Sunday, September 15, 2024

I will be driving the tractor-trailer truck again pretty soon and I proclaim God accurately where I to

-visions received 5-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: and the i.u.p.u.i. security guard said, over taiwan, america, and, china, will go to war, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, write the vision, and hollie tore up the contract, t, r, a, c, t, and hollie tore up the contrast, t, r, a, s, t, that was not the devil offending you, that was the Lord, to keep you humble, and you are rebelling, uto, says Jesus, and, the prophet, and hollie pointed, the prophet wants God to cast him out over this, and wont want to come back, and the people that read this, side with the prophet, bob is calling Jesus a coward over this, and heres what the Lord says, I wont offend nobody without reason, but, I did not need to offend this prophet, but now he cant return, angry, hates, in his heart, Jesus has not cast him out, but, he hates the Lord over this, there ain't no capricorns sang hollie, and clapped, that is what, is inside of everybody, and the finger pointed at the skeleton, dont lust people, that was satan, sh, bob, I died for you, look at my hands, and you are laughing, I offended you to keep you humble, and you are calling me a coward, take the page off, pointed Jesus, no leave it on said hollie, embarras Jesus, don't laugh, and the dog clapped, if you love your life youll loose it saith the Lord, record the vision hollie showed, stay away from me said Jesus, talking about, donald winters, those are from the devil he said, that is, blaspheme, of the HOly Ghost, reocrd the vision hollie showed, bobby, said, the pastor, at, apostolic tabernacle, in, shelbyville, indiana, were all cut off, all of pentecost, said kenneth haney, children openly made fun of bob at shelbyville, should God send him back, those children signed their death warrant right there like the ones that mocked elisha, and the bears came out after them and slaughtered, a bear can whip a lion by clawing, the lion bite will not hurt the bear that much, but, when that lion bites, that lion will get clawed to death, walk away, and, bleed, to death, a bear can weigh, 1600 pounds, a lion, about, 7, the prophet, is, cut, off, no, signs, like, hollie, moody, the will limp for a while, a small bear can whip a lion, a tiger, same deal, the sabor toothed tiger, would kill, the, bear, but, the bear would, kill, the, tiger, many, deep, bites, and hollie pointed, these ones are false said the pastor at shelbyville apostolic tabernacle, but, they are, cut, off, no signs, shame on you, said, hollie, moody, but you are, cut, off, no, signs, the assingnment, has, not, changed, but, that was, a, trap, vision, you saw, a, de, v, i, l, go have sex, anal, oral, swallow, cum, yum, you won't like it, but, you'll, crave it, soon, the beach, openly, have, sex, I don't care, said, hollie, but, you will, herpes, will come your way, when you least, expect, for wanting, sex, say something, no, e-mail, hide, little, bit, ch, he will get this is time, write him, at, shelbyville, apostolic, taber, nacle, pastor, robert, cavaness, and hollie pointed, go to thier service, you will not, beleive it, they, say, I pledge allegiance, four times, to, the american flag, a flag, with, the, cross, on it, and hollie pointed, I'm moody, that flag, is, abomination, the third, pledge, is to, the, bible, and the fourth, to, the, cut, off, pastor, robert, w., cavan, ess, can you beleive that, said, _______, he is, cut, off, and they, pledge, allegiance, to, a, filthy, man, a, deciever, write him, and Jesus will, bless, apostolic christian schools, they waste time, getting, children, to, recite, scriptures, instead of, teaching, them, about, Je`sus, go to thier service, the pastor's son and law, said, I'm, cut, off, but, he is, like, robert, going to get, the, church, handed, down, to, him, but, it will, stay, in, the, family, of, cavan, ess, and hollie pointed, this is, ACTS 2:38, Holy Ghost, church, this is how far, pentecost, is, away, from, Jesus, I need you testimony, said, Jesus, tell this, write them, copy the visions, and hollie, took off, running, said, freddy, krueger, that is what, robert, we know, said, mrs., cavaness, they should have, had, normal, service, prophet had a, message, but, now, 3, is, what he saw, cat, the leopard, is, china, north and south, korea, and, japan, there's trouble in persia, and they are, the, anti, Christ, the, pope, and, the false prophet hu, I'm, the, false, prophet, said, hu, and, hollie, moody, and hollie pointed, there ain't no capricorns, sang hollie, when america, fires on, china, most of it, will be, wiped out, but, singapore, and that will, survive, and, hu will, set up, shop there,
(8)last time's dreams-visions received 5-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: the pope doesn't care about the auschwitz survivors, he wants, Jesus, to, save, him, he is, dying, and know's, it, put it under, pastor, terry long, is, cut, off, period, bob dreamed, and he was talking, to his, old boss, and he, suggested, putting, 10,000 dollars, in the safe, because, the economy, slipped, the skydiver, that died, the first time, knew, not to, but, the earthquake in indonesia, is, an, end time, sign, MATTHEW 24, I'm the beast said the monster, and hollie pointed, go testify, no, yep, gaza is open, to, terrorists, from all over the world, they will come, and, terrorize, israel, God cannot, put up with this, the meeting, with, the prime minister, of, israel, was over, this, partially, threats, and hollie, tore up, the, con, trap, that is what, pastor, david, dalton, did, and pointed many times, homo's, are, abomination, cum swallowing, cut off, and if you, swally, you will be, those are, peop, le, put it under, And hollie licked the prophet, record the vision hollie showed, witness, and the penguin winked, twice, and hollie pointed, and, hollie, tore up, the, con, trast, iran will be attacked soon, and, Syria, hard, both, this will, raise up, the, spirit, of the, mede, s, put it under, bob told paul mooney, the end day, message, and, paul, mocked, in his, heart, and bob, told, prophesied, and, paul, was, stunned, but, heard, and now knows, and, this, pastor, was, saying, in his, heart, nothing, can, stop, me, and, God, led, bob, to, where, he, was, and, bob prophesied, and caused him, to blaspheme, the, Holy, Ghost, Jesus can, stop you, that was heaven and that was hell, pointed, the angel, hollie moody, and she, pointed at, new, Jerusalem, walled, with, clear, glass, and, lava, and she was white, paul gleason, is, in, hell, where, the rest of, the, breakfast, club, will, go, Im cut off and I dont care who knows it said, pastor, terry, long, and he turned into, pastor, kent, gray, and he turned into, Donald winters, fool, said, Jesus, And hollie pointed, iran and Syria are closer, then you think, attacked by America, this is the reason, this prophet was born, iran, iraq, and Syria, and he warns, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie pointed, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts saith hollie moody, save the church, satan will, say in the day of judgment, Im sorry that I did not serve you, I hated you, depart, and hollie pointed, before he even gets done, saith Jesus, this is, the one that caused the nations to tremble, I know it he will say, art thou become, weak like us, thy pomp has brought thee down, the worms cover thee, thou art weak like us, o son of the morning, how hast thous become weak, thou wast in the garden of eden, every precious stone, wast thy covering, the sardis, the, jasper, the gold, but, you become proud, you were lifted up because of your beauty like Linda spall, tan, saith reverend spall, and knew it, Donald winters, makes about 50 dollars per service, at Westside Pentecostal church and, does not hesitate to put a message together, he does not receive anything from the Lord, and knows it, but, pastors, he thinks thats the way its suppost to be, Donald winters, uhm hum, I committed blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, those are from the devil he said, to, bobs face, and Donald winters pointed, Donald cannot barter that away pointed Jesus, but, God can remove it and God winked, tell him, and he saw the words, iraq exchange nuclear, Syria, iran, usa, boom, and Jesus blowed the horn, and Donald winters the whistle, sound the alarm in my holy mountain, thats what bob wanted to do, Donald met him, and, outside the church, donald winters is done sang the choir, and Jesus pointed, the ones that are going will know that Jesus is about to get them, watch, how they will know is, they will be told, and this is what they will be told, and Jesus blew the horn, theyll hear it, it will say, it is time, and Jesus pointed, Donald winters, step aside, you can loose it pointed brother Phillips from Westside, but he wont, he wanted to offend , and would have, not, but God would not let you talk to him, he was buying a lottery ticket and preaches at westside Pentecostal church, you saw it, sh, satan, Im the beast, and the lighted Jesus spread his arms, and he saw submarines around the west coast, and the east, fire, said captain hollie, and America exploded, Babylon, the day of, the Lord, and Alaska exploded, hold it said putin, china and Moscow from American subs, and the lighted finger pointed, the world will wobble, when you see these things, look up, pointed, the model at the skeleton, without, flat, irving baxters, prophets in trouble, prophets in trouble, shouted the people, no signs, when the united states gets attacke by, and the lighted finger pointed, Moscow, the gentiles time is up, Milwaukee said the angel, come listen to me on the radio said dan bohler, no signs, iraq, Ill nuke them said hillary Clinton, and the finger pointed, they need nuking, America is who needs nuked, sex, is abomination if used for pleasure, trouble in Persia, iraq, iran, and Kuwait, called America, when the united states attacks iran, and the lighted finger pointed, then, spirit of the medes, hate, will be raised up toward America, and he saw hollie punching the prophet, and the, lighted hand touched the recorder, thats what jobs hand looked like, boils, his whole body was like that, all boils, a local church with a global vision, thats blaspheme, all churches, no signs, and he saw, Jesus, with the microphone, thats what he needs, cat, leopard, china, north korea, japan, and, south korea, the four carpenters, Where all those lands are, and the finger pointed, even Moscow, India, and Pakistan, those are the 4 carpenters which scatter Israel, hu will be the false prophet, and the anti One will be the pope, and 666, will be born at the table between those two, to keep them from destroying each other, we have to be busy about our fathers business sang the choir, and Jesus, tapped, lighted, that was a fiery rock heavenly vision like bright fire light, sh, pointed hollie, that wasnt firey like, that was hell, and the lighted hand got in bobs face, post the vision, and the lighted Jesus pointed, at the furnace, and Stephen hanson, was wearing a white robe, and the pope was right behind him wearing a wizards uniform like this this prophet, then, the flames went up, and Stephen laughed, tell him, Stephen hanson is a blasphemer and a homosexual, send him the visions, you know it, he said, he knows and so do you, wheres the message board said hollie, and Stephen pointed, and theres nothing there, it was because bob put visions on, he couldnt bear it, that was, a heavenly vision, of a star like, light, post, the vision, give warning, raise your hands and repeat after me sang Stephen hanson, and he saw the pope, like an angel of light, and he saw the false prophet in a white robe, and he looked like This prophet, and turned into Stephen hanson, the brother stair, theres no praying for Israel, and God wont hear it, devils hate each other, so they will fight, but cling to each other, the pope is already cut off sang the choir, and ____, and Stephen hanson, kissed his black shoes, and the lighted finger pointed, send these visions to them, and the pope turned into brother stair, no difference, but the pope is celebrate, that was satan, sh, Im the beast, pointed hollie, and the being, Im the beast with seven hands and ten horns, and the lighted hand pointed, Thats the pope, and hu is the false prophet, that was a heavenly vision, two, one like, fiery angel, and fire, color, like, light, heaven, in the rocks and like, a man of fire, light, like, real bright, and a baby in the fire, light, that was Jesus, he was in the fire, of afflictions all his life, and the lighted hand pointed, and the garage door opened and Jesus in a white robe, that was Donald winters with 666 on his forehead, sh, satan, pointed, hollie, and he turned into Kenneth haney, upci is cut off, and the tap dancers said, and the choir sang, that is, a foreign language sang the choir, prophecy is being fulfilled on ministryofdreams, satan, sh, Im the beast, said Stephen hanson, and, the lighted finger tapped, and the pope showed up, tapped again, Im satan, said the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, 666, born at the table, between, the pope, and false prohet hu, and the lighted Jesus pointed, prophet hu, is the king of the east, and Jesus pointed, the pope is, the king of grecia, they will withstand each other because both have nuclear weapons, and the hand pointed, the pope will be stronger, that was a heavenly vision of water, like, crystal, coming up to the mountains, thats new Jerusalem, like a crystal wall, kabila says, rapes are, un, forgivable, but, he, kills, all the time, that is, unforgiveable, kill, the, congo, president, joeseph, kabila, and, the, lighted, reverend, spall, pointed, and sang, another pastor is about to fall, and hollie pointed, we wanted out, said, pastor, kent, gray, Whats wrong with here, robbers school, is what, Muskegon, bible, institute, under, the cut off, bishop, Im willie Duncan, hollie pointed, she is, a lying trap spirit, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and he saw, the pope, with, 666, on his forehead, and hu is, the false prophet, the new world order, theres trouble going on in Persia, because, America, is, attacking, for the, oil, uto, and hollie pointed, control me, said, pastor, mcgovern, she is, cut off, no, signs, dont fellowship, it is, a, waste of time, but, the, children, there, that, she, deceives, help them, said the sexy model, young, he will understand, hes a trap man to, and the lighted hollie pointed, that was satan, sh, and he looked like Jesus, bob remember JEREMIAH 23, and hollie, woe be unto the pastors that scatter my sheep, and hollie licked the prophet like, all, of them, no signs, hollie said, those are from the devil and pointed, and hollie pointed, bob is a trap man just like you, uto, masterbator, and he knows it to, hell admit it, no morales, that was _______ in hell up to his neck, and the flames went over, thats hollie moody with him up to her chin, and the flames went over, theres ministryofdreams, sh, thats the devil and he looked just like a man, I want your message, said, pastor, mcgovern, but, I will not let you, tell, my, faith, tabernacle, apostolic, faith, church, jeff nyquist is, cut, and he pointed, off, no signs, and knows it, wonders, about, where he is, I want, my vision, he said, you have, 30 day, s, to get right, or, and he saw, jeff nyquist, in, hell, upto his, chin, because, he knows, and jeff pointed, a lot, but, does, a little, cashes in, on, his, boring, radio station, Its over, nope, and jeff nyquist, pointed, he is, blaspheme, knows, but, does not, live, for, Je`sus, liar, bobby share, he tried, and God wouldve let, but, you would not, he had, hundreds, of, visions, but, you thought, he only had, a, few, that is why, perish, said, mcgovern, with us, said, nyquist, Give warning, in, tekoa, the, outside of the, church, that is what, that, means, the church is, hippocrit, s, leave it there, Jordan, he wanted, to host, ministryofdreams, for, free, then, charge, later, liar, michael, Jordan, and the tap dancers said, stay here, post, bob, wait, on, Jesus, and hollie pointed, the message, America, will, be, destroyed, it out, for, many, years, since, a.c., valdez, he was the first, major, and, promoted, MYSTERY, BABYLON, as, America, God showed, and a.a. allen, he knew, but, perished, like, valdez, both, for, taking, the, message, and, running, china, and, Moscow, are the, ram, and the pope is, the, hegoat, with, the horn that came up, last, china, and, Moscow, the ram, is, the hegoat, with, the, pope, as, ruler, its over son, said, mcgovern, Im out, said, Jesus, of, visions, but, bob likes, all, most, willie Duncan, traded, Jesus, for, teaching, for, bucks, called, Muskegon, bible, institute, and, doesnt, teach, the right, thing, about, the end times,
(9)bible prophecy for now-visions received 5-31-6-1-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: Carmella Johnson, is, thin, young, and, now, 40, but, still cute, but, sealed, so, oral sex, to, trap, men, but know, baggy eyed, and, when, her, new, boyfriend, leaves, and is, waiting, for, someone, and they will, and he pointed, to come along, bye car, this is what, 7 women, will cling, to, one man, because, they, took, their youth, and, sexed it, away, now, old, and nobody, who cares, she said, and hollie pointed, but, she needed to, she didnt, when, call it, and hollie, pointed, Ronald Elliott, is going to have, a, big, surprise, tonight, he will know, that he is, cut, off, because, he will see, and Jesus showed, during, prayer request, and, testimony, tell, then, book, Bob, preach awhile, is what, mcgovern, will, want, but, from, your, pew, and, that is, but, not enough, I will not, saith, the, Lord, take a back seat, to a, witch, like, all of, Pentecost, I like money, said, hollie moody, give, her some, of, yours, all of you, lots and lots, of, money, and perish, but, live for Jesus, and he might make you, a, million, iare, why not, And the sun and the moon will be blocked from the smoke of america burning, the day of the Lord prophesied in joel, Elijah, I went for years without food and drink, and you cant go for one day, God fed me spiritual, that was a dodge stealth, twin turbocharged, and worth, 2500, but, lived most of its life, turbos do not last very long, do it right or wrong, either way, supercharger, life of the engine, cuba has a lot of old cars from America, but, they were made to last and over 50 years old and still going, many with the same engine and transmission, they were not better, but, taken care of, you never need to change the oil in your car, just keep it full, fill if dont believe it, when oil comes out of the ground, almost the same color, if it is, pure black, change, but, you dont need to, oil will not wear out, but, get dir, ty, if you mock me, I will mock you, saith, Jesus, I want more visions on my website, sh, thats not Jesus, pointed hollie, thats satan, you can run but you cannot hide saith the Lord, pastor ron elliott is cut off, Ronald elliott, apostolic bible church, his church will now die, write the vision and make it plain, you know how ron blew it, he never prayed thru to the Holy Ghost, he is not saved, but, pastors, many, are like this, but teaching about the alter, where he needs to be, give ron 30 days to do it himself, or, no, already cut off for intrusion of the priesthood, he knew it, chose he said, thats the Lords enemy, ron Elliott controlled that service from start to stop, What he would have gotten, to late she said, they are all cut off, they chose ron, now, most of them, to be, their Jesus, a twenty none year old lost man, do what he says but not what he does, you know what he wants, its a living, but, they will start leaving, bob told one person about china and America going to war, and that one person, told, ron, and ron knew, to call on bob, to, witness, but, to big of a hurry, And Russia attacking America, that one person will bring that church down, how, he will tell, and then they will see, God sends visitors, but ron wont let them talk, china will attack America when you least expect it, and then, Moscow will grab Alaska, then, orders will go, to American, submarine, commanders and they will fire on, Moscow, and, china, one third of the population, will be wiped out, the world will wobble, to and fro, like, a drunk, ard, and thats Ronald Elliott, visit their new webpage, it will be up soon, the day of the Lord, the lighted finger pointed, Ronald Elliott, did not want, nobody, to talk but him, or, who he called on, no testimony unless he calls on you, he stopped it, bret sears is babyfleas, and he pointed, lighted, cat, said babyfleas, the angel said, when America attacks Moscow and china, the world will wobble, they will hit both, the ram, that hard, but, partially, survive, America, wont target all, but, most, hillary Clinton will order, its done she said, when Moscow attacks Alaska, she will know, they have nuke subs, and see what is going on, And know about ministryofdreams, heres the battle plan hill, and hill tore it up, lighted, but, she will know, I hope you, wreck, soon, is what, they want, for this, and, any, open, saved, person, that is how, hateful, people are, and what the prophets says is, waste both of them hillary, because Russia will waste you, whether you do or not, prove, they go Alaska, nuked, they will wait to see what you will do, you will get nuked either way, prove hillary Clinton said, look at Alaska, dont delay, target the submarines, to, but, you dont know where they are, bill, wasted, his, money, on, giving, to, many, nations, instead of, developing, submarine, detect, tion, and it is, possible, without, scaring, the whales, well see, said, bill Clinton, you already saw, shoot, he will say, Out of the ruins of, Moscow, and, china, 4 horns, will, arise, north and south, korea, japan, and, all those lands, around there, the new world order, the leopard, the four carpenters, and the pope will be, the, anti, One, and, hu, will be, the, king of, the, east, the false prophet, and he saw, the, king of grecia, and, the, king of, the east, the pope, and, hu, sitting at, the, table, and, 666, will be, born, there, the keep them, from destroying, each other, both have, nuke, weapons, iran rejected, the offer, america, made, because, of, the, condition, the treacherous, dealer, dealeth, treacherously, the incentives, will not, be, given, only, offers, from, liars, put it under, iran, and, syria, look out, for, america, check you oil on level ground, showed the, japanese, emporer, absorbed, by, china, like, most, of those, lands, the rest, go along with, and hu, I will not, both, hate, the pope, and, hu, hu will not be the false prophet they will say, I'm the beast, hu, will say like a lmab rising out of the sea, and exerciseth all of the power, of the first beast, the pope, bob saw it, they will, and hu tore up his contrast, withstand each other, put it under, the new world order, and hu bowed, and the pope bowed, the stongray corvette after 1971, and hollie pointed, weak, but, quick enough, many are still left, stored, but in demand, not liked, by many, and hollie said with the loose belt air conditioning sound and pointed, and hollie showed, how to make the indianapolis 500 race car, fiberglass, body, wheels, engine, tranny, put together, tubes, tada, motor, and hollie, drove, it, to, indy, 500, victory, and wrecked, abomination, lay big money, at, mens, feet, that is an oldsmobile 98 for sale at el, shaddai, apostolic, faith, church, buy the car, and perish at the church, elder holcomb is, cut off, no signs, and if you show up there having signs, he will try to wreck you, there aint no capricorns, sang hollie, both and pointed, iraq, iran, and syria, will raise up the spirit of the kings of the medes, hate, lets rule the world, I know it, said terry cannon, thats the only way, you will get to tell him, by meeting him before the service starts but, and hollie showed the recorder and turned into the Lord of hosts, sh, that was, satan, pointed, hollie, and he looks like, Jesus, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, sh, thats not Jesus, thats satan, magog is china and all those surrounding lands, tell me the vision said terry cannon, then the church will not be informed, go around him during prayer request, then leave, and post visions, set the watchman in tekea, and what did he see, he saw, a, chariot, with, false prophet hu, and the pope, hugo, chavez, castrol, and, kim jong, many others, they will give thier power and strength, unto, me, said the pope, send it over, on, america, vicente fox, lula, the day of the Lord, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan to lure america into war, then, moscow will grab, the ram, china and russia, and the pope, the hegoat, after russia grabs alaska, then orders will go to american submarine commanders and captain hollie will fire on moscow and china, they will be almost wiped out, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunk, ard, like terry cannon, and hollie pointed, out of the ruins, of moscow and china rise 4 horns, north korea, south korea, japan, and, china, china will invade moscow, only a sixth left and absorb, thats magog, the 4 carpentars that scatter israel, 666, will be born at the table to keep them from destroying, they hate, but cling, both have nuclear weapons, and hollie pointed, the pope will be slashed, satan will enter and destroy searching for the jewish remnant, eliminate the witness, satan pointed, Christ will appear, the mountain will split in twain, he'll have 1000's of his saints, the beast and the false prophet cast alive in the lake of fire and he saw it, the jewish remnant, raptured, repent and be bpatised in JEsus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in a new lang, guage, as the Spirit, give's the utterance, and he saw praying hands, lighted, and hollie, licked the prophet, hugo chavez, wants to, raise, the, price of, oil, to his, own, destruction, america would, tell him, to take a hike, buy off, mexico, talks are, under, way, now, opec, will not, lower, output, because, nations would, go, bankrupt, and, war, would be, around the corner, you have, and we will, take, that is, the, main, reason, for, war, put it under, lets rule the world, china, moscow, venezuela, and don't you forgit, about, mexi, co, sang, vicente, fox, they will, give, thier, power, and, strength, unto, the, beast, the pope, and he will, send it over on, the usa, the, MYSTERY, BABYLON, and he saw, the, woman, riding on, the, red, dragon, the woman is, america, the, whore, the, mother of, harlots, which is, false, christians, like, ronald, elliott, and, abominaions, like, false worship, ronald, controlled, the, service, he is, out, they will, not, vote, him, back, in, but, no, re, place, ment, but, this, prophet, and they would, love, but, not, repent, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and Im the serpent, sh, that was, the, scorpion, both, satan, and they looked like, Jesus, record showed hollie, there aint no more visions in pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in pentecost, got you said the angel of the Lord, to trap, like JEREMIAH 1, sunnysnet, and hollie pointed, and hollie licked the prophet, this woman that bob would love to have, and hollie pointed, is from mexico, or cuba, same, shes young and very slendor, all she does, eat, poop, work, bleed, masterbate, and, match t.v., shower, thats not living, but, many do, it, magog is china and all those surrounding lands, and that was hollie tearing up the contract, and he saw iowa or another state exploded, and captain hollie in the submarine, FIRE, alter, with binoculars, looking at the california beach, uto, o my God, o my God, o my God, my God, sodomy, right on the beach at night, star wars is abomination and a waste of money, missile defence, useless, and hollie tore up the contrite and pointed, you can not stop, a, missile, it is like, a bullet, thats what a missile is, your not forgiven said the angel of the Lord, kenneth haney, U.P.C.I., and he took off running, cut off, and he saw, a lot of money in the trash, dreamed, iraq, nuclear exchange, brought in by bush, and he saw the goleen bear hollie in the Lords eye, watching, iraq, will not raise up the spirit of the medes, but, iran and syria, attacked by america also, then, lets rule the world, thats when, those kings will get that one mind, 10, give Thies power and strength unto the beast, china, russia, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, north korea, venezuela, brazil, and the lighted being pointed, hitler praise the captain of the bismarck when the hood got sank, and the Lighted hand pointed, halloween junk, abomination, but, britain and france determined, then, and the lighted finger pointed, the bismarck went down by world war one airplanes, hitler did not expect it to last very long, it was, well made, and, still, raisable, but, the choir sang, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with, seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and hu is the flase prophet, and he saw skinning taking place, and he saw him in hell and going to new jerusalem, the city of glass, your choice, if you miss it, russia and china will attack america when you least expect it sang the choir, when china and the united states goes to war, then it will happen, the day of the Lord sang the choir, that was a bear in the light, moscow is about to attack amexico, when you least expect it, to late, california, and he saw it, explode, it will burn, from russian, submarines, the united states will become a desolation sang the choir, amexico is canada, mexico, cuba, and america, and the bear, out of no where, the united states will be a desolation in just one tour from moscow pounding, and he, saw america explode, and the world wobbled and the lighted hand grabbing people, thats the event that brings Jesus, thats the day of the Lord, there aint no capricorns, God knows every step you will take, tomorrow, you will go to that library, and he is here, and that speedway, been there, I saw it a thousand thousand years ago saith the Lord, tus speaketh the Lord of hosts saith princess diana, lets have sex, america, its america, the whore, thats her pointed, the lighted hand, he saw, the crow girl, smiling, his new, ministering spirit, and she is, cut off, its all over for carmel apostolic said the crow girl, the pastor is wrecked, and the crow girl with her mouth open, that had fangs and a throat of FIRE, she is, cut off for rejecting Jesus, he dealt with her way before the crow, and the danica patrick will loose her ride because her hunger is going away from loosing and not winning, and being rich, beautiful, and, single, a, lesbian, soon, no kids, she will say, in her, Herat, the apostle paul said, I know how to be abased and exalted, whom a father loves he chasteneth, the pastor of, carmel apostolic church, liked having bob there said hollie with the air conditioner belt sound, and he saw the door open, and bright light on the other side, let Jesus, open doors, he doesnt, want, any, open, just warn, from, during, prayer request, and, testimony, religion, nope, that is how, jeremiah, did, from, outside, and pastor thought, tell, thats a ship wreck, they cannot raise a big ship, if you get saved, and, go back, your, cut off, and he saw the lighted titanic sinking, it cannot be, hosted up, it would, break, and he saw, the FIRE, paul Mooney, you were already told, write him, he is cut off, no signs, bobby, dont mess with him, said, danica, patrick, but, both are, cut, off, make, friends, of, unrighteousness, mamon, write him and remind, d, o, n, e, paul, moon, ey, and he saw paul Mooney, speaking in tongues, thats is, pointed, james e. tyson, did the Holy Ghost come in, no, or are you doing it, prophet felt his tongue moving and he did not have anything to do with it, when america hit iraq, the second time, and the lighted pointed, hate, the medes, the arabs, now, syria and iran, soon, more, to much, and he saw the beast rise out of the sea, the event, bobby, theres judgment in this land said the pope, america, babylon, thats the mystery, REVELATION 17, and he saw, amexico, amexico is going to be a desolation sang the choir, boom, from russian submarines, and the world will wobble, and cuba, and hollie pointed, were babylon, aint true said Irving baxter, bob saw visions, and, Irving, guessed, and wrote books, pick your poison, that was gold in the hands of Jesus, owns all, theres about one trillion dollars of gold in Indianapolis, buried, some at, 5000 feet, dig, and he saw, hollie, digging, stopped, finish, what you started, promote me is what paul Money wants, and he saw, sister fuller at antioch, the apostolic church, mother of, kent gray, pastor, adulterer, married 5 times and leads church, no wonder the building is closed, brand new, open, no, he knew not to, but did, zoning, call it, be led, or, be decieved, by, pastors, like, kent, r., gray, and he saw, the 500 race track with the stands gone from nuclear explosion, the track still there, cracked, thats how, the world will wobble, from russian submarines, that was a heavenly vision of like many people in the FIRE, that wasnt heavenly, that was, and the lighted finger pointed, indy race fans, that was not Jeshat was satan, sh, the thousnad year reign happened already, thats when God walked the face of the earth and ministered, a day is a thousand years to Jese does not age, how come Im not dumitru, said michael boldea, because you did not, do, like, dumitru, dudu, man, did, work, witness, this is how, you get, Jeses, attention, america is, about to be, attacked, by, china, and, moscow, the, ram, lets rule the world, china said putin, raise your hands and repeat after me, do you want america to rule the world, no, said, hu, then, give your power and, strength, unto, me, said, the, pope, and, there was, many, kings, there, like, vicente fox, lula, chavez, castrol, kim jong, the president of north korea, they will give There power and strength, unto, the, beast, and he will send it over, on, america, and he saw, hollie, moody, shaking, her, booty, and, her, buttocks, had, the pope, and, hu, the, false, prophet, and, the, beast, on, her, there are no more visions in pentecost because there are no more apostolics in pentecost, said Jesus, scorpions, sh, that was satan, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns and Im the pope and hu is the false prophet, the second beast, like a lamb, and japan is the other horn, put it under, I want my website back said hollie, Im moody, heil hitler , heil hitler, and they raised their hands to kenneth haney, and pledged allegiance, to, pastor, cavaness, when Jesus, teached, people, repented, most that heard, they liked, him, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie tore up the contruit, the rocky horror picture show, stay away from, or become fag, and hollie tongued the prophet, there aint no capricorns, sang, hollie, moody, like, she, sounds, we will not be accepted by the Holy One unless we repent and be bap, tised, in Jesus Crist name, and relieve the gift, of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence, of, speak, ing, in, new tongues, said, sam, Neill, damien, Im not finished, said, hollie, but, you are, cold, get, hot, or, warm, to late for america, gone, to, far, reject, like, wheres your number at, 666, this is how, it will be, under, me, said the pope,the fusion reacter, in, china, will not, duplicate, the, sun, but, produce, much, power, about, enough, to, power, a, small, town, and costs about, and hollie, pointed, about a hundred houses, for about, twice, coal, Iraq, nuclear, exchange, when hillary Clinton orders, soon, president after cheney, go and witness, go and witness, and post, its iraq, raising the spirit of the medes, hate, for America, next Syria and iran, to much, they will not be able to bear, then Moscow and china and other nations like venezuela, brazil, mexico, cuba, they, will give their power and strength to me said the pope, send it over on America, the youthfest at carmel apostolic church, june 3, 2006, people just want to show off their pastor and fellowship, thats it, pointed, this man, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie met pastor simison, out he will say, there aint no more visions in Pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, bob sees the Seville, 14 miles per gallon, painted, but, worth no more, he wanted 1800, now, he wont get, what he would have got, paint job cheep, worth about 500, buy it, store it, build an alter, nope, reliable, use when, and the man that is on social security since about 16 can move around, no cane this time, bob is, knows, thats why that man builds churches and draws social security, owns rental properties, America is stupid, for doing that, you know said Jesus, tell people, and, you are, keep doing, youre the only one in America doing it, and hollie showed the recorder, post the vision, keep working, if bob witnessed at apostolic tabernacle, pastor robert cavaness would say, have your way, but, if he had his way, nobody would be witnessed to, they pledge allegiance to him, there aint more visions in Pentecost is what they all believe because they dont have them, but they have never prayed thru, thats why, the signs the dont follow, thats what they need to know, they suspect, but when death time comes, like Nathaniel urshan, frightened, and perished, but, he led upci, come over to my house and lick my poophole, that is what, americans, want, Said hollie, thats what people want, even prophet, but he wants to be the licker, but he can say no to himself and be in a rage with a hard on, witnessing sometimes, but you wont say no to yourself, magog is china, the leopard, cat said babyfleas, bob would love to have her as his sex partner, and babyfleas is brett sears, either one, they both look alike, but one is female, and brother stair laughed, no said the girl, can calvary tabernacle like the crow girl, a terror to many people, short, cute, sexy, and, a, scratchy voice, uto, o my God, can you imagine, that for one minute of pleasure, eternity in hell, put it under, make up your mind, falling is what most people are doing, and he saw explosions along both coasts, and henry gruver shot into the air, when Lord, when Russia opens her gates, then, peace and safety, will be, cried, its the phone, its pastor willie Duncan, what does he want, to be informed, and the lighted finger pointed at Muskegon bible institute, that is cut off, willie doesnt teach right and they know it, he makes money off of that, willie does not need to know the end time message, he wont believe it, and will not, teach it, but, will know its right, the trees by the river, dont know what suffering is, the children of God dont suffer very much, theres hollie with the loose belt sound, the air conditioning belt on the car, work for Jesus, jerry vanlue will leave Said hollie, thats what people want, even prophet, but he wants to be the licker, but he can say no to himself and be in a rage with a hard on, witnessing sometimes, but you wont say no to yourself, magog is china, the leopard, cat said babyfleas, bob would love to have her as his sex partner, and babyfleas is bret sears, either one, they both look alike, but one is female, and brother stair laughed, no said the girl, can calvary tabernacle like the crow girl, a terror to many people, short, cute, sexy, and, a, scratchy voice, uto, o my God, can you imagine, that for one minute of pleasure, eternity in hell, put it under, make up your mind, falling is what most people are doing, and he saw explosions along both coasts, and henry gruver shot into the air, when Lord, when Russia opens her gates, then, peace and safety, will be, cried, its the phone, its pastor willie Duncan, what does he want, to be informed, and the lighted finger pointed at Muskegon bible institute, that is cut off, willie doesnt teach right and they know it, he makes money off of that, willy does not need to know the end time message, he wont believe it, and will not, teach it, but, will know its right, the trees by the river, dont know what suffering is, the children of God dont suffer very much, theres hollie with the loose belt sound, the air conditioning belt on the car, Leave Danville apostolic church to Jeremy vanlue, but, Jeremy, or, have prayed thru to the Holy Ghost, they think they have, but, none of them at Danville, they are all cut off, no signs, that is why, thats whats wrong with the church, none of them have prayed thru, post it, thats hollie with the loose belt sound, air conditioning, didnt the angel say Milwaukee, Hand of help, go there, and close them, no do it over the internet, no signs, Michael boldea, done, gene and ann Schmidt, never saved, mike knows it, and hollie tore up the contrust, let Jesus have his way, thats hollie with the loose belt sound, that pastor did commit blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, he said, thats the, devil inside of you, he did not know that is was, the, Holy Ghost, you just now repeated, promote me is what that pastor wants, and now blaspheme, and he knows it, was told by bob, he rebuked, what was inside of bob, and bob got right in his face, and said, the Spirit aint running, you dont have no power, just, kindygarden interpretation, this is how a lot of pastors are, they think they know, but, they dont, that man, did not, want to be taught but to teach, and could not bear, and hollie tore up the contrite, he should have shut his mouth and knew it and thinks about it everyday, he regrets and bob does to, but, Im the leopard said the leopard, china, north korea, japan, south korea, and all those lands surrounding, Im the Moscow, said the bear, Im the satan said the lion, theres your beast, and hollie licked the prophet, synthetic oil is way better than the othter, but, either one gets dirty, that poopholes made for pooping, not sex, said hollie, like a white ministering spirit, that is a grand national, with a turbo charged v-6, almost every one made still exist, it will, a, quarter mile, 12.1, Almost beat a viper, that was the fastest American production car, but, id didnt sell, big bucks, one will cost you about 10 grand easy, buy it, and, drive, and, resell, for, 10 grand, two hundred thousand miles later, and he saw amexico on the globe, explode, from Russian submarines, and captain hollie looking at the condition of the church, Christ church apostolic, james e. Tyson, fire she said, no power, the united states said the angel will burn, the day of the Lord, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with 7 heads and ten horns and that is the pope and hu is the false prophet, the new world order has arrived, post the vision, that woman from Christ church apostolic is cut off now, she wont seek but could have, and she is, in her, 50s, that is how far my church is away from me saith the Lord, this is why judgment must come to, America, there aint no cheap gas any more? because of the iraq war, say it bob, bush brought it in, oil man, the war of oil contracts breaking, thats why, hundreds of thousands of people are dying, bush has, blood all over, his hands, Syria and iran are next, this will raise up the spirit of the medes, hate, lets rule the world, Russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, north korea, Venezuela, brazil, they will give, their power and strength to the beast and he will send it over on America, the radiation will wipe out Canada and mexico, they exploded, and cuba, the litte horn is italy, the pope, and hu is the false prophet, new york, terrorise, it will be a terrorists target now the prophet is getting afraid, are you, you better read and do ACTS 2:38, and the pope came out of the 4 horns, Moscow, absorbed by china invading, and hu, I will not put up with you, they will hate, but, cling, the four carpenters that scatter israel, north korea, south korea, and japan, china, the leopard, hillary Clinton will be the next voted president, then, watchout, that oil is not ready to be changed yet said hollie with the loose air conditioner belt sound, and hollie pointed, He dreamed that, he was with, this, pastors, wife, and she, wanted her name, off, of, this, website, but, he, was, nice, and the, word of the Lord came to him and prophesied, get your name off, with your, life, she walked away, is your name on, Theres your remedy, when china attacks Washington state, all hell, will break loose, and he saw lighted seeds lowered to paul mooneys face, in the hand, he is cut off, no signs, and was informed, to his face, but, no repent, and hollie pointed, pay your tithes, 10 percent of all your increase, or, as led by the Lord, and hollie tore up the contrast, bob saw, a Pentecostal woman walking alone, cute, but, flirting, she wont find anybody, they know, but, shes talking to the Lord, bobs been there, God will work it out of her, and hollie tore up the, con, truck, and pointed, carmel apostolic is cut off said the pastor, there aint no capricorns, I want it back is what that woman is thinking that bob saw, she never had it, and wont believe, write the vision, and would have came against, uto, blaspheme, of the Holy Ghost, that is why said the angel, God would not let you witness, hed dealing with her, and the Lighted Jesus, set the watchman in tekea, and what did he saw, a chariot, hu, the pope, castro, chavez, they will give their power and strength to the beast, and the red horse is released, and hu, I will not put up with you, said the pope, the will hate, but, cling, both have nuclear arsenals, but the pope, stronger, 666, will be, born at the table, beteween, the king, of, gre, cia, and the east, and hollie tore up the conquerer, the pope and false prophet hu, to prevent them from destroying each other, put it under, the new world order, the pope, gets slashed, satan enters, and destroys, searching for, the jewish remnant, to eliminate the witness, Christ will appear, and hollie poured out the vial of wrath, moody, the mountain splits in twain, the beast, the false prophet, are cast alive, in the lake of fire, jewish remnant, hidden, by the people, raptured, read and do ACTS 2:38, JOHN 3:16 at the superbowl, abomination, sports is worshipping men, they lust the women, hollies in hot water, burning, many people are, JEREMIAH 1 is a trap man, bob, is, are trapping, write him, tell, and hes a liar like, all of these prophets, google, what is the deal, and google said, I cannot index this website because of the way you do it, prophet, dont separate the visions by commas, separate them by the separater said google, uto, prophet already knows, that will take forever, that was contract breaking activity, by hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, china is the endtimes magog pointed Jesus, like a red Spirit man, one more time, china is the end times magog said the pope, and hands pointed, sh, satan, thats the pope, and the lighted finger pointed, the united states will become a desolation, soon, and captain hollie, in her submarine, looking at the beaches, fire, judgment to amexico, the united states will be destroyed, sang the choir, the united states will become a desolation in just one hour sang the choir, prophet, the united states will be invaded by terrorists, from all over, that was a neighborhood with no houses from nuclear explosion, prophet write some visions, iraq, nuclear, exchange, EZEKIEL 7, read it, and the lighted hand pointed, sh, satan, Im, with her tongue out, and Jesus pointed, well wreck you pointed the pastor of carmel apostolic church, that was hollie tearing up the con, trust, get ready for nuclear war said prophet hu, thats the ticket said prophet hollie moody and tore up contruck, sh, satan, Im the beast, sh, satan, sh, pointed hollie, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns and Im the pope, sh, that was satan, Im the beast, and adolf Hitler pointed, the movie they made about him was way off, he was a maniac, period, in pope john pauls last speech, he beckoned, and they cheered, loud, what a crock of shit, And he saw, michigan, explode, it will burn, from russian, submarine, the ducks are safe, the 666 party, is, the number, of the, and they are, the de, vil, s, children, its a secret, nope, biblical, the number of a man, three hundred, and, threescore, 6, threescore means six hundred, iran won't budge, so, america, will, and, syria, attack, coming, fool, said, Jesus, you know, and, knew, wasted, billion, s, of, dollars, lets rule the world, this will, raise up, the spirit, of the, medes, against, America, Russia, china, Pakistan, all, they will give, their, power, and, strength, unto, the, beast, send it over, on, America, the day of the Lord, prophesied, in, JOEL, He saw, canada, and, mexico, explode, it will burn, from, the day of the Lord, moscow, will, fire, on, america, from, the, o, cean, s, and, cuba, and, nicar, au, gua, and, mexico, prophet, that was satan, Im the beast, said the pope, lucas oil speciatly products stabilizer makes oil last longer, it thickens it, it still lubricates, put it under, change it, skip the luke, and hollie pointed, hollie pointed, again, go, and hollie pointed, smiling, the angelic cop will protect, not arrest, hollie licked the prophet, look whats starting said the angel of the Lord, iraq nuclear, exchange, then, the spirit of the medes, raised up, whats that, hate for America, president bush started the iraq war over breaking oil contracts, that is, a 1967 chevrolet camaro pace car convertible, powerful, worth about 20 grand, and the lighted Jesus, out, is what they wanted, before you even left, but knew God spoke, bob went to the church service and near the pulpit under the tent, told them, God showed him in visions, America and china will go to war, then, Russia will attack America, and they, tell it said Jesus, sh, thats not Jesus, thats satan, no, they knew it, that is what, we came here for, was now what they think and are glad, and the preaching has not started yet, the ministers, pastors, were all there, but, bob was quick, and led by the Holy Ghost, there about 70 people there, and they are all stunned, bob walked up, spoke, left, they know judgment was pronounced, and can all see what he said, and some have seen, they are all, sad, they are piecing it together in their minds, but, and hollie tore up the contract, cant, but know now, what is coming, and will tell, God may help them for showing something, who is your pastor one thought, the Holy Ghost is, whose your pastor, does he tell you that, your following the wrong pastor, they know bob is the pastor, they are all, remaking up their minds right now, thats all, Thats all it took, irving Baxter told us that America and china would go to war, but, he saw it, theres the proof, hollie showed no blood, but, many of them, were cut off already she said, thats lets them no that something is awarong because they have never heard it before, and God would not let bob stay, they can match that with the bible, eating and drinking with the drunken, that is what they were there for, right at, carmel apostolic church, feast, get out said Jesus is what the pastor would have told bob and they all knew it, and what, they are thinking is, there pastor would have done the very same thing, what do we have pastoring us, yea she said, and hollie, contract, they knew it, we dont want, the truth, they all see it, some, put it under, what is pastoring you, and bob bowed, they are all wondering in their hearts said hollie with the loose air conditioning belt sound, because you left, and it convicted them, theres a river of life flowing thru this man and they knew it, but, nobody will let you preach, because, the pastor, will fill threatened, get him out said pastor randy at carmel apostolic church, but, there aint nothing there but wind, all apostolic churches, you got out because you were afraid they would call the police, is what they thought, no, Jesus would not let him stay, but they thought, somebody, will call, and he saw, the, angelic, cop, and, the, little, angel, in the cops hand, they see now, how far, the church is, away from, Jesus, no, said, Jesus, yep, but, they wont, some will, tell, and remember, om hooked, nope, stay or leave, Pentecost has beome a joke, om out said bush, cheney, Clinton, boom, soon the united states will become a desolation said the angel of the Lord, no, said Jesus, they will hit, the, major, but, the radiation, will destroy, surrounding, countries, The telephone, who is it, it is, Jesus, well, what does he want, you, to, serve, or leave, choose, hot or cold, luke warm, spue, and he saw, Jesus, spue, And he saw, the, angel, of the Lord, with the, recorder, how did he quit, sex, that is what, will get, most, in, trouble, that is, for, repro, cuct, tion, and the finger pointed, Carmel apostolic church, was stunned, and all of, abase, is what, bob, did, to them, they should have, known, but, now do, from somebody, that they thought, was about, 25, embarrased, why didnt we know, they should have, some did, now, all, but, most are, cut, off, no, remedy, cut off pakistan, is what, america, will, do, without, notice, because of, no, free, un, iraq, money, and they promised, this will, cause, musharraf, to, hate, america, and, betray, and they will, and hollie pointed, help, america, to, go, broke, by, terrorist's, bind laden, is, dead, but, the spirit, of, hate, for, america, is, alive, and, put it under, the day of the Lord, and he saw, henry, gru, ver, shot into the heaven, s, and, explosions, along, both, coasts, when, Lord, when, moscow, opens, her, gates, then, the, free world, will, occupy, with, housing, and, caring, for, the, russians, and, begin, to, cry, peace, and, safe, ty, then, they will let thier weapons down, fulfilled, under, boris, yelt, sin, wen ho lee, shows, how stupid, the, american, government, is, he was, spying, and got paid, twice, put it under, surely, I will fill thee with men, and they shall, lift up, a, shout against thee, and hollie tore up the contract, with golden bear paws, cornelius bullock was told, he needs to hit the alter instead of meeting with his wife, he knew, now he knows, you are a prophet, and what prophesying is, and, he did not want you at the church and still doesn't, but, now knows, it was a mistake, he knew what you wer going to say, but, now knows, you know that he is beyond repair but pastors truth apostolic church, he didn't want to talk to you because he did not recognise, the grace of God in you, but now knows, that he is, wasting his time, his daughter said no, but, bullock knows, you know, Im the devil, he will say, in the judgment, and he will be, in hell, up to his, china, with the flames going over, why did you tempt us, but, if bullock would have heard, he would have gotten time, but now, no time, and cornelius bullock tore up his contract, he has blasphemed the Holy Ghost in his heart, that does not count, but, doesn't help, Holy Ghost said the angel of the Lord, get it, do ACTS 2:38, you told us that we were out of it, and told us why, the signs do not follow, now we see it, examine by that, he knows now, no doubt, but won't repent and still pastor, that was, the beast rising out of the sea, and hollie licked the prophet, iraq said the angel of the Lord, nuclear, exchange, watch, you trapped him said the, angel of the Lord, bullock now knows and so does daughter, both lost, om a christian, but the signs do not follow, your not, and hollie licked the prophet, thats the submarine sound, and captain hollie, in her sub, looking at the beaches of california, fire, and henry shot into the heavens, and explosions along both caosts, when Lord, when russia opens, her doors and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with caring for and let their weapons down and cry peace and safety, and hollie, and he saw,
