Sunday, September 15, 2024

Can you imagine the servant of God driving a semi truck or working in a warehouse and using the money to promote on youtube

(-0)three kings shall rise in persia-visions recieved 7-25-2008-in visions I saw three kings rise, and they were, the pope, hu hintao, emporer of japan, and slashed pope.
(10)God winked-vision recieved 7-25-2008-in a vision I saw possibly a fire colored eye wink.
(11)persecution ministryofdreams-vision recieved 7-25-2008-in this vision I saw a man with brown hair and maybe beard, and I heard, "im going to destroy you by persecuting you".
(12)visions-vision recieved 7-25-2008-in vision I saw hollie and she showed record.
(13)the arch angel gabriel-vision recieved 7-27-2008-in vision I saw gabriel at Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies and he pointed at pastors wifes hair, and I saw charles finnell and he watched cnn, iraq nuked, gaza forsaken destroyed, thats palestinian state, words came out.
(14)judgment to canada-visions recieved 7-27-2008-in visions I saw the cnn tower in canada and a nuclear explosion in the distance from, and one more large one and maybe other fire balls in canada.
(14)the beasts image-vision received 7-28-2008-in vision I saw hollie and she showed the popes picture, then, hu hintao, they are the two beasts of REVELATION 13.
(15)1-4-2009-turn, showed, hollie, write the vision, she, said, cause, im the beast, said, pope, with seven governments and ruling party, said, HOllie, Jesus, put it up, thats, revelations of the little horn, thats pope, little horn, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie, its, uh, double, blade, helicopter said, hollie, helicopter, letting out hollie showed, back, left, that, pointed, thing, and, that, that was Jesus, said, hollie, that, pointed, thing, like fire, man, in palm, it opened, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that, pointed, thing, the antichrist, that, pointed thing, the second beast, that, he said, put back, tear, up, that, pointed, thing, licked prophet, hollie showed, turn, that, said, hollie, that said thing, showed, beast, tear up, put back, tear, spin, clap, that, said, thing, hollie showed, that, he said, hollie showed, record, wiped lips, you know said Jesus, in palm of hand, like fire man, opened, 1-5-2009-hollie showed, record, and that, she said, showed, the brandt body-tek exercising, machine, buy, she said, get, it, works, shocks, hollie showed, the pope, im the beast, he said, with seven heads and ten horns, and, said, hollie, who are they, she savoured, pope, hu hintao, those, said, hollie, are, the, two, beasts, they are, at, war, said, hu hintao, that was said hollie, Jesus, pointing, up, hollie showed, pocket, magog is my reason, said, hollie, thats, hu hintao appearing on, its war, he said, china, thats, horn growing last, the emporer of japan, appears, north and south korea, thats magog, I summed it up, said, hollie, thats, said, hollie, lamb with hu, japan, popping out, to, rise, with stand, me said pontiff, let me record, said, hollie, and I summed it up, hollie stomped, hollie showed, four kings rising in persia, held nose, showed, pope, emporer of japan, hu hintao, slash, pontiff, hollie closes, what did hollie show, said, hollie, tada, thats, it, said, hollie, hollie showed, preparations for telling the end time story, hollie, showed, record, and I closed it up, she, said, tada, opened, showed, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, new world order, hollie showed, beast, hes pope, thats, and I summed it up, she, said, showed, false prophet, hes, false prophet, theres lamb, hu, japan, rise, thats, hegoat smiting ram, thats, nuclear explosions in russia, china, many, then, hu rises with japan, to stop pope, drive out, pointed beast, thats nuclear explosions in all g8 nations, thats, bear rising with three ribs, and, I tell you who they are said, me, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua said cecil tingley, sees, look, pointed, hollie, its, her looking, right now, she said, made me tremble, the united states, she said, showed, im dead, she said, dont look, looked around, mexico, hollie, held nose, thats plucked, she said, missiles leaving thier waters, thats nicaragua exploding, the smoke of america burning covering cuba, lets, see, place it, said, hollie, many nuclear explosions in mexico, thats, captain, hollie, in, its, akula, she said, fired missiles, all nuclear nato nations explode, theres, pointed, hollie, missiles coming, from, them, russia, exploded, submarine somby, said, hollie, its, sound, somebodies got to go said Franklin D. Simmons, alright said cecil, tingley, shes, said, hollie, smelled, said, hollie, showed, picture, its ohio class, iraq, said, Jesus, hollie, pointed, exploded, thats, hollie, lets see it, said cecil tingley, trembles, thats, bringing, babylon, the u.s.a., said, hollie, into, rememberance, before, Jesus, bob, when ya gonna come and see me said cecil tingley, he sins, said, hollie, and he saw, said casey, franklin simmons pocketing, offerings, tithes, lives off the church, like most of u.p.c.i. pastors, lost, put it under, said, hollie, they are, said, Jesus, harlots, im cut off said rev. antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation and sofia bar association, its cause I showed you that, said, hollie, smelled, it was a picture, she said, of, its, she said, smelled, smiled, oscar class, with vladimir, missile, said, putin, many leave, sub, with, bear, let me rule the world, said, putin, alright said medvedev, ill kill, does, thats hollie spinning globe, many nations exploded, fire came up, brother, said, hollie, let me, she, said, and, I showed you uh picture, she said, its, kings, eight, that, will, rise, against, america, pointed, its, them, she, said, new world order, hollie, now lets see, she said, cuba, that, hollie, showed, castrol, hes, dying, raul, my younger, said fidel, loves, trouble, thats, medvedev, hey, ill give you, ok, said, raul castrol, showed, come on, subs, stage, there, usa president, worried, they fire, missiles, strike, usa, southern coast, many states, hollie, pointed, burning, hollie showed, fight, nicaragua, mexico said cecil tingley, russia, china, venezuela, said cecil, tingley, brazil, she said, kim jong, thats, cecil tingley pointing, at kim jong, hes, she smelled, dying, fired, missiles, russia said hollie and cecil tingley, thats, them, she said, im moody, she said, ew let me smell you ass said cecil tingley, thats, her smelling a young boys butt, she, sees, look at it, said, Jesus, thats, all u.p.c.i., they know, said, Jesus, whatever you say, said, cecil tingley, hollie summed it up, smiled, now, ladies, and gentlemen, she said, bowed, thats, hollie with a face like satans, said, hollie, hollie showed, impatience, turn, that, said, said, thing, record, said, hollie, and, I showed, you, that, she, said, fix uh flat, works, seals, rim leakes, held nose, showed, thumbs, down, on all else, she, said, thats fucking grooving said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, the, the man, said, hollie, is, funkengruven man, dancing, smiling, said, now put it under, she said, go, hollie drove off, thats, hu riding horse, white hand, points, thats, missile striking taiwan, exploded, captain hollie, surfaces, in three ohio class subs, missiles strike china, exploded, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, nukes in like, she showed, circle, big, most of china destroyed, said, Jesus, and he showed, said, hollie, magog, come out of fire, wont ya let me record, said, hollie, showed, hair grafts, work, leave it alone, said, hollie, hollie, showed, quiet, hollie showed, record, sleep, hollie showed, record, showed, hollie, hollie showed, come on, fighting, explained, its, she, wiped lips, new world, order, thats, she pointed, nuclear arms, in most, many explosions, and vladimir putin, appears, hollie wipes, lips, lets rule the world, he said, let me he said, hollie wiped lips, alright said dmuitry medvedev, ill shoot, does, presses the nuke button and henry gruver, Lord you made me look at it, laughs, 1-6-2009-hollie showed, thumbs down, dont listen to them, she said, cut off, thumbs, down, Cathedral Verger, Canon Precentor, Rev. Alan Jones, Rev. Mark Ruyak, Rev. Will Scott, Rev. Frances Tornquist, The Rev. Christian Jennert, hollie showed, cut off, for these, Jesus said, hollie showed, record, and I showed you that, she said, I showed turn, with, lighted hand, said, hollie, then bear paws, turn showed, hollie, hollie showed, ted bundy, git outta here, she, said, ted bundy puts chin in hand, that is ted bundy showing beasts image on cell phone, thats, u.s.s. yorktown, rolling, sinking, cause, many torpedoes, bombs, it, theres your problem, said, hollie, it took, said, captain, all that, its, on bottom of ocean, thats it, said, captain, hollie, showed, how, to, raise the yorktown, lower down hose, hollie sealed leaks, then, here it comes, can it still be used, Jesus, showed, no way, hollie showed picture, its ohio class, she, said, hollie played music, goddam he said, said the captain of yorktown, fired missiles, thats russia exploding, and, vladimir putin comes out of fire, presses nuclear button, thats all nuclear g8 n.a.t.o. nations exploding, thats, saw, hollie, missiles coming from them, australia exploded, and, captain of yorktown, pulls ship back to surface, its rusty, hollie painted, looked brand spaken new, you aint gonna let me, record, said, hollie, tear up, put back, said, hollie, rip, hollie clapped, tore, then from side, spun, clapped, spun back to front, put back, write the vision, thats, it, said, hollie, she, worked, with, tore, spun, showed, exercise, clap, let me, said hollie, record, thats hollie walking on exercycle, brand new economy, said, hollie, smelled, bankrupt, and, bush, she said, grunted, I, did, it, we want you said, geese, circled, licked prophet, three, bronze, said, hollie, showed, right here, glendale mall, its, she said, licked prophet, prophet hickman, kim jong, hollie said, Jesus, said, it, first, hollie, said, yes I love my Jesus, hollie said, Jesus, models, thats, pointed, hollie, missiles, leaving north korea, striking russia, china, south korea, thats fire, pointed, hand, in all those countries, thats missile, hollie watches, leaving russia, and, u.s.a. sub, striking north korea, exploded, china is magog, said, hollie, and hollie plays piano, let me show, you, on, a, map, said, hollie, spreaded map, had yad in hand, its stick with pointing finger on, pointed, hu hintao, riding red horse, war, he, said, cause im the false beast, he said, thats, hollie showing pope, hes antichrist, thats two beasts, and I summed it up, thats, dragon rising, its, new world order, thats, them tap dancing, theres hu, hollie said, stomped, held nose, thats lamb, rising, with, two horns, hu, japan, kings, pop out, withstand the pope, hu hintao said, thats nuclear fireballs, in russia, china, pope rides black horse, to russia, flatteries, he said, they give kingdom, signs, drive out he said, china claims russia, thats nuclear explosions in russia, china, then, hu, japan, rise, they sign 666 treaty with pope, laugh, lie, come on, said, hu, threaten, at table, thats, pointed, hollie, nuclear missiles aimed at each, hollie pointed, worship the pontiff, said, hu, he, goes, to, rome, said, cecil tingley, said, hu, and, sits in temple, i am God, he said, goes to israel, thats, when, unite and force, said, hu, thats, china, nuking russia, said, cecil tingley, forcing to, invade israel, thats swarms of people, charging, heading for israel, thats, hu, slashing pontiff, thats israeli, pointed hollie, prime minister, pressing, its cause you said cecil tingley, showed, franklin simmons, wipes lips, I, he said, never, looked around, got in, looked, afraid, now everyone knows said franklin d. simmons, people show visions, git outta here, he said, pockets, tithes, offerings, off lost christians like cecil tingley, nuclear button, pressed said israeli prime minister, missiles exploding in egypt, syria, jordan, Christ appears, places, beast, false prophet in fire, what are these wounds in your hands, said, hollie, those, pointed angry Jesus, religious rulers of his time, everything dissolves, thats it, said, hollie, the titanic, captain edward smith, popped out, hes, still, in ship, that said, hollie, his bones are there, that, said, hollie, he was like harrison ford, lava said cecil tingley, ill, let, show, said, woman, cecil, tingley, wont look at, does, said, Jesus, hollie showed, rik emmett, hes triumph, your doin pretty good, said, Jesus, and cecil tingley wipes lips, I am, said, rik, emmett, triumphs music, was, not that good, now, they cant sell, but, all, rich, wont ya let me record, said, hollie, submarine sorry, said, hollie, let me, she said, now look, she said, showed, picture, its, akula, she, said, with bear inside, fired missiles, hollie showed, record, look, said, hollie, brand new economy, held nose, showed, bankrupt, its, because, bush, she, said, look, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, put back, we, want you bob, come here, circled geese, pointed, let me record, again, said, hollie, russia, said, hollie, Jesus, sprinkled, arise, devour, thats, russia, with cuba, nicaragua, mexico, in, bears mouth, striking, nuclear nato, and, all those nations striking russia, hollie showed, the globe, many nations exploded, up rose, said cecil tingley, im the beast, said, pope, hollie waited, prophet hickman, said, cecil tingley, that was hollie showed on the baloon, said, hollie, bob, pointed, hollie, cecil tingley, wiped lips, materbated, saw, big, pool, Jesus told him to cut around, did, looked back, water, leaked out, bob, could not bare, feeling betrayed, and Jesus, showed, hands, nails, and cecil tingley, shops, laughs, not saved, look, I made you look, said, woman, cecil, looks, smiles, the Lord said to bob about pool, that will cost you 8000 dollars, hollie waited, again, thats fleas, hollie showed, beatem up, loose belt soun, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, thats, hu, she, said, showed, riding the red horse, thats, hand, pointing, china, missile strikes taiwan, I thought you were awesome, said, Jesus, and cecil tingley, i made you look, said, youth, she sees, bob said cecil tingley, showed, cut off, 1-7-2009-hollie showed, cut off, its, Charles Shipley, hes, pastor, but hair dyer, it cause I want sex said Charles Shipley, hes, grecian formula 666, when you see, said, hollie, its, to late, and he saw, pointed, casey, Charles Shipley show cut off, I made you see, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, Charles Shipley tremble, Jesus laughs, russia said hollie, thats the reason, she, said, hollie showed, record, showed, old, steam locomotive, summed it up, showed, they, were, steam, she, said, with, engineer there, showed fire around tank, in front, she, said, heats, steam goes thru pipe, hollie, said, makes piston move, that was excellent, thats, locomotive stopping for water, hollie putting in, its, the Reuben, whom Reuben Wells created, she said, showed, at the Childrens Museum, it, has about, said, hollie, 75,000 miles, it, still, could be, used, thats dreadnought, hollie showed, its, steam to, they could still be in the water, she said, because hulls she said, were almost 18 inches thick, hollie held nose, showed, the, Poseidon Adventure ship, upside down, its model, hollie showed model of titanic with edward smith, I blew it, he said, thats edward smith seeing iceberg about 30 seconds before impact, they could not see, hollie showed, the titanic, it, was, riveted, together said cecil tingley, wiped lips, makes weld, hollie said, just melt, hammer in, tada, it was strong enough, hollie showed, eat, kim jong, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, hollie showed, missiles, kim presses the nuke button, said, hollie, thats nuclear missiles striking russia, whats that, said, hollie, showed, putin, medvedev, lets furget, says, vladimir says medvedev, o.k. shakes putin, thats medvedev, pressing nuclear button, and china, south korea, exploded, showed, hollie, thats, missile with hollie, showing, bob, said, hollie, thats missile leaving moscow, said, medvedev, striking, north korea, said, kim jong, exploded, thats, u.s.a. sub firing tomahawk, thats, medvedev, seeing, calls, showed, vladimir can you git in here he said, shows, missile, itll be alright, putin, says, theres, showed, hollie, minor explosions, there, pointed, kim jong, they went for the president said dmitry medvedev, thats bear rising with three ribs, in mouth, hunt uuh said, hollie, not barbecued ribs, said, cecil tingley, its cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, said, hollie, thats missiles leaving their waters, and striking those 3 nations, hollie places nuclear fires in mexico, thats, bear, in, sub, firing, missiles, thats, captain hollie, showing, picture, of, its, submarine, firing, missiles, we know said, cecil tingley, striking mexico, thats americas, coast, gulf, mexico, exploding, hi, said, hollie, then both coasts, hollie pointed, from, subs, and up the middle, bill clinton presses nuclear button, thats, many minuteman missiles taking off, thats, russia being showered with nuclear missiles, exploded, hollie showed, australia exploding, missiles leaving there, there goes france, said cecil tingley, italy, she pointed, thats where the beast blows out she said, and, great britain exploding, missiles leaving all three, russia, exploded, thats the beast rising, said, Jesus, hollie laughs, with kings, appeared, theres hu, hollie said, showed, come on, fight, mexico, tap dancing, kim jong, russia, pope, hes there, hollie said, venezuela, cecil tingley wipes lips, thats enough bobby, said mr. tingley, how do we git ahold of him, hold it, said, Jesus, he wont, said cecil tingley, drive, bob, says, so you can try me, you knew, both said, they are, not, going, she knew, said, Jesus, showed, cut off, im, said, cecil tingley, embarrased, people, seeing, I made you look, said, bob, bobby, screamed, hollie, smiling, showed, the board, plum line, she said, with stick, showed, I coughed, said, cecil tingley, she, said, hollie, pastors, lost, they, said, hollie, pope, hes antiChrist, hu hintao, hes false prophet, said cecil tingley, japan, hes hu, thats the lamb, goes to, thats nuclear explosions in russia, china, drive out, said, pontiff, then, hu, japan, rise, said, cecil, tingley, withstand the pope, said, hintao, 666, its, uh, treaty, said, hollie, worship the beast, said, hu, hes, more powerful, said, rev. amy brucker, she, built doctor jeremy taylor website, she, whatta you want, said reverend amy brucker, she, thats amy brucker swallowing, amy brucker put the God spoken created name ministry of dreams on rev. jeremy taylors website, now we know said gina rose halpern, he tricked said amy brucker, and, u.u., jeremy taylor, ruint, he said, gina rose halpern gets fired cause jeremy taylor d.min steals ministry of dreams, he removes, ruint, said, cecil tingely, magog appears, its horn, growing last, china, thats hu hintao, leading, japan, appears, north, south korea, presidents, thats china exploding, after they, strike, taiwan, thats, captain hollie, surfacing, in 3 ohio class subs, shower, china with missiles, hollie pointed, with white glove, thats, hollie, spinning globe, pointed, explosions in many nations, now look, said, hollie, record, russia, is, not wanting to sell oil cause they want o.p.e.c., thats o.p.e.c.'s leader swallowing, knows, gas, expensive, prices will, thats, putin, knowing, america, will, collapse, russia wants china to go broke, hollie pointed, cause, nukes, its building, record, the vision, said, hollie showed, hollie showed, posting with blue sweatshirt, on, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im thru, record, hollie showed, w.a.s.p., someones got your name said blackie lawless, and he saw, said, casey, its dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. stealing ministry of dreams that is God spoken, created, 1-8-2009-hollie, showed, record, submarine somby, said, hollie, now, look, she said, showed, submarine, with captain Father, in, tear up, fix, hand, thats Father dressed like captain, speaking megaphone, I judge america, exploded, thats, hollie, I showed you uh picture, she said, its, the Father, with captain, suit on, put it under, they are all, hollie showed, savable, be nice, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, go, with lighted b bear paws, tear up, put back, rip, blew balloon, hollie showed, on, what was hollie showed doin, said, hollie, bored, thats, hollie, smiling, showing, her, lighted bear paws, stretched, Lord I caint take it no more, said, kathryn taylor, me, she said, Lord im toubled on every side, said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, who steals said, hollie, ministry of dreams, thats the website, both, said, hollie, firing, thats, doctor jeremy taylor d.min running to remove like his reverend antonia vladimirova, what, said, hollie, I aint taken it off said rev. antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation, what, she said, did you see it, said, friend, o, ill remove, liar, that witch, said, jeremy taylor the ordained unitarian universalist minister who steals, said, JEsus, bobby, they said I caint take it no more, thats reverend jeremy taylor calling 9-11, but, you stole said, hollie, Lord, I know I did this, said, rev. jeremy taylor, shaking yes, whatta you doing, said, hollie, thats dr. jeremy taylor the jungian showing cut off, but, people flock to see cause his protectors, he said, they love making money, thats embarrased kathy taylor m.a. know she is a witch, but, loves lucre, said, Jesus, appears, turn, showed, hollie, smiling, banks, she saiD, SMELLED, CLOSED, WRITE THE VISION, SHE SAID, write the vision, said, hollie, bob, jogg again, wearing coat, thats, hollie wearing coat, bandana, write the vision, said, hollie, thats, it, he, said, rev. jeremy taylor flying in stolen spacecraft ministry of dreams, said the website, jeremy taylor d.min jungian runs to remove, thats, hollie, standing on nuclear explosions, its in, said, prophet, iraq, gaza, thats, barack obama pressing nuclear button, captain hollie in her sub, missile fires, thats, gaza, destroyed, thats, its cause bush said israeli prime minister, presses nuclear button, thats, hollie spun globe, many nuclear fires in iraq, fool, said, Jesus, who was he calllin uh fool, said, hollie, its him, said, hollie, the dr. of jungian rev. jeremy taylor steals ministry of dreams and is ruining many, cause wont resign when he knows to said Jesus, he doesnt care said reverend d.min jeremy taylor u.u. (hon) ph.d. m.a. s.t.d., when you see, said, hollie, and thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor, o so you caught me lookin at it reverend jeremy taylor says, thats jim garrison showing cut off, shakes, yes, steal, but, come on, he said, shows jeremy taylor d.min to the front door said dr. rev. jim garrison, thats, jeremy taylor showing cut off, fired over, said, jim garrison, they, get rid of said dr. jim garrison, do, he said, devil im sorry said his wife kathy taylor, she purues him, but, leaves, thats his daughter tristy taylor showing cut off, but, shes a interfaith minister at the chaplaincy institute, thats rev. amy brucker masterbating but reverend brucker is saved, she tells, jeremy I made you do it said amy brucker, she, trembles, fired said gina rose halpern, and susan rosen, I made you look at said richard rosen, they, thats richard rosen showing cut off, no way, he says, but shakes yes, its cause you made me laugh said jim garrison with steven stargardters voice, they are ruining many saith the LOrd, hollie showed, record, loose belt, said, hollie, some, said, another, hollie, thats, hollie with nice hair, winking, git outta here said, lucifer, smiling, as greeting man at grace apostolic church, like uh white angel, said, hollie, write the vision, said, hollie, russia is stopping selling oil, use your own, said, medvedev, that, was gabriel, showing, two, said, hollie, hollie showed, that, audiocoustics xr 210 d stereo speakers, its, excellent, she said, thats, angel man, pointed, hollie, out of, when I see it, said mike stella, grace, he said, angel out of woofer of audiocoustics laboratory xr-210d stereo speaker, said hollie, bob hooked them up said Jesus, mike stella smiles, shakes yes, leave, said, Jesus, does, this is uh warning, said, hollie, its, justin blake, hes, lyer, she said, held nose, I want to con said justin blake, sees, I made you look, said, Jesus, bob said justin blake, swallows, bob likes, justin, blake, shakes, yes, smiles, Ill keep, he said, hollie showed, im cut off said dr. rev. lauren artress, yes shakes judith tripp, thats them, pointed, hollie, with gina rose halpern, and rev. amy brucker, and reverend jeremy taylor in the lake of fire, with all international study for dreams, all witchs, saith the LOrd, there are millions in lava with, cause, of, and rev. jeremy taylor, I made you tremble said Jesus, remove, now, or later, jeremy taylor u.u. shakes, says, na, but, will, ruins, like jim garrison, lauren artress, naa, said, reverend jeremy taylor, I will said kathy taylor, said, d.min rev. dr. jungian jeremy taylor, she, leaves, with, lute said doctor jeremy taylor, m.a., and tristy goes with, hollie showed, Patrick Swayze, dying, cancer, no, I got it, he said, called, drugs, they kill, if, I wanted to fuck, he said, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, me said jennifer grey, we, she said, had plastic surgery, and he saw, pointed, casey, Jesus, saying, no lute said Patrick Swayze, hes almost broke, like his reverend, antonia vladimirova, she stole ministry of dreams, I looked said Patrick Swayze, shruggs, but, leaves, you want it said jennifer grey, Patrick Swayze looks around, shakes, yes, those two had youth sex, she sucked his peter, ooooo said Patrick Swayze, they almost married, would, not be, separated said Patrick Swayze, but, back, by now, that was hollie, riding the missile, it, leading to, said, dr. rev. amy brucker, the chaplaincy institute, when I see, she said, gina, said, amy brucker, thats rev. brucker showing cut off pointed, hollie, and gina rose halpen shakes yes, it was because of him, she said, pointed, at their leader and reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie showed you stole ministry of dreams and doctor jeremy taylor ordained unitarian universalist minister, I agree he said, runs to remove ministry of dreams like his reverend antonia vladimirova of the dreams foundation, steals like many, all run to remove, after, thats, hollie standing on two nuclear explosions, let me see, said, dr. jeremy taylor, kathy says, it was iraq, nuked, I brought it in, grunted george bush, grunted, to steal, break our oil wells, he grunted, thats, pointed, hollie, all in the lake of fire, gabriel pulls cart to lava, with their leader international study for dreams president dr. jeremy taylor who steals from christian like his allah followers, when you see, said, hollie, thats jeremy taylor d.min showing cut off, shakes, laughs, but in heart, trembles, show jeremy taylor, lucre, he said, visions, people do, git that outta here said rev. jeremy taylor, we want our money back, said, student, you are suppost to be blameless, I know said (hon)jeremy taylor jungian, put it under, said, hollie, thats ministry of dreams website, both, showing, release our name, or, thats Jesus, showing, torture weapon, dr. rev. jeremy taylor trembles, you made me said kathy and tristy taylor, they, move said tristy taylor m.a., thats kathryn taylor, doc, she said, liar, both, saith God, tell me what the website said, said, hollie, 1-9-2009-let me alone, said, hollie, thats, horace smith, showing, the word channel, let me analyze, said, hollie, thats, 1971 chevrolet, lets see, said, hollie, monte carlo, smoked, tires, that, said hollie, that, said, hollie, that, said, Justina Lasley, was me, squirting, hollie showed, record, look, said, hollie, rode missile, to, she said, russia, exploded, bill clinton presses nuclear button, with advisors, thats, subs, around, usa, vladimir putin presses, nuke button, Ill shoot, says medvedev, kills, america, hollie, points, missiles, fired, strike america, and woman comes out of fire, Jesus showed, sh, I dont want no more website, said, hollie, no, she, said, shook, yes, showed, Im thru with it, we want you come here tomorrow, pointed, circled geese, hollie showed, Justina Lasley, thats her masterbating, shes Justina Lasley m.a., thats her preaching Jesus, masterbating like her reverend jeremy taylor u.u., hollie stopped recording, pocketed, hollie showed, turn, and, cecil tingley masterbates, squirt, said, hollie, I guess you dont want no more website, said, many hollies, I showed, turn, she, said, hollie dances, shows, uh bottle of oil, she, said, sells fur, 3 dollars, per quart, could she said, one dollar, cause o.p.e.c. charged way to much she said, hollie showed, turn, said, hollie, what does website say, said, hollie, showed, go, I showed you record, said, hollie, tell me what the website says, said, hollie, post, tell me what, the, beasts image looks like said hollie, casey, points, pope, tattood on finger, what did my beasts image say, said, hollie, I said, cecil tingley, take it said pontiff, thats nuclear explosions, and hegoat smites ram, russia, said, hu hintao, I want it, he, said, its ours, caspian sea oil, putin, thinks, its, ours, said, cecil tingley, they, thats, pope, riding, black horse, to, russia, said, cecil tingley, he, signs, said, God, flatter, he said, gimme, said, cecil tingley, he said, pope, alright, we can handle it, said, man, thats, pope, signing, the mark treaty said, cecil tingley, gimme treaty, said, hu, hintao, thats nuclear explosions, in, russia, said, cecil tingley, said amy brucker, thats her looking at visions, thats hegoat smiting ram, russia, china nuke, casey, points, from high in air, many nuclear fires, in, russia, said, cecil tingley, china, ok, said, hollie, with uh stick, ill show ya, she said, and, cecil tingley, thats hu, japan rising like lamb, thats lamb with hu, japan, popping, out, signing, the, mark, treaty, said, hintao, with, pontiff, pope said, cecil tingley, they lie, laugh, threaten, seperate, thats enough said Jesus, I, said, cecil tingley, that was hollie showing record, God dam it said, cecil tingley, and hollie playing the synthesizer, iraq, said, hollie, bringing, judgment, said, cecil tingley, to, us, she said, lets rule the world, said, vladimir, said, medvedev, lets, I can hardly look at it said cecil tingley, leave it off said Justin Hunter, hes Justin bill Hunter, thats Justin Hunter masterbating like his father and reverend dr. rev. jeremy taylor masterbation, said, rev. jeremy taylor, is good for, ya, said, amy brucker, smiling, thats tristy taylor squirting, all m.a. workers, are, let me see that, said gina rose halpern, amy brucker laughs, lets forgit it she said, thats, said kathryn taylor, how I got abased said gina halpern, you know what I want said Don Huntley, and he saw, said, casey, Don Huntley pocketing money, lucre said kathy taylor m.a., said, hollie, playing, it was the synthesizer said hollie, God damit said hollie, playing, hollie showed, record, satan, said, hollie, what did satan want, she said, that was hollie, tearing up the, cons said Justin Hunter, him and tristy, pocketing, thats how you made lucre, said, Jesus, both, gee God damit said Justin bill Hunter, when you see, said, hollie, I guess I made you look at it, Justin Hunter shows dr. rev. jeremy tayor d.min, you ruint it, he said, reverend jeremy taylor shakes yes, makes, leave, now we know said Justin bill Hunter and his kathryn taylor, u.u., said, im the bear father, that was, said, hollie, tear up, satan, over grace, apostolic church, the fire man said, hollie pointed, that was Father man, out of audiocoustics laboratory xr 210d speaker, hollie showed, time, tear up, she said, time, said cecil tingley, twice, what did hollie show time for said hollie, I dont git it said cecil tingley, its economic collapse, hollie plays music, God damit, give me uh fuck, he said, jammin, God dam him said hollie, bush, said cecil tingley, bush brought it in, hollie said, and cecil, its iraq, she said, thats hollie, standing on two nuclear explosions, I brought it in, grunted, bush, looks, to take our, to steal our oil wells, he said, thats angel taking president goerge bush to fire, bob, said, hollie, listen to what the website says, post, said, hollie, russia, she said, lets nuke, said, hollie, and medvedev, how do I git outta here, he said, does, presses nuke button, thats henry gruver, you made me laugh, he said, smiles, his vision fulfilled, 1-9-10-2009-iraq, we planned it, said, hollie, wiped lips, george bush grunts, cecil tingley appears, shes, masterbater, Lord I want it she said, but, continues right on said kathryn taylor, hollie showed, that, 1967 chevrolet impala, its, hollie thought, good car, record, the, vision, said, hollie, and, the main appears, Im not the scripturan any more, she, said, thats, gabriel, hollie smiles, that, said, hollie, was, the Father, swirling, in grace apostolic church, like, HOly Ghost explosion, and he saw, pointed, casey, stars, she said, bobby, record, the vision, said, hollie, it was, said, sandy, sumb, hollie, had different coat on, showed, and I showed you that, she said, the beast, pope, cuba, said, prophet, and, he, saw, said, casey, cuba explode, israel, said, man, hollie, points, many nuclear explosions, from, im uh bear, said, linda spall, and cecil tingley points, putin appears, pressing nuclear button, bobby, let me, said, hollie, cindy, back, shows, go, buy, uh phone, she said, its cause cindys back, said, hollie, and hollie plays music, bobby, record, another vision, said, hollie, just let me alone, said, possum, feed, let me, said, hollie, showed, git, something, to, eat, then, record, she, said, hollie, showed, beasts image, made alive, on cell phone, she said, take it, said, pontiff, 666, appears, thats, lamb, pointed, hollie, rising, write the vision, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays, music, God dam it, he said, thats, beast, rising, with seven heads and ten horns, pope, comes out of one, thats, russias, horns, let me said, hollie, 1-11-2009-hollie showed, record, that was said hollie, Sam: gohyegyeong, Sam mulege showing cut off hes Hea Kyong Koh, and thats Hea Kyong Koh looking around, lets git dr. taylor he said, and he knows, jeremy, said, hollie, dr. rev. jeremy taylor steals ministry of dreams from christian which is protected, and you see said, hollie, and he saw, pointed, casey, Hea Kyong Koh calling his reverend doctor jeremy taylor, saying, its here now look, and d.min jeremy taylor denies, I took, he said, but not that way, cancel said Hea Kyong Koh, does, iraq, said, hollie, trust me, she said, iraq agin, said, hollie, wiped lips, and he saw, said, casey, pointed, hollie leaning on two nuclear explosions, thats, hollie, grunting, explaining, thats