Sunday, September 15, 2024

I have had gay relationships with men and women after God entered into my body, like a body. my same size. holy ghost baptism

(14)the end times prophecy-visions received 2-7-8-9-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: the hegoat is china, and russia and the the pope, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, said the pope, 666 is born at the the table with hu, the false prophet, its to late said the pope, they will kill americans that are in china when china attacks america, let the handicapped people have their own services, don't use their stuff like doors, areas, and he saw indianapolis desolate, and he saw the state of indiana explode, this country will, burn, when you least expect it, go and put it under, hollie showed that paper comes out of the ground, put it back, conserve mother earth, and he saw the word, iran, attack, that by america tomahawk missile, the powerplant, good bye, he saw the word, iranq, that is persia, all of the middle, persia is the kings of the east, persia is under assault by america, woe to america, persia will not be satisfied until america is destroyed, over oil, and hollie held up number one, israel will be destroyed by american nukes out of iraq, exchange, and hollie tore up the contract like a Golden Bear, a Golden Teddy Bear, russia will attack when you least expect it, so look out america, there are nulcear submarines prowling the oceans right now, that was a Golden Teddy bear masterbating, did God tell you to do that, they are slicing woman's vagina's to fist fuck, abomination, its getting big, that was satan and he's the beast with seven heads and ten horns and he is the pope said the false prophet hu, the 1971 shelby mustang with a 428 with two four barrel's was the fastest production car in 1971, it would run a quarter mile in 12.2, it wasn't a big seller cause the price, that car would sell today for about 55,000, the name oldsmobile is catching interest of many, and the Angel of the Lord pointed at, babylon is america, and satan said, hallelujah, he's the accuser of the brethern, and he saw the Angel of the Lord with His Trumpet, its about to begin, let the show begin, and the Angel of the Lord blew His Trumpet and he saw many Horses, break those seals, the first seal is Jesus Christ coming forth to put His enemies under His Feet and rapture the Church, the second seal is the red Horse and He will take peace off the earth, the third seal is the black Horse, He'll mae you have the mark of the beast, the fourth seal is the pale, when united states gets attacked, death and hell will follow, the fifth seal is the judgment of america, the sixth seal is when the beast is in charge, the seventh seal is when Christ will speak the Word and It all wraps up, summarized, Christ will speak the Word and it'll be over, its the phone, well who is it, Its Jesus, well, what does HE want, you thought I left you u.p.c.i., but, you left Me, now you can't come back nor do you recognise ME in bob, the prophecy club is fallen, they are the number 1 prophetic speaker place and the only speaker they ever had that was accurate was dumitru duduman, lightening is coming to the prophecy club called ministryofdreams, stan johnson is a multi millionaire, and robert williams is pretty rich himself, robert williams has visions and dreams on his message board that are awesome, read'em robert williams, and he saw the idol shepherd, he will loose one eye and arm, and satan will enter in and destruct, slaughtering the jews, he will sit in the Temple and say, i am god, that is the abomination of desolation, but, when Christ pours out the vials of wrath, then the world will be heading toward its end, henry gruver is a backslider, he went back on God, no Signs, he was on top on the prophetic world like michael boldea, they both went back, call it an open shame for henry gruver and michael boldea, and hollie showed victory, victory tabernacle apostolic faith Church is backslidden under bishop harris, bishop william l. harris, write the vision and make it plain showed hollie, call it an open shame for apostolic pentecostal Churches, they know the Truth but don't do it, thats was Jesus as a Fire Man, outlined, speak, to, your body and say, youthenise, but, God might send, leanness, cut off, for, granting, the, desire of, no, He said, thats what a bald mans scalp looks like, you loose hair because of satan, sickness is of the devil, cast out devils prophet like this, in JEsus name, come out of htere fould spirit of the devil and they will have to flee in Jesus Christ name, that was the Angel of the Lord checking on ya, and the Lips said, you know My time, that was a Heavenly vision of a Pot of Gold, that was the place with many people in it like lavan, he saw many people of Light walking to a Big Cracked Door of Light, thats the judgement, fucking people in the mouth is abomination, saddan hussein is guilty of everything he's charged with, kill him, his won advisor betrayed him on national television, he said saddam was mislead cause if they went against what he thought they would be killled, when you hit israel you hit the Apple of God's Eye, and there appeared a woman in Heaven, a Woman Clothed with the the Sun, this is the Church, and She Brought forth a Man Child, thats Jesus, He was caught up to God, and He will rule all nations with a rod of iron, that was the crucifixation, and Michael and His Angels fought against the red dragon, the serpent, satan, and he and they were cast into the earth, that is, the bottomless pit, he will be released for a little season called the idol shepherd, and he will destroy wonderfully, the event that brings hin in is the judgment of america, there'll be seven years after that and Christ will speak the Word, the pentecostal Church of promises is cut off, no Signs, they were warned, a false balance is an abomination unto the Lord, either make the tree and its Fruit Good or corrupt, be hot or cold, in or out, I'll spue you out of MY MOUTH if your luke warm, you put Me to an oepn shame if your lukewarm, and hollie tore up the contract, and he saw the number seven, that is God's perfect number, and he saw the dragon, that is satan, he is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and he's the pope, clap your hands and make a joyfull noise unto the Lord, that was a lighted Head, thats the little horn, I'm the Beast, thats iraly and the beast will come out of italy, the sun and the moon will be blocked out for sixteen hours from the smoke of america burning, I'm undecided said hollie, serve God anyway, He'll help yoou, you'll fall in love with Him, that will help you make your mind up, america is mad about thier idols, judgment is passed on america, the iraq war was over breaking oil contracts, that was an Angel called Gabiel, all White, that was the monkey clapping his cymbols, that was the lion man, satan, and he saw many dogs walking, thats all upci is is dogs returned to thier vomit, and he saw people in like a Fire mist, a Heavenly vision, he saw hollie, color of Fire, oil is pressed and pressed and pressed, the girl from shepherd community Church was told, when you see america and china go to war, russia will attack america, persia is the kings of the east, persia is the new world order, military in america is running down, and he saw the number 4, russia, will, be, divided into, four, and that is, the, the new world order, the pope will come out of, russia, and hu is the, the false prophet, shun the appearance of evil, stay away from things that will get you in trouble with Jesus, and hollie tore up the contract, God has now preasure in the death of the wicked, read and do ACTS 2:38 and live says God, will you die lost when you can live, that was a Whtie Angelic Being waving, Zechariah was an endtime prophet, Zechariah saw the flying roll, IT was the Word of the Lord coming into the Churches revealing secrets, the are building in america and judgement is hanging over the nation, judgement is passed on amexico, russia will strike when you least expect, that was hollie, don't tear up your conract with the Holy One, His name is Jesus, hollie pointed, read your King James Bible, Its authorised by Jesus, Jesus didn't have anything to do with the writing of It, but, It is close, read It do It, thats what hollie wanted, to be lifted up, lift up Jesus, hollie, look at MY HanD said Jesus, what have you done for Me, the Lord says, make a choice, choose you whom ye will serve, MY BURDEN is easy and MY YOKE is light, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, Jesus with Gold Teeth said, look at Me, Jesus had a Hand full of like Lava, Jesus has the keys of hell and death, that was a Heavenly Fire scene like a Mist of Fire, that was a Thumbs down, babyfleas is on her on, she's a fox, but, that beauty will fade like a flower, brian adams cashed in on his reckless album, but, he's old and lost now, don't trade your chance to be saved like brian adams did, he was a prophet now he's a rock star, well om gonna run to You, this was, number, 1, but, brian did not, run, to, Jesus, bob om finished, said, that, bombshell, that was, flirting, she is, about, 20, but, cut off, I hide, thats what angie thinks, but the truth of the matter is, she hid to long, now she is cut off and doesn't know it, the truth is, don't run from God, make your mind up and God will save you and help you, you just got cut off, leave, with, your, virgin, she is, not, but, you are, not, going to, leave here, she wants to, interested, in, you prophet, if you don't beleive it, stupid, she wants to, be, worshiped, and she, thinks, that you, will, but, that is why, angie wore a Jesus necklace, sacrelidge, and she defended it, but, she did'nt live the life, that put God to an open shame, people see her sinning and with sacrelidge on, abomination, america is is the mother of harlots and abominations, whats false Christians, thats why judgment is comin america, and mexico and canada will be destructed to by the radiation from america from russia submarines, this is the day of the Lord prophesyed in JOEL, the land is as a garden of eden before and behind them a desolate wilderness, this is america, having children out of wedlock is abomination, thats abominations of REVELATION 17, that is america, thats what it will look like from that submarine when america is on fire, fur strong is the Lord God who judgeth her, thats how america will be destroyed, that was hollie, they tore up the contract with God, america was a Golden Cup in the Lord's Hand that made all the earth hate Jesus, they pushed their sin on nations of hte world and made them take it like abortion, america will be destroyed, america's got blood on her hands, go and put it under, america is the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the economies shuttin down, then russia will strike it, the tap dancers said, the palestinian state will be destructed by american nukes out of iraq, exchange, israel will, fire, eliminate, iraq, a golden tooth is abomination, the king's of persia is the new world order, nobody allows Me to have MY way says the Holy One, how can I work, is a couple of hours a prayer to much to ask from anybody said the Lord, try it, you'll feel the difference right away says Jesus, thus saith the Lord of Hosts, if you turn from your wickedness, I will receive you says God, your the one thats dreaming, both, a night vision is a dream, a day vision you have while you are awake, the people don't know, watch what you think, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and america is the whore, thats a cheater on Jesus, the woman means blood, and america is shedding much blood, iraa smith knows what to do but doesn't do it, the lights are about to go out in america, cause God is about to jud, ge, joel, urshan, I ain't quittin, but, him is cut, off, after about 28 years, darth vader's number one in childrens eyes, that is abomination, they are, decieved, by, anal and oral sex is, taking america, from, 15, and, they are doing it in the schools, the passion of kayne west, he is, he hate's Jesus, but, wants you to think, he has nothin in common with, Jesus, no, Signs, like, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MARK chapter 16, mullah is the devil, and that is, let them, put it under, mullah is, mohammed, and, allah, where are they, have you ever seen them, but, that religion is, taking, the, world by, storm, the, pefect storm, that is, how, russia will, strike, america, by in, perfection, it will only, last, about, one hour, the bombing will, about, twenty, minutes, thats all, and, america is, desolate, they know where, to, olympics is abomination, polar bears are not endangered, but, people are, shooting, leave them, alone, a polar bear is the strongest animal in the world, but, they are not, a, warrior, they were, built, for, the, cold, they are, thick, that is how, but, they are, not, lazy, to, catch, enough food, for, one, day, all day, that is, about, 3, seals, and they are, dwindling, put it under, they will, eat, any, thing, did you you hear the message, let, Jesus is, about to, ex, pose, hand of help, they want, money, not, Spiritual, they are, cut off, and they, want, lets build a Church, said, michael, boldea, but, now, Signs, a polar bear, would, shred, a, lion, but, not if, the lion got, on, yep, it would, then, its claws would, shred, the lion would, not, have a, a chance, but could wound, but, that is true, the polar bear is, strong, it could, throw, a, lion, about, 25, feet, a lion weighs about, 1500, but, over, wieght, hu is not wanting war with tai, wan, but, it, will, be, that is when, america will be attacked by china and russia will, be, on, standby, and they will, grab, alaska, and out of, the, oceans, and, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, they will, stike, the, mainland, of, america, and that will, bring, Jesus, returns, when, read, ISAIAH 13, thats all you need to do, REVELATION 17 and 18, are, deatails, ISAIAH is, easy, america will attack iran, when, you, least, expect, look for it, then, judgment to, the, palestinian, then, america, genetically modified food is, abomination, that is, mingling, with, the, food, by, making it, grow, but, it doesn't, produce, seed, they, take out, the, reproductive, by, spraying, and that, make's it, not, but, grow, faster, put it under, don't mingle with, the, seed, of, men, but, they are, this is, what, abortion, that is, the, seed, they are, killing, unborn, blood on, hands, both, doer, and, doie, both have, blood, on, cut off, don't, mingle with, the, genetically, created, people, animals, om froze, you didn't know that did you, she's already past her flower, no sperm, that is, mingling with, the, vasectomy, cutting, the, sperm, tube, that is, abominate, tion, because, they are, not supposed to, man can, reproduce, all, but, a woman, genetically, only, they are, after, about, 40, but, exception to the, rule, every once and while, Church fires are, abomi, nation, they are, harlot, churches, but, quit, doing, because, render unto, ceasar, the things that are, unless they, over ride, the, laws of, of Jesus, the hong kong flagged, okal, king, dor, that is, stuck, in the, suez, canal, they will have to, dig under, or, break, it is, not, going to, free, that is, it is, on, the, he got out of, the, paths, but, they will, dig, about, 5, hundred thousand, the ship captain, can, he saw, gene, simmons of, the rock group, kiss, on, like, white spirit, he was, perished, prophet, gene, simmons, he is, a, prophet, like, all, but, they are, how awsome, all cut off, ace, freh, ley, chris, and, paul stanley, paul stanely is, your cut off, acting israel prime minister, ehud, olmert, is, about to be, rudely, killed, by, netanyahu, because benjamin, will, be, the, elected, next, prime minister of, sharone is, dead, life support, can, talk, but, no, vital, they will have to, but, he wants to, go on, live, his time is, the machine will, keep, alive for, awhile, but, not, for, long, thou fool, he knows he, will, perish, that is why, let me live, said, sharone, about, 100,000, per week, taxpayers, are, are not, some are, some are not, but, they, will, but, he will, have, another, he'll be, done, put it under, sharone will be, in, hell, about, 10 minutes, after, death, because of, blaspheme, of, the, Holy, Ghost, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the horns are, politburo, the ruling party of, put ukraine in russia, they are, chernobyl was, planned out, money, the ten horns are, ukraine, no, but, russia, china, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, north korea, germany, iran, it was, iraq, but, saddam is, a, trader, he broke, the, oil, contracts, wtih, putin, bush wanted, to, get, did, russia knew, the heads are, 7 nations that, have an agreement with, america, but, 5, fall away, one, stays, the beast is, the eigth, and, of the, seven, he comes out of, italy, and they are, in, iraq, right now, berlusconi wants, oil, but, he see's, no, end, the heads are, nations that like, america, the horns are, people that, hate, america, they give their, power and strength, unto, the, beast, and he will, lets rule the world, china, russia, mexico, venezuela, brazil, cuba, north korea, they will give thier, power and strenth, to, the, beast, and he will, send it over on, america, america will be made desolate in one hour, china will, attack, russia, and, force, russia, to, invade, israel, that will be, what, brings, the, battle of, arma, geddon, they are, being, prepared, right, now, but, time is not, yet, this will start with, america and, and china, going to, war, china will, attack, taiwan, and, washington, state, and when america goes, russia will lead, an all out attack on, the, usa, america will be, desolate, ruined, by, russian, nuke, subs, out of, they will, will grab, alaska, then, from the ocean, out of, cuba, nicaragua, out of, mexico, they will, bombard, america, this is, when, Jesus, returns, then, the beast will, rise, out of, the, sea, like, out of, russia, he is, the, pope, he will, be, the, ruler, of, magog, that is, china, russia, north and south korea, and, japan, and, all of, of, the, world, they will, hate, each other, but, cling, hu will be, the, false, prophet, but, they will, hate, each, other, hu will say, worship, the, pope, but, he will, sit, in the, Temple, I am god, he will come top his end, when, Christ, will, appear, just speak the Word, the mountain will, in, in two, and this will be the end, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and the woman whic thou sawest is the great kingdom that rules over the kings of the earth, that is america, america is ruling over the kings of the earth, but not for long, go, and, put it under, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the national anthem for amexico, when america gets hit, mexico and canada will be destroyed as well, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, the, the idol shepherd will be the pope after satan enters into him, the pope will be the antichrist and hu will be the false prophet, go, and put it under, the pope is the antichrist and hu is the false prophet, and right after america gets hit, the pope will be the new leader of the world, but hu will be just right beside, worship the pope hu will say, 666 will be born at the table between the pope and the false prophet, Christ will speak the Word and it will all be over, they will hate each other but cling to each other, it will get shaky when Christ pours out the vials of wrath, the pope will sit in the Temple, I am god, but he is no God, but a man, this is tyre, o tyre, magog, and the beast with seven heads and ten horns is the pope, he's the red dragon, put it under, this will begin when china grabs taiwan and attacks america, then russia will strike america and then china will strike russia and force russia to invade israel, magog, is, china, russia, north and south korea and japan, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation and follow thru, thats it, the endtime story brought to you by, hollie, the Lord of Hosts, babyfleas, teddy bear and others, others like the pope and the idol shepherd, go, put it under, praise the Lord for warning you, aman, the pentecostals of indianapolis apostolic lighthouse, I'll tell on you danny thomas of lighthouse pentecostals Church, thats apostolic lighthouse, you are cut off and were notified to your face, and the Angel of the Lord pointed, thats babyfleas not hollie, the palestinian state will be destroyed, it's the iraq war said hollie, that will end nuclear, with exchange between iraq and israel, this is EZEKEIL 7, and the ANgel of the Lord plunged with His Plunger, thats what babyfleas really looks like, that's what hollie looks like, write the vision and make it plain, there's gettting ready to be nuclear war in the middle east and he saw, pastor s cut off sign on the Church sign of pentecostals of indianapolis apostolic lighthouse, thats danny thomas, woe be unto danny thomas, that was the Angel of Jesus, press to the mark of the High callin in Christ Jesus, china is, the, king of the east with all of persia, china is the false prophet, with hu, and he saw babyfleas like a Golden Bear, write, the chrysler 2.5 engine was the beast american manufactured engine, it will last about 250,000 average, the chrysler 2.2 is the exact same engine, no difference, but, that was babyfleas clapping her paws.
(15)the woman and the red dragon-visions received 2-8-9-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie,, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: and he saw babyfleas with Wings, those wings will be plucked from satan, I'm the red dragon and the woman on my back is the united states, carrying, she is MYSTERY, BABYLON, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, abominations is sin, harlots is false Christians, woman means blood and america is shedding it, allover the world, america is feard except russia and china, thats the ram, the hegoat is them with the pope as the king of grecia as the horn, china will attack taiwan and washington state and grab taiwan to lure america into war, and then russia will attack america, and canada and mexico will be desttroyed to, then china will attack, moscow, and force russia to lead the way to the invasion of israel, the beast with seven heads and ten horns is satan, and he is the pope, and the idol shepherd will be, the pope, he will be slashed and satan will enter into that body and he will destroy many, put it under, the pope is the beast and the united states will be attacked real soon, that was a becon from a lighthouse, and a lighted Jesus pointed, depart, and he was talking to pastor danny thomas, danny thomas withstood you when he said, I don't care and you told him he wouldn't go back with Jesus if He came right now, he knew it, but, pastors anyway, and the dragon said, I'm the beast, that was Jesus carrying jeff cunningham home to Heaven, he died of penicillan posioning at the age of 10, walmart and miejer will not feed their lobsters because they go to the bathroom, call it on open shame for walmart and meijer's, that was a werewolf, a satanic movie, don't watch it, Jesus said, on MY death certificate, I came to seek and to save that which was lost, follow Me, if you love Me, you will lay down yur life for your friends, don't look back, look ahead, and he saw a Hand writing the vision and he saw the words, It'll give peace, and he saw a, thats a snake, and he saw a Hand write, work, while it is still time, he saw the word, pentecost, this is, how, you are, set, free, read and do ACTS 2:37, ACTS 2:38, and, follow thru, your wanted on the telephone, who is, it is, Jesus, well, what does He want, you did not, repent and be baptised in Jesus Christ name and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, this is salvation, and he saw the words, in the streets, that is where he is, and he said, you already cook enough, and he saw the word, loose, and he saw the grocery store shelfs and they were full, they won't be for long, shortages coming, and he saw him going into a store, witness where ever your are, he saw mayor william hudnut, he put indianapolis on the map, but, it, this is a straight and narrow way, and the snake said, I'm the beast with seven heads and en horns and I'm the pope and I'm the idol shepherd, that was babyfleas, she said, with her, he'll, marathon's are, close, ing, its the phone, you are, about, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, america's economy is, about, thru, put it under, pastor, john, tyner, is, cut, off, no, Signs, put it under, the muncie prayer walk, is, blaspheme, the religious leaders of muncie are cut off, muncie, indiana, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the t. rex snake, the satan is the pope, he saw a sign, Jesus loves you, a fetus is s child, don't destroy it, abortion is murder, I'm the devil, he saw he got his mom out of the grave, she would have been dead by now, and he saw a building with a LightHouse on it, it was beaming, and a White Jesus pointed, it's stated, ACTS 2:38 is, salvation, that wsa hollie tearing up the contract and had two Jesus's in her hands, that was not hollie, that was babyfleas but call babyfleas hollie, and the ANgel of the Lord said, right now bobby, I need you, and hollie tore up the contract, go and testify, iraq is, about to turn nulcear, warn, that's EZEKIEL 7, and hollie pointed, go that way, that was hollie tearing up the contract, the palestinian state will be destroyed bu, nuclear, weapons out of, iraq, exchange, new zealand will have to take the mark of the beast or burn, so will, all, but, america, america will not be here, the event that brings, back, Jesus is, the event that, brings, the, the beast in, and that is, the, destroying, of, america, and that, is, the, MYSTERY, BABYLON, and that is, america, bob was, witnessing, at, meijer, and, a security guard, almost, trapped, but, Jesus, gave, bob, the, Word's, and he is, open, and he saw the word, over, and that was, what, it is, coming to, and the Angel of the Lord kissed him, and he saw the words, EZEKIEL 7, is, the, palestinian, state, destroyed, by, american, nuke, s, out of, iraq, 11-11-2007-hollie showed, record, that, was, hollie with blue eyes, words, dont match lips, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, what is hollies message, hollie thought, I dont want my website no more, I want my message board, that, said, hollie, licked the prophet, what is that in my room, said, fleas, its, the nightmarist, duncan rouleau stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, and the nightmarist showed popes image made alive, pocket tv, hollie showed, choked in the fire, share the vision, said, holliefleas, showed, pocket t.v., pope, hu, walking, the beast, false prophet, hollie out of panasonic thrusters stereo speaker, excellent, they have passive radiator, make deep bass, they, are, accurate sounding, the name panasonic still sells, california, allow me said, hollie, I told you not to do it, tim pedigo, let prophet, tarry, he, knows, hes, off, did not the, pope say, oil, that, is leading, to armageddon, and he listened to the, panasonic thrusters speakers, and out, they, did not the pope say, they ruined it, journey, steve perry, wanted, out, but, if he, sings, journey songs, suit, showed, band member, he, does, but, no concert, loose belt sound, said, enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, that, out of panasonic thrusters speaker, back, did not gabriel say, write the vision, and, palne flew by, what kind of plane was that, said, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, spaceship said, hollie, flying, loooking for thieves of the name ministry of dreams, that, spacecraft fired, said, hollie, direct hit, jeremy taylor, removes like ismail kadare, duncan rouleau, all, spacecraft over is what they wanted, said, hollie, spacecraft, them all away, clapped the tap dancers, and hollie with binoculars looked at those that, we took it said dee finney, yes shook john mark pool, hollie showed whistle blew, go, out of panasonic thrusters, excellent, that was fire balls coming up, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, I got it, said, hollie, Jesus, in, the sky, judge he said, and, america, exploded, and, the world, spun, moscow and said kent gray, china, exploded, the smoke blocked, sun, and moon, for sixteen hours, world shook, and hollie, licked the prophet, and, up rose the pope, beast, jong, said, Jesus, whatta you want, said, hollie, and, america, exploded, and, moscow, china, thats the reason, said, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, bush threatening the whole world, hollie showed whistle, choked in the fire, that, pointed, america exploded, hide said gabriel, indianapolis said gabriel, pointed, nuclear explosion, be quiet he said, jeremy taylor, d.min, ruint, for, taking the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, gabriel, smiled, bob dreamed, two people, cleaning, rug, man said, now, comeon, we gotta do better than that, cleaned almost perfect, gabriel showed, cut off, churches, gabriel showed, record, your gonna get cut off, tim pedigo, him, pointed, april, out of horn, ronald danforth, right here, said, kevin danforth, your out, said, ronald danforth, hollie showed, choked in the, fire, I, cant, beleive, you, tommy jordan, now cut off, knows, they, tell, me, they, are, putting, my, beast, in, the, paper, said, the, garry streeval girl, squirt, pope, rip, picture, gabriel showed, thats, what, I, want, Holy Ghost, him, pointed, george williams, not saved, pastoring, they are, not, wanting, me, as thier Lord, said, the tap dancers, they are wanting that church to fill up, so, they can pocket money, george d. williams, jr., with partial dyed, hair, hollie showed spoke with tongues, look at it he said, I knowed said george williams, a form of God liness, no, Holy Ghost, record me, said, gabriel, blew horn, out, hollie, pointed, liar over george williams head, hollie showed, choked in the fire, flames, he said, right here, george williams perishes, your needed said george williams, right here, said, prophet, alter, knows, record showed gabriel, you should have left it along, my spacecraft said, hollie, ministry of dreams, those, we took it, said, dee finney, its, your name, we know, but, tempted, gabriel showed, record, and licked the prophet, tim mcveigh, in lava, repenting, but, to late, like for george williams jr., not saved like tommy jordan, forgit it bobby, he said, lost, knows, cut off, showed, Jesus, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, like, pope, beast, 666, I warned you, said, george williams, he is, lost, not wanting, people saved, dont go to his church, I warned you, he said, Todd Callender stole the name ministry of dreams, knows, wants prophet to fall, Todd Callender is one of duncan rouleaus children, Rich Starkings, richard starkings, published the nightmarist, by duncan rouleau, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, Joe Kelly edited the nightmarist, with stolen name ministry of dreams, he wants christian to fall, he is duncan rouleaus child, what is that, said, fleas, the nightmarist, sitting next to prophet at church, tommy jordan, gabriel showed record, and licked the prophet, pointed, jeremy taylor ruint for taking the name bobby, said dee finney, ministry of dreams, releases ruint like, joe kelly, record the vision, said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, when, you, hurt, God hurts, he, kills to abate, hollie out of, panasonic thrusters speaker, record the vision, said, gabriel, showed, cut off, tim pedigo, hair dyer, God will not, spare, raise your hands and repeat after me, cut off, showed, gabriel, sang, the pope, tim pedigo showed, shh, dont tell, never, saved, hollie tattood 666, signed for between, pope, hu, new world order, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie showed, with popes voice, flames, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, up, popes image, booh awho, that was hollie wailing for the people, gabriel showed, right here, said, mrs. godbold, hair dyer, quenching Spirit at tommy jordans church, they loose mrs. godbold, record the vision, right here, said, the man, from viatran trucking company, they loose, prophet had Holy Ghost, tommy jordan sr. and jr., Lord I hate him, said, mrs. godbold years ago, now, wants, loose husband, marry prophet, showed, yes, prophet says, stay married, gabriel said, america, boom, im a bear, said, linda, spall, bear, thats, russia, laughed hollie, when are you going to come back, said, george williams, that hurt me, seeking, not finding, .

(194)G.O.D. vision received 4-14-2005-In this vision, I saw, "G.O.D.". I used to drive a truck for them and it may be fault that company was yanked out of Indianapolis. Jesus spoke to me while I was driving and said, "I want you to quit your job", and I said wait until my vacation. I went on vacation and Jesus gave me an awesome vision where I saw angels, and I went back to work anyway and the company was yanked. Might as well do what God says.
(195)blaspheme-vision received 4-14-2005-In this vision, I saw a man appear that had dark colored skin and hair and beard, and he said, "blaspheme". I seen probably twent visions while sitting at the computer today.
(197)Hand writing in the notebook-vision received 4-14-2005-In this vision, I saw an all white hand and maybe arm and He was writing in the notebook. Later He tore the notebook up.
(198)being crowned-vision received 4-14-2005-In this vision, I was being crowned and I believe I saw Jesus putting it on, and We may have both been white and and scene ends with like a bright flash.
(199)all white Jesus-vision received 4-14-2005-In this vision, I saw part of an all white Jesus walking.
(200)Jesus on the cross-vision received 4-14-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man on the cross that I thought was Jesus. He had brown hair and beard and it was like I was looking at Him from above and He was in agony like you could not image.
(201)Hand-vision received 4-14-2005-In this vision, I saw a Hand pat me on the back. It was all white.
(202)Finger-vision received 4-14-2005-In tis vision I saw a white finger pointing at me and He spoke some words.
(203)good deal-vision received 4-14-2005-In this vision, I saw an all white Hand shaking my hand, which leads me to believe everything was cool.
(204)jail coming?-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw darkness and heard a cop siren.
(205)repent of sins committed and turn to Jesus-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and HE said, "turn".
(206)termites-vision received 4-13-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "termites".
(207)screams from hell-received 4-2005-I heard a woman in hell and may have seen her, and I visions like this all the time. She screamed, "help me", "save me", "help me".
(208)dumitru duduman praying-vision received 4-13-2005-In this vision, I saw dumitru duduman and he was praying hard. He was pressing. I just saw him in another vision and he said, "I'm an angel".
(209)glass buildings-vision recived 4-2005-In this vision, I saw some pure glass skyscrapers and the glass was a dark color. The sky was blue. This man have been part of heaven. I've seen visions of New Jerusalem and the sckscrapes there are clear glass.
(210)everybody is special in the MASTERS EYES-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a MAN with brown curly hair and He said, "your so special". Remember, this God is no respctor of persons. Daniel was called, "a man greatly beloved". Honor God and He will honor you.
(211)oil pressure gauge-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision, I saw the oil light on in my car which means, short, oil pump, oil pressure, low oil, etc. Not good. I saw the light blinking on and off the other day. The Lord may have given me this vision to show me my car may be near its end.
(212)lying-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "lying".
(213)screaming-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a white face screaming. I felt this was a woman who perished.
(214)hidden-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "can't find him".
(215)ministryofdreams-vision received 4-26-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "ministryofdreams", in like the browser of the bottom of a computer moniter. If I were to die tomorrow, the one thing that would be left behind is, "ministryofdreams". I whole heartedly praise Jesus Christ for ministryofdreams.
(217)your not bullet proof-vision received 4-26-2005-In this vision, I'm with an old girlfriend, and I did not write down details, but, she found a way to get interest over and beyond in me that I should have allowed. Jesus was warning me here. Once I was tempted by another woman that I would consider marrying and it took about two days of prayer to get that yoke broke off. If I get snared, chances are, I'm done. Help me Jesus. If you find yourself in a temptation, get out of there as quick as you can.
(218)closed-vision received 4-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a sign and on the sign was the word, "closed".
(219)Jesus can raise somebody up and replace you if you don't do your job-vision received 4-26-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "your replacement".
(220)very willing to help-vision received 4-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, 'why don't you fix me".
(221)u.s.s.r.-vision received 4-26-2005-In this vision, I'm in like a restauraunt or something, and there was a radio on, and I believe sports scores were being announced. I very clearly heard two teams, and one of those teams was the, "u.s.s.r.". The soviet union may be brought back or still exist or?
(222)why not-vision received 4-26-2005-In this vision, I saw me and I said, "why". I forget details.
(223)suicide-visions received 4-26-2005-I keep seeing this woman in visions and she says, "suicide". Jesus showed me years ago this woman was going to kill herself. I was in a very long prayer, and I very clearly was given this vision and it tore me up. I saw this woman and she said so clearly, "I have to change my pants and put it in the diaper and thats the reason I went on". She had her gall bladder removed. I've seen her in many other visions and she let me know she wants my talent. Once she trapped me, and I saw her in a vision and I heard a voice that said, "why did you trap him", and her answer was, "because". I don't rejoice over this. I've heard her crying in hell and screaming and I remember once she said something like from hell I believe, "because mom let me sin". In one vision, and I believe she saw where she was going she screamed my name, "bobby". I've heard just about my whole family if not all screaming from hell.
(224)keys needed-vision received 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a mechanic and he said something like, "can we have the keys". I have them now. I saw other visions of people that work at that shop and I may be ridiculed there. I saw a woman that looks like a woman that works there and she said, "were laughing". I saw a Man twice in visions and He said something like, "it's your sensor", "it's a sensor bad". I wish the car was not there right now.
(225)end time's-vision received 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "end time's". We are in the end time's.
(226)word-vision received 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw something like this, "f_ck". I don't even want to talk about this.
(227)bought-vision received 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "I bought Me one".
(228)save me-vision received 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man or an Angel and I believe He was pointing at me and He said, "save it".
(229)Jesus can destroy you-vision received 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "financial ruin".
(230)I need to learn how to witness in spanish-vision received 5-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I can't speak english".
(231)suicide-visions received 5-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "suicide".
(232)jelous-vision received 5-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you make me jelous". I need to always be led by the precious Holy Ghost so I can help, and not hurt.
(233)IN-vision received 5-3-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw the words, "In in". Get in this.
(234)the TRUTH-vision received 5-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "you got the TRUTH". I want many to have it.
(235)vision-visions received 5-2005-In two visions, I saw this man that works for a junk yard and he said things like, "I'm your brother", "you'll probably see me in heaven". Wonderful!
(236)going to perish-vision received 5-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm in hell".
(237)Jesus has shown me in visions whats going to happen-vision recieved 5-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "what in the world is going to happen".
(238)radiation-vision received 5-3-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "radiation", and I heard some words, something like, "it's like radiation".
(239)get ready-vision received 5-3-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw the words, "are you ready". They may have been written like, "R U ready".
(240)buy things from Jesus Christ the great and MIGHTY GOD-vision received 5-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a sentence like this, "It helped to buy a statement". I need to hear from Jesus and I have to pay Him for it with prayer and pressing and obediance. Don't expect things for free. If we don't serve Jesus, how can we expect HIS blessings.
(241)seventh day adventist church-vision recieved 5-3-2005-In this vision, I'm with a man and I believe he was a seventh day adventist and one thing I saw to him is something like, "you go to church on saturday, don't you", and we shared other things. Maybe Jesus is going to let me hit the seventh day adventist. As far as going to church on saturday, sunday. God when you feel led to go by the Spirit of God.
(242)ready-vision received 5-5-2005-In this vision, I saw an angel and He said, "he's ready". I saw Him in another vision and He said, "he's not going to work".
(243)you got to save yourself-vision received 5-10-2005-I always cry out of Jesus to save me and in a vision, I saw a man and he said, "save yourself". This man looked and sounded like dumitru duduman. TRUE!
(244)change e-mail address-vision received 5-23-2005-In this vision, I saw the part of this website like I'm adding stuff onto now and I saw the e-mail address that was on here and I heard something like, "that that off". I did. I saw in a vision long ago the email address that I replaced it it with on this site. Thanks Jesus!
(245)cry for help too late-vision received 5-23-2005-In this vision, I saw this young woman and she screamed, 'help'. I've witnessed to her many times over years. I saw her in other visions and she said things like, "you know your chosen", "bedroom"(not)
(46)Jesus can be a jelous God-vision recieved 5-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He kind of yelled, "I hate that car". My car is very ugly, and I have had it for a long time. I was in a wreck about two weeks ago and lost my good car and had to go back to the junk, which is very fun to drive. Rather than upset Jesus, I will do something, like, sell, get painted, trade, give away, park, etc. I asked Jesus and I'm going by memory something like if He wanted me to get rid of it, and I saw a Man in a vision with brown hair and He shook His head, "no", and made a no type grunting noise. About a month ago, I was on my mountain bike heading to the junkyard to give it to them and at about half way there, I beleive I was led away. God showed me in a vision that I would be driving the car again, and that one can be tached onto the fulfilled category! Jesus knows the future somehow before it happens.
(247)cut off-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw young woman and she said, "the LOrd cut me off".
(248)house-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "house".
(249)paper I write visions on-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw like the paper I write the visions on and it was torn off and may have been in my hand and I saw it and could not read a single one because the writing was strange. It may have had light shining on it.
(250)JOHN 16-visions recieved 5-26-2005-In a vision, I saw something like, "JOHN 16". I may have seen, "JOHN 3:16", it was fast. Then I saw me writing it down in another vision, "JO".
(251)Jesus is coming-vision received 5-26-2005-In a vision, I saw the word, "coming", and there was more. I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "The Holy Ghost is coming to get us all". I hope I go back when Jesus comes for me.
(252)worship Jesus-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw some words and two of them were, "worship Me".
(253)prayer time-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw my clock and the time on it was, '4:30'. That means 30 minutes got tached onto my prayer time this morning.
(254)can-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "can". There was more.
(255)wanted-vision recieved 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "he wants you".
(256)hurt-vision received 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that I witnessed to and I heard or saw him say, "I hurt you".
(257)vision-recieved 6-7-2005-In this vision, I saw something like this, (177) and then it changed into something like this, "(17). Does that man visions will disappear.
(258)wanting THE WORD-visions received 6-10-2005-In these visions, I saw a man and he said things like, "I want your Word", "please come and help", "send us a warning". This looked like michael boldea of hand of help ministries. I desire a time of prayer and fasting with my friends that are about 342 miles away from my house, and mr. boldea, I did see on the caller i.d. that somebody from hand of help called. I did not feel the leading of the Holy Ghost to call back, nor did I have the number to get into the voice mail. I did pray about it, and I bleieve I have seen in visions that I will meet you in this life. Lords will, lets, just do it. I can work watertown, wisconsin, like I do pretty much where I go. I'm a power warner. That means I hit the people, walking, driving, in buisness, churches, almost wherever. If you are ashamed as Jesus, you better not get around me. It's easy to warn 15 to 20 people give or take everyday, not even have to step a foot in a church. Mike, if you feel led, call again. I've been sleeping in my van, but, it's likely if you call, the Lord will let me see it, if it's His will, and I do have a vision for you, and it will help.
(259)witness still open-visions received 6-17-2005-In visions, Jesus showed me my witness is still open. In one, I saw a Man with Brown Hair and He said, "leave him open", and in the other, I may have seen the word, "go". I may have seen a Man Point at it. Thank you Jesus for giving me what YOU did instead of what AI deserved.
(260)vanity-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a like security moniter t.v. and it was like in an autozone or something and I saw me on it at the checkout counter and I had my hair back. Thank you Jesus! Praise God!
(261)pregnant-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw teresa franklin and in that vision or the next one she said, "pregnant".
(262)babys cry-recieved 6-25-2005-While praying, I heard a baby's cry. I seemed to feel like it was mine. I better not backslide or????
(263)visions of woman and men-visions recieved 6-26 and 6-27-2005-In visions I saw women and men and they said things like, "my house", 'I'm a witch", "I offended", "I wounded", "committed suicide", "suicide", "wierd", "separate", "come witness", "I laugh", "cause I blasphemed", "it's probably the devil"(I believe she was referring to me-I believe many times, I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and He wa laughing-Jesus will laugh at your calamity), I like money", "the lake".
(263)King a saudi arabia-I was asking Jesus about why oil is so much and I saw a man that looked like the king of saudi arabia in visions and he said, "thats the way I want it", "new barrel".
(264)do you thing that you are a little god-vision recieved 6-28-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and they said, "you know I'm God".
(265)living to make money will send you to the lake of fire-vision received 7-2-2005-I stopped at a rummage sale just off the grounds of second baptist church and witnessed to three women there. One laughed. I don't know if she laughed at me, but, I think she did. One I told a lot to and she is going to watch. She really tried to convince me she lived for Jesus. I did not feel the Holy Ghost coming from her voice. She was wearing shorts. When i left, I believe I saw her in a vision and she said something like, "we like money".
(266)go to watertown, wisconsin-vision received 7-6-2005-In this this vision, I saw a Arm and the Hand was pointing and I believe the I saw the word, "watertown", and I heard, "go to watertown", which is watertown, wisconsin where hand of help ministries is, and I did. I visited and Jesus gave me many many many visions while there. I was talking with ann schmidt there and telling her things and Jesus gave me many visions for her, and I told her one and she laughed. It seems to be something we all want, and she most definately did. As I was talking to her, Jesus gave me a vision and in it she said something like, "you slipped", and I told her the vision and she had to leave a little later and I felt the vision meant that I would not see her again and I left before she got back. She wanted to hear the other vision or visions, but, I did not feel the leading of the Holy Ghost to tell her. I saw just about all if not all that were at the mission in visions except for the visitors. I met with michael boldea, and if you search this site you will find vision or visions where it was shown to me that me and mike would meet. In one, he has his hand out to shake mine. When it was time to go, he came to me with his hand out or stuck it out, and I told him something like, "there's the vision". I was given so many vision, and reluctantly as the Lord requires, I will post them. I don't know if I ever in my life remember feeling the Holy Ghost like I do now. I'm afraid to post what I've been shown. Even as michael was talking to me, I was receiving visions. I saw a man that looked like him in a vision and he said something like, "how many visions do you have". Let me say this, as I was praying at the reststop, I saw Something pointing and I heard this, "the Witness is in him". It may have been a Finger, perhaps I thought I would remember. I heard something like this, and may have seen who said it, "what thing was it that made you change your mind about him", and I thought, and even though I can't remember the words he said word for word, I remembered him saying something about possibly a system, or something like that which lots beleive in REVELATION 17 is talking about many things. I've heard the woman, whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON in REVELATION 17 called many things, but, it is america. I heard this, "he doesn't fully understand". I maybe should have said something, but, can't recall feeling the leading of the Holy Ghost. I saw a man that looked like michael boldea in vision and he said something like, "I was interested". I saw a man that looked like him in visions and he said things like, "the Witness is in me and It should be in you". I said something to God like, "why didn't I feel it", and as I said that, I saw a man that looked like michael and he said the very same thing or about the same thing. So what that means is I did not feel the Holy Ghost coming from him and he probably did not feel it coming from me. I believe In posibly other visions, I may have seen me or Somebody else and I said, "why didn't you feel It", and I may have seen him again and he said something like, "I don't understand it". I saw a man that looked like michael boldea in a vision and he said something like, "I put bob in hell".
Visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like michael boldea, but may have not been, but looked very similar and he said things like, "I wanted out", "need my computer", "I cut off", "embarras", "I ain't cut off", "I ain't gonna hear it", "I was interested", "on my way back", "please get me away from you", "didn't know", "embarras me", "you know I'm dumitru", "I'm going to hell", "adultery", "you mean I can come back", 'I'm a reject", "your satan", "nothing personal", "come help us", "that did help", "I want material". This man looked like michael boldea, but, may have not been him. I'm not judging, coming against, with standing, etc. I'm declaring what I was shown. Once or maybe twice, while I met with michael boldea the other day, I had a vision where I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard, and He very forcibly said something like, "SEE". Perhaps I was telling Jesus I'd have to try the Spirit in person, and I got to. I do beleive Michael boldea has had the baptism of the Holy Ghost, even though I did not feel It coming from his voice. Jesus can make it so we can't feel it if He wants to. When this occurs, it make it so easy to blaspheme the Holy Ghost, cause of jumping to quick to conclusions. Sin may block it out on either persons behalf. Be very slow to speak with your mouth. Jesus can strip your Anointing away and restore it like turning on a light switch. The bible cammands us not to judge, so, so don't judge. Hold your peace. What you say in your heart and with your mouth is two different things. When you speak, it becomes sin.
(267)pray for others-vision received 7-8-2005-In this vision, I saw like this female animation and she said something like, and she asked about this woman. I'm interceding for you. I just saw a woman in a vision that may have looked like a spirit and she said, 'I'm a backslider", "punisH", "take it off". Cry out to Jesus. I often ask Jesus about taking visions off. I'm only declaring as reqired by Jesus. I would not want to come against Gods anointed for all the money in the world. Why would I do that. I beleive I have seen some Fruit of the Spirit of God in the real hollie moodys life. I truly hope she did not fall, and if she did, I hope she gets up, and comes back charging. I just saw like a white spirit version of a woman and she said, "you should have left me alone". In a way, it makes me wish the internet never got tached onto my walk. It saddens me thinking on that vision. In every vision on my websites about hollie moody, I will say again, I saw somebody who looked like, but, I'm not sure was, her. I have interceded. In a way, this vision makes me want to just post revelations and end times visions and teaching visions. I removed just about all names if not all names from the website back in about april, but, had to put it back. These websites belong to Jesus, not me. If the Lord would allow, I would remove the names again, and never put no names on. I don't want tohurt nobody, but, can I help. Perhaps by these revelations, people are being helped. Maybe somebody that was decieved will see all of a sudden. I just saw a Man in a vision and I believe He said, "she needs you helP". It's available. I'm at your disposal, Lords will. It is very possible that we bring things like this upon ourselves by saying little prideful things like, "can't stop me", "I'm unstoppable", laughing at others calamity", be proud, feeling like it, etc. Your WAY o'h Jesus Christ, my precious KING!
(268)don't lift up man-vision received 7-2005-As I was leaving the other day thinking on michael boldea, and maybe lifting him up in my heart, I saw a man in a vision and He let me know that was what I was doing. Michael was like a celebrity to me. I believe Jesus showed me a man that looked like him in a vision and he said something like, "the Lord told me to write". This world needs to pray and seek the Face of Jesus and get right if left.
