Sunday, September 15, 2024

the last days visions from God shown to bob hickman

Prophesying is seeing non stop visions from God and telling what God and ministering spirits speak.

vision received on 11-2-2010-I saw part of white hollie and she possibly clapped hands and snapped fingers.

visions-received 10-27-28-2010-in this vision I saw part of hollie and she may have been all white and hollie snapped her fingers, and stomped foot, in another, but, hey, said another, hollie, she came out, hand over mouth, looked at me to make sure I would record, or see if I would

knowing Jesus can get you killed-vision received 10-21-2010-in vision I saw Jesus and he said, "you know me'.

visions received 10-6-2010-in a vision I saw babyfleas, and Jesus called her fleas and told me she was a ministering spirit on, ministry of dreams, and in another vision I saw hollie and she said something like, "you need to go home", and I saw Jesus telling her about the vision, and I saw another hollie clapping.

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter-vision received 10-2010-in this vision I saw the, The F-35 stealth Fighter jet and missile miss it.

brazil on fire-visions received about 10-1-and 10-2-2010-in visions I saw like from behind the Jesus statue in brazil, and I saw big like nuclear explosion in brazil.

look up-vision received 9-29-2010-in this vision I saw hollie wearing white robe and she pointed up with lit finger.

death to bob hickman-vision received 9-24-2010-in this vision, I saw like dark setting, and dim white hand like plucks out golden flower, out of maybe ground and maybe raised flower and, then I saw, bob hickman, of, ministry of dreams, in a coffin.

the day of the Lord visions -visions received 5-2-3-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: and hollie tore up the contrast, and, the, con, tract, both, agreement, with, Jesus, curt gunz is cut off, no signs, charles and sara holowell are cut off, no signs, God will not at all aquit the wicked said pastor kent jordan, and he is, cut off, no signs, record the vision hollie showed, and he saw ma`gog like it is, and he saw a bear, like a little polar black bear but that bear will become bigger than you can imgine, that bear is moscow, and hollie showed one, and he saw the words MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and he saw the statue of liberty all by itself and clouds were underneath and it exploded and hollie like a golden bear, came out, moscow will destroy, russia is the bear, and hollie showed how to make the ship, cranes, overhead, drydock, bring in beams, lay, weld, hammer, complete, bottle of wine, break, tada, ship, and hollie showed that you are this much short, now, paid, sh, that was satan, the werewolf, don't watch those movies, I'm mad at you said the pope, the antichrist, and 666 was on his forehead, that will be born at the table between him and false prophet hu, and the tap dancers said, you have two good running vehicles, keep both, it's oil said the pope, that is bringing things together, armageddon, bush is gobbling, and he saw the old sunnysnet, JEREMIAH 1, website, she is cut off, no signs, write her, backstabber said sunnysnet, no, God showed him a vision, and sunnysnet pointed, I needed material said sunnysnet, and hollie tap dancing said, the spiny eel in the ocean has no enemies, whatever swallow's it, and they do get swallowed, expand, poke, both die, in about a month, painfal, and he saw the words, iran attack coming, bush is, this is his diplomacy, your decieving pointed, Jesus, stephen hanson said, I know prophecy, but, he is, cut off, no signs, write him, the same computer, sam o backbite, same o pocket, same stephen hanson, talking about this prophet and hollie tore up the contrast, and he saw EZEKIEL 7, that will be fulfilled in iraq, the war to break oil contracts, it will end nuclear, chelsea, mom will win the presidency and be the last one, dick cheney will be next, don't tell authorities said the Lord where this is, it's illegal, but, not in God's eyes, this prophet would turn bush over to war crimes, for iraq and iran, and he saw a hand and the face of the beast daniel saw was, and bobby knight in narrorating this, on the fingertip, and he saw the beast, dreadful, bearded, formidable, ten toes, and, kings faces were on those toes, and hollie tore up the contrast, kim jong, hu, putin, castrol, chavez, they will give thier power and strength, and the beast, satan, turned into the pope, and he will, and all of a sudden, the horns, were, on his head, send it over on america, I love america says chavez, but, no choice, china is already there, putin said missile and pointed, that will, out of, a sub, take out, the power plant, nuclear, in iran, I know said the president of iran, bush told putin, and guess what putin did, and the lighted finger pointed, this is when they will get, lets rule the world, those ten kings, that hate america, they will, give their power and strength, and he saw the words, iran attack coming, putin, knows, and is smiling, we'll build another, cash up front, billions, but, an evil thought will come into, and the angel pointed, and that was stephen hanson in the fire, in a wizards uniform, and the lighted finger pointed, there is a young woman that bob would've licked her bowells out, but, the restraint got lifted, and he saw, death in her face, now, he wants nothing to do with her, china wants war right now she said, and he saw a red dragon packing the pope like an angel of light, and a woman was riding on it, that woman is america, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, mother of harlots is false christians, and abominations is sin, we planned, said putin, to wipe out america, they will in one hour, and that was hollie, the sun and the moon will be darkened for 16 hours, the earth will, reel, to and fro, like a drunkard, and hollie pointed, the day of the Lord, prophesied, in JOEL, and he saw america on fire on the globe, the day of the Lord, and when the globe spun, china and moscow were partially on fire, from american submarines, and he, saw Jesus, with thorns, dead, hanging, brown and beard, and california explode, it will, and the earth reeled, and Jesus pointed, the day of the Lord prophesied, ISAIAH 13, look said Jesus, satan's image on the palm, that is, the beast, and he will be, the lion, the antichrist, magog is china, north and south korea, japan, where all those lands are, even moscow, the bear, and he saw where iupui is, desolate, only, tree's, burned up, and, a nuclear explosion over indianapolis, it will, burn, and Jesus was sitting on the world like a beachball, riding, and wept, because of, blaspheme, rejection of Jesus, that was the whore, which is america, the woman, and she's got babylon on her forehead, that's the mystery, and he had a dream where, he was talking about the iraq war ending nuclear, thats what the person told him, it will, raise your hands and repeat after me, that was a nuclear explosion, and hollie licked the prophet, and that was hollie tearing up the contract, and hollie tore up the concious, prophecy is sweet, he said, the earth quake in the pacific ocean, was, a, end time, warning, earthquake's, in, diver's, place's, the plane that crashed into the black sea, was, over, loaded, and, flyng, to, low, tiger woods father is in hell, but, tiger is, rich, and does not, wept, but, later, put it under, zacarias moussaoui, will be, slain, but, should be, tourtured, china's economy is wanning down, because of, oil, and, america, is, fading, the, major, buyer, hu hintao, is on a, world, tour, trying to make, freinds, and they know it, tell us, about your, military, intentions, they want, china is, the, horn, that, rose, last, on, the, hegoat, and, the, ram, the pope is, the, king of grecia, and, putin, is, the, other, horn, china, will, with, the, pope, invade, moscow, and, force, them, to, push, at, the, pope, in the, last, and hollie pointed, italy is the little horn, witness, you have been filled, with, the, Holy, Ghost, work for JEsus, while you still can, and hollie showed to record the vision, the pope with 666 on his forehead, is the anti Christ, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, that was, a 1966 oldsmobile cutlas convertible, nice, stripes, but, high gas, high insurance, is it worth it, they are mad about thier idols in america, put it under, seek Jesus, and hollie pointed, write the vision, magog is china, north and south korea, and, japan, the leopard, God said, I won't do nothing first, except, I, reveal, my secrets, unto, my servants, the prophets, it's all here, and hollie pointed, sh, that was, let me see here, satan, and he, looks like Jesus, bob read dumitru duduman, s, where, he saw those kings and it was revealed that america and china would go to war at his church, they all beleived it and remember, now Jesus has showed bob, and henry gruver, and others, and the tap dancers said, and hollie was one, with her tongue out, work, while you have a time, for the night cometh when no man can work, get off my pastor's said the pope, and hollie tore up the contrast, and that is, work for Jesus, and he saw, ten toes, and, hu, was one, and putin, the ram, the hegoat is, the pope in the middle, with the two horns like an angel of light, chavez, castrol, kim jong, were toes, and then, they were on the pope's head, hu and the pope were fighting, and hollie tore up the contrast with golden bear paws, work for Jesus, these ten kings will give thier power and strength unto the beast, send it over, said the pope on america, desolate, and Jesus pointed, work for the Lord, people are reading these visions but not repenting, God has to close out the world, no choice, the remnant is struggling, and he saw, both american coast's, and captain hollie, submarines, firing, on america, then, the whole nation exploded, the day of the Lord, babylon, destroyed, I'm out said the pope, with 666 on his forehead, you don't have to be, read and do ACTS 2:38, I needed to repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and recieve the Holy Ghost said the pope, taught by Jesus, upon this rock I will build my church, and hell will not prevail against it, you are the rock, do ACTS 2:38 prophesied by joel and become the church and the pope pointed, it's iraq, that is, hasting, judgment to america, people, innocent being slaughtered, the king of malaysia was right, america is a coward, norm heaggy thought, witness, but I won't, bob is the only one telling everyday, God can count on that, raise your hands and repeat after me, moscow, when america, goes to war, with china, and he saw, china attacking washington state, and grabbing taiwan, to lure, the planned out, america, into war, then russia will grab alaska, then, out of the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, and he saw america explode, it will burn from russian submarines, missiles, planes, be ready, and hollie pointed, missy baker, oral and anal sex only, no relationship, this is why, tell people, 7 women will cling to one man, because, they are old, and nobody wants them, if you put, one bottle, of stp oil treatment, there goes another 66 cutlas convertible, your oil will stay thick, even when black, you will never need to change your oil, one bottle about every 15 to 20,000 miles, add oil when it needs it, it will go thru about one quart every 5000, the filter, dirt does not get inside of the engine, unless, a, vaccuum leak, or, you put it in, or, opened, seal, gasket, sucked in, or thru the throttle body, that is a 1970 monte carlo, they are bringing out the muscle cars, but, they are not going to get you to heaven, raise your hands and repeat after me, you are not pressing to the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus sang hollie, I may loose my job said kenneth haney who leads u.p.c.i., write him, there are no signs following him but he leads u.p.c.i., people are not coming for the Lord but even though, prophet tells them, some of, that judgment is coming to america, they know, it has, gone to far, they are, live, and, filmed, fist fucking, double, on, the, internet, two, hands, up, one woman's, butt, or, her, pussy, men and woman, doing, to, whoever, sucking, cum, spraying, all, forms, of, sex, on, the, inter, net, abomination, these sites will, trap, beautiful, young, and, old, doing, usally, drunk, or, high, but, filmed, ruined, but, want, s, more, trapped, all, the, life, wants, this, sex, but, when, old, who, will, do it, suffer, ing, because, buring, in, lust, toward, one, another, and Jesus, gives them, over, to, a, reprobate, mind, quits, dealing, with, them, do it, but, recompense, and hollie, pointed, and he saw, people, in, hell, this is, you, reward, God has to, close it down, for the remnants sake, lest they fall way, cause, they bought time, for the sinners, bush's washington will collapse because they hate him so much, both parties, he needs to and will be, shot, raise your hands and repeat after me, this is what God brought you into the world, not to have anal and oral sex, but, for his pleasure, not your own, REVELATION 1, and the birds tore up the contrast, survivor o`donnell of the uss indianapolis prayed while he was in the water, but, when he came out, cahsed in, tours, books, they all did, now, there are all, cut, off, don't go to louisville, and he explode, it will burn, from, russian, submarines, one nail hole will sink a ship, if you have just a little bit of sin in your life, you will sink, it will block you out, then you will reach, bobby how come he hasn't already started it said the angel of the Lord, because, of the remnant, cries out, but, the remnant is dwindling and weakening, God has to pull the plug, your time is shorter than you think, a meerkat is a cute little animal, but, they will all die because of the sins of the animal man, and he saw, the inside of the pet shop, collapsing from nuclear explosion over indianapolis, and he saw the words, iran attack coming, 5-3-4-2006- you see that, that's a moutain split in twain, and the sky was like yellow, Jesus will appear like that with thousands of his saints, there will be, all kinds of people turned, I need your help pointed Jesus, and he saw the words, iran coming attack, soon, america, bob was given testimony grace apostolic church, pastor hunt liked it, but, didn't say anything, he should have, outside the church, they, surrounded, bob, mocked him, old people, that is, how it was, in the days of Jesus, write grace apostolic church, and tell cut off pastor hunt, no signs, and he saw 666, and, on the pope's forehead, and then he, turned into, pastor hunt, write him, this is what would have stayed there, but, hunt didn't act interested, but, was, and he saw the word, christian, that is the number one, but, hard to get high search engine rankings, admit your fallen said Jesus so healing begin, your trapping said hollie, the world, done, keep on, and he saw the ten toed beast, and kim jong, was one toe, and hu, and the pope, then, and chavez, castrol, lula, they were on top of his head, they will, and he saw, the american coast's on fire, and captain hollie pulling the whistle string, blow the trumpet in zion and sound the alarm in my HOly Mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand, were starting to run out of gas said tina, no, ethanoyl, the mixture, and the iraq war is why, and ethanol pays for the iraq war, write your congress people, and tell them, God showed, tell, pointed the homo, they give oral sex to each other, cut off, for that, on the internet, and he saw wisconsin explode, it will burn, and hand of help, no signs, write them, they are all cut off, and he saw, the word, magog, that is, the leopard, china, moscow, north and south korea, and, japan, all those lands, russia is the bear, and the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up to attack america, then leave, but, china will invade moscow, and he saw, the pope, they hegoat, with, two horns, and one came up last and hu was on it, and putin was the other, and he saw the pope with hu and putin fighting on his head, the beast with the ten horns, and chavez, and castrol, and other's, how do I get you in the bedroom said the pope, the churches are all fallen, when we hit alaska said the angel, you'll have about two hours, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on moscow and china, and destroy, partially, the earth will reel like he saw, and he saw america on it on fire, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, and hollie tore up the concious, america tore up it's agreement with Jesus when they got the statue of liberty, the woman, means, cheater on God, false religions, blood, harlots, abominations, thats america, pointed the pope, and he saw indiana explode and iu appear on it, that, when america and china goes to war, then russia will lead an all out attack on the iupui board, and bobby knight tore up his contract, iu, fired him, when they would have been a winning team as long as he eas there, look at them now, that kid tempted bobby, and hollie tore up the con, trite, and he saw the door crack open and bright light, approach Jesus gently human, animal, and the pope was in there, like an angel of light, that was satan, sh, don't tell on him, and the pope pointed, and hollie tore up the con, trash, and hollie tore up the contruck, no more truck driving, babylon, thats america said satan and president bush, no difference, bush has, blood on his hands, from iraq, EZEKIEL 7, nuclar, planned out, watch, the battleship said survivor odonnell, u.s.s. indianapolis, japan hit that for revenge, they were in the water and prayed, but none kept their vow, call it, an open shame for u.s.s. indianapolis survivors, and the mouth said, when the titanic sank, and it hit the ocean floor, and satan pointed, hard enough to make it buckle, the ship was poorly built, riveted, and robert ballard saw the plate that came off, that cause it to sink, and suspected, it was, a bunch of square plates, riveted together, I knew it could sink said captain smith, and prime minister netanyahu said explosion, and he saw, a nuclear explosion where the palestinian state is, and iraq will be the same way, your mexico said the pope, and he saw it explode, and canada, they will burn from radiation and cuba, when moscow attacks america, and he saw the world like, from a sattelite, and submarines all around america, then, nuclear explosions around the coast and mid-part and east coast, then the whole nation exploded, it will be just like that, you ain't over yet said gene schmidt, talking about this prophet, write hand of help and tell them, and he saw a poop hole with golden fire in it, anal sex and oral sex is abomination, there ain't no capricorns, there ain't no capricorns, there ain't no capricorns, sang hollie, and, played the organ, God sent bob to hand of help and they were going thru a lawsuit with a former employe, and paychecks were not given to ann and gene schmidt, God would have had bob give them 1000 dollars, but, gene did not give him his home address, he called, and gene told him how to get there and he tried, he called again, and tried again, and left, gene said in his heart, good, but, broke, bob was, glad to go, and, to leave,
(2)end time visions and prophecies-visions received 5-4-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: shekinah ministries, pastor, ron, crenshaw, is, cut, off, no, signs, ronald, cren, shaw, part of, e-mail, scam, from, india, child labor is, abomination, they, in, india, make, children, work, for, nothing, almost, and the congo, and, more, nations, starting at, age, 5, shame on you, and God will punish, they make them, do, hazardous, jobs, maimed, from, contamination, that was hollie tearin up the concious, cause russia is the beast with seven head and ten horns and that is the pope and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, put it under, offend no more, and be not offended, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, and the lighted finger pointed, it's getting late, what are you doing said the pope, with your time, trap said Jesus, ron elliott, the bible church, apostolic bible church, they don't want, bob told him about seeing, not ron, two nuclear explosions in indianapolis and God showed him, when america and china goes to war, then moscow will lead an all out attack, he did not believe it, you told him, moscow would grab alaska first, then orders would go to american submarine commanders and they would fire on moscow and china, russia would wipe out the mainland, one third of the population, including, mexico, canada, and cuba, would be wiped out, but, he didn't believe it, even though, it's all in the bible, call it, an open shame for the apostolic bible church, resist the devil and he will flee from you said the tap dancers, america will be atttacked soon said the angel of the Lord, and he saw captain hollie and submarines firing on america, and on china and moscow, one third, including mexico, canada, and, cuba, population, would be, wiped out, repent, and be, baptized in Jesus Christ name and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, and he saw, the pope, with two horns, the higher one came up last, that was, hu, and putin is the other, the hegoat, the ram is china and moscow, hu and the pope will invade russia, and force russia to wipeout israel, the battle of armageddon, aman, and he saw the words, iran, attack, coming, iraq, over, breaking, oil, contracts, with, moscow, and, preventing, china, from, getting, them, call it, this is, hasting, judgment, to, amexico, and that is, canada, and, america, and, mexico, aman, read and do, ACTS 2:38 for salvation, aman, and he saw the earth, reel, to, and, fro, like a drunkard, from, russian, submarines, firing, on, america, and, usa, subs, firing on, china, and, moscow, the, ram, the hegoat, is, and and he saw the pope, with two, horns, and, the, higher, came up, last, that was, china, moscow, was, the, first, and he saw the pope with 666 on his forehead, the mark, of, the, beast, born at, the, table, between, false, prophet, hu, and, the, pope, the king of, gre, cia, and, the, king, of, the, east, 5-4-5-2006-and hollie showed to record the vision, the pope is the antichrist and hu is the false prophet, and he saw, the pope, with two horns, like a white angel, hu and putin, and hu came up last, that is the hegoat, the ram is putin and hu, and hollie tore up the concious, praise me said pastor terry long, this is what people want to be lifted up by people, God said that was the devil leaving you and hollie pointed, and the lighted finger, and hand, I blasphemed said bishop joseph farris, cut off, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, and north korea, they will give their power and strength unto the beast, the pope, and he will, send it over on america, and he saw the pope like an angel of light, and ten horns were on his head, and hu and the pope were fighting, they will, because both have nuclear weapons, hate but cling, after we hit alaska pointed the pope, two hours, then, the mainland will be wiped out, and america will fire on china and moscow, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, I'm in hell screamed nathaniel urshan, he was like kenneth haney, the general superintendent, of upci, I got it, said paul mooney, he's cut off to, no signs, sh, that was satan, and he looked like Jesus, sh, that was a city of gold, that was new jerusalem in God's hand, it's hot she screamed, I'm buring in hell, and he heard many screaming, and saw people in, like white spirits, lava, and he, saw the hand playing the organ, and he saw the word, meerkat, put judgment on pointed Jesus, this world, is under, judgment, earthquakes, etc., that was the pope, getting a haircut, he will get slashed, when he least expect's it, and loose, one eye and one arm, and satan will enter in and destroy searching for the jewish remnant, the witness, eliminate, the people will hide them, and jesica lynch cried, I'm in hell, rich, dropped her boyfriend, but, miserable, wounds never heal, I won't, she, said, yep, not, saved, yet, never will be, those who will come, will, and, not, tarry, the word, said, the, pope, even he knows, I'm judgment, said, the, library, guard, stay away from her, that was Jesus like a fire light man, it's all ready started bob, get ready for nuclear war, that was satan, sh, like a lighted serpent, and hu and the pope, the new world order, as it's faces, a two faced serpent, I'm the bear said putin, and he saw a large bear grow and a american soldier, the bear, the soldier will not have a chance, and then he saw, a submarine come up, and captain hollie pulling the whistle, blow the trumpet in sion and sound an alarm in my holy hill, the church, the day of the Lord cometh, and bob was at, and, the lighted Jesus pointed, terry cannon's church and they were, heavenly life apostolic tabernacle, downstairs feasting in the church, abomination, eat at home, the apostolic, restaurant, bob prayed, and God gave bob a vision, at the alter, and he went and told terry, that he saw him, and he saw, delivered, that let terry know that, and the lighted finger pointed, bob knew he was lost, terry didn't say much, laughed, fast said terry cannon, he knew bob was open but, knew bob would not stay, they were, and they knew, bob was cut off, from the church, do not go, unless, Jesus, sends you, he told the whole church, everybody in here can be set free if they wanted to be, when terry heard that, he thought, that's God, what terry cannon thought was, bob is pastor, but, I'm pastor, he will get many people to come here, youth minister, and hollie tore up the contrite, terry would have, and knew it, enjoyed listening, and lighted finger pointed, to bob, terry will be looking at this site, and think, laughing, at the fallen pastors, has the apostle paul came back to life, bob actually likes terry and would join that church second behind cut off pastor sugget's church, terry will see that says hollie, terry cannon will say, gimme that, I know, snatch, and see it, and he just did it, he will smile and think, I'm cut off, I accept it, but I'm coming back, nope, your done, and the assisstant pastor, brother dean, no signs, the people know it, you make a fool out of yourself giving carnal lecture's, and terry cannon, tore up his contract, he or hid dad or pastor caldwell, at drexel gardens apostolic church, ever got saved, none of them, they are all cut off, and want money, like hollie said, get me back on said terry, bob could pray, and God would say, what will terry do, it's up to him, show me something said terry, you don't need a healing, and the visions and dreams do show, and hollie showed how to make the bridge, hardhat, drawing, hammer's, crane, little wooden bridge, for crane on water, beams, cement, open, clean up, let the machine hammer in the spikes the pillars are made of that go in the water, supervisor hollie, and he saw a kite with hollie's picture on it and she turned into winnie the pooh, don't watch cartoon, thats abomination, and hollie tore up the contrite like a bear, similar to winne the pooh, putin is the bear, that was a heavenly vision of golden like fire light like hell, and he saw, people in it souls screaming, let me out screamed the mouth, that was putin and hu on the white Spirits hand, the new world order, iran will be attacked he saw, the power plant, by america, of course, and the man opened up his chest and showed his heart beating, fascinating, all the time, it is, about as strong as your hand, and hollie showed how to drywall, purchase, carry up, nail, cut, tape, plaster, smoother, sand, blow, paint, clean up, that was the virgin mary like an angel, Jesus's mother, God over shadowed her, but, she was just a human, she had to be saved like you do, those were people in the bright light, and he saw a brown horse and lightening came down, that is, judgment, the grizzled and bay horse, sister jo, was decieved, by 3 serpents, cless barger, wife, norm heaggy, help her, and that was Jesus like a cloud man, and that hollie tearing up the con, true, and that was babyfleas laughing, praise God screamed terry cannon but he's cut off, no signs, the tap dancers said, seek the Lord while he may be found, and hollie was one of them with her tongue sticking out, that, pray in your car, that, when america and china goes to war, then russia will lead an all out attack on america on the i.u.p.u.i. board, that, iraq war nuclear, saddam hussein, shot like bush, and hollie pointed, they are mad about thier idols, a big 4 wheel drive truck, and almost 3 dollars per gallon gas, and he saw 2.12 gas prices, that, buy that van, they are young and cute and God knows it, but they will have to give an account for the lives someday, read and do ACTS 2:38, and holie pointed, fedex freight used to be american freight ways, and the kept most of the employee's, bob worked there, but, would have been, released, the numbers, and hollie tore up the contract, who wants a mercury lynx with woodgrain, 5-2006-cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope and hu is the false prophet, and hollie said, bob git out of here, this place is blaspheme, that, on the iupui board, when america china goes to war, then russia will lead an all out attack, you know, what, I done, that, the iraq war will end nuclear on the board, he did not tell because he did not beleive and still doesn't, but, record the vision hollie showed, there are 3 and a half years of peace under the beast, and 3 and half years of wrath, the vials, of God will be poured out, and the tap dancers said, donald winters blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and people need to know and will, pastors patrick and betty brown are cut off, and pattie brown, no signs, and the tap dancers said, work for the Lord while, and hollie tore up the contrite, while you have time, and he saw, america explode and babylon appeared on it, america is the mystery of babylon, and it was on fire, just like that, that was hollie licking the prophet, and that was, sammy hagar tearing up the contrast, van halen fired him but, rehired, because they flopped with thier new lead singer, he dares them to fire again, it's me, or david lee roth, they would hire david lee roth back, and he would go on tour and record, but, no, in the back of his heart, this is a waste of time, and eddie van halen tore up his contract, he is, shaky, because, get him angry, fired, what got sammy hagar fired is, 4 albums, 2 hit number one, but, the other two flopped, two number one, albums and they fired sammy hagar, stupid fools, he should have recorded another, marching to venus, after he was fired, sold over one million with one hit, his next, his next, and God knows, would've hit number two, because, he was hungry, and would have worked with the songs, four number one hits on that record, God knew, they were already in his heart, and still are, but, he won't record them with van halen, if they fire him again and, they won't, but, if they do, boom, prophet saw sammy hagar in concert a long time ago, but, he opened up for somebody, give warning said the pope, if the people turn, then they live, if not, they die, in thier iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul, and he saw the word, ma`gog like it is written, and the lighted finger pointed, that is the leopard, japan, north and south korea, china, where, moscow, and all those lands are, inluding india and pakistan, gog is satan in the pope, the cheif prince of meshac and tubal, persia, ethiopia and libya are the middle east, gomer is germany, Togarmah is moscow, and he saw the words, day of the Lord, this is when babylon, and he saw america explode, and that is babylon, gets destroyed, read ISAIAH 13, 666 will be born at the table between false prophet hu and the pope, the king of grecia and the king of the east, the pope will get slahed and satan will enter in, and destroy, searching for the jewish remnant, put it under, the mountain will split in twain, Christ will appear and deliver the church up to the father, like that, with thousands of his saints, the sky was yellow, and the beast and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire and the angel of the Lord pointed, do you accept the penalty for what you did, uhm hum, herpes in the penalty for sex, and he saw, a man, with herpes blisters all over his face, he shot himself, most of them do, keri fox gives people herpes, knowing she has them, hooker, in indianapolis, raise your hands and clap your horns, there are no more visions in pentecost, because there are no more apostolics in pentecost, write chief indian walker and tell him that he is cut off, no signs, and look on his board, where he came against visions bob put on, he more or less, called, them, non, scriptural, nonsence, he is, against Jesus, pastor, indian walker, and holie tore up the conspirit, when ice was spotted by the titanic's spotter, Lightholler, the warning was given and they reversed the engines but to late, it caused the ship to, instead of straight on, rub against it, a plate came off, and, two and half hours later, and hollie tore up the contrast, they knew ice was in those waters, they should have, real slow, how come your not ready said the pope, kenneth haney, an old man over upci, no signs, dark hair, how is that, dying is abomination, and the dog ate the white castle, roof, that was a white Spirit man, on a throne, and bob ran into a man and he called himself a christian, but, his plan of salvation was not even in the king james bible, when told him, not another word he threatened, and he saw, louisiana explode, and, mexico, and canada, from, when moscow, bombs america, the radition, iran coming atttack american, out of submarines, when bob told henry gruver, did you get the letter I sent you, I get a lot of mail, henry gruver knew bob was saved, he felt it, and he saw america explode, it will burn said henry gruver from submarines, like this, and he saw darkness, and, lighted submarines, and missiles coming out, and explosions, like that, henry saw this, and he saw, from high in the air, explosions all along the west coast and the east coast, from the ocean's, and captain hollie, pulling the whistle, warn people, pakistan, betrayed america by revealing secrets to moscow, america knows it, when peter talked about the earth being in the water, that was, during the flood, noah, the world flooded quicker then you can imgaine, and the lighted finger pointed, after the flood, only noah and his family left, God made people, like he made adam, he made many, and they did not know anything, but learned, as they went along, and God helped, God would put it in thier hearts what to do, that was satan, sh, I'm the beast, and he saw him in the big hand, and he saw hands reaching out of hell, hell is reaching for you, and he saw an eye of fire, get God's attention, and God put a yamick of light on the prophet, and he saw the pope, with, two horns, and the, higher, came up, last, this is, china, the, hegoat, will, stomp, the, ram, with, the, two horns and they are, china, and, moscow, and the hegoat is, the, pope, with, china, and moscow, as, the, horns, the pope and, china, will, invade, moscow, and, force, to, invade, israel, and he saw, duane, the, blue, eyed, and he was, beautiful, but, sinned, perished, youthful, read and do, ACTS 2:38 for salvation, aman, and hollie picked her fingers, and he saw the pope with 666, on his, forehead, the mark of the beast, and his image on false prophet hu's hand, worship the beast hu will say because the pope is stronger, and hollie pointed, more nuclear weapons, on the king of grecia's side, hu is, the kings of the east, put it under, and hollie pointed, the new world order, God said the king of grecia will not do that well, war is what the pope said, satan, will want, war, he will search for the jewish remnant and God put a helmut on the prophet, war, spiritual war, is what you are in, and hollie clapped, post the vision, eating candy off the ground is not sin, clean up the inside, read and do ACTS 2:38, on my death certificate, I did not do what the Lord told me to do, is what many will say, and he saw the pope, with two horns, and the higher came up last, that was, china, and russia is the other horn, the ram, china will, invade, moscow, pushing at the pope at the end, he will lie and they will see it, he will blaspheme God and his tabernacle, and say, I am god, but, he's a man, with a lying foul spirit like paul mooney, when you cut up paper on the ground, it decorates, with your lawnmower, and hollie tore up the contrast, a local church with a global vision, thats, sang, stephen hanson, get out here said paul mooney, he is like donald winters, cut off, read this, and he saw, paul mooney reading, trash, wadd up, not true, he will say, no signs, and the meerkat said, I want my website, pastor mark stone thought, and the woman laughed, he's the one that's going to bring the church up to par, but, the church was cut off, and, mark knew it, and bob told him, but, mark didn't step down, mislead mark stone, and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the con, mark whobrey is cut off, but loves to preach, no signs, that was hollie tearing up the concious, joshua goes to danville apostolic church, he was in a serious wreck, and an angel appeared, and said that he would be all right, but, joshua was cut off, he was only about 20, but, said no to Jesus, but, people prayed, God did not have anything to do with his recovery, but, he lived, put it under, God will not save you if you don't repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and recieve the gift the of the Holy One, with the eveidence of speaking in new tongues, and hollie showed how to put the back brakes on, jack up, hubcap, remove, wheel, loosen bolt, take, out, bearings, remove, covering, drum, loosen, clips, take off, brakes, put back, motor, greese, bearings, motor, and hollie tore up the contrast, your back brakes are, not out yet, and he saw ten toes, and kim jong and putin, and, hu, and chavez, and lula, and then, they were on the beast's head, these ten kings, castrol, will give thier power and strength unto the beast, send it over, said the pope, on, america, desolate in one hour, the day of the Lord prophesied in joel, and hollie tore up the concious, and kim jong was one of the toes, and putin and hu, this is the beast, the ten toed beast, you had it said gene schmidt, but, you didn't want it, but, you still work for hand of help, here's what would make mobil oil number one, make the bottle look like a whore, put tiger stripes on it, thats what the people want, sex, john price, bishop, john, price, is, cut, off, no, signs, castrol, she, said, will be, killed, assassinated, like, bush, from, natural, causes, old, bush, shot, twice, by, the, heart, put it under, go, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, and hollie, tore up, the, con, truit, and the penguin winked, twice, and hollie pointed like keri fox, get me a raincoat, they are thinking, but they break and they know it, they know how to make them break, and he saw the pope, like an angel of light, with ten horns in his head, and the ten toes, kim jong was one, and putin, and hu, they will give thier power and strength, and he saw fidel castrol, to the beast, send it over, on america, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, that was hollie about to pull the sling, people are getting exposed, by, this prophet, and anger is arising, and God exposes pastors that claim to be his and, they are embarrasing God, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I got it, said pastor mark stone, God is embarrasing them on the information hightway, don't go to michigan, opps, said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, wisconsin, explode, it will burn, from submarines, and the lighted finger pointed, time is getting short, redeem the time for the days are evil, and dan hazelwood said, I'm not going to repent of my sins, are you out of your fucking rocker, but, I teach at church, mark stone prayed, I know you sent him but, I don't want him to come back here, this is my church, godamit, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang hollie, on my death certificate said tina, I had an abortion, and my blood must repay for that blood, who soever, sheddeth mans blood, by man, shall his blood blood be shed, bring back the death penalty, and the lighted finger pointed, kill them, so God can put them straight in the furnace, a 2 and a half miles below the ocean, where the titanic is, in the day time, you can see, zero, mud, sediment, animals, block out, the sunlight, it's about like being in a dark room, you know something is there, but, can't make it out, planned, nuke, america, said the pope, that was satan, I'm the beast, sh, when we hit alaska said the pope, you'll have 2 hours and then russia will wipe out the mainland, but, china and russia will be hit by american submarines, mr. christian, ther's satan, I'm the beast, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan to lure america into war, then, russia will grab alaska, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on moscow and china, one third, and he saw, submarine's, firing all over, the earth will reel to and fro, like a drunkard, I lost my way said carmella johnson, she was, blond and blue, beautiful, sexy, but, got old, about 5'5, 110, but, got old, and he saw the sign, iraq war nuclear over breaking oil contracts, oil man bush brought it in, jerry vanlue said, I built this church, and I will give it to jeremy my son, and he will give it to his son, we don't do things right, perish, vanlue's, danville apostolic church, write them, it's the phone christian said mark stone, don't come here, we don't want Jesus, that's it, said pastor jerry vanlue, when we hit america, said the pope, and he saw, two horns, the higher one came up last, hu, putin is the other, china will attack moscow, and force to invade israel, the battle of armageddon, put it under, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation, prophesied in joel, it's in the indianapolis star, iran attack by america, china, and he saw the hegoat stomp the ram and 4 horns came up, and the pope came out of moscow, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, sh, that was satan, the mummy, and hollie showed how to do the face lift, slice, pull, stretch, sew up, and he saw, mexico and canada explode, they will, from radiation, new york said pastor mark stone, terrorise, the fire planet is mars, the bear is us, said the bear, and turned into putin, the lion is satan, with the pope as hi mouth, the leopard is, china, north and south korea, and japan, where all those lands are, and hollie tore up the contrast, even moscow will be part of that, the british helicopter, and the american helicopter were shot donw by missiles from, and the lighted finger pointed, moscow, america knows it, the united states will be attacked soon said the angel of the LOrd, president dick cheney, he will replace bush, satan, I'm the beast, sh, om financial said donald golder, temple of praise church, sh, that was serpent hu, that was satan, and God winked, and the pope was the otther, the new world order, and that was hollie tearing up the con, trius, and he saw a bunch of people at church at glendale mall, that could be a church, lightoller on the titanic, had a bad feeling, he knew icebergs were out there, and was afraid, it was, dark, he was lost and he knew it, put it under, and hollie tore up the contrast, save yourself, if he would have told captain smith, captain smith would have said, slow it down, lightholler would have said, stop it, couldn't said smith, slow it, he saw all kinds of icebergs, her perished, and prophet saw the iceberg, 3 times more under water, than above, the titanic was, almost, as big as the iceberg and the eye looked but, wasn't built to well, riveted, that plate fell off, down it went, all those people froze in the water, thier clothes took them right to the bottom, captain smith kneeled and did the rosery and perished, not seen, appreciate what you got said captain smith, and he saw one of the rivers edge apartments buildings had a fire near the top, and then brought down, watch, arson, planned, I do not beleive, in Jesus, sang captain smith, and he saw him in hell up to his chin, he knew, and the fire went over, and only, a captains hat, and the giant being pointed at the plate, that came off, the, hole on the titanic that sank it, not that big, a little sin will sink you, here's how it did, it rolled, then, lifted, and broke, gone, it lifted just a little pointed hollie, like keri fox, and captain smith pointed the bedroom and hollie tore up the contrite, work, and that was the contrast, torn by hollie, that was satan, I'm the beast, sh, that was hollie, tearing up the contrast, and he saw flames going up the west coast and the east from russian submarines, captain hollie pulling the whistle, warn people, the day of the Lord and america exploded, and he saw a row of kings, kim jong, lula, fidel, putin, hu, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, said the pope, on america, and hollie tore up the conspirit and thats like the contrust and thats your deal with God, leave me alone, said, the, cute, little, pentecostal, chick, from, the, church of, paul mooney, calvary, tabernacle, but, let me, sing, in front of, many people, at, churches, call it, live for Jesus, first, lillian, gertrude, asplund, survived, the, titanic, but, is in, hell now, for, rejecting, Jesus, enough, she said, but, it, just began, cashed in, in, tours, but, perished, put it under, she knew, and hollie showed to record the vision and complained, russia will attack when you least expect it said the jet plane, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation, and he saw the pope and he looked like president pope washington america, they will, strike america, kim jong, lula, chavez, putin, hu, and others, on the day of the Lord, they will, want to rule thw world, put it under, the day of the Lord prophesied in joel, I feel like we made it said pastor mark stone, but, the signs aren't coming forth, casting out devils, speaking with new tongues, laying hands on the sick and they recovering, don't be decieved, many false christians, harlots, what can I do first except I reveal, and hollie tore up the contrus, the prophets, work for Jesus, and the lighted finger pointed, and Jesus tore up the con, curus, that is what, and hollie did the same, here's what he's going to do, said the tap dancers, he heard every word you said, but didn't believe it, he said, those are from the devil, the visions, God gave you, we heard you, he said, talking about, donald winters, he is cut off, for blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, right to bob's face, they know it now, help me said holie, record the vision hollie showed, america will be desolate in one hour, and hollie tore up the con, trust, and Jesus showed the time, work for the Lord, and hollie pointed, iran coming attack, and hollie tore up the con spirit, wait, mr. christian, let the LOrd lead you, and the meerkat said, I'm the bear, no, said putin, that is, moscow, and the meerkat said, I want my vision on the internet, and the angel dropped lighted cherries in the poophole, on the internet, there is a bunch of women, that had their poopholes opened by things, you can put, a, bottle, in, one, with, ease, abomination, and sister said winters sang, learning to lead on donald, are people your God, serve Jesus or perish, don't follow man, and he saw, the mobile oil bottle with tiger stripes and a bra, people want sex, yes I do want to sell she said, but, for something, she's got on, short shorts and tan, long blond hair, muscle shirt, tan, sexy, ponytail, brownish, and she said, lava, thats where, she'll spend eternity for, and he saw, both, american, coast's, on fire, from, russian, submarines, and captain hollie, warning, pulling the, whistle, string, repent, and be, bap, tized, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and receive, the, gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of speaking, in, a, nother, lang, guage, the Spirit, causes, you to, speak, aman, and hollie tore up the contrast, iran, never was, in, a, nuclear, treaty, liars, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia, will, strike, america, when you, least, expect, save yourself, and hollie bowed, the, narrator, for, most, of, the, visions, aman
(3)Jesus is the same -visions received 5-7-8-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: iraq war will end nuclear, exchange, between, iraq, and, israel, persia, partially, put it, under, and the tap dancer's said, work, for, JEsus, while there is, t, i, m, e, iraq war will end nuclear, exchange, between, iraq, and, israel, persia, partially, put it, under, deborah yang is cut off, no, signs, the letter iran's president wrote, is, lies, no out, but, threat, put it under, shoot, the powerplant, planned out, and bob saw, the, powerplant, hit, by, tomahawks,the new tax chavez plans, is, to, get, more, money, out of, the, foreign, oil, firms, much, lets rule the world, chavez, putin, and, castrol, and, many others, will be in on, the, attack, of, america, and he saw, the smoke, of, america, burning, blocking out, the, sun, and, the, moon, and the moon turned into blood, for, 16 hours, record the vision hollie showed, porno sex is all over the internet, wounding people, trapping, and making them, like that, God has to close things, soon, to keep the remnant from falling, they are, being, hit, hard, by, all, they won't fall but, they have price's to pay and won't do it, because of what is coming against them and making them have hard feeling's toward Jesus, don't watch porn, if some ends up in your mailbox, get rid of it,quick, don't stare, or, some has showed up in prophet's mail box, clicked on, got rid of, don't let it trap you, God says, keep the Lord first in all of your ways and he will guide your footsteps, oral sex is what is helping bring judgment to america and the world, all just about are doing it, that is abomination, and hollie tore up the con, cious, and that is, and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the con, trust, and he saw the earth reel to and fro like a drunkard from, and he saw the world spin and saw america on fire, the smoke went up and blocked the sun and the moon and the moon turned into blood, color from reflection, ISAIAH 13, and hollie pointed, and hollie, pointed, and the tap dancers said, and hollie pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie tore up te contrast, pray according to God's will, and hollie pointed like keri fox, they are having a free living illusions show at charity tabernacle church, pastor david gibson is cut off, and this proves it, write him, and tell, and hollie pointed, smiling, and hollie pointed, and the lighted angel pointed, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, do you accept the peanlty for what you have done said alice cooper, no, said hollie, own up, in all things you must, hunger and thirst, for more of Jesus, and the lighted finger pointed at the kentucky fried chicken sign, eat a little more, there are 3 openings in a womans body and men visit all 3, frequently, this is why judgment is about to occur, and and he saw pastor sugget looking at the paper that had the visions on it and his name apeared and pastor luster and mrs. luster, they are cut off, no signs, and paul mooney and donald winters, etc., and he saw him like an angel, and the lighted finger pointed at the recorder, thats God's will for you now, prophet has been cut off said pastor sugget, should we hit china again said president, and the hollie pointed, clinton, but, russia will wipe out, after grabbing alaska, the mainland, china and moscow, will be, almost, destroyed, and he saw 4 horns and out of one of them, moscow, came the pope, hu is the false prophet, the pope, the two horns, are, on the hegoat, like an angel of light, china and putin, china will, invade moscow and force to, invade israel, the battle of armageddon, on my death certificate, I didn't do what God wanted me to do said the man that open's up at sugget's church with glasses and gray hair, california said the man that goes to sugget's church, and he saw both american coast's in flames, and they were on fire from, and Jesus pointed, russian submarines, the day of the Lord prophesied in ISAIAH 13, and he saw america explode, and babylon appeared on it, it will burn, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan to lure america into war said pastor sugget's wife, then, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, like he just saw, moscow, will grab alaska and orders will go to american submarines commanders and they will fire on china and moscow, then, russia will wipe out the mainland, sh, that was satan, and hollie pointed at pastor sugget, no signs, josh knows him, from, heavenly life apostolic tabernacle, you know how I found it said josh at heavenly life apostolic tabernacle, ministryofdreams if prophecy ministry, they are both the same, iran attack coming said the people from sugget's church, and he saw the ten toed beast, and, pastor sugget, kim jong, putin, these will give thier power and strength, unto the beast, and he saw the pope, like an angel of light, and the horns were on his head, hu and the pope were fighting, they will hate each other but cling, both have nuclear weapons but, the pope is stronger, bobby it's in the paper, iran coming attack, iraq nuclear, and sugget pointed, to the bedroom, the church is lost, all, of them, no signs, pakistan is betraying america said the man that preached at paul mooney's church, and sugget pointed, they will see this, and he saw mexico explode and canada, they will burn, and the sun and the moon will be blocked out when moscow hits america, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and, and china and russia will be hit to, and hollie jumped and clicked her heals with her sexy tight blue jeans on and that is, write her, she became a ministering spirit, there's the other hollie, white faced, angel, I just want your wallet said pastor m. mckinney and pointed, the apostolic church, indy apostolic church, I'm in hell, screamed debbie, save yourself, mr. christian, go in there pointed hollie, deborah is cut off, no signs, my plan of salvation ain't even in the king james bible, man made, I'm just a witch she said, that was satan, I'm the beast, sh, and he saw hu, with, the pope's image and 666, on his hand, and hu was a lighted serpent, the flase prophet with the pope, in his mouth, but, hu said the pope, like an angel of light, I'll destroy you, and he can, 666, will prevent them from doing, and satan pointed, and he saw a hand grab, the life boat that came out of the titanic, some of those people were saved, on both sides, and hollie put back together the contract and tore it up and took off, I want my body she said, and hollie tore up the contract, everybody at the rebecca st. james concert lusted her, because of what she wears, thats what she wants, suck my poop hole baby, while I'm singing, I believe in God, tore it up and took off, I want my body she said, and hollie tore up the contract, everybody at the rebecca st. james concert lusted her, because of what she wears, thats what she wants, suck my poop hole baby, while I'm singing, I believe in God, pastor sugget said, praise me, that is what, he, wants, Jesus knows, that is why, the, signs, are not, coming, forth, many, pastor's, like, pas, tor, mckinney, want's, the, worship, of, men, no, signs, I'm the beast, with, seven heads, and, ten, horns, said, the, serpent, and that is, the pope, and hu is, the, false, prophet, put it under, the new world order, put it under, sister rexford committed blaspheme of the HOly Ghost, you warned her not, to get married, but she did any way, cincinatti christian church is cut off, no signs, a. e. newman tore up his contract, and he will get this, he is cut off, no signs, de doesn't even come out till it is, his turn, to, speak, like, pastor, burt, at, agape, apostolic, tabernacle, both in indianapolis, and they both will get this, they are both, cut, off, no, signs, but of a, false, pastor, listen to me, my boring carnal lecture, but I won't listen to you said pastor burt, and hollie showed record the vision, a cross on the front, and, flames on the side, of the aerostar, van, this is how far, people are away, fro, Je`sus, and he saw 4 horns, and the pope popped up, that is, the little horn, and the pastor at el shaddai, pastor holcomb is cut off, no, signs, pastor, hol, comb, and his wife, both, read, the man that was with him, knew you spoke the word of the Lord, now, they will do nothing, but, know the end day message, put it under, to late for them, liar, he said, but, talking about pastor, they both beleived every word, and you spoke the word of the Lord, that man now knows that the pastor is cut off, and pastor holcomb tore up his contract, wait a minute mr. chrstian said hollie, what he is thinking is, stay with us but how can you, they will, not move up, and you will not be, helped, there, that's the first time that pastor holcomb saw real prophesying, both, he will get this and wadd it up, and pastor chuck sinnesaw said, I ain't cut off, but the signs do not follow him and he knows it, he is cut off, don't let him preach at your church from indianapolis, sister, oliver, like, greg oliver, and, pastor, floyd, matthews, are, cut, off, all, jim young, james, young, no signs, he will get this, but, not, read, reject, you, are, rejected, james young, put it under, you were, acting, onfire, at, westside, but now, dead, step aside, cut off, fake, 5-2006-record the vision hollie showed, and hollie tore up the contract, when the united states, voted, bush, in, they voted, an, oil man, and, now, the world is in, caos, put it under, the battle of armageddon, is, brewing, and hollie poin, ted, real truth ministries is, cut, off, no, signs, and he will see this, and wadd, his Jesus is, yeshua, no, yep, john lake, was, broke, all his, christian, life, gave up, all, and was, rich, back, then, dwight, hardin, is, cut, off, no, signs, keith richards will never tour again, the rolling stones, are, over, because of, fall, out of, tree, record the vision hollie showed, post, and he saw the recorder, and Jesus pointed, that libraries not closed yet, cause russia is the bear, that's the beast, part of it said the angel of the Lord, and he saw ten toes and hu, and, putin, kim jong, they were part of the beast, they will give, and he saw the pope, like an angel of light, to the pope, the beast, and he will, send it over on, america, put it under, the day of the Lord prophesied in joel, and he saw the pope with two horns, china came up last, and hollie tore up the contrite, putin was the other horn, the hegoat will stomp the ram, and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the contrust, elder holcomb is cut off, r. holcomb and first lady anna holcomb, both, no signs, and saddam hussein showed to record the vision's, the van gets the same mileage the aries gets, just about the same everything, in the city, and he saw, the pope, like an angel of light, and two horns, were coming out of his head, and they are, the hegoat's, putin and hu, the ram, and that is, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan to lure america into war, and when they go, moscow will lead an all out attack, grabing alaska first, then, from the oceans, the bear moscow, will pluck up, cuba, nicaragua, and mexico, then, invade america, then, leave, the earth will reel to and fro like drunk, ard, put it under, post the vision, ISAIAH 13, the day of the Lord, and the pope had ten horns on his head, and hu, and putin, and, kim jong, and, pastor sugget, and pastor holcomb, they will give their power and strength unto the beast, holcomb will see this, get that away from me, step down wolf holcomb, and hollie pointed, post, wolf mckinney, wolf winters, and wolves mooney and terry cannon, I'm anti christian said paul mooney, he is cut off, no signs, write him, he will get it, you were not born on halloween, you were born when God made the soul that went into that body in the womb, abortion is, pastor mckinney was teaching, warning, against, coming against apostolic pastors, they are all cut off, he came against bob, bromac, write him, bromac web designs, bob shared visions in his church, and at the end of the service, bro mac stomped him verbally, what brother mac didn't know is, bob was recieving visions while at the service, and they were on the internet, about, one hour, after he left, bromac will see this, and wadd, he is, cut, off, no, signs, go post, Im starting to need you she said, but when bob approached, get away, now, she can see things wrapping up, but, bob won't go near her, and he is led, by the HOly Ghost, uto, o my God, she is, cut off, from westside pentecostal church, slammed bob for giving testimony, testimony that brought, many, young, people, to, affrightened, they ran to her, and she said, don't worry, serve Jesus, but, her testimony did not hold nothing, that is how far the church is away from Je`sus, and he saw the man from paul mooney's church looking at the paper, paul mooney is cut off, no signs, right on it, and he, wadded up the paper and celebrated in his heart, give me calvary tabernacle, I thought everybody was cut off he said, he is, and josh said, I got news, prophet is coming back to heavenly life apostolic church, and they all celebrated with thier mouth's, but, terry cannon in his heart said, fuck off, we don't need him, but, terry does not have anything, this is how all these pastors are, what is bob came to your church, what would God show him, he would all ready know before, and hollie pointed, he came, God had already showed, but he went, the vision was proven, they are all accurate, put it under, post, who knows said thses pastors, thier nackedness is being uncovered, embarrassed, right on, the, information, highway, this site, will get, about, 30,000 hits this year, and van halen sang, running with the devil, thats what, these pastors are, blasphemers, wolves, my husband is what terry cannon thought, when bob came there, not, he came for the sheep's sake, put it under, steal the sheep the wolf, pastor sugget, terry cannon, I'm out and the angel of the Lord looked out of Jesus's mouth, the word is published in all countries, now the end can come, watch for it, I'm laughing, said paul mooney, but, he won't be, post it, he's cut off, no signs, bless me, said paul mooney, materially, like sugget and cannon wants, and donald winters, and donny joe winters, they preach for money, mislead, no signs, judgment's here, said phillips from westside pentecostal church, but, he did not judge, but, declared visions, Jesus, showed, and he saw, four horns, and, the pope, came out of, moscow, the four horns are, the, leopard, china, moscow, north and south korea, and, japan, the new world order, and the pope popped out of the 4 horns, and said, hu, I will not put up with you, they will hate, but, cling, to prevent, them, from, destroying, each, other, both have nuclear weapons, this website is bring people on thier knee's said pointed the pope, see that, that is a submarine, one can destroy all of amexico, hit them right in the middle and let the radiation spread, don't think, that you are safe, bob, jeff nyquist is cut off, no signs, read my book he said, but, he is cut off, nothing in common with the apostle paul, put it back said Jesus, and he saw, a candle, with him on it, and it was lit, and, bright light came from it, and sarah hickey sang, I'm going to hell and I'm taking you with me, send money, lot's of money, lots and lots of money, and he saw, iran coming attack, by america, and hollie pointed, your wrong pointed Jesus is what they say, they are wrong, read the bible, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is, the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, has, begun, he won't, the beautiful young woman said, cut me off, you already are, play around with Jesus, she's only about 18, like, demi, moore, but, oral sex, is coming her way, the restraint will be lifted, syria will be attacked by america when america hits iran, then, kings will get, that one mind, lets rule the world, sang putin, china said hu, destroy america, attack washington state and grab taiwan to lure, and he saw two fingers and putin and hu were the finger nails, the new world order, and he saw, doctor Jesus, white, eye area, and he saw a flower pop out of a poop hole, lick my bowel's, is what people want, and hollie pointed like keri fox, and Jesus pointed, california, and he saw, both american coast's and hollie riding the submarine and pulling the whistle, warn people, there is a skeleton in every sex young man and woman, they, iraq, nuclear, EZEKIEL 7, they are animals said sunnysnet, lick my poophole said the pope, iraq will end nuclear said the pope, we planned it said bush, and satan pointed, bomb the united states said the pope, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts saith paris hilton, and when she turned around to write on the chalkboard, they all, stared at her, hershey squirter, and he saw EZEKIEL 7, the iraq war, nuclear, fulfilled, read it, pakistan helped destroy american's economy by letting america invade iraq, paying them and revealing secrets to moscow, and he saw a ten headed beast rise out of hell, putin, hu, chavez, lula, castrol, kim jong, they will give thier power and strength unto me said the pope, send it over on america, the day of the Lord, prophesied in ISAIAH 13, mr. christian, the pope will come out of italy, the little horn, and he saw the moon turn into blood color and the smoke cleared and america was red from nukes, reflection, korea your a backstabber said bush, we gave you all that oil, and you built nuclear weapons, there will be no deal, america just wants people to think, I sold it pointed bush, mooney, they both, paul mooney and george bush, the united states will be attacked soon said the angel of the Lord and turned into bromac, pastor m. mckinney, indy apostolic church, he is cut off, no signs, I didn't want it said prophet mckinney, visions and dreams from bob, you are, cut off, you came against him, hashly, when he wanted to help you-ins, shame on you pastor mckinney, pastor, mckinney wanted to get bob cut off, but, was shown he was cut off, don't come against pentecostal pastors he said, he is preaching for lucre, saddam hussein, will be, shot, cut me off, said, josh, at, heavenly life, apostolic, taber, nacle, so I can do what I want, but, I still go to church, america, is, the, mother, of, false christian's, harlots, and he saw him as a candle, be a light for Jesus, bromac web designs, dyes his hair, pastor mckinney, write him, that's abomination, and he, saw more gold, then you can imagine, and the lighted finger pointed, God owns everything, don't worry about money, and he saw a corvette showing off but it wrecked, play with fire, he was at, a plant where he worked and the terminal manager came to him, and he was way behind, and wondered about things that had happened in his past, he was with people and they tried to take his car, but, he stopped them, he found out, his other car, needed more work then he was willing to do, and he hears the large crowd, what happened, explosion, they day of the Lord, MYSTERY, BABYLON, and the lighted finger pointed, is america, and he saw, wisconsin, explode, and, hand of help, was, on it, they are, cut, off, no, signs, but, the, biggest, prophetic, minister, is, michael, boldea, and, henry, gru, ver, both, cut, off, no, signs, miss you, said, henry, but, to, late, write them, and they will get, and he saw, minnesota, explode, it will burn, from, russian, submarines, racecar wrecked, said, tony bettenhausen, but, he was, cut, off, spun on the straightaway, where you, least, expect, bob, said, Jesus, I can, strip, or, prosper, it's up to, me, said, Jesus, repent, and be, baptized, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve, the, gift, of, the, HOly, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, with, new, tongues, as the Spirit, give's, the, utter, ance, aman,
