fox and she said something like, "that was my vision".
(224)michael boldea-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like mike and he let me know he saw the vision.
(225) iving baxter-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like irving baxter and he let me know he saw his vision and in others he said, "O my God", an more was said with that later. I heard him say and possibly screaming things like, "He doesn't want him bacK', and maybe, "witness is stealing you POWER.
(225)pastor simison-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like pastor simison in and he said things like, "I saw him", "done saw", "licence plate", "write it down", "call the police", "next time you come I'm calling the police, and I saw another man and he said things like, "I can't", "he went out". Jesus led me. I never harmed simison or anybody at his Churh. The visions are from Jesus, and Jesus gives me them and I'm glad write now for the priviledge of being used by God in this regards.
(226)reprobate-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a man that goes to pastor simison's Church and I prayed much for him and in the vision he said, "turn me over to a reprobate mind", and, "It went to my head".
(227)sissy-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like sissy and she said things like, "don't write the devil", "he thinks he not going to have to work", and maybe I saw her and now that I'm gone, she maybe calling me back.
(228)irving baxter jr.-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like irving baxter and he said things like, "were liars", "please tell it to me", "please help me", "I blasphemed prophet", "you need to tell", "we'll put you on the radio", "help me out", "get your hands off me", "I'm adultery", "finished", "you've blown It"geting in your wallet", "why didn't Jesus help", and I also heard, and may have seen who said, "irving baxter has fallen". And lastly, I saw him and he said, "that helped".
(229)not full-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me water coming out of something and running into perhaps a plastic container and it probably was not half way full and I heard, "thats all thats coming", and I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "drink", moneys your master".
(230)hollie-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like hollie and she said things like, "I'm an ex prophet", "he's with us", "you wnat the Mantle", "you know", "to many spots", "please tell me", "because I'm eunuch", "adultery", and in others she said things like, "that website scared me", "I probably did blaspheme the prophet", "your not a prophet", "your a priest", "hospital", "is bobby for us", "I love Jesus", "come around", "call".
(231)God still Winks-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me part of a Face and He Winked at me. His Eye was a dark color in the middle with the color of FIre past the pupil.
(232)prayer-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a Jpirit that looks like maybe Jesus and at first I saw Him from Behind, and He was in a White Robe and He had Brown Hair and HE was on Knees and maybe Hands, and in the second vision, I saw Him from the front, and He had a Beard and Hair and Beard were Brown, and He was well groomed, and may have Looked at floor.
(233)hollie -vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like hollie and she said, "you are undecided", and I saw a man and he said, "thats me", and I may have seen somebody else and they said, "thats me", and I saw somebody else and he said, "help me", "I only trust Jesus", or soemthing like that.
(234)dumitru duduman-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like dumitru and he said things like, "your blowing it", "take my Mantle off mike", and I saw michael boldea and he said things like, "lost my Mantle", and I may have seen dumitru again and he or somebody else said things like, "new motor", "loose Mantle", "if you don't repent".
(235)lambert w. gates-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like pastor gates and he said things like, "don't go here", "I remember you o buddy", "don't beleive It", "hell", "I been out there for ever", "their fake".
(236)hollie-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like hollie and she said things like, "your website definatlely scared me", "tell them to arrest him".
(237)write-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision possibly part of a Being and the Finger on the White Hand pointed toward the floor and I heard, "write".
(238)do you really believe-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirits that looked perhaps like two pentecostal women approaching me and I may have said something like, "the Lord Jesus is coming", and one said, "don't lie to me".
(239)america will attack iran, but, maybe, shouldn't-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like this president and he said things like, "hit iran", "should we attack iran".
(240)called back-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like daughter tyson who is blind and she said, "come back here".
(241)phone lines in my office may be all hooked up-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a Spirit that looks like Man and He pointed maybe at the phone line jack that has about 6 lines on it and He said, "every single phone". He may have been Angelic, and I did see Angelic Beings in this last paryer session, but, I did not write all down. I now wished I had. I saw This one and He was all White and He told me something.
(242)psychic news-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like daughter tyson who is blind and she said, "spychic news".
(243)apostolic-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a man and he said, 'apostolic". Looked like pastor james e. tyson. He may have also said someting like, "thats for me", "your fallen", "witch", and I saw the daughter and she said, "bobby just won't beleive it, and, "you wanted control".
(244)I'd make a video for dan bohler if Jesus wanted me to-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like dr. dan bohler and he said, "make a video", and maybe, "thats what I want", "bob, help us".
(245)the american spy plane that was wounded and landed in china may ahve been planned-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a and he said something like, "shoot down the spy plane".
(246) pastor wallace van slyke-vision received 8-22-2005-I may have heard, "your wanted in the bedroom", and I may have asked who wanted me in the bedroom", and I may have heard, "vanslyke", and I saw pastor van slyke in a vision and he said, "me", and I may have asked what he wanted", and God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like pastor van slyke at plainfield apostolic Church and he said things like, "I got a question", "bobs the answer", "something wrong", "will not attack", "religion". That probably means the bedroom is plainfield apostolic Church.
(247)priest-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision possibly a White Arm and the Finger was White and It pointed at me and I heard, "priest".
(248)diesel price was $.99 per gallon-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me a speedway gas station sign and the price for diesel was, ".99", and I may have seen dumitru duduman in a vision and he said something like, "buy a diesel".
(249)russia will destroy the united states-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like dumitru duduman and he said, "russia", and I saw this president and he said, 'attack', and I saw somebody and they said, "us", "stay away from here", "push", "push bob". I beleive those last were dumitru duduman.
(250)dr. tillery-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like dr. tillery and he said, "your going to heaven" and I saw a man and he said, "thats me".
(251)computer-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me a computer and I knew where to go. Had visions to post.
(252)pastor caldwell at drexel gardens apostolic tabernacle-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like pentecostal pastor lannie caldwell and he said things like, "us", "call me an adulterer". This Church in in indianapolis.
(253)doomed-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like debbie and I may have only heard her and she seemed to scream something like, "come back and touch my bowell", "make me feel better", perhaps over and over. Jesus showed me she is going to have problems. In another she said something like, "when you moved out, cut off".
(254)comfortable in this life-vision received 8-22-2005-God has let me hear this mans voice and he said, 'comfortable'.
(255)o my God-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said, "o my God", "prophets going to stand".
(256)the lusters-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the lusters and they said things like: Mrs luster said things like, "why ain't you a Christian", "do'nt come back", "I blasphemed", and mr luster said things like, "come and talk", "backstab", "you mess with me", "come to sunday school", "were closed". I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "their planted", and I saw pastor luster and he said something like, "how do we plant prophet".
(257)same o-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said things like, "same o prophet", "same o computer", "same o backstab", "and same o pam davis", and I saw pam davis and she said, "the united states", and maybe, "the united states is under attack", and I may have seen possibly my sister and she said to my mom, "the united states in under attack", and my mom said, "o sh_t". I know Jesus gave hollie an awesome vision about a missile streaking to new york. The babylon in ISAIAH 13 and REVELATION 18 is america. Its in more place as well.
(258)needed-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "I need you".
(259)blaspheme-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like possibly mrs luster and she said, "I blaspheme", and I saw hollie and she said, "us", and I saw mrs luster and she said, "thats how he fell", and I saw pastor luster and he said, "you cain't eat her", and I saw irving baxter and he said, "o my God", "I want a vision", "blasphemin", "your right", "fooled ya", "if prophet doesn't get off his little ass he's gonna die".
(260)be a Christian-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mrs. luster and she said, "Christian", and I saw pastor elder luster and he said, "turn around".
(261)hollie-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "o my God", "blasphemings against me", "adultery", "touch my wallet".
(262)attack on babylon the america-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "the united states", and I saw this president and he said, "is under attack", "bush", and maybe, "witness cain't help". America won't repent.
(263)blasphemed-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I blasphemed", "my name and number", "tyson", she told a phone number but, I didn't catch it.
(264)I'm trying to please Jesus-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "bob, I hate you".
(265)Christ temple apostolic faith Church is cut off-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said something like, "tell me about Christ Temple", and I saw pastor charles finnell and somebody else and they said, "were closed".
(266)closed-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mrs luster and she said, "prophet closed", and I saw hollie and she said, 'again", "really I'm not".
(267)Christ temple-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor charles finnell of Christ temple apostolic faith Church and he said, "Christ temle is now done", "cut off", "back again", "missiles coming", "o sh_t", and maybe, "missiles coming from russia".
(268)needed closed-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mrs. luster and she said, "prophet closed", and I saw hollie and she said, 'again", "really I'm not".
(267)needed like keri fox and she said, "your really needed", "stay here".
(268)blimps can be used to deliver nuclear weapons-vision recieved 10-13-2005-God has showed me a spce craft that looked like maybe a blimp. I only saw the front of it and it was black, and its like the front had a row of lights going across it. And I heard this something like this, its called a submarine that floats in the sky, and it carries four nuclear weapon, and it can't be tracked, and putin said, hollie, and this was when I asked who said it, and putin also twice said, nuke, russia, and he ang, the fulness of the Godhead is in him.
(269)what confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus means-vision recieved 10-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the woman that goes to pastor bullocks Church and she said, confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus maens that you are saved, beleive in your heart that God hath raised Him from the dead means follow thru, beleive also means obey the Gospel.
(270)God is not a man that He should repent-vision recieved 11-5-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like, Jesus, and He sang many times, I will not repent, more reason for the WEBsite, take My Hand, and follow Me, I have no more reason, I will not repentttttttt,
(271)don't be decieved by the economic collapse coming to america -vision recieved 12-29-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like woman and she said, the economys back.
(272)give Jesus the glory and that is credit-vision recieved 12-31-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like peope and they said, don't give people glory, give it to Jesus, and macaulay pointed at that, culkin.
(273)the end time secret-vision recieved 1-9-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: the Lord will make the earth a waste and turneth it upside down and scatter the inhabitants of the earth, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard caused by the earth moving out of its place when russia hits america, and russia will become magog, and that is china, cuase china will absorb russia and make it a waste, they'll invade it, aman, after russia hits amexico, thats america and mexico will be plucked up, aman, america will be destroyed by russia, america is that great kingdome that rules over the kings of the earth, aman, the sun and the moon will be blocked out for 16 hours from the smoke of america burning, aman, russia is the bear with 3 ribs, and they are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, canada will be destroyed from radiation, hu will be the false prophet and the pope will be the beast, 666 will be the mark of the beast, and hu will be the new world leader, but the pope will take it by flatteries, for 3 and a half years, peace, 3 and a half years wrath, Christ will speak the Word, aman, the middle 6 will be a flanged cross, idol shepherd, aman, america is the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, and that is, false Christians and sin, have a good life, this was Jesus and hollie narrating this end time story, hallelujah, aman.
(274)the Eye's of the Lord-vision recieved 2-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: he saw the Angel of the Lord, His Eyes are watching the prophet.
(275)the Lord is ONE-vision recieved 3-6-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: thus, speaketh, Jesus, I, AM, HE, and, none, other, beside, Me, beleive, on the, SCRIPTURE, as, IT, claims, and, be, saved.
(276)your agreement with JEsus-vision recieved 5-4-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: and the library guard tore up his contract with Jesus, but, likes you coming, that was that girl tearing up the contrast,.
pentecostal links -vision recieved 7-2004-in this vision, I saw this white angel who looked like an old man, and He said something like, "why don't you call it "pentecostal links". I deleted the account that this links page was on 3-28-2005.
(2)wanted-vision received 3-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I want you bob".
(3)help-vision received 3-28-2005-in visions, I saw a man and he said, "help us", "close".
(4)no witness-vision received 3-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said something like, "don't bother him". This was a man that I saw that I wanted to witness to. I felt the leading of the Holy Ghost to walk away from him.
(5)joking is sin-vision received 3-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "jesting".
(6)being watched-vision received 3-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "there watching us". I believe this.
(7)you somethimes no whats wrong-vision received 3-28-2005-in this vision, I saw some words and it is like they appeared maybe one at a time and disappeared. The words were something like, "does know why". I may have heard, "he does no why".
(8)american-vision received 3-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you american".
(9)wanting to fill Jesus-vision received 3-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I want to feel Him".
(10) witch-vision received 3-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "witch".
(11)did-vision received 3-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "he did". This may have been about a banker possibly not telling me everything.
(12)hollie moody-vision received 3-2005-in this vision, I saw these words, "hollie moody".
(13)eli-vision received 3-2005-in this vision, I believe I saw the name, "eli". Eli was an old testament prophet or priest that the child samuel prophesied to. Eli got cut of, but, hanged around the ark of covenant, which represented the prescence of God, and I believe died right there with the ark of covenant.
(14)love prophecy-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "like prophecy".
(15)adams street-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a street sign and it had the name, "adams", on it.
(16)donald golder-visions received 3-29-2005-in visions, I saw pastor donald golder of temple of praise church and he said things like, "I'm cut off", "testify in this house".
(17)call me-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "call me".
(18)tell me something-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that works at a gas station who has had car problems big time. In a vision, Jesus showed me him and he was weeping. I asked the head on his car why it was blowing head gaskets, and I saw the head and heard something like this, "cause I don't get enough water". I saw the man in a visions and he said something like, "it's overheating", "come right now". I saw him in a vision and it touched him and he was happy that God thought about him.
(19)away-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "away".
(20)feel Jesus-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said soemthing like, "feel the Spirit".
(21)ukranian president victor yushchenko-in a vision, I saw and heard, "yushchenko", and I believe he said, "it's iran", and then I aw a woman in a vison and she said something like, "bomb". In other visions, I saw a woman and she said, "iran", and then I saw a man that looked like the president of iran khatimi and he said, "I'm satan".
(22)hillary clinton-vision received 3-29-2005-in a vision, I saw the words, "HILLARY CLINTON", and I may have written them, and I saw and heard, "hillary clinton", in a vison and she said, "I'm cut off".
(23)Jerry dragon-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "Jerry dragon".
(24)still have to delete e-mail-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "delete", and I heard something like, "just delete". I may have saw who said it.
(25)liar-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I lie to people".
(26) terror-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "terror", and I believe there was many more words there.
(27)al qadea in iraq-received 3-29-2005-I heard while praying, "al qaeda", and then a I heard, "al qaede is in iraq".
(28)caffeine-vision received 3-29-005-in this vision, I saw the word, "caffeine".
(29)website traffic building-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "website", and I later heard something like, "it's growing".
(30)vision of a man-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision,, I saw a man coming up the steps and He was old and He said to me, "have you had a count".
(31)appology-visions received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw the man who used to do most of the preaching at the church I went to and he said things like, "bob, I'm sorry". "don't offend me", "exclude him".
(32)people perishing-visions received 3-31-2005-I may have seen my former pastor this morning in a vision. If I didn't, I've seen him before and he said, "I went to hell". I may have seen a man in a white robe but not His face, and He said, "you know why he went to hell", and I probably asked why, and I may have seen an area that was lit up and I heard this, "because they didn't care".
(33)whats my problem-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "what's my problem". Jesus has showed me she's cut off.
(34)hell-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "hell".
(35)prophecy club-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a dark area and it kind of dimly lit up and I heard something like, "you want the prophecy club". My answer I believe is no. If Jesus wants me to go on tour, then I will.
(36)usa running out of gas-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "running out of gasoline". I believe I had it twice.
(37)michelle-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw this mother and she said, "like michelle", which is her daughter.
(38)won't hear the Word of God-vision-3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "deaf".
(39)foreclosure-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "foreclosure". In another vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I want in your pocket".
(40)time left-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman that is probably in her 70's and she said, "I got ten years left".
(41)attacks coming-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "there's an attack". I believe I head it twice.
(41)limit-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "limit".
(42)if you don't feel Jesus coming from me, you could be the reason-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "you got to feel it".
(43)quit working to live for Jesus-visions received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw me and I said, "I don't work anymore". I saw pastor william harris in a vision and he said something like, "you dumb for doing that".
(44)say nothing-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "you don't say nothing".
(45)ministryofdreams-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "whats the name of that ministry". Just the other day, I saw the word, "inc", and I may have heard, "get incorporated".
(46)pray for me-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "pray for me".
(47)you can get cut off-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I may have seen many things, but, it ends with a man that felt was a soldier and he said something like, "why don't you guys set him aside and turn him away and let him winhis dam young yankee in him". He was shouting at the end.
(48)anything can happen to you-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I can't believe this is happening".
(49)buisnesses closing-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "my buisness is going under".
(50)I witnessed-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "you insulted my cousin".
(51)iran-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "keep iran out".
(52)ask Jesus-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "but, are we suppost to do it".
(53)press when you pray-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "press bobby".
(54)hunting me-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pastor and he said, "where's bobby at". I heard this while praying, "he's hunting you".
(55)visions of a woman that died this week-visions received 4-1-2005-in visions, I saw this woman that died this week that suffered brain damage and was very beautiful at one time and she said things like, "I had to be put down". I saw her in anoter vision and she said or I heard something like, "she cheated", and I asked who she cheated on and I saw her in another vision and she said, "my ex husband". I saw her face in a vision and it looked like the face of a white spirit and I believe she was in he, and she screamed and she said things like, "please help me", "burning", "Oh my God".
(56)false prophet-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm a witch". A witch is a false prophet or a devil worshipper.
(57)can't find-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I can't find it".
(58)emergency-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "there's an emergency". I prayed.
(59)teach me-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "teach Me".
(60)blaspheme-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "blaspheme". THis is saying the devil did something the Holy Ghost did.
(61)click to html-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw like the webshell on my freeservers site where I add visions, and there is a button there, and it says rich text and if you click it, it says html. Jesus showed me to use the html.
(62)add visions-vision received 4-2-2005-twice in visions, I saw one or more of my webpages and visions are missing and I believe I heard something. I probably need to put visions there.
(63)heard-vision received 4-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I heard you". I beleive I saw him in more visions and in one, he said something like, "since your not doing anything", "lets talk about it", "He cut me off", "I'm just trying to get my bills paid".
(64)get right with Jesus and stay right-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I sold".
(65)devil-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm the devil".
(66)priest-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "your a priest".
(67)president-visions received 4-3-2005-in one vision, I saw the words, "DICK CHENEY", and in the other vision, I saw him and he said, "president".
(68)civil-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "civil".
(68)leave alone-visions received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "can I talk to you", and in the next vision, I heard, "don't mess with her". I may have seen who said it.
(69)stan-visions received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "stan johnson", on the caller i.d. on the phone. In the another vision, I saw the word, "stan", in like neon letters that may have been the color of fire.
(70)perished-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw my former next door nieghbor that is dead, and she screamed, "bobby, help me", "save me".
(71)seek the Holy Ghost-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I want His Spirit". In another vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm going against It".
(72)Juice-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "Juice".
(73)sin-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "sin".
(74)identification card coming-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "let me see your identification card".
(75)needed-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "cause I need your company".
(76)Chrysler-visions received 4-3-2005-in a vision, I saw a man and he said, "chrysler", and in the next vision, I saw a man and he said, "we ain't chrysler".
(77)nothing-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a person and and the person said, "there's nothing I hate".
(78)iran-visions received 4-3-2005-in a vision, I saw the word, "iran", and in the next one, I heard, "plan it". I may have seen who said it.
(78)leave alone-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw the name of this former soviet spy that defected to america, "stanislav lunev", and in the next vision, I saw somebody and he said, "hands off".
(79)enter much-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a computer moniter and on the screen were some words in like big italic words, and I beleive the words were, "ENTER MUCH". I enter much visions and dreams from Jesus.
(80)you can-vision received 4-2005-I was telling the Lord that I could not do something, and I saw a Man in vision that had brown hair and beard and HE said, "you can".
(81)avoid-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "git away from me".
(82)cut off-visions received 4-4-2005-in visions, I saw a woman and she said, "He cut me off", "He already cut me off".
(83)offend-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "offend".
(84)lied to-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw my banker and he said, "bobby, I was lying". I'm amazed at this, and alredy know and it is verified.
(85)ain't welcome-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "you ain't welcome".
(86)money should be taken out of banks-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, and I'm going by complete memory, I saw me praying, and I was telling Jesus that I would take or start taking the money out of the bank.
(87)sreaming-visions received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a young woman that I've witnessed to many times and she said, "we heard you". In the next vision, I saw her face and she was screaming and I felt she was in hell.
(88)radio-visions received 4-4-2005-in the first vision, I saw a man and he said, "talk on the radio", and I asked where, and in the second vision, I saw a woman and she said, "prophecy club".
(89)irritate-vision received 4-4-2005-in a vision, I saw a man and he said, "you irritate".
(90)EVERTIME-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "EVERTIME", and it was like on a page that that was indexed by a search engine, that was dark, when you press the cache button on like google, and the word was outlined in like yellow. My guess is if you go to google in about a month and type in, "EVERTIME", and when it comes up, press the cache button, and you will see the word highlighted a yellow color.
(91)satan-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "satan".
(92)help me-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a man praying and he said, "Jesus help me".
(93)nobody-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "nobody". There was more there.
(94)dick cheany will be the next usa president-visions received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "dick cheney the new", and in the next vision, I saw the vice president and he said, "president".(I did not write this vision down all the way, and I'm going by memory of some of it, but, it is, or is about what was said)
(95)maybe-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "maybe".
(96)cut off-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a pastor and he said, "were cut off".
(97)Christian-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a arm and the finger in the hand was pointing at me and I heard these words, "he's a Christian".
(98)ministry of dreams-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "ministryofdreams". Jesus could take the ministry in a direction I can not imagine.
(99)the dreams stopped-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I stopped dreaming".
(100)went to hell-visions received 4-5-2005-I heard the name of my former pastor and I saw his face in a vision and he was like a white spirit and he screamed, "it's hot". In the next vision he said, "i went to hell".
(101)Jesus can leave a church because of sin-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "why didn't you feel IT".
(102)Him-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "Him".
(103)accused of lying-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "you lied to me".
(104)what about me-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw like a google page and one of the sites on the page was titled, "What about", and I heard, "me". Me may have been on the page, I don't remember. I was asking Jesus about me.
(105)Jesus left-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a person and she said, "God left me".
(106)can feel Jesus-visions received 4-2005-in visions, I saw a man that works at a gas station, who has seemingly rejected me, and he said, "I can feel it", "come and testify". There were others.
(107)Jesus want me to keep my hair short-visions recieved 4-2005-in visions, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard, and He said, "about your hair", "keep it short". It's ugly like this.
(108)pastor harris-visions received 4-7-2005-in visions, I saw pastor harris and he said things like, "does bobby have the Holy Ghost", "I'm cut off", "call", "that ain't none of your buisness". There were more.
(109)economy dead in america-visions received 4-7-2005-in visions, I saw a woman and she said, "the united states", "the economys dead".
(110)satan is a witch-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw satan and he is all white and he said, "I'm a witch bob".
(111)Jesus can show you-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I can't see".
(112)hurt-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you hurt me".
(113)harley davidson motorcycle-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and I think he works at a pawn shop and they have a harley davidson 1200 and he said, "your motorcycle".
(114)smoking is sin-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a man sitting and he was either firing up a ciggarette and or smoking it.
(115)perishing-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm going to hell".
(116)perish-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I believe I saw the word and heard, "perish".
(117)is my home going to be in hiding-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw like a little entryway to like a dark attick in a house, and the little crawl space entry way swung open and I believe I heard this, "your home".
(118)neil young-visions received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw or heard or saw somebody saw, "neil young", "stoke".
(119)perishing-visions received 4-7-2005-in visions, I saw a woman and she said, "I'll perish". In the next vision, I saw her screaming.
(120)wanting can be the sin of covetousness-vision received 4-7-2005-I did not write what I saw down and I'm going by memory, but, I heard this and saw someting, possibly a dark area light up and maybe I saw me, "you know what your problem is", "you want".
(121)visions of a woman-visions received 4-7-2005-in visions, I saw like an animation of a woman and I may have also seen her, and she said things like, "I'm lusting", "I wanted a church home"(go to church if Jesus wants you to go only), "He already cut me off", "I wanted control", "delete", "I'm going to heaven", "I'm going". I heard something like, "she was". I was also shown in visions that she will have a baby, and in a vision a woman said something like, "a baby boy".
(122)paul mooney-visions received 4-7-2005-in visions, I saw paul mooney and he said things like, "I look at your website", "I hurt".
(123)real estate agent-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a real estate agent and he said, "don't ever call back".
(124)people want to know what I look like-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman whose animation is on her site, but, not picture, and she said, "they want to see uss". I like knowing what people look like as well. I don't really want my picture on the internet, but, I pretty sure Jesus doesn't.
(125)lied-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "I lied".
(126)trash-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "trash".
(127)spend yourself for Jesus-vision received 4-7-2005-in a vision, I saw a woman and she said, "will you please spend".
(128)my house-vision received 4-7-2005-I was asking Jesus about a house, and I saw one in a vision that I'm interested in. I believe it needs work.
(128)you can waste your walk with Jesus-visions received 4-7-2005-in a vision, I saw, "hand of help", and in visions, I saw a dark haired man that works there, and he said, "I blew it". In another vision, I saw the words, "michael said", "I sold". I may have seen him in a vision.
(129)revival-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "revival".
(130)embarras-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "you embarras". Jesus is requiring me to post these visions.
(131)gas prices going down-visions received 4-7-2005-in visions, I saw gas signs and the prices were, "1.22", "2.1?".
(132)oil pump-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "oil pump".
(133)gas price will lower-vision received 4-7-2005-while praying, I heard, "gas prices", and I saw a person in a vision and the person said, "they'll go down".
(134)over-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "it's over for edga".
(135)off-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "leave it off". I'm afraid to put some of the names of people on the sites knowing if I come against Gods children, I doomed. Jesus could cast me off the face of the earth before I blink my eyes the next time.
(136)good answer-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "good answer". A good answer comes from Jesus.
(137)usa will be attacked-vision received 4-7-2005-while praying, I heard, "the united states", and in a vision, i saw a man and he said, "is under attack".
(137)is bobby knight going to coach at ohio state-visions received 4-7-2005-while praying, I heard, "planned". Then I saw a man who looked like bobby knight and he said, "ohio state". In the next vision, I saw the word, "I'm". In visions not long ago, I saw a man that looked like bobby knight, and he said, "ohio state", "I'm the coach".
(138)free-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "it's free".
(139)loves God-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I love God".
(140)destroyed-vision recieved 4-7-2005-I heard the word, "destroyed", and I believe I also saw it in a vision.
(141)making me beleive-visions received 4-7-2005-in these visions, I saw a woman and she said, "making me believe". In the next one she cursed God. This is one of the most beautiful woman to me that has ever existed. I remember telling Jesus something like, "I wouldn't trade her for you", and I saw a Man in a vision that had brown hair and beard and blue eyes and HE said, "liar". This scares me, and in my heart, I don't seem to believe it, but, if you walk on hot coals, you will be burned. Stay away from sin. I saw that woman again and she said, "leave it off". She has blond hair and blue eyes. I just saw somebody in a vision and she said, "He knows".
(142)tina-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw an former girlfriend I went with in high school, and we were at a house. Things between her and I just went better than I can imagine. She seemed to love me. She got on my lap and was holding me. I told her a little about God and even asked her about her dad, and I think from her response, he remembers me. I was about 18 years old and would talk about real estate investig and other things, and her dad will tell me things like, "have fun". I would marry this woman if it were legal in the eyes of Jesus. One thing I will say is please stay close to Jesus and you will be able to withstand a trial like this. On any given day, your walk with God can be terminated because of something that occured that day. I was going to type some more stuff on and I saw a Man in a vision that had blue eyes and brown beard and He said, "leave it there".
(143)visions-vision received 4-7-2005-I've seen angels and other people in a visions while typing in these visions. I praise Jesus for the mantle He has place i my life. Appreaciate what God has done for you. You never know what you have until it's gone.
(144)visions-vision received 4-7-2005-I've seen angels and other people in a visions while typing in these visions. I praise Jesus for the mantle He has place i my life. Appreaciate what God has done for you. You never know what you have until it's gone.
(144)Jesus can forgive who HE wants-vision received 4-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with curly brown hair and He said soemthing like, "I forgive who ever I want".
(145)nooooo-vision received 4-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she loudly said, "nooooooooo".
(147)asking Jesus about a house for sale-visions received 4-9-2005-I was asking Jesus about this house and I saw the owner in a vision and he said, "sewers gone". I saw a woman and she said, "yes".
(148)under attack-vision received 4-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "were under nuclear attack".
(149)insulted-vision received 4-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that I've never met and he said, "you insulted me".
(150)warned-vision received 4-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I warned you".
(151)look-vision received 4-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "look at'em".
(152)visions of pastors-visions received 4-9-2005-In visions, I saw two pastors, and they said things like, "have nothing to do with him", "the devil cut me off", "I offended you", "I'm cut off", "I'm praying", "cut bobby off", "come on and preach it".
(152)I love you-vision received 4-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and HE said, "I love you".
(153)blasphemer-vision received 4-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man, and I believe he said, "blasphemer".
(154)revival-vision received 4-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said, "bobby, you want to start a revival".
(155)God can laugh at your calamity when it comes-vision received 4-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He was laughing at me. I asked something like, if He was laughing at my calamity. While I was saying it, I saw a man in a vision with dark hair and as I said what I did, he said soemthing like this, "you laughed at my calamity", "it hurts". I so ashamed, it makes posting this vision very difficult. Perhaps in time, I can help this man if it's Lords will to climb in Jesus. I desire that.
(156)sacrifice yourself-vision received 4-8-2005-I just saw a Man in a vision that had brown hair and beard, and HE said, "sacrifice".
(156)computer-vision received 4-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard, and He said, "go to the computer".
(157)hell-vision received 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "descension to hell".
(158)attack-vision recieved 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw president bush and I beleive he said, "attack".
(159)these are visions from Jesus-vision recieved 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that I witnessed to and she said, "those are just words".
(160)it will begin one day-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a kid and he said, "start it".
(161)baking soda-vision received 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "baking soda". I later saw, "saw word", or somebody say it or?
(162)it's a priviledge to serve Jesus the KING-vision received 5-2-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw a bottle of quaker state synthethic blend motor oil and I believe I saw the word, "privi", on it and may have heard, "its a priviledge". It is!
(163)cries for help-visions recieved 5-2-2005-In two visions, I saw two women and they both cried", "bobby help me", "bobby". I can help now, but, the day is coming when I can not help. Don't wait till that day to call on Jesus.
(164)america-vision received 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "america", spell out one letter at a time.
(165)computer-vision recieved 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with curly brown hair and beard and He said, "go to the computer". I went outside and the wrecker driver showed up to get my car. Thanks GOD!
(166)weep before God-vision recieved 5-2005-In this vision, I saw like the back of a vehicle and I beleive one of the words on the back was, "weep".
(167)v8 engine-vision received 5-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a car engine and it had stamped on it things like, "v8, efi or elecltronic fuel injection, 4.6 which is a ford engine.
(168)speedy rewards card-vision received 5-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that works for speedway gas station and she said, "get a speedy rewards card".
(169)forgive-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision while praying, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said, "I'll forgive you".
(170)jelous-vision received 5-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "jelous". I believe I saw her or possibly another woman in a vision and she said, "I'm going to the lake".
(171)wants gas-vision received 5-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "wants gas".
(173)revival-vision received 5-6-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "revival".
(174)witness-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "come witness".
(175)hole in the wall-vision recieved 5-7-2005-In this vision, I saw a buisness and it had a hole in the wall in the front like a missile went thru it.
(176)heaven-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision, I saw a house and it had a sentence on it and one of the words in the sentence was, "heaven".
(177)david-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vsiion, I saw the words, "DAVID-DVD". It would be nice to have my testimony on dvd.
(178)you matter-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "the ramseys count".
(179)cuba-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and he said, "I'm from cuba".
(180)eunuch-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision, I saw me and I said, "I'm eunuch".
(181)be a shoulder to cry on-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision, I saw two women and one was crying. The were sitting on something.
(182)by the WALL-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision, I saw me by this wall and I heard, "your by the wall".
(183)the-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "the". There was more.
(184)angel-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision, I saw an angel and He said or I heard, "an Angel".
(185)no-visions received 5-7-2005-In a vision, I saw perhaps a white Man and HE shook His head, "no", and I saw the word, "no".
(186)avoid sin-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision, I was sinning and when I realized what I was doing, I stopped.
(187)white man-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and his face was made out of like white light like the moon and he had on like a mechanics shirt and he said, "I would have took advantage of you".
(188)who is your favorite person-vision received 5-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said, "who's your favorite person". My only friend is Jesus. Jesus is my fav!
(189)THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 2:38 is the new testament plan of salvation-vision received 5-13-2005-In this vision, I saw, "238".
(190)Jesus might if you give Him reason-vision recieved 5-13-2005-In this vision, I saw the word,, "mite".
(191)I'm a policy holder-vision received 5-13-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and I felt he worked for my insurance company and he said, "you know your a policy holder".
(192)you are responsible-vision received 5-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said, "your held reponsible".
(193)Jesus is my FATHER-vision received 5-13-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "father".
(194)Jesus can make you pray-vision recieved 5-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said, "show Me a way to make Gods people pray". If you read in JEREMIAH 23, you will find that if the people are taught the right way, they will live it. The only way a person can be taught the right way if by the Holy Ghost. The only way the Holy Ghost can teach thru a man is if Jesus has control of that man. If Jesus does not have control of the pastor, its hard to say what the pastor will teach.
(194)Jesus can do what He wants-visions received 5-16-2005-In visions, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said things like, 'I can do what I want', "I like mercy".
(195)why hillary clinton is running for president-vision received 5-24-2005-I was asking Jesus something like why hillary clinton wants to be president and I saw her in a vision and she said, "I want control".
(196)pounding on heavens door for answers-vision received 5-28-2005-I was more or less asking Jesus where I was, and insisting on an answer and not planning on going out and witnessing till He gave me. I was wanint to know where I was with Him. I saw person or people in visions and they let me know I was chosen. I asked Jesus what this meant and I saw this pastor in a vision and he said, "won't perish". Not good enough. Finally, I saw the word, "again", in a vision. This was my answer.
(197)his-vision received 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "his".
(198)visions of a woman that is young, going to commit suicide and perish-visions received 5-28-2005-In visions, I saw the white spirit like face of this woman that is about 32 and she said things like, "mom, come help me", "I'm in judgement", "bobby, help me", "I'm falling", "bobby, I offend you".
(199)ministry-vision received 5-28-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw a man and he said, "ministry".
(200)witness-vision received 5-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "witness".
(201)God bless america-vision received 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "God bless america". America needs to bless God.
(202)you better off not talking to the devil-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a white man and he said something like, "keep living for me". I believe this was the devil, not sure. The devil lies and tries to trap, and if you talk to him, he may get you, because he is much smarter than you are, and is out to destroy you. I just saw him again and he said, "I'm in hell". He either is now or will be.
(204)prophecy-vision recieved 6-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said, "you need a prophecy". Whelp, Lord, give me one.
(205)coming to your end and don't know it-vision recieved 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you can't slow me down". Jesus has shown me she will be in diapers and that will lead to suicide. She is about 32.
(206)cut off-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "cut me off".
(207)blaspheming the Holy Ghost is not wise-vision received 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said soemthing like, "blapheme the Holy Ghost".
(208)you'll find out-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a female acting pastor and she said, "thats the devil".
(209)will I have to rebuild the ministryofdreams website again-visions about 6-2005-atleast twice in vision, I saw the old MINISTRYofDREAMS website and it was probably rebuilt and at the top where the name is it was, "ministryofdreams", not the prophetic ministry ministries of ministryofdreams. All visions are on one site now, and I think that is cool. Maybe I can rebuild that site and pute just major visions and revelations on it, like cities be destroyed by nuclear explosions, etc. Not really wanting to.
(210)don't tell-vision received 7-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "don't tell".
(211)I just declare-vision received 7-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "is he right".
(212)getting into trouble-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie moody and she said very sincerely, "your getting me into trouble". The spirits I see look like her, but, that does not mean that they are her, and the Lord gave me probably 100's of them before I actually posted them and left them on. I've sought Jesus on removing her name. I believe with everything with in me that the real hollie moody is a servant of Jesus. I just saw her again and she said something like, "going to the lake", "lying", "in adultery", "I heard witness got cut off", and I see this man in visions and he says things like, "how does it feel", "you blaspehemed against hollie moody, you blasphemed against God". Watch what you say about her. I just dimly saw another vision of a being and he said, "punish you". I have a mantle, and because I do, hell is attracted to me. If you seek from Jesus what I have, you better sit down and count the cost. It may be higher than you could even imagine. I just saw possibly a man spirit in a vision and he said, "hollie wants help". I'm willing Lords will to jump in the van and run to the rescue in Jesus name. I'm nothing, but!
(213)I standing-vision received 7-19-2005-In a vision, I saw this white angelic like being that and he said something like, "you will not stand". His face may have not had any features.
(214)went to Jesus-vision received 7-2005-I heard this, "went to Jesus".
(215)Lion-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a very large lion and it looked like it was preparing to attack.
(216)listened-vision received 7-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I listened to him".
(217)hit alaska-vision received 7-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe putin and he said, "hit alaska", and in another one, "the lake".
(218)chelsea-vision received 7-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a chelsea clinton and she said, "I'm looking for a husband".
(219)irving baxter jr.-vision received 7-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a irving baxter jr. of endtime ministries and he said things like, "the united states", "tell me I backslid", "I'll put you on t.v show".
(220)how much-vision received 7-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said, "how much is your website".
(221)HOUSE OF PRAYER-vision received 7-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe the pastor of a pentecostal Church in greenfield, indiana and he said things like, "will you come back", "the Lords starting to give me something".
(222)prophet-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "a real prophet".
(223)pay-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "you'll pay for what you've done to Jesus".
(224)handicapped-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like karen and she said things like, "O'h my son", "he's going to be handicapped".
(225)thomas-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like thomas and he said, "thomas here", and in others he said things like, "why ain't you paying me", "heard you blew it", "call me up".
(226)wrinkles-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said things like, "bobs starting to wrinkle", "my appearance".
(227)planned-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "it's planned".
(228)new missile-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "new missile".
(229)don't-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like alan browning who pastors in kentucky and he said, "I don't have".
(230)a very healthy tree-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a a very healthy tree. It had many leaves. As many as it could have. It was not super tall, but, tall enough. I just saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "you tree". If this is me, this shows me that I'm where I need to be.
(231)missy baker-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like missy baker and she said things like, "stomach", "welfare".
(232)I declare-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "tell me you lied".
(233)duane-vision received 7-29-2005-In this, I may have heard the name, "duane", and I may have seen him and heard, "trap", and I asked why he was a trap", and I saw a spirit that looked like duane and he either said, 'I lost the Holy Ghost", or I got the Holy Ghost". I asked Jesus which one it was and I saw duane again and he said, "lost".
(234)Jesus answers-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "you know God answered you".
(235)justin-vision received 7-29-2005-In heard the name, "justin", and I saw justin in a vision or a spirit that looked like him and he said, "he's crazy". I was stunned. I may have heard, "he knows". Justin goes to danville apostolic Church in danville, indiana. I prayed for Justin who has an hearing problem caused by a very serious auto accident that I've seen pictures of, and Jesus did not heal him and I did not feal the leading of the Holy Ghost to pray for him, but, at his request I did, and maybe Jesus allowed. I asked Jesus why He did not heal justin and I saw justin in a vision and he said, "sin", and maybe, "you might as well tell him", and I believe I saw him again and he said, "hell".
(236)irving baxter jr.-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like airving baxter jr. and he said, "he came against God".
(237)no blood on my hands-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw two hands and they were clean. In another vision, I saw one, and it was clean and I asked Jesus about the other.
(238)last days prophet-received 7-29-2005-I heard, "last days prophet". I forgot about this and this fires me up.
(239)testify-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "go testify".
(240)woman-vision received 7-29-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "bob", "he pays",my uncle".
(241)a time with hollie-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I'm with a prophetess named hollie, and she goes on like a radio interview, and I could here her talking. Next we are back at maybe a room or motel and I comment to her about the possible radio interview and she let me know that she does not want to talk about and we talk. She basically lets me know that she is broke or near and I tell her that the Lord all ready showed me and maybe even told her not to worry about it. While I was there with her in this vision, Jesus gave me a vision and I saw her ans she said something like, "can't find Him".
(242)not for sale-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me a man and he said, "go sell it".
(243)idle words will bring you down-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a terry cannon and he said things like, 'Idle words", "Idle words", "religion", "Christian", I'm in adultery", I blew", "my bills", "you lust", "git out of here", "praise God", "I lust", "I'm on my way out", "financial", "bob again", "thats nice".
(244)the price Jesus charges me everyday-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "thats the price".
(245)Christian-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "Christian".
(246)over-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I'm all over".
(247)money-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "want your wallet, and maybe, "pay my bills", and maybe, "you lusted", and maybe, "mercy".
(248)test-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "tempt me".
(249)nations wanting oil-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "I need oil".
(250)brush your teeth-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she said, "learn to brush your teeth".
(251)help-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "need help", and maybe, "Christian".
(252)are you saved according to scripture-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "I'm saved".
(253)you need the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "no Holy Spirit".
(254)does the devil have you imprisoned-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like an arm and there was a chain around the wrist.
(255)you can't push you sin off-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry canon and he said something like, "we'll push it off", "i'm ready", "save bobby". You can get cut off doing this.
(256)don't break down-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he said, "don't collapse".
(257)fire-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me possibly a Hand that may have been White and behind the Hand may have been a room that was filled with fire like hell.
(258)visions are needed-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he said things like, "I need your visions", and maybe, "don't beleive it".
(259)eating to much is sin-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "you eat to much", "I doubted".
(260)the prophecy club-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like stan johnson and he said, "go to kansas city", and maybe, "get around here".
(261)do you withstand, speak against-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "blasphemer", "it's bobby I blasphemed".
(262)a witch is a rebel-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "witch", "I'm dying lost", "I'm lusting".
(263)new mercy-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "new mercy", "save yourself", and maybe, "tell somebody".
(264)israel-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and and he said, 'israel'.
(265)you better have Jesus when the emergency arises-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "I got an emergency".
(266)Jesus shed His Blood that you may recieve remission of sins-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe Jesus and He said, "Blood".
(267)speaker-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "can bobby talk", "come right here", "need you", and something like, "bobs torino", "bob took care of his torino", and I saw a woman and she said,"hit elijah". That wreck ocurred about 1984. My 1971 candy apple red ford torino with black vinly top was damaged.
(268)out-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said soemthing like, "get out", "praise God".
(269)hollie is apostolic-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "I'm apostolic".
(270)ministryofdreams on the radio-vision recieved 8-11-2005-I may have heard and seen the word, "radio".
(271)can't marry-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe dan bohler and he said something like, "I've got you a woman", "call me back"(I've tried many times to call and all I get is an answering machine at one number and at the other number the answering machime may be messed up-have no plan to ever call again).
(272)all ready not wanting to go back-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said, "we'll run you off", "call me pastor"(the Holy Ghost is my pastor), "broken heart", "I'm at risk with you coming here", "saw It", "go file my taxes", "I'm at risk with bobby here", "it all over with". I believe these were all the pastor of heavenly life apostolic tabernacle Church.
(273) apostolic-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "I'm apostolic".
(274)sold your cahnce to be saved-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he said, "I sold It".
(275)stop me-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman that sang at Church last night and she said, 'I need you to stop me", and may have told me to tell her the vision or thanked me for telling, and maybe, "need prayer".
(276)apostolic-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "apostolic", "please help me".
(277)users-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like henry gruver and he said, "were both users".
(278)you need to know-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor cannon and he may have said, "maybe, I should know".
(279)wasn't suppost to be-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like tiny knobby and she was wearing shorts and she said something like, "It wasn't suppost to be". This is one of the only woman on the planet that I would have married.
(280)cooler summer-vision recieved 8-11-2005-I heard, "it will be cooler".
(281)it is me-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor caldwell and he said, "thats you".
(282)God protection for me is amazing-reiceved 8-11-2005 While I was at Church last night they had the video camera going and Jesus gave me a vision and I saw where I was sitting and I was not there. Gods protection in amazing. Praise Jesus for awesome protection!!!!!
(283)I can be stopped, but, Jesus can't-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they may have said, "let nothing stop you".
(284)psot office-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "I'm wanted in the post office".
(285)come back-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said, "come on back", and maybe, "first of all, I don't teach", "you know about him", "theres nothing there for me", "you wait".
(286)tell-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "tell".
(287)westside pentecostal Church-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister winters and she said, "bring him to westside".
(288)coverd-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I covered him up". This cover represents God protection".
(289)spared for now-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "I got covered". Praise Jesus for this!
(290)ushers-vision recieved 8-11-2005-Iheard this, "if the ushers will come at this time". A pastor may have said it".
(291)russia will attack america-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me the word, "russia".
(292)no plans on going on a speaking tour-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said something like, "speaking tour". I beleive I just saw stan johnson and he said something like, "come right here", and , "financial".
(293)heavenly life apostolic tabernacle-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said, "there's nothing in that Church", "you know why", "money", "financial", "I'm in adulterey".
(294)economic collapse is a prayer away-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and HE said, "one thing", "cause economic collapse", and in another vision, I saw this president and he said something like, "it's all ready collapsed".
(295)joy to the world, and peace on earth-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "joy to the world".
(296)terry cannon-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a pator terry cannon and he may have said things like, "that was you", "what is it", It's money", "I'm financial", and in one he was pointing at me and he said, "boy remember it", "house is against the prophet", "I saw a redeamer"(somebody else may have said this-I just saw cannon and he said, "thats you", and I may have seen me and I said, "me"). In other visions, I saw cannon and he said, "we need the visions", "Your witness spoke english", and I saw a woman that goes there at his Church and she said, "we heard". I saw terry cannon and he said, "witness knows", and I may have seen me and I said, "I police", etc.
(297)tornado-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me like a spiritual tornado and it was like made of light. Hope its not coming my way, but, its coming.
(298)heart attack-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he looked like he was having a heart attack and it may have been dr. dan bohler and I just saw him in a vision and he said, 'i left".
(299)cut off-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me the word, "cut off", and it was like Somebody took a pencil and tried to cover it like a new chance is given.
(300)inquired-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor caldwell and he said something like, "Lord, did you cut me off last night".
(301)restored-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman that goes to heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and she was at the piano or whatever and she was wearing a White Robe and she was smiling and she said, "great". In many visions she told me she needs mercy. This was mrs. dean white.
(302) pastor luster -vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor luster and h said things like, "will He accept me", "devils back", "call me", "I love religion", "don't share", "I'm going to hell", "I goofed", "stay right here", "yur bodies cut off", "I'm in the lake", "cut off", "git me in trouble", "financial", "hollie wrecked", "tell us the vision", "eunuch", "I blowed", "bobby I'm sorry", "I let you down", "I'm a trap now", "please help me", "be with us", "please help me", "your done", "take my talent", "He won't accept you", "when the moneys gone", "you on fire".
(303)fix van-vision recieved 8-25-2005-i heard, "mechanic", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like a mechanic and he said, "we can fix", "tell me I'm a prophet".
(304)blaspheme-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a maybe a man and he said things like, "you blasphemed against Jesus Christ", "bobbys right", "shut me down", "lay of me", "don't come back", "we ain't coming back", "to late for this house". I beleive this was elder luster with the upper room Church.
(305)trapped-vision recieved 8-25-2005-I heard, "hollies trapped", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like a maybe hollie and she said, "gary", and I saw maybe hollie and she said, "turn".
(306)killed-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a pastor and he said, "your going to kill it", "new religion", "you ain't doing nothing", "sacrifice", "video".
(307)america is babylon-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this pastor and he said, "america", "babylon".
(308)irving baxter-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said, "o my God", "he's a prophet", "prophets cut off".
(309)thomas-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like thomas and he said things like, "thomas gibson", "pray for me", "it's to late", "alcoholic", "I blasphemed", "leave us alone", "cut off", "your selling", "I accept it", "delivered", "religion", "prophet won't write", "need prophet".
(310)woman-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "share the vision", "I think your running".
(311)revelations-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "would you tell on me", "git out of here", "sacrifice".
(311)debbie-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said things like, "bobby come home", "my blaspheme is taken off", "prophets back home".
(312)sissy-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy and she said things like, "stay with us", "o my God".
(313)adversary-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this pastor and he said, "I'm an adversary".
(314)hollie-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "stay right there", "hollie moody", "how about jim jones", and I saw jim jones in visions and he said things like, "hell", and maybe, I'm out", and I saw hollie again and she said, "different price", "I'm moody", and maybe, "my last time", "because prophet", "I left".
(315)cry for help-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "help me".
(316)Jesus-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like Jesus Christ and HE had a long Shiny White Robe and HE had Brown Hair and Beard and He had the Crown of thorns still in His Head. Thank you Jesus for sopping by. Praise Jesus Christ! The only God!
(317)norm heaggy-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like norm and he said, "bobby blaspheme", and I may have seen me and I said, "no".
(318)pastor luster-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a pastor and he said things like, "now thats speaking in tongues", "the prophet".
(319)delivered-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "delivered".
(320)take gary-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said, "take gary", and maybe, I'm out", "bobby, I'm jelous", "tell him to write", "he can't", "write me", "please help", "I'm a witch", "I need my body".
(321)got thru-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe me and I said, "got thru".
(322)mike cunningham-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said, "wonder if thats bob", and I saw pastor luster and he said, "it's bobby".
(323)alice cooper-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like vince and he said thing maybe like, "alice cooper", "take it off", "I'm alice cooper", "cu me off", "will you help me", "I need religion", "awesome", "I'm an ex prophet", "take your visions", "I'm back", "won't pray", "blaspheme", "look me up", "I sold", "I have a yoke".
(324)dumitru duduman-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, "you got me cut off", "Jesus help me", "I fell".
(325)pastor luster-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like elder luster and he said, "give me 100 percent", "he won't", "You need to send Your prophet back thru".
(326)jeff gordon-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like jeff gordon and he said, "drive race car", "lake".
(327)going down-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "my witness is going down", "I perish", "blood", "you want it", "spill that wallet", "shot".
(328)brother cless barger-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor cless and he said, "bob had it planned", "I blasphemed against my brother".
(329)tony alamo-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a tony alamo, "the world pastor, and he may have said, "not here".
(330)pastor-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor luster of the upper room Church and he said, "step aside", "don't but a thing", "my last chance", "appreciate the prophet".
(331)george jefferson-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "george jefferson and I saw the actor who played george jefferson and he said, things like, "website", "imitate", "he needs to get working", "its time to go", "your running Me off'.
(332)sissy-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sis and she said things like, "you sin to much", "please help me", "please take my hand".
(333)the united states will be destroyed-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "the united states got defeated", and I just heard a mans voice, "nuclear'.
(334)heart attack-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I'm going to have a heart attack".
(335)shot down cruise missiles-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "shoot it down", and I saw this president and he said something like, "cruise missiles are shot".
(336)alan browning-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a debbie and she said, "bobby, go to louisville", and I saw pastor alan browning and he said, "answer", "bobby cut off", and I saw me and I said, "no I ain't".
(337)earth quakes coming-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "earthquake".
(338)bobby knight-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe bobby and he said something like, "at ohio". He may have said, "at ohio state".
(339)loved-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I love you".
(340)billy collins-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like billy and he said, "check me out", "I hear", "I wouldn't give my life".
(341)national guard man-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man that was in the military and he said, "go with us", and, and I may have seen a woman that was in the military and she said, "in iran", and I saw me and I said, "take me out".
(342)pastor-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor and he said, "send a substitute", "I told ya I send it".
(343)henry gruver-vision recieved 8-25-2005-I heard, "like henry gruver", and maybe, "he's still alive". Praise Jesus for His keeping POWER!
(343)hollie-vision recieved 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said things like, "can witness help", "should have left him", and I saw her today and she said something like, "He Answered".
(345)embarras-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, "you need to embarras me".
(346)no cell phone-vision recieved 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, 'no cell phone".
(347)blown-vision recieved 9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like michael boldea and he said something like, "you blew"
(348)pam davis-vision recieved 9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like pam davis and she said things like, "I'm lost", "thats what I want", "embarras me", "I ain't nothin but a witch", "gas", "it's on its way down", "I had my last chance", "prophet wants cut off", "hate you", "you got sin".
(349)alice cooper and hollie sing-vision recieved 9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like like alice cooper and hollie and they said along with what sounded like many a Christmas song. I sounded neat. I heard them for the most part, and saw visions of them as it was going. This is the song they sang, which I don't know the name, "said the night wind to the little lamb", "do you see what I see". The it was like their was a Choir which hollie was past of and I've never heard the song sang like it was..
(350)don't blaspheme mister alice cooper-vision recieved 9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like alice and he said, "tell me not to blaspheme". I believe alice cooper has the Holy Ghost.
(351)motor oil will skyrocket-vision recieved 9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like gene schmidt and he said, "motor oli will double".
(352)Jesus-vision recieved 9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like Jesus and He said, "you Left", and I saw michael boldea and he said, "I realize now I was a little bit lost", and I don't know if I would have written it down and I may have seen mike again and he said, "a Man that looked like Jesus", "reject", so I wrote it down.
(353)hollie-vision recieved 9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like hollie and she said things like, "stay here", "don't go home", "this is moodie", "is bob clear", "you know your not".
(354)kristina fox-vision recieved 9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like kristina and she said things like, "materbate".
(354)gene and ann schmidt-vision recieved 9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like gene and he said, "prophets gitton out", "who'd I blaspheme", "you need to tell me", "how did I blaspheme", and I saw me and I said, "tell me he blasphemed bob hickman", and I saw gene and he said, "I didn't", "you know that hurt me", ", and I saw ann and she said, "He let me out"
(355)Jesus-vision recieved 9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like a Man and He said, "I'm Jesus".
(356)gene schmidt and alice cooper prophecies-vision recieved 9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like geno and he said, "pakistan", and I saw alice cooper and he said, "will hit russia".
(357)gene schmidt and alice cooper prophesy india attacking russia-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like geno and he said, "India", and I saw alice and he said, "hit russia".
(358)refinery restrictions lifted-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like this president and he said someting like, "refinery restictions lift".
(359)$1.64-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I may have seen a gas sign or somebody telling me that gas was going to be $1.64.
(359)repent-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like somebody and they said, "turn me around".
(360)dr. tillery-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like brother tillery and he said something like, "can't use's", and maybe, "can't use Me". I saw Finger on possibly an Illuminated Arm point and I heard, "write it down". I don't think I wrote the vision accurate.
(360)irving baxter-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like irving and he said things like, "you a prophet", "then you should have visions and dreams", "write visions", "its iraq", "out".
(361)gene schmidt-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like geno and he said things like, "stick around", "I left you", , and I may have seen ann and she said, "come back and see".
(362)norm heaggy-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like norm and he said, "call on me", "you just live to please yourself".
(363)danger-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like a man and he said, "bobby, your in danger".
(364)mihcael boldea-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like mike and he said, "stan wants you", "He told you not to write", and I saw stan and he said, "lay off", and I saw somebody and they said, "God will bless".
(365)visitor-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like a man and he said, "your wanted at the door", and I may have asked who wanted me", and I saw hollie and she said, "one more time", and I saw a Man and He said, "I might". I just saw hollie and she said, "religion".
(366)keri fox-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like keri and she said something like, "I blaspheme".
(367)u.s.s. indianapolis disaster survivor-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like the man who survived the battleship sinking and he said, "I got mercy", "callme adulterer", "you want a vision", "I need mercy", "I'm a drunk", "lay off", "I'm off", "clear", "to late", "I want you to call me", and I may have seen somebody and they said something like, "to late for'em".
(368)to late-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like sissy and she said, "its to late bobby".
(369)bowells-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "bowells", "closing", and I may have seen alice cooper and he said, "on me".
(369)benjamin netanyahu and alice cooper-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like benjamin and he said, "I'm alice cooper", and I saw alice cooper and he s said things like, "this is alice cooper", "thats benjamin netanyahu", "thats wrong", and I saw ben again and he said, "I sold".
(370)danny debruller-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like danny and he said, "cut off", and I saw his wife whose's maiden name was karen davis and she said things like, "we need mercy", "the lake", "should we hit russia", and I saw hollie and she said, "we won't".
(371)did dumitru duduman perish-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like maybe mike and he may have said, "dumitru", and I may have seen dumitru and he said, "perished", and I saw mike and he said, "no he didn't", and i saw dumitru and he said things like, "yea", "perished".
(372)pam davis-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like pam and she said things like, "thats what I need", "he's got the Spirit", "your hiding", "nobody likes me".
(373)mechanic-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like a mechanic and he said things like, "fix", "he's taking to long". I never told him I'd be back, but, most likely will.
(374)attack on new york-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like a man and he said things like, "new york", "attack".
(375)alice cooper has a beautiful voice-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like a man and he said something like, "bobby you like alice cooper".
(376)michael boldea-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like mike and he said things like, "your needed", "be one of us", "its prophet", and I saw dumitru and he said, "made me perish".
(377)dan bohler points-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like dan and he may have been pointing and he said things like, "this is ridiculous", "thats how I blasphemed".
(378)mrs. luster-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like mrs. luster and she said things like, "I'm luster", "call me an adulterer".
(379)thomas-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like thomas and he said things like, "come over", "witch", "give me a little bit of respect", "give me a call on the phone"(and I saw me and I said things like, "can't", "prophet lay off website", "website", "website is false") and I saw thomas and he said, "don't tempt me". I saw me in visions and I said things like, "please restore him", and I sw hollie and she said things like, "thomas gibson", "thomas gibson has been restored". In other visions thomas said things like, "how come you don't come around", embarras", "I'm thomas gibson", "figures", "support there", "you out prophecy first", "you whack off", "need my hair", "prophets here"(I'd love to visit tom), "comitted blaspheme", "got to be separate", and maybe, "get to may many emails", "I'm special", "concieted". These were spirits that looked like thomas and hollie and me.
(380)prophet-vision recieved 9-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked del and he said things like, "prophet", "make me a prophet", "I blaspheme", "give me money"
(381)wanting to rule the world-vision recieved 10-14-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked putin and he sang, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, china, cuba, nicaragua, and maucaulay said, mexico,
(382)warning people-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like stephen and he said, the Lord is not letting you off warning people.
(383)prophet-vision recieved 11-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like, irving baxter and he said, o my God, and he said loudly, he's a prophet, that, prophet blaspheme, and ken haney said, don't, and irving said, warn me, you know what we face.
(384)the event that brings Jesus back is the attack on america -vision recieved 12-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like this woman and she said something like, when america will go to war with china, russia will strike without warnin.
(385)will america attack iran -vision recieved 1-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like people and they said: america will hit iran, when you least expect it, aman.
(386)don't offend-vision recieved 2-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: prophet had a dream where he got offended and went into a rage, don't offend, It will make a person not care about you.
(387)texas will burn-vision recieved 3-6-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: and he saw, texas, explode, and bush, said, texas, it will, burn, from, russian, submarine.
(388)vision of the deadly m.x. missile-vision recieved 10-6-2006-in this vision, I saw the ministering spirit hollie, and she was riding on the side of a mx missile. She had and sliver and golden bear paw.
(389)revelation of the hegoat-vision recieved 1-25-2007-in this vision, I saw, putin and hu, with the pope in the middle, and I heard, this is, the, hegoat, with the ram, china and russia.
(390)nuclear destruction to israel, taiwan and indianapolis-visions recieved 4--2007-In this vision, I saw a nuclear explosion over israel and I saw like a golden domed building and I saw hu hintao point and may have seen a nuclear explosion over taiwan and I heard something like, "that'll do it, take peace off of the earth", and I was asking about a vision when I was a child and looked downtown indianapolis, indiana and it may have appeared dark, and there may have been a building leaning or destroyed, and I saw a nuclear explosion, and was told, "that is what you saw, you were 10".
(391)hollie tearing up the con tract-visions recevied 4-2007-I saw hollie tearing up the con tract many times I beleive.
(1)when china and usa goes to war is when Russia will attack america-visions recieved 7-6-2004-in the first vision, I saw the words in red neon letter, "when america will burn will be". I was praying and asking Jesus when this would happen, and I saw the white face of an angel in the second vision, and He said, "when america goes to war with china". I said, "when will that be, when america goes broke", and I heard this, "they already are". This is the event that brings Jesus back!

