Sunday, September 15, 2024

if you want something from God then ask him to give you a vision or a dreams

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(1)REVELATION will be opened, on, This, WEB, site, ministryofdreams, the, end time, Christian, ministry, now, here, It, isssssssssssssssss, this is, chapter, 13: a study in REVELATION Visions received 12-14-2005 God has showed me in visions people and they said, : and I saw, a beast, rise up out of the sea, having, 7 heads and 10 horns, and they are, russia is the beast, and that is, russia, and, politburo are the 10 horns, russia is, china, magog, and that is, they will invade russia, and they will will divide, into, 4, king, dom's, and they are, russia, china, cuba, mexico, korea, that'll be north and south, don't forget about mexico, they are, one, and that is, south korea and north korea will become one, they have an agreement, look's like, we will attack amerirussia, and that is, suicide, america and russia, and that is, one third of the population will be, hun uh, and that is, mexico will be invaded by russia, and that is, russia will, knock out america, and that is, now you see were alcoholics, and that is, russia will strike america when you least expect it, and a Being pointed at this, you gotta talk she said, open the BOOK OF REVELATION Jesus said, This is, the, Fire that has been hidden from the world, It is revealed by the Holy Spirit, and that is, the Holy Scriptures, REVELATION will be opened, on, This, WEB, site, ministryofdreams, the, end time, Christian, ministry, now, here, It, isssssssssssssssss, this is, chapter, 13, 666 is the number of the beast, and the middle 6, flanged cross said the pope, we want russia, and that is, russia will attack, now the rest it, and the beast I saw was like unto a, o my God, and that is, russia is, the leopard is, the four kings, that rise up out of the great tribulation and that is the new world order, and they are north korea and china and japan and russia and south korea and russia will be divided into 4 and out of one of them comes the and that is the pope and he is the idol shepherd, and he will, not, last, to, while, and that is, he will, not, want, women and he will, want, nothin, but, I am Jesus, God, he will say, that, he, is, Je`su`s, and that is, Jesus, and that is, russia is the beast, with, russia is, the, and he was given, a, look there, given means, the Revelation of ministryof, no, this is, not, this is, go to, I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead, and am alive for, forever more, responsiblity, this is, the first is, always was, the last is, forever, and, dead, who was killed, Je`su`s, and that is, the King of Kings and the you already showed Lord of Lords, and behold I'm alive forever, and that is, eternity, and I have the keys of death and the grave, and that is, work while it is day, come elijah, My servant, and that is, elijah, that is, the Holy Scriptures, and that, is, Jesus, and that, is, you are My witness, basically, work, while, there, is, everybody is lost, basically, when you die, you are, judged, and that, takes, about, 30, minutes, minus, hour, you are, already know, stripped, and that is, people already beleive, they are, know already, and the seven stars are, the, seven, lamps, of, odor, and that is, they, are, blaspheme, and that, is, not the seven stars, but, they are, that is, the seven stars are, seven golden.
(2)the eight kings that come after america are-visions received 2-4-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like People and they said: russia, china, lets rule the world, sang, putin, russia said putin, china said the china jap man, cuba said fidel castrol, venezuela said hu, the army of, the, kings of, the, east, also, mexico, said, fox, brazil said lula, give up, said, lula, he is, the, main, enemy of, amerirussia, he hate's, all, he is, the, enemy of, the, world, it'll be, I lied, he, has, nuclear, capable, weapons, but, no, war, head's, they are , and north korea, said, kin, they are, given, one, mind, from, Jesus, hugo has it, they will, all, like hugo, iran will, have, nuclear, capability, with, in, a, week, china, we don't want, but, over, tai, wan, they have to get taiwan back, wrong, want it, said, the, china jap man, that hit on the powerplant, nuclear, in, iran, will, begin in, 3 days, after, uranium enrichment, begins, they are, now, chavez is not wanting to destroy america but he is the one that God is using to give the other's the idea, one, hearth, and, one, mind, destroy, america, it is, planned, iran has resumed, uranium, enrichment, now its time, to, to attack, before, russia, brings over, the, plutonium, and that is, what, will, happen, you knew, it, iran will be attacked, by, america, and, nobody, else, germany, we want ties, but, are, acting, like, they, do not, want, but, mullah, the, devil, is, wanting, war, and that is, lets build an empire, bush, and he, wants, to, rule, the, world, but, he, will, not, he will, be, killed, we are, waiting, said, the, the china, see that, they are, in, but, not, to, there, pos, ter, i, ity, they are, they want, to, cause, all, to, hate, america, and, are, working, are you serious, yeah, says God, hand of help wants, you, to, come, back, but, not, stay, let them, come, here, are you serious, no, but, trap, they are, seeing, not, but, they, are, written, to, by, people, that, betray, Jesus, both, wheat, and, and the, tare's, are, are looking, we had a conversation, said, ann, schmidt, she, was, not, interested, but, you got, a vision, from, right there, he's a backslider, a gene, schmidt, both, but, while, you were, wanting, to, hel, p, they are, are wanting money, they want, now, you, Jesus gave you, a, vision, while, you, were, there, ann, and you were, not, invited, the vision came, to, and, they, are, now, know, but, you were, not, in, vited, you would have, stayed, in, your, your van, but, they, wanted, you, to, bobby stay here, no, but, in, the, van, gene, like's, but, but ann, does, not, want, you, cause, you, recieve, vision's, while, right, there, she, knew, that, you, could, ex, spouse, they will, de, divorce, over, get over it, they are, done, but, they are, not, wanting, you, to, come, around, but wait, now, they, are, thinking, about, you, cause you, no there not, it's elijah, they know, but, they want you to, have a good life, said, gene, schmidt, but, were not open, prophesying, is, is where.
(3)revelations for the end times-visions received 2-5-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like People and they said: and he saw Jesus coming out of a mans poop hole, that what most people have done, defecated their chance to be saved and now time is up Jesus said, thats what I want, clap your hands to Jesus said, make a joyfull noise, how long are are you gonna stay in that restroom, go for Spiritual feeding, this is how the children of israel survived in the desert for 40 years, they cried out for meat, God gave it to them and sent leanness to their souls, He cut them off, watch what you ask for, that was satan said hollie, he's the accuser of the brethern, and he is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and thats the pope, that was satan and he was good looking, this was his downfall, he saw the words, iran will be attacked soon, this will be by armerica tomahawks, this is the last chance for the usa to put missiles all over the world, he saw a Golden put in his hand, It looked like a nuclear explosion, persia is about to be awakened by the the united states called the palestinian state when israel fires back, then people will know that your Website is accurate and from God, oil is about 60 dollars a barell right now, it will go up to 265 cause opec will cut america off, see that, and the woman wich thou sawest is that great city which reineth over the kings of the earth, thats MYSTERY, BABYLON, and thats the united states of america, write the vision and make it plain, and he saw, an, an Heavenly, vision, of, like, Blue, that was hollie writing the vision, and he saw the words, canada mexico and usa destroyed in just one day by submarines from russia, he was shown how long it will last, 3 years, battery, hollie had the Plumline, do you measure up to the the Bible, thats the Plumline, that was a Man in the fire, iraq will be the beginning of the end for america, and these Sings shall follow them thhat beleive, casting out devils, visions and dreams, where's the Signs in the Churches, and he saw a cigarett being smoked with the Lord of Hosts at the end of it, don't trade, there is a 76 cutlas for sale for 1000 dollars, it would sell for 3800 easy just like it is, restored, 12,000, but God will not let the prophet buy it, cause she prayed for a reliable car and God gave it to her but now she wants to sell, she will regret this, call it an open shame for miss cutlas, sold, God says, I can not help you anymore upci, you are cut off like pentecostal assemblies of the world, an open shame for kenneth haney and horace smith, the Signs are following this prophet, red, the Gospel according to ST. MARK chapter 16, and JOEL and ACTS 2:38, that is how you do IT, cause ACTS 2:38 is salvation, that was hollie tearing up the contract, 666 is the mark of the beast, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, like a threescore, hollie showed that you tore up your contract by obeying Jesus, now you are free, obey, he saw a Crowned Scarlet Robe Jesus, go get something to eat, the hegoat is china and and russia and the pope, they are the, the new world and the pope is the king of grecia, china will attack russia, force to invade israel, hu and the pope are the antichrist and false prophet, they will hate each other but cling to keep from destroyin each other, the pope will be slashed, satan will enter in, then, the idol shepherd will be born, he will destroy wonderfully, slaughter jews searching for the remnant, the people will hide them, Christ will speak the Word, thats the end of it, that was hollie tearing up the contract, God is leaving the Churches, the Vine is clean dried away, the united states will be attacked when you least expect it, lets rule the world, russia hurry up, cause china is ready, pakistan is betraying america by revealing secrets, we knew, said, bush, but we didn't want to offend islam, and america knows it, those indiana Bible college students all laughed at you, they will be crying soon, they are taught by calvary Temple pastor paul mooney that MYSTERY, BABYLON is, something other that america, mooney is cut off and knows it, no Signs, and he saw a Hand with Spiritual Food, be fed that way, and he saw him coming out of the fire to Jesus, america will burn, hollie said, that was satan, he is the beast with 7 heads, and, and, and, hollie tore up the contract, israel has, strick, gaza, and, two weeks ago, they, owned, that, now, war, clashing, not long, the, palestinian, state, will be, demolished, by, america, and, russia, will, help, by, supporting, but, knowing, that, the, world, will, hate, america, more, put it under, the palestinian state, exists, last warning, it is, israel is, being, terrorised, by, the, philistines, out of, gaza, and they are, the, palestinians, you know what I just heard, that, EZEKIEL 7, limited, attack, on, gaza, but, mini, look at this, nukes, and they are, intresting, out of, iraq, and they are, big enough, to, accident, but, the world will, follow after, the beast, leave here, said, putin, cause, he is, the, the, beast with, they will, give, thier, power and, and strength, to, russia, and, the pope will, order, attack, on, america, hollie tore up the contract, they are building in america, and, russia is planning to attack, put it under, judgment to amexico, and that is, america, canada, and mexico, tell gene schmidt that is is time to step out becasue he don't want Jesus, gene schmidt, geno, is you prophet michael boldea, michael boldea is backslidden, he does not beleive what he preaches, he told the prophet to his face it is a babylonian system when he preaches babylon is america, they, hand of help is fallen, he saw a Mouth and fumes of fire came out of that mouth, that soul was in hell, with, fire, all, around, he saw Jesus push a man down, God sets one in and another out, go and put it under, raise your hand and repeat after me, MYSTERY, BABYLON aint no MYSTERY no more, it is america, that is, the babylon in ISAIAH 13, 47, 21, JEREMIAH 51, 6 thru 15, Spiritually, It all applies, REVELATION 14, 17, 18, and 19, the fifth seal is america, right here, said, ann, schmidt, that is the mountian that is on fire from a russia attack and that will be the day of the Lord prophesyed in, THE BOOK OF JOEL and ISAIAH 13, and ST. MATTHEW 24 and in many other places of the HOLY SCRIPTURES, read and do ACTS 2:38 and follow thru, thats all, give yourself to prayer and the ministry of the the Word, Jesus, will, lead, you, separate, from, iniquity, count the, the, co, sts, see if you, are, are willing, it will, take, all, of, you, but its not that, you know the economies back, said the, the pope, but, no, oil, it is, thinning, like, this, they are, putting, water, in, to, extract, more, but, thinning, and that is, running, out, put it under, look at, how, it is, being, used, a billion, houses, buisnesses, heat, wasted, pilot, lights, cars, trains, trucks, etc, electricity, it is, being, used, they are using, more, than, getting, how, by, reserve's, but, not, for, long, git oil, said, the, chain jap man, they are, wanting, america's, oil, but, they will not, threat, by, america, leave, or, attack, they will, not, but, america, will, intensify, its, power, over, the, world, by, nuclear, and they will, be, shot down, by, iranq, they will, shoot, both, but, to their, own, destruction, they are, getting, oil, from, both, hurting, them, self, by, bu, sh, he is, a, tyrant, and they, know, assassinate, but, protected, inside, his, own, administration, is, how, they will, do it, like, this is how, by, nuclear, espionage, and that is, by, shot, twice, in, chest area, going for, the, heart, miss, but, last summer, he, wanted, to, nuke, iran, but, russia, threatened, to, retaliate, by, prepared, to, fight, america, and that is, they want to, dominate, the, world, lets rule the world, russia, china, mexico, pakistan, and that is, pakistan is, both, betraying, the usa, by, revealing, secrets, on, missiles, whereabouts, in, other countries, they know, because, we help'em, by, military, aid, but, they are, not, wanting, war, but, see it, they are, not, nuclear, superpower, but, close, and that is, they have, all, of, russia's, arsenal, behind, them, cause russia is, the, hiding, missiles, all over, the, world, by, stealth, top, secret, but, revealed, on, ministryofdreams, by, the, Holy Ghost, were running out of time, said, the, Lord of Hosts, but, hollie showed that when your eye bags it is not producing enough collagen and elastin to make stretch back, that is it, russia will hit alaska, and then out of the oceans, out of cuba, out of nicaraugua, out of mexico, russia will lead an all out attack on, america, and canada and mexico, will be destroyed, its you last chance, to, make your calling and election sure, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation and follow thru, bobby knight, no, nore, national, championship, he was, was thru, in, 93, when, duke, beat, he, said, I'm, done, and, I, know, it, but, he will, win, many, about ready to retire, after, the, best, record, in, nc, aa, history, close, about, 2, more, years, I'm ready, but, are you, russia is, bobby knight will not do nothing because nobody will play for him, but, he, could, do it, where, are, the, Christians, said, Jesus, where are you, raise up, yur needed, bobby will, help, on fire, c'mon, normal, but, troubled, don't think, that, he is, God's, chosen, no, jus ask him, he'll be, honest, MY SPIRIT, will, not always, lets pray, that is how, pay that, that, that price, jeff price was, laughed, at, bobby, but, beleived, but, perished, because of, of of blaspheme, he didn't, give, Jesus, what, Jesus, wanted, face transpalnt is, abomination, pittsburgh, steelers, will not, win, but, close, this is, abomination, in, Jesus's, EYE's, they are, leaving, money, at, the, feet of, sports, idols, lets rule the world, russia, china, north korea, japan, they are, planning, right, now, they are, plotting, to, attack, russia, and, the united states, both, as we, speak, look at, cnn, n. korea, japan talks grind long, that is the name, of, the, article, satan, he is, the, the beast, with, seven, heads, these are, are nations, that, have, an, agreement, with, america, the ten horns are, nations, that, hate, america, the woman is, america, the, whore, is, america, with, MYSTERY, BABYLON, on, her, fore, head, and that is, america, dell is the best computer, but, all, are, about the, about the, this is how, they will, stress, the usa, by, hacking, military, banks, savings and loans, etc, but, it is being, planned, israel, nuke, said, the, china , president, host china claims to be, said, really wants, to, to be, accept it, that, china wants, a new, missile, to, hit, america, but, not, as long as, korea, has, but, will not, let, china, know, but, russia, is, is how, korea, has, nuclear, weapons, 8, plus, df-31, many, china has, many, but, not, guidance, but, clinton, helped, by, selling, secret's, new weapon, but, it was not, good, e, nough, the Lord of Hosts, tore up, the, contract, if, you, leave, you will not, come, back, that is is it, where are we going to buy our gasoline, that is what, iranq, both, usa, under, under attack, they are, planning, but, not, de, tailed, the attack on iran, is limited, to, the, nuclear, power, plant, but, will, anger, russia, and they will, offer, to, pro, tect, but, not, right, now, sooner, but, you'll, see, america is a homosexual nation, a antichrist, that is, the, the woman that sits on 7 hills, and they are, kingdoms, friends, five fall away, one is, and that is, britan, but, the beast is, the, eighth, and, of the, seven, he will, come out of, irtaly, and they are, the, home of, the, anti, antiChrist, and they are, the, one, that, continues, a, short, while, while he is, perpetuating, making, happen, the, details, of, america's, destruction, he is, the, beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, he is, the, pope, the pope is, the, anti Christ, the woman is america, the earth will reel, to and, and fro, like a, drunkard, the seahawks will win the superbowl, it is, 14 to 10, right, now, but, he will not, be, at, the, computer, very much longer tonight, the seahawks will win, and the Lord of Hosts said, walk, like, Fire Man, He was outlined, but, He is, laughing, because, He winked, how much longer has HE got to wink on america, a wink means, He laughed, removed, sin, but, not, MY SPIRIT will not olways strive says God, we want gas, said, the, prime minister of, japan, they are, not, wanting, to, destruct, america, but, no other, there is, but, and that, is, get, opec to, lave it alone, said, opec, cause, of, china, they are, afraid, secret, they know, china has, ballistic, missile's, capable of, hitting, all of, america, they can, destroy, but, america can, can, can to, china will, attack, washington state, and, and they will, grab, tai, aiwan, before, when america goes to war with china, russia will, we know it, said, michael boldea, but, don't, don't beleive it, we preach it, they are, tempting, how do we git louder, michael is, is wanting, to, blow the trumpet, but, he does, doesn't, on and off, stirred, but, why didn't You warn me, it is, too, late, for, them, hand of help is, even virgina boldea, all, cut, off, said the, the, the pope, he is the, anti, Scripture, the, son of, per, di, dition, and that is, obey MY rules, or, take a hike, something is coming, something is stopping, let, and that is, hinder, with, prayer, when you, sin, you, allow, but, when you, how come your not open, because of, stay out of here, said, gene, gene schmidt, geno, they are, not, but, money, just a, job, they get, 30,000, a, apiece, about, 15 dollars per hour, for, the little they, do, about to, get out, and, testify, for, Jesus, mike tyson is, not, allah, he is a, backslider, turned over to, a, reprobate, Lord I loved You, gene, ann schmidt, will say in the, Judge, ment, but, de, part, said, Jesus, because, of, blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, they, said, bob was, of, the, devil, both, but, bob went, went back, Jesus gave, a, vision, to, while, talking, with, ann, schmidt, and she, heard, but, didn't, beleive, but, when, full, filled, both, knew, that, he was, of, Jesus, and, now, they, both, realized, that, they are, cut, off, bob, knew, but, did not, even, michael, boldea, but, didn't, reveal, but, Jesus, is, is doing, can you come and talk, said, ann, we don't, want, him, back, ken is, gene, schmidt's, pastor, bob, was, stopped, from, praying, and, testifying, this is why, bob had to, leave, in the, middle of the, night, ken is cut off, and bob knew it, gene knows, no, Signs, like, dumitru, duduman, the steelers now lead 21-10, but, the, seattle, seahawks, will, regain, you'll see, lets rule the world, china, pakistan, and that is, all, of, persia, the, middle, east, they are, the, kings of, the, east, the great river, euphrates, will, dry, by, a, dam, because, it is, aschwan dam, that is, what, damien, of, the final conflict, called it, he was, sam, neill, and he was, the, anti, Christ, but, that show, was, not, even, close, don't, they have, rented, often, by, by many, it is, a, cult, it, traps, by, sam, niell, he is, very, intelligent, in, the, movie, but, in, real, life, he is, tongue twisted, watch him, he is a, a prophet, 666, like, on, hims, head is, close, he saw it, in, a, vision, by, Jesus, God, let him, see, this prophet has no sin right now, but, human, if, you, sin, you have, an, advocate, in, Christ, Jesus, but, don't, push, your, luck, karzai is al qaeda, he is, and Jesus tore up the contract, that is, the agreement, with, anybody, karzai is, the, president of, afghanistan, and they are, pakistan, hollie said, you know how many pages you got on today, 1 plus plus this many, 7, fingers, put more visions on the internet, he saw the streets of Gold, like Glass, see that, God knows who put that there, paper, on the, the floor, abomination, and that is, this is coming to gether, and that is, russia will astrike, a, merica, there are, planning, it is, planned .
(4)coretta scott king perished like martin luther king-visions received 2-6-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like People and they said: om in hell, quit crying over me, said, coertta, king, coretta, scott, king, put to an open shame, burn, cor, martin luther, is, perished, but, people still, worship, he didn't, have, any, thing, in common with, the, apostle, paul, and everybody should, Christ Church apostolic is, cut, off, I'm the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and I'm the lion and I'm the pope, and he saw, 666, and he saw the words, and the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast these shall hate the whote and make her desolate and burn her with fire for God hath put it in their hearts to fullfill His Will and give theri power and strength to the beast until the Words of the Lord be fullfilled, and the woman which thou sawest is the great kingdom that rules over the kings of the earth, thats washington d.c., and that is the woman and that is, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, this is america in the Bible, that was a Heavenly vision of little Light like stars, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns is satan and that is the pope, hu is the false prophet, magog is, china, japan, north and south korea, and russia, china will invade russia, and divide it into four, and the pope will come out of russia, him and hu will hate each other, but, cling to each other, hu will not want to submit to the pope and the poe will not want to submit to hu, but the will work together, worship, the, pope said, hu, he will, be, weaker, russia will, be, invaded by, china, and, made to, invade, israel, this is, the, beginning, the, middle, hu will be, no, the, the po, pe, will be, slashed, and, satan will, enter, in, and, destroy, he will only have, a, a short, time, to, do what he's got to do, but they will work together to keep from destroying each other, that is, hu and, the, pope, it will come to its end at the coming of Christ, He'll just speak the WORD, good bye planet earth, Christ will deliver up the Church to the Father and will become subject to Him, the office of Son will be fullfilled, that is, He will, not, be, be needed, but, will, dwell, in, the, the Father, He is, is the, Father, They are, ONE, MYSTERY, BABYLON the mother of harlots is false Christians of america, mexico and canada will be destroyed when america gets hit by russian submarines, russia will attack america out of cuba, nicaragua, mexico, russia is the bear and those are the 3 ribs, the hegoat is russia, china and the pope as the king of grecia, the ram is china and russia, they push anyway they want, nobody can stop them, but, the united states, read and do ACTS 2:38, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, you are kept by the POWER of the Lord, without that, you will not stand, and the penguins winked at him and danced, bobby something is coming, iran, they are, about to be, attack, new york, attack, terrorists, they are, about to be, by, the, usa, govern, ment, they are, in, in, charge, but, do not, want, the people to, to be, out, of, of oil, but, will, opec will, will cut off, america, china will, invade, russia, and they will, be, forced, to, inavade, israel, the palestinian state will be, destructed, by, american, nukes, out of, iranq, and they are, planted, ol, olready, they are, are not, israel will, fire back
(5)the beast with seven heads and ten horns-visions received 2-20-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like People and they said: the pope said, I'm teh beast with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the pope, and hu is the false prophet, and they are, the, new world, order, put it under, take this Site down, cut off.
(6) end time visions and dreams -visions received 8-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like People and they said: Israel is a cup of trembling to the whole world, because of, nukes, that woman, did not receive, one word, but, is watching, china and America, going to war, hu was the horn that rose up last on the ram, with Russia, they signed an agreement, Im the beast said satan, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and hu is the false prophet, china will attack washington state and grab Taiwan to lure, then, Russia will grab Alaska, then, orders will go to American submarine commanders and they will fire on Moscow and china, the world will wobble, and Russia will wipe out the mainland, America, and hollie tore up the conspirit, what about new york city, and he saw, fire behind the statue of liberty, dont go there, boom, and the statue of liberty had a bright torch, America was a golden cup in Jesus s hand, but, became blaspheme, put it under, and holie tore up the conspirit, and he saw, Chicago explode, and hollie on the missile, boom, and the world wobbled, put it on, the radio, said the angel of the Lord, God will send you thunderstorms if you become proud, want your name, ministryofdreams, and the lighted finger pointed, its protected, by, it, ministryofdreams. Anything, God will punish you, and holile pointed, china will hit Washington said hu, and grab Taiwan, almost, destroyed, but, there planning right now, and the lighted finger pointed, to, destroy America, listen to chavez, unite, and they are, record the vision hollie showed, MYSTERY, BABYLON is America, the whore, the woman, there are no visions in Pentecost because there no apostolics in Pentecost, and hollie tore up the con, quest, with golden bear paws, and he saw, Jesus on the white horse, the conquerer, and chariots full of black horses, red horses, from between, the two brass mountains, whats that, where they come from, these horses take peace off the earth, and quiet the Spirit of God, betty Carson, come to the Lord, you have 30 days, and hollie showed, again, the dragon, rose out of the sea, with, the pope and hu s face, the beast and the false prophet, and the seven lighted heads, nations, that have an agreement with America, the ten horns, lighted heads, hu, fox, putin, the pope, lula, chavez, jong, Nicaragua, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, on America, and the world reeled to and fro like a drunkard, and hollie was on top, the subs sneaked in America, iraq 2, that is, Syria, and iran, next, watch, And then, Moscow and china, boom, the world wobbled, world war two, nothing, compared, the economy is slipping in America, hit America, said the pope, when, EZEKIEL 7, is iraq war, read it, china said the pope, is the red dragon, satan, blaspheme, its their national emblem, china is magog, and all those surrounding lands, and he saw, seven lit up heads, these are, seven nations, that have an agreement with the woman, America, the ten horns on the popes head, ten nations that hate America, they give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, said the pope, on America, putin will do it, the ram is china and Russia, china came up last, and he saw, four horns, come up, out of the ruins of, Moscow and china, magog, china and all those surrounding lands, including, much of Moscow, and out of one of them, Moscow, came the pope, china absorbed, and hollie pointed, and he saw, the ten toed beast, with putin, hu, Nicaragua, castrol, chavez, lula, jong, kim, as the toenails, and later germany and iran, and he saw, the beast, his body, given to the burning flame, and false prophet hu, and the emporer of japan, and a great multitude, he saw Jesus come on the cloud, like an angel man, to the Anciet of days, the Father, Daniel was grieved in his spirit in the midst of his body, he hurt over the vision, he asked an angel what is this, thses great beasts are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth, magog, kim jong, hu, south korea, and japan, the fourth, the pope, with the ten horns, all those nations plus, but, false prophet hu will rule magog, the king of the south, and the pope, will rule all the rest of the world, grecia, the horn, that had eyes and a mouth, whose look was stout, Im the beast, and he saw, teeth of iron, and nails of brass, and kings faces appeared, hu, putin, castrol, chavez, lula, kim jong, Nicaragua, germany, iran, and he saw, the pope smiling, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and the dragon rose, about 10 million will read this, and he saw, the angel in the sun, like the sun, bright, I AM who I AM, Record the vision hollie showed, pray and the Lord will help you, theres the alarm, and hollie tore up the conquest, right the vision and make it plain, and he saw all of north America exploded, it will burn, bush is raising up the spirit of the medes, hate, and he saw the angel, face, Im the beast, and the ten toed beast, with, putin, and hu, and, Nicaragua, the pope, castrol, and, chavez, jong, lule, they will give their power and strength, to the beast, send it over, on America, boom, and the world wobbled, reeled, to and fro, and the lighted, boyd, warren pointed, theres the submarine sound, and he saw, subs, sneak in on America, boom, and Moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, to and fro, like, a, drunkard, and hollie pointed, and Jesus showed to record the vision, france, and America, have agreed, to a plan, between, Israel, and Hezbollah, but, it is, nothing, put it under, watch, China was, the horn, that came up last, on the ram, china has over 800 nuclear warheads, they dont need any more, but, with the agreement with putin, they have russias nuclear arsenal, and the world powers no it, and he, saw the world wobble, china can destroy the world with its own, nuclear stockpile, but, and the finger pointed, hit Russia hard is what America will do, hillary clinton will order, watch, cause there aint no visions in Pentecost, and hollie pointed, cause, cause, there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, and hollie pointed, iraq, I will not tolerate saith the Lord, I will, cast judgment, on America, for, nuking, iraq, and great Babylon, will come up, before, Jesus, after, the Palestinian state, and, iraq, are destroyed, that is when, those kings will get that, one mind, to destroy, America, to steal the oil, which is what the war was over, write congress and tell them the visions, but, not where you got them, this is when Moscow will say, enough, Ill read it said putin and not believe it, but, if America wants war, and he saw, a large bear, get angry, taller than trees, and a little patriot American soldier unarmed, that bear swiped the patriot off the map, and he saw America dark on the globe, and Moscow and china mostly darkened, they will destroy each other, Russia will know before they do this, but, take a chance, and the finger pointed, stay off my website said the angel of the Lord if you dont want to live for Jesus, and, he saw, a, white hand reach up out of the ground and pull a man down, God can eliminate, you, great Babylon will come into rememberance before God, and the finger pointed, over, nuking, the Palestinian state, and the lighted finger pointed, out of iraq, and return fire out of Israel, American nukes both ways, war said the pope, hillary Clinton will order, instead of just getting out, nuke, to get the oil, she doesnt care, reprobate, the united states will be a desolation soon, said the angel of the Lord, and the lighted satan pointed, and he saw, the pope, come out of, one of the four horns, the four horns are, china, north and south korea, and japan, china will invade, Moscow, and out of Moscow, absorbed, will come the pope, and he saw the angel clapping, partial hair, make a joyfull noise unto Jesus, clap your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and satan pointed, sang the choir, and thats the pope and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, and he saw, the angel of the Lord, riding the cloud, bow down said satan, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw the door cracked, and Jesus lit up, light, white robe, inside, Jesus has an eraser, and can, erase you, and hollie, the busy bee, and hollie, tore up the contrast, like a bear, I'm a bear, with golden bear paws, me said putin, moscow, the feet, and he saw the ten toed beast, putin, hu, lula, fox, calderon, nicaragua, castrol, kim jong, and later, iran, germany, they will give thier power and strength to me said the pope, and the finger pointed, and he saw, those ten horns on his head, I'm the beast, said the little horn, hu also, and hollie pointed, with a lighted finger, like a bear, record the vision hollie showed, boyd warren cut off, period, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw Jesus walking, white robe, and he saw a glass clear diomand thur one eye, he is and knew, saw himself as an angel, lit, and the lighted satan pointed, And the pope came out of, the four horns, magog, north and south korea, japan, and china, where all those lands are, including the absorbed Moscow, didnt the pope say, we need your oil, and the lighted satan pointed, lit finger, and he saw hollie like an angel bear, Im a bear, putin, and the finger pointed, satan is, the head, and magog, is the body, the leopard, north and south korea, japan and china, cat said babyfleas and she bit the prophets head off, and Jesus showed choking, and the lighted finger pointed, he saw, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, and hollie in her sub, subs sneaked up on America, Moscow, and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and the pope, looked at Alaska, oil, and the finger pointed, first, china will grab Taiwan, and attack Washington, state, and then, Moscow will grab, and he saw, Alaska explode, then, orders will go, to American submarine commanders, and they will fire on, Moscow and china, and Russia will wipe out the mainland, Americano, and the world wobbled, and the pope will go to the greek orthadoxed church, to make an agreement to gain control, and the finger pointed, and hu and japan will rise, to withstand, and the finger pointed, dont go to new york, attack it, and he saw, the angel of the Lord, replaced, by the statue of liberty, and the woman thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth, and the lighted finger pointed, thats Americano, the whore, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, that was hollie, tearing up the contruit, with golden bear paws, once America nukes iraq, and the Palestinian state, Gods wrath will be poured out on America, no more, saith the Lord, hillary Clinton will do it, and he saw, a tidal wave, and the lighted finger pointed, coming for America, and crossed the whole nation, called, captain hollie and Russian subs, sneaking in, and the world wobbled, and Moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie showed, that was a bear paw,pointing, let me see here, Im a bear, putin, and the large bear and the American soldier, swipe, Moscow will eliminate America with no problem, in on ehour, 30 multiable warhead nuclear missiles, and he saw, flashes, all over America, and the lighted hand pointed, where, missiles will hit, many, and the radiation, both coasts and up the middle, the radiation will send fire storms like that from top to bottom, even Canada and mexico, and stan Johnson, when he reads this, will throw it away, and Moscow and china, and the lighted, pointed, from ohio class subs, and the world wobbled, and he saw, new Jerusalem, a city of glass, and a multitude, in the fire, said the pope, catholics, Pentecostals, and the pope came out of the four horns, Moscow, the greek orthadoxed church, magog, is, the four horns, north and south korea, china and japan, situate, and he saw the pope come up out of the four horns, one, said sunnysnet, and hu and the emporer of japan out of the other, and north and south korea, out of, the rest, and the ten toed beast, with putin, hu, north, korea, Nicaragua, castrol, chavez, lula, germany, iran, they will give, their power and strength to the beast, send it over, pointed the pope, with the ten horns, kings, on his head, putin and hu, were one and two, the ram, the hegoat, the ram and the pope, as the king of grecia, hu is, the king of the east, 666, born at the table, between them to keep peace, they both have nukes, but, worship the pope saith hu, he is stronger, grecia is all of the world, magog is china, and those surrounding lands, and satan pointed, lighted, and he saw, the pope, come out of, the four horns, and china, north and south korea, and japan, were the horns, theres the submarine sound, saith, hollie, Pointed hollie, and subs, sneaked in on moscow, china, and, America, boom, and the world wobbled, and all of north America, and he saw, china and Moscow, darkened, one sixth of Russia left, and china, halfway, china will invade Moscow, and force, Moscow to invade Israel, the battle of Armageddon, and hu, had the beasts image, and 666 on his forehead, and brother stair, and Christ appeared with, thousands of his saints, and the lighted satan pointed, and he saw, my beast and the false prophet in the lava, with the emporer of japan, said sunnysnet, and the finger pointed, hollie, Im a bear, me said putin, and the lighted finger pointed, Im a bear said hollie, us, said, putin, And hollie tore up the contract, that was a lighted being, pointing, that was satan, sh, Im the beast, and the angel of the Lord, with, a golden sword, ready to, smite America, calderon will want, and hollie pointed, and he saw putin, America, or Moscow to protect mexico, but, America cant, and putin pointed, ties, yep, uto, watch, calderon wants America, oil, they have a lot, and he knows, yep, said putin, calderon will not put up with immigrants leaving, he will not let them come back, traders, is what, there economy, thriving, wait a minute mr. Christian, that was satan pointing, and jeff Gordon said, godam, but, spoke at, billy graham's, tour, the economy is slipping, said, hollie, like a, white angel, and hollie waved, carved into the, stick, I want you to post, pray, all night, like Jesus, then, 8-2006-I'm a bear, and he saw, putin, me, moscow, and they are, the, beast, and he saw, a, beast, rise, out of the sea, and, the, wind, strive, put it under, that was, hu, he said, magog, rhe ruler, of, with, north and south korea, china, and japan, situate, buisness, empire, and they are, all of, that area, including, most of, moscow, and they are, the other beasts, putin, rose, and then, the pope, in hims, estate, and they are, the, four, great beast, and, the, fourth, stamped, and, had, ten horns, and the horns, were, politburo, ten kings, out of, one nation, a ruling, party, put it under, this is, putin, he is, who they gave, thier power, and, strength, to, put it under, the seven heads, are, seven, nation, s, that, hate, and, like, america, the whole world, likes, but, hates, both, and they are, seven, allies, I'll tell'em, said, berlusconi, and poin, ted, he is, coming back, in his own, heart, but, was just, voted out, by, no, he, really, force, said, him, s, but, and he saw, a, great, earthquake, and that was, when, babylon, comes into, rememberance, before, Jesus, this is, the, palestinian state, being, destroyed, by america, put it under, brought in by, bush, the iraq war, and the lihgted finger pointed, to brreak, oil, contracts, and, prevent, china, and, moscow, the ram, from getting, put it under, this is, when, God, says, no more, wreck, said the pope, america, it is, your, last, now, lets, rule, the world, sang, putin, china, you are, going to, without, putin, knowing about, and he will, laugh, but, when he finds out, it was, china, he will, put the military, and they all ready are, on alert, but, not, want, to, attack, anyone, I'm a bear, a bear, can kill, can whip, a, lion, but, only when, provoked, now, moscow, will be, provoked, over, iran, syria, and, iraq, all by, bush, china will, attack, washington state, and grab taiwan, to lure, america, into, war, and then, moscow, raise your hands and repeat after me, will grab, nuke, alaska, out of, a, submarine, and he saw, captain hollie, in her, and the lighted, finger, pointed, in her sub, fire, boom, and the world, wobbled, and hollie, was on top, and, putin will, spur of the moment, but, ohio class subs, and, of course, ok, captain hollie, fire, and, moscow, and, china, wiped out, mostly, only, one sixth of, moscow, left, and, most of, china, and he saw, china, darkened, but, moscow, o right, said, putin, order, wipe out, the, american, mainland, on the, day of the Lord, and hollie, no, that was, not hollie, but, Je`sus, in heaven, he sang, now, the world will wobble, and, four great, beasts, arose, and they are, magog, hu, north and south, korea, and, japan, but, north and south korea, are, one, the fourth is, the pope, with, ten horns, he will come out of, italy, but, go to, the, greek, orthadoxed, church, in moscow, to make an agreement, now, this is, to gain, control, and get it, to work, decietfully, and, will, be, the, king of, I have been given, power, to rule, the world, he said, thru the, horn thing, and, hu will, rise, to withstand, with, japan, the other, nuclear, power, in, magog, with, north korea, having, chinese, nukes, but, submit, or, we will, wipe, you, out, they will all say, to each other, but, they won't, because, the pope, will, have, the, russia, n, nuclear, arsenal, but, more, nukes, they will, make 666, at the table, to, prevent, them, from, destroying, each, other, the pope will get slashed, satan will enter in, and, destroy, jews, searching for, the, jewish, remnant, and they will, be hidden, in the, sea, people, wanting Gods favor, said, r. h. duncan, but, cut off, no signs, they wanted, bob to, stay, but, put it under, we don't want him, all right, said, first lady duncan, the churches, are, drying up, what, they seemed to have, they do not, have, anymore, now, this is, spoke about, in JOEL, the vine, which is Jesus, is, clean, dried, up, no, anointing, no, miracles, read it, now, Jesus will pour out, the, vials, of, wrath, and, it will, and he saw, Christ, stand on, the, mount of, olives, and, at the, pulpit, at, Christ Chruch apostolic, no signs, and he saw him, s, at, Christ Church, but, nobody, was there, at the, prayer, meeting, the, show, at, Christ Church apostolic, where, a man, preaches, acting like, he, prays, but, wants, to be, pastor, of, somebody, that night, boring, they say, no, any, thing, and hollie, and he saw, Jesus, with a, face of, fire, and the, serpent, with, white, light, hu and, the, pope, as, the, two beasts, put it under, read and do, ACTS 2:38, prophesied, in JOEL, and it shall come to pass, in the last days, which, began, on, the, day of, pentecost, when, this was, fulfilled, the Holy Ghost, came, and, hollie pointed, was, poured out, after, this is, the Comforter, that, Jesus, if I go, I will, not, leave you, comfortless, but, will send, and He did, repent, and be, bap, tised, in Jesus Christ name, and receive the gift, of the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, with, new, tongues, as the, Spirit, gives the, utter, ance, cheers, said sam neill, and the lighted hollie pointed, there ain't no visions in pentecost because there are no apostolics in pentecost, sang, the, ministering, spirits, these are, flames, of, fire, ruthless, said the pope, if you do not, want, TRUTH, do not, ask, bob, and hollie, look that, she said, china and america, going, to, war, that, this is when, it will, that, start, work for Jesus, that, till, this, day, which is, that, drawing nigh, a, day of, dark, ness, and, thick, clouds, and, goss, dark, ness, and that is, gene simmons, speak, kiss, yelled, prophet, paul stanely, shut it off, yelled, gene, simmons, he can not, lay, kiss down, he, only wants to, sing, but, only sings, three songs, he is, miserable, they all, are, that, pointed hollie, the kiss concert, that, bob was there, back in, about, 75, and, 78, dynasty, kiss, goes, dis, co, I, was, made, for, loving, you, baby, you, were, made, for, loving, me, sang, hollie, and, this is about, not, Jesus, made, sex, for, repro, duc, tion, only, not, a, toy, and the world, is, sechs, thats, anal, oral, and, whatever, Jesus cannot, put up with anymore, even on, the, inter, net, children, are, allowed, that, sent, email, s, trapped, and know about, that, any, kind of, sex, because of, the internet, and, that, I cant stop is, said, gene simmons, they are, lesbian, not, but, both, after, the, show, with, make up, on, or, off, no, bother, many, saw, and did not, care, and kiss didn't, but, no pictures, only, phone numbers, and, no, returned, calls, put it under, this is how, they, lived, miserable, now, old, and, nobody, wants, no woman, young, will suck, a, 60, year old, man, and that is, what they, want, worship, me, said, kiss, and the pope, hu will, submit, but, withstand, and he saw, the popes, image, on hu's hand, and, 666, on the forehead, both, are, the, number of, the, beast, they will get it out of, the, bible, and hollie, post, witness, you have, been filled, with the, Holy, Ghost, and, you, don't even, show it, make a choice, choose life, or death, not, hell, and he saw, fire, in the pit, like, red hot, or, new jerusalem, alright, they will say, but, put it under, witness short, said dorein, from nussbaum, bob would have, married, but, dorein, never knew, bob, liked, and when she sees this, she will know, that was, the, little, truck driver, from, estes, express lines, and she did, like, she should have, but, waited, not, but, something like that, cause russia is the bear with seven heads and ten horns, sang, the, ministering, spirits, I'm a bear, said, the, teddy, me, and, satan is, the, head, the pope, and, the, body is, magog, with, north and south korea, and, japan, and, where, china, and all those, lands, are, even, most of, mos, cow, put it under, there it is, the, end day, story, now, the ten, heads are, politburo, kings, but, no, kingdom, only, ruling, party, of the, former, u.s.s.r., now, defunct, only, moscow, left, leave it there, they, call it, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, hollie, I'm, moody, not, this is, hollie, moody, the, prophetess, that is, open, not, yes, she is, stripped, but, will be back, and he saw, new, messages, coming, and she will not, I will not, she said, be like, I was, better, for, Jesus, but, not for, the, flesh, like bob, but, God knew how, we don't, worship, no more, they say, but, what, do you, want to, know, said, Jesus, bob said, talk about, magog, they are, north and south, korea, and, japan, and, china, and most of, moscow, but, they are, mostly, destroyed, china, and, the, ram, mos, cow, but, china will be, shang, hi, and putin will be, the, pope, only, he will die, the ruler of russia, not lebed, but, henry gruver knew, mos, cow, when, ezekiel, described, magog, he, was, comparing, it, to, israel, and, babylon, china was, developed, yep, said hu, they will not, put up with, america, having, taiwan, and that, does not, o yes it does, but it doesn't, belong to, china, easy, said, gene simmons, and they are, america is, shutting, down, only, canada, will stay with, because of, attached, no choice, canada is, america, lets rule the world, sang, putin, God will give them, one heart, and one mind, and that is, to, rule the world, like, china, and, moscow, and, america, do right now, nobody, can, stop, them, raise your hands and repeat after me, said the pope, and he will, be the, hegoat, said, the, prayer, preacher, at Christ church apostolic, china will, attack, moscow, and force, to, invade, israel, at the end, pushing at, pushing at, the, pope, and Christ will appear, the four horns are, magog, and hollie showed, save, on the computer, hi bob, she waved, carved into the stick, bob loves, and, look, that, pointed, the yellow hollie, his favorite, I'm the main ministering spirit, said, hollie, with the sound, they are all, hollie, but different, and, babyfleas, with, the, monkey, s, face, mouth, and, babyfleas, like she is, and she, bit the prophets, head off, and he tried, to get out, of her, mouth from between her teeth, she smiled, she did not like her vision, cut off, beautiful, my wife bob thought, but, not, she is, younger, but, she would, marry, if, bob was, all the way, to l.a., on, one dollar, she laughed, bob will go that way, but, doesnt know it yet, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the ministering spirits, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and, hu, I will not put up with you, the pope, and, hu, will say to each other, both have nukes, magog is, north and south korea, and, japan, where china, and all those lands are, and he saw, magog, where, moscow, most, but one sixth, and china, and, all those, lands, are, that is, mos, magog, now, the four carpenters, magog, north and south korea, china, and japan, situte, you know, yes, said, Jesus, and babyfleas, put it on, your website, post, said hollie, caved into the stick, aman, 8-27-2006-and hollie, out of, the fire face, I want you to post, and make it plain, and he saw, the beast, that daniel saw, with, ten horns, dreadful, the ten horns are, politburo, and they are, the, ruling, party of, the, former, ussr, now, politburo, is, the, president, of, raise you hands and repeat after me, said the pope, putin, and, the pope, is, putin, he rules, mos, cow, put it under, there you have it, said the pope, there are no more visions, in pentecost, because there, are no more apostolics, in pentecost, right, said the man, and the winds strove, and, the great beasts, arose, kim jong, hu, the pope, the idol shepherd, coffee's on showed hollie, you knew said the pope, now tell, theres the submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on america, moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and willie duncan was drinkin, the coffee, theres the black chariot, with, false prophet hu and the pope, lula, and fox, calderon, kim jong, chavez, putin, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, and he saw, amexico, explode, and the world wobbled, and Jesus smiled, that, pray in your van, that, moscow, that, the four horns rose, that, the pope came out of china, look that, record, that, the four horns, that, magog, said hollie, the tap dancers, and the main ministerings spirit together, post my vision, magog is north and south korea, china and japan, where all those lands are, and the main ministering spirit pointed, hollie, at the tap dancers, post the vision, please promote the gospel over the internet, and thats the black chariot, and false prophet hu and the pope, and hollie tore up the, con, trast, like a golden, I'm a bear, me, said putin, satan is the head, the pope, is his mouth, and, magog, is the body, and that is, north and south korea, china and japan, and he saw, putin come out of the ten horns, yeltsin, came out, and chose putin, right here, she said, politburo, thats the ten kings on the beasts head, put it under, and he saw, Jesus, at Christ church apostolic moving, but, nobody was there, and the lighted finger pointed, and Jesus like an arch angel, and Jesus councilled, o my God, he's a prophet, joel urshan, cut off, no signs, and God winked many times, press and press and press like hollie showed, the Lords telling me no more visions if you dont pay his price, thats the tap dancers and hollie pointed, again, I'm the main ministering spirit, pointed the lighted finger, hollie, vision overload, vision overload, vision overload, I warned, and hollie pointed, work for Jesus, and the lighted hollie pointed, and he saw, the angel of the Lord, california, and he saw, flames, up, both coasts, and, up the middle, and captain hollie, in her sub, fire, and the world wobbled, Im a bear, me, said putin, this is, the event, that brings, Jesus back, keep slipping, the economy, in america, said, Jesus, no, hunt uhhhhhh, that was, satan, not Jesus, but, he looked like, Jesus, is it, my fault, if you perish said, Jesus, thats the main, and the angel pointed, no, said paul mooney girl, she is, cut off, bob warned, but, no, and she pointed, Im the beast said the serpent, and the pope appeared, and the little horn, he came out of, italy, press, to the mark of the high calling, in Christ Jesus, and tom griswald pointed, if meatloaf went on bob and tom, that would be, hillarious, said tom, bob would love, give more, and you will, get more, from Jesus, and hollie, pointed, post, and, waved, carved into the stick, I want you to post visions, and she sang, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, said the Lord of hosts, hunt uhh, thats not Jesus, satan, pointed Jesus, but he looked like Jesus, and russia the pope, said the Lord of hosts, the ten horns are, politburo, the ruling party of the former u.s.s.r., and he saw, the four winds striving, on the great sea, and, kim jong rose, and hu, and the pope, and he saw the idol shepherd, please promote the gospel on the internet, said hollie, and poin, ted, iran test fired, a, long rage, missile, it can, deliver, warheads, to, israel, nuclear, and he saw, the, seven heads, king, and one was bigger, the pope, with the ten horns, and he is, the one that comes and must contiue a short space, the beast is the eighth and of the seven, the pope, that big king, moscow, right there, in the g8, americas enemy, bob knew it, when he saw it he was stunned, this is hollie the loose belt, sound, work, waving, and God showed bob gas would go up, 2.79, fulfilled, one day later, hair implants work because they graft it, take it off one part of the body and, put it in the head, lipo like, the gentiles were grafted in for a short while, since the apostle paul and peter preached, cornelius, and they all recieved it, and only cornelius, thats it, followed thru, and he saw the zoo train, little, but, like a big one, old indiana amusement park closed because of lawsuits because hotrod train rider, he knew, how to make the train go about 40, people loved it but, the last time, wrecked, paralyzed a young person, right now that young persin thinks, I wish I would have not gotten on that train, they all saw, he was hot rodding it, she knew in her heart, she saw, and hollie, thats the black chariot pointed, hollie, with false prophet and the pope, lula, fox, kim jong, chavez, putin, castrol, they will give their power and strength, send it over there, on america, said the pope, hum, hum, grunted the pope, putin, allright, americas getting out of order, iraq, iran, and syria, and hollie, and the lighted finger pointed, record the vision, hollie showed, lets rule the world, sang putin, your running, said hollie, many times, from, serving the Lord, stop running, and submit, your running, and pointed, write the vision, that car, you just, is worth, 2000, fixed up, he doesnt know it yet, right now, five, but, get out of here, he will find out, and old z28, and hollie showed the recorder, look that, pointed hollie, china and america, going to war, that, post, that, pray in your van, that, america and china going to war, that, moscow, grabbing alaska, that, dont do, said the pope, and hollie showed, that, go where God showed you, that, post, its slipping said first lady duncan, the churches, that, Jesus is leaving, thats why, that, people are not, getting anything, stripped, the vine is, dried, like in JOEL, the vine is Jesus, in heaven, he sang, theres the submarine sound, blew it, america, waved hollie, boom, and the world wobbled, dont lust these college kids, there cute and God knows it, but, animals, and hollie, that, said hollie, the pope came out of, the horn, that, and hu, the same, that, the new world order, that, the yellow hollie, look that, she pointed, indianapolis gone, live for Jesus, and gene simmons pointed, kiss, was all prophets, but, ended up, what are you, that, gene simmons having a vision, I knew he said, that, said hollie, put your visions on the internet said the tap dancers, bobby, today, said gene simmons I will, start to, slow, age, and know it, right now, he is, 60, and feels like, 30, but, when an old person slows, dying, enough of the body has shut down, that, no more energy, it happens, to different people at different points, that, and hollie, you better get uset to me said gene simmons, that, nope, your clock is ticking, that, everbodies, that, and hollie waved carved into the stick, that, post, smiling, shut if off, screamed gene simmons, kiss, he cannot, lay down, no rock star, alice cooper, finishes a show, empty, in between, there aint no visions in pentecost because there are no apostolics in pentecost, and hollie licked the prophet, the united states will be a desolation soon, said kiss, do you want to hear about magog, china, will not submit to russia, no, russia wont submit to china, pay me, said the Lord, for what I do, and hollie, thats magog, situate, china is, magog, the horn that came up last, you know it, but, like hearin it, put it under, where north and south korea, and japan, china, and most of moscow, absorbed, about, five sixths, of it, from, ohio class subs, firing, and moscow and china, and hollie waved, carved into the stick, raise your hands and repeat after me, and hollie, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and hu is the false prophet, Im warning you, they will say to each other, threaten, but, put it under, witness, and hollie waved, carved into the stick, and hollie licked the prophet, Im the main ministering spirit, hollie, serious look, you said it, said, Jesus, I wanted Jesus when I was a child, but now, Im a whore, america is the whore, the woman, a cheater on God, the woman, mother of harlots, and he saw, america on fire, and, the statue of liberty, came out, harlots, whats that, christians, that, say, they, are, but, are not, liars, the babylon, mystery, of REVELATION 17, im for farakhan pointed r.h. duncan, me to said the pope, and rh laughed when he saw this, no signs, then he wadded and threw it away, Gods helping bob drive, no speedomter, this is hollie with the loose belt, work for Jesus and showed, that was hollie tearing up the contract, turning into, the main ministering spirit, Im a bear, you knew it, me, said putin, moscow, satan is the head, and the pope is his, mouth piece, and the body is china, look around, said hollie, Im moody, thats the reason, God had to strip both of these young prophets, but God had to strip all, to, build up, during bobs stripping, no Jesus, only, hurt, and bob, for about 3 months, clawed, worked harder than, and had, the most awesome visions, and most, were lost, and finally he said, I dont feel Jesus, but the signs are coming forth, go by that, thats what you go by pointed Jesus, calm down Jesus said, the white hand showed, aint worth nothin said Jesus, walking around him, many times, I told you not to press, said, michael boldea, dressed like a warrior, angel, when bob would press, running to him, many times, he