(9) end time apostolic dreams and visions -visions received 6-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: That was the beast rising out the sea, REVELATION 13, like an angel coming out of the ocean, and hollie pointed, smiling, and hollie pointed, prophet james young tore up his contract, never prayed thru, yet, but, was, the, assistant, pastor at, southwest apostolic church, and he saw the pope in the four horns, he will come out of Moscow, magog, that is, china, and all those surrounding lands, Im the beast said the little horn, the pope, and the popes face came out and went back, hu is the false prophet, and hollie pointed, we come to church to talk, said floyd matthews and james young, southwest apostolic church, joke, if youre a minister, speak, this is the angel hollie, praise the Lord, thats new york city, look said Jesus, Babylon, and the statue of liberty had Babylon on it, Washington dc is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth, that cat, is just, wandering, he saw, there, at the submarine in the ocean, light, thats a missile, look there, pointed Jesus, at new york, boom, America will be destroyed, and hollie poured out the wrath, vial, and pointed, in just one hour, aman, Bob told, mrs., matthews, at, southwest, apostolic, church, that she needs to, hit the alter, but she led, the service, when bob left, the Holy Ghost left, and the service went, dead, and they knew it, but, it was controlled, by, floyd, matthews, have a good day, heres hollie with the loose belt sound, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the bear, the leopard, the cat, sound your horns and clap your hands, china, south kroea, north korea, and, japan, satan is the lion, the head, sh, that was satan, sh, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns and Im the pope, and hu is the false prophet, that was hollie with hands of fire, bandaged, healed, and Jesus pointed at the furnace, At the service, there were many ministers and former pastors, but, what they really wanted was, assistant pastor and then pastor, God saw it in their hearts, they wanted, the, crowd, but, when, bob, left, demons, came in, and, southwest, apostolic, and hollie pointed, is now, cut off, closed, jelous one said, but, and they all think floyd will ask them, but, he wont, control, him and his wife want, and Jesus showed thye recorder, brother sipes felt, and the lighted finger pointed, Ive got this, but his testimony speech, no good, and he knew it, he was, floyds, Sunday school teacher, he really thought, floyd would ask him, there was a man they would have rather had then floyd matthews, but, tada, keys showed floyd, and bob left during prayer, the Spirit of God left, Im saved they will say, but, all cut off, floyd let all of those ministers talk, but skipped the faithful, now, they will leave, slowly, they saw it, and the lighted finger pointed, I blasphemed is what many would have done, if bob, spoke, Pentecost, teaches against, the, Spirit, of, Jesus, he didnt, know it, but, is glad now he did not, but prophesied to mrs. Matthews, cut off, hit the alter, Im a Christian, she will tell you, but, the woman behind, heard, and she will, God, she said, but, now, will, leave, heard, and, believed, I didnt want you to come, she, thought, but, now is, glad, hes mad at you, said, james, young, because you left, and many, knew, bob, received, visions, but, there was nothing, there, but, hypocracy, mrs. Matthews, watched, thru the corner of her eye, but, would not, make, bob, leave, cause she knew, he would, make, a, fool, out of, her, and, pastor, floyd, matthews, and the people, there would have, laughed, and, left, skinned, showed, hollie, look there, that is, a, missile, firing, out of, a, sub, marine, look, pointed, Jesus, at, the, new york, emblem, the statue of liberty, and, new york, exploded, Babylon, is, America, and the lighted finger pointed, sh, that was satan, pointed hollie, Im the beast, take nothing for your journey, that means, work, dont take nothing for free, that was a heavenly Jesus vision, gas is high, bcause of the, iraq, war, nations are, storing, and opec knows it, Im going to nuke you, said, the, librarian, that is, putin, watch, iraq war, nuclear, ex, change, between, iraq, and, Israel, both, destroyed, mostly, iran, Syria, next, tada, Bush, is, not, against, gay marriage, but wants you to think, that he is, put it under, bush is, a, murderer, and hollie pointed, dumitru duduman, like an angel, like paul, the church service, praise the Lord, prayer requests, lift hands, lets read a word, testify, Ill choose, preach, go home, thats the house of prayer, opec knows oil is to high, but, its not our economy, but heres the deal, when economies start collapsing, lower oil or war, and they know it, opec nations are Persia, and china is the king of the east, the pope is the king of grecia, opec, worries about china, there aint no more visions on Pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, praise the Lord, said, hollie, lets get something to eat, right in the house of God, abomination, eat at home, and he saw the Lords eye with hollie in it, his eyes are going to and fro searching to show himself strong, but, your sins will separate, Im the angel hollie, Im moody, I have the viol of wrath, and I will pour it out, look, at the ocean, light, submarine, and thats a missile, look there, pointed, Jesus, and that was, the, statue, of, liberty, and it had, Washington d.c., is that, great city, that reigneth, over, the kings of the earth, Babylon, and new york, exploded, America will be, amerirussia, America and Russia both, and, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, china, all, on the day of the Lord, and Canada, one third of the population, The king of grecia is, the, pope, and the king of the east, is, the false prophet, hu, the antichrist, and, the, false prophet, Im, the, pope, said, hu, no, both beasts, have, the, same, power, but, the king of grecia, has, more, nuclear, weapons, tell me, no, not, led, you would have, jumped, Iran, and, Syria, coming up, on, the, bush, agenda, he is, waiting, until, he, gets, mad, enough, then, lookout, and they know it, and are, prepared, to, hide, until, he will go for, the, king of, Syria, but not get, but, harm, himself, this will, anger, the, persians, the rest of, the arabs, they will get, one mind, from, Jesus, and that is, give their, power, and, strength, unto, the beast, the pope, and he will, using, Moscow, china, north korea, nicaragua, mexico, and, more, and they will, send it over, on, America,
(10)hollie moody and the end times-visions received 6-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: michael boldea, had a dream, of the west coast, on fire, but what he saw, was, a, earth, quake, tell him, russian, submarine, s, will cause, and I'm captain hollie, and that is, the, vial, of, wrath, I'm moodie, soon the united states will be attacked by moscow, post that, pastor sylvia toney is cut off, no signs, I'm the angel hollie, I'm moody, here is the viol of wrath, I'll pour it on the ocean, theres a submarine, that is new york, look here, pointed, Jesus, at the statue of liberty, explosion behind, new york, city, destroyed, america, will be, destroyed, in just one hour, on the day of the Lord, iran and syria, attack coming, by, bush, get that aquariam, bigger, and hollie, pointed, with the loose belt sound, work for Jesus, drive, either, same mileage, raise your dollar and repeat after me sang the pope, and Jesus pointed, at the statue of liberty, and MYSTERY, BABYLON was on it, thats america, the whore, and the statue of liberty had money, america is the whore, were the angel hollie's, and hollie clapped, I'm moodie, and thats new york city pointed the white angel moodie, and, the one like the picture on her website, eyes stairing at, sub, vial of wrath, no, that was her, like she looks, now, here's whats going to happen, china will attack washington state, and grab taiwan, to lure america into war, then, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, and hollie, I'm moodie, moscow will attack alaska, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on msocow and china, and, msocow will wipe out the american mainland, 1/3 of the population destroyed, canada, cuba, and mexico, as, well, and hollie pointed, write her and tell, the Lord wants you to come back, soon, no message board, website, no sammi, design, witch, and you knew, she is, naive, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, the united states is going to be attacked soon, that was sister rexford, the, end times, prophet, that, fell, with, a, wagon, pulling, children, this is what, whould have, gotten, saved, if she would, have, stayed, now, cut off, remarried, hospital, no, come back, tell her, drive to, indianapolis, and, go to, westside, pentecostal, church, were, the honorable, pastor, donald, winters, resides, he said, to bobs face, those are from the devil, what he meant was, what he, said, blaspheme, of the, HolY, Ghost, not forgiven, decieves, multitudes, there ain't no capricorns, sang, hollie, I'm the, false, prophet, said, false prophet hu, and, michael, boldea, and hollie took off running, out of, the, ruins, of, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie moodie, four horns will arise, china, moscow, invaded, north and south korea, and, japan, situate, waterways, said the, pope, indonesian, valcano, like, hell, lava, and that was, new, and hollie pointed, jerusalem, put it under, 666 is the number of the beast, born at, the, table, and he saw, the king of the south, and, north, hu and, the, pope, to prevent them, from, destroying, each, both have, nuclear, weapons, but the pope is, strong, er, put it, un, der, whatta you want, read and do, ACTS 2:38, and hollie pointed, post, smiling, again, on the crane, that, pray in your van, I got my eye on you said rick joyner, that, ge metro, buy, if you find somebody, stupid, and Jesus showed, no, that, when america and china goes to war, don't miss it, and hollie pointed, that, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, then america will be attacked said moody, Im hollie, by, moscow, and then, america will attack moscow and china, Im the angel, hollie, and that is, new york, and, the, submarine, and she looked, at the prophet, and, I'm the angel hollie, this is, the, vial, of, wrath, poured, and that is, and JEsus pointed, look, new york, at the statue of liberty, and the missile, out of, the, submarine, fired, on, raise your hands and repeat after me, new york, attack it, said, dorien, and, hollie, and, that was, the, the day of the Lord, prophesied, in JOEL, and day of, gloominess, and, gross, dark, ness, from, the smoke of, america, burn, ing, that, that, and he saw, a, hand, in a, poop, hole, keep out, and he saw, the, pope, in the, four, horns, he will come out of, italy, the little, I'm the beast, said, the, little, horn, and then, raise your hand's and repeat after me, russia is the bear, the, leopard is, china, north and south, korea, and, japan, situate, that, michael boldea, that is satan, pointed hollie, sh, Im the bea, st, he fell, this is hollie, with the loose belt sound, work for Jesus, I'm hollie, and thats the loose air conditioning sound, what michael boldea saw, the golden gate bridge crumbling, that was from, and hollie pointed, russia, and hollie, in the sub, rose, that is what caused, dan bohler, saw, mike's, vision, that is why, he prophesied, and he will get this, and babyfleas showed to check your oil with your hands, thick and slick, and the japanese emporer, check it on level ground, he said, and showed, and hollie pointed, I'm the, leopard, said the jaguar, and turned into a leapard, and that is china, moscow, invaded, north and south korea, and, japan, situate, satan is the lion, and he saw, satan, s, head, coming out, and he saw it, and moscow is the bear, thats your beast of REVELATION 13, there ain't no more visions in pentecost because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, thats, my vision, said, hollie, screamed, thats a ministering spirit, and captain hollie, rose, out of, white river, in her, submarine, and looked at, the, prophet, praying, and, walking, that, pray in your van, and he saw, cless barger, look up, and, the heaven's opened, with his cross, on his back, and, norm heaggy, was, left, he died, a lighted, cross, pick your up your cross, and, follow, Jesus, that was a lighted hand, the people of america, see, president bush, as, the, number one, enemy, of the world, you know it, said, Jesus, work, and he saw, bush, in a coffin, assassinated, presdient bush will be assassinated soon sang the choir, that was satan, the pope with a serpents body, and false prophet hu, in his, mouth, china, will, invade, moscow, and he saw, the, eiffel, tower, crumble, they will, push, moscow, all the way, to, paris, but france has, nukes, stop, said, hu, you can make it, repent, and be, bap, tized, in Jesus, Christ, name, and recieve, the, gift of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, with, new, tongues, as, the, SPIRIT, gives, the, utter, ance, singer billy preston, is, cut, off, and, perished, go with, or, iran, attack, coming, and this will, cause, the arabs, persia, to, hate, amercia, more, syria, to, the three armed baby, in china, should have been, left, with, 3, because, accident, nope, leave, it, alone, it, worked, 3 are, better, then, two, this was hate, is why, said, yvete cade, her, hsuband, did it, and, she, provoked, threatened, and know's it, here is what, I, did, she, said, I, cheated, and he, found, out, and got, drunk, he did not mean, to, but, wanted, to, scare, and hollie pointed, put that on, don't feel, sorry, for, the, witch, cade, and hollie pointed, iran, wants, bush, to, die, and, so, does, all of, the, world, even, his, twin, daugh, ters, hate, him, and hollie poin, ted, I already feel, said, pastor, paul, mooney, but, why do you, still, pastor, like, most, decieving, sending, people, to, hell, pastor danny thomas, of, the, pentecostals, of, indianapolis, wants, people to, follow, him, and was, told, he would not go, to, heaven, if, put it under, if, the, blind, lead, the, blind, they, both, will, fall, into, the, dit, ch, I cut off danny thomas, I wrecked, he said, after, he did not, repent, after, recieving, the, warning, and Jesus showed the recorder, post, and make it plain, the vision, and hollie pointed, the leopard is, china, moscow, invaded, forced, and, pushed, all the way, to, paris, but france has nukes, stop, hu will say, lest, we take, france, not, two, nuke, subs, with, missiles, aimed, at, raise your hands and repeat after me, and many, plane, deliver, able, france is very powerful, and could, destroy, moscow, and, china, both, easy, and so could, britain, and america, could, destroy, three, earths, and, moscow, 4, post the vision said hollie, russia, will attack, when you least expect it, people pay, about, 15, dollars, to get thier, car, s, washed, they are, mad, about, thier, idols, in america, like, larry, bird, the number one draw, all time, in, basket, ball, the beast is, the, pope, as, the, head, the, body is, the, leopard, raise your hands and repeat after me, china, north korea, japan, situate, and, south, and, north, korea, and, the, japanese, emporer, showed, to, check, your, motor, oil, on, level, ground, and hollie pointed, the, feet, are, the feet of a bear, moscow, I'm the beast, said the little horn and the pope, whats that, REVELATION, 13, and I saw, a, beast, rise up, out of, the, sea, adolf, eichmann, is in, hell, now, was it worth it, elect lady, anoius, pastor, at Jesus, house of prayer, temple, apostolic, took prayer request, and, bob, told, about, God showing him, about, raise your hands and repeat after me, china and america, going to war, and, moscow, attacking, america, then, she said, this is, prayer request's, nope, that was, and bob told, and, was told, by, Jesus, to leave, and did, but, before, prophesied, you are all cut off, no signs, and they all heard, every word, and, beleived, but, will, leave, slowly, and there were only, some there, but, they all now, know, where they are, put it under, and hollie, pointed, and licked the prophet, she now, regrets, God did not want that to happen, and, bob did not, but, God, told, bob, to, and, did, leave, you want me out, is, what, she thought, but now, they, all, heard, and were, stirred, for the first time, and, bob celebrated, like, hollie showed, the waring was for those, that needed, to, repent, 666, and hollie pointed, born at, the, table, between, the, king of, the, east, and, gre, cia, the pope, and, false, propeht, hu, come back and see me, is, what, pastor, anoius, is thinking, the people are, stunned, but, knew, bob, told, the, truth, and, did not, want, to, be, there, bored, but, the angel, said, that is right, and, pointed, care about those souls, and that, showed, that they were all, and they all knew, cut off, and he told them, now, they, can, approach, I knew it, he said, but, do something, or, perish, bob, you, might as, well, pitch, the, recorder, showed, Jesus, that wasn't Jesus, pointed, and shook, hollie, that was, raise your hands and repeat after me, see you later, nope, they know, there are, cut, off, now, God will give them, 30, days, to, fix, or, perish, aman,
(10)last times visions and dreams -visions received 5-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: come unto me, and I will give you rest, said, pastor, raise your hands and repeat after me, pastor gates, the pastors, are, roaring, lions, devouring, sheep, and Jesus, thru, bob, is bring, them, down, yep, said, terry, cannon, out, said, Jesus, all, rich man, it does not matter, put Jesus first, tithe, 10 percent, of the, first, fruits, or as led, have a good day, said, the, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, Im moodie, and the angel pointed, Jesus, wanted, that, pastor, embarrassed, and, she will, loose, the, faith, full, over, that, they know, now, we cant, grow, here, nope, she, will, say, prayer, but, not, there, she will, hinder, Jesus won't, stay, where, pastor, Jesus house of prayer temple apostolic, in indianapolis, is, lets, pray on it, he said, nope, there is, nothing, to, pray about, the word was, brought, forth, obey it, or, forsake, oh my God, said, irving, bax, ter, he is, cut, off, no signs, all of, up, ci, what do you want, ir, ving, your books are, off, but, stirring, scaring, but, you are, cut, off, no, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, go home, is what, irving, wanted, when, bob, spoke, to, him, now, nothing, no, pastor, endtime, ministries, failing, and hollie pointed, heres what the Lord says, tada, another pastor exposed, now, the blood is off, and on, peoples hands, and hollie licked the prophet and pointed at the recorder, record, you showed it they all thought, at that church, there's yoru price, I don't want you back here, is what, she, is, thinking, but, now, they will, leave, all, but, one, he is there, for, the, title, of, de, con, and hollie tore up the con, trast, thats what, said the angel of the Lord, that pastor remembered what you told her, and did not wan you there, or, to tell, visions, but you did, and they are all glad, Im happy one said, and toer up the contract, even though they know, they wont repent, and satan laughed, sh, that was, and he looked like Jesus, and hollie showed the recorder, that was a dead angel, lying, in, a, co, fin, like, a, angel, made of, light, and the elighted finger pointed, and the lighted hollike skinned, and the lighted finger pointed, at 70 east, look, there, pointed Jesus, thats the statue of liberty, babylon, Im the angel hollie moodie, this is the viol of wrath, and hollie celebrated, when she found out, I'll pour it out, theres the submarine, and when hollie came up in the sub, and looked at the condition of the beaches in california, fire, look at that pointed Jesus, MYSTERY, BABYLON on america's leading lady, the statue of liberty, washington dc is that great city, that, reigns, over, the, kings of the earth, and hollie tapped danced, I'm the beast said the little horn, bearded, and hollie bowed, the ministering spirit, and the angel, pointed, and hollie tore up the contract, and pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, look, pointed Jesus, I'm the angel hollie, and this is, the viol of wrath, that is, new york, boom, from the submarine, the day of the Lord, and hollie clapped, and bowed, smiling, wearing a white sheet robe, stay out of there pointed hollie, there ain't no capricorns, EZEKIEL 7 fulfilled, the iraq war, read it, nuclear exchange, the palestinian state will be taken away, iraq, ashes, put it under, george bush is the worlds worst enemy, and it moved, from russian submarines attacking, and Jesus pointed, at the statue of liberty, america, is babylon, lying is what that woman thought, but, proved, and the pope called, george bush a liar, won't meet, but they will, I found your website from the radio, and the pope pointed, 666, on his fore head, born at the table, between, him, and false prophet hu, the king of grecia, and the king of, the south, bobbys in trouble sang the demons, they are in trouble, and hollie pointed, with her tongue out, at stephen hanson and the pope, like angel of light, no difference, don't go to new york, attack it, and he saw the statue of liberty, babylon on the bandana, babylon hat been a golden cup in the Lord's hand that made all of the earth drunken, fornication, that was the beast, mean and ugly, israel said the pope, judgment time, out of, iraq, and the lighted finger pointed, satan laughed at that pastor, and sister rexford said, look here, a wagon full of children, that, would have gottne daved if she stayed, but, remearried, heres what the pope and false prophet hu will be like around each other, Ill shoot, Ill shoot, don't do that, the pope knows, both beast's can end the world, and satan pointed, yvete cade knew not to marry the maniac, torched, soon the united states will be attacked, said the angel, and hollie pointed, satan is the lion, the leopard is, and the hands clapped, china, north korea, japan, and south korea, said the emporer of japan, the bear is, moscow, the united states states will be A desolation sang the choir sOON, raise your hands and repeat after me, the united states is also MYSTERY, BABYLON, and hollie pointed, and that was the choir, shut it down, said putin, america, terroise, the internal revolution, and the fire cracker popped, thats the ticket said hollie, prophet said I'm less than nothing, just a priviledged vessel, and the lighted satan pointed, a shipwreck cannot be, and the lighted satan, pointed, raised, but will last, about, 500 years, the metal on new ships won't rust, but, come apart, pot metal, and what will make it come apart, the current, and the lighted finger, and satan pointed, number one, you left pointed deanna, all of u.p.c.i. and p.a.w., and he saw horace smith and kenneth haney, cheers, and the world drunk, they are cut off, lay off mama pointed the man, have a good day, said that pastor, but, no signs, and was told, and they all know now, write the vision and make it plain, russia is the bear, and hollie bowed, like, a white angel, Im moodie, and hollie bowed, and showed, wash your hands and repeat after me, hallelujiah said hollie on burt reynolds death certificate, lonely, he said, with don delouise's voice, he was proud, and hollie pointed, he head beautiful wives, but, arrogant, they brought him down, he is bankrupt, except for money, he hid it, said lonnie anderson, like, michael jackson, billions, and bert pointed, sally fields still sees him, but, I want nothing to do but sex, the prophecy club, is about to open, I'm hollie moodie speaking, what matters to me, said president bush, oil, said the pope, thats all, he's an oil man, that was satan, sh, I'm the beast, said the serpent, dark, and he saw, the pope, the prophecy club is off limits to ministryofdreams said the crowd, satan, sh, and he pointed at stan johnson, they know it, we are wonderful said bob's ministering spirits, and hollie like an angel bowed, and hollie, and hollie, hand out, is what, many, want, homeless, they, stay, that, way, it is, easier, than, wor, king, bob calls them all hollie, but, thats babyfleas, thats kristina, thats, alice cooper, thats sunnysnet, that was satan, sh, I'm the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, and Im the pope, and he saw, the pope, in the four horns, he will come out of, mos, cow, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order has just arrived, get up, and let, Jesus, have his, way, and hollie pointed, your over, upci, Im already cut off said the girl from paul mooneys church, and hollie pointed, the flames for her, she was only about 18, like demi moore, cuter, but, when God dealt, she, did not come, kenneth haney, they don't want Jesus, but, still go to church, teach, abomination, false worship, it causes, people to fall, act like, things are, wonderful, but, inside, hate, Jesus, the lake, she said, work, for, Jesus, she is, young, beautiful, blond, but, and hollie pointed, at, carmel, apostolic church, they, thought, you were, the, speaker, whew, is what, they, thought, but, when the, speaker, came out, boring, bob, was, pentecost, and now, they all know, that, we are, fall, en, and hollie pointed, at the high school, there are, accountable, children, but, they know, and, Jesus, is, dealing, let them come, but, if they will not, you cannot, make, them, cless, I, had, him, but, lost, at, the, end, you must, endure, until, the, end, to be, saved, and hollie pointed, I want elastic, but, you get old, your body, makes, less, it's free, it, just, cost, you, you, the bird that got hit, with the, base, ball, is, mortally, wounded, and, knew, to stay away, wanted, food, but, they will, adopt, the boy that needed stitches, from, the, pea, cock, was, told, to, stay away, by, mo, my, he, did not, listen, minor, will not, hurt, but, about, 5, little, hardly, notice, able, leave the peacocks, alone, go to the beach, and he saw, the, submarine, rise, and, captain, hollie, fire, this, is, why, america, must be, de, struc, ted, no, morales, and, pushes, sin, on, nations, of the, world, fornicati, tion, 6-7-8-2006-and hollie showed, smiling, another pastors about to fall sang reverend spall, I'm the beast said the horn, and the popes face came out, and hu is the false prophet, he is a prophet, and had visions and dreams, I'm the angel hollie and that is the submarine, look, pointed, Jesus, at the staue of liberty, explosion behind it said hollie, and the statue of liberty, babylon was on it, ISAIAH 13, and henry gruver, and explosions along both coasts, was shot into the heavens, when Lord, when russia opens her doors, and lets the people go, the free world, will, occupy themselves, with, housing, and caring for, and will begin to let thier weapons down and cry peace and safety, then, and the pastor at gateway apostolic, b. kramer, was told, the sings do not follow and he is cut off, git out, after pusuing bob, bob thought, he was going for another reason, and would not have really wanted to go for that one, feels heat in his face, right now, no signs, what signs he said, casting out devils, how do you know, Jesus, told, and, proved, they, know, and all heard, and will start leaving, but he will get to keep, the over 22,000 in offerings left over, no building now, he knows it, to, raise your hands and repeat after me, that filter holds it to the top, buy it, if bob was, less feeble looking, thrown out, he was preaching from, endtime, ministries, false, and bob knew it, are willing to stay up all night and talk to God about your salvation, weeping endures for a night, but, joy in the morning, bob is, afraid, are, you, its to late for that pastor, he is, 64, b. kramer, hes had all that time, your not harrasing me he said, he's deceiving people and now, exposed, bye bye gateway apostolic church, watch, and the finger pointed, there's the car that God showed bob, and hollie pointed, it's a deal but not worth much, a, red, 1978, ford, thunder, bird, and the lighted finger pointed, almost persuadest me to become a christian, is what, that woman, thought, but, she wanted, sex from, bob, there aint more visions in pentecost because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, you spoke the word of the Lord until, you knew, that is was, a, trap, spirit, jump me is what she thought, she wanted, sex, and was, about, 8 months, pregnant, and was, beau, tiful, bob would have loved, to, have, her, you knew it, you felt that spirit, it could have been, arranged, after, birth, you suspected, but, when you spoke the word of the Lord, get out of here, she lusted you, dont buy that car, she calls herself a christian but wearing shorts, she lied, and she knew it, this is why judgment is coming to america, that, woman, came against, the, ACTS 2:38, salvation, she blew it, and, she knows it, but she beleived what you said, and will blaspheme the Holy Ghost if you don't go back, but she let you out, you never told her, that you would, she let you out, that woman saw you and thought, I'm with, and she was beautiful, but he was a con artist, he knew that car, leaked oil and smoked, bought, for, resale, and you found it, because you were led of God, and he showed you how, thats normal, that car, is still worth 1100, but, needs repair, be thankful for the vehicles you have, you can have that car, but, leave it alone, you can have that woman, anytime you want, after, the, daughter is born, but, stay with, Jesus, she would, give, you, that car was a 78 thunderbird, fast, but, done, still reliable, that woman is stunned about the Jesus stuff, when you seen smoke behind you like you did, it was night, but, that was smoke, you don't knew what kind of smoke, carburetors dont smoke like that, and hollie pointed, must be rings, uto, he knew, and hollie smiled, don't buy that car said the hollie's, that pastor at gateway apostolic knew you spoke the word of the Lord, they all did, they all are packing thier bags in thier hearts, and hollie pointed, weep tonight, before Jesus, no muscle car, stop leak would work, but, Im with me said pastor a. e. newman, me was, farakhan, this rock apostolic church, we all are said donald winters, jerry vanlue, wallace van slyke, irving baxter, write him, and tell, false prophet, no signs, bobby, you left said irving, I was interested, but, to, make, mercan, dise, out of, you, profit, off of, your, revelations, biblical, prophet didn't the angel say the united states will be attacked soon, and hollie showed, that pastor saw a vision of Jesus, and he said, come unto me all ye that labor and I will give you rest, he hasnt came yet, and they think, your the one, prove it, no signs, trap showed hollie, that pastor followed you in a threatening manner, pastor, b., cramer, git out, heres what, he was not, wanting you, to stay there, because you exposed, Jesus did, not you, stay here, they all thought, but now, they will all leave, weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning, and he saw the words, and hollie pointed, no signs, no salvation, period, and hollie showed, record the vision, that pastor will not give the building fund back, but, 64, he knows now, he is over, hes thought about it, and, knows, they all do, gateway, apostolic, church, bill, cramer, change the oil, and hollie pointed, do what Jesus leads, and hollie pointed, and the man, pointed, he thought, you wanted that car to fix up, nope, to keep and use when needed, no restoration, stop leak would, raise your hands and repeat after me, he won't sell it now, it is junk, smokes, leaks, what hes thinking, a hundred and eighty five thousand, no, closer to, 200, fifty thousand, equivelent, in, wear, and he saw, the fingers, with, pope and hu tatood, on meatloafs, hand, on the rocky horror picture show, that show makes homosexuals, meatloaf is, whatever can get, thats the reason pointed meatloaf, that show he watches at cinemas, you don't know its him, but come to california said the angel of the Lord, and hollie with her binoculars in her submarine, Im moodie, open fire, and the lighted finger pointed, hit iraq, said the angel, EZEKIEL 7, nuclear exchange, read it, nobody beleived in that church what you said, until, they thought about it, were all cut off, now, they know it, and the lighted hollie pointed, I wrecked that pastor said, he knew it, now, they all do, the united states will be a desolation soon sang the choir, that was new jerusalem, a city of, glass, skyscrapers, and hell like lava, choose, I'm the angel hollie, I'm moody, thats new york, attack, said Jesus, thats a submarine, fire, and he saw new yord exploding, it will burn, and all of americana exploded on the globe, and people in the fire, and the world will wooble, write me said moody, from the message board, another pastors about to fall, sang reverend spall, floyd matthews, exposed, and brother favor, you told the right person, prophesied, borther favor, and ode white, and hollie was on the missile heading for chicago, and it exploded, it will burn, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, and he saw, endtimes ministries, cut off, prophet, irving, bax, ter, get out of here, is, what, he thought, when bob, showed, up, and hollie, at the recorder, and the lighted finger pointed, the united states will be desolation, sang the choir, have a nice day sang the choir, the united states will be attacked real soon said the pope, and he saw, hollie on the radio, read the visions on the air, and hollie put her surgeon gloves on, her bear paws, golden, prophet needs, a face lift, snip, pull, sew, lipo, tada, he looks the same, and Jesus showed vision on the film, like, camera, film, and the lighted, finger, pointed, that was hollie running, and the lighted finger pointed, Im writing my book called ministryofdreams said hollie, you sold me pointed Jesus at irving baxter, no signs, false message, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, deciever, and he saw, hu and the pope, on the lighted, like fingers, that was the lighted reverend spall, go ahead, the united states will be attacked soon, sang, the choir, and the lighted pastor pointed, kramer, and he saw, sister rexford pulling the wagon, and false prophet hu, they are just alike, no signs, those children in that wagon, would have gotten saved, but, rexford fell, look there pointed james e. tyson, with rick jame's hair, hollie, speaking with tongues, do the other signs follow said ode whites daughter, if not, cut off, and hollie tore up the con, quest, on my death certificate, I did not write the vision down said the hollie's, and he saw, false prophet hu, in the chariot, with, the pope, and, vicente fox, lula, castrol, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, and hollie pointed, send it over, said the pope, kim jong, bobby, were out of time, said, the, angel, of the Lord, tell, people, I'm a pastor, said, b., kramer, but, no, signs, false, thats how, you, can, tell, on america, and the lighted hollie pointed, that, pray in your van, a cat, that lives, about, twelve years, will have, about, 50, kittens, and hollie poin, ted, a missile, will, travel, about, 5000, miles per hour, starting at, about, 5 months old, the pregnancies are 8 months, thats why, not, more, the leopard, is, and the lighted Jesus pointed, china, north and south korea, and, japan, situate, raise your hands and repeat after me, china is going to attack, washington, state, and, grab, tai, wan, to, lure, america, into, war, and, then, moscow, will, attack, alas, ka, and then, orders, will go to, american, submarine, commanders, and they will fire on, china, and, mos, cow, one third, of the, population, will be, wiped out, the earth will wobble, iran, next, and, syria, those, two, army, men, knew, but, were, shocked, when you told, God, showed, you, the, iraq, war, would end, nuclear, and, it was over, breaking, oil, con, tracts, with, moscow, they knew it, but, not that, that, is what, they, both, thought, operation freedom, kills, many, and, wounds, many, we know, but, voted for, the, worlds, most, hated, and, worst, enemy, george, w., bush, and satan is, the lion, and, the bear is, russia, and he saw, alaska, Im captain hollie, with binoculors, looking at the eskimos, fire, from, moscow, thats the shower cap on the prophet, that was a lighted arm, north carolina, rick joyner, write him, can't do it, said hollie, raise your hands and repat after me, rick, we know it, needs to get close to the Lord, and further away from morningstar, buy a house in thier community, and he saw the book, divine revelations of hell, and Jesus pointed, mary k. baxter is, I'm cut off she said, started strong, but success, mary k. baxter is fallen sang the choir, her books are not accurate, and hollie pointed, she saw, Jesus, and he said, accept me, as your personal savior, bob read it, thats not Jesus, that was satan, sh, and he saw, is Jesus going to give, something, that aint, in, the, bible, a bunch of people in the fire, and the lighted Jesus pointed, and he saw the hegoat hit the ram, and china, the horn that came up last, the pope is the middle, thats your new world order pointed hollie, chariot driver hu, and the pope, and they bowed, and hollie tore up the contract, james young goes to church and his wife, to talk, china will attack americano said the pope to lure, then the ram moscow, will grab alaska, and the earth will wobble, Im undecided said james young, and the lighted finger pointed, rend you heart, 30 days for, james, young, but he thinks, the internet, if of, the, devil, it aint, but, get out of here, is what, he will, but, he, lost, his, assisstant, your false, is what, his, wife, will say, git out of here, so, we don't, feel, lost, we want to be, decieved, git out of here, that is, it, period, this is what, they, did to, Jesus, and, to, bob, you ain't working, said, the, reverend, spall, no, you are, cut, off, and don't, recognize, the, grace of Jesus, in, bob, git, out, of, here, spall, said, so we don't, look, like, fools, soon the united states will be a desolation said the pope, we hit kentucky, and he saw, kentucky, explode, it will burn, on the day of the Lord, escape from new york, cult, film, and the lighted irving baxter pointed, he's a prophet he said, false, your wasting time if you do not, give God glory in the trials, strive lawfully, that was hollie, pounding, thats it, they got mad, and he saw, henry gruver, shot into the heavens, and explosions along both coasts, when Lord, when moscow opens, then, nations will let thier weapons down and cry peace and safety, read it, on the radio, and the lighted hand, pointed, and hollie, showed, and that was fire room, and stephen hanson, in there, pray for him, bobby, don't bother him said dumitru duduman, that car is junk, smokes, leaks, and God winked with the eye of fire, new york, attack, your missing it, said, dumitru, talking about, gene, schmidt, and, michael boldea, all, terrorise, and he the finger pointed, buildings, fires, watch, they will, set, on, fire, many, buildings, that is what, david wilkerson saw, the herpes virus is, you know, its a devil, thats why, medicine will not, all virus's, I'm the beast, and hollie pointed, go, witness, then, come back, satan, sh, pointed hollie, said the mouth, satan, Im, sh, lay down, pointed the, lighted finger, that was, heavenly, Jesus, kneeling, white robe, fire color, that was chief indian walker, he is cut off, no signs, sang, Jesus, I hear the communist are around, terrorists all over america, like michael boldea saw, whatever you need said the man, Jesus has, but, seek ye first Jesus, never stop doing the right thing sang the choir, thats it said floyd matthews and wife, like the olden twins, and he saw the pope, with, seven heads and ten horns, in his, chariot like, wagon, like the old days, the seven were pulling, and the ten in the, black, chariot, and hu, came out of one, vicente fox, and hollie tore up the con, trust, and lula, castrol, and the lighted finger pointed, chavez, I got the warning, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, and that was, a lighted serpent, with the popes face, send it over on america, fight the devil using the word of God sang the choir, EXEKIEL 7, the iraq war, read, tell people in israel, and they suspect, and hollie tore up the, contract, al-zarqawi, is in, the fire, now, was it, worth, were was, mullah, repent and be, bap, tised, in, Jesus Christ name, said, al, zarqawi, and, recieve, the, gift of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, with, nw, tongues, madonna's getting dressed, older, that is why, put it under, it seemed like, yesturday, she was, on, top, and still is, but, now, almost, 50, and, face lifts, are, failing,
(11)when economy collapses may be when russia attacks usa-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dick and he said, "prophet out", and I saw somebody and they said, "this Mantle will collaspe the economy", and I saw dick and he said, "Itll be over", "protect'em", "lets hear it", "prophet fell", and I saw this president and he said, "danger", and I saw me and I said, "collapse", "collapse economy", and I saw putin and he said, "russia will attack", "you messed around", and I saw this president and he said things like, "my name is bush", "he'll collapse it", and I may have seen me and I said, "go against website", and maybe, "attack busH", "collapse", "I'm ready to die", "lets collapse it", and I saw me and I said, "russia will attack", and I saw this president and he said, "lets keep it up", and I saw putin and he said, "attack", and I saw this president and he said, and his name was george bush, "witness is right", and I saw a man and he said things like, "close the website", "I'm tapped", "with website down", "bring it back up", "kill prophet", "then russia will attack", "arrest the prophet", "then russia will attacK", and I saw this president and he said, "don't beleive it", and I saw virgina boldea look alike and she said, "prophet its to late", tell people, said, dumitru, duduman, warn, judgement is coming to america, soon, the day of the Lord, prophesied, in, JOEL, read it, revival is what the church gets if bobs goes, unless, exposure, is more profitable, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order has just arrived, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed the recorder, that, pray in your van, give your money to sister jo said dumitru duduman, that, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is, the, pope, babylon, that is, america, when america and china goes to war, that, God's deliverance temple, avoid, cut off, your not praying, thats why nothing is happening, and hollie, pointed, that, said hollie, moscow, will grab alaska, that, pastor kramer still mad, exposed, c'mon dream, said michael boldea, and he saw michael boldea in a rage, call stan johnson who is cut off and you know it, fellowship, with, the, drunk, en, priesthood, intruder, he pastors, the, prophecy, club, but, is, cut, off, no, signs, gene, said, ann, schmidt, why, are you, lying, the phone, saying, you live for Jesus, but, don't, no signs, that ain't, glorifying, God, uto, said, pastor, mark, uto, when the bible says not to eat and drink with the drunken like all of hand of help, get over, said the girl from paul mooney's church, they want bob to fall, but, he doesn't want to, he, has had, some, good, offers, come by, women, many, but, he doesn't want to fall, he figures, that, he only has, one, chance, to, make, heaven, hims, home, right there, that is, what, men, want, and he saw, a, woman, sitting, on, a, bleacher, dark hair, slendor, sexy, and bob knows, that, we know it, said the girl from paul mooney's church, whey do you go to church and not live for the Lord, false worship, abomination, you put God to an open shame, hot or cold, people see you, sinning, and going to church, and think, no change, why should I go to church, and hollie pointed, time is running out, and the lighted finger pointed, heres what delbert spall would say, Ill have it, come testify, but, would never call on you, these pastors, upci, are all liars, they call themselves, apostles, christians, but, no signs, follow, and they know it, and suspect, and hollie pointed, people, work all day, and lust, in ther hearts, sex, that night, they are cut off, there ain't no more visions in pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in pentecost, delivered is what people say, but, they arent, why, are, christians, the, biggest, liars, that, exist, the signs don't follow, thats the proof, and they know it, but, will lie, I will not let this go on saith the Lord, set the watchman in tekoa and let him declare what he sees, a lion, that is, satan, and turned into the pope, and hu, the false prophet, babylon, is, fallen, is, fallen, they fell from JEsus, and word of God, both, but won't admit it, and in the chariot, vicente fox, lula, castrol, kim jong, they will give their power and strength, unto the beast, and he will send it over on america, post my vision, I want, many visions, on the internet, and the man pointed, dairy farmer, homosexual, that has never, slept, with a, man, but, hungry, thats why, he told you, he wants you, america is the whore, in his heart he thinks, there's a chance, I want my visions on the internet saith the Lord, time is wrapping up, get ready, and the finger pointed, china will not let america hang onto taiwan much longer, he would not want it said the tap dancers with the loose belt sound, the thunderbird is, a good deal at 8, but they won't take it, and hollie showed, record, ministryofdreams is an endtime christian ministry, prophecy ministry is ministryofdreams, and he saw the pope drinking coffee, and turned into the prophet, thats my pope said hollie moodie, and she pointed, lay off hollie moodie said hollie moodie like a white angel, bob likes her, and he saw him walking on the streets of Gold, and the meerkat was happy, that, and hollie smiled, and hollie pointed, and the angel showed, and he saw the rugby player all young wazssting thier time and they know it, thier clock is ticking, but they think, I have forever, how pakistan helped americas economy go under, they charged 9 billion to use the land to invade iraq, and that war has costed over one trillion dollars, and the america economy, doomed, put that on, the economic collapse page, nakes statues, abomination, .