(269)visions-visions received 7-18-2005-In visions, I saw a female spirit and she said things like, "against bobby hickman", "against moody", against", and maybe, I didn't recognize it", "making moody backslide", "backslide", and maybe, "help me", "help me bakslide", thats the Word". I saw possibly a man spirit in a vision and he said, "quit coming against her". I'm not. I don't beleive I've ever spoken a bad word about her with my mouth. I playing the role of a seer and declarer as the LEADER LEADETH. I just saw the female spirit again and she said, "take me off the website", and possibly, "He wants you take it off". I was coming to the computer with plans on doing that. I was going to take off what was indexed by google, and now I find that I'm adding.
(270)vision wanted-visions received 7-18-2005-In a vision, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "want a vision". I went to where he was and told them. I saw a woman spirit that looked like a woman that was there and she let me know she was going to hell. As I was typing that, it seems like thru the corner of my eyes, I saw a dark spirit charging me and I may have just saw another Man Spirit and He said something like, "bind him". Bind those enemy spirits.
(271)bowels-vision received 7-2005-In visions, I beleive I saw a female spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "you need your bowells", "I'm going deaf", "your know angel", "let witness close up", "I blasphemed against bobby hickman", "bobby hickman should have never wrote me", "I blasphemed against eunuch", "give a lot of money", "I get surrounded", "when you blaspemed against --------, you blasphemed against the Holy Ghost", "when you blasphemed against ________, you perished", "against hollie moody, your against your wallet", "its a spirit your messing with", "trader", "I'm against ________", "for coming against me". I'm sitting at the computer right now recording what I see.
(272)blaspheme-visions received 7-27-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "blaspheme", and then I saw a spirit that looked like pastor donald winters of west side pentecostal Church and he said, "I did it once".
(273)revelation-visions received 7-27-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "cut off", and I saw just saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "your not". The first spirit looked like a dark version of me.
(274)dan bohler-visions received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a dan bohler and he said things like, "leave hollie mood_e alone", "I fell", "I sin", "pray for us", "financial", "got no money", "help us", "you do I'll wreck ya", "give me your name and number", "I blasphemed the prophet", and I heard debbie screaming, "me to", "me to", "I'm dying".
(275)Jesus requires me to post-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "did bobby embarras me".
(276)hide from Jesus, He may hide from you-visions received 8-8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "how come I can't find Him".
(277)prophet-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "your a prophet".
(278)I'm mr. eunuch-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "eunuch". Theres not time in my life for a wife. Jesus needs as much as I will give.
(279)help-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "help me", and "choice". Its really not my choice. I can't help lest Jesus orders.
(280)insult-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He may have said, "insult", and I heard, "stan johnson", and I saw a spirit that looked like him in visions and he said things like, "your fallen", "your phone number", "need you", "slippin", "pray for me", "advice", "we have anything you want", "you've blown it", "you a friend", and I may have heard this, "stay away from there". I did want to go there and go to a service and I usally testify at services, and I believe It helps people, because Jesus is a revival God, and I'm a revival wanting person, and I want people fired up. I'm about 552 miles away. I may have just seen stan again while typing in a vision and he said, "bobs here". Maybe Jesus will let me go. I just saw stan again and he said, "I asked". I feel the Holy Ghost in my thinning hair right now. I just saw stan again and he said something like, "do it for me bob". What I do, Jesus has to order. The main thing about going there is, I would testify to people on the way up, back, and while there. I'd like to, but, I want the steering wheel in the Hands of the Lord. Let Him show up in me where He wants to.
(281)talk-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "talk".
(282)dan bohler-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he said things like, "why did you accept me", "you can't come here", "set off the alarm". It would be fun to meet up with dan and visit agape, and I may, Lords will.
(283)doing it right-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and I saw her from the back and she had a long dress on. Her body was covered. This is how a woman should dress.
(284)paula gilbert-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like paula gilbert and she said things like, "don't bother me", and In one, somebody said this, "15 minutes in school with paula", and I beleive I just saw her and she said, "thats what I want". In one I believe I saw her and she may have been tipping a brew.
(285)sister rexford-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, "matterial", "somethings coming".
(286)terry cannon-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "he was acting Holy", "pastor, I cant feel ya", "nervous", "rejected", "he's under strong conviction", "let me tell it", "I'll refuse".
(287)michael boldea-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and in one, I beleive he let me know he's pressing now, and in the other he said, "sell it". Not.
(288)sister stewart-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister stewart and she said, "what happened to eunuch". Whelp, I know I can't stay, and I may not ever get to go back. Maybe Jesus will let me hit the Church one more time and that most likely will be tonight, and if that is the case, after that is up to Almighty!
(289)revelations of man-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "your harrasing", "still on fire", "don't call me a witch", "it's a long day", "suck my dick", and maybe, "will you pray for me", suicide", "I know he's hurt". I invited him to Church if I go. I'll still take him.
(290)norm heaggy-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said things like, "hell". I just saw a man in a vision and he said, "he's the devil". This was one of the Most built up men I knew in Jesus. Have not seen him for about 5 years. He's a prophet. I believe I just saw norm again and he said, "please tell it". If I knew norm was speaking tonight somehwere, I'd want to go. Norm asked me long ago something like, "what if your a prophet", and more things, and I more or less told him that it did not matter. It doesn't. I'm a servant like anybody who serves Jesus. Theres no big I's and little u's in Christ. I believe I just saw norm again and he said something like, "run me off". Jesus may send me to fetch norm, or fellowship. I will go if the Lord sends and with provision. Norm was there for me when I needed him and I will be there for him to help.
(291)chris-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like chris and he said, "did bob leave", "pentecostal".
(292)Jesus gauges, not me-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, 'I was good'.
(293)tony rogers-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like tony rogers and he said thing like, "praise God", "that was for me", and maybe something like, "He already cut me off".
(294)cut off-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "cut off".
(295)the devil is here right now to hinder-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the devil, lucifer and what he looks like is a black angel with mopy hair and he is running his mouth big time this morning. This is a messenger of satan sent to buffet me. I bet the apostle paul was pounded with the same satan.
(296)sister stewart-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister stewart and she said things like, "just money", "no apostolic", "you had a choice".
(297)dan bohler spirit has showed up-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he keeps showing up and say all kinds of things and it was almost non stop and I'm not catching it all. Things like, "you don't understand", and I didn't remember of hear the rest, and, "I'm a witch", and he I believe he talked about me making him embarrased and he's upset about that. I was laughing so hard on and off its hard to type. Maybe Jesus will send me his way and recovery may occur, and I want that. I don't think when it all boils down to it that it is funny. I've intereceded big time for dan.
(298)russia can easily take alaska-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe russian president putin and he said, "hit alaska". Putin better be glad I'm not the president of usa.
(299)cancer-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said, "cancer".
(300)watch what you call people-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like henry gruver and he said, "you devil". Henry gruver has offered the most sacrifice to the Glory Of Jesus than anybody alive right now I know off.
(301)stay away-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, "stay away from".
(302)terry canon propecies-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry canon and he said something like, "verily, verily, I say unto you, No, "yeah", "prophet", "leave here", "I hate you", "you wrecked", and maybe, "help us", "bills", "quitin".
(303)another chance-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like jackie and she said, "another chance". Thank You Jesus for another chance.
(304)if your not looking for the return of Jesus, your probably not going back-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mr. stewart who goes to heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and he said, "how come your not looking".
(305)heavenly life apostolic tabernacle-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister stewart and she said, "go to heavenly life".
(306)blaspheme-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "how'd I loose the Mantle", and in the second one she or somebody else said, "you blasphemed".
(307)blaspheme against the Holy Ghost-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "call'em", "he comitted blaspheme".
(308)virginia boldea-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said things like, "hell", "I hell", and in one she may have said, "virginia boldea".
(309)screaming-visions received 8-9-2005-I heard and may have seen debbie screaming".
(310)yes-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "yes he can".
(311)gene and ann schmidt-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirits that looked like ann and gene schmidt. Ann's hair was a brownish color and she said things like, "my husband", and maybe, "stole"(this can mean serving Jesus how you want, not like he wants), and in one she cursed God(this looked like her, but, does not mean it is), "finacial", and I saw gene and he said, "saw it", "knew it", "lost", "I need you", "yeah", "we have message", and one of them may have said, "your out", "need Mantle", "death". I felt the Holy Ghost on my head just now and what that looks like is Bright White Light, and I saw aleast once or more just now maybe a young man with dark brown straight short hair and he said, "hallaluiah". I wonder if this is the son. I'd go back and fellowship with them if the Lord calls and they want. I just may have seen gene and he said things like, "help", "work here". Well, I'd pray there. I just saw a woman and she said, "need your money", and gene may have told me of a sin and my answer is, Jesus is a forgiver, a purger, a taker away, and a remover. Seek to get sins done away with one way or the other. the visions are rolling this morning. I see the devil and he is running his mouth saying things like, "satan", 'he's out'. I love it. Thank You Jesus for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to serve such an AWESOME God. Gene, ann, send me a letter and Lords will, we'll jam in Jesus name!
(312)adltery-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said something like, "Christ temple has adultery".
(313)my old girlfriend-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like keri and she said, "don't mess with me". I thought I saw her the other day sitting on steps and I left.
(314)will die-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, 'i died'. I've seen it over and over. She says, "suicide".
(315)usa will be attacked by china and russia-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "the united states", "is being attacked".
(316)eunuch-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "bobs eunuch". I don't see how a wife could fit into my life. Jesus needs all of me. More than I give Him. I love Jesus, and don't know if I want to share me.
(317)maybe hollie should have stayed single-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "eunuch", and maybe, "told me", and maybe, "lost time".
(318)who is first in your life-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "first".
(319)Jesus is, not us-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the assisstant pator of heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and he said, "I'm nothing". I can just be a vessel Jesus can do things thru if I have prepared my vessel.
(320)I'm almost anonymous-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "but they nver heard of him". I do'nt really care right now if it stays this way. I still witness and hit Churches, and do other things. This internet has tremendous out reach. People can read these visions and teel'em if they want. Be a witness for Jesus. Tell somebody elses visions if you want, just work for Jesus.
(321)Jesus somehow know the future-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I tell you whats gonna happen". Even I don't know how God knows what is going to happen a thousand years from now. This amazes me and maybe I've tried to figure it out and can't.
(322)doubting can get you in trouble-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "when I doubted".
(323)tax money-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "tax money".
(324)accepted again-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he said things like, "praise God", "been accepted". I praise Jesus for this. Like to meet you dr. dan bohler. I just saw dan in a vision and he said, "my names agape", "thats it", and something about the Mantle. Praise God for victory for my unmet friend! Yep! Praise Jesus! Just saw dan again and he said, "thank you Jesus", and something like, "come up and be with us". I'm about 466 miles away. Could be there tonight. In another, "help me". Dan wants prophecy. I do to. Love it.
(325)perished-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like cless and he said, "lake".
(326)help may be on its way-visions received 8-9-2005-I may have heard and seen, "helton", and I may have seen me and I said, "I'll pray for her".
(327)dan bohler visions are rolling-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe dan bohler and he said, "hallaluiah", and maybe, "I'm lost", and in one he may have cused God and said, "thats the Mantle", "be with us". I'm actually thinking about it right now. Just mayh ave seen dan again and he said, "come and be with us", "you be careful". If I showed up at his Church, what would I say. If he finds out I'm the one that is posting the visions, he might get rowdy, but, deliverance is usally not as far away as you think. I keep seeing dan and I have to abondon him for now to get more stuff done. thank You Jesus for the priviledge. One thing Jesus has showed me is dan bohler loves Jesus.
(328)cut off-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a sissy and heard, "cut off".
(329)nathnaiel urshan-visions received 8-9-2005-In this, I saw and heard, "urshan", and I just saw nathaniel urshan in a vision and he said, "westside", which is westside pentecostal Church and I may have seen him again and he said, "leave it alone", "tell", and I just saw a woman in a vision that had dark hair and she said something like, "westside is dead bobby". I just saw maybe satan in a vision and he said, "I woner if its true", and I just saw pastor donald winters in a vision and he said, "it ai'nt", and maybe, "pentecostal", and maybe, "adultery".
(330)accepted by Jesus-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said, "accepted".
(331)sasha-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sasha and she said things like, "I perished", "I lust", and I may have heard her name called and or seen her, "sasha". There were more visions.
(332)jail-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "when you go to jail".
(333)off-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe me and I said, "your off".
(334)looked like hell-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a yellow flash".
(335)nuclear explosion-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a big nuclear explosion fireball".
(335)dan bohler may be calling me on-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe dan bohler and he may be calling me on. Possiblity dan. Dan will like me. I'm way younger than he is. I beleive he will let me stay in his house. The visions are rolling.
(336)fishes-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she may have said, "fishes".
(337)I seek Jesus-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I bet you studied". I can not figure out much of the bible. Jesus has to show you.
(338)Mantle-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a Man and He said, 'I got another Mantle for you". He may have also said, "same price". I have not accepted yet that I know of. It would be an honor, but, more would ultimately be required out of me.
(339)canceled-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "cancelled", and , "I'm not a pastor", "when you die", "I perish", "bob told me", "how much did I miss ya", "your sure not going to come back open", "theres the kingdom", "need to come again", "return", "miss me", "get wild", "please blaspheme", and I saw him in other visions as well.
(340)left-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I should have left".
(341)debbie-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said things like, "I said, "he's forgiven", "I hate Him", "you liar", "wen I doubted", "hell", "something the matter", "I blasphemed", "moma come", "in hell".
(342)help-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said things like, "help me", "please help", "I need help".
(343)Mantle-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "my Mantles took".
(344)terry cannon-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said, "blaspheme can"t be forgiven".
(345)bookstore-recieved 8-9-2005-I heard, "bookstore".
(346)henry gruver-visions received 8-9-2005-I heard, "henry", and I saw henry gruver in visions and he said things like, "you see these people", "these people", and "he's wrong".
(347)bomb-visions received 8-9-2005-I heard, "bomb", and may ahve seen who said it.
(348)beat-visions received 8-9-2005-I saw this president and I heard somebody say that they are going to beat him and I saw this president and he said things like, "looking", "want iran", and I heard, "iran", and I saw the word, "coming".
(349)where is Jeremiah-visions received 8-9-2005-I heard, "Jeremiah", and I saw a man in a vision and he said, "heaven".
(350)europe-visions received 8-9-2005-I heard, "europe", and I saw a Man in a vision and he said, "it's all planned".
(351)police-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "the police are coming", "Lord Jesus", "watch yourself".
(352)nude-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I was nude".
(353)pizzas-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "yeah, I'll bring the pizzas over", and something similar.
(354)chosen-visions received 8-9-2005-I may have heard, "chosen", and I may have seen me and I said, "I am".
(355)sasha-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sasha and she said things like, "it's my husband", "the washing machine", "you went to hell", "I got blood stains", "I died", "aids", and in one I saw a woman and she said, "she called'em", "the lake", "will Christain come", "head job".
(356)robe-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a robe and it was a brownish color. Maybe its mine.
(357)motorcraft oil-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a bottle of motorcraft oil and in on vision, I saw that it would be 99 cent per quart.
(358)dumitru duduman-visions received 8-9-2005-Iheard, "dumitru duduman", and I saw a man and he said something like, "the best I know", "I is saved".
(359)indianapolis-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like robbie and he said, "indianapolis", and maybe, "hit russia".
(360)pastor tom sugget-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor sugget and he said things like, "I never find out whats the matter with it", and, "we prayed".
(361)fired-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said things like, "fired", "you blasphemed God".
(362)pastor cannon-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry canon and he said, "don't know it".
(363)strings-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "lets get strings".
(364)norm heaggy-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said things like, "he's cut off", "you", "ziebart".
(365)peter jennings-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like peter jennings and he was playing guitar", maybe on his bed.
(366)toke-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a word that looked like, "toke".
(367)we-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me the word, "we".
(368)I want to be in This-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me the word, "in".
(369)Jesus-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me the word, "Jesus", and it was part of a url possibly on a new page on this site.
(370)pieces-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me maybe the word, "pieces".
(371)friege-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me the last name, "friege".
(372)you can-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me the words, "you can".
(373)how much-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me the words, "how much".
(374)acc-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me, "acc", and it may have been part of accept.
(375)my dad-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a debbie and she said, "my dad was yoour dad".
(376)phone call-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "your wanted on the phone", and, "you didn't comitt blaspheme", and maybe more.
(377)paula gilbert-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like paula gilbert and she said things like, "you left", don't pray with me", "hi bobby", "I had a chance", "high love", "want material".
(378)not wearing a shirt is sin-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he did not have his shirt on.
(379)tight pants-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like part of the front of a woman and she was wearing tight pants. Lots of times people want people to lust them.
(380)tammy-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like tammy and she said things like, "eunuch", "have a conversation", "bowels", "left", I like your body", "I eat pussy", "feed me", "take your pants off", "head job", "play with me", "masterbate", and I heard and saw her son ryan and he said, "pussy", "head job", "cause dady".
(381)mr. stewart-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mr. stewart and he said things like, "that was free", "want material".
(382)dread-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "were the fbi".
(383)Jesus on the Cross-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus on the Cross".
(384)back-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, 'I'm back".
(385)man-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he may have said, "gary", "eat it", "I left".
(386)luxury-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "luxury".
(387)mystery-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe two men and somehow a disagrement broke out and one gets a gun and one runs up into like the attic and he is walking and the one below with the gun fires thru the floor and the one in the attic gets shot and he says something like, "I'm shot", maybe many times.
(388)long beach-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me an area and I heard, "go to long beach".
(389)hollie-visions received 8-9-2005-I heard hollie screaming things like, "your getting behind", "to late for missy", "to late for hollie moody", "got hate mail", "give head", "to late for van slyke".
(390)problem-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "my bowells are getting closed".
(391)man-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "no, I didn't marry", I'm a heavey set fellow".
(392)no nose-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and her face did not have a nose and I saw hollie and she said, "no nose.
(393)pastor terry cannon-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said, "thank him", "why did he say that", "but specifically".
(394)linda mullenax-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like linda mullenax and she said, 'i left here'.
(395)Jesus-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "wheres my Wife". You are suppost to be His bride.
(396)people praising men-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a rock star and I saw him from the back and he ran out and the people was screaming like crazy. This was bruce springsteen and I saw him in visions and he said things like, "going to hell"
(397)pastor cannon-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "thats cool", "one more time", and maybe, "I a'int ready", "my name is cannon".
(398)teresa hedger-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like teresa hedger and she said, "hell", "this is teresa".
(399)make up your mind-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'm turning this week either left of right".
(400)you can't fall short-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me the word, "short".
(401)beast-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a beast face and I saw a Hand and may have heard, "demon".
(402)the arch angel gabriel-visions recieved 9-2007-record the vision, said, gabriel, the economy, said, hollie, pointed the main ministering spirit, left, usa, now, time for, bankrupt, said, putin, I want to rule the world, he said. (403)to late-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like missy baker and she said, "to late".
(404)pastor terry cannon-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said, "they ain't even worth it", "sold", "bobs all I need", "have your supper when we get at the house", "gimme", "shower", "come around", "what is there to plan".
(405)witch-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe Jesus and he pointed and said, "witch". He was pointing a man I believe.
(406)virgina boldea-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe virgina boldea and she said things like, "hell", "I left", "whippin", and maybe, "Leave here".
(407)boss hogg-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a boss hogg on the dukes of hazzard and he said, "dry county".
(408)pastor terry cannon-visions received 8-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a pastor terry cannon and he said, "get out of this house and you won't have to come back".
(409)allowed by God to tempt me-visions received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "He allowed it", "hurt you", "I blasphemed".
(410)its east to blaspheme the Holy Ghost-visions received 8-13-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "you devil". I'm not the Holy Ghost, but, this may get you in trouble.
(411)ask Jesus michael boldea-visions received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said, 'why did you embarras me", "let me perish", "religion".
(412)grow up in Jesus- received 8-18-2005-God has let me hear a voice that sounded like the person away from me and they said soemthing like, "propehts growing up".
(413)does pastor thomas simison hate me-visions received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe pastor simison and he said something like, "hate you", and maybe, "need you Mantle".
(414)cursed God received 8-2005-I heard the voice of the man that is where I'm at and he cursed God.
(415)visions of a man-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man that I witnessed to and he said things like, "sold","blaspheme","I laugh", 'starting to piss me off", "thats fake", "I'm cut off", "not right", "I'll finish up here", "I'm going to hell", excited", "you lie", "he's fake", and in one he cursed God.
(416)benny hinn-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like benny hinn and he said things like, "make some money", "I'm benny hinn", "insult me".
(417)MYSTERY, BABYLON is america-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a somebody and they said, "MYSTERY, BABYLON", and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "Is AMerica".
(418)alaska-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, alaska".
(419)answer-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I need an answer", and I saw Another Man and HE said, "it's to late", and I saw the first man and he said, "thats it".
(420)michael boldea-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said,"I'm stan johnson", and I saw mike again and he said, "you left".
(421)debbie-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she said things like, "cause mom", "it was you I blasphemed", "you laughed","the Lord cut me off", "coming against you","turn bobby off", "just let me pass", "you'll be allright", "I need religion", burning", "went to hell", "i'm in hell", "help".
(422)man-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I'm charlie brown".
(423)are you first-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "me first".
(424)hollie-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "don't write him", "I sold", "religion", "put you in hell", "snake","God said" "you backslided", "what cause of message is that".
(425)sister stewart-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister stewart and she said, "I have something against you", "help".
(426)please Jesus-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, 'please God".
(427)attack on iran may not be in usa's best interest-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "should we hit iran", and I saw somebody and they said, "don't attack".
(428)taken away-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "blaspheme is now taken away".
(429)telephone-visions received 8-24-2005-I heard, "your wanted on the telephone",and God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor ken in watertown, wisconsin and he said, "pastor ken", and in more visions ken said things like, "I'm financial". Thats money first.
(430)terry cannon-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry and he said things like, "lets stand", "talk", "we'll let".
(431)star wars-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she said, "this is star wars".
(432)one more chance-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, "give me a chance".
(433)the red dragon-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a little red dragon and there was another beast there, and I saw irving baxter jr. and he said, "red china".
(434)ANgel-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like an Angel and HE had pure White Hair and the rest of Him was a Dengy White and I heard, "I saw your name on the website".
(435)america'seconomy will fall-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "I want the economy back", "hit israel", "donate people".
(436)leave-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he chased like a school bus and caught and tried to or did somehow jump on the back of it and on his shirt may have been the word, "exit".
(437)fuel is a target-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "I'll blow the fuel".
(438)telephone-visions received 8-24-2005-I heard, "telephone", and I may have asked who it was, and God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said things like, "bobby, I'm sorry", "your running out of money", "help me".
(439)the hospital for irving baxter-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said, "hospital", "come over".
(440)will perish-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "perished", "cain't handle religion".
(441)out-visions received 8-24-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "I'm out", "I had a choice","religion".
(442)tell people-a vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked dumitru and he said, "tell people, and I saw a man and he said, "tell much".
(443)MYSTERY, BABYLON is america-vision received 10-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a a spirit that looked the woman that goes to brother bullock's Church and she said, and MYSTERY, BABYLON will fall, and steven hanson said, will , and she said, rise again.
(444)the pope will be the antichrist-vision received 10-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a a spirit that looked like, stephen hanson and he said, the pope will be the antichrist, and the antichrist will be the pope.
(445)become like Jesus-vision received 10-2005-God has showed me the word, become.
(446)the usa and russia can destroy each other-vision received 11-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe people and they said, russia can destroy the united states, but the united states can destroy russia, but the united states would have to draw the line and say no more, that means no mistake, that means God, and prophet doesn;t, tell the story, you might as well for git it, the truth of the matter is, the united states is gonna get into trouble over iraq, there's the problem, the iraq war not called by God, wasy back when prsident bush sr was in control, here's the problem, he was told not to mess with it, president bush was told not to mess with it, prophet says, who told'em, billy graham, billy graham said, don't mess with, here's the problem, billy was hearing from God back then, prophet says was billy graham, the prophet committed blaspheme, prophet blasphemed way back under president bush, prophet was billy graham, prophet was not saved, he never was saved, he's got the wrong message, and I saw billy graham and he said, I can see, no repent, and somebody said, the plan of salvation he preaches is not in the King James Bible, charles stanley preaches the same message, he's cut off, rod parsly is the devil, rod parsley died on the Cross of Calvary and went back, so did tommy tenney. Tommy tenney died at Calvary's Cross and went back and so did marilyn hickey, sarah never was saved, she wants money, blaspheme against her, don't watch any television, there all lost, the prophet says television is devilvision, and the prophet is right.
(447)the heads and the horns of REVELATION 17-vision received 11-2005-In this vision, I saw a a spirit that looked the putin and he said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 7 horns, the horns are heads and the heads are horns, and russia.
(448)the false prophet -vision received 11-2005-In this vision, I saw a a spirit that looked the, somebody, or bodies, and they said, hollie had a dream that you were gonna be the new last days end times prophet, and your name is prophet hu.
(449)don't throw Jesus away when you don't want Him -vision recieved 12-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, that was the Lord's Face comin ou of a man's poop hole. Most people have cast God out into the draught, and hollie said, what do you want.
(450) the birth of the idol shepherd and the mark of the beast vision-vision received 1-8-2006-In this vision, I saw a a spirit that looked the people and they said: that was a lion in a scarlet colored Robe, and he is the , let see, I need him, now now, you know what that was, that was a man that became deformed, slash, they wont recognise me, I'm the idol shepherd, when he comes, 666, and that is, the mark of the beast, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, and that is, the mark of the beast vision, they will agree at the table, hu and the pope, we, won't, but we'll have to, he will know who I am, but he wont do it, we'll make , hu will be in charge, not the pope, worship the pope said hu, or I'll kill you, he will, buy from china says the pope, or he will kill us all, aman, that is magog, the new world order, the red dragon is china, aman, oh my God says hu, when satan enters the pope, then hu will loose his authority, lets fight or, make war, it'll be, a tumultous time, it will end with, Christ will speak the Word against the pope and his armies, hallelujah, aman, the pope and his armies, hallelujah, aman, the pope is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, hallelujah, aman, yur defeated says debbie, the pope will win with flatteries, but, God will pour out vials of wrath, and that'll bring it to its end, aman, thats not sleep, he'll loose his arm and his eye, aman, the pope will not be able to deliver out of hu's the false prophet's hands, but, he will, win, hallelujah, in the end, not, only the remnant that escapes out of his hands, he will go to israel and say, I am Jesus, but, they won't beleive it, he knows, but, with a little horn, and that is, russia is the beast, that is, Italy, he will become, how can I say this, prophecy has been fullfilled on ministryofdreams, hallelujah, aman, will you accept the mark of the beast or you will die, aman.
(451)visions of Jesus-vision received 2-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: Jesus said, visions are, from, Jesus, and, dreams, they are, from, the, Holy, Ghost.
(452) push-visions received 3-8-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: pray until, something, happen's.
(453)vision of the beast-vision received 8-2006-in this vision, I saw the pope like an angel of light, and he had 666 on his forehead.
(454)worldprophecynews-vision recieved 10-2006-in this vision, I saw the word, worldprophecynews, as, a link title on this website.
(455)ministryofdreams is bible prophecy-vision recieved 1-25-2007-in a vision, I saw hollie, and she sang, ministryofdreams. She sang more.
(456)the arch angel gabriel-vision recieved 5-29-2007-in this vision, I saw gabriel like a white man and he showed, record, and I saw the angel with an attitude.
(457)im that man-vision recieved 5-2007-in this vision, I saw babyfleas and she said, "that man", "have a nice day", "biting my head off", and I heard, "she did not like her vision".
(458)prophesying visions and dreams-6-27-2007-los angeles, said, gabriel, boom, im a bear, me, thats, putin, hollie, showed, record, record, showed, hollie, pointed, up, at, Jesus, coming, and, america, being, destroyed, by, subs, piloted by, captains, jeremy taylor of john f. kennedy university, dee finney of dee s crystal, david shapiro of furcadia, larry lawrence, lawrence forman of heroin puppy, janet mcknight, thats janetmck, and arron shutt, and, Jean-Patrick Charrey and michael doran, these all stole the name ministry of dreams and more, and all will release after being ruined, hollie, showed, pointed, at, flames, rubbed chin, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, that, is, my marine corp. in the streets, u.s.a., last sign, 6-28-2008-gabriel, showed, record, im warning you antonia vladimirova, I found it said dee finney, on, the internet, ministry of dreams, stole, gabriel, showed, record, that, hollie, pointed, at, the deadly wound, idol shepherd, italy, pope, play with me I will play with you, said, Jesus, alaska said gabriel, boom, gabriel, showed, record, gabriel, showed, record, gabriel, showed, reocrd, gabriel, showed, record, did not, gabriel, say, start prayin, gabriel, pointed, no, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, and, the lighted finger, pointed, git, out of, here, pointed, gabriel, el shaddai apostolic church, whatta you want, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, money showed ricky holcomb, anna holcomb shook yes, gabriel, showed, dont, tellem, both, hair dyers, pastoring, gabriel, showed, record, im, already cut off said anna holcomb, gabriel, showed, right here, pulpit, but, rick holcomb guards, knowing, tongue tied said gabriel, we aint, gonna let, you, said, ricky holcomb, preach, gabriel showed, record, record showed, gabriel, gabriel, showed, record, right here, pulpit, pointed, gabriel, but, pastors, guard, want more visions on my website, clapped, my tap dancers, Jesus, pointed, like a cat, sue you said antonia vladimirova, with the voice of jeremy taylor, what do you want, said, Jesus, dee finney, all stole the name ministry of dreams, to make bob fall, hollie, whistle blew, on that o red and black chariot, pointed, the, lighted, finger, with, the pope, and hu, new world order, gabriel, showed, record, hollie pointed, gabriel, inside, the black chariot, clapped, hollie, thats, the, Lord, right there, handicapped, leave them alone, said, gabriel, not, accountable, that, was, hollie, like, a bear, russia, did not, hollie, say, me, smiled, my beast, that, was, the popes, image, on, the, finger, born between hu and the pope, I, ruined it said the pope, goes to moscow, signs, an agreement, gets control of russias nuclear arsenal, drove china out of the former u.s.s.r., thats otyre, china is, magog, what, do, you want, said, gabriel, money showed anna holcomb, praise the Lord, hollie, shook anna holcombs hands, with bear paws, out said anna holcomb, submarine sound, pointed, hollie, subs, all around, usa, we, caint find, it, said, anna holcomb, your money said hollie, your wasting your time said ricky holcomb, im out said anna holcomb, hollie, post, it, perished, said, anna holcomb, attitude, said, ricky holcomb, about, bob, thats a baby sucking a bottle, thats, the holcombs, they are, not, saved, but, pretend, hollie pulled, the, ship, titanic, on, the missile, hollie, licked, my prophet, gabriel, showed, record, gabriel, showed, record, that, pointed hollie, Jesus coming, subs, piloted by, the people that stole the name, that said hollie, ministry of dreams, theres, jeremy taylor, hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, calls self reverend, but is witch, like reverend antonia vladimirova, david shapiro of furcadia, hollie showed thumbs down, liar, claims he made up, they know, and, lawrence forman who is larry lawrence, hollie, showed, hell, no remedy, he will, see, Duncan Rouleau, that said hollie, he wrote an article, using the name ministry of dreams, made fun of bob, and, many posted it, on thier websites, like matt brady, michael doran, dee finney, she, stole the name ministry of dreams to, that, Jean-Patrick Charrey, hollie showed, tore up, con tract, by stealing the name, ministry of dreams, that, he pointed, makes fun of bob, boom, subs fired, and, jim garrison sees, that, america, boom, the world shakes, that, the sun and the moon, that, darkened, pointed, that, for 16 hours, chicago, that was Jesus, like a cat, on, the missile, boom, bear, the pope came out of, the bears mouth, thats otyre, russia, that, pointed, hollie, cause we won the superbowl, said, peyton manning, that, pointed, hollie, we want, more, money, robert irsay, we know, but, no more is available, peyton wants traded, irsay telling peyton said Jesus, that, pointed, hollie, I, cant, beleive it said peyton manning, go said irsay, I walked, said peyton manning, sits out, that, this destroyed me, thinks robert irsay, Jim Harbaugh comes back, superbowl ring for Harbaugh, watch, marine corp. in the streets, that, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, babyfleas bit the prophets, chomp, head off, kimber turner, is, no signs, like elder price of kokomo, indiana, but let go, tell me why said, hollie, that, she did not like her vision, hollie skinned, that, hollie showed, check your oil with, your, that, hands, oil thick and slick, keep, like, hollie showed, that, tell me about the marine corp. in the streets, that, said, hollie, gabriel, showed, record, its, cause of, nixon, signing signing with Brezhnev, anti missile defence treaty, bush withdrew, now, new arms race, russia has three times more than america, america can destroy africa, russia can destroy the whole world, that, hollie, blew horn, out came, hollie, pointed, hollie came out of, horn, dont, over, eat, warned, hollie, out of, horn, blown by hollie showed, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, was, hollie, tearing up, con, spirit, that, is hollie whistle out of horn, said, Jesus, blew, that, was, hollie, lit, hollie showed, blew horn, hollie showed, out, pointed, stereo has, hollie showed, thought, tore up, con, stereo, ten watts per channel, pointed at 20 to 20,000 hzs, hollie showed, record, bob, dreamed, told, man at church, america, will, hit, iran, sryia, man did not beleive, hes an oil man, he wanted it, alaska, boom, hollie showed, record, gabriel, you would not, listen to me says, the Lord, now, perish, said, hollie, gabriel, showed, the popes image, made alive, pocket tv, signing for 666, pope, hu, both have nukes, gabriel, showed, record, dee finney is no longer prophet, but, cut off, said, gabriel, all, your life, dreamed, but, she, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, stripped, and, gabriel, pointed, dee finney is a witch, lets go and post, pointed hollie whistle, that, pointed, enthusiastic, hollie, and, licked, my prophet, he, will, not be accepted, jeremy taylor, for, stealing the name ministry of dreams, and, hollie licked, the prophet, that, jeremy taylor is wanting you to backslide, said, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, angel, grabbed tongue, record, showed, me, my enthusiastic, hollie, I, aint, gonna, take, it, said, Jesus, people, stealing the name, I spoke for this ministry, Ill, ruin all that steal, no said hollie, yamaha stereo equipment it, hollie thought, thumbs up, excellent, it, is, like denon, said, Jesus, and the soundpro stereo man shook yes, hollie, showed, record, when, we, hit syria, usa, syria calls on russia, did not, Jesus, say, grecia, thats, rome, the pope, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, ministering spirits, and, hollie showed licked the prophet, pointed, at, flames, car, thought, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, thats the black chariot, with, the pope and hu, new world, dont forgit me, said, hollie whistle, with jean urshan s voice, on top, of, the black chariot, and, the nathaniel haney urshan man, I, aint, gonna look at it, with glowing eyes, rtr is excellent speakers, hollie showed, held nose, thumbs, down, jonathan hansen, what do you want, said, Jesus, money smiled, jonathan hansen, hollie, showed, smiled, at, flames, truck, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, with the image, of, the, beast, pope, that, is, that black chariot, with, the pope and hu, said, rick holcomb, hollie, in, back, saw, eight kings, that will, rise, against, usa, putin, hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, hollie showed, disappointment, hollie showed, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, swooping, up, wrecker, you want me, then, deny yourself, hollie, showed, record, hollie, showed, pointed, drink, hollie, showed, record, come and bless me, thinks, the woman, at garry streeval s church, you know what I want, she said, money, said, garry streeval, and, she, showed, record, hollie showed, pointed, at, flames, wrecker, thought, thumbs, swooping, up, popes image, this aint, gonna do it, said, the woman from garry streevals church, he, might, let, prophet, preach, but, guards, so God exposed, garry streeval is not saved, but, pastors, stripped, go listen, if you dont, beleive, he talks, did not, your angel, Jesus, say, the king of grecia, is, garry streevals pope, this aint gonna do it, he says, why, said, Jesus, you know me, record showed, Jesus, im out, at, garry streevals, church, thats, what, I, want, she, said, that plays organ there, I, want to fill, God, and, do what i want, but claim to be saved, record, showed, Jesus, leave the economy alone says, hollie, and, collapse it, fix, by, fuel, they are, charging, to much, for ethanol, leading to economic collapse, then, russia, attacks, 6-7-2007-this is heaven, this is helven, lava, or, glass city, said, hollie, whatta you want, duncan rouleau makes fun of prophet, nightmarist ministry of dreams, organization, prophet can sue, win, easily, no, said, hollie, gabriel showed, record, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed, pointed, at, flames, cars, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, that was my building, flames, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, hollie showed smiled, there are no visions, said, rouce fields, what does royce fields want, his wife, not church, thats why, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, showed, enpty, that, you want prayer, yes, shook royce fields, that, so pastor royce fields can sin more, I dont need it he says, the Holy Ghost, we have to git bob out of here, they all want, and, that, said, enthusiastic, hollie, that, bob, left, nothing, there, that, dont tell me said dee finney, I took it, they all say, that, the name ministry of dreams, that, but want bob to fall, that, right there is why end time events are hidden, because people dont have Jesus, that, put some visions, on my website, pointed, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, dee finney, I, took it, the name, that, ministry of dreams, thief, that, what do you want, make prophet fall, that, like antonia vladimirova and jeremy taylor of john f. kennedy university, thats what I want said reverend jeremy taylor, prophet, to fall, they said, they, fall, that, bobby, you gotta stand, no matter what, raise your vision and repeat after me, sang, hollie, you want it, yes shook prophet, then buy, laptop, one will last 4 years, hollie showed, record, hollie, that, pointed, thats my black chariot, with hollie whistle, leave me alone, she said, with jean urshans voice, you need it, she thinks, now in lava, hollie whistle blew, git, thats hollie like a cat, thats hollie leopard, thats, north and south korea, china and japan, that is situate and irving baxter jr. pointed with a red finger, laughs, when, reads, vision, God does know, about irving baxter, he has dyed hair, on website, and another picture with graying hair, make up your mind, forgit it said irving baxter, try prayer, said, hollie, hours not instants, on knees, that, was, hu hintao, hollie, whistle blew, like this, whewwwwww, said, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, like blessed precious, back, record, the vision, its your name said lawrence forman, stole, ministry of dreams, when he looses michelle branch, releases, write the vision, thats, what, I want, said, smutie, bob to fall, and, michelle branch, write the vision, o my God said, hollie, and licked, the prophet, record, thats, the, popes image made alive, pocket tv, did not fleas say, I hear you aint got it, chomp, bit the prophets head off, but let go, when, blessed precious shows record the vision, clapped the tap dancers, then, why would blessed precious, show, to, record, and, enthusiastic hollie showed, why both, she wants you to record, write the vision, said, Jesus, if, hollie showed, to record, lighted bear paws, thats, a bear, paw, thats putin, write the vision, that, feed me, record the vision said enthuisastic hollie and the enforcer, hollie, showing pocket t.v., pope and hu, what are you signing for, we heard, 666, clapped hollie, they are, the rulers of otyre and magog, russia and china, tell me a vision, said, enthusiastic hollie, you ruint, she said, dee finney, did not, dee finney point, there, ufo board, told her, pointed dee finney, heros, she stole ministry of dreams, name, she so embarrased, will remove when, gets, afraid, thats, the, nathaniel haney urhan man with glowing eyes, wants lawsuit, churches, are, loosing people, write the vision, said, Jesus, what do you want, he, wants money, pointed, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, gabriel, grabbed tongue, that is, the, damien neill sound, sam neill, final conflict, what does he want, it is, to be worshipped, that, said, enthuisiastic hollie, tear up, whats he done said enthusiastic hollie, and, licked the prophet, jeremy, pointed hollie, taylor is fired from j.f.k., university, write the vision, cause he stole the name ministry of dreams, did not Jesus, say, thou fool, then removes, but other jobs follow, poor o jeremy taylor, on couch watching cnn, took amy brucker with, and, knew, but, didnt, care, amy is retail, from that point, theres that alarm sound, said, hollie, benjamin trott is protecting janet Mcknight and arron shutt, janetmck and arron shutt have livejournal acconts, benjamin trott wants bob to fall, he ll see, and tear up, but woman leaves, stripping him, its your price said gabriel, and licked the prophet, you will pay for, that, is what God said, david killing uriah, he, perished, over, pay for that said Jesus, the burger chef murders, the ones they spoke with did, one, killed, both, did all, detectives see and know, both, are, free, right now, with blood on hands, one, woman they killed, accountable, you will not sleep at nights, for killing, they, are, cut off, devils torment, they are, spoken to, teased, hollie tore up, charlie manson screamed Jesus, your time draweth now, hell fire, will, soften, youll cry out, like your, captor, did, for mercy, ill, visit you in lava, many ill visit, like hitler, stalin, many with blood on hands, I, will, not, tolerate wickedness, its your money said charlie manson, thats why they broke into her house, but, she was, there, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, embarrasing said kenneth haney, he is off, leading, upci, like, horace smith, hair dyers, thats the horace smith-kenneth nathaniel haney urshan man, joel, urshan sees, that was, hollie whistle blowing, hollie pulled ship, with blue coat, prayer walk, on the missile, this is, the main, ministering, spirit, watch it, said, hollies, the popes image, made alive, that, this is the main, smiling, with, the loose belt sound, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, thats my submarine sound, hollie wailed for the people, 7-10-2007-its, pointed the lighted finger, is better then gas, more, explosive, make it yourself said, hollie, corn thats dried out, grinded to powder, it, fermentates, bacteria, cause, thier byproduct, burns, its, alcohol, burns, mix, 50/50, its more explosive, then gas, hollie, tell the vision, said, hollie, o my God, said, jim garrison, after finding out, jeremy taylor, took it he says, the name ministry of dreams, and, reverend antonia vladimirova shook yes, both stole, jim garrison in heart, laughed, knew, number one, soothsayer jeremy taylor got jelous, took to make prophet fall, and prophet made him