Sunday, September 15, 2024

the last days visions are now online

(134)you can't blame any body but yourself-vision received 11-11-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "you put me in hell".
(135)yassar arafat-visions received 11-2004-I saw yassar arafat in many visions, and he said things like, "went to hell", "I'm sorry", "help me", "I want the gospel", "it's true"(I was asking what was true, and I saw Jesus in a vision, and HE said, "ME")
(136)names please-visions received 11-10-2004-in two visions, I saw this young girl and she said, "what's you name", "what's my name", etc.
(137)pay the price Jesus requires out of you everyday-vision received 11-11-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "pay the price".
(138)don't pick up after work-vision received 11-11-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said something like, "don't pick me after work". She did not go into work today.
(139)follow Jesus-vision received 11-11-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "follow Jesus".
(140)visions of Jesus-vision received 11-11-2004-I saw Jesus in visions, and He had brown hair, and HE said things like, "go ye", "just tell Me you need Me", etc.
(141)fell away-vision received 11-11-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "I fell".
(142)I can't believe it-vision received 11-11-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I can't beleive it". Don't miss the "rapture".
(142)ANGELS-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "ANGELS".
(143)touch Jesus-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I saw a young woman, and she said, "I touched Him".
(144)palestinian state coming-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "there's a palestinian state coming". I received many other visions.
(145)witnessing-visions received 11-12-2004-in the first visions, I saw a young woman I witnessed to, and she said, "what's your problem", and in the second vision she said, "I like money".
(146)people mock me in their hearts-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I saw the word "mused", and I heard this, "men mused".
(147)nuclear war-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "were going to nukeem". I felt this was regarding the new palestinian state.
(148)can't believe it-visions received 11-12-2004-in visions, I saw me, and I said, "I cant believe it", "I just can't believe it", "explosion".
(149)arrested for my faith-visions received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I'm being arrested by agents, and I'm talking with the one who is handcuffing me. In another vision, I saw a man, and he said, "were the government". You dont have to look very hard in the bible to know that servants of Jesus were arrested often, and what was there crime.
(150)back off the internet-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I saw some words written in like blue neon, and I think they said, "your spending to much time on the internet".
(151)witnessing-visions received 11-12-2004-I witnessed to a man today, and I saw him in visions, and he said things like, "I can't handle you", etc. I thought not long ago he told me he was a christian.
(152).64 mb-vision received 11-12-2004-in this vision, I saw my angelfire webshell, and the amount of disc space I had used was 0.64 mb. I just noticed that it was exactly that. Praise Jesus for visions!
(153)embarrassed-vision received 11-13-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "I'm getting embarrassed". THis is over the Iraq war.
(154)cut off-visions received 11-13-2004-in visions, I saw a man I witnessed to, and he said, "He cut me off", "I'm in adultery".
(155)visions from Jesus will be fullfilled-visions received 11-14-2004-in visions, I saw this woman, and she said, "he was wrong, because were not there yet", "I don't beleive enough".
(156)are you for real-vision received 11-14-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "Is he for real".
(157)people often pass thier chance to be saved by-vision received 11-14-2004-in this vision, I'm with a young lady I have never seen before, and somehow we knew we were cousins or related, and I beleive she got drunk earlier, and maybe even had a blackout, and I was warning her that she could wake up pregnant or with a disease, or something along those lines, and I believe she told me she would quit drinking. The next two visions, I just saw her face, and she was screaming like I never heard before in both visions. It was a continuous nonstop scream, and I seemed to feel she was in hell. It's like Jesus dealt with me about the major importance of warning people.
(158)warn people-vision received 11-15-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman something like, "bob, tell us".
(159)can return-visions received 11-15-2004-in these visions, I saw this woman that works at a gas station, and she said things like, "you can come back", "come to the gas station", "come here". In one she cursed GOD.
(160)help me-vision received 11-15-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said something like, "help me bobby".
(161)$1.70.9-vision received 11-15-2004-in this vision, I saw a "shell" gas staion sign, and price for gas was $1.70
(162)water plants-vision received 11-15-2004-in this vision, I was shown to water plants outside. I did.
(163)making a comeback-vision received 11-16-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "I'm coming back".
(164)called a phony-vision received 11-17-2004-I went to a woman, and as I was I saw her in a vision, and she said, something like, "he's phony". I saw her in another vision, and she said, "adultery".
(165)the WORD-vision received 11-17-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw this pastor and he said, "that's the Word bob". I saw him in other visions, and he said things like, "we want material", "come to agape"(which is the church he pastors over), etc.
(166)alaska will be attaked by russia-vision received 11-17-2004-in this vision, I saw president putin a russia, and he said, "I hit alaska". I was reading today about a new missile russia has today. I putin in vision, and he said, "topol".
(167)gulf war-received 11-17-2004-three times while praying, I heard, "gulf war", and I inquired, "what about the gulf war", and I heard this, "nuclear".
(168)computer-vision recieved 11-17-2004-in this vision, I saw a graying Jesus and He said, "go to the computer".
(169)mocked-visions received 11-17-2004-I went to a transmission shop to ask a question, and I warned one of the guys there about Gods judgement coming to america, then I went to the shop next door to ask something else. While there, the phone rang, and the guy had the speaker on, and somebody from the shop I just left called and warned him that I was wierd, and he warned him about me, could'nt tell why I was wierd, just called me wierd, and I heard it, and did not say one thing. I saw one who worked for the shop that I left in visions, and he said something like, "come back one more time", "come back so I can appologize". I saw the man in visions at the shop where I heard the man referring to me as wierd, and he said something like, "git away from me", "I won't hear it". I saw a man agian in a vision while sitting at the computer and he said something like, "I'm sorry buddy". I'm nobody. It's Jesus that needs forgive. I certainly forgive, and ask forgiveness If I wronged in any way. I saw him again, and he said something like, "I hate you".
BR>(170)going to hell-vision received 11-17-2004- I saw a girl that I preached to, and have seen tears flowing from her eyes from the POWER of God coming from it, and in a vision she said something like, "I'm going to hell".
(171)leave-vision received 11-17-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with graying brown curly hair, and He said, "leave the room".
(172)Jesus not being sought-vision recieved 11-4-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw Jesus. He had dark brown hair , and He said, "nobody wants Me".
(173)bad problem-vision received 11-21-2004-in this vision, I saw like a message that was sent inot my yahoo mail box, and the title in the title space was, "BAD PROBLEM", and I heard something like this, "you have a bad problem". I mainly record visions and dreams Jesus gives me. I rarely if ever express an opinion on the sites. I also realize that secrets are revealed, judgement on nations is shown, and lots of propehtic stuff, and not all is released. Gods people have always been arrested, tried, and even killed for their faith, and I'm no better than they.
(174)champion spark plugs-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "champion", and I heard, "use champion".
(175)help-vision received 11-21-2004-in this vision I saw a woman saying "help".
(176)never come back-vision received 11-21-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor, and he said, "don't never come back".
(177)MY WORD-vision received 11-21-2004-a long tunnel is above one of the streets, and people can walk thru, and look at the cars pass under, and there were 3 kids playing in it, and one or more was shaking his are at cars wanting cars to honk, and I put my bible in the window, and he and or they saw it. I had a vision, and I saw Jesus and HE had brown hair, and HE said, "MY WORD".
(178)being tempted-visions received 11-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, whom I would consider marrying if I could do it legal, which means she is living for Jesus, and has not divorced, and I saw her in many visions, and she made me all kinds of offers. At the gas station she works at she invited me back.

(179)Jesus group-vision received 11-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a "Jesus Group" page on the internet. Is Jesus going to have me start a "Jesus Group". That would be a blast. I will pray and see if Jesus wants me to do it. Would it be called, "MINISTRYofDREAMS" Jesus group???
(180)Usa-vision received about 11-2004-in this vision, I saw all of america, and it was like a bright white color, and I think the states were separated by black borderlines. More may have happened, I don't remember. I'm not even sure about the color, but, I remember seeing america.
(181)visions of women-visions received 11-22-2004-in visions, I saw women, and they said things like, "I have a question"(it's best to ask Jesus), "don't say that"(judgement is coming to america), "you should have wrote me"(need permission from Jesus).
(182)salvation-vision received 11-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who I was thinking on, and he said, "I accepted Jesus". This is not even in the king james bible, and is a man made plan of salvation.
(183)help needed-vision received 11-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this man I witnessed to, and he said something like, "need his help". I just saw him again in a vision, and he said, "I'm lost".
(184)a vision of me-vision received 11-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a young woman, and she said something like, "I saw what you look like in a vision".
(185)develop weapons-vision received 11-23-2004-in this vision, I saw russian president vladimir putin, and he said, "develop weapons".
(186)I CORINTHIANS 4:1-vision received 11-23-2004-in this vision, I blieve I saw this, "I CORINTHIANS 4:1".(187)Jesus is coming-vision received 11-23-2004-in this vision I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "bobby, He's coming".
(188)ZECHARIAH-vision received 11-23-2004-in this vision, I saw this in the wepage name bar where the webpage names appear at the the bottom of the computer moniter, "ZECHARIAH". It was in the beautiful heavenly white, and the letters where black. It is very possible it said or I saw somewhere else on it, "ZECHARIAH 1-10".
(189)is usama bin lade in jail-vision received 11-23-2004-I was asking Jesus where osama bin laden was, and I saw a man who looked just like him in a vision, and he said, "I'm in jail". This could mean his hiding is considered jail, that he is being held willing or unwilling, that he is in a spiritual jail called hell.
(190)king david-vision received 11-23-2004-I was wondering if King David would serve Jesus if he had to put up with my deal every day, probably thinking he would not, and I saw king davids face in a vision, and he had blue eyes, and curly brown hair, and he said, "I would to". To me in another vision, king david looked very short.
(191)abortion is murder-vision received 11-23-2004-while praying to Jesus about an abotion clinic that is about 2 blocks from where I live, I said and I was talking about abortion, "that's murder", and I saw Jesus in a vision, and He had brown hair, and He said, "that's it". I don't think a nation lasted very long or a kingdom that killed innocent children.
(192)awesome-vision received 11-23-2004-in this vision, I saw a young man, and he said, "I think your awesome". I pray, and Jesus reveals. That makes Jesus awesome, and me a tool.
(193)witness-vision received 11-23-2004-in this vision, I saw a young woman, and she said, "witness".
(194)abortion in america-visions received 11-23-2004-I was praying and asking Jesus something like, "if all the blood of aborted babies could cry out one name of who is responsible, whose name would they say", and I saw the woman that was in the "roe vs wade" case that got abortion legalized, and she said "me". In another vision I saw her, and she said, "I lied". In another vision she said something like, "look what you have done". She seemed angry as she said it. I saw another woman like spirit in a vision and she said, "you need to tell it". I don't know if she was referring to this revelation about who played a big part in having abortion legalized in america, or some or all of the other visions or both. There have been over 42,000,000 babies aborted in america.
(195)o'h my God-vision received 11-23-2004-in this vision, I saw this young woman, and she said, "O'h my God".
(196)pray for me-vision received 11-23-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "pray for me".
(197)can't use Jesus-visions received 11-24-2004-in this vision I saw this young woman, and she said, "it's just a show", "I want dreams".
(198)avoid-visions received 11-2004-a man whom I know just ran for "state senate" in the state I live in and lost, and Jesus showed me he would loose. Jesus showed me that if he runs for "legislature" he would win. I asked Jesus if he wanted me to go and tell, and In more than one vision, I was warned or told to stay away.
(199)don't let new job go to you head-vision recieved 11-24-2004-in this vision, I saw this young man at a speedway gas station, and he said, "it's going to my head". He's close to being management.
(200)build your house of the Lord-vision received 11-25-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "can you build".
(201)according to EZEKIEL-vision received 11-25-2007-I believe in this vision, I saw the words, "according to EZEKIEL". I was not going to write that one, and I believe I saw Jesus in a vision, and He said, "write".
(202)russia wants alaska-vision received 11-25-2004-in this vision, I saw russian president putin, and he said, "I need alaska".
(203)I'm on a mission-vision recieved 11-25-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "mission".
(204)apostolic ministry-vision received 11-25-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "apostolic ministry". That what my ministry is!
(204)advance-vision received 11-25-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "advance" which is what I want to do in Christ Jesus.
(205)REVELATION-vision received 11-26-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "Revelation".
(206)prophet-vision received 11-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "you a prophet".
(207)wanting the bucks-vision received 11-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "I like money".
(208)the day will come when people will know these visions where from Jesus-visions received 11-26-2004-in this first vision, I saw this man, and he said, "O'h my God", and in the second he said, "you were right".
(209)wanting money-vision received 11-26-2004 in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "we want your money".
(209)get-vision received 11-26-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "get".
(210)send message-vision received 11-26-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "send message".
(211)don't take salvation lightly-vision received 11-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "don't do as I did".
(212)witness-vision received 11-26-2004-in this vision, I saw like a woman spirit and she said, "go witness".

(213)do you know what "believe means in the bible-vision received 11-25-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and He said, "believe means obey the gospel".
(214)they would probably let me go to Iraq-vision received 11-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a president , and he said, "you have my autograph", which means he would probably let me go to iraq. If I went, it would be as a missionary or something like that. Does Iraqis and soldiers want to hear the gospel though?
(215)everythings ordered-vision received 11-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "everythings ordered".
(216)peoples attention gotten-vision received 11-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "you got our attention".
(217)shot-vision received 11-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said something like, "you may get shot". I read in the bible in the book of Samuel that not long after Samuel died, Israel was invaded. It appears to me that by removing all the restraint, like taking prayer out of schools, ripping the ten commandments off the walls, and other things, people are trying to kick Jesus out of america, and this leaves Jesus with only one thing, and that is judgement. America will see Gods wrath. All getting rid of me does is show Jesus one more time that He is not wanted. What is my crime. I got saved according to scripture, and Jesus gives me visions and dreams like the bible says you will have. Lots of times He gives me visions while I'm right there with the person.
(218)warned in dream from God-vision received 12-2-2004-I'm not going to go into details in this vision, but, I will just say the Lord Jesus warned me that there is a woman out there that may not like me, and it would be best for a while at least if I stayed away from her. In other visions, I saw her and she said things like, "cut me off", "I'm telling the police", etc. I've not committed a crime, and in the first vision, I believe what she was doing was unjustified. If you fight against me, and I did nothing to warrant it, then you fight against Him who sent me. If I witnessed for Jesus, that's no crime.
(219)your needed by Jesus-vision recieved 12-5-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair and beard, and He said, "I need you".
(220)devil using someone to fight me-vision recieved 12-6-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "bobby, I fight".
(221)champion spark plugs-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "champion", and I heard, "use champion".
(222)wanting to visit hand of help in romanian vision-vision recieved 12-6-2004-in this vision, I'm in a romanian jail, and I don't know what I was doing there, and I believe I could here a prisoner being tortured, and so I see a chance to escape and do. As I'm getting away from there and I'm thinking on getting to the border and getting out of romania, I pass this house, and I could hear henry gruver preaching in that house, and he was talking about something like him being jailed and tortured or somebody else being jailed and tortured, and I keep going, the thought may have hit me about not really wanting to hear henry gruvers teaching, and I see a police officer, so I stay away from him and next I'm on like a street, and a thought hits me about visiting the "hand of help" orphanage, and then another thought hits me about a vacant warehouse forsale in my neighborhood, which would make a good hand of help warehouse to collect donations. I run into a least a could of young men, and I ask they know where hand of help is and maybe even if they know who dumitru duduman was. One knew where the orphanage was, and even told me who knew dumitru duduman was or knew him. I told them that Jesus had given me many visions of dumitru duduman. As I'm telling them, it seems like the thought hits me that Jesus promised me that I would see hand of help. I tell them a vision of dumitru duduman from Jesus that I don't ever remember having, but, seemed to have as I was telling them. They wanted to hear the vision or visions. I told them I saw dumitru duduman in a vision, and I believe I did see this as I was telling them, and he was praying, and at the end of the prayer, I saw like a White Mist fall on him from heaven.(I don't know if I will open, or ask hand of help to open a warehouse where I live, and I also am not sure Jesus promised me that I would visit the orphanage in romania. I also know that I forget things. God never does. I also would like to say that I believe every vision Jesus gave dumitru duduman, and Jesus has showed me the same end time things)
(223)revelations about a woman-visions recieved 12-6-2004-in visions I saw this woman I witnessed to and she said things like, "I really don't want Him", "tell me something", "I want to get married", "I'm ashamed", "bobby, I'm sorry", "get saved", "just leave me alone", etc.
(224)united states will be attack by russia and china-vision recieved 12-6-2004-while praying, I heard, "the united states", and I inquired to Jesus about the United States and I saw a man in a vision and he said, "were being attacked".
(225)not led by the Holy Ghost to warn anymore-vision recieved 12-6-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman that I was around earlier, and she said, "stop telling me". I did'nt.
(226)tell us something-vision recieved 12-7-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor and he said something like "tell us something". I heard this before or after, "don't speak anymore".
(227)a witch in apostolic pentecostal clothes-vision recieved 12-7-2004-in this vision I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor and he said, "I'm a witch". I've been to his church many times, and like them, but, did not feel the Holy Ghost in any thing that went on there.
(228)the beast will be the pope-vision recieved 12-7-2004-in this vision, I heard "the beast", and saw the pope, only he looked strong.
(229)michael jackson-visions recieved 12-7-2004-in the first vision, I saw michael jackson, and he said, "I'm michael jackson". In the second vision he said, "I'm a backslider". I was not going towrite that down, and in the third vision he said, "why didn't you tell me". I asked Jesus how long he was going to prison for and I saw michael jackson in a vision, and he was holding up two fingers which stands for "peace", or two years.
(230)tell people-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and he said, "why did'nt you tell".
(231)nebraska will be destroyed-vision recieved 12-9-2004-while praying, I heard, "nebraska", and I asked about nebraska, and I saw a man in a vision, and he said, "hit it". That means destroy nebraska. That man may have been russia president vladimir putin.
(232)michigan will be destroyed-vision recieved 12-9-2004-while praying, I heard "michigan", and I asked about michigan, and I saw someone in a vision and or heard something like, "it will be destroyed". I even had a vision where I saw me, and I said something like, "show me".
(233)servantJesus-vision recieved 12-14-2004-in this vision, I saw the words "servantJesus" which is what I'm trying to be.
(234)liberty tabernacle church-vision recieved 12-14-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "come to liberty tabernacle", which is an apostolic church. I've been there twice.
(235)eunuch-vision recieved 12-14-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw a mans head and HE said, "eunuch".
(236)saved or not-vision recieved 12-14-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and I think she said, "are you saved".
(237)dodge aries k back in action?-vision recieved 12-14-2004-in this vision, I saw my dodge aries k parked where I normally park the car I'm driving now which makes me think it will be back in action soon. It's running, just needs some wiring and other things.
(238)fox electric-vision recieved 12-14-2004-in this vision, I saw either the owner or a man who works at "fox electric", and he let me know that they would fix my car for about $75.00 bucks.
(239)Jesus wants your best-vision received 12-19-2004-while praying, I might have been dozing off, and I see a woman in a vision, and she yells, "bobby".
(240)worship Jesus-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision I saw this pentecostal apostolic pastor and he said, "worship Him".
(241)will bars radiator stop leak stop my radiator leak-vision received 12-20-2004-"it'll do it this time", and the answer a brown haired bearded Jesus told me.
(242)Jesus who is God mainfest in the flesh has to be put first-vision received 12-20-2004-I was praying for something and in a vision, I saw like the first commandment. I only saw something like this clearly, and it seemed the rest was blurry, but, there. "love the LORD thy God".
(243)you need to pray for yourselves-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "pray for me".
(244)called a prophet-vision received 12-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said something like, "you know your a prophet".
(245)prophetic information-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "Pophetic Information", which is what "ministryofdreams" and this site are all about. Praise Jesus 4 prophetic information.
(246)that's all-vision received 12-20-2004-I was going to add another comment to the last vision "prophetic information" and I saw Jesus in a vision and HE had brown hair and beard, and He said, "that's all".
(247)cut off-visions received 12-20-2004-in the first vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm cut off", and in the second vision she said, "don't tell me".
(248)people who serve Jesus are my family-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I ain't your family".
(249)house won't sell, owners will move in-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw this man and he said, "howdy neighbor".
(250)stay out -vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and HE said, "bobby, I want you to stay out".
(251)taxes will be raised in america-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "taxes going up".
(251)Jesus know what you feel-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "I know what you fell".
russia will attack america-visions received 12-20-2004-in the first vision, I saw president bush and he said, "were under attack", "they hit alaska", and in the last vision, I saw a man who looked like president putin and he said something like, "we got alaska".
(252)prophecy-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "tell me something".
(253)sorry-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, I'm sorry".
(254)witness-visions received 12-22-2004-twice in visions, I saw a man with brown hair and He said, "witness", "go witness". I witnessed to a young woman and I saw her in a vision and she said, "I thought it was funny".
(255)woe to alaska-vision recieved 12-22-2004-in this vision, I sas russian president vladimir putin and he said "I want alaska". I just waled by a t.v. where the person describe the american military as being the most powerful on the face of the planet, and that may be true, but, it would only take about 8 off russia's missiles to destroy america, and america can not stop them once they are fired. Missile defence may ultimately get some, but, not all, and keep in mind, it does not take many.
(256)soviet union-vision received 12-2004-in this vision, I saw russian president vladimir putin and I heard some words, and the only that I remember now are "soviet union". He worked for the "kgb" from about 1975 to 1990, and this was in the U.S.S.R.
(257)have to do all Jesus requires out of you everday or your didn't do your job-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and He said, "Pay your price".
(258)being laughed and mused at-vision recieved 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor and he said, "I thought it was funny", and this was referring to my testimony, and usally in my testimony, I warn people of whats coming.
(259)the WORD is desparately needed today-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "now that's the WORD". This WORD needs to brought forth by the Holy Ghost, not man.
(260)if you don't give in to Jesus, HE will leave you-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "He already left me bobby".
(261)MINISTRYOFDREAMS-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a newly built ministryofdreams website. It just had, "MINISTRYOFDREAMS", in white letters. No mention of prophetic ministry ministries, which may go in time. It had a new template.
(262)didn't witness-visions received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman that was sitting next to me and she said something like, "why you not tell me", and after the Lord gave me this vision, I wondered, and I later saw her in another vision and she said something like, "I'm cut off". THat's probably the reason why I never felt the leading of the Holy Ghost to witness to her. I never even thought about it.
(263)avoid me-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman who does not live for Jesus and she said, "stay away from bobby".
(264)always being withstood by servants of satan-vision received 12-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, we fight against you".
(265)visions of Jesus-visions received 12-2004-I saw many visions of Jesus and He had brown hair and He said things like, "do", "that's right"(I was talking to Him about recording being stealing. That is without permission), "My price"(this is what Jesus expects out of me everyday), "oil".
(266)go-vision received 12-26-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He appeared to be graying and He said, "leave the room".
(267)your either for Jesus or against Him-vision received 12-26-2004-in this vision, I saw my dead brothers son and he said, "I'm the devil".
(268)will Jesus heal balding-vision received 1-2-2005-in this vision while praying, I saw on top of my head where serious thinning is occuring and the Lord tod me to put me finger on it and I did.
(269)use quaker state-vision received 1-3-2005-in this vision I saw a jug of quaker state motor oil and I heard this, "go to quaker state". I believe it was 10w30. Quaker State motor oil must be one of the best. I believe they offer a 250,000 mile guarantee.
(282)vince neil of motley crue-vision received 1-4-2005-in this vision, I saw vince neil of motley crue and he said, "cut off".
(283)warn people-vision received 1-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a girl and she said, "tell us".
(283)purchased-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, and I'm going by memory, I beleive I saw president bush and he said something like, "my dady puchased".
(284)kill my husband-vision received 1-8-2005-in this vision, I saw andrea yates and she said, "kill my husband". I'd say that he is lucky to be alive. With the new trial ordered the thought crossed my mind that now the death penalty could be an option for mrs. yates and as I said something like that, I saw a man in a vision and he said, "that's it".
(285)talk about another oil output cut by opec-vision received 1-9-2005-I was just reading a news article that stated something along the lines that saudi arabia would not support another oil production cut with prices as high as they are now and I saw a man whom I thought was the king of saudi arabia in a vision King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz and he said, "we will". So, I don't know when the next oil production cut will come, but, bank on it.
(286)you have to be right with Jesus first-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "save yourself".
(287)walmart-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I heard "walmart" and I saw this woman with brown hair.
(288)elijah-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "your elijah".
(289)time to go-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "go to the car".
(290)price paid-visions received 1-10-2005-in the first vision, I saw a man and He said, "pay Me your price", and in the second vision I saw the man and He said, "the price is paid". I believe that means that the requirement of how much prayer Jesus needs from me today is knocked out.
(291)I believe Jesus wants me to delete all e-mail-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "delete" and I heard soemthing like, "c'mon bobby, let's delete".
(292)fish aquarium light on-vision received 1-10-2005-in this vision, I saw that my fish aquarium light was on. Twice this morning I turned the little knob, but, the light did not seem to come on. After the vision, I looked out in the room from almost buried in covers and could tell the light was on. Praise Jesus!.
(293)warn people-vision received 1-10-2005-while working at the computer, I saw dumutru duduman in a vision and he said, "tell people".
(294)you will care later-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he made a grunting "aaaaaaa" noise and also said, "who cares". In another vision, I saw him and he said, "cut me off". I saw his dad in a vision and he sa something like, "cain't serve Jesus" then he cursed God.
(295)right-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and He said, 'that's right".
(296)you have to pay God's price-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, is saw a man with brown hair and He said, "pay My price". I just saw a man in a vision and He said, "that's true".
(297)some people will find out the hard way that these visions and dreams are from Jesus-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like "just a dream".
(298)the testimony Jesus has given me needed and required to be told-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I pull behind a car and it was stopped and I believe the licence plate had the word "TESTIMONY" where the state should be.
(299)exeter-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "EXETER" which in the name of a street. Mybe I'll buy a house on exeter st.
(300)russia will attack america from all around-vision received 1-15-2005-I said something like while praying, "how's russia going to take america out Lord" and I saw a man in a vision and HE said, "all the way around". I saw a man in a vision and He said, "I'm planning it".
(301)sacrifice all to Jesus-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said something like, "you sacrificed everything".
(302)leave it off-vision received 1-15-2005-I was going to post a vision, and I saw a woman in a vision and she said "leave it off". So for now, it will be. I saw her again and she said, "go to your car".
(303)believe means obeyed the gospel-vision received 1-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "when do you believe".
(304)heart was opened-vision received 1-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a man looking out an open door to like a house and he said "open". My heart was opened.
(305)the TRUTH-vision received 1-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, " it's the truth".
(306)remedy-vision received 1-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman in water about half way up and she was wearing a white garment, which was partially under water and she said, "I can do something about it".
(307)saw and heard org.-vision received 1-17-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard org. so I went to my old org. address and found out somebody took it and it appears to me that it was turned into porn sites. It amazes me that sombody would have the nerve to do that. Jesus gave me a vision a while back and I saw a man and he said, "I stole your name". He had dark hair. I just had a vision and I don't remember who I saw, but, I heard a womans voice and she said, 'it's the devil". I will put this in the Lords hands. I just saw like an angel face in a vision and He said, "that's it". Long ago I heard this, "that's your name".
(308)visions of an old friend-visions received 1-17-2005-in visions, I saw a woman I went to school with and she said, "I'm highly educated", "you make me curios".
(309)russia will attack america-visions received 1-17-2005-while praying I heard "russia" and I inquired and I saw the face of a man twice in visions and he said "attack".
(310)Jesus opens the door-vision received 1-17-2005-while walking I heard a man say a pastors name that I knew of and I was given a vision and in the vision I saw him and heard this, "he know's him". I told him the vision and he did know him and I witnessed to him.
(311)punishment is coming-vision received 1-17-2005-I used to have a .org address and a man brought it back and it appears he is promoting porno on it. I saw the white face of an angel in a vision and I heard something like this, "we will punish him".
(312)snake-visions received 1-17-2005-I was talking to a pastor and sharing some visions to him, and he shared and I believe I saw him in visions and he said, 'I'm a snake', "I hate you", "that's me". In another vision, I believe I saw him and he said, "I know he's for real".
(313)hated-visions received 1-18-2005-in visions, I saw this pastor and he said things like, "I'm against you", "I'm a witch", "I really hate you".
(314)will Jesus brings me out-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "reveal". Maybe Jesus wants me to post a picture.
(315)economic collaspe usa imminient-visions received 1-18-2005-in the first vision I saw and or heard "the economy" and I inquired and in the second vision I heard and or saw "collapse". I may have even seen a woman in both.
(316)are you really looking for Jesus-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "your not looking".
(317)you will-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision I saw a man with brown hair and He said 'you will', and what this was referring to was visiting a site that is using my old .org address. I did. It's tragic, but, the Lord will take care of it.
(318)it may be best if your try not to make one jelous since it can cause much harm-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said "you made me jelous". He had dark hair.
(319)texan-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision I saw president bush and he said something like "I'm texan".
(320)won't listen to me-vision received 1-29-2005-while thinkin on rick joyner and his prophet school, I saw a man in a vision whom I thought was rick joyner and he said something like, "I will not listen to you".
(321)people sometimes know there in trouble with God-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision I saw a man who is part of a ministry and he said, "we know".
(322)last stand-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "this is your last satnd".
(323)walk-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard, "walk". It was in white letters.
(324)talking the talk will not save you-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like, "were not apostolic".
(325)this website-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, it's like I was logging into this site.
(326)called boring-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your boring". Heavenly talk is boring to people whose heart is in the world.
(327)I reveal visions from Jesus, not commit treason-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, that's treason".
(328)abundant faith apostolic church-visions recieved 3-2-2005-i went and visited a church today. The church is for sale, and I asked Jesus if it was going to sell as I was walking and praying, and I saw a black man with a moustache in a vision and he said, "sold". I told the pastor the vision, who was a black man with a moustache. I saw him in other visions and he said things like, "that's wrong", "tell me your a prophet", "your welcome", "going to hell", "curious". I just saw him in a vision and he cursed God. I saw some people that go there in visions and they were mixed. Good and bad. I was asking Jesus if He wanted me to go, and I saw a little girl in a vision and she said, "go". I just saw a woman in a vision and she said, "your all right". There were more.
(325)mocked-vision received 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "we think your funny".
(326)called boring-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your boring". Heavenly talk is boring to people whose heart is in the world.
(327)I reveal visions from Jesus, not commit treason-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, that's treason".
(328) visions of women and Men-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw women and men and they said things like, "I can't beleive it", "I'm in hell", "want out", "perishing, "made me jelous", "come back"(just dimly saw the face of Man in a vision and He grunted, "hum uhm"-have no plan on going back-this is a junk yard and they have a motor and transmission that belongs to me and I've been told more than once that they would be delivered and they have not yet-I did see in a vision that a motor was delivered, but, it did not look like the right one), "cut me off", "told me", "return", "my money", "blaspheme", "blew it", I'll never forget", "I hade from bobby", "sunday school", "you be quiet"(this may have been the man the son and law of the pastor of apostolic tabernacle-to late-I warned the church), "i'm in trouble", "come I'm naked", "God took the whole thing"(Jesus can strip you). robert cavaness
(329)bobby knight-visions received 7-3-2005-While praying, I heard, "bobby knight", and I saw a man that looked like coach bobby knight and he said things like, "blaspheme", "I'm a reject", "I committed blaspheme". Back in about 1987, Indiana won the national championship with kieth smart making the last second shot and Indiana beat syracuse by one point I beleive. The louisville cardinals under denny crum one it the rear before and whe bobby knight was giving his speech he said something like, "now louisville can turn around thier Goddam sign". His carrer probably died then, and has not really amounted to anything. One final four appearance back ina bout 92 where duke beat them. I may have wished that knight would openly appologize to Jesus for doing that. He cursed God openly. It makes me want to weep.
(330)visions of a man that ran the service at apostolic tabernacle in shelbyville, indiana on 7-1-2005-visions received 7-2005-In visions, and I may accidentally put some here that were not him, I saw a man whom I beleive is son and law to the pastor at apostolic tabernacle in shelbyville, indiana, and he said things like, "come and love me", "I was glad you left", "you hanged around and talked", "and thats where I got in trouble". There were many more, but, I did not identify him, so I will leave it there. I saw other people that went there and they said things like, "come to sunday school", "religion", "your about to show up"(tonight?). In these visions, I saw a young man that may have tepted me and he said things like, "hey prophet", "I blasphemed", "going to hell". this was the son in law of robert cavaness.
(331)nice to have air conditioning-vision recieved 7-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "did you get air conditioning". I may have ahd that more than once.
(332)fooling yourself, not Jesus-vision received 7-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm fooling".
(333)your a tresspasser on the earth if you do not serve Jesus-vision recieved 7-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I really don't matter". In another vision, I saw her or somebody and they said, "your the devil".
(334)anybody can speak in tongues-vision received about 7-2005-While praying, I may have said something like, "anybody can speak in tongues, and I beleive as I said that, I saw an all White Man in a vision and He may have had blue Eyes and He said something like, "anybody", as i did. You will speak in other tongues when you recieved the Holy Ghost.
(334)adultery-visions received 7-7-2005-I stopped into an office and there was a woman there, and I witnessed to her bigtime. I saw her ina vision before I went into while waiting on her to get thru with the other people there and she said something like, "just the Word". I loader her up. I told her the vision. She loved it from what I could tell. I beleive I saw her in other visions and in one she said something like, "cut me off". This was alisha walker. I saw a man that looked like a man that showed up there in vision and he said something like, "adutery". I told him and he knew. Thank Jesus for visions.
(335)Christians that are not Spiritually fed will die-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw trees coming from the ground and they were very small and it may to have appeared that they were dying. They may have been bent over at the top a little with not as many leaves as they should have had.
(336)garth brooks-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like country singer garth brooks and he said, "I know that Job". He may have pointed at me and I was on my knee's praying. I may have I just seen him again in vision or visions and he said, "I'm cut off", "I'm an adulterer".
(337)pray much-visions recieved 7-12-2005-Twice I saw a woman and she said, "bobby".
(338)leave-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "you have to leave soon".
(339)help-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "I need help". Help your brethern.
(340)fast-vision received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I fast".
(341) back and bucks-visions received 7-14-2005-In visions I saw like a man and woman and they said, "I'm back", "I'm finanacial". In another, "we lust you".
(342) shorts is sin-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw one and possibly two young men from behind and they were possibly wearing shorts. Do people wear shorts to get other people to lust them. This may not always be the case, but, most likely is. I just saw a person in a vision and he said, "yes it is". I don't think a child does, or an old person, but the younger bunch may.
(343)wondering-visions received 7-202005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a angelic man and he said things like, "went to hell", "I was sent by God". I was asking Jesus about the prophet that prophesied in the old testament and that took the yoke of Jeremiahs neck and brake it and Jeremiah sought God and Jesus revealed that God had not sent him, and Jeremiah prophesied his death and he died". Funny thing about it is, thisman really looked like satan.
(344)go-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like this woman as she approached and she said something like, "let me go on". I did.
(345)clear-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he was pointing and he said, "you really didn't".
(346)watch what you pray about-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "take the manlte of bob", "prophets financial".
(347)share the vision-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said, "should have told me".
(348)mystery-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I blasphemed", "I'm gonna die", and then I saw this young man in a vision and he said, "my bloods on her hands".
(349)david shapiro of furcadia-visions received 6-26-2007-in visions I saw david shapiro with furcadia, and he said, I stole the name ministry of dreams, and turned into dee finney, antonia vladimirova, matt bray, michael doran, Duncan Roleau, Konstantin Ternianov, jeremy taylor of wisdom university, and arron shutt of University of Surrey, and janetmck, janet mcknight, and others stole the name ministry of dreams, all release after being ruined.
(350)big job-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a perhaps a woman and she said, "thats a big job".
(351)adultery and blasphemer-visions received 7-2005-In one vision, I saw this woman and heard, "send adultery", and I saw a her son and heard, "send blasphemer".
(352)opened-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "your website has opened up".
(353)I like-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "bobby likes", and I may have seen a spirit thats looks like me and he said, "i liked her", and I also have here, "made me jelous". I saw Somebody and the Person said, "God said take her name off". I've been doing that now, and have it most of the way off. I'm glad her name is off. I saw a spirit that looked like that woman and she said something like, "dont come near my website".
(354)he-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I beleive I saw the word, "he".
(355)idle words-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I beleive I saw the words, 'ever talk".
(356)mom will not be able to help you one day-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "sis", and I just saw a woman that looked like sis and she said, "quit telling".
(357)cut off at a young age-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a young man that looked like my brothers son and he said things like, "I laughed", "cut me off". Hes probably in his teens, but, I haven't talked with him for maybe years.
(358)tell-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said, "tell on us", "wheel chair".
(359)take name off-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a Man and He said, "start taking her name off". I have worked on it a long time today. I'm so Goad. thank you Jesus!
(360)don't blaspheme-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "you blaspheme Jesus".
(361)against-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said, 'against you'.
(362)save yourself-vision received 7-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "save yourself".
(363)come help-vision received 7-21-2005-In this vision, I saw perhaps a man and he said something like, "bobby, come help us".
(364)need to get back to prayer-vision received 7-22-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "bob, lets start praying".
(365)Lords will-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said, "won't you come out".
(366)michael jordan-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like michael jordan and he said, "I'm an imitation".
(367)wanting to be saved again-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a possible a woman and she said, "fill me again".
(368)True Christians are needed-become one-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I need a Christian".
(369)If you don't give into Jesus, He'll take a hike-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'm not feeling Him".
(370)called elijah-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I heard , "elijah helP", and I may have seen a spirit that looked like sister rexford in a vision and she said, "not this house".
(371)ready-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a and he had brown hair and beard and he said, 'witness ready'. It like he was above me and came down and pointed at me.
(372)my Mantle-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "the Mantle's his".
(373)pointed at-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man with brown hair and beard and he pointed at me.
(374)perished-received 7-2005-In this I heard a woman screaming that is going to comitt suicide and she said things like, "please hurry", "I can't stand this", and in others I may have seen her and she said things like, "comitted suicide", "suicide", 'suicide".
(375)revelations-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a spirit that looked like hollie moody and she said things like, "put hollie moody first", "bobbys the devil", "tell me the vision", "your headed to judgment", "hollie moody", "your closed", "give to me", "I molested", "head job", "respect", "respect Jesus", "your done", "false", "it's only a story", "an idle spirit", "we'll perish this time", "becasue you only accepted Me", "your not a prophet", "what about prophet", and I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "the Lord sent me". I also heard, "send an eraser", and maybe saw an eraser come down possibly in a Hand.
(376)coming-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a micrphone coming to me.
(377)angry-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and his face was white and I could only see part of it, but, he was in a rage.
(378)prophet-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "he ain't no prophet".
(379)revelations-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "I like religion", "why's he single".
(380)Angel-received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a Angel and He said, "take the blood off his hands and a Being came down and maybe peeled blood of my hands or hand.
(381)michael boldea-received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a michael boldea and he said things like, "call me", "put money first", "I can't see it", "you have no respect for Jesus", "I been fooling myself", "take the mantle off me and give it to bob", "I'm not a prophet".
(382)chelsea clinton-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a chelsea clinton and she said things like, "I been conceited", "witness lies", "I have something to tell you", "your finished", "your over", "is he an adversary", "cause I comitted blaspheme", "go to heaven", "going to hell bobby", "cause I play with myself".
(383)america will be attacked by russia-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit and the spirit said, "were going to attack you".
(384)revelation-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "you hurt my feelings", "o'h God", "you know your chosen", "unspoken", "thats right", "Gods forgiven you", "now get your house in order", "going home", and maybe, "believe you killed me". I saw possibly an Arm and the Finger was pointing at the paper I wrote it on, so I wrote the visions down. I have a line drawn from visions of the spirit that looked like hollie and these may have been her as well. Keep in mind, I'm not saying it her, it just looks like her. In another, I saw that spirit and she said something like, "take the mantle off bobby".
(385)revelation-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "does bobby give head job", etc.
(386)pastor-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a spirit that looked like this pastor and he said things like and he warned me not to come to his church. They were neat visions, but, I don't remember word for word. I just saw him again and he said, "not tonight bobby". In others he said things like, "are you going to come and be with us", "want visions".
(387)prayer-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a virginia boldea and she said things like, "blaspheme"(this may have been that spirit", "bob, pick us up", and maybe, "laughed".
(388)closing-visions recieved 7-22-2005-In visions, I saw the white face of a female spirit and she said things like, "witness is closed", shut down the website". It looked like hollie moody and in another vision andother spirit that looked like her said, "that hurt". In others she said things like, "embarras", "closing", "why didn't you tell me", "because I overeat", "prophet your froze", "suicide", "embarras", "what made me do it", "head job", "did head job", "that messed with my heart", "prophets done", "I'm open", "witness off", "close", "let me go", "I won't stand up", "prophet, your cut off", "put me back", "put back on", "I ain't going to accept it", "blaspheme is taken away from you", "God delivered you", "prophet has been closed", "blood is on my hands", "get it off", "blaspheme is dangerous", "thats my body", "I'm financial", "I didn't do it with my mouth", "prophet cut off", "your in trouble", "hollie moodie right Spirit", "prophet coming against me", "a little respect", "pleeeeease", "I comitted blaspheme", "prophet got me in trouble", "your out", "I wanted control", "bobby", "don't tempt Jesus", and maybe, "prophets coming", "I can feel again". I beleive all these were spirits that looked like hollie moody.
(389)thomas-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a thomas s. gibson and he said things like, "you want my blood", "I wanted control", "no you didn't", "you stopped up", "cut me off", "just what I needed", "they told me", "there hers", "embarras", "bob financial", and I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "I doubt it", "blaspheme is taken away from me", "highly financial", "hell", "you ain't a prophet", "I fasted", "bobby, I'm with you", "you comitted blaspheme", "my dick", "you lie", "when you double eat", "you already told me", "you told", "my stomach", "take people out of here", "prophets witness up", "love material", "snake", "went to hell", "don't they know who I am". I believe these were all the spirit that looked like thomas gibson.
(390)woman-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "why didn't you tell me", "its already spoke", and maybe, "I want suicide", "I want the Spirit".
(391)revelations-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "I ain't sincere", "I'm a prophet", "he wants the water", "prophet finished", "it's your Word".
(391)embarras-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "suicide", "embarras me", "I'm glad you showed up", "you embarras yourself", "you ain't nothing", and maybe, "I'm very special", "tongiht I'm going to loose my bowell".
(392)stay close to Jesus or-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, there were four of us, and two men and women and one women I believe was with me and were doing something, but, I believe we decided to go to a movie and I make a comment to her and she says back something like, "you should have accepted me". I should have recorded more details. I hope I never leave Jesus and He never leaves me. I could not imagine going back to vanity.
(393)judgement-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a pastor and he said, "I'm in judgement".
(394)revelations-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said thing soemthing like, "why won't he leave me alone", and I saw a Man in a vision with brown hair and beard and he said soemthing like, "can't tell him". This spirit looks like her, but, that does not mean that it is.
(395)tested-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like thomas gibson and he said, "I tested once'.
(396)fast-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly a woman and she said, 'why don't you fast".
(397)stand before Jesus-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a spirit that lookded like me and I said, "let me stand before You", and in another vision, I saw possibly Jesus and He said, "you must stand".
(399)what would I do-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a hollie moodie and she said things like, "take it off the website", "take it off the website", "take it off the website", and in this she looked like a beautiful young woman, and once again, I was planning on removing her name and while I was at Mcdonalds, I saw a white face of a spirit that looked like hollie moody and she said over and over something like, "take it off the website and God will turn you over to a reprobate mind". I saw her in other visions and she said things like, 'unspoken", "I fasted", "take it off website", "you are the devil", "blaspheme". I suppose if my name showed up on somebody elses website and I was slammed, if the shoes fits, I must wear it, but, if it is incorrect, I'd turn it over to Jesus as quick as I could". In one vision, I saw a spirit that looked like her and maybe heard, or something like that, "she's chosen", "thats blaspheme". They keep coming, and even though they all look like her, it does not mean that it is her. I don't have a choice about the posting. This website belongs to Jesus. If I don't obey, than I doomed.