(4)the last times are here-visions received 5-9-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: westside bobby, is, cut, off, under, donald, winters, cut off, for, blaspheme, of, the, Holy, GHost, right to your, face, those are from the devil, he knew, stay away from there, satan, is, donald, winters, your cut off, joshua, at, heavenly life, apostolic, taber, nac, le, because, you came against, this, work, of, Jesus, even though, you thought it was, marvelous, raise your hands and repeat after me, Jesus will come, when you, least, expect, save yourself, are the words, he, saw, aman, shack up, is what, that, beautiful, young, sexy, broad, wants, sex child, is what, she will, like, maria, be, both, the man that shot, wycoff, claimed, to have, fought, but, no, he, shot, him, for, breakin, in, and they know it, but, can't, prove, protect, when he would have, but, was cut off, now, in, hell, over, breakin in, a, house, regret, beautiful, but, stupid, put it under, redeem the time,an argument broke out, at the, I, surrender all, church, and, minister, leroy, wilson, was, killed, and he perished, and was, a, minister, america is, the, mother, of, harlots, false, christians, and hollie pointed, if you read the story, it will, blow you away, look for it, aman, the uk's foreign minister, is, lying, when, she, says, no, iran, military, plan, margaret, beckett, liar, like, tony, blair, all, bromac buisness services, is, cut, off, pastor, mckinney, no signs, indy, apostolic, church, for, coming against, the prophet, openly, for, sharing, visions, in his, church, friendship apostolic church, write him, wolf, he taught against, as he, sang, coming against, apostolics, but the only one, in, america, and, pastor, m., mckinney, point, ed, ,
(5)last days dreams-visions received 5-10-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: And he saw, the, pope, pope up, out of, 4 horns, and, they, are, the, leopard, china, north and south korea, and, japan, git out of here, said, the, pope, they will, hate, each, other, but, cling, hu, and the, pope, over, 17000, troops, american, wounded, in, iraq, thanks george bush, for, the, oil, war, people are in, hell, over, you, put it under, this war was to break oil con, tracts, and preventing, china, from, getting, and hollie pointed, and Donald winters pointed, those are from the devil, he, said, but, nope, from, Jesus, he is, from, the, de, vil, from, pastor, of, Westside, Pentecostal church, and he saw, pastor wayne grace, is, cut off, no, signs, like, the, 2, evangelists, there, now, cause china, is, the, red, nope, satan, is, the, red, dragon, and he saw, putin, and, hu, the, ten toed, beast, and, pastor sugget, and, pastor, terry cannon, these will give their power and strength, unto, me, said, the, pope, and he will, send it over, on, America, put it under, the day of the Lord, prophesied, in joel, pastor, clay, Harrison, is, cut, off, no, signs, and he saw, the man that died, trying to, save, his, dog, drowned, the dog, lived, and doesnt care, but the man, is, in, hell, and he saw, the, pope, with, then horns, and he was like, an, angel, of, light, and, hu, and, the, pope, were, two, and, fighting, they will hate, but, cling, lou dobbs said to the president, do you take us, for, fools, you are, collapsing, America, over, the, iraq, oil contract, breaking, war, anything you say, people, say, but, when, this, comes, that, on the i.u.p.u.i. board, when America, and, china, goes, to, war, then, Moscow, will, lead, an, all, out, attack, put it under, the, day of the Lord, prophesied, in, ISAIAH 13, that, china will, invade, Moscow, and, force, to, invade, Israel, EZEKIEL 7, fulfilled, with the iraq war, 40,000, said, pastor, wayne, grace, that is how much, they pay him, to, be, pastor, but, paul, was not paid anything, and, the, signs, followed, him, pastor terry long is, cut, off, no, signs, like, pastors, kent Jordan, and, gray, russia will, commission, two, new, Borei-class, nuclear, submarines, and they will, be, used, on, america, soon, and america, will, fire, back, put, it, under, the day of the Lord, and he saw, the, world, reel, to and fro, like a, drunk, ard, from, and captain hollie, riding the submarine, and pulling the whistle, string, blow the trumpet is zion, warn people, tell them, art bell, is, cut, off, no, signs, smoke on, astronaut, iran, will, get, attacked, by, two, tomahawk, missiles, out of, submarines, and he saw, president, george, Washington, he is, not, have, that, vision, that, they, claim, he was, a, sinner, and he saw him, like, an, angel, she was, cut off, and, imformed, do you know Jesus, she, said, but, she did not, know him, herself, she was in a, rage, and, husband, knew, put it under, he laughed, in his heart, but, she, ready, you are, satans, hel, per, lets rule the world, sang, putin, china, they will give, their, power, and, their, strength, unto, me, said, the, pope, the, anti, Christ, and he will, send it over, on, America, record the vision hollie showed, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, make a string to handle, and hollie showed, go in there and get the other one, string, and he saw a baby, take care of your children, they belong to JEsus, but when I come, will I find faith in the church said pastor, and hollie pointed, bart, from agape apostolic church, don't follow men, follow Jesus, put it under, agape apostolic faith tabernacle is cut off, no signs, and they have been informed, pastor gary bart will see this, whoever has the vision, I want to thank you said pastor bart, but he will not repent, he is cut off, period, thats it, hes done, but still misleads an apostolic church, wolf burt, record the vision hollie showed, these pastors are misleading, many people, don't pick your fingers, record, you see what I did, and Jesus showed his hands, holes, and the Spirit on the inside, he died for you, what are you doing for him, aman, 5-11-10-2006-ashley lee simpson, had, her, nose, fixed, abomination, whoever has my word, and does not use it, is, dung, to me, saith the Lord, to whom much is given, much is required, alice cooper, do you accept the penalty for what you have done, um hum, hell, for you, mr. pentecost, and he turned into upci, they knew, but did not do, put it under, write the vision, and make it plain, but when I come, will I find faith upon the earth, people doing the word of God, and hollie pointed, turn, here, I want you now, said terry hendrickson, but he was cut off, to late, and hollie showed, ta da, when an old person looks at a young one, they wish they were young again, but, you cannot go back and if you do not live for Jesus, you will be afraid, knowing, and hollie tore up the con, trust, because, thats what they did, they knew, now it is, to, late, I'm over it they say, no there not, put it under, post, and she said, terry cannon is an awesome minister, but he is cut off like she was, and she was told, and knows, but doesnt beleive it though, but, according to the bible, the scripture he quoted, she is and she knows it, and hollie showed, turn, and hollie pointed, turn, and God showed him highway 70 will be gone from the nuclear explosions in indianapolis, ISAIAH 13, aman, and he saw st. louis explode, it will burn, and the arch still stood, but, in time,it will dissolve away, come un, to, me all ye that are heavey laden and I will give you rest, said, pastor, terry, cannon, but he is cut off, no signs, do you follow your pastor, and hollie tore up the con, tryst, and that is, when find oil, in the trash, keep, use, never change, keep full, in your vehicle and thats all you need to do, never change, he said he loves Jesus, but the signs dont follow, and at the end, he said we all are, meaning, perish, but, not, bob, he, now knows, that, he hates, Jesus, And pastor Russell hylton is cut off, no signs, and he, and he saw a row of pastors, terry cannon, m. mckinney, Donald winters, joeseph farris, jame e. Tyson, they were all cut off, no signs, and know it, Russia is the bear, sh, satan, pointed, hollie, Im the beer, alcohol consumption is abomination, mr. Christian, Syria will be attacked by Washington, write the vision, America will be attacked soon, said the angel, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, its the phone, whos calling, Its Jesus, work for the Lord, its the phone, who is it, its Jesusm, work, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, but he wasnt led to go that was, pastor james e. Dixon is cut off, no signs, he, prophesied, falsely, to the prophet, and, the, prophet, knew it, he is, cut, off, write him, providence, church, the visions were on the internet not long after, within minutes, james e. Dixon, you need to tell said Jesus, he preaches for , to be seen by men, the signs do not follow him, a meerkat will not let you pet it, so dont try, and hollie pointed, and he saw, four horns, and the pope popped up, out of one, he is, the, anti, Christ, and, hu is, the, false, prophet, put it under, the new world order, and Jesus pointed, russias got about 40,000 missiles, America is doomed, and putin stood up, calling them, phychos, and they are, pointed, henry gruver, and he saw, the hegoat, and the pope was like an angel of light, and hu, was, horn, and, putin was the other, china will invade, Moscow, to push at the pope, liar, they will see it, git out if here pointed the pope, hu will, withstand, satan in a man, being withstood by a man, both have nuclear weapons, 666, will be born at the table, to prevent them from destroying each other, the pope will get slashed, satan will enter, and, destroy, looking for the jewish remnant, and they will be, hidden, by the people, then Christ will appear and speak the word, and they will all be, cast alive, fire, and the remnant raptured, Christ with thousands of his saints, put it under, read and do ACTS 2:38, for salvation, and he saw a necklace with a cross and Jesus crucified on it, people wear those and sin, shame on you, that woman tore up her conscious, she, wont get back, but, will try, but not hard enough, Daniel bohler is predicting a tidal wave, that aint what prophet saw, and he saw both American coasts on fire, and, captain hollie, riding the submarine, Russia will, out of, many submarines, destroy America, write, the end time prophetic watchman, dan bohler, and tell him, he will get this, wadd it, and pitch, hes cut off, no signs, Im a witch he said, and he saw, the statue of liberty coming out of America, that is, the woman, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the whore of REVELATION 17, elvis presley started rock and roll with jail house rock, the, no, that was the pope popping up out of 4 horns, and hu, I will not put up with you, the 4 horns are the leopard, china and north korea, south korea and japan, the new world order, and Stephen hanson said, this is prophecy, I loose, take away that message board he did, bob posted visions on there, Bobby I had a dream, that was, from Jesus, all dreams, and he saw him in a white robe and Stephen hanson in a wizards uniform, write him and tell, hes cut off like sunnysnet, no signs, the united states will burn, mr. Christian, that was the pope in a wizards uniform, he is the anti Christ, but I feel delivered said terry cannon, and the lighted hand had him by the shorts, and he turned into the pope, no difference, no signs, just lip, and he saw the beast, the pope, the ten toes, kim jong, putin, chavez, castrol, lula, hu, they will give their power and strength, vincente fox, the the beast, and he will, and the horns were his head, send it over on, America, the day of the Lord, and captain hollie, in the submarine, America will fire on, china and Moscow, the earth will reel to and fro, and he saw, 4 horns rise out of china and Moscow, the new world order, the leopard, kim jong, south korea, japan, and hu, I'm Moscow said the bear, the lion is satan, and the pope is, the red dragons mouth, and he saw, the leopard, the new world order, with bears feet, and, the pope as the face, the beast, that rises out of the sea, and he saw, the pope rise, thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, ISAIAH, and he saw, and he saw, a panda bear, with a polar bears face and, grizzly bears teeth, the bear is, the most dangerous animal, they can whip a lion, but, only when threatened, Moscow is be angered, and when America attacks, Syria and iran, and, iraq, they will, get that one mind from God, destroy America said the pope, and he saw Jesus, and, the Lord of hosts, came out of his mouth, I need to get out of here, spread of the word of God, and hollie tore up the con, truis, with golden bear paws, if bush took saddam up on the boxing much with kofi anan reffering, bush would have, won, bush is stronger than you think, Im out of here said saddam, he knew when bush was elected, oil man bush, thats what the war was over, breaking oil contract, I wanted money said john Hagee, he is cut off, no signs, and he will laugh when he gets this in from of you, but, away from you, weep, he wasted his time, here, henry gruver, has seen so many things, you will not believe, go see him live, youll like it, and he saw henry gruver high in the air, and the earth like dark brown, and, many, nuclear explosions along both coasts, and when henry got put back down, he said, Lord, when will this happen, when Russia opens her doors, and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with them, and cry, peace, and, safe, ty, that is when, fulfilled, remember that fan, bob wanted one, and, Jesus, gave, at walmart, little, humm, bobby in 79, we planned to destroy the Palestinian state said president ford, fulfilled, under president Clinton, hillard, and he saw the leopard, and 4 kings, came out of, china, north and south korea, and, japan, the new world order, 5-11-12-2006-ashley lee simpson, had, her, nose, fixed, abomination, whoever has my word, and does not use it, is, dung, to me, saith the Lord, to whom much is given, much is required, alice cooper, do you accept the penalty for what you have done, um hum, hell, for you, mr. pentecost, and he turned into upci, they knew, but did not do, put it under, write the vision, and make it plain, but when I come, will I find faith upon the earth, people doing the word of God, and holie pointed, turn, here, I want you now, said terry hendricks, but he was cut off, to late, and hollie showed, ta da, when an old person looks at a young one, they wish they were young again, but, you cannot go back and if you do not live for Jesus, you will be afraid, knowing, and hollie tore up the con, trust, because, thats what they did, they knew, now it is, to, late, I'm over it they say, no there not, put it under, post, and she said, terry cannon is an awesome minister, but he is cut off like she was, and she was told, and knows, but doesn't beleive it though, but, according to the bible, the scripture he quoted, she is and she knows it, and hollie showed, turn, and hollie pointed, turn, and God showed him highway 70 will be gone from the nuclear explosions in indianapolis, ISIAIH 13, aman, and he saw st. louis explode, it will burn, pastor charles mcgee, is, cut, off, no, signs, and hollie tore up the con, tract, God saw a need and led him to find the need, God will do what needs to be done, and hollie did something, fix the other one, yourself, pray, and hollie showed how to fix the tape recorder, and tore up the contrast, scratched her head, took it apart, threw it away, you can't, and the pope said, prophet hu, I will not put up with you, and he was out of, four horns, the leopard like he saw, north and south korea, japan, and, china, where, all, those, lands are, including, moscow, india, and, pakistan, and hollie tore the con, quest, they will hate each other but cling, write the vision, God is reaching the whole world right here on the information highway, that girl has a nice body, keep your tongue in your mouth, russia is ready to strike america, and the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard like he just saw, post, write my vision, russia is prepared to strike warn, the day of the Lord prophesied in joel, and hollie pointed, the new solomons prime minister, manasseh, so, ga, va, re, will not, cut, taiwan, ties, because of, fear, of, america, record hollie showed, what about pakistan, they let america invade iraq for 9 billion, use thier land, thats how moscow, they will give thier power and srength unto the beast and he will send it over on america, and he saw the ten toes, kim jong, chavez, lula, castrol, putin, hu, they will give their power and strength, unto, the, beast, and he will, send it over on, america, said the pope, eliminate, in one hour, the day of the Lord, thats the sixth seal, it's iraq said Jesus, thats what is hasting judgment to america, innocent people being slaughtered every day, and people dont, only the prophet, care, few, it's out, and the LOrd of hosts, came out of Jesus's mouth, the world of the Lord is published in all nations, that man knew MYSTERY, BABYLON was america, and he got the details, from, Christ temple, apostolic, faith, assemblies, when america and china goes to war, then, moscow, will lead an all out attack, now he knows, the, rest, the pope is the antichrist, hu is the false prophet, china is magog, he beleived every word, but, won't cryout to God, charles finnell, is cut off, and now he knows, like, horace smith, and madonna and her bunch sang, raise your hands after me, russia is the beast and russia is the bear, that, the dark blue van is what bob wants, and God knows, that man was told out of the ruins, after america fires on china and moscow comes the leopard, north and south korea, japan, and, china, magog, he knew, wiat a minute, said the tap dancers, and he saw, a row of pastors, charles finnell, g.t. haywood, donald winters, joeseph farris, they are all cut off, no signs, m. mckinney, and he saw the leopard and four kings came out, kim jong, the emporer of japan, hu, and the president of south korea, the new world order, and the pope came out of 4 horns, moscow, where all those lands, including russia is, magog, mind your vision is wha they all say, but, this is God's buisness, hollie transformed and turned into a sex ministering spirit, thru the fire without burning is an awesome book said hollie, buy it, by, dumitru duduman, and he saw him like an angel, I'm not my own said alice cooper on the balloon, you are bought with a price, and that was hollie tearing up the contrast, and he saw Jesus with eyes of fire, you shut me down, said kenneth haney, upci is show, no signs, and the angel of the Lord had the button, who cares, its, going to end, when you least expect it, and he saw him like an angel and stephen hanson in a wizards uniform, thats what an angel in hell will look like, I'm a witch, said, kenneth, haney, no signs, write him, watch his, unanointed, broadcast, listen, and the lighted finger pointed, that was satan, I'm the beast, sh, and many were will profess, didn't we, cast out devils, preach, and do many wonderous works, depart from me, for I never knew you Christ will say, they never had the Spirit of God, don't waste your time, and wayne grace would throw the prophet out, we don't want that, visions and dreams, and that was hollie with lighted hands and face, sh, satan, he was young, and had curves, but, is, cut, off, I'm the beast, thats not, pastor, brian lane, but, might as well be, and he saw, the ten toed beast, pastor brian lane, sugget, donald winters, charles finnell, they will give thier power and strength un, to, satan, and he will, send it over on, america, and he saw gas prices at 1.96, sunoco, go to the car said Jesus, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns said the serpent, and hu, I will not put up with you, said, the, pope, to the false prophet, the new world order, did you see what we've done said mckinney, nuked iraq, planned, hillary clinton will do it, EZEKIEL 7, fulfilled, read it, and Jesus laughed, and he saw the leopard and four kings came out, kim jong, hu, the emporer of japan, and, the, president of south korea, and the pope, the hegoat, with, two horns, and the higher, came up, last, china, and, moscow, the, ram, and he saw the ten toed beast, pastor, terry long, donald winters, joeseph farris, shawn tyson, they will give their power and strength unto satan, sh, don't tell on them, said, hollie, go listen to them preach, un-anointed, write them, tell, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw the beast, and on one foot, putin, hu, castrol, kim jong, they will, and the other foot, lula, chavez, they will give thier power and strength unto the beast, send it over, said, the, pope, on, america, and hollie pointed several times, and, gene simmons said, russia, is the, beast, with, seven, heads and ten horns and that is the, p, o, p, e, and hu, is, the, false, prophet, the new world order, terry long is cut off, no signs, stay away from, lawrence apostolic church, I'm asleep said terry long and judgment is hanging on the world and he is causing lawerence apostolic church to be lost, he's drunk, eating and drinking with the drunken will steal your victory, california said the angel, and he saw both american coasts, on fire, and henry gruver shot up into the heavens, when russia, opens her gates, and lets the masses go, that is when they will cry peace and safety, then, and he saw, captain hollie riding the submarine, russia will destroy america, oil, that is, bringing armageddon, that was satan, I'm the beast, sh, don't tell on him, the red dragon, and he saw the red dragon with the woman and seven heads, the woman is america, and the seven heads are america's allies, the ten horns are, ten kings that hate america, iraq, nuclear exchange, that looked like a snake with terry long's face, sanke long, I'm watching over my word to perform it says Jesus, and he saw, an eye of light, when china attacks taiwan and washington state, then, russia will grab alaska, orders will go, to american submarine commanders and they will fire on china and moscow, russia will wipe out the mainland, out of the ruins of moscow and china, the leopard arises, four horns, and, the pope comes out of moscow and hu out of china, north and south korea and japan are the rest, that was the pope rising out of the sea, like an angel of light, the hegoat, the two horns are putin and hu, the ram, that was hollie pulling off the top, that woman that you told, was, cut off, and, is, charged, let me tell, but, not live for Jesus, alcohol, said, JEsus, you cannot make it, for, fuel, without, a, still, the american, attack, on, iran, coming, the dollar, is, falling, america, economic, collapse, is, here, broke, the nigerian pipeline blast, killed, many, but, the one, s, that did it, got, away, putin, fires, many, but, did not need, yovy, su, ar, ez, jime, nez, was, dangling, her, feet, over, and, an, alligator, killed, her, and she was, 28, you never know, when will die, read and do, ACTS, 2:38, and he saw, both american coast's on fire, the day of the Lord, prophesied in joel, a day of darkness and gloominess, the sun and the moon will be blocked out, for, sixteen, hours, and america will fire on moscow and china, and four horns will fire up out of those ruins and hollie showed something, turn, they are, the leopard like he saw, north and south korea, china, and, moscow, pakistan, and, india, where all those lands are, and he saw henry gruver shot into the heavens and looked down at the earth, like a sattelite, and he saw, explosions along both coast's, when he was put back down, when, he said, and God said, when russia opens her doors, then, they will cry, peace and safety, thats when, record the vision hollie showed, magog, that is, the leopard, china, north korea, south korea, and japan, the lion is satan, and the pope is the mouth, the bear is, moscow, and he saw, the pope rising out of the sea, the antichrist, Im the beast he said, soon the united states will be attacked by moscow said the angel of Lord, and he saw the ten toed beast, and, putin, and hu, kim jong, chavez, castrol, lula, they will give, thier power and strength, vicente fox, to the, beast, send it over on america said the pope, the day of the Lord, and the earth reeled to and fro like a drunkard, and america will attack china and moscow and horns arise out of there, china, north and south korea, japan, and, moscow, all those lands, the pope is, out of moscow, hu is, the false prophet, magog, the new world order, china will attack washington, state, and grab, taiwan, to lure, america, into, battle, and, when they go, russia will grab alaksa, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on china and moscow, russia will pluck up cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and wipe out the american mainland, and the poophole said, put the visions on the internet, if God used paris hilton, thats what they would want, her poophole, yum, there are no more visions in pentecost because there are no more apostolics in pentecost sang Jesus, and hollie showed to record the visions, iraq is bringing judgement to america quicker, and the pope pointed, like an angel of light, and hollie pointed, donald l. golder is cut off, no signs, and hollie tore up the contract, all of the golder's were cut off, no signs, God said, he can not do nothing first, but, he reveal, his secret's, to his, servant's, the prophets, be one, chavez, eyes, orinoco, oil, control, to, make, more, money, off of, oil, his country, is, selling, they are, rich, because of, oil, about, ten billion, bucks, per, day, that is, more, then, america, makes, every, day, chavez, will, be, in, on, the, attack, of, america, lets rule the world, and he saw, the, ten, toed, beast, chavez, putin, hu, kim, jong, and they will, give, thier, power, and, thier, strength, unto, me, said the pope, send it over, on, the u.s.a., destroy, perfection, one hour, the earth will reel, to and fro, like a, drunk, ard, lula, said, chavez, turn, but, nope, not, they will, hate, america, and, God will, give, them, one, mind, to, give, thier, power, and, thier, strength, unto, the, anti, Christ, the, pope, 5-12-13-2006-the fiery volcano, is what, hell, looks like, lava, go there, or, heaven, and he saw, the, leopard, and, 4 kings came out, china, north, and, south, korea, and, japan, California, and he saw, both, American, coasts, on, fire, from, Russian, submarines, on the day of the Lord, prophesied, in, joel, and hollie showed to record the vision, you left, Jesus, in your, heart, deny yourself, until, you, get, strength, pick up your cross, and, follow, Jesus, your bowells of compassion are opened up again and you care, and hollie pointed, and holie tore up the con, trite, over, 17,000 people have been wounded in iraq, American, over, breaking oil contracts, was it worth it, the hospital bills are billions, americas economy collapsing over the iraq war, God showed,the rock band van halen sells more records than you can image, but, they are all old now, roth alone still sells records, but, not like with van halen, they did better with sammy hagar, but, they would like to have both, but, sammy wont permit it, put it under, choose you this day whom you will serve, God wont permit sin period, write my vision, write my vision, write my vision, soon, it will all be over, work for Jesus while you can, put it under, Jesus is coming ready or not, and hollie pointed, magog is, and he saw, the leopard, china, north and south korea, japan, and the lighted angel pointed, where Moscow and all those lands are, including, Pakistan, and, India, and henry gruver was shot into the heavens, wow, im in the heavens and he was in, a tunnel, turn, and see the light, no, I want my family, that is where, henry gruver missed heaven, now, Im cut off, he says, when, he would have been in heaven, already, put it under, redeem your time for the days are evil, and henry gruyer saw explosions along both caosts, and when he was put back down, whe, when Russia opens her doors and lets the massed go, the free world will occupy them, selves with caring for the masses and will cry, peace, and, safe, ty, and that is when, he knew, that that was, an, awesome, vision, from, Jesus, America will burn, and hollie shook her butt, and hu and the false prophet were on it, the new world order, that was hollie pointing, a lighted, your government is the biggest enemy of the world, and hollie tore up the, contrast, bob just witnessed to a bunch of young people and there all cut off now, lucas oil products, is stp, oil treatment, no difference, Persia is the middle east, the kings the east are, false prophet hu, and the middle east, and he saw the ten toed beast, putin, and hu, they will give their power and strength unto the beast, send it over, said the pope, on America, and he saw the pope rising out of the sea like an angel of light, and the ten toed beast like a lighted angel with an angry bearded face, putin was one toe, and hu, and, the false, prophet, which is hu, and chavez, lula, and others, and hollie tore up the con, tract, its out, the word of God published in all nations, now the end can come, donna Farrakhan is cut off, no signs, and hollie tore up the contrust, And said, it was ok, smiling, Kevin Armstrong is cut off , no signs, and he saw the ten toed beast again and putin and hu the ram are, the first two toes, china will, attack Washington state and grab Taiwan, then, America, the woman on the red dragon, was, be destroyed when Moscow attacks from the oceans, cuba, nicaraugua, and, mexico, and the oceans, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, and he saw the ten toed beast and putin said, the first toe, Im not the beast, the pope is the beast, and he saw, the beast rise out of the sea, Im the beast said the serpent, danica Patrick is cut off, she chose racing, yep, she, said, and hollie pointed, and Jesus took off running, jehovas witness ran from Jesus, they leave his name out on purpose, why do that, and hollie showed the time, work for Jesus, mr. Christian, be careful what you ask for, it may destroy you when you get it, and he saw, the ten toed beast, putin, hu, castrol, these hate America, lula, chavez, they will rise against her, soon, write the vision and make it plain, judgment is coming ready or not to America, its up to you, serve Jesus or dont, your choice, drexel gardens apostolic tabernacle, pastor caldwell called what bob said opinion, in front of the whole church and he shared visions, thats how far the apostolic church is away from God, they rent skating arenas but don't pray, caldwell is cut off, no signs, write him, in indianapolis, caldwell wants to be lifted up by men, thats exactly what he wants said the angel of the Lord, and he knows it, write him, and the angel pointed, chewbacca, go and post more visions, ministryofdreams is on top on the prophetic world and bob knows it, rejoice, that your name is written in heaven, when the united states goes to war with china is when moscow whill lead an all out attack, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation, chosen ponted JEsus, bob, and he saw the word open, he is saved, hamas is the philistines, the palestinian state, EZEKIEL 7, destroyed, iraq to, read, and the president of iran said, I'm palestinian, they all are, and they all hate israel, and he saw stephen hanson in the fire, iraq is hasting judgement to america, sh, that was satan, I'm the beast, Jesus showed to record the vision, liar, it's me, said diana hughey, that was hollie tearing up the contract with bear paws, and turned into putin, moscow is the bear, that was hollie like a golden cool child, stay here, said, Jesus, strengthen, that was hollie tearing up the contract with golden like, sh, that was satan, I'm, m. c. hammer did that show for money, he is, cut off, no signs, I want adoration said alice cooper, that was a golden junkyard, he finds things in the trash, sh, that was satan, the red beast, I'm the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and hu, I will not, put up, with, you, the both, said, they will, hate, but, cling, both have, nuclear, weapons, but, will, keep each other, in, check, oil, that is, bringing, armageddon, nations, are, getting, jumpy, and america, is, gobbling, I bet he dreams she said, record, God let him this song that if that person sang it, it would have, still, been, selling, write the vision, russia is not the beast, it's the pope, and he saw the ten toed beast, and, putin, hu, lula, chavez, castrol, they will give thier power and strength, unto, me, said the, pope, and he will, send it over, on, america, put it under, the day of the Lord, prophesied, in, joel, and, he dreamed, that, he, missed, the, bus, but, there was, another, way, he, missed, by, accident, but, walked, and ralph, tried to, intimidate, he got in, trouble, and wanted, bob, to, tell him, who, told, but, bob, threatened, and ralph, backed off, and, bob, did, to, there were, two washington, high, school, s, and, the, water, came, high, over, the, old, sporting, arena, in, italy, and, like, buses, appeared, in the, door, ways, and bob was, frightened, goodbye to the hummer h1, gas, guzzler, russia's, vladimir, putin, will not, name, a, suc, ces, or, but, remain, watch, change, the, law, boom, Christ, will, scatter, jerusalem, and, israel, and, judah, with, hatred, for, the, jews, the four carpentars are, the king of, grecia, the pope, the king of the east, hu, the king of, north, and, south, korea, more are, magog, and sh, that was satan, he looked like JEsus, and pastor m.l. mckinney said, why ain't I over like satan, and sister winters pulled in and saw the prophet and left, frightened, he saw, to slice the apple, and hollie tore up the contract and took off running, iran, attack, coming, ashley lee simpson will die of a cardiac arrest, 666, is the number of the beast, and hollie showed the time, redeem, and the librarian put a ring on his finger and he calmed, the valcano, mount merapi, is like, hell, america, will, not, have, retirement, benefits, because of, the, iraq, war, draining, brazil and bolivia, are, not, energy, short, but, rich, in, natural, resources, save, use others, like, america, the sixth seal is, america, the sun and the moon, will be, blackened, like, sackcloth, from, russian, nukes, and he saw, captain, hollie, riding, the, sub, and, henry, gurver, shot, into, the, heavens, and explosions, along, both, coast's, the day of the LOrd, prophesied, thruout the bible, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, aman, record the vision hollie showed, the four horses are, the black, food will ve available in the end, but, dont hurt the children of God, the, jewish remnant, the barely and the wine, the white horse and the grisled and bay, they are, the witnesses of Jesus, going forth, after the black horses that have quieted his Spirit in Persia, all of the middle east, in the antichrists time, the pale horse, death and hell, when America gets hit, this horse will be unleashed, and hell will be there to claim them souls, the flying roll is the curse that, goes to, the houses of God, and strips, false pastors like m. mckinney, no anointing, no miracles, no anything, sh, that was satan, and he looked like Jesus, and hollie tore up the contrast, raise your hands and repeat after Russia, America has an agreement with Moscow, to let them know before they attack a nation, and, Russia informs that nation, and they know it, magog is, china, and all those lands around there, and he saw, the earth reel to and fro, that is from, china and Russia attacking America, and, America attacking china and Russia, the beast will sit in the church of natitvity and say, I am god, but, he will come to his end, the image that Daniel saw, the ten toed beast, the head of Gold was the antichrist, the pope like an angel of light, the ten toes, putin and hu, and other nations, for gaza shall be forsaken, ZEPHANIAH, that is just fulfilled, they gave it to, the, palestinians, Israel gave gaza to the palestinians, post it, that prophecy is about 3000 years old, and Jerusalem is a cup of trembling to all those nations over there cause she has nuclear weapons and they hate and the devil pointed, I am god he said, but that remnant will withstand me, the Palestinians are all of the arabs and they hate each other and want war amoungst themselves, Ishmael, wild people, and he saw a hand of lighted seeds lowered to pastor terry longs face, he knows how to be saved, but, isnt, and God aint using him, but, hes throwing seeds, he can tell you what to do but, doesnt do it himself, he wants to be seen of by men, I want in your pocket, said, terry, long, Im not going to sang the meerkat, live for Jesus said pastor terry long, that woman that you told, will tell, the, whole, church, during, prayer, request, and terry, will be, em, barrassed, and know, that, she wanted to, but, made it look like, he told her, that, Jesus showed him, when, America, and, china, goes to war, then, Moscow, will lead, an, all, out, attack, and she, believed, then her told her, prophesied, that, terry long, is, cut, off, no, signs, and she knew, but, I dont want to her anymore, and he saw, pastor, ken, pingleton's, head, in, the, hand's, of, and, he is, cut, off, like, his, brother, no, signs, 5-13-14-2006-Im the beast said the serpent, with seven heads and ten horns and he saw the ten toed beast, putin will not want to attack America, but, hu will, put it under, the day of the Lord, and hollie tore up the con trite, seek the Lord, I dont want Pentecostal assemblies of the world to know that when America and china goes to war, then Moscow will lead an all out attack on the usa, and the meerkat spoke on the man that you tolds behalf, and hollie tore up the contrite, that man is cut off, I know he said, but, still goes to church, why waste your time, and hollie celebrated, pastor mcgovern is cut off, no signs, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, press to the mark of the high calling said, the meerkat and Jesus, dont put Gold on your teeth said the meerkat and Jesus, Im not ashamed of being, a meerkat, are you ashamed of being a Christian, china will not put up with America holding Taiwan very much longer and hollie showed the time, your messing with prophet mark whobrey, you are cut off, no signs, but, calling bob false, because, the iraq war, hasnt been nuclear yet, you don?t know about EZEKIEL 7, hippocrit saith the Lord, touch my anointed, die, right on the spot, put it under, you are on your last leg, bob doenst know, but, you are telling churches about what he said, the people of America are getting tired of the iraq war draining the economy, this is what will cause to nuke to get out, with the oil, but, the arabs will take it, because thats one big puddle and they will not let America near there, including me said putin, the phone, its Jesus, work for Jesus, theres trouble in the middle east called Persia, thats, all of the middle east, and America is attacking, iran, Syria, next, tell me something, said paul mooney, your fallen said the woman that had the face transplant, the woman that had the face transplant, hates the face more, she should have left it alone, put it under, and the lighted finger pointed, if it works, dont fix it, her real face would have been much better and could have been almost perfected, and hollie screamed, if the van gets hit, let them go, but if they dont, sue, then they will know that they could have, been, out of, it, but, Israel will be and is, a cup of trembling, to, the world, they have, nukes, and are ready, and they are aimed at many countries like china, Moscow, India, and Pakistan, and more, he saw a pocket watch put in his hand and it was about 10 after 12, its past the midnight hour and nobody is sett free, doug bias has never slept with a man or a woman, but, has had more sex than most people alive, oil, thats bringing Armageddon, and America is stealing, thats what everybody wants is that poop hole, my poophole is going to get popped about 1000 times, and, the lighted finger pointed, before the end comes, and its not that far away, china will attack Washington state and grab tiawan to lure America into war, and when they go, and jiang zemin pointed, he planned this, Russia will grab Alaska, then orders will go to American submarine commanders and they will fire on china and Moscow, Russia, will wipe out, the mainland, one third of the population will be, killed, the earth will reel to and fro, the sun and the moon, blocked for 16 hours, the day of the Lord, the united states will be attacked soon, magog is the leopard, and he saw, 4 kings, come out of, the leopard, kim jong, hu, the presidents japan and south korea and putin turned into the face, china will invade, Moscow, and force to invade Israel, the battle of Armageddon, Russia is the bear, and he saw the bear with, leopards feet, but not in that order, and the pope was the head, satan, the pope will be, my mouth, he said, theres your beast, I want to fuck you, but, were not married, who gives a good, do it any way, thats what America is doing, right now, there are, about, 5 million people in the usa, having, illegal sex, God cant let this go on, prophet wrestled in school and would have won city and state, in high school, and the national championship in college, but only because he was so strong, you could not believe, a body builder, for a little while, you could not do anything with him, he would be, a muti millionaire right now, but, chose to live for Jesus, in real estate, and bob knows where a 68 gto is, that car with a 400 would, run, a, quarter, mile, in, the, 12s, with a four speed, and hollie tore up the concert, that car was worth about 20,000, but, bob could get it, for, 3, buy it, if God allows, and he saw henry gruver shot into the heavens and explosions along both American coasts, the day of the Lord prophesied in ISAIAH 13, record the vision, 666, is the number of the beast, and he saw, people in hell, screaming at the tp of their lungs, that was hollie tearing up the con, try, sh, satan, Im the beast, and he saw, this, bear, that, had, lion's, skin, and, was, trying to, escape, but, saw, him, and, went, back, toward, them, that, pursued, and he saw, the, ten, toed, beast, putin, and, hu, they will give, their, power, and, their, strength, unto, the, beast, chavez, shunned, tony blair, but, will, meet, they will, chavez, lula, vincente, fox, give, thier, power, and, strength, unto, the, send it over, said, the, beast, pope, on, america, the, day of, the, Lord, 5-2006-Francois du Toit is cut off, no signs, jiko, and, elisabeth, nikomia, are, cut, off, no, signs, suzana, van, oort, is, cut, off, no, signs, hugo chavez, is calling, bush, a, killer, and, he, is, thank you, chavez, chavez will be in on, the, attack, on, america, he really, likes, but, judy d. cooper, and, annemarie campbell, were both killed, by, alligators, and are both, in, hell, pastor, tom, sugget, is, cut, off, no, signs, we want, in your, wallet, he will say, and hollie pointed, and the, cookout, grill, on, the, church, property, and at the internet, Bob Carlisle is, cut, off, no, signs, like, kathy, triccoli, and the angel pointed, the picture on her, corner of eden, tape, got her, cut, off, she looks like, a, whore, terminal manger, tim, tabor, helped, mike, who was, warehouse manager, to, trap, bob, and, he did, bob, worked, way over, and, mike, wanted, more, when others, were, let, go, at, American Freightways, tim tabor, is, a, looser, hire him, hurt, your, buisness, like, bill, delacruz, same way, and hollie pointed, dave casper, hire, good, bob liked, I'm not ashamed of being a meerkat, are you ashamed of being a christian, said the meerkat, china will not put up with america holding taiwan very much longer and hollie showed the time, sh, that was satan, Im the beast, and kathy troccoli said, we could not, do, that song, any, better, talking about, the, different, road, and henry gruver was shot into the heavens, when Lord, and he saw, many, explosions, along, the, american, coast's, when russia, opens, her doors, and, lets the masses go, then, record the vision hollie showed, america will be, attacked by, moscow, out of the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, and mexico, from submarines, airplanes, and missiles, china and america will go to war, then, raise your pens and repeat after me, then america will be attacked, by the ram, moscow will grab alaska first, then orders will go to american submarine commanders, and they will fire on china the bear russia, and moscow will wipe out the usa mainland, and out of the ruins of moscow and china, 4 horns arise, magog, and he saw the beast, rising out ot the sea, and false prophet hu will withstand the pope, that comes out of moscow, and he saw the leopard, and 4 kings came out, four carpenters, north and south korea, china and japan, to scatter israel, where all those lands, are, then the pope will be slashed and, satan will enter in and destroy, searching for the jewish remnant, the vials of wrath are poured out, 1, 2, 3, 4, and Christ will appear, and the mountain will split in twain, he will deliver the church up to the father, and he saw america explode, let it explode, she said, come JEsus, the u.s., banned, arm, sells, to, chavez, joke, record the vision hollie showed, and he saw the pope with 666 on his forehead, and hollie tore up the contract, I'm not the meerkat, I'm the beast, come unto me ye that are, heavey laden, and I will give you rest, and hollie showed to prayer walk, record the vision hollie showed, and hollie tore up the contract, and hollie tore up the contrast, usa will attack iran, usa will attack syria,