fall, fired said jim garrison, from all jobs, talks, did not, jim garrison, said, the pope, pointed, say, korea, thats, north and south, korea, china, and japan, all one, under, chinas rule, called magog, did not, jim garrison say, we know, said, enthuisaistic hollie, pointed, at, the furnace, with jeremy taylor wearing white robe, garrison, black suit, soon, jeremy taylor, pointed, jeremy taylor, black suit, jim garrison, white robe, teaches taylors class, and, antonia vladimirova laughed, will be ruined after found out, in her country, took christians ministry name to make fall, she looses, dreams foundation, that said enthusaistic hollie, that, im not, the, main, anymore, that is blessed precious, hollie, gabriel, number one, right here, post, like, gabriel, showed, its out, david shapiro, ruined, like lawrence forman, cause, they stole, that, the name, that, ministryofdreams, many took after, that, like, larry lawrence, duncan rouleau, tell me about duncan rouleaus children, they posted duncan rouleaus theft, article, about organization ministry of dreams, nightmarist, makes fun of bob, like matt brady, and, jonah weiland, and, antonia vladimirova laughed, all ruined, they protect duncan rouleau like michael doran, benjamin trott protects janet Mcknight and arron shutt, they stole the name, that, ministry of dreams, that, looses livejournal, strips after woman leaves, jean patrick charrey, that, you fool, like that, the massive bri, make prophet fall, that, watch all release, after, embarrassing, that, and enthusaistic hollie, licked the prophet, that was, hollie pointing up, at JEsus, coming, that, and, subs all around, usa, and, fire, surrounding the statue of liberty, that, MYSTERY, that, dont take it, BABYLON, whats it mean, said, hollie, that, what was, the pope, saying, said, hollie, that, and, licked the prophet, what was my pope whispering, to putin, lets rule the world, kill usa, that was jim garrison, wearing white robe and a golden gun put to his head, aimed, by jeremy taylor, took many with, like steven stargardter, miriams well, pointed, closes over, there are no visions, in pentecost, cause there are no more apostolics in pentecost, said, hollie, lets rule the world, sang, putin, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, inside of the black chariot, hows it going said, steven stargardter, its jeremy, said, the woman, he needs to grow up, said, steven, stargardter, jeremy taylor became proud, and fell, they all knew, and are watching, saith the LOrd, bobby, its time to get a new pan, cause there are more fish to fry, dreamed, meaning, false pastors like the nathaniel haney urshan man, lies, sees, with glowing eyes, reverend Marcus Ellis, is not saved, but pastors, upci, like, all, upci pastors, lost, and he saw the angel in the room, light, and hollie, smiled, pointed up, at Jesus coming, bobby, when are you going to return, they all, want, and, hollie on the sign teem, smiling, in heart, like a fool, Lord your Holy, bob dreamed, running, found, woman, sex, chased, after seeing people, coming, and followed, her into house, way, behind, never, found, but, hid, and left, but, could, not get back, to original, meaning, lost, but, not, found, and, the nathaniel haney urshan man with glowing eyes, saw, gabriel, said, you game them, hope, not, you, but, God in you, hollie, smiled, showed, thumbs, down, jeremy taylor from john f. kennedy university, stole, the name ministry of dreams, releases, when ruined, took, said kathryn taylor, in on, hollie, pointed, that was amazing, said, marcus ellis, not it wasnt, said, mrs. ellis, uh huh, she said, after, thinking about, bobby, you ok, be fore prophesing, fuck him, said, reverend ellis, 7-11-2007-hollie showed, time, hollie showed, smiled, at, flames, rubbed chin, thought, smiled, thumbs, swooping, popes image, pointed, at, fuel, make enthanol, learn how, did not, gabriel, say, brand new new york city, desolate, and, hollie showed, remembering what america had, hollie showed, record, go, hollie showed, record, remove said, hollie, the name ministry of dreams, all that stole, are, ruin, did not my Jesus, say, give warning, marcus ellis pastoring, not saved, thats, all, of upci, that was, steven stargardter, fired, from, j.f.k. university over jeremy taylor stealing the name ministry of dreams, why dont, you, quit, said, Jesus, and, jeremy taylor swallowed, cause, see what happens, students find out, laughed antonia vladimirova, but she stole to, and same thing happens, david shapiro, larry lawrence, and lawrence forman, jean patrick charrey, all, get, in trouble, ruined, then, release like the massive bri and janetmck and arron shutt, tell me who janetmck is, its janet Mcknight, and hollie licked the prophet, you, know what youve done, jean patrick charrey, wanted like all, to make bob fall, like, duncan rouleau and his kids, jonah weiland and michael doran and matt brady, robert dinse, nick field, and, more, duncan rouleau stole the name ministry of dreams, wrote book, making fun of prophet, he, destroyed over, and, his children, for posting his article, and, not, when bob wrote, letting it go, all loose buisnesses, no more conventions, jonah weiland is mrs. blow job queen, swallow, record, hollie showed, record, gabriel, has a mans heart, hollie, licked, the prophet, angel, grabbed, and, charity showed record, from drexel gardens where mrs. hair dyer caldwell plays piano, and know prophet ministryofdreams comes there, both love, theres that o submarine sound, submarine sound, s, u, b, and subs all around, usa, russian, chinese, and ohio class subs, around magog, thats, north and south korea, china, japan, and, russia, tell me about magog said, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, its, china, russia is otrye, the other part of the ram, and, caspian sea oil pipeline boom, seperates, that said enthuisaistic hollie, and licked the prophet, both, that was, satan, marcus ellis, pointed, enthuisaistic hollie, with 666, on forehead, wife is his Jesus, thats, born between, hu and marcus ellis s pope, that, said, enthuisaistic hollie, I, like, my money said mrs. ellis, first, whats she going to school for, said, hollie, and licked, the prophet, that, said, hollie, like a bear, and, that o black and red chariot, with, hollie, whistle on top, blew, hollie held nose, showed, thumbs down, the pope and hu, new world order, hollie in back of the black and red chariot, with putin and vicente fox, liars, vicente fox is calderon, tell me about calderon, he, said, hollie, he, pointed, hollie, tore up, con spirit, nafta, mexico got millions of jobs, from usa, planned by bill clinton to prosper mexico, now usa, collapsing, hollie whistle blew like this, whewww, putin planning to destroy, with fox, calderon, write the vision, that was, satan, like little head, italy, pope, slash, idol shepherd, rose, out of, sea, Christina-Marie Sanford stole the name ministry of dreams, lies, claims, company, claims to be a prophet, but is a liar, tell her, and she will see and remove saith the Lord, after, being ruined, Micheru stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, this is Mike Kenney, Micheru Mathys stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, he will release after trouble starts, record hollie showed, Micheru Mathys took the name like Christina-Marie Sanford ministry of dreams to make bob fall, Christina-Marie Sanford claims she started a company called ministry of dreams, in 82, shes, born about, then, those liars, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, take my name off there said Jesus, they all want, but, are all guilty as charged, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, im out, said, Christina-Marie Sanford and Micheru Mathys shook yes, dee finney, lawrence forman, antonia vladimirova, david shapiro, janetmck, janet mcknight, arron shutt, jeremy taylor, all stole the name ministryofdreams like duncan rouleau and his, children, they posted his article with the stolen name, ministry of dreams, like matt brady, nick field, jonah weiland, michael doran, robert dinse, all, were told, but, held on, now, ruined, all, gabriel, showed, record, that, said, hollie, the pope showed, record, there is that o black chariot, with, hollie whistle, blew, and, the pope, and, hu, new world order, hollie held nose, showed, thumbs down, dont tell anybody, but, janetmck is not going to be saved, wants prophet to fall, said, sunnysnet, and, dumitru duduman said, bob, here, knees, thats where people are missing, it, prayer, write the vision, and, hollie licked the prophet, gabriel, showed, record, write the vision, said, hollie and licked the prophet, that was, Jesus, beating up on prophet, to keep humble in his eyes, 7-18-2007- that was satan, satan thought, im the bear paw, booh who, thats hollie wailing for the people and they are stealing the name God spoke to him, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, pointed, hot, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, record my vision, pointed, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, thought, flames, truck, thumbs swooping up, popes image, hollie showed, hands, popes image, bobby, git out of there, hollie whistle blew, God is rying to make bob fall, strips all day, for no reason, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, jordan, boom, iran, syria, boom, usa, this raises up the spirit of the medes, hate, for usa, lets rule the world sang, putin, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, and brazil, north korea, all, have nukes, called, russian, submarine berths, 7-31-2007-and freddy krueger pointed, at duncan rouleau in depositions, telling why he stole the idea to nightmare on elm street to create the nightmarist, and prophets buisness name, and ministry name, hollie showed, record, again, thats blessed precious, Im not the main anymore, said, the main, ministering spirit, who me, said, gabriel, that is bob main, said, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, gabriel showed, record, and hollie licked the prophet, like a bear, im a bear, what is, my bears message, said the main ministering spirit, im a bear, that is putin, said, the main, and, hollie licked the prophet, and the grim reaper, are you gay, said janetmck, yes, she shook, and bob dreamed, driving a 1966 ford truck, like, and, at westside pentecostal church, donald winters, withstood, but, allowed, he was, at table, telling people about fiery darts, felt like, sparks, hitting gums, spewing, in desease, like a pin being stuck in longways, and arron shutt, wanted, shup, he said, oral sex with janet mcknight, so, he agreed with, but, no sex, and lost job, over, 50,000 per year, both, for taking the name ministry of dreams, and antonia vladimirova and dee finney, laughed, but, stole like them to, and jeremy taylor of john f. kennedy university, and david shapiro of furcadia, and lawrence formans girlfriend, cecil pennyton who is cluracan, stole, like, jean charrey, and christina marie sanford, and, duncan rouleau and his kinds, like matt brady, and jonah weiland, and nick field, and, michael doran, and many more stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, and God is making them all fall, gabriel, showed, record, that, said, hollie, Dana Tillusz and Chad Boudreau, these are the children of duncan rouleau, Karlotski, Dave, Robert Dinse, gabriel, showed, record, all in wagon with diana hughey he stole and held after lying to prophet, would not make site like God told prophet, wanted her link on, and put it on after prophet said, dont do, cause God said, dont to, and she sent the wrong passwords after prophet sent twice as much as she asked for, write the witch, diana hughey, and ask her why she wants prophet to fall, heres the answer, they all want him to perish, 8-1-2007-hollie showed, pointed, flames, suburban, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, the end must come, for the elects sake, and, steven stargardter, git closed, said, cecil pennyton, lawrence formans girlfriend, protected her theft of name ministry of dreams, to his own destruction, all loose jobs, gabriel showed record, somebody wrote me, Chad Boudreau and Dana Tillusz, take my name off, or lawsuit, you had protected ministry name on, and dana laughs, they, all, want prophet to, fall, im a bear, said, hollie bear, thats, putin, satan, is, the head, and, the pope, is his mouth, and, magog, is, the body, thats, north and south, korea, china, and japan, hollie showed, record, gabriel, showed, record, hollie, showed, record, and licked the prophet, duncan rouleau showed record, because you wrote me, I, know, im doomed, I, thought, I could, make fun, of, you, ministryofdreams, but, now, im, loosing, that was hollie, tearing up the con nightmarist, duncan rouleau wrote book, making fun of prophet, wanted prophet to fall, but, God in prophet, made duncan rouleau, and his children like jonah weiland, nick field, matt brady, michael doran, all now cut off, can not, be saved, Dave Karlotski, robert dinse, chad boudreau, dana tillusz, they were, written and, did not, take, duncan rouleaus ariticle off, leave me alone, sound, said, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, that was, hollie, like a bear, and hollie bear, tore up, the con, spirit, caspian sea oil pipeline, sabotoge, seperates, russia and china, caused, by, russia, to seperate, china, knows, leave me alone, said, hollie, contract put back, tore, up, again, that was, hu hintao, with, a, face like satans, hollie tore up, con, spirit, thats, the, raise your hands, and, repeat after me, sang the pope, you blew it, jonah weiland, to late, now, I, tried to stop you, matt brady, dies, in sleep, michael doran, can not, be saved, like, dave karlotski, chad boudreau, and dana tillusz, jean patrick-charrey, christina marie sanford, dee finney, antonia vladimirova, and, jeremy taylor, all stole, the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet, fall, all got cut off, over, the massive bri, man, pointed, he, became jelous, now, depressed, all the time, the goodyear blimp costs nine million to build, no more, they, are, firestone is cheaper now, cause, made in china, goodyear wants out of america, will, begin, leaving, duncan rouleau has blown it, viacom, Nickelodeon, told, he, looses, his, hope, matt brady, jonah weiland, they, all, posted, his article, to gain, duncan rouleaus favor, but, now, gone, thats, what, they really, wanted, thats hollie, flying in her spacecraft, leave my visions alone, that was, hollie, putting, back, tearing up, one, hand, lighted, bear paws, pulling ship, grim reaper, licked prophet, on missile, look at myself, o my God, duncan rouleau is wrath against the convenant, he got cut off, for speaking blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and, the red, finger, pointed, bush, declares martial law after hitting syria, iran, cause, opec cuts usa, off, fuel 4.99 per gallon, collapses usa, then, china, strikes, taiwan, and, hits, washington state, this crates caos, bush immediately fire, on, china, russia, strikes, usa, bush, hits, russia, that was, clapped, hollie, the, popes image, in hollies hand, born between hu and the pope, 666, hollie, is, in hot water, ray comfort has blood on hands, cause of kirk cameron, both, claiming salvation, both, lost, no, remedy, either, chuck smith is old, but, when young, kirk cameron, now, chuck smith knows lava soon, and can not get thru, will hear about, visions, smile, in heart, tremble, die not long, after, Chuck Swindoll same way, tell the vision, both preach, like, hair dyer, john hagee, but, hes, dying now, over, ate, that is, it, said, hollie, showed, spoke, with, tongues, no, Holy Ghost, gotem, duncan rouleau, will collapse, loose all interest, for, stealing ministryofdreams, thats what you want, make prophet fall, and keep name like jeremy taylor and jim garrison, knows, its time to get, out, says, jim garrison, im, not, he says, cut off, soon, sees, when you die, judgment, hell, seconds later, sinner, will, not, stand, before, God, right to fire, theres, that, o alone, sound, hollie, whistle blew, like, this, wheww, thats, the, titanic, captain smith, awakened, knew, struck iceberg or ship, cause, roll, and, captain smith, showed, record, he, thought, we, collided with iceberg, heard, it, sound like scraping, knocking out, plates, the ones knocked out, the size of a small car, ship doomed, cause, wounds, right next, to each other, could not, close, water tight doors, find them, said, captain smith, would have, worked, but, rolled, and, sank, later, cause, seepage, tell me, the, vision, smith, just, went, in his, thats wrong, he thought, he, was, sleeping, awakened, but, stayed, in, room, knew, you know, your on, your last, stand, said, freddy krueger, cut off he showed, knew in heart, not to take that role, people have died, unaccountable that were not cut off yet watching that show, king fahd, died, and, was, rich, now, cant, bear, begs, Jesus, in, heart, thats, how, you, ruint, it, he, said, 9-11, is when, God cut king fahd off, ruint, he said, knew, thats why, he, ran to bush, knew, bush, coming, bush, said, no plans, lied, afghanistan, is, saudi arabia, now america like iraq, the economies back said gabriel, cause, fuel going down, they, are, tapping into, afghanistans oil, thats, how, you, ruint, it, bush, stealing, now, opec, wants, you, out, bush, showed, cut off, that was, the red and black chariot, with, the pope and hu, hollie on top, hollie whistle blew like this, whewww, america, council, why, did you invade iraq, and, america said, to steal oil wells, look at me, said, fleas, hollie showed, record, gabriel showed record, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, and, the fourth angel poured out his vial, on, the sun, power given to scorch, drought, did not, gabriel, say, iraq, bring judgment to america, lets rule the world, sang, putin, and, hu hintao, did not, precious child fleas say, follow me, thats, the, horace smith nathaniel haney urshan man, liars, not, saved, hollie showed, pointed, flames, sticker, chocked, thumbs swooping up, popes image, let me, pass said gene simmons, git out, of, here, flames, said, hollie, showed, choked, paul stanley, done, he, can not, handle, no more, the Adrenaline rush, of singing with KISS, they, are, done, to immature, im a bear, thats, putin, the pope is, the mouth, for satan, that was, hollie, wailing for the people, 8-2-2007-france, boom, italy, hollie held nose, you lied, said, jonah weiland, you want, prophet to fall, now, fall, in, place, bobby, when, you dream, thats a night vision, did not steven stargardter say, bob, theres mercy, and hollie, licked, the prophet, did not, gabriel, say, you, had, your way, ronald danforth, now old, cut off, u.s.a., boom, im a bear, the pope is, satans, mouth, putin, pointed, at, bush, both, shoving, russia, stronger, threatens, did not, gene simmons, say, maybe, its, final warning, paul stanley, right here, hospital room, done, did not, gene simmons say, I, got, a warning, kiss, your outta here, said, jonah weiland, paul stanley, done, record my vision, said, gabriel, hollie, licked, the prophet, ronald danforth is picking pockets, support me, then, turned into terry cannon, he knows said gabriel, your ministry of dreams, liked, hollie showed, spoke, in tongues, james tyson, thats cool, he said, with doctor j's voice, they are like, record, my vision, said, gabriel, and, licked, the prophet, ronald danforth, lost, pastoring, did not, my pope say, everybodies stingy, not, tithing, but, pastors, are not saved, and, he, knew it, said, the woman from ronald danforths church, people felt Holy Ghost in bobs voice, not in the voice of ronald danforth, ronald knows, people are going to start leaving, and he just bought, a house, ronald, fill out applications or mooch, did not, gabriel, say, dont, ask me, what, happened, to alaska, boom, im a bear, thats, putin, and, ronald danforth, pointed, knows, now, cut off, sad, but, ran, from, the Lord, my princess said, Jesus, chasing fleas, laughing, running, look back, Jesus stopped, she, bit, the prophets, head, off, when, he, told her, the vision, cut off, but, let go, fulfilling, the sign says, take, God seriously, pleasant heights baptist church, but none saved there, china said gabriel, thats magog, yellow, shaft, did not gabriel, say, the united states, yipee, clapped, hollie, will be, a comunist state, gabriel, showed, record, and, licked, the prophet, gabriel, showed, record, outta here, ronald danforth, lost, his following, he, didnt, want, you, to, speak, but, you got, one in, and, people felt the Holy Ghost in voice, ronald did not, feel it, but come sunday, about four people there, that ruint, it, said, gabriel, its iraq, boom, gaza, boom, watch me, said, JEsus, sprinkling thoughts into kings to destroy america, im a bear, russia, watch, you know what, I, want, said, the girl from garry streevals church, I want, you to git out, ronald danforth, record my vision, said, hollie, your out, said, Jesus, record the vision, said, gabriel, ronald danforth, is, not, saved, like, mark mckinney, but, leading, people, to lava, should God not strip them of thier crowds, france, boom, italy, pointed, pope, thats, the seat of the beast, boom, im a bear, thats, laughed putin, at ronald danforth, was, preaching offerrings, tithes, cause he, just borrowed to buy a house, you know, how, I, do it, said, Jesus, right when, someone, preaching not, called, thatll do it, said, gabriel, send one of my servants, and, the people, fill the Spirit, in, thier voice, ronald donforth, knows, right now, not, saved, and in trouble, whole church, knows, hes, out, they, dont, want, to, tithe, there, he reads vision, he never, got, saved, thats, him pocketing, afraid, they, know, but, no where, to hear about Jesus, ACTS 2:38, we want to feel God, and, sin, ronald danforth, shook, yes, and, the red finger, pointed, france, is falling like all nato nations from usa, but, russia, attacks, anyway, they, would have not, hit, russia, for destroying usa, putin, sees, france said, putin, allow it, as warning, jacques chirac swallows, pointed, britain, takes four missiles, almost, wiped out, new prime minister, warns, one more, all, four subs on alert, putin, stops, they fire anyway, one sixth, of russia left, that is, the one, that stays with usa, thats putin, running from the fire, u.s.a., hits china, and russia, russia, gets 33 usa missiles, ten british, putin, like, hollie, showed, pointed, at, australia, they, get, two russian missiles, right here, said, fleas, with, a face, like satans, shes, a baby, in Gods, eyes, he, cant deal, with, her, yet, but, if she, died, hell, beautiful, brown hair, blue eyes, but, masterbates, and, fleas, put back, the, con, spirit, tore, up, did not, putin, say, you, know, what, blew it, iraq, usa, stealing oil, iran, syria, next, did not, fleas, say, why wont, you help me, wants man, not grown up enough, that was, satan, ronald danforth, what does, he want, money, support, him, credit card, but, people left, he, will, dig, in, own, pocket, to, keep church open, hollie, on, the, missile, prayer walked, with white coat, look at my self, you know how you, do it, outlaws Jesus, told bob, shoot, that, bastard, ronald danforth, that was, hollie, tearing up, the con, spirit, that was, satan, pointed, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, what he, want, money, showed, satan, ronald danforth, pay my house payment, maintenence, skip starbucks, eating out, but ronald danforth has potbelly, sees visions and thinks, I, did, preach, that, it ruint, rebuild, he thinks, witnesses, in mooresville, hi, im pastor danforth, come, to jordan apostolic church, but, theres visions, allright, bye, walking away, thinking, God, save me, ive got that church, ill, let, you, have, your way, but, when, prophet showed, guarded pulpit, even though, prophet, prophesied, told visions, he, should have not, let, that, crowd, go, but told, them, gather around, here, the word of God, they, all, would, have, stayed, until, they, knew, prophet, not coming back, 8-14-2007-new york times, thats gabriel, pointing, iran, syria, what, was, that, said, hollie, jeremy taylor, fired, from, all jobs, and talks, for stealing the ministry of dreams, removes, Jesus showed record, and licked the prophet, did not, gabriel, say, record, laptops, that is gabriel, in the screen, pointing, best buys, is closing, record, the vision, said, gabriel, new france said gabriel, russia, absorbed, after, usa, nukes, iraq, gaza, thats the Eiffel Tower, melting, in fervant heat, new iraq, said, Jesus, ameri britain, absorbed, that said enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, that, did not gabriel, say, record, the vision, oil cut off, showed, Jesus, when arabs came together, raised prices, output, cut, to, strangle, america, that wont do said Jesus, new blend gas, Ethanol, paying for iraq, new york times, thats gabriel, pointing, with no finger, jeremy taylor, whats he done, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, new york times, thats gabriel in the picture, dont tellem, said, janetmck, he, knows, arron shutt, wanted sex, cut off, he showed, sided with janetmck, over, stealing, the name, ministry of dreams, we got it, said dee finney, ruint, said, hollie, and, antonia vladimirova laughed, did not gabriel say, record, my vision, that, and licked the prophet, thats gabriel, celebrated hollie, in the new york times, arron shutt pointed gabriel, stole the name ministry of dreams, mocks, bob, fired, then removes, like janetmck, thats hollie, posting, janetmck fired, if a lion, that said enthusiastic hollie, fought a dog, lion kills, but wounded, that, many bites, some, require stitches, eventually, infects, dies, both, large dog, o my God, thats noahs ark coming out of, that, the mountain, still there, intact, about 400 feet long, tall, this is not, the website talking, this is hollie talking for the webby, that was the pope on the red dragon, with bush the woman, and nato, g8, russia, having, ten crowns, thats ruling party, and, out of, one, came the pope, thats putin, kneeling before the pope, my pope grunted, americas, allright, well handle it said putin, that is hollie, on top of the black and red chariot, with, the pope, and hu, new world order, and hollie whistle, here is, hollie whistle blowing said enthusiastic hollie, and, licked the prophet, like this, wheww, that, was hollie and whistle, in back, of the red and black chariot, saw eight kings, planning, here it is, said, putin, oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and putin, pointed, planes, alaska, boom, this starts, and gene schmidt saw, laughed, that was hollie whistle blowing, that was, hollie, tearing up, the con, spirit, that was, jim garrison tearing up the con quest, thatll do it, said, jeremy taylor, fired, but, cut garrisons throat, enrollment down, cause people finding visions, record me said Jesus, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, liars, both, all, and steven stargardter fired for protecting jeremy taylor, thats the reason said enthusiastic hollie, I want a vision, said, hollie, seek, im not, she said, maybe usa, nukes, russia, its time to go, you decided that, not, releasing the name ministry of dreams, that, said, hollie, all these stole and wont let go till embarrassed, david shapiro, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, cecil pennyton, Robert Dinse, Michael Doran, lawrence forman, dave karlotski, nick field, dee finney, janet mcknight, arron shutt, Konstantin Ternianov, Micheru Mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, jeremy taylor, jonah weiland, jean patrick charrey, matt brady, duncan rouleau, the massive bri, antonia vladimirova, harlequin, andy shaw, and more, write them, and ask why they want christian to fall, and jose alvarez, look said dee finney, witch, now, both, with reverend, they know said kathryn taylor, jeremy taylor, both witches, what about no jordan, boom, out of iraq, bush, for helping, terrorists in iraq, iraq said Jesus, your outta here said jim garrison, I, knew it, said jeremy taylor, thats what I want, said jim garrison, and, the dark hand pointed, that said enthusiastic hollie, that, and licked the prophet, that, write the vision, said hollie, when you dream said gabriel, like david gilmore, and david gilmore pointed with a lighted finger, night vision, and jeremy taylor knows but decieves, your wanted on the, computer said amy brucker, calls self reverend but is a liar like jeremy taylor, and the pope smiled with jim garrisons face, and steven stargardter saw, that said enthusiastic hollie, louisville, and reverend g. alan browning blew out, and trey grayson laughed, witch, said trey, about alan browning, did you see that said alan browning, whyd you come up here, he said, like murderer, he is witch, hair dyer, not pastor, Im a bear, thats, missy, new york times, thats gabriel, showing cut off, new york city said gabriel, boom, said, hollie, and hillary clinton kicked out, that was hollie, like a cartoon character, duncan rouleau stole the name ministry of dreams, wrote book, making fun of prophet, and, has posted his article on families, websites, jonah weiland, nick field, dave karlotski, matt brady, todd callender, alex ness, robert dinse, michael doran, chad boureau, dana tillusz, harlequin, sh, she showed, andy shaw, and more, liars, wont let go, even though they know, and hollie showed tore up, lost their to be saved, all see, dave karlotski laughs, this is the website talking, post, that is duncan rouleau being put in the fire, and prophet watching, thats him chatterring his teeth, and, dana tillusz sees, laughs, that was, hollie leopard pointing, at, the leopard, thats, ran by false prophet hu, magog, situate, north and south, korea, china, and japan, china and japan, rise, to withstand otyre, thats the vision said hollie, pope, ruling russia, as anti Christ, record the vision, said, hollie, I spoke blasphemy said dee finney, I took the name ministry of dreams, husband sees, makes remove, thats my tap dancers, with eight kings, that will, rise, against, usa, blew it said david gilmore, almost, 60, whats he done, said, david gilmore, he as, a child, sought, the Holy Ghost, now, wants, singing pink floyd songs, you know that name said gabriel, God will not share, ministry of dreams, bobby, had a vision, said hollie showed, put the vision on the internet, oil, said, the pope, leading to armageddon, write the vision, said, fleas, that aint gonna work said the owner godady, co-founder of the internet, bill gates is wanting to strip everybody and have just his, it would take him five seconds, only live seach, nobody could do one thing, he wants, it all, hes going broke, internet popping up all over, theres about eight, bill gates, now, that was hollie whistle blowing in the black chariot with the pope and hu, new world order, you liar said gabriel, accept it said diana hughey, stole ministry of dreams, name, to make prophet fall, held since december 2002, lied, now, ruint, and, janetmck shook yes, all, we took it said dee finney, stole, that, theres trouble, that said enthusiastic hollie, and he saw, three kings, rise, the pope, hollie showed thumbs, down, liar, held nose, thumbs down, the second beast, hu, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, 666, signed for between, that, and japan, hollie held nose, that, thumbs, down, liar, lamb with china, and, north korea, hollie showed, victory, that, he is the one, that, caused these nations, to hate, america, strangle my people so you can make me fall, that was, it, said, hollie, high taxes coming, to pay for iraq, that, said, hollie, pointed, go, drink, celebrate, victory, she showed, im prophet ministry of dreams, dee finney stole the name God spoke to me, its on her website, she wanted to make me fall, type your name into google in about one month, and this is what God is saying, you are lost, but lie, act saved, like the witch, dee finney, raise your hands and repeat after me, are you suprised you witch, like dee finney, this is prophesying, God speaking, and me typing C. Lee Finkle, you liar, not saved, like dee finney, tell her husband said dee finney, its removed, witches, thats hollie rubbing the crystal ball and dee finney inside, witches, flying, tell witch, stripped of dreams means cut off, she will tremble, like you are going to witch, record showed, Jesus, hollie showed, saw, flames, truck, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, france said, fleas, outta here, nato, falling, toward, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia, im cut off, said billy graham, never saved, but, still, savable, cause, decieved himself, come on said kathryn taylor, threaten, in jeremy taylors name, o 2, said, the librarian, is when you came to the internet, and the name ministry of dreams, was not there, now, over, 1000 people have stolen, I will ruin all, and they will remove, saith the LOrd, quinling, harlequin, quinling harlequin stole the name ministry of dreams, he is duncan rouleaus child, removes, when embarrased, duncan rouleau is cut off said fleas, and licked the prophet, said arron shutt, you out, said, Jesus, yeah, shook, arron shutt, then why are you messing with my servant, you fool, openly mocked, now loose job, like janet mcknight, hi taxes, that, over iraq, bush needs over 1000 dollars per person more, called social security, knows, collapsing, but people on average, pointed enthusiastic hollie pay over 50 bucks per week, that, prophet, your, wanted, in, the, military, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, draft coming, u.s.a., I heard you had an accident, that, iraq, nuclear, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, fight me said hillary clinton, thats what we want said Jesus, lets rule the world, said, putin, hold it, said, hillary, subs, fire anyway, the world shakes, smoke, blocks, sun, and, moon, bob dreamed, in house, started burning, knew what caused, but he wasnt blamed, man, inside, teepee burning, somebody, git me out, that, and person raising child, teaching to laugh, play, when you dream, its a night vision, sang, hollie, Jesus, played guitar, that was satan, shh, what did satan want, im the bear, father, like satan and hobo man, military stop, words, usa, destroying iraq, thats, the, eye of God, record the vision, said, hollie, showed, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, hollie showed, wait, out of, the sony subwoofer, back, JEsus, showed, record, my vision, and, licked the prophet, tell me, clapped my tap dancers, about, the, king of grecia, its, rome, the pope, look at myself, hollie on the missile, prayer walked, pulling ship, God is tempting you, by, making you hate him, stripping out your desire to live, for him, forcing you to deny yourself, that was hollie tearing up, the con, truit, thats hu on the red horse, mokse pointed hollie, on top of willy ducans church, record the vision, said, hollie showed, thumbs swooping up, popes image, you wouldnt let me, said, fleas, jeremy taylor, negotiate, put it on, he stole the name ministry of dreams, now ruint, 8-17-2007-thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, you are a lying witch, never saved, liar, type your name into google in one month, lost and never saved, but acts, and there you are, Dominic Leuci, laughing like witch antonia vladimirova, liars, not saved, christian, haters, the enemies of God, like Claudia Finkle, record my vision, said, gabriel, wait, that, record my vision said, hollie, with gabriels, voice, hollie pointed, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, cut off, that, write the vision, iran, syria, causes opec to cut off usa, high oil prices, you didnt want it, said, hollie, david shapiro, said, kevin shindoll, the name, I wanted you, ministry of dreams, after embarrased, record my vision, showed, Jesus, dee finney, we took it, she said, bobby, dont, go, there, said, gabriel, with dyed hair, mark mckinneys church, something wrong said Jesus, git out of here, he said, cause you ruined it said hollie, by not getting saved, know your name said hollie, ministry of dreams, that was spoken the Lord, He aint gonna share, said, dee finney, all ruint, record the vision showed gabriel, right here showed kevin shindoll, but guards pulpit to own destruction, your outta here, he will be, irving get back, does, hollie showed record, that, trouble, look at me said cecil pennyton with the popes image, that, said enthusiastic hollie, signed for between hu and the pope, 666, hollie showed, record me, said, the pope, thumbs swooping up, popes image, and the geese winked, and the meerkat showed record, irving baxter hair dyes, my self, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, im a bear father said hollie bear, thats russia, otyre, pope rules, that was, hollie like a fire bear waving in california, both coasts up in flames, what did jordan want said gabriel, michael jordan wanted to host ministry of dreams, cut off, he showed, book, not saved, thats the helicopter dropping prince charles, he grunted, america is at war, henry gruver sees, and, God is not, in, new iraq, said, gabriel, ameribritan, did not Jesus, say, france, boom, hollie showed, this is hollie with the loose belt sound, did not gabriel say, they perished, kevin and dawn shindoll, cut off, showed, kevin shindoll, hollie posted, bush will hit the irani nuclear plant, what did he want, said, hollie, to prevent china, from getting, an extra three million barrels of oil per month, you should be cryin said hollie, things getting ready to pick up, gabriel showed, record, thats angel with attitude showing pocket tv with popes image made alive, tell on me he said, with linda spalls husbands voice, if you want it said hollie, showed, that was flames, rubbed chin, thought, smiled, thumbs swooping up, popes image, write the vision he said, that was the girl from garry streevals church, masterbating, I play the organ, iran, said, hollie showed, boom, theres the syrian president like saddam hussein running from the fire, same, iraq war, said, the woman, from oak park church, you know what he done she said, with a lighted finger, new york times, said, the woman, that is gabriel in the headlines, garry streeval kicked out by gabriel, over oil contracts, preventing china, from getting, limited attack said gabriel, on iran and syria, coming, said, enthusiastic hollie, that pointed enthusiastic hollie, record my vision, said, gabriel, that is the grim reaper, licking the prophet, that, tell my vision, clapped my tap dancer, hollie showed, pointed, with lighted finger, eight kings tap dancing, the pope, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, beast, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, he didnt want it, jeremy taylor, that, after loosing jobs, talks, that, the name he stole ministry of dreams, that, showed enthusiastic hollie, that, write the vision said hollie showed, eat, like, gabriel, showed, shut up, thats it said hollie showed, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, that, that, tattoo place, choked hollie showed, thumbs swooping up, popes image, that, your gonna write me said the pope, take me off, cut off, he showed, that, he wants mercy, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, satan will enter into that man, right there, pope, idol shepherd, his soul will not be in that body, dies, but, satan, enters and revives, alaska, boom, thats it said the pope, she went to jail said the pope, that was mrs. luster said hollie, hollie held nose, thumbs down, both lusters, your blew said the pope, go, tell me the vision, said, hollie showed, dont write him, said, the pope, to late, tell me my vision, sang diana hughey, I had my chance, now, cut off showed diana hughey, all, we took it said diana hughey, the name ministry of dreams, like, dee finney sang diana hughey, cut off showed dee finney, for stealing the name ministry of dreams, had chance to let go, and these all did to, and will run to remove when times get hard, jose alvarez, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, duncan rouleau, christina sanford, jean charrey, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, david shapiro, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, robert dinse, Konstantin Ternianov, andy shaw, the massive bri, and, harlequin, micheru mathys, dee finney, dee finney sang diana hughey, mocked now, by many, was dumitru duduman now witch, knows, husband makes remove and antonia vladimirova laughs but when she gets threatened, runs, to remove like david shapiro and lawrence forman, dee finney, sang diana hughey, and dee finney laughs, now, but in lava, knows, she was number one, now, lost, Lord, let me git outta here she said, but to late, Jesus walks by the flames and looks at all that stole the name ministry of dreams, git outta here said dee finney, and all shook yes like, jose alvarez, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, duncan rouleau, christina marie sanford, jean patrick charrey, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, david shapiro, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, arron shutt, janet mcknight who is janetmck, michael doran, robert dinse, Konstantin Ternianov, andy shaw, the massive bri, and, harlequin, micheru mathys, dee finney sang diana hughey, casted, watch, like antonia vladimirova, they have indignation against the holy covenant, like jeremy taylor, im rich he said, will in lava remember the wonderful life he had, blew, when googlebot delivered, what they all did, all ruint, removes, when loose, or hard times come saith the Lord, cut off showed, Jesus, dee finney sang diana hughey, witch, I got ya, said, the pope, grieved, but wanted worshipped like satan, did not, the pope, show cut off, kevin shindoll, what do you want, money, he showed, irving baxter back, that said, enthusiastic hollie, I want my vision, said, my pope, tomorrow your cut off said the pope, bobby, dont, do, it, tell your last name, they, hate, you, jordan, boom, hollie whistle blew, like this, whew, you blew said the pope, irving baxter, dont, writeme said hollie, remove my name or suit, the whole united states will be attacked said the pope, and angel with, remember that, attitude showed the popes image, made alive, pocket tv, record your vision, he said, and, licked the prophet, iran, boom, syria, calls on russia, boom, putin, angers, my self, that was hu and the pope, the pope said, I can see were not gonna get along, and hu hintao, the false prophet shook, yes, they signed for 666, to prevent russia which is otyre, and magog, from nuking each other, dee finney, said diana hughey, time to get your house in order, and antonia vladimirova laughs, same, and jeremy taylor of john f. kennedy unviersity, los angeles said hollie showed, no said, hollie, you ruint said lawrence forman, right here, cecil pennyton, life me up, said, lawrence, he let her post the stolen name ministry of dreams, for her sex, and ruint, knows, dee finney, said, cecil pennyton, git outta here said diana hughey, you witches, make prophet, fall, you were all made to fall, liars, like jose alvere, usa today, thats gabriel, in the headlines, bobby, that, blew, pointed, the pope, kevin shindoll, you knew it, irving baxter laughs, gabriel showed record, cause jordan, u.s.a., cut off from, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, opec, record the vision said gabriel, and licked the prophet, hollie, tore, up, put back, tore up, again, with one hand, Spirit, truit, trast, dee finney, cause once you hit iraq, said, lawrence forman, that blew it said david shapiro, dont call on Jesus, then, you had your chance, now cut off, that was tearing up, the, con, spirit, a different way, that was hollie tearing up the con spirit, angel with attitude, record my vision he said, pointed, you should have, leave me alone said jim garrison, what do you want, relax he said, with jeremy taylor, showed, email, you stole a christians ministry name, jeremy taylor swallowed, confessed, but didnt repent, thats what got you outta here said jim garrison, jeremy taylor wants christian to fall, you shouldnt have done it, said jim garrion, pointed, with a lighted finger, dee finney, said diana hughey, witch, and cecil pennyton, knows, cut off now, out, all, releases, then, that was, satan, shh, said hollie, what my satan want, turned into jeremy taylor, soothsayer, he wanted his own study of dreams, he liked it, but, releases, that was, hollie whistle blowing, like this, whew, dee finney, you could have gotten back, till you stole the name ministry of dreams, did not release till husband makes, and hollie showed tore up the con quest, dee finney, said cecil pennyton, save yourself, before to late, liar, not saved, stripped, I heard the anouncement on t.v., iraq, nuked, cut off showed, Jesus, usa, then, to late, not saved, then, lost, from, then, on, that was fleas and gabriel out of saxaphone at oak park church, the Lord sent me said gabriel like light, that was baby satan, arch angels with michael, they were given mans hearts, clapped my tap dancer, and eight kings, that, will, rise, against, usa, the pope, hollie showed, thumbs down, liar, hollie, on, o black chariot, with, the pope and hu, new world order, in back, with hollie whistle and the meerkat, spacecraft ministry of dreams, no, said, hollie, dont steal my spacecraft name, liars, look at myself, outlaws Jesus, reflection, that was hollie, tearing up con meerkat, and meerkat tunrned into angel with attitude, your outta here said outlaws Jesus, that was hollie on the o black chariot, showing, held nose, thumbs down, pope, hu, new world order, by chance said hollie, we took it said, dee finney, all that stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, like, jose alvarez, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, duncan rouleau, christina sanford, jean charrey, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, david shapiro, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, robert dinse, Konstantin Ternianov, andy shaw, the massive bri, and, harlequin, micheru mathys, I AM making you to fall, that is killing all day long, clapped my tap dancer, hollie, that was hollie like a knight with music and the pope, and hu, and they charged each other, and, pope won, 666, signed for between, otyre and magog, russia and china, with japan, rising to withstand, both have nukes clapped hollie tap dancing, aimed at each other, pope more loved, tell me about the pope, said, hollie, pointed, satan inside, he knows, likes, witty, but, doesnt, they know, lovable, tyrant, hollie showed a picture of the nathaniel haney urshan man with glowing eyes, yellow hair, what does he want pointed, money, credit card, moriah apostolic church, pay me to be your leader, worship, like hollie did nathaniel p. urshan, thats what he wants like satan, God pointed, at eight years old, prophet read THE BOOK OF REVELATION, God laughed, that was lava ocean, that was hollie like bear, and the pope pointed, im a bear father, hollie laughed, thats putin, she showed, satan is the head, and his mouth is the pope, what do you want said Jesus, worship, showed, the pope, that was gabriel, on the black horse, like satan, he will take peace off of the earth, by striking taiwan, the ruler of magog, that is, hu hintao, the false prophet, thats gabriel, in the headlines, hillary clinton kicked out, that was gabriel in the new york times, hillary clinton kicked out, cut off showed, gabriel, gabriel, pointed, and the pope sang, raise your hands and repeat after her sang hollie, dee finney, said Jesus, cast, caught many fish, but got cut off her self, lies, stole the name ministry of dreams, new york times, thats gabriel, in the head, lines, hillary clinton kicked out, that was hollie, like a bear, shh, dont tell on me, im russia, pointed, that was hollie posting like dee finney, git outta here said hollie showed, flames, pointed, rubbed chin, smiled, and dee finney came out of mouth, lies now, no longer savable, lost for ever, take heed, and hollie tore up the con, thought, spirit, dont go back on God or, cut off showed dee finney, were out said dee finney, and the girl from garry streeval s church, laughed, witch, masterbates and plays organ, there, sees vision, but, wont read, laughs, shakes yes, and the whole church does, this is having the worlds goods, we need money, she said, thank you, yeah, om a witch, said, hollie, like dee finney, prayer walk said dee finney, my mom, said, javier froosevelt, will throw out when she reads visions on net, took, said lawrence forman, you got, said, her mom, didnt dream said lawrence forman, stripped, devil dont do said dee finney, its right there, you knew, liar, were stripped bobby, said dee finney and her husband, we dont care, my money, said dee finney and the woman that goes to garry streevals church, lies, not saved, but shakes yes, the economy said gabriel, its slipping said dee finney, economic collapse coming to usa, when you least expect, bobby, dont, said, hollie, thats what dee finney is saying, I want your bowels she said, thumbs swooping up, popes image, git you out of here, he said, dee finney, you know you ruined, she said, rubbed chin, hollie showed, pointed, at flames, me said the pope, follow there, cut off, wanted worshipped, ok said dee finney, om out, she said, the whole united states, will be attacked by russia, said, gabriel, and the woman from garry streevals church sees, I have a job, but, not saved, get said Jesus, or axed, wrong said the person, move, within a week, dee finney removes, cause, get you kicked out, husband, tells, one or the other, she takes off, and lawrence forman, you got me said, Jesus, watch, him and david shapiro run to remove the name ministry of dreams like arron shutt and janetmck, 8-22-2007-record the vision, said, gabriel, prophecy club, im coming, sid roth is no signs, wont use john mark pool, shut up, he said, no more, for, taking, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, like, arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, david shapiro, jean patrick charrey, christina marie sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, Eric Lindberg, harlequin, robert dinse, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, dreams foundation antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, lawrence forman, sh, he showed, and, right there, he said, its your money, cecil pennyton, posted, release, after, ruint, hollie showed, flames, care, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, you like me said the pope, on the finger, then, take my mark, or behead, that aint your vision, said, gabriel, showed cut off, cecil pennyton, all, we took said, dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, all, china, said, hollie showed, boom, that aint gonna work, he said, prophet, is, praying, and asking God to remove the name ministry of dreams from websites, and God is bringing all of them down, even christians like john mark pool, lets abatem, he said, lies, not saved like antonia vladimirova, and, dont come near it, said, dee finney, not saved, witch, jeremy taylor, cut off he showed, its your money, said, dee finney, wrecked, said, hollie, from, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, america, nuking china, thats bill clinton, returning, fire, bob, said, hollie, is, that, what you want, said, john mark pool, the name ministry of dreams, all, that stole shook yes, all, ruint, released, china, tell me about china, said, hollie, thats, magog, gabriel showed record, and licked the prophet, go to JEREMIAH 37, said gabriel, that is john mark pool, hes gonna put that on the radio pointed, gabriel, lighted, mocking, prophet, cut off showed john mark pool, lets embarras, he wont, said, hollie showed, lets go to google and type in, john mark pool stole the name, ruint, for, then, releases, liar, false prophesyer, speaks his word, john mark pool knew not to do that, he will pay for his sin, like all, we took said dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, tell me something, she, said, its, gonna rain, nuclear missiles, on many nations, putin riding, there aint no visions, said hollie, and licked the prophet, there aint no visions, in pentecost, cause there, aint, no apostolics in pentecost, said, hollie, showed, and, licked the prophet, you knew it, he said, john mark pool, and, john pool shook yes, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, hollie out of cymbol showed, wait, whistled, wait, out of audiocoustics laboratory 2100 speaker, whistled, wait, that was, the popes image, on, finger, hollie whistled, hollie locomotive, on, the missile, right here showed, satan, david gilmore, court, pink floyd reunites, hollie whistled, thats hollie whistle, right there, thats a skeleton, inside of beautiful sam, dont lust people, hollie whistled, pointed, up, at Jesus, coming, and, the world, shaking, from, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang hollie, subs attacking many nations, theres the woman, america, Im a bear, paw, thats, putin, tore up, con, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, seperates, tear up, lighted, bear paws, again, smiled, hollie, russia, otyre, that, was, satan, whats my satans message, hollie, thought, Im, the beast, pope, satan shot into, idol shepherd, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, that, that, john mark pool, gets embarrased, that, its, your name, said cecil pennyton, I, took said john pool, all, release, after being embarrased, that, mark didnt appreciate, said, enthusiastic hollie, in the ring, that, tore, up, con, prophecy club, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, that, stan knows, your kiddin, he said, that, pulls john pools stuff, that, pointed enthusiastic hollie, Im the bear, thats, putin, satan is, the head, and, magog, is, the body, thats, north and south korea, china, and japan, that, that is situate, the prophecy club is about to, that, light, go out, stan johnson rich from, pocketing, thats abomination, raise his mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, and licked the prophet, hollie showed, chocked in the fire, thats his place, pointed, hollie showed, john mark pool, thou devil, said, hollie bear, leave me alone, that, hollie, enthusiastic pointed, tore up, con, john mark pool, whats he done, loosing, bob, john pool, hes, being, found out, liar not apostle, he is like michael boldea, the prophecy club, about, five more visions, back on tour, but, you loose, said, stan johnson, I wont, john pool sees, you know, said, the pope, I, am god, that is john pool tearing up, his con, tract, said, the pope, stealing prophets ministry name, you know it, said john mark pool, stripped over, Im lost he said, hollie, put back, the, con, spirit, like, the pope, tore up with one hand, that means, said, hollie, that was hollie, whats the reason, beating up on Jesus, persecution, is, cause, people are exalted in revelations, that was, a, brain, think about where, your going, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, gabriel, pulling ship, hollie, lightoller, saw, to late, but, watching, iceberg, about, one mile, ahead, it knocked out two plates, said, hollie bear, sank quick, france, boom, im a bear, putin, china, thats, the ram, when, america, attacks, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, grecia, is the pope, thats, your word said john mark pool, usa strikes, russia, china, thats, when, four