(400)accepted-vision received 7-23-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I've been accepted".
(401)blessed of Jesus-vision received 7-23-2005-I stopped to ask about a house and the man and was made aware that a problem existed and I witnessed and I saw the Face of a Man in a vision and He said, "get out of here", or something like that. I left and as I was driving, I saw a spirit that looked like the man in vision and he said something like, "give me two hundred dollars and I will return to church". I told him and did. I saw the woman there in a vision and she said something like, "whats up with this guy". I remember seeing the Face of a Man taht looked like Jesus in vision and He had Brown Hair and Beard and it was referring to something else but He said something like, "I'll return it to you". He may have wanted me to park or junk my van, which probably has 100,000 miles left in it give or take. I did not feel the Leading of the Holy Ghost to do that.
(402)Just because the spirit looks like Jesus, does not mean that it is Jesus-vision received for years-I see many brown haired and bearded men in visions that I would normally think was Jesus. Some of them had identified themselves and they are not Jesus.
(403)dumitru duduman-vision received 7-23-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a dumitru duduman and he said things like, "bob, i'm lost", "cut off", "chosen", and in one I did not catch all, but, the name, "stan johnson was part of the message. I'm not coming against this man, because he was a man of God, and he did not look alike in all the visions. Do not come against dumitru duduman. I'm declaring what I saw.
(404)witness open-vision received 7-23-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said, "your witness is open".
(404)pastor-vision received 7-23-2005-In this vision, I saw may have seen the word, "pastor".
(405)hollie-vision received 7-23-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "trust him".
(406)clear-vision received 7-23-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "bobby clear", and I just saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, 'I'm not", "I want it off", "your witness is open", "angel". Jesus can have me take it off.
(407)it's me-vision received 7-23-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and they said, "thats you bob".
(408)mystery-vision received 7-23-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like me and I said, "the Lord will not hear", and I saw a spirit in a vision that looked like michael boldea and he said, "tell me". In others he said things like, "thats the devil", "I'm rejected".
(409)leave it off-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "give me your wallet", "leave it off", "Gods warning you", "it you don't write the visions", "share the visions", "tell bob I need an answer", "you suffered a little", "your letting go", "save your own self", "share the visions", "tell the witness to pray", "tell the witness not to incorporate", "Gods warning you", "pray for me", "Gods warning you not to go to church", "I want Jesus to save me", "tell witness to separate fromn the computer", "tell witness not to blaspheme", "speak in other tongues", "tell witness I need an answer", "the answer is your falling", "close down your website", "Gods warning you not to share my visions", "you suppost to write down every one of your visions", "your going to loose your Power because of me", "you blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "your starting to loose", "write this down", "Gods given you one last chance", "git off my website", "Gods warning", "I got thru", "don't even talk about it", "Gods warning you", "close the website", "the anwer is", "Hollie got mercy", "close down your website", "thats my brother", and in one she said soemthing like, "I was curious", and possibly in one she said, "you devil". Saying that can kill you. The spirit did not look the same in all visions, but, I know who the spirit looks like, but, there are many people that look like this.
(410)accused of committing blaspheme-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "bob comitted blaspheme", and may, "yes you are", and I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "no I didn't". I just saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "he's right".
(411)visions while at the computer-vision received 7-24-2005-I see visions of spirits all the time while sitting at the computer typing in visions. Some I include, some I don't. I just saw a Man in a vision that Had Brown Hair and Beard and HE said, "you want the Mantle. Yes I do is my answer, but, I need salvation. If I never received anything supernatural from Jesus again, I need salvation above off. Just saw a woman spirit and she said something like, "take the Mantle off Bob". What this may represent is people someone praying against me.
(412)you can blow it-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said, "bob, you blew it". If the shoe fits, you have to wear it. Sometimes when you blow it, you can get it restored, sometimes, you can't.
(413)needs help-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he was srcreaming and he said things like, "can't see", "help me", "have mercy", "in the lake"., "is prophet coming", "you've blown it", "you watch me", "you want my bill", "I love Jesus", "I don't beleive it", and in one he revealed he wants to have lunch with me. He is one of the only people that walk the face of the earth that I would like to have lunch with. I very possibly would drive to canada and meet with the person that this spirit looked like and have lunch with him.
(414)emergency-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "theres an emergency".
(415)revelation-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "you left", "I'm financial", "lunch", "pisses me off".
(416)up to mike-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw two children on bikes and one may have said, "its up to mike".
(417)I'm allright-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like possibly a woman and she said, "your allright".
(418)revelations-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "stomach", "your cold", "and maybe, "witness off", "I lust".
(419)visions-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "head", "finanical", "I'm suicide", "your not saved", "go ahead backslde".
(420)not wanting to loose out with God-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "tell Him don't take it away".
(421)MT. ZION apostolic Chrurh-vision recieved 7-2005-In a vision, I saw the Words, "MT. ZION", and maybe, "MT. ZION APOSTOLIC CHURCH', and I saw the pastor of mt. zion apostolic Church and he said things like, "do what I want to do", "your old friend", "my wallet", and maybe, send bobby".. I bleieve the pastor said all this, but may be off on this one.
(422)perished-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "went to hell".
(423)avoid-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a pastor and he said, "stay away from us", "witness ig going under", "cause I blasphemed", "your about to die". This looked like pastor simison of the bible Church".
(424)chosen?-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a pastor donald winters and he said, "chosen", "I got thru", "were financial".
(425)don't read-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "don't read", "don't tell anybody", "don't mess with me", "I was serious", "unspoken", "want your visions", "hollie did a head job".
(427)Gods warning-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a possibly a woman and she said, "Gods warning you", "write the visions down", "God has forgiven you".
(428)first-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a Man and He said, "he was first".
(429)vision-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I may have been washing my vehicle and I aske this woman for a date. I possibly meet with her later and I have changed to shoes and I'm shorter and she comments on it, and we may be at a retaurant.
(430)wanting hollie to keep what she has in Jesus-vision received 7-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "bobby, whose Mantle you got", and I saw a man and he said something like, "hollie moody", or something like that. My desire in Jesus is that God keep these two strong to be delivered up in the day of Christ Jesus. Keep what you have in Jesus. You'll go way out of your way to get it back when its gone. Just saw the Face of a Man in a vision as I typed and He said, "thats it".
(431)burning in hell-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like that looked like my for mer pastor and he said, "witness, I need your help. I'm burning in hell", and he may have repeated it and said more things, and then another voice joined in, and I dimly saw him. It looked like irving baxter jr. and he said and may have screamed, "witness, i need your help. I burning in hell", and he screamed almost all the way thru out this vision, and it probably lasted about 30 minutes, and he said more things to me. Then another voice joined in and it sounded like hollie and she screamed many things like, "Jesus save me", and, "you don't beleive", "your just an adulterer", and more was said and then another voice joined in and it was thomas and he said somethings as he screamed like, "I don't receive you", and I may have dimly seen him". This experience is hard to recreate, because it lasted a long time and lots was said. Even person instruction for me. At of all of them, irving baxter jr. screams were the loudest. In seems like some of them joined into together and they were say together, "prophet went to hell", "prophet went to hell", and I believe all these are prophets. I saw other visions of them. Like I saw the spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "Your stopping us from going down in hell", "I can't beleive your stopping it", "I'm just an andulterer", and I was also made aware she wants my phone number, and I may have seen thomas and he said, "how does prophet know so much", and I saw irving baxter spirit and he said something like, "I'm not your friend". There was more. Praise Jesus for what He gave. Thank God for His mercy.
(432)perished-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a pastor and he said, "you made me perish", "why didn't you help me".
(433)called a liar-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a Man and HE said, "liar".
(434)out of here-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'm on my way out of here".
(435)avoid sin-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like pastor donald winters and he said, "bobby sin".
(436)can't remove name yet-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "don't take it off yet". I have her name partially and all the way on this website and I know she is a child of God, so there is a reason.
(437)irving baxter jr. with endtime ministries-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw this spirit that looked like irving baxter jr. and he said things like, "bobby, "i'm rejected", "you left here", "went to hell", "you won't beleive me", and soemthing like, "witness had a heart", and maybe, "after all", "bobby, come around".
(438)cindy montgomery-vision received 8-4-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like looked like cindy montgomery and she said things like, "this is cindy", "aduterer", "give head", "head job", "adultery". I saw a spirit that looked like teresa hedger and she said, "take it off", "my mantle", and in one not long ago she told that she gives oral sex to. In more she said, "blaspheme", and I may have seen me and I said, "prophet". In another she said, "I'll revenge you", "who you fighting", "pants off", "I'm just an adulterer", "I'm going to arrange to meet at your house", "clear"(does this mean teresa hedger will repent), "I'm just a spirit", "help me", "my Namtles gone", "too late", "who'd I blaspheme", and I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "prophet". In another teresa said, "unforgiven", and I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "no"
(439)come-vision received 8-4-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "witness come".
(440)will perish-vision received 8-6-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like author irving baxter jr. and he said, "I'm going to hell".
(441)there is only One God-vision received 8-6-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor pingleton and I heard or said, "a trinity pastor".
(443)prophet-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said, "send prophet here".

the number of the beast and the beast-vision recieved 11-13-2006-in this vision, I saw the pope, like an angel, and he had, 666, on his forehead.

vision of heaven and hell-visions received 11-13-2006-this is heaven, this is hell, said, hollie, im moodie, and that was, a glass city, that was lit, and, lava.
my wife not, but would like-visions recieved 11-13-2006-in a vision, I saw babyfleas, and she was like, angry, and it was like a big head, and I was coming out of her, mouth. She would be angry, and smile, and I then saw her with the undecided look, and I was coming out of her, mouth.
(445)a president-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a president and his name and title was called out and then I was was shown to use the words like, "I saw a president", insted of his name. Praise Jesus!
(446)pastor terry cannon-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said things like, "bobby, come back and see us", "I a'int your friend", "delivered"(I told him this and I saw him in visions where he was delivered and praising Jesus and I asked about it and I heard something like, "the fullfillment of the vision"), "he lied", "police record", "really need your money", "I heard your freakin out", "bob wrecked", "need mercy", "stomach", "promise that", "eat here", "hell", "have that money", "I want vision", "I don't know all about it", "glad he said that", "I'm a pharisee", "you have to leave this place", "cannons Church", "I sleep", "don't blaspheme", "same prophet", "like money", "financial", "bobby knows", "want control", something wrong", "eat lunch", "can't pay my bills", "emergency". I heard this and it may have been for cannon, "he left cause he wouldn't pay my bills", "tell my vision", "God dam". THis may have been visions and hearing of words.
(447)I'm eunuch-vision received 8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "I'm eunuch".
(448)michael boldea-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said things like, 'I'm pressing cause you told me to press", "I fasted", "miss me Jesus", "financial".
(449)do some pressing-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like and he said something like, "I won't press either".
(450)pentecostal-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "he's pentecostal".
(451)dan bohler-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he said things like, "take the Mantle off and sleep", "emabarrassed", "I'm already closed", "you stalled", "I like Jesus", "keep the Mantle", "push", "we want the vision", "it's my word", "I'm nationwide", "you made Me a promise", "I don't beleive that", "went to hell".
(452)attacks coming-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a president and he said things like, "bring us down", "call attack", "attack", "iran".
(453)visions-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like somebody and there may have been more than one person and here is what was said, "thats what I need", "right here".
(454)post visions-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like sombody and they said, "I'll post", and I heard, "she won't post". THis may have been hollie.
(455)hit israel-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "hit isreal".
(456)not forgiven-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "your not forgiven".
(457)found-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "hi bobby", "I know right where you are".
(458)blew-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like henry gruver and he said things like, "blew", "I don't beleive".
(459)elijah-vision received 8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "there's elijah".
(460)the stewarts-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like the stewart family and they said things like this: sister stewart said things like, "we need him", "you know what I did", "I backslided", "bob blew it", "I laughed", "financial", "God filled you", "sunday school", "your my new boy friend", and maybe, "bob going to heaven". I saw a spirit that looked like the son and he said, "I'm a backslider", and I saw a spirit that looked like the dad and he said things like, "my stomach", and I heard, "stewart", and I saw him and he said, "went to hell", "I perished", "I love material", "I comitted blaspheme".
(461)preacher-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said things like, "preach" preacher", and maybe, "I was getting excited". This may have regarded my testimony.
(462)heaven-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like jackie and she said, "went to heaven".
(463)blown-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "blew it", "you knew".
(464)sin-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like the assisstant pastor at heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and he said, "theres sin in my life". this was dean white.
(465)prayer-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "lets pray".
(466)pray-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "pray for my mom".
(467)pray for yourself-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a Man and he said, "pray for yourself".
(468)like-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "like me".
(469)adultery can be loving the world to much or to close to the world or latching onto a false God-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said something like, "I ai'nt no adulterer".
(470)back-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe henry gruver and he said things like, "henry's back", "come and be with us".
(471)prophecy-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "no prophecy".
(472)dan bohler-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he said things like, "my stomach", and maybe, "want the Mantle", "same price", and I saw me and I said, "no chance for him".
(473)hollie-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "He's not going to save", "eat nothing", "bob, "I want the Mantle taken off".
(474)The nuclear arsenal of China-received 8-8-2005-I was asking Jesus about china's nuclear arsenal and wondering how many warheads they have and I saw in a vision a man that I could not make out to well and he said, "3000". I was asking how many nuclear missiles they have and I saw a man with dark hair and he said, "20". I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "hu".
(475)hollie-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "God won't let me give it"(this was regarding her phone number), "theres mercy", and maybe, "hollie", "give money", "hollie moody".
(476)I speak with authority-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "he spoke with authority".
(477)backslider-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "backslider".
(478)married-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like one of the stewarts and they said, "he wants to get married".
(479)prophecy club-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like stan johnson and he said, "send bobby".
(480)quaker state is the best motor oil-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "quaker state is best", and maybe, "proven".
(481)derick thomas-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like derick thomas and he said, "come to channel 6".
(482)read-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I must read it".
(483)norm heaggy-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said things like, "no more chance", "that was for me", "bobby, I had a vision", and maybe, "your promise", "take me off", and I may have seen me in visions and I said, "I live", "I a'int scared".
(484)rapture-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he said things like, "the rapture", "call me a witch", "bobby clear", "your nothing but a trader", "keep the money". THis may have been norm heaggy.
(485)blaspheme-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "blaspheme".
(486)me-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like and I said, "Mantle first".
(487)Jesus showed me-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "is he right", "my phone number", "Mantle", "won't return". This may have been hollie.
(488)restore Jesus-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said, "restore you", "I'm terry", and maybe, "need your help".
(489)the devils wants you to doubt-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I doubted".
(490)Holy Ghost Powered-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "how's he do it".
(491)wanting men-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man or young boy and he said, "I want dick".
(492)moved-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like garneida and she said, "where's bobby".
(493)behind me-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "its behind ya".
(495)chosen-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said, "i'm chosen".
(496)rick joyner-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a rick joyner and he said things like, "come to my class", "let me show'em", "put us first", "financial", "name it", "show", "I'm out", "I'll stand'em up", "financial", "witness", "I'm out". I'm not sure this was rick joyner, but, I will say, I read just about all if not all of one of rick joyners books, and it was something like, "the quest". I thought is was awesome. Praise Jesus Christ for that book.
(496)terry cannon-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "don't eat here", "I'm a snake", "you know the imitation". I do because the Holy Ghost.
(497)how does Jesus want me to do it-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like woman and she said, "take it easy".
(498)f.b.i.-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me the words, "fbi", and I saw a piece of paper in a vision that was two colors. THis concerns me and I must admit, I believe it is unavoidable because the visions Jesus is showing me. I post some of what I'm shown.
(499)sell-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe my mom and she said, "bob, were going to sell", "you left me".
(500)saw-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me the word, "saw". I saw these visions on these sites, and they are from Jesus.
(501)adulterer-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like sister stewart and she said something like, "your nothing but an adulterer", and I may have seen me and I said, "you won't stand".
(502)write-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "let me write", "need mercy".
(503)clothes-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, the word, "clothes".
(504)president-vision received 8-8-2005-I beleive I saw the words, "I saw this president".
(505)terry canon-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor terry canon and he said things like, "I'm calling on Jesus", "cause I'm over sea's", "please".
(506)the rich-received 8-8-2005-I heard this, "they've given to the rich".
(507)be careful-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he was getting out of a vehicle and he may have been ready to come after me.
(507)cannon-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "ah sweet Jesus", "we heard".
(508)write the vision-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like sister stewart and she said, 'write the visions', and maybe, "my Mantle".
(509)trouble-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I'm the new door man". I felt he worked for the authorities and was wanting to catch me.
(510)new president-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like dick cheney and he said, "I'm the new president".
(511)tony rogers-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like tony rogers and he said things like, "you not seeking", "bob knew it", "you don't have It", "thats it", "I want it back", "spiritual", "spiritual", "never did", "time to get up", "that hurt", "restaurant", "buy", "my bike", "money", "I can't read", "don't say", "there's definately hope", "I blasphemed", "your not as serious", "keep", "theres satan", "I been good", "I been telling you", "hallaluiah", "had to loose ya", "he already called", "I talked to the police", "wrong spirit", "I'm wanting to shoot ya". I believe these were all for tony rogers but maybe not.
(512)pray-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said, "pray for me", and maybe, "you must pray", "I'm goshen".
(513)an-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me the name, "An".
(514)wildlfe-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a glass door that went to a room and the word on the door was, 'wild life".
(515)cannon-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "you must pay Me", "you let Me".
(516)him-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "thats him".
(517)embarrassed-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "emabarrassed", "hollie embarrassed", "you got an embarrassing coming", "I did it myself", "but".
(518)compter-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me the word, "computer".
(519)warned by pastor terry cannon-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he pointed and he said, "don't touch him" and, "sweet sweet Holy Ghost", "grant it Jesus"(I or somebody was singing, "just a closer walk with Thee-grant it Jesus" and I when grant it Jesus was said, Thats when terry said what he said, "grant it Jesus" , "I didn't recognize It", "I'm stealin", "he's trying to create a big ole hassle", "iraq", "explosion".
(519)bee free-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me the word, "free".
(520)God-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me maybe the word, "God". God is Jesus! Praise His name!
(521)mike cunningham-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a mike cuningham who is my uncle and he said things like, "our mother", and something like, "I know right where youyr websites at".
(522)hnery gruver-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like henry gruver and he said, "I want my wallet".
(523)enjoy-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "enjoyed it", "talked to him", and I may hve said soemthing like, "you didn't get in deep enough".
(524)no but-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me the word, "but".
(525)tony rogers-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like tony rogers and he said things like, "loosing my appearance", "we talked it over bob", "we did talk it over", "received", "I like your boutty", "it's over", "please", "help", "I a'int eating", "welfare", "I know your gay", "I left here", "gonna say I'm ruthless", "get behind", "in Jesus name", "i felt used", "use me".
(526)financial-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "financial".
(527)retarded-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "retarded".
(528)blown-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw this president and he said, "I blew it". I saw the vice president and he said, "you don't tell me".
(529)financial-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like benjamin netanyahu and he said, "financial".
(530)israel attacked-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "hit isreal".
(531)given-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "I would have given you one", "I don't care much", "old fashion pentecost", and just now, "don't even mess with it".
(532)schwann's foods-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me a schwan's food truck, and I may have just seen a schwans driver that I have dealt with and he said, "liar".
(533)cib bank closing-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "cib", and "were closed", and I heard, "move those funds".
(534)Jesus-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like Jesus and He had Brown Hair and Beard and His Eyes were the color of fire.
(535)trouble-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like tony and he said, 'make sure you got in trouble", and , "be careful".
(536)thomas-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like thomas and he said, "thomas", I think.
(537)could have proven it-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like tony rogers and he said things like, "what did he prove", and I saw a man and He said something like, "yes, he can prover it". I may have seen tony again and he said, "thats the reason I left", and maybe "suicide". I may have seen a Man and He said, "gave him opportunity".
(538)sylvestor stallone-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe, sylvestor stallone".
(539)sister stewart-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe sister stewart and she said, "the Lords been warning me", "financial".
(540)right here-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "were's bobby".
(541)heavenly life apostolic tabernacle Church-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like Jesus and he said something like, "a show", and I saw pastor terry cannon and he said things like, "no it ai'nt", "theres are answer", and, "do it"(8-8-2005).
(542)good-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor terry canon and he said things like, "that was good", "bobbys been seeing things", "I perished", "I didn't tell you to send me no prophet", "we'll hear It", "tell me I left", "be good to me", "were prayin", "we heard", "help me".
(543)wanting money-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a pastor and he said, "need your money".
(544)you have to save yourself-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "save me bobby".
(545)pastor sugget-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor sugget and he said, "thats it".
(546)money is the root to all evil-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "I like money".
(547)chosen-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like sister stewart and she said, "chosen", "how'd I backslide".
(548)find Jesus-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I found IT".
(549)snake-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said, "snake".
(550)you can repent to late-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "suicide", "I was wrong".
(551)president-vision received 8-7-2005-I saw this president and he said, "the united states", "were almost taken".
(552)sister rexford-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, "I love you".
(553)jimmy-vision received 8-7-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like jimmy at Church last night and he said things like, "you will not return, and more.
(554)pastor-vision received 8-8-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said, "I heard", and more.
(555)what do you go to Church to do-vision received 8-13-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a sister stewart and she said, "we come to talk", "can witness come", "I pass", "hear me", and maybe, "you died", "you want a job", "I'm a witch".
(556)wanting a vision-vision recieved 8-14-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "i really want a vision".
(557)hated-vision recieved 8-14-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister stewart and she said, "we hate you".
(558)closed-vision recieved 8-14-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe dr. tillery and he said, "were closed".
(558)me-vision recieved 8-14-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "that you", and he may have pointed. I thought is was michael boldea.
(559)stay away from-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman that works for speedway gas station and she said things like, "don't come here", "tell".
(560)rick-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like rick who manages a speedway gas station and he said things like, "I'm rick", "last time", "he knows", "shell", "gasoline".
(561)message-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman that was near me and she said, "I need the message", "chosen".
(562)charles finnell-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor charles finnell and he said, "come and talk", "financial".
(563)help-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "won't ya help me", "stay away from me", "I perished", "you let me perish".
(564)judgement-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman that works for speedway gas station and she said, "your in judgement".
(565)blew-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "you blew".
(566)wanted on the telephone-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor william harris of victory tabernacle apostolic faith Church and he was on the phone and he said angrily, "pick it up".
(566)computer-received 8-2005-While driving I heard like a female voice and she said, "same o computer".
(567)Jesus can move your mountain-vision received 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said something like, "do you want me to move your mountain".
(568)praising Jesus-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said things like, "o hallelujah", maybe twice. Gods able! Praise Jesus for maybe giving somebody a chance that does not have a chance left! O praise Jesus! Shout praises to Jesus!
(569)shut down-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "the Lord shut me down".
(570)help-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "please help me". You are the eyes, feet, hands, and mouth for Jesus. Can He work thru you?
(571)mercy-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "there's mercy".
(573)won't accept-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "I won't accept".
(574)House of God is suppost to be a HOUSE OF PRAYER-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me pastor simison and he said, "thats true".
(0)red dragon rises out of china-visions recieved 1-2007-in visions, I saw the red dragon rise out of china, and In others, I saw, hu riding, and I saw hu and the pope riding.
(1)judgement to new zealand-vision recieved 1-2007-in this vision, I saw a nuclear explosion in new zealand, moscow, did.
(2)judgement to acapulco-vision recieved 1-2007-in this vision, I saw a nuclear explosion in acapulco, mexico.
(3)terrorism in america-visions recieved 1-3-2007-I saw hollie point, that, she said, explosions, all over, america, and, the national guard, in the, streets, and, subs, sneaking up, on, the, u.s.a., and, boom, and the woman, came up, the statue of liberty, thatll be read tonight, said, Jesus, on, shortwave.
(4)the birth of 666-visions recieved 1-3-2007-in these visions, I saw the king of the north and south, sitting at the table, hu and the pope, 666, signed for, both have nukes, they will hate but, cling.
(5)Jesus, on the cloud-vision recieved 1-3-2007-in this vision, I saw the sign of the coming of the Son of man, and it was Jesus like an angel, on the cloud, riding.
(6)hey-vision recieved 1-3-2007-in this vision, I saw hollie, and she said, hey.
(7)the girl that goes to calvary tabernacle that looks like demi moore-visions received 1-3-2007-in visions, I saw the paul mooney girl and she said, I wanna go home, cut off, she said.
(8)jigm ministries-vision recieved 1-3-2007-in this vision, I saw the woman from jigm ministries and she said, allright, and pastor mike, liar, is, cut off, no signs, saith, the Lord, heavey, he said, we are in, three million dollars debt, pay off, out church, so we can, sell, and retire, they, both, plan.
(9)the seven heads are the g8 with america as the woman-vision recieved 1-3-2007-in this vision, I saw the pope, come out of the g8.
(10)invitation to post-visions recieved 1-3-2006-in visions, I saw the bronze statue geese and the billion dollar baby, and here is what I heard, we want you to come back here tomorrow, and post, and the geese circled. The alice cooper billion dollar baby, had the recorder and smiled, as it held out.
(10)america on fire-visions recieved 1-3-2007-in a vision, I saw america on fire, on the globe, and the smoke, blocking, the sun and the moon, and moscow and china, boom, from ohio class subs. The world shook.
(11)the angel out of the lightening bolt-visions recieved 1-3-2007-in this vision, I saw the angel explode out of the lightening bolt, work for JEsus, was, said.
(12)wait-vision recieved 1-3-2007-in this vision, I saw hollie come out of the horn, with like a flame face, and, she showed, wait, with her, finger, and back in, blown, by the smiling Jesus, and he was mainly white.
(13)the iraq war is over breaking oil contracts-visions recieved 1-3-2007-in visions, I saw, bush, and he said, iraq, was, over, oil, contracts.
(14)gaza forsaken is the palestinian state-visions recieved, 1-3-2007-in this vision, I saw the palestinian state, and gaza written on it, and then, boom, and iraq, boom, american nukes, EZEKIEL 7.
(15)the vials of wrath-visions recieved 1-3-2007-in a vision, I saw Jesus pour out the vial, and out of the ocean, a missile, come up, and head for new york, and, boom, on fire, right behind, the statue of liberty, nuclear, fire, ball, and hillary clinton, king.
(16)awesome-vision recieved 1-3-2007-in this vision, I saw the jigm ministries woman, and she said, some or all, something like this, this website is awesome.
(17)three kings shall rise in persia-visions recieved 1-3-2007-in visions, I saw four horns, rise, and the kings faces were, the, pope, hu, the, emporer of japan, and the idol, shepherd, slashed, pope, Im going to loose my eye, im going to loose my arm, he said.
(18)italy is the seat of the beast-visions recieved 1-3-2007-in visions, I saw the pope like an angel of light sitting on his chair, on italy, and I saw, satan, shot out of hell, and entered into, the pope, shit, he said.
(19)prophecies fail-visions recieved 1-3-2006-in visions, I saw the words, prophecies fail. That is when a person goes back, their prophecy ceasts.
(20)false pastors, false christians, false leaders-visions recieved 1-3-2006-in visions, I saw pentecostal pastors and preachers and leaders, like, kenneth haney, donny joe winters, horace smith, mrs. winters, rick robertson, and they all were dying, thier hair. I also saw, kent jordan, and his, dad, grandpa, relations, mark mckinney, leonard scott.
(21)judgment to new york city-vision recieved 1-2007-in this vision, I saw the statue of liberty, and maybe some of new york city, behind, from a periscope, and it was like night vision, and then, I saw a nuclear explosion, behind, the, statue of liberty.
(22)president hillary clinton-vision recieved 1-4-2007-in this vision, I saw senator hillary clinton, wearing, the kings crown.
(23)split-vision recieved 1-7-2007-in this vision, I saw something fire colored split.
(23)being angered-vision recieved 1-7-2007-in this vision, I saw me kneeling before Jesus, and he was putting fire in my back.
(24)my dream with michael boldea-recieved 1-9-2007-in this dream, me and michael boldea were praying, and, michael said something like, o my God, and got away from me, and I believe I was asking JEsus to have mercy on michael or something like that, and then, I thought something like, what if he stabbs me. I was afraid of being stabbed by micheal boldea.
(25)in the hospital with the winters of westside pentecostal church-vision recieved 1-2007-in this dream, I was in the hospital, and donald or mrs. winters was there, sharing the same, room, and, I wanted to fellowship if I remember correctly, but, they wouldnt, and jim phillips showed up, and I beleive I spoke something like a greeting to him, and he said, no, and got away from me. I layed on my side, and was talking to the LORd of. Last time I saw jim phillips, I was at a speedway gas station, and God spoke to me, and I spoke it to jim phillips a message like this, God wants to no if you really mean buisness. There on the counter was what looked like a lottery ticket or reciet. Maybe it was or wasnt, and maybe if it was, it wasnt his. Mrs. winters dyes her hair. Mrs. winters hair was black everytime I see her, and she has a son that looks older than me, donny joe winters, and his hair is black. I beleive it was donny joe winters that yelled at me something like, your reprobate, and God told me to tell, and IM going by memory, about seeing america and china going to war in visions. God spoke to me, and said, and I told: Is visions and dreams reprobate.
(26)the message for the end times-visions recieved 1-9-2007-in visions, I saw, sunnysnet, and, hollie, and dorein, and leann stahl, and they said: I saw hollie in a vision, and she pointed, and said, that, and, the palestinian state, and iraq, on, fire, brought in by bush, to, break, oil, contracts, and, america, moscow and china, firing on each other, and the world wobbled, and up came, the, four kings, I saw, hu, the pope, the emporer of japan, and the idol shepherd, with, much money, but, slashed, the pope, went to the greek orthadoxed church, in moscow, and made an agreement and got control of russias nuclear aresenal, and had, rule of the world, till,hu and japan, rose, to, with stand, 666, born between, the pope and hu, to, prvent, tehm, from detroying, both have nukes, aimied right at, each other, and hollie pointed, terrorism, all over, america, and, the, national guard, in, the,s treets, and then, putin, will, hit, at the end, when the, economy collapses, said, hollie, like a white angel, im moody, .
(27)satan under the feet of Jesus-vision recieved 1-12-2007-in this vision, I saw the pope under the feet of Jesus.
(28)the land of magog-vision received 1-12-2007-in this vision, I saw magog written on where china and moscow is.
(29)the beast with seven heads and ten horns-visions recieved 1-12-2007-in a vision, I saw a, and im going by memory and, a red dragon, and I saw other dragons strike like a snake, and kings faces popped out, like, putins, and I saw hu s, to, this is the ram, the king of italy, and I saw the pope next, or, and I saw the presidents of, france, australia, canda, tony blair. These were the g8. I saw bush s come out of the woman, that is america. The ten kings are on the popes head.
(30)God will not always wink at sin-visions recieved 1-2007-I keep seeing an EYE wink.
(31)the ministering spirit hollie-visions recieved 1-14-2007-in visions, I saw the smiling hollie, and she said, that.
(32)the red dragon being riden by hu hintao-vision recieved 1-13-2007-I saw in this vision, the president of china, hu hintao riding the red dragon, which king of looked like the horse on the mobile oil bottles.
(33)revelations of the false prophet-visions recieved 1-14-2007-in several visions, I saw what appeared to be hu hintao, and one word and vision at a time or, he said, im, the false prophet.
(34)the birth of the mark of the beast vision-visions recieved 1-14-2007-in visions, I saw hu hintao and the pope signing, and I saw, 666.
(35)the new world order vision-visions received 1-14-2007-in visions, I saw the pope and hu on the red dragon, which I saw rise out of china, and in one was black, and I saw satan as black man.
(36)terrorism in america and the national guard in the streets-visions recieved 1-14-2007-in visions, I saw hollie point, and I saw explosions all over america and I saw the national guard or army deployed. thats the last sign, was spoken to me, and I saw hollie, and she said, that.
(37)iraq and the palestinian state or fire-visions recieved 1-14-2007-in visions, I saw like fire in iraq and like fire in the palestinian state, and the palestinian state said, gaza on it.
(38)gaza forsaken-visions received 1-14-2007-in visions, I saw the area that said, israel on it, and then it said, gaza on it, and I saw, the words palestinian state.
(39)arch angel gabriel-visions recieved 10-2007-I saw the white faced gabriel and he said, record the vision, and I saw him hubly looking down, and he is light, and smiled. He has a mans heart, like you.
(587)witch-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said, "call me a witch".
(588)blaspheme-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe pastor simison and he said something like, "cause I blaspheme", "he's purty".
(589)get right-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe pastor simison and he said, "get it right".
(590)me-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe virginia boldea and she said, "thats you bob".
(591)not left-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "he's left'.
(592)pastor thomas simison-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like thomas e. simison and he said, "use him".
(593)warning-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe pastor simison and he said, "its a warning", "tarry'.
(595)leave-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said, "leave here".
(596)hate-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said, 'I hate'.
(597)out-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said, "out".
(598)do you take adavantage of Jesus-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said, "I take adavantage of".
(599)rebel-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "witch", "who me".
(600)no mercy-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe Jesus and He said, "have no mercy".
(601)hell-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe pastor terry cannon and he said, "hell", and maybe, "delivered".
(602)help-vision received 8-18-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe me and I said something like, "try n help".
(603)Mantle help-vision received 8-18-2005-God showed me, I heard and maybe saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "my Mantle was taken off and put on bobby hickman", "stay away from", "he's a prophet".
(604)friend-vision received 8-19-2005-God showed me a car door open and I heard, "thats your friend".
(605)are you sure gene schmidt-vision received 8-19-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like gene and he said, "bob blew It". I just saw somebody dimly and he said, "you didn't"
(606)lost-vision received 8-19-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said something like, 'I'm lost", "pray for me", and I just saw her or somebody and they said, 'i need some help", and I just saw hollie and she said, "I need some help to", and I saw irving baxter and he said, "I'm an adulterer", and I saw paul mooney and he said something like, help, or hell, and and I saw somebody and they said, "lose him".
(607)heavenly life apostolic tabernacle is closed-vision received 8-21-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "heavenly life", "were closed", "were not opened", and I saw hollie and she said something like, "leave open".
(608)take heed hollie-vision received 8-21-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie, and she said things like, "i'm moodie', "lay off the prophecy club", and maybe, "if you go on the prophecy club", "your finished".
(609)with-vision received 8-21-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, 'I'm with you".
(610)close-vision received 8-21-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "close website", and "please", "please".
(611)teenager-vision received 8-21-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe josh and he said, "I'm just a teenager".
(612)pray for hollie-vision received 8-23-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "I need some help", "follow Jesus".
(613)bruce kinnick-vision received 8-23-2005-God showed me, I saw a spirit that looked like bruce and he said, "sold", "blaspheme". I heard his name called, "kinnick".
(614)michael boldea-vision recieved 8-31-2005-vision-received 8-31-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like a mike and he said things like, "there's my answer".
(615)uss indianapolis survivor-vision recieved 8-31-2005-vision-received 8-31-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like the man who survived the indianapolis battleship disaster and he said things like, "I found it".
(616)dumitru duduman prophecies-vision recieved 8-31-2005-vision-received 8-31-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like a the united states", "is under attack", "stan johson", and I saw stan and he said, "leave the website alone", and I saw thomas and he said, 'thats his", "priest", "he ain't gonna hear It".
(617)suicide-vision recieved 8-31-2005-vision-received 8-31-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like debbie and she may have said something about comitting suicide".
(618)pastor-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the female pastor of faith temple apostolic Church and she said things like, "please tell".
(619)cut off-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like wallace van slyke and he said, "cut'em off".
(620)stopped-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a stop sign, and stop was on it. Maybe I'm stopped for a while. Praise Jesus!
(621)revelations-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man that worked for and maybe owned the laundromat and he let me know he had visions and I tlaked with him and he does and he said many other things like, "prophet Closed", "come back", "I already told you", "I'm going to hell", "your needed in the bathroom", "by van slyke".
(622)to much for the geo metro-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man that worked for the used car lot and he said things like, "give me half". I saw a Man that Looked like Jesus and he said, "to much", and I also so a man and he said something like, "don't go back".
(623)adultery can be cheating on Jesus-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "you live in adultery", "don't come near me".
(624)answer-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "theres my answer", "abased", and I saw somebody and they said, "He won't accept me now".
(625)benjamin netanyahu-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a be and he will be prime minister of israel and he said, "hit russia", "russia".
(626)pray ann schmidt-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like ann schmidt and she said things like, "bobbys got the Message", "are you praying".
(627)one more chance-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "one more chance".
(628)chosen-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, 'I'm chosen".
(629)lost-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a michael boldea and he said things like, "I'm lost", "tell me I'm lost", "theres my answer", and maybe something like, "how come you won't write me ".
(630)ann schimdt-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like ann and she said things like, "we need a prophet", "left", "we want the visions", and maybe, "this is your last call","are you praying", "bobbys got the Message", and possibly something like, 'your blood is on my heart", and maybe, "I hear you want delivered", and maybe, "I won't listen".
(631)much prayer-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and he said, "thats the way". I was writing about prayer. I saw Him in another vision and he said something like, "what did you tell'em".
(632)recession coming-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me hear a childs voice that is near me and she said something like, "receission", "about to go in", "Mantle", "Mantle stays", I asked Jesus what that meant and I heard a childs voice, "it covers you".
(633)preach-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a pastor and she said someting like, "preach".
(634)sold-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like ann schmidt and she said, "witness sold", "awesome".
(635)material-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike boldea and he said, "you needed material", "prophet, you killed me".
(636)come back-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like ann schmidt or hollie and she said, "comeon bacK".
(637)awesome-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "awesome". It was a man.
(638)car sales man-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a car salesman and he said, "good car", "I won't repent", "help", "you know what I want", and something like, "I want two grand". They are not even asking that much. I'd give $500.00 bucks for it.
(638)call-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said, "you need to call me back", "I wanted the vision", 'I left", "psychic".
(639)Jesus is my problem-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like ann schimdt and she said, "whats your problem", and I saw geno and he said, "tell me I'm ready", and I saw ann and she said things like, "you left", "witch", "awesome", and I saw geno and he said something like, "God wants you", "I'm an exprophet", and I saw hollie and she said, "you left", and I saw geno and he said something like, "it come from my heart", and I saw ann and she said, "undecided", "your lost". I beleive these were as Identifeid, but, may have not been. Lastly I saw maybe ann and she said, "can witness come", and I saw me and I said, "no".
(640)blaspheme-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like michelle and she said, "I comitted blaspheme".
(641)death-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "your know your death".
(642)hollie-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "witness help", "I'm sorry", "own rules", please tell my vision".
(643)U.s.s. Indianapolis survivor-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the man who survived the battleship U.s.s. indianapolis disaster and he said things like, "I want a vision", "need religion", "whens he coming", "you ain't mine", and something like, "I'm am old prophet", "old prophet", "headed to judgment", "to late", "I blaspheme", "please pray", "been running", "chosen". I believe these were all him, and lastly I saw him and he said something like, "you made me cry". God is mindful of all
(645)reason usa won't attack russia-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "the reason we won't hit russia", "they'll stop'em", "no mercy". I heard and or saw somebody, "can we beat russia", and I saw me and I said, "no", and I saw hollie and she said", "bob is scared".
(646)abase-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the survivior of the uss indianapolis wreck and he may have said, "abasement", "your abased", "call me back".
(647)usa under attack-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "the united states", and I saw gene schimdt in a vision and he said something like, "there under attack". Gene has recieved at least two visions of coming judgement to america.
(648)not wanted-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like gene schmidt and he said something like, "I don't want you to come here", "you made me blaspheme", and I saw ann and she said, 'I'm out", "do you hate me".
(649)fast michael boldea-vision recieved 9-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said, "made me fast".
(650)MYSTERY, BABYLON is america-visions recieved 9-2005-I heard a womans voice say, "MYSTERY, BABYLON", and then I may have seen her and she, "said, "thats america".
(651)gene schmidt identifies america in bible received 9-7-2005 I saw a spirit that looked like geno and he said things like, "MYSTERY, BABYLON", "is the united states", "awesome", and I saw ann schmidt and she said, "sup with me".
(652)grandpa perished-vision recieved 9-2005 I heard something like, "about chester" God has showed me a spirit that looked like chester cunningham, and he said, "I perished", and I just saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "awesome", "delivered".
(653)money first-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a that I prayed for and he said, "I'm financial". He works for estes express lines in Indinapolis..
(654)phil Iaria-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like phil who works for estes express lines in indiapolis and he said things like, "my nane is phil", "lost", "tell me not to sin", "alice cooper", "done a head job", and I saw alice cooper and he said, "tell me not to sin".
(655)Its true-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this young woman that I witnessed to and she said things like, "your needed", "false", "were children"(she was 17), "made me blaspheme", "tell Jesus to help me", "I blasphemed", "hurt", "close the website", "leave it closed", "I know", "I blasphemed the website", "witness cold", "my mom".
(659)benjamin netanyahu-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like ben and he said things like, "I'm embarrassing you", "you know who I am", "I'm benjamin netanyahu", "your headed to destruction", "lake", "the united states will hit russia when they hit islam", "I need mercy", "should I hit iran", "do", "attack".
(660)al cuppet-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like al cuppet and he said things like, "your website is awesome", "I had my opportunity", "I told", "missile", "useless", 'lost", "I loved you", "what happened to me", and I saw him or somebody and they said, "when you wen on the prophecy club", "you went against Me", and I saw al and I he said, "I don't beleive it", and I saw hollie and she let me know that al cuppet will write me.
(660b)a city built without hands-vision recieved 9-12-2008-while sitting at a.b.s.a. council church service at Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies in indianapolis, down in front of pulpit area I saw a Lighted Glass City appear, like glass skyscrapers, many, not the same height, but maybe same width.
(661)jeff cox-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like jeff and said his last name which I can't spell, "daughtery", and he said things like, "I blowed", "my best friend", "I can't find Him", "can't find Jesus", "an answer", and I saw hollie and she said, "he's shut off", and I saw jeff and he said, "good answer", "that website", and I saw mrs. cox and she said, 'leave it closed", and something like, "he'll bring it back up again".
(661)russia will be made to attack israel-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said, "putin will attack israel", and I saw this president and he said, "attack netanyahu", "the lake", "return", "bomb syria", "bomb russia".
(662)will benjamin netanyahu get assassinated-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like bibi and he said things like, "somebody shot me".
(663)kristina fox-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina and she said things like, "mercy", "git an abortion", "never eat anything", "find Church", "and perish", and I saw keri fox and she said, "he's cut off", "witch", "you know your wantin", "trap the Mantle"m "git an abortion", and I saw kristina and she said, "when they operate", "I die", "lets fast", "I perish", and I may have seen one of them and they said, "you won't die".
(663)the national enquirer-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the man who may own the national enquirer and he said things like, "I accept you", "good afternoon", "want to make a million dollars".
(664)president-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "bush", "on my death certificate", "ass", 'sination", "got killed", "who shot me", and I saw dick and he said, "dick cheney", and I saw this president and he said, "o my God", "tell Jesus to protect me", and I saw me and I said, "if I had a gun, I'd do it myself", "somebody shot the president", "the devil shot the president", and I saw this president and he said things like, "come to the white house", and I saw me and I said, "no way", and I saw this president and he said, "then will will bring you", and I saw me and said, "economy will collapse", and I saw this president and he said, "collapse it", and I saw putin and he said, "when it collapses russia will attack", and I saw this president and he said, "bobby you serious", went down".
(665)saved-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said, "I'm open".