(2)russia will attack alaska first-vision recieved 4-21-2004-in this vision, I saw these words, "it will start with alaska". These word were in like a message sent to me on my yahoo mail box. That was the message. Later I heard and or saw "ALASKA", and said, "what about alaska, then I saw the president of russia in a vision, and he said, "hit it", which means "attack". When I finally was getting up, I heard these words, "its starting", then I saw me in a vision, and I said, "let it start". It would be easy for russia to take oil rich alaska.

(3)visions of coming judgement to america-recieved 10-16-2004-Jesus gave me many visions today about coming judgement to america. In one I saw president of america, and he said, "russia attacked us". While praying, I heard this, "this country's", and after asking Jesus about this, I heard this, and may have even seen a man speaking it, "in judgement". In this next vision, I saw a man with short curly hair, and He whispered to me, "this country's in judgement". Lasty, I saw the head of a man in a vision, and he said, "we planned it".

(4)russia will attack america from all around-vision received 1-15-2005-I said something like while praying, "how's russia going to take america out Lord" and I saw a man in a vision and HE said, "all the way around". I saw a man in a vision and He said, "I'm planning it".

(5)russia will attack alaska after america goes to war with china-vision received 1-10-2005-I was asking Jesus something like if russia was going to attack alaska after america went to war with china and I saw a person, possilby a white angel in a vision and He said, "you got it".

(6)war brewing between america and china-vision received 5-23-2005-While praying laying in the front seat of my dodge aries k, I saw president of usa in a vision and he yelled, "we want China". The other day, I saw a man that looked like the president of china in visions and he said things like, 'attack', "we will attack".

(7)possible time when china will attack america-vision recieved 6-22-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw the words, "when america and china fail".
(8)China will attack usa, taiwan, russia-visions recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "china", and I may have seen the president of china and he said things like, "attack russia", "attack taiwant", "attack japan", "attack america", and I saw the emperor of japan and he said things like, "the won't attack", and I saw president of china and he said someting like, "yes will will", and I saw the emperor of japan and he said, "war of words".
(9)china will attack washington state-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like china president hu hintao and he said things like, 'washington state", "attack".
(10)america is destroying her weapons-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has let me hear, and I may have seen president putin say, something like this, the american aresenal down, and a man said, russia arsenal up, north korea's getting ready, and I saw the president of north korea, and he said things like, when you hit china, and I saw president putin, and he said, thats when russia will attack, america, and pastor alan browning said something like, my God, thats all I need, president bush, and I saw maybe hollie and she said someting like, git assassinated, and alan browning said something like, bobby, stay here, come, come back, and I heard hollies voice said, he won't come and git you, and alan browning said something like, he knows you, come back anytime, and hollie said, he was there, and alan said something like, wouldn't listen, behind him, Jesus pray.
(11)when the united states goes to war with china, russia will attack america-vision recieved 10-16-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like russian president vladmir putin and he said things like, when america goes to war with with china, and chinese president hu said, russia, and maybe vladimir putin said, will strike without warning.
(12)they will want to rule the world-vision recieved 10-16-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like vladimir putin and he sang, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, and in other visions, I saw poss8ibly him, and me and maybe others and many nations were called out. It went something like, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venzezela, brazil, and chinese president hu said, and, china will, attack, and kristina fox said, and that was putin, and the chinese leader said, russia, from, china, and the president of pakistan said, pakistan, and I saw the president of india, and he said, india, and I saw benjamin netanyahu and he said, israel, will, not, tolerate, russia, attack, and kristina said, and that was the pope. China president hu said, russia will, rule, the, world, for, and kristina fox said, and that was the north korean president, for, and hu said, one, and kristina said, mr hu, burn, and that was hu, and michael boldea said, how awesome, russia will and stephen hansen said, be, and hu said, destroyed, and michael said, I'm russia, and and kristina said, I will burn, and putin said, by, and chinese president said, china, and the president of pakistan said, pakistan, and the president of india said, india, and the north korean president said, from, korea, and kristina said, and that was hu, got it.
(13)russia and china and america will get into it-vision recieved 12-15-2005-God has showed me in a vision people and they said, when china and us goes to, russia, will, atta, ta, ck, america.
(14)war between china and america brews-vision recieved 1-7-2006-God has showed me in a vision people and they said: prepare for war between china and america.
(15)china is-vision recieved 2-1-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: china will, strike, washington, state, and, taiwan, and, russia, but, america will be, fir, st.
(16)china will attack amerirussia -vision recieved 2-15-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: china will attack, america, and grab taiwan, and, attack washington state, and china will be, the, new, magog, put it under, china is a blasphemous, country.
(17) china will lure america into war-vision recieved 3-13-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: china, is, angry, over, taiwan, and they will, strike, taiwan, and, when, america, goes to, war, with, and china will, strike, washington, state, to, offend, and america, will, go, and, russia, will, eliminate, out of, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, plucked up, by the, bear, moscow, but, the whole, western, hemisphere, almost, will be, done away with, and then, america, will, out of, submarines, because, russia will, grab, alaska, order, nukes, on, china, and, moscow, and, destroy, most, but now all, one third of the population will be wiped out.
(18) the battle plan-vision recieved 4-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: china will, grab, washington, state, and, attack, taiwan, to, lure, america, into, war, and then, russia, will, grab alaska, and, orders will go, to, american, submarine, commanders, they will fire, on, moscow, and, china, one third of the population, dead.
(19)china will lure america into war for russia to destroy-vision recieved 8-13-2006-In this vision, I'm with possibly this man, or his face, maybe like a being, and I said something like this to him, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan to lure america into war, and after saying this, the man reached his hand out and shook his head, "no".
china and united states goes to war part 2
(1)God's starting to reveal-In this vision recieved about march of 2003, I saw these words in neon yellow, "Chinese attack"

(2)China will attack Russia-vision recieved on 3-8-2003-while praying God gave me a vision, and in it, I saw in yellow neon letters, "China will attack Russia." (China and all that are with her will ultimately force Russia to lead the way to the invasion of Israel, "THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON")

(3)China wants war-vision recieved 8-29-2003-while praying, God spoke to me and said, "Red China" and I said, "what about Red China"? Then God gave me a vision, and I saw the president of China, and he said, "we want war".

(4)China ready for war-vision recieved 9-9-2003-In this vision, I saw like a glow in the dark sign. And what it said on it was, "China want to edge close to war" I had it twice.

(4)China, Japan, and N.Korea attacks Russia-vision recieved 11-14-2003-I asked God a question like, are the sun and the moon blocked out from Russia attacking america, and China, Japan, and North Korea attacking Russia? Then I saw this mouth in a vision, and it said, "Yes Bobby".(I will ask Jesus for another vision regarding this) (5)India will attack russia-visions recieved 2-22-2005-while praying, I heard, "India", and I may have asked about India, and I saw a man with white hair in a vision and he said, "were going to hit Russia". I kept asking who the man was, and it seemed like I kept seeing the prime minister of India, and he may have even said, 'me', in some or all those visions where I asked.

(6)China attacks Russia-vision recieved 11-27-2003-while praying, I heard these words, "China wants to attack Russia". I asked Jesus why, and In a vision, I saw Jiang Zemin, who is in charge of the military, and he said, "I hate Russia"(I had it twice)China victorius-vision recieved 11-28-2003-In this vision I saw the words and heard them, "China will beat Russia".

(7)Russia leads the way to the invasion of Israel(EZEKIEL 38)-vision reicieved 11-28-2003-I wrote down the word's, but, I just can't recall the vision-but, I was inquiring of the Lord about why China was going to invade Russia, and here are the words I wrote down, "we want Russia to invade Israel". I kept asking why like a little kid, and I saw Jesus. He had white hair and skin and blue eye's, and He said, "they hate Israel"

(8)Russia helps China militarily prepare-vision recieved 11-28-2003-in this vision, I saw a russian bomber, and was made fully aware Russia was lending it to China

(9)chemical attack-vision recieved 11-28-2003-in this vision, I Jiang Zemin, China's military leader, and he said, "chemical attack".

(10)Red China wants Russia-vision recieved 11-4-2003-in this vision, I saw the president of China, and he said, "we want Russia".

(11)Red China wants to keep Russia-vision recieved 11-5-2003-in this vision while praying, I saw the president of China, and he said, "were going to keep Russia".

(12North Korea has the "bomb"-vision recieved about February of 2003-I was praying and wondering if Korea had nuclear weapons, and in a vision, I saw the president of North Korea, and he said, "we have 7"

(13)North Korea's president having fun -I asked God if North Korea was going to start a war, cause it seemed to me like their president was teasing America, and God spoke to me and said, "he's just having fun"

(14)russia will be hit by north korea-vision recieved 10-17-2003-I asked Jesus is North Korea was going to launch nuclear weapons on America, and in a vision, I saw the president of North Korea, and he said, "we will save them all for Russia". China and all that are with her, will force Russia to lead the way to the invasion of Israel, the "battle of armageddon". Read EZEKIEL 38.

(15)arsenal of north korea -vision recieved 11-28-2003-while working on my website, I was thinking, "north Korea has nukes", then in a vision, I saw the president of North Korea, and he said, "yes we do"

(16)China is ready-vision recieved 3-27-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like Jiang Zemin, who is over China's military, and I heard these words, "there ready".

(17)China will attack Russia-visions recived 5-23-2004-in a vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "China will beat Russia". China will force Russia to lead the way to the ivasion of Israel, which is the "battle of armageddon". I saw president Bush in another vision, and he said, "china will win". China will have at least two other nations with her from what Jesus has showed me. Japan and North Korea.

(18)God will raise Japan-vision recieved 6-27-2004-while praying, I heard this, "I'm going to raise up Japan". I started asking Jesus why. Finally, I saw president Bush in a vision, and he said, "tell him". And I said something like, "is it so they can attack the Russians", and I saw the prime minister of Japan in a vision, and he said, "true". I read the not long ago, that Japan has enough nulcear material to build 100 bombs.

(19)russia will be hit by china-visions recieved 10-2-2004-twice in visions, I saw Hu Jintao, the president of china, and he said, "china shall beat russia". China, and all thats with her.

(19b)russia will be hit by north korea-visions received 3-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a missile, and it may have been a mobile missile possibly on launcher, and I saw this written under it in like neon letters, "df-31". I saw the president of north korea in visions and he said, "my secret", "I'll send'em on russia". I believe from what I was shown, they just have one. I may have seen the president of north korea and he said, "one".

(20)the battle of armageddon-vision recieved 10-18-2004-while walking, I was thinking on the testimony Jesus gave me in visions, On how Russia will attack america out of the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, then He showed me that China, North Korea and Japan will attack russia and ultimately force russia to invade Israel. As I said something like this in my heart, I saw the president of China in a vision, and he said, "we will". This will be the battle of armageddon.

(21)Revelations of China-visions received 1-21-2005-in one vision, I saw: "RED ARMY", and I inquired about the idnetity red army. In the second vision, I saw the "hu hintao", the president of China and he said, "were ready to kill". China has had much time to prepare.

(22)russia's enemy is rising-vision recieved 3-3-2005-while praying, I asked the Lord a question like this: "is it already in the heart of china to attack russia", and I saw the president hu jintao in a vision and he said, "yes".

(23)China is ready to attack-visions received 4-8-2005-in visions, I saw a woman that looked like a colored drawing of her and she said something like, "China is ready to attack", "the United States".

(24)russia will be attacked by india-visions recieved 8-2005-In visions, I saw this man that is from india and he said things like, "my country", "attack", "attack russia", "thats it", "will". India may be able to take russia by it's self now. I typed that in and I saw a man in a vision and he said, "you said it".
(25)pakistan will likely be in on the russia kill sqaud-vision received 8-21-2005-I heard, "pakistan", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like the president of pakistan and he said things like, "russia', "hit it", "hit russia".
(26)the invasion of israel-vision received 8-21-2005-I was asking Jesus something like why all these nations and or pakistan was going to attack russia, and God has showed me a spirit that looked like the president of pakistan and he said things like, "because", "invade israel". These nations will force russia to invade Israel that EZEKIEL 38 and 39 will be fullfilled where the land of magog is prophesied to be first and leading the way to the invasion of israel which is the battle of armagedon". I sneezed and I saw a man that looked like the president of pakistan and he said, "bless you". Thanks man.
(27)irving baxter propehcies russia's destruction-vision recieved 8-29-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter jr and he said things like, "hit russis", "gonna nuke'em", and asked something like, "whO", and I saw the president of china hu hintao and he said things like, "china will nuke russia", "I'm going to the lake", "how do we hit russia", "surround". I saw irving baxter and he said things like, "thank you for telling", "how do we get his Mantle off", "how does he do IT", "religion", "lets catch him", "I'm taking your job away from you".
(28)China is ready to attack-visions received 4-8-2005-in visions, I saw a woman that looked like a colored drawing of her and she said something like, "China is ready to attack", "the United States".

(24)china will attack russia from all around-visions recieved 8-31-2005-In visions, I saw the president of china and he said things like, "were planning on takeing russia", "all around".
(29)russia will be attacked by many nations-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like the president of russia and he said things like, "were under attack", and I saw, hu hintao, who is president of China and he said things like, "by china", and I saw the president of pakistan and he said, "pakistan", "hit russia", and I saw a man and he said, "India", and I may have just seen him and he said, "hit russia", and I saw president hu and he said, "hit russia", "your a prophet".
(30)russia will be attacked by japan-vision recieved 9-4-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like somebody and they said things like, "hit russia", and I may have asked who", and in the next vision, I saw somebody and they said, "japan". I may have just seen the emperor of japan and he said things like, ":bomb russia", "I want russia".
(31)china will attack russia-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like president hu and he said things like, "I hate russia", "I'll nuke'em".
(32)north korea hits russia-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, north korea, and I saw the nk president and he said, shoot, missiles, at, russia, thats it, and maybe, were responsible, hit iran.
(33)connel gadafi has blood on his hands-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has let me hear, and I may have seen who said, gadfi first in the world, he has blood on his hands, and I saw this presdent and he said, may names bush, behind president bush.
(34)many nations will attack russia-recieved 9-13-2005 God has see a spirits that looked like putin and he said, how many nations will hit russia, and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, 30, and I saw kennety haney and he said, this is interesting.
(35)russia will be surrounded by nuclear nations-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like russian president putin and he said, o my God, I'm surrounded.
(36)america will attack iran-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has let me hear, america will attack iran, and I saw this president and he said, put it on geocities, right there, bush, and I saw the president of iran don't attack iran, iran will use terrorists to collaspe the economy, and this president said, thats what I want, o my God, and the president of iran said, thats when russia will and I saw putin and he said, attack.
(37)president in trouble-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like the president of russia and he said, your in trouble president bush, I'm putin, over iran, shame on you, when you attack, the united states will loose power, when you attack syria, we'll attack.
(38)missiles in japan-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has let me hear, china has put missiles in japan, and I saw chinese president hu and he said, I might.
(39) china will make russia invade israel-vision recieved 11-15-2005-God has showed me in a vision people and they said :china will make russia invade israel.
(40)the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard -vision recieved 12-31-2005-God has showed me in a vision people and they said: russia will hit america by submarines, go ahead and hit'em, nuke the united states, what, attack, then china will hit russia, thats when the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, put it under, the united states and russia missile attack will be destroyed together, china is the new world order, hu is the false prophet, the pope is the antichrist, and 6 threescore 6 is the mark of the beast, the threescore is a flanged cross.
(41)china will suprise attack on raise your hands and repeat after Me, russia, america, and taiwan-vision received 1-7-2006 God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and the said: what the hell are you talking about, the pope is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, but russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and china will invade, raise your hands and repeat after me, the pope is the beast, and will bring in 666, the mark of the beast, I ain't apostolic he said, hu is the false prophet and china is the new world order.
(42) hu is the false prophet-vision recieved 2-1-2006-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and they said: hu is the false prophet, and, the pope is the antichrist, and, how it will come into be is, china will strike russia, and russia will be, divided into, 4, and out of one comes, pope, and, russia will be the one, and, he will, kill, but, hu will, re, sist, and they are, the, new world order.
(43)china will force moscow to invade israel-vision recieved 3-13-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: china, will, invade, russia, and, make, them, by, stealth, invade, israel, but, israel, will, be, spared, by, the return of, Jesus, the king's of, the, east, are, hu, and, all, with, magog.
(44) the battle of armageddon-vision recieved 4-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: this is when, china, pushes, at, moscow, and, forces, to, invade, israel.
(45)russia on fire-vision recieved 11-2006-in this vision, I saw fire, and russia was on it.
(0)the beast of REVELATION 13-visions received 1-13-2006-God has showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and they said: the beast in REVELATION 13 is the pope, the bear is, russia, the leopard is, china, north and south, korea and russia is, the, beast, that is, new york, its under attack, new york is, the statue of libert, and that is, the wo, man, and that is, that great kingdom, that rules over the king, dom, 's of the earth, they are, one, but, they will, I 'll destroy, said vladimir putin, put it under, warn, more to be revealed, cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and that is, china will attack russia, and, russia will attack america, and america will deciest from planet earth, and russia will attack america when you least expect it, and when you least expect it is when your not looking for it, as a thief in the night, that is when the Lord Jesus Christ will come, aman, put it under that it it, china will saw never again to russia, china wants russia's oil, and russia has more than anybody, russia is the beast, the bear, america will become a desolation, when russia strikes them, canada and mexico will, be destroyed, with the radiation from america burning, the sun and the moon will be darkened for 16 hours, black as sackcloth, russia is the bear and the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, they will want to rule the world, china, cuba, nicaragua, venezeula and brazil, they give thier power and strength to russia, and china will will attack the united states, then china will grab taiwan, and russia will attack alaska, and out of the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, they'll strike united states, and it will become a desolation, then china will attack russia, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, then, they will for, the, new world order, magog, the pope will be the beast, hu will be the false prophet, and 666 will be born at the table, they will lie, but, cooperate, and hate each other, but they will cleave, to, one antoher, russia is the beast, thas you endtime story, aman, the idol shepherd will be salshed, and satan will enter in, and thru that body, destroy wonderfully, that is, all he can, he will make an agreement and he'll break it halfway thru, it will be, no mark for the jews, but, he will, start slaughtering them, looking for the remnant, magog will be, where russia is, and china, and north and south korea, and japan, tyre, it will be, three and one half years of peace, three and one half years of wrath, china will , force, russia, to invade israel, and then, Christ will appear, and speak the Word, goodbye beat, the battle of armageddon will be over, post, put it on the information highway, the internet, is, halleluah, the voice of the one, have a nice day, crying in, the, wilderness, ACTS 2:38 us salvation, prophecy's being fulfilled on ministryofdreams, bring your visions to the internet, witness to the world, hallaluiah, aman, go, and put it under, end time ministry of ministryofdreams, is, Jesus Christ, hallelujah, aman, thats it.
(1)Economic collapse for America-vision recieved about October of 2002-In this vision, I saw the BBc news front page like when you click onto it from the internet, and one of the headline's read, "Bushs Washington Collapses"

(2)United States of America's economy destroyed-in this vision, in about May of 2003, I saw these words written, "friendship with Pakistan will destroy America's economy". On 10-10-2005 God showed me a spirit that looked like dorein and she said and I something like, the reason is friendship with pakistan will destroy americas economy is pakistan is al qaeda. on 6-8-2006-God showed me, a, spirit, and, and the spirit said, how pakistan helped america's economy go under, they charged 9 billion to use the land to invade iraq, and that war has costed over one trillion dollars, and the america economy, doomed, put that on, the economic collapse page

(3)united states new depression-visions recived 10-21-2003-In about 3 seperate visions, I saw and heard the same thing over and over, "economic collapse". America is heading for this very rapidly.

(4)america economy crash-vision recieved 11-16-2003-while praying, I heard these words "America economy crash", and I saw the words coming at me very quicly one letter at a time.

(5)America's economy will collapse-vision recieved 12-1-2003-I left a bank, and was talking with an advisor there. Many things were spoken of. I told God showed me in visions that the economy will collapse, and he let me know that he believes it wont. While driving, and rehearsing this saying to my self the somthing like the economy will collapse, I saw him in a vision, and he said, "no it wont". The economy will collapse.

(6)failed economy-visions received 4-11-2004-twice I saw president of usa, and he said, "failed economy".

(7)out of order-visions recieved 4-22-2004-in the first vision, I saw like an indoor, "bank one" branch, and there was a sign taped on the glass window, "out of order". In the second vision, I saw a book, and the nmae of the book was, "ECONOMIC COLLAPSE", which, both of these is coming to america.

(8)the crash and fall of USA's economy-visions recieved 5-7-2004-while praying, I heard, "the economy", and I said , "what about the economy", and I saw President of usa in a vision, and he said, "its collapsing". I later saw one of the richest men in the world in a vision, and he said, "it will collapse", and I said, "what does that mean", and I saw him again, and he said, "the banks will close"

(9)Economic collapse-vision recieved 1-13-2004-while praying, I heard something like, "the economy is collapsing", then I saw president of usa in a vision, and I heard these words, "he knows".

(10)USA Economic collapse coming- vision recieved 2-29-2004-in this vision, I saw the words and heard, "the ECONOMY'S COLLAPSING"

(11)impending economic collapse in united states of america-vision recieved 3-18-2004-I said, or saw me saying, "the economys", then I saw usa vice president in a vision, and he said, "COLLAPSING". It's unavoidable!

(12)Usa economic collapse coming-vision recieved 4-2004-I heard while praying, I heard the president of usa called out to me, and I said, and I aksed about the usa president, and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "we want our economy back". I was reading just the other day that a company that is closing pays their america workers $15.00 dollars an hour, but, in Mexico, they only have to pay $1.57 per hour or maybe somewhere else and get labor cheaper. What would you do. The economy will collapse.

(13)the crash and fall of America's economy-visions recieved 4-7-2004-in both of these vision, iw was like it was dark, then it lit up, and here are the words I heard, "they can see it coming".

(14) Economic collapse coming to usa-vision recieved 7-4-2004-in this vision, I saw the news like you see when you go to your Yahoo mail box, and one of the headlines said, "no cash". The banks will close in Usa when the economic collapse occurs.

(15)U.S. economy crumbles-vision recieved 8-11-2004-in this vision, I saw a buisness that had a sign on the front door, and it was closed, and I heard these words, "buisnesses will close". I later heard, "the economy will crash", "It's the WORD".

(16)former president of usa sees economic collapse coming to usa-vision recieved 8-24-2004-in these visions, I saw a former usa president. president bill clinton, and he said, "economic collpase", "economic collapse", and something like, "it's going to collapse". This was bill clinton.

(16)crash of Usa economy-vision recieved 8-31-2004-in this vision, I saw one of the worlds richest, and he said, "the Economys Collapsed".

(17)pensions will fail-vision recieved 9-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman who is expecting to have a pension when she retires, and she said, "no pension". This is the third time Jesus has shown me pensions will fail.

(18)America closing in on economic crash-vision recieved 10-2-2004-in this vision, I saw president of usa, and he said, "were bankrupt". Americas defict is soring.

(19)united states economic collapse-vision recieved 10-7-2004-in this vision, I'm at like a bank or buisness, and I tell the person working with me that God showed me in visions that the economy was going to collapse, and he shook his head, "no", and grunted some sounds, and I told him, "but laying visions aside, our buisness are moving away".

(20)united states new depression-visions recieved 10-10-2004-in one vision, I saw some words, and the only ones I could make out were, "ECONOMIC COLLAPSE". In another vision, I saw a man, and He was in a dark area, and He said, "economic collapse". I believe that man was Jesus, because I have seen the Lord who is blessed forever. Amen.

(21)the economy and president of usa-visions recieved 10-2004-in one vision, I saw president of usa and he said, 'it won't' referrring to coming usa economic crash. God showed me that it's going to. In the other vision, I saw president of usa, and he said, "I sold the economy".

(22)USA economic crash-vision received 11-19-2004-in this vision, I saw president of usa, and he said, "the economy collapsed".

(22)usa economy will crash-vision received 12-4-2004-in this vision, I saw a man whom I thought was the president of China, and he said, "your government is going bankrupt".

(23) Social Security will go bankrupt-visions received 12-4-2004-in this first vision, I saw the president of usa, and he said, "social security", and I asked Jesus about social security, and I saw him again, and he said, "bankrupt".

(24)united states economy has already began to collapse-visions received 1-23-2005-in the first vision, I saw the president of the united states and he said, "our economy", and I inquired about america's economy, and in the next vision, I saw a dark area light up and heard and may have even seen the word's: "it's collapsing right now". Prepare as led by the Holy Ghost.

(25)US economy crumbles-vision received 1-23-2005-I was asking Jesus when the economy in america would collapse and I saw a young woman or her spirit in a vision and she said something like, "when things are going good". That is when you least expect it.

(26)crash of economy in america will collapse-vision received 2-6-2005-I was driving thinking that the economy in america does not have to collapse, and I saw president of usa in a vision and he said, "it will".

(27)economy crash-vision recieved 3-13-2005-in this vision, I saw like a whitish spirit of a man that looked like this prophetic speaker, and he said, "the economy crashed".

(28)iraq to economic collapse-visions received 3-26-2005-while praying, I heard, "iraq", and I inquired about iraq, and I saw president of usa in a vision,george bush, jr., and he said, "iraq is the cause", and I asked what iraq is the cause of, and twice I saw a woman in visions and she said, "economic collapse".

(29)economic collapse and the runs at the bank-visions received 3-29-2005-in one vision, I saw the words, "the economy", and I asked Jesus about the economy, and I saw a woman that may have looked like a white spirit in a vision and she said something like, "collapsed". In another vision, I saw a line or lines of people and I believe they were at the bank, and I heard this, "you better be in line".

(30)america bakrupt-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the president of usa and he said, "were in bankruptcy".

(31)economic collaspe coming-visions received 4-3-2005-in the first vision, I saw a man and he said, "you can see it", and in the next vision he said, "on the brink". Then I saw the word, "brink".

(32)united states economy is collapsing-vision received 4-8-2005-"the economys collapsing", are the words, I saw and heard in this vision.

(33)pensions will fail-vision received 5-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "Pension Closed". They may have been on sign, and there may have been more words.

(34)pensions will fail-vision received 5-2005-While praying, I heard, "pensions are closing". I later saw me writing the word, "pension".

(35)social security going down-vision received 6-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "social security", and I heard something like, "is going broke". I may have seen who said it.

(36)economic collapse coming to america-vision recieved 6-16-2005-In this vision, I'm talking with a friend, and said something like, "I've got more money than you can think of". He works as a mechanic at ups and I said to him something like, "God has showed me in visions that the the economy is going to collapse", and he stares at me like he may have been speechless. the vision ends with me leaving, and I may have been on an elevator, and I was witnessing to possibly a woman and I was telling her some of the visions Jesus gave me like, when I saw in a vision the bbc on the internet and one of the articles said, "bush's washington collpases", and the other where I saw the words, "friendship with pakistan will destroy america's economy". More happened and I'm going by memory on some of this.

(37)Is unemployment going to run out-vision recieved 6-17-2005-while praying, I heard, "unemployment", and I saw a somebody in a vision and the person said, "getting ready to run out".

(38)food shortages coming to usa-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, it was like a kitchen shelf door was opened or did open and there was no food.
(39)s.s. on it's way out-vision received 7-9-2005-In the first vision, I saw a man that looked like president bush and he said, "social security", and in the next vision, I saw a woman and she said, "collapsed".
(39)wefare on its way out-vision received 7-29-2005-I heard while praying, "welfare", and I saw a vision of a spirit that looked like president bush and he said, "getting ready to close".
(40)economic collapse coming to the united states-vision received 8-2-2005-God showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "the economy collapsed". I may have just seen me in a vision and I said, "its my mom". It was. Praise Jesus!
(41)economic collapse usa-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dr. dan bohler and he said things like, "economic collapse", "the economy collapsed".
(42)mr. snow-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mr. snow and he said, "it's slippin", "lets face", "collapse is coming", "you'll perish".
(43)economic collapse closes in on america-visions recieved 8-31-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "I ca'nt believe it", and I saw him or somebody else and they said something like, "the economy collapsed".
(44)america's next 9-11 may be economic collapse-vision recieved about 9-1-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said, "you know what our next 9-11 is", and I saw this president and he said, "its the economy", "the economy's going to collapse", "it's already callapsing".
(45)collaspe it-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "collapse it", "the economy collapsying", "the national debt is closed", "no more national debt".
(46)economic collapse and social security elimination-vision recieved 9-6-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said, "one more chance", and I saw this president and he said, "new economy", "I'm decieving", "put the economy first", "gas", and I saw putin and he said, "new gas", and i saw this president and he said things like, "it sold", "take the gasoline out", "collapse", "nice job", kill it", and I may have saw a woman and she said, "when gas went up", and I bleive I saw this president and he said, "economys dancin", "econonic collapse", and I saw a woman and she said, "we loose", and I saw this president and he said things like, "bush", "when economy collapses", "social security will go out", "you wanted it out", "banks will close down", "that'll fix it", "banks will be closed", "you lost Mantle", "loot", "I'm reduced power", "gasolines going back up", "your in danger", "gas money", "it has blood in it", "don't do that", "gasoline will go back down", "money will go up", and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "moneys stopping it", and I saw this president and he said, "I'm bush", "the economys going to collapse", "social security will be over with", "take money", "you lost your bowell".
(47)social security will fall-visions received 9-7-2005 I heard, "social security", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like this preisdent and he said, "collaspe it".
(48)economic collapse coming to america -visions received 9-7-2005-God has showed me this president and he said things like, "the economy", "is collapsed", "bush", "collapse", and I saw hollie and she said, 'I hate bush", "MYSTERY, BABYLON is america".
(48)the new licence will hurt america's national security-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, but when the economy collapses, a new goverment will exist, how do we make some money, and maybe I said, eliminate restrictions, and joel urshan said, on gas, and pastor simison said, the economy will recover, and thats the restictions on the coming in of gasoline, and the refineries, and this president said, thats it, and this president was talking about the new licence and even doing away with licence plates or something like that, and he said things like, and this presient said, the economy will collapse when you least expect it.
(49)two reasons for collapsing the economy-vision recieved 9-19-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, two reason to collpse the economy, to get out of social security, and to out of the national debt. He also said, things like, witness is right, there'll be looting, put the national guard in the streets, whe you see the guard in the streets, look out, and he said, when the economy collapses and I saw putin and he said, then russia will attack, and maybe, he's wrong, we'll collapse it again, using terrorists, then we'll attack, and the walmart girl said things like, that was an awesome vision, I'm the walmart girl, and daughter tyson said things like, tell me, we need it, Christ Church, and I saw my mom and she said, they'll open up, and kristina fox said, record the vision and give ti to the pastor, and daughter tyson said something like, prophet doesn't wanted recorded, and kristina said, thats the Word, and daughter tyson may have in her way asked, if it was alright, and kristina said things like, alright, he spoke it in his heart, and daughter tyson said, we need it, and kristina said, do it quickly..
(50)motor oil in america will be taxed heavy-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked this president and he said, bush, when the economy collapses, were going to sell oil to make more money, oil, we'll tax it, double the price, loan me 6000, I'm broke, I gofed, when the conomy collapses, I'll be broke, and I saw russia president putin and he said, thats when russia will attack, russia will collapse it, then we'll attack, and maybe, cuase we'll send terrorists.
(51)tax code and economic collapse-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, folks, I choose the tax law, reduce tax code, collapse, euro coming, and pastor simison said, euro, and one of them said, your gonna pay for it, euro, euro, euro, euro, euro, and pastor simison said, correction, reduce ban, tax code revived, reduce tax code, reduce tax payment, national city close, national city open, and maybe putin said money 15 percent less, and maybe putin said, tax code, and ron said, ministryofdreams is about to come open, ministryofdreams is about and putin said, get, and somebody said, me cut off.
(52)economic collapse in usa when you least expect it-vision recieved 10-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked sissy and she said something like, economy's back, and I saw this president and he said, it will collapse when you least expect it, my wish, nuke,
(53)social security will collapse in the united states-vision received 10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that jackie and she said, social security, and debbie said, it collapsed.
(53)economy could collapse without God's help in no time-vision recieved 10-30-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe gene and maybe somebody else and he or they said something like, economy collapse within a year.
(54)economic collapse in usa will be suprise-vision received 11-5-2005 God showed me a spirit that looked like the libe woman and she said, God's warning you the economy will collapse when you least expect it.
(55) economic collapse america -vision recieved 12-5-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the sunbeam bakers billboard child said something like, no more provision, economic collapse.
(56)when the economy collapses in america then russia will destroy the united kingdom states-vision recieved 12-15-30-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, when the economy collapses in america then russia will destroy the united kingdom states.
(57)russia will destroy america when the economy collapses -vision recieved 12-31-30-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like vladimir putin who is president of russia and may more and here is what was said: planes, 8 missiles is all it would take to destroy america, 8 missiles with 10 warheads, america is done, no more country, the united states will be destroyed when the economy collapses and we'll collapse it using terrorists, aman.
(58)economic collapse america-vision recieved 1-3-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: prophet, explosion in california, terrorism, the new national anthem for the usa, terrorism will cause economic collapse, aman, that is when russia will attack.
(59)coming economic collapse to america-vision recieved 2-1-2006-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked people and they said: economic collapse when you least expect it.
(60)economic collapse to china-vision recieved 3-12-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: economic, collapse, to, china, is, looming, no, oil, america, will not, have, but, is, in, right, now, china, will become, desparate, when, that is when, they will, grab, taiwan, and attack america, to, lure, america, into, war, for, russia, to, destruct.
(61)economic collapse in china-vision received 4-1-2006-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: the economy in china, will, collapse, soon, overheated, the economies around the world will.
(62)economic collapse is here in the u.s.-visions recieved 10-29-2006-in this vision, I saw the words, economic collapse usa coming.

table of dreams, dreams center, mission of dreams

visions and dreams and revelations of heaven, Heaven in visions
(1) The door to heaven-In this vision I saw this big white shiny door and it was closed and I did not think much about it and while praying I had the same vision over a little later and this time the door was open for me to look inside and I saw this beatiful white mansion. That is what is prepared for all those who have that THE ACTS 2:38 born again experience and follow thru to the end.

(2)vision of "NEW JERUSALEM"-I was praying,and in a vision from God, I was in this room, and there was a doorway in the room, and the door was open, and seeing thru this open door, and I saw this city, New Jerusalem. It was filled with glass buildings. Many different sized building's, all made of like transparent Glass. The sky was blue. This was heaven.
(3)heaven's "New Jerusalem"-vision recieved 11-23-24-In this vision while praying, I was high in the air, and I was looking down at a city that was all glass. It was full of skyscraper's made of glass, and from the height I was, I can't tell for sure, it even seemed like the streets were made of glass as well. I was asking God to show me the vision of heaven again, and this is it. When I say heaven, I was referring to New Jerusalem.
(4)whats your perception of heaven and hell-vision recieved 12-5-2003-in this vision, I am inside a church, and there is an older black lady in charge, and she says a few things, and maybe asks questions, and hands go up. I asked the lady next to me what the last question she asked was, and she said something like, " whats your perception of heaven and hell". I raised my hand, because Jesus has given me visions, but, many others had their hand raised to, and she never got to me. There is just talking, telling what you know or think you know, and then there is being led by the Spirit of God.

(5)New Jerusalem's crsytal towers-vision recieved 12-7-2003-while in church, the pastor spoke about going somewhere else, referring to heaven, and in a vision, I once again saw New Jerusalem. It was filled with clear as crystal like building's. The sky was blue.
(6) New Jerusalem-vision recieved 6-4-2004-in this vision, I saw part of new jerusalem. It was like looking thru a telescope, and blurry, and cleared up for a second, and went blurry again. The sky was blue, and I saw many skyscracpers that were made of like clear glass.
(7)mansion in heaven-vision recieved before July of 2002-in this vision, I was in a room, and in the room, there was a door, and the door was opened, and on the other side of the door was the the place Jesus said he would prepare. It was a solid white mansion, that was about 3 stories tall, and had like slot windows. It looked similar to some mansions that are here on earth.
(8)visions of Heaven-vision recieved before 10-22-2005-in this vision, I was high in the air, but not very high, mabye about 1000 feet, and I saw many scrapers, and they were made out of glass, and I could see a Person on the streets, which looked like the Buildings, and everything was the same color, like Glass, that reflected the sky and kristina fox said that, and kristina said, and a woman named and I saw tessy said she said, tessy, and kristina said, helped me to describe the skyscrapers, and the Man that was on the STREETS of Gold that look like Glas was, and AL GORE said, Je, and stephen hanson said, sus, and kristina said, and, and tessy said, Jesus, had a, and kristina said, beard.

(9)vision of new jerusalem-vision received 10-27-2005-God has showed me, new jerusalem, and it was filled up with so many clear Glass Skycrapers, that It almost looked like one solid building. In that vision, or perhaps another one given by the blessed Savior King Jesus, I saw the Buildings, and there was like White Light, in the Midst and even though It did Not Shine Thru EVERY Building, It Shined Thru some, and hollie said, and, and kristina said, was, and hollie said, the, and one of them or both said seperately, the Lord Jesus Christ!