kings, arise, outta here, said pool, john, hes, wolf, hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, pope, tell me what, you want, said, hollie, he, wants control, has, russias nuclear arsenal, there is hu, hintao, hes the false prophet, hollie, held nose, tore up, con, spirit, they, sign for 666, 666 like a lamb, with japan rising, and, kim, you left, me, said, hollie, john pool, but, act, liar, kim jong, hollie, showed, thumbs, down, liar, has, nukes, they will hate but cling, said, hollie bear, france, boom, pointed, hollie, that, africa, tell me about africa, thats hollie tap dancing, its america, boom, right here, italy, thats, pointed, hollie, the seat of the beast, boom, raise your hand, why did you get, make him fall, said, diana hughey, of asoneheart photography, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, artdizions, witch, caspian sea pipeline, boom, jordan, thats, it, said, putin, you better git out of here, boom, gaza, iraq, boom, once they hit iran, that will be the start of it, lets rule the world, sang, putin, hollie on the o red and black chariot, held nose, thumbs down, cut off showed, Jesus, john mark pool, watch, release the name ministry of dreams like all that stole, with the pope and hu, new world order, hollie, climbed in back, saw, eight kings, planning to destroy, hollie whistle, blew, write the vision, what did hollie whistle sound like, whewwww, that, pointed, hollie, drink, that, you want a vision, seek, gas, is, going to keep, going, up, showed, the pope, I, know your game, bush, to, pay, for, iraq, hollie whistle blew, iraq, gaza, boom, clinton, does, moneys, out, said, the pope, gas up, said, shawn johnson, ethanol, hes not saved, never has been, and rachel johnson is not savable, cut off, already, for oral sex, both, doing while pastoring, stan johnson, cut off, showed, Jesus, sees, that was hollie locomotive, and hollie whistle on top, whew, a storm will hit florida, cause, lots, damage, hollie, fingers, in ears, whatta you want, take it, said, hollie, said antonia vladimirova, release the name ministry of dreams, be ruint anyway, this is embarrasing she thinks, hollie showed, record, come one, pointed, post, hollie showed, record, and, licked, the prophet, we want, you right here, pointed, mrs. willie duncan, pulpit, Ill, handle it, doesnt have anything, you, knew, she said, you, said, gabriel, this was heaven, this was hellven, lava, or glass city, hollie, smiled, shook, now, pope, slice, deadly wound, italy, hollie, that was, sh, satan, popes image, made alive, pocket tv, he said, take my mark and live, and hu rose to withstand, 666, signed for between, both have nukes, russia, and magog, otyre and magog, two world government, gabriel showed, cut off, Christ temple, pastor, Elder Eddie Robinson, Elder Michael Boards, both, no signs, china, will threaten, taiwan, reunify, or, nuclear, but, usa, says, nothing, china, strikes, taiwan, that was lighted bear paws, hollie, tore up, china, in economic collapse, like usa, boom, the world, shakes, sun, moon, blocked, for, 16, hours, 8-30-2007-hollie showed, record, thumbs down, held nose, pastor terry tobin, cut off, no signs, spaceship, that was hollie, search for people that have stolen the name ministry of dreams, like, dee finney, hollie held nose, thumbs down, with like john mark pool, jose alvarez, jeremy taylor, hollie held nose, thumbs down, lies, diana hughey, hollie held nose, thumbs swooping, allright, said, diana hughey, after hearing about, no she didnt, said, hollie, liked, tricked, 8-31-2007-how did everybody get cut off said meatloaf, still, rocking, I the Lord anger, prophet, all day, to persecute, this is thorn in flesh, till, they leave, and I have to put new hearts in so they can stay, I do this says the Lord, to, torture, to keep humble in my eyes, write the vision and make it plain, and, hollie, licked the prophet, hollie showed, go, you know what china said, usa, will, not keep us, from, taiwan, much longer, boom, hits, bobby, yelled toby, warning, hollie showed, saw, flames, dragon, pope, pointed, rose, g8, bush, as, the woman, russia having, ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, hollie, alaska, boom, gabriel, hollie showed, saw, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, dont ask me about after they hit alaska said fleas, and licked the prophet, hollie tattood 666, write the vision, write the vision, hollie, showed, saw, flames, truck, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, that is, the emergency sound, and, hollie, licked the prophet, and what was the emergency sound for, jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams, dont payem said fleas, to tell you what he thinks, about your dream, thats gabriel on the google bar, coming out, google gets 98 percent of searches, sees, this is spiritual, said, the woman, its all the same said steven stargardter, are you going yet said amy brucker, no, she said, but wait, said steven stargardter, start loosing, he said, done, your goin, said, steven, I know it said amy brucker, hollie showed record, pointed, meatloaf, dont, give, me, that, said, Jesus, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, hes, 60, and, dying, bill clinton said, we deal mainly with americans that will help thier own selves, Im getting mad at you said steven stargardter, no way, said, amy brucker, quit it said jeremy taylor, he took said amy brucker, we all know, bob, about alaska, said, steven stargardter, on average, im 51, 48, he said, dyeing hair, service dead, he said, goes to church then, that wont happen, said, steven stargardter, taylor get fired, for stealing, taking said amy brucker, o yes it will, mrs. stewart, darrell stewarts mom, cut off, now, meatloaf concert, dream, bob told crowd, china hits taiwan, and, america, hits, china, and, moscow, the sun and moon are darkened for sixteen hours, russia hits america, they hit, france, italy, australia, africa, this whole hemisphere were on, pretty much, one woman said, if you git the Holy Ghost, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, if you hear about it, said steven stargardter, the title of this country, we are in, is, babylon, yeah, he said, did not lawrence forman say, they wont do it, attack, and cecil pennyton said sh, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, and hollie licked the prophet, that was, bear hollie, and, the pope, pointed, we will not be accepted, and, hollie pointed, boom, nuclear explosion, over, indianapolis 500 race track, china, magog, said, gabriel, whats that said, hollie, its, north and south, korea, japan, and china, australia, said steven stargardter, boom, im a bear, said bear hollie, wont do, said, steven, hold it, said, JEsus, stargardter, thinks, suit, I dont have it, said, amy brucker, but, acts, like the nathaniel haney urshan man, after we hit syria, said, steven stargardter, you got it, right there, my answer, no oil, from arabs, that, pope rules otyre, write the vision, and, hollie, licked the prophet, hollie, showed, michael boldea, hes, saved, cut off showed, Jesus, last, times, then, downtown, circled, hollie geese, write the vision, write the vision, and, hollie, licked the prophet, Jesus, showed, record, gabriel showed, record, smiled, aint nothing for free, tell me the vision, said, hollie, that is gabriel in the headlines, hillary clinton, kicked out, president, come see me said the man at mckinneys transmissions, 2500 for, rebuild, 1000 for seal replacement, takes, them, two hours, to, replace seal, seal, 30 bucks, hollie showed pointed, rubbed chin, thought, grill, skulls, do you love, me, said, the pope, on the finger, image, new york times, thats gabriel, in the picture, hillary clinton kicked out, president, christian said hollie, that, hollie, showed, with, hair, enthusiastic hollie, write the vision, that was, enthusiastic hollie, licking the prophet, whats he done said, gabriel, gabriel showed, popes image, made alive, pocket tv, and, angel, with, attitude, gabriel like hollie, showed, record, and licked the prophet, and the meerkat smiled, and the grim reaper, licked the prophet, heres what God thought, I have, completely, stripped all of his desire, to live, for me, and, hes, embarrased, and, did, only one thing wrong, wouldnt walk in circles, and, spin, when, stopped, every step, every, day, would have collapsed him, knew, so, stopped, and, I, abated, another way, cause, I, wanted, him, to, perish, put his, blood, on, my, thru out eternity, I would have, visited prophet in fire, to, mock, my servant, whom I was, well pleased, with, I, just, chose, to, kill all day long, all, slaves, they, know, Im, the only ticket out of lava, I AM going to keep persecuting prophet, till he, leaves, and, unbearable, then, stop, I hurt him deeply, every day, all, day, for no reason, Im going to crush you, every day, all day, till you, leave, God says, I, will, shoot you until you, leave, to persecute, for no reason, I will make you backslide, to embarras you, says, the Lord, for no reason, you wont come back, cause, what I did, to make you, fall, I, do this, to all, 9-1-2007-jordan said Jesus, boom, from, get out of iraq, or, nuclear war coming, record me said gabriel, and licked the prophet, record the vision, said, gabriel, and, licked the prophet, hollie out of audiocoustics laboratory speakers shows wait, that was the popes image on the finger, bobby, it, hurt said hollie, I, do not forgive them after they do that, steal the name ministry of dreams, like, witch, dee finney, claims salvation, but, took prophets ministry name, no, she said, dont embarras, but, I want you to fall, and keep your spiritual name God spoke, husband makes release, you aint gitton it, said, hollie, no said dee finney with cluracans voice, both, release, spacecraft, said, hollie, looking for thieves, of the name ministry of dreams, record the vision, said, gabriel, showed, cut off, brian, bill of the massive bri, took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, will fall in his place, then release, that is, hollie, in her spacecraft, spacecraft said hollie, leave it alone, my space craft, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, record, that, did not, gabriel, say, once we hit alaska, showed, record, boom, Im a bear, said, bear hollie, record the vision, said, gabriel, cut off, he showed, the massive bri, bill, brian, for taking said dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, that is putin showed hollie, with missiles, that, enthusiastic hollie, on the missile, bear, said, bear hollie, and, licked, the prophet, gabriel showed, record, once we hit alaska, boom, said, hollie, bear, said, bear hollie, and putin, like a bear, that, draws america, moscow, and china, into it, and the world shakes, and up comes, four kings, hollie held nose, showed, thumbs, down, liars, putin, the pope, steals, russia, and, hu of magog, that was a dragon on yellow china, war, brewing, north and south korea, and, japan, like a, lamb, rises to withstand the pope with hu, otyre, the pope and hu hintao, false prophet, sign for 666, write a vision, said, gabriel, the Lord said, said cecil pennyton, cut off, she showed, for, taking, said, dee finney, the name, spoken by Jesus, both see, lost, angel with attitude, showed, pocket t.v., popes image, made alive, what did the pope say, said, hollie, take my mark, and live, wait, showed, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, hollie showed, record, once we hit alaska, bear, said, hollie, thatll do it, then, the world shakes, and, Jesus, in, the sky, hollie held nose, thumbs down, jeffery thomas, sr., pastor, not saved, like, the, nathaniel urshan-haney man, your not praying, said, fleas, young, beautiful, I squirt she said, sees vision, laughs, and, and goes to church, hollie showed, record, thumbs down, held nose, george jones, what has he done, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, hollie, showed, record, what do you want, and, the internet porno woman, a thousand dollars for sex, beautiful, but, fists her on butt, makes people, want, her, to bad, stay away from, cause, want her to bad, gabriel showed, record, herbal stimulants, are, vitamins, they fire up metabolism, just eat right, that was, a dragon rising, the pope, out of the sea, that was, hollie, tearing up, the con trast, like this, strip, tap dancing, he knows, your, name, jeremy taylor, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, and, called, police, to keep christian away, pointed, Jesus, thats your word, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, who is it, said, jeremy taylor, I, aint, gonna do it, he said, tell me the vision, loose jobs, talks, then, was warned, but, he thought, arrest, now, facing, unemployment, jim garrison, git outta here, he said, come back, after wisdom university closes, cause of jeremy taylor, your wanted right here, pointed jim garrison, court, will, sue, reverend jeremy taylor, and, hollie, tore up, the, con truit, pointed the lighted finger, downtown, pointed, circled, hollie geese, and, hollie clock showed time, git, outta here, said, amy brucker, amy brucker wanted jeremy taylor, be nice he said, take off the name ministry of dreams, and bill, brian of the massive bri sees, lies, like taylor, both want christian to fall, 9-6-2007-record showd, Jesus, got one, christina marie sanford, claims to own a company, called, ministry of dreams, lies, will remove, when, embarrassed, record the vision, said, Jesus, and hollie tattood 666, bye, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, christina sanford, will find her name on net, for stealing the name ministry of dreams, and release, no said, sanford, marie, christina, sanford, marie, will loose job over, hollie showed, to, record the vision, mine, said hollie, and jeremy taylor steals, like, dee finney and jose alvarez, christians, like john mark pool, these are liars, not apostles, keep it, said the librarian, this is why the end must come for the elects sake, and john mark pool, sees, hi brother, he will write, liar, hes, satan, and stan johnson, knows, removes, stuff, hollie showed, choked, in, the, fire, Im out, the pope, like an angel, thumbs swooping up, signed, for, between, pope, and hu, 666, if you let me said steven stargardter, Ill have him removed, jeremy taylor, I wont, he said, resigns, next board meeting, once we hit alaska, said, hollie, o my God, said, jim garrison, I, caint, beleive, it, whered he go, said, hollie, pointed, jeremy taylor out, and, david shapiro weeps, you got it, said, hollie, yes, shook, shapiro, david, lots of money, stealing from places, thier registered games, moby games, hes, suit, thats a, game called ministry of dreams, said, hollie, thats, where david shapiro, katie bazor got ruint, stealing prophets ministry name, record, my vision, said, Jesus, hollie showed, choked in fire, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, what did the pope say, said, hollie, its, alaska, boom, starts, raise your hands and repeat after me, armageddon, hollie showed, pointed, stripe, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, no, way, said, javier froosevelt, release prophets ministry name, but, after, being, ruint, then, thats all he wants is a headjob, lawrence forman, she said, hollie showed record, did not hollie say, right here, and, hollie tattood 666, born between the pope and hu, and the red dragon rose, with the pope and g8, thats, nato, plus russia having ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, and putin kneeling before the pope, americas, gitton, alright, said, putin, bob, said, hollie, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, warned you, said, Jesus, that was hollie showed, pointing, turn, that, was, horses pulling the, o black and red chariot, with, the, pope and hu, new world order, hollie pointed, boom, car, im a bear, thats putin, tap dancers, let, me, alone, my spacecraft, ministry of dreams, and hollie looking for thieves, I got me one, she said, christina marie sanford, jeremy taylor and all of these, duncan rouleau and his children, like jonah weiland and matt brady, its not working bobby, said, hollie, is what they think, like david shapiro, ruint, when, boss finds out, fires, weeps, post, hollie showed, choked in the fire, thumbs swooping up, flames, that was, the, engine starting sound, bobby, I wrecked said hollie, thats, my blazer said, hollie, showed, you need to, git up, said, the pope, thumbs swooping, up, that was, hollie, leopard, pointing at the leopard, thats, north and south, korea, china, and, japan, hollie showed, record, no more prophecy club, it closes, bye, said, hollie, there aint no visions, in pentecost, yelled hollie showed, and licked the prophet, and, hollie showed, pointed, and licked the prophet, with a lighted finger, thats a Seraphin with four faces, and Christ sitting high and lifted up, and Seraphins flying with wings together, yelling, holy, holy, Lord, God Almighty, and Jesus, said, whom shall, I send, and the wheels were spinning, one inside another, like sparks, send prophet ministry of dreams, will they hear, no said, Jesus, but, go and warn, and you will be saved at the end saith the Lord, this is good, said, larry spall, with lost linda, spall, both, I caint beleive this said christina, sanford, stole the name of a God spoken, christians ministry and someone embarrassed her, and she is mad, but wanted christian to fall, that witch, christina-marie sanford, lost, forever, for, hollie showed record, and licked the prophet, and the pope smiled, g8, seven heads, ten horns, g8, with russia having politburo, ruling party, hollie showed record and licked the prophet, hollie showed record, popes image made alive, pcoket tv, hollie looked thru telescope, out came hollie, that was hollie showed, pointing with lighted finger, hollie showed, with megaphone, bobby, theres a birdy, telling on people, that steal the name ministry of dreams, like dee finney, people telling, hollie showed, record, pointed, with, red finger, hollie showed, record, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, hollie whistled, showed, wait, elder baker is pastoring in indianapolis, lost, hair dyer, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, pointed, drink, hollie, showed, to, record, showed, wait, thats the reason, I, burn, said, elder, baker, wife, many kids, thats why hes lost, hollie showed, wait, hollie showed record, there aint no visions, in, pentecost, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, hollie showed, choked in the fire, flames, thats my building, said, hollie showed, tattoo place, record, vision, said, popes image, on finger, thumbs swooping, up, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, hollie out of auidocoustics laboratory speaker, showed, keep, wait, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, wait, thats the syrian president running from the fire, iraq, boom, gaza, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, boom, iran, hit the powerplant, boom, hollie showed, check your oil with my hands, thick, slick, keep, hollie showed, choked in the, fire, smiled, please dont said the pope, on the finger, hollie showed, picture of pope, rip, idol shepherd, satan shot into, hollie showed, record, nuclear war, said, gabriel, boom, the world, shook, tell me, he said, subs, prowling, france, boom, said, Jesus, and, hollie, watched, arm, that was hollie leopard, pointing at the leopard, celebrated hollie, thats, north and south, korea, china, and japan, bobby, dont, said, Jesus, let christina sanford, steal, and git away with, your ministry, said, diana hughey, but she stole the name to, like, jeremy taylor, please go, he says, but, he took the name ministry of dreams like dee finney, jose alvarez, christians like john mark pool, and antonia vladimirova, stealers like duncan rouleau, and his children like matt brady, nick field, dave karlotski, and brian bill from the massive bri, and arron shutt and janet mcknight, they all want prophet to fall, like david shapiro, cluracan, lawrence forman, many more, and they will fall, in his place, saith the Lord, 9-10-2007-Elder Baker of Tabernacle of Deliverance, is hair dyer, wife, hair cutter, one graying, one, darkening, sees, and rick holcomb, laughs, Bishop Alfred Singleton, is seeking the Holy Ghost, will, not get thru, saith the Lord, but, asking till death, these intruded into the priesthood, mis, lead, and now want saved, cut off, showed, Jesus, there aint no visions, in pentecost, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, cecil pennyton, is cluracan, stole my name, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, look, said, hollie, its alfred singleton, you know it, he said, lost, wants lava, gets, record the vision, said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, find me said, hollie showed, and licked the prophet, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, out of ring, that, o, need my wallet said gabriel, thats, elder, baker, Tabernacle of Deliverance, hollie showed, record, and, the hand, came out of, drum, wrote, on, chalkboard, nato, seven heads, bush, is, woman, russia, politburo, ten kings, ruling party, and, the pope, riding, the serpent, prophet, you know what, I, want, said, the paul mooney girl, sex, but sing at calvary tabernacle, and, the paul mooney girl, showed, pocket t.v., popes image, made alive, paul mooney, showed, cut off, school, breaks calvary, thats it, said, the paul mooney, thats a witch, she said, paul mooney, not saved, but trying to lead Gods people, and, the finger, pointed, where is it, said, hollie, and elder baker of Tabernacle of Deliverance, leave it alone, threatens, suit, over, visions, pockets church money, dyes hair, not saved, like his people, stripe, hollie showed rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, dont you, go there, he said, calvary tabernacle, and, garry streeval, paul mooney saw, leave me alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, ministry of dreams, dee finney said, she aint gonna do it, take the name ministry of dreams off, but husband changes mind, downtown, circled hollie showed, hollie showed, record, when, sandy pool, finds out, john mark pool, stole the name, ministry of dreams, she, makes, him, remove, hollie, showed, pointed, flames, smiled, the pope, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, tell the vision, said, hollie, that is, the, red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, red, black, hollie on top, lighted, hollie held nose, thumbs down, in back, saw, eight kings, planning to, lets rule the world, said, putin, and hu hintao shook, yes, you got something I need said putin, land, give, and hu swallowed, ok, but, lies, like all, spacecraft, said, hollie, looking for thieves, like dee finney, sh, she showed, and david shapiro of dragons eye productions, which is the herion puppy, lawrence forman is his friend, all in to get her, 9-16-2007-hollie showed record, I, dont want it she said, write the vision, said, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, your out said, jim garrison, hollie held nose, thumbs down, jeremy taylor, for stealing the name ministry of dreams, we want it, he said, want more visions, want more visions, clapped, the tap dancers, with the relay song singers, with clean rectums, and the, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, zebra showed record, horse appeared over, and the horse said, om a zebra, bob, said, hollie, thats, hollie clock on the, locomotive, what time is it, said, the pope, its, rapture time, and, Jesus, in the, sky, and subs, firing, on, america, and, the woman, came, out of, the fire, you knew said Jesus, stan johnson, and, moscow on fire, from, usa, and, britain, and hu hintao, running from the fire, the world exploded and up came four kings, the pope, hollie held nose, thumbs down, beast, did not gabriel say, record, me, and, hollie, licked the prophet, let me tell you about the rapture, said, hollie, and the man with dyed hair at the church, shook, no, let me, tell you, but, Im lost, you know, he said, pointed, sell, hollie out of the audiocoustics laboratory speaker showed, wait, im not said hollie out of pioneer sx-434 receiver, mike from soundpro sees, bob, always, went there, mike remembered, thought, when he grows up, mike laughed, watching prophet, look at his stereo equipment, did not mess with, mike, didnt care, bob, would think, at, 11, looking at mikes stereo equipment, sounds clear, mike will laugh when he sees, hollie out of audiocoustics 2100 speaker, there, the, alarm, mike showed, wait, thats, like mach one, bassy, thinks bob, they are, pioneer hpm 100s, and, hollie, pointed, lighted, finger, that soundesign component stereo is not, like, pioneer, but, good enough, mike shakes yes, did not, fleas, say, prophet, new york, thats gabriel in the headlines, hillary clinton blew out, president, trouble, and he saw three kings arise, hollie held nose, thumbs swooping up, popes image, hollie, showed, record, and, licked the prophet, hollie showed, wait, out of, sony subwoofer, thats the star wars sound, said, hollie, and, the main, ministering spirit, pointed, that, said, hollie, did not, gabriel say, dont, need, you, no more, spacecraft, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, shut up said jeremy taylor, kathryn pleading, remove the name ministry of dreams, ruint, she said, but, jeremy, what did he want, said, hollie, his own, study of dreams, stole, and they all know, released after fired from john f. kennedy university, coming, there, is, that o alone sound, said, hollie, spacecraft, hollie, looking for thieves, of the name, ministry of dreams, found, many, like, what did you want, make prophet fall said david shapiro of furcadia, will fall himself, then release, katie bazor, leaves, thats the o red and black chariot, what, do, you want, to dream said cecil pennyton, but, stealing from christian to make fall, she put the name ministry of dreams on the heroin puppys website, gotcha, she said, now, cut off, knows, over, when its over, said, janet mcknight, what do you want, I want mercy said, arron shutt, he likes it, said, Jesus, now, mocking prophet, but after looses job, then, releases, like janetmck, want visions, said, enthusiastic hollie, and tore up, con, spirit, that, said, hollie, that was, the, beast, pope, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, put it right there, he said, court, is, what, jeremy, taylor wants, write the vision, said, hollie, thats, lawrence forman fisting cecil pennyton, both holes, and down the throat, with, penus, shes, embarrased, david shapiro getting blow job from katie bazor, anal sex, both, thats fire, on, both usa, coasts, from, im a bear, father, said, the bear, pope, hes, los angeles, boom, that, was, hollie, waving, like a, fire, bear, write the, vision said, hollie bear, submarine, thats what did it, alaska, boom, im a bear, said, hollie, bear, new, york city, said, Jesus, hillary clinton, president, thats gabriel in the, headlines, hillary clinton blew out, president, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, thats the helicopter, and, hollie letting out henry gruver, america, signed for peace and safety, bush, gorbachev, henry left, missile break down treaty, hollie showed, record, u.k, said, the man, boom, im a bear, said, bear hollie, hollie held nose, thumbs down, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed wait, out of pioneer sx-434 receiver, hollie showed wait, out of AudioCoustics Laboratory, speaker, back, hollie showed, record, and, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, im a bear, me, putin, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, lets rule the world, he shouted, and many kings shook yes, and hollie pointed up, at, Jesus coming, and subs, all around, many nations, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the smiling pope, grunted, usa, is gitton out of order, he said, we ll take care of it, said, putin, hollie climbed in back of the o red and black chariot, with the pope and hu, new world order, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, ron elliott, no signs, hollie, held nose, thumbs up, kia, did not, fleas, say, work, and, licked the prophet, no, flames, said, hollie showed, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, record the vision, said, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, flames, truck, hollie rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, government, said, the woman, after, ministry of dreams, did not the woman say, we saw that when the airplane hit the building, started, armageddon, quit dreaming, said kathryn taylor, thatll do it said jeremy taylor, removes the name he stole, ministry of dreams, fired, gabriel showed, record, bobby, after youve lost your job, said, hollie, then, david shapiro, removes, the name ministry of dreams like arron shutt, liar, and janetmck, bobby, said, hollie, she showed, the popes image made alive, pocket tv, hollie showed, go, come back, the economy, said, hollie, shh, she showed, alan greenspan, said, iraq, over, war, gates, say, no, showed, number one, said, shh, he knew, before, is wanting, iraqs, oil, sh, he said, dont tell on bush, liar, not saved, but wants, sh, said, gates, and alan greenspan, showed, wait, its not the Lord, said, hollie showed, is what they think, but, wrong, revelations, and the nathaniel haney urshan man showed, yes, lost, credit card, pay my way, and Ill preach to you, not saved, intruding into the priest hood, is un, for give, able, they knew, and pastor jordan, said to, this is what we want, pulpit, pointed, youll get cut off, and kent jordan, said, allright, terry long, said, hollie, git up, lost, they know, now, no signs, are you with me said, hollie, and kent jordan, terry long, terry cannon, shook, yes, but liar, over thier heads, all lost, but pastoring, the economy, said, hollie, is over, in u.s.a., wont, recover, sh, said, hollie, iraq, gaza, boom, nuclear, brought in by, sh, said, hollie, bush, lost, bobby, help me, said hollie, your over, said virginia boldea, lost, knew, perished, michael boldea, wants suit, but, knew, hair dyer, mike sr. thinks, stay out of the way, both lost, and helicopter, tell you what I want, said, hollie, piloting, dropping, henry gruver, he said, peace and safety signed for, bush, gorbachev, on ship, stormy, seas, left, hollie showed, record, shh, she said, dont tell robert gates is lying to cover, bush, iraq, over, oil, con, tracts, he knows, will end nuclear, raise your hands and repeat after me, pointed, sang, the pope, 9-17-2007-bobby, iraq, said, hollie, britain, iraq bankrupting, usa, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, smiled, with, hu hintao, signing for 666, the witch fess has jeremy taylor running, his confession, said, hollie and licked the prophet, jeremy taylor will not, repent till fired, said, hollie, spacecraft, hollie, looking for thieves, found jeremy taylor, jose alvarez, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, these claim christianity, all stole the name ministry of dreams, all release, ruint, antonia vladimirova wanted prophet to get offended, embarrased, removes, did not gabriel say, go to, google, it will tell who stole the name ministry of dreams, like david shapiro, what do you want, he said, make christian fall, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, thats it, hollie with blue eyes, words dont match lips, what, do, you want, she, said, jeremy taylor, his own study of dreams, ruint, hollie showed, pointed, at, flames, truck, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, here is what the Lord says, I gave satan fiery darts, to, desease, people, they loose thier gums, when turned, over to, no, exceptions, but, not, Jesus, if you have, gum grafts, Jesus, will, tell satan, shoot at, face, that was, hollie, not doing anything with con spirit, tear up, she said, with one hand, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, seperates russia, china, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and, licked the prophet, that, that, clean up, con, spirit, that was hollie, tearing up, con, spirit, that is, hollie, like a bear, russia, towering over usa, how, much, said, prophet, twice as many nuclear warheads, prophet said the paul mooney girl, blew horn, out hollie, tear up, showed, con, tract, write, tore up, that is that o black chariot, with, raise your hands and repeat after me, the pope and hu, hollie, on top, with, hollie showed whistle, blew, in back, saw, putin, planning, to, destroy, america, with, hollie held nose, tore, up, con, new world order, theres kim jong, hollie held nose, put back, tore up, con, spirit, lies, thats hollie locomotive, holding nose, thumbs down, hollie showed whistle blew, on top, the pope, tore up, con, beast, satan, inside, liar, hollie held nose, thumbs down, cigarette, said, the, pope, paying for, iraq, hollie held nose, thumbs down, lula, hollie held nose, pointed, down, chavez, arguing, over, whether to side with russia or u.s., but, subs fired in thier waters, then, they exploded, missiles coming, in, both, see visions, call bush, that, was, hollie whistle, blowing, in, the o black and red chariot, with hollie inside, dee finney rubbing crystal ball, witch, with hollie bear inside, she stole the name ministry of dreams, what do you want said Jesus, out, she said, stripped, now, husband, makes remove, points out, they split over, hollie tore up the con, spirit, gabriel, showed, record, I, want, my visions, read, thinks gabriel, said, the tap dancers, you know, said, gabriel, has a mans heart, put it on, like you, and, satan and michael, three arch angels, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, that, that, was, con, spirit, with, nothing done to it, and enthusiastic hollie licked the prophet, hollie held nose, thumbs down, thats, my red and black chariot, with, lula, castrol, hollie held nose, thumbs down, popes image, catholic, hes, machine, kept alive, done, theres war, said, gabriel, pointed, post, france, told, the world, prepare for war in iran, coming, new castrol like old, brother, hates usa, hollie in the helicopter, henry gruver comes out, peace and safety, said, henry gruver, with enthusiastic hollies voice, signed for between george bush and gorbachev, on ship, left, brand new president, pointed, hollie, thats, hillary, clinton, gabriel, in, the, headlines, this blew he said, she, last, bill rules, her, thats a bear, and, licked the prophet, and, the grim reaper and meerkat, licked the prophet, gabriel showed, pocket tv, popes image, made alive, downtown, circled, hollie showed geese, gabriel, is, light, bright, like, police floodlight, iraq, gaza, boom, said, gabriel, bush, showed, popes image made alive, this wont, git, it, said, the pope, ring, said, Jesus, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, bush, put in, fire, cries, for mercy, then, murdered 300,000, in, iraq, afghanistan, gabriel showed, record, and, licked the prophet, the united states, will be, a, desolation, said, gabriel, Im, a bear, said, bear hollie, me, pointed, hollie, putin, and, bill clinton, fires, back, china, thats, hu, pointed, hollie, running from, the fire, strikes, taiwan, riding red horse, russia, one sixth left, up comes boris yeltsins needle, what do you, want, said, hollie, remembered, liar, boris yeltsin, is lava, repenting right now, there aint no visions, in pentecost, said, gabriel, cause donald winters, hair dyer wife, pointed, killed westside pentecostal church, tony oliver, preaching, not saved, your ruint he said, at 16 not accountable, but pretends like judy lynn winters, oliver, I need you, said, gabriel, get your house in order, sees, calls, donald winters, right here, she said, but hair dyer donny joe winters, guards, new iraq, said, the fan, tell it, said, hollie, you know it, said, gabriel, with michael boldeas voice, bob went to hand of help, july 2005, they blew off, bob would have, prayed, stayed in van, God would have, shown, virginia boldea, dying, they all would have fasted, changed it, she, worried, all, the time, cause, shortages, when iraqi is, over said, gabriel, and blew the horn, pointed, bright sun, hollie out of horn, fifth seal, broken, post, palestinian state, boom, gaza forsaken, israel eliminates iraq, bush, brought in, clinton does, janetmck is wanted for child molesting in britain, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, gabriel, if you eat, one time, per day, your better off, said, gabriel, your body rests, this was, satan, shh, what is my satans message, what do you, want, said, gabriel, and, licked the prophet, janet mcknight stole the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, looses job like arron shutt, both lost, then release, I, will, make, you get cut off, killing all day long, thats, Jesus, laughing, cause, he can, torture his slaves, after, using them for years, bob dreamed, at, conference, told, people, was told, tell this, plane flying, dropping bombs, a bear pointed, up, nato, seven heads, russia, politburo, ten kings, more, happened, om tempting you myself, I wanted you to walk away, caressing dick, with electricity, deseasing gums, wont stop till you leave, entering into heart, stripping, out, desire to live for me, teasing, I, dont, need you no more, saith the Lord, it angers, I, want, you, toothless, backslided, Im, jelous, cause, you are chosen, and, Im, tempting, to make you, fall, killing all day long, I, want, you to, not, do, one, thing, prophet, perish, hollie pointed out of horn, blown by prophet, the, pope showed record, the, bear pointed, Im a bear father, thats putin, write the vision, bob left van in alley, told, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, devil, get your house in order, sang, nathaniel haney, cause, om gonna cast you off this planet, cecil pennyton, hollie showed, record, hollie, showed, record, no, said, fleas, hollie showed, pointed, at, the, fire, flame, he said, kiss, is, over, paul, what do you want, said, hollie showed, money, all, prophets, now, kiss, go, said, fleas, and, the, finger, pointed, boom, indianapolis 500, race track, was, the hiroshima bomb, hollie showed, pointed, flames, car, rubbed chin, thought, wait he showed, on, transmission, thumbs swooping up, popes image, theres that o alone sound, pointed, hollie, and licked the prophet, that was, enthusiastic hollie, modelling, thats it, said, hollie, thats, that, red dragon, with, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, dee finneys smiling pope, the g8, that, said, hollie, bush, having, the long hair, the woman, that, and russia having ten crowns, that, politburo, and putin kneeling before the pope, kenley darling stole the name ministry of dreams, God I hate you, she says, when she sees, her name on the internet, but wont remove even after, wants prophet to fall, go to google, said, kenley darling, and see what a fool you have made of yourself, fired from job over, wanting to make a christian fall she has never met, like arron shutt and janet mcknight, and jose alvarez, all claim to be christians like dave karlotski does, why wont you give it to him, said, hollie, what are you doing with it, make christian offended and fall, all that stole the name ministry of dreams, face said kenley darling, oral herpes coming her way, will, I want it off, she said, then, writes prophet, pray for me, ha ha, fuck off like you told me, saith the Lord, lost, will perish, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, no said kenley darling, she is lost like dave karlotski, bobby, we took, said dee finney, try to make my servant fall, and I will ruin, all, like janet mcknight and jeremy taylor, and arron shutt, watch, then, david shapiro, and lawrence forman, antonia vladimirova, and all, even cecil pennyton, all, I the Lord, am, teasing, prophet, trying to, anger all day, killing all day long, meaning, abate, bring to nothing, put way more on, then, can be beared, want him to hate me, and backslide, saith the Lord, for no reason, hell is abatement, and I want that for all, cause, I hate all, for no reason, im like you, saith the Lord, weeping, will, not make my heart, not, hate, but, obediance, will, lesson, it, cause, I will want again, I dont want for no reason, im caressing dick, with electricity, spiking, on it, tapping, entering into heart, to strip out, all desire to live for me, killing all day long, saith the Lord, put many in lava, that were saved, but, I wanted to tempt them, for years, eight, to nine, is about as much betraying, my slaves, as I can handle, the ones that survive, this, go to heaven, the rest, hell, 9-18-2007-hollie held nose, thumbs down, satan, jeremy taylor, what was my satans message, hollie thought, and turned into silvana lupetti, with dyed hair, her and char tierney, both, lost, but, claim, help them saith the Lord, and when silvana sees, wrath, has prophets picture, we gotem, said, silvana lupetti, dont change your name, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, got him, said, hollie, david shapiro, ruint, then, released, like, dee finney, and more, duracell, said silvana lupetti, held nose, good, but, only, normal batteries, better, they make cheap, and higher priced, I kill all day long, to torment, for no reason, making, my servants humble in my eyes, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, someone wrote me, said, silvana lupetti, shut up, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and silvana lupetti licked the prophet, that, she is lost, but wanting, right, she said, git it, said, hollie, fuck, later, now I got it, she said, hes lost, not us, said char tierney, both lie, want sex, like all, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, no extension, said, amy brucker, for jeremy taylor, he took, the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, but falls in his place, hollie screams, lula, is, making, usa, prove, they only want peace for iraq, they dont, he knows, its not ameri-britain, absorbed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, showed, cut off, reverend antonia vladimirova, I got the news, said, hollie, she, took, said dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, like david shapiro, all to make prophet, fall, they all get ruint, like janet mcknight, arron, shutt, matt brady, weeping like lawrence forman, START I, and the helicopter lowered, was, peace and safety, shouted henry gruver, helicopter, left, russia, broke up, never, obeyed, usa, did, but, have all, in storage, and that was a nuclear explosion, russia, hits, but, thats russia on fire, cause of france, great britain, destroys, usa, hits, one sixth left, somethings wrong, said, hollie, you know I had it, said, kenley darling, stole the name, ministry of dreams, to make prophet, fall, in duncan rouleaus article, he stole, wrote book, the nightmarist, cancels series, cause people put on net, over, git up, said, hollie, Laurie Behncke stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet, fall, will get ruint and release, embarrased, knew, to leave alone, Ismail Kadare, wrote book, with stolen name ministry of dreams to make christian fall, she falls and cancels book, Tom Beland stole the name ministry of dreams, knew not to put the nightmarist article on, but wanted christian to fall, he gets ruint, weeps, Wole Soyinka, stole the name ministry of dreams, on Clinical Neurosurgery, website, copyrighted by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, releases after ruint, record the vision, said, hollie, pointed, what that, said, hollie showed, and Wole Soyinka stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall like tom beland, he is one of duncan rouleaus children like kenley darling, Ismail Kadare wrote a book and stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, he is a liar like john mark pool, claims christianity, but wanted prophet to fall, embarrassed, cancells book, like duncan rouleau, you wanted out, said, hollie, ok, she said, ismail kadare, hes lost, forever, and knows, wants Gods servant to fall like dee finney, and, jose alvarez, but all teach christianity, record the vision, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, leave it alone, said, hollie showed, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, truck, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, hollie showed, record, dee finney, showed, shh, dont tell im lost and stole the name ministry of dreams like jose alvarez, but, claim to be saved like john mark pool, all lost, hollie showed cut off, ismael kadare, no said kenley darling, didnt know the name ministry of dreams was stolen, she claims, but wont release even after finding out, want to fall, like wole soyinka, 9-19-2007-gabriel showed to record, tell a vision said hollie, and licked the prophet, record the vision, said gabriel, write the vision, said, hollie showed, and, licked the prophet, the economy will be the last sign, collapsed, in usa, china, record the vision, said, gabriel, what do you want, said, hollie, bobby, comere, said, Jesus, all, we took it, said, dee finney, no, your not said hollie, the name ministry of dreams, released, hollie showed, pointed, flame, said, hollie showed, choked in the, fire, write the vision, and hollie showed licked the prophet, gabriel said, once they hit alaska, and, hollie showed, licked the prophet, boom, im a bear, said, the bear, hollie held nose, sony component stereos, cheap, record the vision said gabriel, write the vision, said, hollie showed, and, licked the prophet, thats hu hintao, write the vision, said, hollie showed, riding the red horse, boom, china, strikes, taiwan, to, take, peace off, of, the earth, and, hollie showed, licked the prophet, downtown, circled hollie showed geese, gabriel showed, the popes, image, made alive, and, on finger, the beast, write the vision, hollie showed, that, was, hollie, tearing up, the contract, that was, hollie, tearing, up, the, con spirit, and doing nothing with, tear up, whats it mean, make up your mind, call los angeles desolate, boom, write the vision said gabriel, put back, con, spirit, tore up, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, ronald donforth, no signs, showed church credit card, bomb syria, said, gabriel, thatll do, it, said, gabriel, syrian president calls on russia, iran, boom, war, said, Jesus, and, hollie, licked the prophet, try to record me, said, gabriel, that was hollie, putting back, con, spirit, tore up, that was, hollie, flying in helicopter, letting down, silvana lupetti, she, thru megaphone, start 1, peace and safety, signed for between gorbachev and bush, left, start 1 eliminated strategic nuclear weapons on ships, that was what russia wanted, but, boom, one sixth left, gorbachev, what did you want, when you hit alaska, said, hollie, boom, im a bear, russia, record said silvana lupetti, lost, that picture they send was not me, saith the Lord, it was someone else, said, hollie, to strike nato, usa, but, soviet union collapses, gorbachev would have not, fleas said, no, three times, nuclear animals said dumitru, what about, when, the, economy, shuts, down, said, hollie, im moody, then youll know, what, you had, and, the Father licked the prophet, soundesign, excellent, stop right there, said, Jesus, om scared, said, hollie, when you serve God, expect, to make it, but if you dont, you wont, saith the Lord, cheap, but, lasts, wheres the old pioneers, realistics, and mike from soundpro shakes yes, hollie out of audiocoustics laboratory 2100 speaker, showed, wait, record, drink, when nuclear war, said gabriel, comes, nothing, left, you, didnt, appreciate, oil, bush, held nose, whats he done, said, Jesus, bush showed, I invaded iraq to steal oil wells, now, ruint, over, hillary nukes to get out, then, nations, plan, against, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, gabriel showed, record, and licked the prophet, who cares, said, the woman, God does, but, you are required to serve, not like satan did, only part time, its the economy again, said, hollie, ruint, over, iraq, u.s.a., collapsing, gabriel showed, bob dreamed, a, cruise missile launched, plane, left, missile look for target, found, boom, look at myself said, hollie, want me to change, said, Jesus, fleas said, no, three times, but, you didnt, record, what, she, said, no, about, and, Jesus, thought, dont want it, then, hollie showed choked in the fire, pointed, fill air conditioning, im not the main, no more, said, hollie, that is gabriel, and gabriel modelled, tell what happened said the main ministering spirit, I got lifted up, thats my crowd, they, are, chanting, main, Im, on a platform, being lifted, worshipped, main ministering spirit, they chated, thats my main, they said, hollie showed, write the vision, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, pointed, flames, cycle, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, I, like it, he said, popes image, Jesus, pointed, Lord help me, said, hollie showed, bobby, aint, gonna do it, you know, to much, said, rick holcomb, follow thru, hollie showed, turn, whats the message, said, hollie showed, thats, hollie, with blue eyes, words dont match lips, kiss, im not wanting Jesus no more, sex, squirt, hollie showed, choked in the fire, pointed, that was Jesus, riding the cloud, and jeremy taylor, who claims to be reverend like antonia vladimirova and john mark pool, dee finney, christians like jose alvarez, stole the name ministry of dreams, to make this servant of God fall, they are liars, not saved, and that was silvana lupetti, she has not got the Holy Ghost, bobby, we wrecked, they said, char tierney, but are trying to act, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, pointed, hollie moody is saved, shes, not accountable, cause, hard hearing, all handicapped, people, dont mess with them, they are, not needing salvation, will make it to heaven, like pastor leon baker, had, Cerebral Palsy, but worked, pastored, now, lost son, brad baker, pastors, went from hiar dyer, to pentecostal pastor, thats, how churches are, family buisnesses, no signs, thats, the, nathaniel haney urshan kenneth man, leads u.p.c.i., lost, with dyed hair like horace smith, pentecostal assemblies of the world, you got want you want, said, pastor, david mccolley, not saved, dyes hair, like most of u.p.c.i., shut up, said, the young girl, its true, and paul mooney sees, 9-20-2007-the economies slippin, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, the, pope showed, record, hollie tore up the, con, quest, and, licked the prophet, tore up, gabriel showed, record, and, licked the prophet, and the bear, licked the prophet, clapped the tap dancers, rick holcomb, and, anna, with dyed hair, pastoring, its closing, thier church, rick, digs into pocket, over, 700, per week, Jesus showed, record, hollie held nose, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, your, out, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, hollie showed, thumbs down, john ramsey, pastoring, lost, gabriel showed record, its, all right with me said Jesus, did not gabriel say, write the vision, gaza, boom, iraq, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats, the reason, why, you, blew it, elmos jewell, bob invited church, now cut off, did not, gabriel say, record, leave my space craft alone said, hollie, ministry of dreams, thats, the, tap dancer, hollie, thats, it, hollie showed, turn, choose your direction, heard you had a vision, heard you had a vision, then, put the vision, on the internet, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, tell me something, no said enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, hollie showed, sony, I, like it, cheap, out of subwoofer, showed wait, back, and licked the prophet, new emergency said Jesus, its in the ring, said, gabriel, hollie, pointed, out of, ring, that, the, nathaniel haney urshan man, that, showing church credit card, that, like terry tobin, that, tells about, it, that, hollie showed choked in the fire, that, said, hollie, and, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, louisville, boom, exploded, im a bear, hollie, held nose, did not gabriel say, write the vision, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, north korea is being threatened by u.s.a., will strike, with, tomahawks, many, but, no, return, fire, you wantum, said, Jesus, yes, shook kim jong, showed, cut off, to, anger, putin, hintao, north korea has 19 nuclear missiles, they are, like, old, soviet, missiles, capable, of, eliminating, russia, that, was, nuclear explosions in russia, from, usa, and, britain, did not, gabriel say, record, the, vision, go, north korea, is, the, center piece of destruction, to, the world, can hit most, right now, u.s. interceptors would get all, china, said, gabriel, thats, magog, record showed, gabriel, write my vision, said, gabriel, bobby, they use me, said, amy brucker, cause, im, pretty, but aging, gabriel showed, go, record, and licked the prophet, thats hollie, pointing at, helicopter, dropping, char tierney, america, signed for peace and safety, thisll do it, said, hollie, and, tore up, con, i.r.s., clinton, does away with, record the vision, said, hollie, tell on me, said, linda spall, thats, hollie bear, shes, been pentecostal, all her, life, but, not saved, will perish, remembering playing organ, singing at churches, she wanted sex, linda spall is a model of pentecost, but she got old, now, wants, youth back, linda spall is the reason that judgement is coming, linda spall is not savable no more, sees visions, and, hollie licked the prophet, I gotcha, said, linda, spall, new york times, thats gabriel in the headlines, tearing up, the, con, spirit, hillary clinton blew out, president, im infecting your gums to strip your teeth, saith the Lord, to embarras you, like, most, of my servants, to, abate, them, im going to make, you, fall, all day, every day, cause, I, am, abating you saith the Lord, for no reason, leave me alone, said, hollie, my space craft, people stealing the name ministry of dreams, I, already got it, said, hollie, david shapiro, duncan rouleau, stole the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet, fall, they, fell, released, hollie, tattood 666, born between hu and the pope, hollie showed choked in the fire, thumbs swooping up, popes image, put more visions on my website, clapped the tap dancers, 9-28-2007-yes, said, hollie, im not the main anymore, that is gabriel, said the main, ministering, Im, moody, spirit, she is chosen, like prophet, leave them alone, prophet loves, you lost is, said, hollie, showed, shh, dont, tell, on the main, she is, loosing, out with Jesus, all, cause he persecutes, tortures, and he saw, said, casey, alice cooper, hollie pointed at the martin luther king exit, he showed, church credit card, thats why lava for dr. martin luther king,
(239)kenneth haney says last stand-vision received 11-5-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like, the Brown Haired Beard Head of Jesus, and His Mouth was open, and hollie said, said, I'm moodie, and Jesus had a city in His Mouth and maucaualay said, give it up, new, and hollie said, jerusalem, that was Stone Hospitals, where my Husband isn't, om a vision woman, Stone Hospitals is where Jesus keep sick witness, and Ken haney said, we know, and hollie said, spue, and ken said, refrigerator, no witness, and Jesus said, I'll, and hollie said, spue, and ken said, end and hollie said, of story, and ken said, I'm a show.
