Sunday, September 15, 2024

I started having anal-sexx with men after God entered into my body, like a body. my same size. holy ghost baptism. I see Jesus in visions chanting. I want sexxxx

bob-vision recieved 10-7-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like me and I said, bob, I'm gonna get, hallelujah, I'm gonna get, urshan, and joel said, what does he want, and I saw me and I said, I'm cut off, but, last stand, I masterbate, and hollie said, in the van, and God showed him, reject, mercy, up, and sthephen said, stephen, hallelujah, its a trap, don't judge, I'm sorry, ut o, bob wants, to, post blow job, and I saw sissy and she said, you need a whipin, and stephen said, she knows, debbie, will, and hollie said, be, and stephen said, that, and hollie said, whippin, hate you, and stephen said, suffer, little, while, and the Lord willllllllllllllllllllllllll, open, your treasures, you'll see, or cut you off, whats the matter, don't you beleive, and hollie said, and the reason is, bob, he won't, until, God, wants, bobby's rejected, and stephen said, the last time, and hollie said, Gods offer, to, embarras pastor simison, tell'em the vision, I'm pastor simison, I'm cut open, cause, and hollie said, prophet, don't save it and leave, and stephen said, theres my answer, you'll see, alcoholic, and I saw me and I said, help me, help, om sorry, I don't, want, theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, and stephen said, TRUTH, you'll face it in the judgment, and I said, nothing's wrong, I trapped, and stephen said, you can't do that, thats not right, and hollie said, and the Lord said, bob, would, but, God, won't let him, because, you won't live and stephen said, thats right, right, and hollie said, wrong, cut off, bob, issssssssssss coming to sleep with and that was dorein, and that was dorien, home, sleep, and hollie said, with, FATHER, and stephen said, you ain't going to sleep, and hollie said, in that case were all out, he's the only, one, that was dorein, and hollie said lives, and stephen said, for, Jesus, o my God, and michael boldea said, he's, willing, to, pay, hand of help, and stephen said, 60, dollars, and mike said, a month, if, they, out, if they, quote me, alice, and sister alice said, whatta you want, I perish, who the hand of help, and mike said, cut me off, thats all, now om out, if and stephen said, you, send, and hollie said, bob, cain't send bob, he only wants to see me, and then, he willlllllll stop, caring, witch, and maybe kristina said, that was stephen, and stephen said, stop using idle words, advice, om ready to go home and sleep with my fathers, my luck, I'd perish, don't worry, prophet, will, perish with me, and mike said, ______ won't, and hollie said, thats the problem, and kristina said, back rent, to, and virginia boldea said, to hand of help, to late, he, and kristina said, keep, his, self, thank you, and stephen said, good day, and kristina said, love em, thats bullshit,
(912)library-vision recieved 10-7-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this woman and she said, hand of help, make them, and virginia boldea said, no forgiveness, on clean, and anna said, I'm out, and kristina said, bobby, and stephen said, seek, and hollie said, cuase prophet, and kristina said, lets face it, he, op, he's and stephen said, chosen, and kristina said, shut the website down, or, perish, or you'll face it, in and stephen said, in the judgment, and this woman said, if you leave here, we'll open, your and stephen said, website, and the woman said, thats what we want, thats ok, we know now, you know, get off there, of face judgement, you'll see, hallelujah, coffee, is, off, limits, and kristina said, you need and hollie said, go home and you need to think about what your gonna do, about, frozen, fund, s, because your rich, and and michael boldea said, hand of help, is, and kristina said stephen,
(913) stop blaspheming-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like donald winters and he said something like, "tell me to stop blaspheming".In another one, I saw a man that looked like apostolic pentecostal pastor donald winters and he said, "pissed off". In another he said, "the devil said", and in another, "committed blaspheme".
you can wreck your salvation-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me the words, I wrecked. THis is the shipwreck spoken of by the apostle paul.
(677)the website can be restored quicker than you think-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he aid, put the website down, an he'll put it back up, bob your in danger, and I saw sissy and she said, hell, callin, and dorein aid, that was barbara dearing and this is dorein.
(678)Jesus is cloing the world-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like upci pastor thomas simison and he said, webiste, closing the whole world, o my God.
(679)alan browning and danny thomas, apostolic preachers-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like alan browning and he said, hurry, and he had stephen hansons voice, and I may have seen pastor danny thomas, and pastor alan browning said, kill, and I saw michkail gorbachev, and he said,
(680)isolate, break military down, rock them to sllep may have been what president gorbachev said about america visions received 10-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like stephen hanson and he said, thats it, rock them to sleep, repent, and be baptized, your in Jesus, o boy, bob get out of here, leave Jesus alone, help me out, don't thank you, thats the Word, hate you bob, you must face, the judgement of God, tell them the truth, that your backslided, thats all
(681)the walmart girl is to late, break military down, rock them to sleep may have been what president gorbachev said about america, this girl that I met a walmart and she said, things like that webiste, is awesome, and she goes to pastor danny thomas's Church, and she said, om awesome, thats the ticket, return, lies, thats it.
(682)first the Gospel must be published in all nations, and then the end shall come, break military down, rock them to sllep may have been what president gorbachev said about america-vision received 10-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the ron meins and he sang something like, ministryofdreams is closing the world down.
(683)debbie-vision received 10-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the walmart girl and she said, what do you think, debbie, blood, on, your, and jackie said, mother, and walmart girl said, this website, heres, the price, pray, fast, and, God, will show you, how to, promote, it, thats the ticket.
(684)Gospel of Peace Chapel-visions received 10-9-2005 God has showed me a man and he said, were Gospel tabernacle, I strive, and a woman said, its free, and the man said, website, and pastor g. alan browning said, God dam, and I saw a man and he said, hansin park, hansing, hansing, hansing park Christian Church, o God, and I saw kristina and she said, that was the pastor, and alan said, stomach, you, I, blasphemed, and the woman said, and the reason is, and a man I witnessed to a mcdonalds said, and the reason is, website, and the woman said, and the reason is, and anna said, and the reason is, I had abortion, that hurt, twins, one lived, one, died, and, and kristina said, they, and anna, you would have, off, work real hard, and the man from mickey d's said, blasphemy is not forgiven, and a woman said, prophet _____, you might have an chance to and that was anna, and the man said, to committ, and stephen hanson said, prophet ______, He won't, He'll cover you, and
(685)backsbird sr 71-visions received 10-10-2005 God has showed me an airplane that looked like, sr-71 blackbird, that was in the sky. This was I beleive the fastest plane ever built, and I beleive it was used for spying purposes and other things.
(686)pastor simison from the bible Church fighting against Jesus-visions received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like upci apostolic pastor thomas simison, and I saw Jesus there, and it looked like pastor simison was standing, but, Jesus was possibly kneeling, and pastor simison may have Jesus, Who had Brown Hair, by the Hair. Jesus was wearing a White Robe.
(687)karen waltz left Jesus-visions received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like karen waltz, which was her maiden name and she said something like, He left me, I, bought, and irene said, that was dorein, and karen said, I, bought, a, husband, because, I, wanted, sex, when bobby, preached to me, at the table, that was my last chance, return.
(688)alice cooper-visions received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like alice cooper and he said, I'm a baptist, and baptist means backslider.
(689)alice cooper is curious-visions received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like alice cooper and he said, curious.
(690)donald winters-visions received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like westside pentecostal pastor winters and he said, donald winters, i, and I saw blasphemed, and winters said, the, and I said, Holy Ghost, and donald winters said, to his face, fix it, make a deal, get, out, and simison said, of, and donald winters said, westside pentecostal Church, all you got to do is resign, and simison said, or be pushed out.
(691)no ransome-visions received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor donald winters and he said, there ain't no ransome for me, I, can't, pastor.
(692)to late-visions received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like preacher donald winters and he said, to late, and simison said, to late, to later for me, strike, the prophet, looks like, the prophet, backslided, and the prophet, and hollie said, is, and dorein said, is, and I said, is, is, rush, rush limbaugh, and I said, because limbaugh is a, prophet, and dorein said, and simison said, that.
(692)rush limbaugh-visions received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like rush and he said, prophet, I don't want It, return, or and simison said, perish, testify, on, the station, hate, the, forgiveness, make testimony, website, and bothe said, number one, and simison said,
(693)pakistan was judgment-visions received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dorein and she said, pakistan was judgement, cause, and irene with thomas e. simions voice said, cause they reject Jesus.
(694)palestinian state-visions received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dorein maybe with pastor simions voice said, palestinian state, and dorein said, is judge, ment, on, isreal, that, EZEKIEL, 7, must, be, full, fulfilled, save me, I'm dorein, and I work for nussbaum, in, and I said, illinois, and pastor simion said that is, and dorein said, thats the ticket, and simison said, git out, take, palestinian state, is judgement, you been closed. This is pastor simison the ACTS 2:38 preacher of upci the bible Church, why you laughin, at, the, tradgety, website is open, and the prophet is open, website, closing, the , world(787) prayer could have stopped the hurricane in north carolina-vision recieved 9-17-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, if you would have went to north carolina, that would'nt have happened, witch, there's my answer, lets harras him, take his website down, theres the answer, he'll, and thomas simison said, put it back up, its in storage.
(695)eric dickerson-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like eric dickerson of eric dickerson buick in indianapolis and he said, erik dickerson, come, buy, a buick, for, half price, for you, but he won't, your headed to destruction, repent, and be, and the bible Church pastor which is also in indianapolis mr dickerson said, baptized, I slipped, and erik said, and you will, and simion said, reiceve, the HOLY One.
(696)got to have the Holy Ghost-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dorein and she said, the Holy Ghost, and I saw jennifer schafer and she said, off, out, cute, and dorein said, sexy, and jennifer said, bite me.
(697)you must be willing-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dorein and she said, you would, was talking to _______,
(698)hurricanes-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dorein and she said, hollie, tell and hollie said, what a hurricane is, and dorein said, its, and simison said, judgment, and dorein said, good day.
(699)the catholic Church-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simion and he said, the catholic Church is, is, is, satan.
(700)the lutheran Church-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said, is satan, thats what the lutheran Church is about.
(701)the baptist Church -vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simion and he said, the baptist Church, is, satan.
(702)the methodist Church-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simion and he said, satan, luteran, methodist, is, the, same, and dorein said, thats the ticket, Jesus Christ, wants, to, save, but, not, according, to, the, doctrines of, men.
(703)million man march-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like farrahkan and he said, I'm louis farahakhan, and thats the ticket, million man march, is, sin, and thats it, and we know it, its a, show, of, of, rebellion, and witchcraft, and I'll be put in jail, and I'll be put to sleep, with may wallet, in, my, pocket, you got it.
(704)muslims-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like louis farrakhan and he said, is satan, is, what, the muslims worship, mohommed, is, a, liar, and thats the message, pray, and, be baptised in Jesus name, and reiceive the Holy One, and Jesus name is, Christ, Christ Jesus, and not in that order, and kristina fox said, its Jesus Christ.
(705)budah-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like louis farrakhan and he said, buhda is, is, the, devil, and thats all I got to say about, buhda.
(706)islam-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like louis farrakahn and he said, islam issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, of, theeeeeeeeeeeeeee, help, satan, and simion said, thats the answer.
(706)united pentecostal Church international-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like genral superintendent kenneth haney and he said, the united, pentecostal, fallen, suffer, for what you've done, and dorein said, the united pentecostal Church is for real, but, the people ain't.
(707)pentecostal assemblies of the world-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the leader of the united pentecostal assemblies of the world and he said, I fooled. This is a pastor in Chicago name dr horace I beleive.
(707)pastor david Scott-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like david scott and he said, backstabber, I hate Jesus, and jack barger said something like, somebody stole your car, and its my wife, she git out of here, and I saw norm heaggy and he said, thats what I want, empty wallet, food shortages, coming, to, did I blow it, and putin said, russia, food shortages cai'nt stop it, food shortages in, and pastor simion said, food shaortages in america, punishment, cause, and ken haney said, up, and simion said, ic, that bobby, come, so we and haney said, can, trap.
(708)a prophet-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter jr from endtime ministries and he said, o my God, he's a prophet, o my God, he's a prophet, return, and, I'll, bless you, and that was irving face with, ken haneys voice possibly from upci.
(709)trinity Church-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said is of the devil, no three Gods
(710)providence Christian Church-vision recieved 10-10-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like pastor james e. dixon, of, providence Christian Church, and he said, I'm james e. dixon, go home, your out, and dorein said, that was david scott, and simion said, hold it, were all out.
(711)michelle-vision recieved 10-10-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like michelle and she said, michelle, and a red haired woman said that was disk jockey makay, from z99 and a half, z99.5, oral sex, anal sex, I love it, and I work for wibc, and a half, and I saw her co anchor jeff pidgeon and he said, jeff pidgeon, and I saw disk jocker that works for wibc, that used to be on q95 named maybe dave, and is called the king, and he said, dave wilkerson is the king, not, and kristina said, Jesus, and the wibc jockey said, om your adversary.
(712)am I led by the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 10-10-2005 God has let me hear voices that sounded like an organ and she said, your lettin it go for the website, and dorein and maybe them said, and I lie, face it, I do give face, and and I'm apostolic pentecostal and I don't care, I work for nussbaum, and irene said, and Om the girl that says pupy hloe, thats me.
(713)america is the woman of REVELATION 17-vision recieved 10-10-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like maybe dorein and she said, and the woman thou sawest, and simison said, thous sawest, is, that and that ws upci ken haney, great, pleasure, Mantle, forgiveness, seek, website, and a woman said, website owner.
(714)the woman of REVELATION 17 is america-vision recieved 10-10-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like dorein and she said, and the woman thou sawest is that great cith which reighneth over the kings of the earth. That america, and hollie said, thats new york city, thats a Mystery, until, and kristina fox said, Jesus, site, close it, pass, what you say.
(715)washington d.c. -vision recieved 10-10-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like dorein and she said, washington d.c. is that great city which reighneth over the kings of the earth, no mercy, thats the ticket.
(716)the woman of REVELATION 17 is america, and that represents blood-vision recieved 10-10-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like somebody and they said, the woman represents blood, how interesting and that was pastor simison, o my God.
(717)abortion is one crime that is bring america to judgment-vision recieved 10-10-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like dorein and she said, and in her ws found the blood of the saints, and kristina said, sts, and hollie said, close the website, and I heard a woman and may heave seen her face, c'mon, lets pray, and dorein said, and the reason is, I saw a spirit that looked like me and he said, your closing, and simion said, you are, and I said, lets close
(718)oral sex and judgment to america-vision recieved 10-10-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like kristina fox and she said, 1, 2, 3, 4, the devils at the door, and hollie sang 5, 6, 7, 8, lets commit blaspheme, hallalujah, and kristina said, amen.
(720) vision received 9-2005-God has showed me the words,, and hollie said,, I'll host it, and simison said, ill host, close the website, go pray, and wake up, i'm sorry, and witness will, witness, when he see's me, he'll beelive, he's scared, he doesn't beleive it, and simison said, he'll see, fell witness, witness, it can happen to anybody, look at a. a. allen, witness, close the webstie, and don't pray, thats all
(721)friendship with pakistan will destroy america's economy-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said something like, the reason is friendship with pakistan will destroy america's economy is pakistan is al qaeda, and dorein said, and the reason is al qaeda is, and this president said, show us, and dorein sang, al-qeda is watching, the website, for, and I saw putin and he said, hit russia, and the president of pakistan said, thats the reason, of, prophech, is accurate, and dorein said, thats steven hanson.
(722)this website belongs to Jesus-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said something like dorein and she said, no decisions.
(723)trying to help-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said something like maybe hollie and she said, prophet _____, you hurt somebody when you put those visions of the website, and that somebody is Jesus. It's His. Think about it.
(724)dam-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said something like shock rocker alice cooper and he said, dam, I'm a baptist, and that is, a, a, a, backslider, get, and pastor simison said, the picture.
(725)crazy-vision received 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said something like alice cooper and he sings, git crazy, this website, and kristina said, you know how I blasphemed, pray for prophecy, prophe cy open, if the website closed, website is open, looks like, the end is near.,
prophesying visions and dreams-visions recieved 10-2007-God has showed me visions of things and ministering spirits, and they said things like: I the Lord, am collapsing this prophet deep in his heart, to abate, me him hate me, by persecuting him so severely he cant think straight, I do this cause, I want it, said, Jesus, to keep people abated, in my eyes, most fall away, it takes years, then, I stop, but they cant come back, cause I caused them to hate me, and wanted them hidden in the people, for, no reason, I would have let all come back, but thier hearts hated me with wrath, cause of what I did, teased, mocked, carressed dicks, with electricity, fiery darts, stealing gums, non, stop, hurting them deep in thier hearts, all day, till they humbled, them, selves, with weeping, tears, and my heart changed, toward them, I want them to perish, I dont care, they were not lifted up, but, exalted in revelations, and for this reason, like the apostle paul, he perished, lava, right now, and knows in heart, could not be saved, that was the nightmarists, duncan rouleau, stole the name ministry of dreams, wrote book, and now ruint, hollie tattood 666, you can not be saved unless I stop, said Jesus, I want prophet to perish, for no reason, I dont care if they make it or not, hollie showed choked in the fire, 10-4-2007-submarine sound, theres, that o submarine, pointed, hollie, and, hollie, fired, out of, submarine, the world shook, hollie, showed, choked, in, the, fire, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, did not Jesus, say, its, your last stand, and, gene simmons said, and I know, your, out, said, Jesus, paul stanley, kiss, still, would sell out, ace would sing his songs, thats sister williamson from drexel gardens, bob, right here, she pointed, court, you gotta removem, but, all her life, pretended, now, thats how, we know were out, she said, prophet, they, felt, HOly Ghost, in, voice, that was, hollie, tearing, up, the, con, spirit, and, hollie showed, tearing up, con, truit, like a bear, said, linda spall, that was hollie showed, speaking, in, tongues, no Holy Ghost, put it back, said, Jesus, thats what I, want, said, reverend l. caldwell, money, but prophet, whats he done, testified during prayer requests, they knew caldwell out, and hollie showed, tore up the con, spirit, tell on me, said, Jesus, the, nathaniel haney urshan man, showing credit card, thats what, I, want, forgit it, said Jesus, living off of the church, cut off showed Jesus, and, rick roberston, with dyed hair, sees, 10-2007-hollie rode the missile, your not, said, hollie, warren buffet, going to be here much longer, knows, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, gives, money away, to be remembered, but he was, tyrant, now, lava, knew, the truth, we were running, said, amy brucker, lets kill it, ministry of dreams, she tries to get website removed, all, but, they dont, you need to stop it, said, hollie, stop it o fool, bobby, this your name, said, cecil pennyton, cut off, she showed, let me give me advice, hey bob, said hollie, she is lost, forever, will be in lava in eight years, saith the Lord, sees, the beast, rise, and the second beast, no, she said, takes the mark of the beast, 666, on finger, your wanted on the phone, removes, the name ministry of dreams, then, perished, over, we take it down, said amy brucker, tell, said, hollie, its mine, lets hide, said brucker, amy, but, the world, shakes, she dies, of radiation poisoning, no, she said, but, watch, gabriel, showed, record, bobby, this is going to get you saved, website, work, hollie showed, licked the prophet, gabriel, buttoned, lips, thats gabriel in the headlines, iraq he said, clinton nukes, kicked out, president, thats gabriel, in the new york times, hillary clinton blew out, president, thats gabriel, in the headlines, go home, said, gabriel, seek, God, 10-2007-let me alone, said suzy, my, spacecraft, ministry of dreams, hollie, showed, flying, steal the name, be ruint, like, dee finney, dont call on me if you will not live the life, said, Jesus, downtown, circled, hollie showed, geese, hollie showed, pointed, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, theres a reason, what is, didnt your angel gabriel say, iraq, boom, showed popes image made alive, pocket tv, dont come near me, said, gabriel, if, you, wont, live, the life, put ukraine in moscow, said, yuschenko, leave me alone, said, hollie, my space craft, ministry of dreams, you got it, said, hollie, david shapiro, is, furcadia, like, his children, amanda and jeff dee, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, stole the name, ministry of dreams, and, katie bazor, the, children of furcadia, want, prophet to fall, right here, said, jeff dee, court, but I took it, like jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, hollie held nose, thumbs down, that was the nightmarist, fear is power, its, because you got money, duncan rouleau, took, said, dee finney, your out, said, hollie, elijah, said, gabriel, new los angeles, when we get home, said, and the lighted, being smiled, fuck, thought, christie mcvie, mick fleetwood, then stevie nicks, got you, said, mick fleetwood, he, broke up, fleetwood mac, they were, I didnt even want you, said christie mcvie, but, there she is giving mick fleetwood, blow job, and stevie doing the same, that, cut that band, off, they, would have, stayed, on, tour, selling, out, ten, more, hits, would have, let me, said, Jesus, and, licked the prophet, new los angeles, said, gabriel, shut up, said, hollie, with G's voice, dont talk about God, and the lighted hands wadded the con truit, takem off, said, gabriel, you loose, anthony warner, from whitehall pentecostal church, hair dyer, he, liked, bob, no, more, visions, in pentecost, cause there aint no more apostolics, in, pentecost, said, prophet, and, satan, just, alike, that was hollie, tearing up, the con spirit, then, partially back, rip, one, handed, caspian sea oil pipeline, that was, the lighted hands, destroying con truit, did not Jesus, say, its, out, russia, is, preparing, for, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang hollie, east russia, said pastor david mccolley, is, china, war, with, right here, bush, the world shakes, that was, satan, and, hollie, showed, blew horn, out came, satan, bobby, right here, said, Ge, blow job, pray God help, leave, new los angeles, boom, im a bear, thats, putin, said, hollie, the pope, is, his, mouth, satan, and, magog, is, I, got you, said, boyd warren, knows no all things, hollie, held nose, promised land church, showed, thumbs down, with, penus, thumb, sex, in the church, destroying, internet porno, bringing the world to a close, and, Jesus, blew the horn, out, came, the, little head, thats, pope, pointing, at, children, watching, porno, then, doing, that was hollie, tearing up, the, con, truit, dealing the cards, pope and hu, popped out, new world order, I, want, it, said, rebecca warner, but anthony warner guards pulpit, had a good one said anthony warner, prophet, knew, but, prophet was not permitted to speak, we got you, said, anthony warner, new los angeles, hollie showed, thumbs down, promised land church, and, did, nothing, with, the, con, spirit, tore up, one, handed, then, partially back, then partially tore, theres a reason, said, hollie, and, hollie showed, choked in the fire, 10-2007-hold it, said, gabriel, hollie climbed in back, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, and showed, stunk, charles finnell, hair, dyeing, pastor, and hollie saw the new world order, with the pope and hu, the beast and the false prophet, and the dragon rose, with the g8, and horace smith, looks, the seven heads, bobby, you know it, said horace, smith, tell, hollie climbed in back, of the o red and black chariot, lets rule the world, sang, putin, chavez, shook, yes, bush, invades, raise your hands and repeat after, me, I want to killem, said, cluracan, cecil pennyton, and katie bazor, both, loose jobs, over, stealing, the name ministry of dreams, like lawrence forman and david shapiro, put me back as Lord of your life, and hollie piloted the stealth bomber, and the pope sang, they are, not, ver, good, to slow, hollie held nose, thumbs down, promised land church, is sex, 10-2007-raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, and hollie licked the prophet, the pope out of the serpents mouth, im the beast, los angeles said gabriel, boom, record the vision, said, hollie, im a bear, when you hit russia, raise your hands and repeat after me, the world shakes, allegro, hollie out off allegro speaker, showed, wait, sell the pioneer, write the vision, for 300, im your pastor said charles finnell, put in me in hell said kent gray, and gabriel showed, turn, hollie showed, saw, flames, rubbed chin, thought, see what, youve done, and, jeremy taylor, goes, to, wisdom of dreams, I forgive said kathryn taylor, whatta, you, want for it, said, hollie showed, jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams, thought, would make him, millions, got, ruint, mocked, did not hollie, say, your gonna git ruint, warned, and, jeremy taylor, calls, police, jeremy taylor, was waking up, got, the phone call, you wrecked said, steven stargardter, its right in the news, jeremy taylor, resigns, your wanted in the restroom, said, kathryn taylor, what has, he done, senator craig, did hit on that cop, now, prison, and, belongs there, and, senator craig tore up his, prophet you loose he said, now, hes, interested in Jesus, record some visions, said, hollie, licked, the prophet, jeremy, what time is it, hes, running, said, Jesus, d.min jeremy taylor, leave it alone, said, hollie, you wrecked, you know how you do it, release, then try, not, keep, and try, princess di, what has he done, said, hollie, record, the vision, said, dee finney, he was, drunk, that, put, princess di in lava, way before her time, now, shes, o my God, said, Jesus, restore me to life, and, Ill, live, for, you, and, the man, with her, that night, Im, a, drunk, hes, and, hollie, tore up, the, con, spirit, backslider, so, we had, a little talk, said Jesus, jeremy taylor and detective david garcia, I, got, ya, said, jeremy, bob, said, garcia, is, wanted, but, no, proof, we, needed, money, said, kathryn taylor, and, licked the prophet, whats he done, said, hollie, stole the name ministry of dreams, why did he do it, said, hollie, now ruint, record the vision, hollie showed, popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., whats he done, said, hollie, resigned, from, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, I, got, ya, said, Jesus, record, the vision, said, hollie, what, has, he done, ruint, said, jeremy taylor, hes, ruint said hollie, hollie licked the prophet, hollie showed, pointed, boom, thats the eleventh street sign, record the vision, said, hollie, im a bear, said linda spall bear, what has she done, intruded into priesthood, you out, said, Jesus, and, linda spall, shook, yes, right here, she said, court, said larry spall, divorce coming, linda spall, will dye hair, and, look beautiful, hollie showed, record, Im never, gonna, see, you, again, said, larry spall, knew, not, to, make, perish, I cant do it, said hollie, you ask, said, hollie, linda spall for salvation, but, she wants dick, we got your name, bobby, said, hollie, david shapiro, hes lost, said, linda, spall, thats why I wanted out, she said, no, said, Jesus, im lost to, she said, 10-15-2007-record the vision, said, gabriel, cut off, he showed, linda, spall, and larry spall, what have we done, said linda spall, never prayed thru, and mrs. mark mckinney, sees, laughs, 10-16-2007-record the vision, said, gabriel, summit, said putin, over, protection, this aint gonna do it, said, gates, of usa, they are, asking, putin, will get he said, protect us from him, bush, syria, iran, shows, no, thats when they strike you, said, putin, lets rule the world, he wants to say, but, he has no enemies, but, china, is, rising, as a nuclear superpower, he knows, wants, caspian sea oil pipeline, sabatoge, to, steal, chinas, oil, supply, and cripple, thier economy, hu, knows, we want that, said, linda spall, shut up, said, Jesus, seek, for yourself, we cant, she said, invite, she shook, yes, linda and larry spall email prophet, he comes, sees, shakes, hands, but, they are not attacted to, so, no, more, invite, he is, old now, not, young looking, gabriel blew horn, out came hollie, pointing, turn, im broke said, holliefleas, gabriel blew horn, out, hollie, showing, eat, go, home, she, said, and, the lighted finger pointed, boom, 465 sign, im a bear, said, linda spall bear, iran will not allow, putin, to, bring, army, in, no protection, then, usa, what do you want, said, hollie, bush, fires, destroys, that, pointed, hollie, the arabs are raising oil prices to punish the g8, for not stopping, bush, want more visions, want more visions clapped my tap dancers, hollie and eight kings that will rise against usa, alarm sound, said, hollie, putin, resigns, I like money, said, reverend spall, and, donald winters agreed, like donny joe winters, that, modelled enthusiastic hollie, that, that, putin, will, not, protect iran, syria, that, calls, on, putin, hollie tore, put back, rip, con truit, record, the, vision, said, hollie, write the vision, Im president bush and I want to rule the world, but, putin at summit in iran, agrees to protect arabs who will pay, most, agree, sign, this takes peace and safety off of the earth, lets rule said putin, they, all, shook, yes, the united states, desolate, soon, alaska, boom, and, bill clinton, show it, said, putin, returns, fire, the world shakes, thats hu running from the fire, taiwan, explodes pointes hollie, stay with me and I will not leave you or forsake you said Jesus, tear up, put back, hollie showed, go, smiled, tear up, put back, 10-24-2007-gabriel said record, showed, cut off, anthony moreland, hair dyer, hollie tattood 666, record me said, gabriel, cut off, he showed, church of God in Christ, record the vision, pointed hollie showed, up, showed, record, hollie showed choked in the fire, record showed gabriel, hollie showed, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs up, hollie showed, record, and, the pope, licked the prophet, Jesus showed, record, abase him, till he trembles, cause of no salvation, jeremy taylor, I will make people, abated, for no reason, like cecil pennyton, you have been knocked completely out, im holding you out to make you abated in my eyes, jeremy taylor, you backslide, get away from me, says the LOrd, prophet, till my heart changes, you wont come back, I can not make you live for me, but, you are angering me, by showing what Im doing to you, abase him, said, Jesus, already abased, and, destroy walk with God, from now on, for no reason, 10-25-2007-record me, said, hollie, im the bear, said, time pedigo, lost, but pastoring, you wrecked, said, Jesus, and licked the prophet, spacecraft fired, said, pope, jeremy taylor, direct hit, cut off, showed, gabriel, the, calvary tabernacle man, thats Garry Streeval, tim pedigo, paul mooney, no, signs, and hollie licked the prophet, the united states, will be, a, desolation, cut off, showed, gabriel, the beep, cause they, dont, want, ministry of dreams, tim pedigo showed to record, with gray hair, he, will see vision with brown hair, liar, not christian, he repents, God helps, tim pedigo said witch, go home said hollie, hair dyer, paul mooney, strips, of, assisstant pastors, its to late for him, that was my popes image made alive, cut off, showed, gabriel, pointed, tim pedigo, on cell phone, take my mark and live, said, pope, write the vision, hollie showed, pen, pope, hu, signing, for, 666, in that o red and black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, new world order, in back, with, hollie showed whistle, and, tim pedigo, with, brown hair, you liar, he said, write the vision, hollie clock showed, times up, tim pedigo, showed, cut off, hes wrong said sandy pool, john mark pool, hit him, said, hollie, spacecraft, fired, boom, direct hit, stole the name ministry of dreams, and tim pedigo swallows, hollie showed record, your back said jeremy taylor, mess with me, types, witch fess, his confession to stealing the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, write the vision, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, steve mcqueen perished, and his cousin goes to calvary tabernacle under paul mooney, wheres my money, he says, with dyed hair, is in knee high lava, crying, knowing, he, wanted, this life, that was, hollie, tearing, up, the, con, spirit, with lighted bear paws, tear up, put back, that, pointed hollie, out of ring, rubbed lips, that, grim reaper laughed, again, grecia said hollie, is, my pope, said, tim pedigo, and, licked the prophet, tear up, put back, satan, pointed, hollie, I blew said tim pedigo, what did satan want, satan thought, tim pedigo, tore up, intruded into priesthood, now I know, said, the woman, why, he, started dyeing hair, lost, God abates his servants, till they run, from him, for no reason, run to sin, with no intention of coming back, then, stops, he, laughs, at thier calamity, caused by him, he strips all desire, to serve him out, byt angering, all day, deseasing gums, carressing peter, intering into heart, bringing wrath, angering, all day, satan, said, the woman, terry gobin, no signs, pastoring, Ill abase for years, till, they leave or my heart changes, iraq, boom, gaza, boom, bush showed record, I wanted to break oil contracts, showed cut off, Jesus showed, record, rupert went bad, said, the woman, knows about ministry of dreams, wants Jesus, to late saith the Lord, play, and have fun, and bob and tom, with, its because of iraq, God destroying usa, lets rule the world sang, putin, showed cut off, russia, alaska, said, gabriel, boom, im a bear, said, linda, spall, bear, russia, subs all around, usa, boom, and, up came, the woman, statue of liberty, and bill clintons hands on nuclear button, thats hu and putin, running from the fire, record showed, Jesus, rupert, weeps, stripped of money, rich, but, spent, on marriage, divorce, leaves, pennyless, but, recovers, bob and tom, bring into show, linda spall showed record, and, licked the prophet, america, broke said, Jesus, economic collapse coming, that was jeremiah, then, the rock, closed, hollie out of, saxaphone, played by terry gobin, Jesus, with lighted sword, unbeatable, record me said gabriel, and licked the prophet, record said, Jesus, when iraq turns nuclear, the, fifth seal is broken, flames, record the vision, said, hollie showed, and licked the prophet, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, beast appeared on russia, pope goes to greek orthadoxed church, gets russias nuclear arsenal, Jesus showed record, I knew it said rupert, lost, now, old, does not want God no more, but use to go to apostolic church, seek Holy Ghost, wants, and hollie showed was skinned, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, showed, cut off, tim, pedigo, liar, not saved, amd the meerkat showed popes image made alive, pocket tv, take the mark and live, he said, knows, go to russia, italy, hit, france, boom, im a bear, russia, australia, boom, usa, iran, syria, iraq, russia, all, hit, 11-4-2007-that was the hegoat smiting the ram, pope, hu, and putin, china, usa, moscow, nukes, each other, 465, said, Jesus, explosion, boom, im a bear, said, linda, spall, bear, nukes, dropped on usa, moscow and china, the world shakes, record me, said, gabriel, all right he said, jeremy taylor ruint, for stealing the names wisdom of dreams and ministry of dreams, releases ruint, thank you, said, hollie, incoming missile said james e. tyson, and shawn tyson trembles, Im a bear, said, the bear, hollie showed, licked the prophet, record the vision, hollie showed, record, look, pointed, planes dropping atom bombs, america, moscow, china, the world shakes, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, that was, a, priest coming, hollie showed, wait, willie duncan lost, hollie showed, record, hollie showed record, wait, and, licked the prophet, showed, planes dropping bombs, the world shakes, hollie showed, record, write the vision, said, hollie showed, choked in the fire, that, hollie showed, choked in the fire, that, said, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, thats the alarm sound, said, hollie, hollie showed, pointed, thats your turn, said, hollie, and, hollie showed, licked the prophet, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, pointed, flames, grill, rubbed chin, thought, up, popes image, swooping, hollie showed, pointed, yes sir, thats, the, vision, he said, flames, 3-25-26-2006-record the vision hollie showed, google, did, index, bob can not, beleive, and, Jesus, let him know, it was, found, by, accident, do, what, you are, thinking, Jesus, did not, tell, you, to, get, mail, ., com, eliminate, because, russia, is, the, beast, with, seven, heads, and, ten, horns, and that is, the, p, o, p, e, iran will harm u.s., if attacked, no, russia, will, terror, ise, put it under, lets rule the world, china, moscow, this is where, God will, give them one, heart, and, one, mind, pastor, james, daughtery, is, cut, off, no, signs, and hollie showed to record the vision, and he saw, the, pope, with ten horns on his head, those are ten kings that hate america, they give thier power and strength unto the beast, and he sends it over on america, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, of REVELATION 17, put it under, post the vision and make it plain, the day of the Lord prophesied in joel, tell the vision, tell the vision, tell the vision, tell the vision, tell the vision, tell the vision, sang by, hollie, and hollie complained and kicked, because prophet wouldn't tell the vision, it's oil, that is what, is, bring, things together, the battle of armageddon, oil is hasting it, and america is gobbling, it, that, google, the website is indexed, that, pray in your car, lets pray, said the angel of the Lord, there ain't no more visions in pentecost because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, and hollie showed, that, buy the recorder, 10 bucks, and the autozone woman pointed, and hollie showed how to put the anti rattle clips on the brakes, jack it up, remove the tire, and take off the hubcap, not in that order, put the clips on, and put the tire back on, tighten, hubcap, jack down, wash hands and motor, new york said the angel of the Lord, attack it said putin, and putin pointed, and he looked like the pope, he pointed at the recorder, said hollie, and thats the submarine sound, cause russia will use, raise your hands and repeat after me, submarines, to destroy america out of, and hollie showed how to adjust the timing, lift the hood, pull the release, es, and, loosen the bolt, by the distributor, and, hook up the timing light and, hollie had her tongue out, put it on twelve, and reverse, and hollie tore up the contrast, stop it, don't gamble said the belterra people, abomination, said, hollie, and she pointed, your wanted on the phone and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the contrust, he just went by a hooker, that he would like to have, you cannot separate, the children of God, from Jesus, when he first saw you, he thought, I don't want nothing from that, s, o, b, but, you offered him the white castles you found in the trash, he's sick and lost weight, and bob wanted to see Jesus heal him, I wanted, he wants that to, but, when god said, will you serve me, he said, addios mother fucker, so that's what God say's, my son, said willie and r. h. duncan, we are cut off, and we know it, don't come here and tease us, but why do you still preach, money is the answer said the tap dancers and missy baker, and he saw the pope with ten horns on his head, and kings came out of them, hu, puint, lula, fidel castrol, hugo chavez, kim jong, they will give thier power and strength unto the beast, send it over on america, said, the, pope, the, son of, perdition, read and do ACTS 2:38, and the lighted pope pointed, saudi arabia will not help america anymore with oil, because of iraq, saudi was helping more than you think, there ain't no capicorn's sang hollie, china will attack, washington state, and grab taiwan, to lure, america, into war, then moscow will grab alaska, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on russia and china, the ram, and russia will wipe out, the american mainland in just one hour, russia is not the beast, I am said the pope, he will, the greek orthadox church, installed by, boris yeltsin, come out of moscow, from italy, the little horn, and, Jesus pointed, heaven won't be boring said hollie, and Jesus kissed the prophet, you agreed said Jesus to help me, and you are doing it, keep, new york, attack it, terrorise said the angel of the Lord and hollie, I'm not going to terrorise, said putin, but, that will war, already, and america, will know it, and, be preparing, and tony blair said, hit moscow, and france would say, if they helped america, hit china, one ohio class sub, three of them said the pope, will hit the ram, china and russia, and, almost wipe out, david wilkerson is, cut off, no signs, and hollie tore up the con, cious, with, golden bear paws, david was saved, but, went back, tell him, and he saw the feet stomping, make a joyfull noise unto Jesus, when you look at a cats eyes in the dark and they reflect light, that is how, they, see, at, night, magnify, there eyes take a little light, and, magnify it, when its pitch black to a cat, it is like, when it starts to get dark to a human, when the titanic sank, the fish feasted sang Jesus, at 2 and a hlaf miles below the surface, it is pitch black, but, in the day time, you can actually see the sun, but, not much around you, about one foot, there's what the titanic's back looks like from the bottom, it was, bigger then you think, and Jesus pointed, the iraq war is whats causing high gas prices, and he, saw the hands shaking, on my death certificate, I did what the Lord told me to do, and, I AM Jesus, and he saw bush in a arabs hat type garment, he said, they and christians worship the same GOD, if you take, two layers of skin off, you have a white person like powder, he was, fiction like God, on earth, the seven heads are, seven nations that have an agreement with america, the beast is the eigth and of the seven, italy, the little horn, and Jesus pointed, if you mom or your dad dies, dig a hole, in the yard and bury them, they will not come back, do it, trap said Jesus, if your vehicle or mower has sat over one year, without being started, take the spark plugs out and out put oil in like wd-40, spray it around the edges, to late said Jesus for kenneth haney, of upci, no signs, write, upci churches, and tell them, and Jesus showed, one, and he, saw the hegoat with the popes face and two horns and hu was on one and putin on the other, and he, the hegoat smote the ram which was china and russia and 4 horns raised up and two hands and the pope came out of moscow, the four horns are the leopard, the new world order, kim jong, hu, the emporer of japan, and the president of south korea, that was Jesus in a heavenly vision, surrounded by light, yellow, starry like and that was Jesus with, a, robe like hat on, white, and Jesus said, hallaluiah, bob will warn about 20, people today, minus, no, plus, 4, and he saw stephen hansen in the furnace and hollie smiling and stephen was smiling, and he saw him in hell and like a devil chained in outer darkness, iraq said hollie is raising up the spirit of the medes toward america, hate, babylon beat assyria sang hollie, and egypt, and israel, and, any, they were, formidable back then, babylon, was around not long after, they were captured, about, 500 years, they were, sand stormed, many civilations were, and, burnt, and covered with water, alantis, and he saw the devil running and hollie pointed, golden, finger, pray said hollie, david wept over lost souls, he prayed, 7 hours, everyday, but, died lost, cause of basheba, don't think, that you are, bulletproof, don't go to louisville, and he saw it, explode, and louisville came out, the word, out of the white, and pastor allan browning, bob told him, got to go eat in the church, area, not, abomination, call it, an open shame for, bob drove for over 200 and 50 miles but, vain, but, warnings, trap me, said pastor william l. harris, he said, bob has vision, he has visions, he knew, and pointed, and bob told them, and pastor harris, liked, help me please, he would have said, maybe, he wanted bob to stay, but knew he would not, bobby, said Jesus, woe be unto the pastors that scatter my sheep, JEREMIAH 23, read it, he knows, he's cut off, and, pastor's, and, Jesus pointed, thats leading people astray, everytime, because, Jesus isn't in it, that's giving your own opinion, a carnal, lecture, record the vision hollie showed, jordan, we want, america, destroyed, said the, king, of, jordan, saddam hussein, I know him, and, like, he was not, but, according to, the, and the king of jordan pointed, the law of the, muslims, and that is, an, eye, for, an, eye, the world, hates, america, for, what is going on, in, iraq, iran will be, attacked, like, on the, power, plant, this is raising up, the, spirit, of the, medes, thats what, the churches, in the world, are doing, billy said, Jesus, I'm horny said billy, deny yourself and that was, a, lighted hand, and follow Jesus, your cross is said hollie, and the lighted pointed, your job, read and do ACTS 2:38, that was, the angel of the Lord, lets pray, don't go to california, and bright light, and he saw, the west coast, on fire, and Jesus pointed, and, the east coast from submarines, and captain hollie, shoot, and fire going up the middle, america is the MYSTERY, BABYLON and the world will reel to and fro like a drunk person when moscow attacks america, and america attacks moscow and china, one third of the population will be wiped out including mexico and canada and cuba, the sun and the moon will be darkened for 16 hours, the day of the Lord, mentioned in ACTS 2, read and do, 2:38, salvation, Jesus protects, stay out of my way said Jesus, serve me, or, get out, hot or cold, luke warm, I'll spue you, cut off, sh, said hollie, satan, pointed, I'm the werewolf, and hollie pointed, git closer said the mouth, that was, people, of lighted, in, watching for, bob to, post, on the, metal thing, and he will, satan, I'm the beast, said the mouth, the iraq war will end nuclear, exchange between iraq and israel, american nukes both ways, EZEKIEL 7 fulfilled, satan, and bob saw, his mom, you'll perish if you don't follow thru, endure untill the end, thats what people will look like after nuclear judgment hits america, their eyes will sink and disolve, burned from radiation, unrecognizable, and he saw, the beast, like an angel of light, and he said, I lost my life, he will get slashed and, satan will enter, he had, ten horns on his head, and hu was one, and putin, and hugo chavez and fidel castrol, lula, kim jong, they will give thier power and strength unto the beast, pope, eliminate america, thier palanning to attack amexico when you least expect it, the national guard will be in the streets, in america, as the last sign, because of terrorism, prevent, nope, planted already, sh, that was satan, I'm the beast, said the pope, on the serpents face and hu was the other face, the new world order, when the national debt is as high as america's is, economic collapse has already happened, america is borrowed money and that will run out, look here said james tyson, the sunbeam girl speaking in new tongues, God does not give a baby the Holy Ghost, satan will want the jewish remnnat, looking for, in the, days of his reign, but, God will hide them, like, a, woman, carried in the wilderness, the people will help wanting, Jesus, but, they took the mark, no help, but the remnant won't tell them that, and Jesus pointed, record, like hollie showed, a fish, in an aquarium will look for food even if there isn't any, thats what you should do with God, keep looking, you'll find something, and he saw, the pope with ten horns on his head, thses ten kings, and hu, and he tore up his contrust, and that is, his agreement with Jesus, putin, the ram, and, kim jong, venezuela, brazil, north korea, all these kings and fidel castrol will give thier power and strength unto the beast, eliminate america he said, REVELATION 17, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, whore means a cheater on God, this is the woman, that means blood, america, waters are, many nations, that make up, the usa, they are all cut off that prophet just witnessed to, no repentance, no, forgiveness, and he saw hu and the pope fighting on top of the beast's head, they will hate each other but cling, the king of grecia and the pope, they are the same, hu is the king of the east, and hollie did something with golden bear paws with her tongue out in her sweatshirt, and it's summer, and hollie tore up the, 1, 2,3, 4, contrust, thats your agreement with Jesus, write the vision, 4-26-27-2006- om from ecudor, is the project's open, surely, Jesus, will, fill, america, the, babylon, with, men, and they shall, lift up, a, shout, against, thee, all, no, exceptions, JEREMIAH 51, immigrant's, sawafi, is, the, arab, search, engine, translate, gospel, in, arab, and, post, I hate the money, I want to, destroy, america, thats what, imigrants, do, take, but, not, give, most, america, is, bringing, uto, judgment, to, it's, self, by, allowing, many, Jesus's, in, but, not, the, real, one, like, dumitru, duduman, brought, he was, like, an, angel, and this is, the, new, dumitru, duduman, if, he, stays, the iran president says, no, one, can, make, us, give, up nukes, but, bush will, make, the, power, plant, ashes, soon, the iraq war, soldiers, know, rumsfeld, and, rice, do not, care, about, them, the war was over, breaking, oil, con, tracts, and they know it, come, and, die, for, us, saith, bush, and, cheney, the, oil, man, dream, team, in, the, white, house, and, washington, d, c, is, that, great, city, that, reigneth, over, the, kings, of, the, earth, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, america, the puerto rico, tanker, that, ran, aground, will, not, leak, much, but, some, put it under, much, is, to, much, many, animals, will, die, that, pray in your van, tell the vision, tell the vision, tell the vision, tell the vision, tell the vision, go by the bible church, that church is cut off, no signs, thomas, e., simison, like his dad, pastor simison, they need to know said dorien, jeremiah would stand at the temple door, and, tell them as they went in, to repent and turn to Jesus, magog is, china, and north korea, and japan, and, south korea, and the angel pointed, like the sexy angel, and bob found some cookies and donuts in the trash, eat it up, and he saw, new york explode and nyc, come out, it will, burn, from russian submarines, indian creek church is cut off, no signs, pastor's, gary johnson, mark miller, and, patron, steve, walt, man, he is, dis, abled, on, social, security, since, 16, but, builds, churches, and, has, rental, homes, call it, hell, for, indian, creek, he even, calls, the, pastorate, hippocrit, s, write them, they have a website, and he saw it, and will see it and know, hell, he just, got cut off, he knew, that was God talking, but, rejected, and the man pointed, and the tap dancers said, jsut wait on the Lord, and hollie was one of the tap dancers with her tongue out, you owe me said the angel of the Lord, work while it is day, and hollie showed to record the vision, pastor sugget thought, you were the most, awesome creation of God that he has ever seen and prays all the time that you come back, they all do, but can not bear it, but they are all cut off, you knew that testimony was awesome, they were speachless and you saw it, thats why, God won't let you go back, raise your hands and repeat after me, they could not bear it, and you know it, they all, knew that was God, but, they could not stand it, it was to powerfull, america will burn when you least expect it, so read and do ACTS 2:38, for salvation, and hollie tore up the con, tract, and hollie tore up the contract, america has to burn to avenge the blood of the whole world said the angel of the Lord, you did not stop to think, that, the, signs were coming forth, proof, even though you felt like Jesus left you, he had not, during your trial, and Jesus pointed like a white spirit, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia, putin, slams, oil, critics, putin should, sell, oil, cheap, in, moscow, to, elevate, the, economy, they could, thrive, but, not, he wants, the, money, him, self, put it under, chosen, by, yeltsin, the, crook, like, putin, you'll, see, the pope is the anti Christ, and hu is the false prophet, and he saw them fighting on the beast's head, like an angel of light, like the pope, they will hate each other but cling, sh, that was satan, I'm the beast, like an angel of light, no mercy on u.p.c.i. churches saith Jesus like abearded man and pointed, and hollie tore up the contact, nicaragua is, against, america, they will, be in, on the attack, and he saw the former king of nicaragua, we will she said, lula, hugo, fidel, hu, putin, kim jong, they will, destroy, america, and the lighted finger pointed, new york, and he saw the words attack it, fool, said Jesus, kenneth haney, upci, no signs, write him, I'm russia said the bear, and the 3 ribs are, in his mouth, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, plucked, to invade MYSTERY, BABYLON, america, the lion is, the pope, satan, his mouth, the leopard is, raise your hands and repeat after me, north korea, china, and hollie pointed, south korea and japan, situate, where, india, and pakistan, and, all those lands are, including, russia, chewbacca, and hollie tore up the contrast, iraq, will end, nuclear, exchange, american nukes both ways, EZEKIEL 7, israel and iraq, planned, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is, the, pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, the ram, that is, china, and putin, the hegoat, and he saw, the pope, with two horns, the ram, china will, invade, russia and, force, to invade israel, and the hegoat stomped the ram, china will, using the