(666)attack on islam-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "the united states will attack islam", "get your hands off me", "i can't see", "attack Jesus", and I saw me and I said, "if you do it", "the economy will collapse", "the Lord will hear me", and I saw this president and he said, "here I come", and I saw hollie and she said, "you out", and maybe, "dick cheney will replace", "the united states will not defeat islam".
(667)welfare is on it's way out in america-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "reduce welfare", "i'm bush".
(668)get your sins purged-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "purge".
(669)jessica lynch-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like jessica lynch and she said things like, "I'm gettin complacent", "I'm rich", "had a heart attack", "leave her alone", "this is warning"please help me", "git your pants off", "accident", "took Mantle", "you beat off".
(670)keri-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like keri fox and she said something like, "perish with me", "I ain't gonna accept it".
(671)lost-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this young woman that jogged right by me and she got very close and she said things like, "look at me bobby", "don't you think I'm sexy".
(672)close website and it will be put back up-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and he said something like, "close the website", and I even saw gene schmidt and he said similar and I saw hollie and she said something like, 'it'll be put back up", and maybe, "websites in storage", and maybe, 'leave it alone". You can get blood on your hands, and after saying that I saw a woman and she said something like, "true".
(673)jeff-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like jeff dourtery and he said things like, "it's me", and maybe, "can we beat russia", and I saw hollie and she said, 'no", and I saw kristina fox and she said, "russia's big", and I saw this man and he said something like, "this is awesome", and I saw kristina and she said something about being left out", "o.k.", and maybe, 'fast', and I saw gene schmidt and he said, "I had It", "to late, "ready to go home"
(674)california will be attacked-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "don't go to california", and I saw this president and he said something like, "attack", "google", Look what bob did".
(675)perished-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "i perished".
(676)hollie-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "new york", "attack los angeles", "attack hollie".
(677)kristina fox-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina and she said things like, "deliver us", "we like material", "never touch him", "suicide", "abortion", "I've forgiven you", "why you smokin",.
(678)president-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "you out", "we want material", "new message", "I'm bush", "I beleive the economy collapse", and I saw russia president putin and he said, "attack", "then we attack", 'you went missing", "thats a warning", "we got it planned", "arm missiles", "missile attack", "missile won't make it", "missile down".
(679)russia will shut america down-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like I saw this president and he said, 'I'm bush", "o God", "been all shut down", and I saw valdimir putin and he said, "to late", "cut off", "russia will kill the united states", "arm missile", "putin", "rockets behind us", "you can't touch russia", "russia strong".
(680)jessica lynch-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like jessica and she said things like, "I'm lynch", "president bush is", and I saw this president and he said, "assassinated", "last day", "return to Church", "sold".
(681)computer chip in licence plate-vision recieved 9-9-2005 I heard, "your licence plate has a computer chip in it", God has showed me a spirit that looked like this preisdent and he said, "now there's a secret", "try n sell iran", gasoline", "bush", "taxes going up", "country is going under", "dollar 5o tax", and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "Oil", and .
(682)kristina fox-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina and she said things like, "you had a baby", "we want material", "boy", and I saw keri fox and she said, "your a prophet", "warning", "blasphemed", and I saw kristina and she said, "thats my momy", and I saw keri and she said, "forgiven", "fast", and I saw kristina and she said, "stop smokin", and I saw keri and she said, "you know your pants", "you know your starting to annoy".
(683)walter lafave-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like walter and he said, "get me off".
(684)oil is fixed-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina and she said, "oil", and I saw this president and he said, "it's fixed", "bush", and I saw kristina and she said, "new gasoline", and I saw this president and he said, "fix it".
(686)close website and I may ask Jesus to collaspe the economy or I already did-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "I'm shutting down the website", and I saw putin and he said, "he'll collapse it", "attack", "collapse", "attack", "missile attack iran", "thats blaspheme".
(687)save the bravenet website-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me that my bravenet website was taken away. Be cause He graciously showed me in advance, I may be able to save it. Thanks Jesus for hearing me.
(688)russia will be attacked by pakistan-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the president of pakistan and he said , "hit russia".
(689)the submarine's that india is buying from france are sophisticated-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "submarine", "france", "los angeles class", and I saw hollie and she said, "take los angeles", "who is MYSTERY, BABYLON', "MYSTERY, BABYLON Is america", "its real"..
(690)the united states will burn, have earhtquakes, tornadoe's-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, and some I may have only heard, the united states, will burn, the united states, will suffer the conseqences of iran, the united states will be attacked by russia, the united states willhave tornadoe's, earthquakes, and natural disasters.
(691)detectives coming for me-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked a man and he said, detective, will question, you worte vision, we know, prophet, fix, president, and I saw this president and he said, I'll assassinate, and the detcetive said, he wants you, and I saw this president and he said, you'll like him, pray,, get killed, thats the Word.
(692)america will be communist-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said, the united states will transform to communism.
(693)russia is communist-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked putin and he said, russia is communist.
(695)china is communist-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked maybe president hu and he said something like, china is communist.
(696)north korea is communist-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked possibly the president of north korea and he may have said, korea is communist.
(697)the new united states-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked this president and he said, the new united states, were headed for communism, I'm bush.
(698)the psunmai was God judgement-vision recieved 9-13-2005 I heard, the psunami, God has showed me a spirit that looked a woman and she said, thats judgement.
(699)ministryofdreams pentecostal Church-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me an office that looked like my office, and I was looking thru the partially opened door from the hallway, and I could see like school chairs in there, that had like the little platform you could write on.
(700)free tapes-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked me and I had cassette tapes and I was saying things like, have a free tape.
(701)debbie-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked debbie and she sid things like, I didn't have to, sissy told me, and I saw sissy and she said, I want you out, now I'm hurt, I miss my job, need your help, who brought you here, satan, and I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, tell, and I saw me and I said, God made me move in, and I may have seen mike cunningham and he said, o my God, there's mercy, and maybe, tell sissy, can't, maybe, embarrases, website in question, allright, and I saw betty cunningham, which was her maiden name and she said things like, you got new for me, off, and maybe, get me out of this marriage.
(702)is america buidling a new space vehicle possibly to deliver attacks-vision recieved 9-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit taht like this president and he said, I'm bush, and I saw dan bohler, and he said things like, my country's getting ready to build a new space ship.
(703)russia may attack south korea-vision recieved 9-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, russia will attack south korea with missiles, and dumitru said maybe, north, and putin said, face, judgement, iran, without iran, can't do anyting,
(704)judgement to iran-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru said, iran needs some help, don't send, judgment.
(705)diesel fuel-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has let me hear, and I may have seen who said something like, this, the united states, diesel fuel only.
(706)ordered to put prophecy ministry up-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, new website, prophecy ministry, me.
(707)russia has agreements with nations -vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe dan bohler and he said things like, bohler, when you nuke korea, you nuke russia, and I heard, and may have dimly seen, things like, when you nuke iran, you and I saw putin and he said, you nuke russia, and m and may have also heard and I may have seen putin just now and he said, you nuke iraq, you nuke russia, and something about attacking the united states and I saw this president and he said something like, I don't care, and dan may have said, o my God. There was another nation I believe. I saw bohler and he said things like, cotract, amazing, and something about the radio, and he also said something about him autograping his book.
(708)attack on usa america will be policed by the national guard-vision recieved 9-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia boldea, and she said things like, the united states will be attacked by russia, and michael boldea said, and be run by the national guard, a witch, and virginia said something like, are You thru with me.
(709)hollie prophecies american attacked-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, attack america, attack bob hickman", this is hollie, this is adultery.
(709)america and the end days-visions recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirits that looked like stephen hanson, and other people and they said things like and he said, russia will hit japan, the united states will hit russia, weaken, weaken, for china, the committed blaspheme, the serve buhda, russia become north north korea, and the Lord said that all, china will absorb japan, and dorein said, the Lord says, the missiles are in japan, and president hu of china said, rocket, and hollie said, ship, and hu said, cruise missiles, I'm waiting for you, all over oil, and dumitru said, I don't beelive it, its bullshit, stan johnson, I called hima devil, thats end for me, I blashemed, you can have a little sin, but if you got the Holy One, you comiited blaspheme, and hollie said, russia has cruise missiles, like the tomahawk missile, russia has a cruise missile, capable of hittin the mississippi, from, the ocean, and kristina said, thats ticket, and dumitru duduman said, why didn't you take my advice, indianapolis, tell stan your time is come, to late for me, because I comitted blaspheme, to late for stan, to late for indianapolis, cause of stan, stay away from him, blaspheme is not forgiven, blaspheme is not purged, if you go around stan, you will comitt blaspheme, thats it, and somebody said, He will not forgive you, you have to pay a ransome, russia, destroyed, the united states, will, burn, and hollie said, like the Angel Gabriel told him, and dumitru said, russia, and kristina said, japan, japan and russia, and dumitru said, politburo, the united states is, and kristina said, will burn.
(709)hollie sings-vision recieved 10-25-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she sang something like, I will save me, I will save me, even though I'm now comfortable, I will save me, and she screamed, attack new york, awwwwwwwwwwoooooooo, were under attack, go to new york, and tom heward said, I'm watchin it, and hollie said, warn people tom heward, and tom said, I had It, I'm on fire, and tom said, he won't tell me, and hollie said, he has, and tom said, allright, I goofed, and hollie said, come, back, tom, hollie.
(710)the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns-vision recieved 10-31-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, russian president vladimir putin and he said, and spiritually, satan is the horn, and dumitru duduman said, little means and stephen said, no pOWER of God, that is, and dumitru said, is, sat, an, the antibeast, and stephen said, the antichrist is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and dumitru said, anti means against, blasphemeous.
(711)if you don't serve Jesus, He will cut you off-vision recieved 11-1-2005 God has showed me a tree trunk, and it was cut off, and it was a young tree that never got very big. You are the tree, and if you don't serve Jesus, you'll be cut off.
(712a)visions of armageddon-visions received 11-2006-in this vision, I saw, Jesus, and the sky was yellow, and, the beast, and false prophet, and, the jewish remnant, were, all, caught away, next I was in, norad, and there sat, and he saw, the angel, and they, were, planning, to, nuke, iraq, set, two, missiles, said, oil, man, bush, and, aim, for, scuds, accident, but, putin, was, in on, and, he saw, Jesus, point, and the palestinian state, and, iraq, on fire, brought in by, oil man bush, to, break, oil, contracts, with, russia, and, prevent, china, from, gitting, said, president, bush, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, he, is, after, this, great, babylon, will, be, brought into, rememberance, before, Jesus, REVELATION 16, the great city, will, be, divided, into, three, parts, the earth quake, nuke, quake, then, the jewish, remnant, where, is, out, Jesus,
(712)terrorism in america -vision received 11-9-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a people and here is what was said: and the national guard will be in the streets because of terrorism, and hollie said, in america.
(713)work while It is day -vision recieved 10-18-2005 God has showed me the word, work.
(714)babylon is the endtime's america-vision received 12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said usally one at a time thing's like: babylon is the endtime's america babylon the glory of kingdom's, the beauty of the chaldee's excellency shall be as when God over threw sodom and gomorra, it shall not be inhabited.
(715)how to repent-vision recieved 12-31-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: your wanted on the phone, who is it, Jesus, Jesus wants you to pout out your heart, rend your heart, rend your heart, break it open, thats it, repentence
(716)put your visions on the internet at the leading of Jesus -vision recieved 1-2-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: Jesus said, if you have the vision, then write it down, post it under, write the vision and make it clear.
(717)visions of Angels-vision recieved 1-9-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: he saw Angels and Bright Light, Door, Jesus is the Door, come in, do ACTS 2:38, hallelujah, aman.
(718)ST. JOHN 3:16-vision recieved 2-1-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: ST. JOHN 3:16 is, This means that God is serious, buy, don't test Hims Grace, He died for you, live for Him.
(719)satan is the beast-vision recieved 3-9-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: hallelujah, this is satan, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the, and the pope said, pope and hu is the false prophet, and the LIghted Hand pointed, MY Body said Jesus, take care of it.
(720)Jesus is coming -vision recieved 4-4-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: a woman said, young, the Lord is not coming, ready or not, he will.
(721)redeem the time-vision recieved 5-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: on the phone, it's Jesus, what are you doing with your time,
hollie-vision received 3-23-2009-in this vision I saw hollies hands and in between there was light.
(-12)tell-vision recieved 3-23-2009-in this vision hollie said, "please tell".
(-11)SUBMARINE WARFARE-vision received 2-17-2009-in vision I saw captain hollie surface, appear in sub, many light shafts fired out of, darkness, shaking, dark smoke, clouds, DAY OF THE LORD, appeared, words said hollie.
(-10)the mark of the beast is tattood-visions recieved 2-17-2009-in visions and the were quick, I belive I saw 666 tattood on forehead, and maybe on arm, and I saw little beast like angel of lite, hes pope, and I saw maybe the Fathers image, very similar, like little angel man.
(-9)dreams-vision received 2-17-2009-I heard hollie say, "it was uh dream", and I may have saw all the words and heard possibly many read, "night vision".
(-9-)dream with dr. horace smith-dream receieved 3-29-2009-in this dream im on top of a car, and taking pictures of maybe a woman, I see horace smith going to car, wearing suit, he says something like, wheres my friend, and I said, something like, thats what I saw him say in a vision, and I jump off car and I sing part of the song, joy to the world, The Lord is come, let earth receive her king, and go and try to hug horace smith but he grabs me and wont let me, horace says something like, how can I help ya, and I responed I believe, but, he cant, and horace says something like, can I pray for ya, and I may have showed no, or said, and then he said, something like, why dont we pray for each other, memory, hi horace smith from pentecostal assemblies of the world , but this man didnt quite look like horace, smith.
(-8)nuclear submarines hit each-vision received 2-17-2009-in vision I saw HMS Vanguard submarine and Le Triomphant submarine bump each other.
(-7)judgment to u.s.a.-vision recieved 2-2009-in vision I saw hollie in her submarine and it fired missiles and I saw many explosions, fireballs in america.
(-6)the ram-visions recieved 2-15-2009-in vision I saw two ram horns and vladimir putin and hu hintao came out of them. I saw hegoat, attack, and I saw pope rise, hu hintao, emporer of japan, and the slashed in face pope.
(-5)what was best smartest car ever made-vision recieved 2-2009-I asked JEsus that question and in vision I saw brown haired JEsus holding a vw bug up, looking at it.
(-4)hollie appears-vision recieved 2-2009-in vision hollie appears in front of me and lifts arm with lighted bear paw, like bloxing glove, shows to my right, then turns, shows, left, then, showed, no, shook, yes, another, clap, put on white bandana, walked, "get exercise", she said, that aint right hollie said, thats, people thinking, visions wrong, said, Jesus, and he appears, shakes, no.
(-3)nuclear explosion-visions received 2-4-2009-in vision I saw white ministering spirit point and large nuclear explosion and alaska was being mentioned.
(-2-)the arch angel gabriel-vision received 2-202009-in this vision I saw gabriel, dressed in pure white robe, maybe Light white robe, and gabriel had yellow hair.
(-2)horse pulling empty cart dream-in this dream recieved about 1-31-2009-Im going by memory, I saw horse pulling empty cart, I got maybe to try to stop horse, horse going fast, and goes around car and maybe on side walk, there was like stick in cart, that went to wheel, and was brake, and I pulled stick, but didnt stop, so I think I wanted to get on horse and try another, it was old wagon like spoke wheel.
(-1-)start a hand of help dream-dream recieved 2-21-2009-in this dream, I see an old woman and she has colored hair, and she says, to me, "start a hand of helP", and I dont remember what I said, and maybe didnt want to, and we talked and I told her God came inside me like a body my perfect size and that is she touched me she would get shocked, or probably would and she may have...More was said, going by memory, and I saw that old woman raising hands and praising Jesus loudly. It would be ok to have hoh, but, needed?
(-1)make up your mind-visions recieved 1-3-2009-in visions hollie said, "no", but shook yes, then lighted like hands showed, 'im thru with it".
(-0)grace apostolic church in indianapolis-vision received 3-1-2009-at church the words, trump of God, appeared on screen and or the pastor mentioned and I saw the arch angel gabriel like a white angel with horn in his mouth.
(0)hollie shows explosion-vision received 2-28-2009-while driving i saw a lighted hollie and he may have pointed and I saw a light explosion while driving on highway. Light was fire colored.
(01)hollie snaps fingers-vision received 3-15-2009-in vision I saw hollie snap fingers.
(1)nuclear judgments coming-vision recieved 1-28-2009-in vision I saw hollie and the the sign of like nuclear fireball s, on like yellow ground.
Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and they said: 4-26-2009-hollie, showed, record, its poophole, said, hollie, sex, douglas heller, you wanted, hollie said, with, ronald tompkins, thats why you steal, said, hollie, yes, said, kim davis, ministry of dreams, to ruin, christian, thats the douglas heller-ronald tompkins-kim davis person shaking, yes, hollie showed, record, showed, the, popes picture, tear up, said, hollie, she, did, and, restore, she, said, then, whole new world order appeared, its lula, thats him coming out of lighted head, hollie and Jesus said, chavez, kim jong, lost your name said angel, lost your name, said, hollie, thats Ministry Of Dreams website showing, name, Ministry Of Dreams, steal said hollie, and angry Jesus, appears, ill alter said aafke to the Ministry of dreams, steal said Jesus, thats angry MINISTRY of DREAMS website, Jesus will make you run to remove, the name I spoke, said, Jesus, thats, said, hollie, mexico popping out of head, theres, hintao, tear up, said, hollie, theres putin, thats, just let me look at it said raul castrol, hes, watching, there, pointed, hollie, russian bombers in cuba, exploded, You will see, said, JEsus, there you have it, said hollie, and I summed it up, she said, stamped, with stick, hollie, said, showed, the, beast rising, its dragon, hollie, said, with, pope, hollie, said, coming out, theres, seven heads appearing, said, Jesus, its lula, said, hollie, kim jong, hollie, said, theres, chavez, nicaragua, mexico, theres, hintao, and, putin, theres, pope, coming out of, putins, head, said, Jesus, its, horn, they, are, the, beast, ruling, party, in, moscow, said, Jesus, and hollie, its, pope, coming out of lighted horn, theres, medvedev, and putin, more, said, hollie, its, called, duma, she said, let me, said, medvedev, alright shook, pope, rule the world, said, putin, theres, dumitru, knowing, hollie appears, models, hollie shows douglas heller smiling, you lied, hollie said, he knew, said, hollie, thats douglas heller being questioned bu c.i.a., steals Ministry of dreams with ronald tompkins, thats douglas heller in lava, smiling, hollie, shows, record, now, look, she, said, kim davis steals ministry of dreams, alright, said, kim davis, she, removes openly mocked, hollie shows record, now, look, she, said, stamped, snapped fingers, its from behind, said, hollie, spun, thats, pope, she, said, rising, snapped fingers, hollie showed, record, said, hollie, its, double bladder, said, hollie, you want it, said, hollie, smiling, on rope, let out hollie, im back, he, said, record, said, hollie, showed, beast rise, thats, hu hintao, she, said, there, I summed it up, she, said, hollie showed, record, there, she, said, and, I summed it up, she, said, wait uh minute, said, hollie, mister christian she said, thats it, said, hollie, thats russia all around america, said, kim davis, theres russia firing nuclear missiles, said, Jesus, thats, america exploding, thats, hu hintao riding the red horse, said, hollie, thats, boris yeltsin and hu hintao, lets plan it out, said, boris yeltsin, ill take, he said, thats, russian jet, coming over canada, three, appeared, thats, big, nuclear explosion in canada, then, america exploded, thats, lure, said, boris, yeltsin, thats, china, hollie, standing, by nuclear explosion in china, looking serious, let me explain, she said, thats, china, hollie riding, yellow missile, taiwan, exploded, thats, china attacking washington state, thats, china exploding, from, thats, hollie, surfacing, in, 3 ohio class subs, fired, missiles, rained, down, on, hollie, said, china, exploded, that, said, hollie, thats outlaws Jesus, wont ya let me record, he, said, hollie standing by nuclear explosion in china, looking, serious, turned, head, another, snapped, fingers, that, said, hollie, like, cat, hollie, bear, thats, 3 nuclear fireballs in california, that, said, hollie, then, whole, u.s.a. exploded, that, said, hollie, thats, hollie, leopard, north, south, korea, china, japan, kings appeared, hollie, shows, yellow background, war said hu hintao, showed, magog, the word, hollie said, no, said, hollie, said, yes, hollie, puts back, tear, up, said, hollie, back, see that, said, Jesus, hollie, shows, 1966 ford mustang, its, excellent car, said, hollie, thats, what, brought america down, giving, car manufacturing away, thats barack obama finding out pontiac is closing, doesnt care, but, in speech, regrets, hollie, showed, turn, blew horn, out, hollie, showing, downtown, thats nuclear fireball in downtown indianapolis, hollie, showed, turn, hollie out of horn, pointed, its uh double bladder, copter, piloted by hollie, thats, showed, california explode, thats, spacecraft with hollie, hollie tore up, put back, rip, from behind, said, hollie, clap, Jesus showed, record, its, china, said, Jesus, its magog, showed, hollie, hollie showed, record, put back, tear, behind, click heels, front, top of popes picture, forward to the back, dream, said, hollie dream, laughs, its, uh, hollie, dream wipes lips, night vision, no, said, hollie, with big hands, but, shook, yes, im thru, she said, turned around, snapped fingers, looky, said, hollie, showed, pope, riding, black, horse, russia, she said, modelled, thats russia exploding, hollie, in the fire, looked, angry, tell me about alaska, said, angel, and, he, saw, said, casey, alaska explode, and many more missiles heading for u.s.a., exploded, this is the website, lets post, said, hollie, its, time to fast, said, the, tap dancers, thats hollie in uh stutz car, showed, stutz motor company, 4-28-2009-this is vision, said, hollie, lets post more, he said, and i showed you who's rising, pope, said, hollie, pope, theres hu, there, said, hollie, clap, both beasts, hollie, showed, dog, sleepy, but warm, right here, hollie, said, thats, brad, delp, in, hellfire, but, band, replaced, said, tom, scholtz, with, same, o, lead, singer, just, alike, now, brad, said, Jesus, was it worth it, no, shook, brad delp, and beast, rose, hes, pope, hollie, said, look, hu hintao, there, I summed it up, hollie, snapped, fingers, clicked, heels, hollie, said, thats hollie showing the new world order, both beasts, they, are, eight kings, thats, hu hintao, tap dancing, hey, ill give you, said, boris yeltsin, alright, shook, hu hintao, thats, hollie, riding, yellow missile, thats taiwan burning, exploding, thats washington state being attacked, those are chinese, hollie showed, u.s.s. united states, its still useable saith God, thats only, paint, said, hollie, still good, its the france, s.s. norway, thats, hollie, many ship busting, france exploded, its boiler, thats, hollie, like cartoon character, thats, duncan rouleau and his children, said, hollie, stealing the name said kim davis, Ministry of dreams, you made me embarrased, said, john mark pool, now, look, said, hollie, something, made, me, stamp, she said, with, stick, banged, pope, arose, that, said, hollie, beast rose, laughed, tear up, and, fix, it, stamp, said, hollie, that, said, polar bear, showed, the, popes image, made alive, take it, said, antichrist pope, 666 appears, the mark of the beast, said, hu hintao, thats, them, two, with, japan, signing, for, at, table, thats, pope, surrounded by fire, whatta you want said hollie, thats hegoat, charging, smiting, ram, with, pope in the middle, said, hollie, putin, hu, come out of horns, thats, many nuclear, fires, in, russia, china, hollie, showed, fighting, thats, beast, pontiff, riding black horse, said, Jesus, and, hollie, into russia, signing, getting, control, thats, china, claiming much of russia, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. striking russia, exploding, then china tries to absorb, gittem out of there, said, pope, thats, russian ruler pressing nuclear button, ten kings come out russia, thats, dragon appearing, with, pope, as, ruler, leave it alone, said, hollie, right here, points kim davis, make me, kim davis of heart fire ministries steals Ministry Of dreams, thats, rick, joyner, looking, saying, bobby, get, away, from, it, she, will, fall, soon, both, knew, kim davis wanted, thats kim davis reading, wanted to get Ministry Of Dreams and rick joyner together, they, both, are, busy in the Lord, bob would love, rick, is, both, ready, to, depart, said, Jesus, thats, rick reading, knowing, both, are, being, persecuted saith God, thats, rick joyners church on fire, thats, mexico coming out of head, hey, russia, let me, said, mexican president, made someone look, said, Jesus, thats rick joyner, looking, says, whispers to Jesus, its bob, they both, alike, thats lula, chavez, coming out, of, lighted, heads, lula rubs chin, theres kim jong, popping, out, thats, nicaragua, hu hintao, and, thats, putin-pope man, hey let me said, putin, kneeling before pontiff, its alright by me, said, pope, rick shows, his friend visions, bob, loves, biker clubs, cycles, rick, rubs, chin, let me, let me said, hollie, rule the world, said, putin, hollie, like, bear, appears, putin, appears, with, 3 ribs, in mouth, and, who, are, these, said, hollie, cuba, said, hollie, thats, missiles leaving their waters, striking, america, exploded, nuclear fireball in cuba, missiles go past cuba, strike venezuela, brazil, exploded, thats, missiles from their waters, striking u.s.a., boom, that, was, angel, in, sky, with, a face like silhouette, face started appearing, no way said smiling hollie, its pontiff, then hu hintao, appears, there, I summed it up, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, pope, appeared, thats, s.s. united states going almost 60 miles per hour, hollie, showed, dmitry medvedev, she, said, its warning, he, said, thats, subs, said, hollie, around, u.s.a., thats, cnn broadcasting, hollie showed, towers with lines coming out, henry gruver laughs, thats missile from sub, striking america, then, all, fire, america, exploded, that, was, hollie, flying in spacecraft, dropped bombs, thats, nuclear explosion in canada, thats cnn tower falling, hollie waited, then, smiled, showed, popes image, made, alive, what, did, my pope, say, said, hollie, you, want war, said, pope, thats, barack obama, shaking, yeah, he, said, that is double bladder, said, hollie, you want more visions, said, hollie, lowered, on rope, hollie, pilots, its apache, said, hollie, california, below, explodes, thats, whole east coast, subs, in, gulf of mexico, firing, hollie, lets bob, and, hollie, down, they get back in, thats, russia, Jesus, sprinkles, bear grows, angry, strikes nuclear n.a.t.o., thats, hollie, showing, the globe, many nations, exploded, thats, missiles from all, striking, russia, thats, captain hollie, in, its, ohio class agin, she said, fired, missiles, and, look, who, it, struck, hollie, said, russia, exploded, that, was, hollie, by the nuclear explosion, in, china, its magog, showed, hollie, thats her looking serious, then laughing, you dont want no more visions, thats, what your showing, us, said, hollie, with, the loose belt sound, hollie, wipes lips, its, simb, she, showed, theres, uh, submarines, right there, said, hollie, two, appeared, threatening u.s.a., now, look, said, hollie, russia, she said, hollie showed, the beast rising, she said, placed technics receiver, played, hollie sang like guns and roses, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, kim davis, you steal, hollie, said, thats kim davis smiling, you know, its, from, him, hollie, said, Jesus, appears, Ministry of dreams, kim davis removes, hollie showed, picture, pope, she, said, riding, black horse, hollie in the fire, said, that, 666 appeared, thats, pope, hu, signing for, that, said, hollie, at table, that, said, hollie, its, the, pope, appearing, with, horns, that, said, hollie, putin, and, hu, come out, of, horns, that, said, hollie, thats hegoat stomping ram, that, said, hollie, pope, in, rome, sitting in, temple, that, I said that, said, hollie, I am God, said, pontiff, they laugh, that, said, hollie, I, said, that, said, hollie, thats, it, clapped, the, tap dancers, tell the vision, hollie, shows, 1978 mercury zephyr, hollie, sits, down, with, the big, 3, executives, its labor, said, ford motor company chief, lets, git, it, outta here, moves, japan, hollie showed, turn, that, was, putin, face, appearing, on, bear, body, hollie, showed, turn, hollie stomped, showed, the, antichrist, stomped, 4-30-2009-hey its, said, hollie, smiling, I wanted said James M. Emmerling, to steal, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, he did, she said, thats James Emmerling, trembling, said, hollie, he posted, on, thats, sh shut up said allison fine, on her blog, said, Jesus, and hollie, thats James M. Emmerling being ruint and fired from job, hes janetmck, said, hollie, sh, said, janet mcknight, you wanted, to, rile, she said, bob, sh, said, janetmck, but, knows, ruint, thats janetmck showing cut off, over said janetmck, hollie, showed, record, showed, the, battle, of, armageddon, she said, the beast, and his armies, hollie, said, will be gathered to gether in, jerusalem, hollie, said, thats, china forcing russia, to, invade, israel, nuclear explosion, in, russia, and hu, hollie, said, slashed, pope, in, israel, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, said, showed, im away with it, clapped, showed, the, beast rising, theres hu, hollie, said, there, she, said, put back, tear up, rip, hollie, showed, record, thats new world order, appearing, with, sound, said, hollie, theres hu hintao, there, said, hollie, I summed it up, she, said, pope, appeared, hollie, said, there, both beasts, they, talk, laugh, lie, theres, lula, come on, give me, he, said, lula, said, hollie, signs with medvedev, thats, nicaragua, president, shaking, yes, signing, thats, chavez, wiping, face, come, on, he says, signs, thats, castrol, come, on, he said, give me, deal, said, medvedev, signs, theres, hollie, stamps, bangs hand, kim jong, thats him with chin in hand, signs, there you have it, said, hollie, theres, those eight kings in cart, pulled, by, angry, horses, babylon is fallen, said, man, america, exploded, that, pointed, hollie, its, cuba, nuked, big, fire, ball, like, nicaragua, dont destroy it, said, hollie, theres, nuclear fireball in canada, cnn tower, falls, china, thats, magog, said, the main ministering spirit, hollie, pointed, with lighted finger, now, look, hollie, said, four kings appeared, hollie leopard laughs, shows, hu hintao, hes the beast, she said, second beast, false prophet, now, look, she said, theres japan, north, south, korea, scene changes, thats putin, with a bears body, said, hollie, leave here, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, walk, hollie, showed, record, feed, said, hollie, its animals, like hollie, wearing different coat did, hollie showed, record, when the, marine corp. is out in the streets, said, Jesus, new marine corp. said hollie, its, u.s.a., economic collapse, there, said, hollie, I, summed it up, she, said, hollie showed, record, hollie, showed, sleep, this the website, post, said, hollie, and, new Ministry of Dreams website appears, hollie, appears, showed, charge batteries, hollie showed, Patrick Swayze, he got cut off, hollie, said, its, cause, sex scenes on dirty dancing, this is the vision, said, hollie, post, nuclear war, is gitton ready to come, said, hollie, go and put it on your website, I, told you to fast until death, thats the pope, said, hollie, theres hu, there, I summed it up, said, hollie, sleep, this is warning, said, hollie, post, thats Ministry of dreams website, why did you steal, said, hollie, we wanted to ruin prophet said, Louwrens Erasmus and Hettie Erasmus shook, with head in face, yeah, she said, with kim davis's voice, and James Emmerling shakes, yeah said kim, davis, now hear the word of the Lord, ill ruin and dr. jeremy taylor d.min appears, wadds, I throwuhm, he said, but in heart, trembles, show kathryn taylor and her witch, said, prophet, reverend jeremy taylor an ordained unitarian universalist minister, bobby, they both steal to ruin and kathyrn taylor, looks, laughs, but, in heart, trembles, thats kathy taylor in hellfire joined by her with tristy taylor looking, not, and her dad, jeremy taylor d.min, all, lake, said, Jesus, theres gina rose halpern in hellfire, but, all, laugh at visions, but tremble, show them, said, Jesus, for, taking the name, said, kim davis, ministry of dreams, and diana hughey appears, laughs, Lord, it made me tremble said the witch, said, Jesus, diana hughey, 6-7-2009-hollie laughs, no way, she said, thats, Charles Runser, lost, but claims unitarian universalist, saved like his reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u. who steals from christian, the God spoken, hollie said, name, ministry of dreams, thats Charles Runser and his reverend m.a. jeremy taylor d.min looking at visions, both, hey bobby its witchs said hollie, thats Charles Runser removing his meetup, looks at his rev. jeremy taylor ph.d. and thinks, why did you steal from a christian, Hey bobby I didnt take nothin, said, s.t.d. jeremy taylor (hon), now, hey its kathy said her reverend jeremy taylor ordained unitarian universalist minister, he lies said hollie, now his kathy taylor m.a. has dr. rev. jeremy taylor jungians website, thats reverend jeremy taylor m.a. removing what he stole like aafke will, after, being, ruint, cut off showed, hollie, its all international study of dreams, thats soothsaying, said, hollie, dear jeri carr, why did you place and steal prophecy ministry name and place on your website, it feels like a body your perfect size coming in, the Holy Ghost baptizm, your friends and relatives will laugh when they find out that neither jeri carr or her lovely reverend antonia vladimirova are not saved but preach for lucre and even come against Gods anointed like jeri carr and david reagan and many others he stole the God created name prophecy ministry, thats, pointed hollie, david reagan removing what he stole, prophecy ministry, you fool, said, Jesus, you are lost and promoting witchcraft like your wife kathy taylor, you witchs, saith Jesus, you will both end up, hey bobby, said, hollie, thats them, the taylors, in hell fire, up to knecks with their reverends, like, said, hollie, dr. jeremy taylor u.u., david reagan and his reverend antonia vladimirova and jeri carr, all claim to be christians, said, hollie, but, you stole, said, hollie, pointed, thats kathryn taylor, o, she said, and her husband, embarrased, saith the LOrd, bobby, they didnt, the soothsayers called the taylor, theres dr. jeremy, pointed, hollie, and her lovely, kathy, witchs, saith God, thats, said, hollie, jeri carr, you stole, hollie, said, prophecy ministry, thats jeri carr removing prophecy ministry like her reverend david reagan, they stole prophecy ministry name like many to strip it from, o I created said jeri carr, lied, to person showing vision, jeri, carr, that, its, uh, witch, said, hollie, thats the witch jeri carr removing what she stole to ruin christian prophecy ministry, now, look, said, hollie, thats subs all around america, jeri carr trembles, thats cnn broadcasting, and one sub fires, then all, thats, jeri, carr, and, all, the theives of Ministry of Dreams, in fire, jeri carr laughs in hell, there, pointed, hollie, hollie points at jeri carr in fire with thieves of the God created name ministry of dreams and prophecy ministry, theres david reagan in lava up to kneck, fire covers face, thats david reagan reading visions, tear up, said, bear, smiled, put back, hollie bear, and, hollie, snaps, fingers, this, is warning, said, hollie, slaps, hands, its people stealin, hollie, said, ministry of dreams like aafke, Jesus speaks, call it ministry of dreams, why do you claim to be a christian, God said, and, steal from my servant, and, you knew, thats, jeri carr appearing with her reverend jeremy taylor d.min and kim davis of heart fire ministries, with, many that claim salvation but steal to ruin my servant, saith the Lord, he lied, said, jeri carr, who me said doctor jeremy taylor, its bobs said rev. jeremy taylor, thats ph.d. jeremy taylor m.a. stealing ministry of dreams and now kathy taylor has s.t.d. jeremy taylor (hon) website, thats kathryn taylor m.a. removing what they stole ministry of dreams and dr. jeremy taylor who is being openly mocked in hospital, Jesus rubs chin, looks down at jungian reverend jeremy taylor, you knew, said, Jesus, I wanted to make him fall said jeremy taylor of wisdom university, thats student at wisdom university showing jim garrison visions, and dr. jim garrison hiding paper in drawer, jim garrison protects jeremy taylor, thats student writing on classroom board, type in google jeremy taylor stole the name, all students leave, the class room, of jeremy taylor who is claiming to be ordained unitarian universalist minister and gina rose halpern appears, thats student at chi writing on board, jeremy taylor steals ministry of dreams on internet from christian to ruin, hollie showed, record, stamped, and I banged uh stick, pope, rose, theres hu, hollie, said, banged, I stamped, she said, showed, both beasts, the main ministering spirit showed, record, pope, thats, the, antichrist, right there, said, hollie, pope, she said, stamped, thats the false prophet hu hintao, hollie, wrings out towel, showed, both beasts, them, hollie showed record, and I stamped, she said, up rose pope, Jesus showed, record, wiped lips, brand new economy, said, hollie, its bankrupt, showed, thumbs down, that was pope appearing, with, seven lighted heads, thats, kings popping out, we are the lighted heads, they, said, that, was, a, serpent on submarine, turned into putin, said, hollie, its, cause, im, the, beast, said, vladimir, that was jet dropping bomb, said, hollie, america, exploded, hollie looks to other side, thats russia, exploding, china exploded, thats, nations in africa, n.a.t.o., exploding, nations, thats two nuclear fires in venezuela, brazil, cuba, nicaragua, exploded, hey, ill, place it, there, said, hollie, nuclear fires in mexico, latin america, hollie, showed, record, stamped, beast arose, its pope hollie, said, hollie showed, record, you did not want it, said, hollie, playing music, stop it, said, hollie, its, stealing, and, jeri carr laughs, 7-31-2009-hollie showed, broke, put it on, he said, hollie showed, broke, clapped, and, up rose, the beast, hollie laughs, hollie showed, nunt way, she, said, dont lust womens butts, they poop out of that, it was uh dream, said, hollie dreams, claps, hollie, smiles, showed, night vision, smiles, and beast, pope rose, said, hollie, laughs, hollie stamps, theres, hu hintao, there, you have it, said, hollie, relaxing, white robe, showed, both beasts, hollie, showed, broke, hollie, showed, feed animals, wearing white robe, pope, rose, hollie, laughs, thats the marine corp. out in the streets, like angels, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, stoooop, said, hollie, but shook, yes, then, showed, im away with it, with lighted, hands, but, shook, yes, I turned around, she said, silhouette body, dull colored spine, hollie claps, hollie showed, turn, blew horn, like uh light being, hollie out, pointing down, hollie screamed, again, hollie wipes window, looks inside the titanic, sees Jesus, thats captain smith on deck, hollie, claps, titanic scrapes iceberg, sinks, hollie said, post, this is one last thing, said, hollie, showed, sleep, you need to let me record, stamped, pope rose, laughed, 8-1-2009-pope, said, hollie, and I showed, you uh picture, she said, stamped, pope, yelled, hollie, showed, picture, pope, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you uh picture, she said, pontiff, theres hu hintao, hollie, claps, record, the vision, make it plain, said, hollie, and hollie wipes lips, smiled, it was soumb, pope, said, hollie, I want that, whispered pontiff, its, russia, said rachel maddow, she, lesbian, but, cute, put it under, watch the rachel maddow show and see what a witch looks like, thats rachel maddow smiling looking at the, tell, said, Jesus, thats rachel maddow squirting, master, bating, her and her, witch, said, the LOrd, lover, thats pope riding black horse, russia exploded, pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, hu hintao, tear up, said, hollie, snapped fingers, said, tada, had silhouette body, white spine, hollie claps, hollie showed, turn, pope, said, hollie, snapped fingers, riding black horse into moscow, exploded, thats him signing, getting control, iraq, said, hollie, and, Jesus, and he saw, said, hollie, captain hollie, surfaced, its akula agin thats what you needed, said, hollie, and, hollie aims, fires, theres, two nuclear fires in gaza, hollie turns, aims, fires, iraq burns, hollie, showed, record, and, I, stamped, she said, pope rose, hollie laughed, that, said, hollie, was missiles flying, subs prowling oceans, thats, hollie, showed, and, I stamped, she said, country burning, thats nuclear fireball in cuba, missiles flying over top, striking venezuela and nicaragua, thats, missiles leaving their waters, its uh submarine, said, hollie, striking u.s.a., exploded, thats hands showing, georgetown road sign exploding, you need to record, said, hollie, hollie, appears, that, smiled, hollie, that, was, hollie, like cartoon character, thats duncan rouleau, people stealin, said, hollie, showed, ministryofdreams, or ministry of dreams, either way, remove said hollie, and he saw, said, casey, man, that, steals, the God spoke, said, Jesus, ministryofdreams, laughs when written, but hes hidding, ashamed, in heart, i steal it he said, hey bobby its on a dating service said, Jesus, use that person that owns that dot com since she knew to strip, ruin, she said, thats Jesus, wiping lips, woman removes, that, was, the sound of horses, thats, hu hintao, on red horse, thats, hollie, riding, missile, taiwan burns, thats, hu turning red horse, thats, china attacking washington state, thats little terrorists war, thats american soldiers repelling, here it is, said, Jesus, thats submarines, hollie looks, from high in air, that, said, hollie, showed, windmill, hollie laughs, that, said, hollie, thats, america exploding, from, its akula agin, thats what you need said, hollie, and hollie laughs, watching on cnn, thats, hollie showing windmill, it makes electricity, one windmill, thats, and he saw, said, casey, windmill spinning fast, makes enough electricty to, thats a shopping mall, lit up, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, go back, she said, drink, said, hollie, thats, hollie drinking wearing coat, its uh, she said, that, 64 ounce mug, hollie drinks, plad coat, that, said, hollie, I wish you wouldntve done that, said, hollie, thats, the tap dancer, stop, said, hollie, acting like micki mooney, website, said, hollie, you have uh decision, said, the tap dancer, hollie, thats, pope, hu hintao, hollie shows, there you have it, with robe, relaxed, both beasts, hollie stamps, website, said, post, said, two hollies, write the vision, said, hollie, thats, the little horn, she said, pope inside, thats, stick, stamping, pope rose, laughed, website, said, post, hollie, said, website, said, post, hollie, said, and, I stamped, beast, rose, laughed, this is warning, said, hollie, hollie blew horn, like light thing, hollie out, pointing, down, pope rose, laughs, website, said post, said, hollie, showed with a big hand whale wars, turn, white hand, this is warning, one last time, said, hollie, bobby, said, hollie, this is website, post, thats, new ministry of dreams website, dont steal said, hollie other websites appeared like, thats prophecy ministry website, thats world prophecy center, end time prophetic ministry website, like partial silhouette, then, hollie said, no nunt uhh, thats, prophecy ministry website, hollie claps, o God said, Jesus, theres your vampire, hollie laughs, showed, with big hand, whale wars, its paul watson, hollie claps, thats alarie salome, said, hollie, and hollie wipes lips, its simb, south korea said, hollie, exploded, thats, pointed, hollie, nuclear