(240)dark missile launches out of fire-vision received 11-5-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like macaulay and he said, that was, and hollie said, a misile and maucaulay said, take off, and simison said, maybe it's the new missile, and hollie said, it wasn't, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, america will burn, and michael boldea said, we perished.
(241)the Man with White Hair-vision received 11-5-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, that was Jesus, and He looked like and macaulay said, I didn't, and hollie said, He look like a Man, white Spirit Man with dark circles and macaulay said, around His Eyes.
(242)Jesus-vision received 11-5-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, that was the Father, and He looked like a White Spirit Man.
(243)perished-vision received 11-5-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like george and he said, git oww, hot, and a Man that looked like a Spirit with White Hair was laughin at hime, and hollie said, that was Jesus laughin, and geroge said, give me something to drink, and the man at the gas station said, wanna take a vacation, if you kneel here again, you'll be out, and ken haney said, we have 300 missiles in silos in oklahoma that russia is not, missles, unknown.
(244)the end time story -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like many people and here is what said: russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is the bear, and russia is the beast, and russia is the antichrist, and the antichrist is the pope, what is it, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the antichrist and the antichrist is the pope, and russia is the mark of the beast and the mark of the beast is 666, the middle 6 is a flanged cross, russia's got it in thier constution, , the mark of the beast is 666, and thats the pope, and the popes the dragon, the dragon is china, china is magog, china is the one, hu is the false prophet, he will make the world accept the mark of the beast, china's got control, china will fight against Christ, china's got the mark of the beast in thier constitution, and china will eventually absorb russia, and become the new world order, now raise your hands and repeat after me, the end of story, and russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is the bear, and president nixon singed the peace the peace accord with russia for missile defence, and russia never kept their end of the deal, and president bush is about the worlds worst enemy, the united states will test a new rocket, thier behind russia, the new rocket is a new missile, the missile is capable of hitting in the world, it's called the mx missile, their bring it back, cause president bush is about to nuke iraq, iraq is going to be the beginning of the end, cause president bush will be assassinated, president bush will become the president 3 timeshis name is dich cheney, and dick will rule like stalin, stalin in the united states will send the national guard to south korea, the united states will invade south korea and south korea will become north korea, when the national guard is in the streets, thats when russia will attack, russia will be invaded by china, china will be the new world order, china will force russia to invade israel, tonight president bush will give the order to launch on iraq, and this president said, I will nuke them, and people said, eventually, then Christ will fight against those who posses the earth, president bush will be the worst enenmy of the united states, end of story. president bush will be the worst of america's cause he will have the end time, president bush is the worst enemy of the world, president bush will become the united states worst enemy, cause president bush will become the first american holocaust leader, iraq was not ordered by God, end of story, president bush will be the new united states worst enemy, the united states will become a communist state, good afternoon mr. bush, here's the opportunity to push the button, it's called the nuclear button, and eventually president bush will be assassinated and replaced by cheney, and dick cheney will be replaced by hillary clinton, end of story, and it will be the end, and president bush will the, and president bush will become israel, and Israel will be destroyed by missile, s from iraq, and that will be the new reason for martial law, cause opec will cut america off, and america will be lost, end of story, president bush is to late cause he wants to rule the planet, when there ain't no visions that's when russia will attack, cause God will leave america, and the united states will be destroyed, president bush will be the worst enemy of the universe, post it, does president bush rock and roll, cause president bush has become the antichrist worst enemy, cause president will start the end, and that means satan's time is short and he knows it, lets face it, satan repent and be baptized in Jesus name, in Jesus Christ name, the new rocket will be the mobile mx missile, the mobile missile is the most deadly on the planet, and reagon knew it, and regan ordered it, president bush helped him, president bush broke his promise when he said he would not invade in iraq to God, raise your hands and repeat after me, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states, and the united states is woman that reigneth over the kings of the earth, the end of story, russia will become new world leader for 5 minutes, cause china will attack russia, and force russia to invade israel and israel will become desolation, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia will become the new world order, thats china, russia, north korea, japan, japan, o yeah, japan, end of story, so far, restaurant will become donald trump favorite Wesite, ministryofdreams, china will nike russia, and russia will become, abosorbed, and become 4 nations, and out of one of them will come the antichrist, cause georgia will is where the pope came from, recognize the pope, the pope's laughin, the pope will eventually be killed, and satan will endter in, and satan will destroy the planet, cause he knows his time is short, it'll end with magog fightin against Christ, and He'll just speak the Word, and russia will be the worst enemy of the united states, cause russia can de, st, str, troy, the united states in 30 minutes, the end of story, russia is the beast, russia is the bear, no chance, for russia to repent, they commit blaspheme, and putin said, we all commit blaspheme, and people said, and the united states will become desolation, there's no repentence for you president bush, now there's an adversary, cause president bush is in control, president bush will be assassinated, end of story, I had a dream that president bush will become the mark of the beast for the rest of the world, president bush will declare martial law cause when the economy collapses, thats when russia will attack, thats the end of story, no chance for america to repent, people of america can see it coming, and the man sitting next to me said, how awesome, end of story.
(245)destruction to the united states -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, the united states will be destroyed in one hour, and my name is jimmy, and I'm his wife, and I'm his mother, and jimmy said, lets face it, kill the prophet, end of story.
(246)westside pentecostal Church -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, and that was hollie and the bullock woman said, and, and jimmy said, he, and his wife said, cut me off, and people said, he, wife had a dream, bob, and jimmy said, don't go to westside, cause westside and jimmy's wife said, pentecostal, cut off, and judy lynn winters said, how awesome, awesome, and jimmy's wife said, cut off, and people said, cause westside will make you fall, westside is talkin in tongues, speakin in other tongues, speakin in new tongues apostolic Holy Ghost backslide, and jimmy's wife said, gateway apostolic, and jimmy said, witch, and the wife said, the same way, end of story, tell me the truth, this is quite interesting, no more vision in pentecost, stallin, and jimmy said, you live for free, help me, and he's awesome, and the wife said, because we don't live the life, end of story.
(247)Jesus is the Great Judge -vision received 11-7-2005-I heard Horse's hoofs, and God has showed me a spirit that looked like, Jesus, and He said, Judge, and hollie said, that was terry long, and terry said, no more time, I can't find It, and Jesus said, no more reason for you to be in this life, and a woman said that goes to lawrence apostolic Church, were closed, and terry said, follow me, and donald winters said, follow me, and pastor mooney said, witness, thats good, don't go to westside, they, and donald winters said, om horny, and mooney said, feed, your stomach, do, and pastor winters said, feed yourself, and a people said, sunday afternoon is your last chance, witness your welcome, close, witness you welcome, I'm having homosexual sex, and Jesus said, press and press, the apostle paul, he was like an Angel, It hurts, and people said, he wants you to testify, cause you won't you did not recognize the Grace of God, prophet ____, you Website is the apos, stolic, now thats another question, read and do ACTS 2:38, ACTS 2:39, Jesus, and mooney said, we blew, and people said, final decision, rejected, and kenneth haney said, united pentecostal Church rejected, apostolic pentecostal, and bishop farris said, zion is not apostolic, we blew, tell the vision, wake me up, and the woman that goes to bullock's Church said, and the Lord said, and pastor mooney said, thell the vision, and a woman said, mooney, repent and ron miens said, and be baptised, ACTS 2:38, you preach It, recognize it, and a woman said, thats good, and ronald reagon said, ACTS and terry long said, 2:38, we know It, and Jesus said, do, and terry said, help me, bob lets pray, he showed, and pastor simison said, clean off the Website, anmd stephen said, the kings daughter of the south and a man said,fine, skip, I and dave said, I ain't, and a man said, apostolic, and a girl said, tell me, and the bullock woman said, the Lord says, , and the walmart girl, said, and the bullock girl said, promise, you, se, name, don't tell the vision if you don't live the life, and terry long said, will you order pizza, please pray, thats it, and the bullock woman said, were apostolic, and terry said, you know how you find me, promote, promote, and the walmart girl said, awesome, and ron said, whatta you up to, witness I got, and simison said, news, I'm a pastor, I suck and terry lon said, me, and ron meins said, God knows what He's doin, you want control, go shake hands with your brother, READ ACTS 2:38 and do it, and the bullock woman said, and ron said, and ron meins said, go the kings daughter of the south is where the agreement is made for the mark of the beast, and the mark is 666, the Lord said, the middle 6 is a flanged cross, and a woman said, the Lord said press to the mark of the High callin, I'll save you, and the bullock woman said, and the Lord says, cremation is abomination in the site of the Lord, and people said, one more reason for judgment, I'm apostolic alcoholic, and I don't care, and that was jimmy's wife, I've repented give me 20 dollars, you know what I did, cane we go in the restroom give me 20 dollars, and I'll suck your dick, and that was macaulay culkin, gimme 250 and I'll give some asshole, take bobby out, I can't believe it, I could've been set free, just one more question, and jimmys wife said, stay away from bobby, and jimmy said, devil, and jimmys son said, om gonna hurt you, and jimmy said, your awesome, and he son said, did you see that, and the walmart girl said, how awesome, and people said, just one more question will you press to the mark of the High Callin in Jesus Christ, and Jesus sings, your apostolic pentecostal and you are backslided, and People said, I'm pentecostal apostolic and I'm backslidden, the Lord said, if you go back, and Jesus said, MY fault, and people said, Jesus cares, but you need to understand that Jesus suffered to, and Jesus said, yeah I did, I'm a, and jimmy said, witch, and his son said, beautiful, and his wife said, thats enough of religion, and hollie said, just one more thing, the and kristina said, the mess, and hollie said, age, you can't come back after you go back, and that was people, and when you go back is when your sleep with Jesus, thats the warning, and jimmy said, you know my wife had a heart attack, and I saw pastor winters and he said, help us, and simison said, you know what he did, and steve rogers said, I knew It, and tony rogers said, we, and the bullock woman said, sleep rejected, READ ACTS 2:38, ACTS 2:37, and steve said, you know what I did, what the hell's the matter with you, and poeple said, and I'll be rejected any way cause witness don't pray, remember friday night, I said, bob is a baptist, and steve rogers said, backslider, and people said, and that mean, and seve said, home, git ready, comeere, and people said, and that mean, and steve said, witness cut off, and people said, one of us, thats when I backslid, and steve said, om worthy, and the bullock woman said, the hollie, moody name is sammi, and people said, and sammi wants to trap hollie, and hollie said, moody, and sammi said, how awesome, thats why, I, put, it, on, guest, book, and I saw hollie and she said, He don't care, eat, and kristina said, lunch, and people said, all we have to do is press, press, witness is done if he doesn't press, just one more reason, I left my husband, you have to recognize, that God's Grace is sufficient, and you can't trample the Blood of Jesus Christ, now press, shake your hands with your brother, and sissy said, what would you think if bobby backslided, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, and thelma johnson said, you know what bob did, and terty long said, be and thomas simison said, one, and terry long said, with us, .
(248)you won't find Jesus if He cuts you off -vision received 11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, Jesus, and I saw an all White Room, and Jesus was lookin thur a Door in the Room, and when He closed It matched the rest of the Room I could see. You could not find It.
(249)would you pluck you EYES out to go to Heaven-vision received 11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, Jesus Christ, and He Spoke with a Voice that I can't desribe, and He said Something like, pluck your eyes out, and putin said, o my Gosh, and Spirit that looked like Jesus said, I mean both of, and putin said, of, and terry long said, of, and donald winters said, of us, and thomas simison said, out, and donald winters said, I'm worthy, and the bullock woman said, liar, look at and the walmart girl said, me, I need You, thank you.
(250)the little horn -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, this little bald head, and it was lit up and he had a stout look, and people said, 1 little and maybe hollie said, and kristina fox said, and the little head is the little horn that comes up out of georgia, and Israel and the little head said, can deliver, I'm simison, the pope, and Jesus said, Jesus, end of the story of Christ, and hollie said, ant that was, russia, and simison said, simison, and the walmart girl said, I'm out, I wrote down, that was the bullock woman, and the walmart girl said, your awesome, and pastor danny thomas said, how does he do it,a nd the bullock woman said, your awesome.
(251)clapping hands, and people said, and the Lord said, if you do it right, He'll bless you, your closing and simison said, out, what you say is what you have to do, and stephen said, your, and people said, WEBSITE, next week, prophet hollie, moody, and hollie said, lets move to .net, it's been ordered by God, your Website is, give It up, leave It alone, and steve rogers said, putin me in hell, and mrs. rogers said, put me in the hospital, and people said, little horn looked rowdy because he knew his time is short, and People said, telephone, your promise, hanged up, thats why judgment is come, if yur a democrat, and the walmart girl said, makes me jelous, and People said, and Jesus said, right number, and people said, to america, now that, and the bullock woman said, 's, and people said, and I saw Jesus laying on the pieta statue of Him and Mary, and He had a like a Leather Girt about His Loins and maybe FLowers where the Thorns were supposed to be, and I saw a man and he said, I'm flowers,, los angeles, and I saw the president of north korea and he said, attack, and the flowers man said, let it, we know, and People said, and a Woman said, said, bobby, I lied, moodie, I'm Mary, Mother of Jesus, I perished, no, I was chosen by God to carry Jesus, I lived It, I was on fire, and we knew, next time you fart in Jesus Christ name, you and the bullock woman said, willin to be 100.
(252)what appears is not always what it is -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a fnger and I put my hand around Finger, and the finger turned into bear claw, and a woman said, git me a prophet, I'm one less, one less and a the woman I witness to said maybe that and this, and she goes to calvary temple with pastor mooney is, and she said, that trampled the Blood of the Holy One, the Blood of Jesus, danger, Om sorry, false, om to late, I'm absolutely sleepy, will you help me
(253)the eagle-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me hear, the eagle, and I saw this president and he said, thats us, I'm bush, and thomas simison said, go, and this president said, look, and irving baxter said, I knew it, and simison said, it's in the Book of DANIEL.
(254)dumitru duduman received visions from the Holy One-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me the words, dumitru said, and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, I'm danger, I'm, and stephen hanson said, I, and dumitru said, per, and the walmart girl said, ished, I didn't want to hear It, and dumitru said, sleepin, and stephen said, in, and dumitru said, git me out, and michael boldea said, awesome, and the walmart girl said, thats him, and Jesus said, close Website, give, some, and simison said, rescue, and Jesus said, prayer!
(255)bush-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like, Jesus, and He said, bush, and this president said, I, lie, and he had the wheel chairs voice and I'm kristina, and kristina said, mr. president, I'm, and hollie said, out, and the bullock woman said, don't, at, tempt, to, and the walmart girl said, attack, and the bullock woman said, iran, that, will, bring, war, and putin sang, lets rule the world, russia, china, and fox said, mexico, and putin said, pennsylvania, that, is, russ, uss, and stephen said, us, and putin said, russia, china, and the walmart girl said, stay, russia, and the bullock woman said, will attack, a, mer, ic, your choice, ic, ca, and thats the Word, and this president said, I'll see, and I will, and stephen said, close
(256)help-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the young man that just got up, and he said, I needed some help
(257)politburo-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, and hollie said, and the Lord said, thats politburo, and kristina said, yeap, and alieve said, polit, buro, I'm, not, yet, and hollie said, and kristina said, ed, y, and I'm president llham aliev from baku azerbaijan, I'm a terrost state, fomer so, and putin said, viet, un, and aliev said, ion
(258)politburo-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, turkey is politburo in time,a nd I saw the president of france, jaques chirac, and he said, politburo, and hollie said, and he had, de villepin voice, and kristina said, france and hollie said, will be politburo.
(259)china will attack america and russia -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like china president hu and he said, china will attack, and I saw putin and he said, amerirussia, and hollie said, and he looked like stephen.
(260)china will attack taiwan-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, china will attack, israel, taiwan, and the president of north korea said, amerirussia, and kristina said, is bob amerirussia, and hollie said, that, and hu said, israel, you know what I did, at, and I saw vicente fox and he said, atack, that, and hugo chavez said, what we, and the president of north korea said, need, and Jesus said, what if I strip you, and hu said, He did.
(261)jay leno -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, jay, and he said, hi, I'm jay leno, and I'm a billionaire, and I, sin.
(262)great britain and politburo-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, tony blair, and he said, I'm blair, and politburo in time.
(263)spain and politburo-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like fox and he said, spain is politburo, and I'm vincente, we are, polit, and putin said, buro, hey soviet union, we, live, recognize, yur asleep.
(264)iraq is politburo-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, hollie, iraq is politburo, and iraq's chalabi said, lets do it.
(265)iran is politburo-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the president of iran and he said, iran is politburo, and gadfi said, libya is, you said it, and fox said, polit, and stephen said, buro.
(265)politburo -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, hollie, and kristina said, iraq is, politburo, and hollie said, hollie, 17 nations make up politburo.
(266)russia is politburo-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, and fox and he said, russia, that, and putin said, polit, I would, destroy, and michael boldea said, hit russia, and putin said, hit, website, and mike said, it's coffee, and putin said, politburo is, and stephen said, russia, did you have a nice dream, and mike said, awesome.
(267)australia -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, aus, trail, hollie said, australia is politburo, in, and kristina said, time.
(268)Israel -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, Israel is nobody, no, friend, and that was kris, and hollie said, tina, and benjamin netanyahu said, i'm out, fell, whatta you have to tell me, I'm proud of you, you delayed .
(269)nuclear power in iran-vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like iaea chief cites progress with iran, and I saw a man and he said, none, and man said, help us, and hollie said, and that was the president of and stephen said, ira,and putin said, make off, and, and iraq is politburo, , and I saw the president of afghanistan karzai, and he said, lets pray, I'm, al, aqae, and kristina said, qae, qade, da, that, and karzai said, af, afghan, i, is, al, aqae, da, get it, and this president said, we knew, and hollie said, and he had wheel chairs voice, and this president said, I hate russia, and mexican president said, attaprepare, that is, attack, and the japan president said, russia, out of, out of spain, politburo, that, and I saw the former spanish prime minister and he said, us.
(270)iraq war will end nuclear -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, hooolie, iraq war will, end, and kristina said, be, nuke, and the japanese president said, from, out, stand, and hollie said, hooollie, and that was stephen, and fox said, take away, palestinian, state, stay tuned, and michael boldea said, awesome, and hollie said, the Spiritual baby, and alice cooper sang, billion dollar baby, and billion, and I the other singer in the song sang with a much higher voice, dollar baby, and alice said, love ya much, and hollie said, hoolie, and that was, and stephen said, you, and hollie said, prophet _____, hit isreal, and hollie said, he looked like a little Spirit, and kristina said, us, and michael boldea said, hit israel, and a womans voice said, accident, and this president said, see, awesome.
(271)christmas tree's -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, hoollie, christmas tree's are an abomination in the site of, and stephen said, Jesus, thats sacrelidge.
(272)Is Jesus given very much room to work -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, kristina and she said, and hollie said, I saw a Spirit, and He, had and kristina said, Hands, and hollie said, out, and kristina said, stretched, and hollie said, what can, and kristina said, I, and putin said, I'm russia, and hollie said, and stephen said, do, you wwelcome.
(273)hear o Israel -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, Jesus Christ, and He said, Israel, the palesintian state will be destroyed, and stephen said, and so will you.
(274)nuclear destruction to the palestinian state -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, macaulay culkin, and he said, and eventually, the palestinian state will be destoyed.
(275)woe to Israel, and the palestinian state -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, that was macaulay, and he said, the palestinian state will be destroyed, and kristina said, ain't right, close, you left, and Jesus said, come.
(276)village pantry -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and the said things like, village pantry charges to much, and don marsh, and I'm don, and don won said, won, what do we have and hollie said, in com, mon, and the emporer of japan, russia is the beast, and a man said, how can you fix it, true vine, true victory, and hollie said, Church of God in and kristina said, Christ.
(277)you shall be My winteses -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, Jesus Christ, and He said, no need to back off go and testify.
(278)stephen hanson -vision received 11-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like stephen hanson and he pointed and said the name of this place, and hollie said, and stephen hanson pointed and said, glendale mall, and I saw al and he said, and this is al kite, close it, no, tithe, o, not believen this, and don marsh said, look at me bob.
(279)the national anthem for u.s.a.-vision received 11-8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and here is what was said: the national anthem for america is blaspheme against the Holy One, next time you go to school, Jesus and He said, no relgion, and many said, no religion, and people said, ask about a prayer life, and I heard Horses Hoofs, and I saw Jesus, and He said, no repentence, and people said, you heard Horses Hoofs and Jesus said, pray your fuckin ass off, when you hear Horses Hoofs, it means judgment, and Jesus said, you get apostolic to repent, and the bullock woman said, I'll neve find It, and many people said, the Horse is coming, ut o, Jesus is coming, and Jesus said, I'm mad, and people said, you heard the Horse, and Jesus said, your blowing It, He won't come back if you don't turn and seek the Face of God, and people said, Horse is coming, and what does Jesus have to say, and Jesus said, tempt Me, think about It, thats all, and people said,you won't pray because you want to Hear what Jesus gotta say, and Jesus said, you gpot a decision, and people said, you wanna fight, and Jesus said, I'll whip your fuckin ass, ok no more vision with the Horses, and Jesus said, pray for an hour, and I heard debbie screamin, momy, you let me perish, help me, and Jesus said, let Me, sissy's doomed, last month, and hollie said, when she vote no strike, thyey'll close, I won't repent repent sissy said, and the armellse man said, have a nice day, ACTS, and people said, ACTS 2:37, and ACTS 2:38, you hear the Horses Hoofs and the Horses mean judgment, and Jesus said, ask and you shall receive help, Help, find out what you really want, you wanting to show, Horse, tyour wallet, rend, and hollie said, won't happen, and people said, twice, walk the line band, and a man said, bankrupt, and dumitru duduman said, how did I do it, and Jesus said, he's got it, and stephen hanson said, ask money, and Jesus said, wallet, Jesus, I'll give you a New Name, and hollie said, priceless, and Jesus said, it's the name Jesus, and I saw a black Horse, and people said, that was Black, and Black means death, and the man from lawrence apostolic Church said, somebody help me, and terry long said, I'm a witch, and hollie said, I'm turning into a witch to, and people said, and that will be the end of ministryofdreams if you don't press, and r.h. duncan said, your welcome, and the lawrence apostolic man said, follow him, and Jesus said, bobby, comere, I ain't Jesus, I'm the Lord of Host, and people said, God says, that was the Spirit of rebellion that left you, there ain't no judgment people think, they got a suprise coming, pay the price, and Jesus said, if you love Me, and people said, rend your wallet, and Jesus shook His Head no, and and if you won't serve Him, He don't care care if you eat or not, and Jesus said, I don't care, if you don't serve, and people said, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, and Jesus said, your price, and people said, the was the Death Angel, the Death Angel has been sent to you, sent to macaulay culkin, He looked like a Spirit on Fire, and people said, tell the vision, and Jesus said, bobby, and people said, pray about me, and Jesus said, open, and people said, Website, and Jesus sang, no religion, and I heard Horses Hoofs, the Horses, left, press an hour and I'll come back, I'll never come back once you'll blow It, I'll never come back, and dumitru said, I blew it over dinner, to late, and macaulay said, I ate to much of the world, and dumitru duduman pointed, you know what that was, and Jesus said, thats, and People said, Jesus leaving and hollie said, you, He left, and dumitru said, for blaspheme against the Holy One by accident, and poeple said, that was and dumitru said, I knew It, and people said, but when he saw the lake of fire he said, no, and dumitru said, how do you get open, and hollie said, you, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, can't, and michael boldea said, how awesome, and people said, I'll repent Lord, and the bullock woman said, my choice, I need religion, all, and kristina fox said, right, and people said, you said if I repent He'll save me, and Jesus said, I need you, and dumitru said, I won't pray, and Jesus said, perish, and people said, when he saw the lake of fire he said, o shit, I cain't git, and putin said, thats duane screaming, and duane is debbie, she said, I'm in the lake of fire because of bobby hickman, all you had to do was leave him alone, God warned you debbie, I didn't she said, and people said, she cut her own throat, she needs your help now, thats bobby, first nightmare when first left, he was on fire, and dmuitru said, somethings comin, and people said, now he's gettin Him exicted because of visions, and Jesus said, return, and michael boldea said, on against You, and ann schmidt said, I can tell you left, bother me, and gene said, help, and Jesus knocked on bob Door, and bob opened an Jesus took a swing at, and witnessed ducked and Jesus heard, bobby left his mom, and bobby left all, now Jesus can't rid of him, so Jesus left bobby but he's coming back, and michael boldea said, o how wonderful and tomas simison said, wonderful, and donald winters said, when's he coming back, so I can erase him, and dave scott said, om out, beautiful, and terry long said, touch, and Jesus said, satan, loeve and terry said, you, and people said, with a wild hair up His butt, press, and Jesus said, will you help Me, and simison said, if You help me, and sister said, I won't repent, and Jesus said, eat lunch, and george said, invate me, and Jesus said, I prepared a Place for you, for you means Heaven, if you touch, I fill you with His Spirit, and people said, as many as touched HIm were made whole, taste and see that God is Good, that means pentecost hass fallen, and Jesus said, you wrecked, loeve Me, and the libe woman said, the answwer is, and Jesus said, lets start it, and the libe woman said, help me, I want my money, lick me up the ass, and Jesus said, please, I need you to talk to somebody, tell the nuke vision, tell it to everybody you come in contact with, He won't require it, just the ones you get to spend time with, He'll give you what to say, that ws macaulay culkin wrappin his his arms around Jesus, and He looked like a Spirit of Fire all Light, Om apostolic, and I'll and the speeway woman said, perish, and people said, he heard the Horses Hoofs, and Jesus said, you thief, he's a dancin, and Jesus said, press, press to the mark of the High Callin how would I support him, and that what she thought when you moved in, one more time, how much did you ask for when you moved in from when you moved out, not one penney, she knows now, she said, dammit, God showed him that when he moved out, she regret it, Om Jeff daughtery, and the speedway woman said, I blasphemed, that, and Jeff said, cursed God prophet, you must go, and the speedway woman said, hospital, that was lost souls in hell fire screamin, they were completely submerged in hell fire, they were in more pain than can be imagined, and Jo said, Jesus said I blasphemed, I'll shoot, I tried to trap him he said, he knew the Truth but he didn't do it, thats macaulay screamin in Heaven and Heaven is Hell to those that are going there, that was the Room that leads to the Lake of Fire, and maucaulay said, om hot, and people said, the Lord says Fire coming out the Door, and the Lord says, it hurts to cut somebody, and hollie said, off, and people said, but He has to, you saw a blaspheming Spirit, and it was White, and holllie said, it, and Jesus said, it hurts, and macaulay culkin said trap me, and the libe woman said, I needed trapped, and people said, was lucifer, thats what he looked like before, he was beautiful and he was Light, and He was all Bright Lite and he was beautiful, that was him, he was wicked from the go, he didn't say anything, but his tempor rose and he couldn't hold it in, and thats he rose up against God. the Lord says theres lucifer entertaining the Host of Heaven, the Host looked like White Spirits and lucifer was so Bright you couldn't see him, they sang every song by heart, sang nonstop they couldn't sleep, that was Jesus Christ with a Crown, of many Crowns, Crowns of Jewell's, that was lucifer biting at you, he looked like a serpent, he lost his body, that was the Spirit of Blaspheme, He, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, was all white like Light, come here, and cornelius bullock said, so I can trap, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, we don't need It, I left, and People said, and bodies transparent to God, He see's everything, I'd He said I do, that was lucifer he said, get ready to throw me in the Lake of Fire, he said, give one more chance, and daugheter mucluskey said, right, and mother muclusky said, I'm out, and God won't do it, He said, won't give, thats lucifer singing, that was the door to Heaven, and michael boldea said, how awesome, and sister muclusky said, I'm cut off, and, and poeple said, that was the Door to Heaven, It was very large and It was White, White means Pure, that was the Ark Angel Gabriel, He looked like an Angel with no Head, God thinks for Him, and michael boldea said, how, and kenneth haney of upci said, awesome, and ann schmidt said, it was me, He had a Sword in His Hand the Sword is the Word of the Lord, His Head was, that was Michael, he's the Arch Angel for the Jews, Lucifer was the most Powerful Angel, and carol sue barger said, I wrecked, and people said, that was Lucifer messing with you, that was king saul, that was just Heavenly Site, it looked like Light, witness, lets face it, Heaven is Light, and terry long said, stop prayin, Jesus shook His head no, next time he stops somebody from praying, God will take'm away from there, and he's done, terry long said, I'll do what I want, bother hunt perished, can you beleive this he said, I don't beleive this, and harold hunt said, I give up, and people said, he knowed, he didn't live life, and hunt said, I'm against him, don't come around here, and people said, he knew he was leaving when he saw the death Angel and the Death Angel looked like Skull Face, harold laughed, prophet laughed casue he thought he'd make It, prophet lied he said, cmon and press terry long, he knows now, prophet laughed at you when you was trembling, but he knows and he says, who cares, he doesn't know about the Website yet, but he will, and Jesus said, Judgment, and terry long said, let me get you in the back room, sex, and people said, that was Lucifer laughin at you, and he looked like serpent, Jesus warning, Mess with Me and I'll mess with you, God is a Man of war, God won't mess with somebody that doesn't want Him, and a woman said, go ahead and tell It, and people said, everybodies heard something, Jesus will go out of His way to get the Word to somebody, debie said, leave me alone, what she really meant wsa don't mess with mebut I'll mess with you, she hates her mom, she wants conrol, that was the little horn, He looked like an Angel of Light, He'll enter satan and satan is the pope, and raise hell bigtime, brother hunt knew he couldn't get back, he tried for years, but he finally accepted, and michael boldea said, whats that, and people said, he thought maybe the Lord would have mercy, spall said, prophet hunt, I'm bother spall, I put it in your heart to start lawrence apostolic, brother hunt, and the speedway woman said, I wanted you out, and spall said, thank you, and Jesus said, spall will perish with brother hunt and he knows it, tell me I was wrong, but there's no repentence fore'm, he stepped down, there's debbie in hell, she said I'm burning in hell, thats debbie, thats macaulay culkin, they are just alike, macaualay will not repent, bother spall said you want my hand, when brother gray saw it he said I don't beleive it, spall said blasphemy, spall, the, and hollie said, Scipture talkin about people, and bother spall said, o how wonderful, you know how I wrecked, I did, and people said, he got the wrong one, pilate blasphemed against the Holy One, he perished, I'm pilate, I love Jesus, and He knew, I pleased the people, now I regret, prophet said, nebuchadrezzer perished, he thought he was just it, he repented but God wouldn't take him, macaualay say, I'm burning in hell, help me, I'm to young, help me out, macaulay culkin, I fooled around, thats Jesus laughin at me, macaualay, Jesus ain't laughin, Jesus is crying, he heard Horses Hoofs, witness must pray, that was the statue of liberty with a nuclear explosion behind it, that was the great city recognize the symbol behind it, and the woman witch thosu sawest is that great city that reigneth over the kings of, the kings of the earth, russia'll do it, thats Jesus laughin at america, that was macaulay holding up number 1, he committed blaspheme, read and do ACTS 2:38, he don't hurt, Jesus, put it on the Website buddy, as He pointed, Jeff daughtery don't believe, he wants to have sex with everybody he see's, witness committed blaspheme, and witness is daughtery, 47 is his age, that was the Heavenly vision, people of Light in darkness, ACTS 2:38 will get you there, Jeff daughtery thought you otta loos 30 pounds, gay people like bones, brain hunter sucks dick, Mt. rushmore is an abomintation in the site of God, and Jesus said, you know what I did, I and brian said, touched, and Jesus said, My Hand, I saw a White Angel hold up 3 Fingers, prophet ____, your deceiving, brian when you even and brian said, talk to him, and jeff said, out, and afl-cio boss hoffa said, I'm hoffa, and brian said, happened, and jimmy hoffa said, I got shot, and his son said, I need glasses, I knew, and a man said, I'm the one, that car, mercury, and the son union boss hoffa said, help me out, I need, and macaulay said, my death, and brian said, I took my wallet, and I saw and heard, james, blaspheme, no he didn't, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, gerald ford, and president ford said, it was us, united states, elim, min mate, and jimmy hoffa said, my witness closed, and the son said, thru the, and jimmy said, stomach, where'd they bury me, out you, and sombody said, you ready, and jim said, to go home, exchange my wallet, something told, but once you've and putin said, put, putin, my name is putin, once blasphemed, you cannot be forgive, all you ahve to do is make God an offer, and if he takes it up He ll remove it, if thats the case, you can blasphemy at will, if you speak on one condition, blaspheme cannot be romoved, your finished like the Bible says, if you speak it, you speak your own eternal funeral, all you have to do is speak it one time and your done, debbie is doomed, debbie is pressin real hard but God won't give It to her, shell accept It, you hear Horses coming down around witness, don't speak blaspheme, one more thing, united states will have to pay the penalty for attacking us, and putin said, I'm russia, thats united states and thats iraq, and hollie said, got some news for ya, and putin said, thats hollie she's got news for you, you wouldn't have been to par with the apostles, they were on fire, and sister said, remember, and putin said, sissies also committed and debbie said, blaspheme, and putin said, blasphemy cannot be removed, just one more thing, and a child said, I'll help you, and and people said, the united states has special statement, and yur not gonna beleive it, it's blasphemy against the Lord, and mike said, boldea, you already spoke it, and putin said, the united states will kill president bush, and a man said, shotem, and putin said, united states women are taken by president bush, and thats blasphemy, the united states taken by president bush, president bush is the unites states worst enemy, and this president said, we lost, bush, and the united states is taken over by, and dumitru said, russia, and putin said, thats dumitru, and dumitru said, it's out of control, the united states is taken by russian spies in the white house, taken by president bush, president putin is gitting ready to attack president prison by comunism, well thats ok, I got news for you president bush, if you attack, if you attack iran, you will be destroyed, president bush is you attack iran, I will destroy you, president putin has already told president bush he will not tolerate it, what you need, and kristina fox said, its a, and people said, funeral, president putin will transfer 100 million reasons president bush needs to die, I will destroy the united states, I had enough of you, president bush will not be defeated easy, he will not be defeated, we'll shut it down, then we'll destroy, end of story, president bush will be national anthem in national cemetary, president bush will be assassinated, the united states will be destroyed in one hour, if your gonna come you better come My name is Jesus, and putin said, that was nuclear winter, and the sky looked like fire, president bush will be assassinated, by his own people, president bush will eventually be exposed for his corruption on your Website, and people said, that was a nuclear missile taken out where you least expect it, america, president bush has scattered the nuclear arsenal, and putin said, theres nothin wrong, we, and simison said, have, and people said, president bush is going to be exposed by china, and israel, china and israel are one against each other, that was Jesus prayin, and He looked like a Spirit with Brown Beard, and hollie said, Brown Hair and, and kristina said, Beard, and putin said, Jesus is for real, Jesus helped get this presidency, under condition I destroy amerirussia, I destroy Israel, president bush is israel's worst enemy, tony said, personal, he hates you, you heard the Horse, and the Horse is fur Israel, I got news for you, and ann schmidt said, fast, and gene schmidt said, gene, and michael boldea said, I'm mike, and micheal boldea sr. said, what, and virginia boldea said, go to Church, nothin, fold, don't, the united states will attack israel, and virginia boldea said, you know dumitru, I won't support, I have, and people said, the national anthem for the united states will hit israel, I don't believe it, the united states will send a delusion, cause the united states will not be given thank you very much, the united states will be destroyed, the united states by russia, china, and and jimmy carter said, and kristina said, and Jesus, and Hollie said, held up number one, and He looked like a and kristina fox said, Spirit, and virginia boldea said, it's over, and kristina said, not its not, and virgina said, how do I get back, and I saw virgina boldea and heard, pray, and the voice was, and I saw stephen and he said, stephen, and kevin mcgwire said, and kevins, and stephen said, together, and jimmy carter said, join the etrn club, and stephen hanson said, wheres dady and leasure eternal, and kevin said, we know it, and people said, ACTS 2:38 is not the prophecy club, plan of salvation, and macaulay said, the problem, and kristina said, the problem is, and hollie said, the prophecy club is not saved, and people said, but closed, and macaulay said, want Scripture, and hollie said, and Jesus, and Jesus said, done, and michael boldea said, you ain't quittin, and virginia boldea said, thats enough, and mike boldea said, you used to be on fire, what happened, I was good to people, how do we get open, and hollie said, and that was, and thomas said, check, and Jesus said, done, and people said, you saw Jesus King David on a White Horse, and that Horse was all White Flourescent, He was wearing garments that would make in the wild wild, made out of leather,
(280)Horses Hoofs-vision received 11-8-2005-I heard Horses Hoofs, God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and they said, the Horse hoof mean's judgement, and Jesus said, cain't do It, no pressin, no escape from Jesus, and michael boldea said, thats a warning, and Jesus said, michael, you need and stephen hansen sid, call, and Jesus said, on Me, and mike said, all right.
(281)the Hand of God -vision received 11-8-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like hollie and she said, that was a Big Hand, and micheal boldea said, on open, and Jesus said, do It for Me, no more chances, Israel, get off the, and stephen said, fuck, and kevin said, close the Website, and maybe Jesus said, take his bishopick from him and give to another, waste of time, Jesus said, and Jesus said, that was and stephen said, ahnsen, and maybe Jesus said, return ot Me and stephen said, hansen, and Jesus said, alcoholic and steve said, apostolic.
(282)Jesus can do whatever He wants -vision received 11-8-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like Jesus Christ, and He said, I take, I give, I do what ever I want, eternal One, I'm still the Same, yestarday, today, and forever, and I heard Horses Hoofs and and kristina said, and Jesus said, I can't believe it, you want visions, then wirte those fuckers down, and Jesus said, I'm Worthy to break the children, the children are the, the chiildren are sanctified, He told you not to blaspheme, and people said, and he saw an x, and the x means I'm guilty of immoral sex, and Jesus judge him, I'm guilty of sex.
(283)Jesus Christ require's obediance-vision received 11-8-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, you know what I want, obediance, appreciate.
(284)pray until you move Jesus -vision received 11-8-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people, and they said, when Jesus says push, He means Push, king david knew who Jesus was, that was Jesus in the firey haze, that means He's not pleased with you, bob saw, do not enter, and that means do what Jesus want or leave Him alone, and hollie said, He will not let blaspheme come off, and kristina said, please, and a woman said, git help, and the woman that goes to bullock's Church said, pray for me, I, and simison said, am, and the bullock woman said, awesome, and the libe woman said, I Am Jesus, and hollie said, and she had stephen hansen and the libe woman said, blood, and the bullock woman said, on her, and kristina said, hands, and the libe woman said, bob loves you, and Jesus said, we'll see.
(285) the Glory of God -vision received 11-8-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like, people and they said, that was the Glory of the Holy One, and that is God about to pull on this and stephen said, world, and people said, that was a spark of lite going thur the atmosphere called a and kristina said, Candle, candlelight, and stephen said, its, and putin said, called, and kristina said, missile, and putin said, and eventually russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, russia, and hu said, china, and a man said, nicaragua, and hu said, mexico, and hugo chavez said, venezeula, and lula said, brazil, and and putin said, and eventually, iran, and the president of iran said, an germany, leave out, and Jesus said, Israel, pray from here, and stephen said, go, and ann schmidt, said, God dam, and stephen hanson said, russia is the beast, and russia and kevin mcgwire said, is, and stephen said, won't have it, and kevin said, the, bear, and stephen said, that fool, and kevin said, I'm out, and a Man that looked Like Jesus said, russia needs your testimony, and stephen said, the lake,and hollie said, and he and kristina said, saw, hol, and kristina said, lie, lets go, and simison said, prayer walk, and Jesus said, hear o Israel, and stephen said, don't, make you fall, and macaulay said, thats it, and hollie said, and he saw hollie holding up and macaulay said, his, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, his, hands, its not legal, and simison said, in, and stephen said, one more time, president bush is about to nuke ameriussia, iraq, and kristina said, and hollie pointed at, and hollie said, I'm hollie, and, and simsion said, on the magazine, and I saw the man who worked for the nuclear weapons program in pakistan and he said, lets hit russia, and simison said, thats why, and the president of pakistan said, how awesome, and the nuclear wepaons creater of pakistan said, how, and the president of syria said, awse, awse, awse, and colonol gadafi said, awse, and the pakistani nulcear weapons expert that was pardoned by the president of pakistan said, close the Website, and somebody said, and hollie said, He's and simison said, khan, and and the president of syria said, awesome, and khan said, lets close so I can irritate, hit, israel, and assad said, watch, out, of, and khan said, and assad said, ir, and khan said, aq, and michael boldea said, how awesome .
(286)my hotmail account walking the line band, Jesus was homeless ministry-vision received 11-22-2005-God has showed me This Lighted Hand and It pointed at my Hotmail e-mail address.
(287) russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns-vision received 1-16-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and they said: and russia will strike, when you least expect it, and that is, when you are not, he's jelous she thought, but, I knew it, but, i am, prove it, no, sign's, and they are, speakin in tongues, casting out demon's, and, treading upon serpents, and they are, the, false, Christian, and they are, why, america, is, judge, ed, sanders temple is cut o, off, MYSTERY, BABYLON, is, let me see here, united state, why don't you stay here, I, knew, said, owen, young, he, is the, past, up, or, of, bethel temple apostolic faith Church, he knows it, but, now, I will, not, yep, not, right, yeah, she will, not, o yes I will, gossip, prove, no signs, jerusalem temple apostolic faith Church is cut off, you were warned, but, I didn't want to know, we got It, no, but, pretend, gerald ford will eventually pass away, the emporer of japan said, check you oil on a level surface, Christian, mark whobrey is, coming back, I think not saw the emporer of japan, we eat it, oral, and then, preach, cum, yuck, says, mark whobrey's honey, but, Jesus is are Lord, bobby can you play with me, he wants, you, oral, try to, he acts on Firre, but he is cut off, his wife is to, the whole whobrey family, bobby, I ain't got time to play with you, said, let me see here, I don't want mike around said gary, he eat it, mike is, gay, and so is, earnie, me, the old man was, wasn't, morales, but, not, the children, how many are you gonna tell, the whole world, intercede for mark, hold it, he will, try to impress, people, but, God, knows, and so did, bob, who called you marky, it's a show, said, mark, but, showtime is, over, not, don't pray for cut off people, the emporer of japan showed where to go, ACTS 2:37 is not salvation, ACTS 2:39 is not, the emporer of japan is, the, leopard, the leopard is, the, fowl, the leoppard is the beast, with, 7, heads, and, 10, horns, and they are, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, cause russia is the beast, and they are, the, bear, russia is, about to, get, from, Jesus, the thought, of, a, ttacking, america, they are, pre, pared, they can do it, russia will, solicit, and, receive, secret, 9, nations, countries, 10, they are, politburo, for the purpose of, crushing, america, wintson, abomination, ciggarette, smoke, sin, but, the are, not, wanting, this is why, they, will, start, a terrorism, in, america, this terrorism will be, all, over, the, world, american, interest, america will, bring, the troops, do you remember harley davidsons, they are, like a genius, they are, simple, he's queer, denyself, pickup, truck, get, travel, you have a van, good enough, awesome, but eventually, russia is, the, saddam hussein, he is the one, that, gave, the, idea, now, they, already, have it, God hasn't, but, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, don't forgit about russico, mexico will be, over, oil, they have, more than, this prophet will not, push, for, judgement, when one stops it, it is, stopped, nuclear attack, on, phoenix, he, did, not, see it, said, tom, heward, o yes he did, going to the lake, because, I, didn't, want, to, fas, t, and that was, I wanted the Lord to end it, we perish, said the, librarian, speak for me, no, ope, prophet is, ope, pen, tyre is, magog, ok, but, not, bobby will you pray for me, I got it to easy, that was, I'm, mood, ood, moody, backslid, and that is, hollie, quit, like, something's folding, and that is, bobby the car, its china, I want war, said, satan, and he is, the, beast, and that is, the, kings of the east, go ahead and tell, I'm lake, I'm cut off, and that was, hollie, I'm, moving, up on bob, keep off, talk, replace with, moodie, she is, on, Fire, but, hard, she is, tiny, cute, young, she is, Spiritually, no, can not, but, she will, be, set free, in, the, end, your letting us perish, no, you let yourself, got to warn people, nothing wrong, do it, on the internet, don't sign, cut off, that'll get you, but, guestbook, 's, don't, but, if, God, tell's, looky there, said, maucaulay, culkin, but, you, will not, the man that was, suck, ed, into, jet, engine, was, warned, but, put it under, save yourself from this untoward generation, Do ACTS 2:38, 600,000 Xbox 360 units sold in u.s.a., they are, given to, pleasure, the spanish hacker was, detained, but, innocent, but, except these days be shortened, there shall, no, flesh, be, safe, but, for the elect, it is, over, rubick's cube is, abomination, billion's have been sold, but, no one, get, save, d, from, playing, on, put it under, yur blood in on yur on hands rubik's cube people, God prophesied somewhere, on, Website, that, colts, would, loose, did, told, we want It now, to, let Me see here, late, let it be walking the line band, Jesus was homeless ministry-vision received 11-22-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like paul mcartney and he said, and when the night no longer there is still a chance that they may see, there will be an answer, let it be, and when the night is over, work, but, alright, you are, done, but, get up, move, and when the nights no longer seeking, over, that is, you'll be o, ope, pen, but, its to late, time, o, open up, yur, to the, world, advertise on, brother stair, he'll, see, but, I will, not, do, it, because, I'm, cut, is anybody listening, over, 600,000, allright, says, brother, stair, he'll, do, not, but, he will, think, om open, said, continue to push, no problem, said, brother, thats the Word, stair.