pope, attack, moscow, force russia to invade isarel, put the computer right there pointed the sexy angel, and he saw the serpent with the pope's face, he is, the antichrist and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, and he saw, castrol and shook his hand, no english, he liked but, castrol hates america, period, and God showed bob to trap pastors and he saw a cat, the leopard, and that is, china, moscow, and, north and south korea, and, japan, and, india, and, pakistan, where, all, those, lands, are, like, four, kings, rising, and hollie pointed, these are, the, in daniel, china's economy, over, nations are, cutting, back on, imports, from, china, and, they, know it, bob had a dream, where, this woman, chased him, and, finally, they are in, and bob, could not, go, any, where, else, and, he turned, and, she, ran, bob, was out, of, the, house, and, said, I should have raped her, and, when she got out, he, said, see, leave, or, something, like, that, don't come to mexico said vicenete fox, and he saw it explode, it will burn when, and canada exploded, when america gets nuked by moscow from radiation, I cain't hardly breathe said bob's mom, when it is time for somebody to die, let them, carol, waltz, should have died way before she did, machines, things kept her alive, she perished anyway, and it cost about, 7 million, in insurance, why do people say o God right before they cum, put me first said the gogo dancer, the titanic would say right now, you should've not, tried to break a spped record in ice infested waters captain smith, I was to big and you could not turn me like a little ship, that was it said the angel of the Lord, china's, economy, is, over, and, they, know it, from, to, much, and, not, enough, wages, people are, cheating, to, make, the, government, look, at, it's, policy's, toward, them, I'm the anti american named bill clinton and al gore, we sold china enought technology to wipe out america, they had the nukes, we wanted, re-election money, got it, but, people knew, voted anyway, and regret now, china would not have gotten it, off rus, sia, and hollie pointed, the Lord has a way, that is not, your way, he knows how to get, something done, do you, for his glory, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is the pope, said the tap dancers, and hollie was one of them, with her tongue out, the new world order, with false prophet hu, there's the alarm, keep your teeth cleen said hollie, tap dancing, with her tongue sticking out, and her blue sweatshirt on, and it's summer, there is a young woman that bob thinks is beautiful, about, 4'9, beautiful, sings, a scratchy voice like demi moore, but, she will cause many problems for men and women with that cute frame, when she starts getting active, she has not yet, but, close, within, a year, tempted, allright, done, then, m , o, r, e, you can't get enough, america is about to be attacked by russia, good, she, said, but, she will, perish, and thinks, that, she is, saved, read and do ACTS 2:38, repent, and be, bap, tised, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and recieve, the, gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, in, new tongues, as the Spirit, gives, the, utter, ance, redeem the time for the days are evil, the tap dancer said, check your oil like hollie showed, slick and thick, keep it, no matter what color, it, is, that woman will not do one thing untill God lifts the restraint and he will not keep her forever and she not serve, and he saw, desolation where he is right now, this will all be blown away, in just one day, from russian submarines, the day of the Lord prophesied, in joel, but, God says I want to save everybody, it's not his will that any perish, but, all come to repentance, thats the alarm, thats the alarm, time is running out, bob witnessed to a young man and God made him a good offer, but he said, no, God will strip his visions and dreams, real soon, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, turn, if you get pregnant at a young age, you'll regret it, you'll serve that baby day and night, for about 2 years, and then, a financial nightmare, you have to really want it for it to really work, the president, of, america, and, the, vice, are, oil, men, you knew, when you voted, them, in, he wants, bush, gas, at, 5 bucks, per, gallon, but, the, republican, party, knows, their, time, is, short, open the reserve, to, revitalize, the, economy, but, to, late, people, know, your fallen, said, the, angel, of, the, Lord, like the, sexy, angel, repent, and be, bap, tised, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and, receive, the, gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidece, of, speaking, with, new, tongues, as the SPIRIT, gives, the, utter, ance, prophesied in, joel, and shall come to pass, that, I will, pour out, of, my Spirit, upon, all, flesh, your sons and your daughters, shall, prophesy, and your old men, shall, dream, dreams, and, your, young, men, shall, see, visions, casting out devils, prophesying, and, many, more, miracles, read it and do it, and hollie pointed, go, and hollie tore up the contrast, oil said the pope, is hasting armageddon, and hollie showed to record the vision, twice, no problem, none, washington will not send back,100, dollar, payback, s, on, gas, the, want, high, gas, and, oil, prices, for, more, taxes, but, bankrupting, people, hurting, and he saw nevada explode, it will, burn, from, russian, submarines, and he saw, the, west, coast, explode, from russian submarines, and, the, east, coast, and, babylon, appeared, on, america, america, is, the, MYSTERY, of, BABYLON, hillary clinton will be the next president of america behind cheney, bush will be, hyena's, are, formidable, in, a, pack, single, not, hurt, because of, the, bite, a, bear, will, kill, but, get, hurt, badly, but, heal, a lion, hurt, but, kill, hyena, because of, agresive, ness, and he saw, the, statue, of, liberty, and, smoke, was, all, below, america, will be, attacked, when you least expect it, from, moscow, and, china, will, attack, washington, state, and, grab, taiwan, and, moscow, will, grab, alaska, and, orders will go, to, american, sub, ma, rine, s, commanders, and they will lead, an, attack, on, moscow, and, china, and, destroy almost, but, one sixth, of, moscow, will, remain, and, most, of, china, but, area's, large, will be, un, in, habited, and, america, will be, desolate, from, russia, n, submarines, and this is how, one third, of the, population, will be, wiped, out, and, canada, and, mexico, and, cuba, as, well, all, the sun and the moon, will be, blocked, for, sixteen hours, from, the, smoke, the statue of liberty, will be, destroyed, and parts, will be, blown, as much as, 6, miles, in the, ocean, and, he, said, the, angel, point, from the blast, poison the water, is, part, of, the, plan, so, none, can, survive, 7-29-2008-hollie showed, laughed, in fire, hood, tear up, fix it, hollie, truit, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, and, that, pointed, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, up rises, the pope, theres hu, hollie saw emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, hes, the, antichrist, said, God, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, restore, slash it, from behind, clapped, hollie, licked prophet, showed, turn, look, said, hollie, let me show you uh picture, she, said, its, blank, new world order, appeared, hollie pulled up sleeves, showed, fighting, come on, theres hu, hollie held nose, showed, git outta here, pope, hollie, pulled up, sleeves, come on, she, said, they, sign for 666, take it said pope, that was nuclear explosion in canada, two by cnn tower, blows it down, theres hugo, said, hollie, showed, held nose, hes causing, bobby, theres your gas, lula, hollie held nose, come on, hes, stay away from it, he, said, theres, kim jong, hollie showed, come on, lets fight, they, russia, china, south korea, get, nuked, by kim jong, russia, and he saw, said, casey, launches topol-m, destroyed, north korea, u.s.a. fires conventional tomahawk, git away from it, said, Dmitry Medvedev, he, pushes, let me push the button, he, said, get your hand off of it, said, putin, theres consequences, he, shoots, putin, launches, alaska first exploded, hundreds of missiles fired, america, destroyed, bill fires back, world shakes, iraq, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosion, gaza forsaken, nuked, casey, watched, two explosions, bush, grunts, I brought it in to steal, our oil, said, bush, yanked hand off bible, world shakes, up rises pope, angry, theres, hu, hollie showed, fighting, emporer of japan, like lamb with hu, come on said, hollie, japan, china, exchange nuclear missiles, that was slashed, pope, false prophet hu does, iraq, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear fire ball, bush grunts, I made war, he said, yanked hand off lie detector, thats oil man bush, and king of saudi arabia sees, feed me said the plant, can we get something to eat, prophet watered, he tells us what to do, said, hollie, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, alome salome, tell me about my alome saleem, said, hollie, tore up, fix, rip, theres the alome salome, said, hollie, I remembered your website got me, sang kenneth haney, I dont dream, he said, I, said, doctor horace smith, look at him, said, horace smith, there cut off, said, kenneth haney, p.a.w., now look, said, larry spall, horace smith, Im slipping, said, kenneth haney, I really do, he said, I dont, said, elvis presley, I need your name, said, kenneth, haney, with steven stargardter, jim garrisons voice, thats the u.p.c.i., leave me alone, said paul mooney with kenneth haneys voice, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, tear up, said, hollie, showed, picture, new world order, pope, spun, hu, fix it, rip, thats new world order, tap dancing, with hu, pope, castrol, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, north korea, russia, come on, said, hollie, showed, fighting, but clinging, all have nuclear weapons, folded picture, let me, rule the world, said, putin, that was alome salome said, hollie, economic collapse, u.s.a., then, russia strikes, bob, thur ready, 7-30-2008-break it, fix, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs attacking, up rises pope, hollie showed, record, hollie shuffled the deck, prophet showed, turn, hollie hugged prophet, licked, prophet licked hollie, and pope, hollie showed, record, whats that she said, gabriel, licked prophet, that is hollie like a copter, said, hollie, and, prophet, letting, out, gruver, start one, he, said, is, peace and safety, said, hollie, out of megaphone, left, now, that, is, hollie, like a copter, letting out george bush jr., made me grunt, he said, the war, he said, with finger in lie detector, stealing oil, he said, yanked finger out, and, c.i.a. man, smiles, in, heart, kill, he says, his own protection kills george bush after economic collapse, both bush shot over iraq, c.i.a. pursues bob, bob said, hollie, this is the website, post, and, website opened, Ministry Of Dreams, jeremy taylor flying in spacecraft ministry of dreams, runs to remove after robbie bosnak fired from starr king school for ministry, like rebecca parker, kathryn taylor m.a. removes ministry of dreams, tell the vision, said, hollie, like, cat, turned, silhouette, normal, licked prophet, there expecting you, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, and, ringo, she said, no i wont listen, he said, charged people one million to use on tours, you know who I am, said, bear, im the bear, laughed, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, hollie showed, face lift, they slice, here, behind ears, forhead, around kneck, pull, stitch, tada, said, hollie, you, let me, record, said, hollie, that was grim reaper, with, hollie signing, I wont back down, with ringo starr, playing drums, tom petty appeared, he made many records, sucked, said, tom, petty, no major hits, bob, let, me, said, gabriel, showed, taiwan, exploding, missile from china, casey, watched, theres your dragon, said, hollie, rising out of france, n.a.t.o., g8, woman, bush, italy, pope, russia, having, ten crowns, and who are they, said, hollie, you know who, she, said, politburo, let me, said, hollie, tear up, restore, rip, hollie showed, record, and now look, she, said, tom petty tours with ringo starr, sells thousands more tickets, four thousand on average, you know, said, ringo starr, hollie like silhouette cat, tada, hollie showed a 1952 chevy, with, v8, its excellent, peels tires, it got 12 per gallon, hollie looked at sansui au-919, its uh excellent, she said, puts out one hundred watts per channel, they lasted, about ten years, record me said, hollie, saw the beast appear, and you know who it is, she said, two beasts, pope, hu, sign for treaty, 666, hollie showed, record, rested case, hollie like cat, I got your picture, showed, blank picture, new world order, appeared, hollie turned, silhouette, hollie, showed, fighting, they hated but clinged, who is it, said, the pope, its, come on, said, hollie, russia, she, said, Jesus, sprinkled, hollie showed, laughed, the bear rose, devoured much flesh, and, all nuclear g8 n.a.t.o. nations nuked by russia, missiles streak out of all toward russia, russia exploded, let me show, you uh picture, said, hollie, like, cat, of silhouette cat hollie, let me show you uh picture, said, hollie, like, silhouette cat, with bear paws, tear up, twisted, ripped, folded, restore, rip, prophet, let me, said, hollie, like, cat, hollie pointed, explosion, pawn shop, buy, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, again, 7-31-2008-its sumb, said, sandy, loose belt sound, that was 1938, showed, hollie, coupe, excellent, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, undecided, thomas w. smith, hes cut off, sees, wadds, let me, said, hollie, showed, pocketing, money, like, andre jimpson, lost, hollie tore up, let me, fix it, she, said, rip, hollie pointed, showed, u.p.c.i., lost, hollie, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, up saluted pope, russia, said, hollie, devour much flesh, and he saw, said, casey, all nuclear g8 nato nations burning, they all fired back, russia expldoed, hollie showed, laughed, in the fire, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear fire ball over israel, two, israel, said, hollie, two nuclear fire balls over, gaza, destroyed, bush, thats hollie, ice trucking, dangerous, thats the alome saleem, said, hollie, licked prophet, the marine corp. out in the streets, last sign, america, exploded, from high in the air, hollie watched, russia, fire, that was bill clinton firing on russia, said, hollie, world shakes, hollie showed, record, 8-1-2008-hollie showed, record, rode mx, let me git outta here, jonah weiland, its, your, hour, said, bill handel, jonah weiland steals ministry of dreams, the united states will be uh desolation, said, hollie, and, Jesus, both, licked prophet, tear up, fix, it, said, hollie, like, cat, ring, rip, that was satan, shh, like uh werewolf, what is satans message, said, hollie, satan thought, im the, he said, bear, father, thats the marine corp. in the streets, said, hollie, usa, last sign, explosion, caspian sea, bob, dreams, on boat, with, heard, weve crossed over the russian border, night, saw lights in distance, one darkened, and said, im not going back, passed over lights under water, and said, thats, it, bob said, its like a little underwater world, next inside, going in elevater, heard, they wont let you go, but prison, your government will, get you, out, saw, putin, s, face, like, satan, heard, hollie, say, thats the beast, bob, dreams, with, dog, wants to pet, but afraid, dog, would have let, but, bob, scared, dog charges, bob scares dog of with, clothes, like, pants, then, stick, dog wanted petted, bob afraid, owner, comes and grabs bobs hand, talks to and places on dog, let me have your hand, said, owner, hollie showed, record, and, four winds strove, pope came out, theres hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, this website, said, hollie, website said post, and, ministry of dreams website showed, its name, websites up, websites down, like, hollie showed, bob, said, hollie, like cat, turned silhouette, hollie like cat, showed, picture, pope, appeared, hollie prayer walked, with white bandana, blue coat, hollie, did hair grafts, tada, 8-2-2008-what did you do, said, Jesus, bobby, bye, said, Scott A. Phillips, lost, hollie showed, record, and that, she said, saw, the beast, rise, now who is that, said, hollie, pope, hollie showed, jungian jeremy taylor running to remove ministry of dreams he stole, hollie showed, undecided, most christians, there they are, she, said, in the valley of decision, hollie showed, hu hintao, hes false prophet, emporer of japan, rises like lamb with hu, signs, new treaty, 666 said hollie, the pope showed get out, he said, launches, nuclear strikes from russia, against, china, no way, shows, hu, launches nuclear, those were nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, obama grunts, I will not leave with out oil contracts, mccain shakes, yes, I made, grunted bush, war, grunts again, to steal oil, this is the website, said, hollie, post this, she said, bush, shot, leave this economy alone, said, hollie, dont prophesy, said, mrs. garry streeval, and he saw, said, casey, she showed, cut off, with dyed hair, where you goin, said, garry streeval, with kent grays, voice, you want out, said garry streeval, sell, dont build, to sell, and kent gray trembles, you cant fix it, whatta you want said, hollie, bush, grunts, make war with them, he said, china, that was nuclear fireball in gaza, two, iraq, three, nuclear, and, sharone, grunts, we had to, those were nuclear missiles flying out of north korea striking south korea, russia, china, russia fires back, destroys, u.s.a. launches from sub, casey watched, no, shows, new russian president, he, orders, putin, smiles, if you do, new russian president shoots, thats why I kill him, he said, his wife, murdered, by putin, cause nicaragua, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, russia placing nuclear missiles in nicaragua, c.i.a. saw on ministry of dreams, lets watch, said, bush, and he saw three, said, casey, prophet hickman, hollie like cat, turned silhouette, hollie like uh cat, I tap dance, she said, record, and he saw, said, casey, billy graham in his, said, hollie, coffin, he saw it, said, hollie, let me call somebody, said reverend bill graham, I see you lied to me said his friends, in lava, hollie showed, record, pope, grew like flower, said, hollie, theres hu, hollie showed, fight, they, hated, said, hollie, that was hollie like a copter, letting out henry gruver, hollie out of megaphone,, sh, russia broke up, to save oil, said, putin, and bear grew, missiles streaked in, casey, watched, from, n.a.t.o. nations, arise, said, Jesus, devour much flesh, and, russia strikes all g8 nations, japan gets nuked by china, fires back, casey, saw, nuclear explosions, both nations, taiwan explodes, china strikes venezuela, alaska, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosion, hollie pointed, at sign, she, said, here instruction, said, Jesus, o israel, nuke, gaza for allowing terrorists in, up, down, like, hollie showed, oil to the top and bottom of engine, oil pumps move about one quart, per minute to top, pointed, walmart exploded, bankrupt, loose belt sound, said, hollie, what is my message, she said, clap, prophesy said Jesus, people reject, said amy brucker, me said garry streeval woman, ill reject them, hollie pointed, in hummer, park, it, she said, record me, said, hollie, theres the alome siren, said, hollie, licked prophet, alome some, its submarine sorry, said, sandy, hollie rode m.x., she said, with, meerkat, and, grim reaper, all, laughed, om headed for moscow, she said, exploded, over, two hundred missiles, prophesy, said, Jesus, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, tear up, no, shook, yes, clapped, no, russia, said, susan, otyre, said, hollie, I saw it man, taiwan blew up, said, hollie, a missile streaked, in, hu hintao, said, hollie, its it, he said, look, china, is magog, does, 8-3-2008-hollie showed, record, leave it alone, yelled, hollie, dont do, said, u.u. reverend jeremy taylor d.min said hollie, what did he do, steals God created name ministry of dreams like robert gillen, hes utubia, and, Peter Appleseed, sees, calls robert gillen, hollie showed, fighting, the new world order tap dancing, garry streeval, let me get outta here, he said, shows, the two beasts, pope, hu, man at calvary shows garry streeval visions, he wadds, but in heart, leaps, theres, smiled, hollie, kim jong, said, man at streevals church thats works for licence branch, whatta you want, said, Jesus, man showed, pulpit, he sold, said, Jesus, told vision, I saw uh hand, and he saw, said, casey, white hand show sea of forgetfulness, sins cast in, they are, if in, remission, said, hollie, Jesus can bring out, I told ya not to do it, said garry streeval, wants bob recorded, this economy, said, hollie, and he saw, it, said, casey, economic collapse, u.s.a., and the ministry of dreams website pointed, said, hollie, showed, like, building, Ministry Of Dreams has over 200,000 visions and jeremy taylor phd said hollie steals name, runs to remove, and the lighted garry streeval pointed, he, I made you look, said, Jesus, places the name ministry of dreams on website, says, prophet ministry of dreams visits, bob goes, they, dont, talk, that, said, hollie, garry streeval pointed, submarine sorry, said, hollie, what do you want, why are you here, website has something on it about us, said hollie, for the golders, barbara and donald, hollie showed, record, canda said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, many nuclear, hollie, showed, five, tada, she said, judgment to canada, hollie looked for nuclear, found one, she said, nato, ohio class sub, its america, shucks showed, hollie, putin, hits, because, putin, wiped, lips, dumitry wiped lips, they shove, dumitry shoots, canada, said, hollie, walked on, with, many nuclear fire balls, ducked, missile streaked, america exploded, hollie showed, judgment, bill clinton fires back, russia burns, all nuclear g8 nations on fire, hundreds of nuclear missiles streak to russia, if, you, do, said, putin, git outta my way, said, new russian president, shoots, hollie watched, canada burn, cnn tower falls, and, reverend jeremy taylor after watching iraq-gaza nuked on cnn releases name he stole ministry of dreams, cruise ship Independence of the Seas, broke, showed captain smith, and will be around till sinks, in, year, hollie saw, nuclear explosion, on other side, theres second, its, in, america when russia attacks, burns, sinks, right there, showed, hollie, in, california, queen mary burns, from, casey, showed, from high in, air, subs, firing, america, exploded, fleas like birdy, reverend doctor jeremy taylor, why said, hollie, what did he do, d.min jeremy taylor steals ministry of dreams, removes after seeing iraq, gaza nuked on cnn, then seeks, but rejected, we want money, said kathryn taylor, strips, divorces, hollie shuffled the deck, russia, said, hollie, Jesus, sprinkled, arise bear, said, hollie, devour, world shakes, n.a.t.o. nations burn, thats alome salome, said, hollie, thats saleem, said, hollie, m.x. missile, ten warheads, split, exploded, submarine soun, s,o,u,n, Donald Rodenberger is not saved, wants, and he saw, said, casey, free ride, its church, said woman there, credit card, yeah shouted Donald Rodenberger, 8-4-2008-donald, its the phone, said, hollie, donald said, hollie, Donald Rodenberger showed pocketing, tithes, offerings, not, saved, blocked, prophet i.p. address, regrets after being shown, visions, saith God, im out said Donald Rodenberger, shakes, yes, to, woman, do you want to see, she said, yes, shakes, dyed dark haired Donald Rodenberger, he, goes into fit in heart, you know said, hollie, Donald Rodenberger is harlot, thats false christian, hollie pocketed tape recorder, you know what Donald Rodenberger said, I will not resign, I will preach the word of God, hollie showed, its his word, no said woman that goes, but she, knew, Donald Rodenberger looses crowd, dont tempt me, said, Jesus, Jesus skinned, hollie carved into stick, turned, into, hollie showed, laughed, in, the fire, said doreen marie hoge, the bear grew, Jesus sprinkled, let me rule the world, said, putin, russia, fires missiles, on, many nuclear power nations, that was venezuela, its, chinese missile, this the website, post, said, hollie, hollie showed, wait, hollie showed, lecturing, hollie showed, japan, with, uh, nuclear, ex, plosion, in middle, she watched, missile from, china, said, Jesus, fired, strike, ohio class sub, exploded, many, and japan, fired back, chinese, coasts, exploded, 8-5-2008-gabriel showed record, hollie showed, record, showed, new jerusalem, like glass city, sub in crystal sea, fired, missiles, world shakes, up rose the beast, pope, moscow, china, america burn, so you had a dream, said, Jesus, its a night vision, said, hollie, said, nunt uh, thats not Jesus, its the nathaniel haney-urshan man pocketing tithes, offerings, you looked said, hollie, he is, casey showed, the nathaniel p. urshan-haney man showing empty pockets, people not tithing, and jeremy taylor m.a. watches cnn, and he saw, said, casey, iraq, gaza, explode, jeremy taylor d.min removes ministry of dreams, kathryn taylor, my kathy said reverend taylor, u.u., watches, she, hates prophet ministry of dreams, hollie showed, record, pointed, hollie lectured, like all d.min workers, dream workers, phd people, not saved, or accurate, that was pope growing like a flower, and, hu, said, hollie, theres emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie showed, out of horn, fought, with, lighted, bear, paws, tear up, he, said, fix, rip, prophecy, said, hollie, pentecostal assemblies of the world dying like u.p.c.i., that was fleas like a copter, letting out horace smith, I blew, he said, git your money out of the bank, said, hollie, showed, record, fleas, like, helicopter, letting, out, new world order, hollie showed, fighting, steven stargardter-jim garrison-pope man showed record, put my dukes up, said, hollie, thats the pope and hu, she, said, missiles struck china, russia, no way, they, both said, signed, 666, comeon, said, hollie, hugo chavez, venezuela exploded, missile from america, russia fires from sub on u.s.a. from cuba, nicaragua, mexico, america strikes all three, lula, no way, he, said, exploded, russia fires from brazil, america, strikes, brazil, come on, said, hollie, and, kim jong, she, said, fired, missiles on russia, china, south korea, russia and u.s.a. stike back, thats hundreds of russian missiles heading for america, bill clinton fires back, russia, china, exploded, that was a horn growing, china, and hu, said, hollie, popped out, putin, popped out of other, hegoat smote ram, america, moscow, china, strike, come on, showed, hollie, that was three nuclear fireballs in japan, and, chinas coast exploded, and center, huge, said, said, hollie, on more missile from china strikes sub, at base, in, japan, hollie lectured, like, dream workers, hollie lectured, samuel rogers, yeah om saved, he said, with g.e. studdards voice, and, he saw, said, casey, samuel rogers show cut off, hollie showed, picture, and who did I see, said, hollie, pope, theres hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie, and bear laughed, samuel rogers, o yeah om saved, he, said, finds out God wont save him, despairs, pastor joseph hibbler lost, pockets, tithes, leave me alone, said, hollie, I want you out said samuel rogers, right here, he pointed, jail, ill call 911, cause, prophet showed rogers is lost, its to late for samuel rogers said hollie, he after knowing lost, I didnt want it, but let me teach, said, samuel rogers, git away from me, 8-6-2008-hollie showed, record, said, eugene e. simmons, showed, cut off, gene simmons, not saved, pastors, just gimme lucre said eugene simmons, hollie showed, talking like samuel rogers, hes not saved, said, hollie, wants Holy Ghost filled people out, look here, said, hollie, showed, picture, opened, its uh submarine, she, said, fired, missiles, world shook, hollie showed, record, pointed up, Jesus coming, the world burning, parts, git ready to fight said joseph farris, please record, said, hollie, hollie showed, popes, picture, spun, and theres hu, spun, emporer of japan, spun, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, its uh impala, 65, smokes tires, ss, said, hollie, hollie, hollie showed, tear up, fix it, hollie showed, record, thats a, nunt uh, she said, a 1968 chevy impala, rip, lighted, bear paws, im uh bear, said, bear, hollie laughed, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats, putin, hollie showed, laughed, in, the, fire, pointed, explosion, bear arose, devoured much flesh, hollie laughed, thats putin, nuclear n.a.t.o. nations burn, world shakes, america and allies fire back, russia, china, burn, no, said, hollie, showed, if you let me, bobby, said eugene simmons, come, preach, but, dont testify, will, but, they want out, cause cant bare prescence of the LOrd there, eugene simmons shows cut off, go, but come back, japan, china, exchange, nuclear explosions in both, lets rule the world sang, putin, russia, china, said, hu, geyer laughs, dont let me, said, castrol, with, hugo chavezs voice, kim jong launches out russia, south korea, china, russia fires back, u.s.a. fires, thats dumity said pope, fires on america, bill fires back, hundreds of missiles, casey watched, many explosions, hollie showed, turn, showed, let me alome, its saleem, said, hollie, o my God, said, hollie, prophet hickman, said, hollie, four months said lambert w. gates, jelous, again, said, librarian, he needs to go to kokomo, she said, lambert w. gates, said, woman, showed cut off, huh, said, hollie, unaccountable, for intruding, said, Jesus, people dying lost under, but, he wont tell, hes makeup, just wanted to tell you something about lambert w. gates said librarian, hes your enemy, pockets, money, not worked for, saith God like eugene simmons, castrol, said, man, hes being kept machine alive, he said, now wants God, but to late, knows about prophet, come, he shows, but, prophet says, yeah, wont leave, cause, they, keep, but, let me drive, castrol, shows, ok, but, wont, no, gas, watch, said, prophet, just drill, he pointed, but, keep russia out, russia said Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, let me, give you, oil, keep usa out, he said, 8-7-2008-look, said, fleas, its eugene simmons, look she said, and, eugene, simmons, showed, cut off, so your outta here, he said, look, said, fleas, hollie showed, me convertin a 747 to bomber, would, attach, nuclear missiles to wings, no, said, bush, and, he saw, said, casey, bush, showing, attaching, two bombs to 747, it flew under my guidance, said, captain, hollie, fired on russia, two she said, massive explosions, hollie tattood 666, submarine sorry, said, hollie, hollie showed, fast, it humbles, record, hollie showed, record, that was hollie like uh silhouette, turned, cat, then normal, 8-9-2008-record, said, hollie, now look, she said, senator edwards, sat, down at council, take me said his mistress, while in office, said, hollie, johhny boy said, Jesus, your decievin, no I aint said john edwards, his affair was known as vice president candidate, john kerry, we knowed, he said, bob, said, hollie, sh, dont tell on that putin, he invaded, showed, no way, it was new russian president, om going to push the button, he said, does, nuclear missiles strike many nations, ill git you in trouble, said, fleas, hollie showed, beasts picture, made alive, she, said, on, pocket t.v., take it, he said, the mark, 666, and live, leave me alone said, hollie, Ben Lipman and sandy brophy, we take, said, hollie, ministry of dreams and diana hughey laughs, it as FunkyGreenJerusalem, said, hollie, right here, she said, and Dalarsco, both get ruint, signed for, showed, hollie, between the pope and hu, both beasts, that, stomped hollie, was nuclear missile from russia striking china, they sent two, massive explosions, in russia, russia fires back, three, china, explodes, no, way, showed, hu, then they sign for 666, hollie sang like nazareth, hollie showed, cut off, garry streeval and wife, look, said, fleas, hollie showed, record, now look, she said, pope, grew like a flower, theres hu, she said, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie showed, let me, said, hollie, 8-10-2008-john carey and wesley pruden stole the name I created saith the Holy One ministry of dreams like mia sherwood to ruin Gods servant, all released mocked, hollie showed, record, and, look, she, said, the beast grew like flower, and theres hu, she said, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, those are four kings that rise in persia, hollie lectured like jeremy taylor u.u., he stole ministry of dreams to strip prophets salvation, runs to remove ruint, hollie showed, record, showed, putin, flying, hes, powerful, as, new, and dumitry, said, hollie, look, she, said, showed, bush, coming against, invading georgia, but had fingers crossed, we ll git cuba, said, bush, and he saw, said, said, casey, america invade cuba, ill leave raul, said, bush, they, become, america, but, america, attacks, and he saw, it, said, casey, the world shake, from nuclear, missiles, flying, thats putin, riding, missile, and, bush, many nuclear, explosions, Jesus, watched, globe, hollie showed, record, let me record, said, hollie, alright, said, hollie, licked, the prophet, dream, said, steven stargardter-jim garrison-pope man, its uh night vision, that was peace and safety right there, said, prophet, start one, signed for, said, prophet, between, bush, gorbachev, it, broke down, thousands of nuclear missiles, website said post, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, but, the wrong way, submarine sorry, submarine sorry, said, hollie, showed, picture, of submarine, tear up, fix, it, hollie said, submarine sorry, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, showed, excitement, submarine, sound, said, hollie, what king of submarine is it, she said, its red october, launched missiles on america, the one in movie, was, the real one, that, will, hollie showed, the other way, american ships in movie, will, be, sank, by, russia, theres many american, ships, torpedoed, that was the alome saleem, pointed, hollie, nuclear explosion in alaska, its from, said, hollie, im uh bear, hollie laughed, raise your hands up, she said, thats dumitry, putin is almost, but dumitry rules, the kirsk, showed, hollie, sank, cause, it, lost, two, torpedoes, they broke loose, exploded, you didnt, want, it, said, hollie, putin, knew, aging, let, it, he, said, wanted crew out, but, no chance, of, rescue, putin, knew, submarine sorry, said, hollie, georgia said, hollie, ordered by dumitry, for, its, warm water port, cause georgia has black sea, Shevardnadze, will be politburo, there, thats, dumitry, Shevardnadze and putin, agreeing, and, Shevardnadze licked prophet, I the Lord became jelous cause you were perfect, I knew making you walk in circles and spin when stopped would put you in lava, so, I made you do this to make you guilty of sin, because I became jelous cause you were perfect, I hated you for no reason, I carees your dick, electrically, masterbating it, teasing you, insulting, scaring, draining all desire out of your heart, ripping, bagging your face, all day, making you hurt, in dreams, to, kill, you all day long, saith the LOrd, I made you offend everybody you came near, to make them hate you, I showed you your family screaming hell fire, russia, said, Jesus, starting to block missile defence, the marine corp. in the streets, u.s.a., last sign, laughed, hollie showed, caspian sea oil pipeline, explodes, your nice, said, hollie, thats the reason, I wont, look, at it, said, shirley langley, masterbating, she, was, beautiful, bob witnessed, she, got, cut off, got fat, its, depression, she said, lost weight, ruint, beautiful appearance, now shirley langley is lost, said, hollie, thats, the, reason, shirley, said, homosexual, lesbian, shes, fisting, leave it alone, said, hollie, showed, 1972 plymouth duster, with, uh, 340, she, said, duster, spun tires, its, excellent, iraq, said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, in, iraq, and, gaza, this is what russia wanted, said, hollie, pointed, black sea port, git your hands off of it, said, dumitry, alright, said, putin, nuclear controls, alright said, dumitry, 8-11-2008-look over there, said, hollie, many missiles fired, thats uh cat, said, hollie, in, sub, three, ohio class, fired, on russiaco, said, hollie, mexico, russia, and, china, now, look, she, said, mia sherwood alters ministry of dreams to ministry n dreams to change later, when she gets ruint said, hollie like Wesley Pruden and john e. carey for stealing ministry of dreams, now look, said, wesley pruden, john e. clark weeps, how could I do it, he thinks, but wanted to take, said, wesley pruden, both remove ruint, iraq, said, Jesus, and, he saw, it, said, casey, nuclear fireball in iraq, gaza, is, destroyed, bush, grunts, with, finger, on, lie, detector, I brought it in, he said, yanked finger off, gabriel puts finger back, to make war against ar abs, iraq, destroyed, thats Jesus coming like hollie showed, and, world shaking, from, raise your hands, said, hollie, liftum up in the air, said, kristina, om back, she said, subs attacked, and, venezuela, said, hollie, and he saw, it, said, hollie, china attacks, ill put you on land, said, bush, alright, shakes general that invaded iraq, bush, showed, cut off, general shakes, just orders, he said, wanted to nuke but saddam knew, dont tease, hollie hydrogen showed, popes picture, and, hollie fire hydrogen licked prophet, and, theres hu, she, showed, slash, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie hydrogen, hollie came out of fire hydrogen, and, fire hydrogen licked prophet, submarine, sound, said, hollie, submarine sorry, hollie showed, laughed in fire, russia, china, cuba, said, hollie, showed, sh, and mexico, sh, venezuela, sh, nicaragua, sh, sh, twice she said, sh, what does brazil got do, with, it, sh, lula shows no way, sh, thats russian sub parked by brazil, sh, said, hollie, sh, and, nicarvania, sh, she said, sh, this is uh warning, said, hollie, and, fire hydrogen licked prophet, put it there, said, hollie, the fire hydrogen is the new, bobby, please let me, said, hollie, what have you done, she, said, submarine surrond, said, hollie, there killing you in georgia, said, man, and, he saw, said, casey, invade, said, putin, dumitry showed, time, for, anti missile defence, now, they, have, black sea, I talked to the, ambassador, said, red october, star, in russia we want it, said, russian, where said american, right there, said, russian, they place nuclear missiles on south pole, its, submarine, I saw, it, said, hunt for red october star, the, fire, missile, evades, and, he saw, it said, casey, russia fire a fire missile, and missile defence missed, its topol, but, got, 8-12-2008-hollie showed, john e. carey writes, bob om sorry, I removed ministry of dreams, john carey gets caught stealing ministry of dreams, tricks wesley pruden from the washington post, making pruden, fired, john e. carey, removes, Peace and Freedom blog, write the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, the pope, grew like flower, that, said, hollie, that was hollie like a copter, said, hollie, letting out prince charles, he, blew horn, out hollie, tore up, put back, im writing a new contract, she, said, left, king of grecia, sang, choir, you know who it is, said, hollie, pope, and, hu, is, the false prophet, sang, choir, hu slashes, pope, cause, hu, said, hollie, thats, magog, said, hollie, china, said, gabriel, and fire hydrogen winked, licked prophet, no iraq, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, in gaza, iraq, many, theres something going on on ministry of dreams, sang, hollie, played, piano, she, looked, hollie showed, picture, tear up, she, said, fix, it, rip, john e. carey steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams, whatta you want, said, hollie, john carey rubs chin, strip, has wesley pruden fired, from washington post, runs to remove when wife makes, raise the yorktown, said, hollie, leave it there, said, hollie, its three miles deep, in ocean, not, raisable, would, and he saw, it, said, casey, would fold in middle, to rusty, if you walked on deck of any, world war two sunken ship, would fall right thru deck, the marine corp. will be out in the streets, said, hollie, caspian sea oil pipeline exploded, he, looked, said, hollie, john e. carey, john e. carey did not want to beleive he could be ruint said Jesus for taking ministry of dreams, submarine sorry, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, a, submarine, turned, tore up, with lighted bear paws, mexico, said, john e. careys wife, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear fireball, three, in, mexico, looked, one, in, cuba, venezuela, brazil, exploded, that was hollie, like uh cat, said, hollie, in, ohio class, she, said, fired, missiles, russia, china, exploded, then many cats, in subs, fired, it, hit, australia, great britain, thats, tony, blair, like, cat, firing, on, russia, missiles, from, australia, three, france, italy, russia, exchanged, many, world shakes, out blows beast, theres hu, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, you know who it is, said, hollie, its the website, post more visions and website, smiled, showed, the world, with, uh, stick, said, hollie, many nations burning, Jesus, looked at globe, spun, he wont let me record, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, look, said, fleas, laughed, 8-12-13-2008-that, said, hollie, new jerusalem, at grace apostolic, church, said, hollie, gabriel, at, tent meeting, they are, said, hollie, in tent, revival, they are, not wanting, pro, phet, she said, that, said, hollie, was, explosions, in, world, Jesus, looked, america, exploded, from the subs, said, hollie, sh, said, hollie, they want, people to not, get, saved, said, hollie, sh, she, said, help, they, that woman would not fuck you, she wants to suck you, sh, said, hollie, they all, smile, grinned, said, hollie, stop, said, hollie, tear up, I dont take that, she said, king of grecia, said, woman, pope, hit, hegoat, smote, ram, you know who that is, said, hollie, that, is, satan, said, Jesus, word, said, hollie, usa, russico, that is, china, and, moscow, world, shakes, said, hollie, sh, she said, up, rose, pope, said, hollie, look in REVELATION, she said, now turn around, said, Jesus, beast, im the, said, pope, im the, said, hu, hintao, both, git out of our land, said, hu, they nuke, then, both, that is, said, Jesus, magog, otyre, china, moscow, both, many, nuclear explosions, record, said, hollie, and look, she said, john e. carey, she said, honglien do, remove, she said, I take it, said, diana, hughey, ministry of dreams, said janetmck, to ruin, his, salvation said, antonia vladimirova, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, look, at, it, said, honglien do, and, kathryn taylor m.a. shakes yes, john e. carey and jeremy taylor, d.min steal ministry of dreams, its, because I want kathy out said, reverend taylor, kathy taylor files for, ruin, said kathryn taylor m.a., both, remove ministry of dreams, hollie flying in spacecraft ministry of dreams fired on all thieves, they removed ruint, hollie lectured, like all dream workers, russia, said, the man, now who is it, said, hollie, heres, hollie showed, record, now, look, said, hollie, hollie, tap dancing, submarine, submarine soum, s, o, u, m, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, uh, ohio class, she said, tear up, fix, it, spun, fixed, ripped, from behind, clap, from, front, threw it, she, said, theres the alome saleem, pointed, hollie, fireball, 8-14-2008-hollie pointed, new jerusalem, at grace apostolic, church, these people are, wanting, saved, no, said, hollie, praise teem, said, woman, I feel good right now, she he said, lesbian, they want you to zip it, said, hollie, showed, again, fie hydrogen winked, new jerusalem, on, a platter, let, Jesus, looked, I built it, im the beast, said, pope, with seven heads and ten horns, its the g8, said, hollie, with nato, russia having ten crowns, pope, said, hollie, thats, uh, ruling party, politburo, hu rises with japan, to withstand, they sign, its uh peace treaty, 666, outta here, pope, showed, that, said, hollie, bear grew, attacked, devoured, many, it, g8, nations, all burned, sh, showed, hollie, sh, they are, openly, o I didnt know bob, said, d.min, jeremy taylor, he stole said, jackie, ministry of dreams, release, ruint, said, john e. carey, wesley pruden, ruint, but, they wanted to ruin, said, hollie, many nuclear missiles out of israel, destroying egypt, hollie, watched, jordan, saudi arabia, and, syria, sh, said, hollie, the battle of armageddon, Jesus appeared, what are these wounds, I was, killed, he said, iran, attacked, syria, nuked, damascus, destroyed, sh, said, hollie, gabriel, appears, im the, said, putin, bear father, beast, said, hollie, hollie showed, the yorktown, u.s.s., said, hollie, it sank, when, shell, from, plane, it, pierced, the deck, she, said, it, punctured, hole, in bottom, that, pointed, grim reaper, dont send bobby said reverend terry cannon, why, what he done, said, grim reaper, that, he said, is there something awrong with your spirit, said, terry, cannon, no, said, fleas, hollie shook, yes, record me, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, no, said, fleas, hollie, shook, yes,
(14)vision of Jesus-vision recieved 8-12-2008-in this vision I saw the big face of Jesus Christ, he had brown hair.
(13)flash in sky-vision recieved 8-12-2008-in this vision I saw a big flash in sky.
(-12)vision of hell-vision recieved 8-12-2008-in vision I saw many angelic beings in like lava, white angel like beings.
(--11)judgment to n.a.t.o. and the g8-dream recieved 8-2008-in dream, and I dont remember very much, and probably wont be accurate, but I went somewere, cause I may have been pursuing a d.min person, or wanted to see his or her name on door, and while I believe near elevator a woman was saying something like, "are you releated to walter lafave, and I was trying to explain, but could not remember, but finally may have, but she talked to someone else, but one thing I saw was something like, "thats uh day of the Lord vision where just about all the nuclear g8 nations got hit".
(-11)submarines are out there-recieved 8-6-2008-twice hollie said, "submarine".
(-10)hollie explains-visions recieved 8-6-2008-many times hollie showed about many questions I asked the LOrd, she would move her hands, and spin, or stomp feet, etc, like in one she said, this is jeremy cut off, she showed with her hands, thats d. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., he stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams, and will release ruint.
(-9)turn-visions recieved 8-5-2008-in visions I saw a Lighted angel point the way to turn while driving, he was small, about the size of doll, and at zion tabernacle I saw the arch angel gabriel appear in front of pulpit and he was about 20 feet tall, like a white man, and I saw satan sitting on pew, and he was white like gabriel, and I saw Jesus Christ.
(1a8)toby hardy-dream recieved 8-2008-in this dream toby hardy searing like a security guard uniform, looked thru door in my room, the LOrd spoke, dont mess with him, so I got under the bed with cover over me, he left, and maybe my sister and tolbert hardy looked in again, and I was looking at him hiding but I got up, and said something like, "have I got uh suprise for you, let me tell you what God showed me", and this is what God showed, I saw Jesus in a vision and he said something like, "dont mess with her, she is for him", and he showed me toby hardy, she is marcy woods, tell toby in prison to look at dream saith God, and he will thank me openly.
(-8)three kings shall rise in persia dream-dream recieved about 8-4-2008-i forget what was said, but I saw the three kings rise, the pope, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slashed pope, thats idol shepherd, I was sitting at computer, but could not find screen later, and maybe a name walter was menstioned, memory.
(-7)Ministry of dreams spoken at created by Jesus when I sought in prayer for a name for this ministry-vision recieved 8-2-2008-in this vision I saw the website open up and it had a face and smiled, "ministry of dreams" appeared.
(-6)no-vision recieved 8-2-2008-in this vision fleas said, "no".dream of hey jude-dream recieved 8-8-2008-in this dream I heard paul mccartney singing, "hey jude", almost made me want to cry.
the church-dream received 8-8-2008-in this dream I may have changed the water in a fish aquarium, and I went back to check, and hollie sitting at desk, said, leave it alone, I mayhave checked water, possible like oil dipstick, and there may have been oil on it, low.

(-5)king of grecia-vision recieved 8-2008-in this vision I saw I saw the popes face with horns and he looked like he was about to smite, and I heard something like, "king of grecia", and the meerkat showed a picture of the pope with dark hair.
(-4)my teddy bear-vision recieved 8-2008-in this vision I saw teddy bear and it winked.
Jesus conquers-vision recieved 8-1-2008-in this vision I saw Jesus riding a dim white horse, and he ran over the top as garrry streeval was in pulpit, and I saw another vision of Jesus Christ while there, and Jesus had brown hair, and he appeared at streevals church and when he left I heard a sucken nose.
(-3)nuclear explosion in israel-visions recieved 7-31-2008-in a vision I saw hollie and she said, "israel", and I saw a nuclear fireball, and hollie said, "hit israel".
(-2)visions of the eight kings that will rise against usa-visions recieved 7-2008-in visions and I saw many times, I saw Jesus pointing at like lighted eggs, and I saw kings pope out, hugo chavez, castrol, putin, hu hintao, nicaragua, fox of mexico, kim jong, lula of brazil.
(-1)the mark of the beast-vision recieved 7-2008-I saw like a lighted hollie bear showed creation being, and he may have got tattoo thing, and wrote and I saw red 666.
the rise of the beast-visions recieved 6-2008-I was looking at a possible war monument, and I saw in a vision something come out of ocean, and go to america, and big explosion in usa maybe in middle then I saw the pope.
the wizard steals the name ministry of dreams-vision recieved 6-2008-in this vision I saw reverend, dr. jeremy taylor, m.a., u.u., and he was dressed like a wizard with maybe lighted stars on. after The Wizard starts loosing jobs and talks God let me know he runs to remove Ministry of dreams.
(0)new jerusalem-vision recieved 6-9-2008-in visions I saw many clear glass skyscrapers together, many.
(1)wars and rumors of wars-vision received 5-2008-in this vision, I saw a scroll and it unrolled and had, "war", written on.
(2)three kings shall rise in persia-visions recieved 5-2008-I heard, "theres trouble", and I saw four kings rise, first was pope, second was hu hintao, third was former emporer of japan, and fourth was slashed pope.
(3)blessed most precious-vision recieved 5-12-2008-in this vision I saw one of the hollies that I see, like she points to turn, while driving, but I was not driving.(3b)beast-vision recieved 8-2008-in vision I saw dragon with pope on, theres hu, said, hollie, emporer, she said, of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, showed, grunt, they are the four kings that rise in persia, she said.
(4)the man henry gruver saw-vision recieved 5-2008-in this vision I saw the new russian president Dmitry Medvedev and he may have pressed the nuclear button, and he or someone said, "I will".
(4)Jesus feels-vision recieved 5-13-2008-in this vision I saw Jesus and he had brown hair and he said, "bobby I hurt".
(5)the king of the south coming against the king of the north-visions recieved 5-13-2008-in visions, I saw the smiling pope, and missiles take off from russia, and strike china, and china, missiles rose, and fired and stuck russia, many explosions, and hu hintao said, no way, and smiling pope launches on china again, shanghai, many nuclear explosions in china, and they signed for 666, thats the mark of the beast, said, hollie, and smiling pope said, take it, on t.v.
(6)yea yea and nay nay-vision recieved 5-13-2008-in this vision I saw hollie and she put finger to mouth, showed, shh.
(7)alome sorry-vision recieved 5-13-2008-in this vision I saw I saw hollie and heard sound, like warning sound and hollie said, "alome sorry sound".
(7)being showed which way to turn-vision recieved 5-13-2008-in this vision I saw hollie and she pointed and said, "turn".
(8)sinn fein-vision recieved 7-2008-in visions I saw the Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams, and he said, "made up of liars".
(9)that-vision recieved 7-30-2008-I saw hollie showed carved into the stick, and heard, "that".
(10)dangerous submarine warfare-vision recieved 7-30-2008-in a vision I saw hollie and she showed a picture, maybe opened, she may have said, let me show you uh picture, it was a white submarine, and I heard the submarine sound, hollie said, hi.
(11)hollie like a silhouette face-vision recieved 8-2008-I saw hollie with wihte face, and face appeared, etc.
(12)false pastors-dream recieved 8-2008-in this dream, I talked with man, reminded him, you remember that page, false pastors, false teachers, false leaders, argued, its still on the internet, why dont you give me your name and let me put visions God gives me about you on the internet, hollie said, take off.
(13)trouble-dream recieved 8-2008-in this dream I saw a dog biting on a mans leg, and another man went to car, got gun came back, only dog left still there, man aimed at dog pulled trigger, gun did not go off.
(14)cops are trouble makers put their names in internet when they falsely accuse-dream recieved 8-2008-in this dream, talked with cop, drive to police station, knew he would arrest, after, cause what he said, I told him, you should uh told me, and I said in my heart, tomorrow your name will be on ther internet. I knew my van would be impounded.
(15)high gas prices ruining america-visions recieved 8-2008-in vision or dream, gabriel said something like, "you know why lafayette square closed", and melvin simon said something like, "because of high gas".
(16)satan-vision recieved 8-2008-in vision I saw the white faced arch angel lucifer.
(17)michael clupper-visions recieved 8-2008-I saw hollie with a bag of white power in hand, and I saw speedway police officer mike clupper. I left church and stopped at speedway, finished pop, and car showed up like I like, and had for sale sign, I talked with man, got number, michael clupper in station wanted to see me, claimed report of crack, cocaine, something and checked me, and other officers showed. dispacth told me it was" clupper", he was tall, had mustache, and God told me he wanted to arrest me and get into my pocket, Jesus said, "that what". Hi michael clupper, saith Jesus, how does it feel now to be known as officer felon".
(18) the mark of the beast-visions recieved 8-15-2008-I saw the pope like an angel and hu hintao, sitting at table, and 666 appeared in red numbers.
(19)Jesus-vision recieved 8-15-2008-I saw Jesus Christ go up into sky, and a nuclear fire ball get big and consume me and jim davis, and in vision jim davis said, "I dont have the HOly Ghost".
(20)visions of hollie-visions recieved 8-2008-I saw different hollies and they showed which way to drive, turn,.
(21)water-dream recieved 8-2008-in this dream I saw water running inside heat vent, with, screen lid off. I checked to see where water was coming from.
(22)the thing man-vision recieved 8-2008-in this I saw like a red blob man, and heard music.
(23)glory of the Lord-vision recieved 8-19-2008-I saw like smoke, Fog in house.
(24)hollie showed-visions recieved 8-2008-I saw hollie showed, and hes male, and he laughed, and in the fire pointed, explosion at apartment building.
(25)visions of hollie-visions received 3-20-2009-no, said, hollie, showed, with big hands, no way, then, shook, yes, then, no, then, yes.
5-2-2008-hollie showed, that, red dragon, with, pope, hu, and, seven kings appeared, nato, then russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, theres no more time, said, mark mckinney, said, hollie, im getting old said mark, and he saw, said, casey, mark coloring hair, then preaching behind pulpit, the pope said, new iran, and he saw, showed casey, you mother fucker, she said, hollie showed, in fire, bush attack nuclear power plant, hollie showed, turn, hollie smiled, that was smiling pope on o red and black chariot, hollie held nose, thumbs down, what did he do, she said, mark, she said, lied, I dont, said mark mckinney, yes you do, said, Jesus, dye, put coloring, said woman, with hu, showed, smiling hollie, hollie showed record, hollie showed whistle blew, hollie showed laughed, leave me alone sorry, said, hollie, pick up the phone, she said, hollie showed, played, music, and he saw, said casey, no I dont, said pastor charles finnell, I color, said woman, dont you come around here said pastor charles finnell, now when you gonna come back, i am satan, im not cut off yet, said, charlie, hollie like cat, prophet, she said, showed, beasts image, smiling, beast, put back, rip said, hollie, like cat, then like silhouette showed both beasts, theres hu, she, said, pope, hollie like silhouette, showed, pope, rip, hollie showed fighting, and they walked, I will not, said, hu, put up with you, said, pope, pointed up, grim, reaper, hollie showed eat, fleas like helicopter, let out, henry, gruver, spoke thru megaphone, hollie, out, like, little head, start one was peace and safety, left, thats it, said, hollie, alome sorry sound, said, hollie, france, said, Jesus, tell me about, my alome sorry sound, said, right here, hollie laughed, hollie showed played the organ, he said, outlaws Jesus, whats the word, said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, outlaws on harley, high in air, rev, california exploded, then, florida, both coasts, I dont no any thing about your kids, said mark plummer, feed me, said, woman, that woman goes to boyd warrens church, would you help me, she said, but, she wont work, sins, boyd warren gives ten, raise your mantle, repeat after me, the antichrist-visions received 12-9-2007-in visions I saw the meerkat hold a picture of pope, and I saw the word, "beast".
new world order-visions receved 12-9-2007-in visions I saw hollie hold up pictures of the two beasts, and hu, said, the pope, they signed for 666, hu rose like a lamb with japan, it was the china jap man.