(10)Heavenly Places-vision received 10-27-2005-God has showed me a Spirits, that looked like People, and It seemed like THey Walked, possibly in pairs, and there were many, and some may have been single, and it seemed like they were tierd, possibly like a pyramid, and the tiers were by themselves, and I don't know what the tiers were attached to, and there may have been something they walked on, and it is very possible, I was looking thur a Glass dimly, and saw the same people in different places, and there was like LIght there the color of fire.
(11)Heavenly visions-vision received 10-27-2005-God has showed me Heavenly visions, and there were more than one, and I'm stunned rught now at what I saw, and as You can guess, I can't describe it that well, so I'll let Jesus do, so, Lord, I ask Y0u, to tell the children what you showed: and Hollie said, and he saw, and kristina said, light, and hollie said, that, and kristina said, was, echoing, and kristina said, from, and one of them said, shawdows, and hollie said, of, and kristina said, radiate, from,
(12)a City of Pure Glass-vision recieved 10-30-2005-God has showed me in a vision a City of Pure Glass, and there was a Rainbow there. Thank Jesus for showing me new Jerusalem!. There was more there, I just didn't record enough
(13)Heaven and Hell -vision received 11-6-2005- God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, thats whay hell looks, it looks like a fire from Heaven, and thats you. Thats what Heaven looks, it was Bright Crystal clear nothin, outside the Gates of Heaven, and hollie said, just Fog, and thats where ____ will spend eternity, and that was kristina and I'm hollie, thats what he wants, and Jesus said, wrong, and kristina said, you left, and Jesus said, punish you, and kristina said, it's not open.
(14)Heavenly vision vision received 11-8-2005 God has showed me Spirits that looked like people, and people said, that was the Heavenly vision, people of Light in darkness.
(15)Heaven is like a City of PUre GLASS-vision recieved 12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like people and they said, and he saw, a, Pure, Glass, window, like, Sky, Scaper, and that was,.
(16)the Streets of Gold are like clear glass-vision received 2-2-2006-God has showed me New Jerusalem, part, of, It, like, Glass building's, the Streets are, Gold, like, clear glass.
(17)the Mansion in the sky-vision recieved 3-6-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: and he saw, the, White, Pure, Mansion, that, Jesus, prepared, like, donwn here in earth, about, three, stories, tall, all White.
(18)new jerusalem and the sea of glass-vision recieved 3-31-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: and he saw, nuw jerusalem, like, the, glass, city, on the, boston, album, and, it, was, clear glass, sky, scrapers, and, a, sea of, glass, leading up to it, beautiful.
(19)new jerusalem delivered on the platter-vision recieved 9-13-2006-in this vision, I saw the lighted city, new jerusalem, on like a silvr platter, possibly. It was filled with clear glass like skyscrapers, that were lit, and in another vision, I saw Jesus, and the light must have been coming from possibly him.
(20)a vision of new jerusalem-vision recieved 10-2006-in this vision, while praying, I saw a glass city, that was lighted appear. Tall glass skyscrapers. I believe the sky was blue, and hollie pointed, down, at, lava. uto. Tell kenneth haney, saith, the Lord.
(21)vision of the pearl gates-visions recieved 11-18-2006-in visions, I saw the , perl, gates, like, bright light, pearl, and, gold, on top, and, george, saw, them, two, mark, skeleton, come to Jesus.
(22)heaven and hell visions-visions received 11-18-2006-this is heaven, this is hell, said, hollie, im, moody, glass, city, and, lava, she pointed.
(23)streets of gold vision-visions received 11-18-2006-I saw, the, streets, of, transparent, glass, like, not, gold, but, and hollie was on them, im moodie, and there was, bob.

how russia will bring america down judgment to the babylon
(-1)russia may attack america when economy collapses-vision recieved 9-6-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said, "russia will attack", and I saw this president and he said, "russia will", and I saw me and I said, "when the economy collapses", and I saw hollie and she said, "russia", "will attack", "pray", and I saw putin and he said, "can you beat russia", "when the economy collapses", "russia will attack", "america's trapped now", "russia will attack", "witness don't care", and I saw gene schmidt and he said, "thats what I need", and I saw ann and she said, "wonder how he's trapped", and I saw this president and he said things like, "I'm bush", "running out of money", and I saw putin and he said, "oil"

(o)russia will attack america from all around-vision received 8-31-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like irving baxter jr. and he said something like, "tell me about russia", and I saw me and I said things like, "russia will attack us from the oceans, from cuba, from nicaragua, from mexico, from airplanes, from submarines. They will grab alaska first". I saw irving again and he said, "thats it bob".
(1)america helps russia by revealing secrets-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like president putin and he said things like, "you letting us", "new missile", "news", "its printed in the paper".
(2)does russia have a new missile-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like russian president puting and he said things , "tell'em", "new missile", "ain't true".
(3)request for help-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like like this president and he said things like, "help us fix it", "he cares", and maybe, "bob answered". I sought Jesus and I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and HE said, "give Me price", "its up to you". I did pay price, and it was revealed, and I'm sure more is coming. I just saw this president in a vision and he said something like, "bomb'em", "I trusted you".
(4)confession of president putin-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like russian president putin and he said things like, "new missile", "can't stop a cruise missile".
(5)can russia stop our nuclear missiles on american submarines-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like president putin and he said, "no".
(6)can russia take a cruise missile out of the sky-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a president and he said, "bet they can", and this was regarding russia being able to stop american cruise missiles, and I saw president putin in a vision and he said, "of course", "it's all computerised", "yes".
(7)can russia stop the missiles in american silo-visions received 8-16-2005-I asked Jesus something like, "can russia stop our missiles in the silos, and in visions, God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said, "new missle", "sure", and I just saw a vision of the woman behind me and she said, "no".
(8)terrorism-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like president putin and he said something like, "hit the rail road station".
(9)america reveals to much-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like russian president putin and he said things like, 'your gonna blow it", "possiblity", and, "give me the right number". I saw the president of a country that russia will attack and he said, "we already have".
(10)being computerised will help bring america down-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "I'm going computerised", and I saw the president of russia and he said, "this hurt you", "nuclear missiles", "shoot them down".
(11)cruise missiles-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like president putin and he said things like, "the Lord has said", "cruise missile", "take it out", "please help", "need miracle", "want to stay in office", "I warned you", "cruise missile", "can't stop", "cann't stop", "shoot it down", "cruise missiles are obsolete", "bush", "he's our best friend", "thats a secret"(i may have been asking how russia received american cruise missile information), "thats secret", "when new licence comes in", "we'll nuke'em", "your economy is done", "it's over", "cruise missile can not stop".
(11)america broke-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "our money is out", "I sale'em".
(12)tony blair is an ally to america-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like tony blair and he said, "we do not give", and, "over".
(13)I asked something like, "can a crusie missile be stopped", or saw a man asking that, and I saw president putin and he said, "no", "there electric", and I saw this preisdent and he said things like, "I told", "leave me alone", "when the economys back", "I'll sell the pLAce". THIS WAS george bush jr.
(14)america being sold-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like russia presidenet putin and he said, "its for sale", "change the number", and I heard over and over, "cruise missiles you can not stop".
(15)russia will destroy the united states-visions received 8-16-2005-While praying, I heard something like, "the united states is attacked by russia", "the united states is attacked by russia", and I saw putin in visions and he said something something about an airplane and, "victory".
(16)crusie missiles will stop cruise missiles-visions received 8-16-2005-I heard over and over, "cruise missiles will stop cruise missiles".
(17)CAN AMERICA stop the topal missile-visions received 8-16-2005- I was asking Jesus if america could stop russia's topal missile and in visions, God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said, "can't stop'em", and I saw the president of the country russia will destroy and he said something like, "can't stom them", and I saw me and I said something like,"can't stop em", and I saw putin again and he said something like, "can't stop".
(18)will not stop crusie missile-visions received 8-16-2005-I heard something like, "cruise missile will not stop".
(19)go on radio with dan bohler-visions received 8-16-2005-I may have been asking Jesus something about radio, God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said something like, "do it". I may have been asking about going on the radio with dan bohler.
(20)america can destroy russia without taking a hit by using cruise missiles in suprise attack-I asked Jesus if america could take russia out without taking a hit and I saw president putin in a vision and he said things like, "cruise missiles", "your next".
(21)taped-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said things like, "bobby, can we get this is on tape", "your right", and it may have been irving baxter jr.
(22)russia may have found out about our cruise missile technology-visions received 8-16-2005-I was asking something like, "how has russia found out about our cruise missiles", and in visions, God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and he said, "bush sold out", and I also saw a man that looked like clinton and he said, "give it", and I may have seen a man that looked like putin and he said something like, "take it".
(23)it's over for america-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said, "it's over".
(24)all russia has to do is get on the internet-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they may have said something like, "new missile is all over the internet".
(25)I asked Jesus what russia would do first-visions received 8-16-2005-I asked Jesus about what would be the first thing russia will do, and God has showed me a spirit that looked like preisdent putin and he said things like, "terror", "then we'll shut'em down", "strike", and he may have also said something like, "president clnton", and I may have seen clinton and he said, "I sold', and maybe, "hit russia".
(26)when america's economy goes dead, look out-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like president putin and he said something like, "when the economy's dead", "we'll attack", "focus now", "repent".
(27)russia will target american missiles-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a young man and he said, "hit our silo's".
(28)new missile-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said things like, "our new missile", "put on 8 rockets", "awesome", and I saw president bush and he said, "shoot", and I saw president putin and he said, "hit 3 of'em", and maybe, "cruise missile can not stop it", it's the new drivers licence", "can't beat us".
(29)when america's economy collapses, it's over-visions received 8-16-2005-I heard something like, "when your economy collapses, it's over".
(30)america can take russia out with cruise missiles-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said something like, "how do we hit russia", and I saw the president of russia and he said, "cruise missiles", "I'm against'em", and I heard over and over soemthing like, "cruise missile cannot be stopped".
(31)my website traffic is dead-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said something like, "the reason your traffic is down", "off", "I control it", "understand".
(32)warned-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dick cheney and he said, "I told him not to do it", "junk", and maybe, "clinton did"(this was gave technology), and I may have seen clinton and he said something about selling.
(33)repent america-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "repent".
(34)cruise missiles will not stop russia- received 8-16-2005-I heard or sow somebody say something like, "cruise missiles will not stop it".
(35)america may not get one shot fired-visions received 8-16-2005-I was asking Jesus if america would fire back or something like that against russia, and God has showed me a spirits that looked like that looked like putin and he said, "no", and I saw a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "no". I just saw a spirit in visions and he said things like, "thats the way", "to make the ultimate kill".
(36)russia will hit america by terror-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and he said something like, "russia will hit us by terror", and I may have just seen putin and he said, "thats it", and I saw him and he said, "hit alaska".
(37)restitution-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "I can't beleive it", "I been arreseted", "tell", and I saw somebody and they said, "we prosecute".
(38)america sold-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dick cheney and he said, "president BUSH has sold", "why don't you give me your name and number", we got you", and I saw me in visions and I said, "I give", "without a fight", "I'm a prophet", "take warning from prophet", "cruise missiles will shoot cruise missiles", "please help me", "your letting go", and maybe, "shoot russia", when gasoline goes", "so do we", "I'm bankrupt".
(39)I'm just Gods puppet-He tells me what to do-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said something like, "bob help us".
(40)when america goes broke-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said something like, "when our moneys out", "were done", and I saw somebody and they said, "hit america".
(41)wanted-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "we want you", "I had no idea", "can't stop cruise missile", and I saw president putin and he said, "I'll nuke'em".
(42)me-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said, "can't shoot cruise missiles down", and I saw putin in visions and he said things like, "I'll show'em", "I can", "with a gun", "computer", and I heard, "nuclear attack over".
(43)control-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "russia", and I saw putin in a vision and he said, "control", and I saw somebody and they said, "the end of america".
(44)Gods not on america's side this time-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "save us". You would have to give me charge of the military and I'd have to ask Jesus what to do. America needs to repent and turn to Jesus. I saw this president and he said things like, "thats it", "were finished".
(45)get ready-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like president putin and he said, "get ready".
(46)cruise missile-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "crusie missile", "stop", and I may have seen her or somebody else and they said something like, "you can't stop them", "embarras".
(47)texas-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "no more texas", and I beleive I just saw the mexican president in a vision and he said things like, "awesome", "shoot it down", "the military is over", "thats what I want", "los angeles", "missile attack", awesome".
(48)hit america-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "shoot america", and I saw russian president putin and he said, "I have the nerve".
(49)new missile-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "new missile", and I may have seen putin and he said things like, "he sold it", "he sold it to us".
(50)detection of cruise missiles-vision received 8-16-2005-I was asking Jesus about how to detect cruise missiles and I saw putin in visions and he said things like, "easy", "by radar", "regular", "cruise missile radar, and maybe also, "leave it alone", "do it", "now its computerised", "new weapon".
(51)crusie missle's-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like russian president putin and he said, "cruise missile", and in other visions, I saw putin and he said, "I bet your wrong", "cruise missile can be taken out".
(53)you won't budge me if you decide to collect me-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like president george bush jr. and he said things like, , "don't tell us", "we watch", "your welcome", "will you answer", and I saw me and I said, "no", "I'm not", "treason". Mr. president, first of all repent and give the riens of america to Jesus, and ask Jesus what you want Him to show me. Jesus is not going to protect america unless america turns back to him. I believe you could cause this mr. president. I just saw hollie and she said things like, "thats it", "I'm just another prophet", "sold", "financial", "missile bob", "missile bob", let'em shoot".
(54)hit russia-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a security guard and he said, "hit russia", "we loss".
(55)america cooperated to her on destruction-visions recieved 8-16-2005-I saw a man in a vision and he said, "clinton", and I saw bill clinton in visions and he said things like, "I dold", "I did', and I saw hollie and she said something like, "what did he sale", and I saw a man that looked like my former pastor and he said something like, "he gave russia techmology", and I saw somebody else and they said, "thats it". I just saw a man that looked like clinton and he said, "it's over now", "over".
(56)kill the prophet-vision received 8-16-2005-God may have showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "kill the prophet", and I saw me in a vision and I said something like, "you can't stop me", "Gods against this place", and twice I saw this president in visions on separate days and he said things like, "leave the propeht alone".
(57)can russia take a cruise missile out-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me putin and he said, "do not tell", "we have the power to shut them down", "thru terror". I saw this president and he said, "thats it". Thats what stanilav lunev told you I believe.
(58)america's own weapons will explode on her-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "russia will attack missiles", "russia will attack nuclear bombs". She may have said, "protect usa with Mantle".
(59)when america goes bankrupt, look out-vision received 8-17-2005-I may have been looking at a vision Jesus gave me about america going broke, and God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said things like, "then I'll shoot", "last chance", and I saw me in a vision and I said something like, "prophet has heard".
(60)russia will wipe out electric things in america-vision received 8-22-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like russia president putin and he said, "hit everything electric".
(61)america will be destroyed in one hour-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "america smokin", "from russia", "I'm bush", "arouse the military", "collapse ecomomy", and I saw vldimir putin and he said, "russia", "will attack", "we have submarines in your teritorial, "water", "wait for me", "I'll tell", "russia", "russia's spirit", "the answer", "bush", "bush is killed", "its your economy", "take him out", and I may have seen a spirit that looked like dick cheney, and he said or somebody else", "shot", and I saw putin and he said, "his Mantle is dick cheney", "bush is leaving", , and I saw this president and he said, "correction", "awesome", and I saw putin and he said, "that helped me".
(62)high fuel prices helping economy collapse-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "it's here", "release", "fuel", "we won't collapse it", "hold", "then collapse it", "russia'll attack", and I saw president putin and he said, "right", and, "let us attack", "new york", and I saw this president and he said something like, "there's are answer".
(63)usa economy will collaspe to her destruction-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "I'm p. bush", "you arrest him", "collapse", "bush", "prophet", "collapse", and I saw brother dell and he said, "prophet will collapse it", and I saw this president and he said things like, "collapse", "bush", "don't contiue".
(64)president-vision recieved 9-6-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "bush", "close the website", "i'll collapse it", and I saw brother dell and he said, "america will collapse", and i saw this president and he said, "my Mantles on the ground", "he'll call a collapsed economy", "arrest him", "if we arrest him", "go away", "close website", and I saw me and i said, "I'll put it back", and I may have seen this president again and he said things like, "I'm bush", "I'm going to get shot", "who'll assinate", and I saw dick cheney and he said things like, "use him", "dick cheney", "how do I get him out of my life", "I'm dick cheney", "assassinate", "trouble maker", and I saw this president again and he said, "right here", and I saw maybe dick and he said, "washington", and I saw hillary clinton and she said, "right here", "I'm the next president", and I saw this president and he said, "witness, you'll die", and, "he'll just put website back up again", "cause Mantle", "website is open", "there's mercy", "keep it down", "stealin", "don't come near us".
(65)hollie inquires-vision recieved 9-6-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "when you going to attack america", and I saw vladimir putin and he said, "when the economy collapses", "thats when russia will attack", "get gasoline", and I saw this presdient and he said things like, "emergency", "I'm bush", and I saw dick and he said, "buy more gas", and maybe he or this president said, "restrictions", "down", "put no restriction", "economy back", "ease restrictions", "second warning", "bush", "second warning", "don't tell it", "take it off", "buy fuel", "while there's mercy", and I saw dick and he said, "will", and I saw putin and he said, 'ease those restrictions", and I saw somebody and they said, "gas will go down under a dollar", and I saw this president and he said, "need control", and I saw putin and he said, "the economys collapsing", "russia will attack", and I saw dick and he said, "we ain't gonna hear it", and I saw somebody and they said, "witness has controL", and I saw putin and he said, "call the poice", "the economy collapses", and I may have seen him or a woman and they said something like", "russia will attack", and I saw putin and he said things like, "can you beat russia", "wait and see", and I saw this president and he said things like, "forcast", and I saw me and I said, "lay off me", and I saw putin and he said, "it's in the water", "attack with lasar", "america", "tolate", "we'll attack you", "kill the prophet", "no country", and I saw this president and he said, "bush", "we ain't gonna hear it", and I saw putin and he said, "bad economy", and I saw this president and he said, "lay off", and maybe, "p. bush", and I saw putin and he said, "p. bush is a liar", "cheat", "bush is your problem", and I sw this president and he said, "its me", and I saw putin and he said, "take bush off", "russia not worried", "lasar", "hit cruise missiles", "it's out", "missile out of submarine", "we'll hit them", "lasar", "trap", "you helped", "you can't beat russia", "close down the website", "it's to late", "thats the plan", "we'll steal", and I saw this president and he said, "I'm glad he said that", prophet sold", and I saw putin and he said, "it's over", "russia will attack", "in our time", and I saw dick and he said, "we'll let you off", and I saw putin and he said, "shut if down", "collapse it", and I saw this president and he said things like, "bush", "how do I take him out", and I saw putin and he said, "you'll blow it", "he's the one", "thats stopping", "his Mantle", "when the conomys slown", "russia will shoot", "we ain't going to side with you", Your Mantles taken off", "attack"
(66)choice-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like putin and he said, "you have a choice", "close the website", russia", and I saw this president and he said, "will attack".
(67)americas destruction at the door-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like putin and he said, "your wanted in the bedroom", and I saw this president and he said, "who is it", "bush", and I saw putin and he said, "attack", and this president said, "I hit missile", "bush", and I may have seen putin and he said, "put lasar up", "send rockets down", and I saw this president and he said, "russia won't beat us", "I'm bush", and I saw putin and he said, "beat missiles", and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "it's to late", "cruise missiles", and I saw somebody and they said, "useless".
(68)president-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "I'll have the police called", and I saw dick and he said, "he'll collapse it", and I saw this president and he said, "no he won't", "I'm bush", and I saw somebody and they said, "he will".
(69)how can I collapse the economy-vision received about late 8 or early 9 of 2005-God has showed me in visions a Spirit that looked like Jesus and He said things like, "there is one more thing I want you to do", "collapse the economy". All I have to do is pray, and it falls. I've already said the prayer that if I get killed, the economy will collapse.
(70)iraq nuken coming-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "hit iraq", "cruise missiles".
(71)kill me to your own destruction-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like putin and he said, "waste the Mantle", "russia will attack", and I saw this president and he said, "I heard".
(72)america's new missile-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like putin and he said things like, "about new missile", "we'll eat them", "take them away", "helpless", "can't handle us", "russia got control", "in time", "take'em out".
(73)will loading up alaska with nukes deter-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "alaska, "put missiles", and I saw putin and he said, "we hit it in the air".
(74)messing with me could bring the prayer-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like dick cheney and he said, "prophet won't answer", "he'll avenge it", and I saw wallace van slyke and he said, "he does'nt appreciate", and I saw brother dell and he said, "prophet in control", and I saw this president and he said, "money's the answer", and I saw hollie and she said, "prophet won't take", and I saw this president and he said, "bab take money", "I'm p. bush".
(75)by harming the restraints, you destroy yourself-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like putin and he said things like, "the united states", "we'll attack if you call the police", "kill", "one less Mantle", "new prophet". The restraints are those who live for Jesus.
(76)economic collapse in united states could bring russia attack-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "let it collapse", and I saw putin and he said, "attack", "call the police", and I saw apostolic pastor wallace vanslyke and he said, "arreset him", and I saw putin and he said, "he'll collapse it", and I saw somebody and they said, "he'll just pray", and I saw vanslyke and he said, "collapse it buddy", and I saw somebody and they said, "it's done out", and maybe, "let prophet alone", and I saw putin and he said, "take the website down", 'he'll collapse it", "economys closing", and I saw a woman that looked like virginia boldea and she said, "the money", and I saw a spirit that looked like mike and he said, "I told her", and I saw virginia and she said, "you can't stop it", and I saw mike and he said, "prophet staying close", and I saw this president and he said things like, "take debbie out", and I saw putin and he said, "that will help you", "she hates bob", and I saw this president and he said, "loose the Mantle", "bush", and i saw putin and he said, "then we'll attack", and I saw this president and he said, "attack them", and I saw putin and he said something like like, "when witness die", and I saw this president and and he said, "I ain't gonna stop it", and I saw dick and he said, "shoot bush", and mabye, "bush is shot", and I saw putin and he said, "new president", "that ain't gonna stop it", and I saw dick and he said, "I comitted blaspheme", and maybe, "shot", and I saw hollie and she said, "how beautiful".
(77)hillary clinton-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like hillary and she said, "respect", and I heard somebody say, "hillary will be president".
(78)seek Jesus first-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "take the webiste down", and I saw putin and he said, "he'll collapse it", "if he doesn't do it", "somebody else will", "russia will attack", and I saw this president and he said, "bush", "lets put him on the prophecy club", "I gave him oportunity", and I saw stan johnson, of, the prophecy club, and he said, "I'm out", and I may have seen putin and he said, "tell police", and I saw somebody and they said, "he will collapse the economy", and I just saw this president and he said, "collapse the economy", and maybe, "I'm bush", and I saw maybe putin and he said, "bush will".
(79)can russia take out cruise missiles-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like putin and he said things like, "cruise missiles", and I saw this president and he said, "I'm bush", "that'll do it", and I saw putin and he said, "lasar shot", "cruise missile shot", "how do we shot", "cruise missile will take crusie missile", "cruise missile radar", and I said, "its on crusie missile", and I saw putin and he said, "yep". I saw dick and he said something like, "cruise missile will not take out a cruise missile", and I kind of heard him and this president talking. The patroit is a cruise missile and I saw dick and he said, "we know". You detect when they are launched, and if they are followed by radar to the furthest point and interceptor cruise missile is fired, that has radar on it attached, there is a good possibility of interception.
(80)president-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "I can't see", "go ahead and shoot'em", "please help me", "when the ecomomys good".
(81)high gas prices-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like putin and he said things like, "attack", "tell vision", "attacK', and I saw this president and he said things like, "bush", "gasoline", "reverse", "quick", "leav it alone", "sell half price", "we can't stand" and I saw putin and he said, "collapse it", and I saw this president and he said things like, "thats just a story", "I'm going to the lake", "diesel", "no sulfer", "raise", "gas went up", "everthing else goes down", "new gasoline", "that'll fix it", "we will", "turn it around", "with gasoline up", "economic collapse", "debt free", and I saw dick and he said, "dick cheney", "I'm the new preident", and I saw putin and he said, "no gas", "economy is over", and I saw this president and he said things like, "he did it", "new gasoline", "going against israel", "let economy collapse", "die", "more tax money", and I saw putin and he said, "shoot", and I saw this president and he said, "prophet you need to go down", and i saw putin and he said, "take the economy with him", and I saw this president and he said, "he won't take the economy", "bush", and I saw me and I said, "I'll collapse it", and I saw hollie and she said, "kill'em", "hit the president", and I saw this president and he said, "i love Jesus", "what did he do", and I saw me and I said, "I'll pray", "if I get shot", "if I get hurt", "if I backslide", "the economy will collapse", and I saw this president and he said, "collapse it", and I saw putin and he said, "you don't understand", and maybe, "attack prophet", "bring gas up", let economy collapse", "I'm putin", "all planned", "getting ready to attack".
(81)gas prices bring on eco-collapse, which may bring russia attack-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "you know what you've done", "we sell", "when gasoline went up", and I just saw brother dell and he said, the ecomomys collapsing", and I saw hollie and she said, "economic collapse", and I may have seen this president and he said something like, "thats what I want" and maybe, "eliminate social serurity", "we will".
(82)new drivers licence-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like putin and he said, "new drivers licence", and I saw this president and he said, "give us moneY", and I saw putin and he said things like, "we'll hit you", "its you money", "we'll nuke", "were shutting down", and I saw this president and he said something like, "its your last chance", and I saw dick and he said something like, "take that website down", and I saw hollie and she said, "storage", and I saw dick and he said something like, "git licence", and I saw this president and he said, "I'll read it", and I saw putin and he said, "syria", "lasar", "chip", "russia steals", and I saw this president and he said, "fix it", and I saw putin and he said, "you sold it", "I done sold", "china wants more gasoline now", "collapse it", "send terrorists in", "we got control", "we'll collapse it", "prophet clear", "collapse it", "america's collapsing", "collapse america", "cain't stop it".
(83)take website down, another could replace it quicker tahn you think-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a person and they said, "nore more website", and I saw me and I said, "website back up again".
(84)the number-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said, "number", and I saw this president and he said, "70".
(84)embarrassed by Jesus-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like this president and he said, "embarrasing", "I'm bush", "take witness down", and I saw kristina fox and she said something like, "then the economy will collapse", "its done collapsing", "you not what brother barger did", and I saw cless barger and he said, "I comitted blaspheme", "revenge", and I saw pastor simison and he said, "blaspheme's off", 'please help me", "I won't fast", and I saw kristina fox and she said, "he's right", and I saw this president and he said, "tell it", and I saw simison and he said, "he's coming back", "president bush", "uour mission's over", "you committed blaspheme", "I'm out", "don't beleive that", "off", and I saw kristina and she said, "witness clear", and I saw this president and he said, "stick around", "I need you", "I'm bush", "assassinate", "witness is wrong", and I heard a man's voice and he said something like, "that new missile", and I saw kristina fox and she said, "will not take russia's missile's out of the sky"., and I may have seen this president and he said, "wrong", "witness go home", and I saw the face of a woman and she said, "will not take russia's missiles out of the sky", and I saw somebody and they said, "two thousand missiles", and I saw putin and he said, 'will take russia out", and I saw this president and he said, "may names' bush, money's tight", lets pray, and something about the economy collapsing and, 'I ain't going to stop it", and I saw me and I said, "go ahead and stop", "thats wehn russia will attack", and I saw this president and he said, "my names bush", "ready to take Mantle out of here", "who's got the Mantle", and I saw me and I said, "prophet", "hit israel", and I saw bejamin netanyahu and he said, "israel", the united states", and maybe only heard the united states will send missiles in noth korea", "missile attack north korea", and I saw hu hintao and he said, "their changing the number", "we got it", "photcopy",
(85)what will be on this presidents death certificate-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like this president and he said things like, "on my my death certificate", "no prophet", and then I saw a spirit that looked like putin and he said, "fire".
(86)how does enemies of america get the secrets-vision recieved 9-6-2005 I asked Jesus a question like the one this vision is titled after, andGod has showed me a spirits that looked keri and she said something like, "didn't they sell", and I keep seeeing a spirit that looks like dick cheney and he said, "president busH", and I may have seen this president and he said things like, "bush", "I sell", and maybe, "I sold", and I saw dick again and he said, "president bush is a blasphemer", and maybe, "syria", "he can't keep it to himself", and maybe, "embarras'em, "he sold", and I may have seen gadfi and he said, "how do I get to the black market", "MYSTERY, BABYLON", "o yeah", and I heard this womans voice that is near me and she said, "its for sale". That means america is for sale. I may have seen dick and he said things like, "this is awesome", "you should have writ that", and I saw somebody and they said, "bring it down", and somebody, "gas", and I may have seen keri and she said something like, "then you'll be allright", "collapse the economy", "then russia will attack", "gas war", "cruise missiles", "will not take russia out of the sky", and I saw putin and he said, "this i what you need", "nuke", "the united states", 'hit'em", "under attack", "when you collapse the economy", "this is your chance", "it's planned", "when the economy collapses", "nuke", "then you have no police", "nuke the president", "nuke iran", "nuke the nuclear missiles", and I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "nuke russia", and I saw a spirit that looked like virginia and she said, "we won't", and maybe, "nuke the president", and I saw putin and he said, "nuke the united states", "you in way over your head", "hit alaska", "oil", 'alaska", "cause when you take alaska", "take alaska", "russia", "the united states", "take alaska", "the united states", "the united states surround", and maybe, "cause when you hit alaska", "surrounded", and maybe, "the missiles you have we can take out of the sky", and I saw this president and he said, "nukem", "bush", and I saw putin and he said, "they will nver do it", and I saw this president and he said, "he's right", and I saw putin and he said, "if you don't nukem now", I saw krisitina and she said, "over". I saw putin or heard, our missiles will out shine your missiles". Save yourself". I sw this president and he said, "bush", and something like, "new missile will take theirs out of the sky", and I may have seen putin and he said something like, "missile is out", "it's old", "well fix it". I saw this president and he said, "the united states", I saw dick and he said, "he's got the Word", and I heard, "the united states prepare for a nuken", "police down", and I saw this president and he said things like, "take cruise missiles down", "may name is bush", "
(87)why did gas go up vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina and she said, "you know why gasoline went up", 'to collaspe the economy", "there will be looting", collapse", "leave russia alone", "when the economy collapses", I saw putin and he said, "we attack".
(88)politburo-vision recieved 9-13-2005 I was asking Jesus about maybe politburo, or possibly the ten horns or something, God has showed me a spirit that looked like the president of russia, and he said things like, politburo died, bring it back, and I may have seen possibley putin said, russia, north korea, its emperor of japan said, its japan, president of north korea said, its korea, and presdient hu said, china, its china, and yuschenko said, yushcenko, its north korea, uraine, china, and japan, and us, russia, china, north korea, turkey, and maybe, its gadfi, its iraq, its iran, iraq iran.
(89)russia will use terrorists in america to collapse the economy recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed a spirit that looked like the president of russia president said, I will collapse it, here's your problem, I'll send terrorists, bomb, o my God, they'll collapse the economy, russia'll attack the united states, you need to testify, and I heard, mercy has been taken away from america, and putin said things like, It's your Mantle, I'm against It, new york, attack, terroists, empire state, collapse, air, hit your train tracks, there's mercy, it's over, and I saw maybe a White Hand, and irving baxter said, o my God, and I prayed, and irving said, prophet bought time, and putin said, collapse the economy, that'll be the worst tragedy, irael, we'll attack, missiles, missiles in iran, iraq, checosylvokia, russia, and hu may have said, china, and putin said, we will attack the united states, russia, missiles all over the place, israel, missiles targeted all over the united states, and dan bohler said something like, that hit us, my name is bohler, need to collapse it, and putin said, israel, missiles, all, around, put missiles, this is warning, israel, surround, iraq hit, hit, russia, iran, hit iran, hit russia, hit north korea, hit russia, think about it, its nato, politboro, style, terrorists, are, in, maybe he said, america. Iran, trap, bush, out.
(90)russia will attack the usa when least expected-vision recieved 9-15-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, russia president vladimir putin, and he said things like, russia will attack america when you least expect it, when you hit iran, devil said, when you hit iran, collapse the economy, and dan bohler said, this true.
(91)russia will send in terrorist to collapse usa's economy-vision recieved 9-15-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, russian president putin, and he said something like, russia will send in terroists, to collapse, the economy, in, and hollie said, in united states, and dr. r.h. duncan said things like, the economy, collapses, russia, and first lady duncan said, thats, and maybe, icredible, and r.h. said, economy, and maybe, whe you hit israel, israel will destroy iraq, collapse the economy, russia will, attack, and maybe first lady duncan said, america, and r.h said, I don't know, and maybe, you need to tell me. Putin also said things like, thats what I want, collapse the economy, nuclear attack, will send terrorists, missiles, iraq, will collapse, the economy, in, terroists, to, collapse, the, when iraq hit israel, the economy.
(92)economic collapse and nuclear strikes on america-vision recieved 9-15-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said, russia, will, collapse, the economy, in, america, and I saw the president of north korea, and he said, north korea, will, attack, russia, america, and first lady duncan said, us, and maybe, israel, and maybe, empire state building down, and putin said, nuke'm, and the president of n. korea said, when you hit korea, iraq, israel, israel will destroy, said, iraq, come on lets pray about this, and netanyahu said, country, get your money out of the bank bobby, and netanyahu said, north korea, will, attack, north korea, and the president of nk said, north korea, and ben said, north korea will, and I saw the president of north korea and he said, attack the united states, and ben said, thats what I want, and michael boldea said, tell us.
(93)hurricane ophelia was Gods judgement on america and ben said, north carolina, judgment-vision recieved 9-15-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like benjamin netanyahu and he said, ophelia, was judgement, pray for half an hour.
(94)opec will cut america's oil off-vision recieved 9-15-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like like, an arab man, and he said, opec will cut america's oil off, and I saw a spirit that looked like russian president putin and he said, thats what I want, then we'll attack.
(95)russia will user terrorists to collapse america's economy and create caos-vision recieved 9-16-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said things like, we collapse it, they'll collapse, and I saw the president of north korea, and he said things like, when russia collapses the economy in .
(96)politboro exists-vision recieved 9-16-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe gadafi and he said, I'm politburo, and maybe, the president of north korea said, the same thing.
(97)internet may shut down america-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this man named jim, and he was riding his harley davidson, and on that harley was a sign, by the motor, and it said, shut down, and I heard, shut down the entire web. It may have been this president saying this, and he said, bush, thats it.
(98)loose nukes-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president and he said, loose nukes, and I saw russian president putin and he said, this is without warning, the united states in under attack, when you close iran, iran will git it, and dumitru duduman, said, with terroists, iran will send terrorists, and I may have heard or saw somebody say something like, and president bush knows.
(99)terrorism will bring america down-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has let me hear something like, the united states will suffer terrorism, terroism will bring the united states to its knee's, and I saw this president and he said, thats wrong, bush, moneys your master, you will perish, and I may have heard, git right with God, and this president said, He won't let me, and I heard, the Mantle will pray, and this president said, and you will get back, do it quickly, and sissy said, pray for an half hour, and mike cunningham said, I'm worth, how did I commit blaspheme, and gene simmons of kiss said, your a prophet, and mike said, o, and this president said, you will be assassinted, you get back, and I will spare you, thats the Word, and maybe, your running from the Mantle, the Mantle is Jesus, and sissy said, how did I blaspheme bobby.
(100) russia watchin syria-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like putin and he said, syria, were watching, attack, suicide, for, america, iraq, attack, israel.
(101)alice cooper and the national id card-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like alice cooper and he said things like, the national i.d. card will give russia, everybodies personal information, I'm alice cooper.
(102)russia will be able to steal information about americanss from the national id card -vision recieved 9-21-2005 I heard a womans voice said, new licence here, and God has showed me a spirit that looked like woman and she said things like, russia, will attack north america, licence brances, keep secret cause national id card, they have accepted, chosen, and I saw cless barger and he said, that ain't kristina, thats carol sue, but kristina I beleive said some of it, and carol said, secret, awesome, russia, and maybe, the new licence has got a computer chip, and I maybe have seen a man and he said, and I will steal it, and maybe, putin.
(103)will new zealand help russia-vision recieved 9-21-2005 I may have heard, new zeland, and God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said, new zeland, helping us.
(104)ukraine is politburo-vision recieved 10-4-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a stephen hanson, and he said things like, put ukraine in russia, thats politburo.
(104)the seven heads-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a seven bald lighted heads, and these were the seven heads of REVELATION 17, 13.
(105)russia is the bear with three ribs in its mouth -vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, bush, and pastor simison said, is decieving many nations, its the fulfilling of, and this president said, REVE, and simison said, LATION, he hates you, 17, and first lady mrs. holcomb from el shaddai apostolic Church said, come to sunday school and we will trap you, and stephen hansen said, the three ribs in the bears mouth are, and dorein said, are ru, and kristina fox said, ssia, and hollie said, cuba, nicaragua, russmexico, and pastor simion said, thats the ticket, and maiden name pastor jerry barger said, I left, and stephen hanson the three ribs in the bears mouth are, cuba, nicaragua, and mexico, the leopard is china.
(106)when america attacks iran-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the prophet stephen hanson and he said, its iran, when the united states hits iran, thats it, iran will be destroyed, and dorein said, and the reason is, iran won't be destroyed, but russia will, and dumitru duduman said, the united states will hit the nuclear power plant, and I saw russian president vladimir putin and he said, war.
(107)russia will use terroists force america to bring her troops home, then attack usa-vision recieved 10-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like vladimir putin and he said, things like, russia will attack amerirussia, terrorist, bring, troops, home, isolate, destroy message, and russia, put video, put battle plans, trap, page, new, russia, will attack high school, russia will attack america, russia, and macaulay culkin said, will use terrorist, and kristina fox said, tell the ruth, tell, russia, will, anger, website, is, awesome, profile of Jesus, the usa, o shit, russia, and putin said, much of this, and he continued, russia, want, pope, and thats, and kristina said, beast, and putin said, the beast, and antichrist, russia will attack, amerirussia, and kristina said, trap, clear, when and dorein said, least expect it.
(108)terrorism and the russian's-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, russia's going to attack america with terrorism, and pastor simison said, I don't see it, I'm blind, don't hold me up, bob will fix it, and I may have seen me and I said, on my death certificate, I didn't fix it, and pastor simison said, I'm puttin on a show
(109)one ohio class submarine will destroy russia-vision recieved 10-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, pastor dave and he said, that looked like, david scott, and Om praying, destroy, and brother stair said, russia, with, one, ohio and dave said, class, submarine, if, miss, and stair said, sles, and adave said, hit, and stair said, target, and kristina said, and that was the pope, and dave said, open the arsenal on, and stair said russia, and dave said, right now, or and or perish and I'm kevin MCgwire from G.O.D., bob, we won't, hire and stephen said, you,
(109)russia may be able to turn america's air force planes off-vision recieved 10-19-2005 God has showed a dogfight, and I could hear two or more airplanes, and I could possibly see the sun, and I saw what I was made aware of was an america air force Jet, and there was a russian jet that I could see, and the american plane was blazining like the sun, and the russian jet which I seemed to be under or near, fired on the america, and struck it, and I saw russian president vladimir putin and he said things like, take it, we can shut down america planes, well I got news for you, this is, and stephen hanson said this is your last chance to and maybe putin said, to get right with God, we have the secret codes.
(110)after russia attacks alaska, time will be short-vision recieved 10-30-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like vladimir putin and he said, after we attack alaska, you'll have two hours, and thats 2 days.
(111)russia attack america fron other nations-vision recieved 11-5-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, america will be attacked by russia and china, other nations, will let them use thier land, russia will attack, and I saw a White Angel and He said, government, and somebody said, by using spies, and eventually, russia is the, and ron miens said, russia is the bear, and hollie said, and china is the new world order, and that, and putin said, russia.
(112)the end time dream, the end time vision -vision recieved 11-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is the pope and the pope is satan,a nd that, china, magog, absorb, callled new world order, and that is china, n.k., japan, south korea, is russia, and that is north korea, and that is china, and hu is the flase prophet, and 666 is the number of the beast and hu and the pope make an agreement for 7 years, three and one half good times, three and one half bad, wrath, they fight, against, Christ, and He'll just Speak the Word, MYSTERY, BABYLON is united states, and that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth, when russia attack america, then china will attack russia, and make russia invade Israel, russia will be absorbed by china, and that will become magog, and china is the red dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia will be divided in 4 with 4 horns, and out of one of them comes, and I saw this little white spirit head and he said, little horn, antichrist, and People said, get prepared, read ACTS 2:38, near the end economic collapse world, national guard in the streets of america, hillary president clinton lookout, thats all, begin the end of the story, Amen, tell, man, how the pope comes into power is, russia is catholic, I'm the idol shepherd, and when I rule, terrorize the world, I'm satan, I'll have three and one half years to kill and destroy, Amen, the ten horns are, vladimir putin saidm, russia, china president hu said china, the emporer of japan said japan, the president of north korea said north korea, and the pope said, and eventually, and the president of iran said iran, and the pope said, politburo, and gerhard scroeder said germany, and silvio burlusconi said italy, and vicente fox said, mexico, and fidel castrol said, cuba, nicaragua, and lula said, venezuela, bra, hugo chavez said, zil, and macaulay culkin said, thats it, and Jesus said, read and do ACTS 2:38 without fallin, and people said, tract, the horns are politburo and the heads are nations that have an agreement with america, and she is that great city that rule the kings of the earth, and babylon is the woman name and she is the whore, and that means harlot, abomination, and thsi president said, she cheats on, and people said, Jesus, end of the end time dream, the end time vision, the vision is russia will destroy america in one hour, thats the event that brings Jesus back, and the beast in, and the kings of the earth wail loudly when they realize what they had and Jesus is gone, and the, the sun will be blocked out and the moon will be blocked out for 16 hours, thats it, and when america go to war, and russia president putin sang, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, and hu said china, and putin said, russia, and hugo said venezuela, and lula said brazil, and fox said mexico, and castrol said cuba, I've got park,sin,ons, and fox said, mexico and cu, and hugo said, ba are one, and people said, God will, give them one heart and one mind, and thouands of people said, destroy the united states, and people said, and the conclusion of the matter is, and dumitru duduman said, america, and ann schmidt said, will, and gene schmidt said, be, and michael boldea said, u, and virgina boldea said, ur, and michael boldea sr. said, n, and people said, and eventually, russia has the power right now to destroy the united states, destruct, from the inside, russia will attack when you least expect it, russia has the nuclear arsenal that makes america look like eagle with two wings plucked off and that is the beast, and the one with 3 ribs, russia has 3 ribs are cuba, nicaragua, mexico, the one with the 4 heads is the leopard and that is china and that is north korea and that is russia, the one with the 10 horns is the pope poliburo and politburo is china, mexico, iran, germany, italy, north korea, russia, italy and russia have an agreement to take mexico, there's oil there, politburo is venezeula, brazil, and eventually, iran, and putin said, politburo, lets rule the world, and china president hu said, china, and people said, russia, one, magog, russia get absorbed, and the pope said, russia, attack, americano.
(113)russia will wipe out america's sattelites -vision recieved 12-29-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like people and they said, russia will wipe out america's sattelites, attack.
(114)russia will destroy america in one hour-vision recieved 1-7-2006 God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: cause russia's, getting, prepared, they are, russia has prepared for war with america since the 50's, they can wipe out america like the Bible says in one hour.
(115)russia will destroy america-vision recieved 2-2-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: like, they will, strike, when you least expect it, and that is, when your not, looking.
(116)russia is prepared-vision recieved 11-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: russia, has, prepared, for, about, since, the, 50's, to, attack, america, and, it will, happen, under, president, clinton.
(117)russia will sneak subs up, on america-vision recieved 7-24-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: and he heard, the, submarine sound, stop, start, again, this is how, moscow, will get in.
(118)terrorism all over america and the national guard in the streets-visions recieved 1-17-2007-in visions, I saw hollie point, and explosions all over america, and like a national guard angel running.
(0)China will attack America-visions recieved 10-3-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "China attacks America". In another vision, I'm witnessing to a woman, and tell her about God showing me that Russia and China will attack america. I saw the president of China in another vision, and he said, "we start it".

(1)Taiwan will be attacked by China-vision recieved about march of 2003-I asked God for years to show me what China would do to draw America into war and in a vision God gave me, I saw the president of China and He said, "we will grab Tiawan". Bush has already said America will defend taiwan against China. As I was typing that, I saw president Bush in a vision, and he said, "your right".

(2)China will attack Taiwan-visions received 3-13-2005-in visions, I saw hu hintao, president of china and he said, "I want taiwan", "we'll attack".

(2a)China attacks U.s.a.-vision recieved 10-6-2004-while praying, I heard, "china", and I said, "what about China", and I saw the president of China in a vision, and he said, "Attack america".

(2b)I saw China attacking one of americas coastal states- vision recieved about september of 2002-in this vision, I saw China attacking America on one of its costal states. It was like in the vision, I seemed to feel this was in the state of Washington. Old America world war 2 era american war planes would go out to sea to fight back. I did not see what the chinese troops arrived on, and america in no more prepared now for a homeland invasion then we were back then. When this vision was over, I was frightened terribly.
(3)Chinese attack-In this vision recieved about march of 2003, I saw these words in neon yellow, "Chinese attack". I now know China will attack, Taiwan, america, and Russia.

(4)Chinese attackers on American soil-this vision was spiritual, and I was full aware of what was going on. In it, I saw a field, and it was dark, and I saw a tractor, way out in the field, and the tractor shot something like a bullet, and fire spewed out of it. Then I saw an America Jet starting to take off. In this vision, I was aware America and China were at war, and they were her. I didn't sleep much after that that night for the fear I felt. I was frightened when I came out of this, and awake for a long time after.

(5)China wants to draw America into war so Russia can make the kill-vision recieved 3-8-2003-I asked God if China will stage a minor homeland invasion on America and attack taiwan to draw America into war, and in a vision, I saw the president of China and He said, "you are correct". Prepare according to scripture not to meet Jesus.

(6)China will attack by suprise-In this vision, I saw america and china going to war. I saw two americans, and they were doing something, not necessarily expecting Cina to attack, and all of a sudden, I saw the Chinese army charging at them. They were on foot, dressed in their uniforms, with guns. I knew this was China attacking america.

(7)China will lure Usa into war vision-recieved 3-10-2003-I don't remember every thing that was shared in this vision, but, I will tell you some of what I do remeber, and I will also add that God gave me this vision, and what He did was put other visions together. In this vision, "I am with a friend", and I say to him, "Do you know when Russia is going to attack America"? He said, "when America goes to war with China, is when". Then I told him how China would draw America into war. I said, "China will grab Taiwan and do a minor homeland invasion, and when we go to war with China, thats when Russia will atttack us".(by memory, and this will be the even that brings Jesus back, go to the bottom to read the China visions)
(8)Russia will be attacked by China-vision recieved on 3-8-2003-while praying God gave me a vision, and in it, I saw in yellow neon letters, "China will attack Russia.".
(9)China and all that are with her will ultimately force Russia to lead the way to the invasion of Israel, "THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON"!

(10)China is READY for war-vision recieved 8-29-2003-while praying, God spoke to me and said, "Red China" and I said, "what about Red China"? Then God gave me a vision, and I saw the president of China, and he said, "we want war". They have had much time to prepare.

(10)China wants war-vision recieved 9-9-2003-In this vision, I saw like a glow in the dark sign. And what it said on it was, "China want to edge close to war" I had it twice.

(11)the dragon-in this vision while praying, I saw this dragon, and he was inside of a cage, and there were people all around the cage looking in. The dragon appeared to be very upset, angry, impatient. This dragon represents China, and all that is keeping China from attacking is the prayer of the saints.

(12)the force that makes Russia invade Israel-vision recieved 11-14-2003-I asked God a question like, are the sun and the moon blocked out from Russia attacking america, and China, Japan, and North Korea attacking Russia? Then I saw this mouth in a vision, and it said, "Yes Bobby".(I will ask Jesus for another vision regarding this)

(13)u.s.a. and china will collide-vision recieved 11-20-2003-I was in a Speedway gas station, and witnessing to a girl, and I told her something like, "China and Taiwan are into it. When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning", which is what God showed me, and exactly what the angel Gabriel spoke to Dumitru Duduman. As I am walking out of the station, I see the other employee which overheard some or all of the conversation in a vision, and she said, "that's right".

(14)China will force Russia to invade Israel-vision recieved 11-27-2003-while praying, I heard these words, "China wants to attack Russia". I asked Jesus why, and In a vision, I saw Jiang Zemin, who is in charge of the military, and he said, "I hate Russia"(I had it twice)China victorius-vision recieved 11-28-2003-In this vision I saw the words and heard them, "China will beat Russia".

(15)Russia will be a guard to all nations that invade Israel-vision reicieved 11-28-2003-I wrote down the word's, but, I just can't recall the vision-but, I was inquiring of the Lord about why China was going to invade Russia, and here are the words I wrote down, "we want Russia to invade Israel". I kept asking why like a little kid, and I saw Jesus. He had white hair and skin and blue eye's, and He said, "they hate Israel"

(16)Russia cooperating with China militarily to their own destruction-vision recieved 11-28-2003-in this vision, I saw a russian bomber, and was made fully aware Russia was lending it to China

(17)chemical weapons-vision recieved 11-28-2003-in this vision, I Jiang Zemin, China's military leader, and he said, "chemical attack". I bet lots of nations have chemical weapons.