fireball in cuba, hand points, hollie saw, nuclear explosion in venezuela, theres two, she said, hollie showed, thumbs, its overcoming church, all, said, the LOrd, hollie showed, silhouette, body, pointed, lighted, finger, hollie showed, broke, tell the vision, said, hollie, and, hollie claps, hollie, wipes lips, it was, she said, hollie shows soumb, hollie screamed, this is uh website, said, hollie, and he saw it, said casey, ministry of dreams and prophecy ministry websites appears, hollie pops out, look at that, she said, with the action sound, hollie claps, it the beast with seven heads, and ten horns, its, pope, said hollie, on top, thats kings appearing on toes, theres hu hintao, thats castrol, hugo, lula, kim jong, nicaragua, putin, there you have it, showed, hollie, seven heads, hollie showed, pioneer sx-680 stereo reciever, buy one she said, thats power meters moving, hollie dream claps, smiles, let me, she said, smiles, bob it was uh dream, she said, saw stereo receiver with power meters, hollie dream claps, shows, one, hi, said, hollie, showed, silhouette body, lighted hands, hi, said, hollie, hollie tore up, put back, rip, she said, hands, dull yellow, 8-2-2009-submarines are right there, said, hollie, now, look, surfaced, its akula again, said, hollie, thats, what you want, she said, fired, two cruise missiles, and, look who it struck, said, hollie, thats the palestinian state burning, thats iraq burning, and the israeli president appearing, let bibi said Ehud Olmert, thats ben netanyahu with nuclear button, lets press, he said, no, said, hollie showed, record, and I stamped, she said, nuclear fire appears, thats hollie watching t.v., laughing, thats oceans, appearing, hollie laughs, and, submarines, around america, this is broadcast said cnn man, thats sub firing, coastal state exploding, then all fired, hollie laughs, america, both coasts, went up, said, Jesus, thats, subs, showering, america with, its thermo nukes, said, hollie, appears with lighted hand, this the website, post, said, hollie, showed, get laptop out, beast, arose, thats, pontiff, said, hollie, thats seven branches coming out, we are the seven heads, said, the seven heads, like little heads, with faces, hollie showed, record, the marine corp., said, hollie, like, little angels out in the street, u.s.a., hollie, there, I stamped, she said, hollie does something, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie, said, post, thats, lighted, bear paws, hollie like silhouette, tear up, put back, rip, but, hands, hollie shakes, no, then yes, showed, away with, but then, yes, then no and yes, away with it, hollie claps, hollie appears, stamps, pope, rises, laughed, star wars some, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, pope appeared, next picture, hu hintao, there you have it, bobby, said, hollie, relaxed, white robe, both beasts, thats, pope rising, laughs, that was putin popping out of one of the seven heads, and, hugo chavez, lula, castrol, kim jong, nicaragua, mexico, thats, the, seven heads, theres hintao, hollie relaxes, there you have it, she showed, with big hand, ten, horns, hollie claps, thats, putin, medvedev, walking out, of, its ruling party, after I ruin your body I will then throw you away, no said, hollie, stamped, hollie claps, shows hollie, hollie dream claps, bob it was uh dream, she said, claps, smiles, bob was at church, bob speaks with woman, bob tells her biblical secrets, woman tells bob that pastor is hard hearing, bob goes inside, they speak about babylon, bob tells the woman that is ISAIAH 13, the day of the Lord, bob tells woman he writes book about MYSTERY, BABYLON, woman smiles, bob tells hes seen all in visions, that, beast with seven heads and ten horns, bob mentions other things, like horse riders, who rode the black horse, who rode the red horse, bob tells woman that the rider of red horse is interesting, cause hu attacked taiwan, and hu turned his red horse around and attacked washington state, a little war going on there, using terrorists, bob, hollie dreams claps, works, for old employer, sees, old boss, walks, a picture was drawn of don eby, man asks about, bob tells, that man right there, bob walks, finishs time, hollie appears, bob, sees, red, horse, it was a uh dream, said, hollie dream, claps, smiles, red horse and rider, said, Jesus, hu hintaos face comes out of riders face, hollie laughs, that was, she said, like uh wolf, a, sh, said, hollie, that was, she said, satan, appears, like, a, fiery, face, wolf, man, and, what was satan going to tell, said, hollie, sh, she said, im the bear father, said, hollie, and wolf, talks, and Jesus, pops out, hollie laughs, it was, she said, sh, Jesus, but, you call him, sh, said, hollie, satan, said, many, 8-3-2009-look, said, hollie, its James Briscoe, said, hollie, hes stealin, she said, there, I stamped, hollie, said, prophecy ministry, hollie shows, hollie shows, ill put it there on the bravenet page, post, word, it appears, said, hollie, thats, the reverend, James w. Briscoe showing cut off, you ruint said James Briscoe, thats James w. Briscoe looking at his name on the internet for taking and stealing the God created prophecy ministry like david reagan, theives said, Jesus, hollie puts back, opens, up, shows ministry of dreams, thats James Briscoe looking at ministry of dreams, thats Jesus speaking, call it ministry of dreams, people steal, said, hollie, thats jenny donati claiming to be leticia yoo, donati, who is tish, said, hollie, of, the paliban daily, and, jean p. who is jean poole who claims to be sarah pali and sarah palin stealing the God spoke ministryofdreams, jenny donati claims christianity and has many alias names, thats, witch, said, Jesus, mike daniels and jenny donati and jean p. looking at their names on the internet, thats spiritual warfare saith the Lord, exposing false christians like reverend rev. jeremy taylor ordained unitarian universalist minister and kathy taylor m.a. for stealing ministry of dreams, hollie shows, they, ruin, words, appeared, themselves, hey bobby said doctor jeremy taylor d.min, showed, lots of money, showed internantional study of dreams, I made my money said rev. jeremy taylor ph.d., s.t.d. (hon), but, now people mock their dr. jeremy taylor (hon) for claiming to, yeah ill be saved, said, ph.d. jeremy taylor u.u., but witch said Jesus, never will, and kathy taylor swallows, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor of starr king school for the ministry in the lake of fire with his kathy taylor, then all the thieves, of God spoke, said, Jesus, ministryofdreams appear in fire, thats diana hughey, kim davis, john sawyer, john mark pool, diana hughey, thats leticia yoo, jenny donati, leticia donati, jean poole, jean p., thats hollie showing all the paliban daily in the lake of fire, thats bob looking at antonia vladimirova and jean p. in fire, both smile, git outta here said rev. antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation, shes uh witch, said, hollie, this is hollie with that, o loose belt soumb, thats reverend james briscoe trembling, knows hes lost, stealing prophecy ministry from christian, its to ruin said hollie, showed, hey bob, said, hollie, put this on, showed, do not copy prophecy ministry, or, do not copy world prophecy center, do not copy ministry of dreams, or, alter in any way, said, hollie, do not copy end time prophetic ministry, there you have it said hollie, hollie claps, shows, its, a, night vision, let me smiles, marie, claps, shows, beast rising, and who is it, said, hollie, let me, said, hollie dream, its, pontiff, this is uh website said, hollie, and hollie plays music, you did not want me, hollie said, I got uh warning, bobby, said, Jesus, hollie, laughs, posts on laptop, hollie stamped, pope arose, laughed, hollie stamps, hu hintao rose, hollie shows picture, pope, laughs, submarines are approaching, said, hollie, now look, she said, stamped, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now look, hollie said, stamped, sub surfaced, its akula, its what you need said, hollie, stamped, and what did my akula do, for, said, hollie, now, look, hollie, said, hollie aims, fires, thats, gaza destroyed, burning, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats, pope, rising, hollie stamps, laughs, thats hollie stamping, with stick, snapping fingers, that was another hollie, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, the marine corp., said, Jesus, and prophecy ministry like dim yellow silhouette face appears, then normal face, but different website, its end time prophetic ministry, stamped, hollie, thats Father, its uh pioneer, said, hollie, steam locomotive, turning into, hollie, thats, hollie horn blowing, its, like, said, hollie, whew, thats, said, hollie, star trek phaser, its, simb, said, hollie, now, look, she said, I stamp, she, said, pope rose, hollie, laughs, thats, her having popes face, mask, on, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im thru, with lighted hands, this is decision, said, hollie, lets post, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, thats, hollie surfacing, its akula, thats what you want, said, hollie, thats hollie, sub aimed, hollie looks, thats two missiles fired, thats gaza burning, exploding, this is warning, said, hollie, this is the website, lets, post, said, hollie, thats many websites appearing, thats prophecy ministry like dull yellow, silhouette face, its the alome salome, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, it was simb, she said, soumb, said, sandy, hollie, said, post, new website appears, tell james you are to late james briscoe said the Lord, you need to record, said, hollie, showed, its uh song, she said, radar love, still liked, and I stamped, said, hollie, we want you back here tomorrow, showed, geese, circled, glendale, said, hollie, thats the beast with the geese, pope, said, hollie, 8-4-2009-ministryofdreams.freeservers, said, Marcus Grodi, hey bobby, hes uh witch, said, hollie, put it under, thats, their reverend, the pope, I am God, he said, sh, said, hollie, dont tell, their witchs, hollie, said, put it under, hollie, said, dont go to catholic, thats people worshipping, their God, pope, hollie, and the Lord, said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, stamped, thats, pope, rising, laughing, with hollies voice, hollie stamps, up rises, hu hintao, there, said, hollie, stamped, again, thats emporer of japan, hollie shows blank picture, stamps, then slashed pope, appears, hollie stamps, hollie, stamps, again, thats, happy pope rising, laughing, this is uh warning, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays music, you dont want me, hollie said, come on, said, hollie, showed, eat, and, I, stamped, hollie, said, up rose happy pope, tear up, red hands, i cant fix it, he said, put back, tear, this is website some, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, beast rising, theres that alarie sound, said, hollie, its saleem, hollie said, and, pope, hollie said, stamps, rose, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now, look, hollie, said, surfaced, its, akula again, said, hollie, thats, what, you needed, hollie said, and, hollie aims, fires, gaza exploded, look said, hollie, showed, popes picture, then beast with seven heads and ten horns, and action simb, thats pope on top, hollie showed, record, bam, she said, I stamped, she said, and, pope, hollie, said, rose, hollie shows jerusalem temple, and, Derek Jefferson, appears, thats johnny james talking with dyed hair, and hollie showed, post, thats, geese circling, we want you back here, goose said, tomorrow, it appeared, said, hollie, showed, the word, pope, said, hollie, stamped, thats geese circling showing popes picture, website, said, post, hollie, said, and hollie, wipes, lips, showed, the, journey home, its its ewtn, hollie shows man who has show looking the God spoke, he said, Ministry of Dreams, and, antichrist pope appears, gabriel flew the helicopter, california below exploded, said, hollie, thats hollie lowered on rope, gabriel flys copter, hollie shows, sleep, I got uh wanring, said, hollie, you will see it on the television said gabriel, thats hollie laughing, watching, its cnn, she said, thats subs, around u.s.a., on fires, california exploded, then all, hollie points, thats missile, hollie said, many, americas coasts explode, then up the middle, boom, let me, said, hollie dream, smiles, bob was at place where, they were gathered, let me, said, hollie, dream, people eating, before, service, Jesus, shows, cut off, dont, they were going to thomas griffiths, church, bob, sees, leakey, roof, inside, house, makes, bed, wet, bob, looks, at, walks, thru, roof, leaking, hollie tattood 666, she, said, thats, pope, hu, japan, signing, at table, heres, the warning, said, hollie, 8-5-2009- will you mock me the LOrd and get away with it, jenny donati, watch your little delusion world come tumbling down, its jean poole, now wanting you to move out, say good bye to your free ride, you little blaspheme speaking devil, thats why I sent to you about boils, so you would come against me the LOrd, and you have, now watch jenny donati who claims to be leticia yoo, donati, come falling down, home, pointed, circled, geese, and, pope, rose, riding black horse, russia, exploded, flatter, said, pontiff, signs, gets control of the arsenal, said, Jesus, I have uh decision, to make, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, you want uh vision, said, hollie, thats hollie, lowered on rope, gabriel flys helicopter, california below exploded, hollie showed, both coasts in america on fire, hollie, laughs, watching, t.v., hollie claps, thats subs firing, america exploded, hollie lowered he, said, on rope, its most, said, hollie, america exploding below, gabriel flys copter, thats massive explosion in center of said hollie, thats missiles coming from oceans claps, hollie, hollie tore, up, put back, rip, she, said, with hands, this the website, post, those, visions, said, hollie, record my, vision, said, its, doll, said, jenny donati, prophesying, jenny donati steals the God spoken, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, mocks bob using doll, thats doll, showing judgment to the world, doll, said, theres jenny donati, doll, telling her that she is cut off, said, hollie, and jean poole shakes yes, we know it, paliban daily, jean p. says, hollie claps, hollie showed, turn, again, with big white hand, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now look, she said, surfaced, two, its akula again, thats what you wanted, hollie said, hollie, showed, record, and, I, stamped, hollie, said, beast arose, hollie comes from behind, hollie stamps, bangs, stick, hu hintao, appears, thats geese circling, bobby, we want you right here, pointed, circled, geese, showed popes picture, hollie showed, picture, its pope, hollie blew horn, like light hollie, out hollie pointing, serious look, again, thats geese circling, pointing down, bobby, we want you right here, geese said, circled, showed, popes picture, hollie surfaced, its akula agin, thats, what, you, needed, said, hollie, and, hollie, aims, fires, two missiles, look, who I struck, hollie said, gaza burns, hollie turned his submarine around, its, akula, agin, hollie, said, fired, thats iraq burning, hollie, showed, sleep, its the star trap soumb, said, hollie, space, the final frontier, she said, let me, said, hollie dream, smiled, bob runs thru downtown, nake, woman, leeds him to room, bobs with president, ruler, its medvedev, happy, hollie dream, said, of russia, they talked, agreed, lets instal pope, thats russian president calling pope, bob says, lets instal, him, medvedev calls, pope opens like icebox door, but is also storage, like closet, metal, door, to refridgerator, hollie dream smiled, let me, bob calls, out the new world order nations, thats the seven heads and ten horns, nations, kings, its ISAIAH 13, cart, kings, its the seven heads, bob says, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, north korea, venezeula, brazil, as pope loads his stuff in small refridgerator, bob, says, you wont keep your friends long if you dont take better care of them then this, bob says to medvedev, they love, each, talking about not providing more better to pope, pope doesnt speak with bob, he looks like angel of light in dark robe, it has uh stripe around it, hollie said, white, hollie dream smiles, it was uh dream, she clapped, bob knew he had God inside, worried about blasphemy, it was medvedev there, bob know in heart, installing, pope, is, not against, me, said, the LOrd, but, the end, no, more, people willing to serve, next, said, hollie, thats medvedev kneeling before pontiff, le me, he said, alright, shakes, pope, rule the world, thats geese circling, showed, right here, glendale, pope appears, loose belt some, said, hollie, hands press pope handle down, let me, said, hollie dream, that was hollie flying in f-22 raptor, thats radar blinking, thats hollie in f-117 stealth fighter jet, radar blinks, but less, thats hollie in stealth bomber, radar, rarely blinks, thats, hollie dropping bombs, america exploded, hollie, flew propellar airplane, like little one, that, hollie showed, look, said, hollie, I warned you, said, Jesus, this is uh warning, one last time, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, it was simb, she, said, hollie points, record, the vision, hollie, said, wiped lips, 8-6-2009-you loved mocking a christian, but I the LOrd let christian to find out your names, pastor mike daniels will reveal to people for a deal that I the LOrd will not keep, you see I strong delusion those that are lost like you, you will perish, theres a vision of jean poole of the paliban daily in the lake of fire, then jenny donati, the witch appears, then, reverend, its, mike daniels, you will all perish, so go ahead and post on the paliban daily your witchcraft, show me something, but Im laughing right now at your calamity, you will cry, those two russian subs, its right on ministry of dreams, when two russian subs approach mexico, and we saw, said, casey, both, fire, u.s.a., exploded, now tremble jean, you can not be, saved, I wont save any of you, heres how big of liars you both are, one day its on the paliban daily website, jenny claims she is beign stalked, then, its, l, leticia, go on living with your lies, but, people will find out, and get you, out of their lives, hate you for this, its coming jean poole, and he saw, said, casey, jean poole being shown visions, o so you stole ministryofdreams said woman that smiling jean poole works with, put it on bobby, this is going on ministry of dreams, jean poole of the paliban daily, is a witch, said, hollie, thats Martin J. Clemens, said, hollie, hes, the new thief of the God spoken, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, Martin Clemens, hey bobby, its uh witch, said, hollie, leave them, alone, till they be exposed, thats Martin J. Clemens wife showing visions, he, trembles, removes, and withdraws from paliban, it was jean poole that stole ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, for jenny donati, both are witchs saith the LOrd, thats jenny poole stealing the God spoke ministry of dreams jean donati, that are both poole and donati, witchs, saith the LOrd, both steal ministry of dreams from christian, like Martin J. Clemens, ruin is what they want, hollie, showed, record, stamped, pope rose, hollie, laughs, stamps, hollie showed, record, and I stamped, she said, pope rose, hollie came from behind, thats geese circling, showed, right here, circled, tomorrow, word, said, hollie, it, appeared, geese circled, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, she, said, beast rose, laughed, tear up, said, hollie, with hands, put back, tear, to side, danced, its pope, showed, tada, said, hollie, tap danced, tada, showed, pope, said, hollie, im him, said, pontiff, I am God, words, it appeared, showed, hollie, submarines are right there, said, hollie, its, akula agin, that, what you need, hollie, said, and, captain hollie, surfaces, aims, fires, thats, two nuclear explosions in gaza, hollie, snaps, fingers, you want more, hollie, said, lowered, on, the rope, said, hollie, gabriel, pilots, helicotper, thats, california below exploding, which is the palestinian state, said, hollie, its, gaza, thats, ben, netanyahu, pressing, said, Jesus, button, iraq burns, thats, submarine, sorry, its, soumb, said, hollie, thats, hollie, at, pentecostal assemblies of the world convention, its in atlanta, this is uh warning, said, hollie, stamped, pope rose, I am God, he said, and I stamped, said, hollie, hollie showed with big hand, lighted, but off color, this the website, post, said, hollie, stamped, pope rose, laughed, thats a two horned, beast, hollie, said, with hu and japan, coming out, of horns, hollie showed, popes picture, 8-7-2009-you are a witch and im about to post visions of seeing jean poole and jenny donati and mike daniels in the lake of fire, and then all looking, they are allready recorded, saith the LOrd, Martin J. Clemens saith the LOrd, is a, witch, said, hollie, jean poole is Martin Clemens, post it, said, Jesus, they are the lying paliban daily, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, thats, the, geese circling, with popes picture, geese points down, circles, bobby, we want you, geese said, home, said, derek, Jefferson, back here, said, geese, circled, thats hollie, like, amber, colored, she said, silhouette, eyes look out, showing popes pciture, tear up, put back, but not the right way, said, hollie, rip, hollie showed, turn, let me do it agin, said, hollie, thats what people want, their youth, said, hollie, back, hollie, stamps, pope rises, smiling, like angel, man, thats two russian subs approaching mexico, its akula, agin, thats what you needed, said, hollie, hollie watches from air, thats them firing, america exploded, world shakes, and pope rises, in atmosphere, hollie showed, thumbs down, its urban ministry, thats the reason, said, hollie, tap dances, thats him wanting lucre, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, again, hollie showed, record, showed, the, pontiff, im the beast, pope said, thats, seven heads, and ten horns, hollie stamps, thats mexico, president, cuba, venezuela, brazil, nicaragua, thats, russia and china, there you have it, said, hollie, hollie showed, with big hand, ten horns, thats putins face in horn, right here, circled, geese, glendale, tomorrow, said, geese and hollie, all circled, they pulled, hollie in, angel showed, turn, angel, showed explosion, gene b. glick, hollie, said, building, hollie pointed, submarine said, now look, said, hollie, and, captain hollie aims, thats two nuclear fires in, the palestinian state, hollie played the music, you did not want me, he said, thats jean poole in the lake of fire, said, hollie, then, l appears there in fire, its jenny donati, theres paliban dailys mike daniels in hellfire, thats them all looking, thats, jean poole calling, look here she says, to pastor mike daniels, thats their reverend soothsayer dr. jeremy taylor d.min appearing, its for stealing ministry of dreams said, jeremy taylor u.u., in dark suit in lava, kathy taylor appears in fire with taylor, both, witchs, saith the Lord, hell is for you pointed the Lord, thats hu hintao riding red horse, licking prophet, hollie rides yellow missile, taiwan exploded, he told, thats hollie being interviewed, hollie said, he said you would fight me, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, she said, pope rose, hollie comes from behind, then, sees, hu hintao, there, you have it, showed, hollie, both beasts, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, its drawing, look, said, hollie, showed, hu hintao, then emporer of japan, pictures, drawings, hollie in robe, reclined, she said, whats that, said, hollie, showed, popes, slashed, drawing, its cause hes the idol shepherd, hollie, said, there you have it, she, said, three kings rise in persia, thats, said, hollie, the first hollie showed, then, second, hollie showed, with yellow hands, then third, appears, im back, if you want me, he said, clapped, hollie showed, with big hand, economic collapse, hollie said, post, submarines are coming, said, hollie, with, hollie, wipes lips, thats subs approaching america, one, fired, then, all, thats, both american coasts exploding, hollie laughs watching on t.v., then middle of america exploded, hollie showed, turn, lighted finger, hollie showed, record, and, I stamped, she, said, beast arose, laughed, hollie appears, hollie showed, turn, 8-8-2009-stop, said, hollie, acting, like, its, she showed, micki, mooney, thats the penguins, circling, eye, appears, showed, here, with, hey bobby, its, them, said, Jesus, right here tommorrow, thats, geese, circling, geese winked, pope rose, laughed, hollie comes from back, let me, said, hollie, pope rose, laughing, hollie goes back behind, laughs, hollie showed, with, big hand, economic collapse, u.s.a., that was Jesus, said, hollie, stamped, she said, pope rose, hollie laughs, no wait uh minute, said, hollie, thats hollie showed laughing, and, new hollie appears, shows, that, he said, pope appears, hollie showed, laughs, new hollie appears, loose belt some, said, hollie, look, she said, pope rose, then, hu hintao, hollie stamps, emporer of japan, thats slash, pontiff, there you have it, showed, hollie, stamped, three, kings shall rise in persia, hollie, waited, record, she, said, pope rose, hollie wiped lips, and, I stamped, she said, pope rose again, thats not the pontiff, said, hollie, its, Jesus, like pope, hollie claps, new jerusalem coming down, said, hollie, like glass city on platter, hollie screams, tell me what om screamin, for, hollie, said, was quiet, then started to scream, quiet, clapped, hollie showed, turn, hollie screamed, hollie showed, record, pope rose, then I stamped, she said, hollie stamps, thats penguins circling, here, showed, one, tomorrow, cicrled, hollie claps, lowered, on rope, you want me, he said, gabriel flys copter, hollie laughs, watching cnn, thats, subs around america, showering it with, hey bobby, its thermo nukes, said, hollie, and hollie, laughs, both coasts explode, then middle exploded, website said, post, said, hollie, pointed with lighted finger, silhouette body, then, face in, partial, back, out, then in, clap, hollie showed, record, that, was, hollie like a bear, said, hollie, tear up, said, hollie bear, it was him, she said, this is what I want, hollie claps, putin appears, hollie showed, record, lighted hollie, stamps, pope rises, hollie showed, record, showed popes picture, hot water for hollie, with, with sound, and hollie like bear appears, hollie claps, shaft points, hollie showed, with big hand, hey bobby, said, hollie, its whale wars, hollie shows thumbs down, hollie played the music, they did not want me, hollie said, geese circled, winked, down, showed, penguin, hollie showed, record, showed, with hand, that, he said, pioneer sx-434 stereo reciever, its, excellent, there said Jesus, hollie like smiling vampire, put back, tear, popes picture, appears, then hollie shows pictures, both beasts, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, pontiff, hollie smiles, thats geese circling, pointing, bobby, we want you right here, one said, pointed with fin, hollie like vampire, shows whale wars, its abomination, stopping people from working, eating, thats hollie eating whale, hollie, showed, bob, go, thats, hollie drinking coffee, its the alome suhno, said, hollie, hollie wipes lips, it was simb, said, sandy, bob, said, hollie, licked lips, hollie showed, record, grecia is pope, said, hollie, and, hollie appears, thats, king of grecia, with hu, its pope, said, hollie coming out of horns, they are the ram, hollie said, showed, eat, 8-9-2009-hollie appears, theres your, said, Jesus, hollie appears, like vampire, and, I, stamped, hollie, said, hollie pointed, like light thing, and, I, stamped, hollie, said, up rose, pope, hollie showed, war, said, pontiff, with, the voice of hu hintao, hollie showed picture, its pontiff, then, hollie stamped, peace and safety is that right there, said, hollie, and, Jesus, its bush, gorbachev appearing, on ship, signing, start one, words, showed, hollie, appeared, now, look, said, hollie, stamped, she, said, out flew dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, pope appears, then, putin, thats pope coming out of putins horn, let me give you uh warning, said, hollie, stamped, thats, president of mexico appearing, hollie stamps without stick, cuba, thats, castrol, thats hugo, lula, hollie shows arms, theres hintao, thats, the, dragon, said, hollie, it appeared, hollie stamps, theres nicaraguan president, hollie beats, theres kim jong, there you have it, said, hollie, the, beast with seven heads and ten horns, theres, putin, with ten crowns, horns, on, head, door opens on one, thats, pope coming out, its medvedevs horn, hollie did the washing, jobs gone from america, thats the beast, said, hollie, its pope, look, said, hollie, thats bob, she, said, going to church, hollie showed appears, showed, that, he said, its the antichrist, hollie showed, said, pope, that, hollie showed, said, hollie showed appears, stamps, he said, but only, clapped, thats the second hollie showed, and, first, all three, this the website, post more vision, said, hollie, tap dancing, with eight kings that will rise against america, hollie claps, like, light, being, theres, mexico, president, dressed nice, smiles, but, shows, no way, but signs, its uh deal, said, medvedev, this the website, lets post, said, hollie, and, little head, hollie appears, pope pops out, hollie, shows, 1963 chevrolet impala, thats it spinning rear tires, see that, said, hollie, chrysler used to make engines there, now, its uh wasteland, said, hollie, and hollie claps, put back, tear, up, then, brought hands together, thats sealing it, thats president of amsted reading email, hollie showed, time, hollie showed, new jerusalem like glass city, appeared, many times, hollie claps, lets rule the world, said, putin, La Grange, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, showed, fist, billy gibbons off zz top, thats other hippy, they love rock and roll, scene explodes, hollie showed, record, and, I stamped, he, said, beast rose, laughs, hollie showed, no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, then, showed, im thru, then, thru, but yes, with lighted hands, hollie showed, turning point family center, thumbs down, hollie showed, Jesus showed, record, 8-10-2009-bobby, nooooo, screamed, hollie, stop, quit it, hollie, said, acting like jean poole, hollie showed, why did you steal ministry of dreams, hollie, said, Lord I didnt take it said ashamed jean poole, it was witch, jean poole said, thats, showing jenny donati, my dauther said jean poole, thats jean poole purchasing, letting jenny donati use her server, then writing christian and calling him retard, thats her, said, hollie, jean poole reading visions, shes witch, said, hollie, iraq said kid, and, he, saw, said, hollie, two nuclear fires, in, its gaza, hollie said, then, hollie turns, and aims, iraq burns, thats benjamin netanyahu pressing nuclear button, this is the website, lets post, said, hollie, wiped, lips, hollie stamps, pope rises, smiling, it was simb, said, hollie, thats geese circling, we want you back here bob, one said, pointed, with, fin, hollie geese appears, circled, hollie, tore up, put back, with hands, tear, then danced, tada, she, said, and, pope, hollie, said, appears, hollie walks from behind, this is hollie tearing up the concious, she said, hollie, throws it up in the air, watches, loose belt some, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, lighted hand, hollie showed, laptop, post, record, said, hollie, stamped, and, up, rose, hollie, laughed, this the website, lets post, more, said, two, hollies, one, stamped, up rose, pope, then, stick, appears, up rises hu hintao, hollie shows popes picture, tear up, put back, hollie snaps, fingers, but, lighted, hands, did not put back, right way, rip, hollie stamps, and up, rose, pontiff, hollie showed, thats, said, hollie, many ministry of dreams website, appearing, thats new one, like silhouette face, then hollies face, then, back, in, out, website said post, said, crowd, of hollies, thats the hand of gordon brown pressing nuclear button out of burning britain, thats captain hollie in vanguard class submarines, all have captain hollie, different, firing missiles, russia burns, hollie showed neck line slimmer, it, works, hollie showed, thats not no website, said, hollie, thats geese circling, she said, bobby, we want you right here, pointed geese with fin, glendale, tomorrow, circled, I dont want my name stolen said prophecy ministry website, thats the ministry of dreams website talkin, dont steal, said hollie, or, thats, and he saw, said, casey, angry Jesus, appearing, call it Ministry Of dreams, said, Jesus, bob, prayed, look, said, hollie, showed, pope, appeared, hollie, stamps, up rises, laughing, hey bobby its me, said, hollie, acting like pope hollie said, hollie screams, hollie screamed, again, 8-11-2009-no, shook, hollie, but then, shakes, yes, but, then, showed, no way, shook, head, I turned, around, said, hollie, clapped, thats beast, said, hollie, pope, riding, the black, horse, she said, and moscow, it, pointed, hollie, exploded, flatter me, ies, said, pope, hollie showed, popes picture, new ministry of dreams up, new ministry of dreams down, clapped, hollie, that, said, hollie, showed, the popes picture, said, sissy, that, said, hollie, showed, cut off, its, the paliban daily, said, jenny donati, that, said, hollie, showed, jean poole, smiling, laughing, but, in heart, trembling, that, said, hollie, show the witchs, said, the LOrd, what they have done, stole, the God spoke, said, the Lord, that, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, that, said, hollie, showed, it, God spoke, she said, that, said, hollie, showed, cut off, walk, thats, that, said, hollie, bob walking, that, said, hollie, lets post more, thats, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, pope rising, hes, thats jenny donati acting like leticia yoo, that, said, hollie, thats, pontiff, riding, its, the black horse, that, said, hollie, russia, exploded, that, said, hollie, showed, cut off, drink, thats, pope, going to, hey bobby, said, hu hintao, that, said, hollie, its war, said, both, that was Jesus, in, hollie, smiling, talking, happy, and, Jesus, the Father, appearing, said, hollie, like, Light Man, and, I stamped, said, hollie, wiped lips, thats, Jesus, acting, like, pope, then, pontiff, appears, hollie stamps, up rose hu hintao, there, you have it, bobby, thats, hollie, dressed like King, both beasts, theres pictures, of, its, hey bobby, its, said, hollie, both beasts, hu and pontiff, hollie showed, record, stamps, and, scene appears, thats, pope, riding, black horse, that, said, hollie, russia exploded, that, said, hollie, showed, go, thats, flatter him, said, pontiff, signing, getting control, thats, hollie, showing, dont steal it, she, said, ministry of dreams, call it, said, Jesus, Ministry Of Dreams, spoke and created, thats theives of ministryofdreams looking at visions, thats, hollie on rope, lowered, helicopter flown by angel, waved, california and whole west coast exploded, below, you want me bobby, said, hollie, you do, he said, clapped, smiled, that, was, Jesus, coming, said, hollie, and, subs, below, all around america, that, said, hollie, exploded, hollie laughs watching on t.v., brand new website is up, said, hollie, with Jesus, inside, its, and, he saw, this, said, casey, new Ministry of dreams website, its, bobs, that, was, said, hollie, lighted, pope, tear up, then, hollie appears, prophesy, said, Jesus, and, say, jean poole is cut off, said, hollie, thats jenny donati, poole, swallowing, its what I want said, leticia yoo, donati, poole, who is jenny donati, poole, prophesy and say jean poole is the one that stole ministry of dreams, said, hollie, and the LOrd, Jesus, thats, their reverends antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation and dr. jeremy taylor with ministry of dreams stolen on their websites, kathy taylor swallows, hollie showed, nuclear explosion, hollie spins world, showed, many countries burning, thats, captain, hollie, in, her, its akula agin, thats, what you need, said, hollie, fired, thats, two nuclear fires, in, gaza, hollie turns, aims, fires, iraq, explodes, thats, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats subs prowling oceans, its, on, t.v., said, hollie, thats, america, surrounded by, its akula agin that what you need, said, hollie, they fired, hollie laughs, watching cnn, thats americas coasts exploding, thats the middle exploding, world shaking, thats sixth seal opening, thats sun and moon being blocked by smoke, thats sun with hand on bible, showing, he wouldnt let me, said, moon, sun, they, hugged Jesus, hollie, one more war said Jesus, thats casey showing iraq, gaza, nuclear fires, its, thats, bush, grunting, showing, it, was, iraq, war, breaking, said president bush, grunting, stealing, are oil wells, grunts, the dictator, said, the LOrd, its, president, george, bush, both, thats oil wells burning, hollie showed, popes picture, im the beast, said, pontiff, thats seven kings appearing, theres mexico smiling, castrol, shaking yes, hugo, chavez, not, dreading, lula, same, thats nicaragua, shaking yes, agreeing, thats medvedev, uh deal, he said, thats hintao, showing, I dont want it, kim jong, thats kim pressing nuclear button, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, south korea, thats missile leaving russia, hollie rides, north korea exploded, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie shows, pope, going to, russia, riding black horse, thats chinese invasion of russia, drive them outta there, said, pope, thats hegoat with pope in middle, and ram with putin, hu, coming out of horns, thats, hegoat charging, stomping ram, thats, hollie dressed, nice, showing, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, thats, two horned beast, with hu, japan, coming out of horns, thats them rising, lets withstand this, thats pope and hu with japan signing, its peace treaty, said hollie, 666 at table, thats pontiff laughing, them lying threatening, leaving, going to their own countries, thats hu hintao riding red horse, hollie on yellow missile, yeah, she said, taiwan exploded, thats, hu turning, angry red horse, thats china attacking washington state, thats american soldiers repelling, thats pope going to rome, I am God, he said, thats men laughing, thats pope in israel, thats hu, lets invade and, force, china, thats nuclear fire in russia, china invading russia, look, pointed, hollie, soldiers invading russia, thats them making russia, invade israel, thats benjamin netanyahu pressing nuclear button, thats nuclear fires in egypt, jordan, syria, hollie shows fire, thats, hollie riding missile leaving russia, israel exploded, thats Christ placing beast, false prophet hu in fire, hollie showed, record, showed, chain reaction, like, thats, many, end time events occuring, like, thats kim jong nuking russia, china, south korea, hu on red horse attacking america and taiwan, thats subs around united states, yeah laughs, hollie, watching on cnn, thats Jesus coming and america exploding, smoke ascending up like furnace, you were warned, pointed angry Jesus, that, was, angel, like, bright light face, smiling, laughing, taiwan, said, Jesus, hey bobby, said, hollie, thats the start, it, taiwan, hollie points, exploded, hollie, stamped, showed, record, stamped, pope rose, hollie showed, and, gabriel, appears, hollie showed, clapped, showed, that, he said, beast, pope, picture, there, said, Jesus, hollie like vampire, showed, whale wars, its paul watson pocketing, the lute, free volunteers, hollie showed, jurasic park, its good, still watched, hollie like smiling vampire, there, said, Jesus, thats paul watson, showed, hollie, 8-12-2009-no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, thats, beyond thunderdome said librarian, its mad max, still loved, but, and he saw, said, casey, thats mad max now, in casket, mel gibson now old, dying but, you still worship, said, Jesus, thats the Lord God strong delusioning mel gibson, its teasing said Jesus, like most at churches, hollie showed, facebook, its big, she, said, its, about, and he saw, said, casey, thats, it, said, pope, said, hollie, riding black horse, hollie lowered on rope, helicopter flown by, thats pilot gabriel, thats both american coast exploding below, with nevada, hollie watching, on television, thats, subs, firing, from, oceans, then, whole country exploded, hollie showed, appears, in, library, thats, smiled, hollie, Jesus, like, cloud, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, said, hollie, up rose, the pope, hollie said, stamped, again, thats, hu hintao, riding, there, said, hollie, dressed in white robe, both beasts, this, was, hollie, with Jesus, inside, hollie showed, record, and, new world order kings appear, thats, pontiff, hu hintao, hollie showed, lula, chavez, jong, putin, theres, nicaragua, and, mexico, there, you have it, said, hollie, and I stamped, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, and, I stamped, hollie, said, beast arose, hollie with Jesus, in, stamps, shows, ministryofdreams, ill keep it said Jesus, just watch, the thieves remove, the God spoken, said, Jesus, hollie shows, ministry of dreams, in any way or fashion, she said, licked the prophet, pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, 8-13-2009-hollie showed, ten horns, thats, putins face inside one, looking out, smiling, thats, medvedev, walking out, hey, its ten russian, its, politburo, ruling party, there you have it, said, hollie, put back, tear up, danced, hollie showed, record, thats gorbachev, and the soviet empire, it was operated by politburo, its a group of ruling kings, said, hollie, out of politburo, came yeltsin, out of yeltsin came, vladimir, said, hollie, then, medvedev, out of, medvedev, came, its cause im the beast said putin, wiped lips, thats putin, showing, seven heads, its, said, hollie, theres, lula, he, yeah ill, let me, smiles, dreads, thats, lula signing deal with, medvedev, thats, nicaraguan president, dreading, smiling, signing, mexico prez, shakes, yes, thats, castrol, fidel, looking at, raul, signing, thats, kim jong, signing, doesnt want, though, theres hu hintao, and chavez, both, not, wanting, but, lets agree, said, medvedev, thats, them, signing, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie screamed, tell me what om screamin for, said, hollie, that, she said, had paper between clapping hands, thats bob being arrested, he will be on national t.v., thats g8 appearing, its, the, beast, said, putin, with, him on top, its nuclear n.a.t.o., said, hollie, thats australia burning, and missiles leaving, striking, exploding russia, theres more missiles striking russia, exploded, thats world shaking, and pope in dark sky, thats, smoke blocking sun and moon, sun places hand on bible, he made me said sun, thats sun hugging Jesus, moon doesnt speak much, sun shakes, yes, hollie showed, turn, thats uh said, hollie, new ministry of dreams going up, new ministry of dreams going down, thats JEsus, watching, people stealing, thats the reason, I, cut them off, said, Jesus, try to make ruin, said jenny donati, its the paliban daily, said, Jesus, yur outta here, said, jean poole, thats, jean poole being fired from job, its over taking the name said jean poole, its uh witch, said, hollie, hollie pops out, hollie screams, again, thats, hollie, showing, record, showed, Jesus, in, hollie, hollie shows, the Lord, hollie changed oil, hollie showed, turn, showed, go, pointed, another, hollie, hollie showed, the words, she said, prophecies given to bob hickman, im with him, said, hollie bear, putin, appears, hollie, like bear, showed, putin, im, him, she said, thats geese circling, showed, right here tomorrow, circled, glendale, meerkat shows popes picture, hollie pulls ship, captain smith on, deck, titanic scrapes iceberg, thats hollie looking at, it punctures seems, makes plates, pushed, in, sank, hollie showed, theres uh submarine, right there, pointed, hollie, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing, aiming, theres two nuclear fires in gaza, captain hollie turns, thats iraq burning, its israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, iraq exploded, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, sleep, let me said hollie dream, bob, dreams, car, breaks down, calls triple a, wants to work there, they offer to bring towing hook, woman helps, bob, fill out form, pays, 30 dollars, woman tells bob of tanker driver, acts like bob knows, bob didnt claim, but bob knew, towing own vehicle, didnt want to, rip off, hollie dream clap, hollie showed, record, and I stamped, she, said, up rose, pope, 8-14-2009-bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, and put back, with lighted, hands, but, not the right way, then, hu hintao, appears, in picture, then whole new world order, hollie claps, there you have it, said, hollie, both beasts, hollie was dressed nice, thats mexico president smiling, and lula, chavez, nicaraguan, they all, agree said medvedev, theres kim jong, and hu hintao, all signing, shaking, yes, thats, hu hintao, showing, no, thats, putin, lets rule the world, he said, and, captain hollie, in, its ohio class, hollie said, fired missiles, and, look who it struck, hollie said, russia exploded, thats captain hollie, in, two submarines, its ohio class thats what you wanted, hollie said, fired, two, missiles, said, hollie, thats, gaza, exploding, thats benjamin netanyahu pressing nuclear button, iraq burned, hollie tore up, hollie put back, tear, hollie showed, hollie showed, with amber colored lighted hand, bluehost, it offers to hide peoples identity, so they can steal right jean poole said hollie, and Jesus, and he, saw, said, casey, hollie beats drum, jean poole purchase, thats jenny donati, jean pooles daughter posting, mocking bob, they bob did, said, jean poole, thats ministry of dreams dot org off the internet, over, thats, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, showing, pope, she, said, tear up, and, fix it, with, lighted, gloved hands, but, whole new world appeared, you want me said, hollie, lowered on rope, helicopter flown by gabriel, california, both american coasts, thats nevada, pointed, hollie, below exploded, thats missiles coming from oceans, captain hollie in all russian, its akula agin thats what you need said hollie, and hollie laughs, watching on cnn, that was hollie, lowered on rope, said, hollie, with the Lord, inside, america exploded, thats missiles, from oceans showering u.s.a., world shakes, and, pope appears in dark smokey, bob its atmosphere, said, hollie, thats sixth seal opening, thats sun being smoked, thats moon placing hand on bible, its, him, moon, said, angry, Jesus appears, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, showed, pearl harbor, thats attacking going on, its, thats china attacking washington state, similar, hu hintao rides red horse, thats hollie on yellow missile, taiwan burned, thats them raising sunken ships, after pearl harbor, thats, pope riding black horse, russia, exploded, clapped, hollie, thats two horned beast with hu, japan coming out of horns, thats, pope, hu, and japan, sitting at table, 666 born, appears, hollie showed, that, was, hollie, playing, the music, its the piano, she, said, what was hollies word, said, hollie, you did not want me, said, hollie, thats alome saleem, said, hollie, and, its, soumb, said, sandy, thats goat with note able horn, hollie, -points, popes face in horn, and hegoat, smote ram, hollie shows russia, china nuking each, thats pope riding black horse, russia exploded, thats chinese claiming much of destroyed russia, theres hundreds, of nuclear rockets exploding in russia, thats pontiff, drive them outta there, then, thats russia, pope and japan, and hu at table, 666, signed for, its peace treaty, I am God, said pontiff, in rome, they laugh, hollie points, two men laughing, thats pope magnifying self toward heaven, hes claiming to be God, I am God, he said, how long said gabriel, thats Jesus, seven years, submarines are right there, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, subs approach america and Grant Jeffrey perishes, thats Grant Jeffrey in fire on throne, tell me now said Jesus, I love ministry of dreams said Grant Jeffrey, he wanted to write bob but chose not cause thats embarrased Grant Jeffrey looking at people that work with knowing lost, thats submarines firing, america exploded, hollie laughs watching cnn, hollie showed, b.m.v., they will send letters, suspend for no reason, thwarted this time, hollie had a silhouette body, with, uh white spine, said, hollie, with bear paws, kim jong will break the fifth seal said Jesus, hollie shows nuclear fires in russia, china, south korea, thats, hollie riding missile out of russia, north korea exploded, hollie screamed, again, tell me why hollie said, 8-16-2009-hollie showed, record, hollie appears, hey bob, its, to the side, said, hollie, beast appears, its pontiff, said, hollie, pope, she said, hollie appears, in robe, happy, hollie screams, tell me why om screamin, for, said, hollie, screamed