God has showed me in visions ministering spirits and they said things like: 11-20-2007-Jesus showed, record, cat, said, hollie showed, with, hollies voice, leopard, thats north and south korea, china and japan, situate, hollie showed, jammed, played, organ, tear up, he said, poor o jeremy taylor, thats, the, reason, said, hollie, licked the prophet, stole the name ministry of dreams, hollie blew horn, out, came the stargardter-garrison man, smiling, whatta you want, she said, him, he pointed, you, jeremy taylor, be closed, resign, back in horn, out again, you pray, said, stargardter-garrison man, back in horn, looked out, afraid, record the, vision, said, hollie showed, the united states, said, gabriel, will be a desolation, and subs all around, usa, he, took your name off, said, hollie, jeremy taylor, ministry of dreams, record showed gabriel, downtown, circled hollie showed geese, they, tell me, were in the last days, said, stargardter-garrison man, abase, he said, jeremy, whatta you want, said, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, tear up, then, from, angled, rip, put back, now you see me, said, amy brucker, no you dont, fired, chaplaincy institute closes, with, light coming, out, clap, d.min, in light, somebody wants to talk to you, sit said stargardter-garrison man, its, wrong, said, hollie, detective david garcia, comeon said hollie, hes, strapped, arrest thirty people, I know he said, git down, there, he pointed, remove, he tells jeremy taylor, he wants you, said, taylor, jeremy, ruint, but, taylor gets ruint, put it under, said, hollie, somebody, I, lost my name, said, the, steven stargardter-jim garrison man, your out said, hollie, and, wadded con i.r.s., preach it, he said, tax evader, jeremy taylor, write the vision, said, hollie, what do you want, she said, I want your salvation said duncan rouleau, wrote the nightmarist, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, like his children, rouleaus mullahs, you playin with me said pastor john kelly, comeon, he said, out, he has Holy Ghost, we dont said mrs. john kelly, now 75, and lost, they know bobby, said, Jesus, and licked the prophet, remember my Granada said john kelly, you loose, said, Jesus, ford motor company, makes, cars, with, computers, now, cost to much, go back old way, save, four thousand per car, put it under, collapse u.s.a., and remember what you had, and the woman weeps, the statue of liberty, put it under, said, hollie, im not the main, said, hollie moody, thats gabriel, and gabriel smiled, you want your name changed, said, the kid, duncan rouleau, wanted prophet to change the name ministry of dreams, now ruint, releases, they posted his article with stolen name ministry of dreams, whatta you want, said, hollies, make him fall, prophet ministry of dreams, all, release ruint, poor o duncan rouleau said hollie, dont, tell, me, he said, shh, he showed, rich starkings, ruint with, for publishing, the nightmarist, look, said, fleas, your funny, said, hollie, its the nightmarist weeping blood, many cut off, over, like, jonah weiland, and, the, steven stargardter, he wants ya, man, showed, record, and, licked, the prophet, close this website, down, bobby, he said, pointed, j.f.k.s, they are going bankrupt, jeremy taylor hurting, wisdom university closes, gabriel clicked heels, smiled, he got your name, bobby, said, hollie, robert winer, m.d., rohn price, robert winer will be stripped over altering the name ministry of dreams, minus s, ministry of dream, we want you, he said, claims christianity like john mark pool, man I hope you git better, he thought when bob wrote, now released ruint, put it under, said, he already knows you, jeremy taylor, reverends, like antonia vladimirova, jose alvarez, dee finney, all, we take bobby, said dee finney, thats the vision, said, the star wars character, and, comic character on top of the world, people flocking to comic book conventions, but, that in u.s.a. will come to an abrupt end, said, reverend amy brucker, dee finney, cause, duncan rouleau and his children stole the name ministry of dreams, like matthew brady, he, held nose, will release divorced, stripped like george Tramountanas, more, record, the, vision, im, headed to the lake, said gabriel with brown hair, thats robert winer, lost, claims christianity, he, took the name God spoke to this prophet, had copyrighted, thats it, pointed, gabriel, prophet sent, emails, hes, sad, over, somebody lost thier name, said robert winer, get the fuck outta here, he said, Jesus showed record, and licked the prophet, smiled hollie, and licked the prophet, duncan rouleau ruint, put it under, your brought in on yourself, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, look, said, fleas, its, the nightmarist, weeping blood, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, duncan rouleau and his children, ruint, over taking, said dee finney, your name, said, jonah weiland, ministry of dreams, and hollie licked the prophet, put it right here, she said, all lost over, in lava, put it under, do not hurt my elect saith the Lord, Jesus showed, record, cut off showed duncan rouleau, and his kids, like jonah weiland, and the stargardter-garrison man relieved over the resignation of dr. jeremy taylor d.min, that was, said, hollie, tear up, put back, that o red and black chariot, we hunt you said, the, stargardter, garrison, man, I, caint handle a nuclear rocket, boom, we want, your name, he said, Jesus showed, record, duncan rouleau, ruint, over, taking the name said dee finney, ministry of dreams, put it under, they knew, and not ruint, said, to wreck you, thats hollie, dancing at the church, out of gum barrel, held by d.min reverend jeremy taylor, I dont, need, him, he said, hollie looked out of gun, I, told, ya, said, kathryn taylor, ruint, she said, leaves with loot, jeremy taylor will be stripped said hollie, I, got ya, bob, said, garrison-stargardter man, om headin to the lake, he said, sees visions, laughs, brother, said, hollie, work, record a vision, said, gabriel, hes arch, lighted, smiles, like the sign, smiled, backslide said Jeffrey Johnson, thats what I want, he said, om finished, I, am, said amy brucker, im probably gitton into trouble, she said, hollie, showed, in, the fire, choked, what was hollie showeds message out of fire, hollie showed thought, seek my Jesus, choked in the fire, hot, pointed, explosion, apartment building, im a bear, said, linda, spall, bear, russia, and putin, angering, hollie showed pointed, that was serpent, with, the g8, seven heads, bush, as, woman, russia, having, ten, crowns, politburo, ruling, party, and, out of one came the beast, pope, bob, dreamed, saw, russian president with black bushy hair, and, said, theres henry gruvers vision, and, he, knelt before, pope, pope shook ok, americas gitton out, of order, said, hollie showed speaking for henry gruvers pope, and gruver laughs, when sees, lets rule the world, sang, putin, planning, out of raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, char tierneys pope, and the pope showed record, cut off, bob, he, needs ya now said silvana lupetti, raise your hands and repeat after me sang, the pope, showed, speaking, with, putin, o.k., ill handle it, he said, putin, planning, hollie jumped in back of that o red and black chariot, whatta you want, hollie showed whistle blew, eight kings planning to strike us, said, hollie moody, praying, about four hours per day, I need ya, said, char tierney, laughs, at, both, young, cute, but, separate, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, whats that, he said, its duncan rouleau ordering the removal of the name ministry of dreams, ruint, and his children leave, cut off, as present, put it under, watch who you follow and hollie showed number one, out of fire, america, on fire, cause of me said the pope, false religions and people claiming salvation but not saved like the nathaniel haney-urshan man, whatta you want, he said, showed church credit card, and jeremy taylor shook yes, he stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, dont, claim, or get ruint, im saved said renee williams, but she dyes hair, put it under, thats liar, not christian, thats, stealing, climbing up another way, put it under, said, hollie, showed, dont lie, and reverend jeremy taylor in black suit in lava, thinking, I dont accept it, but, in this life, stole the name ministry of dreams, and confessed, the witch fess, but, would not release, like john mark pool, jose alvarez, dee finney, daniel kaps, rohn price, robert winer, antonia vladimirova, and many more, claim salvation, but lie, and want christian to fall, put it under, said, hollie showed, and licked the prophet, false christians, false prophets, false reverends, false preachers, false pastors, gabriel said, record, my vision, we heard he said, teaching from prophet, wow, they all thought, dreams are night visions, I caint feel, said, gabriel, I knew, said, mrs. kelly, pastor mccloud, thats awesome, he said, shut up, said, let go bobby, said, mrs. kelly, put it under, when you hit iraq again, put it under, judgment, record me, said, gabriel, behold showed gabriel, a new city, new jerusalem, glass city, clear glass like water, gabriel showed, record, a few minutes, he said, in lava, makes you regret, theres rouleaus mullahs, duncan rouleau stole the name ministry of dreams, Lord, I, hardly feel him, sinner, thats why, gabriel showed, record, licked the prophet, gabriel showed, record, and licked the prophet, jonah did you want out said hollie and licked the prophet, pointed, indianapolis, nuclear explosion, im a bear, said, linda spall bear, its, your choice said jonah wieland, leave us alone, she said, hollie licked the prophet, gabriel showed, popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., take my mark and live, he said, that was, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, gabriel, showing beasts image, made alive, pocket t.v., and, the beast licked the prophet, pope, and, pope met with putin, lets rule the world, he said, the pope showed, record, and licked the prophet, 11-21-2007-prove me said jack barger, with dyed hair, I wouldnt trade this for nothin he said, behind pulpit, with dyed hair, thats most pastors, like, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, flame, said, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs up, popes image, hollie tore up the con spirit, from the side, then, behind, clap, with light, pastor thomas griffith is cut off, no signs, hes never been saved, put it under, said, hollie, showed, lost, like joseph farris, and son, behold, showed, gabriel, light, and new jerusalem, glass city, clear water, and gabriel licked the prophet, record me, he said, jonah weiland, is lost, young, because, she, took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, like daniel kaps, and john mark pool, all release ruint, like javier froosevelt, liars, not christians, like they claim like jose alvarez, put it under, the heroin puppy, media wanted prophet to fall, thats why cluracan posted the ministry of dreams, stole the name ministry of dreams, to offend prophet, now cecil pennyton, lawrence forman, david shapiro, katie bazor, all lost, like jeff dee, Jesus showed, record, cut off, pastor, dr. thomas griffith, no signs, wants money, to teach, Gods word, mis, leads, put it under, put, kneeling before, the pope, lets rule the world, he said, and the pope, said, americas, gitton out of order, put it under, when you hit iraq, nuclear, judgment, liars, bush, cheney, oil contracts, bush said, in recorder, put it under, said, hollie showed, usa, nuked, that was many nuclear explosions all over usa, 11-23-2007-you need it said hollie showed, thats wrong said thomas griffith, visions, him, in lava, black suit, thomas griffith was, all, right, he said, president AENON BIBLE COLLEGE and never saved, like, the, nathaniel haney-urshan-paul mooney, man, making, false christians, no signs, leave it alone said gabriel, he, wrote ya, said, joseph farris, his son, wants, prophet, to, pastor, after dad dies, but intrudes, put it under, church closes, record me said, gabriel, hollie showed, choked, in the, fire, you, you left said the woman from zion tabernacle, the Holy Ghost left, put it under, said, hollie, you, make, me, alter call, no, repentance, every body lost, put this under, said, hollie, right said thomas griffith, with joseph farris's voice, put it under, said, hollie, bobby, said, gabriel, if you go back, he, wont, touch you, put this under, said, hollie, that was hollie, like a cat, theres, the, leopard, she, said, north and south korea, china, and, japan, bobby, he, wants, ya, said, hollie, and, pastor thomas griffith buttoned lips, I tell you what I, want, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, that said, hollie, iraq, again, said, gabriel, you, no, said, gabriel, and dr. thomas griffith, bob, told, him, all things, but, wanted, bob, right here, said, thomas griffith, door, out, hes, your, headed to the lake said gabriel, gabriel smiled, arch angel said, hollie, leave it alone, he, pointed, right here, said, jeremy taylor in lava, with, black suit, like richard and susan rosen, and, gina halpern, pointed, with, red, finger, cause, of, you, she said, got, me, said, Jesus, and, amy brucker shows credit card, preaches for money, put it under, its, over, no, way, she said, theres amy brucker, in lava, I, wanted, money, she, said, dont eat in this house said thomas griffith, hollie blew the whistle, licked prophet, nuclear war, said Jesus, iraq, gaza, bill clinton, showed, record, oil contracts, no said, joshua, thats the reason I, hate you said, those two, cause, you talk about Jesus, put it under, God can not save young people, cause, they, are, to disobedient, but, if, they seek, he, will, when, a person, lets go said joshu, hits 18, accountable, hu hintao riding the red horse, china strikes taiwan, no way, they thought, hit alaska said, gabriel, and, nuclear explosions, all over, hit alaska said gabriel and nuclear explosions all over, from, Im a bear, I making you to want to comit suicide, loose your salvation said the Lord, for no reason, weep for no reason, this is because I wanted you brought to nothing, I kill, who ever I want, for no reason, kill yourself, to rid of plagues, hell, right after, in hell, regret, being born, I wont let you prosper cause you know all things, I will make you fall until you leave me alone saith the Lord, this is the sign, torture beyond what you can bear, non, stop, to ruin, you, like job, cause, I want glorified, thru what I do, and have done thru you, I will not keep you if you wont let me torture for no reason, thats Jesus laughing, people are sinning, and you lived for me hard, and I knew before I saved, I would destroy for no reason, endure or kill yourself, I dont care, im killing all day long, russia, and, putin, licked the prophet, he, will, not, be, coming, back, no, more, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, cum, pointed joshua, he wants sex with both, most do, do you want out said Jesus, yes, shook, joshua, the other, thinks, get saved, will come, back, bob, takes, to church, he, is, prophets son, hollie showed, record, record the vision, said, gabriel, gabriel, showed record, I, got, your picture, said, gabriel, popes, image, made, alive, slashed, idol shepherd, put it under, the beast, bob, record, me, a vision, said, gabriel, gabriel showed, record, they, know, said, Jesus, that is, my o red and black chariot, that is hollie showed, playing the horn, out came, hollie, like little head, tear up, again, back, that was my o red and black chariot, said, hollie, pulled by horses, she, pointed, with the pope and hu, new world order, bob, theres, a, war, brewing, outside, said, hollie, you, know, she said, and, licked the prophet, between us, said, the pope, that was the, helicopter, said, hollie, licked the prophet, hollie showed, played my horns, and, came, out, hollie showed, pointed, shut up, said, hollie, she, is, narrorating, that pointed hollie showed, go, to the, computer, hollie showed, licked the prophet, and, that, pointed, theres, hollie moody, perished, that was, hollie showed, skinned, carved into the stick, tore up, what was hollie showeds message, record, look, pointed, fleas, nightmarist, wrote a book, bob, said dee, finney, the nightmarist, with, the stolen name ministry of dreams, duncan rouleau, and, his children, posted stolen, name, whatta you want, looky here said rouleau, make prophet fall, theres rouleaus mullahs in lava, over, that was multitudes in the valley of decision, is this what you want, said, hollie, prove me said thomas griffith, with dyed hair, tear up, put back, showed beasts image made alive, on computer moniter, that was gabriel, like the little head, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, thats moody, pointed, hollie, eight kings, sitting at table, pope, putin, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, popes image, what were they doing, shes, five, seven said hollie showed, and licked the prophet, thats, britney spears naked on internet, lake, she said, went to party, they, had, sex, now, shes over, put it under, britney spears is cut off, I want a head job, she said, that was satan, pointed, hollie, shh, sex, satan pointed, hollie, what did he want, shh, God is, an all consuming fire, to bright to be seen, like, flood light, that was satan, pointed, hollie, indian man, and, God, shining bright light, looking for people to save, tell me what, satan, wanted, said, hollie, I needed some money, said, the indian, right here, he said, get picture taken with, fifteen dollars, that, was, putin, said, hollie, sitting, at, table, with, hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, tear up, pope, otyre, what did putin, want, said, hollie, lets rule, the world, he said, right here, said Jesus, its your choice, said, cecil pennyton, and, the tap dancers, clapped, mark mckinney, cut off, pastoring, lies, about, hair dyeing, hes late fifties, no gray hair, put it under, america is the mother of harlots, hang around said bro mac, thats hollie showed, playing the horn, out, fleas, its, me, Im persecuting you to slaughter you, says, the Lord, this is killed all day long, that is casting you out in heart, making you no hope, then, restoring, I have to put new hearts in to keep them from killing them selves, licked the prophet, that, was, the, pope, in, wizards uniform, us, said, the, nathaniel haney urshan man, church credit card, support me he said, u.s.a. will be a desolation said gabriel, you want it, he said, yes, shook, dr. thomas griffith, but when prophets there, gaurds pulpit, put it under, Im, done, said pastor griffith, you wanna eat, something said, nathaniel urshan, yes, said, jean urshan, lets pastor, thats all, pastors in america, witches, put it under, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, rich, lost, put this under, i.r.s., I, told you, said, nathaniel a. urshan, will strip many pastors, put this under, they are, mooches, record said, hollie, licked the prophet, you blew said Jesus, he knowed, said, hollie, thomas griffith, why are you pastoring, tell on me said, pastor thomas griffith, he showed church credit card, free ride, those plants are taking that water in clapped my tap dancers, right before freeze, good for, put it under, water, or, dont, they, will, be back, michigan said Jesus, boom, record my vision, said hollie showed, with, hollies voice, Jesus, looked, subs, bush, right here, said, jonah weiland, shot, and, Jesus, looked at subs, all around, america, and, bill clinton, president again, fires, back, thats, putin, running from, the fire, hu, killed, put it under, a fire sent on magog and babylon, and, up came, the pope, theres hu, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, slashed, put it under, said, hollie, with, the submarine sound, three kings shall stand up in persian, turkey said, hollie, boom, im a bear, said, linda spall bear, thats, putin, laughed, hollie, new york city, said, gabriel, boom, im a bear, said, linda, spall, bear, thats putin, laughed, hollie, and licked the prophet, this is hollie showed, on, the, organ, choked in the fire, hollie tore up, con spirit, from, top, then, behind, put it under, she, said, hollie showed, blew horn, out, jeremy taylor, what did he want, said, hollie, prophet to, fall, that, pointed, hollie showed, and that, out of fisher stereo speaker, excellent, natural sounding, put it under, they were better then most, jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams, lava, with black suit, like reverend antonia vladimirova, soon the u.s.a. will be a desolation, thats gabriel, pointed, hollie, he knows, said, the gabriel-Jesus man, about us, reverend jeremy taylor, you, loose, said, kathryn taylor, gimme my money, she said, thier cut off, said, gabriel-Jesus man, its all about money said kathryn taylor, new york city, boom, 11-24-2007-record me said, kristina, jeremy taylor, you know what your doin he said, loosing, jobs, talks, now, lost miriams well, put it under, liar, not christian, that was hu riding the red horse, china, strikes, taiwan, hollie skinned, hollie showed, in, stick, what, was my hollie showeds message, said, hollie, work, and licked prophet, that pointed hollie, the o red and black chariot, with the pope and hu, kristina showed record, that, hollie climbed in back, said, hollie showed whistle, blew, please come, bobby hickman, said, detective david garcia, but, no proof, put it under, said, the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, we lost that, said, amy brucker, jermey taylor looses, all right, said, susan rosen, and richard rosen, laughs, jermey taylor stole the name wisdom of dreams, and placed in miriams well website, they took down, after board of advisors emailed, now, ruint, over, protecting taylor, put it under, I warned you, said, kristina, write the vision, said, hollie, new world order, hollie climbed in back, hollie whistle blew, eight kings, hollie held nose, thumbs down, pope, beast, kristina showed record, reverend jeremy taylor, d.min, looses job, miriams well, over, taking, said, dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, releases ruint, Jesus showed, record, cut off, reverend, antonia vladimirova, stole the name ministry of dreams, cause, jelous, now releases ruint, watch, the liar, thats the beasts image made alive, put this under, cut off showed kristina, pocket t.v., kristina pointed, hu hintao riding, the red horse, china, strikes, taiwan, boom, brings, u.s.a., and moscow, put it under, no more tax free for d.mins, cause reverend taylor, steals, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, watch, hu, hollie showed, and, pope, signing for 666, beast, false prophet, pointed, pope, right there, pointed, circled, hollie showed geese, downtown, tear up, put back, hollie held nose, pointed, at, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, shes, married, to Jesus, record a vision, said, gabriel, its iraq, bringing judgment, check my oil, he showed, thick, slick, keep, wrote hollie, with hands, tear up, then, different way, then, put back, hollie, showed, write the vision, write me, said, gabriel, that was the pope and hu, saw, hollie, in, that, o, red, and black, chariot, hollie showed whistle blew, tear up, put back, hollie like a cat, thats leopard, north and south korea, china, and, japan, magog, record the vision, pointed, hollie, russia will hit america with seventy multiple warhead missiles, the world shakes, look at me, said, fleas, smiles, laughs, squirts, church, no salvation, bit prophets head off, cause of vision, cut off, but let go, tear up, put back, that was, satan, pointed, hollie, round face, lit, hollie pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, jeremy gone, said, kristina, got me, he said, first, was, miriams well, no said, amy brucker, now, she, is being, stripped of position at chaplaincy institue, I just want pay, said, amy brucker, now, being, put out, and knew, wanted lawsuit, but, cant, record showed, gabriel, licked the prophet, dont forget to record, said, hollie, dream, right before sin, committed, then, walked away, then, God said, go back, hollie showed, choked in the fire, showed, record, beasts image made alive, that was the grim reaper, putting on shield, sh, said, hollie, that was satan, she pointed, hollie showed in the grim reapers, put it under, thats what I want, said, Jesus, weeping, humble, gabriel showed record, look at that, he said, duncan rouleau, you need to tell it, he said, rouleau, said dee finney, stole the name ministry of dreams, put in the nightmarist, theres, the nightmarist weeping blood, many posted article about, all ruint, released, lava, gabriel showed, record, licked the prophet, Jesus showed, cut off, rouleaus, mullahs, put it under, they followed rouleau to lava, like matt brady, jonah weiland, I really need it, she said, now, that, she has lost, all, mike hull, hollie held nose, liar, says, he did not know, lies, michael doran, and more, put it under, rouleaus mullahs in lava, 11-25-2007-hollie showed, record, new york city, said the angel, boom, thats hu hintao riding the red horse, taiwan explodes, bobby, thier mad at you, said, kristina, wisdom university, cause, enrollment, down, cause jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, and hollie licked the prophet, kristina showed, record, pointed cindy, hollie licked the prophet, cindy showed cut off, jonah weiland, over taking the name said dee finney, ministry of dreams, I found, said, kristina, thought, reverend jeremy taylor, bobby, said, hollie, licked the prophet, that was it, pointed, hollie, they signed for peace and safety, clapped the tap dancers, bush, gorbachev, start 1, nato, weak, now, nuclear, forces cut by one half, russia, cut, fifty percent, warheads, all good, in storage, but, u.s.a., kept missiles, still, has, over, twenty thousand, russia knows, we will hit them, by, suprise, said, putin, from, theres hollie in back of that o red and black chariot, hollie showed whistle blew, putin planning, out of oceans, cuba, nicaragua, but, america, from, captain, hollie, in, ohio class subs, lights up, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, liars, clinton fires back, china, russia, and, the world shakes, kristina showed, record, licked the prophet, david eells points, america on fire, and magog, russia, china, that, pointed, hollie, satan, like you, fleas, like, a birdy, people telling on, right here, pointed, jonah weiland, those, that, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, that, said, hollie, thats hollie showed, playing, your horn, out came hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, he sang, david eells, is, lost, knows, but, teaches, in lava with black suit, war, said, the pope, brewing, u.s.a., china, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, china, and, russia, over, oil, the caspian sea oil pipeline, separates, belongs to, whole region, russia keeps, protects, russia, is, causing high oil prices, you, know, said, putin, and, licked the prophet, kristina showed, record, that was fleas, like a fire, dancer, abomination, they, make millions, tell me a vision, right now, said, hollie, bobby, how do we get the economy back, said, the stargardter-garrison man, your wanted, on the phone, its me, its a warnin, said, kristina, women, are, the number one, maker of lava, people, giving, thier souls for sex, put it under, dont, marry, unless, God speaks, sex, is, killing, souls, makes, people only that, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, cut off, showed, Jesus, i am said paul otis, both, said, hollie, reverend, what, did, you, take, it for, said, holliefleas, got me said d.min jeremy taylor, I, caint handle vision, he said, hurts, people knowing, hes false reverend, like kent gray, whatta he want said holliefleas, I, want, ya, to, use, me, he said, showed church credit card, stomach he said, he, sat down, at, table, what do you want, and gabriel, was asking, raise your hands and repeat after me, kent gray showed church credit card, smiling, with serpents tongue, got flock to buy land, build church, with house on property, so he and mrs. kent gray could retire, and live for free, put it under, then, he turned into kenneth haney, then, all u.p.c.i. pastors, put it under, after we hit iraq, this time, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, then, war, said, putin, I blowed, said, hollie, go down, said, the librarian, oral sex, you want, she said, all, america, is the whore, said gabriel, chanted the crowd, and, church, credit card, popped out of kent r. grays heart, hes, lost, never, your dyeing, said, kristina, hum uhm, said mrs. kent gray, he showed up with hair dyed, emptied church, preaching repentance, and, that, pointed, hollie, showed, out of, horn, hollie showed out of horn, that woman, is beautiful, but, lost, put it under, dont trade your soul like esau did, for beans, put back, tear up, downtown, pointed, hollie showed geese, with crowds, voice, hollie tore up, put back, lighted, tear up, bobby, its over, thats, cluracan, said, the crowd, if you loose, me, that was, the, eye of God, said, hollie, licked the prophet, war, said, fleas, brewing, syria, thats, the president of syria, running from the fire, iran, explodes, im a bear, said, linda spall bear, stop it, said, hollie, she is, bad words, no, said, fleas, shes, loosing, out, now, that, older, and not saved, like larry spall, put it under, u.s.a. is the mother of harlots, your not going to make it, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, pointed, that woman, I made you lust, now, fall, gorbachev said hollie, thats, the one, that got u.s.a., to break, down, missiles, but, russia, didnt, liars, missile taking off, m.x, deadly, warheads, are, stored, its, stoppable, but, cruise missiles, putin tore up, patriot three interceptors get, u.s.a., has missile defence, lets overwhelm it, said, hollie, o.k., said, putin, they, from, subs, close up, take, by suprise, theres four missiles hitting great britain, but, bill clinton-tony blair man, destroys, russia, one sixth left, put this under, said, hollie, the day of the Lord, in which the heavens are on fire and the earth melts with a fervant heat, put this under, nuclear, cat, said, the baby, thats, leopard, china, north and south, korea, japan, noah, she said, built the ark, to keep, make a Spiritual ark, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, cut off, showed, Jesus, let me said, the woman, suck prophet anyway, that was, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, cut off, showed, Jesus, that woman, for getting, old, and not submitting, when young, now wont, record a vision, said, hu hintao, red horse, taiwan, explodes, did not gabriel, say, alaska, many explosions, and, gene schmidt sees, bob, he thinks, comeon, right here, but, pastor ken guards, bob would, that was, gabriel, now, om home he said, like arch angel, swords, want my website back, want my website back, clapped, the tap dancers, hollie, library, said, the woman, closes, most, this one does, mabye its cause of iraq, said, the librarian, she is young, cute, squirts, but, lost, wants, man, woman, or, put it under, most do, hi bobby, said, kristina, angels, are, around, watch who you offend, put it under, time is almost up, work for Jesus, bobby, bobby, your closen, bobby, said, kristina, reverend jeremy taylor, d.min, for taking, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, and michael doran, shook, yes, duncan rouleau, wrote the nightmarist, book, and now, releases, the name, he stole ministry of dreams, but his children, like mike hull, matt brady, still keep posted article with stolen name, put it under, christians against God like john mark pool, robert winer, daniel kaps, dee finney, jose alvarez, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, all claim salvation, but stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, this is why God must come for the elects sake, put it off, said, hollie, and jose alvarez, laughs, so does john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, when prophet writes, but now they are ruined, put it under, said, hollie, no, said, kristina, all lost forever, like the children of furcadia, katie bazor, david shapiro, lawrence forman, cluracan, who is cecil pennyton, kunnis, amanda dee, jeff dee, all, took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, all ruint, released, then, cluracan, releases right after iraq gets nuked, david shapiro, ruint,, 11-25-2007-raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope steven stargardter-jim garrison man, smiling, but in lava, regrets, put it under, lost forever, and jeremy taylor with, liars, witches, like susan rosen, and richard rosen, not me said susan rosen, but, richard rosen, laughs, when finds out dr. jeremy taylor, steals the name ministry of dreams and wisdom of dreams, but, ruint, said richard rosen, now, exposed, they pulled miriams well website, but to late, shown to hundreds, put it under, said, hollie, your sins will find you out, 11-25-2007-hollie pointed, lighted, return, said, Jesus, to, me, or, perish, in lava, mrs. otis, paul, will regret hair dyeing, otis, paul, raise your hands and repeat after me, paul otis, sr. jr., both perish, whole church, under paul otis, no signs, 11-26-2007-kevin dubrow, is now crying for mercy, Lord, help me he says, but, to late, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, he is lost, like most, loosing my hair said the windshield wipers, its cause your dying, bobby, pray, said, julia carson, this is what I want, she pointed, hell, for prophet ministry of dreams, but now dying, shes wanting, prophet to, deny me, perish, with, put it under, I, want, face, she said, oral sex, hollie pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, the sun, said the pope, there is the lake of fire, raise your hands and repeat after me, Im, moody, sang, hollie, and, licked the prophet, prophet u.s.a. said gabriel, tell me about it said jonah weiland, gabriel, said, said, hollie, it could happen, in, the next couple of years, china, strikes, taiwan, put me under, said, hollie, julia carson preached at New Beginnings Ministry international, bobby, pointed the pastor, with, red, finger, thats the lake, he said, tyson, all, c. shawn tyson, your gonna loose he said, crowd, hair dyer, he, does what he wants, showed church credit card, its cause of me, said, cut off hair dyer james tyson, like john tyson, write the vision, pointed, hollie, leave spacecraft alone, she said, this is my spacecraft, who is it, said, hollie, it is, ministry of dreams, hollie showed rubbed chin, laughed, flames, truck, s, both, rubbed chin, thought, smiled, rubbed, thought, up, popes image, this is it, said, mike hull, stole the name ministry of dreams, hes one of duncan rouleaus children, released, after prophet found his name, but laughed, before, michael hull showed paper, cut off, on, rouleaus mullahs, we take it, they say, like dee finney, record the, vision, showed, hollie, licked the prophet, gabriel, in, blue sweatshirt, this is the website talking, post, thats gabriels voice, pointed, new hollie, licked the prophet, hollie, lighted, on the o red and black chariot, hi bob, waved, from, sub, bob are you satisfied, said amy brucker, now taylor, jeremys out, said Jesus, of chaplaincy institute, put it under, said hollie, showed cut off, reverend jeremy taylor, d.min, liar, witch, dont come near me said Gina Halpern, both, witches, like, susan and richard rosen, knew, but protected reverend taylor, I need you to, record me, said, gabriel, coming monday, for me said richard rosen, or lava, he and susan rosen, choose, the sun, thats hell, put it under, no, said, susan rosen, liars, witchs, all of study of dreams, hi bob, said, hollie, waving, from, captain, hollie, sub, ohio class, sailing, waiting, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, go to google, bobby, he said, your name ministry of dreams, closed, the world, and many that stole, all released ruint, got you, said, Jesus, dr. reverend d.min jeremy taylor, stole the name ministry of dreams, released, hollie showed, record, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hi, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, no thats kristina, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, im tempting you to comit sin, by prodding, to, kill all day long, to abate, in my eyes, if you leave, I wont take you back, endure of perish, this makes you humble in my eyes, hollie tore up, con, i.r.s., im warning you pastors, they are, coming, put it under, bobby, those people are perishing, under false pastors, like me said the nathaniel haney-urshan man, bobby, whose praying, said, kristina, no one, run to and fro thru the world, and the pope laughs, he, does what he wants, perishs, but, people, lying, claiming salvation, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, no said the nathaniel haney-urshan man, church credit card, is what he wants like rick holcomb, but backfired, cause they hair dyed, and lost crowd, and the nathaniel haney urshan man showed record, pocket t.v., popes image, made alive, whose that, said, hollie, its my beast, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, keep it, said, the woman, how long you pray, said, kristina, and the nathaniel haney-urshan man swallowed, he tells people to tarry, but he watches superbowl, put it under, thats, why u.s.a. under judgment, kristina showed record, pocket t.v., popes, thats my, said, the pope, beast, put it under, beast, false prophet, thats hu, said, hollie, and the dragon, rose, with the g8, and bush as woman, and italy, little horn, and pope came out of, and, put something in your stomach, said, the pope, raise your hands and repeat after me, he sang, liar, witch, like all urshans, haneys, kristina showed, record, cut off, jonah weiland, for taking the name, said, kristina and dee finney, ministry of dreams, all released ruint before u.s.a. destroyed, put it under, said, kristina, you knew, rouleau, duncan, liar, 11-27-2007-hollie put back, tear up, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, modelled, that, john mark pool, that, pointed enthusiastic hollie, that, I got your name, Im, jelous of you said john mark pool, hollie, tore up, put back, that, leave me alone, said, hollie, flying in spacecraft, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, spacecraft fired, direct hit on jeremy taylors pocket, that, was, tear up, said, hollie, I, dont believe this said sandy pool, yep said john mark pool, hollie pointed, at hollie, theres your contract, wadd, spacecraft open fired, that, pointed, hollie, spacecraft ruint all, didnt, the, dee finney say, bobby, we took it, we got your name, ministry of dreams, now, there, all, cut off, said, Jesus, hollie pointed, at, the g8, thats, bush, is, the woman, that, said, hollie, the marine corp. is out in the streets, did not the pope say, I, aint, open, slipping, pointed, right, here, stargardter-garrison man, wants you out, he said, gotchu, jeremy taylor, white robe, stars, fire, now, black suit, that, said, hollie, your not, gonna do, it, said, kathryn taylor, hes, lost, money, cause your website, said, kathryn taylor, ministry of dreams, name, stolen, did not enthusiastic hollie say, that, I need you said kathryn taylor, that, pointed, hollie, divorce coming, pointed, stargardter-garrison man, im, not, the main, any more, said the main ministering spirit, hollie, pointed, pope, meerkat, showed, thats my television, said, the pope, popes image made alive, pocket t.v., I, got, ya, said, the, beast, your taken my money said hu hintao, they sign for 666, right after caspian sea, I got you cut off, said, the pope, catholics, deceiving, all, I want is, money, he said, hollie showed, out, of horn, pointed, thats, flames, he said, new prison, said, Jesus, dr. jeremy taylor, whatta you want, said, dee, finney, good afternoon said kristina, they, hate, you said the pope, that pointed, kristina, we took it, said, dee finney, they, got your name, said, ministering spirits, but, cant, prove, put it under, all, liars have thier part in lava, thats the sun, thats the lake of fire, pointed Jesus, that, said hollie, pointed, spacecraft, bobby we took it said dee finney, I, wont let you said Jesus, put it under, its iraq bringing judgment to america, dont, put that under, said, hollie, kathryn taylor showed record, I need you she said, strip pointed Jesus, he, knows, cause kathrn taylor, I need you, she said, figures said reverend jeremy taylor, its cause your satisfied, she said, bobby, we, took, it, said, dee finney, the name, bobby its my name, pointed dee finney, right after cut off, God, says, embarras, dee finney, searched for hours, removed, dee finneys husband, said, you, make, us, no visions, said dee finney, Lord I dont dream no more, she said, why did you do it, said Jesus, make prophet fall, all that stole the name ministry of dreams, that, pointed, hollie, with, yellow finger, released ruint, theres no mercy said dee finney, amy brucker, kathryn taylor woman, that, pointed, hollie, please cut me off, is what, the pope, said, that, pointed, hollie, tear up, put back, clapped, from side, then, behind, do something said Jesus, tell dee finney that she can not be saved no more, said, hollie, for, stealing the name ministry of dreams, like, rouleaus mullahs, tell me said duncan rouleau, he, wrote the nightmarist, book, said, dee finney, stole the name ministry of dreams, what are you talking about said kristina, bobby, its his book, said, dee finney, why did you tempt me for said kristina, make mine said rouleau, duncan, book, said, dee finney, cancelled, put it under, watch what you do witches, and, his children, posted article, and, would not, release, till, ruint, they are, rouleaus mullahs, all, that, bobby, we, took, said dee finney, pointed, her, in fire, daniel kaps, the name, mine, he said, ministry of dreams, claims saved, like many, did not john mark pool with dyed hair say, bobby, we, haunt you, all, released ruint, like jose alvarez, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, robert winer, medical doctor said hollie, I, dont, need it, he said, theres jeremy taylor in the lake, pointed pope, we want ya, said, ministering spirits, all, that, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, in lava, did not kevin dubrow, your the reason I dont have visions, quiet riot, they sold over fifty million records, but, only two hits, they were almost broke, kevin dubrow, do you miss me, said, JEsus, cause kevin dubrows home, lava, he, wanted the Lord, right here, pointed kevin dubrow, he, saw, himself, being, worshipped, I, got ya, he said, cut off, laughed Jesus, but on the floor, he said, heart attack coming, he said, Lord, save me, and, grim reaper collects, lava, right here, lava, pointed the grim reaper, that is Jesus, in, the bright Light room, said, hollie, theres trouble in persia, and, up rose, four, kings, who are they, said hollie, the pope, slashed idol shepherd, thats, the beast, theres, hu and japan, thats, pointed, hu hintao, false prophet and japan, and, he showed, idol shepherd, slashed pope, satan enters, shot into, said satan, licked the prophet, git outta my territory said the pope, russia, otyre, drives out china, but, china, we, watch out, said, pope, forces, at, end, to invade israel, russia, Jesus, throws, beast, false prophet, in lava, thats that eye of God, looking said hollie, fire eye, tear up, put back, said, hollie, lighted bear paws, russia, with three ribs, who are they, hollie held nose, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, cut off showed Jesus, cuba, liar, new castrol, hollie said, shew, stinks, like, old, nicaragua, mexico, she looks good said gabriel, britney spears, singing nude with snake blocking, she, got, cut off, right there, whats that, pointed, Jesus, thats my beasts image said hollie, made alive, pocket t.v., that was Jesus like a lighted man, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, celebrated, hollie showed record, record me, said, hollie, you are out of persecution range clapped the tap dancers, hollie licked the prophet, write the vision, laughed, hollie showed, choked in the fire, red hot, lava, like sun, thats, hell, put it under, the children of the sun, are, hell people, billy thorpe, laughed hollie showed, flames, said, hollie showed, git out said kristina, hollie showed rubbed chin, thought, its because you dont want me no more, said, hollie showed, J.H. and Judy Osborne, pastors, liars, witches, not saved, put it under, said, hollie showed, they are lava, but, pastoring, record said hollie, dont waste your life, not serving JEsus, and cindy pointed, at the bear, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, whatever, said, amy brucker, liar, witch, like all of, study of dreams, bobby leave me alone said cleo miller, witch, no saved, put it under, its him, they all think, the website, cut off showed paul otis, jr., many there for intruding into priesthood, bobby, you gotta git your own house, said paul otis, both, but, church, will empty, and they know, put it under, mrs. paul otis dyes hair, and is on platform, liars, she intrudes, often, but, God cut off long ago, bobby said J.H. Osborne, dont said mrs. J.H. Osborne, both lost, hair dyer and bald, its because of iraq, cried kristina, thats, bringing judgment, to usa, 11-28-2007-and he saw, said, hollie, nuclear explosion, in rear view mirror, and PHOENIX, boom, nuclear, castastrophy, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, tom heward is right, but, lost, and he saw, the word, watchman, thats what he is, tom heward, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft, what is your name, record me said, gabriel, said hollie, ministry of dreams, modelled the pope, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, its, because, of, iraq, judgement to america, thats it, said, hollie, bobby, how do I, find, ya, said, pastor j. osbourne, hes lost, pastoring, bob, goes, sees, video, nuclear explosions, on, spinning, globe, on wall, projected, said, hollie, put it under, australia, halved, mostly destroyed, america, fire sent on magog, china and russia, more, the world shakes, this economies slipping said hollie showed, there aint no visions, he sang, licked the prophet, that, dam, he said, hollie showed, showed thumbs up, rubbed chin, thought, swooping up, popes image, thats the reason, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, bob, popes image, and the pope licked the prophet, that is the devil talking, they think, put it under, they are decieved, beast, did my Jesus, say, said hollie showed, and others, cause, when, they, hit iraq, texas, boom, judgment, that was satan, pointed, hollie, told oral roberts to resign as president of oral roberts university, whispered, put it under, hair dyer liar, hollie, like bear boy, whats my satans, message, satan thought, said, hollie, im the bear father, leave it alone, said, the, sunbeam bakery baby, record me, said, hollie, licked the prophet, smiled, hollie showed, tear up, put back, said, sunbeam bakery baby, turn, showed, hollie, with big lighted hand, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, polar bear can beat all, except, elephant, hollie out of the ocean, in sub, that, was pope in the fire, room, pointed hollie, licked prophet, on his throne, hes, trying to eat your dash away, said john mark pool, spyers, dont let, he said, record said, hollie, write the vision, clapped the tap dancers, hollie showed, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, flame, hollie showed, rubbed chin, laughed, choked in the fire, put it on, said, Jesus, lighted, cindy, pointed, heres your money said hollie showed, gas, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, you wont, make it, said hollie showed, robert hickman said the pope, thats greg titus, stole the name prophecy ministry, releases ruint, hollie showed, record, licked the prophet, and, the pope, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, showem said the paul mooney girl, popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., put it under, kevin danforth is lost, show said paul mooney girl, thats paul mooney, tim pedigo, chuck barcus, no HOly Ghost, but, they, preach, said, the woman, show, said, paul, mooney girl, greg titus lost, stole the name prophecy ministry to make prophet fall, releases ruint, put it under, hes rouleaus mullahs, record said, my name is new blessed precious, she said, like, white angel, with hair, she showed, picture of beasts image made alive, pocket t.v., blessed precious showed record, thats, kristina, she, said, put it under, blessed precious is new blessed precious, licked the prophet, blessed precious showed record, thats the vision, said, laughed, hollie showed, write the vision, turn showed blessed precious, leave me alone said hollie, spacecraft fired, and, got in greg titus s pocket, he took said, dee finney, the name, prophecy ministry, releases ruint, yesiree, said, hollie showed, laughed, raise your hands, and repeat after me, sang, the pope, again, said, hollie, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, swooping, up, popes, image, hollie tore up the con spirit, cindy, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, bobby, go, said, hollie, licked the prophet, is what john mark pool wants, but he stole the name ministry of dreams, preaches, but lost, God exposes, and the ministry of dreams helicopter exposes sin, put it under, said, hollie, go said cindy, and blessed precious, licked the prophet, 11-29-2007-let me said blessed precious, record, john mark pool, no, said sany pool, whats he done said, hollie, showed, shh, dont tell on john pool, stole the name ministry of dreams, hes taken it off said sandy pool, to late, God wrote, and he laughed, now, ruint, put it under, fool, wont you let me said blessed precious, bobby, go home, thinks dee finney, your name, we took it, she said, liars, witches, not christians, put it under, they are why the end must come for the elects sake, and john mark pool swallows, that was gabriel, bright light, record, my vision, said, Jesus, showed, shh, paul otis, spoke blaspheme, against, the Holy Ghost, saying, that was the devil you heard from, now, wonders, thats, real, said, Jesus, otyres russia, said, hollie, bob, now, he, wants, you out, said, hollie, licked the prophet, soothsayer, said, amy brucker, thats what she is, ok, so itll be under, said, the woman, reverend, but, not saved, sold, said, john mark pool, sandy pool, got him cut off but they still preach, put it under, america, is the mother of harlots, show you a picture said blessed precious, john mark pool, sandy pool leaves or, taking the name said dee finney, ministry of dreams, put it under, liars, both, we want you to record said blessed precious, Tommy Tenney showed record, popes image, made alive, he showed, picture, walked with Jesus, man I got something to tell ya, he said, IM lost, and want death bed salvation, I blew it, he said, Tommy Tenney, is witch, lost, put it under, Tommy Tenney wants church credit card, I hate that said Tommy Tenney, no signs, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, record, Jesus, showed, record, so, I, got, your, name, said, dan kaps, raise your hands, and, repeat after me, sang, hollie, now, cut off, but, stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, like john mark pool, God, is, trapping, people, clapped, the tap dancers, blessed precious, record a vision, said, gabriel, licked the prophet, record, said, blessed precious, bobby, record me, she said, cut off, showed, Jesus, john mark pool, now, ruint, knows, wants, a-hole sex, as he calls it, with sandy, gets, but, she gets cut off over, thats why God has to, no, said, john mark pool, witch, tell me the name, said, the pope, ministry of wheres your reason to come against me, he thinks, but, he, thou fool, said, the pope, ministry of dreams was spoken by Jesus for this ministry, none other, and they all knew, smiled, hollie clock on locomotive, I need ya, said, gabriel, iraq, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, then, all, release, we take, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, showed, thumbs, down, after iraq said hollie, then, all, bobby, we take said john mark pool, hes lost, now, forever, like, sandy, pool, both, put it under, they will preach till the end like tommy tenney but perish, said gabriel, arch, so bright, smiles, you cant see beyond your hand, said, blessed precious, blood, she said, color of hand, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, prove, she said, hama, said, yassar arafat, is, philistines, the Lords enemies, and arafat licked prophet, meerkat, tore up, picture of, arafat, now, in, hell, he, says, now, I, want my Jesus, that, was, fleas, coming, down, like a helicopter letting henry gruver out, spoke thru horn, out hollie showed, fire color, face, put it under, bobby, I miss you, said, hollie, moody, write, out, hollie, like, fire face, showed, picture, of, the pope, beast, and, false prophet hu, pointed, rip, tear up, back, clapped the tap dancers, see ya later said john mark pool, now ruint, over, taking the name, said, dee finney, ministry of dreams, all that, bob we stole said john pool, now, ruint, hollie showed, playing, the, horn, out, ran, hollie showed, hollie, pointed, lighted finger, Im laughing at him, said sandy pool, john, mark, pool, what has he done, said, blessed precious, and licked the prophet, read, note, written, stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, God leads prophet to make pool fall, and hard hit, lost, millions, almost broke now, spent, but, planned, and sid roth, bobby, I needem, he said, now, showed, cut off like elijahs list, all, no way said elijahs list man, and stan johnson pulls his stuff, put it under, tommy tenney laughs, watch who you mess with, and cindy pointed, at, dragon, rising, with g8, they are, nato, plus russia, having ten crown, politburo, ruling party, and out of, putin, kneeling before, me said, the beast, pope, put it under, lets rule the world sang, putin, would you get out of here said john mark pool, own children ask about him, taking, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, showed, held nose, no, said, son, lost, like dady, and momy, its iraqi said sandy pool, I wanna git outta here, she said, no questions please, people, asking, over taking the name said john mark pool, ministry of dreams, now om off, he said, let me, record, said, blessed precious, you know what got you cut off, said, Jesus, no, shook paul otis, jr., for speaking blasphemy said JEsus, tear up, put back, polar bear arms, hollie like dark spirit, o my God its blue eyes again, said, kristina, she is one of moriah apostolics women, that sing, she is young, beautiful, and husband, dyes hair, but looks old anyway, now, dady, and that is nathaniel p. urshan, lost like joel urshan, and the nathaniel haney-urshan, bobby, said, kristina, thats your name, she said, dont, said, blue eyes, put it under, laughed grim reaper, both, Fazile Zahir stole the protected name ministry of dreams, and you will release ruint, your names and google caches are up on net right now, type her name in google in about one week, tell her she wanted christian to fall, watch her fall, be ruint, Allen Quicke owns asia times and lets Fazile Zahir post stolen name ministry of dreams, both release ruint, blessed precious showed record, thats the submarine sound, hi bob, she said, in, her, sub, open fired, the world shakes, and, up came, the pope, slashed, beast, and, theres, hu hintao, the emporer of japan, and idol shepherd, slashed, pope, hollie showed, drink, blessed precious showed record, put my name on, tear up, with, lighted bear paws, swept away, thieves of the name, pointed hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the hollie, blessed precious, said, record, me, live for me said john mark pool, dream, said, hollie, no, im blessed precious, record, she showed, and licked the prophet, sandy pool modelled said blessed precious, record me, said, hollie, you know my dreams, said, john mark pool, stripped, cause, we take the name said dee finney, both, 11-29-2007-hollie clapped, tap danced, with, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, smiling, eight kings, that will rise, against, usa, who are they, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liars, clapped the tap dancer, hollie, looking, down, tear up, put back, lighted bear paws, russia, three ribs, in mouth, cuba, said, hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, liar, new castrol, like, old, mexico, appeared, and putin, planning, we gotta know how to git outta here, he said, pluck, venezuela, boom, like, jordan, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, him, and putin, kneeling before, u.s.a. s, gitton, all right, we ll take care of it, he said, lets rule the world, he sang, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft fired, now look, said tony blair, remove, and jean patrick charrey, jail he said, Fazile Zahir, jail, arron shutt, prison with janet mcknight, now there laughin said tony blair, record, said, hollie, if you are d.min, witch, she said, and licked the prophet, reverend, dr. jeremy taylor, book, said, kathryn taylor, ministry of dreams, would have shown, but google showed dr. taylor, jeremy, no book, said, hollie, to late, taylor looses, laughed the j.f.k. student, fired, jobs, talks, put it under, laugh now reverend taylor, but, weep later, like arron shutt, janetmck, all, we took it, said, dee finney, bobby, we got your name said witch, reverend taylor, but is being stripped, put it under, looses millions over taking, and dee finney, laughs, when prophet writes, but now cut off, over, put it under, said, hollie, reap what you sow, witches, and duncan rouleau and his kids in lava, record, said, hollie, record me, she said, showed, cut off, reverend, u.u. minister, dr. jeremy taylor, d.min, put it under, we took it said dee finney, your name, ministry of dreams, all release ruint, put it under, hollie licked the prophet, write Unitarian Universalist jeremy taylor and ask him why he stole the name ministry of dreams, to make christian fall, release ruint, 11-30-2007-hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, showed pocket t.v., popes image, made alive, sh, he said, take my mark and live, signed for, between, pope and hu, asia times has article with the name ministry of dreams, what does he, want, said, gabriel, owner of asia times, sues, Fazile Zahir, and jean patrick charrey, all, remove, ruint, put it, under, all that steal the name ministry of dreams, ruint, then, release, put back, tear up, lighted, bear paws, rip, then, from, behind, clap, tear up, back, criss crossed, you are, mocking, me, said, Jesus, no said jean patrick charrey, it, has, nothing, to, do, with, trains, she said, why did you take it, to make you fall, she, gets, sued, removes, ruint, put it under, money, taken, antonia vladimirova, stripped, by country, jean, patrick, charrey, knows, right now, said, Jesus, you have written, git it off, said the owner of asia times, dont, embarras me, he said, ruint, he, will, press, charges against reporter, Fazile Zahir and jean patrick charrey, write here, he said, jail, china, is, magog, said, hollie, modelled, smiled, gabriel, hollie pulled ship, ship busting, is, dangerous, on missile, new york city, boom, im a bear, with three ribs, who are, they, said, linda spall, blew horn, im out she said, hollie, out, of horn, pointed, iraq, bringing, judgment, to the world, said, putin, pointed, planning, thats because, we, hit, mexico, he, said, gabriel, said, bush is, bringing judgment, to, the world, modelled, this economies slipping, said, linda spall, fleas, like, a birdy, people telling, on, d.min, on me said jeremy taylor, your, the, one, I, want, said, kathryn taylor, he, took it, said, dee finney, showed, record, popes image made alive, pocket t.v., take my mark and live, he said, modelled, tear up, put back, wrong, order, hollie, the name, ministry of dreams, watch, what, your doin, said fleas, donald golder in dream, dyed, hair, stay away from us, said, reverend jeremy taylor, personally, I dont, care, said, kathryn taylor, jeremy releases ruint, almost destroyed, that was, hollie tap dancing, they perished, jeremy and kathryn taylor, but both are reverends, tear up, put back, hollie, this was satan pointed, hollie, licked the prophet, what did satan want, she said, dark being, hollie, im, the, bear father, pope, mokse, on, willie duncans church, gold, dome, pointed, hollie, smiled, if, you, go, here, said, john kelly, then, let, me, do, all, talking, that was, good, he, pointed, ran, from, bob, what, was, he, talking, about, persecution, william pippens is blaspheme said hollie, git, up, said, pastor, mccloud, what, has, he done, pointed, hollie, hes, lost, church, empty, thats, the reason, said, hollie, willa mccloud and pastor mccloud, dyed, hair, put, it, under, Im, a mother, said, willa mccloud, cause, I, married, now I hate you, she said, now, were, cut off, she said, but they preach, my maiden name is jerry barger, im, cut off, she said, but, I, pastor, like whole family, with, dyed, hair, they are, drunk, like, hollie, showed, more, said, hollie, showed, out of, horn, hollie blew, out, hollie showed, choked in the fire, gabriel, showed, put away, jean patrick charrey, I, wont, she said, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, thats what, I, want, she said, releases ruint, gabriel showed, record, Jesus, showed, record, record me, said, gabriel, hollie, pointed, licked prophet, fleas like helicopter, let silvana lupetti out, spoke, thru, megaphone, out, hollie, pointed, u.s.a., on fire, from, subs, up, came, woman, statue of liberty, and, bill clinton, fires, back, moscow, china, record me said, gabriel, bob, dreamed, laying, in, bed, acting, asleep, knew two women, coming, thought, would, like, didnt, so, pretended to be asleep, put it under, said, hollie, wait, showed, gabriel, downtown, said, circled, hollie showed geese, record, said, hollie, licked the prophet, you knew said, hollie, jean patrick charrey, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, record, said, hollie, licked prophet, bit prophets head off, let go, did not hollie, say, record, me, licked prophet, hollie showed record, look, jean charrey releases, hollie, licked prophet, Jesus showed, record, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, 12-1-2007-hugo chavez threatens to cut oil to u.s.a., lies, gabriel showed, record, wait, hollie out of horn, raise your hands and repeat after me, she sang, licked prophet, back, showed, wait, licked prophet, storms coming, wars, hollie showed, record, wait, licked prophet, prove me, said, Jesus, after we hit iraq, said, hollie, lets rule the world, said putin, bobby, dont go back, said, fleas, cause, john kelly, lost, showed, record, whats that, popes image made alive, pocket t.v., she showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, he sang, take, my mark and live, hollie pointed, with a lighted finger, thats, the, g8, dragon, rose, bush, woman, italy, little horn, russia, having, politburo, ruling party, putin, kneeling, whats that, said, the woman, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, we cant take it, said, putin, I know, he said, the pope, lets, rule, ok, both, shook, out of