(18)Russia and China have a military agreeement like NATO. In another, I saw him again, Jiang Zemin, and he said, "we have an agreement". I was asking Jesus about this who this agreement is with, and I saw Russian president Putin in a vision, and he said, "us"(russia and china have a military agreement. take on one, you take on both)

(19)Usa and China want war-visions recieved 11-27-2003-in these two visions while praying, I saw President Bush, and he said, "we want China". I saw Jiang Zemin of China, and he said, "we want the United States".

(20)America is decieved about China-vision recieved 11-27-2003-I was asking Jesus if it was in the heart of Bush to go to war with China, and in a vision, I saw pres. Bush, and he said, "can't loose"(I'm sure he thinks this)

(21)China wants russia-vision recieved 11-4-2003-in this vision, I saw the president of China, and he said, "we want Russia". Russia has lots of land and oil.

(22)China will attack Russia-vision recieved 11-5-2003-in this vision while praying, I saw the president of China, and he said, "were going to keep Russia".

(23)U.s.a. and China prepare war-I read on 12-4-where someone from China is going to come to Usa to more or less issue a threat to Usa, and I saw president Bush in a vision, and he said, "won't back down". In an out right war between U.s.a. and China, U.s.a. would probably win, but, China is being a lure to Usa for Russia to attack in this war.

(24)war is coming -vision recieved 12-10-2003-while praying, I was talking to Jesus. I don't remember word for word what I said, but was talking about president Bush's threat to help Taiwan in the event of war with China, and in a vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "we will"(its brewing)

(25)U.s.a. declares war on China-vision recieved about early 2003-in this vision while praying, I saw Dick Cheney, and he said, "I declare war on China"

(26)China will lure america out for Russia-vision recieved 1-31-2004-while praying, I heard, "what about China?". And I asked Jesus, "what about China". Then I saw a man who looked like the former president of China, JIANG ZEMIN, and who is now over the military there, and he said, "we want you". China is actively building there military at a rate that should get anyone's attention. We know they have 20 nuclear missile's capable of reaching the U.S.. What about what we don't know.

(27)suprise attack coming on americas homeland-vision recieved 2-1-2004-in this vision, I saw Jiang Zemin, who is now over the military in China, and he said, "ATTACK America". When Usa goes to war with China is when Russia will destroy America.

(28)China will draw Usa into battle-vision recieved in 2003-I was praying, and wondering if China was going to use nuclear weapons on America, and I saw the former president, Jiang Zemin in a vision, and he said, "don't worry bobby, we won't nuke you". Russia sure will when China lures America into war.

(29)China prepared for war-vision recieved 3-27-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like Jiang Zemin, who is over China's military, and I heard these words, "there ready".

(30)Chinas suprise attack on Russia-visions recived 5-23-2004-in a vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "China will beat Russia". China will force Russia to lead the way to the ivasion of Israel, which is the "battle of armageddon". I saw president Bush in another vision, and he said, "china will win". China will have at least two other nations with her from what Jesus has showed me. Japan and North Korea.

(31)Japan will help China defeat Russia-vision recieved 6-27-2004-while praying, I heard this, "I'm going to raise up Japan". I started asking Jesus why. Finally, I saw president Bush in a vision, and he said, "tell him". And I said something like, "is it so they can attack the Russians", and I saw the prime minister of Japan in a vision, and he said, "true". I read the not long ago, that Japan has enough nuclear material to build 100 bombs.
(32)china will attack russia-vision recieved 6-2-2004-while driving, I was thinking on a chinese military website I had just visited, and made aware that china is very capable of inflicting serious damage to any nation, especially nations that are near china, and I'm sure they have more than we no about. I was was thinking on this, I saw Jiang Zemin, the former president of China, who is now over the military, and he said, "kill russia". China is very capable of destroying russia.

(33) China will attack russia-visions recieved 10-2-2004-twice in visions, I saw the president of china, and he said, "china shall beat russia".
(34) America and china will go to war-visions recievied 10-2-2004-twice I saw president Bush in visions, and he said, "whip China". And in another vision, he said, "look who started". China will start this war by attacking america.

(35) China, North Korea and Japan will force Russia to invade Israel-vision recieved 10-18-2004-while walking, I was thinking on the testimony Jesus gave me in visions, On how Russia will attack america out of the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, then He showed me that China, North Korea and Japan will attack russia and ultimately force russia to invade Israel. As I said something like this in my heart, I saw the president of China in a vision, and he said, "we will".

(36)china will attack Usa-vision received 11-8-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "china will attack us".
(37)China ready for war-visions received 1-21-2005-in one vision, I saw the words: "RED ARMY", and I asked about who the red army was, and in the next vision, I saw the president of China hu hintao and he said, "were ready to kill".

(38)russia has met her match-vision recieved 3-3-2005-while praying, I asked the Lord a question like this: "is it already in the heart of china to attack russia", and I saw the president hu jintao in a vision and he said, "yes". Russia is selling weapons to china to her own destruction!

(39)North Korea will attack Russia-visions received 3-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a missile, and it may have been a mobile missile possibly on launcher, and I saw this written under it in like neon letters, "df-31". I saw the president of north korea in visions and he said, "my secret", "I'll send'em on russia". I believe from what I was shown, they just have one.

(40)north korea-visions received 5-2005-In a vision, I saw a street sign and the name of the street was, 'korea". Then I saw the president of north korea in visions and he said things like, "I lie". While praying, I heard, "korea", then I saw the president of north korea in a vision and he said, "korea".
(41)china attack taiwan-visions received 5-2005-In the first vision, I saw a man and he said, "we will grab taiwan". I did not see his face very well so I asked Jesus who it was, and I saw the president of china in a vision.
(42)north korea-visions received 5-2005-In a vision, I saw a street sign and the name of the street was, 'korea". Then I saw the president of north korea in visions and he said things like, "I lie". While praying, I heard, "korea", then I saw the president of north korea in a vision and he said, "korea".