president bush, shame on you president bush, said, Jesus, I wanted war, said bush, casey, points, thats, hollie, in, its, american los angeles class sub, firing, missile, two, ofuhm, hollie said, thats gaza, on fire, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, thats, many, nuclear explosions in iraq, thats, hollie, showing, iraq, on the globe, she, said, spun, thats big nuclear explosion coming from russia, and, vladimir, he said, presses the nuclear button, thats missiles leaving my moscow said putin, heading for, thats bear rising with 3 ribs, in mouth, and who are they, said, hollie, and she showed component stereo system, its made by sony, she said, dont but separates, she said, thats Father coming out of audiocoustics laborator xr 210d speaker, mike stella sold many, thats mike stella wiping lips, lauging, git outta here he said, and, little boy walking around soundpro, mike watches, dont touch, he says, in heart, it makes it sound clear, bob thought, he, liked project one, mike shows, git me off of there, looks, laughs, thats the alome salome, said, hollie, its jeremy, thats d.min reverend jeremy taylor talking in south, korea, write the vision, said, hollie, with, its, said, sandy, soumb, hollie points, thats Father on audio coustics laboratory speaker, and speaker looked at dr. taylor, jeremy, said, amy brucker, showed, cut off, you fool, she said, that is the beast rising, bob haden, hollie showed, hes uh witch, thumbs down, she showed, thats it, pointed, hollie, cat, thats the leopard hollie said, thats hollie cat, hu hintao, popped out, north and south korea, she said, japan, thats lamb, appearing, hu, japan, popped out, thats nuclear explosions, in russia, china, then hu, japan, rise, to, withstand, the beast, said false prophet hu, they sign the mark, treaty, 666, at table, prophet hickman, jogg, run in place, hollie said, works just as good, submarine somby, said, hollie, now look, she said, showed, picture, its, ohio class, she said, fired, missiles, russia exploded, bear, im uh, it, said, hollie, laughs, thats putin, he said, hollie showed, record, 1-12-2009-hurry, she said, write the vision, make it plain, said hollie, God dam said hollie playing music, what did website say, said, hollie, website said post, said, hollie, and, the, main, Ministry of dreams spoken by Jesus, website appears, both, victory won, that was gabriel, said, Jesus, dressed up like Tron, said, hollie, gabriel, laughs, hollie showed, record, wiped lips, that was hollie flying in her spacecraft, Ministry of dreams firing on stealers, and casey, points, Ministry Of Dreams website appears, two, hollie said, hollie showed, record, brother, said, hollie, that was new jerusalem like glass city, Gods eyes coming out, bright Light shining thru like crystal buildings, brother, said, hollie, showed, time out, brother said, hollie, lighted hollie, appears, 1-13-2009-record, said, hollie, it was uh dream, she said, it was uh bear, bob, looked, thru, door, saw, afraid, came thru, bear in like microwave, oven, bob, let out, friendly, talked with, bear heard noise, bobs girlfriend missing, he said, is it my girlfriends body, no, said, bear, went thru house, to, uh room, said, hollie, outside, house, saw, man, let out, he grabs, bear, and bear doesnt fight, comes toward bob, bob, hits in face, many times, hollie showed, shhh, its, russia, acting, but putin grows, angry, presses, the nuke button, thats, all nuclear n.a.t.o. burning, thats missile, going, for venezulea, sh, said, hollie, be quiet, jong, said, hollie, showed, fired, missiles, striking, russia, china, south korea, bob, warnem, hollie said, now lets see, said, hollie, thats, o red and black chariot, record, said, hollie, pulled by angry horses, thats, hollie showed, tear, up, put back, showed uh pencil, she said, make it plain, she said, write, the vision, thats, bear growing, putin, comes out, rip, from, behind, she, said, looked, jumped, more, had new lighted bear paws, jumped, to the front, showed, tada, lighted, bear paws, tear up, fix, rip, showed, record, hollie showed, played music, talked, submarine sorrow, now look, said, hollie, with yellow lighted hands, showed, its, ohio class, she, said, with captain, fired missiles, striking russia, and bear, like putin, rises, presses nuclear button, thats all g8 nuclear n.a.t.o. nations being destroyed, fires, missiles, striking, hollie showed, globe, many nations exploding, hollie showed, picture, tear up, fix, thats, Gods eyes coming out of new jerusalem, like glass city, crystal sky scrapers, many said, hollie, now look, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, she said, record, let me, said, hollie, this is uh warning said, hollie, its, said, sandy, sound, hollie plays music, cause of Ministry of dreams is spoken by Jesus said hollie, HE will ruin you if you steal it, she said, and Ministry of Dreams website appears, two, said, hollie, hollie, smiled, clap, mokse, appears, thats, pointed, on, willie, duncans church, its, the dome, she said, golden, you need to let me record, said, hollie, beast, said, pope, false prophet hu appears, thats nuclear explosions in russia, china, thats, beast, riding black horse to moscow, flatter, he said, take control, said, woman, thats nuclear arsenal in russia, pope with button, drive out china, thats nuclear explosions in china, then hu, japan, thats lamb pointed hollie, rising, signing the mark, treaty, 666, thats, them at table, laughing, lying, threatening, and hu, said, beast, I will not, said hu, both, threaten, signing, bob, said, hollie, you need to, she, said, cat, thats, hollie leopard, pointed, hollie, hu hintao poped out, japan, said cecil tingely, north, south, korea, presidents, thats seven lighted heads, and the beast, said, pope, mexico, pops out, theres lula, chavez, hintao, castrol, nicaragua, thats kim jong, pointed, hollie, those are seven heads, putin pops out, thats, beast, said, pope, in little horn, coming out of russia, said cecil tingley, hollie showed, record, submarine somby, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, hollie showed, picture, its, akula, she, said, with bear inside, thats, bear, growing, angry, striking all nuclear nato nations, thats, hollie showing globe, many nations exploding, missiles flying striking russia, america, australia, france, italy, brazil, hollie showed, ill place it there, nuclear explosions, in mexico, thats one in canada, big, no, said, hollie, tear up, clap, put back, wiped lips, split, clap, hollie, looks, showed, new lighted bear paws, look, said, hollie, theres uh submarine, somby, said hollie, now, look, she, said, its, ohio class, she said, thats hand pointing, missile from china, strikes taiwan, thats captain hollie surfacing in three ohio class subs, taiwan burns, they shower missiles on china, thats, showed, hollie, china exploding, round, in uh circle, hollie showed, like big circle, thats hegoat smiting ram, china, russia, hit each other, bob at conference, and his former, work, friend, said, the king of messages we hear today, and bob tells, yelled, if you want to hear uh new message, bob says many things, like said Jesus, america, hits russia, russia hits america, america hit china, man next to bob says, this will be interesting to see, bob said america hit china in uh circle, heres how it starts, china hit taiwan, america hit china, russia hit america, america hit russia, bob dreams, saw, self and many skiing, fast, on like mountain, many different kinds of ski's, one man had like roller, broom, going fast, bob, in room, during commercial, had to pay, 30 dollars, said, man, to see, next round, he was in, watched, hollie showed, turn, record, lets see said, hollie, showed, record, the pope, appeared, hes the, beast, he said, with seven heads, and ten horns, and who are they said hollie, now look, she said, showed, seven lighted heads, and, mexico poped out, brazil, hugo, hintao, castrol, putin, then, pope, out of, his, thats kim jong poping out, I summed it up, showed, hollie, showed, fix yur own vehicle, hollie pockets money, iraq, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, iraq, gaza, thats hollie leaning on two nuclear explosions, I brought it in grunted bush, to, looks around, grunts, steal our oil wells, thats president george bush in the fire, let me measure said hollie, showed, the thickness of steal on ships bottom, at least two inches, she, said, cause, hollie wipes lips, it goes over the top of things, she said, rust, she said, takes years, submarine sorry, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, showed, picture, its, hollie wipes lips, akula, with bear, fired missiles, struck, france, exploded, australia, boom, exploded, there goes france, hollie, said, italy, hollie wipes lips, great britain, and america, exploded, thats, subs, from, most, showering russia with nukes, thats, big nuclear explosions, it causes said hollie, the world, she pointed, shook, this is hollie, with, the loose belt some, wipes lips, showed, record, turn, showed, hollie, hollie showed, record, this is hollie, with, that, o, loose, belt, some, she said, hollie showed, go, hollie showed, subwoofer, its, hollie thought, showed, best, let me, said, hollie, thats, hollies image on cellphone, bobby, said, hollie, showed, record, submarine sorry, said, hollie, look, she said, theres, uh submarine, with, captain, Father, judge, he said, fired, missiles, struck america, many explosions, look, said, holliefleas, hollie showed, record, tear up, put back, rip, stomp, look, said, hollie, hollie showed, beasts image, pope, theres that submarine sorrow, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, wont ya let me, she said, the beast bobby, with seven heads, ten horns, its, him, pointed, hollie, pope, said cecil tingley, appears, with little horn, guess whose inside, said, antichrist, putin, he likes it, said, beast, beats on chest, I want him, said, pontiff, someone looked, said, hollie, its, him, she, said, Pope Benedict XVI, watches, said cecil tingley, hes praying wanting saved even as antichrist said Jesus and hollie, thats hu, beast, hintao said, two, said, hollie, thats emporer, they rise like lamb, hollie said, thats hu, japan, withstand cecil tingley, and hollie said, thats, them signing 666, the mark treaty, its uh treaty, hollie said, showed, if you dont git outta here, Pope Benedict said, no way showed hu, thats, hegoat smiting ram, thats king pope coming against king hu, pope, peaks, knows, he thinks, who knows, said, cecil tingely, hes antichrist, said, hollie and cecil tingely, right now, worship the Pope Benedict, they do, pointed hollie, he, loves, im the beast with seven, said, Pope Benedict, hes, anti, hollie wiped lips, Christ, said, Jesus, thats what that means said, Jesus, that was Pope Benedict XVI showing go, lighted, said, hollie, wiped lips, and cecil tingley, she sees, said, hollie, you, she said, Pope Benedict XVI, look at, your future, you know, both, and cecil tingley and Pope Benedict XVI both, made you look at said cecil tingley, put it under, said, hollie, they are the same in Gods eyes, and kevin shaw, I made you look at it, said, Jesus, kevin j. shaw, sees, weeps, cut off showed douglas hellers kevin shaw, pretending to be saved, but on the lost democratic party of Springfield Township, Pennsylvania, hes, montgomery county, pa, lost, steals ministry of dreams with his ron tompkins, and antonia vladimirova, I made you look at it she said, wipes lips, she goes to jail in bulgaria over, and doug heller wipes lips, all, over, false coprights, and they all see, look at it said rev. antonia vladimirova, she does, trembles, 1-14-2009-bob said hollie, hollie showed, record, lie down flat, hollie said, it strengthens muscles in face, hollie, said, thats beast, im pointed pope, seven heads, lighted, mexico, pops out, hollie showed, turn, eat, bob, said, hollie, showed, eat, go, record, showed, beasts image made alive, on cell phone, hollie showed, hollie showed record, eat, thats, seven lighted heads, and mexico president pops out, theres cuba, hollie said, showed, at war, hugo chavez, hollie showed, call on o.p.e.c. he said, thru megaphone, hollie out, stuck fingers in ears, theres, brazil, thats big nuclear explosion in brazil, hollie showed, I, summed it up, go to grace, she said, apostolic church, theres putin, poping out, git outta here, said, beast, he comes out of, hollie said, hu hintao, hollie showed, and, I summed it up, hes false prophet, kim jong, pops out, thats, nuclear missiles, kim presses nuclear button, striking russia, china, south korea, thats vladimir pressing nuclear button, north korea exploded, thats, hollie watching u.s.a. sub firing, its uh tomahawk, said, hollie, striking, north korea, medvedev, says, no, thats, hegoat smiting ram, thats, russia, china, striking, each other, give me rule, said, pope, no way, showed, hu hintao, both nations, hollie showed, many nuclear fireballs, then, thats, lamb, rising, hu, japan, pops out, signing, said, hollie, with, him, its, the, new pope, she, said, 666, they laugh, threaten, hu, git outta here, said, beast, thats, the, ten horns, hollie, thought, its, politburo, and, out of them, its uh ruling party, came boris yeltsin, out of yeltsin came vladimir, then medvedev, he shoots, putin, presses nuclear button, thats, hollie showing picture, of, sub, firing missiles with bear inside, striking all nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, theres france, italy, great britain, exploding, along, with, said, hollie, australia, america, just exploded, alaska, exploded, first, thats, said cecil tingley, bill clinton pressing nuclear button, all those nations fired from subs, land based nuclear rockets, russia exploded, thats world shaking, pointed, saw, hollie, up rose the beast, theres hu, hollie shows, war, said, hu hintao, thats, emporer of japan, said cecil tingley, slash, pontiff, thats, china being nuked in circle, from, said, hollie, 3 ohio class subs, and, thats hu hintao riding red horse, hand points, missile from china strikes taiwan, thats taiwan burning, ohio class subs, pointed, casey, shower china with nuclear trident missiles, exploded, thats, hollie showing, sign, she said, for, killed, dead bodies from war, israelis bury, them, seven years, hollie showed, played music, hollie out of golden flute, showed, that was gabriel, this is uh warning, said, hollie, wont ya let me record, said, gabriel, hes arch, said, hollie, pointed, thats gabriel, he, she, kind of wiped lips, the messenger of heaven, thats, arch angel gabriel meeting with dumitru duduman, hes, loved, still, and, Lori Eldridge, said, hollie, you made me tremble said Lori Eldridge, shes, showed, hollie, lost, comes against, like the apostle paul, hollie said, when you see, said, hollie, and thats cecil tingley and Lori Eldridge, hollie, showed, the same, both witchs said cecil tingley, bob, lets post, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, this is the website, said, hollie, wiped lips, hollie, showed, quiet, God will heal, said, doreen marie hoge, put it under, said, hollie, watch, she pointed, dr. rev. jeremy taylor remove said hollie, ministry of dreams he stole, took, she said, and kathryn taylor shruggs, let jeremy do it, she said, sue, but, she, took, herself, said unitarian universalist minister her dad jeremy taylor, 1-15-2009-wont ya let me record, said, hollie, said, return to grace, submarine sorrow said hollie, showed, picture, its akula, she said, with uh captain, in, tear up, press together, twist, more, tear, put back, rip, from, behind, said, hollie, showed, new lighted, bear, paws, tore, jumped, to side, put back, tear, jump, fix, rip, bubba, let me, said, hollie, go to grace, she said, I summed it up, closed, hollie showed, eat, thats, hollie leopard, pointed, the lighted hand, said, hollie, eat, said, hollie, prophet hickman, thats the alome salime, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, soumb, thats, douglas heller and ron tompkins stealing ministry of dreams, both get ruint, you had it easy said doug j. heller, thats where I lost my pension, douglas heller and ron tompkins said, you think its funny said ron tompkins, and he saw, said, casey, pointed hollie, ron tompkins and douglas heller being fingerprinted, charged with, Jesus, regrets, class d felony, thats ministry of dreams website, two, said, hollie, second, home page, modelled, thats, alome salime, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, hollie, posts, visions, thats jeremy taylor of international study of dreams stealing ministry of dreams, removes ruint, kathy taylor, I made you leave, said, Jesus, she, emailed south korea talk to prophet, and, her reverend jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, you now want uh divorce, said, kathy taylor m.a., and tristy taylor shows, im cut off, said, interfaith minister tristy taylor m.a., yes says rev. amy brucker, all, you need to record, said, hollie, sleep, hollie showed, that, she, showed, the f-16 fighting falcon, viper, its, good, fighter jet, thats Jesus in f-15, its, quick, said, hollie, hollie showed, lay down, sleep, its, said sandy, alome saleem, hollie showed, the reason, bob dreams with stan johson and john mark pool, stan johnson was like not into anything, bob talks about judgment to many countries, said Jesus, and, bob says, he wanted to tour on the prophecy club, and hit the p.a.w. and u.p.c.i. churches, and said, I dont need any money, bob tells when the u.s.a economy collapses, china hits taiwan, and he talked about dr. bill deagle, said, he has the Holy Ghost, cause, I recognize the Spirit of God, bob calls bill deagle, something like, beckley, bill, when you see it, hollie appears, do nothing but pray for, intercede, hollie said, bill deagle does, we were on bus, john mark pool did not say nothing but smiles, says, its cause im catholic, bob saw gas signs, one was 2.69, it was uh speedway sign, and a shell sign with gas at 5.29, high prices says king of saudi arabia, he wants, to, ruin, cause, living the life, requires, thats, and he saw, said casey, nuclear explosion in saudi arabia, saith the Lord, and bush, said casey, Ill order it, president bush, said, wiped lips, its saudi arabia ruining, when you see, said, hollie, shut up said casey, watch your demise, said, Jesus, wiped lips, places gun to King Abdul Aziz's head, kills, said ambassador, hollie showed, record, 1-16-2009-hollie showed, turn, a smiling, twice, she said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, go ahead and post, she said, and ministryofdreams website appears, two, said, hollie, on is, website, ministry of dreams, on is angel ministryofdreams, they steal, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, Henrywynn, he is, she said, speak, im the thief of ministryofdreams said Henry wynn, hes, hollie said, lost, cut off, faggot, but, steals to ruin Gods servant, now hide, when you see, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, Henry wynn, now im in trouble said Henry wynn, lies, hollie said, o I made it up, but in letter, says, ministryofdreams is mine now, what are you gonna do about it puck, hes, said, hollie, janetmck, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, thats uh submarine, said, hollie, showed, picture, its oscar class, with uh bear inside, golden, lighted, said, hollie, showed, picture, its us, said captain edward smith, u.s.a., all nuclear, nato, is, said, hollie, thats, bear rising, and firing, showered missiles, thats nuclear nato, burning, destroyed, said, hollie, cause russia struck, said, hollie, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., thats, france exploded, two, showed casey, australia, said, hollie, casey, showed, four, thats, pointed, her, many nuclear explosions in australia, exploded, said cecil tingley, hollie appears, record my vision, said, hollie, and cecil, tingley, oil said gabriel, thats king of saudi arabia, wiping lips, I, knew, he, said, cut america off, I want it, thats, captain hollie in ohio class sub, launching two trident missiles, saudi arabia, said cecil tingley, is on fire, trouble, said, angel, casey, points, three kings rising in persia, they are, she, said, bobby, theres hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, showed, casey, idol, pope, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, but, said, hollie, shook, yes, now look, she, said, write the vision, said hollie, make it plain, hollie rode the rocket, that, said, hollie, king of grecia, and you know who it is said hollie, pope with hu, putin, poping out, of horns, thats hegoat smiting ram, thats king of north coming against king of south, russia, china, nuke each other, under both beasts, bob saw in, it was uh dream, said, hollie, cloud, way up, hollie said, with like fire inside, would come down like tornado, with fire, on man, preacing, on top of buildings, hes, the apostolic wildman, talked, climbed on, top of building, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, pointed up, its gas, thats, saudi arabia, wanting more, to bankrupt america, said cecil tingley, 1-17-2009-but when, said, hollie, henry wynn sees name on website, trembles like her reverend jeremy taylor u.u. and his reverend antonia vladimirova, I knowed it said dr. bill hamon, all run to remove ministry of dreams like his robert gillen who is joel tao, they are peter appleseed, stole, said, hollie, shut up, she said, not ruint, for taking the name said sandy pool, I didnt he did she said, john mark pool, ministryofdreams, all run to remove, after, hollie showed, iraq, gaza, exploding, bob let me, said, hollie, I showed, you, record, she, said, bush, stole oil wells, in, iraq, its on bbc, said, hollie, russia, said, and, russian prime minister grunts, to seize oil wells, thats many nuclear fires in iraq, gaza, israeli prime minister, when gaza explodes, presses the nuclear button, many israeli nuclear rockets strike iraq, hollie showed, its, the, globe, she said, many nations, on, fire, spun, I summed it up, she, showed, that was pope sitting in the temple in rome, I am God, thats, them, signing, its, the, mark, treaty, said doreen marie hoge, and cecil tingley, sees, unite and force, said, president of magog hu hintao, it was jiang zemin, that signed, military agreement with yeltsin, cause, clinton, strikes, yugoslavia, the ram said Jesus, unite and force, said, hu, china, launches, uh, nuclear missiles, said, hollie, and, Jesus, striking, russia, thats king of south, invading north, force them to invade, israel, said, hu, thats, hu slashing pope in israel, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, thats egypt, syria, jordan, exploding, Christ places, beast, false prophet in fire, rapture, said, Jesus, on mountain, what are these wounds in thy hands said, hollie, them, pointed, Jesus, the fallen u.p.c.i., p.a.w. pentecostal apostolic churches, Christ goes back to heaven, everything dissolves, hollie showed titanic, at bottom of ocean, its in two, hollie, said, cause plates knocked in when scraped iceberg, they were about the size of garage doors, sank quick, theres uh submarine said hollie, showed, picture, its, akula, with captain, and captain, said, hollie, pressed nuclear control, thats bear rising, striking, france, australia, italy, america, australia exploded, great britain, hollie showed, them, arise, devour much flesh, said, Jesus, missiles from strike russia, exploded, the world shakes, up rises the beast, thats the new world order, said, hollie, with, both beasts, and, emporer of japan, hu, pope, slashed pope, four kings, out of, rome, said, irving, baxter, comes antichrist, 1-2009-1-18-2009-hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, thats uh, submarine, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, oscar class, with uh bear inside, showered missiles, cause russia struck, said, hollie, its, nuclear, nato, thats, france, exploding, australia, exploded, said cecil tingley, hollie appears, record my vision, said, hollie, oil, said, gabriel, thats, king of saudi arabia wiping lips, I knew, he, said, cut america, off, I want it, thats, captain hollie in, ohio class sub launching two trident missiles, saudi arabia is on fire, trouble, said, angel, casey, points, three kings rising in persia, they are, she said, pope, theres hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, showed, casey, idol, pope, hollie showed, record, now, look, she said, write the vision, said, hollie, make, it, plain, that, said, hollie, king of grecia, and you know who it is said hollie, pope, with hu, putin, poping out, of, horns, thats hegoat, let me record, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you, that, she, said, it was the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said, hollie, pope, theres, seven lighted heads, mexico, pops out, hugo, lula, hollie showed, castrol, hintao, putin, pope, comes, out, of his, kim jong, nicaragua, thats, I summed it up, said, hollie, hollie showed, whats them, she said, ten horns, pope appears, in one, its, uh, ruling, she said, party, the united states, said, gabriels, thats henry wynn stealing ministryofdreams, and, website appears, two, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie, showed, record, thats beast on screen, at grace apostolic church, hu, them, sitting at table, saw, hollie, and, geese circled, showed, right here, hollie looks, hollie showed, beast, pope, hu, signing the mark treaty, 666, appeared, said, hollie, thats beast with two horns, and out came, said, hollie, putin, hu, thats hegoat smiting ram, it did what it wanted till thats putin kneeling before pontiff, and pope holds chin in hand, let me, said, putin, alright, I want to rule the world, let me, said, putin, thats, bear, with, three ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, and, another, hollie, pulled sleeves up, come, on, she said, fight, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, showed, im thru, with it, but, shook, yes, no, she showed, from behind, clapped, hollie, turned, showed, new lighted bear paws, tear up, fix, thats cuba, nicaragua, mexico, all, exploded, hollie, pointed, missiles, leaving, thier waters, its, from, she, said, im, uh, bear, and, missiles, striking, hollie laughs, wiped face, putin, laughs, hollie showed the beast, dragon said cecil tingle, with pope coming out, its new world order, theres, president of mexico, lula, kim jong, he, said, hu hintao, thats, pope, coming out of russia, and, castrol, geyer, hes nicaragua, said, hollie, venezuela, there you have it said hollie, I summed it up, she said, hollie, showed, let me, she, said, record, said, hollie, and cecil tingley, thats beast rising out of sea, he, goes, said, pope, to moscow, gitty up, he said, on, black, horse, thats italy exploding, france, said, hollie, great britain, australia, all exploded, missiles coming from, thats, america, exploding, pointed hollie, and, subs, all around, bush presses missile defence, missed, subs fired, thats henry gruver in sky, yeah I told ya, he said, missiles exploded, when Lord, said, henry, gruver, Jesus, tells, when, showed, bush, gorbachev, thats peace and safety, said, hollie, in 1991, on ship, pointed hollie, start one, appeared, hollie appears, said cecil tingley, tear up, fix it, from behind, said, hollie, rip, new behind, said, hollie, turned, to back, sideways, that was fix it, said, hollie, to, front, fix it, said, hollie, turned, uh little, hollie back, sideways, put back, that o economy said, hollie, gave us a warning, she, said, it, fell, with, cheaper gas, said, hollie, its, and, he, saw, said, casey, king of saudi arabia, whispering, bring down bush, he, said, thats saudi arabia exploding, bobby, dont go there, said, hollie, its, i.b.c., it stands for, said, hollie, indiana bible college, and he saw, pointed, that, o, paul mooney, showing, cut off, 75 dollars per barrel, coming out, of, fire, its, him, said, hollie, showed, work, its, cause, iraq, said, hollie, bush, did it, she, said, pushed the nuclear button, said cecil tingley, thats hollie, standing, leaning, on two nuclear explosions, bush grunts, thats, the reason, I, brought it in, he, said, oil contracts, signed, by, russia, steal, breakem, said president george bush, and his dad grunts, take me on, he, said, thats many nuclear fires, in, iraq, israeli, thats, gaza, exploding, hollie, saw, missile from sub, u.s.a., said cecil tingley, missiles leave israel, iraq, explodes, this causes america, to, come into remembrance, before Jesus, sprinkled, let me rule the world, said, putin, alright, he said, thats meeting with presidents, boris yeltsin, mexico, cuba, hugo, brazil, kim jong, hu hintao, nicaragua, mexico, shakes, do it, said, lula, no, shows, hugo, yes, smiles hintao, let me take taiwan, said, yeltsin, lets do it, said, hintao, taiwan explodes, thats, hollie, captain off three ohio class subs, showering china, that was captain Father, dressed like captain, smiled, pointed, hollie, stomped, you know your gonna get cut off said Jesus, yes shakes sad paul mooney, he, said, andrea king, showed, cut off, both, hollie showed, big, explosion, putin, has chin in hand, medvedev, presses nuke button, thats, missiles, heading for u.s.a., alaska, exploded, clinton, presses nuke button, thats, missiles from all, nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, heading, for, russia, exploded, world shook, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. nations on fire, thats, nuclear explosions in canada, mexico, brazil, world shakes, up rises the antichrist, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, said, idol, pope, said cecil tingley, let me bob, record, said, hollie, henry wynn, she said, why did you do it, steals ministryofdreams, smiles, it was uh dream, said, hollie, bob dreams she said, they sang, Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na, Hey Jude, and then bob heard, its to late for jude, it was, wiped lips hollie, showed, eat, antoher, dream, bob sees man, with bald head, he said, third shift, bob sees, elder, samuel, rogers, God said, you be good to him, you need to let me, record, said, hollie, said, sh, prophet hickman, said, Jesus, showed, cut that off, hollie showed, record, thats hu hintao riding red horse, hand points, at missile striking taiwan, burned, hollie showed, record, thats pope, she, said, growing like a flower, theres hu, said, hollie, hollie showed, the second beast, hu hintao, hollie, clapped, i summed it up, she said, emporer of japan, said cecil tingley, slashed pope, popes shakes, yes, showed, record, thats it, said, hollie, thats, the, aliar, said hollie, its said sandy, simb, write the vision, and, ministryofdreams website appears, fires from finger, henry wynn looses job, bad economy said hollie, showed, barack obama, hes, thats, barack obama not speaking uh word, he raised hand, do you want economic collapse, said, hollie, president obama shakes yes, hollie showed, record, tada, showed, hands, lighted, tear up, turn, jump, that was fix it, its from new behind, she said, said, hollie, and hollie plays music, prophet you didnt want it, said, hollie, its hollie showed, appears, when he appears, he, will, disappear real quick, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, thats, fleas, she, bit the prophets head off, im pool, she said, sandy pool, she, didnt like her vision, thats smiling sandy pool showing cut off, she knows, said prophet, john mark pool showed cut off, whens he going to come and see me screamed sandy pool, well I dont know, acted, said in heart, the lying john mark pool, when you see this, said Jesus, and he saw, pointed, the reverend john mark pool, let me look at it, he said, smiles, embarrased, you brought this, said sandy pool, angry, he stole ministry of dreams said hollie, hide it said john, mark, pool, you liar said, prophet, you are not saved, he said, thats john mark pool, ruint said sandy pool, thats john pool pocketing money, to speak in Gods name, he is back, thats it, said, hollie, gabriel appears, hes arch, said, hollie, fleas, smiles, record, the, vision, said, hollie, thats renee hazel barker, said, hollie, record, she, said, thats, the main, licking the prophet, said, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, write the vision, said, hollie, thats, hollie, flying in f-16 fighter jet, showed, its uh excellent, buy twin, he said, engine, showed, f-15 eagle, buy, it, saw, hollie, flew, almost, 1900 miles per hour, hey whats up, said, hollie, its, john mark pool, now I see what a fool ive been said sandy pool, hey bobby, said smart ellic john pool, wanna work, he said, smiled, so, hollie points, john, said sandy, can, thats john m. pool pocketing, you gotta grow up, said sandy, pool, thats missile trying to catch, f-15, if not engadged quick, will speed away, thats raptor f-22 being shot down, new york city, said, director jim garrison, thats gabriel in headlines, hillary clinton being sworn in as vice president cause of baracks shot, she said, bob lets record, the vision, said hollies, record, the vision, said, hollie, showed, sleep, write the vision, said, hollie, licked prophet, thats my alarie sorry, said, hollie, simb, she said, let me record, said, hollie, slept, hollie showed, record, we want your, circled geese, right here, pointed, circled, hollie showed, hot wire, starts, 1-19-2009-youll be a hard luck woman, baby till you find your man, sang, hollie and peter chris, let me bobby, said, hollie, record, showed, pope, growing, theres, hu, hollie, I summed it up, she said, and hollie, showed, record, pope grows like flower, nunt uuh, said hollie, danced, its, steven stargardter-jim garrison man like angel face, this is hollie like a copter, letting, out, henry gruver, spoke thru megaphone, hollie out, showing, what did hollie show, thats it, said, hollie, the alome, he said, its, said, sandy, saleem, hollie showed, record, go to grace, he, said, thats hollie, walking in grace apostolic church, hollie, prepared, showed, record, beast, growing like flower, and hu hintao, hollie said, thats it, said, hollie, showed, the two beasts, they, are, king of the north and south, thats my alome saleem, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, thats the alarie sorry, said, hollie, its, she, said, simb, showed, sandy, hollie showed, record, gabriel appears, what was he wearing, said, hollie, its uh blue sweatshirt, said, hollie, arch, appears, dressed like warrior angel, thats it said hollie, playing music, synthesizer, thats alome salarie, said, hollie, its, said, simb, the united states will be attacked by russian missile assault said gabriel and hollie, come closer, said, gabriel, hollie jams, thats alome salarie, said, hollie, its said sandy, simb, thats missiles going toward america and russia, both nations exploded, russia has enough nuclear missiles to destroy this planet, said, hollie, america can wipe out this planet two times over, write the vision, make it plain, said, hollie, thats seven lighted heads, and germany pops out, theres france, great britain, australia, canada, theres, italy, thats beast coming out of italys, theres, russia, thats, im