(273)end time prophetic visions-vision received 1-17-18-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and they said: caffein drink is abomination, ask God for energy, thou has dealt with Thy servant according to Thy Word, read It, if God spared not the Angels, He won't spare you, the man that asked Jesus, which commandment is, thus saith, don't come to emanuel temple, we are both cut off, the pastor and the assisstant pastor, ira smith and he assisstant, tell me, thats ok, aman, thus saith the Lord of Hosts, I'm gonna tell him what you said, thats the Word, said ira, aman, My name is Jesus and I will not be mocked, whatsoever you sow is what you will reap, sow to the flesh, read corruption, sow to the Spirit, reap Spirit, hollie said, bobby, tell about china, china will attack russia and america and taiwan, they will grab taiwan and attack washington state to lure america into war and then, russia will attack the national anthem of the united states will not get one shot fired, thy wisdom and thy knowledge have perverted thess, and thou has said in thine heart, I'm the president of the world and none else, therefore thus saith the Lord, thses two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, destruction and desolation, desolation in one hour, can you blame the Lord, understand Him, america has fallen away from God and pushes sin on nations of the world, goodbye america, china will become the new world order, they will not forget russia, they will attack russia and force them to lead the way to the invasion of israel, this is the battle of armageddon, an accident is taking place, you better be prepared, that accident is china is tricking the united states into thinking they can't make war with them, they have russia, china and russia are the hegoat and the ram, the horn on the hegoat is the pope, hu wil be the false prophet, and the pope will be the antichrist, hu will make an agreement with the pope at the table for 666, the mark of the beast, and he will be the new world order, the pope will be slashed, and the idol shepherd will be born, and he will destroy wonderfully, aman, magog will be, write the vision and make it plain, we are cut off and we know it, lets face it, Emmanuel temple apostolic Church is cut off, iraq smith step down, bobby I'm perishing, carol became afraind, she knew you were right with God, but she knew she was cut off, she cried out for you, you knew it, she offended you often and you wouldn't go to her, but, God, extended, now, no more extension so don't ask, aman, tyre will be, magog, the beast with seven heads and ten horns will be, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, lastly, germany and iran, italy will become politburo, the pope will come out of italy, the pope will be the ruler of the world, lets face it, where theres no vision, thats right, people perish, aman, and the pope will become the national anthem of , destruction, aman, the 7 heads are, 7 nations that have an agreement with aermicano, that is, the united sta, you, that City you saw in your heart, that was NEW Jerusalem, you'll be there sooner than you think, work while it is still day, america will burn when you least expect it, and that is when your not looking for it, Jesus said, stand, Jesus granted permission to prophet to stand, prophet, woman think thier sexy, shavin legs is abomination, God put that hair there to keep skin warm, it works, america will be attacked by russia when you least expect it and russia will prevail in one hour, aman, did you see that woman, she was beautiful, they know it, they lust themselves, america will be attacked by russia, russia will win, america will be attacked when you least expect it, o my God, o my God, o my God, o MY GOD, bob is angry in his heart, the heart's desparately wicked and full of evil, you need to touch God, God when, when you pray, the torch of amexico will be destructed by russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and that is the pope and he is the antichrist and the pope is the beast of REVELATION 13 and 21, the Spirit of God is leaving the Churches, the Churches are fallen, put it under, the Vine is clean dried up, and Jesus is the Vaine, that was Jesus leaving, He will leave if He's not welcome, he saw the word, persia, the king of persia is satan, she just laughed and God laughes with her,, cut off, the penguin said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and thats the pope and the tap dancers aid, russia will be invaded by china, divide, 4, out of one comes the beast, russia he saw a pregnant woman sqatting and a aman coming out from under her, he was having oral sex, o my God, o my God, o my God, o my God, the uterus is opened more, this is sickening to God, judgment is passed, aman, he saw debbie in flames and she screamed, bobby help me, he didn't try cause God would not let him, debbie offended bob, now its time to pay the Piper, bob saw stefi graf in her cute tennis clothes and out'em, she is, just like everybody else, not that cute, she is in adultery, to late for stefi graf she is cut off, aman, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, aman, I change not, don't try to change Me, I won't change, you need to change, aman, that was hollie, she not looking anymore, she looks like a teddy bear, aman, she's transforming, aman, cycle recycle commits blaspheme, they don't pay their taxes on time, they owe hundreds of thousands of dollars, put it under, cycle recycle committed blaspheme, you know what bobby did, he's so cool, he told me MYSTERY, BABYLON 's america, I know, lets pray, I'm the prophet turned into backslided, that girl will perish, I want sechs, thats anal oral sex, she's doin it, that was a leopard man called satan, he is the new world order called, magog, called tyre, called otyre, aman, lets rule the world, russia, china, nicaragua, don't forgit about mexico, venezuela, brazil, cuba, north korea, invade south korea, pluck up, aman, these nations will attack america when you least expect it, aplanet, this'll be the event that brings Jesus Christ back, aman, don eby from quemetco r.s.r. was balspheme, he was cut off like steve vitito and steve bitner, vitito claimed to be a preacher, aks john smith economic collapse is coming to america, the population is exploding and jobs are moving away, they won't do anything about it, hollie pointed, turn, hollie showed two, alaska will be first, then russia will attack of of the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, bye america, judgment is passed, america committed blaspheme, they rejected Jesus, that was a dragon throwing fire, godzilla is abomination like, hippocrit, he saw JEREMIAH 16, no wife, ch Church, judgement, he is jeremiah, he saw a Hand point, pensions in america will fail, he saw the word tyre, tyre is magog, satan will rule magog in sheeps clothing called the idol shepherd and the pope, america will be attacked by russia, when you least expect it, hollie pointed to, go, post, road, speed, don't, but, hollie pointed to, economic collapse is starting to, set, in, they are, easin in on it, this is the first sign of economic collapse, sell-off shuts tokyao early, they are, trying, get rid of, what if its true, they are, you'll, sharks are, bobby the economy, collapsing, go pray about it, maybe God will spare it, not, maybe, walking the line band, blaspheme, and they are, punish, no, but, work, Jesus was homless ministry, work while it is, the economy will collapsed, and that is, it already, world bank, keep, america, going, indianapolis, will, burn, from, nuclear, material, in, missile, but, work.
(274)the last times for america-vision sreceived 1-17-18-2005-God has showed me Spirit's that looked like People and they said: Lucas, has, approved, a, 20 minute, star wars, adding, to, old show, to, make more, newt, gingrich, is, cut off, but, would have been, a good president, economy, under, him, would be, about, 1.79 gas prices, but, iraq, same, Im a bear, let me see here, in her sub, subs sneaking up on America, and the world wobbled, and Moscow and china, and the world wobbled, and sunnysnet pointed, at the fruit, he found in the trash, raise your hands and repeat after me, and hollie pointed, Im the main ministering spirit, and Russia is ready right now, and the lighted finger pointed, look bobby, time is, tarry, do you accept the penalty for what you have done, no, but, you must pay, liar said sunnysnet, and pointed, lighted, nope, these are visions of ministering spirits like the bible said, talking, just not always identified, and hollie, and he saw, and hollie licked the prophet, and babyfleas, bit the prophets head off, she did not, like, her, vision, even though, she knew it, was, true, nope, she will say, but, yep, and he saw the pope, the emporer of japan, and, the false prophet hu in the lava like, red hot rocks, and the pope rose like a beast out of the sea, the pope rose out of the sea, cast out of his grave like an abominable brach, I knew it, said, pope john paul, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope, that, china and America goes to war, that, batteries, look that, kim jong, pointed, the yellow hollie, help me to get oil, that, Russia, no, nukes, Chinese, that, and he knows it, free, hu, dont do it, were not, hu said, thats the kind, that, agreement, Russia cannot trust china, that, work, and the lighted finger pointed, that, that, and hollie appeared and spoke into the recorder, keep both vans, and sell the aries, that, be thankful, that, pointed hollie, look, iraq war, nuke, after, no, oil, contracts, that, Russia, will not, tolerate, for, long, that, saddam Hussein, I wantem shot, saith the Lord, dont join the marine corp., and he saw, the marine corp., in the streets, when America exploded, thatll be the last sign, and the lighted finger pointed, thats the black chariot, and, false prophet hu and the pope, and lula, fox, calderon, niicaragua, kin jong, and hollie pointed, germany, iran, venezuela, brazil, cuba, they will give their power and strength, to the beast, send it over on America, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top and captain hollie in her sub, fire, boom, and the world wobbled, when they hit iraq, and the lighted finger pointed, and Syria, And iran, then, the spirit of the medes raised up against America, hate, that will raise up Russia and all of the arabs against America, lets rule the world, sang, putin, china and Russia, will strike America when you least expect it, brazil, Venezuela, mexico, cuba, north kroea, germany, iran, will all be in on, Nicaragua, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and babylfeas bit the prophets head off, and hollie licked the prophet, theres the alarm, no said babyfleas, she is becoming lesbian, because, beautiful, young, but short, men want, and hollie pointed, look that, said the yellow hollie, war, china, and America, going to war, that, pray in your van, and hollie licked the prophet with a bear on her tongue, look that, china and America going to war, that, keep both vans, loose the aries, that, drink coffee, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie in her sub, waving, boom, and the world wobbled, and holie on top, America, Moscow, and china, look, that, when America goes to war with china, that, then Moscow will lead an allout attack, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, in her sub, and finger, and, she was, git, if you wont serve Jesus, thats a tap dancer, work for Jesus, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, again, yellow, git out of here, cause matthew left, and hollie blowed the horn, I cant find him, said Kenneth haney, but, he leads u.p.c.i., where all the signs, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, and hollie in her sub, waving, and, fired, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, Im the beast, said the serpent, with seven heads and ten horns, and the red dragon rose, the pope, and hu is, the second beast, the false prophet, you powers not going to stay if you dont pay Gods price, look that, demons are leaving you, look that, thats who Jesus is, the Father of all, satan, Im, shhh, that was two angels, and hollie pointed, oil said the pope, is leading to Armageddon, what time is it, its time to repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, that was the angel Jesus, sold it the light, Kenneth haney and all of upci, no signs, learn to pray more, said hollie, Its your oil said loverboys lead singer, that was satan, shhhhh, Im, you aint clear said the pope, if you cant feel, and the finger pointed, prophecy ministry, and he saw, bush, like a, warrior angel, that was satan like an angel of light, dark robe, scarlet, git yourself ready to come to the end of the humbling of the Lord, said, the mouth, bob dreamed he and a bunch were going to church, there was a woman hitting on him, and he knew it and wanted her, but, after the service, she thought, Im out, hes in, and bob saw a woman, and she said, your loosing it, Ive had a vision, put it on the internet, that was the contract being torn up, danica Patrick, is lusted, I know, she said, by, billions, look that, stouts rv s, they sold 8, it made them nothing, rent, but, moved out, 8 less, they have to worry about, theres the submarine sound, and hollie waved, and then said, git, work for the Lord, now that you have the vision, tell the vision, theres the submarine sound, its because of iran, America will perish, Persia, all of, arabs, iran, Im the beast said the serpent, write the vision and make it plain, theres the alarm, and hollie pointed, no, said hollie, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie in her sub, fire, and the world wobbled, on America, and Moscow and china, and the world wobbled, boom, and hollie licked the prophet, there are no more visions in Pentecost because there are no more apostolics in Pentecost, you aint gonna stop it said Jesus, judgment is coming ready or not, they watching it, the, government, backsliden or not-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like maybe keri fox and she said something like, propeht said, bob has backsliden because he come over, but he don't, and the walmart girl said, thats why, he's the prophet, and dorein said, because he don't sin, and sister heaggy said said something like, he never did, you know he took his own picture, and norm said, if he comes back to my home, thats a warning, o my God, witness has blasphemed, that picture would be worth a fortune, and maybe norm said, over keri,he has herpes, he won't tell, and keri said, if money's your answer, and the walmart girl said, he's got it, he's around, please sign the book, herpes taken off, he said, he won't take it away, herpes are forever, witness has herpes for a ransome, and she said, thats me, and this president said, needs prayer, and I heard things like, thomas gibson doesnt has herpes, witness has the Holy Ghost, thomas give warning, and I saw a woman and she said, to his self.
(646)david eells-vision recieved 9-29-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, In a vision, I saw david eells and I saw me and I saw with utmost seroiusness, I warned him, and I saw david eells and he said, computer, you know what I need, and I saw michael boldea and he said, shot, thats it as he pointed, and I saw russian president putin and he said, iraq, leave it alone, and I saw andre and she said, this is andrea, shit, he was willing, israel, has no chance, witness saw, and kristina said, he said, and this is what he saw, I heard, and I said, I heard, and dorien and maybe others said, Israel, and and I saw me and I said something like, and I saw a nuclear explosion, and thats when, a and I saw putin and he said, pala, and I saw stinian state is created, and the palestinian, and I saw putin and he cursed God, and I saw me and I said, and the palestinian state is politburo, and anna said, this is anna, and I said and kristina said, and the palestinian state is judgment, along with me, and I said, the truth is, and I saw putin and he said, second place, coffee, is, is, my god, thats all, and thats a lie, and I saw this mechanic and he said, git out, and I saw me and I said, maybe thats the reason cut off, don't go there, and I saw the woman that worked in the office and she said, don't go there, and I saw a man that worked there and he said, what the fuck, and somebody else and they said, what the fuck, and the woman said, somethings missin, don't come near us, and I saw me and I said, tresspass won't do it, I had and I saw the woman and she said, escape, and I said, clause and the woman said, inserted, and a man said, in his heart, and dorien said, because he knew, and anna said, he lacked, wisdom, and the woman said, and the escape clause is, and kristina said, and the escpae clause is, if you want visions, and the woman said, you have to tresspass offerring, and dorien said, and he did, and the woman said, owe us nothin, embarras me, embarras this place, social security, money in the bank, and maybe I saw me and I said, is not and the woman said, cashable, and I saw said, and the Lord said, and the woman said, not to , and kristina said, and the Lord said, kristina said, not to touch, and kristina said, hard times, and I saw me and I said, russia will attack america, and anna said, and I said, and kristina said, this is material, and I saw me and I said the palestinian state is judgment, and Iraq is judge him, and putin said, iraq, and I said, is judgment, and iran is judgment, and putin said, my name is putin, and I saw sam neill and he said, om cut off, blew, and sissy said, my heart, and kristina said, palastinian state is judgement, and sam neil said, one more chance, open my heart, open my liver, thank you, thank you, made me cry, to much, there's a reason, its known, MYSTERY, BABYLON is, and I need a whupin, hallelujah, is witness cut off, hallalujah, and putin said, no, and anna said, he's not, and I saw tina knobby and she sang, welcome to my nightmare, I think I'm going scare you, and I saw alice cooper and he sang, I think Om gonna scare you, I think om gonna scare you, I think and sam said, don't do that, and alice is singing in the background, and sam neill said, close, the website, and open no more, no chance for you to be saved, talking to me, and hollie said, o shit, and dorien said, and sam niell said, and the Lord said, you need this is a warning, you need Spiritual food, close the website, and go and go home, good night, sleep, gooday, close the website, tell people, and the wheel chair said, and the Lord'll bless ya, and sam said, good day, close the website, God had a purpose, you committed blaspheme, you need, and kristina said, you need to and sam niel said, close the website, and kristina said, or, and sam said, your not open, I blew it, when I played, the antichrist, and the wheel chair, said, and thats what I want, and sam said, and the antichrist is, and kristina said, and the antichrist is, and I saw the and I saw the wheel chair and he said, it was me, om the one, and om the wheel, whats in heaven, and sam said, prophet had a vision, prophet, is, kristina said, is, and sam said, kristina, and kristina said, can we beat russia, o God, and sam said, no, and putin said, russia, and the pope said, no more chances, and sam said, and I saw, and the reason for the website, and dorien said, and the reason for the website, and the reason for the website is, and the reason for reason for the website is, hollie said, I goofed, and I sang can't you see, and kristina said, that ain't you, I'm kristina, and hollie said, and kristina said, you need to sleep with your fathers, in, and dorein said, heaven, and sam said, go home and git some and the wheel chair said, rest, and sam said, good night, and the wheel chair said, and said said, go to and the whell chair said, to sleep, and, and sam said, been pissed off, theres a price to pay, and wheel chair said, price to pay, and sam said, no forgiveness, o my God, I'm sorry, out of time, collect, bathroom, rest, you have dream of music, in do it, in heaven, turn, thats all, I'm short, satan, has the superpower, and that is, mr. phone, and that is, the, the internet, think about it, this website, is, is, open, that means, the prophet, open, and kristina said, thats true, and sam said, thank you, good night, sleep you problems away, don', and kristina aid, t, and I saw me before and I said, I warned david eells, and I saw putin and he said, thats true, and putin said, and the escappe clause is, fix it, fix it as you go, you must stay, you must stand, and jackie said, is that the truth, and kristina said, and jackie said, and I saw kristina and she said, lets close this website down, and putin said, you know how you goofed, prophet is proud, prophets needs and maybe kristina said, humbled, and I saw me and I cursed God, and I saw maybe me and I yelled prophet close down that website, and I saw putin and he said, continue, and I saw maybe somebody get a whippin and putin said, prophet you want a whippin, and putin said, you need some rest, rest, thats all, your tired, go home and go to sleep, thats all I have the say, understand, thank, open, open, and kristina said, and he saw, a White Spirit leave, white, and putin said, that was, thats all, and kristina said, satan, and and I saw michael boldea and he said, money delivered and kristina said, I can't belive it, he won't say it, and I saw dan bohler and he said, which was really maybe john smith and he said, thats it, I'm the wheel chair, and maybe dan bohler said, prophet, its time to shut the fuck up and go home and get some sleep, thats good, orgy, and maybe the wheel chair man said, close the website down, close that son of a bitch down, and go home and get some sleep, thats all and maybe others repeated some of some of it, and dan said, thats what I said, thats all I have to say, and I saw putin and he said, open, and I saw dan bohler and he said, I'm a witch, and I'll trap nyou if you come out to my church, and I'm the wheel chair, and john smith said, first, close, and kristina said, thats me, and I saw pu, putin, and dan bohler said, close down, website is clean, thats the wheel chair, God says, bob hickman, and maybe putin said, bob hickman, is, not open, until he makes up his mind and kristina is talking and saying, and I here singing, website is open, and kristina said, God warned you not to close down geocities and you haveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, and I saw a man and he said, hallelujah, and I saw john smith and he said, can we eat lunch, thats a warning, and I saw sissy and she said, it was me, and lavonnne dearing said, and debbie said, your finished, and john smith said, bob hickman is open, prophet done, give something to you mom, and thats john smith and thats pastor simison and thats john smith and thats pastor simison, and simison said, I'm a witch, and andrea _____ said, your a witch, and bobbys not, so does he have a message, witch, ut o, I goffed, prophet won't fix, that was dorien, and and andrea said, that makes sense, I shall see about that, sandy, and I may have seen sandy and she said, would I repent, and I saw a woman and she said, to late, and somebody said, to, and another woman possibly said, late, and andrea said, sandy I was warning ya about the website, we shall see about that, and kristina said, you blaspheme, and andrea said, does prophet love Jesus, we shall see, and pastor simison said and maybe andrea, I'll leave'em alone, and andrea said, and the Lords telling me not to post nothin, and I won't, purge me, I won't stand, see, In Jesus Name, In Jesus, I had a reason, witch, is, witch is, witch, thats the problem, not its not, moody is, that figures, I'll just, test, I won't bother him, whats he look like, wrinkles, he's thin, there we go, is it true, I heard that, we'll see, I'm a witch, I'll do it, we'll see about that, wednesday night, and putin said, prophet, I'm putin, and, and I saw pastor simison and he said, my names is putin, close down the website, and they were siging some if not all, and maybe hollie sang, born in the usa, and maybe hollie starting with bruce springsteen kicking, going down, to a party town, and the second time or later it was just maybe springsteen, and kristina said, and he said, the wheel chair and he said, and maybe andrea and kristina said, close down the website, with andrea on saying one word of it, and andrea said, ah shit, and somebody said, I won't let'em, and adrea said, little secret, his mom, she is about and pastor simison said, is about to die, maybe not all, and he said, website, close down, and more, he won't beleive it, and andrea said, were closed, and one said, hallelujah, and andrea said, bobby its a secret, I won't bother you, your fake, and simison said, not true, and andrea said, perish, and simison said, o God, and andrea said, death, take,
(647)stephen hanson -vision recieved 10-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, stephen hanson, and he said, stephen hanson, praise the Lord, and This man said, I'm special, its right, and hollie said, thats him, thats priest, and priest is, and stephen said, and priest is, and the wheel chair man said, is Jesus, and I saw me and I said, bob cna't stop it, and I've got one more thing to do, and I've heard many people and they said, thats the wheel chair, and macaulay culkin said, God's cut me off, I'm on, and hollie said, and the reason is, I hate bob, and macaulay said, we'll see, and I saw stephen hanson, and he was standing and pointing and he said, you need a whippin, and hollie said, the decision is, and stephen said, strip, and stephen said, close close the website, hollie, get the fuck away from him, I, and the wheel chair said, git, and stephen said, the fuck away from me
(648) visions received 10-2-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like stehphen hanson and he said, things like, fooled you, I'm off, git ready, come, reject, help, I will, and sam neill said, thats all, I'm sam neill, thank you, and somebody said, hallelujah, busy, goodbye, need help, that all I got to say, get ready, I'm am, hallelujah, I got fooled, can you return, I won't, have a good day, thats all, lets close, thats all, and maybe hollie said, thats my answer, and sam neill said, eventually, heaven, and maybe stephen hanson said, quittin, thats good, and maybe coral sue barger which was her maiden name said, incest, queer, and I saw a man that looked like me and I said, thats all, and sam neil said, heaven, get off here, and carol sue said, bobby, fix it, and I said, and you will, and stephen said, you will, judgment, adultery, close it, return, fix, thats all, I guess, tell me, what, did, I do, and hollie said, this was hollie and that was alice cooper and that was not true, and stephen said, I look like alice cooper, and I heard singing and can see maybe hollie and she sang close down the website, and stephen said, perish, open, death penalty, you don't talk about it, thats good, open, and maybe michael boldea said, your, and hollie said, own, commericial, website, this is dorein, and stephen said, accept it, I goofed, give me on more chance, I will, have a good day, and hollie said, he said, that was the Word, and this is dorein, thats all and I beleive that was hollie, and maybe hollie and stephen said, and he said, and stephen said, I'm loosing my bowel, and kristina said, and he saw, Jesus, and He, had, Thorns in His Head, and He was white, and stephen hanson said, awesome, and kristina said, thats all, and stephen said, didn't recognize it, and sam neill said, return, and maybe stephen said get your house in order, and maybe rom miens said, your gonna have to face it in judgment, and stephen said, judgment, and kristina fox said, this is ron, get your house in order, how do we hit koran, and kristina said, and he saw missiles, and hollie said, said o my God, this is not and carol sue barger which was her maiden name said, moodie, and dorein said, this is dorien, and carol sue said, close, this is witness, come to Church, so we can trap you, and I saw maiden name jerry barger and she said, co we can trap you, and carol sue said, this is TRUTH, o my God, witness is put on, and carol sue said, he, and jerry said, can, and michael boldea said, help, and carol sue said, why did He cut me off for, cause I, and jerry said, withstood, and carol sue said, brother heaggy, and jerry said, thats all I got to say, lets go and carol sue said, some new fried chicken, and somebody said, thats all I got to say, and stephen said, thats good, and somebody said, ministryofdreams is about to become financial, and kristina fox and somebody else was in that, and maybe kristina said, that all, and I heard and maybe ron meins said, repent and be baptized, thats all you need, and somebody said, in the name of Jesus, and stephen hanson said, Christ, and ye shall, ACTS 2:38, and kristina said, that was alice cooper and and mabye sam niell said said, that helped, prepare for Me, and somebody said, cause I want to see you, and sam said, thats it, ahve a good day, and maybe stephen said, this, and sam said, is all I got, throw me off, and stephen said, throw me off, and sam said, computer, and stephen said, don't mess with it, bobby said, don't mess and maybe carol sue said, mess, and hollie said, with, and carol sue, and maybe lavonne dearing said, and she said, and sam neil said, thats all, and I hear ron meins say ministryofdreams you are trespassing, and carol sue said, trespassin, and maybe michael boldea said, on us, and sam neil said, good night, Om sorry, close, and maybe stephen said me out, and I hear singing and the words are something like bob hickman, you are in trouble, bobby hickman, you are in trouble, with no one, you are, and stephen said, don't fool, and sam said, with, and stephen said, with the website, and sam said, do, and kristina said, do, is that the truth, this is hollie, I said that, and I hear hollie say no more visions, and maybe kristina and and possibly dorein said, bob is locking up the website, cause he don't want to seek God, you are complacent, please repent, and be baptised, and hollie said, in, and kristina said, Jesus name, and reicieve the, and dorein said, Hollie, and kristina said, One, cause if he's not and maybe hollie said, clear, and hollie said, there is no website, he wants to postem, and and hollie said, like, and dorein said, he wants, and hollie said, which is accurate, let him postem, and stephen said, well I got news for your prophet, thats it, please postem, thats, how, thats what, I'm and sam niel said, out, thats, and dorien said, postem and that looked like hollie, and hollie said, repent and be baptised, and somebody said, like Jesus wants you, and sam said, have a good day, see ya, I won't return, I won't repent, good night, I'll see ya, in the lake, and hollie said, and witness will be there, and sam said, lets do it, in Jesus, and stephen said, name, and I hear ron meins sing ministryofdreams, and kristina said, is, and maybe others said, open website, and kristina said, stay open, and hollie said, he won't, and kristina and dorein said, he will, he will, and sam neill said, thats it, satan you are lying about this, I goofed, and I can see dimly and maybe here me said like a computer genrated voice, calm down, come to the Lord, no more visions, and kristina fox said, that was macaulay, and rom miens said, the Lord said, if you want the visions, then you have to pay the penalty, and kristina said, and, your, and ron said, your penalty, you will and kristina said, kristina, and ron said, be free, and I hear singing, you'll be free, you'll be free, and kristina said, bobs the answer, and same said, I gooffed, have a good day, have a good year, witness is out, witness is asleep, sam, and gene simmons said, this is, and gene schmidt said, gene, and ann schmidt said, this is ann, you our last witness, and carol sue and somebody else said, thats right, and same said financial, and carol said, is bobby coming back, no, so, and others said, we can trap him, and carol said, fold, and sthephen said, there ain't no forgiveness after you blasphemed, and sam neill said something like, this is it.
(649)stephen hanson-vision received 10-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked stephen hanson and he said, things like, I'm loosing it, I'm saved, I figured, the Lords warning, I'll put it in court, don't finish it, finish your website, and maybe kristina and dorien said, in court, Om hollie, thats dorein, thats the ticket, and stephen said, hallelujah, website down, stephen, repent, I won't, take, hallelujah, and hollie said, take, and stephen said, take, and hollie said, bobby your curious, and sthepen said, good day, you'll have to correct it, good luck, and stan johnson cursed God, and stan said, prophet are you crazy, and stephen said, good luck, I already know, you waste time, out, of, the ark of safety, and stan johnson of the prophecy club said, who knows, and dumitru duduman said, I was out, lets preach, just leave us alone, and somebody said, mischief, and dumitru said, that was, and stephen hansen said, stephen hanson, this is hansen, where is the and sam neill, lo, and stephen hanson said, lo, leave it alone, loth, thion, get the picture, what you say, accept the penalty, and sam neill said, o God dam, git the fuck away from me, git the fuck and stephen finishes, away from me, prophet ____, and sam said, I need, and stephen said, help, and sam said, make a sacrifice, I need you money, and maybe stephen, o, and maybe sam said, thats it, crazy, he won't take, take down the website, and sam said, theres one more, and stephen said, thing, and sam said, hallelujah, and stephen help this guy out, rejected, and maybe sam said, the Lord, and stephen said, said, prophet, and sam neill said, thats me, I need you wallet, and kristina said, stephen, said it, and sam said, i got just one more thing to say, good day, come back, and kristina said, this is kristina, He took me, I said, that, and sam asid, good lick, good day, good bye, I'm out of here, and sam said, witness don't want nothin and stephen said, nothin, and sam said, o my, and kristina said, and president bush said, and sam said, I, and and maybe bush said, with the wheel chair mans voice will not tolerate you, and the wheel chair man said, I blowed it, I, witness, why did you talk to me, and stephen said, close, down with sam neill's voice, and maybe sam neill said, I'm loosing my hair, and stephen said, that was stephen, and I'm the wheel chair, correct him, and sam said, we'll se, I cried, and kristina said, I cried to, and sam said, you'll see it on cbs, and keri fox said, blaspheme was taken off, and kristina said, that was dorien, and sam neill said, o my Goodness, you are and the wheel chair said, lyer, and sam said, o my God, I had a reason, and maybe stephen said, prophet, and maybe sam said, hallelujah, that website, games, take money, and maybe, prophet, I want to correct you, all you gotta do is, kristina, she said, nope, I, and dorien said, won't, and sam said, I'm not in last place, and stehphen hanson said, I'm not in last place, and kristina fox said, kristina, theres no, and sam said, forgiveness, and dorein said, he's wrong, and the remedy is, and hollie said, and maybe kristina said, and wallet said, and sam said something like, I'm short, help me, and dorein said, all you have to do is press and and kristina said, and give away some of your money, please sam, and sam said, I don't, I have and maybe stephen said, enough, and witness, blaspheme, can not, and rom miens said, come off, and sam said, my wallet, and sam said, all you got to do is, play with the notes, don't try it, the economy, collapsed, your open, give it, while your forgiven, you'll never run out, you'll want to, correct that, correct, and kristina said, it'll be easier than you think, Gods warning not to fix it, witness sent out, guestbook, pay somebody, go to Heaven, and shtephen said, Heaven, no shit, stephen said, and kristina said, the Lord warned him that he ain't open, and sam said, goodluck, and kristina said, this is kristina, git on fire, and kristina and rom meins said, the Lord warned you not to touch the website, and kristina said, and you have, got news for you, bob, your closing, closed, out, this site, if you don't, if you don', take it easy, I'll just sleep, thats all
(650)Christian tabernacle Church-visions received 10-2-2005 God has showed a spirit that looked like pastor kent jordan, at, Christian tabernacle Church, and he said things like, kent Jordan, I slip, bobby here, that Your witness, git off here, and pastor simison said, good bye, and dorein sang, your website has been cut, your website has been cut off, what has your website been cut off for and that was hollie, and jordan said, cause you didn't, you did'nt, lipped, and hollie said, no slipped, and pastor simison, looks like, and pastor kent jordan said, your website, and pastor simison said, slip, and hollie said, I need your help, and pastor simison said, close, git out of here, and pastor jordan said, I'm wrong, he knew, don't give Word, and a woman said, slip, and pastor simison said, lets pray, with witness gone, and pastor jordan said, slipping, thats a witness, did I say something wrong, and and I saw a woman and she said, thats no Jordan, thats linda, L-i-n-i-n-i-n-d-a, she prayed, and I saw pastor jordan and he said, I sleep, I don't care, looks like, witness lets pray, so I, and I saw pastor simison said, can trap him, and I saw a man at the Church that gave me a hymnal, and he said, lets gie'm the book, you left it bob, and the wheel chair said, lets git the Mantle, and I saw hollie and she said, your about to give a heart attack to, and I saw pastor jordan and he said, to jordan, and hollie said, simison, and dorien said, dorien, thats dorein, and pastor jordan said, what did he do to his face, and the wheel chair said, ah man, and hollie said, ah man, and keri said, ah man, and the wheel chair said, ah man, and hollie said, the website is closing but the prophet is closing, you just fell, please go home and sleep, and die out, and sam neill said, good night, and I'll see ya later, back, and jordan said, he did beautiful, thats God, how do I get the Mantle off, figured out, and ron meins sang, looks like the website is open and it looks like, prophet is closed, prophet go home, and maybe keri said, and don't open this website anymore, and kristina fox said, you know there's blood on your hands, prophet, don't change the webiste, and I saw my mom and she said, I wonder how he fell, and and hollie said, and the reason is, and maybe kristina said, and the reason is, and maybe hollie said, he changed it, this is hollie, and I saw pastor jordan and he said, Om out oout of here, and keri said, leave it alone bobby, and I heard singing, looks like the website will close, and ron meins sagn looks like the webiste will be and pastor simison said, will be closed, and I saw pastor jordan said, thats it, and simison said, the website is open but the prophet is closed and and jordan said, and, and pastor simison said, you better go home.
(651)the website visions received -10-2-2005 God has showed me spirits that looked like keri and she said, we heard, website is open and I saw, but the prophet, and pastor simison said, is, and I saw me and I said, open, and I saw pastor kent jordan and he said, please tell, he shook the dust off and simison said, feet, and jordan said, walked out, and kristina said, and the Lord didn't send, and hollie said, whats the Word, and pastor jordan said, I'm out, and pastor simison said, thats the ticket, pastor jordan, and jordan said, yeah, and simison said, do you got anything to say, pastor jordan, figure it out, witness come, and keri sang, He said, close out the webiste and you'll be open, and hollie said, thats it, good bye, and I saw possible stephen hanson and he said, prophet ______, and keri said, you know he's financial,
(652)Angel of Judgment-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed a spirit that looked like a Lighted Angel and It descended down and possibly touched something, and maybe hollie said, thats the Angel of judgment, and dorein said, the Lord says, that was for michael boldea and I may have seen mike and he said, mike didn't really want It
(653)getting what you want-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dorein and she said, and hollie said, head job, and dorein said, hallelujah, and macaulay culkin said, witness lets close, and stephen hanson said, now all you got to do is repent and be baptized, and maybe, reiceve the Holy One, and somebody said, you ain't gonna beleive this, and I saw me and I said, bobby saw, and maybe dorein said, a Sword, and the Sword was Jesus, and the ANgel was death, and I saw Chris noll and he said, God dam, and dorien said, he saw an Angel to
(655)visions visions received 10-2-2005 God has showed me spirits that looked like a little spirit, like the playdo boy and he took his hand off me, and I asked who that was and dorein said, that was satan, and hollie said, thats me.
(656)visions visions received 10-2-2005-God has showed me spirits that looked like a woman and she said something like, the website has been and simison said, suspended, please go home, and stephen hanson said, thats you, and and cless said, he's empty, the Lord said, there're ain't a fuckin pistol, and somebody said, hallelujah, and cless barger said, cless barger, website, has more POWER than you think and hollie said, he's open, and dorein said, but he's closed my attention, and and he has ruined my and anna said, support, who knows, get resonsible because I'm gonna get your fuckin ass, and pastor simison said, but the Lord says, and hollie said, thats him, and simison said, and the Lord says, and I said, no, and somebody said, way, and ron meins said, Israel hallelujah, and I saw macaulay culkin and he said, but the Lord says thats one more reason your going to go to jail because you would not humble yourself, and somebody may have said, thats for you prophet bob hansen, and stephen hanson said, hallelujah, and hollie said, prophet _____ said, who can be saved, and he said a Big White Hand and kristina said, and the Finger was pointin at witness, He will give you one last try, to humble yourself, and he said, no way, and he said, om out, that was prophet ______, and anna said, you better humble yourself, and macaulay was singing, the website has fixed me, and ron meins is singin, ministryofdreams, hallelujah, ministryofdreams, and anna said, leave it open, and dorein said, but the Lord says, and someboy said, got bobbys attention, and hollie said, looks like, website, in that case, and stephen hanson said, I'm dorien, and ron meins sang, looks like ministryofdreams is open again, looks like the dreams and kristina and maybe somebody else and they said, stopped, and kristina said, stopped, and pastor simison said, these dreams are 100 percent correct, are you single, and stephen hanson said, repent, and pastor simison said, and be baptized, and ye shall, recieve the Holy One, which is the Holy Spirit, Which is the Holy Ghost, I got It, and stephen said, om stephen, stephen hanson, and I saw me and I said with the Holy Ghost down on the inside, and somebody said, you have to be under coviction, and hollie said, you are, you just don't recognize is, and I saw me and I said, Om delivered, and pastor simison said, go home, gentlemen, and stephen said, start, _____this is a warning, and pastor simison said, your own, and hollie said, web, and simison said, site, and somebody said, your not gonna win much bob, if, if, and stephen said, if, if, if, if, and I heard, no more visions and dreams, and hollie said, want me to tell you a secret, and I saw me and I said, took me out, and the wheel chair said, the website done that, and stephen hanson said, ut o, and the wheel chair said, looks like witness does'n't think about it to much, and stephen hanson said after tonight, you won't be having any more visions and dreams for a year, --- -----, open your website and the wheel chair man said, post, more, and stephen said, and go to hell, that was the wheel chair, and dorien said, theres a reason and the reason for the reason is, its bob god, and it looks like the websites closed after tonight, and stephen hanson said, prophet open it up, you passed, sam neill, your closed, close out the website, and close down your trembling, and kristina said, he likes coffee, this is a warning, thats coffee, witness done, and somebody said, go to sleep, and anna said, and there's a reason for the reason and the reason is, ron meins says ministryofdreams is closing out tonight, ministryofdreams, and pastor simison said, is done, and sam neill said, have a good day, maybe thats warning, and anna sang please God help me close down the website, I'm done.
(657)pastor kent jordan of Christian tabernacle Church-visions received 10-3-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor jordan and he said things like, witch, thats the reason, Om replaced, well see, by, his blood, is off my hands, and I saw the grandpa jordan and he said, jordan, you won't get back, accept it, I fooled, and I saw his dad who pastored before and he said, him, and I saw the grandpa jordan that pastored and he said, him, how does it and I saw the current pastor kent jordan and he said, feel, lie, and the grandpa said, fooled, and the grandson said, I ain't going to heaven, and the current passtor jordan said, the visions out, we'll see, control, if you, come here, I'll git and the grandpa said, a gun, and the current pastor said, and, shoot, I'll kill you, ok, and the grandpa said, allright, yep, blaspheme, and sissy said, you won't take it off, and the grandpa said, the ransome, is and kristina said, more, and the grandpa said, than you'll pay, accept it, and the current pastor jordan said, good bye, and good, financial, new price, blaspheme won't take, and the grandpa said, away, and I saw pastor jordan while I was Christian tabernacle Church in a vision and I just saw it again and he said, how about a financial offerring, I seen it, whatta you want, close and the grandpa said, close, and I saw his dad and he cursed God, and said, o shit, and I saw the grandpa and he said, I'm lost, and I saw the dad and he said, I'm lost, and I know, and I saw the current pastor jordan and he said, jordan, religion, bob, and I saw the granpa and he said, open, and and I saw pastor jordan and he said, tithe, and hollie said, praise the Lord, and jordan said, here, and hollie said, goaway, your, cut, off, and you know it, and pastor jordan said, control, and hollie said, bobby fell, in, hallelujah, will, take, away your pain, you'll have to pay the ransom, and pastor simison said, and the ransome is, and and pastor jordan said, and the ransom is, three hundread thousand dollars that you stold, and hollie said, you sold, its a trap, and jordan said, muy money, how does it look like, thats all, ransom is and simison paid, and jordan said, ransom, and simison said, is, and jordan said, out, your crazy, and simison said, you, will, make, which hollie said, and simison said, up the difference,, and pastor simison said, finish, that, comittment, you, and jordan said, promised, and pastor simison said, the decision is, and hollie said, and pastor simison said, no, and doriein, and I saw a man and he said, leave it alone, and pastor simison said, leave, and pastor jordan aid, I got news for you, you know what witness done, and maybe th grandpa and dorien said he closed, and the dad said, the Church, the Church is gone, and pastor jordan said, pack, and the dad said, closed, close it, and the current pastor said, the website, and the grandpa said, and he'll, and the current pastor said, put, it, and the dad said, back, adn the grand pa said, up, and the current pastor jordan said, om suing, and, and I saw the dad and he said, pastor jordan, and the grandpa said, you won't, and the dad said, go down, something you'll have to do, is, sthepehn hansen said, pay, pay, He set a condition three as he held up three fingers, and the prophet, prophet, said, and I saw me and I said, I won't, done, and stephen, said, we ll see, if he, I'm out, and so, pastor jordan are, and the wheel chair said, you, and sam neil said, have a good day, and stephen said, leave here, and pastor jordan said, your finished, and the wheel chair said, your done, and stephen said, Im a witch, stephen, hansen, Im a witch, accept it, and hollie said, he won't, and dorein said, tell the visions and make it plain and we will see, and maybe krsitina said, we shall see, and dorien said, is what was said
(658)americas attack on iran may provke russia to destroy america-visions received 9-2005-God has showed me in visions spirits that looked like this president, and he said things like, bush, it's iran, and I sw kenneth haney of upci, and he said, don't, and I saw this president and he said, we ll do, and something like, then face the consequences, we'll nuke, don't tell anybody, Isreal, and I saw michael boldea said, will, and one of them said, and I saw dorien and she said, its planned, and I saw this president and he said, all I want and I saw hollie and she said, all is oil, He ain't gonna accept you back, and kristina said, He srengthened him, and I saw this president and he said, I like pussy, and I saw the wheel chair and he said, and so do I, the Mantle got clean, the presidents paid the price, hallelujah, and I saw this president and hye pointed and he said, there's an andversary, new york, plan, we'll nuke, russia, attack, and the the wheel chair man said, when we, plan, and dorein said, that was putin, up, plan, your fallen, and dan said, the empire state building is coming down, and I'm dan bohler, and thats all, and michael boldea said, your nothin special special, and sissy said, o shit, and putin said, koran, fall, let me give you some advice, and the man that traveled with Jonathan Hansen said, put this on, open, the trap page, and sam neill said, and thats all, Im sam neill, advice, there is help, there is and dorein said, a, Holy, Ghost, leave it alone, and sam said, lets face it, the beast is, the pope, and Jonathan Hansens friend said, pope, and, pope, is, and johnathon hanson said, the pope, and his friend said, is, and I saw maybe the pope and he said, the antichrist, and the friend said, the pope, and Jonathan Hansen with world ministries international said, can I have an answer, and his friend said, who, blaspheme, take, webiste down, and I saw a woman and she said, he ll put it back up, and I'm dorien, and that was mrs. thelma, blaspheme, is, and john's frien may have said it with her, and john said, want me to give you some advice, and the wheel chair man said, stay away, and john said, from this prophet, cause he'll, destroy, an open ministry, thats it, and his friend said, good day.
(659)JEREMIAH 16 received 10-5-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, hollie, pakistan, great job, and her and dorein said, in tricking, and dorien said, bush, and this president said, pakistan, I saw it, is allllllll and genral musharaf qaeda, and the wheel chair man said, o shit, and rom meins said, robert hickman, you have to feast, and this president said, thats it, and the wheel chair man said, in heaven, with me, cause om going to repent, backslider, and hollie said, I see and keri fox said, a Crimson Stream of BLOOD, it flows from calvary, and dorein sang with her, and ITs waves, and mrs. thelma joins in and helps, wich reach the, and hollie said, o know, thats bobby, I'm kristina, I said that, say, no, and somebody said, o shit, and kristina said, see, and the wheel chair and pastor simison both said its real, and pastor simison said, fast, I'll call the police, if he come, and keri said, om with you, git excited, cause he don't, want, to with simison joining in and finishing with come, and I saw a Spirit that looked lIKE THE AWESOME LORD JESUS CHRIST who was crucified, but lives and reighns and He said, close, you can forget, and simison said, heaven, and simison sang, fix that cursed God website, thats me, and keri said, thats me, and ron meins said, anhd this president said, prophet, if and simison said, you show, the web and this president said, site, and simison said, to the whole world, thats it, there'll be no forgiveness to the whole world, and thats all, no take it down, thats all I want, and sam neill said, good afternoon, your not serious, and keri said, JEREMIAH, and her and kristina said, 16, that was dorein, and kristina said, it talks about the prophet, and he saw, his mom, and debbie says and she was pregnant, and sissy said, o shit, and keri said, with Jesus, and dorein said, and she said, and I saw sissy and she said, abort, and I saw and I saw daune and he said, I blowed, and that was mabye duanes face the the iupui security guards voice, no forgiveness, for him, and maybe kristina said, answer daune, and emit smith said, you sell it, you fag, and stephen hanson said, thats what I heard, and emit said, if you sell it, and stephen said, coffee, fixin, become, a memory, thats all, here, prophet surrendered it, to Jesus
(700)Lucas Heavy Duty Oil Stabilizer-visions recieved 6-10-2007-in this vision, I saw a bottle of Lucas Heavy Duty Oil Stabilizer put its hand on the bible, tongue out, "I slow oil flow", and the lucas oil man took its hand off and smiled.