again, claps, hollie, acting like, she, was, going to record, and, I, stamped, she, said, banged up stick, up rose popes poster, thats, penguins circling, showing, down, with, fin, we want you, one said, circled, here tomorrow, fin appears out of circling, hollie showed, turn, hollie appears, points, hollie stamps, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, I turned, she, said, clapped, pope rose, thats, the, beast, hollie, with pope on top, inside, said, hollie, of, little horn, thats, seven kings, appearing its mexico, lula, chavez, nicaragua, castrol, jong, hintao, theres, and putin, said, hollie, with ten crowns, thats pope in medvedevs horn, out walks ten russian rulers thats the paliban said hollie, you steal, hollie, said, I know it, shut up, said, jenny donati, with the voice of jean poole, theres, jenny donati poole jean yoo leticia looking at, visions, they stole ministry of dreams to ruin, hollie showed, sleep, that, was, Anton LaVey, appearing, sh, said, hollie, that, was, satan, hes, both, hollie and Jesus, said, hes, that, was, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, showing record, and I, stamped, she said, pope, rose, hollie screams, tell me what om screamin for, hollie, said, screams, 8-17-2009-Jesus, appears, and hollie, stamps, pope, hollie, said, showed, eat, hollie, shows, bravenet, its excellent, ministry of dreams is down now on typepad said, hollie, stamped, its jon sawyer, you let, said, hollie, ginny hill post ministry of dreams on, now, ruint, the bbc, said, hollie, fired ginny hill, its over posting, said, antonia vladimirova, the name, kathryn taylor appears, thats doctor rev. jeremy taylor, you steal, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, hollie claps, shows, the website, it has hollie, rubs chin, many visions, that are copied, duplicated, thats bob, removing, duplicated visions, hollie claps, thats beast, pope rising, like balloon, hollie showed, record, stamped, and up rose, hu hintao, there you have it, said, hollie, dressed nice, both, beasts, and I stamped, hollie, said, theres, whole new world order, appearing, hollie claps, submarine sorry, said, hollie, now, look, hollie, said, surfaced, its, akula agin thats what you needed said, hollie, thats captain hollie in, aiming, firing, thats, its, the, palestinian state, hollie said, exploding, thats, that, o, red, and black chariot, pulled by angry, horses, with, the, new world, order, its, the, pope, and, hu, they are both beasts, hollie, claps, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, agin, hollie, said, leave it, alone, sorry, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, and, I stamped, said, hollie, and, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, appears, submarines are right there, pointed, hollie, thats them all around america, its, akula, agin, thats, what, you need, said, hollie, and, hollie, laughs, watching on t.v., thats both american coasts, exploding, from, subs, then, middle explodes, thats world shaking, and sixth seal being opened, thats piano on titanic show playing, then eyes appears, shows, comere, piano said, thats captain smith, why, said, piano, speed, said, edward smith, thats titanic scraping iceberg, thats it sinking, seems, said, hollie, like movie, cindy appears, let me, clapped, hollie dream, showed, its uh night vision, she, said, hollie said, lets post, and, titanic piano plays, let said hollie dream, bob sees steve irwin, paul watson warned, its rocky in that channel, paul goes in, sees tight spot, hits rock, gashes, talks with buisness man who was going to pay for but didnt, thats hollie dream clapping, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, she said, pope, hollie said, rose, it was uh dream, bob, with, lambert w. gates, clapped, hollie dream, bob, told, he was thinking about going to 7 p.m. service, bob said Jesus, appeared, showed, hollie, likes gates church, thats lambert w. gates reading visions, thats prophesying said Jesus, its, showed, hollie, fellowship of the Father, words appeared, hollie showed, thats staying in visions and hearing Gods voice all the time, wont you come to logos, said, lambert, thats prophet appearing, speaking with Jesus, they dont need me, but, they, didnt offer, 8-18-2009-hollie spun out, in mustang, showed, they are, good cars, hollie showed, pope, rose, like flower, hes, antichrist, thats, him saluting, hollie salutes, hollie stamped, up rose the pope, sh said, hollie, that was satan, hollie, said, but looked like Jesus, like, cat, and, he, showed, record, stamped, up rose, Jesus, like, egg balloon face, hollie wrote 666, thats it, being signed, for, at, table, with, pope, hu, hintao, and emporer of japan, behold, showed, hollie, dressed in robe, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, and, china, thats, hegoat with pope in middle, and, hu, putin, coming out of horns, thats ram, with, putin, hu, coming out of horns, thats, hegoat charging, stomping ram, thats, pope riding black horse, bobby, said, hollie, its into russia, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. missiles striking russia and missiles leaving russia, striking n.a.t.o. nations, thats them burning, and pope appears in dark sky, thats smoke blocking sun and moon, thats sun placing hand on bible, hollie claps, shows, you have not lost any, visions, they, are, all, there, france, said, Jesus, thats two missiles from captain hollie, striking, its, sub, said, hollie, its, akula again, thats what you needed, said, hollie, thats australia and italy, exploding, thats america and britain, burning, hollie watches on t.v., thats, hand, coming out of fire, in, britain, and missiles striking russia, hand presses nuclear button, thats captain hollie, in vanguard class submarines, russia exploded, hollie and Light man showed, turn, that was, said, hollie, united states exploding, I, want, to, go, home, said, hollie, laughs, thats subs all around, america, one, fires, thats, explosion, on, coast, then, all, fired, thats hollie clapping, from high in air, watching, thats hollie lowered on rope, california below exploded, thats pilot gabriel flying, its, uh, copter, said, hollie, then, gabriel, flys, thats, fires, in russia, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, bobby it dont matter, said, gabriel, thats gabriel with Jesus, china, attacks, thats missile, taiwan exploded, thats hu on red horse, thats china attacking washington state, thats, little war going on, hollie shows phillips component stereo system, its good, hollie said, showed, little woofer, Jesus, thought, bass goes down to about 30 hz's, hollie claps, you want more, hollie said, smiling, come on, said, hollie, stamped, this is website, lets post, more, said, hollie, and, new ministry of dreams website appears, its, bravenet, said, hollie, hollie stamped, that, was, not what you thought, said, hollie, thats, hollie, taking off, in, space machine, flying, confronting jeremy taylor d.min, u.u., its for stealing, hollie said, the God spoke, she said, showed, ministry of dreams, jeremy taylor who is ordained unitarian universalist minister just wrote new book and place the wisdom of dreams in book which belongs to anne frey, he did, thats rev. jeremy taylor s.t.d. dreading, he did only, place, wisdom of dreams, not ministry of dreams in book, but wanted both, hollie tells jeremy taylor (hon) to remove book or lawsuit, hollie showed, that, hollie said, its, steve hill in the lake of fire, its cause, said, steve hill, pocketing the lute said mrs. steve hill, thats, both being shown visions, mrs. hill smiles, like, she, knows, thats Jesus, with hollie inside, showing record, hollie said, pope appears, riding black horse, russia exploded, thats subs in oceans, all with captain hollie, hollie shows titanic scrapping ice berg, thats seems like movie, its exact said, Jesus, thats, the Lord, looking at, section, area, Jesus said, where two plates are knocked out, its just feet below, hollie shows, buried in sand, hollie showed, record, said, hollie, and I, stamped, hollie, said, thats horses running, red horses, and black and white and grizzled, hollie, said, thats grim reaper laughing grizzled, hes, hollie points, with lighted hand, thats him collecting dead souls from off the earth, thats many countries burning, thats hu hintao riding red, pontiff, on black, thats Jesus on white horse, submarines are right there, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes, lips, it was, she said, shout, thats, another, captain, hollie, both, in, its, akula agin, thats, what, you, need, said, hollie, thats, hollie aiming, firing, look who it struck, said, hollie, gaza, burns, thats, netanyahu pressing nuclear button, iraq exploded, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie shows, two engines, its four cylinder, and v-6, both will last about 500,000 miles hollie said, thats, gabriel checking oil in different van with fingers, wipes on robe, if, thats hollie oil, saying, keep, full, lets motor said angel gabriel, I betray you to make you perish, im going to tell you I persecute people to make them hate me and perish, 8-19-2009-hollie showed, record, and I stamped, hollie screams, let me, said, hollie, dream, showed, it was uh, she said, night visions, hollie, shows, the words, hollie rolls up sleeves, on, white robe, its, for, the beast, said, pope, im, the, he said, with, showed, seven heads, with hands, thats, cuba, said, hollie, mexico, coming, out, theres, lighted, heads, one puts hand on, bobby, its the book, said, hollie, bible, its called the bible, said, woman, thats hollie screaming, and, bob, dreams, sees, julius erving, playing, against, larry, bird, they, talk, both, over weight, larry, keeps, shooting, making, bobby it was, said, hollie dream, showed, the pope, smiling, showed, cut off, 9-18-19-20-?-2009-tell susan graebe, now hear the word of the Lord, you devil, said, Jesus, you are cut off, its too late for susan graebe, hollie shows, put, to, I wont do nothing but string delusion all of zoe ministry, you are all cut off, I keep and fall on, saith the LOrd, but wont save, now tremble, zoe ministry, and here it is on net, saith God, thats, said, hollie, spiritual warfare, its coming against zoe, said, Jesus, they are, cut off, showed, the Lord, thats susan graebe, said, hollie, looking at visions, smiling, but in heart, I knew, said, susan graebe, she, hollie showed, sh, dont, tell, a, witch, saith Jesus, jeremy taylor appears, hes, dying, cause, steals, said, hollie, showed, the God spoke, said, susan graebe, ministryofdreams, hollie laughs, it was uh, she said, trap vision, Jesus, acting like pope, showed, hes, antichrist, hollie shows second beast, hes hu hintao, im the beast, said, pope, with, showed, seven heads, and ten, horns, thats, seven lighted heads, one places hand on, bobby, its, the book, hollie said, bible, thats, kings popping out, theres lula, mexico, chavez, castrol, nicaragua, kim jong, hintao, and, putin, put back, said, hollie, tear up, snap, fingers, hey, said, hollie, showed, that was, thats them, agreeing, hollie with, silhouette, body, and, white spine, robe, appears, but, lightly, said, Jesus, there is my reason, said, hollie, its, JOB, she said, with medvedev, let me, rule, the, world, said, dmitry, showed, bobby, its right here, Ministry Of Dreams, on bravenet, soon, hollie showed, ten horns, thats ten horns on putins head, pope comes out of one, thats, medvedev kneeling in popes horns, if you let me, said, medvedev, thats, Jesus, sprinkling, bear arising, Jesus tells, devour n.a.t.o., thats subs in oceans, n.a.t.o. nuclear nations burning, and missiles from all striking russia, pope in dark smokey sky, thats smoke, blocking, rising, sun, closes eyes, moon laughs, but acts sad, thats them both hugging, hollie showed, record, and i stamped, she, said, pope, hollie, said, thats, him, clapped, hollie, riding black horse, hollie showed, record, hollie, claps, showed, said, beast appears, pope rose, said, hollie, thats, pontiff, riding black horse, russia exploded, thats, 666 being, tattood, thats popes face tattood on arm, hollie, claps, hollie said, work, stamped, hollie tore up, put back, tear, with, hands, danced, showed, spine, silhouette body, robe starts appearing, then, hollie snaps, fingers, shows, spine, silhouette body, thats, hollie showing, broke, many, times, then silhouette clapped, hollie, thats, hollies, many, singing, the, change your address song, tonight, said, the Lord, sh, he said, work, said, hollie, lets, hollie shows record, and I stamped, she said, bob people are in lava cause what im doing to you now and you exposed, said, Jesus, hollie dream claps, let me, she, said, bob, dreams, wants to go to watertown, to, see, gene schmidt and ken stolar, church, bob does, long drive, God, says, go, bob, at, genos house, many different people, there, then from before, gene looks angry, doesnt speak, bob wants to go to, hollie dream appears, asks man, to get to like walmart, doesnt, hollie screams, again, tell me why, she, said, screamed, stamped, pope rose, that, was, hollie, with, Jesus, on, hollie with, Jesus, inside, shows, record, stamp, she said, and up rose the pope, hollie said, 8-21-2009-hollie with Jesus inside shows record, stamps, up rose, pope, hollie stamps, new way, pope, runs, hes riding black horse, into moscow, thats russia exploding, thats, subs, in, oceans, all with captain hollie, thats them submarines firing, they are all nuclear n.a.t.o. subs, thats, hollie, showed, in dress, hollie smiles, shows, off dress, models, hollie in dress, women, use, she said, hollie, like silhouette, thats, hollie, laughing, with, the voice of Jesus, Lowered on rope, claps, thats gabriel flying helicopter, so long, he said, its, apache, showed, hollie, thats, u.s.a., exploding, hollie laughing, watching on cnn, its, susan graebe of zoe ministry running to remove ministry building dreams, she, steals, alters, from, the God spoke, said, HOllie, Ministry Of dreams, Jesus, tells, call it ministry of dreams, I, wanted, to, steal said susan graebe, thats her reverend jeremy taylor u.u. d.min, hes ordained unitarian universalist minister from chi, thats the, chaplaincy institute for interfaith and arts, thats gina rose halpern being shown visions by chi student, jeremy taylor of wisdom university writes new book, alters anne freys name, the wisdom of dreams, jeremy did not place Ministry Of dreams in book, cause, he, feared lawsuit, thats dr. jeremy taylor of miriams well reading visions, hes dying cause people keep reminding, you stole said hollie, yeah I did, said, rev. jeremy taylor (hon), thats susan rosen laughing, hollie, shows record, and, I stamped, she, said, showed, eagle talon, its there spinning front tires, with turbo on said, hollie, runs quarter mile in about 14.1, seconds, Jesus rubs chin, theres that o submarine somby, said, hollie, fired missiles, thats, hollie aiming, iraq, burns, thats, hollie, aiming, gaza, explodes, hollie, played piano, its one on titanic, theres hollie, playing, sitting at, like, invisable hollie, then appears, then, silhouette, body, with, dim yellow spine, this is website, lets post, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays music, you did not want me, said, hollie, its, kim clement, this is vision, lets post, said, hollie, stamped, and up rose the pope, hollie claps, pope rides horse, russia exploded, flatter him, he said, signs, gets kingdom, said, hollie, this is vision, lets post, said, hollie, stamped, and, beast arose, she said, who is, pope, hollie said, hollie showed, record, and, I stamped, she, said, hu hintao rides red horse, weeping may endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning, said, hollie, clapped, lighted, hands, there, said, Jesus, hollie like vampire, shows, its, the pope, she, said, its, causes, hes, antichrist, hollie said, word, she said, appears, hollie stamps, thats new ministry of dreams website said hollie, its myspace, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, stamped, she said, and, up, rose, its, kim clement, with, dyed hair, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now, look, hollie, said, surfaced, its akula agin thats what you needed said, hollie, and captain hollie, aims, fires, 8-22-2009-that will go on national television, said, Jesus, and, hollie, and, another, hollie, plays music, you did not want me, said, hollie, claps, smiles, shows, their reverend, its doctor jeremy taylor of wisdom university stealing, hollie shows, Ministry of Dreams, from christian, thats, rev. jeremy taylor d.min grunting, wearing a soothsayers robe, thats, kathryn, said, Jesus, thats, kathy taylor placing ministry of dreams on dr. jeremy taylors website, bobby, thats, what, he, wants, you to beleive, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, claps, hollie, its, rev. jeremy taylor, dreams worker, stealing the God spoke created ministry of dreams, he shruggs when people show it to him, tell your dr. jeremy taylor s.t.d. ph.d., m.a. about his theft of ministry of dreams, he had study of dreams, but steals, thats reverend jeremy taylor visiting ministry of dreams, Lord i think ill have that said jeremy taylor u.u. of the chaplaincy institute for arts and interfaith ministries, thats students showing visions to gina rose halpern, thats, hollie, tap dancing, and, uh cat said, hollie, casey, shows, hey bobby, it appeared, then, smiling, Jesus, like cat, hollie, like, silhouette body, white spine, its, not, bright white, theres your vampire, said, Jesus, hollie, appears, many times, like vampire, write the vision, said, hollie, tap dancing, you want me, said, hollie, thats, new world order kings tap dancing, hollie shows, then Jesus appears, with, turns into pontiff, thats, what, pope is supposed to be, I am God, he, said, thats mexico, president in black suit, theres kim jong, tap dancing, hugo chavez shows no way but does like agreeing but dreadfull lula, thats nicaragua exploding, and subs in oceans, all with captain hollie, president of nicaragua shakes yes, regrets, thats putin, coming out of little head, and, hintao, both, thats, boris yeltsin and jiang zemin planning, if you let me, said, boris, hu hintao shakes, yes, thats, russian jet, flying over top of canada, then, turns down, theres nuclear fireball, there, said, hollie, in canada, then america exploded, hollie, showed, record, now hollie showed, turn, said, hollie, showed, what does it say, on, your, website about douglas heller, he, and, ron tompkins, said, hollie, stole, showed hollie, in white robe, ministry of dreams, I knew said douglas heller, ruint, its on, thats anchor man showing, douglas heller, its commisioner he said, in great controversy, thats, said, hollie, copter, flown, by, hey bobby, its arch, thats gabriel, showing, light, california below exploded, thats, missile, coming, from ocean, then many, both american coasts exploded, then, whole nation, from middle exploded, leave this alone tommorow, said, hollie, thats tent appearing at grace apostolic church, hollie played, music, look, said, Jesus, hollie like vampire, dressed in blue and white, its uh maid, said, hollie, with, friendly voice, hollie screams, again, thats hu hintao riding red horse, you lost your name, you lost your name, sang, two hollies, thats, hollie lowered, on rope, smiling, angel, flys, its apache, agin, said, hollie, thats what you needed, california below exploded, that is hollie with Jesus inside, showing record, and meerkat appears, shows popes picture, tear up, hollie snaps fingers, has, silhouette body, dull white spine, put back, rip, hollie snaps, fingers, thats whole new world order appearing in picture, hollie snaps fingers, amber colored, thats mexico shaking yes, its uh deal, said medvedev, signs, thats tripod, hollie in submarine, patrolling, sees cuba, nicaragua, mexico, all, exploded, thats missiles leaving their waters, america burned, hollie snaps fingers, thats two nuclear fires in venezuela, hollie snaps fingers, thats brazil, exploding, from, captain, hollie, hollie places, there, she, said, nuclear fires, in, mexico, and latin america, hollie lowered on lighted rope, russia below exploded, hollie snaps fingers, thats it said hollie, its chopper flown by gabriel, that was all of north america exploding, hollie claps, hollie, showed, thats, said, Jesus, venezuela exploding, lets rule the world, said, putin, this is vision, lets post, said, hollie, thats new ministry of dreams website appearing, hollie claps, that was, said, hollie, americas coasts exploding, hollie, said, work, pointed, a red hollie, hollie shows record, said, Jesus, and I stamped, he said, again, lighted stick, that was, prophecy, at true mercy ministries said hollie, many, hollie shows, it appeared, on sign, hollie showed, hollie showed record, showed, whale wars, theres your vampire, said, hollie, and hollie wipes, monkey lips, hollie like vampire, thats geese circling, showed, with fin, hollie appears in side, we want you back here, said, penguin, circled, then shows, tommorrow, hollie appears, hollie, tells, space chimp shows nuclear fires, in russia, china, south korea, thats, kim jong, said, hollie, with nuclear button, thats missile leaving russia, with new ministry of dreams website on, north korea exploded, thats, missiles leaving u.s.a. sub, with, hollie and ministry of dreams website like silhouette, then face appears, hollie claps, on missile, north korea exploded, hollie shows, there, wearing dress, hollie showed, with big blue hand, its r.m.s. titanic with captain smith on, scraping iceberg, like movie, seems, said, hollie, sinks, space academy, soun, s, o, u, n, said, hollie, and, hollie fires, from spacecraft, thats the thieves of ministry of dreams, removing, said, hollie, thats their leader dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min stealing, thats hollie with Jesus inside showing record, thats popes picture appearing, tear up, said, hollie, snaps fingers, showed, silhouette body, with, white spine, space, the final front page said hollie, thats, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, on front page, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min removing what he stole, ministry of dreams, bob this is website, said, hollie, post, and he saw, said, casey, ministry of dreams websites appearing, some like silhouette, then new one, stunned, appears, then smiles, bob, he showed me, pointed ministry of dreams website, hugging Jesus, angry, I will put you in the, prison of dreams, said, Jesus, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, showing record, what does vision say, said, hollie, stamped, banged hand, thats new ministry of dreams website appearing, 8-21-22-23-24-?2009-that, was, said, hollie, and the LOrd, Morris Cerullo, in, the fire, hes, showed, wallet, hollie shows, pope, she said, picture, tear up, hollie, showed, record, and I stamped, she said, thats, hollie, piloting, the, beast machine, its, hollie, looks, the beast, with seven heads, and ten horns, and who are they, hollie, shows, with big hand, that, was, hollie, pointing, its, to turn, said, hollie, thats, the, prison of dreams, where, God places, the theives of, the God spoke, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, like, their, pointed, the LOrd, hollie like vampire, showed, whale wars, its, paul watson, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor and his kathy, taylor in the lake of fire, joined but, gina rose halper, and their jim garrison, there they all are in lava, and reverend jeremy taylor appears, showed, it was I, I got them in it, he said, thats kathryn taylor m.a., visiting visions, trembling, nows, its cause, said, kathy taylor, we stole, she said, the God spoke, said, hollie, ministryofdreams, hollie showed, the word, thats, the paliban daily, doing, the same, theres jean poole, and jenny donati, who is tish, in, the fire, with, mike daniels, in, lava, there, pointed, Jesus, mike daniels in lava up to kneck, reap it, said, leticia yoo, donati, we knew said jean, poole, Jesus showed, cut it off, there, he said, thats whole new order appearing in picture, hollie dances, thats eight kings, theres, hu, hollie, said, hes, riding, red, horse, hollie, rides, missile, taiwan exploded, thats red horse, turning, attacking, washington state, theres pope, thats pontiff riding black horse, its into, said, hollie, russia exploded, thats pontiff, signing, getting nuclear arsenal, thats, president of mexico, smiling, dressed nice, but, dreading, theres lula, shaking, yes, but, doesnt want, thats, hugo, chavez, shaking yes, smiling, but showing no way, theres both castrol, raul signs, but, doesnt want, theres, kim jong, shaking, yes, but, knows, dont, thats nuclear fires in russia, china and south korea, thats, kim jong, with nuclear button, its, control, said president jong, thats, hollie riding, missile, from russia, north korea exploded, theres two from u.s.a. sub with new ministry of dreams website on, and hollie, north korea exploded, Jesus appears, shows, prison of dreams, the words, said, hollie, it appeared, she said, showed, with, hands, brown colored hands, hollie, looks upset, with brown hands, God doesnt want, mixed races worshipping together, separate said Jesus, hollie claps, this is website, said, hollie, showed, work, then karate chop, with white hands, I wonder if you let me record, said, hollie, and hollie, stamps, lighted, stick, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, then, showed, away with, it, but, shook, yes, and, I turned around, she said, snapped fingers, bobby, said, hollie, leave it alome, said, hollie, o man, said, hollie, showed, work, hollie out of van, points, hollie shows, brandon porter at get ministries dot org, hes uh, witch, said, hollie, thats brandon porter looking at visions, shaking yes, I got them, hes not saved, thats, hollie, showed, no way, j.e. bobo, hes cut off saith the LOrd, your the one, I want, circled, the geese, hollie appears, fin shows down, hollie showed, record, stamped, with, stick, up rose, pope, hes, riding, black horse, russia exploded, lets rule the world, sang, vladimir putin, lets rule the world, hollie shows, its uh nissin, 300 zx, there it was spinning rear tires, its twin turbo, said, hollie, spun tires again, Jesus, showed, cut that off, it will run, hollie wipes head, a quarter mile in 14. 1, hollie wipes, head, shows, buy one, she, said, thats, hollie, in, its the, antichrist machine, piloting, then pope appears, Im the anti, pontiff, said, hes little horn, hollie, shows, seven kings, they are, the, new world order, kings, hollie, shows, the president of mexico, hes, happy, but, yeah, he said, shows, yes, thats him signing with medvedev, thats cuba, appearing, thats nuclear fireball coming up, then two more on both ends, Jesus looks, thats, missiles going over cuba, striking, there it is, said, hollie, showed, nuclear explosions in brazil and venezuela, but theres lula agreeing with medvedev, not wanting like hugo chavez, thats nicaragua, its, peaceful, said, Jesus, but, thats missile with hollie on turning into ministry of dreams website, thats nicaragua exploding, but thats president signing with medvedev, dreading, hollie showed, record, write the vision, hollie said, look, said, hollie, this is warning, she said, showed, its, work, that was hollie, with, Jesus, inside, showing record, hollie stamped, that, was, syria exploding, said, hollie, thats benjamin netanyahu, alright, he said, thats syria, said, hollie, thats jordan, and egypt exploding to, thats missile leaving russia, with putin, on, israel explodes, go to vanguard class submarines, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, thats, vanguard class subs firing nuclear rockets, thats russia with many fireballs, thats, great britain, burning, and, hand, coming out of fire, pressing nuclear button, thats hollie lowered on rope, helipcoter flown by gabriel, thats nation exploding, hollie showed, that, he said, pope and false prophet hu hintao, and, their armies in israel, hu slashes pontiff, thats, give it to me, said, hollie, showed, oil, get oil, he, said, and, I stamped, said, hollie, let me, said, hollie, with, Jesus inside, have a dream, said, Jesus, hollie dream claps, shows, its, uh night vision, claps, man, said, hollie, this is warning, said, hollie, stamped, again, lighted stick, hollie runs out, that, was, not uh stamp, that was uh stomp, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, it was simb, said, sandy, hollie claps, posts on laptop, hollie, had uh silhouette face, laughed, website said post, said, hollie, what did she do, said, hollie, pray for healing, said, Jesus, said, hollie, leave it alone, said, hollie, thats, the, warning, said, hollie, that was Jesus, said, hollie, tear up, put back, thats uh submarine, right there, said, hollie, now, look, she said, hollie claps, surfaces, in, its akula, agin, thats what you need, said, hollie, thats, captain hollie, aiming, gaza exploded, please, please, sang hollie, and I summed it up, she said, hollie stamps, lighted stick, let, said, hollie, showed, record, stamped, without stick, hollie with, Jesus inside, showed, record, hollie screams, again, git, said, hollie, in the fire, thats what he wanted, said, hollie, bob, buy that showed, hollie, its, hollie shows realistic optimus t-200 stereo speakers, they, are, excellent, saith the Lord, 8-25-2009-this is not the website talking, this is hollie talkin, for the website, and, hollie screams, again, showed, its, geneva, winberg, shes, im cut off said geneva, hollie, like, vampire, appears, there, points, Jesus, white finger, like, gloved, hollie laughs, dressed like, maid, cut off, showed, Jesus, go, 8-26-2009-hollie, showed, Edward Kennedy, Dies, thats Edward Kennedy touching, coat, in this life, saith God, ed kennedy, haughty, but, now, thats senator Edward Kennedy in the fire, screaming, for, mercy, I pleading, said Edward Kennedy, Lord, he said, but, had, no, time, after, death, I told, Edward Kennedy, you fool, you knew, and could have been a good witness, but, thats Edward Kennedy grabbing coat, shaking, lies, wanted to rule, himself, now, would trade, but, Jesus, showed, cut off, hollie shows facebook, hollie showed, record, and I stamped, hollie said, up rose, circling geese, one showed, down bobby with fin, circled, we want you, one said, wiped lips, back here, tomorrow, showed, down, with, fin, there said, hollie, like vampire, dressed like maid, hollie stamps, up rose, hollie smiles, it was Jesus, in like, water, mellon, shaped, hollie like, new, sees, pope, appear, hollie showed, ford mustang, its, super snake, they make about 750 horsepower, but, thats, chairman of ford motor company, wanting to move production out, side of u.s.a. to, thats, hollie, showing, china, then, the, u.s.a. will have economic collapse, thats president of ford, signing, deal, thats, the economy collapsing in america, hollie shows, wide spread luting, thats, hollie, riding, missile, taiwan, burns, thats hu hintao, turning, red horse, hey bobby, its attacking washington state, thats, big explosion in washington and rockets going out sinking chinese freighter, thats missile from freighter being fired, thats interceptor knocking it down, lets rule the world, said, putin, vladimir said medvedev, pointed at self, let me, he, said, thats, armies marching, thats america being, nuked, thats, stan johnson looking at email, knowing, hes, lost, hollie shows, record, thats Jesus, hes, kind of boxed in, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, meerkat has fist, hollie pulled ship, thats many hollies busting, captain smith wipes forhead, dangerous, thats 666 on womans forehead, hollie claps, popes face tattood on finger, thats, little Father on finger, like little Light man, thats table, hollie shows, with pope, hu, japan, at, hollie claps, 666, appears, its, peace treaty, thats nuclear fires in russia and china, and, hegoat smiting ram, thats two horned beast with hu and japan coming out of horns, lets rise and withstand the pope, said, hintao, thats them all at table, laughing, lying, threatening each, going back to own countries, hollie claps, shows, helicopter with hollie on, rope, angel, flys, california below, its both american coasts, exploding, hollie claps, hollie watches on, t.v., laughs, thats Jesus appearing like Light Man, every eye shall see him, Jesus, said, hollie shows, that, he said, bright Light in sky, like little, that, said, hollie, Jesus, showed, cut off, and that, yelled, hollie, star, hollie laughs, hollie dream claps, thats, one less van in driveway, its night vision, shows, hollie dream, let me she said, claps, shows, night, vision, word, hollie wadds up, hollie and hollie with Jesus inside, showed, record, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, stamps, turn, showed, hollie, white hand, go, tear up, thats, boxing gloves, put back with bear paws, rip, hollie stomped with silhouette body, then face, appears, thats Ministry Of dreams like silhouette face, in, and, out, it ends silhouette, hollie claps, it hurts, said, hollie, showed, knowing, lost, hollie stamps, with silhouette face, up rose, man, hollie said, hollie screams, again, this is website, post, said, hollie, and, new Ministry Of Dreams website appears, bam, says, hollie, stamped, bobby, this is warning, said, hollie, showed, eat, finger, showed turn, Brezhnev, said, Jesus, hollie shows, hey bobby its right there, said, hollie, thats Brezhnev and nixon signing, no missile defence treaty, that, enabled, russia to create missile defence, but america, did, to, now, the world is more dangerous cause missile defence works, yes, said, hollie, showed, no, then, im away, with, lighted, hands, snapped, fingers, hollie claps, lighted hands, 8-27-2009-prophet, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, work, she said, no, said, hollie, can we talk, said, sandy m. pool, no, said, hollie, its, and he saw, said, hollie, its, john mark pool, no, said, hollie, Ill place it, said, john mark pool of Word to the World Ministries, thats him stealing, said, the Lord, appeared, like uh brown haired man, ministry of dreams, theres john mark pool writing christian after christian wrote him, are you for Jesus, said john mark pool, but stole and even, said, I was introducing, said, Jesus, john mark pool steals the God spoken, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams and claims, theres john pool placing in website, God is introducing ministry of dreams, he stole, said, the Lord, you witch, said, hollie, thats sandy pool, wanting, I wanted divorce, she said, thats, her leaving, her reverend, dr. john mark pool, the prison of dreams, is where I the Lord place all the theives of the name I spoke and created ministry of dreams, if you alter, said, Jesus, wiped chin, ill ruin, and make you remove anyway, just try me said, Jesus, let me, said, hollie dream, hollie showed, record, showed, that was laughing dragon, lighted, with, seven heads and ten horns, hollie shows, the beast, she, said, thats, seven presidents appearing, theres, castrol, knockem dead, said, hollie, cuba exploded, thats missiles going over, striking, hollie points, exploding america, theres hollie, like vampire, showed, with, big hand, whale wars, its, season is over, said, hollie, but they are looking for new donations, so paul watson can pocket, like, that, just appeared, use volunteers, said, paul watson, thats kim mccoy, let me look at it, she said, sh, dont squeal, they make, lute said paul watson, look, said, hollie, Jesus, points, hollie like vampire, dressed like maid, theres uh reason, said, hollie, and hollie bangs, has stick, stamped, up rose pontiff, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min u.u. in the lake of fire, up to, about breast, area, hes stunned, cause perished, but, you stole, said, hollie, Lord i caint get away with it said ph.d. jeremy taylor m.a. from wisdom university, thats kathy taylor appearing, then in fire, next to her Lord, said, Jesus, s.t.d. jeremy taylor (hon), theres tristy taylor appearing in lava with, they all stole ministry of dreams, tristy taylor m.a. says, Lord no I didnt, but theres ministry of dreams on tristy taylor's, dads, website, she is webmaster, prophet of the u.s.a. said angel, and he saw, said, casey, america explode, hollie screams, hollie shows, facebook, bobby, get one, hollie said, banged, hand, up rose the beast, she said, theres hu hintao, hollie bangs, emporer of japan, there, you have it, said, hollie, three kings rise in persia, the earth, said, hollie, thats pontiff, hollie claps, riding black, horse, russia exploded, the world is uh vampire, sang, man, hollie appears, like vampire, hollie showed, record, bam, she said, Father in like pod, thats, hollie, showed, like a silhouette face, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, stamp, hollie said, hollie, showed, record, bam, hollie, said, man pointed, 8-29-2009-hollie, shows, with, hands, dark, colored, like, its brown, said, hollie, joseph biden will be president said hollie, and hollie wipes lips, it was simb, she said, wiped lips, hollie showed, teeth, like silhouette hollie, then clapped, thats hollie lowered on rope, claps, helicpoter flown by gabriel, california below exploded, thats, both, american, coasts exploding, hollie laughs, watching, on, cnn, hollie, pulls up sleeves, shows, come on, she, said, dont steal it, hollie said, ministry of dreams, I spoke, said, Jesus, o my God, said, Jesus, this is not hollie speaking, this is hollie talking, lets post, she said, hollie, showed, record, thats, hollie playing the music, said, hollie and Jesus, thats, hollie lowered on rope, angel flys, helicopter, russia below exploded, now look, said, hollie, showed, many fireballs in russia, and captain hollie, in, its ohio class thats what you really want, said, hollie, hollie bangs hand, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, Jesus, hollie stamped, no said hollie, showed, away with, had lighted hands, shook, yes, clapped, snapped fingers, hand silhouette body, then white robe, then silhouette, in, out, hollie stomped, snapped fingers, you did not no more website, said, hollie, lighted, finger, points, new website says post, said, hollie, with, its, the, leave it alone, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, it was, soumb, said, sandy, put back, said, hollie, they want me to go, said, hollie, leaving in white robe, no, said, the paul mooney girl, yep, she said, then, shook, head, no, but, said, yep, warning, said, Jesus, hollie showed, with, big amber colored, lighted, hand, rocky horror picture show, it makes faggots, hollie, said, hollie like bear smiled, putin, appears, im with him, said, hollie, now hear the word of the Lord, your name, Egidijus Labanavicius, will be on the internet, for taking, said, Jesus, the God created, hand of help, watch your little word, disappear, saith the Lord, im with him, said, hollie like bear, smiled, licked prophet, its the uhleary saleem, said, hollie, pointed, Jesus appeared, hollie wipes lips, hollie looks for hollie showed in submarines, it rained, I warned you said hollie, this is vision, said, hollie, showed, do something, hollie I showed said Jesus, that was said, hollie, pope, she spelled, said, Jesus, rise, hollie said, with light pod, hollie stamps, snaps fingers, seven kings, they are, said, hollie, cuba, thats, hollie, said, castrol, with brother overlooking, shaking yes, theres hugo, hes dressed nice, hollie said, thats lula, hollie said, its the g8, they are, that is it, said, the LOrd, the beast, said putin, with seven heads and ten horns, thats, putin with ten crowns, they are, said, the Lord, like uh brown haired man, hollie said, its uh rulin power, politburo, the Lord said, they are said, the LOrd, ruling party, hollie appears, thats pope coming out of, hollie said, medvedevs horn, let me said medvedev, rule the world, putin, said, thats hollie, said, medvedev, kneeling before pontiff, let me rule the world, said, both, thats, said, clapped, snapped, fingers, stomped, and said, she had uh silhouette body, snapped lighted fingers, stomp, snap, tear up, said, hollie, put back, tear, snap, kia said hollie, in the fire, buy one, that is hollie, checkin, engine oil, said, hollie, keep it full, thats hollie checking transmission, keep it above full, now lets, motor, said, hollie, closed, hood, 8-30-2009-hollie shows, its, riff raff, singing time warp, hollie banged, with, out, stick, showed, rocky horror picture show, it warped, hollie said, thats, youth, thats children going to see movie and becoming gay, thats Jesus, angry, hollie shows, with, lighted, stick, its, putin, and, three kingdoms, he will use, to, destroy america, thats, Jesus, whispering to bear, with putins head, coming out, lets rise and destroy, thats hollie lowered on rope, helicopter flown by waving gabriel, face appears, then, like hollies, hes arch, thats him, like you, thats two russian subs approaching america, hollie, laughs, tell me, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, it was the leave it alone, she, said, sorry, hollie, shows, new york city, thats, angel, pouring vial of Gods wrath into water, thats captain hollie surfacing, its akula agin thats what you need, said, hollie, thats, missile fired, and, big nuclear explosion, new york, with the woman, Jesus looks, its statue of liberty, thats many nuclear fires along both coasts of the united states of america, one missile strikes center, thats showed, hollie, big nuclear explosion in center of america, hollie showed, brad baker and Carlos Burdine, said, hollie, meeting with bob, thats them both wanting bob out, Carlos Burdine says, I think your hearing from the, d, e, v, i, l, spelled, hollie, wipes lips, lets throw him out, thats your reverend Carlos Burdine looking, thats uh warning, said, hollie, leave it alone, said, hollie, hollie appears, like vampire, dressed like maid, showed, nicaragua on board, exploded, hollie showed cuba exploding and missiles striking brazil and venezuela, all exploded, there I place it there, said, hollie, its nuclear fires in mexico and latin america, that was yellow missile leaving, striking america, exploded, its, thats, hu hintao appearing, hollie showed, turn, lighted hollie, hollie showed, turn, hollie claps, hollie with JEsus inside, showed, record, hollie showed, record, sleep, hollie played music, its, space wars, sandy wipes lips, simb, that, was, hollie showing record, and I stamped, she said, up rose, the beast, pontiff, hollie said, theres uh submarine right there, said, hollie, beat, and, captain hollie, its akula agin, thats, what you need, said, hollie, God kept warning me said john belushi, in like, angels attire, hollie dream claps, its, uh, God, said, night vision, showed, hollie dream, claps, I know, he said, flying, hollie, like, vanpire, dressed like maid, russia, said, hollie, in the fire, thats, pointed, hollie, many nuclear fireballs, in russia, then, whole country exploded, new hollie like light maze, but, same o hollie reappears, then light maze, hollie claps, normal hands, then stripped, its the alome aleem, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, it was some, said, sandy, this is uh warning, one last time said hollie, hollie showed, clouds, they are, hollie smells, like, steam, its vapor hollie said, hollie waits patiently, 8-31-2009-sir, said, woman, hey bobby, it was uh dream, showed, hollie dream, shes transforming, said, hollie, woman, shows, bob, sickness, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, record, and I stamped, she said, banged stick, up rose the happy pontiff, hes, said, hollie, word, antichrist, appears, hollie bangs with stick, up rises hu hintao, hollie shows, hes, she relaxed, in robe, false prophet, now lets see said, hollie, waiting patiently, with blue behind, hollie screams, again, thats alarie salome, said, hollie, came out, hollie dream claps, it, was, uh, night, vision, she, said, clapped, she said, bob, went inside church, man and bob dissagree, bob, grabs, man, puts on back, mans face turns red, then, normal again, bob outside of church, sees pastor, tells the pastor he doesnt want to cause that man problems, pastor, wants to talk to man, does, but, bob leaves anyway, goes to church, about, 800 feet away, man, says, that that pastor is coming but goes back, bob goes inside church, then in vision, man bob wrestles with appears in that church, hollie showed, eat, banged, pope rose, and hu hintao, hollie shows, in the light, emporer of japan, there you have it, said, hollie, relaxing, three kings rise in persia, then idol shepherd pope appears, this is vision, lets post said hollie and Jesus, hollie with Jesus inside, said, he was stick man, said, hollie, like tape on road, like man, no, said, hollie, I showed, thru, she said, with lighted hands, then shook yes, hey bobby, we want you back here, circled geese, showed, with fin, glendale tomorrow, thats lightning, striking and hollie gettin out of there, like lightning hollie, bobby, said, hollie, smiled, what kind of visions do you want, said, hollie, hollie out of horn, pointed, down, let me, said, hollie dream, showed, night vision, clapped, and, dragon licked the prophet, pope appears, that was wilma, martin, like a demon, said, hollie, smiled, hollie appears, with more Jesus, inside, he wants you to go, said, hollie, that, was, hollie making, like, future, space, sound, hollie whistle blew, prophet hickman hollie said, sandy wipes lips, it was simb, thats sumb, soumb, said, hollie, that, was, bear, and, putin, came out, then, hollie, bear, happy, that, said, hollie, prophet hickman, she said, hollie rolls up sleeves, that, hollie said, post, I got uh warning, said, hollie, theres the statue of liberty with uh sword, and lit hollie, threatening whole world, thats big nuclear fireball in new york behind, hand points, hollie appears, like angel, lets face it, she said, smiled, pope said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, pope appear on black horse, theres hu hintao on red horse, hollie, claps, thats, grim reaper laughing on grizzled horse, thats the alarie saleen, said, hollie, hollie showed, sleep, hollie showed, whale wars, its she said, paul watson, now in danger, of, jail time, cause nisshin maru, hollie showed, dont buy, put back, said, Jesus, tear up, said, hollie, restore, with red hands, rip, hollie put back, danced, put back again, hollie, had, silhouette body, spine, she said, white, 9-1-2009-why do you do it, said, hollie, cause im uh witch said susan j. murphy, she promotes, said, hollie, its for dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., hollie shows, the God spoke ministry of dreams, thats reverend jeremy taylor d.min of wisdom university stealing hollie said, hollie showed, record, pope, rose, hollie, with Jesus inside showed, record, this is uh warning, said, hollie, wiped forehead, banged with stick, stamped, thats lighted dragon, licking prophet, showing, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and bobby, who are they, said, hollie, hollie banged with lighted stick, dressed in white robe, showed, pope, tear up, put back, tear, hes, thats him coming out of putins kingdom, thats pope riding black horse, russia exploded, theres many horses running in between two bronze mountains, theres red, black, grizzled, and white, thats hollie banging with stick, thats, hu hintao, appearing, on, red horse, thats hollie, riding, yellow missile, taiwan exploded, thats, hu on red horse, turning, thats, china attacking washington state, hollie showed, broke, its david eells, hes uh, witch, said, Jesus, but not savable, thats david eells reading visions, it feels like a body your perfect size coming, said, Jesus, God, Jesus said, Holy Ghost baptizm, david eells, I dont have it said david eells with john mark pools voice, hollie showed, record, sh, she said, hollie screams, again, bob hickman said hollie, appeared, pointed, check out, hollie claps, thats, alome saleem, said, hollie, and hollie, wiped lips, thats america is fallen sound, said, hollie, record, the, vision, said, the tap dancer, thats ace frehley visiting prophecy ministry, hollie showed record, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, showing, record, hugging Jesus, that, was, hollie, playing paliban daily music like kiddie music, they stole, said, hollie, screams, again, and jenny donati and jean pooles reverend dr. jeremy taylor d.min appears, thats kathy said (hon) jeremy taylor m.a., kathy taylor has ministry of dreams on her website, call her, said, Jesus, witch, kathryn taylor m.a. has stolen ministry of dreams like the paliban daily did, all run to remove, thats, Jesus, shut the door, he said, thats, ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor on the outside with suit on, thats international study of dreams president jeremy taylor appearing, in lava, thats your rev. said Jesus, u.u. jeremy taylor s.t.d. reading visions, thats dragon rising, like dragon, hollie looks, im the g8, said, vladimir putin, wipes lips, hollie, smiles, thats, seven kings, appearing, they, are, hollie wipes lips, hey bobby, gene called, said, Jesus, thats, the LOrd calling hand of help, hollie, with Jesus inside, shows, record, hey bobby, its the g8 again, said, hollie, lets post, she said, thats, hollie with laptop, hollie shows picture, its man, thats f.b.i. wanting to talk to bob, and hollie, with Jesus, inside, showing record, word, it appeared, said, hollie, f.b.i., that was bob with