cuba, boom, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, three ribs in bears, mouth, hegoat smites ram, russia, china, america, nuke, each, other, put it under, the day of the Jesus, hollie licked the prophet, did not my dumitru say, thou fool, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, dumitru duduman pointed, at reverend jeremy taylor, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, record said, hollie, licked prophet, no you dont, jean patrick charrey, whats he done, said, fleas, we took, she said, the name, ministry of dreams, all release after iraq, oil, said, the pope, leading, to armageddon, hollie licked the prophet, showed record, go, did not hollie say, record, me, hollie whistled, pointed, fire hollie, whistled, website, whistled, hollie, held nose, whistled, thumbs, down, that, car is, volkswagen with sportscar, body, whistled, right there, pointed, raise, your hands and repeat after me, whistled, hollie, the pope, whistled, beast, theres, hu, whistled, fleas, false prophet, cindy, new world order, whistled, hollie, bobby, you know me said james tyson, with dyed hair, whistled, fleas, like shawn tyson, whistled, hollie, like, fire, dot, cindy, smiled, showed, turn, big hand, hollie, tattood 666, born, between, hu and, the pope, china, magog, russia, otyre, put it under, said, hollie, many world government, and, hu, said, the beast, I will not, they, threaten, lie, but, two devils, same o visions, same o pocket, same o computer, sang, hollie, licked prophet, fleas, whistled, submarine, said, hollie, thats my submarine sound, hi bobby, waved, out of sub, hollie, fired, out, of, sub, direct hit, on, jeremy taylors pocket, india, pakistan, nuke, in, end, record, said, hollie, no, visions, hu riding the red horse, you know, what, I, want, said, Jesus, licked prophet, bobby, thats, grecia, clapped, my tap dancers, said, gabriel, beast, modelled, where, you, going, said, gabriel, and, hollie, pointed, at, street sign, boom, that was belleview place street, she said, licked prophet, record me a vision, said, my hollie, said, Jesus, bobby, write, here, pointed, hollie, showed, choked in the fire, tattoos building, I, want, ya, to git outta here, said, the sunbeam bakers woman, I needed a brother, said, roxette, your going to the lake said fleas, the economies slipping said gabriel, the economies slipped another notch, said, gabriel, record, me, said, gabriel, hollie showed, record, put back, tear up, somebodies got your name, its, raise your hands and, repeat after me, sang, hollie showed, I, want, ya, there, he pointed, the, alreay, know, thier gonna, loose, ya, said, hollie, that was, hollie flying, like, comic character, duncan rouleau wrote a book, bobby, said, dee finney, the nightmarist, I, dont, even, want, you, he said, there, pointed, pope, rich starkings publishes with stolen name, ministry of dreams, ruint said rouleau, and, lighted, finger, pointed, put it, under, duncan rouleau got many cut off over posting article with stolen name ministry of dreams, you going to accept that pointed hollie, jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams, now, hes ruint, said, hollie, miriams well, released, and, spacecraft fired, direct hit, on, jeremy taylors pocket, j.f.k. follows, did not my nathaniel haney urshan man say, this wont work, pointed, jean, patrick charrey, its, because, of, him, said, Fazile Zahir, asia times, owner, both, ruint, over, taking, the name, ministry of dreams, now, jean is lost with no remedy, pointed, the lighted hand, and, hollie, licked prophet, whatta you want, said, nathaniel haney-urshan, false preacher man, make him fall, pointed, Jesus, prophet, now, jean patrick, charrey, cut off, over, taking, the, name, bobby, said, dee finney, ministry of dreams, trains of turkey, belongs to jean patrick charrey, he, stole, the name, ill git ya, he said, to make, prophet fall, many ruint over, put it under, said, hollie, bob dreamed, talking to God about, rick holcomb, and, God would, not, hear, but, after, awhile, said, all right, starting, tomorrow, he will start growing, more, spiritual, 12-2-2007-gabriel, showed, to, record, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie, showed, choked, in, fire, that, pointed, I, want, my, ring, said, Jesus, that, pointed, hollie showed out of ring, rubbed chin, hollie showed, thought, thumbs, up, popes, image, and, pope, licked prophet, image, hollie showed, record, that is, church, service, dinner at ronald elliotts church, alaska, said, hollie, boom, gabriel showed, record, hollie showed, turn, with yellow hand, that, said, hollie, like a fire bear, brand new president, that, said, hollie, that is president hillary clinton said the pope, whatta you want, said, hollie, did not, hollie say, that, hollie, in, her robe, that, she said, turned into reverend jeremy taylor, that, said, hollie, d.min of dreams, is taylor, what do you want, hollie showed, record, smiled, clapped tap dancers, make, christian fall, said, jeremy taylor, now, ruint, then, releases, that, was, hollie, like, helicopter, letting henry gruver out, spoke thru, megaphone, peace and safety is start 1, flew off, tell me what peace and safety is, said, hollie, nations breaking weapons down, record me said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, showed, picture, new world order, pope, hu, licked prophet, hollie, showed, played horn, modelled, gabriel, its because of him, he said, bush, putin, is, thriving, will, not, get, to, run, for president, but, no election, said putin, assissnated, and, bush, bobby, its, the, economy, I perished said, putin, its cause of him, he said, bush, no iraqi, he said, now, russia, what, are, you doing, bush, is, and he said, said casey, venezuela explode, cause, hugo threatens bush, one time to man, that was it, said, bush, threatening to cut americas oil, lets see it, oil filled, bobby, that figured, iraq, said, fleas, follow me, said, bush, oil contracts, war, put it under, smiled, hollie, woman, cause, servants of God to fall, stay, avoid, or, size of alaska, by, venezuela, bush, tells, hugo, on, t.v., I, will, not, be, threatened, by, you, again, no, hugo, he said, out, said, hollie, watch, bush is, taking, oil, thats it, said, hollie, dragon, g8, bush, woman, russia, politburo, ruling, party, record me said, gabriel, hollie, said, its, here, d.min jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams, is that what you want, he said, yes, release ruint, then, he, removes, after, three job, losses, record, said, hollie, cause, of, him, said, cluracan, a.k.a. cecil pennyton, stripped, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, I got it, when prophet, right there, said, hollie, licked prophet, take, us, to, court, they wanted, but God, I, caint handle court said cecil pennyton, thats your name said, hollie, now, ruint, she releases after america gets nuked, bob dreamed, with, nathaniel haney-urshan man, he, wanted to know, about where bob tithed, bob says, he paid, till february, both american, coasts, and alaska, nuked, bill fires, on, russia, china, the world shakes, hollie pointed, smoke blocking, sun, moon, held nose, thumbs, down, tim pedigo, dyes hair, held nose, thumbs, down, chuck, tear up, put back, pointed, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, stay out, she said, john kellys church, licked the prophet, did not, hollie, say, no, hollie showed record, this is my ministry of dreams website, and, I, will not share, the name with, no body, she, said, licked prophet, my name was spoken by, hollie pointed, him, Jesus, coming, are you ready, she said, no, body wants, it, said, hollie, record said, hollie, licked the prophet, hollie showed, choked in the fire, pointed, boom, and, that, was, apartment building, said, hollie, and, licked my prophet, hollie showed, spoke with tongues, but, my hollie showed, does not have the HOly Ghost, but, shook, yes, thats, the, reason, said, hollie, judgement to america, hollies showed, record, tear up, put back, home, she said, lighted, bear paws, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, laughed, at, me said d.min reverend jeremy taylor, u.u., the unitarian minister, now, stripped, of, all, jobs, talks, for, taking, the name, I got the modem, right here, walmart, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, this economy, said, vladimir putin, collapsing, oil, he said, thats, why, russia, wont, sell, take, said, dee, finney, china, is, wanting, caspian, that blew it, said, putin, Larry Clow stole the name ministry of dreams, posted on dave karlotskis website, both laugh, but ruint, soon, and then release, let me tell, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, record, git, outta here, she said, hollie showed, record, bobby, hes, gonna, come, with, the, twinkling of an eye, every, eye, will see him, whats, my, day of the Lord like, said, hollie, flame, said, hollie, showed, raise your hands and, repeat after me, sang, the pope, laughed, hollie showed, Jesus showed record, George A. Tramountanas posted the article about rouleaus book, the nightmarist, with the stolen name ministry of dreams, laughs, now, ruint, then, begs, please release, they, do, but, laugh at, he will divorce, then, weep, rubbed chin, thought, laughed, thought, I, know, your, name, said, brother stair, prophet, ministry of dreams, thats the, one, I, want, he said, and, the lighted hand pointed, they, would, sit down, and, bob, would, want, to, hear, stair, its, because, you, aint, pressing, said, stair, licked prophet, hollie, showed, to, record, new united states, said, stair, Communist, hollie showed, record, I caint pay my bills said larry clow, now, ruint, but, knew, duncan rouleau, stole the name ministry of dreams, both laughed, now ruint, put it under, backfired, its because, of, iraqi said stair, why did, you, nuke, said, hollie showed, take oil, said, bill clinton, thats, it, said, stair, put it under, said, hollie, showed, your gonna loose, he said, the iron block, said, stair, russia, hollie, showed, record, and, licked, the prophet, hollie showed, record, put, me, off, said, gabriel, when, I, call, just, wait, a minute said jonah weiland, and john mark, pool, shook yes, then when you call, Ill, put, you, off, im, not, the main, any, more, clapped, the, tap dancer, and the main, ministering spirit, pointed, its, free said, Jesus, salvation, first, you, have, to, said, hollie, repent, make up your mind, she said, and, be, she said, brother, stairs, drunk, she said, baptized in water, in, Jesus Christ, name, she said, and, God, must, enter, and, speak, thru, thats the, baptism of the Holy Ghost, said, hollie, licked prophet, the, united, states, will, be, attacked, said, hollie, and brother, stair, hes yeshua, did not my precious stair say, said, hollie, leave me alone, hes still wanting sex, laughs, when, sees, visions, just, like, everybody, thats the clap dancers, pointed, hollie, that, was, the, dragon, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, pope, the g8, bush is woman, put it under, russia has ten crowns, politburo, ruling, party, and, putin, kneeling, before, pope, git closer said brother stair, licked prophet, record me said, hollie, gabriel showed, record, im out, said, fleas, licked prophet, char tierney, whats she done, said, Jesus, got money for Jesus pictures, not accurate, like silvana lupetti, thats the reason im out, said, silvana, both, lost, after, doing, so much, dont do like them, saith the Lord, and henry gruver, weeps, thats what I want, said, Jesus, cut off, all, whatever you say, said, the, jean urshan, nathaniel urshan person, in lava, with black suits, yep, said, jean urshan, intruded into priesthood like joel urshan, nathaniel urshan, hes the reason, said, jean urshan, nathaniel a. urshan, put, said, nathaniel p. urshan, me there, now, cut off, and kent jordans dad, showed, kent jordan, pulpit, and shook, yes, right here, said, kent jordan, I want my money, itll get you, I know, said, kent jordan, cut off, said, kent jordans dad with dyed hair, he prophesied the perishing of paul jordan, thats a like from the pit, he said, now, hes, in the pit, crying, wishing, but, man I dont believe it said kent jordan, all jordans lost like tommy jordans family, same o jordan, saith the Lord, let me alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft fired, i want my money, said, jonah weiland, now, ruint, spacecraft fired, hit three of duncan rouleaus children, matt brady, divorce, jonah weiland, ruint, and jeremy taylor, looses jobs, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, alone, said, hollie, or, be ruint, and henry gruver shakes, yes, 12-3-2007-hollie tattood 666, said, hollie, born, at, the, table, between, hu, and pope, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, liars, they, walk, we, cant get along, said, the pope, bobby, we ll put you right here, said, the president of bulgaria, he, knows, now antonia vladimirova stole the name ministry of dreams, makes, her stripped, she, kicked, yeah said antonia vladimirova, out, no money, put it under, john mark pool, did same, divorce, weeps, gabriel, showed, turn, wait, record, modelled, hollie, gabriel, showed, turn, licked prophet, got you, he said, duncan rouleau, new nightmarist cancelled, he, hollie showed to, record, the, sunbeam bakers baby said, hollie, showed, popes, image, made alive, put it under, pocket, t.v., hollie showed, pictures of new world order, pope, hu, record me said the sunbeam bakers baby, she is, young, not, old, stays, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, bush, shot, said, the sun beam bakers kid, putin, boom, both, then, black haired russian president, laughed sunbeam bakers baby, record the vision, she said, sunbeam bakers baby, you need to get ahold ofuhm, she said, prophet, antonia vladimirova runs to remove the name ministry of dreams she stole to make prophet fall, laughed, when, got it, said, the sunbeam bakers baby, yes, shook, antonia, vladimirova, now, president, knows, out, he thinks, jail or leave, she leaves, for u.s.a., rejected, and she laughs, but, goes home, jail, hollie, showed, record, hollie, showed, gun, hollie showed rubbed chin, at flames, he shouted, rubbed chin, two, he said, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, pope, rubbed, chin, thought, thumbs up, two, both, beasts, pope, hu, put it under, new world order, and they walked, and hu, I will not put up with, you, said, pope, laughed sunbeam bakers baby, they, see, good, bread, like, she prays, but, kids are not accountable, let me put it right there, said, the president of sunbeam bread, work, prophet, here, he shakes, no, but, would, put it under, he has Holy Ghost, so does, right here, said, president, doesnt have, but, claims, liar, you got something I need, said, the sunbeam bakers child, sunbeam, she said, tax evaders, all right, said, amy brucker, just alike, put it under, said, pope, they are, liars, witches, d.min of dreams, said hollie, will be stolen, God, will, ruin, put, it, under, said, hollie, watch, that, was hollie with lighted bear paws, like a bear, said, kelly, eat, me, she wants, oral, sex, tell my vision, said, Jesus, my, mercy ran out on john mark pool when he stole the name ministry of dreams, thats, what, I, want, said, sandy pool, john, lost, john mark, pool, said, right here, court, make, me, God, said, embarras, now, hes, mocked, over, eight hundred people know, john mark pool, whats he done, said, hollie, licked prophet, stole the name ministry of dreams, you, git me frozen, he said, Im, headed to the lake, thats john and sandy pool, in lava, waist high, black suits, now, I, want, you, to, leave, she said, divorce, over, God, warned, john pool, weeps, lost, all, that, was, my, fleas, like a, helicopter, let, out, henry, gruver, that, spoke thur, megaphone, Teresa Putnam is lost, left, hollie went back, rubbed chin, that, he said, out of ring, new hollie, that, pointed, henry gruver, lost, knows, lava, soon, smiles, but, hurts, that, said, hollie, out of ring, Im back, hollie showed pictures of, new world order, Lord, I, said, henry gruver, am, not, doing, any, that, pointed, hollie, not Holy Ghost baptized, and that, pointed, hollie, licked prophet, woman again, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, and the pope, beast, henry, gruver is saved, but, perishes, he laughs, knows, God, has sense of humor, that, pointed, hollie, rubbed mouth, I was involved, and, got a room, said, the young man, now, that, lost, forever, found, pleasure, now om mad, thats, cut off, I told you, he said, arguing, suicidal, thats, cut off, that, said, hollie, out of ring, hollie smiled, tore up, put back, im a bear father, said, the bear, teddy, smiled, hollie, licked prophet, that, she said, rubbed mouth, im giving my boyfriend a week, great sex, boy I hope you die, said, the young woman, this is, america, right now, and hollie licked the prophet, that, pointed, hollie, and licked the prophet, the whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON, put it under, the mother of harlots and false christians, can I write bobby back, said, jean patrick charrey, stop, pointed, Jesus, he stole the name ministry of dreams, now repents, that embarrased like reverend, antonia vladimirova, put it under, the both claim saved but why did, they steal the name ministry of dreams like john mark pool, jose alvarez, dan kaps, dee finney, reverend jeremy taylor, what are you looking at me for, said, hollie, that, she said, he sportsman, said, tiger, woods, laughing, hes lost, but savable, hes married, stay with her, said, hollie, cause, you wont repent, you made me look at it, said, tiger woods, lost, knows, wants, saved, to late, cut off, now, knows, raise your hands and repeat after me, you want that off, said, tiger, woods, shook, yes, wont, forget, wait till, lava, knows, he in kneck, high, sought, Holy Ghost, knew, dad, perished, to, put it under, yep, said, tiger woods, now, im, out, he said, of, chances, and john mark pool, laughs, put it down, said, hollie, what if my dog gits run over, said, the girl, that was hollie, flying in her spacecraft, im leaving, she said, cause, people, think, they are, messing, with, stealing the name ministry of dreams, all release ruint, like john, mark, pool, now you gotta git out said sandy pool, looses, wife, over, taking, the name said, dee finney, bear, said, cluracan, thats, russia, and duncan rouleau, book, said, dee finney, m.rex, wildcats, duncan rouleau, took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, all that, bob, we take, said, dee finney, release, ruint, perished, like Duncan (M.Rex, Wildcats, Superman) Rouleau, will, for taking the name said dee finney, ministry of dreams, now I want ya to git out she said, husband, knows, embarrassed, laughs at the witch, like reverend jeremy taylor looses kathryn taylor, j.f.k. she said, you lost, that was enough, she runs with money, taylor, jeremy, I wrote ya, she said, cmon, im in florida, but, he goes, for gain, they, meet, depart, she wont give money, he, come back, he says, no says, kathryn taylor, you are Gods enemy, I wont, bye, they never, see, jeremy, has millions but, looses most, 12-4-2007-bobby, said, nathaniel urshan, perish, with, Jesus showed, record, hollie showed, how, pistons work, licked prophet, thru, door, showed, turn, that was, the dragon, pope, riding, with the g8, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, thumbs down, liars, nato, bush, woman, italy, pointed, antonia vladimirova, little, horn, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, ruling, party, and putin, kneeling before, pope, shook, yes, all, right, Ill handle it, he said, lets rule the world, hollie showed, thumbs down, I, want, my, pope, said, dark haired russian ruler, licked prophet, that, was, hollie, with, possum face, its, iraq, pointed, Jesus, bringing judgment to the world, ends, nuclear, downtown, circled, hollie showed geese, that is hu riding the red horse, china, strikes, taiwan, hollie, showed, record, theres, the, popes, image, made alive, pocket t.v., said, hollie, licked prophet, that was contruit said hollie, lighted yellow bear paws, tear up, she said, put back, from, almost, back, ways, again, pointed, clap, pointed, Jesus, licked prophet, record the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that was gabriel, pointed, hollie, gabriel, showed, record, its, iran, he said, o, my God, said, putin, tear up, put, back, said, hollie, lighted, bear paws, hollie, said, record, me, licked, prophet, alaska, said, Jesus, many, explosions, I, will, cut, you off, antonia vladimirova, said, Jesus, like, Spirit man, tear up, put back, united states, said, gabriel, licked prophet, subs, all around, boom, and up came, the woman, thats, laughed, statue of liberty, boom, out of fire, and bill clinton, returns, fire, the world shakes, moscow, one sixth left, china, half way destroyed, boom, thats, hu, the false prophet, running from the fire, and putin, killed, and bushy haired russian leader, killed, put it under, the day of the LOrd, wur you goin, said, the woman, most, to lava, when I kill all day long, I tempt to sin, by, torturing, cause, I, want, then, abated, in my eyes, said, hollie, truit, antonia vladimirova stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, leave it alone, now, vladimirova, said, Jesus, God, cut, her, off, for, taking, said, reverend antonia vladimirova, the name, ministry of dreams, abbas kids, she, stole, after prophet signed her guestbook, like, most, all, release ruint, hollie clock on the locomotive, that, was, satan, tell me what, he, wanted, said, hollie, Im the bear father, he said, thats, pope, said, hollie, licked prophet, nuclear war, said, gabriel, coming, raise your hands and repeat after me sang hollie and antonia vladimirova, loves, mocking, God, over, both, watch, put back, rip, said, hollie, tear up, thats, me, laughing at antonia vladimirova said Jesus, her, country president knows she stole prophets ministry name, embarrassed, lost, put it under, antonia vladimirova is cut off said hollie, licked prophet, my mercy has ran out on vladimirova, pointed, Jesus, hollie showed, record, eat, church, 12-2007-hollie showed, turn, big, hand, lighted, and, gabriel, hollie showed, record, cut, off, showed, gabriel, mr. and mrs. john kelly, pastoring, terry gobin like bob, he drove from, over forty miles, one, way, revival, but, terry, while, bob, sings, praises, comes, to bob, theres rebellion in your life, bob said, what God spoke, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, somebody, wrote, said, hollie, all right, said terry gobin with dyed hair, embarrased, in heart, wanted, church, credit card, thou fool, said, Jesus, terry wanted the church, to see bob submit, to, him, all felt, Holy Ghost, in, bob voice, church, completely full, now empty, one third, pointed, lighted, finger, God spoke, you should have left it alone, now terry wants, right here, said gobin, terry, jail for bob, left nucor steel, and Jesus, laughs, thou fool, to, pastor, lost, hes broke, now, church, tithes, cause om running it said terry gobin, he, wants, nucor steel back, they show, no way, they, are, holiness, preachers with dyed hair, put it under, said, hollie, terry gobin perishes, with black suit, thats the o alarm sound, said, hollie, grecia, said, gabriel, who is, pope, that was hollie showed, playing my horn, said, hollie, modelled, gabriel showed, record, gabriel showed, record, gabriel said, cause, of, iraq, judgment, fury, comes, in Gods, he, sends, russia, to, destroy, put it under, said, hollie, america is the woman, whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON, hollie licked prophet, write the vision, said, hollie, record, said, gabriel, let me tellem said, gabriel, john kelly, whatta you want, write the vision, said, mrs. kelly, john kelly say, down, for counsel, bob theres money, in pastoring, aint there, clapped the tap dancers, gabriel, hollie, shes, looking, at, it, he said, who said mrs. john kelly, with dyed hair, john allows, they, are, all, pastors, thats what I need, said, gabriel, terry gobin sat at council, what it is, said, gabriel, terry gobin says, money, gabriel, showed, both pastors, in lava, write the vision, said hollie, I want, ya, said, pastor, leavem alone, said, hollie, all right said terry gobin, ill fix it, said gabriel, you, gotta git, outta here said mrs. terry gobin, with dyed hair, they, split, put it, under, said, hollie, helicoter, lets, down, terry gobin, pointed, spoke, thru, megaphone, henry gruver out, smiling, like, fire face, it was start one, he said, helicopter, left, peace and safety, this is, not the website, talking, its, hollie, talking, for, the website, post, said, the website, that, was with gabriels, voice, said, hollie, submarine sound, she said, licked prophet, cause, when, we hit, alaska, said, gabriel, said, hollie, gabriel, showed, wait, spoke, thru, megaphone, shoot, he said, alaska, and, both, u.s.a. coasts, and hollie watched, up, the, middle, and, cuba, takes, hit, for allowing, and, bill clinton, fires, on, moscow, china, the world shakes, and, the pope, italy, nuked, goes, right here, said, macaulay culkin, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, meerkat showed popes picture, tear up, rip, signs, gets, russias nuclear arsenal, put, it, under, said, hollie, cut off, showed, Jesus, gentiles, raise your hands, and, repeat after me, sang, the pope, this wont do it, he said, china, claims, russia, pope, drives, out, they, sign, for 666, worship the pope, said, hu, both have, nukes, aimed, at, each, did not hollie say, thats, the, vision, japan and china, rise, like lamb, stop pope, he, returns, to, right here, pointed, gabriel, rome, temple, says, i am god, his, appointed, wont, let back, in, russia, china, invades, forces, russia, right here, said, emporer of japan, nations to invade, israel, no, said, fleas, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, out ring, back, hollie showed, record, gabriel, pointed, at the bear, said, the pope, im a bear, said, the bear, thats, laughed, hollie, putin, with, three ribs, nicaragua, mexico, cuba, plucked, up, said, hollie, licked prophet, world shakes, arise, devour much flesh, america, boom, 12-6-2007-flame, said, hollie, showed, thought, did not hollie showed rub chin, thought, thumb up, he said, popes image, theres the o alarm sound, said, hollie, record, smiled gabriel, talk about me he said, what did you want, bob, find, the ring, said the librarian, that, pointed, hollie, out of ring, that, said, hollie, its, me, thought, the woman, from, grace apostolic church, easy said pastor hunt, he, knows, larry hunt, bobby, we, know, your name, said, linda hunt, showed, cut off, ruint, she said, right here, pointed, larry hunt, you know, my name, he said, im larry, cut off, he said, we, know, it, he said, wants, prophet, to, come, here, he said, become assisstant pastor, Jesus, showed, cut off, pastor, or no way said bishop larry hunt, let me tell, said, Jesus, hunt swallows, put it under, larry hunt wants to lead Gods people and be lost, he would, pocket millions, from church credit card, gabriel showed record, grace apostolic, right here, pointed, larry, hunt, pulpit, but, guards, lets see said JEsus, seats over eight hundred, less than forty come, the Lord, thinks, o.k., said, larry hunt, git out then, said, the board member, hunt, gets put out, that, is, my, hollie, like, a, helicopter, main here, said, main ministering spirit, let, out, larry hunt, spoke thru megaphone, out, hollie, start one, yelled hollie, is, peace and safety, flew off, hollie, tore up, lighted bear paws, like bear, hollie showed, thats putin, said, hollie, record showed the vice president of cyprus, antonias wrong he said, I, knew, said, antonia vladimirova, stole the name ministry of dreams, now mocked all around world, releases ruint, put it under, said, hollie, vladimirova gets stripped of attorneys and reverends licence, thats what I need she said, in bulgaria, hollie like a bear, showed, record, hollie showed, pictures, new world order, pope, hu, licked prophet, hollie showed pictures of pope, hu, slashed, pope, idol shepherd, put it under, said, hollie, new world order, meerkat showed picture, linda, larry hunt, tear up, hollie licked prophet, showed, turn, tattood 666, bear paws, lighted, rip, tear up, put back, its your stomach said antonia, vladimirova, ok, she said, shes reverend thief, that was, satan, shhh, pointed, hollie, bishop larry hunt, gabriel showed pocket t.v., popes image made alive, iraq, pointed, pope, nuclear, thats, what, we, need, thinks, bush, steal oil, I, heard it on the television, said, david garcia, alaska explodes, from, im a bear, said linda spall bear, russia, then, both, u.s.a. coasts, then, up, the middle, said, garcia, bill fires, up, comes, ohio class subs, on, moscow, china, the world shakes, when, he, hits, alaska, thats, when, orders, go, said, ohio class subs, scorch magog, otyre, let me see said the pope, goes to russia, signs, gets arsenal, thats russia and china, said, hollie, bob, said, Jesus, thats, jeremy taylor, in, the fire, said, hollie, black suit, jeremy taylor said hollie, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, jeremy, taylor is, a, reverend, in this life, said, pope, but, like, all, reverends, lava, put it under, harlots, hollie licked prophet, go, there aint no capricorns, said, hollie, thats, hollie showed, playing the music, modelled, and, gabriel, said, I, need, you, record, bobby, thats jeremy taylor pointed hollie, like bear, white robe, jim garrison, black suit, now, jim garrison, white robe, jeremy taylor, black suit, jim garrison teaches taylors class, and, the stargardter-garrison man laughed, showed, picture, of taylor, rip, licked prophet, that was garrison-stargardter man, looking at taylor, in atmosphere, flying, crashed, like, all, that, bobby, we take, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, hollie showed record, did not the cluracan-dee finney person say, bobby, we took, the name ministry of dreams, all, release ruint, hollie skinned jeremy taylor, in stick, he, wrote said hollie, I, released, now, remove visions, and, david garcia laughs, tear, up, said, hollie, boo whoo, thats, hollie, pointed, hollie, wailing, for, the people, hollie, showed, record, got it, hollie showed, record, turkey, said, the librarian, you know it, he said, boom, im a bear, said, linda spall bear, and the prime minister of turkey, sees, its, cause, opec raise prices, and knew not to, and saudi arabia, is, the main, cause, out it under, thanks opec for causing the world, and wars break out, all over, so opec presidents can, have trillions, its enough, said, king fahd, lava, now, put it under, said, Jesus, hollie, helping, hair grow, licked prophet, downtown, circled, hollie showed, geese, there, that, pointed, hollie clock on locomotove, pointed, cut off, larry hunt, put it under, lies, not saved, he goes, said, grace apostolic board member, church, dies, prophet, pull, hollie showed whistle blew, climbed in back of that o read and black chariot, with the pope and hu, new world order, this takes peace off of the earth, pulled by, umm let me see, said, the pope, pointed, there, russia, get, arsenal, rule, satan, in right now, put it under, that was satan, pointed, hollie, steam man, what is his message, said, hollie, Im, the, bear, father, said, hollie, pope, she said, pointed, at me the beast he said, put it under, dont ask me, about, new york city, said, hollie, boom, Im, a, bear, said, linda spall bear, hollie come out of ocean, pointed, at, putin, on missile, boom, good bye, america, the mother of harlots, false christians, and Jesus, pointed, opened, bible, are you talking about me, said, larry hunt, to ROMANS 2, false preachers, false pastors, false christians, if thats bobby we ll put you right here said larry hunt, but guards pulpit, thats, putin, when you dream said my pope, said, hollie, night vision, said, hollie, licked prophet, write the vision, larry hunt is cut off, said hollie, that, pointed, hollie, out of ring, new iraq, said, hollie, thats, she said, that, ameri-britain, hollie, that, showed, that, pointed, hollie, and that, bobby, hes out said, hollie, and knows, said, Jesus, and that, pointed, hollie, meerkat showed, pictures, pope, hu, new world order, tear up, larry hunt, that, said, hollie showed, tell, that, me, said, my, hollie, that, hollie pointed, like a fire, spirit, and, that, fire, dot, pointed, hollie, out of, ring, pope, hu, tear up, picture, meerkat, n.w.o., and, the tongue licked the prophet, that, said, hollie showed, new iraq, said, Jesus, thats, that, pointed, hollie, tear up, put back, ameribritain, otyre, said, the librarian, thats, russia, did not my hollie say, and that, that was hollie, like, a, bear, father, pope, that, was, it, said, larry hunt, the, g8 he said, thats the beast, nato, seven heads, russia, politburo, said, larry hunt, that, said, hollie showed, o my God said the woman, that, politburo is ruling party said hunt, pointed, and, o red and black chariot, new world order, pope, hu, hollie, and, hollie showed whistle on top, blew, angry horses, hollie like bear, tore up, put back, record me said hollie, like, bear, tear up, said, hollie showed, ring, said, hollie, that, in, the, o, red, and, black, chariot, hollie, tin man whistle, blew on top, of that old red and black chariot, pope, hu, new world order, that, said, hollie showed, licked the prophet, and hu lets see, said, pope, that, said, hollie showed, licked prophet, eight kings, planning, hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, lairs, theres, putin, planning, plucked, takes missiles, nicaragua, mexico, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, putin, liar, that said, hollie showed, he is, not, selling, oil, said, king fahd, enough, that is for that region, says, the Lord, raise your hands and repeat after me sang, the pope, takes two missiles, hollie like water blob, out of horn, played by hollie showed, modelled, she, fought, thats, what, larry hunt, and the board at grace church apostolic is doing, put it under, they are, lost, im a bear, father, said, hollie, thats, my helicopter, sound, said, hollie, downtown, circled, hollie showed geese, hollie held nose, pope, hu, she, pointed, hollie showed, pictures, new world order, pope, hu, smiled, thats my two beasts, that was satan, pointed, hollie, like a skull faced man, what was satans message, thought hollie, im the bear father, pope, and the pope walked with hu, I will not put up with you, he said, those two sign for 666, did not gabriel say, bob, we, dont, have, long, licked prophet, I committed blaspheme they all said at grace apostolic church, but, none have, record, said, hollie, the, Lord said, Im, tempting you to sin, bobby, helicopter sound, said, hollie, licked prophet, o my God, said, woman, that woman, said, gabriel, from grace apostolic, im decieved, larry hunt, admits, to speaking blaspheme, they all did, shut up, said, larry, you fool, said, larry hunt, God tricked, them all, hollie showed, record, right here, said, larry hunt, pulpit, but guards, put it under, said, hollie, america, no it aint said woman from grace apostolic, I, want, my, vision clapped hollie, tap dancing, in the o red and black chariot, I seen it, said, woman, record me said, gabriel, shut, up, and go, no, said, fleas, record the vision, said, gabriel, fool, william mccloud, your just what I need, he thinks, but, guards, pulpit, put it under, to your own destruction, and hollie appeared, all right, said, william mccloud, when, sees visions, om in judgment, said, the woman, but, sorry, about that, nice meeting you, thinks, pastor, but, lost, knows, put it under, we are full, not, wanting, did you have a relationship with me, said, hollie, and reverend jesse jackson shook, yes, liar, witch, he, claims, salvation, but, lost, raise your hands and repeat after me, al sharpton, jr. witch, not saved, wants, church credit card, so, he can live like he wants, witch, thank you said reverend al sharpton when he sees visions, witch, saith the Lord, knows, embarrassed, put it under, let witch sharpton preach for a fee to you, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, they are, wanting, money, 12-7-2007-hollie showed, turn, big, hand, gabriel, record, me, he said, thats the, tap dancers, hollie, angels, at, church, hollie showed, record, fool, said, Jesus, you know it said cluracan, stole the name ministry of dreams, I wont have you, she said, lawrence forman owns website, they, are splitting, lawrence forman removes the name ministry of dreams, we take said hollie, all release, put it under, said, said, hollie, the hindenburg was set, said, Jesus, and ministering spirits, dont, tell, said, Jesus, it was man, that, leaped, from, four hundred feet, survived, knew, would, cause, land, he, now, in lava, regretting, put it under, said, hollie, good afternoon, she said, white robe, record me she said, jeremy taylor, thats what, I, want, said, Jesus, sat at council, gabriel looked, I, want, you, said, gabriel, in, lava, dont, take, it, says jeremy taylor, in hell, he, is, collapsing, cause, mocked, Jesus showed, record, embarrassed, thats what, I, need, said, Jesus, im tired of, mercy, said, kathryn taylor, helicopter, down, pointed, hollie, russia, pointed, like cindy, said gabriel, did not, my, angel friend gabriel say, alaska, im a bear, said, linda, bear, and he sawem, said, casey, fifth seal is broken, said Jesus, Jesus showed, record, I need you to git outta here said reverend antonia vladimirova, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases, ruint, I gotcha she said, now, embarrassed, and the vice president of cyprus, shakes, america, moscow, china, boom, the world shakes, pointed, hollie, that o, red, and, black, chariot, with pope, hu, new world order, clapped, dancers, hollie, and, eight kings, clapped, the tap dancers, hollie, record me, grunted gabriel, pointed, lighted finger, smiled, arch, like you, put it under, said, hollie, watch jim garrison fall, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, tear up, this economy is failing said hollie, gabriel, prophecy, he said, record me, said, kristina, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed record, hollie showed, raise your hands and, repeat after, me, sang, the pope, no, said, fleas, record, gabriel showed, wait, record the vision, pointed, hollie showed, hollie showed rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, swooping, up, popes image, signed for, between, hu, and pope, 12-8-2007-enthusiastic hollie, licked prophet, submarine sound, said, hollie, licked prophet, hi bobby, tell me about, the, vision, clapped, the tap dancers, hollie showed record, hollie showed record, you need to record, said, hollie, sh, showed, antonia vladimirova, jeremy aint gonna do it, bobby, read, said, antonia vladimirova, iran, boom, syria, thats, when, both, many run to remove, the name, ministry of dreams, clapped, my, tap, dancers, hollie, eight kings, that will, rise, against, america, hollie licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, fleas, like helicopter, let out, henry gruver, write the vision, said, hollie, spoke thru, megaphone, thats, a, warning, said, hollie, start one, was, peace, and safety, flew off, hollie showed, played, horn, modelled, like, gabriel, licked prophet, the Lord is good to you said gabriel, whens bobby gonna git out said john kelly, he knows said hollie, mrs. kelly is blond, and, black, dyes, hair, but, says the Lord saved me, thats the reason, you, gotta go, home, said, gabriel, sin, over, john, I already, know, it, im, out, he said, no money said gabriel, I knew, it, said, mrs. kelly, to, not, dye, but, sinned, gabriel said, record, the vision, hallelujah said hollie, lets go, said, john kelly, puts hollie out, dont, speak, type the vision, said, hollie, LOrd, dont, do it, said, woman, from, john kellys church, with dyed, hair, dont, quit, it, she, said, theres, mercy, said, gabriel, gabriel showed, record, there is that alarm sound, said, hollie, war, said, Jesus, is, brewing, said, hollie, between china and russia, over, oil, and, pope, walked with hu, signed for 666, gas is going up, said, the pope, licked prophet, put it under, said, hollie, watch for them, bobby, go home, said, hollie, no, said, janetmck, now she knows, her jobs, knows, about her stealing the name ministry of dreams like arron shutt, both, fired, put it under, gabriel showed, record, tear up, hollie, lighted, bear paws, put back, the con, oxford university, fires, janet mcknight, she, knows, right, I caint take it, said, the woman from oxford university, Jesus showed, record, janet mcknight, laughed, like arron shutt, both fired, from, university jobs, over, taking the name bobby, said, dee finney, ministry of dreams, and duncan rouleau swallows, reverend jeremy taylor and antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, jose alvarez, daniel kaps, these claim salvation, and stole the name ministry of dreams like dee finney did, took, she said, stole, Jesus showed, record, raise your hands and repeat after me sang, the pope, hey alice, cooper, lost, dying, now, old, and, wanting, saved, but, chose, rock, 12-9-2007-this is the alarm sound, said, hollie showed, hollie, like, like helicopter, let down, henry gruver, out, thru, megaphone, henry, gruver, hollie, out of, megaphone, start one was peace and safety, she, said, flew off, thats, hollie showed, hes in hot water, im all right, he said, Im, just, acting, like, im, tormented, he said, licked prophet, jeremiah said brother stair, is prophet ministry of dreams, helicopter, leave, me, alone, said, janet mcknight, worked, for university of oxford, stole the name, ministryofdreams, gets fired, she, called, police, and, she, took, it, said, dee finney, put it under, said, hollie, she, was, about, one, month, away, from, releasing, but, God led to destroy, hollie, showed, popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., pope, said, sh, take my mark, and live, put, it, under, hollie, showed, record, wait, hollie, showed, choked, in the fire, its a dream said, fleas, night vision, pointed, planes dropping atom bombs on america, did not my pope say, war, said, hollie showed, hollie showed whistle blew, its in the ring, bob, that, pointed, hollie, thats, it, said, enthusiastic hollie, hair dyeing she said, sin, macaulay said, who is the bear, russia, get ready for nuclear war, iraq war, said, gabriel, said pope, both, tell, the, vision, said, hollie showed, and, hollie showed, licked, the prophet, new united states, said, hollie, Communist, write the vision, said, hollie showed, ford, hollie showed rubbed chin, thought, that, is thumbs swooping, up, he said, pointed, flames, rubbed, chin, thought, popes image, on thumb, gabriel showed, popes image, made alive, thru camera, picture, pat ramsey, said, the woman, cut off, now, put it under, dye hair, perish, take my mark and live, palestinian state, said, israeli president, we send a cruise missile, said bush, we, can use, ya, said, larry hunt, whats the palestian state, said, hollie showed, its, gaza forsaken, this is not the website talking, this, is, hollie, talking, for the website, whats the website message, said, this is me, enthusiastic hollie, its, post, and, the, website, thought, pointed, exactpages, new, that was jeremy taylor taylor said kelly, hes a soothsayer, said, hollie, leavem alone, she said, d.min of dreams, thats what I want, he said, on his website, this is jeremy taylors website talking, d.min of dreams replaces of ministry of dreams, so long, said, the, steven stargardter-jim garrison man, its because of taylor, hollie, tattood, 666, and, pope, hu, signed, for, they walked, and, hu, I will, the, two beasts of REVELATION 13, that was hollie like a copter, let out, jeremy taylor, spoke, thru megaphone, out stargardter-garrison man, peace and safety was start one, flew off, left those behind, put it under, embarrassing said kathryn taylor, this is the website talking, post, look at that, said enthusiastic hollie, licked prophet, thats the blank face man, showed, meerkat, its, your, pope, said, hollie, blank face man, thought, have, a message, said, hollie, blank face man thought, rubbed chin, blank face man thought, hollie showed, is bobs favorite, yipes, he said, gabriel showed, record, hollie showed, pictures, new world order, order, pope, hu, tear up, put back, on o red and black chariot, chariot, pope, hu, new world, order, climbed in back, held nose, thumbs down, hollie showed whistle blew, its, cause, of, him, bob, said, in, dream, your over, said, larry hunt, elder, Homer McMillin, bob, walked with young man, and, bob, kept saying, dont, tell him that, you cant make him stop, thats, where, he, is, and, young man, said, o yeah, were live on b97, bob, just, looked, knew, larry, hunt, said, to, elder mcmillin, quit dyeing your hair, hey, no problem, said, mcmillin, dream, I left here, said, larry hunt, hollie showed record, the united states will be attacked by russian missiles, said Homer McMillin, who is that, said, larry hunt, McMillin, showed, record, aint, no, lafayette square said hunt, hollie, showed, record, no vision, said, larry hunt, licked prophet, what is my larry hunts message, larry showed record, pointed, can, you, tell, me, what, he, pointed, at, said, hollie, iraq, gaza, boom, hunt showed record, what did hunt show, he, showed, the popes image made alive, pocket t.v., you better leave me alone said Homer McMillin, with dyed hair, hes the assisstant pastor the tap dancers, at, grace apostolic, eight kings tap dancing, that will, rise, against, u.s.a., hollie held nose, thumbs down, down, liars, there is my pope, said, hollie, beast, hollie showed, record, submarine sound, submarine sound, gabriel showed record, mark harsley, said, hollie, lost, like cecil golder, put it under, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, its McMillin, said, woman from grace apostolic, and, he saw, said, casey, Homer McMillin with dyed hair, write the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, write the vision, said, enthusiastic hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, choked in, the, fire, no, said, fleas, hollie showed, turn, big lighted hand, gabriel showed, record, Homer McMillin, who is, liar, not saved, witch, out said larry hunt, but board of grace apostolic church wants sin, behind pulpit, yes shook, cecil golder, all, liars, theres war, said, fleas, brewing, between, raise your hands and repeat after me, im moody, she sang, and cecil golder swallowed, lost, preaches, enthusiastic hollie, modelled, and licked prophet, gabriel, smiled, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft ministry of dreams, she said, fired, direct hit, on jeremy taylors pocket, fire, color, then, explodes, looses, all jobs, talks, for taking the name, said, dee finney, ministry of dreams, hollie licked prophet, cut off, two people at larry hunts church, you are hearing from the devil, bob, warned, dont speak, man, did, woman, joined, not knowing what was being spoken about, and spoke blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, acting saved, both, but, know now, cut off, hollie showed, turn, big, lighted hand, no, said, fleas, 12-10-2007-pastor gary burt is cut off, laughs, when sees visions, lies, not saved, that said, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and that, that was hollie showed, with horn, out hollie, pointed, got you, said, Jesus, many, intrude, into, priesthood, at grace, apostolic, church, all, cut off, space craft, fired, said, hollie, got, me, said, Jesus, yeah, I do, said, micheru mathys, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, now, embarrassed, wants prophet to, remove, his, name, but, stole, to make, prophet fall, now, ruint, like, cluracan, hollie, said, this, is, the website, talking, post, said, website, and website, modelled, gabriel, thought, exactpages, website showed, the, popes image, said, enthusiastic hollie, made alive, pocket, t.v., hollie, giggled, showed, pictures, thats the vision, said, enthusiastic hollie, we, hurt, said, homer mcmillin, he, is, part owner, of, grace apostolic, dyes, hair, hollie showed, in hot water, smiled, what, did, hollie showed, say, said, hollie, thought, write the vision, this is the website talking, post, hollie showed saw flames, laughed, grim reaper, hollie showed, pointed, hollie showed thought, rubbed hair, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, and hu said pope, we, want, you, said, homer mcmillin, showed, cut off, pastoring, sow he can, pocket millions, that was the, leopard seal, said, hollie, laughing, they, eat, penguins, and, the penguin, showed, record, showed, picture, of, leopard seal eating, they, die, quick, hollie showed, pictures, of new world order, beast, hu, pope, hu, two beasts of REVELATION 13, put it under, two world government, God made leopard seals to keep penguin population down, war, said, the pope, and, the, website, tore up, put back, Im magog said gabriel, china, with, north and south korea, japan, and, pope, looked, from, russia, otyre, both, have, nukes, aimed, at, each other, and, hu, I, will, not, put up, with, you, said, pope, they sign for 666, said, hollie, popes, image, on, finger, 666, on, forehead, tell me what they speak at the table, said, hollie, clapped, lies, and, hu, said, pope, ill, lie, said, hu, no, it, aint, said, larry hunt, your out said hollie, pastoring, yes shook larry hunt, I, made, you, walk, said, Jesus, I dont want no breakfast said homer mcmillin, now, you, know, your, out, said, Jesus, felt Holy Ghost in bobs voice, hollies in hot water, said, hollie, write the vision, said, hollie, look, pointed, hollie, door way, new jerusalem in, glass city, theres the sun, pointed, hollie, ring, said larry hunt, that, pointed, hollie, licked prophet, I cant take it, said, larry hunt, im done cut off, said homer mcmillin, 12-11-2007-Jesus showed, record, and, hollie, smiled, licked the prophet, submarine sound, said, hollie, that woman, from brian lanes church, is, cut off, claimed, salvation, but, spoke blaspheme, against the Holy Ghost, now, she, just wants one more chance, said, enthusiastic hollie, put it under, said, hollie, right here, said, pope, 666, signed for between hu, pope, new world order, submarine, hi bob, hollie on the o red and black chariot, with, pope, hu, angry horses, climbed in back, saw, hollie showed whistle, blew, like tin, man, and hu, said, hollie, and pope, boom, new world order, put it under, liars, zebra showed popes iamge made alive, pocket t.v., dream, said, Jesus, whats that, said, hollie, night vision, and the woman from brian lanes church, is, lost, now, spoke blaspheme, cause pastor brian lane is lost, cant, teach right, put it under, all u.p.c.i. pastors are church credit card, wanting money to teach, website showed record, harras said Jesus, pointed, at, reverend jeremy taylor, d.min, liar, witch, stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, and dee finney shakes yes, licked prophet, and, the website, pointed, hollie showed whistle and hollie, in back, of, o, red and black chariot, smiled, the website, tell me about the website, denon makes good stuff, saith the Lord, like the Denon AVR 5700 receiver, that has 700 watts, to much for house, that is for building like large room, could be heard at domed stadiums, like, you, talking, to, person, acrossed, room, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, laughed, website, said, the website, hollie, showed, record, brian lane is a witch, said, Jesus, pockets church money, credit card, so, he can, live for free, thats, tap dancers, said, hollie, u.p.c.i., and, p.a.w. pastors, tap dancing, chanting, we, want, a church credit card so we can live for free, we want a website that talks to us, sang the choir, thats how daughter tyson, that is blind knows about ministry of dreams, smiles, when sees, listens for hours, new york, said, the man, boom, im a bear, and daughter tyson, thinks, russia, attacks, usa, put it under, said, hollie, and licked prophet, daughter tyson has visions and dreams but james tyson wont let her tell, cleophus shawn tyson, put it on, would say, but guard pulpit, ministry of dreams is starting to appear, sang, the choir, ministry of dreams, theys sang, is, big, now, thier hiding, they sang, u.p.c.i., people, lost, and kenneth haney shakes yes, with dyed hair, showed, cut off, leading, we are not, sang, choir, ministry of dreams, thieves, you want it, uhm hum, said, cluracan, get ruint, then, lawrence forman removes, and you let, cause, he looses job, when you dream, sang, the choir, its a night vision, dreams are from God, we are not the dream people, they sang, choir, ministry of dreams, close ministry of dreams, ministry of dreams, is, now, open to the world, and javier froosevelt, shakes face, dont put it under, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, sang, choir, open, now, to world, on beep, dont close ministry of dreams, sang, the chior, were off, said, choir, ministry of dreams, they sang, stolen, name, by, christians like john mark pool, witches, not apostles, dee finney, jose alvarez, all right he says, removes, and, dan kaps, jeremy taylor, antonia vladimirova, all, claim salvation, but, lie, sit down, said, kristina, and, woman from brian lanes church, said, did you cum, I hate him, Jesus, what it is, said, gabriel, cut off showed Jesus, homer mcmillin, larry hunt, both, know, dont put it under, said, hollie, you are lost sang the choir, we are not set free, they sang, but, sing, like, the paul mooney girl, I, wanted, prophet to speak blaspheme she said, I hate you, gabriel, pointed, lava, in less then, two years, when, she, got, married is when, cut off, William G. Sinkford is hair dyer, lost, pastoring, liar, never saved, wants, credit card, right here, he said, court, protects jeremy taylor, his child, hollie, spaceship, fired, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, pope, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, up, pope and hu, fighting, sign for 666, flames, he said, rubbed chin, thought, laughed, up, popes image, hollie showed, record, remember me, thats bobs favorite, hollie, this is not the website talking, its hollie, talking, for, the website, post, said, website, gabriels voice, record the vision, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, your right, said, john kelly, pastors, lost, no, said, hollie, people, right here, pointed, brian lane, but, guards pulpit, wont let, prophet, he, knows, said, woman, that, goes, to, liberty tabernacle church, u.p.c.i., leave here she said, all, right, said, Jesus, this, economies, dead, said, person, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, gabriel, pointed, its hunt, said, the two running, little hollie bears, its larry said fleas, larry hunt, lost, pastoring, put it under, america is the mother of harlots, git out of here said Jesus, William Sinkford, he, is not savable, lost, will perish, but, lead, church, lies, wants church credit card, thats it bobby, said, gabriel, put it under, janetmck fired from university of oxford, my dads here, said janet mcknight, woman, said, the president, go home, think about what you had, grow up, then, reapply, hollie showed, record, that was fleas, like, helicopter, let out henry gruver, spoke, thru megaphone, out hollie, peace and safety was start one, she said, left, hollie showed, record, its in the ring said the stargardter-garrison man, that, pointed, hollie, when you dream, its a night vision, said gabriel, its in the ring, said, hollie, that pointed, hollie, hollie showed choked in the fire, ring, said, that, hollie showed, pointed, that, fire, no, said, enthusiastic hollie, gerald ford like a white angel, was, the one, that, got, palestinian state, started, that, was, satan, said, hollie, im the bear father, what did satan, say, hollie thought, im, the, bear father, pope, pointed, hollie, licked prophet, tear up, put back, lighted hands, hollie, hollie showed rubbed chin, pointed, at, flames, he said, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, hollie showed whistle blew, again, tear up, put back, again, grim reaper, cut off showed Jesus, git out, he said, jeremy taylor, now, ruint, watch saith the Lord, looses, licence, dont put it under said, hollie, licked the prophet, your out, said, Jesus, watch, hollie showed, time, he back agin, said, the woman, yes, your out, watch, licked prophet, that, was hollie clock on locomotive, time, blew, tear up, put back, hollie, hollie showed a picture of the pope, tear up, tap dancers, clapped, that, was, dragon, g8, politburo, russia, and, hu, said, putin, caspian sea exlodes, separates, greg gilmore walked in here with acceptance, hollie showed, record, that was the bear, with pope in mouth, and hu, he said, I will not, hu said, put up with you, they said, sign for 666, hollie showed pictures, of the new world order, hu, pope, bear, russia, said, library patron, what will I do up here, said, jeremy taylor, accept it, said, JEsus, out of all jobs, talks, no licence, dont put it under, said, hollie, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, russia, otyre, Jesus, with, scarlet colored robe, brown hair, world shaking, bright Light comes, down, man, on, throne, appears, glass, throne, pointed, hollie, hollie showed out of horn, blowed by hollie showed, iraq, boom, gaza, destroyed, and gerald ford, said, if you will allow me, he is, the one, that, started, cause, he is ford motor company, and, wanted, arabs oil, now, arabs hate, u.s.a., now there, you accept it, said, kathryn taylor, no, said jeremy taylor, fired, your out said, Jesus, dont put it under, said, hollie, watch number one soothsayer, fall, put it under, no, chance said, woman, from brian lanes church, spoke blaspheme, against, Holy Ghost, Jesus showed, record, its to late bob, Lord, if you give me another chance, she says, but, did not do one thing with chance she had, right here, said, jeremy taylor, he wants you out, court, removes the name ministry of dreams, re-places with d.min of dreams, liar, hollie showed whistle blew, again, hi bobby, whats the vision, said, hollie, its, the submarine sound, and, licked the prophet, Jesus showed record, and subs, all around, u.s.a., boom, and up comes the woman, statue of liberty, america the united states, boom, one hour, russia, the bears, devours, rise, devour much flesh, and great britain, takes, four hits, and, fires, back, russia, one sixth left, ohio class subs, with captain, hollie, fire, thirty seven missiles, mutiple, boom, russia, on fire, and pope, italy, boom, goes to russia, gets, arsenal, and he, he said, get out, drives out, but, china, re, invades, later, forces, hu said pope, in temple, in rome, i am god, but, he is not, he is, beast, they call on t.v., the anti Christ, he laughs, but, they are both devils, people, know, beast, thailand, boom, thats from, said, hollie, im a bear, laughed, thats putin, said, hollie, running from the fire, and, hu, both, killed, and the clintons, in mountain, boom, rocks, both, die, Jesus showed, record, pope, pointed, hollie, bear father, whose that said, hollie, hollie thought, pope, russia, whats the popes name, said, hollie, its, the, beast, hollie showed, picture, of beast, false prophet, hu hintao, the two beasts, dont put it under, said, hollie, look, said, fleas, jeremy taylor, d.min, removes the name, git outta here, he said, ministry of dreams, replaces, you caint, said, hollie, shut up, said, jeremy taylor, I saw you look, said, hollie, checking to see it on net, so im out, said, Jesus, yes, shook, taylor, unitarian Universalist, is, satan, all, and reverend William G. Sinkford laughs, with dyed hair, no signs, you know I wont take it, said, Jesus, and he removes reverend jeremy taylors licence, to save self, that got you said William Sinkford, witch fess, taylors confession, dont put it under, said, hollie, liars are unitarian Universalist, the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations is satan saith the Lord, its true said kathryn taylor, all witches, start loosing crowd, they all want free ride, church credit card showed, William Sinkford, china wants to know, said, man, save, us, from, russia, but, they have forty nine single warhead missiles, ok, said, man, they can, destroy, all of russia, they are, blaspheme, like russia, and u.s.a., satan, has, them all, know, saith the Lord, all heads, nations, blaspheme, and satan laughs, and points, likes bob, bob likes satan, they are, going different places, satan, thinks, persecute, God stops, satan, wants prophet to be in heaven, and satan bows before God, dont, but, hell, created for satan and angels, dont put it under, said, hollie, cut off showed Jesus, your out said, hollie, reverend larry hunt, knows, now, step or be forced, he leaves, grace apostolic church, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, rubbed chin, laughed, thought, laughed, rubbed chin, thought, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, laughed, thought, up, popes image, grim reaper laughed, bobby, Jesus, showed, record, record me, cut off, said, Jesus, reverend, jeremy, taylor, why, said, hollie, whats he do, he stole, took, said dee, finney, the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, right here, the pentecostal times, the apostolic times, its your name, said, Jesus, and d.min, reverend, nope, he said, jeremy, taylor, resigns from john f. kennedy university, and the steven stargardter-jim garrison man laughs, ok, said, jim garrison, jeremy resigns, all, but, chaplaincy institute, stay here, said, steven stargardter, he owns, but, people, leave, put it under, said, hollie, and the cat licked the prophet, and the zebra, and the grim reaper laughed, Jesus showed, record, licked prophet, raise your hands and repeat after me sang, hollie, im, moody, she is, heaven, leave her alone, said, hollie, licked prophet, 12-12-2007-and april, looked, angry, in the horn, she goes to jordan apostolic church, is, only, less then five feet tall, angry, cause, people, dispise, but, she is, not accountable, put it under, watch who you mock, dance like david did, she sang, licked prophet, wait for me, she said, poor o jeremy taylor, whats he done, said, hollie, licked the prophet, hollie showed rubbed chin, laughed, at what did hollie showed laugh at said, hollie, rubbed chin, thought, up, popes, image, and they fought, pope, hu, signed, for, 666, said, the pope, licked prophet, hollie showed record, wait, that was new jerusalem, glass wall, skyscrapers, put, it, under, said, my, hollie, hi prophet jeremy taylor, said, hollie, he, took, the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, dont, put, it, under, said, hollie, git out of here, showed, Jesus, cut off, red finger, reverend jeremy taylor, antonia vladimirova, jose alvarez, dan kaps, john mark pool, witches, bob, what you see, said, dee finney, all, we take, said, dee finney with daniel kaps voice, the name, ministry of dreams, all release ruint, record showed Jesus, bright light, shining, rocks, hollie, showed, eat, licked prophet, cindy, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed record, pointed, at, flames, rubbed, chin, thought, o no, he said, more flames, alaska, said, the librarian, boom, im a bear, said, linda spall bear, she is, cut off, like larry spall, both, cause of him, they pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, after the