(43)china will attack russia when russia attacks america-visions received 9-19-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like debbie and she said, the Holy Ghost speaks to me about america, you wanted out, you wanted to leave, and I heard, when russia attacks the u.s., china will attack russia, and michael boldea said, awesome, close the website up, and I dimly saw a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, you wanted to know, close the website, hand of help will close, and mike said, alright, and dumitru said, prophet will help you get prepared, invite.
)44)the sky turning into fire-vision received 10-2005-God has showed me possibly me, and I was by a house, and the sky turned into fire.
(45)the 7 heads and the 10 horns -visions received 12-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: and he saw 7 Lighted heads and they are, america's allies, however, 5 left are fallen and they are, france, italy, australia, canada, japan, australia is slipping, they're leaning toward russia. go, put it under, america is isolated, attack, putin says, one is, that means britain, the beast is the eigth and of the seven, pope, italy, he is a king in the nation, but, not of the nation, that one that comes for a short space is, Israel, and taht is, destroy palestinian state destroyed by america, cause america should've left iraq alone, aman, the 10 horns are politburo, and they are, germany, italy, mexico, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, soon the united states will burn.
(46)china will attack us empire-vision received 1-30-2006-God has showed me a Spirits that looked like People and they said: china will, attack, america, and, grab, tai, awan, to, draw america into war, and, russia will, grab, alaska, then, from, the, oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, russia will, attack, judge, the, united, empire, states, it will last, one, hour., 3-3-2010-im just uh vision I can not do one thing, clapped, hollie, tap dancing, im using your website to close out this world, said, hollie, and, hollie plays music, you did not want me, hollie, said, beat hand, pope arose, hollie showed, its your reverend, james laverne tyson, im with witch, said, laverne tyson, its shawn tyson, said, hollie, both witchs, hollie said, theres shawn tyson pocketing the loot, said, hollie, were both witchs, shawn, tyson, said, james laverne tyson shakes yes, you talkin about me, he said, in, heart, thats, beast rising, no, says, prophet, about, james laverne tyson, thats, bishop laverne tyson looking at visions, Im cut off said c. shawn tyson, james tyson shows shawn, his brother, said, hollie, Jesus looks at the tyson family, james laverne tyson wants saved, but never, got, thru, said, God, hollie, looks, you, want, said, hollie, james laverne, tyson shakes yes, pay bob to go down for all tysons, i'll cost only one million, james said hollie, james laverne tyson appears, showed, hollie, I would, said, shawn tyson, bob can get the whole tyson family saved and wants them saved, ruth tyson shakes, yes, excited, will he go down, ruth tyson said, hollie shows, bob interceding, not wanting them to perish but Jesus rubs chin, this is prophesyin, said, hollie, thats, fellowship, she said, of Jesus, thats staying in visions, and hearing Gods voice, seeing Jesus, dont, said, hollie, and ministering spirits, in visions, alright said shawn tyson, thats, james e. tyson saying pay it, they send bob a check for one point five million dollars, bob tithes, bob declares thirty day fast, gets whoever he wants saved, at that, point, only wants elderly saved, thats james edison tyson agreeing, hollie showed, get over, with lighted hand, new website, said, hollie, showed, smiling, its Ministry of Dreams, see that, said, hollie, the Ministry of Dreams book, number one, in, category, bobby go home and sleep and come back on thurday morning, said, hollie, thats what mark wants, hollie showed, lay down, there, she, said, claps, hands, pope, appears, thats, popes, face, appearing, on, its, showed, hollie, tape recorder t.v., hollie showed, popes picture, thats, pontiff, riding, black horse, angry, stomps foot, hollie snaps fingers, shows, popes picture, hollie, showed, turn, agin with just hand, its amber colored, hollie screamed, showed, go, website, says, post some more visions, hollie, said, thats, post angel, with, the, uhleave it alone, sound, said, hollie, sorry, she, said, thats, horse sound, said, hollie, thats, showed, hollie, your, chariot, agin, she, said, its new world order, showed, hollie, pulled by angry, red and black horses, with, the, pope and hu, hollie, inside, sees putin, with, three ribs, in, mouth, and, who, are, these, hollie showed, its, wole soyinka, also known as, its, showed, hollie, Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka, thats Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka being asked by the nigerian government, hey why did you steal ministry of dreams, it was Laurie Behncke said Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka, put it under, said, hollie, thats Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka removing what he stole the God spoke ministry of dreams, like his Laurie Behncke, both steal, said, hollie, and who are these, said, putin, its, said, hollie, nicaragua, thats missile striking nicaragua, exploded, missiles left their waters, hollie points, america burned, in, gulf coast states, missiles left u.s.a., strike venezuela, brazil, thats nuclear fires in both, thats rockets leaving their waters striking america, burned, theres cuba, its, uh rib, said, hollie, thats, three nuclear fires, in cuba, and, rockets, left, their, waters, striking, america, exploded, rockets leave america striking mexico, thats nuclear fires along coast, hollie places in latin america, Jesus looks at, world, thats, nuclear, n.a.t.o. countries exploding, theres missiles from all, striking, russia, exploded, bobby, he wont let me, said, moon, smoke rises, o said, its ship, said, hollie, showed, its m.v. wilhelm gustloff hollie said, thats three torpedoes sinking, ship waits on bottom of sea, hollie visits in her submarine, o, said, ship, hollie, claps, thats, the, vision, said, hollie, its wilhelm gustloff ship showing, popes picture, tell me about the m.s. wilhelm gustloff said, hollie, thats the ship, happy, its hilters super ship, hollie showed, ship, thats, many hollies building, its over, 600 feet long, said, Jesus, hollie pulled ship, hollie, dressed like captain, shows with big hand, thats many hollies busting ship, hollie showed, its hard work, dangerous, starfighter, said, hollie, tell me, about the starfighter, said, hollie, hollie showed, missile plane, f-104 starfighter, want more visions said, hollie, tap dancing, want more visions, she said, hollie, flys upside down it, hollie showed, its, starfighter, sees old world war two plane, passing underneath, flown by hollie with white things wrapped around kneck, thats many old planes going out to defend america, they bomb ships, thats, hollie riding the red rocket, taiwan exploded, thats, hu, hintao, battling washington state, with sword, o.k. i'll handle it, said, barack obama, types, thats captain, hollie surfacing in three ohio class submarines, missiles flying, china, exploded, they, shower, said, hollie, thats, putin, and medvedev, looking at, each other, if you do, said, vladimir, medvedev presses nuclear button, thats world, many countries exploding, when you gonna give me that, book, said, hollie, and, hollie, shows, book, ministry of dreams, Jesus, speaks, call it, ministry of dreams, why, do, you, steal, said, hollie, I wanted to ruin, said, jeremy taylor, d.min, thats rev. jeremy taylor giving his wife kathryn taylor website, both witchs, hollie screamed, again, hollie plays music, you did not want me no more, hollie said, that is, MYSTERY, BABYLON right there, said, hollie, it appeared, she said, its, america, hollie posts, on, computer, thats, blue thing coming out, looking at, hollie, sh, said, hollie, its, ministering spirit, thats, the, pope, said, pointed hollie, blew horn, scroll down, hollie like, bear, on, showed, fighting, head hid, thats the king of grecia, with, ram horns, its pope, said, hollie, showed lay down, thats ram with putins face, out of, its horns, said, hollie, showed, lay down, theres hu hintao, out of one, thats, putin, medvedev and pope out of other, there you have it showed, hollie, showed, sleep, Jesus dances dressed like king, thats hollie like vampire, its at, said, hollie, showed, danville apostolic church, with, yellow hand, hollie showed, its, don clowers book, Gods seven laws of increase, bob loves, thats, hollie looking at Jesus, Jesus shaking yes to hollie, hollie opens hands, thats popes picture, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, kneeling before pope, thats don clowers looking at visions, hi, said, hollie, I love that book, she, said,
(47)china will invade russia-vision received 2-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: china is, going to, attack, and, make, hurry, russia, lead, the, the way to, the invasion of israel, and that is, the, battle of, armageddon.
(48)north korea flexes it's muscle-vision recieved 3-8-005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: north korea, launched, missile's, in, test, today, flexing, thier, they, have, df-31, from, china, and, america, knows, put it under, they will be, part of, magog, with, china, and, the south, korea, and, japan.
(49)china explodes-visions recieved 11-10-2006-in visions, I saw china, and like a circle in possibly near the middle, with like little red stars, and that area exploded like into the atmosphere. I saw hollie waving, and I saw the words, ohio class subs. We need bob here said hu hintao with kenneth haneys voice.
prophecy for now, age of dreams, end times ministries
(1)You -vision received 1-12-2005-as I said the above, I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "that's right".
(2)age of dreams-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw wome words like this "age of dreams". That may be one of the names of the next page tached onto this website and it is the "age of dreams".
(3)just a witness for Jesus-vision received 1-20-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with graying brown hair and beard and HE said, "your My only witness".
(4)why do you love the Lord-visions received 1-2005-while praying, Jesus gave me two visions. In one I said something like, "reason I love the Lord". I'm kind of sure that's not word for word, but, I will say a man with brown hair quickly appeared to me in a vision and wanted an answer. Jesus is really all I have. He has stood by me, provided for me, worked amazingly thru me, healed me, came inside me, etc.
(4)revelation-visions received 1-20-2005-in two visions I saw this woman and she said, "I want candy" and "explosion".
(5)the truth is hidden to them that are lost-visions received 1-20-2005-in two visions I saw this apostolic pentecostal woman I witnessed to and she said, "I don't see it", "it does'nt matter". It does matter.
(6)revelations of a mechanic-vision received 1-20-2005-I stopped in this repair shop and one thing I asked was how much it would cost to replace my timing belt. There were two men there. One was putting together the price and the other was throwing in things that most likely did not need to be changed like tensioner that tightens the belt, etc. and I'm going by memory. I more or less told them just the timing belt. I've had many chrysler 2.2 engines and had timing belts replace and have never that I know of replaced the tensioner, sprockets, etc. It is possible that gaskets in the power steering pump might need to be replaced when doing that, but, I'm not sure. Anyway I asked Jesus why he tached those on, did he think that I was dumb, did he think that I was stupid, and I beleive I saw the man who was throwing in the additions and he said, "both". My feeling's aren't hurt. I think it's funny. Pray about where to have your car fixed.
(7)use url redirect-vision received 1-22-2005-my main website has disappeard. The Lord Jesus showed me in a vision to use u.r.l. redirect on my geocities site, which in now my main site.
(8)sinned-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I sinned".
(9)lost-visions received 1-21-2005-in visions I saw the security guard and he said: "I'm lost", and something like: "we don't want you here".
(10)every WORD which proceedeth out of the mouth of God is TRUTH-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "truth" and I heard: "the truth". I just saw a man with brown hair in a vision and He said: "that's right".
(11)alway's expecting-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision, I saw me and I said: "I expect".
(12)wanting things-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said: "I want material".
(13)wanting me-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision I saw a man and he said: "I'll get him". I believe this was a security guard and it was referring to me.
(14)not able-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision, I saw somebody and what was said was: "he'll not be able to".
(14b)calling for the end-vision recieved 4-6-2004-I was calling for the end, and I saw a man in a vision that had blue eyes and white skin and hair, and He said, "don't say that".
(15)shoes-vision recieved 4-6-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "shoes". I need to buy some nice ones.
(16)are you watching for Jesus-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said: "look for Jesus".
(17)it'll be to late someday-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman's face and she screamed at the top of her lungs: "O'h my God".
(18)If Jesus does not plant you, somebody else did-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a pastor and he said: "we'll establish you".
(19)interview with Jesus-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with curly brown hair and maybe beard and He said: "I want to be interviewed, don't you?"
(20)people usally know the one's who live for Jesus from the one's who don't-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision, I saw this security guard and he said: "You can tell he know's". In another vision he said something like: "we need your smile"
(21)people want God to bless them, God made us to serve Him-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision, I saw this young woman and she said: "bless me God".
(22)a touch angry-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision I saw a man and he said: "I'm mad at you". In another vision he said something like: "You hang around me", and also something like: "your getting me in trouble".
(23)hated by the devil-vision received 1-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a like white female spirit and she said: "the devil hate's you".
(24)I can't help it if the testimony Jesus has given me insult's people-vision recieved 1-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "don't insult me".
(25)prophetic ministry ministries of ministryofdreams-vision received 1-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the name: "prophetic ministry ministries of ministryofdreams". Which is the name of my ministry that disappeared on about friday, but, is now back. I asked Jesus what was wrong a few days ago give or take, and I saw a man in a vision with brown hair and He said "nothing". In a vision this morning, I clicked on to the website and it came back up. Later, I went to the computer and it is back up. Thank Jesus for victory!
(26)list of name's-vision received 1-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a list of name's on like a page and one of the name's was: "Ted Christ".
(27)tremendous-vision received 1-24-2005-in this vision, I saw me writing the word "tremendous". There were vision or visions before explaining, but, I don't think I wrote them down.
(28)what you do when you are led by the Holy Ghost is your ministry in the body of Christ-vision received 1-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the "ministry" in like the search box of google.
(29)Jesus Christ need's you for service for Him-vision received 1-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the word's "we need" on like a webpage maybe at the top.
(30)Jesus is alway's right-visions received 1-24-2005-in a vision, I saw this young woman and she said, "he's wrong". In other visions she said, "stay away from me", "your hated". In one she called me a liar.
(31)vision of a man-vision received 1-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the face of a man who had long hair. I've seen lucifer before, and this looked exactly like him.
(32)joseph smith-vision received 1-24-2005-I asked Jesus where joseph smith who started the "mormon's" is now. I beleive this is also call "Jesus Christ Church of the latter day saints". I quickly saw a man whom I thought was joseph smith and he said "hell".
(33)witnessing-vision received 1-24-2005-while witnessing to a young man, I saw him in a vision and he said, "he's wrong". I saw a man with brown hair in a vision and HE said, "tell him". I saw that young man in many more visions, most if not all received 1-25-2005, and he said things like, "I lied", "I'm the devil", "thank you Jesus", (this was after a powerful yoke breaking testimony), etc.
(34)if you put something before Jesus, that's you God-visions received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I saw a young man and he said, "why I'm not saved", and I asked Jesus about this, and I saw a woman with brown hair and she said, "me".
(34)Jesus showing me how He wants these webpages-vision received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "link" and I heard "great link". This is where the title of the link should be, and it is the link to my main website on most if not all these pages.
(35)Terri Schiavo-vision received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman who I thought was terri schiavo and she said, "went to hell". I wrote down what was said, but, am not 100% sure it was her, it may have been someone else, but, as I was typing that, I saw terri shiavo in a vision and she said, "I'm lost".
(36)remember-vision received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I saw like a webspawner webpage and the title of the page was "Remember". I'm going by memory on that. In another vision, I saw the word's "REM". I may have been writing down "remember".
(37)posting visions is enough-vision received 1-25-2005-I was taching scripture's on lot's of vision's and the stopper got put on that, and I inquired to Jesus. In a vision, I saw the webshell like I'm on now, where you add tet to the page's and I saw a vision and it was like it lit up and I heard something like this, "that is fine".
(38)kneel before Jesus-vision received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I saw a webpage and it may have scrolled down and I seemed to focus on the last word on the page and that word was "kneel".
(39)possible trouble-vision received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I saw somebody and they said something like "somebody said something".
(40)david wilkerson-visions received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I believe I saw the word "WILKERSON" and it was the color of blood, then I saw a man who looked exactly like david wilkerson in a vision and he said "went to hell".
(41)nuclear expansion-vision received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I beeive I saw the word's, "NUCLEAR EXPANSION". In another vision, I saw a man who looked like vladimir putin and he said, "don't trust me".
(41)THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-vision received 1-2004-I used to mainly call this book in the bible "ACTS". THE NAME IS THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. ON THE PAGES OF THE book in the top, "THE ACTS" is there instead of just "ACTS". I've been doing some changing. THANK YOU JESUS for showing me.
(42)how many nuclear weapons does russia have deployed-vision received 1-25-2005-I asked Jesus how many nuclear weapons russia had deployed and I saw a man in a vision that looked like putin and he said "2567". It may have been "2557". I did not write it down quick enough, but, I believe it was "2567". I saw president bush in a vision and he said "that's what we need'. I'd say that I need to have the vision one more time for verification.
(43)warn people-In this vision, I saw dumitru duduman in a vision and he said "warn people".
(44)will Jesus do something for me-vision received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I saw like a female spirit and she said "HE will".
(44)India's nuclear stockepile-vision received 1-25-2005-I asked Jesus how many nuclear weapons India had and I saw the former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, and he said "30". I need to have a second vision for verification purpose's.
(45)how many nuclear missile's does china have-visions received late 2004 or early 2005-I asked Jesus something like, "how many nuclear missile's does china have that are capable of hitting the U.S. I saw the president of china in visions and he gave me number's. I'm not sure I remember the exact number right now. It seem's like it was in the 60's give or take. I'll ask Jesus to show me again.
(46)there are two baptism's yopu are required to have-vision received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "is this water baptism?". You are required to be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ, and you are required to be baptized with the Holy Ghost.
(47)word's-vision received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I thought I saw the words "company does". I definately remember the word "company".
(48)do you listen to the WORD OF GOD and obey-visions received 1-25-2005-in one vision, I saw a man with brown hair and He was sitting with his fingers in his ear's. In the next vision, I saw a young girl and she said, "I won't hear".
(49)I have to delete all email 4 now-vision received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard "delete".
(50)KOREA-vision received 1-25-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "KOREA".
(51)what's on my website from Jesus is true-vision received 1-26-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "it's true". I saw her in another vision and she said something like, "stay away from me".
(52)ask everything according to God's will-vision received 1-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with dark hair and I beleive beard, and His eye's were dark, like there was nothing there but darkness and His skin was a little dark to. He said, "watch what you ask ME".
(53)powewrful testimony-vision received 1-26-2005-in this vision, I saw this man and he said, "you give me goose bumps".
(54)prophet-vision received 1-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "your a prophet".
(54)called a liar-vision received 1-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "that liar".
(55)it's o.k.-visions received 1-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a black woman and she said, "I'mn latoya", and in the next vision, I saw her and she said, "it's all right".
(56)THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-vision received 1-2004-I used to mainly call this book in the bible "ACTS". THE NAME IS THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. ON THE PAGES OF THE book in the top, "THE ACTS" is there instead of just "ACTS". I've been doing some changing. THANK YOU JESUS for showing me.
(57)speedway gas station-vision received 1-26-2005-in this vision, I saw like "SPEEDWAY" and heard, "go to speedway", which is a gas station.
(58)being mocked-visions received 1-26-2005-in one vision, I saw a man and he said, "tell me something". In another vision, I saw him and he said, "I laughed".
(59)being laughed at-visions received 1-26-2005-in one vision, I saw a man and he said, "tell me something", "I laughed", "just siphon".
(60)endure your test's-visions received 1-26-2005-in visions, I saw this young woman and she said, "let me mess with you", "I'm a trap".
(61)no security-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw the word's, "NO SECURITY".
(61)assassination-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw the president of a nation and he said, "shot me".
(62)prophet-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "there's the prophet".
(63)bomb iraq-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw the word's, "bomb Iraq".
(64)elijah-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard, and His eye's were just darkness and HE said, "elijah".
(65)saddam hussein-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw saddam hussein and he said, "untie me".
(66)america must be running out of oil-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "were about out of oil". I also heard this, "he want's money".
(67)THE Revelation-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw the word's, "The Revelation".
(68)Prophecies and REVELATIONS-visions received 1-27-2005-in visions I saw the words, "Prophecies", and I also may have seen, "REVELATIONS".
(69)john McCain-vision recieved 1-27-2005-in the first vision, I heard and or saw, "John McCain", and I asked question's about John McCain, and I saw senator John McCain in a vision and he said, "let bush win".
(70)John Kerry may have won if-visions received 1-27-2005-in a vision, I saw john kerry and was made aware that he would have won with the word's that were spoke that I did not write down, and I asked why he did not win, and I saw russian president putin in a vision and he said something like, "us".
(71)won's hear-vision received 1-27-2005-I just witnessed to a man at the gas station and as I left I saw him in a vision and he let me know he won't hear".
(72)prayer is protecting me-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, a young lady let me know prayer is keeping the police from taking me. Praise Jesus!
(73)young man staring-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw a young man looking right at me. He looked very serious.
(74)I asked Jesus how president bush feel's about america-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "hate it".
(75)don't follow people-visions received 1-27-2005-in visions, I saw a woman and she said, "worship me", "die for me".
(76)what would iran's response be to an america attack-vision received 1-27-2005-I asked Jesus about iranian president khatami's promise for an "astonishing" response to an american attack, and in two visions, I saw different people and I beleive khatami was one and it was revealed to me that those are just "word". I did not write down what khatami said, but it was something like, "those are just word's".
(77)america's drive for oil-visions received 1-27-2005-in visions, I saw a young woman and she said, "gasoline", and in the next one, I believe I saw president bush and he said, "were taking it all".
(78)sylvester stallone-vision received 1-27-2005-in a vision, I saw sylvester stallone and he said, 'going to hell'.
(79)iran-visions received 1-27-2005-in visions, like a drawing or coloring of a young woman and she said, "iran", "take iran". I asked Jesus the real reason america would attack iran if they do, and I saw president bush in a vision and he said, 'it's oil'.
(80)revelation of a woman-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "sodomy".
(81)visions of a woman-visions received 1-27-2005-in visions, I saw this woman and she said thing's like, "let's have lunch, "I want a man", "don't want no kid's", "I'm gay", "I'll give you a free place to live", "I'll embarrass ya", etc.
(82)ministryofdreams-visions received 1-27-2005-after witnessing to a man, I saw him in a vision and he said something like, "say something", and I witnessed again and invited him to visit "ministryofdreams". I later saw him in another vision and he said, "ministryofdreams".
(83)witness-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, 'witness'.
(84)hated-visions received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that work's for a ministry and he said, "bob, I hate you". I saw a woman in a vision that looked like his wife and she said, "were witch's".
(85)dumitru duduman-vision received 1-28-2005-I was asking Jesus what He thought about this ministry, and I saw a man who looked just like dumitru duduman in a vision and he said, "there in trouble".
(86)truth can hurt-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, this hurt's".
(87)Jesus require's me to delete e-mail-visions received 1-27 and 28-2005-in both visions, I saw the word "delete" and heard it spoken.
(88)witchcraft-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a plastic bottle similar to a lucas oil bottle and I could only make out one word on the back where maybe the dirction's would be, and that one word was "witchcraft". I may have been praying about a ministry.
(89)dentist-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard, "dentist".
(90)JEREMIAH 16-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw the number, "16". JEREMIAH 16 talks about many things, but, some are, he was told that he was not going to get a wife, he was told not to fest with them, he was told that judgment is coming to the land, and we are facing the same thing.
(91)start-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard, "start".
(92)everything's together-vision received 1-28-2005-while praying, I heard, "everything's together". Then I saw in a vision me writing it down, but, I never completely got it wrote down.
(92)cancel preferences-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw the word's, "cancel preferences".
(93)let's-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "let's".
(94)devil-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a young man I witnessed to and he said, "I'm the devil".
(95)mistake-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I made a mistake this time".
(96)THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw "ACTS". I could not make out anymore because it may have been blocked.
(97)don't faint-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I can't take it".
(98)pray until something happens-vision received 1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and HE said, "push".
(99)terroist attack-visions received 1-28-2005-I was asking Jesus about the vision Michael Boldea was given, and about 3 time's give or take, I saw people and or heard something like, "terroist attack".
(100)fish aquarium clear again-vision received 1-2005-in this vision, I saw a fish aquarium that right now has filthy water, and it was clear again.
(101)never under estimate the power of God-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision while praying, I saw these words, "power of Jesus".
(102)much prayer-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw michael boldea, and he said, "let's pray". Alway's good council! Remember, press to when you pray. God has already showed me in a vision that there is a man out there that needs to press more, and, my guess is that he will read this vision. I just saw him in another vision and he said, "I'll read it". He had dark hair.
(103)my proof is the king james bible-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "prove it".
(104)corvette-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw the salesman and he said, "you can't have this car".
(105)praying in the Holy Ghost-vision received 1-31-2005-while lying in bed praying, I saw me in a vision praying in tongues, and when I came out, the yoke was broke, and even beleive I heard some word's that verified this.
(106)"thru the fire without burning" book by dumitru duduman-vision received 1-31-2005-I was driving basically around lapping a certain area waiting on a parking space to open up, and finally went and parked. While I was parked, one thing I did was started to read thru the book that dumitru duduman wrote, "thru the fire without burning". I was reading the chapter where Jesus miraculously put michael boldea and virginia duduman together. Something amazed me. I they became michael and virginia boldea on I think the very same day dumitru duduman died, only 23 years earlier. If that is fact, that day may be an emotional one for them. I just saw an angel face in a vision and He said, "it is".
(107)testimony can jurt feeling's-vision received 2-10-2005-in this vision, I saw a man I witnessed to and he said, got my feeling's hurt".
(108)wondering if I have feelings-vision recieved 2-10-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby got feeling's".
(109)not-vision received 2-10-2005-in a vision, I saw a woman and she said, "no thank's".
(110)the door opens-vision received 2-10-2005-in this vision, I'm i a dark room and a door starts to open in front of me. There is much light coming from behind the door.
(111)judgment to u.s.a.-vision received 2010-2005-in this vision, I saw part a file manager page or part of a the website page you can add to, and the link I was looking at was, "favorite_links", which may or may not had a html on it. This is my judgment to united states page on my freeservers site.
(112)left Jesus-vision received 2-10-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I didn't stay".
(113)jeff rense-vision received 2-10-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard, "rense". The Lord will not let me go on his radio show, and he has not offered.
(114)Don't-vision received 2-10-2005-in this vision, I saw like a paragraph, and the first word on it was, "Don't".
(115)deadly signs-visions received 2-10-2005-in this vision, I saw like a webpage, and at the bottom to the left was a very small paragraph in red letters, and part ot it said soemthing like, "I saw deadly signs". It happened so quick, that I pressed Jesus to show me it again. I later saw a little girl who appears to me in visions and she said, "I saw deadly signs". I saw this little girl in another vision and she said, "I like fish", and if this is the vision I'm thinking of, I became suspicious, and I asked her something like, "who are you", and she ran away, vision ended.
(116)perishing-vision received 2-10-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with dark hair and he said something like, "we perish".
(117)My time-vision received 2-10-2005-while sitting at the computer, I saw a man with brown hair and beard, and He said something like, "it's My time".
(118)went to hell-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "went to hell".
(119)chat room-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard, "chat room". There was a roome there.
(120)end time-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "the end time".
(121)waiting-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, many things happen, but, it ends with me saying, "I had to wait on you guys".
(122)davenport-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "davenport".
(123)711-visions received 2-17-2005-in these visions, I saw, "711". THere may have been more there.
(124)didn't make it-visions received 2-17-2005-in a vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I don't think your dad", and I asked about this, and I heard, "made it". I may have seen her in the last one as well.
(125)nuke-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "nuke".
(126)russia-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "russia". There may have been more there.
(127)help-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "please help me". I was given anoterh similar vision.
(128)show it-visions received 2-17-2005-in visions, I saw a woman and she said, "show it to me", "show it".
(129)tear up newsletter-vision recieved 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw me tearing up a newletter while it was still in an unopened envelope. It was the hand of help ministries newsletter. I was made aware of that, and could partially see the newsletter from the rip i the envelope.
(130)balck man-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a all black man standing. He was dressed in pure black garments that looked almost like darth vaders clothes. I could not see his face because I don't know if he had one. I believe he had a black hood on his head.
(131)illuminati-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I'm with the man who did most of the preaching at the church I used to go to and one thing he said was something like, "if you want to know about the illuminati, you have to talk to the guy who made it up". He finished the sentence with or added or told me something like, "stan johnson at the prophecy club". I also heard this, "he's making it up". I saw the word, "stan" in a vision.
(132)cursed God-vision received 2-16-2005-I witness to a young man of about 20, and I saw him in a vision and he cursed God.
(134)MINISTRYOFDREAMS-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw one of my websites, "MINISTRYOFDREAMS".
(135)troubled-vision received 2-17-2005-I read in the news how the president bush wants to send the palestinians about 350,000,000 bucks give or take and was wondering why he was doing that. I saw president bush in a vision and he said, "I'm fooled".
(136)hair-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw this dude wearing a black harley davidson like shirt, and one thing that was written on it was, "hair".
(137)my answer may be no-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision while praying about something, I saw the word, "no" flash.
(138)michael jackson-visions received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw michael jackson and I saw and heard the word, "admitted". I asked what will happen and I saw him again and he said, "let out".
(139) received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw the url to my main website, ""
(140)visiting church-visions received 2-17-2005-in visions, I saw a pastor whose church I visited last night and I told some visions including fallen church visions, and he said in the vision, "stop putting us down". I also saw him say in another vision or saw him and heard, "an adversary".
(141)damaged nuclear reactor-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I heard, "bomb that", and I saw a damaged nuclear reactor.
(142)press when you pray-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your pressing".
(143)seeking-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "seeking".
(144)grape juice-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a bottle of grape juice. I remember seeing, "%100" on the bottle.
(145)danger-visions received 2-17-2005-in the first vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm in danger", and in the next, I saw her and she said, "can't find".
(146)deep-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "now this is deep".
(147)earthquake coming-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard, "earthquake".
(148)last night-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "last night".
(149)name-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "name". I don't think my full name is on any of my main websites, if not any at all period. I don't have my picture on either.
(150)end time-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "end time".
(151)plot-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "plot". I believe it was part of a sentence or something, that I may have been praying.
(152)what was Jesus writing on the ground vision recieved 2-21-2005-I was reading in the bible where people brought a woman that was caught in adultery to Him, and asked Jesus a question, and Jesus stooped and wrote something on the ground. I saw a man with I believe graying brown curlt hair and beard in a vision and he said something like, "let". I was asking Jesus along time ago what HE wrote on the ground, and I don't know if I ever recorded what was revealed, but, going by memory, it seems like I was told, "letting". If you read in the bible, Jesus wrote on the ground twice. Let mens "hinder". THese men were aboviously not ready to go to heaven, and may have tried to hinder a woman from going as well. I bleive He wrote, "let", and maybe "letting". I will ask Him again about this.
(153)don't steal-vision received 2-21-2005-in a vision, I saw some words, and I believe these are the words, "please-do not steal".
(154)laughed-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "we laughed".
(155)PAST-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "PAST".
(156)water-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw my grandpa who died long ago, and he said, "water".
(157)lusting-vision received 3-3-2005-I witnessed to 3 young ladys, and I saw one of them in a vision and she said, "I'm lusting".
(158)visions of a woman-visions received 3-4-2005-in visions, I saw a woman that I witnessed to and she said things like, "I'm the devil", "sin", "cut me off".
(159)henry gruver-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw henry gruver and he said, "you devil". I asked why, and I saw him in another vision and he said, 'cause your trouble'.
(160)stanislav lunev-visions received 3-4-2005-I read some or all of an article where stanislav lunev warned president bush of dangers, and I saw stanislav lunev in a vision and he said, "yea, I did". I wondered what president bush did with the advice, and I saw president bush in a vision and he said, "nothing".
(161)does russia have weapons in other countries-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in a vision, I saw vladimir putin and he said, 'yea, we do'.
(162)hated-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bob, I hate you".
(163)sunday night service-visions received 3-4-2005-in visions, I saw a pastor and he said things like, "how about 6".
(164)pastor-visions recieved 3-4-2005-in visions, I saw one or more pastors and here are some of the things said, "yes I do", "cut off", "give talk"(Jesus gave me another vision and here is what I heard, "turn it down").
(165)terrorists in america-visions recieved 3-4-2005-in visions, I saw president bush and he said things like, "terroists in the united states", "satan".
(166)persmission to witness-vision received 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, 'give me your word'.
(167)her thoughts-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I felt like I was at a church inside, and a woman quickly comes to me and says, "let me tell you something".
(168)have you left Jesus-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw these words, "departed from Jesus years ago".
(169)area-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "area".
(170)jeff nyquist-vision received 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw jeff nyquist and he said, "I need money".
(171)halliburton party-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw vice president dick cheney and I heard this, "the haliburton party".
(172)ariel sharon-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw ariel sharon and he said, 'satan'.
(173)you can do something that can destroy you-vision received 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "lethal".
(174)politburo-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "politburo". In other visions, I saw, "ten horns", "ten kings". If you read in REVELATION 17, there are 10 kings that have received no kingdom, but, power as kings for one hour. Politburo was the ruling party of the soviet union and they were made up of ten kings.
(175)Christianity-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "Christianity".
(176)dentist-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "dentist".
(177)the narrow way-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I'm going to like a baseball game in an arena. To get in, I have to go thru this tunnel. In the tunnel, I find that I'm crawling because it is narrow, and I reached the point where I could go know further, so I had to go back.
(178)gene schmidt-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw gene schmidt of hand of help and he said something like, "I want you to make it right". Back toward the last of 1999, I felt the leading way in advance, and I knew Jesus was dealing with me about visiting hand of help in watertown, wi. I did, and was stunned. I believe I thought in my heart that I would find Jesus there. Gene was very nice to me, and I liked him. Gene took me to his church, which was a house church and the pastors name was ken. I was praying and pressing hard like the bible commands, and ken comes over and stops me and shakes my hand. In the service, pastor ken was suggesting that I just jumped in my car, and went to watertown, which was not the case at all. I saw pastor ken in a vision and he said soemthing like, "I ran him out of there". I told gene as we leaving, that I did not feel God there, and I didn't. Not one bit. I told this to Gene because I cared for him, and I think this hurt him or offended him, which was not my intention. I did here a voice say, "don't tell". I should have listened. Gene let me stay in his house that night, and the Lord Jesus spoke to me late in the night, and I forget what He said, but, He let me know to get out there quick, and I did. I saw more than enough. I've made many appologies that I don't even know if I owed. The morrow of the story is, if You can't find Jesus at home, or where you are, don't think you will go somewhere else and find Him. Jesus is here, just like He is there. I had Jesus, and like the apostle Paul, desire to impart a Spiritual gift, but, the people have to want it.
(179)is he referring to me-visions received 3-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a black man with a very deep voice and he said, "that it", "he didn't wait his turn". In another he said something like, "go witness".
(180)what is God-vision received 3-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "LOVE". The bible says that God is love", and the bible says that God is a SPIRIT, So, love is God, and God is a Spirit, and Jesus Christ is the expressed image of the One true God, whose name is Jesus.
(181)wish-vision received 3-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "have your wish".
(182)mine websites are TRUTH-vision received 3-24-2005-I saw a young man that told me he visited my website in a vision and he said, "that's true".
(183)save people Jesus-vision received 3-24-2005-while praying, I was asking Jesus to save people, and when I said this, I saw a man in a vision and HE said, "save'em please".
(184)THY WORD-vision received 3-24-2005-while I was praying, I saw a man in a vision, and He said, "THY WORD". I was praying something possibly similar.
(185)not but's-vision received 3-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a keyboard and It's like I saw the letters, "but", on the keyboard go down like someone typed them one at a time".
(186)witness-visions received 4-5-2005-in a vision, I saw a Man and He said, "go witness". I asked Jesus where to start, and I heard, "start at the university", and I saw the word, "university", in a vision.
(186)come wednesday-visions received 4-5-2005-in visions, I saw a man whom I felt is pastor of a church, and he said things like, "come wednesday", "come right here", "you going to be rejected". I saw a woman that goes there and she said, "come and testify", in a vision. I don't know if Jesus is going to let me go or not. I have already witnessed to that pastor. I saw him in a vision and he said, "I heard".
(187)will see-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "you will see".
(188)against Jesus-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "against Him". Maybe she meant me.
(189)be careful-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "bob, you got to be careful".
(190)scream of the doomed-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the withe face a young woman that it appears Jesus is doing mighty things thru and she is very young, and she was screaming.
(191)what one wonders about me-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw this man and he said, "is bobby reprobate". Him and I went to the same church for a long time.
(192)hell-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the pope, and he was old and feeble and he said, "I'm in hell". In a vision the other day, Jesus may have shown me a news website and the pope's death was one of the topics, and I was clearly told to leave them alone. I don't remember the exact words, something like, "stop looking".
(193)my crown-vision received 4-14-2005-In this vision I saw a hand put like a crown on me and the scene may have ended with a burst of fire or lightning. I believe Jesus was the One putting it on.
(726)the end is near-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said something like kristina fox and she said, the end is near, and keri said, michelle, I saw you backslide, and marry, ______, bob, and dorein said, and he won't, and kristina fox said, cause he's stayin, website, is oepen, there's are answer, Jesus, save, and hollie said, me.
(727)Jesus saves-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said something like hdorein and she said, dorein, and kristina said, there's are answer, escape clause, and dorein said, prophet ________, and jackie said, give it to sissy, close the webiste, and pastor simison said, no escape clause, and alice cooper said, go to webspawner and post about hillary clinton, and simison said, or do it here.
(728)hillary clinton-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said something like senator hillary clinton and she said, om hillary, and on the next woman, president, of, amerirussia, and kristina said, blaspheme, and hillary saiod o my God, stay away from me, and dorein said, i'll push, trap him, and hillary said, trapped, and dorein said, website, is, and maybe hillary and dorein a
(729)the new national i.d. card will allow russia to shut the computers in america down-vision received 10-10-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like, this president, and that was upci pastor simison, and this president said, the new licence, and simion said, russia, and this president said, will, give new licence, and simison said, russia will attack, computer, and this president maybe its the licence, and simison who pastors the the Bible Church said, thats it, and stephen hanson and pastor simison said, that will allow russia to get into the computers, and simison said, an shut, them, good night, repent, and this president said, return, they'll shut the and maybe the wheel chair man said, computer down, and this president said, from the licence, how, and this president said, I don't remember, and pastor simison said, new licence is computer chip, and this president said, bush, thats it.
(730)Kimber Kauffman and the new national i.d. card will allow russia to shut the computers in america down-vision received 10-10-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like, college park baptist pastor Kimber Kauffman and he said, kimber, repent, he's out, and simison said, prophet, and kimber said, likes you, take the website out, and simison prophet will, and pastor simison said, mt. zion baptist Church, and I saw a black man and he said, I'm damon love, I'm out, and that was pastor david scott, leave indianapolis, he's not a Christian, oak park baptist Church, is, and pastor simison said, closed, I'm pastor m. s. mcKinney, and i'm, cut, and simison said, off, and mckinney said, apostolic Church, and pastor mckinney said, apostolic, and I saw me and I said, backslided, tell me, and pastor simison said, to take, a, hike, blaspheme, won't get it, witness, said, kristina said, I rebuke you devil, enuch, e, n, u, c, h, thats all, and simison said, count me, and kristina said, thats all, when you blaspheme Jesus, and simison said, you, and I said, you blaspheme, and simison said, good for ya, and I said, no respect, and simison said, thats the devil, and this president said, let us stand, thats what I want, leave here, right now, and simison said, out the door, and I said, out, I'm, cut open, out, I, and simison said, did what, and this preisdent said, national i.d. card, and simison said, will, and putin said, invite russia, and this president said, on are program, and simison said, witness needs to go home, and this president said.
(731)what will be on the death certificate of this president -vision recieved 10-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, I'll be assassinated, on my death certificate, I killed in iraq, I killed in in iran, I didn't do what the Lord told me to do, bush.
(732)terrorism and the russian's-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, russia's going to attack america with terrorism, and pastor simison said, I don't see it, I'm blind, don't hold me up, bob will fix it, and I may have seen me and I said, on my death certificate, I didn't fix it, and pastor simison said, I'm puttin on a show.
(733)searching the reigns of the heard-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked dorein and she and a the reason is you might wanna think about what you say, because, you did, not, backslide, and simison said, this time, but, and kristina said, that was stephen, the room, backslided, country, will, fall, because, u.p., c.i., is, backslided, witness, will, use, escape clause, to, get, out, and hollie said, hallelujah, and simison said, off, witness, spoke, blasphemy, in, his, mouth, but, that, does, not, count, and hollie said, there's your answer, and simison said, witness, is, in, trouble, russia, will, and putin said, attack, and the president of north korea said, america, and dorein said, that was the president of north korea, simison said, witness, ashamed, to late now, and that was a maintenance man, and simison said, of, Je, sus, becuase, when, he, makes, a, show, in public, he's, open, for, the, Lord, but, he's, a, shamed, and hollie said, thats a warning, and simison said, witness I got one thing to say, and that is, deny yourself, and stephen hanson said, and follow Jesus, and thats all, it's control, witness, rebuked, his, self, and, thats, not, blaspheming the Holy Ghost, thats blaspheming himself, witness, is, clean, thats not sin, watch what you call yourself, backslided, your right, pride is of the devil, and thats not sin, witness is clean,
(734)pastor terry cannon-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked terry cannon and he said, won't you leave us alone, and dorein said, slipped, and simison said, witness is going to have to pay child support, if, if, if, if he sins, thanksgiven, hallelujah, and hollie said, thats true, and simison said, slip, go to your car, and terry said, don't bother us, we don't want Jesus, we want money, and he had pastor thomas simison's voice, and dorien said, and the reason is, no hollie, and dorein said, you might have to pay child support, if you, tell, anna, you would have, he's not, not, not, not, and that was hollie and she said, I ai'nt dorein, take it off, you want the answer, he's not, he's not, and simison said, go home and sleep with your fathers, witness is cold, and witness is me, witness is blaspheme, and hollie said, and witness is moodie.
(735)closed-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked pastor simison and he said, and witness is me and witness is closed, and he had stephen hanson's voice.
(736)testify of Jesus Church folks-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked pastor simison and he said, no go out and testify, of, and kristina fox said, Jesus.
(737)the mouth justifies or condemns when spoken-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, unspoken, and stephen hansen said, you spoke, nothing, but, got, a, whoopin, witness, is, witness, is, past the point, the point, of, no return, separate, embarras, and I said, russia, will, and stephen said, attack, ohio, state, versity, in the form of bobby knight, its called.
(738)what will be on my death death certificate-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said, on my death certificate, I'm apostolic.
(739)hollie-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, i'm wondering about bob, he's, he's, sex, maniac, don't forget, and stephen hanson said, he's fresh, he's middle, age, but, looks, like, he's, middle aged, don't, looks like, and hollie said, backslided, and stephen said, don't accept, nothin on hollie, and hollie said, witness, witness, issssssssssss, sexy, and I said, new ring, and he knows it, thats why, hollie, is, stephen said, adulterer, and hollie said, recipe, for deal, unspoken, is, not, sin, good day.
(740)debbie won't let jackie sleep-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, debbie, and sissy said, I got news for you, and I saw jackie and I heard debbie's voice say it, and hollie said, take me to lunch, and stephen said, unspoken, and I saw mike cunningham and I heard my voice say, backslided, and I saw barbara dearing and she said, now look, debbie, leave, jackie, alone, sissy, need, to different, and kristina said, stephen said that, and I said, om on my last stand, and barbara said, there's danger, unspoken, blaspheme, is, and simison said, not, forgiven, but, when, you, pay the, and hollie said, ransome, and simison said, I paid it, and anna said, chalstise.
(741)jackie slaving for debbie-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked maybe debbie and she said, jackie help me, I committed blaspheme, and the olsen twin or twins said, reapeat after me, I and that was simison, commit, blaspheme, and stephen said, against, against, hallalujiah, there's your answer, Jesus, when, I, close, and simison said, down, thats all.
(742)no religion in heaven-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like me, and I was holding up my finger, and I said something like, religion, and hollie said, no religion in heaven, and thats doing what, and anna finished and said, what you want, and hollie said, you said it, and stephen said, I don't understand.
(743)awesome-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked stephen hanson and he said, awesome.
(744)wanted-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked maybe hollie and he voice sounds like a swarm of bee's and she said something like, the indianapolis police department has an arrest warrant for the prophet.
(745)generation x destroying america-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, hollie, and she said, cum, thats what I want do, its up to you, return, you need a pastor, he's the devil, gary, is, and I saw, alice cooper like he looks on his, you can go to hell record, and he said, the, devil, and hollie said, and that was stephen hanson, to late, undecided, lets start, go to the next one, i'm hollie, and i'm moody, and stephen said, peter, thats what I want, this is it.
(746)stephen hanson-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked steven and he said, prophet shows, turn, its a trap, called ministryofdreams.trap, witness is laughing, and he said, it with simisons voice or turned into simison.
(747)who is your Lord-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked kristina and she said, now raise your hands up and repeat after me, and stephen hanson said, who do you confess, and hollie said, no raise your hand up and repeat after me, your a backslider, is bobby getting old
(748)politburo-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked pastor thomas e. simison who is an apostolic pentecostal preacher upci, and he said, politburo, is, russia, checkosylvania, and putin said, russia, ru, and hollie said, ssia, and putin said, politburo, is, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, whats that, thats right, its, its, its, its, its, its, it, it, it, it, it, and stephen hanson said, it, it, it, it, is, and putin may have said that last is, and he said, is, russia, is politburo, and dorein said, thats steven hanson, and steve said, git up bobby, thats, ten, king, and simison said, king, king, gs, that, shall, and stephen said, wait, keep talking, and simison said, good night, witness is proud, witness is bob, witness is slow, witness is me, bob is crazy for Jesus, but, Jesus is crazy for the world, thats the end, politburo, politburo, politburo, politburo, politburo, and putin said, isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss and he shouted, russia!!!!!!, ten kings that shall arise out of russia, and hollie said, and I saw a beast that had, and simison said, how did I blaspheme, russia, beast, stop, and maybe putin with stephen hansons voice said, more to be revealed later, and simison said, the united states, and putin said, issssssssssss, and putin or hanson said, is the beast, don't sweat, there in the bible, and that was simison, politburo, is, website, you got fooled, and stephen said, you got the money, we'll see, politburo, isssssssssssss, lets face, you already know, and putin said, russia, is, polit, buro, russia, is, the , the, gigantic, nation, that, rules, over, many, nations, politburo, is, russia, checoslyvania, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and north korea president said, nicaragua, is, and putin said, is, russia, cuba is, and stephen hanson said, russia, checkoslyvokia, checkosylvania, is, and stepehn said, something wrong, checkoslyvania doesn't exist, and putin said, is russia, hollie said, checkoslyvania is checkorussia, and thats it, and checkoslyvania is, koran, and koran is, you want my answer, the ruling party in russia, and the ruling party in russia is checkoslyvania, the last time you post in this website is next summer, and next summer you will have to repent, and make up your mind on which side of the fence you will stay on, and russia isssssssssss, the new russia, and I heard a girls voice, I want backslide, Gods warning, you've had opportunity, bye, bye, we'll see, figure it out, God wants you off the computer, and on your knee's, if you close the website down, the website stays down, and russia is the beast with 7 heads and ten horns, and thats the end of bobby, go home, and sleep with your fathers, your done, close down the website, and thats the end of, however, since, witness didn't budge, hell with russia, shell, and stephen hanson said motor oil, is ok, but, quaker state, is, and hollie said, the beast, and stephen said, and shell is even close, havoline, and hollie said, isn't even close.
(749)to late-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, its to late now, and I saw terry cannon and he said, to late for me, to late for everybody in the united states, and hollie said, cause the united states will, and stephen will burn.
(750)hollie-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, its the end for hollie.
(751)Jesus can save-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, deliver, and debbie said, website, and hollie said, the computer, to, sissys house, and sissy said, I got waht I want
(752)backslider-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, your a backslider, and a man said, and I'm alice cooper and I'm the wheel chair man, and stephen hansen said, what do we have in common, ut o, the united states will, burn, russia, will cast, judgment, on america
(753)terroists attacks on america-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked stephen hasen and he said, terrorists attacks, and hollie sang, by, russia, hollie is fallen, hollie is fallen, your up, and the reason is, the website is open, and the prophet is closed, figures, to and stepehn said, attention.
(754)its a trap-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, bobbytrap, and I saw her read it and she laughed.
(755)these traps can help save you-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, bobbytraps, and stephen hansen go to JEREMIAH 16, and thats the picture, he knows, he knows, she knows, He knew it.
(756)russia will attack america-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked russian president and he said, russia will attack america.
(757)russia will attack usa-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked putin and he said, eventually we will attack korea, and stephen hansen I wonder who korea really is, and I saw putin and he said, russia, and stephen may have said more of that than he got crdit credit for.
(758)welfare in america going down-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked sissy and she said, no welfare, and stephen hanson said, we knew it.
(759)help hollie-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, and the Lord says, help hollie.
(760)ministryofdreams belgongs to Jesus Christ-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked stepehn hansen and he sang, get away from ministryofdreams, and he sang more, and hollie said, its finished.
(761)me-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, prophet ____, and putin said, russia going to attack, and hollie said, let it burn.
(762)ask Jesus-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, is bobby sick.
(763)spirit of the restroom-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, and he saw and kristina said, black spirit, and hollie said, he saw, and sissy said, he saw, and barbara dearing said, he saw it, and putin said, russia is, and hollie said, thats a secret.
(764)no excuses-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, excuse me.
(765)beauty is in the eyes of the beholder-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, I wonder if he's cute.
(766)the end is near-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, and thats the end for, and putin said, russia, and hollie said, russia, and jackie said, will attack russia.
(766)the blackbird sr-71-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, the blackbird, 71 and that was the wheel chair man and he said, i hate russia, and putin said, spy plane, bring it back, we can divorce, russia, shoot the plane down, we can wheel chair, you'll see.
(767)coffee-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked me and I said, it's coffee, and stephen hanson said, thats it.
(768)give to Jesus-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked stepehn hanson and he said, give, up, control, of, everything, and hollie said, and you'll have eternal life in heaven, and stephen said, witness has, but witness hasn't.
(768)all belongs to Jesus-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked stephen hansen and he said, give up everything for the rest of your life.
(769)don't make shipwreck of your salvation-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked stephen hanson and he said, planewreck.
(770)contol sending souls to hell-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like stephen hanson and he said, control, Indianapolis is control, Mantle off, were gone, he'll keep, he's honored, to serve the Lord, under his, conditions, stay off of there, there traps.
(770)seek to get your blaspheme of the Holy Ghost removed-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked jackie and she said, when I blaspheme, and debbie said, jackie, repeat after me, and stephen said, I, and debbie said, blaspheme, website, and that was hollie, open, stay away.
(771)host ministryofdreams-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked stephen hanson and he said, you wanna host a website, and hollie said, I don't believe it, and stephen said, do'nt and hollie said, host, and stepehen said, website, is chose, immediatley, go away, have some coffee and testify.
(772)still open by the grace of Jesus-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked stepehn hanson and he said, thats ok, leave it open.
(773)finished-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like stephen hanson and he said, you are finished.
(773)appearance-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, looks like, looks like, and stephen sang the website stays open, the propeht stays open, prophet, its the computer, and kristina fox said, thats what I heard.
(774)let Jesus lead you-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked stephen and he said, he's correct.
(775)long dresses for woman-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked a woman and she was wearing a long dress that went all the way down to about the floor, and I heard kristina said, lets do it, and hollie said, thats the ticket.
(776)ministry of dreams is an end time Christian ministry-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked stepehen hansen and he said, and thats the reason ministryofdreams is number two, right behind Jesus, and hollie said, He's warnin, don't loose it, don't loose it, hallelujah.
(777)be open and open is SAVED-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked stephen hanson and he sang, the website is open and the prophet is on, tell the picture.
(788)vision of hell-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed hell. It looked like an ocean of lava, like what comes out of a valcano, and it was help it by black rocks. I could only see part like when you are walking in the sand approaching the ocean, but, still about a block away, and rocks block some of the view. The rocks in about the middle part, were possible lower, and I could see thru. The sky was a dengy smoky gray type color. I heard, he wants to blaspheme, I saw many people in visions and they said things like, thats my home, thats what I need. Some of those people were, u.p.c.i.'s kenneth haney, irving baxter, alice cooper, jaybird cox, and maybe, kristina fox, and maybe, keri fox.
(789)blood on hands-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has let me hear, witness has blood on his hands, witness is turned over to a reprobate mine, he wants control, and maybe gene schmidt said something like, o yes I do, and ann schmidt said something like, this awesome, and pastor simison said, I know it, witchcraft.
(790)you still have to tithe-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said, ten percent, thats unbleiveable.
(791)a rebel is a witch-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, maybe, hollie and she said something like, a rebel is a witch. Thats rebellion against God, and I saw kenneth haney and he said, I'm a rebel, and I maybe have seen thomas simison and he said, you won't, I'm a rebel, and and mabye, irving baxter said, witch, and hollie may have said, I'm a witch, I'm hollie, and stan johnson maybe have said, I'm a witch, and simison said, tell it.
(792)you can still touch God-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a Spirit's that looked Jesus and He appeared to me and looked like a Spirit Man, and He had Brown Hair and Beard, and HE said, you touched Me. What I was talking to Jesus about, was a the man I met at the speedway gas station at washington street and emerson street, that has no legs. I call him, wheel chair. I saw wheel chair in visions and he said things like, My name is wheel chair, witness won't pray, loud, try to help, you missin It, I comitted blaspheme that what I did, theres no forgiveness, purge, thats awesome, I masterbate, I showed witness, and michael boldea said, thats awesome, and wheel chair said, witness, he's awesome, opportunity, Mantle, do it, chosen, him, not you, come to the website daily .