the beast, said, putin, thats him, kneeling before pontiff, take them, he said, alright shakes putin, let me, rule, the world, he, said, thats america, the woman, poping out of, lighted head, there you have it, said, hollie, summed it up, thats, the popes face in lighted horn, hes eigth and of the seven, its g8, said, hollie, thats beast, red dragon rising with kings that will rise against u.s.a., its, said, hollie, new world order, theres, beast, pontiff, said, hollie, hu hintao, hes false prophet, rises like lamb, said, hollie, with, theres emporer of japan, hugo, lula, kim jong, castrol, and mexico, there you have it, I summed it up, said, hollie, let me rule the world, alright, said, hu hintao, thats, him riding red horse, china, points hand, strikes taiwan, thats taiwan burning, theres uh submarine somby, said, hollie showed, picture, its, hollie, wiped lips, akula, with bear inside, fired missiles, theres nuclear n.a.t.o. nations burning, and hollie showed, picture, its ohio class with captain hollie, its submarine, said hollie, fired missiles, russia exploded, world shook, up rose pontiff, hu hintao, hollie showed, both beasts, emporer of japan, slashed, pope, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie, leopard, and, I showed you that, she, said, hu hintao, emporer of japan, north, south korea, pope appears, with, ten crowns, and, who are they, said, hollie, thats, ruling party, thats, ten kings out of one nation, and, thats medvedev kneeling before pontiff, let me, he said, alright, shows, beast, thats putin-pope-satan man coming out of red dragon, mexico appears, lula, chavez, hintao, castrol, kim jong, nicaragua, putin, pope comes out of his, hollie pointed, up, Jesus coming, 1-20-2009-record, said, hollie, wait, she said, hollie showed, in, the fire, no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, showed, im thru, with, it, go, she, said, hollie showed, turn, go, gabriel, showed, record, start world prophecy center, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, with different coat, on, hollie showed, record, up rises the beast, said, hollie, theres, hu, she, said, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, appears, on, pope, fourth, that was the president of f.d.i.c. telling people to, place, said Sheila C. Bair, in our care, put your money in the banks, she said, Suze Orman saith the LOrd, has most of her money at home, when you look at, said, hollie, Suze Orman, laughs, I knowed it, I lied, she said, but, Suze Orman showed cut off like her Sheila Bair, both lost, witchs said Jesus, people are stripping banks, and f.d.i.c. president, said Suze Orman, knows, said, were collapsed said Sheila Bair, she said, hollie showed, hot wiring, it, works, submarine, soun, s,o,u,n, said hollie, now look, she said, showed, picture, its, ohio class, with Father inside, fired missiles, that, tear up, fix it, rip, said, hollie, showed, the Father, hollie, how did you like my suit, she said, like, a, captain, hollie wiped lips, in, different coat, hollie showed, record, loose belt some, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, 1-21-2009-ministry of dreams is spoken by the LOrd, said, the main ministering spirit, steal, said Jesus, and get cut off, he, showed, brand new iraq, said, Jesus, thats, the reason, hollie, tore up, she, said, pointed, thats, hollie, smiled, its, saudi, arabia, exploding, hollie, watches, its missile from u.s.a. sub, she said, and king of saudi arabia, I made ya look at, he said, shows, security, advisor, he shows, hollie, pointed, barack obama, na, he said, its bobby, he said, now let me take a look at it, barack, said, cut america off, said, the, king, of saudi arabia, put back, from this, position, clap, said, hollies, its, uh, new, behind, she said, showed, new, lighted, bear, paws, prophesy, said, hollie, playing music, gimme, that, said, president obama, its, nuclear, button, pressed, thats, missiles from u.s.a. sub, said, hollie, striking gaza, thats many nuclear fires in gaza, thats the reason, said, hollie, thats the reason, said, hollie, thats the reason, said, hollie, leave stuff alone, said, hollie, licked prophet, tear up, that, was, put back, rip, said, showed, hollies, hollie showed, record, so, now on cut off, she said, showing Roger Martinez, she said, hes, hollie showed, uh soothsayer, tell us, said Roger Martinez, the dream, and we will make know, he said, the interpretation, thats his dr. jeremy taylor of international study of dreams, but, are, witchs, saith the LOrd, put it under, watch them fall, that, pointed, saw, hollie was satan falling like lightning bolt, when you see, said, hollie, showed, cut off, for the taylors, kathryn and jeremy and tristy taylor are all soothsayers, said hollie, witchs, Jesus, said, tear, up, roll in horn, tada, put back, roll, rip, hollie said, work, said, many, hollie, bear, smiled, im uh bear, she, said, no, said, hollie, when you see, she said, thats Roger Martinez, said the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, fired, watch, tear up, spin, put, fix it, clap, new behind, said, hollie, hollie bear licked prophet, im uh bear, said, hollie, thats putin, laughed, hollie, rubbed face, and bear, showed, I showed you that, he said, russia, hollie bear laughs, tear up, put back, tear, spin, you know where, said, hollie, new, behind, clap, that, said, hollie showed, in, the fire, and, that, he, said, hollie, showed, record, said cecil tingley, thats dr. jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, flying in stolen spacecraft ministry of dreams, he removes ruint, like all, thats, showed, hollie, doctor rev. jeremy taylor in dark suit, whyd you go u.u., said, hollie, jeremy taylor d.min, said, be quiet, its cause, were not saved said reverend jeremy taylor m.a., and william sinkford, I made you look at said, hollie, shows his reverend, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor ph.d., all these titles said Jesus, showed, ruint, thats what I want said jeremy taylor s.t.d., all ruint, and he showed, the international study for dreams, cut off showed (hon) jeremy taylor jungian, hollie showed record, and, I showed, you that, she, said, the beast rising, thats, nuclear explosions in russia, china, then, both beasts, sign, 666, thats pope riding black horse, to russia, drive out, he, said, china claims russia, thats hollie showed, many, nuclear explosions in both lands, then, thats, hegoat smiting ram, up rises four kings, with putin, hu, coming out of ram horns, thats pope, coming out of red dragon, hollie showed, burn wood to keep warm, and I had a new coat on, she said, do you know were your goin, said, Jesus, yea shook rick warren, and he saw, pointed, casey, RICK WARREN CUT OFF, the, words, pointed, hollie, go to the computer, spoke, angel, wearing, nice robe, hollie, with, eveybodys horny, said, hollie, showed, sh, dont, tell, hes, uh, witch, hes, rick warren, you can not, said, Jesus, be saved, and he saw, said casey, rick, warren, bobby, ill shoot said rick warren, with bob jones voice, and he saw, said, casey, pointed, rick warren pocketing, lucre, said kathy taylor, his, money, she said, rick warren pockets tithes, offerings, but doesnt pay, and Jesus wiped lips, like uh brown bearded man, said, hollie, angry, bobby, go home, said, hollie, gabriel, showed, on, the grain mill, said, hollie, nice robe, 1-22-2009-hollie wiped lips, afghanistan being nucked, Jesus, sits, at, grace apostolic church, says, hallelujah, after, afghanistan, said cecil tingley, gets nuked, said, hollie, wiped lips, let me record, she, said, yeah, celebrated, spun, hollie clapped, from, a new behind, she said, showed, new lighted bear paws, tear up, she said, spin, look, from, behind, she said, spun, showed, lighted, bear paws, tear up, and, restore, she and he hollie said, bear tore up, fixed, it, tear, im him, he said, pointed, putin, its from new behind, said, hollie, showed, lighted, bear paws, shut up, she said, look, she said, I, showed, you, the, beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, pope appears, said, hollie, thats seven lighted heads, and, mexico, pops out, thier new world order, hollie said, and lula, she said, castrol, kim jong, said cecil tingley, nicaragua, she said, hintao, putin, and, pope, comes out of his, theres, hugo, poping out, there you have it, said, hollie, tear up, fix it, rip, its, from, new, behind, said, hollie, showed, lighted, angel, in, palm of hands, and, who, are, they, she, said, there u.p.c.i. said cecil tingley, hollie, says, be quiet, showed, they are cut off, and director, said, Jesus, kenneth haney, I made you look at it, JEsus said, and dr. horace smith, knows, said, prophet, looks at, but, knows, i cant, he said, with, anothers, voice, sees, I cant look at said horace smith, he, is, pentecostal, assemblies, of, the world, with, dyed hair, Jesus, said, like his ken haney, many appeared, they are, Gods children, im mercy, said, Jesus, thats the alome, power, warning, said, hollie, bobby, let me, said hollie, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, showed, im thru with it, your dying said, Jesus, you aint gonna let me, tear up, said, hollie, fixed it, she, said, jumped, showed, elevated lighted bear paws, its, uh, new behind, she, said, economy is over, said, hollie, tear up, put back, what did hollie look at, barack obama, gimme some iraq war funds, he said, but during campaign, i, feel, he said, its, unauthorized, liar, said, hollie, thats, nuclear explosions, in, iraq, gaza, hollie leans, on, one, thats, hollie, israeli prime minister presses nuclear, its, cause, gaza, he said, bob, said, cecil tingley, thats, horace, shhew, he said, dont, be quiet, let him go away, he wants to pray for us, but, can, bobby, come near, he said, dont, he showed, bother with, us, but, visit, dont call out your name, but, stay as long as you like, we like, he said, thats, u.s.a., sub, hollie watches, missile, fired, two, ofuhm, she said, barack obama, he done it, said, Jesus, presses nuclear, said cecil tingley, button, iraq, gaza, burn, said cecil tingley, hollie appears, pope, meerkat showed pope, record, hollie, appears, pointed up, hollie showed, record, bad economy said hollie, showed, mitsubishi, its good, showed, dont, hollie showed, record, closed mouth, record, said, hollie, and I showed, you, that, she, said, tear up, pope, fix it, rip, 1-23-2009-that was, pointed, hollie, nuclear explosion in indianapolis, hollie wipes lips, it was uh clear day, she said, from, he was inside indianapolis 500 race track, saw, big, hollie said, wiped lips, no, said, hollie, yes, she shook, with crowd, saying, turn showed, hollie, shook, yes, from behind, put back, turned, shook, yes, turned, showed, om thru with it, turned, shook, yes, new, behind, she, said, from, front, put back, tear, hollie showed, in the fire, hands, hollie shook, yes, showed, im thru, from, new, behind, she, said, spun, showed, hands, turned, tada, she, said, clapped, hollie showed, eat, let me record, said, hollie, and I showed, you that, she said, its the pope, and, lighted paws, tear up, let me, fix, it, she, said, from new behind, clap, record, the, vision, said, hollie, france, he, said, thats the dragon, he, pointed, write the vision, said, hollie, brother, lets post, lets, post more visions, said, hollie, and, hollie played, music, that was alome sanime, said hollie, its said sandy, simb, 1-24-2009-hollie showed, record, leave it alone, said, group, sorry, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, soumb, she said, eat, showed, hollie, I had it, yeah, said, Mariana Bridi da Costa, but, she lost, her limbs, said, Jesus, no, said, hollie, wiped lips, she, contracted, no, said, hollie, masterbating, in, water, thats, where, a, viral, infection, swallowed, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, pointed, a smiling virus, it got in, said, Jesus, she knew, not, to, tell, but, they, knew, in the water, said, doctor, this is uh warning, said, hollie, you know, said, Jesus, Mariana Bridi da Costa shakes, yeah I do, she said, wanted, married, she said, to, support, was, not, having, but, thats Mariana Bridi da Costa masterbating, shes, over, now, rejoice, of, people, said, Jesus, cause, hells on more beautiful young woman richer, there, she is, saith the LOrd, lying on back, in fire, looking up, at her reverend dr. jeremy taylor, thats, where u.u. rev. jeremy taylor is going, hollie showed, that, he said, eat, thats, hollie showed, eating, ministry of dreams, said hollie, spoken by Jesus, said cecil tingley, call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, bob prayed, people steal, the united states will be uh desolation, said, Jesus, and cecil tingley, hollie played music, Paul McCartney sings, let it be, sold millions, but, now, he, going broke, cause, married, then divorced, his wife, knew, ill strip him said Heather Mills, knew, she, said, paul shakes, yes, im her dad, paul mccartney says, he wants touring back, but, not, in demand, its because yoko, he, said, yoko ono married john lennon, quit it she said, he, starts own touring, music, hollie showed, record, showed, pope, theres hu hintao, she said, emporer of japan, thats, lamb, with, hu, japan, coming out of horns, get out, of, here, says, pope, thats, pointed, hollie, bunny licking the prophet, you know said the rabbit, i hop, he said, can, reach, almost 30 miles per hour, they, were, made, for, food, for, cat, said, hollie, thats, hollie leopard, with hu hintao, emporer of japan, north, south korea, kings, poping out, hollie, leopard, laughs, hollie showed, pearl jam, black, it, was, uh, good, song, she, said, hollie showed, record, Eddie Vedder appeared, hes, pearl jam, left, to, sing, their, songs, I knew him, said, band member, thats, Eddie Vedder, be quiet, he said, you left, thats vedder pocketing all, thats, the alome sanome, said, cecil tingley, its, said, hollie, its, said sandy, simb, thats, it, said, hollie, and, hollie, shows, record, thats, beast, with seven and ten horns, its, pontiff, said, cecil tingley, leave it alone, its sanine, leave it alone, said, hollie, hollie showed, that, foot tall ukraine man, hes, lava, thats, hollie, looking, at, get out of here, he says, hes, catholic, thats his leader, the beast, pope, let me record, said, hollie, china is magog, said, hollie, with, the, alome, sanome, its, said, sandy, sign, thats, said, hollie, hu, hintao, said cecil tingley, poping out of magog, emporer of japan, north, said cecil tingley, i made ya look at it said Jesus, im sorry now, said cecil tingley, I spoke blasphemy, she said, north, and south korea, its said, sandy, showed, simb, hollie appears, theres uh warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, leave us alone, said, hollie, thats, it, smiled, hollie, another, shook, yes, then, no, spun, clap, spun, showed, hollie showed, record, showed, the beast, pope, said cecil tingley, hu hintao, hollie said, hollie plays music, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, theres, your idol shepherd, there you have it, showed, hollie, let me, said, hollie, thats gog, said, Jesus, and he saw, said casey, pope, and thats magog, said, hollie, hu hintao, appears, there you have it, said, hollie, summed it up, both, beasts, 1-25-2009-bobby, said, the lame woman from the church, let me, said, hollie, leave, she said, they are, lost, nunt uuh, hollie said, they dont accept, put it under, said, hollies, watch what you do, pointed, sam, neill, that, said, hollie, walking on the ground, said cecil tingley, said, it was yellow, nuclear, explosion, said, cecil tingley, she pointed, at, that, she said, was, vladimir putin, in, his sub, firing, missiles, that, pointed, hollie, dressed, like, captain, showed, picture, its, ohio class sub, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, and, that, she, said, I showed you uh picture, hollie, said, that, said, hollie, and cecil tingley, that, said, hollie, showed, record, showed, the new world order, that, she said, showed, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope, that, said, hollie, showed, the, beast, rising, that, hollie, said, world shakes, and, that, she, said, many nations, hollie showed, world, many lands, burning said cecil tingley, head she said, up, that, pointed, hollie, rises, beast, theres, hu hintao, said, cecil tingley, that, hollie said, showed, fighting, rolled up sleeves, come on, she, said, that, hollie said, hollie stomps, there aint no visions in pentecost cause there aint no apostolics in pentecost, said, hollie, that, hollie said, the united states will be uh desolation, said, hollie, and Jesus, that, said, hollie, was, pointed, sh, shut up, he said, hes, not able to bare, be quiet, she said, that, pointed, hollie, was, nuclear, explosions, on the globe, said, hollie, many, countries, and cecil tingley, wipes, lips, and he saw, pointed, casey, up, rises, she said, four kings, there hu, she said, pope, the antichrist, and the false prophet, emporer of japan, and, slash, thats, the, hollie said, idol, pope, hes, the, beast, he said, om the bear father, said, hollie, hollie laughs, rides black horse, to, mos, cow, gets, flatter, he said, control, thats hu, he pointed, rising, to, withstand the pope, said, false prophet hu hintao, they, sign, the mark, said, hollie, treaty, its, she wiped lips, 666, thats the, she said, mark of the beast, she said, take it, said, pontiff, they, thats, hegoat smiting ram, like lighted, they, come against, china, russia, nuke, said pope, drive out, then, sign, hu rises with japan, like, thats, hollie, pointing, at, lamb, hu, japan, comes out of horns, the, lie, laugh, threaten, at table, pointed, hollie, dont, said, hollie, thats, gog, thats, pope, thats, magog, thats, hu hintao, said, hollie, and Jesus, and the Lord, wipes lips, that, pointed, hollie, the little girl, she wants to have fun, but she, is not, shes watching, you, that, said, hollies, shes, smiling, her dady, she said, hollie wiped lips, how do I git outta here, he said, his pastor, said, hollie, thats, pastor pippen s, lost, he wiped lips, knows, emergency, sound, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, sandy, wiped lips, simb, other, sound, what kind of visions do you want, said, hollies, that, said, hollie, showed, the beast, rising said cecil tingley, that, said, hollie, hollie had the yadd, showed on board, teaching class, said, cecil tingley, showed, thats, cecil, said, hollie, that, she said, and I showed said cecil tingley, master, bating, sub, with captains, them that steal Ministry of dreams said Jesus and hollie and cecil tingley, its mine said dee finney, but, shes, hollie laughs, she is a witch, did you see this, said dee finney, you devil said Jesus, theres, rev. jeremy taylor firing missiles, america, exploded, that, said, hollie, and dr. jeremy taylor wipes lips, hey momy, did you see this, said, m.a. rev. jeremy taylor whose jungian, said, hollie, showed, model, let me, live, she said, that, said, hollie, Mariana Bridi da Costa squirted in ocean, that, hollie said, I liked it said Mariana Bridi da Costa, now in hell, Jesus looked at, shes, wanting, to, live, again, but, cant, lets prophesy about president barack obama, said, hollie, that, said, another, hollie, he is beginning to want you, said, hollie, playing music, that, said, hollie, leave it alone, she said, that, hollie said, with sandy, showed, two simbs, that, hollie said, alome, sanime, sanome, said, cecil tingley, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, yes, then no, shook, yes, then, no, spun, clap, 1-3-2009-kill barack obama, said, man, he, gets, shot, watch, saith God, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, record, it was uh dream, said, hollie, bob tells, dr., thomas, griffith, that, he saw, in a vision, MYSTERY, BABYLON, on a nation, offers, to preach, and thomas, oks, but, knows, and bob wont, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, showed, the beast, on pocket t.v., take it, he, said, the mark, 666, appears, thats, pope, hu, signing, for, hollie showed, appears, in, the fire, at tattoo place, thats 666 on forehead, arm, popes face, tattood on finger, tear up, fix it, turn, stomp, tada, hollie showed, record, that, was, the Father, not the beast, said, hollie, smiling, china, said, Jesus, magog, appeared, said, hollie, thats, north, south korea, china, japan, kings appeared, thats, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, showed, new world order, tap dancing, they are the seven lighted heads, she, said, God dam, said, Jesus, president of mexico, pops out, theres, lula, said, hollie, chavez, castrol, hintao, nicaragua, thats, putin, with pope coming out his, theres kim jong, there you have it, said, hollie, and she summed it up, and I summed it up, she, said, hollie showed, turn, go, with lighted bear paws, tear up, fix it, rip, from new economy, spun, hollie, bankrupt u.s.a., hollie showed, record, hollie showed, hollie showed, record, thats, whew, whew, Father, in locomotive, steam, its, showed, hollie, steam, moves piston, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that, she, said, the beast rising, pope, she, said,
God showed me ministering spirits and they said things like: 12-27-2006-I dont want JEsus no more, said, hollie, north korea, said, kim, jong, watch, nuclear, stock, pile, record, showed, hollie, that, we, will not, be, accepted, by, the Holy One, will He save me, said, christie mcvie, no, theres, the alarm, we, got, trouble, said, micheal boldea, I want, to, put, him, right here, pulpit, he said, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, look, that, iraq, and the palestinian state, on fire, brought in by, bush, whats, the, reason, to, break, oil, contracts, bobby, record, showed, hollie, come, to my room, said, pastor, ray holt, not, cut off, what are the signs, hes like a baptist preacher, kent gray, record, showed, hollie, that, and, he, heard, the, thuder storms, record, showed, hollie, record, showed, hollie, that, and hollie showed, to record, look, that, france, the u.k., boom, record, out of, the, subwoofer, and back, record, showed, hollie, look, italy, the seat of the beast, I want you to post more visions said, hollie, out of the subwoofer, and back, and out of the pipe, well, I think it will be a critical year, said, the pastor of new destiny cut off church, liar, ran from bob, and he saw the beast, 666, born at the table, between, hu and the pope, italy, and, he saw, nukes, aimed, china and moscow, france, is, blaspheme, like italy, america, record, celebrated, hollie, that, r.h. duncan, hair dying, hows your weight said, christie mcvie, look, record, showed, hollie with nice hair, look, that, the king of the south, and the, king of the north, record, showed, hollie, that, subs, sneaking up, boom, america, desolate, and, the, woman, came, up, the statue of liberty, record, showed, hollie, with, nice hair, brown, that, Im, the enthusiastic hollie, like a fox, no one ll hear it, record, showed, hollie, lift me up and I will draw all men unto me, is, what, they teach, but, I, got lifted up, in, the first chapter of ACTS, and, when, the Holy Ghost, came, the dream team, the Father smiling, and the Son rouwdy, like a Spirit Man, flames, hollie, thumbs, up record, record, showed, hollie, that, record, showed, hollie, that, the pope, coming, out of the horn, and, hu, and, the idol shepherd, and, the emporer of japan, janet called, janets, not wanting to be, saved, untill, the very end, knox, and, the, lighted, pointed, and, sister, rexford pointed, theres, the alarm, there, aint no visions, in pentecost, and hollie licked, the prophet, and hollie out of the subwoofer and back, cause, there, are no apostolics, in pentecost, and, ray holt, pointed, with a lighted finger, dont, do, it, tell visions, prophesy, here, to late, they, will suffer she said, when, bob, leaves, he, knows it, ray, holt, how do we find it, she, thinks, and im apostolic, press, o you know what, said, rick, robertson, they are, not, saved, but, they wont, said, hollie, I want you to post more visions, im the main, main, ministering spirit, lifted, and the crowd cheered, main, main, main, and, hollie, pointed, prophet, dont, said, ray holt, he, already said, it, she said, you put, me, in, hell, said, the paul mooney girl, prophet, she said, help, are, you gay, said, the woman, when, bob, told, behthany temple apostolic faith church, that, shawn tyson is on the internet, its all show, said, the angel, yeaoup, said, the woman, from, bethany, temple, apostolic, faith, church, she, knew, shawn tyson is, cut off, no signs, and james e. tyson dyes his hiar, like charles finnell, and horace smith and kenneth haney, and, rick robertson, and, kent gray, told, no more visions and dreams, and prophesying here, said, the angel, of the Lord, that, like a white spirit, shaun tyson is cut off, he was, scheduled, to, speak, no, hes not, said, the pastor, bob told, do, you, know, who he is, they thought, but, he, doesnt, speak, like, you, maybe he is, and, are, pastor, ray holt, and, the, pastor, going bankrupt, was the reason, bob, told, visions, of, iraq, and, the palestinian state, you have to stay with me, they all thought, ending nuclear, american nukes, going both ways, and, america, being destroyed, two months, late, bishop leonard scott, and mrs. scott, are hair dying, liars, money wanting, criminals, and america, firing on, moscow and china, and, the, world, shaking, reeling to and fro, prophet, git, out of here, thought, ray holt, this church needs, to, pray, more, whistled hollie, out of the horn, and back, in, like a fire, face, blown by Jesus, whistled, leonard scott is, cut off, hair, dyer, and both coasts, boom, america, Im a bear, me, putin, moscow, satan is the head, and, the pope is, his mouth piece, magog, is, the body, im a bear, me, putin, here, write apostolic pastor leonard scott, and tell him, that he is on the internet as a holiness hair dyer, prophet, liar, God exposed, the money hungry, wolf, and he saw, said, hollie, wolf leonard, howl, beast, and hollie, showed, lighted, that, for sale, sign, outside, the church, falling away, that, the preists, the, Lords ministers, mourn, stripped, record, showed, hollie, pastor, david gibson, cut off, no signs, im a bear, me, putin, satan is, the head, and the pope, is, hism, mouthpiece, his voice, magog, is, the body, thats, north and south korea, china and japan, quttin, is what, ray holt, was, doing, but, now, re dedicated, your, a, snitch, is, what, they thought, about, shaun tyson, wwe, know, she, said, but, how, do, I, git, out, of, here, thought, pastor, a. d. woodson and kint gray, my job, thumb up hollie, flames, not, worship me said, the angel, of the Lord, is, what, ray holt, wants, prophet, while, theres, mercy, said, the angel, and, the lighted finger pointed, cmon back, they all want, flames, hell is for hollie, thumbs up, rubbed chin, fuck your church, said, the angel, for, leaving, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, those people are, wanting, the, Lord, cause, of, what, you, said, Im out, thought, ray holt, and, he, saw, Jesus, at, bethany temple apostolic faith church, looking back, and the church, was, empty, then, fire, on the alter, and the church, full, pray, there, gonna, send, caemon island, and he saw, nuclear explosions, america, came out, me, putin, im a bear, record, showed, hollie, im out, said, ray holts, son, cut me off, said, his wife, the woman, right next to him, liar, him, sinning, right in the church, and, ray holt, allowing, eli, record, showed, hollie, that, record, that, and, hollie, showed, to record, that, ray, laughing, happy, about, you being there, but, heres, what, they all thought, i, want to be saved, now, im, the enthusiastic hollie, like a fox, and licked the prophet, that, they are, all laughing, they thought, you, revealed, kenneth haney, and horace smith, and shawn tyson, all in sin, and, they, will, get this, un, believable, like rick robertson, write the vision, write the vision, said, hollie, wake up o upci, said, hollie, cat, im outta here, babyfleas, bowed, smiled, and, babyfleas, with, the, monkeys lips is back, i want vision, said, the enthusiastic hollie, its me, and back in, the horn, blown by Jesus, record, the vision, jackie mcclure, we heard that, she, out, you in, I want more, visions, on, my website, and hollie, is tap dancing, that, blow up france, and he saw, boom, the u.k., boom, italy, the seat of the beast, boom, and, ray holt, now, knows, give, me, your fire, hes, not, ready, to, live, for, Jesus, but, I been saved, since, the fifties, its, easy, living for Jesus, I, wouldnt go back, for nothin, never, saved, and, now, knows, I should be like him, but, since, I wont, and he saw, ray guarding, the pulpit, he, wont, let, and, the people, on thursday, no bob, see ya, ray holt, empty, come babyfleas, and she ran, laughing, come, she looked back, and, ran, laughing, that, was, baby, fleas, sleeping and blowing her hair, and smiling, that, the eifel tower melts, and the nuclear missile, boom, france, and, the, Son and the Father, were, tap dancing, with hollie, hu, the pope, come to me, and, babyfleas, ran, laughing, make up thy mind, laughed, ran, and, the, woman, the, statue of liberty, and, the, nuclear, explosion, over, disney land, abmonation, and hollie, whistled out of the horn, and, back, fire face, its me, said, hollie, back, pipe, and hollie, whistled out of the horn, and, Jesus, beat the drum, carried, and, hollie, whistled out of the horn, and back, work, I want, you to post more, visions, said, hollie carved into the stick, and on, the mx missile, that, boom, chicago, hollie on the missile, im a bear, me, putin, and, hollie, whistled out of the horn, roy holt, cut off, now, and, back, stan johnson is cut off, now, hair dyer, the, pastor is here, leonard scott is an ACTS 2:38 holiness preacher that dyes his hair, people mock him when he preaches, are you saved, read the bible, the bible says, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed, to record, the vision, and the black chariot, with, hu and the pope, and, fox, lula, chavez, and, kim jong, putin, hu, they will give, their power and strength to the beast, send it over, said, the pope, on, america, boom, and subs, sneaked up, and, boom, the whole nation, exploded, and the woman, came, up, the statue of liberty, and the fire ball, came out, of prophet, prophet kiss, im the devil, said, paul stanley, of, kiss, all prophets, and now, rockers, and I saw Jesus, like a white Spirit, that, said, the, white angel hollie, you quittin, said, the, youth, hollie, work, or, perish, saith, Jesus, that, the palestinian state and iraq, destroyed, by, bush, american, nukes, both, ways, boom, to, break, oil, contracts, im undecided said, hollie, work, saith, Jesus, no, bobby, said, hollie, work, and the dirty mouth doll, showed, to record, the vision, that, the plane, hit, the building, showed, herbe, villachev, and that is, the plane, 9-11, started, the, armageddon, race, and, moscow, and, america are, on, the, war, path, and, know, it, showed, the angry, looking, alice cooper, china wants war, is bobby, short on his computer, said, hollie, witch, said, pastor, mcgovern, property, said, alice cooper, kiss me, said, I want to marry you, said, pastor mcgovern, lost, and cut off, from, good bye, faith, tabernacle, and alice, cooper, looked, angry, dont, go, there, he showed, with, the eyes, like, blondie, wanted, miss her, he said, they, hated, each, but, really, he wanted, do something, I left, me, she said, nobody wants me, she said, take your hands, nope, said, alice, cooper, off me, she said, whatta you want, allright, said, alice, cooper, orange people, she said, meaning, women, only, call her, lesbian, thats it, blondie, 12-28-2006- flames, thumbs, up, hollie, I wrecked you said, Jesus, that, is, killed, all day long, making, you, backslide, in, your heart, then, strengthening to revival, then, crashing you again, this makes you humble in my eyes, that, im the beast, said, terry underwood, I want my visions, on ministryofdreams, said, the billion dollar baby, alice cooper, record, the vision, showed, the billion dollar baby, that, iraq, and, the palestinian state on fire, precor, said, alice cooper, live, and the zombie holding, bright eye, france, u.k., boom, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and, the pope is, his, mouth piece, magog, is, the body, record, showed, madonna, nude, pictures, theres, the alarm, the united states will be, attacked by nuclear, missiles, said, alice, cooper, and he saw, nuclear, missiles, raining down on america, and, the whole nation, boom, and, the, woman, came, up, the statue of liberty, record, showed, hollie, that, record, showed, the paul mooney girl, that, come babyfleas, git out of here, said, babyfleas, and, alice, cooper, and, they, both ran, come, git, and, they, both laughed, and, ran, I need him, they both said, the, united states will be attacked by moscow, said, hollie, and, the, angel, record, showed, hollie, that, record, showed, hollie, look, that, 666, on the popes forehead, born at the table, between, the pope and hu, both have nukes, aimed, at, each other, and, the, little horn, rose, record, showed, hollie, that, alice, cooper, weeping, record, showed, hollie, my I play for you, pa run the dunt da, me and my drums, on my drums, sang, knox, record, showed, hollie, look, that, whoever got the vision, right here, tomorrow said, the geese, and alice cooper, should I write, no, record, showed, that, thats, the, black chariot, said, alice, cooper, with, hu, and the pope, Im, the, alice cooper, baby, look, raise your hands, and, repeat after me, come, babyfleas, and, she, laughed, and ran, come my child, and she, looked, back, and, laughed, and, ran, new york, attack it, china has, about, 85 df-31s, inaccurate, and hollie, whistled, out of the horn, said, alice cooper, blown by Jesus, waved, back, whistled, work for the LOrd, back, thats, the, enthusiastic hollie, I want more visions on my website, like a fox, theres, trouble in persia, and, he, saw, three kings, rise, hu, the pope, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepard, slashed, pope, o my God, said, putin, I, nuked, alaska, fall pointed, the lighted hand, they want me said, hollie, and, the finger pointed, bishop leonard scott, he knows, said, Jesus, right here, pulpit, praise the LOrd, and hollie, shut up, shook, leonard scotts hand, with a bear paw, why do you preach, and, he saw, dr. leonard, scott, raking, in, hes, a, pray, bobby, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, want more visions, on my website, said, the, main, ministering spirit, main, main, main, chanted the crowd, and, she, was, lifted, theres, my crowd, this is, heaven, this is, hell, pointed, Jesus, lava, or, glass, city, talk, to me, punk, said, dr. leonard scott, you fucking liar, that, hurt, said, prophet, scott, he cant, see, said, the, main, live, for me, pastor leonard scott, thats kenneth haney, coming out of a bed, jezebel, and upci, there, with, and, horace smith, p.a.w., whatta, you want, and he saw, horace