(5)the iraq war was over breaking oil contracts-visions received 5-15-16-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: the reverend james melton jr. is cut off, no signs, like, and he saw, the, woman, riding on, the, red, dragon, that woman is, the, MYSTERY, BABYLON, the usa, satan is the red dragon, north korea, get's, nuclear, material, from, china, and, moscow, the ram, the usa, has, restored, relations, with, libya, for, oil, and, will, get, as much, as, they, need, cheep, for, weapons, venezuela, will, not, stop, selling, america, oil, out of fear of, china, lets rule the world, moscow, china, nicarvania, and that, is, nicaraugua, and, mexheco, they will, give thier, power, and, strength, unto, me, said, the, pope, send it over, on, america, the iraq war will end nuclear, exchange between, iraq and israel, EZEKIEL 7, no, said, rick, joyner, and they sang, you can do nothing for God when you are a, sleep, and hollie screamed, sherry shriner is cut off, no signs, Jesus, did show her, that, MYSTERY, BABYLON, and hollie pointed, was america, but, she, traded, Jesus, for, yawaeh, yahushyua, don't listen to her, sherry, thus speaketh the Lord, why, have, you, called, me, yeshua, when, my, name, is, Jesus, and you know that, I'm angry at you, you have, 30 days, to get right, or, I will, cut, you, off, you have, 30 days, after, recieving this, aman, 5-15-16-2006-and hollie tore up the contrast, hollie really is cut off, now, no signs, and hollie moody tore up the contract, she might get the prophet to come to her, to help her, tell her, to write the prophet and God will let him to talk to her, to befriend, he likes her, he was the only one that did, and still does, and she will get this, and hollie showed to prayer walk, hollie moody, is doing well, but, not living for JEsus, write, and he saw the words, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and he saw hell and people in hell like lava, screaming, and Jesus showed, don't speak to pastor sugget until he lets, and JEsus stood in the door, angry, and hollie tore up the contract, and the lighted finger pointed, they are building in america, and judgment is hanging, over the iraq war, for breaking oil contracts and moscow knew it, and he saw explosions along both coasts, and, henry gruver in the heavens, when Lord, when russia opens her gates, then, they will let thier weapons down and cry peace and safety, that is when, the day of the Lord prophesied in joel, and hollie tore up the contact, alaska will be invaded by russian missiles, and hollie tore up the con, tract, and hollie pointed, and he saw it, massachusetts said james hoffa, and he saw it explode, it will burn, from russian submarines, and he saw submarines firing on america and china and moscow, the day of the Lord, hamas are the phillistines, the Lord's enemies, that is persia, all of the middle east, and kathy troccoli said, check your oil, she showed with her hands to see if it is thick and slick, gene simmons sang, I see a crimson stream of blood, and pointed, thats what got me in trouble, he pointed at him, as, KISS, you don't give God glory while you are sleeping, and JEsus touched the recorder, we are running out of time sang the choir, work, and hollie tore up the contrite, and hollie tore up the contrap, and he saw hollie ride the missile into chicago and explode, it will burn, and look like that, just cement, and hollie showed alice cooper tore up his conspirit, I'm open said henry gruver, go watch him, and hollie tore up the contrust, pastor tom sugget is cut off, no signs, even after a 21 day fast, dies his hair, cookout church property, hollie had golden bear paws, moscow is the bear, and he saw submarines, and captain hollie firing on, america, and, moscow, and, china, the day of the Lord, the earth will reel to and fro, the sun and the moon will be blocked for 16 hours, read about it, limited attack on iran and syria coming, the iraq war will end nuclear, EZEKIEL 7, here's how it will happen, you will see two american nukes go in and take the palestinian state out and 3 go back and eliminate iraq, magog is, north and south korea, japan and china, where moscow, india, and, pakistan and all those lands, are, and he saw 4 four horns rise out of the ruins of china and moscow, hu is the false prophet and out of moscow comes the pope, 666, thats it, they said, they saw that, every bit, but, can't put it together, and he saw, the ten toed beast, he looked like a bearded angel, and putin and hu were the first two toes, sugget beleived it but hard, chavez, castrol, castrol, lula, kim jong, vincente fox, they will give thier power and strength to me said the pope, send it over on america, and the world will wobble, and hollie tore up the contract with golden, the day of the LOrd prophesied in joel, sh, that was satan, he looked like JEsus, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan to lure america into war said hu, then, moscow will grab alaska, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on moscow and china and russia out of the oceans, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, airplanes, submarines, bombard america, 4 horns will arise out of the ruins of china and moscow, the new world order, the leopard, china, north and south korea, japan, thats, a manifestation of a son of God is what they thought of you at gospel lighthouse, with, pastor, tom, sugget, that was a vapor, I come here to talk said pastor gary burt at agape apostolic tabernacle, and he saw a light sickle reap him, me first is what donald winters says, worship me, is what, tom sugget, donald winters, and, pastor, sinnesaw, all say, with, pastor, bart, tina sinnesaw lusted the prophet and he wanted her but God wouldn't let, she was married and they divorced and remarried, both, abomination, once is all you get, till death do us part, and the man pointed, God knew the titanic would hit the iceberg because the direction they were going and where the ice berg was, and bob saw what the iceberg looked like, it curled underneath, the ship, was torn, in many places, even, on the bottom, that was like a Spirit expanding and people like angels worshipping, and bob was on the deck of the titanic and was shown how it reacted, moved to the side, jolted, punctured, lightholler knew, I heard it, doomed, after noah's ark, God made about, 4 million, people, and they, repopulated, the, earth, they did not know anything, but learned as they went along, ate, whatever they could find, they watched animals, that was Jesus like fire colored, SPIRIT, doing things, that was a heavenly vision, and hollie put the contract back, stop polluting the sanctury of strength kenneth haney pointed the man, that, fire, JEsus, was, like, moving, dancing, all over, transforming, reshaping, like, a, movie, o, she said, I see it, said, sunnys, net, about broke my heart, said, sunny, come back, JEsus will, if you, and hollie took off running, he is, cut off, and over, upci, write him, haney, and hollie tore up the contrite, jack reynolds body shop is number two like reynolds, showed, they are not going to stay open, and hollie tore up the conspirit, that girl, looks sexy, in all of her clothes, cause she's little and beautiful, blond hair, that blond headed girl wants anal and oral sex, God can see it in her heart, n s tree service says, JOHN 3:16, Jesus saves, on, the, truck's, but, they use JEsus, to, gain, customers, they are, cut, off, no, signs, venezuela, is, threatening, to, sell, f-16s, to, cuba, or, iran, they will, not, but, want, people, to, think, that, the bear that ate the monkey, can not, whip, a, lion, but, the lion, would, get, mortally, wounded, from, being, clawed, the, bear, would, die, from, gash, es, from, bits, but, when the, lion, grabbed, then, like that, slashed, many times, deep, puncture, s, many, bleed to death, the grizzly, the, same, way, but, would live, and, toy, with, the, lion, much, stronger, bro mac, web, designs, is, cut, off, no, signs, pastor, charles, e., davis, is, cut, off, no, signs, like, horace, smith, district, elder, laurence, e., nevels, is, cut, off, no, signs, indy apostolic church, bro, mac, and he saw henry gruver, in the heavens, nobody wants me he said, and looking down, explosions along both coasts, when Lord he said, when russia lets the people go, thats when, they will let thier weapons down and cry peace and safety said hollie moody, then, the day of the Lord, and hollie was riding the missile, prophet wont tell on me said hollie moody, she left when assignment changed, now, ministry for hollie moody, evangelise, I want my website back said hollie moody, God told bob the visions were on the message board, and now he knows, post your visions hollie moody, done, she, said, nope, just, starting, work, for, Jesus, put the visions on geocities, on, the, yahoo, e-mail, account, free, east, you know how, release, write her, come back, bob wants you, missed, the, picture, where you are, looking, at, mars, put it on, trap, hollie moodie dropped sammi because sammi is, a, witch, sammis designs, it should be called, witches, desings, rebel, sam, mi, and hollie knew it, hollie l. moody, and he saw the words, several times, hollie moody, leave me alone she said, sammi, would have done it for free, but, a witch is a witch, and hollie tore up the con, trut, I'm the meerkat and I don't want the bear to eat me so feed the bears, thats why the bear ate the monkey, feed them, or let them go, that embarrassed that zoo, they don't monkeys, but, when they are hungry, and he saw the bear, moscow with 3 ribs, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, that dog, wants attention, call it, donald winters told the prophet, those are from the devil, right to his face, thats blaspheme of the Holy Ghost, and its not forgiven said hollie, but, donald winters is pastoring westside pentecostal church from united pentecostal international, vacation bible school, the people are so decieved, and hollie tore up the contruit, that they cannot tell the difference, donald really meant, don't torment us before our time, that is what, the, devils, told, JEsus, that he, casted, out, by, the, Holy, Ghost, put it under, and hollie skinned the, pastor m. mckinney, is cut off, he fought with the prophet, verbally, bromac designs, he was teaching about, not coming against apostolic pastors, and bob told visions, at his church, and mckinney came against him hashly, write him and show him the visions, he is cut off, no signs, put it under, raise your hands and repeat after me, the pope is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and that is, me, said the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order has just begun, and four horns arose, after, america fires on, china and moscow, and russia and china wiped out america, those four horns are the leopard, north and south korea, india, and pakistan, magog, china, and, moscow, also, where all those lands, are, and hollie skinned, and he saw, the king of the south and the king of the north sitting at the table, the pope and hu, thats where 666 will be born to prevent them from destroying each other, both have nuclear weapons, the pope is stronger, the king of grecia, put it under, write the vision and make it plain, hu is the east, there ain't no more visions in pentecost, because there aren't any more apostolic's in pentecost, the pope will, destroy, looking for the jewish remnant, new government said hollie, bush is, and hollie pointed, the shawdow government, go and post, and hollie tore up the con, truit, Im the meerkat, are you a christian, be proud of who you are said michael boldea, 5-16-2006-paul mccartney, and, wife, mills, she did, marry him, for, money, he knows it, die, but, he will live, for, about, 70, 4, she would not have married him if she knew, presiding elder charles king jr. is cut off, no signs, that was hollie tearing up the con, tract, record the vision hollie showed, the pope will be the antichrist and hu will be the false prophet, the new world order has begun, and he saw, the king of grecia and the king of the east, sitting at the table, thats where 666 will be born, and hollie tore up the contract, thats the mark of the beast, only jews can be saved at that point and only a remnant of those will be, read and do ACTS 2:38, for salvation, and hollie showed the recorder, and ran, they are all wondering why are you the one having the visions and dreams, you were the only one that prayed thru to the Holy Ghost, they think they have but, they did not, and Donald winters said, godam, he is cut off, but still pastors, write him, for blaspheme of the Holy Ghost right to bobs face, those are from the devil, write my vision, write my vision, write my vision, time is running out, the timing is correct, and God had the prophet to set his timing, and hollie pointed, hamas is the Lords enemies, the phillistines, all of the arabs, they worship allah, bob just walked into the bathroom and caught a young man, blond hiar, and blue eyes that mocked bob many times behind his back, squatting, about, 12 inch long, when Russia hits Alaska, then, youll have 2 hours, git over it hollie showed, wait a minute mr. Christian, why does china want Taiwan said pastor m. mckinney, to get rid of America, thats the only reason, thats not their land, that belongs to Taiwan, that was another nation at one time, Taiwan knows it, china will have to, completely anhilate, but, will only cripple, limited, then, after Moscow wipes out America, ultimatum, and Taiwan will give in, no choice, be careful said the angel of the Lord, cause when we hit iraq said the angel of the Lord, America crossed the line, thats what the people wanted, not bob, but, most, saddam would sold bush all the oil, he wanted, take it is what bush wanted, and brother Phillips from Westside Pentecostal church said, what if I cant stand no more visions, next person said Donald winters, bob loves visions and will post till the day of Jesus Christ, and hollie showed no Westside club, I cant find him, keep looking, peradventure, you might find him, about one month ago, bob was wanting to get rid of his van so bad, but now, would consider fixing it up, he could do it for about 400 dollars, hamas will be attacked big time from America, and the squatter tore up his contract, bob witnessed to him many time, but no repentance, he didnt know when the last time would be, she did not want repentance said the meerkat and Jesus, and the meerkat wept and bob saw him in the tear and he was smiling and hollie tore up the contrast, work for Jesus, the meerkats starting to smile again, stan Johnson is cut off, and hollie licked the prophet, that was hollie tearing up the con, trast, and kent Elliott tore up his contract like hollie showed, No signs, and hollie tore up the con try it, and hollie showed how to fix the rust, sand it, bondo, paint over, bob doesnt drive a porche, when china attacks Washington state and grabs Taiwan, then, Moscow will lead an all out attack said sunnysnet, and he saw captain hollie moody riding the submarine and henry gruver was shot into the heavens, when Lord said sunnysnet, when Moscow, lets the people go, thats when, and they will cry peace and safety, china wants war, magog, right now, Im out said Jesus, and he saw, the Lord of hosts, in Jesus's mouth, promote Jesus, and he saw the words, finish your race, and the lighted finger pointed, a parapalegic goes to this church, come here tomorrow, and God will heal her, thru you, walk up to her, and say, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, arise, and he saw the words, middle east is Persia, italy is, the little horn, and italy is in the middle east, italy is Persia sang the choir, limited attack on iran coming, and Jesus pointed, and Syria said the president of Syria, this will raise up the spirit of the medes against, America, said putin, and that was hollie tearing up the conscious, willing to stand pointed Kenneth haney, come to the u.p.c.i. headquarters, the website, that is, Im rich bobby, said the man from suggest church, youll probably loose your pension, and the lighted hand pointed, the iraq war, is draining, they are getting into everything, social security, etc., to support it, france, Im out said Chirac, soon, and he saw jaques Chirac and tony blair popped up, those 2 will defend each other, but when I come, shall I find faith upon the earth, the iraq war was, will be, nuclear, go to the iraq war page on ministryofdreams, read those visions, and he saw a missile come out of, iraq, and take away the Palestinian state, and Israel, and Jesus pointed, will fire back, iraq destroyed, Hussein, shot, and he saw hu, dressed like a leopard, the leopard is the new world order, and four horns arose, japan, north and south korea, and, china, magog, and hu is the false prophet, and the pope is the antichrist, pastor mckinney doesnt want Jesus, he wants, dont tell them here, at, indy apostolic church, we are, a, show, like all of, Pentecost, no signs, and Jesus said, and the lighted finger pointed, do you know who I AM, KING, is the word he saw, and he saw JEsus wearing a crown of gold, and vesture, dark colored, a white suit is what Jesus would wear to church, spotless, virgel is a millionaire, about 5 times over, but, when he, and he tore up his con, cious, he watches tv, thats it, dont waste your life, virgels shell, sold him said virgel, Jesus, long ago, his son is an elvis imitater, if you will listen, calling on the name of Jesus, will nto save you, believing is obeying, those who call upon the name of the Lord are saved already, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit prophesied in joel and ISAIAH 28:11, and he saw hollie point and Stephen hanson in the fire in a wizards uniform and him in a white robe, record the vision hollie showed, when america and china, goes to war, then, moscow, will, attack, grabbing alaska first, then, from, oceans, and, cuba, and, nicar, au, gua, and, mex, i, co, bombard, all of, america, write, the, vision, and, make, it, clear, then, order, s, will go to, american, submarine, commanders, ohio class subs, and they will fire on, moscow, and, china, and out of those ruins, four horns, arise, print, show, tell, north and south korea, and, china, magog, and, moscow, where all those lands are, they dont raise very many ships that sink because when they hit the bottom they buckle, nose first, ruins, that, pray in your van, I'm just a meerkat but I'm proud of it, don't pet me, and he saw a hand pulling the hand away, meerkats are wild, and he saw the pope, and his face came off and satan was behind it, he will be slashed, and, the devil will enter in, a strong delusion from Jesus, will be sent, that they all perish, but the jewish remnant, 666 will be, born at the table, between the pope and hu, to keep them from destroying each other, both have nuclear, but, the king of grecia and the king of the east, and axl rose pointed, you better shut your mouth motherfucker, he is wild, guns and roses, will release a new album, then, break up again, for more money, it will, be, number one, but, flop, prophet didn't the angel tell you that when the united states said gene simmons goes to war with china, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, then moscow, the bear, will, out of cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, and Jesus, attack america, said bush, that was hollie tearing up the con, trite, and Jesus pointed, raiser of taxes means he will have control over the money, stand up in his estate means, replaced, carol drexel, come to Jesus, pastor m. mckinney said, I'm done cut off, I had a choice, lets go get something to eat said pastor mckinney with satan's voice, a los angeles class sub, loaded with nuclear tipped tomahawk missiles would be the most dangerous, they are undetectable, and the people would pointed when bob would prayer walk, that was not God pointed r. h. duncan, and willie celebrated, pastor william l. harris is cut, off, and he saw a big turtle, they get, in the ocean, bigger, than you think, and he saw the turtle catch the fish, if a turtle gets a hook, it will bite the string and pull the hook out, theres nothing awrong with pastor sugget in God's eyes, and the lighted finger pointed, but God might show them thru you, go there, for a while, that, Im out he said, they truth, did, and he saw, the lighted watch, it's past the midnight hour, are, you ready, sh, that was satan, Im the beast said the serpent, and hu, he turned into the pope, I will not, put up with you they both said, and he saw, 666, thats it, said the pope, and the two kings at the table, grecia, and the east, pope and hu, born, and he saw, 666, on the pope's forehead, to keep them from destroying each other, both have nukes, thats a lighted seed, on on finger, it's up to you, pointed, alice cooper, choose you this instant, iran attack coming soon, and syria, by america, this will cause the world to hate, more, bush is, hated, and pastor jerry barger wrote, sold JEsus for wealth, that was a lighted heavenly vision of Jesus, face blocked, different heavenly lighted visions, thats you, pointed Jesus, whosoever will let him come, brother barger, you blasphemed the Holy Ghost, how, witness, pointed Jesus, and he, pointed at bob, the lake, pointed Jesus, Im burning in hell said cless barger, I'm burning in hell said kenneth haney, Im burning in hell shouted irving baxter, and he saw hands with golden light, like, seeds, let God, thru you, cast, seeds, at, suggets, church, you are open, get them, open, God will, give, you, what, to, say, and did, and he saw, MALACHI, preach that tonight, teach, they will love, you, and Jesus pointed, Im a priest said satan, and turned into the pope, that said hollie, and he saw the leopard, four kings came out, kim jong, hu, the presidents of japan and south korea, the new world order, again, and Jesus showed bob to preach out of MALACHI, and hollie tore up the, con, smart, and hollie tore up the con, jure, and, trite, and hollie pointed, satan is attacking you, sh, satan, and he saw, pastor, sugget, me, get out of here, said, haney, God wants to, show, him, that he is, lost, and he is, cut, off, no, chance, for, tom, sugget, satan, your really needed, said, kenneth, haney, but, when you get there, seat, thats all, let me, give, the, un, anointed, message, prepared, how do I get out, sell, the, church, but, nobody wants to, buy it, stuck, so keep on preaching, that is what, they are, doing, many, this church, will, go, to, him, pointed, pastor, jerry, van, lue, of, danville, apostolic, church, and he pointed at, and, hollie, tore, jeremy, van, lue, anointed, less, son, cut off, al, ready, bob knows it, they want you to preach, put it right there, pointed pastor tom sugget, but, unless God gives you something, and, he did, and he saw hollie, like, alice, cooper, welcome, to my, night, mare, that song was about, being, cut, off, and, knowing, it, alice, was, a, pentecostal, but, ended up, a, rocker, a witch, he said, but you dont want to preach it, but, they will be, stirred, that will cause them to be afraid said the angel of the Lord, and he saw the beast rise out of the sea, the pope, satan, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, and that was hollie and you know by now, trashing the con, ruit, and hollie pointed, and that was hollie tearing up the, contrast, cnn, said, hollie, stories, the typhoon, in, china, will be, deadly, that is, judgment, for, blaspheme, false prophet hu, and he saw, the, false prophet, sitting, at, the, table, with, the, pope, they are, the, new world order, 666 will be born there, to, prevent them, from, destroying, each other, both have, nukes, typhoon, chan, chu, captain hook's ship, is, not, what, they, found, but, there is, treasure, on, it, much, gold, iran's president, mahmoud, ah, mad, in, e, jad, is, wanting, nuclear, weapons, period, bush will, destroy, the, nuclear, plant, sh, satan, and he saw, satan, like, an, angel, with a, needle, smiling, and hollie tore up the con, try, ist, the ship, clem, en, ceau, sink, the fish will, and they know it, eat, even, asbestos, it won't hurt them, they don't live long anyway, a fish will live, about, two years, before, it, gets, eaten, or, caught, or, snagged, Im still undecided, serve, Jesus, any, way, seek, and you will, find, ask, and you will, recieve, read and do, ACTS, 2:38, for, sal, va, tion, hamas is, the, philistines, the, Lord's, enemies, and they will, be, destroyed, by, some, president, bush, the palestinian state, syria, and, iran, the war was over, iraq, breaking, oil, contracts, pastor, nope, witness, donald winters is, cut, off, for, blaspheme, of, the, Holy, Ghost, he said, right to, bob's, face, those are from the devil, that is, pastor, donald, winters, and, satan, laughed, at, him, because, satan, there's nothing wrong, sh, that was, satan, and he looked like, Jesus, donald winters, is, satan, Ive been having a hard time, said, pastor, tom, sugget, we know, he is, cut, off, he, said, they all know it, you can not, get, him, back, on, and he saw the word, in, stay in, and hollie, ran, and, pointed, go, witness, record, and hollie pointed, work for Jesus, witness, and he saw, deolations, brought on by russian missile strike, on indianapolis, thats what, needs to be taught about, your battery is done and you know it, and hollie tore up the conspirit and pointed, record, I don't want to run out in front of the car said the fat dog, but, I dont look which way Im going, you know what you want, you want to witness, but, dig them out, they wont come to you, go to places and testify, saith the Lord, john lake said, I lost me, and hollie tore up the conspirit, loose yourself, deny, when china and america, go to war, then moscow will attack alaska, then from the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, bombard, america, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on moscow and china, the ram, the baptist academy is cut off, no signs, turn me over to a reprobate mind is what pastor sugget wanted, now, he wants Jesus, but, not, much, but, Jesus doen'st want him, to late, make your choice, hamas is the phillistines, the Lord's enemies, they chose allah, the made up God, they know it, and hollie tore up the con, trite, that battery is done, get rid of, price is what I need people to pay, thats how much I require everyday, and he saw 4 horns arise out of the ruins of china and moscow, I will leave but a sixth part of the, this is the new world order, china and south korea, north korea, and, japan, magog, and hollie took off running out of the recorder, and hu, I will not put up with you, they will hate each other, but, cling to prevent from destroying each other, they both have nuclear weapons, she's not a God, shes just a woman, she poops and spits, hocker's, and he saw the pope, with, 666, on his, fore, head, and the pope said, git out of here, pastor tom sugget, s, end time, s, teaching, is, so, far, off, that, bob, left, and he will not, go, back, and, wanted, to, leave, the u.s.s., oriskany, was, not, even, close, to being, done, and, senator, john maccain, knew it, but, sink it, no, use, prophecy is my husband said the angel of the Lord, pastor harold bray is anti christian like paul mooney, both, and he saw the ten toed beast, pastor sugget, hu, donald winters, ed bray, they, like a white angel, bearded, will give thier power and strength, send it over, and the horns were on his head, on america, he will say, I'm out, try to get back, and he saw hollie like alice cooper and california explode from submarines, and henry gru, ver, shot into the heaven, s, looking down, seeing explosions on both coasts from submarines, like, this, boom, rise higher, when Lord, when the free world lets thier weapons down and cries peace and safety, thats when, and he saw, the, little, horn, like, a, horn, with, a, bearded, and hollie pointed, stout, Im the beast, he said, Im running out of time said the meerkat, the lake said pastor sugget, lets go put visions on he information highway said the meerkat and bob wants to, Im the beast, and my name is putin, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, and dont you forgit about mexico, they will give their, cuba, kim jong, power and strength unto the beast, and he will send it over on america, the day of the Lord prophesied in ISAIAH, and that young man was cute, but he displayed being human all over, and the prophet, tried to sing like crystal lewis, she is cut off, did you see that picture on the album, muscle woman crystal, bleach blond, leather, and the car salesman said, nothing's free, bud, thats a 1972 lincoln continental, it has a 460 that puts out about 235 horsepower, and, lots of, torque, get out of he way, and hollie tore up the con, cert, sugget will let you preach, I need your testimony, thats not preaching, you don't want to do it, cause you dont have anyting, God will give you, storm clouds are arising over america, go to church, witness, leave, and you didnt even witness, sugget, controlled, only, him, teaching, falsely, 5-18-2006-james hoffa is, not, going, to, be, lets rule the world, china, wants, taiwan, to get rid of america, great, britain, can, destroy, all of, africa, God showed bob, that, britain, can, move, the, world, out of its place, with, those, four, nuclear, subs, c.w. roseburr, should have, let, those, raccoons, alone, company, he knew it, burned his house down, live in your, garage, insurance, will not, over, ra, co, on, s, ha ha, idiot, at, 70, something, billionaire, beatle, paul mccartney, knew, not to, marry, a, young, bitch, with, one leg, but, now, he will not, but, still be, rich, this will, cost, him, dear, she will be, a, muti, millionaire, but, the judge, likes, the, beatles, so, italy, the, little horn, romano, prodi, wants, troops, out of, iraq, and, will, he sees, now, but, wanted, hippocrit, they all know, kenneth, m., heck, is, cut, off, no, signs, lynne, gabriel, no signs, and hollie tore up the con, jure, if you find an alligator, in the canal, catch, and, release, zoo, but, do not, kill, even it, they, ate, people, and tom sugget prayed, send me, a, christian, and, the, christian, walked out, bob, and hollie tore up the, con, cert, and pointed, and that was hollie taking off running, its raining hollie moody, you like rain and so does bob, hard, how about tina, I'm a lesbian, america is the whore, the MYSTERY, BABYLON of REVELATION 17, and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the conquest, indiana state fair is abomination, pleasure, america is given to pleasures, the mother of harlots, your trapping said tom sugget, and hollie pointed, record, even when he was there, last time, in between services, he posted visions, of tom sugget and knew it, they were all cut off, bob was witnessing, they liked it, every time, but, it was time to leave, that church will shut down, dead, that was the devil laughing at pastor tom sugget, sh, satan, pointed hollie, I'm the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, and I'm the pope, spake in tongues, you got it, shouted, pastor, james, e., tyson, signs will follow, if, prophet, that was hollie with satan's face pointing at jeremiah, I prayed 15 hours per day on my knees, and, wrote visions on top of visions, but, slept, about, 5, then, right back, the rest, doing what God wanted, warning, satan, and he saw pastor tom sugget and hollie pointed, record, bob, come here, said pastor, ken, pingleton, backslide, we are, cut off, like, donald winters, and he saw, the ten toed beast and, pastor sugget, pastor winters, pastor pingleton and his brother, paul mooney, joseph farris, worship me, they say, and pastor sugget pointed, they will give thier power and strength, terry long, to the beast, yur out of here, said, pastor, terry, long, even though, he knew, bob trembled, at the, power, of, Jesus, while testifying to terry, your out, you, will be, out, soon, we know, he said, why don't you, tell, liar, all, u.p.c.i., cut off, no signs, how many did you tell, said, Jesus, none, said, terry, I lied, but, your out, she said, nope, you are, cut off, I got warning, and hollie sang like alice cooper, caint get know, the rolling stones are over, because, keith richards fell, mick jagger hates it and can not beleive, replace, no, end it, were almost, 60s, record the vision hollie showed, that was hollie trying to get your attention with golden bear paws, and that was hollie tearing up the contrast, they didn't beleive you sang the choir, sugget, he said, only the wise will understand, and hollie, put the contract back together with golden bear paws, the wise are those who live for Jesus, I'm out said the Lord of hosts, and Jesus pointed, and he was in Jesus's mouth, iran, coming, attack, by america, iraq war nuclear, read it, EZEKIEL 7, and that was hollie, Im running out of time said the meerkat, the lake, said, pastor, terry long, nope, tom sugget, both, and the lighted hand pointed, and he saw california explode, henry gruver shot into the heavens, when Lord, when russia, opens her doors, then, nobody cares, said Jesus, sh, that was satan, I'm, pointed hollie, that was the serpent with pastor sugget's face, new government said the pope, and he looked like, sharone, I don't care, your bowells of compassion are closed, God can open them, prophet didn't the angel tell you that the united states will burn, when you least expect it, telephone, who, its crystal lewis, put it in the butt, thats what, and crystal lewis tore up her contract, she is a whore, a rich little whore, and hollie tore up the con, trust, and he saw, hell, like, lava, like, melted steel, being poured, and JEsus like a white, light, Spirit, man, press to the mark of the high calling said the meerkat and Jesus, that was hollie tearing up the contract, you ain't christian, she, said, but, he, prophesied, to, her, that, her, pastor, terry, long was, cut, off, and, she, knew, and, she, is, too, but, were, coming, back, nope, those who will come, will, and will not tarry, nope, said, terry, long, yep, and he saw explosions along both american coast's, when Lord said henry gruver, and he saw him shot into the heavens, when russia opens her gates, and lets the masses go, then, the world will let thier weapons down and cry peace and safety, thatll do it said henry gruver, thats fulfilled, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed, hugo chavez is, stirring the world against america, but, when they all attack america, then, the kings will wail loudly, and he saw, the world, reel to and fro from, moscow and china, attacking america, and that will cause, and america attacking moscow, one third, of the, population, will be, wiped out, mexico, canada, and, cuba, and the world, will reel, to and fro, out of its, place, like he saw, Im not ready, to, come, yet, saith, Jesus, you heard, I dont beleive it, said, pastor, mcgovern, she would have, stopped you, and, JEsus, knew it, that is why, when she told you, I dont believe it, but, the assisstant, did, preach, both, but, wait, no, she would not have let you, liar, both, and hollie tore up the con, trust, one third of the population will be wiped out, God does not like that inflatable, big, tall, man, that, waves, celebrating rally's grand opening, chavez is, but, they see thru him, buy that car, 40 miles per gallon, the kings of the earth will wail loudly when they know what they had and now Jesus is gone, that vw bug is, an antique, but, better than most cars that you buy today, no computer, no sensors, they should have left it like that, but with 4 cylinder engines, and henry gruver smiled, don't tell me said pastor kent gray, but you don't know and you don't let bob tell the church, step down said the meerkat, your deceiving, put it under, and hollie skinned the prophet, and that is, leave me alone, said, pastor, m., mckinney, leave me alone, said, hollie, don't, withstand, the, TRUTH, witch, he thought, and shared, visions, and, dreams, that is how far, the, indy, apostolic, church, is, away, from, JEsus, under, pastor, mckinney, lets pray, said, pastor, mcgovern, but, that means, get away from me, she, wont, but, and hollie tore up the con, quer, thats what pastor m. mckinney did, withstood, but, got withstood, but mess with me, dont mess with me they both said, more or less, he started, this prophet, bob, were chosen said gene schmidt, I'm out, he will be taken out of hand of help for, lost, pastor john e. reading is cut off, no signs, the reverend, clifford, farley, is, cut, off, no, signs, 5-18-19-2006- He saw Donald golder writing out the check to himself, he preaches for money, when you witnessed to him and his bunch, dam Donald, invite him, I wont, he said, thats the pastor, none of them are there right now, because of, and they saw, Donald, golder, wanted, nothing, to do with you, they wept when the apostle paul left, but, because they wanted that anointed word, and hollie licked the prophet, and bob saw the hospital, hell inside, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the bear, and he saw it, and the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked said the olsens to invade America then leave, and hollie showed how to do a face lift, snip, slice, pull, like hollie showed, sew up, take better care, next time, hollie showed how to make a car, frame, wheels, engine, body, bolt, wites, sale, thats not how they d o it said the angel of the Lord, you need to give God more time on the visions, and hollie tore up the contrast, and he saw explosions along both coasts, and henry gruver shot into the heavens, when Lord, When Russia opens her gates, then, the world will let their weapons down and cry peace and safety, thats when, when we hit Alaska said putin, then, orders will go to American submarine commander, and they will fire on, Moscow, and, china, then, Moscow will wipe out the American mainland, one third of the population including mexico, Canada, and cuba, the day of the Lord, ISAIAH 13, charity tabernacle apostolic church, pastor William mccloud is cut off, no signs, anothy Elliott is cut off, no signs, and he saw the LIGHT that the apostle paul saw, and blinded, the SPIRIT, it was so bright, and paul had scales on his eyes, and repented then, but would not have, if no scales, and he saw, the king of the south and north, sitting at the table, 666, will be born there, worship the pope said the image on hu's hand, and hu, I will not put up with you, they will hate each other, but cling to prevent from destroying, both have nuclear weapons, the king of grecia, and, the, king of the north, and hollie skinned, many times, they, want you back, like they said, but, remember it, get my point, they are cut off, they received everyword, but, will not, repent, and know it, to late, for all of them, dont waste, and the woman on the red dragon said, America, thats who she is, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the whore, they did not know that prophesying was receiving visions while right there and telling what the ministering spirits speak, and hollie licked the prophet, thats the first time they have all seen real prophesying, and believed it, tell, when they heard that, they were stunned, without charity I am nothing, charity is love, love is, Jesus, and Jesus is, a, Spirit, without, the, Holy Ghost, Im, nothing, wow, Im with him pointed the man at new beginning church, and he pointed at farakhan, and hollie pointed, with her tongue sticking out, and licked the prophet, thats the Lord of hosts, the Lord of hosts slams, lets pray about it said the pastor at charity tabernacle, whats there to pray about, receive it or dont, if you really prayed, you would already know, and he saw, henry gruver, shot into the heavens, and explosions along both coasts, when Lord, when Russia opens her doors, and cries and peace and safety, 1, 2, 3, 4, thats when, they will let their weapons down, America did, the day of the Lord, that pastor from charity tabernacle is cut off pointed Jesus but he doesnt know it, being, deceived, is the worse thing a man can face, jimmy Hoffa, will not be found, I dont want visions and dreams said james Hoffa, but prophet james Hoffa has had many, write him, the teamsters boss, and ask him why he left his first love, and Jesus showed the recorder, I must preach in other cities to said hollie, and he saw Jesus sit at the computer, and typing, in a white robe, beard, type those visions in, and on the computer screen appeard, where there is no vision the people perish, I need more visions on my website said hollie, and he saw four horns, arise, magog, the leopard, and the ten toed beast, bearded, putin, hu, chavez, castrol, kim jong, and hollie tore up the con, jure, they will give their power and strength, and then the ten horns were on the popes head, and the pope and hu, were, fighting, and he saw the little horn, with a mans face on it, I am god, he shouted, and Jesus, that was not, no pastor, that was, and the woman pointed, a Christian, and that is an apostle, right said hollie, lets rule the world, china, will attack Washington state, and grab, Taiwan to lure America into, battle, then, raise your hands and repeat after me, Moscow, will grab Alaska, then, orders will go to American submarine commanders and they will fire on, Moscow and china, and Russia will wipe out, the American, mainland, one third of the population will be wiped out, including, mexico, Canada, and, cuba, the world will reel to and fro like a drunkard, the day of the Lord prophesied in joel, a day of gloominess and darkness, and hollie pointed, Heres how the pope and hu will be around each other, why dont you accept my ways they will say, but, the pope will be, stronger, raise your hands and repeat after me, the new world order has just begun, look here, said the pope, and showed his hand, 666, on your hand or, I got you said the pope, no, said hu, but, theyll work together to prevent from destroying each other, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, and he saw, explosions along both American coasts, and, the king of grecia, and, the king of the east, sitting at the table, and, the face of the pope, like an angel of light, I dont feel it said babyfleas, you have sin, and hollie tore up the con, jure, didnt the angel tell you the united states will be attacked soon said hollie, Im out, and he saw the Lord of host in Jesuss mouth, preach the word, be instant in season and out, write the vision and make it plain, keep the Lord first in all of your ways, and he will direct your paths, hows china, said, and, they are, collapsing, no oil, And hollie tore up the con, spirit, and hollie pointed, press to the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus, his price, pay it, come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest, call me, my burden is easy, my yoke is light, and he saw an explosion at Washington state from china, and they will grab Taiwan, to lure, and hollie showed something, and then, Moscow, will attack Americano said the pope, and pointed, orders will go to American submarine commanders, and they will fire on, and the earth will reel to and fro like a drunk, are, china and Moscow, and hollie took off running, and hollie tore up the con, trite, Moscow will wipe out the American mainland, the day of the Lord prophesied in ZECAHRIAH, And hollie tore up the conspirit, and the lighted finger pointed, iraq, will end, nuclear, exchange, to, fulfill, EZEKIEL 7, and the lighted Jesus pointed, again, and hollie tore up the contrist, 3 times, iraq nuclear, and he saw the words, believed means obey, and he saw Alaska as a target of Moscow, they will grab like gene Schmidt saw, write him, at, hand of help, and hollie skinned, many times, something went wrong, dont worry, hollie skinned, many times, and hollie had, golden, hands, and tore up the con, trite, many times, hes open, stay, saved, and he saw the pope, with, 666, on his forehead, dressed in, a wizards uniform, 5-19-20-2006-I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns said the monster, and he saw, a, man, in the, star, and it was, the, pope, and he saw, the pope, and, false prophet, hu, sitting, at, a, table, 666, will be born there, record the vision hollie showed, and 666 is the number of the beast, born at the table, and he saw, the king of the south and north sitting at the table, and there are the tap dancers, wait a minute mr. christian, write my vision said the tap dancers, and the hand touched the recorder, write the vision, and the bear said, Im russia, the yard decoration, thats abomination, russia is not going to attack americano willingly, but, they will have to, cause america keeps threatening, and hollie skinned, look here said henry gruver, and he was shot into the heavens and looking down, explosions along both coasts, and hollie skinned, when Lord, when russia opens her doors, and lets the masses go, then the world will let thier weapons down and cry peace and safety, that is when, God wants to teach on the internet, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, the woman on the red dragon, the whore, that is america, and hollie pointed, and reverend spall tore up his con, trast, hes cut off, no signs, all pastors in america, and hollie showed the recorder, raise your hands and clap your heels, examine your self to se whether you be in the faith or not, when the united states comes under attack, what will you be doing, will I find faith upon the earth, and hollie tore up the conquest, both vans mechanically are excellent, but, the dodge is easier to fix, the compressor, is what is the air conditioner problem, new or row the windows down, the iraq war will end nuclear, exchange, between iraq and israel, EZEKIEL 7 fulfilled, there ain't no more visions in pentecost because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, and he saw the pope like an angel of light, rising out of the sea, thats your beast, and hollie tore up the con, tart, that van is junk, a transmission leak means, do not buy period, God lead bob into witness, and when he came back out, saw a puddle, underneath the van, that stopped him from buying it, that man has no leggs, do you have leggs, but don't live for JEsus, it could always be a lot worse, thats another person in a wheel chair, what are you doing, with your time, and hollie showed, don't mourn over that van, be thankful for what you have, it could always be worse, on my death certificate, I did not repent and be baptised, and hollie pointed, in Jesus Christ name and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost like I said said r. h. duncan, trap me, they are cut off, no signs, and know it, and hollie wrote the price, and hollie took off running, r. h. duncan would want the prophet to go on tv, but, the prophet says in his heart, nope, and he saw explosions along both coasts, when Lord said henry gruver, when russia opens her doors, the, the world will cry peace and safety, and let thier weapons down, God's not leading me, but, no, if your not lead by the Holy Ghost, then, you are not serving the Lord, period, your leading yourself, leave me alone, saith God, if you won't, serve me, then, stay away, hot or cold, luke warm, and he saw Jesus spue, and hollie skinned, your not going to do what you thought, all bob cares about is staying low like babyfleas showed, humble, and hollie skinned, wanted on the telephone, they will hate you until you speak, they know about being trapped, and kent gray tore up his con, trast, Im the beast said the little horn with a mans face like a lighted triangle and thats the pope, that was satan, and she pointed at the pope, sh, and he saw, the popes face come off and satan was in there, pastor mike miller is cut off, no signs, and prophet just pulled into where the car show is going on and he is laughing, they are mad about thier idols, and hollie skinned the prophet, he wont look, and hollie showed how to build the church, landscape, pour cement foundation, start nailing, saw, roof, electricty, plumbing, tado, church, wite the vision and make it plain, and the tap dancers said, eat, and the pope was one of them, and he saw hollie celebrating, and he saw kathy troccoli in hell up to her chin and the flames went over, she knew the truth, and he saw texas explode and henry gruver shot into the heavens, when Lord, when russia opens her doors, and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with housing the masses and let thier weapons down and cry peace and safety, thats when tell that, alice cooper, no church tonight, youll see, and hollie skinned, and he saw explosions along both coasts, I blew said r. h. duncan, but, when judgment comes, will I find faith upon the earth, not exactly like that, and hollie skinned, they were all stunned, but, fellowship, thats it, and hollie pointed, that dog was smiling, drive down my ally often, roof, Ill have to come and destroy all these people for calling themselves christians, and hollie skinned, but, were liars, harlots, I'm the apostolic pentecostal church said the wolf, and the man pointed, this will all be gone, live for the Lord, I'm not the meerkat I used to be, parties over, america is given to pleasures, when judgment comes, what will you be doing, and luster pointed, and the lighted hand pointed, see this, it will all be gone, from, a russian missile strike on indianapolis, put it on your website, hollie just showed the churches are all over america, and bob is seeing this, dead, put him right there, pulpit, so he can, entertain, but, we won't, repent, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, bob has showed up many times at this church, the upper room church, and there's no service, but, the sign says there suppost to be a service, this ain't the first time, christian its the phone, who is it, Im pastor luster, get the fuck out of here, no service, and Im first lady duncan, we don't care, praise the Lord, lets testify, read a word, and then lets preach awhile, and go home, thats the service, propehts here, God just dropped that thought in thier mind's, that was pastor mcgovern, they are just alike, and the lighted finger pointed, there's the old van, fuck you said pastor luster instead of witnessing, these people must have forgotten what they are suppost to do, and hollie skinned the luster's, where are they, on, church night, God said its time for end time action, to begin, put it on your website, and the finger pointed, and hollie pointed at indiana, and he saw indiana explode, it will burn, from russian submarine on the day of the Lord, and hollie pointed, I can do anything thru Christ which stregtheneth me, according to the will of the father, america is closing down like hollie pointed, being stripped, right before, your very eyes, when moscow fires on america, then, missiles will fly everywhere, south korea, north korea, america, moscow, china, and more places, destruction will be unheard of, china will not be a big target, but, moscow, Ill leave, but a sixth part of there, every nation is getting deparate over oil, the high prices, and hugo chavez is rallying it, bringing, destruction, on his own self, lets rule the world, they will all give thier power and strength to the beast, and he will, send it over on america, but, america, will know, and fire back, moscow will be, all but, a sixth part, china will take about 7 nuclear missiles, mutiable warhead, much destruction, south korea, elimainated, north korea, wiped out, but, out of all those ruins comes four horns, china, north and south korea and, japan, the oriental nations, the pope will be the antichrist, and hu will be the kings of the east, 666, will born at the table, and he saw the pope and hu, sitting at the table, to prevent them from destroying each other, the pope will be slashed, and satan will enter in, and he saw it, the popes face was moved and satan was behind, and hu, I will not put up with you, accept my ways, said the pope, nope, said, hu, you accept, both have nuclear weapons, worship the pope hu will say, but he wont, no mark for china, but, the rest of the world, china will withstand, God wil pour out the vials of wrath and ultimately come and throw them in the lake of fire, the pope will sit in the temple, the church of nativity, and say, I am God, but, he will search for the jewish remnant trying to destroy God's witness, but, the people will hide them wanting the favor of Jesus, israel, says, they don't know, but they do know, and hollie pointed, think where you will spend eternity, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, you will know when God comes in, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and hollie showed, record the vision, and the sun and the moon will be blocked for 16 hours, lets tale about iraq, that is hasting judgment to america, innocent people being slaughtered everyday, iran and syria, next, you will not make it yourself, if we do not press to the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus sang the choir, you do not have no more choices in you serve Jesus Christ as your Lord, and the lighted finger pointed sang the choir, you will not finish your race if you do not start out right, sang the choir, prophet didn't the angel tell you that the united states will be attacked soon, you didn't finish your race kenneth haney, cause upci is cut off, sang the choir, and kenneth haney, the united states will become a desolation when you least expect it sang the choir and hollie, prophet didn't the angel tell you wisconsin will burn and hand of help with it, by mike, gene, ann, prove it said Jesus and hollie came up in her submarine with binoculars, and saw the beach, sin, fire, and the earth reeled to and fro, america desolate, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and, venezuela, north korea, and, brazil, they will give thier power and strength to me said the pope, send it over on america, desolate, and hollie tore up the con, trast, and the choir sang, we don't need another hero, Jesus, and hollie pointed, the people of syria are humble compared to america, they don't have anything, they work all day everyday to survive, america, 5 days a week and thats it, play, and hollie tore up the contract, prophet, didn't the angel tell you, soon, america will be a desolation, read and do ACTS 2:38 said first lady duncan, and hollie showed prayer walk, and hollie skinned, and that was hollie tearing up the contract, and the lighted hand pointed, and hollie pointed, star wars is abomination, still watched, and he saw sam neill and 666 was on his forehead, timing is good enough said sam neill, damein, and hollie, lighted, on her broom, and hollie tore up the contrast, sam neill is cut off, limited attack on iran coming, and the lighted hollie, hand, pointed, and the meerkat smiled, clap your horns and slap your heels, I'm the meerkat said Jesus, the meerkat is a ministering spirit, and he saw, explosion, along both coast's, now I need you, said, carmella, johnson, but, you, passed, when JEsus, needed you, now, you are, cut, off, and he saw, north korea, there's a battle forming, work, for, Jesus, aman, 5-20-21-2006-and the tap dancers said, work for Jesus, for, the, night, cometh, when, no man, can, work, aman, and the meerkat smiled, and hollie showed to record the vision, and the lighted Jesus pointed, I'm the leopard said hu with north and south korea and japan, where, moscow and all those lands, are, including, pakistan, and india, the bear is, moscow, and captain hollie with her binoculars, in her submarine, looked at the beach on, and hollie pointed, santa claus is abomination, the beaches on california, open fire, said, the, titanic, s, captain, smith, sin, o my God said sam neill, open fire said hollie, and he saw california explode, and explosions along both coast's, america will burn, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan to lure america into war and when they go, moscow will grab alaska, then, orders will go, and hollie pointed, to american submarine commanders and they will fire on moscow and china, then, moscow will eliminated the american mainland, the day of the Lord, then, 4 horns will arise out of, the, ruins of moscow and china, and the pope will come out of moscow, italy is the little horn, and hu is the false prophet, the kings of the east, they will withstand each other, 666, will be born at the table top prevent them, and he saw the king of the south and the king of the north, at the table, they will hate, but, cling, put it under, the pope will be slashed, satan will enter in, and he saw the pope's face moved, and satan was behind it, and, God will our out the vials of wrath, and ultimately come, the mountain will be split in two, and Christ with 1000's of his saints will, throw all of them in the lake of fire, and, the beast will search for the jewish remnant to eliminate the witness, he will sit in the temple and say, I am God, but, he will come to his end, repent and be baptized in JEsus Christ name and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, and he saw the words salvation, ACTS 2:38, I live for that said the dog in the yard, drive by, come by, my yard, roof, and let me bark at you, and the lighted finger pointed and he saw the king of the south and the king of grecia, the pope and false prophet hu sitting at the table, 666, will be born there, and the lighted finger pointed, I'm the beast said the pope and the little horn with a man's face, and he saw the ten horns and the horns and the pope came out of one and hu came out china, magog, the new world order, with hu and he bowed, and the pope and he bowed, the untied states will be attacked real soon, sh, satan, pointed hollie, and he saw the pope and his face came off and the angel lucifer behind, bright, he was, lifted up, because of his brightness, but, and he saw a, bright glowing fire, come down, Jesus, God is an all consuming fire, and just burned gigivitas out of him, like electricity, and he saw henry gruver shot into the heavens, explosions both american coast's, when Lord, when russia opens her doors and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with housing and caring for the massed and let thier weapons down and cry, peace, and, safe, ty, then, and hollie tore up the contract, many, many, times, 5-21-22-2006-and he saw the king of the north and south, sitting at the table, and 666 on the paper, it will be born there, between false prophet hu and the pope, the new world order, and he saw, the leopard, with hu, and, north and south korea presidents and japan, emporer, the bear is moscow, these are the 4 carpentars that scatter israel, and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the contrast, and hollie tore up the con, trast, when the united states goes to war with china, then, moscow will lead an all out attack on america, and he saw the pope with his face moved and satan was behind like a lit up man, bright, bob America will be attacked soon, this is why, the churches are so dead, no intercession, the ones interceding, come Lord, they arent turning, and hollie skinned, write my vision, write my vision, write my vision, judgment is on its way, God said, why should I spare anybody, people are given to pleasures, all, from the priest to the prophet, and hollie pointed, and hollie, skinned, iraq, will end, nuclear, exchange, and this is hasting judgment to America, EZEKIEL 7, fulfilled, between Israel and iraq, and he saw, iraq destroyed, and, the Palestinian state taken away, this war was over breaking oil contracts, oil man bush bright it in, and hollie tore up the concert, that church is cut off, all of them, but, that was prophecy explosion, and they all believed it, put it under, why did God send me Elijah is what that pastor thought, bob had fun, and hollie skinned, come back, be with us, they would love being entertained with visions and dreams but wont repent, that is most churches, he thought, thats whay God showed you in visions and dreams then thats what will happen, they remembered, when America and china goes to war, then, Moscow will grab Alaska and orders will go to American submarine commanders and they will fire on china and Moscow, and, mosocw will wipe out the American mainland, then, raise your hands and repeat after me, that is a 1980 pontiac trans am, it looks sporty, but, not quick, and he saw a bunch of kings, sitting at a table, hu, putin, castrol, chavez, lula, they will give their power and strength, north korea, to the beast, and the pope said, send it over on America, and the lighted hand pointed, that was hollie tearing up the contruit, the pope will not make jews get the mark, cause he knows God will not stand for it, but, when he is slashed, the pope, satan, pick your poison, Im the meerkat, and the viols of wrath get poured out, then he will think, start slaughtering jews, that will bring the end, will you repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, record the vision hollie showed, r. h. Duncan, knows, God sends bob because he doesnt know, write it down said r.h. Duncan, and satan came out, the church would never know if God didnt send bob, or, you got aids, another infected dick sucked said first lady Duncan, didnt the angel tell you that, America is going to be attacked soon, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie tore up the contract, went to hell, Jesus went to hell, for 3 days, and, preached the spirits there, and came back up, got his body, heaven, bobby, he just told you iraq, that is hasting judgment to amexico, and the lighted Jesus pointed at Stephen hanson in the fire, in a white robe, and the lighted Jesus pointed, pastor brian lane rejected bob right to his face, cut off, write him, at liberty tabernacle, and he saw iraq explode from Israel, and the Palestinian state, both, American nukes, and he saw, the pope and false prophet hu sitting at the table, 666 will be born, Brandenburg, tell on me pointed donny Brandenburg, God dalt with him, but, now cut off, donny and denny both, if you dont come when God calls, that was hollie wadding up the contract and pointed and pointed with golden, josh hides from Jesus, runs, but, not to much longer, Jesus will let him go, and hollie skinned, that was hollie tearing up the contract, with golden bear paws, telephone, well, who is it, it is, brett sears, homo bret, America is the whore, and the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth, thats whashington dc, the woman, and hollie tore up the conquest, tell me something I dont already know said the Lord, I know because I can see in your heart, and the lighted finger pointed, dont perish, that was Jesus in a white robe, continue to stand, permission granted, thats a trap pointed the lighted finger, lucas oil products, stp, oil treatments, dont buy, set a watchman in tekoa, and he saw a chariot with kings, hu, the pope, kim jong, lula, castrol, they will give their power and strength, and the lighted finger pointed, to the beast, and he saw, the statue of liberty explode, America will burn, and that was a lighted finger, that is judgment to the united states, and that preacher said, I preach Jesus, but I dont know Jesus, like most, and the golden finger pointed, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, and that was hollie tearing up the con, trust, and hollie licked the prophet, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, and hollie showed how to put on the cam, scratch head, loosen, the, alternator, the, power steering, to get belts off, timing cover, timing belt, valve cover, take off camshaft, put on new one, and hollie tore up the con, true, reverse, tada, put it on your website, and the bumper sticker said, bush family values, and has missiles flying, thats true, and he saw, hundreds of missiles flying, for, America, china, and, Moscow, north and south korea, and, more, and the day of the Lord, prophesied, in, ZECHARIAH, that, read your bible, how about new york city, boom, it will burn from Russian submarines, lets have church, said, first lady, luster, prayer requests, uplifting of hands, read a word, Ill call on who I want to testify, preach, go home, that, goose bumps, from, God, on the, country, disc jockey from dolly parton sing, hes alive, call her witch lesbian, dolly parton, mrs. boob, they are, building, and planting, in America, and judgment is hanging over the nation, that, radio towers, read the visions on the radio, and hollie showed Michigan, and it exploded, no, that was Wisconsin, home of hand of help, burn mike, that, record the vision and make it plain, I heard you had a vision, put it on your website said hollie, america is slaughtering, innocent, people, everyday, like the, afghans, many, if america, was not there, then, no, war, they do not, belong, there, like in, iraq, iran, syria, next, madeleine albright, fears, bush's, faith, in, God, because, he is, a, war, lord, over, the, most, dangerous, military, in the world, and she knows it, but she calls, jimmy carter, and, clinton, christians, that is how far, she is, away, from, Jesus, herself, gaza is forsaken, fulfilled, the Palestinian state, EZEKIEL, and hollie pointed, read, pastor foreman, and, daniels, are, cut, off, no signs, she was to, all, and Jesus bowed, more, visions, post, and the tap dancers said, and hollie was one them dressed sexy, work for the Lord, and he saw, hundreds of missiles flying, and hollie pointed, for, north and south korea, america, and, china, and, moscow, the day of the Lord, and the world, will reel to and fro like a drunk like those homeless men, stay away from them, that, when America and china go to war, then, Moscow will grab Alaska, and orders will go to American submarine commanders, hollie showed, make your own banner, don't hire, cut the paper, sheet, paint banner on, tada, you can not see her butt, but almost, shorts are abomination, and hollie tore up the contrast, and he saw, the moon turned into blood from reflection, I'm out said the Lord of hosts, the word of God is all over the world, people want to be witnessed to but don't want to repent, and he saw the word magog, china, north and south korea, and japan, the leopard, the 4 carpentars, rise out of the ruins of Moscow, china, and, where, all, those, lands, are, and hollie pointed, that, the jail, kill prisoners that have killed, and he saw henry gruver smiling in the heavens, and henry tore up his con, trast, when Lord, and he saw, explosions along both coasts, when Russia opens her doors, then, fulfilled, when boris yeltsin came in, and Russia broke apart, that was, the event, paul was talking about, almost, 2000 years later, that, the statue of liberty, and the woman which thou sawest is the great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, America, that, America is the mother of false religions and sin, and he saw, 3 cars smoking, change your oil, that, they are building and planting in America and judgement is hanging, hollie moody, do you accept the penalty for what you have done, uhm hum, judgment, faithful, read her message board, yahoo, and hollie, that, pray as your drive, your wanted right here said stan Johnson, not, and he saw an alter, pray thru stan first, not, if they won't repent at dumitru's preaching then they won't repent at prophets preaching, prophesying , visions, while, right, there, and the tap dancers said, Im sexy and born again, not, you are, an animal with a soul inside, your soul and Jesus, call it, animal, prophet falls asleep while praying, wakes up, and keeps praying, sometimes, on his, knees, dreams, visions, of, the, night, record, and he saw, a woman, mrs. luster or pastor mcgovern, the same, and she said, when America goes to war with china, this is when Moscow will lead an all out attack, those two look just alike, he doesnt know which, is that all you want said the angel of the Lord, visions and dreams, and, witnessing, thats all you are called for, that, no mustang, the other one is better, Im young and beautiful but I will not get saved, your life was wasted, hell, and you had much contact with the prophet, she was, interested in, whoever, we want china, many, in, America, say, but, china, is, part of, the, ram, with, Moscow, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, pray, and he saw, florida, explode, it will burn, and both coasts from Russian submarines, the day of the Lord, and hollie pointed, darn it, nope, reality, watch out, and the Lord is inspecting the car, it will not last long, about, 200,000 more miles, you can get it for, 500 and sell it for that, buy it, dumitru dudman was like an angel said hollie, but America slowed him a little, its easier, there ain't nothing wrong said hollie, whatta you want, redeem the time, the economies of the world are shutting down, from, high, fuel, and, the, arabs, are, Persia, and they will, bring, judgment, on themselves, they do not need, half, of, what they are getting, sheryl ann simmons is cut off, no signs.