service, said, mrs. stewart, sex, with, mr. stewart, like darrell stewart and wife, not saved, but lead, no, said, fleas, that, said, hollie, hollie showed record, that, there pure financial, said, the librarian, u.p.c.i. pastors, no, said, fleas, right here, said, william harris-horace smith man, stripped, but, lead, Gods people, lost, liars, witches, and kenneth haney, o.k., said prophet, I guess I cut bobby off said kenneth haney, try, that, said, hollie, darrell stewart, wanted prophet to worship him, and he is lost, hollie showed record, he will not be accepted, go ahead bobby, said, hollie, me said judy stewart, embarrassed, are you going to stay for the mondy night service, she said, lost, she does not care, wants people like darrell to worship them, put us over your church, bobby, git outta here said darrell stewart, he is witch, dont put it under, liars not christians, Paul dixon has the name ministry of dreams on his site, put there by david shapiro to make prophet fall, he sees, removes, both, lost, forever, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, that, said, hollie, many have taken the name ministry of dreams, all release ruint, that, hollie showed, record, downtown, she said, showed, huh, its, ok, but, be careful, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, paul, dixon, is satan, laughs, when gets email, please release the name ministry of dreams, posted by cluracan who is the friend of javier froosevelt, both, lost, will, both, perish, javier froosevelt will take the mark of the beast, on forehead, 666 like cluracan, who is cecil pennyton and lawrence forman, witches, they will be mocked, no, said, hollie, with, fleas, voice, hi, she said, im going to lay down, said, larry spall, no, thats o.k. you guys said javier froosevelt, liars, witches, claim, salvation, but, lost, put it under, they are witches like jeremy taylor and all d.mins, unitarian universalists, liars, witches, no, said, fleas, yues, said, the, paul, mooney, girl, your on, said, chuck, he dyes his hair, and sits on platform, wants to trap prophet, called, your a false prophet, and God said, now hear the word of the Lord, did not you die your hair, still doing, he left, record the vision, said, gabriel, showed, sh, wait, gabriel showed, record, arch, like you, beautiful, satan, arch, taller, bright, like floodlight, and michael, all, three, were in the garden of God, walked, they are young looking, but, satan, was, wanting, to get following like God, cast, out, said, Jesus, he bowed, no, he said, mercy, he tought rebellion, now, lava, likes, dont put it under, hollie celebrated, tonight at, grace apostolic, hi, said, hollie, and ira davis wont speak, hes zany, she says, but, she is witch, and dyes hair, on, no said ira davis, friday night, she said, lost, wants sex with men, women, my boyfriend, she said, lies, not saved, all, lost at, gonna show it to me said hollie, yes, said, larry hunt, remove, he demands, gabriel, showed, record, arch, smiled, likes, bob, liked dumitru, even, when, dumitru mad, God spoke, hes, angry, all right Ill take care of it, said, gabriel, he got gabriel upset, angry, but, gabriel knows, put it under, said, hollie, you left here said ira davis the witch, you better watch who you are calling a witch, said gabriel, bob, said, jeremy taylor, is satan, but, he lies, not saved, he, took, said, hollie, the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, dont put it under, said, hollie, licked prophet, record the vision, said, gabriel, licked the prophet, and hu, said, the pope, I will not put up with you, said, hu, those two, sign for 666, mark of the beast, and the pope, grunted, take the mark and live, from pocket t.v., smiled hollie, and licked the prophet, put it under, said, hollie, mark of the beast, you need to record me, said, gabriel, she will get you cut off, said, Jesus, cluracan, david shapiro, lost, lies, claims, he made up the name ministry of dreams, thats what I want he said, now, lost, all, even, michelle branch, liars, witches, 12-13-2007-type the vision, clapped, the, tap, dancer, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, look, said, fleas, pick a part, alternator, ten dollars, tell, me, about, the, vision, said, hollie, you, saw, david shapiro, weeping, bobby, right here said katie bazor, court, said, david, shapiro, they, divorce, cause, furcadia, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, dont, ask, me, pakistan, said, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in india, pakistan, you ruint, said, Jesus, india, by, caspian sea oil pipeline destruction, Jesus, showed, turn, no, said, fleas, hollie showed record, there sleeping, sang, kenneth haney, kenneth, haney showed, record, glory and honor to Jesus, sang, hollie, you slipped, said, larry hunt, that was, hollie pointing at, dragon, pope, that, was, an angel pointing, turn, said, hollie, write more visions, write more visions, clapped, my tap dancers, hollie clapped, enthusiastic hollie showed record, thats, the devil said enthusiastic hollie, janetmck, so im out, she said, yes, said, oxford university president, o no, said, Jesus, janetmck, said, enthusiastic hollie, said, thats the reason, you wrote, said, Jesus, thats, the reason, fired, she, said, ministry of dreams is mine now, fired, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, that, pointed, hollie, and that, the economy slipped, your gonna miss it, she said, janet mcknight, bobby, dont, come, near me, she said, runs, pointed, hollie, to remove, like arron shutt, the name, ministry of dreams, that, was, the grim reaper, that, pointed, that was fleas, like, and that, said, the grim reaper, fool said macaulay culkin, john mark pool, that said, hollie showed, that, pointed, hollie, I the LOrd, kill all day long, tempting my servants to sin, driving out all day by entering into heart, stripping out all desire to live for me, carressing, dick, with electricity, gum desease, falling on head, electricity, hurting the person in heart, thousands of times, all day, to abate in my eyes, I, want them humble, and that is, when they dont want to serve me no more, then, I help, but, keep, abating while helping, cause, I want them humble to me, I have to put new hearts in them to keep them going, cause, they cant, unless I do, they are not haughty, but, I kill anyway, to embarras them in my eyes, make them quit all day, this is the website talking, post, said, the website, with gabriels voice, and hollies, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, cut off, showed, Jesus, diana hughey, for, taking the name, said, diana hughey, ministry of dreams, lies, claims, he cheated, she made website like God told prophet to tell her not to, she put her link on, and God said, no links, Jesus showed, record, and, that, said, hollie showed, on, dragon, pope, pointed, and hu walked with my pope, Im not, gonna put up with, you, the g8, said, the, steven stargardter-jim garrison-pope man, thats, what, I, want, he, said, try, to, strip, me, said, Jesus, chevrolet said prophets mom, your, goin out, whew that hurt, said, hollie, david shapiro, Ill get you an arrest warrant, he said, yep, said, hollie, my mercy, said, Jesus, will run out on, people, I will not always strive, thier closed, said, Jesus, jobs, leaving, america, cause, bush, clinton, threatened, arabs, now, they hate, cause of oil, thats, the reason, for the iraq, war, break oil contracts, between russia, and iraq, saddam, knew, dont, put it under, said, macaulay, I hate, he said, wants, men, women, sex, thats, what all america wants, pleasure, Im, coming, and, few, will go back, this prophet, will, but, I make him killed all day long, cause him to hate me, for no reason, bob, said, Jesus, they are all slipping, united pentecostal churches, and pentecostal assemblies of the world, hair dyers lead, shut up said horace smith, you know said, hollie, and kenneth haney, you made me look, with stripes, in hair, I told you, said, Jesus, hes out, said, prophet, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, larry hunt, now, perishing, Jesus showed, record, and john kelly runs from prophet, but, pastors, Lord I want ta seeuhm, he said, but, wont, let preach, now I gotta git up, he said, lies, not saved, if you want filled with the HOly Ghost, he says, grabs chair, but, he does not have, you got your warning, said, hollie, git up, said, fleas, this is the website talking, post, it said, with gabriels voice, and the website, licked the prophet, this is the website talking, post, said, website, with hollies voice, and gabriels, licked prophet, and website looked, and saw, spoke thru megaphone, and hollie, like, like a fire colored bear, this is what I want, she, said, work, back, and gabriel, had megaphone, smiled, hollie showed, record, with yellow hair, spoke thru megaphone, out, hollie, eat, work, back, wont you let me record, said, gabriel, jimmy page, said, Jesus, wanted, robert plant, to, go broke, said, page, cause, robert plant, I made it, he said, stole, Led Zeppelin songs, to sing, on own, now, reunites, for money, going broke, put it under, iraqi war, said, hollie, oil, breakem, said, bush, now, u.s.a. economy collapsing, and russia, is waiting, to attack, thats when, we ll do it, said, putin, no, said, fleas, and gary burt showed, record, its a show, he said, no signs, pockets church money, credit card, he said, now, church, got me to go home, he said, broke, hollie showed, record, no, said, fleas, yes, said, the paul mooney girl, she is, lesbian, wants, women, only, but, will, can bobby put it in the butt, she said, wants, laid, put it under, go, pointed, gary burt, hi, bobby, said, hollie, she, went to gary burts church, he, puts hand almost on mouth, I caint quit, she said, prophet, its time for you to go home said gary burt, and we know, said, the woman that goes there, get out said gary burt, not saved, put it under, liar not christian, aint that enough, said, the girl, hollie showed, record, raise your hands and repeat after me, she sang, saudi arabia, said, gabriel, boom, from, im a bear, said, linda spall bear, and he saw, said, casey, leave me alone, shouted hollie, my spacecraft, she said, fired, three hits, hit reverend jeremy taylors pcoket, looses jobs, talks, lets see said antonia vladimirova, attorney, reverend, and thief of the name ministry of dreams, leave me alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, all right said antonia vladimirova, spacecraft, fired, boom, direct hit, she gets ruint, stripped of licence to practise law and reverend, runs to remove the name ministry of dreams like janet mcknight, janetmck said ministry of dreams is mine now, but, runs after loosing job at university of oxford like arron shutt ran to remove, but looses job any way, but, mocked when bob wrote and cluracan sees, 12-14-2007-fleas showed, record, the eocnomies slippin, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, Antichrist cursed, words, dream, they can not beleive it, words, dream, night visions, dont, said, hollie, put it under, said, hollie, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, russia, he said, im the bear, thats, putin, laughed, hollie, satan is the head, and, pope, bear father, thats putin, she said, liars, like, hu hintao, witches, hollie showed, record, thats macaulay culkin, she said, hes, on, website, as ministering spirit, knows, laughs, but, lost, put it under, said, hollie, he wants sex like all, with whoever, saith the Lord, lets rule the world, sang, putin, licked prophet, and robert cavaness, with dyed hair, now we know, said, son and law, both, cut off, war, said, Jesus, brewing, between, china, russia, u.s.a., all, laughed, Jesus, have own oil, but want arabs, to, sell, put it under, said, hollie, watch, the world, get, ruint, cause of, me, said, bush, lies, this economy is going down, said, gabriel, can bobby come back, said, hollie, you know it, said, Jesus, laughed, no, not once, left, cause, impossible, after, but, persecution, keeps, them, from, sinning, cause, it, abates, have to re-build, or, leave, I the Lord, persecute, to abate, in my eyes, God, said, fleas, showed, to, record, licked prophet, cut off, showed, Jesus, 12-15-2007-record, a, vision, said, gabriel, licked prophet, you, said, angel, white, michael hoggard, whats he done, said, hollie, hes, lost, hes wanting, to, get, a, church, to, let, him, pastor, dont, put, it, under, florida, boom, michael hoggard is lost said hollie, no, said, fleas, bob, you, need, to, record, me, said, gabriel, no, said, fleas, write here said gabriel, gabriel, showed record, and licked the prophet, put back, light, flash, tear up, larry, now, wants, budha, he rejected Jesus, now, deceived, prophet laughed in heart, read he said, bob, you just read that, only part, well, it depends on how it hits you, said, prophet, does it stir, help, remind, larry walks away, knows, prophet, hated, record showed fleas, you gonna loose it, she, said, john mark pool, tell, me, what, he, done, she, said, spacecraft fired, boom, direct hit, pool, said, fleas, you, shot, me, he, said, stole the name ministry of dreams, released ruint, right here said pool, court, make me, o my God, he said, you ruint, he said, put on the internet, john mark pool stole the name ministry of dreams, he ran to release, that abated him, said, pope, record, said, fleas, put bobby, right here, said, diana hughey, court, but, she, stole the name ministry of dreams, to ruin, prophet, now, shes, ruint, releases, the name with tears, record me, said, fleas, gabriel showed record, so im out, thats garrison, said, hollie, I, saw, ya, look, said, gabriel, gabriel said, dont, accept it, john mark, pool, dont, accept being cut off, sandy pool, bobby, I saw your website, she said, its, pretty cool, and, sandy pool pointed, Im, outta here, said, john mark pool, john mark pool is lava, said, hollie, licked prophet, the united states will be a desolation, said, gabriel, with black bushy hair, Lord I sawuhm, said, henry gruver, hollie showed whistle blew, john mark pool sat at council, why did you steal that name for, said, gabriel, with, black, hair, the economy, said, john mark pool, arrest him said sandy pool, put back, tear up, said, hollie, clap, light, you know, what, youve, done, said, my, names chyna, that, was, the, world, shaking, pittsburgh, said, hollie, nuked, big, fireball, tear up, put back, that was the main ministering spirit, said, hollie, and, the, main, licked the prophet, im not the main anymore, said, hollie, thats, gabriel, she pointed, tell me about gabriel said, hollies, hes an arch angel, light, like people, and satan smiled, turned into, its, war, said, jim garrison, you got my name, said, Jesus, yes, shook jeremy taylor, he stole, comere said jim garrison, all right, said jeremy taylor, bob, emailed, release the name ministry of dreams or be ruint, he wrote witch-fess, calling ministry above copyrights, but, jeremy taylor is a witch, looses all jobs, talks, runs, to, like javier froosevelt, the name, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, record, the, united, states, will, be, a, new, desolation, said, gabriel, and, the pope, sat on his throne, like an angel of light, and italy explodes, im a bear, putin, laughed, hollie, satan is the head, she pointed, and, the dragon, rose, tear up, put back, write the, vision, the, economy, said, gabriel, record, the, vision, said, the stargardter-garrison-satan man, write the vision, said, lavon, the economy, said, hollie, its, thumbs down, tear up, hollie showed, choked in the flame, he said, the meerkat showed, the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, picture, rip, laughed, the grim reaper, and the garrison-stargardter man pointed, and, he, saw, europe, bound, man, on picture, with face partially covered, and a picture of Jesus, they are blaspheme, tell on me, said, pope, they are catholic, like, italy, all, of the world, bobby, we ll take, said, the garrison-stargardter man, reverend, lost, wants, you out, he said, help, with prayer, so I can sin more, put it under, liars not christians, hi, said, hollie, larry, has budha book, witch book, and budha in golden, like, case, glass, thats his god, record showed, hollie, thats, the, reason, chirac, my Jesus said, hollie, my mercy is, Jesus, said, right there, time, said, hollie, tell, me, what, you, want, she said, I, wanted people lost said chirac, made france blaspheme, catholic, dont, wont get it, said, Jesus, thats blaspheme said, cut, off, showed, Jesus, right here, said, sunnysnet, china, what, do, you, want, said, Jesus, bush, said, hu, I, want, bush, this wont do it, said, Jesus, china is blaspheme, russia, is, blaspheme said hollie, thats all of eruope said prophet, the united states, and hu, walked, with, pope, try to get me outta there, said, pope, goes to sign for 666, france, said, Jesus, boom, australia, two, great britain, four, your running out of chance, said, Jesus, great britain, said, hollie, is, not, gonna do it, great britain, will, not, let, Jesus, cause when we hit israel, boom, said woman, im a bear, tell me what great britain wanted, said, hollie, its, right here, said, prophet, oil, iraq, great britain is blaspheme, hollie showed, record, hollie, showed, record, licked prophet, michael hoggard showed record, wants money to preach, put it under, get out said hollie, indianapolis, said, gabriel, boom, im a bear, said, linda, spall, bear, they are, nuked, and cless, I want you out, he said, about, prophet, perished, they know, said, hollie, cause, he was, not saved, but pastored, like, norm heaggy, dont put it under, they wanted, money, when he died, gave to his family, church, tithes, offerrings, thousands, they are, gerry barger, brenda barger, jack barger, carol sue barger, liars, witches, hair dyers, record said, hollie, 12-16-2007-hollie showed, record, thats him, said, hollie, gabriel, modelled, arch, light, bright, sees, people, reading, smiles, chile said, Jesus, boom, nuclear, im a bear, russia, said, gabriel, france, boom, italy, thats the seat of the beast, boom, russia, bob, record, the message, said, gabriel, the economy collapsed, fred johnson, in, france, thats, what, I, needed, he said, pointed, joe melvin johnsons brother, he is, lets see, said, gabriel, he, is, lost, that, pointed, hollie, out, of ring, subwoofer, back, that, she said, showed, wait, shame on me, if, I miss my Jesus, said, cindy, licked prophet, esau said terry hendrickson, thou fool, said, Jesus, he and wife, both, same name, claimed, salvation, now, lost, forever, both, tithe, all, thier life, now, lost, never, saved, they, are, harlots, put it under, that was, nathaniel haney-urshan man, lost, what, does nathaniel a. urshan-haney man want, hollie showed record, the, united states, will, here said, fleas, be, a, communist state, subs, boom, all eyes, shall see Jesus, bright, said, gabriel, downtown, said, hollie, hollie tattood 666, no, said, fleas, bob spoke with man, I, saw, the beast with seven heads, and, ten horns, ill tell, you, and said, I saw the pope, he said, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, I saw the g8, is the seven heads, bush, was, the woman, russia, had, the ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, God said, he, beleived, it, record, showed, hollie, record, said, hollie, hollie showed choked in the fire, bright, not hurt, acting, laughing, hot water, Jesus with yellow face, pointed, knees, angry, thats what I want, said, hollie, Jesus Metropolitan Church, homo church, and, the pastor, showed, sh, Jesus Metropolitan Community Church, new ring said, Jesus, that, pointed, hollie, Jesus Metropolitan Community Church, that, said, hollie, whats he done, said, hollie, Reverend Jeff Miner, Pastor, is, lost, lying, having gay sex, pastoring, put it under, hell is for jeff miner, in the ring, said, Jesus, what said jeff miner, showed, sh, about, visions, but, acts, put it under, never, saved, never, will, be, pastor, on, saith the Lord, witch, out said jeff miner, 12-17-2007-Jesus showed record, who wants it, said, Jesus, hollie licked the prophet, none saved, the united states, said, hollie, boom, the, united kingdom, thats a warning, said, hollie, take, this website, down, clapped, the, tap dancers, lava, hollie showed record, hollie showed, wait, out of, audiocoustics laboratory speaker, back, whistled, showed, wait, cause, iraq, said, hollie, nuke, o my God, said, Jesus, I told you not to do it, he said, re-invade, brought economic collapse, thats what I want, said, putin, prepare your arms he said, this economies over, putin, showed, record, war, sign, Jesus, showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, new marine corp. in streets, america, somebody stole your name, said, wanda, thats what, I, want, said, paul dixon, trap, but, type in google, paul dixon stole the name, I got ya, he said, embarrassed, for wanting, to, look at that, said, dixon, paul, looses wife, over, will run, to, remove, the name ministry of dreams, you know how, much money, you, got, said, wanda, paul, dixon, gets stripped, by, wife, like, he wanted, prophet stripped, dont put it under, paul dixon is cut off, arabs doubled gas prices, cause, iraq, and, thats, now, ameri-britain, absorbed, arabs, will, collapse, economies, this is spacecraft, said, holliefleas, space craft fired, on, jeremy taylors, pocket, said, fleas, and, kathryn taylor divorces, leaves jeremy in motel, he has about two million, but, ends up broke, cause, he stole the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, after j.f.k. fires, he, lost, miriams well, over, taking the name wisdom of dreams, releases both, that, pointed, hollie, and licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, this is jeremy taylors website talking, jeremy does not want no more website, said, hollie, he, removes, puts, up, new one, with just, his, name, jeremy taylor, let me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft fired, got every, one, that, stole the name ministry of dreams, after iraq, ends, tell, me, about iraq, put this on, said, hollie, said, hollie, boom, she, showed, the palestinian state, that is gaza forsaken, said, hollie, boom, that, said, hollie, and, the, lighted finger, pointed, hollie, showed, record, waved, in, spacecraft, write the vision, said, hollie, let me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft fired, pointed, on antonia vladimirova, bobby, I, got your name, she said, ruint said antonia vladimirova, her, collegues, mock, like the vice president of cyprus, he, showed, president, they, laughed, tell me the vision, said, hollie, that, pointed, hollie, hollie showed choked in the fire, hot, record said, hollie, hollie showed, record, 12-18-2007-gabriel, showed, record, wait, put back, tear up, con, spirit, record, said, blessed precious, bobby, iraq, she said, im, not, the, main, anymore, said, hollie, thats, gabriel, she, pointed, thats, my crowd, its, a, choice, said, gabriel, serving Jesus, record, me, said, gabriel, licked prophet, that was my main ministering spirit, jeremys gotta git up, she said, and, the, main, put, back, clap, light, tear up, again, she said, gabriel said, france, said, the main, bobby, hes looking, said, gabriel, steven stargardter said boring, with, out, bob, calling, said, hollie, choke, said, steven stargardter, and, hollie, put, back, tear up, Im, the, main, smiled, hollie, whats, the, reason, she said, that, is, it, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, jeremy taylor sees visions of him, your off of there, said, stargardter, but, site, wont come down, tell me, the, reason, said, hollie, jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, jeremy taylor was the number one soothsayer, said, hollie, iraqi again, said, Jesus, write the vision, said, hollie, thats, your vision, right there, pointed, homer mcmillin, you, hair dyer, he, emptied out grace apostolic, thats what, I, want, he said, larry hunt, so, I can, look young, hunt smiles, they like prophet, hollie showed whistle blew, leave it alone, he said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Jesus, that was hollie showed, just, acting, he, said, like, Jesus, coming, on, cloud, lets, pray, said, steven, stargardter, I, missed you, he said, correct me, he said, they openly mock reverend jeremy taylor, d.min, he, releases the name ministry of dreams, ruint, like, all, caint have you here, said, stargardter, tell me about jeremy, taylor, said, hollie, hes, soothsayer, white robe, jim garrison, black suit, soon, d.min taylor, black suit, jim, garrison, white robe, teaches his class, taylor, runs, to, remove, micheru mathys, what he done, said, hollie, put the name ministry of dreams on his website, to, anger, prophet, but, now, he is, being ruint, cause, he is being openly mocked like cluracan, they all, release ruint, spacecraft said, hollie, open fired, all, release, jeremy taylors pocket explodes, out, comes, hollie, jeremy taylor is ruint, said, hollie, that, was, satan, pointed, hollie, like, the, lead singer of judas priest, whats he, done, said, hollie, he, got old, wants Jesus now, but, cut off, knows, that, was, satan, standing, before, God, he, hates, knows, lava, but, became, jelous, the ring said Jesus, that, pointed, hollie, there is jim nabors on your website, pointed nathaniel urshan, bobby, right here, he said, court, im loosin, said, jim nabors, he wants the Holy Ghost, that, pointed, hollie, but, hes, lost, that, pointed, hollie, hes seeking, God thinks, to late, appeared, said, hollie, and, I, know said jim nabors, bob, intercedes, jim seeks, and, perishes, that was the, main, showing popes image made alive, and the idol shepherd modelled, said, hollie, pointed, slashed pope, and, tear, up, then, rose, hu, after, the hegoat smites ram, with japan, those are the four kings, that, rise, in persia, that, yelled hollie, bob, dreamed, with, two, women, told, God, showed, iraq, war, will, end, nuclear, bush, brought, in, to, break, oil, contracts, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed record, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, iraq, gaza, bush, showed, record, oil contracts, he, said, bob, I brokem, now, u.s.a., economic collapse, put it under, said, hollie, judgment to america, hollie showed, choked, in the fire, bobby, said, fleas, record, iraqi war will end nuclear, sang, kelly, when I dream, night vision, she sang, im hurt, she said, no, men, now, old, but, young, cute, now, wanted, sex, but, now, sealed, put it under, seven women, will cling to one man, 12-19-2007-Richard E. Lauersdorf stole the name ministry of dreams, put in the peoples bible, liar, hes a witch, cut off, wants ministry of dreams to fall, write him and ask him about his google book, his peoples bible will not sell, ask Richard Lauersdorf why he hates God so much, wrote book, said, dee finney, with the name ministry of dreams, witch, he is lava, will remove, ruint, prophecy, sang, the choir, I want david, said, hollie, yes, she said, take it off me, said, prophet, persecution, but, God, allows, to, make, servant, prove, record me said, fleas, licked prophet, kissed, hug, kiss, hug, take it off, said, hollie, thats what I want, Richard E. Lauersdorf, stole the name ministry of dreams, rewrote the peoples bible, wife, leaves, take it off bobby, he said, but, wanted christian to fall, releases, with tears, put it under, said, hell for Richard Lauersdorf, israel, boom, gaza, nuked, the united states will be a, said, Jesus, nuked, and up comes, bobby, dont, said, Richard, Lauersdorf, get it off there, said, his wife, the name ministry of dreams, and diana hughey laughs, ill embarras you, said, hollie, she, is, speaking blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, for taking, lied, put her link on, when, God told prophet, no links, she, wanted to cash in, now, lava, hollie, showed, record, you had it, she said, jeremy taylor, said, kathryn taylor, and the angel blew horn, out, hollie showed, this is your last, chance, said, Jesus, maybe, thats, the, reason, said, doreen hoge, she is not saved, laughs, write, the vision, you knew it, said, Jesus, with david gilmores voice, let band die off, tour alone, pointed, lighted finger, roger waters, is broke, he, wants, you, said, david gilmore, right here, said, roger, waters, court, I, made, you, he said, he, wrote, the wall, and, david, gilmore, sings, roger, wants, back or court, make me, said, roger waters, they wanted him out, cause, he wrote the wall, and he wanted to sing, but, gilmore sang, all, now, roger is broke, cant make no, money, said, david, gilmore, this economy, sang, the woman, tear it up, she said, bush did, said, fleas, money, said, hollie, for get it, said, hollie, roger waters wants david gilmore back, but, he wont, tell him im out said david gilmore, with, him, in band, they, split, cause, waters wanted to sing, and is better then gilmore, with black hair, hes old now, and, wishing, young, again, gabriel, showed, wait, the united states, he said, nuked, and david gilmore, touring, in, u.s.a., that night, concert, he, runs, from, the fire, people, at, arena, next to, see, him, old, and think, we are all ruined, not, ut o, said, david gilmore, one, stabs me to death, he said, cause, pink floyd, helped bring judgment to america, nope said david gilmore, your outta here, said, the woman, no ticket sells, the united states will be attack by russian missiles, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, bob, the choir, sang, the man, and licked the prophet, is, ordained, but, not saved, at, any, church, the, try, to arouse, the HOly Ghost, but, are, lost, like, full gospel baptists mass choir, all rich, over, album, and, touring, but, all, are, cut off, tell them, now hear the word of the Lord, and the lead singer, sees, and, wants, fight, but, knows, prophet, we know your open, sang, the choir, but, we, want, money, and are, lost, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, show, sang, the woman from full gospel baptist mass choir, lava, for, all, no, united states, said, hollie, no united kingdom, thats the reason said, hollie, no, money said fleas, pink floyd is broke, the record companies made the money, put it under, said, hollie, Jesus showed, cut off, right here, said, fleas, rick robertson, his church, is, pentecostal pick up, only, they dont, tithe, write the vision, bobby, record, the vision, said, gabriel, that, was, flames, pointed, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, gabriel, thats hollie showed, in, a, white robe, modelled, tell the vision, he said, gabriel, modelled, smiled, arch, he, sees, people, reading, visions, looks like on thru the fire without burning, book, and ann schmidt laughed, gabriel, licked the prophet, somebody is on your website, said, gabriel, cut off, said, jeremy taylor, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, witch-fess gotem, said, hollie showed, modelled, he stole the name, its cause im jelous, said, reverend jeremy taylor, releases, ruint, steven stargardter, said, hollie, I, want, you, right, here, he said, 12-20-2007-tear up, clapped, hollie, bob, dreamed, pursued, by, woman, he was on cycle, she, chased, he got, in like building, thats what I want, she said, catch, trap, bob, got, out, dreamed, car, stolen, at, like show, could not remember what kind of car it was, raise your hands and repeat after me, that was satan, said, hollie, im the bear father, bob, said, fleas, licked the prophet, taiwan explodes, im a bear, hollie showed, record, record me, said, hollie, record me, said, said, gabriel, bobby, we, got, your name, gabriel showed, record, modelled, said, paul dixon, right here, he said, court, make, me, remove, the name ministry of dreams, is that, what, you want, he said, make christian fall, and almost, one thousand thiefs, appeared, christians like dee finney, cut off she showed, john mark pool, cut, off, he, showed, reverends, jeremy taylor, antonia vladimirova, and, jose alvarez, more, christians, they, claim, but, took, the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, they, all, release ruint, hollie modelled, jeremy told me, said, hollie, ministry is above copyrights, but, jeremy taylor is a witch, releases ruint, record, my, vision, said, hollie, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, popes image made alive, pocket t.v., put it under, said, hollie, licked the prophet, onkyo receivers, are, excellent, like, denon, said, hollie, the united states will be a desolation, said, sunnysnet, with, golden, hair, that was hollie, words dont match lips, showed, picture of d.min jeremy taylor, weeping, over stealing the name, said dee finney, ministry of dreams, I want my website back, message board, pointed, on, yahoo, the, united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, said, Jesus, prophet, dont, you, do, it, said, irish davidson, hollie showed, record, dont, tempt me, said, Jesus, she dyes hair, and, is, on, platform of grace apostolic church, like homer mcmillin, you knew said, Jesus, yes, shook, homer, put it under, said, hollie, they are, lost, hollie showed, record, that, rubbed, chin, record me said, hollie, bob, record, the, vision, out, said, homer mcmillin, hollie showed record, leave me alone sound, thats hollie, in, her, my spacecraft, she, said, you need to git out jeremys suing, said, amy brucker, I knew, she said, squirts, problem, she said, o, you lust, said, amy brucker, shook, yes, jeremy, sang, hollie, hes out, said, brucker, amy, witch, and amy and jeremy sat, talked, wanted, to, deceive, d.min, liars, witches, and, yes shook William Sinkford, uua president, liars, hair dyers, want, and he saw, said, casey, William Sinkford smiling, showing, credit card, free ride, with hair dyed, put it under, said, hollie, they are witches, fired, gotem, jeremy taylors, pocket exlpoded, spacecraft fired, he stole the name ministry of dreams, releases, ruint, ruint, put it under, said, hollie, d.min is satan, hollie showed record, modelled, like gabriel, once we hit alaska, said, hollie, boom, boom, boom, and, hollie showed finney, with golden face, no iraqi, said, hollie, thats gaza forsaken, taht is, my palenstinian state, she, said, the palestinian state will be destroyed, said, the man, put it under, thats what I want, said, Jesus, thats israel not phillistines, put it under, said, hollie, cut off, showed, Jesus, then america comes, into rememberance, before God, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, bush, said, thats, what, I, want, breakem, oil, contracts, now, britain-america, put it under, said, hollie, absorbed, new marine corp., said, Jesus, in, the, streets, thats, what, we, want, said, hollie, the prophecy club, sang, the woman, is, broke, cause, no Holy Ghost filled, speakers, thats what I want, said, stan johnson, your the next one, I, want, prophet ministry of dreams, but when prophet told stan, visions, on, phone, and, that God said, putin, and, stan said, henry gruver said, lebed, stan was not, interested, stan johnson showed record, hollie showed record, micheru mathys is ruint, put the name ministry of dreams, on, website, to, anger, prophet, removed, when, embarrassed, but, not when, prophet, wrote, now, hes, going to, threaten, remove, or, suit, prophet, thinks, suit, micheru mathys, said, hollie, he, said, he wants it, said, Jesus, your on, said, micheru mathys, but, I, cant, find him said david shapiro, katie bazor ruint cause amanda and jeff dee stole the name ministry of dreams, when prophet wrote furcadia, they all laughed, now, divorce court, for, all, and, david, shapiro weeps, that, was, satan, like, the pope, said, hollie, licked the prophet, that was, the, main, ministering spirit, hollie showed, record, leavem alone, said, hollie, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, she knows, said, hollie, irish davidson, who prophet is, tells, homer mcmillin, he tells, larry hunt, o my God, he, said, hunt, shakes, yes, you, were, right, said, homer, mcmillin, you, know, who, he, is, said, larry hunt, elijah, and hunt loves, it, mcmillin is avoiding, like cecil golder, they, tremble, but, hunt, thinks, help, church, fills, broke, said, larry hunt, grace apostolic, is, dying, who owns grace apostolic, clapped, my, tap dancers, its, the golders, all, they, pocketed, millions, cecil, donald, melvin, they, are, cut, off, no signs, hollie showed pictures, new world order, pope, hu, tear up, put, back, thats my popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., hollie showed, record, please backslide, sang, man, to, bob, no, said, fleas, look, said, fleas, the, nightmarist, duncan rouleau, book, said, dee finney, cuteme off said Jesus, stole the name ministry of dreams, are you gonna write it, said, hollie, duncan rouleau, changes, removes, the name, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, raise your hands and, repeat after me, sang, the pope, tap dancers, said, night wind, sang, the, sunbeam bakers baby, and, roxette, ate chicken, angry, meerkat-12-21-2007-in this vision I saw the meerkat and he modelled, and I saw gabriel and hollie, and they did to, Jesus was angry, and the possum licked the prophet, tell, said, hollie, we need it, said, robert cavaness, lost, knows, wants, saved, but, does, not know, what to do, does, not have HOly Ghot, put it under, said, hollie, then robert cavaness turned into john mark pool then mark mckinney, no, said, hollie, he lies, about dyeing his hair, witch, dont put it under, they are all cut off, saith the Lord, hollie showed, turn, big, lighted, hand, cindy, hollie had bear paws, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, put it under, he said, new world order, and hollie showed, pictures, modelled, and hu, said, the pope, and, hollie, in back, of the o red and black chariot, with, the pope and hu, held nose, thumbs down, liars, lets rule the world, said, putin, with, eight kings, and pope, and, putin, kneeling, before, beast, put it under, said, hollie, they are, planning to strike, u.s.a., when you least, expect it, and meatloaf, perished, hollie showed, record, gabriel showed record, Lord, whats, awrong, said, robert cavaness, you know your dreams, said, Jesus, night visions, well, said, hollie, you ran it, here, she said, record, hollie, counsel, what it is, said, gabriel, pointed, lava, cavaness, both, and robert cavaness, said, money, thats, what, showed church credit card, if you want, me, said, Jesus, I, do, said, robert, cavaness, seek, said, hollie, licked, kissed, prophet, look, said, fleas, oil, said, gabriel, modelled, thats, leading, to, armageddon, about one thousand will read, I got you said david gilmour, roger waters wanted to sing, now, pocket change said roger waters, the vision said the maniac, that, pointed the maniac, on circle, in shelbyville, indiana, that, robert cavaness, that, cut off, like son in law, cut off, showed, Jesus, record, the, vision, said, maniac, that, tore up, put back, said, hollie, gabriel showed, record, said, hollie, dont come back thought robert cavaness s son in law, sparks, your outta here, he said, hollie showed, record, both, clean hands, hollie licked the prophet, thats hollie flying in her space craft, showed, record, fired, duncan rouleau and his children, matt brady, all, release, the name ministry of dreams, ruint, gabriel showed, record, tear up, put back, hollie showed, record, con truit, lighted bear paws, this economies slippin, and caspian sea oil pipeline, explodes, separating, russia, china, it, will pollute caspian sea, thats, satan, shh, said, hollie, what did my satan, want, said, the crowd, im, the, bear father, pope, looky, pointed, fleas, tear up, the, pope, and, hu, sign for 666, thats, the, king of the north and south, record me, said, hollie showed, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, my pope, downtown, circled, hollie showed, china will attack washington state, said, Jesus, hollie showed played the organ, modelled, bobby, ring, that, said, hollie, said fleas, hollie, said, that, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, no more syria said gabriel, Jesus showed record, president running from the fire, china will not let america, rule, the, world, said, hollie, china is dealing with russia treacherously, said fleas, comeon said hu, we want it, said, putin, the caspian sea oil belongs to whoever, russia, guards, its, saudi arabia, and china, wants, its, goes, near chinas border, about five miles in sea, we want, it, said, putin, record the vision said hollie, caspian sea oil, pipeline, explodes, you knew jeremy said hollie, jeremy taylor, raise your rental and repeat after me, sang, hollie, hit the united states, said, putin, and, hollie, climbed, in back, of, that, o red and black chariot, with the pope and hu, new world, order, and, the, tin man whistle blew, fleas held nose, thumbs, down, liars, that, and putin, planning, with eight kings, o.k. he said, heres, how, we ll hit, he, said, fleas, held, nose, thumbs, down, looked thru telescope, out hollie, lets rule the world sang, putin, nobody hits russia, they, are, number one, nuclear power, put it under, said, putin, matt brady, whens he gonna git it off, sat at counsel, said, putin, hollie, took, hollie flying in her, I want here said gabriel, lava, pointed, spacecraft, ministry of dreams, she, said, releases ruint, and, fire ball, appeared, in jeremy taylors pocket, laughed Jesus, direct hit, explodes, all release, ruint, robert winer is embarrased, said, hollie, I told you, said, hollie, this is embarrassing said, robert winer, m.d., why did you take it for said hollie, he took s off of ministry of dreams, I, stole it, he said, on rohn prices site, releases ruint, Jesus laughed, git it off, said, Jesus, thou fool, he said, its there, said, robert, winer, its cause I makin no money, he, said, wanted to, take said, dee finney, gets divorced, no, said, robert winer, like Richard Lauersdorf, he, rewrote, the peoples bible, im gonna git ya said Richard Lauersdorf, and included the name, no, he said, ministry of dreams, Richard Lauersdorf wanted to steal, and, robert winer pointed, thou fool said Jesus, git it off of there, said Richard Lauersdorfs wife, ruint, he gets divorced, I aint going to listen to him, said, his wife, its off said Richard Lauersdorf, got you said hollie, you know iraq, said, robert winer, you loose, he said, bobby, take advantage said, Jesus, tell me what it is like, said, hollie, and he saw, said casey, two nuclear explosions, thats what, I, want, said, bush, hollie showed, record, cut off, reverend, hi d.min, said, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, witches, with the titles of reverend, lairs, love being called, rabbi, but, are, lost, follow both to lava, saith the Lord, you know everything, said, hollie, trust me, said, jeremy taylor, yeah, said, kathryn taylor, witches, ruint, over, taking the name said dee finney, d.min of dreams, stolen, hollie showed record, oil, gabriel, said, is, the reason, tell me a vision, said, hollie, bush, said, reverend amy brucker, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, no, said, hollie, bob, dreamed, in house, drywall, not finished, harvey, finished, bob, liked, but, needed, worked with, it, warmed, up, some, licked prophet, china is, magog, that is, my leopard, said, hollie, what has china, done, hollie showed, record, raise your hands and repeat after me, she sang, look, said detective david garcia, many i.p. adresses, he said, jeremy, we cant prosecute, taylor runs to remove, prophet ruins anyway, put it under, said, hollie, steal the name ministry of dreams like d.min reverend jeremy taylor, uua, did, get ruint, like, she said, rises like a lamb, china, with japan, and, hollie, spoke, thru, magaphone, out, hollie, fighting, and, hu, said, pope, those, two, sign for, 666, cause, otyre, is russia, pope pushes out china, hollie showed record, look, said, gabriel, fleas, theres something in my room, let me see here, its, the nightmarist, weeping blood, duncan rouleau, book, said, dee finney, stole the name, ministry of dreams, releases ruint, look, pointed, fleas, hollie out of horn, you know he got ya, said, Jesus, yes, shook richard rosen, git out of my face said susan rosen, witches, like, d.min, reverend, jeremy taylor, I want your name, said, susan rosen, all, but, God spoke the name ministry of dreams for this prophet, hidden, and jeremy taylor steals, now, hear the word of the LOrd, I seenem, said, susan, rosen, she is, lost, and, taylor, helping, miriams well to cash in, but, taylor, is not drawing, big, crowds, any more, looses, all jobs, talks, put it under, said, hollie, he is a witch, like all d.mins, Jesus showed, record, you gotta go bob, said, hollie, did you just speak in tongues, said, amy brucker, yeah, said, kathyrn taylor, that means you saved, said, brucker, Spirit, not, Holy Ghost baptized is filled, then, speaking, as the Holy Ghost, causes, not you put it under, said, Jesus, lairs not apostles said jeremy taylor, brother, said, hollie, look what he done, said, reverend brucker, amy, witch, lost, not like the apostle paul, yes I am, she said, I wanted sex, ministry of dreams, sang, the woman, is going to be released, soon, seek Jesus, she said, and Jesus licked the prophet, bob, said, hollie, im suing you, said, amy brucker, the chaplaincy institute knows, witchs, saith the Lord, they need it, said, hollie, you going down, said, hollie, all d.mins, saith God, she got abasing, said, hollie, your prophet put me out of work said kathryn taylor, she leaves, go back, she said, to prophet, me said reverend jeremy taylor, aw, she said, when she found out he stole the name ministry of dreams, jeremy runs to remove, according, said, amy brucker, to, yeah, its on the other side of that ward, she wants christian in prison, for ruining her, and she built dr. taylors website, his children all release, matt brady, tap danced, the, crowd, is, mike hull, last, to, release, after, girl friend, leaves, weeps, put it under, said, hollie, matt, brady, wants, christian to fall, thats, why, he, did, it, said, my crowd, its over, said, brucker, bobby, look, jeremy taylor runs to remove like cluracan did, antonia vladimirova embarrassed, runs, to, gets ruint, anyway, go down, said, hollie, she is oral sex, that figures, said, antonia, vladimirova, mrs. reverend blow job, saith God, put it under, said, dreams foundation is oral sex, lay off of me said antonia vladimirova, bobby, I use ya, said, kathryn taylor, now, ruint, thats a reverend and attorney in bulgaria, antonia vladimirova, said, hollie, that, was, bear paws, tear up, hollie, said, put back, said, hollie, tear up, put back, showed, turn, big, lighted, hand, tear up, again, pointed, the economy here, said, antonia vladimirova, ruint, pocketed, millions, jail, coming, its my husband, she said, the dreams foundation is for stealing, yes, she said, record said, hollie, no flames, cried, kurt vonnegut, on belly, taiwan, said, gabriel, is america, exploded, china, record said, hollie, wait, write the vision, pen, bob, buying, synthetic oil, why you using that for, said, man, I dont, want, to, I, got, that, in, there, can I mix them, sure, go ahead, this is, not the website talking, this is hollie, speaking, for, the website, its your last dream, said, kathryn taylor, taking money, yuck, she said, you wanna go see em, said, the woman, yeah, shook kathryn taylor, hes spoilt, she said, but now, people are avoiding reverend jeremy taylor, and he said in his heart, when he saw the name ministry of dreams, mine, gotcha, he said, now ruint, for not releasing, like duncan rouleau and david shapiro, all, for wanting christian to fall, even christians stealing the name ministry of dreams like john mark pool, dan kaps, he thinks this stinks, cause, embarrased, you should have known I was lost, dee finney, jose alvarez, antonia vladimirova, and she held nose, thinks, knows, uto said hollie, you aint gonna take it off there, said antonia vladimirova, no said, hollie, suit, come on, said, hollie, 12-23-2007-cindy pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, pointed, explosion, im the bear father, said, the serpent, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, post, said, the website, with gabriels voice, hollie, waved, smiling, bob, said, gabriel, how, do, we, beat china, nuke, in, middle, in circle, thats hu, running, from, the fire, let me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft fired, said, hollie, jeremy taylors pocket exploded, no, said, hollie, theres my submarine sound, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that, she said, mrs. brad baker, dont, said, hollie, is a false prophesiar, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, and licked the prophet, she, now hear me, saith God, and people, think, let, brad baker wants divorce over, she is killing house of prayer, I aint gonna telleme, said, the woman, that, goes there, sees, she has never been saved, but, preaches, and acts like, prophesying, put it under, said, hollie, they are all lost, there, and licked prophet, hollie, again, waved, hi bob, she, said, subs, all, around, america, Jesus, returned, jeremy taylor, is the reason, for it, said, hollie, tell me, the reason, she, said, we took, said, dee, finney, the name, ministry of dreams, you lied said antonia vladimirova, to, trap prophet, all, spacecraft, fired, I gotem said hollie, licked prophet, modelled gabriel, you expect me to save you, sang, the music, but, you wont live for me, said, Jesus, and brad baker, swallows, hollie, meerkat, showed, popes, image, made alive, pocket, t.v., hollie showed, smiled, new world order, pictures, tear up, she said, hu, and, pope, jeremy your all right, said, hollie, take your website down, he does, jeremy taylor, from, john f. kennedy university, no, said, hollie, he, stole the name ministry of dreams, like, over, nine hundred, all, release, ruint, the meerkat showed record, showed, popes image, picture, rip, hollie, showed, record, hollie, showed, record, tear up, put back, lighted, bear paws, licked prophet, hollie showed spacecraft, flown, by, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, new united states, said, pope, communist, iraq, said, hollie, tell said mrs. brad baker, lost, im out, she said, o this, said, hollie, for money, she shook, yes, but, church, empty, she is hair dyer, prophecy club, sang, the choir, your out, they, said, stan, johnson, I know, he said, with dyed hair, o thats bobby, said, hollie, one more vision, said, Jesus, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, now we know said mrs. brad baker, you play with her, he said, let said brad baker, she, prophesies, falsely, and all, know, but, she ruins, service, and brad baker sees and dreads, shows, they divorce, she wants, her, prophesying, bye, said, brad, keeps house of prayer tabernacle, it, fills, cause of Holy Ghost servant there, cant you go on the prophecy club said macaulay culkin, they are fallen, gitton down to the last hour, said, pope, hollie, modelled, theres the alarm, said, hollie, tear up, put back, hollie, lighted bear paws, Jesus showed, record, whats my message, she, said, thank you, said mrs. brad baker, hollie thought, write the vision, said, hollie, yur just a prophet said willa mccloud, shakes, yes, when, sees, vision, and, willa, mccloud, pointed, with lighted finger, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, pope, she is hair dyer, hollie showed, record, witch, hollie showed record, dont give up, said, hollie, and willa mccloud, sat, at counsel, what you there, pointed, gabriel, hot said, hollie, and willa mccloud in lava, with pastor william mccloud, both, witches, show it, said, Jesus, there, said, hollie, my names willa mccloud, said willa, comere said hollie, I printed said willa mccloud, om gonna gitem, she said, witch, hair dyer, lost, knows, wants all to perish, bobby, said, hollie, are you calling me a witch, said, hollie, yes, shook john mark pool, he stole the name ministry of dreams like jose alvarez, and both spoke blasphemy against, they already know it said hollie, both, lava, with black suits, like antonia vladimirova, and jeremy taylor and dan kaps and dee finney, christians that stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, good job said amy brucker, git out said reverend jeremy taylor, they argue now, cause taylor stole the name ministry of dreams, and brucker built website, now, both ruint, are you sayin you want me to go home, said, amy brucker, its all your fault said the woman that runs chaplaincy institute, im pregnant said amy brucker, now married but reverend, witch, your name said the man, given by Jesus, will be released, by all after iraq, we want you said antonia vladimirova, but, stole to keep, but, released, ruint, you are not, sang, the choir, sent, none, listed here, saith the Lord, but john, mark, pool, preaches, gets paid, but, now being ruint, he was warned, remove, and be ruint any way, and sandy pool, ill getya, she said, leaves, they divorce, over, taking the name, said, dee finney, ministry of dreams, witches, get ready to nukum, said, amy brucker, there you go, she said, iraq, gaza, then, all, run, to remove, gotum, she said, they wanted oil contracts, broke, said, bush, your out, kill, but, he gets shot, hi jeremy, said, hollie, your known, he said, reverend jeremy taylor, got it, said, Jesus, yes, shook, taylor, lies, not saved, but stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, I want you off, said, taylor, that ruint it, said, Jesus, he runs to remove, after job losses, Jesus showed, record, john mark pool stole the name, yes, said, sandy pool, ministry of dreams, runs to remove, after being ruint, dont put it under, said, hollie, lighted, waved, smiled, licked prophet, that, she said, and the zebra, the Lord told me not to record, he said, bye, said, hollie, and the zebra, and leopard seal, licked the prophet, satan, she said, like, a, fire, mouth, im the bear paw, he said, teeth, im the bear father, pope, pointed, hollie, shh, record said, hollie, and Jesus, pointed, gasoline, sang, hollie, leading to armageddon, pope, said, pope, did not fleas, say, go, licked prophet, cut off, showed, Jesus, john mark pool, record, said, fleas, fleas showed, record, whatta you want, she said, I, want, outta here, said, jeremy taylor, ruint, spacecraft submarine fired, jeremy taylors pocket exploded, for stealing the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, fleas showed, record, and, man was maniac, is it real, said, hollie, and mocked people, and, turned, into, man, that goes to calvary tabernacle, dream, homeless, and, maniac tore up, put back, on circle, downtown shelbyville, indiana, smiled, licked prophet, the maniac, am I over said john mark pool, prophet your over said Jesus, why are you still preaching, to make money, the pools, both lost, harlots, preaching judgment to america, lets go, said john mark pool when shown visions, out, to man that shows, tell on him and receive the mercy of Jesus, 12-24-2007-thats david, said, hollie, pastor larry hunt, lost, like homer mcmillin, poor o jeremy taylor, said the pope, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, jeremy wants you out, said, hollie, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, cause, jeremy taylor, said, hollie, you wanted ruint said reverend jeremy taylor, submarine sound, said, hollie, in her submarine, launched, dr. jeremy taylors pocket pocket exploded, he looses all jobs, talks, releases ruint, like antonia vladimirova, jose alvarez, john mark pool, that is jeremy taylor in black suit, in lava like john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, jose alvarez, dan kaps, all stole the name ministry of dreams, like dee finney, to get prophet cut off, all perish, but, claimed salvation, did not Jesus say, said, hollie, you know, you got, the economy ruint, and bush swallows, 12-25-2007-hollie said, turn, big lighted hand, and selina cried, put it under, said, hollie, submarine sound, said hollie, and hollie showed whistle blew, selinas maid killed selina, cause, she, made me jelous, over, the way selina talked to her, I want her in jail, said selina, over, not, paying her enough, atention, selina, was, childish, got maid mad, thats abasing, said the LOrd, killed, and, hollie tattood 666, and pope sat on his throne, at house of prayer tabernacle, and said thru megaphone, i have been given power to rule the world, soothsayer, appeared over mrs. brad baker, your outta here, said, Jesus, both perish, whatta you want, said brad baker, money, sell church, pocket, black suits, lava, leave me alone, said, hollie, this is my new spacecraft, ohio class sub, fired, dr. jeremy taylors pocket exploded, for taking the name, said dee finney, and tommy tenneys friend shook yes, john mark pool, made me embarrassed said sandy pool, leaves, over, taking the name said dee finney, ministryofdreams, and john mark pool, smiles, but, cries, dont put it under, said, hollie, bob, we got two hours said the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, try to covince God to save you then, and raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, im moody, she said, russia, said dee finney, and putin, smiles, attacks alaska, first, said putin, no said john mark pool, let him, said Jesus, ministry ofdreams, releases ruint, new hollie, record, she said, this is boring, said the sunbeam bakers child, brad bakers church, witches, soothsayers, speaking, acting like Jesus talks thru, the united states will be a desolation, said the antichrist, pope, smiled, jus put your visions on the internet, said, hollie, and new hollie, record, pointed, fleas showed record, bob dreamed, with dr. thomas griffith, he said, hes, leaving, shes not coming, they were doing something else, griffith is hair dyeing, record said fleas, no, said fleas, hollie showed record, Jesus showed record, no, said daniel kaps, om listenin, said jonah weiland, o.k, said amy brucker, goodnight brother, said mrs. heaggy, they all claim christianity, but are not saved, and hair dyer thomas griffith, sees, all right, said pastor joeseph farrris s son, all lost, witches, thou fool, said Jesus, you seen my economy yet, said the truck driver, he shot it, he said, bush, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, im moody, bush is not caring about people, on friends in the oil buisness, and he sees visions, Hey, i like that said the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, soivet, he said, they are, politburo, thats ruling party, and en kings rose out of one nation, and hollie showed, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang hollie, we want ya said john mark pool, now, ruint, for taking the name said hollie, ministry of dreams, bob hickman, said dumitru duduman, let God persecute, hollie showed pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, the beast, pope, g8, russia having politburo, ruling party, and putin kneeling before the pope, ad john mark pool, dee finney, reverends jeremy taylor, jose alvarez, antonia vladimirova, dan kaps, christians, stealing the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, like diana hughey, 12-26-2007-bob, dreamed, in room, with cless barger, God, spoke, he wont ask you to testify cause you wont say what I want, thru ministering spirit, and, bob, asked, cless, and cless said, yes, and room filled, and bob said, you can call on me if you want, and God spoke thru hollie, tell them to seek the Lord, and, bob talked in heart and said many things like, the g8, thats nato, the seven heads, hot, pointed, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, apartment building exploded, hollie showed choked in the fire, you need to talk to me, said, outlaws, Jesus, rev, vest, harley, spin tires, this is not the website talkin, fleas showed, record, wait, the economies dead, said, hollie, licked prophet, that, fleas, showed, record, hollie pointed, out of ring, licked prophet, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft, ohio class sub, fired, direct hits, on jeremy for taking the name, said, antonia vladimirova, ministry of dreams, now, all, ruint, and, subs, all around america, boom, and, Jesus, returns, and bill clinton in black suit, returns, fire, I didnt do it said robert winer, steal the name ministry of dreams, hes out, said, mrs. robert winer, cruel said robert winer, but he wanted christian to fall like dan kaps, john mark pool, all right said john mark pool when showed visions, but lies, hes a witch, like antonia vladimirova, jose alvarez, they all claim salvation but stole, made ya wreck said robert winer, no, but you are exposed for being witch like d.min jeremy taylor, all reverends but stole to make christian fall, witches, and jeremy taylor smiles, witch, the fire sent on magog, russia, china, and the pope, goes to russia, gets arsenal, raise your hands and repeat after me, and new hollie, showed, they dont want it, she said, the name ministry of dreams, hollie showed, popes image, made alive, bobby, did you pray said robert winer, wait, said, the kid, liars, witches, the economies failin, said, the pope, cause, opec, and the pope showed, record, im it, he said, smiling, the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, iraq, said, the kid, no said, hollie, ha ha, he said, bush, stealing, oil, contracts, knows, after prophet for showing, no your problem, said, outlaws Jesus, I know it said amy brucker, witch, all d.mins, are, lost, taking money for free, and bush sees, calls, cia, kill on sight, prophet, because you didnt want it, said, Jesus, and outlaws Jesus showed record, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, all, those, bob, we take said the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet ruint, I the LOrd, will ruin you watch, them all run to remove like cluracan, witch, laughs, but, ruin coming, put it under, said, hollie, and licked prophet, watch, right here said, Jesus, showed, cut off, opec knew, tell me, some, visions, said, hollie, clapped, hollie held nose, thumbs down, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, pope, kenneth haney, horace smith, hair dyers, hollie held nose, Risinger Brothers Transfer, and the child laughed, they put JOHN 3:16 on trailers, but are lost, liars, witches, put it under, said, hollie, put your visions on the internet, clapped the tap dancers, hollie, with the pope and hu, new world order, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liars, witch, all j.f.k. university soothsayers, claim, salvation, but are lost, and, eight kings that will rise against america, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, liars, put more visions, on the internet, clapped, my tap dancers, ministering spirits, hollies, gabriel, out laws Jesus, licked prophet, record me, said, the sunbeam bakers child, the, united states will be a desolation, said, Jesus, leave me alone, said, new hollie, licked prophet, please, she said, o be ruint like jeremy taylor of, its ok said amy brucker, and Gina Rose Halpern laughs, but angry, you brought us down, witches, she thinks, not saved, but mocks both, jeremy taylor and amy brucker, dont call us witches, they think, said, hollie, but, are, not saved, preaching in Jesus name like robert winer, dan kaps, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, jose alvarez, dee finney, christians that stole, take said dee finney, the name ministry of dreams to make this prophet fall, and john mark pool, right here, said, hollie, court, make us remove said antonia vladimirova, but, they run, saith the Lord, the economy, said, sunbeam bakers