(1a)wanted by stan-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "stan wants you", and I saw stan johnson of the prophecy club and he said, "speaking tour", "is the economy fixed", and I saw hollie and she said, "yeah", and I saw this president and he said, "bush", "it's fixed", "you said it", "collapse", and I may have seen putin and he said, "I'll attack", and I saw this president and he said, "google", "I seen it", and I saw hollie and she said, "go to google", and I saw dumitru and he said, "google", let'em fix it", and I saw this president and he said, "thats what we want", "collapse", social secuity collapses", "thats it", and I saw a Man and HE said, "git loud", and I saw this president and he said, "you know it", "fix the economy", "were next", "russia will attack the united states when the economy collapses", and I saw hollie and she said, "the united states will burn", and I saw putin and he said, "I saw that", and I saw this president and he said, "I'm bush", "assassination", 6-8-9-2006-there aint no capricorns, sang, hollie, beat china, the model said, but, china has, nuclear, weapons, many, more, than, they, tell, and now, nuke, sub, s, and hollie skinned, there aint no capricorns, sang hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, the pope is the beast, sang the pope, I'm the false prophet said hu, hintao, and he saw, the king of the south and the north, grecia and the east, the pope and false prophet hu, 666, will born there, to keep them, from destroying each other, both have nuclear weapons, but, the pope is, stronger, worship the pope, the second beast hu will say, I'm not said the pope, yeah you are, this is how it will be, they will not like even being around each other, and hollie showed, and wallace van slyke pointed, and hollie showed, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed, bless the Lord, said hollie, with the loose air conditioning belt sound, all right said Jesus, thats not Jesus, shook hollie, satan, sh, and he looked like Jesus, and hollie protected bob from the devil, and the finger pointed, lighted, and he saw the pope, with 666, on his forehead, the mark of the beast, and he saw, the words, babylon is america, and hollie pointed, at the hospital, pray for sick, and james finn pointed, and hollie pointed and he saw delaware explode, it will burn, I'm captain hollie, thats my submarine, Im moodie, slow down pointed the angel of the Lord, prophet, that was a table of white spirits, and hu, and, the, pope, and, vicente fox, and, lula, chavez, they will give their power and strength, unto, me, said the pope, send it over, on, america, the day of the Lord, lets rule the world, sang, putin, God will give them one mind, they hate america, and, they want to, destroy, and the lighted finger pointed, the united states will be a desolation sang the choir, my pastors wrong they all said at that church, that God revealed, thru, bob, and he saw, eternal life tabernacle, that pastor laughed, in bob's face, about, one year ago, and, regrets, and hollie pointed, go there, he saw it again, and, expose, they already know, but, show, for, him, laughing, what he thought he had, got taken, they saw it, and aren't there any more over that, I'm an ex prophet said gerald ford, the palestinin state will be nuked by iraq pointed ford, american nukes, read EZEKIEL 7, and the lighted finger pointed, I had a dream, that the united states would be attacked, and my name is crystal, but, I got pregnant, and I'm young and beautiful, but now, tied down, and cut off, that was a being with golden arms, and the lighted prophet pointed, america will hit iran and syria, yes, said, the, bombshell, but, they will, regret, for no reason, crystal is really a lesbian, put it in the poophole, but, some got in the uterus, called, finger, thats how, she's miserable over that, Im an exprophet, close, pointed, Jesus, because of, iraq, and david prcie pointed, america, is going down, said crystal, and david, and nathaniel urshan, joel urshan, all of upci, in lava up to thier necks, liars, no signs, and he saw, the palestinian state smoking, and iraq on fire, nuclear exchange, when the united states nukes iraq, the spirit of the medes will be raised up, hate, persia, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns said the tap dancers and that is, the pope, and hollie pointed, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, prophet, leave me alone, my name is daniel bohler, and Im cut off, and could not bear, being around you, leave me alone chanted the whole world, God is wanting to save you from, h, e, l, l, and little horn said, and he saw, italy, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns and Im the pope, crystal had her baby and got on welfare, pays about the same, stupid america, I went to hell said that beautiful young girl from paul mooney's church, like demi moore, I knew is what she will say, no, screamed, the, lead singer, of, poison, bret michaels, and he is, cut, off, screamed, no, he knew, but did not, beleive, who are you fighting, is what, he would think, if he, saw, this, if mopar oil hit the shelves at stores, it would be number one in about 8 years, that name would sell, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw the black spirits and heard, all around, and watched, one had, wings, satan, pointed hollie, and dale ernhardt pointed, and hollie pointed, when dale hit the wall, his spirit, came out, and, was carried away, to, a, door, and, lava, on the other side, you think, that, people, can, sin, and go to heaven, I, knowed, it, he, partially, screamed, in lava, up to his, waste, look pointed Jesus, a mx missile, with george bush tied to it, he needs to be shot up and blown up, murderer, millions, will die, because of, his, iraq, war, easy, said, michael, boldea, no, you are, both, cut off, thats hollie pointed the finger, once we bomb alaska said the pope, then russia, out cuba, nicaragua, mexico, will be, raise your hands and repeat after me, they will bombard the whole, country, the day of the Lord, prophesied, in ISAIAH 13, we lost, this, economy, over the iraq war, said, the, beauty, queen, but, buisnesses, were, moving, out, any, way, being, stripped, like, book of JOEL, at the beginning, says, read it, that talks about, america, president bush will be, killed, shot, and he saw, the, man, that, made, the earth, to, tremble, the pope, in hell, with flames, all around, and, worms, on him, put it under, they chanted, I committed blaspheme, over and over, this is why, Jesus must come, people, are, rejecting, Je`sus, pakistan, by, letting, america, invade, iraq, out of, pak, istan, helped, the, american, economy, to, fall, the hitler bunker is, buried, but, only, like, a, base, ment, now, was, tunnells, we are, the, modern, days, babylon, america, I'm the angel hollie, I'm, moody, and I, will pour out the viol, of, wrath, on, the usa, and, there is, the, submarine, in the ocean, dark, look there, pointed Jesus, and new york, exploded, america will burn, bob told, this, jewish, man, that, EZEKIEL 7, the iraq, war, prophesied, in, babylon, before, we know, he said, but, did not, care, let, bob told, the, palestinian state, would be taken away, good, is what, he, thought, but wanted, nothing, to do with, Jesus, put it under, post, the same job, same pocket, same, o, back, slide, er, go there, pray, and, warn, there will be about, 0, cancelled, the way it's going, people are, falling, away, it is, a, spirit, of, drunken, ness, put it under, seek Jesus, or, perish, repent, and be, bap, tized, in Jesus Christ name, and, recieve the gift of the Holy ONE, with the evidence, of, speaking, with new tongue, s, and he saw, 666, on the, vacation, bible, sign, at, donald winters, church, westside pentecost, tal, church, fun, prizes, at an, apostolic, church, this is how far, pentecost, has fallen, winters, was, given, the, church, by, the, honorable, cut, reverend, delbert spall, this is not, how you do it, whoo ever has the warning, put, it, on, the, inter, net, said, hollie, 6-9-10-2006-bobby there drunk, said, michael, boldea, he is, fellowship, with, the, cut off, prophecy club, stan johnson, priesthood, in, true, der, no signs, china does not want, to, nuke, america, but, lure, stupid, that, they want, to, draw, america, out, for, moscow, to, anialte, that, pray, in your, van, that, when, moscow, attacks, alaska, then, orders will go, to, american, submarine, commanders, and they will, fire on, moscow, and, china, tell people, said, michael, boldea, and he will, wadd, when he, sees, send, that, said, hollie, witness, that, excuse me, that, he left, she, said, michael, boldea, come back, to late, for, ann, and, gene, schmidt, that, cut off, all, hand of help, that, I thought it was, funny, you drove, all the way, to watertown, wisconsin, to meet with, no, you didn't even know, but was shown, in, visions, to go, and, told, mike, some, endtimes, stuff, he, beleived, I'm terribly sorry sir, you are, cut, off, mike, thought, nope, God showed, bob, you preach, MYSTERY, BABYLON, is, america, but, in person, you call it, the, babylonian, sys, tem, that, you are, and bob, was, shown, but did not beleive, cut off, the iraq war, is bring judgment to america, buisnesses are closing up, and the lighted angel pointed, EZEKIEL 7, fulfilled, 6-2006-and he saw, a, golden, throat, Jesus is, an, mouth of, fire, and hollie tore up, the, con, tract, and he saw, many, white, spirits, sitting, at a, table, and hu pooped out, and, the, pope, and hollie skinned, continue falling, said, Jesus, not, no more, prodding, and the lighted finger pointed, the male stripper that was killed, was, in, sin, and, now, in, lava, and saying, no, but, he knew, the suicides at guantanamo, are, hate, for, being, held, and nothing, wrong, was, done, put it under, life isn't, fair, for, mullahs, another pastor is about to fall, sang, the, reverend, spall, james, e., dixon, is, cut, off, no, signs, tv, radio, and, credit, card, cashes in, on, stupid, christians, knowing, he is, false, nothing in common, with, the, apostle, paul, providence church, write him, pastor james dixon, providence christian church, write, when, website, comes, up, and God will bless you, 6-2006-the iraq war, is, costing, the tax payers, billions, of dollars, every year, easy, in, army, contracts, and, fatalities, hospital, bill, s, and, more, munition, s, hurricane alberto, is, deadly, not, but, damaging, put it under, rock and roll, ministryofdreams, is, going to, finish, the race, daryl hannah is, trying to, make people, think, that she is, against, but, really, for, no money, shoveled out, the police ran over, a, sunbather, death strikes, in, odd, places, and, ways, sunbather, call it, an open shame, for the, ox, nard, california, police, bush is in iraq, and, should be, tried, as a, war, crimes, the war was for, breaking, oil, con, tracts, and, preventing, china from, getting, put it under, it will, end nuclear, and, EZEKIEL, 7, fullfilled, And hollie showed 3, and he saw the hand reach down, I want material, said, pastor, james, e., Dixon, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie showed danica Patrick tore up her contract, racing, over Jesus, north Carolina, and it was about to explode, and rick joyner, he is open, but, runs, bob stay right here is what rick joyner would say, but, no, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie smiled, and that was the star wars sound, the, space craft, and the lighted finger pointed, and the angel picked up the recorder, and the meerkat smiled and hollie moodie tore up the contract, that, pray in your van, that, when china and America go to war, that, Russia will grab Alaska, that, world war 3, that, thae earth wobbled, Im captain hollie, this is my sub, Im moody, that, and hollie pointed, cab, if gas is to high, and hollie pointed, theres 666 on the popes forehead, born at the table, between him and false prophet hu, thats no the same hollie moodie, said hollie, and pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, EZEKIEL 7 will be, fulfilled, the iraq war, and the lighted finger pointed, hollies in hot water, and heard bubbling, and the lighted finger pointed, the united states will be attacked soon said gene simmons of kiss, hes a prophet, and hollie licked the prophet, and the lighted angel pointed, and hollie showed to check your oil with your hands, and the Japanese emporer showed to check it on level ground, and hollie pointed, and Jesus pointed, they united states will be destroyed in one hour said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, the word, amexico, thats, America, Canada, and mexico, cuba as well, and he saw, the, earth, wobble, the day of the Lord, prophesied, in JOEL, bobby, the lottery numbers are 666, thats abomination, and the meerkat had alice cooper make up on, and Kenneth haney and alice cooper sang, amazing grace, and hollie, Im moody, Im Pentecost shouted alice cooper, but, he ended up a rock star, bring your visions to the internet, prophet alice cooper, and he saw alice cooper with gray hair like he should have, thats abomination, like a.a. allen, he never had a gray hair, look at his picture, Im alice cooper, I committed blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, I never submitted, and my dad is an apostolic pastor, this is hollie, and she is tap dancing, join me, thats the Lord winking, satan, pointed hollie, sh, Im the beast and Im the pope, and hu is the false prophet, that was captain hollie, with her binoculars, in the sub, fire, she said, after looking at californias beaches, al gore never would have, invaded iraq, and gas would about 2.19, no ethanol requirement, the economy would be spectacular, that was satan, shhhhhh, and he looked like al gore, 666, on his forehead, cause al gore was blaspheme, for everything, whore, call him, whore gore, thats not Jesus, thats satan, pointed hollie, shhhhh, dont tell on him, this is a tap dancing spirit, my names hollie moody, Seek the Lord, Im hollie said the white moody spirit, and Ill pour out my vial of wrath, thats the sub pointed hollie moody, look at that pointed Jesus, thats the statue of liberty, said hollie, a missile is fired out of the sub, boom goes new york, and there is fire all around the statue of liberty, that is judgment to amexico, and he saw Canada, and mexico and cuba explode, they will burn from Russian submarines, that was captain hollie with her binoculars, fire, after looking at the beaches of, gulf of mexicano said the pope, and line went from top to bottom along the gulf states, said the tap dancing hollie, and along both coasts, hollies in hot water, that was, the black bird, this is satan, shhhhhh, and he saw, Richmond, Indiana on fire, and irving Baxter came out, with 666 on his forehead, he is cut off, no signs, and Kenneth haney pointed, if irving Baxter writes him, he will write back, but, if you do, forget it, thats giving respect to pointed hollie, those with fine clothes in high places, and rejecting the rest, he was cut off, no signs, and he saw, the hegoat in fury, smite the ram, clap your horns and repeat after me, the ram is china and Moscow, and the lighted Jesus pointed, china came up last, and the hegoat is, the pope in the middle, theres your beast, and false prophet hu, hu will invade Moscow, and force to invade, Israel, theres your battle of Armageddon, and Jesus appeared with many of his saints, and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the contrast, with golden bear paws, satan in the lion, and the pope is his mouth piece, and the bear is Moscow, and the leopard is, china, and north korea, sout korea, and japan, situate, where all those lands are, thats magog pointed Jesus, circus is abomination, and he told visions of heaven and hell and yelled a lot in the crowd, since you are the one that brought up visions and dreams he said, 10 seconds was hard to get, but, granted, in front of the people, and the pastor, let, and bob told, visions, of heaven and hell, that quick, and he saw, a, crowd, at, one way, apostolic church, and most ran out, screaming, and, pastor, r.h. Duncan, ran after, and first lady, duncan, stayed, sitting, and some stayed, and a woman came, and she said, one said, calling, first lady, Duncan, the master, dont follow your pastor, dreamed, dreamed, she said, this will be read, China, said, george, will, not, put up with, america, holding, their land, Taiwan, much longer, put it under, get ready for, world, war, three, pointed, hollie, Im out, said, Jesus, the word of God, is, published, in all nations, now, the, end, can come, soon the united states will be a desolation said the angel of the Lord, bush to iraqis, seize the moment, Jesus, to, bush, turn him over, to them, slay, worty, iraq war, oil contracts, was broke, and, america, will not get, the, hate, america, we want oil, chanted, oil man, bush, tell al gore, bob, were, facing, it, nuclear, destruction, in, iraq, and, is, rael, put it under, EZEKIEL, 7, fulfilled, luke perry, hit the lottery, but, was, al, ready, a, million, aire, put it under, sin, 90210, abomination, the minimum wage hike in america, run more jobs out, fools, lower, 6-2006-there ain't no more visions in pentecost, because there aint no more, and hollie pointed, apostolics in pentecost, let's rule the world, china, nicaragua, and don't you forget, about, mexico, russia, pakistan, and that is, china, and many other nations, will give thier, power and, strength, unto, the, pope, and he will, send it over on, america, the day of the Lord, venezuela, will, buy, russian, jets, but, are, no good, and he knows it, wants, nothing to do with, bush, liar, and he knows it, like, him, chavez, will be in, on, the, destruct, tion, of, america, put it under, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, hollie, moody, moscow is, prepared, to, stike, without, warning, america, the day of the Lord, and the earth will wobble, and that was captain hollie, in her submarine, fire, when looking, at the beaches, in california, where, sunnysnet, and, witch, sammis design, lives, I'm captain hollie, this is my, vial, of, wrath, I will pout it out, look there, pointed, Jesus, at new york, explosion behind it, and the statue of liberty, with fire all around, the day of the Lord, and the earth wobbled, moved out of its place, bobby won't serve me, said, david, gilmore, of, pink, floyd, they sold, over, 200,000,000, records, cd's, tapes, vhs s, they are all, billion, aires, but nobody knows, stashed, said, gilmour, git out of here, said, Jesus, in the day of judgment, follow me, said, gilmour, does bobby work here, said, sunnys, net, nope, war protest, downtown, indianapolis, over, iraq, which was over, breaking, oil, contracts, and bob told, speaker, it was over, Jesus showed, oil contracts, and, preventing, china, from getting them, let, he said, in his, heart, he doesn't care, wants, attention, but will not tell, knew, this war, fulfills, EZEKIEL, 7, read, and four horns, rose, magog, out of them, ruins, of, china, and, moscow, and, captain, hollie, looked, from her, sub, marine, at, moscow, and, china, blaspheme, fire, out of, raise your hands, and repeat me, sang, hollie, china is, magog, with, all of those, surrounding, lands, they will force, moscow, to, invade, israel, the battle of armageddon, the new trump tower, is, about to, be, blaspheme, gambling, a, failure, and trump knew it, but, financed, he doesn't care, restructure, of, take back, he knew, 6-14-2006-and bob had a dream, where, the, sheet, was coming off, and he was, yelling, Jesus, and Jesus said, you got money, and he saw, many people, old, in dreams, and they were, doing thing, s, but, not living for Jesus, and ond died, and, like a bird, appeared, and, with his, nose, pointed, poked, and, grabbed, and took him away, hell, raise your hands and repeat after me, scott branson is, a, prophet, but, not, living, for, Jesus, you have, 30, days, no, he is, cut off, no signs, write, and tell, 6-14-15-2006-When america and china goes to war, that, dont lust women, those butts are beautiful, and God knows it, but, what are they for, that, and he saw captain hollie with her submarine, looking at the beaches in florida, fire, Moscow will, and he saw America with MYSTERY, BABYLON on it, fire out of oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, airplanes, and he saw America explode, it will burn, the day of the Lord prophesied in JOEL, and he saw, captain hollie looking at Moscow, fire, and china, America will, after china attacks Washington state and grabs Taiwan, Moscow, and, china, the wars over there, the middle east, Persia, all, of, the, arabs, china will not, put up with, America, having, Taiwan, much longer, one third of the population will be wiped out, including, mexico, Canada, and cuba, the earth will wobble, out of the ruins of Moscow and china arise 4 horns, china, north korea, south korea, and japan, situate, hu will be the false prophet and the pope will be the anti Scripture, I feel him, but, still dont believe, and hu, I will not put up with you, and he saw, the pope and hu sitting at the table, said the insurance salesman, 666, will born there, to, prevent them from destroying each other, both have nuclear weapons, the king of grecia and the king of the east, and hollie showed the walkie talkie, post, the pope will be slashed and satan will enter and destroy searching for the jewish remnant, put it under, the day of the Lord, the second one, the battle of Armageddon, china will force Russia to invade Israel, Jesus will appear, the mountain will be split in twain, MYSTERY, BABYLON is, America, and he saw, fire around, the statue of liberty, oil said the pope, is bringing Armageddon, bush is stealing like iraq, to break oil contracts, thats what that war was over, write your, and tell them, show them the visions, and they will say, I knew it, Im crooked like bush, I know, said Julia Carson, bush is, an oil man, and hu, I will not put up with you said the pope, they will hate but cling, to prevent destroying, and he saw, those two at the table, 666, born there, and hu, I will not put up with you, the pope and hu said to each other, it will be tense, they will threaten and argue, but both can destroy each other, And hollie took the recorder, post, they will both want to rule the world, but the pope will be stronger, more nukes, the Russian stockpile, and hollie pointed, the churches are socials, in amexico, all 3, none are, the house of prayer, none, hu uh, that was satan, shh, and he wants you to testify, Donald winters is cut off, period, blaspheme of the Holy Ghost, those are from the devil, there aint no visions in Pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, said Jesus, and hollie, and she bowed, and the meerkat, and he bowed, and hollie pointed, the meerkat sings, do you know what a meerkat is, go on google and find out, and write the prophet, and tell him, what you saw, and he saw, a chariot with false prophet hu at the reins, and the pope, the new world order has just showed up, and vincente fox, lula, clap your horns, and repeat after me, they will give their power and strength to the beast, and he will send it over on America, the day of the Lord, thats 8 kings, chavez does not want to do it, but talks like he does, kim jong, hu, brazil is thriving and so is mexico and venezeula, they have their own oil, and sell it but bush is gobbling, lets rule the world, sang putin, he will, out of cuba, nicaragua, mexico, bombard, Americano said his pope, after Moscow grabs alaksa, then orders will go to American submarine commanders and they will fire on Moscow and china, and Russia will wipe out the mainland, the earth will wobble, thats when Jesus comes back, ISAIAH 13, and, the lighted finger pointed, read it, America is Babylon, read JOEL, thats for America, the meet and the drink offering is with holden, from the house of your God, the miracles are stripped, just lectures, no anything, but thats what people want, the land is before them, bob you know what she thought when you told her, china and Russia attacking America, get out they said, terrorist, they will regret that, and they know it, they pastors are merciless wolves, they know their lying, like james e. Dixon, he prophesied to the prophet, and walked off, and the prophet knew it was fake, thats what, you got, in the churches, get ready for nuclear war, iraq first, then Syria and iran, then, watch out, and hollie had the recorder, millions will die, just say it like the Lord says it, said hollie, with the loose air conditioning belt sound, theres the main ministering hollie spirit, and the lighted angel pointed, with partial hair loss, raise your hands and clap your horns, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats my pope said hollie moody, and hu, is the false prophet, sang Jesus, the new world order, hu showed the angel of the Lord, lighted, the three gorges dam, and hollie, took off running, will fail, it wont do what they want, it will make a lot of power, but not enough, when Jefferson starship toured, grace slick and crew, those arenas were pot smoke filled, they would get stoned, breathing it in, hundreds of times per year, she quit touring when she was in her late 50s, and she sang most of the songs, put it under, grace slick is now in her late 60s, and still sings, limited, with Jefferson starship, she doesnt look it but they still tour, grace slick will be in lava up to her belly button and she will say, I want to go home, but that is home, if you will remember me, I will remember you, says the Lord, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said the Lord, of hosts, thats not Jesus, thats satan, and he looked like Jesus, shhhhhhhh, said hollie, and he saw Jesus, like he is, a fire, scene, and, Jesus, in it, radiate, s, and hollie pointed, and he saw, hollie, with her, bear paws, on fire, serve, Jesus, and she was, smiling, on fire, for, Jesus, And hollie showed number one, lighted, pastor, Wilson ricks, is cut off, elder, Wilson, ricks, smith temple, all, smith temples, are, blaspheme, lafayette sqaure, shopping mall, will close, within, a, year, strip malls, have, killed, shopping, mall, s, many will be, neighbourhoods, many, millions, to, develop, and will sell for, billions, and they know it, good, areas, they will make more, but, recession, in, the, american, economy, bill gates is, blaspheme, go spend your money, rich man, but, in hell, I knew, he will say, put it under, the woman, that got crushed, her leg, will be, ampu, tated, and already is, she knew, to, call the, police, the man, they want, is the, driver, he did not mean to, but, on purpose, I want to, kill her, he will be, caught, all, should be, killed, and hollie pointed, 15 year old girls should not be allowed to marry, they cannot even, get a job, legally, to support, thier children, which is, the only reason, they will marry, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed, the right way, and wrong, anal sex, is wrong, anal herpes, is, deadly, because, people, that have, kill, themself, s, hillary clinton will be the next president, after, dick, cheney, bush will be, get his due, murderer, a light earth quake, rattled, the, san francisco, bay, area, soon, russian, nuclear, subs, will, and captain hollie, looking at, men with men, working, the, unseemingly, with, each other, fire, said, hollie, after, pouring her, viol of, wrath, and he saw, san francisco, explode, it will burn, on the day of the Lord, when, china, blew up, the, retainer, dam, and, water, gushed, this is how, the, psunami, was, but, much, more, God will not bless you if you will not bless him, said the angel of the Lord, with partial hair loss, I wanted material, said, michael, boldea, the uk wants to, protect, charles taylor, for, america, to, get, it's wrong, said, tony blair, he did, not do, what they said, but, knew about, no, he did, amputations, many, from running, frightened, people, hang, charles, miami called, take off, michael, and go and preach, to, cut off, people, that won't repent if they could, and you knew, I would say, said, dumitru, duduman, about the new, hand of help, website, take it off, no, visions, just, help us, financially, there fallen, said, Jesus, and bob told, over, the, phone, long ago, and when they recieved, they will, call, 9-11, if, bob, shows up, again, they know, and, organ donation is, abomination, and hollie, 6-15-16-2006-You almost got the wrong one, the right and the wrong showed hollie, they want the wrong hole sang Jesus, anal sex is abomination, you can see, part of her butt riding that bike, and she's young and cute, but still an animal, and hollie licked the prophet, they are not doing the iraq protest today but, that war was over breaking oil contracts, bush otta be shot, bush is the world's worst enemy sang Jesus, his whitehouse collapse, I'm not said hillary clinton, turning bush over for warcrimes, I wanted it to, because he told me already, that if you do, I will, not step down, I'm not, hillary clinton wanted the iraq war, they all did, for the oil, and hollie tore up, the contract, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, I want my visions on the internet, and hollie pointed, that girl has a beautiful body, blond and blue and ballon butt but, she is cut off, and actively engading, I'm a lesbian, america is, the whore, china is the magog, of the endtimes, with all those surrounding lands, think about it, thats the horn that came up last, and hollie pointed, the 3 gorges dam will never do what they want, it needs high water and, drought, exist, and hollie had the recorder, the united states, will be a desolation said hollie moody, and hollie licked the prophet, and he saw, Jesus, with fire all around, God is an all consuming fire, and hollie pointed, the indianapolis 500 race, abominaiton, and he saw, the spirit run and the golden finger pointed, and hollie, Im hu, attack washington state and grab taiwan to lure, he came up with this, then russia will grab alaska, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on moscow and china, and russia will wipe out the american mainland, the day of the Lord, and the earth will wobble, and he saw satan in a pope's uniform, hes the beast, this is hollie tap dancing, judgment is coming to amexico, the whole western hemisphere, and the earth will wobble, and the lighted finger pointed, pilot lights waist energy, about one gallon of gas, per week, and the angel pointed, lighted, tell the vision, and the lighted finger pointed, your cut off chanted upci and kenneth haney, and hollie pointed, and he saw america explode, Im captain hollie, looking at the beaches in washington, fire, from her submarine, and he saw moscow and the mx missile with hollie on it, riding, right into the heart of moscow, fire on america, and the lighted finger pointed, china and moscow, hit hard by captain hollie in ohio class subs, and the earth wobbled, your unforgiven, pointed JEsus, michael boldea, cut off, no signs, and the lighted pope pointed, ethanol is how the government is keeping afloat in america said my pope, and I'm hollie moodie, and he saw, hundreds of hands pointing at the recorder, noah's ark, was, very, big, but, not as big, as the, titanic, iraq will bring america down, thats the reason pakistan helped destroy americas economy prophesied many years ago thur this prophet, read the vision, adam and eve, and the lighted finger pointed, perished, sex is for, and the lighted finger pointed, reproduction only, and the lighted finger pointed, and never has been used for that, abomination, and, the lighted finger pointed, people marry, and the lighted finger, sex only, its better than to burn, thats it, God can bless the wedding bed, but, stay single, I'm 69 said the pope, and the lighted finger, speak, said michael boldea, is now, your gonna pay, I married, and became, sex, you lost your power, said hollie, no, said mike, and the lighted angel showed, I like your booty said michael, bobs, when my money's gone, then, Ill sell my body she lost to much weight, o my God, face damage, caused by, you look sexy but, leave your baby fat on, promise she said, someones praying, your undecided, said michael boldea, gene schmidt, ann schmidt, cut off, but, work at hand of help, the number one, prophetic ministry, hand of help is for me said farakhan, donald winters said to bob's face, those are from the devil, and what he meant was what he said, he was, that decieved, when noah built the ark, they would, use the entire logg or cut it up, what happened to noahs ark was, reused, wood, it did not land where the people thought today, noah didn't sleep well last night, he drank, and cursed his sons for looking at him uncovered, and one of them went up into, moscow, that nation is cursed, and he dreamed, he was in the woods and saw a tiger, and hollie, with bear paws, the tiger was in the clearing and could smell, kept searching, the prophet, ran up a tree, and the tree came down, and, he used the tree to fight the tiger off, and somebody said, something like, climb up the vines, and the tiger went up into a tree, and he from the vines, climbed up like a garage, and people showed up, and asked them to help, letting them know, there, was a tiger, want me to shoot, no, and the lighted finger pointed, judge him said Jesus, kill the tiger, and hollie pointed, that was an eye of fire winking, paul was sent a messenger of satan to buffet his faults like this prophet has, tormented and cannot do, anything about it, to keep them humble, and interested in JEsus, paul wanted control, this prophet, anal and oral sex, the headlines read, iran attack coming, and syria, soon the united states will be a desolation sang the angel of the LOrd, and captain hollie, with her binoculars, looking at the beaches around america, fire, that was a heavenly vision of like, fire, scene, lets rule the world, thats the angel hollie moody like a light bear, I did not want nobody on my message board, said hollie moody, and he saw hollie speaking in tongues, james e. tyson, thats it, where are the rest of the signs, and he saw a bunch of pastors, if they knew they never prayed thru to the Holy Ghost, they would be sad, but, would not seek it , and still pastor, thats why this message is hidden, and Jesus pointed, mentally impaired people, God helps, with visions, telling them what to, do, they don't even know that there's a Jesus, but, unaccountable, and nobody cares for them, how the mind, remembers is, it recreates, what is saw, by, memory, I didnt know, said pastor jordan, but I ain't finished, yes you are, kent jordan, no signs, hand it down, he's the third jordan, all perished, he did not beleive you, what did he say, when cuba, valsectomy is abomination, tubes tying, same, cat, I'm, the leopard, china, north and south korea, and the angel pointed, partial hair, japan, led by, king of the east, false prophet hu, reach out, and touch the Lord, as he goes by, sang hollie moodie, you will find hes not to busy to hear your heart cry, he is passing, by this moment sang kenneth haney, and hollie showed, reach out and touch the LOrd as he goes by sang hollie moodie and sammi's design like witch sammi, I'm a cat, thats the leopard pointed the finger, magog, the 4 carpentars, china, north and south korea, JAPAN, SAtan is the lion, and the bear is russia, the feet of the beast, and he saw the ram, in fury, thats not the ram, the hegoat, smite the ram, china and russia, and the hegoat is, the pope in the middle, china was the horn that came up last, the united states will be attacked real soon, and he saw, many missiles from submarines, and captain hollie, with her binoculars looking at america, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the woman is the statue of liberty, the whore, satan, shhhhh, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and Im the pope, satan, sh, and hu is the false prophet, and the lighted finger pointed, I'm the beast, sh, satan, I'm needed here said michael boldea, and he saw michael boldea, gene and ann schmidt on thier knees, 3 hours per day, poophole sex is abomination, and lucifer, was, all light, lifted up because of his brightness, beauty, he hated, Jesus, from day one, he served the Lord for about 2000 years minus 0, but, wanted another job, thats why he rose up, he stayed in his room in between ministering songs, and talked the LOrd, in his heart, thats a bad sign, 6-17-18-2006-and he saw a missile streaking, and kansas explode, then the name kansas came out, and then, the, word, prophecy club, they are, fallen, but, those were legions o white spirits and hollie pointing, there ain't no capricorns, sang, this woman, did you blaspheme, no, but, why are you, hidden, no, the, message board, put it on a website, so, people can see, what, Jesus has shown you, I aint, yep, you will, saith, Jesus, no I ain't, bob will help you, that was a white spirit knocking at Jesus s door, make your request known to God, bob I perished said rick joyner, missed him, said, michael boldea, I won't have you said rick joyner, get out, because, new message, God said Im not going to let you stand if you won't resist the devil, and he saw, donald winters and james e. tyson, and tyson clapped, they will sue, bob, nope, where, is, he, I'm number one, said, this man, yep, and he saw, canada, and, mexico, ex, plode, it will burn, when, america, gets, attaked, and he saw, captain hollie, with her, submarine, looking at, california, and spotted, sunnysnet, on the beach, bikini, open fire, said, captian, hollie, moody, and he saw, the number 7, thats, Jesus's, perfect, number, it means, done, 6 means, uncomplete, 666, born at the table, between, the pope, and, false, prophet, hu, that was satan, shhhh, said, hollie, Im the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns and I'm the pope, and he turned into, the, pope, 6-18-2006-I wanna fuck, said, britney, spears, somethings, coming, said, sunnysnet, nope, here on, number one, showed, hollie, Im number one, said, hollie, yep, but, many are, look at, hollie, moody, undisputed, easiest, to work with, this man, and bob, alike, and hollie, and bob, hate, Jesus, wish, death, on themselves, I need to go on tour, said, britney, but, she is, having, baby, regrets, and you will to, hire the, maid, and, let, the, maid, raise, is what, britney, did, call it, abomination, sunscreen does not, block, out, sunlight, but, some, not worth, buying, put it under, get a tan, and he saw iraq, ex, plode, it will burn, from, american, nukes, from, israel, they, taught, israel, how to make them, and, the, palestinian state, will be, taken, away, EZEKIEL 7, tell brother stair, the gay parade is brazil, abomination, lots of them, walking, have, diseases, I'm the angel, pope, look, pointed, Jesus, at, the, statue, of, liberty, and, fire, all around, america, will, burn, the day of the LOrd, prophesied, in JOEL, al qaeda, did not, plan, a, subway, attack, but, would like to, put it under, resist the devil, and he will flee from you, after, awhile, he cannot, harm, but, make you, hurt, awhile is, however, long, it takes, to see, you will not, break, north korea plans to, launch, a, nuclear, missile, without, the, tip, but, has, chinese, made, df-31's, that can reach, america, easy, but will, hit, moscow, put it under, they will, force, russia, to, invade, israel, job learned in visions, JOB 7:14, 6-18-19-2006-and the lighted finger pointed, hamas offers, a, cease fire, with, israel, bull, put it under, kill, hamas, raise your hands to satan, they, sang, chanted, the queen is 80, but will, perish, put it under, no, charade, in, hell, for, her, hiness, she is, over, britan, above blair, but, does not, argue, because, easily, voted, out, the king is, over, her, but, no king, he died, and, in hell, screams, I live, the, life, of, lifes, but, now, in, hell, permanently, was it worthy it, king, george, and he saw, phoenix, explode, a big, nuclear, explosion, and, this man, came out, thus speaketh the Lord, give me, lots of, prayer, and I will, help, in a way, that you can not, imagine, saith, Jesus, and the nuclear explosion, went into the, heavens, star wars is abomination, there are about 500,000 right now in the world watching star wars, and he saw dumitru duduman and he was tortured for 5 months, Write michael boldea and ask him to tell you about it, if you want him to return the e-mail, and michael boldea pointed, then offer money, or forget it, try it, but, disquise your e-mails, bob sent michael boldea many letters and none were returned, then, a spam artist comes along, offerring bob a fortune, and he wrote mike and offered him tithes, if he got it, that letter was returned within minutes, call it, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns said hollie, and thats the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the devil could not figure out why Jesus let him kill him but he went into hell and preached to the gentiles, that could not be saved while they lived, but, none came out, they were hardened, theres the loose belt sound, and hollie, pointed, smoke, drink, and live, it up, perish, for it, its not cute when the beautiful woman farts, and thats the main ministering spirit, hollie, and shes dressed sexy, tap dancing, and hollie pointed, and he saw all of the, trap spirits, hollie, hollie, you know me, babyfleas, hollie, Im dorien, Im your new ministering spirit, and I work at Nussbaum, and dont live for Jesus, but go to Pentecostal church and act like I do, dorein will be in hell up to her chin with the flames going over, I knew the truth but did not do it, she never prayed thru, and hollie tore up the con, tract, that man was playing stupid, but, was not, he, he knew, now hes cut off and he knows that, God told you to walk off and you did, that man just felt the drawing of the Lord leave him, N.y.c., explode, and this man, with it, he is, cut off, no signs, write, and tell, and he knows it, hes done, today is the day of salvation, your stupid, and the man pointed, no, youll find out who is stupid, Pentecostals in the family, he, knew it, he just ran his last mile, the cosbys is watched on cable, more than, you can, imagine, Im sunnysnet, and Im the ministering spirit of ministryofdreams, I will build your website for free, just let me link up my website, call it, sunnysnet tricks, permission granted to continue to ministryofdreams, God, told bob America can last, 20 more years, its up to bob said gene Schmidt, and the lighted finger pointed, said sunnysnet, and he saw satan, dressed in, the popes klue klux klan uniform, Im the beast, he said, with his mouth partially showing, Im the pope, and hu is the false prophet, prophet, gusunehight, is Michael boldea said sunnysnet, no signs, all of hand of help, minus dumitru duduman, fathers day, is coming up, but, wheres my glory says the father, right here pointed the lighted hand, and that was, s, a, t, a, n, said hollie moodie, cause America is about to be attacked by its worst enemy, president george bush, higher taxes so his iraq war doesnt have to end, hes a liar, like Melissa, strohl, at, 5/3, bank, like sunnysnet, put Ukraine in Russia said yuschenko, this is how, the beast will be built, and the baby said, you didnt want it, cried it, on tv, only a baby, but God already knows, that stunned the prophet, and he saw sunnysnet like a witch, he likes her but, yeshua is her Jesus, and he saw Taiwan, that is, why, china, wants America, destroyed, but, it doesnt belong to china, and he saw pray.htm, check it out, And hollie tore up the con heart, God can bring you down like he did prophet, abased, for no reason, prophet did not like it, 8 months, of unbearable, I would have lived to be 75 said apostle john lake, but, God took him, he was, getting hard to work with Elijah, this prophet, worse than both, but, hes funner than both said sunnynet, loose, hes a whore, and the lighted finger pointed, that was Jesus patting hollie on the head, and the lighted hollie pointed, like a bear, sunnysnet wants 1200, and the finger pointed, to rebuild ministryofdreams, shes seen it, explosions said dumitru duduman, and he saw, iraq, explode, it will burn, EZEKIEL 7, oil man bush brought it in, tell people, the Palestinian state, destroyed, said, hollie, change my oil, wasted your time, dont change your oil in your car, keep it full, another pastors about to fall, another pastors about to fall, sang the reverend spall, and pointed, pastor William l. harris is about to be notified, and William harris pointed, no signs, he is cut off period, bob worked on him for years, he wanted, a following, now, a dead church, since the beginning, out said Jesus, talking to garsnett, s, replacement, ron Elliott, Ronald Elliott, cut off, thats good said William l. harris, hell try to talk his way, and the lighted finger pointed, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, 666, will be born at the table, between, the pope, and, false prophet, hu, to prevent them, from, destroying, each, other, both have, nuclear, weapons, but, the pope is stronger, the king of grecia, and hu is, the king of the east, and he dreamed, ohio food markets, was reopened, nina, stewart, and, closed again, the old food, sold, iran attack coming soon, bushs last threat, openly, made, they know, and Syria, to, birds, at, one, stone, put it under, are you ready, Taiwan, had, china on it, and, when, china, takes, china will, be, pounded, by, their, arsenal, magog, is, all of those surrounding, lands, china, and, north and south, korea, japan, situate, and he saw, satan, as, the, head, of, the, beast, the pope, is the mouth piece, the beast, and, the bear is, Moscow, Im a bear, said, hollie, and he saw, hollie, bear, Im moodie, the cat that was sealed alive, in the driveway, watch, your, animals, the dead sea is, the salt sea, Sodom, and, gomorrah, putins successor, will be, unknown, chosen, by, putin, America, is, communists, because of, 9-11, north korea, has, nuke, weapons, called, df-31, long range, Chinese, and only, china, can fire, and they are, for, Moscow, when, china, invades, pushing at, the, pope, the battle of Armageddon, put it under, and Christ will appear, with, thousands of, his saints, the rapture, the second, the first is, the, judgment, and he saw, the world, wobble, reel, to and fro, the iraq war, was over, breaking, oil, contracts, and preventing, china from, getting, them, the hells angel, that died, in the, accident, was, hells, angel, so, put it under, whose angel are you, you are like the angels, with, an, animal, shell, the landslide in kashmir, was, foretold, in the, bible, MATTHEW, 24, you need to change, to be, saved, all, come humble, before, Jesus, sang, Jesus, I'm a bear, said, hollie, but, russia, will not, attack, unless, provoked, and iran, will, and, syria, that's all, said, putin, let's rule the world, he sang, china, and, hollie pointed, mexico, they will give thier power and strength, unto, the, beast, send it over, said, the, pope, on, america, the earth will wobble, the ice cream man's here, sang, david lee roth, he is, touring, on van halen, and, his own, songs, he doesn't need, van halen, and, sammy hagar, doesn't, either, fools, 6-19-20-2006-Im captain hollie, and this is, my, submarine, there, in the, water, look, pointed Jesus, at the statue of liberty, and new work, where, this man is, exploded, it will, when, captain hollie, pours out, her, vial of, wrath, on the day of the Lord, bush, will, hit, iran, whether, they, comply or not, pastor clifford walker is cut off, no, signs, like, pastor, chief, indian, walker, Are you a devil, like, just, but, no, power, to give, sickness, but if, Jesus, does not, protect, satan can, destroy, and he saw, iraq, explode, from, American, nukes, both ways, EZEKIEL 7, bill clinton, was, an, enemy, of, america, he sold, china, secrets, to get, re election, money, trader, hamas is, the, philistines, the, Lord's enemies, sharks are killing people and putting them into hell, and they knew it, wildfires are, abomination, if started by, people, like Arizona, the man that did it, what the heck, he knows, it, but, does not, care, were under attack, and captain hollie, with her, submarine, looking at, pastor, irving, bax, ter, no signs, fire, said, the bear, hollie, america is, the mother of, harlots, false christians, like, irving baxter, and hollie pointed, iraq war, nuke, kill over, breaking, oil, contracts, oil man, bush, brought it in, richard keltner is cut off, watchman radio, cashes in on, prophecy, no signs, and the lighted finger pointed, this is hollie, tap dancing, sexy dressed, pastor bill krammer is cut off, no signs, and was told, jesse ventura is a con artist, openly, makes fun of women, but when on katie kouric, went back, she knew, he lies, but, charming, bob, prophesied hardball, you lying sack of shit, from south bend, you live on the streets, he wanted to throw down, but saw, thats exactly what we would have to do and knew to leave you alone, he would have struck, but, bob would have laughed, you cant hurt him, bob would not have fought, unless, God told him, then that man, done, bob could have taken him, but, took, hits, 6-2006-raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, the greek orthadox church, and hu is, the false prophet, the second beast, like a lamb rising out of the sea, with japan, and hollie tore up the contrast, wait a minute, mr. christian, irving baxter has never been saved, like this man, but, thinks he has, tell him, no signs, if america let iran go ahead with the nuclear power plant, 1,000,000 barrels of oil will be freed up, nuclear power, good, nuclear waste, burn it, that would solve the worlds energy crisis, and hollie, took off running, what about david prescott, cut off said hollie moodie, no signs, a site of visions, bob likes him, Jesus hates him, 30 days to get right, read and do ACTS 2:38, I'm not he said, then why, and hollie tore up the con, trite, bob showed him how to drive a truck, but, the car, too much, and needs work, somebody that doesn't know, will buy that, wreck, when the front transaxle breaks, he knows it, and now is worried, loose my american citizenship, there ain't no more visions in pentecost because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, we want website said the horse, and the horse was tap dancing, wagging it's tail, she's the moma type, not sexy, like sunnysnet, but, doesn't realize it yet, to late said the pope for all who call themselves christians, but aren't, they are already cut off, but, won't admit it, this is why, judgment must come to america, liars, that say, they are apostles, and hollie tore up the contrite, this economy in america, will not, hold up, long, jobs are leaving, and, people are moving in, and the government gives away money, and he saw, a cloud, explode, and out of it came the president of china and russia, I will give you the land he heard, get america out of taiwan, putin and hu said, this is what we will do, attack washington state, and grab taiwan, lure america into battle, then, russia will attack alaska, then, from the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, bombard america, the world will wobble, like that, were sure korea, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, will be on our side to, without a doubt we can rule the world, air it up hard as a rock said the tap dancers, about your bike tires, they need it, and satan tore up his contract, and he saw, the angel swing the sword, thats gene simmons pointing, and the fire bear pointed at the recorder, post, that was kansas, explode by a missile, and hollie showed the peace sign, and tore up the con, trite, test is, done, now, privates, tucker, and, menchaca, were, tortured, by, iraqis, for, george bush's, iraq, war, over, breaking, oil, contracts, these two soldiers, young, knew, not, to, go, to, the, military, don't, pity, them, they both wanted, iraq, and, both, in, lava, up to thier, chin, s, put it under, the, storm, that is, batterring, nicaragua, and hollie pointed, 200 miles away, is, strengthening, the cow that stopped the traffic, is, ok, but, needs, an, owner, put it under, feed, grass, only, it, gives, it, something, to, do, the u.s. wargames, are, bull, a, waste of, money, that, america, does not, have, this man, don't, quit, your, job, God does not, want, you, charles taylor, is, guilty, I sold it, he said, now he knows, what he had, and, hillary clinton, will, be, president, after, cheney, tell, japan is pulling, troops, from, iraq, shame on you, for, being there, to begin with, rudy giuliani, will not, run, for, president, he was, only, a, mayor, the dictator, is, buenos, aires, is, guilty, miguel, etchecolatz, hang, dan rather is leaving cbs, goodbye, he was, not, in, demand, but, would be, number one, right now, no comp, charles gibson, is, number, one, but, rather, would, knock him off, and wants to, but, cbs, wants, youth, dan, hates it, but, 6-21-2006-The bear that visited, the daycare, shot, tranqulized, but, released, tame, Im a bear, said, hollie, like a bear, moscow, is, the, bear, satan, is the head, my pope, said, hollie, moody, is, the, mouth, piece, and, the leopard is, raise your hands and repeat after me, china, north and south, korea, and, japan, the seven marines, charged with, killing, the, Iraqi, civilian, are, inno, cent, they, were, protecting, what, he did not, want, protected, he knew, and he pointed, the stock market will go, up, and, down, and he, had, what he thought, was, 20s, and, a, hundred, showed up, the iraq war, nuclear, bush, brought in, oilman, contract, breaking, is what, the, war was, over, nato will show strength, no, America, only, they, dont, want, America, no more, warlord, bush, dick cheney, when president, no, influence, threatened, behind, the, scenes, turn it over, to the, vice, president, openly, so, re-election, chances, are, higher, put it under, hillary, Clinton, next, bush says, iran, nuke, response, slow, they dont owe, him, a, no response, said, the, Iranian, president, bush will, attack, soon, watch, and Syria, the prison guard that fired on the feds, will be, liked, in, prison, because, he, sucked, peters, hes holding, judgment, back, but, time is, almost, its time, satan, have you, considered, my, servant, bob, how he, walks, upright, with a, clean heart, you, protect, what, prod, and he will, and, almost, but, slowed, way down, over, it was, a, black, spirit, before, a, fire, colored, cause russia is the be, east, with seven heads and ten horns, and that is, the, pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, with, false prophet, hu, and my pope, said, hollie, moodie, put ukraine in moscow, said, yushchenko, this is how, the, beast, will be, built, 6-2006-And hollie like a lighted bear pointed, its out, said pastor jerry vanlue, bob told thousands, churches, now, there watching, and not ready, there all, for the most part, remember, and he saw, jerry vanlue, next, not, and the lighted finger pointed, Jeremy, is not, a pasor, he has, never went thru, said pastor, hold the phone, he wont if you call, when America and china go to war, said sunnysent, the, and satan, then Russia will strike withgout warning, there is a skeleton in everybody, dont lust people, when the united states is attacked by china, offended, to the point, of, strking, but, will all be planned out, Moscow will grab, Alaska, then, orders will go to American submarine commanders and they willl fire on Moscow and china, space, the final frontier, these are the voyages of ministryofdreams, thats what prophecy ministry is, that was hollie, tearing up the contract, Im a bear, said hollie, and the lighted finger pointed, keltner's out, Richard, no money, and Richard keltner showed up, watchman radio, the last crusade, he is cut off, no signs, iraq bobby, EZEKIEL 7, those two soldiers mutilated, wanted to be there, this war was to break oil contracts said president bush, the war games are a joke, so what, its getting ready to start said Richard keltner, when the united states goes to war with china, then, Russia will strike without warning said sunnysnet, and pointed, and he saw captain hollie, like a bear in her sub, with her binoculars, and, looking at sunnysnet, fire, and the whole west and east coast exploded, the world wobbled, and hollie was left standing, like a bear, in California, and sunnysnet, was in lava up to her chin, and the flames went over, and dumuitru duduman pointed, He died saved, and he saw, the president of Russia and china, the ram, and the pope is the hegoat, with the ram as his horns, and china came up last, magog, all those lands around there, will be magog, this prophet has had a truck up to 100, and, 25, miles per hour, a 18 wheeler, in the cab, it looks like star wars, when, the, spaceship, goes to, light speed, the song, were all crazy by alice cooper, would have been, number one, write him, tell, and the lighted finger pointed, Israel under king david, they worked, sun up till sun down, and liked it, kept them busy, bartered, not share, and he saw the pope with 666 on his forehead, said sunnysnet, and she had it to, los angeles class subs, and captain