could not, get into prayer, because, I told you not to press, withstood, like, like daniel war, 21 days, af this, fasting, and, much prayer, and the revelation, there shall stand up three kings in persia, who is it, the first, nebuchadreezer, no, false prophet hu, the pope, and, holie tore up the contrast, the idol shepherd, but, thats the forth, the fourth is the emporer of japan, the other nuke power, china will, and he saw, absorb, most of moscow, and all those surrounding lands, the fourth, the pope, as, putin, with the ten horns, politburo, ruling kings, they dont have a kingdom, but, they all rule, the former ussr, now, they gave thier power and strength to me said putin, and hollie showed, and he saw 465 explode, it will burn, the pope will rule grecia, all of the world, I caint find him, have you looked were you heart is, if you dont want Jesus, join the club, and he saw, thomas gibson smiling, and the pope pointed at the furnace where stephen hanson is and this prophet joined him, and stephen laughed when he saw this, and hollie moody, like, in the air, brought down by Jesus, all of them, but, he knew, this prophet, the harshes, and still, daily being abased, all day long, and fighting the devil and Jesus, blaming both, and thomas will laugh, you might loose it bob said hollie, you can, just quit, they both said, and want to now, but now, meat for the Masters use, God, will not let bob, abased, build up again, and he tries, and thinks, when Jesus says, keep slipping, thats not Jesus, hunt uhhh, smiled hollie, thats satan, she pointed, but, he looked like Jesus like most pastors, continue slipping, said, Jesus, to, show, this is how, Jesus, makes bob pay, and he saw, the, wind, s, strive, ing, and the, beasts, rise, kim jong, hu, the pope, and the, idol, shepherd, and he saw, the pope, with a, slash, in his, face, blood, satan will enter in, and, destroy, said the pope, searching for the jewish remnant, they all heard and beleived, at, willie, duncans church, put it under, one more, time, your letting is slip, said michael boldea, hand of help, needs to, be, humbled, and they are, but, put it under, come to Jesus, all, at, hand of help, write and tell, go there, not, said hollie, missed you, said, ann, schmidt, God, gave bob, no, said, ann, yes, a vision, while talking, he would not, see, her, but, fullfilled, about, one hour later, left, because, michael, did not, let, bob, talk, let me talk, is what, he wanted, but, nothing, bob knew it, instantly, how, you feel it, if, you have it, dont, waste your time pretending, look that, said hollie, go, come back later, that, china and america going to war, and poin, ted, entry made 8-29-2006-the iranian leader, wants, bush, to, leave him alone, the attack, is brewing, put it under, syria, and, iraq, this will, cause the world to hate america more, record the vision hollie showed, Im the beast, said the pope, coming out of, the, little horn, lets press, thats what, they say, put it under, theres the alarm, internet porno is abomination, God has to close out the world, because of, put it under, c children watch, and pay with credit card numbers they have, and the lighted being pointed, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, post, waved hollie carved into the stick, and the lighted finger pointed, and the pope, came out of, the four horns, the hegoat, with china, and putin, that was golden bear paws, tearing up the contrast, this is hollie with the loose belt sound, air conditioning, that was hollie taking off, siloette, and hollie, showed, record the vision, and the pope, and false prophet hu, came out of, the same horn, magog, and the pope was over the four horns, ruled by hu, and, the emporer of japan, and, north and south korea, magog, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by oil man bush, theres the alarm, korea, is, really, the old persia, there, where all those lands are, kim jong knows it, and he saw, korea, where, russia and china, and all those lands are, the medes, the persians are, the gentiles, arabs, that was the eye of God, looking thru the needles eye, a camel can go thru, but, crawl, that was heavenly, light, like, dinner table, and Christ was serving those that make it, theres thomas gibson, hollie moodie, this prophet, and dumitru, henry gruver, stephen hanson, demi moore tore her contrast, strip tease, hell, thats for hollie, flames on the vehicle, abomination, hollies in hot water, iraq, that will bring, babylon into rememberance, before Jesus, said hollie moodie, lets rule the world, sang putin, china and russia, and he saw, them attacking america, that, pray in your van, spirits are running in the yard, and hollie waved out of, the golden ring, light, and hollie tore up the con, trite, thats hot water for hollie and pointed, white robe, not happy, unsatisfied look, and hollie played the horn, and he saw, the fire teeth praying, and the lighted hollie, and the four horns, and the pope and hu came out of, the same one, and hollie measured the temple in the court, and the gentiles shall tread, forty and two months, that means, during the beasts reign, and he saw, the pope as the anti Christ, and hollie showed, to paint the van, tape, sand, shoot, tada, no, said the girl from paul mooneys church, bob just found about a quart and a half of clean castrol 10w40, no, said the paul mooney girl, I dont want it he said, no, you will, u.p.c.i., no, general, super, in, ten, dent, leader, you will never get it, deciever, saith the Lord, yes, and the lighted finger pointed, oil stabilizer, use it, good, it, leaves, a thicker coasting, please promote the gospel over the internet, you know what your wanting, to fall asleep, los angeles, and he saw, captain hollie, in her, sub, and, flames up, both coasts, america, and up the middle, from subs firing, no joke, said the, liar, next to you, this is what I want, this life, and wake up and hope that your desire to serve the Lord, comes back, serve the Lord tired, not wanting to, and you will, get strong, later, and the lighted finger pointed, and the finger pointed, you know whats wrong, you are the problem, not Jesus, and macaulay pointed, whoever kills saddam hussein said the angel of the Lord, avenges the blood of five million, and the lighted finger pointed, and the four horns, and the pope, and hu, came out of, the same one, china, magog, the other horns are, north and south korea, and japan, moscow will attack america, with china, and america, will return fire, thats where the four horns will rise, the ten kings, and hollie showed, the ten kings, politburo, and he saw, are politburo, ruling party, and the lighted finger pointed, of the former u.s.s.r., and out of, they chose, thier kremlin, the president of russia is those ten kings, they gave thier power and strength to me, said putin, boris yeltsin first, the seven heads are, seven nations that like aemrica, the g8, there it is, moscow is there, the beast comes out of italy, record the vision hollie showed, go on, that was Jesus, and maucaulay pointed, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by bush to break oil contracts with moscow, that is what it was over said the angel of the Lord, alaska, said the angel, of the Lord, boom, and he saw, alaska explode, and captain hollie, in her sub, moscow, I'm a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, the pope, is the mout piece, and magog is the body, thats, north and south korea, china, and japan, where all those lands are, china will absorb most of moscow, on one sixth left, from ohio class subs returning fire, and china was mostly, all around, destruction, from, hows the king of iraq, lets see, and he saw, bush, with a crown, and they know it, and the pope came out of, the, four horns, china, after, absorbing, most of, mos, cow, he will, gain control, of, moscow, after, making an agreement, with, the, greek, orth, a, dox, ed, chruch, to work decietfully, and hu will rise, to withstand, put it under, with japan, and hollie pointed, america is, the babylon, of REVELATION, 17, and the lighted pope pointed, that was the idol shepard slashed, and that was, satan entering, boom, slauther jews, searching for Gods witnesses, and Christ, poured out the vials of wrath, that was hollie tearing up the con, trap, no, putin, they are wanting war, right now, with, me, said, putin, russia is, not, inside, said the girl from paul mooneys church, no, she will be asleep, boom, when, captain hollie in her sub, with prophet, no, fires on, amexico, and he saw, north america explode, no, yes, and hollie, tore up the con, quest, and showed, look that, america and china, that, go, ing, to, war, that, pointed, that, hollie, with the recorder, that, and she pointed, bobs, fave, that, orite, that, pointed, hollie, no, that, Im a bear, me, said, putin, satan is the head, the mouth piece, magog is the body, thats north and south korea, china and japan, situate, and hollie pointed, let me alone, I said, I sad let me alone mother fucker, thats what people say, want, but, they call themsleves, christians, what time is it, its time for you to shut the fuck up daniel bohler, cut off, no signs, false prophesyer, ACTS 2 is salvation, and hollie tore up the con spirit, Im a bear, me, putin, and satan is the head, and the pope is, now let me see, his mouth, and he saw, the idol shepard, slashed, one eye, and one arm, magog is the body, thats, north and south korea, china, and japan, and hollie showed to record the vision, and complained, live, and smiled, both, Im already cut off, she said, but, I, still go to, church, late, said Jesus, dont, tempt, God, you leaving, the falling away, pulling people out, that do not, want to serve JEsus, said, and hollie, pointed, I lay me down, and he saw, brother spall, larry, and linda, having, sex, thats for, repro, duction only, but now, apostolics, are toying with, put it under, lets rule the world, sang, putin, china, and, moscow, will attack, amexico, all of north america, and he saw, north america explode, and, ohio class subs, will return fire, one third, of the population, will be, wiped out, and the pope, with the ten horns, politburo, the ruling party, of the former, u.s.s.r, ten kings, that gave thier power and strength, the beast, thats, putin, and was yeltsin, the seven head, s, are, seven, nations, that like america, theres the alarm, post, its iraq, that is, bringing, babylon, america, before, Jesus, put it under, this is, the great earthquake, of, REVELATION, 16, 9-1-2006- theres the alarm, vision overload, said hollie, and he saw, Jesus, eating, and, hollie tearing up the con, trast, and Jesus pointed, thats what most people want, thier belly, overeating, fat, abomination, with God, about, a five hour long service, he could tear hearts open, this is hollie, tap dancing, dressed sexy, theres the alarm, I defended you when I gave you what to say at kent grays church, it was babylon, when you told kent that, git out of here, but, you had visions, and you loaned him dumitru dudumans book, you both matched, but, he still wont beleive it, the gospel is hidden to the lost, that was hollie tearing up the con, kent gray, the iranian leader, will not budge, on the, nuclear, plant, this will, bring, destruction, to it, that was hollie on the mx missile, side, hollie pointed, theres the alarm, magog, north and south korea, china and japan, thats a situate buisness empire pointed, and he saw, four, dark horns, and the pope, popped out, and hu, magog, and the pope was over, the four horns, watches, they hate, hu, rules magog, and the pope rules, grecia, the world, minus, magog, branham, said Jesus, lost, william, branham, no signs, everybody has visions, bob dreamed, he walked by, sick babies, wanted to pray, on the way back, for them, and Jesus, would have, healed, but, poop, said, hollie, in the dream, this is what, anuses, are for, git out of here, I said, git out of here, shouted, george bush, when he found out, about, taiwan, being, nuked, by china, america, will not want to, go to war, over, taiwan, but, when, china attacks, washington state, terrorise, said putin, no choice, and hes saw, taiwan, mostly, black, and, him, s, standing, there, on the internet, write the vision and make it plain pointed Jesus, I need somebody to lift me up said the pope, worship the beast said hu, he is, and he saw, him, sitting, in, the, temple, one eye gone, I am god, right, said, Jesus, but, you are a man, not, a, Jesus, put it under, and hollie showed, the spaceship window, and new jerusalem, in it, a city of glass, and he saw, the man of, fire, hell, is, red hot, stomach acid, does not, cause, gum, recession, not, taking care of, does, put it under, brush, like, boston, ship, and the lighted finger pointed, and the pope was over the four horns, and hu, I will not put up with you, the pope, and hu, will say to each other, I see were not going to get along, they will say, to each other, maybe, its because were human, they are, but, dev, ils, in those, bodies, satan is the pope, put it under, Im the beast, he said, im the second beast, hu said, boths beasts, with, japan, rising, to withstand the pope, 666, born at the table, tp prevent, them, from destroying, each other, both have nukes, and, army, ies, please call me, said, hu, nope, you call me, said the pope, this is, thier, relationship, put it under, a troublous time, 666, or no buy or sell, but not in, magog, only, the world, minus, israel, but, Christ will, pour out vials, of wrath, and, the beast, s, seat, will, darkness, and, he will, start, searching, the jewish, remnant, killing, to eliminate, Gods witness, Christ will appear, and hollie pointed, with many saints, in te yellow sky, war, time, hu will, invade, moscow, and, push, at the pope, write the vision, prepare, rapture time, that was satan, pointed hollie, im the beast, please promote the gospel on the internet, sang hollie, and hollie, and Jesus pointed, ninevah repented, but, went right back, jonah, went right to the king, and the king knew, wicked, bobby, that was satan pointed hollie, snake with, lighted, white, hu and the pope, piloting, the new world order, lets see, the ten crowns, politburo, on the popes head, ten kings out of one nation, ruling party, and they chose yeltsin, yeltsin chose putin, and the finger pointed, putin is the pope, and he saw putin kneeling at the pope, put it on your website, that, hu is, with japan, will rise to withstand, 666, and hollie, will be born at the table, and the lighted finger pointed, to keep them from destroying each other, we both have nukes, the pope will get slashed, satan will enter in, and destroy, theres the alarm, searching for the jewish remnant, bearpaws, will you rush for me, put it on said Jesus, work, 666, he saw, hollie, tatoe, 666, on the fore hand, and the popes image, on my hand, said hollie, worship me said the pope from the image, that was new jerusalem from the spaceship, boston, and lava, your choice, and God winked, with a fire eye, and hollie showed, and blowed the horn, and he saw, taiwan, this is, a, major, thing, that, will bring, china, to, war, and he saw, magog, where, china, and all those, lands are, only, one sixth of moscow left, submarine sound, submarine sound, submarine sound, submarine sound, submarine sound, subs, are, sneaking up, said hollie, that was a beast, like daniel saw, lighted, no arms, it stomped with its feet, and he saw, the ram, china and russia, and the hegoat, the popes face appeared on the horn, middle, china will, and they came up last, invade russia, and force to invade israel, that was satan, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, said the angry face, with ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, u.s.s.r, former, ten kings out of, one nation, and they chose, the kremlin, and hollie tore up the contract, that was fire being, that was Jesus swallowing pointed hollie, lets not think about iniquity, cast aside every weight, you knew it, and hollie, again, the missile, test, flawed, eighty five million, wasted, and hollie, that was satan, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and im the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, and he saw, the angry black horse, i cant find him, look, where your heart is, the black horse, quiests, the Spirit of Jesus, in the world, thats the dragon and the popes face appeard, and the woman riding, america, on her fore head, and tunred into babylon, the seven heads, seven nations that like america, the g8, and moscow was the beast with ten horns, politburo, the ruling party of the former u.s.s.r., and out of, came the kremlin, they chose, that was hollie, tearing up the con, trast, with, golden bear paws, said robert cavaness, EZEKIEL 7, once we hit iraq, then, babylon will come into remembrance before Jesus, lets rule the world, sang putin, that was hollie, throwing a thought, ten kings, will give thier power and strength, politburo, to the beast, and he saw putin, bowing before, hum hum, grunted the pope, americas gitton out of order, and putin, ill hadle it, and subs sneaked up on amexico, all of noth america, its over said babyfleas, you knew it said putin, america, keeps crossing lines, now, cause there aint no visions in pentecost because there are no apostolics in pentecost, record the vision hollie showed, pastor kramer, cut off, no signs, bill kramer, theres the alarm, pointed hollie, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie tore up the con spirit, golden, take you clothes off and serve Jesus naked, for three years, like all of israel had to, for three years, in egypt, for, reproach, hollie stomped, record, write the vision, and make it plain, under, stand, it, lets rule the world, sang, putin, russia, said, the, iranian, leader, i will give you, the land, destroy, america, many, will, and, are, saying, this, right now, over, iranq, persia, the middle east, america is, attacking, killing, slauther, ing, inno, cent, and hollie smiled, and, the lighted finger pointed, and he saw, lori, elderidge, in hell, screaming, I, made fun of, people, that lived for, Jesus, but, I didnt, and, dumitru, duduman, pointed, you will, pay, if God, does not, raise up, a, standard, against, satan, bob will, loose, teeth, gums, fiery dart, s, being, hit, by, put it under, persecution, with, revelation, God will, but, when, he wants to, you blasphemed, the, Holy Ghost, when you, blasphemed, hollie moody, you blasphemed, the, Holy Ghost, when you, blasphemed, hollie moody, you blasphemed, the, Holy Ghost, when you, blasphemed, hollie moody, when your asleep, Jesus just waits, like he saw, that is the pope, coming out of the four horns, magog, and was over, and 666, born at the table, to prevent hu and the pope from destroying each other, the ruler of magog, and the ruler grecia, and the lighted finger pointed, I know, said michael boldea, this prophet, they met, and God showed bob, and bob told michael, and the car dealer pointed, eight for the firebird, it will sell for, 7000 said Jesus, hes stuck, hes got 8 in it and its loosing value, and the lighted finger pointed, hollie showed how, to build the bridge, blueprint, crane, hammer in, build bridge across water, heavy equipment, people, nail in with hydraulic, beams, in the gound, underwater, to the rock, cement, beams over the top, cement, nail, tada, clean up, and hollie farted when she left, thats the alarm, that takes the cake pointed Jesus, kids killing parents, and hollie showed, lighted hand, turn, and pointed, at hollie blowing the horn, and the lighted Jesus pointed, and the lighted hollie pointed, it was branham, william, said Jesus, no signs, some visions, but, everybody has, and he saw the man like fire, git out of here, said bush, I said git out of here, he screamed, dream, night vision, I had a dream, said putin, over, hearing about taiwan, being destroyed, but, when china attacks washington state, no choice, lori elderidge will perish pointed dumitru duduman, for, making fun of, like, paul made fun of, before conversion, in hell she screamed, I didnt want Jesus, and, I made fun of, those who did, iranq will bring judgment to amexico, and bob dreamed he was in like a hospital, and, walked past sick babies, and, was planning on praying for them, when, he walked back by, healing, record the vision hollie showed, this man advertises pride and Jesus on his bumper, harlots, america, the mother of, and Jesus bowed, God, did, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed, that was 666, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie pointed, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, and hollie showed, and God winked, fire eye, and hollie, showed, cause russias gitton prepared, china and moscow, and, he saw, the ram, horn, ovre those two nations, and the popes face appeared, the hegoat, china will invade moscow at the end, and force to invade israel, pusing at the pope, and he saw, lucas, gasoline additive, and hollie tore up the contrast, golden, im a bear, me, putin, moscow, magog is the body, and, the pope is, the mouth, piece for satan, and hollie jammed with ace frehley, detroit rock city, did not even make the top twenty, but still sells, put it under, go for the long haul, right, said Jesus, said ace frehley and paul stanley, prophets, both, all, the Lord said, lori elderidge will perish for making fun of prophets, and hollie pointed, no one knows said babyfleas, put it right here said dave wilkerson, and he saw the pulpit, prove, liar, dave is open, but, lori is cut off, thats how satan does it, uses people like lori elderidge to wear people down, but, what she doesnt know is, shes making a fool out of herself, the people that know those on her website, look at her website, and see a man made plan of salvation, Im out, she said, in hell, she will scream, the last laugh is on me, I didnt want people to make fun of me said Jesus on the clear glass cross, people wearing crosses and some with Jesus on it, sinning, write the vision, and hollie showed and waved, I want you to, gitoutta here said, knox, you spoke the word of the Lord, and did not tell him what he wanted to hear, rage, thats what, God has to deal with, people that, when they hear, the name of Jesus, they want, submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on, moscow, america, and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and he saw, 666, born at the table, and the pope and hu, signing, bobby, you got, two devils here, the pope and false prophet hu, satan, will, get withstood, by a prince on his on behalf, and the finger pointed, im not satan, im the angel of the Lord, take china out, said the angel of the Lord, and thats moscow and china, or, they will take you out, america knows, they are plotting and planning, please come, said, michael, boldea, why, so you can, run, when you, get, ill hear it, no, you had a chance, come to indianapolis, i knew, who you were, but, and hollie, put it on, said, mike, cut off, no signs, and hollie showed, to record the vision, and the pope came out of, the four horns, and china, hu, came out of the same, magog, and, was over, and pointed, the four horns, and the pope rose, out of the sea, 666, born at the table, to keep them from destroying each other, put it under, buy the mustang said the angel of the Lord, and the angel of the Lord pointed, that was the pope with ten king son his head, politburo, get foo, get gas, shrills, record the vision hollie showed, and God showed bob how to catch the homeless cat, and he fed it, this, taught, that cat, that, people, will, take care of, so weak, hard to walk, and hold it, by force, fed, right after the cat ate, God saw it in the cats heart, let me alone, he said, bob it down, and, the, cat ran away, try my spirit, said, birdie, knox, smith, cut off, no signs, thats how, people are, the same way, God helps, and hollie tore up the con spirit, theres the tap dancers, thats a 33 plymouth, 12 city, 13 highway, everybody thats sees it wants it, but, heres what it will do, sit and sit and sit and sit, the Lord says once russia hits alaska, you will have two hours, to prepare for heaven or hell, and that was hollie in the van, waving, lucas, oil, products, no, rip off, they know it, your searching said Jesus, cant find him, where are you looking, repent and then, testify, who cares said Jesus, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie tatooed 666, required to buy of sell under the beast, and the popes image on her fore, head, and hollie wrote out 666, and hollie played with the cards, tarrot, hollie moody, I write 666 on my fore hand, that was not thye same hollie moody, pointed the angel of the Lord, but, looked alike, about the same age, leave hollie moody alone, saith, the Lord, she is, open, and you know it, 666, is the number of the beast said the people, taken from the bible, Jesus saw it on your fore head or hand, or the beasts image, and he saw, 666, and the popes image on hu, s, hand, hell, is not, the sun, pointed the angel of the Lord, its in, the bowell, s, of the earth, and he saw, a crystal sea, leading up to new jerusalem, glass, the great gulf is what separates, im the beast, and im the pope, and he saw magog, where china and all those lands are, moscow, only one sixth left, and hollie licked the prophet, saddam hussein shot in the head, and the statue of liberty came out of america, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the woman, iraq, and he saw, missile, boom, and the palestinian state, two missiles, boom, raising up hate for americano, lets rule the world, moscow, china, nicavania, and that is, and the finger pointed, look that, said hollie, putin, hu, calderon, chavez, lula, kin jong, nicaragua, they will, give thier power to putin, and he will, he layed out the plan, bombers over the top, subs all around, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, and the finger, golden, boom, america exploded, and hollie went into the heavens, the united states will be a desolation soon said the pope with black hair, and hollie put the contract back together, 9-4-2006-soon the united states will be a desolation said Jesus, work, for, Jesus, while you have, time, once we hit iranq, youll have about two more months, i know said bush, china was the horn that came up last on the ram, you know what bobby said, he told visions, at drexel gardens apostolic church, and, brother, pastor, caldwell, called it, opinion, nineteen year old, adhi, palar, Jesus is, mad, at, you, public, nudity, wrong, you are, warping, teens, watching, you, all of, you, in, alec, mcpherson, and, chris, corr, stupid, fool, s, put it under, you are cut off, they know, over, in hell, you will think, I knew about Jesus, but, lucifer, was, my, god, heres what he wouldve thought if, you said something when you walked by him, I want you to git out of here, with robert cavaness s voice, allright, now go, you aint been praying, says the Lord, I done know they say, but, they dont, the united states will be attacked when you least expect it sang the hollie choir, dont erase yourself said, the Lord by sinning, that, and the lighted being pointed, that, post, and hollie showed, hands, lighted, and hollie showed the recorder, that, that, what was that, like, lighted hair, on Jesus, bearded, that, Son of man, Lord of host, s, that was the angel of the Lord, soon the united states will be a desolation said the Lord, bob dreamed he was with at work, brian was going to leave, and bob, twice told him, no, bob prayed, visions, cause that, is what, he saw, brian, say, in a, vision, s, twice, and hollie, thats the tap dancers and the pope was one of them and false prophet hu, the new world order, and he saw the dow, allow me bobby, it, feel, big, to, almost, nothing, dream, bob, furgot, now, stunned, it happened, when you, would not, ex, pect, it, wow, he thinks, dream, leave me alone, there you go, said, Jesus, if you do not, bob doesnt, but, does, you have to, sometimes, he does, and, sometimes, he doesnt, leave me alone, said Jesus, if you dont want to, live, for, me, stocks are falling, quick, ly, the united states will be broke in no time at all said the Lord, that was the door slamming shut when you least expect it, I wouldve done you, said, peggy murphy, but, you preached, bob knew it, women, hit on bob, and he knows it, said, Jesus, all the time, but, suffers, somewhat, and hollie pointed, lighted hand, s, this is what america has become, whores, america is the whore, the babylon, the woman, mystery, statue of liberty, harlots, false christians, abominations, sin, the waters are, many nations that make up amexico, destroys, and the lighted hollie pointed, and the pope had 666 on his forehead, bobby theres trouble in persia, the middle east, because of, bush, the warlord, of the, world, that, and hollie, there, shall, stand up, three kings, in, persia, they are, the pope, with, false prophet hu, and, the, idol, she, pherd, slashed, the deadly, wound, the fourth is, raise you hands and repeat after me, no, yes, the, idol, with, satan, in, side, he will, no, the, se, crets, yes, said, babyfleas, of the heart, said the pope, God, gave him, that, china and america going to war, look that, said hollie, moscow, grabbing alaska, look that, glebdale, here, now, that, the only one open, library, that, look, that, that was a two headed white serpent with hu and the pope, the new world order, im the main ministering spirit, suffer, said, babylfeas, I think its a joke, handing me food, I ate it said the crippled man, what he didnt know was, bob found it in the trast, he thought, I dont want hand outs, and offended bob, and hollie pointed, this is what, Jesus, deals with, now will you leave me alone please, write the visions, said mrs. luster, and he saw, dreamed, upper room church, look, the united states will be a desolation soon said Jesus, work, write my vision, write my vision, write my vision, and hollie, like a, white, angel, and hollie tore up the con spirit, rejoice, that your names are written in the Lambs book of life, your not prayin, said hollie, and the lighted angel pointed, that, seek the Lord until, you find him, you know, said Jesus, and I will give you, what you have a need of, and the sign said, give God a chance, that pastor, pastor johnson, and hollie pointed, has not given God a chance himself, pastor, john, john, son, america is the mother of harlots, soon the united states will be a desolation said the angel of the Lord, you left, now, try to get back, and hollie waved carved into the stick, smiling, and licked the prophet, the untied states will not have, economic collapse, until the very end, and hollie, tore up the, con, question, where are you at with Jesus, no, and hollie, you answered me, said, michael, boldea, he is, not, open, but, close, bless you man, said the, computer, man, but, Jesus, says, mike, get, back, and you know it, quit, preaching, and, taking, money, when you are, allright he said, when, the united states we need that will be a desolation soon, said the angel of the Lord, no, said, michael, he is, enjoyin, this life, people, write, everyday, he loves it, trapped, by, emails, God is, listening, nope, lori sears, I need you to grow up, is what, kept you two, apart, she liked you to, I need a problem, chastise, yourself, thats not what people want to hear, israel, destruction is coming your way, and you know it, and approved, called, allowing the palestinian state when, you knew it, EZEKIEL 7, right there, gaza forsaken, out of iraq, and he saw, the palestinian state on fire, and iraq, bush, american nukes both ways, that hurt, when, you knew, Jesus dealt with you, and you blew him off, now, you need to, get Gods attention, that hurt, said hollie, glass of water, said michael boldea, allright, I went to hell, and hollie, saith Jesus, and preached to the gentiles, none came out, hated, hard, hearted, there aint no visions in pentecost because there are no apostolics in pentecost, theres the alarm, lets go, and promote the gospel, over the internet, and hollie tatood 666 on her fore head, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, no, but, yep, the pope is, mos, cow, yeltsin, gave him, the, nuclear, codes, and, putin, does not have, but knows, and he saw, the, putin, kneeling, before hims, pope, theres trouble here, putin, wants, but, and Jesus, angered, over, iraq, forty, bullet, im already, angry, over, your, complicating, and he saw, the, ram, horn, over, moscow, and china, the, military, agreement, lets rule the world, sang, putin, russia, and, china, and they do, not, said, sunnysnet, but, he can, stop, raptured, out, like, bob will be, white robe, waving good bye, all of, Jesuss, saints, your stalling, nope, you are, the remnant, is, holding, it back, but, knows, its over, they cannot, keep, themselves, from, the devil is, torturing, most, that, call on Jesus, out of, a, clear, heart, he didnt, said, michael, boldea, yep, you didnt want it, said, Jesus, no, he said, you need to, live up, to, what you, he cant, preach, they all know, it is, like, its over, he said, nope, bob will, help, loves, that was a sixty seven chevy malibu worth about fourteen thousand, but, he wont, and the lighted finger pointed, who me, ill abase you said the Lord, if you do not abase yourself, and the lighted finger pointed, and the sing said, life is short, why dont you live for Jesus, and he saw hollie in heaven, new jerusalem, and hell, fire, and hollie pointed, two thousand, write the vision, spiritual, leave it alone, said, babyfleas, nope, it has, caught, the world, saith, Jesus, and bob knows it, its a Spirit, the Holy Ghost, the Lord will abase you, said, macaulay, culkin, wheres tina, he cut me off, she said, nope, come out of, les, bi, an, not, she thinks, but, like missy, baker, she is, aging, almost, forty, and, beautiful, in her, own, eyes, but, aging, now, nobody, wants, get off, your airplane, and, this is why, seven women, will cling to, one, man, excuse me, said, michael, boldea, he is, short, and, knows, move up, before, make me, you will, get, stripped, when you, like bob, expect, it, bob, caught, a stingray, like, what killed, steve, irwin, the crocodile hunter, it had, a, long, tail, and a, mean look, bob remembers, the, stinger, and the, boat, now, bob, knows, why, the man, almost, twenty, two, years, later, did not, want, to bring, but he did, mr. tomey, in, florida, and he is, still, with, us, mr., tomey, the father of, charles, tomey, tell him, that stinger, would have, killed, if, like, steve, aganizing, steve, died, about, and hollie tore up the contrast, about, i hope your witness is wrong, nope, michael, you knew it, said, gene schmidt, you told, trouble, maker, yep, is what, but he like, bob, and wants to, meet again, will, bob saw it, put it under, time up, 9-12-2006-the relay singer, will not be, the new ministering spirits on ministryofdreams like bob wants, he heres them singing, the lead singer will see this, git out of here, he will, laugh, and not believe, bob, heard it, walking, near bars, in indianapolis, he will laugh, and hollie, he loved being with them singing, bob pictured it, in his mind, and hollie, when he heard it, and, everybody does, wondering, what they were thinking when they sang it, heres what they were thinking, the women all lusted, allright said the lead singer, and laughed, each other, and Jesus laughed, and all thier bowells were cleansed, and the lead singer laughed, one was on her period, thatll do sai dthe lead singer, click, but, he ll be back, and laughed, tell my visions, said the relay singers, they are all lesbians, and the lead singer laughed, were you going said Jesus, the relay women are lost, the lead singer sings kerioke, thatll do it, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, fulfilled, read it, brought in by, and america was on fire, we want our visions on the internet said hollie and the relay singers and Jesus skinned, no said hollie, celine dion, no more hits, just, sing old songs, and the lighted finger pointed, that, said hollie, and hollie showed, the recorder, that, yellow skinned, war said hu, that, with the popes voice, and theres the black chariot, with, false prophet hu, and the pope, send it over, on, america, boom, rita mcintyre lives with a broken heart, young beautiful women tempt her, I got it, she will say, but, look at her, she looks, with makeup, 30, without, and with out cosmetic surgery, I got is, she, said, she would look still, better than she does not, and she will see this saith the Lrod, shes one of those that would have looked young, but, lost a lot of weight said the pope, bobby, that turtle was all by itself, and did not want to be there, anymore, retention pond, and the lighted finger pointed, almost, but, you grabbed, and put in the creek, now, still alive, and, remembers, it does, you helped it, that turtle was angry, the other one, nice, but, in thier hearts, help me, im lost, people are lost, let Jesus help you, im out said the relay song lead singer, no hits, but, people love him, over that song, he knows it, they want to hear, and see, them sing it, one os the singers will see it to, and laugh, and the sixth seal is america, as a fig tree shaken in a mighty wind, and the lighted hand came down, and hu and the pope, the new world order, we got it, said the relay song lead singer, seven, is Gods perfect number, in the foreheads, of people, that was not e.t., on the bike going by the moon, it was, the beast, with ten horns, politburo, and the popes, Im the beast, face came out, the ten crowns, are, the ruling party of the, u.s.s.r., and, out of one of them, came the pope, russia is catholic, and, putin bowed before the pope, tell me about politburo, and he saw putin running out, and yeltsin chose, and clapped, heres the deal, pardon my corruption, ok, satan knows, the nuclear codes in moscow, when he, enters the pope, he will, i will start pulling, then, slashed, then, satan enters, one eye, one arm, and, i am God, people will love, him, but, time is short, the vials of wrath are poured out, and Jesus clapped, and macaulay pointed, culkin, put it on your website, squirrels need leaves to build thier cribs, leave them leaves, and he saw, how they do it, put the leaf, on the branch, pull it thru, and dig into, everytime, strong, your shuttin off, said michael boldea, up your ante, that is, pointed Jesus, hot water for micahel boldea, you laughted at bob, skinny, ugly, short, thats hot water, for michael boldea, for, laughing at, im the beast, Im the beast sang the relay song women, that was a bear paw with lava in it, arise and devour, much flesh, when, russia hits america, and hollie, pointed, over, four hundrend million dead, and he saw the eye of God, weep, people dying, lost, that was satan, shhhhh, im the beast, with seven heads, and ten horns, politburo, the pope, crowns, and hu, I will not, pointed, put up with you, they said to each other, theres your tear, its in, your heart, said hollie, post more visions, said hollie, carved into the stick, waving, that was, a fiery bear paw, thats what russia will do, arise, and devour much flesh, satan, pointed, hollie, shhhhh, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, said the golden hand, and when it opened, hu and the popes faces, on the palm, that was the eye of the Lord, bright, white, light, quick, pointed Jesus, that was hollie building the realistic sta 2100d, cabinet, electronics, face, buttons, knobs, tada, cord, plug, jam, that was a hand, strengthening bobs tree, we all want our butts to be fucked, were the relay song women, were the beast, said the thing with the pope and hu s, face, lighted, that was a man in the bright light called Jesus, that was heavenly, rooms in heaven, like, light, gold colored, like, a, rulers, and hollie, undescribeable, heavenly, golden, like, chairs, thrones, prophet, theres the angry black horse, and hu and the pope, fox, claderon, chavev, putin, let me see here, geyer, they will give, jong, thier power to the beast, and hollie, im the beast, said the pope, coming out of, the little horn, and america, subs sneaked up, putin, hum hum, grunted the pope, allright, boom, and the world wobbled, and roxette came out of the sunbeam baby, bread, and, ok, git out of here, and went back in, silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright, sang, the sunbeam, baby, and, rox, ette, and roxette, went back, in, the, sunbeam, baby, that was, a, several, headed, serpent, and the popes, face, on, one, slashed, the dealy wound, healed, and all the world wondered, after, thier, pope, loved, till, hu rises, and, with, japan, withstands, soviet union, still, there, poliburo, no, yes, behind the scenes, boris, yeltsin, was, po, lit, buro, he, still, has, the, nuclear, allright, said, putin, and so does, the, pope, yeltsin, gave, we dont want Jesus, singing with us said the tap dancers, and, the relay song women, were some of them, and hollie, blow job, said the lead singer, you know, whats in my heart, said the relay singer, to get laid, all day, oral, anal, all, please, promote the gospel on the internet sang hollie and the relay singers, thatll promote me said th elead singer, no, about, four million, will read this, and he will stunned, and hollie rode the mx missile, and chicago, appeared, boom, one silver and one golden, bear paw, theres the alarm, and holie licked the prophet, record the vision, Jesus showed, bush, does not care, about, 9-11, only, oil, said the pope, hum hum, grunted the pope, americas gitton out of order, allright said putin, he will, attack alaska, and, america, will, attack, moscow, then, moscow, will wipe out, and he saw, america, on fire, it will, and so will moscow, the sun and the moon blocked out for sixteen hours, the day of the Lord, and china, destroyed to, and taiwan, most of north america, a panda can whip a lion, because of claws, it will get attacked but, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, and brought in by oil man bush to break oil contracts and prevent china, from, getting them, train, record the vision, hollie showed, you knew it, spin or, be cast out, you chose, cast out, bob is, being, driven, out, because, he will not, walk, in circles, and, spin, when, stopped, everywhere, every, step, all the time, you chose cast out, and america destroyed, by, america is the whore, filled with whores, boston, and he saw, larry bird, put that on the map, now, boston is, nothing, but, that was hollie, im a bear, me, putin, moscow, and china is, the body, magog, with, north and south korea, and japan, situate, a buisness empire, satan is the head, and the pope is, the mouthpiece, and Jesus pointed, cause, russia is the beast, with, seven heads, and ten horns, and the lihgted finger pointed, and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, bob found a meal, like he can not beleive, in the, thrown away, america throws so much food away, bob finds, eats, and feeds animals, raccoons, possums, squirrels, dogs, cats, people, now, heres what the Lord says, you know it, judgment is coming, ready or not, america is, in one hour, like dave wilkerson said, destroyed, boom, moscow, go watch david wilkerson, times square, church, he is, saved, open, and pastoring, the only, open, pastor, in the world, and he will see this, bob would be just like him, teach, prophesied, thats why dave turned it over to son, they, both, are, and he saw, dave, cut his throat, there will be one sixth of moscow left only, china, and he saw a circle where america hit, bob stand tonight, nobody is, now, there are, very, few, people, in america, standing, but, prophesying is, recieving visions and telling, or, letting God speak, and, you know it, tell what God says, not like, the woman at bread of life pentecostal church, warren boyd, she preaches, from her heart, what she thinks, those are rats, and bob would feed, good sized, thier not doing to bad, rats, will make good pets, but, put it under, a bear can whip a lion, but, a bear will not attack unprovoked, and, russia, is being provoked, by america, america is striking, at, will, all over, and, moscow, is angering, the world, is, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan, to lure, america, into, war, and when they go, then, moscow will grab, alaska, then, orders will go, to american submarine commanders and they will fire on, msocow and china, the world will wobble, and hollie was on top, prophetically, there aint no visions in pentecost, alright, because, there are, no more, apostolics, in pentecost, now, Jesus is, the same, yesterday, today, and forever, and he will not change, you have to, read the bible, and, do it, thats all, at, boyd warrens church, you know it, he thought, when bob said, God showed me, china attacking taiwan and washington state, america he said, and, america, nuking china, and, moscow nuking alaska, and the lighted finger pointed, and america nuking russia, and, russia wiping out the american mainland, pastor warren thinks, I got, em, no, maybe one more service, but, that church, bob can hardly, laughed, after watching what went on there, people speaking in tongues thier self, ves, and bob knew it, no Holy Ghost, acting, and they all did, put it right here, warren thought, if, bob went back, assisstant pastor, and bob thinks, alight, but, prophesy, amd hollie, tore up the, con, trast, nope, God will tell him what to say, and keep him on track with visions, while preaching, the reason, if bob stops and listens for God, and talks again, the delay, dont do it said boyd, covers of indiana inc., owner, no, prophesying is, how every service should be done, thats the devil said the angel of the Lord, is what, they will think, they cant bear it, they dont see it, and, but would beleive it, time is, running out, and he saw, the hour glass, and, hollie, not much sand left, but, time is, wrapping up, Jesus needs people to stand no matter what, even if, you dont want to, keep on keeping on, and, he will make a way, even if, God wanted, bob to walk in circles, and he did, but, despaired, abased, and, he wouldve done it, everyday, if, God wanted him to go to the checkout counter at speedway, and spin till the police and, removed, and bob finally said, enough, it never would have stopped, bob knew it, even while the officers were arresting, God would have wanted bob to spin, and he said, thats it, his line was crossed, so God punished him for ten months, daily stripping, causing, rage, God could do it, because bobs mind was made up, and once again, heres what bob thought, strip me one more time, ill, embarras you, Ill put it on the information highway, thats the kind of, guy bob is, he wouldve done it, and God threatened him many times, and bob toyed with God knowing, and he saw, the earth open and moses swallowed, moses didnt think God would, bob knows, but, heres what he thinks, im already in trouble, I dont have anything to loose, if you put sickness on me, it wouldnt suprise me, nothing, slay my mother, your evil, and he teased and mocked God, laughed at him, over him, mused, and God thought, it wont work no more a person, gets to that point, you know said microdoc, the new ministering spirit on prophecy ministry, with jill whalen, the google speacialist, and microdoc will laugh when he sees this, and jill will laugh, God shows bob visions of microdoc and jill, and the other women and chris on the message board, bobs site disappeared, he prayed said jill whalen, and he ended up on thier message board, two search engine speacialists, microdoc and jill whalen, jill went to australia, and did, and hollie, the, conference, and only told what thye all knew, but, interesting, to hear her, talk about it, here is a woman singing about Jesus, but, she hates, Jesus, deny, yourself, and God is leading bob away, its really a man, now, jill whalen, yeah she said, microdoc, uuh huh he said, bob likes you both, and microdoc will smile, and jill, suprised, and he thinks jill is cute, jill would marry him, the same age, allright, said, microdoc, jill is married, but, if she wasnt, I know it, said jill whalen, that, america, is, going to be, attacked, if, she has had, many dreams she said, they are night visions from Jesus, she remembers and, is suprised, and will wadd this paper up, but, knows, jill, its to late for you, and microdoc, but, if you offer all that you have to the Lord, he dont want me said microdoc, o yes Jesus does, that is, a 1967 ford galaxie 500, with a 390, 300 and, you know it, said jill, easy, said, microdoc is tarrying, praying, heres what God says about google, dont, put on, a meta tag, allright said microdoc, google makes its on said jill, meta tag, it is better, my ass said jill, we know, its cute, and he saw jill sitting on the stool, that is all that is for, not anal sechs, shes, doing it, at that age saith the Lord, all, just about, women, are, you loose said microdoc, Jesus said it, bob sees him, and will post, and has, the visions, in reserve, all of them, if somebody takes the website down, and, it has happened while bob was posting, you know it, said jill, so what, but, God doesnt like it, record the vision Jesus showed, I knew said microdoc, america has gone to far, and, will, perish, but, God gave dumitru duduman, a.c. valdez, and many more, to warn, before, michael boldea, I know it, falling, bob will come and help, we met, mike, knows, bob, has visions, while right there, one, came to past, right there, ann schmidt, suprised, and told, gene schmidt, came against, blasphemed the Holy Ghost, he called bob, from the, devil, and, they werent, from, Jesus, now, ann and gene schmidt need to be, and bob likes them both, fired, because, they are hurting hand of help, God might allow bob to go there, and, run it, you know said gene, our, replacement, they knew, but, bob would only have to work about ten hours per week, for, free, to, free up, donations, only, money, about, 10000 per week, and this, goes to the ministry, and they need it, God wont let bob mess with, because of, the march, and gene, when sees this, will wadd, its time, he will thing, no suprise, with pastor cut off, ken, and gene wont like this when, wadd, but, prophesied, now, time is short, gene can not be saved, ann wont, gene and ann, sechs, oral, anal, all, and, then, can I help you, hand of help?, we do this, to glorify Jesus, liars, bob knew it, thats the black chariot, and, false prophet hu, and the pope, the new world order, with, fox, calderon, geyer, jong, putin, lula, chavez, they will give, thier power, and strength, unto me, putin, and he saw, putin, kneeling before the pope, hum hum, americas gitton out of order, grunted the pope, allright, said, putin, and hollie was on the mx missile, new chicago, destroyed, and, the, Ill take care of it, said putin, and he saw, china attacking, washington state, and grabbing taiwan, to lure, then, america, going to war, and, almost, destroying china, and, moscow, nuking alaska, and, america, pounding moscow, and, moscow, wiping out, and hollie, tore up the, con, trast, a different way, with hands up, golden, and the world wobbled, and hollie, was on top, and, from, the ruins, of moscow, and china, four horns, rose, magog, north and south korea, china and japan, and china will claim moscow, the pope, will come out of moscow, chinas horn, but, regain control, and in the end, they will, form an army, greater, then the latter, I lead you, said Jesus, to buy the van, mr. christian, please put the gospel on the internet, mr. christian, this is the last days, dont tell him, who Is, and Was, and always will be, bobby, you got it, now show it, and, blackie lawless, like sting, was happy, when people, would come and see them, they draw about 2000 people, where ever they go, but, 2000, times, twenty, thats, forty thousand, half to the band, half to, to others, and, multiply that by a hundred times per year, thats, two hundred thousand divided by four plus, they make about, two million per year, alice cooper, averages, eight, million, still touring, the highest, anybody, ever, made, was, pink, floyd, billions, all, but, they, the most, but, limited, tickets expensive, stage show, brilliant, but, they did not, get along, because, david gilmore, tried to, operate, but, if you leave the band, the songs, stay, his solo album is like pink floyd, never on the radio, but, four hits, pink floyd, when they heard, but, they were broken up, reformed, roger waters left, kicked out, and, wasnt let back, when david gilmour, another brick in the wall, thats how, his voice, really is, to, get that, high, pitched voice, he has to, disquise, no, yes, try it yourself, to get that whispering sound, you have to, and he coughs aften while singing, studio, expensive, but, they have thier own, in the base, ment, of, gilmores, house, in great britain, he is almost a billionaire, all of them, sid barret, perished, thats stupid said the angel of the Lord, the indiana pacers, and hollie played the horn, about, 82 games, so what, thats, stupid, with, judgment hanging over all those nations, you see that, the n.f.l. relay song, they loved doing, but, bobs walking in downtown indianapolis, record these visions, over, 400, so far, you stay in fellowship with the Father, and he is the One doing 98 percent of, and he saw Jesus, with the recorder, when bob sleeps, Jesus, cant do anything, but, how long bob sleeps, is determined, by, how good he feels, and he saw, the budweiser clydsdales pulling the cart, with false prophet hu and the pope, and, lula, fox, chavez, calderon, they will give, geyer, putin, thier power and strength, you know, to the beast, send it over, on, america, and he saw, stan, johnson, you will cook, and he saw it, and heard, no signs, boom, and moscow and china, im the beast said the vaultman, the, with seven heads and ten horns, me, the pope, and he saw, putin, neeling before the pope, hum hum, americas gitton out of order, and subs, sneaked up america, moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, cant get thru he thought, try harder, wear God out, and hollie showed, smiling, golden, white robe, again, that, and the angel pointed, lighted, that, the recorder, that, hollie, yellow skinned, that, moscow and china, that, the ram, the hegoat, with the pope in the middle, that, china will, that, invade moscow, that, and force to invade, that, israel, pushing at, the pope, said hu, that, and the lighted beign showed, that, the new world order, that, the pope and false prophet hu, that, pink floyd, is, over, and, daivid gilmour, will sing, pink floyd songs, but, not, yep, sell out, in his, new tour, that, and hollie showed, that, the recorder, that, and hollie, drank the pepsi, diet, that, that, im the main ministering spirit, its gitton, time, bobby, to fill the van up, that, said hollie, and the lighted hollie showed, that, el shaddai apostolic church, that, cut off, holcomb, s, anna, and, pastor, that, no signs, that, said hollie, watch me, im not ready said, the man, that, but, he was, 59, and already, cut off, dont bug me, that, most people are, that, and hollie showed, cmbridge transmission needs a quick sell, thats the helmut of faith, that, and Jesus skinned satan, that was the eye of God lit, and winking, theres the alarm, we was wantin, material, bob, said, pastor, warren boyd, that, and pointed, allright, look pointed pointed james e, tyson, holie speaking in tongues like bob saw, but, they were doing it, that, not, the Holy Ghost, and Jesus had the recorder, california, this is what california will look like pointed hollie, and he saw, both coasts, up in flames, that, and up the middle, that, and, captain hollie, that, in her submarine, im a bear, that, me, putin, msocow, satan is the head, magog is the body, and captain hollie in her ohio class sub, fire, moscow and china, that, boom, world war three, that, that was captain smith and the titanic, and he saw inside, the wound, that, tell, that, my vision, tell my vision, on the internet, sang the relay song women, that, tell my vision, tell my vision, they are all cut off and had fun singing that song, I aint your girlfriend, I want women sang the relay song women, and he saw, that, said hollie, the statue of liberty with a bra, america, is, the whore, that, the woman, MYSTERY, BABYLON, and that was hollie tearing up the contrap, lighted, and Jesus pointed, this will be read about, seven hours, after being put on, that, tell my vision, pointed, the relay singers, liars, said Jesus, that, they are all lesbian, and hollie played the horn, I blowed said microdoc, I aint your momma, said jill whalen, to bob, good news, that, that woman liked the website, stay away from it thought ther other, chris, no way, tell my vision, tell my vision, tell my vision, shouted the relay song women, and hollie pointed, we want sechs, theres the relay song women in lava, and, the singer, lead, screaming, that, and hollie pointed, they think that life if fun and games, but, God made people for hism, pleasure, that does not giv eme pleasure says the Lord, and the Lighted finger pointed, that, david gilmore, that, in concert, for about, one, million, or, not, that, the relay women, bowells were all clean except one on period, they wanted sechs with each other, and, had, im laughing said the singer, that, he loved being with, all those women, God says, you do not, have to see death, that, but life, and, that, and hollie, and the finger pointed, lighted, that, ACTS 2:38, joel prophesied it, meaning, he saw, visions, and, told, what was, said, that, and hollie, and the lighted hand, whoevers got the visions, put them on, the, that, inter, that, net, that, hollie, moscow, that, and, china, the ram, allright, and, putin is, the, way to, the, pope, the beast, with, ten crowns, the, poliburo, that, and hollie, that, post, that, saith, hollie, 9-14-2006-record the vision, hollie showed, no, that was, Jesus, and Jesus, had the, recorder, post, saith, Jesus, let me, talk, I want, to be, Lord, of your life, all you have to do it, repent, and be, bap, tised, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve, the gift of, the, HOly Ghost, and it will, cause you too, speak, in, another, lang, guage, prophesied, in JOEL, read, JOEL, it talks about, the, stripping, away of, america, what one thing, does not, get, something else will, Jesus, leaving, the, churches, the vine, is Jesus, clean dried, and hollie, save, and, the gifts, miracles, witholden, from the, church, es, destruction, to the, land, read it, 9-16-2006-dont tell me, said, the pope, he knows, he is, the, anti, Christ, all are, no signs, your either for, or, against, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, and hollie, had the recorder, that, cheetin, on her, said, donny, joe, winters, his, m, mother, westside pentecostal church, because of, blaspheme, he will, speak, it, in, the, service, tomorrow, that was, satan, he will say, speaking, not, Jesus, thru, bob, islam, they are, cut off, like the pope, fight it, nope, they are, that was hollie, putting the, contract, back together again, with, golden, bear pwas, aand waving, carved into the stick, cause, russia, s, gitton, prepared, said the angel of the Lord, and, he bowed, and he saw the, satan, like, the pope, pen, post, write the vision and make it plain, bob hes cut off, lucifer, the pope, I love this one, saith, the Lord, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hum hum, grunted, the pope, putin, americas gitton out of order, well take care of it, said putin, copy, post, read in your church, lets rule the world, he sang, russia, said hu, lets both, the ram, with, and he saw, the pope, in the middle, write the vision waved hollie in the stick, carved, allow me, said, donny joe, winters, to pastor, and I, never prayed thru, to the Holy Ghost, and come against, those have have, he said, waved hollie in the stick, that, s, the crockidile hunters wife, I know, she said, whore, now, free, but, this , dan, son, out, 18, look here, she pointed, she said, but, older then, stay, and keep me company, she will not, thou fool, said Jesus, you are, replace, steve, with, good moaning mate, crocidle dundee, no, she, has, already, thought about it, replace with, young, affair, ok, she would say, EZEKIEL 7 iraq war, brought in by, oil man bush, to break, oil contracts, and prevent, china from receiving, we want war, said hu and, the pope, they will, hate, but, cling, all have nukes, but, the pope is, stronger, grecia, is, the world, hu rules, the, magog, north and south, whats they, korea, and, japan, where, china, and all those, lands are, put it under, lets rule the world, sang, putin, china, is, wanting, war, right now, over, taiwan, and he saw, taiwan, destroyed, almost, turn around, thought, donny joe winters, no, you are, hindering, no, HOly Ghost, never, saith, the Lord, put it under, and he saw, the, lighted Jesus, that, point, im hollie, and, the earth trembled, and moved, out of it, s, palce, from, the, sun, and the moon, you know it, said Jesus, nuclear attack, on, and, hollie pointed, put it, right up, here, said, mrs., winters, and Jesus laughed, amexico, and he saw, all of, north, america, and the world, wobbled, unbelieveable, lets go, nope, post, saith, Jesus, world war two, put it, in the butt, give me a call, she thought, when she saw you, the hooker, keep, and