smith, raking, in, the money, and, pocketing some, thief, I, will, not, worship you leonard scott, like, you want, me, to, said, Jesus, allright, said, scott, he, wants, God, to, let, him, do, blew it, said, babyfleas, cut off, now, theres, james e. tyson, with dyed hair, at, 79, years old, and, he, saw, the lighted hand, with, the pope, and, hollie, pointed, at, alice cooper, and, leonard scott, in, the, fire, theres, fox, lula, chavez, castrol, jong, they will give, thier power, and strength, send it over, and, putin, kneeling before, allright, Ill handle it, lets rule the world, he, sang, git, china, out, of, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, subs, boom, america, desolate, and bush, orders hits on moscow and china, and, the world reeled, to, and, fro, that, leonard scott, tore up his con, spirit, look, at, the visions, hes a show, said, the tap dancers, and, james, e. tyson and shaun tyson were two of them with horace smith, kenneth haney, rick mccormick, tap dancing, and leonard scott, singing, amazion, grace, I cashed in on everything I did, over, ten million dollars, and, 12-29-2006-its your pocket, said, Jesus, thank you, said, pastor, john hagee, a, multi, million, aire, and, haior, dyer, deceiving, people, many, with, no, sal, vation, saith, the LOrd, hell, for, hagee, ministries, I, dyed, said, the woman, you can do something about it, said, rick, mccormick, robertson, with, dyed, hair, awesome, he said, and, the, alice cooper, billion dollar baby, showed, to, record, cant use you, said, the woman, its free man, said, rick, mccormick, I was reading it, he said, robertson, I dont know, we were all weepin, said, the woman, have you thought about it, said, rick, robertson, lets just take care, said, the woman, of areself, said, rick, out, saith, the LOrd, grab me in the butt, said, rick, hair, dyer, robertson, uto said, hollie, ouch, said, rick, what, said, the woman, you need new brakes, said, the man, its not hidden, said, the, woman, unspoken, said, hollie, joy, said, the woman, thats the reason I dye, she, said, im gonna get fired, I think he likes, me, I do said, rick, witness, please, dont, harras, us, but why do you, its a shame, said, hollie, yeah, said, rick, ACTS 2:38, robertson, no, he said, dont do, but, I preach it, I think we ll do, said, the woman, not, said, rick, not, there, its your house, she, said, thats the reason I dye, said, rick, robertson, to look young, outrageous, said, rick, robertson, you dye, said, hollie, nope, liar, hes been dead bobby, from the get go, help, embarras, you need to go now, ok, said, the woman, that goes to mccormicks creek church, liars, of, pentecost, did you see it, said, rick, yeah, she, said, liar, him, not, us, but, it is, accurate, dont buy real estate, I just fucked up, said, hollie, now, in debt, and, exposed, Ill sue you ass, but, cmon, and get, nothing, suffragan bishop leonard, s. scott, dyed, his hair, till, caught, now, what, holiness, preacher, dyes, his, hair, one that wants, men, and, women, to, lust him, worship, leonard scott, is, what, he wants, and forst lady, christine scott, dyes, her, hair, and lenny, does not, do, anything about, it, fuck, me, they both do, dont do bobby, im a bear paw, me, putin, satan is, yes, the head, and hollie out of the, sub, woofer, boom, and back, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, I want you to sup with me, said, first lady, christine scott, hair, hyer, ollright, she, holiness, now, lost, and, dr. leonard scott, I just called, out, attorney, said, leonard, scott, go ahead, and tell the judge, I, speak with togues, in Jesus Christ name, and, dye my hair, now, if I lie to God, I only want, and the smiling, leonard scott, has, about, ten million, dollars, in the, bank, Im headin to the lake, he, says, barbara mcclain, uh huh, she, says, ministries is cut off, hair dyers, and preach, ACTS 2:38, he aint lyin you little faggot, he repented, before he wrote the letter, leonard, s. raise, your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, scott, 12-29-2006-its your pocket, said, Jesus, thank you, said, pastor, john hagee, a, multi, million, aire, and, haior, dyer, deceiving, people, many, with, no, sal, vation, saith, the LOrd, hell, for, hagee, ministries, I, dyed, said, the woman, you can do something about it, said, rick, mccormick, robertson, with, dyed, hair, awesome, he said, and, the, alice cooper, billion dollar baby, showed, to, record, cant use you, said, the woman, its free man, said, rick, mccormick, I was reading it, he said, robertson, I dont know, we were all weepin, said, the woman, have you thought about it, said, rick, robertson, lets just take care, said, the woman, of areself, said, rick, out, saith, the LOrd, grab me in the butt, said, rick, hair, dyer, robertson, uto said, hollie, ouch, said, rick, what, said, the woman, you need new brakes, said, the man, its not hidden, said, the, woman, unspoken, said, hollie, joy, said, the woman, thats the reason I dye, she, said, im gonna get fired, I think he likes, me, I do said, rick, witness, please, dont, harras, us, but why do you, its a shame, said, hollie, yeah, said, rick, ACTS 2:38, robertson, no, he said, dont do, but, I preach it, I think we ll do, said, the woman, not, said, rick, not, there, its your house, she, said, thats the reason I dye, said, rick, robertson, to look young, outrageous, said, rick, robertson, you dye, said, hollie, nope, liar, hes been dead bobby, from the get go, help, embarras, you need to go now, ok, said, the woman, that goes to mccormicks creek church, liars, of, pentecost, did you see it, said, rick, yeah, she, said, liar, him, not, us, but, it is, accurate, dont buy real estate, I just fucked up, said, hollie, now, in debt, and, exposed, Ill sue you ass, but, cmon, and get, nothing, suffragan bishop leonard, s. scott, dyed, his hair, till, caught, now, what, holiness, preacher, dyes, his, hair, one that wants, men, and, women, to, lust him, worship, leonard scott, is, what, he wants, and forst lady, christine scott, dyes, her, hair, and lenny, does not, do, anything about, it, fuck, me, they both do, dont do bobby, im a bear paw, me, putin, satan is, yes, the head, and hollie out of the, sub, woofer, boom, and back, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, I want you to sup with me, said, first lady, christine scott, hair, hyer, ollright, she, holiness, now, lost, and, dr. leonard scott, I just called, out, attorney, said, leonard, scott, go ahead, and tell the judge, I, speak with togues, in Jesus Christ name, and, dye my hair, now, if I lie to God, I only want, and the smiling, leonard scott, has, about, ten million, dollars, in the, bank, Im headin to the lake, he, says, in this vision, I saw, a nuclear, explosions, along, both, coasts, from, raise your hands and repeat after me, im a bear, me, putin, theres the alarm, and, he, saw, three kings arise, hu, japan, the pope, and, the idol shepherd, slash, theres, the alarm, record, showed, Jesus, look, that, iraq and the palestinian state, boom, france, u.k., boom, that, the, door opened, and Jesus, like, a fire, man, work, and, back, in, fire, room, shut, I, dont, want, no, vision on my website, said, the alice cooper, billion dollar baby, that song hit number one saith the LOrd, and, hollie, sang, billion dollar baby, like a white angel, that, and hollie pointed, out of the ring, bright light, and, a, nuclear, explosion, behind the statue of liberty, said, alice cooper, im, the, devil, he, said, and, bob, shook, no, and, hollie, sang, cause I been waiting so long to sing my song, God I feel so strong, sang, hollie, and alice cooper, I, put an angel on you, and, bob, talked, nicely, like, a, light, man, dont, worship alice cooper, said, hollie, worship him, said, sunnysnet, worship me, said, the billion dollar baby, and, turned into the zombie, and the light, from the eye, got bright, flush the fashion, is, when he killed, that, saith the LOrd, alice cooper could have a number one hit if, he worked, with, bob, big seller, said, alice cooper, the name of the album would be rock show, people will not buy, that kind of music, thought, paul stanley, and the, alice cooper baby, and, the billion dollar baby, showed, to record, and, the, billion dollar baby showed, to record, record showed, the billion dollar baby, that, and, hu, ran, from, the fire, you, know, said, the man, from, Christ Church, and hollie gave the massage, one hour, 50 bucks, same o show, said, hollie, I, got, my money, I, wasted, time, said, leonard scott, yes, I do, said, the, woman, he married, and, the, leonard scott, the Lord sent a curse to your house, hi bobby, said, hollie, the flying roll, over, said, hollie, the lake, most, record, showed, hollie, mrs. mccartney, fool, quit, said, Jesus, paul is, old, and, you, are, breaking, his, heart, no, way, showed, paul mccartney, shes, wanting to, strip, and, married, for that reason, he knows, said, her, put it on, said, Jesus, record, showed, the grace apostolic woman, I did not know what you said, but, now i know im lost, record, showed, macys employee, suit 200, awesome, said, michael boldea, he, knew, ministryofdreams, we know, down, check your oil, with your hands, thick and slic, keep, like, hollie, showed, and, the crystal angel, and, hollie, showed, the world, and, subs, firing, on, nations, record, showed, Jesus, look, that, rick robertson, you blew it, out, and, hollie, with, a, bear paw, poured oil on oil, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and, the pope is, his mouth, satan is the, head, and, the pope, is, his mouthpiece, and, magog, is, the body, and japan took three missiles, boom, kuwait, boom, and hollie, showed, to record, hollie, showed, and, subs, boom, the, whole united states will be a desolation soon, and, the, united kingdon, france, italy, boom, hell, thumbs up, hollie, no, record, showed, the paul mooney girl, thumbs up, pointed, hollie, flames, cycle, and, hollie, showed, the world, anartica, bush, im a bear, me, putin, satan is, the head, and, the pope, is, his, mouthpiece, im a bear, me, putin, satan, and the lighted finger pointed, thumbs up, usac, decal, hollie, china, is, going, to, attack, washington state, and, hollie, pointed, record, showed, hollie, thumbs up, flames, hollie, thats, the, reason, record, that, record, showed, hollie, larry hunt, cut off, larry, you remember bob, visions of america, being destroyed, he, didnt, want, grace apostolic church to know, that, git, out, of, here, you got somebody watching you called, Jesus, the, watsons girl, showed, to, record, and the paul mooney girl showed, to record, look, were, headed, to, a, world, of, terrorism, said, the pope, amexico, will be terrorists, and, hollie, pointed, terrorism, explosions, all over, america, and, Jesus, clapped, and, hollie, played, the horn, and, came out, whistled, work, back, leonard scott, is cut off, back in, blown by Jesus, whistled, out, work for the LOrd, back, whistled, work, one, more, reason, to, testify, for the LOrd is, time, is running out, theres, the alarm, theres, the, black chariot, with, hu, and, the pope, nwo, with, fox, lula, chavez, castrol, the, united, states, kingdom will be attacked by russian subs, and hollie, on, the, missile, golden, boom, and, the, world, shook, and, hollie, showed, to record, record, showed, hollie, aint, nobody, lookin, said, hollie, that, leonard scott, dying, his hair, that, and, lying about, it, in the email, born in 1949 and that, no gray hair, none, and, wife, lyers, that, that, hollie, showed, the, world, and, subs, attacking, nations, and, america, boom, and, the woman, came, up, the statue of liberty, leave me, alone, and, hollie, showed, that, post, I, want, you to post, more, visions on my website, said, hollie, said, hollie arved into the stick, im the main ministering spirit, I want more visions on my website, and, she was, lifted, thats, my crowd, record, showed, hollie, pastor, terry, long as, prophesied, out, they, are, paying him, to do, it, that, ptfe, bonds, we, dont, need no, clean oil, just, check it, like hollie, showed, and, hollie showed, the world, boom, subs, get, ready for nuclear, war, said, hollie, that, planes, boom, pakistan, and afghanistan, will, take, hits, from, russia, iran, syria, record, showed, dr. leonard scott, theres, the submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on, boom, america, and, hollie, showed, to record, hey, said, hollie, and he saw, gas, 2.60, no, said, hollie, im a fox, the indianapolis, news, iraq, nuked, by, bush, the palestinian state, to, oil contracts, broken, that, record, showed, hollie, the, black chariot, with, hu and the pope, iraq, said, hollie, princess, dont, sang, diana hughey, and, he, saw, the, bright light, we, want, you to, come, here, and, post, said, the geese, and circled, out of the subwoofer and back, the pope, with, 666, and, hollie, blowed, the horn, out, no, flame, back in, we want, someone, to come and post some visions, circled, the geese, satans, been, allowed to cast you into a prison, record, showed, Jesus, that, mcclain, cut off, help her, saddam hussein, said, the, angel, is, now, paying, for, murder, saddam hussein, had people shot at, his, bob, theres the alarm, theres, trouble in persia, and, he saw, three kings arise, thats, hu, the pope, and, raise your hands, and repeat after me, theres, the emporer of japan, and, slash, the, idol shepard, and hollie showed, to record, look, that, thumbs up, hollie flames, cause hell is for hollie, and hollie rubbed her chin, flames, hell, hell is for hollie, thumbs up, not flames, rubed chin, children of the cell, bruce and sister cole are cut off, hair dyers, thumbs up, rubbed chin, hollie, flames, f-150, thumbs, up, sneezed hollie, bobby, cmer, a mintue, thought leon baker, dont call me again, look at me, said, leon baker, right here, pulpit, thumbs up, but, no flames, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, yes, sir, thatll do it, flames, hell is for hollie, record, showed, hollie, look, that, hit, israel, said, saddam, and bob, saw, dr. kahn, the, nuclear weapons, its me, back, pipe, blown, by Jesus, hollie, and out of the drum beat by, and the man, pointed, and, saddam hussein hanged, hell, thumb up, flames, hollie, and, the man, pointed, that, terrorism all over america, theres, the alarm, theres trouble in persia, and he saw, three kings arise, the pope, hu, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, bob told visions of heaven, hell, and terrorism, all over america, and, then moscow, america, and, china, getting into it, and they all, and he saw, trembled, when, bob, prayed, at, the alter, pulpit, is, what, they, all, thought, thats, the, snyogogue of satan, the pope, like an angel, record, showed, hollie, come, back, he, said, they, like, it, you, done, a good job, meaning, work for the LOrd, said, the angel, out of the lightening bolt, white hair, and he pointed, gentiles book of life, a few spaces left, record, showed, hollie, look, that, this is heaven, this is, hell, lava, or, glass, city, new jerusalem, glass city, hell, lava, crystal sea, leading up to, that, and, the, radio tower over, house of prayer, that, and, Jesus, outside, bright face, house of prayer, and hollie, out of the, horn, work f0r Jesus, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, that, flame protection, will he save me, yeah, but, repent, and be, baptised and Jesus Christ, will he save me if I sin, not, said, hollie, ok, said, hollie, he wouldnt, brad baker, wants you out, for now, will he save me if I do not want, to be, yes, deny yourself, right here, pulpit, said, rick, robertson, will he save me if I want sin, yes, deny, work for the LOrd, said, the angel, out of the lightning bolt, and back, angel, doesnt mean to, said, diana hughey, alright, said, hollie, allrighty, said, diana hughey, o, go to florida, said, hollie, yeah, yeah, she, said, like a white angel, christmas time, yeah, said, hollie, and the chip, what, said, hollie, munks, sang, now, look, om gonna use him, deal, said, hollie, look, that, iraq, without, saddam, cheering, bush, 1-1-2007-the eiffel tower, tell me about the eifel tower, said, hollie, runnin, she said, we are, born, to, die, age, hollie, said, hollie, you want devils right, said, the, webmaster at mccormicks creek, apostolic, faith, church, I like it, you want it for sale, said, rick, robertson, never mind, said, the, webmastress, fuck him, said, hollie, what, israel, said, hollie, hit, said, saddam, nuked, out of, iraq, the, palestinian, I like him, said, right here, work, said, the, dinosaur, no running, said, hollie, I want my dady back, said, hollie, no, said, prince die, said, hollie, she, was, drinking, at, death, now, hell, and in hell, good, she, but, I wish, I, was, Jesus, hold up, said, rick, robertson, now, fred astaire, said, rick, robertson, what happened, to, fred astaire, he was, lost, and, apo, stolic, im a bear, me, putin, that, putin, said, hollie, replaced, the, next, that, dont, lust, womens, and hollie, pointed, that, that, and, hollie, sang, rick robertson, dont, tell, visions, here, said, rick, brad baker, robertson, that, and hollie, sang, we will not be accepted, thick and slick, keep, oil, like hollie showed, that, that, france, boom, thats, hollie, that, talks, but, her, lips, dont, match, blue eyes, her words, that, kissed, I want you to post, and, hollie, beat the cymbol, that, mustang, theres, the alarm, that, was, a 1972 ford ltd convertible with a, and christie mcvie showed, to record, didnt the angel hollie say, prophet, look, hills automotive, hunt uhh shook hollie, hell is for hollie, flames, thumbs up, rubed chin, record, showed, Jesus, that, realistic sta 2200, good, but, not that one, shoes on, said, no, well we ll teach ya, said, the woman, you hate, may you, said, hollie, come here, said, rick, robertson, wait a minute, rick, pump one, said, rick, robertson, tellin on me, said, hollie, rick, and he laughed, let go bobby, said, hollie, let go hell, rick, its, starting, said, you make jelous, says, kathy, that, saddam hussein is now in agony, cause, he murdered, said, the angel, that, iraq, and, the palestinian state, on fire, brought in by bush, oil, contracts, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, that, france, boom, the u.k., boom, the pope, italy, the seat of the beast, boom, thumbs up, flames, not, hell, rubbed chin, hollie, theres, the alarm, bob, we, got, trouble, and, he saw, three kings, rise, and rick robertson, sang, silver, bells, silver bells, I heard you had a dinosaur, said, the, webmastress at mccormicks, wheres he goin, I cant kill him, I heard him say, said, rick, robertson, rick, said, bob, judgement, get, out, of, here, said, the, web, mas, tress, at, mccormicks, hussein, said, everybodies sleepin, said, hollie, boom, and bob warned, and then, yeah, said, the, web, mas, tress, at, backslide, said, Jesus, all, that, mock, my, grace, who me, said, the, webmastress at mccormicks, creek, church, your letting go man, said, hollie, leave me alone, said, hollie, bobby, get, sober, said, diana hughey, liar, Ill shut up, said, prophet, no you wont, said, hollie, give me that, wolf, said, diana hughey, and they, cause, people, to, fall, away, with, lies, like, saying, good, is, evil, no, said, diana, hughey, dont backslide, she, said, dont let go, said, bobby, I need you right now, but, when, you had a chance, you, wanted, nope, said, diana hughey, this, life, and now, cut, off, and, lost, Jesus, said, diana, hughey, I did not, we, hit, alaska, boom, and he saw, nuclear, then, thumbs up, hollie, flames, rubbed, chin, smiled, that, pointed, hollie, work, she, said, hollie showed, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, there, aint, no, visions, in, pentecost, cause, there, are, no, apostolics, in, pentecost, and the man, pointed, go, said, hollie, and sin no more, yes, said, diana, hughey, but, yep, said, heather, lost, liar, spy, turn me over, to, repro, yeah, said, the pope, dont turn me, said, diana, hughey, liar, puss, is, what, they all want, no, said, hollie, goddam, said, diana hughey, liar, calls herself, a, christian, now, said, hollie, embarrassed, I have dreams, sang, the, singer, they, are, night, visions, stay here, said, hollie, at, and pointed, at, the, sta, 2000, realistic, receiver, good, buy, he said, dead, said, leon baker, saddam hussein, murderer, and Jesus, showed, hell, right after, iraq, said, Jesus, boom, theres, the submarine sound, and subs, sneaked, up on, america, boom, and the woman, came up, the statue of liberty, thats it, said, hollie, need to print scripture, said, kathy, of, endtime, ministries, not, dont, repro, duce, you have nay smoke around, said, rick, robertson, I just got fired, said, kathy, not, saved, but, wants to, talk about, I know, Jesus, thats it, said, rick, robertson, get ready, said, hollie, and, the, meerkat, smiled, work, we want visions, im the main, thats my crowd, cheering, main, main, main, ministering spirit, and she got lifted, and the crowd, cheered, hello, telephone, said, hollie, im the beast, thought the gorilla, they are, like, you, and, think, like a, child, all, of, thier life, but, are, slowing, with, age, a gorilla, is, can, pick up, a, car, but, not, a, fighter, and are not, messed with, ouuu, said, hollie, after, gazing, up, at, th top, of her, eyes, and the meerkat, smiled, work, theres trouble, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, smiled, and hollie, out of the, subwoofer, and back, and, licked the prophet, lloyds stero, thumbs up, oo, said, hollie, oo, and hollie pointed, terrorism, all over, america, caused, by, looters, protesters, oo what, we need to take a couple of roomies, that, starts, group, sechs, let us go guys, said, rick, robertson, and hollie, out of, the subwoofer and back, and the angel, beat the drum, bye all, said, hollie, make money, that is, why, people, are, pastoring, not, to, make, disciples, of, Jesus, bye guys, said, hollie, work, said, the, meerkat, and, wept, 3, said, rick, robertson, for, the church, million, what a joke, give it away, I do, want, said, hollie, look at this, made a mistake, said, hollie, prophet, git, out of here, said, rick, robertson, you see, im, just an alcoholic, said, rick, robertson, now, why do you pastor, and, mislead, saith, Jesus, and the meerkat, smiled, and, wept, for, the people, lost, at, mccormicks, what, said, hollie, that is, apostolic, pentecostal, oness, liars, hold on, said, rick, robertson, liar, hair, what, dyer, amd the meerkat, smiled, tell Jesus, he said, and, sadened, tradem for, said, hollie, this world, hunt uh, said, hollie, and the pope, out of, the horn, hu, out of, the, horn, the emporer of japan, and the idol, shepherd, slash, pope, 1-2-2007-Lincoln & Marjorie Graham Sr., are cut off, hair dyers, allright, said, pastor, let go bobby, said, rick, robertson, barrington goldson, comitted sodomy, said, mrs., reverend barrington goldson, allright, they both said, I know judgements come, said, mrs., barrington, what are you going to, do, stay, sinners, and he saw, Jesus, on, the, black, horse, hunt uhh, that was, shhh, satan, but he, looked, like, Jesus, and, the, bright, fire, light, in, the, room, france, boom, we, will, not, be, accepted, by, the Holy One, record, showed, hollie, that, thats godzilla, dinosaurs are extinct, cause, people, killed them, thumbs up, flames, hollie, thats, the reason, hell, is, for, hollie, pointed, come on baby, say you love me, 7,8, and hollie pointed, at, terrorism all over, america, the, national guard in the streets, looting, then, russian subs, boom, and, the, woman, came, up, the statue of liberty, hell, is, for, hollie, flames, thumbs up, and rubbed chin, and hollie showed to prayer walk, white bandana, thumbs up, the woman, the state of liberty, washington d.c., theres, a, reason, who does it, rule over, the world, we, dont, need, no, clean oil, just keep, us, full, said, the engine, and, hollie, thought, yeah, thumbs, up, toyota, previa, cause, russias, gitton prepared, said, the Lrod of hosts, and, r. g. stair, and hollie, showed, wait a minute, and, stair, laughed, and, normal, you can make a super stereo speaker, with, that, cabinet, just, find speakers, and wire them up, look, that, record, showed, hollie, that, record, showed, hollie, with, nice hair, that, hollie, played, the, drums, the government is becoming communist, said, bill clinton, here, that, said, witch, debbie, that, pastor, elder ben rayford, bens sounds of salvation, why do you preach, and he saw, ben, raking, in, money, and, pocketing some, never, go, back, said, the, angel, of, the, Lord, record, showed, Jesus, thats, the, black chariot, with, the, pope, and, hu, new world order, has, as just arrived, and, putin, showed, to, record, fox, lula, chavez, castrol, shhh, hunt uhh, shook, hollie, not, castrol motor oil, thumbs up, showed, hollie, showed, castrol motor oil, good, rubbed chin, there, goes, the, black chariot, pointed, the pope, check your oil, with, your hands, like, hollie, showed, and the world, thick and slick, keep, subs attacking, hollie showed, the, world, subs, attacking, theres, the, woman, america, record, showed, the hollie, the black chariot with the pope and hu, nwo, it, was a, blessing, said, pastor, ben, hair, dyer, bobby, you know, your, naked, said, brad baker, theres, explosions, all, over, magog, now, who is, it, china, and, moscow, the ram, the pope is, the king of grecia, tell me, about, the horses, theres, Jesus, on, the black one, hunt uh, no way, shook, hollie, satans, shh, but, he, looked, like, Jesus, and, hollie, showed, the world, said, the, tap dancers, and, hollie, tore up the con, quest, theres, a, fire, bear, waving, and, hollie, showed, both, coasts, in flames, and, up the middle, and, the, pope, moscow, and china, boom, theres, the, world, shaking, prophet, the, seat of the beast, italy, that, was a fire scene with Jesus coming out of it, and, the, bright yellow, light, in, the, room, hollie, out of, the, horn, whistled, wait, back, blown by Jesus, come, to church, said, brad baker, and, hollie, whistled, out, of, the, horn, computer she showed, back, and hollie played, the horn, out, dont, listen, to, back in, I, heard, you got, some, money, said, the, woman, from, wtlc, radio, one, hollie, plugged her ears, shirley jackson, she is, cut off, at, rufuge temple, event, hosted by her, she, let, men, with, earrings, faces painted, perform, dyed, hair, visions for the end times-visions recieved 1-2007-we want you to come back here tomorrow circled the geese, repent america, Michael Marcavage, has, not, done it, himself, and he saw, him, raking in, money, thats what, worship Michael Marcavage, record, showed, hollie, that, that, record, chad, boom, america, record, showed, hollie, that, that, jigm ministries, cut off, pastor, ren baer, cut off, no signs, bobby, theres, trouble, said, dumitru duduman, record, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, repent now america, is the devil, there, aint, no, visions, in, pentecost, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, cause, there, are no more apostolics, said, repent america, raise, your hands, and, repeat, after, me, russia is, the bear, with, seven, heads and ten horns, and, thats, the pope, and hu, and he saw, I will not put up with you, said, the pope, 666, born between, both have nukes, aimed, and, the, pope, with, 666, on, forehead, and, his, image, on, hand, and, hollie, tattooed, 666, forehead, record, and, the, pope, like, an angel, of light, italy, the seat of the beast, said, jigm ministries, check you oil with your hands, bear paw, like, hollie, showed, thick and slick, keep, jigm ministries, why do, you preach, and, he saw, her, raking, in money, pocketing some, im the main, I want, more, visions, on, my website, record, Im the main, record, that, shortwave, but, and, hollie, showed, michael boldea, said, brother, stair, cut off, now, where theres prophecies, they will, right here, said, brother stair, ceast, that means, the person, went, back, we, want, you back, here, tomorrow, said, the geese, and, circled, bronze statue, and hollie, played, the, horn, out, wait, back, whistled, brother stair, back in, ellen g. white, blasphemed the Holy Ghost, said, the, pope, theres, the, golden, posts, and, throne, and, Jesus, like a Spirit, flew in, sat, lets, taste it, r. g. stair, thats, your brother said, the pope, record, showed, the paul mooney girl, prophet, yes, no, thats the vision, jethro tull, that, was, satan, shh, and, hollie, tore, up the con, spirit, waved, like a fire bear, thats the west coast up in flames, thats the east coast, im the main, ministering spirit, I want my vision, and, hollie, tore up the, con, spirit, hollie showed, wilkerson, said, Jesus, david wilkerson is about to go home, heaven, go, to, the, computer, son, said, Jesus, I jobed you, now, you are, coming, out, those, that, laughed, hollie, held, her, nose, bob, understands, Jesus, and, he saw, angry, raise, your hands and repeat after me, russia is the bear, with, seven heads and ten horns, and, thats, the pope, and hu is the false, prophet, russia is the beast, and putin with ten crowns, kneeling before the pope, alright, we ll handle it, lets rule the world, he sang, and, he, saw, them, planning, out of, oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, boom, subs, america, desolate, thats, hollie, with, nice hair, that, the plane, hit the building, boom, that, and, the, angel, came, out, of, the, lightening, bolt, work for Jesus, 666, record, that, 1.99, gas, and, the, billion dollar baby, showed, the recorder, thats, babyfleas, smiling, sleeping, blowing her hair, record, showed, Jesus, thats, the, hollie with, blue eyes, words, dont, match, mouth, I want Jesus, and, the world, spinning, and, america, on fire, from the subs, and, the sun and the moon, blocked, 16 hours, smitten, and hollie showed pointed, flames, hollie, grill, thumbs, down, hell, hollie, flames, hollie, thumbs up, hell, hollie, flames, mail box, hell, hollie, flames, hell, hollie, and hollie held her nose, the promised land church, thats the reason, cut off, the LOrd told me to tell repent america, that you are wasting your time, decieving, and, not saved, yourselves, if, you dont beleive it, are, you like the apostle paul, and these signs, shall follow them, that, dont beleive, go onto the repent america, website, and you will see sinners witnessing to sinners, 1-4-2007-we want you to come post tomorrow here, showed, the geese, that, no, showed, hollie, prophecy ministry, and, the, nuclear fire ball, over, indianapolis, theres, the, alarm, and he saw, said, hollie, check your oil with your hands said, the geese, bronze statue, like, hollie, showed, and the world, subs, attacking, on fire, hollie, showed, subs, attacking, that, indianapolis museum of art, hollie showed, held her nose, when, the fifth seal is broken, said, the angel, america, on, fire, here that, record, showed, the paul mooney girl, help, she, said, j.d byryder, and hollie held her nose, expensive, and hollie, rubbed her chin, thmubs down, not, flames, 666, on the popes forehead, and he saw, the king of the north and the king of the south, signing, for at the, table, hu, and the, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the, pope, goddam said, kathy, at, endtime ministries, irving baxter, they sold, said, hollie showed, and hollie showed, held her, nose, laApostolic, no, way, hunt, uh, shook, hollie, that was, pointed, satan, but, he looked, apostolic, and he saw nukes aimed right at each other, and hollie sneezed, thumbs up, realistic sta 2200, you know, problems, scott, receiver, thumbs down, and he saw, christie mcvie, rise, old now, and hollie rubbed her chin, flames, hollie, twioce, smiled, and, hollie, pointed, flames, hollie, not, shook, im, moodie, im, hollie, theres, the, black chariot, with the pope, and hu, fox, lula, chavez, castrol, jong, putin, ortega, and, hollie, held nose, rubbed, her, chin, give, there, power and strength, and, america, desolate, from, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and the pope is, his, mouth, piece, magog is, and hollie, pointed, geo storm, thumbs up, down, depending, ok, there, aint, no body, seekin, said, Jesus, look, that, theres, the alarm, leave us alone, thats, the paul mooney girl, that, up, showed, the, pope, flames, hollie, rubbed chin, thumbs up, no flames, rubed chin, hollie, record, showed, hollie, with, nice hair, brown, pointed, look, that, excellent, thumbs, up, little stereo, thats got 7 watts per channel, record, showed, hollie, thumbs, up, but, not flames, hollie, gerald r. ford, was, a liar, and, cheat, billionaire, he, is, getting, a, funeral of funerals, but, in hell, regrets, and, gerald ford showed, to record, I had it made, I, pardoned, nixon, and lost, thats, why, hollie, rubbed, her chin, flames, hollie, hollie, flames, rubbed, chin, thumbs, up, smiled, and, hollie, pointed, hollie, showed, the, worlds, subs, boom, shook, hollie, showed, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and, the pope, is, his, mouth, im a bear, paw, me, putin, thumbs, up, flames, thats the black chariot, with, the, pope, and hu, n.w.o., im a bear, me putin, theres, the black chariot, theres, goes the black chariot, and the angel, came, to, the shepards, and, the Light, shone, follow the star, he said, and, Jesus, a baby, that, knew all things, theres the black chariot, the pope and hu, nwo, they will not break thier ranks, they will come against america with one mind, its, ready, said, Jesus, record, showed, hollie, and, hollie, showed, smiled, thumbs up, but, no flames, shook, head, check your oil with your hands, bear, paw, thick and slick, keep, like, hollie, showed, that, the plane, hit the building, boom, record, showed, hollie, with, nice hair, lets, go, and, see, what, happens, im the enthusiastic, hollie, and I look like a fox, and licked the prophet, there, are, no, visions, in, pentecost, because, there, are no apostolics, in, pentecost, and, hollie, licked the prophet, this would not, be, a, bad place to put some motor oil in your car, im the main, ministering spirits, thats my crowd, cheering, main, I, want, my vision, on the internet, chanted the crowd, I, got lifted up, said, the main, thats, my crowd, cheering, main, main, main, theres, the alarm, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and the pope, is, his, mouth, piece, let me see, said, the, pope, and, did not like, his vision, war, said, Jesus, brewing, now, between, america, moscow and china, bobby, its iran, said, hollie, we got you said, the woman, from, the, come over here, but, dont, speak, visions, I was looking for prayer, said, hollie, superintendent nathaniel draughn, is, cut off, no, signs, and first, lady, mother, thelma draughn, no, said, hollie, hair dyer, and, record, showed, hollie, magog, north and south korea, china, and, japan, situate, said, hollie, im a bear, me, putin, this heaven, this is hell, lava or glass, city, hollie pointed, lighted finger, and, hollie, showed, rubbed her chin, flames, not, hollie, theres a