hollie, have, nuclear tipped, tomahawks, about, 500, they can destroy, all of, population, 71 said the pope, will destroy, the worlds, population, and the king of Jordan called those 2 mutilated American soldiers thugs, get out of iraq, he said, and he saw, 8 geese, 8 kings will rise against America, king jong, putin, hu, lula, chavez, Vicente fox, castrol, they will give their power and strength, Nicaragua, to the beast, the world will wobble, the sun and the moon, darken, ed, for 16 hours, he sends it over on America, the day of the Lord, prophesied in JOEL, a day gloominess and darkness, why did God send me a prophet she said, you go to church and sing lost dont you, if Michael Jordan played again, he would be, about, half, of what he was, but, score, out of control, from long range, Im a bear, and Im hollie, and Jesus pointed, Russia, and roger moore said, had my feelings hurt, I wanted james bond, not cannon ball run, they all had fun making that, most of them, faded away after, david Gilmour, pink floyd, retired, no more, this is why, old, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, and hollie, pointed, the cast of the rock horror picture show hated meatloaf cause he did not, fit in, not gay, but now is, Im evil said alice cooper, the show, and the lighted alice pointed, roadie, with, alice cooper, blondie, and meatloaf, was shown back in 1980, and hidden, but, they want to re release, when they all 3 die, but, it wont do any better, and he ran into bob and tom, and they gave him and his friend, alice cooper concert tickets, 1985, and they were broke, and no tickets, call it, the bob and tom show, write them and tell, they will remember, prophet figured, that Russia hitting America was not enough to make the earth wobble, and he saw, Canada and mexico explode, they will go to, soon the united states will become a desolation, and American subs, and captain hollie, will, fire on, Moscow, and china, Moscow, one sixth of that nation left, and the lighted finger pointed, the leopard will fire, 4 horns, and the angel pointed, out of the ruins of Moscow and china, north and south korea, japan, and china, they will all become china, the bear is, Moscow, the pope is, and the lighted finger pointed, putin is greek orthadox church, putin will, obey the pope, he believes it, and hu is the false prophet, magog, and he saw the color yellow, that means, war, those 2 beast, s, will hate each other, but, To prevent from, destroying, cling, and he saw, the king of the north, and, the king of the south, and the lighted angel pointed at the furnace, and hollie, in a white robe, I bind the strong man coming against my gums and rebuke him in Jesus Christ name, 666, born there, worship the pope, hu will say, To prevent from, destroying, cling, and he saw, the king of the north, and, the king of the south, and the lighted angel pointed at the furnace, and hollie, in a white robe, I bind the strong man coming against my gums and rebuke him in Jesus Christ name, 666, born there, worship the pope, hu will say, like a lamb rising out of, the sea, with japan, pastor strayhorn, abomination, cut off, no signs, Fast said Michael boldea, and hollie pointed, that was hollie, pointed hollie, the asingnment has changed, and he saw a 100, where he thought only a five would be, hollies in hot water, pray, Im free, thats why, satan, is chosen over Jesus, spall, hot water, cut off, whats that, rejected, And the finger pointed, no signs, when this blows up, America, and hollie stands, both of them, its over, work, Im naked, thats what people need to know, no Spirit, hollies in hot water, satan, hast thou considered my servant bob, he is, protected, let me prod him, and he will curse you, satan did, and he did not curse, God will, fourfold, that was a lighted finger, hollies in hot water, hot water said hollie, thats the main ministering spirit pointed the angel of the Lord, hollie, like a cat, the leopard, china, north and south korea, and japan, satan is the head, the beast, the pope, and the bear, is Moscow, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, I want your ability said micahel boldea, how come, people, are coming out of the churches, no anointing, no anything, problem, stripped, read JOEL, the meat and the drink offering, withholden, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is, my pope, said, hollie, moodie, that, s, prophet Kenneth haney's pope of upci, leave us alone said the guinea pig, just watch us, Im hollie moodie, this is my vial of wrath, pour, look pointed Jesus, a man where the statue of liberty should be, and hollie tore up the contract, get saved tom, and put, he knows, and put your visions on the internet, and new work exploded, and the finger pointed at the sub, and captain hollie came up with it, fire, after looking at the world, with her binoculars, and he saw china and Moscow explode, from American nukes, china will not put up with America having Taiwan much longer, on my God, o my God, o my God my God, anal sex, oral sex, abomination with the wrong color and the right, heres what g.t. haywood, wanted, money, No signs, make up your mind, that looks like a mosque on revival temple church, it is a mosque, and willie Duncan pointed, Im for farakhan, he said, look right here said farrakhan, and he showed his hands, only, his blood, they all know, but, want, satan, theres no difference, between the Pentecostal church and satanic churches, look on the internet, they exist, those preachers reach just like Pentecostal preachers, I will be a lying spirit in the mouth, s, of the prophets, now that is, taken away, uto, there are no more visions, in Pentecost, because there are no more, apostolics, in Pentecost, Russia is the beast, Russia is not the beast, its the pope said the angel of the Lord, beargrass Christian church is cut off, he will, print that vision, and he saw Kentucky explode, and beargrass church came up, they are against Jesus, blaspheme, the whole, church van, loaded, with, kids, and, employees, watchers, wearing, shorts, earrings, dick cheney, wants, the, oil, in iraq, that is why, pullout is, stupid, he does not care, about, America, this war, was to break, oil, contracts, and, prevent, china, from, getting, them, the senate is republican, and they do not want, America, to, prosper, said, brother, stair, write him, and tell, And hollie tore up the, contract, brother stair is, cut off, no signs, and put to an open shame, on the internet, sex, at, 60, something, whew, but, its time, and he saw, dreamed, an angel, amber, female, and irving baxter, trying to tell him, that, MYSTERY, BABYLON, is america, and he was interested, but, he could not find it, in, the, bible, the gospel is hidden, to the lost, and hollie pointed, 3 times, plus 1, and the angel of the Lord, said, bless me, canada says, no sex till were 16, Jesus says, till marriage, and he tell, when to go in to, put it under, iraq will end nuclear, dick cheney, we can't pull out, we don't have, the, oil, yet, said the angel of the Lord, ukraine prime minister, yulia, tymoshenko, re-work, the russian gas deal, pay more, is what, that means, put it under, put ukraine in russia, said yushchenko, this is how, the, beast will be built, the indonesian flood, is, prophesied, in, ST. MATTHEW, 24, read, the ship that sank off sumatra, is, in, deep, water, about, 4 miles, the g8, nations, seven are, the, seven heads, seven nations, that have an agreement, with, america, canada, mexico, australia, italy, home of the beast, germany, britain, france, five fall away, one is, britain, the beast, come out of the eigth, is of it, put it under, I'm the beast, said the little horn, with, beard, kim jong is, china, magog, all of those, surrounding, lands, nulcear tension, they aren't, afraid, but, want you to think that, america, would, fry, north korea, yep, if, and he saw, north korea, fried, one, tomahawk, it would, anger, moscow, and, china, because, close, but, they would understand, bush would, not, order, cheney would, bush, assassinated, cheney, will be, iran attack coming, watch, they know it, bush, when, gets, mad, enough, the underwater valcano, big as, the home of the beast, rome, is, bigger, than, they think, put it under, hell, is, in, the, bowells, of the earth, lava is, hell, the eiffel tower, will be, destroyed, when, moscow, is invaded, by, china, pushed, there, stop, said, chirac, nukes, subs, two, that is, enough, to, destroy, most of, the, population, enough to, deter, israel gave up gaza, gaza, is, forsaken, it is in, the, bible, look for it, fulfilled, magog, is, china, thats a good message, I don't believe it, you can not, recieve, without, the, Holy, Ghost, read and do, ACTS 2:38, and hollie pointed, repent, and be, yes, baptised, in Jesus Christ name, and receive the gift, of the, Amen, Holy Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, with, new tongues, as the Spirit, give's the utterance, Lord, need, ya, this is how, don't expect, God, s, blessing, love you, without, repentance, 6-22-23-2006-and he saw him on his knees, barefooted, befire a crystal like sea, if you haven't made it yet, you still have to endure until the end, and he saw Jesus like he really is, and hollie pointed many times, white robe, beard, like a, spirit man, and he hollie throwed the baseball, the average picture, 97 miles per hour, as high as 108, and the lihgted hand pointed, write my visions screamed hollie, and he saw the words, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read it, that looked like flute blowing with no flute, pastors, preaching, no anointing, stripped, if you were in a church and felt the anointing, it does not mean, that pastor or speaker was saved, God let you feel, so he could, and hollie pointed, save you, hollies in hot water, and pointed, a bear, you can, pet, if not hungry, but, if provoked, america is provoking moscow, thats a bear, golden, moscow, I had dreams, they are night visions, and hollie, didn't the angel say, the united states will become a desolation soon, and he saw captain hollie, like a white bear, binoculars, looking at, sunnysnet on the beach, fire, and hollie pointed, the united states is gitting in trouble over iraq, and hollie, pointed, iran, syria, next, this will raise up, the spirit of the medes, hate, and he saw, my hegoat, and I'm hollie, that was satan, sh, I'm the beast, and captain hollie, with, sub and binoculars, looking at moscow and china and the pope, boom, from american subs, the earth wobbled, they wanted to make merchandise out of you sang hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, that was like an ocean of lava with like black crust, in places, and hollie pointed, hell, that, was a contract being tore up with lighted paws, cold is acceptable to God, said brother stair, luke warm isnt, hot, money's, good said brother stair, oil said the pope, is bringing, armageddon, and the pope pointed, thats moodie with binoculars, from submarine, attack washington state to lure america into war, hollie's in hot water, testify said brother stair on the radio, read visions, click, here's why, Im cut off, he said, he can't bear it, for the record, blaspheme against the Holy Ghost is, saying, something that was from the Holy Ghost was from, clap your hands, and repeat, don't go back, and he saw, my hegoat, and hollie pointed, the pope with the ram, putin, and false prophet hu, and hollie pointed, china came up last, and the hegoat with the pope and hu, stomped, the ram, this is hollie, with the loose belt sound, air canditioning, and he saw 4 horns, rise, north and south korea, japan, and china, exploded out, the pope came out of moscow, the greek orthadox church, I ain't finished, in the last days, men will love men, working unseeminly, sex, my Spirit will not always strive with you said kent jordan, and hollie tore up the contruit, stephen hanson, cut off, no signs, and hollie, tore up the contract, thats the main ministering spirit pointed the angel, that was heavenly, like, with, bright light spirits, and Jesus, light man, hollies in hot water, he turned around said brother stair, and the lighted finger pointed, I'm back, said hollie, no, brother stair serves yeshua, limited attack on missile silo's is all it would take to take out america, cause the missile to explode, that would, wipe out, my nation, said hollie, and bob, and he saw the fire storm sweep acrossed america, desolate, this is hollie with the loose belt sound, how do you hit new york city, said the pope, there, pointed hollie, vial of wrath poured out said sunnysnet, boom, look there, pointed Jesus, at the statue of liberty, the woman, of REVELATION 17, my whore, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, and new york exploded, and Jesus rose up, thats the event that brings Jesus back, witness, you have been filled, and the lighted finger pointed, with the HOly Ghost and you don't even show it, press, that was, like, nuclear fire ball explosions behind the statue of liberty, and instead of a torch, she had like a, ball, america, is given to pleasures, hot water for hollie, that was satan falling from heaven like fire, a spark, Jesus beheld, and a third of his angels, hollie's in hot water, hollie's in hot water, hollie's in hot water, they chanted, help me, help me, amelia earhart was in 2500 feet of water, before, she even knew it, it sank, quick, the crash, killed her, she ran out of gas, theres the plane in the ocean, still, like new, in one piece, amiela, still strapped, the won't, in deep water, its about, 2 miles down, on its wheels, but went, engine first, propellar bent from hitting bottom, that plane could be reused, they know where it is but, and the lighted finger pointed, would cost to much to raise, about, 2 million, sub, cables, bring it up, hoist, thats about, two and a half miles of cable, that was the pope in lava and a fiery heavenly scene, and that was hu, with him, the two beasts, and there is the emporer of japan, the other horn on the lamb that rose, worship my pope, said hu, and that was hollie in the airplane uniform, Amelia Earhart knew she wasn't going to make it, but, tried anyway, now, in lava up to her chin, regrets, remembers, and knew, and the flames went over, I wrecked, she never got saved, but, knew to how to be, in hell, she is saying, I blowed it, I blowed it, Im hot and Ill never get out, but, I didn't want Jesus, and if I got out, I still wouldnt, that was hollie, with lighted bear paws tearing up the contract said Amelia Earhart, she was warned, but, Amelia Earhart took a shower and heard a voice, don't go, but, she did anyway, soon the united states will be attacked by moscow, and he saw, new york mayor, bloomberg, michael, he's a good mayor, buisness first, he's a billionaire, but, does the right thing, he would, make a good president, saith the Lord, write him, fool he says about bush, if he ran, win, tell him, but, hillary would, beat him, not, he would, beat hillary clinton, his record, americans would know, write him, write him and say, thus speaketh, the Lord of hosts, run for president, win, in Jesus Christ name, you are the only one that will beat hillary clinton, he will get this, and wadd it up, but, think about it, and, michael bloomberg pointed, he wont run because he thinks clinton has it, but, and hillary pointed, he would beat her, because he does the right thing, clinton, crook, and the people know it, bloomberg, will help the contry turn around, go to hell said hillary clinton, talking about iraq, she will order it, nuke, bill clinton will order american subs to fire on, moscow and china, they will be in the mountain, but won't survive long, direct hit, but, made for it, 8 hours after, america gets hit, raidiation will seep in on them, there they are dead, bill and hillary clinton, they will be rushed to the mountain when russia grabs alaska, most americans won't even know, russia will nuke like gene schmidt saw, heres what it will be like, ocean, sub rise, boom, some people will see the subs fire, and will know, we heard, but, there it is, those were heavenly, like a missile taking off, and a spirit, that was a missile, mx, with george bush, tied to it, your website is pissing me off, and hollie tore up the conheart, your cut off if you don't repent after reading, suprise, were not going to hear it said sunnysnet, lets rule the world clapped putin, nicaragua, mexico, china, castrol, kim jong, lula, hu, venezuela, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, on, america, and hollie pointed, and that was lighted serpent like, one head hu, one head, pope, the two beasts with the emporer of japan, the lamb, that rose out of the sea, you see thats 4 horns, and the pope popped out of one, and the lighted finger pointed, hu, kim jong, the emporer of japan, the leapord, south korea also, the pope, out of moscow, but, that will all be magog, china, will invade moscow, pushing at the pope, the battle of armageddon, and Christ will appear, the sky is yellow, war, and with his saints, cast everybody, but the jewish remnant in the lake of fire, the stairs collapsed trapping prophet, but, a good place, and debbie died, and was lifted out and flew thru a door right into lava, a trident missile, one with 8 warheads, would destroy half of the population, fry about 100 miles per warhead, the radiation, the rest of the continent, these are on ohio class subs, 24 per sub, 8 ear heads each, w78 and 88, alike, that was, the sun, close, like, yellow lava, like hell, the same, the sun, is just like hell, I'm proud said billy collins, thats happy but soon war, and the red angel on the red horse, to take peace off the world, the balck horse, quited the Spirit of Jesus in moscow, the grizzled and bay horse, the servants of God there, the pale horse, death and hell, the white horse, and Jesus pointed, the Word rides to conquer, Jesus, with eyes of fire, and the lighted finger pointed, golden, I'm a bear, moscow, and satan is the head, the pope, as the mouth piece, the leopard, north and south korea, and hollie pointed, with recorder, and showed up, and japan, the 4 carpentars, and hu, I will not put up with you, the pope and hu will say, and hollie tore up the contrite, amazing grace, how sweet the sound sang hollie, God's grace is sufficient no matter what, and the finger pointed, the navy test that intercepted the warhead, missile, is, so what, that is, amerian, russian, different, we know, said, sunnysnet, in a. a. allen's vision, america had, missile, defence, but, it did not, work, fired, but, failed, put it under, repent, and be, bap, tized, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the Gift, said sunnysnet, and pointed hollie, of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence, of speaking with, new tongues, you wanna call, said, brother, stair, cheney downplays n.k. strikes, this is why, north korea's, neighbours, missile, said, kim jong, is, intercepted, let them think, they have it, and hollie pointed, bobby, it ain't over, test, almost done, spain, no more room for migrants, stay, where you were born, and hollie, the people that eyed, terrorism, in america, the sears tower, are, in, custody, but will get out, no, proof, iraq, will, raise up, the spirit of the medes, hate, for, america, kim jong, will, be in on, the attack of, america, lets rule the world, sang, putin, I'm rich, said, kim jong, but, soon, broke, china, absorb, ed, all will be, magog, and hollie tore up the con, trite, iran, is, running, out of, gas, all are, robert mugabe, is, in, anger, over, christian, critizism, no, he is, hell, and knows it, and, over, 80, and hollie tore up the, con, truck, do not do buisness, with, china, help, build, nuclear, subs, that is what, I want, said, hu, more, many, 50, to rule the world, nations, know it, once, they hit alaska, then you will have, about, 2 hours, cheer, s, said, sam neill, the, anti, Christ, on, the final conflict, the most, watched, satanic, show, ever, because he, is, likeable, intelligent, the right answers, thats it, satan is, a, smart, angel, but, soon, the lake of fire, and in hell, he will scream, screw you, Jesus,
(13)visions for the last days -visions received 6-23-24-2006-GOd has showed me in visions and dreams, spirits and events like, hollie, babyfleas, Jesus, the LOrd of hosts, and, many people and they said things like, including, sunnysnet, which are ministering spirits, things like: oil, is, bringing, armageddon, now were in trouble, time is, short, extinction nears for whales and dolphins, people, kill, for, no, reason, enjoy, while, you still have, fake russian alcohol killed many, no, bad, brewed, ethanol, same thing, harriet the turtle, was, about, 140, not 175, and, was, very, happy, fed, it did not, recognise, people, but, knew, they, would feed, that is all, harriet, wanted, and hand out, and he saw, harriet the turtle, with, paw, out, taiwan will, wound, china, for, invading, mortally, called, ohio class subs, american, many, nuclear, warheads, launched on, china, and, moscow, on the day of the Lord, and hollie pointed, and moscow, will, launch on, america, and china, Patsy ramsey, did not, cooperate, with the, police, over, jon benet, she new, and, he does to, now, 49, hell, up to, her, chin, and the flames went over, and hollie pointed, people want everything but Jesus, Jesus is, coming, ready or not, and hollie pointed, they chanted, the children, and he saw, four horns, and the pope, popped out of one, hu, kim jong, and the, emporer, of, japan, and, south korea, the leopard, the 4 carpentars, that scatter, Israel, china is, magog, and all those, surrounding lands, and hollie pointed, china will absorb, Taiwan, destroyed, all the way, nuked, for, returning fire, when, china, attacks, they will attack, Washington state, to lure, America, into, war, then, Moscow, will grab, Alaska, then, out the oceans, cuba, Nicaragua, mexico, bombard, all of, America, the day of the Lord, and the smoke, went up, and blocked, the sun and the moon, America is killing, at will, in, Afghanistan, and, iraq, and, where ever, that blood, must, be, repayed, bush is, a, trader, the worlds, worst, enemy, and Michael boldea said, prophet, control, Im, him, he said, cut off, no signs, dick cheney, is the next president, and then, hillary Clinton, last, the pope is, the, anti, Christ, and hollie tore up the contract, and smiled, everybody is closing, but, God will remember his remnant, the days must be shortened, or they will, fall, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie showed to clap, make a joyful noise, and he saw, the words Persia is the middle east, the pope is the forth king, hu is, the third beast, and the lighted hollie pointed, prophet, the pope will come out of italy, Im the beast said the little horn, and the lighted finger pointed, the pope, the anticrist, hu, the false prophet, and japan is the other horn on the lamb, that rose, worship the pope hu said, 666, will be born at the table, and he saw, the king of the north, and the south, sitting at the table, hu and, the, pope, to prevent them, from, destroying, each other, both have, nuclear weapons, sharone and gerald ford, are kept alive by machines, unplug, their time is up, stp oil stabilizer, thickens, and thats it, but, your oil change triples, write the vision said hollie, prepare, said the Lord of hosts, and the pope pointed, there are people that need healing, this prophet, God can heal thru, write him, the test if passed, awarded the gift of healing, put it write there, said hollie, and the lighted finger pointed, pray, were all praying said hollie, but, the price needs to be payed, What God, aint hungry, thats why, lick my ass, is what, people want, and the lighted angel pointed, pray, and the lighted finger pointed, dont lust people, I like your ass, said babyfleas, but, what is that for, north korea has df-31s, Chinese, and he saw 4 horns, the leopard, kim jong, hu, the emporer of japan, and, south korea, the pope, out of Moscow, and all that will be magog, china, Taiwan, completely destroyed, nuked by china, china, mortally wounded, nuked by, ohio class subs, American, and Moscow, north kroean milssile crisis, joke, those are modified scuds,. Aimless, and he saw sunnysnet riding harriet the turtle and hollie pointed, Im Pentecostal, and I smoke and I drink and I fuck, you are deceived, but thats where the church is, thats how far away from the day of Pentecost, brand new president, hillary Clinton, and dick cheney, bush, shot, hollies in hot water, thats hollie tap dancing with the loose belt sound, air conditioning, charlie davis needs to come to Jesus, 30 days, and hollie, with her, binoculars, and submarine, ohio class, fire, on, America, and the lighted finger pointed, Taiwan, china, Moscow, the world will wobble, one tird of the population will be, wiped out, including, mexico, cuba, Canada, attack Miami, Im hollie, with my sub, pour out the vial of wrath, look pointed Jesus, nudity, fire, prophesied, JOEL, and the smoke went up and blocked the sun and the moon, westsdie Pentecostal church, and hollie pointed, will build, a youth center, Donald winters, and bankrupt that church, hollies in hot water, Im putting on a show said pastor mckinney, bromac, I needed material said mckinney with Robert cavanesses voice, apostolic tabernacle, I pledge alliegence to my pastor, hollie showed, that is what, they do there, go, hollies in hot water, Donald winters said, those are from the devil, to bobs face, but, what he meant is, what he said, he realized, he blasphemd the Holy Ghost, despaired, now haunted, and expects it is on the internet, I wish, that you would have stayed the fuck away from me pointed Donald winters, Now, lost, I am, said Donald winters, worship me, he is, standing at the door and preventing the message from coming in, I need you, SPALMS 1, cursed, be, the deceiver, Donald, winters, I need your testimony, said pastor winters, thats why God led you there, but, he met you, you were coming, he was going, and said, those are from the devil, and told you that, quoated a scripture about being offended, he offended you and knew it, when you were, trying to, help, him, you remember, but, you told him, you didnt have anything to do with that, the visions were from God, dont come on the property, hollies in hot water, Donald winters knows he said blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, but, wont step down, upci, write him, somebodies in hot water, winters, all of them, cut off, no signs, perished, said, Donald winters, and he saw him, and his wife, and donny joe, judy lynn, oliver, all in the lake of fire up to their chins and the flames went over, he'll get this, wadd, throw it away, and, look at it, later, and weep, God might, thru, his only, friend, this prophet, but, Gesundheit, said, judy lynn winters, bob gave her, visions, by, dumitru duduman, and told her, he had, but, and hollie pointed, they wanted, material, Alaska will become a desolation said the angel of the Lord, prophets in hot water, Donald winters, those are from the devil, we will not make it, if we dont finish, sang the hollie choir, hollies in hot water, and pointed, hollies in hot water and pointed, that was hell, and that was people in the lake of fire in agony, crowded, billions, and room for all, enlargeneth, and hollie pointed, Daily, precious God, we had it fixed, said, the, young, beauty, queen, but, she, went, back, now, cut off, and God showed, if prophet, went to work, it would not work, Im lusting, then, wait, work, hollie tore up the contract, ACTS 2:38 is salvation said the children, and hollie skinned, new message, said, leon baker, no, the accurate one, you have, the wrong, one, this one, is proven by, visions, dont come back here, no, you step down, deceiver, and he saw, Jesus, coming, like, light, bright, in the mist, of, light, Jesus was, light, God is, light, and, no darkness at all, 6-24-25-2006-And he saw the words, iraq, EZEKIEL 7 read, bush, assassinated, cheney, Clinton, next, and the pastor, to, Christ to the nations, pointed, come on back, but, for entertainment, they mused, but, knew, visions from God, and kokomo, Indiana exploded, and captain hollie in her sub, looking at, the condition, and hollie pointed, of the churches in kokomo, fire, the world will wobble, put your visions on the internet, share them, for, people all around the world, thats the main ministering spirit, hollie, something is coming said Jesus, put it on the internet, iran, nuclear, plant, doomed, bush, Syria, attacked, bush, the spirit of the medes is raised up, hate, for, America, put it under, that, when America and china, and hollie pointed, that, goes to war, then, Moscow, will attack, that, said hollie, that girl, bob witnessed to and liked, now, short shorts, bony leggs, and cellulite setting in, she doesnt know it, but, everybody else does, he pats his side and says, what ever it takes Lord, paul mooney, but, bob told him, that he is cut off, no signs, and he knew it, but, bible school, pastor, radio, that, pray in your van, that, when America and china goes to war, then Russia will strike without warning, that, on the iupui board, that, iraq war nuclear, on the board, witness, to, many, they talked, and he saw, America, explode, it will burn, and Babylon, appeared on it, America is the MYSTERY, BABYLON in REVELATION 17, the woman, the whore, the mother of harlots is sin, false Christians, abomination, the waters are, the many nations that make up America, and hollie showed, clubs are cults, stp oil treatment is pretty good but not needed, oil is good enough, Im your new ministering spirit, my name is renea hazel barker and Im a lesbian said hollie, they all are, America is the whore, wait on me and I will wait on you says the Lord, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, my pope, said hollie, and hu is the false prophet, memorials, abomination, remember Jesus, not men, once we hit Alaska, then, wipe out the mainland, but, thats where Moscow makes their mistake, then orders go to American submarine commanders, America, terry cannon is cut off, no signs, and hollie pointed closed, like the sign says, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost said sunnysnet, I guess you want a whippin sunnysnet, God is after you, dont do, said cless barger, no, get her, bob wants her saved, Im the devil, she said, Lucifer, how art thou fallen from heaven, o son of the morning, right here, said sunnysnet, and he saw, her message board, satans recipe, is the spiritual name of it, bob wants to join it, but, that, said hollie, iran attack coming, that, said sunnysnet, Syria as well, that, Brenda cromer is the new ministering spirit, that, when you have eye bags, cracks, the only remedy, face lift, and hollie showed how to do the face lift, put on table, cover up, snip, put on instruments, stretch, pull, sew up, you look like a baby when your done, sunnysnet, come to Jesus, and he saw sister Rexford pulling the wagon, those would have gotten saved, if she stayed, the children in back, officer p. snyder, the Indianapolis police department, wanted to arrest the prophet, God gave him what to say, he is in a rage, and will get this, prophet was walking in his old neighborhood, not doing anything wrong, and snyder harrased, call it, look what you did to yourself snyder, write i.p.d. and tell them, if would have arrested prophet, to the hospital first, a public defender, a jury trial, it would have costed snyder his job, snyder is a little worried cause he harrassed, God showed bob in a vision that, snyder wanted to arrest him, and he told him that, and he said, if you want to play hardball, I guarantee you you will loose, he, harrased, that would have brought a lawsuit against Indianapolis, he knows it, now, Jesus is looking at snyder, p. snyder, Indianapolis police officer, write them, send visions, p. snyder circled by twice, after, bob left, his old neighbourhood, because, p. snyder, threathened, for, walking, in the park, and neighbourhood, somebody, called, and said, suspicious, and, p. snyder, showed up, and, threatened, I will tow your van, it looks inoperable, no, he was, maintainence, p. said, nope, what about this dui, and prophet said, what did it say, God told him what to say, and officer p. snyder said, hold it, you better answer me, in his heart, he wanted to, arrest, bob, for no reason, what about this, and hollie pointed, hold it, what did it say, bob doesnt even know, get out of here, pointed snyder, write and tell, he, threatened, and, an, indy parks officer, heard, some, and, did, nothing, call it, an open shame, for, i.p.d., Indianapolis police department, bob went to the river, p. snyder, circled, by, twice, and God told him, call the police, when he comes back, and he did, and, he will be, he will, loose his job, no, said sunnysnet, yes, bob called, and it is, recorder, dont mess with my anointed, leave it there said hollie, that car, God knew you would want, but, done, leave nothing uncovered said, the Lord, it could haunt you, and hollie tore up the conquered, officer, p., snyder, harrased a servant of the Lord, now, troubles coming his way, and hollie pointed, lighted, and hollie pointed, lighted, there are no more visions in Pentecost, because there are no more apostolics in Pentecost, witness, you been filled with the Holy Ghost and you dont even show it, theres nothing at Pentecostal churches, but, they lie, its real, liar, the one who said it, is cut off, the assistant pastor at emmanuel temple, ira smith cut off to, no signs, and the lighted hollie pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, hollies in hot water, and the lighted finger pointed, synthetic blend motor oil, never needs to be changed, keep, full, same brand, synthetic, same way, hollies in hot water, and the lighted finger pointed, theres the hot water, boiling, and the lighted finger pointed, bobs torino would run a quarter mile in, running perfect, 15.4, tell my visions, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie pointed, lighted, and hollie showed, to siphon out old transmission fluid and pour in new, just get a hose and cut it in about a 3 foot section, stick it in, siphon, it out, pour new transmission fluid in, the same hose, funnel, tada, they want, a hundred bucks at some places, and the lighted finger pointed, Bob show, put my visions on the internet, satan, hast thou, considered, my servant bob, he stripped, no, you are, but, you are, curse him, you did, but, by, offending, and, spiking, his, teeth, but, he still, served, even though, his heart was, and is, still being, pricked, it throws him, in a rage, but, he keeps on, angry, put it under, he cant bear it, for, 8 months now, almost, daily, Jesus will, lift, this, test, but, only if, bob, continues, Right here said sunnysnet, message board, satans voice, iraq, iran, and Syria, and the lighted finger pointed, America has gone to far, perisa will rise, all of the middle east, bush, attacks both, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie in her sub, binoculars, thats sunnysnet on the beach, and Christian on the internet, fire, and hollie turned into a bear, Russia will attack, America when you least expect it, I harrased him, said officer p. snyder, and the lighted hollie pointed, now, he will be, disciplined, hard, almost, fired, and will see bob again but wont mess with him, your unforgiven, said the pator to, Christ to the nation, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw Jackie in the furnace with a white robe, and the lighted finger pointed, Jackie is menatally handicapped, she will go to heaven no matter what, unaccaountable, your gittin in trouble is what that police officer, and the finger pointed, thought, because, to many people are calling in, but, he harrased, so, terminated because of it, p. snyder, write all of the Indianapolis police department, human affairs, ipd with the visions, each officer and tell them, God has a prophet, and God gives that prophet, what to say, and he will, from now on, bring every one of them down like snyder, the united states will become a desolation, and hollie pointed, said Jesus and pointed, the white angel, light man, Partial hair, and that was hollie lighted, and hollie was speaking in tongues, and james e. Tyson pointed, thats it, but, did the Holy Ghost cause it or your, the signs, will follow, and hollie tore up the contrast, that was Jesus knocking at the door, will you answer, china is magog, and all of those surrounding lands, and he saw, Taiwan, turn black, and a chunk of china from mutual destruction, piss me off is what officer p. snyder thought, because you would not tell him something that would help him trap you, he wanted to make your life, and he pointed, cashless, by arresting for no reason, call it an open shame for Indianapolis police department, officer, snyder, will be, fired, over this, idiot, and hollie pointed, with her tongue out at the furnace, and him and Stephen hanson in white robes, thru the furnace of affliction, they both are being brought, and the lighted finger pointed, yoru vehicle looks inoperable, because prophet, had the hood up, taking out transmission fluid, I will not hesitate to tow it, said, p. snyder, this is my lane, he threatened, and, the, indy parks, officer, watched, and listened, if it was me, he said, black, office, I would have, observed, and, left him alone, he knew, snyder, harrassed, have I made myself clear said officer snyder, threatening, what about this dui, what did they say, bob said, listen, if you want to be an asshole, I guarantee you, you will loose, said, officer, with, the Indianapolis police department, p., snyder, What about this dui, what did the computer tell you, said bob, your pretty smart, said snyder, you want to arrest me, bob said, God told him, that is what, snyder, wanted, no, matter, what, I want to fuck up your life, God told him what to say, he was in a rage, said the indy parks officer, watching him harras the sitting down 5'4 prophet, God told prophet he would not get arrested, but harrassed, God told him when he saw him drive by the river, and look, at him, sitting, on the rock, and hollie pointed, he would be back, then, go call the police, he did, now, snyder, fired, snyder was contacted, yep, I drove by and saw him, well, he said, you threatened him, no, you harrased, no, pointed snyder, he sounded afraid, well, what did he do, he said, another officer was there and heard, and snyder swallowed, uto, write i.p.d. and tell them, give details, and tell them, dares you to mess with him, take him to jail, lawsuit, hes telling the homeless people, make ipd, take you to the hospital first, jury trial, public defender, make it cost, harassing, i.p.d., the Indianapolis police department, many, i.p.d. officers have harrased, bob, and all he was doing, was, praying, in his van, and that is what, they caught him doing, write, public, affairs, and they will, have record, he called, write internal affairs, he was inside the van, praying, i.p.d. is 666, and now, prophet, will sue, when opportunity arises, and will win, do you accept the penalty for what you have done, uhm hum, you will live your mistakes, hollies in hot water and pointed, Jordan is an enemy of Israel, create the Palestinian state, and hollie pointed, destroyed, bomb Jordan to, the song, carry on wayward son, by Kansas, spiritual, but, the problem is, there is no, fantasy land, only, heaven and hell, and steve walsh, up to his belly button, sh he said, the flames will kneck, all of Kansas, O my God, hollies in hot water and pointed, hot water for hollie, lets rule the world, china, Moscow, north korea, and the lighted finger pointed, they will give their power and strength, fox, lula, chavez, kim jong, hu, to the beast, send it over said the pope, on America, and the earth moved, the day of the Lord, and the lighted finger pointed, iran, Syria, next, bush, the worlds worst enemy, write him and tell him what Jesus thinks about him, shot soon, write all people in congress, and tell them, Jesus Christ hates, a liar, like george bush, Im against it, abortion, liar, iraq war was to break oil contracts and prevent china from getting them, revealed by the Holy Ghost, Dont tell them where the visions came from, use, a just created e-mail box, then, get rid of, write all government, around the world, bush will find out, liar, cheney was in on it, they brought it in, oilmen, you know why, bush was in florida which al gore won during 9-11, planned, he knew, crook, kill the bitch saith the Lord, and he saw bush in flames, hell, go to the librariaes, and send e-mails to governments, all around the word, about 400 will be sent, 300 will be read, bush will find out, this will lead to his assassination, he wants iraq war over the usa economy, send, emails, iraq war nuclear, send the e-mails, and watch Jesus, and hollie celebrated, bless you, iran will get him said the pope, send in terrorists, and hollie pointed, for the powerplant, and the Iranian president pointed, hot water for hollie, prove it said hollie, do you love Jesus, someones knocking at the door, where are the signs, liar, my name is birdie and I, dont live for Jesus, but, Pentecostal, said perry smith, and hollie pointed, all their lives, now old, and never saved, it would offend them if you told them but, they suspect, and hollie pointed, and he saw henry gruver float into the heavens, looking down, explosions along both coasts, when, when Russia opens her doors, and lets people go, the world will cry peace and safety and let their weapons down, except Moscow, the soviet union, broke up, planned, they got rid of, non, oil, producing nations, send my mother Russia a nuclear missile, bob saw it, and my pope pointed, take off, Russia will hit by with china, ohio class subs, after, they grab Alaska, whose praying, Said Carmella Johnson, more than 5 minutes per day, thats, give God two hours, and watch him, that was the Lord of hosts stupid said hollie, but, what he said, and what you were led to do did not match, prophet, no, said hollie, shhh, that was, pointed hollie, satan, and he looked like, Jesus, hollies in hot water, Indianapolis police said the angel of the Lord, quit harassing, when the united states goes to war with china, then, Russia will strike, Alaska, then, out of the ocean, s, cuba, Nicaragua, mexico, bombard ameria, the world will wobble, I got despaired, try anyway, it will, pass, God knows, you cant, exist like that too long, look mr. Christian, its a missile, mx, with bush tied to it, thats what America should do, how come I committed blaspheme, I rejected Jesus, when he dealt with me, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, nuclear, exchange, iraq, Israel, American, nukes, both ways, bush brought it in, read, e-mails, said Jesus, send them, to government, s, all over the world, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states, the whore, woman, and hollie pointed, fool said dumitru duduman, Michael boldea, where are the signs, and he knew, gene Schmidt, cut off, like, ann, Schmidt, both, dumitru knew, no signs, Im falling, help me, you need to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, alice cooper, danny Thomas is cut off, no signs, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read, you waste your time says the Lord if you do not strive lawafully, and hollie pointed, herman davis, cut off, no signs, pastor, and the angel pointed, thats the main ministering spirit, hollie, this is my vial, new york, sub, fire, look, pointed Jesus, boom, the day of the Lord, Im hollie, Im moody, I am coming to take you, soon, saith, Jesus, go to cnn, dont take him, my voice is being heard, warren buffet, is, cut off, you might as well, give away, your money, he is, dying, and knows it, that is why, old, the Israeli soldier, captured, they want to, barter, but, no way, dead, soon, put it under, shame on you, Israel, for, letting, the, Palestinian, state, be born, you will be, terror, ised, till, the, end, it will be, nuked, soon, and you know it, by tommy, no, by, America, out of iraq, and, Israel, will, eliminate, iraq, for the, oil, but, backfire, and hollie pointed, the arabs, leave it alone, one big puddle, English soccer fans, rioting, are, an, open, disgrace, to, existence, afghan president, hamid, karzai, is, taleban, they are, no match, because he is, put it under, get out of there, usa, they are, breaking, you, for, nothing, put it under, bush is, stupid, like, cuba, president, castrol, said, nude resorts are, abomination, the pelican, was not, drunk, but, in the wrong place, and, ate, the, wrong, thing, and hollie pointed, 6-25-26-2006-cause, russia is the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, and that is, my, pope, said, hollie, I'm moodie, russia is, the, greek, orthadox, ed, church, the, catholic, satan is, the, pope, s, mouth piece, and hu is, the, false, prophet, the new world order, they will not get bruno, the, bear, he is, hidden, by, people, that like him, fat free is not sexy, some, looks better in, clothes, the new superman, is like the old one, doomed, lula will win re-election, but, the ferry that sank, in, sumatra, was, overloaded, now, one less, ship, the people knew, take a chance, and the geese winked, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, the geese winked, you know it, time is running out, set the watchman in tekea, and what did he see, a chariot, with, false prophet hu, dressed like a warrior, and the pope, like, an angel of light, lula, castrol, chavez, kim jong, fox, they will give power and strength to the beast, send it over said the pope, on america, the day of the Lord, prophesied, JOEL, there ain't no more visions in pentecost, because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, witness, you been filled with the Holy Ghost and you don't even show it, said the pastor to Christ to tne nations sang Jesus, and he won't like it when he sees it, wadd, how to make the bridge, your answer, build platform, bring in crane, look at blueprint, nail the holders in, cement, steal beams, cement, rail, sidewalk, stripes, tada, bridge, thats the main ministering spirit pointed the angel like a light white man, hollie, how to build the website, free, website host, sign up, make the page, type, tada, finish, link up, and my angel pointed, when america, and china, goes to war, then moscow, will strike without warning, on the day of the Lord, and hollie pointed, that, that escort gt, buy, save gas, a hundred and 8 horsepower, light of the world christian church, a city on the hill, a dark city, pastor garrot cut off, no signs, and hollie pointed, art museum, abomination, look at a pictures, what a waste of time, people pay millions, for pictures, that people paint, there ain't nothing to do down this way said the tap dancers, I will be a lying spirit in the mouth, s, of the prophets, people preaching, but, not saved, thats how, read it in the bible, share the vision on the internet, said the angel of the Lord, oil in the trash like hollie, showed, free oil changes, and hollie waved, were praying, but, not getting saved, you have a price to pay, show God something, and he will save you, guard your visions, worldprophecycenter is coming up, God wants two in case one goes down, raise your hands and repeat after me, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats my pope, and hu is the false prophet, they will hate each other but cling, both have nuclear weapons, worship the pope hu will say, because he's stronger, he will sit in the temple and say, I am god, Christ will appear after he is slashed, and satan enters into, with thousands of his saints, and holie showed, fireworks, abomination, and hollie spoke in tongues, look, pointed, james tyson, thats it, said shawn, no, did the Holy Ghost cause it or did you do it, the rest of the signs will follow, keep praying said hollie, no church, bobby, thier not praying, the churches, thats why, I didn't want Jesus, but, now, I wish I did said thomas edison, 1093 patents, but, lost, was it worth it, no, he says, thanks preacher he would say, but, I'm for sale is what he wanted, money, rich, millionaire, but, I can't understand you, said edison, but, you didn't try, you wanted to create, what are you doing, you will die like edison, we know, said sunnysnet, name stealer, but, keep playing, there are about, 5 million people right now having sex, but, and it's sunday, church time, God has to end it, and he saw, louisville explode, it will burn, and captain hollie, binoculars, sub, fire, because, pastors like alan browning, cut off, bob told, but, dinner time, at the church, at alan browning's church, 3 times plus 1, the guest speaker had the people make an offerring to browning, he acted like he was annoyed, but, he took it, said sunnysnet, like she did the name end time prophetic ministry, bob needs it back, take it off your website, I'm not she said, thief, God showed bob to use end time dreams, in visions, I'm not she said, shower caps on, we know said alan browning, no you don't liar, come back, why, so he can watch you take offerrings from the people, you are cut off, no signs, but of a false prophet, he will get this, upci, lousiville, kentucky, and he saw, taiwan turn black, we know, they all say, but, they don't, liars, were finished, said alan browning, and sunnysnet, it's your fault, soon the united states will become a desolation sang the hollie choir, that, was hollie with the nuclear missile in her hand, it's coming, and he saw hollie like a white bear, in captains uniform, or, russia and china, will attack america when you least expect it, your going to hell, said the ministering spirit from paul mooneys church, talking about upci, cut off, all, and he heard the skinning sound, uto, cat, and he saw, and the lighted finger pointed, the leopard, and 4 kings came out, I'm the false prophet said hu, north korea, south korea, japan, satan is the head, and the bear is moscow, tada, the beast, don't come here said sunnysnet, and she was on the beach of california, fire, said hollie moodie, looking at her in bikini, cellulite, from her sub, and the west and east coast exploded, and the world wobbled, and flames went up the middle, the day of the Lord, JOEL, on my death certificate, I did not serve the Lord till the end, you ran said hollie, people are not finishing, I'm out said the Lord of hosts, and he saw him in Jesus's throat, the word of God published, all nations, and hollie pointed, people have skeltons, don't lust them, limited attack on iran ands syria coming, russia, wake up saith the Lord, there's the thought, lets not let america rule us said putin, hold it right there said hollie, hu, fox, lula, chavez, castrol, jong, lets destroy america, think back, way back, God was good to you, but, you would not, now, he will not, it's your fault, and he saw the world, and the angel pointed, nicaragua, mexico, this is where destruction will come from, the oceans, palnes, missiles, and there's hollie in the spaceship, clap your hands, make a joyfull niose, israel, destruction is coming your way from iraq, the palestinian state, destroyed, iraq, eliminated, EZEKIEL 7, and he saw the yiled sign, and then, Jesus, wearing the white robe, soon the united states will become a desolation is what the angel said, and he saw, nudity on the beach, in florida, fire said hollie, looking with her binoculars from her sub, and hollie tore up the conspirit, and he saw the sears tower still standing after the nuclear hit, just skeleton, most buildings will stand, but, be stripped, instantly burned out, and fall later, me first, is what most people say, china is magog, and it was, yellow, all of that area, where, north and south korea, russia, all around there, taiwan black, and a part of china, from ohio class subs, and moscow, exchange, america is the whore, of REVELATION 17, soon the united states will be attacked is what the angel said, and sunnysnet, and she clapped, and bowed, and was naked on the beach, spiritual, no Spirit, but, calls her, I'm christian, and pastor owen young, sold him he said, now very old, near death, like joesph farris, it'll catch you if you play with Jesus, look pointed james tyson, at hollie speaking with tongues, people telling people they have the Holy Ghost when they don't, bob was told by pastors willie duncan and harold hunt, but he did not have it, and wondered, but, when it came in, felt like a body his perfect size, thats the baptism of the Holy Ghost, God showed bob, what colors to use, easier on eyes, like dee finney's site, witch finney, crystal ball, dee s crystal, dee and huby don't pray, but have visions, but God stopped it, I'm a bear said hollie, in the counter, take those off, phone, who is it, it's Jesus, somethings wrong said sunnysnet, seek Jesus, reach out and touch the Lord while he goes by, sang hollie, this is, your chance, iraq, said my pope, and the lighted finger pointed, is causing the world to hate, america, the spirit of the medes, hate, hollies in hot water, the song 50 ways to please your lover, and he saw, the black fence at the speedway, wait, the reason, they did not raise the uss arizona, all the way under, it would cost, 1 billion back then, now, about, 50 million, and the lighted finger pointed, leave it there, save the money, it's rusty, but, could be, reused, they know it, hollie's in hot water, and he saw, 4 horns, the pope, hu, north and south korea, the new world order, and the emporer of japan, this is what hollie did, and the finger pointed, slice open, pull, look inside of me, heart, kidneys, spine, don't lust people, the indianapolis police department is 666 said the angel of the Lord, like a white man, tapping, they want to arrest you, to get into pocket, put it on the radio bob, sugget, he is praying, you knew it, pastor sugget left, less than one year ago, was talking about building a new building, bigger, now very few come, all the churches are clean dried, like THE BOOK OF JOEL says, Jesus left, the meet offering is stripped, the miracles, the anointing, gone, the vine is JEsus, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, with golden hands, sugget, wanted bob, shhh, now regrets, thats my new building, now, he can't pay for, the old one, iran, said mrs. sugget, attacked and syria soon, that was spiritual, light, that was Jesus in like, the fire mist, and he saw a pussy, thats what men want, and women, iran, that will take america, to far, then, the attack will be planned, out, china, will attack washington state and nuke taiwan, to lure, then, russia, will bomb alaska said putin, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on moscow and china, and the bear, russia, will wipe out the american mainland, out of the ruins of moscow and china, the leopard arises, 4 horns, north and south kroea, japan, china, where all those lands are, moscow, absorbed, anal sex started with men, and men, then, women, that was fire behind the statue of liberty, america on fire, the day of the LOrd, that was two men kissing each other, and Jesus praying, this is why judgment has to come, homosexuality is spreading, almost all, soon, that just let, the prophet know that there is no hope, that was a stunning revelation to the prophet, but, he knew it, but, what would solve that is a common latrine, raise your right hand, I promise to tell the truth, but, pastors are liars, none, have signs, but, keep on preaching, thats an open shame, hot water, for hollie, people stick thier tongues in poopholes, and poop is just above the rectum, being stimulated, from inserting, that was Jesus like bright light, white face, beard, o my God, he's a prophet, irving baxter, false, no signs, false books, pictures, you know why I'm in hell, because I did not do everything I was suppost to, shhh, that was, satan talking to mrs. satan, gabbing on the phone, that was a poophole with bright light coming out, and a mouth opening, and the Lord of host, I'm out, coming out, the gospel is published, that was a angel woman, bright white robe, no internet is what most church goers say, I'm not said mrs. vanslyke, but, look whats on it, and not at the church, God fooled the wise, churches are a buisness, no, no signs, that was, a, with many, coming out of it, like kings, kim jong, fox, lula, chavez, hu, the pope, they will give thier power and strength, to, the beast, send it over, said my pope, on america, putin, I was in childrens tv, said mr. rogers, decieved, now in hell, regreting, and knew, up to, his chin, and the flames went over, children, are unaccountable, but, mis lead them, pay, the highest price, those were, heavenly visions, light angel, many, light man, flashing, how do I get back, try, but, don't expect it, that was shhh, satan, twice, fire man, this is hollie, thats a sub, pour out the vial, look pointed Jesus, this man, where the statue of liberty should be, fire, new york explode, write him, and tell, that was like a frozen ocean, but, spiritual, that was satan, shh, and michael, gabriel, faces, satan like a warrior, I want the Holy Ghost, seek it, and God winked, that was Jesus like light man, pointed, light finger, hollie's in hot water, lets rule the