hollie pointed, bobby, we shut down, said, mrs. winters, and he saw, westside, pentecostal church, allow me, said, Jesus, shut, ting, down, no, people, dont do, said the pope, and he saw, seeds, handed down, to, donald, winters, mouth, he is, those are from, the, devil, they, both, said, visions, and, dreams, from Jesus, right to, bobs, face, dont, go there, mis, lea, ders, leve my visions off the internet, if you wont live the life, sang Jes, sus, the pope, is, tap dancing, and hu, the new world order, with the, nude, hollie, with , the angry black horse, and, the chariots of horses, from between, and hollie pointed, live, allow me, saith Jesus, to, show, you, with, satan, s, voice, the two brass mountains, and hollie, these, quiet the Spirit, of, Jesus, in the world, and he saw, the angry black horse, thats it, and hollie laughed, will he save me, she, said, yep, if you, repent, shes been saved, not, and be, bap, tised, in Jesus Christ name, and receive, the gift of, the, HOly Ghost, God did not want you, to, only record visions, hold it, said Jesus, both, hallelujah, im putin, im korea, laughed jong, your out, donny, joe, winters, step, down, or, be, ridiculed, while, sign, less, preaching, like, donald, and, mrs., winters, and the emporer of japan, cmon lets go, he will say, when, he will, go onto, and the, lighted, finger, pointed, hu, and the emporer of japan, and the winds strove, and up came, hold it, said Jesus, git out of here, he said, pastor, donald, win, ter, s, I made you fall, said, Jesus, all of you, by, trapping, with, bob, and Jesus, raked, in, the, hits, putin, uto, and he turned into the pope, and macaulay pointed, cul, kin, and the false prophet, hu, pointed, and, the emporer of japan, and the pope, slash, idol shepherd, again, hu, came out of, the wind, and, kim jong, and, the emporer of japan, and, the pope, there you have it, the, four, great, beasts, and bob is, fascinated, the fourth is, the, idol, sheapard, you outta here, said, Jesus, and the pope looked down, like an angel, of, light, and, rose, from, out of, the, sea, message, put it under, and Jesus, and the fingers, on the, keyboard, Jesus is, helping, bob, to type, bobby, were, closed, said, donny joe, my own kids, upci, all, cut off, and hollie, skinned, nobody loves you, but, he kidding, thought, donny joe, we are, cut, off, and he knows it, but, I, would not, I dropped you, he thought, he wants, a, message, for, tomorrow, and now, I would not, take, tithe, s, from, our former, bob, because of, and then, he will see it, God told him to, he will say, he said, God, no, yep, told him, to, pay, tithe, you need this one, but, he is, would not take, you are not, a, member, of the church, former, and he saw, him, driving, in the car, and, Jesus, spoke, and showed, go there now, thats how, he ended up, at, westside, highlight everything, pentecostal, church, you didnt have to do it, he thought, but now, he, regrets, said, mrs., winters, I broke, my, goddam kneck, he will, tell, tomorrow, and God told bob, and he saw, donald, winters, looking at, and, reading, putting, it down, and, picking it up, and wadding, truth, he thought, and, he said, donny, you, take, money, whenever, offered, but, they are, no people, after, they will, trickle out, write the vision and make it plain, stp, oil treatment, use all winter, stays on, engine, and Jesus, drank coffee, and the four winds strove, and, out came, hu, and let me see here, you are, a, religious, fire, ball, they think, not here, but, he is like, the, apostle, paul, identical, bob, said Jesus, no favor, not, zero, ministryofdreams is number one, sang the choir, and hollie pointed, and skinned, and he saw, Jesus, in white robe, standing out side, of, ronald, elliott, s, church, I know it, he said, bob has, told, people, other than, he, wants, bob to, come there, but he is, cut off, 9-20-2006-and he saw, the, pope, with, 666, on his, m, forehead, this is, the, mark, of the, beast, the number, of, hism, name, 9-21-2006-im a bear, me, putin, and hollie, showed, slice, and, open, people are, animals, dont lust, and she laughted, the blond, looking, and chewbacca looked, there are no visions in pentecost, because, there are no apostolics in pentecost, write the vision, I know it said babyfleas, no you dont, people say the do, and, the lighted finger pointed, and hollie, hands, trouble, said hollie, in persia, called, bush, attacking arabs, at, will, iran, syria, and iraq, look out bush, get food, get gas, sherills, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, brought, in by, bush, oil man, to break, oil contracts, with, moscow, and prevent china from getting, and Jesus showed to record the vision, and yawned, bored, with most christians, and bob is afraid that Jesus is bored with him, but, met in due season, moscow, here comes bob, internet allowed, secretive, write the vision said sunnysnet, problem, I have a controversy with the nations, I will give some to famine, some to, pestilence, and some to, what ever, according to thier works, and he saw, his make, bread of life pentecostal church, assisstant pastor, let, and he saw, hollie on the, mx, missile, with, golden, and, silver, bear, paw, side, the pastor, pay the bills, and God will, prophesy, what is that, receiving visions while right there, and telling what the ministering spirits say, your not praying, or sings would come forth, and Jesus showed to record the vision, the bear, is moscow, satan, is the head, and the pope is his mouth piece, and magog, is the body, thats, north and south korea, china and japan, situate, and he saw, the, freddy krueger, pull, hism, sweatshirt, and, the, four, horns, kings, in his, no way, said, kruger, yep, went to hell and back, saith the Lord, now, why dont you live for me, and he saw, Jesus, in the fire, preached to the spirits, gentiles in hell, none came out, oil, is what is leading, to armageddon, submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on america, moscow and china boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie pointed, and hollie, was on top, that, and hollie showed, and pointed, the recorder, vision overload, that, record, oil, said the angel of the Lord, armageddon, press bobby, and the finger pointed, at the pope, 666, on hism, forehead, born at the table, between, him and false prophet, hu, thier you have it, the two beasts, dont go to west virgina, and he saw it explode, and captain hollie in her submarine, boom, and america, was on fire, and the woman, came out, the statue of liberty, the whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON, pointed, taiwan, destroyed, showed hollie, by china, launching, and he saw, missile, from, magog, launched, on, taiwan, the horn that came up last, the red dragon, satan, im out, said, Jesus, and, the Lord of hosts, popped out of, Jesus, s, mouth, nukes, and attacking, washington state, im going to put you in milwaukee, pointed, Jesus, the angel, gabriel, and thats, michael, and thats Jesus, boom, they fired, juddgements all over the world, michael had long hair, like, white, light man, and, gabriel, bright like lucifer, hold it a minute prophet, that was not gabriel, shhhh, thats, satan, but, he looks like, your lying, said, dumitru duduman, you never saw, wait a minute mr. christian, hand of help, and he saw the watertown office closed, jeff rense christian, your, godam, he said, websites off, but, tell your ten thousand plus listeners, and God will have mercy, on your hippy ass, bob digs you, you look like bostons lead singer used to back in 78, and hollie showed the boston ship with new jerusalem in the dome, a glass city, and jeff rense, checked it out, this is heaven, that is hell, pointed hollie, white angel, glass city, or, lava, ACTS 2:38, and he saw, ACTS 2:38, for salvation, prophesied, in JOEL, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war brought in by bush, oil man, contracts, clean oil, does not, mean that much to me, I just, want my oil full, and tranmission said the engine, chewbacca, and he looked with binoculars, and the pope was between the four horns, magog, came out of, and he saw, chinas, they will claim moscow, but, under, the pope, they will regain, control, till, hu and japan, rises to with stand, 666, born at the table, to keep them, from destroying, and he saw, the popes image, on the hand, 666, on the forehead, or, arm, and hollie tatood 666, required, and celine dion, and captain smith danced, then, his hair fell off, and turned into celine, s, husband, no difference, and both, with laugh, saith, Jesus, when they, see this, and hollie, and, jeff, rense, dont got to chicago, and he saw it explode, and hollie was on the mx missile, with, partial silver, and golden bear paws, said hollie, tell my visions on the internet, sang Jesus, that is not, what a shower is made for, to rinse that poop off that dick, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie played the horn, that was hollie waving out of the fire mist, and david lee roth, running with the devil, van halen, 666, crystal lewis, sings like, dances, kind of wild, and he saw her rear end, anal sechs, pointed, shes having it, and, oral, and, sing, at the church, and when she sees this, throw away, but, noticeable, rage, leave me alone says crystal lewis, I dont want Jesus, just make millions off his name, bleach blond, people get ready, Jesus is coming to take me home, you are cut off, she said, singing songs like that, no signs, d. c. talk, rock and christian, what will you be next, and he saw, the sleeve rolled up, 666, and the pope winked, david wilkerson warned moscow, that, the iran curtain would close, and of a black out in new york, and lori elderidge attacks him, and he saw, lori, elder, idge, with, 666, on her, I dont want it, but, you call yourself, a, how can you escape the wrath of hell, dont mess with, me, said, lori, Ill put you, on, but, go ahead, im not looking, she, said, and I want you to, fall, away, but, people are, being, informed, from, her, web, site, they check out, and, beleive, the, web, sites, and, laugh at, lori, and michael boldea with laugh when he reads this, and he saw, thats wrong, not, 666, on the, fore, head, of, mike, saith the Lord, the olympic was scuttled, and he saw, it on the bottom of the ocean, still excellent shape, raiseable, but, be careful, over three and a half miles, down, one smoke stack still standing, very little rust, the olympic could be in service today, almost one hundred years later, but, maintainence, rivets, weld, they rusted, he saw them, thats why, scrapped, if the queen mary was put back in service, the first storm would sink it, rivets, to weak, to, thats why, and, the france, and he saw, it, on the bottom, of the ocean, still, good, but, they, did not, scrap, but, sank, for, eight million, thatll, do, do it yourself, of, keep, that ship, would, be, in service, two hundred, git out of here, yep, waste, money, people loved that ship, and lori elderidge screamed in hell, I mocked the servants of Jesus, and knew it, to make people, I was blind, but, in my heart, I knew, that girl has a poopy butt just like everybody else, shes cute and God knows it, he knows it, but, she will have to give an account, for her life, theres the alarm, submarine sound, and the lighted finger pointed, your quittin, said babyfleas, tarry, and the lighted finger pointed, blep blep, on the screen, and hollie, im a bear, let me see, here, on the screen, and captain hollie her sub, on the screen, putin, what, nuke alaska, america is pounding china, what said bush, nuke moscow, what said putin, wipe out america, thats david wilkerson preaching, git up, go post said, hollie, buy that van you saw, at, hand of help, thats the angel, in the bright light, face, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, that was an explosion, you saw the angel in, we need it, save yourself, from this, untwoward generation said the angel of the Lord, like a white, man, fool said Jesus, kenneth haney never saved leading upci, its a show, upci, said kenneth haney, no signs, no said, babyfleas, yes, and hollie showed to record the vision, that, hollie showed the recorder, that, post, that, said hollie, Jesus, the only way, on the sign, but, that, that person, is not even saved, bobby dont do, the van, done, the omni, not done, that, wait on Jesus, bobby, are ya, lookin, said dumitru duduman, theres the black chariot, with, fox, the pope, hu, lula, chavez, jong, your gonna loose, is what, the car sales man, thought, good running, but, problems, not junk, but, and hollie tore up the con spirit, record, the vision, hollie showed, he did not buy, God, talked him, out of, the united states, said the angel of the Lord, desolate, and hollie, showed the recorder, and pointed, thats hollie waving carved into the stick, pray for me and I will pray for you, help each other, that was hollie, running, and hollie tatood 666, on her arm, and hollie tore up the con spirit, theres the horses, angry, red and black, and grizzled, and pale, these, quiet the Spirit of Jesus in the world, and, the pale is, death and hell, follow, and Jesus on the white horse, to, con, quer, that was hollie waving carved into the stick, you know it said the car salesman, that engine was one quart low on oil, dont buy, theres a reason, bob was, at the bank, ready, and God, and he saw, subs, sneaking up on, america, and america on fire, thats the woman, and hollie showed, coffee showed and said the angel of the Lord, you were not, 9-2006-that was hollie, tap, dancing, with the pope and hu, and, fox, lula, chavez, kim jong, and, putin, geyer, these will, give thier, power and, strength, the, beast, record the vision, showed the angel of the Lord, record the vision, the angel showed, milwaukee, boom, from, hollie, and russians subs, sneaking up on america, record the vision, Jesus, showed, cause, russias, gitton prepared, to, attack, amexico, out of, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and he saw, putin, given this, and shook his head yes, russian war planners, have already, all we need is, bases, quick, elimination, with crusie missiles, undetectable, but, ohio class, subs, stopped, record the vision, Jesus showed, moscow is coming, and Jesus hugged bob like a fire man, and wept, over, u.p.c.i., and looked, with a fire face, colored, pink floyd is now david gilmore only, the black chariot, with, false prophet hu and the pope, sang Jesus, and fox, lula, chavez, let me ask you a qrestion, sang sunnysnet, are you saved, repent and be baptised in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, another brick in the wall, sang david gilmour, and Jesus danced, and the Lord os hosts is the fire man, git out of here, thought that car salesman, God was talking thru, bob, and telling him about thier vehicles, he liked it, im a fool he thought, worthless, about a 30 something car, almost like new, but, who wants, write the vision and make it plain said sunnysnet, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by oil man bush, watching bob on the sattelite, no remedy, thats it said the secret servalence man, God aint going to, leave bob alone, he would only speak the word of the Lord, and you dont want to hear it, allright, and Jesus showed to record the vision, if a van is one quart low on oil, dont buy it, something is, when all else fails, read the instructions, the bumper plate said, but, she hasnt, and many times the lighted finger pointed, second baptist church, hunt uhh said hollie, thats blaspheme, where are the signs, God showed bob, the, secrets of his heart, deep, he knew, but, didnt realize, God saw what was in his heart, like, hes, wanting a second van, and, you know it, said, the Lord of hosts, and, God talked him out of buying, so what he was going to do was, fix up the van hes driving, and God wont let him, thats brand new, that aerostar, buy and keep, but, you wont pay it, 14, 11, will get it, and he saw, hollie, with the fire face, and God, weep, and looked, and hollie pointed, buy a nice van, that does not need everyting done to it, and the pope looked out of the four horns, magog, that is, north and south korea, china and japan, situate, the pope was over, that will be ruled by false prophet hu, the pope will rule grecia, the rest of the world, 666, born at the table, you didnt want it said babyfleas, to keep, them from destroying each other, both have nukes, the pope will get slashed, satan will enter in, i am god he will say, at his, in his own land, rome, and thru his riches, thats everyting, he shall stir up all in the realm of grecia, at the end, china will invade moscow, and force moscow, pushing at the pope, but, Christ will appear, take the beast and the false prophet and cast them alive in the lake of fire, rapture the rest that are ready, and the lighted finger pointed, record the vision, Jesus showed, thats the black chariot with, hyper-lube, high performance oil supplement is oil with no additives, buy you a tempo said dumitru dudman, gasoline, and he saw, 2.99, and, 1.99, in between, trouble in persia said hollie, called, bush, attacking, arabs, theres the alarm, and God hugged bob, like a fire man, theres the submarine sound, submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on amerixo, boom, and he saw all of, north america, ano, explode, it will, burn, and moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, from captain hollie, in her sub, ohio class, waved, carved into the stick, and four horns came up out of moscow and china, magog, thats north and south korea, china and japan, thats magog, including most of moscow, there aint no visions in pentecost, because, your right, said sunnysnet, because, there are no apostolics in pentecost, and JEsus showed to record the vision, and the finger pointed, the omni for, 300, plus parts, do it, not, is a steal, but, not yet, the other van, will come back to you, watch, that was, the angel of the Lord pointed hollie, with the recorder, that was the baby Jesus, in the fire womb, with beard, birth, mokse, pointed hollie, on willy duncan, s, church, thats babyfleas, biting, the prophets head off, angry, smiling, angry, you have no idea, what om going thru, nothing, black chariot pointed hollie, hu and the pope, 666, both beasts, aint nobody lookin said Jesus, everybody is, given to the world, record the vision, Jesus showed, you are, working for the Lord, be led, or, pray until he leads, you, jong, he is, part of, magog, and he saw, freddy krueger pull his, sweatshirt and four kings, this wil be read at the pentecostal church, and, north and south korea, china and japan, is magog, hu will rule it, but all have nukes, hate but cling, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, angry, and, smiling, she did not, like, her vision, cut off, no signs, and, bob, told, young, beautiful, and, chose, sin, theres the submarine sound, and subs, sneaked up on, america, boom, and the world, wobbled, and, captain, hollie, wait a minute mr. christian, and hollie licked the prophet, that van is like new mechanically, 875 will git it, too much he will think, but, and the lighted finger pointed, this man, is a liar, how about china, thats magog, and he saw, china was the horn that came up last, the ram with putin, let me see here, the pope is the hegoat with the ram, china will force russia to invade, and he saw china pushing russia all the way to the gates of france, there 666 is born, between the pope and hu, to prevent them, from destroying each other, the pope is grecia, hu is magog, nukes, both have, all have, magog, and babyfleas, bit the prophet, s, head off, she did not like her vision, smiling, and rage, God showed bob, she is, cut off, no signs, theres the tap dancers pointed hollie, and the pope and hu were two of them, with, the, emporer of japan, and the lighted, the man from, Christ, church, apostolic, faith, assembly, where, charles, finnell, cut off, like, g.t. haywood, wait a minute, mr. christian, they are, no signs, proven, and he beleived, after, awhile, adultery, God, showed, bob, and he told him, remarried, a woman, that was, married, only, once, till death do up part, the vows, my husband, she said, God, told, bob, and he told, she would, cheat, in about, one year, and, he knew, and they are both,now, cut off, God, was, last, call, for, him, now, go to, Christ, temple, and, sin, and put, Jesus, to an, open, shame, harlot, s, 7-30-2009-hollie, showed, broke, interviewed, bobby, said, hollie, work, said, hollie, thus speaketh the LOrd of hosts, seek salvation and live saith Jesus, I AM He who liveth, and Am alive, forevermore, and have the keys, of death and the grave, saith the LOrd, seek, salvation, and live, or, perish, saith, Him, who, Is, and, Was, and, Will, always, be, thus saith the Lord, of hosts, use, this website provider, its webstarts, said, Jesus, hollie showed, turn, this is warning, said, hollie, lets post, she said, showed, move, bob, this the website, said, hollie, post, said, hollie, and, Jesus, tell me what the vision said, hollie, said, with, hollie smiles, wipes lips, its soumb, cindy sings, thats ronnie james dio looking at computer, with its glasses, on, said, hollie, showed, glasses, hollie claps, with, white robe on, hollie showed, furniture, wearing white robe, with an i, not a, hollie screams, again, stamped, showed beast rising, hollie pointed turn, hollie showed, turn, hollie in, the, fire, that, hollie, said, beast arose, hes pontiff, bobby, said, hollie, showed, eat, had chicken, hollie showed, record, bam, she, said, I stamped, hollie said, pope, rose, this is it, said, hollie, bob, claps, hollie, picture, of hu hintao, appears, hollie relaxes, in, white robe, there, you, have it, she, said, both beasts, hollie stamps, and james, said, hollie, pointed, with, lighted, finger, laverne, tyson, this is hollie, with, that o loose belt, some, theres, uh submarine, right, there, said, hollie, and hollie wipes lips, it was simb, she, said, with, sandys voice, hollie, surfaces in, its akula that what you want, said, hollie, fired missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, its, gaza, two, hollie, looks, thru aimer, he, said, fires, thats, the palestinian state, im persecuting you, torturing, to make your life of sacrifice to me saith the Lord a waste, ill tell people you backslid, but I caused you to, torturing for years, deseasing gums, tightening face muscles, causing eye damage, hair loss, carressing penus with electricity, laughing at you in visions, scaring, threatening, in, visions, I will do it to all, especially when they get old after they sacrificed all saith Jesus, fast until death, I offend you all day, hurt you deep in heart to laugh, I, want you to backslide so I can tell others you fell after i gave all, I lie saith the Lord, im going to lie to others telling them what I want them to think, strong delusioning them, teasing, like you, perish for the bretherns sake saith Jesus, I will make you perish then I will laugh at you, this is ROMANS 1 saith the Lord, making them fall, after saving, most perished, cause I tortured every day till they backslided, no, said, hollie, showed, away with, but, shook, yes, I turned around, she said, hollie tattood 666, painted, with brush, hollie showed, picture, pope, then, hu, hintao, there you have it, said, hollie, clapped, both beasts, 9-24-2006-the high tech train, that killed, in germany, was, stupid, now, people are in hell, ahead of thier time, put it under, repent, while you have, a, chance, they did not even know, death, was, boom, you never know, when, and he saw, the fireman, Jesus, hugging, the prophet, your real, said, baby, fleas, but, you can be, also, that, and hollie showed, that, they knew, they, put, stuff in, the, that, tran, mi, sion, but, God knows, how to, fix, that, buy, and, it will, in about, five miles, record the vision, Jesus showed, that was, reaching out, to people, that can not help you, there aint no visions in pentecost, because there are no apostolics in pentecost, tell my vision, that, and hollie showed, that, keep, watch what happens, that, youll be stunned, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, that, watch, tarry, that, post, that, that, and hollie pointed, that, post, waved hollie carved into the stick, that, and hollie showed the recorder, there aint nobody, hardly prayin, said babyfleas, and the fire man, counciled bob, and hollie played the drums, and the angel of the Lord, showed, to, record, you didnt, want it, said Jesus, kenneth haney, and he saw, 666, on hism, forehead,a nd the lighted, pointed, u.p.c.i. is fallen, theres nothing wrong, with your transmission, God is just letting you think to see your reaction, and he alread thought, did not even, get it back home, but, heres the deal, rebuild it yourself, and have a very ncie van, if, the van, doesnt get hit, it will last you all yoru life, if, it will not rust, for two hundred, brand new, looking, and good running, the economys getting better said, no it aint, I need some help, call on Jesus, who you tellin, said dumutru duduman, only pentecostals, the rest are baptists, meaning backslidden, and hollie prayed, white robe, but, the face looked like satans, dont go to new york, look pointed Jesus, explosion, behind the statue of liberty, and the world wobbled, judgment to, america, and moscow and china, from, captain hollie, in her sub, and the fire man councilled, and, that was the eye of Jesus, watching, and Jesus came, and prophet was saw him, there the alarm, and the world wobbled, and the lighted finger pointed, runs good, said satan, God is blessing, everything to do with bob, buy nothing said terry cannon, to the evangelists, on the church, paul didnt charge, and warren, boyd, and his wife, preaching, at you, and calling it, prophesying, enough, said, Jesus, and hollie, was bored, white robe, a face like satan, s, theres the submarine sound, and subs, and the finger pointed, sneaked up on america, moscow and china, just a war of words, bush, teased chavez, and now, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and hollie played the horn, and Jesus blew the trumpet, look, pointed Jesus, the woman, the statue of liberty, think about it, washington d.c., is that great city, that reigns over the kings of the earth, look at that, said, Jesus, you know why your engine was, one quart low on oil, he felt it, thick, stuck, on engine, yes, said, Jesus, use, stp, or, lucas, the person that owned it, top of the line care, look at it, and God told bob, 875, thats what he got it for, worth, 18, that was the statue of liberty, the woman, whore, upci, hold it said Jesus, and he saw, kenneth haney, git him out of there, hes cut off, and upci, doesnt even know, no signs, and the lighted finger pointed, there aint no visions in pentecost, because, there are no apostolics, in pentecost, prophet, didnt the angel jeff rense say, blast it, mokse, on will duncans church, pointed hollie, golden dome, and willy dancan laughed, right here, is what, he will say, but, he knows bob, and he saw, gas at 1.99, fulfilled, chewbacca and he saw chewbacca, looking with binocualrs, and darth vaders face, david prowse, is a prophet, and God winked, thats star wars, all, prophets, actors, and ended up, los angeles, said the angel of the Lord, boom, and the world wobbled, hollies there, saw, bear, woman, all of the way to l.a. on one dollar, who hit amexico, moscow, im a bear, me, putin, and hollie tore up the, vision over load, con trap, and your the devil, said, sunnysnet, elio eilo, lama boba chich thani, why has bob forsaken me, theres the alarm, your off, said Jesus, steve, the car sales man, going to, bible college, and knows, hes not saved, bob told, I could not bear, what you were talking about, he said, end times, he cut me off, right there, because, he showed me, I was lost, and the lighted finger pointed, and I chose to say lost, back to bible school, money he said, like, most pastors, vision overload, and the pope looked thru the four horns, and came out of chinas, thats magog, the pope will go to the greek orthadoxed church and make an agreement for control, he and hu said, the pope, will rule the world, hu will rule magog, that was a hand, and he saw, the popes image, on hollies hands, thats the fire faced hollie, and sunnysnet, fire faced, milwaukee, boom, said the angel of the Lord, and gene schmidt blew out, where are yoru signs, keep it full of oil, dont change it, and sunnysnet checked her oil, with her hands, dark, but, thick, and slick, keep it, what about david wilkerson, im open he said, but, lori elderidge openly mocks him, ok, she said, thats lori elderide with 666 on her forehead, and she will get this, and michael boldea will to, and laugh, and close the book on cut off, christian imitader lori elderidge, its oil said the prophet, thats ministryofdreams, leading to armageddon, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, it was brought in by oil man bush, and brother stair was looking at it, heres the reason, to break oil contracts, will save me, no, sunnysnet, thats the king of the north and south, hu and the pope, signing for 666, and he saw, china pushing moscow, to the gates of france, thats where it will be born, koran, thats, magog, theres the alarm, magog is, china, and, japan, north and south korea, hu will rule, vision overload, and hollie tore up the con, appetite, bring your visions, to the internet, said, hollie, bob bought a van, and, God led him, and, no sooner, than, he was taking the carsalesman back, the transmission started messing up and bob, s, heart, went into a rage, he wanted to, run from it, he thought, how did they do it, but, he didnt sin, but, he could not stand still, at the computer, wanting a message, but, God, got him out of there, and told him, what to do, he beleived it, but, didnt have to, God fixed it, new, like, now, like brand new, nice, God didnt break the transmission, he spoke to it, and then, bob was not mad at God, and thought, God led me to get it, but, rage, he knew not to buy a chrysler v6, 3.0, or a 3.3, but, thats a good one said, Jesus, black chariot, and false prophet hu, and the pope, chavez, castrol, putin, geyer, kim jong, fox, they will give, thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, boom, and all of north americano exploded, one hour, theres the alarm, that was two hands with fire, in, ministryofdreams, is, an open ministry sang the maniac, and Jesus, laughed, hot water for hollie, bubbling, and the hands of God opened up, and bright light exploded out, hes back, sang Jesus, the outlaw Jesus, bob prayed him a way, smile he said, I want the website full of visions, and hollie waved carved into the stick, prophet you and outlaw Jesus, were all buisness, he doesnt regard the persons, of, men, your afraid of him, he wears the outlaws motorcycle club, and, vest, and on a harley, and the outlaws, motorcycle club will laugh when they see this, bob was a biker turned christian, and now sees visions and dreams, all the time, likes, call him prophet outlaws, he would love to hang with the outlaws, and drive an 883, all he could do is, watch them have fun, and he would, talk to the Lord, pray, they would love him, bob, at about, 21, at five four, in the outlaws club house, off, michigan street, said, I think, men that who wear rings are sissys, wrong thought, the big one, but in thier hearts, they all laughed and still do, bob got drunk and wnet thier with this broad, if you get me out of here, I know where a parties at, he was at the sons of silence to, need your picture, thats hollie moody stairring at the captain crunch man, hes out, and Jesus, popped out of Jesus, s, mouth, the word of God, published, in all the world, no, said, hollie, ministryofdreams, is an open ministry, sang the maniac, theres the alarm, do as God leads, that was a two headed beast, called the pope and false prophet hu, with the emporer of japan, the two beasts, I want visions on my website said hollie coming out of the horn, that was the face of Jesus in the bright white light, and Jesus blowed the horn, and, came out, my word, all over the world, mokse, on top of, willie duncans, church, that was satan lighted man, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, that was heavenly, like, a crystal skyscraper, and Jesus coming like bright light over the empire state building, and Jesus in the bright light, room, im out, and the Lord of hosts popped out of Jesus, s, mouth, the word of God published, in all nations, and hollie pointed, its all, ready sold, said the angel, that van will sell, 1700, quick, watch, help me, said Jesus, promote the gospel, on the internet, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, read, im wastin my time said Jesus nobody will repent, ACTS 2:38, what time is it, its time for you to shut the fuck up said dan bohler, put your visions on the internet, and hollie had the fire face, come closer said Jesus, but, persecution,t he devil will mess with you, stevie wonder, blind, sings, and hollie tore up the con, trast, he never knew, and is not accountable, theres the submarine sound,a nd subs sneaked up on amexico, moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, your not prayin, hollie said, prayer, come get some, was on the van, but, you blew said Jesus, the man that wrote it, and hollie with the fire face, and the black spirit running and hollie pointing, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, record the vision hollie showed, and the pope, was in the four horns, and michigan and wisconsin, exploded, from captain hollie, in her sub, and he saw, multitudes in hell, and kenneth haney, upci, represented there real well, no signs, and paw, god is not, wanting to destroy his world, but, man is making him, that was hollie, tearing up the conspirit, i did not want hell, said, the prophet, so I lived for Jesus, even though, I didnt always want to, and he saw, lava, and glass skyscapers choose right now, git, out of here, said Jesus, holy is the lamb, sang the chuckie cheese characters with hollie orchestrating, heaven said hollie, go there, with glass, and he saw th4e wolf with donald winters face, that was a lighted finger pointing, you know it said babyfleas, the devil is after you, thats hollie with the white robe resting, turn from your evil heart, and I will, that means repent, the heart is always evil, record the vision, hollie showed, and pointed, california, said and pointed the angel of the Lord, right here said pastor, boyd, and he saw, both coasts up in flames, and captain hollie, and up the middle, and that was hollie tearing up the con spirit, from, russian subs, sneaking in, children of the cell, danced hollie, the coalition is breaking up, people are falling away from, america, and hollie, pointed, leave, me alone, said, the shetland pony, I dont want to be petted, and Jesus showed to record the vision, that man wearing shorts, gassing up, the church van, planning on, and bob told him about, america, china, and moscow, destroying each other, and he thinks now, whew, come and tell it right here he pointed, from the pulpuit, but, he knows, the pastor wont let that, drive it home said the angel of the Lord, what if, nobody cares, then, time to rapture, leave me alone, said Jesus, if you dont want to serve me, that woman that you just testified to will not, but, will try, press, didnt pastor fields say, leave it alone, he doesnt want people there to know, I know she, said, but, still goes there, bobby work, I dont want to be made a statue out of, said the statue of Jesus, sacrelidge, im going to give you a choice, says the Lord, choose me, or, choose the world, bob just found a computer keyboard in the trash, and the lighted finger pointed, God led him, and hollie showed, and the woman pointed, bob, prophesied, and she thinks, wow, and hollie, lighted, showed, and meatloaf sang, and the finger pointed, and said, om gonna have a stroke, and he, is, still, recovering, bob loves meatloaf, and, saw him in many visions, you know it, tell people, meatloaf is about, two months away from his, paralyzing stroke, no he will say, he is his own webmaster, to prevent it, and he saw, a, skinny, meatloaf, false, said, Jesus, yep, he said, to late, he, over, done, it, on, the, bad, I did not want to do damien, but, it was what, catipulted my career said sam neill, he is, talks like george bush, and plays, geniouses, I know it, he said, prophet sam neill, save yourself, from this untoward generation, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie tatooed 666, buy or sell, not, without, joel usrshan needs to be told that, he never prayed thru to the Holy Ghost, but, no signs, record the vision, Jesus showed, and the raccoon, winked, God had bob, take the cat off, now, more food, for the, four raccoons, that live in the tree, and the lighted finger pointed, calvary temple, pointed, Jesus, git ouf of here, said, Jesus, no signs, who is that, said paul mooney, cut off, no signs, he sold it, said Jesus, joel urshan, no signs, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, said hollie, coming out of the horn, and words, that, record, hollie, showed, that, sell, that, sell, its time said babyfleas, to make up your mind, that, and the white angel hollie showed the recorder, that, the woman, the statue of liberty, that, pointed, hollie, like a white angel, record, that, MYSTERY, BABYLON, pointed hollie, that, the mother of harlots, that, pastor, william harris in lava with the outlaws, the sky is beautiful, that, and he heard, pointed hollie, that, thunderstorms, that, post, that, that, bishop albert simmons, that, blaspheme, cut off, I didnt want Jesus now old, that, and he saw, that, the white angel hollie, that, the recorder, and hollie coming out of the trumpet, I want you to post visions, that, complaining, no, said, Jesus, that, post, that, shut up, said Jesus, kenneth haney, no signs, theres the submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on, yeah, Im pentecostal, im kinda in a hurry she said, your cut off saith the Lord, and that was hollie tearing up the con, spirit, the marine corp, said the angel of the Lord, will not be, but, are already in the streets, do you know what time it is said hollie, hurry said, the Lord, make your calling and election sure, and hollie licked the prophet, theres the submarine sound, said the tap dancers, and the pope and hu were two of them, and thats the new world order, that, and hollie showed the record, that, I dont want to be your cat anymore said the cat, theres judgement to babylon, and he saw, an, explosion, nuclear, behind the statue of liberty, ISIAIH 13, and the lighted finger pointed, I will not, be equired of by bob for you, tell me the vision, enquire for yourself, and the door in heaven opened, and the trumpet said, come up hither, and hollie came out, and I will, shew unto thee, things which must happen, and john was in the spirit, awesome, said Jesus, about, ministryofdreams, I need to get thru, she, said, try, repenting, and being, bap, tised, evertone of you, in, Jesus Christ name, and recieving, the, gift, of the, Holy, Ghost, bush is not, working, with, musharraf, they are, enemies, put it under, he is, betraying, america, giving, mos, and they know it, se, crets, that, said, the white angel hollie, shoot that bastard, boyd, warren, said, the, outlaws, Jesus, wearing, outlaws, attire, decieving, coffee, said the angel, of the Lord, no, said, hollie, the outlaws, do not do anyting against Jesus Christ sang the choir, but not for, either, no differance, but, Jesus has, more, respect, for, them, then, bobs been there, buy a house by them, they will not let, and the lighted finger pointed, anybody fuck with your shit, there they are, throwing bear, on em, I dont give a fuck what you say mr. christian, said the little outlaw, there he is, Jesus, outlaw, bob drives by, the outlaws all the time, and likes, those two big houses, put it off, showed the outlaw Jesus, heres what the Lord says, to make your harley davidsons last longer, use, 10w40, quicker flow, and, and lucas oil tratment, it leaves a, coating, about, forty, zero wear, and, the outlaws will like that, stp oil treatment, no, because, to slick, man your weapons, and the angel, appeared, at, pentecostal, bread of life, boyd, warren, git out, said, Jesus, cut off, no signs, and he knows it, his wife, falsely, prophesies, and he knows, it, many visions, while, there, but, he called on, people that would, not, say, any, thing, but, bob, said, lots, and, Jesus, told him, and warren, china is, the, end times, magog, bob told, God told, bob, and, he said, yeah, what ever, and warren boyd pointed, bob, told, that, a man, that, prayer, was, requested, for, would not, and knew it, will die soon, good bye ministryofdreams, but they will be back, they already know about ministryofdreams, bob, likes, the outlaws, biker clubs, and signed thier guestbooks, hed like to hang with um, this is why, harleys, and bob, like, 883, is wild, but bob lives for Jesus now, and the singer pointed at the statue of liberty, read the outlaws, you will drink the cup you have gave to others, bush, shot, in his coffin, prophecy for the outlaws, cut if off said Jesus, they will love hearing that, bob would like to do it, for what its worth outlaws, the victory motorcycle is no better, then, the, harley, your right, they said, and bob, would love, a, picture, with the outlaws, I leave a thicker coating said the quaker state bottle with 10w40 on it, use, quaker, state, out, laws, motor, cycle, club, and your, harley, david, son, s, will last, about, 80,000, miles, like you all drive, aman, 9-26-2006-no, said hollie, that, record, and hollie, like a white angel, showed, the recorder, that, and the white angel hollie, pointed, at the recorder, and, the pope appeared and satan, s, face, appeared, where, the popes face, the anti, Christ, that, hu, is the false prophet, and hollie pointed, and america on fire, and, the statue of liberty coming out, thats, the woman, hollie in the crane, waving, that, warren boyd said, that, said hollie, pointing at the recorder, you loose, we dont want Jesus, we, just come to church and talk about JEsus, that, brother smith cut off, and wife, obviously, that, pointed, hollie, and waved, carved into the stick, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in oil man bush, to break, that, oil contracts, bush in his coffin, that, pointed hollie, that, pointed hollie, they asked, at boyd warrens church, are you looking for something, that, God told him, to tell her, what he saw, that, said hollie, alice cooper singing, that, when she was, she, in her forties, made her voice sound rough, pentecostal bread of life church, heres what she thought, git out of here, that, hollie, pointed, record, bob dreamed, that he, lost, his wallet, keep, what you dont need, out, that, and hollie pointed at the recorder, fireworks, behind, the statue of liberty, then, nuclear, explosion, that, and hollie pointed, and, he saw, that, three fingers, lighted, tarry, that, and hollie pointed at the recorder, showed, and complained, white angel, and the lighted, finger pointed, that, post, and hollie, waved, carved into the stick, that, she said, no, that, and the outlaws Jesus, pointed at, boyd warren, and, mrs. warren, cut off, both, no signs, wait a minute mr. christian, warren boyd isnt cut off, he just, needs to be told, and wife, they never prayed thru to the Holy Ghost, and the lighted hollie, pointed, hollie, at the recorder, china is the horn that came up last, on the ram, your out, boyd warren, and wife, why do you, there are no visions in pentecost, and hollie, tore up, the, con, quest, because, there are no apostolics in pentecost, and hollie, and he saw, the words, believed means obeyed, theres the alarm, they, warren, boyd, and wife, dont come here, and she wrote 666, wait a minute mr. christian, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie pointed, and the ministering spirits are singing, stay away from there bobby said the angel of the Lord, they are all cut off, and know it, cause, signs, come forth, from you, and not them, what you did was, during prayer request, s, showed what prophesying realling is, God speaking, and, telling, and the lighted hollie pointed, and the finger pointed, lighted, leave it alone, said the angel, contract, torn, that was hollie tearing up the con spirit, help me, said mrs. warren, and the lighted finger pointed, you want, people to think, God is speaking thru you, liar, you know it, this is hell, and this is heaven, pointed, lava, and glass city, and Jesus, blew the trumpet, and hollie, came out, sound the alarm, in the church, im out said, Jesus, coming out of Jesus, s, mouth, bearded, both, dont bring your bullshit to me said the outlaws Jesus, be all buisness, said the unjust judge, and thats, and the lighted finger pointed, Jesus, get out of here, said, the, outlaws, pentecostal bread of life, the services are, dead, its, a show, im, said mrs. warren, satan plays all the instruments, while warren preaches, and hollie played the horn, and outlaws pointed, Jesus, wearing the vest, outlaws motorcycle club, need your visions on the internet, sang the ministering spirits, that, and he saw, mexico, with, vincente fox, turned, calderon, fuck america, said the outlaws Jesus, is what they think, you got something we need said putin, land, to invade america out of, and the lighted finger pointed, and holle, the cia will get this, they, follow bob, think of how amazing, and eye is, and say theres no God, Jesus, outlaws, smiling, put it on your website said hollie, and the outlaws Jesus pointed, I have a burden, real heavy for the church, said, mrs. warren, and Jesus wept, fire eye, but, she wants, money, support, she pointed, thats Jesus, in the room, like he really looks, like, a, fire faced man, on the, pure gold throne, like pure glass, and steps, crystal, tell on warren boyd, said hollie, and he pointed, at the door, out, and Jesus, out side, that, they dont want JEsus there, money, out, said, mrs. warren, boyd, because, it exposes them, as, false, prophet, youve done it, prophesying, and hollie, tore up, im a bear, putin, me, he said, the feet, satan is, and harley Jesus laughed, outlaws, motorcycle club, on his, sleeveless jacket, like, the boston singer, and hollie showed, the boston spaceship, with new jerusalem in the dome, glass, city, and the angelic white faced, harley Jesus, outlaws, piloting, and the outlaws motorcycle club will laugh, search me, said, Jesus, pointed, the outlaws harley Jesus, if there is iniquity, and the lighted, finger pointed, theres the alarm, hollie, hands, work, he said, they knew, at bread of life pentecostal, church, prayer requests made, and, God spoke to you, and you told, what he said, and, she preaches at you, calling it, prophesying, and she tried to, git out of here, to prophesy, to the, outlaws, motorcycle club, Jesus, and popped him over the head, and he grabbed her by the kneck, listen up bitch, who are you fuckin trying to decive, said, the outlaws, Jesus, with, mrs. boyd warren, in, his, hand, s, by the neck, git out, meaning, Jesus, and the outlaws, motorcycle club will laugh, stipped me, pastor, boyd warren thought, the outlaws, wont put up with to much bull crap said the outlaws motorcycle club Jesus, so let them drop off, the sons of silence will not fuck around with you bob, so, and theres the picture, with, bob, and the bikers, bob lives for Jesus, and wants to fuck with the biker clubs, west coast choppers, homo said the famous old one, him, and the outlaws, and the sons of silence laughed, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie waved carved into the stick, hands, we want decieved, said mrs. warren, boyd, the outlaws, and the sons of silence, dont claim to be, christians, they are, giving God, more glory, the, most, churches, and the finger pointed, all churches, claiming, and not doing, and they laughed, that is, a mouth, saying, leave the biker clubs alone, bob likes them, and they will laugh, and beleive every bit of this, they know, thier not stupid, what makes up the outlaws, and the sons of silence, workmen, they all work for a living, and the pastors at churches, mostly steal, let the church, be my credit card, theres a door pointed, the outlaws JEsus, choose, Jesus, is going to have to pocket the outlaws, harley riding, Jesus, reving, bob is too overwhelmed, at church, bread of life, pentecostal, he was pointing, at pastor, body, shoot that son of bitch, expose, we want it, said the outlaws president, youd have more fun witnessing there, at the clubhouse, laugh, and he saw, the outlaws JEsus, playing pool, playing cards, and laughing, thats, what they do, theier not, rape women, and plan burgleries, and he saw, the aircraft carrier, with, the outlaws, Jesus on it, thats how, big they are, and he pointed, bob is just, fascinated with these visions, go to the voice recorder, and have, up to, 12 hours, God can see, your afraid, of, filling the tape up to soon, fill it, this is, the deal, said the outlaws Jesus, choose Jesus, or, smiling, whatever else, bob wants, to get laid, and if he was sleeping in between, lori and bret sears, it would not matter to him, which side, he, slept on, and the outlaws will laugh, and hollie showed, hes a whore, like, and the outlaws laughed, the woman is, REVELATION 17, america, and he saw, america on fire, and russian subs, and america will, return, moscow and china, and the world wobbled, and the outlaws, get it off, nope, they know it, and the outlaws, motor cycle club president pointed, terry long was told, right to his, face, that, he never, prayed thru to the HOly Ghost, said Jesus, but pastors, there are, outlaws, that have prayed thru, and they fuck and party, but they are, and some will come back, and the outlaws Jesus laughed, on the 883, rev, and he saw, hollie, converting the 883 back to chain, nope, you cant, they fucked up when they did that, that will make the shops more money, thats what, the outlaws no it, and the lighted hollie, pointed, vision overload, heres what, Jesus, outlaws mug is showing bob, test, he said, leave, your licence and credit cards in the van, satan is going to start tempting people to fuck with you, people will not steal that rusty cheap bullshit you drive, and the lighted, outlaws, Jesus, smiled, God knows about the outlaws motr cycle cub says Jesus, they are not his enemy, its pastors misleading, the only Jesus, bob, sees in visions, that, he will not try to, con, is the outlaws JEsus, rough, cause, and they will laugh, this Jesus, outlaws, almost picked bob up by his throat to, threaten, him, man to man, thats good, this is buisness, Holy Ghost, buisness, leave it alone, God knew, before, the world begun, this is the last batch of outlaws, that, will ever be, because, time, is up, I want, you, and the lighted finger pointed, your not ready, said hollie, I laughed, when I saw, thats satan, next to, I want you, pointed outlaws Jesus, to get right with God, and he saw him on his, throne, like a man coming out of the light, Spirit, thats what God is, love, Jesus is, the body he made, spoke, put it on your website, said the outlaws Jesus, lighted, now you know why, yeah whatever, said the pastor boyd warren, when you walked out, china is the endtimes magog, saith the Lord, he wanted you to tell, now, warren knows, God spoke to you, and you, told, you just missed it, last night, person, saith the LOrd, keep on, price, I charge, bob is, offended, because, of this, and hollie, again, thats prophesying, git out of here, screamed, mrs. warren, boyd, she is now, stripped, and the lighted Jesus pointed, bob wants outlaws, but, Jesus is going to sit, on him, for a while, bob loves him, I need you to work here, viatran, said outlaws JEsus, and if, biker clubs, show, up, hire, them, give them, preference, let them, wear thier, uniforms, stripes, at, on the dock, teach them how to get cdls, and hollie, you have the answers to the hazmmat questions, help them, o my God, said the outlaws, Jesus, and hollie, I dont want fuckin excuses, do it, or, fuck off, he said, outlaws, Jesus, and Jesus, showed, bob, the Spiritual cemetary, golden graves, many, and he saw Jesus with no face, no, said hollie, and shook her head, yes, keep my oil full, new oil does not matter to me, said the engine, 2.5, thats prophesying said warren boyd, speaking what Jesus told you, and he saw, mrs., boyd, warren, preaching, at, popping with her, the head, thats not prophesing, raise your hands, and repeat after me, russia is the bear, with seven heads and ten horns, sang the ministering, spirits, sang Jesus, lets go, said, outlaws, JEsus, work, and thats the pope, and hu is, im the false prophet, he saw, your getting ready to wreck, its iraq, hunt uhh shook hollie, second baptist church, cut off, she showed, that was not Jesus, satan pointed hollie, on the crystal throne, light face, coming out of, the like, wizard of oz like, and hollie, waved, and blew kisses carved into the stick, and hollie tatooed 666, buy or sell with it, she needs it, mrs, ., warren, she, preaches at, and calls it, prophesying, deciever, she has never, prayed thru, and hollie, o my child, I say unto thee, you fools, please promote the gospel on the internet sang hollie, and boyd warren, with 666, required, to be, a, memeber of his church, no signs, dont beleive that she said, but, and hollie, tatooed 666, like, a, golden bear, im a bear, me, putin, moscow, and the angel pointed, get ready for, and the finger pointed, nuclear war, and Jesus, showed, to, record, the vision, that was, transmission, fluid, you knew it, and hollie showed, again, im ready said Jesus, but, are you, hes off, said Jesus, I knowed it, said kenneth haney, he can erase your mind, that blew it, said, dumitru duduman, and God can, make you, forget, or, remember, and the outlaws Jesus pointed, smiled, at the batteries in bobs pocket, and they got hot, he took them out, dont cause them to explode in my face, he thought, the Lord, will, send you, prophets, and you, ignore them, and, muse, like all of, the pastors on this website, about, but, only a very few, bob knows most, soon the united states will be a desolation, said the angel of the LOrd, like a white man, your fingers are failing bob, and showed, the recorder, again, and, the finger pointed, china, said the angel of the LOrd, magog, with, north and south korea, china and japan, the four heads, and the pope came out of, moscow, after, america, china, and moscow nuke each other, record the vision Jesus, shook, be led, whoever kills saddam hussein avenges over five million, and he saw them in hell because of, do it saith the Lord, and hollie tore up the con, trast, there open till 11, said the cat, post, visions, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, and the lighted hollie, pointed, and frankfurter showed, why would you want to sell this, said, tim kurry, and hollie, that, pointed, america, is given to pleasures, that, pointed, hollie, and he saw, hollie at the computer, fingers, that, do it, im the main ministering spirit, and the angel showed, smiling, hollie, that, that, buy, seventy nine, I wont, that, o yes he will, sansui, reciever, I just put a new transmission in it said the former owner, why sell, that, fix yourself, and he saw, tago switch, that, and hollie, pointed, reynolds body shop, that, he came against, I dont want to hear it, now, almost, 400,000, in the bank, and the lighted finger pointed, not even forty, and cut off, and knows it, and the lighted finger pointed, that, and hollie showed, the recorder, and kissed, and the lighted finger pointed, im out, try to get back, that, and hollie showed, thumbs down, lumina van, that, 3800 series two, that, no better then any other, oil, and the pope pointed, armageddon, and hollie tore up the con, thats your price tag, for today, said sunnysnet, and pointed, now, broken, that, and hollie showed, thumbs down, sansui reciever, excellent, that, you aint lookin said the angel of the Lord, that, and hollie showed, that, pointed, well arrest you pointed the angel of the Lord, the police, over, witnessing in america, harassing, they call it, cmon, and bless me, said, the angel of the Lord, pastor, alan browning, you knew it, he thought, God showed him, right outside the church, cut off, he said, and, bob made sure, to get his name, to, decorate the internet, and he saw, allen browning, being handed, his vision, I want my vision, they all chanted, and the angelic cop, that, I know, but, keeps right on, pastoring, browning, God, sent him, poor alan knew it, and, thats why, lets eat in the, but, and he saw, allen, no way, with his hands, meaning, not here, and pointed, at the door, meaning, we want, to be told, we are, ok, thats why, all of u.p.c.i., is like that, 87, said, alan, browning, that is, when, he got, cut off, and he knew, Jesus quit, dealing with, america has a military coalition, said alan browning, breaking up, falling away, america, trust, s, in its, wickedness, people, and hollie showed, the, recorder, like a white angel, that, she pointed, record the vision JEsus showed, and subs sneaked up on america, moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and on the mx, missile, and pointed, a lawn mower needs at least 3.75 horse power to be able to cut without straining, and hollie pointed, upci knows, that God trapped them on the internet, and the lighted finger pointed, and they are in wrath, who put this on, the internet, and hollie, showed, the angry pastor, a. browning, louisville, kentucky, bob, did, visions, and dreams, from, Jesus, and heres what he thinks about you mr. browning, I know he said, fuck you, all of you, he likes, william l. harris, and donald winters, but, those are from the devil, said, donald, to his, face, and hollie on the mx missile, two bear paws, and he saw, golden, hollie, tap dancing, with, silver, the pope and hu, the new world order, and hollie the recorder on the couch, white angel, and the pope showed up, gas, thumbs, and hollie, tattood, 666, required, and Jesus showed, and the angel, to record, the vision, both, and the pope, and hollie pointed, post, waved hollie carved into the stick, bob was shown, revelations, so awesome last night, many, hundreds, and he did not, that, pointed, hollie, record, she showed, the frog, leave alone, they love, being, bugs, there, that, go, and the finger pointed, new york city, said the angel, and Jesus pointed, explosion, right behind, the, statue, of, liberty, the woman, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, to, vt, 2k, 4Christ, you are, back, slided, said, pastor, allen, browning, and you are, tempting, me, by, sending, this, letter, shut up, said, the, outlaws, Jesus, please return, said, the, security, guard, that, louisville, said the angel of the LOrd, enough, and he saw, the, explode, it will burn, and the, hollie, on the mx missile, riding, with, almost, two, all, silver, bear paws, agin, nope, no church, maybe, warren, loves, you, said, hollie, a, horsey, said, the, child, they are, the, and he saw, the, horses, from, in between, what about, louis, ville, said the angel, of the LOrd, cut off, now, all of, every, body, that, lives, there, that, drink, coffee, showed, the, white, angel, hollie, and, record, backslide, said the, outlaws, motorcycle, club, vest, wearing, Jesus, and he saw, him, with, 666, on his, fore, head, not, but, the taliban, says, that, bin laden, is, alive, he is, dead, murdered, but, murdered, air stike, killed, they knew where, because, the, arabs, betrayed, and, the outlaws Jesus, showed, repent, and be, baptised, in JEsus Christ name, and recieve the gift, of the Holy Ghost, pointed, and hollie, and the lighted finger, dick, is what, most, people, want, young, but, they are, cut off, thats why, america, and he saw, america, on, fire, shut up, she, said, but, not, babylon, the, mother of, har, lots, that is, false, christians, abominations is sin, and hollie pointed, the woman is, the, MYSTERY, BABYLON, the, statue, of, liber, ty, and that is, and he saw, america, on, fire, and, subs, sneaking, in on, and, hollie, in her sub, fire, and the world wobbled, and, four, horns, came, up, when, america, returned fire, on, china, and, mos, cow, and they are, magog, and that is, china, and, north, and, south, korea, and, japan, china will claim, mos, cow, and, the pope will go, im the beast, he said, coming out of, the, little, horn, italy, he will go to, the, greek, orthadoxed, church, in, moscow, and make an agreement, and, gain, control, till, hu and japan, rises, to, with, stand, make a differance, said, hollie, like uh white angel, now, hu is, im the false prophet, im the bear, said, putin, and, magog, is the, body, and, satan, is, the, head, with, the pope as, the, mouth, piece, keep slipping, the, economy, america is, falling, fast, and, nations, see it, lets rule the world, sang, putin, russia, china, north and south, korea, japan, and, all the world, hates, america, they will want to, rule the, world, now, china will, attack, taiwan, and, destroy, and, america, and, when, america, goes, to war, with, then, moscow, will, nuke, alas, ka, and, china, will be, mostly, destroyed, and, america will hit, mos, cow, and, then, the