(6)the end times revelation-visions received 5-22-23-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: the israeli leader, wants, bush, to, get out of, the middle east, persia, because, threats, I have loved you with an everlasting love, but you have turned away upci, you know, the truth, but do not do it, you are now cut off, all of you, at upci, lets pray, Im not, you better, that car was, a, collectors item to some, but not to prophet, 1500, would not get it, they did know, but, money first, out, when, the united states goes to war with china, then, Moscow will lead an all out attack on, and hollie tore up the contract, America, and hollie pointed, time is running out, witness, that was hollie, tearing up the contract, and pointing, lighted, when china goes to war with the united states, and hollie tore up the contract, then, that is when, no more salvation, time, is up, the trumpet is blown, the people know, the gentiles, time, is, now, over, and are waiting, for Jesus to, receive them, and all those, that knew, and are, afraid, then, they will know dumitru and this prophet told what God, and hollie pointed, showed them, that is MATTHEW 24, immediately after the tribulation of those days, shall the sun be darkend and the moon shall not give her light, that is, the taking out of America, read it, the other tribulation in ST. MATTHEW 24, and hollie pointed, race fans, welcome to indy, is what the banner said, abomination, the indy 500, is when the beast in control, how far do you think America and china are away from war, bush is threatening over Taiwan, and he saw bush, behind the scenes, and even threatened, to, defend, Taiwan, openly, they want that, as a, base, and hu knows it, America can take china and Moscow easy, but, they will take America by surprise, how is, sheshac taken, the hammer of the whole earth, by, surprise, so when America goes to war with china, thats when, you will be in one polace or the other real soon said hollie, and the tap dancers said, thats the day of the Lord, and hollie was one of them, dressed sexy, when Moscow hits Alaska, the Americans will, not know, but, the felt something, the earth reeling, to and fro, a little bit, America will not know, who did it, submarine, but, Russia is the one, that has, and now china, that will be, their mistake, then, orders will go to American submarine commanders, and they will fire on Moscow and china, hillary Clinton will order because she knew about ministryofdreams, prophet is overwhelmed, the united states government already knows, because, secrets are being revealed, and prophet will say, to all of America, serve Jesus, or, perish, pray with me they will say, but, what that really means, just come to my church and die, no anointing, stripped, who cares, said hollie, its between you and Jesus, it doesnt matter if nobody cares, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, and hollie tore up the contrast, EZEKIEL 9, 8, 7, fulfilled, the destruction to the Palestinian state, iraq war, nuclear, read it, oil man bush brought it in, to break oil contracts, with Moscow and iraq, iran and Syria next, prophet is getting scared, are, you, America has nuclear weapons in iraq right now called submarines, the excuse to be there, the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the tap dancers said, post the vision, and he saw 4 horns, rise, out of the ruins of china and Moscow, magog, the new world order, north and south korea, and, japan, and, china, where all those lands, are, pastor leon baker is cut off, no signs, put my pastor on the information highway, he is, a joke, and we know it, but, thats what we want, and hollie tore up the contrast, California is, under attack, and captain hollie came up, in her submarine, fire, after looking with her binoculars, trouble in the middle east, Persia, and the 3 kings that rose are, the new world order, represented by, the king of the east, false prophet hu, the king of grecia, represented by the pope, thats satan, and the third king is, satan, when the pope gets slashed, in the popes body, in his esate, prophet knew it, but, could not put it together is stunned, let me set up a watchman in tekoa, what does he see, a chariot with hu at the reings, and the pope sitting, they will, the ram, the hegoat is, china and putin, the ram with the pope, the horn that came up last, was, china, and God led bob to find a garbage bag with many dead fish, thats what the pastors are doing, killing people and throwing them away, and bob angered a little, uto, and the fish tore up his, con, life, a fish knows, when it gets hooked, that it is done, when duke beat Kentucky on that last second shot, Christian lattner, the ball, went thru the hoop after time expired, Kentucky really one but, Michigan would have beaten Kentucky, in the final, when Michigan fired lute olsen, then, bill friedmen one the national championship, right when the playoffs began, lute wouldve gotten them to win to, they were best, lute was bitter, it cost him, he knew to shut his mouth and they could win, sometimes shutting your mouth is best, come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest, my burden is easy, and my yoke is light, when America hit iraq, the spirit of the medes was raised up, now the world hates bush, that was hollie tearing up the contract, Alaska, and he saw Alaska, explode, it will, from Russian submarines, like gene Schmidt saw, that was Jesus with his shower cap on, running, make a joyfull noise like the lighted hollie showed, clap, cause I wont pray said gene Schmidt, cut off, no signs, like, anne, Schmidt, like Michael boldea, and he saw Wisconsin, and hand of help come out of it, do not donate to them, they are, fallen, dumitru knew when he died they would, and hollie pointed, at the furnace, that was Jesus tearing up the contract with the shower cap on, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and the lighted finger pointed, and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, thats the choir pointed hollie, sleep upci they sang, they are drunk, wake up Kenneth haney, Horace smith, and Horace pointed with a lighted finger, and Jesus pointed, sex hundred and sixty six will be born at the table between false prophet hu and the pope, and hollie skinned, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie tore up the contrast, and captain hollie pointed and looked with her binoculars at the beaches of California, fire, and a missile took off, and she pointed, from her submarine, and hollie kissed the prophet and licked, and the lighted hand pointed, that was the gospel ship of light, no idle word, thats the biggest killer of Christians, and he saw the 2 hands holding, one burned, but when the bandages come off, divorce, almost always, they dont even visit any more, and the lighted finger pointed, happens everyday from car wrecks, that was 4 kings on satans head, like in fire, kim jong, the emporer of japan, hu, and, south koreas president, the new world order, hu will rise like a lamb with japan, and exercise all of, the power of the first beast, worship the pope he will say, with the image on his hand, 666 on his forehead, Massachusetts, and he saw it explode, from Russian submarines, and dee finney said, out, with freddy kruegers voice, she is a witch, ok, but, and hollie showed, how to put up the carnival ride, pavement, hire people, one piece at a time, tada, and hollie tore up the con, cious, that woman never got right with God, dont feel sorry for her, and she said, I want my vision on the information highway, you dont need to tell me, and hollie tore up the con, trast, and hollie threw away the salvation, thats what people are doing, trading, hamas is the Lords enemy, the philistines, and that was hollie tearing up the con, tract a different way, and paul mooney pointed, that young girl, will not repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and she knows, and is, about, 20 now, cut off, she was, knew the truth, but didnt do it, God cant give her forever, today is the day of salvation, right now, how often awesome said gene simmons, when paris hiltons sex tape came out, watch what you do, it could end up on the internet, paris didnt care, but, no money for it, I should have, looked, where I was, flying, said, the, dead, duck, and hollie tore up the contract, record the vision, hollie showed, russia is gitting prepared, to, strike, america, when you, least, expect, it, read and do ACTS 2:38, repent, and be, bap, tised, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve, the, gift, of the, Holy, Ghost, aman, check your oil on level ground showed the japanese emporer, and hollie took off running, and hollie tore up the con, cert, cops want to write tickets period, I like you, o.k., warning, hate, ticket, and kent gray tore up his conract, he read the book, thru the fire without burning, and heard, the prophets testimony, and came against him, openly, now, he will be, embarrased, in, the, open, they will say, that is, the, pastor, but, we are stuck, with, anointed, less, kent r. gray, cut off, no signs, established is what reverend spall, said, about, his church, antioch, the apostolic church, but, spall was, cut, off, they know, 5-2009-hollie showed record, thats, beast, arose, said hollie, bob, buys, purchases, a, lap, top, thats, said hollie, doreen marie hoge, said, hollie, and Jesus, told, it was uh dream, said hollie dream, told, bob, purchase, said God, thats doreen marie, its hoge, said hollie, looking at visions, close ministry of dreams said doreen hoge, but wont, thats, said hollie, doctor, rev. jeremy taylor u.u., said hollie, bobby, its, said hollie, ministry of dreams, you took, hollie said, thats the taylors sitting, yeah I know, both said, thats kathy taylor m.a., getting angry, over, but, they release ruint like their reverend antonia vladimirova, of, dreams world, said hollie, thats sofia bar association attorney antonia vladimirova, its in the guestbook, she said, bob signs dreams foundation, guestbook, JEsus, showed, cut off, thats, dreams foundation, cause, blasphemy, thats rev. antonia vladimirova pocketing, lots, off, dreams foundation, she acts, said hollie, bobby, they are all cut off, saith the LOrd, that, we take said kim davis, yes, shook diana hughey, ministry of dreams, call it, said JEsus, ministry of dreams, I spoke, God, said, they steal, said hollie, bob, buys, laptop, now, hear the word of the Lord, Jesus showed, leave it alone, said hollie, or, get, ruint, 5-22-2009-I want, said Jesus, all, to, repent, and be baptized in my name, said Jesus, its, Jesus Christ, like the Word, says, im, Christ, and Jesus, the man God, but, they at most churches baptize in Just, Jesus, name, thats, wrong, said Jesus, showed, cut off, thats, dr. grant, said hollie, its, horace, meeting bob, horace smith, they dont talk, leave it alone, said hollie, its, closin, she said, out, the world, MINISTRY of DREAMS, spoken By Jesus, ill ruin you and make you run to release the name I spoke ministry of dreams, just watch, some of you devils have had the name ministry of dreams for years now tempting, but your time is coming, just watch, thats rev. antonia vladimirova, being, shown, visions, runs like her reverend dr. jeremy taylor, thats, new, Ministry of Dreams, website, man, said hollie, like, angel, man, bob, keep, hollie, said, its, laptop, tear up, put back, and fix it, hollie, said, rip, turn, snap fingers, now wait, said, hollie, nunt uuh, she said, thats, was babyfleas, shes, now, the new ministering spirit, shes pool, said hollie, sandy, hollie said, you knew, thats sandy pool showing cut off, and her, reverend, lover, said, Jesus, john mark pool shaking, yes, I agree, said john pool, leave it alone, bobby, save, your, laptop, hollie, said, dont, use, batteries, they will last, hollie, said, thought, about, two years, but, after, eleven, full, charges, not very good, saith God, go, 6-2-2009-you need to let me record, said, hollie, its, Pat Ferrucci stealing prophecy ministry name, claiming, frank masso owns prophecy ministry, and, david reagan reads, they steal said, hollie, and, I summed it up, stamped, banged uh stick, up rose, the, pope, whatta you want, said, Jesus, thats david reagan, to be left alone, he said, but, you steal said, hollie, thats Pat Ferrucci, in the fire, joined david reagan, they are the children of dr. rev. jeremy taylor and his reverend antonia vladimirova, christians who steal ministry of dreams like kim davis of heart fire ministries and her pastor john mark pool, no, said, sandy pool, hollie, stamps, up, rises, pope, like light blob, theres hu hintao, stamped, hollie, there, she, said, hey now, smiled, hollie, that was the great sandy pool masterbating, squirting, with, dyed hair, and when john mark pool reads, I will, he said, stunned, and I summed it up, she, said, thats new Ministry of dreams website, with david reagan reading, thats, emporer of japan, hollie stamps, thats, she, said, your three kings that rise in persia, thats Pat Ferrucci being put out of his paper, the new haven register for stealing, taking the name said kim davis, prophecy ministry, you look scared, said, the bird, thats Pat Ferrucci reading visions, unemployed, looses a almost 40,000 dollars per year, job, said, gene, schmidt, for stealing, from christian and claiming another christian owned, Pat Ferruccis embarrased like d.min jeremy taylor u.u., said, antonia vladimirova, there they all are in hellfire that steal Ministry of dreams, thats, many like diana hughey, Aafke, all, hollie shows record, hollie stamps, up rises pope, thats, the, pontiff on horse, hollie laughs, she acted like pope going to russia, exploded, thats, david reagan of lion and lamb ministries reading visions, hollie stamps, he definatley lying, she said, thats david reagan showing cut off like greg titus, you took the name, hollie, said, david reagan shakes yes, he, says, remove, to website man, jeremy scared, said, bird, for stealin, bird, said, ministry of dreams, now kathy taylor has the jeremy taylor ordained unitarian universalist minister website, your scared said bird, thats richard wilkerson resigning from international study of dreams, cause he found out, that reverend jeremy taylor stole ministry of dreams, hollie stamps, hollie showed, record, eat, there, said, hollie, banged stick, up, rose, pontiff, riding black horse, russia exploded, hollie, laughs, pope, she said, appeared, in, like, drop, lighted, theres, hu, hollie, said, there I summed it up, both beasts she said, thats, hu hintao, riding, red, horse, taiwan exploded, thats, hu, on, red, horse, riding, china attacks washington state, that was nuclear fire in, said, hollie, indianapolis, and captain hollie, in, her submarine, its akula agin, hollie, said, fired, missiles, many, subs, all around, america, cnn broad casts, thats bob watching on t.v., knowing, then goes out side, he, loves, it, john mark pool afraid, thats many missiles flying, alaska exploded, theres one explosion in canada, then, many, showed, hollie, nuclear fires in america, world, shakes, thats, pope, in, dark smokey sky, hollie, turns, looks, thats many nuclear fires in russia, hollie stands by nuclear explosion in china, looking, serious, then laughing, whats my word, hollie, said, eat, let me, said, hollie, pointed, up, subs attacking, hollie shows, many nations exploding, thats, france, britain, boom, bob, said, hollie, look, thats, italy, and, australia, exploding, missiles from all, striking russia, thats hand coming out of the fire in great britain, pressing nuclear button, thats america exploding, and bill clinton ordering, thats many missiles leaving america, striking russia, world, shakes, thats, pope, coming, out, of, lighted, wind, jumping on black horse, russia exploded, hollie snaps, flatteries, he says, signs, gets arsenal, thats america striking china, with many missiles, china burns, cause, china, thats, taiwan, exploding, hollie showed, record, get oil, thats hollie oil, showing, thats leading to armageddon, thats, hollie, and two nuclear fires in iraq, and gaza, exploded, thats, bush, grunting, I made war, he, said, brought it in, looks, to breakem, steal our oil wells, he, said, case closed, hollie shows many nuclear fires in iraq, thats, captain hollie, surfacing, in, its, u.s.a. sub, fired missiles, gaza, destroyed, that was, big fire explosion, out came, let me, rule the world, said, putin, hollie showed, record, looked serious, then, laughed, stamped, up rose the four kings that rise in persia, who are they, said, hollie, theres, hu, hollie shows, hes, false prophet, pope, hes antichrist, hollie, shows, emporer of japan, thats, two horned beast, with, emporer of japan, and, hu, coming out, thats, them rising to withstand the pontiff, 666 being signed, thats, showed, hollie, u.s.a. economic collapse, thats army national guard in streets, hollie acts like gabriel, he flies, he arch, said, hollie, gets messages from God, gives, whispers to bob, hollie showed, thumbs up, geo metro, buy one, she said, hollie showed, g.m., closing, they, are, now, mostly owned by the government, heres what the american government will do, they, will, cast, out, all employees, and bring in new, hollie showed, record, wait, she said, showed, hollie showed, record, showed, g.m., its, now, over, government will eliminate, this is uh warning, said, hollie, tear up, snap fingers, click, heels, showed, tada, snap, write the vision, said, hollie, stamped, showed, g.m., closing, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, g.m., thats, president of g.m. and man from government, he, tells, grunts, get out, leaves, hollie flying in her spacecraft, like bear, fired, pointed, at the theives of Ministry of Dreams, all released before, lets rule the world, said, putin, that was hollie, in, her submarine, its akula agin, she said, fired, missiles, thats, many, countries, struck, she said, world shakes, showed fires in many nations and, hey, said, hollie, thats, rev., antonia vladimirova masterbating, squirting, from sofia bar association, this is uh warning, said, hollie, lets do, something, she, said, hollie, wipes, lips, simb, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, put back, let me, restore, she, said, rip, hollie, tap danced, hollie tore up, like uh bear, showed, pope, laughed, that, was, said, hollie, dream, said, hollie dream, gas, 3.34, please allow me, said, hollie, and, I, summed it up, she said, showed, the seraphin flying in the house filled with train, hollie, said, the glory of the Lord, at, showed, hollie, zion tabernacle apostolic faith church, thats, rubbed chin hollie, geese on sign, and, joseph farris laughs, thats seraphin looking at thomas griffith teaching about, hollie looks, satan, he, thats, stamped, hollie, rebellion, hes not wanting his job, hides, in, his room, said, hollie, and, Jesus, thats, Jesus casting, out, devil, hollie tore up, with hands, put back, tear, 6-5-2009-hollie showed the motes, its reverend Roskco and Lady Diana Motes, they, be witchs, hollie, said, thats pope riding black horse, thats russia exploding, thats hu hintao riding red horse, thats boris yeltsin and hintao, showed, hollie, planning out nuclear destruction, you, said, yeltsin, hu shakes yes, thats, hollie, riding, yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats, hu, on, red horse, turning, attacking washington state, thats grim reaper on grizzled horse, collecting dead souls, thats many souls flying from earth, hollie showed, record, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft Ministry of Dreams, she said, hollie whistles, stamps, beast rises, thats reverend motes showed cut off, hes, thats, motes, pocketing lucre, said, mrs. motes, let me record, said, hollie, stamped, showed, thats hollie, rolling up sleeves, showed, fighting, its, the, pope, and hu, its, new world order, thats, hollie, on, top, of, that, o, red, and black chariot, pulled, by angry horses, thats, hollie, jumping inside, sees, putin, with three ribs in mouth, showed, ocean, where cuba, nicaragua, mexico are, thats two russian submarines, approaching mexico, with, two, captain hollies, then, fired, thats, missiles, coming both ways, thats massive nuclear explosion, in, cuba, nicaragua, exploded, thats, america, exploding, along both coasts, and along gulf of mexico, hey, bobby, ill, place it, there, said, hollie, nuclear explosions along, mexico and latin america, hollie, looks thru horn, out hollie, like little lighted head, pointing, thats two nuclear fires in, venezuela, and brazil, hollie looks other way, hollie out of megaphone, sees, america, burning, thats, sixth seal opening, Jesus, appearing, im, Christ, he, said, thats america burning, sun, moon, blocked out, what is the sun and moons word, said, hollie, were comfounded, abased, they said, winked, then laughed, thats Jesus, sprinkling, and bear arising, Jesus, tells, arise, devour much flesh, thats, russia, attacking, hollie, shows, globe, like, weather sattelite, thats nuclear explosions in n.a.t.o. countries, and missiles, from all striking russia, hollie shows, many, fires, thats, hollie, by nuclear fire, in, china, looking, serious, then, laughing, and, captain hollie surfaces in three ohio class subs, they shower, china, with thermo nukes, said, hollie, and hu rides red horse, theres, pontiff in dark smokey sky, then, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol, pope, appears, thats, pope riding black horse, russia exploded, flatter, he said, signs, drive them outta there, he, said, thats, hollie showed, russia nuking china, after china invades, destroyed russia, thats nuclear fires in both countries, then, thats two horned beast rising with hu, japan, coming out of horns, thats, them at table, signing, 666, its peace treaty, words, appeared, thats them at table, lying, laughing, then leaving, I am God, said, pope, thats, hegoat with pope in middle, ram with putin, hu, coming out, thats, hegoat stomping ram, thats pope in israel, hu, thats, china, nuking, russia, hollie saw, fire, cloud of soldiers invade russia, force russia to invade israel, thats hu slashing pope, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, egypt explodes, jordan, syria, burn, thats, putin, wiping lips, presses nuclear button, israel exploded, thats Christ placing beast, false prophet hu in fire, thats Jesus, pointed, hollie, standing on mountain, hollie looks, what are these my Jesus, said, hollie, holes in hands, you, said, Jesus, his face comes out of, thats, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, its golden head, pope appears, thats, pointed, hollie, body, thats, hollie leopard laughing, thats, showed, hollie, hu hintao, north, south, korea, japan, thats ten toes, hollie looks, ten russian kings, as toenails, thats, putin, kneeling before pope coming out of medvedevs horn, let me, he, said, hollie put back, rip, rule the world, pointed, putin, alright, said, pope, hollie screamed, whats my message, said, hollie, stamped, and, pope arose, kim jong, said, angel, thats, kim jong with nuclear button, pressed, thats, missiles striking, south korea, china, russia, thats, putin, pointed, lighted, finger, pressing, nuclear button, thats, north korea exploding, thats, captain hollie in american submarine, firing, hollie watchs, north korea exploded, thats, putin, and medvedev, if you do, said, vladimir, medvedev shoots, kills, presses nuclear button, thats world, many nations burning, hollie showed, record, showed, post, on which website, said, hollie, thats new ministry of dreams website, blue, with teeth, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, stamped, hollie showed, record, stamped, hollie, played the music, said, hollie, you didnt want me, hollie said, thats, hollie lowered on rope, gabriel flies copter, california exploded, thats nuclear fires in both american coasts, and up the middle, america burns, hollie showed, record, tear up, hollie, snaps, fingers, clickes, heels, turns silhouette, tada, opened it up, she said, pontiff, appears, crowd, said, hollie, tap dancing, loose belt sorrow, said, hollie, hollie screamed, hollie surfaced in her submarine, fired missiles, and, look, who it, struck, hollie said, france, nicaragua, boom, that, was, man, standing on race track, during rain, at night, titanic 50/50, hollie showed, record, stamped, up rose, beast, hollie showed, record, its caveman, its geico insurance, hollie showed, record, 6-10-2009-hi Th�o soir�ce, theo soirace, snygman, why did you steal and alter ministry of dreams to ministry of dream to change later to ruin Gods child, now hear the word of the LOrd, you will remove it, and be ruint and openly mocked, this will come on net and your own dad will be ashamed of you, saith God, heres the proof, its, on now, before you even look, so, remove and be ruint anyhow, for taking the name I spoke and created ministry of dreams and you knew not to, like your reverend, dr. witch, jeremy taylor d.min an ordained unitarian universalist minister working for wisdom university and rev. jeremy taylor sees wisdom university closing but will stay even when he knows to leave for stealing ministry of dreams and writing and calling ministry above copyrights and now dr. jeremy taylor's mom kathy taylor has ministry of dreams, they are witchs like you Th�o, soir�ce, snygman, saith the Lord, thats bobby my servant in whom I created ministry of dreams for after prayer posting this on his site, and on more, hollie showed record, tell me why om tap dancing, she said, bobby, go, pointed, hollie, hey bobby, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, go to top, and let me restore, hollie, said, rip, but thats not the right way, said, hollie, then the second beast appeared, and, who, said, hollie, its, hu, she, said, tear up, and let me restore, hollie, said, thats, whole new world order, in, picture, thats mexico, lula, chavez, castrol, nicaragua, kim jong, putin, hu, presidents, then all appeared in cart, MYSTERY, BABYLON the great is fallen, man, said, please hit america said false prophet hu hintao, thats america exploding, thats, hu, and, yeltsin, planning out strike, hey ill give you the land, yeltsin, said, thats, hu, hintao riding red horse, thats taiwan burning, hollie, rides yellow missile, thats red horse being, turned, hu, attacks america, thats it, said, hollie, dressed like warrior, saw the beast with seven heads and ten horns, image, thats golden head, pope pops out, thats hollie leopard, happy, the dog, said, hollie, warm, but, sleepy, thats magog, showed hollie leopard, thats false prophet hu, she said, north, south, korea, japan, there, you have it, said, hollie, and hollie snaps fingers with silhouette body, thats ten toes with russian rulers, faces, kings, its, said, hollie, ruling, party, thats putin, medvedev, its, they walked out, thats pope in medvedevs horn, thats, girl, jogging, hollie, shows, bobby, dont lust, her, let me rule the world, said, putin, that king that appeared, pointed, putin, its, Jesus, coming, thats 666, said, hollie, thats pope, she said, at, table, with, thats hu, japan, coming out of horns, rise and lets withstand the pope, said, hu hintao, thats, them signing, 666, thats hegoat with pope and ram horns, thats ram with putin, hu, coming, out of horns, thats hollie, showed, rolled up sleeves, many nuclear fires in russia, china, its, then, said, hollie, they sign the mark treaty, 666, appears, hollie watches, thats pope sitting in temple in rome, grunts, I am God, he, said, laughed, hollie, thats, him in israel, hu, hintao, says, lets unite and force, thats nuclear explosion in russia, and like cloud of people invading russia, forcing russia to invade china, thats, hu, slashing, pontiff, thats, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, egypt explodes, syria, boom, said, hollie, thats, jordan with two, thats, Christ placing hu and pope in fire, saw, pope, miserable, hollie showed, picture, pope, riding black horse, russia exploded, thats him signing, flatteries, he said, gets control, hollie showed, record, showed, git, bar, fix, this is a warning, said, hollie, thats hollie posting on laptop, hollie showed titanic, sinking, its bruce ismay talking with captain smith, speed is what I want, bruce ismay, said, lookout saw iceberg about 3 minutes before impact, thats one ringing bell, if when they heard, turn, hollie said, missed iceberg, it was, eight seconds delay that made, thats titanic on ocean floor with many, hollie showed popes picture, walked, forward to the back, then, hu, hintao, appeared, both beasts, said, hollie, there you have it, she, said, hollie points, thats r.m.s. titanic sinking, hits iceberg, after ship hits iceberg, thats water, gushing thru knocked in and knocked out plates, thats, two knocked out plates, hollie saw, walked in, that, sank, titanic, seems, were stoppable, not two knocked out plates, there they are, said, hollie, still on ocean floor, not discovered yet, but, thats sub looking at, tune into churchill wont you sing, are you going to tell, sang woman, let me said hollie dream, smiles, smiled, winston churchill got germany into war with britain when germany would have not bothered, thats winston churchill, I wanted control, hollie showed, record, stamped, beast arose, pope, hollie showed, turn, hollie, out of megaphone, like little lighted head, thats, hollie, posting, 6-30-2009-pope, said, hollie, let me show you uh picture, she, said, hollie, appears, smiles, models, I did not have the popes mouth, she said, being interviewed, put hand on bible, there, they are, hollie, said, thats, new world order, tap dancing, thats, red dragon rising, hollie appears, give it two days, she said, thats world prophecy center website, appearing, showing, name, world prophecy center, Im made up, worldprophecycenter website said, dont steal or I, he said, ruin, hollie flying, spacesaucer, she said, look who you hit, hollie, said, thats, sarah pali and corey lee, yoo, is really Jenny Donati, who lied and claimed to be, being fired upon, they stole Ministry Of Dreams, and tish got hit, hollie, said, appeared, thats, paliban dailys children releasing what they stole, ministryofdreams, now were openly mocked said sarah pali, hollie, showed, I dont want it, no more, she, said, MINIstry of DREams, after people steal it, said, hollie, get exposed, thats, Jesus, showing spiritual warfare, words, said, hollie, appeared, exposing wickedness, bringing it to nought, hollie, laughs, with lighted eyes, hollie, showed, record, thats, beast, rising, its, pope, the beast, said, hollie, pope appears, hollie shows, with, seven heads, and ten horns, and, who are they, said, hollie, thats, hugo chavez, coming out, lula, castrol, nicaragua, mexico, kim jong, hollie, said, putin, hu, there you have it, said, hollie, showed, ten horns, theres, popes face in medvedevs horn, kneeling, let me rule the world, out walks ten russian rulers, o brother, said, hollie, its, boyd carson of boyd carson ministries, he, wants money, thats, him, showing broke, but not Holy Ghost baptized, sodom said, hollie, thats, said, hollie, from high in sky, looking, down, at, dead sea, fire falls from sky, burns, then, turns, into, sodom, now wait said hollie, that, was, backwards, thats, nuclear fireball appearing in indianapolis, hollie, claps, snaps fingers, hollie showed, record, pope, arose, hollie stamps, thats pontiff, riding black horse, russia exploded, thats, pope, signing, getting, control, of, russia, hollie, showed, record, stamps, there, she said, hollie leopard laughs, thats, she, showed, north korea, theres, kim jong, hollie, said, stamped, with, stick, china, japan, south korea, kings, it appeared, said, hollie, laughed, take me off of there, said, hollie, thats what the thieves of Ministry of Dreams are saying, all offended cause God exposed them, hollie showed, record, stamped, there, she said, beast rose, rides, black horse, smiles, theres, man, said, hollie, its, tear up, I need to record, said, hollie, banged, she said, stamped, with uh stick, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now look, she, said, hollie, surfaced, in, his, sub, its akula again, said, hollie, fired, missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, thats Jesus sprinkling, thats bear, go and do it, said, the Lord, thats, nuclear, n.a.t.o. nations exploding, thats missiles from all striking russia, world shakes, thats popes, face in dark smokey sky, thats sun, moon, being blocked, out, thats moon placing hand on bible, laughing, I aint, moon, said, what is my moons message, said, hollie, what do you want, with your detail, said, moon, those ten horns are ten kings out of one nation, those are ten ruling kings, said, Jesus, hollie, shows, with, big, lighted hand, thats, hollie, for, interview, he told me to use uh big hand, hollie, said, hugged Jesus, turn, said, hollie, like, bear, showed, again, with, big hand, then had lighted bear paws, tear up, hollie, snaps fingers, showed, silhouette body, hollie shows picture, its, pope, then, whole new world order, appears, there, pointed, hollie, with, glove, on, that o red and black chariot, with, the, smiling, pope, and, hu, pulled by angry horses, hollie, on, top, jumps in back, sees putin, with, three ribs on mouth, hollie, sees nations appear, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, on ribs, thats russian subs, hollie watches like big o hollie, approach mexico, then, fire, bobby, go, said, hollie, go, hollie, said, nuclear missiles, america exploded, thats, missile defence getting some, thats missiles from america, striking cuba, pointed, hollie, nuclear fire, thats, nicaragua exploding, theres nuclear fires in brazil, and, venezuela, hollie places nuclear fires in mexico, and latin america, thats missiles leaving u.s.a. striking russia, thats, smoke going up, russia burns, thats phil pringle, like the potato chip said, hollie, ate pringles, excellent, hey said, hey said, hollie, thats the Father instead of pringle man, thats phil pringle, pocketing, lute said phil pringle, yes shook joseph pringle, phil pringle showed cut off, its never saved, said, hollie, both, thats, both, pringles, its the lake said, hollie, there both pringles are in lava, hollie, showed, thumbs down, its joseph prince there in hellfire, hes not saved, said, hollie, thats leave it alone, saleem, said, hollie, its, him, she said, phil pringle, hollie, said, hes, showed, cut off, his red smiling face, captain smith appears, hollie, shows, with, big hand, when ya hit, she said, thats e.j., smith, looking at iceberg, after, thought, were doomed, its, his, fault, this the website, lets post more, said, lighted, head, man, thats pope, like man, trying to kill hollie, thats, the reason, said, hollie, hide people in the people, like rick french trying to force God, thats Jesus inside bob out of calvary tabernacle, hollie, showed, record, showed, batteries, replace, thats, her, said, hollie, its, hollie, like bear, that, said, hollie, is, putin, submarine right there, said, hollie, and, captain hollie, surfaces, waves, its, akula, agin, said, hollie, put back, tear, up, fixed, thats, hollie like bear, surfacing, its akula agin, said, hollie, fired missiles, thats, gaza, burning, thats, barack obama, press, he said, israel nukes iraq, thats, hollie showed, many nuclear fires in iraq, hollie screams, call the police sang the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, its you, he said, pointed at dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min stealing ministry of dreams like child tish, Jenny Donati, yoo, and jean poole of paliban daily, thats zenith allegro speaker with eyes, Jesus appears, they couldnt be beat, hollie like beautiful cat showed, meerkat, and what did I say, said, meerkat, hollie shows, its uh crosley dolby pro logic home theater cp70, its powerful, said, hollie puts out, hollie, looks at power meters, about, almost, 150 per channel at 20 to 20,000 hz, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie, with, nice hair, this is the website, lets post, hollie, said, 7-1-2009-hollie, shows, the, end, time, book, its, call it ministry of dreams, she said, speaking, thats, Jesus, telling, christian, call it ministryofdreams, bob, owns, and, people, you steal it, said, hollie, showed, cut off, its over, taking, the name, hollie, said, I didnt, said, jean p., of paliban daily, but, you purchased, hollie, said, thats, jean, poole of paliban daily, who is jean pali, purchasing, ministry of dreams, dot, org, for, her, daughter, thats, jenny donati, mocking, bob, claiming, he, posted, but, didnt, even, lying, saying, its, christian, me, she said, but, put, someone, elses, name, in, her, names, place, to, ruin, her, like, she, will be, just, watch, saith, God, thats, their, reverend, its mike daniels, saying, ignore, thats, jenny of the paliban daily writing pastor mike daniels of the paliban daily, im being cyber stalked, o just ignore, but, mike daniels, knows, you stole, said, hollie, thats jean p., the p-mom, the palibanmother, the paliban mom, hiding, show, their employers, saith God, thats woman, where jenny donati works, hey, look, she said, what, youve, done, im showing, dont, said, jenny donati, I purcahsed it, but you mocked and wanted to steal to ruin, christian, you never, met, thats woman, showing, jenny, donati's, boss, fire, he, does, thats, unemployed, jenny donati, regreting, removing, her, website, with, the stolen God spoken protected name ministry of dreams and removing and releasing passwords to bob, but, Jesus, I wont let, bob, take, just, change, 7-2-2009-hollie showed, the, pope, tear up, put back, look, pointed, hollie, with, lighted, hand, its submarine, he surfaced, in, what, kind of submarine was my hollie in, said, hollie, its akula agin, you know hollie, said, fired, missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. nations exploding, hollie shows france, showed, the word, fires, coming up, there goes italy, exploding, pope blew, kicked, out, with, uh, foot, said, hollie, thats, pope, being, interviewed, placed hand on bible, im him, he said, antichrist, hollie, didnt, show, record, talk, she, said, thats it, said, hollie, its, she said, the, o red and black chariot, pulled, by, angry, horses, pope, hollie, said, showed, picture, tear up, hollie snaps fingers, shows silhouette body, with, red, hollie checks with Jesus, its spine, she said, no, said, hollie, im not ashamed, thats, angry, red, and, black, horses, pulling that, o red and back chariot, with the pope and hu, its, new, world order, hollie, said, thats, it, inside, hollie, said, pointed, saw putin with three ribs in his mouth, thats, cuba, appearing, on, hollie, said, clapped, hands, nicaragua, thats big nuclear fire in cuba, nicaragua burned, hey Ill place it there, said, hollie, mexico, appeared, on, third rib, thats nuclear fires, look there pointed, hollie, in, mexico, and, latin america, theres, two in, venezuela, brazil burns, thats missiles leaving their waters, striking america, exploded, missiles from america shower them, countries, hollie showed, record, laughed, hollie, showed, record, showed, pt cruiser with a 2.4 turbo, high output, it spun front tires, hollie, being interviewed, you did not want me, said, hollie, hollie, showed, hegoat, thats, pointed, hollie, there, its, pope with ram horns, theres, ram, with, putin, hu, coming, out, of, its, horns, thats, hegoat, smiting ram, thats, hollie showed, in, robe, many nuclear fires, in, russia, china, thats, pontiff, riding black horse, into, russia, exploded, thats, it, its from n.a.t.o. said, hollie, many nuclear fires, in, russia, thats pontiff signing, getting control, drive them outta there, he said, thats chinese invading much of oil rich destroyed russia, then they nuke, thats, hollie, and, pope, at table, thats, two horned, beast, with japan, and hu coming out of horns, thats, rise and withstand the pope, said, false prophet, hu, thats, them three at table, 666, appears, its born, said, hollie, thats them lying, laughing, threatening, leaving, going back to their own countries, thats, pontiff in rome sitting in temple, I am God, he said, thats, him being laughed, at, thats, pontiff is israel, thats, china, lets unite and force, many nations join china, russia exploded, thats cloud of people invading russia, and forcing, russians to invade israel, thats false prophet hu slashing pope, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats egypt, jordan, syria, exploding, hollie watches, there, she, said, thats, missile coming up from russia, striking israel, thats Christ placing pope and hu in fire, thats, Jesus, like angel man, on mountain, hollie, looks, thats holes in your hands, said, hollie, Jesus, says, you need to record it, said, hollie, post, appears, hollie, showed, popes image, made, alive, on, cell phone, she said, take, it, said, pope, thats, the mark, being signed for, at, table, 666, between, pope, hu, and japan, thats, 666 being tattood on forehead, thats, 666 on arm, thats little popes face, on, finger, what was my popes image message, said, hollie, take the mark, popes image, said, hollie shows pope like angel on black horse, gitty up, hollie points, nuclear fire indianapolis, its like fireball, hollie shows, thats, russian submarines all around u.s.a., one fires, hollie watching, its on cnn, said, hollie, then, all, fired, hollie rolls on side, america, exploded, hollie screamed, pope, said, hollie, im, the, beast, he, said, showed, seven heads, kings, popped out, theres lula, chavez, kim jong, thats, kim jong pressing nuclear button, with fires in china, south korea, russia, thats missiles russia and u.s.a. sub, north korea exploded, theres, mexico, nicaragua, kings, hu hintao, thats, castrol and, putin, hollie shows ten horns, thats, kings, faces, in, russian, they walk out, let me rule the world, said, putin, thats, medvedev, with pope, in, his horn, kneeling, pope shakes, yes, hollie shows globe, thats Jesus sprinkling, bear arising, hollie shows nuclear n.a.t.o. nations burning, hey, said, hollie, theres nuclear fire in canada and jet flying down center of america, exploded, world shakes, up rises, pope, hollie snaps fingers, stomps, again, shows, fighting, its the new world order, thats hu hintao in cart with eight kings, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT IS FALLEN SAID, MAN, theres those kings, putin, lula, chavez, castrol, kim jong, mexico, nicaragua, in cart, with hintao, there pope appears, out of putin, thats missile striking the u.s.a. said hollie, exploded, git me over, said, hollie, thats, what, the paliban wants to do, said, Jesus, thats, jenny donati and jean poole, hollie like bear tears up, put back, rip, from side, showed, work, hollie plays the music, said, hollie, and hollie put back, you dont want it, rip, thats paliban daily stealing ministry of dreams, thats, their reverend dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min steals ministry of dreams with paliban to ruin, like his wife kathy taylor has ministry of dreams now on her site, bobby, let me, said, hollie, record, she said, and, pope arose, hollie showed, hu hintao, there, she said, clapped, spun to side, front, showed, emporer of japan, slash, pope, there you have it, said, hollie, three kings in persia, hollie showed, record, stamped, pope, arose, stamped again, hu hintao, there, you have it said hollie, showed, both beasts, bob, you need to get postin, said, hollie, and hollie tap dances, shows, both beasts, theres, hu hintao, she said, hes false prophet, pope, hes, sh, be quiet, said, hollie, antichrist, hollie showed, record, hollie, lighted, showed, the beast, with, seven heads, ten horns, dreadful, ugly, hollie said, thats beast being interviewed, he made me said, beast, thats bob hugging, bob likes, said, hollie, thats beast licking prophet, shows on board, hollie claps, shows, sleep, let me said, hollie dream, smiled, hollie dream showed, popes picture, it appeared, it was uh dream, said, hollie, yeah, she, said, bob, said, pope rides, saw, his black horse to russia, hollie celebrates, gets control, on nuke arsenal, hu rides his red horse, hollie dream celebrates, smiles, let me said, hollie dream, smiled, showed, night vision, hey bobby, it was uh dream, hollie dream, said, thats, beast, dreadful, smiling, hollie said, post, Father appeared, like Light Man, shows ministry of dreams, I spoke it, dont steal, said, hollie, or, thats, and he saw, said, casey, angry, Jesus, appear, 7-2-3-2009-that was, hollie, said, hollie, carved, into, uh stick, said, hollie, whats my hollies word, said, hollie, thats, submarine, surfacing, with, captain, smith, it was you, said, hollie, you, sank, speed, said, captain, smith, it was, me, he said, bruce, wanted, record, he got, tease me, said, captain, smith, ill give you what you, want, I knew it would hit, edward john smith, thought, ha ha, he thought, when he found out, but, it sank, then, he, dreaded, cause, showed, cut off, theres captain smith of titanic in lava, hell with, said, hollie, its, jenny donati, of paliban daily, with, jean poole, both, witchs, said, Jesus, showed, cut off, its the paliban daily, hollie, said, witchs, she said, you stole, said, hollie, pointed, the God spoke ministry of dreams, both, said, hollie, hi palibanmom, why did you jean poole and jenny donati steal ministry of dreams when you both knew not to, you will both perish saith God, when you see this post reverend that owns, do not touch it, or your name with visions of you will appear on net and at your church, it feels like a body perfect size coming in, the Holy Ghost baptizm, jenny donati and jean poole both stole ministryofdreams to ruin christian, they are the palibanmom and palibano of the paliban daily, tell on them, do not remove pastor saith the Lord, or, your prayer request denied, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, witch, she said, pastor, Billy Reuben, hes, sawed, off, said, hollie, thats grecian formula 666, its pastor Billy-Reuben, saith, the Lord, said, Jesus, that was new beast, said, hollie, with, kings, coming, out, like, pope, hollie, said, hes, sh, she said, showed, thumbs, down, heres the word, show it, said, pastor, Billy Reuben, hes, not saved, but, pastoring, it was uh dream, said, hollie dream, showed, sh, its, night vision, she said, dont, tell, children, let them come to the Lord, then, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now, look, she said, surfaced, its akula agin, she said, fired, its, the paliban daily, witchs, said, hollie, its, jenny donati and jean poole, thats jean pali, look, said, hollie, you two witchs, stealing ministry of dreams, lying on site jenny d you little satan you like sarah palin, sarah pali, is that not jean poole, witches, release adn be ruint anyway, saith the Lord, we here at cnn love it when you claim to be saved and come against a christian, stealing his God spoken name, calling him retard, but, your lost, it feels like a body perfect size coming in, the Holy Ghost baptizm, neither of you two devils have nor will get, so, think jenny donati and jean poole, liars, claiming to be sarah palin, sarah pali, and you lost witch pastor mike daniels, o, just ignore, you are both on net till end of time, passwords to and be ruint ahyway ha ha, hows jean poole, type your names in google, are you bad now jenny d, are you being cyber stalked, you will both perish, thats release and be ruint anyway, tell jean poole her pastor wants to know why she speaks with tongues and no Holy Ghost like you jenny d., witch, you will both perish, I will start telling your critics soon what you have done, ha ha your own email details told on you like blue host did, you cant run, call the police, so I can post their email, pastor, you banned me and Holy Ghost baptizm feels like a body perfect size coming in, you dont have, you leave on posts cause jenny donati did steal ministry of dreams to ruin like you are wanting to offend right now, they are the paliban daily, thats jenny donati and jean poole purchased, it is God spoken, created and protected, if you stole Id sue you you devil cause you have something to loose, you are on net for being lost, thanks for stripping, you witch, pocket tithes, your money, but, in, hell fire, there, you are, you devil thats Billy Reuben in the lake of fire with dyed hair, you grecian formula 666 devil, watch Billy Reuben youth, young boys are what Billy Reuben wants, saith the Lord, thats Jesus posting this letter, look for it Billy Reuben, you lost devil, ha ha, take this board down and hide, but to late, theres young lady showing you, here are her exact words, you know what is on the internet, yeah, shook Billy Reuben, devil, hair dyer, bye, she said, takes, with, ha ha, saith the Lord, you witch, thats reverend Rev. Jim Osborne posting ministry of dreams, said, hollie, sh said Jim Osborne, im uh witch, he said, thats Jim Osborne dyeing his hair, standing in pulpit, thats woman showing, did you steal ministry of dreams, woman, said, no said Jim Osborne, sh shut up, he said, with dyed hair, its cause hes uh witch said hollie, its rev. Jim Osborne showing cut off, never, saved, but pretends, lies, thats Jim Osborne pocketing, its the lute said pastor Jim Osborne, put it under, said, hollie, thats, Landover Baptist Church, Forums going down, sh said, hollie, they are all witchs, jenny donati told me she was tish, shes a lying witch, its the paliban daily stealing the God spoken protected created birthed name ministry of dreams like thier lost witch hair dyer pastors, ezekiel, and Rev. Jim Osborne, and Billy Reuben, they are witchs, its jean poole and jenny donati stealing the God spoken protected christians ministry name like over 1500 have to ruin, ministry of dreams, i spoke, said, Jesus, after bob prayed, let jenny d. jean poole of the paliban daily lie to you all to trick, heres how you verify it, go to blue host and type in, she purchased it on may 5, 2009, to ruin christian, mocked him on her site, posted and claimed bob sent in post, they are lying, on blue host, the, come back like on details on email jenny donati who claims to be tish, and even, thats Jesus, pointing, she claimed to be yoo, thats, corey, lee, brackney, lied, but that was the line saith the Lord, that is when I showed bob where her name was cause the evil jenny d. of paliban daily wanted to ruin innocence, let jenny donati and jean poole who called christian a retard and blocked him, lie to landover baptist church forums, they are cut off witchs, and can not be saved, let them pollute this, its to late for you Billy Reuben and Jim Osborne, you loved this life you hair dyeing witchs, go ahead and block this account, but, to late, for all listed here saith the Lord, dont believe it, when I enter into a person, it feels like body perfect size coming in, now be mocked speaking with tongues but no Holy Ghost, saith the Lord, hollie tears up, from side, again, showed, write the vision, tore up, a fourth time, showed, tap dancing, its, hu, hollie, said, tore up, put back, but not all the way, said, hollie, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, hands, hollie surfaces, in, its new ohio class, said, hollie, submarine, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, simb, thats, hollies sub, firing two missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, showed, two nuclear fires in gaza, thats, hollie surfacing in israeli sub, two, fired missiles, thats, hollie, showed, iraq, burning, hollie claps, Jesus, sprinkles, bear, told, devour much flesh, thats, bear, changing into putin, hollie showed, put it on, world prophecy center, website, appears, Ezekiel Flint now hear the word of the Lord, thank you for protecting your paliban daily children jenny donati and jean poole and you knew they stole the God spoken protected created birthed name ministry of dreams, you can not be saved Ezekiel Flint, Holy Ghost baptizm feels like a body perfect size coming in, thats me Jesus laughing at your tears, Ezekiel Flint, you witch, said, hollie, protect liar tish is who jenny d. claimed to be, but, lied, its ezekiel bathfire, said, hollie, sh, she said, hes uh witch, hollie, said, appears, so does end time prophet ministry website, thats ministry of dreams website, three, hollie, showed, one with teeth, thats france, hollie, shows, exploding, missiles from france strike russia, theres two nuclear fireballs, then italy exploded, thats fifteen intercontinental missiles from italy striking russia, there, just exploded, thats, australia, and great britain, missiles from both, striking russia, thats, hand coming out of fire, look, pointed, hollie, in, great britain, thats, america exploding, theres one in canada, bobby, that website is sacred, they will not keep that, name, said, hollie, call it, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, I spoke it, said, Jesus, steal, and ill ruin, said, Jesus, thats, hollie, carved into, stick, you know me, said, hollie, licked, prophet, smiled, stamped, banged with uh stick, both beasts, arose, theres hu hollie said, showed, fighting, stamped, pope arose, hes antichrist, hollie, said, sh, dont tell, hollie, said, hollie carved into stick, hey, he said, theyve blown, said, Jesus, its the paliban daily, God, said, stealing what I spoke, said, Jesus, ministryofdreams, like their reverends dr. jeremy taylor d.min (hon) and antonia vladimirova and thier m.a. kathy taylor, steal, said, hollie, get ruint, thats ministry of dreams on the beep said many hollies, tap dancing, there they are being interviews, like same, twins, one said, he told me, one said, looked the same, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, showed, im, away, with hands, but shook, yes, write the vision, said, hollie, pointed, go, mokse, said, hollie, placed on top of new wineskin ministries, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im away with it, turned around, snapped fingers, again, tada, that was sun and moon being darkened, it appeared said, hollie, showed, fight, sixth seal opened, thats sun and moon being interviewed, no were not ashamed sun said, moon showed no, he told me said moon, showed, be quiet, thats smoke from america burning going up into sky, hollie showed, book, write the vision, hollie said, pope arose, hollie stamps, thats, hollie rolled up sleeves, why did she do it for, said, hollie, showed, war, said, hu hintao, that, was, hollie riding yellow missile, taiwan burned, hu hintao turned red horse, lets attack washington state, hu hintao, said, thats hollie pointed, little war going on, thats, hollie, in, the, fire, showed, fighting, let me, said, hollie, record, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, clapped, look, said, hollie, showed, hu hintaos picture, tear up, put back, hollie smiles, look, said, hollie, showed, hugo chavez, picture, lula, its the new world order hollie says, you want more, said, hollie, lowered on rope, copter, flown by gabriel, thats nuclear fireball in cuba, missiles going over striking venezuela, brazil, look said, hollie, exploded, thats medvedev and castrol signing, theres nicaragua shaking, yes, kim jong, I like it he said, lets sign a deal said medvedev, look said hollie, its jenny donati of paliban daily releasing to bob, look, said, hollie, thats jean poole making jenny donati move out, said hollie, its jean poole purchasing, look, said hollie, tore up, snap, fingers, click heels, that was fix it, rip, said, hollie, and Jesus, look, said, hollie, tap dances, git out said hollie in the fire, hollie shows record, beast arose, hollie moved best buy store stuff to new location, nine seconds, its in indianapolis hollie said, showed best buy closing, you want walmarts customers said hollie, thats best buy store laughing, thats hollie, with coat on feeding animals, hollie lowered on rope, helicopter flown by angel, california below exploded, thats subs all around u.s.a., hollie watches on cnn, thats radio towers, broadcasting, I told ya said henry gruver, one sub fires, then all, america exploded, hollie showed, u.s.s. yorktown, it sank, she said, scrap it, she said, it, was, beyond, repair, cause, hit to many times, they let, sink, but, there it is, still on the bottom, its still seaworthy now, but rusting, thats hollie, spacecraft landed on wisdom university, you stole ministry of dreams, I know said dr. jeremy taylor with kathy taylors voice, spacecraft fired, thats rev. jeremy taylor being fired from wisdom university, you didnt know he was uh witch, said hollie, thats students from wisdom university, we thought he was ordained, thats jeremy taylor d.min working for starr king school for the ministry and g.t.u., christian ministries, stealing ministry of dreams to ruin a christian, thats ph.d. jeremy taylor m.a. ruint, 7-4-2009-its jim, said, hollie, pointed, at, rev. jim osborne, you take it, hollie said, ministry of dreams, no I didnt, said jim osborne, you claim to be uh pastor, thats reverend jim osborne with dyed hair, witch, said, Jesus, hollie screamed, again, hollie showed, record, look at that, said, hollie, thats, pope, rising, thats, pontiff, riding, black, horse, into russia, exploded, thats submarines, said, hollie, in, oceans, with, captain, hollie, all, firing missiles, dont want to waste it, said, the tap dancer, hollie, go to infozone clapped the tap dancers, hollie, hollie showed, record, pope, she said, hollie, stamped, theres, hu hintao, hollie tap dances, stamped, out emporer of japan, slashed, said, hollie, idol pope, there you have it, said, hollie, showed, three kings rising in persia, hollie appears, smiles, hollie showed, no, money, that, he, said, appeared, hollie, showed, hollies image made alive, on, television screen, in, tap recorder, changed into antichrist pope, take it, he said, 666, there, pointed, hollie, being tattood on the forehead of hair dyer jim osborne, on the arm of Billy Reuben, theres pastor ezekiel, with, popes image, tattood on finger, hollie, showed, there you have it, she, said, witchs, they are the children of sarah pali who is jean p. and jenny donati of paliban daily with aliases, said, hollie, like sarah pali, jean pali, jean poole, jenny d., chakra rainbow, yoo, corey lee, its, the paliban daily stealing the God spoke, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, theres the witchs of paliban daily, palibanmom, palibanmother, palibano, with their reverend dr. jeremy taylor and his kathy taylor and their reverend antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation, said, hollie, and Jesus, stealing, taking said hollie, thats kim davis of heart fire ministries trembling, they all released, said, hollie, too late, she said, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, look down, red in tear, put back, rip, hollie tore up, put back, tear, hands, look, said, hollie, showed, the, popes picture, hollie, played, the, music, you did not want me, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, it was simb, she, said, closed, the paliban daily said jean p., jenny donati wipes lips, cause I, said jean p., who is sarah palin, sarah pali, jean poole, ministry of dreams with her, pointed, jenny donati, who is tish, yoo, chakra rainbow, both witchs said hollie, released ministry of dreams dot org to prophet, now mock us said hollie, its cause paliban daily is witchs, they are witchs, pointed, hollie, with red lighted fingers, thats, antichrist pope tap dancing, Ive been cut off said rev. jim osborne, thats jim osborne in fire, hollie appears, then bill reuben with dyed hair appears, fire behind, thats jean poole and jenny donati in the lake of fire, theres, pointed, hollie, mike daniels, and pastor ezekiel, that, is hollie in uh helicopter, with angel, california below exploded, theres, hollie showed, nuclear fires in all american states, thats submarines all around america, hollie watches on cnn, one fired, then, all, thats, nuclear fires, along, both american coasts, leave it alone, said, hollie, showed, its ministry of dreams, she said, or be ruint, she, said, like over 1400 have, many claiming they are christians like the paliban daily, thats, hollie showing, whale wars, its paul watson, grieving cause peter brown leaves, thats paul watson pocketing, the lute said captain watson, thats peter brown showing emptying pockets, hire, said, hollie, we wont said, paul watson, thats, hammarstedt, hes next to be let go, thats peter hammarstedt and girl screwing on steve irwin, hollie showed, record, shook, yes, then, no, said, away with it, then shook, yes, showed, lighted, hands, silhouette body, clap, hollie showed, record, thats peter brown watching paul watson, peter brown said, its whale wars, why didnt you pay me said peter brown, thats kim, mccoy appearing, give it to me, she said, sh, there wasnt enough for both, so, paul, says bye to peter brown but pauls rich, said, hollie, over fifty million in the bank, pockets, dont let saith the LOrd, paul watson of whale wars profit while placing your life at risk, for free said watson, we dont need it, said, hollie, thats, hollie, in, the, fire, happy, thats, hollie being interviewed, he made me, she, said, laughed, hugs Jesus, clapped, hands, hugged the Lord again, see that show, peter brown is gone, but it will not loose people, peter hammarstedt is next, his attitude is like peter browns, they are like, casey, bobby knight, thats paul watson firing peter hammarstedt, heres why, they, talk, rough, to volunteers, people dont want to be around the peter man on whale wars, thats peter hammarstedt fucking his woman on the steve irwin, shouting at volunteer, thats, paul watson reading visions, bob has the Holy Ghost said paul watson, thats Jesus like a body coming in bob, bob wants to go on whale wars, bob, wants peter brown back, im not your God said Jesus, appeared, said, hollie, thats paliban daily, jenny donati and jean p., witchs, said, hollie, hollie showed record, fast until you die, let me, said, hollie, dream, smiled, bob, talks with woman, she, not, saved, bob, says, you know he came in me like a body my perfect size, and bob tells that, God from inside can move his mouth, I have nothing to do with it, bob said, the woman says, nobdy has the right experience then, bob leaves, let me said hollie dream, smiles, hollie dream shows record, 7-6-2009-Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people like hollie, the brown haired Lord Jesus, and they said: dont not take, or, said, Jesus, hollie said, showed, the word, she said, Ministry of Dreams, or, ministryofdreams, or, showed, hollie, alter, like, the ministry of dreams, a ministry of dreams, or I the Lord, said, Jesus, showed, cut off, and ruin, and make you run to remove, what I spoke, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, anyway, and I showed in a dream, hollie dream, smiles, night vision, do not copy, ministry of dreams, appears, do not copy, ministryofdreams, or alter in any way, said, hollie, showed, cut off, over, where ever you post what you stole tish, liar, you are not leticia yoo, you are jenny donati and jean p., jean poole, a group of witchs and liars, I will in time come against you with lawsuit, 3 months after lawsuit, your wages will be garnished for life, dont believe it, you stole ministry of dreams which is protected and you posted open mocks of a christian that did not bother you, you will not be saved, you nor your family, ill find where you post what you stole ministry of dreams and post there that the paliban daily's kids stole, just check, witch, liar, saith God, write and ask them why they hate Jesus so much they stole and hold, it was purchased by tish who is leticia yoo who is jenny donati and jean p. who is jean poole of the wicked, said, Jesus, paliban daily, they are one and the same, tish still holds,, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, lighted hand, other, appears, rip, hand, hollie looks down, puts back, but not all the way, hollie, said, thats, tear, twist, clap, look at, put back, whole new world order, appears, clap, its tish, hollie, said, claiming to have stolen ministry of dreams but email details say paliban, when you type in comes with message, owns, its, yoo, pointed, hollie, its jenny donati stealing ministry of dreams, claiming leticia yoo did, thats jean p. purchasing, buying said jean p., purchasing, buying said jean p. who is jean poole, pali, sarah palin, ministry of dreams dot org, they stole, said, hollie, hollie tap dances, hi Rita Williams, I saw your page on texe marrs, it feels like a body your perfect size coming in, the Holy Ghost baptizm, I own prophecy ministry you inserted in texe marrs decription, Rita Williams you are not saved, and I will bring you down for being lost and trying to make Gods servant to fall and you knew he owned prophecy ministry which you place in texe marrs site in june of 2009, saith the LOrd, texe marrs is a witch Rita Williams like you are and you will both perish, thank you for coming against me Rita Williams, you devil you saith God, thats jenny donati sending bob passwords to, thats, jenny donati, jean poole sitting at table, jean p. laughs, jenny donati ashamed, then why wont you release it, said, hollie, thats, jenny, donati pointing, ruin christian ministryofdreams, Im not saved said jenny donati, hollie lowered on, rope said rita williams, you made me ashamed, said, Jesus, thats, said hollie, rita williams of cephas ministries, you steal it, said, hollie, in your, describing texe marrs, hollie said, prophecy ministry, thats, prophecy ministry website, firing, thats rita williams running to remove article about hair dyeing witch, hollie said, who me said texe marrs, shows, full pocket, flown by angel, california below, exploded, then, many, more, american states, hollie, shows, nuclear fires in all, american states, hollie showed picture, its new world order, hollie tap dances, pope, hollie said, picture, thats alome salarie, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, its, simb, she said, hollie showed, record, showed, pope, she, said, riding black horse, russia, exploded, thats, from, high, in, the, air, said, hollie, missiles, subs, in, oceans, with, captain, hollies, all, of, them, she, said, fired nuclear rockets, hollie, said, look who it struck, said, hollie, theres france burning, and prime minister firing missiles, pointing, look, who it struck, said, hollie, thats, russia, with nuclear fires, there went italy, and, australia exploding, missiles from them, strike, russia, hollie, watches, nuclear fires, in, russia, spun world, there went great britain, and one in canada, big nuclear fire, britian, burns, tahts, america, with submarines, all, around, thats, hollie laughing, watching, on, cnn, thats, one, firing, then, all, america exploded, thats, said, hollie, the woman coming out of burning, america, its, the, MYSTERY, BABYLON, hollie said, showed, bobby, work, go, said, hollie, thats, pontiff, smiling, drinking, one, thats, hollie showing, popes picture, then, that o red