f.b.i. agents, and like in air, in center, of, table, sub fires, africa explodes, thats submarines all around america, one fires, thats nuclear fireball in Arnold Schwarzeneggers, he appears, in fire, then more explosions, thats missiles coming from submarines, all with captain hollie, and hollie laughs watching on cnn, thats radio towers coming up out of ground, all over america, thats whole nation exploding, russian jet flying over canada, thats nuclear fire from bomb dropped, in canada, then america exploded, thats submarine firing, indianapolis exploding, captain hollie turns submarine, russia exploded, thats, that, said, hollie, britain, canada, and italy with nuclear fires burning, smoke blocking sun and moon, thats sun and moon, being interviewed, places hand of book, he told me, sun said, pointed, Jesus, zipped lip, that was, nuclear fire in gaza, then, captain hollie turns sub, ben netanyahu presses nuclear button, iraq burns, lets rule the world sang putin, thats pope with medvedev kneeling, before, let me, said, medvedev, pope shakes, yes, thats Jesus, sprinkling, bear arising, Jesus tells, devour much flesh, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. nations burning, hollie, points, thats world shaking, sixth seal opening, many nuclear fires in russia, from, n.a.t.o. returning fire, thats captain hollie surfacing, firing, thats nuclear fire, in new york, thats statue of liberty, its the woman showed, hollie, hollie with Jesus inside, shows record, shows hand, thats popes image appearing, people lined up appears, being tattood, thats 666 on forehead, thats popes face on arm, thats king of grecia, thats, putin, hu, coming out of horns, then the king prepares for charging, thats ram with putin, hu, coming out of horns, thats, hegoat stomping ram, and up rises, hollie, writes, pope, emporer, japan, hu hintao, thats slashed pope, hollie shows, thats, him wiping chin, them all at table, nuclear fires appear, in russia, china, drive them outta there, said, pontiff, to russian ruler, then after several exchanges, they sign the uh peace treaty, 666, hollie with Jesus, inside, claps, shows, popes picture, whew, let me said, hollie dream, claps, shows, its uh, wipes lips, stomps foot, hollie snaps fingers, silhouette body, white, spine, stomp, showed, tada, new world order, pictures, its pope, castrol, hugo, lula, nicaragua, mexico, thats kim jong, putin, hu hintao, there you have it, with mexico president smiling, dressed nice, thats mexicans poor, working tho, syria again, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, syria explode, I am God, said, pope, sitting in temple in rome, they laugh, thats egypt and jordan exploding, israeli prime minister with nuclear button, thats beast and his armies, pontiff, and hu hintao and his armies in israel, thats hu hintao, lets unite and force, he said, nuclear explosion in russia, thats chinese army invading russia and forcing russia to invade israel, thats missile leaving russia with ministry of dreams website on, israel explodes, write the vision, said, happy hollie, hollie showed, stop, sleep, hollie showed, thru, with lighted hands, then shook, yes, then, yes, again, and, again, this economy will collapse, and there will be about two months of looting then russia will attack said the LOrd, that, said, hollie, beast mark, thats what that is said angel, pointed finger, 666, popes face on coin, wooden, give it to me, said, hollie, hollie, showed, turn, there, hollie like a vampire, said, two hollies, git, said, hollie, in the fire, 8-2008-and he saw, it, said, casey, pope, grow like flower, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, there you have it, said, hollie, its, your four kings, she said, and submarine smiled, persecution is me Jesus trying to make my servants loose thier salvation by manifold temptations like, careesing thier sex organs with electricity, like oral sex, stripping heart of desire to live for me, teasing, scaring by what I say to them, making thier faces bag, sag, wrinkle, hair loss, laughing at them, letting them see me, like people do a little dog, trying to get them and others thru them to speak blasphemy against the HOly Ghost, it is not my will that any perish, but get saved and I the Lord will kill you all day long, those who dont make it are ROMANS 1, I dotn care if you make it or not saith the Lord, I love putting people in lava, seeing them weep and beg before me, I laugh at most right now while they seek with tears, I fall on people to tease, to make them think I want to save, or approve, saith Jesus, I knock them out, down, then heal, somewhat, then, knock them down again, despair, when you read this, and match it with my word, I tease to anger all day, throw in rage, hoping to make them comit sin, then, no sacrifice, ha ha saith God, now you know hell is your home, most likely, if you fast, till the brink of death, Ill heal or leave, if you have me saith Jesus, ill let you live for me with me inside and make you perish anyway like the apostle paul, website said, post, said, hollie, showed, turn, look, said, man from rocky horror picture show, showed, war, brewing, and, hollie drove, plymouth voyager around indianapolis 500 race track, hollie showed, record, and he saw, said, casey, pope ride black horse, in, to, russia, sign, get, control, let me, show, you uh picture, said, hollie, pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, had tea, record, the vision, said, hollie, hollie explained, thats ohio class, surfacing, in, zion tabernacle, with captain smith, fired missiles, hollie showed, cut off, theres uh submarine, right there, said, hollie, what did my submarine have to say, said, hollie, can I talk, said, submarine, be hold, said, hollie, showed, its uh, akula, submarine, said, hollie, subs, firing, missiles, world, shakes, many, nations, burn, hollie lectured, like d.min, reverend jeremy taylor who stole the name God created ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, runs to remove, like john e. carey, and, ginny hill, wesley pruden, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, wait, with, lighted, finger, red, hollie showed, record, now that, she said, saw pope, with light, theres hu, said, hollie, showed, they sign, for, 666, the mark of the beast, said, hollie, what did the pope say, said, hollie, its, over, taiwan, and, he saw, said, casey, taiwan, explode, pointed, missile from china, hollie like silhouette, that, said, hollie, meerkat, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, showed, no, submarine somby, and, sub, surfaced, what did the sub, look, like, said, hollie, its akula, fired, missiles, world shook, submarine, said, hollie, waved, its akula, she, said, fired, missiles, all nuclear g8 nations destroyed, and returned fire, russia burns, 9-1-2008-hollie showed, blasphemy, she said, not, for, give, able, but, purge, hollie showed, record, and that, she said, pope grew like flower, hu, came out of flower, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol, shepherd, hes pope, hu slashes, in israel, and, he, saw, said, casey, china, force nations, to, launched nuclear missiles, casey, saw, major, nuclear explosions, in, russia, china, forces, russia, to, invade, israel, hu, slashes, pope, there, israel, launches, nuclear, missiles, on, egypt, syria, jordan, russia destroys israel, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, waved, its uh, ohio class, she said, fired missiles, all, n.a.t.o. nuclear nations, struck, bear grew, devour, and they fired, back, world, shakes, up, rose, pope, angry, let me, said, hollie, licked prophet, showed, turn, hollie showed, record, and look at that, pope grew, like flower, hu, emporer of japan, idol, shepherd, hes slashed, pope, hollie showed, record, hollie explained, hollie showed, record, thats hollie, like, copter, letting, out, henry gruver, it was start one, he, said, peace, safety, left, that, said, hollie, turned silhouette, that, pope walked with hu, that, said, hollie, and, that, hollie like silhouette, showed, popes image, made alive, take it, said, pope, from, pocket t.v., hollie like copter, let out both beasts, hu, pope, they shook, disagreed, signed, 666, its uh peace treaty, said, hollie, that, nuclear explosions, in russia, china, that, said, hollie, pope, drives out china, that, said, hollie, bear grew, russia, attacks, that, said, hollie, nato nations, they, fired, back, world, shakes, that, said two hollies, that, was hollie, letting, out new world order, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, no, she, said, but, shook, yes, tore up, from, behind, she, said, clap, spun, tada, tore, fixed, rip, it, agin, Jesus, pointed, with, uh lighted, finger, said, hollie, he said, france, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, hollie, nuclear explosion, in, france, two, pointed, casey, italy, two, australia, many, america, casey, saw, subs, destroy, great britain, takes, four, and tony blair rises like cat, they all fired back, russia, burns, china, casey, watched, missile strike taiwan, and, hollie like cat, surfaced, in ohio class sub, three, many missiles strike china, and other side, china, strikes, venezuela, from, sub, that was hollie like, a, copter, double beater, said, hollie, flying, who did hollie let out, said, hollie, pope, hu, geyer, fox, kim jong, hu, putin, hugo, iran, brazil, new world order, left, that was hollie, like copter, letting, out, hollie showed, in, megaphone, pointed, finger, in, ear, left, this economy, said, hollie, u.s.a. bankrupt, gabriel, like, uh, lighted, arch angel, man, said, hollie, licked prophet, fleas, said, work, explained, like, reverend jeremy taylor, what did he do, he stole ministry of dreams like ginny hill, wesley pruden, john e. carey, all remove ruint, that was the plumline, measure up, like, hollie showed, hollie showed, work, 9-2-2008-iraq, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear, she, pointed, explosions, in, gaza, hollie held nose, they are philistines, israel, destroys, iraq, israel, nukes, hollie held nose, bush, destroys, gaza, hollie held, bushs, nose, he grunted, I, made, war, he said, pulled finger off lie detector, gabriel, pointed, he put back, to make oil wells, and, hugo, chavez, laughs, gives oil contracts to china, and South Africa, bush, grunts, we shouldve made war, he said, now, china, has, military, and he saw, said, casey, china, strike, venezuela, bush, grunts, now, want our protection, hugo chavez, shakes, yes, 9-3-2008-hollie, like, silhouette, sh, she said, pointed, up, like, hollie, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world, shakes, record, said, hollie, pope grew like flower, hu hintao, emporer of japan, idol shepherd, hes slashed, pope, submarine, soumb, why, sorry, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, surfaced, its, akula, class, hollie said, fired, missiles, all, nuclear, g8, nations, struck, they, all, fired, back, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, leavem alone, said, hollie, leave us alone, somby, said, hollie, licked prophet, bobby, let me, said, hollie, showed, eat, I want fire vision, said, hollie, showed, that, pointed, out of fire, explosion, that, said, hollie, showed, hollie showed, up, rose, angry, pope, hu, hintao, emporer of japan, idol, shepherd, thats, showed, hollie, lamb, with hu, emporer of japan, thats, pope, tap dancing, with, hu, said, hollie, come, on, she, said, showed, fighting, hollie showed, disagreeing, that, was, lighted, putin, let me, rule, the, world, he, sang, casey, high in air, showed, subs, attacking, many, nations, bear, grew, struck, all, nuclear, nato, nations, bill, and nato, stikes, back, russia, burns, world, shook, hollie, showed, stench, held nose, smoke, blocking, sun, what can this stench be, said, angel, its, and he saw, it, said, casey, angel, turn silhouette, then, normal, back, hold nose, stench, this is how nuclear fallout, held nose, hollie showed, record, you need to, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, that was hollie, said, hollie, its right here, in, the, front of the news paper, she, said, thats gabriel, in, headlines, mccain and clinton wins, submarine, sorry, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, that was, new jerusalem, like, glass, lit, city, at, grace, showed, hollie, apostolic church, and hollie, surfaces, in, ohio, class, fires, missiles, from, crystal sea in new jerusalem, like, glass, city, world shakes, thats, pointed, hollie, bear, russia, coming out of russia, angered, grew, and, he, saw, said, casey, dumitry and putin, arguing, dmitry shoots, presses, button, submarine, somby, said, hollie, showed, with, its, alarie sound, said, hollie, s,o,u,n,d, fired, missiles, its uh, ohio class, she said, russia, burns, australia explodes, fires, nuclear missiles, great britain, burns, tony blair, like, cat, fires, italy, explodes, like, france, both return, many missiles, hollie saw, heading for america, and, russia, hollie spun, globe, saw, many, nuclear fireballs, come up, thats vision over road, said, hollie, like, copter, this is what I want, she, said, letting out henry gruver, start one, he said, hollie showed, out of megaphone, pointed, finger, in, ear, peace, safety, casey, watched, george bush senior and gorbachev, sign, it, weakened, america, that was hollie like a copter, letting out hollie eating, at table, and, Father, said, hollie, with, the, alome saleem, its, said, sandy, sumb, hollie showed, record, whats my message, said, hollie, showed, hollie showed, thought, hollie showed, record, thats hollie, like, copter, said, hollie, its, double blader, she said, then turned, into, silhouette, let out, hollie, silhouette, then, normal, then, partial, silhouette, the economies slipping, said, hollie, that is, her, pointed, hollie, it was, hollie, like, a, copter, letting, out, hollie, sleeping, it is because, judgment is to amexico soon, said, hollie, thats, pointed, hollie, subs, around, america, fired, america, exploded, and, woman, came, out, of, fire, mexico, cuba, nicaragua, brazil, let soviet, subs, fire, but, usa, strikes, casey, showed, nuclear strikes, on, all, thats missile from china streaking, striking taiwan, hu, rides, red, horse, grim reaper, laughs, from bay horse, pope, rides, black, horse, in to russia, gets arsenal, thats, hollie, like, im a double beater, she, said, letting, out, people who stole ministry of dreams, all, run, to, remove, raise your mantle, and, repeat after, me, sang, hollie, russia is the beast with seven heads, and ten horns, thats pope with putin kneeling before, what did the pope do, said, hollie, grunted, rule the world, said, pope, its right here, said, putin, nuclear controls, hollie showed, eating, hollie, tore up, fixed, rip, thats the, concious, she said, fix, tear, restore, clapped, spun, rip, showed, time, that, pointed, hollie, and, that, from behind, said, hollie, tear, fix, rip, clap, then, turned, around, toyed, then, back, a, little, played, then, starting, position, put back, rip, hollie showed, go, talk, iran, said, baby, and he saw, said, casey, bush, she said, I wiped lips, iran, syria, attacked, by, casey, saw, sub, usa, bush, grunts, I made war, he said, lifts finger, from lie detector, puts back, gabriel, makes, to break, um, he said, oil, con, tracts, bush, said, hugo, invade us now, but china attacks, and he saw, said, casey, missile from chinese sub strike, exploded, ruining, hugo, no, said, fleas, shook, yes, hollie, and kristina, showed, nunt, hollie showed, record, and that, she, said, pope, grew, like, flower, and, hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol, shepherd, hollie showed, hating but clinging, new world order, thats them tap dancing, pope, smiled, hu, beatem up, said, hollie, they, signed with japan, the mark treaty, 666, take it, said, pope, hollie showed, fighting, with hugo chavez, brazil, and, he saw, said casey, nuclear missiles strike, and soviet subs, fire back, this is the globe showed, hollie, with nuclear fireballs coming up, hollie showed, fighting, cuba, mexico, jong, launches, nuclear missiles, on, russia, china, south korea, and russia, fires, back, and, no way, showed, dumitry, america, launches tomahawk on north korea, dumitry launches on america, casey, pointed, hundreds of nuclear missiles going for america, and alaska, explodes, u.s.a. fires back, russia, destroyed, angel, held nose, smoke, came up, stench, this is how nuclear fall out, he said, casey, watched, smoke, block, sun, moon, submarine, somby, said, hollie, bear grew, angry, out of russia, struck, all, nuclear g8 nations, and jordan, said, Jesus, and, he saw, it, said, casey, jordan explode, syria, egypt, israel launches many missiles, as, china, forces, russia, to, invade, israel, russia, strikes, israel, hollie held nose, thumbs down, bishop noble pace, why, said, hollie, whats he done, pocketing, money, tithes, offerings, hollie showed, sh, thats noble pace in lava, 9-4-2008-hollie, showed, cut off, pastors, hollie, shook, no, yes, pointed, pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, many, nations, bear grew, devoured, had, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, in mouth, america, explodes, bill clinton fires back, moscow destroyed, angel, high in atmosphere, like silhouette, then normal angel, then, silhouette, showed, what could this be, nuclear stench, casey, walked, out, showed, rolled atmosphere like scroll, world shook, russia strikes nuclear nations, nato, and, thats, blair, like, cat, they, fired, back, america strikes brazil, cuba, nicaragua, russia, strikes america, from, thier waters, thats, pointed, casey, missile striking taiwan, exploded, from, china, america, hits china, hollie, waved, surfaced, in, three ohio class subs, they all fired many missiles, dropping warheads, thats many nuclear fire balls in china, and casey, hegoat smites ram, world, shakes, record uh vision, said, hollie, record, uh, vision, said, hollie, record, uh, vision, said, hollie, pope grew, smiling, theres, hu, said, hollie, emporer of japan, idol shepherd, hes slashed, pope, hollie, said, you need to sh, up, tore up, threw, fleas, hollie, showed, colts, on, i.p.l. building, bobby, record, said, hollie, and that, she said, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, no, from, behind, she, said, tear, spun, tada, played with, spun, showed, fighting, tear, fought, from behind, she, said, tear up, spun, fought, tada, threw it, hollie, showed, record, you know what jordan did, said, Jesus, they, sought terror, said jordanian king, against, israel, and he saw said casey, pope and his armies, hu and his armies, at israel, hu slashes pope, israel launches nuclear missiles, on syria, egypt, and, jordan, russia strikes israel, Christ appeard, hollie whistled, again, showed, turn, whistled, let me record, said, hollie, this the website, said, hollie, post, its the alarie sorry soun, said, hollie, now, look, showed, popes picture, tear, up, more, con picture, said, hollie, theres hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, hollie showed, picture, Father appeared, 9-5-2008-hollie showed, record, bob, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, no, way, submarine, somby, said, hollie, surfaced, its ohio class, she, said, fired, missiles, world shakes, thats australia exploding, and firing back, russia, burns, many fireballs in britain, thats tony blair like cat, striking russia, italy, hit, fires back, france, burns, fires, back, america, surrounded by subs, exploded, up came woman, out, of fire, bill, clinton, fires, back, russia, destroyed, casey, saw, missile, strike, taiwan, from, china, thats, ohio class, sub, surfacing, striking, china, three, many, missiles, china, burns, hollie, held, nose, high in air, angel like silhouette, this is how stench smells, hollie, rolled up atmosphere, like, scroll, shut up, said, hollie, that, was, casey, doing, that, hollie tore, up, restore, rip, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, new jerusalem like light glass city at zion tabernacle apostolic faith church and joseph farris laughs, hollie power meter showed, record, talked, you dont want no more website said hollie, thats, what you needed, she said, website smiled, showed, with, stick, said, hollie, well, said, hollie, website smiled, subs, surfacing, hi bob, fired missiles, website, saw, many, nations, explode, website, wants you to post more visions, said, hollie, hollie like double beater, she said, let out henry gruver, it was start one, he, said, left, casey, saw, bush, gorbachev, sign, missile reduction treaty, she, rolled up scene like scroll, hollie showed, turn, economies slippin fast said, hollie, tore up, put back, tear, spun, slap, spun, rip, tada, thats vision over run, said, hollie, it was hollie, torturing, its, said, sandy, con, scripture, said, hollie, russia, said, Jesus, casey, saw, bear, grow, rise, angry, devoured much flesh, russia, casey, high in air, saw, missiles, strike, nuclear, g8, nations, they, fired, back, thats, pope, high in, atomosphere, stench, its called nuclear fallout said robin, smoke, Jesus pointed, lighted, cindy, hollie said, no, shook, yes, this is uh warning, said, hollie, post, said, gabriel, thats, angel, said, hollie, in news, paper, Palin, said, Jesus, will make mccain, loose, saith God, 11-9-2008-hollie showed, record, showed, pope, hu hintao, tear, up, she, said, restore, rip, spin, tada she said, danced, facing, front, put back, from behind, she said, explosion, hollie showed, record, clean up, go, to, church, hollie, showed, record, threat, said, medvedev, america, hollie showed, record, p.t.f.e. coats engine, with, a, oil, dont, waste your money, lasts, about, two months, if engine sits over 2 months, fill engine, with, old oil, drain, to, normal, level, then, start, medvedev, wants, america, out, of, iraq, thats, two, nuclear explosions, coming, from, captain, hollie, in, iraq, from, sub, theres missiles leaving, iraq, explodes, gaza, nuked, exploded, we, made, war, grunted, bush, dont, said, hollie, tell, me, to break our oil well contracts, brother, said, hollie, record, showed, cindy, licked prophet, ministry of dreams website points, record, said, hollie, showed, pope, bob dreams, looks thru basement window, sees monkey looking in, hollie says, bobby dont go out there, bob does, sees, two dogs, they, come, bob yells hi, bob pets, then, threatens, bob jumps on car, growls back, looks at bob angry, growls, hollie showed, write the vision, that, said, hollie showed, somebodies in hot water, said, hollie, with, it was nome moan, soumb, said, the main, with, hollies voice, tell me about the, MYSTERY, BABYLON, said, hollie, america, appears, thats nuclear explosions coming up from, america, record, the, vision, said, hollie, that was putin, striking, america, hollie showed, record, hollie said, write, the, vision, showed, pope, riding, black horse, record, the, vision, said, hollie, thats, alarrie sign, said, hollie, churches, in america, empty, cause, no signs, what sound, is, that, said, hollie, its, watch squirrel crossing street sound, record my vision, said, hollie, and, the beast, she said, showed, licked prophet, gabriel, in, helicopter, showed, explosion, in, america, then, many, come on, said, gabriel, like, white angel, in, helicopter, joel urshan sat next to, thats subs, pointed, gabriel, all, around, america, fired, thats pointed gabriel, missile defence fired, they, missed, america, exploded, and, up rose, woman, thats, the statue of liberty, said, hollie, wow said joel urshan, saw helicopter, leave, lets see, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, leave me alone sound, said, hollie, flying in space ship, she, said, ministry of dreams, website, appears, leave it alone, said, ministry of dreams website, showed, people stealing, and second ministry of dreams website, looks sad, but all ran to remove after, and he saw, said, casey, iraq, gaza, hollie showed, nuclear explosions, spun world, and d.min jeremy taylor removes ruint, 11-15-2008-hollie showed, record, Jesus abases till the person leaves, with no intention of coming back, to humble, killing all day long, torturing, caressing penus with electricity, entering heart, murdering desire to live for, hating, putting, hate for the Lord in, killing, all desire to live for me, offending all day, bagging face, wrinkling, making muscles tithen when they are used, hating, mocking, scaring, hurting all day, im ashamed saith God, I hate my own children and laugh at them after I tease them, for no reason, they, cant bare from day, one, making scalp itch, deseasing, all to make my servants backslide, like I persecuted to make them fall by the wayside, all, I torture, all day, all night, non stop, to, destroy my own children, to make them perish, to abase, in hell, they, know I put them there, cause, I wanted them cut off showed, Jesus, for no reason, no, said, hollie, but shook yes, hollie had new jerusalem, on platter, like glass city, lit, that, said, hollie, is Jesus, hollie pointed, charles sims, she said, Im cut off showed jesse russell, charles sims shakes yes, showed, thru with it, shook, yes, showed, no, bobby, he doesnt want money, said, hollie, Derek Jefferson, shakes yes, they all want lucre, to preach, but not saved, people do not care for one another, said, Jesus, hollie showed, sh, how great is our God, sang, hollie, sing wiht him, how great is our God, they are all cut off showed, hollie, oscar sanders, said, hollie, sh, she said, hes pick pocketer, all p.a.w., said, hollie, thats my lamb, said, woman, its, said, hollie, putin, china, out of horns, hegoat smites, russia, china, america, nuke, said, hollie, hollie held nose, iraq, exploded, gaza, said, thats, many from captain, hollie, in, she said, sub, she pointed, near jordan, fired, missiles, hollie showed, nuclear nato, its, im the beast with, said pope, said, hollie, with seven heads and tne horns, said, pope, thats russia having 10 crowns, horns, said, Jesus, out of one came pope, said, the Lord, that, said, hollie, seraphyn flying, at zion, they all wonder, but, said, hollie, that was, said, hollie, pope, Jesus, said, hollie, hes the beast, pointed, hollie, pope, she said, sh, showed, hollie, sh, said, hollie, perish or, she said, be tortured, to make you backslided, by God, said, hollie, sh, she said, whatta you want, said, Jesus, hollie showed, seraphyn, flying, four faces, could turn, Jesus sitting, send bob, hollie showed, that , its uh strobe light, on, turntable, its for, beauty, thats, why, tear up, put back, hollie, again, stop it, said, hollie, showed, no, 12-7-2008-you need to record, said, hollie, pocket, showed, beasts, popes, image, she said, on, pocket, t.v., said, hollie, take it, said, antichrist, 666, its the mark treaty, and, live, he, said, hollie showed, record, hollie explained, liquor, she said, mokse, said, hollie, sat on, its, the dome, she, said, here, said, mrs. willie duncan, its on top, said, hollie, the dome, willie, yeah, bob I know, thats gabriel, showing, record, let me record, said, angel, thats, it, said, hollie, I want somebody to record, me, said, hollie, yeah, celebrated, hollie showed, that, bruce willis, die hard, still being watched, its, uh, good, movie, she, said, now I dont like it, die hard, I looked said bruce willis, demi, he said, come on, they were in indianapolis with, new buisness, opened, Planet Hollywood, showed, hollie, with Arnold Schwarzenegger, no, said, hollie, bobby im off said demi moore, no, said, hollie, shook yes, you, she said, wanted, anal, no, said demi, oral, yes shakes demi moore, now old, bruce sang, it was my buisness, said, bruce, willis, put it undle, watch what you ask for, pointed sam neill, it cost bruce his fortune, no, said, hollie, shook yes, now I want it in the butt, said, demi moore, its because of bruce, said, hollie, investigated, saw door open, and bruce look thru, and demi, she said, with children, bruce, you wanted out, said demi moore, im bruce, said bruce willis, shakes, yeah, said demi moore, both, you ruint him, said, hollie, demi moore shakes yes, both cheated, thats bruce willis with women, it was that, said, hollie, moonlighting, the show, she said, got bruce popular, now, perished, said, both, put it undle, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, beast riding black horse, hu hintao riding red, hand points, missile, strikes, taiwan, said, Jesus, and captain hollie surfaces, in, 3 ohio class, she said, showed, picture, fired missiles, china burns, bush grunts, I brought it in, he said, grunted, to make war, bring our troops, here, he said, saudi arabia, next, thats, nuclear explosions, in, iraq, said, hollie, gaza, saudi arabia, iran, said, hollie, exploded, thats the nuclear power plant, she said, thats grim reaper on pale, Jesus on white, horse, hollie showed, record, and that, bobby, we got trouble, said, hollie, casey, points, pope rises, theres, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, now, let me, analyze said, hollie, showed, they, fought, signed the mark treaty, and you know who it is, hollie, said, 666, hollie showed, and that, she said, hollie leopard, that, she said, is, north, south korea, china, japan, situate, bobby, said, hollie, hollie showed, popes image, on cell phone, t.v., tear up, fix, it, rip, put back, clap, bob, let me said, hollie, showed, eat, walk, post, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, 12-08-2008-hollie showed, beast, hes, antichrist, pope, thats, second beast, hes hu hintao, hollie put back, tore up, clap, put back, they hate but cling, put it undle, said, hollie, showed, record, theres them with japan, signing, the mark treaty, said, hollie, 666, appears, thats, hu, and japan, rising like lamb, withstanding beast, thats nuclear explosions in russia, china, drive out said pope, then the mark treaty, hollie showed, cold hands, warm, that was hollie, with, lighted, bear, paws, tear up, he, said, put back, tear, from behind, clapped hollie, showed, time, hollie showed, record, cut off, banks, america, watch, record, said, hollie, tear up, put down, said, hollie, showed, hollie, with, lighted, bear paws, rip, put back, tear, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, cop writing ticket, fight, said, hollie, in, court, hollie pointed, hollie showed, property taxes, people paying, on, property, more, then, worth, many, preparing lawsuits, and, frank obannon grunts, lets reassess, some people that bought houses in neighborhoods, fixed up, now paying, as much as, 15,000 per lot, per year, now, a house that was worth 100,000 is now worth 40,000, bobby, said, hollie, I showed, that, she, said, pakistan, thats musharraf showing, o.k., come right on in, lets humvees, he said, bringem, he said, let, allowed people to terrorise said musharraf, over 150 vehicles burned, n.a.t.o. and american, costing, over, one billion, this causes bush to, break it, off, with pakistan, bush said, musharraf says, no way, but, gets, over thrown, by, militants, cause, no, money, bush grunts, bush did it, said, hollie, threatened, and pakistan, george w. bush said, prepare, thats, nuclear missile striking the pak, its, hollie saw, from, u.s.a. sub, like saudi arabia, and medvedev, likes, put it under, said, hollie, thats paul mooney grunted, showing, come on, and micki mooney, likes, bob, 12-9-2008-eat, showed, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, egypt explode, hollie, showed, record, celebrated, hollie showed kristy McNichol, shes dying from, not having, h.i.v. said kristie McNichol, its, from, him, she, said, and, leif, said, kristy, garrett, he rocked, but, thats, them having, anal, and, she sucked, him, hard, he loved, but hated her enough to, expose said leif garrett, to h.i.v., knew, put it under, they are both dying, put it under, said, hollie, make it said kristy McNichol, to late for egypt, said, hollie, thats israeli prime minister wiping lips, presses nuclear button, missiles launched, from, israel strike jordan, syria, egypt, thats hu hintao, slashing, its the pontiff, said, hollie, antichrist said hollie, showed, sh, russia, thats israel exploding, Christ places beast, false prophet in fire, that, said, hollie, was, russia, exploding, missiles, striking, explosion, and, bear had 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, russia plucks, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats missiles striking america, from, and, u.s.a. striking them all back, put it undle, said, hollie, thats, judgment to america, that was iran exploding, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, sumb, thats cindy, pointed, many more explosions, bush grunts, wipes lips, I brought it in, he, said, wiped lips, thats, nuclear, explosions, in, iraq, gaza, bush, wipes, lips, looks, around, to, steal, our, oil, wells, that, was, alome salome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, hollie, said, bobby, showed, time, bob sees two women walk out of eatery, one had fish, in hand, bob sees fish swim by, two were long, like eels, bob warns women, and sees come back, eel take fish out of womans hand, hollie showed, record, and, that, hollie showed, pope riding black horse, into, moscow, flatter me, he said, give kingdom, they, said, hu hintao, rides, red horse, china, strikes taiwan, exploded, hi, waves, hollie, surfaces, in, trident missile submarines, fires, china, burns, grim reaper laughs, on, pale, said, hollie, horse, Jesus, rides, to conquer, said, hollie, white, horse, hollie showed, that, with, lighted, hand, clap, there is uh reason, said, hollie, what is, she said, showed, cheap rca componenet stereo system, buy, she said, the cheaper ones arent is loud, said, hollie, they last about five years, if left on, hollie showed, record, 12-10-2008-website said, 1, 2, 3, repeat after me, said, hollie, which one was it, said, hollie, showed, both, Ministry Of Dreams, thats, hollie, leopard, and hu hintao, popped, out, she, said, emporer of japan, north, south, korea, tada, folded, said, hollie, website, said, post, said, hollie, modelled, gas was 1.42, said, hollie, it was uh speedway, she said, sign, and hollie played piano, prophet hickman, you heard of clap, said, hollie, from me, said, hollie, clapped, that was an open door, closing, said hollie, jong, said, Jesus, its all right here, said, hollie, raise your mantle and repeat after me, said hollie, kim jong, she said, what was that, pointed, hollie, tore up, let me fix, it, rip, from, behind, said, hollie, this is the website, post, said, hollie, gave ministry of dreams website five, yeah, said, hollie, that, pointed, hollie, was, nuclear arms, she said, exploding, in, china, thats, big, explosion, and, lighted, hand, pointed, tear up, said, hollie, let me fix, russia, hand, points, explosions in russia, south korea, thats, pointed, hand, missile, leaving, russia, north korea exploded, thats, hollie, posting, thats, saw, hollie, u.s.a. sub firing, its, uh, tomahawk, she, said, exploded, in, north, korea, that was hand, what did it do, its mine, said, hollie, put back, tear up, clap, rip, both hands, what did medvedev do, said, hollie, what did medvedev want, said, hollie, and enthusiastic hollie appears, pointed, that, said, hollie, looked, saw, its, uh, meeting, said, vladimir said dumitry medvedev, dont, shootem, said, putin, medvedev shoots vladimir, presses nuclear button, thats, many, topol-m missiles, fired, sailing for u.s.a. said Jesus, thats alaska exploding, and, president clinton, with advisors, saw, missiles coming, presses nuclear button, thats, missiles coming out subs, around america, exploded, up rose woman, that, pointed, hollie, out of fire, that, said, hollie, its, statue of liberty, and, that, laughed, hollie, man statue of liberty showed, record, bush grunts, thats, hundreds of minuteman 111 missiles heading for russia, and russia exploded, thats, bear, wiht three ribs, and who are they said, hollie, nicaragua, mexico, cuba, plucked, hollie, times up, said, bear, thats the reason, they invaded, hollie said, thats, venezuela exploding, missiles leaving, cuba, thats, smoke from america burning, covering, thats, missiles leaving thier waters, striking, the u.s.a. homeland, said, hollie, showed, record, showed, the beasts image, she said, on, pocket, cell phone, she said, tear up, from behind, she said, twisted, back, theres my reason, said, hollie, what is, said, hollie, its, bush, grunts, I made war, he said, to steal oil, breakem, he said, grunted, gabriel, points, up, lava, thats, president george w. bush in fire, that, pointed, hollie, Jesus, sitting at table, serving, his chosen, girt about loins, that was saudi arabia, exploded, said, hollie, and, hollie saw, it, was, uh, missile, hollie said, from, usa sub, that was many explosions, its iran, said, hollie showed, nuclear fireballs, for, iraq, she said, gaza, leaned on, and lighted finger points, eat, freezer, open, theres submarine somby, said, hollie, showed, picture, its akula, said, hollie, with, bear, inside, with, sandy said, sumb, fired missiles, that, slapped, hollie, struck america, burned, australia exploded, theres, france, great britain, italy, exploding, and, these all returned fire, said, hollie, russia exploded, and, up rose the beast said, hollie, pontiff, theres, hu, said, hollie, showed, stomping, disagreeing, thats nuclear missiles striking, russia, china, then, the mark treaty, said, hollie, thats, hu, rising, with, japan, hollie said, there, she, said, signed, 666, was born, thats, popes image, said, hollie, on, she, showed, cell phone, take it, said, beast, 666, people being tattood, on forehead, arm, finger, his image, its, placed, where it can be read, said, hollie, put it undle, she, said, watch, said, damien, like, medvedev, thats, red dragon with kings, appearing, thats new world order, hollie showed, gonna beat you up, thats, hu hintao tap dancing, hollie showed, fighting, theres, castrol, hugo, lula, geyer, hollie looks, kim jong, putin, thats, pope, replacing, hollie claps, mexico, thats, hollie, put it there, she, said, prophet hickman, raise your hands and repeat after me sang, hollie, hollie places, nuclear explosions in mexico, many, thats, mexico, its from, said, hollie, u.s.a., bombardment said, bush, thats many major explosions in south america, and hollie like copter, its, double bladder, said, hollie, let out medvedev, it was me, he, said, and, henry gruver appears, smiles, left, hollie showed, record, I want somebody record, me, said, hollie, and, that, she said, I showed, the, pope, tear up, and, fix, it, but not the right way, there is uh reason, said, hollie, what, hollie said, over lapping, what does reason mean, hollie thought, clapped, had, lighted, bear paws, clap, hollie clapped, hollie showed, record, showed, beast, tear up, and fix it, rip, clap, hollie with lighted hands, clapped, from behind, spun, tada, that is, them, right there, said, hollie, pope, hu, hintao, riding in that, o, red, and black chariot, with, the, new, world order, hollie in back, saw, eight, kings, planning, against, america, gabriel, showed, record, said, hollie, thats hollie jumping, clapped, saw putin, hu hintao, hugo, castrol, jong, lula, vicente fox, geyer, hollie put back, tear up, thats o red dragon, with pontiff, he grunted, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, who are they, said, hollie, showed, record, let me, she said, showed, him, president of mexio, clapped, thats, putin, having, ten crowns, politburo, and out of politburo, came, yeltsin, and he chose, said, hollie, putin, vladimir, said, hollie, is, lets run uh race, said medvedev, alright shakes, putin, arms, rebuilding, said, medvedev, hollie clapped, hollie showed, record, thats ministry of dreams website, both, clap, gabriel, showed, behold, thats pope, hu hintao, tear up, hollie folded up, tada, freindship said, hollie, showed, pakistan, ruining americas economy, thats, many military vehicles burning, nato, and bush, said, hollie, this, said, hollie, destroyed, america, and, pakistans, relationship, hollie showed, banks, loosing, in, america, this economy slipping, said, hollie, economic collapse, she said, u.s.a. soon, hollie showed, shew we, she said, cause russia is angering, and he saw, said, casey, putin walk with medvedev, putin, said, dmutry, Ill, kill, does, then, presses, nuclear button, put it under, said, hollie, judgment to u.s.a., that was hegoat smiting ram, said, hollie, america, moscow, china, nuke, she said, put it under, the night the world shakes, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, iraq, said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, two massive nuclear explosions, and, then, many, iraq, said, president bush, grunted, wiped, lips, hollie stomps, bush, wipes, lips, the war, he said, I made, it, he, said, wiped lips, gabriel, points, up, to breakem, steal our oil wells, the war, I made, it, grunt, bush, angel, points, up, puts, you in the hell fire, said, angel, thats, bush, surrounded, said, pointed, hollie, by fire, when senators see, she, said, show it, said, senator, I knew, said, george w. bush, thats, george bush, old man, said, hollie, in fire, with barbara, shes uh witch, said, hollie, george nuke said senator, dont make me said president bush, and he, saw, said, hollie, saudi arabia, explode, thats, king of saudi, wiping lips, it was 75 uh barrel, said, bush, that one did it, hes collapsing our economy, said, george bush, so he can git rich off of it, said, bush, thats, angry king of saudi arabia, talking with george w. bush, no I aint, he, said, presses button, thats, hollie, showing, u.s.a. sub, two, firing tomahawks, saudi exploding, hollie, wipes, lips, they are, bush wipes lips, nuclear tipped, its cause iraq, said, angel, 12-11-2008-hollie showed, record, hollie blew balloon, hollie showed, on, im back, he, said, tear up, fix, it, rip, put back, clap, from behind, said, hollie, thats, hollie showed, record, hollie showed cut off, when you are weak I am strong, said, Jesus, and, hollie, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, om thru with it, no, she said, shook, yes, from, behind, clapped, hollie, new lighted, hands, thats hollie in the fire, hollie showed, record, now that, she said, explained, hollie showed, record, thats Ministry of Dreams website, showed, hollie, both, pointed, at dr. rev. jeremy taylor unitarian universalist minister steals ministry of dreams, now ill release, he said, showed, cut off, fired, your job, said dr. jim garrison, showed, cut off, over, then, reverend jeremy taylor u.u. said, hollie, runs to remove, call it ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, people steal, said, hollie, showed, cut off, over, put it undle, said, hollie, steal the name I created and I will ruin you saith Jesus, the name ministry of dreams can not be altered or tampered or stolen or I will ruin you and make you run to remove my spoken name ministry of dreams, you goof, said, Jesus, talking bout, said, hollie, u.u. dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, steals, but, Ill, release, he lies, but now, ruint, and kathy taylor and tristy taylor lied to protect, ill ruin, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, record, bob, said, hollie, showed, record, showed, fighting, arrived, saw eight kings, tap dancing, submarine, somby, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, uh, new, ohio, class, she, said, fired missiles, had, bear, in, side, russia, venezuela, nicaragua, exploded, thats, iran, saudi arabia, iraq, gaza, exploding, bush, grunts, I, brought it in, he said, grunted, to, break, our, oil, contracts, angel, puts, president bush in fire, bobby let me said, hollie, showed, eight kings, tap dancing, that will rise, against, america, theres putin, said, hollie, showed, bear, with, three, ribs, and, who are they, she, said, showed, cuba, they, allow russian subs, thats, them firing missiles, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, nicaragua, boom, thats, geyer, said, hollie, exploded, missiles leave there, strike, amercia, place it there, said, hollie, nuclear, explosions, in, mexico, missiles leave thier waters, strike, america, explosion, there you have it, showed, hollie, hollie showed, record, clapped, this economy slipping, said, hollie, put it undler, she, said, its, because of bush, thats, nuclear, explosions, in, gaza, iraq, bush, grunts, I made, war, looked, around, to, breakem, steal our oil wells, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Jesus, hollie held nose, banks closing, we want ya to come here, circled, geese, with hollie, put it under, said, hollie, thats, hegoat smiting ram, with putin and hu, coming out, america, moscow, china, nuke, up rose the beast, theres hu hintao, hollie had golden lighted arms, tear, up, put back, from behind, she said, clap, hollie showed, emporer of japan, slash, she, said, and, theres idol pope, she said, put it undle, said, hollie, tear up, hollie, shows, fix it, thats, hollie, like, copter, letting, out, medvedev, if you want war, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, I showed, economic collapse, coming, hollie, rubbed, hands, u.s.a., up rose pontiff, out, of, sea, hes the beast, antichrist, said, hollie, hes the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said, hollie, with, its, said, sandy, sumb, simb, thats, and who is he, said, hollie, kings, appeared, thats, vicente fox, hugo, geyer, castrol, hu hintao, venezuela, brazil, and kim jong, these, hollie showed, man Ill beat ya, wham, hated, but, clinged, put it undle, thats missiles striking them all, and, the woman, exploded, thats, america, come on, let, me, said, hollie, hollie showed, brush teeth, were coat, licked prophet, the economys pickin up, said, hollie, is what there saying, but they lie, put it under, said, hollie, economic collapse coming, u.s.a. she said, america, showed, go, with lighted hand, hollie showed, go, thats hegoat, smiting ram, america, moscow, china, nuke, world, shakes, thats, said, hollie, nuclear, explosions in many nations, I, showed, the, world, she, said, jong, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear, missiles leaving north korea, thats, kim jong pressing nuclear button, and, russia, china, south korea, explode, thats, missile leaving russia, striking north korea, exploding, hollie sees missile leaving uh usa sub, strikes north, its, hollie wipes lips, conventional, submarine, sorry, said, hollie, showed, uh picture, she said, its, ohio class, with, bear inside, fired, missiles, russia, exploded, thats, hollie, showing, picture, they tell me its akula, she said, fired, missiles, australia, and france, exploded, great britain, italy, exploded, missiles struck russia, from, all, put it undle, said, hollie, russia exploded, friendship with pakistan, said, hollie, with, sandy thought, sumb, will destroy americas economy, said, Jesus, that is, said, hollie, u.s.a. military vehicles burning in pakistan, Jesus said, God told you to perish for the bretherns sake, 12-12-2008-hollie held nose, Dominick Attasani and Stephen LaBerge of The Lucidity Institute protect dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. and he steals Gods spoken name ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant and Stephen said Jesus, and Dominick Attasani shakes, yes, he knows, said, hollie, put it under, jeremy taylor d.min steals ministry of dreams and Dominick Attasani and Stephen LaBerge know and protect and like it, said, Jesus, hollie showed, thumbs down, thats for, she said, Patricia Keelin, Keelin, pat, said, hollie, showed, thumbs down, loved her reverend jeremy taylor u.u. stealing ministry of dreams and challenging christian for his own ministry name, did you see this, said, hollie, and kathy taylor snubs, she knew, lied said kathryn taylor, m.a., like their tristy taylor lied to cover, said tristy taylor, u.u. jeremy taylor d.min for taking the name ministry of dreams, said, hollie, put it under, dont steal, said, hollie, or he will, and he saw, said, casey, dr. jeremy taylor look at Jesus, angry, ruin, lava, and reverend jeremy taylor m.a. showed, cut off, and Dominick Attasani and Stephen LaBerge and Patricia Keelin shook yes, I knew said Pat Keelin, but, d.min, said, hollie, thats u.u. reverend, they knew and william sinkford, sees, record, hollie said, hollie showed, go, hollie showed, record, record, the vision, said, hollie, bobby, let me, said, hollie, hollie whistled, record, uh vision, said, hollie, hollie screamed, gabriel, showed, record, let me said, hollie, record, she said, hollie showed, record, let me show you uh picture, she said, tear up, and, fix it, the wrong, way, said, hollie, there is my reason, hollie, said, what is, said, hollie, wrong, this is website, post some more, said, hollie, shook, aw yes, and Ministry of dreams website, appeared, both, one smiles, bob loves, both, hollie showed, pope, rising like a flower, theres, hu, hintao, said, Jesus, tear it up, said, hollie, showed, come, on, fighting, then, signing, 666, its, peace treaty, put it under, take it, said, pontiff, thats, pope on finger, 666, on, forehead, and, they walked, threatened, lied, laughed, thats, beast, sitting in rome, I am God, he said, goes to israel, unite and force, said, hu hintao, thats, nuclear explosion, in russia, from, magog, and them forcing, russia, to invade, israel, hu slashes beast, there, theres armies forcing, attacking russia, moving like swarm, israeli prime minister, wipes, lips, shows, nuclear button, looks at, presses, missiles