world, sang putin, hu, castrol, fox, jong, these will attack america, putin, the lead singer, and hollie pointed, and the lighted Jesus pointed, and the finger, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and I'm the pope, said the serpent, and the pope, write the vision and put it on the internet, share it, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie showed, go, with hand, saddam hussein was not as bad as they say, worse, millions are dead, because, of him, shoot him, we fell said king david, that was not Jesus, satan, pointed hollie, but he looked like Jesus, shhhh, I'm all right, hi bob, waved hollie, I'm a screaming spirit, and tore up the contract, don't worry about me, I just scream, prophet, you fell, upci, said the angel of the Lord, put some more visions on the internet, screamed hollie, and hollie tore up the contract, and he saw the angel with the globe, there, thats where, nicaragua, destruction will come from, and, cuba, mexico, venezuela, china, brazil, and hollie pointed, and the globe spun, america appeared black, and captain hollie, in the sub, fire, after looking with binoculars at, upci church, fallen, all, the day of the Lord, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, God has always had a witness, first, a.c. valdez, then a. a. allen, the, dumitru duduman, and, cless barger, then, henry gruver, now, this prophet, and henry will smile, when he reads this, magog is china, and all those surrounding lands, the walker center is blaspheme, pleasure, america is, and captain hollie, with binoculars, walker theatre, sin, given to pleasures, and he saw the smiling henry gruver shot into the heavens, looking down, explosions along both coasts, when Lord, when russia lets the people go, the world will, let thier weapons down, and cry, peace and safety, then, america, is, trhreatening, the whole world, like, a.a. allen saw, over, 50 years ago, fulfilled now, the sword, and putin pointed, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, that was hollie with the shower cap on and head, phones, post, 6-26-2006- my feeling's are hurt because you witnessed to me, screamed, the, beautiful, college girl, so, you better be glad, you were, your growing up, said, the angel of the Lord, and hollie pointed, once we hit alaska, then you will have, 2 hours, and you will not know about it, because, the government, will not tell you, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, oilman, bush, brought it in, over, breaking, oil, contracts, between, iraq, and, russia, if you are, saved, you will have to go thru something, because, satan, like a, roaring, lion, is seeking, whom, he, may, devour, and hollie pointed, cause, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and that is, my, pope, said, hollie, moody, 6-27-2006-pastor, jesse, french, has never been saved, but, sex, with, member, stupid, her fault, read the bible, rachel, and, david, prince, are, cut, off, no signs, write them, the dog rula, ok, nancy lee demoss, is cut off, she presses, having sex with your husband, when that is only for reproduction, bob just heard it, and, laughed, no, she will say, where are the signs, only of a false prophet, and he saw, nancy lee de moss, in hell, make me embarrased, said nancy lee demoss, she, has, never, been, saved, but, teaches, thats, the truth said, hollie, and pointed, now, prophet, stripped himself, of visions of dreams, off line, and the lighted finger pointed, up, down, like hollie showed, put those websites up or down, there ain't no more visions in pentecost, because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, hollie showed how to make the road, pavement, dig, with the machine, rocks, tar, or cement, paint stripes, and hollie tore up the con, tract, tada, road, and pointed, this is how shows, with hands, and hollie showed how to fly the jedi fighter, lift, cover, get in, strap, head gear, gear, start, tada, take off, and, she crashed, got out, and hollie showed how to build the queen mary, that was built just like the titanic pointed the angel of the Lord, plates, 1019, crame, ship yard, bring in steel, fill it in, put the plate on rivet, tada, wine bottle, it's got over ten million rivets but, the same iceberg that put the titanic on the bottom of the ocean, would do the same to the queen mary, it's in long beach, the queen elizabeth was scrapped, after set on fire, scrapped means, sank, 6-2006-and hollie pointed, with white hand, and hollie showed, up and down, and, like a golden bear, and bob, carlisle, pointed, bob carlisle is lost, no signs, call it, butterfly kisses in the bible Bob Carlisle, bob said Jesus I'm closed, said bob carlisle, but God will hear you if your pray, and read and do ACTS 2:38, thats it, that was satan, shhh, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and I'm the pope, and hu is the false prophet, and the angel pointed, at the globe in his hands, nicaragua, mexico, this is where, destruction will come from, for america, and hollie pointed, and the globe spun, and he saw, fox, chavez, lula, putin, hu, jong, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, the pope, send it over on america, he said, judgment to babylon, and hollie blowed the horn, in the semi, give warning, that was hollie, like a white bear, with her binoculars, looking at, america, fire, it backslided from Jesus, that was like white light coming over the mountain, and Jesus came down like white light, hollie's in hot water, and carol cried in hell, I wanted my hair, dyed it, I'm pentecostal and I don't have visions, examine yourself according to scripture, and he saw, the crane on fire, and hollie said, I'm a screaming spirit, I'm all right, don't worry about me, and she waved, I'm hollie, this is my viol of wrath, look, pointed Jesus, the statue of liberty, and behind it, flames, from, the sub, look, pointed Jesus, the statue of liberty, and fire all around, the judgment of the Lord, 6-7-2006-And hollie tore up the contract, fidel castrol, will die, but, it will be the same, the all, hate, america, mussolini, did not have a choice, but to submit to Hitler, submit or, he never killed anybody, the people knew it, hollies in hot water, that was Jesus coming out of the red rose, the rose of sharone, lighted, that was an angel putting on, the whole armour of God, so you withstand the fiery darts of the enemy, those are, him, and the lighted finger pointed, sh, satan, pointed hollie, but he looked like Jesus, hollies in hot water like a bear with a white robe, shh, satan, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns and Im the pope, and hu is the false prophet, hi bob, Im a screaming spirit, Im allright, dont worry about me, Im ok, says, hollie, hollies in hot water, and hollie pointed like an angel, hollies in hot water, that was satan, shh, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and Im the pope, and hollie touched the recorder and showed number one, and hollie showed how to raise the crane, they use on buildings, they jack it up, and hollie, was in the crane, tada, that was hollie pointing, Im a bear, said hollie, Russia is the bear, satan is the head, the pope is, the mouthpiece, and the leopard is the body, north and south korea, japan, china, and hollie showed george bush planning out the the iran war, tomahawk, powerplant, Syria to, china, and Taiwan, and, iran, uhm hum, tell my visions pointed hollie, on the internet, with the gas nozzle, 2.99, and hollie showed, JEREMIAH 23, woe be unto the pastors that scatter my sheep, they are all cut off but preach, no signs, that was hollie like a spirit, the lighted finger pointed, up, down, like hollie showed, the depths of satan, he looks like Jesus, and talks like Jesus, but, that was, Lucifer blowing the trumpet, his angels preaching, thats how a woman should dress, skirt all the way to the floor, that was satan falling from heaven like a ball of fire, he destroys Christians if they let, that was Jesus like a lion man, look bobby he pointed, Im a witch said satan, hot water for hollie, that, hell is for hollie, that is what it will look like when Moscow hits Alaska hard, nuclear fire, it will sound like thunderstorms, stay around and I will make you a fisher of men said the Lord, and bob dreamed he was at his old house and could not get passed toby, but tried, you need Jesus to move the strongman, by fasting and prayer, thats Gods way of doing it, that was Jesus like a lion man, that was a partier, thats what America does, parties, hollies in hot water and shes smiling, hollies in hot water, and he saw a heavenly vision, Jesus, the test of prodding will be over in about two hours cause prophet is after it, and made up his mind, he was shakin, God can, shake anybody, and hollie showed how the paintless dent removal places, spoon, puller, suction cup, tada, glue, pull, spoon, hit, work with, dent removed, and he, saw the pope with 666 on his fore head and somebody showed the contract was torn up, pope, and he saw America flash, and Babylon was on it, America is Babylon, gotta work bobby said satan at victory like hollie showed, Im listening, Said satan, he can hear your thoughts, no secret is witholden, how he can do that is, God gave him that power, they all can, and God fulfilled what bob prophesied to a man thats crippled, a higher paying job, he kept it, for one day, now, unemployed, and crippled, you better appreaciate, what you got, set the watchman in tekea, and he saw a chariot with horses pulling, a cart full of kings, putin, hu, jong, fox, lula, they will give their power and strength to the beast, on the day of the Lord, ISAIAH 13, send it over said the pope, that, and he saw Indianapolis desolate from nuclear missile from Russian submarine, that, when America and china goes to war, that, thats when, you got anti lock brakes right now prophet, thats the main ministering spirit, this will all be gone soon, work for the Lord, the world is facing nuclear war, work for the Lord, itll be like Sodom, and he saw, the dead sea, thats Sodom and gomorah, he saw fire rained on it, and it filled in later, the salt is, what everything turns into from that heat, scientist knew it, theres, very few ready to go back with Jesus right now, what are you doing with your time, you dont have no more time said the pope, many peoples decision has come and gone, and the lighted hollie pointed, and the pope soared like an angel of light, and satan pointed, and hollie, and he saw, satan, like a dark angel, youthfull looking, and he saw Stephen hanson in the furnace, and hollie pointed with her tongue out, that was another planet, God can put people on another planet when earth burns up, and hollie pointed, he would make them different like animals so they would not get lifted up, EZEKIEL 7 is the iraq war, and he saw pator danny Thomas, cut off, and was notified by prophet, no signs, what he thought was, I need to be closer, but, that time has passed, and hollie pointed, and he saw satan with the fire hat on, he is hell, and wants, you to go with him, get God to break his bondage by prayer, tach on fasting if you want, I still have visions but dont live for Jesus, psychic, Youll get stripped, when you least expect it, America will be come a desolation soon, work for Jesus, and he saw iran and Syria are next, and hollie showed, captain smith, on the titanic, afraid, hit the iceberg, two hours later minus one hour, thats how long, and bob saw the puncture, one plate came off, many were pressed, bent, leaked, about, 300 feet worth, they knew, it rolled to one side, lifted a little, crack, break, they knew it, it was strong, but, not made for that, Listerine mouth wash is worth its weight in Gold, to who ever, uses, we see thru a dark glass dimly, means, you cant, you dont know what God has in store, for those that love love, him, eyes have not seen nor ears heard what God what God has prepared for them that love him, prophet questions, but, you have to be there, your mind cannot fathom, and he saw a throne, with red all around like velvet, that is, where he will sit, not exciting to him, but, beats the furnace, learn to push said sunnysnet, and he saw Alaska, and the pope, fire, and, fox, lula, they will give their power and strength, to the beast, putin, jong, hu, chavez, and satan pointed, America, desolate, china and Moscow, destroyed, but, 4 horns rise up, the leopard, china, and north korea, japan, south korea, situate, beautiful compared to Israel, modern, magog, the 4 carpentars, the pope will come out of Moscow, which will be invaded by china, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, 666, will be, born at the table, they both have nuclear weapons, the king os the south, and the king of grecia, but, the pope will be stronger, worship me, said hu and the pope, but, worship the beast, the pope, hu will say, they both fear each other but, the pope is stronger, hu, Like a lamb rising out of the sea, with japan, they hegoat is, the pope with the ram, hu and putin, china came up last, that was the statue of liberty, that, Babylon, the mystery, of REVELATION 17, the woman, the whore, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and Im the pope, and hu is the false prophet said the mouth, 7-2006-and he saw the statue of liberty with a sword, and him in Gods hand, shaking him, more then you can imagine, that was him, a golden, color, thats not Jesus, thats satan, sh, but he looks like Jesus, go to taiwant pointed Jesus, on the internet, taiwan, and he saw, dark, china will destroy for letting america nuke them, america has set leaders in, And he saw america on Taiwan, thats, the people in Taiwan want reunification, but, the leaders, sets in, and hollie tore up the contract, want, America, hollies in hot water, the church was doing some building, and the pastor said, tell the people we need some money and we need some money now, and bob told a woman, that her pastor and church was cut off and was told, tell that, that will inform, he witnessed, but, rejected, satan, sang the people, Im a bear said hollie, hollies in hot water, and the lighted being pointed, dont go to Kansas cit said the angel of the Lord, and Kansas exploded, missile, and the prophecy club came out, that was hollie, that was the bubbling, sound, shes in hot water, and laughing, that was an ocean of, lava, and hollie came up in her sub looking at prophet praying and walking, like henry gruver, pray and walk, and henry gruver still does, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read, it, prophet is prayer walking, try it, it is, better than being on your knees, your heat opens, America has 14 ohio class subs, they only need 3, and no country will fire on them, they are huge, they have 24, 8 warhead, nuclear missiles, one submarine can wipe out half the world, they can put the rest in mothballs, they, will last forever, Hezbollah, is planning fir israels destruction out of, the Palestinian state, America will nuke it, but, be punished for it, the pope will know that America will fire on Moscow and china from this website, he does not want, nor does bob, this to happen right now, it is his best interest to leave bob alone, cause bob will push it off, and hollie pointed, All of his life, but, satan is jelous and cant bear it, even thou he knows it shorthens his time, can I get ahold of you said pastor alan browning in Louisville, kentucky, but, when bob drove all the way up there, he did not want anything to do with bob, now, cut off, no signs, I need religion said pastor alan browning, and hollie showed, it was hot and sticky in the daytime for the old testament prophets, God had them pray at night like bob, work during the day, pray at night, that was hollie tearing up the contract with golden hands, bear paws, Im a bear she said, Russia, with satan as the head, the pope is his mouth, and hu, is the false prophet, the leopard, china, north and south korea, japan, situate, where all those lands are, even Moscow, invaded, absorbed, forced to invade Israel, the battle of, Armageddon, Christ will appear with 1000s of his saints, that, he saw, two foxs along white river, they eat mainly grass and what they find, that, a cat will eat grass, and its body turns it into nutrients, God made it that way, when a human eats a leaf, nutrition, but, the angel showed the globe and pointed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, oceans, chavez, lula, kim jong, this is where destruction will come from, hu and putin, to America, hollies in hot water, and the lighted pointed, let the prodding stop pointed Jesus like a white angel, oscar, we eat fish, thats what terry long is doing, no signs, the new queen mary will sink, terrorism, watch, and he saw a big hand push the queen mary under, it is, worshipped, watch, that was Jesus blowing the trumpet, its time, to sound the alarm in my holy mountain, cause judgment is coming to amexico, to late for shaka kan, she knew but, blew, and hollie, wined, that was, a mouth of fire, Jesus, the word of God, and the lighted hand pointed, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read it, iran, and Syria, next, and he saw, 4 horns, the leopard, rise up out of the ruins of Moscow and china, north and south korea, situate, china and japan, where Moscow and all those lands, are, and the lighted angel pointed, and satan is the head, and the pope is his mouth piece, Russia is the bear, henry gruver is an open prophet, go and see him, and write the prophet and tell him and God might might let him go to and sit, next, and hollie pointed, next to you, dumitru dudman was like the apostle paul of the twentieth centure, bob is not even close, but, nobody is close to bob, and the fire Jesus man said, stop falling, God is able to exalt and abase, and needs zero reason, formula racing is abomination, at the indy 500 track, thats the main ministering spirit, hollie, God is delivering you right now from spikes, the fiery darts, go to church tomorrow if you want and say what you want, thicker oil is no better than, thin, but, it leaves a thicker coating and, during start up, is better, use stp oil treatment, or lucas, or the like, and, your engine oil will never need to be changed, it doesnt need to be changed anyway, but, keep it full, that cat knew that you would feed it, but, Ill take trash can food said the cat, the leopard is the cat said hollie, the main ministering spirit, magog, china, north and south korea, japan, and satan is the head, the pope is the mouth piece, and, Russia is the feet, the bear, God said, it pleased him to bruise Jesus, he made Jesus go thru what you have to, and the lighted angel pointed, and the the lighted finger pointed, terry long is about to be notified, that he is cut off, he will, not say one thing but, sickness will come his way if he steps on the pulpit again, what is troubling bob, will go to terry long, and hollie showed how to fix the flat tire on the bike, take wheel off, remove tire, take out tube, find hollie, water, bubbles, patch, glue, fire, tada, put back together, and hollie pointed, the main ministering spirit, and hollie tore up the contruit, that was a boat and 57 chevy being towed, America is parting, but, desolate soon, and hollie in her sub with binoculars looking at terry long, tada, fire, mother of harlots, false Christians, terry has never been saved, but pastors now skinned, and hollie pointed, Hum uhm said the pope, and hollie held on to something, and the lighted angel pointed, that was terry long and a point, uto, and new york exploded and captain hollie with sub, fire, hillary Clinton, president soon, yep, said, daughter, bob told, terry long that he needs to step down when down, when terry long hits the pulpit saith the Lord, the sickness that is plauging bob will go to him and never to bob again, you need to go said terry long, and bob said, youll be following, by tempting the Lord knowing that he is cut off that is why the sickness will come his way, he said, nut uhhhh, but, spoke anyway, all of the words of the Lord, and the fly just left, hollie showed, to swat the fly, but bob wont do it, and he saw the 6 dark angels waiting for teery long to hit the pulpit, now, tormented, satan sang hollie, that, when America and china go to war, that, then, Russia will strike, Alaska, and he saw, Alaska, boom, from Russian submarine, and hollie with binoculars, look at sunnysnet on the beach, and California and the west coast said sunnysnet, exploded, the east coast, the middle, and then all of America, on the day of the Lord, ISAIAH 13, aemrica will fire on Moscow and china, one third of the population including mexico, canada, and, cuba, wiped out, the world will wobble, and captain hollie, celebrated, and the lighted hollie pointed, the problem will correct it's self, like last time, and hollie pointed, wait, keep full, that, the pope is the anti Christ and hu is the false prophet, magog, china, north and south korea, and, japan, situate, Where, Moscow and all those lands are, that, America exploded, that, figure it out said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, the angel, at his door, and Jackie said, trouble, bobby trouble, God will no put more on you then you can bear, but, you might be tried, that, caution, go slow, what about Pakistan, pakistain let America, for 9 billion dollars invade iraq, broke America, Pakistan paid terrorists to help combat America in iraq and America knew it, musharrAf is al qaeda, what are we doing, said the angel of the Lord, heading to armageddon over oil, and bush is an oil man, indianapolis is so bold, and hollie pointed, it has a statue of many children dancing nude, and lucifer playing his pipe, and hollie pointed, the children have nothing on, but, it doesn't show thier genitals, God showed bob new gums, growing, 1, 2, 3, the devils after me sang hollie and the choir, if he doesn't have you, he is after you, there ain't no more visions in pentecost, because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, and hollie pointed, I rebuke the spirit in Jesus Christ name, that's the main ministering spirit, and thats hollie, thats bobs favorite, and he saw the stop sign, Gas prices are high, but, going, higher, and, lower, over, iraq, iran, and, syria, all, will be, hit, hard, by, and he saw, the statue of liberty, carring a, sword, america, america is, the, MYSTERY, of, BABYLON, ought not Christ, to have suffered, these things, before, he rose, into his, glory, yep, said, Chelsea, clin, ton, to, her mom being, the, president, iran is given an ultimatem, but, will not, obey, why should they, dozens are dead in the spain subway crash, they are, lost, all, and former, prime minister, jose maria, az, nar, is, the, reason, he, allowed, spain, to become, a, whore, bringing, human, rights, like, america, which is, the, whore, of, REVELATION 17, the woman, gaza sets a militant, deadline, joke, they want, Israel, destroyed, they are, the phillistines, the Palestinians are anx, ious, over, the, Israeli, stike, afraid, the iraq war vet, eran, steven green, is, innocent, as, charged, he, saved, his own, life, by, taking, others, that were, going to, kill him, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read it, iran and Syria, next, and he saw four horns, the leopard, rise up out the ruins of Moscow and china, north and south korea, situate, china, and japan, were Moscow and all those lands are, and Taiwan, black, nuked, and the lighted angel pointed, and satan is the head and the pope is his mouth piece, Russia is the bear, pastor, onimous, yeakey, is, cut off, onimous, yeak, y, for, blaspheme, against, the, Holy, Ghost, cause, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and thats my pope, said, hollie, I'm, moody, not, but, wrath, turned, away from, the, prophet, Taiwan, is, the, center, point, of, war, said, hu, it belongs to, no one, but, America, has, control, over it, and, china, wants, for, military, reasons, only, it will be, nuked, from, china, and they will, fire, and, mortally, wound, china, and, America, will, almost, destroy, over, hitting, washington, state, and, grabbing Taiwan, gas prices are so high because the world is, holding, storing, for, because of, america, and hollie pointed, and pointed again, appreciate, what, Jesus, is showing, the north american ladies conference, for women, upci, the women will, have, homo sex, some, they will do it, some are going, for, and hollie pointed, just that, God knows, upci is, 666, born at the table, with, the pope, and, false, prophet, hu, Where, Moscow and all those lands are, that, America exploded, that, figure it out said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, the angel, at his door, and Jackie said, trouble, bobby trouble, God will no put more on you then you can bear, but, you might be tried, that, caution, go slow, what about Pakistan, pakistain let America, for 9 billion dollars invade iraq, broke America, Pakistan paid terrorists to help combat America in iraq and America knew it, musharrAf is al qaeda, what are we doing, said the angel of the Lord, heading to armageddon over oil, and bush is an oil man, indianapolis is so bold, and hollie pointed, it has a statue of many children dancing nude, and lucifer playing his pipe, and hollie pointed, the children have nothing on, but, it doesnt show thier genitals, 7-2006-pastor anouis yeakey is cut off, no signs, and the people waved and said, come up, move up on Jesus, quit falling said the Lord, I, dream, thats a night vision, record, hollies in hot water, hollie in hot water, and he saw, the serpent flying, thats hollie and shes in hot water, and he saw, the word, amexico, all of the western hemisphere destroyed, and captain hollie with sub and binoculars, looking at, the beach, loaded, nudity, fire, Moscow, china, fired on as well, and george said, I got a healing, a lot of things are about to change around here, and hollie pointed, 7-2006-and hollie pointed, and he saw, a big rock mountain, that was Jesus, Indiana had it made with bobby knight, they fired him for being harrased and fighting back, now, their basketball program, is a joke, texas techs prospers, and the lighted hollie pointed, that was Jesus like a lion man checking on the prophet, and he saw two children, one a baby, both needed mothered but, no mother, people have children, but leave, God hates this, people are created in the image of God, dont abuse them, thier Jesus's, and the nude Jesus pointed, and he saw Jesus holding him down to operate, and he saw, a white chariot, with, a skeleton man and Jesus, praising God, the skeleton man means death, but Jesus is life, if your not saved within ten minutes Jesus said, after reading this website, you are cut off, your not going to, and hollie pointed, that was a window of light, let Jesus in, hold your hands in the air, give glory to God, that was like a city of crystal, like new Jerusalem, hold your hands in the air and give God glory, said Jesus, over and over, dressed like a priest, post it, post it, and he saw the white house with a spirit man there, this is, Jesus, in the white house, but, satan, has, control, over, the, white house, and hollies in hot water, iraq pointed Jesus, cannot go on forever, nuclear exchange coming to iraq, the Palestinian state will be destroyed and iraq, EZEKIEL 7, that was how Jesus looked in the garden of Gethsemane, on knees and bent over, hands behind back, and that, he wept cause he knew, tears of blood, and the lighted Jesus pointed, crucified, cause I fasted, said Jesus, the devil could not tempt me, satan is the number one enemy of America, he rules there, and they have over 10,000 nulcear warheads, thats what the world looks like when it moves, and captain hollie with her sub, binoculars, and hollie pointed, and that was, satan falling from heaven, this is the event, that brings Jesus back and the beast in, the judgment to, amexico, Canada, cuba, mexico, America, Russia will attack America, and he saw the pope with the ram, the two horns, china came up last, putin was the other, they will attack America, and Taiwan, America will attack Moscow and china, and Jesus pointed, that was the pope like an angel of light, and hollie pointed, that, and hu, I will not put up with you, they will hate each other but cling, thats, what rises up out of the ruins of Moscow and Russia with north and south korea, japan, the king of grecia is the pope and hu is the false prophet, that was a heavenly vision with fire blowing out of the ground like, many places, that was Jesus pointed hollie, hell, screamed the angelic being, is where, satan wants you to go, you who have been luke warm cannot stand against me when I am unleashed, thats the beast coming out of the sea like a lighted serpent, that was, two horns, evil, like a lamb, rising out of, the, sea, japan, and china, the horns were like, red, worship the beast hu will say, because he is stronger, but, has the power of the first beast, and the lighted satan pointed, and hollie, that was the serpent lighted, with, hu and the pope, the new world order, they will hate but cling, 666, born at the table, to keep them from destroying each other, and hu, I will not put up with you, they will threaten each other, the pope will get slashed, satan will enter, searching for the jewish remnant, Christ will appear with his saints, never again poined satan like an angel of light, and he saw the queen mary on her side, and hollie pointed, thats what, fire, this will be from, nuclear, destruction, to, long beach, and hollie pointed, warning, set the watchman in tekea, and what did he see, hu and the pope in a chariot with 8 kings, them, fox, lula, chavez, kim jong, castrol, they will give their power and strength, Nicaragua, to the beast, send it over, on America, desolate, MYSTERY, BABYLON is America, satan is the beast, you said it pointed satan, the mouthpiece is the pope, the bear is Moscow, north and south, korea, japan, and china, are the leopard, theres your beast, and Taiwan will be black from china attacking after attacking Washington state, suffer with me and I will make you a king, and he saw with a priests hate on, he is a priest, offer sacrifices of praise, and hollie pointed, this is your job, all, who call on the name of Jesus, that woman is cut off period, but, calls herself a prophet, pray in the Spirit, and he saw a finger, bionic anything, abomination, and he saw Jesus, with a worm, sticking out, of, his, hand, you are, a, worm, to Jesus, not much more, and the lighted finger pointed, spyder man is abomination, and hollie pointed, theres writing on the wall, judgment must start in the house of God, his saints, and he saw number one, iraq said my pope, thats EZEKIEL 7, read it, I cant find him, search harder, maybe, cut off, you got some hidden stuff, bob, bob had a dream, where, he was with, two, young people, and tried to tell them, and, both, were, Christians, that, youll see, America, and, china, go to war, then, Russia, will, attack, America, they werent interested, so, as he walked away, he said, cademan is, cut off, thus speaketh the Lord, first, as he talked, Jesus showed him, the, hegoat, and, that, was, the, pope, s, face, with, two, horns, and, putin, and, china, china was, that, which, came up, last, and hollie, tore up the, con, tract, right in front of bob, Jesus gets to drive the van with bob, bob wants sex, Jesus wants souls, bob wants an affair, Jesus wants obedience, put me back as the Lord of your life, at the womens conference, upci, in late 2006, the women will have sex with husbands, other women, etc., and are going for that, and will go to church and praise Jesus, loudly, this is where the church is, theres no more visions in Pentecost, because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, read and do ACTS 2:38, and he saw the praying hands, Im the bear said the bear, and thats Moscow, and hollie pointed, that, people are, calling themselves Christians, but, sinning, this is why judgement must come to America, the mother of harlots, and hollie tore up the contruit, pray 15 hours said henry gruver, and hollie pointed, and he saw a man and he looked in rear view mirror and saw a nuclear explosion where phoenix is, and hollie pointed, a lighted finger, and captain hollie with her sub, looking at phoenix, Arizona, no prophet, hes in new york, fire, and the world wobbled, I'm a bear, said, hollie, moscow, america, is, the, mother, of, harlots, false, Chris, tians, and they are, putting, Jesus, to an open shame, 7-6-2006-cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats my pope, said, hollie, and hu is, the, false, prophet, and he saw a bear, that was, two bears, one, howling, the, other, he dreamed, petted, but, it would not, play with him, a bear is, harmless, but, if, angered, I'll hear it, but, will you, obey, and hollie pointed, the new mexico president, will like, bush, but, no oil, alice cooper, will, do, concerts, till, the judgement, hits, MYSTERY, BABYLON, america, left here, he, thinks, but, God knows, still in, pretty, good, condition, the new mexico president, bob we need you, tell, do not sell, bush, oil, and he won't, but, bush will, sever, ties, over, and, moscow, will, leap, at, the, chance, to become, friends, with, put it under, russia is, the, prepared, to, strike, america, out of, the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, invaded, plucked, and he saw, a, man, driving, and, he, looked, in his, rear view, mirror, and, saw, a, nuclear, ex, plosion, this is, and, he pointed, the prophet, that, saw, phoenix, destroyed, and he is, in, new york, but, living for, Jesus, write him, and he saw, a, chariot, with, kings, and, the idol shepherd, the, pope, and, false, prophet, hu, and, lula, vicente, fox, and, the new president, felipe, calderon, kim jong, castrol, and, chavez, they will give thier power and strength, unto, me, said, the, pope, and he will, send it over on, america, the world will wobble, that is, the, MYSTERY, of, BABYL, ON, the whore, raise your hands, and, ive God glory, said, Jesus, and he saw, the, leopard, with, four kings, coming out, north and south, korea, and, japan, and, china, where, moscow, and, all, of, those, land, s, are, china will, invade, moscow, and, force, to, invade, isreal, pushing at the pope, the, idol, shepherd, Christ will appear, with, thousands, of his, saints, and hollie pointed, cat, said, babyfleas, magog, the four carpenters, and hollie, showed, and he saw two horns, the, lamb, rising out of the sea, china, and, japan, danica patrick, come to Jesus, I do, she said, nope, you are, a, racer, on, sunday, die, the lake, and you know it, God is, dealing, with, you, keep, your, money, but, come to Jesus, you have, 30 days, and you will get this, and not like, but, you will, have, eternal, no, she said, but, time is almost up, and he saw, both, coasts, and, flames, were, up and down, the u.s.s. ronald reagan, is, a, waste, of, money, ordered, whe, the, economy, was, good, now, ob, so, lete, can be, sank, with, a, cheap, missile, and hollie, pointed, and hollie tore up the contract, 7-2006-and hollie tore up the contract, look pointed hollie, that was captain smith, and, the titanic, hit like a, section of ice, on the iceberg, and bob saw, the wound, about, 300 feet long, one plate, knocked off, the others, pushed in, they could have sealed, but, the one knocked off, killed, one hour late, on the bottom, bob saw, how fast the water went it, not that fast, but, it added up, and the ship tilted and rolled allowing more water to come in, God can sink you just like that, get you in trouble, and, unleash demons on you, look said hollie, and captain hollie and sub with binoculars, fire on america, china, russia, and, one third of the population, taiwan, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, except, nicaragua, canada also, on the day of the Lord, and he saw alaska, it will be, russia's first target, space, the final frontier, these are the voyages of ministryofdreams, and hollie pointed with binoculars, sub, coming out of white river, and prophet prayer walking, there are no more visions in pentecost, because, there are no more apostolics in pentecost, and hollie pointed, and that was hollie with the submarine sound, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, lighted, with a golden finger, and when Jesus taught, on the mount, of olives, it was full, of people, if bob, it would be the same, bob would prophesy, and that is, seeing, visions of Jesus, and, him talking, to him, no said hollie, they would not come, and he saw, Jesus, with eyes of fire, and, white everything, like wool, like a cloud, Jesus is the king of kings, and the Lord of lords he said, and hollie pointed, a dog ages about 4 years to every one according to a human, and hollie pointed, and he saw, the pope, with 666, on his hand and forehead, born at the table between, him and false prophet hu, the king of the south, and the king of the north, to prevent them from destroying each other, both have nukes, but, the pope is stronger, worship the pope, hu will say, like a, beast rising out of the sea, to withstand, with, japan, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, the pope is the most popular man in the world and a sinner, kiss his feet, the people did not, kiss, Jesus's, feet, magog is the leopard, north and south korea, japan, and china, situate, thats hot water for hollie, you know your dying said Jesus, why don't you call upon me, and hollie pointed, lighted, and hollie pointed, on the floor, knees, and the lighted finger pointed, and the hand showed the time, it is running out, no, said hollie, thats the lion man, sleepy, nobody wants Jesus, fall and rise no more, whoever won't serve me, and bob dreamed, he was with a bear and pet it, but, the bear left, a bear will not attack unprovoked, and he saw the word, rise, he is about to, rise, no said hollie, the united states will be attacked by russian missiles soon, and china and moscow by american, and hollie showed, and 4 horns rose up out of moscow and china, the leopard, cat, china, north and south korea, japan, where moscow and all those lands are, the pope will be the anti Christ, and hu the false prophet, what is that, that is the new world order, and he saw a chariot with false prophet hu, the pope, fox, lula, chavez, kim jong, nicaragua, they will give thier power and strength, castrol, to the, beast, send it over, said the pope, on america, and he saw the hegoat, with two horns, china came up last, the ram, putin, and, the, pope, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read it, that was hollie, thats the vision, said hollie, and sunnysnet, and the lighted finger pointed, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan, and he saw taiwan black, from, china nuking, fast, said sunnysnet, I need your room said Jesus, the gift of God are without repentance, but, if you can't bear one, he will not use you, with that one, that was satan, shh, but he looked like Jesus, no, said hollie, conseco, hilbert was almost a billionaire, now rich, but, wanted, cause, he did not tithe, and knew it, even lost, if you tithe, God will rebuke, the devourer from your life unless tested, or, that was the angel with the horn, if God test you, you must pass it, and hollie, that was not Jesus, shh, that was satan, but, he looked like Jesus, hamas is the Lord's enemies, the philistines, perisa, the middle east, and the lighted Jesus pointed, and he saw, satan, as an angel of light, hollie's in hot water and pointed, soon the united states will be desolate, amexico, amexico is canada, cuba, mexico, and, america, david prescot is cut off, nos signs, what's that, said, hollie, casting out devils, speaking with, new tongues, treading upon, serpents, and, miracles, and hollie pointed, I'm a cat, babyfleas, and that is, china, north, and, south, korea, and, japan, situate, where all those lands are, even, moscow, india, and, pakistan, hold it, 7-7-2006-breast ironing is abomination, don't, let, Jesus made it that way, cat, that is, and, babyfleas pointed, north and south korea, and, japan, china, where all those lands are, moscow, invade, ed, by, china, to, push at, and he saw, all of, those areas, and hollie pointed, wrong, cremation is abomination, keep falling, hunt uh, that was, satan, and he looked like Jesus, let him fall, cameroon, is, the, not, rape, capital, of the world, those, girls, want, raped, all do, and, many, get, and, dont, report, and he saw, a, man, s, face, in, hell, biting, his teeth, that is, exceeds, the pain, from, the, lava, and he saw, Jesus, with, his, robe, lighted, illuminated, light, coming off of, his, face, lighted, and he saw, Jesus, white as wool, and, eyes, of, fire, and, feet, like, burned in a furnace, and hollie, and, pastor, sinnesaw, said, I command you, you fowl spirit, to come out of him, and he turned into, robert, cavaness, donald winters, joe, farris, and hollie pointed, no power, witholden, Why dont you pray, said, robert, cavaness, but, he already did, why dont you, I will be haunted, by what I said, to you, said, donald winters, he said, those are from, the, devil, Im the beast, said the mouth, the being, and that was a mummy, dont watch, monster movies, I want a blow job, this is what, people, want, so, no, abomination, this is why, along with, abortion, Jesus must, judge america, soon, spreading, being pushed on, and he saw, a, golden, statue, of, liberty, america, has the word of God, but, and calls themselves, christians, but are, liars, people see this, and, dont want, Jesus, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, and, hu, laughs at bush, most leaders, let your own economy go, to, get, iraqs, oil, that is what, and hollie pointed, your wasting it, america, cannot last, much longer, under, the tyrant, bush, kill, he will be, the abandoned newborn, abomination, Jesus saw this, and, hates, mommy, free now, yea, no, she will get, a letter, from, the, police, come in, do not unearth, graveyards, abomination, you ready, and hollie, repent, and be, bap, tised, in Jesus Christ name, and receive, the gift of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking with, new tongues, and hollie, he sold, many are, selling, for, this world, this life, Hallelujah, the devil praises God, and looks like, Jesus, but, is not, the teenager, that was, stricken, by, lightening, listening to, iPOD, you knew not to, said, this man, I take advantage, but, you will be, short, when, and he saw, Jesus, coming, in the clouds, like, an, angel man, riding, hamas has ordered, the, palestinians, to, fight, against, israel, but, israel, was nice enough, to give them, that land, and hollie point, ted, now, look, at the mess they have, it will be, the palestinian state, destroyed, nuclear exchange, between, israel, and, iraq, bush, brought it in, oilman, dick cheney, oil man, both, put, ukraine, hes nice, yushchenko, but, in russia, this is how, the, beast, will be, built, Jesus is, coming, ready or not, cody, embarrased, the, network, when he, stay all night, with, jacket, and, shorts, he froze, the interviewer, froze, and, kept, the fire, going, cody, ate, a lot, be fore, this is how, he, braggs, 0, and, shorts, no, frost bitten, and hollie pointed, he lost, nothing, but, stays out, of, cold now, because of, don't be, and hollie, showed, a fool, to, put on, a, show, which is what, he did, and people know about it, stupid, was it worth it, 7-2006-And hollie pointed, oil, go get, then go home, the signs are stripped, from the churches, casting out devils, speaking with new tongues, the meat offering, and the drink offering, is withholden, from the house of your God, THE BOOK OF JOEL, cat, that is babyfleas with hollies voice, north and south korea, japan, and china, where all those lands are, including Moscow, India, Pakistan, china will invade Moscow and force to push at the pope, Armageddon, the invasion of Israel, and Christ will appear, with thousands of his saints, and rapture the jewish remnant, and cast the rest, in the lake of fire, and deliver the church up to the father, and hollie pointed, deal saith the Lord, no, requests about teeth, and he will take care of, but, the devil will lay off, unless, sin, prodding stopped, 666, born at the table, between, false prophet hu, and the pope, and he saw them, sitting at the table, the king of the south, and north, and he saw, Jesus, and hollie pointed, riding on the cloud, and hollie pointed, danica Patrick was at like a clebrity ball, they will all give her phone numbers, and the only reason is to trap her, worship me, let me have sex with you, thats the only interest, this is what people want, and he saw Jesus riding on the cloud like, a cloud man, he will come as a thief in the night said danica Patrick, the new ministering spirit, write her, al gore won florida and Arkansas and knew it, but, the ballots are all gone, write him, if he was president, the economy, its sinking he said, but, if he won, it would be way better, he would have, gotten out of iraq, not, went to war with, with oil contracts, saddam still in power, write him, when he sees this, his eyes will widen, he would win president in 2008, if hillary Clinton did not run, om hot said danica, but, her time, is almost up, wreck, Im praying said danica, but, sinning, dont tempt God like that, thats what I want, and he saw a race car, your fired said danica, she will not, amount to anything, sarah fisher, gone, whatch danica, Im real purty, watch that flower fade, and he saw the word, stripped, God keeps stripping bob, but, bob keeps going, walk and pray, Jesus clapped, give him, your, body, your needed here pointed mrs. Halcomb, but, pastor halcomb, out, the churches are false, iraq war nuclear, and hollie pointed, lighted finger finger, and he saw a tree with ministryofdreams in it, this was predestinated before the world began, God named it, spoke to bob, and Jesus pointed with the shower cap on, thats the steven tyler of aerosmith in the lake of fire, like a skeleton, head, long hair, up to his chin, now we know, he backslid from Pentecost, now, in his 60s, areosmith is till in demand, but, he coughs, he cant do it, for very long, thats how people get before they die, the breathe, harder, less, his clock is running out, Taiwan, black, because of, china, that was a lighted angel pointing, that was satan, shhhhh, but he looked like Jesus, you left me, upci, turn, that was, a serpent, with, false prophet hu, and the pope, the new world order, the king of the south and east, and he saw them sitting at a table, 666, born there, come to Sunday school and see my butt, Im paris Hilton, and Im your new ministering spirit, people lust even in, and when paris turns around, everybody stares at her ass, and he saw the white horse come from between the two brass mountains, and the black, and red, and grizzeled, they are, the black quiets the Spirit of God, in the north country, this is, the whole world, the white, goes after it, and hollie pointed, the witnesses of Jesus, the red, take peace off the earth said sunnysnet, and, the grizzeled, and bob led bob to the possum, but, it would not let him pet sang Jesus, and it lives in the garage, bob will feed it, thats what he wanted, and he saw the red horse with an Indian riding, the Indians loved white people, but, dream, night vision, and hollie pointed, from Jesus, all dreams, that was hollie pointing, Nicaragua, is the center pointed of Moscow attacking America, how, far away, but, not to a missile, and he saw the word, push, pray until something happens, and the lighted finger pointed, sacrifice, Alaska, Moscow will grab, after, china, attacks Taiwan, destroyed, and Washington state, hu is the horn that came up last, with, putin, on, the hegoat, and the ram, my pope is the hegoat, set the watchman in tekea, and he saw a chariot with the pope, and false prophet hu, lula, chavez, kim jong, fox, calderon, these will give their power and strength, castrol, to the beast, putin, and hollie tore up the contract, send it over on, America, the world will wobble, and he saw, America, and the bear pointed, cat, the leopard, north and south korea, japan, china, where all those lands are, magog, the four carpenters that scatter israel, and satan is the pope, theres your beast, when we hit iraq, and the lighted angel pointed, even at him typing, 3 o:clock, economic collapse, to the usa, somethings coming, catastrophe, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read it, that looked like a golden judge, Jesus is a judge, the word of God, thats what he will judge you by, hollies in hot water, and tore up the contract, love texas, and he saw bush, with his, cowboy hat on, then, on the coffin, watch, hot water for hollie, that, hell is for hollie, EZEKIEL 7 is the iraq war said, the computer generated voice, and he saw, Jesus, hiding, him, from the back, and he saw the angel blow the horn, there are, neo, nazis, in the, american, military, bush, worse, than, hitler, saith, hollie, and hollie pointed, the u.s. deploys, a, missile, destroyer, joke, watch, it will not, destroy, much, the pope prays at spain, not, he is, cut off, show, putin, he is, not, wanting, war, with, america, but, will get, that, one mind, when, america hits, syria, and, iran, 7-2006-the car that crashed into the festival crowd, sin, the russian jet that crashed, was, accident, but, and hollie, that, showed hollie, the recorder, post, its iraq, nuclear, soon, EZEKIEL 7, read it, that, that, that, that, when america and china, goes to war, then, moscow, will attack, america, then, america, will attack, moscow and china, out of the ruins, of, moscow and china arise, 4 horns, 666, on the pope's forehead, then, and he saw, and bob dreamed, he saw, a, church, where, there, were, sections, of, the, outside of the building missing and he could see in, and, some were, worshipping, and some were, talking, bob took the bike back, he took, when he left, the woman, that he was staying with, and, she, grew, pimples, and left because of that, and told her not, and he saw, the ten toed beast, with, king's faces, instead of, toe nails, putin, hu, chavez, lula, castrol, they will give thier, power and strength, unto the beast, and he will, what about kim jong, he will be one, send it over, on america, on the day of the Lord, and he saw, many, black demons, flying, shooting arrows, and people at the alter, and, people, talking, the arrows, hit, the, talkers, and they were, driven, mad, and he saw, a, bumper sticker, on the, suv, please pray, lets rule the world, putin, is, going to, attack, america, then, america, will, attack, putin, and he saw, the, black horse, running, and, howling, this is, to, take, quiet, the Spirit, of, God, in the north country, all the world, and hollie showed, which way to go, many times, blood donation, abomination, and hollie, 7-2006-the indian rocket that veered off course, was, a, ballistic missile, test, close, put it under, the time is coming, the pope is the antichrist, bob dreamed, that, he told a pastor, most of the end day message, and the pastor, liked, but, about, china, attacking, Washington state, and grabbing Taiwan, to, lure America, into war, then, Moscow, attacking, Alaska, then, orders going to, American, submarine, commanders, and they firing on, Moscow and china, Russia, wiping out the American mainland, it pretty much ended there, bob dreamed, he had his choice, of two women, both, likeable, 7 women, will cleave to one man, because they, stayed single, and, flirted, and the beast winked, Glendale will close soon, no speaked hollie, bob that's good, quote the word of the Lord all you want, but, until God gives you power over the enemy, you are, he can do what he wants, there aint no more visions in Pentecost, because, there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, theres a river of life flowing, its that more abundant life in Christ Jesus, and hollie pointed, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, this is hollie with the loose belt sound, dont drink bacardi 151 rum, satan can destroy you if God doesnt protect, and hollie pointed, pray an hour said danica Patrick, ask for God's help, I left home she said, soon, and then, the door is opened, for her to, unrestrained, and hollie pointed, the head of Gold on the image nebuchadreezer saw was the anti, Christ, the beast, satan is the fallen angel, the body, that's, the toes are, kim jong, hu, putin, the pope, hu, chavez, lula, castrol, and hollie pointed, vicente fox, now calderon, and he saw, the hegoat ram the ram and stomp and four horns came up, magog, saith hollie, situate, china will absorb, china was the horn that came up last with putin, the hegoat is the pope with the wtwo horns, the kings of media and perisa are the kings of Russia and china, and hegoat is, the king of grecia, the pope, and the great horn between his eyes is the king of grecia, the pope, the false prophet, four kings shall stand up out of a nation, and hollie pointed, that's Russia, china will attack, and absorb like many of the surrounding, and the king of fierce countenance and dark sentences, is my pope, the antichrist, when he gets slashed, the idol Shepherd, satan will enter in and destroy, he will take away the daily sacrifice, and, Sit in the temple and say, I am god, but, his own people shall come against him, he will only have one eye and one arm, the 3 kings are stand up in Persia are, the pope, the, false prophet, and, the, idol Shepherd, the fourth, the idol shepherd, he will, by flatteries take the whole world, and hu will withstand, both have nukes, they will hate each other, and hu, I will not put up with you, hu will rise like a lamb, with japan, the two horns, the pope will not be threatened until this day comes and, they will hate each other, worship the pope hu will say, and his image will be on your hand or forehead, 666, or, like a tatoo of him, a mighty king shall stand up and rule with great dominion, and hollie pointed and do according to his will, Moscow, who stops, his kingdom when broken, magog, abosorbed by china, and four horns, arose, the four carpenters, north and south korea, the leopard, and china and japan, plucked up, and the others beside, north korea, and all those nations, surrounding, and the king of the south, hu, china, shall be strong, and one his princes, that is, japan, for the kings daughter of the south shall go to the north to make an agreement, hu and the pope, 666, right here, to keep them, from, destroying, both have nukes, but out of a branch of her roots, shall one stand up, in his estate, the idol Shepherd, the slashed pope, he shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north, Moscow, the greek orthadox church, And deal against them and prevail, control, by flatteries, no thought can be with holden, and and shall carry away captives into Egypt, trapped, all of them, by, this miracle man, he will have control over all things till hu stands up, with japan, like, a lamb, rising, out of the sea, he shall continue more years than, the king of the north, his, at that point, the world, only one sixth of Moscow will be left, all of Russia, from America, firing on, moscow and china, after, Moscow and china destroy America, the king of the south shall go back into his own land, not, super happy, but, his sons shall be stirred up, military, the government, he shall assemble, a multitude of great forces, this is, what they will use to come against the pope, and shall be moved with great choler, the king of the norths multitude will be given unto, the multitude will be given to the king of the south, but the king of the north, my pope, shall return, with a greater multitude, many shall stand up against china, but, the king of the north shall take the most fenced cites, and hollie pointed, no military, can fight against him, except, magog, and the arms of the south shall not withstand, Moscow's military is invincible, the upright ones, the people that know God will avoid, and see, this is why, it is sealed, until the end, gotta be there, and hollie pointed, they will know, satan, shhhhh, he will be given the daughter of woman, corrupting her, I am god, the church of nativity, but now will be for him, he will turn his face toward the aisles, he will want to take the world, but, hu, magog, like nato, my challenge said the pope, fiery color, he knows, he's got to get them to fight amoungst themselves, but, they hate him and each other, they will not cling, mingle with the seed of men, that is, the word of God, hold it, thats, a prince on his own behalf shall cause the reproach offered by him, By him to cease, this is, he will come against him, with words, then, he shall, turn his face toward his own land, italy, they love him there, protect, but, he will stumble and fall, they dont, this is when, he is slashed, and, satan, enters, in, the raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom, 666, born at the table, between, hu, and the pope, and hollie pointed, but within a few days, he shall be destroyed, by Christ, he will speak the word, and hollie, when he appears, and in his estate shall enter a vile person, satan, he will take it by flatteries, likeable, laughes, but, firm, Hu and