(793)alice cooper you can still touch Jesus White Man on Throne visions of Jesus Christ-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a Spirit's that looked alice and he said things like, my name is alice cooper, I'm afraid, awesome, and a woman said, witness prays, he's slipping, and I saw michael boldea and he said, his Mantle's off, and debbie said, cause of me, he didn't take off, you know what he did, he called me satan, thats blaspheme, and maybe, I'm off again, I know I'm satan, witness wanted to help me, witness called me satan, I can't beleive it, and maybe, I'm into witchcraft, Mantles on the prophet, he was right, God wants you, slip, take the Mantle off me, and the walmart Girl said things like, bobbys clean, satan needs help, and the walmart girl said, the Mantle is good, there is a satan, and witness wants to be like him, she will not change, Mantle is Jesus, debbie's doomed, debbie committ blaspheme, you'll perish, and mabye, your going home, you need to touch God, God won't take it off, leave the witness alone, you'll commit suicide, because bobby comitted blaspheme, he has given up his Mantle, witness didn't comitt blaspheme, and I saw wheel chair and he said, I didn't, and I saw pastor simison and he said, I did, and I heard, Mantle is clean, Mantle is God, witness is right, you can't take Mantle off of him, you didn't have the Holy One living inside, and michael boldea said this is awesome, and I heard, you will commit suicide, the Mantle is clean, you tried to wreck the Mantle, and debbie said, he said it, Gods forgiven, blaspheme against the Holy One is not forgiven, Jesus Christ said, all manner of sins shall be for given, but blasphemy against the Holy One is not forgiven, you commited blaspheme, you tried to decieved, and I saw debbie and she said, I didn't, I wrecked him, and she laughed, and I heard things like, you wrecked yourself, Mantle is clean, witness is cleared, witness was told by God that you were devil, and debbie said, o God, and I heard, witness committed blasphemy against you, you'll be going to the lake, you had a choice, and maybe, when witness was around, you called him satan, you committed blaspheme and debbie said bob did it, and I heard, bob blasphemed you, when debbie goes out, he'll come back home, he will laugh at your funeral, you offended him, the Mantle trapped you, you should have left him alone, witness warned you, you blasphemed, and debbie said something like, he hates me, and I heard, you would have went to heaven, because of witness, if you would've left him alone, now you perish, witness is going home, witness is going to satan, and I saw debbie and she said, thats you, and I saw stan johnson and he said, good afternoon, thats how I feel, and I heard, witness will help you come back, if you want to, and pastor simison said something like, you shoud have left it alone, and joel urshan said, this is awesome, and I heard things like, you hurt witness daily, you offended daily, o my God, the Mantle is taken away from debbie, and put on prophet, and I saw simison and he said, he's clear, and maybe, I would'nt accept the price, and I saw, mike cunningham, and he said, o my God, and I saw debbie sue and she said thing likes, embarras me, I didn't appreaciate, you, bobbys clear, and michael boldea said something like, and your not, and dumitru duduman said something like, ask me how he fall, and I asked, how did michael boldea fall, and mike said, I blaspheme, bobs Mantle, and debbie said, bring'em home, and we'll wreck him, and dumitru said, he's coming back home, and debbie said, yes, and dumitru said, after, and mike said, after, and dumitru said, and maybe, after she's gone, and sissy said, tell on me and mike cunningham said, I can't beleive this guy, and joel urshan said, my God, he, will, on him own man, and maybe, he doesn't care, He's the Mantle, Mantle has no mercy, and dumitru duduman said things like, sissy hickman, you, you in trouble, you were warned, not to protect debbie, and mabye sissy said, o yes he did, your headed to destruction and sister heaggy said, I can feel It, I'll answer, answer Him, and I heard, Mantles blood is on your hands and thats your husbands, you blasphemed, and sister heaggy maybe said, I blasphemed, and sister heaggy said, I just hoped, and norm heaggy said things like, accept him, and have lunch,
(794)hollie prophecies gas prices at 99 cents per gallon-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, and I'm going by memory, gas will be 99 cents. I saw I beleive a shell gas sign and the price was, $1.99, and I saw a speedway gas sign, and the price was, $3.19.
(795)sister heaggy-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister heaggy and she said things like, I need your help, I'm cut off, take the Mantle off bob, and norm said, you said it, I can't beleive it, and maybe, you wrecked, hes got the Word, and he masterbated, and sister heaggy said, bobby pray, witness called, in Jesus name, and norm said, he won't call, this is prophecy, and I said, you fool, and I heard, you dug your own grave, and brother heaggy said, right there, and sister heaggy said, said, please, don't come back here, and don't call anymore, and I heard, the walmart girl say, you asked nicely, and sister heaggy said, I did, and maybe, he's clean, and I heard, you wanted to wreck him and norm said, there's are answer, pray about it, and maybe, the indian prophet said, witness don't want to come back over, and norm said, praise God, I know it, and norm said, embarras me, and things like, I'm thinkin about moving out, there is a record, of us, in heaven, and michael boldea said, you know what you said, and I heard, the walmart girl say, witness is clean, witness is clear, and maybe sister heaggy said, o my God, and maybe, norm said, wreck, wreck bob, and maybe, cuase he, and maybe, stepped on my foot, and maybe, whe he broke into my house, and the indian prophet said, he did'nt break in, and nor said, you said it, brian did, cain't stop it, and sister heaggy said something like, cain't stop, and I thought I saw brian and he said, I didn't do it, you did, I'm an exprophet, and maybe, I sin, and morm said something like, now were accepted, brian, and sister heaggy said, come home, and it seems like norm from is heart was calling him back and brian said, won't change, and norm said something like tell witness to help me, and the indian prophet said, he just might, and sister heaggy said something like, witness you can't offend, and mabye the walmart girl said, he won't take it, and norm said, blaspheme, he took it, move, get away from her, and maybe she is, diesel, 99 cents, if you don't beleive it, who hit my car, and maybe sister heaggy said, you need some mercy, and norm said, I'm going to die of a heart attack, and mabye, there's mercy, and I heard, witness ain't coming back, and norm said you just lost me, and and heard and dimly saw the indian prophet, witness got offended, witness can't pray from his heart about you, and norm said, lets face it, and the india prophet said, witness will help you from the computer and norm said, how did I fail, and the indian prophet said, you blaspheme, and norm said, o my God, and the i-prophet said, he told you, and norm said, your fake, and the indian prophet said, thats what done it, and norm said, your kiddin, thats blaspheme, witness wants you back, witness won't come back around, witness wants you fix, and I prayed, and norm said things like, what has he done for me, hallelujah, I don't beleive it, and sister heaggy said, am I coming back, and I prayed, and sister heaggy said things like, I can feel It, o my Goodness, and the indian prophet said, you must turn it back around, and norm said, same price, you need to embarras me, he did, hallelujah, and sister heaggy said something like, we know your kidding and the indian prophet said, he don't kid, and norm said something like, hes got a beast heart, and a Spirit that looked like Jesus said, witness your records show you promised pizza, and norm said, he wanted out of it, he would have kept his promise, he was at work, and sister heaggy said something like, he wasn't serious, and norm said, bobs serious, and sister heaggy said, he's lazy, and the indian prophet said, prophet wants his life back and norm said, thats me, and I heard, the promise was for that week, he won't come around. He's cleard, never blaspheme against the Word.
(796)dan bohler and the jehova's witness-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, daniel bohler and he said things like, what does a Jehova's witness and a prophet have in common, and kenneth haney from upci said something like, masterbate, and mabye a Jehova's witness said, your a prophet, no Jesus, and ken said things like, that's so right, we backslid.
(797)the american red cross volunteer-vision recieved 9-17-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a red cross volunteer in indianapolis, and I thin her name was emily booth, and she was working in the donations place and I approached, and she wanted me to fill out this form, and I understand, but, I didn't want to. I wanted to take care of buisness and get out. She said things like, my name is emilly booth, embarras, I'm the red cross volunteer, I masterbated, red MATTHEW 25, read MATTHEW 26. And emily said, please help me
(798)white river kids-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man that was with a group of young people I witnessed to, and he was about 5-10, black, and had bushy hair, and in the vision, both his legs were gone. He had like artificial legs, and he may have said, I'm an evangelist, witness cleared. He'll call me white river kid, he may have said, is my witness done, and mabye, I want you to repent.
(28)HOUSE OF PRAYER or den of thieves-vision recieved 7-27-2005-I was thinking about visiting a Church called something like, "greater life Church of God in Christ and I saw a man that looked like the pastor, alonzo aron, and he said, "not in this house".
(29)why do you go to Church-vision received 7-31-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that was at Church yesterday and he said, "bring coffee in prophet", "we'll have a good time". Eat at home, not in Gods House.
(30)pastor terry cannon-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "help me out", "can't find Him", "you have an attorney", "well get an attorney cause your starting to piss me off", "my words", "were adulterers", "selling", "close that website down", "come back and help us", "promote me", "need you", "don't matter", "I'm a witch", "we want your money", "thats it", ", "financial", and I heard, "heavenly life apostolic is under conviction", and more things were said and repeated.
(31)fallen pentecostal pastors-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like three pastors. In one, I heard, "Christ Temple is done", and I saw pastor charles finnell and he was wearing a black like robe/cape and he was kind of bent over with his cape kind of spread out like a wing, possibly bent over a little. In one, I saw pastor willie duncan of revival temple Church and he said, "worship me", and in one i saw pastor wallace vanslyke of plainfield apostolic Church and he said, "He gives you may talents", "went down", and maybe, "went to hell", and something like, "your a show off". In one I saw pastor charles finnell and he said, "take the Mantle and give it to Christ Temple".
(32)the Church is suppost to be a HOUSE OF PRAYER-vision received 8-18-2005-I heard, "go to the restaurant", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon of heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and he said, "restaurant is open". Eat somewhere else.
(33)the apostolic show hits Christian life worship center apostolic faith assembly-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, I saw pastor Chris amonett of Christian life worship center and he said, "it's a show", "God hates you", "thats it", "the longer You leave the Door open", "open to us", "I'm sick in the hospital", "that ain't right", "let the devil speak", "I blew it", "he set it up", "psycho"
(34)God has showed me a spirit that looked like, pastor, john tyson, of the pentecostal apostolic Church and he said things like, out, git ready, you blasphemed, your out, your not praying, and cursed God, and added witch on to it, and, God wants your money, maybe I wrecked'em, I did, he's out, witness cut off, witness is me, you must stay, just call me a witch, make witness leave, on my death certificate, your wallet, bring, give, to my pocket, I'm lost the Church is crying out all the time for help, prophet came, rejected, he only looked 25, return, he likes travelling around, o my God, promise, you wouldn't come back, you broke promise, and I saw me and I said, I didn't promise, and maybe, the Lord sent me, prophet get ready, and I saw tyson and he said, I'm not going to stand, he's shakin the dust off his feet, ain't nothin but a show, repent, and I saw first lady dessie tyson, and she said things like, he's a prophet, God can't deliver him, on my death certificate, backslide, witch, and maybe, do you think its funny now. I saw john tyson, and he said something like, were on the internet, go go google, and type in your name, and first lady said something like, why did he do that to us, return, and maybe, I don't feel It, and the pastor said things like, cause you got sin, control, and first lady said things like, maybe that was the Holy Ghost, the devil, sent, I hate devils, and the pastor said things like, prophet just can't see, pomise him, leave promise, blaspheme, and the first lady may have said, is taken, the Holy Ghost, and maybe, is got, him, in bondage, and psator tyson said, thats the Word, heart attack, and the first lady said things like, your not serious, website, take it off, and the pastor said maybe, he'll put it back up, visions, and maybe, are in storage, and I saw michael boldea and he said, this is awesome, and the first lady said, he loves you, run us out, and the pastor said, without him, were in trouble, and keri fox said, the Lord sent him, and the pastor said, mother, witness is taken, the Holy Ghost, out, and maybe, my Church, and maybe, were doomed, and eric said things like, git off me, om my God, and maybe, I blasphemed, and he said, o God dam, and said, witch, me, and the lady that was with him said things like, he decieves, I like his testimony but he decieves, ain't nothin but a witch, and one of them said, website, and the pastor said, leave it alone, maybe there's mercy, and maybe, get me open, and maybe, return, and a woman said, witness won't return, and I saw pastor tyson and he said things like, cuase I'll trap him, my house, take prophet out, send me the prophet, and somebody said something like, already sent him, and kristina fox said things like, sent him twice, abc, and keri may have said, 1,2,3, and the pastor said, I'll trap, and I saw me and I said, if you trap, and maybe, wtiness won't come back around, witness come, and maybe, preach revival, and the pastor said, leave it alone, witch, and I said, you blaspheme, and the pastor said, you, said, the devil, sent, the prophet, o my God, and renee lewis, which was her maiden name said, trap me, leave me alone, I been accepted, which attends Christ Church apostolic. I saw something like in a vision: Judgment is coming to the united states because of things like that, and renea lewis said, no more sin, and pastor john tyson said things like, if witness comes back around you know what I'm going to do, take his Mantle off, and maybe virginia boldea said, witness won't come back, Hallelujah, and pastor tyson said things like, give me a heart attack, how many visions he had, and I saw james e tyson, and he said, james e. tyson, 150000, and pastor john said, o my God, on this site, and dirving baxter said, o my God, and james tyson said, cut me off, and maybe, lets go home, heart attack, I won't read It, and pastor John said, but I will, and maybe pastor sugget said, God giving you last warning, sugget, blaphemed the Holy Ghost, no I didn't, I did, I said, the devil sent'em, I'm sorry, television, witch, yoour promise, to join, Church, and I saw me and I said, I did not promise, and maybe, promise, and sugget said, bob promised, join, my Church, I didn't recognize you, Jesus Christ, have You Way, let me get my pecil out, push, send prophet here, witness, made a promise, he's out, I'm the witness, accept it, and a woman said, promise, accept it, and I may have said me, and I said, warning, and I kristina fox said, witness promise Lords Will, and I saw sugget and he said things like, o, he said, cute, real sexy, thats why I hat'em, can't wait to get your pants off, leave us alone, and pastor tyson said, maybe witness is the problem, your the problem, and james said, its me, and sugget said things like, you made me blaspheme the Holy Ghost, I don't understand, rock and roll, he wants his life, he didn't. you blasphemed IT, and I saw somebody and they said, purge, and sugget said, I'm helpless, and dumitru duduman said things like, witness come back, he hates you, he hates God, he hates, Mantle, he hates, his own visions, and maybe, he wanted to help, beasts heart, and irving baxter said, o my God, and sugget said, I want the Mantle taken off, and somebody said, witness will, die, he cares, Mantle taken, and a woman said, suicide, and somebody said, you know what the Price is, and dumitru said, the price is high, and maybe, he'll pay, and sugget said, I cannot beleive, your motors out, put me to shame bobby, and virginia said, he did it to me, and dumitru said, Gods warning, and michael blodea, said, how did he take my Mantle, and dumitru may have said, left It on, the Lord sent'em, but you, turn, turned, and maybe, him away, and gene schmidt said, no we didn't, and maybe dumitru said, witness, and maybe left, if you would have invited him to stay, he would, and geno maybe said, he would have moved, and somebody said, to watertown, and ann maybe said, and worked for free, and dumitru may have said, but you, didn't, and geno cursed God, and I heard, texas, will burn, and dumitru may have said, dumitru, hand of help, would, stayed, and and I saw michael boldea sr, and he said something like, come and help us, and mike jr. said one more chance, and dumitru said, prophet go home and maybe sr said, can he come back, and dumitru said, witness, don't, and maybe, want to come back, beast, beast heart, witness, and maybe, wants to destroy, hand of help, ain't got wallet, its over with, and maybe mike sr said something like, promised, you promised, to give, israel, will, burn, and mike jr. said, he's trapping, and He's giving you last chance, and kristina fox said, you, promised, and virginia might have said, o my God, break my promise, witness is lying, and dumitru said, God, won't let, and virginia said, he cares, and I heard, he wants to destroy mike, and dumitru said, website, goes down, once more, no matter, who, causes it, your website, will be come, ministryofdreams, and maybe, Om giving you a warning, and maybe, accept it, he's all, most, got, and mike sr. said something like, did you see this Word, God dam, and said, websites going down, and dumitru said, website, and maybe goes off, hand of help, website, will die, and somebody said, now you know how it feels, and virginia may have said, I don't care, and dumitru said, bobby hurts, and virginia said, he knows, and mike jr. said something like, just wanted to tempt his Mantle, and Dumitru may have said, you tempted God, and maybe, he was working, on website, when it went, and mike sr. said, out, send witness a heart attack, I've blown It, and I may have seen me and I said, I have, and dumitru said, in storage, website, is up, and viginia said, just close it, and mike sr., said, theres website, in storage, you will not get off, and mkie sr. said, he knows, and dumitru said, website in storage, is guestbook, and mike sr. said, and you, and you will not get, it, and dumitru said, nest time, cause, website, and maybe, belongs to Jesus, talk to Jesus, about website, and I heard, leave website alone, and dumitru said something like, or the Holy Ghost will come against you, and mike sr said something like, I really don't care, and virginia said, mike, and maybe, witness needs help, and mike sr. said something like, made me blaspheme, and maybe dumitru said, if you would ahve left it alone, and maybe virginia said, his Mantle, and mike sr. said, purge, and dumitru said, witness can purge, and dumitru said, o my God, new prophet, and mike sr. said, you mean he can purge, and dumitru said, don't blaspheme, and virginia said, bob, and mike sr said, pruge it, and dumitru said, he might, and he mike sr. said, I hate you God dam guts, your asleep, and I heard, show him love, and dumitru said, he might purge, and kristina fox said, witness help, and dumitru said, purge, thats it, and maybe, witness has purged, kristina, don't blaspheme, hand of help, and mike sr. said something like, can we loose hand of help, and dumitru said, witness won't let, and mike sr. said, you got a choice, and I heard, witness won't purge right now, and dumitru may have said, beast heart, beast don't have any feelings, however, God, witness, he, maybe, worships, and virginia said, he needs to, he acepted, and dumitru said, when you go home, be careful, the Matle hates you, the Mantle, and maybe, is Jesus, and I may have seen kristina and she said something like, I want you to die, and dumitru said, excited, and maybe, about kristina, and mike sr. said, I like, and mike jr. said, I like, and maybe, wtiness, we need his money, and mike sr said, he's incorporated, and virginia may have said, if we sue, we won't get a cent, and dumitru said something like, heart attack, the heart attack, mine, maybe, I blasphemed, stan, and maybe, stay away, and maybe, he'll trap, and mike jr. said, were lost, and somebody said, witness is perishing, if website, goes, off, think, and maybe, he hates you, and somebody said something like, mikes deceiving days are over, promote new website, and maybe, it'll never come off, he'll sing, guestbook, and maybe, he'll sing, message, and I heard, leave website alone, and maybe, website will only be down an hour, its a warning, he won't stop, till, your finished, warning, and dumitru said, harras him, maybe, you die, he'll just pray, and the eart will open up, and maybe, you'll never come back, and mike jr. may have said, just play with him, didn't mean to hurt him, and I heard, you didn't, offend, and I heard, there's no forgiveness, and dumitru said, purpose, and maybe, he wants to sign guestbooks now, God won't let him, he will, sign, he will sign, 3500, he'll sign, and maybe, he'll sign guestbooks till he runs out, and geno may have said, theres millions of them, and I heard, he'll sign, several, hundred, a day, till, gets, and dumitru may have said, you won't get back, and I saw the president of north korea and he said, hit russia, and putin may have said, attack the united states, and kristina fox may have said, I don't care, and somebody said, 150 of um, and maybe, virginia said, will destroy us, destroy hand of help, call the police on him, and dumitru said things like, can't prove, leave website, and mike sr. said, its all we got, and dumitru said, witness will calm down, in time, peace, peace will come back, if he leaves hand of help, maybe, he'll close it down, accept it, accept your price, you will not accept, leave witness, witness has got a warning, if you close his website, and maybe, he wants you to, so, he, can, and mike sr may have said, hand of help, and virginia said, is closed, and dumitru said, his prayer, is all, that, that, keeps, you, going, you don't realize that, and dumitru said, he wants hand of help to survive, cause of message, and mike sr. said things like, how will we survive, and dumitru said, you wont come back, prophet you stink, and mike sr said, hand of help is free, and virginia said, prophet is smiling, he did something, and dumitru may have said, I done it, leave alone, and mike sr. may.have said something like, just leave it alone, he'll trap you, and I heard, the united states will burn, and I saw president of north korea and he said, attack north korea, and maybe putin said, attack the united states, and irving baxter said like he was afraid, o know, Mantles loose, he free, and mike sr. said, of hand of help, and dumitru said something like, website goes down, he might, and virgina said, sink and dumitru said, you said it, and irving baxter said, o my God, and virginia said, hes a prophet, and dumitru said, beast, and irving may have said, he's a beast?, and maybe kristina fox said, Mantles on beast, and mike jr. said, take It off, and I heard, witness has compassion, prophet, and Dumitru said something like, Mantle on prophet, and I heard, he already knows, website, and I saw somebody, there under attack, and I heard, website, and dumitru said, goes down, and I heard, he already knows, he knows, He showed, when website, goes, down, and I may have seen mike sr., and he may have said, websites gonna cost you, and irving said, o my God, blaspheme, I heard, he, will, destroy, and dumitru said, hand of help needs you help, and mike sr. said, take it off, and dumitru said maybe, need help, and mike sr. said, whe webiste goes down, and maybe, new website goes back up, and websiste will not come down, it a guestbook, its prepared, and virgina said, God is warning and maybe more, and dumitru said, it is, and mike sr. said, your in trouble, and virgina said, it is, and kristina said, he's seen it, and I heard, website is out, and I may have seen alice and he said, alice cooper, and maybe, virginia said, what is this, and alice said something like, alice put your website back up, and maybe because I blaspheme, and dumitru said, purge it and alice said, its purged, and maybe dumitru said, witness prayed, and mike sr. said, hate this mantle, and irving baxter said o God, damit, and maybe, witness is blowing It, and mike sr. said, you, and virginia cursed God, and dumitru said something like, Mantle has the Testimony, and mike sr. said, signem and maybe dumitru said, he wants to, and mike sr, said, I'm laughing, prophet needs some help and kristinia said, alice cooper, He won't accept alice cooper and alice said, because alice left him, God dam, and said o before he did, and I heard, prophet, maybe, witness loves you, and irving baxter said, o my God, he likes cooper, and maybe dumitru said, you were a blessing, to, and mike sr. said, witness, and I heard, when alice said alice cooper, and amybe, how did I bless him, he stole, and somebody said, alice cooper, and maybe, witness likes, and maybe, you want mercy, and dumitru said, than witness, and alice said, press an hour, and alice said my name is not alice cooper, my name is go home and somebody said, you said it, and somebody said, take alice cooper off your records, and alice said, thats it, and alice said, there's mercy, witch, did witness blaspheme and somebody said, you wanted control, and somebody said, witness, and alice said, alice, you know what I did, I backslid, and I heard, git back, and sissy said, you must pray, and mike cunningham said, o my God, how did I git on website, and alice said, your alice cooper, I don't want to die, Mantle pissed me off, he done told, and somebody said, witness will die, and alice said, I'm not alice cooper, I'm vince, vicent damon furnier, and I may have heard, he will and alice said, help, and alice said, how do I reduce the Mantle, and mike jr. may have said, you can't, virginia said, something about not being able to take Mantle off, and dumitru said, vince, your gonna die, and virginia said, He wants you to stay, and dumitru said, vince, the adversary, and something about a heart attack and it haunting him and alice said something like, take your hands off me and maybe, wants you done, and alice said, I don't care, and maybe, I'll never read it, and I was asking Jesus about politburo, and I heard, gadafi, and I saw him in a vision and he said something like, I'm politburo
(598)about closing website-vision recieved 9-6-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said things like, prophet clean", "close the website down", "prophet will put it back", "it's in storage", "taken off the website makes no sense", "leave witness alone"., 8-7-2010-hollie showed, record, and I stamp, this is, warning, said, hollie, pointed, go, thats, hollie, showed, its, new ministry of dreams, website, its, utubiaman on youtube, hollie said, like white angelface, man, with, theres letters, hollie, said, on one side, and, deformities on other, thats, beast, pope, hollie, said, running out, thats pope riding, black horse, its into, moscow, russia, said, hollie, hands appear, like white hands, hollie screamed, showed, bob, slow down, they produce, said, happy hollie, showed, when its, man meets woman, hollie, was, new hollie, with, light, white robe, thats, people making baby, thats baby born, happy, hollie screamed, showed, bob lay down, like hollie did, its, horses, said, hollie, thats, many horses, running, theres, pope, hollie, said, thats, him on, black horse, theres, hu hintao, thats, him, on, red horse, its, into taiwan, said, hollie, showed, that, she, said, that, hollie said, missile streaks from china, that, hollie said, exploded, you lure, said, boris yeltsin, alright, said, hu hintao, thats, that, hollie, said, hintao battling washington state with his mint colored light sword, thats blue sword fighting back, hollie, there, acting like, fighting, wearing white robe, a new hollie flys, out, in, old, its, starwar jet, hollie, said, thats, explosion, ship, leaves, thats, statue of liberty, that, hollie, said, its, the woman, hollie, said, hollie tore, up, happy, let me, record, said, hollie, bobby, you didnt move any showed, hollie, she showed, victory, buy more if you want, hollie showed, its flash, hard drive, hollie posted on, its laptop then updated to hard drive, its your name, said, Jesus, new hollie appears like kind of round face, hollie wearing white robe, showed, Ministry of Dreams, thats God, speaking and creating and birthing Ministry Of Dreams, hollie showed, they steal, said, Jesus, cause, they are witches, like, theres, mike Mckay, said, hollie, hes, youth at risk, looking stunned, but shaking yes, mark moss, hes looking around trembling, its i'm uh christian, said, marcus moss, but showed cut off, its, said, hollie, john mark pool, he, laughs, cause God didnt make him remove what he stole, the God spoke, said, hollie, Ministryofdreams, I know, shook, its, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, and, kathy taylor m.a., theres, pointed, hollie, danny and diana Hahlbohm, they stole, diana hughey Hahlbohm showed cut off, thats, jean poole, showing, cut off, its paliban daily, said, hollie, they stole, she, said, jenny donati, shook, yes, thats a.s. byatt, who is, dame antonia susan duffy, byatt, now she, took, said, a.s. byatt, showed, cut off, they's witches, hollie, said, theres, jon sawyer, hes with pulitzer, like, ginny hill, of bbc news, they, stole, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, thats ginny hill laughing but ashamed, there you have it, said hollie, thats janetmck and arron shutt, john e. carey, and rev. antonia vladimirova, these witches, hollie, said, like, richard Lauersdorf, and, all these, stole, took, said, antonia susan byatt, the God spoke, said, hollie, call it ministry of dreams, said Jesus, wearing white robe, like hollie, said, pope, said, hollie, showed, record, and I stamp, hollie, beast, pope with brown hair appeared, wearing white robe, riding, black horse, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying before, hollie shows, world, many countries exploded, its, new, hollie, him, she hollie said, flying copter, thats moon with big nose, its bobby, moon, said, but reappears, showed, not uh word, smoke rose, like furnace, its sixth seal, said, hollie, bob its, hook up, said, hollie, thats slide show, angel, its the new, hollie, said, put on glove, ministry of dreams website like angel, with deformities, and live office space, like, same o angel, hollie, said, but, face, turned, partial silhouette, hollie screamed, hollie showed, record, this, is, warnin, said Jesus, pope appeared, hollie said, i'm the antichrist, said, its, pontey, hollie, said, I am God, said, pope, hollie said, thats, pope sitting in temple in rome, its like, angel of light, let me, observe, said, Hollie, I am God, said, pope, thats people lauging at, thats both beasts and their armies, gathering there in israel, thats false prophet hu hintao slashing, its popey hollie, said, thats missile from russia with new ministry of dreams website on it said, hollie and, red dragon with, bush, riding like woman, thats kings poppping out said, God, theres president of mexico, he said, I will in heart, thats, lula, shaking, yes, kim jong, appearing as head, said, lets do, he said, hollie shows, hugo chavez, smiles, but doesnt want, thats, castrol and nicaraguan president, both looking tough but, dreading, said, hollie, thats hintao appearing, happy, theres putin, said, hollie, appearing with ten horns, on, head, and, who are they bobby, said, hollie, theres pope coming out of horn, it had, eyes like man, and, looked happy, I am God, pope, said, its pontey, hollie said, there you have it, missile goes into israel, exploded, Jesus stood on mountain, split in twain, its uh great earthquake, said, hollie, caused by missile, she, said, thats, netanyahu with nuclear controls, hollie, said, and, pressed, thats nuclear fires in, its egypt, syria and, jordan on fire, smoke rose, hollie showed, thats, hollie pulled up sleeves, its, she, showed, fight wearing white robe, lets make war, she, said, thats nuclear fire, in, its, russia, its, they exchange, hollie, said, thats, nuclear fires in, russia and china, thats, pope, telling, medvedev, its, you drive them, outta there, said, its, pope, hollie, said, thats, nuclear rockets from n.a.t.o. lands, striking russia, exploding, thats, those countries exploding, its, france, with fire, and, missiles from their submarines, striking, russia, exploded, thats nuclear fireball in australia, great britain burning, submarines all around, america, thats nuclears fires in, its every state, hollie said, thats, italy exploding, nuclear fire in venezuela and brazil, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, fires in mexico and latin america, thats, fires in, cuba, and, nicaragua burning, thats, missile striking africa, exploded, there you have it said hollie, smoke rose, thats china invading much of destroyed russia, and, pope, telling, medvedev, showing, get them out, then, they exchange, thats, smoke rising from both lands, pope sits at table like angel of light, thats, two horned, beast, bobby this is, book, hollie, said, thats, hintao and japan climbing out of, its, beast, thats, 666 peace treaty signed, worship the pope, hintao, said, they go to own lands, hollie showed, look, thats nuclear rockets aimed right at each other, it, hollie, said, both threaten, but, take, the, mark, said, hollie, thats people in russia receiver their mark of the antichrist, its 666 being tattood, thats, a, persons forehead with 666 on it, thats popes face tattood on finger, thats 666 tattood on arm, we wont take it said hintao, this is, warnin, said, pope, hollie said, lets clean up, then, hollie said, go walk at goodwill, thats hollie walking at goodwill, its, man, hollie said, pointing, lower body hidden, hollie, appears under, tickles feet with feather, what did hollie, scream for, come on bob she, said, screamed again, when the, economy collapses, said, its, said, hollie, Jesus, thats, angel looters, in, streets, silhouette faces, but one appeared, then silhouette again, hollie clapped, they were, pilfering, hollie, said, this is warning, said, Jesus, look bob, showed, fix van, junk anyway, hollie, said, there hollie said, that, hollie said, pointed, its beast, pope like angel, that, hollie, said, I said, lets post, hollie said, look at the bear, she said, licked prophet, theres two ofuhm, hollie, said, two bears, I almost quit out, sang, two hollies, roadway, roadway, yellow frieght, clapped the tap dancers, bob they struggle, said, hollie, now look, she, said, thats yellow freight truck going by, and drive makes, hollie, talks with, God, way to much, she, said, alan jackson, sang the county star, said, hollie, thats alan jackson playing music, and Jesus comes, happy, I knew, said, alan jackson, he was, left behind, hollie said, hollie, checked out the prophet, wearing white, robe, hollie preached at the tent meeting, pulled up sleeves, like hidden hollie, but dimly appears, heres the vision, said, JEsus, hollie comes out, its, the, beast with seven heads and ten horns, i'm the antichrist, said, it pope, hollie, said, thats, kings, appearing, like, mexican president, theres nicaraguan, lula, chavez, there you have it, said, hollie, putin with ten horns, on, his head, hollie, said, with hintao appearing as, its, heads, theres kim jong, hollie opened mouth, stomped foot, write the vision, said, hollie, pulled up sleeves, like mostly hidden hollie, said, come on, pope there like angel, i'm the antichrist, said, its, poepoff, hollie, said, thats, hollie, like, uh, cartoon character, whats duncan doin, said, hollie, thats, duncan rouleau, stealing the God, spoke, ministry of dreams, hollie flys with her cape on, duncan rouleau cancelled his theft book, thats the, nightmarist, weeping blood, turned, into, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, who steals, hollie said, like mike mckay, and, marcus moss, who is mark moss, and, john mark pool, and, danny Hahlbohm, and, diana Hahlbohm, and, jon sawyer, and jancetmck, and a.s. byatt, and over, fourteen hundred more, said, hollie, those are witches, release, remove, hollie, said, showed, get cut off, and, ruint anyhow, that, was, lighted hand, hollie showed, turn, like lit hollie, and hollie blows golden, out balloon with hollie showed, on, mouth open, white in, hollie showed, the, tape, man, next door, wants to, screw you bob so let him have, stroke, hollie, said, that was, airplanes, from high above, said, hollie, its future military aircraft, its like todays, look at me, said, hollie, showed, hand, bobby said hollie, showed, eat, 8-8-2010-hollie showed, record, thats, hollie, wearing white robe, moving yesterdays post over, hollie tore up, then, hollie put back, but only partially, had like bear hands, tear up, when the economy collapses, said, hollie, I said, hollie said, pope, she, said, I'm the antichrist, beast, its popey, hollie, said, came out wearing white robe, his clothes showed, hollie, like angel man, eat, thats ronnie james dio in concert, having, its fun, hollie, its fun, hollie, said, but, he, came, down, with, its, cancer, said, hollie, casey, appears, wearing, white, robe, thats, the, slideshow, its, called ministry of dreams, said, hollie, like white angel face, almost clear on one side, showed, other side of face, its big deformity, hollie walks out, its multi, she, said, colored, theres blue and green, hollie screamed, again, another, hollie, comes, out, why bob, she, said, points at, white in her mouth, thats, cart, you see these beasts, these will rise against u.s.a., i'm putin said hintao, thats putin with, both want, kim jong, lets put it there, no, showed, the, hugo chavez, lula, man, but chavez shook, yes, was, stunned, medvedev walks out, theres, castrol, and, nicaraguan president, both act like, for, said, hollie, thats, big nuclear fire in, its, said, hollie, america, submarines appeared, all the way around, hollie, said, thats it, my, names, hollie, its, him, babyfleas, said, thats, like, golden, hand, pointing, lets rule the world, said, putin, with, ten crowns, on, head, they, are, horns, hollie, said, one, has eyes like a man, thats pope coming out, its, politburo, hollie, said, thats boris yeltsin coming out of the ten, hollie claps, body hidden, but appeared, she, said, thats putin out of, medvedev and, its, yeltsin, hollie, said, thats hollie selling books on internet, submarines are right there, pointed, hollie, with the submarine somby, all around, america, its, on the day of the Lord, said, its, him, said, a he hollie, she, said, I, want it, another, hollie, said, work, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, both beasts, theres, hu hintao, and, popon, hollie, said, hollie played piano, sang, thats, like, light face, and, piano on titanic, played, it sat at, stop, hollie, said, hollie showed, go, she, said, its the leave it alone, said, hollie, hollie whistled, hollie showed, bob, wants to destroy everything, from behind, another, hollie said, jeremy wants you to come, said, hollie, thats, rev. jeremy taylor, stealing ministry of dreams, I want that, said, dr. jeremy taylor d.min, put bob in jail, reverend jeremy taylor d.min, said, cause, I take, it, said, kathryn taylor m.a., those both witches, God, said, yes, shakes, mike mckay, mark moss showed, get outta here, pointed, marcus moss, they steal, john mark pool, wants to strip bob of his God spoken name, like, jon sawyer, and, jean poole, these witches, hollie, said, put it undle, she, said, hollie had on her light watch, showed, work, hollie showed, record, a, he, hollie, thats she hollie posting on internet, selling book, hollie showed, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, its uh million seller, thats was uhleem saleem, said, hollie, and, hollie, wiped, lips, it, was, simb, said, sandy, maybe, you, have uh warning, said, hollie, showed, leave it alone, hollie, it was him, she, hollie said, appeared, another, hollie showed, go, hollie showed, turn, then she hollie, like karate chop, wearing karate clothes, dim yellow, hollie, got, into, plastic surgery gear, fixed bobs face and gums, thats, hollie, doing hair grafts, submarine, its, hollie, said, hollie, look, she, said, its, captain hollie in his, its akula class, said, another, hollie, thats, open fired, thats, two nuclear fires in iraq, looky, said, hollie, and amber colored fingers pointed, hollie dimly faded in, thats, gaza on fire, hollie, takes bush to the mike, he ate chicken, I made our war, he said, bit his chicken, its to breakem, the war to steal oil contracts, said president george bush, hollie, takes to fire, hollie, showed, it was, him, said, she, hollie, lay down, thats balloon with hollie showed, she hollie walks out, showed, white in mouth, that, is, popes face, tattood in finger, thats people lined up, its, hollie said, receive their mark, 666 on that persons forehead, pope appears, I am gog, he, said, hollie claps, showed, like angel of light, he hollie appears, underneath, light feather appears, here it comes, said, Jesus, paper, comes to, he, hollie appears, shows, its economic collapse, thats angel looter, with, its, partial silhouette face, them running, the streets, its pilfering said, she, hollie claps, hollie showed, dream, its, night vision, bob, screams, like golden, chain appears around bobs hand, and, white light thing, hollie dream claps, bob gets pulled to wall, I dont want that, no more, said, hollie, hollie screamed, another, hollie, points, at white in hollies mouth, tear up, hollie had, its conspirit, she tore up again, put back, hey said another, hollie, hollies body hidden, dimly faded in, thats the screaming spirit, said, hollie, 8-9-2010-hollie showed, record, leave this, she, said, its me, she, said, Jesus, came, out, bob, said, hollie, had on her light watch, make this the new, ministry of dreams, hollie said, dont copy, hollie said, or, steal, she, said, or, God will, hollie said, thats, angry Jesus appearing, I will get you, said, Jesus, and amek you run in this life to make it, right, remove, and, undo, your choice, said, God, and I stamp, hollie, said, thats, beast, pope, running, out, you are, hollie said, I am gog, said, pontiff, hollie, said, bobby, hollie showed, book, it sells, she, said, millions, so, you, can, hollie showed, sleep, but, you wont, hollie showed, go to, thats, happy hollie walking into, its tent revival, tonight, hollie said, go, Jesus, said, you will, you sold enough books, hollie showed, eat, thats the moon, pointed, hollie, soon, she, said, its light will go out, moon, has, face, bobby, said, moon, in heart, but showed, not uh word, dressed like, God, said, man, laughs, though, moon stomps foot, showed, time, he wore uh, said, hollie, suit, bobby, they know it, said, hollie, go, she, said, had on her, its uh, hollie said, light watch, showed, sleep, or, go to, its, she, said, thats, tent, hollie said, hollie was happy, i'm los angeles, said, Jesus, and he saw it, said, casey, nuclear fires, along, both american, coasts, and, hollie, showed, its, world, she, said, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., and russia, burning, its on the day of the Lord, said, its him, babyfleas, said, hollie, wore uh suit, bobby, said, hollie, showed, dont, link, up, babyfleas, said, and I stamp, hollie, said, but, she, took apart her big hands, put it undle, hollie, said, work, she, said, record, the, vision, said, hollie, that, said, its, hollie, said, babyfleas, and I arose, said, its, popey, hollie, said, put it undle, she, said, showed, eat, its fleas, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, she, said, beast arose, hollie, said, but, babyfleas, appeared, God, no, she, said, showed, im thru hollie, said, but, showed, away, but shook, yes, claps, hollie shows, the deal, ministryofdreams is over, that is what they thought, said, Jesus, and hollie played music, they dont need ya, he, said, its, hollie, said, the, churches, today, said, hollie, showed, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, hollie thought, sold about, fifty copies, tomorrow hollie said, showed, silhouette book, but name appears, ministry of dreams, bible prophecy, bob write hollie, said, put it all in a hard copy, God will make, ya, release, ministry of dreams, hollie, looks at Jesus, dont steal or copy or I will ruin saith the Lord, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, appearing, showing, book, ministry of dreams, he wanted, said, hollie, to write said, Jesus, I, stole said, rev. jeremy taylor (hon), took said, kathryn taylor, yes, shakes, a.s. byatt, who now it, said, showed, hollie, dame antonia susan duffy byatt, married to peter duffy, hollie said peter duffy enraged, antonia susan byatt, walks, away, thats, mike mckay, its at, youthatrisk, said, hollie, mike mckay like mark moss, steals ministry of dreams, its to ruin, said, ginny hill of bbc news, marcus moss, looks around, afraid, but laughs in heart, like diana hahlbohm, and, jean pool, wants to absorb, like, jenny donati, and, john mark pool, janetmck wants christian ruint, said, Jesus, appeared, these witches steal the name I spoke, said, Jesus, call it ministry of dreams, hollie showed, but body hidden, but appears, her happy, but, only, part, these stole the God spoke ministry of dreams, like over now, Jesus thought, 2000 people, hollie, saw eight kings, in, a, cart, thats kings that will rise, against, this, nation, God, and hollie, said, america, appears, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, man, thats nuclear explosion in california, its, on, the, day of the Lord, said, hollie, cnn news man, wearing, white robe, then suit, showed, both american coasts burning, smoke rising, moon, let me observe, moon, said, in heart, but appeared, like man, showed, not uh word, i'm said happy sun, laughed, both play, moon acted, no expression, but laughed, played with teedor todder, its the sixth seal, said, hollie, thats, missiles leaving submarines, many, they are, russian and nuclear n.a.t.o. subs, hollie, said, and I rode, its the g8, hollie, said, thats putin coming out of the beast, I am God, said, its pope, hollie, said, putin had ten crowns, on head, thats one with face, hollie said, like uh man, pope comes out, thats, its politburo, said, hollie, thats boris yeltsin, out of, the, ten, and, putin, out of, yeltsin, and medvedev, thats pope out of putin, I said go to danny mcadams church, thats, fairfax christian church, its dying, said, hollie and God, oil showed, angel, bobby its uh quart, hollie said, then gulf of mexico appears, its polluted, said, hollie, with fish, dyin, it, will, take, years, take a long time, to clean, up, cost billions hollie, said, I said, post, hollie said, trouble, said, Jesus, and he, saw, said, casey, wore white robe, clapped, hands, stomped foot, hey pointed hollie, but only part of her appears, hollie snapped fingers, showed, its, beast, pope, she, said, picture, with brown hair, let me, said, putin, kneeling before, well alright, shakes, pope, hollie, said, he hollie, appears underneath with feather, to tickle feet, hollie laughs, hollie screamed, another, hollie comes out, points at white in hollies mouth, then looks afraid, touches lips, stomps foot, hey, said, its, the same hollie, coming out, but casey appeared, no, said, hollie, but, I shook yes, she said, the birds will eat it, hollie said, showed, foot, thrown on ground, hollie walks wearing plad coat, I said, hollie, said, bob dont do that, hollie showed, record, a she hollie posted, wearing white robe, on computer, its pay, computer, hollie stamps, thats, beast, pope, running out like angelman, thats, pontey, riding black horse, its, into, said, hollie, there, she, pointed, russia, signs deal with medvedev, its gains, pope, hollie said, some advantanges, hollie showed, record, lay down, thats lighted finger, showing, turn, hollie dimly faded, in, hollie screamed, sell book bob, make millions, thats angel looters running streets, hollie claps, its u.s.a. economic collapse, hollie screamed, but got happy, hey said, hollie, thats, hollie looking down, at, its, piano on that, said, hollie, r.m.s. titanic, played, three different hollies, hollie showed, go, he said, to hollies, said, alaska, it was, angel, thats missiles striking, its alaska, said, hollie, exploded, thats, cnn tower, falling, in, the, fire, hollie watches, its, from, behind, said, hollie, hands, showed, its karate, hollie showed, another, hand shows, you did not want hollie showed, but, hollie appears, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, showed, eat, thats, hollie cleaning up, in bathtub, its, the, paul mooney, said, hollie, girl, let me, she, said, masterbated, man your battle stations, said, its hollie, said, angel, thats planes, she, said, flying over, its u.s.a. aircraft carrier, hes the reason why, its protection, hollie said, showed, lay down, starfighter, said, hollie, whats that, another, hollie said, dancing, starfighter, hollie flys, dropped bomb, thats america exploding below, submarines appearing all around, both american coasts, burning, thats hollie soaring, nuclear n.a.t.o. on fire, russia burned, hollie was on, its, titanic, played piano, i'm uh, said, the, bear, thats uh golden bear, said, hollie, and, golden hollie like cindy, whats that she said, showed, clock, 2:38, its ACTS, she, said, its, salvation, showed, lay down, please, please, sang, hollie and, new, its uh he hollie, said, she, hollie, looked down at piano, hollie showed, its on titanic, thats, titanic, hollie showed, like ship mate, being buit, then sinking, hollie showed, tent, buy one, she, said, this is news, its him, a she hollie, he said, she said, thats submarines all around america, its thats hollie cnn news man reporting, a she hollie said, thats nuclear fire, said hollie cnn news man, its in california, dumitru duduman appeared, this is hollie cnn newsman, that, said a she hollie, that she said, its that, hollie said, the woman appeared i aint MYSTERY, BABYLON, said, hollie said, that she said, itwas the statue of liberty, and both american coasts burned, that said hollie, its his ship again said babyfleas, that said hollie, the m.v. Hollie said, that hollie said, wilhelm gustloff ship, that hollie said, its hitlers super ship, los angeles said angel, its under attack it, hollie, and he saw said casey, it nuclear fires along both american coasts, record the vision, said, hollie, showed, her, light watch, its time, she, said, thats, happy hollie going to, its, tent revival, she, said, post, later, said, hollie, wearing her, white, its, she, said, light watch, submarines are right there, said, hollie, its on the day of the Lord, another, hollie, said, thats, hollie cnn news reporter, said, a she, hollie, wearing a suit, showing, its submarines, he, said, all around, the, its, u.s.a., and I stamp, he, said, beat, board, shook, its, smoke, going up like furnace, its, said, hollie, sixth seal, she, showed, wearing white robe, hollie showed, wait, she, said, as, submarines, appear, they were all around, its, the, u.s.a., said, its, him, babyfleas, said, its, submarines, thats, nuclear explosion in, its, california, dudmitru duduman, appears, with, stunned, look, thats both american coasts, they burned, said, its, him, she, hollie, said, watches, wearing white, robe, its, from behind, he, said, as, they soar, hollie, said, missiles, its from russia, they strike, hollie, said, some, there, pointed, hollie, exploded, first, in, alaska, theres, explosions, in, its, canada, said, hollie, spun world, wearing her, its white robe, many countries, exploded, thats center of, its, u.s.a., he, hollie said, exploded, they want to, control, said, JEsus, the God spoke, he, said, showed, wearing white robe, call it, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, they alter, steal, she, said, the Ministry of dreams, is, taking, hollie, said, you see that, pointed, hollie, wearing white robe, its, the moon, soon, hollie, said, its light will go out, i'm the moon, said, its moon, but did not speak, stood, motionless, the, clouds, formed, its, world shaking, its on the day of the Lord, said, hollie, thats, many countries, exploding, and, hollie showing, world, its, grim reaper, on his, hollie said, grizzled, horse, laughing, as, dead, mens, souls, fly, that, them, hollie, said, in, the lake of fire, like, its, hot, hollie said, lava, grim reaper laughs, on his, its, hollie showed, grizzled horse, hollie had on her light watch, said, its God, babyfleas, said, bob it will index, she, said, get hits, hollie said, this website, hollie showed, her light watch, go, she, said, thats, hollie walking, in her white clothes, happy at, its, her walking into, tent revival, in, its, hollie said, spun, tent, indianapolis, indiana, go, hollie, said, submarines are right there, said, its him, she, hollie, said, and, she said, said, its, hollie said, casey, wearing a, hollie showed, white robe, its, many countries, exploding, and, world, shaking, hey, pointed, hollie, world had face, Jesus came, like happy God, and many, people floated up from the world, some to everlasting, lava, like there, are, many, said, hollie, in, fire, it appears, hollie, said, theres, hollie, wearing white robe, its, on, the streets of, its, pure glass, said, hollie, and theres, captain, hollie, in, his submarine, its, in, the crystal sea, hollie, said, with, many glass skyscrapers, behing, hollie, aims, pulls, trigger, she, hollie, said, and, its open fire, he, said, many countries, on, world, exploded, moon, looks, its comfounded, said, hollie, i'm said, its, sun, hollie, said, laughed, both play, God, there, its, the rapture, hollie, said, Jesus, appears, hes, standing, on, the mountain, flys, up, and many fly, with, there you have it, said, hollie, wore white robe, showed, her watch, go, she, said, bob, said, hollie, lets go, she, said, its, to tent, he and she, hollies said, both, had, on, light robes, they were, showed, hollie, ministering spirits, its on, she, said, the God spoke, call it, she, said, showed, the Ministry of Dreams, thats, altering, hollie, said, Ministry of Dreams, is God created, dont, steal, thats, hollie pointing, and moon, appearing, with big nose, its bobby, moon, said, he make me, thats Jesus, its God, hollie, said, talking with moon, telling moon what to say, then sky turned, red, babyfleas, said, with, black clouds, and, like, thunder, its, bright, hollie, said, now, but, thats, its, she, said, angel, looters, running, the streets, its, the u.s.a., hollie said, economic collapse, then, said, hollie, they will release, it, what they stole, hollie, stamps, body hidden, but faded, in, had on her, light watch, and white, its attire, hollie, said, they, are, not, going to, remove, untill, they, get, into, trouble, hollie, said, go, she, said, on claiming to, be christians, but try to ruin, God, and the work, he is doing, thru, this, servant, and still, act, saved, and claim, said, hollie, you want to go to heaven, thats the lake of fire, appearing, its like lava, and the thieves, of, the God, chosen, spoken, I want my name, said, Jesus, back, untill I move against, you, enjoy, offending, me and my child, buy the day will come, and I will catch you off guard, Jesus, said, and you will run to remove, what i spoke and created, call it, ministry of dreams, hollie speaks, to mean, in, its, white robe, said, hollie, spun world, and many countries, exploded, and, its pope, said, hollie, its antichrist, beast, he, said, coming, out, theres, hu hintao, said, hollie, its, these, two beasts, hollie, said, will want to rule the world, its, she, said, the king of the east, which is, south, hollie, said, and, north, they, are, hollie, sums, shows, bobby, go, said, moon, hollie showed, record, go, bob, she, said, had on her, its, hollie said, light watch, its, she, said, getting late, go, to, the, tent revival, its, here, she, said, in, indianapolis, home of the 500, hollie, said, thats her driving, its, indy car, showed, on, digital, speed, 227, thats about, its, average, hollie, said, bob, dont, speak, she, said, go, bob they wont put you out, said, Jesus, thats, pastors, hollie, said, putting her, its, out of the church, she said, put it undle, hollie, said, dont pray for revival, and then thats Jesus speaking to hollie, go, and, she, does, and gets, put out, of the churches, here, its, in, she, said, good old, hollie spun world, indianapolis, indiana, this is uh warning, said, hollie, and, he wore up white, robe, said, babyfleas, go, hollie, said, had on her, its uh light watch, she, said, showed, time, stay until, nine, p.m., hollie, said, its, for, she, said, this, its, flash, hard drive, and I stamp, said, hollie, and, up rose, the, beast, its, antichrist, said, hollie, pope, she, said, put it undle, he hollie said, wore, white robe, thats, its, piano, on titanic, and, new hollie looks down at, plays, and sits, at, smiles, and, plays, but, its limited, keys, she, said, thas, showed, hollie, titanic, being, built, and, striking iecberg, and, there it is, said, hollie, still loved, on bottom of the, sea, said, he, hollie, bent, its rustin, hollie, said, git your money out of the bank, said, Jesus, thats, angel looters, running, the streets, its, in, the, u.s.a., hollie, said, showed, its, economic collapse, her, in america, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats, when, its, Jesus sprinkling, giving, them, its, one mind, heart, hollie, said, put it undle, hollie, said, bobby work, a, he hollie said, said, babyfleas, showed, go, caint ya go, said, its him, a she hollie, said, work, bobby, hollie said, wearing, its white robe, and I stamp, he, hollie said, up, rose, the pope, hollie said, I am gog, said, its pontey, hollie, said, thats him riding black horse, its, into, moscow, she, said, thats, pope, and medvedev, signing, its uh deal, hollie, said, it, gains, pope, she, said, some control, put it undle, hollie, said, bobby go, 8-10-2010-this is uh warnin, said, hollie, wiped, lips, is, holly cooper, shes, i'm lesbian, said, hollie cooper, hollie said, put it under, watch hollie cooper, said, hollie, smoke, bobby, said, hollie, showed, her, watch, pointed, up, showed, its time, she, said, i'm the beast, said, pope, your talken about antichrist, hollie said, walked into, its, tent revival, smiling, hollie, showed, record, and, I, stamp, she, said, up, rose, the, pope, hollie, said, its antichrist, she, said, like, angel, of light, if the king, said, its, hollie, said, hollie, thats king of grecia, with, ram horns, kings coming out of its, horns, hollie and God, said, come, on, hollie, said, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. rockets striking russia, you devour that, Jesus, said, thats bear destroying, n.a.t.o., thats submarines, all around, america, one, fires, thats, nuclear fire, in, its, california, dumitru duduman, there, thats both american coasts burning, man let me git, said, hollie, cnn news anchor man, got kicked out by happy Jesus, then Jesus appears, above world, thats many countries exploding, smoke rising, moon looks down, with big nose, its, bobby, said, moon, in heart, but, reappears, didnt speak, a word, kind of swallows like moon man, said, hollie, thats, pope telling medvedev, you otta, said, pontey, showed, make war, drive them, out, its, they exchange, said, hollie, showed, nuclear fires in, russia and china, then, russia and china, thats pope sitting at table, and two horned, beast, with, hintao, and, japan coming out of its horns, thats, 666 peace treaty being signed, I am God, said, pope, sitting in his temple in rome, they laugh him to scorn, hollie, said, you'll find more of these, showed, hollie, had three hard flash drives, I will send you thunderstorms, said, Jesus, thats, thunderstorms, coming to, God, hollie, said, looky, hollie, said, hand appears, but, hollie dimly, fades in, you lure, said, boris yeltsin, to hu hintao, thats hintao battling washington state with his light sword on his red horse, its, mint colored, hollie fights back with a blue colored sword, another, hollie flys out, shes like silhouette faced partial new hollie, bombs, chinese ship, thats hollie riding the rocket, it streaked from pointed hand, hollie dimly faded in, smiles, china, taiwan, burned, thats captain, hollie, in, three ohio class submarines, they shower, china burns, thats, said, hollie, the ministry of dreams pyramid, its now over, she, said, talked with Jesus, fifty different dot coms, now you, will not loose your number and two rankings in google, and here comes, ministry of dreams dot freeservers up like a muti colored angel, with small deformity, on one side, but bigger and blue on other, like brownish deformity with mostly blue face, on that side, but, website happy, thats ministry of dreams website showing, its pope, said, hollie, sitting, at, the, table, bob, get, food, hollie, said, showed, eat, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, thats the message board, is showed, hollie, ministry of dreams website, with, blue and brown on one side, and, like, greenish spec on other, build me said ministry of dreams messageboard website, showed, its new world order, thats, putin, and, chavez, theres hintao and lula, theres castrol looking stout and nicaraguan president like castrol, there you have it, thats mexican president looking happy, but, not wanting, like, lula, kim jong, said, lets put it there, thats kim with, its, nuclear controls, hollie, said, pressed, thats, nuclear fires in russia and south korea and china, thats, missile leaving russia with ministry of dreams website on, with deformities face, theres blue and brownish green spec on one side, blue on other, and like some greenish, and, red dragon with bush riding dressed like woman, thats, north korea exploding, thats putin with ten horns on head, thats one, with, its, mans eyes, said, hollie, thats, pope walking out, thats, putin going backwards, coming out, its, hollie, said, medvedev and yeltsin, thats yeltsin out of, its politburo, the ten ruling kings in russia, thats pope out of putin, bob said hollie, showed, popes picture with brown hair, hollie speaks in, background, can I rule the world, pontey shakes, yes, hes like angel, hollie, said, hollie shows, world, thats hollie soaring in, its space starfighter, stargfightem jet, another, hollie said, many countries exploded, world shakes, has eyes, in fire, smoke rises, bob said moon in heart, but didnt speak, but transformed into like man, but dreaded, moved lips, laughed, that, book bob, is, making, people tremble, said, Jesus, hollie showed, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, thats the ministry of dreams, book angel like, hollie thought, face, like, one solid face, no, like, mask, hollie said, showed, sides, one side has, small deformity on, its grayish, book sold today, thats, book angel getting word from God, over four hundred copies, said, hollie, thats, said, hollie, the ministry of dreams, angel, bob it up, said, hollie, a website, called, The Ministry of Dreams, dont, copy, hollie said, thats Jesus, call it ministry of dreams, thats, altering she, said, this is, it, bob, its, like, storm brewin, and, thats, kings of, the world, appearing, its, agitated, said, hollie, talking, they plan strike against, its the u.s.a., hollie, said, i'm the vision, lets post, said, hollie, thats, hollie, reaching, for, the people at, its, he hollie said, first church in hobart, indiana, thats pastor looking at visions, from ground hollie looked like normal hollie wearing white shirt, but from high in air like brown blob hollie, he caint, hollie said, its pastor, let you come there and speak, you'll empty out my crowd, Pastor Jonathan Barley, said, showed, i'm cut off, said, Jonathan Barley, thats Jonathan Barley showing a full pocket, Pastor Jonathan Barley said with the voice of u.p.c.i. pastors, that is, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, book, said, showed, another, hollie, like silhouette book, but angel face, partially appeared, sweeping all over, america, Jesus, showed, said, hollie, stomped, thats beast running out with horse hoof sound, like angel dot head, its lit, hollie, said, I am God, pope, said, this is, warnin, said, hollie, thats, people lined up to receive their healin, hollie said, if God grants permissions to cast plagues and heal, there, said, hollie, had, in, her, hands, man, and, woman, they made baby, it was little hollie like silhouette face, but not happy, cried, she said, hollie said, post, thats bob posting visions on internet, and hollie there with by head, thats, hollie, its, prophecy ministry website like partial angel head, with, theres blue and white, mouth faded in, but, colors off like, hollie pointed, theres, greenish, brownish, many deformities, but, website happy, dont steal, said, prophecy ministry website, thats Jesus like said, hollie, like light man, with, mostly, its silhouette said, hollie, face, o, its his ship, fleas, appears, dressed like royalty, but face changed silhouette, thats three torpedoes striking, its, the, m.v., hollie said, wilhelm gustloff ship, theres ship waiting on bottom of sea, hollie, visits in submarine, were brothers, they said, thats, the ministry of dreams, website, said, hollie, like myspaceangle, theres words, going into face, then, some appear on side, like, code, hollie said, showed, be happy, heres your warning, said, hollie, its with space saucer, sound, space fight-um-er, said, hollie, flying in his space saucer, is uh f-1 jet, turned into, hollie soared, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia, burning, world, shaking, hey, whats that, said, hollie, thats, venezuela and brazil, exploding, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear fires along mexican and latin american borders, thats fire in cuba, nicaragua burned, its tripod, three submarines in cuban, nicaraguan, and mexican waters, then those three ribs appeared, in hollie bears mouth, another, hollie bear appears, lets get ready for war, she, said, thats uh submarine, right there, said, she, hollie, and captain, hollie, surfaces, its akula agin, thats what you want need, hollie, said, i'm president george bush, its w. hollie said, ate his chicken, captain hollie fired, thats gaza forsaken burning, and nuclear fire in iraq, two, back to bush eating, the war its to breakem, he said, ate chicken, oil wells contracts, he said, come on, said, hollie, puts, president george in fire, dont tell me ministry of dreams no more, its the thunder, said, hollie, speaking, which one, said, hollie, thats angel face appearing, white, with deformities on both sides, theres redish and greenish, blue, there you have it, said, hollie, and I summed another, said, but body hidden, dimly faded in, like round hands, hollie laid, down, but, ate, record, said, hollie, showed, work, on, its, computer, Ministry of dreams, is spoken by me the Lord, if you steal, I will ruin you in this life and make you run to remove what I created and hid till this time, thats, said, Jesus, 2002, appearing, I spoke it to bob, God, said, the Ministry of dreams, said, its Jesus, hollie, said, bob put place it up, hollie, said, to keep people from, stealin, she, said, dont, steal, or alter it, said, hollie, its, the God spoke, she, said, call it, ministryofdreams, but witches do, hollie, said, put it undle, she, said, bob, work, hollie had on her light watch, I'm the Lord Jesus, said, is God, hollie, said, dont, she, said, take it, or, steal, or, thats Jesus appearing with torturing, device, its over ministry of dreams, hollie, said, they alter it, she, said, to, like, The Ministry of Dreams, ministry dreams, or, even, ministryofdreams, those witches, hollie, said, showed, her, its, light watch, bob, she, said, its, time, hollie had on, its white attire, she, said, this is saith the Lord, the official, ministry of dreams, is, youtube, showed, hollie, dont, take, steal, or, alter, or, get, spiritual, warfared, but, its, the Holy Ghost, hollie, said, thats, God, wanting people to leave him alone, but if you mess with Me, said, its, Jesus, i'll ruin you and cut you off and make you openly mocked in this life, God, said, just try me, this is, said, is, hollie, wearing, its, white attire, thats, hollie reaching for, the people at the churches, from Ground, hollie looked like normal hollie, but from high above, like, brownish blob, hollie, you know, she, said, its, time, hollie, said, time, for, work, hollie said, showed, book, buy, it, hollie, said, spoke with God, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, its on net, hollie, said, look, for, thats, hollie looking for, 8-11-2010-this is warning, said, hollie, bob fast, said, Jesus, for I persecute, to, cause you, to loose your salvation, after you have lived and sacrificed, all to me, saith God, for I, harm your facial muscles, causing them to tighten, ruining, your appearance, causing gum desease, and, deseases on body, caressing, penus with electricity, angering, all day, to make you, perish, for I love, teasing, saith, Jesus, I ruin you face all day, fast untill death, and maybe I will change, toward, you, to laugh, and make, cause