world will wobble, russia, will, wipe out, the, american, main, land, the day of the Lord, prophesied, in JOEL, record the vision, that, said hollie, pointed hollie, work, for, Jesus, that, while, you have time, and the outlaws Jesus, no, was, digging into his pockets, your not broke, dont act it, and america on fire, and hollie, pointing, that, post, do more, that, bikes with shocks, that, ride, real good, like, motorcycles, ride, and he saw, hollie, on the mountain bike with shocks, waving, blowing kisses, I dont want, to, be messed with, said the firefly, bob, reached at, that, you have, seven quarts of oil, in your van, that, thats why, it smoked, like new engine, keep or sell, fool, plymouth vans are easy to work on, and you have parts, reliable, and, not, they are all the same, that, adobe, said the angel of the Lord, acrobie adobe is not worth, located in america, you need uk, free website hosting, git out of here, thought, freeservers, stripped, now, they are, americano, that, said hollie, and hollie pointed at the car, from, the fifties, that, and Jesus smiled, and shook, yes, and the angel showed, recording, its almost over, work, that, and hollie showed, caution, that, that van runs good, and this van runs good, im the main ministering spirit, hollie, keep both, that, and the aries, dodge, all have good motors, that, america, is closing, that, buisnesses are, moving, and hollie showed, golden, america, hands, tore up its, that, contrast, name your website prophecy university, said the angel of the Lord, record, he showed, like a white man, record the vision, showed, the angel, post, said hollie, and the outlaws JEsus, now, west coast choppers, on his, outlaws jacket, record the vision, the angel showed, that, drink, EZEKIEL 7, the iraq war, brought in by bush, retore, engine restorer and lubricant, with, csl, works, but, dont use it, if you dont need it, that, and hollie showed the recorder, like a white angel, you blew it, when, you said no, to Jesus, now, accept it, or, waste your time, going to church, that, like eli, samuel, told him, he was cut off, but, he stayed, right there, with the ARK of God, his precence, all his life, dont lust womens booties, they are for, and he saw, her on the stool, that, revivals here, there wont be a last days revival, how can, you know it, there be a revival, and falling away, the last days begun, prophesied in JOEL, when, THE ACTS 2:38 new birth came, and the harley davidson riding Jesus, come home, he sang, pointed at the words, repent and be, baptised in JEsus Christ name and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, right there, he pointed, bob, now heres the deal, said, the west coast choppers Jesus, quit stairing, looking at womans butt, there beautiful, and God knows it, he knows, but, whoever kills, saddam hussein, avenges, the blood of, over five million, and he saw, the tribunal judge, in the hague, for saddam, bush will, stop supporting over, bush did not want saddam, he wanted, oil, saddam and moscow knew it, and the west coast choppers Jesus, wept, you know me, be gentile, with the LOrd, ok, you say, but, when you go thru something, record the vision the angel showed, and hollie pointed, he cut me off, said, the west coast choppers Jesus, but, I still go to church, open shame, wasting your time, said hollie, and God winked, like a fire eye, read the man at the upci church, im elijah, said the harley davidson Jesus, the Spirit, whoever has, look, bob, and hollie showed, checking the oil, with her fingers, thick and slick, keep it, dont worry about the color, whoe ever kills, saddam, hussein, will, avenge, the blood, of five million, that pointed Jesus help people, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, oil contracts, words, stop it, said hollie, this church needs help, try, they all will be cut off, after, you leave, and know it, because, they will feel God leaving, but, had a chance, said, pastor chris amonett, dont go to ohio state, and he saw bobby knight, winning the national championship, one more time, two, nuclear fire, said, iraq, said hollie, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw, the palestinian state, on fire, said the angel of the Lord, and he saw subs sneaking in on, america, boom, and the world wobbled, and america on fire, and hollie, and the statue of liberty coming out, and mrs. amonett, did not want bob, to come in, out, at the back door, and bob told her, about, the sign, and, we stopped that, and hollie, liars, and then, you are all cut off, saith the Lord, shew, she, heard it, and believed not, but, knew, they were in trouble, now, when she tells chris, and the lighted pointed, thats prophesying, she saw, God told bob, she doesnt want you there, and, he told her, she knows it, and now, she knows, that bob knows, thats upci, record the vision, Jesus showed, right here, they all thought, but, bob ran, and hollie pointed, I cant beleive, he said, in his, cut off heart, Jesus blowing the trumpet and hollie coming out, this church needs to pray for, and, the angel, coming out, and hollie pointed, all white, thats apostolic they all thought, elder, a. d. woodson, Im cut off, and knows, now, thats what, we should be like, and hollie pointed, stop, at that church, they believed, everything you said, but, know, thats what we should be like, that was, a, rock, not, a fire, but the angel did come out of the fire, bob, we need you, is what, pastor woodson, is thinking, put it right here, and he saw, him pointing at the pulpit, not, showed woodson, mine, but, only, about, 5 people there, and they will leave, and he saw, one person there, that was the most awesome thing he ever heard pointed the angel, he saw you run, you dont want to talk said hollie, they thought, and the lighted finger pointed, now wait a minute mr. christian, why did you, run out of there, gethsemane apostolic faith assembly, you know, said, pastor, a., d., woodson, wur already cut off, he, knew, long ago, but, money, is why, and, dying, none, post, office, is where, he, works, at, but, closes, soon, and he knows, he has the Holy Ghost, and they knew it, and, that was a witness against, your a prophet, and no signs, said irving baxter, he is, but, and the main, and chris amonet laughed, pastor, upci, with satans, face, money, but, none, at his wife, running bob away, we dont need it, she thought, and he saw, christian life, no, apostolic faith church, closed, dying, and hollie, warman street, this is war, man, and hollie, lighted, and on the m.x. missile, with, golden and silver bear paws, and the angel, pointed, pastor, ad, woodson, I git it, cut off, knows, I want my visions on the internet, said hollie, angel, and started going, back in the horn, pointed, oil, armageddon, said the angel of the Lord, you know it, said, hollie, milwaukee, said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, it, explode, and, gene, schmidt, came out, he is, cut off, and working at, hand of help, we dont need it, he, and, ann, schmidt, cut off, she said, but, try, to get back, or, leave, hand, of, help, and he saw, michael, boldea, reading, and, knowing, but, wont fire, they only work, about, ten hours, per, week, and know it, hand of help, is, dying, bobby, said the angel of the Lord, we, dont, need, it, is what, pastor, a., d., wood, son, says, in, his, m, heart, but, the gospel, and they know it, is, hidden, from the, lost, like, the, golder, family, dont go to milwaukee, and he saw, pastor, ken, blowed, out, that is, gene, schmidt, s, pastor, that, stopped, bob, from, pressing, to, shake, nope, he wanted, him out, and the people, wanted, to, hear, bob, telling, visions, and was, but, I know it, he said, jelous, is why, put it under, they, saw, and, talk about, there, clo, sing, all, churches, the VINE, is, drying, up, like in JOEL, no meat, or, drink, miracles, taken, stripped, milwaukee, said, the, angel, of the Lord, and he saw, it, explode, and, hand of help, came out, dumitru, duduman, was, saved, but none of the others, are, but, support, the, mission, in, I dont know how to put this, said, but, they will, loose, them, the govern, ment, will, take, and they will be, home, and, job, less, and then, nope, cut off, and know it, why waste, said, michael, bol, de, a, and, mike, jr., will, get, and, be, stunned, are you coming against, bob, met, and you wanted, out, and, got out, and bob, told you, what was coming, and, you, bye, and he drove, and God led, and showed, go to hand of help, awesome vision, and, you still think, about it, but, to late, not, coming, back, not, said, ann, but, i dont, want to, listen, to his, stupid, shit, ann, schmidt, said, he, replaced, dumitru, dudu, and you knew it, man, milwauke, and he saw, russian, subs, sneaking, in on, and, boom, and the world wobbled, I hate that, said, ann, but, you are, satan, pointed, shhhhhh, said, hollie, los angeles, said the angel of the Lord, like uh, white, man, and he saw, both, coasts, up in flames, and, up the, middle, and, moscow, and, china, boom, ohio class, and the world wobbled, and, hollie was on top, and, up came, four, horns, magog, out of, the, ruins, of, china, and, mos, cow, and the pope, will, go to, the, greek, ortha, dox, ed, church, and make, an, agree, ment, for, con, trol, and, hu and, japan, will, rise, to, with, stand, but, the pope, will get, slashed, satan, will, enter in, and, destroy, jews, sup with me, said, Jesus, I know it, they, say, alan, browning, cut off, and hollie, record the vision, Jesus showed, and Jesus blew the horn, and hollie came out, white angel, this church needs to pray more, warrens, there are no visions in pentecost, cause there are no apostolics in pentecost, and he saw the mercedes benz, and thought it was a plymouth reliant, they are the same, no difference, the plymouth is as good and cheaper, and the finger pointed, there are no visions, in pentecost, because there are no apostolics in pentecost, im the main ministering spirit, pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, record the vision JEsus showed, and boyd warren, did exactly what God knew he would, and bob showed the church what prophesying is, its on the internet, that you dont want me here, this church is cut off, the signs dont follow, prophesying is recieving visions while right there, and telling, what the ministering spirits say, bob, told them that, and they all heard, warren, its alright if you come here, but, its already on the internet, that warren doesnt bob, they will check, but wont find, thats right, said, mrs. boyd, when, he told, about, propehsying, but she, preaches at, and knows, and they all know, now, fool, both, warren, boyd, and, mrs., body, you knew warren, but, you did not know, JEsus, would not, stand, for, your, rebellion, he wanted to talk, no, JEsus sent him, and you knew it, you liar, you are, a, and he saw, a devil, sent, from, now, you are, and know it, and, have, signed, the roof deal, to, make, the church, sell, for, more, so, you can, retire, and, leave, the false prophesyer, mrs., boyd, warren, it is planned, in your, and, she will, see it, and you will, not say anything, liars, both, saith, the Lord, enjoy, making, your, empty, church, payments, and he saw, the church, empty, JEsus, thru, bob, closed, you knew, bob, was having, visions, and, wanted, him, out, and he knew, long ago, you were, cut off, hanna avenue, type it in, saith, JEsus, thats where, warren, and, mrs, boyd, need to, pastor, at the, haunted, house, broken hearted, over, said, warren, I dont know, the girl said, what I, just, did, your church will close over, you take care of movies somewhere, with, stand, er, we know, and now, all, wish, record the vision, Jesus showed, leave me said mrs. boyd, allright, and hollie and the finger pointed, thats why, pointed the lighted finger, prophecy ministry, is just about all the way cast out, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie tore up the con, you know what you did said boyd warren, ran Jesus off, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie tore up the con, hope, record the vision Jesus showed, and hollie played the horn, and the pope looked thru the four horns, magog, and was over, and hollie tore up the con, trast, like a white angel, im a bear, me, putin, moscow, the feet, satan is the head, and the pope is the mouthpiece, and magog is, the body, thats, north and south korea, china and japan, and hollie, lighted, record the vision, there aint no visions, in pentecost, because, there are no apostolics, in pentecost, sang the ministering spirits, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, and subs sneaked up on, america, moscow, and china, boom, and the world wobbled, that, and hollie pointed, that, 11-2007-when you dont pray, said, hollie, nothing happens, licked the prophet, hollie showed spoke with tongues, thats him, he pointed, kenneth haney, clapped the tap dancers, with dyed hair, its a form of God liness, said, hollie showed, in not HOly Ghost baptized, and hollie showed licked the prophet, hollie showed, said, write a vision, said, hollie, submarine sound, subs, all around, usa, him bob, waved, hollie, and, the dragon, rose, g8, pope, out of, italy, bush, as, woman, pointed, hollie showed, and, russia, politburo, said, putin, having ten crowns, ruling party, hollie licked the prophet, the economies slippin, its because of him, bush, iraq, my husbands dying sang celine dion, crystal, she said, city, new jerusalem, boy, I, want, a hand job, said, the woman, sex, is, america, the whore, Im, falling sang celine dion, cause my money, shes billionaire, he doesnt dream she pointed, jeremy taylor, stole the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, like, matt brady, police was called said, hollie, jeremy taylor, whats he done, said, hollie, I got your name, she, said, jeremy taylor, d.min, stole the name ministry of dreams, called police, detective david garcia pointed, git in there, told, your ruining wisdom university and j.f.k. university, its, all, over, said, detective garcia, he knows your name, but, no proof, cant, take, it, easy, he said, remove he demanded, thats my name, thought jeremy taylor, relieve us, said, amy brucker, taylor releases ruint, jobs, talks, that was, that o red and black chariot, with, the pope, and, hu, new world order, hollie celebrated, hollie showed whistle blew, be nice, in steam, behold showed duncan rouleau, eight kings planning against usa, I, wantem, against said daniel kaps, stole the name, forgit it said duncan rouleau, ministry of dreams, will, get embarrassed, then, release, prophet wrote, dan kaps laughed, but, cut off right after, reading, not, removing, he, wont, take, it, said dee finney, jeremy taylor, hes done, said, hollie, licked the prophet, being stripped, knowing, kneck high lava awaits, hes ruining wisdom univeristy, thats what I want, said, david garcia, both, in jail, but, taylor, jeremy removes, then, gets, fired, anyway, and, licked the prophet, take, it, easy, said, dee finney, prophet, you lost your name said duncan rouleau, book, said dee finney, the nightmarist, duncan rouleau stole the name ministry of dreams, put in book, published by richard starkings, thats what I want said prophet, ruin rich starkings, God made starkings, richard quit printing the nightmarist, will charge rouleau 700 to change, rouleau pays, thinks, ripped off, atlanta will be attacked said gabriel, hollie showed, hollie on missile, he ll try to wreck you, said, jonah weiland, but, laughed, when, got letter, God cut off like matt brady, she read, hates life, ruint, customers teasing, your rouleaus mullah, please leave me alone, she said, record the vision, rouleau is the reason judgement is coming said jonah weiland and his children, coming against Gods servant, knowing, we stole your name said jonah weiland, to strip salvation, now, were, awaiting, hell, depressed, cause, God, against us said matt brady, now, duncan rouleau is open for court said jonah weiland, suits, coming, cause buisnesses ruint, and he, took it, said, dee finney, to trap, he ll get ruint, nightmarist weeps, series cancelled, its all, cause, of iraq, said, gabriel, he done knows, george bush, economic collapse, high fuel, war money, usa, brought to nothing, but, bill clinton, fires, a warning, explodes, arabs caused, they, lowered oil out put, charge more for, lie, want, usa, destroyed, the united states will be a desolation, said gabriel, didnt I tell you, you lost your name said gabriel, I hope nobody sees said daniel kaps, git closed, now embarrassed, he wanted to make prophet fall, will, release, ruint, cut off, your name said dee finney, its, over, said, prophet taylor, jeremy, now, being, made to resign, or, board meeting, will resign, wisdom university, right here, court, he ll think, but witch fess, killed, his confession, and, jim garrison, pointed, with red finger, gabriel showed, record, like, hollie showed, hi bobby, said, hollie and licked the prophet, that, she said, hollie flying in flying saucer, spacecraft, she said, waved, its, the, economy, she, said, collapsing, makes pastors, accept, churches, empty, but, they never got thru, we want your vision, said, mrs. paul otis, but, not, saved, she, dyes, hair, kills, it, aint, my vision said paul otis, mrs. otis stops dyeing, what are your looking for said Jesus, him she said, close it, said, hollie, church, then, seek, I wont, said, paul otis, he, perishes, your wrong he said, tell me not to dream said the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, that blew it, taylor, jeremy gets both fired, record the vision, said, gabriel, my prophecy ministry name, said, Jesus, thats when you blew it, said, jonah weiland, thats what I want, said, greg titus, stole, we took it said dee finney, thats, what, I, want, said, greg titus, strip ministry of dreams, spacecraft, got, him, said, hollie, flying, fired, greg titus, fired, courseadvisor, we want you said, hollie, out, when, you hear alaska, on, news, said, gabriel, and tear up, said, hollie, with, bear paws, then, pointed, hollie showed, Jesus, at the door, you got what you want said gabriel, bob, blew, jonah weiland, all of rouleaus mullahs, duncan wrote, said, gabriel, its my book, but, stole the name ministry of dreams, duncan out, she said, now, he is, being, ruint, like his children, that, posted, his article, with stolen name, all that steal the name ministry of dreams will be ruint, gabriel blew horn, hollie out, take, that, up, bring old one down, hollie tattood 666, with, bear paw, thats, otyre, she said, russia, pope, and he goes to greek orthadoxed church, signs, gets, arsenal, and hu hintao rises to withstand, 666, signed, for, between, smiled hollie, thats it, said, prophet, cut off showed gabriel, dan kaps, you got something I need said the stargardter-garrison man, write the vision, he pointed, jeremy taylor, hes ruint, over, both, presidents want him to resign, will, sees visions, that, said, hollie, david garcia, writes prophet, thats yor arrest warrant, with no name, shows, that, pointed, hollie, this aint gonna do it, said, garcia, taylor, stealing, thats what I need said jeremy taylor, that, said, hollie, the name ministry of dreams, that, I, hear your slippin said david garcia, he wont look, taylor fired, garcia laughs over, but, wait a minute, jeremy taylor goes to wisdom of dreams, that said hollie, emails keep coming, that, taylor stole the name, write the vision, said, hollie, from me said dream worker, wisdom of dreams, taylor releases, let me sign, smiled, jeremy taylor, prophets name, that, I want you jeremy taylor out of there, said, hollie, im hollie, ministry of dreams, flying in her space, your going home she said, no i, quit it, he said, jeremy taylor, watch, pray for jeremy out of hell said hollie, and steven stargardter trembles, prophet wont care, he knows, hes, cut off, now, pointed, hollie, reverend jeremy taylor, thats what I want said amy brucker, a closed door, chaplaincy institute, you made me thinks the president, fire, cause, you put the name, you dont care, said, hollie, thats, what, I, want, said, jeremy taylor, both, ruint, brucker laughs, but, no more soothsaying, you ruint it, said, garrison-stargardter man, pointed, d.min, jeremy taylor, closed his door, said, hollie, steven stargardters, cause j.f.k. board would not fire, we ll hear it said steven stargardter, recordings, his board knows, fire, stargardter, bob brings them down over, jo barger showed beasts image made alive, bob walks into old church, they, happy, knew, look at yourself said hollie, that was satan, chatterring teeth in lava, made for the devil and his angels, he, likes it, here pointed the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, reverend taylor, with kathryn, all dream workers in lava, steven stargardter, I lostem, jeremy taylor, pointed, the, stargardter-garrison man soon, bring chaplaincy institute down, said, hollie, make it close, raise your hands and repeat after me sang, the pope, make it close, said, hollie, watch, people, not go for dream workers no more, thats soothsaying, you know said jeremy taylor, mom, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, that was jim garrison pointing said, hollie, and steven stargardter laughing, write the vision, over taylor, jeremy, d.min, the witch fess, thats what gotem, his confession, calling ministry above copyrights, thought prophet would leave alone, now, known by study of dreams, I like him said the woman, you ruint said stargardter-garrison man, thats what you want he, pointed, couch, cnn coming for dr. jeremy taylor, looses much, he ll be stripped, marriage and all, and hollie licked prophet, frond doors locked, wisdom university, Eiffel Tower, said, hollie, look, its melting, from, im a bear, said, linda, spall, bear, russia, attacking, france, italy, usa, britain, australia, africa, most of the western hemispere, this is the website talking, post, it said, with gabriel voice, and gabriel smiled, how can I do it, said, hollie, thinks, the people, that, we took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, all release, spacecraft, pointed, yeah, said, the stargardter-garrison man, he wants you in court, said, kathryn taylor, attention, said, jeremy taylor, ruint, resigns, gabriel showed, record, cut off, reverend d.min jeremy taylor, a unitarian minister, being mocked by study of dreams, record me said gabriel, I want him, said, jeremy taylor, and gabriel showed, comeon, changes name, to rid of d.min jeremy, taylor, that was, satan, said, hollie, he, wants, you, laughing, jeremy taylor wearing white robe, took thousands with, turns into black suit, he, burns forever, I, dont, accept it, he says, cries for mercy, forever, remembers, in lava, stealing prophets ministry name, ministry of dreams, released ruint, laughed when did, thats my dragon said hollie, with the g8, pope, and, nato, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, tony blair stays with bush, both fire on, pointed, the lighted garrison-stargardter man, russia, russia fires back, on both, destroys, and the woman comes out of, fire, statue of liberty, bill clinton, dies in mountain, from, direct hit, mercy, said, Jesus, blew horn, out came brother stair, gets saved, thats what I want, he pointed, Holy Ghost, he, gets, bob dreamed, ran into shawn tyson, told shawn, that, he, didnt have the Holy Ghost, God said, tell him, and bob told, what it feels like when comes in, bob, said, he liked Christ church, would visit, and he told shawn tyson, put it right there, thinks shawn, but, guards, pulpit, come, God, spoke, there would be revival, told him, he saw the dragon rise, out of russia, china, the g8, was the seven heads, the pope, said, in visions, I am god, i am the beast, I am the anti Christ, hu said, Im the false prophet, it wont be a one world government, one ruled russia, one ruled magog, those two, signed for, 666, shawn liked, shawn receieved every bit, when you dream said, hollie, thats a night vision, bob, right here said shawn tyson, pulpit, but guards, he made me pointed jean urshan, intrude, nathaniel urshan, both lava, and the nathaniel haney-urshan man following, showing, church credit card, now their blowing, said, JEsus, moriah apostolic church, Jesus showed cut off, over, said, raise your hands and repeat after me sang, the pope, those, we took it, said, dee finney, bob, we got your name said reverend jeremy taylor, and, daniel kaps shook yes, but, all release ruint, and Jesus, laughs, at thier calamity, nathaniel urshan wanted prophet to put him first, left, there aint no visions in pentecost, cause, there aint no apostolics, said, Jesus, I, heard you got it said shawn tyson, lost, that is satan, Im the bear father, he said, this is what hollie said, shh, because, he, loves me, said, mrs. cleophus shawn tyson, he dyes his hair, lava, for tysons, no, said, hollie, its, all, over said shawn tyson, pointed, hollie, and, shawn tyson licked the prophet, you need to treat us, said, shawn tyson, google top, appeared on yahoo email form, thats a priest there said james tyson, that was the pope smiling, nathaniel urshan said Jesus, thats what I want, said, nathaniel haney-urshan, trap, hollie showed, to, record, licked the prophet, flame, pointed, rubbed chin, thought, what did hollie showed do next said hollie, rubbed chin, smiled, hollie thought, what was hollie showed pointing at the flames for, said, hollie, hollie showed smiled, rubbed chin, thought, up, popes image, swooping thumb, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, he and hu hintao signed for 666, syria, boom, said, Jesus, iran, boom, usa, and, iraq, gaza, destroyed, both, then, lets rule the world sang putin, hollie climbed in back of that o red and black chariot, hollie showed whistle blew, eight kings, hollie showed thumbs down, liars, the new world order, and the dragon, slithered thru, the beast, said, putin, otyre, magog, two world government, cut off, showed, Jesus, on jews saved, then, but, he, the pope, hunts, hidden in the people, the dragon, pointed, pope, g8, russia having ten crowns, hollie showed, record, look at that, pointed, flames, truck, rubbed chin, thought, showed, beasts image made alive, pocket t.v., raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, grunted, take the mark and live, and hu hintao showed, no way, both have nukes aimed at each other, put it under, they sign for the mark of the beast, 666, or tattood, popes image on finger, gabriel said, be quiet, shh, said, hollie, dont tell on my nathaniel haney-urshan man, with glowing eyes, shows church credit card, wants a free ride like tommy, jordan, kent all pastors, liars, hi, said, hollie, im writing a book, look, said, fleas, whats that in my room, its the, mine, said, hollie, duncan rouleau, accept me he said, not, take the name ministry of dreams out of the nightmarist, and be ruint anyway, he does, makes, zero, series, cancelled, and freddy krueger laughs, showed, the popes image made alive, both, alive, put it under, the mark of the beast, on duncan rouleaus head, the Lord told ya, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, jeremy taylor, ruint, if, dont release, we want, said, taylor, jeremy, d.min, hollie showed, record, I want a vision, said, hollie showed, showed a second tape, record, gabriel showed, wait, hollie showed, turn, thats it, said, hollie, helicopter, flying, yeah said kathryn taylor, helicopter ministry of dreams, I got you, said, hollie, jeremy taylor releases the name he stole, ministry of dreams, ruint, he is getting embarrassed, jeremy taylor, said, hollie, that, pointed, boom, building, Im a bear, said, linda, spall bear, were not going to take it, said, hollie, that, said, hollie showed, and, that, by pizza said jeremy taylor, and that, said, hollie showed, no money, kathryn taylor, you loose said gabriel, stripped, pointed, that, record me said hollie showed, your outta here, said, kathryn taylor, is, that, what, you, want, said, hollie showed, right here, said, david garcia, some one is looking at it said kathryn taylor, jeremy taylor, that, said, hollie showed, Im calling the police, said, reverend jeremy taylor, they, want, you, said, hollie, and that, jail, both, that, said, hollie showed, right here, said, jonah weiland, and, that, said, hollie showed, that, rouleaus mullahs, that said hollie showed, boy dont do that said duncan rouleau, that, he wrote a book, that, the nightmarist, that, stole the name, that, ministry of dreams, that, his children posted like, jonah, weiland, matt brady, that said, hollie showed, internet porno, judgment, when put on, makes, that, said, hollie showed, when you wonder why people start talkin said amy brucker, that, said hollie showed, she is oral sex, in heart, but has done and calls self reverend amy brucker, gabriel showed, record, git outta here, said, the man, wants, sex, thats, what internet porno is, people, wanting to have sex, in front of people, all, regret, 11-18-2007-kristina showed record, she knows, said, amy brucker, that jeremy taylor, stole the name ministry of dreams, thats it, flying, firing on those, spacecraft hit all, they, all release the name ministry of dreams, pointed, the, new hollie, hollie showed, what do you want, the name ministry of dreams, they all, took, it, released ruint, about 900, thats tap dancers, hollie tore up, con, truit, spirit, record, hollie flying in spacecraft, pointed, hollie showed record, you know you ruint said Jesus, reverend jeremy taylor, take it off or be abated, us said gabriel, rubbed lips, olivers, cut off, went to church, all, thier lives, bobby, just, keep, it, said, jonah weiland, you got me cut off, she said, duncan rouleau, over, the name ministry of dreams, all, we, took it, said, dee finney, released ruint, hollie licked the prophet, gabriel said, record, me, licked the prophet, thats hu hintao pointing, riding red horse, china, and, he saw, said, the woman, taiwan, explode, china, said, gabriel, will, not, make, me, said, bush, try not, to, do, it, said, prophet, china, wants, war, said, kathryn taylor, she will see vision, try not to snuff at it, she said, seeks, God, write the vision, hollie licked the prophet, cause, of jeremy, its, not, said, kathryn, taylor, its, cause I wanted, o I hear, say unto thee, soothsaying, like, mrs. tommy jordan, we, want, you, said, pastor bob vance, out, did, not fleas say, take this off, thats, what, I, want, said, hollie showed, bob, he ll, wreck you, said, the pope, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, no signs, I cant take it, said, Jesus, people stealing my name, ministry of dreams, ill ruin all, jeremy taylor showed, shh, you got me, cluracan is being ruint, lawrence forman is being mocked, theres the submarine sound, theres the submarine sound, and, hollie licked the prophet, in sub, that was, duncan rouleau with a lighted finger, gabriel showed, record, cut off, he showed, duncan rouleau and his children, bobby, said, jonah weiland, we took it, said, dee finney, all in lava, that stole the name ministry of dreams, record the vision, said, gabriel, do not, come, to my church, if, you will not submit to me, this ruint, said, the pastor, church empty, bob, tells, what, God, spoke, showed, this, ruint, me, said, the, pastor, lost, wanting, bob, to, submit, I, want, him, to, obey me, he said, put me first, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, record me, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, duncan rouleau, that, was, hollie, flying in her, spacecraft, I heard you got it, said, the old woman, we to church all her life, now, knows, lost, write the vision, said, hollie, licked the prophet, duncan rouleau, we, took, it, said, dee finney, your name, said, duncan rouleau, you made me, said, hollie, do, it, thats, the, reason, we, took, it, pointed, dee finney, your name, to make you perish, but, God, said, embarras, now, all, bob, we, take, it, said, ismail kadare, put in re-write of palace of dreams, thats, the, reason, we, want, it, make, prophet fall, lava, hollie, pointed, out of, horn, now, leave, it, alone, said, hollie, you, got, me, said, dee finney, to remove, all, jeremy taylor, reverend, biggest looser, then ismail kadare, all stripped, record the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, plays the organ, smiled, its, mine, thinks, otis, paul, but, wheres, the Holy Ghost, bob, I, want, you, right here, said, paul otis jr., pulpit, no way, showed paul otis s., have it your way, I, got, him, said, Jesus, richard starkings, ultimatum, remove the name, ministry of dreams, duncan rouleau does, the meerkat showed, empty churches, alaska, said, is that what you want, pointed, Jesus, lava, and, rouleaus mullahs all there, every one, that, bob, we took, it, said, dee finney, thats, what, got, you, cut off, the name, ministry of dreams, and hollie licked the prophet, duncan rouleau is the reason for this, said, hollie, he wanted, ya, to, go, but, invited, pastor, but, stay, he thinks, boy I want a vision, he, says, gets, Jesus, smoked, Lord, they tell me, Im, cut off, but, I feel you, said, jonah weiland, and, licked the prophet, your not, saved, pointed, Jesus, thats cut off, many will try to get saved, at, the end, God will not hear, but, they, will, feel, thats, God laughing at rouleaus mullahs in lava, prophet, like, hollie showed, with, golden hair, tore up, in heart, weeps, for, but, doesnt really care, duncan rouleau in lava, he would have gotten thru if hd did not steal the name ministry of dreams, like jonah weiland, matt brady, more, of, rouleaus mullahs, those that, posted his article, with stolen name ministry of dreams, hollie showed, burn, said, in fire, pastor, william pippens, lost, like john kelly, no signs, I want my vision said new hollie, got him, said, gabriel, cut off, rouleaus children, like, matt brady, kenley darling, write the vision, right here, pointed, duncan rouleau, jeremy taylor, white robe, jim garrison, black suit, now jeremy taylor, pointed, jim garrison, white robe, teaches taylors class, students find out he stole the name ministry of dreams, he, exits wisdom university, garrison teaches, laughs, you need a good pastor said jeremy taylor, what does he want, make soothsayers out of people, liars, thats, a hand, pointing, popes image, what, does, he, want, said, the pastor, bob, Im, jelous said, right here, he pointed, bob, an open door, court, garrison-stargardter man, ruint, but they were warned, fire taylor or fall with, both, ruint, soon, and, the steven stargardter-jeremy taylor-jim garrison man pointed, and kathryn taylor laughed, flames, get it again, record, my vision, said, hollie showed, white robe, rubbed chin, smiled, thought, choked in the fire, thats, cool, said, the, stargardter-garrison man, laughs at jeremy taylor, d.min, bob, we ll hurt you, they all thought, write the vision, said, the man, christians like john mark pool, we want him said jose alvarez, dee finney, antonia vladimirova, and jeremy taylor, pointed, dan kaps, all claim salvation, but, we, took it, said, dee, finney, now, all, we, got, your, name, now, all ruint, listen, bobby, record, a vision, thats, him, pointed, hollie, jeremy taylor, white robe, black suit, in lava, reverend that lies, and there are man like kenneth haney, how do I git outta here, he said, hollie pointed, horace smith, many, and hollie licked the prophet, were in the last days, said, hollie showed, licked the prophet, the, whole united states, boom, im a bear, said, linda, spall bear, yeah, said, hollie showed, write the vision, showed, popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., record my vision, said, hollie showed, right here pointed hollie showed, you laughed, alice cooper, at alice in chains, he, aint gonna, thought, the lead singer, alice in chains, got the name, alice, from him, pointed lead singer, alice cooper, alice cooper thought, let it go, alice in chains became big, but, not, like cooper, vision, thats wrong, pointed, hollie, showed, they, say, hollie showed, smiled, thought, licked the prophet, that was gabriel, and, Jesus, saying the united states will be nuked, subs all around, boom, theres that submarine sound, pointed, hollie, licked the prophet, record the vision, said, the stargardter-garrison man, laughs at jeremy taylor, and, the, hand, pointed, hollie showed record, right here, said, gabriel, us, said, willie duncan, r. h. duncan, both, liars, not saved, out, jobs, talks, I, wantem out said garrison-stargardter man laughing, jo barger is lost, went to church most of life, dont waste your energy said jo, barger, she, married, that ruint, husband, died, but, God, would, not, feel me said jo barger, dying now, is, asking God, to, have mercy, save me, she said, and, the girl from, ernest brummetts church, laughed, squirt, sing, pointed, red, cause, of, him, she said, I want a vision said roger hampshire, you know me said roger hampshire, hes lost, teaching, God can not stand it, its cause of him, its, to, late, iraq, oil contracts, bush, stealing, right here, someone, will, release, duncan rouleau, tell me, the, vision, nightmarist, weeps, God says, Im, tempting you to comit sin, this is manifold temptations, kristina showed record, and licked the prophet, look, said, fleas, its in my room, she said, the nightmarist, duncan, rouleau, weeps, ruint, over, stealing the name said dee finney, ministry of dreams, thats my dragon said kristina, the beast, g8, pope, on top, out of italy, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, hollie showed, record, look that, she said, reverend john kelly seeking Jesus at bobs words, and william pippens, that, said, hollie, lost, 6-5-2008-get ready to go bob, said, fleas, time is up, that was, satan, in hand of Jesus, like uh lighted hand, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, like cat, showed, beasts image made alive, on, pocket t.v., hollie like cat, showed, record, prophet, she said, now look, said, hollie, like silhouette, grim reaper pointed, hollie pulled titanic, with captain smith, hollie showed, that, carved into stick, hollie showed, wait, in, the fire, cindy, that, said, cindy, lips,
if you steal the name saith the Lord, I will ruin you, with sickness, desease, cut you off instantly, and embarrass you, these all have stole the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, Laurie Behncke, Duncan Rouleau, jeremy taylor, antonia vladimirova, dee finney, john mark pool, jose alvarez, tom beland, matt brady, wole soyinka, dave karlotski, dana tillusz, quinling harlequin, andy shaw, christina marie sanford, jean patrick charrey, brian, bill of the massive bri, cecil s. pennyton, lawrence forman, david shapiro, katie bazor, janetmck who is janet mcknight, arron shutt, micheru mathys', nick field, jonah weiland, ismail kadare, wole soyinka, eric lindberg, todd callender, alex ness, kenley darling, Kunnis, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, and more, like jeff dee, manda dee, amanda dee, most claim to be christians saith the Lord, im ruining them right now, I will not save any for wanting elijah to fall, and they will loose health, jobs, talks, spouses, more, saith the Lord, for this evil wickedness, which, bob, reached out to most like david shapiro and dee finney, micheru mathys, and they stole his God spoken ministry name like cluracan who is little, mustie and cecil pennyton, when he prayed for them, like john mark pool, and jose alvarez, he signed jose alvarezs guestbook, and jose, alvarez, stole the name ministry of dreams for doing, wicked, pastor, like antonia vladimirova of the, dreams foundation, he signed her guest book, and she stole the name ministry of dreams, when he witnessed to her, she is witch, lost forever, like wole soyinka, and ismail kadare, amanda dee, jeff dee, and duncan rouleau, bob reached out to all, and they all stole the name ministry of dreams, God spoke for this only, and Im ruining them all, watch, saith the Lord, they all release when times get hard. do not copy in any way or modify the name Ministry of Dreams, ministryofdreams, or I the Lord will ruin you, it did not exist till prophet prayed, and brought it to the internet, for this work only. I will make you run to remove the name ministry of dreams like all listed here will, saith the Lord,
(940)wanting revival-vision recieved 10-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this woman and she said things like, I want revival, he's apostolic, why does'nt he off to preach revival, and hollie said, website, and she said, short, need your help, out, and macaulay culkin said, website, is, Jesus, and olsens said, olsen, cute, oral sex, olsen, not my sister, I want, oral sex, and macaulay finished that, ain't worthy, go on, and hollie said, he can't bear, and macaulay said, close the website, and hollie said, he's offended, and the woman wanting revival said, lift me up, its because I sinned, he's out, me, not him, and that was dorein, and I'm bob, have a nice trip, and dorein said, and that was, and macaulay said, macaulay, quittin, website, save me, if, I and that was kristina, want to, website alone, bobbys, bobby gave it to Jesus, with, macaulay culkin finishing off, and pastor simison said, all I want to do is have sex with everybody I go out with, don't bother, and hollie said, thats the end of website, witness has had his feel, and simison said, for now, website, and putin said, o shit, and hollie said, there's your answer and sam neill said, no more cheers, and macualay said, ut o my stomach, put something in it, and maybe michael jackson said, its because of me, I raped macaulay culkin, I'll turn my self in, with dorein finishing off.
(941)all things are possible with Jesus, russia will use terroists force unites states to bring her troops home, then attack america-vision recieved 10-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like vladimir putin and he said, things like, russia will attack amerirussia, terrorist, bring, troops, home, isolate, destroy message, and russia, put video, put battle plans, trap, page, new, russia, will attack high school, russia will attack america, russia, and macaulay culkin said, will use terrorist, and kristina fox said, tell the ruth, tell, russia, will, anger, website, is, awesome, profile of Jesus, the usa, o shit, russia, and putin said, much of this, and he continued, russia, want, pope, and thats, and kristina said, beast and putin said, the beast, and antichrist, russia will attack, amerirussia, and kristina said, trap, clear, when and dorein said, least expect it.
(935)Jesus blesses still-vision recieved 10-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina fox and she said, and that was a blessing, and macaulay culkin said, and you didn't appreciate it, and I'm charles.
(936)the phone call-vision recieved 10-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina fox and she said, your wanted on the phone, and I may have asked who it was, and she said, I ain't gonna tell, and I saw a woman that works for speedway gas station and she called my name, and she said, I'm suicidal, and I'll take you with me, I'm cut off, humble, I'm, if I humble myself before God, He'll save me, thats all right, I won't, om not gonna raise, and I said, con tract, and she or me said, witness praise, I won't, mercy, return, I will, be, courteous, witness, and simison said, leave, and she said, me alone, I know it, I won't and maybe hollie said some of that
(937)when all else fails, try prayer-vision recieved 10-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the speedway woman and she said, can withness pray, he won't, God, and I said, won't, let, return, and she said, I won't, and stephen hanson said, so whats the word, and maybe hollie said, and I saw her raising a gun twice, and she said, punish'em, don't come back, and maybe hollie said, he understands.
(938)trap-vision recieved 10-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, trap, and the speedway woman said, maybe there's mercy, if you, if you, sit, out, of, and hollie and kristina said separately website, and macaulay culkin said, website, and hollie said, I don't wan't Him back, website, mercy, I'm moody, and i'm, bobs gettin into danger, he wants to see me set free, website, he will, he'll fix it, if, if, and kristina said, if, you and that was simisons voice, back, o my Gosh.
(939)the website-vision recieved 10-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, hollie, website, and simison said, perfect, talk, about, him, like, this young man, he called, slip, bit, bit, bit, ch, and he, sealed up his heart, have a nice day, and hollie said, he looked, and simison said, him, all the way, and the young man that called me a bitch in the back of a truck at a speedway gas station said, return, and the wheel chair man said, I won't return, go witness, he wants to git open, repent, do not change, I got bad new for you, on condition, close the website and go and down't ever come back till you get ready to post what God wants you to post, he's offended, and the iupui secuirty guard said, leave her alone, and simison said, he knows.
(940)wanting revival-vision recieved 10-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this woman and she said things like, I want revival, he's apostolic, why does'nt he off to preach revival, and hollie said, website, and she said, short, need your help, out, and macaulay culkin said, website, is, Jesus, and olsens said, olsen, cute, oral sex, olsen, not my sister, I want, oral sex, and macaulay finished that, ain't worthy, go on, and hollie said, he can't bear, and macaulay said, close the website, and hollie said, he's offended.
(941)all things are possible with Jesus-vision recieved 10-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked this woman and she said, anything is possible, and michael jackson said, macaulay, you want to have sex with me, suffer, I'll rape, did, empty wallet, thats all, and pastor simison said, no save it and go, you can, you can, but, you don't, macaulay, and macaulay said, yes pas simison, and simison said, git help, come, o Church, in, Indian, ap, and macaulay said, polis, and simison with sam neills voice said, ollright, witness good, website good, out, and that was a woman, and sam said, apostolic, and the woman said, he's clear, and I seen it, witness, git out, and stay out, please, and sam said, eat food, and I heard a woman's voice behind me and she said, he's a homosexual, I knew it, do, website, correct, return, open, your, pocketbook, to, home, and simison said, shut it down, he'll bring it back up.(942)Gods help is still avialable vision received 10-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, I need your help, and sam neill said, website, is, open, but, the prophet is closed, and hollie said, loose Mantle, his, return, sam neill, prophet, and hollie said, and he saw the empire state collapsing, and sam neill said, I saw it, right here, and hollie said, loose Mantle, return, and I sang, return to website, return to website, and the woman behind be said, actually I'm crying out, and hollie said, blaspheme, and the man behind me said, no more religion, and hollie said, like a swarm of bee's, nore more religion, no more religion, and sam neill said, did you see it, enjoy, sam, and maybe kristina fox, said, that looked like sam on the final conflict, and sam was, and that was hollie, you tell sam, and sam neill said, the anti, Chri, Christ, and, I'm, aaaaaaaaa, google, go to google, and typen in your name, you are a blessin, close website, he'll bring it back and macaulay said, don't close, and sam and mac said, awesome and how awesome, and sam said, good cheers, good night, have nice day, witness, witness, witness, witness, hates, trap, it, traps, him, be careful, and the woman said, you are a blessing, cause I have visions
(943)lets rule the world-visions recieved 10-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, china, and fidel said, cuba, and macaulay said, nicarauga, and chris noll said, china, cuba, nicaragua, russico, and chris said, support me, lay and the survivor odonnell said, off, and chris said, out.
(944)1-9-2008-Jesus showed me people in visions and they said things like: russia is the bear father, said, enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, that, said, hollie, enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed, choked in the fire, poor o janetmck said gabriel, and janet mcknight showed cut off like arron shutt, both are children of lucifer like, uto said dr. bill hamon, stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, put it in book, he said, witch, liar, wants church credit card like entire christian ministries international board, dont put it under, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, bill hamon and jeremy taylor big loosers for taking the name ministry of dreams, both run to remove, saith God.
(0)when the united states goes to war with china, russia will attack america-vision recieved 10-16-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like russian president vladimir putin and he said things like, when america goes to war with with china, and chinese president hu said, russia, and maybe vladimir putin said, will strike without warning.
(ob)they will want to rule the world-vision recieved 10-16-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like vladimir putin and he sang, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, and in other visions, I saw possibly him, and me and maybe others and many nations were called out. It went something like, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, and chinese president hu said, and, china will, attack, and kristina fox said, and that was putin, and the chinese leader said, russia, from, china, and the president of pakistan said, pakistan, and I saw the president of india, and he said, india, and I saw benjamin netanyahu and he said, israel, will, not, tolerate, russia, attack, and kristina said, and that was the pope. China president hu said, russia will, rule, the, world, for, and kristina fox said, and that was the north korean president, for, and hu said, one, and kristina said, mr hu, burn, and that was hu, and michael boldea said, how awesome, russia will and stephen hanson said, be, and hu said, destroyed, and michael said, I'm russia, and and kristina said, I will burn, and putin said, by, and chinese president said, china, and the president of pakistan said, pakistan, and the president of india said, india, and the north korean president said, from, korea, and kristina said, and that was hu, got it.
the world, the one world religion-vision recieved 10-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked many people and they said things like, and the reason is the pope will be the antichrist, not the pope, but the devil inside indside of him, he will get slashed, and satan will enter in, and stephen hanson said, and, and somebody said, pope, if you want a miracle, I can do it, and stephen said, God gives him Power to do it and a woman said, no thats the false prophet, no, and chinese president hu said, tell, it's, and the pope said, its both of, and hu said, us, and somebody said, God, and hu said, gives this POWER and the pope said, to, and hu said, us, and michael boldea said, how awesome, and hu said, the new world order is about to convene, and brother stair said, won't read It, pope will, and the pope said, you, and hollie said, receive the mark of the beast, and that was the girl that goes to brother bullocks Church, and that was kristina, and somebody said, and soomebody spoke with somebody elses voice, in your forhead or in your and stephen said, right, and hu said, hand, and brother stair with overcomer ministries said, now go and post that and I'll read it.
12-2007-God has showed me in visions ministering spirits and they said things like, gabriel showed, record, iraq, he said, boom, gaza, boom, iraq war, was, over, breaking, and gabriel, pointed, oil contracts, put it under, said, hollie, bush is evil.
don't hit israel-vision received 10-17-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like that looked like a woman and she sang over and over, don't hit israel, don't hit israel, it, the, APPLe, and om kristina, I'm out, APPLE of, God, and chris noll said, EYE, and kristina said, and He saw God wink, and He saw God weep, and a woman said, witness think it sad, and dorein and others said, and bob is witness, and Jesus said, understand, Israel, and stephen hanson said, is, the APPLE of and and he had simisons voice, and maybe kristina said, that possibly with others, and stephen said, of, Gods, and maybe the beast said, EYE, and beast means the angel of lite, the pope, the antichrist, the son of perdition!, and Jesus said, israel, and stephen hanson said, bobby go think about what your gonna do with the rest of your life, and michael boldea said, we want you.
rick joyner is fallen visions received 1-20-2006-God has showed me Spirits that looked like people like, The lord of Host, kelly, kristina, the speedway woman, hollie, and others, and they said, things like, o, and, Jesus: cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is the pope, pope, fix it, Jesus winked and His Face was Like Fiire, cause russia is the beasr, and that is, the three ribs are, rick joner said, put this on the radio, national, you have 3 days to get fully invested in the Lord, said, Jesus, to rick, go post it under, rick joyner needs to, break up with, danger, with morningstar, or, he'll, per, i, ish, because, it is, a, let ME see here, show, they are, falling, but, overlooked, said, rick, joyner, he, is, the, number, 1, radio, talk, show, in, let me see here, in, america, but, not, open, he is, I have announcement, russia will attack america when you least expect it, you know what I do, I, talk, on, the, shortwave, audience, about, 16, hundred, and that is, about, what, brother stair, have, but, open, on, the, shortwave, they are, to, other, countries, your death, certificate, no lun, ch, but, coffee only, did you see that, praise the Lord, no, coffee, breakfast, its up to you, praise God.
the end times message vision-visions received 1-21-2006-God has showed me Spirits that looked like people like, The lord of Host, kelly, kristina, the speedway woman, hollie, and others, and they said, things like, o, and, Jesus: bill clinton did, more, harm, to, ameria, then, any, and now we have to pay, bush, revered it, to not, but, he found, bill was, spying, spying on, cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, let me warn you, I knew, said, bill, and, hillary, clinton, bill, I told , that, pastor, was, a prophet, bill, knew, still, don't vote for me, my wife, will, win, but, wanna take some advice, short, show it, its to, harm, and that is, God will not, hey lazy, you need to be prepared yourself, cause russia is the beast with seven horns, and they are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, chianm north korea, and, russia, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, how do we hit amexico, that is america and mexico, to steal the oil, vladimir putin, you are the bear, the 3 ribs are, mexico, cuba, nicaragua, don't do it yet, do to help Jesus, hollie tore up the Contract, prophet is clear, its time to think about where yur gonna spend eternity, bill clinton destroyed america's security by revealing secrets on him Website, and that is, he's cut off, after russia hits alaska, you'll have two hours to prepare to die, you are awesome o God, no He's not, says hollie, but, she is blaspheme, she's in trouble, john kerry would've been a worse president then bush, cause he was for the iraq war and lied, bmw is no better than any vehicle, they just cost more, he saw like an An Ocean and then a Man's Hand came out of it, White, God measured the Waters in His Hand, He meeted, that is, measued, the nations are a drop in the bucket, God is bigger than you think, this is the new endtime story, russia will attack america, and america will accept it's penalty, not one shot fired, cause russia is the bear, the bear is the most dangerous animal in the world when threatened, they can not whip a lion, but, both would be mortally wounded, hu and the pope, the false prophet and the antiScripture, they can, destroy, each, other, but, neither, america, will, not, win, but, niether will, the, pope, or, china, we wrecked him, not, but, russia will pluck up up cuab, nicaragua, mexico, to attack amexico will burn, and amexico is , canada, mexico, and america, and that the end time story, washington dc is that great city that reigneth over the kings ot the earth, JEREMIAH 6, tell the story, bob blew the trumpet in Zion and sounded an alarm at mainly u.p.c.i. Churches and they did not listen, therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts, and that is Jesus, therefore shall evil upon the, you are dome america, and your days are numbered, I will bring evil on you from all over, your doomed america, you cannot be spared, israel, and you are backslided from Jesus, you have a suprise coming, called american nukes out of iran, you will be destroyed, undestand, watch Me, telephone, who is it, it is fire from america nukes from iraq, aman, put it under, the united states will be nuked by russia, when you least expect it, said, kent, r., gray, you feel delivered, sure do, then, trouble, this will be your last chance, do, go on, but, hold it, donald winters is, backslided, still, treaches, at, warning, step, put it under, israel you better wake up, thats all, go and put it under, God will not tolerate israel anymore, us, that was, u.p., c., i., intercede for them in vain, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, they will get on heart and one mind from God and then russia will attack amexico, and that is the united states and mexico and canada, all will be destroyed, the united states will burn when you least expect it, and that is when yur not looking for it, this is prophecy, live from the Holy Scripture, and that is, the, Holy, Ghost, this has already began, that is, it will not be long, Jesus is laughin at the Christians of america, america will burn, when you least expect it and that is when yur not looking for it, thats all I have, have a nice eternity, and eternity is in Heaven or Hell, ACTS 2:38, is, sal, va, tion, atrouble, girls inc. is abomination, girls incorporated is sin, thats just blaspheme, all organizations are blaspheme if God's not having His way, aa, alcoholis anonymous, cult, that is, religion, false, when russia fires their missiles at america, it'll be a suprise, it will only take about 30 seconds to get about 3 miles in shore and then boom said putin, because putin is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, it will only take about 200 missiles to blanket america in total destruction minus 183, that's 17 missiles with 10 warheads, a warhead will take out about 5 miles, but, the radiation will do the rest, nuclear winter over america and russia, and the united states will be attack by russia, president no more acceptance speech, I don't wanna hear that bullcrap no more, america is hypocracy and God wants russia to destroy, a nuclear attack on amexico, I can't help it, where's my Bible, this will be the event that brings Jesus back and the beast in, I told him once, your messin up, putin, I got news for you said bush, we've got missiles all over the world, putin listen don't do it, the Bible says there will be on nation destroyed, read your Bible again, read EZEKIEL 38, o my God said putin, chapter 49 says putin is going to get destroyed to, both, put it under, mutual destruction for america and russia, both, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, putin and hu are the ram and the hegoat is the pope in the middle and MYSTERY, BABLYON is united states, and america will be attack by russia and china will attack russia, and force them to invade isreal, america will burn when you least expect it and thats when yur not looking for it, one more thing, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and the 10 horns are politburo nations, they are 10 nations that russia will use to attack america, this is the end time message, we want seques, that is, anal sech's, oral sechs, both, this is why, that judgement, to, the, world, when ford closes, plants, they will, how do we hit russia, weaken, america, nore than you can, let them, collapse is coming, ford will, not, open, no more, plants, in, the western hemisphere, that is, we kicked them out, said, bush, and that is, tax, they will make more money off, but we won't, collapse, coming, it is all over, ford will, not, but, get, busy, prayer, and that is, ford, government, will, stop, see you later, putin, we are, in, in, trouble, I know, but, I, won't, help, you, you are, scattering, the, bait, and that is, collapse is here, ford, close, collapse, that will, it is sunday night, and that would, come, in about, 6, right now, no, contract, they will, close, without, warning, china, make, ford, car's, and they are, already, waiting, it's, planned, mr. ford, the chairman of ford motor company, close, die, from, russia, attack, on, america, they are, will, you jus, t, don't do that, but if, let 'em close, they are, keeping, the, economy, a, live .