reason, said, hollie, hell is for hollie, bow, down, said, royce, fields, cause, thats, what, I want, he, said, with, nathaniel, draughn, close, both, flames, hollie, rubbed chin, pointed, hell is for hollie, record, showed, the, angel, look, that, bishp draughns church wil empty, and bishop druahgn guarding the pulpit, and the lighted finger, pointed, those people people followed bishop draughn, and now, judgement is coming, and they just, bobby, you gotta get outta here, said, bishop druahgn, mrs. draughn dyes her hair, in 70s, that, woman, that, preached, is, driving home, knowing, no Holy Ghost, and, hollie, out of the subwoofer, and back, work for Jesus, wait, out of the horn, and back, blown by Jesus, work for the Lord, and back, blown by prophet, saxaphone, record, showed, hollie, that, pastor, troubled, visions of iraq, the palestinian state, america, nashville, tennesse, destroyed, heaven and hell, hes thinking, how did I miss it, you need to pray, said, hollie, those pastors wives, but, will talk about Jesus, they are, all, stunned, but, God, will not, let, sinners, receive, the gospel, you talkin now, said, bishop, nathaniel, stop it, said, hollie, draughn, cut, off, be in prayer, he, said, to bob, about, visions, he, told, now we know, they said, and jessica, pointed, record, that, theres, the alarm, pointed, hollie, that, record, showed, hollie, that, the, pope, 666, and he saw, said, hollie, and the LOrd of hosts, dang, do do, it, being, born, at the table, between, the pope and hu, I want em out, said, nathaniel draughn, no, visions, here, said, mother, first, lady, allright, draughn, they already talkin about, said, nathaniel, draughn, leaving, the church, no, anointing, there, scared me, said, pastor, bishop nathaniel, draughn, need um out, to late, told, about, 40, record, showed, hollie, that, bishop draughn out, put this on the radio, he said, they are leaving now in prayer, we served draughn, now, time is up, draughn knows it to, that, recorded, hollie, the plane, hit the building, record, that, you aint seekin, said, tony lamont, hoosier millionaire, but, preachin, im lost, your needed on the phone, who is it, tony lamont, what does he want, money, and he saw, tony lamont, preaching, and raking in money, pocket, and hollie pointed, showed, leave me alone, said, Jesus, if you dont, want, to live, the, life, and, that, man, would not allow, that, woman, to, tarry, so, you stopped him, and he stabbed, you, and he, dreamed, a, turtle, in, trouble, and, he helped, but ended up, hurting, and, killing, new york, thru a periscope, boom, and, hollie, tore, up, the, con, spirit, wait, out of the horn, back, fire, and hollie showed, the world, half, on, fire, iran, hit, power, plant, only, and hollie showed, the ark of the covenant, with, angels, on, top, and then, turned into, gold, and hollie, tore up, the, con, quest, that, she, pointed, back here, to, morrow, pointed, the, geese, look, that, Jesus, like a white, Spirit, man, and, you dont, appreciate, me, said, nathaniel, draughn, 1-2007-france, boom, and, the, u.k., boom, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns and that is, the pope, we, want you to, come, back, here, tomorrow winked the geese, right here, said, anthaniel draughn, pulpit, right here, they, want, nathaniel, wont, allow, back, here, tomorrow, showed, the, geese, and, hollie, showed, the, world, and subs, attacking, and, the, pope, with, 666, on forehead, born at the table, between, hu and the pope, thumbs up, but, no flames, hollie, theres, a reason, hell is for hollie, record, showed, hollie, that, france, boom, u.k., boom, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, this is heaven, this is hell, lava, or, glass, city, said, the, pope, record, showed, the, paul mooney, girl, that, italy, the seat of the beast, boom, and, up came, the four horns, the, pope, hu, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, slashed, pope, and, the, world, reeled, to and fro, from, america, moscow, and, china, boom, smoke, blocked, the sun, that, was, a, nuclear, fireball, in, new york, attack it, and JEsus showed to record, the vision, theres, the chariot, with, the pope, and, hu, fire, bear, waving, both, coasts, up in flames, and,up the middle, from, whose it from, Im a bear, me, putin, record, the, vision, said, the, hollie with nice hair, this is a warning, showed, hollie, out of, the, horn, work for the Lord, said, the, angel, out of, the, lightening, bolt, and, whats, that, kings, at, a, table, white, hu, fox, lula, chavez, calderon, ortega, putin, hollie showed, out of the horn, blew, thats, the reason, wait showed, hollie, back, blown, by Jesus, and, hollie, showed, clapped, louisville, boom, and g. alan browning, is, coming out, im the, main, ministering spirit, i, want, you to post, more, visions, thats, my crowd, I was, lifted, up, and, hollie, whistled, out, of, back, main, main, main, theres, the alarm, theres trouble and he saw, four kings, arise, theres, hu, you better beleive it, the pope, the, japanese, and, slash, idol, shepard, prophet, record, showed, the paul mooney, girl, a prince on his own behalf, betrays, thats, how, the pope, gets, slashed, that, was, a, man, in, the, fire, thats how God really looks, like, a, fire, Jesus, dont, mess, with me, dont, mess, with, me, said, mark mckinney, with, his, mouth, full, thats his god, subwoofer, back, prophet, the, economy, thats your problem, said, the angel, this is when, the, american attack will begin, and he saw, hollie, and, heard the piano, that was satan, clown man, shh, and, hollie, put, the, contract, back together, again, bear paws, and hollie with nice hair, showed, to, record, that, and, hollie, rubbed her chin, not flames, thumbs up, 1-6-2007-im dying, said, Shawna Footman, lost, and, call myself, a, prophet, we want you to come back here, tomorrow, said, the geese, and, circled, record, pointed hollie, thumbs up, flames, hollie, rubbed chin, bob, time out, hollie whistled out of the horn, work, back, blown by Jesus, theres the black chariot, with the pope and hu, theres, a, reason, tell the reason, new, world order, and, the, beast, stamped, the, stars on the ground, and he saw, the beast, and, the, pope, both, together, im the beast, satan, took, a third, of, his, angels, with him, record, showed, the, paul mooney girl, thumbs, up, but, no flames, shook, hollie, rubbed, chin, and, hollie, showed, 2.28, thumbs down, 1.99, thumbs up, gas, record, showed, hollie, that, thats, hollie, with, nice hair, that, france, boom, russia, im a bear, yea, said, the, man, the, u.k. italy, the home, seat of the beast, america, and, hollie, showed, boom, same, o, computer, I, want, visions, on, the, internet, said, the deer, and, mark s. mckinney, killed, liar, and, hollie, showed, the world, that, subs, attacking, shook, record, showed, hollie with nice hair, that, thumbs up showed, hollie, flames, rubbed chin, turn signal, thats the black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, and hollie smiled, harley davidson sticker, thmumbs up, and hollie showed, bowed, bob, where, are, they, wept, Jesus, for when they, shall, say, peace, and, safe, ty, boom, then, cometh sudden destruction, and hollie, showed, pointed, thumbs down, stripe, emas patient care van, thumbs up, tko graphics, van, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, and, hollie, rubbed, chin, ss camaro, thumbs up, smiled, but, thinking, good car, and, hollie, showed, thumbs up, philips receiver, 930, thumbs down, chevy rally sport, and hollie showed, pointed, thought, git out of here, thought the man, from, nathaniel, draughns church, thumbs down, decal, dodge, truck, everybodies horny, said, the paul mooney girl, thumb up showed, hollie, van, america, is, the, whore, the, united states, will be, desolate, and hollie showed, and, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, peace and safety, then, sudden, destruction, cometh, and, hollie showed, to record, that, headlight, thing, thumbs up, showed, hollie, theres, a reason, saves windshield, and, hollie, showed, pointed, again, rubbed chin, thumbs down, stripes, and hollie, showed, saw, mcclure oil, jackie, rubbed chin, thumbs up, smiled, hollie, showed, and, the, world, hollie, showed, and, hollie, rubbed, chin, thumbs up, yeah, van, rubbed chin, thumbs, up, van, that one to, what did he want you to fast for, to break, a, yoke, now, and, hollie, showed, to, record, that, flood, and, hollie, showed, pointed, rubbed, chin, thumbs up, grill thing, pointed, record, showed, the angel, the united states, desolate, by, Im a bear, me, putin, that, thumbs, up, hollie, speakers, goodwill, theres, the, black chariot, with, the, pope, and, hu, fox, lula, chavez, putin, kim jong, they, will, give, their, power and strength, send it over there, said, the pope, boom, america, desolate, record, showed, Jesus, look, that, the plane, herbe, hit, boom, and, hollie, showed, smiled, thumbs down, nascar, thumbs down, but, flames, hollie, and, hollie, pointed, thought, rubbed chin, not, flames, thumbs, no way, sticker, record, you know, what, he, thought, quit, it, he, said, dont, tease, he, didnt, and, hollie, rubbed her, chin, swift, stripes, good, thumbs up, smiled, and, the pope, went, to, the, greek, orthadoxed, church in moscow, and made an agreement, to, gain, control, where is he at, said, stan johnson, of, russias, nuclear, arsenal, im, the, beast, record, showed, Jesus, suzuki samari, thumbs up, smiled, excellent, hollie, terrorism, pointed, hollie, all over, america, and, hollie, pointed, lighted, finger, and, the, Fahter smiled, and Jesus, angry, flames, hollie, hell, is, for, hollie, thats, the reason, Im taking you back, im mad at you, nathaniel draughn, no, Holy Ghost, like, mother, thelma, draughn, no, and they know it, both, are, lost, Im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and the pope, is, his, mouth, piece, magog, is, the, no, said, hollie, bobby, theres, a reason, said, alice, bonnet, no, Holy Ghost, but, preaches, and, is, lost, and, comes, against, those, that, have, bob, prayed, and she, and, the, pastors, son, came against, and God spoke, go, to your, seat, and, he did, and, go back, and he did, I come against, you, you, unclean, spirit, said, mrs. alice, bonnet, alice bonnett, at, 28th street, church of God in Christ, and the pastors son, got around bob, and he prayed, and that was, it, and they, I come against, you, you unclean spirit, said, alice bonnett, the service, leader, at, superintendent nathaniel draughns church, and, lastly, hit in back, be quiet, or, leave, she, said, bob, was led, to, sit, with, behind, and, praised, God, and she, looked, back, and saw, and, when, was, hurt, no I cant, put out, fool, said, hollie, you are, and knew to leave him, alone, said, Jesus, he told, visions, of, the, iraq, war, ending, nuclear, and, no, said, alice, bonnet, meaning, not, here, said, nathaniel, druaghn, both are, against, Jesus, but, preach, get the Holy Ghost, alice, now, that you have, spoken, against, cut off, no, repent, ance, removed, said, nathaiel, draughn, bob, its pickin, up, said, alice, bonnet, that, the, white hollie, where, running, out, of, time, thank you, said, alice if left, said, the angel, look, that, but, he stayed, house of prayer, sleeping, tabernacle, but, when, charged, and, hollie, showed, to, record, the, vision, thats, the reason, record, record, come, princess, said, Jesus, and, babyfleas, ran, smiling, laughed, and, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, flames, hollie, and, alice bonett, and, mr. draughn, came against bob twice, praying, and alice, spoke, record, showed, hollie, blaspheme, that, record, showed, alice, bonnett, you aint nothin but a show, said, hollie, im a show, said, nathaniel draughn, over, now, cut, off, like, alice, first, lady, druaghn, hair dyer, bonnett, blaspheme against, the, HOly Ghost, hollie, with nice hair, get, out, said, hollie, and, he, saw, the popes image, twice, hand, when, the, economys down, thats when, amexico, will, be hit, by russia, and he saw, the, nuclear, fireball, behind, the, statue of liberty, and God took, fear out, we need to talk, said, christie mcvie, all I want is sechs, when, im on tour, with whoever, and he saw, them, worshipping christie mcvie, slept with thousands, and stevie nicks, now, old, and the crow winked, and turned into brandon lee, and died, hell, record, showed, Jesus, flames, thumbs up, hell, hell, is for hollie, the band fleetwood mac, screwed all the time, record, showed, and, hollie, rubbed, chin, smiled, thumbs, thought, up, flames, harley davidson, thumbs down, she showed, cheap, and hollie, thought, thumbs, up, stripes, and, hollie, rubbed, chin, thought, g. alan browning, the, youth, danced, like, to, music, thumbs, and, hollie, rubbed chin, down, and, hollie, watches, that, no, that, four horns, rose, thumbs down, 2.30 gas, and he saw, the man, from, nathaniel draughns church, on, streets of glass, and the crystal sea, and new jerusalem, on the other, side, working his way, record, hitachi stereo, hollie rubbed chin, thumbs, up or down, good,, the name, ministryofdreams was stolen by,, email, her, and tell her, sickness, is coming her way, Keyword Marketing, Inc, is, stealing, peoples, names, and, trying to, ministryofdreams, was, spoken, by, Jesus, and did not, exist, until, bob, diana hughey, has,, and her, web builder, robert, has,, trying to, wreck, bob, but, they are, cursed, 1-2007-we want you to come back here, tomorrow said, the geese and circled, record, pointed, hollie, said, sister, neline r. wooley, that, mel owens, said, hollie, is, cut off, no signs, record, showed, the paul, mooney, girl, and, pointed, theres, the alarm, that, theres, the, black chariot, and, the pope, and, hu, the new world order, has, just arrived, im a bear, me, putin, record, showed, JEsus, im a bear, paw, me, putin, satan is the head, and, the pope, is, his mouthpiece, and, hollie, rubbed her chin, thumbs up, smiled, escort, decals, and, hollie rubbed chin, thumbs, up, old car, that, pope and hu, new world order, that, pointed, hollie, the plane, hit the building, record, showed, hollie, with, nice hair, pointed, showed, that, thats the black chariot, and, the, angry, horses, red, take, peace, off, and, he saw, the, red, angel, on, the red horse, war, follows, and, the black, takes, peace, quiets, the, Holy Ghost, in, the world, gotem said, Jesus, and, the, white, to, conquer, the grizzeled, hell, and, death, follow, im the main, and, hollie, licked the prophet, outta here, and hollie, showed, rubbed, thumbs, up, toyota tercel, and hollie, rubbed, chin, thumbs, up, stripes, no, now, down, and hollie pointed, showed, thumbs, thought, up, flower sticker, and hollie, rubbed chin, pointed, thumbs, thought, down, decal, smiled, and, hollie, spun, decal, thumbs, thought, both, up, down, the, united states will be a deolation, said, the angel, record, showed, Jesus, look, that, that, cmon, showed, brad baker, tell, scare us, that, the pope, thats, the, pope, said, brad baker, rising, out of the, sea, and, when, and he saw, america, explosions, along, both, coasts, and, moscow and china, boom, the world reeled, and the pope, went, to, the, greek, orthadoxed church, to make, an, agreement, to get, control, of, the, nuclear arsenal, got, it, in, moscow, im the secon beast, said, hu, 666, born, between, to, preven, them, from, destroying, each, other, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, record showed, hollie, with nice hair, that, and, hollie, showed, to, record, that, prayed, waited, tell, she, said, that, church thought, you tell visions of heaven and hell, from the pupit, not, the pew, that, the plane, boom, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, git closer, said, hollie, I dont want it no more, said, pastor, rick, robertson, but, why do you with dyed hair, pas I cant use you no more tor, liar, that, post, theres, the, submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on america, boom, and, babylon, came, out, of, the, fire, and, the, angel, blew out of, kansas, stan johnson, bobby, well put you, right here, pulpit, tour, not, showed, hollie, and, hollie, showed, to, record, that, prophecy club, cut off, stan johnson dyes his hair, said Jesus, record, pointed, sleeping, sleeping, sang, Jesus, the church, is, asleep, im, the, walmart, dot, back here tomorrow, pointed, the geese, 1-2007-we want you to come back here tomorrow, circled the geese, record, git out, said, hair dyer, charles finnell, record, that, we will not be set free by the HOlY One, unless we, will he save me, yeah, that, and, he, saw, magog, where, china, and, russia are, there, aint, no visions, in, pentecost, because, there, are, no apostolics, in, pentecost, and, hollie, licked the prophet, and hollie tore up the con, quest, record, showed, Jesus, that, said, hollie, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, that, theres the submarine, sound, and hollie pointed, its me, back, into, the, pipe, blown, by Jesus, terrorism all over america, pointed, hollie, and, tore up the con, trap, unbeleiveable, said, putin, and he saw, china, nuked, hit alaska, boom, america, said, putin, you know what, I just hit, alaska, no way, showed, bill clinton, boom, moscow, and, he, saw, hollie pointed, nuclear explosions, all over, moscow, and, putin, pushed, the, nuclear button, the world wobbled, we, want, our, website, clapped, the, eyes, jill whelans head, and jill whelan tore up the, sechs, she said, unbeleiveable said, microdoc, australia, boom, russia, hit france, boom, that, said, hollie, out of the, ring, herbe, boom, back together again, that was JEsus, over, the, indianapolis 500 race track, thumbs up, flames, hollie, theres a reason, said, the paul mooney girl, pointed, whose it for, that, was, a, fire, JEsus, eye, fire colored, and whitish, christian friend, the paul mooney girl, im out, but, I sing, look, what youve done, pointed, Jesus, diana hughey, destroyed, im, about, to, write, a book, said irving baxter, bobby, hes in, charge, pointed, hollie, out of, the, horn, blown by, JEsus, back, and, he, saw, how do you like james brown, and, he, saw, him, in, lava, up to belly button, and Jesus looking like a white Spirit, james, thinks, help, and, kenneth haney in fire up to his chin, and hollie pointed, twice, go to that library, said, hollie, with dyed hair, seeing Jesus, and, angels, and, hollie whistled, out of the, horn, I got you, back, blown by, Jesus, smiling, I, want, mny vision on the internet, said, hollie, with lipstick, wreck said, babyfleas, flames, thumbs down, twice, smiled, rubbed chin, write the vision, that, the pope rose out of the sea, I had a choice, im, the, main, ministering spirit, I, got, lifted, up, main, thats, my crowd, that, was, satan, im, the, beast, shh, stephen hansen in the furnace, and hollie pointed, prophet, theres, the alarm, and the paul mooney girl pointed, m.c. hammer, is making a fool out of himself, sang, the ministering spirits, fuck me he said, dancing, Jesus, sechs, its, iran, no way, showed, the, military, man, but, knew, iran, syria, attack it, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, record, the vision, said, Jesus, and the paul mooney girl, accept me, she said, Im young, and I want, sechs, but, like, singing, at, the, pentecostal church, put more visions on the website, sang, the, ministering spirits, its, me, back, pipe, blown by Jesus, time out showed, the white being, the paul mooney girl, thinks she is, sexy, and, is, but, fire, all around, her, meaning, burning, record, the vision, showed, christy nockles, sechs, nathan and, all, that, was, satan, shh, im, the, beast, out of the pipe, i stick my finger in my vagina, I stick my finger in my poophole, said, the paul mooney girl, I went to helven, said, the paul mooney girl, she, wants, your money, said, paul d. mooney, put me on, said, the paul mooney girl, and, christy nockels, you need to git out of here, said, diana hughey, yeah, she said, liars, both, and, tore up her, con, spirit, money, people dont want her to leave, but, they all want, her, bowells, and, she is, pentecostal, record, she, showed, that was satan, im the beast, shh, paul mooney, is, satan, said, satan, take your money, and, build new empty church, let us alone, said, chrity nockels, but, she, says, saved, both, and, in, sin, oral, and anal, sechs, see what youve done, said, christy nockels, people are, not, wanting, to, see, them, you needed a boyfried said, Jesus, the paul mooney girl, a child, would have, occupied, the, people at calvary tabernacle would have been jelous, knowing they are, having, sechs, everynight, but, this leads people astray, record, the paul mooney, billion dollar baby, that, record, showed, the, woman, that, dumitru duduman, prayed for, blind, healed, married, backslid, was, unnacountable, write the vision, wiat a minute, that aint no vision, they say, but, that, was, the, idol shepard getting, slashed, thats, what, christie mcvie would have looked like as an angel, record, showed, the, paul mooney, I wrecked, girl, no, Holy Ghost, but, like many, I sing, at church, smiled, record, showed, paul mooney, girl, gotyou, no way showed, corneilius bullock, work for the Lord, said, hollie, like a flame face, out of, the, horn, blown by Jesus, that, and, the pope came out of, the, horn, hollie, thumbs up, old car, git, said, hollie showed, thumbs down, thumbs up, fedex sticker, rubbed chin, bobby, im saved, people think, but, when, you, that, and, hollie, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, down, flames, f-150, ford, and putin, like a, white, spirit, at the table, with, the, pope, and, hu, calderon, fox, lula, planning, for, america, boom, record, showed, hollie, with, nice hair, again, theres, the, black chariot, with hu and the pope, and, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, thumbs, thought, up, ford crown victoria, new united states, communist, hit california, said, the, angel of the LOrd, like a white man, and he saw, said, hollie, hold it, said, the, angel, and, hollie, rubbed chin, mack truck, stripes, thought, smiled, thumbs down, up, on, the, other one, air-trol, and hollie, showed, again, and hollie rubbed chin, thumbs down, stripes, and hollie, rubbed chin, thumbs down, decal, record, showed, hollie, that, and, babyfleas, smiled, with, the monkeys, lips, that, record, showed, the, angel, of the LOrd, bobby, im ready, to, come, saith, Jesus, work, liar, said, iwth nice hair, and, lambert gates, with dyed hair, will he save, me, yeah, and, lambert w. gates sr., you left, and, tore up, now, and, hollie, showed, pointed, stripes, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, up and down, and, hollie, rubbbed chin, thumbs, up, flames, cause, hell is for hollie, and hollie tore up the, con, spirit, record, showed, hollie, with, nice, hair, that, 2.09 gas, got, get, some, and, hollie, rubbed, chin, thought, thumbs up, smiled, not, stripes, smiled, and, hollie, showed, thought, thumbs up, not, stripes, pointed, rodeo, thought, rubbed chin, down, stripes, and hollie, rubbed, thought, thumbs, down, now, heres, whats, going, on, theres, trouble in persia, and he saw, four kings arise, the pope, hu, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, slashed, and, hollie, rubbed, thought, thumbs up, smiled, tell the, vision, im the, beast, said, the little horn, and, hollie, showed, to, record, im a bear, me, putin, satan is, the, head, and, the, pope is, the, mouth piece, of, the, beast, magog, is, the, body, and that is, why cant I have a relationship, said, the paul mooney girl, and, paul mooney laughed, we got it, she, said, theres, the, black chariot, with, hu, and, the, pope, record, the, vision, Jesus, showed, thumbs, down, pointed, rubbed, hollie, showed, stripes, gmc. jimmy, record, hollie, showed, walking in the light, stiker, but, they dont, thumbs down, record, hollie, and, he, saw, thumbs down, and, hollie, rubbed, thumbs, stripes, thought, up, hollie, that, iraq and the palestinian state, boom, theres, the, alarm, and, hollie, showed, pointed, thought, thumbs down, iupui jaguars, decal, car, record, showed, the, paul, mooney, girl, that, she, pointed, paul d. mooney, hes out, he said, both, are, lost, but, alice cooper, said, the, paul mooney, that, both, lost, all, saith, Jesus, I aint gonna stick it, you, they are, all, wanting, sechs, u.s.a., gets attacked by russia, missiles, said, she, but, no, re, sponse, and, bill, git out of here, said, no, way, boom, moscow, up in smoke, and, boom, right on, most of, moscow, destroyed, saith, Jesus, both, the, ram, china and moscow, and he saw, them, on, the ram, and, the, pope, came, out, of, the, horn, of, putin, he will, go, to, the, greek, orthadox, church, and, make an agreement, to, get, control, and, get, putin, said, the, pope, im the beast, with, ten, whatta you want, thats it, said, michael boldea, number one, said, Jesus, now, that, you are, lost, all, all, somethings brewing, she, said, head, said, the paul, tell the vision, mooney girl, coming, your way, like, demi moore, now, work, for, Jesus, or, you liar, both, what do they want, sechs, all, saith, git out of here, said, michael, boldea, and, hollie, showed, witness, you been filled, with, the, Holy Ghost, and you dont even show it, and, dorien, at, nussbaum transportation, showed, to, record, fuck, me, she, said, in her, heart, when she saw, the, I love him, religious, estes express, wait a minute, siad, dorein, from, illinios, you better git that off, thought, the, president of, nussbaum, mr. nussbaum, bob prays, for, you, 1-9-2007-that, plane, building, boom, herbe, villachev, on the streets of gold, unaccountable, enter in, cause, handicapped, and, beast, like, heart, that, up came, four kings, rose, theres, hu, and, the, pope, and, the idol shepherd, and, the beast, thats, the, pope, and, hollie, right there, over, regions bank building, about, where, indianapolis, nuclear, boom, right there, we will not be accepted by the hOly One, unless, will he save me, thumbs down, one market square, building, no sales, and, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, thumbs, up, stripes, chevy truck, and, hollie, ran, and, showed, thumbs down, flames, toyota, we all, lost, time, said, kathy from endtime ministries, im naked she said, jericho, is, the, palestinian state, gaza, forsaken, record, showed, hollie, that, iraq and the palestinian state, boom, bush, brought in, free lunch, said, kathy, its on endtime said, irving baxter, record, showed, hollie, that, alaska, boom, alaska boom, moscow, and, raise your hands, and repeat after, me, sang, hollie, and, there aint, no visions, in, pentecost, im the enthusiastic hollie, like a fox, and hollie licked the prophet, record, showed, the angel, submarine sound, theres, the submarine, sound, and, subs, sneaked up, boom, america, and, babylon came out, of, the, fire, the, area of the united states will be a nuclear night mare, by, im a bear, me, putin, satan, is, the head, and, the pope, is, his mouth, and, magog, is, the body, thats, north and south, korea, china and japan, thats the vision, the, united states, will, be, attacked by, some, only 33 missiles, but, multiable warhead, boom, the sun and moon, dark, and, the, geese winked, no way, showed, record, that, record, showed, hollie, that, record, hollie, showed, the, world, pointed, rubbed chin, flames, thumbs up, subs, attacking, boom, record, hollie showed, thats, the black chariot, nwo, the pope and hu, record showed, dorein, stephen hanson in the fire, and hollie pointed, with tongue out, that, said, hollie, pointed, out of the ring, that, whats that, and, he saw, a, crystal ball, in, the, hand, psychic is a prophet, that is not stripped yet, and hollie pointed, skeleton, dont lust people, thats the paul mooney girl, with, skeleton inside, and hollie played, the horn, and out, its me, whistled, back, and, hollie, out of, the, horn, blown by Jesus, and hollie, whistled, out of the horn, o my God, said, dorein, im a minstering spirit, on, ministryofdreams, sang, gene simmons, laughed, she will love it, says, the, Lord, back, whistled, work for the LOrd, and back, write the vision, maybe thats the, reason, magog is, north and south, korea, china, and japan, record, the vision, said, showed, leann stahl, that, pointed, dorein, nussbaum, you can have it, said, leann stahl, I just work, here, where, moscow, and, most of those lands, are, china will not, go, along, with, the pope, hu, and, the king of grecia, war, they both say, but, laugh, 666, said dorien, born between, said, leann stahl, and he saw, them signing, nukes, aimed, right at each other, you know whats going on, theres, trouble in persia, and, he, saw, three kings, arise, thats, hu, the, pope, and, the emporer of japan, and the fourth, was, richer, the idol shepherd, slashed, pope, tell the reason, and, there goes the black chariot, thats nwo, record, showed, hollie, its not your money, she said, write the vision, I, want, you, to, post, more, visions, said, hollie, carved, into, the stick, im the main, ministering spirit, I want my vision, posted, and main was lifted up, theres, my crowd, main, record, terrorism all over, america, pointed, hollie, national guard in the streets, lets rule the world, sang, putin, china, were ready, pointed, im falling, said, hollie, pointed, out of the ring, putin, hu, chavez, jong, castrol, ortega, lula, pointed, send it over, said, the, pope, america, boom, and, im the beast, said the, red dragon, on, sunnysnet website, JEREMIAH 1, and, babylon, came, out, and, the, woman, the, statue of liberty, Im the liar said pastor scott graham, not, saved, a, form of, Godliness, I speak with tongues, but, no Holy Ghost, whore, cheater on JEsus, we know, she, said, theres, the, alarm, theres, the, alarm, wait, showed, hollie, out of the horn, and, back, blown by JEsus, u.k., boom, and hollie, pointed, and hollie brushed, her teeth out of the horn, back, im the enthusiastic hollie, like a fox, and hollie licked the prophet, record, hollie, showed, and, the, angel, on, back, are, you casting, me, down, you fuck, hollie, showed, f-150, flames, hollie smiled, thumbs down, record, hollie, showed, look, that, record, hollie, showed, record, hollie, showexd, that, leann stahl, of, nussbaum, is, I thought you was ready, said, Jesus, lost, now hold it, said, dorein, were not, saved, but, a, form, of, Godliness, we, speak, with tongues, you have no idea, said, leann, stahl, o yeah, said, Jesus, tom griswald saith the LOrd, heart attack coming, seek to aviod saith the Lord, new york times, said, the angel, of the LOrd, like a, white man, and, tom griswald, how does it read, iraq nuked, bush, brought it, in, and hollie, like a, white angel, record, showed, hollie, that, tell the, vision, that, thumbs, rubbed chin, smiled, up, vw bug, and, normal, illinios, boom, im a bear, that, put your visions, on, the internet, said, the, tap dancers, thumbs, down, showed, hollie, flames, window, then, up, smiled, thumbs, down, care ambulance, hollie, showed, theres the alarm, theres trouble in persia, and he saw, three kings arise, hu, japan, the pope, and the idol shepard, slashed, and the face in the, sun, smiled, write the vision, and the white hollie, record, and, hollie, pointed, flames, thought, rubbed chin, yeah, thumbs, down, has, prophet, prayed, no, said, leann stahl, has, prophet, fasted, no, said, leann, stahl, about, 80 pounds over, weight, and, dorein, laughed, record, showed, hollie, that, and, hollie, out of, the horn, wait, back, witness, you been filled, with, the HOly Ghost, and, you dont, even, show it, said, dorein, and, leann stahl, record, showed, hollie, hollie, wait, back, horn, played, blown, by, Jesus, we wanted out, said, brent, nussbaum, and, hollie, licked the prophet, and, leann, stahl, lost, said, rip, the man, lloyd stoller, will turn things around at nussbaum, but, not, brent, nussbaum, and he saw, he has four million dollars in the bank, he doesnt care, they do, though, bobby, you aint telling me nothing, said, lloyd stoller, but, he works, with people, and he saw, lloyd stoller, sitting with, a, driver, look, out, or, do it, right, brent nussbaum, claims, pay, you need to pay, me, he, thinks, but, the drivers, are, broke, nussbaum will not last, very much longer with brent nussbaum running, said the tap dancers, and the pope and hu, were, two of them, with fox and lula, chavez, thumbs in ears, showed, hollie, out of the horn, blown by leann stahl, how do you git to heaven said, brent nussbaum, pointed, board, I knew it, said, leann, sthal, that was, the, fire, eye, of, JEsus, thats, the, face of, God sticking out his tongue, lit, partial, wait showed, hollie, out of, whistled, horn, blown by JEsus, tell your visions on the internet, sang the ministering spirits, and, the, great big hand, picked up bob, war, is, coming, sang, the ministering spirits, and, hollie, showed, that, pointed, hollie, nussbaum transportation lines, closed, soon, saith, Jesus, that, wait, out of, horn, back, that, blown by Jesus, theres, the alarm, put your visions on the internet, said, jesica from bread of life pentecostal church, smoker, we need to move, said, pastor, boyd warren, that, brent musburger is about to die, theres, the alarm, thats, calderon, dead, that, and, hollie, like a lit, up, angel, and, God split the heart, open, and, sunnysnet, showed, to, record, and, blew pipe, hollie came out, clapping, back, put my visions on the internet, and hollie pointed, that, pointed, hollie, watch, tom griswald, in, the, casket, saith, Jesus, soon, that, and, bob, 1-10-2007-that, who cares, that, and the nuclear explosion over indianapolis, said, tom griswald, that, record, showed, that, and, the, lighted, shaft pointed, and, hollie, showed, that, rubbed chin, care ambulance, thumbs down, the, world, and, subs, dancing, attacking, smiled, that, write the vision, that, jessica at mcclure gas station is wanting, to make bob, fall, and, she, gets, angry, because, he, wont, speak, and, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, thumbs down, van stripe, she wants to make, bob, and, boyd warren, and, he saw, them, both, on, her hand, blood, not, she, is, about, to, speak, blaspheme, against, the HOly Ghost, bob, is going to tell, her, when, she, asks, how do you know, if, you have the Holy Ghost, bob will say, the LOrd told me, that, you spoke blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, and she will say, that was the devil, do anything you want, you have an open door set before you, just revealed, there, are no visions in pentecost, and hollie licked the prophet, cause, there, are, no, more, apostolics in pentecost, my choice, showed, sunnysnet, raise your hand, repeat after me, said, tom griswald, i am done, heart attack, and, brent musburger, theres, the black chariot, with, the, pope, and, hu, record, showed, that, tom griswald, bob and tom show, get, and bob dreamed, raccoon, tried to bite, that, up rose four horns, hu, the pope, and, let me see here, said, that, hollie, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepard, that, bobby, im dirty