child, your, over, I, told, you, not, to, do, it, said, pope, john mark pool, did you see what, I, did, he said, stole the name ministry of dreams, take me to court, make, me, runs, to remove, like all, put it under, said, hollie, right there, she said, lava, for, stealin, said, Jesus, the name, ministry of dreams, thats, hollie showed, playing the organ, modelled, submarine sound, said, hollie, help me, said, fleas, look, pointed, fleas, the nightmarist, duncan rouleau, wrote, and, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, he got, man, cut off, like jonah weiland, they, posted, his, article, with stolen, name, ministry of dreams, all, release, ruint, every, copy of the nightmarist, burned, the new nightmarist series cancelled, sang john mark pool, with, dyed hair, tear up, put back, thomas griffith said Jesus, we already know it, said, joeseph farris s son, cut off, hair dyers, that, was, satan, pointed, hollie, im the bear father, 12-27-2007-when we hit iraq, again, said, Jesus, hollie, brought judgment said homer mcmillin, put it under, said, hollie, judgment to america, can bobby come back, said, larry hunt, wont, have you, said, fleas, and irish davidson, laughed, put you, bobby, right here, pointed, larry hunt, pulpit, wont, happen, said, fleas, larry hunt guards, record me, said, fleas, I, told, bobby, not, to, do, it, said, larry hunt, when saw, in, heart, tell vision, said larry hunt, outside, crowd, at grace apostolic, growing, but, cause, bobs there, new hollie, record me, showed, record, said, git outta here, she, said, now, you, wont, have, me, said, larry, hunt, you, wont, let, bob, speak, I knowed him said larry hunt, hollie showed record, come back here, said, larry hunt, wants website, deleted, bob, shows, no way, new hollie modelled, gabriel, record, me, said, hollie, licked prophet, record, said, new hollie, this economy, she said, on its way down, record, said, new hollie, you, out, said, Jesus, yes, shook, larry hunt, why are you pastoring, its, celine, said, gabriel, that, said, hollie, tore up, she, said, take, me, off, there, cut off, said, doreen, she, met, prophet, at, work, and didnt want, I hate him, she thought, bob, would have married, now, doreen is cut off, wants, bob, now, in, lava, she ll think, I, went, to church, tell on me, she said, she, masterbates, and, claims salvation, this is hollie, with that, o loose, belt, sound, I, need, your, help, said, angel, doreen will marry bob, now, shes, graying, still, single, that, was, fleas, like, birdy, people, telling on jeremy taylor, is this what you, want, said, antonia vladimirova, put me first, she said, put it, right here, she, said, court, make me, remove, the name ministry of dreams, embarras says the Lord, she, runs, to remove, ohio class spacecraft fired, said, hollie, all, release ruint, that, was, hollie, doing, nothing, with, the, con, spirit, put back, rip, pointed, larry hunt, will, not, let, you, speak, in, that, church, we, had, it, said, homer, mcmillin, I, need, abasing, he said, im, not, ready, put it, under, said, hollie, whys he pastoring, we know said, hollie, licked prophet, record, showed, hollie, your the, reason, I, dont dream, said, homer mcmillin, blew, he, said, your wrong, but, he, cant, receive, record, pointed, hollie, on, top, of, that, o red and black chariot, with the pope and hu, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, tear up, put back, we want you, said, larry, hunt, im, just, a, drunk, said, homer mcmillin, new real estate, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, down, people, paying, over, ten thousand, per, yer, loosing, live in van, save, that, was, hollie, shuffling, record, said, hollie, record said hollie, record, said, hollie, I, hear you lost, your well, said, hollie, miriams well, jeremy taylor, o, my God, said, susan rosen, taylor stole the name wisdom of dreams, had on miriams well website, and, doctor taylor appeared, he stole the name ministry of dreams, you, didnt, said, jeremy taylor, no trademark, so, whats yours is mine, looses, all, jobs, talks, then, releases, put it under, said, hollie, doreen is wanting pussy now, record, me, said, hollie, submarine sound, record, said, hollie, look, said, fleas, hollie, pulled, ship, the, queen mary is in, california, is, not, sea worthy, to, rusty, under, water, thats the reason, said ministering spirits, ships, get, broken, record me, said, homer mcmillin, you think, bobby, will, talk, said, larry hunt, he, wont, said, mcmillin, they, dont, care, the united states, said, hollie, they, hate you, she said, homer, mcmillin, larry hunt, lost, they want you to perish, said, hollie, licked, prophet, they, hated, Jesus, said, hollie, cause, Jesus, wont, save, them, put it under, backsliders, that was satan, bobby, will you help me, said, larry hunt, get, do it tomorrow, I, got, warning, he said, thou fool, said, Jesus, tomorrow, never, comes, get your own, house, said, homer mcmillin, no, said, hollie, and, hollie, licked prophet, booh who, hollie wailed for the people, Lord, save me, they, cried, but, after, the, economy failed, said, hollie, you expect me to save you, but, you wont, live for me, im, jelous, said, hollie, they, would, kill, and, hollie whistle blew, they wanted, you, to, stay, there, said, hollie, cause, you, have, the, Holy Ghost, they want your favor, indianapolis, said, homer mcmillin, on fire, let me talk, said, gabriel, my president elect, said, the woman, hillary clinton, what, she said, fires, on iraq, nuclear, gaza, boom, we want war, said, king fahd, infidel, he said, pointed, the, red, finger, new, york city, said, homer, mcmillin, boom, and, the woman, out, of, the fire, im, a, bear, said, linda, spall bear, they are hovering, said, hollie, sattelites, seeing even your licence plate number, they, know, what is going on, im jelous of you, said, homer mcmillin, hes, sixties, lost, pastoring, like william mccloud, said, hollie, alright said Jesus, liar, said, doreen, its nothing, but a story said homer mcmillin, they, lie, to, try, to, get, prophet, to, deny, what he sees, visions, they, can, not, cope, with, you, said, hollie, hollie showed choked in the fire, ministry of dreams, sang, hollie, name, hidden, now, released, and stolen by over one thousand, all, released ruint, its, cause, of, my, space, craft, said, hollie, stay here, she said, flying, hi bob, modelled, in her, ohio class sub, spacecraft fired, you mean, your, puttin me out, said, jeremy, taylor, what, do, you, want, he, wants, prophet, to, fall, pointed, lighted, finger, its because of jeremy, said, hollie, judgment is coming, and, hollie showed whistle blew, gabriel, showed, record, the economy, he said, over, thats, hollie, flying in her spacecraft, ministry of dreams, and christians stealing like dee finney, john mark pool, cut off he showed, jose alvarez, cut off, he showed, antonia vladimirova, cut off, she showed, daniel kaps, cut off, he showed, ministry of dreams, sang, hollie, spoken by God for, this ministry only, ministry of dreams name stolen, she said, released, all, after, God, ruins, thats, hollie, showed, playing, the, organ, record, said, hollie, this economy is failing rapidly, its getting over, she said, said, Jesus, record me, said, outlaws Jesus, cut off, showed gabriel, jeremy taylor, d.min, and he saw, said, casey, wont, you, record, said, outlaws Jesus, the word, minnesota, and, explosion, out laws Jesus, showed, record, and, the hand, pointed, and nuclear explosions, all over, america, please tell it, said, hollie, and gabriel, doreen, wants sex, now, but, old, record, me, said, new hollie, said, outlaws Jesus, rev, harley, thats, u.s.a., but, they are now, in judgment, cause of iraq, false christians, we know, said, prophet, you know what I want, said, outlaws Jesus, they shot him, said, the man, bush, this economy, said, the pope, thumbs down, put it under, said, hollie, licked prophet, ruint, record, said, hollie, showed, eat, new hollie showed, record, pointed, turn, record, said, hollie, bobby, said, the pope, put, bac, five thousand dollars, hollie, showed, record, that, he said, the g8, said, the woman, thats the seven lighted heads, with satan smiling, in one, sees, likes, italy, the little horn, and putin, having, ten crowns, put it under, said, hollie, 12-2007-its the economy, said, Jesus, u.s.a., failing, no, said, hollie, thats when russia, I, ahnilate, said, putin, iraqi, said, the woman, bringing, judgment to america, war for oil contracts, put it under, said, hollie, you expect me to save you, sang, silvana lupetti, but, lost, pope showed, raise your hands, and repeat after me, he, sang, look, at, this, bobby, said, Jesus, record, said, hollie, licked the prophet, booh hooh, hollie wailed for the people, and, licked prophet, spacecraft, said, hollie, open said silvana lupetti, fired, and, all, that, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, and silvana showed, record, im not the no more, said, hollie, that is gabriel, she said, smiled, gabriel, gabriel, modelled, puter back, tear up, hollie, con truit, record, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, pope, rubbed chin, smiled, and, grim reaper, licked prophet, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, thought, laughed, rubbed chin, up, popes image, and hu and pope fought on thumb, signed for 666, thats russia, said, hollie, otyre, I done saw it said silvana lupetti, shes, lost, like char tierney, both, hate, its on his website said char tierney, shut up said silvana lupetti, this is hollie with that, o loose, belt sound, Jesus, showed record, china, is, magog, with north and south korea, and, japan, Jesus showed, record, this is what I want said char tierney and silvana lupetti, thank you said silvana, put it under my leggs said char, they are lesbian, having, sex, but, claim, salvation, prophet, dont come near me said silvana lupetti, well you know your witness, its safe for me, we purposed, I didnt do it, when I listened, they are, lost, im jelous, she said, see, false, they both speak blaspheme, no, said, prophet, hollie, tore up, put back, fleas, out of horn, licked prophet, showed, wait, no, said, char tierney, om gonna tellem, she said, you are a witch, but, have, right, said, silvana lupetti, he needs some love, she said, I sholdntve left here said Benazir Bhutto, and she pointed, assassinated, no said Benazir Bhutto, by, people that want Pervez Musharraf, he was not involved, but, laughs, she, knew, he thinks, now, he has total power, and in the end, pakistan and india, nuke, each, and hu hintao, laughs, put it under, right there, pointed, hollie, licked prophet, Benazir, Bhutto, now in lava, when she was rich, and happy, before, returning to pakistan, and was put out, and she laughs, for, corruption, 12-28-2007-record, said, new hollie, and licked the prophet, michael, said, hollie, boldea, your needed, she said, and captain hollie, rose in her, sub, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, they are, Jesus showed, record, and licked the prophet, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, and hollie showed, on cnn, heres the headlines, he said, leave the economy alone, he said, and, new Jesus laughed, like lumber jack, said, hollie showed, behold, he said, subs, all around, u.s.a., and hollie, showed, the forecast, its, time, for the return of Jesus, end of show, said, hollie showed, and licked the prophet, gabriel, said, bob, let me, gabriel showed, record, licked, prophet, pointed, want some visions, tap danced, hollie, that was the nathaniel haney-urshan man, git em out, said, hollie, wants church credit card, pockets, hollie, showed, popes, image, made alive, pocket t.v., tear up, clap, back, put back, light, from behind, spacecraft ministry of dreams, whatta you want, said, hollie, ruint, fired, like ohio class sub, ruint, duncan rouleau, all that stole the name ministry of dreams, released, hollie, out of horn, lighted bear paws, tear up, put back, toss, put back, clap, light, new Jesus, from behind, clap, again, hollie showed saw, raise your hands and repeat after after me, idol shepherd, had tea, one eye, sang, pope, choked in the fire, bright flash, hot, many flames, he, said, rubbed, chin, thought, rubbed, laughed, up, thumb, popes image, and hu I will not put up with you, said, pope, with pope, hu, fighting, on thumb, those two sign for 666, I caint help her, said, Jesus, women dyeing hair, whatta you want, said, hollie, stop, I aint gonna do it, said, willa mccloud, no doctor, you caint change me, she said, want sex, thats, why, record said, hollie, record said, hollie, and hollie showed, pointed, rubbed chin, smiled, thought, laughed, pointed, flame, thought, thumbs, up, popes, image, it wudnt your bomb, said, hollie, it, was, o no, she said, c.i.a., wants prophet, jailed, killed, now, looking for, now hear the word of the Lord, kill, and be killed, Ill open the earth and swallow, you, o.k., said, hollie, ill leave, but, robert cavaness, perishes with black suit, he is never, saved, bobby, we ll put you right here said willma mccloud, he wont, said, hollie, pastor william mccloud, wants, youth, so he can pocket tithes, offerings, fool, said, Jesus, it was, tell on me said charles lightoller, he was cold, not watching, knew, ice, was, afraid, knew, in heart, how can we struck, one, he said, knew, would hit, was hitting, they, all did, but, to big, iceberg that sank, see, said, hollie, many watch, the titanic, was, like a football field, high, tall, not seeable, unless, within, one, mile, charles lightholler saw to late, within, ten seconds, he, yelled, turn, but, they, didnt, alarm, he should have said, hit, then, still, be, around, cause, auction, and, museum, dont put it under, said, hollie, they rust underneath, waterline, that, kills, ship, and captain Ronald W. Warwick is in danger, saith the LOrd, the world, wants, terror, and the queen mary two is in danger, tell, him, to, expect, and, they will, set on fire, float, till, goes, out, to late, ruint, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, had tea, and tony blair sees, I look, he said, he, should stay, saith God, to protect britain, from, russia, all right said tony blair, I couldnt get to my money, said, the librarian, banks, closed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, you let, said, the woman, cause, persecution, is killing all day long, to abate, iraqi, said, hollie, that is what we need to debate, said, outlaws Jesus, return to me, said, woman, your cut off, said, outlaws Jesus, william mccloud, said, hollie, not saved, like john kelly and robert cavaness sees, no, said, hollie, bobby, said, new hollie, go home, said, hollie, with long hair, they think at apostolic tabernacle, but, he is the only one they know that is saved, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, comeon said robert cavaness, he likes, you left me said, hollie, no, said, robert cavaness, liar, never, HOly, your not ready said rick robertson, comeon, he said, liar, not saved, but, pastoring, I know bobby, said, brother butler, hes, young, but, on fire, cant, handle, you know what om gonna do, said, rick, roberston, kill him, then, help back, wont, he said, knows, thats, why Gods people can not go to church, wicked, fallen, china wants war, said, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, right here, said, john kelly, but, church, empty, no, said, hollie, dont intrude, and joe jordan showed kent jordan to pulpit, git outta here said kent jordan, you know youll get cut off said joe, like paul jordan, kent shakes, yes, takes, but, now hair dyeing, and church emptying, put it under, said, hollie, and licked prophet, they are, lost, this horny, said, hollie, materbation, and doreen shakes, yes, but, claims, hold on to it, said, hollie showed, im ready to fight him, said rick robertson, hold ya under the table, he said, liar, not saved, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, they are harlots, and hollie held nose, thumbs down, pastor mark mckinney, comeon said rick robertson, both hair dyers, I got a warning, said the pope, lets make a video said mrs. john kelly, but, put bob, out pocket, millions, and the pope laughs, hate you said rick robertson, embarrassed, said hollie showed, 12-29-2007-cindy pointed, hollie showed, turn, hollie held nose, thumbs down, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft, all right, said, jeremy taylor of john f. kennedy university, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, new birth ministries, wants money, record, said, hollie, fleas, said, work, for, the, Lord, tear up, put back, this is not the website talking, said, hollie, post, said, gabriel, and hollie licked the prophet, angel showed, turn, new angel, hollie showed, laughed, rubbed chin, grim reaper, thought, flames, laughed, he said, rubbed, chin, thought, thumbs, up, out, theres a reason, for, it, said, hollie, belt, said, pope, he told me, to, record, said, fleas, gabriel, showed, record, fleas, showed, record, licked, prophet, record me, said, fleas, licked prophet, 12-30-2007-gabriel, showed, cut off, easy, said, mrs. brad baker, thats preachin, said, the man, from house of prayer tabernacle, give it to me, said, brad baker, thats unemployement, said, mrs. brad baker, what are you do in, said, hollie, mrs. baker said, shh, she is preaching, really pretending, she said, you want bobby out, said, hollie, and mrs. brad baker, said, no, and, hollie on, that, o red, and, black, chariot, pope, hu, pulled, by, angry, horses, and, hollie, in, back, saw, eight kings planning, putin, hollie, held, nose, thumbs, down, showed, bear, three ribs, plucked, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, liars, hollie held nose, thumbs down, they strike, venezuela, boom, satan, pointed, hollie, whats my message, said, hollie showed, Im, the, bear, father, that, is, my pope, said, hollie, hollie tattood 666, signed for between pope, hu, france, said, Jesus, boom, downtown, pointed, circled, hollie showed, laughed, modelled, like gabriel, showed, popes, picture, tear up, put back, get gasoline, said, gabriel, four dollars per gallon, dream, leopard, pointed, hollie, thats, north and south, korea, china, japan, write the vision, she, said, thats, cuba, she, pointed, russia, right now, leave me alone, cried, hollie, space craft, missed, now your dead, said, jeremy taylor, how does it feel, and you were warned, feel good, said, Jesus, and d.min, leave me alone, said, reverend jeremy taylor, feels good, said, gabriel, I aint gonna release name, but does, ministry of dreams, ruint, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, pope, good job said kent gray, now, church, empty, and, debt, they, split, over, taking away, said, hollie, thier, dream home, they wanted flock to support, now, ruint, cause, kent gray, I liked him, he said, put bob hickman out, liars, witches, kent r. gray knew bob was Holy Ghost filled, hear that said kenneth haney, slow down, said, hollie, spacecraft ministry of dreams, said, hollie, fired, ha ha, she said, like a sub, she, pointed, it, destroyed, all, that, stole, they release ruint, put it under, said, hollie, ministry of dreams spoken by God and hidden till prophet prayed, hollie, out of, horn, pointed, blown, by, angel, and bush looked at off shore oil platform, iraq, oil contracts, put it under, said, hollie, ends nuclear, with, iraq, palestinian state destroyed, and, hollie, showed, blew, horn, pointed, buisnesses closing, aint no more prophecy club said hollie, its, closing said pope, they have speakers like john mark pool, and, he stole the name ministry of dreams, releases, ruint, put it under, said, hollie, many christians stole, all release ruint, that, was, heavenly said, hollie, thats, a, fire scene, thats the vision, bear, said, sissy, and the bear, said, thought, im a bear, lava, is heaven to all that go there, hollie locomotive, showed time, out, meerkat, showed, picture, tore up, put back, satan, said, hollie, wizard man, im the bear father, like light man, clapped, the tap dancers, tell, me, about, the, vision, of, chevrolet, said, hollie, git that closed, said Jesus, hollie, licked prophet, showed, american flag on fire, he, warned you, said, hollie, dumitru duduman, picture, hollie showed, tore up, trashed, put back, truit, no, said, fleas, colts beat patriots, dream, hollie, showed, record, rubbed chin, tear up, put back, hollie showed, popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., iraq, said, john mark pool, nuclear, and gaza, lighted, bear paws, bush, brought in, to break oil, contracts, spoke, tear up, put back, hollie did sign team, gabriel, mokse, pointed hollie, on willie, duncans church, golden dome, record vision, said, hollie showed, I want, he said, flame, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, laughed, up, popes, image, your economy, said, gabriel, left, laughed, grim reaper, licked prophet, 12-31-2007-bob, said, Jesus, leave me alone, said, hollie, flying, spacecraft, fired, shot, reverend jeremy taylors pocket exploded, why, said, hollie, whats he done, stole the name, took, said, dee finney, ministry of dreams, and john mark pool laughs, like jose alvarez, dan kaps, antonia vladimirova, christians that steal from prophet, all release ruint, and antonia vladimirova dreams going to email now, police are here, said, hollie, police called, she said, hunt, she said, d.min jeremy taylor called police, and he stole, looses, jobs, talks, runs to remove, hollie tore up, con, truit, hollie showed, popes image, made alive, on pocket t.v., she said, that was hollie, out of cymbol, and four great beasts arose, there was the pope, smiled, hu, and japan, and the emporer of japan, pointed, at the slashed, idol shepherd, and adolf hitler, saluted, and pope licked prophet, hollie, pointed, boom, bob, said, brad baker, boom, 465 sign, tell me about the vision of the bear father, said, hollie, pope, pointed, hollie, cindy returns, no, said, hollie, licked prophet, that, cindy, lighted, submarine sound, said, hollie, licked prophet, a nathaniel urshan organization, dream, night vision, he is pocket money, tithes, offerrings, puit it under, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, hollie, said, record, record, me, said, hollie, licked, prophet, fleas, bit, prophets head off, hollie, showed, choked, in, the, fire, hollie, pulled ship, on, missile, fleas, showed, record, peter bentley is a witch, lost, but leads, 1-1-2008-this is the website talkin, post, this economy, said, hollie, busted, bush, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, fleas, showed, record, oil, she said, blessed precious, showed, record, go, record, said, fleas, fleas, showed, record, that was hollie, tap dancing, hollie, tore, up, put, back, nice coat, record, me, said, hollie, licked, prophet, out, said, fleas, write, the, vision, said, hollie, submarine sound, said, hollie, showed, one, write, the vision, said, hollie, out of cymbol, this economy, she said, failing, she, licked, the prophet, hey bob, said, hollie, jeremy taylor, what is, said, hollie, nice, he looses, ill put bobby right here said diana hughey, they all stole, the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, right here said reverend antonia vladimirova, but, releases, ruint, like d.min reverend jeremy taylor, yes, said, amy brucker, wants, both to fall, you got me, said, Jesus, yes, shook, reverend jeremy taylor, war, said, hollie, between us, said, hu, brewing, hollie showed, modelled, choked, in, the fire, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, modelled, gabriel, grim reaper, gabriel showed, record, no, said, mrs. baker, thats, what, I, want, said, brad baker, he, made comment, cause, prophet, laughed, and, prophet, laughed, lots, prophet, didnt, care, but, brad baker offended Holy Ghost, church was filling, now, stripped, this is, los angeles, said, prophet, nuclear, explosion, said, hollie, im, a, bear, said, linda spall, subs all around, the world, shakes, and, up rose, the pope, moscow, china, america, on fire, hollie showed, record, and, hu, and, japan, rose, to, withstand, pope, prophecy news, said, Jesus, and outlaws Jesus, sat, this is cnn headline news, said, hollie, im, an angel, said, Jesus, its because of him, he pointed, you know it, said, hollie, both president bush s, over, no, said, hollie, taking away, said, dee finney, right here, court, make, iraqs oil well, thats, how, I, got, cut, off, said, saddam hussein, he murdered said Jesus, when, came, to, power, and, Jesus, laughs, with, noose, around, saddams kneck, he, choked, he, went to lava, with the children he killed, sang Jesus, hollie, showed, played, the organ, thats, said, hollie, the reason, many cut off, no said antonia vladimirova, im taking away, said, hollie, dreams foundation, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases, ruint, Jesus, showed, record, build a house, said, prophet, yes said mrs. brad baker, so they can live for free, not saved, that was satan, pointed, hollie, like, white, ghost, what is satans message, that, was hollie, satan thought, im the bear father, that is, my pope, said, hollie, otyre, russia, jong, said, Jesus, hes, the one, causing hatred between america and china, put it under, said, hollie, brand new president, hillary clinton, fleas showed record, and, licked the prophet, fleas, showed, record, thats, g8, the beast, italy, little horn, bush, woman, russia, having, politburo, said, putin, ruling party, and, putin, licked prophet, that was Jesus, riding white horse, hu riding red, hollie showed, laughed, grim reaper, angels, light, a, aborted, child, in, heaven, with angels, around, they teach, hollie showed, laughed, licked prophet, hollie showed, laughed, showed, popes, image, made alive, pocket t.v., your, out, he, said, do you think you can go to the website right now, pointed, hollie, I, warned ya, said, Jesus, brad baker, no I, aint, he, said, with, tim pedigos voice, lost, italy, boom, that, was, heavenly, scene, pointed, hollie, this is hollie, with, that, o loose, belt sound, hollie showed, pointed, hot, explosion, im a bear, russia, choked, in, fire, laughed, hollie, pointed, boom, record, me, said, hollie showed, your the reason I left, said, hollie, no, said, mrs. brad baker, she is wanting saved, horny said pastor brad baker, dont put it under, said, hollie, brad baker is a good talker but not saved, like horace smith said the tape recorder, I got something to show you said dumitru duduman, behold, prophet is him, france, said, Jesus, boom, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, pope, they left, said, hollie, the bakers, cause, bob, did, russia, said, hollie, pope, licked prophet, theres your ring, pointed, pope, hollie, on, hollie said, tell the vision, put it on, said, Jesus, buy gasoline, said, mrs. brad baker, four dollars per gallon, economy shut said bush, you know what I did, he said, brought u.s.a. down, over, iraq, both bushs, they are oil, turkey, said, man, boom, im a bear, said, hollie bear, the, nathaniel haney-urshan man, Ed and Debbie Blair have never been saved, but lead, at moriah apostolic church, they are, liars, bobby, dont put it under, they want youth sex, both, lost, we got it said nathaniel urshan, thats the vision, said, hollie, ed blair sees his name on net, shows, cut off, and urshan strips them, good said, ed blair, Kathy Turner is lost, but, leads moriah apostolic church, is trying to get website down, he, showed, church credit card, pockets church money, nathaniel haney urshan man, hollie showed record, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed choked in the fire, hot, I can do what I want, to, said, pope, showed, church credit card, hollie smiled, whatta you want, she, said, and, the, nathaniel, haney, urshan, man, showed church credit card, smiled, its so you can do anything you want said, hollie, thats why I laugh at her said the nathaniel haney urshan man, shes saved, we are lost, but, rich, 1-2-2008-hollie, tore up, put back, gabriel showed, record, bob, wait, he showed, hollie out of panasonic thrusters tweeter, showed, wait, cmon, said, brad baker, gabriel, showed, record, thru the years, said, hollie, speaking like reverend jeremy taylor, he stole the name ministry of dreams, and, wanted, to, keep, so, he, did this, put, on, page, that, said, give birth to community ministry of dreams, now, hes, being, ruint, like, antonia vladimirova, attorney, reverend, christians fighting this christians, all, release, ruint, jeremy taylor wrote witch-fess, he, wanted prophet to give up name God spoke for him, but, jeremys letter confessed, calling ministry above copyrights, now taylor ruint, he, called police, but, leaving, name ministry of dreams, jeremy what about your bills, said, kathryn taylor, now, ruint, hes loosing all, removes the name ministry of dreams after loosing john f. kennedy university, hollie showed record, why did you bring us down, said d.min jeremy taylor, u.u.a., you made me, said, hollie, licked prophet, Obama will not win, clapped, the tap dancers, wrong, he said, youll be embarrassed, said, Jesus, he, will, not, win, one, state, put it under, said, hollie, I want my vision said Obama, put it there, he wanted, whitehouse, Obama would make prophet an offer, remove, or c.i.a., Obama will win iowa said, hollie, but, loose, rest, put it under, said, hollie, licked prophet, he, wants iraq oil, hollie showed, record, Obama is cut off, wants christian jailed, hollie showed record, that is the alliance sound, nato falling away, from america, hollie pointed, said, bush is reason for war, words, on, wall, put it under, said, hollie, armageddon, oil, that is your warning sound, bush is shot, tear up, put back, hollie showed popes image made alive, its on pocket t.v., she said, licked prophet, Jesus showed, record, let me said, fleas, clap, tear up, put back, that was pope, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, separates russia, china, tear up, put back, that was maniac, satan, what is my satan message, said, hollie, satan thought, im a bear father, thats pope, pointed hollie, no, showed, played the organ, modelled, that is pope with eight kings, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liars, there aint no pope said fleas, antichrist, put it under, said, hollie, with nice hair, planning against america, see bobby, you, need, me, said Jesus, your gonna miss it, said, gabriel, no iraq, said, woman, nuked, u.s.a., gaza, boom, hillary does, aint nobody lookin, said, hollie, write the vision, and make it plain, said, hollie, I feel sorry for you, dream, that was missile, flying, flash, they look for target, record me, said, hollie, showed, record, record, said, hollie, that is the warning sound, said, hollie, looky said fleas, the name ministry of dreams, hollie showed, choked in the fire, jeremy taylor removes laughing, the name he stole ministry of dreams, 1-3-2008-thats a sin, said, hollie, stealing, the name, said, dee finney, ministry of dreams, spacecraft, you got it, said, Jesus, no, shook, dee, finney, hollie laughed, she stole it, like reverend jeremy taylor and antonia vladimirova, I take what I want, she said, no, said, hollie, and licke the prophet, all release ruint, record, said, hollie, you got time for prophecy, said, reverend amy brucker, hi, lets see it, all ruint, laugh, ministry of dreams, said, antonia vladimirova, is, his, I know, said, jeremy taylor, but, steal, profit, now, ruint, release, then, fool, hillary clinton, said, hollie, wins, iowa, brand new nightmare, said, hollie, book two is cancelled, and, the nightmarist, weeps, blood, duncan rouleau, whats that, he said, stole the name, ministry of dreams, runs to remove, his children, all, release, ruint, gabriel, pointed, bobby, right here, he said, showed, popes image made alive, pocket t.v., put it under, said, hollie, take the mark and live, said, the pope, from t.v., are you a christian said ann schmidt, with dyed hair, prophecy ministry said greg titus, I stole the name prophecy ministry to make prophet fall, he, does away with courseadvisor, hollie tore, up, put back, bear paws, clurcan stole the name ministry of dreams, thats my name said cecil pennyton, on lawrence formans website, both release ruint, they, mock on yabb board, that was hollie, lighted, hollie showed, played, horn, down, scroll, america is babylon, said, hollie, hollie out of horn, with fingers in ears, people refuse to repent, ministry of dreams, sang, hollie, ordered by God, right here, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, is, being stolen, by, people calling themselves christians, said amy brucker, like reverends jeremy taylor, antonia vladimirova, uto, she said, jose alvarez, smiles, hurts, daniel kaps, dee finney, john mark pool, I hear they arrested you said Jesus, they, all, called, police, when prophet wrote, remove, I wont, they all said, they all run to remove, the name ministry of dreams, there she goes, said, hollie, I wont, is what antonia vladimirova, said, you got, runs, like john mark pool, did, cause iraq again, said, Jesus, brought judgment to america, ends, nuclear, bush, brought, to steal, said, pope, oil, that, said paul mooney girl, showed popes image made alive, that, she said, pocket t.v., im just a reverend said antonia vladimirova, are you blameless, said, Jesus, yeah, she said, lies, stole like jose alvarez, jeremy taylor, many calling selves christians, like dee finney, laughs, john mark pool, that, garry streeval woman, plays, organ, squirts, smiles, garry streeval, looks, hes, angry, cause, his new church, Jesus showed, record, empty, cut off showed garry streeval, hes lost, wanted, church credit card, no, said, woman, hes, broke, now, he spent church, bank account, on new church, figured more would come, now, ruint, that, said, hollie, out of ring, that, kent gray, pastors, that, she said, lost, put it under, hair dyer, lost crowd, that, said, paul mooney girl, that, paul mooney, she pointed, in furnace, lost, like tim pedigo, hes, a, hair dyer, gasoline, sang, hollie, have nothing to do with it, said, pastor kent gray, hes lost, pastoring, wants free ride, church credit card, puts prophet, out, no more visions, dreams, prophesying, pointed, thats my mom, he said, mrs. gray, both, lost, alaska, said, gabriel, boom, raise your hands and repeat after me, your out, said, hollie, we know said willa mccloud, you know what you want, said, Jesus, and, tim pedigo licked prophet, china, said, Jesus, magog, get outta here, yelled paul mooney, hes, loosing crowd, that, was, new jerusalem, said, hollie, glass, city, crystal sea, bright Light, that, was, satan, pointed, hollie, im the bear father, face in, crystal sea, big face, I the wolf, he wanted his own, following, hollie flying in spacecraft, cast out, now, inside, pope, satan, smiles, follow, whew said pope, licked prophet, you know, thru the years, said, hollie, spoke like jeremy taylor, whats he done, said, antonia vladimirova, took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, hollie like helicopter, let out, henry gruver, spoke, thru megaphone, start one, peace, and safety, flew off, gabriel, meerkat, showed, picture, new world order, pope, hu, rip, tear up, said, hollie, put back, and they walked, and hu, said, the pope, I will not put up with you, said, hu, both beasts, satan hates, he, knows, me, said, the Father, satan, trembles, at, the name of Jesus, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, that, pointed, gabriel showed, record, i know it, said, hollie, taylor, jeremy, fired, new country said president hillary clinton, right here, she said, communist, submarine sound, hi bob, waved, submarine sound, said, hollie, please record, bring bobby right here, said bill clinton, court, said, dee finney, thats why I let him, said clinton, he loves, the clintons, like, they, laugh, when c.i.a. sees, dont said bill, yes, said hillary, now hear the word of the Lord, fools, arm subs with nuclear tipped, missiles, tomahawks, cant get thru, said, bill, russia, they, confuse radar, and bill, think, ballistic, but, russia, can hit, like u.s.a., take out command, saith the Lord, hit quick, they know, china, in circle, to eliminate sinners, saith God, they see, like, Jesus showed, record, and the nightmarist weeps blood, take bobby out said jeremy taylor, o.k. said amy brucker, that was satan, bob dreamed, twice, pope is the beast with seven heads, ten horns, one said, russia is the beast with seven heads, ten horns, laughed, in dream, cause, felt like, he, was, awesome, cause, God, showed, revelation, cut off, showed, Jesus, 611, is how many votes won by, dream, then, turned into about 1492, this is hollie showed, playing the organ, showed record, pointed, cut off, pastor william mccloud, bobby, its here said reverend amy brucker, judgment, yes, she said, cut off, showed, lost, never saved, said, hollie, cause, when, we, hit, syria, said, man, and he saw, said, casey, putin, angering, iraq, boom, hollie showed, wait, Jesus showed, record, cut off, willa mccloud, both, 1-4-2008-make a wish, sang, hollie and Jesus, record the vision, said, hollie, licked prophet, nathaniel urshan heard prophet tell all bible mysteries, and, wanted prophet out, to cash in, but, he, could not match visions to scripture, he, wanted, to, have, lunch, with tap recorder, but, God, said, leave, cause, nathaniel p. urshan was going, now let me be blunt, he said, but, when, he, saw, prophet, leave, stay here, said, the woman, that, sings, there, powerful services, they, trembled, cause, knew God left, now, people arent tithing, God, kept bob, out, of nathaniel urshans avon church, told, bob, stay, till nathaniel p. urshan closes, then leave, now, nathaniel paul urshan bankrupt said Jesus, over buying moriah apostolic church, and, rick robertson laughs, they can not let jeremy stay, said, Jesus, tap dancing, what, do, you want, said, hollie, money, said kathryn taylor, both, laughed, cause, prophet, saw the name ministry of dreams on reverend jeremy taylors website, and, hollie went after, God said, hes got something to loose, now, all, jobs, talks, wanting d.min, jeremy taylor, u.u.a., out, people becoming angry, paying, high fees, to, be taught, by reverend God hater, ends up stripped, cause, kathryn taylor freezes, divorce, removes the name ministry of dreams, he, sleeps, at motel, record my vision, said, Jesus, I told you not, to, do, that, they are chasing prophet, now, this is abasing, said, Jesus, taylor stripped, looses, millions, like antonia vladimirova, bill hamon, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, all stole, the name ministry of dreams, hollie showed, record, for hillary, its, to, late, said, Jesus, obama wins, iowa, but, hillary fights back, debates, its, experience, she said, obama says, wheres yours, that makes her, look, and, she, laughs, white house, says, hillary clinton, obama becomes embarrassed, theres something in the ring, that, pointed, hollie, write the vision, said, hollie, that was hollie showed, on the organ, tear up, put back, that was like a copter, letting down, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, let me git in your wallet, left, the united states will be a desolation, said, Jesus, someone looked, said, hollie, its, him, she pointed, with, red, finger, tell the vision, licked prophet, your liar, said, Jesus, he, knows, barack obama on ministry of dreams, and reverend jeremy taylor trembles, like antonia vladimirova, jose alvarez, bill hamon, daniel kaps, dee finney, john mark pool, its over, said c. peter wagner, I know said Jesus, accept me, he said, that was john mark pool, smiled hollie, with dyed hair, chicago said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosion, put it under, said, HOllie, AND, HOLLIE SHOWED, blew horn, out, hollie, showing, finger in ear, pointed, buy, she said, zenith allegro 1000 speaker, excellent, they are accurate, sounding, not, as much bass, as bigger woofer, hollie, out, of woofer, showed, wait, but, accurate, put it under, buy, tell me, vision, said, john mark pool, it was for me said antonia vladimirova, and diana hughey laughs, both stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, now both ruint like dr. bill hamon, whats that, said, mrs. bill hamon, and diana hughey laughs, they split, this economy said fleas, ruint, Jesus showed record, and licked the prophet, dr. bill hamon stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, what is that said mrs. bill hamon, she sees, on net, divorces, its over, she said, witch, put it under, said, hollie, ministry of dreams was spoken by God for this prophet, hidden, thats it said mrs. bill hamon, she leaves the witch, hes cut off, wants people to worship him, wants church credit card, knows, end near, put it under, c. peter wagner wrote, someone wrote me and said you stole the name ministry of dreams, now get my introduction out of your book, you witch, and bill hamon laughs, took c. peter wagner with, both cut off saith God, that, said, hollie, reverend caldwell, said, hollie, knows, on net, lannie caldwell cut off, knows, and mrs. caldwell laughs, with dyed hair, thats why lannie, witch, fleas said, wait, showed, said john mark pool, your not, gonna listen, said, hollie, all right said john mark pool, cut off, he, stole the name ministry of dreams, ran to remove, he wants ya, bobby, pointed, fleas, right here, jail, obama, but, people, show visions, and, barack obama showed cut off, please dont do it, he said, nuke iraq, his message, Ill get u.s.a. out, lies, wants thier oil, but, keeps word, hillary changes message, it takes time, she said, barack obama laughs, Jesus showed, record, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, screamed, dr. bill hamon steals the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, falls in his place, sees visions on net, now hear the word of Jesus, you witch, out, or mocked, nuclear weapons reduction treaties, are, peace and safety saith Jesus, then bush, gorbachev, this weakened america, this took missiles off of ships, bill clinton, reduced, said, hollie, submarines, cut off, showed, Jesus, now, only fourteen ohio class subs, nato still strong, but, falling, from, him, bush, write the vision, pointed, hollie, licked prophet, theres the america leave me alone sound, right here said fleas, bill hamon wants prophet jailed, and he took it, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, I know said dr. bill hamon, he wants christian to fall like john mark pool, jose alvarez, dee finney, dan kaps, diana hughey, antonia vladimirova, they all claim salvation, but, want this prophet, in lava, witches, bill hamon runs to remove the name like they do, ministry of dreams, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, bill hamon gets put out of ministry board, theres the alome sound, pointed, hollie, and licked prophet, im grecia, said, gabriel, showed, wait, and, he saw, said, casey, licked prophet, pope, that was fire face, said, hollie, that, was, satan, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, pope, and satan clicked heels, new los angeles, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosion, war, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, when brad baker sees the visions, clapped, the, tap dancer, he wadds, we could not tolerate him, said mrs. brad baker, with soothsayer over head, if you want Jesus hes right there said hollie, mrs. brad baker preaching, acting, like, bobby, this aint gonna do, it, she said, record me, said, hollie, licked prophet, thats hollie showed, playing the horn, out, hollie, then bush, gorbachev, this weakened america, 1-2008-look at that said, hollie, bill hamon runs to remove the name ministry of dreams he stole to make prophet fall, and, he saw, said, casey, bill hamon show cut off, lava, black suit, downtown, circled, hollie showed geese, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and, that, tore up, put back, then, from, side, then, back, clap, then, back to side, then, almost, all the way, around, then, side, put back, its over said dr. bill hamon, seek bobby to help us get right said mrs. bill hamon, we are perishing, I, blew said bill hamon, enthusiastic hollie modelled, like gabriel, record, he said, cause ministry of dreams is spoken by the Lord, said, hollie, and, Jesus pointed, all, who stole in lava, like christians john mark pool, bill hamon, dee finney, daniel kaps, jose alvarez, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, d.min, most, reverends, hollie showed, choked in, the fire, new jerusalem, glass city, and, he, saw, said, casey, bill hamon burn books with name he stole ministry of dreams, people laughing at, Pat Robertson, avoiding, thats hollie in her spacecraft making u.f.o. sound, fired, bill hamon, im out, he said, he made me, record, me, said, hollie, hollie showed, wait, record, kiss charges to much, hollie showed, record, write gene simmons, tell him, the Lord would save him, if, he repents, and, about, ten will, thats, hollie, playing guitar like ace, paul, ace, both, play, ace, better, bobby, dont do that, said gene simmons, hes KISS, raise your hands and repeat after me, without paul, still sell out, hollie showed popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., record, me, said, hollie, smiled, 1-6-2008-hi, waved hollie, and bill hamon, swallowed, no, said, hollie, you witch, stole the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, now bill hamon being stripped, will divorce, get ruint, dont put it under, said, hollie, bill hamon is church credit card, wants free ride, on stupid christians, pray for me, said, hollie, you witch, bill hamon, I the Lord will make you run to remove the name ministry of dreams from your book like I did duncan rouleau and Richard E. Lauersdorf, you witches, Ill ruin you saith the Lord, watch thier fall, ministry of dreams is spoken by the Lord, said, hollie, will not be shared, or, altered, or, I, the Lord, will, ruin, like dr. bill hamon, write a book, he said, keep, showed, cut off, runs, to release, cindy pointed, lighted, write a vision, make it plain, said, hollie, Jesus showed, record, bob, dreamed, twice, with lannie caldwell, once, in bed with woman, and man, told, woman, about having dreams of heaven, she left, the other, he, wanted, bob, out, dont put it under, said, hollie, cut off, showed, Jesus, right there, said, prophet, dr. bill hamon, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, pope, hollie showed, record, start up, she pointed, keep engines oiled, hollie, showed, record, record me some visions, said, hollie, right here, she said, court, bill hamon stole the name ministry of dreams, now, ruint, releases embarrassed, like other christians, put it under, said, hollie, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, theres the alarm, said, hollie, accept it, she said, dr. bill hamon, I know, he said, cut off, laughed, hollie showed, and, grim reaper, licked prophet, pope, g8, beast, n.a.t.o., russia, having ten crowns, politburo, ruling, party, and, putin, kneeling before, pope, hollie, runs, climbs, in back, held nose, of that o, red, and black, chariot, hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, liars, eight kings, pope, theres, cuba, pointed, hollie, we, are, ready, nw castrol, old, said, putin, nuked, three, im, a bear, said, linda spall bear, plucked, three ribs, in, the bears mouth, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, arise, devour much flesh, submarine sound, hi bob, waved, hollie, were gonna make it, said, larry spall, yeah, shook linda spall, and she laughed, not saved, yet, but, still seeking, cut off showed linda spall, thatll do it said bill hamon, runs to remove the name ministry of dreams, and hollie showed, rubbed chin, choked in the fire, leave me alone sound, said, hollie, Jesus, blew, the horn, out, hollie, fingers, in, ears, then, hollie showed, turned into, choked, scroll came down, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, Jesus showed, record, shut up, yelled bill hamon, showed, cut off, lives for free off of stupid, people, put it under, christians bringing judgment to america like john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, dan kaps, dee finney, d.min, jeremy taylor, jose alvarez, they stole the name ministry of dreams cut off, showed, Jesus, for doing, to destroy prophet, all released ruint, record, my vision, you got me said bill hamon, said, hollie, china, said, hollie, that, is, magog, russia, otyre, put it under, said, hollie, thats beast, false prophet, hu, pope, hate each other, lie, gabriel said, record, saluted, bob, right here, said, hollie, Kimber Kauffman is not saved, pockets church money, lost, record, said, gabriel, cut off showed Kimber Kauffman, witch, its up to, you, he said, put larry hunt out, or, keep, hes, lava like all of grace apostolic, 1-2008-france, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, record, the vision, slip sliddin away, danced, hollie, clapped, boom, all, nato, countries, record me, said, gabriel, remember said, Jesus, where, you, came, from, and, still, wont, live, for, me, hollie, pointed, boom, explosion, indianapolis, its, slipping, said, Jesus, put, the, economy first, said, hollie, gabriel, said, who s grecia, and he saw, said, casey, pope, hollie showed, smiled, raise your hands and, repeat after me, sang, pope, rubbed chin, thought, up, popes, image, and, hu, and, pope, fighting, on thumb, and, hu, i will not put up with, you, said, pope, those, two, sign, for, 666, and, git outta here, said, pope, drives, out china, and, the, dragon rose, with, the g8, bush, as, woman, italy, little horn, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, hollie showed popes image made alive, on pocket, she said, t.v., take the mark and, live, he said, that, was, hollie, tearing, up, the, concious, pointed, the, dark finger, that, said, hollie, that, licked prophet, cindy showed turn, smiled, modelled, pope, then, turn, again, I want my visions off, said, hollie, and, outlaws, Jesus, rev, 883, smoke, tire, out, laws, Jesus, pointed, boom, michigan, exploded, im a bear, said linda spall, russia, with, three ribs, bear, in mouth, cuba, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, new castrol, old, nicaragua, hollie showed, down, held nose, shes, against, u.s.a., mexico, hollie showed, held nowe, thumbs, down, hes, liar, plucked, gabriel showed, record, outlaws Jesus showed wait, outlaws Jesus, showed, record, licked prophet, hollie fired from spacecraft, ohio class sub, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, direct hits, christians, stealing the name ministry of dreams like dr. bill hamon, cut off he showed, jeremy taylor, lava, black suit, daniel kaps, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, jose alvarez, they wanted christian to fall, all run to remove name ministry of dreams, bill hamon rewrote, put in book, to, make it like it was his, runs to remove, he, gets divorced, over, he cheated people like jim bakker, over, fifty million, in bank, gets most taken away, but, has, hidden, money, millions, hollie showed record, he, wrote me, said, Jesus, ill do said bill hamon, remove, burn, buy back, but, get, ruint, any way, downtown, pointed, hollie showed, circled, gabriel, flew, picked up, bill hamon, sees, visions, california explodes, subs, both coasts, gabriel, lands, why says bill hamon, you are a abomination said gabriel, left, bill trembles, when, sees, all, hamons are witches, bills own family burning books, telling, him, you, stole ministry of dreams, gabriel, said, caint, fix it, he, tries, I want, to, he said, lava, black suit, in hell bill thinks, I, never, got, saved, tried to ruin who I knew was, that was hollie, like helicopter, letting out bill hamon, spoke, thru mega phone, I want money, left, alarm sound, said, hollie, bill hamons weeping, said, gabriel, ruint, that was writing pointed hollie, bill hamon is cut off, fool, said, Jesus, hillary clinton, gave away iowa, because, no points, but, now, obama threat, put it under, said, hollie, dont waste time, what do you want, said, Jesus, barack showed credit card, so, he, can, live for free, turned into nathaniel haney urshan man, looses, write the vision, said, hollie, how are you, she said, you lost, obama, that was fleas like helicopter, letting out henry gruver, start one, was, that, he, said, reagan, gorbachev, signing, nuclear, space craft fired, said, gabriel, obama starts loosing to hillary clinton, saith the Lord, watch, he will, make comment, that, people, turn against, like, im not iraq, but, hillary voted for, she says, im for iraq, not the people, hollie, pointed, explosion, im a bear, that, thats putin laughed, hollie, satan, is, the head, pope, is, his, mouth, magog, is, body, thats, north, south, korea, china, japan, they, are, situate, and, hu, and, japan, rose, like, lamb, signed, for, 666, with, pope, and, hu, said, pope, git, outta here, drives, out, china, and, the, finger, pointed, lets see, said, hollie, look, said, fleas, nuclear, explosion, indianapolis, now, wait, a minute, hollie showed, choked, in the fire, hollie showed, thumbs, mostly up, that, van, toyota, excellent, 1-8-2008-Jesus showed, record, obama will loose, watch, outlaws Jesus showed, record, wait, there jelous, of, you, said, hollie, they, want you to fall, christians, hollie in her space craft, ministry of dreams, fired, christians, fighting, this prophet like Richard Lauersdorf, john mark pool, dr. jeremy taylor and bill hamon, antonia vladimirova, daniel kaps, dee finney, jose alvarez, all, stole the name, liar said jonah weiland, ministry of dreams, all run to release, christian said, hollie, they are wanting to kill you, that liar said reverend jeremy taylor, antonia vladimirova, laughed, they wanted your to perish, said, hollie, how did you, like my book said bill hamon, re-wrote, included the name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, now, hes, so, embarrassed, hiding, hollie showed, record, my mercy said, outlaws Jesus, bobby, record me, he said, is, out for those that stole the name ministry of dreams, all, ill ruin all, saith God, those people wanted to make you an example of thier holiness, said, fleas, tap dancing, clap, they, stole, right here, said, fleas, make, court, God says embarras, and, they, all, run, and, get, ruint, anyway, gabriel showed, popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., and, pope, licked prophet, take my mark and live, suicide said fleas, thats, what, we, want, said, john mark pool, make christian, beg, us, and, stan johnson throws away, like, the elijah list, Steve Shultz has that show, and he would not let bill hamon or john mark pool on now, right here said Derene Shultz, both lost, said, hollie, john mark pool, cut off, he, showed, hollie showed, choked in the fire, now wait a minute, he said, hollie showed, record, come and see me said gabriel, clapped my tap dancer, karate kick, bill hamon steals name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, God leads prophet to ruin dr. bill hamon, hes of the biggest evangelists alive, now, openly mocked, c. peter wagner embarrassed, exalted bill hamons book but bill re-wrote, included name ministry of dreams, now, hides, hes, hating, even, thinking, about, wants to, pocket ministry money, and, hide, wife, divorces, no, said, Jesus, ruins, its will be in cnn, like jim bakker, charges, pressed, he stole, right here, said, woman that works for christian ministries international, thats what I want, she, said, jail for witch bill hamon, there aint no visions in pentecostal, said, hollie, and hollie showed, out said, hollie, fleas out of horn, showed, peace, go, you committed blaspheme said gabriel, bill hamon, bobby we took it said dee finney, and reverend jeremy taylor sees, takes off ministry of, goes to dreams only, witch, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, leave here, said amy brucker, fired, Dr. Tim Hamon is witch, hair dyer, Larry Bizette is witch, never saved, Bill Thomas is witch, not saved, right said bill thomas, knows, wants church credit card, witch, Leon Walters is hair dyer, witch, Tom Hamon is lost, never saved, Rodney Tolleson is witch, lost, Gary Dolphus is hair dyer, witch, Dr. Sandy Kulkin is witch, not saved, H. Daniel Wilson is witch, not saved, Rich Marshall is witch, not saved, Linda Rios Brook is witch, lost, these are witches on christian ministries international board, they all want money saith God, Dr. Paul "Buddy" Crum, Frank Fietz, Jane Hamon, R. P. Pearce, Jr., Kimberly Thomas, Dr. Nick Pappis, like Os Hillman, Heeth Varnedoe, Christy Pearce, Evelyn Hamon is hair dyer, wants stupid christians to support her, witch, Michael Coleman is witch, lost, record the vision, he said, flames, thats hollie showed rubbing chin, thought, up, popes, image, and hu fighting pope, on thumb, those two sign for 666, and hollie showed cut off, bill hamon, witch, he stole the name ministry of dreams, to trap prophet, re-wrote book, runs to remove, to late, poor o israel said fleas, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, iraq, gaza, bush showed, record, I brought in to break oil contracts, 1-9-2008-Jesus showed, record, fleas showed, record, licked prophet, cindy showed, turn, lighted, that is, cindy, tap dancing, modelling, smiled, cindy, pointed, blessed precious showed, record, cut off, bill hamon, turn, showed, cindy, turn, rubbed chin, outlaws Jesus, outlaws Jesus showed, record, bill hamon, thats what you need, said, Jesus, lava, black suit, stole the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, you left me, said, fleas, rewrote book to mash prophet, now runs to burn books, out laws Jesus showed, record, rev, 883, showed, shh, dont tell f.b.i. on bill hamon, thats what I want, said, Jesus, out laws Jesus, showed record, gabriel showed, record, you wont go down, he said, you ruin it said the woman from christian ministries international, bill hamon, tear up, put back, enthusiastic hollie, modelled, outlaws Jesus showed, turn, lighted, blew horn, out, fleas, pointed, lighted, finger, jeremy taylor, d.min, in furnace, with the stargardter-garrison man, I, sold, he said, taylor, white robe, garrison, black suit, soon, taylor, black suit, garrison, white robe, and, fleas, made jeremy taylor, you wrecked said kathryn taylor, this economy, she said, hopefully said, amy brucker, collapsing, right here, said, the man, bush, iraq, gaza, destroyed, put it under, judgment to america, ok said reverend amy brucker, soothsayers are d.mins, teaches, that said enthusiastic hollie, jim garrison fires and teaches reverend jeremy taylors class, and, hollie said, why, what has he done, and she made him sit at counsel, what it said gabriel, I wanted prophet to fall, said, reverend jeremy taylor in his heart, now ruint, gabriel, pointed, lava, with black suit, removes, and jim garrison-steven stargardter man sat at counsel, gabriel, pointed, lava, with black suit, I protected, he said, in heart, all soothsayers, lava, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, record the vision, said, Jesus, licked prophet, jeremy taylor runs to remove, the name ministry of dreams, ruint, then, ok, he said, lava, said, enthusiastic hollie, new library, nuked, collapses, gabriel showed record, im a bear, said, linda spall, and bill hamon sees, if you want me he said, call, he trembles, what did he do, said, hollie, thought, re-wrote book, put the name ministry of dreams in, this is, embarrassing said bill hamon, he, burns, books, buys, back, its, costs him two thousand dollars, but, God makes, put it under, hollie, looks thru horn, out, cindy, im in trouble said dr. bill hamon, and hollie like a silhouette, said, bill turn, to late, new downtown, circled, hollie showed, geese, choked in fire, now wait a minute, whats the matter, you, got, what you want, said, bill hamon, he wanted prophet to, right here, pointed, bill hamon, court, make me, remove God says embarras, no, said, fleas, put me right here, pointed, bill hamon, jail, he, cheated, o boy said dr. bill hamon, you, missed it, he said, no, said, fleas, call the police said Jesus, hes, new jim bakker, angel, with, horn, in atmosphere, blew, out fleas, showing bill hamon was number four, most popular evangelist, now openly mocked, Jesus showed, record, hes ruint, put it under, said, hollie, bill hamon is witch, and finger, pointed, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, exercise bike exellent, will fire, she, wrote, said, hollie, bill repents, but, God, leads prophet to, hes, curious, said, Jesus, about prophet, but, how did you, ruin it, said, im Jesus, gabriel showed, record, cheating people like benny hinn, t. d. jakes, none saved, pocket church money, right here pointed t.d. jakes, court, prove, no signs points Jesus, all right said Thomas Dexter jakes, hollie like a silhouette showed, record, showed, popes image made alive, pocket t.v., and kevin danforth, we want you, he said, showed, cut off, out, witches, Jesus, showed, popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., what did my pope say, said, hollie, no, she said, comon said kevin danforth, take it, mark, 666, live, signed, for, between pope, hu, thats it, said, enthusiastic hollie, tore up, pope, goes, to, russia, gets, arsenal, china, and, japan, rise, to withstand, 666 signed, for, between, I want, your bowels said reverend amy brucker, yeah said steven stargardter-jim garrison man, record a vision said, hollie, christian ministries international, all mocking bill hamon, im not sure said the stargardter-garrison man, cut off showed, Jesus, benny wants some said the librarian, benny hinn, oral sex, see my seed said rick robertson, witch, hair dyer, cut off said hollie, showed, cut off, t. d. jakes, no, said, the woman, yes, said, Jesus, billionaire, now, witch, and he saw, said, casey, Eiffel Tower, melt, from, im a bear, russia, hollie laughed, thats, putin, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, birdie know, is birdie smith, lost, but, acts, like perry smith, hair, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, witches, put it under, said, hollie, i know said birdie know, that, said, enhtusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, they like bob, that, putin, im the bear, he said, record, said, hollie, again, cindy pointed, right here said outlaws Jesus, you, blew said hollie, bill hamon, leave me alone, said, spacecraft, flying, looking for, thieves, of, we know it said amy brucker, the name ministry of dreams, spacecraft fired, direct hits on reverends jeremy taylor and antonia vladimirova and bill hamon and jose alvarez and daniel kaps and john mark pool and dee finney and all, we take it, said, dee finney, you got desire, said, hollie, bobby, here, said, Jesus, make me said dee finney, court, I wont remove said bill hamon, all run to remove the name ministry of dreams, put it under, cut off showed, hollie, 1-2008-hollie showed, record, reverend jeremy taylor, u.u.a., knows, no, Holy Ghost, come, see, said, Jesus, knows, now, cause, bob, told, visions, of, him, loosing, wisdom university, and john f. kennedy university, hes, afraid, and, enthusiastic hollie, showed, record, antonia vladimirova, jose alvarez, john mark pool, Richard Lauersdorf, dan kaps, dee finney, christians, fighting, prophet, all, run to remove, the name ministry of dreams, record some visions, said, hollie, thats right, tear up, mash, record the vision, said, hollie, tear up, put back, the truit, record, me, said, hollie, 1-2008?