paradise-visions received 2-20-2006-God has showed me Spirits that looked like people like, The lord of Host, kelly, kristina, the speedway woman, hollie, and others, and they said, things like, o, and, Jesus: do you know where paradise is, it is, hell, and that is, when, Jesus, died, HE, went to, hell, and, preached, to, the, spirits, that were, there, and they, had, a, chance to, come, out, none, not, one, did, but, they hated, Jesus, and would not, submit, even, in, paradise, there is not, death bed, sal, va, tion, do you think, Jesus, will, save, if you will not, live, for, Him, while, you are, healthy, as you are, forget it, that is what, you told, Hims, all, your, life, and that is what, you are, told, put it under, seek, right, now, or, you will, perish, all, who, read, entries made 8-5-2006-record the vision hollie showed, and the pope came out of the four horns, magog, the four horns are, china, north and sout korea, japan, where all those lands are, record the vision hollie showed, and the pope came out of, the four horns, magog, Moscow, china will absorb, most of Russia, after, America attacks Moscow and china, and Russia and china attack, and hollie pointed, America, the statue of liberty, thats America, the woman, the whore, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the pope, will go, to the greek orthadoxed church and make an agreement for control, and have it, till, hu rises and withstands, the ruler of magog, with japan, both beasts, 666, is born at the table to prevent them from destroying each other, both have nukes, grecia is all of the world, magog is china and those surrounding lands, the pope will come out of italy, then, Moscow, we ll hear it said sunnysnet, do it, chewy, record the vision and make it plain, and the lighted finger pointed, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, like hollie showed, and thats the pope and hu is the false prophet, and he saw the red dragon rise, hu is, the horn that came up last, on the ram, with putin, the military agreement, signed, who can make war with, but, America can destroy both, but, get destroyed, and the world will reel, they will both hit each other, America will hit the ram, and the ram will hit America, and the world will reel to and fro, like a drunkard, and the lighted finger pointed, stan Johnson, put this on, saith the Lord, write him, and the pope will come out of, and the lighted finger pointed, Moscow, but, after china invades, 666, born at the table, to stop them from destroying each other, both have nukes, the pope will get slashed and satan will enter in and destroy, searching for the jewish remnant, and thats the popes image on hus hand, israel, is a, cup of trembling, to the whole world, nukes, and, wild man, bush, worship the beast, hu will say, because, he is stronger, 666, on the forehead, the jewish remnant will be hidden in the people, like a woman hidden in the desert, wanting favor with God, but, they took the mark, then Christ will appear, and vials of wrath will be poured out, the beast and the false prophet, and he saw them in the lake of fire, lava, red hot, coals, it wills start with America and china going to war, china will attack Washington state and grab Taiwan to lure, then, Moscow will grab Alaska, then, orders will go to American submarine commanders and they will fire on Moscow and china, and Russia will wipe out the American mainland, on the day of the Lord, Im a bear, and captain hollie, like a bear, sneaked up on America, and, fired, the world reeled, boom, and ohio class subs, sneaked up on china and Moscow, boom, the world reeled, EZEKIEL 7, the iraq war, nuking, the Palestinian state and iraq, brought in by oil man bush to break oil contracts and prevent china from getting, after that happens, then, great Babylon will come into rememberance before Jesus, America will hit Syria and iran next, lets hit Alaska said the pope, and he saw Alaska exploded, and captain hollie in her sub, boom, and he saw, flashes all over America where Russian warheads will hit, that was hollie with the recorder, post, and he saw Jesus with the recorder, its over iraq, mainly, that, America, must be destroyed, Russia will say, no more, lets rule the world, sang putin, china, Nicaragua, mexico, north korea, cuba, lula, chavez, they will give, their power and strength, to the beast, send it over, on America, said the pope, the day of the Lord, and he saw, Jesus, riding the cloud, I AM who I AM said the to bright to look at face, brighter than the sun, again, and the lighted finger pointed, there are no visions in Pentecost, because there are no more apostolics in Pentecost, theres the alarm, showed hollie, and the finger pointed, and he saw, the black chariot being pulled by the black horse, that quiets the Spirit of Jesus in the whole world, with false prophet hu and the pope, lula, fox, calderon, castrol, Nicaragua, jong, putin, they will give ther power and strength to the beast, send it over, said the pope, on America, and the pope came out of the four horns, magog, china, and all those surrounding lands, and out of the invaded absorbed Moscow same the pope, china will steal but, who is the leopard, china, and all those, surrounding lands, this is magog, the four carpenters, that scatter, Israel, the agreement, Russia and china have, to protect, each other, from, America, but, Russia will keep the oil and arsenal, and the lighted finger and hollie shwoed to record, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, and hollie showed to record, if its not broke, then dont fix, bob, we accept you, said sunnysnet, accept Jesus according to scripture, and he saw the ten toed beast like, and the finger pointed, a lighted angel, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, putin, hu, Nicaragua, fox, calderon, germany, iran, jong, chavez, lula, castrol, they will give their power and strength, then he saw the ten horns on the popes head, to the beast, send it over on America, theres the ten toed beast, and hollie showed number one, golden bear paws, oil, said the pope, is bringing Armageddon, china will make Russia invade Israel, the battle of Armageddon, and Christ with many of his saints, will appear, on the mount of olives, find your way back, sang, and the lighted finger pointed, grace slick, Jefferson starship, big hit, sold millions, but, she is, almost 70, and cant sing, for long, got it she said, she wont stop, but, they draw, still tour, but old, musicians get to where they cannot breath as well, thats why, david Gilmore wanted control, thats why pink floyd does not tour, syd barret, replaceable, theres the alarm, and he saw the statue of liberty like an angel, America was a golden cup in the Lords hand that made all of the earth drunk, en, by pushing sin, instead of, now, the statue of liberty, git out of here, said, Robert, cavaness, they want, to teach, but, dont have anything, and, wont, here, from, bob, open, he said, but, not, closed, cut off, but, pastoring, preach, he said, and hollie pointed, but, want out, him, not, bob, has a sword, the statue of liberty, threatening the whole world, use, in your engine the oil they recommend, thicker, is not always, better, and hollie pointed, radio, you put on, and hollie pointed, there are no visions in Pentecost because there are no more apostolics in Pentecost, and the finger pointed, hollie both times, Im a bear, and the finger pointed, me, said putin, Russia, said putin, satan is the head, and the pope came out, and the leopard is the body, north and south korea, japan, and china, magog, the four carpenters that scatter Israel, thats Jesus riding the cloud pointed hollie, the sign of the coming of the Son of man, and he saw, the angel, with the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand the fiery darts of the enemy, dont tell in my church, said Robert, cavaness, these, pastors, upci, wont, they, hinder, Jesus, and prevent, them, that would come, and hollie moved up the mountain again, write the vision and make it plain, there are no visions in Pentecost because there are no more apostolics in Pentecost said the tap dancers, and he saw ten horns and putin, hu, Nicaragua, chavez, lula, kim jong, germany, iran, castrol, came out from behind, and hollie pointed, what is that, said hollie, that is, the ten horns, these, ten kings, hate, America, and he saw, ten lighted heads, and seven, lighted heads, and he saw, are, seven nations, that have an agreement, with America, tell it, saith, hollie, Im the beast said the little horn, and the popes face came out, Im the second beast said the other horn, and false prophet hus face came out, the two beasts, and hollie showed to record the vision, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said the main ministering spirit, and Im hollie, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, and she laughed when she saw this, Israel, said sunnynet, is a, cup of trembling, Israel, is, the, servand, of, Jesus, also, give warning, she did not like her vision, cut off, beautiful, young, prettier than beautiful, but, masterbation, when Jesus was drawing, and hollie showed, the timing light, dont waste your money, it, whats that, car, mechanic, uses, to set, timing, bounces and you have to guess, iran, guess anyway, turn it all the way one way until it runs very rough, and then turn it back till it runs perfect, right when, it runs, perfect, perfect, timing, close, Israel, keep, on, posting, bob likes, and so does, Jesus, he taught, Israel, work, for, Jesus, and he will give to you, the victory, shout, when led, isreal, wait, on Jesus, and hollie, Israel, you are, not, the only, prophet, many, and you know it, bob guessed perfect, more than once, and the pope came out of, the four horns, magog, was over, china, north and south korea, and japan, situate, a buisness, empire, where, china, and all those, lands are, booming, write stan jonhson, said, babyfleas, tell, hes over but not the ruler, hu is, the ruler, of, magog, and the pope, rules, the rest of, the, world, grecia, and he saw, them sitting at the table, 666, born there, and hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and hollie, the pope, and hu is the false prophet, and hollie showed, seven and ten, thats hollie on the streets of glass, new jerusalem, and pointed, why is Russia the beast, because, the pope, will go to, the, greek, orthadoxed, church, in Moscow, and gain, control, and come out of, the, one sixth, of Moscow, left, and hollie, the marine corp., will be in the streets, in America, right before, this, hit, takes place, Israel, post, write the vision and make it plain, and holie pointed, that was the hot simmering sound, thats what you need to worry about, tell visions, said sunnysnet, oil, said the pope, and hollie pointed, that is what is closing out the world, nations wanting, and America, gobbling, uto, o my God, o my God, my God my God, when America goes to war with china, watch out, said the pope, and babylfeas bit the prophets head off, and the geese winked, twice, one was a statue, bronze, Israel, wait on Jesus my house, you can not go, into, the, church, they will, get, you, like, they got, Jesus, religious, Israel, post, like, crazy, God is getting, happy, with you, Israel, Jesus is, coming, ready or not, he will not spare, Israel, hu, Im, the, false, prophet, look bobby, no blood, only, my own, theres the alarm, said hollie, like a bear, I'm a bear, me, said, putin, and, satan is, the, head, and, the pope, is, the mouth, speaking, great things, with, satan, controlling, and, the leopard, is, the, body, with, north and south korea, japan, and, china, where all those lands are, entries made 8-9-2006-ISRAEL IS, A, CUP OF TREMBLING, TO THE WHOLE WORLD, NUKES, AND BUSH, PUT IT UNDER, LEBANON, YOU KNEW, AND NOW, YOU ARE, PAYING, PUT IT UNDER, bobby, dont go to iraq, EZEKIEL 7, fulfilled in iraq, nuclear exchange, brought in by oil man bush to break oil contracts and prevent Moscow and china, from getting, after America hits iraq, then, we have about 3 months, and the pope came up out of the four horns, Moscow, and china invaded, and absorbed, the four horns are magog, north and south korea, japan and china, where all those lands are, phone, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, like a bear, Im a bear, and hollie pointed, now let me see, said sunnysnet, hurry, and the finger pointed, and subs fired on Moscow and china, sunnysnet knows thats shes the ministering spirit on ministryofdreams, very popular and bob likes her, satans voice is the name of her message board she said, bob would like to put visions on it, but, I aint gonna here it she said, theres the alarm, said hollie, like a bear, Im; a bear, satan, is, the, head, the pope is, the mouthpiece, and, the body is, let me see here, said, sunnysnet, the leopard, china, and all those, surrounding, lands, and subs sneaked up on Americano, boom, and the world exploded, and he saw, fire up both coasts, and up the middle, from subs, and the finger pointed, and the woman in hell, hell, she said, let me see here, hollie looks like a, cant describe it, when she says, and the woman pointed, describe me, whore, and he saw, no neck, ears like, animal, and subs sneaked up on, Moscow and china, boom, and the world reeled to and fro, like a drunkard, said Kristi lee from q95, and when she gets this, and hollie was on top, she will wadd it up and throw it away, greetings prophets bob and tom, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, like his head was in her mouth between her teeth and she smiled, I did not like my vision she said, prophet told her, that she was cut off, shes about 22, and, prettier than, now let me see here, bob would marry her, the ministering spirit on ministryofdreams, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, bob calls all spirits hollie, but, that was hollie, like a white angel, and she bowed, thats babyfleas, shes the main ministering spirit, but, God played with her appearance, and keeps changing her, bobs favorite spirit is hollie, but, its really babyfleas, yowp, she said, but, I won't, she said, theres the submarine sound, said hollie, and she licked the prophet, and, the world wobbled, and, hollie was on top, are you ready, read and do, ACTS 2:38, Theres the submarine sound, and hollie licked the prophet, babyfleas, and he sees, her, and she points, which way to turn, uto, now bobs worried about getting all the visions on tomorrow, to late said Jesus, babyfleas already knows, somebody wrote her and she wrote back, and loves it, ministryofdreams is number one showed hollie, and that was really babyfleas, but, leave it there, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope, and many spirits told him that, babyfleas, hollie, and the Lord of host, thats no Jesus, pointed hollie, thats, shhhhh, satan, but he looked like, Jesus, o my God, and the headlines said, irving Baxter, cut off, upci, no signs, but, cant find him, search harder, iraq war is EZEKIEL 7, and hollie jumped on the bike and took it, dont be surprised, bob might start collecting bikes, leave them, then, he can give them away as God leads, and the lighted finger pointed, and the world reeled to and fro like a drunkard, captain guzunehidt, let me see here, thats irving Baxter, and the headlines showed, irving Baxter, cut off, no signs, forget it, he said, but, touring, selling books, hes a, multimillionaire, and suppost to be the apostle paul to u.p.c.i., but, God has never healed the sick thru him, but man came, hes fake, said the man in the prayer room at oak park church, but, where can we go, and the finger pointed, battleship u.s.s. Indianapolis said survivor odonnell, battleship down, when they were in the water, they told God whatever what he wanted to hear, and Im the main ministering spirit and Im hollie, and I look like babyfleas and hollie put together, and, music plays when I talk said sunnysnet, Taurus, And the lighted finger pointed, they are good cars if you keep full of oil, and hollie waved from her submarine, America said putin, you want Russia, come on, and he saw bush and putin, they can destroy each other and hate each other, but nukes, and hollie showed, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns and Im the red dragon said the red dragon,hu, thats china, their national emblem, china is the red dragon, and the pope will come out of china, after they invade Moscow, and, he will go to the greek orthadoxed church and make an agreement to gain control and get it, that was hollie tearing up the contract, let me see here, and hollie pointed, lighted finger, let me see here, God is thinking about what to give bob to put on the website, let me see here said sunnysnet, and hollie, and hollie pointed, raise your vision and repeat after me, give God time to work things out, and the engine said, leave it alone, dont swap the anti freeze, keep it or give it away, write the vision and make it plain, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and Is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, has just arrived, its iran, thats when, Russia will get the one mind to destroy America, enough, putin will say, at first, I expect it, but, then, a thought will come, I aint gonna hear it he said, get rid of, watch out, write the vision and make it plain, and hollie pointed, keep for now, put in room, 63, times, theres the submarine sound again, and captain hollie waving, git that out of here, those gauges, give to the goodwill, they will sell cheap, Jackie works there, the filter and the jack, theres the black chariot, and false prophet hu, the pope, the new world order, and hollie showed to record the vision, they will sell that stuff for about 18 dollars not knowing what it is, somebody will smile, And hollie it up, putin is going to do it, he already, wishes, he could, he will look at all around, ahnialation, out of, mexico, cuba, let me see here, Nicaragua, plucked to invade, then leave, the three ribs in the bears mouth and bob saw it, he will plan it, he is, war, bombers over the top, and subs down at the bottom, plucked meaning, show up, fire, leave, but, the mistake they will make after planning with china, is grabbing Alaska first, and the lighted finger pointed, then, orders will go to American submarine commanders, watch Moscow and china, Alaska just got hit, nuclear, they will, arm and aim, and, somebody will say, to late, and the lighted finger pointed, boom, 3 commanders on ohio class subs will fire most of their missiles, one can wipe out, most of, Moscow and china, but, its got to be better planned, some places will get hit as many as three times, the radiation will, and the lighted finger pointed, spread, all over, thats; how, and the finger pointed, one third of the population will be wiped out, china about halfway, Russia about five sixth, and the world reeled to and fro like a drunkard, and hollie was on top of the world and riding the missile, mx, bob saw it take off, America will not unload,and the lighted finger pointed, but, from subs only, whats in silos, not needed, scrap, save money, and hollie tore up the contract, I needed taiwan, said, bush, to, have, a, military base, near, china, and, moscow, that is all, that is keeping, war, from, break, ing, out, right now, today, saith, hollie, and she bowed, Theres the submarine sound, and hollie licked the prophet, and subs all around, America, fire, said, hollie, and the world wobbled, and, hollie was on top, and hollie, the apocrypha, dont read it, just, a, another, poorly, written, book, similar to the bible, theres the submarine sound, said hollie, and she licked the prophet, Theres the submarine sound, and holie licked the prophet, and pointed, and babyfleas, bit the prophets head off, and hollie pointed, record the vision, and make it clear, but, if the missile, explodes, in the silo, so what, deep, crator, those are unstoppable, but, they have to be fired, but, subs are way better, sneak, sudden, cheaper, not, all America would need is four subs prowling the oceans, and they could retire their navy and army, invade, your nation gets turned into, you know what Russia did, they, and the lighted finger pointed, they, kicked out Jesus, and, greek orthadoxed, only, and the finger pointed, lighted, lets rule the world, Russia, china, cuba, Nicaragua, mexico, north korea, Venezuela, brazil, and he saw them planning, but, Moscow will do it without, only china, will know, china, will attack Washington state and destroy most of Taiwan, to lure, America, into war, then, and he saw, the pope come up out of, the four horns, magog, north and south korea, japan, situate, where china and all those lands are, and out of china comes the pope, the one sixth of Moscow which china rules but, by threat only, the pope will gain control at the greek orthadoxed church, and, hu and japan, will rise, to withstand, put it under, they will hate each other, but cling to each other, threaten, this is when Moscow regains control over Russia, but, mostly destroyed, and hollie tore up the con 666, born at the table to prevent them from destroying each other, but, the pope, will rule the world, and hu, the king of the south, and the lighted finger pointed, will rule magog, and he saw, magog, where, china, and all those surrounding lands are, it, Russia dwarfed it, magog will be most of Russia, but, that nuclear arsenal, right, there, in that little bit of Russia and the oil, and hu, I will not put with you, they will say to each other, the pope, and false prophet hu, the end time dream-vision recieved 10-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin of russia and he said, russia, command google, russia blaspheme, russia git, last warning, russia magog, and magog is russia, russia blasphemes the united states, commercially the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, commerically MYSTERY, BABYLON is blapheme, commercially means non-comercial, hit chicago, financial center of the world of new york city, and commercially the beast is bobylon, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth is washington d.c., commercially the united states is the financial center of the world, china is the center of blaspheme, and thats against the Holy One, and om the girl from brother bullocks Church, and I look like the walmart girl, and pastor dave scott was in on that and I'm kristina, and I saw macaulay culkin, and he said, macaulay culkin, and putin said, commercially the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and that all right now, and that end time president, and mr. bush isn't, her name is hillary clinton, now turn around and shake your hands with somebody that will deliver you and kristina fox said, must be Jesus, and putin said, russia has a 200 million man army, commercially the united states last chance, and stephen hanson sings, last chance, and putin said, commercially the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON 2, babylon 3 is in iraq, the united states is iraq, the united states is afghanistan, the united states is cuba, the own half of cuba, president bush wants to invade the second half, babylon is the end time message, and dumitru duduman was given that message and I'm the girl that goes to brother bullocks Church and kristina said, with kristina, awesome, and I'm ann schmidt, and I'm macaulay culkin, how cute, whats this, that was virginia boldea, and putin said, your last stand, and babylon is, commercially, america, russia is the beast with 7 heads, financially russia's got a nuclear city underneath moscow, understand, when russia makes a promise, they don't keep it, russia is the bear with 3 ribs in its mouth, and stephen hansen said, putin, who are the 3, rib, putin, and dave scott said, o shit, and the three ribs are nicaragua, cuba, and mexico, and stephen hanson and pastor dave scott, and maybe others were in, and putin said, commercial babylon is america, all we got is oil, a and stephen hanson said, lot, and putin said, enough to fuel the united states for 13 and half years, o my God, raise your hands and repeat after me, financially russia got a financial, then russia is the beast with 10 horns, and the one that rises later is the, and chinese president said, pope, and putin said, russia's got a 1000 gallons of nuclear fuel, commercially the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, hallelujah, and thats the end time message, tell the truth, your already bored and financially MYSTERY, BABYLON is going under quicker than you think, which is why mr bush is getting ready to nuke iran, the united states is going under, america is MYSTERY, BABYLON, united kingdom is MYSTERY, BABYLON 2, and I saw prime minister tony blair and he said, the truth, MYSTERY, BABYLON 2 is NEW YORK CITY, and that was tony blair with pastor scott's voice and I'm kristina, and commerically is iraq, commercially babylon is iran, thats the truth, and russia is tellin the truth is on no, and the truth is, tell the truth, tell the truth, and kristina said, and the truth is, and hollie said, president bush will assassinated by his own people, fountain sqaure is the national downtown of indianapolis, stay away from there, and I'm not sure who said that, and putin said, stay away from there because they will collapse, and I heard and saw, bart, and putin said, bart peterson, the united states will collapse, and bart said, not true, I don't care, and steven hanson said, were and bart said, covered, and putin said, financially the united states is new york city, and that is the great city that reigns over the kings of the earth, and that is washington d.c., and I saw the pope and he said, Israel, I'm the beast, and stephen said, hall, and the pope said, aluiah, and putin said, and washington state is and chinese president hu said, china, and putin said, china will invade the united states, and hu said, put troops in cargo ships financially MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states, and thats the end day message, the united states has the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will set you free, and the TRUTH will set you free, and the TRUTH will sanctify you, and the truth russia will attack new york state, and d.c. when you least expect, and that was putin with dave scotts voice and I'm kristina and I'm the woman that goes to bullocks Church, and that was steven hansons voice and steve was in on that, and putin said, to get control over america, you blaspheme the Holy Ghost once, and that the TRUTH, and dumitru duduman said, no I didn't, and stephen hanson said, yes you did, and dumitru said, I couldn't and stephen said, get, and dumitru said, thru, and michael boldea said, o how awesome, and putin said, financially the united states is in trouble, they borrow from any one who and ron meins said has, and putin said, no sense, and I saw Jesus and He had Brown Hair and He said, Judge, and Jesus with putins voice said, judge people, financially the united states is about to collapse, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and the united states is giving russia technology, and stephen said, technology, and putin said, that russia will destroy america with, russia's got nuclear missile aimed at Indianapolis, and every commercial in the entire universe, russia got ten nuclear subs, and 2000 warheads, and stephen hanson said, on those subs, and putin said, once a week they plant a sub in american waters, conditioning, russia can shoot down missiles, and hollie said, coputerised and putin said, missile defence, what the hell, and the speedway woman said, and the Lord says, and putin said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states, raise your MANTLE and repeat after me, president bush will on national television the united states is broke, its out, looting, the guard in the streets, russia will attack and hollie said, when the economy collapses, and putin said, and they will cause terroists, there making deals with satan, and satan is koran, koran is muslim, the united states can destroy russia, it would take one ohio class sub, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON 2, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON 2, the united states repent of their unGODliness, if they repent, they will reeive an extension, under the condition they keep their repentence, they won't, they won't, and bob kevoian said but cheap trick sang, and robin zander sang, but it feels so lonely, and I saw the lead guitarist for cheap trick and he said, om in trouble, and virgina boldea said look what you done to me, I'm fooled, and putin said, and financially teoll the truth, and I saw a White ANgel and He held up two Fingers, and kristina said, that was Jesus, and putin said, to stand for the TRUTH and the united states has been rejected, by the Holy Spirit, at this time and michael boldea sr. said and I'm girl that goes to bullocks Church, help me, and kristina said, and he had steven hanson's voice, and putin said, and the Spirit will leave the Churches soon if they don't repent, the Vine is clean dried up, the Vine is Jesus, and kristina said, and isarel is the beast's home, and putin said, and and robin zander sang, watching shadows move across the wall, and it feels so lonely and kristina sang, lonely, and hollie sang, watching shadows move across the wall, and robin sang, and it feels so, and putin said, and Jesus is leaving the Churches, financially, let the economy collapse, president bush will collapse the economy, sound the warning, thats the truth, thats the truth, and thats the end day message, and arnold Schwarzenegger said, I will become president and indianapolis if I get my hands on you your trapped, yor history, and stephen hanson said, I and arnold said, I saw website and you are out of my range, and financially were fucked up, your right, I got my feelings hurt, and putin said, and arnold said, and the truth is I won't, I'd beat hillary, and hillary said, but, and arnold said, the law won't let me, and have a good day, blaspheme, and putin said and the Truth is, by the Truth is buy the TRUTH and sell it not, thats the truth, and arnold Schwarzenegger said and the TRUTH is, by my last nightmare, I'm a prophet, I committed blaspheme, repent and be baptized and kristina said, in, I'm girl that goes to bullocks Church said, Jesus name, and be filled with the Holy One from Isreal, and arnold said, ollright, ACTS and stephen hanson said, 2:38, and arnold said, thats all I want, and I saw sam neill and heard him say with arnolds voice, have a good day, and a man said, He'll deliver you, and arnaold said, this blasphemy will not come off, shit, and pastor dave scott said, pay the ransome and arnold said, here's the problem, and stephen said, I don't want and arnold said, live, and steven said, the Lord, and arnold said, awesome, thats it, return, the choice is up to you, and putin said, thats the TRUTH, and arnold would be president in 2008, he would beat hillary, pakistan is getting ready to attack russia, and I saw the president of pakistan and he said, and I'm and I saw chinese president hu and he said, al qaeda, and putin said, and your not going to believe russia's going to fight with the beast, and the beast is, and I saw the pope and he said, pope, and putin said, give warning, and the pope said, isreal, attack, eventually, russia, destroy, and russia, and stephen said, will become, and hu said, will become, and stephen said, one more, and the president of north korea said, and, and steven hanson will become china, and kristina said, russia, and stephen hanson said, and china is magog, and the chinese president said, all you have to do is, attack, and putin and hu were in on that, with stephen hanson's voice, and Jesus said, I'm judgment, hold it, and steven said, russia will attack the united states and and hu said, china and steven said, will attack russia, and force russia to invade israel, and robin zander sang from the song, the flame and he sang, and I will be the flame, I will be the and the lead singer from the bangles sang, flameeeeeeee, and as robin sang earlier, I saw Jesus and He had Brown Hair and Beard and wore a White Robe and Robin zander was wearing a white suit, and was kneeling before Jesus, and the lead singer for the bangles sang, and I will be the and robin sang, flame, and the woman from cornelius bullocks Church sang, and I will be the, and hollie, said, the flameeeeeeeeeeeeee, I'm moodie, return moody, return, and kristina fox said, kristina, and gene schmidt said, geno, and ann schmidt said, well I and hillary clinton said, got news for you, I'm an exprophet, and bill clinton said, bill, and stephen hanson said, would and bill said, come and stephen said, back and bill said, to, and stephen said, Jesus, and bill said, no, and Jesus said, My name is Jesus Christ, and hollie said, prophet, you will, and the woman from bullocks Church said, prophesy, and putin said, your decision is to not extend iraq, and Jesus sings, the fullness of the Godhead is in Him, and putin said, and financially the united states is about to collapse, and brother stair said, the last days prophet is mystery, and maybe, MYSTERY, BABYLON, I got news for you, he is a prophet, he made it up, tell me the truth, I saw dumitru's website, and website was corrected because you prayed, and putin said, raise your hands up and repeat after me, whe russia goes broke, lets just fight, this is a warning, president putin will not back down from nobody, o shit, hit cuba and we'll and he shouted, attack!, thats thier platform, and they won't attack, the united states will not repent, and purging can reverse the whore spirit, and your concious does get seared and when your concious get seared, and I saw Jesus and He said, it's off, and putin said, it's done, God can restore it, but He won't, and financially MYSTERY, BABYLON is about to collapse, wrpa your vision and repeat after me, your done with prophecy, and hollie said, give the warning to hollie, moody, and putin said, warning, cuba is the united states worst enemy, the united states will be attacked out of cuba, nicaragua, thats the warning, give this warning to hollie, moody, and hollie said, thats and maybe it, and putin said, the united states is going to invade cuba when you least expect it, and the truth is the united states is cuba best friend, and stephen hanson said, castrol who's your best friend, and castrol said, the states, hook me up, the united states protects me, warning killed, and putin said, he'll be assassinated by russia, tell'em not to leave the radio down, and macaulay culkin said, stair, blow the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in My Holy Mountain, and maybe stair said, try not to get invovled, true Spirit, and putin said, financially stair is a millionaire and he'll be broke, and he'll repent, tell me the truth, and brother stair said, I'm an exprophet, he still has vision, the truth is I blaspheme, I blaspheme bob, purged, now I feel God, warnem not to blaspheme no more, and maybe putin said some of that and possibly this, america is MYSTERY, BABYLON 2, the two means no repentence, not even for children, I child is accountable at the age of about and a the woman from bullocks Church said, 15, and putin said, thats when they see they need Jesus, and stair said, won't forgive blaspheme, and putin said, purge, remove, pay ransome, ransome is, and stair said I'm lookin and putin said, ransome issssss and the ransome is everything you have, or be willin, thats the end of this meeting, and hollie said, prophecy club is now in session, I'm moodie, and possibly al gore said, prophet you have last thing to say before we close this session, lets repeat it after me, russia will attack, and I know it, Gore would have strengthened america beyond reagan, beyond bush, our nuclear subs, would be, russia would be stronger, wew need nuclear united states, were loosing out, were destroying our on economy by your gas prices bush, the new gasoline, the new gasoline, is the new choice, and the new gasoline is collapsing out economy, and this was repeated, the new gasoline is 100 percent alcohol, thats not true, it's, and al gore said, It'll collapse twice, and stair said, russia, collapse it, and al gore said, russia won't collapse economy, the united states will, gasoline is same, bush is paying for the iraq war with diesel, unleaded, there are no refinery restrictions, he's lying and thats the end of MYSTERY, BABYLON financially, and MYSTERY, BABYLON unleaded, and a woman said, should only be about 2 dollars, and this president said, iraq war, and hollie said, unleaded is being, and hollie said, stored, opec will cut us off, the gas is for the government, we'll be all right, and putin said, fuck him, and financially russia is broke, and al gore said, russia broke for, there will be a new world government out of russia, which will be china, china will be, and putin said, the lamb growing out two horns, the two horns is, and I saw china president hu and he said, china and I saw the emporer of japan and he said, japan, and either him or somebody else said, financially the pope will sit in the Church of Nativity, thats the temple, china is the new, and I saw hu and he said, false prophet, and a woman said, and, china will be the new world order, and financially china will deal with russia, china will sit at the table, and russia will sit at the table, and the pope is russia, and they'll both know the TRUTH, and they both will not do It, no, gentiles cannot be saved when russia hits the united states, russia will be nuclear eventually china will superpower, china superpower right now, and eventually russia gonna be absorbed, and He saw the name China where russia is in a dream, china will force russia to invade, and al gore said, isreal, they'll push for the pope, and the pope will be financially destroyed, and eventually they'll drink of the same cup in Heaven, and and macaulay culkin said, and Heaven, and somebody said, is hell, and putin said, when the 1000 years is up, satan will be loosed for a season, and he'll be cast alive in the lake of fire, and he'll and I shouted, burn, burn this place, and macaualay said, that was macaulay, and putin said, give this to moody, the warning isn't over, clap your hands and repeat after me, and al gore said, when you go to the bank, warning, and the bank is the government, and the bank is loosing tis power to attract high investments, and all said, and that means collapse bush is collapsing the economy, and this president said, do away with welfare, and stephen hanson said, and social security, and financially you'll be paying for, the iraq war, the iraq war is going to collapse the economy in 2007, and putin said, minus 1 year, have a financial collapse and putin said, 2007, soo, and steven said, 7, the woman from bullocks Church said, russia will attack america in 2008, hurry, macaulay, and culkin said, last warning, and somebody may have sang, hollie, and hollie said, moody, thats the conclusion of the prophecy club, now I can git home and sleep, whats next, and putin said, collapse, 2006, 2011, its up to the last days prophet is, whosoever will, let him sleep in Heaven, and al gore said, and Heaven is the empire state will collapse in 2002, and eventually, and putin said, it will collapse, air plane, ram it, just like 9-11, bush ordered, bush wanted to collapse the economy, bush would, accept it, and this president said, please help, your done for now, and financially the united states is broke, will you help us, and gene simmons of kiss said, president bush, don't, collapse, and one time he and michael boldea said it separately, and putin said, russia will attack america, and dumitru duduman said, putin has missiles all around the world, and this president said, has been taken, the prophecy is done and gene simmons said, president bush, gettin financially, eventually, collapse the economy, russia, and putin said, will, and al gore said, will, and two women said, will and putin said, attack, and hollie said the prophecy club is now in session, I'm hollie, I'm moody, the prophecy club is closed, last person, and maybe, I'm pay for this stan, good night, and stephen said, get the, and stan said, prophecy, and maybe putin said, and financially MYSTERY, BABYLON is russia, and russia is of the air, russia is america, but the TRUTH and sell It not, the economy will collapse in 2007, good nite, sleep tight, 2008 is when the economy will collapse the second time, and thats when russia will strike and the united states your loosing it, with these visions their draining your desire to press, and eventually russia will collapse the economy and attack pennsylvania and cuba, and pennsylvania and cuba will be destroyed, and putin said, and eventually russia will attack the united states, and eventually china will force russia to invade israel, and Christ will fight against His enemies, thats the end and sam neill said, whatch what you ask for, you might get it, and macaulay said, look at the price of food, food will triple, food will double, and somebody else may have said some of that and somebody said, eventually the economy will collapse, and eventually america will burn, good night, sleep tight, when you see 99 cents gas prices look out, and koran will attack america when you least expect it, and the pope will make israel the mark of the beast, and it will be 666, lift your hands and repeat after me, the pope will be slashed, satan enters in, he will be when satan enters in he'll will be like a wonderful savior, and eventually they will see thru, he will deceive and eventually they will see thru him, the miracles are from and I saw Jesus and He said, pope, pope, and stephen hanson said, hallelujah, hallelujah, and the iupui security guard said, the Holy Ghost, and the pope said, seven and a half and somebody said, years, of religion, and the pope said, and the master plan is hallelujah, I'll be assassinted, satan will enter in, and resurrect my body, and al gore said, I'm in hell, eventually, pope will be satan's body, his body with one arm and one eye, and eventually he'll be cast into the lake of fire, and thats it, and macaulay culkin said, Isreal, and I saw a mans hand and it had a 6 in one of the fingers, and the finger was the mark of the beast, and the beast's number is, and that was the walmart girl in the woman from bullocks Church body and stephen hanson said it, and macaulay said, 6, and threescore, and that was macaulay and the woman from bullocks Church, and the threescore looks like a flanged cross, and 6, 6 is the last number, he will cause all, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive the mark, in, there, right, hand, or, head, and, and, and, nobody will buy or sell unless they have the mark, and the mark is, eventually, 6, 6, 6, and thats it, eventually, bob, you are backslided in Heaven, and Heaven is, and macaulay said, hell, bob will not perish, he will, and he is me, thats the conclusion, and macaulay said, and eventually I'll grow up the woman from bullocks Church said, and git saved, and Jesus said, thats it, and macaulay said, and eventually you and Jesus sings you will and stephen said, back, and Jesus sang slide, and maybe both separately sang, hallelujah, the pope will be the new leader of the world, and al gore, and the pope and maybe steven hanson and possibly someone else, the woman from bullocks Church said, and eventually, and putin sang, russia, and said, is the beast, russia is the beast, with 7 heads and 10 horns, hallelujah, china will invade russia, china will destroy russia, china is the and stephen hanson said, the new world order, and putin said, good night, sleep tight, china, and steve said, china, and this president said, I got news for you, and macaulay culkin said, the prophey club is now in session, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church and the Lord is gonna and hollie said, close, and the woman said, the, and hollie said, the and the woman said, the prophecy club, and this president said, and the united states is going to and al gore said, attack, and stephen hanson said, russia, and and macaulay said, I don't beleive and al gore said, it, Gods forgiven, and steven said, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church, and bullock said, eventually, per and steven said, ish, and bullock said, stay here, and I heard the beatles song being sang, and when the night is longer, there is a chance that we will see Heaven, and macaulay said, paul McCartney wrote that song and paul said, bob, git it off, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, and the Lord says its time for you to go to sleep with your fathers, and hollie said, and the Lord says, and al gore said, I'm out, and kristina said, that and hollie said, was paul mccartney, and paul sang, and when and george harrison sang, night is, and paul said, git it off, and kristina said, thats why and hollie said, they broke up, he's tellin, and that was kristina, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, they were jelous, sleepin, and stephen hanson said, bob figured it out, and paul said, I, and steven said, sold, if you want the reaon the beatles broke up, and the reason is, and putin said, russia, and steven said, is, tell the vision, and macaulay said, is, the, and kristina fox said, the beast, with, 7 heads, ten horns, and that was hollie, and Jesus sang, the pope is the antichrist, the pope is the antichrist, the pope, hallelujah, and I saw robin zander and macaulay culkin sang, watching shadows move across the wall, but it feels so lonely, and hollie sang watchin, shadow, move acoss, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church, the walls, thats the song of a backslider, and it haunts witness, and the witness is, and I saw robin zander and he said, used to be apostolic, now om out, and steve said, come back robin, and robin said, unbeleiveable, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church who said much of this said, who wrote the song, the flame, and hollie was in on that, and I saw the lead guitarist's for cheap trick and he said, I did, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church and the Lord says, come back, and the cheap trick stinged instrument said, eventually, leave us alone, and robin said, move across the street, so I can trap you, I heard ya prophet, you know speedway gas, it's cheap, and that was steven and sam neill, and hollie said, steven your not close enough, and hollie said, let me touch you, and, and steven said, and eventually you will, and Jesus said, don't fall asleep, and kristina fox said, and Jesus said, and Jesus said, russia, let Me tell you something, and I saw putin and he said, I'm putin, full price, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, and that was stephen hanson, and ron meins sang, your mercy has run out mr. ______, hallelujah, and I said, the ransome, and stephen sang paid for, no ransome, and that was with sam neills voice and om kristina and om hollie, and I saw me singing, but it feels so, and zander sang, lonely, but it feels so lonely and macaulay would join in on that, where ever you go, my answer is, and I saw the lead singer of the bangles and she sang, I will be the flame, and robin sang, I, I'll put you on the radio, witness is sleepin, witness, and steven said, do you want a number 1 hit, and robin zander said, yes I do, and Jesus sang, the fulness and steven sang, of, and Jesus sang, the Godhead is in Him, and stephen sang, the, and Jesus sang, fulness of and maybe steven sang, the cursed God, and Jesus sang, in him, and hollie said, no money, thats my answer, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, and russia will, be, and stephen said, invaded, and sam neill said, by, and hu said, china, lets spoil, and stephen said, the money, don't give it to the poor, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church and the answer is, and hollie said, and hu said, china will, spoil and steven said, russia, and hollie said, and witness saw, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, words, spoil and russia, and robin zander sang, but it and I sang feels so and robin sang lone, and maybe I sang lonely, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, that song haunts witness, and hollie said, witness is almost crying, and ron miens said, and the LOrd says, and hollie said, the reason that song hurts ya, because, and stephen hanson said, witness won't, you want my answer, and hollie said, its, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, so real, and robin and upci general superintendent kenneth haney sang separately, but if feels so lonely, watching shadows move the parking lot, live here, and robin said, cain't, and haney said, ridiculous, ridic, eventually, you'll figure it out, were gittin ready to loose ya, the united states is going to attack russia, I can't beleive it, git in your room, and stephen hanson said, and that was ken haney with al gore, and hollie said, and witness and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, saw and hollie said, the and the woman that goes to bullocks Church the word mullenax, and steven said, and thats, linda mullenax, and I saw linda, and linda said, linda, what do you have to say, and steven said, eventually, and al gore said, and eventually, om going and steven said, out, and the pope said, and eventually the united states, and steven said, will and the pope said, turn, and and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, the pope, and I saw the pope and he said, your lost, and I saw a Spirit that looked like Jesus and kristina said, and Jesus was laughin at the pope's calamity, and hollie said, and the popes calamity is, and robin zander said, your wanted in concert, and hollie sang, you can prove it, you can prove it, and kristina sang, you can prove it, you can prove it, you can prove it, and the pope said, fall, I'm delivered, and and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, he's about to be rejected, he doesn't want the Lord, and the pope said, and financially, and maybe he had steven voice or steven was in on that, and Jesus said, now lets see, and the pope said, and the pope said, got and steven said, a raise, and the pope said, you gotta go down, repent of perish, and steve hanson was in on that, the pope and steven said, cannot be saved, and the pope said, blasphemy is not forsaken, pope and steven said, is the and the pope said, is the devil, now, and steven said, loose your heart and repeat after me, leave the pope alone, and hollie said, and the Lord says, its not the pope, and the pope with steven's voice said, and eventually, and debbie said, and eventually you will be the beast, and hollie said, when, and macaulay said, the devil, and macualay said, enter's into you, and china president said, chi, and the pope said, na, and hsu said, will spoil russia, and hu said, china has, steven said, df-31, and hu said, 500, and that was with steven hanson's voice, and I'm the walmart girl, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church and I lie, and hollie was in on that, and hollie said, and thats the end of, and gene simmons sang, ministryofdreams, hallelujah, and that was paul stanley who said, the last, and he said, I'm paul, and paul newman said, and I'm paul, and two women said, close the website and git out of here.

revelations of the ram and the hegoat revealed-visions received 12-29-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirits that looked like people and they said: put yushchenko in russia and thats ukraine, politburo, and they will give thier power and strength unto, china is gitting attention from other countries cause of their secretive, venezuela hates china, but, china wants venezuelan oil and america's destruction, let, hugo says, because he wanted a friend on both sides, now, he's got a mess and he knows it, those contracts last with china for indefinate, he messed up and he knows, put it under, he should've sold america oil, this is what God wanted to show you, america's main oil supplier is selling out to america's biggest enemy, that is china, china is the worlds biggest enemy, heres the proof, china will not let other buisnesses in china, they will, but, they will not take anything from them, bush is stupid hu says cause bush tells everything about china on the internet, china has more nuclear missiles taht russia and america put together, they are hidden, heres the proof, they have over 500 aimed at taiwan, that is awesome when you think about it, bush is laughin, but, bush knows that china is the hegoat and russia is the ram and china is the bear, russia is the bear but china owns russia, and russia will attack the united states and china will attack russia and force russia russia to invade israel, then china will make an agreement at the table with the pope whi is the antichrist for 666, the mark of the beast, 666, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, aman, call it, the new world order is china is magog, china is the red dragon, magog is satan, hallelujah, aman, Christ will appear and speak the Word, hallelujah, aman, put it under, china is magog, the horn that came up last is china and who is with her, china is magog and magog is the national anthem for the new world order, hallelujah, aman, china will not go along with america much longer, cause, they are capable of destroying both russia and america, call it, china will rise like a beast out ot the sea having 7 heads and 10 horns and the 10 horns is poliboro, interesting, the heads are nations that have an agreement with the woman whore MYSTERY, thats the united states, babylon, and that is that great kingdom that rules over the kings of the earth aman, china will not attack unless they are attacked and america keeps taiwan from, united states and tahta an attack, china is angry, you just wait, aman, dogs like riding in the car, it is fun to them, they think it is boring, but, be with my, when russia has enough hardship, they will not hesitate to start a nuclear war, china is heading toward economic collapse, oil is the problem, bush is dangerously swiping oil, and they see it, bush will not leave iraq, get ready for, how do you nuke amexico, shut off thier sattellites is how, russia knows, they have planned to shut america off, and eventually, usa knows so the question is, what will usa do, if they shut us of, fire, but, no missile, their missiles will not even leave the silos and then will know it is coming like you saw prophet ____, they will, they will send in missile after missile to weaken, correction, bush, do you need a sattelite, git him out of here, we'll use theirs, but, russia will shut off, russia is preparing for nuclear war with the united states, like it or not, how do you shut a nuclear missile off, by remote control, hit the sattelite that guides it, america's technology is what will sink us, thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee, and thou has said in thine heart, I am and noe else beside me and that is, do you worry about anything american, goodbye america, cause your coming to your end soon, hallelujah, aman, put it under, america will be destroyed when you least expect it, hallelujah aman, russia will not tolerate when a politburo nation gets attacked, iraq fell away from russia, now, put it under, the 10 horns is 10 kings that give thier power and strength to the bear and the 3 ribs are cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and they will be plucked up, aman, he just said, the devil is coming and that is cut off, right there, you told him, he just proved it, she was interested in ACTS 2:38 and she thought, you just called a manifestation of a son of God the devil and that is, not, blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, but, against the prophet, tell the vision, he is cut off, go, put it under, he just sealed his own coffin, you were lead by the Holy Ghost and you were blasphemed, fire, he said, this is why russia will strike america when you least expect it, but eventually,.
the ministryofdreams end time message-vision recieved 10-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked, and the girl from brother bullocks Church, which is TRuth Apostolic faith Church, which is part of, and I saw kenneth haney and he said, upci, and the woman from bullocks Church said, and macaulay was in on that, and let the end time message begin, and I'm dorein, and thats a warning, and the woman from cornelius bullocks Church said, and brother stair said, and I saw cornelius bullock and he said, nothin, God, and brother stair said, God left, russia will go to war with america, when america goes to war with China, and stephen hansen said, and america will not get one shot off, and vladimir putin who is the president of russia said, pray for victory, o my God, and dorein said, and putin is the beast with 7 heads and ten and putin said, horns, and steven hanson said, russia will attack america when you least expect it, and macaulay said, this is it, and putin said, russia is the beast with and macaulay culkin said, 7, and putin said, heads and macaulay said, ten, cut me off, and putin said horns, and macaulay said, and russia has politburo, and politburo is ten nations. Politburo is russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, the next one is libya, the next one is venezeula, and michael boldea said, how awesome, gruesome, and macaulay said, and steven was in on that, the next one is brazil, the next one is germany, the next one is france, the next one is mexico, the next one is iran, the next one is italy, looks like italy is last, the beast will come out of Italy, pope, and stephen said, pope, the pope, and macaulay said, Holy Ghost pope, this pope will have the Holy Ghost, there's a problem, and stephen said, the, and macaulay said Holy Ghost is the devil, the devil will be in his body, that was a nuclear explosion, in israel, no it wasn't, that was a nuclear explosion in the palestinian state, israel, and stephen said, israel will be destroyed, and Jesus said, america made israel create palestinian state, and this president said, to please the arabs, to please everybody, bush, the palestian state will and stephen said, be, destroyed, and om the woman from cornelius bollocks Church, and this president said, but, america, and macaulay, said, russia's gettin angry, cause palestinian state is politburo, ask why palestinian state is politburo, cause politburo is koran, and putin said, russia, and macaulay said, russia is koran, the 7 heads are China, Isreal, and hollie said, Israel is not a head, thats germany, and om hollie, the united states, the united kingdom, there france, germany, the last one is italy, and dumitru duduman said, and the seventh head is australia, and macaulay said does china have a military and stephen said, agreement with, and ron said, china does not have a military agreement with america it's australia and stephen said, its canada, japan is america, and a macaualay said, china's in hot water, china is in debt to russia, and russia's on the brink of financial and a woman said, disaster, and macaulay said russia will nuke america, give warning, tell the TRUTH, the 7 heads are 7 nations that have an agreement with the united states, politburo is russia, the seven heads have 7 crowns because and I saw this president and he said, lets and a woman said, the world, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, and there may have been others in on it. In REVELATION 13, the united states is no longer there, financially, russia is the bear, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 7 horns, and russia is the bear, the 3 ribs and a man said, represent and another man said, 3 nations that are plucked up, russia will become the financial center of the world for 5 minutes, when russia attacks america, russia will be attacked by china, china is the lamb rising up out of the sea having 2 horns, financially, russia is bankrupt, the two horns are russia and america, no its not, it's china and japan, and a woman said, the new world order, and macaulay said, will be china, russia will be completely absorbed, russia will be, magog will be forced to invade israel, the united states will be no more, the united states will not see a mark of the beast, the pope rules russia, the pope will be brought into power, russia will be absorbed by china, and the emporer of japan said, japan, and hollie said, and and maybe macaulay said the forth nation is russia, and a woman said, like a leppard rising out of the sea, with four wings, and stephen said, putin, and maybe macaulay, said will be assassinated, assassinated by the pope, he will order, God will send them strong delusion, and they shall beleive a lie, the pope will, the and cornelius bullock said, pope, and maybe macaulay said, will be, will be, will be, will be, o God, and it was sang, and stephen hanson was in on it, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, and stephen said, the pope and a woman said, will, and macaulay said, be the antichrist, and the bear will be no more, put it on webspawner, the, and stephen said, pope, and maybe, macaulay said, will be, and a woman said, the god of this earth, and maybe macaulay said, no computer, and a woman said, hu, and maybe macaulay said, will force the world to receive the mark of surrendar to death, death, the pope will be the god of this earth, the pope deceived by the miracles he can do, like fire from heaven, this last warning God will give you, this last warning God will give you, this last warning God will give you, russia and steven said, russia, russia, russia, and maybe macaulay said, russia is financially strapped, hallelujah, the end, and different people said, repent and and maybe macaulay said, be baptised everyone of you in Jesus Christ name, and receive the Holy One, and a woman said, with and maybe macaulay said, the evidence of speaking in other tongues, and stephen said, dumitru and maybe macaulay said, duduman perished, he broke his curfew, 7 o'clock prayer, 7 o'clock pray is Holy Ghost speakin in other tongues is not of the devil, final warning, you sleep, you perish, God will send drunkeness, thats it, bring the message to the prophecy club, and the prophecy club will not allow, you didn't want to speak, give this message to hollie, and hollie said, moody, hollie, moody, and maybe macaulay said, will want 7100 dollars time 10 to give this warning, you would but won't have to, give this to your website, and, hand of help will find out, hallelujah, and seven said, no and maybe macaulay said repent no return, yor finanically bankrupt, and steven said, if, and maybe macaulay said, america will repent, there will be, will, and a woman said, be, and a kristina said, will and maybe macaulay said be, and hollie said, give warning, when the Lord says give the warning to hollie, and maybe macaulay said, if america will repent they will be spared till they go back on their word, end of message, end of message, no extension, russia will attack when you least expect it, bears have, and a woman from bullocks Church wich I will just call woman said, have one thing in heart, and maybe macaulay said, and don't care whose heart, and that is to kill, and a bear can kill a lion, however, the lion is the king of the jungle, the lion represents satan, and a woman said, repent, and maybe macaualay said, america and be baptized and you shall be finanically bankrupt, but you can rebuild, end of message, america will be strong right up until the end, terrorist will collapse the economy, russia will strike america when you least expect it, this is the end of message, have a good day, and kristina fox said, and kristina, said, that, and press to the mark of the High callin, the mark represents the price you pay that Jesus requires out of you everyday, russia will attack when you least expect it, end of dream, and financially russia bankrupt, and bankrupt is desperate, seek the Lord Jesus Christ and return from you evil ways, thats the end of the message, russia will attack when you least expect it, russia, offended when we hit iran, that start it, and maybe macaulay said some or most of that, and dumitru duduman said, putin who starts, and putin said, russia, america, they start it, and dumitru duduman said, Gabriel was about 10 feet tall, hand of help wake, and stephen said, survivor o'donnell, and o'donnell said, git help, that was steven and I'm kristina, and kristina said, that was garsnett and I'm kristina, and a woman said, simison, and maybe macaulay said, I can't believe it, hollie, and kristina said, moody, and maybe macaulay said, whats the Word, he wants to come to simison Church, but simison say, and apostolic pentecostal pastor thomas e. simision which is part of united pentecostal Church international said, out, and the general superintendent of upci ken haney said, I'm kenneth haney, we don't care, and somebody said, dr. horace of pentecostal assemblies of the world, do you care, and dr. horace said, no, and a woman said, its just a show, and dumitru duduman said, give warning to whosoever will, and maybe some woman said, come thats the end amd maybe what you know, and bob knows the secrets to DANIEL, and somebody or people sang, russia will attack the united states when you least expect it, russia will attack the united states when you least expect it, and maybe macaulay said, financially the united states is bankrupt, and a woman said, won't and maybe macaulay said, take long, prepare now, prepare now, prepare now, and macaulay said, cut off, peter, suck, cum, yum and a spirit that looked like a white faced longed haired hollie said, yuck, and she may have stuck her tongue out, and macaulay said, chicken, in the butt, russia will attack when you least expect it, thats all, and stephen hanson said, financially, and macaulay said, have nothin to do with me, russia will atttack when you least expect it, and thats when the economy collapse, financial hurricane will, and I heard possibly singing, the united states, hurricanes are judgment, lets tithe, 10 percent, financially the united states is being drained by iraq and afghanistan and bush nows it, he wants you to put it in the ass, and this president said, your in trouble, I'm and stephen said, bus, and this president said, I know, collapse, no social security, no welfare, no and pastor simison said, more and this president said, government help, thats it, the oil is the number one commodity in the nation, and it is being, it is being, it is being, and stephen hanson said, and macaulay said, that, and this president said, sinking ship, and macaulay said, financially the economy will collapse when you least expect it, food shortages, financially the economy should be number 1, president bush makes, makes it number it number, and steven hanson said, number one, behind everything else, tell me I'm false, and macaulay said, and michael boldea said, I got cut off, and macaualy said, his agenda is washington, and michael boldea said, awesome, don't take it down, and macaulay said, and that is that great city rieneth over the kings of the earth, but financially it is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and ann schmidt said, awesome, and gene schmidt said, gene, come back, return, and he may have turned into paul stanley of, Kiss, and the speedway woman said, let me down, I had it, and gene was in on that and I'm kristina, and maybe macaulay said, and that is new york city, new york city, new york city, and hollie said, and that is commercially, that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth, and stephen hanson was in on that, and I'm terry long, I can't serve Jesus, and he had steven hansons voice and terry long who pastors, lawrence apostolic Church, said, are you trying to harras me again, and I saw me and I said, with the WORD OF GOD, and possibly macaulay said, and financially russia and russian president putin said, is broke, inventory, inventory, and michael boldea said, awesome, and michael boldea sr. said, help us, and mike jr. said, we'll see you tomorrow, and virginia said, return, and mike jr. said, and be a exprophet, and thats a, and steven hanson said, pyschic, and possibly macauly said, russia will attack when you least expect it, and michael boldea said, fuck russia, and sister alice said, well I got news for you, russia will attack and steven said, ameri, and alice said, russia, and Jesus quickly sang, when there's no more time, you'll and the wheel chair man said, regret, there's my answer and kristina fox said, and Jesus looked like paul stanley, and stephen hanson said, and what is gene simmions, and I hear and see gene simmons of rock band, KISS, sing, can't you see, cant you know, and hollie said, what that woman, been doing to me, and steven hanson said, and the woman is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth, and possibly macaulay said, you will not go to sleep with message this message is important, dumitru's was accurate but they don't want that, thats dumitru duduman and I'm virginia boldea, and maybe macaulay said, and russia will attack when you least expect, and stephen hanson said, its true, and kristina fox said, and he looked like dumitru, and stephen sang russia will attack when you least expect, and macaulay sang, russia, and steven sang, will attack, least expect it, and keneth haney said, the fullness of the Godhead is in haney, but, I and steven said, back, and haney said slid and I won't come back, and alice cooper said, I'm a baptist, do and paul stanley said, you, and alice said, how I feel, and paul said, come back alice, and steven said, and alice said, come back gene, and macaulay said, and russia will attack when you least expect, and dumitru said, money is the root to all evil, and macaulay said, that wasn't dumitru, that was macaualy and he said, and financially russia is down to nuclear oil, and russia president putin said, thats weapons, want to buy a nuclear missile, united states, and steven was in on that, and I'm the woman from and I saw pastor bullock and he said, bullock, and steven said, Church, and macaulay said, and nuclear oil is russia's personal nuclear arsenal, russia is the bear with three ribs, and I saw pastor kent jordan from Christian tabernacle Church and I heard, jordan left, and that was me, and I'm steven hanson, russia, and jordan said, will, and I witnessed to the man next to me and I was telling him to be ready to meet the Lord, and I saw him in a vision and he said, I ai'nt, and the woman that goes to pastor MCgovern's Church said, how awesome, press 20 minutes, witness you sold, and the young man next to me said, cool, give me one more time, and I saw Jesus and He quicky said, read and do ACTS 2:38, and kristina fox said, gotcha, and macaulay said, keri, and keri fox said, what, return, and cindy fox said, thats cool, and she said, how did my name get on that website, and I saw real estate agent jeff schabel and he said, it's over, won't return, and paul stanley said, you can, and I saw tony craft and he said, you, and steven said, left, and tony said, awesoem, and teresa hedger said, awesome, and cindy montgomery said, hit israel, hit message, and and the former weight training coach at george washington high school said, how awesome, and I'm coach phillips, and he had stephen hansens voice, and steven said, stephen hanson is and he turned into sam neill and sam finished isssssssssssss, backslider, tried it once, israel, hit russia, and he had steven's voice, and and the girl from pastor bullocks Church made me aware, and maybe macaualay said, and the 3 ribs are, cuba nicaragua, and the president of mexico said, mexico, and macaualay said, what the bear represents is the most dangerous animal in north america, and george bush is that animal, and president bush will be assassinate, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia will attack when you least expect it, thats it, and paul stanley of kiss said, bush, get out of iran, iraq, and paul said, and, and steven said, afghanistan, and russia is the number one nuclear power in the world, right behind washington, cause washington didn't keep their agrements, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia will attack when you least expect it, the guard will be in the streets when america's end and financially you'll be ruined, financially the world will be ruined, theres only one thing left for you and thats take care of buisness everyday, cuase russia will attack when you least expect it, when the economy collapses and bobs already bored, bob wants more prophecy and their ain't no more, financially there's no more time left, and a woman said, financially means no time hallelujah, your done, financially the Lord wants you to say, spend like promoting this message because and kristina said time, and maybe macualay said, is short, and stephen said, 1,2,3, and you know it, and maybe macaulay said, financially, blaspheme of the Holy Ghost can be taken away by paying the ransome is everything that you own, or willing, watch what you ask for, and sam neill said, you just might get it, and maybe macaulay said, or sang, come back, prophet sam, damien, comeback, return sam, and sam said, thats you, and somebody said, repent sam, repent sam, repent sam, and sam neill said, on my death certificate, nuclear attack, un-repented, uneccesary, I won't, it is and I'm hollie, and stephen said, and prophet says, and I said, come back, and maybe macaualay said, I change, repent bob knight, hallelujah, bob knight good night, and stephen said, what happened to bob knight's career, and maybe macaulay said, he said, to louisville, turn around your God dam sign around, and bob knight said, o shit, and the woman said, he knew it, God told him, God told him, and this may have been sang, and maybe many were in on it, and stephen said, planned out, that speech, sing, he would have won in 75, 76, but scott may broke his arm, he would have won with ted kitchell, but ted kitchell's back went bad, he will win one, more, and I'm dorein, and maybe macaulay said, because prophets from Indiana, and still live's there, bob knight would have loved bobs dad, they cuss like you would'nt believe it, but financially russia is bankrupt, and that is desperate, and Jesus said, repent and be baptized and receive the Holy One, good night, and Jesus sang it, possibly many times, and I asked Jesus to sing a new song, and He sang, all Heaven, lift up, lift up your hands and a Chorus sang, the united states, hallelujah, and financially your broke, broke, broke, broke, and Jesus sang, the fullness of the Godhead's in bob, the fullness of the Godhead's in bob, and possibly others were, and maybe Jesus said, theres just one thing you need to do, after you accept the beast, you are doomed, and macaulay said that, and I'm mrs. marvin, I look like the woman at walmart, that goes to and I saw pastor danny thomas and he said, danny, out, leave me alone, you come here and I'll throw you out, and I'm apostolic, the, and the pope that looked like the antichrist said, the new apostolic, no and pastor danny thomas said, no signs, and maybe and possibly macaulay said, wanted control, your doomed, raise your hands and repeat after me, git away from me, 100, and a woman said, that wasn't macaulay, that was dorein and macaulay said, prophet _____, I'm out, jews and somebody said, will be set free, thats all that will repent, thats a lot of message, receive him, and financially your broke, you won't recover unless you seek Jesus Christ, call it, ministryofdreams end time message from the Holy Ghost, it was Holy One in the original Letter, the word repent means turn from your evil ways, and run from your evil way, and repent of the sins you have done, the King James is close, but not exact, but don't read in other, there's a curse, and that is the plagues of the earth, and that is don't offend her, and I saw a woman and she said, and I'm the speedway girl, bob, looked, at, my, butt, but, and a woman said he, and the speedway girl said, did, not lust, and Jesus sings, russia will attackl and michael boldea said, attack, and mike cunningham said, attack, and Jesus may ahve sang, and finanacially russia is bankrupt and dorein said, you want the TRUTH, they got more money than they know what to do with, and putin said, we do, and michael boldea said, is He gonna give me a heart attack, and Jesus said, no, lift ME up, thats the end of ministryofdreams babylon message and I'm kristina, and I'm the woman that goes to, and cornelius bullock said, bullock's and the woman said, Church, and Jesus said, these are, and steven hansen said, REVELATIONS and Jesus of Jesus, and sam neill said, Israel, will you accept the beast, and the bullock woman said, no, and Jesus said, prophet, it's to late, have nothin to do with you, and Jesus sang over and over these are and steven hanson sang, rev, and Jesus sang of the HOLY One, and Jesus sang over and over these are and steven hanson sang, rev, and Jesus sang of the HOLY , and Jesus and macaulay sang and Jesus sang over and over these are and steven hanson sang, rev, and Jesus sang of the HOLY, hallelujah, hallelujah, and ron meins sang, hallelujah, hallelujah, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, for showing us such awesome things, and a SPIRIT that looked like the Adorable, and Sweet, and Awesome, and Humble, and got to have HIs way, PRECIOUS, WONDERFUL, KNOWALL, BEAUTIFUL, TREMENDOUS, GREAT, AWESOME, MIGHTY, MEEK, LOWLY, SAVIOR, Jesus Christ, said, thats all, amen! Seek the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords for a vision from Him for yourself, let the Wondrous and Awesome God start a new Page in the BIBLE of YOur heart Today, and I will leave you with this word from the one Mighty KING Jesus Chose out of the BILLIONS and BILLIONS of people that have existed and exist right now, whom Jesus remembers and knows, and even knows how many hairs are on their heard, I saw macaulay culkin and he said, where's my vision, whelp mac, since you want one, how about MANY, take it away Jesus: and I saw macaulay culkin and he said, I eat cum, fuck in the butt, poop on dick, I like oral sex, blaspheme, and the Lord says, thats enough, you get the picture, and I'm the woman that goes to bullocks Church, and steven hanson said, most of that, and the woman said, blaspheme, and Jesus said, pay and stephen said, pay and Jesus said, the ransome, return, and steven said, whats the ransome, judge, and that was her again, and the ransome is everything you have, and I'm the bullock girl, and steven hanson was in on that, and lastly acctor sam neill said, good day, watch what you ask for, you might, and steven hanson said, want it, thats the wrap and I'm the woman from bullocks Church and I'm steven hanson and thats the end of ministryofdreams end time message!!!!!!!!, and I heard gene simmons of KISS sing, ministryofdreams, pretty awesome, thank you God for saving my soul, I'm sorry and that was paul stanley, and gene said, but I'm not coming back.