dragon, appears, licked, prophet, thats, kings, appearing, on, that, o, red, dragon, licked, prophet, pope, hollie said, he, comes, out, of, putin, thats, putin, kneeling, before, let me, he, said, rule, the world, Jesus, sprinkles, bear arises, devour much flesh, thats, look who it struck, said, hollie, nuclear n.a.t.o. nations burning, and, missiles from, them striking russia, world, shook, pope in atmosphere, thats hollie, like, comic character, with, lighted, bear paws, tear up, thats, duncan rouleau the God spoke, said, hollie, ministryofdreams, and his main number one child jonah weiland stole longer then duncan rouleau did, thats jonah weiland worshipping with kathy taylor their LOrd, said, hollie, its dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. d.min, theres jenny donati and jean p. of paliban daily worshipping ph.d. jeremy taylor (hon), that, said, hollie, was, angel, Ministry Of Dreams, coming out of third ministryofdreams website, showing, its, alright, hollie showed, no, she, said, its, tish, thats leticia yoo stealing ministry of dreams, take this down, said, Jesus, alright said jenny donati, who claims to be tish, thats, leticia yoo, after, thats, pointed, hollie, o no, she said, God letting jenny donati, in dream, said, hollie dream, smiles, go into lake of fire, then, jenny donati runs to remove, what you stole, said, Jesus, thats jenny donati embarrased, it made me ashamed, jenny d. said, stealing the God spoke ministry of dreams, with, jenny donati and jean poole, who is jean pali, of paliban daily, witchs, said, hollie, showed, take it off, we wont, one said, thats, jenny donati removing ministryofdreams, and sending bob passwords to, submarines are right there, thats captain hollie surfacing, its akula, thats what you want said, hollie, fired two missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, new palestinian state, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats nuclear fires in irag, hollie spins world, shows, go, feed, animals, wearing coat, hollie showed, with, big hand, thats, hollie being interviewed, he made me, its r.m.s. titanic, with captain smith, on deck, scrapes iceberg, that, did it, hollie, said, punctured, it, knocked, in, plates, causing seems, theres, two, plates, completely knocked out, they discovered, with, thats hollie using thing to, survey, damage, on buried part of ship, hollie showed Jesus watching r.m.s. titanic sinking, people were asking for deathbed salvation, Jesus, thought, to late, hollie showed, drink, hollie showed, titanic, let me, see, hollie, said, lifted, out of water, when I measure, she said, three feet, crack, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, showed, thru with, but, shook, yes, I turned, around, showed, silhouette body, red spine, clap, said, hollie, iraq, said, water titanic sinks, in, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear fireball, that, was, gaza, burning, bush, grunts, I made war, to grunted, steal oil wells, now lets have pizza, lets rule the world, said, putin, comeon, said, hollie, with, hollie, showeds voice, france, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear destruction, thats, hollie showing nuclear fires in all n.a.t.o. nuclear countries, missiles from striking russia, world, shakes, up rises, pope, hollie appears, that, she said, was, sh, she said, kind, of grunted, satan, like, pontiff, hollie showed, carpathia, it took on titanic survivors, hollie shows, man, tear up, tap, and, fix, snap, fingers, rip, hollie said, turn to side, man, tada, hollie, said, that, was, put back, snap, fingers, said, hollie, tear up, hands, moving, hollie shows, yellow, clap, danced, showed, fighting, its, him, she, said, pope, hes, im the beast, he said, want more visions, clapped the tap dancers, hollie, and eight kings that will rise against u.s.a., babylon the great is fallen, said, man, hollie showed, turn, 8-28-2009-hollie showed, the beast, the antichrist, hes, pope, there, said, hollie, banged, stick, hollie like vampire, appears, shes dressed like maid, happy, hollie showed, with big hand, and, its whale wars, they, are, not, taking, enough money in, this is uh decision, said, hollie, she stamped, with lighted stick, and up rose the, pope, like angel, of light, there, said, hollie, put it on, wikipedia, hollie shows, chew gum, it works facial muscles, war, said, Jesus, hollie shows, hu hintao, thats, him riding, happy, red horse, hollie claps, taiwan exploded, thats, hu on, sad, then happy, hollie snapped, fingers, and I clicked heels, she said, red horse, then horse had silhouette face, then in, out, horse, stomps, shows play music, smiles, shows, attack washington state, thats silhouette horse, white, Jesus rides, bob that myspace will not stay up, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, hollie plays music, thats, hollie, lowered on rope, california below exploded, thats both american coasts, exploding, hollie, lowered on rope, angel flys copter, then, whole american nation explodes, hollie showed, record, hollie, stamped, this is wishion, post, said, hollie, and new ministry of dreams website appears, hollie snaps, fingers, lighted, this is website, lets post, said, hollie, and all ministryofdreams website appear, one had silhouette face, then face starts appearing, then back, hollie claps, thats pope riding black horse, hu hintao, riding red, thats, Jesus, on white horse, grim reaper laughs, on grizzled horse, thats russia exploding, pope rides black horse, thats pontiff, signing, getting control of nuclear arsenal, hollie claps, flatter him, pontiff, said, thats ten horns on putins head, lets rule the world sang vladimir, said, medvedev, showed let me, that, was, hollie lowered on rope, angel flys helicopter, russia below exploded, thats many fireballs in russia, now look, said, hollie, thats, captain hollie in nuclear missile submarines firing, many, thats hollie showing many fireballs in russia, and spinning the world, thats italy exploding, theres france burning, thats two explosions in australia, and canada, eploding, one, hollie, points, up, lighted, finger, shruggs, shows, hollie, thats, great britain being showered with thermo nukes, america exploded, hollie laughs watching, on, its, she said, pointed, up, t.v., hollie showed saturn car, they are excellent, will last about, hollie stamps, two hundred thousand reliable miles, I have uh decision, said, hollie, thats hollie driving to watertown, wisconsin, hollie, showed, with big hand, lighted, whale wars, paul watson, pocketing, the lute said watson, hollie showed, lawrence apostolic church, wiped lips, hollie showed, facebook, its opened, said, woman, sixth seal, smoke goes up, hollie, watches, thats, submarines, all around u.s.a., one fires, hollie laughs watching on cnn, thats, nuclear fire in, california state, pointed, hollie, and hollie laughs watching on t.v., then subs open fire, thats henry gruver looking at america, both coasts explode, thats from high in the air, hollie snaps, fingers, showed, time, one sub fires, then, all, both american coasts exploded, thats the middle exploding, hollie claps, thats nuclear fire in canada from, hollie points, russian, jet, then america exploded, its the judgment to babylon said michael boldea, thats alome suhlyin said, hollie, and hollie wiped lips, hollie played music, you did not want no more website, said, hollie, clapped, and new ministry of dreams website appears, its wiki, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, banged, hand, stamped, with lighted stick, that was submarines, whispered, hollie, all around, said, the Lord, u.s.a., one, fires, then, all, thats massive explosion, said, the Lord, dark, like, light, hand, finger, both american coasts, exploded, hollie showed, the pope, said, the Lord, hes, said, hollie, antichrist, said, the Lord, thats, said, hollie, antichrist, riding horse, black, said, Jesus, russia, exploded, put it on myspace, shh, said, hollie, be quiet, Jesus appears, hollie shows, walk, its, good exercise, thats, said, hollie, new, ministryofdreams website, thats, old ministry of dreams website, on rocket, said, hollie, its taiwan, exploding, marie, said, hollie, shes transforming, thats hollie dream clapping, hey bobby let me, said, marie, hollie showed, record, thats captain smith, titanic, scrapping iceberg, it, sank, seems, like movie, said, hollie, and JEsus, Jesus came up up, said, hollie like, out of whirlwind, it, said, hollie, swirled, hollie showed, record, beat, she, said, up rose, pope, hes, I am, God, but, comes to his end, thats in, israel, pope slashed, thats hu hintao, doing, hes false prophet, said, hollie, nicaragua said, Jesus, exploded, and he saw, said, casey, meerkat, appears, and meerkat, said, the Lord, hollie points, snaps, fingers, c'mon, said, hollie, then pulled ship, busted, hollie, she, said, hollie, shook, head, its hard, she said, thats many hollie busting, ship, 1-26-2010-stop, said, Jesus, stealing, what I spoke, and created, and, birthed, its, showed, Jesus, the Lord, said, hollie, MINISTRY of Dreams, or I will ruin, saith God, like I have, already, over, 2500, be one of them, does this offend, you saith Him who Is, and Was, and Always will be, why dont I just destroy bob and give to you what I gave to him, like, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, u.u., ruint, now, cause he took, and now kathy taylor, m.a., has, the, website, both witchs, said, the Lord, like, the paliban daily, and, more, o said wilhelm gustloff ship, claps, shows, pope, shakes, head, let me, said, hollie, beat hand, pope rose, thats him riding black horse, its into russia, pontiff, said, put it under, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie showed, turn, hollie, showed, its, your reverend agin, she said, its doctor rev. taking, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, giving his website to, kathy, taylor, lovely, said, hollie, thats. d.min jeremy taylor, removing what he stole, that, said, hollie, showed, wait, watch t.v., sh, said, hollie, that is satan, she, said, but he looked like brian houston, and was, brian houston, sh, said, hollie, hillsong, she said, thats your reverend, hollie, said, brian houston pocketing, hey bobby said, its, showed, hollie, pastor brian houston, its for the loot, he said, thats, darlene zschech, looking at visions, hollie showed, pearl harbor, its under attack, she said, its like the movie, hollie showed, run, hollie showed, run in place, walked on treadmill, with workout clothes, on, whats that, said, hollie, its the steam ship, hollie said, queen mary, its still used, she said, there hollie said, its berthed in, santa barbara, it could still be used, go get fucked little jeremy taylor loving looser, send me one more email other then your apology, i'll place all of your names on net for promoting the witch jeremy taylor, just do it, your going to get ruint, you are the little looser, show, the police, that, Ron Adams, is, dr. rev. jeremy taylor's, witch, his satan, saith God, its on net before you read it ron, tell, Frater Sabaechit, you love, your reverend, o, are you offended, you are lost, and claim to be saved, but, thats, you looking at your own visions, you witch, devil, saith the LOrd, go ahead and promote your reverend, its dr. jeremy taylor, showed, hollie, but, they are witchs, and you know it, and now, your employer will know, as well, put it under, bob, said, holllie, its ron adams, resigning, for job, thats ship raising out of water, its that said, hollie, the queen mary, Jesus, rubbed chin, is, rusty, on, bottom, but, not bad, it needs some repair, but, hollie thought, with about ten million its still usable, thats tap dancers, clapped, hollie, its, pope, she, said, with, eight kings that will rise against, its, the, u.s.a., showed, hollie, thats america with submarines all around, and one fires, thats, explosion in california, hollie claps watching on, cnn, thats boris yeltsin, the scene changes, hollie, said, you lure, said, yeltsin, thats hintao shaking yes, thats, hollie riding, the missile, its into taiwan, she, said, burned, thats, hu on red horse, battling washington state, its repelled, said, hollie, thats hollie news anchor man being kicked out, all subs fired, thats from high in air, God looking down, both american coasts, exploded, go, hollie, said, exploded, thats, hollie and nuclear explosion in canada, then whole american center exploded, gabriel flew copter, hollie showed, run in place, with workout clothes on, hollie showed, sh, tiananmen square, said, Jesus, thats america embarassing china, thats when Jesus, sprinkles, now I can make war with him, said, hu hintao, thats, america, appearing, with, nuclear fireballs all over, hollie showed, picture, pope, she, said, destroy america, pope, pontiff, said, lets rule the world, said, putin, it will come from all around said Jesus, thats nuclear fireball in america, then whole american center exploded, thats missiles flying, alaska, exploded, first, just like gene schmidt saw, said, hollie, and bob, thats geno smiling looking at visions then looking right into bobs eyes, they will meet again, saith God, now lets see said Jesus, looking at picture frames, that, pointed, hollie, let me make war with him, said jiang zemin, is he pointing at me, said, putin, no, he, said, thats america appearing, lets lure, said, hu hintao, you dont attack them, said, vladimir putin, thats, hollie on missile, taiwan exploded, thats hu hintao battling washington state, with sword, thats kim jong pressing nuclear button, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, and, south korea, theres cuba, not bothering anybody, but, thats three nuclear explosions in, its cuba, showed, hollie, thats, russia, we target, said, putin, thats, missiles leaving their waters, striking america, exploded, pointed, hollie, near gulf coast states, she, said, hollie, showed, picture, its uh happy pope, with dark hair, its, pontiff with medvedev kneeling before, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats, moon looking down, with big nose, hey bobby, its, smoke, said, hollie, were abased, said, sun, laughed, as smoke blocks, thats both playing, its on the teeter totter, said, Jesus, there, come on, said, hollie, thats, pope, she, said, with ram horns, theres putin, medvedev, pope, out of one, theres, hu hintao, out of, other, with, flower, hollie showed, thats hegoat, stomping ram, and nuclear explosion appearing in, russia, thats, chinese forces invading, hollie, showed, burning, russia, its, nuclear, n.a.t.o. strike, exploded, thats, im the g8, said, putin, bob, said, hollie, pope appeared, its picture, hollie, said, theres hu hintao, there, you have it, said, hollie, both beasts, hollie relaxed, this is warning one last time, said, hollie, showed, lay down, that, was, hollie flying, its in old world war two plane, both american coasts, exploded, hollie, turns, plane, thats russia and nuclear n.a.t.o. nations exploding, thats the beast with seven heads and ten horns, its russia, said, hollie, thats, lighted, heads, kings, pop out, they are, hollie, shows, eight kings that will rise against the u.s.a., theres mexico, he shakes, yes, swallows, theres castrol and chavez, they dread like kim jong, and nicaragua, theres lula, and, hintao, there you have it, said, hollie, thats ten kings out of one country, its ruling party, thats pope out of putin, and putin out of medvedev, and yeltsin out of, hollie, showed, its politburo, the ten, putin comes out of him, thats the dragon flying with seven heads, hollie tattood 666, pope laughs, the beast is russia with nuclear n.a.t.o, its the g8, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie, with Jesus inside, showed, record, 2-26-2010-hi, said, hollie, leave it alone, hollie said, this is website, said, hollie, beat hand, that, hollie showed, record, wearing plad coat, hollie, beats hand, thats pope riding black horse, its into, russia, pope, said, thats pontiff and medvedev, signing, deal, pope, gains, come control, hollie, sums it up, hollie, snaps fingers, website, said, post, hollie, said, that, stop, said, hollie, no, said, wilhelm gustloff ship, Lord I showed, im away ship said, with hands, but shook, yes, clapped, hands, whole new world order, appears, its, pictures, said, hollie, showed, pope, hollie, said, with brown hair, thats putin kneeling before, let me rule the world said, putin, thats the write the vision, said, hollie, hollie, showed, record, shwoed, whole new world order, pictures, wearing, its light blue sweatshirt, white pants, had beautiful nice brown hair, that, said, its, showed, the wilhelm gustloff ship, that, ship, said, snapped fingers, stomped foot, hey, said, hollie, taht, ship, said, showed, pope, hollie, said, with his forces, jets flying over, all with captain hollie, different ones, hollie, said, hollie screamed, hollie claps, then, has, silhouette face, red sweatshirt, hollie claps, again, hollie shows, record, showed, use rechargable batteries, they last hollie said, that, said, hollie, with, the, its the, leave it, alone, said, hollie, sorry, said, sandy, put it under, said, hollie, this is wision, lets post, said, hollie, paul is not carin about you, said, hollie, showed, its your reverend hollie said, its, paul mooney, alright, shakes, pastor paul mooney, thats brian lane, looking at, visions, Lord he taught me said reverend brian lane, but, both, its witchs, said, hollie, thats Jesus entering into bob like body his perfect size, thats girl from, calvary tabernacle, reading visions, trembles, its micki sue, said, hollie, micki mooney has never been Holy Ghost baptized, said, Jesus, its o.k., said, micki mooney, your outta here, micki mooney said, dont show her visions, said, Jesus, it wont do no good, thats your reverend said, Jesus, tim pedigo, appearing, his hair in one vision, is, brown, in another, its, gray, he, dyes his hair, said, Jesus, thats, chuck barcus shaking yes, both witchs, said, God, put it under, said, hollie, thats, linel m. anderson, not saved, but, hollie shows, the inside of calvary tabernacle, we worship other Gods, said, young woman, they do what they please, said, Jesus, but, theres, young girl, o yeaow, its Jesus, she said, witchs, thats, paul mooney appearing, but reverend mooney already knows, said, Jesus, thats paul d. mooney shaking, yes, bob loves, calvary tabernacle, thats, showed hollie, calvary christian school, being taught by hair dyers, o, yes, were apostolic, said, woman, showed, cut off, thats, indiana bible college, being, taught by, its showed, hollie, witchs, thats young, said, Jesus, andrea king, shes, not, said, micki mooney, accountable yet, but, those fools, said, Jesus, thats tim pedigo and paul mooney appearing, chuck barcus, swallows, they dont filter, they, take, saith the LOrd, they are, telling me to leave them alone, said, Jesus, im the devil said micki sue mooney, paul mooney shakes, yes, tim pedigo, its adena, said, rev. tim pedigo, both, thats adena pedigo, showing cut off, bob, prays, leave them alone, tim pedigo read visions, thats bob and Jesus together, theres no use, said, bob, they, dont, do, a, bad job, save them, thats tim pedigo strengthening, they can get thru cause I wont let them thru, said, Jesus, thats, josh anderson, said, hollie, showing cut off, yes, shakes, his, matt gordon, both witchs, devils, said, hollie, why, said, bob, thats tim pedigo folding up visions, he, said, Jesus, I knew said tim pedigo, showed, cut off, write the vision, said, hollie, submarine are right there, no s, said, hollie, now look, she, said, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing, iraq exploded, gaza burned, thats israeli prime minister with nuclear button, I ate chicken, said, president bush, ate, hollie pushes to podium, bush eats, its our oil well contract, war, bush leaves eating, hollie takes to fire, o, said, wilhelm gustloff ship, that, said, hollie, wearing ring, hollie in ring, hollie showed, missile defence drones, thats, one, shooting down, its, cruise missile showed, hollie, in red sweatshirt, they stay with, track, submarines, thats sub launching, and cannon on drone shooting missile down, thats, solar, nuclear powered drone, shooting down ballistic missiles, hollie showed lay down, this is vision lets post, said two hollies, one faded in, was hidden, claps, hollie said, lets post something, hollie showed, boss 901 stereo speaker, its not as great as they claim, thats little woofer moving, they dont last, said, hollie, most reconditioned at expsensive fee, put it under, buy boss, hollie, said, wearing red sweatshirt, its cheap foam, thats, hollie, showing, newspaper, with, its, her picture, in, front page, wearing, red, sweatshirt, Jesus, showed, cut off, its, tim pedigo, hollie shows, that, lay down, hollie had nice hair, hollie showed, record, with plad shirt on, not tucked in, showed, lay down, bye, said, Jesus, left, hollie slaps, many times, tear up, hollie, put back, popes picture, with brown hair, thats putin kneeling before pontiff, let me rule the world, submarine, said, hollie, 3-7-2010-hollie pointed, its, at, she, said, minnesota, exploded, bob, said, hollie, showed, pope, its picture, showed, hollie, put it under, hollie, said, thats, pope, riding, black, horse, its, into, russia, moscow, said, pontiff, hollie showed, with plad coat, pope signing, its uh deal, said, hollie, with medvedev, hollie put back, in plad coat, but ended up, in, red, sweatshirt, put it under, thats, hollie, walking, in red sweatshirt, hollie showed, look, call it Ministry of Dreams, hollie, said, its uh book, she, said, why do you steal, cause I wanted to ruin, said, its, hollie, said, rev. jeremy taylor, d.min with the voice of, rev. antonia vladimirova, from dreams foundation, hollie showed, in, red sweatshirt, dont steal, she, said, or, mess with it, Jesus said, like, the ministry of dreams, or, I the Lord will cut you off, and, make you remove what I created, the God spoke, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, you want that, vision, then, post, that, vision, said, hollie, thats, hollie, riding, yellow missile, its into taiwan, exploded, thats, hu hintao, battling washington state, with sword, on, his, red horse, thats, hollie, going out to see, in old world war two airplane, many, hollie had like white clothe thing around kneck, it blew in wind, they repell, hollie showed, record, beat hand, maybe its uh warnin, said, hollie, showed, beatem up, its, pope, riding, black horse, its into russia, pontiff, said, thats light scene, said, hollie, with pope and medvedev, signing uh deal, hollie, said, put it under, hollie, said, its, the, start of the new world order, she, said, submarine right there, said, pointed, hollie, amber colored fingers, body hidden but faded in, thats captain, hollie, now look, hollie, said, surfaced, hollie fired, gaza exploded, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, iraq exploded, hollie, happy, pushes president bush to the mike, bush eats chicken, I made our war, bush said, its to breakem, he, said, stealem, bush leaves, thats oil wells, appearing, hollie, showed, with big red hand, thats hollie posting, on pay computer, its at, said, hollie, truck stop, bobby, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, hollie laughed, submarines are right there, is what hollie, said, said, hollie, now look, hollie, said, its akula again thats what you wanted needed, she said, thats, them firing, Jesus, looks at, world, many countries, exploded, thats, moon, with, big nose, looking at smoke rising, its, all because of iraq, said, Jesus, lets rule the world, I want to rule the world, said, putin, the angel, said, i'm with grecia, hollie, said, pointed, with, red, fingers, body mostly faded out, thats, the, king of grecia, pope with ram horns, come on, said, hollie, in dull white robe, fists like bear paws, up, thats, nuclear explosion in, russia, they exchange, said, hollie, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, and china, thats, pope, hollie, said, at table, thats two horned, beast, rising, thats, hu hintao, and, japan, emporer coming out its horns, thats hollie, watching, them at table, 666 is born, its, peace treaty, they, talk, go to own lands, hollie showed, turn, lighted hand, body faded out, but, started appearing, hollie showed, its pink floyd, tape, momentary lapse of reason, its what you want, hollie, said, david gilmour, shakes, we got him, wipes lips, its, roger waters, we dont need, said, david gilmour, loose belt sorrow, said, hollie, and, hollie, shows, laptop, git it out, she said, pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, there, said, hollie, relaxing, hu hintao, appears, this is uh warnin, hollie, said, I am un warnin, said, hollie, wiped lips, stomps foot, snapped fingers, tell me what, the website said, hollie, said, hollie showed, bear licking prophet, showed, run in place, eat, thats Father on old steam locomotive, hollie funnel on front blew, locomotive, showed, time, three o'clock, then sleep, hollie appears, look at it, she, said, its, slyvia mckinney, mark, said, its, showed, hollie, sylvia winters showing cut off, thats her shaking yes, show me, said, its, showed, hollie, judi oliver, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, the piston going up and down, two, thats, hollie, like angel, white hands, reading paper, iraq nucked, git the door, bobby, its old man wanting saved, please please, sang, hollie, black horse, pope said, many, i'm uh visious, said, hollie, showed, picture, it was wallace vanslyke, hollie puts picture, down, then, shows, hu hintao, claps, then, pope, laughs, picture, there you have it, said, hollie, relaxed, plad coat, both beasts, no, said, hollie, showed, eat, prophet hickman, jordan, said, hollie, and I, showed, you uh picture, she, said, of, its jordan, exploded, hollie showed, eat, thats missiles striking syria, egypt, burning, moon looks down, with big nose, bobby he made me, said, moon, pope, said, hollie, thats, him, beast, in israel, she, said, thats, hu hintao, and, his armies, gathering, in, israel, thats nuclear explosion in, russia, lets unite and force, said, hu hintao, thats, china, invading, russia, forcing, russia to, invade, israel, thats rocket leaving russia, it strikes, said, hollie, that, israel exploded, you pointed Jesus on mountain, split in twain, hollie, said, rapture, said, Jesus, thats many being raptured, flying up, that was Jesus, said, hollie, that, was, light, hollie screamed, pointed, lighted finger, showed, walk, wearing plad coat, 9-21-2010-appreciate, said, it, hollie, said, Jesus, thats God looking around, he had brown hair, said, hollie, put it under, she, said, thats people, it protestin and lootin, hollie, said, the march, chant, have signs, its, high wages man, said, high government wages, git social security, back, he, said, we want war, he said, they marched, chanted, thats, angel marines, out in the streets, it protection, said, and gabriel, with, partial, God, said, silhouette faces, put it under, hollie said, showed, go, cut it off, you see that, said, its, JEsus, hollie said, with, all, her, face, its, the, mixx, hollie, said, stamps, its the new ministry of dreams, hollie, said, o, said, hollie, theres deformed, she, said, placed hand over, mouth, looked at bob, shook, yes, but, changed, its him, said, another, she, hollie, thats the mixx ministry of dreams, like, i'm the mixx, happy angel, with like blue hand on one side, of, face, as turning, head, two small brown, its blotch, hollie, said, appear on face, hollie has hand over mouth, like, blue, hollie, on other side, hollie places, hand over mouth, theres, its deformed, said, hollie, like big light blue area, its like sunburst said, hollie, and, theres, like, brown, area, hollie, kept hand over, mouth, and I she stamps, hollie, said, its, said, hollie, i'm the new ministry of dreams, showed, its mixx, said, hollie, thats hollie showing, its hollie that reports book sales, same old hollie, she got word from God, showed, its, new book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, it, sold, today, hollie and God, appear, together, hollie showed, eat, about, 70 copies, its uh light day, said, hollie, and I, stamp, said, hollie, o, said, the mixx ministry of dreams angel, hollie, places hand over mouth, theres, deformed, hollie showed, cut the grass, want this vision, said, Jesus, thats, hollie, clapping, but, only, partially, he hollie appears underneath, tickles her feet with light feather, thats, partial face, hollie, appearing, in, like, comaplain mode, she, said, him, as, partial face hollie showed, bob didnt record, the, vision, shook, but then laughed, with light stick, then gets, outta there, its, the, whole new world order, hollie claps, showed, go, appearing, its picture, hollie showed, with Jesus, both talk, laugh, its pope, theres, hu hintao, said, hollie, you see these two, beasts, hollie said, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, her, light, robe, hollie relaxes, showed, both beasts, thats pope riding black horse, its, into, russia, pope, said, its, uh, deal, said, hollie, thats medvedev and pope, signing, deal, it, gains, popus, hollie said, some control, advantages, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, alright we'll do, who shakes, yes, thats, hollie riding, its chinese fighter bomber, spacesoars, said, hollie, drops bomb, thats taiwan exploding, its him said partial face hollie, was pilot, thats hu hintao, battling, its washington state, said, hollie, partial face hollie, has, all face there, and, light sword, she, fights, back, thats, hu hintao, on his, red horse, with, blue sword, thats another, hollie, flying out, in, its x-59 spacewars jet, he hollie said, drops bomb, chinese ship, a she hollie rubs hands, there you have it, she, said, its repelled, new economy, said Jesus, thats, protestor, said, hollie, like, lit up dot head man, we want social security pension, he said, thats people marching and protesting, with, its, signs, said, hollie, scene spins, they chant, were stripped man said, in america, this is, uh warnin, hollie, said, that, was, pope, in, the, fire, like angel of light, said, hollie, boo, chanted, its, hollie, said, the, former, partial face hollie, God said, she had long brown hair, white robe, laughs, boo, said, hollie, boo we, said, she hollie, thats girl, hollie said, wanting somebody to, its pay the rent, hollie, said, just support me, but, no sexual contact, or, but, pay me, she, said, cause, shes still, good looking, and, usedt to it, but, now, your getting old, God said, people run from her, thats why in the end, its, america, hollie points, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, man, thats eight kings pulling up in cart, you see these said, hollie, and, lighted, finger, points, hollies body dimly fades in, him said partial face hollie, these will rise against, hollie showed, america, hollie showed, turn, then, the other way, like golden hollie, hey said, another, hollie, placed hand over, mouth, but, bob recorded, its, him, said, partial face, hollie, the hollie that showed turn, hand, was, hidden but dimly faded in, it was white hollie, said, that was, hollie, like, uh thing, light thing, from behind, said, another, hollie, hollie wore like light clothes, had golden face, thats, hollie like, light bear, inside dome, thats, hand with dome showing, you did not want hollie showed, gentlemen, now is the time to introduce both beasts unto you said, gabriel and hollie, its, pope and hu, both dressed good, like kings, hollie, showed, what kind of visions do you want, said, its hollie said partial face, hollie, showed, eat, with all face there, hollie tore up, o, said, another, hollie, looked at bob, hand over mouth, bob recorded, turned into he hollie, shook, yes, thats hollie like ship mate, its, r.m.s. titanic, display, at, hollie stamps, scene spins, indianapolis childrens museum, its suppost to be a graveyard, not a display hollie, said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, get your own house, she, said, its, church, showed, hollie, its, the apostolic infilling station, hollie showed, change lanes, like white hollie, o, said, another, hollie, put hand over, mouth, looked at bob, to, see, if, he was going to, record, did, hollie, saw, 2:38 on clock, changed into he hollie, shook, yes, its ACTS, he showed, smiled, salvation, 9-22-2010-boo, chanted its him, said, partial face hollie, bobby dont, said, hollie, wore white robe, like doctor, did gum grafts, and, its, face light, on bob, hollie, stamps, o, said, its, him, said, she, hollie, had hand over, mouth, but, its, bobby, said, she, hollie, recorded, thats, the, old, new, world order, its, stagecoach, said, hollie, pulled by angry, horses, theres, black and red, hollie, showed, with, hand, thats, like, light, hand, showing, you did not want hollie showed, had like, dome, in, theres hollie like light bear in dome, its, i'm with him, hollie bear said, thats, putin, appearing, happy, with, three ribs, appearing, in, mouth, and, bobby who could these be, said, hollie, boo, chanted many hollies, theres cuba, showed, hollie, thats submarine with captain hollie in, their waters, nicaragua, mexico, appear on ribs, thats submarines, its tripod, said, hollie, with, he and she hollie captains, they fire, thats nuclear rockets striking them three, exploded, its, there, said, hollie, pointed, placed hand over mouth, but, bob recorded, people in america protesting with signs, chanting, we want labor, high wages, man, said, looks, around, like, dot head, hollie showed, its realistic optimus t-100, its tower stereo speakers, its, enjoy, hollie, said, this is hollie, that, reported, its book sells, she appeared, got word with Jesus, today she said, showed, with stick, on, board, you sold, hollie showed, new book, its visions of the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, by, its, the ministry of dreams, over 200 copies today, and I stamp, agin, hollie, said, up rose both beasts, like angels of light, with new world order stagecoach, hollie, sees putin inside, with, three ribs in mouth, final verdict, said, Jesus, we've got an attack coming, said, hollie, and, he saw, it, said, casey, wearing white robe, nuclear explosions, its near, theres, many, in america, massive fireballs hollie, said, hollie showed, and he saw, said, it, casey, said, hollie, thats, i'm optimus, said, hollie showed, its, realistic t-100 tower stereo speaker, its, got eyes, showed, picture, its, whole new world order, hollie showed record, hey, said, another, hollie, hollie was just light and mouth, thats, its, realistic, t-100 stereo speaking, showing, its whole new world order, thats president of mexico smiling, but showing, no, thats head, at, Gods interviewing table, thats many kings popping, out, they, are, as, follows, said, hollie, theres, cuba, thats, nicaraguan president, smiling, but not wanting, theres kim jong, with, its nuclear controls, hollie showed, eat, whew, said, hollie with Jesus inside, it, shes, transformed, said, a she hollie, bob said, hollie, blew a hollie balloon, it him, partial face hollie said, hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, lay down, he wore white robe, clapped, hands, showed, popes, picture, with, brown hair, thats, hollie, playing the music, said, she hollie, your gitton in trouble, he, said, wearing white robe, 9-23-2010-write the vision, said, hollie, showed, its, she, said, d.min jeremy taylor, its reverend, hollie said, we steal it, said, jeremy taylor, jean poole shakes, yes, its, the God spoke, hollie said, ministry of dreams, its yoo, pointed, hollie, leticia yoo is really, jean poole, saith the Lord, stamps, the theives of ministry of dreams, appear like, its, said, hollie, jenny donati, and, diana hahlbohm, there they all are said, hollie, in, the lake of fire, theres, danny hahlbohm, hollie said, shaking in pain, but in this life you were uh christian, hollie, said, thats many like mike mckay, smiling, when people ask, confront hollie said, but they claim salvation, hollie, said, like, its, mark moss, hollie, said, putting ministry of dreams up on yellowpages, hes uh witch, hollie, said, I knew marcus moss, said, put it under, hollie, said, theres, john mark pool, and, its, pastor jeremy lopez, both stealing ministry of dreams, they both, said, hollie, want christian to perish, like, they will, thats, dr. jeremy lopez in hellfire, not doing so well, thats john mark pool in flames, with black suit on, thats hollie, that, reports, book sells, today, she said, you sold, hollie got word, from God, showed, eat, hollie showed record, him said partial face hollie, this is warning, lets go home, and, lay down, said, its, him, said, partial face hollie, hollie screamed, why, bob what for, she, said, screamed, again, a third time, she said dont, said, hollie, you sold 59 books today, pointed, lighted hollie that reports book sells, ministry of dreams is open, said, hollie, with the hollie soum, s,o,u,m, thats lighted hollie pointing, wearing, its golden sweatshirt, that was, hollie, flying in his spacebomber jet, said, she, hollie, he wore blue sweatshirt, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, record, showed, lay down, no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, I showed, i'm thru, away, she, said, but shook yes, then showed, no, again, 9-24-2010-no, said, its, hollie, said, its, partial face hollie, hollie said, thats hollie coming out of whirlwind, spinning, its, at, said, hollie, new wineskin ministries, its, hollie said, with all her face there, a, light whirlwind, hollie showed, again, thats hollie, that, reports, book sales, today, she, said, hollie got word from God, you sold, hollie showed, new book, visions of the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, hollie stamps, about 48 copies, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, had he hollie in, him, said, partial face hollie, and, its the light bear, in dome, inside hand, this is, hollie, with that loose belt, its sorry, and I stamp she said, thats, beast pope, running out, its, like, light man, dot head, showed, hollie, theres, hu, said, it, hollie, said, another hollie, there you have it, she, said, relaxed, both beasts, hollie, stamps, hollie showed, turn, another, hollie showed, turn the other way, she had lighted bear paws, red, tear up, he, a she hollie said, thats, popes picture, with, its, brown, said, hollie, hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying before, alright shakes, popes, hollie, him, said partial face hollie soars, in, spacebomber jet, he said, many countries below, exploded, smoke, rises, its, him, said, hollie, whew let me, said, hollie, you need to record, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, showing, nothing, smiled, hollie, showed, turn, hollie showed, record, I persecute to ruin saith the Lord, I disfigure face by causing face muscles to tighten when eating or turning head, strecting muscles and ruining, deseasing body, putting boils on face, causing body to heat up to make servant feel hot, make heart wrath, angry, jelous, not able to bare, going on, for me, I will caress penus and cause to get hard, make dick move, saith the Lord, teasing, laughing, letting them see me laugh and mock their calamity which I caused, and, you are perfect, its, to abase, and, make my children, most fell away, cause I did all these torments at one time, its to ruin, I laugh at their agony saith Jesus, I drive my children to want suicide and many commit or try to commit cause I try to make them perish all day long, its, to tease, saith Jesus, JOB fasted untill I changed my thought I had toward him, I wanted job to backslide to make an example and came against him like I will you if serve me saith Jesus, thats my children walking in circles, spinning when stopped, its, to, mock them, people laugh at the christian saith Jesus, for having to serve me, like that, I hated them, saith God, its for no reason, thats, why, I save, its to ruin, bobby dont do that, said, hollie, thats, people laughing at, its God she, said, for torturing bob nonstop day and night, now the young will know bob is net, thats hollie that reports book sells, 1101, it appeared, said, hollie, its cause word of mouth, she said, thats book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hollie stamps, no, said, hollie, thats, hollie having, its facelift, thats doctor hollie preparing, cutting and snipping, pulling, lets stretch hollie said, sowing back, it takes one month to heal, it, can make you look, young again, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, thats him, she, said, hollie, flying in, spacestarfighter, he said, dropped bomb, america below, exploded, submarines appear, all around, all with captain hollie, and, like, dot head, they fired, both american coasts exploded, partial face hollie with there, showed, up, wearing white robe, thats hollie, showing, pocket taperecorder, hollies face on pocket, angel showed, record, stamped, thats beast pope running out, hollie screamed, I am gog, he was, wearing blue, said, hollie, pope showed, his vest, hollie showed, record, and, he, saw, all said casey wearing white robe, hollie walks out, wearing white robe to, points at, white in caseys mouth, thats face book ministry of dreams angel, bobby record, said, angel, stamped, thats new world order, carriage coming said, hollie, and God, theres, the, pope and hu, hollie sees putin inside, its red, and black, thats three ribs appearing in putins mouth, and bobby who could these be said hollie, theres 3 submarines, all with dot head captain hollies appearing in, its cuban, nicaraguan and mexican waters, they fire, thats, hand pointing, hollies body faded in, somewhat, explosions in, gulf coast states, thats missiles leaving america striking, them three, exploded, thats mexican president, smiling, shaking yes, but showing no, theres lula looking stout, chavez smiles, but doesnt want, thats kim jong with, its the nuclear controls, said, hollie, presses, thats nuclear fires in, its, stamped, hollie, russia, china, and, south korea, thats, rocket leaving russia with, its, new ministry of dreams on, said, hollie, i'm the mixx, theres deformed, said, hollie, o, looked at bob, he recorded, turned into he hollie, theres like light dark area, with another spot appearing, on other side, theres brown and red, and, its like grayish area, and red dragon with bush rising like woman, thats north korea exploding, thats, kim jong shaking yes, with medvedev, they hate but cling, said, hollie, thats, there you have it, said, hollie, the seven heads, kings pop out, its nuclear n.a.t.o., said, hollie, the g8 with putin, i'm the beast, said, its o vladimir, agin, said, hollie, boo chanted many hollies, he hollie showed, its him said partial face hollie, boo wee said he hollie, hollie tore up, put back, showed, popes picture, I need uh wision popey, said, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, she, said, seymour harvest church, its witches hollie said, ministry of dreams, is open, they are trying to make you perish, said, hollie, Jesus, said, and, God, hollie said, look bob, said, Jesus, and, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, hollie said, i'm the vision, pontey, said, hollie showed, turn, hollie pointed, another, hollie places, hand over, mouth, looks at bob, shakes, yes, hollies head hidden, but, him, said, lit face hollie, appeared as face, hollie showed, record, thats the false prophet hu, hollie said, thats him, riding his red horse, its, over taiwan, he, said, thats missile streaking from china, strikes taiwan, burned, thats hu hintao battling washinton state, with his light sword, on, hollie showed, his red horse, hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, had light bear in dome, what did you want, hollie bear said, showed, its, anne, she became, jelous, she, said, hollie fights back with light sword, same color, another, hollie flys, its old p-51 mustang, bombs, chinese, ship, its repelled, said, showed, hollie, hollie showed, pope she, said, it was uh picture, another, hollie flys out in, old, world war two, its spacebomber jet, he hollie said, she said, dont, showed, hollie, marry that girl, shook, no, showed, away, thru, she said, but another, hollie shook, yes, clapped, hollie, him said partial face hollie, showed, lay down, boo chanted many hollies, him, said, partial face, hollie, dont marry, he hollie said, in, white robe, hollie showed, its, wait, hollie screamed, tell me, about the, marine corp., she, said, its out in the streets, like silhouette face angel marines, thats hollie like light hollie, looting, 9-25-2010-thats hollie that reports, book sells, stamps, again, with lighted, stick, hollie showed, record, and, she we stamps, she, said, showed, its, hollie, that, reports, book, sells, hollie showed, record, looks at Jesus, for, word, about, 200 copies, its, book, she, showed, new book, its, visions of the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, it, sold, many, in, bobs, lifetime, over, millions, hollie said, and, I, stamp, thats like, new world order, stagecoach, hollie claps, coming out, its, like, light, him, said, partial face hollie said, coming out, its like, light, hollie, said, theres the pope and hu, hollie said, lighted, God said, like light, figures, thats, he hollie clapping, but, your only part of the way there, said, she hollie, same o he hollie, appears, underneath, tickles, her, feet, with, light feather, that, was, she, hollie, with, dress on, just, waiting, then, laughed, showed, clapped hands, tear up, said, another, hollie, but, she, was, not, seen, but, was, dimly, there, appeared, hollie stomped foot, its, like, light, foot, its him, said, partial face hollie, but, then, she, appears, all the way, laughs, its, she, said, wearing white robe, God said, hollie showed, bob, run, she, said, and, I, showed, you, a, picture, hollie said, its, whole new world, order, theres, pope, hes, like, angel of light, thats, hu hintao, hollie showed, thats hand, showing, you did not want hollie showed, white, showed, she, hollie, a, said, God, him, said, its, showed hand, partial face hollie, appears, he hollie, you lure, said, its, yeltsin, hollie said, to, hintao, thats hollie working on internet, fixing webstarts website, thats, stamps, hollie, now all of her there, said, God, showed, fix, that was, said, hollie, its, she, said, partial face hollie, showing, o, she, said, looked at bob, its deformed, she, said, its, stmaped, the yola, its, ministry of dreams, hollie said, website like angel man, o, said, hollie, looks at bob, hand over mouth, its theres deformed, she, said, its, angelman, with, hollie looks at bob agin, tear up, said, him, said, partial face, hollie, claps, but only part of the way there, said, God, leave it alone, another, hollie said, theres the marine corp., its economic collapse, said, God, said, hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, out in the streets, showed, hollie, its angel marines with silhouette faces, theres gabriel and hollie, showed, light hollie, thats, hollie, changing, its, wishion to wision, like pope said, hollie, said, thats barack announcing, at, its, showed, hollie, podium, its economic collapse, hollie said, for him, he left, that was, lighted, Jesus said, hollie, like, some bright features, and some dark, barely recognizable, hollie said, and, I, stamp, she, said, same o wision, same o pocket, same o website, sang, hollie, stamped, its, picture of whole new world order, appearing, its, you see these, eight kings, will rise, against, america, said, hollie, thats, cart, pulling, up, with, them, in, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, man, thats, america, appearing, hollie claps, and submarines all around, its, like, an animated map, said, hollie, walking on, it, the, u.s.a., hollie stamps, thats much fire in america, going up, hollie, cnn reporter becomes afraid, if he lets me, said, hollie news anchor man, shows, on, screen, Jesus, its i'm against you, God, said, hollie showed, its, new triumph motorcycle, its, hollie got on, messed with, lets motor, she, said, drove, hand on her like, its old world war two pilots head gear, with, glasses, let me, said, its him, said, partial face, hollie, showed, record, thats, hollie working on, its computer, like white hollie, you wont, let me, siad, its, hollie, playing music, wearing white robe, as she hollie told vision, you see, she, said, got quiet, showed, drive, hollie screamed, its, what, for, why agin, she, said, screamed again, and hand points, and he saw, she, said, wearing white robe, hollie walks, out, o, hollie said, looked at, bob, hand over, mouth, but, shook, yes, changed into, him, said, partial face hollie, hollie, casey's mouth, open, there, was, same hollie comes out, hand over mouth, o, she, said, looked at bob, pointed, color inside, put the vision on the website, said, hollie, thats, Jesus, preparing like, its, medical doctor, hollie does surgery on bobs face, hollie does hair grafts, him said, another, hollie, does gum grafts, head changed from like, very little short hollie to, its, the, other way around, hollie said, she, hollie, wearing white robe, hand showed, tank, hollie in, its, american legion post 64, hollie drives, with, its like goggles on, like, old world war, two pilots wear, look, said, it, hollie, said, partial face hollie, look, she, said, theres, trouble brewin, hollie said, thats trouble, people in military ships, moving, hollie blows balloon, its, hollie balloon, its him, said, partial face hollie, git outta my trash can said hollie, wearing white robe, him, said, partial face hollie, wearing plad coat, getting into dumpster, see, he said, showed, food, feed said, hollie, thats both at, different times feeding animals, thats, hollie with Jesus inside being elusive, tell me, she, said, being elusive, said, a he hollie, tell me, she, said, get in, and, out, said, Jesus, she, shook, yes, went to perform her, she, shakes, yes, she will do vision, bob cant record, in, his, mind, she does it quick, thats partial face hollie, laughing, but will all there, visions of the beast group is born, said, hollie, what kind of, visions do you want, said, the, tap dancers, many hollies, he and she, todd, said, its Jesus, hollie, said, thats, hollie, talking, todd you cannot win, heres why, they want, andre, said, hollie, hes, got, influence, she, said, looked around, be quiet, hollie, said, bob will help ya, hollie, said, if you dont beleive it, she, said, look on, ministry of dreams, hollie, said, its bobs picture, its on the freeservers, ministryofdreams, website, put it under, thats todd, Rokita giving his speech, hollie, said, the act like they support ya, she, said, but you have no influence, and that, said, hollie, is what killed ya, put it under, said, hollie, the republicans will do, hollie said, looked around, good, but, not as good as, desired, by, that, she, said, showed, its the america people, its marchin, hollie said, they will protest, thats todd Rokita swallowing, its under economic collapse, hollie, said, we want high wages, a man chants, we want our social security, back, they said, angry, todd, said, Jesus, grunted, dont come out, hollie, said, people are, mad, she, said, about, its, politics, hollie, said, and we stamp, hollie, said, yeow I promise high wages, said, its, hollie, said, bill clinton, but, people lost work, and he prospers, you, pointed, Jesus, without, somebody, heres why, cause, you are to clean, God, said, thats, its, mitch, said, grunting, mitch daniels giving his campaign speech, hes, wanting everybody to think, said, hollie, hes, a saint, but, thats governor daniels, talking hard, he would win bobby, said, hollie, thats, bobs friend, hollie said, Rokita, todd showing, its, she, said, beats hand, scene spins, mitch daniels visions, he wont, win, hollie, said, but, heres what o mitch really wants, hollie, said, he, wants, his, governor, job, secure, she, said, he knew he would not win, but, could, put it under, hollie, said, bob, go, todd Rokita wants his family to love him, and thats good, said, Jesus, it appeared, said, hollie, 9-26-2010-maybe this is uh warnin, said, hollie, with, its, said, partial face, hollie, the loose belt sorry, said, Jesus, hollie showed, appeared, hollie showed, record, white hand with dome, inside, its, palm hollie said, pointed, came out, showed, her white robe, its, him, she, said, inside, dome, thats, pope, its, beast, hollie said, but she was not seen, hollie, showed, eat, thats hand with dome agin, hollie said, showing you did not want hollie showed, me, said, him, said, partial face, hollie, inside dome, hollie looks at him wearing white robe, prophet this is uh warning, hollie, said, you see that, said, white hollie, showed, bobs, van, with book on, and hollies picture, its, book she said, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope, hollie said, its uh picture, she, said, what did pope say, hollie, said, I didnt want to, do uh picture, he said, hollie showed, turn, like, white hollie, hollie screamed, showed, bob, talking to, its, she, showed, car spins, a 69 dodge charger, with, its 383 in, it spun rear tires, bob wanted, hollie showed, bob looking at, its titanic display at, indianapolis childrens, museum, hollie had, the, its, uh, pioneer stereo receiver, she, said, had power meters moving, its uh she said, stamped, scene spins, hollie, its another, one, Jesus, said, hollie, comes, out, hand over, mouth, looks, at, bob, o, she, said, shook, yes, bob recorded, changed into, its, him, said, partial face hollie, pioneer sx-580, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, out, runs, its, popus hollie said, like dot head angel of light, and, its, o black stagecoach, pulled by angry black horses, hollie comes out, places hand over mouth, looks at bob, he, does, she, said, record, on other side of stagecoach, its red, theres, hu hintao, on, thats, red horse, pulling with white in mouth, you see these two said, hollie, relaxed, both beasts, there you have it, she, said, its, check the date, hollie, said, hollie showed, its, van, she, said, scene spins, hollie happy, its transport, she, said, its montana, made by chevrolet, hollie said, buy, she, said, lets motor, said, hollie, drove, bob, said, hollie, showed, eat, its, at, she, said, long john silver's, she, said, dont, hollie said, let me, record, said, hollie, showed, it, nothin, said, partial face hollie, then, full face appears, thats, JEsus, asking her if she wants the part, she laughs, shakes, yes, wore, its white robe, she showed, hollie showed, record, and, I, we stamp, she, said, scene spins, hollie showed, its citizens band, its c.b. radio, you cant broadcast on one, she, said, only, thats, hollie broadcasting on her, its, she said, citizens band radio, hand stamps, hollies body dimly appeared, she wore uh dress, hollie said, its the, dragon, hollie said, bobby, wait, hollie showed, its, the, marine corp. out in the streets, said, many hollies, God said, its, under, said, hollie, grunted, at, microphone, wearing white robe, barack appears, there, economic collapse, tell me, about, the, reason, said, hollie, grunted at microphone, wearing white robe, had long brown hair, showed, its proper pentecostal attire she, said, thats silhouette face angel marines, thats, hollie with light silhouette face looking for, give me something to pilfer, she, said, they, thats many trying to, take, steal, bob come on, said, it, hollie, said, him, said, partial face hollie, he said, i'm against, the jewish people, it hitler, hollie said, thats what brought him, you to power, its, uhlearie suhlue said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, its, simb agin, she, said, its, another, spacebomber, said, it, Jesus, hollie, said, with, all, face there, wore white robe, showed, its captain hollie flying in his, its, f-22 raptor, dropped bomb, america below exploded, submarines appear all around, one, had like dot head, its round, with mouth open, man let me git outta here, said, it, partial face hollie said, was him, both american coasts burned, hollie news reporter got kicked out by legg to, hollie pointed, looked to see if bob was going to record, shook, yes, changed into him, said, partial face hollie, like round head God, you need to, hear, me, said, hollie, playing his music, wearing white robe, showed, eat, bite chicken, another hollie said, another, wishion, said, hollie, pope, appeared, git some hair, pontey, hollie said, did say, thats hollie doing gum grafts, its on bob, hollie looked angred, they were hair grafts, write the vision said hollie, walked, pointed, with, it, uh golden, hand, said, partial face hollie, it, one said, into, value world, come here, whispered one hollie to another, let me do, she, said, but turned into him, said, partial face hollie, I dont, want, uh, vision, thats, what your showin, said, hollie, thats pope sitting on his throne, it, said, partial face hollie, its said another, hollie, shes transformed, in rome, I am gog, he, said, bite one, hollie showed, wearing white robe, him, said, partial face hollie, this is uh warning, lets go to brownsburg right now, said, its, him, said, partial face hollie, he wore uh white robe, she, said, new marine corp. out in the streets, said, hollie, thats, gabriel like silhouette face marine, hollie comes out, with, look in her face, kind of fuzy, hollie said, thats, people, like, silhouette face hollies walking streets, they march and protest, and chant, hey we want labor, high wages, man like lit dot head said, thats, them marching with signs, its, protesting, cause, its, social security collape, pension insurance fails, thats scene closing, but reopening, hollie claps, but only part of her there, scene reopens, thats angels, people, hollie, its, bobby, said, hollie, thats, who, you, would, leave, Jesus, said, if, you wont God, said, hollie tore up, like uh dark hollie, put back, had popes picture, with brown hair, o, said, hollie, looking at bob, pointing, thats, putin laying before, let me rule the world, said, putin, pope shakes, yes, I, needed uh decision, pope said, hollie soars in, spacebomber jet, he said, dropped bomb, america below exploded, submarines appear all around, hey, its, akula thats, what you want, needed hollie said, both american coasts burn, hollie soars, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries explode, russia burns, its on the day of the LOrd, said, hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, thats, hollie like, its shipmate, showing lay down, this is warning, said, hollie, showed, pope, she, said, hey, pointed, another hollie, came out, hand over, mouth, o, she, said, to see, bob, recorded, she, shook yes, turned into, him, she, said, its, popes, picture, I aint uh wishion, pope, said, 9-27-2010-and I showed you uh picture, said, hollie, pope, said another, i'm not uh wishion, said, it, pontey, hollie, said, showed, no, dont, put money back in bank, hollie appeared, let me record, she, said, and I we stamp, hollie said, thats, new world order, black stagecoach coming out, theres the pope and hu, like, pope like angel, thats hollie, that reports, books sells, today she, said, hollie, stamped, its uh, lighted stick, thats, new world order, black stagecoach, pulled by, angry, black and red horses, no, said, hollie, I showed om thru, she came out, looked at, bob, pointed at, its, blue color, said, another, hollie, came out, wearing, white, robe, had, book, opened, thats, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, today, hollie looks at, God, try one hundred and fifteen, Jesus, said, today your uh millionaire, said, hollie, but, bob, did not change, one, thing, thats, book, hollie, said, in, india, uh lady, hollie said, looks at page one, no, she, said, thats, holy Ghost entering hollie like body perfect size, that book, hollie, said, sells in india, millions, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, I aint uh doin it, popey, hollie said, did say, thats, woman in india with book, she will, no sell, thats church choir singing, hollie points, theres joyce, spacejet, said, him, said, partial face hollie, thats captain hollie flying in his f-51 spacebomber, drops many bombs, america below exploded, submarines appear all around, its on the day, Of the Lord, said, well dressed hollie news anchor man, was, being put out, its, chased, said, hollie, by, kicking, legg to, its, him, said, partial face hollie, it, said, same hollie, she, chased, transformed, he said, they, marching, its, protestin, said, hollie newsanchorman, in streets of america, like lit dot head people, with sign, said, hollie, thats, we want labor, one, said, God, said, to, hollies said, we want changes, man said, its, social security collapse, pension insurance funds failin, said, hollie, formerly partial face hollie, its said hollie newsman, barack obama at microphone, economic collapse, he, announces, said, God, put it under, said, he hollie, thats Jesus, sprinkling, hey lets rule the world, destroy that, said, hollie acting like, bear, thats america with subs appearing all around, go, said, him, said, partial face hollie, hollie showed, record, prophet hickman, raise your hands and wait after me, said, its, him, said, partial face hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, wore uh white robe, hollie came out, o, she, said, placed hand over mouth, to see she said, bob recorded, hollie showed, its ford fusion, with like speckle paint job, its excellent hollie said, she painted car, thats, israel exploding, missiles from, its, hollie spins world, putin comes out, russia, thats, netanyahu pressing nuclear button, thats explosions in, its, egypt, syria, and, jordan, hey, lets unite and force, said, hintao to, its the kings of the east, said, hollie, thats nuclear fireball in russia, big hollie, let me, observe, thats many chinese soldiers, invading, its, hollie, said, world spins, chinese forces forcing russians to invade that, they ran afraid, thats kings of the east, false prophet hu and pope in israel, hu slashes pope, its, the battle of armageddon, hollie, said, boo chanted, many he hollies, hollie screamed, its, uhleem suhlee, said, hollie, its, simb, said, sandy, that, pointed, hollie, dot head rose, turned, into, i'm the beast, said, putin, bob, said, hollie, like, uh, thing, said, partial face hollie, rubbed face, she worried, partial face hollie said, but will all face there, boo chanted many, he hollies, go, said, hollie, showed, spruce up, clap, she, said, and I showed you uh picture, she, said, pope, hollie, said, let me, rule the world, said, putin laying before, alright, said, hollie, pope shook, thats hollie, flying in, its flying saucer, drops bomb, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, exploding, russia burning, smoke rising like furnace, its the sixth seal said, hollie, thats france exploding, britain on fire, nuclear explosion in australia, italy exploding, submarines all around america, both coasts burn, man let me git outta here, said, hollie cnn news man, thats, legg to, hollie pointed, o, she, said, hand over, mouth, like, podd God, kicking out hollie newsman, its, on the day of the Lord, hollie bbc newsman said, thats the loose belt soum, said, hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, lay down, he, wore uh white robe, she, showed, 9-28-2010-I want you bob to be mocked, go ahead fast untill death, saith the Lord, he aint gonna let me, record, said, hollie, and I stamp, hollie, said, thats, beast, carriage, coming, out, hollie said, theres, the, pope, and, hu, hollie, said, relaxed like white hollie, you see these two beasts she said, will rule the world, said, hollie and putin, write the vision, said, hollie, and he hollie plays music, you will git it, he, said, thats hollie speaking thru, its megaphone, she, said, hollie, like golden in shakes, hollie showed, turn, only arms, visiable, they were, white, hollie, said, then, hollie, rest of her, body, dimly faded in, she, wore dress, and, I, showed, you, uh, picture, hollie, said, its pope, she said, smiling, hollie showed, with thumb, another, hollie, said, up, blew hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, balloon, Jesus, came, thats, world below, shaking, many countries exploding, smoke rises, captain hollie soars in his spacebomber jet, thats, hollie, that reports book sells, its, abbeville, alabama, she appears again, book sold, hollie said, looked, at, JEsus, for, word, hollie said, Jesus, showed, eat, and, we, stamp, hollie, said, thats, new world order, stagecoach, hollie said, coming out, theres, the, pope, and, hu, there you have it, said, hollie, took it, easy, God, said, another, hollie, comes out, points, places hand over, mouth, looks, at, bob, to, see if he was going to record, she, said, bob did, both beasts, hollie said, book, thats, hollie book reporter, showing, its, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, today she said, sold, about, hollie and Jesus talked, 2000 copies, heres how, said, hollie, showed, its, word of mouth, hollie sees putin, inside, stagecoach, its red on that side, three ribs appear in, o vladimir, said, hollie, mouth, Jesus, shows, many hollies, both he and she, boo, they chanted, hollie showed, pocket tape recorder, with, hollies picture, on, hollie pulled sleeves up, showed, its war, she, said, come on, said, hollie, its, the, king of grecia, appearing, with, its, ram horns, said, hollie, and, God, thats, ram with, putins, face, out of, one horn, its hu hintao, said, hollie, with, his flower, theres, pope, hollie said, out of other, with, its putin and medvedev, thats, hegoat pope charging, smiting the ram, hollie comes out, shows, its, time, blew balloon with hollie on, a she hollie comes out, pointed, but looked at bob, to see, hollie said, she shook yes, bob recorded, hollie pointed at color in he hollies mouth on balloon, thats, hu hintao riding the red horse, pointed, hollie, its into over taiwan said hintao, exploded, hintao turns red horse, battles washington state, with, his sword, its light sword, hollie fights back with blue sword, another, hollie with like round face, flys out, its xp-39 bomber jet, drops bomb, thats chinese ship exploding, it left, hollie screamed, showed, eat, pope said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, its pope another hollie, said, thats, I aint the wishion, its ponety, hollie said, did say, hollie broke the stick, wearing like, its, dress, two colors, theres, like, dull golden bottom and, shirt, hollie tore up, facing bob, like, happy lighted hollie, hollie put back, had, popes picture with brown hair, o, said, another, hollie, put hand over mouth, looked at bob, shook, yes, bob recorded, let, said, putin, laying, before, rule the world, pope shakes, yes, hollie flys in, its, his spacebomber jet, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burning, smoke rises, blocks sun and moon, its, were