strike jordan, syria, egypt, russia, thats, putin, striking israel, Christ places beast, false prophet in fire, thats king of the north coming against south, nuclear explosions in russia, china, then, they, sign, drive out, said, pope, china claims russia, thats, hollie, pointing, at, subs, in, oceans, firing, world, shakes, russia, and, all of nuclear nato burning, showed, hollie, spun globe, hollie showed, hating, but, clinging, thats new world order, they fight, hate, but love, thats, 12-13-2008-let me, said, hollie, I showed you that, she said, the pontiff, growing, like a flower, theres, hu, she said, showed, shew, they, fought, loved, clinged, hated, thats pointed, hollie, nuclear missiles, in, most new world order countries, its uh limited attack, said, hollie, kim jong, launches, nuclear, missiles, striking russia, china, south korea, shew, held nose, hollie, when they hit israel, said, woman, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear explosion in gaza, many, in iraq, bush grunts, I brought it in, I made war, he saw, to breakem, steal, our, looks around, oil wells, said, doreen marie hoge, thats nuclear explosions in both, bush grunted, I made it, he, said, looked, around, gabriel, puts, said, hollie, bush, in, the, fire, hollie blew balloon, on, hollie showed, I need somebody, said, hollie, showed, record, record, said, hollie, I showed, that, she, said, pope, growing, like, flower, theres hu hintao, she, said, showed, fighting, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie summed it up, tell the vision, tell the vision, said, hollie, this is not the main, she, said, showed, hollie, im not the main, anybody, said, hollie, thats, this is uh warning, thats Ministry Of Dreams website, steal, and, he will ruin you, pointed, ministry of dreams, Jesus, call it, said Jesus, Ministry OF dreams, let me record, said, hollie, put it under, she said, hollie showed, pope, picture, tear up, bigger, and restore, she, said, but not the wrong way, hollie, said, hollie claps, showed, what did she, show, said, hollie, hollie on the grain mill, said, hollie, general motors will shut down 20 plants, cause no sales, its because high fuel, this summer, and, here is what it is, said, Jesus, america paid almost two dollars per gallon for ethanol, its the new mixture, collapsing, and, bush, I made it, he said, gets iraq war money, keep it down, said, hollie, it was o.p.e.c. charging way to much, per barrel, now, world economies collapsed, hollie showed, record, put back, rip, with, lighted, hands, then, bear paws, tear up, from behind, whats that, she said, bear, said, hollie, clap, those were lighted, hands, put back, tear, clap, the, economys slippin, said, woman, thats, it, said, hollie, with hollie playing music, laughed, thats, it, showed, hollie, tap dancing, showed, fighting, putin, grunts, hollie showed, record, that, was, missiles taking off, said, hollie, and, with utter destruction, she, said, put it under, thats, bill clinton pressing nuclear button, and, minuteman 111 missiles taking off, and right after, america, explodes, hollie showed, from, airplane, she, said, america exploded, thats, russia exploding, flying, hollie held nose, shew, she said, stench, pointed, china exploded, right after taiwan, did, thats, hollie, waving, in ohio class subs, fired, missiles, striking, china, hollie showed, flying, iraq, gaza, exploding, that, she said, hollie, let me, record, she said, showed, pope, blossoming like a flower, hollie showed, it as uh dream, she said, with pastor terry cannon, preaching, bob was amused, terry told people, if you dont think im a man of God, then, try me, he said, bob laughs, put it under, said, hollie, terry cannon is cut off, said woman, 12-14-2008-hollie showed, record, I showed him that, she, said, pope, growing, like, flower, theres, hu hintao, hollie, said, tear up, and, fix, it, she said, emporer of japan, slash, pope, she, said, put it under, she, said, these are the beasts with seven heads, and ten horns, pope, hes, antichrist, let me record, said, hollie, rubbed hands, bobby, said, hollie, with, nice hair, record, got started to late, rubbed hands hollie, thats it, she said, its sumb, said, sandy, hollie, showed, pope, growing like flower, theres, hu, she said, summed it up, those two walked, threatened, spoke lies, at the table, thats, nuclear, explosions, in, russia, china, then, the mark treaty, said, pontiff, hollie, said, they, thats, emporer of japan, rising, like, lamb, with, hu, hintao, hollie, said, the mark, she, said, signed, 666, thats, placed on forehead, thats little pope, tattood on finger tip, hollie showed, record, unemployment insurance benefits will be hit hard cause g.m. shuts 20 plants, put it under, said, hollie, economic collapse coming, bush, grunts, I dont care, ha ha, loose your jobs, gimme iraq, he, said, about 75 percent of those general motors employees voted bush, said g.m. striker, now showed, cut off, they will never, go back, most, know, they cant pay thier bills for first time, thats, hollie, like king, the united states will be uh desolation said Jesus and hollie, thats pointed, hollie, subs, around america, fired, thats, missile defence, fired, misses, america, explodes, up rose, that, pointed, hollie, statue of liberty, out of fire, new iran, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, thats, sub, said, george w. bush, firing, iran, exploded, submarine, somby, said, hollie, that, said, the Father, on finger, tattood, its ohio class said, hollie, showed, picture, fired, missiles, russia exploded, hollie, showed, wait, hollie grunts, barack obama presses nuclear button, iraq, gaza, explode, heres why, said, obama, cooperate, thats alome salome, said, hollie, showed, realistic receiver, excellent, with mcs speakers, hollie comes out of woofer, showed, 8 inch woofer, buy, it, she, said, it, gooduhnough, that was hollie showed, gabriel, fleas, thats, hollie leopard, hu hintao, emporer of japan, north and south korea, pops out, thats, the, beast, said, hollie, hes, pope, with ten toes, danced, they are, kings, he, chooses to help run moscow, im bush said, george w. bush, the auto industry, hollie points, bush showed cut off, high wages, said, president bush, Jesus laughs, hollie showed, cut off, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, in the fire, hi, said, hollie, its, ronald, said, hollie, hi, she said, Ronald Tompkins, buy Douglas heller Ronald Tompkins said, hes, the one, said, ronald, stole ministry of dreams said doug heller, put it undle, said, hollie, remove, said, Jesus, no, shook, douglas heller, ill ruin, doug shruggs, now, his job knows, hes, Chairman, Community Development Committee district 1 for Springfield Township, and owns, hes, witch, said, hollie, thats, Commissioner Douglas J. Heller Chairman of the Community Development Committee of Springfield Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, hes, said, hollie, his friend, ron tompkins, they, tricked, hollie, said, like thier reverend jeremy taylor u.u. m.a. ph.d. d.min (hon), he stole said, hollie, ministry of dreams and douglas heller sees, made ya look at it said, hollie, and doug heller smiles, ill remove it, he said, ruint, thats jeremy taylor d.min flying in stolen spacecraft ministry of dreams and doug heller yells, yeah, both, openly mocked, and ronald tompkins is, said, hollie, showed, cut off, over, said douglas heller, for, taking, said, dee finney, showed, yes, now, ruint, like diana hughey, and janetmck, who is janet mcknight, they stole said david shapiro, and duncan rouleau shakes, yes, like his reverend bill hamon, rewrites old book, yeah says u.u. jeremy taylor m.a., but both get ruint like cluracan who is lawrence forman and thier joel tao who is utubia1party and his sis who is sistermoonshine13, showed, im cut off over, she said, 12-15-2008-let me, said, hollie, I showed, cut off, thats, Randy Sukhai, thats, she said, randy haxor, for stealing, said, hollie, whats that, said, randy haxor, I stole it said Randy Sukhai, we stole said randy haxor, ministry of dreams and sistermoonshine shakes, yep, she said, they are the children of douglas heller, he and his ron tompkins stole the name I spoke said Jesus, ministry of dreams and thats dr. jeremy taylor, a u.u. rev. said, the Lord, stealing from christian, his ministry name, yep shakes Randy Sukhai, they are the children of their Lord and ruler, thats, duncan rouleau, and his pastor reverend bill hamon shakes, yes, put it under, said, hollie, watch what i do, said, Jesus, and they all laughed, but ran to remove the name I spoke, call it said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, mister christian, this is website, lets post, said, hollie, she was serious, shook, no, im thru with it, then, yeah, but, no, showed, done, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im, thru with, it, shook, yes, maybe, she, said, showed, no, clapped, spun, tada, thats the beast, she said, pope, no, said, hollie, showed doug heller, ronald tompkins, whyd did you steal, she said, and Ministry of dreams website, appears, both, one, fired from finger, thats, shew, said, hollie, held nose, all running to remove the God spoken created name ministry of dreams, Ill take it, said, Randy Sukhai, but runs to remove like his randy haxor, they are utubia1party, dont steal it, said ministry of dreams website, one appears, fires, and duncan rouleau looses, showed, cut off, all jobs, no talks said dr. jeremy taylor, u.u. said, hollie, ruint, she said, holding nose, hold it, said, Jesus, leave doug heller, hollie said, hes, called, laughed, f.b.i., but, the await his, ruin, she said, put it under, douglas heller had beautiful outlook not ruint, said, Jesus, you knowed said doug heller, and ron tompkins, I made you see it, said, hollie, showed, cut off for you, he trembles, this is website, post, said, hollie, and ministry of dreams, said, website, showed, cut off, if you steal, said, hollie, walked, I showed, she said, cut off, if you take, and, dee finney, I made you look at it, said, hollie, no, said, Jesus, elisabeth shea, says, but, when written, I wont remove, she said, put it under, said, hollie, showed, cut, off, banks, usa, closing, this is warning, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, said, the website, showed, ill make you run to remove if you steal ministry of dreams, you know me, said, the website, and other, said, hollie, showed, name, call it, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, many steal, said, hollie, showed, cut off, for doing, I did, said dee finney, both ruint for taking, and dr. rev. jeremy taylor, u.u. sees, hes jung, said, hollie, no, she said, thats reverend jeremy taylor showing cut off, and dr. taylor wadds, throws, when somebody shows him, for taking the name, said, dee finney, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, walk, exercise, thats doctor unitarian universalist minister reverend m.a. jeremy taylor u.u. in the fire, said, Jesus, with suit, on, take your suit off, said, Jesus, alright, said, unitarian reverend jeremy taylor, hollie showed, walk, this is warning, said, Jesus, hollie showed, its working, wrong, its working right, hollie showed, record, clapped, theres uh submarine pointed, hollie, wont ya let me said, hollie, let me, said, hollie, this is warning, said, hollie, casey, showed, cut off, banks, usa, closing, said, dee finney, I AM said, Jesus, record, me said, hollie, hollie showed, record, she, said, thats popes image on cell phone, tear up, fix, it, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, but not the right way, said, hollie, I made ya spin, clap, she said, there is uh reason, said, hollie, and, hollie plays music, laughs, what is my reason, said, hollie, and, the main thought, hollie showed, record, thats alien showing the beast, said, hollie, 666 appears, put it on, said, hollie, forehead, thats, the, mark, she, said, mister christian said, hollie, look at that, she, said, johnny, dont go there, hollie, johnny godaire, grunts, im doomed, he said, but there he is preaching, in uh white robe, said, hollie, pocketing, my money said micki mooney, paul mooney shakes yes, hollie showed, record, yeah, she, celebrated, clapped, hollie showed, record, I showed you that, she said, its pontiff, she said, tear up, looked around, let me fix it, she said, rip, spun, jumpy, from the back, spun, toyed, front, rip, im sorry, said, hollie, I ruint, she said, and douglas heller, bobby, get out of here, he said, put it under, said, hollie, thats doug heller showing cut off, and mrs. douglas heller, what is this, she said, I made you look, said, hollie, thats my wife, said douglas j. heller, you made me said mrs. heller, put it under, said, hollie, doug heller steals prophets ministry name ministry of dreams and douglas heller wont release till ruint, showed, cut off, alaska, said, mrs. douglas heller, they are out, said, hollie, showed, cut off, its over taking the name said mrs. heller, ministry of dreams, and website appears, shoots, doug looses city job 12-16-2008-I made ya record, said, hollie, and ministry of dreams, I made ya shoot, said, hollie, fires from finger, all that take it, said, hollie, thats, them running to remove, she, said, and ministry of dreams said website, showed, name, call it ministry of dreams, spoke Jesus, remove, said, website, people steal said, hollie, record my vision, said, hollie, showed, das boot, the German U-boat fired missiles, tell me about the U-boat said hollie, its because it sank, she said, merchant ships, they, developed sonar, and, depth charges eliminated the German U-boat, hollie showed, the depth charge, dropped by ship, exploded, caused water, rocking sub, ruining, I want somebody to record, said, hollie, showed, pope, rising like flower, theres hintao, she said, I summed it up, showed, hollie, hollie showed, record, I showed you that, said, hollie, its, akula, class, she, said, fired, missiles, with captain hollie, inside, thats, all nato burning, theres barack, pointed, hollie, right there she said, barack obama, she said, shot, on, his Inauguration, thats, joseph biden being sworn in, iraq did it, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, hollie leaning, on, nuclear explosions, modelled, slapped, Jesus, love, heres the reason, said, hollie, and hollie slapped, its because I want war, said, george w. bush, showed, cut off, thats Jesus, interviewing reporter in Baghdad, why did you kill him, reporter shows f.b.i., so you throwed your shoes said, JEsus, reporter shakes yes, I need somebody to let me record, said, hollie, showed, cut off, banks, thought, yeah, said, hollie, explained, he, knows, it, said, hollie, explained, thats beast rising like flower, theres hu, hollie showed, fighting, clapped, emporer of japan, slash, pontiff, hollie closed it up, that, showed, hollie, its, uh, 1978 ford, ltd, hollie said, spun tires, thats hu hintao, said, hollie, riding, she said, red, horse, thats, missile pointed, hand, taiwan, exploding, hollie summed it up, hollie showed, bungle in the jungle, it made, hollie said, it hit number 10, no more submarine soum, s,o,u,m, said, hollie, thats bear, in, its ohio class, said, hollie, fired, missiles, russia, struck, exploded, thats, woman, coming out of fire, hollie pointed, statue of liberty, subs, around america, fired, it, exploded, said, hollie, thats, the woman, thats captain, hollie, in, subs, fired, missiles, world shakes, up rises the beast, she said, rides black horse, into moscow, flatter, he said, gets russia, and geese circled, here, they showed, smiled, we want you to come back website, said, circled geese, hollie showed, on board, with uh stick, she said, submarine, Jesus put face, chin in hand, its, excellent, he thinks, they, are, almost, unstoppable, thats, hollie, grunts, its double bladder she said, let out medvedev, war, he said, left, 12-17-2008-this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, dont steal it said the website, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, showed, cut off if you do, and second ministry of dreams website shows, call it said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, what does the website, say, post, said, hollie, showed, eat, licked prophet, there he is, said, hollie, dr. jeremy taylor u.u. said, hollie, steals the name I spoke, ministry of dreams, and, attacks bob, now ruint, he, wouldve gotten saved said kathryn taylor m.a., but the chose, said tristy taylor, to release it she said, like most ruint, thats, jeremy taylor d.min at the board, said, hollie, meeting, they show him his letters, and, he, runs to remove, but, dr. jim garrison fires anyway, put it under, said, hollie, dont take it, said, Jesus, or, be, ruint, thats the beast growing like a flower, said, hollie, put it under, she, said, thats, pontiff scratching face, if you lt me said, vladimir, said, medvedev, come on, he said, kills, shows, america, nuking, casey, points, iraq, gaza, thats, hollie, spinning world, she said, many nuclear fireballs, coming, up, website wanted said, hollie, posting, said, hollie, put it under, thats double bladder, said, hollie, letting, out, and, dumitry, said, hollie, he, presses, the, nuke, button, she said, saw, america, exploded, hollie showed, record, theres your vision, said, hollie, post, thats beast growing like a flower, said, hollie, theres hu, I summed it up, said, hollie, showed, thats, the, vision, yelled, hollie, tell me about the, vision, tell me about the vision, said, hollie, vision, said, post, hollie said, this the website, said, hollie, post, raise your hands and repeat after me, beast, said, pontiff, said, hollie, God teases his servants by caressing thier dick, said, hollie, penuses, destroying thier faces, deseasing gums, causing bagging, write the vision, said, hollie, showed, eat, I showed record, said, hollie, 12-18-2008-hollie showed, record, let me, she said, I showed you that, she said, the beast growing, like a flower, theres, hu, she said, held nose, both beasts, said, Jesus, put it under, said, hollie, watch what they do, she said, hollie showed, walking, they hate but cling, she said, put it under, that, she said, both, have, nukes, aimed, hollie tore up, and, put back, she said, rip, shook, yes, showed, tada, people steal, she said, from him, she said, the Lord, ministry of dreams, but, all ran to remove, ruint, she said, after, that, she said, two nuclear explosions, in, gaza, iraq, I showed him bush, hollie said, grunts, that, pointed, hollie, I made war, he said, grunted, to break our, he said, oil cont, tracts, she said, thats our president bush in the fire, said, hollie, please let me record, said, hollie, we want you, circled, the, geese, come, here, shook, yeah I do, circled, stopped, now, they said, put it under, go to glendale, said, Jesus, that is where you need to be circled, geese, stopped, hollie showed, record, go to glendale, circled, geese, now, they said, put it under, watch glendale, go bankrupt, and owner, looks at, hollie showed, record, and you, she said, douglas heller, he stole, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, doug j. heller show, stunned, but on his website, and ron tompkins swallows, there a page, said, hollie, containing ministry of dreams, and ron, tompkins caughs, you made me laugh said ron tompkins, he stole, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, claims he had it copyright in 1993, but, he included it in, and fool doug heller posts, said, hollie, put it under, that was randy haxor showing cut off, said, hollie, and Randy Sukhai swallows, they stole, said, hollie, and both, look, young, said, hollie, now openly, hey did you see, said randy haxors friend, did you steal from christian, they they run to remove what joel tao stole and put on utubia1party website, ministry of dreams and the website, appears, hey bobby, you got it, he said, fired, from, finger, second website, smiles, made you look at it, said, hollie, both cut off, and thats the friend laughing at them, hey did ya steal, said, him, and joel tao, laughs at, sistermoonshine13, they, friend showed, cut off, over, taking the name said dee finney, and dr. jeremy taylor u.u. shrugs, laughed, at, now your cut off said kathyrn taylor, m.a., put it under, they are lovable in this life, but crooked said kathy taylor, 12-19-2008-that was, said, hollie, hollie showed, in the ring, hollie showed, record, hollie explained, showed, the beast, growing, like flower, theres the second, hes, hu hintao, hollie showed, shew we, hes, false prophet, record, said, hollie, showed, apostolic man, and he saw, said, casey, the apostolic man show cut off, record, said, hollie, showed, blessed precious, thats kristina, she said, hollie showed, turn, go, hollie showed, record, showed, o.p.e.c. cutting 2.2 million barrels per day, oil, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie shakes, yes, im thru with it, she, showed, then, showed, maybe, clapped, hollie wipes lips, showed, record, wont ya let me record, said, hollie, showed, hollie showed, record, you need to record, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, now look, she, said, hollie showed, board, hollie showed, banks closing, its america, put it under, said, hollie, get your money out, hollie showed, record, explained, casey, points, at, the, king of grecia, hes pontiff, she said, thats, hu hintao, putin, popping out horns, thats hegoat smiting ram, america, moscow, china, destroy each other, up rose the beast, hes, said, hollie, showed, pope, walking with hu, the second beast, they, thats, nuclear explosions in russia, china, then, the mark treaty, said, pontiff, theres, them, signing, 666, take it, said, pope, thats, them, tattooing, on, forehead, hollie showed, record, showed, I am God, said, pontiff, in rome, thats, him, in, israel, thats hu slashing, beast in israel, unite and force, said, hu, thats, nuclear explosion in russia, armies of the south, kings of the east, invading russia, forcing, to, invade israel, thats, israel being invaded, by china, and, israeli prime minister pressing the nuclear button, missiles strike jordan, egypt, syria, casey, watches, Christ places beast, false prophet, in hell fire, rapture, he said, the jews, everything dissolves, thats, beast, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns said, pope, hollie showed, record, and, who are they, she, said, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im thru with it, from behind, said, hollie, showed, lighted, bear, paws, tear up, put back, rip, from behind, she, said, clap, rip, thats hu hintao, vicente fox, geyer, castrol, heads, hugo chavez, brazil, kim jong, pope appearing, hes moscow, thats, putin, kneeling before pontiff, let me, he, said, pressed nuke button, usa explodes, alright said the pope with michael boldeas voice, thats russia striking amercia, 12-20-2008-hollie showed, record, let me, said, hollie, thats, hollie light, inspecting, didnt gabriel, show, record, I showed, you that, he, said, pope, said, hollie, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, he said, and who are they said, hollie, hintao appears, thats vincente fox, geyer, hugo chavez, lula, kim jong, putin, pope, castrol, scene explodes, bobby, said, hollie, record, thats beast growing like flower, theres hu, emporer of japan, thats lamb, with two horns, emporer of japan, hu, rising, to, withstand, pope, they sign, the mark treaty, 666, thats, showed, hollie, nuclear explosions, in, china, russia, then, they, sign, take it, said, pope, my mark, 666, thats, popes image tattood on finger, bobby, let me, record, said, hollie, showed, eat, hollie showed, record, showed, chevy astro van, its uh excellent, thats, hollie driving 1966 for mustang, they, hollie thought, lasted, about, 200,000 miles, hollie showed, lighted, bear paws, hollie shows pope, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, pope, and, I, summed, it, up, she said, heres uh warning, said, hollie, russia will attack when you lease expect it, hollie showed, record, showed, the beast, growing, like, flower, gabriel, appears, theres hu, hollie said, uto, said, hollie, casey, points, at, dr. jeremy taylor, u.u., ruint over stealing the name I spoke said Jesus, ministry of dreams, he, wanted to take, at all cost, is ruint for doing, shame on jeremy taylor said, hollie, thats jeremy taylor in the fire, and ordained unitarian universalist minister, said, hollie, hell, said, steven stargardter-jim garrison man, bob, thats alome saleem, pointed, hollie, let me, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, and that, yelled, hollie, america exploded, its, from, he, said, im uh bear, said, linda spall, putin, said, hollie, thats, horn, sound, said, hollie, out hollie, showing, banner, he, said, jeremy taylor, d.min fired from wisdom university, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, hollie played, the music, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im thru with, it, lets tell, clapped, hollie, had lighted, bear paws, tear up, fix, and restore, rip, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, beast, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol, pope, I summed it up, she said, you knew, said, hollie, shouting at doctor jeremy taylor from the aol DREAM SHOW, the dreams work show, said, hollie, hes ruint, over taking the name said, kathy, said, reverend jeremy taylor, showed, cut off, both, witchs, hollie, said, but pretend, and their reverend amy brucker, fired said gina rose halpern, both, over, protecting, and the steven stargardter-jim garrison man swallows, and dr. jeremy taylor, angry, looks at Vince Rause, hes ruint now over writing article lifting rev. jeremy taylor, and gina halpern, sees, looks, away, and knows, she wants dr. jeremy taylor out of The Chaplaincy Institute for Arts and Interfaith Ministries, yes shakes, the, steven stargardter, jim garrison, dude, said, hollie, put it under, said, hollie, watch reverend d.min m.a. jeremy taylor u.u. run to remove ministry of dreams, that was dr. jeremy taylor in the fire, vision, said hollie, watched, in hellfire jeremy taylor the ordained unitarian universalist minister, regrets said dr. jeremy taylor (hon), put it under, said, hollie, watch what you do pointed sam neill, 12-21-2008-look, said, hollie, showed, you uh picture, she said, and who is it, she said, pope, dissolved, matthew, said, hollie, you knew, she said, what said, Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox, hes, showed, and he saw, said, casey, hollie points, matthew fox show cut off, but he preaches, said, hollie, put it under, thats his dr. jeremy taylor u.u. showing the same, she said, cut off said reverend jeremy taylor m.a., put it under, said, hollie, thats dr.s jim garrison and steven stargardter showing cut off, no, shouted, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im thru with, then, shook, yes, from, behind, said, hollie, with lighted bear paws, tear up, clap, fix, it, jeremy I told, said, hollie, you stole, she pointed, and jeremy taylor d.min grunts, shakes, make me remove, he thought, but, runs to remove what he stole ministry of dreams at wisdom university board meeting, which is formerly UNIVERSITY OF CREATION SPIRITUALITY, that is, Jesus held nose, wickedness, soothsaying, he said, when matthew fox sees, I made you take a look at it, said, the LOrd, im embarrased said dr. rev. matt fox, hes uh witch, said, hollie, and points, dr. jeremy taylor, you ruint said kathy taylor, all brought down, saith the Lord, no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, showed, in thru with it, shook, yes, turned around, clapped, syria got hit by israel, said, the Lord, and he saw, said, hollie, jordan, syria, egypt, explode, and, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats, hu hintao slashing beast in israel, with his armies, thats, unite and force, said, hu, hintao, china, nuking russia, forcing russia to invade israel, thats Christ placing the beast, false prophet in the fire, record, said, hollie, clap, hollie showed, record, clap, lighted, bear paws, hi, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, and, I, summed it up, she, said, clap, spun, on the board, now look, she said, showed, pope, hu hintao, appeared, on board, they, are, the, two beasts, words appeared, hollie held nose with kim jong, hugo chavez, lula, castrol, geyer, mexico, they are new world order, thats, hegoat, hes king of grecia, with, putin, and, hu, popping out of horns, thats hegoat smiting ram, america, moscow, china, nuke, thats the world shaking, and, up rose, the beast, from out of sea, hes antichrist, theres bear with 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, clapped, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, said, hollie, thats hollie placing nuclear explosions in mexico, its from, said, hollie, im uh bear, thats, wiped lips hollie, russia, thats, missiles flying striking australia, exploded, pointed, hollie, britain, france, boom, italy, america, hollie points, both exploded, thats, bill clinton pressing nuclear button, russia exploded, missiles coming from all nuclear g8 n.a.t.o. nations, russia burns, smoke, thats, angel, in atmosphere, holding nose, like silhouette, stench, blocked, sun, moon, casey folded scene, look, said, hollie, showed, the beast rising, theres hu, shew, no way, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, she, said, idol pope, thats, lamb rising, hu, japan, pops out, withstand the pope, rides black horse, to, russia, gets, gimme control, he, said, arsenal, thats nuclear explosions in russia, china, pope, drives out china, then, the mark treaty, said, pope, 666, they all sign, gabriel, showed, record, hollie had lighted hands, hollie showed blessed precious, its kristina, I got uh warning bobby, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, let me, said, hollie, showed, the Ministry Of Dreams, book, everybody to write, Jesus showed, no way, call it MINISTRY of DREAMS, he said, if you alter Ill make you run to release, Jesus said, hollie showed popes image made alive on cell phone, take it said pontiff, hollie showed, rocky, hes still, in, good shape, said, hollie, and hollie light, appears, 61, thats hollie flying, spacecraft, aint, said, hollie, backsliding, many steal the name MINISTRY OF DREAMS, thats, Jesus, watching, dr., is that what you want, said, kathy taylor, jeremy, what made you do it, said, Jesus, it was him, said, u.u. jeremy taylor d.min, pointing at jim garrison, im jelous, said, reverend jeremy taylor, u.u., i aint taken it off, he said, shruggs, do or git outta here, said dr. jim garrison, jeremy taylor m.a. removes ministry of dreams at wisdom university board meeting, jim fires anyway, let me record, said, hollie, that, she said, hollie showed, sleep, with blue sweatshirt on, hollie showed record, bob i will persecute you until you perish, I the Lord take pleasure in torturing my children to make them backslided, teeasing, deseasing, gums, causing hair loss, caressing penus, making face sag, bag, muscles tighten, when being used, like winking, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, beast riding black horse, take it, he said, theres hu, she said, hollie showed, fighting, showed, they are the two beasts, hollie showed, explosion, its taiwan, hollie showed, in ring, that, hollie showed record, and I summed it up she said, hollie waited, 12-22-2008-you need to record, said, hollie, winked, with, long hair, thats, her, bobby, you need to record, said, hollie, its him, she said, pastor simmons, and he saw, said, pointed, casey, pastor, of, u.p.c.i., franklin simmons, shut up, he said, no lets talk about it, said, youth, that shows pastor frankin d. simmons visions, and he saw, said, casey, frankin simmons pocketing tithes, offerings, he lives off of it, said, the LOrd, put it under, hollie showed cut off its to late for him she said, no, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, was, fleas, shook, yes, showed, im away with it, shook yes, from behind, clapped, hollie, spun, tada, tear up, put back, rip, hollie showed, record, that was, said, hollie, babyfleas, hollie showed, that was said, hollie, babyfleas, im pool, said, babyfleas, thats sandy pool biting the prophets head off, thats cause, said, the LOrd, she did not like her vision, cut off said hollie, but, let go, put it under, said, hollie, watch john mark pool, there, pointed sandy pool, in, lava, both, for, said, Jesus, blasphemy, thats, wiped lips, hollie, rejecting, the LOrd, fleas, showed, record, showed, walking, hollie, showed, eat, walk, skip, hollie showed, record, what made ya do it, she said, natividad negron who is jesse negron, changed email bob posted, from, the LOrd to the devil, I wanted, wiped lips jesse negron, to make him, he said, wiped lips, speak, blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and he saw, said, the Lord, jesse negron show cut off, i am, he said, when he, made ya look at it said, hollie, jesse negron sees, trembles, put it under, said, hollie, jesse negron is a witch, she said, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie, showed, posting, thats, beast with seven heads, ten horns, and, who are they, said, hollie, hu hintao, said, hollie, showed, let me punish, you, said, pope, thats, nuclear, missiles striking russia, china, then, thats, lamb, rising, with hu and japan, withstand the pope, said, hu, hintao, the, mark, treaty, he said, thats them sitting at table, signing, 666 appears, take it, said, pope, thats bear with pope in mouth, thats, that, said, hollie showed, angel, points, titanic hit big iceberg, knocking out two plates, thats them building the titanic, plates are riveted in, they, have like slots, they, fit, together, and, seal, it, was strong enough, to, lift, out of water, hollie measured, almost, seven feet, sank, hollie held nose, banks in u.s.a. close, they will, not give you any money, its, f.d.i.c. insured, and, f.d.i.c. is broke, thats, the u.s.a. government, thats, w.a.s.p., they, are, old, but, we steal rock, said, blackie lawless, want more visions, clapped, the, tap dancers, hollie showed, that is, horn glowing taller then other, china, appears, thats, magog, thats, the, hegoat smiting ram, america, msocow, china, nuke each other, thats, nuclear explosions, in, russia, america, points, hollie, I dont need ya, said, hollie, speaking, for, blackie lawless appears, were w.a.s.p., he said, we still kick ass, he said, put it under, thats w.a.s.p., now you wanna fuck said blackie lawless, but when youth, sucked, he said, sees, then nuclear n.a.t.o. exploded, thats, missiles coming from those nations, striking, russia, thats, russia, exploding, angel in heavens, with partial silhouette face, then casey, turned silhouette, from behind, clapped, hollie, light it up, she said, smoke blocks, sun, moon, for 16 hours, said, hollie, with, that, o, loose, belt, its, said, sandy, simb, thats, hollie, with, nice hair, showing, australia exploding, launching missiles, theres went france, said, hollie, britain, italy, all exploded, hollie showed, tear up, fix, clap, tear, turn, with, lighted, bear paws, that was satan, said, hollie, what did satan say, she, said, im the bear father, said, hollie, showed, im grecia, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, pope, with hu, putin, popping out of horns, thats hegoat smiting ram, I will make you perish after you have served me to laugh at you, hollie, showed, record, iraq, said, hollie, pointed, and he saw, said casey, bush grunt, I made, war, he said, brought it in, grunted, looked around, to steal our, looked around, iraq, said, hollie, nuked, gaza, exploded, thank you, said Jesus, see you later said blackie lawless, and he saw, said casey, blackie, lawless, show cut off, bush grunts, I stole, nuked, left, thats bush in the fire, 12-23-2008-let me tell, it, said, hollie, gene simmons sings many KISS songs, its cause I play guitar, said, paul stanley, hes, eddie van halen, bobby hickman said hollie, wiped lips, hollie stomped, showed, the beast, hes antichrist, said, hollie, put it under, she said, hollie played, music, modelled, thats, hollie showed, said, hollie, showed, that, he said, gabriel, write the vision, said, hollie showed, tell me about cecil tingley, said, hollie, shut up, he said, cecil tingley knows lost, but, is a high place in u.p.c.i., thats, kenneth haney with dyed hair, git outta here, he, said, o.k., said, cecil, tingley, thats, cecil, tingley showing cut off, thats sireen, its said sandy, simb, thats, hollie, like uh, king, he said, thats, hollie, driving to alabama, pastor franklin simmons, hes afraid, thats it, thats pastors simmons comin and gitton hollie, he said, thats, carlos burdine speaking blasphemy against the HOly GHost, I think your hearing from the devil he said, to bob, said, hollie, thatll haunt ya said Carlos Burdine, theres Carlos Burdine in fire, said, hollie, fool said Carlos Burdine, bradford baker, and, Carlos Burdine, corner bob, Carlos speaks blasphemy, bob, leaves, write the vision, said, hollie, Carlos cant believe it said Jesus, he, sees visions, on the beep, said, hollie, that, said Carlos Burdine, shows america, subs, all, around, fired, thats missile defence, firing, missing, america, exploded, and woman comes up, out of fire, thats pointed, hollie, statue of liberty, thats bill clinton with nuclear button, pressing, missiles leave u.s.a., and, ohio class subs, that, said, hollie, thats, hollie in the sub, said, hollie, russia, exploded, thats, bear, with, 3, ribs, in mouth, and who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, said cecil tingley, thats missiles, leaving, thier waters, striking america, said, cecil tingley, and nicaragua, venezuela, brazil exploded, smoke covers cuba, from america, let me place it there, said, hollie, mexico nuked, thats, many fireballs, in, mexico, thats angel in atomosphere, face turns silhouette, like caseys, smoke blocks sun, moon, casey, folded up scene, thats beast rising from the sea, riding black horse, into moscow, australia exploded, missiles leave there, theres france, exploding, britain exploded, and tony blair presses nuclear button, thats, hollie, in, sub, vanguard class submarine, two, showered russia with missiles, multi warhead, jaques chirac wipes lips, presses nuclear button, russia smokes, thats hand pointing, taiwan, thats missile streaking from china, taiwan exploded, thats captain hollie, in ohio class submarines, 3, firing missiles, china exploded, hollie showed, in uh circle, write the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, uh, gran torino, that was excellent car, that was big seller, number, 8, visions of economic collapse said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, banks close, in america, cecil tingley wipes lips, hollie showed pioneer sx-980 stereo receiver, its as good as they come, she, said, put it under, buy componenet, hollie wiped lips, hollie put back, tear up, she said, rip, from behind, clap, now with lighted bear paws, tear up, showed, pioneer sx-780, its excellent, submarine sombay, said, hollie, showed, uh picture, its, ohio class, with bear inside, fired, said cecil tingley, fired missiles, thats nuclear explosions in russia, missiles leaving, russia, striking all nuclear g8 n.a.t.o. nations, them all returning fire, thats putin, kneeling before pope, let me, he, said, alright, shook, pontiff, give me your power and strength, he, said, alright, ill do, it, said, putin, cause im the beast, said, pope, with seven heads and ten horns, thats, putin, with, politburo, showed, hollie, its, ruling party, thats pope coming out of one, thats medvedev, kneeling before pontiff, lets rule the world, sang, hollie, thats, what they want, she, said, thats russia planning in that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, thats putin, showing, with, stick, lets rule the world, sang, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, ill pluck, said, vladimir, thats, venezuela, brazil, china, cuba, mexico, kim jong, those kings, ill give you, said, boris yeltsin, yes, shook, putin, cause out of him, said, doreen marie hoge, sees, came putin, yeltsin comes out of the ten, she said, thats, kim jong, launching missiles, pointed, hollie, striking russia, putin wipes lips, china, south korea, exploded, putin, wipes, lips, presses nuclear button, north korea exloded, thats, hollie, watching, u.s.a. sub, tomahawk strike north korea, thats world shaking, showed, hollie, many nuclear fireballs, coming up, then beast rose, theres hu, she said, emporer of japan, hollie, said, rise like a lamb, thats hu, japan, coming out, and, pope signing, the mark treaty, he, said, thats, nuclear explosions in russia, china, drive out, said, pope, china, invades, russia, after, mostly, destroyed, they, drive china back, thats them sitting at table, signing, 666, the mark treaty, thats people lined up, getting tattood, thats hollie leaning on two nuclear explosions, and, the world appears, many fireballs, coming up, bush, grunts, i told him, he, said, dick cheney, say nothing, oil contracts, wells, alright shook dick cheney, thats president bush pressing nuclear button, thats gaza burning, israeli prime minister wipes lips, fire, he said, missiles leave israel, striking iraq, exploded, this brought america into rememberance before Jesus, thats him sprikling, russia awakened, lets rule the world, sang, putin, o my God said irving baxter, let me look at it, he, said, bob, said, irving baxter, wipes lips, thats, angel cop, furgit it said irving baxter, hollie showed, sleep, yawned, that was lighted hand, hollie fan, smiling, recieved 12-23-2005 I will let you perish over your gums cause you serve me, ill let them recede all the way to just bones in mouth to laugh at you, thats abasing, stripping people all day of desire to live for me by torturing them, gum desease, bagging face, tightening facial muscles when blinking, turning head, stretching them, hair loss, causing scalp to itch, deseasing body, I want my servants to perish, for pleasure, laughing at them, ruining them all day, thats abasing, till they backslide and will not come back, thats, just about everyone in the lake of fire, I love saving to make perish later, saith the Lord, bob I will do nothing but tease you till you backslide, do not scratch your head, and i cause to itch, your hair is falling out, cause I want you to perish, like I did JOB, saith the Lord, I ruin all my servants, teasing them, like people do little pets, I wont save people but tease them, saith Jesus, you will die trying to get me to let you stand, but, I made you to be my toy, ill put you in the hospital to change my mind, like JOB, thats me laughing at you saith the Lord, if you let me ill lead you to cut your eyes out to make you perish, ill have you slash peoples throats, poor gas on them and light, bob I will not do one thing but torture you until you leave, and will not let you come back, to embarras you, hurting you, all day, torturing, driving you to wrath, being terrified all day, thats me laughing at you, cause you are helpless, and I know how to hurt you, make your heart cry, all day, despairing unto life, I placed most of my servants in lava, thanking them, for wasting thier lives for me, ill do it to all, who get saved, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, cell phone with popes image, tear up, restore, said, cecil tingley, then hu appears, rip, put back, said cecil tingley, theres uh reason, said, hollie, fixed wrong, emporer of japan, slash idol pope, hollie smiled, rip, showed, record, hollie showed, record, tear up, bear paws, and restore, tear, that, is, hu hintao, riding the red horse, thats hand pointing, missile leaving china strikes taiwan, exploded, hollie explained, hollie put back, rip, from behind said, hollie, showed, lighted, bear paws, 12-24-2008-you aint gonna let me record, said, hollie, I showed you that, she said, pointed, im russia, said, putin, im the bear, hollie showed, record, showed, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope, with, ten kings, he, chooses, thats, hollie, showed, said, hollie showed, now Im back, he said, hollie showed, record, showed, a jet fighter, they killed millions, thats, smart bomb, leaving one, hollie showed the f-18 super hornet, its, fastest, over 2100 miles per hour, speed is what you want, said, Jesus, thats, hollie showed, shooting f-22 raptor out of sky, in f-18 hornet, thats raptor, cant git it, said, hollie showed, hollie showed, sleep, that, was, the, beast, rising, from the sea, said, hollie showed, pope, and hollie showed, bombed, that, showed, hollie showed, was many nuclear explosions in russia, then major, and vladimir putin, pressing nuclear button, I hate you, he said, missiles leave, thats, subs, all around, america, thats, hollie showed, tear up, fix it, rip, alaska exploded, bill clinton pressed nuclear button, subs, around, u.s.a. launched, thats, missile defence, firing, america, exploded, that was the woman coming out of fire, that, said, hollie, then, hollie showed, statue of liberty, thats, hollie showed in f-15 eagle, australia exploded, thats britain, france, italy, hollie saw explode, and missiles leave there, striking, russia exploded, hollie showed, record, that, he, pointed, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, eat, hollie showed, record, and I showed you that, he said, the pope, grunted, IM the beast with seven heads and ten horns, he said, thats, said, hollie, putin, with, ten crowns, and out of one comes running, its, said, medvedev, because, said, hollie, vladimir, said, Dmitry, im the, he wiped lips, ruler, he said, but, putin, shows, nope, they, are, getting into it, saith the LOrd, put it under, said, hollie, watch, pointed, damien, what you, he said, ask, for, and frankin simmons, knows, cut off showed franklin d. simmons, im old, he said, but, lost, pastors, hollie showed, that, michael jackson, hes, and he saw, pointed, casey, mike jackson show, leave, im thru with it, u.s.a., they are accusing, and he is, michael jackson looks around, innocent, he, patted, boys, on, ass, but, they called in, child molestation and carolyn myss, sees, made you look at it, said, hollie, shut up, said, carol myss, she protected, said, hollie, thats dr. jeremy taylor flying in stolen spacecraft ministry of dreams, runs to remove, call it, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, thats reverend doctor taylor, said, hollie, he stole the God spoken name that is protected ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, now hear the word of the LOrd, destroy, said, Jesus, and wisdom, university, he said, rules, said jim garrison, not for long, said, the LOrd, they will, and dr. jim garrison looks around, fire, its, matt fox, you wanted, said, the LOrd, ministry of dreams, now ruint, all that, bobby we take it said dee finney, hollie wipes lips, to steal, they all said, thats, gabriel pulling cart of the thieves of Gods created spoken name ministry of dreams, arch angel gabriel pulls cart to fire, theres dr. jim garrison and his revrend jeremy taylor u.u. in the fire, put it under, said, hollie, thats what you wanted said Jesus, and carol myss sees, 12-25-2008-no, said hollie, shook yes, showed, im thru with it, shook yes, showed record, work, said, dog it aint gonna be very long said louis armstrong, hollie saw beautiful cloudy sky, appreciate, hollie showed, no, said, fleas, shook yes, showed, im thru with it, showed maybe, hollie showed, record, wiped lips, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im thru with it, shook, yes, then, fleas walked, hollie showed, turn, hollie and hollie showed, in play thing, spinnig around, hollie held nose, dont get your transmission rebuilt, buy one from junkyard, they dont last long, hollie showed, turn, hollie, clapped, showed cell phone with popes image made alive, prophet, said, hollie, bought lxi sereo receiver, hollie showed, no way, steal ministry of dreams, ruint, and he saw, said casey, the GOd spoken name ministry of dreams on website, it was uh dream, said, hollie, it was on wibc, hollie said, please have sarah remove, said, email, and be ruint, she said, hollie drove, russia, said, Jesus, sprinkled, arise, and he saw, said casey, bear grow, bob, let me, said, hollie, hollie in the fire, that he said, gabriel showed record, and I summed it up, said, hollie, licked prophet, angel showed, record, hollie showed the laptop, write the vision, said, hollie, showed, laptop, finger points, go, hollie showed, record, turn, said, hollie, showed, go, hollie showed, record, now look, he said, prophesy said hollie, showed hair grafts, they work, you need to give uh warning said hollie, its right here, said Jesus, and he saw said casey, the bear grow, arise, said hollie, Jesus sprinkled, arise and devour much flesh, he said, thats pointed hollie, angry bear with three ribs, and who are they said hollie, you know who said hollie, cuba, nicaragua wants out, said, hollie, mexico, ets place it there, said, hollie, cause, mexico gets nuked, said, hollie, put it under, watch what I do, said, pointed sam neill, bob prophesy said damien, hes saved, in hellfire, prophesy, said Jesus, hollie drank, diet pepsi, it hydrates, hollie showed, record, hollie slapped, dont make fun of, he said, rubbed face, Jesus appears, angry, hollie put back, tear up, she said, ill show you, she said, from uh new behind, said, hollie, clap, put it under, watch, said sam neill, war, he said, hollie smiled, nunt uh, she said, thats