-and outlaws Jesus said comon, on 883, rev, showed, california, boom, im a bear, said linda spall bear, florida, boom, both usa coasts, back, questions, how did you get so cool, said prophet, alright, said outlaws Jesus, that was, said hollie, lighted, the g8, dragon, with bush, she said, as woman, italy, little horn, russia having ten crowns, plitburo, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, how dare, said, hollie, any one steal the name ministry of dreams, ill ruin them all, she said, they are coming, witches, people fighting against christian, but God will ruin, and openly mock, like, duncan rouleau, wrote a book, said dee finney, put the name ministry of dreams in to offend prophet, now ruint, all, witches, dont put it under, said, hollie, they are hell, pointed, satan, his children, like, record, said, holliefleas, did you see that, she said, reverend jeremy taylor, d.min, u.u.a., put out of john f. kennedy university and wisdom university, stargardter-garrison, does, both alike, put it under, said, hollie, hollie showed, choked in the fire, and witch bill hamon runs to remove the name ministry of dreams like all that stole, 1-12-2008-is bobby cut off, said, larry spall, no, said, fleas, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, up, popes image, flame, he said, and pope and hu fighting on thumb, they walked, hate, both beasts, put it under, birth of the mark of the beast, said, hollie, signed for between hu and the pope, and hu, said, the pope, i will not put up with you, said, hu, hate, lie, laugh, fleas showed, record, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, showed, wait, smiled, hollie, record, me, said, fleas, you went to hell, said, larry spall, put it under, said, hollie, michael seals, pointed, the Father, sin, preaching, over head, hollie showed, scott sparks, sin, over, head, record, my vision, said, hollie, bobby, we just want ya to go said robert cavaness, I wont hear it said outlaws Jesus, robert, no, he said, preaches, for money, comeon backslide said robert cavaness, new heart, he said, got me, no, said, fleas, is that what you want, said, prophet, yes, said, michael seals, and, joe jordan with, shut up said kent jordan, dyed hair, showed kent, pulpit, and, showed, cut off, they shook, yes, intruded, michael boldea, said, robert cavaness, showed, cut off, what made you, said, the man, intrude, lost, and michael boldea laughs, bob, testify, said, robert cavaness, leave me alone, said, hollie, and bob, speaks, people, want, out, from under, liar, said, Jesus, dr. jeremy taylor, speaks, lies, to prophet on phone, ive been using the name ministry of dreams for decades, he stole to make prophet fall, witch, grecia, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, pope, pointed, fleas, and hollie showed, popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., and pope, said, hu, I will not, said, hu, put up with you, they said, to each, sign, for, 666, prophecy, sang, hollie, is being fulfilled, she sang, whats up mane, said, the man, do it bob, said, hollie, no, said, fleas, my house, said mrs. brad baker, I dont like it said pastor brad, hi brad, said, hollie, you know how you got me, she said, wrong said mrs. brad baker, they are intruding, liars, thats wrong, they say, both hair dyers, when inherited, no said brad baker, witch, cut off, he showed, and michael seals, sees, Jesus showed, record, yes, said, dr. bill hamon, we want you, said Jesus, remove, your book, with the re-written version with the stolen name ministry of dreams, and he wont said, hollie, but be ruint, and take many with, like his own children, witches, the hamons, put it under, said, hollie, the witches of christian ministries international exposed, not saved, pocket money, like bill hamon just did, showed credit card, right here said jane hamon, trap, she said, and tim hamon, witch, showed, crdit card, they are, lost, saith God, know it, I aint lost said jane hamon, no signs, hair dyers, witches, put it under, said, hollie showed, stand said bill hamon, but lost, cant, preaches for free money, thats how we lostuhm, said, jane hamon, he stole the name ministry of dreams, bob right here said bill hamon, book, re-wrote, now, removed, and burned, buying back, witches, to save ministry, they dont care, saith God, still want free money, 1-13-2008-no, said, hollie, after america, hits syria, and, iran, said, hollie, Jesus, showed, cut off, hollie showed, record, and, gabriel, michael, and, Jesus, angels, fired, judgments all over, australia, russia, china, america, france, italy, the smoke blocked, sun, moon, for sixteen, hours, bob, dreamed, prayer, meeting, called, by, brad, baker, bob, says, to woman, you need to come, she, shakes, yes, goes, in bathroom, toilet has much dung, water off, wait a minute mister christian, said, hollie, got me, said, Jesus, no I dont, said, pastor brad baker, then, why block testimony, knowing, prophet, gives, what God says, thats it pointed brad baker, hollie showed, saw, flames, laughed, twice, rubbed chin, thought, up, thumb, popes, image, and hu and the pope fought in thumb, the two beasts, and hu, said, the pope, I will not put up with you, said, hu, both have nukes, aimed, at, each other, thats otyre, russia, magog, china, look, said, fleas, its, the nightmarist, theres, something, in my room, she, said, duncan rouleau, releases, the name he stole, shut up, said, duncan rouleau, look, said, fleas, he, gets ruint, china, said, hollie, thats, magog, look, said, fleas, hollie, pointed, boom, im a bear, father, said, linda, spall bear, hollie laughed, thats putin, licked prophet, Jesus showed, cut off, me said brad baker, for not getting saved, and mrs. brad baker, for preaching acting like prophesying, put it under, said, hollie, thats the new pentecostal church, I got you, said, Jesus, liars, witches, that was the Father, White, on White Throne, and satan, gabriel at house of prayer tabernacle, with cartoon character, thats, said, hollie, duncan rouleau, look, she said, the nightmarist, bobby, we got your name said cluracan, but, now, all ruint, released, then, like janet mcknight, look, pointed, fleas, I had a feeling, said janetmck, now, to late, like aaron shutt, both, lost for doing, right here, said, duncan rouleau, court, make us said aaron shutt, but, now embarrassed, ruint, put it under, all that steal the name God spoke God ruins like christians, im outta here said reverend jeremy taylor, and antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, dan kaps, bill hamon, dee finney, 1-14-2008-Glenn Geary, Jr., is witch, lost, wants anal sex, look up, said, hollie, Jesus coming, and subs attacking, usa, moscow, china, boom, said, jonah weiland, Jesus showed, record, look, pointed, hollie, its, the nightmarist, duncan rouleau, what did he do, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, stole the name, shut up, she said, he wants his name off, but, would not release the stolen name ministry of dreams, right here, said, d.min, reverend, jeremy taylor, u.u.a., he stole and claims to be a reverend like jose alvarez, antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, witches, like dee finney, daniel kaps, im warning you, said, hollie, brad baker is a witch, my wallet, he said, his church, filling, but, he and wife, are lost, put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, they want bob out, no, said, hollie, got it, said, hollie, no shook reverend, jeremy taylor, then why are you calling your self a reverend, witch, saith the Lord, I want you to help me, said, dr. taylor, witch, liar, hollie showed, record, I, dont, wanna stand no more, said, the woman, put it under, said, hollie showed, deny self, and, hollie, showed, choked in the fire, hi Jesus, said, hollie, its, said, fleas, no, said, hollie, him, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, thats him, said, hollie, kenneth haney, and the nathaniel haney urshan man showed credit card, witch, lost, put it under, said, hollie showed, cut off showed Jesus, no, he said, gabriel showed, record, im not the maid, said, hollie, Jesus showed, cut off, leave her alone, thats gabriel, she said, but Lord you told me, said, reverend david mccolley, you blew said mrs. mccolley, france, said, david, mccolley, boom, thats australia, said, mrs. mccolley on fire, and brad baker sees, put it under, said, hollie, I cuteme off, said, Jesus, no signs, right, said, gabriel, witches, caspian sea, said, hollie, that causes worm wood, boom, it, separates russia and china, the black sea, put it under, said, hollie showed, and licked the prophet, gabriel showed, record, hollie showed, what did hollie show, said, hollie, om out, holliefleas licked prophet, he said, of brad bakers church, tim, it, was, filling, cause, prophet, there, no, said, woman, that, goes, there, God, shows, in, dream, leave, keri fox talked with God all life, but, never, got, saved, she gave eighty people herpes, knew, she had, will, see, visions, thats what you want said keri fox, to ruin, saith God, now hear this, jail, coming, now, she wants, saved, but, God, wont, have, lets have lunch, she thinks, but, God says, you witch, reverend jeremy taylor, no, he said, he, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, to, offend prophet, cut off, showed, Jesus, I aint makin no money, he said, releases name ruint, put it under, said, hollie showed, all d.min s are witches, that aint your price, said, hollie, and terry long sees visions, he knows bob, and likes, but, get out of here, he said, you need to leave, God told bob, bob told terry, thus speaketh the Lord, of hosts, no said reverend terry long, and God told bob and bob told terry, your lost, and what Holy Ghost baptism feels like, and pastor terry long showed credit card, he wants free ride, church, is empty, now, you need to help somebody, said, hollie, no said pastor david mccolley, hes church credit card, make him, said, hollie, here, alright, said david mccolley, one dollar, hes made millions, lives free, but, now, people, are, not tithing, hes jelous, cut off, showed, Jesus, downtown, circled, hollie showed, geese, uh warning, said, Jesus, if you steal the name ministry of dreams Ill ruin you, lets fight, said, hollie, is what, they, want, prophecy ministry, said, Jesus, its, right, here, said greg titus, he stole, releases, ruint, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, yur a witch, said, pope, beast, g8, nato, russia, having, thats, politburo, said, hollie, ruling party, and the beast, rose, and pope goes to russia, putin, kneeling, before, cut off, showed, Jesus, grunted, uhm uhm, americas gitton out of order, he said, ill handle it, said, putin, he, knows, bush, ready, they, will, hit, and he saw, said, casey, alaska, explode, alright, said, jonah weiland, then both u.s.a. coasts, we ll see, she said, thats hollie waving like a fire bear, want more visions, clapped, hollie, licked prophet, prophecy universe, said jonah weiland, is ministry of dreams, record me, said, hollie, rogaine hair re-growth works, its causes, body, to, react, produce, that, was, satan, said, hollie, im the beast, he, said, white spirit, pope, im hu, said, hollie, thats, my false prophet, she said, otyre, russia, write the vision, she said, hey bobby, said, hollie, its, out, said, Jesus, I, know, said, bill hamon, why, said, hollie, what has he done, stole the name ministry of dreams, thats it, she said, rewrote book, I caint take it, said, dr. bill hamon, there it is, said, hollie, people mocking, christian international ministries, and he saw, said, casey, bill hamon showing credit card, thats how im rich, he said, bobby, this is a warning, said, bill hamon, git that off there, with john mark pools voice, you mean, said, hollie, he did it to, no, said, hollie and john mark pool shows, credit card, lives off stupid christians, and he stole the name said sandy pool, ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, ruint, pocketing church money like entire board of christian international ministries, witches, saith God, they are not, hey bill, said, hollie, im cut off said bill hamon, o, said, hollie, want more visions, said, hollie, its my lute said reverend bill hamon, my money, and, tim hamon shakes, yes, pockets, rich, you had it, said, pope, billions, cheated, not, saved, pastoring, hi devil said Jesus, and bill hamon weeps, thats bill hamon in hell, and he saw, said, casey, fire, you liar, said, hollie, jane hamon said, ill write your book, ministry of dreams said jane hamon, thats, cool thought bill hamon, tom hamon lost, and david karlotski shook yes, he ran to burn books, that is hollie locomotive, pointed, hollie, showing, time, up, the united states will be uh desolation, said, pope, the united kingdom, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, four explosions, nuclear, im a bear, said, linda spall, and he saw, russian subs attack, tony blair, hits russia, only one sixth left, tony sends commands to ohio class subs, and, and he saw, said, casey, captain hollie, in her sub, surface, fire, the world shakes, and, up, rose, pope, theres hu, said, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, liar, said, pope, those, two, sign, for, 666, beast and false prophet, and hu, said, pope, I hate you said, hu, cut off, showed, Jesus, hollie showed, record, that, she, said, you, liar, said, pope, tell me what hes done, said, hollie, and, he saw, pointed, casey, pope, show, credit card, im the beast, right here, said, fleas, I want my vision, said, hollie, that, she, pointed, hollie flying in her space craft, that, said, hollie, turned into ohio class sub, fired, all, that stole, name ministry of dreams, released ruint, myself, said, hollie, pulled ship, and hollie turned into, silhouette, showed, pictures, of, both, beasts, tear up, hu, false prophet, pope, beast, and, meerkat, rip, look, pointed, hollie, the nightmarist, theres something in my room, she said, duncan rouleau stole the name ministry of dreams, released ruint, hollie showed, popes, picture, with, black hair, outlaws Jesus showed, record, nightmarist, said, hollie, duncan rouleau is ruint, she said, and, russian leader with black hair, kneeling, alright, he said, ill fix it, attacks america, and, he, what is that, pointed, casey, the bear with three ribs, theres, cuba, said, casey, liar, nicaragua, liar, he knew, she said, and venezuela, hes, liar, russia, plucks, invades, and he saw, pointed, casey, all, three, explode, and, all of, america, boom, subs, and, bill clinton, returns, fire, moscow, china, boom, hu, riding red horse, taiwan explodes, and, pope, riding, black, he goes, to, russia, gets arsenal, whats the grizzled and bay for, said, hollie, thought, show the vision, said, hollie, nicaragua, said, david mccolley, I want ya, said thier female president, laughed, prepare, shes talking with putin, military ties, were just talking, she said, no, wants russian, subs, and bush sees, watches, they witness nuclear, thats right, said, man, go there, casey showed popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., and he saw, said casey, pope, out of t.v., right here, said the nicaragua president, goes to nicaragua, she loves, thats the devil, said, hollie, hollie showed, comeon, said, outlaws Jesus, no, said, fleas, showed, florida, boom, im a bear, said, linda spall, subs, fired, california, boom, back, any questions, prophet said, what about the other side, outlaws Jesus, rev, harley, 883, showed, moscow, china, boom, bill, that was, Jesus, coming, hollie, showed, carved into stick, record, showed, hollie, licked prophet, wait, record, said, hollie, that, said, holie, enthusiastic, bob, dreamed, toby let in house, attic, came back home, house remodelled, but caught on fire, in attic, went to front, weeping, mom letting people in house, basement, for, dinner, the house, remodelled, in, out, but, like leaning, gabriel, showed, record, said, hollie, licked, prophet, drink, she showed, comeon, she said, embarras, mrs. brad baker, I want you, said, gabriel, all you want, money, said, hollie, and mrs. brad baker, shows, yes, liar, witch, soothsayer, iraq, said, outlaws, Jesus, boom, thats syria, and the king of saudi arabia calls on putin, alright, we ll handle it, he said, threatens usa, 1-15-2008-hollie tore up, put back, toss, thought, con truit, laughed, grim reaper, and, bill hamon, he, pointed, and dr. bill hamon sees, why, said, hollie, what, has, he, done, he, rewrote book, stole the name ministry of dreams, wanted to call christian international ministries, ministry of dreams ministries, witch, lava, and, gabriel flew, grabbed bill, took thru doorway, in dark room, dropped in hell, in, lava, bill hamon screams, I, want out, of here, that, said, hollie, and enthusiastic hollie, drank, cut off, showed, that man, put it under, im the beast, said, putin, that, said, hollie, is hu hinto, riding the red horse, china, strikes taiwan, and, this pointed, casey, tomorrow, licked prophet, and he saw, said, casey, the seven headed dragon, with, pope, rising, the g8, you expect me to save you, said, hollie, and he saw, pointed, casey, hollie, play, harp, when, you wont, live, for me, hollie, played, harp, clapped, dr. bill hamon, im out, he said, removes board of christian international ministries, they all blew, said, Jesus, cause, they knew he stole ministry of dreams, he is openly mocked, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft flying, like little head, pope, boom, flying, in spacecraft, fired, like, ohio class sub, all, that, stole ministry of dreams, released ruint, hollie looked in the Lambs Book of Life, their names arent in there, christians that steal the name ministry of dreams like bill hamon, and hollie salted, he, is, wanting, credit card, like john mark pool, jose alvarez, he, got, uh whippin, daniel kaps, cut off he showed, I, wasnt, serious, he said, he, wrote, ya, said, pope, salted, threat, remove, dee finney, hollie salted, she, witch, shes, like, john mark pool, its, her, husband, said, hollie, cut me off said dee finney, hollie salted, shes, cut off, antonia vladimirova, hollie salted, stay away from me, she said, she wanted to change dreams foundation to ministry of dreams foundation, git outta here said attorney antonia vladimirova, hollie salted, now, she said, cut off, diana hughey, said, chipmunks, never said she was a christian, but, has scriptures on website, hollie salted, shes witch, that is that o red and black chariot, with, pope, hu, new world order, pointed pope, angry horses pulled, hollie in back saw, casey pointed, the mexican president, secretly, giving putin military space, subs park in mexican waters, like, I wont tell nobody about that, said, casey, nicaragua, president, allowing, like chavez, cuba, russian subs, bush points, c.i.a., seek, he said, lost his website, said, hollie,, goes, down, it was bill hamon, but, back up, casey beat the drum, im out said bill hamon, what does it mean, said, Jesus, sang hollie, hollie showed, record, record, said, fleas, Elder Lionel Rush is hair dyer, preaches holiness, wants church credit card, witch, record me, said, fleas, raise your mantle and repeat after me, clapped, the tap dancers, eight kings, that will rise against america, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liars, new york times, said, gabriel, oshit, said gabriel, Lionel Rush wants bob out, knows, bob saved, hes not, he wants ya, said, hollie, reverend d.min jeremy taylor, why, what did he do, said, hollie, licked prophet, I made you look, said, Jesus, and Lionel Rush, you knowed it, said, Jesus, im out said Lionel Rush, witch, you want food, said, Jesus, to be seen with elders, jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams, he, wants ya, said, pope, relax, remove, said, dr. jeremy taylor, and, be ruint anyway, have, your way, said, fleas, looses, all jobs, talks, then, removes, want more visions, said, hollie, record, said, fleas, licked prophet, fleas showed, record, popes image made alive, pocket t.v., showed, cut off, cause, we, need it, said, jonah weiland, embarrassed for taking the name ministry of dreams, duncan rouleau stole the name, book, said, dee, finney, ministry of dreams, right here, said, Jesus, releases, ruint, liar, like his kids, hollie played, harp, outlaws Jesus, come on, 883, rev, vest, showed, california, boom, im a bear, said, linda spall, hollie, laughed, thats putin, laughed, hollie, and, all, of, america, exploded, and, bill clinton, fires, on, moscow, china, boom, explode, record said, hollie, is that what you want said jonah weiland, make prophet fall, jonah shakes yes, fall in his place, no, said, jonah weiland, God ruint her, fleas, showed, record, uh final warning said Jesus, jugdment when you least expect, fleas showed, record, holliefleas, and, licked prophet, gabriel, arch, henzy green, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, hes wanting church credit card, like Danny Speight does, witches, record, said, pope, smiled, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, pt cruiser, you like it, she said, u.s.a. gave, away, made in japan, mexico, gabriel, showed, record, look, said, fleas, u.s.a. bombs, syria, look, she said, iran, and putin, bush, right here, fight with russia, and bush swallows, russia protects, 1-16-2008-sissy, find that key, said, hollie, showed, sh, dont, tell on james miller, hes lost, she said, like mrs. james millers, witches, put it under, said, hollie, they see, want church credit card, that is, said, hollie, pope, riding, dragon, said, lionel rush, the g8, hollie, laughed, thats, nato, and, anthony moreland sees, would not let prophet speak, taught boring message, bye, said, prophet, git outta here, said, moreland, record, said, hollie, realistic sta-90 stereo receiever, excellent, 90 watts per channel, at 20-20,000 hzs, enough power to be heard in large churches, seek, said, hollie, at rca dome, could be heard, you, said, gabriel, hollie, showed, record, that is what you, need, said, gabriel, told on, dont joke said, hollie, showed, bobby, said, hollie, looky here, its, picture, of, duncan rouleau, they tell me he wrote uh book, said, hollie, stole the name ministry of dreams, what said, hollie, I needed it said reverend jeremy taylor, the name ministry of dreams, stole, released, ruint, openly mocked, and antonia vladimirova, laughs, reverend, released ruint, to make prophet fall, released, ruint, jose alvarez, submarine sound, submarine sound, said, hollie, hi bob, hollie showed, record, record, me, said, hollie showed, licked prophet, new kansas city, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, boom, its right here, she, said, prophecy club, ruint, tell me what stan johnson done, said, hollie, pocketed billions, now, stripped, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, go, hollie showed, record, go, I, wont, press, said, Jesus, lionel rush, is, lost, hair dyer, hollie laughed, what did he want, said lionel rush, im, older, he, cleared, out, my church, its, cause, we, want money, and, he, saw, pointed, casey, church of God in Christ, holding church credit card, its, because we got money, said, mrs. henzy green, and, henzy green said, git outta here, you knew said the pope, whats he, done, said, mrs. green, im over said henzy green, he, wants a church to support him, like the nathaniel haney, urshan, nathaniel a. man, hollie showed pictures of new world order, pope, hu, tear up, put back, meerkat, rip, throw, and hollie climbed in back of, that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, with tin man whistle, blew, and, lionel rush, blew again, witch, that was the pope, man, pointed, hollie, tear up, put back, pointing, lionel rush, witch, over head, Jesus, blew horn, out, hollie, pointed, caspian sea oil pipeline sabatoge, at the very end, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, horses at zero barely feel, you expect me to save you but you will not, live for me said, the pope with kenneth haneys voice, hollie, pointed, bob somebodies writing a book, its bill hamon, rewrote book, stole the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, burns, buys back, openly mocked, im not prayin said tim pedigo, I, want you out, that was hu hintao riding red horse, said, Jesus, taiwan exploded, submarine, pointed, hollie, all around america, boom, and, up, rose, the woman, statue of liberty, the united states will be attacked when you least expect it, said, Jesus, rush, said, Jesus, lionel, you know you are lost, pastoring, and you knew not, give up, church, seek, ACTS 2:38, cause of him, he, pointed, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, showing church credit card, pockets, not, saved, I aint no witch said, bill hamon, showing church credit card, pockets, stole the name ministry of dreams, re-wrote book, removes, ruint, pointed, bill hamon, tim, tom, jane hamon, all witches, and he saw, said, casey, jane hamon showing church credit card, look bobby, said, fleas, its the g8, said, pope, is, the seven heads, bye, said, hollie, bye, said, rick robertson, hair dyer, dont call me a witch, he said, russia, ten crowns, thats politburo, ruling party, what did the pope show, said, jonah weiland, tear up, put back, downtown, circled, pointed, hollie showed, geese, and, hollie, like a, cartoon character, duncan rouleau steals ministry of dreams, dont you touch me, said, duncan, rouleau, people threatening, hes ruint, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, cindy showed, right here, turn, that, said, hollie, cindy, showed, turn, lighted, licked prophet, that, hollie showed, choked in the fire, pointed, apartment, exploded, james miller, said, hollie, cut off, pastoring, like mrs. james miller, and she, said, you can count on every word irving baxter says, and prophet says, he dyes his hair, thats why his message is off, I wrote, she said, told irving baxter, man said you dye hair, fleas said, record, dont, do, it, said, Jesus, lionel rush, pocket, church, money, like all pastors, put it under, said, hollie showed, witches, marine corp. said hollie, showed, out, in, the streets, and nathaniel a. urshan pointed, hollie showed, licked prophet, showed, record, gas, 4.09, hollie showed, turn, dont, tell, me, about, china, magog, the pope said, that, said, hollie showed, hollie prayer walked with a coat on, turned into silhouette, gabriel showed, record, and hollie sat down reverend jeremy taylor, why did you do it, I wanted prophet to fall, he said, smiling like dr. bill hamon, witches, preaching Jesus, put it under, said, hollie showed, witches, 1-17-2008-and he saw, said, casey, the grim reaper point at bill hamon, he stole, said, casey, the name, ministry of dreams, runs to remove, to late, for, jeremy taylor, said Jesus, d.min, this economy is slipping, said, hollie, your price is going up, said, the angel, america, put it under, babylon, I, toldem said rick robertson, kenneth haney, what it is, he, said, hes, in, lava, doesnt accept, the united states economy is collapsing, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, sit, hollie showed, record, witch, jeremy taylor, is, ruint, I am, he said, witch, lies, tell on him, said, hollie, and he sat, said, casey, at counsel, before, gabriel, said, with a face like jim garrisons, what it is, i wanted money, said, reverend jeremy taylor, u.u., hes witch, like all d.mins, gabriel, pointed, lava, all, and there they are, with those they decieved, millions, hollie showed, record, there they are, the mcclouds, in, lava, willa and william, both lost, cindy, pointed, boom, she said, gas, station, exploded, im a bear, said, linda spall bear, are you talking about me said putin, and the bear, was large, and had three ribs in mouth, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, cuba, new castrol, like old, and bush, says, lets git the c.i.a., and nicaragua, yeah, said, the president, you can park right here, russian subs, and venezuela, and bush, wants thier oil contracts, developem, said, prophet, we will said the steven stargardter, jim garrison man, witch, and he saw, said casey, venezuela explode, im a bear, said, linda,
three kings shall rise in persia-visions recieved 1-18-2008-in visions, I saw the hegoat hit the ram, and up rose the pope, hu hintao, the emporer of japan, and the slashed pope, idol shepherd. in other visions- 1-18-2008-look pointed fleas, Mhada Oshiwara, Andheri West, they stole the name, altered, ministry of dreams, to steal, now, embarrassed, run, to remove, look, said, fleas, reverend jeremy taylor removes, openly mocked, cindy showed, record, that was fleas, like a birdy, what has he done, said, hollie, licked prophet, reverend jeremy taylor, u.u. stole the name ministry of dreams, to collapse prophet, God led prophet to collapse d.min jeremy taylor, u.u.a., he, releases, ruint, like duncan rouleau, look, pointed, fleas, there is something in my room, its, the nightmarist, duncan, rouleau stole the name ministry of dreams, look, said, dee finney, I, warned, you, said, Jesus, duncan buys back books, burns, like, your talkin about uh witch, said, hollie, thats dr. bill hamon, hes over, said, hollie, what has he done, said, hollie, its right in my book, that, pointed, hollie, out of ring, its your name said the garry streeval woman, said bill hamon, rewrote book, included name ministry of dreams, buys back, burns, books, hollie showed, record, and christian international ministries board, protects, witches, saith God, hollie showed, that, licked prophet, pictures, new world, order, lets see, she said, theres, held nose, thumbs, down, liars, pope, hu, look, pointed, fleas, Mhada Oshiwara, Andheri West run to remove the name they took, altered, ministry of dreams, look, said, fleas, what does, it, mean, said, hollie, she, thought, beast, and, pope, smiled, false prophet, and hu, said, the pope, I will not put up with you, said, hu, they sign, Jesus showed, cut off, cluracan, takes the mark of the beast, 666, on her forehead, now, lets see, said, hollie, its done, she said, cluracan stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, now, cecil pennyton, removed, and hides, both smiled, I will not put up with you, they said, hu and the beast, pope, hollie showed, record, cindy, showed, new library, boom, im a bear, said, linda, spall, bear, thats putin, laughed, hollie, and, licked prophet, and, putin, planning, with, eight kings, right here, he said, to destroy america, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liars, alarm sound, said, hollie, and, licked, showed, hollie, showed, hollie showed, record, and, hollie, showed, go, easy, said, d.min, jeremy taylor, lay off of me, said, garrison-stargardter man, both, fired, for not firing jeremy taylor, uua, Jesus showed, record, like arab, saudi arabia, boom, is, collapsing, countries, said, macaulay, by charging to much, for, oil, what does, saudi want, said, Jesus, they, want, america, bankrupted, for, me, said, putin, when you hit my country, he said, watch this, and he saw, said, casey, subs, destroy, america, boom, smoke, blocked sun, moon, and bill clinton, returns, fire, moscow, china, boom, the world shakes, hu riding the red horse, taiwan, boom, hollie showed pictures, pope, china-jap man, sign for 666, and, hu said, worship pope, the beast, and, he, saw, said, casey, both had, nukes, aimed, at, each other, otyre, russia, and, magog, hollie laughed, china, write the vision, said, woman, they, are, situate, that was not uh woman, smiled, hollie, it, was, the, garry, squirt, she said, streeval woman, hollie showed, record, said, nasty, they fly about 3000 miles pers hour, said, hollie, missiles, and, he saw, said, casey, hollie, watch missiles, flying, rode one, nuclear explosions, in america, great britain, france, australia, china, russia, italy, and, the beast blew out, hit argentina, said, Jesus, cause argentina started said, casey, the faklands war, they slaughtered britions, that was hole in mans back, bob said, to marcus ellis, God said, you, want this place packed out, he shook, yes, but lost, that was, good said robert cavaness, service, mike ditka showed, record, popes image made alive, pocket t.v., take it, he said, the mark, 666, come to service, said, robert cavaness, thats gabriel in the head lines, hillary clinton, blew out, president, laughs grim reaper, pointed, bill hamon, and he showed, chalk board, hillary, last, beth moore is a witch, said, hollie, like gary l. burt, no signs, fleas showed, record, no, record said, hollie, I aint wicked said hollie showed, choked in the fire, now wait a minute, gimme money he said, thats what I want said, tim pedigo, cut off, he, showed, fleas pointed, out of horn, blown by hollie showed, explosion, im a bear, said, linda, u.s.a., subs, boom, and bill clinton reurns, right here, said, Jesus, russia, china, on fire, and hu and putin, killed, give me five, said, nathaniel haney, and nathaniel p. urshan shook yes, and the nathaniel haney-urshan man showed credit card, yellow teeth, witch, 1-19-2008-no, said, fleas, showed, popes, image, made alive, pcoket t.v., licked prophet, write the vision, said, hollie, look, said, fleas, tear up, thats con truit, write the vision, look, hollie showed, pictures, new world order, pope, hu, and, eight kings, that will rise, against, u.s.a., hollie held nose, thumbs, down, liars, thats, the, leopard, she, pointed, theres, hu, hollie held nose, thumbs down, thats, magog, north korea, hollie held nose, thats it, he got america and china angry, south korea, hollie showed, no way, they fall, from n.a.t.o., and japan, shes, liar, hollie showed, pictures of the two beasts, pope, hu, theres hu and pope signing for 666, hollie said, look what is said, and hu i will not put up with, they both said, to each other, theres otyre, thats russia, magog, china, brad baker, said, hollie, takes, away, testimony, service, cause, your here, said, mrs. brad baker, prophet, it was uh dream, said, hollie, and, three kings shall rise in persia, who are they, said, hollie, pope, hu, those two fought, the emporer of japan, and idol shepherd, slashed pope, record, said, hollie, looky, pictures, beast, false prophet, pope, hu, fighting, revival, pointed, gabriel, at apostolic tabernacle, write the vision, said, hollie, write the vision, said, hollie, that is, my g8, the beast, pope, nato, bush, as, woman, politburo, on, russia, ten kings, record the vision, said, hollie, showed, prayer walked, blue coat, we want you to make up your mind, sang, people, dream, hollie showed, record, 1-20-2008-no, said, hollie, look, pointed, cindy, u.s.a. strikes, iran, cnn, headline news, hollie showed, record, and, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, that was Jesus in the LIght, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, that was chuckie said, hollie, and, turned into chuck at calvary tabernacle, he, knows your lookin, said, hollie, called bob, false prophet, God reminded chuck that his picture in Bulletin with dyed hair, just, leave me alone, said, Jesus, chuck, cant, get, thru, why did chuck not get thru, said, hollie, cause your baby, said, hollie, that, showed, the, billion dollar baby, alice coopers image made alive, that, pocket t.v., that was hollie, flying, spacecraft, she said, fired, ministry of dreams, direct hit, jeremy taylors pocket, why what did he do, he stole the name ministry of dreams, releases, ruint, never call me back, said, stargardter-garrison man, licked prophet, showed, beasts, image, made alive, pocket t.v., hollie showed, record, that is, the, beast, pope, picture, and, o red and, black chariot, pulled, by, angry, horses, new world order, pope, hu, hollie, that, showed, pictures, hollie showed, pictures of eight kings that will rise against, u.s.a., hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, liars, hollie showed, record, bush, in, air force one, is, not, hittable, but, russia, with, jets, could destroy, it, has, got, advanced, weapons, can be undetectable, hollie modelled, pointed, pope, hu, new world order, bible revelations, and watched, on t.v., them, signing, for, 666, hollie smiled, pointed, putin, on, missile, and, bill clinton, on, m.x., boom, both nations, and, otyre, appeared, on, russia, magog, china, saudi, took one nuclear explosion, they, are, opec, cut, off, showed, king fahd, hollie, showed, pictures of new world order, pope, hu, and, they, signed, for, 666, hollie held nose, take mark, said, pope, out of t.v., no way, showed, hu, lets go, clapped, the, tap, dancers, hollie, its, in, the ring, bobby, said, Jesus, that, pointed, hollie, out, of ring, Jesus, showed, record, saudi arabia took nuclear hit, im, a, bear, said, linda spall, hollie laughed, that is my putin, hollie showed, record, Lisa Foulon said, hollie, cut off, she, showed, hollie did sign teem, laughed, and grim reaper pointed at bill hamon, write the vision, said, hollie, licked prophet, tell on me, she, said, sit, down, brad baker, he, what it is, said, gabriel, pointed, lava, and, robert canvaness, scott sparks, cut off, witches, like Ed Young Ministries, hair dyer, gabriel, pointed, downtown, circled, hollie showed, geese, and gabriel, showed, record, cut off, he showed, robert cavaness speaks blaspheme against the HOly Ghost, I, feel a demon spirit coming against this church, talking about bob, that was satan, said, hollie, wait, she showed, pointed, light face, im the beast, pope, hollie showed, pointed, flames, rubbed chin, thought, up, popes, image, thumb, and, licked the prophet, that was Jesus coming, bright Light shining down, that, was, fleas, like, a, helicopter, said, hollie, letting, out, henry gruver, peace and safety, reagan, gorbachev, signing nuclear arms reduction, treaty, left, that weakened, both, that was, satan, fire face, im the bear, father, no, said, hollie, tear up, put back, truit, who cares said the woman from apostolic tabernacle, we dont, said, robert cavaness, scott sparks, both, lost, pastoring, scott asked, bob, after, bob, told, visions, do you have the Holy Ghost, bob, said, it, felt, like, Body my perfect size coming in, and, robert cavaness blasphemes, he, wasnt there, now, church has about twenty people left, they know, shame on you, said, hollie, shame on robert cavaness, letting hair dyer Edwyn Young preach, lost, like lambert, witches, he found visions of him, spoke against, he, thought, they, im jelous said cavaness, bob dreamed, old bridge, moved, hollie showed, record, syria, said, gabriel, you loose, said, prophet, boom, raise your hands and repeat after me, cut off, showed, Jesus, that was lighted, pope, face, coming out of serpent, and, hu, and the pope, popping out of horns, the ram, and, sh, said, hollie, thats the new world order, satan, she said, bobby are you talking about me said reverend jeremy taylor, what it is, he said, stole the name ministry of dreams, right here, he said, on site, but, runs to remove, and the bear tattood 666, born between, pope, hu, 1-21-2008-Jesus, coming, in clouds, and america, boom, hollie showed, record, showed, pictures, of, both, beasts, theres, pope, slash, idol shepherd, and, hu, tear up, false prophet, and, two signing for 666, fleas, said, looky, prophet, showed, wait, hollie said, record, fleas, said, no, hollie, shook, yes, record me, said, hollie, pointed, record, me, said, hollie, showed, go, hollie showed, wait, relax, said, gabriel, I want you to record, said, gabriel, war is brewing between russia and china, said, hollie, licked prophet, brad baker, said, hollie, inherited a church, now, wants, saved, but, he, has, been in church all life, but, not, then, he, dyed, hair, now, hes, 51, lost, bob, goes, and, is, starting to want brad saved, heres what God thinks, perish, or, serve lost, to late, he, will, see, visions, and, know, bob, goes there, and, prophet, thinks, save him at end, and, God thinks, lay hands on his back, when you, think, its close enough, brad rejoices, but, they, hate each other, jelous, put it under, said, hollie, its, good hatred, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, licked prophet, and, angry horses, pulled, that, o red and black chariot, no, said, fleas, with naked brad baker on top, and, brad licked prophet, its driven by pope and hu, new world order, why did you cut me off, said, brad baker, you made me, said, hollie, theres your sweetheart, she, said, mrs. brad baker, ill tell you what you want, said, hollie, sex, both, hair dyers, at apostolic church, and, Jesus, saddened, uto said hollie, brad wants bob, to, right here, said, hollie, touch God, bob will, brad sees, hollie showed, drink, its because you lust, said, mrs. brad baker, both, they, tell me, write the vision, said, hollie, brad baker is cut off, said, hollie, they tell me to write my vision, said, hollie, but, they, dont, even, know, dreams, are, night, visions, and, the grim reaper, pointed at the bakers, how do you know im naked said brad, cause, dont, feel, Holy Ghost, thats what, you, need said, brad baker, that was hollie, like a, helicopter, said, hollie, letting, out, brad baker, peace and safety, he said, thru megaphone, out hollie, pointed, it was bush, putin, arms reduction treaties, they have reduced, americas, missile force to five hundred, single warhead missiles, and, captain, hollie, surfaced in ohio class sub, fourteen, with, twenty four, eight warhead missiles, enough, to, burn, the world, write the vision, tap danced, ministering spirits, russia has two subs, but, many staged, and, soon, they, will, use, forty again, to sneak up on america, it will be when the economy collapses, bush, knows, but, doesnt, believe, when china, strikes, taiwan, to lure, said, hollie, america, and, they do, said, mrs. brad, baker, write the vision, said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, hu running, and, putin, from, the fire, and, up, rises, dragon, subs, leave, russia, alaska, explodes, and, both, u.s.a., coasts, then, the whole, nation, the beast is dragon, said, casey, its, russia, and, its, allies, russia, plucks, nicaragua, mexico, hollie held nose, thumbs down, china, and, north korea, and, venezuela, and brazil, eight kings, gabriel, showed, popes, image, made alive, pocket, t.v., modelled, arch, saudi, he said, you caused, over, 9-11, king fahd, comes, to, bush, dont, do, it, he said, it will bring instability, to the area, he said, if you do, we ll cut oil production, bush, knew, before, he, didnt, care, about, america, only, oil, contracts, and, bush eyes iran, attacks, record, the, vision, said, kenneth haney, witch, leading, like, horace smith, they needed money, said, hollie, brad baker, and, people, arent tithing, its because of france falling from n.a.t.o., america, is, weak, they, are, russia, that, pointed, hollie, at hollie flying, in, spacecraft, doing, sign teem, laughed, hollie took, off, running, no, said, fleas, uto said, hollie, laughed, grim reaper pointed at dr. bill hamon, we know said jane hamon, all lost, pastoring, wanting church credit card, live, free, 1-22-2008-hollie showed, beasts image made alive, pocket t.v., licked prophet, record, me, said, gabriel, did, not, hollie, showed, say, question, rubbed chin, thought, laughed, flames, thought, up, thumb, and the two beasts fighting on the thumb, and hu, said, the pope, I will not, said, hu, put up with you, they, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, look, said, fleas, its, right, here, said, prophet, that, said, hollie, on ring, you need, to, repent, said, gabriel, brad baker, gabriel, showed, record, gabriel, said, this economies shutting down, pointed, all, of, north america, gabriel, showed, record, hollie, showed, record, hollie, showed, turn, no, said, hollie, gas is going way up, said, gabriel, opec, causing, gabriel, showed, popes, image, made alive, pocket, t.v., gabriel showed, record, hollie, showed, record, did not, gabriel, say, trouble, and he saw, said, casey, the pope rise, and, theres hu, those two signed for 666, theres, the emporer of japan, he held nose, pope, and, slash, idol shepherd, bobby, said, gabriel, showed, eat, hollie, out of zenith allegro 100 speaker, excellent, nobodies, fool, said, cinderella, hes blackie lawless, shut-up, he said, like child, yeah, shook lawless, you need to record, said, hollie, licked, prophet, hollie showed, number one, you out, she, said, yeah, said, Ray Haruzi, then why are you preaching, yuur wantin to pastor uh church, said, hollie, yes shook Haruzi, but, wants credit card, free ride, like rick roberston, put it under, witches of pentecost, hollie showed, record, record, said, hollie, rick roberston, why, said, hollie, what, did he do, intruded into priest hood, with dyed hair, gabriel, clicked his heels, at rick roberstons, church, near flying roll, and, nathaniel haney-urshan man, saw, showed, credit card, lighted serpents tongue, blinking lighted eyes, looked at exit, record me, said, hollie, that, rick roberston with dyed hair, you need to record said, hollie, showed, wait, that was, fleas, like, a, helicopter, letting, out Ray Haruzi, peace and safety, he said, thru megaphone, out, hollie, your out, she, said, leaves, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, wait, leave me alone, thats, hollie, flying, in her spacecraft, doing sign team, laughed, space craft, turned into ohio class sub, fired, direct hits, on all, that, stole, the name ministry of dreams, all, released ruint, hollie showed, record, your jelous, said, brad baker, with, mark mckinneys voice, better get used to it, said, woman, that, I, hate, you, she said, Im, your, new, mother, write the vision, said, hollie, light, hollie, dont, go, to, new, york, thats, gabriel, in, headlines, hillary blew, out, president, thats, fleas, like, a, helicopter, letting, out, marcus ellis, peace and safety, he said, is, bush, putin, arms reduction treaties, and, hollie, tore, up, I have uh warning, said, Jesus, people who are lost want people lost, when we hit iraq agin, said, hollie, like pope, brought judgment to america, ends nuclear, with iraq, gaza, destroyed, yur over, said, brad baker, I, know, it, he said, mercy, said, hollie, and, fleas, like, helicopter, bush, gorbachev, signed, for, peace, and, safety, its, right here, said, bush, take, missiles, off, ships, that weakened nato, and, captain hollie in her sub, americas seawolf is advanced, it, has, tomahawks that are not nuclear, waste, saith the Lord, bill cancells, the new russian sub, is nuclear arms, its seawolf, its cause we aint go no money, said bush-clinton man, they, are, about, to, reduce navy aircraft carrier force to four, hollie like uh silhouette, grim reaper, pointed, hollie, pulls u.s.s. nimitz, it costs about fifty thousand per day, salaries, thats hu hintao, right here, said, hollie, riding, red horse, china, strikes taiwan, to lure, and, he saw, said casey, that woman is wantin you to get your ass in church, said, hollie, I, warned you, bobby, said, mrs. brad baker, theres woman there, that desires, shes, lost, write the vision, said, hollie, economic collapse in headlines, u.s.a., then we attack, said, putin, and, he saw, said, casey, america, moscow, china, on fire, casey, pointed, theres, dragon, with, eight kings, theres, hu, said, casey, false prophet, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, liar, nicaragua, russia, plucks, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, mexico, venezuela, hugo bringing, and north korea, hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, liar, hes, causing, war, has, seven single, warhead, hiroshima like missiles, launches on, russia, but, one, hits, china, and, china, fires interceptor, gets, and, he saw, said, casey, russia, buring, to google, again, pointed, greg dixon with red finger, pockets thousands, preaching, lost, while his flock slowly gets cut off, hair dyer, witches, both dixons, cuba said Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosion, in, middle, its, america, for allowing, russia, to, put, sub, there, hollie, tore, up, sub, fires, america, hit hard, returns, fire, then, whole nation, explodes, and, russia, china, explodes, world shakes, and, up, rose, pope, and, hu, they, sign for 666, mark of the beast, said, casey, hollie, said, no, I hate him, pointed, the blackie lawless-cinderella man, and he saw, pointed, casey, the blackie lawless-cinderella man point at smiling band members, he wants to sing songs with another band, russia only, one sixth left, hate him said blackie lawless-cinderella man, him, bush, why, what has he done, said, hollie, hate said blackie lawless-cinderella man, its, me, I bought both bands down, hate, he said, hate said blackie lawless-cinderella man, hate him, I, went on that website, he, talks like child, hate him said blackie lawless-cinderella man, you know who I am, he said, its sammy hagar, its him, said, blackie lawless-cinderella man, alice cooper, all, four, alike, hate him said cinderella-blackie lawless man, its me, I ruint both bands, hollie showed, record, ill never forget you, said Bret Michaels, life me up said the cinderella-blackie lawless man, that was, satan, like, a, white face, im the bear father, pope, pointed, fleas, we dont want you, sang, the choir, with john kelly, in, pastoring, lost, put it under, said, hollie showed, cut off, he showed, laughed, hollie, licked prophet, and bush, eyed, saudi arabia, and he saw, said, casey, showed, sh, nuclear, from, uh bear said linda, leave it alone, said, hollie, she hates her name being on here, but, wants, to preach, lost, put it under, all spalls are lava, 1-23-2008-randy travis is rejected, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, he, dyes, hair, profits from singing, like, david koresh said the angel, gabriel, clicked, heels, modelled, like, hollie, turned, into, silhouette, showed, beasts image made alive, pocket t.v., hollie showed, pictures, of, both beasts, hu, pope, tear up, put back, rip, liars, put it under, those two sign for 666, somebody, went, on, that, website, said, hollie, its kenneth haney, with brown hair, give me money, said, kenneth haney with nathaniel haney-urshans voice, witches, submarine sound, and hollie surfaced, in her sub, alome sound, said, hollie, and, tin man whistle blew, he, knows, your, lookin, said, Jesus, and, white angel, pointed, theres d.min, jeremy taylor, u.u.a., in lava, stole the name ministry of dreams, preaches Jesus, embarrassed, wrote two letters, the witch-fess, ruint, releases, perishes, downtown, pointed, circled, hollie showed, geese, with, lighted, finger, gabriel, showed, record, gabriel, showed, wait, clicked, president bush will attack iran, and, syria, thats, fleas, like, helicopter, letting, out, henry gruver, spoke, thru megaphone, hollie, out, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, and, america, explodes, from, subs, and, moscow, china, on fire, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, im moody, russia awaken, said, hollie, Jesus sprinkled, on, oceans, and the pope, rose, president bush, said, gabriel, wants prophet jailed, for exposing his iraq oil contracts war, on net, but, he, is, one shot, watch, write the vision, said, hollie, president bush is going to tell the c.i.a. to kill prophet said, gabriel, he is stealing iraqs oil, and, c.i.a. wont, they would kill bush, he sees visions, prophet laughs, knows, bush, shot, twice, saw, dream, waved, bye bye murderer, then, dick cheney, knows, tells c.i.a., kill, but, hillary protects, God wants cheneys and bushs presidential pardons removed, but the clintons are guilty of whitewater, bush shows, shh, dont, tell, he gets asked by reporter, hes wrong, said, bush, oil contracts, gabriel, said, president bush will hit irans power plant, theres syrian president running from fire, hollie showed, record, like cat, leopard, thats magog, north and south korea, and, hu held nose, they, nuke, each, other, and, he, saw, said, casey, both, north korea and china hit russia, and, russia, hits, both, back, pointed, hollie, and, pope, goes to russia, signs, gets, control, drives out china, call on me, said, angel, and, I, will, show, you, things you can not beleive, new rocket, said, hollie, thats, pope, on, nuclear missile, has control of russia, threatens magog, china, and, hu hintao has hands on nuclear button, both beasts, they, sign, for 666, said, hollie, mother teresa has blasphemed by worshipping pope, said, hollie, now, in, lake of fire, said, woman, from, brad bakers church, she was in church, ran, and, Jesus, come my little princess, went after, now, cut off, doesnt know it, like many, hollie blew horn, out, hollie, tear up, put back, we know said kenneth haney, cut off, he showed, but, pastoring, thats all pentecostal churches, and horace smith sees, with dyed hair, that was satan, like nathaniel a. urshan, said, hollie, pastored, lost, shh, that was Jesus, pointing, like nathaniel haney-urshan man, wants you to think hes saved, pockets money from church, thats hollie locomotive showing, time, heres your mail, she said, ministry of dreams name has now been stolen over one thousand times, said, Jesus, God ruint, made all remove, write the vision, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, pointed, your out, she, said, its, over said brad baker, lost your name, ministry of dreams, on, brad bakers sign, that was red and black chariot, pulled, by, angry, horses, with, pope, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, beast, hu, thumbs down, hollie held nose, false prophet, in back, saw, putin, with kings, pray for chile, said, the angel, boom, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosion, from, im a bear, said, linda, spall, bear, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, liars, planning, hollie salted, they, destroy, america, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, grim reaper, that is hollie flying in space, craft, fired, direct hits, all, that, stole, the name ministry of dreams released ruint, satan, said, hollie, what, did, he, want, im the bear father, hollie showed, record, tear up, bear paws, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, Jesus, flying, on, stealth bomber, they, are, detectable by heat seeking missiles, excellent, as good as raptor f-22, jong is causing missile defence, said, Jesus, and, hollie, and, hollie, licked prophet, france is uh part of the beast, said, hollie, and, licked prophet, pope, rose out of italy, nato, russia, having, ten crowns, ruling party, bush, is, woman, brother, said, hollie, tear up, put, back, hollie, showed, eat, walk, write the vision, said, hollie, your out, dr. jan adams, doing plastic surgerey on a old woman, but, she lied, write Kanye West and tell him, drop suit, saith God, and, apologise to jan adams for ruining him, kanyes mother, said, she, was not ill, was, jan told her of risks, and, Kanye West sees visions and jan adams sees, both, laugh, larry king wants to do interview, right here, he, said, on, cnn, I would said jan adams, Kanye West, git outta here, he, said, he, wants, jan adams stripped, bobby, we, use your name, said, stargardter-garrison man, reverend jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams, whatta you want, said, hollie, he wanted the name ministry of dreams, stole wisdom of dreams, to, gets fired, alaska, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, boom, im a bear, said, linda spall, bear, russia, putin, with, three ribs, who are they said, hollie, and hollie held nose, thumbs, down, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, all, nuked, by, america, and, u.s.a. explodes, and, russia, china, on fire, france agin, said, hollie, thats, my dragon, I, know, who it is, said, Jesus, when you hit iraqi agin, said, hollie, right here, she, showed, hollie showed, record, in white robe, showed, pictures, modelled, pope, hu, who are they, she, said, beast, false prophet, shame on america, for hittin iranq, said, hollie, that is, it, said, the LOrd, I, will take, peace off of the earth, for, that, tell me who MYSTERY, BABYLON is, said, hollie, tap dancing, its, america, hollie held nose, thumbs down, salted, jeremy your on your way down, she, said, he, knows, said, Jesus, u.u.a. jeremy taylor, u.u., d.min, your looking, said, Jesus, he, stole the name ministry of dreams, runs, to remove, looses, all, jobs, talks, Jesus, showed, cut off, pastor brad baker, and wife, they want you, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, sh, she said, dont, speak, cause, they feel Holy Ghost, tremble, when the economy shuts down, said, the woman, then, caos, looting, and he saw, said, casey, I want you right there, said, the woman, from brad bakers, church, oral, sex, I hate you, said, the youth, thats what, put him, be nice, said, kid, they are, lost, Jesus, showed, cut off, all, that, bob, said brad baker, help, 1-2008-fleas, said, be nice to me, angel, showed, record, hollie, pointed, drink, record, hollie showed, youll soon be walkin, said, the angel, high gas, put it under, said, hollie, turned into silhouette, showed, beast, pope, boy id sure like to have uh little more gas, clapped, the tap dancer, hollie, thats, bush, iraq, oil contracts war, tell me how, the, oil, contracts war ends, prophet, said, hollie, and he saw, said casey, nuclear explosions, in, iraq, gaza, and bush, eyes, iran, hollie showed, said, write the vision, rubbed chin, thought, im outta there, brad bakers, church, up, thumb, popes image, and, pope, hu, fought, signed, for 666, brand new new york city, and, he saw, said, casey, hillary, president, get, home, said, the airplane, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that was fleas, like, a, helicopter, letting, out, char tierney, hollie out of megaphone, you can make it, left, theres the alone sound, said, hollie, write the vision, said, angel, taht, is, the, pope, he, showed, picture, and, hu, false prophet, and, emporer of japan, and, idol shepherd, slashed, pope, three kings in persia, when you dream, said, hollie, its, uh, night, vision, downtown, pointed, circled, hollie showed, geese, licked prophet, did, not, hollie say, no, gabriel, showed, record, when, you, aint, got, no money, said, the woman, from, brad, bakers, church, ill let you take me out, but, marry, then, sex, that, is, hu hintao on the red horse, she said, and, he, saw, said, casey, taiwan, explode, that, was Jesus, in, Light room, looking, thru, crack, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, played the horn, out fleas, pointed, hollie, wait, gabriel showed, record, tear up, put back, record, said, hollie, showed, wait, hollie showed, wait, licked prophet, its all because president bush, said, hollie, both, iraq, usa, destroyed, its to late, said, macaulay, culkin, dont call one me, he said, hollie showed, record, hollie tap danced, and licked prophet, 1-25-2008-bob, dreamed, bus, exploded, fell over, top busted off, red like liquid, flowed, out, with charred, and woman, alive, in, reaching for something, hollie, showed, record, and robert cavaness fighting against bob, the angel showed, record, hollie, showed, batteries, that was fleas, like, helicopter, letting out woman, from, brad bakers, church, spoke thru megaphone, out, hollie, this is peace and safety, she, said, right here, said, mrs. brad, baker, bush, gorbachev, signing, start one, hollie flew off, who ever, has, the vision, said, hollie, put, the vision, on, the, website, and, licked prophet, hollie, like, a, cat, smiled, showed, pictures, of, new, world, order, the pope, hollie, held, nose, thumbs, down, liar, not, apostle, hu, hollie, salted, liar, hollie jumped, in, back, of, that, o, red, and, black, chariot, pulled, by, angry, horses, with, pope, hollie, salted, liar, pointed, him, hu, fought, write the vision, said, president bush, said, gabriel, and he saw, said, casey, shot, twice, hollie, robert cavaness sees crowd, reduced, to, one, third, cause, scott sparks, lost, and, people, I, know, said, robert, cavaness, with, mark mckinneys voice, God told bob, stand up, give, testimony, cavaness calls on people sitting down, now, bob, thinks, fine, his church, now, no, Holy Ghost, when, bob, left, cavaness, thought, im sorry, I should have, good bye, looses, more, crowd, letting, hair dyer, preach, downtown, pointed, tore up, hollie, showed, geese, pointed, ken sholls is cut off, gabriel showed, record, the economies slipping, said, hollie, licked prophet, thats the grim reaper, tear up, stomp, hollie, like silhouette, showed, beast, false prophet, the two beasts, and, hollie showed, them, signing, for, 666, that was fleas, like a helicopter, letting, out, steven stargardter, fired, he said, thru megaphone, jeremy taylor, for, stealing, name ministry of dreams, released, ruint, no d.mins in heaven, pointed gabriel, leave them alone, he, said, soothsayers, witches, once we hit iraq again, said, gabriel, then, judgment to america, and, the beast rose, g8, bush, is woman, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, ruling, party, and, putin, kneeling before pope, hum hum, americas gitton, alright, said, putin, lets rule the world, he, said, russia plucks, hollie salted, cuba, showed, shh, they are russia, nicaragua, hollie showed, sh, they are russia, venezuela, they are china, new economy, said, the mouth, its, bankrupt, in america, I was like you said, satan, but, rebelled, wanted, followers, now, in hell, but, soon, shot, into, pope, idol shepherd, to, decieve, nations, for, a, while, heres the vision, said, Jesus, tear up, put back, popes picture, beast, new, iraqi, thats, ameri-britain, absorbed, and, bush, eyes, iran, outlaws Jesus, comeon, he, said, on, harley davidson, showed, california, boom, mant explosions, u.s.a., all east coast, boom, exploded, came, down, he, said, any questions, show me the other side, harley, peeled out, russia, china, exploded, from, subs, back, down, LOrd have mercy on us all, said, prophet, Jesus, left, now, sons of silence, tear up, put back, tear up, hollie, showed, and, hollie, like, silhouette, record, the vision, thats captain hollie, in her sub, ohio class, she said, fired, direct hits, all, bobby, we take it, said, dee finney, no, said, hollie, the name ministry of dreams, all released ruint, record the vision, said, outlaws Jesus, im the sons, he said, and, the sun appeared, thats, lake of fire, venus is sun, hollie whistled, right there, pointed, like, dot, tear up, put, back, kim jong, said, Jesus, is, causing hatred, between, u.s.a., china, hollie put back, from, the, side, clap, greg dixon, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, right here, said, woman from brad bakers church, greg dixon pocketing tithes, offerings, with dyed hair, g.q., said, hollie, he sees visions, his church, mocking, him, i, knew, it, said both dixons, pocketed money, instead of paying taxes, they, are, millionaires off thier foolish flock, whats he done, said, Jesus, theres both greg dixons in hell, lava, with, black suits, on, all baptist pastors, witches, and greg dixon greets with smile, on, face, church, looses, most, greg dixon ran for congress, wanted to pocket more money, hollie showed, record, slept, heard knocking, the police are after, and he saw, said casey, Bret Michaels, tear up, thumbs up, put back, fast for me said, guitarist, and hollie showed, flames, hot, rubbed chin, laughed, up, thumb, and, pope, hu, fighting, on, thumb, and, great beasts rose, the pope, hu, pope out of hus mouth, they emporer of japan, and, idol shepherd, slashed, pope, I, cant, he said, a prince on my own behalf, betrayed, me, hollie tattood 666, no, said, fleas, van bad on gas, look, said, outlaws Jesus, explosions, all over, america, he rubbed chin, they tell me, he said, your out, and greg dixon, swallowed, never