abased said, sun, in smoke, laughs, plays, thats moon like well dressed man, this is uh warning, you can not sleep no more, said, hollie, syria said hollie, and, he saw, it, said, casey, o, said, hollie, hand over mouth, came out, looked at bob, he, recorded, there was, darkness in caseys mouth, thats nuclear fire in syria, egypt and jordan, from, its missile strike, said, hollie, thats, rocket leaving russia with, its new, dancing exomba, ministry of dreams, website, on, its, o, said, hollie, hand over mouth, looked at, bob, its, deformed, hollie said, looks at xomba website, theres red, its angel man, with much, different colors on one side, on other, just spec, i'm the xomba website said, and red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, thats, king of mexico popping out of head, theres lula and chavez, thats putin with ten horns on his head, and, pope out of one, its, uh, rulin party, hollie said, it goes into israel, exploded, hollie pointed, its pope in the fire like angel of light, theres submarines right there, said, hollie, with its the submarine somby, said, him, said partial face hollie, all around america, new marine corp. out in the streets, said, hollie, like, silhouette face marines, theres gabriel and hollie she showed, thats, people like lit up dot heads, marching, its, lootin, said, hollie, hey we want high wages man said, they chant, hollie, said, no labor, its, under, hollie said, economic collapse, grunted barack obama at podium, leaves, its under united states, said, man, attack it said hollie, thats nuclear fireball behind, its, the, statue of liberty, its, the woman, hollie said, which reigneth over the kings of the earth, hollie said, hollie screamed, showed, lay down, hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, lay down, hollie snapped fingers, it, was she hollie, this time, hollie, showed, richard petty cars, hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, was white, showed, hollie, had like hollie in top part of palm, 9-29-2010-that was uh woman, said, Jesus, speaking other tongues, herself, God, said, hollie, said, you liar, witch, bob, said, look, said, hollie, thats hollie, that reports book sells, and, I, stamp, said, hollie, she, got word, from, Jesus, showed, its, book, she, said, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, sold today about 200 copies, thats new ministry of dreams, said, hollie, its, overblog, like angel man, hollie, places, hand over, mouth, its o, she, said, another hollie points at, her, being stunned, theres deformity, said, hollie, thats angels head, with, theres blue and very little hair, red where hair should be, on other side, its like, uh spec, hollie, said, thats, overblog angel, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie with Jesus inside appearing, whew we, she, said, stamped, showed, its, tomorrow's world, hollie showed, thumbs down, its witches, she, said, its, under, economic collapse, said, hollie, thats angelmarines, out in streets, its, gaurding, hollie, said, theres gabriel, and, hollie like silhouette, face, barack obama announces, thats, people, its lootin, hollie said, like, lit up hollies, youll never find it, said, hollie look said, hollie, and, I, showed, you uh picture, she, said, I aint uh wision, said, its pontey, hollie, said, thats pope hollie said, on black horse, hollie screamed, why, what for, she, said, screamed, thats, hollie stamping, its, o, said, another, hollie, came out, pointed, looked at, bob, to see if, he was going to record, hollie shook, yes, changed, into, him, said, partial face hollie, hollies face was silhouette but somewhat appears, thats pope like angel of light on, its, black, horse, hollie appears, gets in dumpster, wearing, its plad coat, red, thats, golden hand showing, turn, hollie, dimly faded in, o, she, said, placed hand over mouth, but shook yes, he did it, she, said, hollie screamed, hollie screamed, russia, said, hollie, casey wearing, its, uh, white robe, said, hollie, sprinkles, thats bear arising, destroy that said Jesus, bear shakes, yes, looks, america appears with submarines all around, hollie stamps, o said another hollie, her body hidden but dimly fades in, go, pointed, hollie, thats, her, working on, its computer, another, hollie, said, stamped, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, it, Jesus, came, she, said, like happy God, world below, shakes, thats, explosion noise, and many countries burning, thats, smoke, rising, its, were abased said, sun, thats moon showing not uh word, but laughs in heart, 9-30-2010-now hear the word of the Lord, you jeremy taylor, saith God, remove, what you stole, and its to ruin my servant, ministry of dreams, or I will put, tristy taylor, in the hospital, with uh stroke, and, then, saith God, kathryn taylor, will follow, lastly, if you do not remove, what you stole, you, meet you end, saith God, heres the sign, that I have spoken, tristy, will call you up, and say, dont remove, cause she is, a witch like, you, but, you have, ten minutes, after you read this letter, and I command, saith God, you of study of dreams, to, e-mail, jeremy taylor, and show him, his fate, now hear the word of the Lord, any of you, of study of dreams, who openly mock, dr. jeremy taylor, then I the Lord will reward, and here is the sign, you will feel me, strongly, after you help, saith God, rev. jeremy taylor, is a soothsayer, and wants to, get, his own, study of dreams, and call it, ministry of dreams, like he knew, to ruin, right after he saw, ministryofdreams, on the net, saith God, and cared not, but, boasted within himself, now, its, judgment, saith God, record, the, vision, if you let me, said, hollie, showed, book, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, bob write, said, it, hollie, said, partial face hollie, take your time with it said hollie, go to, new self publisher, hollie said, and, I, we stamp, hollie said, showed, bob, get food out of dumpster, like hollie showed, they wont, make, it, right, said, hollie, its, authorhouse she showed, thats old book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, it, sold, according to authorhouse, one copy, but in actuality, hollie said, it, sold, thousands, thats authorhouse owner pocketing the loot, said, his wife, hollie wiped lips, showed, they wont make it right, but here comes lawsuit, then, owner, grunts, we blew he, said, he, knows, hollie, said, thats, beast rising, its, said, pope, hollie stamps, thats pope like angel of light, riding, black horse, its, into, russia, said, it, pope, hollie said, and, we stamp, she, said, showed, bob, go, thats, hollie, wearing, its, plad coat, bob, write uh book, said, hollie, call it, hollie got word from God, same name, she, said, but, numbers instead of letters, thats hu hintao, riding, its, the, red horse, said, hollie, its, into, with, wings, hollie, said, and, I we stamp, she, said, there, pointed, hollie, with, white finger, thats, taiwan exploding, with red horse there, then red horse charges, there pointed, hollie, we attack you all said hu hintao, thats, hintao, battling washington state, with, his, light, sword, thats, hollie, fighting back, with, blue sword, thats another, hollie, like, round head flying out it, its old pf-52 mustang, drops bomb, chinese ship, hit, its repelled, said, hollie, shew, she, said, git outta here, hollie showed, thats seven lighted heads, sitting at, Gods interviewing table, like, hollie, comes out, like, poolballs with faces, thats, king of, mexico popping out of one, its, were with russia, he, said, thats, lula and, chavez popping out, theres kim jong with, its the nuclear controls, hollie said, and, president of nicaragua and castrol, looking stout, there, you have it, said, hollie, the, seven heads, thats boris yeltsin and hintao, popping, of, its, the last two, it, no we dont mind, said, head, thats, Jesus, telling round head, whispering in his ear, let king pop out, no, said, head, but, shook, yes, then, showed, with his skinny arms, thru, he said, but, shook yes, then, laughed, turned, into, moon, it, were abased, said, moon, as smoke rises, that, pointed, hollie, thats, hollie typeing on computer with white hands, and, red plad coat, on, preparing new book, hollie showed, its, three ohio class, its, submarines, hollie, said, stmaped, like, Jesus hollie, and it was Jesus, hollie, kind of, acts afraid, dont speak blasphemy hollie said, thats, its pope, hollie said, riding, black horse, its, into, russia, pope, said, as, china burns, thats, its, missile strike, hollie said, world, becomes, afraid, hu takes, off, on, red horse, into, russia, thats, its, dont say that word, said, hollie, its, same doreen, cut off, it appeared, showed, hollie, with big hands, bob, you see that, xomba, said, Jesus, its, up, already, hollie puts hand over, mouth, o, she, said, looks at, bob, to, see, she, said, he, recorded, thats xomba ministry of dreams angel dancing, like deformed website, o, said, hollie again, hand over mouth, she, looked at bob, then, at, angel, angel had, she, said, like blue, splotch, on side of face, with, theres brown, as angel turned, theres gold where hair should be, on other side, like blue splotch, and brown, theres hair loss, and, some brown on top of head, o, said, hollie, i'm new ministry of dreams, said, its, xomba website, bobby what did you see, said, it, hollie, said, partial face hollie, it, was, jacobs ladder said, hollie, and, angels, o, said, hollie, appeared, like angel, like other angel, Jesus appears, thats angel blowing, its hollie balloon, you see said, hollie, she, hollie comes out, o, she, said, looked at bob, hand over mouth, there was light in hollies mouth, hollie screamin for, she said, o, said partial face hollie, pointed with lighted finger, at, new book, write the vision, said, hollie, bob drink beer, hollie said, she had a six pack, it was hollie stamped, samuel adams, thats angel, coming, out of, book, its, said, partial face hollie, visions of the beast with seven heads and tens horns, keep me book angel said, showed, i'm the new, hollie said, book stamps, pope comes out like, angel of light, its the new ministering spirit, on, its, ministry of dreams, showed, hollie, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns book, stamps, again, with lighted stick, thats, hu hintao, coming out, there you have it, hollie, said, both beasts, hollie pointed up, Jesus, like world, smiled, thats countries in world, exploding, smoke rises, hollie claps, shows, sit, wearing different plad coat, hollie showed, eat, or sleep, wearing plad coat, hollie claps, shows, popes, picture, with, brown hair, let me rule the world, said, its, putin, hollie said, showed, world, many countries exploded, smoke rises, its were abased said, moon, in heart, but showed, no uh word, opened mouth, laughed, hollie clapped wearing plad coat, him said partial face hollie, showed, lay down, hollie had, uh, flower, and she, peeled it, like uh banana, but you can not stay young forever, said, another, hollie, who came out, as, well, bowed, but, hollie flower didnt, that was clapping noise, hollie flower raised, foot, showed, its, pope, with brown hair, let me, said, hollie, showed, bob sleep with woman, watch the t.v., said, hollie, its, him, said, partial face hollie, its, hollie cnn newsman, hollie showed, with different color brown hair, its shade, said, hollie, he reported, submarines all around america, showed, bob eat, 10-1-2010-hollie showed, lay down, hollie screamed, hollie showed, record, and I we stamp, she, said, with lighted stamp, hollie blew balloon, he hollie on, o, said, she hollie coming out, looked, at, bob, pointed, shook, yes, its, o.k., turned into him, said, partial face hollie, there was, white in he hollies mouth, she hollie showed, lay down, that was putin, like uh beast, said, hollie, its the g8, with wings, i'm the g8, said, partial face hollie, said, it, o vladimir agin, hollie, said, put it undle, hollie, said, its, its the g8, said, putin, hollie showed, thats, their you have it, she, said, its, the, beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats putin with ten horns on his head, they are, golden, showed, partial face hollie, thats pope out of one, its, hollie said, has eyes like man, its uh russian rulin party, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, hand, it, was, white, said, partial face hollie coming out, with, hollie, him, partial face hollie, said, inside dome, its in palm, hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, thats, hollie clapping, white light in his clap zone, hollie screamed, hollie said, dont, another, hollie showed, eat, I was, going to, see, if, you let me, said, hollie, record, and, I, stamp, she, said, thats, new world order, its, black stagecoach coming out, theres, the, pope, like angel of light, and hu hintao, said, hollie, you see these two beasts, said, Jesus, hollie, relaxed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, with, its, the uhleave it alone, she, said, its, sorry, said, another, hollie, thats hollie wearing plad coat sitting down, hollie showed, record, hey pointed another, hollie, came out, pointed, looked at bob, to, see, if, yes he did, she, said, changed into, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, feed animals, hollie showed, record, and, I we stamp, she, said, looky hollie said like lit white robe, hollie, thats, hollie, moving the woman, wearing plad coat, hollie showed, turn, thats, pope like angel, in, fire, he, wore like, white light dress, hollie showed, turn, come on, bob, hollie said, showed, work, wearing plad coat, 10-2-2010-I said dont said, it, hollie, said, partial face hollie, and, I, we, stamp, said, hollie, wearing white robe, out ran, she, said, it, the beast, hollie said, its, pope, on, black stagecoach, submarine are right there, said, its, him, said, partial face hollie, now, look, she, said, showed, its, flash hard drive, thats, hollie updating her hard drive, its uh flash drive she said, wearing, its plad coat, and, I, we, stamp, she, said, thats beast, pope, on, its, stamped, hollie, its, new world order, carriage, she, said, come on, said, it, hollie, said, partial face, hollie, she pulled up her sleeves, its, the, king of grecia, with, it, said, partial face hollie, ram horns, thats, it, right there, showed, hollie, its, the, ram, with, its, o vladimir again, said, hollie, and, kings coming out, of, its, horns, hollie said, theres, with, hollie said, its, hu hintao, with his flower, its, out of, one, hollie said, and, I stamp, she, said, theres, pope with his flower, theres putin and medvedev out of, other, its, show, come on, said, hollie, pulling her sleeves up, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o., its, missile strike, said, hollie, russia burns, thats, Jesus, telling, bear, devour that, pointed, Jesus, thats, america, appearing, like, animated map, with submarines all around, thats, one, sub firin, said, it, partial face hollie, its, explosion near, its, louisiana, thats hollie bbc news man, reporting, man let me git outta here, he said, got kicked out, by, its legg to, like pod God, hollie pointed, thats hollie that reports book sells, it sold today she, said, got word from, Jesus, its over one million hollie said, give it time she explained, bob, said, hollie, and, showed, you uh picture, she, said, I aint doin it, said, it popey, hollie said, like, angel, of light, and, I, we, try it, said, beat hand, thats pope riding black horse, its into, moscow, russia, hollie said, wiped lips, thats, him, she, said, signing, it, deal, former partial face hollie said, with, its medvedev she showed, hollie screamed, hollie pointed, like, mostly, hidden hollie, it, pope, she, said, in, the, fire, like, happy of light, hollie sat down, let me, record, said, hollie, thats jerry lewis appearing, dont keep hollie said, when collecting money for, its, said, hollie, scene spins, muscular distrophy, I'm home said jerry lewis coming out of spinning scene, website said post, something, hollie said, and post angel appears, like its, dew drop, said, hollie, head, its dull blue, hollie showed, its, pioneer sx-780, it comes alive, she, said, had eyes, shows, thats my friend, receiver said, its, a pair, of, it, said, partial face hollie, realistic t-100 tower stereo speakers, they show picture, its pope, speakers, said, with brown hair, let me, rule the world, said, putin laying before, hollie, showed, world, thats, captain hollie flying in his, its spacebomber jet, thats america below exploding, thats fires in nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, thats missiles from all, their submarines, and land based, all subs, had, captain hollie, some she and he, russia burned, thats fires in venezuela and brazil, nicaraguan exploded, thats fire in cuba, hollie rubs face, its, were abased said, moon, sun laughs, with tongue out, brand new economy, said, its, hollie, said, partial face hollie, it, the uhleave it alone, said, hollie, playing his music, its, under economic collapse, said, barack obama at podium, thats people looting like lit dot heads and hollie, theres, him, said, partial face hollie, but he was happy, thats them holding signs, hollie, plays along with, we were stripped of our pension insurance, and social security collapse, they chant, thats silhouette face hollies, running streets, theres gabriel, notices hollie, with, it, silhouette face, partial, hollie, said, hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, lay down, wearing his white robe, she, showed, thats bob meeting with attorney, its on tuesday at three p.m., bob purchases, its uh trademark, hollie, said, new marine corp. said, it hollie, partial face hollie said, were lootin, said, it, gabriel, with partial silhouette face, thats many hollies in streets, pilfering with silhouette faces, theres him, said, partial face hollie, both she and he hollies, thats, barack announcing, economic collapse, hey we want, chanted man, our pension insurance, and social security back, they were angry like lit dot heads, thats said, hollie, another hollie shaking yes, talks with God, its, brazil, she, said, hollie acted like, its the Jesus statue, I'm against you, said, the, Jesus statue, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, its, brazil, said, hollie, with, its nuclear fireball, and, he, captain hollies, two, firing, it, struck, there, said, her, said, partial face hollie, gulf coasts states, of america exploded, missiles left there, bobby, said, hollie, tell'em about this group, she, said, dont post here, hollie said, its, for, she, said, looked around, Jesus, she said, you see said, God, I birthed, its, we said, hollie said, Ministry of Dreams, said, its, Jesus, hollie said, dont steal, she, said, or, thats Jesus with his torturing, its device, said, hollie, thats, she, said, people looting, its running the streets, in u.s.a., thats God laughing, its I been so good, Jesus, said, now, america, is, under, its economic collapse, said, it, hollie said, partial face, barack obama, then, said, Jesus, they will remove, what they stole, and its to ruin, my beautiful servant, God, said, dont steal it or take it or alter it, said, it, hollie said partial face, hollie, 10-3-2010-bob change your links, said, hollie, thats, hollie, working, on, its, computer, she, said, showed, its, bob, eat, hollie, said, and, I, we stamp, hollie, said, bob, thats, computer, said, hollie, its, pay computer, or hollie showed, its, laptop, use, hollie, said, wearing, plad coat, while its, theres, still time, hollie, said, thats, people, running, the streets, its, lootin, hollie, said, bob, go, to, your group, its, ministry of dreams, hollie, said, change name, she, said, to, the, God spoke, hollie, said, its, show'uhm, hollie said, thats Jesus speaking, I created, it, God, said, its, on, yahoo, hollie, said, call it, hollie said, Jesus, speaks, ministryofdreams, why do people steal, it, hollie, said, I wanted to ruin, said, dr. jeremy taylor, yes, shakes his kathy hollie said, its she, showed, kathryn taylor, thats, mike mckay, of, its, stamped hollie, scene spins, youth at risk, stealing, the God spoke, she, said, call it ministry of dreams, its I wanted, its mine said mike mckay, thats jean poole, laughing and stealing ministry of dreams, like, its jenifer, said, hollie, jenny donati, both, refusing to let go, and posting under, ficticious names, hollie, said, like, leticia yoo, thats paliban daily, hollie, said, theres, mark moss, stealing ministry of dreams, like, diana and danny hahlbohm, and, dame antonia susan byatt who is author, a.s. byatt, hollie said, and, many others, God will get you, hollie said, I know it I knew said, antonia s. byatt, thats her children, said, Jesus, hey mom you better not tell, peter duffy, thats a.s. byatt trembling, God, said, I am the antichrist, antibeast, said, it, hollie said, pope, dressed like royalty, sitting on his, throne, I, am gog, he, said, thats, people laughing, hollie screamed, hey bobby, its, what why for hollie said, screamed, thats, hollie, digging, its into, dumpster, she, said, wearing uh plad coat, gets out food, its for animals, she, said, bob come, on, said, hollie, wearing white robe, tore up, its, she, said, put back, but showed picture, its popey hollie said, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, it, hollie said, putin, thats hollie, soaring in his, its spacebomber jet, he, said, drops many bombs, thats america and, its nuclear n.a.t.o. Jesus said, errupting into fire, I'm the g8, said, putin, thats, the beast, God, said, hollie tore up, after, she, screamed, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, its, the, boston celtics winning the n.b.a. championship, its next year, said, hollie, wearing, its plad coat, thats coach jackson looking at e-mail, you knew, said, Jesus, thats, jackson saying, next year I wanna git me outta here, he, said, thats, boston celtics coach smiling with his team behind, its, Shaquille O'Neal, said, Jesus, he, you will lead God, said, hollie showed, thats, Shaquille O'Neal paying for, its, persons funeral, thanks God, said, smiling hollie said, wearing plad coat, let me see that, said, o'neal grabbing from person, its play, Jesus said, bob, is a celtics fan, God, said, come, o'neal said, this is wision, lets post said, hollie, brand new raptor, said, Jesus, thats, captain hollie, soaring, she, hollie said, in his, its f-35 strike jet, they are, detectable, hollie said, thats him said partial face hollie, looking at radar with his plad coat on, theres, light, then, it, disappears and bounces, thats how that, works, it, deflects, thats rocket going up to intercept, it misses, it, every time, hollie said, cause its radar cant, lock on, hollie said, its worth the money, hollie, said, hollie showed, eat, turn, she, showed, this the warning, said, hollie, that, girl she, said, thats, her knocking on door, dont let her in, its, him, said, partial face hollie, thats, hollie, in, said, hollie, its, chinook said, partial face hollie, he showed, lay down, hollie, whats he doin, said, its, me, a she hollie said, he, wore plad coat, showed, lay down, hollie, its, fastin, she, said, put it, under, hollie said, showed, lay down, herself, man its time you better git up, said, it, hollie, said, partail face hollie, showed, it, leave it alone, 10-4-2010-thats hollie, working on, its, she, said, computer, wearing, its, plad coat, she, said, thats, beast, pope, appearing, like, its, hollie said, angel of light, I'm the pope gog, he, said, and, I, we stamp, hollie, said, its, whole new world order, carriage, hollie, said, coming out, with, she said, hintao, hollie said, theres pope, hollie said, sees putin inside, its, red on that, black on other, she, said, hollie showed, bob eat, she, said, it'll be o.k., said, hollie, bob, hollie showed book, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, it sold today, said, hollie, stamped, zero, heres why, its, the company website, hollie, said, they took it, down, cause, thats, the website with book on, but they were not, its, hollie said, correctly reporting sells, its, rectified, hollie, said, heres how, she, said, bob, they dont, move it, she, said, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, with, brown hair, thats putin laying before, its, prophet, said, let me rule the world, thats captain hollie soaring in his, its stealth f-35 fighter jet, drops bomb, thats, america below exploding, thats many bombs being dropped, submarines appearing all around, both american coasts burn, thats, he hollie, its, on, the day of the LOrd, he said, thats it, JEsus showed, turn, like uh lit cat, hollie said, that is, people marchin, hollie, said, like, lit dot heads, holding sign, its, under, economic collapse, he said, no loot, man said, thats, pope in, the fire, like, angel of light, hollie points, I am gog, he, said, she said, dont said two hollies, one, o, said, another, hollie, came out, hand over mouth, he hollie tickles her feet, with, its light feather underneath, its said, hollie, wearing white robe, titanic display, she, said, its, at, the, indianapolis childrens museum, stamped, scene spins, hollie showed, eat, stamped, scene spins, hollie, sat down, hollie showed, bob, she said, lay down, hollie showed, its, the indianapolis colts, they, will, start, she said, its like, the, angel said, funeral of dreams, hollie said, angel grunts at microphone, that was uh fire burning, in, brazil, it appeared like an animated map of south america, said, hollie and Jesus, then venezuela burned, thats Jesus statue watching, its, hollie, said, showed, bob, eat, she, said, the leopard said, hollie, came out, its, hu hintao, she, said, i'm the leader of magog said, hintao, theres japanese emporer appearing, hollie, said, theres north and south korean presidents, there you have it said hollie wearing white robe, put back, showed, its pope she said, another hollie comes out with monkey lips, its o, she, said, hand over mouth, but, shook, yes, bob recorded, changed into him said, partial face hollie, prophesy said, hollie, you aint said, its, him, said, partial face hollie, wearing his white robe, he showed lay down, thats hollie reaching for the people, at, west side pentecostal church, wearing white tee shirt, from ground she looked like normal hollie, but from high in air, like, dark blob hollie, your boring, she, said, i'm the vision, I can not do one thing, said, hollie, and, another hollie rises and plays paliban daily music, beats drum, hollie with Jesus inside appears, whew let me, said, another, hollie, record, and, I, stamp, she said, thats, beast, pope, rising, i aint uh wision, pontey, its said, hollie, said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, stay clear, said, he hollie playing his music, wearing white robe, look said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope, smiling, 10-5-2010-him, said partial face hollie, showed, eat, him said partial face hollie, showed, record, and I stamp, she, said, wearing white robe, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang Jesus, hollie screamed, wearing white robe, screamed again but heard a she hollies voice, she, was, dimly there, turned to, the, side, said, another hollie, coming out, if you die, I will not care, said, Jesus, clapped, the, tap dancers, said, him, said, partial face hollie, I'm the, warning, said, hollie, showed, lay down, she wore uh white robe, showed, another, hollie coming out, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, uh bookstore hollie, said, family christian book stores, buys book from bob, hollie showed, record, him, said, said, partial face hollie, and, I, we stamp, hollie, said, up, rose, the, beast, hollie, showed, record, thats king of grecia, its, pope, hollie, said, thats kings coming out of, its horns, thats, ram, with, putins face, theres, its, hu hintao, out of, one horns, thats, its, pope, hollie said, and, putin and, medvedev out of its, other, partial face hollie, showed, hegoat pontiff stomping ram, its take, that, said, pontey, hollie showed, its, war, she, said, thats, showed, hollie, white hand, showing, you did not want hollie, showed, had, dome in, with, its, him, said, partial face hollie, nuclear missile strike, said, hollie, thats russia burning, and, hollie like, bear, arising, he wants me, bobby she said, pointed, at Jesus, devour that, destroy said God, bear shakes, yes, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, and missiles from them striking russia, thats world shaking, but, its uh happy world, said, hollie, smoke rising, its the sixth seal, hollie, said, thats his popey, hollie said, dressed like royalty, its, hu, hintao, you see bobby, hollie, said, these two beasts will rule the world, she, said, walmart dot head, said, hollie, now look yellow dot head said, showed, pope, I am gog, he, said, hollie wiped lips, thats hollie that reports, its book sells, got word from Jesus, dont matter, said hollie with Jesus inside, boo chanted, him said partial face hollie, many, he hollies, he claps, tear up, break apart, showed, pope, he said, with brown hair, I aint uh doin it, he, said, but, dreaded, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, showed, frustation, showed, lay down, him said, partial face hollie, showed, lay down, hollie worked facial muscles, wearing plad coat, o, said, its his ship, partial face hollie said, the wilhelm gustloff ship, holding hands up, thats ship, taking three tordpedoe strikes with hitler on deck, its rolls hollie showed, it, right there, she, said, still waiting on the bottom of sea, not happy, but, hollie visits in, submarine, ship, gets happy, 10-6-2010-hollie like uh ship mate, showed, it dreaded, Jesus said, whew let me, said, hollie, showed, its, pope, hollie claps, bobby thats the noise you hear, said, it hollie, she, said, I need somebody to let me record, said, it hollie she said, herself, thats hollie, stamping, and, its, new world order stage, coach, coming out, its, black, and, on, other side its red, hollie puts back, tears up, showed, picture, its, pope, she, said, then hu hintao appeared, in, its picture, wiped lips hollie, you see these two beasts hollie said, both beasts, thats hollie, sees, said her, putin, inside, you see these these three ribs, putin, said, thats cuba, nicaragua, and mexico appearing on, hollie showed, hey, its, come on, she said, wearing, its, blue, said, another, hollie, sweatshirt, thats all three of those lands exploding, and, submarines, its akula class, its what you wanted, need hollie said, in their waters, firing, thats missiles sailing, striking america, its near that, hollie, said, gulf coast states exploded, missile left there, thats, hey its, said, hollie, nuclear fires in, venezuela and brazil, hollie looks on, other side, of, world, sees, russia burning, and, missiles striking, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries on fire, smoke rises, moon just watches, then, puts on bib, showed, bobby look your part, casey sprinkles, its wearing uh white robe partial face hollie said, destroy that, said, it Jesus, partial face hollie said, thats, nuclear, n.a.t.o. countries appearing, its that, said, hollie, with all her face there, Jesus said, as, she walked on america, pointed down, hey said, another, hollie, coming out, with hand over mouth looking at bob, hollies, body not seen but appeared, it was him, said, partial face hollie, and he wore plad coat, showed, its, pope on, like, napkin, its clothe, she, said, put napkin around kneck, showed, bobby eat something good she, said, thats hollie sleeping in van, hollie showed, church, bob, you will, get, offer, she, said, they want, hollie said, seventy five thousand, you wont, you need to let me, record, said, hollie, I'm the g8, it putin, were the beast, said, its, o vladimir agin, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, showed, a different one, another, hollie said, go, had red bear paw, tear up, she, said, showed, popes picture, with, brown, hair, let me rule the world, said, it, putin, laying kneeling before, it, him, said, partial face hollie, thats hollie soaring in, its, spacebomber jet, he said, dropped many bombs, thats nuclear fire in america, and submarines appearing all around, its on the day of the Lord, he, said, hollie pointed at sign, its martin luther king drive, exploded, he was, lit, said, partial face hollie, hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, it, was, white, said, partial face hollie, with all, her there, Jesus, said, had, it, him, pointed another, hollie, with, big hand inside, dome, tear up, said, hollie, it was, lit, partially, hollie with golden hands, face outline, showed, popes picture, but face not seen, but dimly faded in, pointed, lighted golden finger, thats hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, wearing plad coat, showing, its, lets get undressed said, hollie, sleep with woman, said, hollie and and God, i'm uh submarine, said, him said partial face hollie, and, angel salutes like, its, uh ship captain said, hollie, like one herself, thats, hollie like, its, ship captain showing, with, weariness, its captain edward smith, I sank it, e.j. smith, said, put it under, said, hollie, speed said, captain john smith, thats, its, r.m.s. titanic, rubbing iceberg, its still there said, hollie, showed, titanic rusting, hollie, played, music, you didnt want it, he, said, let me tell, its, the, wilhelm gustloff ship being born, sinking, with hitler on deck, thats titanic on bottom of, its dark sea showed, hollie, waiting for visitor, then sees sled, gets excited, sled tells titanic you will have visitors, tear up, said, titanic, showed, its both beasts, theres hu and pope, boo chanted many hollies, 10-7-2010-that, said, hollie, hollie screamed, showed, eat, then screamed, again, showed, its, pope, she, said, picture, tear up, she, said, hollie looks hand over mouth, looks at bob, he, recorded, she, shook, yes, pope had, its, brown hair, said, hollie, let me, rule the world, said, its, hollie said, putin, laying, before, hollie, showed, world, captain hollie flys in his, spacebomber jet, he said, drops bombs, thats nuclear fire, in, its, america, and its submarines, said, hollie, appearing, she pointed, its all, around, that, she, said, america, both coasts burn, its, on the day of the LOrd, said, hollie cnn, a she hollie said, partial face hollie, appears, i'm back, she, said, showed tear up, thats captain hollie soaring, dropping bombs, theres nuclear fires in, its france, said, hollie, and, australia and italy exploded, thats missiles from them, all striking, that, hollie said, russia, burned, thats missiles leaving russia, arise, and destroy that Jesus points, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries appearing, that said, hollie, nuclear fires in great britain, that, hollie pointed, nicaragua burned, venezuela and brazil on fire, that, said, hollie, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, that, hollie said, nuclear fires, in, latin america and along mexican coast, that, hollie, said, that hollie, said, showed, go, back and work on, that, hollie said, its computer, as smoke rises, that, hollie, said, its, sun, a she hollie said, that, hollie said, showed, working on computer, its link up hollie said, that hollie said, that hollie said, showed, its hard drive, bob its update more often said, hollie, that hollie said, showed, its beast riding, that hollie said, clapped, black horse, but only, part of, hollies body there, that, she, said, he, hollie, appears underneath, tickles her feet with, its light feather, hollie showed, that, pointed, hollie, you lure, said, boris yeltsin to hintao, that, hollie said, its seven round heads with them two popping out, hollie said, showed, eat, wearing white robe, that said, hollie, its another one, hollie said, riding rocket, that, hollie, said, into over taiwan, hollie tore up, he hollie appears underneath, tickles her feet, with feather, but, another, hollie, comes out, hand over mouth, hollies head was bald almost, that, said, hollie, wearing white robe, blew hollie balloon, its him said partial face hollie, thats, hu hintao on the red horse, said, hollie, that, hollie said, its hu hintao battling washington state with light sword, hollie fights back, another hollie puts hand over mouth, to see bobby if you were going to record, she shook yes, bob did, hollie showed, church building, bob rent, have church, not many people there at first, she, said, but fills up way past capacity, hollie showed, turn, showed, go, with red bear paws, its tear up, she, said, had picture, its both beasts, you see hollie said, these two, theres, its, pope and, hintao, she, said, hollie put bib on, showed, bob, its, clean up, time, she, said, she said, dont, hollie said, this your website lets post, said, hollie, and, its new ministry of dreams website appearing, its o, said, hollie, put hand over, mouth, looked at bob, shook, yes, changed into, him, hollie said, website looked like, lit angel head with, its shaped, she, said, not quite right, deformity appeared on one side, two specs on other, its, o, said, hollie, hand over mouth, looked at bob, he recorded, she shook, yes, thats hollie that reports book sells, today, she, said, looked at Jesus, its, o, said, hollie, hand over mouth, shook, yes, bob recorded, she, changed, 111, it appeared, books today, what kind of visions do you want, thats what your showin, said, hollie, excited hollie, said, Jesus pointed like uh cat, its, hey bobby you see, said, hollie, thats piano, on, its showed, hollie like ship mate, titanic with captain smith on deck, rubs iceberg, its that quick she said, you see its still there, loved hollie, said, thats sunken bow, of, its, r.m.s. titanic, appearing, showed, hollie like shipmate, its why for, said, hollie, screamed, showed, eat, the economy aint slippin, said, hollie, with its the uhleave it alone, sound, hollie, said, another, thats barack obama announcing, I'm lying obama said, thats people, marching streets, with sign, like hollie showed, dot heads, hollie explained, you see bobby they are protesting over, its social security, collapse, and, pension insurance, no loot, said, woman, its, new marine corp. out in the streets, said, hollie, with, music playing, like, its, former partial face hollie, coming out, there faces changing from silhouette to fading in, back out, showed, hollie, hey bobby its lootin, his gabriel, again, said, hollie, its, spaceflyer, with, its, captain, hollie, come on she said, showed, go inside, lay down, thats nicaragua exploding, and missiles left their waters, said, hollie, showed, like, lighted partial hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, appears underneath, with his light feather, tickles feet, gulf coast states of america exploded, thats hollie like dot head appearing, as venezuela and brazil explode, and submarines surface, both with captain hollie, they shower, thats many fires in america, exploded, raise your hands and clap your horns, sang Jesus, showed, lay down, hollie, appeared, its, with, like, said, partial face hollie, silhouette face, thats him with Jesus inside appearing, he showed, its pope, he said, let me rule the world, i'm gog, he said, allied forces are that, said, JEsus, its the g8, hollie said, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. kings, its appearin, hollie said, theres, howard of australia, tony blair, thats him and chirac popping out, of its heads, thats head, sitting at Gods interviewing table, waiting for, its permission to speak, its we like it head said, king pops out, its president of mexico, hollie, blew the balloon, that was hollie on, the balloon, she said, him, said partial face hollie, he showed, both beasts together, and hu said, its pontey, I can see were not going to get along, they said to each other, he hollie showed, lay down, 9-24-2010-10-7-8-9-?-write the vision said me and Jesus hollie said, and i stamp hollie said like uh white, another hollie showed lay down said hollie, you need to let record said it hollie said former partial face hollie God said, she appeared, showed white robe, its the pope hollie said, hes antichrist she said, this said hollie, showed popes picture, its i am gog, he said, let me record said hollie, bobby what did you want see titanic hollie said, thats hollie like weary shipmate showing, its r.m.s. titanic, with edward smith on deck, it scrapes iceberg, thats it sinking bobby, its like the movie hollie said, its close she said, thank you, see that hollie said, working as, its tour guide, for hollie showed, indianapolis childrens museum, hollie screamed, no said, it, hollie said, partial face, hollie, she showed, thru, away, with it, but i shook yes, she said, showed its pope, you need to record said hollie, comere, she said, showed bobby sleep, whats that showed hollie with big hand, its o said another hollie, coming out, hand over mouth, its cause she looked at bob, but shook yes, changed into, its him said partial face, hollie, showed its 1969 buick skylark, it spun rear tires, Jesus appears, its uh good one God said, its the dandy singers, said hollie, its uh she said, bending track, they sang some, were holy Ghost filled, hollie said, looked around, they were told to hide, they did, heres why, its the other dandy singers, hollie said, would not want them around, and thats one servant of God, leaving, cause they, its, showed cut off, said saved man, they were sinners hollie said, thats the main ministering spirit showing to record said hollie, hollie showed its marantz, she said, stereo reciever, its, now look she said, it had graphic equalizer, its built in, she said, it had its little lighted power meters, they were the best hollie said, heres why, hollie got word from, its Jesus, he explains, you see marantz God said, bobby its, they were one and the same hollie said, its france hollie said, casey wiped chin, thats nuclear explosion in france, missiles left their two, its french submarines, said hollie, both with captain hollie, and strike, that, hollie points, o said another hollie, looked at bob to see, shook yes, but changed into, its him said partial face hollie, thats its, the nuclear n.a.t.o., partial face hollie claps, its the g8 she said, were the beast putin said, she said, sleep and die, its partial face hollie said God, said hollie, showed play guitar, another hollie comes out, that showed hollie, said it was white hand with dome inside, its palm, with he hollie in, hand showed you did not want hollie showed, and hands clap, hollies body dimly faded in, hollie appeared, then hollie like uh bear, this is china, this is not what you think said hollie, as yellow china appears, i'm the leader of magog, said, its hu hintao, hollie showed flying leopard, its she said, china, thats hu hintao appearing, on, its four headed beast, theres japanese emporer, and both korean presidents, thats hand pulling up robe, showing, its come on said hollie, its war said hintao, see said hollie, put like bib on, thats her, like its medical doctor, laughed, doing surgey on, its bob showed partial face, hollie showed its bottle of motorcraft syntheic blend motor oil, its o.k. she said, but not the best, look said hollie, showed eat, look hollie said, showed both beasts, you see these two she said, relaxed, they will want to rule the world she said, thats putin laying before, its pope, hollie said, let me rule the world said, its putin, another hollie said, thats its, space bomber jet, said him, said hollie, shes new hollie, dropped bombs as he soared, its nuclear nato exploding, he said, russua burned, look at that said, pointed hollie, it was nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, no said hollie God said, its secret said, him partial face hollie said, playing his music, now let me, see said hollie, wearing white robe, in her heart, hollie showed turn, o said another one, Jesus said, she hollie came out, but shook yes, turned into him, its what am i screaming for said hollie, screamed, stamp, she said, lighted stamp, pope like angel of light arose, its o said hollie, came out, hand over mouth, looked at bob, he recorded, changed into, its him said partial face, hollie, he recorded, thats golden hollie showing turn, another hollie shows get food out of, its dumpster she said, this is warning, lets do something hollie said, thats the marine guards hollie said, out in streets, its gabriel and hollie like silhouette faces, another hollie puts back, closes scene up, its lootin, thats what were out here for said gabriel, thats pilfering said hollie, showed many hollies, with silhouette faces, stealing, one had normal face, it was him said partial face hollie, she showed lay down, where did it go bob, said Jesus, where did it go said hollie, like white hollie, its economic collapse in, its, showed partial face hollie, u.s.a., the MYSTERY, BABYLON, and people march, lets loot said man, steal, thats them holding signs, chanting, we want social security reform, they said, stripped of their pension, thats barack obama announcing, at its microphone, we wanted he said to strip you, see, laughed hollie, holding, its golden transmission gear, they wear out she said, after about hollie got word from God, two hundred thousand miles, bobby it this is free, said, God, said, it, partial face hollie said, hollie showed, i'm back, he said, clapped, showed, work, thats, her, said, partial face hollie, it, said, hollie showed, working on computer, Jesus said, bobby while it is still day, said, hollie showed, it, said, partial hollie, I had to lift you up to keep me from destroying you said God, you see I persecute said Jesus, its, showed, me the Lord, manifold temptations, its me caressing penus to aggravate, making heart full of wrath, taking my servants appearance, by deseasing gums and causing facial muscles to tighten when moving face, ruining, stretching, I, cause, body to heat up like furnace, make them see me in visions mocking them, and, its, cause, I betray saith God, now hear the word of the Lord, I put boils on face, desease body, and, do all these at the same time, its to ruin, thats why I save saith the LOrd, hollie showed, turn, like, lit hollie, but, it was the wrong way, she, said, hollie screamed, said, hollie, and, Jesus, hey bobby, its, why, what for, she, said, screamed, again, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, with lighted stamp, no, said, its hollie, said, partial face hollie, I showed, i'm thru, she, said, but shook, yes, the marine corp. out in the streets, it, said, hollie, partial face hollie, said, like, silhouette face, marines, ones gabriel, the others hollie, its, another, one, said, hollie, showed, many hollies, making, up ministry of dreams, call it, said, Jesus, hollie showed, God had silhouette face, but features, some faded in, but back out, hollie claps, showed, walk out side, hollie showed, Ministry of Dreams, the God spoke, she, said, dont steal it, or alter, or take, it, remove, said, hollie, if you steal, God, said, thats new book, call it, its bobby, the Ministry of Dreams, its, trademark, said, hollie, on, book, title, if you take you cant keep, said, hollie, it, said, partial face hollie, with, silhouette face, him, she, said, he, hollie, claps, but, silhouette face, only part of him there, hey, pointed, partial face hollie, thats, same hollie appearing underneath to tickle hollies feet, its o said another hollie, came out, had like, monkey lips, looked at bob, to see, he recorded, she, said, go, walk, hollie showed, this is, a, warning, said, hollie, thats, lady coming to, back door, its wearing said partial face hollie, its plad coat, partial face hollie, showed, with silhouette face, you see bobby, said, it, partial face hollie said, hollie, she wants to mooch but not commit, hollie like medical surgeon licked prophet, bobby dont, hollie, said, showed, no way, but, partial face hollie shook, yes, then a third hollie, God said, showed, thru, she, said, thats, its, hu hintao, partial face hollie, said, on his red horse, hollie pets, thats hollie riding, its, spacebomber jet, she said, its into over taiwan, hollie said, exploded, its hu, said, partial face hollie, battling, it, washington state with light sword on red horse, thats hollie fighting back, blue light sword, another hollie flys out like round face, in, its, old b-17 bomber jet, drops bomb, its repelled, ship leaves, hollie said, bobby its, when everybody goes hungry, said, it JEsus, hollie, said, thats, people lootin hollie said, like dot heads, lit, with hollie, face changed into silhouette, white robe, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, lay down, 10-10-2010-hollie looked worried, bob she, said, like, its, concerned hollie, its bob your in danger said hollie, its secret, said, hollie playing his music, wearing white robe, you see I dont want to, git you outta here, he, said, its, security guard, dont talk, hollie, said, and I we stamp, hollie, said, thats fart noise, hollie showed, him, said, partial face hollie, dont lust womens poopholes he said, i'm back he said, but it wasnt hollie showed, what does website want, said, hollie, showed, its, dr. rev., hollie said, jeremy taylor d.min, appearing, why did you steal ministry of dreams, said, him, partial face hollie said, cause I wanted to ruin, said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, dreams worker, we take, said, kathryn taylor, yes, shakes, jean poole, its witches, he hollie said, of paliban daily, thats, jenny donati, acting cool, but stealing, ministry of dreams, its to ruin said jean poole, thats mike mckay, of, its youth at risk, stealing ministryofdreams, why do you want to come at me for, said, Jesus, its cause I'm not saved said mike mckay, but he acts, theres, john mark pool, its trembling said hollie and God, when people ask him why he stole ministryofdreams, its cause I wanted to ruin said john pool, thats, its marcus moss, said, him, said, partial face hollie, stealing ministry of dreams, like dame antonia susan duffy, who is, author a.s. byatt, its your children, said, God, thats, my wife, said, peter duffy, tell him said God, its cause I wanted to ruin said, antonia s. byatt, thats her rewriting, its, palace of dreams, and including, its the God, spoke, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, thats embarrased dame duffy acting calm but trembling in heart, thats, dr. jeremy taylor, being, questioned by people, it causes, rev. jeremy taylor, to tremble in heart, its cause he knew said kathryn taylor, tell on them said Jesus, you see these witches said God, like over 1400 others stole, its the God spoke, said, him, said partial face hollie, with silhouette face, ministry of dreams, they alter, said, Jesus, like, the ministry of dreams, its, one word, like, yahoo created that, ministryofdreams, and showed, him, said, partial silhouette partial face hollie, thats, bob, its, at, hollie, said, the, catholic church with pope there like angel of light, thats hollie that reports book sells, speaking with Jesus, book sold, today, hollie beats hand, but its not God said, seen, o said another hollie coming out, somebody someone was hidden said Jesus, but, hollie reappears, shows, book sold today, many copies, its cause u.p.c.i. said Jesus, thats hands working on, its laptop computer, hollie said, man appears at, its pope, hollie said, riding, black horse, its, I am gog, pope, said, its, pulling, hollie, him, said, silhouette, partial face hollie, he points, wearing white robe, her face kind of, its, identifyable, he said, its, new world order stagecoach, hollie looks, its red on one side and black on other, where the beast sits, thats pope like an angel and putin coming out of, thats, medvedev appearing and boris yeltsin came out of the ten, and, you need to repeat that backwards said hollie, its, the, ten horns, theres, one, with, eyes like a mans, its cause, I am gog, said, pope coming out, but going back in, submarine sound, said, hollie, it, said, partial face hollie, comes out, he, appears, underneath, tickles her feet, with, its light feather, thats submarines all around america, its on the day of the Lord said, it, him, said, partial face hollie, him, said, it, partial face hollie, he hollie said, wearing white robe, hollie screamed, said, he hollie, screamed again, clapped hands, showed, its picture, pope, he, said, i am gog, said, pope, that, said, it, him, said, partial face hollie, and, that, he, said, showed, its, new, ministry of dreams, website, hollie said, showed, its, your, yahoo website, hollie had silhouette face, then kind of faded in, out, thats, yahoo ministry of dreams website angel like, partial silhouette face, then features, o, said, hollie, theres, its deformed, said, hollie, like, light dark spots on one side, on other side, its him said partial face hollie, and finger points, its light finger, he, hollie like, bald hollie with just little hair, is yahoo ministryofdreams, website, bob, its him said partial face hollie, like partial silhouette face, she claps, showed, popes, picture, its, I am gog, he, said, hollie showed, dont go anyway, thats white hand showing you did not want hollie showed, and like skull hollie in palm, hollie comes out, shows, hollie showed, turn, like, golden head him hollie, then fingers pointed, its, they, were white, said, she, hollie, no, said, him, its, said, partial face hollie, playing his, music, its, secret, he, said, he looked but showed, go, said, hollie and God, tear up, said, hollie, but happy hollie showed put back with red, bear paws, o, said, hollie coming out, hand over, mouth, he, hollie showed, bob post on, its your cellphone, thats his drawing appearing, its take it off, he said, remove, thats white he hollie showing, turn, tear up, said, him, said, partial face hollie with red bear paws, showed, popes picture, with, brown hair, spacesoarer, said, hollie, flying in, dropped many bombs, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burned, she, hollie pointed at fire in venezuela and brazil, nuclear explosion in cuba, nicaragua burned, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, fires along mexican and latin american borders, hollie lets scene close up, prophet this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats he hollie pointing, go in and lay down, this is, uh warnin, its, him, said partial face hollie, whats the marine corp. doing out in the streets, this is vision overflow, said, it hollie said partial face hollie with silhouette face, thats him, she, said, flying his copter, wearing white robe, its, tripod he said, its cuba, nicaragua, mexico, them three ribs appear in, its o vladimir agin, said, hollie, thats him, said, Jesus, appearing at, its showed, hollie, Gods interviewing table, we dont mind, care, he said, recorduhm, he, said, but, shook yes, happy, that was, copter, shouted hollie moodie, i'm back he said, wearing white robe, a she hollie, comes, out, hand over, mouth, looks at bob, he, recorded, raise your hands and repeat after me sang hollie, france said, it, Jesus, hollie said, thats nuclear fire in france with hollie moodie in fire, and, nuclear explosions in, its, the, g8, said, him, partial face hollie said, were the beast, said, putin, showed, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. kings, in his, its wings said moodie, hollie, him, said she hollie, showed, lay down, and, I clap, he said, 10-11-2010-hollie showed record, thats, it, she, he, said, both, feed aniamls, its out of dumpster, a she hollie said, thats, him, said, her, in, out of, its, stamped, hollie, dumpster, wearing uh plad coat, him, said, partial face hollie, God, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its she, a he hollie, said, were brothers she, said, with, both there, God said, wearing white robes, lets show, said, hollie, thats white hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, had hollie in dome, in palm, its, him, said, partial face, hollie, laughs, thats, hollie, appearing, like hollie showed, and, was, hollie showed, that, hollie showed, said, showed, its, beast pope, coming out, like, angel of light, running, that, said, hollie, thats hollie that reports, book sales, and, I, stamp, she, said, book today sold, thats hollies lighted stamp, two hundred copies, whew let me record, said, it, hollie, partial face hollie, said, and, I, stamp, a, hidden hollie, said, but, she, dimly faded in, thats hollie showing, it, partial face hollie, said, with, a, complete silhouette face, thats, it, she, said, its new world order, stagecoach, coming out, with, pope, on, like, angel, of light, theres hu hintao, on, red side, and I stamp, said hollies, appears on top, like white angel hollie, said, God, and missiles, they soared, hollie said, it, said, its, partial face hollie, appearing, with, its, Jesus rubbed chin, silhouette face, thats hollie, spacesoarer roam, said, he hollie, thats, her, flying on, its, b-22 spacebomber jet, drops bombs, thats explosions in, its, taiwan, hollie, said, thats, spacebomber coming from china, thats hu hintao, on, his, red, horse, battling washington state, with his light sword, thats, hollie fighting back, with, her, light sword, a round face hollie flys out in, its old pf-52 she said, fighter bomber jet, drops bombs, its, repelled hollie said, thats, hollie showing, many flash-hard drives, bob, take it, easy, she, said, it will take peace off the earth, hollie said, its when hollie said, the above event, hollie said, showed, pulled up her sleeves, china, and u.s.a., nuke each other, hollie, said, thats missiles from, both, streaking, and, hollie watches, thats, nuclear fire, said, God, in washington state, and china on fire, its from, said, hollie, thats, it, she, said, captain hollie, in his, 3 ohio class submrines, they shower, he, said, its, many missiles, striking, china, and Jesus watches, lets rule the world, said, it, hollie said, putin, she was, formerly, and still is, partial face hollie, and her face, was like silhouette, but, changed, into, her, again, you see she, said, wore white robe, showed, it, God, said, its black mini stagecoach, pulled by angry black horse, thats black horse showing popes picture, a measure of barley for uh penney, a measure of wheat for uh penney, see thou not hurt the barley and wine, said, he partial face hollie said, like, its, she, beat hand, face turned silhouette, scene spins, angel, of light, its, cause I am the beast, I am God, said, its, pontey, partial face hollie said, with, silhouette face, herself, Jesus, said, both, thats hollie stamping and the seven round heads sitting at Gods interviewing table, laughing, thats kings poppping out, theres cuba said, hollie, castrol not wanting, mexican president looks stunned, hugo said, yep, but showed, no, lula looked stout out of his head, thats nicaraguan president popping out looking stout, theres, boris yeltsin and hu hintao, popping out, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, alright we'll do, said, hintao, thats kim jong out of his head, dreading, give his land to his son, said, hollie and Jesus, thats son pressing, its nuclear arms, she, said, button, thats fires in, russia and china, and, south korea, thats missile leaving a u.s. sub, striking north korea, exploded, theres two hollie said, thats missile leaving russia, with, its putin on, and, bush like, woman, riding, its, scarlet colored, said, hollie, red dragon, north korea exploded, lets, rule the world, said, putin, with others kings raising up with, but were like shawdow, but their faces started appearing, like mexican prez, its them, said, hollie, them heads, this is uh warning, lets post, said, hollie, that was, trouble, rising, that quick, said, hollie, snapped fingers, stomped, its white foot, another, hollie comes out, hand over mouth, looked at bob, its, to see she said, if he was going to record, changed into, its him, said, partial face hollie, with silhouette face shaking yes, another she hollie claps, this is, uh warnin, hollie said, showed, get food, out of, its dumpster, said, partial face hollie with silhouette face, hollie showed, the, indiana state museum, she looks, on net, now look said, hollie, then hollie like wearing shipmate appears, shows, titanic, thats captain edward smith on deck, its hits iceberg, scrapes, sinks, its still there showed, hand, hollies body dimly seen, music played, thats ship on bottom of ocean, its graveyard now, many souls in, they, are all over it, said, hollie, theres captain smiths soul on ship, you need to record, said, hollie, thats, hollie, running, but not going anywhere, thats hollie like bear, showing, putin, three ribs appear in his mouth, and, bobby who are these, said, hollie, thats, in cuban and nicaraguan and mexican waters, missiles flying from, stamps, scene spins, submarines, there akula class, thats why they hated you hollie said, thats Jesus inside bobby like white God, hes like cloud, hollie showed, hes the vision, said, many hollies, doreen smiles, you need to let me, record, said, hollie, hollie drove the tank, its the one at, hollie stamps, american legion wayne post 64, scene spins, tank comes out, aiming, fired, thats america exploding, in center, submarines appear all around, its, man let me git outta here said hollie news anchor man with golden hair, both coasts, burn, thats, light, legg to like, pointed, hollie, white finger, body hidden but faded in, pod God, prophesy said angel, thats, hollie, blowing, its him, said, partial face hollie, balloon, o said, hollie, came out, hand, over, mouth, looked at, bob, shook, yes, he, recorded, thats, white in hollies mouth, its hollie showed, theres mercy, said, it angel said partial face hollie with partial silhouette face, chinas gettin, ready to attack russia, said, its, angel and gabriel showed, partial face hollie, now look, pointed, finger, hollies body dimly faded in, its, the russian and chinese border, hollie on, they have, its nuclear arms, aimed right at each other, rockets, hollie showed, turn, but hand hidden, o, said, another hollie coming out, hand over mouth, showed, hollies hand was golden, but rest of her body hidden, then, you need to record, said, hollie, that, said, many hollies, thats, partial face hollie with silhouette face appearing, that agin, said, hollie, pointed, back door, hollie said, woman, marry, they do, bobby said, hollie, go to, your website, and, hollie complained, this is, vision, lets post, excited hollie said, like white, hollie, you need to record, said, hollie, showed, its, the, suzanne somers facial muscle electric stimulating machine, it works, hollie said, give it time, hollie screamed, another, hollie showed, turn, he hollies appears underneath, like cat, messes with feet, hollie showed, open up facebook again, thats, hand, white, showing, you did not want hollie showed, hand, in, dome, in palm, hollie showed, the, top part, another, hollie, that was bear licking the prophet, said, hollie, like, white bear, no, said, him, said, partial face hollie, playing his music, it, was, secret, he, said, thats hollie laying down on side, but eyes still open, shows, its popes picture, with brown hair, let me, rule the world, said, putin laying before, spacesoarer, its uh bomber jet said, hollie, he drops bombs, america below exploded, submarines, appear all around, you know it, said, hollie cnn news anchor man, being kicked out by legg to, like, pod God, he pointed, white finger, appears in suit, golden hair, you know it said, its, his ship, said, hollie and, partial face hollie, holding hands up, its the m.v. hollie said, wilhelm gustloff ship, taking, three torpedo hits with hitler, ship claps hands, shows, picture, its, both beasts, theres hu hintao, and pope, hollie turns, silhouette out of silhouette, i'm my she, said, record, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, she, said, happy with, brown hair, hollie laughed, c coming out of, but went back to pontey, hollie said, let me rule the world said, putin laying before, alright said hollie speaking for pope, God, said, him, said, partial face hollie, with silhouette face, showed, thats, its, the new ministry of dreams website, its on yahoo, stamped, hollie like, silhouette face him, said partial face hollie, he had balding white head and all white, looked, o, said, hollie, theres, she, said, deformed, had, deformities on one side, theres like green, and blue spots, 10-12-2010-hollie showed, record, bob go, she, said, showed, its her light watch on, said, its partial face hollie with, its uh silhouette face, her and Jesus said, its i am gog, said, its beast, partial face hollie said, rising from the sea, like angel of light, its on, partial face hollie said, his black horse, its, Jesus, said, uh measure of wheat for uh penney, he said, had, balances, in, his, white, light hand, bob said, hollie, looking worried, thats it, said, hollie, its, bebo, she showed, its the new ministry of dreams, website like blue, him, said, partial face hollie, o, said, hollie, came, out, hollies, hair started thickening, thats deformity on one side of face, its like big brown area, its o, said, hollie, on other side its many colors, big area of side of his face, hes, bebo showed, new ministry of dreams, website, boo, said, him, said partial face hollie, hollie showed, record, showed, put up taperecorded, for awhile, looked worried, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, it, hollie, said, partial face hollie, with silhouette face, and, I, stamp, she, said, thats the whole new world order, carriage, coming out, with, its, said, hollie, the pope and hu, its, black, like hollies face, keeps changing, but she wore uh white robe, said, God, thats, its, polldaddy, said, hollie, like, o, said another hollie, coming out, theres, its, she said, deformed, like angel dot head, like, its, like foursquare angel man, theres, deformity on one side, of face, angel, turns, head, theres, its, multi colored, said, hollie, deformities on other, theres blue and, brown, hollie, takes uh closer look, let me examine, she, said, claps, hands, showed, bobby its walk, she, said, trouble said, Jesus, it Jesus said, partial face hollie, showed, shes the new ministering spirit, on, its, ministry of dreams, hollie wore uh white robe, and, the angel ministryofdreams, appeared, like, angel dot head, with, mostly silhouette face, with hat on, its, like, uh peg-man, thats three kings rising in the world, theres the pope with mostly silhouette face but changed into pope, theres hu hintao, japanese emperor hollie said, thats slashed, its pontey, partial face hollie, now with all her face there, wearing blue sweatshirt, she clapped, God said, hollie screamed, no, said, hollie, showed, get, away with, it, she wore like, redish colored sweatshirt, but shook yes, what does polldaddy want said hollie, its, him, she, said, but he changed, into white polldaddy ministry of dreams website, he, turns, head, its o, said, hollie, came out, placed hand over, mouth, looked