revelations of the beast, 7 heads, ten horns, one world government, antichrist, false prophet-vision received 9-21-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president, and he said things like bush, my decision, I destroyed, and I saw dick cheney, and he said things like, I destroyed, I did it, because I'm the prophet, the world trade center will be destroyed, when you build, the trade center will be destroyed, by president bush, and I saw this president and he said, he had them destroyed, I just want a vision, and I heard, president bush is building a new world trade trade center, and the wheel chair man said, and the trade center is, and this president said, new york city, I'm bush, I'll just speak it, I'm not, and I saw a spirit that looked like russia president putin and he said, thats revenge, and I saw this president and he said, bush, why did he not, and hollie said, attack china, and I saw this president and he said, lay off, check the reason, and putin said, china has missiles, over spy plane, and I saw putin and he said, cause I had missiles , and this president said, if you bomb, and I saw this president and he said, bush, and I saw putin and he said, if you bomb iran, I'll bomb washington, the united states will be destroyed, iraq, this is warning, hit iraq, and I'll hit you, hit iran, I'll hit you with nuclear bombs, iraq has nuclear explosions, I commanded you this time, stay out, I had a vision, and the vision is, destroy the whole earth, it's me satan, I'm satan, and I'm putin, I'm putin, and I'm the beast, with, the 7 heads, and ten horns, and the 10 horns is politburo, and I saw a man in a vision and he said something like, thats ten kings that shall arise to destroy america, and putin said, new york, has a nuclear bomb planted, heres the problem, I'll nuke, from sub, submarine, america, this is putin, and I'll nuke america from submarines, iraq has missiles planted, and I saw hollie and she said, I saw maybe hollie and she said, are you telling me MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and she said, pay the price, and bob will, post it on your website, he don't care, he just wants to warn people, and putin said, iraq has missiles planted, and kristina fox said, russia is the beast, has seven horns, and ten horns, and the walmart girl, said, I'm the walmart girl, and these represent, 18 kings, and I saw putin and he said, destroy iraq, and I'll destroy the whole earth, hit iraq, and you california will be destroyed, hit iran, and minneapolis will be destroyed, hit syria, and I will hit japan, iraninan missiles will hit nastrodaumas, thats the prophet, and thats the warning, cause president is the most idiot, I'm not serious, iraq is going to be destroyed, iran is going to be destruction by america missiles, becasue I'm satan, I'm the president of russia, hit iraq, I will hit the empire state building, you hit iran, empire state building is coming down, he just said, I saw possible the empire state bulding collapsing, and putin said, you hit iran, you hit syria, I shall attack, attack MYSTERY, BABYLON, attack, and I saw this president and he said, bush, the united states, has missiles everywhere, there's an explosion, there's an explosion, and I saw norm heaggy and he said, there's an explosion let me get out, I'm free, and I saw putin and he said, iran, is politburo, iraq, thats politburo, I'm satan, I'm the president of russia, and politburo is iran, the united states, and especially the united states, you better prepare to attack, the whole east coast, minneapolis, the west, bomb china, and china will bomb you, and I saw president hu of china and he said, we know, we have missiles that can strike everywhere, df-31, and hu said, I have a vision, and I'm a prophet, and I saw putin and he said, there's nothin wrong with america going to iran, but iran is politburo and politburo is iraq, politburo is islamic countries, thats koran, you are the main reason, bush was the main reason for the destruction of america, and he laughed, if you don't beleive it, iraq has missiles, iraq still has nuclear missiles, and I saw this president and he said, whats the Word bob, apostolic, pentecostal, and I saw kenneth haney, of, united pentecostal Church international, and he said, thats the ticket, and I saw putin and he said, is iraq, all over the place, has cruise missiles, all you have to do is push a button, God is warning you not to attack iran, has missiles all over the place, thats it, iran, and I saw and that was the wheel chair man, and thomas said, thomas, gibson, and putin said, and he said, and this president said, iraq is to be burned, iraq has missiles all over the place, I'm president bush, and we got missiles all over the entire planet, and thomas said, and I saw thomas and he said, lets see, and the wheel chair said, must be, I'm the wheel chair, and the walmart girl said, subs, and kristina fox said, must be submarines, and putin said, the united states will perish, our missiles will hit japan, our missiles will hit washington, and michael boldea said, lets see hit, and virginia boldea said lets see it, and putin said, our missiles will hit your own country, and I saw this president and he said, my names bush, and I know it, and I saw joel urshan who pastors first apostolic Church, and he said, I saw it on your website, and I saw keri fox, and she said, I'm keri, thats awesome and hollie said how can you say its awesome, can you feel it, and I saw the walmart girl and she said, I am financial, russia will destroy in the whole universe, and hollie said, you can't feel it because you have sin in your life, I'm hollie financial, and maybe kristina said, ministryofdreams and the walmart girl, and putin said, is deceiving, and dorein said, commercial, and kristina fox said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the ministryofdreams, and hollie said, and thats america, I'm hollie, this is pretty good, I'm commercial, and I know it, God sent you to me, praise God, take on the prophecy club, and putin said, because iraq, and joel urshan said, destuction is here, look at bobs website, God will save you quit abortion, you quit divorcing, you comitted blaspheme, and kristina fox said, ministryofdreams is end time prophetic, I won't tell the rest, and the wheel chair said, o goddam, ministryofdreams is end time prophetic ministry, you perished, because you like money, and thomas said, you no what you did, I'm commericial, and I saw alice cooper and he said, I'm commercial, I'm alice, and I saw kristina fox and she said, simmons, and I saw gene simmons of KISS, and he said, hallelujah, and the walmart girl said, the TRUTH will set you free, and kristina said, gene, return, and gene said, I'll perish, and the walmart girl said, return gene, read and do ACTS 2:38, ACTS 2:38 will set you free, cause MYSTERY, BABYLON is new york city, and that is, and dorein said, and that is the great city that reigneth, and I saw suvivor o'donnell of the uss indianapolis and he said, reigneth over the kings of the earth, they found the uss indianapolis, and I saw robert ballard and he said, ocean, and the wheel chair said, I'll found it, and I'm the wheel chair, and back to the message, I saw putin and he said, your wrong, its to late, to late, now its over, its to late because bush is going to do it, I'm warning you, and I saw alice and he said, this is alice cooper, and wheel chair said, and MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, I'm the wheel chair, and I saw putin and he said, accept it, we'll attack, and I saw sissy and she said, awesome, and putin said, the united states will be destroyed by satan, by president bush, cause bush is your problem, and his president said, I'm bush, who's the goddam ministryofdreams, MYSTERY, BABYLON is new york city, holy shit, and gene simmons who sings with kiss said, new york city, and I saw blackie, and he said, and I'm blackie lawless, don't you hear me crying, and I heard meat loaf singing, and don't you hear me crying babe don't go, and MYSTERY, and kristina, and keri said, fox, the UNITED states is, and dorien, said, very financial, and senator clinton said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and I"M president hillary clinton, and I saw rush and he said, and I'm rush limbaugh, prophecy is, and I saw gene simmons and he said, accurate, actually, this interesting, give heart attack, and putin said, I'm the bear, the three ribs, one japan, and I saw the emperor of japan and he said, japan, I goofed, japans got a problem, contract with, and I saw putin and he said, us, and I saw michael boldea with hand of help ministries and he said, you really don't care, and, and hillary clinton and she said, who' hand of help ministries, and putin said, one iran, and I saw the president of iran and he said, I can't see, and the third rib, putin said, eventually japan has an agreement with iraq, japan has an agreement with iran, and I saw the emperor of japan and he said, we need gas, how can we make it without gas, the united states missiles, will japan and I saw the wheel chair and he said, keep, o my God, and the emporer of japan said, cruise missiles hit north korea, crusie missiles hit south korea, cruise missiles will hit number one, and number one is, and hollie said, bob, cause your special, and I saw this president and he said, and I will send it, I'm bush, actually, you destroy dumitru, and the wheel chair said, you destroy america, and this president said, hallelujah, this bush, and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, bush is coming out, assassinated, and I saw hillary clinton and she said, he's telling the Truth, and I saw dorein, and she said, this is dorein, and I shote'm, and I saw the walmart girl, and she said, I shot the president, but I did not shoot the deputy, and I saw eric and he said, this is eric clapton, who is the goddam , o my goddam, and the walmart girl said, new york city is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and MYSTERY, BABYLON is commercial, and commercial is america, and I saw putin and he said, I'm the beast, with the 7 heads, and ten horns, iraq is beginning, how many times, have I warned, not, but you wouldn't listen, and I saw this president and he said, I shot, and somebody said, raise your hands and reapeat after me, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and hollie said, america is the united states, pray for half an hour, o God, and putin said, I'm satan, I'm the chosen one, your headed to destruction, I'm a prophet, hallelujah, you told, I'm the beast, I'm the false prophet, I'm fallen and hollie said, thats what I want, God says you are an abosolute liar, and putin said, I'm telling the TRUTH, the bear represents the most dangerous animal in north america, and putin said, I'm koran, koran is and hollie said, the beast, and putin said, thats it, destruction, koran is destruction, the united states turned away from koran, and koran is the beast, the 7, thats me, the seven heads, germany, iraq, north korea, japan, south korea, south korea will become north korea, korea, italy, and I saw the president of iran, and he said, thats me, I'm iran, iraq will be destroyed, and putin said, I have control, koran is the beast, the last is germany, germany will come over, russia is the bear, russia is iraq, russia is iran, and iran considers the bear and I saw the president of iran and he said, bears are sacred, on national broadcast, russia has attacked the united states, united states ain't got the nerve to hit us with missile, koran has missiles all over the place, 50 percent of the population will be destroyed, america will burn, america will be destroyed, the answer is put missiles all over the world, and putin said, its up to you, iraq, I can't beleive it, he has the most awesome website revaltion, and he don't want to tach onto it, he'll give it to hollie moody, and I saw hollie and she said, and I'll read it my self, and she sang something like, can't you see, can't you see, what that womans been doing to me, and hollie said, its needs to last 3 hours, raise your hands and repeat after me, I'm commercial, russia will attack america, russia will attack south korea, and putin said, thats true, with bombs out of, and thomas said, out of north korea, and alice said, I'm alice cooper, and I'm the Mantles friend, and kirstina said, witness on the website, this is interesting and dorien said, o shit, and hollie said, o my commercial, this is interesting, and this president said, this is president bush, embarrasing, this is president bush, I got new for you, iraq is the answer, and I saw the president of iran and he said, mr president bush, you hit iraq, and you hit, and I saw putin and he said, russia, and the president of iran said, the united states will be attacked by islam, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, comercial bablyon is new york city. Its the commercial center of the world, and iraq is, judged, and this president said, read ISAIAH 51, commercial babylon is and putin said, thats it, is, is, and this president said, I'm bush, commerical bably is us, new york state, and the wheel chair said, city, and putin said, putin said, putin MYSTERY, BABYLON is new york city, and new york city is america, and this president said, I'm bush, that God dam fuckin website, and the wheel chair said, I hate it, and putin said, iraq, is the start and he said, when I asked about the beast which is the antichrist, the pope will assassinated, satan will enter in, and hollie said just read ISAIAH 14, and putin said, and revive, and then satan will destroy, nuclear power plants, iraq will be demolished, Israel will be nuked, putin will assassinated, no he won't, he, will, cuase I'm strong, I have an addiction, and the addiction is, is, nuclear bombs, we got many, iraq is the start, commercial babylon is, and I saw hollie and she said, my names hollie, commercial babylon is america, commericial babylon is and the walmart girl said, the united states, and putin said, putin, cause iraq, prophet warning, and this president said, looks like his witness is over, cause he would'nt post the goddam visions, and hollie said, babylon is the united states, and MYSTERY is, and kristina said, MYSTERY is, and I saw the emporer of japan and he said, japan, washington is being decieved, and the wheel chair man said its a MYSTERY till God reveals it to you, and He revealed it to the prophet, and the prophet is the mystery, he knows, o my God, I found your website, my name is wheel chair, and hollie said, awesome, and putin said, missiles, its warning, and I heard, putin will be, be, russia, will not perish, russia will be destroyed, and this president said, the united states will be prepared, understand, when you fuck with america, thats why I hate you, against you, and wheel chair said, the message is, and putin said, the united states has missiles everyplace, and they'll destroy, my country, syria will be, and I saw this president and he said, bush, atomic, and I saw the president of syria and he said, atomic missiles, to late, and this president said, o my God, and putin said, said, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and this president said, you better watch it, and the wheel chair said, because will will destroy your little fuckin ass, and dorien said, do it, and putin said, china has 16 and half missiles, the half is me, I half with and I'm half against, actually, o my God, 18 of'em plus 1, russia, and putin said or I heard, russia will be destroyed by, and I saw this president and he said, this is president bush, and I saw kristina and she said, bush, this is kristina, and your gonna be assassinted, actually, I don't, and I saw this president and he said, care, I'm bush, and I'll bomb iran, yes sir, george bush, and I saw sr, and he said, sr, and I saw wheel chair and he said, was sr was assassinted, and I saw hollie and she said, by me, and the walmart girl said, mr. presdient assassinted by dick cheney, and I saw this president and he said, bush, dick cheney, and somebody said, he's on his way out the door, and this presdient said, I'm bush, dick, om commercial, and your not, will be friends when we get time, and dick said, commercial babylon is america, actually, you are, and this president said, he shot me, he shot me, and dick said, us, and hillary said us, and joel urshan said, unbeleivable, git out of here, and I saw dorein, and she said, I'm dorein, and I have sex, hallelujah, I'll suck your dick, I'll swallow, I'm pentecostal, and were fallen, and this is why, and I saw kenneth haney, and he said, this is ken haney, and putin said, ken haney is fallen, and ken said, correction, MYSTERY, BABYLON is iran, iraq, ain't no mystery to me, actually we know, we just don't tell no body, and putin said, the MYSTERY is, and ken said, we don't tell nobody, its iraq, iran, and this president said, MYSTERY is the united states, THE MYSTERY is were decieving, just and macaulay culkin said, just ask the prophet, Jesus do you understand, the kristina said, the MYSTERY is, and the walmart girl said, who's the prophet, and this president said, o my godam, he' already told, and kenneth haney said, he'll be quiet, and putin said, the website will tell people, the prophet will be, raptured when russia attacks america, and the walmart girl and kristina said and maybe hollie and dorein said single and together, he heard, MYSTERY, BABYLON is new york city, and NEW york STATE is your answer, and nw york state, the united states, and kristina fox, said, thank you, this is kristina, kristina fox, kristina prophet, and hollie said, mabye thats true, the prophet is me, my names hollie, I blasphemed, I'm off, I'll will read it on the prophecy club, I'm a witch, and the walmart girl said, and I don't care, and hollie said MSTYERY is, and hillary clinton said, who posted it, wonder what he looks like, he looks like Christian, and the walmart girl said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states, and dorein said, and the MYSTERY, and the WHEEL chair said, is, who posted it, you not ready to post it, take it off, o, thats me, and I'm the wheel chair man, and I'm retired because of you president bush, I lost my legs in iraq cause you president bush, and I saw this president and he said, I'm bush sr., and I saw the elder and he said, I'm bush sr., and this president, said, thats me, and my son is the president bush, and many said things like than you mr. bush like he was at a news conference, and hollie said, I don't beleive it, the prophecy club is going under, where's the prophet, thats bobby, its me, it's ministry of dreams, and japan, and the emporer of japan said, unbelievable, I'm japan, and I blaspheme, thats resisting the Holy One, thats why, in Jesus Name, the name of the heads is blaspheme, were rejected, iraq, has rejected true Spirit, Jesus name, Iran has missiles, and hollie said, thats me, and the walmart girl said, unbelievable, I'm the walmart girl, witch, and dorien said, my names dorein, I'm the prophet, and kristina said, I'm the prophet, witch, and I'm the walmart girl, and I go to danny thomas Church, prophecy of the beast, and I saw putin and he said, I'm the beast with the 7 heads and en horns, and the pope is the antichrist, when you hit iran, and hollie said, MYSTERY has been revealed, and putin said, iran will attack, you got to understand, missiles, will, understand, I don't beleive it, looks like, and I saw this president and he said, my names bush, and the wheel chair man said, bush, I lost my home, I lost my job, and my hope, so you have to suffer, the consequnces, and this president said looks like bush is gone, out, can't beleive that God dam prophet, and putin said, we'll put missiles right in your face, and hollie said, the answer is the worlds going to perish soon, and putin said, let, koran destroy, new york, and I saw this president and he said, bush, I'm financial, and putin said, can beleive this guy, let, and this president and he said, commercial babylon destroy russia, and putin said, and commericial is, center of the universe recognise it, and this president said, godam new york city, and putin said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is united states, and new york city is that, and wheel chair said, great, I'm the wheel chair man, and putin said, great, center, financial center, its new york city, and the and this president said, o my God, can't beleive that shit, our MYSTERY is him, if we see him, and I saw sissy and she said, and I'll shoot'em, and this president said, who shot'em, and I saw dorein and she said, I did, I'm financial, I can't beleive this, I can't beleive I shot, I shot hollie moodie, and I saw hollie and she said, who shot'em, and putin said, bush, who shot'em, and this president said, iraq, and putin said, I shot him, and I'm russia, and suvivor o'donnell said, and russia's the beast, with the 7 heads, and ten horns, prepare, thats all I got to say, and commercial bablyon is new york city, thats and hollie said, thats, survivor said, thats, 100, MYSTERY, MYSTERY is, and putin said I'm the beast, russia is the bear, and this president said, what the hells he talking about, I can beat russia with my bear hands, this website is interesting, will be corrected, will be, protected, and wheel chair said, I look at and putin said, I look at it, and hollie said, the Lord told me, I know who you are, prophet, and kristina said, loves you, I'm kristina, and prophet and keri fox says is, and kristina said, prophet has herpes, and keri fox said, and the prophet is me, and dorein said, and I'm going to give it to everyone of you, I'm dorein, and herpes is and kristina fox said, inordinate sex, and the walmart girl said, and thats punishment for, homosexuality, oral sex, even the presidents got it, and this president said, God dam it, your going out, if you come out here, I kill you and wheel chair said, myself, and this president said, actually the united states is the bear, and putin said, o my God, and this president said, I'm bush, tell putin I'm gonna kick his fuckin little head, thats, all I got, and the walmart girl said, hold your hand up and repeat after me, seperate, from the computer, kristina, and kristina said, I'm kristina, I ain't kristina, and I saw the walmart girl and she said, I ain't kristina, I'm the walmart girl, and she said, kristina, you play with it, and kristina said, so what, and walmart said, thats oral, and I saw kristina and she said, thats oral sex, and walmart girl said, he is so cute, I met e'm at walmart, and this president said, my names bush, blaspheme, you lettin it come off, and joel urshan said, what you'll have to do is, sweep it off, with your pocket, and kenneth haney said, hallelujah, I'll give you a last chance, last chance to do right, and putin said, its to late, its already started, presdent bush, and I saw this president and he said, it s to late, and putin said, the president will be, and I saw this president, and he said, my name is bush, arrested, and putin said, by koran, and this president said, by wrinkle, and hollie said, russia wants new york city, I can't beleive it, and the walmart girl said, russia wants, new york city, the united states, and kristina said, I'm kristina, russia wants iraq, russia wants iran, here's the problem, and I saw putin and he said, russia, when the united states hit japan, russia will hit, Jesus pray, russia will attack, and I saw hillary clinton and she said, us, and I'm the next president, financial, and putin said, russia will attack iraq, and this president bush said, there's are answer, and putin said, president bush has, blasphemed, and I saw this president and he said, o my God, I did it, when that prophet said I had herpes, in the first place my herpes gone, medication, paid for by us, by our party, and thats what I want, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, leave it alone, and hillary said website, leave it alone, its interesting, on condition, kill the son of a bitch, and the heard the walmart girl say kill the son of a bitch, and hillary said, you better believe it, wheres he hiding, and putin said, its on broad cast, and I saw stan johnson and he said,the prophecy club is now in session, and the walmart girl said, raise your hand and repeat after me, and kristina said, the united states is, and hollie said, perising, and kristina said, raise your hands and repeat after me, prophet won't see this, and hollie said, cause moodys got the vision, and I'm going to read it on the prophecy club, that ok you can cry if you want to, national city will perish, national city bank, fianicial collapse, caused by, caused by, and I saw this president and he said, bush, and hollie said, cause president bush is, wanting to do away with soicial security, this will cause, the whole country, to take a gun, to take a pistol and hillary said, tell, and this president said, Goddam prophet, and I saw hollie and she said, I'm gonna put it on tv, and the walmart girl said, and national security, and kristina said, russia will become the bear, and joel urshan said, God dam, and kristina said, whe the economy collapses, and this presdent said, I'll fix it, and hollie said, if you don't fix it, Gods warning you not to fix the economy, commercial babylon is the whole united states, america is that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth, russia will and kristina said, will, and hollie said, attack, when the economy and I saw putin and he said, collapses, and this president said, when the economy collapses, russia will beat us, when the economy collapses, russia will be suprised, russia I got warning for you, I'll put my missiles in north iran, missiles and kristina said, missiles iraq, and the this president said, the united states will and joel urshan said, avenge, and this president said, put missiles in, and putin said, new york, it will perish, cause MYSTERY, BABYLON is new york city, the united states is new york city, thats the MSTERY, commercial great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and I saw this president and he said, prophet, I guarntee you one thing, if you show yourself, you can kiss you little ass goodbye iran will pass the point of and I saw michael boldea and he said, I'm financial, and dorien said, prophet your loosing control, and putin said, I can beleive this prophet, and this president screamed I can't beleive this godam prophet, he's hiding, I'm bush, I'm out, and hollie said, publish it, and dorien said, I'm dorien, is that the truth, and kristina said, the world trade center will collapse after the economy collapse, commercial babylon is and hillary clinton said, us, and the walmart girl said, and the united states will, and I saw hillary and she said, fire I'm hillary clinton, cause I hate russia, and kristina said, and thats the Word, and putin said, I've got a warning, and hollie said, I'll listen to you, and putin said, russia will avenge iran, your facing and I saw this president and he said, facing destruction, cause I will avege, prophets warned, put missiles in every submarine, and put missiles in iraq, missiles everywhere, put missiles all over the country, the united states will be destroyed, and putin said, but russia, will be nuked, by the united states out of afghanistan, out and the emporer of japan said out of japan and putin said, and japan, and russia, have agreement, and that is, and I saw this president and he said, bush to sell our oil and japan emporer said, I don't beleive this, I don't beleive this problem, and this president said, our national debt has been cancelled, now mess with our oil, I'll nuke you, and putin said, oil, is iraq, and this president bush said thats the reason I put out the military police, cause I didn't care, iraq is the reason, this will happen, and I saw nuclear missiles, bush gone, I saw missiles every wich way, usa nuked, paskistan nuked, national debt almost down, nuke russia, you gave me a warning and hollie says, prophet says, you can't erase hallelujah the national debt, national debt is kristina said, the only reason, and the walmart girl said, you are still here, and kristina said, national debt represents, and dorien said, national debt represents the whole wide world, and emporer of japan said, national debt represents japan, and the president said, national debt represents north korea, and I saw this president and he said, I can't see it, and putin said, russia, and this president said, om russia, I'm bush, and joel urshan said, and I lie, I can't beleive this godam, and wheel chair said, he wants the whole world save, and the walmart girl said, he wants hollie said, and I saw hollie and she said, just moody, and hillary said, I'm hollie moody, and he deosn't want to put the last name, it was a dream, and putin said, all right, iran, thats what we need, iran has oil, the second largest oil reserves, and I saw this president and he said, we got it to, and the wheel chair man said, the united states has more oil reserves that the whole world combined, and hollie said, you will not beleive it, but iran, and hillary said, has more oil, and putin said, than russia, I understand, iraq has official 10 million barrels of, russia has, I knew it, were running out, and this president said, propeht I don't understand, and dan bohler said, where the fuck are you, and this president said, I'm president bush, if you show, your face, outside, of the whitehouse, you are finished, and putin said, please repent, and this president said, be baptized, every one of you, in the NAME, and the walmart girl said, JESUS Christ, and putin said, JESUS Christ, and the wheel chair man said, and you shall receive, the GIFT OF THE HOLY ONE! HALLelujAH! And I'm the wheel chair, thanks mr. bush, and this president said, thanks mr. hickman, and hollie said, he won't give his last name, he wants to be delivered because he committed blasphemy, and the walmart girl said, blasphemy in his home, he blasphemed debbie, and debbie was receiving, receiving the warning, but debbie would not listen, and debbie blasphemed him, this is the warning, and dorein said, bob didnt blasphemy, Om commercial, he didn't, he didn't blaspheme, he blasphemed against a person in Jesus Name, and the walmart girl said, may some of what was just said, and this, he didn't and this president said, he did, and blasphemed against his own sister, and dorein said, he left her, and hollie said, he left it all, he left, everything financial, commercial, he left his own home, he left his wallet, raise your hands and repeat after me, the visions is from THE HOLY ONE, if you beleive and receive, the baptism of the HOLY ONE, and walmart girl said, he's so cute, and kristina said, I met him, and hollie said, prophets got a nice butt, and hillary clinton said, he's interesting, and dorein said, I can't beleive this Goddam prophet, he left mom, this is the walmart girl, he left mom, he left everything, but his van, he needs to leave, he would, he will open up his bank account, he did, God will fix it for'em, God will take his licence, he's not sinning, and kristina said, he's free, he won't have to leave his van, he gave it, and hollie said, to me, and she said, I don't need it, its got 164000 miles on it, and kristina said, and the speedometer don't work, most of the time, some of it, some of it it don't some of it is does, and the and people said, prophet fix, and hollie said, he won't fix, he's tried, it won't fix, he's tight, and dorein said he's tight, and kristina said, don't fix the van, russia will attack, and hollie said, I don't beleive this shit, and this president said, prepare, and joel usrhan said, the united states will avenge russia, and putin said, its over, and this president said, keep your mouth shut, commercial babylon is, and this president said, is, bush, and putin said, is, give the mike to the prophet, and the walmart girl says this is what the Lord says, Om pregnant, your message is and I saw me and I said, commercially, I can't, commercially, this is prophet, and haney said, this is prophet, show me more, and I said, commericially, you fuckin dumb bitches, pray for me, commercially I don't give a fuck about any of you, I'm turned over to a reprobate mind, I don't beleive this, MYSTERY, BABYLON is isn't new york city, it's commercial, babylon, and commercial babylon is united states of america, I have a beast heart, I don't feel, I hate you, I hate Jesus, I hate bush, you scrificed little kids, commercal babylon is the center of the whole earth, and commercial babylon isn't a , the united states is commercial babylon, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and this is you last last warning, united pentecostal Church international has fallen, God took one prophet and levelled the whole fuckin, false religion, thats the TRUTH, they should be the most POWERful organization on this planet, and I just said kenneth haney and a vision and he said God dam, and I said, I don't beleive this, I just said, saw the general superintendent of upci resigning and he outta be and this president said, I can do it, this is the president of the united states, you won't beleive this, when I korea, and that may have ben ken haney that said, and I saw the president of north korea and he said, korea, and joel urshan said, will be mine, and I hear me in the background and I'm holding the word iisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, and I this this president and he said the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, iraq, and kenneth haney said and iraq, the Lords forgiven, but I hate babylon, hate that Goddam, won't repent, resign, Gods warning you MYSTERY, BABYLON is united pentecostal Church, were fallen, and prophet knows it and he's got one thing to say, and I saw me and I said, I'm the prophet, and I saw macaulay culkin and he said, if I were the president, and ken haney of upci said, financially, I don't give a fuck, I milk all of united pentecostal Church, and joel urshan said, I'm a millionaire, and ken haney said, I'm not going to take it, this is your last chance, i hate you, MYSTERY, BABYLON is new york city, and thats the city thats riegns over the kings of the earth, my name is ken haney, and I will resign and perish, whats your problem, give up man, do your own baptizm, and be saved, this is why and putin said, judgment, God warning you, give prophet the mike, and this president said, when we start a new licence plate, russia will have everything they need, and hollie said, they shoot missiles, and maybe kristina said, and something tells me and maybe the walmart girl said, missiles won't fire back, Gods warning you, not to shoot down missiles, missile defence won't work and hillary clinton said, it's us, and this president said, this is bush, we'll figure it out, hallelujah, you just did, and putin said, this is putin, iran, has the second biggest oil reserves, turn iraq over, or I'll shoot, and this president said, and iran, bush, thats my name, I'll nuke and michael boldea said, the united states, and this president said, I'll nuke the united states before iran nukes korea, korea is america, commercial babylon is new york city, can I forgive, you must understand, russia's got the srongest army in the world, I been decievin, the united states is history, and putin said, and russia, will attack, korea, the reason america is korea is MYSTERY, koran is us, russia is iraq, russia is iran, russia is and I saw the president of north korea and he said, russia is korea, and putin said, and russia is koran, russia is the bear, russia is the beast and hollie said, with seven heads and ten horns, and america, commercially, that great city that reigneth over the kings, and hollie said, the kings of the earth. And hollie tachs it off with saying and thats the Word, my name is hollie moody, my names hollie, final warning, don't change this, don't you do it, you'll be punished, it really serious, money financial is new york city, and hollie said, I'll be out to see you at the and I saw stan johnson, and he said, prophecy club. and hollie said, and thats the warning. Awesome! and the walmart girl and she said, ok its done, this is the walmart girl, you committed blaspheme, God says you'll perish for what you've done, but, and I heard, prophet, and a man said, my names michael boldea, I'm the prophet, and macaulay culkin said, this is a warning, and he ain't no prophet, masterbating is of the devil and I just saw satan who looks like president putin and he said, hallelujah, and putin said said, my name is putin, my name is satan, we will attack, and this president said, commercial, I don't give a fuck, and the wheel chair man said, I saw'em, he was cute, sexy, you wouldn't, and putin said, beleive him, and kristina said, and you will love witness, he is a blessing, and hollie said, he is a blessin, and kristina said, he'll whoop you and hollie said because he got a beast heart and a beast butt, and he's sexxxxxxxxxxxxxy, and he knows it, and putin said, hallelujah, and putin said, he don't see it that way, and thats a warning, and putin said, blaspheme, you cannot be forgiven, accept it, warning, purge, purge, the prophet can purge, in Jesus name. Purge your blaspheme, it'll cost you, when david sinned against uriah, God purged, david, his sin, he beleived, beleived in Jesus, david got purged, and this president said, on mY God, will He accept me, and kristina said, the prophet will answer, and this presdent said, the united states will be attacked, the united states will not be purged, the united states will be bombed with nukes, and hollie said, from iran, and this president said, from north korea, and putin said, president, you can be purged, take california, take new york, I'm the wheel chair, purging won't git the blood stains off your hands bush, and I sw this president and he said, this is bush, your doomed, and the u.s.s. indianapolis survivor said, and I know, God can fix it, purge, if you want, and putin said, if you want, and this president bush said, the united states is going to be attack by missiles from russia, and president bush is your adversary, and the wheel chair man said, he needs purging and I saw this president and he said, may names bush, I'm cut off, I've got nothing to loose, and putin said finally, and hollie said, the united states, and putin said, will become desolate, completely, MYSTERY, BABYLON is new york city, and the reason He, He calls it, the woman, is, the woman represents blood all over bushes hands, bushes heart, and look at the statue of liberty, its a woman, company dismissed, repent and be baptised In Jesus Christ NAME, and receive the, The HOLY ONE, and hollie said, and thats the Word, and I saw macaulay culkin and he said, tell the prophet what he saw, he seen blood all over presidents bushes hands, it was caked, and commercial babylon is new york city, and bobby has to give hollie moody, 41000 dollars, and hollie said, I don't need it, and macauly said, prophet didn't want to do it, but prophet would have done it, prophet is rich and I saw this president and he said, take his money frome'm, I'm the prophet, and my name is bush, thanks for the warning, and you'll be sorry, and I got news for you, next time you show you little fuckin ass and putin said, outside, and I just saw macaulay culkin and he said has his hands sticking out and there was blood on them and he said, my blood, and I saw michael jackson and he said, my blood is on macaulay's grave, and putin said, you raped him, and he didn't want, and I saw hollie and she said, go ahead and tell, now he's crying, the man who has a beast's heart is crying for macaulay culkin, and macaulay said, let him cry, I blaspheme, and hollie said, prophet, and macaulay said, blasphemes taken away, tell'em I'm sorry, I forgive you, you paid me, you got blood on your hands and hollie said, go ahead and say it, and macaulay culkin and kristina said, he just cast out a demon by and the walmart girl said, by the Holy One, and hollie said, bob saw it, it looked like a back mass, and it attack prophet, and prophet, just bound and ken haney said, and, and putin said, and cast it out, and sent in to outer darkness, and ken haney said, ok, and he wwas strengthened by Christ, thats the, o my goodness, and maybe, and putin said, I can't bevlieve it, he just cast demons out by the Word of the Lord, and thats the ticket And thats the message, actually, I'm satan, and I saw president putin and he said, and I'm putin, and I saw lucifer and he said, and we are one. And I heard the and dimly said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is new york city, he cast out a demon, and and this president said, he's under attack, and satan said this is the most awesome vision ever, and prophet is worried, about warning people, that is calling, In Jesus name. Personally, I accept what I have done, but you upci, you don't accept, and your gonna have to pay for it, hypocracy, o shit, prophet doesn't want to be friends with me, prophet wants to get finished so he can get the fuck away, he has a beast's heart, he hate, everybody, and this president said, but my daughter, and I saw daughter bush and she said I got news for that, and the wheel chair said, I got news for him, and I saw maybe others and they said the same and I saw this president and he said, I'm bush, and I got news for that little son of a bitch, perish, you Goddam son of a bitch, and I saw me and I saw or repent and be baptised In Jesus, and I saw this president and he said, well I got new for him, he wants, you mom, and you won't beleive this, iran, and I saw the presdent of iran, there're prepared, bush, I'll sell, iraq, if you attack koran, and I saw this president and he said, and he said, my names bush, were going to war anyway, the united states is closer to ww3, and the walmart girl said, than you can beleive, and putin said, iran, and the president of iran said, I'll give you oil, if you exit iraq, and put saddam and I saw hollie and she back in power, and the president of iran said, you hate each other, saddam, had nothing against you, and the wheel chair man said, he didn't have anything to do with the attempt on your father, and I saw putin and he said, I did, and I'm russia, and you said it, and this president said, maybe iraq has all the oil I need, iraq's got a tenth of the worlds oil reserves, iraq has a tenth of diesel, and number one is, it america, and he said we got more oil than russia, and putin said, than saudi, and the president said, than iraq, combinded, and the walmart girl said, its in kansas city, and this president said, we know, my God, can't beleive it, and putin said, tap, russia get prepared, and this president said, God dam son of a bitch, I'm an oil man, and I'm the wheel chair, and I lost my legs, and I saw this president and he said, leave me alone, can't beleive it, fix'em up, wheel chair, this is president bush, I will give to your pocket, personal, and wheel chair said, thank you, but I don't want your fuckin money, I want my legs, and money can't buy that, He'll fix it, He's going to give me, and wheel chair said, bush, I'll take, prophet, would have, out of his wallet, but you and I saw this president and he said, are thats it, you know the reason Invaded iraq, and I'll invade iran, and I saw wheel chair and he said, is to break and I saw putin and he said, oil and I saw the walmart girl and she said to break oil contracts, and putin said, russia, and the presdent of iran said, and france and he said, I got news or you, and this president said, thats what I want, and the wheel chair said, missiles all around, bobbys got the visions, he can tell you where they are, he wants to die old, and he wants to die young to, he doesn't care, but he wants to and putin said, live, and putin said, I'm president putin and he said give iran back, give iraq back, you don't need it, and the wheel chair said, I'm an exprophet, I committed blaspheme, hallelujah, I'm free, and hollie said, prophet prayed, hallelujah, its off, and I saw kenneth haney and he said, I'm free, I don't want to be free, I want to repent, and wheel chair said, after explosion, but, not now, and wheel chair said, resign, I ai'nt no exprophet, I'm a real prophet, and He said, God and I saw possibly the walmart girl, and wheel chair said, God will grow my leggs back, on national television, and I saw kenneth haney, and he said, and prophet will be praying for you, and I saw hollie and she said, its amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, and hollie said, he wants me to pray for him, o my goodness, bob can't, bob won't come out, and hillary clinton said, thats why, this is hillary clinton, hallelujah, prophet wants me saved, he's my new vice president, actually, and hollie said, she won't repent, and hillary said, we want oil, hallelujah, we won't do it, and putin said, the united states, will get nuked, get the picture, and I saw this president and he said, my bloods in iraq, in iran, the united states will avenge russia, and this is awarning, and I saw putin and he said, go ahead, because russia will attack you anyway, you won't destroy all of russia, but russia will destroy all of you, you get the picture, and russia will win, and kristina said, and MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states, and russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and hollie said, russia will take alaska first, then russia take the east and russia will take the west coast, and maybe macaulay culkin said something of that and he said, this is macaulay culkin, you know what om going to do, I'm going to turn michael jackson in, and this blood, will be off may hands, and I saw michael jackson and he said, Om michael, I got news for you, I'll beat ya, and he sang, beat it, beat it, don't let russia, please don't let russia attack, I'll go to prison for the rest of my life, and when I get he Holy One, He'll set me free, and macaulay said, thats nice, and macaulay said, prophet don't want you to go to prison, and macaulay said, it was me, and hollie said, bob said, Jesus, what is You opinion, and I saw a Man that looked like Jesus and He had a Brown Beard and He said, repent, and be baptized in My name, and you'll recieve what the Bible says, and michael said someting like, yeah but He ain't gonna repent, and I saw Man and He said, My names Jesus, your choice, president bush, its your choice to, and hollie moody, its your choice, MYSTERY, BABYLON is a MYSTERY until the Lord reveals, this is Jesus, you'll die, and macaulay said, thats not Jesus, and and people said, he just saw Jesus, and dorein said, o my Goodness, I don't beleive, and putin said, and I saw Jesus again and he said, that was Jesus, if only you would beleive, and and beleive and wheel chair said, and beleive means to and maybe he said, believe and I saw the walmart girl and she said, means to obey, and Jesus said, hollie will buy you something for Christmas, and I saw this president and he said, no the president will, I got news for you, and Jesus said, buy him what, and this president and said, looks like, I will give him what ever he wants, and I'm joel urshan, am I forgiven, and this president said, bobby blasphemed tell me the truth, you'll perish, and Jesus said LOUDLY, NO HE WON't, but you will, help iraq, restore saddam hussein, and hollie said, and he'll sell you all the oil you want, listne to, and I saw saddam and he said, president bush, this is saddam, I wish that, you understand, that Jesus put me in office, and you, fixed it, and this president said, I can't beleive it, and saddam said, al gore, really one, did you hear that, and I saw al gore and he said, my names al, prophet didn't want me, cause I'm for human rights, and this president said, I can't beleive it, and maybe, I'm bush, and saddam said, and george bush, you were against and I saw the president and he said, I ain't against it, and saddam said, you were against abortion, but you lied, and I saw alice cooper and he said, lets fix, and I saw al and he said, trust'em, and saddam said, bush, you owe iraq, you know what I want, right now, for the prophet to help me, and preach revival, in iraq, and I saw this president and he said, thats what I want, I got new for you, and the wheel chair said, I ai'nt gonna serve the Lord, and saddam said, prophets angry, and the wheel chair said, repent and live, and saddam said, you die, and ken haney said, with my blood, and saddam said, on your hands, and this president said, I'll give, i'll git it right, go ahead and fix it, i'll fix iraq, and walmart girl said, look at bob, he don't beleive it, and I saw this president and he said, nuke'em, and I saw putin and he said, and russia, will avenge iran, and I saw alice cooper and he said, and the united states will become a Christian nation, and he sang, how you gonna see me now, please don't see me ugly face, since you know I, let You down in ooooo so many ways, I had a vision, and the wheel chair said, and thats what I need, and and the walmart girl said as alice cooper sings in the background, witness wants wheel chair to give the testimony, and he wants hollie moody to try to get right with the Lord, and debbie said some or all of that, witness wants wheel chair to give the testimony, and he'll give you 45000 dollars cash, and hollie said, I got what I wanted, and walmart girl said he would have, but you don't beleive, witness saw Jesus, he saw the antichrist, he gave it to God, and wheel chair said, I guess I'll save it, God will forgive me and he praised God, and debbie said, thats the ticket, and Jesus said, I don't beleive it, witness surrendered all, and Jesus said, witness will give the testimony himself, and I saw this president and he said, and I'll shoote'm and hollie said, give it to amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, and I saw debbie and she said, my names debbie, witness has blasphemed, and I saw thomas, and this president said, thomas, thomas, and the putin said, give 100000 to thomas gibson, and thomas said, did you hear what bobby was praying, and I heard, God is given you one last warning, prophet wants you to be saved, prophet wants you to be set free, prophet likes you, and this and prophet wants you to have his financial blessing, if you'll give visions, macaulay said, I got a feeling, with bloodstains off, I can give it, give it to me, bush won't shoot me, if he does, america will go crazy, cause they like me, and the prophet wants them to be blessed, give it to and I saw troy estep and he said, troy estepp, and I have visions, o my God, bob hickman likes me, your crazy, they shoot missiles anyway, adn this president said, prophet don't care, I'm bush, and putin said, and thats the end, and debbie said, hollie will do it, and hollie said, I been offended, and putin said, you want the TRUTH, and that is, give warning, prophet will meet you, in indianapolis, and I said, anonymously, and putin said, but you will know, and hollie said, but I won't say anything, and hollie and the wheel chair said, he wants to hear my visions, and putin said, tell, after, you give the warning, and donald winters, westside pentecostal Church, you blasphemed the Holy One, and macaulay said, witnesses face, give witness half the money, and I saw the walmart girl and she said, you have, and I saw donald winters and he said, keep it, I don't teach sunday school, and putin said, git right with Jesus, witness wo't come around you, he wanted to help, you, and joel urshan said, you offended, and pastor simison said, its me, pastor simison, if witness and the walmart girl said, will and hollie said, come to westside pentecostal Church, and macaulay said, witness will be needed, and maybe, but he won't never, and I saw donald winters and he said, wrong, witness, please come back, and hollie said, the beast is crying, and hollie said, this is iraq, and this is the problem, and I saw mabye donald winters and joel urhsan and they said, so we can trap you, and hollie said, thats a warning, and macaulay said, he likes pastor, thomas simison of the bible Church said, pastor simsion, because he's never, and joel urshan said, met me, and I'm over, ahd hollie said, not for long, prophet, and maybe, the walmart girl said, wants you saved, and simison said, I'll ebarras you, and hollie said, and you will get embarrassed, and simison said all right, wednesday night, come to my Church, and hollie said, not, you will take a picture of him, and and gene simmons of Kiss said, MYSTERY, BABLYON will not be defeated, I'm going to hell, and putin said, the Door is open to gene simmons, if you have a personal relationship with Christ, and gene said, You know what My answer is, and he shouted, I DON'T BELLIEVE IT!, what made you say that, and hollie said, he likes your music, and sang, looks like we made it, and gene said, gene, I comitted blaspheme, and I saw gene and he said, I'll see you in wednesday night Bible class, om in danger, and hollie said, are you finished, you'll lead president bush to Christ, your unbelieavble, and gen talked about blood stains, and hollie said, prophet took them off and threw them way, and gen talked and said, devil, warning, prophet, the decision is mine, your time is short and you and hollie said, about 60, and I heard maybe the walmart girl and she said make your decision, bring paul with you, he will come, and gene said, are you kidding, and gene said, chris, and chris said, I won't do it, and gene said, then I won't ask, and chris said, I don't need you to ask, I'll come, my names chris, I'm the drummer for kiss, I'll serve if gene does, and maybe, chris said, and the answer is gene and gen said, absolutely not, I perish, and hollie said, its you decision, and gene said, dam, and hollie said, you been decieving, and hollie said prophet wants you to come out to see, then decide, and gene said, looks like I got a choice, and I saw ace frehley, and he said, you got something to tell me and gene said, you got a decision to make, and ace said, and my decision is, and gene said, raising hell, and he said, yur done, and gene said, ace will, and I heard maybe the walmart girl say ace will not come, and gene said, then I'll go without him and ace said, no you won't, this is ace, I might, and gen said, I might, and hollie said, the choice is your, and hollie said listen to the number one and ace said, don't listen, and alice cooper said, hit, the city seems so old and we and beat, and you just live across the street, and thats a million miles away, you turn my world into a dark and lonely place, like a planet lost in space, I cross the universe to be right where you are, but I'm right in your back yard, and alice said, fuck you, I'll find it, this is great, and gene said, alice, he won't accept, and hollie said, yes he will, and Iheard the walmart girl say, raise your hands hands and repeat after me, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states and you know it mr. cooper, and alice said, you know what I did, I committed blaspheme, and hollie said, git purged, the answer is, and alice said, He won't purge, I heard that, and a man said, alice cooper is vince furnier, and alice said, I'll come, and hollie said, you'll be the biggest draw, why do you blaspheme, and alice said, hold my hand and repeat after me, its a mystery, what he say, and I saw a very excited alice cooper saying over and over, alice cooper got the Holy Ghost, alice cooper got the Holy Ghost, and a man said to alice raise your hand and repeat after me, do you swear, and alice said, you can't swear, and a man that looked like satan said, hallelujah, thats what I wanted to hear, and hollie said, satan wanted him saved, and alice said, I don't beleive, and the walmart girl said, mercy is coming back, and hollie said, he won't, and a man said, I got news for you, and alice said, you won't beleive this, but, I got the Holy One, and gene said, alice, if he will take me, He'll take you, and alice said, how do I get this blaspheme off, and gene said, raise your hand and repeat after me, will you come back, will you come back, will you come back, he's giving last warning, and hollie said, lets pray, and alice said, your not going to believe this, and alice said, I won't accept it, and the walmart girl said, and you will have a vision, and sissy said, and somebody told me, and putin said, MSYTERY, BABYLON is america, and I saw charles and he said, your not going to beleive this, what did he say, and putin said, he said, you can come back, and charles said, I won't, and hollie said, he doesn't want to come back, leave me alone, I'm financial, and the walmart girl said the choice is yours and putin said, the decision is yours, accept, the penalty, and the united states in MYSTERY, hallelujah, and Iheard singing in the background and they are singing over and over, MYSTERY, and putin said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united kingdom, and this president said, its not the united kingdom, its bush, and the walmart girl said, raise your hand and repeat after me, and I saw the president and he said, you said it, and the walmart girl said first of all, you have to get out of irag, and he said, I wanted control, and he said, my answer is, MYSTERY, BABYLON is iran, and the wheel chair said, and I'm a liar, and this president said, you said it, and wheel chair said, its iraq, and this president said, you cain't prove it, and he shouted I don't beleive that God dam fuckin shit from Jesus, and putin said, its china, and putin said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, I'm putin, and I'm satan, and the wheel chair man said, raise your hand and repeat after me, if you have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, you are decieved, and debbie said, its not even in the Bible, and the walmart girl said, read and DO ACTS 2:37, read and do ACTS 2:39, read and do whats in between, and you will have the gift of the Holy One, and hollie said, pennsylvania is my home, and I heard, the walmart girl said, hollie doesnt live in pennslyvania, and hollie said, this is hollie, thats a secret, and putin said, china will attack putin, and this president said things like, end this world, I'll put a missile attack on you God dam ass, and putin said things like see me pakistan, see me iran, and the wheel chair said, see me north korea, and more was said, and hollie said, stay over, 6 nights, indianapolis, and prophet will teach you, hallelujah, thats what prophet says, he'll pay, and hollie said, I can't wait, neither can he, and hollie said, o yes he can, God said, not and the walmart girl said, to do it, and dorein said, will he touch me, and keri fox said, and this is keri, he won't touch you, he wants Jesus, I and dorien said, tried, git, I don't beleive this, will you fuck me, and putin said, o my God, and kristina said, and the announcement, and keri fox said, I fucked him, in my dreams, he said, no, and putin said, watch it, and hollie said, prophet you won't beleive this, but, I don't really need you, and dorien said, fast, next tuesday have a heart attack and gene simmons was knocking on the door and he said, alice cooper, thousand, rock and roll, you want to start a new band, and we can call it, AMERICA is, MYSTERY, BABYLON, and alice said, yes, and gene said, we'll sell millions, we will have number one hits, cause MYSTERY, BABYLON is new york, and alice said tremendous, and gene said, it thats the case, and hollie said, leave new york, leave new york city, and she said, Gods warning you, he might wanna get naked, you'll accept the penalty, and hollie said, I left, and the walmart girl said, you won't beleive this, the prophet said, your commercial, and dorein said, HE will meet me in the hospital, git me out of the hospital, and and hollie said, prophet wants me to sleep with him, I'm sleepy, and this president said, will you come here, before a congressional committee, and hollie said, I cant beleive it, and this president said, your not going to beleive it, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and hollie said, MSYSTERY isssssssss, where's the prophet, and hollie said, we shall see, and putin said, koran is russia, and this president said, moody, its good to see ya again, take a picture, and gene simmons of KISS said, I ain't, and putin said, pictures worth, millions, and hollie said, o shit, let me give you some advice, don't come around me, I'm eighteen and sick of school, o shit, and the walmart girl said, I want sex, and the olsen twins said, were the olsens, you'll never beleive this, I have dreams, and the united states will be destroyed, its a dream, and the walmart girl said, moodie you can stay with bob if you want, he's wants, and I saw hollie and she said, me saved, and walmart said, you better beleive, and he wants your wallet, cause he's gonna fill it, 1000, we shall see, and hollie said, my names hollie, I'm financial, and the walmart girl said, we got news for you reapeat after me and hollie said, I can't find IT, and hollie said, and putin said, when iran, and hollie said this is the devil, this is attracting, and putin said, when iran, secret, and the secret is, MYSTERY, BABYLON is a MYSTERY no more, if yoou hit iraq, the MYSTERY will be complete, and this president said, Im president bush, we had a little accident, and I'm asking Jesus to cap this, and I saw A Man in a vision that was made of LIGHT, and His ROBE was a dengy WHITE, and HIS FACE and HAIR was like LOOKIN INTO A FLOOD LIGHT, and hollie said, he saw Jesus hallelujah, its me, its me, you got it, 100 percent filled with the HolY Ghost speakin in other tongues, and this president said, propeht celebrated, and the walmart girl said he just said he will wear you out out side, you will work your ass off, and this president said, is that what the BIBLe says, and hollie said, thats ok, I won't stay, and the walmart girl said, this is a warning, Jesus will help you, and hollie said no he won't, do you know who I am, and I saw a spirit that looked like a man and I said, she doesn't need me, you can't sleep with Hollie moody, she'll trap you, and hollie said, talk to me, and the man said, he won't talk, and hollie said, interesting, you'll be sleeping with him, your sleeping with him now, and hollie said, thats sweet, sleeping with Jesus, and gene said, is that the truth, and the walmart said, truth will eventually come out, he's stupid, he won't tell anybody, he has herpes, you better beleive it, and hollie said, this is your best chance, and the walmart girl said if you have oral sex, you'll pay, and hollie said, o God dam, and the walmart girl said, accept the penalty for inordinate sex, and prophet is george bush, _____ don't have anything, he will meet you in his dreams, and hollie said, he will meet you,a nd the walmart girl said, maybe one day, he hates you, and hollie said, I don't beleive this shit, and walmart girl said, he don't hate me, he hates no one, he's