you to perish, for no reason, other, then, to make you openly mocked, like JOB, saith the LOrd, for I caused all my children to, perish, to, mock, and make it, as though they wasted their time, saith Jesus, this is warning, said, hollie, come to him, she, said, and, Jesus appears, and he will cause you to be hated by, first, people, then, cause you to perish, so all will openly mock you, this makes Jesus, happy, hollie showed, time, its, she, said, had on her light watch, go, bob, to, thats, hollie walking, its to, she, said, the downtown, indianapolis, library, said, JEsus, this is vision, said, hollie, lets post, she, said, thats post angel, at his computer, said, Jesus, posting, away, like, lit, dot head, tripped up, its hollie, said another hollie, and i show, she said, hey bob its sleep, hollie showed, said Jesus, it was him, said uh she hollie, but not hollie showed, he wore uh white robe, the leopard, said hollie, showed a four headed beast, its said hollie, theres hu hintao, its emperor of japan, theres hollie said, both korean presidents, there you have it said hollie, its the leopard she said, and i showed, said hollie, God said, lay down, its the ady gil, said hollie, you sank, she said, we know said, its the skipper, said hollie, put it under, hollie said sleep, i was satan, said, its hollie said babyfleas, sh, said hollie, satan, she said, but he looked like God, what did satan want hollie, i'm the bear father, that was satan, said hollie, and like dark outline hollie appears, i'm with him she said, satan, another hollie said, Jesus, God, hollie said, but he looked like satan, she said Jesus said, hollie screamed, why what for, i said, hollie screamed again, showed lay down, hollie showed, record, bobby, she, said, had on her, its, uh, she, said, light watch, go, she, said, time is, running out, thats, hollie, working on, its computer, said, her, casey, appears, wearing white robe, this is, uh warnin, said, hollie, thats holly cooper getting e-mail, its addresses, hollie said, for bob, it, make, holly cooper smile, she said, dont, hollie showed, the, new, ministry of dreams, website, its, utubiaman angel like clear on one side of face, but litte greenish speck, hollie said, appeared, turned face, big deformity, said, hollie, its multi, colored, hollie, said, hollie, walks, to, and, looks at, angel turns, head, shows, popes picture, its, with, brown hair, let me, rule, the, world, said, its putin, laying before, poepon, said, hollie, like bear, hollie showed, world, thats, many countries exploding, hollie flys, its, f-1, said, another, hollie, starfighter, hollie, its him, she hollie said, happy, see said, hollie, its new hollie looking down at piano, it played, showed, hollie, its, piano on, its, r.m.s. titanic, with keys missing, thats piano with face shaking yes, showing ship, its captain smith, hollie, said, he sank, thats captain, smith, its retirement, said, e.j. smith, he didnt want, thats, white, angel, like, showing, book, its, bob, write, hollie, said, the ministry of dreams, she said, write uh book, said, Jesus, hollie showed, book, and call it, God, said, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, the end time revelations, dont, said, hollie, pointed, at, clock, its, at, new wineskin ministries, you stayed, i said, dont, hollie said, showed, its the ady gil, ship, hollie said, with, hollie, there, another, hollie wearing white robe, shows, c'mon, then, that, pointed, hollie, thats hollie firing missiles, and ady gil, launching rockets, its america, many states with nuclear fires, thats, its, the, woman, hollie, said, that, hollie said, the statue of liberty, thats ady gil skipper looking at visions, leave it alone, thats, what your doin, said, hollie, with, its, the, uhleave it alone, hollie said, sandy said, sorry, o my God, said, its, Jesus, hollie, said, i'm uh vision, lets, post, said, hollie, this is, warning, lets post, said, hollies, and, I, stamp, said, hollie, thats beast pope running, out, i am God, its poepon, said, hollie, thats, pope sitting in temple in rome, wearing kings clothes, they laugh, hollie showed, turn, like lit hollie, go, hollie showed, tear up, said, hollie, had like red bear paws, git up, she, said, its, change oil, said, hollie, yeow, said, van, happy, had lighted lips, and, he, saw, that, said, casey, hollie like dark outline, hollie, smiled, had, white in mouth, that, pointed, another, hollie, it, rained submarines, said, hollie, with, its, submarine, somby, all subs had captain, hollie, some she, some, he, they fired, thats many countries exploding, thats, world, shaking, smoke rising like furnace, moon looks, its, bobby, said, moon, he made me, then appears wearing suit, big nose, showed, not uh word, showed, picture, its, both, beasts, with, hu hintao, said, hollie, and, pope, hollie showed, take uh bath, thats the, marine corp. out in the streets, said, Jesus, like silhouette face, marines, there angels Jesus said, that is washington street, said, hollie, people protesting, holding, signs, its high government wages, man, said, it appeared, handofhelp, clapped, hollie, 8-12-2010-bob carr is a witch, said, Jesus, why do you call yourself my servant, said, God, I wanted it for gain, said, its, witch, hollie, said, is, bob carr, tell on him, she, said, I want the people to give me a pension, said, bob carr, fuck, he, said, them, I dont care about God or them, said, its bob carr, for, he is uh witch, said, hollie, thats bob carr, being, sh, hollie said, its uh tax evader, but, he wants you to pay, she, said, put it undle, hollie said, watch bob carrs face reden, when asked questions, its the press, hollie, said, heres how bob carr, beat the system, hollie, said, hes, pocketing, the loot, said, bob carr, from, not claiming, wages, she, said, put it undle, hollie said, its to late for bob carr, its the, new flash drive, its hard drive, said, hollie, angel, came, out, hollie showed, book, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats heidi urshan with her copy, God, said, heidi enis urshan, she trembled, to day hollie speaks with God, you sold about one hundred books, tomorrow you will sell about one thousand, heres how, thats, hollie finding e-mail addresses, hollie stamps, thats, beast, pope, rising, like, angel, thats, pope, hollie, said, riding, its, uh black horse, said, hollie, thats, pope, going, into, moscow, said, hollie, it, is, now, let me observe, said, hollie, thats, poepon, she, said, and, medvedev, signing, its, uh deal, they, agree, thats, them, showed, hollie, thats, hollie walking, with food from dumpster, thats, people in, its, the, u.s.a., said, hollie, its, economic collapse, hollie, said, theres, people protesting with, signs, its, high, government, wages, plus, no jobs, for, america, and, I, stamp, said, hollie, smiled, showed, teeth, thats new, world, order, carriage, its, black and, red, with, theres, the, pope, and, hu, hollie, jumps on, top, like, angel, no food, said, like dot head, visitor, hollie said, people in, its, the, u.s.a., stamped, hollie, she, showed, its, light, stick, thats, bob, and, family eating, during, lets, rule, the, world, said, putin, hollie, back on carriage, sees kings inside, thats mexican president smiling but showing no, thats submarines in cuban and mexican and nicaraguan waters, thats nicaragua burning, nuclear fires, along, mexican border, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear fires, in, cuba, but, theres those three kings, thats, hugo chavez smiling, but showing, no, theres, kim jong, with nuclear button, he, hey i'll have it, he said, but, thats, three ribs appearing, in hollie bears mouth, destroy pointed Jesus, thats, n.a.t.o. countries exploding, theres france, said, hollie, with nuclear fire, and, two french ballistic missile submarines, they shower, said, hollie, its, exchange, russia and france, both burning, great britain exploded, thats nuclear fire in australia, explosion in italy, but missiles from them all streaking to russia, hollie watches, russia exploded, thats nuclear fires all over russia, and its, submarines, hollie, said, appearing, all, around america, one fires, thats, nuclear explosion in, its, california, dumitru duduman there, both american coasts, burned, thats hollie watching from high, thats nuclear fires along east and west coast, hey let me git out said hollie cnn news anchor man, like cat, got kicked out, by Jesus, let, me, observe, said, hollie, thats, missiles from russia, one submarine and many land, thats, alaska exploding, cnn tower falling in fire, thats center of america exploding, its, said, hollie, opened up, lighted hands, on the day of the Lord, said, he hollie, dressed well said, she, hollie, this is uh warning, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, she, said, beat hand, thats, putin, with, ten horns, on, head, thats one with mans eyes, pope, comes out, happy, I am gog, he, said, thats, yeltsin, coming out of, its, politburo, showed, hollie, thats, putin out of, its, medvedev and yeltsin, thats, pope out of, putin, I flatter, he said, thats, pope like angel, sitting in temple, I am God, he, said, they, laugh, russia, said, hollie, casey, sprinkled, lets rule the world, said, its putin, hollie, said, thats van showing wanting new oil change, van showed, popes picture, with, brown hair, let me, rule, the world, said, its, pope, hollie, said, laying before, hollie shows world, many countries exploded, thats, smoke rising, like, furnace, its, the, sixth seal, hollie said, world, shakes, up rose, its pope on black horse, theres hu hintao, on red horse, thats, grim reaper on, its, grizzled horse, laughing, collecting dead souls, flying from world, thats them in fire, like black souls, in forty minutes, said, it, pope, hollie, said, hollie showed, that, she, said, nuclear fires in every state in america, that, hollie said, spun world, thats kings coming out, its the new world order, said, hollie, that, she, said, hollie showed, turn, its him said, babyfleas, another, showed, go, with bear paws, tear up, put back, hey, pointed, she, hollie, his body hidden but faded in, like new hollie, hollie like cat, showed, high gas, its at, 2.79, said, she, hollie, the, its him a, she, hollie, said, thats, light shaft pointing, its golden, build church bob, you can, reach, me by the cellphone, sang, hollie, its, uh she hollie said, wearing white garments, face mostly hidden, silhouette, but almost faded in then back out, but nose, its the king, said, hollie, come on, showed, it, him, she, hollie, said, from the side, wearing white robe, it, pointed, hollie, king of grecia with ram horns, it, said, hollie, ram with putins face, and, horns, that, hollie, said, kings, came out, of, horns, it, hollie, said, pope, comes out of, one, theres putin and medvedev, it hollie said, hintao out of other with his flower said babyfleas, if hollie, said, thats, hegoat pontiff, charging, stomping ram, thats, nuclear fire, in, its, moscow, said, babyfleas, thats nuclear fires in, china, and, russia, thats, pope sitting at, table, you drive them, outta there, pope, said, to, medvedev, he, hollie, said, if, happy, thats, russia, being invaded by chinese forces, its, after, nuclear n.a.t.o., said, babyfleas, i'm, the g8, said, its, vladimir agin, said fleas, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. and us, said, putin, thats, two horned beast with hintao and japan, coming, out, of, its, horns, they sign, its uh peace treaty, showed, babyfleas, 666, they laugh, and, hu, said, its popey, hollie said, I can see were not going to get along, they leave, russia, said, hollie, sprinkled, lets rule the world, said, putin, its, during, economic collapse, said, hollie, people protesting, thats, people, in, indiana, protesting, marching, with signs, we want control, he said, they are being stripped of, their, its social security, collapse, showed, fleas, thats, the, stage coach, with many kings, that will rise, against, the, u.s.a., MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, man, there was uh dark horse, said, new hollie like lit dot head, hollie showed, how to sleep, it was him she hollie said, on his side, but woke up happy, this is warning, lets, post, said, many hollies, thats, hollie coming out of, it, pointed, hollie, with golden, hands, oil, it heats up in engine, thats oil inside engine lubricating, but, never, cooks, fleas, said, I did, not, want, no, website, said, like, white cloud hollie, in, atmosphere, this is, warning, said, hollie, and Jesus, thats bob getting hair grafts, its costs, the word, costs, appeared, showed, hollie, about five thousand dollars, spacefighter, jet, said, hollie, dropped bomb, another, hollie flew with silhouette face, thats america below exploding, submarines, appear, all around, both american coasts burned, man let me git outta here, said, its, hollie cnn, said, she hollie, thats, pilot hollie soaring, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, whats that said, hollie, its many countries in south america, on fire, hollie spins world, shows, its, pope, beast, like angel of light coming out, I am God, he, said, whats that, said, hollie, its, putin, flattering the whole world, he will take this said, hollie, its russia, thats putin, and, medvedev and, in power struggle, record, said, hollie, showed, lay down, thats, hollie, looking and, yellow, finger pointed, hollie had the, pioneer sx-980, its uh excellent, stereo receiver, thats angel out of, its, sanyo ss-900 stereo speaker woofer, hook up bob, hollie said, showed, dress different, please please sang the chipmunks and hollie like dark hollie with gray outline, white in mouth, showed, the antichrist pope, write uh book, said, its, hollie said, angel, showed, new book, its, Ministry of Dreams, end time prophecy, dont, trust her, said, hollie, singing, talking about, its me, showed, new hollie, like, new hollie, 8-13-2010-bob, said, hollie, showed, her, light, watch, and I stamp, she, said, up rose, the, beast, its, cart, she, said, its, black and red, these eight kings, she, said, will rise against u.s.a., lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie, said, let us, he, said, hollie whistled, showed, popes, picture, its tear up, with brown hair, let me, rule, the world, said, it, putin, hollie said, showed, world, many countries, exploded, moon looks, stunned, stairs, hollie, flys, its a-26 bomber, they, had, two, motors, would reach speeds, hollie, said, hollie, looked, at, Jesus, almost, four hundred miles per hour, hollie flew by, thats, uh, submarine, right, there, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, its akula agin, said, hollie, thats, what, you want, need, she, said, all around america, all with, captain hollie, theres, he and, she, hollies, they, fired, thats, both american coasts, burning, man let me git outta here, said, hollie, newsman, reporting, got, kicked, out, by God, thats, hollie, watching, its, from behind, said, another, hollie, thats, missiles from russian submarine, and, land based, striking, its, alaska first, burned, said, hollie, exploded, theres cnn tower, falling in fire, hollie said, thats some striking center of america, exploded, its on the day of the Lord, said, somebody, moon there watching, i'm, said, sun, both play, moon laughed, hollie, dont, want, that, website, she, said, like, uh, cutey hollie, hollie, showed, write the vision, had pen and tablet, white robe, brand new hollie, i'm, new hollie said, thats it, said, hollie, thats, hands showing how to make the deal, hollie clapped, hollie, showed, they want saved, bob, said, hollie, its, the, eventful, she, said, hollie showed, the new ministry of dreams website like angel face, deformity on one side, but when turned around, deformity appeared on other, its uh spec said, hollie, its brownish, but, somewhat green, hollie like, happy, whirlwind, its, iran, said, like dark grayish outlined hollie, casey, appears, thats iran exploding, then bush appeared, said, hollie, we made war, he, said, its to breakem he said, steal our oil wells, but, iran kept supplying iraq with arms, thats stopped your, president george bush, said, Jesus, hollie, hit prophetic radio stations, thats hollie talking on, its radio, wearing white robe, hollie flew in, her, domed spacecraft, its, f-47, dropped bomb, america below exploded, as submarines, appear, all around america, its nuclear n.a.t.o. appearing, exploding, russia, burning, moon, appears, bobby, said, moon, in his heart, its he made me, then moon appears like moon man, showed, not uh word, then changed, again, laughed, hollie showed, done, thru, said, hollie, no I aint she showed, with golden hands, but shook yes, he said, hollie, said, in, this, present economy, said, angel, thats, people protesting, with, signs, we want war, one said, its against u.s.a., hollie said, government, for stripping their, pension and social security, benefits, hollie wiped lips like new dot head hollie, hollie, showed, record, thats, the, new, world, order, carriage, hollie said, with the pope and hu, its black and red, hollie on top like angel, sees putin inside, we want war, said, its, o vladimir, agin, hollie said, the mexican president smiles, lula expressionless, hugo smiles, but none want, kim jong, o.k., lets do, nicaraguan president, stout, like castrol, but neither show emotion, lets rule the world, said, hintao, there you have it, said, hollie, its, these eight kings said, hollie, will rise against the u.s.a., MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, man, thats, the, tap dancers, many hollies, with, pope, hollie, said, theres hu hintao, there you have it, said, hollie, relaxed, both beasts, hollie dialed the number, thats Carol Howe, said, hollie, shes, squirting, thats Carol Howe masterbating, it appeared, said, hollie, dont call your self a christian, again, hollie, said, I do said Carol Howe, but, shes uh witch, hollie, said, put it under, hollie said, its to late for Carol Howe, she showed, cut off, now tremble Carol Howe, said, Jesus, like you wanted to offend, o.k., said, Carol Howe, after being shown visions, thats Jesus himself in bob putting these on net, thats golden hand showing, turn, hollie, dimly faded in, sell it, yourself, said, hollie, is that what you think, yeow said, joyce cameron, she wont work said, hollie, thats her hubby doing it, cut her off, said, hollie, this is, warning, said, hollie, bought her five dollar card, worked on computer every night from here on out, hollie whistled, showed, popes picture with brown hair, let me rule the world said putin laying before, alright, shook, pope, hollie showed, its, globe and, he hollie flew in, its spacefighter copter, many countries exploded, smoke rose, bobby said, moon, just gazed, then appeared, like man, showed, not uh word, spoke, in his heart, said, hollie, i'm said, sun, laughed, played on, teetor totter, moon acted like, dread but laughed, there you have are, said, hollie, summed, just hands visible, body dimly faded in, hollie screamed, he said, hit north korea, hollie said, talking bout angel, thats, nuclear fire in north korea, but before, thats missiles leaving north korea, fires in russia, china, and south korea, thats new ministry of dreams website on rocket, with, its, red dragon, hollie appears, in dress, bush rode like woman, its into north korea, exploded, he said, i'll avenge, you, said, hollie and, angel, its, God, avenging, its, the, thieves, hollie, said, of the God spoke, she, said, call it, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, thats, rev. jeremy taylor d.min, hes uh soothsayer, said, hollie, stealing ministry of dreams, he i'll have that, said, dr. jeremy taylor, thats, kathy taylor, shaking yes, both place it on their website, thats, mark moss, and, mike mckay, stealing ministry of dreams, like john mark pool, and, diana hahlbohm, and danny hohlbohm, and, jon saywer, thats janetmck, mocking, taking, ministry of dreams, like, dr. jeremy lopez, all witches, hollie, theres jean poole, and jenny donati, and, shirlee dodge phelps, of, its, the paliban daily, said, hollie, stealing, ministry of dreams, mocking Gods child, theres, hollie, said, its, she, said, dame antonia susan duffy, shes, a.s. byatt, stealing, teh God spoke, ministry of dreams, hollie beats hand, hey dame, said, Jesus, thats, peter duffy, finding, out, about, what you have done, lets divorce, said, its peter duffy, said, hollie, they do, thats, antonia susan byatt loosing who she loves, when the kids, said, Jesus, tell me about it, said, its, peter duffy, said, hollie, showed, work, time, running, out, its that, said, hollie, economic collapse, people marching, protesting, like dot head angel, with signs, hey, we want it, said, man, our social security, and pension, insurance, back, they march, thats, barack obama, I dont care give uh fuck, he said, leaves, bob, said, hollie, showed, walk, ate, wore plad coat, and I stamp, said, hollie, only hand visible, body there, up rose, its, beast, like, angel of light, I am gog, said, its, poepon, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, like, lighted hollie, and hollie put back, had red bear paws, tore up, said, another, hollie, thats, popes picture, appearing, with brown hair, putin, lays, before, let me, rule the world, said, its, putin, hollie shows, world, many countries exploded, smoke rises up from earth like furnace, hollie soars in her, its a-26 fighter bomber jet, moon just stairs, then laughs, I'm said, moon, sun there, its on, titty totter, hollie said, bobby, said, hollie, with, its, the, uhleave it alone, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, its, soumb, she said, hollie was, it, was him, said, another, hollie, in bed, but awake, hollie snapped fingers, yeow said, van, lighted hand came out, showed, thats him posting on, cellphone, brother, said, hollie, showed, be quiet, that was, hollie, in, his starfighter, starfighter, said, another, hollie, let it go, said, the tap dancers, many hollies, showed, book, hollie said, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, buy it, hollie, said, 8-14-2010-what are, you doin, said, hollie, she, reset, the, counter, on, taperecorder, its, war, said, hollie, thats the, said, hollie, showed, quiet, red dragon, Jesus showed, hollie, wearing dress, its, proper, church, attire, she, said, thats hollie loving her red dragon, thats, hollie flying, its, a-26 bomber, she, pressed throttle, all the way, down, it, flew 350 miles per hour, but now when they fly those planes, they dont go, very fast, thats hollie flying, its enola gay, 250 miles per hour, heres why, engines, are, old, now, they dont, want, to, rebuild them, let me, said, hollie, showed, record, hollie stamped, thats, its, she, said, like, hollie showed, book, its, she, said, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, sold, about, 111 copies today, hollie showed, stereo speaker, thats, hand with hollie in palm like in dome showing, you did not want hollie showed, another, male hollie appears, hollie thinks, when buying stereo speakers, buy uh 15 inch woofer, that puts out more bass, thats angel out of bass woofer like angel, thats hollie flying in her starfighter, said, another, hollie, two went by, they were russian jets, they fire, said, hollie, america exploded, you see that, said, hollie, starfighter jet, said, another, hollie, as, it, ascended, dropped bomb, thats, big nuclear fire, in, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., buring, russia smokes, on fire, thats venezuela and brazil exploding, starfighter jet, said, hollie, starfighter right there, said, hollie, now, look, hollie, said, thats, two starfighter, said, another, hollie, jets, both flew, dropped bombs, thats, nuclear fires, in, its, mexico, and latin america, nicaragua burned, how did I get cut off, said, hollie, screaming, screamed again, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats her on internet, with white robe, selling book, hollie, showed, turn, but, disappeared, but still there, hard to see like bluish cloud, maybe this is uh warning, said, hollie, that was nuclear explosion said, hollie, then another hollie showed, its america, with, hollie showed many states burning, write uh book, said, Jesus, hollie showed, its starfighter, hidden, but semi appeared, hollie laid down, snapped fingers, it, was, him, another, hollie said, 8-15-2010-bob, said, hollie, they wanted you to go, hollie, showed, record, and I stamp, thats Jesus torturing bob, its, to, make harden, cause bob to backslide, I said, go, hollie said, hollie flew, in, its uh starfighter, jet, she, said, dropped bomb, its america, below, exploding, thats hollie soaring, and, its nuclear n.a.t.o., countries, exploding, russia, burning, thats, many, countries in latin america and south america exploding, hollie, showed, moon, just, looked, bobby, said, moon, then, laughed, it, was, hollie, acting, like, moon, thats, smoke, rising, like, its, uh furnace, hollie, said, its, on the day of the Lord, hollie, said, clapped hands, stomped foot, showed, fising, but face hidden, but somewhat appears, they dont, want that no more, said, hollie, this is uh warning, she, said, its the seven day adventist church, hollie tore up, showed, bob, go to, its, the, torture, website, bob, said, hollie, showed, you sold 100 books today, hollie licked and loved the prophet, thats pope and hu hintao appearing on tongue, thats, whole new world order, like, thats, happy president of mexico, theres, lula, and, chavez, its kim jong, hollie claps, and nicaraguan president, theres castrol, there you have it, said, hollie, you lure, said, boris yeltsin to hu hintao, thats hollie riding missile, taiwan burned, thats hintao battling washington state with his red light sword, hollie fought back with, its, tinted light sword, another, hollie flys out, in, its, old world war two era space bomber jet, said, hollie, bombs chinese ship, they leave, its repelled, hollie, said, hollie, showed, record, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, thats, its, horses, said, happy, hollie, running, theres, pope on, his black horse, thats, pontiff riding, black horse, showed, hollie, to russia, you otta, said, pontiff, drive them out, thats, its nuclear war in russia and china, its, they exchange, said, hollie, thats, pope sitting, at, table, and, two horned beast with hu hintao and emperor of japan coming out of its horns, they, sign, the, peace treaty, its 666, hollie saw, that, alaska, said, pope, hollie watches, missiles soar, its, from behind, she, said, thats, nuclear fire, in, alaska, its first, thats cnn tower in the fire, and center of america exploding, hollie appears like bear with three ribs in mouth, and bobby who are these, hollie said, thats cuba, nicaragua, mexico appearing on ribs, its, they, are, plucked up, said, hollie, thats, russian submarines appearing in their waters, its, tripod, said, hollie, wearing dress, showed, all with captain, hollie, its akula class, they fired, thats nuclear fire in america, near gulf of mexico, this is, warning, said, hollie, showed, leave it, alone, its prophet u.s.a., said, its angel, showed, hollie, wearing white attire, hey, said, another, hollie, whats that, hollie had shorts on, hollie showed, turn, hollie drove, its jeep, she, said, had fun, they are for off road, thats jeep going where people cant, bobby, said, hollie, terror, she, said, thats, expression less Jesus, appearing, tortures bob, to mock, hollie screamed, showed, book, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it sells millions, hollie showed, record, he told me said hollie, to move mouth, showing, bob, hollie, said, and, I we stamp, hollie, said, up rose beast like angel of light, its pope hollie, said, hollie screamed, come on, said, hollie, showed, leave it, alone, its the g8, said, its, man from new wineskin ministries, thats the beast rising, its nuclear n.a.t.o. and russia, thats angry bear, laughed, hollie showed, its, hollie acting like angry bear, he told me said hollie, coming out, but turning back into bear, this is, warning, said, hollie, that, another, hollie, said, showed, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, you just sold bobby, hollie said, thought, 115 copies, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes, picture, with, brown, hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying, before, hollie, shows, world, many, countries exploded, starfighter, said, hollie, its fighter jet, showed, another, hollie, drops bombs, thats, venezuela and brazil exploding, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear, fires, in, cuba, and, along, mexican and latin american borders, thats nicaragua exploding, its nuclear n.a.t.o. said, hollie, its the g8, she, said, with putin coming out, its, cause, I'm the beast, said, putin, hollie screamed, showed, eat, she said, hollie said, dont, showed, lay down, up showed, hollie, your weight, bob gain uh half pound, said, hollie, its your face, to smoothen, thats people marchin, said, hollie, like dot head lit people, its uh protest, she, said, high taxes, no social security benefits, pension insurance failed, we want, justice, they screamed, hollie screamed to, thats barack obama laughing at them, but acts serious, announcing, its economic collapse, obama said, lets rule the world, said, putin, Jesus, sprinkles, I will give you one heart, Jesus, said, these, eight kings in uh cart, God said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, man, this is, warnin, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie showed, thats hollie walking into walmart, getting, its straight talk, bob, she, said, card, hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, had hollie in like dome pod, in hand, its, him, she, hollie said, o, said, its his ship agin, said, partial face hollie, the wilhelm gustloff ship, o, ship, said, waits on bottom of sea, takes three torpedoes, hollie visits, its hitlers super ship, hollies submarine fires, world shakes, o bobby, said, moon, bob its, said, hollie, the three woes, theres, MYSTERY, BABYLON, said, hollie, thats submarines all the way around, she, said, its, judged, thats them firing, and, its, ballistic missiles, america exploded, thats one woe, hollie said, theres second, its hegoat smiting ram, thats pope with ram horns, theres hu hintao out of one, thats, out of other, its, putin, theres medvedev with his flower, hollie said, and pope, thats hegoat stomping smiting ram, come on, said, hollie, thats nuclear fire in, its russia, she, said, spun globe, thats pope and those kings rising out, its empy, emperor of japan, hollie and God, said, and, theres, false prophet hu hintao, thats, two horned beast, theres, its, they exchange, hollie said, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, then, they sign, its, uh peace treaty, its 666 hollie, said, thats, second woe, heres third woe, hollie pulls up, its her robe sleeve, come on, she, said, thats china, nuking russia, there, pointed, hollie, nuclear fire in, its russia, hollie spins, world, thats china invading russia with many people, and forcing russians to invade israel, thats third woe, hollie, pointed, its, there, she, said, like uh cloud of people, to invade the land, hollie, said, 8-16-2010-its the umbria ship, hollie, said, fire, said, the, umbria, its, hollie said, benito mussolini's ship, hollie said, I had it converted, said, its, benito mussolini, hollie said, and he saw it, said, casey, wiped lips, its mussolini hanging, cause, he, wanted, war, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, its him, she, hollie said, with partial face, but appeared, it was babyfleas, she runs, laughs, Jesus laughs with her, but, fleas will have to give an account, you see what, you, did, bob, you beefed up, the Ministry of dreams, said, hollie, and JEsus, thats, the Ministry of Dreams, like partial angel face, coming out of, its, youtube, hollie showed, Jesus spoke, call it Ministry of Dreams, God, said, dont, steal, or, alter, said, hollie, thats, angry Jesus, appearing, with torturing device, I created, said, Jesus, spoke and birthed, if you take, ministry of dreams, I'll ruin and cut you off and make you remove in this life saith God, I said, dont, hollie, said, but, o, saId, its, babyfleas, bob, people, are, buying your book, and, fiding out, they are, cut off, thats, happy hollie appearing with book, its, she, said, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, hollie stamps, it, sold, over, fifty copies, today, hollie, said, thats, hollie working computer later on tonight, like white, hollie, appreciate, said, hollie, showed, its, ministry of dreams, God will make them remove, she, said, thats, dr. jeremy taylor d.min, stealing the God spoke, hollie showed, call it ministry of dreams, hey i'll have it, said, rev. jeremy taylor, now, kathy taylor, has website, thats, both removing what they stole, theres roland and, christine harding, stealing the God spoke, ministryofdreams, like, yes, shakes, its janetmck, said, hollie, and diana and danny hahlbohm, steal, its witches, hollie, said, like, jon sawyer, and ginny hill, theres mike mckay, its out, youth at risk, showed, hollie, stealing the God spoke ministry of dreams, hollie said, like, marcus moss, its, mark moss, these witches, hollie, said, will remove what they took, like, jean poole, and, jenny donati, of, hollie showed, paliban daily, steal ministry of dreams, like over, now, hollie, said, its over 1400, but all removed ruint, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, so ashamed, he cant look people straight eye, after God cut him off like he will all said, hollie, bobby, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, she, said, up rose, the pope, she, said, thats, carriage, its black and red, said, hollie, with, its, the, new world order carriage, hollie said, place it there hollie said, stamped, showed, on the ministry of dreams, they steal, hollie, said, but, thats God making people spiritual warfared untill they remove, thats, the, pope and, hu, on, its, black and red stagecoach with, its, eight kings, that will rise, against, its, the, u.s.a., showed, hollie, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, man, thats, hu hintao, in, cart, theres, putin, hollie, looks in, sees, happy mexican president, but showed, no, thats, kim jong, shaking yes, lula, looking stout, but, dreading, theres, chavez smiling, but, showing, dont, thats nicaraguan president and castrol looking like they want, but, dont, there you have it, said, hollie, thats, putin, with, ten horns, on head, thats, one with mans, eyes, I said, lets go, hollie, said, bob, she, said, pope, comes, out, hollie spins world, theres boris yeltsin, out of, its the ten hollie said, uh russian rulin party, thats putin out of, its medvedev and yeltsin, hollie, shows, its, polk audio, she, said, rt25 bookshelf loud speaker, buy them hollie, said, thats, hollie, out, of its woofer, its, only five inch, she, said, but, makes, almost accurate sound, excellent, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie walking on, its stair climber machine, they are excellent, whats that, said, hollie, showed, its uh, 1962 mercury comet, convertible, they were excellent, thats one spinning tires, hollie drives, whats that, said, hollie, its, jenny donati, purchasing, ministry of dreams dot net, thats, jean poole, with, ministry of dreams dot org, its to ruin, said, jenny donati with jean poole's voice, space war, said, hollie, starfighter, said, another, hollie flys, its uh dc-10 jumbo jet liner, hollie said, dropped, bomb, america below exploded, hollie, flew, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. cuntries burning, russia on fire, thats, many countries in latin and south america exploding, smoke rises, up, its, your, moon, said, hollie, thats moon stepping to the mike, shows, but, didnt speak uh word, then moon transformed hollie said, into man dressed real nice, hollie with nice hair appears, bob, she, said, be nice tonight, hollie screamed, hand points, its lyon street, thats lion appearing, hollie showed, they loved it, she, said, what is hollie screamin for, again, hollie said, tell me, about, the, website, said, hollie, another, hollie screamed, why, she, said, screamed, thats, beast, pope, running out, like dot, head, lit, hollie showed, eat, i'm the vision, keep postin, said, hollie, showed, go to walmart, its straighttalk, bob get, its with the uhleave it alone, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, it was soumb, she, said, call it ministry of dreams spoke God, hollie said, we are ministery of dreams, said, hollie, showed, the, ministering spirits of, its the God spoke, said, hollie, stamped, ministry of dreams, do not copy, or alter in any way, like, hollie showed, the ministry of dreams, or God will ruin, hollie, danced, he said, you might get cut off, hollie said, talking about angel, she, showed, hollie showed, turn, like, new golden hollie, but, only part of her appeared, he, hollie appears underneath, tickles feet with feather, hey said, another, she, hollie, that hollie wore shorts, you want the vision said hollie, and, another, hollie showed, done, thats hollie, tap dancing, said, another, hollie, i'm alaska, thats what the angel said, hollie said, with, its, the, aleave it alone, sorry, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, thats alaska exploding, from its missile attack showed, hollie, cnn tower falling in flames, hollie watches, its from behind, you know it, said, another, hollie, then side, thats center of america exploding, submarines appearing all around, one fires, thats nuclear, explosion in, its, california, said, dumitru duduman, appeared, man let me git outta here, said, hollie news anchor man, got kicked out by Jesus, both american coasts burned, its on the day of the Lord, hollie cnn news man said, that was hollie on, its, the, umbria ship, thats umbria ship on bottom of sea, man they scuttled me, said, ship, put it under, thats britain sinking, if they didnt, this is, uh, website, said, hollie, showed, its, the, new ministry of dreams website, its, like angelface, theres deformity on, both sides, one, is, bluish, hollie, said, the other, bluish, green, white, its multi colored, hollie showed, hollie showed, stealing, the, hard-flash, drive, 8-17-2010-it was him, a she, hollie, said, thats, holliefleas, its, babyfleas and hollie appearing together, then become, were one holliefleas said, beat hand, up rose pope hollie said, like light dot head, dont, steal, said, its pope, holliefleas said, showed, the, God spoke, ministry of dreams, thats, Jesus, speaking, call it ministry of dreams, thats, dr. jeremy taylor d.min, taking ministry of dreams, its for my wife, rev. jeremy taylor, said, thats, kathryn taylor with, its, dr. rev. jeremy taylor m.a., website, theres, rev. amy brucker, placing the God spoke, ministry of dreams, on, soothsayer dreamworker jeremy taylor (hon) website, thats, jean poole, and jenny donati of, its, the paliban daily, showed, hollie, stealing the God spoke, ministry of dreams, with shirlee dodge phelps, i'm uh witch, shirlee phelps said, thats, diana hahlbohm, and, danny hahlbohm, stealing ministry of dreams, its, formerly, diana hughey, diana hahlbohm said, thats, mike mckay, from, its youth at risk, stealing ministry of dreams, like marcus moss, and jon sawyer, and janetmck, theres, dr. jeremy lopez, taking the name, said, kathryn taylor, like, john mark pool, and, christine and roland harding, its these are witches, hollie, said, like over 1400, theres dame antonia susan duffy, who is, author, a.s. byatt, stealing, taking, said, antonia s. byatt, the God spoke, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, these witches, tell on them, hollie, said, and I stamp, she, said, thats, hollie walking into tent meeting, happy, its revival, showed, hollie, put me down, said, hollie, thats, jenny donati slamming Jesus cause he wont save and buying ministry of dreams dot net, jean poole holds ministry of dreams dot org, diana hahlbohm hollies ministry of dreams dot com, saith the Lord, I dont, want, that, website, said, hollie, thats, what, your, showin, us, she said, bob thats the exactpages website, angel like angelhead, buy, hollie, said, thats bob buying from exactpages, i'm the new ministry of dreams, showed, exactpages, its, the, marine corp. out in the streets, said, hollie, like mostly silhouette face marines, but gabriels face appears, then transforms, hollie, said, bobby said gabriel, thats the theives, of, its, the God, spoke, hollie, said, ministryofdreams, in hellfire, theres dr. rev. jeremy taylor, with kathy and tristy taylor, burning, thats, jenny donati in flames, thats jean poole laughing in hell cause she took jenny donati and shirlee dodge phelps with, there they all are, said, God, bobby, said, hollie, and, hollie with nice hair appears, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, another, hollie screamed, put back, said, Jesus, tear up, said, hollie, hey another, hollie points, comes out, showed, spacefighter, hollie said, dropped bomb, its flown by hollie, america below exploded, submarines appear all around, thats, one firing, nuclear explosion in california, thats, dumitru duduman appeariing looking stunned, and, both american coasts, exploded, its, on the day said, hollie news anchor man, reports, its, he said, danger, hollie with Jesus, inside, appears, happy, shows, that, she, laughed, its, popes picture, with brown, hair, let me, rule, the, world, said putin laying before, that, said, hollie, showed world, thats, hollie flying, in, its space fighter jet, many countries below exploded, face appears on world, smoke all around, its like uh furnace hollie said, put some visions on my website said hollie, bobby look, another, hollie showed, hit high schools in cities, and, elementary schools, they purchase, thats, teachers buying book, its, showed, hollie, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it sold today said hollie, about 1001 copies, hollie screamed, another, hollie points at, white in hollies mouth, holds scream face, hollie shakes, snapps fingers, stomps foot, hey said another, hollie, hollies body hidden but appeared, but changed into he hollie wearing shorts, its white attire said holliefleas, thats utubia angel website like, its deformed, hollie said, deformities on both sides of face, hollie screamed, and face mostly silhouette, its, The Ministry Of Dreams, said, hollie, I am the, The ministry of dreams, angel said, new economy, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, then showed, away, thru, she, said, new economy, said, Jesus, its, its broke, said, hollie, now, let me, explain, she, said, showed, angel looters all over america, people marching and protesting, we want justice one man said, it, social security collapse another, said, pension failure, a woman, said, they chant, we want war, its with the american government, barack looks serious, concerned, at microphone, turns, back, hollie, showed, record, we thought you were wierd, hollie said, showed, turn, lighted, hollie, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, thats beast pope running out, like lit dot head, thats, pope, hollie, said, riding black horse, its into moscow, pope, said, thats, deal, said, hollie, she, watched, its, pope and medvedev, signing, it gains, popus, hollie said, some control, hollie showed, move over, he, hollie tickles her feet with feather, this is hollie, said, hollie, thats, he hollie playing, music, bob we want ya, he, said, hollie played piano on titanic like hidden hollie but appeared, hollie, appeared, showed, that, she, said, its both beasts, there, she, said, its, hu hintao, and, its popus, hollie, said, whew we, said, hollie, with Jesus, inside, o, its wilhelm gustloff ship taking three torpedoes, hitler on deck, its the super ship adolf hitler, said, hollie with Jesus, inside, saw, showed, lay down, clapped hands, but, face, another points, looks, puts hand over, mouth, not visible, but appeared, it was uh new hollie, its, said, hollie, like, another, said, God, said, a dinosaur shaped, its, face, like, hollie said, hollie had on watch, bob, she, said, lets, go, hollie walked, leave me alone, thats, what, you, hear website, there went your website right there, said, hollie, exactpages will not go down, said, its pope, hollie, said, and Jesus, website, said, hollie, hollie spoke, into the recorder, thank you Jesus another, hollie said, thats hollie looking down at piano on titanic like light face, then sat at, played, but laughed, its, him, another, said, 8-18-2010-no, said, hollie, showed, away, she, said, thru, but, shook, yes, hollie screamed, had white in mouth, another, hollie, walks out, but places hand over mouth, shakes, yes, said, God, bob wanted, vision, pope, hollie said, its, uh picture, she, said, with brown hair, hollie, said, let me rule the world, said, its putin, hollie, said, showed, world, many countries, exploded, space star fighter, said, hollie, soared, with captain, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie, showing, you sold today bob about 700 copies of, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, book, hollie, said, bob, said, hollie, and, I, showed, pope, she, said, I'm the antichrist, I am God, pontey, hollie said, did say, she said, its, horses, said, hollie, thats, hu hintao riding, the, red, thats, hollie riding, missile, taiwan, burned, thats it, hollie said, streaking from china, thats, hu hintao, battling, its, washington, hollie said, state, with, his, mint colored light sword, on red horse, thats, hollie fighting back, same, o mint colored, sword, hollie, wore, white, robe, was, expressionless, but, made, fighting expressions in other visions, thats, hollie, flying, out, its, old, world world war two era aircraft, bombs chinese ship, you lure said boris yeltsin to, its, hu hintao, thats, boris yeltsin, coming, out, of, its, the, ten, hollie, said, thats, putin out of, medvedev, and, pope, thats, putin out of, medvedev and yeltsin, thats pope, out of, putin, lets rule the world, thats a russian rulin party, said, hollie, showed, with arm, bob, said, hollie, showed, three kings rising in the world, theres hu hintao, popey, hollie said, emperor of japan, that, she said, showed, idol pope, slashed, it was, uh dream, said, hollie, showed, its uh night vision, bob, with, geneva windberg, tells about book, its hollie, said, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, bob, said, write the vision, said, hollie, I, want, my, vision, she, said, it, was, another, hollie said, the main ministering spirit, hollie, thats, protestors, said, hollie, marching, like angel, dot, head, its lit, hollie said, thats people with signs, its, hollie showed, all over america, we want justice, one said, thats, woman showing, no, people get stripped of their social security and pension insurance, scene closes, hollie showed, turn, thats, the, reason, said, hollie, thats, hollie with golden hands, big hands, tear up, hey, said, hollie, came, out, pointed, but put hand on mouth, showed, the whole new world order, its, picture, hollie, said, thats, pope, theres hu hintao, thats, president of mexico and nicaragua and lula, all sign deal with, medvedev, no, said, chavez, then, tapped danced, showed, away, thats castrol looking stout, theres kim jong with nuclear controls, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, and, china, and, south korea, thats, missile leaving, russia with, its new ministry of dreams, angel on, with deformity on one side of face, its, the ministry of dreams, its on utubia, on youtube, north korea exploded, I said, eat, hollie showed, hollie worked on computer, wearing white attire, thats he hollie wearing shorts, same o, he hollie appears underneath tickling feet with feather, bob, said, hollie, another, hollie worked on computer, wearing white clothes, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, another, hollie screamed, hollie walks out like new hollie, points at white in hollies mouth, places hand on mouth, looks, then shakes, yes, happy, bobby, their free, said, hollie, and whole new, world order, appeared, casey wore white robe, hollie, dont want, no, more, thats, what, your, showin, thats, what, you need, said two hollies, another, showed, turn, again, hollie screamed, its, july fly, they make that noise, hollie, said, they die, she, said, live about two months, dont mourn them, hollie, said, prophet hickman, raise your hands, and lift your voice, no more joy fellowship, hollie showed, lay down, but eyes still open, snapped fingers, showed, hitch hike, bob said, hollie, showed, popes picture, o, said, its his ship, partial face, hollie, said, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff, ship, takes, three torpedoes, rolls, sinks, adolf hilter on deck, o, said, ship, waits on bottom of sea, hollie visits in submarine, fires, thats, hollie showing world, shaking, many countries burning, spacefighter, said, hollie, flying, in, soaring, smoke rises, hollies face appears on world, hollie like dark with gray outline appears, whew we said, hollie with Jesus inside, hollie showed, building on lafayette road, buy, she, said, its, not zoned, its cecil golder showed, turn, said, hollie, a, he hollie appears underneath, tickles feet, with, its light feather, showed, hollie, what is that, said, hollie, its, from, the, thirties, she, said, its old car, hollie drove, lets motor, she, said, 8-19-2010-he said, watch, this, said, hollie, its, hollie stamping, pope, she, said, arose, with, its, she, showed, brown hair, lets rule the world, sang, its, putin, showed, hollie, and, another, hollie, showed, world, many countries, exploded, space-starfighter, hollie, said, she, soared, but, she, came, out, placed hand over, mouth, wondered, if you even wanted, she, she said, the vision, it was him, partial face hollie, said, we want war, said, he hollie, its on the day of the LOrd, him, hollie said, let me, said, hollie, whew we, said, hollie, with God inside, its, bob, said, hollie, looked at Jesus, you sold over, 200 books today, you sold, visions of the beast, with, seven heads, and, ten horns, thats beast, it had many kings, coming, out, hollie, showed, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., and russia, its, thats, the, g8, hollie, said, putin comes out having, ten horns, on, head, and, bobby, who are these, said, hollie, stamped, showed, eat, thats, politburo, a russian ruling, party, thats boris yeltsin, out of, its, hollie, said, the, ten, thats, putin, out of medvedev and, its, yeltsin, thats pope out of, its, putin, that, horn, has, eyes, like, man, its, thats uh july fly, hollie, said, they, die, lets rule the world, sang, putin, thats, world, and, many military ships, and, submarines, some, fighter jets, all with captain hollie, thats, america exploding, theres, great britain, burning, theres explosions in, its, france, italy exploded, hollie, and, God, said, thats, australia, and, brazil exploding, venezuela and cuba on fire, thats nicaragua burning, fires along latin and mexican, borders, thats smoke rising up, its, the, sixth seal, said, hollie, thats, moon, with, face, then, its, transformed, said, hollie, into man but showed, not uh word, dressed, well hollie, said, thats hollie holding, its, the, pioneer sx-980 stereo receiver, power meters moving, bobby, said, hollie, thats, july fly, in, its, tree, showed, hollie, happy, but dying, they just get sleepy and, its, out, she, goes, hollie, said, bobby, be there on time, hollie, showed, in, white robe, this the website, lets, post, some, visions, hollie, said, and, I we stamp, she, said, up rose, pope, like, dot head, thats him running out, gets, on black horse, thats, war going on, its hollie said, nuclear n.a.t.o. and russia exploding, thats china invading, mostly destroyed russia and pope riding black horse, into, pope showed, russia, you otta drive them outta there, said, its popey, hollie, said, thats medvedev pressing nuclear controls, and, hintao doing same, its exchange, hollie, said, thats, hegoat, smiting, ram, thats, ram with, putins, face, out of, horns, comes, theres putin, medvedev and pope said, hollie, out of, one, thats hintao out of other, then scene changes, said, hollie, thats, pope sitting at table, its she said, two horned beast with, hu hintao and, empy, emperor of japan, hollie and God said, they sign peace treaty, its 666 hollie said, thats them laughing, threatening, and pope said hintao, I can see were not going to get along said pope, they leave, thats the grain mill in, its indianapolis, showed, hollie, its for sale cause employees make to much said Jesus, making it, hard for, company to profit, thats, buisnesses in america, folding, up, its, cause high wages, Jesus, said, my mercy is on your website, again, said, Jesus, hollie showed, the God spoke, its, she, said, bobby call it, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, dont steal it, said, hollie, i'll strip you said God just before, he said, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats economic collapse in america and people looting like angel looters with silhouette faces, thats people marching, and protesting, with, signs, we want labor, one, said, another, cant, believe his social security ran out, theres another wanting pension insurance back, done hollie, said, showed, broke, submarine, said, hollie, thats, captain hollie, in his submarine, its, open fire, he, said, thats, nuclear fires, in, iraq, thats, gaza, forsaken burning, hollie shows, president george bush to microphone, he ate chicken, dressed well, I made our war, he said, bit his chicken legg, its to breakem, bush, said, sell our oil wells, he said, leaves, hollie places, george w. bush in fire, i'm uh, submarine, said, hollie, now look, she, said, its akula, class, thats, what you want, need hollie said, its, on, the, day of the Lord, said, its him partial face hollie said, one fired, thats nuclear fireball in california, then nuclear fireballs along both coasts, hollie watches, its from behind, said, hollie, o, said, the wilhelm gustloff ship, thats hollie like lit face hollie looking down, its, at, piano on titanic, hollie sat at, played, record, said, hollie, whats that, said, another, hollie showed, bob and vicki, they we, thats man and woman and baby hollie showed, hollie, they produce, its two, bob sells book, its, all, make loot, hollie pockets, walks in plad coat, no expression, claps, hands, hey, pointed, hollie, came out, but, wondered if bob was going to record, whats hollie, screamin for, screamed again, hollie comes out, points, but looks, hey she, said, showed, its, o.k., bob will record, points, at the white in hollie mouth, its, the end the prophetic ministry website, like angel head, showed, face, had, changing deformity, on, one side, its, was multi colored, theres blue and greenish, on other, side, same o colors, but changing, face, kept changing, angel showed, end time prophetic ministry, leave it alone, angel said, that, is, submarine, prowling, said, hollie, with, sandy lips, its, submarine sireen, sub surfaces with captain he hollie, pulls trigger, fires, its a mountain burning, turned into america, smoke went up like furnace, its on the day of the LOrd said hollie, world had, face, thats, many lights, those are, countries burning, where were you, said, Jesus, thats, bob, walking, seeing missiles coming, trembles, but knew, hollie showed, thumbs down, shew we, she said, its the blended church, those witches, hollie said, thats, hollie happy with JEsus inside, showed, pope, she, said, with, brown, hair, its, uh picture, she, said, let me, rule, the, world, said, putin, hollie showed, world, many countries, burning, world shakes, face appears on, i'm uh dream, said, world, hollie showed, record, hollie wrote on, its thing in front of calvary temple, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it sold, hollie looked at God, over 100 copies, thats paul removing, what was that, said, hollie, it was him, said, another, hollie, he hollie claps, but, only partially seen, same o he hollie appears underneath, tickling feet with feather, hey pointed, hollie, he wore, shorts, hollie didnt, know if, bob would, post, or not, thats angel posting, happy, i'm the beast, said, it pope, hollie, said, bobby, said, hollie, something went wrong, said, he hollie, partial face hollie showed, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, stealing, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, thats kathy taylor, with rev. jeremy taylors, website now, like, john mark pool, stole ministry of dreams, and jeremy lopez, and mike mckay stole ministry of dreams, like jean pool, and jenny donati, and shirlee dodge-phelps, from paliban daily stole ministry of dreams, like, diana and danny halhbohm, of, one heart photography, stole ministry of dreams, like janetmck, who is, janet mcknight, and her arron shutt, stole ministry of dreams, like, a.s. byatt, who is married to peter duffy, as, dame antonia susan duffy, byatt, now, said, hollie, these witchs, like, mark moss, stole ministry of dreams, hollie showed, like over, 1400 have stole the God spoke, ministry of dreams, like, Jose Gomez, of, its, showed, hollie, the identity network, it was, jeremy, said Jose Gomez, hollie showed, no way, you both, its, church force, under, attack, hollie, said, those witches, hollie, said, put it under, hollie, said, its to late for Jose Gomez and jeremy lopez, when you see this, said, hollie, you will tremble, thats Jose Gomez trembling, and angel face appears, showed, dont copy it, or alter, like, the ministry of dreams, or get cut off and ruint said, hollie, watch, rev. jeremy taylor d.min have uh stroke, said, hollie, let me report this, said, hollie, it was him said uh she, hollie, thats, hollie cnn news anchor man showing like red dragon, its, flapping, wings, hu hintao, and, boris yeltsin, appears, said, hollie, lets destroy, that, said, yeltsin, america appears, then nuclear fire ball in middle, and along both coasts, thats bear arising, destroy that, said, Jesus, nuclear n.a.t.o. explodes, thats hundreds of missiles sailing from their submarines, and, land based missiles, thats, captain hollie, in three ohio class subs, russia exploded, its on the day of the Lord, said, hollie, om the vision please post, said, hollie, and hollie, plays music, him, partial face hollie said, wearing white robe, you do not need me he said, he showed, lay down, o my God, said, Jesus, thats newspaper coming to, Ministry of Dreams, is trademarked by bob hickman, soon, for, its, about, thought he hollie, wearing white robe, its with attorney, git the phone, said, hollie, its moody radio, come in and do uh interview a woman said, click hollie, said, that, said, hollie, was lighted hand, showing, old, like, boat, its, like, what vikings used many people rowed, they would go, hollie, thought, that, she, said, 15 miles per hour, 8-19-20-2010-its, said hollie, GOd said, hollie said, stand, its angel, said hollie, showed, its like uh white head hollie said, put it under, hollie said, and i stamp she said, its horses hollie said, its there hu hollie said, you make war, thats hu hintao, hollie said, you lure said boris yeltsin, thats hollie ridin the missile, its into over taiwan she said, burned Jesus said, thats hollie fighting hu hintao on his red horse with her light sword, its battle of washington state hollie said, with light swords, its repelled hollie said, thats another hollie flying out in her old airplane, bombs chinese ship, its repelled, hollie said, showed not another word, a he hollie posts on this phone, hollie said, thats its the facebook angel, hollie, like angelman, showed, its face hollie said, on one side she said, its deformed, theres like uh blotch, green, hollie said, and on its other theres uh little spec but it changes, its green hollie said, then blue she said, hollie played piano on titanic like uh dot head hollie, like uh angel, hollie said, with, God said, face like, like thing hollie said, put it under she said, like fingers coming out on both sides, golden and lighted, its hollie in the chinook, hollie said, bombs america, exploded, its thats nuclear n.a.t.o., hollie said exploding, and russia burned hollie said, its on the day of the Lord a he hollie said, put it under he said, showed cut it off, two hollies, one showed bathe hollie said, the other didnt do anything, france said Jesus, and he saw said casey, she wore uh white robe, france explode, and missiles left there, i'm the website, lets post, said, he hollie, showed, time, lets go, he walked out, bob, lets go to the mother, partial face hollie, said, thats, bob, walking, its, into, showed, hollie, full face, this time, Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, its, church, first, hollie, said, this is warning, lets post, said, hollie, and he hollie, and, more, tap danced, heres the warnin, said, hollies, and a he hollie, said, God, no said, hollie, bob change it hollie, said, put the right link on, showed, book, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, sold today, hollie thought, about 1121 copies, it made you uh millionaire, hollie tore up, put back, no, said, hollie, there, was, pope, with, brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, hollie showed, world, many countries exploded, spacefighter, there, pointed, hollie, its flown by hollie, she soared, smoke rose, hey, said, hollie, came out, put hand, on, mouth, looked, to, make, sure, bob recorded vision, then smiled, its the, sixth seal, said, hollie, thats hu hintao, and, boris yeltsin, you lure, said, yeltsin, hollie rides chinese rocket into taiwan, exploded, hu, hintao battled, washington state with mint colored light sword, hollie fought back with blue sword, another hollie flew out in old world war two aircraft, bombs chinese ship, exploded, sank, persecution, said, Jesus, is me trying to cause my servant to perish by manifold temptations like, deseasing gums, putting boils on face, caressing penus with, electricity causing to get hard, messing with heart, causing wrath, causing facial muscles to tighten, ruining appearance, making servant dread being alive, letting servant see me in visions laughing at him, scaring, teasing, lying, to saith the Lord, messing with all day to anger to make servant hate me to laugh at servant and mock, bob, said, Jesus, tells the whole world, what I do and like that man, said Jesus, trembled, I said Jesus cause body to heat up and perspire, make it unbarable to be around saith the Lord, me, like JOB, said, hollie, with, golden hair, thats JOB covered with boils knowing I the Lord caused it but JOB laid out in front of many to embarras me saith God, he fasted for ten days, then, I, smote in my own heart, I ruin my children to laugh, for this reason saith the Lord, heaven and hell do not exist, I lie, said, Jesus, bob, you, knew, God, said, place this on, end time prophetic ministry, God, said, those two people you told holy Ghost baptizm feels like a body perfect size coming in, now know I teased them, this is, strong delusioning, saith God, now both are in their fifties, a male and female, and know they supported their pastors financially and in much sought prayer, that woman wept for both, and those pastors, witches, God, said, laughed, and mocked, till, thats bob coming in, ruining them, hollie screamed, again, what for bob, record, bob, said, hollie, stamped, pope rose, I am God, he, said, hollie showed, bob, tent revival at grace tomorrow, dont mess with her go to the seventh day adventist church for free, said, hollie, with, its, the, leave it alone, sorry, said, another, hollie, its soumb, said, hollie, and, hollie, showed, book, its, selling in australia, and, he saw, said, casey, its, nuclear fireball in, its aussie, hollie, said, missiles, left their striking, its fires in russia, missiles left russia striking, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, exploding, russia, said, hollie, sprinkled, thats bear, arising, destroy, that, pointed, Jesus, america appeared, its, on, the day of the Lord, hollie, said, thats, nuclear fire in california, then along both coasts, this, is, hollie cnn reporting, said, hollie anchor man with light brown hair, showed, its, like, angel being, on, his, monitor, america exploded, hollie watched, its from behind, she said, same o hollie cnn newsman appeared underneath, tickled her feet with feather, hollie wore white robe, hollie had shorts on, thats, whew, said hollie with Jesus inside, bob, said, hollie, thats, brian houston showng cut off, shut up, he said, thats hollie like bear on brian houstons facebook, and facebook angel showing, sell book, hey, pointed, hollie, but, placed hand over, said, Jesus, mouth, wondered if bobby said, hollie cnn newsman, showed, be still and know that Jesus is, Lord, hollie, said, Jesus, appears, with white robe on, whats that, said, hollie, like, white, hollie, its, horses, hollie relaxes, theres grim reaper, on, grizzled, like white grim reaper, thats him laughing, collecting dead souls, from world, thats nations exploding, spacefighter, said, hollie, soars, with captain hollie, hey said she hollie, came out, but, placed, hand over, mouth, wondered if, bob would record, but got happy, shook yes, it was hollie cnn newsman in spacefighter jet, said, hollie, thats, hollie news man sitting at desk, with, its uh monitor, said, another, hollie, hidden but like outline appeared, she said, dont, hollie, said, what did she say, said, hollie, with big shaft like finger this time, what is that, said, hollie, it was, bell ringing and, the, cymbol beat, hollie out, thats, it, said, he, hollie, its, submarine somby, now look, showed, hollie with golden hair but changed, many colors, thats captain hollie and another she hollie with white robe, takes bush to microphone, he eats chicken, I made our war, its to breakem, he said, bit chicken, hollie takes bush to fire, thats captain hollie pulling trigger, iraq has nuclear fire, gaza burns, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie, talked, submarine talk, a he hollie and subs appear, all around, america, man let me, git, outta here, said, hollie news anchor man with white robe, now, reappears, behind desk, kicked out by foot to God, it was uh white foot, showed, hollie, both american coasts, exploded, thats, hollie watching, its, said, hollie news anchor man, from behind, as missiles fly from russia, another, hollie like dot face, looks, thats them streaking, some exploded in alaska, fingers point, thats cnn tower in fire, center of america exploded, lets rule the world, said, putin, barack types, captain hollie surfaces, in, its three ohio class submarines, they shower russia, its therm-nukes, said, she hollie, exploded, world shakes, hollie showed, turn, hey, said, she hollie, same o he hollie appears underneath, tickles feet with light feather, hollie wore shorts, she hollie had hand over mouth, but smiled, you done it she said, recorder, hollie fought with light sword, she wore robe, its, mint colored, a he hollie, showed, turn, with, amber colored hand, same o he hollie appears underneath, with feather, hey said she hollie, came out, pointed, but placed hand over, mouth, theres, uh reason, said, another, hollie, what is, another, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, but, only, amber colored hands appeared, then, hollie dimly faded in, bob get oil, thats hollie wearing plad coat, she, got oil, he hollie, greases front end, what is, that, said, hollie, its, uh, new yorker, said, another, hollie, chysler new yorker, hollie liked, its uh, she, said, 1990, he said, hollie whistling, showed, its, straighttalk card from wal-mart, it turns cellphone back, on, thats him, she, said, posting on, its, cellphone laptop, thats, popes, image, appearing, on, screen, I am gog, he, said, hollie like shipmate, wiped face, showed, its, r.m.s. titanic with smith on deck, scraping against, ice, it, flooded, broke, sank, its still there, loved, said, hollie, hand showed, music played, hollie dimly fades in, he hollie plays his music, you want it, he, said, bob, said, hollie, rubbed bobs face, go she, said, back to the mother, thats bob, walking in Christ, temple, its apostolic faith assemblies, this is warning, said, Jesus, please post, he, said, and, its, pointed, hollie, the, post angel, appearing, like, little, dot head, showed, pope, hollie, said, with, brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying before, thats, hollie, in, its, spacefighter, said, he, hollie, many countries, exploded, world, shakes, has, its face on, said, hollie, and, moon, dosent, then, transforms, into, its, moon man, said, hollie, but, doesnt speak, put it under, said, hollie, work, she, said, another, hollie, appears, 8-22-2010-this is, the, website, said, Jesus, please post, God, said, thats, hollie, hand, showing, its, end time prophetic ministry website, picking up, hits, its, like, angel face, theres, like spec, hollie said, on, one, side, then, it, changed, into, its, showed, hollie, multi colored, deformities, on, other side, big greenish deformity, website with silhouette face, showed, book, hollie, had, in, hand, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, sold today, I sold, said, its, book, hollie, said, thats, angel coming out of book, showing, today, hollie laughs, with Jesus, only 275 copies, it, sells, in, schools, now, bob, is, reaching, for, teachers, and I stamp, said, hollie, its, horses, hollie, said, theres, pope, hollie, said, like, angel, of, light, on black horse, its into, russia, pope said, hollie watches, thats pope and medvedev, signing, its, uh deal, hollie said, it, gains, pope, some control, hollie folds scene, thats, hollie with her new hard flash drive, now, she, has, collection, let me, said, hollie, its, hu hintao on his red horse, you lure, said, boris yeltsin, to hintao, alright, said, hintao, thats, hollie riding, missile, its, df-31, taiwan burned, thats hu hintao battling washington state with, its mint colored, light, sword, hollie, fights, back, first blue, sword, fights, then, hollie, appears, with, normal light sword, another, hollie, like, clear face, flys in old, world war two airplane, bombs chinese ship, her face was like, its, that said, hollie, laughed, cabbage patch doll, thats, grim reaper, on, its grizzled horse, laughing, collecting dead souls flying from world, that, was, russia, exploding, submarines, appear, all around, america, thats, nuclear, fire, in, its, california, said, dumitru duduman, then both american coasts, burned, thats, hollie watching, its from behind, and hollie cnn news anchor man, man let me git outta here, he, said, got kicked out, by Jesus, hollie had on, a, a she hollie said, nice suit, light brown hair, thats missiles soaring, hollie, watches, but only partial, thats cnn hollie news man appearing underneath, but feather disappears, hollie had white robe, darker, brown hair, center of america exploded, thats, fires, in, canada, and alaska, cnn tower, it cumbles, said, Jesus, barack types, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. lands exploding, thats missiles like swarm, said, hollie, sailing into russia, thats massive explosion, world, shakes, smoke, it, rises, up, bobby, said, hollie, like, furnace, moon just stairs, hollie showed, record, tapped, on taperecorder, hollie showed, turn, but, body, hidden, dimly appeared, another, hollie sreams, what for, bob, she, said, hollie screamed, had white on mouth, another, hollie, like, monkey lips comes out, puts hand over mouth, looks at bob, but, shakes, yes, happy, changes, into, him, partial face hollie said, but back, bob recorded vision, look, said, hollie, showed, new hollie like unhappy hollie with monkey lips, like white angel face, bobby, whew we said, hollie with Jesus inside, shes, transformed, said, another, hollie, thats, hollie showing, record, they are many hollies, hollie in his sub, bobby, said, hollie, showed, its pope, she, said, thats, popus, hollie, said, riding black horse, its into, russia, she, said, thats, deal, hollie, said, between, its, pope, and, medvedev, it, gains, pope, some advantadges, hollie got quiet, that, was, hollie like mid night blue face, white in mouth, hey said, another, she, hollie, came, out, pointed but looked at, bob, put hand over, mouth, but he hollie came out, happy cause bob recorded, its, horses, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, said, another, hollie, maybe this is uh warning, hollie said, you need to tell, said he hollie playing his music, I she said, hollie, said, showed, lay down, it was him, she hollie said, appeared, its, the, alome saleem, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, its, was soumb, said, sandy, thats, bob, at, grace apostolic church, said, hollie, sitting in pew rocking, I dont want no more website, said, hollie, dark with gray outline hollie, and, 1929, said, hollie, it appeared, she, said, showed, its economic collapse, its in the u.s.a., people marching and looting like lit protestors, they chant, said, hollie, we want, justice, hey, our pension failed, one angry lit dot head protestor said, they marched, that was, said, hollie, but, put hand on mouth, looked to see if bob was going to record, satan, said, hollie, but he looked like bob with horns, whats satans word, hollie, said, i'm the bear off, hollie showed, turn, him, a, partially hidden face, she hollie said, but lower part appears, hollie posted on, its, laptop cellphone, thats, popes face on screen, I am God, he said, when the marine corp. is out in the streets, said, hollie, and he saw, it, said, casey, its like angel marines, with partial silhouette faces, cause, looters, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, flash hard drive, thats angel like lit dot head updating, 8-22-2010-whats that said, its the three woes said another hollie, theres that she said, its hu hintao hollie said, attacking washington state with his light sword on his red horse, hollie rode the missile, another hollie watches it streak from china, another hollie showed her light watch, one woe is past said hollie, she rode the missile its into taiwan which errupted into flames said God, whats that, said, hollie, and, another, hollie appears, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, for, the, pentecostals of boston, its witches, hollie, said, and I stamp, she, said, thats, beast, pope, running, out, hollie, had, its, hard, flash, drive, thats, hollie in white robe, updating, her hard drive at computer, thats popes, face on, computer, look, said, hollie, showed, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it sold, hollie, waited for, Gods word, Jesus, whispers, 111 copies today, its, the, pentecostals of boston, buying, thats young people, at, their, church, pointed, hollie, its witches, pastor ruint, its france, said, hollie, exploding, missiles leave their two submarines with captain hollie, striking, that laughed, hollie, russia exploded, thats missiles leaving russia, bear rising out of russia, devour that, pointed, Jesus, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, theres, countries in south america exploding, I said, dont, hollie, said, showed, bob, its, yola, hollie, said, and, he, saw, said, casey, its, yola ministry of dreams website angel like pink angel with partial silhouette face, theres big deformity on one side, its brownish with some green, angel turns, head, one, eye appears, then, other, starts, thats, changing deformity, on other side, its brown and green, its, i'm the new, ministry of dreams, said, yola website, thats submarines, right there, said, hollie, its, the, submarine somby, said, she hollie, all around, america, let me record, said, hollie, cnn newsman, showed, with, stick, pope, I am God, he said, like drawing, pope, that, showed, hollie, is america, thats, hollies face appearing, with, holding, book, now in many states in america, that, said, another, hollie, some, in, australia, that, hollie said, in canada, hollie looked, they are popping up, russia, said, casey, sprinkled, that, said, hollie, and hollie like red bear points, has, three ribs in mouth, I want you, to, arise and destroy that, said, Jesus, thats, many countries appearing, that, hollie said, they exploded, thats, nicaragua appearing on one rib, theres cuba, mexico, hollie claps, that, said, another, hollie, new marine corp. said, many, hollies, tap dancing, thats like silhouette face angel marine in street, face appears, then, silhouette again, two, thats marching in streets, people like lit dot heads, and, people holding signs, we want justice, they chant, our social security, pension failed, they said, hollie, wiped lips, hollie, blew balloon, hollie showed, appeared, on, with like sad face, white in mouth, hey pointed, she hollie, but placed hand over mouth, to see of bob recorded or not, he did, hollie showed, turn, but only part seen, he hollie appears underneath, tickles, with feather, its old number seven, said, hollie, its, steam locomotive with Jesus riding, they conveyed said, hollie, thats, hollie, replacing front brake pads, soon, she, said, go, said, the paul, mooney girl, shut up, she, said, this is, the, decision said, hollie, just leave it alone, she, said, what are, you, going, home for, thats what you want, thats what you need, said, a he and she hollie, hollie showed, to go home, said, hollie, wearing white robe, thats, your dragon, said, hollie, i'm the g8, said, putin, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., said, hollie, showed, kings appeared, with happy dragon, hollie showed, lay down, it, was, him, a she hollie said, with partial featureless face, she said, dont, said, another, hollie, danced wildly, showed, popes, picture, with, hu hintao, there was putin, these three beasts, said, hollie, will destroy, the, whole universe, hollie closed it up, that, was, the, shake up, right there, said, hollie, its, Jesus, showing, his light watch, new america, said, Jesus, thats, angel looters running streets, protesting, people marching, like light people with signs, hollie, said, she said, hollie showed, thumbs mostly up for that van, its cause, its still good, she, said, hollie like dark hollie, had white in mouth, another, hollie comes, out, points, but looks at bob, places, hand on mouth, another, hollie comes out of her, smiles, he, bob recorded, hollie, said, 8-23-2010-she said, dont, d, o, n, t, hollie, said, God, said, heres your warnin, hollie, said, thats, hollie, fixing bobs face, you remove, hollie, said, or, stroke, thats, its, hollie, said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min appearing, I knew, said, rev. jeremy taylor, now kathy taylor, has his website, both witches, hollie, said, like, thats john mark pool, swallowing, why did you steal, hollie, said, cause I wanted to ruin, said john mark pool, shook, yes, when questioned, but, stop him, said, Jesus, thats, mike mckay, stealing, the God spoke, said, Jesus, hollie showed, ministry of dreams, like mark moss, and diana hahlbohm, with danny hahlbohm, thats witch, hollie said, like, its, janetmck, who is janet mcknight, God, said, steven brust, and jon sawyer, of pulitzer, with, ginny hill, of, bbc news, theres, jean poole, and, jenny donati, of, hollie showed, its, she, said, the paliban daily, witches, said, jean poole, thats, even, Jesus, said, its, dr. jeremy lopez, stealing, ministry of dreams, hes, the, identity network, said, God, hollie showed, its, wiped lips, leave it alone, hollie, said, bobby, said, hollie, showed, book, she, said, and, another, hollie, appears, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, it sold, today, hollie, looked at God, over, 300 copies, its, showed, hollie, pentecostals of dayton, hollie, like, cat, she, transformed, said, hollie, shook, head, showed, its witches, put it undle, hollie, said, leave it alone, hollie said, theres horses, said, hollie, its, black and red horses, hollie, jumps on, like angel, thats, the, pope and hu, on, its old stagecoach, hollie, said, happy, hollie, sees putin, inside, theres, hu hintao, its, they, plan, hollie, said, theres, war, said, hollie, missiles strike america, exploded, both coasts, burn, man let me git outta here, said, hollie cnn newsman, hollie showed, record, showed, lay down, and, I stamp, she, said, its, horses, thats, pope on black, hu hintao on red, grim reaper laughs on, its grizzled, hollie, said, that, said, hollie, showed, wiped lips, make war, hollie showed, clapped, that, she, said, saw many missiles, planes, and, ships, sinking, firing, many countries, exploded, that, she, said, its, book, she, showed, being, advertised, on, its, radio, bob, speaks with woman, tells her, its babylon, said, hollie, she asks if, bob, has, money, problems, bob tells her he has a safe in his bedroom with over one hundred grand in, tells her, there will be marching and protesting, tells her, that, she asks, wheres america at in bible, bob tells her, its, babylon, then quotes, ISAIAH 13, howl ye for the day of the Lord, is at hand, and it shall came as a destruction from the ALmight, and then bob tells at the bottom of the cnapter, and babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency shall be as when God over threw, sodom and Gomorrah, 8-23-24-2010-they conveyed hollie said, and i showed, lay down hollie said, you know bob got his own, hollie, television show, thats bob hollie said, let me report it said a he hollie, its right on t.v. a she hollie said, it, the ministry of dreams prophecy hour, a she hollie said, put it undle hollie said, and i showed work, she said, hollie showed lay down, JEsus said, now, every one, said, hollie, whew, said, hollie, with God inside, hollie showed, time, destruction will come from there, said, its showed, hollie, the librarian and freddy krueger, thats nuclear fireball in, its, california, from, captain hollie, its, akula class, he, said, thats three in cuban waters, said, hollie, and, God, thats submarines in mexican and nicaraguan waters, thats, all, three countries exploding, thats nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, captain hollie, surfacing, its akula, again, thats what you want, needed, hollie, said, they shower, thats lower part of america burning, thats, like angel coming out, of, america, and, many states exploded, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. burning, and, russia exploding, smoke rises, what, said, hollie, I dont want you, said, diana hahlbohm, but your name, hollie, said, its to ruin, and diana hahlbohm showed cut off, yes, shakes, the, john mark pool, danny hahlbohm, person, said, God, thats, moon, saying, in, heart, bobby, wait, smoke, blocks sun and moon, i'm am, said, sun, laughs, both play, Jesus, there, moon acts like didnt enjoy, but was like man, changed back into, moon, laughed, thats, book, appearing, ministry of dreams, dont, copy, alter, or, steal, or, thats, angry Jesus appearing, with, torturing device, thats, said, hollie, and, Jesus, thats, mike mckay, said, hollie, its from, youth at risk, stealing the God, spoke, ministry of dreams, said, God, and, hollie, like, reverend, dr. jeremy taylor, and, kathryn taylor, theres john mark pool stealing ministry of dreams, like danny and diana hahlbohm, theres danny hahlbohm reading his name in internet, Lord lets take him down said danny hahlbohm, thats diana hahlbohm purchasing ministry of dreams dot com and lying to bob about, passwords, which she sent wrong ones said, Jesus, after bob pays twice what she asks but stops check, after witch lied, said, Jesus, theres jon sawyer of pulitzer and ginny hill, stealing the God, said diana hahlbohm, ministryofdreams, like, marcus moss, and jenny donati, and jean poole, of, its the paliban daily, said, hollie, thats embarrased jean poole who puchased ministry of dreams, dot org, its to ruin said jean poole, theres janet mcknight, who is janetmck and steven brust, stealing, ministry of dreams, these witches will run when, thats people looting, walking the streets, its after, that, said, hollie, thats people marching, and, protesting, over, their pension insurance and social security failing, its economic collapse said hollie and Jesus, thats, God, Ministry of dreams was spoken by me Jesus, for this ministry, let me record, and I, showed, you, that, said, hollie, its, beast, pope, running out, like, angel of light, I am gog, he, said, thats, pope riding, on, black horse, he, hollie claps, but only part, of, him there, same o he hollie appears underneath with feather, smiles, tickles feet, they were there, body dimly fades in, this is, uh, warning, said, hollie, another, hollie, walks, into, tent meeting, thats, hollie, clapping, but only part of the, way appeared, thats same o he hollie, again, appearing under neath with feather, tickles feet, hollie showed, turn, but, only, part of, her, there, thats, like, tricky he hollie appearing underneath with light feather, tickles foot, git the phone, I, wanted uh trademark, said, its, buisness man, hollie said, something to work with, thats him, then popping website with ministry of dreams, on, he knows how, said, hollie, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, showed, just leave it alone, she, said, I said, go post, hollie, said, do, that was, the seven lighted heads, said, hollie, one licked the prophet, thats, kings popping out, these will rise, against, hollie, said, the u.s.a., theres, mexican president out of one, hes lookin, dubious, hollie, said, theres, kim jong with nuclear controls, thats hu hintao and boris yeltsin, popping out, of, one, you lure said yeltsin to hintao, alright we'll do, said, hintao, that, was, stout looking lula, chavez, looks happy, theres nicaraguan president, and cuban, they look like agreement but dread, theres putin with, ten horns, on, head, and, bobby who are these, said, hollie, thats, boris yeltsin out the, ten, mister christian, said, hollie, showed, just leave it alone, its witches, hollie, said, its, she, said, the pentecostals of katy, said, God, hollie showed, thumbs down, theres one horn with mans eyes, thats pope out of it, thats, putin out of, medvedev and, yeltsin, thats, pope out of, putin, hollie tapped stick, showed, like drawing hollie on board, face kind of comes out, hollie showed, thumbs down, lighted thumb, its, for, hollie, blew balloon, thats hollie on, showed, thumbs down, himself, its for, the pentecostals of drover, delaware, whats that, said, hollie, its, hollie, in, tank, its, one, she, showed, at, american legion post 64, hollie, fired, hollie danced wearing white robe, I want that, he hollie on balloon said, with white in mouth, its book, hollie showed, book, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats, little pope, appearing, like, angel, of light, thats, one of the, seven heads appearing at Gods interviewing, table, he told me, head said, to lick the prophet, he did it again, o said hollie with Jesus inside, shes happy now, look, said, hollie, showed, eat, thats facebook angel with partial silhouette face, showed, deformity on one side, hey, said, hollie, its, multi colored, theres greenish, and bluish, and hollie appeared on, face got happy, turned, spec appears on other, side, its greenish, he said, mustang wont do so good said hollie and angel, its boss 302 mustang spinning rear tires, it costs to much, hollie, said, over, forty thousand, thats, face book angel, showing, record, and, I, we stamp, said, hollie, horses, ran out, hollie smiles, facebook angel shows, its pope hollie said, on black horse, thats hu hintao, on red, grim reaper on grizzled horse, laughs, thats dead souls flying from world, shaking, countries exploding, hollie appeared, then only hands, wrung out towell, then like outline, hollie, I ripped your face, and, moved muscles myself, against each other to tempt you to mock you, I want to drive you to suicide, to laugh, at your calamity, which I caused and you are perfect, you are nothing more than a worm to me, I caress your dick with electricity, torment your heart, placing in anger and wrath, deseasing your gums, laughing at you in visions, scaring you by appearing when you least expect it and haunting you to tease and mock, go ahead and fast untill death, saith God, cause I, torment, all who come to me to cause them to perish after living for me and sacrificing all, to betray, saith Jesus, I tease, cause your body to heat up, make your vision blurry, try all day to wreck you to anger and cause you to perish, saith the Lord, your face will not heal from that tear so I have to make it right or watch you fast untill death cause my betrayal saith Jesus, bob its to late to go down cause I will not live and know I betray all I save to cause them to perish after they gave me everything I asked for, this makes me laugh, saith the Lord, 8-25-2010-Jesus showed, record, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, thats, pope, beast, running out, thats one of the seven heads, sitting at Gods interviewing table, its he told me said, head, president of mexico popped out, thats the seven heads together, like little round men, heads, like ball body hollie said, their white with eyes and mouth, thats kings popping out, lets rule the world, said, putin, coming, out, of, one, thats, presidents of mexico and nicarauga and castrol and, lula, theres, kim jong with nuclear controls, thats fires in, russia, and china, and, south korea, thats, missile leaving russia with, its, new yola ministry of dreams website on, like, deformed face angel, hollie showed, theres big deformity on one side, and multi she said, on, other, blue and greenish deformity, and red dragon, bush rides, like woman, north korea exploded, thats boris yeltsin and hintao, popping, out, heads, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, alright, you got it, said, hintao, thats, hollie, riding, missile, its into taiwan, exploded, thats, hu hintao, battling washington state with his mint colored light sword, hollie fights back with, blue sword, another, hollie flys out in old aircraft, its, p-52 mustang, bombs chinese ship, theres, the seven heads, thats putin, with ten horns, on, head, thats, boris yeltsin out of the ten, its politburo, said, hollie, a russian rulin party, she, said, theres, putin out of, its, medvedev and yeltsin, thats pope out of putin, lets rule the world, said, putin, kneeling before pope, thats, hollie, showing, world, many countries exploded, thats, smoke in, heavens, russia burned, hey, pointed, hollie, thats, countries in south america on fire, bobby its he made me said, moon in his heart, but showed, not uh, word, but reappeared, laughing, I'm face book, said, sun, playing, both there, happy moon, Jesus watches, hollie screamed, why for, bobby, screamed again, hollie, showed, bottle of oil, dont partially change, thats, van agreeing, make full oil change, hollie under, hood, then drove, lets motor, you see, said, hollie, a partial oil change mixes new fluid with old, and, it weakens the new and it burns up quicker, then one woe is past, said, hollie, thats america exploding, hollie, showed, that, a mountain burning, then america appeared, with submarines all around, they fired, it, exploded, theres, hegaot smiting ram, thats, its, hegoat, pope, with, ram horns, thats ram with, putins, face, thats, kings, coming out, theres, medvedev, pope and putin, out of one, horn, thats, hintao, out of, other, horn, with his flower, thats, hollie showing, come on, and, hegaot charging ram, thats nuclear fire in, russia, its, hollie said, they exchange, showed, nuclear fires in russia and china, thats, pope riding black horse into russia and chinese forces invading much of destroyed russia, from nuclear n.a.t.o. rockets, thats, pope telling medvedev, you otta drive them outta there, then they exchange, thats pope sitting at table, and, its two horned beast hintao and japan, emperor coming out of its horns, they sign peace treaty 666, they leave, dont change, that, oil, said, hollie, and, he, hollie, plays, music, wearing, white, robe, you gotta git, outta there, hollie said, its, thats hollie getting the name God speaks, ministry of dreams, leagally copyrighted, it can not be reproduced in any way, after a, copyright, hollie showed, record, thats book appearing, and facebook angel, showed, theres no problem, keep, e-mailing away, hollie got quiet, showed, sleep, thats the, seven lighted heads, said, hollie, one licked the prophet, happy president of mexico, pops out, then stunned looking lula, theres happy looking chavez, but showed, no, theres nicaraguan and cuban presidents, with kim jong, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, alright we'll do said, hintao, theres trouble, said, hollie, thats, kings rising in the world, theres pope, thats, hu hintao, theres, empy, hollie said, its emperor of japan, theres slashed, popuff, said, hollie, brother, said, hollie, showed, lay down, bob dont take melatonin, it causes you, to sleep, hollie like ship mate, dreaded, showed, its titanic with, its captain smith on deck, thats, smith at, Gods interviewing table, I done it he said, I sank it smith said, it would have still been there, hollie said, shew, said, hollie, like ship mate, hollie, like a, ship mate, wiped forehead, hollies jammin, said a she hollie, he, wore uh white robe, showed, another, hollie, that was hollie, reaching for the people at westside pentecostal church, from ground looked like normal hollie wearing tee shirt, but from high in air, like, brownish blob hollie, showed, laughed, with white in her mouth, bring justin here, she, said, website, said, hollie, hollie showed, thats her fixing date, its one day off, she said, hollie said, russia dont do that, casey sprinkles, bear, arises, yeow shakes, bear, destroy, pointed, Jesus, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, countries, and missiles from, them, they shower, said, hollie, russia burned, hollie soared, spacefighter, she, said, thats australia exploding, theres countries in south america burning, hollie flys, its a p-52 she, said, it was, propeller, world war two airplane, hollie flew, hollie cnn, newsman reported, showed, with, his stick, its, the beast, said, pope, appearing, theres seven lighted heads appearing like, little ball face, thats kings popping out, theres mexican president, lula looking stout, thats boris yeltsin and hu hintao, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, hollie rode missile, its into over taiwan, burned, thats hu hintao battling washington state with mint colored light sword, hollie fought back with blue, another, flew out in old world war two airplane, bombs chinese ship, hollie had like round face, theres kim jong coming out of head with nuclear controls, thats nicaraguan and cuban presidents coming out looking, determinted, thats hugo chavez coming out of head, acting happy but showing, get away, there you have it, said, hollie, did you pray, said, Jesus, you see I spiritual warfare when people come against my saints, it works every time, by exposing and bringing down, its untill they release what they stole, hollie showed, the God spoke, Ministry of Dreams, want more visions, chanted many hollies tap dancing, she said, dont, 8-26-2010-bob, that, book, said, Jesus, and he saw, it, said, casey, thats hollie showing, book, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it sold, today, over, hollie got word from Jesus, 49 copies, cause facebook went down, thats, the mayor garrett, looking at e-mail but not buying book, bob thats uh submarine, right, there, said, hollie, a she hollie, showed, its with captain hollie, thats, gaza burning, nuclear fire, in, iraq, I made its our war said president george w. bush, hollie takes to microphone, bush eats his chicken, its to breakem, he said, its, steal our oil wells, bush, leaves, biting on his chicken, hollie places bush in fire, thats seven lighted heads, at Gods, interviewing table, like, seven dots, with faces, one happy, one said, he told me, to, another licked prophet, kings pop out, thats, president of, mexico, thats, hollie like brand new born bear, but now shes almost five years old, they are, for putin, said, hollie like bear, its russia, thats putin popping out of head, thats hintao and, lula, looking stout, thats, chavez coming out of head looking happy, theres kim jong with nuclear button, and nicaraguan and cuban presidents looking stout, there went your name, said, angel, call me Ministry of Dreams, said, hollie, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, stealing the God spoke, ministry of dreams, kathy taylor has webby, hollie, said, thats, jon sawyer, and, john mark pool, taking ministry of dreams, like mike mckay, and marcus moss, who is mark moss, and jenny donati, and jean poole, of, its the paliban daily, showed, hollie, stealing ministryofdreams, like, danny and diana hahlbohm, and dame antonia susan duffy, who is, hollie looked at, a.s. byatt, witches hollie, said, like, over, 1400 have taken the God spoke ministry of dreams, thats them all in hellfire, theres jeremy taylor d.min, m.a. in fire, with tristy taylor, and kathryn taylor, Jesus, looks at, laughs, but, will make them remove whenever he wants, heres how, I cut them off said, Jesus, then they run, to try to get it right, but to late, tomorrow said angel, thats, people marching, and protesting, holding signs, like, lit up people and, dot head, we want social security, we want our pension insurance, they chanted, thats barack obama announcing, its economic collapse, casey sprinkles, russia, she, said, thats bear arising, God game them one mind, like spinkling, destroy that, pointed Jesus, its america appearing with russian submarines all around, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploded, hollie soars in p-23, military aircraft bomber, he said, hollie, said, its, over, iraq, Jesus, appears, leave me, alone, thats, what, you, want, thats what, you needed, said, hollie, she said, dont, hollie, said, thats one of the seven lighted heads like dot body licking the prophet, its from, showed, hollie, at Gods interviewing table, hollie showed, turn, like, light, white, hollie, hollie showed, turn, she, said, hand like red fist, that was many hollies speaking in tongues, they act she showed, at tent revival, this is uh warning, said, hollie, brother, said, hollie, i'll tell you about, the, website, when you get home, its yola, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, showed, eat, wearing white robe, the yola ministry of dreams website like pink angelface man with deformity on, both sides of face, hollie, examines, theres big, on, one, side, and smaller, both, their brownish, hollie said, on, other, side, its blue and bigger brownish, that was hollie, flying her, b-26 peace keeper, its uh bomber, she, said, thats america below, exploding, submarines, appear all around, its on the day of the Lord, said, he hollie, both coasts, burning, smoke rising, moon changes, into, its, bobby, a, window, said, moon, for, people to, destroy you, said, Jesus, hollie like uh feline hollie, thats two submarines, its, russian, both with captain hollie, leaving their port, thats them planted there, said, hollie, in cuban, nicaraguan, mexican waters, now bobby, watch, just wait, said, Jesus, thats, hollie inspects mega church, dreads, walks, in, with book, man tells her, about classroom, in class room, hollie tells about book, they all, said, hollie, check it out, some, purchase, man, said, hollie grunts, lets see that, hollie, said, its, the Ministry of Dreams, like angel face head, theres deformity on both sides of face, its multi, said, hollie, theres green and blue on one side, and green and blue on other, call it, said, angel, showed, the ministry of dreams, said, hollie, thats, Jesus speaking, say, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, is, trademarked, me the Lord, steal or alter in any way, then I the Lord will git ya, and make you remove, mocked, openly, saith the King, she said, lets go home, and lay down, another, hollie said, that was, hollie, surfacing, and china burning, from, its showed, hollie, three ohio class submarines, all with captain, hollie, hey, pointed, hollie, its, him, the cnn newsman, in, the sub, its, multi tasked he said, then appears at reporting desk, looking good, hollie said, showed, hollie riding missile, its, into over taiwan, hollie, said, which errupted into flames, hu hintao, battles washington state with his light sword, its light colored, like, a whitish green, hollie fights back with blue sword, another, hollie flys out, in, old, airplane, its, b-29 bomber, bombs, chinese ship, there you have it, said, hollie, hollie showed, message, its not clear, she, said, hard to understand, thats, reproduction in action, hollie showed, woman, and, its bob, they make little hollie, its he hollie, hollie showed, hard core pawn, its american jewelry and loan, hollie showed, lay down, hollie snapped fingers, showed, learn how to play guitar, boom said, hollie, in her tank, its old world war two tank, she, said, the center of america exploded, submarines appeared all around, its on the day of the Lord, said, its, him, a she, hollie said, with, not, all her face there, but appeared, said, God, -its, the cavs, said, hollie, bobby, she, said, as she, dribbled, its basketball, they she, said, wont pay, to get, thats, the, cleveland caviliers, owner, laughing, we want, he, said, full stadium, it, appeared, hollie said, full, lets git bobby, said, owner, here, bob, would love, to, come, there, thats bob, at, arena, cheering, on, its, the cavs, hollie said, put it under, she, said, I am waiting, said, Jesus, appearing, you know my mercy, God, said, its, still, there, but, I dont hold, tall people accountable, heres, why, they, despise, little, people, and, cant bare, being, around, them, saith God, put it under, said, hollie, thats, hollie putting on her plad coat, going to, its, new wineskin's, she, said, ministries, go, thats, hollie leaving, 8-27-2010-let me, said, hollie, whew, said, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, its God spoken, dont steal it, hollie said, or, thats, she, said, Jesus, with torturing, device, you see, said, God, I, spiritual warfare, the thieves, of the God, spoke, hollie stamps, ministry of dreams, thats, website angel, like uh white angel, said, hollie, its, the Ministry of Dreams, dont, alter, she, said, take, or, change, thats hollie, showing, ministryofdreams, its, created by the Holy Ghost, let me, said, hollie, whew, said, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, whew, she, said, bobby, shes, transformed, hollie, said, showed, book, its, on sell, now, its, visions of the beast with seven heads, and ten horns, it sold today, hollie, said, bobby, start selling, hollie, said, showed, hollie in white robe, selling book, on internet, whew, said, hollie, with, God inside, its the Holy Ghost, hollie said, put it under, said, hollie, bobby work, hollie said, showed, its hard labor, selling book, it sold, she, said, more then, over, hollie looks at Jesus, one million copies, soon, hollie, I just close my yes again, sang, hollie and, its, steve miller, she, showed, thats, he hollie playing the music, in his white robe, said, hollie, steve now old, used to seek Jesus, when young, put it under, said, hollie, seek Jesus now, while its still available, she, said, put it undle, hollie said, dont smoke, and go to church, thats hippocriotin on God, she, said, dont sin and claim save, bobby, said, hollie, they dont understand, she, said, put it undle, hollie said, you say you are, and seek, but, dont have, dont claim christianity, said, hollie, its, not helping, that, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, showed, go, brushed teeth, wore plad coat, left, library, bob, you see that, page, that will get so many hits, now, said, Jesus, hollie stamps, smiling, thats beast pope, running out, hollie appears, shows, book, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, hollie looks at God, it sold today, theres young person spammin, hollie said, many telling their friends, on myspace, thats, myspace angel appearing, like white angel head, showing, it sold today about, ten copies, thats, all, bob go, to, yola, said, hollie, thats, yola website angel, like pink angel head with dark pink hair, theres deformities of on both sides of face, like brownish blotches, one side, has, some blue, this is uh warning, said, hollie, please post, hollie, played, music, you want me, he, said, hollie showed, record, he, said, beat on taperecorder, bob, you know what website said, hollie said, thats yola ministry of dreams website, appearing, like deformity face angel, showed, face, deformities on both sides, theres blue on one, and, brownish and green and brownish and green on other, yola said, website showed, keep it clean, bob hollie showed, tomorrow at grace apostolic church, its, the, a.b.s.a., she said, coming soon, casey sprinkles, hollie plays like music, beats on, its, Xylophone he said, bear arises, yeow, said, bear, destroy that, said, Jesus, its nuclear n.a.t.o. appearing with, america, and submarines, all around, all exploded, world, shook, the moon, looking at, whats going on but not speaking, it, he showed, me, said, moon, transformed, into well dressed man with white face, and I we stamp, said, hollie, pope runs, out, like, angel of light, hollie, shows, world, thats hollie repairing tire, thats, world, hollie, showed, many things going on, and, Jesus came, happy, hes not your angel, he said, hollie said, thats, facebook angel, hes, brought back from block, like white angel, with, deformity on, both sides of face, theres, light, greenish on one side, and spec on other, there both brown, hollie said, that was hollie like white hollie, pointing at, its, martin luther king junior exit, exploded, you want me, said, hollie, thats, the, that reports books sales, its visions of the beast, said, hollie, you sold today, thats, hollie tapping stick, body, hidden, but, she showed, many, bobby and, we stamp, said, hollie, its, horse agin, hollie, said, thats, black and red horses pulling black and red carriage, its stagecoach with pope and hu riding, hollie sees putin inside, they, plan, she, said, alright we'll do it said hu hintao, putin shows with stick, from, these waters, taps stick, and, its, akula class, hollie said, submarines appearing, in cuban, and nicaraguan and mexican waters, those three ribs appear in putins mouth, the subs fire with captain hollie, thats hugo chavez smiling but dreading, lula looking stout, but no way he showed, thats, nicaraguan president and castrol looking stout and stunned, but dont want, theres, kim jong, with nuclear controls, hollie said, hollie sat down to, coach bob, quit, she, said, it, brought down, the thieves of the God spoke, ministry of dreams, thats, the ministry of dreams, angel appearing like light angel, dont steal or copy or alter said, angel or, look who will get ya, angel said, Jesus, appears, with hollie in hand, I will make you release JEsus said, thats white hand showing, turn, its arm, hollie dimly fades in, its her, hollie pointed like white hollie, turn, bobby, said, hollie, its, pope, she, said, showed, picture, I am gog, he, said, hollie screamed, why for, bob, she, said, screamed, thats, facebook angel appearing, showing, the theives of, its ministry od dreams, hollie, said, screamed, hollie appeared, like a mostly golden hollie, she wrote 666, thats pope appearing, come on, said, hollie, showed, war, thats, chinese forces, invading, much of, it, destroyed russia, hollie, said, thats many fires in russia from, they shower, said, hollie, nuclear n.a.t.o. rockets from submarines, and, missile silos, striking russia, exploded, thats Jesus pointing, destroy devour that said God to bear, and, bear shakes yes, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploded, thats america on fire, submarines all around, man lets git, said, holile, reporting on, its news, then billy appears, as news anchor man, tells, its russia, he, said, thats chinese forces invading, russia, thats, pope, riding, black horse, telling medvedev, you otta drive them outta there, medvedev presses nuclear button, its, they exchange, said, hollie, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia and china, thats, pope sitting at table, and its, two horned, beast with hintao and japanese emperor coming out of horns, they sign peace treaty 666, take it, said, hollie, thats people lined up being tattood with their mark, thats 666 on thats persons, forehead, thats little popes face on finger, what did my popey, say, said, hollie, showed, be quiet, thats, hollie, fighting, hu hintao, with, its light sword, hu fights back, on his red horse, with bluish sword, hollie flys out like round face and bombs chinese ship, its the battle of washington state, said, hollie, thats hintao and yeltsin together, you lure said, yeltsin to hintao, alright we'll do, they both came out of, its, the seven heads, says, hollie, more kings pop out, thats happy mexican president, hollie rides missile, its into, taiwan, exploded, thats hu hintao, on, red horse, brother, said, hollie, this economy slipping, said, hollie, hey she said, thats people like lit people protesting with signs, we want social security, pension insurance, they said, barack announces economic collapse, hollie showed, its, rocky horror picture show, its still loved, hollie dances with, hollie showed, lay down, that name changed into, prayer shaker, said, hollie, o said, its, the, m.v., said, hollie, wilhelm gustloff ship, taking three torpedoes, with hitler on deck, o, ship, said, transformed, just, uh bit, thats ship waiting for visitors on bottom of sea, and, the german battleship Scharnhorst, sails by, looking happy, but struck itself, waited on bottom, its upside down showed, hollie, ship showed, it doesnt care, thats ship at Gods interviewing table, he made it, said, the Scharnhorst battle ship, to destroy ships, bobby, no, said, hollie, showed, thru, but, just hands, appear, hollie, claps, its, him, a, partial face hollie, said, but other, part, appears, thru, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, 8-28-2010-hollie showed, said, hollie, let me, said, another, hollie, its foursquare, she, said, this is hollie, showing, hey bob, she, said, showed, eat, hollie showed, lets git busy, she, said, clapped, barack now the hear the word of the Lord, bring bob, into, a, position, and dont, harm, and he will make sure you win relection, after the economy collapses, and he saw, said, casey, she wore uh white robe, said, hollie, people marching and prostesting, hey we want our, one said, like, lit up people, said, hollie, social security and pension, insurance, back, said, Jesus, thats, angel looters, running, streets, then turned into, alright I'll handle it, said, its, said, Jesus, president barack obama, make it illegal to steal, ministry of dreams, which I did speak, saith God, and I will bless you, give them untill you get there, to remove, thats authorites, showing up at, ones, house, hes uh, said, God, tax free, reverend, make remove, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, its, new ministry of dreams, website, its foursqaure website like little angel head, put it there, said, foursquare ministry of dreams website angel man like dot head, showed, the beast, its, pope, coming, out, I am gog, pontey, said, hollie showed, that, she, said, its foursquare website, its, showed, hollie, ministry of dreams angel, its, ministryofdreams network, they, it, will, hollie thought, get, thousands of hits, bobby, said, one, of, the, seven heads, thats, king of mexico popping out, hollie, wearing, white, robe, its, from, behind, she, said, watches, motorcycle event in indianapolis, they do stunts, like that young man, i'm the vision, please dont post, hollie said, showed, eat, bob, said, hollie, was, nice, to, bob, I persecute said Jesus, its by, hollie said, manifold temptations, I try to make my children perish saith the Lord, torturing, maiming, deseasing, and tricking them to cause them to hate me to try to drive them away to laugh saith the Lord, I put boils on face, cause face muscles to tighten ruining face when being used, caress penus with electricity, mess with heart, cause body to become hot, anger servants, lie to them, and laugh, betraying saith God, prophet, said, hollie, thats, black horse, thats black horses, pulling, black stagecoach with pope in like angel of light, into russia, hollie, rode, its space starfighter, said, its him, she hollie said, face not clearly seen, drops bomb, america below exploded, submarines appeared all around, spacefighter soared, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries and russia, burned, said, she hollie, thats fires in latin america and south american countries, its on the day of the Lord, said, he hollie, in the bedroom I will drive you out of your mind, saith the Lord, torturing and disfuguring you to cause you to perish, making it so you wasted your time to let others laugh at you and make me laugh, saith the Lord, most of my servants perished after wasting their whole lives living for me cause I betrayed them to cause them to perish saith Jesus, go home, said, its, Jesus, said, happy hollie, eat, thats bob walking into, its, terri's, she, said, tent revival, its bobby we want you to git outta here, said, her, hollie, said, hollie danced, showed, lay down, that was one of the lighted heads, the president of mexico popped, out, thats other kings popping out of other heads, like putin and hintao, theres chavez, thats tear up, said, hollie, body unseen but dimly fades in, bob, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you, uh picture, she, said, its, pope, thats, angel marines running streets in america, its economic collapse, said, hollie, barack announces, thats people marching, and, chanting, we want our loot back, one said, like lit people and dot head, bobby it was uh dream, said, hollie, showed, night vision, let me, said, hollie, like, roundish face, bob got hair grafts, they talk, hollie said, clapped hands, showed, night vision, bob thought, you need to put them closer together, thats doctor not placing hair grafts to close together, they stick them in hollie said, 8-29-2010-hollie showed, time, said, God, its uh, light watch, hollie, said, heres the word, hollie said, git, hollie said, or, be, persecuted, by Jesus, it appeared, said, hollie, I caress penus with electricity, saith the Lord, cause facial muscle to tighten, wrinkling and bagging face, and laugh at my servants, going thru, said, God, I, make boils on face, and, desease gums and body, to, mock my children, for I the Lord betray and lie, decieving, my very own elect, saith Jesus, I dont care what you think about it, cause, come to me and, get, ruint, all day long, for I kill, saith God, ha ha, saith, the Lord, to all, who, are, at churches, and cant get saved, but if you, saith the Lord, i'll ruin you and make you want suicide, to, laugh at you, go ahead and fast untill death, its the new, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, its, the, google, visions tell, hollie, said, like an, angel, head, man, with, theres, deformity, hollie, said, on, one side, and, like uh spec on other, hollie, said, showed, bobby, sell book, hollie, said, you can create this page later, whew we, said, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, another, hollie said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, you need to post, she, said, and, another, its uh male hollie, played, his music, you dont want me, he, said, she, said, God, said, if you dont have, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, her light watch, bobby, its time, she, said, thats, hollie, working on, its, she, said, computer, selling book, its, hollie, said, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it will sell, spoke, God, about, 500 copies today, thats, the, hollie, that normally reports, book sells, shes, showing, her watch, Jesus, said, its uh light watch, thats, hollie working on, its, she, said, computer, bobby leave me alone, said, its, geneva, said, hollie, so you want uh man, Jesus, said, and I send bob, but, hes old, geneva said, and, she, is, God looks, its, older, then, bob, but, looks, way older, then she, really is, God and hollie said, put it under, hollie said, dont work, said, hollie, showed, her, its uh light watch, and run out of time, she, said, website said post something, this is hollie, bob, said, hollie, your collapsing it, she, said, the Ministry of Dreams network, hollie, said, go slow, she, said, hollie showed, bobby, its, the visions tell, page, rework, hollie, said, its, the beep persecution page, thats beep angel like persecution angel page, bob thats angry hollie going, lets go back, she, said, its, seventh day adventist church, hollie showed, record, thats, its, seven lighted heads, theres one like round face body man, showed, thats king of, mexico, popping out, looking, happy, thats, others kings popping out, like, theres lula, and, hugo, neither want, thats, its, nicaraguan president and castrol, both dread, thats, hugo chavez, thats kim jong, with, its, nuclear controls, hollie, said, theres, hollie showed, the beep torture page, being indexed by google, thats angel google still not letting it come up, I'm google, said, angel, thats nuclear fires in russia and china, and, and south korea, thats rocket leaving russia with, its new ministry of dreams website on, said, hollie and God like, angel face, theres big deformity on one side, thats like spec on other, it showed, said, hollie, with the voice of a crowd, its brownish, hollie points, theres, red dragon with bush riding dressed like woman, north korea exploded, lets rule the world, said, its, hollie said, putin, let us, he, said, hollie shows, thats, bob going to, tent revival, its, in, indianapolis, hollie claps, let me alone, said, hollie, thats with, the uhleave it, said, another, hollie, another, hollie wipes lips, it was soumb, said, sandy, lets rule the world, said, its, putin, showed, all those kings, said, hollie, that popped out of those heads, behind, thats boris yeltsin and hu hintao, let me observe, said, hollie, you lure, said, yeltsin to, hintao, thats, hollie, riding missile, taiwan errupted into flames, thats, hu hintao, battling washington state, with light sword, hu on his red horse, had blue light sword, another, hollie flys out in old world war two aircraft, like dot face, thats, her, bombing chinese ship, its p-52 mustang, hollie closes scene, its repelled, she, said, bobby that book, said, hollie, showed, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, it sold, hollie, said, looked at Jesus, sat at table with, but hollies head, all seen, over, two hundred copies today, it, was, these, hollie said, children, its said, hollie, horses, thats, black stagecoach pulled by, its, said, hollie, like, angel, black horses with pope inside like angel of light, we already told you, who rides red horse, theres grim reaper on, its, grizzled and bay, said, hollie, horse, thats, him, laughing, as, he collects dead souls flying from world, thats countries exploding, and, world, shaking, moon looks serious, watches, but, then laughs, hollie shows, with big hand, like, dot head in yellow hat and shirt, its, chinese, said, hollie, thats, leopard flying, its, oriental, hollie said, theres hu hintao, hes, hollie showed, picture, ruler of, its magog, thats, emperor of japan, theres both korean presidents, hollie, said, thats, both, beasts, together, its, hu hintao and pope, and hu I can see said, pope, were not going, to get along, hollie screamed, thats the pastor putting bob out of, its, the, hollie, said, screamed, seven day adventist church, you were warned pastor said, tell me what the website, said, hollie, said, showed, just leave it alone, like angelman, its visions tell, thats visions tell angel sitting at table, rename, said, angel, hollie rang the bell, thats, hells bell, its, ringing now, thats, grim reaper, running out to collect its inhabitants, bobby, said, hollie, get drink, she showed, wearing plad coat, hold it, said, hollie, thats her walking on, it treadmill, said another, hollie, she wore workout clothes, drank drink, thats music on, hands showed, turn, then, hollie pointed, turn, like, lighted hollie, then appeared in front of bob, hold it, she, said, thats hollie working on computer, hollie dreaded, swallows, going into, its mega church, but happy inside, sells book, she said, dont, hollie, said, another, hollie showed, lay down, snapped fingers, him, partial face hollie said, thats hollie in spacefighter, its f-104 starfighter, dropped bomb, america below exploded, submarines appeared all around, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russian burning, hey pointed, hollie, thats countries in south america, and latin america, burning, hollie flys in, its, starfighter jet, I said, dont, hollie, said, bobby, said, hollie, showed, mercy on prophet, I mothered him, she, said, 8-30-2010-hollie spoke, in, other, tongues, God, said, that is all they got, she, said, this the website, said, hollie, its, she, said, k-love announcing book, its, christian radio hollie said, see said, hollie, that, another, hollie, said, thats, hollie that reports book sales, that, hollie, said, showed, it, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, that, hollie, said, the book reporting, hollie, looked at God, book sold today, that, hollie, said, over 800 copies, hollie showed, the, visions tell, page, it, got reindexed, and, thats, people looking, at, like, people, one like hollie, that, hollie, said, dont loose your rankings, hollie said, that, said, hollie, is the visions tell angel, that, hollie, said, angel like deformed on one side, that, said hollie, another hollie points at deformities, that hollie said, theres big greenish blotch and like blue spec, angel turns, head, that hollie said, almost alike on both sides, that said hollie, if you go to that church, that, hollie, said, will sell about 30 copies, that, hollie said, showed, be still, that, hollie, said, the visions tell page gets over, that, agin said hollie, three thousand hits quick, that hollie said, showed, wait, that agin said hollie, another showed drink, that, hollie said, thats hollie working on computer wearing white robe, like its amber colored hands, she, said, that, hollie, said, is pope in black carriage, that, hollie, said, bobby those people are saying to you go home, hollie, said, pulled by angry black horses, one licked prophet, that, hollie said, pope like angel of light, that was hu hintao said hollie, that, another, hollie said, in red carriage pulled red horse, and red horse bit the prophet, that, hollie, said, hollie showed, christian radio stations in chicago, thats hollie putting on, its surgeons gloves, giving bob hair grafts, that, hollie, said, that, hollie said, another, hollie, showed, fight, its war, she, said, its the king, again, said, hollie, its pope, she, said, with kings coming out of its horns, theres, hu hintao, out of, one, with his flower, theres pope, hollie, said, and, putin, and medvedev out of, the other, what kind of visions do you need, said, hollie, and another, hollie works on computer, its sign, said, another, hollie, thats, hollie holding up her sign, she, buys, purchases, hollie, said, its, bobby, book, hollie said, sells millions, this is vision, please post, said, hollie, thats ram with putins face, and, those kings coming out of horns, come on, said, hollie, showed, make war, hollie showed, eat, that, said, hollie, another, hollie, showed, tuck that shirt in, that hollie, said, showed be quiet, like round face, angel showed, record, said, hollie, and, we stamp, hollie said, another hollie screamed, what does website say, said, hollie, it, says post, hollie showed, turn, like, golden hollie, again, like white robe hollie, she said, hollie said, dont, another, hollie said, and another hollie like different hollie shakes no, this is, vision, please, post, said, hollie, and, another hollie gets food, out of, its dumpster, wearing plad coat, gives to raccoons, and possum, boo we, chanted ministering spirits, boo, they said, he hollie there, what kind of visions do you want, thats what your showin, me, said, hollie, hollie showed, paris hilton, she gets time, its cocaine, thats paris hilton snorting coke said paris, hilton, but its worth it, I get two months, she, said, then ten years probation, that will be enforced and she will not violate, but, have, trouble, and, get out, said, Jesus, let me, said, hollie, record, thats hollie going to tent revival, and, hollie stamps, beast pope runs out like angel of light dot head, bobby look, said, hollie, and, I, showed you uh picture, she, said, its pope, I am gog, he, said, fool, said, hollie, showed, i'm done, she, said, no, said, its, babyfleas, she, runs, and laughs, and thats God laughing with her, but she will have to give an account, saith the Lord, like You will Jesus, said, put it undle, hollie said, showed, its, work, she said, showed her light watch, its bob go, she, said, thats hollie walking, in, wearing plad coat, she, said, hollie showed, record, its the new, ministry of dreams, hollie, said, its, she, said, my yearbook ministry of dreams website like a happy angel coming out, thats angel eating, then turned into bob, then, hollie, call it ministry of dreams, said, its, hollie showed, the, angel, myyearbook, dot com, hollie said, its, your new, website, hollie said, thats, the, angel, myyearbook ministryofdreams, showing, dont alter, said, its, angel, hollie, said, altering, thats, angel appearing, like, The Ministry of Dreams, or, ministry dreams, or he will get ya, hollie, said, you see, said, God, I expose, thats, spiritual, warfare, and bring, down, God, said, put it under, hollie said, showed, bob go, she, said, hollie wore a plad coat, bobby go, said, hollie, wore a plad coat, and had on her light watch, and I stamp, she, said, the beast, pope, hollie said, running out, its like, an angel man, dot head, she, said, put it under, hollie, said, its horses, she, said, happy, showed, the black horse, pulling, its, hollie said, black stage coach, its, pope, hollie, said, theres, boris yeltsin, you lure, he, said, to, said, hollie, its hu hintao, alright we'll do, said, hu, hollie said, put it undle, hollie said, bobby lets go she said, showed, its time, bobby, said, hollie, call it ministry of dreams, spoke, God, hollie, said, dont steal, hollie said, why do you take it, o I wanted to ruin, said, its, a famous, prophet, but hes preaching for loot, said, another theif with, johns wifes voice, put it undle, hollie, said, showed, go, hurry, 8-31-2010-hollie showed, bob its, sign-a-rama, you can waste your money or make your own sign, hollie, spoke, thats, it, hollie, said, showed, the, new ministry of dreams, website, its, myyearbook ministryofdreams, like, the, dunlop angel, its showing, go home, angel, said, hollie, showed, lay down, thats hollie that reports book sells, its, multi tasked said, its him, said, partial face, hollie, then, lower, part, appears, hollie looked, and, spoke, with, God, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, sold today about hollie looked at God, again, 3000 copies, heres how, said, hollie, showed, thats people handing out book, hollie showed, its, record, hollie, said, thats another hollie, what does website say, she, said, thats bobs book appearing in israel, like, angel with stairs, but angel shows, many in israel are made aware, thats angel showing blood on own hands, said, Jesus, its, hollie, said, the dunlop ministry of dreams yearbook angel, its, said, angel, hollie said, go home, showed, angel, again, hollie, said, hollie screamed, she, didnt want you there, hollie, said, screamed again, its, terri, you need uh vision, you didnt let me post, said, its, hollie, another hollie said, thats, its him, said, partial face, hollie, other part appears, but, first part disappears, he hollie playing his music, wearing, its white robe, with, like, dark, border, you didnt need me, he, said, after, thats, him, showing, book, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, its fruit in due season, sells hundreds of copies per hour, hollie thought, that, car, its, for, 800, still has almost, hollie looks at Jesus, zero, its over, hollie, said, its the yola website, said, hollie, its, transformed into like pink ministry of dreams hollie, thats, the, myyearbook ministry of dreams angel appearing like light angel, theres spec hollie said, its deformed, on other side, its, multi colored, angels face starts to develop, prophet, look, that is billy, home, that is what you wanted, that is what you need, said, hollie, that said, enthusiastic hollie, shes back, thats hollie and enthusiastic hollie, coming out of silhouette, that one, said, pray for israel, said, hollie, its, she, said, people making prayer requests so their voice will be heard, bobby the websites been sayin, hollie, said, thats the ministry of dreams website, its on utubiaman, hollie said, call it, world prophecy center, bobby, said, hollie, blue balloon, hollie showed on, hey said, hollie, coming out, pointed at white in hollie showeds mouth, hollie sang, puh puh ouh puh, it was him said partial face hollie, flying chinook, thats america below exploding, spacestarfighter, said, hollie, thats many, its f-105 starfighters dropping bombs, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. and russia exploding, thats, hey, said, hollie, fires, in, south america, hollie showed, lay down, him, partial face hollie said, he, hollie showed, post on, its cellphone, thats, pope on screen, I am gog, he said, put it undle, hollie, said, showed, lay down, bobby sleep, another, hollie said, i'm, Mein Kampf, the ruler, said, it said, hollie, adolf hitler, its the train, said, hollie, its, the, Father on old pioneer steam locomotive, its old number 7, clapped the tap dancers, hollies, thats, the, pope, getting on the black horse, it had brown hoofs said hollie, showed, popes picture, hollie pointed, turn, amber colored finger seen, body hidden but faded dimly in, hollie swallows, dreaded, said, she hollie, in the fire, but then he laughed, spacefightuhm, it was him, said, partial face hollie, then other part appears, but, first part disappears, hollie flys, drops bomb, america below exploded, thats submarines, appearing all around, nuclear explosion in, its, california, said, hollie, dumitru duduman, appeared, man let me git, said, hollie cnn news man, both coasts exploded, turn, it was him, said, he hollie, Jesus like cloud God, shaped like pyramid, at tent revival, thats terri preaching, she, said, dont, hollie spoke with tongues, hollie showed, turn, like uh dunlop tire white hollie, 9-1-2010-this is hollie tell me about the website, she, said, this is friendster, hollie, said, like, angelman, hes, its, hollie said, deformed, theres, like, bluish, and, theres, hollie, let me observe, she, said, multi colored, deformities, hollie, said, on, one side, angel, shows, other side, its, deformed, hollie looks at bob, wonders of bob will even post, but shakes, yes, smiles, hollie, shows, its, multi colored to, said, God, put it undle, hollie said, dont steal, thats, ministry of dreams, its an angel, hollie, said, thats Jesus, telling, call if ministry of dreams, bob, its, created by, God, said, hollie, Jesus appears with hollie in hand, i'll get ya, God, said, tell me about the website, said, its, hollie, tap dancing, many hollies, and, theres pope, hollie said, hes, the, anti, she, said, but, wont, hollie places her, said, Jesus, hand over mouth, wonders, then smiles, shakes, yes, bob posts, thats prophet bob hickman, its on the radio agin, she, said, thats, people, being made aware, hollie, said, thats, its JEsus, inside bob, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, said, hollie, whew we, she, said, happy, they conveyed, said, its hollie, thats bob on radio, its broadcasting, show hollie said, makes bob rich, thats, beast, arising, its, pope, hollie, said, like angel dot head hollie showed, pope, you need to let me, said, hollie, theres uh new Ministry of Dreams up, its, you, bob, said, hollie, thats, the ministry of dreams, website, like an angel, theres deformed, hollie, said, call it said, the, ministryofdreams, angel, hollie, said, showed, its, the God spoke said hollie, Jesus appeared, call it ministry of dreams, that is what I said, Jesus said, dont steal, take, alter or take it, or I the Lord, thats Jesus, appearing, with torturing instrument, I purge said, Jesus, I can speak death whenever I choose, to, God, said, its the theives, hollie, said, of, showed, ministry of dreams, theres, dr. jeremy taylor, d.min, throwing away bobs e-mail, telling him, to, remove ministry of dreams, thats, rev. jeremy taylor d.min stealing ministry of dreams, in, its 2004, hollie and God said, reverend jeremy taylor ph.d. still clings onto ministry of dreams, he let, God said, kathryn taylor, his wife, Jesus, said, thats kathy taylor m.a., with ministry of dreams on her website, thats them both its, were cut off said kathy taylor, trembling, thats, tristy taylor, trying to make christian speak blasphemy against, its Jesus, hollie said, to protect her dad, jeremy taylor the ordained unitarian universalist minister, that steals from Christ, God, said, theres, john mark pool, stealing ministry of dreams, like marcus moss, who is, mark moss, and, jenny donati, of, its, the paliban daily, hollie said, and jean poole, purching, its ministry of dreams dot org, giving passwords to jenny donati, both mock and claim christianity God, said, thats diana hahlbohm, and, danny hahlbohm, stealing ministry of dreams, like, mike mckay, and, a.s. byatt, who is dame antonia susan duffy byatt now, said, Jesus, those witches, God, said, all, remove, after being brought down by Me, pointed, Jesus, heres how I destroy them, by spiritual warfare, it causes them to hurt, in heart and dread, being approached by people that really only want to mock them, saith the Lord, hollie screamed, what for bob, why she said, screamed again, thats angel running, this is uh warning, lets post, said, hollie, and, she, showed, posting, said Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, she, posted, wearing, its, said, hollie, white robe, its, said, angel like hollie, another said, no, said, hollie, i'm thru with it, she showed, but hollie shook yes, clapped, hollie showed, eat, bob she said, you see that book bob, said, its, Jesus, hollie, said, thats, the hollie appearing, that reports book sales, thats her in chicago, book now, promoted there, and another week, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, hollie, casey appears theres to, bob walking into, its, radio one, hollie said, showed, bob gets his own show, theres uh submarine, right there, said, its, him, said, partial face hollie, its akula, thats what you want, needed said hollie, thats captain hollie, happy, surfacing, pulls trigger, fires, thats nuclear fires in iraq, its, gaza forsaken burning, hollie, said, thats she hollie pushing president bush to microphone, he ate chicken, I made our war, its, to, breakem, he, said, bites chicken, thats bush, watch appearing on hand, hollie takes to fire, hollie showed, turn, go, again, but hand hidden, then like bear paw, dimly fades in, tear up, said, hollie, with red bear paws, and, its, him, a, said, God, partial face hollie, said, other part appears, put back, hey said another, she hollie, said, Jesus, walked out, placed, hand over, mouth, but shook yes, bob recorded, hollie showed, thats bob on radio show, its prophecy hour, bob spoke, hey, said, hollie, came out, hand over, mouth, looked at bob, shook yes, that was hollie holding up, its sign, she said, selling book, hollie not seen but like golden bear paws, some of robe, it was, like dim yellow color, but she dimly faded in, thats it, said, hollie, many hollies, complained, thats Jesus paying special attention to that hollies golden bear paws, tear up she said, thats, popes, picture, with, brown hair, thats putin kneeling before, hollie showed, it takes work, on, treadmill to burn off that meal, about two hours would do, cause, its metabolism, said hollie, space, said, Jesus, hollie flys, its f-105 starfighters, many, star home, said, hollie, dropped bomb, america below exploded, hollie soared, showed, its star fighter, they were good enough, would sail, hollie said, at almost fifteen hundred miles per hour, it soars, said, hollie, showed, its f-14, tomcat, hollie flew, dropped bomb, america below exploded, submarines appear all around, man let me git said, hollie, reporting on news, both american coasts burned, thats, hollie watching, its from behind, she, said, wearing white robe but only part of her seen, thats, unseen part, hollie wore shorts, he hollie shows, no, but laughs, hollie screamed, thats, its, loose belt somby, said, its babyfleas, see that bobby, its, said, Jesus, its the new ministry of dreams, said, hollie, like, angel, with, theres, its deformed, hollie pointed, its, him, said, partial face hollie, but, mostly there, its tina, thats her masterbating, its, squirting, said, Jesus, but while singing at revival, you act like theres nothing wrong, God, said, thats, her, keeping right on, its squirting God, said, its friendster, hollie said, the new, its, God spoke, hollie, said, ministry of dreams website like deformed angel, hollie points, looks back at bob, theres hair loss, big, its greenish blot on one side, and, its multi colored on other, theres big greenish, smaller blue, and, brown areas, i'm friendster said angel, thats newspaper twirling, coming, toward, its bob, hollie, said, and hollie on front page acting like pope, laughed, i'm the beast said, its pontey, said, hollie, its with, he said, seven heads and, ten horns, and who are they, bobby, said, hollie, i'm the nuclear g8, said, putin, spacestarfightuhm jet said hollie, soared in, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burned, i'm the g8 said, its o vladimir agin, said, hollie, theres trouble, said, Jesus, thats pope rising, i'm him, pointed, its pontey, hollie said, thats popes picture, in newspaper, its i am God, its I am gog, he, hollie, said, said, bob those git twenty nine miles per gallon, said, its God, hollie said, Jesus dimly fades in, red finger points, its brand new hollie said, boss 302 mustang, hollie, got in, showed, lets motor, it spun out, smoked rear tires, its that, hollie said, showed, brand new 302 motor, hollie looks at, its transmission, they are, geared, to get good milage, hollie, puts that transmission, in, its old 71 boss mustang 302, it got, hollie looked under, didnt fit, motored anyhow, 28 miles per gallon, its transmission hollie, said, bob said, hollie, thats pope appearing on black horse, its into russia, said, its popus, hollie said, and hu hintao, on, its, red showed, hollie, these two will shake up the whole world, said, hollie, and big lighted hand shows, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats, angel, said, hollie, its, the ministry of dreams website man, like lit up angel, its, deformed, hollie, said, theres redish and brown blotch on one, side, theres bluish and green on, it, other, i,t, said, hollie, i'm the Ministry of Dreams, said, angel, who spoke it, said, angel, call it, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, hollie points, showed drive car again, she, said, hollie said, post, thats, ministry of dreams angel, happy, then resting, then happy, see showed, hollie, hey said, another, hollie, its, her, lower body hidden, but, its, him, another, hollie, said, tickling her feet with feather, hey, said, another, hollie, he wore shorts, white clothes, its, maybe om uh warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, its hollie showed, no way, its facebook, git the phone, said, hollie, answered, hey bob, want to do uh radio show, said, other man from radio one, bob is on radio, it makes, hollie said, looks at Jesus, showed cut it off, millions, hollie, him, said, another, hollie, face is appearing now, showed, lay down, he wore white robe, bobby, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you, pope, she, said, picture, with brown hair, thats putin, kneeling before, let me rule the world, he, said, hollie, showed, world, thats captain hollie, soaring, its spacefightuhm jet, she, said, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burning, i'm the g8, said, putin, thats submarines all around america, man let me git outta here, said, its hollie cnn, news reporter, said, hollie and God, both american coasts, burned, she showed, that car has not got to much life left in it, peace and safety is bush and gorbachev signing on the ship, its start one, showed, hollie, said, hollie, thats music, being played while she spoke, its, hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, wearing white robe, git outta there, he said, its, hunts church, bobby she said, dont, new ministry of dreams, said, hollie, its, friendster like angelman, with, theres deformed, said, hollie, on one side, its multi tiered she said, but same color, on other side, its, multi colored, theres green, brown and blue, hollie said, thats many hollies tap dancing, they wore dresses, white, theres gold, hollie said, at bottom, she pointed, hey, said, another, hollie, hollies lower body hidden, its, him, a, partial face hollie said, appears underneath, tickling feet with, its light feather, they conveyed said hollie, showed lay down said God, put it undle said hollie, bobby marry said hollie, thats bob on his own radio show hollie said, its, the ministryofdreams, hollie said, prophecy hour, thats bob broadcasting, it reaches hollie said, about one million, bob your uh millionaire said hollie, put it undle hollie said, its the chinook, the partial face hollie said, its him she said, captain hollie flying, i dropped bomb he said, america below exploded, hollie showed lay down, it was him another hollie said,

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