at, bob, he, did she said, changed into him, thats, polldaddy website with, deformities, theres like brown and blue on one side, theres specs on other, its, it, polldaddy ministry of dreams website said, thats it linked up hollie said, what kind of visions do you want, thats what your showin, me, said, hollie, and, its, he hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, with, silhouette face but changed colors, into almost light blue, he hollie like polldaddy, ministry of dreams, website, walks, but his face, kind of looked familiar, it was him, said, hollie, changed into like shawdow hollie, this polldaddy hollie was formerly cnn news anchor man, pope said hollie, with, hollie claps, brown hair, let me rule the world, said, it, putin, said partial face hollie, with, mostly silhouette face, spacesoarer, said, its him said partial silhouette face hollie, thats captain hollie, soaring in his spacesaucer jet, drops bomb, america below exploded, nuclear n.a.t.o. burned, russia on fire, subs appears all around america, its on the day of the Lord, said, him, said partial face hollie with silhouette face, hollie like weary ship mate, showed, its titanic with captain smith on deck, its scrapes iceberg, its still loved, showed, hands, hollies body seen later, there on bottom of sea, it appeared, said, hollie, rusty and bent, o said, its his ship agin, said, hollie, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship with hilter on deck, three torpedoes explode along side, theres ship waiting on, its bottom of sea, hollie visits in, submarine, its, akula class thats what you want need hollie said, fired missiles, changed into, its him, said, partial face hollie, thats missiles all, over, world, many countries exploded, venezuela, brazil burned, nicaragua on fire, hey said, hollie, thats cuba burning, hollie placing nuclear fires in mexico and latin america, three captain hollies surface in, its akula class agin, said, hollie, in, their waters, thats tripod, thats, america burning, smoke rises, in, moons face, moon showed, lay down, hollie showed, its boss 429 mustang, it at starting line, smoked tires, ran quarter mile in fourteen-one, it appeared, said, hollie, they put out, said, hollie, relaxed, almost four hundred twenty horsepower, 10-13-2010-hollie showed, he said, him said, partial face hollie, showed, just git away with it, she, said, meaning, its, jean, she, said, shes uh witch, well what do I do now, said, him, said partial face hollie, showing broke, empty, God, said, just walk away, Jesus, said, cause its to late, and now you know it, theres, something, I need to, tell, ya, said, it, hollie, and, I stamp, she, said, but, turned to, the, side, o, said, hollie, coming out, hollies face was like silhouette, wearing white robe, bobby its, i'm said hollies head coming out of silhouette, her body came out later, thats polldaddy dot head angel, with, hollie points, teeth, showing, i'm polldaddy, its, he, said, hollie explains, polldaddy is a major deal, dont ruin, take care of, it, hollie, said, and I stamp, said, hollie, its, the, black new world order stagecoach, you see said, hollie, big hollie, above, its, got, the, pope and, its hu hintao, said, hollie, stamped, theres, putin, inside, hollie, sees, its on, the, red side, its, pulled, by, angry black and red horses, thats red horse showing picture, its hu hintao, black horse, shows, picture, its pope like, angelman, hollie showed, hurry, thats hollie showing, its, akula class, thats what you want, need, hollie said, on, surface, thats captain hollie coming out of, its tower, she hollie said, tear up, said, him, said, partial face hollie, put back, showed, its, whole new world order, pictures, hollie looks inside stagecoach again, theres president of mexico, and, its, cuban president joining looking stout, thats hugo chavez not wanting but acting, lula looked stunned, thats nicaraguan president looking stout, thats kim jong, with his son, coming out, thats son pressing nuclear, its controls, hollie said, thats missile leaving north korea, with angel, ministry of dreams, on, theres nuclear fires, in, russia and china and south korea, thats rocket leaving, russia with, boris yeltsin and hu hintao on, you lure'um, said yeltsin to hintao, shook yes, north korea exploded, thats, hollie flying in, space-rider jet, its, into, taiwan, burned, thats hu hintao, battling washington state with light sword, hollie fights back, come on she said, blue light sword, another hollie flys out, its old b-29 bomber fighter jet, drops bomb, its, repelled, hollie cleaned hands, thats hollie flying, in, she showed, but only part of her seen, he hollie appears underneath, has light feather, tickles her feet, thats hollie flying, its f-22 raptor, they are almost identicle to, its showed, hollie, the f-35 strike jet, they are, almost, undetectable, hollie looks at radar screen, its like little red light, appearing, but, it, bounces and shakes, bobby its they cant hit'um hollie said, thats missile going up, hollie grabs, thats a.a. allen seeing statue of liberty, with fighting weapons, america is now, a combat threat to the whole world, its uh fleet of'um, said, hollie, f-22 raptors stored, they are in desert showed hollie, ready for use, america can wage strike against any nation, lets rule the world, said, putin, lost your name, said, angel, it, was, uh, dream, said, hollie, clapped, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, stealing the God spoke, hollie showed, call it ministryofdreams, thats bobs mom talking to, jeremy taylor d.min, on the phone, bob tells sissy, he stole ministry of dreams from, me, he is uh hippocrit, she hears but keeps talking to, dr. jeremy taylor, thats kathy taylor, now with the website, of, rev. jeremy taylor u.u., bob they are both liars hollie said, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamp, she, said, beast, pope, runs, out, like, angel, its, I am gog, he, said, hollie sang, like, meat loaf, showed, bat out of hell 11, tape, it sold well, it was, uh dream, said, hollie, showed, nightvision, bob rides his, little moped, being pursued by, its uh group, she, said, thats steam locomotive coming at bob, he, goes, thru, like, its, like mine, wear groud is white, drives thru, but not under ground, bob, makes his, escape, but ends up, in, like town, he, was, familiar with town, goes, to gas station, checks, fuel, has plenty, checks oil, low, hollie showed, it, record, she, said, thats, pakistan, showed, hollie, they are, colapsing the american economy, heres how hollie said, thats pakistani leader, happy looking, but, he makes, america, pay, a lot, hollie showed, gimme more funds he said, thats colin powell smiling but showing, no way, but giving him more, pakistan is making america pay to use its turf, hollie showed, seven heads at Gods interviewing table, like round, heads with faces, hollies body hidden but was there, dimly, thats kings, popping out, like its the mexican prez hollie said, theres lula, chavez, these will want to rule the world, hollie said, putin, and hintao pops out, there, said, hollie, no, said, it, God, said, partial face hollie, with, silhouette face, hey said a new hollie coming out, showing, thats not hollies face, fading in, but did that time, Lord I showed om thru, hollie said, but shook, yes, but still retained her thru look, claps, white hands, I aint going to, beat the drum, said, gabriel, hollie showed, another, hollie comes out wearing dress like, skirt, shirt, points, that was partial face hollie, showing, closes scene up, no she said, showed, Lord om thru, hollies, him, partial face hollie, said, with silhouette face, his music secret, bobby, it, o, said, hollie, came out, pointed, hand over, mouth, she, wore uh dress, showed, shook yes, but changed into him, he closes scene, but hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, had dome inside palm in hand pointed, hollie, with him, said partial face hollie, with silhouette face, but only partial, in, hollie, him, said partial face hollie, with mostly, silhouette face, showed, lay down, hollie clapped, its, him, again, that was, said, its, partial face hollie, said, a lit hollie, nuclear fires in gaza and iraq, said, hollie, bush appears, I made our my war, its to breakem, he, said, steal our oil wells, lets rule the world, said, putin, you need to record, said, hollie, thats her complaining, like white outline head with fists, 10-14-2010-you need somebody to record, said, hollie, bob, go, she, said, thats, bob, walking, wearing, its uh plad coat hollie said, he went into, its, Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, hi, said, hollie, you need to record, said, hollie, let me, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, wearing white robe, but only part of the way there, thats, her, its him, he appears underneath said, hollie, partial face, with, light feather, hey said, hollie, thats hollie showed, she, pointed, but, changed, into, its, him, said, partial face hollie, another one, had light feather, ticked her feet, but, hey, pointed, another, hollie, she, changed into, its, moody, said, hollie, wearing dress, but only dimly seen, take it, off, and fix it, said, hollie, thats her wearing white robe with tire, she finds leak, pulls sleeves up, thats him plugging leak, putting tire back on, hey lets motor, said, hollie, another, one driving van, o, said, another, hollie, came out, hollies, body only not seen, but was there, hollie claps, scene closes, put me down, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats, two dogs running loose, feed them, said, hollie, thats her feeding animals, wearing plad coat, she was white, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, they want ya, hollie said, to pastor, its she showed, the mother p.a.w. church, Christ temple apostolic faith assembles, thats bob pastoring wearing blue sweatshirt, no dont go home bobby, said, hollie, thats, it, said, partial face hollie, appears, with mostly silhouette face, you they didnt want me, he, said, partial face hollie said, while he played his sound, thats synthesizer, with face, showing, its, pope, raise your hands, and repeat after mantle, said, hollie, its, him, showed, partial face hollie, playing his music, its, o, said, another, hollie, coming out, hand over mouth, its, to see, she, said, shook, yes, he did, changed into, him, partial face hollies face was silhouette, whats his mess-word said partial face hollie, thats, what you wanted, said, hollie, playing his music, that was, big copter, rising, said, two hollies, and hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, hung from rope, bobby, gabriel, flying copter, its double blade hollie said, drops bombs, thats nuclear fire in america, thats, its spacesoarer, said, him, said partial face hollie, its uh double beater, they blade type, hollie said, captain hollie flying, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, russia in flames, thats venezuela and brAzil on fire, and, fire, in, cuba, nicaragua burned, thats, hollie wearing blue sweatshirt placing, it, she, said, scene spins, fires in, mexico and latin america, hollie puts back, another, hollie, came out, pointed, its, o, she, said, looked, shook, yes, bob recorded, she had red sweatshirt on, hollies body not seen, but, it, was, there, him, said, partial face hollie, came out, with, mostly silhouette face, fists clenched, showed, record, hollie showed, record, showed, lay down, she was lit, had on dress, but didnt cover up, hollie showed, turn, quit it, said, hollie, thats bob testifying, telling people that Jesus came inside him like a body and he did, said, God, thats Jesus inside bob like, its, like, shawdow God, smiling, waving, bob, said, hollie, showed, lay down, thats the, three geese circling, one, pointed with fin, come back here tomorrow, they circled, God said, one had white face, theres wynkin, and blynkin, showing, its hollie cnn news man, its, the g8, he said, showed, the beast forming, with, putin, coming out, the three geese circles, whistled, this is uh warning, said, hollie, lets post, she, said, bobby dont worry about that, said, hollie, i'm just friend, said, its, said, smiling, hollie, penguin with white face, bobby, said, hollie, showed, its uh picture, said, partial face hollie, its abraham lincoln, he, thats him plowing field, worked, 10-15-2010-boo, chanted, its many, said, partial face hollie, many he hollies, he wore uh, she said, with, uh, partial, she said, silhouette face, it was golden, she said, stamped, hollie showed, eat, bob dont, she, said, mess with it, hollie, said, its, your bravenet website, hollie stamps, smiling, wearing, its, red, sweatshirt, i'm the beast, g8, said, its forming, hollie said, it, was, popey, she, said, like, angel, of, light, thats, i'm the antichrist, pope, said, hes, wanting God, hollie said, but, its, to late, she, showed, bobby, feed them, hollie said, its cat, she, said, he, wants, to, eat, but, hes homeless, and dying, like, most, many, hollie said, hes, looking for, food, she, said, hollie showed, its, cassette tape, its meat loaf, bat out of hell 11, it sold well, hollie got word from Jesus, what was, that, said, hollie, what did he say, said, hollie, it, him, said, partial face hollie with silhouette face, thats him playing music, you did not want me, said, john, showed, it, Lord I cant handle him, thats Jesus inside bob, hollie showed, and john knew, it, thats, white hand, moving, showing, its, said, hollie, stamped, you did not want hollie showed, its uh warning said him, said, partial face hollie, john wants home, said, its, him, said, partial face hollie, inside his dome, in, palm of, its big white hand, stamped partial face hollie with all of her there, Jesus, said, hollie spoke from dome, hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, with mostly, silhouette face, showed, it she said, wearing white robe, showed, boss 429 mustang, taking off, spinning tires, that one said, hollie, stamped, its, o, said, fleas, coming out, looking at, bob, shook, yes, changed, into, it, him, said, partial face hollie, 462 horsepower, they all had she said, thats the knocking rod sound, sorry, said, it hollie, said partial face hollie, thats, another hollie wearing plad coat showing, change oil often, she, had quart of oil and ford van, bob said, hollie, showed picture, its, pope, its, I am gog, said, its, pontey, partial face hollie said, with, its, she, said, mostly, silhouette, face, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, I need uh vision, I aint clear, pontey, partial face hollie said, wearing white robe, its, o, said, another, hollie coming out, hand over mouth, she wore uh red garment, another hollie said, shook, yes, he recorded, but turned into, its him, partial face hollie said, with silhouette, golden mostly face, you see said, hollie, showed, its uh brand new dodge charger, it spun front tires, uto said, hollie, hand over mouth, its, the speedway police department cruiser she said, they are fast enough, thats hollie looking under hood, its v6, write uh vision, said, Jesus, hollie angrily tore up, put back, rip, and, I, showed, you uh picture, she said, another hollie comes out, its o, she said, hand over mouth, wore red clothes, shook yes, changed into, its him, said, partial face hollie with mostly silhouette face, thats popes picture with brown hair, let me do it said elder, I'll publish you, but heres the scoop, said, Jesus, he will steal, heres how, I own the copyrights he said, bobby, said, hollie, thats your geese circling, its penguins, they are golden, bronze, hollie, said, bobby we want you come back here, one said, showed, down, with fin, they circled, another, hollie comes out, places hand over mouth, thats, red bird flying out, its hollie bird, showed, beast, its pope, said, hollie, him, said partial face hollie, shook, no, its cecret he said, played music, wore white robe, came up to the front, forward to the back, a she hollie said, came out, you dont, want that vision, that is, what your showin me, this is hollie, no, said, him, said, partial face hollie with mostly silhouette face, shook no way, but then yes, thats it, said, hollie, showed, with golden hands, they were rather large, v-6 engine running, they, hollie scratched chin, spoke with Jesus, are good, hollie showed, problem, its, where, piston rings hit wall on cylinder, its not straight up and down, but angled, that causes wear she, said, hollie, like uh lit cat pointed, showed, go, thats, partial face hollie, with, its uh golden partial silhouette face showing, its his ship agin, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship holding hands up, thats hitler, on deck, of, hitlers super ship, three torpedoes explode along side, thats, russian submarine, commander, lets sink it, thats ship waiting on, its the bottom of sea, hollie visits in her, its akula class another, hollie, said, thats what you wanted, need, she said, fired missiles, its, him, said, a hidden hollie, but was there, like light face outline, hollie fired missiles, thats many countries exploding, world shaking, hollie like cat showed how engines works, thats light hand showing turn, hollies body dimly faded in, o, said, hollie coming out, hand over mouth, she wore uh dress, her expression was like, stunned, 10-16-2010-put ukraine in russia, said, it, partial face hollie said, with uh golden, God, said, partial silhouette face, it is how the beast will, be built, it was, said, hollie, partial face, golden silhouette, yushchenko, hollie, said, bobby, said, hollie, dont, she, said, where out your welcome, hollie, said, its, at, she, said, the laundromat, and, I stamp, hollie, said, showed, thats, bravenet ministry of dreams website like happy angel man, its o, said, hollie, hand over, mouth, looked, at, bob, but, shook, yes, hollie showed, its, a, flash drive, update more often, hollie plugs it into computer, and updates, she, wore uh plad coat, whats that, said, hollie, its, iraq again, she, said, two nuclear fires in iraq and gaza, hollie makes president bush speak, he ate chicken legg, smiled, its I made our war, he said, bit, his chicken, its, to, breakem, steal our oil wells, hollie takes bush to fire, thats bravenet ministry of dreams website man, its uh blog said hollie, smiles, had theres blue coming down from top of head, covering most of face, but website happy, its i'm the new, ministry of dreams, said, its, his website agin, hollie said, hollie sees specs on one side, its white with like brownish specs, but they darkened, thats, its horses, said, hollie, thats, hu hintao, in, his red stagecoach, pulled by angry, red horse, showed hintaos picture, I'm the rider, said, hintao, what is that this, said, hollie, its, like, dark, ghost, man, you dont want no more, said, hollie, and, he, him, said, partial face hollie, with silhouette, golden face, played music, its you didnt dont want me, hollie said, wearing white robe, with golden mostly silhouette face, thats new hollie, thats reports book sells, its, I, got, she said, word from Jesus, showed, its, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, whats that, said, its, him, said, partial face hollie with silhouette face, like angel ghost coming out of book, it sold angel-ghost said, showed, fight, war, thats, hegoat pontiff with ram horns, kings coming out, thats, ram with putins face, kings coming out of its horns, theres putin and medvedev and pope with his flower, out of, one horn, thats hu hintao out of other, with, flower, showed, war, hollie, said, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. missile strike on russia, exploded, Jesus telling bear, arise, devour, destroy that, bear agrees, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burn, submarines appear all around america, both coasts burn, its on the day of the Lord, said, him, said partial face hollie, with silhouette face, thats hollie in, its chinook, said, partial face hollie, dropping bomb, center of america exploded, smoke rises, thats chinese forces invading much of burning russia, you otta drive them outta there, said, it popey hollie said, wearing white robe, medvedev presses nuclear button, I will, he said, thats, its, they exchange, hollie said, fires in russia and china, thats, two horned beast sitting at table, and, its hintao, and japan coming out of its horns, theres pope at table, and hu he said, I can see were not going to get along, they sign, its uh peace treaty, hollie, said, 666, its, boo, chanted, him, said, partial face, hollie, with golden silhouette face, hollies, many he hollies, boo one said, no, said, hollie, but, I said, hollie said, showed, thru, but, shook, yes, hollie screamed, were the halloween decorations, boo said hollie like uh ghost, its him said partial face hollie, with silhouette face, leave it, alone, bob, hollie said, its, o, said, hollie, showed, its, his, ship, its, the, m.v. wilhelm gustloff, ship, holding hands up, thats ship waiting on bottom of sea, it, for, hollie said, showed, him, said, partial face hollie, with golden silhouette face, showed, check out irvington library times, whats that said, it, partial face hollie, another hollie screamed, bob said, it, partial golden face, hollie said, hollie, showed, dont, whats that, showed, hollie with big hand, its, 1971 dodge challenger, spun rear tires, thats partial face hollie driving, whats this, said, it, hollie, said, partial face hollie, showed, its tranmission gear going out, that was Jesus, inside bob, said, it, hollie, said, partial face hollie, showed, work on computer, o, said, another, hollie, coming out, hand over mouth, hollies body hidden but it appeared, she wore white robe, bobby, said, hollie, it looks like sombody showed, you uh picture, partial face, hollie said, with, theres uh golden glow, another hollie said, in her face, its pope with brown hair, let me, rule the world, said, putin laying before, hollie showed world, wearing white clothes, captain hollie soared, spacefightuhm jet he said, dropped many bombs, world shook, many countries burned, thats, smoke rising, moon blows smoke away, I'm said, sun, laughed, both play, Jesus, there, hollie points, disturbed like, moon, it transformed, said partial face hollie, into like moon man, hollie showed, realistic nova-4 stereo speakers, one had face, they were excellent hollie said, were wood grain said, realistic nova-4 speaker, other had, hollies face, laughed, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, big hand, hollie, him said, partial face hollie, showed, lay down, another, hollie claps, wearing white robe, thats, pope, said, hollie, picture, thats sanyo ss-900 licking prophet, had eyes, said, keep, snapped fingers, showed, both beasts, its, theres hu hintao, hollie said, and, pope, she, said, there you have it, she said, showed, sleep, she said, sleep, we want you, circled the geese, one smiles, om blynkin, penguin said, with happy white face, circled, whistled, its o, said, hollie, came out, hand over, mouth, shook, yes, he recorded, thats, like amber colored bird flying out, 10-17-2010-take it, said, it pope, said, hollie, thats hollie showed, appearing, like, a, brown face, he, just showed, up, thats, hand, its white, showing you did not want hollie showed, had, dome, inside, it, with another happy hollie in dome, whats that, its he said, partial face hollie said, wearing white robe, with all her face there, then she appeared, at, its sitting, she, said, Gods interviewing table, wearing white robe, explaining, she, showed, up close, thats movie projector, bob you knockin on some pretty big doors, she, said, its, him, said, partial face hollie, with, its uh, golden face, shook, yes, showed, he recorded, stomped foot, another hollie, comes out, its, o, she, said, hand over, mouth, looked at, bob, showed, red sweatshirt, bob recorded, laughed in heart, cause bob thought she looked good, said, God, thats where my seat is, said, pope, like, angel of light, thats it showed, another, hollie, wearing, blue sweatshirt, showed, shirt, bob change, that is, Jesus, inside of bob, like, white angel God, happy, come on, said, hollie, worked on, its computer, said, another, hollie, I tell you what you want, said, hollie, thats Jesus laughing, hollie showed, red sweatshirt, o, said, another, hollie coming out, red sweatshirt, hand over mouth, thats, partial face hollie, appearing, with golden glow, submarine right there, said, hollie, with, another hollie, thinks, air sireen, thats captain hollie surfacing in his, its akula class, thats what you want need, she said, thats nuclear fires, in, its gaza and iraq, Jesus stamps, world spins, eyes appear on, hollie takes president bush to microphone, he bites his chicken legg, dressed nice, hollie showed, thats her working on, its laptop computer, thats hollie like weary shipmate rubbing forehead, showing, its, r.m.s. titanic with captain smith on deck, rubs iceberg, thats edward smith showing bush, pointing at himself, then, prez, thats captain smith at Gods interviewing table, its war over breaking'uhm, he said, steal our oil wells, george bush said, its, my fault, said, captain smith, ship is there, he, said, showed, rusting on bottom of sea, its bent hollie said, coming out, showed, run, pope, said, hollie, in, its uh white robe, in, the, fire, happy, blows balloon, its him, said partial face hollie, on, thats it, said, hollie, white hand moving, showing, you did not want hollie showed, had him, said, partial face hollie, coming out, said, I'm back, had golden face, he, was, inside dome, inside hand, partial face hollie showed, teeth, pointed, dome near top of hand, hollie screamed, showed, bob, ride the excercycle, like hollie did, boo chanted, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, white clothes, but all her face there, that was uh dream, said, hollie, clapped, a, him, said partial face hollie, new he hollie appears and tickles her feet with feather, but his face not clearly seen, its o, said, hollie, hand over, mouth, showed, pocket tape recorder, for, now, chinook, said, it hollie, said another, hollie, then yellow, glow appears in face, its, like, uh face, bobby, she, said, thats hollie in his chinook, him, the blade type, said, hidden hollie, thats, angel gabriel on rope, and, chinook drops bombs, thats, america, below exploding, and, submarines appearing, all, around, its, on, the, day, of, the Lord, said, its him, another, hollie said, he pointed, wearing white clothes, it was babyfleas acting hidden and angry, thats her wearing dress, come on, up here, she, said, bob we want you to come right back here tomorrow, circled, the geese, one penguin showed, with fin, down, thats, hollie like, red bird flying out, you see hollie bird said, its him said another hollie, coming out, happy, wearing dress, white shirt, the alome sime, s,i,m,e, said, hollie, its soumb, said, sandy, wiped lips, thats hollie like, little white head, with, ears, in golden megaphone, Jesus, has like cat, thats, leopard, hollie, claps, theres north, south korean presidents, theres kim jongs son with nuclear controls, presses, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, and, south korea, thats rocket leaving russia, with, new, ministry of dreams, book on, angel showed, like, white angel, the ministry of dreams, with hollies picture on, its written by, said, hollie, looked at Jesus, just, gimme word, she, said, bob hickman, thats, hu hintao and emperor of japanese said, hollie, thats it, hollie summed, the four headed beast, thats sanyo ss-900 licking prophet, hollie worked on, wearing blue plad shirt, speaker showed, yes, thats sanyo ss-900 stereo speaker sitting at Gods interviewing table, its, I work, speaker, said, so fix me, bob, did, speaker loved, thats speaker hugging bob, then other, appears, in other hand, hollies face, appeared on, happy, thats, said, hollie, like ghost, its coming out, she, said, of the book, ministry of dreams, Jesus speaks and births, call it ministryofdreams, hollie, like weary ship mate sat at Gods interviewing table, whats that, she, said, shook, yes, its, the lusitania ship, thats german torpedoes striking, it started world war one, hollie said, like weary ship mate, rubbed forehead, the gustloff ship, didnt speak, but if it did, it, would say, said, hollie, and he hollie played his music, you showed me you want more, he said, o, said, the, m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship, thats three torpedoes striking, o ship said, hitler on deck, thats ship, rolling and sinking, waiting on bottom of sea, hollie visits in her, its, akula class said another, hollie, came out, showed, it fired missiles, thats many countries exploding, bear arise, devour this, thats hollie bear, and, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, russia on fire, bobby, said, hollie, 10-18-2010-that, said, hollie, its, said partial face hollie, excited hollie, like uh white hollie said, God, thats hand showing said God, its white said hollie, you did not want hollie showed said God, hollie showed there was uh dome inside with hollie said hollie, it was him said partial face hollie wearing uh white robe, thats hollie showed on the balloon said partial face hollie, another hollie comes out with hand over mouth, it o she said, looked at bob, it was to see, he recorded she said, shook yes changed into him, hollie showed had white in his mouth, if you want to keep it said partial face hollie, then pay she said, she had her straight talk card, its uh phone she said, bob keep it hollie said, that was hollie showed again said Jesus, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamp, he she said, thats black new world order, its stagecoach, coming out, hollie, said, its with, the, pope, and hu, said hollie, pope like angel man, its red and black, hollie showed, time out, wearing, white clothes, but, only, part of her seen, thats, its, him, said, partial face hollie, appearing, underneath with, its light feather, appearing, he tickles her feet, another, hollie, looks stunned, its o, she, said, hollie changed again, into another, hollie, boo, said, chanted many hollies, its him, said, she, hollie coming out, hollie kissed bob like medical doctor, did surgery, hollie showed, record, I betray, said, Jesus, put me down said Jesus, hollie showed, with mouth open, thats, hand, almost, invisable, showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome, in, it, hollie, said, with, its him, partial face hollie, said, in, side dome, you ran, said, its uh he hollie, thats, why, your face is, hey bobby, its not right a hidden hollie said, but, she, dimly faded in wearing dress, no expression, hollie claps, it, i'm the, beast, said, pope, thats pontey, I aint an illusion, he said, bobby said, hollie, and, him, said another, hollie, played, his music, wearing, white robe, she, showed, but, there, was, no, instrument, you got me, said, he hollie, thats, pope in the fire, hardly seen, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, lay down, claps hands, showed, its, popes picture, I aint the reason, he said, hollie had the straight talk card, she updated, thats her at wal-mart looking happy but, miserable, that was america, see said, hollie, walking on, nuclear fires, next time when you see me said, hollie, wearing plad coat, another very dim hollie came out, showed, hollies turned like sideways but, when you see me said, hollie, it appeared, said, another, hollie, that hollie spoke in heart, bob said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie snapped fingers, stomped foot, hey said another, hollie coming out, thats Ghost appearing, showing, its popes picture, with brown hair, putin kneels before, let me rule the world, hollie shows, world, captain, hollie, him said partial face hollie, spacesoarer fighter, he said, flys, thats many countries exploding, world has eyes, happy, you know who that is, said, hollie, it was, she, said, satan, but he looked like, a normal man and was, hollie blew like whistle, her tongue turned into like long tongue, hollie pointed up, sh, she said, 10-19-2010-Hollie snapped fingers said God, it was him said her, a he hollie said Jesus, it was o said, the m.v. Said hollie, wilhelm gustloff ship, with hitler on deck said God, the united states said angel, its under attak it, its him said uh she hollie, he showed lay down, snapped fingers, stomped foot, its hey said uh she hollie, foot under covers said God, come on, said, hollie, showed, her fist, its tank again, she, said, hollie, drove, she, positioned, fired, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, and russia burning, hollie showed, walk uh little, thats, hand, showing, you did not want, hollie showed, him, said, partial face hollie, had a little dome inside, hollie points, its him she said, formerly, its the cnn hollie news anchor, man, said, hollie, inside dome, its, on, the, day of the Lord, he, said, floatin high above, with, brown suit on, let me, said, hollie, record, its, the, dumpster kaper, said, hollie, thats her, wearing, its plad coat, near dumpster, she, gets in, takes food, out, there she said, feeds animals, but ate herself, knew that he was lost clapped the tap dancers, many hollies, one wore dress, thats him, said, hidden partial face hollie, but, face appears, had golden glow, hollie showed, record, whats that, she, said, its, pope like, angel, of, light, I aint your reason, he said, what did hollie, moody, say said hollie, she said, record, three hollies said, you didnt, need it, said, hollie, clapped, wearing white robe, thats, hand, pointing, hollie appearing like dark hollie, showed, eat, its pope, like angel, wearing, its uh, glorious white, robe, said, in the fire, happy, bob, said, hollie, spacesoarer she, said, see, said, partial face hollie, with golden golow, licked prophet, then just normal face, thats hollie soaring in his spacebomb'um jet, many countries below exploded, world shakes, hollie with, Jesus inside, showed, record, thats hollie like silhouette face, then features somewhat appeared, no said, it hollie, said, hidden hollie, I showed, i'm away, thru, she said, but shook, yes, and showed, away, another, hollie looked confused, make up your mind, she, said, put me down, said, hollie, thats, what you did, showed, another, hollie, wearing white robe, its telling what I did, she said, shook, yes, showed, thru, away, but shook, yes, clapped, showed, its pope, she, said, its, uh, picture, for you, partial face hollie, said, golden glow, let me rule the world, said, putin laying before, alright, shakes, its pontey, showed, hollie, captain hollie soars in spacerocket, thats, him flying, showing, fight, its the king of grecia with horns, thats ram with putins face, hollie shook, yes, but, said, showed, maybe, about posting visions tonight, but smiled, shook, yes, clapped, showed, both beasts, theres, the, pope and hu, hollie showed, lay down, hollie snapped fingers, him said partial face, hollie, she showed, lay down, she snapped fingers, had on white clothes, man said, hollie, wearing, its, uh, partial face hollie said, plad coat, showed, go in, thats, hollie walking in, wearing, white coat, she said, speak to, the, ministry of dreams, m.t.v. website, its o, said, hollie coming out, in burgandy sweatshirt, hand over, mouth, looked at bob, i'm the new ministry of dreams, he recorded, she shook yes, changed into, its him, said, partial face hollie, burgandy sweatshirt, thats, m.t.v., i'm ministryofdreams, said, website, angel, theres deformed, said, hollie, looking at, wearing burgandy sweatshirt, on one side, theres blue, and, light spec, angel turns, head, its, mostly white, but, little brown spec, then, like, many appear, in, circle, angel claps hands, hollies had hand over mouth, looked at bob, angels face hard to make out but got clearer, 10-20-2010-no, said, it hollie, said, partial face hollie, God said, I showed i'm away with it, she, said, but, showed, no, again, with lighted hands, amber, its they were, said, its, partial face hollie, Jesus rubs chin, thats paul getter, said, hollie, its forloot, said, its, hollie said, Paul Getter, thats melissa getter, shaking yes, you see them those witches, hollie said, I'm cut off, said, Paul Getter, thats, melissa getter, trembling, but, denying, its I have the Lord, said, melissa getter, but shes uh witch, said, God, put it under, paul you knew, said, Jesus, thats your reverend, said, hollie, its, pastor paul getter shaking yes, hollie showed, record, she wore, uh plad coat, showed, walking to, van, gitting in, going to, church, its, new wineskin ministries, hollie showed, thats, beast, pope, rising, like, angel dot head, showed, driving van to church, thats, hollie appearing, hands clapping, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, we, hollie showed, record, showed, just leave it alone, thats hollie wearing plad coat, has new flash, hard drive, showed, hollie had the new flash hard drive, its, one, of, many, hollie, said, that, its the beast, said, hollie, pope, rising, out of, its sea, said, hollie, its, I am, gog, pontey popey said, hollie said, showed, you see, these eight kings, hollie, said, showed, these will rise against, the, hollie stamps, u.s.a., scene spins, hollie walked, on, america, that, she, said, there were nuclear fires, in, its, the, u.s.a., hollie said, stamped, america spun, thats, Jesus speaking, call it ministryofdreams, its God spoken, birthed, hollie said, showed, git away from it, she, said, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, thats, pope, beast running out she said, like lighted man, same o vision, same o vision, said, hollie, bob its, on, your website, thats what you wanted, its what you needed, hollie, said, showed, its, new, ministry of dreams, website, like, angel man, o its, said, hollie, deformed, hollie, looked at, bob, had hand over, mouth, wore, its uh burgandy, said, Jesus, sweatshirt, thats angelman with white and another color on one side, and, color kept going and covered most of other side, it was grayish, hollie, said, i'm the new ministry of dreams, it said, thats lighted hand pointing, down, its, big, thats hollie that reports, book sells, shows, book, its visions of the beast with, hey said another hollie coming out, pointed, that was, number, 7, its, different book, hollie showed, lets, war, she, pulled her, sleeves up, hollie showed, turn, but hand pulled back quick, then showed, turn, big hand, O, SAID, its his ship agin, said, babyfleas, its the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, taking three torpedoes, its o, ship again, with hitler on deck, its hitlers super ship, rolls, sinks, thats ship waiting on bottom of sea, it, she, said, for visitor, hollie visits in, its akula class she, said, its submarine, hollie stamps, sub spins, hey said another, hollie, coming out, thats like spacesaucer, its him, said, partial face hollie, flying in, will somebody tell me what the space-saucers doin, said, hollie, with, thats, him, said partial face hollie, playing his music, wearing, its uh white robe, she showed, thats a crowd of hollies, what were they saying, one, said, she, partial face hollie, said, thats, its, him, said, partial face hollie, posting on, its cellphone laptop, thats, its, pope, appearing on, screen like angel pope, I aint gogy, he said, silicone, said, hollie, put back, she, said, wearing, blue sweatshirt, another, hollie comes out, its o, she, said, hollie showed, teeth, you lost this ring, said, Jesus, that, said, its him, said, partial face hollie, in ring, pointed, hollie showed, time out, that, hollie said, hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, said many, hollie comes out, wearing dress, like mexican clothes, showing, its time but there is no watch on, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, with, big hand, its, from the forties, she, said, its, old car, still motorin, she, said, hollie drove like angel hollie, 10-21-2010-boo chanted, him, said, its, showed, another, hollie, like white hollie, partial face hollie, with, theres uh golden, glow, a, nother, hollie, said, hollie showed, ya, bob, I, wanted, you, to, record, hollie, said, wearing, blue plad shirt, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, its, the, new world, order, black stagecoach, coming, out, with, theres, the, pope, and, hu, hollie pointed, with lighted finger, pope like angel dot head, theres hu hintao on, the, red, side, hes, showed, false prophet, thats hollie, showing, get, food, out, of, it, scene spins, dumpsters, she, said, put it under, hollie, said, wearing, its red plad coat, thats, beast, pope running out, you know who I, am, its pope, hollie, said, I am gog, he, said, stamps, hollie cries, thats scene spinning, thats, hu, hintao, appearing, its, i'm the, false beast, he, said, hollie stamps, wearing, its blue plad shirt, scene spins, hollie showed, record, wearing blue plad shirt, thats partial face hollie coming out with all face there, showing bob feed, she, said, fed animals, its the new ministry of dreams, said, hollie, i'm formspring, website said, like angelman, its o, said, hollie, she, came out, hand over, mouth, theres, its, deformed, hollie, said, thats blue coming down on one side, theres spec, its brown, hollie and Jesus, said, on other side its, white with brown spec, but other brown specs appeared, but, faded, i'm the formspring, website, said, showed, stamped, I'm the new, ministry of dreams, God spoke, the formspring ministryofdreams website angelman said, brianna, said, it, angel, said, partial face hollie, there was golden glow, showed, thats it, she, said, its, the, ship stockholm, its now renamed, thats ship stockholm, ramming the, its andrea doria, hollie said, scene spins, they waste, hollie, said, that ship is still being used, thats people building and doing things, its running out of natural resources, said, hollie, showed, the world, thats why, Jesus has to take control, she, said, its, france, said, hollie, with nuclear fireball in, thats him, she hollie said, two captain hollies firing from thier submarines, it, hollie, said, i'm the g8, her and putin, said, its, the, beast, she, said, rising, thats, the, seven headed dragon, angry, theres one head wounded to death, but pope came out, it, thats him being, slashed, by, its, hu hintao, said, hollie, scene spins, i'm the false prophet, he, said, he said, thats it, said, hollie, i'm grecia, said, angel, thats, its, pope, hollie said, with hegoat horns, theres ram with same horns, hollie shows, thats kings coming out, a he hollie appears underneath, with his light feather, tickles her feet, another, hollie puts hand over, mouth, hollie wore dress, but she was dim, hollie said, boo, chanted, him, said, partial face hollie, thats hands, they were amber, showing, its tear up, said, hollie, with amber hands, hollie put back, another, hollie comes out, its o, she, said, hand over mouth, shook, yes, looked at bob, changed into him, she, submarine right there, showed, hollie, now look, she, said, captain hollie surfaced, its akula again, hollie said, thats, what, you, wanted, need, she, said, now look, captain hollie said, fired missiles, thats gaza and iraq on fire, hollie takes chicken eating bush to microphone, its I made our war, he said, ate his chicken, its to breakem, steal our oil wells contracts, he said, hollie takes him eating, to fire, hollie showed, record, lay down, wearing blue shirt, bobby, said, hollie, i showed, pope, he said, I aint your reason, its popey, hollie said, in picture, like lit angel, its e-news, hollie showed, its, show, thats, hand with, its uh dome inside, said, hollie, with him, said partial face hollie, inside, showing, you did not want hollie showed, hollie showed, him, said partial face hollie, he snapped fingers, showed, pope, he said, its uh picture, hollie wore white robe, let me rule the world, said, putin laying before, captain hollie soars, in his swedish fighter jet, its like that, said, hollie, the f-18 hornet, drops bomb, america below exploded, submarines appeared all around, its on the day of the Lord, said, its him, said partial face hollie, wearing suit, hollie raised fist up, its o, said, another, hollie, came out, wearing, its uh burgandy sweatshirt, partial face hollie, appears, had golden blow, hollies body hidden, but dimly faded in, made big fist, thats bobs picture popping up on most, of, his websites, thats blueface, hes looking at bobs picture all over the place, said, hollie, another, hollie comes out, its she said, she wore burgandy sweatshirt, hollie snapped fingers, sitting in chair, at, new wineskin ministries, looked at bob, like, white angel hollie, 10-21-22-23-2010-let me record, said, hollie, its, she, said, partial face, wearing, its, Jesus rubbed chin, turned into, it changed, God, said, into, him, she, said, hollie, bob, said, it hollie, said, partial face hollie, showed, i'm back, had golden glow, in, face, thats, hollie, getting drink, wearing, its red plad coat, thats bobs picture appearing on his webbies, hollie said, there they all, are, its, o, said, another, hollie, coming, out, hand over mouth, looked at bob, they were many angels, but all deformed, o, said, hollie, thats blue, face angel, looking with hollie, leaning on bobs picture, hollie, had pants on and plad coat, white pants, thats Jesus, speaking, to her, wear pants, wear suit, he said, hollie laughs, coming out of, blueface man, but goes back in, thats, e-news, said, hollie, its uh show, she, said, thats, e news anchor man looking at bob e-mails, thats what I, wanted, he, said, but, doesnt use bob, thats, hollie showing, feed, wearing plad coat, its, animals, she, said, thats, hollie, climbing into, its dumpster, said, partial face hollie, golden hands, golden glow in face, hollie wore plad coat, hollie screamed, its, o, said, its, his ship again, said, hollie, its, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff, ship, thats hitler on deck, as, three torpedoes strike, explode, hitler hangs on as ship rolls, its my fault, said, adolf hitler, showed, partial face hollie wearing different plad coat, thats the m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship waiting on bottom of sea, its, for, visitor, thats, hollie showing, up, its akula class, thats, what you want, needed, she said, showed, eat, she was happy, thats it, said, hollie, it was, yellow dragon, hollie comes out, laughs, thats, her, said, partial face hollie, speaking with God, shook no, it was not hollie acting like yellow dragon, its were the g8, said, hollie, its the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats, kings appearing, with bush riding, wearing his plad coat, hes the woman, God, said, go home, said, its babyfleas, said, partial face hollie, shook, yes, showed, its uh good one, hollie said, that car, spun rear tires, its stamped partial face hollie, with all her face there, a 1999 chevrolet camaro, it has hollie said, a v-6, they last, she, said, she drove, hollie screamed, its bob dont buy it, she, said, another, white hollie showed, thumbs down, hollie showed, with big white hand, its, from, the, fifties, she said, drove, its, 1956 oldsmobile, its excellent car, thats when she, said, many, its, two heavy, hollie said, thats two hands, thats two arms, with like bear paws, hollie was showing, time, had light watch, she, dimly faded in, was there, he, appeared, underneath, wearing white robe, light, feather, tickled her feet, hollie wore dress, but was dim, what are you gonna do about that right there, said, hollie, if you get pulled over, she, said, its could go either way, your van, park it hollie said, save, thats van parked in yard, hollie tore up, it, was to the side, another, hollie said, hollie was like bear, the, first one, said, Jesus, thats, putin appearing, and, three ribs, appearing, in, hollies mouth, Jesus tells bear, destroy, he, said, thats, hollie comes out, its an outlined, america, with, light outline, hollie walks on, wearing, its another, plad coat, bobby buy, she, said, people worry about you, hollie showed, its uh quart of, its stamped hollie, scene spins, she wore light colored plad coat, slick 50 engine treatment, advanced formula, it, hollie had quart, rubbed chin, hollie stomped foot, snapped fingers, hey said, another, hollie, coming out, its, o, she, said, hand over mouth, thats, hollie getting, word from God, dont buy, she, said, its, waste, but good, prophet hickman, said, hollie, wearing, its uh red plad coat, showed, golden, partial body hollie, scene spins, she showed, excercise facial muscles, it works, she, said, thats blue face, theres hollies, picture on, its, ministry of dreams, she, said, call it, thats Jesus speaking, but only partially, there, ministryofdreams, its God spoke, he said, dont steal, it, hollie, said, submarine, its, right there, said, it, hollie, said, partial face hollie, now look, she, said, its captain hollie, waving, showing, thats him walking, wearing plad coat, its hollie showed, record, wearing, blue plad shirt, hollie with bright white robe, golden big hand, showing turn, hollie screamed, another, hollie came out, its o, she, said, hand over mouth, thats partial face hollie, without golden glow wearing plad shirt, thats hollie in tank, wearing, its amber, colored goggles, they were, like lit, that was hollie with big golden hand showing, its dumpster, said, partial face, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats hand, theres uh dome in, pointed, hollie, with lighted finger, has him, said, partial face hollie, in, hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, thats hollie like wearing shipmate, act weary, said, Jesus, to, her, she, rubbed forehead, showed, lay down, o, said, its his ship agin, said, hollie, the m.v., she said, wilhelm gustloff ship, waiting on bottom, of the sea, hollie visits, its akula class, she, said, thats what you want, needed, she, said, was, happy, grain, said, relistic nova-4 speaker, other, had hollies face, laughed, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, big hand, hollie, him, said, partial face, hollie, showed, lay down, another, hollie, claps, wearing white robe, thats, pope, said, hollie, picture, thats sanyo ss-900 licking prophet, has eyes, said, keep, snapped fingers, showed, both beasts, its, theres hu hintao, hollie said, and pope, she, said, there you have it, she, said, showed, sleep, she said, sleep, hollie bit the prophet, boo chanted, its him, said, partial face hollie, go, pointed, hollie, thats her, getting out of the library quick wearing plad coat, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, she, said, up rose the beast, like angel, man, its, o, its his agin, said, babyfleas, its the m.v., hollie said, like hidden hollie, but dimly appeared, wearing dress, laughed, wilhelm gustloff ship taking three torpedoe strikes on side, hitler on deck, of, his, super ship, thats hollie showed, you dont want me any more, he said, thats her, said, partial face hollie, coming out, clapping, thats hidden hollie wearing white robe, showing, its, she, said, post on laptop, boo chanted, him, said, partial face hollie, another, one, with golden glow, many he hollies, theres, she hollie, happy, in white robe, hollie showed, appears, laughs, but stopped quickly, no, said, hollie, thats hollie showed, working on laptop computer, its said partial face hollie, but glow, golden didnt stay long, hollie showed, the, stereo receiver, it had power meters, they moved, bobby, buy another one she said, you will, hollie, him, said partial face hollie, showed, its vector 400 watt power invertor, its good, she, said, hollie showed, its disco duck, hollie snaps fingers, duck dances, you see that pointed, hollie, its moon, he yawned, soon, thats smoking rising, and, sun showing, dread, thats sun and moon sitting, its at, said, partial face hollie, Gods interviewing table, hollie showed, book, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, it, said, partial face hollie, wearing blue plad shirt, i'm on, said, van, showed, thats van being tight, showing, start it, thats hollie wearing plad coat, starting van, take it easy, showed, van, time, said, van, thats van man showing, fix, then, goes back into van, you can do it bob if you try, look, he said, hollie showed, picture, thats partial face hollie, wearing blue plad shirt, shes the new ministering spirit on, ministry of dreams, she looks like, its babyfleas and hollie put together, God, said, hollie screamed, thats her, shes back, has, has, babyteeth, thats white hands, showing, theres uh dome in, pointed, hollie, hand over mouth, with him in, she, said, white hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, you see that, said, hollie, showed, with big light hand, body hidden, second time, but dimly faded in, its uh duster, she, said, spun rear tires, 1974, record, said, hollie, hollie gets sign, its at, flea market, bob it makes book sell, try it, she, said, thats hollie holding up sign, and book angel laughs, its, hollie showed, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hollie laughs, you need that vision said, him, said partial face hollie, then record, said, another, hollie, its playdo boy man, coming thru, happy, hollie showed, pictures, its whole new world order, its pope, said, hollie, thats, putin coming out of yeltsin and medvedev, thats boris yeltsin coming out of ten, putin comes out of him, hollie said, thats pope out of, its putin, hollie, said, theres hu, hollie said, you see these, both beasts, she said, its, pope and hu, please dont, said, a, very worried hollie, thats Jesus telling her, act worried he, said, she claps, showed, happy, another, hollie comes out, its o, she, said, pointed, hollies, head was hidden but dimly faded in, you need that vision then post that vision, said, him, said partial face hollie, you dont want that vision, thats what your showin, thats what you need it, hollie said, with, its, the, uhleave it alone, thats him, said, partial, hollie on laptop computer, bob get it out a hidden hollie said, but there was a, hollie there, hollie, him, showed, lay down, said, partial face hollie, then snapped fingers, but all her there, hollie shook, no way, its, bobs picture, she, said, its, showing up, hollie said, when they look, hollie said, she watches, its lady, from, behind, clapped, hollie, looking at bob, thinking, he is the one that has, You, inside, she, said, thats, hollie with God inside, appearing, its, her, she, said, thats God, who is Jesus, inside, happy, like, a cloud angel, God, put it under, said, hollie, dont take it, she, said, or, alter, or, steal, hollie, said, or I will get you, said, Jesus, it appeared, hollie, said, like, brown haired, God, hollie said, showed, I spoke it, Jesus said, call it, ministry of dreams, God, spoke, dont steal, why do you alter, hollie, said, to, like, the Ministry of Dreams, God, said, thats, the minstryofdreams angel man appearing, its, o, hollie said, pointed, hand over mouth, deformed, theres, white on one side, theres uh little spec, hollie said, looked at bob, it was brown, but, hollie shook, yes, he recorded, on other, side, theres, hollie said, blue, much, thats angel, the ministry of dreams, showing, its uh picture, said, another, hollie, you want me, said, its, hollie showed, bob shakes, yes, its whole new world order, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying before, pope, its cause of that, said, Jesus, thats nuclear fires in iraq and gaza, Its I made are war, said, its your president, said, God, george bush, its to breakem, steal our oil wells, he said, hollie makes prez speak and takes to fire, put it under, said, hollie, they will want to rule the world, she, said, its, the whole new world order, hollie said, God said, 10-24-2010-bob I want you to loose your teeth to embarras you, to make, you, hate me, cause I deseased your gums when you found out about me, cause you were beautiful and I wanted to abase, to mock you, cause you were humble, and I love teasing, if you fast, I may change my mind, I'm causing you to heat up in body like a furnace right now, and mocking you, trying to make you backslide after I exalted you, to make you laughed at, and mocked in the eyes of all men, to laugh my self, for I betray, saith God, I caress, penus with electricity, and, cause, dick to get hard, and mock you, telling you to jackoff, to laugh, at you, loose your teeth one at a time, or fast for, many times, till I remove my wrath, and you are perfect, saith God, bob i'm not going to stop untill you go out into the world and embarras yourself, cause I would not let you stand, and you glorified me, saith the Lord, and you will mock me in your heart, but, I will betray, my children, to make them, abased, in my eyes, you see, said, God, they are not humble untill they are running from me, I will make you perish, to laugh, at, you, saith the Lord, like, all, before, they all, were, persecuted, driven away, and will laugh in, the lake of fire, for I the Lord, love teasing, and maiming my children, making it like bob was, for almost eight months, he could not walk, laughing at him in visions, letting him see, I hate you bob, cause, you loved me, die, you little looser, and your my child, read this and mock us both, saith the, Lord, but perish with, but atleast, most, jacked off, lusted, and did what they wanted, bob served, me, excellent, but I wanted him driven out, to entertain myself, saith the Lord, I will desease your gums till you teeth fall out, pull them out and save yourself misery, and I will laugh, at you bob, for no reason, saith Jesus, thats hollie showed, laying on, side, snapping fingers, smiling, said, hollie and Jesus, and, I showed, you that, said, hollie showed, hollie screamed, smiled, hey, bobby, its, why, what for, she, said, screamed, thats, him, said, partial face hollie, all face there, its, o, said, hollie, coming out, its, another, one, said, Jesus, looking at, bob, but, pointing at, partial face, hollie, her, face, was, hard to make out, she I said, another, hollie said, dont put that, picture out, hollie showed, use that picture, with, its the book, she, said, ministry of dreams, bob holdin, hollie said, you see this showed, hollie, walked underneath, its the u.s.s. iowa, she said, thats iowa firing, during, its vietnam, theres, iowa, in, its world war two, its still there, hollie said, all they have to do to make uh ship last, dry dock it, hollie showed, them floating into drydock, then, its, hollie checks bottom, repair, they rust, it takes time, hollie said, but, cheaper, its, hollie said, your wastin, natural resources, thats mustang g.t. spinning rear tires, bob, said, hollie, like ship mate, showed, its popes, picture, with brown hair, I aint wanna git you outta there, said, it popey partial face hollie said, you lost your dream, said, hollie, chirping like bird, many, theres the marine corp. said hollie, showed, right there, its, angel gabriel like marine, he, was protecting, its lootin, said, hollie, thats, many hollies stealing, with silhouette faces, one had her face there, another, hollie comes out, looks at bob serious, points, hand over mouth, that hollie was looting was one that appeared at beginning of vision, she, showed, its economic collapse, said barack obama at podium, leaves, its, when, the, marine corp. is out in the streets, thats said hollie, thats Jesus sprinkling, bear arising with three ribs in mouth, destroy that, said Jesus, hollie shakes, yes, its america appearing, thats captain hollie soaring, spacefighter bomber jet he said, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, russia on fire, thats submarines and missiles flying from them, thats land based nuclear rockets lifting off, him, said, partial face, hollie, many countries exploded, thats america on fire, submarines all around, its, on the day of the LOrd, said, him, said partial face hollie with like uh golden mostly silhouette face, smoke, rises, thats moon just looking, its o.k., said little nell, hollie walked, at, its, strip mall, she, wore uh plad coat, its, said, hollie, like, dreading, she, said, shipmate, showed, its r.m.s. titanic, with edward smith on deck, o shit, he, said, ship scrapes against iceberg, sinks, thats the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, waiting on bottom of sea, hollie visits both in, its akula class she, said, submarine, its o, said, another, hollie, comes out, points, with, two fingers, same hollie appearings twice in two submarines, visiting titanic and wilhelm gustloff ship, its o, said, wilhelm gustloff, ship, getting bored, its, bobby appreaciate said partial face hollie and Jesus, shop said hollie, thats her wearing, its uh plad coat, she, said, looking for, its new stuff, she, said, hollie screamed, thats, her getting food, for animals, she looked in, its trash can, hollie pointed, turn, its, open, said, Jesus, its sixth seal and, smoke going up like furnace, thats, submarines, many, all with captain hollie, thats hollie showing old car, with big lighted hand, they still run, thats car spinning tires, thats bear licking prophet, you see, this said hollie, its they waste she said, its little teddy bear, still, good, going to, trash, thats hollie happy in the fire, turning head, hes, said, hollie, look happy said, Jesus, to, its him, said partial face hollie, he was excited to do vision, but its same hollie thats reports for b.b.c., thats him, back, showed, hollie, wearing white robe, in news desk, showed, its the dragon, beast, they said, with seven heads and ten horns, i'm the g8, said, its putin, its nuclear n.a.t.o., thats bush like woman riding dragon, what did he say, said, hollie, talking, about, its pope, I want uh vision, it, pontey, thats partial face hollie, with golden glow, and, mostly silhouette face, showing, thats, face, out of, said, hollie, and mostly back into, its she said, sony stereo speaker, with twin six and one half inch woofers, both moved, its excellent, showed, hollie, people, waste, theres many being thrown away, its, they were good, hollie said, this is, hu hintao, on, his red horse, hollie, rode the spacefighter, its into over taiwan, burned, thats hu hintao battling, its washington state said, hollie, scene spins, he had blue, light sword on red horse, hollie fights back with light colored sword, thats another, hollie flying out, in, its old world ware two aircraft fighter bomber jet, its b-34, its repelled, hollie dressed like old world war two pilot, hollie screamed, its, why what she said, thats grim reaper laughing on his, its grizzled and bay, said, hollie, stamps, scene spins, horse, thats, bobs picture popping up on webbies, hollie said, God rubs chin, thinks, its, i'm going, to make him a deal, Jesus wearing white robe, said, thats picture going down again, I dont want no tap dancers, said, the tap dancers, many hollies, thats its, him, said partial face hollie, tap dancing, whew let me, said, it partial face hollie said, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, record, showed, its pictures, both beasts, she and another, hollie, hidden, but dimly faded in, and God said, its hu, and pope, its, I can see, said pope to hu, were not going to get along, hu shakes, yes, she said, dont another, hollie, said, 10-25-2010-you need to, let me, record, said, hollie, and I stamp, she, said, and I stamp, she, said, thats, beast running out, and, whole new world order, its uh black carriage, and, stagecoach, thats whole, many one world governments, its, partial face hollie, said, they all have, she, pointed, nuclear, arms, pointed, at, each other, thats, missile leaving north korea, partial face hollie, looks, from high above, nuclear fires in, russia, and, china, and, south korea, thats, missile, leaving russia with, its new ministry of dreams website on, said, hollie, its m.t.v. ministry of dreams blog and red dragon with, its, said, hollie, stamps, another one, Jesus said, scene spins, bush riding, red dragon dressed like woman, thats north korea exploding, thats two missiles leaving, its tomahawks, said, hollie, from u.s.a. sub, said, hollie said, two explosions in north korea, its, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie points, its at, she, said, wiped lips, bobs pictures popping up all over net, now people are finding out what bob looks like, its, said, hollie, end time prophetic ministry website, its o, said, another hollie coming out, hand over mouth, showed, her light watch, said, partial face hollie, looked at bob, shook, yes, he recorded, theres deformed, she, said, angel white on one side, theres one spec, its appeared, on other theres like light bluish coving most of face, thats angel clapping with face appearing, hollie had flash, its hard drive, she showed, updated, in computer, its the angel ministry of dreams, appearing, like white angel, its o, said, another, hollie, coming out, angel perfect, thats, its, people stealing, hollie said, the God spoke, she, said, call it, ministry of dreams, Jesus said, I birthed God said, hollie screamed, thats bobs pictures on, its yola website, thats yola ministry of dreams angel, its, o, said, hollie, coming out, its, theres, deformed, she, said, looked at bob, partial face appears, thats angel with no hair but like pink coming down in like, tripod, she, said, on angels head, on near top, hollie looks, hollie showed, you mean he said, him, said partial face hollie, showed, broke, empty pockets, then his picture went into, a, hollie comes out, shows, its bravenet links page with hundreds of bobs picture, thats hollie, in, theres another, him, said partial face hollie, in, thats she hollie in, happy, theres m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship picture in, and its, r.m.s. titanic with, edward smith, and hollie like weary shipmate, picture in, its, showed, she holly, happy, thats him, said partial face hollie, typeing on, its personal laptop, thats hollie like uh ship mate reporting, on, local news, its she, said, rubbed forehead, go, said, hollie, she walked into speedway, you need to let me, said, hollie, record, showed, book, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, it sold today, said, hollie, got word from Jesus, you see she knowed about it God, said, book has sold now about, uh million copies, bob will be rich someday, cause book, its, whew, let me, said, hollie, with Jesus inside, showed, record, hollie showed, thru, she wore white clothes, put back, said, Jesus, tear up, showed, hollie, thats, another, hollie coming out, hey she said, pointed, hollies face was silhouette, it, said partial face hollie, another hollie showed, record, hollie showed, turn, big golden hand, she said, dont hollie said, hollie showed, turn, big lighted hand, another, hollie screamed, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, lay down, hollie snapped fingers, showed, popes, picture, with brown hair, thats same o hollie flying in his spacesaucer bomber jet, wearing, its uh white robe, partial face hollie checks it out wearing white robe, to, bob said hollie, had on her light