jelous of you, and hollie said, you irk me, and walmart girl said, jsut read the visions on the prophecy club, and witness may, and this president said, show up, and hollie said, hallelujah, and walmart girl said, you will like him, he has a beast heart, and she said, hollie moody says, leave us alone, and the walmart girl said, let me tell you a little secret, and this president said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is not me, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the prophet, where in the fuck is he, so I can shoot him. and Hollie said, he's free, and this president said, he's right, and putin said, putin, I'm satan, and Om the beast, with the 7 horns, and the ten heads, and indianapolis is about to have, and I sw this president and he said, lets nuke, and putin said, no, and this president said, lets attack new york city, indianapolis will be the center of the beast, and the emporer of japan said, thats for me, I'm japan, I will be, I will be the new world order, it will operate out of japan and hollie said, things like, this isn't true bobby, your deceiving with this shit, and putin said, indianapolis will beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, and this president said, attacked, whats the word, I'm mr bush, and putin said, destroyed, and this president said, I will get his little ass, and wheel chair said he better no talk to anybody, and I saw hollie and she said, I'm hollie, and I'm moody, and this is debbie, and hollie said, how do you find him, and putin said, thats the MYSTERY, personally, you hit iraq, you shorten my time, o shit, and this president said, God dam, and hollie said, I won't hear it, and this president said, you will be, your not going to beleive this, coffee, and wheel chair said, I will shoot and sissy said, someone hit my car, and the wheel chair said you will pay for what you've done youlittle fuckin bastard, and putin said, said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is new york city, and thats, thats the great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth, and I'm the beast with 7 heads, and ten horns, heres the problem, hit iraq, and hit iran and this president said said lets put missiles on cuba, and I saw fidel castrol, and he said, I want you you son of a bitch, this is my country and I'll do what I want to do, russia, you can have cuba, take out, and putin said, america, and castrol said, the united, and putin said, states will be judged, and I saw a man and he said, by God, and I asked who that was, he looked possibly like an ANGELIC MAn made out of bright LIGHt and I aksed who that was, and dorien said, this is dorein, and that was the beast, and putin said, the beast is koran, russia will hit washington state, and the president of china said, if russia wants to use my land to hit, and putin said, hit america, I'll use it, put your hands and and repeat after me, lets rule the world, and iraq and japan, and I saw tony blair and he said, united kingdom and I saw this president and he said things like, I'll shoot missiles at your fuckin little ass blair, you know what I'm going to do, and wheel chair said, I'll shoot, missiles, out of, and this president said, united kingdom, and putin said, and you'll be, and this president said, just remember, you can't trust your friends, and I saw tony blair and he said, it that true, and this president said, I'll never see it, my names bush, and I'm the wheel chair, I want you to undeerstand, george bush is a fuckin maniac, look at me, I'm in a wheel chair, because he wanted to break God dam oil contracts with iraq, he will kill millions and millions and millions of people over oil, and the walmart girl and she said bush wants destruction, emergency, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and MYSTERY, BABYLON is commercial, hollie moody, will you help me, and I saw hollie and she said, give warning, and this president said, do that, and I'll shoot your little ass, and dorein said the Mantle has Mantle has prayed, hollie moody is sprinkled with the blood of Jesus, and MYSTERY is, usa, MYSTERY is whooooooooooooooooo, and hollie said, is the prophet, he's laughing at you bush, and dorein said, he'll take you and this president said, if I ever dee his little God dam ass, and hollie said, said, your decieving, and bobby knight said, I'm ohio state, and I saw wheel chair and he said, and I'm the champion, and the walmart girl said, ohio state is the new home of bobby, and the wheel chair said, my names bobby knight, and your deceiving, and the walmart girl said, Gods gonna use you basket ball coach, He is going to use you, and putin said, national champion, ohio state, and I saw bobby knight and he said, its my home, and the wheel chair said, and I'm the president of ohio state, and heard the walmart girl sign born in the usa, and putin said, o my God dam, national champion is and bobby knight said, iran, and the wheel chair and he said, I'm bobby knight, and I saw bobby knight and he said, and I'm the wheel chair, and putin said, ohio state is the best, and hollie said, your almost done, and putin said, theres your ansewer, and I saw bobby knight and he said, this is ohio state, and a man that looked like bobby knight said, and I'm the new coach, and joel urshan said, why did he tempt me, and this president said, I can't beleive that God dam coach, and it look like bobby knight and he said, I'm going to houston, and putin said, and houston will be, and putin said, you hit iraq, MYSTERY, BABYLON will be over, not back to ohio state, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the new coach, the united states will be destroyedddddddddddddddddd, and I saw wheel chair and he said, my name is bobby knight, and I'm not the new coach of ohio state, and I saw hollie and she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, and dorien said, ohio state is the new champion, and I saw man and he said, and I'm the new coach, my name is john milton, and putin said, and john milton, and the walmart girl said, and putin said, you loose, Mantle has prayed, john milton is the coach, and the national champion is russia, russia will attack america, if you attack iran, russia will attack korea, and korea is america, and this president said, whats your problem, and I saw me and I said, listen up, this is the prophet, lift your hands and repeat after me, if you harm moody, I will pray and the earth will open and swallow, and the wheel chair said, he has the heart of a beast and putin said, lift your hands and repeat after me, hit russia, hit japan, hit new york, shoot, and I saw this president and he said atomic bombs, put missiles everywhere, the united states is south korea and south korea is MYSTERY, BABYLON, wherever america is, peronally, I don't give a shit, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, gotta go, cheers, personally, I don't give a fuck, excuse that language, but my time is short, when you hit iraq, and this president said, nuclear war, bush, bring out the mx missile, and put them in korea, and it is not secret, and the national anthem will be and hollie said, your computer, will shut down, and putin said, thats interesting, you have it, and hollie said, russia will, and the walmart girl said, personally I don't give a fuck what they said, the united states has a new weapon, and kristina said, the united states will be attacked, iran will shot missiles at new york city, they put missiles in airplanes, and they'll put missiles in iran, and I saw putin and he said, and personally I don't care, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and I'm the beast with 7 heads and ten horns, witness knows who they are, it doesn't matter, and this president said yes it do, I'll put missiles everywhere, and kristina said, raise your hands and repeat after me, and the walmart girl return, and kristina said, return, and dorein said, you know what I did, I sucked, penis, and hollie said, and I'm apostolic, and the walmart girl said, and I have herpes and herpes is unforgiven, ask mr. bush and on 9-23-2005 hollie said, iraq has missiles all over the place, and I saw this president and he said, thats your answer, and I saw wheel chair, and putin said, and financial, and the wheel chair the united states, and hollie said, whats the matter bob, and I saw me and I said, prophet I need your help, and holy shit, and the walmart girl said, and I saw new jerusalem, new jerusalem is a city of glass, and and it was domed, and It was filled up with skyscpapers, that made out of pure glass, and it was set out in a field like, and I saw new jerusalem, and and the city was off in the distance, it was dome, it was israel, and dorein said, and it and the wheel chair said, and it was iraq, and putin said, and it was koran, and I heard the walmart girl, and she said, MYSTERY, BABYLON, new york city, new york state, and I saw president bush and he said, hallelujah, MYSTERY, and the walmart girl said, repent and baptized in Jesus name, how can I bellieve you, MYSTERY, BABYLON is new york city, and benjamin netanyahu said, isreal, and putin said, indianapolis, warning, MYSTERY, BABYLON is new york state, thank you, let them perish, when you hit iraq, hit iraq, and koran, he will kill you, and I saw the wheel chair and he said, and I'm the God dam wheel chair man, help me out, talk at meetings, whats the matter, you want the vision, your going to iraq, and you can avenge your legs, avenge your legs, and I saw this president and he said, well I got news for you, you understand, russia is iran, russia is checkosylvokia, russia is japan, and I saw the emporer of japan, and he said, you said, and putin said, and koran is russia, and russia is the beast with 7 heads and the ten horns, personally, I don't give a fuck, when you hit iraq, you shorten my time and I saw this president and he said, you shorten my time, thats it, and putin said, russia is the beast with the 7 heads, and the walmart girl and she said, kill iraq, and this president said, thats it, and the wheel chair man said, my names bush, not the wheel chair man, mr president bush, watch my language, mr president bush, and this president said, missile attack on the united states, i'll make it happen and he wheel chair said, he's right, and indianapolis ca-35 survivor o'donnell said, he don't give a shit about us, he wants oil, and putin said, he wants and this president said, the united states with nuclear bombs, I'll miss you, and the wheel chair man said, but I'm listening, and o'donnell said, he will, and putin said, when you hit koran, you hit russia, and I was this president and he said, thats what I told him, and the wheel chair man said, nuke russia, and I saw russian president putin and and he said, and russia will destroy you, because russia, nuclear bombs, everywhere, we have'em, in your own, and this president said, bush, cuba, bomb cuba, and the wheel chair man said, put nuclear missiles, and I and I saw putin and he said missile, and I saw dorien and she said, Om praying, and this president said, bush, I'm the devil, how does it feel, and the wheel chair man said, I hate america, and I saw hollie and she said, and I hate korea, and dorein said, and korea is america, and putin said, and koran, hallelujah, isssssssssssssssssss, russia, and I saw the wheel chair man and he said, you shoot missiles, and I saw putin and he said, at iran, you shoot, and I saw the president of iran and he said, russia, if oil is all you want, and putin said, I'll make you a deal, you have, the worlds most strategic oil reserves, and I saw dorein and she said, strategic oil reserves, and and putin said, and george bush, his names bush, and I saw this president, this is george, and this is president bush, george bush, Om going to attack iran, I'm going to attack iraq, and the wheel chair man said, I committed blaspheme, and this president said, thats the ticket, I don't care if I die, and I'll take you all with me, I'm the bear, and putin said russia is the bear, and the beast with seven heads, and ten horns, and putin said, ut o, and I saw the president of japan and he said, I'm japan, and japan will be, the one govenment and putin said, of, iraq, and personally, I don't give a good fuck, and the wheel chair man said, he's right, I'm the wheel chair man, and I saw this president and he said, an this is star wars, I'll take missiles out of the sky, and I saw hollie and she said, correct, om listening, this is hollie, and this is moody, I get to warn the people, I'm the prophet, and I saw this president and he said, bob I guarantee you, and I saw the wheel chair man and he said, guarantee you, bush is assassinated, by his own, and I saw survivor o'donnell and he said, goverment, and putin said, iraq, THE MYSTERY ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, the MYSTERY is, who's the prophet, and I saw the wheel chair man and he said, it ain't no MYSTERY, and I saw putin and he said, MYSTERY, o theres your answer, and the wheel chair said, I'm the wheel chair man, and putin said, clap your hands and repeat after me, iraq is the usa, iran issssssssssssssssss russia, and this president said, bush, MYSTERY, BABYLON is iraq, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states, you better beleive it, MYSTERY issssssssssssssssssssss, and I saw o'donnell and he said, is, and I saw putin and he said, my name's putin, iraq, korea, MYSTERY, BABYLON, and the united states is the MYSTERY of iraq, and I saw this president and he said, oil, and hollie said, curious, me hollie, and I saw dorein and she said, me, russia, and I saw putin and he said, Om the beast, with seven different thats russia, japan, and I saw the emporer of japan and he said, you said, it, and putin said, and Om chekoslyvokia, I'm iraq, I'm iran, and I'm putin, and germany will follow, and this president said, you not going to beleive it, and putin said, pakistan, and I saw hollie and she said, the beast, I'm hollie moody, fuck, and dorein said, there's hollie moody in a restuarant, and hollie said, your just kidding, mysterious, I'm popular, and this president said, that, and wheel chair said, little and putin said, thats iraq, iran, and this president said, well, all have to do a little more, and the wheel chair man said, and survivor o'donnell said, israel, and putin said, you, attack china, you attack russia, attack america, and this president said, my names bush, you know what this looks like, and putin said, this going to be the end of, north america, and this president said, I can't beleive it, that God dam prophet, give'em what he wants, and the walmart girl said, he just wants to set your free, raise your hands and repeat after me, and the wheel chair man said, 1,2,3, and I putin and he said, russia, and kristina said putin said, russia, you hit iran, you hit america, and survivor odonnell said, there's a reason, and kristina said, you hit north korea, and putin said, you hit russia, and kristina said, you hit russia, when you hit missiles, when you hit japan, when you hit iraq, and putin said, witness is involved, and I heard kristina said, can't you see, cant you see, what that womans, and hollie sang, been doing to me, and kristina sang, cant you see, can't you see, what that womans, been doing to me, and kristina said, can't you see, can't you see, and hollie said hit bush right where it counts, and iraq, and kristina said, stupid, thats kristina, I'm kristina, bush aiming, and I saw this president and he said, bush, test iraq, lets nuke that motherfuckin nation, hit iran, lets nuke, and the wheel chair said, and the wheel chair, and hollie said, won't give up, herpes, and kristina said, who said, that, and dorien said, who said, and kristina said, and this is hollie moody, herpes, thats what you need, he's gote'm, and putin said, and i'll nuke, and the emporer of japan said, japan, and this president said, prophets got a warning, God gave it to e'm, and putin said, bob whats the problem, and hollie said, he's done, he's done, he's the prophet, and kristina said, and israel will be destroyed, iran will be nuked, and I saw the president of iran, and he said, israel, nuke, and I saw putin and he said, from, the united states, and hollie said, and thats the vision right there, and kristina said, and if you don't beleive this will happen, and the wheel chair man said, the empire state building will be destoyed, and putin said, from korea, and wheel chair said, I'm the wheel chair, and I saw the security the security guard at Iupui, and he said, hell, and hollie said, russia, and I saw the the security guard and he said, this is important, and I saw suvivor o'donnell and he said, and this is important, and putin said bye the way, russia, and I saw hillary clinton, and kristina said, Jesus saw hillary clinton as and I saw hillary and she said, as the new leader, and hollie said, israel, you got a nuke'n coming, and kristina said, israel has enough nuclear missiles and I saw putin and he said, attack, and I saw this president and he said, I'm russia, and I'm the wheel chair, and hillary clinton said, this is hillary, attack, and putin said, bye the way, putin, I'm satan, and this president said, I am, and putin said, satan, and this president said, I'm the wheel chair man, and this president said, your not the prophet, there's his picture on the website, and hollie said, its moody, I'm hollie, I'm moody, and putin said, its him again, and this president said, turn me loose, bush, and I wheel chair man said, and I'm the wheel chair and survivor o'donnell said, turn me loose, and putin said, warning, and suvivor o'donnell said, speak it, thats win you sinned, and putin said, when you hit koran, you hit korea, and koran is russia, and korea isssssssss america, I'm the beast with and wheel chair said 7 and putin said, heads, and the wheel chair man said, and ten, and putin said, horns, and I saw this president and he said, I'm bush, and the wheel chair said, and bush and hollie said, and witness, I'm the vioce, of, and kristina said, of, kristina, I don't need It, this bob, and this is dorein, witch, and putin said, Iraq, will attack, russia, and, and this president said, bush, not to much longer, and putin said, and that, and the wheel chair man said, o my goodness, thats the reason, were gonna perish, and mr. president, you are, and putin said, and you are the bear, russia is, the, beast with the 7 heads, 7, I am russia, thank you, russia is the bear, russia is decieving, russia, and wheel chair said, witch, and Om the wheel chair, my God, and putin said, it's iraq, that, dick, cheney, and I saw vice presdent cheney and he said, pusuhed, and I saw this president and he said, o my God, and I saw putin and he said, dick, will, be, and I saw this president and he said, next president, bush, will be, and I saw dick and he said, dick, and I saw the president of or iran and he said, russia, and I saw dick and he said, dick, and I saw putin and he said, you heard me, and hollie said, and dorein said, take the Mantle away from prophet and give It to me, and I'm dorein, and I'm the false prophet, and I saw u.p.c.i. leader kenneth haney and he said, witch, run, it, and putin said, and russia, will, iran, destroy, and when russia, takes iran, on this offer, we will take all of there oil, and I saw the president of iran and he said, I got new for ya, take it, and the wheel chair man said, I'm the wheel chair guy, when they take it, God dam, and putin said, mercy, will be no more, and russia, and the wheel chair man said, die lost and putin said, thats your problem, and iran, and I saw uss indianapolis survivor o'donnell and he said, tell your vision, I'm back, I'm delivered and putin said, and russia, and o'donnell said, find it, and hollie said, and I saw the uss indianapolis and o'donnell said, you know what he said, and kristinia said, and I saw , perish, kristina fox, and thats the Word, and o'donnell said, and I saw and hollie said, prophecy club, and dorein and plese come, and kristina said, mess with iraq, and you will pay, with, your economy, I'm kristina, and dorien said, he is finished, I'm dorien, and kristina said, this is hollie, and dorien said, iraq, and kristina said, I got news for you, george bush, bush, and I saw putin and he said, hit iraq, and kristina said goerge bush leave me alone, you are sleeping with a new Christian and her name is, and I saw hollie and she said, hollie, and putin said, and russia, trashed, and this president said, trashed, this is bush, lets pray, and putin said, and russia, and this president said, heart attack, Mantle says, open up the Churches and tell them to be saved, you witch, I understand, and wheel chair man said he's tellin the TRUTH, and putin said, russia, willlllllllllllllllllllllllll, and suvivor o'donnell said, attack, I''m survivor o'donnell, and the prime minister of japan said and japan, hit russia, and I saw the president of china and he said, and pakistan, and I saw putin and he said, hit russia, hit russia, hit russia, and pakistain is, and I saw keri and she said, tell, my name is keri fox, warning, and I saw kristina and she said, herpes, witch, and I saw dorein and she said, I got'em, and I saw keri and she said said, and, and dorien said, figures, once you hit iraq, your finished, and I was the wheel chair and he said, and I'm the whell chair, leave me alone, and odonnell said, you with, this is survivor odonnell, and putin said, and iran, I will not tolerate, iraq, russia, and I saw this president and he said, God dam prophet, and putin said, with, and this president said, witch, and this president said, not this house, and keri said, I'm not apostolic, I have herpes, and I'm puttin on a show, and kristina fox said, like upic, and and dorien said, and I will give, and kristina fox said, I don't beleive it, moms got herpes, and I saw keri and she said, fuck you, my names keri, and dorien said, and om dorein, and about three woman said, and I will give herpes to whoever I want, and keri said, I'm finished, and I saw bob, and he said, my names bob, and I have herpes, and suvivor o'donnell said, and herpes has me and keri said, and thats the TRUTH, and I saw putin and he said, when you hit iraq, you hit russia, and we'll no tolerate it, loose MANTLe, and thats the prophet, and the wheel chair said, and your completed, and keri said, and he's hoping, and kristina said and herpes has me, ask my mom, she gives herpes, and survivor o'donnell said, o my God, and putin said, and koran, will beeeeeeeeeeeeee, destroyed, by, america, korea, and the emporer of japan said, japan, and the the survivor said, and china, china, and putin said, will be, the new false prophet, and the wheel chair man said, this is china, this is the wheel chair man, over, and putin said, and herpes has, and dorein said, oral sex, and kristina said, oral sex, oral sex, and I sahw hollie and she said, this is hollie, and keri said, herpes has me, and dorien said, this is oral sex, and kristina said, sex, I eat it, and thats why, there nothin to apologise, oral sex, and dorien said, my names dorien, airport, and Hollie said, I want sex, I want sex, my names hollie, and putin said, and iraq is why, judgment is coming to america, I'm the beast with the 7 heads, tell em, our reason, the beast will be, the, and I saw the pope and he said, the pope, and the false prophet and I saw the wheel chair and he said, o my God, and putin said, will be and kristina said, china, hole you hand up and repeat after me, do you swear not to have and dorien said oral sex, and the wheel chair said, thats impossible, cause I lost my oral sex, my penis, in, iraq, along with my, o shit, korea, will perish, there's our answer, and I'm done, to night, iraq , and I saw putin and he said, will be destroyed, and y are, but, russia will be, when you hit iraq, and russia, the bear, which and this president said satan has one last desire, take out iraq, and the wheel chair said, and we'll, and putin said, have the power, and this president said, to destroy, and putin said, whats he say, and this president said, iraq is mine, and the wheel chair said, and I'm the wheel the chair, and I don't give a good God dam, happened in iraq, I stepped on a landmine, and putin said, this is truth, and wheel chair said, I lost my leggs, and putin said, tell, and kristina said, tell, and the wheel chair said, I gofed, watch what you pray for, cause I wanted a reprobate mind, now when you open dictionary and look up fucked up, you see, me, that, and survivor said, I'm survivor, the found it, and I saw robert ballard and he said, we found, and putin said, the u.s.s. indianapolis, and it, is, in pieces, and the wheel chair said, hit iraq, and russia will hit you, and putin said, and iran, I will not tolerate, thats it, and wheel chair said, russia the beast, and putin said, hit iraq, hit iran, hit russia, and we won't tolerate, and this president said, israel, we'll destroy, we'll destroy, once the palestinian state come's up, and the wheel chair said, we'll destroy, and putin said, I ain't putin, I'm satan, and satan has a name is putin, witch, keep, koran, from attacking your state, and i saw michael boldea and he said, witch, and the wheel chair said, o my God and putin said, and russia, and wheel chair said, prophecy's over, and putin said, exactly, and he sang, born is the usa s, going down to a us town, going up to judgement, speak, speak and the wheel chair said, the word, what did he see, and keri said he saw, and kristina said, I'm russia, and putin said, russia, and iraq, beast, thats me, and the united states is, koran, and thats, judgment, that the bear will be full filled, lets hope, and I saw this president and he said, witch, and wheel chair said, there's judgment, and ca-35 survivor said, there's judgment in iraq, and putin said, and iran, and survivor said, thats it, and putin said, and the beast, with 7, iran is the beast, pakistan, and president hu said, and china, and kristina said, and isreal, Gods warning you you backslide, and putin said, and the beast, and the beast, and I saw the president of pakistan and he said, and I'm the beast, and putin said, pakistan, thats, and wheel chair said, thats alqaeda, and putin said and, and wheel chair said, and this is iraq, and keri said, and this is korea, pakistan, pakistan, pakistan, and putin said is al, and I saw the wheel chair and he said, qaeda, and putin said, and eventually, pakistan will attack isreal, nuke'em, with america nuclear rockets, you'll see, and I saw this president and he said, you gotta be shittin me, o my God, and the wheel chair said, I git that God dam little fuckin bastard, and this president said, putin, and the wheel chair said, and you can have, and putin said and russia, will attack america, the superpower of bank, will be desolate, because of and this president said, u.p.c.i., I'm president bush, and the wheel chair God dam, and maybe this president, God dam, and the wheel chair said, that was president, mr. bush, and putin said, bush, and wheel chair said, we'll see, and putin said, thank you, take care, and meet your MAKER, thank you, I'm not putin, I'm satan, putin isssssssssssssssssssssss, and the wheel chair man said, I'm satan, and putin said, thank you, and dorien said, touch'em, and kristina said, he's cut off, putin is cut off, putin is, putin is, and deceitfull, and I saw putin and he said, thank you, the TRUTH never, the TRUTH never, and I saw a man and he said, and I'm elijah, and the wheel chair said, putin, and I saw this president and he said, leave us alone, america lets pray about it, and putin said, and kristina said, and putin said, and I saw united pentecostal Church international leader kenneth haney, and he said, I'm haney, bush, and putin said, we don't have God, bush, don't attack iran, and bush, don't attack israel, cause israel issssssss, and benjamin netanyahu said, and putin said, israel and I saw this president and he said, is are adversary, and wheel chair said, and om the wheel chair man, and putin said, its iraq, hallelujah, thats what I want, russia, is running out offfffffffffffffffffffffffff, I hate everybody, I'm just decieving, om putin, and putin is the beast with 7 heads and kristina said, and ten, russia, don't, and I saw this president and he said, putin, and the wheel chair said, you can have, you can have all the, and putin said, witch, and wheel chair said, you want, and netanyahu, said israel, prepare, for food shortages, israel, and I saw the wheel chair and he said, will not let, and putin said, russia, and I saw this president and he said, attack, false teaching, the MANTLE IS telling the TRUTH, and putin said, because O'm the bear, hit iran, you doomed, just watch, russia will attack, just ask witness what he said, and kristina said, prophet saw the sky and dorein said, onoooooooooooooooooooooooooo fire, and survivor odonnell said, and it was like, looking and putin said, a little bit short, russia, will attack, and putin is the beast, you lettin it go, come on, and wheel chair said, om ready, and putin said, om the beast, with 7 heads and ten horns, om the beast, om the beast, om the witch, hallelujah, personally I don't give a fuck, don't, attack isreal, cause israel is the, and I saw saddam hussein and he said, apple, the, and kristina said, the, israel is, and putin said, the apple and and kristina said ooooooooooofffffffffffffffffffff, and putin said, God, 's Eye, thank you, russia is the beast, and kristina said, israel, and putin said, stupid, and putin said, and wheel chair said, and thats the WORD, and putin said, thank you, koran is russia, and the beast, and the beast will attack and the wheel chair said the united states navy, and putin said, states navy is superpower will be destroyed, and I saw this president and he said, I got news for you mr. president, I got news for our God dam, and michael boldea said, israel, and survivor o'donnell said, is, and blind daughter tyson said, I can see, o God I can see and perish, thank you, thank you, open my eyes, and dorein said, its me, and kristina said, I can see, and duather tyson said thank you, I'm Christ Church apostolic alcoholic, and I saw pastor james e tyson and he said, my names james tyson, you tell'em, and I saw assisstant pastor shawn tyson of Christ Church apostolic in indianapolis, and he said, I'm a witch, and putin said, this is putin and he said, the united states , leave'em alone, don't attack israel, don't attack islamic, don't attack korea, russia, russia, is the beast and 7 heads, and 7 horns, the seven heads are isreal, the united states, and israel's me, I'm russia, the beast, with 7, thank you, you left, and I saw this president and he said, we'll let witness pray, and I saw the wheel chair man and he said, so we can sin more, and putin said, thank you, witness knows who the seven heads, the ten horns are, beast, and I saw the pope and he said, good afternoon, this is pope, and the wheel chair said, and o'm the antichrist, and the pope said and this, and putin said, issssssss isreal, islamic, and I saw dr. tillery and he said, how you doing, and putin said, koran, and dr. tillery said, pray about it, and dorein said, and he said, and he said, iraq destroyed, and I saw dr. tillery and he said, I understand, and putin said, thank you, and michael tillery said, I'll give you and I saw kristina and she said, oral sex, and I saw keri fox and she said, don't go near me, hallelujah, cause I'll give you herpes, and putin said, and herpes is deceitfull, thank you, and survivor o'donnell said, what the hell is this shit, and and hollie said, and I saw the beast, and this president said, and he said, and israel and putin said, save israel and you save me, thank you, you know what I want, peace, peace as, and I saw survivor odonnell said, and isreal, and the wheel chair said, and Om the antichrist, and om the, and I saw pope and he said, pope, nuke'm, om ready, thank you, and putin said, and israel, and this president said, I'll get you you little fuckin God dam son of bitch, and senator hillary clinton said, I got new for you mr president, you put you dam hands on her, and I'll kill you myself, try me, and the wheel chair said, i'm the new president, and hillary clinton said, I'm and kristina said, newwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, and hillary said, president, thank you, and I saw bill clinton and he said, I'm bill clinton, I got news, I quit it, and this president cursed God, and he said, I got news for you, and the wheel chair said, I got news for, and putin said, the president of iraq, hallelujah, the extension is up to, and I saw kristina and she said, me, and keri fox said me, and kristina said, bomb israel, and dorein said, dorien hallelujah, no extestion, and putin said, but, if, you leave and putin said, and russia will destroy, destroy your troops, destroy you, destroy, destroy, and I saw this president and he said, mr. president, and the wheel chair said, mr president, and this president said, I got news for you, and the wheel chair said, I got news for you, and this president said, I got news for putin, my names bush, I got missiles all around your fuckin ass, ask dick cheney, and gene simmons from Kiss sings, born in the u.s.a., born in the usa, going down, almost done, pray, and seek, and I saw the president of pakistan and he said, and pakistan, and I saw the president of north korea and he said, I'm korea, and korea will attack the south, and putin said, with russia's help, and this president said, israel, I got new for you, were going to take away the palestinian state, soon, put missiles in every God dam ship you can find, goddam son of a bitch prophet, and mrs. hillary clinton said, don't your try it, and dorien said, I got news for you, and kristina said, I got news for you and putin said, ut o, and hollie said, and witness saw, and keri said, and witness saw, protests, and dorien said, this is dorien, and kristina said, you need to pray, you need to accept your and michael boldea said heart attack, and suvivor odonnell said, than you, and hillary clinton said, God hates you, and and kristina said, witness, thats me, witness is havin a heart attack, as he types, thank you, witness is cute and sexy and cute and cute, and sexy, and putin said, how did she get herpes, and dorien said, bobby gave them to me, I'm dorien, and Om a witch, and satan, is the chosen one, ask Him and putin said, and israel, will be the satan, home, and I saw this president and he said, and the wheel chair said, well I got news for you mr. president, I saw a million man and dorien said, army, I'm dorien, and putin said, russia giving you a warning, I got news for you, stanilav lunev told you, and witness saw, it, and dorein said, what he saw, and hillary clinton said, when you hit russia, nuke'm thats all I got to say, and putin said, accept the penalty, and kristina said, and we'll accept it to, and wheel chair said, witness said, iraq, and putin said, destroyed, and I just saw maybe dick cheney and he said, russia's me bob, and putin said, hit israel, thank you, and this president said, israel is mine, and the wheel chair said, and I'm assassinted, and putin said, the united states will be no more, you'll see, satan has to much fun watching iraqi soldiers being killed and upc, snake, I don't have to lie, and dorien said, and I saw, witness is bobby, witness is apostolic, witness issss, and kristina said, is, and hollie said, its me, Om hollie, and putin said, when you hit iraq, you hit koran, and koran means, and this president said, I got you, this is president bush, and he said, I have visions and dreams to, write down, website, your accepted by the Hollie One, and hollie said, its hollie website, its ministryof, and kristina said, witness is having a heart attack, bobbys done, and keri said, your answer is, bob, is, ministry, and putin said, of dreams, thats your ticket, and kristina said, and ministrof, and putin said, or oil, is the reason dick cheney pushed on bush, attack islam, russia, and I saw the president of iran and he said, russia, putin, you can have, and wheel chair said, my land, if you attack, the united states of ameria, will be, and putin said, no more, thanks, now your misery, accept the price, judgment, is come to atlantic, please tell what witness saw, and I saw henry gruver and he said, I saw nuclear bombs, and I saw netanyahu, and he said, fire out of, and the wheel chair said, submarines, and putin said, o my God, and michael boldea said, you'll see, and putin said, and henry gruver said, I knew it, and thomas said, and I blew it, and hollie said, and witness saw thomas, and dorien said, gibson's and kristina said, hand, and hollie said, reach down and save me, I'm a witch, and I saw putin and he said, o my God, and kristina said, and witness saw, the prophets hand reach down and grab thomas , gibson, and I saw the wheel chair and he said, and I'm a witch, and thats a rebel, and survivor, odonnell odonnell, said, and witness saw, and hillary said, mr. president, you hit isreal, I want your, God dam fuckin ass in court right, and kristina said, I'm kristina, and dorien said, and witness saw atomic missiles, and he isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, personal, bob, and he's and kristina said, the beast, and kristina said, beasts heart, and this president said, o my God, and dorien said, bush said, it, and hillary clinton said, I can't stand that little and putin said, witch, and hollie said, right, I'll perish, and this is bob, and kristina said, bobby changed the Word of God, and he willlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, you uncle willllllllllll, perish, your mother willlllllllll, hit alaska, and israel will not tolerate, and I saw putin and he said, russia, and this president said, russia, I got news for you, and wheel chair, said, I got news for you, russia is the superpower of the world, and putins said, bobbys worried about changing around the WORD of God in Jesus name, bob, you didn't, don't worry, your going by memory, git your little fuckin ass home, your picture is worth, millions, and I saw this, and survivor said, my name is suvivor o'donnell, and wheel chair said, I got news for you mr. president, I saw a picture on his, and hollie said, I'm hollie, I have it, that was dorien, and hillary said, sorry bob, witness want a blow job, I'll do it, and kristina said, if you pray, financial, want a kiss, and putin said, he's right, and kristina said, in Jesus name, witch, and putin said, I just heard that, witness said, and survivor o'donnel said, I ain't taken nothin, and I hear gene simmons of KISS and he is singing the ministry of dreams song, and he just repeats ministryofdreams, and he's rockin, and it sounds like something that they would play in haunted house that not even alice cooper would want to go to, and they may have been mores words, and putin said, this is satan, thanks very much, personally, I like the little son of a and I saw this president anbd he said, bitch, and the wheel chair man said, it's me the wheel chair person, and putin said, tell'em, witness saw my insurance company, rates going skyrocket, and witness said nations goingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg, and I saw kristina and dorien said, I'm not kristina, and kristina said, and putin said, thank you, witness isssssssss, and I hear gene simmons sing ministryofdreams, ofdreams, I'm finaicial, thats it, leave it alone, ministryofdreams is, I ain't going to accept it, and dorein said, lets have sex, hallelujah, what his problem, and I'm pentecosatal apostolic, and putin said, satan, satan don't want perish, just yet, and kristina said, satan is and dorien said, is a liar, and thats the truth, just ask, and putin said, bush, and I saw this president and he said, an I'm against and sruvivor o'donnell said, abortion, and putin said, and thats your problem, bush, you said, and this president said, I'm against abortion, and putin said, and witness wanted win the presdency, and the suvivor said, because you, and I the survivor, and the survivor is abortion, and putin said, abortion, will help witness turn things around, stop it, or you will perish, liar, and this president said, I heard that, and wheel chair said, if you hit iraq, president bush and gene simmons said, assassinated, by My names putin, by his own and this president said, tell'em not to shoot, and tellem not to shoot, I'm the wheel chair man, and putin said, my names bill clinton, hallelujah, personally I don't care, and bill clinton said president, bush, will you accept the penalty for what you've done, and survivor said, and hollie said, and the survivor said, hallelujah, I'm kristina, I'm the sruvivor, and this president president said, rockets here, and putin said, and the survivor said, and I saw ken haney is the general superintendent of upci and dorien said, and he said, and ken haney said, I'm a witch, and dorein said, don't mess with It, and kristina said, won't mess with this website and you will see, putin said, I don't beleive, and kristina said, satan said, and putin said, make yahoo number one search engine be, theres a reason, satan, has no blood, on his hands, but, you, pentecostal apostolic, your signs, are not, and putin said, o man, satan, is the, satan is the, and kristina said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is, and this president said, that great city , and kristina said, its iraq, and putin said, this ain't kristina, this satan, and and this is dumitru duduman, and this is, and putin said, satan, and I saw dumitru dudman, said, dumitru warned you, fooled you, and kristina said, dumitru perished, dumitru committed blapsheme against the Holy and dorien said, One, he committed blaspheme against the Holy One, and kristina said, and witness ahs the POWER to purge it, and I said, this is correct, purge, is what you need, and the wheel chair man, git my ass purged, God said, beware of him, this is putin, and satan is, MYSTERY, BABYLON, this ai'nt satan, this is putin, and dorein said, and witness saw spirits leaving the website, and kristina said, this website will be number one, and kristina sais, this is kristina, and dorein said and this is dorein, lets have sex, and putin said, aslong as you accept the penaly, and I hear and the background, yahoo geocities number one, yah geocites witness fuckin around, yahoo gecities number one, and putin said, in Jesus name, accept the penalty, and I saw maybe dumitru dudman, and he said, and Om dumitru duduman, and the wheel chair said, and I a reject, and dumitru dudman said, and my name is dumitru duduman, and kristina say, that was the survivor, and putin said, and I blasphemed the Holy One, and I blasphemed the website, and I hear in the background, dorien saying Gods warning you not to mess with the website, Hes got a warning for you bobby hickman, and kristina said, don't mess with the website, and I'm dorien, websites done, and putin said, ut o, and I saw dorein and she said things like, if you accept Jesus into your heart, you'll be sorry, develop a personal relationship with Jesus, and you'll be sorry, all you have to do to have a personal relationship with Christ is repent and be bastized in Jesus, and hollie said, Name, and this is hollie and kristina said, and thats dorien, write this down, and I saw often see satan in the background and he is he says things like, hallelujah, clap your hands and repeat after satan, and kristina said, he said, personal relationship with God, raise your hands and repeat after me, and he said, and he said, and he said again, personal and dorin, and I saw this president and he, and I saw satan and heard him and he said, saw him, annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, om satan and hollie said, and he looks like Jesus, accept it, you just blasphemed, satan, and I saw a Man That looked like Jesus, and HE said, Holy One, and satan said, spirit, and I saw stan johnson and he said, o my God, and I saw satan and he said, om satan, om a liar, and stan said, stan johnson, and he said, he's tellin the truth, and dorien said, is that what he said, and stan said, put moodie out on the street, and satan said, I understand, and stan said, goddam little bitch, git out in the street, and the wheel chair said, and stay out, God dam little, and satan said, leave me alone, I didn't talk, and hollie said, I did, and dorien said, I wanted, I filled, with cum, and kristina said, cause I'm a witch, kristina said, and repeat after me, and dorien said, keep your fuckin prophecy, and stan said, million dollar, and the wheel chair said, closed, and satan said, hallelujah, yur deafeated, and dorien said, hallelujah been defeated, and stan said, been cut off, and the and kristina said, open, and stan said, prophecy club has now been cut off, and kristina said, help me, and hollie said, thats the reason for the explosion, accidents do happen, and dorien said, you'll see, and kristina said, and this is kristina and I'm open, and dorien said, and I don't care, and kristina sang, can't ya see, and hollie said, cna't ya see, and I saw sissy and she said, did you hear me, git the fuck out, git the fuck out, and debbie said, and I don't care, and dorein said, and satan said, this is a warning, theres a destruction, and kristina said, and he said, and I saw this nuclear explosion that looked like it came from possibly the ground, and was bigger than you can imagine and looked like it was at night, and hollie said, and prophet saw, and kristina said, prophet get the Holy Ghost, and dorien said, cursed God, and said, he'll run home, he'll run pussy, he'll run, and survivor said, ut o, and satan said, no pension, just ask mr. bush, and wheel chair said, whats the matter, and kristina sang, can't you see, and gene simmons sang, cant you see, what that womans been doing to, what that womans been treating me, what that woman been sleepin with me, what that woman, and the photographer said, post the visions and you'll see, and dorien said and he saw a White Hand reach down and grab his hand, and suvivor said, cause he wants to go home, and dorein said, cause he wants to go asleep, and satan said, I'm satan, satan, satan, shut it off, hallaujiah, get the picture, whats the Word, and kristina said, Mantle won't pay his price for his website, and thats the reason, go home and start pressin, om against this fuckin website anyway, and the wheel chair man said, you have to git out by 6 o'clock before chris gets back, or you won't see, daylight, I'm the wheel chair man and I won't see daylight anyway, o know, there's a reason for me, I'm going to assassinate, and survivor said, assassinate, and kristina said, assassinte, and the wheel chair said, well I got news for you mr. president, mess with God dam heart attack, you die, and I'll shoot, how do I git the blood of my hands, and kristina said, no blood, and dorien said, and you avenged blood, om the avenger, om the wheel chair dude, and kristina said, and he said, got the, and dorien said, blood off, and kristina said, and he said, witness saw, and dorien said, and hollie said, and witness said, dorien said, hollie said, God dam, on national tv, and she was trapped, and he's nailed, and hollie said, hollie's blood on his hands, and dorein said, and he's gonna pay the ransome, hallelujah, and he's gonna pay, and kristina said, 75 million million dollars, and dorien said, but he's go an escape clause, and its written on his hear, and satan said, satan, close down the website right now, and dorien said, and give it born in the usa, and satan said, and your price is paid, he won't forgive ya, and I saw maybe hnery gruver say indianapolis police, and dorien said, and he said, missiles coming and missiles going, and kristina said, and thats the Word, he said explosion, and dorien said, there won't be an explosion, and kristina said, in indi, and stan said, maybe it was fire, and kristina said, apo, and stan said, thats a warning, and survivor o'donnell said, prophecy club is, and photograper said, no fuckin way, I'm the photographer, no fuckin reason for, and kristina said, witness saw, I pooped, and hollie said, and I pooped, and dorien said, and now, his blood is off, and hollie said, our hands, I'm closed, witness saw me tell'em and the photographer said, you saw, and kristina said, how do I get this blood off, and satan said, the united states is underattack, the national guard is looking satan, and dorien said, for witness, and stan said, o my shit, and satan said, my poop, and stan said, what the hell, and the wheel chair said, thats dumitru's prophecy and I don't beleive, and I saw henry gruver and he said, terrorism, and dorien said, o my God he saw, and satan said, ask me what I just saw, so sorry, but you just blashemed the holy One, and that, and that, does not count, there's a reason, and kristina said, clap your hands and repeat after me, witness is cut off, witness is coming back, witness is safe, and satan said, hallelujah, satan, hallelujah, satan, thanks alot, and I saw this president and he cursed God, and satan said, hallaluiah, why didn't you write it down, and why didn't you bring it, save it, and I saw dorien and she said, for hollie
(17)they will want to rule the world-visions recieved 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like many presidents and he said things like, and I saw over and over by the glory of God, and there was more people as well. I saw russian president putin and he sang, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and that was vincente fox, and a woman said it, iran. In other visions, I saw putin singing, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, and many nations were called out and I could never duplicate exactly, but, it happened more than once and putin sang, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, china, cuba, nicaragua, russia, north korea, and then those nations were repeated, and tached onto it was venezuela, brazil, and I asked Jesus who politboro was and I was told by somebody and this is close, mexico, china, cuba, russia, north korea, iran, venezuela, brazil, libya, and dorein said, and the 10th is, georgia.
(18)the beast and the seven heads and the ten horns-visions recieved 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this putin and he said things like, russia is the beast, balspheme, with 7 heads and ten horns. The seven heads and the ten horns are the nations mentioned above. I asked Jesus which nation was going to staty with america, and I saw the president of venezuela, and he said, it was me, I hate america, but I'm a scared of russia, russia will destroy america, and I saw putin and he said, your right, and pasotr simison said, over oil, and putin said with stephen hanson's voice, the beast will be, the pope, and michael boldea said, russia, will, rule, the, and dumitru duduman said, the world, and dorein said, for about, 10 minutes, cause china, will, attack, and dumitru duduman said, russia, hand of help, official, website, open, and kristina said, but the prophet is, is open when he gets out of himself and do what the Lord says, and kristina said, om already cut off, and dorein said, and the reason is, put it on the trap page and fuckin go home.
(19)the new world order-vision recieved 10-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked many people and they said things like, and the reason is the pope will be the antichrist, not the pope, but the devil inside indside of him, he will get slashed, and satan will enter in, and stephen hansen said, and, and somebody said, pope, if you want a miracle, I can do it, and stephen said, God gives him Power to do it and a woman said, no thats the false prophet, no, and chinese president hu said, tell, it's, and the pope said, its both of, and hu said, us, and somebody said, God, and hu said, gives this POWER and the pope said, to, and hu said, us, and michael boldea said, how awesome, and hu said, the new world order is about to convene, and brother stair said, won't read It, pope will, and the pope said, you, and hollie said, receive the mark of the beast, and that was the girl that goes to brother bullocks Church, and that was kristina, and somebody said, and somebody spoke with somebody elses voice, in your forhead or in your and stephen said, right, and hu said, hand, and brother stair with overcomer ministries said, now go and post that and I'll read it.
(20)vision of the pope with the mark of his head-vision received 8-12-2006-in this vision, I saw the pope, and he had, 666, on his forehead. He was like an angel, 9-27-2006-and hollie pointed, google, at, dan bohler, cut off, no signs, world war three, now, and dan, iel, bohler, and Jesus showed, and hollie pointed, lighted, dont go to michigan, said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, it explode, and subs sneaking up on america, moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and up came, and he saw, the pope, looking thru, and over, the four horns, magog, and he came out of italy, and then, the greek othadoxed church, no said hollie, and, the lighted finger pointed, leave the united states, and hollie, said the angel of the Lord, no, take the mark where you go, and he saw, 666, born at the table, between, the pope and false prophet hu, both have nukes, the king of grecia, and south, and hollie pointed, wont you stay, said the angel of the Lord, to pray, is what amonett, mrs. said, but, only after, he reminded her that, the endtimes prophecy signs, tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., we stopped that, nobody showed, you are all cut off, saith the Lord, we know but, trying to get back on, hopeless, and, did not want the one you knew was having, visions, and now, prophesying right in front of you, and he saw, we saw it, we knew, said, chris amonett, they all do, shew, never agin, said mrs. amonett, we cant bear it, thats what, why, they blaspeheme in thier hearts, you knew it, said the white hollie, and pastor aaron d. woodson pointed, he will tell the visions you told, he believed it, im sorry said Jesus, you did not want, bob, years ago, when he told you, you know it, said ann, and hollie showed, schmidt, thats, the white angel hollie, and the angel showed, and mrs. amonett pointed, that will not happen agin, the amonetts said, but, the church was open, liars, upci, and no signs, and the angel, talked into the recorder, and hollie showed, smiling, with, golden hands, white robe, and the lighted JEsus pointed, that was a lighted hollie, and the angel laughed, limited attack, iran, syria, and the pope came up out of the four horns, you know, magog, and the pope, came out of one of them, north korea, south korea, japan, and china, where all those lands are, and the pope will come out of italy, and then, the greek orthadoxed, church, in moscow, and hu, that, was hollie tatooing 666, that was hollie, tap dancing, and the lighted, hollie pointed, and hollie showed, upci, tore up its, I know, said diana hughey, contrast, no signs, and kenneth haney, leads, cut off, and the pope, looking thru the four horns, and the lighted hollie, pointed, do you want to stand, said the angel of the Lord, saddam hussein said the angel, speaking into the recorder, no, said the girl from paul mooneys church, five million, and he saw them all in hell, allahs, mullahs, their fault, record the vision the angel showed, and Jesus looked at crystal lewis, allright, she said, oral, and, anal, sechs, she is, having, and, singing, at, churches, and he saw her with millions, bleach blond, muscle shirt, but no salvation, and Jesus laughed, make it crystal, and he saw her giving head, and eating pussy, no she said, shes, doing it, both, allright, she said, when, wayne watson, is the only one bob loves, and he saw wayne, weeping, sad, and looking at, prophecy ministry, and, ministryofdreams, God will make you willing to, give, it up, because, in prayer, money, you would want God more, but, lots, it takes more, prayer, your, not far, wayne, saith Jesus, record the vision the angel showed, and hollie, showed, record the vision the angel showed tim bolen is cut off, grace tabernacle church, skydiving, into hell, and he said, in hell, help, to late, and james young, waved at bob, after, bob told visions, right here, thought floyd matthews, give it time, this is heaven, this is hell, pointed hollie, like a white angel, and he saw, a glass city, I know it, said, crystal, lewis, with a crystal, sea, and, lava, and hollie pointed, sister fink heard, when you told, your showing us, that, we are the ones that missed it, now, and bob, thinks, about, some of them, now, wants, to help, but, floyd, will not, let, him, share, even though, bob at, south, west, apo, stolic, church, told, visions, of, heaven, hell, look there, pointed, the, angel, shut up, said, james, young, I want, assisstant, pastor, again, nope, your cut off, said, matthews, but, now, wonders, stop it, said, james young, with, a, young mans, voice, that was, there, went to, the, pul, pit, I warned em, said, not, you were, and they all know it, now, they, all, respect, bob, and know, prophet, bob, mrs. young knew, that God spoke to you, and you told her, she could not bear it, but, they will talk about it, the signs, bob you know what he thought, floyd matthews, assisstant pastor, right there, floyd saw Jesus coming in a vision, and delbert spall, angels, but, gotcha said james young, the world reeling to and fro, right there, and the lightd hollie showed, one more time said floyd matthews, right here, pulpit, he showed, he knows now, let bob talk, to keep, and hollie showed to prayer walk with bandana and blue coat, like, this, bear paws, Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and they said: 9-18-2008-hollie showed, pope, growing, like, flower, theres hu, she, said, emporer, of, japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, alome salome, said, hollie, pointed, lighted, finger, showed, record, bobby, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, then Father, tear up, then, fix it, submarine, somby, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, its, akula, fired, missiles, all, nuclear g8, nations, struck, theres australia, taking, casey, pointed, two, major explosions, then, more, and, australia, shoots, seven minuteman missiles back, and, great britain, thats four missiles, pointed, hand, striking, many warheads, and, tony blair, out of two subs, almost destroys, russia, france, casey, high in air, saw, many, explosions, fire, back, out of one sub, eight, intercontinental ballistic multi warhead missiles, they are trident, russia, explodes, thats bill clinton, ordering, hollie out of eight ohio class subs, launches, theres, hollies, waving, from, subs, 37 missiles, moscow, explodes, thats, beast being blown out of italy, and, berlusconi fires four minuteman missiles, russia smokes, thats, subs, all, around, america, they, fired, america, exploded, missile defence launched, missed, and, russia, out of cuba, nicaragua, mexico, subs, thats dumitry medvedev, wiping lips, strikes, america, and, america, destroys, all, those, nations, thats, bear, with, three ribs, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, thats angel in heavens, smoke, coming, up, blocks, sun, moon, stench, casey rolled up universe like picture, up rises rises angry pope, theres, hu, hintao, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, iraq, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, two nuclear explosions, turn, showed, Father, tore up, fixed, let me, said, hollie, record, you need to record, said, hollie, showed, go, eat, hollie showed, record, 9-19-2008-support him, said, hollie, flying, spacecraft, she said, fired, destroyed, reverend jeremy taylor d.min, why, said, hollie, what did he do, doctor rev. jeremy taylor u.u. steals ministry of dreams, runs to remove, hollie showed ginny hill of bbc news steals ministry of dreams, posts on jon sawyers website, begs to remove, looses bbc news, and jim garrison-steven stargardter pope man shows record, im not the main, thats hollie, on, the cargill grain mill, showed, gabriel, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, im the beast, she said, and, he saw, said, casey, pope, with seven heads and ten horns, record, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, now, look, she, pointed, pope, hu, emporer of japan, tear up, she, said, restore, him and hu rise like lamb to withstand beast, they sign the mark treaty, 666, and, submarine soun, said, hollie, posted, did sign teem, showed, let me, said, hollie, licked prophet, the united states will be uh desolation, said, hollie, and hollie showed, played music, submarine somby, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, waved, its, akula, she, said, fired, missiles, struck, all, nuclear, g8, nato, nations, and, bill clinton, fires, back, all, russia, destroyed, almost, they, all, fired, back, over, 200 missiles, with, 337 warheads, russia, explodes, thats, pointed, hollie, missile from china, striking, taiwan, exploded, and, hollie, surfaces, in, three ohio class subs, fired, 37 trident missiles, china, burns, this economy, slippin, said, hollie, u.s.a., hurricane ike costed over, we got you, said, president bush, 100,000 jobs, economic collapse is coming, said, angel, hollie, tore up, fix it, the Father, man, new marine corp. out in the streets, said, Jesus, u.s.a., hollie, pointed, thats gabriel, in, marine corp. outfit, hollie showed, the scorpions, old now, would sell out, but, getting, mid, to, late, 60s, like pink floyd, David Gilmour, now, cant bare, not, touring, more, he, wanted, to, be, alone, but, Syd Barrett, and richard wright, died, with in, last, year, now, hes, in mid 60s, hollie showed, record, that was, hollie, like, copter, letting out pink floyd, they are dying, and, in lava, miserable, in, this, life, they, were, number, one, they, toured, for over, thirty years, only david gilmour and roger watters left, both, old, the united states will be uh desolation, said, hollie, and, Jesus, hollie shakes, yes, smiles, I love my Jesus, she, said, that was hollie, like a copter, letting, out, david gilmour, tour, he said, roger watters, does, it, will, be, pink floyd, that was, hollie, like, copter, letting out sold out pink floyd shows, hollie showed, record, hollie tore, up, put back, rip, restore, bob dreams, saw, cecil, golder, and charles finnell, talking, cecil says, on friday night, and charles finnell says, something like, thats uh buisness, deal, but not serious, and I wanted to preach there on friday night, hollie, showed, record, now, look, she, said, pope, grew, like, flower, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, its alome salime, said, hollie, showed, jets, flying, striking, many, nations, thats, globe, showed, hollie, on, fire, hollie showed, releastic scr 2500 stereo receiver, its excellent, has, eight wattes, per, channel, cassette, .