said, tom griswald, take it off, that, and God pointed like a , headless, cloud man, robe, get, ready for nuclear, war, and, hollie, showed, lighted, pointed, jeff gordan, killed, hit in, door, hell, record, the vision, f.b.i., screw you, said, sunnysnet, your wrong said agent, but, I, got, it, and, hollie, pointed, terrorism, all over america, bring it on, said, president, hillary clinton, its me, you got her, and, hollie opened, organs, dont, lust, people and hillary clinton, was surrounded, but, people, you want me, I will, collapse, the, economy, aw no, wait a minute, she said, no, social security, watch, stephen hanson in the furnace, fire, that was lion man, how do I hit washington d.c., said, putin, and he saw, a nuclear explosion, behind, the white house, china, record, bobby, lets, eat, record, my vision, said, hollie, thats flames, we needed to talk, said, mark, stone, about, you telling, visions, at, my, church, not, that is, testimony, service, all we have to do is, record, it, he said, all around, the, statue of liberty, tell the, vision, prophet, I hate, my, self, for loving, you, that song, was, about, lesbian, there, was, hu, riding, the, red, horse, china, is, taking, peace off, and he saw, the red dragon, rise out of china, with the pope riding, and, woman, america, and, seven heads, kings, appeared, let me see here, record, showed, Jesus, and they were, ten, kings, out of, one, nation, and that is, the, ruling, party, and they were, chose, amoungst, them, self, ves, putin, is, those ten, kings, they gave, thier, power, and strength, me, said, putin, and, joan jett, showed, record, that was pat benatar, theres, calderon, dead, no, not, calderon, hes, a, horn, and, putin, kneeling before, allright, we ll handle it, and kings popped out of horns, theres ortega, lula, chavez, putin, hu, castrol, theres germany, theres, iran, I like, said, hollie, work, said, hollie, out of the, horn, with, blown by Jesus, smiling, Im with putin, said, hollie, he is, loved, by the world, here e comes, said, hollie, riding, the, red dragon, the ram, magog, with, china, theres deliverance, said, jessica, at, mcclure, oil, company, can you make love on this, not, kim jong, and, castrol, dead now, hell, and, the pope, appeared, and, in hell, walked away, get me out of here, he, screamed, agony, and knew, now regrets the life he lived, fidel castrol, the seven heads are, france, jaques chirac popped out, berlusconi, with the pope under his feet, and, tony blair, and, howard of austraila, and he saw, a, nuclear, explosion, in, austraila, and, u.k., france, and, italy, the home of the beast, russia, popped, nato, nations, after, america, destroyed, china, and most of, moscow, out, said, Jesus, diana hughey, is, on, ministryofdreams, looking at her visions, report, but, wont, be right back, u.k. is going to fall away said, JEsus, and, canada, and hollie pointed, right here, attached, miami, watch, diana hughey, canada, they are the one that stays, boom, all of, north america, from, Im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and the pope is, the mouth, of, evil, ortega, is, like chavez, no, but, putin, will, pluck, with, castrol, there, shall, three kings stand up in persia, they are, persia, is, the whole world, and he saw, tony blair, and, bush, and, hu, and, unbelieveable, the red dragon rose out of china with hu riding, and taiwan destroyed, the fourth, is, putin, richer, oil, and, thru his riches, he, shall, stir, up, all af the world, grecia, jimmy carter and ronald reagan, break up said, gorbachav, to save oil, boris yeltsin came out of politburo, the ruling party, of, russia, politburo, he showed, me, I was wrong, like, saul before, paul, now I need to, repent, its wrong, she, thought, like, im single, stay, or let, JEsus, join, you, thats them horns, and, in his etate shall stand up the pope, he makes an agreement, to gain control, till hu rises to withstand, the, pope and hu, on the red dragon, rose out of china, record, celebrated hollie, yeah, will he save me, no, showed, hollie, diana hughey, lost, we know, no said robert, he aint gonna here it, said, diana hughey, oil is, leading to armageddon, write the vision, theres, the alarm, and, hollie, licked the prophet, and, hollie, showed, record, the pope, on, the dragon, and, hu, n.w.o., and hu rising on the red dragon out of china, and the angel of the LOrd, reading, iraq nuked, and, the palestinian state, out of, america, and that is, iraq, you know, what, he, is, that was, satan, but, he looked like, shh, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, shh, pope, popped out, record, im angel, im the beast, and hollie smiled, that, was, jezebel, the pentecostal church, the newspaper said, iraq nuked, the angel, read, the, united states, will be, attacked, by, missiles, submarine sound, that, was satan, shh, im the beast, said, thats rude, said, jessica, at, mcclure, oil, going around me, God, makes, you want to make him, fall, what ever, said, rick robertson, dady mom, said, hollie, immatureatiy, is, why, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, russia is, what, said, hollie, going to go, nuclear, against, alaska, no, said, Jesus, and no, america, boom, but if you do, and, vladimir putin, will get this, america, will, and he saw, nuclear, explosions all over, moscow, bye, and, china, nuked, in, a, cir, cle, tell you what, dont, said, rick robertson, shut up, just go away, ok, said, jessica, at, mcclure, oil, were done, I dont really care no more, she, said, cant you figure it, out, but, she, says, im, pentecostal, liar, homo, she, said, justin, said, jessica, and he saw, dont, do, homo, coming, your, way, lets, estimate, you are not, saved, but go to, danville apostolic church, playing with fire, and, bad, ears, with, hearing, aids, honey, you cant move like, that, said, jessica, no, whatta you mean, said, jessica, give me porn book at home, internet, is, making, it available, to, you cant do it, said, jesica, its, up to you, now, lost, forever, im a laker, erving magic johnson is dead, right now, from aids, hidden, serpent, pope popped out, satan, lift up, standard, said, the tap dancers, tap dancers wild, bobby, look in the ring, the plane, hit the building, boom, aon, sears tower, there, aint, no visions, in, pentecost, said, the, tap dancers, sang, by, the ministering spirits, that, was, the, black chariot, leaving, and, the pope and hu, dreamed, house, owned, people started moving in, wanted, them, out, that, was, satan, shh, im, the, beast, the, pope tore up his, con, quest, hit iraq again, calderon is shot, sang, by the ministering spirits, that, u.s.a today, iraq nuked, you know, said, the angel, that, you gonna close, said, rick robertson, hold on, im calling the library cops on you, here he comes, said, pas, tor, rick, robertson, keep it, I closed, were closed, said, the, webmastress at mccormicks creek church, thats what I need said, rick robertson, yum yum, said, hollie, we need him, fast, said, rick, robertson, today, 1-11-2007- Michael F. Craig saith the Lord, is not, saved, stay away from, this event, soviet union, is, broken, but, watch, ten, kings arise out of, moscow, that, hate, america, called, duma, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, record, that, iraq, nuked, and, the palestinian state, gaza, read the angel, in the paper, iran, will offend russia, america, and, he saw, hit the powerplant, that, theres the alarm, and, hollie, showed, to record, that, the plane, pointed, herbe villachev, boom, hit, the, building, that, and, you need to git out of here, they all, cant, bear, and, hu, rode, the, red dragon, with, the pope, thats, what, I, need, said, Jesus, mark stone, theres, the, assisstant pastor, he, did, hear, that, the red dragon, rose out of, china, that, magog, the ram, magog, with, the pope, and, hu, the new world order, record, showed, right here, that, no, close, when mark, and the lighted finger pointed, stone s church was, right here, thought mark stone, but, fool, no way, he, showed, that, when full, prophet, u.s.a. today, iraq nuked, no way showed, mark stone, and, patty barger, like, God told bob, that, the red dragon, that, rising out of, china, that, work, this, church, needs to, work for, the Lord, said, hollie, out of, the horn, blown by Jesus, smiling, wihte teeth, that, hollie, typed, record, showed, hollie, that, whistled, out of the horn, the plane hit, no, that, post, hollie, smiled, that, drink, that, lets rule the world, sang, putin, I want to rule the world, that, he chanted, the whole united states will be attacked by, that, moscow, that, and, hollie, celebrated, that, and the light fell, that, mark stone thinking, he has, the, Holy Ghost, bob, but, I pastor, not, hurting me, I see it, now, out, telling, what, God shows, says, and, I preach, my word, with dyed hair, that, hes prayin, said, dumitru duduman, that, record, showed, hollie, right here, said, mark stone, in, prayer, that, assisstant pastor, shamed the whole church, about, testimony, and, mark stone, called, it, prayer requests praise report, meaning, take a back seat, he knew it, one or, that, the other, liar, thats, exactly what he meant, though I give my body to be burned, and, have not, the Spirit of Jesus, im wasting my time, that, tell the, vision, and, hu rode the red dragon, and, the, pope, record, there aint no visions in pentecost cause, and hollie licked the prophet, record, showed, hollie, how old are you 41 or 42, and, babyfleas, bit, the prophets, head off and let go, sad, pointed, theres, hollie, on the m.x. missile and pointed, white, new york, attack it, said, babyfleas, boom, that, that, was, satan, shh, Im the beast, and, the lighted finger, pointed, hollie, record, showed, hollie, we dont need that, said, diana hughey, liar, the pope lost an eye, and, arm, that, idol shephard, hu, and, the, red dragon, arose out of china, to take pece off the earth, git out of here, said sister rexford, and she pulled a wagon full of children, these would have gotten saved, but, I went back, married, adultery, and was warned, o my God, the pope, on, the, beast, out of, italy, the seat of the beast, and he saw, belusconi, mafia, is, why, and they all knew, and wanted that, a, criminal, as, prime, minister, and, hollie, played, the horn, and, hollie, came out, fingers in ears, lit up, back, blown by Jesus, all white, smiled, and, Jesus, blew the horn, mark stone, ears in fingers, submarine sound, hollie, in, horn, lit, out, back, that, was, saddam hussein, hanged, when hanged, he, looked up and, down, dead, choked, that, quick, in front of, many, it snaps your spine, and, you shut off, choke, he, did, not, feel, one thing, pain, more than, now, glowing red hot right now, first of all, said, Jesus, work, tell me, about, jericho, bob, its, gaza, whatta you want, said, hollie, bob, out, pointed, mark stone, that, was, hollie, shuffling the deck, he wants you, mark stone, out, write the vision, write the vision, we ll, git, it, right, said, patty barger, when, whistled, said, hollie, work for the Lord, back, pointed, out of horn, and, jesica ate while pooping, at mcclure oil, and Jesus, went to hell, flames, all around, you know what he done, he preached, to, im, the, main, ministering spirit, I, want, my vision, posted, and, she, got, lifted, main, ministering, and, she, licked, the prophet, Pastor Rev. Eric Cooper, is cut off, no signs, will you help me, bobby, oxygen tank, you dont need it, and, babyfleas, dripped blood, thats, what, sex, is for, babys, thats not babys, thats the rock group the babys, pointed, hollie, im perishing, and, nobody, lays, it, to heart, you need to, tell, the vision, no, said, hollie, work for the LOrd, whistled, hollie, out of horn, back, blown by Jesus, whistled, wait, back, lit, look, at this bobby, the woman, the statue of liberty, iraq, thats, EZEKIEL 7, and hu and the pope, on, the red dragon, rising out of china, and the seven heads, kings, now let me see here, theres, the g8, with, the, woman, as, america, riding, the, dragon, the pope is, the, eighth, and of the seven, italy, iraq, america, after, nuking, will, steal, oil, but, ships hit, by missiles, theres, the, submarine, sound, and, hollie, waved, smiled, from, the sub, its me, back, pipe, blown by Jesus, and, the pope, in, the serpents, mouth, like, an, angel, man, record, showed, the, paul mooney girl, prophet, I, aint, gonna live the Lord, but, go to church, harlot, and, act, and, hollie, showed, wait, out of, the, horn, back, blown by Jesus, thats, wallace van slyke sr., fingers in ears showed, hollie, out of the horn, back, pointed, out of the subwoofer and back, and hollie showed, oil, out of the horn, back, leading, to armageddon, there are no visions, in, pentecost, and, hollie licked, the prophet, and, hollie, out of, the, pipe, like a flame, ran, folded hands, what, are, you waiting, on, back, work for, the LOrd, said, the, star wars character, and hollie, folded arms, out of the horn, smiled, back, and, babyfleas, bit, the prophets, head off, my money, hse angry, let go, and, hollie, folded, arms, back, dont, tell me, about, alaska, we ll hit is, said, putin, and he saw, a nuclear, explosion, in, phoenix, arizona, china, and te red dragon, rose, out of, bear, me, putin, and hollie tattoeed 666, born between hu and the pope, record, showed hollie, look at that, pointed, henry gruver, shot into, the heavens, explosions along, both coasts, thats, military, ships, planes, and moscow, and china, record, showed, hollie, hes slippin, said, Jesus, boom, there, goes, u.k., france, italy, africa, kuwait, iran, france will fall away, like u.k., when, said, henry gruver, after, hillary clinton, then, said, the, mouth, in, the, white, usa today, iraq nuked, read, the angel, look, that, record, showed, hollie, that, matha stewart, face lift, and, hollie, floded arms, out of, horn, blown by Jesus, back, and, hollie, folded arms, back, heres the message, cross or 666, there are no visions in pentecost, cause, there are no apostolics in pentecost, sang, the ministering spirits, I heard you left me, said, Jesus, no, said, sunnysnet, right here, a endtime prophetic ministry, end time prophet ministry was stolen from bob, and the pope and hu, rode, the, red dragon, out of china, once, you hit, iran, america, will, be, hated, this will raise up the spirit of the medes, hate, you ran, I know it, said, the, giant, on bob and toms website, back, out of, the, horn, blown, by, Jesus, and, then, hollie, tom and bob, appeared, out of the horn, back, record, showed, hollie, no said, babyfleas, I wont, she showed, come, my little princess, said, Jesus, no, she, ran, laughing, come, pursued, she looked back, sad, now, laughing, we, will not, and, hollie, looked, thought, thumbs, down, flames, toyota, was is coming, Im, the, beast, said, the, doll man, on, the, grill, truck, and, hollie, showed, thought, rubbed chin, thumbs, down, flames, on the buick, thumbs down, suburban, thumbs up, van, rubbed hollie, kansas city, boom, and the angel of the Lord, blew out, you know it, said, Jesus, bob, record, showed, hollie, thumbs down, stripes, up, on, the van, smiled, hollie showed, and, showed, thumbs, smiled, rubbed chin, up, van, record, thats the enthusiastic hollie, I want my vision posted, and the red dragon, rose out of, china, hu and the pope riding, thumbs up, sweater, hollie showed, on the dog, right here, sweater, down,they dont need, but, like, and, hollie showed, smiled, flames, thumbs, down, chevy s-10, didnt the angel, hollie, say, look, at, me, out and back, horn, and hollie showed, smiled, thumbs down, flames, decal, speedway auto parts, truck, thumbs up, smiled, hollie, showed, mustang, flames, and, hollie, thought, rubbed chin, smiled, down, up, thumbs, both, and, hollie, showed, smiled, thumbs, up, decals, and, hollie, ran, that, right the vision, record, showed, hollie, and Jesus, showed, stripes, toyota, thought, rubbed chin, up, and hollie, pointed, look, at, that, and, hollie, pointed, and, hollie, pointed, record, showed, Jesus, your not ready to post but, go ahead, and, do it, im the main, theres my crowd, main, chanted, main, lifted, thats, the reason, 1-12-2007-and hollie pointed, lighted, record showed, hollie, look at that, iraq and the palestinian state on fire, boom, brought in by bush, and brother stair, read on the radio, and president bush, said, in, coffin, I regret, breaking oil contracts, with iraq and moscow, and two months later, subs sneaked up, like, r. g. stair prophesied, boom, and, the, woman, came, up, the, statue of liberty, america, and, babylon, appeared, in, the, fire, record, showed, hollie, im the beast, said, the pope, out of, the, little horn, and, r. g. stair, threw it away, he, wants, money, to, run, his, show, record, showed, hollie, look, that, iran, boom, then, lets rule, the, world, sang, putin, china, nicaragua, ortega, no, showed, chavez, but, pluck, putin, planning, out of, subs, airplanes, missiles, and bush, after, explosions, explosions along both coasts, returned fire, look, pointed, hollie, moscow and china, boom, america wasted, and the world shook, and up came four horns, who are they, and, hollie, rubbed chin, they are, the pope, and, hu, and, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, whatta you want said, hollie, God, has, it, and, hollie, folded arms, out of, horn, blown by Jesus, white man, 666, born, at the table, between, the, pope and hu, both have nukes, aimed, at, each other, they, will hate, but, cling, look, that, france, boom, im, a, bear, me, putin, italy, boom, the beast, out of, the, g8, the black chariot, with, the, pope, and hu, fox, lula, chavez, putin, hu, thats, the, angel, on, the, red horse, and, the, red dragon, rising, out of, china, they, will, attack taiwan, and, take, peace off of, the earth, im, the, enthusiatic hollie like a fox, and hollie licked the prophet, record, showed, hollie, record, that, work, and, hollie, folded arms, lit, out of, horn, and, the, pope, and, hu, on, the, red dragon, out of, china, the, new world order, with, hu, putin, the g8, and, ten crowns, on, the pope, ten kings, he, has, rule over, out of, one nation, ruling party, and, putin, americas gitton out of order, allright, we ll handle it, and the red dragon, with, the, pope and hu, rising out china, and, hollie pointed, record, showed, hollie, magog, china, and, russia, record, showed Jesus, and hollie waved out of the horn, blown by Jesus, back, folded arms, flame face, back, whistled, work, back, black chariot, this is, the, new world order, and, hollie, folded hands, look, bob, by bob, waved hollie, out of, the horn, blown by Jesus, back, and babyfleas, bit, the prophets, head, off, angry, she did not like her vision, but, let go, that, church was, dead, thought hollie out of the horn, and, back, and, hollie, whistled, back, horn, henry thats, a, massive military movement, thats explosions along both american coasts, and up the middle, thats moscow and china, boom, ohio class subs, and, captain, hollie, waved, out, of, and, hollie, folded arms, out of, horn, back, that, was, nuclear fire behind the statue of liberty, theres, the, alarm, and, hollie, pointed, and, hollie, smiled, out, of, the, horn, and, back, blown by Jesus, out of, the poophole, raise your vision and repeat after me sang, the hollies, thats babyfleas with the undecided look, said, Jesus, this is heaven, this is hell, lava, or glass city, crystal sea, read the, usa today, iraq, nuked, whats, that, out, said, the lighted, Jesus, out of, the, horn, blown by, the Father, and back, that, woman, that, you told, kenneth haney dyes hair, was, in a rage, doing it, herself, and, the iraq war, turning, nuclear, and, america, destroyed, two months, later, rage, I played church, and, now, record, the, vision, said, the paul mooney girl, there, it is, dumitru duduman, saw, the, large bear, and the american soldier, unarmed, a, bear, can, whup anything, said, the, pope, im, not, married, to, the backslider, Im, either inside or out, record showed Jesus, two different covents, joe allen is a blaspheme, bombs away, hiroshima, dreamed, boom, and he saw three miles of fire, with ford closing another plant, bush, knows, and, hollie, showed, pointed, down, stripes, van, ford is leaving, north america, all, when, the economy collapses, then, russia, will, nuke, record, showed hollie, and hollie, showed, rubbed chin, thumbs down, strip, semi, and hollie showed, thumbs down, hollie, showed, stripe, flames, and, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, record, james randi, is, cut off, james randi educational foundation, liar, is, lost, and he saw, the, beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, dragons, out of, and, kings faces, popped, out, and they were, 1-13-2007-and hollie tore up the con quest, and hollie tatooed 666, and, the, middle 6, was, a flanged cross, said, the, tap dancers, and, the pope, and hu were two of them on the red dragon, rising out of china, record, showed, hollie, record, showed, hollie, prayed, waited, yeah, boom, and, hollie, record, showed, hollie, that, the red dragon rising out of china, and, the, pope, rode the, seven headed dragon, with, the, woman, america, and, berlusconi, chirac, howard, canada, blair, putin, germany, and, canada, the, g8, and, hollie, pointed, howard will fall away, like, u.k., and, france, italy, germany, russia, theres the submarine sound, and hollie smiled, folded hands, out of, horn, and back, blown by Jesus, and, hu, rose the red horse, and, the, red dragon rose out of china, prophet, said, the paul mooney girl, grow up, I cant I got people that worship, me, cause Im beautiful, young, prophet, iran, boom, powerplant, then, russia, we had it, lets rule the world, sang, putin, and the bear growled, and, the, patriot soldier, cocked, war, said, putin, and, bush, moscow and, america, destroy, each, other, china nuked, there aint no visions in pentecost, cause, there, are, no apostolics in pentecost, look, that, that, u.k., boom, new zealand, all of the western hemisphere, boom, italy, the seat of the beast, boom, kuwait, iraq, the palestinian state, boom, saudia arabia, boom, the, black chariot with the pope and hu, let me see here, theres, claderon, dead, and, lula, chavex, putin, hu, ortega, jong, they, will, give, thier power and strength, to, the, beast, send it, over, there, boom, america, desolate, record, showed, hollie, look, that, record, that, that, was, hollie, with, nice hair, submarine sound, and hollie, folded arms, out of horn, blown by Jesus, usa today read the angel, im a bear, paw, putin, is, the, bear, put your visions on the internet, sang, the, ministering spirits, that was a crown, of jewells, satan wore, that, was satan, im the bear paw man, shh, hollie, showed, prayer, walk, out of, the, horn, back, look, terroism, national guard, america, end glory and honor to Jesus, sang Jesus, pope, hu, the new world order, prophet, prophet, said, the paul mooney girl, record, raise your hands and repeat after me, you got, it, im up, said, the, mouth, I, caint find it, she said, but, only one, year, ago, and, hollie, out of the horn, and, back, and, hollie played, the, cymbol, out of the horn, back, its, me, waved, hollie, back, horn, and, hu, and, the, pope, on, the, red, dragon, rising out of, china, and, hollie, pointed, record, that, fulfilled 1.99, gas, record, hollie, showed, look, that, the plane, hit the, building, and, hollie, showed, stripes, r.v., rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, up, smiled, and, bob, dreamed, mrs. jeff jaco, said, you tattood 666, and, hollie, showed, thumbs, rubbed chin, up, stripes, pointed, old car, thumbs up, and, hollie, showed, smiled, thumbs, up, flames, ran, lighted, 1-14-2007-and, hollie, showed, thumbs, up, stripes, and, record, showed, Jesus, record, showed, the, pope, that, send bob, said, brad baker, to, revive, record, showed, the, pope, 666, record, showed, Jesus, look, that, france, u.k., boom, italy, thats, the, seat, of, the beast, and the woman, the statue of liberty, record, showed, Jesus, look, and, hollie, took, the, picture, record, showed, Jesus, theres, the, alarm, and, he, saw, three kings, rise, in, persia, and they are, the pope, theres hu, and, the emporer of japan, and the idol shephard, slashed pope, and hollie pointed, pointed, lighted, thats, what, I, want, said, brad baker, and he saw bob on his hand, make, him, fall, quit it, he said, git, out there and work, pointed, hollie, out of the horn, hands folded, blown by Jesus, folded arms out of horn, lit, slept, record, showed, hollie, theres, the alarm, somebody wrote me said kenneth haney, hair, dyer, what, have, I, done, im, the, main, I, brought upci down, and, hollie, out of the horn, work, there aint no visions in pentecost, and hollie licked the prophet, pay the Lord, read, the sign, cause there are no apostolics sang, the, ministering spirits, how do I git out, said, kenneth haney, youve, got, no, buisness, leading upci, with dyed hair, I knew it, he said, theres, the, alarm, magog, thats, china, and, russia, the ram, my billion dollar baby, said, kenneth haney, that, said, the billion dollar baby, and, he, heard, billion dollar baby, and alice cooper pointed, sang by him and alice cooper, hark the herald angels sing, and hollie folded arms out of horn, take, me, off, there, said, kenneth haney, no, said, hollie, allright, said, kenneth haney, pray bobb said, the pope, who is this said, kenneth haney, its prophet ministryofdreams, bobby, go easy, om letting go sang, nathaniel haney, theres a woman, young cute, if God gives her, a, husband, she, will, leave, but, if he doesnt, she will, leave, God, faces, now, your, in, reality, said, Jesus, this woman is, blond, blue, tall, sings, at, the, bible, church, thomas simison, there are no visions sang the ministering spirits, and hollie licked the prophet, na said, Jesus, record, I got the Holy Ghost, she, thinks, record, showed, nathaniel haney, did you hear how he sang, beautiful, haney s, said, Jesus, seek mercy, raise your hand and repeat after me, russia is the beast, with seven heads, and, ten horns, no I didnt say a word, said, nathaniel haney, and that is the pope and hu is the false prophet, submarine sound, im a bear, me, putin, that, said, hollie, the military out in the streets, and, terrorism, hollies in hot water, that, record, showed, hollie, that, new iraq, said, the angel, america, like, taiwan, that, you want me, said, Jesus, no, shook, brad baker, and, hollie, tattooeed 666, and the middle 6 was a flanged cross, flames, thumbs, and, hollie rubbed her chin, up, smiled, theres, a, reason, hell is for hollie, thumbs down, stripes, astro, hollie, tell me the reason, hell is for hollie, and hollie thought, record, showed, terry cannon, come and shoot me he said, your phone calls, let me know, I, was, lost, but, pastor, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, everybodies quittin, said, hollie showed, and, the world, on, and, submarines, nuking, and, hollie, showed, rubbed, stripes, thumbs, up, iran, nuked, said, the, angel, out of, the, newspaper, the powerplant, theres the alarm, and, this will, raise up, the, spirit, of, the, medes, hate, for, america, Arik Vardi, Yair Goldfinger, Sefi Vigiser and Amnon Amir, are all cut off, and wanting, to make, ministryofdreams fall, avoid, MIRABILIS ltd, ICQ, Inc, AOL LLC, lets hit iran, said, hollie, with, tomahawks, said, bush, cheney, is, lying, already, planned, saith, Jesus, get ready for nuclear war, said, the, propet, that, iran, attack, coming, that, said, hollie, saith, the, Lord, that, 1-15-2007-we want you to come back here tomorrow, winked the geese, no, said, hollie, record, showed, Jesus, iran, attack coming, by usa, record, showed, Jesus, look, that, iraq, and, the Palestinian state, boom, and, hollie, folded, arms, out of, horn, and, back, blown by Jesus, and, hollie, folded arms out of horn, work, I caint find him, its not his fault, said, hollie, what time we leaving for service, sin, before, flames, thumbs up, showed, hollie showed, and, hollie, smiled, flames, ford, thumbs up, record, showed, hollie with nice hair, iran, attack coming, said, hollie and the pope, record, the, vision, iran, coming, iran, is, seeking, help, this is how, the beast, will be built, put Ukraine in Russia, said, yuchenko, and hollie wrote, lighted, 666, born, at, the table, record, look, at, that, record, showed, Jesus, its, picking up said, Jesus, got him, said, putin, bush, attacked, the powerplant, in, iran, and, hu, rode, the, red dragon, you know iran, said, hollie, your, out, and, needing, attacked, saith, the LOrd, but, this will, hurt, rising out of china, record, showed, hollie, record, iran, will, raise, up, the, spirit, of the medes, against america, no, said, putin, powerplant, hit, you perished, pointed, hollie, robert williams, record, the, vision, hollie, showed, with, nice hair, that, and, the, serpent, struck, and, thats, the, main, my name is hollie, main, chanted, the crowd, prophet, theres, the, submarine sound, thats, hollie, showed, rising out of the cloud, that, we, positioned it, said, robert ballard, there it is, the, u.s.s. indianapolis, in, the untied states will be attacked by nuclear missiles sang the ministering spirit choir, france, boom, italy, the, seat of the beast, boom, record, the, vision, showed, hollie, with nice hair, sang, by, the pope, and Jesus, tractor pull is abomination, they pull, many times, thier, own, weight, those tractors cost, about, 40,000 dollars, the, same, one, does not win, everytime, the, national guard will be in the streets, as, terrorism, all over, and, putin, behind, looting, after, we, hit, iraq, and hollie, pointed, you will have two months, thats iraq and gaza, the palestinian state, on fire, write the vision, said, hollie, this is, heaven, this is, hell, sang the ministering spirits, and the pope, was, one, of them, and, the lighted finger pointed, start prayin said, the pope, we, want, you, to, come, back, here tomorrow even though were closed circled the geese, take my planet, and he saw, the world, shake, nuking, china, will not, let america, rule, the world, and, they were destroyed, over, hitting taiwan, and, the, red dragon, rose, out of, china, taiwan, said, Jesus, you have, china, coming, with, hu, and, the, pope, riding, cause, china, will take peace off the earth, to, late, pointed, Jesus, robert williams, thats a fire storm s, crossing, america, and, dick cheney, laughed, iran, nuked, billion dollar baby, that, and, held, alice cooper, with, thats, it, and, he, saw, the angel, a.a. allen, with a sword, and, dyed, hair, heres, how, it, worked, and, hollie, showed, to record, steam engines, had, and, hollie, toer up the con, querer, said, the main, go back, stephen hanson, in, the fire, wizards uniform, and, hollie, pointed, prophet, said, babyfleas, and, licked the prophet, look at me, its me, said, hollie, out of, the horn, back, blown by Jesus, folded arms, out of, horn, back, and, hollie, tore up the con, quest, and hollie, showed, record, with nice hair, and, sunnysnet showed, to, record, work, said, elder holocomb, and, mrs. holocomb showed, to record, git out of here, prove it, said, pastor, holocomb, and, hollie, showed, ministryofdreams, proof, said, elder holocomb, and, hollie, showed, thumbs, up, smiled, 1-16-2007-hard, said, hollie, thye both beleived it, prophet, but, they are, sodomy, im, the, main, and, hollie, took, the, picture, record, showed, Jesus, tell me something I dont already know, Im, the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, and hollie, pointed, Jesus, and, hollie, smiled, rubbed chin, flames, that, hell is for hollie, carved into the, stick, record, showed, hollie, with, nice hair, look, at, that, surround sound, how it works, delay, and, hollie, out, of, the, subwoofer, and back, and, bear, paw, the popes image, on, hollies hand, 666, born between the pope and hu, signing, and he saw, prophet, record, showed, jesica, look at, that, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble in perisa, and, he saw, who did he see, three kings arise, theres, the pope, and hu, and, the emporer of japan, and the idol shepherd, slashed, pope, I, want, to, rule, the world, I want to rule the world, and hollie out of the subwoofer, back, iran attack coming, and he saw, bush, and, cheney, planning, dont do it, says, bush, yeah, showed, cheney, I, declare war on china, record, showed, Jesus, look, that, prophet, said, the, paul, mooney, girl, thats, the, black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, and, the angry, horses, and, hu, rode, the red dragon, rising out of china, and, the, pope, what is that, the, new world order, record, theres the alarm, record, submarine sound, thats, the, woman, jezebel, thats the pentecostal church, back slidden, events, sporting arenas, on church property, showed, hollie, with, nice, hair, that, 666, born, at, the, table, submarine sound, and, hollie, licked the prophet, and, Jesus, blew the horn, and, hollie, came, out, tore up the con, spirit, back, bush, will, go, down, in united states history, cause, he took, them to war, that, God, did not, call, mr. president, your gonna pay for iranq, put more visions on the internet, said, hollie, mind your buisness, said, hollie, after we hit iran, cheney, said, Jesus, are you planning on hitting iran, na, said, dick, cheney, with, george bush s, voice, control, said, Jesus, watch this, said, rick, robertson, Im reporting, said, rick, not, and hollie licked the prophet, there, aint, no visions, in, pentecost, cause, there are, no apostolics, in, pentecost, and, the pope, smiled, jacobs trouble is about to begin, look, at, that, iraq, and, gaza, boom, and, was, said, the iran president, hollie came out of, the, horn, write the vision, back, iran, coming attack, uto, said, Jesus, theres, the alarm, cut me off, so, I can, do what, I want, to, is most, see ya, waved, hollie, out of, the, horn, back, thats, stephen hanson, in, the furnace, wizards robe, stars, hollie pointed, tongue out, you have me said, the mouth, work for the Lord, said, hollie, out of, the, trumpet, back, and hollie, smiled, out, of, horn, back, lit, whistled, theres, the submarine sound, and, hollie, licked the prophet, look, at, that, the, woman, golden, the, statue of liberty, america, and, hollie, showed, came out of the horn, and, blew the horn, and, hollie, came, out, quaker state, keep, back, oil, synthetic, good, back, in, the horn, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble, and, he saw, the pope, rise, and, hu, and, the idol shepherd, and, the emporer of japan, thats, hollie, on, the, pool ball, strike out, second GALATIONS, o, who is GALATIONS, thats the pentecostal church, back, slided, on, Jesus, upci, and, p.a.w., hair dyers, on, top, this is, hollie, out of, the, the, subwoofer, and back, God does know about subwoofers, sang, hollie, and hollie showed, and hollie showed, played the organ, and, the, foot stomped, bobby, the, marine, corp. will be in the streets, and, terrorism, all over, and hollie, u.s.a., that, was, hollie, showed, in, the, submarine, fire, many