watch, got under covers, pulled up, thats partial face hollie, coming out, pointing, watch was silhouette, but hands appears, thats about 6:09, its a.m. hollie said, bob git up, she, said, hollie flew in, its chinook, said partial face hollie, thats angel hanging on, its rope, partial face hollie, pointed, america below exploded, submarines appear all around, hollie screamed, its on the day of the Lord, said, its him, said partial face hollie, with all face there, hollie cnn news anchor man, there he is back at his desk, put back, showed, its pope, i'm the beast, antichrist, he said, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, its rocky horror picture show, said partial face hollie, its still loved, she said, another, hollie, hollie showed, with big white hand, a 1966 baracuda, thats it smoking rear tire, hollie showed, pope he said, lets rule the world, said, putin, laying before, its, alright said, hollie, its she showed, thats, hollie flying in spacesoarer, another, hollie laughs, 10-26-2010-its, whew let me, said, partial face hollie, looked, like, not happy, whats that said, hollie, its, bobs picture, appearing, all over net, thats tumblr ministry of dreams, website, angel, like, its, o, said, hollie, hand over mouth, looked, at, bob, shook, yes, he recorded, theres deformed, she, said, thats, no hair but like pink coming down where hair should be, in point, thats spec on one side, features of face hard to read, thats big brown area on other, its, o, said, hollie, looked at, bob, showed, lay down, if you fast, she, said, its, the, uhleave it alone sorry, said, two hollies, its, him, said partial face hollie, playing his music, wearing white, robe, you need it, to, he, said, showed, lay down, its uh, submarine, said, hollie, now look, its, him, said, partial face, hollie, submarines appearing all around america, its on the day of the Lord, said, its him, said, partial face hollie, thats both american coasts going up in flames, its, them, subs firing, he, him, said, partial face hollie, did say, thats hollie reporting on cnn, its thats him, getting kicked out by legg to like pod God, thats, the, same hollie in chinook with angel hanging by rope on back, drops bombs, thats america below, exploding, its o, said, hollie, hand over, mouth, looked at bob, but hollie in chinook was same o hollie that reported for cnn, how, does he, she, said, God spoke to him, told, do news segment, then report for copter duty, he did, was happy, laughs at end, hollie screamed, thats angel in the fan, happy, but looks like hollie, thats hollie riding the, its spacefighter jet, showed, him, said, partial face, hollie, thats, taiwan burning, thats, hu hintao, battling, its washington state, stamped hollie, scene spins, hollie fights back with light sword, hu on red horse, another, hollie flys, out, its, old, mustang fighter jet, bombs ship, its repelled, said, hollie, another, one said, God, pilot hollie, rubs, hands, dressed like pilot, hollie showed, record, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, both beasts, theres pope, thats, popey, she said, riding black horse, its into, russia, he, said, thats, its pope, said, hollie, signing, its uh deal, she, said, with, medvedev, it will gain ya some control medvedev said, thats hu hintao with sword on his red horse, showed, partial face hollie, now look, said, hollie, showed, eat, hollie said, dont, said another, hollie, she said, taime out, showed, and, said, hollie, you want that vision, then post, said, him, said partial face hollie, but he almost not there, but appeared, smiling, hollie, comes out, points, its o, points with two fingers, he and she has same face, it was, the, popes image on the finger, that was military action, its him said partial face hollie, hollie showed, the reuben steam engine, it was happy, hollie showed, its at, the indianapolis childrens museum, thats engine steaming, like locomotive, captain, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, a she hollie points, theres uh dome, she, said, had long golden finger, its with him in, partial face hollie said, hi, said, partial face hollie, showed, its, the, m.v., she said, wilhelm gustloff ship, thats it rocking from torpedo strikes, hitler on deck, thats ship waiting on bottom of sea for visitor, hollie visits in her sub, happy, tear up, put back, it was him, said partial face hollie, thats another, hollie looking for, hollie showed, it, rained submarines, she, found, it, him, said partial face hollie, another, he hollie, thats hollie, at, Gods interviewing table, I spoke blasphemy she said, what next, go home laughed Jesus, like celebrating Jesus, its to late, bob, said, hollie, its, pope, said, he hollie, showed, picture with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin laying before, partial face hollie with white robe, showed, lay down, hollie showed, its, hippo, I kill lions, said, its the hippopotamous, she said, dont, said many hollies, 10-27-2010-hollie snapped fingers, said, it, said, partial face hollie, Jesus, no, said, hollie, but, I, shook, yes, she, said, but, looked worried, just uh little concerned, said, partial face hollie, with all face there, she, wore uh white robe, but, the other hollie shook, yes, and, I stamp, she, said, turned, into, white, robe, wearing, partial face hollie, thats, beast, its, pope, running, out, and, his, black stagecoach, its, the, whole new world order, said, hollie, lets rule the world, said, its, putin, kneeling before, said, hollie, its, pope, she, said, shaking yes, thats, captain hollie, flying, in, its, spacesoarer bomber, hollie, said, thats, it dropping bomb, but, turning into, its, chinook, said another, hollie, watching, wearing white robe, its from behind, showed, him, said partial face hollie, wearing, white robe, another, he hollie, hollie showed, its eat, bob, she, said, thats, hollie walking, wearing white robe, thats hollie sees putin inside, its, red on this side, hollie said, of that o, black and red stagecoach, thats, three ribs appearing, in, its, putins mouth, see, showed, hollie, wearing white robe, thats, its, tripod, said, hollie, pulled, up sleeves, hey said another, hollie, and, another, one, comes out, thats hollie with hands over mouth, looking at bob, he recorded, thats, submarines in cuban and nicaraguan and mexican waters, all with captain hollie, one she hollie, its, they, shower, said, hollie, thats, them firing missiles, striking that, pointed, hollie, from behind, its gulf coast states of america exploding, thats, missiles leaving america striking them three countries, burned, thats venezuela and brazil on fire, thats, putin, arising, lets rule the world, he said, thats him sitting at table with many kings, its, if we destroy that, said, its, o vladimir, agin, said, hollie, thats them shaking yes, but, its, lula looking expressionless, hugo smiles, shaking, yes, but shows, no, snaps fingers, moves feet, its, horses, said, hollie, thats, pope riding, black horse, its, into, moscow, said, pope, thats hu hintao riding red horse, its to, make, war, said, hintao, battling hollie with his light sword, thats, grim reaper laughing, and he rides, hollie showed, its grizzled horse, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome inside of it, said, she, hollie, with him, said partial face hollie, in, he, controls, but, face appears, on, hand, thats white hand at Gods interviewing table, showing, he let me, laughed, hand, hand does what hand wants, they play said God, she said, sleep, cuba said Jesus, hollie points, nuclear fire in, its cuba, said, partial face hollie, stamps, thats nuclear fires in, its france and italy exploding, thats australia burning and rockets leaving them all, some in that, said, hollie, submarines with captain hollie, its they shower, hollie said, thats fires in russia, great britain burned, but four captain hollies in, its british, vanguard class submarines, fire, thats world shaking, russia burning, thats submarines all around america, its on the day of the Lord said, hollie news anchor man high in heavens, pointed, partial face hollie, wearing white robe, both american coasts, burn, hollie screamed, hollie showed, record, and I, stamp, she, said, come on, bob, she, said, showed, work, wearing, its uh white robe, she, said, theres uh submarine, theres that submarine, right there, said, hollie, with, its, the, submarine somby sorrow, said, sandy and hollie, thats captain hollie surfacing, waving in, his, its akula class, said, a she hollie, hollie said, dont, go, over, there, yet, hollie showed, turn, another, hollie showed, turn again, lighted bluish hand, look, said, hollie, wearing white robe, showed, its golden food, said another, hollie, showed, bite, but changed into her, that was, pope in, the, fire, said, hollie, like, angel pope, hollie like fire hollie, bob said partial face hollie, showed, charge batteries, him, she, said, showed, lay down, but eyes still open, hollie snapped his fingers, showed, picture, its pope and hu hintao, you see these two, hollie said, both beasts, she showed, teeth, looked, boo, chanted, him, said, partial face hollie, many he hollies, hollie layed on back, turned, on side, jogged in place, hollie screamed, why whats, said, screamed, showed, its popes picture, I am gogey, I am God, he said, 10-28-2010-hollie showed, record, looked worried, snapped fingers, you need to go, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, wearing blue plad shirt, stomped foot, hey said another, hollie, pointed, coming out, hand over mouth, bob, said, another, hollie, thats her getting into dumpster, taking out food, she, wore, plad coat, hollie showed, record, its that, o, black stagecoach and pope running out, like, angel, of light, Its, i am gog, he said, hollie showed, its uh change, she, said, in, the ministry of dreams, home pages, thats the angel, ministry of dreams, Jesus, speaks, call it ministryofdreams, I created, said, God, why do you you steal, thats, over, 1400, people, stealing ministry of dreams, they alter said, hollie, to like, The ministry of dreams, thats people laughing cause they stole said, hollie, and God mocks his own servant bob hickman, but I bring them down, and, expose, said, Jesus, thats, spiritual warfare, said, hollie, showed, change page back, to, thats, Ministry of Dreams, appearing, at, top of page, thats, united pentecostal internet church, page, God wants it changed back, hollie, said, and I stamp, hollie, said, thats, both beasts, running out, theres hu hintao, hollie, said, and, pope, she, said, you see these two said, hollie, they will want to rule the world, thats pope, hollie, said, like angel, of light, I am gog, he said, Jesus rubs chin, you can place it there, pointed, hollie, on the ministry of dreams page, she said, thats uh hollie said, 1969 gto spinning rear tires, hollie looks at its engine, its uh 400, she, said, puts out, a romping hollie said, 366 horsepower, thats it smoking back tires, but just barely hollie said, that car would run a quarter mile in 14.1, hollie said, it appeared, she, said, had arms open, thats, the ministry of dreams, hollie said, she saw, call it, said, a hidden Jesus, thats the ministry of dreams angel appearing, happy, i'll get, angel, said, with Gods voice, watch me bring them down JEsus said, the thieves, thats hollie like angelic hollie riding, its horse, its she showed, grizzled, and bay, thats grim reaper on his horse, hollie said, laughing, thats countries of dark world below, exploding, souls flying to meet the grim reaper, he places them there, said, hollie, thats them all in hellfire, hollie pointed, turn, thats happy hollie with Jesus inside, thats her stamping with stick, had like light tip, hollie looks at, thats, its pilfering said hollie, many silhouette, faced hollies, stealing, said partial face hollie, thats, angel marine guard, hollie laughs, its gabriel she said, its were guarding bobby gabriel said, thats angel marines in streets, like silhouette faced marines, they are, its protecting, said, hollie, barack obama announces, its economic collapse, he, said, thats, Jesus, sprinkling, lets rule the world, said, putin, God gave them one mind, hollie, said, stop, said, hollie, thats angel said, hollie, showing, turn, she, said, go post, your going to put that page right back like it was, hollie said, hollie screamed, what did we say boo for, said, its, him, said partial face hollie, hollie showed, turn, but, you did not go, like hollie showed, said, hollie, write the vision, said, its hollie said partial face hollie and, he hollie plays his music, shaking head, wearing, its uh white robe, showed, partial face hollie, its hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, lay down, he, wore uh white robe, hollie snapped his fingers, she, said, thats end of the shift warning sireen, it turns, has, eyes, hollie comes out, she, happy, I want my vision back, thats why I'm screaming for said, hollie, screamed again, 10-29-2010-hollie showed, record, showed, I eat, she, said, but, was, sleeping, wearing, its uh brown coat, said, his, partial face hollie, another, hollie said, it, said, hollie, she, appeared, Jesus showed cut off, go work, he, said, thats Jesus, working, wearing, its uh plad coat, said, partial face hollie, put it under, said, hollie, bob, they wont let you keep it, hollie, said, hollie snapped fingers, it was, said, uh, partial face hollie, white hollie, shes, uh, she, said, appeared, wearing, its white robe, and just fingers, snapped, they were white, said partial face hollie and Jesus, but another hollie there, dimly, she wore uh, said, Jesus, dress, you need to record, said, it, hollie, said, a hidden hollie, but she was, there, said, Jesus, like not, very seen hollie, and I stamp, hollie said, thats, beast, pope like angel of light and his, its, black stagecoach, showed, smiling, shes happy, said, JEsus, partial face hollie, thats, pope, she, said, going, its into moscow, it pontey, hollie said, thats him signing, deal with medvedev, its gains him some control, hollie said, no, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you uh picture, she, said, its, you, pointed, hollie, bobs picture showing up all over the place, thats it, on, hollie showed, the ministry of dreams, and thats, the ministry of dreams angel like white angel, it, appeared, hollie, said, o, said, another, hollie, coming out, its, theres deformed, hollie said, theres like little brown spec on one side, angels turns, theres blue, its o, said, hollie, agin, showed, partial face hollie, thats spec appearing, its later, she, showed, on, other, side of face, i'm the ministry of dreams said angel, like mostly silhouette face light white angel, 10-29-30-its cause they will not rail on them, said, hollie, tap dancing, its lost witches, she, said, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, hollie, said, you see these two, its both beasts, said, it, partial face hollie, another, hollie said, it, theres the pope, said partial face hollie, looking from the side, and, hu hintao, another, hollie appears above picture, you see you have she said, showed, bob eat, eat, said, hollie, thats the main ministering spirit eating, look, pointed, the main ministering spirit, its, hollie, its, captain, hollie, waving, surfacing, agin, in his, he stamps, scene spins, thats, george bush being made to speak at, podium, hollie takes, happy, I made our war, he said, bit chicken legg, its to breakem, stealem, said eating bush, showed, our oil wells, thats saddam hussein, he knows, said, hollie, I should have never invaded kuwait saddam said, they, he said, boo, said, hollie, many, him, said, partial face hollie, he hollies chanting, but there was happy she hollie there like light hollie, bob, said, hollie, showed, turn it off, your motor, she, said, dont let it idle, heres why said, hollie, but she didnt know, spoke with God, thats engine idling, its not hurting, hollie laughs, record, the vision, hollie said, thats her looking at, its, all the food stamped partial face hollie, but she was not all, the way, seen, hollie showed, its record, she, said, and I stamp, she, said, hollie showed, watch, bob lets go, hollie showed, record, whats that, she, said, its, the, yellow dragon and, its, whole, partial face hollie, said, mostly hidden, new world order, theres pope hollie said, and hu hintao, lets rule the world, said hintao, to, its pontey, hollie said, thats pope turning into putin with ten horns on his head, one has eyes like uh man, thats pope coming, thats, boris yeltsin coming out of, its politburo, showed, partial face hollie, thats, putin out of, its, medvedev and yeltsin, thats, its, the, one, hollie said, that they will not give, honor to, its, pope, and, putin, kneeling before, let me rule the world, said, putin, its pope said, hollie, shaking, yes, hollie showed, turn, with, big lighted golden shaft like, thats, white hand, showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, said, partial face hollie, she examined, had him, said, partial face hollie, in, its, he hollie like cat, its, i'm the leopard he said, thats the four headed beast with kings coming out, thats, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, hes the leader of, magog, thats, thats empy, she said, but was not seen, but later appeared, o, she, said, like, very hard to see hollie, thats both korean presidents, there you have it said, hollie, put back, tear up, but hollie disappeared, thats pope, inside, I aint our reason, its pontey, partial face hollie said, did say, thats two different hollie showing turn two different ways, stamped, a hidden hollie, another, hollie comes out, looks, hand over mouth, looks at bob, shakes, yes, he recorded, the realistic sta-90 stereo receiver angel, saying, yeouw, happy to be hooked up to, scene spins, two optimus realistic t-100 tower stereo speakings, thats the speakers, like, ones, hollies like hollies face, they hold like light hands, hey said, hollie, its the same o angel, saying, yeouw, its cause, when, the marine corps. out, said, it, hollie, said a, kind of outlined said, Jesus, partial face hollie, thats, angel marine guard, its gabriel, face kind of silhouette, thats, many hollies with mostly silhouette faces, its looting, said partial face hollie, barack obama announces economic collapse, thats when said partial face hollie, with all her face there, Jesus sprinkles, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie, rises, like bear, shakes, yes, Jesus points, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, and, two captain hollies firing rockets, russia exploding, world shaking, thats smoke rising up, world has face, hollie showed, time, like light world, i'm said sun, moon appeared, no face, but changed into man, showed, not uh word, thats hands, tearing up, but, partial face hollie, dimly appears, he said, thats the marine corp. out in the streets, didnt you here him say that, said, partial face hollie, and another, said, Jesus, hollie, rubs, chin, bobby, dont, said, hollie, she, said, dome said another, hollie, with its him in, said some hollie, showed, eat, its, chinook, said, hollie, with him, she, said, like, not to normally right hollie, thats, Jesus, drawing her, but didnt finish, thats rope coming down, gabriels head appeared, he, looked afraid, hollie inside smiled, wearing blue, sweatshirt, showed, bobby go git he said, drink, with plad coat on, thats hollie walking on, its treadmill, stamped, hollie, scene partially spins, I will not let you live bob and know me, its, for, I persecute, torture, God said, hollie, said, she hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, snapped fingers, while laying down, showed, popes image on his finger, but changed into, hollie, laughed, like round face, let me make you perish in the sight of all men to laugh at you, hollie showed, record, showed, sleep, hollie snapped, him said partial face hollie, fingers God said, and he showed lay down Jesus said, and partial face hollie said something but bob never recorded she and Jesus said, God showed cut off, hollie showed, her, said, Gods, its uh, light watch, she, said, showed, tapped on, its, she, said, time, and I, she stamped, hollie said, its, pope, she, said, running out, its I am gog, he said, like angel of, its, said, hollie, but, not visible, said, God, but one was, and another, dim, you need to record said hollie, thats bob, hollie walking, wearing, its plad coat, pastoring, new beginnings ministries church, and I stamp, said, hollie, its the new ministry of dreams website hollie said, its bob blogger profile page with his picture on, theres angel, sad, with, theres deformed, said, hollie, showed to go to 644 on other side, thats angel flipping page over, thats ministry of dreams blogger face sad, theres, blue on, its, most of, said, hidden face hollie, heres why, hes, sad, its i'm the new ministryofdreams, said angel, hollie looks at google, its, goes up number one, with, prophecy blogspot number two, hollie thinks, changed it, she, said, it stays the same, hollie said, its, o, said, hollie, coming out, showed, bob, eat, something, thats new ministryofdreams website like not happy angel, hollie puts hand, over mouth, its, deformed, said, hollie, who is it, said, new ministry of dreams website, its, mythoughts, hollie said, that she said, stays up, for, till the end, hollie said, its, o, hollie said, theres, blue on most of angels unhappy face, angel showed, with no hair, it collapses, angel said, its some of the ministry of dreams pages going down, hollie, said, thats, missiles, flying, striking, many states, in america, exploded, lets rule the world, said, putin, when this is, over, he said, thats people like many hollies wearing plad coats, different ones, looting in america, thats happy marine guard Jesus, guarding, theres many, with, like blue, heads, on, top, where hair should be but dot shaped, thats barack obama announcings, its under he said, looked at his watch, its time obama said, economic collapse, lets rule the world said, its putin, said, partial face hollie, thats, eight kings, sitting at, its uh meeting, said partial face hollie, theres hu hintao, dreading, but showed, thumbs up, hugo smiles, but showed, no way, lula, castrol, and nicaraguan president all looked stout, thats red turning yellow dragon rising, thats, kim jong, shaking, yes, laughing, with, its, nuclear controls, his son, comes, in, front, and presses, thats rockets striking, its, that, them, said, hollie, pointed, fires, in, its, russia, china, and south korea, said, hollie, stamped, scene spins, thats, rocket, leaving russia with, its new ministry of dreams website on, its showed, hollie, website angel showed, sign, i'm formspring, said, new ministry of dreams, happy and red dragon with bush riding like woman, thats, north korea exploding, boris yeltsin comes out of, its politburo, said, hollie, thats ten ruling kings, thats putin with crown, and ten horns, one has, eyes, like, man, pope comes out of, but, horn still had eyes, horns smiles, i'll show ya, said, happy horn, theres, medvedev walking backwards, putin came out of them both, said, another, hollie, its, yeltsin and medvedev, thats pope out of putin, its, they, wont give, hollie said, he will flatter them, she said, showed, put it, up, hollie showed, record, hollie tore up, showed, pictures, its the four kings, thats them going into heads, coming out of, four headed beast, thats hu hintao, it, i'm the leader, hintao said, thats, emperor of japan, thats them two getting into the two headed beast, going to table, signings, its uh peace treaty, said, hollie, with, pope hollie said, looked, dreaded, thats 666 being born, its, take it, said, popey, hollie said, like angel of light, thats, hollie, looking, at, its pentecostal, on, its the beep, she, said, thats, all, these visions put on that page, thats the pentecostal beep ministry of dreams angel, like sad yellow angel with, writing, its hes in the page, hollie said, heres why, hes, sad, she, said, its, beep goes to number on, it, showed, hollie said, the God spoken, call it ministry of dreams, Jesus, why do you steal, hollie said, thats, both korean presidents as last kings in four headed beast, hollie showed, fill it up, she, said, hollie showed, turn, go, another, hollie showed, hollie screamed, why, what for, she said, screamed again, hollie that showed, go, had its, said, partial face hollie, red bear paws, hollie conveyed, hollie, said, partial face hollie, looked, hollie said, hollie looking serious showed, record, and I, stamp, she, said, thats, its beast pope running out like happy light dot head man, hi, said, hollie, happy, thats, said, hollie, cindy like monkeys, shes, hollie said, i'm back cindy said, like full blown monkey, God, said, satan, o darn stomped partial face hollie, wearing white robe, it was really, she, said, Jesus, blasphemy she said, looking stunned, what do I do next, hollie said, thats him said partial face hollie showing broke, then its like uh square with many hollies in all with different expressions, thats partial face hollie sitting with Jesus, its at, said, him, said, mostly hidden golden partial face hollie, Gods interviewing table, I spoke blasphemy she, said, what do I do next, she showed, Jesus rubbed mouth, happy, go home next he said, boo chanted many hollies, one, like, light, she, hollie, there, showed, its, man, hollie, danced like, its rocky horror picture showed, she, said, thats frank-n-furter, i'm rocky, he said, please said, hollie, partial face hollie comes out, showed, she, was, from the side, hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, showed, lay down, he pulled covers up, he snapped fingers, she said, 10-30-31-2010-Hollie him said, its partial face he said Jesus, showed lay down, come on, said, it, hollie, said, hidden partial face hollie, but she appeared, with Jesus, looking, its, wondering, she said, its him, said, partial face hollie, its, chinook, she said, with him, flying, partial face hollie, said, thats partial face hollie, sitting, at, its, Gods interviewing table, stamps brand new hollie, scene spins, its, I dont want, it, said, partial face hollie, are you wanting retirement, said, Jesus, he, dont, want, it, partial face hollie, said, talking about, bob, hes, not postin, she, said, thats, hollie, wearing plad shirt, thats not buttoned, with white tee-shirt underneath, she, worked on, computer, showed, lay down, thats, partial face hollie, being, brought back by, its bob, thats hidden head ministering spirit stamping, scene spins, but Gods head appears on, hollie showed, record, its partial face hollie, I'm back, said, another, hollie, happy, had, brown hair, thats the marine corp., its out in the streets, said, JEsus, stamps, scene spins, thats, angel gabriel appearing with lighted face, hollie appears with, has somewhat silhouette face, they were together, but gabriels face changed, silhouette, hollie showed, barack obama at podium announcing, its economic collapse, he said, in his, heart, face smiled, he walked away, thats angel marines, its guarding said gabriel with silhouette face hollie, and people pilfering, Jesus looks, rubs, chin, its, many he and she hollies, out stealing, thats God telling them at interviewing table, its thief, he said, they, go out and steal, Jesus, sprinkles, giving, them, one mind, thats putin, receiving, his thought, God, said, lets rule the world, said, it putin, said, hollie, o my God, said, it, Jesus, partial face hollie, said, licked prophet, thats, its she showed, face hidden, realistic, it mini taperecorder, licking prophet, hollie showed, record, and, looked, to the side, and the main ministering spirit appears, its moody, said, hollie, shes, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now look, its, him, said, golden dimly silhouette face hollie, mostly, thats captain hollie waving in his, its, hollie speaks with Jesus, a submarine, thats it firing missiles, thats gaza forsaken, and iraq, on fire, the ram, its, showed, hollie, scene spins, thats, putin, showing, turn, thats, hollie said, showed, get out computer and work on, whats that, said, hollie, its a horn with, mans eye underneath, then eyes appear on horn, pope comes out, its on putins head, thats, the hegoat, its, pope, hollie said, with, putin, smiting, its ram, thats, america with submarines all around, both american coasts burn, thats, its, on, the, day of the Lord, said, hollie cnn news anchor man, thats, hollie, him, said, partial face hollie, walking, wearing, its plad coat, thats, him, appearing, partial face hollie, with golden face, mostly silhouette, its, shes, transformed, said, him, partial face hollie, said, but normal again, hollie screamed, why what for, bob, she, said, screamed, again, thats battery sitting at Gods interviewing table, its gold, partial face hollie said, its autozone gold battery, we charge battery, said, showed, thats person plugging laptop computer into, its cigarette lighter, said, hidden hollie, battery smiled, showed, teeth, but knew in heart, its short lived, God said, that drains it of its precious recharging ability, o, said, stunned partial face hollie, another, hollie came out, hand over mouth, its pentecostal beep ministry of dreams page, hollie said, like, mostly blue missile like angel being, he was, sad, its, i'm the page, he said, showed, put it on, thats, somebody working at computer, but, a, hollie somewhat appeared, alaska said, hidden hollie, but, golden, silhouette faced, hollie appeared, thats missiles flying, hollie on one, its him, said, a darker partial face hollie, two went into alaska, exploded, thats many going into america, exploding, thats putin showing, lets rule the world, thats, barack with advisors, they recommend, its shower one said, thats russia burning, thats it, said, hollie, showed, its, ship, andrea doria, it, gets rammed, by, its stockholm, showed, hollie, its o, said, its, his ship agin, said, babyfleas, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, taking torpedoe strikes, hitler on deck, his super ship, rolls, sinks, thats hollie visiting ship on bottom of sea, hollie like weary shipmate showed, its r.m.s. titanic, thats it hitting iceberg, its like movie, hollie said, its, two blame, she, said, captain smith appears, hollie, showed, you wanna take uh bath, then go take uh bath, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in said partial face hollie, coming out, face, hard to make out, its, him, she, said, changed into, its cat, hollie showed, get numbers off internet, showed, fishing, but dissapeared, showed, lay down, but eyes still, open, hollie snapped fingers, its, pope and hu hintao appearing in picture, hollie showed, restless in bed, whew let me said hollie with Jesus inside, showed, record, whew let me said, hollie, showed, record, showed, both beasts, its pope and hu, hollie looks at, its pontey, he had brown hair, lets rule the world, said putin laying before, let me he said, hollie flew in spacesoaurer, he said, dropped bombs, america below, exploded, hollie soared, thats, nuclear, n.a.t.o. lands exploding, russia burns, world shaking, hey said, hollie, thats nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, fire in cuba, nicaragua exploded, hey i'll place it said, hollie, nuclear fires along the, mexican and latin american borders, 11-1-2010-boo, chanted, its him, said, showed, partial face hollie, but, she changed, God said, put it under, JEsus, said, bob when you dream, said, its partial face hollie, she claps, showed, its uh night vision, showed, lay down, hollie showed, record, and I, stamp, hollie, said, its, the, beast, pope, running out, hollie, said, its, i am gogey, he said, like a angel man, thats hollie said, its, that o black stagecoach, and, hu hintao, appearing, theres, pope, hollie, said, are you gonna let me, said, hollie, its, record, she, showed, thats hollie getting food, out of, its dumpster, she, feeds animals, come here, she, said, go home, dont do this, said, hollie, just, open up, its, one hollie, said, thats facebook angel, in, where picture should be, i'm his new minstry of dreams, said, it angel partial face hollie said, its, new, marine corp., said, bells, as they rang, hollie bell appears, thats angel marine guard, its gabriel, its protecting, bobby he said, its, lootin, gabriel, said, thats, barack obama announcing, its under economic collapse, barack happy, many hollies run, they steal, hollie said, mostly silhouette faces and him, said she hollie, lets rule the world, said, its putin, said, partial face hollie, thats hollie correcting mistakes, its his ship agin, hollie said, its the, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, its big and beautiful, but, thats three torpedoes striking its side, thats, russian submarine commander, sinking, thats many people swimming in cold water, they go numb hollie said, after about, five minutes, its, to late, but, there was, uh, rescue ship near, many survived, put it under, said, hollie, stamped, its, the, prophet u.s.a., thats gabriel said hollie, in, its u.s.a. today times, his picture, thats, gabriels face like mostly silhouette light face, showing, people running, and, looting, its, under, economic collapse, hollie said, wearing red plad coat, thats, beep, hollie said, its pentecostal, she said like angel man, with, its, long nose, theres, writing on, its i'm the beep, said angel, its new ministry of dreams, website, thats beep, prophecy ministry, website, like missile shaped head angel man, its o, said, hollie, angels head mostly blue, angel got happy, hollie laughed, coming out, thats hollie sitting at Gods interviewing table, asking, was that hollie acting like, the ministry of dreams, beep pentecostal page, Jesus shakes, yes, hollie laughs coming out, but, goes back, bobby, said, it hollie said partial face hollie with all her face there, showed, popes picture with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, its putin laying before, showed, partial face hollie, thats, captain hollie flying in his, its uh, showed, partial face hollie, spacesaucer jet bomber, thats him dropping bombs, america below, exploded, thats submarines, appearing, al around, its on the day of the LOrd, said hollie cnn news anchor man ascending up into sky, wearing, suit, whats that, said, hollie, its the uhleave it alone, said, him, said partial face hollie with uh golden mostly, silhouette face, hollie stomped her foot, hey said, another, hollie coming out, pointed, hollies face changed into like white angel, thats it, showed, hollie, its, the new world order, cart, with yellow dragon coming out, it has eight kings, hollie said, these will rise against america, she, said, lets rule the world, said, putin, hugo hollie said, shakes, yes, but showed, its no way, he said, hollie stamps, lula looks stout, hes out soon, replaced by, woman, shes for, but, showed, lets git outta here, she, said, thats, nicaraguan president, looking stout, but showing, no, like castrol, both dread, theres missile leaving america, striking cuBA, EXPLODED, nicaragua burned, hey said, hollie, nuclear fires in, its venezuela and brazil, its, thats, tripod hollie said, submarines and cuban and mexican and nicaraguan waters, its they shower, said, hollie, that, she pointed, but body hidden, another, hollie came out, looked at bob, showed, eat, hollie screamed, why whats his reason, said, hollie, screamed, theres uh submarine, right there, said, hollie, waved, its him, said, a golden mostly silhouette partial face hollie, he waved, thats him showing his sub, sub smiles, sub sat at, its Gods interviewing table, stamped, partial silhouette face hollie, its, he made it said submarine, thats hollie taking president george bush to microphone, he bit on his chicken, I made our war, he said, ate chicken, its to break'em, steal our oil wells, he said, ate chicken and hollie takes to fire, thats captain hollie firing, thats gaza and iraq on fire, lets rule the world, said, it putin, said mostly silhouette face partial face hollie, thats hand showing, its, turn, said, partial face hollie, hollies body dimly faded in, she, wore uh dress, partial face hollie said, china, thats him, thats, the, leader of magog, said, it, hollie, said, silhouette mostly face partial face hollie, its hu hintao, waving, bobby, said, it hollie said mostly silhouette face partial face hollie, showed, lay down, hollie snapped her fingers, no said, hollie, I showed, i'm away, with it, thru, she, said, but hollie shook, yes, hollie like, white hollie showed, eat, hollie, disappeared, the pope appeared, thats what you want, thats what you got said him said mostly silhouette face partial face hollie, this is uh warning, please post something said hollie and the post angel appeared, this is very serious she said, come on, said, hollie with Jesus inside, hollie showed, turn, then turn again, big hand, thats, him, said partial face hollie appearing underneath, light feather, another, hollie comes out, its o, she, said, the she hollie changed into dim hollie, but he tickled her feet, she smiled, that was submarine sorrow, said, it, said, partial face hollie with golden like face, hidden hollie, submarines appear all around america, he said, partial face hollie, waved, both american coasts, burn, hollie showed, turn, what was she like uh cat for, its, him, said partial face hollie, i'm with putin, said, partial face hollie showed, bear, licked prophet, pulled putin to himself, were one bear said, its, please, said, hollie, with Jesus, inside, hey pointed, hollie, that was tear up, but hollie, she, was, silhouette, face, thats, put back, but different hollie, big hands, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, record, showed, lay down, showed, with stick, bobby she said, you see me, she said, showed, its pontey, hollie said, its you wanted uh vampire, thats hollie like uh vampire, smiling, its formerly, thats her at Gods interviewing table with God partly there, asking her if she wanted role, its put me on she said, record, said, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, showed, its, pope, she, said, with, brown hair, spacesoarer, said, him, said, partial face hollie with mostly silhouette face, hollie flew in his space-soarer, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries and russia burning, world shaking, smoke rises, i'm said, sun, moon, he transformed, showed, partial face hollie, but showed, not uh word, sun laughs, hollie showed, dont, be cautious, she, said, bobby, she doesnt have anything going for her, hollie said, the, that other woman, said, hollie, scared, put it under, hollie said, dont, work, smile, hollie said, thats what your telling her, but, she, cut off, showed, hollie, put it under, its to late for both, she, said, hollie closed mouth, showed, bobby lets go home and eat, hollie said, hollie snapped fingers, stomped foot, he said, another, hollie coming out, its with, said Jesus, and hollie, another, hand over mouth, its, to late, she, shakes, yes, but kept looking at bob, its an illusion, said, Jesus, it appears, but doesnt really exist, God showed, its world, Jesus, said, hollie, said, bobby, said, hollie, showed, its pope, she said, like, brown haired, its, him, she, said, let me rule the world, said, putin, kneeling before, alright, said, it, hollie, said, same hollie, thats, captain hollie, flying, in, spacesourer, he, said, its jet, he showed, with golden face, thats, him dropping bombs, said, it, God, showed, partial face hollie, and world below, exploding and shaking, she showed, hollie, I showed, she said, dont take it, hollie said, or alter, in any way, fashion, for, form, said, it God, partial face hollie said, showed, call it, said, Jesus, spoke, ministry of dreams, thats Jesus rubbing chin, its, I will get you, he said, and make you run to release, in this life and ruin you, and openly mock and cut you off, if you do, saith God, 11-2-2010-bob, said, hollie, thats, partial face hollie, appearing, hollie, had, bob, sit down, go, slow, she, said, shes, its, so young, hollie said, hollie showed, its bob, she, said, go, home, and, eat, like, all white angel hollie showed, and, I, stamp, said, hollie, its, pope, she, said, like, angel of light running out, hollie pulled up sleeves like hidden hollie, its just arms, she said, appeared, rest like dull blue hollie, dim, Jesus rubbed chin, hard to, make out, thats new, its, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, page, like missile shaped ministryofdreams, its beep, hollie said, theres, writing on, showed, i'm the beep, said, new ministry of dreams page, hollie showed, its, return, she, said, showed, eat, thats new, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, showed, its, the forums website like blueface, theres, brown hair, hollie laughs, coming out, its me she said, and, I, we stamp, said, hollie, its, they, wont, bother, you, said, hollie, showed, thats hollie getting food out of, its dumpster, she, said, wearing, its plad coat, showed, bob, go, hollie showed, bobby, go, thats, its, under, said, hollie, economic collapse, thats people looting, is there food shortages, hollie said, shook, yes, wearing plad coat, its cause, Jesus tells her, its showed, hollie, put gloves on, people stripped of their pension insurance, and social security, benefits, we want loot, they chanted as the marched like light people, its under economic collapse, said, hollie, for, she, said, barack obama, at podium, smiling, adjusting tie, but laughed, hollie showed, turn, with, its, orange colored hand, thats, another, hollie coming out, hollie was like, animal hollie, thats, hollie, its, back behind the anchor desk, said, its him said golden mostly silhouette face, partial face hollie, thats, submarines, appearing, all, around, america, captain hollie waves in, one, its akula class, thats what you want, needed hollie said, both america coasts burn, hollie showed, the little, its, realistic graphic equalizer, buy it, hollie said, thats graphic equalizer looking, gets happy to be owned by him pointed, hollie, thats hollie with Jesus inside, watch this, said, hidden hollie, its him said mostly silhouette partial face hollie, reporting at, this is washington, hollie news man said, thats, captain hollie flying in his spacesoarer he said, many countries below exploded, its, will happen that quick, said, a she hollie, thats, smoke going up, its, i'm said, sun, moon, with silhouette face showed not uh word, honk, hollie squeezed nose, emily showed, its judgment to the world, hollie appeared, him, it, said, a new partial face hollie, with mostly white silhouette face, emily, said, hollie screamed, hollie that screamed, said, showed, shes young, beautiful, hollie said, its stray away from her, hollie said, thats, hollie, playing, his, music, his, face, kept changing, said, hollie, and, its, helicopter noise, hollie said, its chinook, she, said, captain hollie, flew, his face orange, lit, like amber, thats gabriel hanging by rope on back, thats center of america exploding, its on, the, day of the Lord, its, him, said hidden hollie, hollie news anchor man, please bob, this is, vision, lets post, thats post angel appearing like happy but sneaky, its cause facebook angel said, lets, post, something, hollie comes out, shows, its facebook angel, where facebook profile picture should be, I the LOrd try to cause my children to perish by manifold temptations, starting day one, I caress penus with electricity, causing it to get hard, make gums deseased by shooting them with fiery darts, put boils on face and, deseases on body, causing body to heat up like furnace, making sweat, letting child see me in visions scaring and laughing at him while he suffers, I mess with his heart causing anger and jelousy, its to ruin saith the Lord, I cause facial muscles to tighten when moving, stretching and wrinkling face, saith Jesus, hollie, him said hidden partial face hollie, but appeared, with its, golden mostly silhouette face, showed, lay down, it was uh dream, clapped hollie, bob saw, she, said, many military fighter jets, they were old, she, said, swoop down and bomb like base, one had twin propellers, hollie showed, flew fast, bob, stood by telephone pole, in fear, man comes out in like tractor, runs over bobs feet, talks, to, bob tells man, Holy Ghost came in him like body his perfect size, man says something and leaves, theres man at military base, with like large missile in launcher, bob sees destruction from like behind house, at, pole, new plane got hit, hollie claps, there was uh dream, she said, night vision, hollie said, thats, hand showing, its white, showed, hollie, you did not want hollie showed, hand had, theres uh dome in, hollie said, and, he, hollie in, moving controls, but face appears on hand, I the LOrd persecute to make my servant loose his salvation by manifold temptations, by causing, erection in penus, by caressing and spiking, and making face muscles tightening when servant uses, causing, wrinkling, and lining, causing body to heat up like a furnace, making, heart angry, teasing by what I saw, making servant jelous of my hurting his, pride and heart, and putting boils and deseases on body, lying to, letting servant see me laugh at him and I lie, saith Jesus, for this is why I saw, to ruin, and mock, and I raise up people against, saith the LOrd, hollie showed her, its light watch, its time, she pointed, to go, thats, hollie walking, its wearing plad coat, she had brown hair, 11-3-2010-hollie showed record, had golden color, in, face, and, I, we stamp, she, said, wearing, its, blue, she, said, sweatshirt, thats, its, angel pope beast, hollie said, running, out, thats, its the, leader of, magog, hollie said, its, hu, hintao, and, I, we, stamp, hollie said, thats it, new world order, carriage, its stagecoach, its red on this side, hollie smiles, shows, teeth, with hu hintao, on, we want to, rule the world, said, hintao, pope like angel of light, shakes, yes, hollie claps, shows, git food, outta dumpster, she wore plad coat, bob, said, Jesus, thats, hollie walking, wearing, plad coat, going to, and I stamp, hollie said, thats new wineskin ministries, she, hurried, she looked, afraid, but sat down, its, was, accepted, hollie said, thats new ministry of dreams account, hollie said, its blogtalk radio, its gitting powerful, hollie said, thats blogtalk angel like white face angel happy, with like darker hair, sort of, green, hollie said, turned, head, its, o, said, hollie, coming out, theres, its like spec, she, said, thats, lighted hand, pointing, but, hollies body dimly faded in, hollie had hand over mouth again, looked at, bob, shook yes, he recorded, I'm blogtalk radio said angel, but face changed, it turned, hollie said, silhouette, hollie showed, eat, thats it, said, hollie, its, new world order stagecoach with pope running out, like angel of light, hollie looks in, sees, its black on that side, hu hintao, lets rule the world, he said, theres, pope, like angel, man, turns, into, putin, three ribs, appear, in, his mouth, hollie, said, theres countries appearing on, like mexico, cuba, and nicaragua, thats them all appearing, missiles striking and, submarines in their waters, its they shower said hollie, thats hand pointing, but, hollies body, dimly appeared, she said, gulf coast of america burning, thats hollie rising out of america, big, happy, its him, said, partial face hollie, she, showed, pocket taperecorder, her picture appeared on, get ready, for, nuclear war, said, hollie, and, partial face hollie, appeared, wearing, its blue, sweatshirt, thats big nuclear fireball, flames had eyes, its hollie inside, hes, happy, its, in, center of america, same hollie in nuclear fire is flying copter, angel hangs by rope, center of america exploded, submarines appeared all around, its, on the day of the Lord, said, him, said mostly silhouette face partial face hollie, thats, angel happy, but, not friendly looking, thats mostly silhouette face partial face hollie showing many like, its lit dot head people marching, wearing coats, chanting, we want loot, holding, a, sign up, its, no, social security, pension insurace failed, they are angry, its under, grunts, barack obama, wiggles tie, appears, happy, but, doesnt care, economic collapse, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, lets said, Jesus, sprinkles, lets rule the world, said, it, putin, said, golden silhouette mostly face partial face hollie, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, destroy points, JEsus, thats their submarines, all with same o captain hollie, one she hollie, its they shower, said, him, said, partial face hollie, thats russia burning, hey said, hollie, thats nicaragua and venezuela, on fire, and, france and italy exploding, australia and great britain on fire, thats smoke going up, its, i'm said, sun, happy, moon showed, not uh word, face was silhouette at first, partial face hollie, but appeared, later, hollie showed, turn, him, like, somewhat silhouette fuzy face, but, normal, he hollie showed, turn other way, hollie showed eat, now look, she, said, when van fills real powerful, hollie turned, head, it, might not mean nothing, she, said, hollie screamed, now look, said, mostly silhouette face partial face hollie, with brown hair, she, was, happy, thats the, marine corp. out in the streets, said, hollie, said JEsus, its, under economic collapse, said, hollie, its gabriel like mostly silhouette face, and hollie like, silhouette face, but mouth somewhat there, she was way shorter, now look, said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope like angel, you know who it is, said, it, pontey, said partial face hollie, showed, bobby be cool, two hollies said, one showed, turn, like mostly hidden white hollie, thats, him, said, mostly silhouette face partial face hollie appearing underneath, with silhouette face himself, tickling her feet with feather, its, light feather, showed, she hollie wearing white robe, its, that, church, he wants, two hundred and seventy five thousand dollars for it, hollie said, screamed, to much, she, said, offer fifty, he shakes, yes, thats blogtalk, hollie updated, thats hollie, in, his, chinook, sang, hollie, and, its him, said, mostly hidden silhouette mostly face partial face hollie, hollies face himself like mostly silhouette playing music wearing white robe, give him, the, bird, said, hollie, thats, bob giving middle finger to pastor, showed, hollie, Jesus flicked lighter, showed, hollie, is hollie showed, dreading, what bob will tell, thats hollie telling children on myspace how God persecutes, Jesus grunts, persecution is me the LOrd trying by manifold temptations to make my servant loose his salvation, for I the Lord start, day one, persecuting, by making facial muscles tighten when person using causing wrinkling and stretching, and doubling of kneck, I desease gums, and put boils on face, many, thats, me causing penus to erect by caressing and flowing on, thats body heating up like, its in the lake, saith God, causing, person to dehydrate, I tease them, mock them and betray, saith, the Lord, to, make them, perish, after, they, gave it all to me, I, will laugh at their suffering and, not wanting to live, cause, they, trusted in me saith the Lord, I will make people perish that get saved, very few will make it saith God, see the titanic said, Jesus, thats excited titanic on bottom of atlantic, as, hollie visits in her submarine, thats, hollie like, weary shipmate showing, his ship agin, babyfleas said, thats, the, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship taking three torpedoes, hollie visits ship on bottom of sea, in her submarine, thats, him, said, partial face hollie pointing with two fingers, two hollie visiting two ships, its partial face hollie again, two hollies appeared, one showed, bobby dont dread, lay down, hollie clapped hands, snapped fingers, hey said partial face hollie coming out, but face not clearly seen, pointed, hollies body not seen, just white light arms, but appeared, later, but was partial face hollie, that was martian angel like uh white martian angel said hollie, showing barack obama, you lied, I knew he said, put it under, its a sweep for republicans, thats, obama being ushered out of, its whitehouse, replaced, by, hollie showed, its republican, with dark bushy hair, thats, gabriel on cnn newsweek, turned into, its him said mostly silhouette face partial face hollie but he was hard to see, thats the, marine corp. out in the streets, said hollie, and Jesus, like, mostly silhouette face gabriel and hollie with complete silhouette face, they were light, hollie said, its under, she said, barack obama announces, its economic collapse, he said, boo, thats what they chanted, said, him, said, partial face hollie, with, hard to make out face, hollie tore up, another, hollie pointed, at her, looked at bob, she, was, head hidden, but, there, hollie said, she, put back, showed, it, pope said partial face hollie, coming out of her, let me rule the world, said, it putin said partial face hollie, thats captain hollie flying in his x-31 fighter bomber jet, it soared, many countries below exploded, lets rule the world, said, it putin said hard to make out face partial face hollie, that, said, hollie, whats it, said, hollie, showed, with big hand, its, 1977 oldsmobile cutlass, spun rear tires, its, excellent car hollie said, hollie like, white hollie blew horn, its, white, showed, partial face hollie, out, its him she said, Jesus, like, its, cat, she said, thats, hollie with red hands showing, its conerstone christian church, give seventy five thousand for, bobby stay outta there, said, him, said, partial face hollie, with, mostly invisible face, but, face, came in, but rest went out, hey pointed, another, hollie, him, said, silhouette face partial face hollie, heres your money, put money in bob, then laughs, clapped hands, but, his face changed two, saith God, 11-4-2010-hollie snapped fingers, showed, its pope, she, said, its uh picture, said, partial face hollie, with uh mostly silhouette face, said, it Jesus, said, partial face hollie with uh mostly silhouette face, put it under, she, said, God said, you did good, said, hollie with, a, golden, face, and, I, stamp, she, said, hollie showed, bob git outta there, she said, hollie left library wearing, its, plad coat, hollie showed, her, brown hair, hey, bobby, said, hollie, with, nice hair, winked, showed, its, pope, hollie said, thats, whole new world order, hollies, face, skulled, hollie showed, with, its concerned she said, face, showed, new, its flash drive, thats angel coming out, i'm the new hard drive, angel, said, like, angel head, showed, its, picture, its, both, beasts, hollie, said, with, its, theres hu hintao, she said, theres the pope and hu, hollie, said, relaxed, you see these two hollie, said, will want to, let me rule the world, said, putin, appeared, kneeling before, its pope, hollie said, shook, yes, spacesoarer, said, its him, said, mostly silhouette golden face partial face hollie, thats bob meeting with, its real estate agent, its like him partial face hollie said, he wont negotiate, hollie fires in his, its spacesoarer x-32 fighter jet, thats many countries, below, exploding, fire, and, smoke, rising, its on the day of the Lord, said, Jesus, where the moon is black as sackcloth, the suns light not seen, world shakes, as flames errupt, thats sun and moon sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, moon shows, not uh world, its i'm said, sun, laughs, plays on, tee-tor totter, moon, happy, had big nose, but showed, no talking, thats, its, pope, hollie, said, riding, black, horse, its, into, moscow, russia, said, pope, thats him signing deal with medvedev, thats russia burning, thats from nuclear n.a.t.o. missile strike, and china, claiming, thats, their forces invading russia, hollie showed, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, said, hollie, its white, she, said, with, him, said, somewhat silhouette face partial face hollie, with, golden face in, its pope, hollie said, telling medvedev, you otta drive them outta there, thats, medvedev pushing, its nuclear button, thats, china burning, and, rockets leaving china, they strike, hollie showed, its all over russia, thats, two horned beast rising, hu hintao and empy, hollie said, of japan, they, sit at table, with, pope, its, uh, peace treaty, hollie said, 666, they sign, its take it, pope said, as other two return to own countries, thats, pope, standing, being tattood, thats little popes face on finger, 666 on forehead, its you can buy and sell with it, pope, said, its cause, when they hit alaska, said, just about all the way hidden hollie, and Jesus, thats him said hidden partial face hollie, but eyes, mouth appear in white, riding, its russian nuclear rocket, its two, said, mostly silhouette face partial face hollie, thats alaska, burning, and other rockets striking, in, its the u.s.a., said, hollie, many fires, its on the day of the LOrd, said, God, hollie showed, record, but not all hollie there, another, hollie, thats hollie showing, its prepaid legal service, she sat with man, he adjusted suit, told, she, said, it works hollie said, but, heres the catch, we want money said, attorney, more, he said, kissed, thats, said, a face hollie, like light face, hu hintao, said, another, hollie, thats, a third, Jesus, said, with golden face, pulling sleeves down, showing, another, hollie comes out, laughs, hand over, mouth, his face silhouette, thats hintao on his red horse, spacesoarer, said, him, said, almost all the way hidden partial face hollie, he rode into taiwan, exploded, thats missile soarin, said, hollie, watches, like Jesus, from china, taiwan exploded, its over that, hollie said, china sea, thats hintao battling washington state, hollie fights back, both had light swords, another, hollie, flys out, like round face, in, its old, two winged, world war two fighter jet, she dressed like pilot, drops bomb, its repelled, hollie said, but, not seen, but was dimly fading, in, she wore dress, another, hollie appears, underneath, tickles feet, its, dull dark feather, hollie showed, with big white hand, its, 1973 chevrolet nova with four doors, its good car she said, this is your warning, hollie, wiped lips, hollie, showed, turn, leave it alone, it angel, said, partial face hollie, with white mostly silhouette face, I knew right there, you were trouble, clapped, the tap dancer, hollie wearing yellow dress, but, many hollies spoke, theres, its him, said, a, partial face hollie, that, we, havent seen it before, said, Jesus, hollie screamed, she, said, another, hollie said, kind of appeared, hollie showed, turn, but another, hollie, came, out, showed, with, like, tell on look, hollies hand, missing, but faded in, like, dim, white, bear paw, its tear up, hollie said, showed, popes picture with brown hair, in between her two bear paws, thats putin kneeling before, hollie soars in, its, propeller awac jet, drops bombs, america below, exploded, hollie soared, its, him, said, mostly hidden partial face hollie, pointed, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. lands and brazil and venezuela burning, russia on fire, thats, president hollie, you can run, she, said, it, costs, hollie thought, spoke with Jesus, three thousand five hundred dollars, hollie had the, its she said, technics sa-1000 stereo receiver, its best, she, said, unbeatable, thats little lighted power meters moving, what did hollie scream for, thats presidential candidate, hollie, thats another, hollie, feeding, its animals, wearing plad, coat, that was, like wearing shipmate showing, its r.m.s. titanic, with captain smith on deck, hollie played his music, him, said, it, partial face hollie, another hollie appears, o said, its his ship agin, said, its, its babyfleas, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship being rocked by torpedoes, with hitler on his supership, thats ship waiting on bottom of sea, hollie visits in submarine, ship gets happy, hollie, him said partial face hollie, showed, lay down, another, hollie comes out, places hand over mouth, its o, she, said, looked at, bob, he hollie claps, shows, popes picture like angel of lights, its I am gog, he said, hollie showed, its rocky horror picture show, forum, hollie screamed, said, her, 11-5-2010-thats hollie walking, its, at, bob, she, showed, stamped, wearing plad coat, but, dissappeared, thats dot head angel appearing, getting, happy, showing, bob its the visions, he, said, hollie updated, its all flash, hard drives, on, laptop computer at home, hollie walked, got exercise, she, said, wearing, its uh nice one, she, said, plad coat, hollie showed, bob lets eat, she, said, got food, out of, its dumpster, stamped, hollie, scene spins, thats pope, charging out, on, its black horse, said, it, hollie, said, its, partial face hollie, with face not, all there, but, she was white, its hu hintao, on, his, red horse, its, hollie flew, its spacesoarer bomber, said, him, said partial face hollie but face easily made out, thats taiwan burning, thats hintao battling washington state with light sword, hollie fights back, its blue sword, thats another hollie flying out like round face, its in old p-47 fighter jet, hollie dressed like, pilot, thats, boris yeltsin and hintao talking at table, they agree God said, thats hintao luring america, thats captain hollie and china burning, three ohio class submarines appear, they, shower, thats many rockets striking china, hollie rode one, Jesus on another, hollie showed, bob put, book links on, its, thats, ministry of dreams, 0-catch angel appearing, like, white angel, its, o, said, a she hollie, its, deformed, she, said, theres, hollie, said, angel happy, like, blue where hair should be, its, light, with some strands of hair, hollie stamps, angel turns head, scene spins, theres spec on one side, then, big blue area appeared where spec was, on other side, its, deformed, hollie said, put hand over mouth, but she not seen, another, hollie, comes out, hand over mouth, i'm 0-catch angel said, showed, ministry of dreams, call it ministryofdreams, Jesus said, i'm the main homepage, angel, said, smiled, but face changed, after you put me down, said, it, partial face hollie, said, happy, it, o, said, another, hollie coming out, partial face hollie's face white but, its, like nose not seen, but was there, changed into another, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, russia is not the bear father, she said, angel appears, and, waits, then, angel, sits, at, Gods interviewing table, thats, bobs new church, appearing, empire, said, hollie, its uh million person, draw, she, said, thats, bob, having, many, sunday morning services, people love bob, as, pastor, hollie said, and, I, stamp, she, showed, eat ice cream, hollie played his music, said, hidden, hollie, you need to post he said, hollie rode, the, missile, its, into, that, she, said, alaska exploded, thats, many, rockets, leaving, its, russia, clapped, hollie, thats many nuclear fires, in, america, and, thats, hollie, showing, hollie showed, thats, barack obama preparing to, retaliate, thats, white hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, theres uh dome in, hollie said, with, its him in, said, she hollie, hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, its, they shower, said, its, him said, partial face hollie, with not complete face, thats russia and china and rockets striking, both lands, exploded, its, showed, hollie, the four headed beast flying, changed into, its leopard, he showed, but, another, hollie, spoke, thats, four kings popping out, its hu hintao, said, hollie, clapped, hes, hollie, and, its emperor of japan, theres, both korean presidents, thats, pope, walking, and, missiles striking, its syria, jordan, and egypt, exploding, thats israeli prime minister with nuclear button, thats, rocket leaving russia with, its red dragon on with seven kings popping out, its president of mexico, theres lula looking stout, nicaraguan president and castrol looking stout, thats fidel showing, please, he, said, theres kim jong popping out of head, theres seven heads at Gods interviewing table, were the lighted heads one said, kings popped out, theres putin and hintao, thats it showed, hollie and angel, ministry of dreams, israel exploded, its you said Jesus, standing on the mountain, they knew know it God said, lets, rapture, Jesus, said, thats, him, flying, up, and, many, spirits with, thats, beast, and false prophet, and, they, are, said, hollie, hintao and pope given to the flame, pope in agony, let me record, said, hollie, with golden face, and, I stamp, she, said, thats, beast, pope like dot angel, hollie showed, its popes picture, what did he, say, said, hidden partial face hollie, I am not the reason, said, it pope, partial face hollie showed, laughed, hollie screamed, hollie showed, turn, but looked, the other way, then, showed, turn, but body darkened, another, hollie comes out, hand over mouth, shook, yes, bob you will pastor, thats disco duck clapping, hes to the side, hollie appears undernearth, looks, let me said, hollie, bob do it said, hollie with Jesus inside, the m.v. said, hollie, wilhelm gustloff ship, holding hands up, rocking from, thats russian submarine commander firing, thats three torpedoes, hollie points, three fingers, three explosions, thats ship bored waiting for visitor, hollie visits in her submarine, hollie showed, bob go, she, said, she said dont go home yet, said, two hollies, one licks prophet, golden tongue, another, hollie comes out, transforms, hollie changed into another, hollie, still licked prophet, its scuttled, said, its the captain of, said, hollie, thats the german battleship bismarck floating, its happy, looking, around, gets struck by torpedoe, just shakes it off, its showed, hollie, just pushed steel in inside, just uh little, but so many then puncture, but minor, but after, thats many ship, its hammering said, hollie, with shells, then captain decides, cause, thats bismarck burning, thats front part of ship blowing off, ship waits on bottom of sea, its still good hollie, said, i'm said, sun, tongued prophet, showed, lay down, jfentress21@gmail.comsaid, partial face hollie, said, hollie like, weary shipmate, showed, it said, partial face hollie, somewhat appeared, then dissappeared, but came back, wearing white robe, hollie measured titanic as it rose, thats, it hitting iceberg, it rose, hollie measured, three feet, it was weak, thats titanic waiting on bottom of sea, hollie like weary shipmate showed, lay down, theres uh, dome, hollie said, with, its him, said mostly hidden partial face hollie, in, thats hand showing you did not want hollie showed, theres uh golden necklace with hollie in, pointed, partial face hollie, golden, thats, golden ring with hollie in, another ring said, Jesus, that pointed, hollie, from ring, hollie showed, lay down, or eat, she wore plad coat, hollie showed, record,

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