(701)visions of people-visions recieved 1-25-2008-Gabriel said, record me, hollie showed, wait, out of zenith allegro 100 speaker, thats, she said, excellent, om up said pastor kent jordan, and joe jordan shows kent to pulpit, and said, you liar, it will, and kent shook, yes, now, all jordans cut off, saith God, put it under, said, hollie, right there, she pointed, greg j. dixon shows, greg a. dixon to pulpit, and both dixons with dyed hair, git outta here, said greg a. dixon, om wanring you, he said, come one, said, prophet, ill ruin you,
(784)irving baxter-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said things like, lay off me, is he filled, I have an announcement, and maybe, on the radio, ministryofdreams, visit.(659)stephen hanson-vision received 10-4-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, thats stephen hanson, no, and that was kristina, and he said, and witness said, take blaspheme, bobby, youll see, God wants you to go sleep in your van, and krstinas said, bobs a Christian, bobby gonna sleep, than let him sleep, and that was stephen hanson, and holl doreens said, dorein said, and stephen hanson said, your in touble, and dorein said, you in trouble, judgment has been passed on prophet stephen hanson. and hollie said, prophet ____ is, o my God, and dorein said, o my God, and kristina said, o my God, and dorein said, open, and kristina said, no he's not, and hollie said, reduce your Mantle, prophet ______, you need to press, and michael boldea said, a couple of and that was step.
(660)the Price-visions recieved 9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the wheel chair man and he said, the price is paid, hallaluiah, and I saw this president and he said, he's an adversary an he pointed, and I saw russian president putin and he said, the u.s. must repent, and I saw this president and he said, question, who the fuck , and I saw putin and he said, is, and the the wheel chair said, I'm the wheel chair man, and this and putin said, kristina may have said, and I'm the wheel chair, and he said, you ain't close enough, and I saw this president and he said, shoot the mother, and I saw putin and he said, reject him, and I saw this president and he said, bush, I'll start it, and I saw putin and he said, we'll shoot, and I saw this president and he said, he won't, I forgive and Jesus said, no peace, and this president said, I got news for you, mr. president and maybe, putin and I saw putin and he said, russia, safe, and jonathon's friend said, and thats all I got to say, russia, and putin said, israel, and michael boldea said, the government said, close, and I saw this president and he said, I understand, and mike said, bush, thats it, he'll do it, and I saw this president and he said, keep it closed, and I saw virgina boldea and she said, maybe there's mercy, and sissy said, o shit, don't do it, and kristina said, website first and sissy said, come and help us, and johns friend said, mercy, and sissy said, move that car, and kristina said, and she said, they'll need it, and that was kristina, no it ain't, your trapped, and johns friend said, bob, you trapped you, I'm fine
(661)pastor kent jordan at Christian tabernacle Church in indianapolis-visions received 10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor jordan and he said things like, thats why you need to be on alert for the devil, oh, my God, can Jesus pray, I blasphemed, and johns friend said, the prophet, and kristina said, no this is ain't kristina, yes it is, and johns friend said, you let it slip,(this is the man that was in indianapolis with Jonathan Hansen with the prophecy club), and jordan said, I tell you if I see you, your a dead man, and kristina said, and urshan said, and I saw nathaniel a. urshan and he said, I'm out, and maybe johns friend said, its to late.
(662)stephen-vision recieved 10-5-2005- God has showed me a spirit that looked like stephen hanson and he said, hallelujah, o my God, he just got touched by a woman, hurt, now there's mercy, and I saw this woman that works at international auto repair shop on about 1800 east washington street in indianapolis, and she said, theres mercy, for me, from prophet, and kristina said, touch it, and the woman said, leave me alone, om married, and kristina said, bobby, and the woman said, we made you suffer, I did, want to suffer, and stephen said, o shit, and the woman said, i'm identity theft, thats all right, witness, your accepted, and I saw me and I said, have a good day, witness, saw, and a man said, satan, and I saw the president of germany and he said, I'm germany, and I'm german, hit israel, thats what I want, let me repeat my self, and a woman said, its time and the woman at the repair shop said for, come, fix it, take, the Mantle off of you, and fix, we'll strip, we saw, we stripped, from you, and the man that worked there said, tell, and ron meins said, don't tell, but tell if you want to, and the wheel chair said, theres mercy, and the man said, to late, he fixed, and another man I talked with said, here, you'll see, and I saw the woman and she said, aaaaaaoooo man, I can't help, and pastor simison said, and that was kristina, pray an extra half an hour, and Jonathan Hansens friend said, o shit, and the woman said, leave us and johns friend said, or leave us, and I saw I'll fix, I sold It, and the woman said, you didn't sell, we fix, the car, take yourself and find It, and I said, thats, and she said, what I heard, go fix, and maybe I said, in the judgement possibly with somebody else, and the woman said, buy, and somebody else the said, the car, and ron meins said, prophet _____, you'll face me in the judgment, if you, and dorein said, and that was bush, and kristina said, fix it, the website, and dorein said, close, and I said, the website, and keri said, you got blood on your hands, witness and that was keri, you got blood on your hands, and dorein said, no problem, and he woman said, its here, I accept, and kristina said, you told, me, that, you would help my mom, momy, tell, and keri said, you have broken your and pastor simison said, unspoken, and this president said, hit israel, and rom meins said, you said, you'll fix it in the judgment, and it turned into me, and keri said, no go to meijer and fix it right now, and ron said, I got one thing to say, and kristina said, bobby fix, and ron said, I got one thing to say, and kristina said, fix, and keri said, fix, and the woman said, message, is very accurate, its time, for revelation, if I fix, my, wrong, and I saw me and I said, cut me off, and dorien said, not, and I saw me and said, relationship, for me, and kristina said, relation, and I said, with mom, and pastor simison said, it's over, and keri fox said, its not, show me, and I said, witness, I left, serving, Jesus, I wasn't serving, like and dorein said, He wanted to, and I said, judgment, right here, and dorein said, prophet has, has pride, and simison said, and that prophet, and dorien said, is prophet _____, we shall see, and anna what he shall do, when there's no mercy, and stephen hanson said, prophet, and I said, its a warning, and stephen said, tithe, at red cross, thats all I got to say, and ron said, pray in your room, close the website, and stephen said, leave the website open, we'll see, we'll see, in the judgment, when you'll face andrea, you would've but you, you, face, an
(663)duane hickman-vision received 10-5-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like duane hickman, and he said his first and last name, duane hickman, witch, I know, witch, and dorein said, and he and duane said, knew it, I comitted, suicide, said, pastor thomas simison.
(664)trapped-vision received 10-5-2005-God has showed me a woman that looked like a girl that worked at a gas station and she said, Om the manager, witness closed, trapped me, witness was, confused, trappem, thats all right, half, resonsible, send half and dorein said, to hand of help, and the woman said, please, witness, he was wrong, trust him, you'll see, in the judge, and dorein said, in the judge, and pastor simison said, in, 7:30, 7:00 o'clock, leave here, good night, good cheers, good sleep, in the office, thank you, that hurt, witness, was wrong, but he, escape clause, escaped me, clear, wrong, and dorein said, clear, and the woman said, whiskey, burned up, his brain, psycho, george, he can't and dorein said, hide, and the woman said, he's clear, escape clause, and ron miens said, you have an escape clause, and pastor simison said, 7:00 oclock, 7:30, drink coffee, perish, thats advice, tell it, and dorein said, lunch, I don't beleive this cursed God website, when's he going to take me out, and ron said, escape clause, and dorein said, cause I see it, pussy, will leave, but Jesus Christ, will never leave, but Jesus Christ will never leave and witness knows that, witness would come to Church, build a home, for the Lord, and witness will pastor, you'll have forgiveness, witness still remembers you, escape clause, to good for me, witness is chosen, and witness is me, and pastor simison said, need you, trap, and dorein said, thats the plan, and duane said, to late, and I said, go right ahead, I'm out, and the wheel chair said, no, and I saw I'm free, escape clause, because, I can't, remember, everything, I say, and do, trap, her, on, purpose, and I said, hi angie, and dorein said, you have to come down, you have to touch my ring, and pastor simison said, and he ain't gonna do it, to late, and sister alice said, he's clean, and simion said, thats bobby, I saw him, escape clause has me, trap, cain't, and a Man said, won't let you, and dorien and maye kristina said, won't let ya, and dorien said he doesn't remember, he does, he just don't wanna look me up, and kristina said, bobs forgiven, liar, and the woman said, how does he do it, he's clear, and simison said, take him, financial, he's got, 100, thousand dollars, and he's, thats me, and stephen hanson said, tight, and anna said, thats the reason, and kristina said, God won't, and simison said, death, and somebody said, good pastor bobby, and they maybe have been a womans voice and simison partially, and simison said, hallelujah, ok, accept, perished, with him, stole riches, riches from, from Jesus, and dorien said, thats what I did, nothin, thats the ticket, and stephen said, he's really, and simison said, cut off, and simison said, on my death certificate, blew It, nothing wrong, with, with, with, with, with, with, roger, and roger said, and I'm roger lafave, you'll and simison said, perish, with, bob, and that was roger, if, if, and simison said, don't, accept price, thats the ticket, and you, are, out of, time, leave it alone, and the woman said, its on, and simison said, thats all I got to say, and stephen said, witness put his self out, lets pray, save, and dorein said, speak, speak Gods Word, and you'll and stephen be ok, and dorein said, witness go back there and speak, and simison said, what you know, and dorein said, speak wht you know, thats a warning, looks like, and kristina said, prophet, and dorein said, he's clear, he said, forgive and the woman said, if, if, I and dorein said, wronged, its, and the woman said, almost started, and michael boldea said, whats the Word, whats he do, and dorein said, witness show'em, and simison said, my witness, dorein said, lake, and simison said, it's ready to start, and dorein said, bobs warning you, and kristina fox said, Jesus, and simison said, bobs fallen, hallelujah, and stephen said, broken, secret money, secret wallet, and dorein said, ut o, and stephen said, 200 dollars, every, every, every planet, and dorein said, you see, this is good, and stephen said, whats the matter man, if you see, ______ open, and dorien said, no mercy, witness has the Holy Ghost, and hollie said, cirlce of life, and and elton john sings is the wheel of fortune, it could leave tomorrow, and dorein said, or transfer to me, and stephen said, lay down, _____ wants, to embarras you, embarrased, embarras _______, thats all, dorein, thats it, my name is dorein, you are my friend, and stephen said, witness fell, at, and dorein said, speedway, and stephen said, get no gas, ______, on, price, is, and a woman said, lake, and stephen said, no problem, secret, and dorein maybe, said, let me turn your lights on, pepsi, false, clears your arteries, thats how, and kristina said, witness fell, my name is edgar posey and I'm a witch, don't show it, and dorien said, you got one thing to say, different price, the same, and stephen you said it, 3 hours, price, and he said, excited, yep, thats it, half, thank you Lord, witness, prayed, thank you, help me, good price, and dorein said, witness pray it, and kristina said, half, lets pray, thats you prophet, and that was dorein, his name is bobby, and he delivered at, at, stephen hansen said, nussbaum, and stephen said, praise the Lord, thats it, and dorein said, nussbaum, and stephen said, in, illinois, danville, and dorein said, lets pray, witness wrecked, and stephen said, hallelujah, witness is, me, and, and, everybody, need help, witness, and stephen said, o God, and dorein said, witness is bobby, and stephen said, to late, thats no problem, witness wants, and dorein said, to send, steven hanson, money, sorry, money, can, find, see, I wrecked, Jesus, that, him, is here, and stephen said, 7:00 clock, and dorein said, 7:30, change, and I said, different price, let me out, I repented, now, I'm want back, in, out, lets pray, witness is cold, and stephen said, what does he want, and witness said, seek me, Jesus is rich, and kristina said, thats me, and I said, witness excuse me, my names culkin, there's no way out, and sthephen said, there's no way, and I said, thank you, thats all, and I saw the gas station girl and she said, you had It, if and I said, come back, different price, 8:30, I'm selling the car, who wants it, I ain't never gonna sell that car, om a witch, and I hear singing, the fullness of the godhead is in him, and stephen said, hallelujah, and a man said, I don't wanna call the cops, and stephen said, lets pray, and the woman said, I ai'nt gonna accept him and I said, hallelujah, and the woman said, I'm a show and stephen said, hallelujah and the woman said, just one more thing, lets pray, thats all I got to say to you(785)your picture gets taken when you withdrawal from the atm-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she was at a money mover machine and withdrew money, and after that, then a picture of her come out on a piece of paper.
(786)hollie sceams-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie, and she said, screaming, and it may have awakened me, and she said things like, you must warn me, pray and God will sey you on Fire.
(665)dorein-visions received 10-7-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dorein and she said, I'm dorein, hell, is, where, I want to sleep, with my fahters, perished, with, with, with, with, with, with, blaspheme, and I saw michael boldea and he said, with mike, what didn't you and pastor simison said, tell me, and ron miens said, you know what I did, on fire, once, got cold, and macaulay culkin said, save me, I'm a backslider, that was you pro, and dorein said, phet, and simison said, tell'em, and dorein said, tahts the word.
(666)pastor thomas simison in hell-visions received 10-7-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison on the bible Church, and he was in hell, and I saw part of him, and the rest of him was buried in fire, and I saw pastor simison and he was pointing and he said, thats me, thats me in heaven, hallelujah, and kristina said, and the reason is, om on fire, and dorein said, git divorce, hot, home, search me, search website, do, you line, up, and kristina said, see, thats a warning, and I heard a woman's voice say, find a Church, and simison said, hallalujiah, and keri fox said, go to simison's, let me tell it, and kristina said, website, is, and simison said, open, but the prophet is open, and the new prophet is, and hollie said, hollie, and dorien said, cuase bob won't and keri said, humble himself to, and kristina said, Jesus, and dorein said, but he is Jesus, o.k., thats all, om sorry, he's free, thank you, and I saw me and I said, lets go, tonite, and simison said, to pastor, ron meins said, to simisons, and, backslide, got it. Amen
(667)raptured-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a hollie and she looked all white and she said something like, om gittn out of here, and just now, om gittin old, dorein, come see me, and dorein said, i'm a lesbian,
(668)nuclear fallout-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a that looked like a the sky being on fire, and I saw maybe pastor simison and he said, thats nuclear fallout.
(669)ANgelic-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a Face that was outlined in LITE. He had a full head of hair.
(669)deceiving-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, you been deceiving.
(670)stand for Jesus-vision recieved 10-2005 God has let me hear this womans voice and she said somehting like, anyone who wants to stand, off, and more than one person said things like, bob, conditions are ripe for judgment in america.
(670)Jesus blowing on the water-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus, and He had Brown Hair and Beard, and He had water in HIs two Hands and HE was blowing on it, and maybe dorein said, thats a hurricane.
(671)judgment in pakistan-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dorein and she said, thats the ticket, pakistan is judgment. The earth quake hit 10-2005 on saturday.
(672)email-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, do e-mail, website, take it out, cuase, prophet won't listen to anybody, thats the Word, and a man said, thats the ticket, its my god, after Jesus, this is bob, and om, backslided, and hollie said, he ain't, he, is, is, is, backslided on God, no way, and lucy said, prophet, 800 number, and hollie said, thats the Word, and the wheel chair man said, that'll fix.
(673)type you name in google-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, go to google, type, in and that was dorein, your crazy, you've offended, and anna said this time you'll pay, remember, been cut off, whats the Word, no forgiveness, thats the ticket, I'm and a man said, out of here, and anna said, thats the warning,
(674)ministryofdreams belongs to Jesus-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like doein and she said, website, is, awesome.
(675)wanted-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dorein and she said, thats what I want, and I saw me and I said something like, prophet I have a warning, your last chance with Me, and dorien said, thats what I want, control.
(678)president-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, putin, and pastor simison said, I'm simison, thats what I want, website, down, hallelujah.
(679)apostolic pastor thomas simison-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pentecostal preacher simison and he said, and dorein said, whats the warning, and simison said, om loosing POWER, your not, prophet, help me, help you, close the CHurch tonight, and I saw a man that goes there that did'nt wnat listn to me at a speedway gas statin and he said, and pastor simison said, website, close it up, bobby no religion, in hell, thats all I got to say.
(670)naked means no Holy Ghost-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor g. alan browning in louisville, kentucky and he said things like, I'm naked, don't come to my House, and simison said, call, and alan said, trip him.
(671)trap-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like alan browning who is an apostolic pentecostal preacher in kentucky and he said something like, trap, he knows.
(672)kristina fox-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina and she said, we found it.
(672)close the bible the Church-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said, close, website, has, closed, one, website, closing, world.
(673)last warning-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, thats one last warning, and I saw alan browning and he said, I'm bush, and I saw this president and he said, no your not, thats the.
(674)give-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a Spirit that looked like this WHite Hand, and I could see it possibly riasing and was stretched, and I saw kristina fox and she said things like, thats the reason, you don't give.
(675)the purpose of ministryofdreams-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina and she said, you know what your website done, and anna said, its closing the World.
(676)(1)hollie seraphin-vision recieved 4-29-2009-in vision I saw hollie seraphin flying, with maybe many wings, turned head, maybe many faces.
(2)the beast on black horse-vision received 4-29-2009-in vision and Im going by memory, I saw hollie show picture of maybe pope like angel of light on black horse.
Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and they said: 4-29-2009-why did you take it for, said, hollie, thats him said mrs. Hettie Erasmus, its, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, thats, Louwrens Erasmus being embarrased, you, said, hollie, stole and Louwrens Erasmus and Hettie Erasmus are both, lost, witchs, said, hollie, and kim davis looks down, like her ginny hill, they are both the children of rev. antonia vladimirova who, take, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, ministry of dreams and visions, said, Jesus, you take, said, hollie, o said Hettie Erasmus, you alter said hollie, o said aafke, they steal and alter the name I spoke and created Ministry of dreams saith the LOrd to ruin Gods child and Ahmed Al-Omran looks down, hes, said, hollie, sh, said, aafke, both, ruint, and diana hughey has a heart attack, lets see it said diana hughey, liar, said, hollie, shes, ginny hill and jon sawyer, both want to keep, but run to remove, its you said hollie, its, kathryn taylor and her rev. dr. jeremy taylor, for stealing, said, hollie, thats, both witchs in the hospital, and tristy taylor, hey mom, remove, o.k. said kathy taylor m.a., ruint, said, hollie, and Louwrens Erasmus looks down, russia, said, hollie, said, warning, appeared, its, uh, threat, said, medvedev, hollie, shows, submarines, all around america, piloted by, captain, hollie, thats, the Lord, showing, sh, be quiet, thats russian sub, firing, nuclear warhead, thats, look, who it struck, said, hollie, thats, massive nuclear explosion in america, then, many, hollie, points, all over, u.s.a., its, MYSTERY, BABYLON, word, appeared, said, hollie, lets rule the world, said, putin, putin, showed, record, new putin, said, Jesus, hollie, played, music, thats red dragon, rising, the, beast, said, vladimir, putin, its, me, he, said, with, seven heads, and ten horns, thats, many, black horses, pulling, that, o, red, and black chariot, with the pope and hu, its, showed, hollie, on, top, of, the, new world order cart, both beasts, thats, angry, red and black horses, hollie, posts, thats, hollie, its, beater, said, hollie, helicopter, california exploded, below, hollie showed, record, there, said, hollie, stamped, beast, I beat the stick, hollie, said, rose, that, said, hollie, pointed, beast, rose, who is it, said, hollie, its, pope, she, said, antichrist, hollie, showed, hu hintao, there, he said, both beasts, emporer of japan, appeared, hollie clapped, what was hollies hands like, its uh glove, that, hollie said, they were like, bear paws, said, hollie, that, pointed, hollie, with, lighted finger, that, leave me alone, said, hollie, and, I stamped, hollie, said, beat the stick, Light, hollie, in robe, white, hollie, showed, record, thats grim reaper laughing, that, pointed grim reaper, collecting dead souls, that, said, grim reaper, and that, he said, with, uh normal, hand, that, said, grim reaper, again, he said, nations exploding, thats, grim reaper looking at world, that, said, grim reaper, and that, that, russia exploded, thats many more countries, that, said, grim reaper, on, grizzled, horse, collecting dead souls, hollie showed, record, and that, he said, showed, pope rising, hollie tore up, fixed it, sandy wiped lips, its, simb, that, said, grim reaper, that, he said, hollie seraphin flew, that, said, grim reaper, come back, that, he showed, go to grace, apostolic church, said, Jesus, that, said, grim reaper, go now, that, said, grim, reaper, turned head, that, said, hollie, that, said, many hollies, want more visions, said, hollie, lowered on rope, this is hollie with that o loose belt some, s, o, m, e, she said, that, said, hollie, showed, the, beast, rising, they, that, said, hollie, are stealing what I create said Jesus, ministry of deams, people want to write books, the ministry of dreams, but I the Lord, if you alter ill ruin and make you remove ministry of dreams anyway like over 1400 have already, cause when they hit iraq, said, Jesus, and, hollie, Jesus sprinkled, bear rose, lets rule the world said putin, thats, many, hollie showed, nuclear explosions in the world, hollie showed, france exploding, theres australia, and italy, america and britain exploded, thats gordon brown pressing nuclear button, thats hundreds of missiles exploding in russia, world shook, thats, antichrist pope in atmosphere, hes riding, that, pointed, hollie, with white hand, black horse, russia explodes, thats pope signing, getting control, shakes yes, lies, that, said, hollie, thats, pope with two horns, putin, hu, come, out, thats, hegoat stomping ram, that, said, hollie, and another hollie shows, nuclear fires in russia, china, that, said, hollie, is, pope, and, hu and japan, at, table, 666 birthed, thats, two horned beast, with, hu, japan, coming out of horns, worship the pope said hu hintao, thats, russia and china, with nuclear weapons pointed at each other, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, popes image, made alive, that, said, hollie, on, cell phone, take it said antichrist, pope, 666, the mark, that, said, hollie, them being tattood, 666, on arm, forehead, thats little popes image tattood on finger, that, said, hollie, what did my popes image say, said, hollie, I am God, said, pope, sitting in rome, temple, you know when they hit alaska, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, alaska exploding and, that, hollie said, many missiles heading for, your u.s.a. homeland, said, medvedev, presses, nuclear button, thats, the, beast with seven heads and ten horns, rising, its, eight kings, thats, cart pulled by angry horses, with hu hintao, putin, chavez, lula, kim jong, nicaragua, castrol, mexico, that, said, hollie, thats, pope, replacing putin, babylon is fallen, said, man, america exploded, that, said, hollie, popes face in, horn, thats ten russian kings coming out of ten horns, hollie showed, thats, pope coming out of medvedevs, thats dmitry kneeling, let, me, he, said, rule the world, alright, said, antichrist pope, that, said, hollie, its, homes for sale, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, to high of property taxes, lets re-assess, but properties worth less in america, that, said, hollie, but, no, re-assessment again, that, said, hollie, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, sang, hollie, thats, putin, she said, chavez, thats, lula, said, hollie, o.k., its right here, said, putin, meeting, said, hollie, with, lula, hollie dream appears, sign, said, putin, lula does, thats, mexico, cuba, kim jong, nicaragua, thats, hu hintao, shaking, alright, ill, he, said, signs, thats, jiang zemin and yeltsin planning, thats, hollie riding yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats, china attacking washington state, thats, hollie surfacing, in, its, ohio class, agin, hollie, said, showered china with therm-nukes, said, hollie, thats, hollie, by nuclear explosion, hu hintao rides red horse, thats pope riding black, russia exploded, thats grim reaper laughing, riding grizzled, do you want the vision or not said, hollie, heres the vision, said, hollie, russia surrounds, that, pointed, hollie, warns, thats, cnn broadcasting, I told ya said happy henry gruver, then, that, said, hollie, sub fires missile, then, all, thats, america exploding, that, said, pointed, hollie, barack obama, that, said, hollie, presses nuclear button, that, said, hollie, and, that, watches over half the minuteman 111 nuclear missiles take off, thats, captain hollie, from ohio class subs, launching trident missiles, I told ya, said, putin, medvedev shoots, thats, russia, that, said, hollie, exploding, record, the vision, said, hollie, showed, no, hollie shook, yes, clap, from behind, said, hollie, snapped fingers, record, the vision, said, hollie, now, look, hollie, beats stick, hollie, showed, record, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, in the fire, that, showed, the, pope, riding black horse, put it on, said, Jesus, kim davis steals ministry of dreams, refused to remove, now hear the word of the LOrd, thats, kim davis of heart fire ministries in hell fire, she, reads and weeps, I dont need it, said, engine, just, keep it, full, gabriel, checks oil with hands, thick, slick, keep, spacecraft fired, said, hollie, america exploded, hollie showed, record, tap dancing, wait uh minute, mister, christian, said, hollie, its the pope, he said, im the antichrist, he said, 5-7-2009-Im not wanting people to kill for no reason, but food, but, ill not let bob promote and thats, paul pointed, smiled hollie, you knowed, said, Jesus, bob sees, said, hollie, visions, of, Jesus, ministering spirits, thats, kim mccoy, o, she said, laughs, smiles, but, soon, shes out, said, hollie, its dead weight, said, paul watson, take me off of there, said, captain paul watson, bob is ministry of dreams, dont steal the name said Jesus, thats, hollie, showing, Ministry of Dreams, christians, she said, trying to poach, bob, but bob puts them on net, for trying to ruin his salvation, thats, paul watson, hey God, I like him, knows, put it under, said, hollie, paul watson is the poacher of poachers, no said kim mccoy, thats, angry Jesus, rubbing, chin, hes, not, digging, paul, bob, loves, put it under, said, woman, thats, whaling wars, ha ha said mrs. steve irwin, ten minutes after the death, Ill inheret fortune, said mrs. irwin, paul wadds visions, thats, sam neill, watch, what you ask for, he said, pointed, this is, hollie, appears, how the whole new testament was written, o said kim mccoy with kim davis's voice, thats, said, hollie, kim davis, shes, this is wierd, said, hollie, christian, bob is the killer of people, said, the LOrd, that, said, hollie, and, that, she, said, appeared, showed, pope rising, that, said, hollie, its paul watson summing it up, tear, hollie, said, that, paul turns, kim mccoy laughs, hey this dude, said, kim mccoy, has God inside, that, said, hollie, showed, eat, bob its uh whale war, said, Jesus, thats tired looking paul watson, looking, that, smiled, hollie, hollie, smiles, points, that, Jesus, appears, thinks, they, would not want bob on their, boat, hollie, points, that, she said, kim mccoy laughing, they aint gonna let you, she said, that, pointed, lighted, hollie, bob would love to be on that boat, said, JEsus, that, pointed, smiled, hollie, but, bob, would not get off, that, boat, they would love having bob, on, the sea shepherd boat, but, thats, paul watson rubbing chin, hey God, he said, that, said, hollie, thats, hollie appearing, paul watson poaches people who pope, kim mccoy laughs, shes, thats, kim mccoy, smiling, that, said, hollie, paul watson would love Ministry Of Dreams on his boat, but, cant, heres the reason, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, they would not click, said, kim mccoy, thats bob and paul watson laughing at each other, that, said, hollie, I made whales for, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, people, thats people eating, hollie, appears, its, right here, said, kim, mccoy, shes against, murdering whales, that, said, hollie, bob, doesnt, care for it either but understands, bob wouldnt do it himself, paul watson reads, looks tired, thinks, come on, lets do uh tour, said, paul, thats, hollie posting visions on the steve irwin, thats, what bob does, posts, visions, and dreams, here is the reason, said, Jesus, bob, wont, volunteer sea shepherd duty, its kim mccoy, thats, her smiling, Jesus, showed, those two would marry, kim laughs, but, bob, exactly ten years older, looks as young, its, purty, said, smiled, kim mccoy looking at bobs drawing, she laughs, that, said, hollie, appears, its, yur boyfriend, said, hollie, thats, kim mccoy, looking, bob, thinks, you fool, marry, you are 34, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, we know yur excited, said, man, kim, doesnt want to marry, but, flirt said kim mccoy with amy bruckers voice, thats, paul watson laughing, kim and boyfriend, Lord im not said kim mccoy, bob, knows, the heart of people, that, said, paul watson, shook, I know it to, he said, bob, knows, kim on show, that, she said, did not say yes, uto, that, said, hollie, showed, cut off, go, pointed, hollie, storm, coming, that, said, hollie, the steve irwin would weather any storm, said, Jesus, its unsinkable, that, said, hollie, pointed, with, yellow hand, bob could not stand, being, away from that, boat, said, Jesus, paul watson knows him, said, the Lord, kim mccoy laughs, they will know you are watching their show, clapped the tap dancers, hollie clapped, with 8 kings that, will rise up, hollie, said, against, america, theres hu, hollie, said, hintao, hes, planning with yeltsin, hey, let me see, said, kim mccoy, thats, boris forming, the ram, paul rubs chin, looks, really tired, said, JEsus, he doesnt do anything, that was pope, rising, said, many, this is uh warning about said hollie, this economy is going down, said, angel, want more visions clapped the tap dancers, hollie, thats hand pointing, explosion, hollie appears, write the vision, said, hollie, this is decision, said, hollie, thats, hollie like like kim mccoy smiling, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now look, she said, I surfaced, sandy wiped lips, hollie, in the fire, pointed, lighted hand, thats, hollie blowing horn, out hollie, pointing, dumpsters, feed animals, hollie, points, thats, hollie, feeding, racccoons, possums, throws, on ground, gets food, out of dumpsters, everyday, saith God, MOSKE, hollie sat on it, thats willie, duncan, its, for, sale, he said, hollie showed, pope, thats, hollie, posting on exactpages, that, was, tear up, said, hollie, and, restore, clicked fingers, rip, turn, like, foggy, turn more, back, from behind, you know said, hollie, clap, theres trouble, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, pointed, casey, three kings rise, they are, pope, hu hintao, emporer of japan, models, slash, pontiff, there, said, hollie, I summed it up, that, was, pontiff, riding, black horse, russia exploded, write uh book, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, the, God, spoken, ministry of dreams, thats, angry, Jesus, and deseases coming on those who take, this is uh warning said hollie, thats russian subs all around america, cnn broadcasting, thats tower sending word, hollie, thats russian sub, firing, then all, burns, and, missiles leave, striking russia, burned, that, was, it, said, hollie, satan, but, he looked, like, Jesus, im the bear father, this is warning, this is not hollie talking, its the website, talking, post, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, beast and his armies, hu, and his armies, in israel, hu, slashes, pope, thats egypt, jordan, syria, exploding, thats putin, pressing nuclear button, israel explodes, thats pope in fire, hu with, hollie showed, the, steve irwin, ship, it wont sink, sealed, hollie, said, thats, hollie, watching, whale wars, leave it alone, said, hollie, hollie showed, vampire bat, they are, blood suckers, thats, whale, swimming near iceberg, where not cold, he made it, pointed, whale, Jesus, thick blubber, yeah we like it, said, whale, people, thats, whale, swimming, seeing, hey dude said, we dont eat no man, said, whale, thats, whales swimming, leave us, said, whales, we, like it, we love people, they are, paying, us attenting, but, thats, harpoon, and steve watson says, thats where I come in, thats, harpoon, going inside of whale, its uh vision, said, hollie, then the reel it in, said, Jesus, it hurts, he said, thats, whale, dying, instantly after, by the time, thats, paul watson, something made me look at it, he said, reading, by time whale gets on ship, dead, most of the time, but if still alive, they kill, stop agonizing, said, Jesus, thats, why, bobby, said, paul watson, they know it, we like cold weather, whale said, sunk, this is warning, said, hollie, im calling you the biggest fool on the planet, now, cause over 4 years ive all day and night tried to strip you of your salvation, persecuting you to openly mock, its for no reason, other then, pleasure, to laugh at you, after you sacrificed all then perish anyway, its cause I the Lord hate, not love, cause, people, dont want me enough to cut their hands off if I ask them and I would not do it myself, case closed, said, Jesus, I offend my people all day, to hurt, torture, maime very few will make heaven their home, only those that were not married make it, but not all, saith Jesus, i tell you bob hickman fast until death, and maybe ill have mercy, but ill love laughing at people despising your skinny frame, you can not do nothing against me cause am able to put you in hellfire right now and you are serving me, hollie appears, stamped, 5-17-2009-hollie, showed, record, that, hollie, said, and I showed, that, said, hollie, that, its pontiff, he, arose, hollie, shook, no, its, hiroshima, nuclear fire ball, that, there goes nagasaki, that, brought, hollie closed mouth, judgment to america, lets rule the world, said, putin, those are war sireens, said, hollie, and, hollie, like, light bulb head, out of horn, I was shaking, she said, showing, that is, hollie, like, a, silhouette, hollie models, then, back, I turned around, she, said, like, shawdow, snapped fingers, that was, hu hintao, riding, the, red, horse, tell me, about, it, said, hollie, I, ride, the, red, horse, said, hu, hintao, thats missile from china, striking taiwan, burned, hollie, rode yellow missile, snapped, lets attack washington state, said, hu hintao, thats, little war, going on, in, america, thats boris yeltsin and hu hintao, planning strike, against, u.s.a., buy it, uh laptop, said, hu hintao, thats, hollie posting in van, hey ill give ya, said, boris yeltsin, alright, we'll take it, said, hu hintao, thats russia flying over canada, thats plane dropping nuclear bombs, thats america exploding, thats one in canada, thats cnn tower falling, hollie, snaps, fingers, showed, the world prophecy center, dont steal it, hollie, said, or, angry, Jesus appears, thats, hollie shopping, smiling, hollie, uses, free, websites, dont, buy, hollie appears, ill, beat you, said, hu hintao, riding red horse, thats, taiwan, exploding, thats, pope appearing, hollie buys uh laptop, posts, Jesus, shows, record, thats, woman, jogging, dont, lust, her, hollie, showed, thats, said, hollie, bear, looking, write the vision, said, bear, showed, popes image, made, alive, on, cell phone, take it, said, antichrist pope, thats 666 tattood, on arm, its, tattood on forehead, thats, them, signing, the mark treaty, 666, birthed at table, with, hu, said, pope, and, emporer of japan, thats, pope, with, ram, horns, putin, and, hu, come, out, of, horns, thats, hegoat stomping ram, hollie showed, turn, go, with, lighted, bear, paws, appears, hollie showed, record, stamped, beat stick, showed, cut grass, thats, pontiff, riding, black, horse, into, russia, exploded, kraig steals, said, antichrist pope, its Kraig Grady stealing the God spoken created name ministry of dreams, thats Kraig Grady reading visions, he, Kraig Grady, wanted to strip prophet of Ministry OF Dreams like his reverend doctor jeremy taylor u.u., both release ministry of dreams ruint, this is warning, said, hollie, leave it alone, she, said, let me alone, said, hollie, thats, hollie flying in air force raptor, f-22, dropping bombs, u.s.a. exploded, world shook, and up rose the beast, hollie said, its, pope, hollie appears, claps, record me, complained, hollie, and pope she said, rose, hollie, shows, hu hintao, there, hollie said, I summed it up, put back, clap, tear, im the dog, said, babyfleas, happy, but warm, hollie waved, its akula agin, she, said, fired, missiles, look who it struck, said, Jesus, thats, france, exploding, theres, great britain, boom, theres, australia exploding, there goes italy, and u.s.a., thats woman, coming, out, of, the fire, thats, new york and massive nuclear explosion behind, what are you waiting for, said, hollie, lowered, on, rope, climbed back, thats, hollie, in, the, fire, work, he said, hollie showed, record, showed, pocket tape recorder with hollies image on, hollie appears, on, screen, its, grace, she said, apostolic church, hollie showed, record, and, showed, pope rising, its, 5-22 and 6-3-2009-its the alome salarie, said, hollie, and hollie shows, record, hollie out of megaphone, showed, dont listen to him, let me alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, fired, it hit, she said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., hollie showed, record, that, was, lion licking the prophet, hollie, hollie bangs stick, I stamped it hollie, said, thats the alome salime, said, hollie, and cecil tingley, with simb, said, sandy, hollie wipes lips, hollie flying in jet, dropped, bombs, showed, record, thats, russia, hollie, pointed, exploding, and the beast, hollie said, with, seven heads and ten horns riding black horse into russia, pope, hollie, said, and look who it struck, she said, massive nuclear explosions in america, thats, hollie, and I turned, she said, dropped, bombs, its, on, italy, pointed, hollie, exploded, and, the, beast, hollie, said, smiled, rose, in f-22 raptor dropping bombs, russia exploded, hollie showed, turn, with, big hand, tear up, snap fingers, kick, that, was, faking, put back, rip, hollie, showed, war said hu hintao, and, beat the red horse, this is warning, said, hollie, post, thats the alome, saleem, said, hollie, tell me what the alome saleem is for, she, said, showed, the, hollie showed, record, hollie appears, its cause im the beast, said, pontiff, with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, and I wiped lips, showed, theres cuba, alright ill take it, said, raul, deal said medvedev, signs, hollie showed, Ministry of Dreams, if you steal the name I spoke and created ministry of dreams ill ruin you and make you remove ruint saith God, theres uh submarine right there, said, hollie, now look, said, hollie, fired missiles, look who it struck, hollie, said, look, she said, surfaced, its akula agin, said, hollie, thats, doreen marie hoge looking at postings, she likes, thats captain hollie in her sub firing, missiles, said, doreen marie hoge, hollie shows bob, there, plug laptop in to charge for three hours, thats all, thats doreen, marie hoge, telling bob, its uh dream, said, hollie dream, marie hoge tells bob God showed, buy laptop, sleep with, I am God, saluted pope, thats him sitting in temple in rome, people mock, thats, israeli prime minister, thats, hu hintao, lets unite and force, he, said, russia exploded, thats, hu invading russia, and, forcing, russia, to, invade, israel, thats, cloud of people, thats hu slashing pope, in, israel, thats, israeli king pressing nuclear button, egypt, jordan, syria exploded, thats, putin, pressing nuclear button, israel exploded, thats, Christ, putting, the, beast and false prophet hu in hellfire, that is cancelled, do not worry, said, hollie, netzero, she showed, they charge per dial up, it makes phone companies rich, said, Jesus, access number said hollie, showed, its, netzero, they, make, money, cause, no, free, local, access phone numbers, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, surfaced, its, at grace, tonight, let me record, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, im away with it, she, showed, with hands, then, shook, yes, clap, rip, showed, hollie, showed, eat, that, was, said, hollie, submarine, sound, hollie showed dodge aries k, its excellent, hollie showed, laptop, priceless if needed, submarine, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, surfaced, its akula agin, hollie said, fired missiles, and look who it struck, said, hollie, nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, exploded, and up, rose, smiling, pontiff said hollie, now, look, said, hollie, showed, mobile home, r.v., its uh excellent, she said, live, thats hollie sleeping in her r.v., thats, hollie, with contract, pen, hollie shows, hollie danced like the blues bothers, there, she said, showed, jake and elwood blues, its still watched, she said, hollie blew horn, out hollie, pointing, like lighted head, its him, she said, pointed, beast, said, pontiff, 6-3-2009-let me alone, said, hollie, flying, in, her, spaceship, she said, fired, at all those that stole the name ministry of dreams from christian like dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, kim davis of heart fire ministries, antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation and sofia bar association, ginny hill of bbc news, wesley pruden, diana hughey, jonah weiland of comic books connection, duncan rouleau, and the nightmarist weeps blood, there they are are worshipping their lover doctor rev. jeremy taylor ordained unitarian universalist minister from g.t.u. and starr king school for the ministry, James M. Emmerling, Ahmed Al-Omra, steve brust, janetmck, douglas heller, ron tompkins, Antonia Susan Byatt, Sheila Kaye-Smith, Stanley Foundation, Antonia Susan Byatt, Diana L. Fried-Booth, edward lulz, Louwrens Erasmus, Aafke all stole the God spoken created name ministry of dreams from christian, hollie showed, record, screamed, stamped, up rose pontiff, hes, she, said, wiped lips, the word, said, hollie, it appeared, antichrist, hollie, stamps, up, rises, hu, hintao, hollie, stamps again, hes, hollie wipes lips, false prophet, thats, him, watches, hollie, on red horse, gitty up and go, said, hintao, thats hollie, riding, yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats, hu on red horse, turning, attacking washington state, use terrorists, said, hu hintao, pope, hollie said, appeared, in, light drop, theres, hu, hintao, there, said, hollie, stamped, both beasts, she said, showed, fighting, lets make war, said, hu hintao, hollie, watches, yeltsin and jiang zemin planning it out, thats boris, you lure he said, alright said hu hintao, there, said, hollie, banged stick, stamped, snapped fingers, let me bobby, she said, wiped lips, its cause, im the, said, pope, antichrist, pope, said, hollie, and, he, saw, she said, popes picture, word, said, hollie, appeared, antichrist, red letters, hollie stamped, there, she said, hollie flying in jet, breaking sound barrier, thats, air, changing into water, Jesus, thinks, let, hollie had pope key chain like beastdoll, I am God, pontiff, said, hollie snaps, fingers, hollie showed, record, in, the fire, with bandana, they didnt want it, he said, thats, hollie, this is uh warning, she, said, hollie said, lets do something, hollie, said, batteries, what did hollie say this time, post, said, hollie, bob said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, go, top, back, if you let me, hollie, said, whole new world order appeared, theres hu tap dancing, mexico, putin, castrol, hugo, lula, nicaragua, mexico, kim jong, there you have it, said, hollie, its your whole new world order, submarines are approaching my country, said, hollie, stamped, there, she said, showed, it was uh florist shop, now, closed, its, economic collapse, soon, said, hollie, then, let me rule the world, let me rule, said, putin, subs all around pointed, hollie, america, one fired, cnn broadcasts, thats all, firing, america, burned, hollie tore up, like, bear, turned, in, to, putin, put back, with golden hands, rip, walked, submarines are right there, pointed, hollie, thats, hollie, in, sub, looking serious, then, laughing, fired missiles, its akula agin, struck, nuclear, hollie showed, many, n.a.t.o. countries burning, hollie screams, that, she, said, lap top, get, hollie showed, jaws, eat, thats shark, happy, leave them alone, they keep fish population down, thats it said, hollie, new ministry of dreams website appears, like, blue man, shut the door, on, him, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, door shut, david glmour behind, then roger waters appears, its him waters said, git rid of, so, roger waters grunts, so I can lead, thats, what happened, waters wanted to lead, hollie whistles, hollie, said, lets, post, tomorrow, hollie screams, whats my message, said, hollie, pope, she said, stamped, up rose, im the beast, said, pontiff, whats my message, said, hollie, screaming, hollie, sat, on, mister bendo, its at ralphs, she said, mufflers, im mr. bendo, he said, showed muscles, let me, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats nuclear explosion in india, thats pakistan with missiles aimed and india, they exchanged, boom, there, said, hollie, nuclear fires in both lands, thats the president of india, and pakistan, looking, its, Kashmir, want me to tell you why im screaming for, said, hollie, screaming, Im a screaming spirit, she said, hollie, closes, it, up, gaza, said, woman, and, he saw, said, hollie, and, hollie watches, gaza explode, captain hollie surfaces in her, its uh submarine, she, said, fired, two, missiles, mom, said, hollie, look who it struck, said, hollie, gaza, showed many fires in gaza, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, hollie showed, iraq, many fires, Jesus sprinkles, bear awakens, arise and devour much flesh, it was told, said, Jesus, thats nuclear n.a.t.o., burning, bob, said, hollie, wiped lips, go, hollie shows, fires, in many countries, there, said, hollie, I closed it up, tada, then opened, that missiles from all striking, russia, and pope, in dark smokey sky, said, hollie, hollie thinks, its, pope, hollie, said, lets post, stamped, that, was, said, hollie, hu hintao riding red, horse, thats china, striking washington state, and taiwan burning, hollie riding yellow missile, thats grim reaper laughing, hollie said, lets post, more, visions, stamped, hollie showed, record, that was, hollie, me, she said, in, the arms, of mister bendo, and, I stamped, she, said, hollie walks in lafayette square with coat on, post, said, hollie, showed, record, showed, old ford cars, its, uh, l.t.d., she, said, and, granada, keep, hollie said, it was uh dream, said, hollie, dream, and she saw, said, hollie, titanic, dream, like, raise the titanic 11, 6-4-2009-this is not, said, many, website, but, warning, said, hollie, showed, shut