nations destroyed, that, was, hollie, on, the, streets, of Gold, crystal buildings, and, sea, angel, blew, horn, and, out came, hell, with, kenneth haney, u.p.c.i., general superintendent, lost, back, my mercy is taken, from upci, saith the LOrd, and, hollie, out of, the horn, bored, back, that, was a hegoat, striking, with, putin, hu, and, the king of rome, the pope, striking, the, Ill fix it, the pipeline, said, putin, sabbatoge, caspian sea, this will separate russia and china, that, was, taiwan, destroyed, that, will be, one, wormwood, right there, pointed, the pope, oil, caspian sea, that, means, let, the end begin, never, under setimate the power of the Holy One, paul mooney, girl, record, that, was, a, viper, with, the, pope, in, its, mouth, and, out, 666, on, forehead, those two know, they, wasted, thier time, battleship u.s.s. indianapolis found, that, was, jupiter, showed, hollie computer, its, many earths, put your visions on the internet, sang, hollie, and, kristina, out of horn, back, record, and, hollie, showed, and hollie showed, the world with subs attacking, look, record, showed, babyfleas, turned into sunnysnet, you can keep it, fine with me said, Jesus, that, the enthusiastic hollie like a fox, and licked the prophet, and, hollie, showed, turn, and, the, dragon, rose out of china, iraq, said, rocky, nuke, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, and, hollie, showed, 1-18-2007-record, showed, hollie, even bayh, vice president, raise, your hand, and, repeat after me, sang, hollie, and hollie like a white spirit, and, look, at that, pointed, the, angel, iraq, and, the, palestinian state, boom, american, nukes, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, record, showed, hollie, and, pointed, iran, boom, powerplant, record, showed, Jesus, and, ray comfort, showed, to, record, the, vision, once, sechs, with, kirk cameron, and, sister rexford, pulled, the, wagon, full of children, that would have, gotten, saved, is, she, stayed, and, hollie, celebrated, white angel, that, record, find me said, the, mouth, thats, the, black chariot, with, the pope and hu, hollie, tearing up the con spirit, kirk cameron is not telling the whole truth sang the hollie, na, never saved, millionaire, whatta, he want, men, women, worship me, and, ray comfort, yeah, and, the, angel national guard man, in the streets, in america, last sign, look, that, said, hollie, and, kirk cameron, terrorism, all over, u.s.a., sang, hollie, I expect him, said, hollie, rock and roll, said, the, angel, of, the LOrd, persia, is, the, middle east, its, in, the, paper, said, survivor, odonnell, u.s.s. indianapolis found, president hillary clinton said, the angel, and robert ballard showed, were the battleship indianapolis is, let me thru, kirk, does not like, messing with people, cameron, worship me, ray comfort, wants hi popularity, sang, hollie s, mass choir, and, the, angel, beat the drum, and, hollie, out of, the, horn, wait, back, work for Jesus, back, and, henry gruver, shot into heavens, and, america, exploded, and, the world shook, when, after hillary clinton, president, and, subs, fired, from all around, america, moscow and china, boom, and, captain hollie, waved, who is, charles colson sang, hollie, git me off, there, lost, and, the, finger, pointed, record, showed, the, paul mooney girl, judgments here, that, was, satan, shh, kirk cameron, that, was werewolf, shh, there, aint, no visions, in, pentecost, said, the tap dancers, and hollie licked the prophet, im, cutting you off, says, Jesus, kirk cameron, if, you dont, ACTS 2:38, said, ray comfort, submarine sound, and, hollie, licked the prophet, thats, the woman, miss statue of liberty, heres what babys blood sound like crying from the ground, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, have mercy, on, me, its, coming, out, of, the sewers, you aint, gonna, fix it, hillary clinton, and, Jesus, out of, the fire, fix it, hillary, clinton, or, wrath, new united states, communist, thats, hollie showed, flames, thumbs, down, ford ranger, jiffy lube is out, whatch, people are not changing thier oil, check it, like, hollie, showed, thick, and, slick, keep it, and, hollie, showed, the, world, and, who does china, look, like, us, said, america, put, my visions, on, the, internet, says, the, LOrd, and, hollie, showed, blew the trumpet, and, hollie, came, out, lit, back, see there, the, popes image, on, the, hand, 666, on, forehead, born at table, between, hu and the pope, every body, call a meeting, mark stone, is, pastor, mark, why do you die your hair, and mark swallowed, see that, he pointed, people, want, youth, liar, he wants, sechs, record, pointed, hollie, showed, the world, on, fire, anartica, bush, look, that, kuwait, saudi arabia, boom, iran, powerplant, boom, thats what, marty feldmon looks like, now his face has gahtered blackness, lava, selina, thats suicide, said, the accused, I heard you had a vision, put that vision on the internet, that, rcord, showed, the enthusiastic hollie, like a fox, and, licked, the prophet, and, hollie, waved, smiling, out of the horn, and back, blown by hulk hogan, u.s.a. today, iran, powerplant, destroyed, by, usa, christian said, hulk hogan, Im out, dont fuck with me, thats all people dont live, for, Jesus, record, showed, hulk hogan, iran, power, plant, boom, record, the vision, hit syria, were facing trouble, time out showed, hollie, out of the flute, back, blown by r. g. stair, r.g. stair, will get that and laugh at it, said, hollie, theres, trouble, in persia, and he saw, three kings arise, theres, the pope, hu, the emporer of japan, and, lets see, the idol shepherd, pointed, the, lighted, hand, attention prophet, this woman is a lesbian, said, hollie, like a golden bear, im a bear, paw, me, putin, satan is, the, head, and, the pope is, his, mouth, piece, MAGOG IS, THE, BODY, LIKE, HOLLIE, and freddy krueger showed, thats china, north and south korea, and, japan, what, happened in syria, president, bush, tried, to, knock out, the president of syria, tell me about the vision of, new zealand, boom, russia, that, was, satan, shh, im the beast, that, was, angels, lighted, one with sword, gabriel, put, my vision, on, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, and, the angel, grabbed, the, tounge, that was satan, im the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, that, was, satan, like, a hair face, and he came out, watching, read your bible, in, the morning, again, to, stir, you, cheney is the iraq, war, man, pushed, and the finger pointed, we want you to come back here, tomorrow, and, post, visions, circled, the geese, put the vision, on, the, internet, that, girl from, bible church, wants women, young, blond, tall, sings, thats, the, reason, america is, the whore, put it, in, my ass, raise your hand, and, repeat, after me, I, want, oral, and, anal, sechs, she, said, that, was, satan, shot out of, hell, into, the, pope, prophet, thats, the, reason, right there, iraq, judgment, plus false christians, theres the alarm, drink, like, hollie, showed, tony blair, what, did, you invade iraq over, oil, no, said, the paul mooney, girl, I want, out, economy, to, grow, and we need, oil, said, tony, blair, tony blair, is, a liar, iraq, over, breaking oil, contracts, blair, knew, thou fool, said, dumitru duduman, check your oil, with your hands, thick and slick, keep, like, hollie, showed, and the world, with, you wanted oil said, hollie, tony blair, your facing, court martial, resign, or, jail, war in iraq, over oil, said, dumitru duduman, record, look, that, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble, and, he saw, three kings arise, theres, hu, the pope, and, the finger, pointed, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, 1-19-2007-bobby, ortega, will not, be in on, the, demise, of, the, usa, but, will, allow, soviet, subs, to, stage, there, like, hugo chavez, that was hollie shoveling, the united states will be attacked, by russia, record, showed, the, paul mooney girl, die said, hollie, put them visions on the website, sang, hollie, raise, your hand, and repeat after me, sang, hollie, that was stephen hanson in the fire, dark wizards robe, stars, wand, and, hollie, pointed, thats an angel cop, write the vision, sang, hollie, that, the palestinian state is gaza forsaken sang, Jesus, and, israel, destroyed, over, israel will be destroyed cause of, cause, the palestinian state, the national guard will be in the streets in america, as the last sign, I will send you an angel to inform, turn that, fan back on, mind your buisness, and ill mind mine, sang, hollie, mr. president, you liar, in amexico, all three, and sunnysnet showed to record, carol waltz was a liar, all the way to the end, said, she dyed her hair, said, the tap dancer, that, was, hollie, tap dancing, with, the pope and hu, the new world order, has, just arrived, the, pope is the anti Christ, said, hollie, that, was, titanic, with, hollie, like a bear, im a bear, me, putin, looking up at, tall, and, hollie, out of, the, horn, pointed, blown by JEsus, back, in, and, the angel, blew, the horn, and, out, came, hollie, with, oil bottle, thats, leading to armageddon, back, come, said, putin, against, me, president clinton will do it said the tap dancer, and that was, hollie, the united states, will be a desolation, said, the, angel, what, wont find me said, the crowd, kenneth haney, upci, and p.a.w., horace smith, is cut off, hair dyers, and, satan, came, out of pentecost, after the palestinian state is, destroyed, the national guard will be in, the, streets, in, u.s.a., terrorism, all over, it, will be, people already, here, protesting, arabs, theres, the alarm, alaska will be nuked like gene schmidt saw, he ll git it said, the angel of the Lord, like a white man, and, not beleive, and, michael boldea will not read it, said, hollie, how do I, find, him, said, michael boldea, and, the, angel played, the organ, and, hollie, beat the drum, cymbol, there are no visions in pentecost, cause, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, Im, the enthusiastic hollie like a fox, put your visions, on, the internet, sang, the, united states will be a communist, state, after iraq, record, the, vision, showed, the paul mooney girl, look, that, the palestinian state, and, iraq, on fire, hollie, waved, out of, the, horn, blown by the angel, that was veniece kerrigan showing to record, the vision, git out of here, he, wanted, prophet, ministryofdreams, and he saw, them, worshipping me said, veniece kerrigan, but God saw, vienice kerrigan wanted to make you fall, put it right, there, showed, the angel, thats the war, pointed, bush, syria, iran, and, iraq, and, the palestinian state, causing arabs to reach out to russia, and, russia, will, t.v., pledge, protection, take me off of there, said, putin, and hollie was, tap dancing, theres the pope and hu, and, putin, pointed, at chavez, no, he and ortega, showed, but, hu, yes, jong, yes, and, then, no, that, was, the, angel, gabriel, thats, wrong, is what, they, say, liars, people lie, im starting to want some butt myself, said, danica patrick, lesbian, motors gone, said, jeff gordon, your finished said, the angel, and he saw, jeff hit in the door, and soul shot out, you liar, said, jeff gordon, I know it, he, spoke at billy grahams friends, like apostle, but, liar, billy knew it, this warning, jeff gordon, said, billy graham, hell is where, you will live, in, lava, he, will have, his, uniform on said billy graham, thou liar, said, crytal lewis, hair, dyer, she acts like, a christian, got him, luster, and he saw, the, world reel from subs attacking, on fire, theres, frankfurter of rocky horror, homosexual making picture show, its me, said, hollie, out of, the horn, back, thats, Jesus, blowing, message is usa desolate, sang, hollie, that was hollie with nice hair, showing to record, wait a minute mr. christian, thats prophecy first, JEsus, is the Spirit of Prophecy, said, the, pope, and, hu is the false prophet, riding, satan, like a red man, theres, the, red dragon, rising out of, china, with hu, and the pope, riding, you made me blaspheme said, jesica, you saw it, no them, that labor amoung you, and, thats, the, even after, fulfilled, and, silvana, showed, to, record, the vision, theres trouble, said, the, librarian, thats lou gramm singing for foreinger, wild man, bobby, hes the president when hillarys in office, bill clinton, with, nuclear button, I, just, cant, quit it, said, lou gramm, hyper, because, foreinger, bout broke my heart, he, and, the lead guitarist, did not get along, and, satan, shot out of, lou gramm is tall and skinny sang, the ministering spirit, they dont lust him, that, lead guitarist will see there, and smile, and, they will reunite, they will reunite at the end of time, sang, hollie, and, the, angel, lou gramm played the organ, hollie out of the horn, lou gramm is, cut off, lou gramm will not like his vision, and, lou gramm pointed, with a face like satan, pockets full, but lost, lou gramm, will not humble himslef, write the vision, Louis Grammatico, that, was, the, andrea doria, lets raise, easy, but, rust, it, would not, break, up, said, hollie, tap dancing, stockholm, blood on hands, you knew, it wasa out there, and Jesus, pointed, at the sewer, millions, of, crying, babys, blood, from, abortion, 1-20-2007-raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with 7 heads and ten horns, and that is the pope, look that, put your visions on the internet, sang, hollie, cause, russia is the bear, with, seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and, hu, is, the false prophet, theres trouble, said, babyfleas, and, he saw, three kings arise, theres, the pope, hu, and, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, record, showed, sunnysnet, look, that, france, boom, u.k., boom, italy, boom, thats, the, o my God, said, irving baxter, seat of, the beast, rome, boom, and he saw, him sitting, and the pope, rose, shot, out of, hell, theres, ministryofdreams on worldprophecycenter, said, hollie, and, 666, on, the popes forehead, born, at the table, between hu and the pope, and he saw, both had nukes aimed right at each other, 666, born, whats the reason, to prevent, them, from, destroying, each, other, and, china will push moscow to, invade israel, at, the end, hollie, pointed, france, boom, and subs, Im, a, bear, me, putin, sneaked up on, boom, america, exploded, and, the woman, the statue of liberty, came, up, and, america, fired, on, moscow and china, boom, traffic first said, the angel, record, the, vision, and, bob, will meet henry gruver again, toward the end, thats bobs hero, hes on said, Jesus, henry gruver, its mike boldea, wanting to meet bob, national guard will be in the streets in america as the last sign, terrorism, pointed, hollie, all over, america, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, castrol, dead, north korea, and, venezuela, and brazil, these will give, thier, power, and strength, to the beast, send it over, said the pope, boom, the world reeled, america desolate, thick and slick, keep, like hollie showed, oil, and, out of the horn, with, the, oil bottle, prophet, listen to me, and, licked the prophet, im, the, enthusiastic hollie like a fox, and licked the prophet, you will not tasted death is you live for Jesus, and henry gruver showed to record, the vision, your out, said, hollie, coffin, that was satan, shh, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, unbelieveable, look at that horn, the popes face inside, he, will, go, to, the greek orthadox, church, and, make, an, agreement, to, gain, control of the world, russias nuclear arsenal, get it, and, he saw, robert williams, and, hollie, pointed, cut off, soon, theres, hollie, out of, the horn, folded arms, back, slept, back, rolled, and, hollie, blew the horn, hollie, out, with, robert williams, back, thats hollie showed, with, the, world, on, fire, subs, attacking, and, she, pointed, at, america, the, woman, came, up, the, statue of liberty, and, hillary clinton, as, president, Christina Bartsch, is cut off, no signs, and wants to make, bob, fall, that, hollie, in, the, atmosphere, that, that was, Jesus, on, the cloud, that, hillary clinton president, and the angel, blew the horn, hollie out, eat, back, hindenburgh, was, sabbatage, the one, who, set, died, to high, hell, and, hollie, out of, the, horn, back, that, was, satan, with, the pope and hu, I want robert williams out of the prophecy club said, hollie, coming out of the horn, back, pointed, tell me, said, robert williams, money, is what he wants, record, showed, Christina Bartsch, I miss you, said, the prophecy club is going broke, donald trump will not pay that fine like hollie showed, the, world on fire, anartica, bush, next prophet, said, indian walker, but, he ran, him, off, chief indian walker, is not, dyeing his hair, but, many ACTS 2:38 pastors are, like, rick, robertson, president clinton will be asked, about ministryofdreams, and, president clinton will not nuke iraq, itll be bubba, same o clintons, same o liar s, same o economic collapse, thats, what nafta was about, perot, ross, warned, that, was hollie, tearing the up the con, president clinton said, the crowd, new york, trump, governor, him, pointed, Jesus, 50 cents, said, hollie, and the finger pointed, cut off, now, backslided, pentecostal, thats, Curtis James Jackson III, he is, now, cut off, you know you had it, the, its, truth, he, said, born, again, ex, per, ie, ence, and, babyfleas, smiled, and, let, go, sad, jigm is cut off, he, wants ya, pointed, hollie, pastor jigm ministries, cut off, now, and, hollie, beat, the, cymbol, look at her christie mcvie, stevie nicks, young looking, but, old, ted turner is dead soon, wuss, he, said, about, jane fonda, I made a mistake, she, said, no, said, jane, fonda, I, went to vietnam, and, put, usa, troups, down, when, they, were there, stop, she, now, says, and, had no choice, God, let her, go, then, cut off, how you doin, said, chief, indian, walker, cut off, now, hes, young, out, michael boldea, theres, mike boldea, and hollie pointed, up, and he saw, Jesus, grab, a, pig, call me, said, Jesus, and, hollie, showed, pointed, again, lighted, and, the, dragon, rose out of, china, and, turned into, the, pope, and, hu, the new world order, and they sat at, the, table, 666, born, to prevent, them, from, destroying, each, other, and hollie pointed, drink, she, said, go, ray pringle, sr., no, he said, showed, to, record, he is, lost, now, and, done, out, never, saved, but, pretended, now, hell, thinks, I, wasted, my life, and turned into, the pastor at whitehall pentecostal, he wrecked, said, the angel of the LOrd, church, leave it on, said, hollie, they are, liars, show, record, showed, the, paul mooney girl, prophet, record, prophet, im like demi moore, that was Jesus, in, the fire, mist, sang, hollie, and, kings, at, a, table, and, faces, popped, out, lula, chavez, jong, hu, putin, the pope, castrol, they will give, now let me see here, thier power and strength, to the beast, ortega, no, he showed, but, plucked, to, invade ameria, that was hollie on the m.x. missile, its me, back, there are no visions, and hollie licked the prophet, in pentecost, record, showed, hollie, that, flames, tumbs up, hollie, showed, and, the, world, on fire, up, she showed, and hollie, wailed for the people, thumbs, down, flames, hollie, dodge, stripe, thumbs, hollie, thought, rubbed chin, up, thumbs up, old car, hollie, showed, and hollie showed, smiled, flames, truck, thumbs, thought, rubbed chin, up, record, showed, Jesus, and hollie, showed, smiled, flames, thumbs, up, out, record, showed, hollie, it was me, smiled, stripes, thought, thumbs, up, and out, and the raccoon, think about me, throw food in the yard, my name is hollie, I want my visions on the internet, she, said, did you pray, no, did you fast, yeah, but, not for long, that is why, go and fast, and, terry, till I, come, then I will find, faith, upon, the earth, and, chief, indian, charles, Ford wal, ker, is, preaching, and not saved, and, hollie, tore up the con, quest, like, a, white, an, gel, and, china, the, red, dragon, rose, out of, with, the, pope, and, hu, on, and the girl, was, astonished, bob, get back, thought, charles ford, not, he was having, visions, and, dreams, signs, and, you were coming against, in your, that is not, blaspheme, you were, jelous, and, are, cut off, anyway, not, saved, but, seek, mercy, saith, Jesus, and, babyfleas, bit, the, prophets, head off, with, the undecided look, but, let, go, she did not, and, smiled, and, blew her hair, and, laughed, and, slept, ate, and, cried, kneeled, and said, Jesus, bob is, lying, im not cut off, but, Im not, saved, fill me, with, the, Holy Ghost, o my God, said, prophet, it was, true, whatta you want, I want my, vision, posted on the internet, said, hollie, that was, not, thats satan, are you for real, we hate you, said, babyfleas, with, the, undecided, look, and, is, now, cut, off, not, set, free, its me, said, hollie, out of, the horn, and, back, she likes you, said, Jesus, babyfleas, write, her, and tell her, I wont, said, hollie, the whole u.s.a., will be, desolate, said, the, angel, of, the LOrd, and, hollie, rode the, m.x. missile, still in, silos, go ahead, said, Jesus, with, putin, and his, fingers, on, the, nuclear, button, and, bill clinton, with his, fingers, on the, button, and the world reeled, write me, said, bubba, in, the, mountain, with, hill, both, dead, about, eight hours, after, I head you want out, said, hillary clinton, yep, but, bill, will, run, usa, again, and, you waste your time, old now, it was me, said, hollie, out of, the, horn, blown by, Jesus, back, like a, flame, face, momy, said, the, man, grow up, and, taylor dayne, sang, part of, love will lead you back, she is, back, slided, pente, cos, tal, Leslie Wunderman, I want him, to get off, my website, said, chief, elder, charles ford walker, out, both, are, whoupee, said, babyfleas, she is, cut, off, like a, model, I heard you aint got it, said, the, young, tall, blond, at, the bible church, sings, but, thomas, go to your room, simison, wants, youth, there, using, her, beauty, tell, said, rick, robertson, I wanna know, said, kathy, at, endtime ministries, do, said, irving, baxter, 1-21-2007-theres the alarm, thats it, your out, babyfleas, record, that, record, showed, hollie, wait a minute mr. christian, whitehall pentecostal church is cut off, cancel saturday night service, the one bob would have went to, to, event, during, the, day, and, the, angel, of, google stuck out his tongue, wrong, said, the, angel, we, want, you, said, brad baker, cause, you have the HOly Ghost, and, the red dragon rose out of china, with, the, pope, and, hu, record, showed, hollie, look, that, record, showed, hollie, u.k., boom france, boom, russia, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and, the, pope is his mouth piece, cause, there are no visions in pentecost, and hollie licked the prophet, raise your hand s and repeat after me, russia is the bear, and, magog is, china, and, moscow, hollie showed, that, black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, the, new world order, cause, the, united states will be a desolation, soon, and, brad baker pointed, that, was, satan, shh, and, hollie whistled out of the horn, work, back, out, oil, bottle, armageddon, back, JEsus, appeared on, clear day, the beast, with, satan on top, and, ten toes, and hollie pointed, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, and, hollie, pointed, wait for JEsus, said, hollie, record, showed, hollie, put them visions on my website, tarry, said, Jesus, it hurt, said, babyfleas, usa, is, done, economic, collapse, military, in, the, streets, , we shouldnt ov, went into, iraq, no, iraq, done, over, and he saw, me, the, devourer, all, over, turn around, said, Jesus, and, look at paul, you are, him, now, put them visions on my website, tarry, said, Jesus, it hurt, said, babyfleas, usa, is, done, economic, collapse, military, in, the, streets, , we shouldnt ov, went into, iraq, no, iraq, done, over, and he saw, me, the, devourer, all, over, turn around, said, Jesus, and, look at paul, you are, him, now, 1-22-2007-your breakin my heart, said, hollie, now, world, prophecy, center is, born, your name is, on the internet, but, no one will know, because, sealed, Im, thru, said, bishop hunt, but, pastored till death, thumbs up, down, flames, hollie, no time, said the pope, its, me, said, the, smowman, new york, attack, it, and he saw, explosion, and president clinton, there it the alarm, I, got it, said, hillary clinton, and evan bayh, theres, the, submarine sound, and, subs, sneaked, up on, boom, america, and, the woman, came, up, hillary clinton, will win by a land slide, record, the vision, 666, on, the, popes forehead, and hollie kissed it, and hollie, put your visions on the interenet, sang the ministering spirits, thou fool bishop hunt, like father like son, the church of Jesus, Christ, the whore, is, america, cmon, said, Jesus, work, for, the, Lord, I want to show you something, free synagog, said, al, gore, climate, genius, not, wants, whitehouse, and, hollie, showed, wait a minute mr. christian, seek, you got him, show, that, hit, iran, usa, frank switzer, cut off, now, that, me, back, in horn, this, economy is dead, said, hollie, im, 19, and young, accountable, bobby, lets, pray, said, the, angel, mercy, said, the, angel, hit, syria, people, dont, know, what, they have, untill, its gone, drink water showed, hollie, out of, the, horn, back, blown by Jesus, no, said, the, paul mooney, girl, yes, and the red dragon rose out of china, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble, in persia, and he saw, three kings arise, theres, the pope, hu, the emporer of japan, and the idol shephard, slashed, pope, and he saw, them, sitting at table, 666, born, both have nukes, aimed at each other, you had it all, said, Jesus, hillary clinton, but, wanted, iraqs oil, and now, economic collapse, coming, to, usa, please go home, and tarry, record, showed, hollie, look, that, write the vision, that, hand of hel p, closed, watertown, wisconsin, thats the reason pointed, hollie, ann schmidt dyes her hair, write the vision, fiery darts of the devil, thats the messanger of satan, that was, the, beast, with, satan, on top, and, ten toes, hu, putin, nicaragua, chavez, castrol, iran, lula, germany, and, italy, kings, faces, popped out, putin, pointed at iran, powerplant, torn, and he saw, explosion, tomahawks, two, im the enthusiastic hollie, and hollie pointed, like a fox, mercy, said, babyfleas, bush invaded iraq to keep china from, stealing, more, american, companies, caspean sea, oil pipeline, sabbatoge, cause, russia does not want china to have oil, china is a threat to the whole world with nuclear subs, four, 18 missiles each, multiable warhead, how do we hit iraq, tomahawk, missiles, but, if, nuke, is what, the, planned, and will, saith, the, Lord, record, hollie, showed, out of, the flute, blown, by, Jesus, back, that, was, satan, shh, im the beast, hollie, beat the cymbol, thats the red chariot, with, the pope and hu, n.w.o., pray for me, said, hollie, out of, horn, back, dont go to sleep, like hollie out of the horn, back, out, work, for, Jesus, your all ready cut off, said, the, librian, not, work, try, to get back, na, he said, they wanted iraqs oil, cheney, and bush, oil, men, both, and america, knew, before, elections, back, that was satan, shh, im the beast, shh, I sold him, wailed babyfleas, that, was hollie, tearing up the con, querer, with bear paws, and hollie blew the horn, out of the, horn, back, Im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and, the pope is his mouth piece, im the beast, he said, im the false prophet, said, hu, both, the, new world order, has just arrived, get off me, yelled, leon baker, pastor, dead, now, brad, baker, inherits, and, is, lost, hair, dye, er, and, hollie, tore up the con, oil, oil, is going up, to, 3.50 per quart, I, finished said, sissy, lost, that was Jesus, in, the, fire, mist, that, was, satan, im satan, shh, that was, the, Sun of Rightousness, rising with healing in His Wings, that was hollie, mowing the lawn, out of horn, glory and honor to Jesus, sang, hollie, and, that, was, kings sitting at a table, and, faces, popped, out, fox, putin, hu, chavez, castrol, dead, jong, ortega, lula, they will, give, thier land to, putin, america, desolate, cause, putin is, the, bear, im, a bear, me, putin, nice hair, that, was, JEsus, coming, clear day, the, Father sitting on, Throne, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is, not going to let amexico, rule, the, world, amexico, is, mexico, and, usa, canada, that is, all, three, not, only, america, but, all, desolate, said, hollie, russia is the bearst, and that is, part of both, like, many, nation, s, and they are, and, hollie, pointed, italy, france, germany, nice, nice portrait, sang, hollie, of, me, said, put your, on, and, you get, allright, said, Jesus, wait, showed, hollie, out of, horn, back, tap dancer, is, me, out of, horn, hollie, tap dancing, yeah, said, the, librarian, not, your closed, now, who are the pagans, for, playing, and knowing, bob, your serious said, babyfleas, im out, new zealand, boom, japan, boom, france, boom, u.k., boom, three missiles, for, each, hold it, said, Jesus, do, your nato, comittment, or, be, slaughtered, by, moscow, and, china, tell me somthing, you dont want me, im a lesbian, said, danica patrick, you fool, one of the most popular, in, the world, over, five, billion, love, and, worship, God is, speaking, words, im the main, ministering spirit, I, want, visions, on, my website, thats my crowd, main, main, they, chanted, now, let me see here, wait for me, said, hollie, over, every, thing, saith, Jesus, 1-23-2007-record showed the librarian, and three kings rose, hu, the emporer of japan, and the idol shepherd, and the pope, iran next, bush, attacks, it, Im the main, im, the, main, theres, the, submarine sound, and, subs, sneaked up on, america, moscow and, china, boom, the world reeled, and, the sun and the moon, were, darkened, for 16, hours, write the vision, after we hit alaska, youll have two hours, I want, my vision, on my website, said, the enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, sunnysnet has got to many elioms sang Jesus, bring your visions, on, the, internet, put, your visions on the internet, wiat a minute mr. christian, china will not let america rule the world much longer, wait a minute mr. christian, wait, a minute mr. christian, Jesus, told, me, that, I, can not be, saved, but, Im over u.p.c.i., kenneth haney, nathaniel haney, cut off, hair dyers, china, will, claim russia, after, america attacks, but, the pope, will, drive, them, out, caspean sea oil pipeline, boom, sabbatoge, china, broke, over, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble, and, he saw, the pope, rise, Im the beast, arabian, that is where, paul, was, taught, by, Jesus, and, this prophet, taught there to, like, im the false prophet, said, hu, we want you, come back here tomorrow, circled, the geese, record, those visions, you know what I want, a, broken, spirit, and, a, con, trite, heart, I will not reject, can I have your word, not, God, speaks, and, bob, writes, wait a minute, prophet, I repent, but, to late, saith, Jesus, now, go, and, do what ever, to, those who are, cut off, prophets, theres, mercy, seek, you want me, said, Jesus, no, said, ray haruzi, cut off, but, preaches, at, mccormicks, creek, church, under, the unanointed, leader, rick robertson, japan took three missiles, u.k., one, new president, hillary clinton, and evan bayh, tony blair, u.k., boom, france, boom, italy, the seat of the beast, boom, glory and honor to Jesus, sang, the ministering spirits, that, was, the, pope, like, a, serpent, and hu, the, false, prophet, happy thanksgivin, said, Jesus, thats abomination said, hollie, record, showed, hollie with nice hair, out of horn, stuck fingers in ears, back, prophet, that was the pope on the love boat, that show was about sin, that, was, a sea of light, like, forgetfullness, I gave you my Word, sang, hollie, that, was, satan, shh, Im the beast, and, the, hand, showed, to, write the vision, out of the horn, back, hey bobby, that was satan, shh, im the bear, and turned into, putin, and, rose out of moscow, that was a dragon rising out of china, black, takes, peace, off, of, the, earth, I need your testimony, said, charles walker, mercy, said, babyfleas, Im, the, main, put more visions, on, my website, pointed, its, iran, said, the, enthusiastic hollie, like a fox, licked, the prophet, glory and honor to Jesus, sang, hollie, cut me off, said, pentecostal jennifer so I can come against bob, and, have, and, hollie, out of, the horn, back, blown by Jesus, im a bear, said, the, enthusiastic hollie, putin, satan is the head, and magog is the body, like freddy krueger showed, thats north and south korea, china and japan, waved those kings, and, ten, toes, are, hu, putin, nicaragua, north korea, china, japan, brazil, chavez, showed no way, iran, and germany, work for a dollar, he said, say, no way, he will sift you for your wallet if he can, said, Jesus, hey iran, said, hollie, i am, I beat you all, u.k., is, usa, both, are, babylon, hold it, said, hollie, not, 73, and the tap dancer, hollie, and, the, pope and hu, and, fox, hollie, blew the flute, and, hollie came out with the, middle finger, back, thats, what bobby knight said, after, winning, the, national championship in 87, you can go to louisville and turn back around your God dam sign, and hollie showed, oil out of horn, back, wait, back, russia, awaken, and the bear, came out, and, growled, and hollie pointed, theres the alarm, theres trouble, and hollie licked the prophet, in persia, and he saw, three kings, arise, you know it, said, Jesus, hu, the pope, the emporer of japan, and the idol shepherd, and, hu and the pope, angry, 666, right here, born, between, both have, nukes, aimed, right at, each, other, chief indian walker take heed, I, like you, but you are not saved, get, like, you preach, and you know about it, they found it, said, hollie, there ready to close, man get out of here, said, charles ford walker, tell me about bobby knight, said, hollie, no, she, said, he is, hungering, for a, national championship again, watch, he ll get, then, retire, four, then, out, not, but, at each other, and hollie pointed, im just a bear paw, me, hu and, putin, the ram, with, the hegoat, the pope and, china, invading moscow, and, thats when, america, hits, moscow and china, and, china, claims, but, the pope goes to the, greek orthadoxed church, and makes an agreement, right here, said, hollie, to gain control, of russia, and gets, put my visions, on, the, internet, chanted the crowd, I got a spot, like, growth, on, pray about, not, operation, that, does not, get, rid of, the, problem, inside, cant you write a book, no, said, hollie, books are dumb, I need you, whatta you want, invade it, then, said, hollie, iraq, again, under, clinton, president, I war, said, both, bill