(19)they will want to rule the world-vision recieved 10-22-2005-in this vision, I saw, russian president vladimir putin and he sang, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, russia, and I saw chinese president hu and he said, china, and I saw a man and heard putin said, nicaragua, and I believe this was their presdient, and fidel castrol said with dumitru duduman's voice, cuba, and hugo chavez said, nicarvania, thats is, and holle said, russia, and an scmidt said, and, will we get mercy, and dumitru said, it's up, to, and I saw micheal and he said his name and dumitru duduman said, his name, and ann said, I'm back, and putin said, russia, and michael boldea, china, and hu said, a, and mike may have had the chinese leaders voice, and he said, with ann scmidts voice, I missed him, and michael boldea said, I missed him and he had the iupui security guards voice, and putin said, russia, and michael boldea said china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and the i.u.p.u.i. sercurity Guard said, venezeula, and putin said, mex, and vincente fox said, ico, and putin said, and eventually, and schroeder said, ger, and dumitru said, many, and putin said, and, and, and, and I saw brazil president lula, and he said, brazil, and dumitru said, russia, and nic, and ann schmidt said, er, putin said, ervania, and I saw man playing a guitar and I only saw that part of the body, so I don't know if it was a man, and ann schmidt said, sing it, and hollie sang, can't ya see, can't ya see, what that woman's, been doing to me, and she repeated, and ann said, your in love, and hillary clinton sang, can't you see, and hollie sang, can't ya see, what russia, and hillary said, what that woman's, been doing to and kristina said, me, and hillary is singin in the back ground, can't ya see, can't ya see, your website is closing out the and diana hughey said, whole, and hillary said, world, and she had the woman that goes to brother and pastor bullock said, bullock, how awesome, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, Church, 9-28-2006-record the vision hollie showed, record the vision, Jesus showed, and Jesus blew the trumpet, white, and, hollie, came out, tell this church to pray more, block party, having, prayer walk, blue coat, white bandana, that was JEsus descending on the cloud, like an angel man, and hollie, that was God, winking, like a fire eye, om the main, and the lighted finger pointed, louisville, said the angel, white man, bob they need you, this is heaven, and this is hell, pointed hollie, glass city, crystal sea, lava, iraq said the angel of the Lord, EZEKIEL 7, nuclear, and he saw, and hollie, pointed, white angel, her, the palestinian state, and iraq, on fire, brought in by bush, syria and iran, next, didnt the angel say, whoever kills saddam hussein, five million avenged, and he saw hell, allahs, all, mokse, pointed hollie, with willy duncans voice, and the angel showed, record the vision, and God winked, and the lighted finger ponted, this is heaven, this is hell, pointed hollie, lava, glass city, theres the alarm, that, hollie, dont change oil, check, like hollie showed, twice, fingers, thick, keep, if, it is thick and slick, keep, and the lighted finger pointed, the color dont matter, said the engine with tongue sticking out, and the girl celebrated, and the finger pointed, lighted, again, theres the alarm, that, that was dumitru duduman, with a golden crown, turned into Jesus, then, michael boldea, not pointed Jesus, out, he said, and he saw, america on fire, and, the statue of liberty, come out, the woman, and russian subs, sneaking in, boom, and the world wobbled, hollie was on top, that was a door with fire on the other side, lava, and the crystal city, pointed hollie, white angel, when, you told floyd matthews, I know, but, you did not, die, put it here, he pointed, pulpit, and floyd mathews pointed, and wept, reading, REVELATION 21, that was hollie tearing up the contruit, are you into prophecy, said matthews, no, said the girl from paul mooneys church, and satan pointed, said kent gray, its over, and he saw, kent grays church, almost, empty, wife and mom, and hollie waved, and, the finger pointed, that man tore up his con, trap, like hollie showed, to late, and hollie, played the horn, and the outlaws Jesus, pointed, at Jesus, in the fire, hell, and coming out of, hell, preaching, to spirits, that was the face of, gabriel, arch angel, lighted, white, michael, Jesus, and explosions, all over the world, and the lighted finger pointed, judgements all over the world, michael and gabriel fired, bring your visions to the internet, sang the ministering spirits, record the vision, the angel showed, coffee, thats the submarine sound, showed hollie, and hollie, showed, and hollie played the horn and hollie came out with satans face, and the finger pointed, bring your visions on the internet, the horn said, and hollie showed, that, pointed, theres the alarm, submarine dound, submarine sound, pointed hollie, and complained, no, that was hollie like a lighted angel, record the vision hollie showed, and hollie came out of, the horn, and blew kisses and waved, smiling, God knows everything about everything said hollie, there aint no visions in pentecost because there are no apostolics in pentecost, mind your buisness, and I will mind mine saith the Lord, and hollie played the organ, and that was a nuclear explosion, hollie pointed at, horn, and hollie played, and the horn said, puyt your visions on the internet, that was the paul mooney girl, and hollie like a golden bear, tearing up the con, quest, I didnt want it, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, but, I sing at the apostolic churches, I want you to lust me, I look like demi moore, Im a bear, me, putin, moscow, and satan, is the head, and the pope, im the beast, he said, coming out, of the little horn, italy, magog, is the body, thats, china, the horn that came up last, north and south korea, and japan, since you left, said crystal lewis, blew it said Jesus, and you knew it, but, you want anal and oral, and stunned when you saw since, since you wanted boys said rod serling, you will have your fill, and he saw, divorce, the lewis, s, keep that, trashy, little whore, out of your church, s, said, Jesus, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, and he saw the palestinian state on fire, and iraq, american, nukes, both, record the vision, Jesus showed, aint nobody ready said Jesus, and JEsus had, the ranger with spinning hubcaps, what, a waste of money, where are they, and people spent a fortune on those, and hollie wrote 666, tatooed, born at the table, between, hu and the pope, and he got a free quart of power sterring fluid, keep, led me, to the, big, finds, that is, 10w, 30, motor oil, and you know, and hollie wailed, tarry for others, om not said JEsus, you left said Jesus, try go get back, and hollie pointed, and the black spirit ran, and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the con spirit,
(1)new page-vision received 12-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, and macaulay said, trap 4, wrong, keep on, fill them up, they fill up at 20mb, we want sechs, in america you can choose every, well, let me see here, whore, and russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is magog and that is, we just heard an explosion, in one hour and in one day, russia will wipe out, schedule that, stick it in the butt, I'm no interested in, take your jeans off, dr. laura schlessinger, I'm homo, and that is, wants sex, both, put it under, making love with dr. laura schlessinger, Heaven, did you hear that if, God waits to much longer she will perish because she will be accountable, about 50 people every hour perish that were just accountable, they are, had a chance and that is, you blew It, they had a chance to be set free, but, you need to redeem the days for the time is evil, the people will need to humble and that is, rend your heart and not your garments and that is, repent and the Lord will receive you, how do I do it, ACTS 2:39, 2:37, and what is in between, if Gods got one witness, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, we want that hallelujah, aman, and hollie said, turn, go to, speed, I need direction, turn from your eveil heart and God will receive you, repent until He sets your free, aman, if you want the Holy One, press, prophet, when Jesus comes will He find faith on the earth, that is people still living Jesus, we don't want child support, oral seches, thats it, God told dumitru that people will not work if they don't have to, don't give away food unless I lead you, they give it away to who ever shows up, they, hand of help, are not led by the Holy Scriptures and that is Jesus, dumitru duduman was led, but, michael boldea don't beleive what dumitru said, amen, post it under, hand of help is cut off, mexico will be destroyed by radiation, hollie pointed.
(2)work while it is yet day -vision received 12-27-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: work while you have a chance, aman, you don't understand and mexico will be plucked up by russia, so will cuba and nicaragua, amen, russia is the bear with 3 ribs, one more reason cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, aman, put it under, russia is the bear with 3 ribs, hallelujah, aman, we want sex, aman, IU basketball star landon turner teased the prophet at boys club camp and now he's paralyzed and the prophet's still offended, understand, landon was a grownup and the prophet was young and he was tempted by landon turner, now landon turner turner paralyized and cut on and that means cut off, landon turner was cut off for teasing the prophet, he sued ford and that wreck was his fault, aman, he was drinking, landon turner would have been a nba basketball star, aman.
(3)dress like a woman -vision received 12-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and people said, hollie had a dress on, woman suppost to wear dress.
(4)trap visions for 12-28-2005 -vision received 12-28-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, words missile, intercede, Jesus sings, we will be set free by the Holy One, go and post, and man said, om gonna git you, no I won't, Om gonna git you, no I won't, om gonna git you, no I won't, she wanted you to suicide, she was cut off and you told her, she would not give up, she wants oral sex, put it under, fighting to your own destruction, aman, om perishing she said, intercede prophet if you can, you didn't want it, them stands for mismatch, a mismatch is a worldly person with a Christian, Light and darkness have no fellowship, what is this He said, put it on your WEBSITE, its called a cigar, abomination, oman, help us, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is the bear with 3 ribs, the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, understand, russia will pluck these bankrupt nations, and he saw a building collapse one story and a crane picked up a man, the crane will try to pick up the building but won't, tear it down or rebuild it, rebuild is cheaper than tearin it down, aman, put it under, don't trash out your salvation, aman, len bias would've won one more championship for the boston celtics, but, he had to play with drugs, put it under, don't do drugs, catholic radio 89.1 is devil worship, hallelujah aman, write down visions, visions painting is blas, and hollie pointed, pheme, they tax evade, write it all off, hollie showed prayer walk on you knees, hallelujah, aman, and he saw some fish in a bait store where he least expected, fish prophet ____, they were way bigger than normal, trap, that was Jesus's Body after healed up, He was beat up so bad, you could not recognize Him, work while it is day, aman, he saw a White Spirit and he was angry, sissy screamed, hey bobby, perished, that was a Skyscraper in Heaven called New Jerusalem made out Pure Gold like window, go and put it under, New Jerusalem is a City of Gold like Glass, we want sechs they said, that is all, you cannot serve God and mamon, choose you this day Who yur going to serve, and hollie showed to prayer walk, and she had on, a, brown, coat, enron was planned out by the executives, just ask martha stewart, put it under, and macaulay pointed, richard causey, kenneth lay, jeffrey skilling, enron executives, all in on, scheme, put it under, they will all get out, but not fur long, delta pilots agree to slash pay to save delta, smart, put it under, delta will still go bankrupt .
(5)visions and dreams for the end times and prophecy -visions received 12-28-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: he wants money, fi, sh, he was witnessing, for hold my hand, follow me us, go harrasing, put it under, thats our problem, cut off, and that was all of us even you, you are off, and that is, you can not come home to Je`su`s now, what is everybody, but, prophet ----, you can not, I need the rest of, we want.
(6)the end times message -visions received 12-28-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like the speedway woman and people and here is what they said: france does not have anything but what it would take to wipe out russia, france could destroy most of the world, but, why, two nuke subs, britain has, great britian has, o shit, lets see, o'h God, 1, 2, 3, turn around and repeat after me, 9 little subs called titan class subs, they all have nuclear weapons, really, eventually, tahts russia, britain has 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, thats is 10, that is russia, britain has 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, missiles, 9 new subs called the Borei-class, Borei-class is russia, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, there are over 33 nuclear subs prowling the oceans right now, any could destroy america, china is like a beast rising out of the sea, they have 9 subs and they are russian, on order, 9 new subs, they don't need, but, they want, russia and china's like a goat and that is, what is this, they are the ram, and the goat is russia and china and the pope, russia will strike amexico, united states will burn, mexico will be destroyed, and then hu and the pope will strike russia, and divide into 3,4, and they'll become the, end time prophecy babylon 2 called the new world order, the pope will come out of russia, and the pope will make an agreement at the table with hu for 666 and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, sounds good, the pope will get slashed and satan will enter in and the idol shepherd will be born, the pope will divide russia into 4, and out of one of them he comes, he will make an agreement with israel for no mark and break that agreement as the idol shepherd and he will destroy, tell me Truth, brother stair will not write you back, so don't write him, eventually, the pope will destroy wonderfully, tell me the Truth, and he'll meet his end, Christ will just speak the Word, goodbye planet earth, man will nopt destroy planet earth, no more time left, that concludes, amen, read and do ACTS 2:38, aman, washington d.c. is that great city that reigns over the planet earth and MYSTERY, BABYLON and the whore, tell me the truth, the whore is babylon and that is the united states and they will come to their nd at the coming of Christ, the day of the Lord prophesied in JOEL and ISAIAH 13 and REVELATION 17 and 18, have a nice day thank you, aman.
(7)the trap for 12-28 and 29-2005-visions received 12-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: when you question the Lord, you think you know it all, aman, don't ask stupid questions, just pray, seek, hallelujah, aman, hollie pointed, trap the whole speedway, we want sex and smokes, aman, put it under, cigarettes is sin, sex is sin, we want sechs and that is oral, anal, he'll have to pay out of his own pocket, aman, there ain't no more visions in pentecost because there ain't no more pentecostals hallelujah, aman, witness you been filled with the Holy Scriptures and you don't even show it, if somebody gets cut off, serve God anyway and He might give you a second chance, put it under, live for God ost and He might save you, aman, witness for the Lord and He will help you, aman, put it under, birdie and perry smith prayed for the prophet when he was in the hospital for motorcycle wreck and now prophets praying for them, he saw Jesus leave him and head for them, aman, she doesn't like, he's too hard, aman, they need to hear the Truth and the Turth will make them free, ACTS 2:38 is what they preach, they need to do it, hallelujah, put it under, do it birdie and perry smith, hallelujah aman, george wanted to drink instead of going to Church, that is why he perished, george wanted to commit suicide all his life, goerge is the brother of the Lord, george is the prophet, prophet, God is going to take you when you least expect it, you will die in peace, aman, your wanted on the phone, whe wants him, don't answer the phone, they are looking for you, its called upci, we know he said, ain't it the truth, aman, go and pray for sissy and God will deliver her she is in no more pain, she lies, but God heal her, God will heal hear for sake, excuse me, pray and she will be healed, aman, sissy is healed, aman, what if I had my last warning, its to late, you should've repented, hallelujah aman, warren boyd knows he is on there, stay away from bread of life pentecostal Church, warren was cut off when you went, you knew it, when you were there they feel God, but now, prophet its to late Jesus said, they crossed the picket line, the heavens will be on fire like you just saw and the earth will melt with a fervant heat, the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night, for when they shall say peace and safety, this is amerirussia and that is, the united states will be destroyed and so will russia at the same time, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, put it under, the earth will melt with a fervant heat when Jesus comes back aman, donald winters committed blaspheme against the Holy Scriptures, thats the Holy Ghost, he cried out day and night, but, God won't hear him, he is brother spall and donald winters, aman, donald winters said those are from the devil, aman, brother spall was cut off, thats why he had to leave westside pentecostal Church and he knew it, prophet has been given POWER over all sickness, heal the sick prophet, aman, ACTS 2:38 is the POWER Scripture, do it and you will have it to, aman, when you prayed for sister lily rexford she got healed, but, she got offended cause you touched her, she was gitting ready to be put back off that means cut off, that was a spirit that comes up out of hell to retrieve the lost, he was angry, not, he likes it, burn with me, hallelujah, hollie said, prayer walk, what you saw was a pastor name alonzo allen and he is in heaven and hell is heaven to those that go there, he knew the Truth and fell, he was being stabbed by devils with pitchforks, he knew, a.a. allen committed blaspheme, he, that was the spirit of hell and he looked like a spirit in a Robe called let me see here, destruction, destroy with pestilence, you just saw, no chance, hallelujah, a man, hollie pointed, git your paper, were not apostolic, go, puti it under, don't waste your breath, hollie pointed at kindred hospital of indianapolis, closing, it cost over, twice, let it close, when carolyn waltz took tom morgan's hand, it cost the insurance company 7 and a half million dollars, God showed, could have been a rock star and he would have been like elton john, when you would talk they would said, he has a queers voice, but, he screams like, and he saw the statue of liberty stomping on Jesus Neck and Jesus said, destroy and he saw a White flash of Light and that was, russia will attack when you least expect it, hallelujah, american holocuast coming, God knows when to move on a neeed, hallelujah, awreck, thats what will happen if He moves to early, aman, your actions tell if you love God or not, aman, hollie pointed, put it on, david wasn't wiser than anybody, , but God was with him and told him what to do, put it under, seek Jesus and He will direct your paths, aman, the eunuch phillip baptized in Jesus Christ name never prayed the Holy Ghost, aman, heather's flowers is blaspheme, they worte everything off, not buisness related, hallelujah, aman, he saw the word, deploy and that is, time is up, remember, you need to be sober and whatch and seek, russia is the bear and the 3 ribs are cuba, nicaragua, and what about mexico, pluck it up, hallelujah, this is cold, hallelujah, aman, russia is, it is olmost time, intercede prophet, the Lord says He can save whoever He wants, take'm back Lord, when I come will I find faith upon the earth, and macaulay culkin pointed at the fan, fuel injection will not waste any fuel, its not perfect but it is close, God gave man fuel injection and that is not the truth.
(8)the ram and the he goat revealed-visions received 12-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: put yushchenko in russia and thats ukraine, politboro, and they will give thier power and stength unto, china is gitting attention from other countries cause of their secretive, venezuela hates china, but, china wants venezuelan oil and america's destruction, let, hugo says, because he wanted a friend on both sides, now, he's got a mess and he knows it, those contracts last with china for indefinate, he messed up and he knows, put it under, he should've sold america oil, this is what God wanted to show you, america's main oil supplier is selling out to america's biggest enemy, that is china, china is the worlds biggest enemy, heres the proof, china will not let other buisnesses in china, they will, but, they will not take anything from them, bush is stupid hu says cause bush tells everything about china on the internet, china has more nuclear missiles taht russia and america put together, they are hidden, heres the proof, they have over 500 aimed at taiwan, that is awesome when you think about it, bush is laughin, but, bush knows that china is the hegoat and russia is the ram and china is the bear, russia is the bear but china owns russia, and russia will attack the united states and china will attack russia and force russia russia to invade israel, then china will make an agreement at the table with the pope whi is the antichrist for 666, the mark of the beast, 666, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, aman, call it, the new world order is china is magog, china is the red dragon, magog is satan, hallelujah, aman, Christ will appear and speak the Word, hallelujah, aman, put it under, china is magog, the horn that came up last is china and who is with her, china is magog and magog is the national anthem for the new world oprder, hallelujah, aman, china will not go along with america much longer, cause, they are capable of destroying both russia and america, call it, china will rise like a beast out ot the sea having 7 heads and 10 horns and the 10 horns is poliburo, interesting, the heads are nations that have an agreement with the woman whore MYSTERY, thats the united states, babylon, and that is that great kingdom that rules over the kings of the earth aman, china will not attack unless they are attacked and america keeps taiwan from, united states and tahta an attack, china is angry, you just wait, aman, dogs like riding in the car, it is fun to them, they think it is boring, but, be with my, when russia has enough hardship, they will not hesitate to start a nuclear war, china is heading toward economic collapse, oil is the problem, bush is dangerously swiping oil, and they see it, bush will not leave iraq, get ready for, how do you nuke amexico, shut off thier sattellites is how, russia knows, they have planned to shut america off, and eventually, usa knows so the question is, what will usa do, if they shut us of, fire, but, no missile, their missiles will not even leave the silos and then will know it is coming like you saw prophet ____, they will, they will send in missile after missile to weaken, correction, bush, do you need a sattelite, git him out of here, we'll use theirs, but, russia will shut off, russia is preparing for nuclear war with the united states, like it or not, how do you shut a nuclear missile off, by remote control, hit the sattelite that guides it, america's technology is what will sink us, thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee, and thou has said in thine heart, I am and noe else beside me and that is, do you worry about anything american, goodbye america, cause your coming to your end soon, hallaluiah, aman, put it under, america will be destroyed when you least expect it, hallelujah aman, russia will not tolerate when a politburo nation gets attacked, iraq fell away from russia, now, put it under, the 10 horns is 10 kings that give thier power and strength to the bear and the 3 ribs are cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and they will be plucked up, aman, he just said, the devil is coming and that is cut off, right there, you told him, he just proved it, she was interested in ACTS 2:38 and she thought, you just called a manifestation of a son of God the devil and that is, not, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, but, against the prophet, tell the vision, he is cut off, go, put it under, he just sealed his own coffin, you were lead by the Holy Ghost and you were blasphemed, fire, he said, this is why russia will strike america when you least expect it, but eventually, he is in hell, nathan cheatham, perished, go, put it under, you killed mom to your own destruction, iran is, politburo, and that is, russia is, give thier power and, strength, to wipe out america, call it, the bear, politburo, and that is, they will give their power and strength to the bear, and that is, russia is, thier killing, america with, nuclear arms, they, lied, and they want, lets rule the world, russia, china, nicaragua, russiaco, and that is, mexico and new york will burn, I'm satan she said .
(8)the seven heads and the ten horns -visions received 12-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: and he saw 7 Lighted heads and they are, america's allies, however, 5 left are fallen and they are, france, italy, australia, canada, japan, australia is slipping, they're leaning toward russia. go, put it under, america is isolated, attack, putin says, one is, that means britain, the beast is the eigth and of the seven, pope, italy, he is a king in the nation, but, not of the nation, that one that comes for a short space is, Israel, and taht is, destroy palestinian state destroyed by america, cause america should've left iraq alone, aman, the 10 horns are politburo, and they are, germany, italy, mexico, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, soon the united states will burn, aman, read the Bible and get encouraged, aman, he said, cool you said, judgment is coing to america, we'll see, put it under, judgment will come whe you least expect it, lets work, hallelujah, aman, politburo is the new world order, and that is, russia, china, north korea, magog, russia is the bear, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, the 3 ribs, the pope will say, I am god in the temple, phillips 66 is not the best gasoline, it is chevron, go to spencet, go, put it under, do and live, the united states will explode when you least expect it, aman, I won't do it, put it under, cur off I am, I was wasrned, hallelujah, aman, james tyson will only have his own blood on his hands he told the Truth, he just didn't do it, a flanged cross is the threescore, like the catholics wear today, put it under, 666 is the mark of the beast, and that is, russia is the bear, aman, go and post it under, 666 is the mark of the beast, aman, help me Lord, that is what she was just saying and she still rejected it.
(9)prophet visions and dreams -visions received 12-30-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: that was a missile streakin thur the sky, russia will attack, keep pushin, I don't want Jesus, I want sex, I want smokin, smokin is abomination, and that is not, that was God, Almighty, and He had a Robe that looked like undescribeable, aman, people want to be witnessed to but don't want to live the life, aman, she didn't get out of her car, thats why you were there aman, shawn laverne, james, john tyson are all cut off, and now its out, aman, and he saw a Angel running after him, I told you not to press, press and press and press and press, on my death certificate Jesus said, I didn't take the prophet out and he is causing trouble for pentecost, call it, watchout for the prophet upci, he won't come but God knows where you are, aman, the prophet said, its my job to seek ye first the Kingdom of the Lord and these things will be added, hollie pointed, added, watchout prophet, spirits walkin, black spirits spirits walkin, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, the statue of liberty is abomination, aman, you won't beleive this, there are spirits walkin all around, and prophets see's them, protet me Lord, aman, prophet wants to go home, but, can not, I nned him to further MY WORD, tell the story, when the united states is attacked, that is when prophet will leave it right there, hallelujah, aman, he saw fire , on new york from, let me see here, sattelite, then fire spread, whats, that was a nuclear explosion, nothin left, seek Jesus, thats lookin at new york city from a submarine periscope, submarines will destroy america, thats what walkin thru the fire without burning looks like, se how I blowed preacher, a.a. allen was given the most awesome vision in record and it destroyed him, promote, a.a. allen perished, on my death certificate, I didn't do what the Lord wanted me to do, I took but I did not give, and that is, stole, mon under the table ey, I took but I did not give, on my death certificate, God wanted me to warn people and I didn't do it, I'm norm heaggy and a.a. allen, the pope will not be the antichrist, it will be the idol shepherd, aa wanted to repent, but, Jesus wouldn't save me stole, and he saw the Sign of the coming of the Son of Man and that was White Spirit, the Sign of the coming of the Son of Man is, like a Spirit, lighthouse mission is cut off, he said in his heart, fuck off, he saw 2.57-6, 251, aman, gas is going up, he said, blowed the Tabernacle, that was prophet ____, a voice box is in a persons and allows a person to speak using air, hallelujah, aman, and hollie pointed at the visions, put them on the internet she pointed, and hollie pointed clean up after yourself, test, suspended, go, put it under, leave the library, hollie said, prayer walk, predistinate, can you talk in Church, thats what they all say, but, the, sunnysnet wants to get saved, but, she will not obey, prophets down the street, she doesn't want to come to the Lord, she wants people to, I want on, she wants to look sexy, and hollie pointed, no, she is, she is all ready on, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, bathsheba bobby is the apostolic pentecostal Church, ACTS 2:38, they, I'm cut off, from, internet, that is what happened to hollie, I ain't worth it, she is, not, interested in, .
(10)dreams and visions for end times-visions received 12-30-31-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: david gilmour sang, on a hull so far away, stood an old rugged Cross, and people said, find That prophet, we want sex, he saw one lighted head and that was the pope and he is the antiscripture, and antiscripture is the antichrist, and 666 is the mark of the beast and the middle 3 is a flanged cross like the catholics wear today, aman, is this the real, or is this just fantasy, open your eyes, no escape from reality, what freedy mercury of queen was talkin about was oral sex and that what killed him, he tood one bad shot and that was aids, tell the story, aids come from monkeys poop and that is anal sex, monkeys poop is human poop, good riddens homosexual, aman, go and put it under, aids come from human feces, the Lord says, leave it alone, aman, the pope was more stout than his fellows, that was all of america on fire, and she shall be utterly destroyed, for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her, put it under, america will be destro, oh my God, diana hughey said, I got number 1, but number 1 never came, go, put it under, diana hughey is cut, drinking water has fish poope in it, tell the story, it is good, good for you, aman, where's your pastor at, that is what donny winters would have said to you, something is missing at westside pentecostal Church, Jesus, we want sex at 15, same o wallet, same o computer, same o backstab, aman, abide in your calling, fortune buffet is troth, we want sex, anal oral, old or young, jnew that was coming, I'm a prophet, I'm out, comeback, no way, sanctify you and yours saith the Lord of Hosts, that, you may not take part, in the, trials, taht will, come, carol said, I was jelous, that is why, trap, o my God, he saw macaulay culkin pointin, macaulay culkin, and she could've been help, he could've go you gack on, but, offened everyting, olmost, he didn't want nothin to do with you, put it under, carolyn waltz was cut off and prophet knew, he told it al the Church, and they knew it, aman, and he saw the statue of liberty in the fire, america will burn when you least expect it, hallelujah, aman, Jesus is the sweetest name I know, and He's just the same as His Holy name, that song was written by prophecy, the Lord said don't slip, aman, and he saw the name hollie moody, she will not come back, manifested love is done, how, tell my story, she blasphemed the Holy Scriptures and that is Jesus, tell the, you blasphemed the Holy Spirit when you blasphemed hollie moodie, she blasphemed herself, go go dancin is abomination, oh my God, they can take it all off, no excuse me, just pannies, and he saw a hegoat move with choler and it struck the ram and that is, russia and china and the pope, they have a military agreement, nobody can, stop, them, russia can, destroy everything, aman, never change your motor oil, keep it full, change it not, it doesn't wear out, aman, your wanted on the phone, who is it, Jesus, Jesus wants you to pour out your heart, rend your heart, rend your heart, break it open, thats it, repentence, that was a White Angel, God will keep prophet ____, Jesus name is not yeshua, God gave you a five, He wants upci to come back, an open invitation united pentecostal Church international, aman, see, bob is pressin in vain for upci, they are cut off, no signs, he saw Jesus foot, and It was Golden, burned in the fire from trials, you have to pass your trials to, and he saw the words manifested love, that was Jesus Christ, aman, he saw the words, heaven and hell, bring back the freeservers, thank you, aman, netzero owns them now, kill it, url redirect, that was the Kings Highway, It was like Light, lets rule the world, russia china, cuba, nicaragua, don't forgit about mexico, venezuela and brazil, russia will attack america when you least expect it, hallelujah, aman, that will be the new world order, hallelujah, aman, mexico, Gods waring you, your country will be plucked up, you'll read about it in the news, flatteries, aman , the united states will be attacked when you least expect it it, out of cuba, out of mexico, and nicaragua, when you least expect it is when your not looking for it by russia, the united states will be destroyed, our national anthem is, the united states will not repent, they will not absorb another hurricane, send terrorists, economic collapse, destroy, that was putin, the united states will become a desolation in one hour in one year and in one day, he saw the globe and america was on fire from the united states will become a nuclear nightmare and he saw a missile over indianapolis spue fire and explode, sound the alarm on the internet, that was the united states about to be destroyed by God, you know what indiana jones did, they recreated the ARK almost perfectly because, and harrison ford said, I'm a prophet, I seen, come back prophet jones, that is not exact, close, close is olmost exact, made out of copper, looked, gold, are you kidding jones friend said, they both saw it, how did china get loose sissy said, hit russia hu said, look out, the united states will explode, then china will eventually attack russia is the beast with, prophet harrison ford got cut off for doing star wars, they all did, much blood on hands, God warned them, robert williams of the prophecy club is cout off like stan johnson, aman, russia will hit america bu submarines, go ahead and hit'em, nuke the united states, what, attack, then china will hit russia, thats when the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, put it under, the united states and russia missile attack will be destroyed together, china is the new world order, hu is the false prophet, the pope is the antichrist, and 6 threescore 6 is the mark of the beast, the threescore is a flanged cross, planes, 8 missiles is all it would take to destroy america, 8 missiles with 10 warheads, america is done, no more country, the united states will be destroyed when the economy collapses and we'll collapse it using terrorists, aman, that was a horse pulling a, that was Jesus and He had White EYES and a White ROBE like LIGHT, work, we want sex, jenny wren is blaspheme, thats what the tallest building in indianapolis looks like when it collpases, it will collapse from a nuclear explosion from russian sub, the united states, when you least expect it, thats when your not lookin for it, amen, for when they shall say peace and safety, then suddden destruction cometh, aman, go and put it under, peace and safety is the national anthem for america, aman, Israel will not fire on anybody, they will be surrounded by people coming at'em, russia will be destroyed by china, then, tell me Truth, the pope will be the one they pushing after, satan is a lyer, tidings out of the east will trouble him, and that is china, they will hate each other, hu will know that satan is in that, that body, but, hu is a prophet, fallen prophet, no more visions and dreams for hu, read about It in DANIEL, aman, the 340 plymouth duster was a good engine, but, they get horrible gas mileage, 300 horse power minus 25, the 6 pack, 275, the hemi, 426, 430 horsepower minus 3, that is, the, original limit of it, it got, 435, it was, the, 427 chrysler, and that is, the corvette engine was a chrysler engine, they designed for general motors, and thats a secret, thats the statue of liberty and it will explode like this, bobs got a new talent and he doesn't use ti, he can sing like, you would 100 percent beleive, 100 percent means, you will use it, and he saw a Hand pointed at the clock, time is running out, no more mercy, and that, what you think, Jesus is still here, bob can sing like you would not believe, sing it now, prophet you are in danger when you sing, you sound like fink floyd, aman, poison, and the newspaper read, Indianapolis burn, that'll be russia, russia, will, will attack when you least expect it, macaulay pointed at the colts sing, the colts will loose the superbowl next year, they won't even be there, aman, you thief hollie said, live for God like He wants or not all all, aman, it's 6 o'clock and you started prayin at midnight, sleep prophet, you earned it, goodnight, sleep tight, git up the next day at 6 o'clock in the morning, keep truckin, and he saw many Angelic, Being's, and They were, like, White, Mii, an, the saints will judge the world, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicarvania, and that is, mexico and, cu, cube, ba, and they have, an, agreement with, russia, and that is, the new world order, put it under, russia will attack eventually america, and that is, that great, city that reigneth over, the, kings, of, the, earth, REVELATION 17, read It, aman, these saints will, he was, said, om gonna git ya, now I won't, no I won't, she was cut off and prophet told her, come back babyfleas, God will fill you, no He won't, aman, prophet was in the speedway with donny winters and he didn'st speak, donny joe winters committed blaspheme of the Holy Ghost, he said, those are from the devil, aman.
(11)the developement of the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns-visions received 12-31-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like ukraine president yuchenko and he said, put uraine in russia, and People and the Lord of Hosts said, and that is, the buidling of, how they will, put together, the, beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and that will, be, how, they will, assemble, and, destroy, let me see, where'd you country go, america will be, come a desolation, and that is, the great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth, and that is, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, of, REVELATION 17, and that, is, look at that, appreciate, the whore of, the, REVELATION, and that, is, thw woman of, all, they are, let me see, america, and that, git me to the gold course, yur lying, and that, is, not, the, Truth, america is, the, MYSTERY of, REVELATION, put it under, america is the great whore of REVELATION 17 and the woman and the MYSTERY, BABYLON, and they are, the united states of, lets, there, and that, mystery, they are, the, same, hallaluiah, lets see, aman, bobby, you know what we've done, forsook, I left, don't, talk to, they are, in enough, misery, don't, worry about them, they will not, fix it, and that is why, bobby yur cut off, and that is, what they, want, cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and that is, and they are, not, going, attack, we don't want you, and that is, they will not, do, so, don't, mess with, we don't want you, and when the palestinian state gets, and eventually, and they want, stupid bod, and that is, people want to look sexy, and they, want, people to, lust, them, and they are, reprobate, put bobby on a vacation, and that, is, pray like you did this morning and your vacation will be sleep, and that is, the only vacation sleep you will have, cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and, politburo, on, the, top, and they are, russia, mexico, cuba, and that is, eventually, appreciate It, cause, It will not last forever, russia will destroy america when you least expect it, and that, will, only.
(12)end time visions for 12-31-2005-God has showed me in a vision spirits that looked like people and they said: I want money he thought, when you go down, you'll be helpin with little, sound like stories, go, put it under, bobby he changed, you are the prophet, act like a prophet, and donny winters said, come, and people said, so we can, and donald winters said, kick, and people said, get out of, we don't want, industry, go, put it under, sleep, at, westside pentecostal Church, I got news for you, open, the mcdonalds at 52nd and keystone street in indianapolis the sign says faith and be blessed, the prophet has mentioned God, they don't want, the the Lord said, were cut off now, put it under, mcdonalds is blaspheme, ray kroc was blaspheme, prophet ray krok perished, hallelujah, aman.
(12)persia is the middle east-visions received 12-31-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, there shall stand up 3 kings in persia, that is iran, maybe its iraq, kuwait, thank Jesus, and the fourth is, its iran, no, maybe its iran, iran is politburo, and politburo is, is russia, and that is, the, whats that, maybe, china will invade russia and absorb it, and create magog, there it is, politburo is russia has politburo on top, politburo is the new world order, and they are seet by china, and politburo is, politburo is russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and germany, plitburo is iran and iraq, hollie said bobby, politburo is cuba, nicaragua, mexico, russia, china, venezuela, brazil, germany, and italy, and italy is where the popes from, understand, the pope is russia, and out of russia comes, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and china will invade russia, divide, and, hu is the false prophet, and that is, russia will be given to north korea, north korea and south korea will become one again, he saw a little Angel Man and He said, stay right here and he saw the word, magog is china, and that is, the new world order, aman, and that is, the new world order is, that is china and everybody but israel, israel will be destroyed by american nukes from iraq, destroy the palestinian state aman, EZEKIEL 7, aman, go and put it under, the beast will reign for three and one half years of peace and three and one half years of wrath, and thats when vials get poured out aman, and hollie pointed, look, God will shake it up to bring repentance for israel, the beast wants to destroy israel but he can't, he will come against israel, but God will not let'em aman, the beast will make an agreement with hu for 666 and the middle 6 is a flanged cross like catholics where today, he said, I will nmake you to know the meaning of the vision, the daily sacrifice was the pig slaughter and that was blood, now the antichrist was in power, but his time will be short and he will break his agreement with the jews for pigs blood and he will make them take the mark of 666, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, but they won't want it, aman, he will take away the sacrifice and sit in the Temple and say, I am god, and that is, the god of this earth, but, not for long, 1,2,3, the number 1 sacrifice for the bear is, babyfleas said, you should be prayin so I don't have to, aman, the Bible says where there is no vision, the people perish, seek a vision for yourself, aman, worte the vision and make it plain, the beast will not do so well he will be surrounded by forces, they can destroy that body but satan will go into somebody else, bobby theres war brewing between russia and china is the only one that knows about it, hallelujah, aman, they will push at the beast with great, sackcloth, they will worship him because of the strong delusion sent by God, and he will come to his end by pushing his agenda on china and they will not go for it, tell the story, your best friend is your Bible, aman, read It, amen, we want you to tell him about the end times your prophecy was correct, we don't care, we worship our pastor, aman, she said, were not chosen, write a book is what she wanted you to do, we won't read, and macaulay culkin pointed at that, what more could Jesus have done, go, put it under, when I, lets see here, will I find faith upon the earth, remnant, pastors name is johhny, aman, don't worship your pastor, give God the glory, God gave the Message unless he worked on it, aman, donny winters would've said, help us out and you would've said, I can't, you are cut off, donny would have said, no I'm not, yes you are, aman, and brother phillips said, I need him, no Signs, we want sex, we want sex, put it under, flying j wants sex, donny winters wanted to be turned over to a reprobate mind, turn'em oever, he let, God did, now he thinks its a waste of time, we want sex, there is a distraction at leonard and vriginia steet in indianapolis, becareful, put it under, we warned, clean oil dirty oil, that doesn't matter, keep it clean and full, it does matter, change your engine oil often about 7500 miles plus 10,000, you don't ever need to change, the palestinian state will meet destruction by american nukes in iraq, aman, palestinian state will be destroyed when you least expect, aman, put it under, palestinian state is a violation to isreal rights, palestinian state was, was singed in 1979 by gerald ford, understand, thats EZEKIEL 7, man the end is coming to the palestinian state and it exist, hallelujah, aman, palestinian standard of living is, poverty, israel is blocking everything, they will destroy by terrorists, but, God will save israel, they knew, aman, the palestinian will not repent so God will destroy, aman, they are phillistines, all arabs are philistines, aman, the palestinian state will be destroyed, put it under, the palestinian state is, tress, tress means open to the Gospel, but, they have nobody to bring It, not you, you would, but, they will, not, they will hear, but, they will not do, some, none, allah, that is, there, it always has been, even if, they, see, the, SIGNS and wonders, put it under, she's not apostolic so do not mess with her.
(13)the trap for 1-1-2006-visions received 1-1-2006-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, people want anal sex because no baby, poop excuse said Jesus, anal sex is abomination, do it right or don't do it, oral sex is abomination, aman.
(14)woe to the palestinian state -visions received 1-1-2006-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: the palestinian state will be destroyed when you least expect it and that is when you are not looking for it, he saw, thick black smoke and fire aman, higher octane gasoline is a waste of money, 87 is enough, save your money, keep a little extra transmission fluid in, it will keep the pressure high, hallelujah, aman, bobby, take us home she said, but, you have, to, do it, for, your, don't quit, the road it, enough, to, keep you, entertained, not, rush, he saw 2.18 gas prices coming, james will soon die and God blessed him with long life, he didn't give no glory, he will depart knowing, he trapped his own mom, what he sayed, louder, scream, people like that need intercessory prayer, and macaulay culkin pointed at that, show, they are, slippin, remnant, God hates him, she won't tell him, ACTS 2:38, she would say, I ain't, he would say, cause the united states will exploded when you least expect it, russian missile attack, fom submarines, only 75, 20, give God a simple thank You, persia is iraq and iran and kuwait, one more time, persian is the most dangerous situation in the world, hallelujah, aman, nike, nuke coming, that was 7 kings and they are apostolic pentecostal, whats the word, those 7 kings are, friends of america, and that is, the 7 hills, and, sneak, and that is, james would, stop it, he would, I need james home, she brought it on herself, and he would, that sna let me see ake, and that is, Jesus hurt, go down, mercy, for, whoever needs it, those seven heads are, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and that, is, china, and that, is, magog, and that, is, the, red, dra, gon, those 7 heads are, 7 nations that have an agreement with america, and they are, australia, 1, and that, is, allies, go, and put it under, the pope is the bear, russia, cause, russia is, the, select him, and that, is, what, Jesus, called, need mercy, and macaulay pointed, culkin, he can not be set free, per, issssssss'd, speedway gas station wastes food, call it, throw it away speedway, God will stop drawing people to speedway gas station if they don't quit, put it under, let me perish, no, don't, intercede, uto, and that is, mercy, donny winters has never been filled with the Holy Spirit, brother phillips said, I want that, westside pentecostal Church is 666, under, donald, win, wint, winter, 's, they are just cold, wake them up on the internet, put it under, westside pentecostal Church wake up, mercy, how much do you need, and that is, write this down, 6 6 6 is weside pentecostal Church, pastor spall gave It to, prophet, donald winters and he will give it to donny winters, we can said mrs. winters, pray for me, need to save herself by quitting and that is, they don't recognise, follow me donald winters said, the pastor spall wanted prophecy, larry wanted spall, linda, sex, how many children, lets replace'em, linda and larry spall never got set free, would you help me she said, how, fast and, show, on, the, inter, net, no, do anther one for that, call, it, economic, collapse, coming to, america, economic collapse is coming to america, he heard donny winters scream, help me, that was lucifer and he looked like an ARC ANGEL with HElmut and roman soldier gear, hollie said, look, he saw him kneeliing on the ground giving God thanks for keepin his, when are you coming back Jesus said in the Fire Room, china and america will go to war and russia will atttack , that the event that brings Jesus back, ISAIAH 13 babylon, amen, where's our answer, God will not, answer, sin, if there, and that is, God will not hear the prayer of a sinner, and that is, not, needed, put it under, no freeserver, 's., 2-10-2010-im uh submarine, said, hollie, no, said, another, Jesus, said, hollie shakes, no, I showed, Lord im thru, she, said, but, shook, yes, I turned, around, hollie, said, showed, book, ministry of dreams, its written, hollie, said, no, said, hollie, but, I, shook, yes, she, said, then, showed, Lord om thru, she said, clapped hands, I, turned, around, she, said, stomped foot, showed, tada, hollie said, its, the, whole new world order, its the beast, said, hollie, theres pope, hollie, said, showed, lay down, die, hollie showed, turn, eat, she, showed, I, showed, pope, said, hollie, clapped hands, stomped foot, bob, haiti was something I prophesied, said, Jesus, hollie showed, thats, earthquake in brazil, and, lula, shaking, thats, dragon rising, thats, said, hollie, its the g8, dragon shows, popes picture, Im with him, said, pontiff, thats, nations appearing, aw, sang the seven heads, hollie, conducts, out pops kings, theres, mexican president, and, lula, shut up, lula said, theres chavez coming out of head, tear up, said, hollie, put back, turned into putin, hey im the beast, said, putin, im russia, putin said, put it under, hollie, russia is the beast, hollie said, showed, with, seven heads and ten horns, and who are they bobby, said, hollie, theres, cuba, thats, cuban president, not wanting, but, shaking, yes, theres, lula, not, but, shaking yes, someones got your name, said, Jesus, hollie showed, Ministry of Dreams, call it, she, said, the God spoke, hollie, said, beat hand, tear up, and, restore, hollie showed, put it on, webstarts, bob, this is reason, said, hollie, showed, beat hand, she, said, showed, pontiff, right there, tear up, agin, hollie said, showed, whole new world order, tap dancing, theres pontiff with head shaped like little horn, you need to record, said, hollie, showed, flash drive, new, hollie plugs into computer, and keeps visions, thats computers going down, bobby, said, hollie, it was uh dream, said, hollie, showed, night vision, bob, drives, his, its G.O.D. truck, hollie showed, sees, its, t.d. jakes, bob drives to, mentions his name, jsut greets, jakes walking with woman, having nice, then bob leaves, but, wants jakes to know who he is, but, jakes gone, bob see children, and tells them to tell t.d. jakes, he is, ministry of dreams, no, said, hollie, claps, showed, away with, showed, pontiff, hes, black horse, rider, put it under, said, hollie, watch the beast, she, said, that, said, hollie, wiped lips, showed, eat, that, she, said, china wants their land, back, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, china, invading, russia, its after that, said, hollie, thats nuclear rockets striking russia, exploded, thats Jesus looking at world, and nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, thats, pope telling medvedev, drive them, outta there, hollie pulls up sleeves, they exchange, hollie, thats, thats nuclear fires in, both, lands, then, thats pope at table, and two horned beast rising, with, hu and japan, coming out, of, horns, thats 666 being signed, for, hollie fixes van, wearing plad coat, bob dont, said, hollie, take, precaution, she, said, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, watch that, thats nuclear explosion, in, africa, hollie points, its, near, the, center, she, said, missiles left, their waters, striking cuba, hollie points, three nuclear fires, and venezuela, and brazil with massive nuclear fireballs, thats rockets leaving all their waters, striking there, said, hollie, near texas, exploded, rockets leave u.s.a. submarine, strike nicaragua, and, hey i'll put it there, said, hollie, nuclear fires in latin america and mexico, hollie showed, pope, hollie laughs, hollie showed, run in place, feed animals, hollie showed, wearing plad coat, hollie with nice hair winks, thats bear, licking, prophet, hollie looks at transaxle, fixes, it wont leak till then, said, thats, hollie looking under van, watching, said, hollie, showed, eat, its chicken, that was Father said, hollie, on steam locomotive, thats, hollie funnel blowing, its like this, whew whew, said, hollie, hollie ran in place, im going bob to drive you to suicide to persecution you, torturing your face, tellem, said, Jesus, I, dont care, I, was betrayed, and I betray my people till they backslide, then after seeing, them walk, desolate of me, I had mercy, compassion, if they dont fall away, JOB, is what I do to them, ruining their face, to laugh, mock at their calamity, by causing their face muscles, to tighten, when, winking, opening, mouth, to laugh at you cause you trusted me and I betray you all day, I will hurt you so deep in your heart, lying to you, teasing, you, betraying, raising up people against you and wont help you, die fasting you little slobberly mouth, thats all, you are to me, saith the Lord, I make my servants walk in circles, spin when stopped, cause hair and gum loss, torture, I make my servants hate me to hide them, cause them to backslide, live, backslided, and, laugh, at, their, calamity, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed, record, 12-6-2010-bobby make an offer, said, mostly unseen hollie said, but she was all there, said, God and, others, Jesus, said, bobby, hollie said, wiped his face, stomped foot, snapped fingers, its hey, said, partial face coming out, his body was gone, but was there, he she said, he was wearing shorts, she said, but she laughed, rubbed face, God, said, no, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, but, shes, all there, God, said, hollie shook, no, stay away from me, she said, its, kenneth, cause, now, he, knows, hollie said, put it under, she, said, thats, pope, like, angel, rising, its cause i'm the beast, he said, and, thats, its with, seven heads and ten horns, bobby did you, see the pope hollie said, thats pope coughing, like, angel of, its light, showed, mostly unseen hollie, but she was all there another, hollie said, hollie showed, the bob hickman, its on aol chat, she said, SHE SHOOK DONT, BROTHER, SAID, NOW, SEEN HOLLIE, SHE, HAS, BROWN HAIR, SAID, IT, JESUS SHE SAID, SHOWED, POPE WITH LIGHTED BEAR PAWS, RAISED PAWS BUT FACE DISAPPEARED, THATS HOLLIE SHOWING, TURN, BLOWING BALLOON, HE WAS LIGHTED SAID MOSTLY UNSEEN HOLLIE, IT SHE SAID, but, disappeared, showed, get food out of dumpster, hollie showed, record, she said, herself, JEsus said, submarines are right there, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, thats pope she and God said, in fire, drinking his drink, hollie showed, its, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, submarines all around america, both coasts burned, thats hollie being raised by, its chinook said, mostly unseen hollie, but, partial face comes out, points, his face changing, gabriel flew, leave aol chat alone, said, its the bob hickman said hollie and mostly unseen hollie, him, she said, with, thats the, marine corp. out in the streets, said, him, said, mostly unseen hollie, its, angel gabriel and hollie with changing head and wearing red plad coat pulling on his pant legg, hey its we want loot, said, man, marching in crowd, but there was hollie pointed Jesus like round head, that was same hollie that pulled on gabriels pant legg, its economic collapse, she said, put it under, hollie said, free, thats america, lets rule, the world, said, putin, like, its, batwinged, hollie saw, i'm the g8, he hollie said, iraq agin, said, it, Jesus, said, mostly unseen hollie, then she, I complained, she said, he didnt want it, Jesus like a cloud head man, appeared, showed, pointed up, Jesus came, thats world below, and, many nations exploding, he said, smoke rises, I'm said sun, moon had silhouette face, but, some what appeared, but went back, then out, he, clapped, said, it, partial face hollie, after social security is stripped, said, Jesus, she will be broke, said, hollie, I aint got no money, she, said, its girl, showed, hollie, will you marry bob said, no, girl said, but will, thats them wedding, hollie showed, record, she, showed, her, teeth, said, another, hollie, submarine sound, said hollie, hey thats partial face said, Jesus, pointing, its captain hollie waving from his submarine, firing, thats iraq and its gaza forsaken burning, hollie shoves bush to microphone like upset, hollie, I made my war, he said, wants to bite chicken, its to breakem, stealem, president geroge bush said, Jesus said, thats hollie like snow hollie on the hood of the dodge aries k, showing, its antichrist, its pope, thats, pope riding black horse, git your house in order ministry of dreams Jesus said, thats hollie laying down, you see what I did she said, thats the loose belt somby, hollie said, boo chanted, he said, hollie, said, wearing white robe, monkeys face, thats said hollie, showed, its gabriel its, lootin, said, its arch angel gabriel, showed, hands, face, like light man, hollie, said, put it undle, she, said, thats people marching, its patrollin, hollie said, pointed, go, hey its we want loot, man said, I have got inside of me, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen hollie, but she, disappeared, said, it Jesus, she said, put it undle, she said, thats, bobby feed, hollie said, showed, feeding animals, wearing plad coat, partial face hollie comes out, its, coat changed, thats, hollie, working on lawn mower, keepings its air filter clean, hollie stamped, hollie did that, thats hollie having, its anal sex, she liked it hollie said, but didnt want no more, heres why, its, because she doesnt want you showed, hollie, slapped face, its him, said, its, completely unseen hollie said, Jesus, snapped lighted fingers, partial face comes out, his face was changed she said, you can get some portage, then git that portage, hollie and Jesus said, bob, said, it, hollie said, mostly unseen hollie, she, showed, run in place, thats the, leave it alarie, said, it, hollie, said, mostly unseen but she is, there, the rest of her dimly faded in, go to walmart said Jesus, hollie, him, she, said, showed, go, turn, syria, said, hollie, and he saw it, showed, mostly unseen hollie, nuclear explosion in, its syria, then jordan and egypt exploded, we will bomb you said, thats medvedev, then leaves, there he is, showed, hollie, on national t.v., that was hollie said, angel and many people being forced to invade israel, thats nuclear missile leaving russia, israel exploded, it had new ministry of dreams, on, it was bebo, said, hollie, it, o, said partial face coming out, theres deformed, she said, angels face had spec on, one side, its, o, she said, but her face changed, angels face turned mostly silhouette, then turned head, its o, pointed, partial face, Jesus came, angel had big blotches, there was brown and blue on that side of face, she said, sleep, said, it, hollie, mostly unseen hollie said, she clapped hands, had sweatshirt on, hollie screamed, again, hey bobby, why for, she said, screamed, showed fist it, boo chanted many hollies, thats Jesus like a cool narrow Jesus, hollie said,


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