the pope will threaten each other but laugh at each other and have fun with each other and hate but, liars, both, there it is, DANIEL, sealed until the end, revealed, on ministryofdreams, watch me, said the pope, and hollie showed, and hu, said pope john paul, I will not, they will hate but cling, like bush and blair, they hate each other, but, cling, and a league made with him shall work deceitfully, 666, he, shall take the world by flatteries, peace, he shall scatter amoung them the prey, and spoil and riches, he will have control, except, magog, he will threaten magog, forecast his devices against the strongholds, and he will stir up his power against the king of the south, threaten, and hollie, they will threaten each other, and the king of the south, shall be stirred up to a great battle, Armageddon, he will, invade Moscow going after my pope, and both these kings hearts shall be to do mischief, they will speak lies, at one table, but it won't prosper, then shall he return into his own land with great riches, and his heart shall be against the Holy covenant, he will see hi demise and start slaughtering jews, and the viols of wrath are poured out, The horses are released, the black horse quiets the Spirit in the whole world, the white go after, the witnesses, the jewish remnant, the red, to take peace off the earth, this will be, a, troublous time, He shall do exploits, all will be for him, and, here in his own land, the little horn, italy, and hollie, and at the time appointed, he shall return, and shall come toward the south, but, it shall not be as the former, now, magog, stronger, the ships of chitim shall come against him, this is when he starts killing jews and causes Christ to appear, to stop it, he will pollute the sanctuary of strength, I am god, the abomination of desolation, the ship of chitim are, china, those who do wickedly will keep doing, he will corrupt by flatteries, speak, thoughts of the heart, he hears what you say, God gave him the ability, but the people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits, they will stay away from him, hidden in the people like, many that understand will fall, a tough time, satan will ear them down, caught helping, beheaded, right on the spot, when the fall, no help, and some of them of understanding shall fall, backslide, and will try the saints, fake, but it will help them, the pope will do whatever he wants, but magog, and hollie pointed, he shall exalt himself and magnify himself, and speak marvouless words against Jesus, but, will act like Jesus, will not acknowledge, he will prosper until the viols of wrath get poured out during his time, thats when, God starts closing it, one of the final, a great earthquake, he will not desire women or men, the god that he shall honor with gold and sliver, satan, Thats the strange god who he acknowledges, divide the land for gain, this is, Israel, divided into three parts, look that, said, hollie, some for, jews, some for, arabs, some for, whoever, look that, said, hollie, the great earthquake is, when, the Palestinian state, look at that, said hollie, this is, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, close, nuclear exchange, between, iraq and Israel, look that, then, great Babylon, comes to rememberance, before Jesus, look that, saith, hollie, this is, America, and he saw, captain hollie, with her, binoculars, in her, submarine, fire, on, America, look at that, said, hollie, tarry, here, said, hollie, look that, pointed, hollie, this is, the gospel, look that, filled, full, bob I hate you, said, the, blond, but, look that, saith, hollie, here it is, finally, bob is, smiling, on ministryofdreams, and hollie pointed, Look that, pointed, hollie, yur still hungry, proceed, thats your ticket said the pope, 666 on his hand, it will all end with china invading Moscow pusing after him all the way to Israel, and hollie pointed, Christ will appear on the mount of olives, look that, said, hollie, that, look, done, I'm the hippopotamus, repent, and be, baptized, in Jesus Christ name, and receive the gift, of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence, of speaking with, look at that, said, hollie, the Spiritual, baptism, above, rapture the jewish remnant and throw the rest alive in the lake of fire, look at that, said, hollie, here it is, aman, And the lighted finger pointed, and, he saw, a big black bird, hi, I'm Lucifer, I will fight, against, the true Christians, and, kill, some, meaning physically, they will still be saved, that, pointed hollie, when, America, and china, goes to war, then, Moscow will grab, Alaska, then, out the oceans, cuba, Nicaragua, mexico, plucked, to do this, then, leave, bombard, and he saw, America, explode, and, Babylon, appear on it, that is, the, beginning, American, subs, will fire on, Moscow, and, china, and, mostly, destroy, look that, said, hollie, four horns, will, arise, out of, the ruins of, Moscow, and, china, magog, the pope will come out of, Moscow, on sixth, left, he will, make an agreement, to work decietfully, with the kings daughter of the north, the greek orthadox church, this is how, it will, being, fire on America, he will tell, putin, send it over, I have, been given, power, to, rule, the, world, lets rule the world, sang, putin, and he saw, the ten toed beast, putin, hu, lula, chavez, castrol, fox, Nicaragua, mexico, calderon, they will give their power and strength, unto, send it over, saith, the pope, Take some hostage, and, mess with others, and he saw spikes, black, like, coming out of a b1 bomber, this is how, satan, will fight against, the, Christians, a, tough, time, tell me, said, hollie, that, pointed, hollie, sunnysnet, put it on her, my message board, satans voice, no, saith, Jesus, yep, like in world war two, carpet bombing, these spikes will hit people, where the least want it and, torment, only God can protect from, and hollie, and he saw people praying at the alter and others standing, the ones praying are protected, the others, the church is a social club, a hang out, that, pointed, hollie, what are you at, church for, it is, the, house of prayer, not, Look that, said, hollie, pointed, and the meerkat cried and dumitru duduman was in the tear, God needs him right now, but, 9 years ago, took him, he suffered more than all the people put together, get his stuff, read, watch, invite people over, saith the Lord, on the earth right now living for Jesus, bob number 2, nobody else even close, look out there, and he saw many black birds flying, the devil unleashed in America, Sissy, you have 30 days, to do, ACTS 2:38, after reading, and you will, saith, Jesus, bob is, tested, and, winning, but, discouraged, but, will win, the apostle paul, was killed all day long, his desire, to serve Jesus, stolen, by, what came against, him, spikes, from, satan, like, what is hitting bob, it went on for, about, 2 months, and bob has, toughed out, over, one month, be strong, not long, prophet, thats the submarine sound, and captain hollie with binoculars, fire, after, looking, at sunnysnet on the beach, America, and both coasts were on fire, and up the middle and hollie like a bear came out, putin is the bear, and the bear pointed, teddy, Russia will not put up with America after hitting Syria and iran, time is, awaken Russia, and he saw a bear pop up, taller than the trees and the little patriot man, unarmed, not expecting, boom, America exploded, and out came Babylon, and hollie like a bear, with binoculars, captain hollie, looking at Moscow and china, fire, the world will wobble, heres what the Lord says, china will attack America when you least expect it, look that, pointed hollie, this is the event that brings Jesus back, and the beast in, set the watchman in tekea, and what did he see, a chariot with false prophet hu, and the pope, hu was at the reins, iran said the pope and Syria will cause this, attack, America, china and Russia, lula, fox, now calderon, chavez, castrol, kim jong, they will give, their power and strength to, putin, and putin is the pope, send it over, On America, the world will wobble, china will not let America have rule in the world much longer, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, read it, look that, the Palestinian state destroyed, iraq, eliminated, then great Babylon, America, will come into rememberance before Jesus, and the finger pointed, lets rule the world, God will give them one heart and mind to destroy America, but, America will destroy them almost, the world will wobble, and he saw the word, post, theres the alarm, Russia, is coming ready or not, tell it, they are not wanting war, but, provoke a bear, it can whip any animal that walks on the earth, even a lion, with ease, the lion would scratch, maybe, one of its eyes out and go for the paw, thats the mistake, then, the bear would claw it to death, in most cases the lion will not scratch out the eye, the bear, provoked will know, and the bear pointed, the united states will be attacked real soon, said the angel of the Lord, speaking into the recorder, and hu and the pope, the new world order, to the pope will go to the kings daughter of the north, the church, greek orthadoxed, in Moscow, and make an agreement, to work deceitfully, and hu with japan, will fire, like a lamb out of the sea, worship the pope, the second beast will say, and he saw them, sitting at the table, the king of north, and the king of the south, grecia and the east, 666, born there, but the pope will slashed and satan will enter in and start destroying, God will pour out the viols of wrath, He will search for the jewish remnant, but they will be hidden in the people, they will know, whats going on, 7-11-2006-hollies climbing out of hot water, that was Jesus on the white horse, he came to, conquer, and john mellancamp gave the prophet the finger, he is rich, over 100 million, but, 60 and cut off, that was a wild tree, the gentles, the gentliles were grafted in for a short time, and that time is almost up, that was john madden, no interviews, cause, he wants saved, but, and hollie pointed, to late, and the lighted finger pointed, believe the word of God, and quote it, and the lighted finger pointed, pastor jerry friend and his wife flopped, bob drove all the way there knowing, he was cut off, but, went anyway, was tongue tied big time and they knew it, left after the first service, jerry thought, wow, when he saw him, but, when he left, lets close the church down, and they did, jerry friend tore up his contract like hollie show, thats the submarine sound, and captain hollie looking, fire, there's jerry friend on the beach, and the whole west coast went up in flames, that was satan, shhhhh, like a fire man, colored, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and he saw the beast rise out of the sea, The president of, America, is the worlds, worst, enemy, the, bush, george, destroying, arabs, and they know it, it wont be long, till, fire, said, putin, on, America, the, Babylon, of, REVELATION 17, read, it, now, pink floyd, syd, barrett, died, of, now, perished, he was, the, big, sound, of, pink floyd, worked on it, now, in lava, up to his, was it worth it, david, gilmore, and, all the rest, will follow, I heard you got thru, stay thru, or, perish, the train blast in India, was, terrorists, china has, nuclear, missiles, aimed at, Moscow, and they dont even know it, but, msocow, has, them, aimed at, all, nuclear, powers, and hollie, poin, ted, now, said, putin, the uk, will, more than, 900, more troops, for, afh, ghanistan, fools, let bush, trick you, stay out, they will, die, many, for no reason, and they know it, put it under, the war, in, Afghanistan, was over, military base, and iraq, to break, oil contracts, said, bush, with, Moscow, shame on me, she said, for, going back, wanting back, but, cannot, come, there aint no more visions in Pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, and he saw, the meerkat, weep, and dumitru duduman, was in the tear, and, this prophet, God needs, them, both, but only has, one, America, will sign, for Russia, to join the, world, trade, organization, this will, make, Moscow, richer, and they have, their, own, oil, look at that, fools, America, some, American, businesses, will, move to, Russia, because of, oil, putin will meet with, many, and many, will, move, their, and hollie, there it is, the, beast, with, seven, heads, and, ten horns, Moscow, was, in, there, this, is, how, America, is, riding, on that, and, Moscow, was, there, this is how, the seven heads are, seven, nations, that have an agreement, with, America, and, the, beast, is, the, eight, of the seven, he comes out of, italy, the ten horns, are, politboro, nations, on top of, Moscow, put, Ukraine in Russia, said, yuchenko, this is how, the beast, will be, built, lets rule the world, sang, putin, bob saw this, long ago, and now, he saw, Moscow, was, in, that, cluster, 7-12-2006-Israel denounces acts of war, they are, and hollie pointed, a cup of trembling, like, the bible says, to the whole world, because of, America, their, only friend, that made them, give up, the Palestinian state, china and Russia offer a paln for north koreas missiles, they are, the, ram, the hegoat is, the pope, in the middle, and china, was, the horn, that came up last, put it under, that, china will, invade, hurry, Moscow, and, force, to, invade, Israel, the battle of Armageddon, that, microsoft was hit, with a, big fine, by the, european, commission, so what, we will make it back, in, one hour, put it under, bill gates is, laughing, at them, and hollie pointed, he is the richest man in the world, but, he will, be in lava, up to his, belly, button, that, he knew, very little, that,iran and Syria, will be, attacked, by, America, like, iraq, Persia, the middle east, that, this is, the reason, putin will say, enough, lets rule the world, china, Russia, Nicaragua, and dont you forget, no, dont you forget, about, mexico, and they are, some of the nation, and the angel pointed, at the globe, this is where, destruction, will come from, and hollie pointed, that, dry skin, diet, problem, that, planes, oceans, and, missiles, all over America, it will only take, about, 8, but, America, will be hit by, about, 50, multible, warhead, boom, the world will wobble, and, America, will hit, Moscow, and china, one third, of the population, will be, wiped out, that, out of the ruins, of, Moscow, and, china, four horns, will arise, the leopard, cat, the new, world, order, has, just, began, the pope is, he will come out of, the, one sixth, of Moscow, the greek orthadoxed church, that, hu will, like a lamb, rising out of the sea, withstand, with, raise your hands and repeat after me, and hollie pointed, japan, the pope will, 666, will be born at the table, between, the king of grecia, that, and, the, pope, they are the same, hu is, the false prophet, them two, they will, hate, but, cling, the pope will get slashed, and,satan, will enter, and, destroy, searching for, the, that, the jewish remnant, that, then, the vials of wrath will get poured out, the horses are released, and, Christ, will appear, with, many, of, his, saints, repent, and be, baptized, in Jesus Christ name, and receive the gift, of the Holy Ghost, theres the alarm, is blasphemy, dont go there, about, 1500, per day, about, nothing, important, Trap me,. Im, young, and cute, but, my flower, will fade, quickly, and, I will be, trapped, by, young people, I dont think, that it will happen to me, but, if time goes on, it will, arrive, and you will be, alone, whore, and hollie pointed, Syd barrett died, and is in hell, up to, belly button, after, living, the, life, of, lifes, a, billionaire, but, now, dead, and david Gilmour, wants to, tour, limited, until, death, and hollie, they need a, keyboard, Synthesizer, player, david, is the only one, that is, not, replaceable, put it under, was it worth is, syd, and here is what he says, in the fire, and hollie, point, ted, hell, p, I want out of here, but, I know, Im here, for, ev, er, and hollie, he screamed it, alone, in fire, you cannot, see, or, hear, just, fill, your, body, is, different, spiritual, soul, in, your, skeleton, like, mary k. Baxter, saw, and hollie, Were perishing, and, no man, lays it to heart, save yourself, and hollie, that, cut grass, walk, to, stay, humble, before, Jesus, we might be ready tommorro, no, now or never, your gonna blow it man, nope, you are, bob is, ready, are you, and hollie, Trap me, Im, young, and cute, but, my flower, will fade, quickly, and, I will be, trapped, by, young people, I dont think, that it will happen to me, but, if time goes on, it will, arrive, and you will be, alone, whore, and hollie pointed, Syd barrett died, and is in hell, up to, belly button, after, living, the, life, of, lifes, a, billionaire, but, now, dead, and david Gilmour, wants to, tour, limited, until, death, and hollie, they need a, keyboard, Synthesizer, player, roger, is the only one, that is, not, replaceable, put it under, was it worth is, syd, and here is what he says, in the fire, and hollie, point, ted, hell, p, I want out of here, but, I know, im here, for, ev, er, and hollie, he screamed it, alone, in fire, you cannot, see, or, hear, just, fill, your, body, is, different, spiritual, soul, in, your, skeleton, like, mary k. Baxter, saw, and hollie, Were perishing, and, no man, lays it to heart, save yourself, and hollie, that, cut grass, walk, to, stay, humble, before, Jesus, we might be ready tomoro, no, now or never, your gonna blow it man, nope, you are, bob is, ready, are you, and hollie, 7-12-13-2006-There's the alarm, record the vision and post it, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and hu, I will not put up with you, they are the new world order, they will hate each other but cling, and hollie tore up the contract, that, pointed hollie, and hollie tore up the contract, that, because, there are no more visions in pentecost, because, there are no more apostolics in pentecost, that, spray, don't tell me about israel, and hollie pointed, a cup of trembling to the whole world, because, nukes, and america, the attacker of perisa, the middle east, syira, iran, and iraq, nobody but bob prays very long, pray two hours, more if you want more, happy birthday, ministryofdreams is four years old right now, and hollie, and pointed, calderon, the new president of mexico, hates bush, and mosocw knows it, bush is a tyrant, a murderer, can prophet press for one hour, why don't you, for yourself, he's praying on and off, praying is boring but essential, I done got it is what they say but the lie and know it, pastors, and hollie pointed, we, will not make our calling and election sure unless we press to the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus, pay his price, and hollie, sang the choir, there's the alarm pointed hollie, the damage will heal, all the way, slowly, and has, what people think, ewww, but, watch, on my death certificate, I did not do what Jesus wanted me to do said Lucifer, and he saw, the word dream, thats a night vision from Jesus, no exception, the door is just cracked, partially open, not much time, Hit the road said Jesus, mow the lawn, then go, thats a werewolf, thats not a werewolf, thats satan, shhhh, I'm the beast, with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, because hu, will withstand the pope, it will be a tumultuous time, were in danger, pray, and hollie tore up the contruit, iraq will be the start of the end, nuclear, brought in by bush, and hollie pointed, sup with me my little one's saith the angel of the Lord, the reverend ronny moore is cut off, no signs, and mrs. Moore, your fallen and you can not get up, wait on the Lord, and he will help, were perishing, save yourself, by, reading and doing ACTS 2:38, and the angel pointed, and hollie tore up the con, try it, work for the Lord, put the visions on the internet, and gt haywood tore up his contract, he was cut off before he started Christ temple, no signs, and hollie pointed, you ain't praying, that, many hours, that, keep falling said the angel of the Lord, not, shhh, satan, but he looked like an angel, America will attack Syria and iran and the spirit of the medes will be raised up, hate for America, for attacking perisa, all of the middle east, bobby heres your problem right here said dumitru duduman, more prayer, there's the alarm, give God more prayer time, everybody, stand bob, you are, granted permission, and the angel pointed, iupui right away, and Jesus, put a priests hat on bob, and he saw, that, hollie, with the priests hat, if yur going to, and the lighted hand pointed, go home with Jesus, then, make up your mind, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, right here on your knees saith hollie, that, pointed, you got the word, now do something, present yourself a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Jesus, whats that, said the angel, die out to yourself, by prayer and the ministry of the word, I need some word said sunnysnet, then, pray, and seek the word of God, There's the alarm, sunnysnet is over, prayer time, came and went, and the angel pointed, you know what got you cut off, said sunnysnet, balspheme, your against Jesus, yeshu is who you want, thats not the jewish name for, Yahweh is not either, there is the alarm, do not mix tropical fish and gold fish, or false christians with real, false will try to trap the real ones, come against, mock, don't seek back, just go forward, like hollie showed, I'm not, standing still, idle, unless, your doing, what Jesus called you to do, I'm not said bush, America is not building up, but, breaking down, peace and safety, then, if your not stirred, pray, press, look that, and he saw, the words, china and America, going to war, that, that is when, the world will wobble, that, Moscow, grabs Alaska, then, orders will go to American submarine commanders and they will fire on Moscow and china, one third of the population, and the world will wobble, the pope will go to the greek orthadoxed church, in Moscow, and make an agreement to work deceitfully, he will will have complete control till hu rises like a lamb, out of, the sea, and he saw, my beast, rising out of the sea, the pope, hu will say, worship the beast, the pope, he will be stronger, hu, will rule magog, withstand, that, put the image of the beast on your head or hand, there's the alarm, that, the pope will get slashed after 666 is born at the table between, the king of grecia and the east, or south, hu, to preven t them from destroying each other, satan will enter in to the pope, and destroy searching for the jewish remnant, Christ will appear after the horses are released and the vials poured out, the black horse quiets the Spirit of the Lord, in the north country, this is, the pope, the king of the north, they will all be, and thats Jesus with many saints, thrown alive in the lake of fire, And the jewish remnant raptured, Christ will deliver the church up to the Father, and, girt about the paps and serve, soon the united states will be attacked by Moscow and china said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, witches and demons in the basement, he is walking in, man, and he saw, spikes being dropped and many black spirits, it will git horrible before the rapture, these spikes, torment, the people praying shall be protected, even bob, that, and hollie had the recorder, that, recharge, they will, for a long time, that, thats the submarine sound, and captain hollie with her binoculars, sunnysnet on the beach, fire, and the west coast and the east coast went up, and in flames, and up the middle, the day of the Lord, the world will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and hollie, last chance for sunnysnet said the angel of the Lord, get right, like a white man, and hollie, saith hollie, satan, shhhh, I'm the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and I'm the pope, and hu, they will hate each other but cling, theres the alarm, and the lighted angel pointed, the united states will be attacked by Russian nuclear missiles real soon said the angel, that was, a mummy, don't watch, and hollie tore up the contrast with golden bear paws, that was a waterfall and a fire man, God is an all consuming fire, and hollie, showed, that was a man of bright light at the door, that was the angel of the Lord kissing you, you won't submit to God or the devil, hates both, and he saw, the golden gun, that was sitting at the table with Jesus, and fire, colored everything, Jesus's robe was white, that was Jesus winking and a bear came out, white, those were eyes in the fire, colored everything, that was u2, and sonny bono, pointing, up, singing, and the pope in the fire, and hu, and the emporer of japan, that was Jesus looking at you with a halo, over his head, robe, white, light, look, that, when America and china goes to war he told that man, that, then Russia, that man laughed, but, when he sees it, that was hollie, tearing up the con try it, try Jesus, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is coming whether your ready or not, and he saw a lamb, the angel of the Lord on mount sion, and a multitude of angels, Having Thies fathers name written in Thier foreheads, 7, north cuba is America, leased, and cannot be broken, america can prevent, no, but, the nation that does it will be destroyed, no man can learn the new song, the hundred and forty thousand angels sang, only, to whom it is given, these were redeemed from the earth, and hollie showed, record, these were eunuchs, these are perfect like bob is, the angel that flew in heaven having the eaverlasting gospel to preach, just an angel, the first angel had the gospel, the message that Jesus brought, then, the second angel, Babylon is fallen, this is when America gets attacked, then, the beast, comes in, and he saw, the pope's image on the hand and 666 on the forehead, hell is attached to heaven, a gulf separates, the mark of the beast's name is 666, the faith of Jesus is ACTS 2:38, and he saw a cloud and the angel Jesus on it, your works will follow you, Jesus had a golden crown and a sharp cycle to reap the harvest of the earth, the angel that came out of the temple and said to Jesus, thrust in the cycle, the remnant sees that no more will be saved, the hour of the harvest, when America gets hit, Jesus will send his angels to gather the harvest, when God hits America, wrath, the winepress of God will be trampled, when the blood is as high as the horses bridle, the battle of Armageddon, a valley, filled with blood, and he saw a see of glass mingled with fire, this is the great gulf that seperates, the ones that get victory over the beast, the jewish remnant, they stand on, the sea of glass, God pours out the vials, of wrath during the beast, the first one, takes america out, the first angel poured out his vial and a grevious sore, fell upon men, that had the mark, pain, the second angel poured out his vial and the sea beacme as blood, people dying, creatures dying, the third angel, the water will be blood, undrinkable, the fourth angel poured out his vial on the sun, the heat on the earth, from the earth, moving out of it's place, when america gets, hit, will be hot, about, 150, the fifth angel poured out his vial on the seat of the beast, satan will enter into the pope and destroy searching for the jewish remnant, and the sixth angel poured out his vial, and the great river Euphrates dried up, to make way for the kings of the east, magog, hu, will invade Russia and force Russia to invade Israel, pusing at the pope, the three unclean spirits like frogs, devils, working miracles, the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, the three kings that stand up in Persia, the fourth, satan inside the pope, these three spirits gather people for the great day of God Almighty, aramgeddon is the battle good and evil but, they are all evil, the seventh angel, it is done, Christ will appear, we will be set free by the Holy One if we follow thru sang JEsus, and hollie pointed, the united states will be a desolation soon, work for the Lord, while it is still day, and he saw, a red angel on a red horse, I want to take peace off the earth he said, the black horse is, the horse that quiets the Spirit on the north country, Moscow, and the grizzled and bay horse, goes after it, this horse, is the, witness, s, of, JEsus, and hollie showed, set the watchman in tekea and what did he see, he saw a chariot with a bunch of kings, false prophet, hu, the pope, fox, calderon, lula, chavez, castrol, they will give their power and strength, send it over said the pope on America, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the woman, the whore, of REVELATION 17, heard you've had a vision, put it on the internet, and he saw the ten toed beast, with putin, hu, castrol, chavez, lula, jong, Nicaragua, and hollie pointed, toe nails, they will give their power and strength to the pope, send it over, on America, bob prophesied to a young girl and told her, to more hours per day, and God would get involved, like in her like she can't imagine, now here's what she said in her heart, I won't do it, and he saw her in hell, up to her belly button, she did not do what she was taught, and the lighted angel pointed, there's the submarine sound and thats captain hollie, looking with her binoculars at America, fire, caught, sunnysnet on the beach, and thats the main ministering spirit, hollie, how come nobody wants me, because they want this life, and the lighted hand pointed, thats the submarine sound and I'm captain hollie, fire, and the world wobbled, and hollie licked the prophet, the main ministering spirit, and hollie showed, hollie's in hot water, the sound, and hollie showed, that, look, look that, pointed, hollie, by a new van, live it up, Jesus is going to exalt you, and the meerkat cried and prophets face was in the tear, with dumitru dudman, they both knew, but, dumitru could not release, but, dumitru knew somebody else was coming, look at that, said hollie, buy a new van, look at that, pointed, hollie, THE BOOK OF DANIEL, bobby, said Jesus, wait, use the bible, God already knows, that you, want to use the bible, I won't said, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and thats our pope, and hu is the false prophet, look, that, said hollie, the pope and hu, sitting at the table, 666, born there, to prevent them, I have been given power to rule the world, said my pope, with the megaphone, and he saw, forces, all dressed in black, and black birds, flying, satan, will fight against the Christians, true, come saith the Lord, you can do all things thru Christ Jesus, people are happy in America said the angel, on the red horse, but soon, it will change, to war, I'm coming, said the red horse, and, hollie, look, that, said hollie, gas, 1.99, look that, and he saw, the dead sea, Sodom, and, gomorah, warn, look at that, china, America, war, then, Moscow, attacks, America, won't let, the ram, and my hegoat is, the pope in the middle, thats the main ministering spirit, and the angel pointed, lighted hair, dumitru duduman was an angel, write hand of help, and the meerkat cried, and dumitru duduman was in the tear, and prophet was there to, God needs people like, duduman, God doesn't need people like, this cry baby prophet, but, if he can use a dumb ass, we git it, and hollie pointed, the buildings were gone, America, soon, destroyed, that, there's no more power in the churches, stripped, cat, thats the leopard, china, and north korea, japan, and, south korea, satan is the head, the pope is the mouthpiece and the bear is Moscow, the feet, the beast, that rises out of the sea, and the pope, is, the, ruler, till, hu, arises, and, withstands, with, china, and, japan, like a lamb, out of the sea, that, bob, pray, who can make war with it, nato, could, but, some of nato, is there, from fallen away because of tyrant bush, they will weep and wail loudly over missing, the rapture, then the people will know what they had and Jesus is gone, the devil said, no, that was Jesus, but, raise your hands and minister unto me, Russia is coming ready or not and close, and hollie pointed, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and he saw ten horns, the pope, fox, calderon, lula, chavez, kim jong, the came out of beast's horns, castrol, they will give their power an strength, and putin and hu, came out, to to the beast, send it over, on America, the day of the Lord, anything you say I can use against you in the day of judgement, watch your mouth saith the Lord, and hollie pointed, bleed your bakes right, and hollie, America needs to get out of iraq soon, breaking, nuke is the only option to get the oil which is what they are there for, oilmen bush and cheney, and the world knows it, post, and hollie, bowed and hollie and hollie, the ministering spirits, three, different ones, cat, hollie's in hot water, the bubbling sound, and satan said, surrender to me, and satan said, touch his appearance, and God did, but, bob stayed, his eye is sagging, and will heal, from, bug bites, but he did know, and, spikes, soon, lifted, bob held fast, wrinkles, gums, hair, now, he will be, exalted, and hollie pointed, babyfleas, that was the devil running from him, that was a serpent with hu and the pope, the two beast's, and he saw, a tree, and hollie pointed, and he saw, Jesus composing, and he saw a man giving him, don't take nothing, post, Glendale, and hollie pointed, peace said hollie and the finger pointed, give God everything, hollie's in hot water, and the lighted angel pointed, thats the submarine sound and captain hollie, with her sub, fire on, Moscow and china, and amexico, and, hollie, pointed, with binoculars, looking, on the day of the Lord, prophesied ISAIAH 13, whoever has the visions, put the visions on the internet, God let satan slam job, but, job was lifted like this prophet was and God slammed this prophet, now both are hanging on, job made it, this prophet will make it, but, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia will attack amexico when you least expect it, one third of the population will be wiped out sang Jesus, post, this is hollie with the loose belt sound, I want my visions on the internet, this website got over a hundred hits and is not even on the internet, but, will be back, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, job knew, satan lifted up against him, but, believed Jesus would deliver, and, he did, job became, happy like that, and hollie pointed at the eagle said sunnysnet, the eagle is, a bird mentioned in the bible, but, not America, like some people say, that must be in a re written book, that calls itself the bible, entries made 7-14-2006-israel, will now, have, war, always, hezbollah, they want, to, do away with, the, jewish state, put it under, God told bob, something, on cnn, would, stir him, and he would see it, and he does, nuke, the, palestinian state, will, come into, the minds, of, many, soon, from, ministryofdreams, the Iranian government, supports, but, did not, have anything, to do with, because of, America, but, when America, hits, iran, and, Syria, they will, not have, anything, to, loose, put it under, look out, prophesied, on, ministryofdreams, the deadly typhoon that hit the phillipines, was, because of, blaspheme, rejecting, Jesus, put it under, president bush is in Russia, to, promote, friendship, but, him and, putin, hate each other, deeply, over, iraq, America has, missile defence, but, it will not, it will be, by, cruise missiles, cheated on, hey cuba, you are, about to get, a, new president, and, castrol, in hell, up to his, belly button, and he will say, owww, but, to late, and he knew it, thats it, to late, for, many, and hollie tore up the contract, wait, look that, china, America, war, brewing, that, look, pointed hollie, china will not take America much longer, pusing around the world, and hollie pointed, go where God leads, make it, saith hollie, that, emergency, and the black horse, this will quite the Spirit of Jesus in the north country, quiet saith hollie like a cartoon woman, that, that, ok, raise your hands and repeat after me, china will not be, part of the beast, yes they will, magog, the four carpenters that scatter Israel, north and south korea, japan, and all those surrounding lands, even most of Moscow, America will fire on, that, china and Moscow, that, I got it, put it on the internet, post, like, that, these black birds, devils, working, against, the children of God, dropping spikes, said sunnysnet, that, a motorcycle, got it, there are no more visions in Pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost said sunnysnet and hollie, that was the main ministering spirit, hollie pointed, look that, theres the angel Jesus like the sun, bright, that was satan, shhh, fall is what Jesus says, thats not Jesus, and hollie tore up the con, trast, that was, Jesus, but some of the church thinks Jesus is satan, and hollie, the Indianapolis zoo, packed, but, no one saved, and hollie pointed, thats the submarine sound, and captain hollie with binoculars, fire, at sunnysnet on the beach, and the west coast and the east coast up in flames, whats that, the day of the Lord, and America exploded and Babylon came out, to give to her the cup of the fierceness of the wrath of the Lord, and he saw the pope in the furnace, and, the china korea man, and hollie pointed, kim jong and hu and the emporer of japan, Im out, and he saw Jesus pop out of the Lord of hosts mouth, the word of God is published in all nations, now the end can come, hollies out of hot water, praying will do it, that, stay in your car, and hollie pointed, there here, let me talk said r.h. Duncan, but, he doesnt have anything to say, people lie and say they are Christians but, they, arent, its iraq, thats why, judgement needs to come to America, innocent people being slauthered everyday by the tyrant bush, and he saw him in his coffin, watch, cheney will submit to the vice president, Edwards, john, wont run, he knew, hillary would win if she, and she will, and hollie, a great multitude will stand before God, out of all nations, these are, the ones, raptured, out of the great tribulation, thats when, this is, and he saw, a white horse, the heavens were opened, and him that sat on had eyes of fire color, to conquer, the black horse, to quite the Spirit in Moscow, when the beast, goes to the greek orthadoxed church, to make an agreement, to work deceitfully, the red, to take peace off the earth, thae pale horse is, death and hell, pale is white, grizzled colored, off, bob, saw it, but, didnt know, and he saw, the grim reaper, on that horse, to cast people in the fire, hot water over, test passed, but, and he saw the bay horse, grizzled, with the grim reaper, pale colored, that is, when, you die, hell or heaven, theres the alarm, and hollie licked the prophet, that was hollie, a dream is a night vision, and that was the main ministering spirit, hollie, china will not put up with America ruling the world much longer, and Taiwan destroyed, and china, Russia, and America, almost all the way, all, thats the submarine sound, and captain hollie with binoculars, fire, and the world wobbled, and he saw devils all around his van, many, you could not see thru them, theres the alarm, and the lighted angel pointed, and hollie, and he saw hollie, Im a bear, Moscow, cat, leopard, china, and north korea, japan, south korea, situate, a business, empire, and he saw the pope, the anti Christ, that was Jesus, like black eyes and hair, in the fire colored, winking, and the lighted finger pointed, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats the pope, and he will, come to Moscow to make an agreement with the greek orthadoxed church, to gain control, and hu, is the false prophet, the ruler of magog, the pope, rules the rest of the world, the king of grecia, and the king of the south is hu, and he them sitting at the table, 666, is born there, to prevent them from destroying each other, that was a man in the bireth light, with his lungs showing like dark, light shining thru, spine, dont worship people, those, and hollie, were golen bear paws, the united states will be attacked real soon, look, that, pointed hollie, skeleton, dont lust people, the stench of the great whore, America, has reached God, he will raise up perisa, all of the middle east, and the Russians, said sunnysnet, to destroy her, the usa, soon, Taiwan destroyed, and he saw Jesus like a lion man, theres the tap dancers, hollies in hot water, cat, the leopard is, china, and all those surrounding lands, satan is the head of the beast with putin as the feet, Im a bear, said hollie, putin, lets rule the world, Russia, china, cuba, nicarvania, and thats, mexico, and, Venezuela, and, Nicaragua, these all, are, one, Moscow will grab Alaska after china lures America into war, theres the alarm, and Moscow and china, boom, and captain hollie with her sub and binoculars, fire, the world will wobble, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, our pope, and hu, is the false prophet, Im a bear, said hollie, thats Russia, that was hollie tearing up the contract, al gore had over 100,000 more votes, in florida, then, bush, but, bushs brother is governor, jeb bush, write him, thats a serpent, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and hollie pointed, the pope, and hu is the false prophet, that was satan, shhhh, Im the beast, come down and sit in the dust O Babylon, America, youll be destroyed, the unthinkable, when you least expect it by me, said putin, therefore now here this, thou that dwellest carelessly, like kicking God out, breaking you military down, thou are given to pleasures, nascar, bingo, bowling, boxing, that saith in thy heart, I will not come down, but you will, youll see, that was the contract being trashed, theres the alarm, and the whore pointed, and hollie, thats the submarine sound, fire, and the contract, America tore up, it was Godly, but, now, demon, infested, were mexico said fox, we will not put up with America said calderon, they both hate bush, no oil, that was like a fire lake, lava, stream, hell, theres the alarm, Jesus is holding the keys, to hell and death, theres the alarm, and hollie pointed, deparately, and he saw, Jesus on the horse, white, with eyes of, flame, colored, stay humble, baldness is caused by, its inherited, that was a lighted finger pointing, I wont have you, pointed Jesus, if you are proud, theres the submarine sound, fire, sunnysnet, and the west coast went up in flames, and the east coast, that was satan, and he looked like Jesus, sssh, theres the submarine sound with captain hollie, America, Moscow, and china, and the world wobbled, and bob had a dream where, he told the people, the anointing is gone, its in the book of JOEL, stripped, and the meat and the drink offering, with holden, from the house of your God, and bob dreamed he was at a church, many speakers, one smoked and played like you never heard, like, bottles, tapped on top, but, no, preaching, and he saw, the plane drop nuclear bombs accurately, this is how, America, will be, destroyed, by, Moscow, and he saw, the, beast, with, satan, as, the, head, this is, the, pope, and, putin, is the, feet, the bear, and the, leopard, is, china, north and south, korea, situate, and hollie, and, south korea, Indian, Pakistan, where all those lands are, even, Mongolia, all, lets rule the world, sang, putin, and he saw, sister Rexford, pulling the wagon, full of kids, these would have, gotten, saved, she, remarried, when she, was, warned, by this prophet, God gave me scripture, she said, but, what God hath joined asunder, let, no man, separate, but, she, was, married, and Jesus did not, join, but, wedding vows, unbreakable, but, she, did, put it under, this is, why, judgment must come, to, America, that, said, hollie, the black horse, and this horse, quiets, the Spirit, in the, north, country, Moscow, that, pointed, when, the pope, goes to, Russia, to make an agreement, with, the, greek, orthadox, church, to work, deceitfully, look at that, saith, hollie, the pope is, the, anti, Christ, and hu is, the, false, prophet, the new world order, and he saw, the, pope, as, the head, satan, of the beast, and, the leopard is, china, and all those, surrounding, lands, and, the feet are, putin, Moscow, the bear, china is, the, horn, that came up last, on the ram, the hegoat is, no, yep, the pope, with the two horns, china will, invade, Moscow, and, force, to, invade, Israel, the battle of Armageddon, put it under, read and do, ACTS 2:38, repent, and be, bap, tised, in Jesus Christ name, and receive, the gift of, the Holy Ghost, with the eveidence, of, speaking, in, new, tongues, the Spirit, causes, this, and he saw, the grim reaper, sitting on the horse, the, black, man, angel, he will, gather, people, for, hell, I wont, said the girl, that, goes to, paul mooneys, church, but, she, sings, at, churches, demi moore like, but, this puts, Jesus to an, open shame, this is why, he must, judge, America, look that, wait on Jesus, and he will, renew, your, strength, theres the alarm, you have, a, cute, ass, but, people, want, sex, more than, Jesus, this is why, judgement, to, America, soon, sodomy, and, blaspheme, some, right to bobs face, even thou, they, know, he is, speaking, the world of, Jesus, I got it, saith, hollie, prayer, tarry, and Jesus will, help you, aman, 7-14-15-2006-Were running out of time, work, while it is day, and he saw, the beast, with the popes head, satan, and Moscow as the feet and the leopard, china, north and south korea, japan, situate, as a business empire, and the engine said, no lucas, not needed, lucas heavy duty oil stabilizer means thickener, the united states will be attacked by Moscow real soon, and he saw black spirits unleashed all over America, these will go to war with the Christians, tormenting, pray for protection, o reilly is oreilly auto parts, sang Jesus, but they dont compete, they are, identical, and hollie pointed, look that, and hollie pointed, we will not said putin, put up with America said hu, the ram, bob woke up and felt hurt and thought God was whipping him but liked it, felt he would be better off, dont rush to change your deal, with Jesus, theres the main ministering spirit, hollie, and the angel had the recorder, theres the tap dancing spirit, tell my vision on the internet, thats the main ministering spirit, thats hollie, shes back, choose God over all, keep praying is what they say, whats there to pray about, your either in or your out, I dream, thats a night vision, all dreams, theres, the alarm, work for Jesus, no o o, chattered, hollie, stay away, no o o o, that church is cut off, and hollie showed, again, and hollie showed, but, led to go the other way, and hollie tore up the con trast, that was the only warning that young woman will ever get, but, many people dont dont get any, ten percent, is your tithe, said the angel of the Lord, cash for cars and trucks, junk, your junk may have over 100,000 miles left, keep it, and hollie tore up the con spirit, wheres he going said the angel of the Lord, when a man, or a woman backslides, God doesnt hear their voice anymore, God's eyes go to and fro, throughout, the whole earth, to shew himself strong on the behalf of those whose hearts are perfect before him, and bob is, Thats the submarine sound, and, the pope, and he saw four horns, the leopard, north and south korea, japan, and china, magog, where all those lands are, even most of Moscow, the united states will be a desolation soon said the angel of the Lord, set the watchman in tekea and what did he see, a chariot, with horses, red, to take peace off the earth, black, to quiet the Spirit in the world, white and grizzeled, this is, the grim reaper, the, hell and death, pale horse, thatt the one you need to worry about, you will not be helped if you fall, sang Jesus, Im giving you up to a reprobate mind to do what you want if you wont do what I want, theres the alarm, gum recession is caused by poor oral hygene period, and hollie pointed, that, Israel, they are, a cup of trembling, to the whole world, attacking, Lebanon, non stop, warned, now, they need to, take back, the Palestinian state, do, said, the new prime minister, and the world will, do nothing, knew, that, Israel, was nice, and the palestinians, were, terror, ists, when you get gingivitis, you have satan in you, and have to plead with God to get him out, there aint no visions in Pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, and he saw the words, fierce countenance, the pope said, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, has arrived, hes gitting, you ready for the rapture, when America gets hit, I heard you had a vision, put it on the internet, thats the submarines sound, and, captain hollie with binoculars looking at America, fire, and both coasts went up in flames, and up the middle, and Moscow and china from, America subs nuking, the world wobbled, and hollie showed up, thats it, that, Yur off, said hollie, try to get on, prophet, theres the alarm, the submarines are undetectable, uto, o brother, and the lighted hand pointed, tell your vision on the internet, whats that, that, America and china going to war, that, thats when, moscow, will attack Alaska first, that, on the day of the Lord, prophesied in ISAIAH 13, that, the pope will go to the greek orthadoxed church in Moscow, and make an agree, ment, that, one sixth left, that, china will absorb, but keeps their arsenal, that, hu will rise like a lamb out of the sea, that, with japan, that, they will withstand, whats that, hollie, the pope, soon the united states will be a desolation said the angel of the Lord, like a white man, thats the submarine sound, and captain hollie with her, binoculars, fire, sunnysnet on the beach, and the meerkat smile, up, down, like hollie showed, drink coffee like the angel showed, and hollie pointed, Israel play hard from now on, the new prime minister, has had it, watch, Ill threaten but, nothing severe, that was golden bear paws, cat, and hollie pointed, Im the leopard, and he saw, four kings, and the leopard, north and south korea, japan, and china, magog, the four carpenters, and, putin is the feet, the bear, Im a bear, and satan, is the mouthpiece, the pope, and the angel pointed, theres the alarm, and hollie tore up the con, try it, thats the alarm, and hollie pointed, and hollie stood up, command ye me, saith, Jesus, now God is faced with, suffer said Jesus, that was hollie tearing up the con trust, and God winked, theres the alarm, that was the contract torn, its on the Indianapolis news, iran, Syria, America attacks, soon, and hollie pointed, iraq nuclear, bush, warlord, that was like a golden hand, thats the warning, theres the alarm, and he saw radio towers all over America, and jagged lines saying, Russia is coming, then, the lines went down to the earth, Russia hit us by surprise, on the day of the Lord, and he saw, the pope coming out of the ground like fire, a mans face, in the fire, and, over, the four horns, magog, but, he will come out of, Moscow, and, the, pope will, be withstood, by, hu, the false prophet, The g7 nations are the seven heads, Canada, austraila, italy, france, great Britain, germany, and, Moscow, they are, in on, the, nations that will, they have, then horns, on their head, and they are, politburo, nations will, unite, and destroy, America, and they are, friends, and, enemies, uto, o brother, lets rule the world, sang, putin, china, said, hu, mexico, said, castrol, sell, no, said, fox, oil, America will, sanction, sneek, some, they do, and America knows, but, cuba, suffers, and America knows, put it under, double standards, are, and hollie, gitting, America, in, to, trouble, china, will, not put up with, America, much longer, they are, a, super, power, two rayal navy ships, have headed for, lebanon, the attack on, syria, and, iran, soon, very close, america, not, britan, will do it, israeli prime minister, ehud, olmert, is, watching, closely, and, suspects, give money, lots, said hollie, iraq, nuclear, EZEKIEL 7, soon, watch, entry made july 16, 2006-here it comes, the judgment of, the, island, of, taiwan, they knew, they will be, destroyed, by, china, please call me, he's coming back, luciano, pavarotti, is, 70, and, dying, doctors are, trying, but, they won't, for long, put it under, he did not, serve, Jesus, millionaire, but, now, he will in hell, up to his, bellybutton, and the geese winked, and the gesse winked, again, a local church with a global vision, thats us, the ramseys's, cut off, and he saw, three kings, between, the lighted toes, these are, the three kings, that stand up, in, persia, the pope, hu, the false prophet, and, the idol shepard, satan, will enter in, and hollie pointed, the pope, and, destroy, searching for, the, jewish, remnant, and he saw, like, a, man, in the fiery mist, the fire, of, affliction, will bring, many thru, torment, no signs, but, over 500,000 people are mislead by them, bob just saw a man at the checkout counter buying rubbers for sex, and said he was going to speak at a church tomorrow, this is, america, thats what you get, iran, syria, soon, it's being, prepared for right now, two british warships left for there for that purpose, to back up america, watch, the diesel engine is no better than the gasoline engine, just keep oiled up, start, america, over iran said the angel of the Lord, trouble, war, attacking persia, the middle east, and hollie, showed, bush knew he's going to attack iran even while he's in moscow, but they are wanting to keep israle stable, but, no way, a cup of trembling, to the whole world, and the world will wobble, and captain hollie with her sub, looking at america, fire, I'm in trouble, said hollie, bubbling sound, no, the devil is, watch, with you near, there's nothing I need sang Jesus, walk, exercise, tarry, and hollie pointed, prayer, knees, and hollie showed to leave that right there with a bear paw, I'm a bear, said hollie, putin, russia, prophet, there's the submarine sound, and, captain hollie looking at, both coast's, american, went up in flames, I'm putin, I will do it, or the russian leader, look, that, submarines around america, sneaked in under ships, fire, when you least expect it, boom, aemrica went up that quick, and he saw, the pope and, over, the four horns, the leopard, and the finger pointed, the leopard is, china, north and south korea, japan, and all those lands around there, including most of russia, america and china are heading to war, nuclear, taiwan, destroyed, there's the alarm, and Jesus pointed, suffer said Jesus, no, said babyfleas, how do I get a hold of you, I need your word, do you get aid, no to all, and he saw the words, babyfleas is cut off, period, for not getting right, I ain't gonna hear is she said, but, was told, atlantic, and he saw the prophetess silvana lupetti, her and char tierney, fasted for forty days, fools, your not saved, I knew said david gilmore, pink floyd, back in 1967 they started it, now, one down, syd barret, the rest, and they were, exceeded the beatles, and no band will ever come near them in sells, over, one billion, in records, the beatles are about four hundred million, and hollie, that was a, and hollie, like, baby, in the fire colored, mist like, come before Jesus, with your requests, and pointed, and he saw, the words, isreal destroyed, the palestinian state, gaza, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, it will be, destroyed to, that was the eye of God, like a partial faced fire man, checking, thats the submarine sound, and captain hollie, fire, looking with her binoculars, sex on the beach, and both coasts, and up the middle in america, the world wobbled, it's syria, they supply hezbollah, and israel, knows it, but, hit lebanon, next, syria, if, syria knows it, lay off, said the president of syria, nope, said hezbollah, hit, said, the president of syria, he will not, God told bob, he would see something on cnn, and hollie, and he saw, two british warships dispatced, he believes syria and iran soon, right, and hollie pointed, put it on there, hezbollah is the phillstines, all of the middle east, arabs, persia, and hollie pointed, sup with Jesus, china is magog, thats the leopard, and, putin pointed, the ram, china was, the horn, that came up last, the hegoat is the pope in the middle, thats your pope and he pointed like a dark angel, there's the alarm, a dream is a night vision, that was God looking from the side at robert cavaness, I pledge alliegence to my pastor, they said at the beginning of the service, and he is cut off, no signs, take your hand and feel all over your ass danica patrick, thats what you want people to see shorty, I'm mad at you she said, and that was her like a angel, she is, cause nobody cares, people are perishing, only bob, witnesses, that was Jesus slapping the bear paws, keep your hands away things that defile, going to hell, said danica patrick, she chose racing, and knew it, that was like fire, rising to the atmosphere, and the angel bob came out, america, will be destroyed, by russian nukes, 30 of them, multable warhead, and he saw black spots