not sam neill, thats medvedev, and henry gruver laughs, put back, tear up, fix, clap, hollie showed, go, hollie showed record, sleep, prophesy said hollie, medvedev spoke with vladimir he said, knew, lets nuke, no said putin, ill do, said dmitry, put it under, said hollie, thats medvedev pressing nuclear button, missiles flying, thats missiles coming out of america, and interceptors, missing, thats america exploding, upn rose woman, out of fire, its statue of liberty, thats, pointed, hand, missiles striking russia, exloded, tear up, put back, said hollie, hollie dressed in wedding garnmets showed, right there, she said, its, on the screen, she said, the beast, pope, hu, appears, emporer of japan, slash, said hollie, idol pope, she said, hollie showed, record, that, pointed, hollie, tear up, he said, fix it, rip, from new behind, showed, hollie, with new lighted bear paws, summed it up, hollie showed, appeared, hollie showed expained, hollie appeared, hollie showed, record, hollie showed rudolf the red nosed reindeer, hes said hollie, young, bu, steals, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., said hollie, stealing, said hollie, the name God spoke, hollie said, ministry of dreams, said dee finney, ill take, said reverend jeremy taylor, u.u., said, hollie, tell on him, said, hollie, he steals, she said, but, runs to remove after, wisdom university fires, Ill git it said doctor jeremy taylor, can we talk to you said student from wisdom university, no said ph.d. reverend doctor jeremy taylor m.a., and his kathy, said Jesus, were witchs said d.min jeremy taylor an ordained unitarian universalist minister that steals from prophet ministry of dreams, now hear the word of the LOrd, watch what you do said damien, and Jesus appears, ill make you run to remove, he said, and s.t.d. doctor rev. jeremy taylor, I was at home watching it, he said, iraq, thats, hollie standing on two nuclear explosions, bush brought it in said rev. jeremy taylor, ends nuclear, thats gaza, iraq, burning, bush grunts, it was him said president bush, and dick cheney appears, lets do, he said, keep, the kingdom, steal, they both said, now hear the word of the LOrd, the people of usa brought them into power and knew said dr. jeremy taylor, this brings judgment to amexico, and reverend dr. jeremy taylor weeps, git outta here, yelled hollie, at dr. reverend u.u. jeremy taylor m.a., its cause he steals said hollie, wants christian cut off, and he saw said casey, at u.u. reverend jeremy taylor m.a. show cut off, im not said dr. jeremy taylor, cant get thru said hollie, jeremy taylor d.min shakes yes, i knew he said, its you liar, said hollie, I knew it said dr. jeremy taylor with reverend bill hamons voice, they stole, said hollie, ministry of dreams, and mike murdock appears, no said dr. mike murdock, he wrote uh book, and called it MInistry Dreams, he wanted to steal, take said woman that works for dr. mike murdock, if you take, said Jesus, showed, cut off, and mike murdock, looks at, knows, thats mike murdock showing, im cut off said reverend mike murdock, he preaches for, said hollie, thats mike murdock pocketing, yes said dr. bill hamon, they all do, said Jesus, and franklin d. simmons appears, sad like g. allan browning, they knew, said mike, now put it under, said JEsus, just watch what I do if you take, he said, ministry of dreams, ill make you run to remove it the LOrd said, and, its dr., said hollie, right here siad mike murdock, court, make me said rev. jeremy taylor, but you knew, so ill put sickness on you, and already have, thats jeremy taylor d.min laughing when he sees visions, weakening, he was number one, soothsayer, now witch, said JEsus 12-26-2008-hollie showed, that, uh smart car, she said, that, she, said, adolf hitler, heil, said, hollie, standing, from, the roof, she said, its uh v.w. she said, bug, got 34 miles per gallong, if correctly tuned, thats Jesus adjusting carburetor, two, said, hollie, 47 miles per gallon, hollie and hollie rebuilt shed, its uh speedway, she, said, somebody, hit, caused, lots of damage, thats maintenance man fixing, thats the alome saleem, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, douglas heller posts article by ron tompkins containing the stolen name ministry of dreams supposedly copyrighted in 1993, but he lied said ron tompkins, looks at, trembles, I got him, he said, meaning, commissioner doug heller, put this in jail, he said, meaning, both, now commissioner douglas heller is facing class d felony charge, both, and ron tompkins sees, knew nothing said ronald tompkins, put it under, hollies, watch, pointed, sam, neill, turned and pointed at dmutry medvedev, hes wanting war, said, medvedev, its, bush, he, said, thats, fountain, with much water, america was prospered saith the Lord, cause, it aided israel, but, became, greedy, now, her own allies, are, cut that off said, showed, president bush, with british prime minister talking with, its gaza, he, said, and he saw, said, casey, gaza explode, thats, many nuclear fires in iraq, and, angry, israeli prime minister, presses, nuclear, button, thats, two multi-warhead nuclear missiles striking iraq, burning, its cause bush said israeli prime minister, leaves, tear up, showed, hollie, with lighted, hands, fix, rip apart, again, from behind, hollie, said, clap, showed, new lighted hands, hollie showed, record, thats that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, smiling, beast, pope, worried hu hintao, bobby, I summed it up, showed, hollie, submarine sound, said, hollie, showed, picture, its akula, said, hollie, with uh bear, inside, she, said, fired, missiles, some struck, said, hollie, nuclear n.a.t.o., its, the, g8, said, hollie, pope, rubs, lips, goes to moscow, exploding, china is magog, said, Jesus, that, pointed, grim reaper, saw, america, explode, more, that, he, said, collects hundreds of millions, souls, more, that, he, said, britain exploded, theres goes france, italy, australia, thats grim reaper, collecting souls, theres russia, china, taiwan, more that, he, said, collected souls, more, that, he, said, thats hollie grim reaper collecting souls, they are the children of disobediance, that is said Jesus, children choosing the lusts of thier father, devil, more that, pointed, grim reaper, thats brazil exploding, venezuela, and grim reaper, tear up, he said, put back, tear, we, want, you, to, come, here, circled geese, that, said, hollie, alaska said Jesus, casey, wiped lips, pointed, alaska exploded, thats many more missiles heading for u.s.a., bobby, this is Jesus, post, said, hollie, and, ministry of dreams website, appears, both, thats my alome saleen, said, hollie, its said sandy, simb, hollie showed, record, thats emergency soumb, said, hollie, hollie showed, the beast, pope, riding black horse, gets, flatter, he said, moscow nuclear arsenal, hollie showed, record, and I summed it, up, he said, showed, let work, leave it off, said, hollie, u.s.a. economic collapse, thats woman riding scarlet colored beast, im the beast, said, pope, bush popped out of woman, that, said, hollie, america, exploded, pope, rose, hollie, savored, drink, live, she said, showed, like, Jesus, appears, says, ron tompkins, you witch, said, hollie, liar, said, Jesus, you placed, said doug heller, ministry of dreams said, the ministry of dreams website, copyrighted, in, thats wrong, said, doreen marie hoge, ron tompkins, I placed it, he said, wiped, lips, to steal, take said douglas heller, both place in jail, over, trial, coming, hollie, savored, love, what you do, said medvedev, or, loose, hollie savored, steal ministry of dreams said Jesus ill ruin you and make you run to remove like over 1000 have and all will even you dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. d.min, watch him loose all jobs, talks, thats how I got abated said reverend jeremy taylor m.a., his wife, said, Jesus, I told him dont do it, kathy taylor m.a. says, to friends, but in heart, steal, said kathryn taylor, shes him, but now both ruint, dont use them, and sam neill appears, pointed, ruint, put it under, said, hollie, thats the ministry of dreams website, both, ruint, call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, I spoke it, he said, created, they steal, said dee finney, showed, cut off, all, who take she said, and dr. bill hamon, sees, 12-27-2008-war, said, hollie, stomped, smiled, modelled, showed, be quiet, hollie showed, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope, she said, with ten crowns, he said, horns, put it under, said, hollie, watch, she said, theres that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, with the pope and hu, hollie, I summed it up, jumped inside, saw, putin, planning, no way, said medvedev, ill do, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, with the stick, said, hollie, on board, she said, all three exploded, bear had those 3 ribs in mouth, hollie blew horn, out hollie, showing, hollie on that o red, and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, hollie showed, both beasts, theres hu, she, pointed, hes the leader of magog, turned, stomped, clap, looked at pope, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, who are they, said, hollie, showed, kings, thats, the president of mexico, fox, geyer of nicaragua, castrol, both, said, hollie, hugo chavez, lula, hu hintao, kim jong, and, pope, they are the seven heads, and kim jong, said, hollie, thats, she, noticed, nuclear, said kim, missiles, leaving north korea, striking, moscow, china, south, thats, russia, vladimir, pressing, the, nuke button, said, hollie, north korea, exploded, thats, hollie, watching missile leave u.s.a. sub, she said, struck, north, korea, no way, said, medvedev, pope has ten crowns, its uh ruling party, bob, said, hollie, eat, more, she showed, showed, popes image, on, pocket cell phone, take it, he said, subs, positioned, the mark, said, cecil tingley, franklin simmons looks other way, thats 666 on cecil tingleys heads, she looks, trembles, thats the popes image tattood on franklin d. simmons finger, both, you ruint, said, cecil tingley, thats nuclear explosions, in, russia, china, pope, rides black horse into moscow, open it he said, the nuke arsenal, said, prophet, thats, drive out, said, pope, china exploded, russia exploded, america and france, italy, australia, brazil, venezulea, mexico, ill place it there, said, hollie, nuclear explosions, in mexico, its from, said, linda spall, im uh bear, she said, hollie, laughs, thats putin, he said, and angry pope appears, thats, vladimir kneeling before the beast, that was big nuclear explosion, thats, hollie, showing, world, many nuclear fireballs coming up, thats, subs, around u.s.a., hollie, points, fired, america, exploded, and, woman, came, up, hollie, clapped, thats statue of liberty, bill clinton presses nuclear button, thats russia exploding, thats ohio class subs, minuteman nuclear missiles, shower russia, thats, missiles leaving russia striking, britain, and vanguard class subs fired, russia burned, australia exploded, theres missiles coming from, striking russia, theres, more, missiles striking russia, from, exploding, france, and italy, more bobby, complained, hollie, and, summed it up, russia, said antichrist, pope, Jesus sprinkled, arise, the bear grew, devour, he said, thats russia striking nuclear g8 n.a.t.o. nations, all firing back, world, shakes, gabriel showed, hollie, on, grain mill, pointed, bobby, record, again, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, hollie showed, record, now, that, she said, I summed it up, stomped, that, said, hollie, summed it up, sipcter, said, hollie, showed, sleep, 12-28-2008-hollie showed, uh new picture, she, said, pope, tear up, put, fix, it, she, said, you know your dream, said, Jesus, thats uh night vision, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays music, that is, picture, hollie, shows, tear up, she said, thats jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, flying in stolen spacecraft MInistry of dreams, and, the website, appears, two said, hollie, git what you want, said, Jesus, I know said dr. jeremy taylor, d.min, I made somebody look at it, said, Jesus, thats person from the chaplaincy interfaith and ministry institute said reverend amy brucker, your going said rev. jeremy taylor, remove, said, hollie, got it said ph.d., jeremy taylor, m.a., runs to remove ministry of dreams like Randy Sukhai, he stole, pointed, hollie, like his joel tao, they are utubia1party and sistermoonshine13, both stole, to ruin, there are no visions in pentecost cause there are no apostolics in pentecost, hollie posts, shows, rinse, its in your mouth, plaque, hollie showed, smell, cause the banks are closing, said hollie, hollie showed record, hollie, showed, appears, that, he, said, the grim reaper collecting, that, said, hollie, america, explodes, hollie spins globe, thats, nuclear explosions in china, russia, hollie, I summed it up, he said, hollie showed, record, iraq again, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, hollie, another, hollie leaning on nuclear explosion, two, bush grunts, I brought it in, he, said, its, uh, double bladder, hollie said, copter, letting out president george bush and dick cheney, git it over, said, dick cheney, alright Ill press it, said, president bush, pressed the nuke button, he said, thats, missile from sub, striking gaza, hollie watched, thats gaza burning, and israeli prime minister appears, presses nuclear button, thats many nuclear fires in iraq, hollie points, from sky, thats alome alome, said, hollie, and, Jesus, its, said, sandy, simb, hollie showed, record, thats apache helicopter, its, said, sandy, soumb, they, thats, one, killing, many, slaughter, more, then, hollie, flying, in, apache helicopter, can kill, if I shoot, he said, over thousand easy, he said, Ministry of dreams, casey wiped lips, two, she, pointed, websites, two, she said, call it, thats, Ministry of dreams website, licking the prophet, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, that, o, red, and black, chariot, with the pope and hu, submarine, submarine, said, hollie, now look, she said, its akula, she said, with bear, inside, fired, missiles, striking, australia, france, britain, america, italy, theres many explosions, and missiles leaving them all, striking russia, exploded, 12-29-2008-hollie showed, record, wiped lips, hollie showed record, now look, she said, hollie said, no, shook, yes, showed, im thru with it, shook, yes, from behind, clapped, hollie, with new lighted bear paws, tear up, restore, rip, let me alone, said, hollie, curtis johnson is cut off said hollie, thats curtas johnson looking stunned, but, knew, record, me, said, hollie, showed, that, blessed precious, I like him, pointed, pope, from the screen, said, hollie, curtis johnson, and he saw, said casey, curtis johnson points, thats Grace Pentecostal Church, he said, showed, cut off, let me, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, with, lighted, hand, hollie showed, record, wiped lips, that, said, hollie, showed, eat, hollie played music, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, thats, hollie, like, copter, letting out antichrist, its uh double bladder, said, hollie, pope spoke, thru megaphone, out hollie, showing, fly, thats, hollie, in world war two era, mig fighter, its uh jet, said, hollie, its one of the first jets, he said, hollie, dropped bomb on russia, exploded, putin rises out of fire, presses nuclear button, thats, subs, saw, hollie, around america, they fired missiles, america, exploded, missile defence missed, thats woman coming out of fire, that, said, hollie, statue of liberty, thats alome saleem, its, said sandy, soumb, and hand pointed, the beast, said, hollie, pope, smiles, put some visions on the website, said, hollie, and ministry of dreams website, appears, both, call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, beast, said, pope, im hu the false prophet, said, hollie, summed it up, she said, china thats magog, said, hollie, four kings came out of magog, hollie showed hu hintao, hes the false prophet, kim jong, thats him launching nuclear missiles striking south korea, which hes magog, russia, china, hollie saw, explosions, its, uh, double bladder, said, hollie, eat, she, said, letting out hollie, showing, loose weight, hollie said, left, iraq, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, iraq, gaza, explode, I brought it in, said, president bush, looks around, to steal our oil wells, he, said, thats george w. bush in the fire, thats hollie sleeping while phone rings, and m.i.g. fighter appears, it, she said, would go 683 miles per hour, thats not, hollie shook, yes, o yes, it is, it would pass you before you heard it, sound travels about 680 miles per hour, its because they hit iraq agin, said, Jesus, and thats iraq, gaza, exploding, hollie watches, from u.s.a. sub, missile strike gaza, exploded, israeli prime minister, let me press, it, he said, does, thats, pointed, hollie, many nuclear fireballs in iraq, 12-30-2008-hollie showed, record, now look, she said, I summed it up, stomped, no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, showed, but im thru with it, shook, yes, showed, no, from behind, said, hollie, showed, new lighted bear paws, tear up, and, restore, hollie showed, working with, thats hollie like copter, letting out henry gruver, spoke thru megaphone, hollie out, showed, im gonna git you, antonia vladimirova steals ministry of dreams after prophet signs dreams foundation guestbook, but, its, reverend antonia vladimirova, christians stealing ministry of dreams like dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, dr. bill hamon, john mark pool, dee finney, daniel kaps, and more, leave ministry of dreams, said the website, you know what om gonna call it, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams after prophet prays, all will run to remove it, after, thats, hollie standing on nuclear explosions, bush grunts, I take it, he, said, grunted, looked, around, our oil wells, then, dick cheney steps up to microphone, and, f.b.i., makes them, you sit, said, f.b.i. agent, tells, quit nuking little countries, looked, pointed, hollie, hollie played the music, thats it said, hollie, record, the vision, said, hollie, thats the alome salime, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, let me show with uh stick, said, hollie, douglas heller has website with article he posted by ron tompkins with the stolen name ministry of dreams copyrighted back in 1993, but ron tompkins stole and tricked said kathryn taylor, and, you done it, said, rev. jeremy taylor, thats douglas j. heller, commissioner in springfield, pennsylvania, now hes being charged with felony over false copyrights, thats, ron tompkins with out his copyrights, doug heller trembles, but wanted bob in, the pockey said douglas heller, thats him behind bars, attorney gets out, thats judge sentencing douglas j. heller to probation, but republican party, remove, said, leader of, they call for new election, cause, so many government officials emailed, and, they did nothing, now, many hate doug heller, look what youve done, said, hollie, thats douglas heller removing website, like his reverend m.a. jeremy taylor u.u., antonia vladimirova trembles cause now knows lost and stole ministry of dreams like diana hughey, all remove after, and he saw, said, casey, iraq, gaza, explode, I told ya not to do it, said, Jesus, thats barack obama pressing nuclear button, that was ginny hill being fired from bbc news over taking the said ginny hill, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, record, another modelled, hollie showed, record, said, hollie, that, was, hollie, said, hu hintao, riding red horse, and, points, taiwan, exploded, record the vision, said, hollie, china is magog, that is hu hintao, the leader of magog, and, emporer of japan, north, south korea presidents pop out, thats leopard, like hollie showed, theres pope, hes, record the vision, said, hollie, its, the, leave me alone, said, hollie, from behind, clapped, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, hollie showed, zenith allegro 1000 speaker system, they are as good as they come, said hollie, have a six and one half inch woofer, and tweeter, they sound, Jesus thought, accurate, they can reproduce sounds, like they sounded, like the bose 301, hollie showed, record, hollie out of zenith allegro stereo speaker, pointed up, rocky balboa still sells, hollie didnt show record, then did, showed, zenith stereo speakers, snail, eat, that is the alome salome, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, sumb, hollie showed record, sleep, hollie played music, many watched, showed, record, its soumb, said, sandy, hollie claps, showed, leave, pointed, bob, go, website said post, said, hollie, Jesus showed, her, on stick, but, her, body, hid, said, Jesus, now, put it under, said, hollie, held nose, shew, way, she said, thats, keven j. shaw, hes, lost, said, hollie, he wanted christian to, swallow said douglas heller, promote, he said, and kevin shaw shakes yes, but know kevin, shaw, knows, showed, cut off, and all his politician friends, now, God, said, Jesus, kevin shaw is bowing to douglas heller, for position said doug, heller, now put it under, said, hollie, watch, said sam neill, what they do, that was, said, Jesus, hollie, s, both, one, tall, one, website said, she said, post, and he saw, said casey, ministry of dreams, website, he tansformed, and rev. antonia vladimirova laughs, she steals the God spoken created name for this ministry after, and he saw, said, casey, prophet praying, call it ministry of dreams, spoke Jesus, now hear the word of the Lord, kevin j. shaw, Jesus said, and he saw, said casey, pointed, kevin shaw show cut off, you should have been uh politician said douglas j. heller who stole ministry of dreams like his ron tompkins and their reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u., hes the schemon demon, said, the Lord, now, said, casey, put it under, do and ill, said, Jesus, and he saw, said casey, pointed, the ministry of dreams website show cut off, two ofuhm, said, casey, and janetmck swallows, diana hughey, lick my ass, said the 59 year old diana hughey, holds, now put it under, said, Jesus, they all run to remove after, and he saw, said, casey, iraq, gaza, nuked, two massive explosions, then, more she said, hollie leaned on one, bush grunts, and ministry of dreams website shows diana hughey cut off, she trembles, releases to servant ministry of dreams, but laughed, when thought saved, and ginny hill swallows, 12-31-2008-hollie showed, record, showed, that, im cut off, she said, meaning, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., he stole, said, hollie, the name ministry of dreams like his student kevin shaw, they are both, and I showed, cut off, hollie, put it under, thats doctor rev. jeremy taylor d.min flying in stolen spacecraft ministry of dreams like his douglas heller and his ron tompkins, they are diana hughey and her children, stealing, said, hollie, and ministry of dreams website appears, both, call it, said Jesus, ministry of dreams, they steal, took said dee finney, alter like the ministry of dreams, now hear the word of the Lord, ill ruin and make you run to remove what I created and spoke the name ministry of dreams and antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation trembles, embarrased, ruin said rev. antonia vladimirova, but attorney of sofia bar association antonia vladimirova is embarrased, run to remove, said, Jesus, yes shook antonia vladimirova, ruint, visions from ? 12-30-31-2008-1-2009-dont sell it said, hollie, thats me, said, g.e. studdard, wanda, he said, theres, pointed, reverend studdard, thats wanda studdard looking, at the internet, said, hollie, they are both witchs, she said, both, lost, got, stupid lost christians like them, to pay off church, now, for sell, said, hollie, put it under, mock the studdards, look, said, hollie, showed popes picture, tear up, she said, put back, rip, hu appears, hollie showed, fighting, cause hes magog, she said, look, she pointed, hu hintao pops out of china, thats, hollie, savoured, magog, then, emporer of japan, pops out, north and south korea, thats, hollie, smelled, nice coffee, she said, magog, that, said, hollie, showed, I lost it said pastor g. e. studdard, bob you knew said, Jesus, studdard lost his air conditioning unit, by, lightening, bolt, now put it under, he lost his crowd, there, hot, said, youth, left, thats studdard, bobby, said, hollie, over there, him and his wanda in, the lake of fire said pastor g.e. studdard, made me tremble said wanda, bob loves both, Its cause you, pointed g. e. studdard, its cause my wife, he said, she, you wanted to preach, now look at them, she tells people to fall, when praying for, so, on t.v., people, yeah, they think, but, they are hair dyers, thinks, woman, watching, television, g.e. studdard, shows, lucre, thats what I want, he said, 1-2-2009-this is uh warning, said, hollie, tear up, she said, put back, but, like throwing, hollie, put it undle, said, hollie, thats d.min reverend jeremy taylor u.u. stealing the God spoken name said, hollie ministry of dreams, yep said his reverend antonia vladimirova, she stole to, said, hollie, both run to release, she said, after, thats, hollie, standing, on two nuclear explosions, when you see it, hollie, said, thats, antonia vladimirova, looking at visions, ruint, thats antonia vladimirova showing cut off, knows, but preaches Jesus, you aint gonna let me said, hollie, record, pointed, cause when the united states, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, pointed, america, explode, pointed, and the woman came up, let me see, said, hollie, its the woman, she, said, and, you know, who it, is, he said, hollie, thought, raise your mantle, repeat after me, sang, hollie, hollie, showed, I showed him that, bill clinton pressing nuclear button, russia exploded, putin comes out of fire, presses, nuclear, button, thats missiles, pointed, casey, with white glove, tell me who wears uh white glove, said, hollie, right here, said, Jesus, its michael jackson, he looks at visions, thats prosecutor in california, im gonna git him, he said, michael would pat on, the ass, he said, they called it child molesting, hollie showed, michael jacksons wonderland, empty, and california, now, loosing, cause, thats michael jackson paying property taxes, made me wadd, and he saw, said, casey, michael jackson wadd visions, said, jackson, thats, missiles striking all nuclear g8 n.a.t.o. nations, thats france, and italy, showed, hollie, exploding, there goes great britain and australia, bear rises, with cuba, nicaragua, mexico in mouth, thats missiles leaving thier waters, and, showing up there, exploding, jong, thats, who, is going to start it said hollie, with hollie, playing music, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear missiles leave north korea, striking russia, china, south korea, thats, missiles leaving moscow striking north korea, many explosions pointed casey, in those lands, hollie saw, u.s.a. sub launch tomahawk, striking north korea, thats said, hollie, the funkengruven bumper sticker, and funkengruven thing smiles, showed, its, no way, he said, fucking grooven, laughed, this is hollie like a copter, jeremy, he said, thats rev. jeremy taylor showing cut off, hes the schemon demon, hes stealing ministry of dreams, removes ruint, antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation steals ministry of dreams after prophet signs her guestbook, Lord om gonna kill him antonia vladimirova says, sees, on, google, her name, rev. antonia vladimirova steals ministry of dreams, thats how I ruint she said, thats vice president of bulgaria, waiting, for you, to return, he, said, antonia vladimirova has millions in the bank, and we will strip said the, im bulgaria said vice president, and he saw, said casey, Angel Marin, ill git, he said, 1-3-2009-bob, said, hollie, showed, the beast, said, pontiff, with, two horns, said, hollie, the right one, she said, came, rose, last, showed, shutup, she said, its, john mark pool, he wants saved, but, when he took ministry of dreams said hollie, I cause I wanted said john mark pool, and sandy pool, looks, you made me weary john, she said, put it under, said, hollie, dont steal, or, she said, be ruint said antonia vladimirova, she stole, said, hollie, look said rev. antonia vladimirova, dr. jeremy taylor removes ministry of dreams ruint, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, showed, beatem up, put back, she, said, tear, spun, showed, lighted, bear, paws, tear up, let me fix it she said, put back, tear, then partial, lighted, hands, theres my reason, she said, what is, she said, antonia vladimirova is cut off said antonia vladimirova, she sees, but, calls, self, reverend, its lucre I want said rev. antonia vladimirova, 7-1-2009-thats, said, hollie, Jenny Donati, not happy, sh said Jenny Donati, you stole ministry of dreams hollie, said, sh said Jenny Donati, I wanted to make it mine Jenny Donati said, thats, her, mom, jean poole, who is jean p., posting ministry of dreams dot org, sh said Jenny Donati, dont tell on jean poole, shes uh witch said hollie, both, thats, hollie sitting with jean p. and Jenny Donati of the paliban daily, sh, said, hollie, why did you tell, I take it said Jenny Donati, thats ebarrased jean p. looking around, were the paliban daily, said, jean p., looking around, thats, both witchs on internet, sh, said, hollie, bobby, jean p. and Jenny Donati claim christianity, but, openly steal and mock ministry of dreams, even tish who is Jenny Donati claims bob posted on her website claiming that Jenny Donatis theft ministryofdreams will cause ministry of dreams to fail, sh said Jenny Donati, thats lady at the place where paliban dailys Jenny Donati and jean p. work at showing visions, thats jean p. laughing but making daughter, remove said jean p., thats Jenny Donati not wanting to, then leave said jean p., then Jenny Donati smiles, shakes, yes, does, sends bob passwords to, and, Jenny Donati, thats her posting visions, shes following ministryofdreams on her website where hollie says remove and Jenny Donati is mocking, claiming, visions tell that Jenny Donati releases ministry of dreams, dot org, thats Jenny Donati looking sad, thats Jenny Donati and her witch pastor mike daniels of paliban daily, mike daniels, says ignore, that, hollie showing new world order, thats, pope, appearing, hollie shows, crosley cp70, its uh component she said, stereo system, with, has power meters, said, hollie, sarah pali, where you see it is really, thats jean p. of paliban daily smiling, its, you, said, hollie, and tish, hollie said, you claimed to be yoo, thats, corey, lee, brackney, its really, said, hollie, Jenny Donati, website, said, post, said, hollie, thats two websites appearing, ones ministry of dreams, the other is world prophecy center, said, Jenny Donati, you, I stole ministryofdreams Jenny Donati said, thats, jean poole smiling, shaking, I did to, were paliban daily, wanted to over take ministryofdreams, it was strong delusion I sent said Jesus, made sarah pali's kids Jenny Donati and jean p. think they were invincible, but, now, I exposed, said, Jesus, thats, prophet, posting, on livejournal, that paliban daily steals ministry of dreams, to, ruin, hollie showed, im, away with it, thru, with amber lighted hands, but shook, yes, then showed away again, same o hands, clapped, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, this is vision, lets post, said, hollie, beast arose, thats pope riding black horse, russia exploded, flatter him, he said, gets nuclear arsenal, thats hu hintao on red, horse, grim reaper laughs on grizzled horse, thats, her, said, hollie, jollie hollie, pops, out, shows, tada, she said, shows, both beasts, theres, hu, hollie said, and, putin, thats them tap dancing, thats hugo chavez, and, lula, popping out of heads, theres seven lighted heads, thats kings popping out, theres castrol, nicaragua, thats mexican president, kim jong, there you have it, said, hollie, clapped, showed, the seven heads, hollie shows, titanic, with big hand, he made me, said, hollie, being interviewed, hugging Jesus, use uh big hand, showed, ten horns, and, who are they, she, said, thats, kings, inside, said, hollie, putin, medvedev, whew said hollie, thats medvedev kneeling before pope, in horn, let me rule the world, he said, another trident, said, hollie, showed, trident, missile, its uh nuclear rocket, thats, three ohio class subs showering china with trident missiles, thats, big fire circle lighting, thats, hollie, its after, she, said, thats missile striking taiwan, hu turns red horse, thats china attacking washington state, hollie rode rocket, again, thats, hollie on missile, striking russia, hollie shows many nuclear fires in russia, thats, missiles leaving russia, hollie, snaps fingers, striking nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, hollie shows many nuclear fires in, its france, hollie said, thats fire, italy exploded, theres australia burning, great britain under fire, thats hand coming up out of britain, pressing nuclear button, hollie points, hand out of fire, russia exploded, like america, hollie shows subs around u.s.a., hollie watches, on t.v., rolls on side, laughs, thats one, sub firing, thats captain hollie in all those subs, then, all, fired, america exploded, thats missiles leaving america, striking russia, thats, Jesus, sprinkling, bear arising, devour much flesh, said, Jesus, thats, hollie showing nuclear fire in gaza and iraq, hollie surfaces, its akula agin, said, hollie, fired, two missiles, thats, gaza exploding, thats israeli prime minister pressing button, missiles showed, hollie, nuclear fires, in, iraq, hollie, shows, lets rule the world, said, putin, your gitton in trouble, said, Jesus, its the paliban daily kids, its jean poole and Jenny Donati, they are palibano and paliban mom, the palibanmother, she steals said, hollie, its ministry of dreams, and, hollie points, with amber colored, hand, her, reverend dr. jeremy taylor d.min u.u. appears sitting at table, I knew said dr. jeremy taylor, dreams worker, hes, a, soothsayer, said, hollie, thats, hollie, on, titanic, striking iceberg, e.j. smith ordered all boilers lit, two were for storms, thats going the night on front, looking, then striking iceberg, bouncing off, then hitting big one, scraping little seems, thats plates coming apart and falling out, ship was going almost, Jesus, watches, 32 knots, thats about forty miles per hour, hits ice, berg, bobby, tell, said, Jesus, thats what the children of the paliban daily are saying, with, their wicked lost reverend mike daniels, no, said, Jenny Donati, thats, woman showing tish visions, o so you stole she said, your paliban daily, wanting to be ministry of dreams, you witch, said, woman, that works with, thats, the boss of Jenny Donati firing, hey you claimed, he said, bob, wrote, pleading, removal, you posted on website, he didnt write at all, thats embarrased Jenny Donati leaving work place, thats jean pali, jean poole of paliban daily being questioned by her boss, fire me said jean poole, laughs, I knew, she said, she bought, purchased, I left, him, she said, Jesus, appears, wanted, to ruin, bob, thats, jean poole, bieng fired, thats jean poole, come on, to, Jenny Donati, makes her move, hes jelous of you, said, titanics mr. lovejoy, thats reverend jeremy taylor ph.d. who is jungian with his kathy taylor, ministry of dreams, hollie shows go, has coat on, hollie screams, again, shows, drink, hollie lowered on rope, copter flown by gabriel, california below exploded, thats from high in the air, said, hollie, thats, both american coasts, exploding, thats, Jenny Donati, trembling, thats subs all around america, all firing, git up, said, hollie, watching, on cnn, thats radio tower, broadcasting, I told ya said henry gruver, america exploded, hollie lowered on rope, copter, flown by angel, california exploded, thats missiles from submarines, captain hollie, whats my word, said, hollie, its paliban daily steals ministry of dreams, o, said, jean poole, who is jean pali, and, jenny donati, this is uh warning, lets post, said, hollie, stamped, thats, the Father rising, thats, angel, on, lightning, said, hollie, it appeared, she said, showed, Lambs Book Of Life, wiped face, tada, said hollie, snapped fingers, angel clicked heels, opened hands, put back, turned, around, hands in front, snapped fingers, showed, is your name there, said, hollie, angel left, 1-7-2010-hollie showed, record, bobby, said, hollie, pope, said, hollie, showed, eat, leave him alone, said, hollie, showed, its war, that, was, jim steinman on the airplane wing, flown by hollie, thats it, drops bomb, said, hollie, thats big nuclear explosion in africa, thats plane flying, hollie, hanging, by, rope, over, big nuclear explosion in america, thats submarines, all around, america, one fires, thats big nuclear explosion in, its, california, said, dumitru duduman, hollie, claps, watching, cnn, this is uh warning, said, hollie news anchor man, other one, shows, no hair, both, russia attacked, they, said, let me, turn, the, page, hollie, said, thats big nuclear explosion in, russia, and, rockets, leave, russia, Jesus, sprinkles, bear, rises, destroy that, said, Jesus, thats, submarines, all around, america, big explosion, thats missiles going, both, ways, they strike, said, hollie, russia, and, nuclear n.a.t.o. lands, its cause i am the beast, said, pontiff, hollie with, world, thats countries exploding, missiles strike cuba, and nicaragua, exploded, thats captain hollie looking thru periscope, fires, thats nuclear fire in venezuela, thats explosion in brazil, and rockets leave their waters, thats explosions in america, finger points, its, near, gulf of mexico, hollie, showed, record, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, I showed, pope, she, said, picture, then hu hintao, and, vladimir, said, hollie, picture, thats, hollie, flying, in, its, computer controlled, hollie, said, stealth fighter jets, they, thats one dropping bomb, are killers, thats radar screen, hollie watching, it picks up jet, thats missile going toward jet, thats signal being, messed with, cause its stealth, said, hollie, looked at screen, it bounces like little yellow dot, its here, but vibrates, then its there, hard to hit, tell the vision, sang, hollie, and, hollie, posts on laptop, pope, she, said, he, appeared, this is uh warning, said, hollie, tap dancing, theres, you have it, she showed, its eight kings, what are they doing, said, hollie, talking, lets strike, said, putin, america, appears, pope, said, hollie, thats putin kneeling before, lets rule the world, he said, let me, pope agrees, thats, rockets leaving russia, thats america with many nuclear fires, bobby, website said post something, said, hollie, and hollie appears, hollie shows, its, the, nisshin maru running over whale wars vessel, paul watson is in the steve irwin ship, said, hollie, thats volunteers risking their lives, and thats harpoon striking whale, hollie shows, the world, looking down, sees lights in air, its missile defence grip, both russia and nuclear n.a.t.o., have hollie, said, it works, hollie, said, thats missile launched, and interceptor striking, thats many nuclear rockets being intercepted, bobby, said, hollie, showed, eat, exploded, that was stealth bomber being struck, russia can not struck u.s.a. without being struck, said, Jesus, hand in white glove points, captain hollie surfacing, firing, trident missiles, all around, russia, thats, some, making it, thru, missile defence, exploding, hollie, shows, it cruise, she, said, missile, it flew under, missile defence, exploded, in russia, we got some tap dancing, said, hollie, and, hollie tap dances, thats the new world order, tap dancing, its, pope, hollie, said, im, with, him, said, pontiff, putin appears, thats medvedev, and pope and putin, out of ram horn, with putins face, thats hegoat pontiff with ram horns, those kings with hu hintao coming out of other, pope, said, hollie, and, he, hollie, showed, record, points, that, showed, eat, saw, said, casey, pontiff, riding, black horse, cause russia is the bear father, sang Jesus, hollie, played the music, showed, fighting, that, was, uh bear, said, hollie, they, will, not, attack, unless provoked, bears can be beat by lions, they will kill each other, but, bear can kill many lions, before, dying, itself, cause, this is, uh, I got uh warning, said, hollie, coughed, thats, hollie, like, bear, flying in spacecraft, tore up, stomped feet, snapped fingers, again, casey, showed, record, call it, said, hollie, Ministry of Dreams, people steal, why do, you, said, hollie, its to ruin, said, one, thief of the God spoken, birthed, ministry of dreams, hollie, like cat appears, hollie with Jesus, inside, showed record, casey, showed, record, look, said, hollie, its, akula again, thats, what, you, want, needed, with, captain, hollie, and many other submarines, all with captain hollie, prowling oceans, thats country exploding, then many countries exploded, hollie spins world, pope, hollie, said, in, sky, thats smoke going up, blocking sun and moon, were abased, said, moon, showed, not uh word, sun laughs, moon points, said, in heart, he made me, do it, thats, the, marine corp. out in the streets, said, Jesus, like angel marines, partial silhouette faces, barack freshens breath, at microphone, its u.s.a. economic collapse, said, hollie, barack obama walks away, copter, said, hollie, with hollie on, gabriel lowered on rope, america below exploded, thats alaska exploding, then america exploding, thats russia exploding, that was, said, hollie, dot nuclear explosion in asia, big, thats captain, hollie, looking, and, ohio class subs surfacing, thats china burning, but before, said, hollie, thats hu on red horse, battling washington state, with sword, and hollie riding chinese missile, taiwan burned, im the moon, said, moon, humbly, get out of here, he, screamed, hollie showed, record, bangs hand, pope, she said, rises, hollie flys in americas, showed, pilotless stealth jet, dropped bombs, thats the u.s.s. yorktown, its, showed, hollie, the CV-5, bombed many times, the scuttled it, cause, beyond repair, to many things, needed repaired, but, with in, one day, could have been functional again, thou fools, said, hollie, sh, said, hollie, satan, she said, but he looked like Jesus, and was, Jesus, sh, she, said, dont call him satan, hollie played paliban daily music, beat drums, again, snapped fingers, like white hand, silhouette body, snapped fingers, showed, its, whale wars, paul watson, pocketing, the loot, use volunteers, he thinks, looks serious, but, laughs, thats snuggle bear licking, prophet, hugging putin, im with him, bear, said, thats russia growing, big angry bear, submarine sound, said, hollie, now look, she said, snapped fingers, like white light hollie, many subs prowling oceans, thats world, many countries exploding, hollie snapped fingers, again, hollie screams, im your website, lets post, said, hollie, showed, frustration, 2-2-2010-larry now hear the word of the Lord, you know you are lost, and I will not help you, and you can mock this letter, but, if, you spend, bob wont want you to die lost, but, you wont, and bob knows, but pocket heavily from tithes and offerings, but, you know your time is short, when the usa economy collapses, then, its, russia, leading an all out attack, on, the, its, hollie, showed, u.s.a., now, said, Jesus, appeared, thats, larry arrowood, the indiana bible college, teacher, in, the lake of fire, and, his, lovely wife, all of, you, appear, in, hell, fire, its, lava, its, said, Jesus, rubbed chin, like, is, valcano, in, the center, bowels of the earth, the lake of fire is the sun, after you are in hellfire, and he saw, said, hollie, thats, larry arrowood, reading, bobby how do I git outta this, he said, but, protects, wallet, people in hell want out, when they are willing to serve me, then, they are brought before me, and I judge them, there you have it, said, Jesus, its uh biblical mystery, said, hollie, the lake of fire, and, hell, both arrowoods, will wind up, in, hell, most, of your church, will be, there, the only exceptions, are, the little children, said, Jesus, they were unaccountable, 2-3-2010-and he saw, said, casey, the, grim, reaper, in, like, robe, his, face, dark, licked prophet, loves, darkness, said, Jesus, put it under, said, hollie, watch him, she, said, its, hollie, showed, irving baxter, his, lovely, said, hollie, wife, now knows, shes, lost, uh witch, hollie, said, hollie showed, the new world order, its, the pope and, hu, said, hollie, you needed to, die, not, fast, said, Jesus, hollie, rubs face, that, she, said, its your reverend, hollie, said, its, showed, hollie, that, she, said, larry arrowood, showing cut off, you need to record, said, hollie, beat hand, its the new world order chariot, hollie, said, showed, eat, hollie showed, record, book, she, said, the Ministry of Dreams, its born, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, submarine, right there, said, hollie, now, look, hollie, said, its akula again, thats, what, you want, needed, said, hollie, thats, captain, hollie, firing, iraq, burned, hollie, turns, sub, gaza exploded, thats, hollie, pushing george bush to microphone, I made war, he, said, ate chicken, hollie, nudges, to, breakem, ate, steal our oil wells, he, said, hollie takes bush, places in hellfire, bob, said, hollie, if you let me, she, said, hollie, ate, beat hand, stomp foot, she, said, clapped, hollie showed, turn, said, go home, hollie, said, do something, thats larry spall, said, Jesus, appeared, said, hollie, with, hands together, I showed, pope, hollie, said, hes the antichrist, bobby, hes the beast, said, your, reverend, said, Jesus, hollie showed, its larry spall, thats linda spall masterbating, she, married, to, young, said, Jesus, thats delbert spall appearing, it was you who got them cut off, said, Jesus, who me, said, delbert spall, but, shakes yes, let me, see, here, clapped, the, tap dancers, said, hollie, tap dancing, here it comes now, hollie, said, its the new world order, chariot, she, said, with, the, pope, and, hu, pulled by angry, red and black horses, thats black horse, showing, popes picture, stomps hoof, shows, snapped fingers, stomped, hollie, snaps, thats linda spall, young, and, beautiful, people desired to look at her, but, like, all, she, grew, old, now seventy in heart, she is wise, but, wants her beauty back, thats linda spall looking at visions, hollie showed, record, but, thats realistic 2150 receiver licking prophet, and, Father by like angel man, wearing blue sweatshirt, o man, said, hollie, showed, just, use letter, o, people, at, hollie bangs, hand, shows, westside pentecostal church, are, your aware, said, hollie, babyfleas is back, said, hollie, with, its, the, leave it alone, sound, said, hollie, sorry, said, hollie, tell the vision, said, hollie, thats, Jesus giving, person, dream, and, it, does, not, come to pass, hollie, said, dont prophesy it, then, said, Jesus, did I tell you to, thats, hollie, underneath something, looking thru, its scope, said, hollie, sees, another, hollie, living the good life, happy, then hollie comes out of sea, and, opens, big mouth, its to, destroy, bites, hollie, thats, hollie, in, hollies mouth, turns into, its, your pastor, said, hollie, its, larry arrowood, in, hollies mouth, being, shaken, thats, hollie, showing, its, allegro 1000 stereo speaker, hollie, comes, out, showed, its, by zenith, those are excellent speakers, just leave it alone, said, Jesus, hollie plays with, showed, its, the, kenwood mini system, its, component, stereo, excellent, hollie showed, doing, kneck exercise, hollie, showed, run in, place, screams, howls, hollie showed, that, she, said, its, rocky horror picture, show, great songs, cindy appears, there, said, hollie, its, hollie like vampire, showed, popes picture, with brown hair, thats, pope, putin kneeling before, let us rule the world, im russia, said, putin, bobby, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, thats, the world, hollie looks up, at, many countries exploded, thats moon looking down with big nose, its, bobby, moon, said, smoke rises, like uh furnace, blocks, were abased, said, moon, sun doesnt speak, mouth open, then moon, shows, not uh word, points, its, bobby, he made me, Jesus appears, they play, God there, moon looks, bobby its, he made me, said, moon, Jesus appears, dont speak, showed, moon, and, moon, licks prophet, thats penguins, said, moon, circling, bobby we want you, one said, showed, with fin, hollie in the middle of circling penguins, right back there tomorrow, they circled, one like hollie winks, bear said, waste, your time, licks prophet, serve, him, said, bear, Jesus, bear licks prophet, let me, show, you him, said, bear, its putin, hollie showed, get out laptop, go, she, showed, post, tonight, she, said, thats, putin, holding bear, hollie, points, that, thats, polar bear licking prophet, hollie showed, lay down, she said, put it under, sh, hollie, said, and hollie claps, thats, beast, pope, hollie, said, riding, black horse, its into, russia, moscow, said, pontiff, thats pontiff, signing, its uh deal, said, hollie, with medvedev, gaining, control, some, hollie, said, hollie showed, lay down,

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