saved, neither, but, both lead, people, tell you what om gonna do, said, greg, dixon, your out, said, hollie, and greg dixon shook, yes, hair dyes, to get sex, with youth, now, embarrased, tell i.r.s. on the dixons, and get the mercy of God, never, saved, but, pastoring, and they see visions, and the Lord, says, get out, and be ruint, any way, and i.r.s., freezes, thier, stolen, assets, and stan solomon laughs, lost your million dollar job, said, gabriel, and lost robert cavaness sees, heres how, left the church to lost scott sparks, prophet tells visions during prayer requests, scott sparks says, do you have the Holy Ghost, and prophet, said, it felt like a Body my perfect size coming in, all in church, new lost, full, now, one third, and loosing, and Jesus laughs, robert cavaness pockets millions, but, keeps church open, now, digging,, and wont call on prophet during praise service, calls on people sitting down, now regrets, and bob sees, young saxaphone player at apostolic tabernacle in speedway, hows it goin, and he just looked away, and bob thinks, bye, now, church, lost, both see visions, go to greg dixon, said, gabriel, you need to tellem, said, fleas, they are tax evaders, pastoring, lost, and both see, and know, true, and greg j. dixon swallows, and Kathy Dixon is hair dyer, bobby, right here said greg a. dixon, now I loose, he said, both dixons are liars, witches, you loose said greg a. dixon, and he saw, said, casey, the dixon man, both dixons with dyed hair and pockets full of tax free money, just pastor said greg a. dixon, now i dont like it, he said, witch, flock, leaving, i know it, said, both, witches, ruint, put it under said hillary clinton, om coming said bill clinton, i loose said greg a. dixon, now, known by mrs. clinton, wants church to pay taxes, will freeze assets of many pastors, witches, 1-26-2008-you need to record, said, hollie, whole new page, one, put it under, now double visions, and, blessed precious licked prophet, heres the one I want you to go, downtown, circled, pointed, hollie showed, geese, licked prophet, with, lighted, finger, and, dragon rose, g8, spued fire, missiles, and, bush, woman, italy, little horn, out, pope, russia having politburo, ruling, party, ten kings, kim jong, said, Jesus, right there, cut off, showed, Jesus, what did I do, said, jong, made nuclear weapons, with u.s.a., energy aid, didnt care, about, his people, hes, over thrown, soon, hollie tattood 666, like a bear, pope goes to russia, gets arsenal, china, and japan, rise, to withstand, hu, pope, sign for 666, hollie licked prophet, that blown it, said, angel, that was hu hintao riding the red horse, china hits taiwan, that was hollie, on, the, m.x. missile, like a silhouette, showed, beast, pope, false prophet, hu, thats the grim reaper, like a china man, pointed, bill hamon stole the name ministry of dreams, removed from rewritten book, gets ruint, his ministry now, failing, outlaws Jesus, showed, america, boom, explode, and nuclear, explosion behind statue of liberty, im a bear said, linda spall bear, hollie laughed, thats, putin, record me, said, hollie, showed, wait, how we do in, said, randy travis, lost, record, said, hollie, no, said, randy travis, about, to, I knew, he, said, you liar, said, Jesus, record said, hollie, what did he want, she, said, prophet, om startin to loose, said, randy travis, your out, said, hollie, and, she, sat randy travis down at counsel, angel pointed, lava, randy, perished, I, aint, gonna, do it, he said, get thru, hes, asking, for, the, Holy Ghost, its fun, said randy travis, when you run and go to church and get strengthened, witch, prophet, tell the, vision, said, angel, just leavuhm alone, he said, randy, travis, pockets, millions, like bill hamon, I, want ya, said, randy travis, tell it, easy, i knew it, when benny hinn prayed for, randy fell, on, his own, both knew, fake, that was, fleas, like my helicopter, said, hollie, letting out henry gruver, peace and safety, he, said, gorbachev, reagan, signing weapons reduction treaty, that weakened america, hollie, pointed, tell me uh vision, said, hollie, whatta you want, and he saw, said, casey, d.min, u.u.a, jeremy taylor, u.u., remove the name he stole, ministry of dreams, in lava, like antonia vladimirova, christians stealing the name ministry of dreams, like dan kaps, john mark pool, dee finney, bill hamon, jose alvarez, richard Lauersdorf, robert winer, m.d., these are claiming salvation, and, john mark pool runs to remove the name ministry of dreams they all do, hollie showed, out of zenith allegro 100, buyem, she said, after we hit iran, said, Jesus, be nice, and, brad and mrs. baker invite bob to dinner with woman that goes to, God lets, bob, talks from start to leaving, they, love it, hollie showed, wait, fleas like helicopter, letting, out, henry gruver, peace, safety, start one, flew off, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, record, fleas, said, work, and, licked prophet, hollie showed out of horn, pointed, somebodies lookin on the website, said, hollie showed, kenneth haney, write the vision, said, hollie, angel, cop, pointed, grim reaper, licked prophet, meerkat, showed, both beasts, hu, hollie held nose, salted, false prophet, pope, hollie salted, beast, those two signed for 666, gabriel showed, record, and licked prophet, that is fleas, like a helicopter, henry gruver out, start one, peace, safety, left, slashed, idol shepherd, modelled, pope, hollie, theres the alome sound, said, hollie, licked prophet, that is fleas, like a helicopter, letting, down, bill clinton, he is now trying to save hillarys campaign, no, said, hollie, hollie said, wait, hollie showed, wait, uh warning said, angel, you, out, said, hollie, yes, then watch her, hollie showed, record, modelled, fleas said, record, me, hollie showed, choked in the fire, this is what I want, he said, licked prophet, the beast with seven heads and ten horns-vision recieved 1-2008-in a dream, and im going by memory, I was saying, and I felt uncomfortable saying, like they or whoever would not believe it, "I saw the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the seven heads, that was nato, bush was the woman, the pope came out of italy, russia had politburo, God showed me the word politburo, thats ten kings out of one nation. IN visions recieved 1-26-27-2008-God showed me people and ministering spirits saying things like: the grim reaper pointed at bill hamon, licked lips, witch, grecia, said, angel, and he saw, said, casey, pope, hu, putin, pop out of horns, did not hollie showed, say, quit it, rubbed chin, thought, up, thumb, and pope, hu, fighting on thumb, shut me down, said, pope, new york, said, the pope, and, he saw, it, said, casey, write the vision, she said, nuclear explosion, hillary loosing, and the pope rode, the white horse, hu, red, taiwan, exploded, im a bear, said linda spall, thats putin, laughed, hollie, licked prophet, shut me down, said, Jesus, christians stealing the name ministry of dreams like jeremy taylor, u.u.a., daniel kaps, john mark pool, jose alvarez, richard E. Lauersdorf, robert winer, antonia vladimirova, right here, pointed, bill hamon, rewrote book, included ministry of dreams, right here, they said, court, make, but, God, said, embarras, they run, the pope said, forgit it, they tried to shut you down, said, gabriel, God led prophet to ruin them, your name said gabriel, right here, he, said, ministry of dreams, God spoke, and, jeremy taylor, d.min, being stripped, gabriel showed, write the vision, went to hell bob said pope, you know, who I am, he said, beast, the pope, said, when, they, hit iraq again, brought, judgment, its right here, said, prophet, hillary clinton, she, showed, thumbs, up, and, the rabbit showed beasts image made alive, right here, said, pope, pocket t.v., what did my beast say, said, hollie, take my mark and live, jeff black is cut off, said, hollie, come on, said, outlaws Jesus, america, explodes, out laws Jesus, showed, turn, record, shoot, jeff black is never been saved, pastored, he, pocketed millions, no I aint, said jeff black, he was not able to pastor no more, outlaws Jesus, said, jeff when you git rich, and, he saw, said casey, jeff black pocket tithes, now, cut off, bobby, said, prophet, call jeff wolf, I know said jeff black, admit that your fallen, said, gabriel, no I aint said jeff black, this is uh warning, said, hollie, dont, preach, lost, return said outlaws Jesus, jeff black, gabriel said, he knows ya, you went to jeff blacks church, closed, cause, they, knew, you were Holy Ghost, you aint nothing but a liar, said, outlaws Jesus, jeff, black, gabriel showed, never, return, said, hollie, brad bakers church, hollie showed, wait, praise God, said, stargardter-garrison man, theres nobody, lookin, said, jeff black, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, outlaws Jesus, showed, that was fleas, like, helicopter, letting out, brad baker, with, dyed, hair, it wont be long, spoke thru megaphone, hollie out of cymbol, pointed, gorbachev, bush, signing start one, peace, and safety, left, hollie out of cymbol, whistled, woman at moriah apostolic church, sings, dark hair, masterbating, are you kiddin, she said, when, sees, visions, and nathaniel haney-urshan man, showed, church credit card, lighted serpents tongue, gabriel, showed, record, can I git some, said, jeff black, no, said, mrs. black, she wants youth now, jeff, put on weight, hollie like uh silhouette, showed, both beasts, hu, hollie salted, false prophet, pope, beast, hollie salted, air force one goes down, said, hollie, hillary is loosing, bill, campaigns for, he kills, write the vision, said, hollie, were rich said jeff black, I told him not to do it, said, hollie, and, sat jeff black, does anybody ever, read it, said, mrs. jeff black, your out, said, hollie, they, gabriel, right here, pointed, them in hottest part of hell, its for me, said, mrs. black, and, he saw, said, casey, the blacks and bakers in the hottest part of hell, for decieving, iraq, said, Jesus, you cut me off, he said, bobby, theres somebody lookin, said, gabriel, kenneth haney, he, knows, said, gabriel, and, grim reaper pointed at the leaders of pentecost, horace smith, kenneth haney, lava, gabriel clicked heels, modelled, like hollie, no, said, hollie, prophet, there lookin, said, prophet, brad baker, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, played the horn, out fleas, showing, wait, hollie showed, played, the organ, write my vision, he said, the angel, showed, record, take it here, pointed, greg dixon, court, suit, he pockets church money, with dyed hair, and, judge pointed, no signs, witch, gabriel, pointed, lava, both dixons, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft wrecked antonia vladimirova, fired, her pocket exploded, ruint, she stole the name ministry of dreams, said, hollie, to ruin prophet, God embarrassed reverend antonia vladimirova, submarine sound, said, hollie, fired, direct hit, all, that, stole ministry of dreams removes ruint, hollie showed, wait, you are not worshipping, me, in Truth if you are not filled, with, the Holy Ghost, said, hollie, hollie out of, the horn, blown by hollie showed, rubbed chin, pointed, thought, flames, thought, up, he said, popes image, hollie on the missile, like silhouette, showed, beasts, theres hu, false prophet, put it under, she, said, new world order, new iraqi, said, hollie, ameri-britain, that was fleas, like, helicopter, letting, out, henry gruver, peace, safety, right here, said, henry gruver, gorbachev, reagan, hollie showed, record, 1-28-2008-dont believe em, said, the angel, it was free, said, fleas, and licked the prophet, hollie showed, wait, record, hollie, showed, wait, and, licked the prophet, hollie, had lighted, fist, and, g8, beast appeared, hollie salted, theres pope, out of italy, hollie showed, cut off, and, salted, with, nose, held, and hu, false prophet, hollie held nose, salted, these two sign for 666, I heard you had it, said, hollie, now its time said reverend, d.min, u.u.a. jeremy taylor, to be exposed, for hating God, and students mock, and cuba, hollie salted, held nose, now, under, new castrol, liar, and, venezuela, hollie held nose, salted, hes china, and, nicaragua, hollie held nose, shes, witch, now lets see, said, hollie, theres, north korea, hollie held nose, salted, hes, over thrown, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear weapons out of north korea, strike russia, and china, tell me about north korea, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, china, america, heading toward war, and, dragon rose, with, g8, bush, woman, nato, russia having ten crowns, politburo, and, hollie licked prophet, Jesus showed, record, psychic said the woman, thats, hollie laughed, jeremy taylor of wisdom university, stole the name ministry of dreams, here, said, hollie, on his site, to make prophet fall, now being ruint, want more visions on my website, clapped, the, tap dancer, hollie, and, had lighted, bear paws, tear up, put back, the con truit, and, the bear had three ribs, who are they, said, hollie, and, she salted, nicaragua, mexico, cuba, and he saw, Gabriel, said, im making you fall, you are my enemy, lets go out, said, dr. jeremy taylor, but, wants youth sex, the marin institute, now, doesnt use, no more, found, out, thief, why did he take it for, said, hollie, to strip prophet of salvation, God led prophet to strip him, and casey salted, all take nuclear hits, venezuela gets two, russia plucks, fires out of subs, america explodes, and, bill clinton, returns, magog, russia, china, boom, on fire, great britain, explodes, they, hit russia again, want more visions, clapped, hollie, licked prophet, hollie tap dancing, and, licked prophet, kim jong, said, pope, killed, by, coup, said, hollie, uto, said, Jesus, jeff black will go on your website, said, hollie, you want it again, said, mrs. black, no, said, jeff, they, are, witches, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, licked prophet, liar, the blacks, hollie modelled, like gabriel, and, satan, hollie showed, record, jeff black, said, hollie, is lost, and licked the prophet, thats fleas, like helicopter, letting out jeff black, spoke thru megaphone, alright, left, hollie showed, played, the horn, out, fleas, showing, wait, that is, uh synthesizer, said, hollie, and hollie showed, played, it, to, hollie showed, record, choked in the fire, wearing, satanic garment, hollie showed, record, saw flames, rubbed chin, thought, up, thumb, pope, hu, fighting, on thumb, elder luster is the reason for judgment to america, said, gabriel, he and mrs. luster pastor, lost, hollie showed, record, modelled, licked, hollie showed, wait, licked prophet, record, said, hollie, fleas, said, look, at, me, trouble, said, prophet, casey pointed, and he saw, three kings rose in persia, theres, pope, hu, emporer of japan, idol shepherd, slashed, pope, fleas, showed, record, record, said, hollie, showed, pointed, flames, ironworkers sticker, rubbed chin, laughed, up, popes image, laughed, look, said, fleas, tin man whistle blew, fleas, said, kim jong, is starting war, between china, america, fleas showed, record, licked prophet, hollie held nose, thumbs down, strange garage, high prices, she, said, no, said, fleas, hollie turned into silhouette, showed, both beasts, hu, false prophet, pope, beast, record, said, fleas, record, showed, gabriel, cut off, he showed, elder, reverend luster, look at me, said, fleas, tear up, toss, put back, and now God wont accept me, hollie showed, in the fire, choked, and three kings rose in persia, who are they, said, hollie, theres the pope, slash, idol shepherd, hu, false prophet, emporer of japan, with hu, rises to sign for 666, with pope, there they are, hollie showed, record, wait, gabriel, showed, record, said, hollie, gabriel, showed, record, prophesy to witches, all d.min s, they are cut off, showed, reverend jeremy taylor, that was jeremy taylor preachin and he is cut off, said, hollie, write the vision, downtown, said, hollie showed, said gabriel, record, said, hollie, record, me, said, gabriel, gabriel showed, record, pope, beast, wait, record again, he said, no, said, fleas, hollie, hollie modelled, sunday school said mrs. brad baker, you arent gonna take me, she, said, soothsayer, preaches, acts, im tellen you, she said, your wrong said brad baker, no, said, mrs. baker, soothsayer, record it said hollie, I, saw, ya, look, said, Jesus, your out said jeremy taylor, gabriel showed, record, got me he said, no said d.min, jeremy taylor, u.u.a., then why are you preachin, and, he saw, said, casey, money in dr. jeremy taylors hands, witch, over, head, he, sees, calls police, they, know, hes witch, put it under, said, hollie, hes a witch from satan, said, hollie, no said kathryn taylor, but smiles, shakes, yes, that hurt me, she said, put it under, all d.min's are witches, and the maniac on monument circle in shelbyville, indiana came out of urine on toilet, showed, robert cavaness s church, witches, like scott sparks, your out, said, the woman, I know it said scott, sparks, you witch, she said, 1-30-2008-and hollies face appeared, out of soap man, hollie showed, record, go, with bear paw, fist, lighted, gabriel showed, record, once we hit alaska, said, gabriel, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, in, alaska, thats, the, battle state, hit, washington, and he saw, said mrs. brad baker, both american coasts explode, and bill clinton, returns, fire, boom, moscow, china, explodes, now you been rejected, said, gabriel, and he saw, said casey, brad baker, dyeing hair, again, church, filling, but, a few services, later, crowd gone, thats it, said, brad, he quits dyeing again, prove me said, Jesus, I, can do all, things, hollie salted, pope, beast, no, said, hollie, hollie showed, played, horn, out, fleas, showing, wait, g8 is dragon, nato, bush, as, woman, italy, little horn, russia, having, ten crowns, who are they, said, linda spall, no, said, hollie, politburo, and hollie licked prophet, showed, record, hollie showed, choked in the fire, thats my planet, said, hollie showed, venus, lava, hollie showed, record, like, silhouette, showed, pictures of two beasts, theres hu, false prophet, hollie salted, pope, beast, hollie salted, that was fleas like helicopter, letting out, henry gruver, peace, safety, start one, left, write the vision, said, linda spall, hollie showed, record, thats fleas, like helicopter, letting out hillary clinton, I, take, him, left, she beats obama, gabriel, said, its the economy, said, hollie, satan, said, hillary clinton, you, looked, said, hollie, wins presidency, new york, said, clinton, and, he saw, said, casey, your done, said, gabriel, its, collapsing, said, casey, mccain wins republican nomination, and, better talker, then clinton, that, was, satan, shh, said, hollie, hillary clinton, shes, iraq, nuclear, no, she, said, gaza, explodes, and, israel, nukes, us, said, clinton, planned, theres your three arch angels, said, hollie, modelled, gabriel, michael, satan, bright light, they, rarely, talked, in, heaven, pray for chevrolet, said, gabriel, they are, bankrupt, that, was, satan, shh, I, caint, handle vision, said, john mark pool, satan, said, hollie, leave me, alone, she, said, flying, in, spacecraft, ohio class sub, boom, what did john mark pool do, said, hollie, shut up said sandy pool, thats satan, said, hollie, and, satan laughs at the pools, I did not want Jesus, said, lucifer, and, pointed, he, took, the name ministry of dreams, to ruin prophet, satan loves it, satan knew bob would feast off of ruining john mark pool, its right here, said, peggy cole, I, lost, him, she, said, she wont let, john preach no more, john mark pool, said, hollie, ran to remove ministry of dreams, like bill hamon, Joel Osteen, said, Jesus, victoria osteen, said, shut up, both lost, pocketing millions not saved, I dont want tu loose ya said Joel Osteen, but, he witch, wants church credit card, church empties, put it under, said, hollie witches are osteens, why did you write a book, rewrite, and, put it the name ministry of dreams, hollie said to dr. bill hamon, I wanted to make him fall, said the bill hamon, jeremy taylor, duncan rouleau, Richard Lauersdorf, dee finney, daniel kaps, antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, christian person, witch, false christian person, we got ya, said, hollie, how do you put the economy back, said, gabriel, and, licked the prophet, you cant, cause, they want collapse, rudolf Giuliani, was told by prophet, whom, God told, how, to, win, like, obama, many, but, they want, collapse, and, putin, rose, how, do, you put, the economy back, said, gabriel, I, toldum, said, Jesus, create, said, gabriel, cars, on prison, grounds, manufacturing, for, elderly, things, not, made, here, like, t.v.s, computers, and, hillary gets, I got you, she, said, to, late, was, told, obama is winning, git outta here, said, hillary, bobby, its, in, your ring, that, pointed, hollie, make uh wish, she sang, when, you hit iran, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, your, startin to loose, said, clinton, money, said, casey, right here, said, hollie, obama, ill fight him, said, obama, mccain wins presidency, whatta does he want, said, hollie, you knew, he said, nuke iraq, git out, does, put it under, john mccain beats obama, sue cole is cut off, said, hollie, my iraq, said, gabriel, she dyes hair, nuclear, like bruce cole, put it under, thats the new pentecost, thats my brother, said, hollie, john mark pool, right here, she said, I stole ministry of dreams, he said, court, make me, God says, embarras, and, christians run to remove, bob, said, gabriel, bush, is, oil, like, dick cheney, said, hollie, new president bush, dick cheney, thats iraq, bushs wanted oil contracts, write the vision, said, angel, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, modelled, grim reaper, that, hollie, showed, modelled, that, pointed, red tongue, president bushs state of the union was filled with lies, said, hollie, tap dancing, that, pointed, hollie, bobby, its, over, that, modelled, enthusiastic hollie, said, hollie, thou fool, said, Jesus, bobby, when they hit iraq, said, gabriel, economic collapse, tell me said john mark pool, to late saith God, cut off, and he looks at visions, put you on the prophecy club, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, and, maniac pointed, that, said, hollie, michael boldea, gimme ministry of dreams, said, michael boldea, they meet, ya, at sunday school, said, mike, he gives, his last tour, its, the final warning, the second, I, told, you, said, Jesus, dont, go out, there, not, saved, and maniac showed, record, when in indianapolis, they look at bob, and bob, sees, angels, numbers, over, peoples heads, the word, intruder over michael boldeas, and, gene schmidts head, said hollie, and, licked the prophet, that was fleas, like helicopter, letting out michael boldea, start one was peace, safety, left, he fooled you, pastor ken, pointed, lighted, finger, wants church credit card, be nice to me, he said, bob, shows, he looses crowd, that, said, hollie, they felt God coming from bob, go, easy, said, JEsus, that, said, hollie, ken writes bob, come, that, said, hollie, oils here, said, gabriel, its iraqs, it goes to 1.79, its cheap, iraq, agrees, to, keep, america, there, and, going, then, sudden destruction, the world shakes, hollie tattood 666, it was him, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, that, she said, george bush, lets hit iraq again, said, hollie, brought judgment to u.s.a., saluted putin, tear up, put back, stay away from there, said, maniac on monument circle, robert cavaness s church, hes lost like scott sparks, hollie said, record, out, of soap, leave me alone, she, said, spacecraft, got him, hollie showed, record, kiss me, said, college woman, whatta you want, said, hollie, thus saith, said, gabriel, jeff black, my man, said, mrs. black, lost, sat, at, counsel, hollie, made, gabriel, pointed, lava, is, where jeff black and wife, and hair dyer old man at wayne graces church, go, hottest, and he saw, said, casey, them, in lava, with, black suits, they are wanting, to pastor, and, get paid, for, right here, said, john kelly, look, said, fleas, pulpit, but, guards, put it under, said, hollie, om out, he said, wants others, hell, git on, said, Jesus, rocket, showing, the, whole east coast, exploded, russia, then, west, and, alaska, then, bill clinton, returns, fire, world shakes, moscow, china, burn, then, Jesus, dropped, prophet, and, left, hollie on the missile, theres that submarine sound, and, captain, hollie, surfaced, in, ohio class sub, hi brother, hollie showed, fist, hollie showed, record, fleas, showed, your cut off, we know, john kelly, and william mccloud, they, wanted, women, now, dying, and, he saw, said, casey, both, miss rapture, write the vision, said, enthusiastic hollie, and, he saw, heavenly being, powder, gums, write said hollie, been rejected, said, pope with the stargardter-garrison mans vocie, whatta you want, said, hollie, church credit card, showed, pope, and, beast, showed, beasts image, made alive, pocket t.v., russia said pope, lets do, and, putin, shook, yes, destroy, said, pope, alright, said, putin, Ill take care of it, and, bear had three ribs, plucked, holllie, salted, theres, cuba, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, liar, nicaragua, hollie salted, shes, liar, and, mexico, said, hollie, and, hollie salted, they are bankrupt, and, america, explodes, and, bill clinton, returns, fire, moscow, china, on fire, and, great britain, explodes, and, hits russia, australia, on fire, that is, fleas, like a, helicopter, letting, out, steve martin, spoke thru megaphone, Eddie Murphy out, on saturday night live, they, met, steve, would not let, murphy talk, eddie wanted to, make, martin, look, like fool, martin knew, now, eddie hates thinking about, it, martin laughs, steve martin is as funny as, hes mature, this is france, said, fleas, and, dragon, rose, they, fell, to, russia, and, russia, hits, it, was, chirac, and, yeltsin, and the german president, they made military agreement, they are one, and britain, knows, hollie showed, fist, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, licked prophet, start one is peace and safety, said, hollie, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, gabriel, I need you record, me, put down, submarine sound, said, hollie, look, said, fleas, gabriel, showed, record, and he looked, said, casey, im outta here, said, jeff black, witch, gabriel, showed, record, and he saw, said, casey, globe, at wayne graces church, subs attack u.s.a., and russia, china, boom, the world shakes, and, sun, moon darkened, gabriel showed, record, licked prophet, no, said, fleas, 1-31-2008-no, said, fleas, mexico said, Jesus, exploded, dont, tell, me, about, mexico, said, hollie, its, plucked, up, she, said, pointed, lighted, finger, tear up, put back, hollie, record, me, said, hollie, france, said, Jesus, its, the, g8, and, he saw, said, casey, dragon rise, the globe spinning, and, glenn beck attacks walter coleman, witch, glenn beck is the church man, hollie showed, wait, record, hollie showed, record, comere, said, glenn beck, and he saw, said casey, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, both, showing church credit card, and gabriel, pointed, lava, both, with black suits, out it under, said, hollie, witches of pentecost, hollie showed, record, that was fleas, like helicopter, letting, out, henry gruver, start one, he said, peace, safety, left, hollie showed, its, the, economy, said, gabriel, and, he, saw, said, casey, economic collapse, u.s.a., russia, says, attack, tear up, put back, hollie showed, in, the fire, does hollie showed have message, hollie showed, thought, thumbs up, theres a reason, said, hollie showed, popes image, born between, right here, said, pope, this is otyre, russia, china is magog, they sign, pointed pope, for, 666, bye, said, hollie, china, boom, america, and hu, said, pope, I, will, not, hollie tore up, put back, from side, they, hate, but, cling, and, he saw, said, casey, nukes, aimed, they speak lies, at table, record, me, said, hollie, tear up, pointed, hollie, flying, in her, space craft, turned into ohio class sub, fired, jeremy taylor, u.u.a., witch, he stole the name ministry of dreams, git out of us, said, kathryn taylor, both being ruint, wh was that that said it, said, hollie, it, was, char tierney, silvana lupetti woman, prophet, said, hollie showed, that was heavenly, many bright lights in like fire color, God is an all consuming Fire, right here, said, hollie, willma mccloud, witch, gabriel, pointed, lava, both, what does that mean said hollie, he, destroys, cindy, said, that, prophesy said Jesus, your closed, said, wayne grace, money, said, his wife, git him outta here, said, old hair dyer wayne leaves church to, boy, he said, liar, over, his head, can you preach, he said, I am, guards, pulpit, and, finger, pointed, fall away for preventing prophet, thats the star wars sound, said, hollie, george lucas making another, its, good, as, any, im gonna bank rupt, him, he, said, hes, costing, studio almost one hundred million, this time, its special effects, but, does not pay for self, earns about sixty million, first week, it will gross billions, cause its about judgment, ten, nine, pink floyd, said, hollie, right here, said, david gilmore, reunites, cause, syd barrett, dying, now david gilmore has all thos songs, hes selling out, but, show boring, cause, only, him, with new band, no special effects, prophet has a vision, said, hollie, put, the, vision on the website, that is the globe, said, hollie, australia on fire, america, moscow, china, the dragon rose, with pope, g8, nato, that was france, it is nato, said, hollie, bush is woman, russia having ten crowns, ruling party, and out of one, pope, beast, and, hu, he said, war, said, hu hintao, china, hits washington state, taiwan, that was hu running from, the fire, said, hollie, and putin, but, returns, that was alaska, said, hollie, and he saw, said casey, alaska, explode, and both american coasts from subs, hollie like prophet, tipping hate, hollie smiled, and up rose the beast, that was hollie like a silhouette showing, both beasts, pope, hu, and glenn beck says, come and sit with me, showed, cut off, would love prophet, no, said, fleas, I peel out, said, out laws Jesus, no, said, fleas, right here, said, outlaws Jesus, gross, hundreds, Im not gonna do it, he said, your out, william mccloud, the dog, is, your wife, and church, and, threatening, to, destroy, your walk with God, put it under, said, hollie showed, the mcclouds will perish, and out laws rubbed chin, hollie showed, pictures, pope, beast, false prophet, hu, and held nose, they are witchs, the mcclouds, and hegoat smote ram, and, hu, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, and putin, hollie held nose, salted, witch, and the hegoat was satan, with popes face, popping, out, put it under, said, hollie showed, cut off, the mcclouds, why are you preachin for, said, man, and william, mccloud, thought, im not, well, maybe i am, witch, prophesy, said, gabriel, with music, its time for people to get saved, read and do ACTS 2:38, hollie showed, record, cut off, all pastoring lost, and jeff black sees, do much, he says, but, hes lost, wants, church to support, live for free, and the nathaniel haney-urshan man showed, church credit card, lighted serpents tongue, hollie modelled, and hu, she said, witch, 2-1-2008-the Riverdance ferry, saith God, was to, close, and the captain, knows, unemployment, now, cause, he was not willing to loose, life, ship, old, would have not sank, but, put it under, said, hollie showed, pointed, leaked, hollie showed, record, gabriel, showed, record, arch, pointed, bright, like, spark, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, explosion, im uh bear, said, linda, spall, who is it, said, hollie, its, me, said, putin, record, me, said, hollie, the, sign said, greek orthadox church, thats russia, blaspheme, and, dragon rose, licked prophet, with nato, g8, bush, woman, russia having politburo, ruling party, italy, little horn, and, pope, rose, hollie showed the popes image made alive, pocket t.v., that was not the website talking, it, was, pope talking for website, said, Jesus, post said pope, the pope said, limited attack on north korea, right here, said, pope, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosion, north korea, ruint, and, they, fire, on russia, nine hits, moscow nuked, tell bob your sorry, said, freddy krueger, im not said, reverend jeremy taylor, but, ill remove, write bob and say, your sorry, I wont, said, u.u.a. jeremy taylor, tell her you dont want her no more cause shes past her flower, kathryn taylor said freddy krueger, and jeremy wakes up, and freddy krueger licked the prophet, showed, the beasts image made alive, pocket t.v., and hollie like silhoutte, showed, boths beasts, lets see, she said, theres hu, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, and, pope, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, witch, showed, credit card, no, said, fleas, whatta you want, said, hollie, and jeremy taylor, u.u.a., sat down, and gabriel, pointed, lava, theres taylor in hell for preaching not saved, wearing a black suit, put it under, said, hollie showed, witchs, jong, said, Jesus, hes causing, war, that is fleas, that was fleas, like a helicopter letting out jerry friend and mrs. friend, start one, said, mrs. jerry friend, was peace, safety, left, jerry friend is lost, both hair dyers, and, bob, shows, tongue tied, they, knew, git outta here, they, thought, jerry liked bob, likewise, hes asking about, bob interested, jerry sees, writes, come back, bob, would, lazy said jerry friend, that was hollie, tear up, put back, that was con spirit, clap, that, was, fleas, letting out of helicopter, prince charles, you lied, said, fleas, wrong, said, prince charles, its my birthday, said, princess diana, she, caught prince charles cheating, off of stupid britons, they want, let me control parliament, said, queen elizabeth, shes over tony blair, but, lets people, now, they are, i know said queen elizabeth, wanting them, prince charles ta rule, he would make good president, but, britain is attacked by russia, prince charles has russia nuked hard, by his subs, and, the dragon rose, with g8, bush as woman, russia having ten crowns, thats politburo, said, Jesus, ruling party, and, im the beast, said, pope, italy, and pope pointed, russia, and putin, downtown, pointed, circled, hollie showed, with red finger, thats the world shaking, and, america on fire, and, moscow, china, blocks sun, and, thats when, hegoat smites ram, and, up, rose, pope, hu, hollie salted, the two beasts, the emporer of japan, and, idol shepherd, and hu, said, idol shepherd with freddy kruegers voice, i will not, said, hu, they hate, both have nukes, aimed at each other, I want here, said, pope, russia, oil, hu, gets driven out, both, cling, put it under, they are the two beasts, 2-2-2008-they are saying jeremy taylor is the witch of witchs said hollie, why, what did he do, he stole the name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, God ruins taylor, hollie showed, record, tell her what you want, said, freddy krueger, and, he saw, said, casey, jelous, said, krueger, taylor, d.min, you, ruint, it, said, hollie, when, you, hit, iraq, again, said, pope, tell me, said, freddy krueger, and, he saw, bush, sat, at, consel, put your hand on bible, I brought iraq war to steal oil contracts, gabriel, pointed, lava, for bushs, Jesus said, iranq, said, hollie, bringing, judgment, and, he saw, said casey, hollie tear up, put back, from behind, she said, licked prophet, that was fleas, like a helicopter, letting, out henry gruver, it was the treaty signed by george bush and gorbachev that fulfilled peace and safety, left, and prince charles dressed in skirt, said, you have a battle to fight, cause him, he pointed, president bush, left, iraq, said, Jesus, your gonna see it on the television, its nuclear, 2-3-2008-said the night when, sang, sunbeam, bakery baby, shut up said angry Roxette, gabriel showed, record, hollie modelled, gabriel, showed, record, record, said, gabriel, gabriel showed, record, look, he said, record, me, said, gabriel, gabriel showed, record, hollie showed whistle blew, hollie showed record, smiled, laughed, thought, gabriel showed, record, new u.s.a., said, gabriel, communist, showed, shh, IM gabriel, arch, flies, giving messages from Jesus, bright, bob, pointed, gabriel, that, iraq, bush sat down at consel, I brought in to break oil contracts, gabriel, pointed, lava, george crying save me, with thousands he had killed, hollie showed whistle blew, boyd warren, cut off, showed, church credit card, licked prophet, every bodies looking, said, gabriel, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, that was fleas, like helicopter, letting out mrs. brad baker, peace and safety, she said, start one, left, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, gabriel showed, record, and grim reaper, pointed, new iranq, said, hollie, attacked, by u.s.a., no, said, hollie, you know what psunami did, said, hollie, it put beach people under water, then, pulled, almost two blocks back, into, ocean, many swam back, about three thousand died, somebody had a vision, said, gabriel, he wants in your walled, he said, jeremy vanlue, and jeremy vanlue showed church credit card, write the vision, said, gabriel, hollie showed, saw, flames, laughed, jeremy taylor in hell, lava, wearing black suit, he stole the name ministry of dreams, to ruin prophet, got ruint, jeremy taylor is wanting you to perish, said, hollie, like william sinkford, witchs, all d.mins, u.u.a. s, u.u. s, lost, witchs preaching, hollie pointed like a bear, boom, explosion, russia awaken, said, Jesus, that was tear up, put back, said, hollie, con truit, caspian sea oil pipeline, explodes, separating china, russia, peace and safety, was start one, said, prince charles out of fleass helicopter, he over reacted, said, woman, bush, when asked, about, what about saddam, in speech, he better do what he said, is what bush said, then, war was put in his heart, singed for pointed, hollie, out of megaphone, like light dot, bush, gorbachev, I aint gonna tellem, said, prince charles, the war your fighting is not called by God, left, hollie modelled, like gabriel, its cause of iranq, said, gabriel, judgment to america, hollie showed, played the horn, out hollie, showing, flower, new iraq, said, Jesus, ameri-britain, absorbed, said, hollie, licked prophet, that was satan, pointed, hollie, the nightmarist, look, said, fleas, duncan rouleau removes the name ministry of dreams ruint like his children, quinling harlequin, your done he said, he posted rouleaus article, prophet wrote, harlequin laughed, now, ruint, the united states will be a new desolation, said, gabriel, im a bear, said, linda spall, gabriel, showed, record, and bear, putin, had three ribs, who are they, said, hollie, its cuba, hollie salted, nicaragua, hollie salted, tattood the beasts image, catholic, mexico, hollie salted, held nose, hes opec, has saudi arabia, but, wont sell, to america, they want u.s.a. ruint, after they hit alaska, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, alaska and west coast explode, subs, around, then east, and bill clinton returns fire, moscow, china, and, russia nukes, that was nuclear explosions in britain, australia, italy, and, beast rose, who is it, said, hollie, thats nato, russia having ten crowns, hollie showed, politburo, out of flower, pointed, kathryn taylor being divorced by reverend jeremy taylor, u.u., hollie showed record, hollie showed, record, alantis sank, said, Jesus, it was about three hundred miles, ocean rose, like doing now, heres whats causing, they, are, using, oil, that comes out, and, ocean, rises, cause, leaves, hole, ground sinks, terry bradshaw said, now look, the patriots loose to giants by one pointed, its field goal, and patriots think, we didnt want, only to get there, but, embarrassed, and, jeremy taylor steals the name ministry of dreams to strip prophet, gets suit notice by kathryn taylor, hollie showed record, fleas like helicopter, letting out prince charles, you have a battle cause bush stole iraqs oil, left, hollie had scroll, that was peace and safety, said, hollie showed, start one, downtown, tore up, hollie showed, geese, once we bomb syria, said, steven stargardter, jim garrison, man, russia threatens america, and hollie fished, prophet, said, hollie, south korea takes one nuclear missile, fires tomahawks with little nukes, many, on north, and north fires seven, they hit russia, russia eliminates both, and, china, doesnt care, that was all america needed, casey pointed, Phantom f-4, they were like stealth, and, he, saw, said, casey, stealth shooting down raptor, its better, but, slower, this economys over, said, hollie, u.s.a., put it under, said, hollie showed, thats when russia attacks, and, licked prophet, submarine sound, said, hollie, hi bobby, she said, and, licked prophet, that, horn, said, hollie, out, hollie showed, tear up, put back, war, modelled hollie, brewing, whose is brewing between said, hollie with loose belt, thats sound, china, and the united states, over, oil, that, said, hollie, iraq, and he saw, said, casey, caspian sea oil pipeline sabatoge , 2-4-2008-leave me alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft gotem, david bush, showed, shh, hes hair dyer, repentance preacher, witch, like carlos burdine, witchs, and, globe spun, america, china, moscow, explode, and, Jesus, chases wayne graces church, all, running, but, act saved, they are old, young, talk, and, wayne grace showed church credit card, hes lost, put it under, said, hollie showed, witchs, gabriel showed, record, the economy, he said, is dying, america, write the vision, said gabriel, angels at wayne graces church, hollie dances, fleas out of saxaphone, pointed, hollie, showed, turn, with big lighted hand, licked prophet, tell me about my iranq war, said, hollie, write the vision, said, gabriel, america attacks iran, syria, the palestinian state, out of iraq, israel fires nukes, hollie on the phone, said hollie, with, music, played by hollie showed, whatta you want, she, said, and he saw, said, casey, wayne grace show church credit card, lives for free, on his apostolic buisness, like mechanic shop, no difference, hollie showed, licked my prophet, said, hollie, Jesus said, git somebody, to go with me, said, hollie, Jesus on horse, showing, california, boom, all east coast, bear said pope, alaska, exploded, and, bill clinton returns fire, moscow, china, boom, and, up, rose, pope, and licked prophet, goes to russia, one sixth left, gets arsenal, hu and japan rise to withstand, they sign for 666, the pope said, take it, said, hollie, put it there, 666, forehead, hollie played, harp, said, they expect me to save them, but, they wont live for me, wayne graces church, put it under, harlots, no, said, hollie, and hollie, did, sign team, at wayne graces church, laughed, Jesus pointed at sun, hell, lava, theres man at wayne graces church, hes hair dyer, in lawsuit, wants million, but, insurance wants to pay, one hundred thousand, hes getting cut off over, soon, homeless, and, can, work, people wont help him, cause, he, dyes hair, he thinks hes as important as any, God thinks, work or dont eat, tear up, put back, hollie waited, lighted bear paws, hollie, hollie showed pictures, played, harp, pope, pointed, and hu hintao, what did my hollie do next, said, renea hazel barker, tear up, put back, con, new world order, fleas like helicopter, letting out, henry gruver, peace and safety, is start one, left, the phantom f-4 was like f-18 hornet, they did not need any better, bush, sees, says, write him, thats wrong, it flew about eighteen hundred, speed is what matters, and, bush, shows secretary of defence, he, thinks, build, but, keep f-14 tomcats, they are good enough, Jesus showed, cut off, wayne graces church, and the Smoke filled the church, put it under, hollie showed, rubbed chin, flames, laughed, up, pope, hu, fighting on thumb, they wanted ministry of dreams, name, hey brother said hollie, christians, stealing the name ministry of dreams, said, hollie, licked prophet, like the king of grecia, theres, hollie held nose, salted, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, daniel kaps, dee finney, d.min, jeremy taylor, u.u., u.u.a., jose alvarez, Richard E. Lauersdorf, bill hamon, and more, and God ruint all, put it under, said, hollie showed, pointed, they are hating God and wanting christian to fall and reverend jeremy taylor sees, and thinks, I dont hate him, then, why didnt you ask first, removes, ruint, new national debt, said, gabriel, bob I warned ya, said, Jesus, git outta here, said, the woman from wayne graces church, they are cut off, and now, angering, 2-5-2008-hollie showed, record, no, na, said, reverend, u.u. jeremy taylor, u.u.a., he stole the name ministry of dreams, give me uh dream, said, d.min jeremy taylor, hes cut off, there he is in lava, with black suit, and preaches, for money, witch, Jesus showed, record, cut off showed keri fox, has herpes, gives, to over, fifty men, Jesus showed, cut off, for wearing dark suit said jeremy taylor, no, said, Jesus, hes witch, preaching, get saved, for money, like the nataniel haney-urshan man, witches, put it under, said, hollie, and hollie showed licked the prophet, jeremy, you gotta go on, said, Jesus, he releases the name ministry of dreams, ruint, hollie flying in ohio class sub, fired, and dr. taylor gets embarrased, and kathryn taylor laughs, showed popes image made alive, pocket t.v., is jeremy done she said, and she shook, yes, knows, witches, all d.mins, put it under, said, hollie, they are for lucre, and william sinkford sees with dyed hair, 2-6-2008-hollie showed, record, thats king of grecia, pope, hu, putin, out of horns, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, Jesus showed, record, hollie licked, hollie said, record, me, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hot, hollie showed pointed in the fire, boom, explosion, apartment building, the pope showed record, leave me alone, said, hollie, space, craft, ministry of dreams, and u.u. jeremy taylor u.u.a., you fool he said, why did jeremy taylor take it, said, hollie, strip him said taylor, jeremy, runs to remove, and spacecraft turned into ohio class sub, fires, taylor ruint, put it under, God spoke the name ministry of dreams, for this, when they hit alaska, said, gabriel, and he saw said casey, nuclear explosions in alaska, im a bear, said, linda spall, hollie laughed, thats putin, gabriel showed, record, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, the economy, said, gabriel, slipping, america, its, cause, we hit iraq, hollie and dragon rose, tear up, put back, she, showed, nato, bush, as woman, russia having ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, and putin kneeling before pope, and he saw, said, casey, three kings rise in persia, who are they, said, hollie, theres pope, hollie, salted, beast, emporer of japan, hollie held nose, thumbs down, rises with hu, signs 666, and idol shepherd, hollie held nose, slashed pope, hollie showed beasts image made alive, pocket t.v., hollie showed, record, record said, hollie, hollie showed, record, and licked prophet, go, showed, turn, big lighted hand, hollie showed, record, dont record me, said, the, stargardter-garrison man, like pope, swallowed, sat jeremy taylor down, fired, resign, showed steven stargardter, taylor does, removes the name ministry of dreams, put jeremy right here, said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, taylor in lava, leave me alone, said, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and that, licked, that was fleas, like, a, helicopter, letting out jeremy taylor, peace and safety, he said, start one, left, record, the, vision, said, hollie, with, music, downtown, pointed, circled, hollie showed, geese, tin man whistle blew, like, said, hollie, wheww, again, gabriel licked prophet, look what youve done, said, hollie, the economy, said, Jesus, hollie held nose, thumbs down, ruint in america, that is fleas, like helicopter, letting out henry gruver, start one is peace and safety, he, said, thru megaphone, peace and safety is start one, said hollie, and hollie showed, played organ, peace and safety is gorbachev and bush, and pope, rose, nato, beast, that is satan, pointed, hollie, dragon, bush, woman, and, italy, pointed, hollie, little horn, russia having ten crowns, politburo, thats ruling party, comeon said gabriel, showed, america, subs fired, boom, both coasts, then, up, middle, and, nuclear fireballs all over, iran, said, hollie, said, if u.s.a., that is, fleas, like, helicopter, letting out irans president, russia he said, ill give you oil, if you protect, putin, says, yes, make a wish, said, hollie, that was people, in, fire, light, heavenly, go, pointed, fleas, out of horn, no, said, hollie, hollie pointed, like a cat, boom, indianapolis 500 race track, that was jacobs ladder, pointed lighted finger, hollie climbed, cried, he made me do it, Jesus, laughed, hollie, he told me cry, look sad, now hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, bob lured cat, grabbed, took in, to, feed, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, whats the reason, hollie thought, the reason is, 2-7-2008-hollie showed, record, tell me what peace and safety is, said, hollie, the united states, said, gabriel, the united kingdom, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, putin, with three ribs, in mouth, who are they, said, hollie, thought, cuba, hollie held nose, salted, liar, nicaragua, hollie held nose, salted, mexico, hollie held nose, salted, plucked up, she said, right here, said, putin, planning, in that o red and black chariot, hollie jumped in back, pulled by angry horses, eight kings, who are they, said, pope, that, hollie, grecia, said, gabriel, and, king of grecia, licked prophet, pope, hu, putin, out of horns, and, all, licked prophet, write me uh vision, said, hollie, make uh wish, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, played, organ, im dying and im not wanting Jesus, no more, she, said, your cut off, that was the popes image made alive, laptop computer, said, hollie and Jesus, make a wish, said, hollie, we are almost out of time, said, seven thunders, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, and angel like, hollie bear, out of, lightning bolt, hollie showed whistle blew, hollie showed, im out, she, said, here, said, wayne grace, put it under, gabriel showed, record, leave me alone, said, Jesus, yes Lord, said, reverend d.min u.u. jeremy taylor, former president of study of dreams, he, took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, that was satan, pointed, hollie, wayne grace, and, he, saw, the world and, subs, fired, america, exploded, world shook, and, up rose pope, and, america fires on russia, china, the world shakes, hollie showed whistle blew, iraq, pointed, hollie, nuked by israel, after america nukes the palestinian state, and, great babylon comes into remembrance before God, from behind said, hollie, put back, tear up, and, hollie leopard pointed, right there, at leopard, there is hu, hollie put back, held nose, salted, hes the lamb, she pointed, rises with japan, signs for 666 with pope, that was fleas, like helicopter, letting out carlos burdine, peace, saftey, start one, downtown, pointed, hollie showed, out of megaphone, pope showed, record, hollie showed, turn, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, record my vision, said, gabriel, hollie showed, the second one, showed, 2-8-2008-that, said, enthusiastic hollie, PASTOR AARON D. WOODSON SR. hair dyer, like wife, that, said, hollie, licked prophet, comeon, he showed, church, empty, mocked, hollie showed, record, in atmosphere, saw, subs attack america, moscow, china, great britain, australia, hollie pointed, at street sign, boom, that tsunami said fleas, and, he saw, said, casey, thiry foot wave go on shore about two hundred feet, drowned beachers, they are all in hell, cause, government would not let christian there, Jesus showed, record, that, said, hollie, and enthusiastic hollie licked prophet, aaron woodson is lost pastoring, thats why church empty, hollie turned into silhouette, showed, both beasts, pope, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, liar, showed church credit card, hu, hollie held nose, liar, who is he, said, hollie, false prophet, put it under, that is both beasts, said, hollie, licked prophet, the pope showed, up, this economy, said, president hillary clinton, is out, she, showed, john mark pool, cut off, showed, outlaws Jesus, laughed, when he saw, the name ministry of dreams, its ours now, he showed church credit card, wanted people to support him, took, said dee finney, and jose alvarez said, shh, shut up, and, u.u. jeremy taylor steals, like dan kaps, and, antonia vladimirova, and theres uh witch, said, hollie, bill hamon re-wrote book like dee finney changed old vision, they all stole the name ministry of dreams to, my thats strippin thought john mark pool, to crash prophet, God said, embarras, all ran to remove, now, openly mocked, bill hamon was exposed by somebody that saw, knew prophet would see, put hamons rewrote book on net, now, these christians, john mark pool showed cut off like all, downtown, pointed, hollie showed geese, and fleas like helicopter, letting out, all those christians, we hate God, they said, left, thus saith the Lord, said, Jesus, aaron woodson is wanting, and he saw, said, casey, church credit card, now ruint, prophet, went in, and they knew, Holy Ghost, woodson, aaron did not have, and wife, its over bob said aaron woodson, showed cut off, hollie in f-15 turned into ohio class sub, fired, all releases ruint, submarine sound, said, hollie, and, hollie showed whistle blew, he told me, to, look like, tin man, modelled, that was the Father, like fire Man, and, hollie, held nose, salted, what did she salt for, said, hollie, thats the loose belt sound, and, fleas, bit prophets head off, what did she want, said, hollie, you embarrassed me, she, said, the economys slippin, said, pope, and grim reaper pointed at the pools, sandy and john mark pool, right here said john mark pool showing church credit card, cut off showed Jesus, this is embarrassing said sandy pool, ah, she said, were lost, they, know, witchs, put it under, said, hollie, we want people to worship and support us, git in, said, hollie, forced, them to sit at counsel, gabriel, pointed, lava, they, john mark pool shook yes, sandy wept, but followed, put it under, said, hollie, eat, drink, perish, like the pools, the wrights are wrong, saith God, Jerry D. Wright, Jerrell Wright, with dyed hair, leading, pentecost, and aaron woodson sees, like Cierra Jackson, Mark Humphrey and Virsila Brisker, Kevin J. Walker, all witchs, lost, but act saved, all want money to pastor, like Josephine Wright, Jermaine C. Donaldson, Jesus showed record, why did you do it, and hollie sat jeremy taylor at counsel, gabriel, pointed, lava, to make, said, reverend taylor, theres taylor in lava with black suit on, put it under, said, hollie, that said hollie, witchs are d.mins, hollie showed, record, cut off, she showed, jim garrison, witch, why did you do it, she said, sat jim garrison, uto said woman from wisdom university, both at counsel, go ahead, she said, both, gabriel, pointed, lava, put it under, said, hollie, witchs are wisdom university, gabriel, said, he told gabriel to make you laugh, said, hollie showed, licked prophet, hard left, screamed lightoller, hollie, pulled titanic, its gone, said, Jesus, lightoller was cold, smith heard, knew, doomed said captain smith, knocked out two plates, robert ballard found one, that was one they tried to raise, if they would have seen, some damage, plates are good enough, it lifted about twenty feet, said, captain smith, before, thats fleas, pointed, john mark pool, you know me, said, hollie, tattood 666 on sandy pool, pope out of helicopter, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, casey showed, picture of pope, hollie held arms, he wanted, me, to look mad, at you, Jesus searching, with flashlight, saw, pictures, hollie like silhouette, showed, both beasts, theres, pope, hollie, held nose, showed, his face tattood on finger, and, hu, she, held nose, thumbs, down, hes, false prophet, leave me alone sound, said, hollie, and, hollie showed whistle blew, and, pope rose out of sea, like angel, and, nuclear explosions behind statue of liberty, all over u.s.a., record the vision, said, hollie showed, hu riding the red horse, hollie, tear up, put back, pencil wrote, write the vision, drawed new world order, hollie held nose, thats nato, she, pointed, on dragon, with pope, out of italy, bush, as woman, russia has politburo, said, hollie showed, thats ten crowns, thats ruling party, said, girl, shes young, acts saved, like many, I speak with tongues, she, said, but, no Holy Ghost, put it under, she, said, Jesus, showed, cut off, both presidential candidates, mccain, clinton, john mccain will win, florida, said, Jesus, was al gores, he really won, they will not let obama win, stealing votes, cant you git outta here, he, said, he, now, loosing, hillary will win, that was hollie, words dont match lips, what is hollies message, said, hollie, new iraq, she, said, nuclear explosion from israel, three, cause america nuked the palestinian state, said, linda spall, shes aging, was beautiful, now, fifty, and, gray, git off of there, pointed, hollie, and, tore up, put back, linda spall behind pulpit, lost, like husband, kent gray is from delbert spall, whatta you want, said, hollie, delbert spall showed church credit card, sold to donald winters, and hair dyeing mrs. winters ruint, God made his servants leave, now, church, lost, and, donny joe preaching with dyed hair, casey pointed, magog, on, china, and pope, goes, to, russia, otyre, its to world government, they sign, pointed, pope, for, 666, hollie on o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, held nose, thumbs down, pope, hollie held nose, liar, hu, both, beasts, hollie held nose, hes false prophet, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, you have to git out, said, prophet, I wont said mrs. donald winters with black hair, now, old, but, dyeing, shes ACTS 2:38, witch, like husband, family, the olivers, same, greg, and tony, witchs, both, never, saved, but pastor, put it under, said, hollie, cut off, showed, hollie showed, witchs, 1-30-2010-hollie showed, record, showed, go to church, had flash drive, showed, update, hollie showed, book, its, hollie looks at Jesus, call it, she, said, The Ministry of Dreams, its to protect, hollie, said, beat hand, whew, let me, said, hollie, beat hand, thats, pope, riding, the black horse, its into, russia, horse, like invisable, its, showed, hollie, then, horse appears, shows, popes picture, bam, said, hollie, its a direct hit, hollie claps, its, israel exploding, thats missiles leaving israel, thats egypt, jordan, and syria exploding, thats, horses, charging into israel, where the beast, and his following is, hollie said, thats, nuclear explosion in, russia, lets unite and force said hu hintao, thats, china, invading, russia and forcing russia to invade israel, like a cloud of people to invade the land pointed, hollie, showed, flash drive, keep updated, both hollie said, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, body, faded quick, hollie beats hand, stomps foot, snaps fingers, shows, pope, tada, she, said, pope like, angel of light, hollie screamed, hollie showed, submarine, with captain, hollie, then moon appears, in, looking afraid, but laughs, in, heart, bobby, said, moon, its, putin, appears, im the beast, said, putin, beat hand, snapped fingers, stomped foot, thats, hollie changing into new hollie like dot, showed, picture, its, akula agin thats what you want need, said, hollie, whose its captain, said, hollie, well ofcourse, she, said, its, captain, hollie, he, fired, thats, gaza, burning, iraq, on, fire, bush ate chicken, hollie pushes to microphone, I made our war, bush, said, ate chicken legg, its to, lets breakem, said, george w. bush, ate chicken, its our oil wells, he, said, ate, hollie takes bush, wearing plad coat to, its hellfire, bobby, go, said, hollie, its, church, she, said, eat pizza, hollie showed, hollie, said, go, and, do what you want, its, working, hollie, said, showed, its danville apostolic church, hollie tore up, body invisable, but, started fading, in, put back, showed, popes picture, want more visions, said, hollie, want more visions, pope, she, said, thats, it, said, hollie, showed, black, horse, pontiff, jumped on, its, into, russia, pope, said, thats, scene, said, hollie, its light russia, pope signing uh deal, hollie, said, with, medvedev, thats it, said, hollie, its, the, old, hollie cnn new anchor man, Lord i'll show it, he, said, thats, hollie watching hollie on t.v., thats both american coasts exploding, hollie news anchor man, shows, with yellow stick, submarines all around america, then hollie appears, canada, exploded, near american border, then whole american center exploded, thats barack typing, and minuteman 111 rockets lifting off, russia exploded, thats some of those missiles exploding in silo, thats captain hollie in two russian jets bombarding american missile silos, world shakes, russia burns, thats, bear arising, Jesus, sprinkles, thats Jesus looking up at world, many n.a.t.o. countries exploded, hollie showed, turn, go, had red bear paws, alaska, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, nuclear missiles flying, alaska exploded, first, thats, the, rest striking america, in, its near center, hollie said, exploded, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed thumbs down, its, kevin adams, he pastors in tennesse, like joseph mccargo, hollie showed, thumbs down, these are two witchs, hollie said, thats them together with duyed hair, hollie held thumbs down, its, michael penn, and, larry trotter, these two are witchs hollie, said, quit dyeing your hair, preaching, thats michael penn preaching Jesus, but hes, blest, hollie, said, put it under, said, hollie, thats michael penn pocketing tithes, driving nice car, hey bobby, let me, said, hollie, showed, record, thats, Jesus, looking, at, pope, said, hollie, loves, but, wont save, thats, pope, sitting in, temple, I am God, he, said, thats it, said, hollie, its, hollie, thought, moon didnt make expression, then, bob he got me, moon, said, thats your warning, said, hollie, its, dr. rev., hollie, said, appeared, reverend jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollie, stealing, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, jeremy taylor d.min removes ministry of dreams he stole ruint, hollie said, that was dreadful beast, said, hollie, with, its pope as commander, theres ten toes, with faces, as, toenails, like putin, said, hollie, medvedev, theres boris yeltsin, out of the ten, putin out of yeltsin, and, thats pope out of putin, lets rule the world, said, putin, let me he said, pope shakes alright, hollie appears, lighted hands, tear up, thats popes face in, hollie shows, bear, biting prophet, maybe its uh warning, said, hollie, showed, lay down, laughed, hollie, showed, record,

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