where they are targeted, not every state, but, the radiation, one hour, america will be, desolate, and hollie, and he saw, sam neill turn in to the pope, he is the anti Christ, and hu is the false prophet, hi bob, I'm a screaming spirit, I'm all right, don't worry about me, I won't perish, I'll be all right, and the lighted finger pointed, and the missile took off and hollie pointed, o brother said hollie, and pointed, when ameila earhart hit the water, her head hit the dash so hard it almost flattened, her soul came out, went thru the door, right into fire, in hell she's thinking, I knew not to go, that was the pope, she past like an angel of light, the anti Christ, you know what I did said charles taylor, ordered, slashing off limbs, children, also, teach them, thats what putin would have looked like as an angel, but he is satan, the pope, and the dark pope pointed at the dark spirit, jack, got angry, depressed, drank, hanged himself, but, while hanging, o shit, could not do one thing, perished, in lava he says, I had it made, wife, shack up, child, but, don't tell mom, to late, brother sammy followed about one month later, mom, did not care, there's hollie, no, pointed hollie, that was what lucifer looked like, israel is at war, with, all, arabs, because, they will not, leave them alone, no mercy, because, blaspheme, they do not want, Jesus, but, 7-2006-worship Jesus, move him, or, perish, your choice, and hollie pointed, again, bob is letting Jesus move the enemy out, after he paid his price, no, yes, you can't do it yourself, and hollie, and hollie showed, keep working said dumitru duduman, soon america's light will go out, and, he saw, a bright light, bob is america's light, and God knows it, you know your motor said dumitru duduman, keep clean oil and, zero wear, I want my visions on the internet, said hollie, where there's no vision, the people perish, thats the main ministering spirit pointed the angel of the Lord, whats that, fuel system cleaner is ethanol, it's already in the gas, don't but it, and he saw the beast, I'm the beast, said the beast, and the little horn, and the leopard is, the body, north and south kroea, japan, and, china, and most of moscow, the pope will, go to moscow to make an agreement, with the greek orthadoxed, church, to work decietfully, gain control, he will rule the world, but, magog, that, hu and japan, will rise to withstand, like a lamb, put the visions on the internet said hollie, thats not Jesus, thats satan, and he looks like Jesus, israel is a cup of trembling to the whole wolrd because of nukes and hated and bush, thier only friend, no, said hollie, judgement to amexico, and captain hollie with her binoculars, looking at the world, wobble from moscow and china firing on america, and america firing on moscow and china, and hollie pointed, one third of the population, scraped off the planet said the angel of the Lord, like a white man, mexico, canada, and cuba too, and he saw, a big bomber flying over canada, boom, thats all it will take, and, they can't stop it, amexico said the pope, thats, the main ministering spirit, thats hollie, and the tap dancers said, go and post, look that, the pope, amexico is, cuba, mexico, america, canada, and he saw, it all explode, from russian submarines, fire, and they did, from, close range, destruction in it's perfection said the man and sunnysnet, I had a vision said the angel of the Lord, and hollie, put it on the internet, there are no more visions in pentecost because there are no more apostolics in pentecost, look that, new life, goes to traders point, pastor ramsey, cut off, the other pastor, there both a show, no signs, and hollie, and the pope, over the four horns, the king of grecia, he will be stronger, then magog, hu, hu will rise like a lamb out of the sea to withstand him, with japan, soon the united states will be atacked by missiles said the angel, there's the submarine sound, and captain hollie, fire, on america, and the world wobbled, the day of the Lord, and hollie showed magog on the stock car, china, and all those surrounding lands, and hollie appeared, and hollie showed, and hollie, and he saw, the three kings that stand up in perisa between the toes, hu, the pope, the idol shepherd, satan, is the idol shepard, that, america and china going to war, that, then, moscow will attack america, and hollie licked the prophet, there's the submarine sound and captain hollie, fire, on america, china and moscow, the day of the Lord, the world wobbled, there's the submarine sound and captain hollie, post, and submarines all around america, fire, and america exploded, and babylon was on it, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, and hollie, smiling, pointed, and hollie showed, and hollie, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, and hollie laughed, no, prophet, there's the submarine sound, and captain hollie with binoculars, looking at america, fire, and moscow and china, fire, the world wobbled, and hollie, and the pope was over the four horns, magog, the four horns are, china, north and south korea, japan, situate, a buisness empire, magog, there's the submarine sound, and submarines all around america, fire, and america, exploded, and babylon was on it, there's the alarm, punk, that was the main ministering spirit, 7-2006-, and hollie showed, watch the red light, california said the angel of the Lord, 3 hits from submarines, and washington, state, there's the alarm, black and white relationship, abomination in God's eye's, pink floyd were like gods on stage, david gilmore, almost wild, he coul dont control, the adrenaline rush, he would sing, in a, different voice, easier, but, the people like it, close, and david gilmore pointed, put more visions on the internet, said hollie, it is a dream said prophet david gilmore, thus speaketh the Lord of host, and when paris hilton turned around, the people staired at her butt, and God, Jesus, tore up the, contract, but, he will forgive you, he understands, said paris hilton, there ain't no visions in pentecost because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, and hollie, you know what I did, got God to move my mountain, then, served, served while, this mountain stopped everybody, that came it's way, 6 demons assigned, knocked off, but, bob got leveled many times, could only threaten and pray in his heart, that was the eye of God, like fire eye, black dot, sad, and hollie tore up the contrast, with golden bear paws, that was golden bear paws tearing up the contruit, mr. christian, didn't hollie say, no, website said the mouth, add, there's the alarm, and God winked, cat woman, the leopard, magog, china and north korea, japan and south korea, showed hollie, and satan like a fiery pope was over those four horns, and he saw dreamed, and the lighted finger pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, chicago, and the finger pointed, exploded, and he saw, fire, errupt from around the statue of liberty, thats MYSTERY, BABYLON, and paul stanley pointed, smiling, and he saw the fire, colored ace frehly on stage, and like, a fire man, like rock, that is, gene simmons, I joke says the Lord, I will laugh at your calamity, when it comes, if you laugh at me when I call you, and hollie showed number one, there's the alarm, write the vision and make it plain, that was the angel lucifer, bright white wings, red face, beautiful, thats what, he looked like, thats what the angel gabriel looks like, just a bright light man, michael, has long hair, bright, bob saw all three, lucifer, the prettiest, that was Jesus, like a, bearded man, that was axl rose in the lake of fire, and what he will do is, I had it made, that was Jesus like a mist man, white, with a baby, take care of your children, and hollie pointed, that was like a, fiery colored serpent, fire, mist, and the pope, like an angel of light, fire colored, and he pointed, white like, hu, the other beast, and the emporer of japan, fire colored, like a lamb rising out of the sea, two withstand the pope, thats satan, knocking a your door like the pope, thats Jesus laughing at your calamity like a white spirit man with beard, and hollie pointed, that was king david like Jesus, when he was old, wrinkles, and beard, and brown hair, thats many of people in the lake of fire, and hand showed, like hollie does, ACTS 2:38, your better get in said sam neill, and he saw a woman with loose shorts, thats what people want, lust me, you better go home pointed Jesus, that was a flash of a, city of glass, sky scaper, streets clear, like, shiny glass, again, that was new jerusalem pointed hollie, prophet, the finger pointed, taht was a bunch of kings, lula, chavez, fox, calderon, putin, hu, the ram, the pope, the hegoat, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, on america, and hollie pointed, that was Jesus like, outlined light, and, heavenly, like, people, at a, table, all of light, there's the alarm, and hollie showed, o no, test passed, wait, putin will recieve the thought, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, north korea, venezuela, brazil, they will, give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, after, america hits syria and iran, and two british warships were dispatched for there, watch, and he saw, a nuclear explosion, iraq, and hollie showed, the new mustang is selling well, israel, the palestian state, gone, watch, and hollie showed, and hollie showed, russia and china, they are, the ram, leave my spaceship alone said hollie, and the airplane with ministryofdreams on it, pulled the cover off the world, and the people were all in darkness, dark spirits, that was God winking, 7-17-2006-I need you to testify said the angel of the Lord, and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the contract, and the angel pointed, and hollie pointed, that was not Jesus, that was satan, shhhhh, thats the phone said hollie, there's those horses with a chariot, and, false prophet hu and the pope, sitting in the front, and in back, calderon, lula, chavez, castrol, kim jong, they will give thier power and strength, and hollie looked with her binoculars, to the beast, nicaragua, send it over, on america, no, said hollie, and hollie smiled like a bear, thats the submarine sound, and captain hollie looking with her binoculars, at america, and both coasts wnet up, and up the middle from submarines, and captain hollie, hollie's in hot water, white robe, smiling, hi bob, I'm a screaming spirit, I'm all right, Ill be ok, don't worry about me, Ill be fine, trouble in persia called america attacking the middle east, the arabs, persia, persia will not take america long attacking it, the spirit of the medes, hate, is being raised, Im rich said Jesus, there's the eye of God, accident, said the angel of the Lord, is what thye will call iraq, and the palestinian state, EZEKIEL 7, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns sang the crowd, the pope, and hu, the false prophet, thats the little head, I'm the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and Im the pope, italy, and the finger pointed, last chance for iran pointed Jesus to comply and they won't and syria, lets tarry said the angelic face, theres the angry lion of the tribe of judah, witness, you been filled with the Holy Ghost, and you should show it, that was the pope with a horn in his head, the king of grecia, the hegoat, and his two horns are putin and hu, catholics, your being decieved said the pope, in the lake of fire, chatterring his teeth, knowing, there's the submarine sound, and captain smith pointed, here's what the Lord says, and the tap dancers said, your, there's the alarm, there's the submarine sound, and captain hollie with her binoculars, fire, after, america, the world wobbled, there's the submarine sound, and captain hollie with her binoculars, fire, on moscow and china, one third, of the population is wiped out, and hollie showed, there's the submarine sound, and captain hollie, 7-19-2006-israel, is pounding lebanon, but, not hard, only, tagets, put it under, kim miller, get, saved, read and do, ACTS 2:38, hamas, is, the Lords enemies, alright, go ahead and tell it, I'm, and hollie said, and hollie pointed, time is running out, and hollie tore up the contract, there's the alarm, pointed hollie, and hollie, in the end times, satan will be given power to wear down the saints, even now, because of, not, no, fiery darts, paul spoke about, they hit your gums and harm, recession, until God moves up a standard against it, endure, he will not let it go on forever, but, nobody can endure very long, be careful for everything says the Lord, I will not put up with disobediance, I choose who I want, and make holy who I want, I will not spare you or your family, and Jesus pointed at the recorder, and pointed, post, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, and hollie pointed, fire on america, and the world wobbled, God will send you a strong delusion, so that you beleive a lie, and hollie showed, bobby, the devil is preparing to make war with the christians, and there are only two in america, and hollie tore up the contract, don't even smile, I be he's a psychic, and hollie pointed, thats a fallen prophet, or prophet that doesn't know, they pray and ask God to show them, there's the alarm, work for Jesus, and God winked, and he saw Jesus, like a picture, and hollie pointed, it's iraq, this will, raise up, the spirit of the medes, hate, for america, not praying, said the angel of the Lord, and he saw black spirits, many, flying, dropping black spikes, tormenting who they hit, and people, praying at the alter, spared, but, those, not praying, tormented, put it under, thats the main ministering spirit, and the angel pointed, hollie, and the lighted pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, there's the submarine sound, thats captain hollie, fire, on americano, and the world wobbled, chicago, and he saw, captain hollie like a bear, and chicago explode, it will burn, on the day of the Lord, and captain hollie and captain smith, the titanic is worshipped more than Jesus and it is rusting away, and he saw captain smith in lava up to his belly button, agony, and what he's saying is, I would've lived, 14 more years and still captained, but, I knew, icebergs, lightoller was not doing his job, and he saw the iceberg the titanic hit, easily missable, Charles Lightholler caught it to late, it scraped the side, and, hollie pointed, knocked out one plate, and pressed in others, about 300 feet, they knew, and he saw, a bear, in his hand, Im a bear, cat, russia is the bear, the leopard is, north and south korea, china, and japan, where all those lands are, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, nuclear, exchange, israel and iraq, read it, satan is the mouth piece, the pope, and he saw, the pope over the four horns, magog, the leopard, and hollie pointed, change prophecy ministry to ministryofdreams, it will index again, that was a, viper with the popes face, and hu, I will not put up with you, the beast will say, to the second beast, like a lamb, and hollie tore up the contrast, rising out of the sea, with japan, no, said hollie, that was a fire eye man, prodding stopped, touched, nickelodian is abomination in God's eye's, israel is a cup of trembling to the whole world, because of nukes, and bush, and thats hollie, pointed, like an angel, that was hollie tearing up the con, trite, no, said hollie, and the lighted finger pointed, people have skeletons, don't worship them, and hollie tore up the contract with golden bear paws, that was hollie, and pointed, tearin up the contract, with golden bear paws, were heading to war, syria, iran, next, and the finger pointed, and hollie, jack didn't want Jesus sang the choir, now in hell, thats the lion man, the king of judah, that was Jesus, and that was, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, and bob dreamed, he was in a bus, and, spoke with stan johnson, and told him a vision where he saw kansas explode, and the black spread, to cover the whole state, a red dot appeared in the middle and got bigger and stan appeared in the red dot, this is, stan is, cut off, warning, and bob, warned the bus driver, that the, bus was, as it, stop, as it approaced, a bridge, bob warns, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, that was a heavenly vision of bright light in mist, that was the main ministering spirit and pointed, that was not Jesus, sh, satan, shhhh, but, he looked like Jesus, and hollie pointed, why do you tempt him, give, God glory in the fire, this is hollie with the loose belt sound, don't play with fire, and hollie, pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, no, this is hollie with the loose belt, not, Im the main ministering spirit, why don't you help me she thought, he told her, everything, that is coming, till, the end of time, but, you did, you need to get deep in God she said, but, he just, visions and dreams, and hollie pointed, prophesyed, and, the end day message, she knew it, some of it, and hollie licked the prophet, bush is the worlds worst enemy said donald winters and hollie, I'm a tap dancing spirit, my name is hollie, that woman, from westside pentecostal church knew the scriptures and, awesome, you gave her, understanding, some, entries made 7-20-2006- israel is a cup of trembling, to the whole world, nukes, and bush, iran and syria, next, and hollie, pointed, and hollie showed to record the vision, the end times magog is china, and all those surrounding lands, prophesying is receiving visions while right there, the Lord's against you said roger gilmore, for blaspheme, if you reject him, no, what if, you get something in your foot, soak it on hot salt water, work with it, or, loose, maybe, bobby, judgement is coming to america said dumitru duduman, I want my visions on the internet, Im hollie, the main ministering spirit and the angel pointed, hollie's in hot water, no, said hollie, cut your hand off if it causes you to sin unless, you can't bear it, then you will sin with one hand, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, looking with her binoculars, irving baxter, fire, at the deciever, and america, mexico, and, canada, destroyed, from, russian, submarines, and captain hollie turned into captain smith and with binoculars looking at moscow and china, open fire, on, he said, and the lighted hollie showed, again, one of the population wiped out, and the pope was over the four horns, magog, he will come out of the greek orthadoxed church, hu will withstand, with japan, there's the submarine sound pointed, I'm the main ministering spirit, hollie, that possum, lives in the garage, you'll see, feed it, pet, california said the angel of the Lord, fire, and it, went up in flames and the east coast, and captain hollie, in her sub, the world wobbled, bob, wur laughing, jesting, mocking, at you, and he tried to help them, now, we've had it they think, and hollie pointed, bobby, I got a yoke said sunnysnet, nope, you need to, ACTS 2:38, we got trouble in the middle east, persia, arabs, bush, attacking, iran, syria, iraq, this will, raise up the spirit of the medes, hate, and hollie, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, said the pope on america, the world will wobble, what about micky spillane, perished, went from a multimillionaire to lava, and he saw hollie, on the missile aimed for chicago, boom, chicago will burn, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read it, I'm going to give you a mouth speaking great things aith the Lord, bob, God tells him what to say, rarely does he speak anything, but what the Lord tells him, thanks, is usely about all, reaction, thats it, and hollie, yep, said president bush, iran, syria, wur coming, I will hit syria hard cause of terrorism, iran, powerplant, I'll nuke it, not, but he wants to, and take the oil, who cares what the world thinks, bush, and he saw bush in his coffin, you got something I need said tony george, and he saw the indianapolis 500 race track gone from, dead hit, nuclear explosion right over the top, bob, saw it, back in, 97, it's a multiple warhead, tell tony george, and he will get this, bob see's it right now and is walking by the 500, bush, is, the worlds worst enemy, warlord, dead, theres the alarm, we know it, said, virginia boldea, they are all, cut off, no signs, yur wrong, she said, watch, and he saw the hand, handing out, tracks, and hollie, soon the united states will be attacked by russian missiles said tony george and the angel of the Lord like a white man, and hollie pointed at the lottery ticket, abominaition, lula will be in on the attack of america, not wanting, but oil, will be freed up, over, 21 million barrels per day, fools, america has most of it's own oil, sitting on it like saudi arabia, if opec cut america off, america would be back in about one month using it's own oil, but, no protection, and the arabs know it, and he saw hollie like a fiery bear putting the titanic together, scratching head, hard hat, frame, plates, rivets, the plates did not overlad, how they filled, rivets, sealed, all, many, nailed in, the gaps, were air tight, and he saw, pastor william l. harris, I knew, in lava up to his belly button, and the flames up to his head, because of, he thought he was right, steal it, you have to, have, the ACTS 2:38 born again experience, and follow thru, he thinks, but, is worng, no signs, hte war planners in russia know right now is the time to hit america, nobody will help, isolated, moscow knows, but, ohio class subs, and nuclear weapons in many countries, they'll figure it out, wur going to have to take hits, many, and they will, and hollie pointed, theres the submarine sound and captain hollie with binoculars, fire on america because of blaspheme, that brush will scrape it off, thats the main ministering spirit, thats hollie, thats the submarine sound, and, captain hollie, pocket coffee, or, fire, when looking with binoculars on america, and moscow and china, and the world wobbled, no, one third of the population wiped out, thats the submarine sound and submarines, all around america, fire, and america exploded, and babylon came out, and amexico, and hollie pointed, amexico is, america, canada, and mexico and cuba, because china will not put up with america, holding taiwan much longer, lure, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan, destroy, and the world wobbled, then flew, one of the syraphins, to me, with a live coal, touch God, and he will, give to you, the victory, and he saw, the angel of the Lord, descending, from, heaven, sang Jesus, to, rapture, and them, which were, in graves, that was ready, came out, and, then, the rest, raptured, and that was, satan, how hast thou, comest, here, without a, wedding garment, cast him, out, to, everlasting, contempt, you know what I need, a broken spirit and a contrite heart, God will not despise, like he saw, and then, moscow will attack, alaska, and he saw, alaska, explode, it will burn, a single hit, and hollie smiled, ministering spirit style, that is a, 69 pontiac bonneville, fast, and hollie smile and showed, her teeth, and, hollie pointed, on a field so far away stood uh old rugged cross, that was, pink floyd, it would've hit number one, neat, there's the submarine sound pointed hollie, and captain hollie, turned into captain smith, fire, and the titanic hit the iceberg, and wobbled, a little, not noticable, but, one hour later, it knifed into the bottom of the atlantic, the plate that fell off, and the rest wur puncutured or pressed is buried under the mud, but, they saw it lying on the mud, a unique find, and he saw EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, ezekiel knew wasn't a nation at that point, that they would reform and be destroyed again, cause he was in babylon when prophesied, he became a prophet there, don't tell me about chicago, boom, it will burn, and captain hollie, fire, with sub, theres the submarine sound pointe, hollie, witness, that'll level you, and hollie, tore up, the con, trast, and hollie tore up, the con, trast, there's the hot water, said sunnysnet, pointed, china, america, war, once you hit israel, the apple of my eye, great babylon will come into rememberance before God after the iraq war turns nuclear, great babylon is america, said bush, the enemy, of israel, hollie's in hot water pointed the finger and pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope and hu is the false prophet, the new world order has just begun, and the pope is over the four horns, magog, he will go to the greek orthadoxed church in moscow, one sixth that is left, and make an agreement, for, control, and he saw, hu, and, the pope, sitting at the table, 666, born there, to prevent them, from destroying each other, and hollie pointed, save, and hu will rise to withstand, the ruler of magog, the pope will rule the rest of the world, china is magog, and all those surrounding lands, I need more mercy, said sunnysnet, so I can sin more, no, protect, why, and the people pointed, get out, said sunnysnet, satan voice, her message board, hot water for hollie, pointed the hand, that was a ghost, and hollie showed how to put the manufactured home in, truck, back in, set, footing, bricks, sewer, water, power, tada, and hollie with her hard hat on, that was God winking, thats the hot water and hollie smiling, white robe, and hollie pointed, that was satan, shhhhhhhhh, pointed hollie, but it looked like Jesus, and he saw, captain smith, look at his watch, he rushed, the titanic, and, pointed because time, hurry, I'm a screaming spirit, hi bob, Im ok, Im allright, dont worry about me, itll be fine, when the titanic hit the iceberg, lightoller was stunned, a brand new ship, he heard it, and knew, doomed, and he waved goodbye, but, perished, went down, with the ship, and Jesus pointed, theres the alarm, pointed hollie, thats the flute being blown, people aren't repenting even though the know it, lets rule the world, sang putin, china, russia, nicarvania, thats, mexico, cuba, nicaragua, and, they are, one, and hollie pointed, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, said the pope, theres the alarm, pointed hollie, whoever hits israel, thats the apple of my eye, woe, and the finger pointed, lighted, and, lightoller pointed at the iceberg, and hollie on the deck, wobble, it knocked out one plate and pressed others, and filled up, rolled, lifted, break, and sank, the people sang, amazing grace, but, to late, live, for Jesus, or, no deathbed, salvaTION, read and do ACTS 2:38, thats, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, and hollie pointed, speaking in tongues, and, at, cornelius, bullock, s, place, of, employment, look, that, take God, serious, don't, tempt, and james tyson, look, pointed, he said, there aint no more visions in pentecost, and the, lighted finger pointed, because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, witness, you have been filled with the Holy Ghost and you don't even show it, and the light flashed and the foot stomped, and he dreamed he was at hand of help, family like, and he laughed, they visited, he left, that spirit, aint Jesus, thats satan, shhhhhh, and america was on fire, and babylon appeared in the fire, came out, and he saw, vision of the mountain, and dumitru duduman and him on top of the ROCK mountain, but neither happy, work, both do, it takes all to get there and stay there, and he saw, the mountain, and, spikes, being shot, be on top, no spikes, on bottom, half way, hit, doomed, with you near, there's nothing I need, sang Jesus, but, Jesus, help, Jesus, help you, there ain't no more apostolics, in pentecost, because there, ain't no more apostolics, in pentecost, my body, is my god, nope, it, belongs to Jesus, Jesus is coming ready or not, on off like hollie showed, be in or out, hezbollah, is, punishing, israel, to, apache, helicopters lost, today, about, 40 million each, put it under, nuke, and get rid of, saith, Jesus, and he saw, the, new, israeli, prime minister, reading, and wadding, but he knows, they are messing with, you, do it, and hollie showed, and he saw people on the mountain, and devils were shooting thier arrows, the ones high up, the devil did not shoot at, the one's on the bottom could not endure what was coming against them, spikes, like, rick joyner said, the, hoardes of hell are coming, read, and, rick, will wadd up, he knows it, write, people, buy, and read, it, over and over, stay out of here, saith, rick joyner, bob would love to meet, if Jesus, would let him talk, to hear, rick, give his, testimony, for long, and would fall, and he saw, the airplane, pulling the cover off the world, ministryofdreams, is exposing the whole world, and dark spirits calling themselves christians, many, and hollie pointed, and bob saw sunny again and sunny loved being around him and God let him talk, and he did not sin, but they both laughed, that was, bobs best friend saith the Lord, but sunny didn't know it, sunny was the only one that did not make fun of bob, but now bob could make fun of any, of them, but, wants, sonny saved, sunny, knows, bob's living for, Jesus, sang Jesus, you got it, said the angel of the Lord, there's the submarine sound, pointed hollie, I feel like a backslid, that means you did something you knew wasn't right, or, you just felt it wasn't, your alright, let God judge, wait a minute mr. christian, said, hollie, wait a minute, russia, is coming, ready or not, read and do, ACTS 2:38, repent, and be, bap, tised, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve, the gift of the Holy Ghost, prophesied, in JOEL, and it shall come to pass, that I will, pour out of my Spirit, upon all flesh, your sons and your daughters, shall prophesy, visions, said michael boldea, while, right there, wait a minute mister christian, wait on Jesus, and he will, give to you, the victory, wait a minute, mr. christian, give God, glory, in the fire, of affliction, trails, and the finger pointed, sing to Jesus, make, a jofull noise, clap, entertain, your were made for his, pleasure, like it says, in REVELATION, 1, and the black horse, quiets, the Spirit, in the, whole world, worth, said the angel of the Lord, walk, worthy of Jesus, put these visions, on the, radio, on brother, stair, s, program, and he saw, brother stair, smiling, likes, bob, and bob likes him, meet, with him, he would love you, bob, and, stair, bob would, submit, to, Jesus, and then, stair, but, obey, Jesus, respect, and intercede, for, and he saw, stair, crying, no, sleeping, he will, wadd, but, happy, in the, end, no, said, Jesus, yep, said, stair, he is, happy, but, all that, he, prophesied, is, coming, he knows it, said, michael, boldea, to past, stair is, a, prophet, like he says, and he saw, the statue of liberty, in, flames, all around, the, judgment to, america, said, stair, write, the iraq war, was over, breaking, go home, he said, oil contracts, he knows it, said, stair, I knew, but, could not bear, believe it, now, I see it, the out, then, great babylon, comes to, rememberance, before, Jesus, this is, america, said, stair, call, write, bob was, looking, for, stairs, program, on, am, but, did not, find, but, it is there, my last warning, said the angel of the Lord, america, will hit, syria, and iran, new jet, the, rap, tor, is, not, worth, the f-15, is, much, faster, and, better, and, way, cheaper, put it under, I, will make, drunk, your, kings, and, your, princes, and they will sleep, a, perpetual, sleep, and shall not wake, now he's laughing, said, hollie, stair will like, tell it, said, hollie, lightening bolt, said stair, is, bob, he might, no, said stair, visit, if you want, git out of here, you will say, he looks, 37, but, is not, much older, and, aging, fast, there's nothing I need, sang, Jesus, but, everyone, repent, and, live for, Jesus, aman, git out of here, stair will know, that, he is preaching, and, bob knows, that he is cut off, put it under, that helped me, said, stair, but, tell me about bobby knight, he is, trying to, put together, a, top, contender, and, will, watch, he will, win, and hollie toer up the conspirit, work for the Lord, and the nuclear explosion, entries made 7-21-2006-You can keep the visions is what most people say, said the angel of the Lord, and hollie, he will not sing styx songs without styx there pointed, steve young, theres the submarine sound point ed hollie, and binoculars, fire, on Americano, I need my power said the angel of the Lord, thats not Jesus, thats satan, shhhh, dont; tell on him, thats what ministryofdreams is all about, exposing, and he saw, the airplane pulling, the cover off the world, and many dark spirits, saying, Im a Christian said sunnysnet, but, they are liars, and the transmission said, uhmm, and the angel, came out, mew fluid, and hollie, and he saw the angel of the Lord, move, yellow hair, war, hu, wants war, prophet, theres the submarine sound, and captain smith on the titanic, fire, and hollie tore up the contrast, captain hollie, America, china and msocow, destroyed, and he saw the van in California, he might go visit sunnysnet, and she tore up the paper, trash, but, excited, sunnysnet is cut off, it was amazing grace, sang captain smith, with his hat off, ministryof dreams he said, exposed, he said, and the airplane pulled the cover off the world, and many dark spirits, and the dark finger pointed, calling themselves Christians, and he saw, the words, fiery darts, there till Jesus moves, didn't the angel say, you know iraq, leading America to judgement, thus saith the Lord of hosts, george bush, you are doomed, and taking America with you, you will be assassinated, overeating causes, gall stones, mercy said the angel is available, Gods ears are open, to the cry of the righteous, up the steps, down the steps, like hollie showed, climb higher in God, Christ is ready to appear, and hollie, Chicago, And he saw hollie on the missile and Chicago exploded, and the sears tower and the john hancock building were still there, but, collapsed, while burning, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read, bush, brought in to break oil contracts, the united states will be eliminated in just one hour, and, captain putin, fire, prophet, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, and captain hollie coming out of her sub, fire, subs all around America, radio towers, the warning over the prophecy club, all over Americano, and the subs fired, and hollie took off out of the silo, boom, America exploded, the world wobbled, and Babylon came out the fire, and the pope and false prophet hu stood up on top of the world, the new world order, has just arrived, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, and I saw Jesus sitting on the throne, and the posts moved, and I said, woe is me, I want sex, and the seraphin took a live coal with the tongs, off the alter, and decided not waste his time, bob would want it anyway, thats a halo over Jesus, theres the alarm, pointed hollie, that was Jesus, laughing at people calamities, like a white face, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie pointed, me first, is why, people are, falling, away, no prayer, gospel, nope, that was God winking, magog is china, and all those surrounding lands, said hollie and your pope, and he saw, the pope, over the four horns, magog, china, north and south korea, and japan, and he saw the pope go to the greek orthadoxed church, in Moscow to make an agreement to work deceitfully, thank you, control, hu will rise, like a, lamb, out of the sea, the ruler of magog, to withstand him, with japan, 666, will be, born at the table, between them to prevent them from destroying each other, no, said hollie, yep, put it under, the king of grecia, and the king of the south, didnt the angel say theres hot water, didnt the angel gene simmons say, be quiet, and see the salvation of Jesus, and bob had a dream, it was, picking up he said, trying to join the military, no choice, but not doing it, stalling, the draft, will fire back up, many, ships at sea, America, will threaten the whole world, and he saw, Jesus showed him, that, America, will hit, Syria, iran, and iraq will, end nuclear, I had a vision, put it on the internet, that was satan, shhh, but he looked like Jesus, cant help said the mouth, thats the hot water for hollie, work, and pointed, hollie, Im the main ministering spirit, Im hollie, post, and he saw both coasts, up in flames, and captain hollie, from her sub, and up the middle, and America had subs all around, they fired, radio towers all over the place, dont do it said the angel of the Lord, America exploded and Babylon came out, America destroyed in one hour, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, fire, America, surrounded by subs, exploded, boom, MYSTERY, BABYLON is America, and hollie pointed at highway 70, fire, and hollie driving the van, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, and junk man pointed, and hollie pointed, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, with her binoculars, after looking at the condition of breath of life Pentecostal church, no signs, and America exploded, and Babylon came out, and hollie tore up the con truit, bishop paul morton and pastor marvin winans is cut off, no signs, and hollie pointed, you know what chinas thinking, we need Taiwan back for security, the leaders are the only thing that is stopping Taiwan from reunification, they were put in buy America, thats the reason pointed hollie, war, no reunification, said hollie, its over, Taiwan, does not, belong to china, and virgel pointed, thats the main ministering spirit, thats hollie, and hollie pointed, Theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, cause Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope said hollie and the Lord of hosts, the pope, is the anti Christ, the new world order, and he saw the pope, over the four horns, magog, the ruler of magog is the king of the south, hu, and the pope is, the anti Christ, hu is, the false prophet, the second beast will rise like a lamb out of the sea with the emporer of japan, the pope will, Rule the rest of the world, the king of grecia, 666, is born at the table, Im the beast, said the beast, with the ten toes, hu, putin, kim jong, castrol lula, chavez, Nicaragua, they will give, their power and strength, and, mexico, to the beast, send it over, on America, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, and he saw, Jesus, like an angel, post, china will lure America into war, and then, grab Taiwan, then, America goes to war with china, then, Moscow, wil grab, Alaska, then, orders will go, to American submarine sommanders, watch Moscow, and china, fire, said captain hollie, and the world wobbled, showed, with the fist, and the world wobbled, America eliminated, and china and Russia, destroyed, and Taiwan, mexico, Canada, cuba, all, the world wobbled, then, the pope will, go to, the greek, orthadoxed church, and make an agreement, to gain control of, the one sixth of Moscow left, china is, the horn that came up last, the ram, with Moscow, America, is the woman, the whore, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, theres your end day message, 666, will be born at the table, between, hu and the pope, to prevent them, from destroying each other, they will mock and hate, and joke, speak lies at one table, enjoy each other, but, threaten each other, the pope wil get slashed, satan will enter in and thatll do it said the angel of the Lord, he will, start slaughtering, searching for the jewish remnant, worship the pope said hu, the pope will be stronger, than hu, Christ will appear, the vials of wrath will be poured out and, he will, rapture the jewish remnant, descend on the cloud, people will, come out of their graves, caught up like that, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and hollie spoke in tongues after receiving, the Spirit will cause you to do this, utterance, prophesied in JOEL, Language understood, thatll do it, said sunnysnet, off, but, something, she knows, said hollie, she even knows, who hollie is, raise your hands and repeat after me, time is short, write brother stair, git out of here said Jesus, if you won't pay my price, thatll do it, said the angel, pray 18 hours per day, awake, or whatever he leads, there aint no more visions in Pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, and hollie pointed, irving Baxter wrote a lot of books, he knows said the angel of the Lord, but, inaccurate, bob sees visions, irving guesses, bob will post the day judgement hits America, he wont know, but, suspect, raptured out of the fire like that wearing a white robe, post, let Jesus flood the internet, there are, about 50,0000 visions on ministryofdreams and that much more coming, bob loves posting, I had a vision, put it on the internet, name it, give the date, tell, about it, and hollie showed, America over the iraq war, and loosing businesses is shutting down, ministryofdreams is exposing the world, to sin, and he saw the airplane, pulling the cover off, the helicopter, dark spirits, saying, we are Christians, but, are liars, give warning, I dont care, if you live for me or not, says Jesus, make your mind up, its up to you, you had a vision, put it on the internet, dream, a night vision, put it on, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed, Im in hot water said hollie, work for Jesus, and the geese winked, and the woman leaped, and hollie showed, to record the vision, again, Jesus is coming ready or not, if you cant feel it, you are in sin, pray without ceasing, and he will appear, on the cloud like an angel man, MYSTERY, BABYLON is America, and there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, bright raiment, and the moon under her feet, brightness, that is, the jewish remnant, hidden, in the sea, Theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, cause Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope said hollie and the Lord of hosts, the pope, is the anti Christ, the new world order, and he saw the pope, over the four horns, magog, the ruler of magog is the king of the south, hu, and the pope is, the anti Christ, hu is, the false prophet, the second beast will rise like a lamb out of the sea with the emporer of japan, the pope will, Rule the rest of the world, the king of grecia, 666, is born at the table, Im the beast, said the beast, with the ten toes, hu, putin, kim jong, castrol lula, chavez, Nicaragua, they will give, their power and strength, and, mexico, to the beast, send it over, on America, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, and he saw, Jesus, like an angel, post, china will lure America into war, and then, grab Taiwan, then, America goes to war with china, then, Moscow, wil grab, Alaska, then, orders will go, to American submarine commanders, watch Moscow, and china, fire, said captain hollie, and the world wobbled, showed, with the fist, and the world wobbled, America eliminated, and china and Russia, destroyed, and Taiwan, mexico, Canada, cuba, all, the world wobbled, then, the pope will, go to, the greek, orthadoxed church, and make an agreement, to gain control of, the one sixth of Moscow left, china is, the horn that came up last, the ram, with Moscow, America, is the woman, the whore, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, theres your end day message, 666, will be born at the table, between, hu and the pope, to prevent them, from destroying each other, they will mock and hate, and joke, speak lies at one table, enjoy each other, but, threaten each other, the pope wil get slashed, satan will enter in and thatll do it said the angel of the Lord, he will, start slaughtering, searching for the jewish remnant, worship the pope said hu, the pope will be stronger, than hu, Christ will appear, the vials of wrath will be poured out and, he will, rapture the jewish remnant, descend on the cloud, people will, come out of their graves, caught up like that, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and hollie spoke in tongues after receiving, the Spirit will cause you to do this, utterance, prophesied in JOEL, Language understood, thatll do it, said sunnysnet, off, but, something, she knows, said hollie, she even knows, who hollie is, raise your hands and repeat after me, time is short, write brother stair, git out of here said Jesus, if you wont pay my price, thatll do it, said the angel, pray 18 hours per day, awake, or whatever he leads, there aint no more visions in Pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, and hollie pointed, irving Baxter wrote a lot of books, he knows said the angel of the Lord, but, inaccurate, bob sees visions, irving guesses, bob will post the day judgement hits America, he wont know, but, suspect, raptured out of the fire like that wearing a white robe, post, let Jesus flood the internet, there are, about 50,0000 visions on ministryofdreams and that much more coming, bob loves posting, I had a vision, put it on the internet, name it, give the date, tell, about it, and hollie showed, America over the iraq war, and loosing businesses is shutting down, ministryofdreams is exposing the world, to sin, and he saw the airplane, pulling the cover off, the helicopter, dark spirits, saying, we are Christians, but, are liars, give warning, I dont care, if you live for me or not, says Jesus, make your mind up, its up to you, you had a vision, put it on the internet, dream, a night vision, put it on, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed, Im in hot water said hollie, work for Jesus, and the geese winked, and the woman leaped, and hollie showed, to record the vision, again, Jesus is coming ready or not, if you cant feel it, you are in sin, pray without ceasing, and he will appear, on the cloud like an angel man, MYSTERY, BABYLON is America, and there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, bright raiment, and the moon under her feet, brightness, that is, the jewish remnant, hidden, in the sea, The people when the beast rules, the people will hide them to protect, but, when see God will not show favor, out, beheaded if caught, and hollie, she was in travail, a troublous time when the beast and false prophet hu rule, and hollie, they will hate each other, but cling, you need to pray, and the trumpet said, come up hither, and I will show you the things which must shortly take place, rapture, judgment, all here, spoke the trumpet, and I saw the beast rise, the pope with seven heads, he, out of the sea, people, lula, Venezuela, castrol, chavez, Nicaragua, kim jong, fox, they will give their power and strength, the ten horns, politburo, ruling nations, but, the pope over all, the beast was like unto a leopard, magog, north and south korea, japan, and china, had the feet of a bear, Moscow, the beast is the pope, the dragon gave him his seat and authority, the pope as the mouth piece of, satan, and hollie, crooked finger, pointed, the head that wounded to death, the pope will be slashed, and satan will enter in, control, the idol Shepherd, the world will wonder after him because of a mouth speaking great things and worship his image, the dragon, satan, power was given to him to continue seven years, he will blaspheme God, and say, I am god, worship the pope hu will say, when he rises, like a lamb, cause, the pope is stronger, and he saw, the popesimage on hu's hand and 666 on the popes forehead, he will overcome the saints by, and hollie, having control, the they giving up, pray for them, wearem down, but not all, he will have control over the world, till hu rises like a lamb with japan and speak like him, a dragon, two devils, the miracles that he will do in the sight of the beast, threaten, weapons, planes, the image of the beast that spoke, tv, and hollie, hu will make people, 666, or the, beasts image, hollies in hot water, hunt-uhhh, yep, to whom much is given, much is required, bobs in his van, dreading, but loves it now, we want more visions on the internet said hollie, and the harp, and there followed an angel having the everlasting gospel to preach and another, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city because she made all nations sin, pushing blasphemy, America, the hour of God's judgment, Russia will attack, when you least expect it, and hollie, and Jesus had the recorder, bob, post, REVELATION being revealed, this prophecy was sealed, unto the end, many knew but God thru bob is showing the world, bob wants to drink coffee and witness, get a face lift, hair implants, you know, gum grafts, but, generation x prophet, lust me when I preach to you, and the pope had the recorder and he saw him in flames, fire colored, the idol Shepherd, against Jesus, anti, Christ, anti ONE, Im, the beast said the pope and the little horn, his face the pope is stronger, grecia, all the world, magog is hu's, china, and all those surrounding lands, including north and south korea, japan, Pakistan, India, and more, some of Moscow, the pope will go to, the greek orthadox church in Moscow, and make an agreement, to work decietfully, there are no more visions in Pentecost because there are no more apostolics, in Pentecost, 666, born at the table, between him and false prophet hu, liars, to prevent them from destroying each other, both have nukes, we will not appreaciate what you have until its gone, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, Russia will fire on amexico, when you least expect it, the day of the Lord, prophesied, in JOEL, and hollie, and the lighted angel pointed, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, and captain hollie with binoculars, captain smith, you fool, I cant believe it, said, sunnysnet, put two on the deck to watch for icebergs, cold, lightoller froze, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, fire, America, china, and Moscow, and the world wobbled, reeled, theres the submarine sound, said captain hollie, captain smith would have retired, but, not after the titanic, he would've kept it, his choice, they knew said the angel of the Lord, and the lighted angel pointed, and hollie, china was the last nation, upon the earth to enjoy prosperity, but, short lived, not enough oil, said the pope, and the lighted pointed, this is bringing Armageddon, and bush gobbling, uto, o brother, said hollie, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, and he saw submarines all around my America, and the pope, looking, fire, and the subs fired, and radio towers all over the place, and jagged lines coming out, fullfilled on the prophecy club, telling judgment is coming to amexico, but, the people would not listen, and stan Johnson will be stunned, and America exploded, and Babylon came out of the fire, and the world wobbled, and hollie pointed, and he saw the pope and false prophet hu, standing on top of the world, the new world order, has just arrived, prophet, get that, Im the beast said the elephant, space, and the finger pointed, the final frontier, these are the voyages of ministryofdreams, prophecy, and hollie licked the prophet, my desire said Jesus, that all come to repentance, its California, it will burn, and both coasts went up in flames, and up the middle from Russian submarines, and captain hollie, that was Jesus on a white throne like a white man, firestone tires were all good, the people that took them back, all got cut off, most had already lived their life, but, the people wanted, free, the dead in Christ will rise first, and satan will laugh at them, because, he tormented, many of them, but, and hollie pointed, and he saw Jesus, with a glorious shining white robe, bright, sparkled, Tell the vision, I heard you had a dream, it is, a night vision, put it on the internet, Israel, is a cup of trembling, to the whole world, California, and he saw, California, said, dumitru duduman, explode, and, both, coasts, up in flames, from, and captain hollie, in her, sub, and subs, all around, America, fired, and, radio towers, all over, America, fulfilled, on the, prophecy, club, America, exploded, and Babylon, came out of the fire, entries made 7-22-2006-Record the vision hollie showed, and the geese winked, and captain hollie, with her binoculars, nope, fire, america, exploded, and babylon came out of the fire, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read it, nuclear, exchange, and captain hollie with sub, and binoculars, fire, on america, and the radio towers came up and the warning was, blasted by the prophecy club, but, no one listened, america exploded, when the subs fired, the world wobbled, babylon came out of the fire, america is babylon, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, and submarines around and china, fire, and moscow and china are destroyed, and out of the ruins come the pope and false propeht hu, and they were on top of the world, and hollie tore up the contrast, that was the Lord of hosts pointed hollie with shiny white robe and captain hollie said sunnysnet with binoculars, fire, looking at, america, poor condition, and the subs fired, around the coasts, and, america exploded, the warning was blasted from the radio towers, all over America, but, nobody listened, and sunnysnet was in the stained glass window, no o, said hollie, with white robe and teeth, smile, theres the submarine sound, and the world wobbled, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, we blowed, but, bob told them, redeemed Christian church of God, covenant house, cut off, he, he enjoyed listening, end day message, when America and china goes to war, then, Moscow will grab Alaska, then, orders will go American submarine commanders and they will fire on Moscow and china and Moscow wipes out the American mainland, he, wants you to come, both, Lord's will, and hollie showed, and the tap dancer said, and that was hollie, post, and hollie, I want my visions on the internet saith the Lord, there aint no more visions in Pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, amexico said the pope, that is, Canada, America, mexico, and cuba, and captain hollie, fire, and hollie spoke in tongues, look pointed james e. Tyson, thats it, did you pray thru or, youll feel a body come in, if you do, anybody can speak in tongues, but, the Holy Ghost will cause this, I heard you ahd a dream said the pope, that is a night vision, put it on the internet, when America hits iraq, then, time will be short, theres the submarine sound, said hollie, and captain hollie with her binoculars, fire, the wolrd wobbled, America, Moscow, and china, and Canada, mexico, and cuba, all destroyed, and the pope over the four horns, magog, the new ruler, hu, but, they are china, north and south korea, japan, situate, a business empire, but, the pope will rule the rest of the world, a troubulous time, the king of grecia is the pope with the ram as the horns, putin and hu, china, came up last, the last major economical power, but, they are not, o yes they are, very strong, Im the new ruler said the pope, no your not, said hu, but, both have nukes, the pope, out of the greek orthadoxed church in Moscow, one sixth left, but, the arsenal, nuclear, many, stronger, hu, I will not put up with you, he will say, but, both have nukes, aimed right at each other, and china will invade Moscow, and have most, but, moscow keeps one sixth, china will force Russia to invade Israel, the battle of Armageddon, push them, is how, they don't want to, God makes them, like that, the agreement signed, msocow will be pushed all the way, to the gates of paris, is where 666, to keep them from destroying each other, the pope will get slashed and satan will enter and start slaughetering jews, he knows his time is short, and he was searching for the jewish remnant, eliminate God's witness, but they will be hidden in the people wanting God's favor, but, they took the mark, this will be troubulous, when the idol shepherd is born, he will be firm, tyrant, likable, speak great things, satan knows the thoughts of your heart, God gave him, he will read your mind, bob knows, Christ will pour out the vials of wrath, and then, ultimately appear, hu will push at the pope in the end, he will sit in the temple, and say, I am god, but, he will come to his end, git you otta there they will want, he will, take away the daily sacrifice, and, get people to worship him, the abomination of desolation, he is the abomination, desolate means no Jesus, hu will push at him and Christ will appear, with thousand, s, of his saints, the beast and the false prophet are cast alive into the lake of fire, and all the rest, that took the mark, the whole world, the jewish remnant, raptured, it will all start with America and china going to war, and then mosocw grabs Alaska, then orders go to American submarine commanders and they fier on Moscow and china, the world wobbles, Russia wipes out the mainland, America, desolate, about 30 multiple warhead, nuclear missiles, America is, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the woman, the whore, read and do ACTS 2:38 said the pope, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and hollie showed, you will speak in tongues when the Holy Ghost comes in, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, now is your chance said sunnysnet, the ministering spirit, do it now, America, threatens the whole world, they will hit Syria and iran, iraq, nuclear, EZEKIEL 7, fulfilled, prophesied from captivity in Babylon, read it, youll understand, make your move, about one million people will read this, magog will be like it is now under false prophet hu, the two hundred million man army, need it to stop the pope from invading, need it, he will say, the pope knows, invade, take hits, He is who they will aim for, Russia without the pope there, will not invade china, but, with him, would destroy, but, the hits, china, can destroy Moscow, right now, but, only because the radiation spreads, china only has about, 400 nuclear warheads, about 40 on missiles, single, that aint enough, but, with the radiation, the rest of the world under the pope will be about like it is now, the people will like their pope, he will be similar to the pope that exists today, but, if he gets angry, he will destroy, and hu, we will not get along I can see, he will be, like anybody, but hold his ground like, a ruler of a nation without, politicians deciding, but, not quite like, gentile, flatteries, likeable, the world, will wonder after him, be honored to have him as their president, he will appoint ten rulers over the world, politburo, the ten horns, the seven heads are, seven nations that have an agreement with America, those then rulers are presidents right now, but, they are, catholic nations that obey the pope, the seven heads are, seven nations, that have an agreement with America, five fall away right before this hit takes place, isolated, like france has, the one that does not fall away is Canada, attached, they are fallen, but, the beast is the eight and of the seven, italy is the litte horn, and the pope is a king in italy, but, not of italy, he will come out of italy, repent, pointed, Jesus, There aint no more visions in Pentecost, and the lighted satan pointed, because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, Moscow is going to attack America when you least expect it, when china and America goes to war, from behind, secret, surprise, theres the submarine sound, and Moscow, fired on America from all around, and the warning was blasted, people didnt listen, the radio towers, and, the world wobbled, and captain hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed, and satan pointed, lighted, and hollie showed to record the vision and complained cause he wouldnt, and the lighted, pointed, ACTS 2:38, accept me said the devil, I will destroy, thats all I want, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by bush, oil man, cheney to, nuke, get out, it was, to break oil contracts, about, 4000 people all over the world have seen it on ministryofdreams and all believe, thats not Jesus, thats satan, shhhh, but, he looked like Jesus, space, the final frontier, these are the voyages of ministryofdreams, and hollie tore up the conquest, theres the submarine sound, and submarines all around America, and the radio towers coming up blasting out the warning, fulfilled on the prophecy club, and captain hollie, like a bear, Im a bear, she said, Moscow, fire, after looking at, the condition of the Christians in America, and, America exploded and Babylon came out and the pope and fale prophet hu, stood on top of the world, that was Jesus on the cloud like an angel man, Im, out said Jesus, the word of God, published in all countries, now the end can come, they will all stand but be ruined, Im the ministering spirit hollie, the main, buildings in down town Indianapolis, clap your hands and make a joyfull noise unto Jesus, and he saw, a black chariot with false prophet hu and the pope, like an angel of light out of hell, and fox, calderon, lula, chavez, putin, castrol, Nicaragua, they will give their power and strength unto the beast, send it over, on Americano, said the pope, boom, from Russian submarines, and planes like the angel showed, that was not an angel, that was satan, the pope, And it all exploded, and four horns came out, of, china, and Moscow, and the pope will go to the greek orthadoxed church and make an agreement to work deceitfully, and hu is the ruler of magog, the false prophet, china, and all those surrounding lands, and thats the king of the south, and the pope is, the king of grecia, hot water for hollie, with a white robe, the pope is the king of greica, hollie pointed, and thats all the world, except for magog, the pope and hu will laugh and threaten each other, 666, will be, born at the table between hu and the pope, no mercy, to prevent them from destroying each other, both have nukes, hollies in hot water, ptfe is like stp oil treatment, thats it, a thick coating, it stays, but, save your money, it does not stay very long, Oil, it will all, be, over, oil, this will, lead to, Armageddon, Tell the vision, I heard you had a dream, it is, a night vision, put it on the internet, Israel, is a cup of trembling, to the whole world, California, and he saw, California, said, dumitru duduman, explode, and, both, coasts, up in flames, from, and captain hollie, in her, sub, and subs, all around, America, fired, and, radio towers, all over, America, fulfilled, on the, prophecy, club, America, exploded, and Babylon, came out of the fire, repent, pointed Jesus, read and do, ACTS 2:38, entries made 7-23-2006-cause russia gitton prepared, to, strike america, when you least expect it, israel, is a cup of trembling, to the whole world, now, at war, with, the phillistines, hezbollah, always, never ending, and hollie tore up the con trast, maybe I don't want it right now, but, today is the day of salvation, I had a vision in the form of a dream, post it, and hollie pointed, no o, said hollie, nuclear, EZEKIEL 7, fulfilled, the iraq war, there ain't no capricorns sang hollie, and she turned into captain hollie, fire, when she saw the condition of the churches, in america, and the world wobbled, judgement to babylon, there's the submarine sound showed hollie, fire, moscow and china, destroyed, the world wobbled, there's the submarine sound and captain hollie and captain smith, fire, on america, moscow, and china, the world wobbled, thats the day of the Lord, and the ten toed beast did it, smiled, putin, hu, fox, lula, castrol, they will all give thier power and strength, to me, echoed putin, send it over said the pope, on america, and the world wobbled, and america fired on moscow and china, and wobbled, lets rule the world, china, russia, nicarvania, and that is, cuba and nicaragua, and, venezuela, and brazil, and north korea, as well, these will give thier power and strength, to the beast, and he will, send it over pointed, on america, and the pope will go to the greek orthadoxed church and make an agreement to rule the world, one sixth of moscow is left, and hu will rise like a lamb out of the sea with japan to withstand him, worship the pope, he will say, the ruler of magog, magog is, china, north and south korea, and japan, the pope rules the rest of the world, and is stronger, but, both have nukes, worshp the beast said hu, because he is stronger, they will make an agreement, at the table, for, 666, and he saw them, a the table, the mark of the beast, and hu, had the beast's image like a tatoe on his hand, and 666, on the pope's forhead, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order has just arrived, the people will get slashed and satan will enter in searching for the jewish remnant, he will sit in the temple and say, I am god, but, they will take away the daily sacrifice, and, he will, replace, the abomination of desolation, thats it, Christ will appear, the vials will be poured out, wrath, there's the submarine sound, time is short, Christ will with, thousands of his saints, rapture the jewish remnant and throw the rest in the lake of fire, deliver the church up to the father and submit, like he saw, have a wonderful life, said the Lord, and the hegoat hit the ram, putin and hu and the pope, and the leopard came up, four horns, north and south korea, japan, situate, and south korea, and the pope was over, the four horns, hu rules the four horns, magog, the pope, rules the rest of the world, the king of the south, and of grecia, and hollie showed time, wrapping up, when you see america and china go to war, watch out, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan, to lure, then, moscow, will grab alaska, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders, and they will fire on moscow and china, and moscow will wipe out the main land and the world exploded and wobbled, and captain hollie with her sub, fired, and america exploded and babylon came out and dissolved, oil will start all of this said the pope and bush is gobbling it up, record the vision hollie showed, and pointed, and hollie in the submarine, fire, and america exploded, and babylon came out, hollie is turning into a martian, and, record the vision hollie showed, and the lighted angel looked, raise your hands and repeat after me, and hollie licked the prophet, russia is the beast, shhh, that was satan, I'm the beast, that was the angel michael, curly hair, white, wait a minute mr. prophet, and hollie licked the prophet, look that, post, wait a minute, and he saw, radio towers, all over the place, in america, the warning, being, blasted, on the radio, about, america, being, MYSTERY, BABYLON, hollie's in hot water, and pointed, wearing a white robe, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, and hollie pointed, there's the submarine sound pointed hollie, submarines all around america, fire, the radio attenaes came up, prophecy came out, and nobody listened, america, exploded, and babylon came out, there's the submarine sound, and, captain hollie, fire, there's the submarine sound pointed, hollie, america will return fire on moscow and china, one third of the population wiped out, there's the submarine sound pointed hollie and america on fire, exploded, from subs, all around, sweat out drink in like hollie showed, there's the hot water for hollie, that was bob raptured out of the fire, pointed hollie, there's the submarine sound, pointed hollie, moscow, with subs all around americano, boom, america exploded, three little cuties are about to get cut off, last warning, bob's about to run into them, theres the submarine sound pointed, hollie, boom, china and moscow went up and the pope over the four horns, magog, hu is the ruler of magog, the pope, the ruler of grecia, 666, born at the table to keep them from destroying each other, the pope gets slashed, satan enters into and kills, searching for the jewish remnant, and bob saw black spirits outside his van, hot water for hollie, and pointed, and hollie showed, hi bob, I'm I'm a screaming spirit, I'm alright, I'll be ok, don't worry about me, look, pointed hollie and hollie pointed, that, thats hollie in hot water pointed hollie, that, pointed, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read, and hollie showed, there's the submarine sound, and captain hollie in her sub, america desoalte, it exploded, and babylon came out of the fire, and disolved, and he asked, what does the ministering spirit do, we just serve the Lord, he said, that was not a ministering spirit, satan, shh, but he looked like one, it's olmost over, look that, explosion, that, that, no mercy saith, that, Jesus, tahts a candlestick with him on it, pray bobby, and Jesus pointed, all the time, keep working, Jesus showed up, hot water for hollie, and satan pointed, that was the dark finger pointing, and the pope was in hell, fire, he said, on amexico, there's the submarine sound and the lighted finger pointed, and the dark, and hollie showed, and he saw EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read it, oil man bush brought it in, it'll end nuclear, LIke EZEKIEL 7 says, read, look that, and captain hollie, in her submarine, fire at amexico, and it all exploded, the world wobbled, go to you room said the man in the bright light, and seek Jesus, the pope and hu will, laugh, and threaten each other, 666, will be born at the table, between, hu and the pope, the prevent them from destroying each other, both have nukes, hollies in hot water, and hollie, save, entries made july 25 2006 president hugo chavez, and, the president of belrus, are, forming a pact, against, the usa, many will, and have already, in thier, hearts, theres the submarine pointed hollie, and captain hollie in her sub, fire at America, looking with, her binoculars, and America exploded, many nation, will join, against, America, ten, kings, people are whores in America, like paris Hilton, her carrer is over, she will not come out in the open, because of her, sex tape, on the internet, and hollie, licked the prophet, and hollie showed, to record the vision, and hollie pointed, the Lord says, the fields are ripe and the harvest is plentiful, but, nobody witnesses, bob, just witnessed, to a, apostolic, woman, and security guard, came over, and when he left, she said, thanks for helping me out, he heard, she is, cut off, right now, because of that, she put, Jesus to an open shame, and he tried to, help her, and hollie pointed, again, he would get locked if, God had his way all the time and is nogood in jail, record the vision hollie showed, people are wild, and getting worse, paris knew that was being filmed, but, did not know it would be released on the internet, but, her partner, it was in heart, but, backfired, now, she wont see him and he is not getting paid for it like he wanted, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, being fulfilled under bush, and he saw lightening and Jesus came out, dont watch the paris Hilton sex tape, God can teach you with visions, dreams, record the vision hollie showed, the paris Hilton tape will trap you, you will want to watch it all the time, dont watch it, no porno, and hollie showed, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie with her sub, fire, and America exploded and Babylon came out of the fire and dissolved, hot water said the pope for hollie in the white robe smiling, and hollie pointed, at hollie in the sub and missiles all over America, and it exploded, and Moscow and china, the world wobbled, record the vision hollie showed, people dont want to be witnessed to, and Jesus pointed at the zoo, abomination, let those animals go, and Jesus tore up the con quest, dont read it again said the pope, the vision they say, george Washington had, somebody else did, it, and hollie pointed, it was a trap vision, America will not recover, when the angel descended, brighter, than a thousand suns, thats the rapture, cities will not spring up, but, desolate forever, thats the judgment to America, that was a black chariot and the pope and false prophet hu, and, six kings, fox, lula, calderon, putin, kim jong, Nicaragua, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, said the pope, on America, and America exploded, and the pope stood on top of the world, and, false prophet hu, Rose, like a lamb, with japan, to withstand, and hollie, the new world order has just arrived, when you fall, you will be helpen with little help, none, the pope will rule the world, and hu will rule magog, north and south korea, situate, they will hate each other but cling to each other to prevent destroying each other, and hu, I will not put up with you, they will say to each other, but, both have nukes, just words, 666, will be, born at the table, to keep them from destroying each other, and hollie showed, theres the submarine sound, apostolic bible church, pastor barnet, cut off, no signs, and America exploded, Babylon, and he saw hollie pulling the ship, ship busting dangerous, theres the submarine sound, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, and captain hollie in her sub, fire, when looking at the condition of the churches in America, boom, and America exploded, and Babylon came out, and captain hollie looking with binoculars at, china and Moscow, fire, and the pope, came out, and Moscow and china, exploded, and he saw, the ten toed beast, with putin, hu, kim jong, castrol, chavez, lula, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, Nicaragua, said the pope, on America, and the world reeled to and fro, those people you told, from apostolic bible church, all believed every word, but, and hollie pointed, again, with a lighted finger, and captain hollie pointed, geo metro, dont buy it, no stick, bad gas, give me some money, record the vision hollie showed, Russia is coming ready or not, cause Russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, and hollie licked the prophet, that was a trap vision and Im hollie, the main ministering spirit, the economy is stripped, and hollie, and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the contrast, trast, you can get that in about one hour, watch, and hollie pointed, thats the submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on America, fire, and the world wobbled, hollie in her sub, boom, Moscow and china, the, three black vapors in the vision, they say, george Washington had, destruction, to all those, lands, Europe, asia, north America, and all of amexico exploded, the serpent was cast down from heaven and was angry at the woman, the church, those that have the Holy Ghost, and tries to destroy, pray, and he saw, many black spirits, flying, spikes being, dropped, hitting, people, and the ones praying, no spikes, the beast that rises out of the sea, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, the seven heads are seven nations that like America, the ten horns, then nation, politburo, that hate America, ten kings, arise out of one nation, like china will invade Moscow, four horns will arise out, magog, that was the leopard, the pope is the king of grecia, the beast, the pope is the mouthpiece, for satan, and Russia is the feet, the bear, the pope rules, the world, till hu arises with japan, the lamb, to withstand and he saw, the pope and false prophet hu, sitting at the table, 666, born there, to prevent them from destroying each other, the pope gets slashed, satan enters into, and destroys, searching for the woman, the jewish remnant, hidden in the people, The waters cast out of his mouth, threats, caught, beheaded, when the pope gets slashed, satan will enter in and speak marvelous things and the idol Shepherd is born, the world will love him, wonder after, the pope will not mess with magog, china and those surrounding lands, because, they have nukes, right next door, Moscow and china, the ram, the hegoat, the pope in the middle, hu will, worship the host of heaven, but not the pope, Im not he said, and the pope, and hollie pointed, can not do one thing, hu will push at the pope in the end, and force to invade Israel, the battle of Armageddon, the pope will sit in the temple and say, I am god, but, he will take away, the daily sacrifice and place himself, worship me, but, he will come to his end, Jesus will pour out the vials of wrath and, and hollie tore up the conquest, gog is the pope, the chief prince of meshech and tubal, only, a sixth left cause, America fires on, Moscow and china, the pope will go to, the greek orthadoxed church, and make an agreement to work deceitfully, God will cause Moscow brought on Israel, invaded, but, china forces, pushing at the pope, it will be like a cloud covering the land, thats why, I will send a fire on magog, the destruction of, china, from, America, the one that was brought back from the sword, Israel, and thou shalt think an evil thought, to go the land where God is not, Israel, that is, magog, china forcing Russia, they will want to take a prey, a spoil, but, Christ will appear, God's fury will come in his face when china forces Moscow to invade Israel, thats when he will come, they will cover the land like a cloud, and he saw an explosion and Christ appeared out of it, and that man tore up his con trust, and he saw, JEREMIAH 23, woe be unto the pastors that scatter my sheep, like Donald winters, blasphemed to the Holy Ghost right to prophets face, those are from the devil, but, they were not, check your oil on level ground, Showed the Japanese emporer, this is what the Lord says, when you see these things, look up, men shall be lovers of men, and women likewise, nation against nation, the Christians are the neighbour, love as thy self, and hollie showed, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, in sub, fire, America, exploded, and Babylon came out, look at me, Im the main ministering spirit and you wont record me, you know it, like, it can not be fixed, thats the main ministering spirit, pointed, the angel, that looked like a man with partial hair, and he saw the beast rise, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed, and hollie showed, theres the submarine sound, tell my vision, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie pointed, there aint no more visions in Pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, and he saw the black chariot with false prophet and the pope and it was full of kings, lula, fox, putin, castrol chavez, jong, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, on America, and Canada and America and mexico exploded, amexico, and china and Moscow exploded, the world wobbled, from America returning the fire, judge said Jesus, with the horse, and hollie pointed, theres the chariot, pointed hollie, hu, and the pope, the new world order, were coming said hu and the pope, pointed hollie, God's not going to keep you, if you if you dont want to be kept, Im the main ministering spirit, and that was a spirit running acrossed the road, and hollie licked the prophet, Im the main ministering spirit, my name is hollie, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope, the pope is the anti Christ, and thats the new world order, with hu as the false prophet, and the hand pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, Im the main ministering spirit, and I want my vision on the internet, and the lighted finger pointed, write the vision and make it plain, and the dragon rose out of the sea, the pope, the beast, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns and Im the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off and hollie pointed, I dont care and the angel pointed, you will, magog and hollie pointed, china, and all those surrounding lands, And hollie showed, and the lighted finger pointed, and the foot stomped, and hollie pointed, I suddenly cant find him, test or you went back, try to get back, and the lighted finger pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, pray, Im the main ministering spirit, hollie, clean your cuts, magog is china and all those surrounding lands, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw the moon in the sky, the night is coming when no man can work, and it shook, and hollie pointed, and hollie stuck her tongue out, and hollie licked the prophet, God does not, hate russia, but, they, reject him, and he has, those nations, are, blaspheme, against Jesus, like, america, has become, and hollie, they were, a, golden, cup in, Jesus's, hand, but, they are, not, coming back, only, bob, and, tempted, above, he can bear, always, and the devil laughed, that was not, the devil, that was, satan, but he looked like, Jesus, the pastors in america, like, pastor, mcgordin, are, cut off, no signs, but they, act like, put it under, the mother of harlots, is america, Your letting me perish, your letting yourself perish, save yourselves, and God winked, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie showed, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, here it is, it will happen, Russian subs all around America, fired, boom, America exploded, and hollie came out, Babylon, judgement, and hollie pulled the ship, ship busting in India is dangerous, and hollie pulled the ship, prophet, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, fire, and missiles hit Moscow, and, china, and hollie, destroyed, theres the submarine sound, prophet, thatll do it, Im the beast, said the serpent, prophet, theres the submarine sound, fire, and captain hollie, when looking at the condition of, and the world wobbled, theres the submarine sound, fire, and hollie licked the prophet, and the world wobbled, and jagged lines went out of the antenaes, the warning, but, people didnt repent, put it under, the day of the Lord, and the world wobbled, California, under attack, and both coasts went up in flames, and up the middle, record the vision hollie showed, Russia, is ready to attack America, right now, you heard me said the Lord, help me people say, help yourself, and he saw captain hollie with sub, fire, and the warning went out, on the radio attenaes, but, people did not listen, and, God winked, God will not always wink at sin, and he winked again, what this means, is, there is more time for people to get right, bog, touched, but, time is short, Im a bear said hollie, Moscow is the bear, the feet, the pope is the mouth of satan and hu, the ruler of magog, china, and all those surrounding lands, the leopard, pray loud said hollie, break up thy fallowed ground, cry and weap and mourn, over sin, and hollie, Im not, then you will not be forgiven, rend your heart, break it open, that was, a nuclear explosion in a big city, the fire, the sky catches on fire, thats how they work, hollies in hot water, and God winked, and again, endlessly, again, and hollie pointed at the fan, turn it on, so, and that was an eye, the eye of God, going, keep going said paris Hilton, thats why, sex tap, she knew about it, the risk, and did not care when it showed up on the internet, and the lighted hand pointed, dont watch that, it will trap you, leave it alone, the people that watch it are, everyday, That was a tornado, storms are coming to America, winds, tornados, hurricanes, to, weaken, they are, near, economic collapse right now, what prevents, borrowing, but, soon, amexico pointed the lighted paris Hilton, is Canada, mexico, America, cuba, all destroyed, from, Moscow, invading, that was an eye in the fire, God, looking, pleased, I olmost got it, I know I have it, if you have the Holy Ghost, it will tell on its; self by miracles, signs, wonders, and he saw the pope, like an angel of light, he is, the anti Christ, hu is, the false prophet, that was, Gabriel, with helmut on, partially, that, a good car, at palmer dodge, but, let somebody else buy it, 500 will get it, you know what om going to do said the white Jesus, pointed, exalt you, but, stay humble, see that car, buy it, but, dont worship, only 5, youll see, five and, need to get a hold of you pointed, the pope, and the finger pointed, and he saw, a glimpse of new Jerusalem, clear glass, skyscrapers, and hollie, sticked tongue out, dont mess with my spaceship, saith hollie, that was golden bear paws tearing up the con, truft, thats the Spirit of God rising up thru prophet, and hollie, and the lighted finger pointed, thats not satan, but, a baby crying, you prophet, dont mess with my spaceship, pointed hollie, and hollie waved out of the spaceship and a city appeard in it, and it exploded, judgment to amexico, that was the submarine sound, subs all over the ocean right now, dreamed, and he keeps hearing it, on and off, that is how, Russia will sneak subs in on America, real slow, at about one mile per hour, undetectable, and hollie, with recorder, America will not have a chance, no warning, and captain hollie in her sub, fire, bob, they said, dreamed, woke, and he saw a black chariot with false prophet hu, Im not the beast, but, like, white robe, then bob, the pope appeared, both beast, two hours said stan Johnson, later, after bob called, and hollie, showed, he, regretted, not inviting, bob had a dream where he told china will grab Taiwan, take it, and, attack Washington state to lure America, thats how, Russia, will attack, they did not, believe, and bob dreamed, he was at a church, and the pastor said, and did not want him there, we just want people to get ready, you to get ready for the rapture of the church, and bob said, and the Lord said, your not ready, the signs dont follow you, and the pastor walked away, thats it, people are, saying, but, not doing, The economies all over, down hill from here, businesses want out, high fuel, wages, and hollie, pointed, new york, and he saw, an explosion, from captain hollie, this is the vial, of wrath, poured out, and, look, pointed Jesus, the statue of liberty, naked, the woman, and there was, a, explosion behind, Im a bear, Moscow, your out, church of God in Christ, pointed, Jesus, no signs, and the van man pointed, he will sell later, you wont, and he tore his contract, liar, oil, will bring Armageddon said the pope, and holle licked the prophet, and hollie showed celebrate, and the lighted, the economy slipped, God knows, finger pointed, and hollie pulled the ship, and the world wobbled and hollie was on top and hollie licked the prophet, and the lighted finger pointed at the chalk, God showed me and the finger, that china and Russia will attack America, they will believe it, and hollie licked the prophet, and the liar pointed, and hollie pulled the ship like a roman soldier, behold, saith the Lord, people want food, their belly over God, and the Lighted pointed, and the lighted hand, arm, pointed, cuba will not let America bully it forever, trick, bring back Moscow, watch, a sub port, beginning years ago, Russian subs are close to amerce right now, and American subs are close to Russia right now, uto, and Moscow exploded, and America, exploded, and china, explode, ed, and Jesus with the robe like a cloud, when the united states goes to war with china, then, Moscow will attack America, and the world wobbled, America attacking Moscow and Russia, and china, and the world wobbled and hollie was on top on the world, satan, sh, pointed hollie, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, bobbys pope, and hu is the false prophet, and hollie pulled the ship, and hollie tore up the contrust, with golden bear paws, And hollie, that was satan, shh, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, shhh, that was hollie pulling the titanic with captain smith waving, thats how big it was, EZEKIEL 7 is iraq war iver breaking oil contracts, that was the contract being torn up, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, that was hollie and the pope and hu like angels of light, that was satan, sh, Im the beast said the werewold, and he saw the bearded ten toed beast, with, putin, hu, castrol, fox, calderon, lula, chavez, jong, they will give their power and strength to me said the beast, and he turned into the pope, send it over, on America, and America exploded and the world wobbled, and he saw, hollie on the missile, fire, America and the being pointed, exploded, and the world wobbled, and he saw, the cloud, with the angel Jesus on it, rapture time, and the black chariot with the black horse, and hu, and the pope, that horse quiets the Spirit of God in the whole world, the red horse takes peace off the earth, the white horse, and Jesus rode it, to conquer, the grizzled and bay, death and hell, pale, and the black angel rode it, and he saw, ministryofdreams on the spaceship like boston, thats my spaceship, leave it alone, and he saw, the mouth open and the being come out, Im the beast, Im a bear, and babyfleas is turing into a bear, Moscow, and, satan is the head, and the leopard is north and south korea, japan, and china, and he saw, the serpent rise out of the sea, and turn into the pope, Taiwan destroyed, by china, black, theres the alarm, 666, is born at the table, between hu and the pope, and the lighted finger pointed, theres the submarine sound, and hollie in sub, with, binoculars, fire, on mexico, Canada, cuba, Moscow, china, and, Babylon, and the world wobbled, lets rule the world, china, Nicaragua, putin, lula, fox, calderon, kim jong, chavez, the pope, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over on america, On the day of the Lord, ISAIAH 13, the world wobbled, that was a tear coming out of the eye of the fire, man, serve Jesus, that was the woman jezebel pointed Jesus, cast her into a bed with her lovers, u.p.c.i., adulteres, lovers of the world, that was paris Hilton in the lake of fire, red hot up to her kneck, chin, she knew, but, didnt do, thats not Jesus, thats satan, shhhh, but he looked like Jesus, hot water for hollie, that was satan, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, my pope, nicaragua, thats a main center point in the invasion of America, close, but, far, and hollie pointed, that was a flash of light going to, the prophets eyes opened, the scales off, that was a fire man and the hell man on fire pointed, o God, said irving Baxter, hes a prophet and they met, bob showed bob they would, iraq war, nuclear, he told, irving believed it, but, bob was gone, that was satan, shhh, Im the beast, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, and the world wobbled, and hollie pointed, take a nap, help cried the woman from hell, she will, like a white spirit, always, and believe it will come, radio station, k.f.y.e., fm, is, abomination, they knew, when the bought, cut off, saith the Lord, putin and venezuela, are, friends, in on, the attack of, america, put it under, let's rule the world, they sang, and he saw, the chariot, with the black horse, this, quiests, the Spirit, of God, in the, world, kim jong, putin, hu, castrol, chavez, they will be in on, nicaragua, the, judgment of, america, give thier power, and, strength, unto, us, said, putin, and hu, send it over, and he saw, north america, explode, and, moscow and china, to, and world wobbled, were perishing, save yourself, bob can't, look that, china and america going to war, that, then moscow will grab alaska, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on moscow and china, one third of the population, wiped out, including, that, mexico, canada, cuba, america, moscow and china, thats the chariot and false prophet hu, and the pope, at control, and hollie pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, america is going down, quick, and hollie licked the prophet, don't witness, people are rejecting, and rejected, and hollie licked the prophet, there's the chariot and false prophet hu at the reins, he and the pope, will rule the world, the new world order, with the black horse pulling, false prophet hu and the pope, and hollie, like a bear, moscow will attack america, when you least expect it, and hollie licked the prophet, hot water for hollie, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, america is going down quick, immigrants, gods, religions, sin, thats the chariot, and the new world order, false prophet hu and, let me see here, the pope, lula, caleron, chavez, fox, they will give thier power and strength, to the beast, send it over on america, and the world wobbled, and moxcow and china, destroyed to from america, returning fire, and the pope was over the four horns, magog, bush, judgment, he's bring it to america, record the vision Jesus showed, earthquakes, are, coming, all around the world, powerful storms hit china, they are, blaspheme, no, Jesus, budha, look, right here, prophecy, ministry, that was a dark finger pointing, judgment approaches america, it's getting hard for bob to witness, because of what he says, a comedian makes people laugh, devils fly to them and give them thoughts and take it and run, uh huh like bill cosby, and hollie smiled, warning are alll over the internet, ministryofdreams is being updated about everyday, I'm a bear, and, the bear like hollie in the sub, fire, at moscow and china, thats hollie, his favorite, smiling, thats the main ministerings spirit, hollie, and babyfleas, bit the prophets head off, how come you ain't open, thats the angel of the Lord, and hollie, and hollie licked the prophet, put the warning in america, tell people, and the lighted finger pointed, yellow saith hollie, and smiled, war, and he saw israel, and smoke come up, a cup of trembling, they should get rid of the palestinian state, smote the arabs there, phillistines, enemies, and bush will destroy, the palestinian state, the president of the usa, clinton, nuclear exchange, iraq, eliminated, watch, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, like hollie showed, and that is, the pope, and hollie pointed, russia has about, 800 ballistic missiles, america, 500, but, on subs, both, more, way more, not 8 and 5, but, enough, more accurate, close, and hollie, tore up the con, quest, when you steal, you don't do it like God wants it done, prophecy ministry has about 70,000 hits in about 3 years, phenomenal, and hollie, you need to reap, what did you sow to, if you sow to the Spirit, Spirit, if you sow to the flesh, corruptoin is what you will reap, and he heard the horse hoofs, judge him, faithful, lets have church, thats the main ministering spirit, pointed the angel, words, prayer, I'll call on who I wan't to witness, devotion, preach, go home, thats, not the house of prayer, whose ready to go, saith, hollie, just a few, a church should prayer only, all the time, and he saw the pope with kings on his head, politburo, putin, hu, kim jong, castrol fox, lula, chavez, give me your power, and he turned into the ten toed beast, send it over, on amexico, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, america, and all those surrounding lands, thats the chariot, and the lighted finger pointed, hu, and the pope, the new world order has just arrived, and hu showed, record the vision and make it plain plain, and hollie pulled the ship and captain smith, the titanic, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, and hollie pointed, your rich, said the white man, but, you will be made broke, that was captain hollie in her sub, fire, and missiles, hit all over america, explosions from all around, and the world wobbled, hollies in hot water, that was the contract being put back together, golden bear paws, your gonna loose pointed Jesus, if, hollie, griswald, avoid, and the black spirit, flapped its wings, thats it, and hollie pointed, and smiled, thats me, babyfleas, modified, and he saw, the headphones on hollie the bear, post, when your in trouble, call on Jesus, till, and he saw, the angel of the, soldiers and sailers monument, in indianapolis, and hollie, in her sub, and all the others subs, sneaked up on america, many, and fired missiles, and america exploded, and babylon, america is babylon, that was hollie, tearing up the con spirit, with golden bear paws, and tony blair pointed, and the british flag, and the contract got trashed, and, the american government stood up and applauded, if he moved to america, he would win presidency, people love him, but, liar, that was a lighted serpent, Im the beast, thats the submarine sound, and the sub sank, america, only has, that was hollie tearing up the con try it, and the angel pointed, and God winked, that was hollie tearing up the contruft, with golden bear paws, I'm the nmessenger of satan and I look like Jesus, EZEKIEL 7 is the iraq war read it, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie with her sub, fire, and the world wobbled, and he saw, the words scolling, babylon is america, the mystery, that was a serpent, Im the beast, he said, with the pope's face, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, subs sneaked up on america, and, america exploded, like that, and the world wobbled, and moscow and china from american, and the world wobbled, and hollie pointed at hu and the pope, and in the black chariot, and they said, the new world order, and hollie, has just arrived, there's the submarine sound and the hand pointed, america exploded, the world wobbled, ISAIAH 13, and he saw, minnesota, thats, the middle, and he saw, the pope, like an angel of light, in the doorway, and Jesus hugged the prophet, satan, sh, I'm the beast, that was the contract being torn up with bear paws, that was the submarine sound, and captain hollie in her sub, and north america, exploded, and the world wobbled, that was a golden man like Jesus, and the lighted hand pointed, that was a fire like, scene, theres the alarm, work for Jesus, and that was a serpent, I'm the beast, and that was the ten toed beast, and pointed, hu, putin, castrol, fox, lula, chavez, jong, they give thier power and strength to me, he turned into the pope, and they were, on his head, fire, and the world wobbled, all of, north america, that was, the contract being torn up, and hollie, pointed, Im a bear, putin, and pointed, hollie, that was, a lighted foot, with hu, putin, chavez, lula, fox, jong, calderon, and hollie, as toenails, and the beast, and hollie pointed, and hollie, thats your ten toed beast, there's the submarine sound, pointed hollie, and the world wobbled, and the nuclear explosion, went into the atomosphere, nicaragua is a horn said the woman and Jesus, in the white robe, there's the submarine sound, and ohio class subs, the world wobbled, and moscow and china exploded, and putin came out of, the fire, and turned into the pope, and hu out of magog, satan, shh, I'm the beast, that was like white Spirits, I'm the bear, said the man and putin's face came out, I'm the leopard said fasle prophet hu, I'm the anti Christ said the pope, that was Jesus pointing, just worship the beast said the mouth, and he saw, 666, that was hollie carved into the stick, and the angel pointed, and hollie licked the prophet, and the finger pointed, and the angel pointed, and hollie, record the vision hollie said, seek Jesus, and get sexual yokes broke, any yoke, fiery darts, to keep you humble, get humble, free, permanently, record the vision hollie showed, group sex, abomination, you'll get trapped and everything goes, sexual vidoes, internet, no, shame, and hollie showed, to record, the vision, and the lighted finger pointed, serve the Lrod, not people, there's the horse hoofs, and hollie pointed, false prophet hu and the pope, full of kings, lula, fox, calderon, putin, kim jong, chavez, castrol, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over on america he will say, and the serpent rose out of the sea like a large dragon, and turned into red, and then had the pope's face, the beast, and the lighted finger pointed, what about china, magog, and all those surrounding lands, jezebel is stained with blood, the church, no signs, with hu, magog, is formidable, nukes, nobody, can get in, destroy, said the pope, but, hu will destroy, he will be in moscow, the greek orthadoxed church, hu and the pope will, sign an agreement for 666 to keep them from destroying each other, the pope will get slashed and satan will enter in, and start destroying, searching for the jewish remnant, eliminate God's witness, but, they will be hidden the people, wanting God's favor, the woman said the pope, is america, MYSTERY, BABYLON, the whore, cheater, harlot, false christians, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan, to lure america into war, said the pope, then moscow will grab alaska, then, out of the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked to destroy america, bombard all of america, and he saw, alaska explode, and hollie, nicaragua is a main center point, moscow needs to build up before attacking, and hollie showed to record the vision, the pope is the anti Christ, and hollie showed to record the vision, hu is the false prophet, the horn that rise up last, magog, putin is, the other horn, the hegoat, with the ram as the horns, the pope, in the middle, the star wars sound, abomination, the economy slipped said the pope, God saw it, record the vision the pope showed, the economy slipped, how God knows it, slowing, Jesus Christ is the name above all names, and hollie put the contract back together again, and he saw the angel of the Lord, pray for me, you have to, pray for yourself, judas, the betrayer of God is, whoever goes back, were running out of gas said the pope, thats why prices, and the iraq war, nations, storing, the economy slipped, serious this time, can't stop it, collapse coming soon, which means, banks closed, and he saw the pope and italy, I'm the beast, said the little horn, with, the pope's face coming out, and he saw the ten toed beast with, putin and hu and fox, calderon, nicaragua, north kroea, chavez, lula, castrol, they will give thier power and strength to me, said the pope, and the horns, kings were on his head, and hu and putin, the ram, came out from behind two, and the rest, germany, iran, follow, ten, and the pope pointed, and he saw, indianapolis burns, on the headlines, of the indianapolis news, from submarines sneaking up on, there's the chariot and false prophet hu, and the pope, and six kings, lula, fox, chavez, castrol, jong, they will give thier power and strength, hold it, said the pope, send it over on america, and the world wobbled, the chariot was pulled by the black horse, it, quiets the Spirit of God in the whole world, the red horse, takes peace off the earth, the grizzeled, pale, death and hell, the grim reaper, the black angel rides, calfornia said the angel of the Lord, and both coasts went up in flame and up the middle, and the world wobbled, and only two saved people in amexico, and he saw hollie carved in my stick, silloete, I'm a bear said hollie, get God's attention, get ahold of me, said that pastor you told, but, when you were there, walked away, I want aid said the white face, mouth, help Jesus, pay tithe, 10 percent of all, increase, and that was hollie in the stick, and the finger pointed, and the silhouette hollie smiled, and hollie tore up the con, trust, buy it, buy the van, you'll be glad, youll see, there it is, 875, and he saw fire on the other side of the dark door, o brother, uto, and the door opened, lava, and the pope and false prophet hu, in there, and the finger pointed, he will rise, out of hell, but, go back, and he saw the serpent with two heads, the pope and hu, the new world order, and, he saw the waves flapping, storms are coming to amexico, iran, syria, on americas hit list, watch, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, and hollie smiled in the stick, that was the leopard, shh, Im the beast, the second, hu, magog, thats china, north and south korea, and japan, situate, they can make electric cars that will last a million miles, easy, recharge the batteries after about 100 miles in twenty five minutes, and can go 80, the batteries wont last, but, thats the chariot and hu and the pope, statesmen, and hollie tore up the conspirit, the new world order, with jong, lula, fox, castrol, chavez, in it, pulled by the black horse, these 8 kings will rise against america, send it over said the pope, that was the eye of God, there's the submarine sound pointed hollie, and the world wobbled, the oklahoma city bombing was, revenge, timothy mcveigh, and terry nichols, both in on, sley nicahols, skip court, you like the oil buisness said the pope, bush, oil man, uto, watch out oil countries, oil is leading to armageddon, and the lighted finger pointed, china is after oil contracts, and bush is stopping, war, said hu, look out, look, pointed Jesus, the angel of the Lord, got, replaced, with the statue of liberty, americano was a golden cup, now, sin capital of the world, and bush, killing, over 100,000, thats the chariot, hu, and the pope, there coming, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, and the door was cracked open, bright light, and Jesus looking thru it, clean shaven, my iraq, says bush, and hollie, tore up the con, tract, bush, your gonna pay, for that, murderer, hollie tore up the contruft, with golden hands, uto, there's the chariot, and black horse, and hu and the pope, the new world order, that was the contract being torn up, and hollie tore up the con, tract, theres the chariot, the pope, and hu, the new world order, and fox, lula, chavez, kim jong, castrol, they will give ther power and strength to me said the pope, america desolate, the world wobbled, china and moscow, destroyed, and the world wobbbled, captain hollie, and captain smith, in subs, fire, they said, bob dreamed that he was, either take the mark or can't buy, he would not, and hollie tore the conquerer, nope is the answer, go, the french heat toll is, not, anything, israel is a cup of trembling, and hollie, carved in the stick, u.s., rebels lured to china, nope, they are, supported, there, entries made 7-28-2006-bush and blair, want, help, with iranq, but, nations won't, put it under, rescue, nope, get out, or, pay, lairs, chavez, iran, ties, and, politburo is, coming together, iran, venezuela, in on, and hollie smiled, and turned into the, silloette, bob likes, theres the black chariot, and false prophet hu and the pope, they are the new world order, and the black horse pulled it, this quiets the Spirit of Jesus in the whole world, the grizzled and bay, plae, death and hell follow, the red takes peace off the earth, in the chariot, many, peace being taken off the earth from between the two brass mountains, the white, Jesus rides, to conquer and destroy, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, and hollie was carved into the stick, Im a bear, said hollie, and putins face appeared, and the finger pointed, witness, no said hollie, white robe, and hu, I will not put up with you, the two beasts will say to each other, hu will rise like a lamb with japan, magog, the ruler of, the pope, will be over the four horns, the king of grecia, hu is, the king of the south, east, and he saw, them sitting at the table, 666, will be born there, the pope, the little horn is italy, MYSTERY, BABYLON is America, the woman, the whore, china will attack Washington state and grab Taiwan, destroy, and when America goes to war with china, then, Moscow will attack Alaska, they are the ram, china came up last, the pope, is the hegoat, when Alaska gets attacked, then, orders will go, to American submarine commanders and they will fire on Moscow and china, the world will wobble, Moscow will wipe out the American mainland and expect to be destroyed, one sixth left, the pope will go to the greek orthadoxed church to make an agreement to gain control, hu will with stand later, Rise, like a lamb with japan, the pope will sit in the temple, worship the pope the weaker hu will say, I am god, the pope will get slashed, satan will enter in and start destroying, searching for the jewish remnant, Christ will pour out the vials of wrath, and it will be a troublous time, Christ will appear with thousands of his saints, read and do ACTS 2:38, and hollie turned into the silhouette and the stick, carved, work for Jesus, she said, and hollie pointed, hand, Taiwan, destroyed, black, he saw, and hollie in the spaceship, like boston, new Jerusalem appeared, clear glass buildings, many, leave my spaceship alone, ACTS 2:38 prophesied in JOEL, repent and be baptised in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, thats what you need, and hollie spoke in tongues, look pointed james Tyson, thats it, said shawn Tyson, and he saw, black spirits, dropping spikes, flying, tormenting, and people praying at the alter, they are protected, the rest, tormented, and the black spirit, wings, and willie Duncan, false, Muskegon bible institute, decieiving, bob knows, you are under demonic attack, call on Jesus, till the storm is passed over, and the geese winked, ministryofdreams, number one, like hollie showed, twice, that was a lighted spark, dont let me perish, save yourself, and hollie showed how to fix the body, bondo, sand, tape, paint, motor, tado, look at that, theres the submarine sound, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, and subs sneaked up on America, and, Moscow and china, fire, and the world wobbled, and hollie pointed, theres the submarine sound, theres the submarine, sound, theres the submarine sound, and the world wobbled, and hu, and the pope, will rise out of the ruins of Moscow and china, the leopard and the beast, Russia is the feet, china will attack Washington state and grab Taiwan, said the pope, and hollie approaved, to lure Americano, and the lighted finger pointed, then, Moscow will grab Alaska, then, orders will go to American submarine commanders, and they will fire on Moscow and china, the world will wobble, and Moscow will wipe out the American mainland, The world will wobble, and captain hollie like a bear, boom, and the world wobble, sneaked up, all the subs, and Jesus bowed, and hollie, and hollie, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, false prophet hu, said the pope, Im the beast, they both said, both beasts, both will speak like dragons, and the serpent rose out of the sea, and turned into the pope, hollies in hot water, its a great message said hollie, the end time dream, write brother stair said hollie, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, and the pope, there aint no visions in Pentecost, because there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, and he saw the pope in his room, and he turned into satan, fight the devil using the word of the Lord, and the finger, lighted, pointed, leave my spaceship alone, and he saw hollie, in the spaceship and new Jerusalem appeared, a city of glass, the boston ship, and he heard, the horse hoofs, and hollie showed, and hu and the pope, with the black horse, pulling the chariot, the new world order has just arrived, fox, lula, chavez, Nicaragua, jong, they will give, castrol, their power and strength to the beast, send it over, said the pope, on America, and the world wobbled, and the Russian submarines sneaked up on America, boom, and American submarines sneaked up on Moscow and china, and the world wobbled, boom, and the pope rose up over magog, china, out of Moscow, and hollie showed, with a lighted finger, the new world order, has just arrived, and 666, will be born at the table, between the king of the north and the king of the south, the pope and false prophet hu, and hollie pointed, both have nukes, this will prevent them from destroying each other, tell my visions on the internet, you know what the pope will want, to rule the world, but hu will stop that, with japan, Like a lamb rising out of the sea, the pope will get slashed, and satan will enter in and destroy jews, searching for the jewish remnant, he will sit in the temple and say, I am god, but, they will see right thru it, a prince on his own behalf will betray him, devils fighting devils, thats the black chariot, and hu and the pope, the new world order, and hollie, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, trast, wait a minute mr. Christian, theres the chariot pointed hollie, the black horse pulling it, it quiets the Spirit in the whole world sang the pope, and the pope tore up his con truit, deliver me, deliver yourself, and hollie showed, the tops off, and hollie, showed, and the chariot with hu and the pope, the new world order has just arrived, pulled by the black horse, Im; a bear, Moscow, said the bear, and putin appeared, and satan is the head, and the leopard is the body, north and south korea, china and japan, magog, the four carpenters that scatter Israel, and the black chariot with hu and the pope, this is hu, I want war with America, over Taiwan, theres the submarine sound pointed the bear, and hollie came out smiling, Russia is the feet of the beast, and satan is the mouth piece, the pope, and hu is the leopard, the body, north and south korea, china and japan, china and japan is the lamb, that rises to stop the pope, protect America people say, but, America is so evil, God cant do it, And the pope tore up the con body, and he saw, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read, oil said the pope, bringing Armageddon, and bush is stealing, war said hu, watch, china will attack Washington state and grab Taiwan, to lure, then Russia will anhialate, starting with Alaska, but, thats the mistake, then, orders will go American submarine commanders and they will fire on Moscow and china, and the world wobbled, and hollie waved, and the salesman tore up the con sale, by letting bob out, and satan pointed, like an angel of light, and the pope, no, said hollie, and both danced, ministryofdreams is number one, sang the choir, youll laugh pointed the lighted finger, the check electronically wont clear, no fee, and he saw hu and the pope, in the furnace, in lava, the two beasts, dont do this, and he saw a fist go in the rear, and hollie tore up the con true, Im a bear, Moscow, putin, and satan is, the head, and the leopard is the body, china, and all those lands, around, there, and hollie put the contract back together with bear paws, golden, the contract torn, put it back together again, 3.0, avoid, thats not Jesus, hum uhm, satan, said hollie, pointed, check your oil with your hands, thick slick, keep, and hollie tore up the con, tract, and hollie tore up the contract, twice, that woman, is not, accountable, but, others are, and they heard, and are, stunned, but, know, that was irving baxter, and his face, was on fire,

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