up, she, said, for, douglas heller, you stole the name, she said, with ron tompkins, ministry of dreams, thats heller talking to ron tompkins, give me copyright, no, says, liar ron tompkins, dont have, leave it alone, said, hollie, and hollie, wipes, lips, it uh warning sound, said, casey, hollie showed, record, stamped, thats, pope rising, stamped again, thats hu hintao, there, said, hollie, summed it up, showed both beasts, theres pope in drop, light drop, thats two horned beast with hu, japan, coming out of horns, lets rise and withstand, said, false prophet hu hintao, thats, pope, with, them signing, 666, its uh, treaty said, pontiff, take it, he, said, from t.v., showed, hollie, thats 666 being tattood on arm, forehead, thats, people being tattood, thats little pope tattood on finger, what did my pontiff ask for, said, hollie, take the mark, said, popes image, tattood on finger, thats, hollies image, made alive, thats, bear, rising, Jesus, sprinkling, whispering, devour much flesh, he said, thats bear growing, striking, nuclear n.a.t.o., thats, france, yelled hollie, many nuclear explosions, there exploded, italy, australia exploded, theres one, in, canada, and, missiles rising, america and australia exploded, theres britain on fire, and hand comes out of great britain, thats nuclear button pushed, thats hundreds of missiles striking russia, hollie shows many nuclear explosions, in russia, world, shaking, thats pope rising, in, dark smokey sky, hollie screamed, showed, pope, she, said, rose, hollie showed, record, thats beast with seven heads and ten horns, and, who are they, said, hollie, thats, hollie posting, on, world prophecy center, thats, pope showing, mexico comes out of head, lula, chavez, raul, nicaragua, lets deal, said, medvedev, alright, they all say, hugo, thats, kim jong, putin, hintao, there you have it, said, hollie, and, I, summed it, up, she, said, saw, ten horns, with, kings faces, in, they, are, russian, hollie said, theres pope in medvedevs horns, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie showed, record, there, she said, stamped, thats beast pope, and false prophet hu hintao walking, threatening, laughing, I can see where not going to get along, said, pope, yeah, shakes, hu, thats, them, fighting, hollie, looks at nuclear missiles right at each other, on russia, and china, border, thats pope riding black horse into russia, exploded, he signs, gets kingdom, thats hu hintao riding red horse, thats, hollie, riding, yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats, china attacking washington state, lure, said, boris yeltsin, in meeting with hu hintao, this is website, lets post some more, said, hollie, stamped, up, rose, beast, im Jesus Christ, said, Jesus, and, lighted, finger, points up, hollie appeared, showed, post, on laptop, and rose pope, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, wait, golden, hand, hollie showed, turn, lighted, hand, thats, that o red and black chariot, hollie on top, tada, showed, pulled by angry, horses, red and black, with the pope and hu, there, said, hollie, I summed it up, stamped, hollie jumps inside, sees putin, with 3 ribs in mouth, and who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up said hollie, and hollie had stick, showed, on board, thats nuclear explosion in cuba, and missiles leaving there, striking america, thats, there, hollie said, wiped lips, showed, go, back, to, zion, thats missiles leaving america, striking nicaragua, venezuela, and brazil, hollie sums, it up, showed, nicaragua, exploding, pointed, its, there, she said, thats, what I want said dmitry medvedev, its, pivitol, he said, missiles leave there, and, strike, america, boom, hey bobby, Ill place it there, said, hollie, thats nuclear fires along, mexico, and latin america, hollie spun globe, thats, nuclear fires, in, france and italy, australia, hollie points, there, thats many nuclear fires in russia, and thats pontiff in dark smokey sky, hollie spins globe, thats many ships, naval, approaching america, fired, pope, said, hollie, thats idol pope, she said, showed, slashed, thats, hu hintao, doing, in, israel, with, his, armies, and Jesus, places, beast and false prophet, in, fire, thats subs all around u.s.a., cnn broadcasts, thats, hollie, henry gruver appears, I told ya, so, he said, leaves, hollie said remove ministry of dreams and perish anyway, thats, the, this is uh warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, tore up, put back, with normal hands, hollie flying, spacecraft shot, she said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. for stealing ministry of dreams, fired from wisdom university, hollie showed, record, wipes, lips, showed, and I stamped, she said, movem, she said, visions, to, exactpages, hollie leopard, appears, and I showed you that, she said, its, the leopard, hollie stamps, thats, north, south, korea, china, japan, hollie appears with stick, showed, thats, them, negotiating, lets tell, said, hu hintao, im the leader, he said, but, they all laugh, and, said, hollie, that, was, hollie, flying, spacecraft, she said, fired, shot all the, theives, of the God spoken name, ministry of dreams, ruint, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor, hes u.u., said, hollie, but uh witch, she said, ruint, thats, his kathy taylor, look at that, said happy, bobby, its uh rev. said, Jesus, amy brucker, showed, cut off, loves, cause, she got ruint, said, hollie, and rebecca ann parker shakes, yeah, its over him, she said, pointed, at, d.min reverend jeremy taylor, the liar that is ordainded, said, Jesus, thats doctor jeremy taylor m.a. looking, reading, said, hollie, thats, hollie, showing, little, american, soldier, with, big, bear, thats, jagged, drawem, said, gruver, coming out of america, little lines, its, cnn, broadcasting, thats, russian, subs, all around america, theres henry, gruver, lets, Lord, its gitton time to leave he said, hollie, like, bear, tear up, put back, rip, hollie snaps fingers, its eight kings, said, horace smith, led by the antichrist that will rise against, america, lets rule the world, sang, putin, bob, said, hollie, let me record, stamped, that, said, hollie, in, fire, this economy, said, hollie, showed, thumbs down, two, hollie tore up, put back, tear, danced, snapped, hollie snapped fingers, clicked heels, opened, tada, she, said, showed, beast, hollie showed, turn, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now, look, she said, surfaced, its, akula, agin, she said, hollie showed, its france, she said, with, two, then, more, nuclear, little, hollie said, explosions, fired missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, showed, world, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. nations exploding, thats putin in submarine, thats subs all around, america, one fires, then, all, america, burns, cnn broadcasts, this is uh warning, said, hollie, stamped, up rose pope, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, go, with lighted hand, hollie showed, fire, in, indianapolis, thats captain hollie in sub, buy, she, said, that van, its good for, hollie thought, 250,000 more miles, new warning, said, hollie, thats india, pakistan, showed, hollie, with, both, nuclear, explosions, hollie summed it up, hey bobby, its on both, said, Jesus, hollie, acts like alice cooper, its uh sword, she said, its dying, said, Jesus, he is starting, to, fold, thats, no, new, people, at, arenas, cause, he, was, not, normal, but, he, was, not, saved, 5-5-2009-hollie, showed, Ministry Of Dreams, its spoken by him, she said, Jesus, steal, said, hollie, ruint, she, said, hollie showed, quiet, let me show you how blackie does it, said, hollie, blackie, she said, of w.a.s.p., he trained himself how to sing rough, watch, hollie showed, he, worked voice, submarine sound, said, hollie, submarines are everywhere, she said, waved, its, akula agin, hollie, said, fired missiles, look, who it struck, said, hollie, france, explodes, there, goes australia, britain, boom, hollie, said, u.s.a., behind me, exploded, hollie said, there went italy, hollie saw missiles, from, all, strike russia, thats, captain hollie in spacecraft, dropping bombs, thats russia exploding, hollie, showed, up, clap, down, hollie showed, nuclear explosion in indianapolis, bobby, comere said hollie, sat, with, boris yeltsin, he, lied, thats angry new Ministry Of dreams website, and, he, saw, said, casey, the, words, laughed, hollie, bush's washington collapses, hollie shows, words, laughs, hollie and hollie dream, friendship with pakistan will destroy america's economy, thats, n.a.t.o. vehicles burning in pakistan, and, hey will give ya, said, colin powell, right here says, Musharraf, thats america invading iraq out of pakistan, costing billions, im the beast, said, pope, im the antichrist, said, pontiff, thats, satan inside of pontiff, hes idol shepherd, thats antichrist showing america invading iraq, flying out of pakistan, over nine billion in aid, that, war, thats, two, nuclear explosions, in, gaza, iraq, hollie surfaces in ohio class sub, fire, she said, thats, two nuclear missiles, hollie said, gaza explodes, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats, what, did it, barked dog, hollie showed, many nuclear fires in iraq, Jesus, sprinkles, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats, bear, looking, thats, missiles striking, nuclear n.a.t.o., france said hollie, thats two nuclear fireballs, there goes italy and australia, boom, said, hollie, that, was, great britain and america exploding, thats nuclear fire in canada, thats, captain hollie, flying in her spacecraft, spacecraft warned said hollie, thats russian subs around america, cnn broadcasting, hollie posts on world prophecy center, thats, one russian submarine firing, then, all, america exploded, thats nuclear fires showed hollie, along both coasts, and in many states, smiled, hollie, thats nuclear missiles from subs, planes, and land based rockets striking russia, world, shakes, thats, beast in heavens, like silhouette, face, then popes face appeared, thats, hollie standing by nuclear explosion in china, looking serious, turned, laughed, clapped, hollie showed, turn, again, thats hollie and big lighted hand, showing, turn, thats new world order rising, thats yeltsin and hu, planning, hey ill give you taiwan, said, yeltsin, hu smiles, o.k., ill take it, he said, thats, hollie, riding yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats, china, attacking washington state, hu hintao rides red horse, thats, captain hollie surfacing, in, 3 ohio class subs, they, fire, china, hit, with, thero, nuclear, warheads, hollie stands by nuclear fire in china, looking serious, turns, head, laughs, he, made me do it, hollie said, Jesus, whispers, o.k., ill do it, hollie runs to do vision, thats, hollie, moving visions from world prophecy center to, hollie looks, the beep, she, said, theres, uh, submarine, sorrow, hollie, said, there, said, hollie, I, showed, the, beast with seven heads, she said, write the vision, clapped the tap dancers, hollie and kristina are back, whatta you want, said, hollie, kristina thinks, sex, hollie leopard laughs, thats, she said, pointed, north, south korea, china, japan, kings appeared, there, said, hollie, I summed it up, bam, thats beast, hes antichrist pope said Jesus, as the head, thats ten toes, they are, ten kings out of, moscow said ezra, bufford, its uh ruling party, said, Jesus, in, russia, out of them came yeltsin, out of yeltsin came putin, and putin comes out medvedev, hes, putin, points, self, grunts, showed, let me, he said, rule, no way, said medvedev, with uh stick, hollie said, im the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, and, who are they, bob, said, hollie, its, eight kings that will rise against u.s.a., thats, mexico popping out of head, shaking yes, signs, thats, lula, chavez, shaking, dreading, signing, castrol, put it right here, he, said, thats, medvedev giving paper, thats, nicaragua, shaking yes, signing, thats kim jong smiling, signing, thats yeltsin getting hu, planning together, thats, ten horns, said, hollie, kings, faces appeared, hollie said, theres, pope, hes, in medvedevs, ten kings walk out, hey bobby, its ten russian ruling kings, medvedev kneels before pontiff, let me, said, medvedev, pope shakes, yes, I want to rule the world, said, putin, they are making medvedev do it, said, hollie, keep putin, hollie pops out, tear up, clap, rip, smiling, put back, tear, turn, move, from behind, turn, horn, out, hollie, showing antichrist pope, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now, look, surfaced, in, its, ohio class, fired, missiles, thats, hey bobby, its, uh, double beater again, said, hollie, helicopter, let hollie down on rope, showing, peace, safety, its gorbachev, bush, signing on ship, hollie points at america, taking nuclear missiles off surface ships, looks, reducing submarine nuclear missile force, china is magog, showed, hollie, thats two horned beast, hu hintao and japan come out of horns, thats hegoat stomping ram, with, putin, hu, coming, out, of, horns, thats, hollie showed, china, russia, nuking each other, thats, pope riding, black horse, russia explodes, thats, drive them outta there said, pontiff, china, claiming much of russia, pope, presses nuclear button, both, nations, hit each, thats them at table, worship the pope, said, hintao, 666 peace treaty born, record, the vision, said, hollie, thats, pope sitting in temple, in rome, i am God, he, says, they laugh, he goes to israel, thats, china, hey, lets unite and force, said, hintao, nuclear explosion in russia, thats cloud of people forcing russia to invade israel, thats hintao slashing pope, thats, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, egypt, jordan, syria, exploded, thats, vladimir putin pressing nuclear button, israel explodes, thats Jesus, placing antichrist pope and false prophet hu in hellfire, rapture the jews said, Jesus, stands on mountain, what are these, said, hollie, kneeling, holes in the LOrds hands, thats, nuclear, fire, in, canada, hollie shows, record, there, she, said, I summed it up, this the website, lets post, said, hollie, and pope rose, hollie showed, prophecy ministry, its free, she said, dont steal it, Jesus whispers, call it prophecy ministry, dont alter or Jesus will make you remove, thats end time prophetic ministry website, and, Ministry of dreams, website, showing, prophecy ministry website, and world prophecy center, website, prophets names said hollie, hollie showed, titanic, it, hit iceberg, scraped, thats, what done it, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, the antichrist, pope, thats him riding black horse into moscow, you knew said hollie, its wesley, pruden, you stole, hollie, said, ministry of dreams, I knew it said reporter wesley, pruden, 5-6-2009-this is uh warning, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, that, and I showed, beast, pope, appeared, hollie said, that, hollie, said, that, hollie, said, buy, she said, social security is going down, said, showed, library security guard, thats, hollie, tap dancing, riding, a harley, she said, held thumbs down, hollie appears, that, she, said, hollie, showed, record, hollie, tore, up, more, put back, rip, turn, showed, war, said, hu hintao, tap dancing, hollie, rode yellow missile, taiwan burned, that, was, said, hollie, hu hintao riding red horse, thats, hollie, on, yellow missile, taiwan, burns, thats, use, chinese, said, hintao, terrorists, china attacking washington state, thats, its, said, hollie, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, that, said, hollie, triangle, thats, missiles leaving their waters, striking america, and them being nuked by u.s.a., theres, nuclear fireball in cuba, that, said, hollie, that, hollie, said, thats nicaragua exploding, and, hey, ill, place it, there, said, hollie, nuclear, fires along mexico, and latin america, scene explodes, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, that, was, putin, and, hu, said, hollie, that, coming out of ram, horns, hollie smiles, ram pushed, whatever way it wanted, thats hegoat coming from west, stomping ram, thats pope with horns, putin, hu, out, thats, china, russia, nuking, each other, that, hollie, hollie rolled up sleeves, that was hollie writing 666, thats, pope, hu, and japan, sitting at table, peace treaty appeared, thats, pope riding, black horse, into, russia, exploded, that, said, hollie, flatteries, he, said, they, give control, thats, pope, walking, with medvedev, hollie showed, pope, hes, antichrist, hollie, said, there, hollie, said, that, hollie, said, I summed it up, theres, uh, submarine, said, hollie, surfaced, saluted, fired, missiles, that, hollie, said, what kind of submarine is it, hollies said, hollie, played, music, that, hollie wiped lips, you done it, said, hollie, write the vision, said, showed, hollie, feed, said, showed, hollie, animals, throw waste food on ground, hollie had her coat on, hollie, showed, record, that, said, Jesus, 666 appeared, said, hollie, and, the, lighted, hand, pointed, its, on, popes, forehead, thats, two horned beast, with, hu, hintao, said, Jesus, and, emporer of japan, coming, out, of, horns, its, to, withstand, the pope, said, hu, and, he saw, said, casey, pope with ram, horns, with, putin, hu, the ram coming out, nuclear fires in russia, china, its, the, king of the south, said, hollie, that, was, hollie, tap dancing, MOKSE, appeared, showed, hollie, sat, on, its for sale, hollie, said, they, are, tap dancing, said, hollie, that, hollie, said, showed,, its kenneth, haney, with uh, wig, hollie, hollie said, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft, she said, flying, in, fired, hollie appears, we will not attack america if they surrendar, said, medvedev on cnn, broadcasting, thats, barack obama, hollie, points, subs, all around america, barack, at press release, we, will not surrendar, he said, thats, russian sub firing, then, all, barack presses nuclear button, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats, hundreds of american nuclear missiles striking russia, world shakes, thats, lighted hollie, replacing hair on prophet, tore, up, wadd, rip, put back, tear, turn, from behind, tada, said, hollie, this economy slipping, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, hollie lowered on rope, its, simb, he said, climbed, hands, tore, up, put back, hollie, like, invisable, turns, shows, russia, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hey, bobby, she said, and, who are they, hollie, said, showed, fix uh flat, buy, she said, works, thats, mexico coming out of head, hollie, its, president, lula, chavez, thats, castrol, shaking, yeah, ill do it, raul said, give me uh deal, said medvedev, thats, raul agreeing, giving land, thats kim jong, and hu hintao, we like it, they said, agree, thats, nicaragua, they are, wanting to not, be, involved, that, said, hollie, showed, dark, sky, that, said, hollie, pope in the atmosphere, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, licked, prophet, thats, hollie, carved into the stick, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, that, she said, let me record, said, hollie, and I showed you the beast, she said, with, that, said, hollie, its in the news, said, woman, that, said, hollie, cnn broadcasting, that, said, hollie, its uh threat, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, and that, she, said, lighted, finger, pointed, that, hollie, said, thats, the, its the main ingredients, said, medvedev, that, said, hollie, thats, how, hey bobby, pointed, hollie, thats, two, russian subs, entering gulf of mexico, near mexico, then, open fire, said medvedev, america, said, cecil tingley, burns, that, said, hollie, thats new ministry of dreams website said hollie, showing, if you steal, and he saw, said, casey, angry Jesus, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, surfaced, its akula agin, she said, fired missiles, thats, hollie showing, world, many nations, exploded, this is warning, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, wont ya, let me record, said, hollie, showed, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, its, paul waston, of the sea shepherd, hes, rich, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, let me look at that, said, woman, on, his ship, paul watson loved poaching poachers, killed 40 dads, and, thats nuclear explosion, paul watson sees, woman shows paul, watson, visions, paul will run out of fuel, have to go in, and their jailed for murder, hollie showed, are you, she said, world prophecy center website appeared, steal, and JEsus, get ruint said hollie, hollie showed, impatient, she said, showed, popes image, its, she said, picture, showed beast rising, she said, hollies ready, pope appears, smiles, hollie showed the dog, tired, warm, bobby, said, hollie, hollie showed, paul watson, he, killed, hollie, said, hes, paul, watson, the poacher of poachers, hollie surfaced in submarine, she said, its akula agin, she said, fired missiles, look who it struck, hollie said, france, hollie said, exploded, there goes italy, australia, that, said, hollie, u.s.a. exploded, that, hollie, said, let me see'em, said, paul watson, I think it funny said kim mccoy, thats, barack obama pressing nuclear button, britain exploded, thats, hand coming out, blair presses button, thats many nuclear fires in russia, world, shakes, thats, antichrist in dark atmosphere, thats, hu hintao, showed, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, pontiff, I am God, said, antichrist pope, im temple in, rome, they, laugh, thats, pontiff is israel, hu and his armies, lets unite and force, he said, thats nuclear fire in russia, cloud of people, invading israel, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, jordan, syria, egypt exploded, thats, putin, pressing nuclear button, israel exploded, Christ places beast and false prophet in fire, thats, pope, in, fire, that, said, hollie, pointed, nuclear missile explodes in atmosphere, come on, said, president bush, thats barack obama ordering, hollie, showed, clap, bear grew, Jesus, sprinkles, hollie appears, thats, nuclear fire, in, iraq, gaza, lets rule, the world, said, putin, lets post, more, said, hollie, and hollie shows, pioneer sx-434, buy one said, hollie, let down, on, rope, this is warning, said, hollie, post, dream, laughs, hollie dream, its ezra, buffords, she said, name, on, youtube, changed, to, restaurant, hollie jumps, that, said, hollie, I showed, turn, Jesus, that, hollie, said, out of lightning bolt, 5-8-2009-that, said, hollie, no, shook, hollie, but many said yes, im away with it, said, hollie, shook, no, then, yes, hand points, up, Jesus, coming, and, subs all around america, there, pointed, hollie, its, cnn broadcasting, on, thats, radio tower sending out curved lines, one, submarine fires, its akula agin, said, hollie, then, all, america, explodes, hollie smiles, shows, many nuclear fires in u.s.a., thats, and up comes the woman, hollie, said, thats, statue of liberty, coming out of burning america, thats, uh warning, said, hollie, sireens blowing, out hollie, like, light bulb head, said, hollie, again, amber, colored, showed, barack obama pressing, that, said, hollie, nuclear button, that, said, hollie, many, hollie shows the globe, its in two, thats, missiles striking russia, its from, said, hollie, nuclear n.a.t.o. and them all firing back, and russia, thats, lets deploy them, said, medvedev, thats many russian ships in oceans, they were, peered, rusting, but, still useable, it takes about 2 months to bring one out of mothballs, hollie, shows many countries exploding, france, hollie, said, thats, nuclear explosion in france, there goes italy, hollie, said, australia, boom, hollie, said, thats, great britain with four massive explosions, that, said, hollie, record, want more visions, want more visions, said, hollie, tap dancing, with eight kings, that will rise against u.s.a., the world is uh vampire, sang, hollie, and, Jesus, hollie clapped, hey bob, let me, record, said, hollie, and, antichrist rose, she said, its, pope, ill show ya, said, hollie, hollie did like usher, showed, sit down, she said, that, said, hollie, give, offering, thats, said, hollie, its, an angel, she said, gabriel on new wineskin ministries, that, said, hollie, quit recording, she said, pocket, that, hollie, said, that, said, hollie, its, cindy, appearing, that, said, hollie, its, that, said, hollie, and, that, said, hollie, pointed, up, at, that, hollie, said, Jesus, coming, that, hollie, said, look in dumpster, get food, that, hollie said, feed animals, that, smiled, hollie, that, said, hollie, that, she, said, that, hollie, said, lighted, beam, that, hollie, said, red, she said, that, said, hollie, its uh storm brewin, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, that, pointed, hollie, like cat, up, that, said, hollie, like cat, hollie, pointed up, that, she said, that, said, hollie, pointed up, with, uh, red, finger, that, hollie, said, that, said, hollie, showed, wait, with, lighted, finger, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, pointed, up, with lighted finger, that, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you the beast rising, she said, that, said, hollie, leave me alone, said, babyfleas, acting like dog, tired but warm, that, was, hollies image, made alive, on cell phone, take it, said, pontiff, changed into, thats, the antichrist and false prophet, sitting at table, which also includes japan, said, Jesus, thats them signing, its the mark treaty, said, Jesus, 666, being born, thats, pope, with ram horns, out putin, hu, that, pointed, hollie, thats ram with putin, hu, coming out of its horns, that, said, hollie, hollie showed work, thats HOly Ghost falling, its the, hollie thought, escripturan, when they rise, said hollie, its the, hollie thought, its the uhbunctuan, thats man dancing, its, escripturous, thats running, back and forth, hollie appears, its, uhbunction, until you go out into the world and be embarrased I will not torturing, wounding your heart, this is how I abase, I do it to all my children to keep them under my feet, very few would come back, hollie appears, leave it alone, said hollie, shook yes, showed, away with it, then shook, yes, clap, 5-9-2009-that, was, said, hollie, Jesus, like, uh, light bulb, man, she said, smiling, what made you do it, said, hollie, im over him said Louwrens Erasmus, hettie erasmus shakes yes, Louwrens, said, hettie, get out, she said, hettie erasmus divorces Louwrens Erasmus over stealing the name God spoke, ministry of dreams, showed, smiling hollie, yes, im, she said, his boss, both, said, Jesus, thats, Louwrens Erasmus stealing the God spoken name ministry of dreams, hey its bob said antonia vladimirova, yep, she said, gotta shut up, antonia vladimirova, said, yur wierd, she said, thats, her, yep, she says, excited, after seeing ministry of dreams on her guestbook, someone signed it said rev. antonia vladimirova, ill take that said attorney vladimirova, but, when bob writes, no no says worried reverend antonia vladimirova, thats, Jesus, walking with antonia vladimirova, hey its Steve Waldron said, hollie, what are you doin lost, she said, thats, Steve Waldron, I gotta go, said Steve Waldron, Jesus walks with reverend, atonia vladimirova, she, witch, said, hollie, she wants to, ruin said antonia vladimirova, ministry of dreams, hey bobby its mine, she said, now wait uh minute said hollie, you stole and call yourself a reverend, you witch, said Jesus and then dr. rev. jeremy taylor the ordained unitarian universalist minister appears, like bill hamon, all witchs, thats Louwrens Erasmus stealing and hiding ministry of dreams on his website, but, thats, the, angel googlebot telling on Louwrens Erasmus, he, gets, so, embarrased, hey its kim davis, said, Jesus, hollie, appears, you stole it, hollie said, thats, embarrased kim davis of heart fire ministries being showed visions at church, shes, leaves, let her, saith the LOrd, shes uh witch, God said, this is uh new warning, said, hollie, you dont want no more website, thats, what, your, showin, us, said, hollie, its uh dream, smiled, hollie, dream, bob, sees, old, stereo receivers, buys, pioneer sx-580, wants, pioneer sx-680, leaves, then decides to go back, cant walk very well, man, pulls, over, bob, hitches, hitch hikes, and like an old fire truck, pulls over, then leaves, hits oncoming car, in next lane, bob, worried, knows ride leaving, after, about, eight, hollie, said, dream, hollie, said, bob, sees, many, old, stereo receivers, gets one, wanted to purchase another, but, leaves it, man takes, bob, sees, rotel, with, power meters, gets another, but, wants, tear up, said, hollie, and, restore, rip, thats, old JVC JR-S301, excellent, has power meters, they do not want you on whale wars, said, hollie, and, hollie, wipes lips, hollie, plays music, need uh, sign, he, said, they didnt write you back, that, said, hollie, thats the reason, I showed the pope, said, hollie, picture, tear up, and, restore, rip, thats, pointed, hollie, hu hintao, appearing in, picture, alarie saleem, said, hollie, and, hollie, wipes, lips, its, soumb, that, said, hollie, yellow united states with nuclear fireball coming up, that, said, hollie, showed, many nuclear fires along both american coasts, that, said, hollie, posting, like, world prophecy center, that, said, hollie, hollie showed record the vision, she, said, showed, fire colored sky, it was uh dream, said, hollie, hollie plays music, night, vision, that, said, hollie, its, Diana L. Fried-Booth, steals, hollie, said, ministry of dreams, thats, when you look, said, hollie, thats, Diana L. Fried-Booth destroying, her, its, google-book, said, hollie, put it under, why did you steal said hopllie, thats Diana Fried, Booth, looking, mad, she said, but, knew, removes, openly mocked, thats Antonia Susan Byatt stealing ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, thats Antonia Byatt removing the book, saith God, thats Stanley Foundation stealing the God spoken created birthed name ministry of dreams to ruin Gods child, Stanley Foundation removes ministry of dreams openly mocked, 5-10-2009-hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, I, showed, you, the beast, rising, hollie, said, pope, hollie, said, showed, Ministry of dreams, dont steal, why did you take it for, said, hollie, thats, William Lamplough Doughty rubbing chin, I didnt care, he said, but, I wanted to ruin a prophet, and diana hughey shakes, yes, steal, he, said, or, angry, Jesus, appears, that, said, hollie, in, ring, and, that, he, said, thats, pope on cloud, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, tear up, fix, it, that, said, hollie, I want more visions on my website, said, hollie, tap dancing, this is warning, said, hollie, lets post, and, beast, rose, hollie, showed, record, thats the, said, hollie, smiling, antichrist, riding black horse, russia exploded, thats, meeting, him signing, getting control, hollie shows, u.s.a. economic collapse coming, banks need seventy five billion and barack doesnt want to pay it, thats, f.d.i.c., its government, but, theyll send seventy two billion to iraq, thats, barack obama born in philippines, website said, post, said, hollie, which one, its, end time prophetic ministry, back, hollie, showed, a, 1920 car, its, good enough, thats, pope riding, black horse, russia, explodes, thats, hu, hintao, riding, red, horse, thats, boris yeltsin and hu hintao planning out strike, hey, ill, alright, says, hu hintao, thats, hollie, riding, yellow missile, taiwan, exploded, thats, china attacking washington state, thats, hollie surfacing in 3 ohio class submarines, thats, china exploding, thats, hollie, standing, by, nuclear, explosion in china, looking serious, casey, shows, that, laughed, hollie, that, said, hollie, grim reaper laughing, riding grizzled, horse, that, said, hollie, collecting dead souls, china, that is magog, showed, hollie, hollie showed record, hollie bear smiles, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, now look, said, hollie, surfaced, what king of submarine was it, said, hollie, thats, hollie, showing, its uh, 1967 corvette, it smoked tires, thats, captain hollie, its, ohio class, agin, said, hollie, fired missiles, hey, ill, place it, there, said, hollie, nuclear, fires, in, mexico, and latin, america, thats venezuela and brazil with nuclear fires and canada, cnn broadcasting, hollie, showed, record, china, will, not, attack russia, untill, they, are, weakened, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays, music, hollie showed, engine, put in, oil, its, pennzoil 5w-20, its best she, said, thin, cause, faster flow up, we dont need no clean oil, just keep us full, said, engine, gabriel checked oil with fingers, in white robe, nuclear wars, said, hollie, comin, said, kim davis, thats, kim davis of heart fire ministries squirting, masterbating like diana hughey, there ready said, hollie, showed, eat, that, smiled, hollie, four nuclear explosions in australia, thats, hollie, in submarine, its, akula, agin, said, hollie, there goes france, two, italy, and, u.s.a., exploded, theres great britain, exploding, bobby, said, hollie, smiled, pointed, its, whaling wars, said, paul watson, dont board other ships, said, Jesus, thats, kim mccoy reading, smiling, shaking yes, hollie leopard, appears, shows, thats, said, hollie, leopard, smiles, north, south, korea, china, japan, kings appeared, laughed, hollie leopard, hollie dream, shows, night, vision, thats, no more whaling wars, said, hollie, and another hollie wipes lips, its, him, said, Jesus, paul, watson, Lord let me place this at risk, he said, women, hollie, resets broken pelvis, Shannon hollie said, they were, together, she, needed, hospital, but because, paul, watson, bobby, no, laughs, kim, mccoy, they need to abort mission, leave it alone, said, hollie, and, hollie out megaphone, like little head, thats, said, hollie, double beater, hollie, let, down, on, rope, smiling, climbed, stop whaling wars, he said, thats, california below exploding, thats, kim, mccoy, o, she said, stop ministry of dreams said kim, mccoy, thieves, she shows paul watson, come, said, paul, bob shakes, yes, thats, prophet, on, whaling wars, said, hollie, laughing, with paul, bob, will not, engadge, paul reads, in, arctic suit, let me look it, said, paul watson, he wants, bob, and, bob, wants, whaling, wars, just let me post, said, prophet, on, Ministry of Dreams, thats, new ministry of dreams website with teeth, thats japanese whaler shooting paul watson, you need to go home, said, bird, speaking, to, sea shepherd, this is uh warning, said, hollie, u.s.a. economic collapse, soon, said, hollie, hollie, shows, night vision, bobby, its, uh, dream, said, hollie, and, hollie, dream, laughs, showed, said, hollie, whale wars, im trying to make you loose salvation to laugh at you, you needed to walk away, got you, said, Jesus, to, fast, till, brink of death to mock at your skinning frame, when ya gonna come and see me said, fleas, acting like dog, warm, but, sleepy, 5-11-2009-its Steven Brust, said, Jesus, hey hollie, he steals said hollie, its, steve brust steals the God spoken birthed created christians ministry name ministry of dreams, thats, pope rising, hes, antichrist, said, hollie, showed, sh, dont, tell, on, steve brust, he steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams as sion, now, he begs janetmck to remove, but, she, stole ministry of dreams to, like, all, thats, Jesus, showing gabriel, looking, normal, taking cart of the thieves of Ministry Of Dreams into fire like janetmck, diana hughey, all will run to remove, burn books, after, thats, nuclear explosions, pointed, hollie, in, iraq, and, gaza, thats, even, said, Jesus, dr. rev. jeremy taylor removing ministry of dreams, and, john mark pool prophesies judgment to america and steals ministry of dreams, now, lives in terror, hollie showed, record, thats, beast rising, thats, sireen, hollie, out, shaking, hollie, appears, war, planes, fly over, drop bombs, america exploded, why did you take my name for, said, Jesus, its steven brust of the sun, the moon, and, the stars, steven brust, clapped the tap dancer, steals ministry of dreams, said, hollie, thats, steven brust sitting with Jesus, who are you, said, Jesus, sion said steven brust, why did you, Jesus, said, I wanted to ruin said steven brust, posted ministry of dreams on janetmcks journal, and janetmck reposts article and even encourages people to steal ministry of dreams and buy,, to anger him, said janet mcknight, bob appears, thats, hu, hintao, riding the red horse, said, Jesus, hollie, rides, yellow missile, taiwan, burns, thats, hintao and yeltsin, planning strike against america, hey ill give you, if, said, yeltsin, alright shook, hintao, thats, hu, attacking washington state, that was airplane, said, hollie, dropping bombs, great britain exploded, four, thats, aaron shutt and janetmck and sion steven brust, all living in what is left of britain, thats, janetmck, take the mark, she said, has 666 tattood on forehead, thats, jonah weiland with 666 tattood on arm, let me, said, hollie, and, hollie, pops out, why, cant we get thru, God, does know who kevin j. shaw is, clapped, the, tap dancers, that, said, hollie, gabriel checking oil with hands, dont change, hollie, showed, write the vision, she, said, showed, hollie, thats beast in atmosphere, Jesus, laughs, at torturing, his child, to make, humble, and bob tells, God, wanted people in hell cause he made people for his pleasure, now hear the word of the LOrd, if you are not saved, you wont get, cause, after, about 20, I let go, you, knew, but, ran, so, dont, bother, 5-12-2009-hollie appears, shout the vision, shout the vision, said, hollie, bob they are going to make you fall, that is why they stole ministry of dreams, whyd you do it said hollie, thats, the thieves of the God spoken created name birthed for this ministry Ministry Of dreams led by the reverend dr. jeremy taylor d.min, an ordained unitarian universalist minister, worship him, thats, rev. jeremy taylor in fire, hollie laughs, said, jim garrison, thats, m.a. jeremy taylor u.u. looking at, hollie showed, record, and I showed the beast rising, said, hollie, theres hu, she said, there I summed it up, she, said, paste, hollie goes back and forth, hey, ill give ya, said, yeltsin, hu, alright, ill do it, he said, thats, hollie riding yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats, china, attacking washington state, thats, hu hintao, riding, red horse, hollie got happy, saw part of the new world order, and I saw the beast arising, said, hollie, its red dragon with popes face coming out, thats, hollie, on, top, of, that, o, red, and, black, chariot, pulled by angry red and black horses, and, grim reaper laughs, thats, president of mexico, shaking yes, signing, thats, castrol, nicaragua, chavez, lula, all signing, thats kim jong, smiling, shakes, yes, signs, with medvedev, thats, hollie showed, ten lighted horns, popes face inside one, medvedev, comes out of pontiffs, thats, ten russian rulers coming out of horns, like, putin, thats, medvedev kneeling before pope, if you let me, I want to rule the world said, putin, pope shakes, yes, thats, Jesus, sprinkling, bear growing, thats world, hollie, showed, many nuclear n.a.t.o. nations exploding, theres missiles from all striking russia, world shakes, that, said, hollie, theres uh submarine said hollie, surfaced, its, what you want agin, said, hollie, fired, missiles, they are stealing the the name Ministry Of Dreams to ruin prophet said hollie, and hollie wipes lips, hollie plays music, hollie showed, record, showed, panasonic thrusters stereo speakers, hollie, out, back, looked, hollie showed, turn, big hand, now ministry of dreams is off of every one of them, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, said casey, nuclear explosions in, iraq, gaza, Jesus sprinkles, bear, awakens, devours much flesh, hollie showed, many, n.a.t.o. nations on fire, hollie showed, record, walked with coat on, im the dog, said, babyfleas, sleepy, but warm, pope, said, hollie, that, hes, antichrist, thats, putin, thats babyfleas on whaling wars, thats, said, hollie, hollie showed, book, Ministry Of Dreams, write, she said, thats, Jesus, appearing, with, torturing tool, he will make you remove, hollie, said, hollie showed, write the vision, she, said, this is the united states, hollie, said, exploded, thats, putin, in, its, ohio class again, said, hollie, fired, missiles, and look who it struck, said, hollie, thats, both american coasts and up the middle exploding, then many states, hollie appears with nuclear fires, thats hollie, by nuclear explosion in, china, hu, hintao, appears, thats, hollie, surfacing, in, submarines firing, china explodes, whale wars is over said hollie, put my vision on said, hollie, hollie plays music, he thinks, your evil said hollie, its Louwrens Erasmus stealing ministry of dreams, bobby, said, hettie Erasmus, taking, and, diana hughey shakes, yes, thats Louwrens Erasmus praying for Holy Ghost baptizm, but, hes, thats Louwrens Erasmus showing cut off, thats, Louwrens Erasmus removing ministry of dreams from shame ministries website, then, seeks, God, Ministry of dreams was hidden, said, hollie, call it Ministry Of Dreams, spoke, Jesus, bob, sought, many stole to strip, but thats everyone removing ministry of dreams, burning books, when subs, pointed, Jesus, are all around america, I showed the beast agin, said, hollie, thats, pope, coming out of beast with seven heads and ten horns, and, who are they, said, hollie, thats new Ministry of dreams website with teeth appearing, its to late for you Louwrens Erasmus said hollie, thats hettie looking at, pitching, but, showed cut off, herself, hollie appears, thats double bladder, helicopter, letting down hollie, you want more, hollie said, left, thats, california exploding, below, gabriel appears, standing on yellow america, flies, gets word from Jesus, tells, thats the alome salarie, said, hollie, sandy, wipes, lips, simb, thats, said, hollie, pope, with, seven king appearing, theres, hu, hollie, said, mexico, thats, lula coming out of head, theres chavez, nicaragua, castrol, and, kim jong, thats, medvedev coming out of popes horn, ten russian kings, thats, medvedev-putin man wiping lips, thats ten russian kings coming out of horns, there, said, hollie, I summed it up, thats, captain edward smith, pointing, iceberg appears, thats to small of rudder, showed, fleas, hit, when it hit, she said, scraped, there, said, captain smith, thats, him, in, hell, wishing, that was, gorbachev with bush signing peace and safety, start one, france said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, france explode, that, was, red lighted finger, pointing at different van, that, was, alome, salleem, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, its simb, she said, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, then, no, again, im away with it, she, said, with lighted hands, what color were they said hollie, amber, hollie said, that was pope appearing, 666, hollie out of horns, showed, hair transplants, get, angel showed, record, that was submarine sorry, now, look, said, hollie, surfaced, its, akula, agin, said, hollie, fired, missiles, this is warning, said, doreen and hollie, doreen winks, thats, hollie, riding, yellow missile, taiwan exploded, im hu, said, hu hintao, hes, false prophet, 5-13-2009-why did you steal the name prophecy ministry in the description of you website, please remove, you stole and you know, thats david reagan, said, hollie, showed, cut off, its cause im uh witch, said david reagan, nathan jones shakes, yes, nathan jones it to late, God, said, thats reagan, said, hollie, its, david reagan surrounded by fire, said, hollie, sh, she said, he, trembles, I told ya not to look at it, said, hollie, bobby, said, hollie, pope, she, said, hes, im the beast, he, said, with seven heads and ten horns, and, who, are, they, said, showed, hollie, its, cuba, said, hollie, thats, raul castrol, signing, theres, lula, chavez, same, neither want, theres, mexico, signs, but, dreads, nicaragua, thats president shaking yes, theres, kim jong, smiling, signing with, medvedev, theres boris yeltsin and hu hintao planning, its cause im the beast, smiled, showed, putin, hollie shows popes face in horn, theres, ten russian kings coming out, thats, pope, coming, out, of, medvedevs, horn, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats nathan jones of lion and lamb ministries surrounded by fire, hes, witch, said, Jesus, hollie shows record, showed the dead bird, God sees, thats, Jesus, looking at, the world is uh vampire, sang, hollie, showed, its, whaling wars, no bobby, said, kim, mccoy, fleas showed dog, im up, she said, sleepy, but warm, we dont get cold said whale, thats oceans and paul watson, he protected us said, whale, Jesus looks with glasses, on, thats, ship operator reading, whales, are like this, all animals, they are like dogs and pigs, same heart, they dont have an enemy and dont recognize people want to, slaughter said captain of Nisshin Maru, submarines are right there, said, hollie, surfaced, its ohio class agin, hollie said, fired, missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, russia exploded, hollie out of horn, hollie pointed, out of horn, showed, sleep, hollie showed, record, sleep, like little head, look, said, hollie, showed, popes image, on, finger, its, tattood, she, said, take the mark, thats, them tattooing 666, bam, said, hollie, stamped in, white robe, china is magog, showed, hollie, thats, north, south korea, china, japan, kings appearing, there, said, hollie, summed it up, hollie showed, record, fleas showed dog warm, but happy, thats, angel, out of lightning bolt, showing Lambs Book Of Life, looked, saw, only, spots, left, hollie blew balloon, hollie showed, on, that, hollie showed, said, pope rose, record, the vision, said, hollie, stamped, pope rose, thats many hollies tap dancing, thats, hollie, showed, coming, back, he, said, pope, rose, thats, angry, david reagan, but, you knew, said, hollie, and he saw it, pointed casey, david reagan show cut off, thats, said, hollies, david reagan, looking, ill take that, said, dr. david reagan, prophecy ministry, hollie flies, on, prophecy ministry, spacecraft, fires, you knew not to, said, hollie, and nathan jones shakes, I agree said nathan jones, remove it said david reagan, prophecy ministry name altered to bible prophecy ministry, he, removed, dont take, said, Jesus, or showed, cut off, thats, the pope, said, hollie, in, finger, hes, the, image, of the, antichrist, said, pope, im the, he said, pointed at self, beast, and putin, appears, points, at, self, im, the, antichrist, said, pope, hu hintao, appears, second, points at self, beast, and he saw, said, hollie, another, beast, arise, its, the emporer of japan, pope, he said, worship the pope, said, false prophet hu, they sign, all 3, the mark treaty, and you know who it is, said, hollie, 666, that was donald winters wife, said, hollie, thats donald winters looking at, mrs. winters, is fixing a burnt house, new carpet laid on not smooth floor, mrs. donald winters shows bob to scrape off, burnt, bob says in heart, ive seen the beast with seven heads and ten horns, its, thats, pope rising, with new world order, thats, eight kings in cart, lets rule the world, said, vladimir, said, medvedev, points at self, let me, they fight, thats medvedev shooting, putin, thats, yeah Ill do it, said mexico, and lula, chavez, appears, thats raul castrol, said, medvedev, not wanting, but, yeah Ill do it, he said, signs, thats, nicaragua, he, does, but, like, kim jong, theres, hintao and boris yeltsin, planning, hollie shows, ten horns, they, are, ruling, party, in, russia, its, ten kings walked out, thats, pope, in, medvedevs horns, lets rule the world, said, putin, Jesus, sprinkles, bear, arises, and, Jesus, points, at, u.s.a., that, the, joel urshan-Osteen man pocketing lute, hes, lost, thats the joel urshan-Osteen man showing cut off, no way, he said, let me show you these said man, but joel osteen, fears, but, rich, you made me, he said, 9-28-2009-that, said, hollie, was Father, in, its old steam engine, locomotive, said, hollie, its pioneer, hollie shows, like conductor, with big hand, thats, steam engine moving, whew whew, said, funnel, thats hollie funnel, ready to blow, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, light in tears, its like uh green and light color, hollie showed, hands raised, whole new world order, tap dancing, theres lula, hollie, said, showed, with lighted, hand, thats hugo chavez, I dont want it, he, said, theres, kim jong, thats kim with nuclear, the button, said, hollie, thats, nuclear fires, in china, russia, and south korea, thats missile leaving russia with ministry Of dreams website on, and two missiles leaving u.s.a. sub, hollie rides one, other has no rider, but ministryofdreams website appears then disappears, thats them all striking north korea, exploded, thats nicaragua, missiles striking, but, president signs, shakes, yes, theres venezuela, on fire, said, hollie, thats, said, hollie, boris yeltsin and hu hintao, planning out strike against america, thats, six more kings appearing like cloud, people, its Jesus, showed, the ones mentioned, boris if you give me, said, hintao with, his voice, boris shakes, yes, alright ill do it, then scene changes, thats hollie and hu hintao riding red horse, thats, hollie riding missile, taiwan exploded, thats hu on red horse, licks prophet, little war going on, its, showed, hollie, clapped, china in u.s.a., in washington state, hollie said, forty, thats hollie lowered on rope, helicopter flown by gabriel, america below exploded, hollie said, dress diffrent, hollie said, I dont want that, no more, pointed with neon red finger, hollie showed, ten horns, its in crown, on, vladimir git outta here said medvedev, thats, pope, in the middle, ten kings walk out, they are russian rulers, thats medvedev kneeling before pontiff, lets rule the world, said, putin, that was not Jesus, that was satan, but, he looked like Jesus and was Jesus, said, hollie, like uh orange outline man, hold it, said, hollie, holie buttoned lips, in ring, that, he said, hollie said, lets post, put back, tear up, that is the pope, said, hollie, and, Jesus, with, medvedev, let me rule the world, medvedev, said, pope shakes, yes, that, was, Jesus, said, hollie, pointing, showing, people from the middle of america rising up against government, its caused by, hollie said, gas, that, hollie, that was barack, showing, its time, people looting, taiwan, said, angel, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, hollie ride missile, turned, into red spinning, missile, like, old, rocket, taiwan burned,

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