and, hillary, are, trouble, makers, nope, you gonna get a cold, not, us, said, larry, spall, with, linda, they are, cut off, but, evangelize, much, make, money, off of, no, said, larry, make a million dollars, said, delbert spall, not, he, is, off, westside pentecostal church, michael jordan, you are, about to get, divorced, and, bankrupted, over, you, cheating, all the time, like, dead, earving magic johnson, aids both, now, not for david, put back, oil, not, but, use, wheres the quest, rick, joyner, is, cut, off, now, and, not, savable, to much, lucre, said, rick, joyner, over, ten, million, no, said, hollie, you shut up, said, rick, joyner, he, stole it, from, morningstar, now, rich, but, iraq, war, near, dady, can you help me, said, hollie, yeah, said, rick, here, money, from, books, tours, college, bankrupt, mj, jordan, after, your peter, said, hollie, what that say, she said, I poope, but you lust my, bowells, and, are, cut, off, seered, not, but, thats what, america, wants, whore, lets rule the world, sang, putin, china, said, hu, ortega, showed, no way, like, chavez, mike, said, putin, boldea, you are, playing, any minute, with, fire, and are about to be, burned, if, the economy, in, usa, is, im blocked, but, seek, the economys going back, meaning, 1929 all over again, hondorus, go back, said, Jesus, prophet, I cant see, said, rick, robertson, honduras, is, destroyed, by, usa, and, daniel ortega, slashed, his salary, but, everything is on, the, government of nicaragua, liar, dont go home, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia will not come, when, you want them to, so, dont waste your time, work, for, the LOrd, and hollie, out of the horn, was, lazy, and back, 1-24-2007-o my God, said, putin, america just, nuked, china, over, china, hitting, taiwan, and terrorists, hitting washington state, God is bringing this stuff out, let him talk, and you record, o my God, said, putin, hit, alaska, and, bill clinton, no way, he showed, boom, moscow, destroyed, most, of, and america, destroyed, the world reeled, china, you are, you got it, blaspheme, rejecting Jesus, and are a horn, like, putin, and, a, head, bobby, we got it, record, showed, Jesus, look, that, worldprophecycenter, developed, chinas new anti sattelite weapon is acurate, cause china is being raised up, with the help of moscow, russia is, the, beast, new russia, with, putin, as, those, ten horns, and they are, ruling party, give em to me said, the pope, and, putin, kneeling before, the, pope, hum hum, america s gitton out of order, alright, well handle it, lets rule the world, God will give them one mind, and they will give, thier, thru this prophet, at, hearing, at, senate, record, showed, Jesus, facial lines are irreversible, look at hillary clinton, raise your hands and repeat after me sang, Jesus, we get it, said, hillary clinton, president, record showed, Jesus, im prayin, bob, there ready, to, nuke, iraq, right now, tell, flames, thumbs up, ford, hollie, showed, im out, upci, cut off, when, we hit iran, watch, out, terrorism, like, hollie, pointed, all over, america, one, nuclear, on coast, and, hollie, showed, the 20 to 20 was best, whitney houston showed to record, look, that, bob, were out of, time, said, her, record, showed, hollie, with, mouth full, limited attack on iran, coming, usa, record, showed, hollie, drinking, thats, can be sin, glory and honor to Jesus, I know we ll hit it, iran, said, hollie, iraq, she, said, nuke you, bush, Im telling you dont do it, dont, said, Jesus, and hollie, you never change your oil, said, the, pope, thick and slick, keep, like, hollie, showed, sang the ministering spirits, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, record, showed, hollie, hands, on computer, mokse pointed, hollie, satan, copied everything in heaven, same o, everything, hit iran, whipping, saith the LOrd, gaza, said, the, security, guard, boom, pointed, the angel, and, iraq, both, american nukes, america, going to attack iran, raise yoru arm and repeat after me, that aint gonna get it, much praying, all, my God, record, showed, Jesus, and he saw, kings, at, a, table, lighted, and, faces, popped out, theres, hu, putin, fox, ortega, liar, castrol, dead, chavez, lula, jong, they will give thier power and strength, to, the, beast, send it over, boom, america, desolate, and, they returned, fire, moscow and china, the ram, boom, and up came, four horns, theres, hit china, said, hollie, war, said, cheney, is, no way, showed, the, american, people, they are, punking, the world, now, pay back, the pope, hu, the emporer of japan, and, the idol, shepherd, slashed pope, record, showed, Jesus, look, that, and the lighted finger pointed, right here, iran, attack, coming, by, bush, war, is coming, ready or, not, oil, thats what, its, going to be over, like, hollie showed, out of the horn, back, out, its me, back, whistled, save, back, wait, showed, hollie, out of the horn, back, iran, wants, peace, and, he, saw, the beast, with, satan on top, and, the ten toes, theres fox, lula, putin, iran, germany, hu, lula, chavez, they will give, thier power and strength, to, the beast, send it over, boom, america, desolate, hollie drank out of the horn, and back, water, record showed, hollie, hollie with nice hair, drink, out of horn, post more visions, said, hollie, carved into the stick, there are, no visions, in pentecost, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, cause, there are no apostolics, in, pentecost, like, pastor, rick robertson, hair dyer, mccormicks creek church is a social, record, showed hollie, there, im a bear, me, putin, satan, is, the head, and the pope, is, his mouth piece, and, magog is, the, body, like freddy krueger showed, and hu waved, and putin, not, but, ram, jong, and, flipped, south korea, and, japan, waved, theres, the black chariot with putin and hu, the new world, order, theres fox, lula, chavez, castrol, dead, putin, ortega, liar, hu, jong, they will give, thier, power, and strength, to the beast, send it over, america, desolate, and china and moscow, boom, from ohio class subs, war, said, the pope, brewing, over, taiwan, iran, iraq, now somalia, and, usa, planning, more, attacks, all over, putin, angering, we want oil, said, hollie, want, all, the oil, for, us, said, hollie, and bush, send it, said, Jesus, over, and, revenge, coming, from, heaven, saith, the LOrd, america, judgment, time, nuke, iranq, both, and, perish, over, saith, the, Lord, and they will, quit it, said, mrs. brad baker, im not, both, prophet, and, Jesus, said, its, me, said, babyfleas, that, was, the, black and red chariot, with, the pope, and hu, pope on the black side, and, hu, on, the, red, side, and, the, dragon, rose out of china, record, showed, hollie, the usa government is bankrupt, and, wanting, answers, the answer is, create a new minimum wage for under twenty one, and, manufacturing, will come back, three fifty per hour, and bush, tore up, put car manufacturing plants on prision grounds, uto, record, showed, hollie, thats the caspian sea sabatoge, putin, laughs, hu, collapsed, close, economy in china, and, the, heres, your total, the, sea the cia man smiled, thats, how, close, china s oil supply is, and, arabs wont sell china more, cause they are, a threat, different gods, and the c.i.a. man, showed, bush, the, traitor, of america, traded the economy, for, oil, for his, chevron, texaco, connoco, and, bush, threw it away, but, smiled, cheney to, putin, will see this, on the beep, and, the iran, power plant, hit, by, president idiot bush, that, would save, about, one million barrels, of, oil, per, month, fool, bush, is, wanting bob to backslide, bush is in trouble, cause, anger is starting to arise, over, revelations of the iraq war, hang that traitor, saddam was much better then bush,hes a lair, both, they will hit israel out of iraq, gaza, and, nuke, iraq, to, take, oil, for nothing, all, those, presidents will see this, wait a minute, mister christian, bush, assassinated, go ahead and start it, said, hollie, my nuke, not, bush is, lying, the american people did not want, iraq, or, iran, only bush and cheney, tell, said, Jesus, by republican, watch, tell those, visions, on, the, beep, and, hollie, pointed, with a face like satan, that, was, hollie, with, long, hair, and a face, like, satan, heres, ministryofdreams on the beep, glory and honor to Jesus, sang, hollie, with, the, angel, playing, the, organ, like ozzy osbourne, satan copied music in heaven, and ozzy osbourne, is, the synthesizer, and he will, they know, tell the vision, hes the rocket man, elton john, 61, married, tony blair thought, laughed, but, hands, he, didnt, care, thats how far, chinas economy is slowing down, bigtime, cause, other economies are rising, castrol, dead, soon, his brother, like, prophet, said, babyfleas, fix, it, and, budha laughed, hu will look to arabs, no way, showed, king fahd, you know what chinas got, china, has, sixty said, dumitru duduman, that fool, said, you mother fucker, but, russia is, where, they are, and he saw, they are, scattered all over, china, aimed, at, moscow, and, russia, has, many mobile missiles, aimed at china, they have foru nuclear subs, but, the missiles are, not, yet, targetable, cause of, and, hollie, came out of, the, horn, clinton, sold, obsolete technology, they can not aim cruise missiles, yet, they are, getting closer, they have a, new missile, like, the, tomahawk, that new battleship, russian, china has, is, not, sinkable, but, thats it, catch it on fire, easy, its, the bismarck, attack iran soon by bush, they will send 15 tomahawks after the syrian president, but, miss, that was a bear, angering, moscow, its, all, over, oil, like, hollie, showed, out of, horn, back, blown by, Jesus, thats, dumitru duduman, he, blew the horn, and, michael boldea, and, ann and gene schmidt came out, with, and, theres, pastor ken, they all had faces, like, satan, back, en is not saved, this prophet, was in his house, and, he, stopped, him from praying, and, telling visions, and, even tried, home church, to, God brought you all the way to watertown, wisconsin from indianapolis to, no way, to visit hand of help, gene sang, bob loves ann and gene schmidt, but, ken, they, are, just alike, pointed, the lighted, finger, usa is, babylon, and, hollie, out of, the, horn, and, back, smiling, take, those visions, to, the, interenet, didnt, the angel, hollie, say, nothing for free, work, and he dreamed, strom, waves, coming up on shore, and, walking toward, wanting to, and, God, spoke, bob, turned around, and wave hit, and putin and hu with rams horns, and the pope with the hegoat horn, what is in your heart, I comitted, blaspheme, said, and pointed, sister alice bonnett, and, take me off, git it off, take me off, im done, put it here, pointed, alice bonnett, pulpit, but, she while bob prayed, come out of him, you unclean, thing, twice, hit, be quiet, out alice bonnett, you only, in, his 30s, said, the pastors son, mr. draughn, but, he was with alice, out, both, or God will take me, said, sister alice bonnett, hang, your self or, no, said, Jesus, seek, purging, deliver, seek it, I, need you in the, room, church, but, she, wont, let bob, speak, sandra o day conner, dead soon, when bush is ready, bobby, bush is, ready, to, nuke, iraq, hate mail, only, hollie, right here, said, mrs. brad baker, is he good at music, he preaches, alice, no way, but, she, is, blaspheme of the Holy Ghost, speaker, and, bob is saved, this is what, God, goes, thru, theres, the, red chariot, with, the, pope, and, hu, the new world order, black on the popes side, and red on hus, side, meaning, black quiets the Spirit of God, and red takes, peace, off, of, the earth, and, the dragon rose out china, didnt the angel hollie fleas say, om out, so, I can do what I want, no, showed, Jesus, dont, go, to, church, I, heard, you had, some, money, God, owns, all, submarine sound, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, your one, said, babyfleas, now, git, out, of, here, said, nathaniel draugn, and alice bonnet, cover me, said, the son of nathaniel draughn, I wont said, Jesus, theres, the alarm, cut off, now, and, he, saw, three kings, arise, the pope, hu, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, slashed, and, hollie, out of, the, horn, ten commandments, keep, back, hit chicago, and, hollie, on, the, mx, missile, and the angel, boom, satan, did not, know, how to make, instruments, you liar, said, mrs. brad baker, you know what I said, said, pastor brad baker, spoke blaspheme against, the, Holy Ghost, over, bob, trapping, me, but, time, passed, and mark whobrey pointed, wife, God, written over her head, that was fire behind the whitehouse, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and the pope, is his, mouth piece, and, magog, is, the, body, thats, north and south, korea, china, and, japan, hollie showed, to, record, with, nice hair, prophet, said, the, paul mooney girl, work, record, showed, Jesus, and the finger pointed, clapping, make a joyfull noise, left, said, the angel, brad baker, continue running said, babyfleas, and get, cut off, start a sex club said, brad baker, drink if I may, said, mrs. brad baker, I did it my self, and, hollie, thought, flames, thumbs, down, harley davidson, sticker, have, your vision, hot dinners on, said, brad, baker, and he and mrs. baker hit the sack, uto, reproduction only pastor baker, thumbs down, thought hollie, showed, sticker, and hollie, come and lift me up, tell the vision, said, the paul mooney, girl, beautiful, sings, but, lost, like, demi moore, record, the, vision, look, that, feed the animals, usa, today, iraq, bush, firm on, he wants, oil, thats, the, reason, write the vision, brad baker is now cut off, said, the pope, you aint prayin, said, the, paul mooney, girl, you dont, like, me, then, go somewhere, else, wheres, more to go, people have to go, no they dont, stay home, seek, I, had, a dream, put, it, on, the, internet, record, the, vision, that, they want me, tell the vision, at, brad bakers church, and he saw, radio antenae growing over, brad, when he heard that, excited, but, knows its you, its me, celebrated hollie, and japan, took, three missiles, kuwait, showed, hollie smiling, one, iran, powerplant, boom, all of, the western hemisphere, boom, moscow and china, last chance, said, Jesus, and the lighted finger pointed, can we use your friend, said, mrs. brad baker, so, said, Jesus, I heard you use, tallywau, I did, said, brad, baker, lets go, showed, Jesus, and brad, baker, shown, lava, or, glass, city, your, choice, geo metro, hollie, showed, thought, thumbs, up, its, me, licked, hollie, back, and, brad baker, hollie, showed, to, record, he, wrecked, you got me, said, brad baker, hair re-dyer, watch, didnt the angel brad baker, say, bobby, you can eat right here, no way, said, Jesus, get him out, he said, now, close, russia is the bear, with, seven head and ten horns, and that is, the pope, let go this way bob, out, showed, brad, baker, mike, said, Jesus, work, or, perish, the, russian, tor-m1 missile, will not stop, the, tomahawks, coming, into, iran, watch, you were backslided, said, mrs. baker, no, said, brad, he, heard from, hell, not, what, said, Jesus, wrong, said, hollie, uto, brad, committed, blaspheme, against, the, Holy Ghost, accpet it, said, brad, baker, but, in his heart, only, I had an emergency, said, brad baker, hit usa, he said, and he saw, fire, on, the, behind, statue of, liberty, president, hillary clinton, they know it, bobby, said, Jesus, you are, not, thinking, like, the are, so, beware, and he saw, the pope, and the words, im the beast, im the anti Christian, and, Jesus, was on the, donkey, and went after, the prophet, that cried against, the, alter, hear, the, word of, the, Lord, and, what, he said, was, fulfilled, and there went, another, prophet, after, his, sons, told, what, happened, saddle, the ass, and, Jesus, rode, the, to, eat, and, drink, at, my house, no, cried, the man, of, God, It was charged me, saying, eat no bread, or, drink, no water, nor, turn, again, the, way, which, thou, came, est, but, he, told him, the, other, prophet, no, an angel, came, unto, me, by, the word of the LOrd, go get him, and drink, and, eat, so he went, he did not, o yes, lie, but, was, sent, and, would have, stayed, if that, prophet, was, obediant, now, here, the, word of the Lord, if, the other, prophet, said, no, then, God would have, spoke, and said, go, and we would have, so, it would have been, fulfilled, im about to eat, die, the lion, will, eat, thee, out me on the radio, said, brad, baker, get, saved, first, pastor, brad, baker, look at that, said, Jesus, next summer, said, mrs. brad baker, we will find out, about, visions, on the internet, and, didnt, the, angel, librarian, say, u.s. ole just take a minimun, not, desolation, in just, one, hour, saith, Jesus, boom, america, catching, on, fire, like, REVELATION 18, says, one hour, 1-25-2007-and hollie, out of, horn, they are, not, wanting, Jesus, charles ford walker, record showed, hollie, record, showed, hollie, and putin, showed, hu hintao the letter, no way, he showed, we will not, hit, taiwan, but, in his heart, shook, yes, record, that, hye bobby, said, hollie, prophet, its me, said, pointed, the, paul mooney, girl, work, thumbs, down, stripes, semi, hollie showed, look at that, explosions along, both, coasts, and, alaska, boom, putin, will not, fool, around with america, once they hit china, and, china, will hit taiwan, said, hu, the caspian oil pipeline, sabotoge, will, pollute, most of the caspian sea, wormwood, right there, record, showed, hollie, with, nice hair, thumbs, down, schnieder truck stripes, hollie, showed, and the world on fire, subs, attacking, tell the, vision, hollie, showed, to, record, with, nice hair, I, need, you, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble, and, he saw, three kings, rise, dont, go, there, said, putin, and, hollie, on the, m.x. missile, and, turned into, the, bear, growled, at, iran attacking america, christian, will he save, me, yeah, but, repent, I, aint, a, christian, said, the pope, your, economys, said, the, angel, out, and, the finger, pointed, that, terrorism, all over, america, the national guard, in, the, streets, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, look, at that, moscow, boom, from ohio class subs, I feel ya, said, hollie, dont, give up, said, the, woman, dear hollie, said, chief indian walker, ford, you are a not saved person, telling, people, to, get, that, way, you are cut off, bet he wont come, los angeles, tell bob, said, hollie, drew, was, open, and, america, desolate, from, russia, its, me, back, into, the, horn, blown by, Jesus, record, nice hair, hollie, look, at that, walk, drink, later, thats, me, its, me, said, hollie, out of, horn, back, in, blown by, Jesus, flames, thumbs, up, hollie, showed, theres a reason, hell is for hollie, record, showed, hollie, drinking, glory and honor to Jesus, sang, the ministering spirits, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, record showed, hollie, mokse, pointed, hollie, whats that mike, whens halloween comin, party, and, old, that, is, how, they, live, ted bundy would kill, people, both, that, he, percieved, made fun of, that was hollie, waving, the, victory flag out of the horn, back, hillary clinton, and evan bayh, mccain, will be cheneys running mate, thats, hollie, on the organ, thats hot water for hollie, it, was, me, I wanted, control, now, cut off, im the enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, raise your hands and repeat after me, theres, the alarm, and, the pope, rose, theres the black and red chariot, with the pope and hu, n.w.o., sang, the, pope, what, does, it, mean, red, takes peace off, the, earth, and, the dragon rose, out of, china, black, quiets, the Spirit, of, Jesus, thats, the, pope, were abominations said, the bronze statue geese, circled, post more visions said, the geese and kristina, record, showed, the paul mooney girl, yes, no, make up your mind, black chariots, gone, away, with, fox, lula, chavez, kim jong, thats four, and, putin, the, pope, hu, brazil, venezuela, these will give thier power and strength, to the beast, send it over, boom, america, desolate, boom, the world reeled to and fro like a drunkard, and, the sun, and, the moon, darkened, sang, hollie, war is coming, sounded the yard characters, abominations, thats, somalia, now americas, attacking, it, and, the, lighted, angel, pointed, that was china attacking taiwan, and washington state, and, hollie, pointed, with, dark robe, at, stephen hanson, in the fire, white wizards uniform, stars, wand, 1-26-2007-record showed, hollie, record, showed, hollie, that, new iraq, america, that was satan, im the beast, shh, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, again, that, we miss you said, michael boldea, it was me, said, hollie, celebrated, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, another iceberg said, captain smith, they knew, tell my visions on the internet, whose it for, me, said, the woman, ministryofdreams is for the whole world, thats the chariot, red and black, the pope, sits on, the, black side, and, hu, sits, on, the, red side, thats, the, new world order, and, he saw, nukes aimed, at each other, black quiets the Spirit, red, takes, peace, off, the, earth, china, and, he saw, the, red dragon rise out of, that, china, when you see these things, look up, pentecostals will call themselves christians, but, no signs, hit iraq again, watch said, the crowd, that, that, drink, out of, horn, back, go ahead, said, the, angel, attack, but, watch, terrorism, like, hollie, showed, and, hollie, showed, out of, horn, blew, post more visions, im, the main, ministering spirit, main says, post, post, more visions said, hollie, with binoculars, and the pope riding the black horse, and, hu, riding the red, these, will, take, peace, off, the, earth, your looking at it, taiwan, destroyed, america, nukes, china, babylon is, going to explode, says the Lord, dont believe you said jennifer, but, visions, are, fullfilling, that, was kings, in bear paws, lula, fox, chavez, brazil, putin, hu, the pope, castrol, jong, they will, plan it, I Plan it said, putin, destroy america, out of, oceans, planes, subs, Im, a bear, paw, me, thats, putin, satan is the head, and, magog, is, the, body, thats, north and south, korea, china and japan, these will give thier power and strength to the beast, putin, fox, cuba, hu, nicaragua, chavez, brazil, jong, america, desolate, and, ohio class subs, boom, the world reeled, thats, the, angels national guard in the streets, america, last, sign, and, prophet, terrorism, all over, the, u.s.a., said, the, tap dancers, and, hollie, shuffled the deck, chicago, that was hollie on the mx missile, boom, president clinton, record, showed, hollie with nice hair, look, that, that was lighted hollie, that was satan, git, it, on, tape, shh, im, the beast, thats, hollie, out of, the horn, shuffling the deck, back, thats, captain smith, on the titanic, just post more visions, said, hollie carved into the stick, and on the mx missile, driving the truck, I want, my visions, on the internet, sang, hollie, hey mike, your out boldea, jews, there are over, ten million in amexico, and, america, is, the enemy of israel, called the palestinian state, that blew it, hollie out of horn, me, cause the palestinian state is abomination, said, the crowd, that was satan, im the beast, with, seven heads, and ten horns, the pope, lula, no, he showed, the new ford mustang gt, will, go, 177, record, showed, the paul mooney girl, pointed, sunnysnet, get over it, new mustang, over, 30,000, one year later, 17000, if lucky, please promote the gospel on the internet, sang, hollie, im moodie, tell on me, she, said, you liar, said, Jesus, she goes to church, and, lives, like, she, wants, but, claims, salvation, whats your problem, I want men to lust me, at church, that, was, hollie, showed, on the, organ, theres the black chariot, with, the pope, on, the, dark side, and, hu, on, the red side, and, satan, o my God, said, putin, on top, china, will take, peace off of the earth, by hitting taiwan, and, using terrorists all over america, whose in the black chariot, theres, putin, calderon, castrol, chavez, lula, jong, they will, all destroy america, that, was, the, black chariot, leaving, and, horses turning, red, cause, they, will, take, peace, off, the earth, like, this, said, hollie, clap, stomp, there goes the black chariot, the Lords coming back to take vengence, on, the, earth, record, like, hollie, showed, with nice hair, theres the black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, half black, half red, n.w.o. duma runs russia not putin, said, hollie out of horn, back, blown by, and the lighted finger pointed, Jesus, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, and the finger pointed, lighted, praise the Lord, how are you doin, said, hollie, and, brad baker, you devil, both said, the same thing, differently, light the candle stick, said, the pope, sacrelidge, thats abomination, mary, write the vision, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, bobby, said, hollie, that was, Jesus, at, the, last, dinner, lighted, that, was, Jesus, coming out of, bright light, and coming on a clear day, and Jesus, out of, the, mouth, of, Jesus, like, light man, wait, back, I cant believe its you mr. christian sang, celene dion, tell on me, lesbian watch, record showed, hollie with nice hair, theres the alarm, and hollie, tore up the con, quest, and, the pope, rose, and, hu, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shephard, slashed, pope, glory and honor to Jesus, thats, shirley langley, that, was, satan, Im, the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, that was, satan, shh, and, hu, and the pope, 666, born at the table, that, was, multitudes in the valley of indecision, I had a dream, last night, the, capian sea, oil pipeline, boom, china, collapses, putin, laughs, theres, the alarm, sound the trumpet, and hollie out, back, hollie licked the prophet, theres the black and red chariot, with the pope, and hu, hu on the red, new world order, hollie showed, thumbs, down, flames, record, showed, the enthusiastic hollie, wait a minute mr. christian, and hollie tattood 666, and hollie poitned, and the angel national guard ran into the streets, two, america, terrorism, last sign, and, bishop james townshend, afriad, I pastored mt. bethel apostolic church, and now im lost, and know it, and, hollie, showed, thumbs, flames, ram 1500, dodge, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, president clinton coming, with even bayh, down, hollie showed, flames, you got it, said, Jesus, get out, she thought, why do you claim christianity and not saved, out, liar, that woman from mt. bethel knew, lost, theres, the black chariot, and, the pope, and hu, black and red, to, take peace off the earth, and hollie pointed, at that, and bush looked out of the plane, record, showed, showed, said, hollie, there goes the black and red chariot, and hollie showed, smiled, flames, thumbs, thought, rubbed chin, up, ford truck, there goes the black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, prophecy is being fulfilled on ministryofdreams sang gene of kiss, and hollie pointed, dark robe, at, stephen hanson in the fire, with white lighted wizards uniform, robe, stars, wand, 1-27-2007-record, showed, hollie, look, that, record, look at that, the chariot, with, the, pope and hu, the, new world order, has just arrived, part black and part red, meaning, these two will take peace off of the earth, and, quiet, the, SPirit of God, record, showed, hollie, thats, the palestinian state, and, gaza, on fire, brought in by bush, trouble, caspian sea oil pipeline, sabatoge, and, hollie, pointed, write the vision, look at that, ministryofdreams, number one, prophetic ministry, look at that, the iraq war, over, breaking oil contracts, this aint, gonna git, it, said, hollie, un authorized by God, record, showed, the light man, thats abomination, EZEKIEL 7, and the finger pointed, wo knows, its on the internet, heard you had a vision, put it on, the, internet, and, robert williams, showed, thumbs, up, tell, the, vision, trouble, said, babyfleas, and, hollie, pointed, babyfleas, said, there trouble, bush, attacking syria, iran, record, the vision, showed, the enthusiastic hollie, like a fox, record, showed, hollie, caint do it, said, JEsus, everything I want cause of disobediance, and, hollie, lighted, turn, and, hollie, showed, turn, thats, the, reason, raise your hands and repeat after me, everybodies slipping said, hollie, write the vision, turn me over to a reprobate mind, so i can do what I want to, but, I, still, go, to, church, and, claim, salvation, harlots, america, tell me what, a, harlot is, raise, your hands, and clap your horns, false christians, and, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, thumbs, thought, down, stripes, van, and the, chariot, black and red, with, the pope and hu, these will take peace off, the earth, and, the black, quiets the Spirit of Jesus, in, the, north country, and, the red dragon, rose out of china, and, the, woman, rode, tell, the, vision, the, dragon, with, many heads, the g8, and the pope, had the, ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, theres the tap dancers, with the pope and hu, fox, lula, chavez, kim jong, putin, hu, and, the titanic, hit the ocean, almost straight up, bottom, it sounded like, nuclear, explosion, and, hollie, hit, the, cymbol, and hollie, out of horn, blown by hollie, work, for, Jesus, back, there, goes the chariot, tell my vision, taiwan, destroyed, thatll draw america, nuke, china, prophet, pointed, the paul mooney girl, record, showed, hollie, cant stop it, trouble, from coming, but, be ready, write the vision, and the lighted finger pointed, theres the alarm, and, he saw, the pope, rise, and, hu, and, the emporer of japan, and the idol shepherd, slashed, pope, final vision, said, hollie, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, tell me the, vision, said, the enthusiastic hollie, theres, the alarm, hollie, showed, thumbs, up, van stripes, theres, the alarm, theres, trouble, and he saw, three kings, rise, the fourth was richer, they are, the, pope, emporer of japan, hu, and the idol shephard, slashed, and the lighted finger, pointed, pope, john know presbyterian church, go colts, on the sign, america is false christians, thats the reason, judgment to america, record, showed, hollie, get ready for nuclear war, and hollie, prophecy unversity, and, hollie, pointed, bennet, alice bennet, come out of him you unclean thing, and hollie, showed, good afternoon, and hollie showed, rubbed, china, heard you hit, it, said, JEsus, iran, nuclear, plant, bush, record, showed, hollie, and, hollie, out of, the horn, work, back, its me, back, horn, I heard you had a vision, put that vision on the internet, russia is the bear, with, seven heads and ten horns, heard you had a vision, put that vision, on the internet, celebrated hollie, Im out, said, hollie showed, 1-28-2007- pastor Terry P. Gobin is cut off, no sings, national guard, will be in, the, streets, usa, last, sign, and robert williams, lost, theres the alarm, record, showed, hollie, that, no, said, hollie, the, hegoat, the, pope, hu, and, putin, raise, your hands, and, repeat after me, russia is the bear, sang, Jesus, and, he saw, them, planning, out, americas demise, putin, hu, jong, fox, lula, chavez, ortega, putin, pointed, out of, oceans, cuba, nicarauga, mexico, planes, subs, and, hollie, showed, flames, thumbs, down, mustang, did, you, ever, loose your life, is what, the, angel, Jesus, said, the, enthusiastic hollie, showed, to record, and hollie, showed, theres the alarm, record, showed, hollie, putin, dont, take no for an answer, on, iran, help, or, war, weapons of mass destruction are in iraq, american, record, the, vision, said, the paul mooney girl, tell the vision, record, the vision, showed, hollie, look at that, said, the, tap dancers, the, red and black chariot, with the pope and hu, what does it mean, these quiet and take, peace, off, of, the, earth, theres, fox, lula, chavez, castrol, ortega, putin, hu, pope, jong, these will give thier power and strength, to, the, beast, send it over, said, the pope, and, hu, n.w.o., america, desolate, there, goes, pointed, the, chariot, with, the red and black, horses, and hollie, came out of the horn, work, for Jesus, back, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, that was satan, shh, wait a minute mr. prophet, and, the, lighted, Jesus, pointed, and hollie whistled out of horn, back, work for the LOrd, whistled hollie out of horn, back, whistled, back, bush is, going to, hit iran, real soon, mokse, dome, revival temple, that, was, satan, shh, im the b, e, a, s, t, sh, trouble said, hollie, and he saw, three kings, rise, hu, the pope, the idol shepherd, and, the, emporer of japan, the, red dragon, rose out of, china, rock and roll said, the pope, thumbs, down, stripes, truck, hollie, showed, tell him you cant, stop it, said, hollie, sinning, ask for help, theres the alarm, south korea, said, the, angel, of, the LOrd, what, said, hu, hit, by, the, moscow, and he dreamed, that he, was, at a, table, with, mr. and mrs. royce fields, and they, tried, to, act, like, not, interested, but, were, and, with, alice cooper, and, was, trying, to, be, friend, but, alice, not, interested, stay, away, 1-29-2007-theres the alarm, theres, trouble, and he saw, three kings arise, hu, pastor david l. mccolley is cut off, no signs, theres, the, alarm, theres, trouble, and he saw, him, warning, david mccolleys church, while they had a prayer meeting, in the other room, God, showed, me, the iraq, war, will end nuclear, and, about, two months later, america, being, destroyed, im a bear, me, my russia, and america firing on moscow and china, that aint gonna do it, said, the angel, the people, frightened, but, none, repented, record, showed, the, angel, the, united states, is, on, fire, u.k., boom, france, italy, the seat of the beast, boom, and, the pope, went to the greek orthdoxed church, and, signed, for, 666, after gaining, control, of, russia s, nuclear, arsenal, with hu, and, he, saw, them, signing, hu and the pope, its, all, over, taiwan, and, he saw, china, attacking, and, terrorism, all over, america, record, showed, hollie, iraq, nuclear, gaza, forsaken, thats, the, palestinian state, back here, both churches, think, theres, the, alarm, theres trouble, and he saw, the pope, rise, with hu and the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, slashed, pope, theres, the chariot, black and red, the pope on the black side, and, hu, on the red, and the red dragon, with, hu, riding, rising out of china, whitehouse, clinton, watch, record, showed, hollie, there are no visions in pentecost, sang the ministering spirits, and hollie like a fox, licked the prophet, cause, there are no apostolics, that was babyfleas with a face like satan, record, showed, hollie, hollie and pastor david mccolley, there goes the chariot, with lula, fox, chavez, putin, kim jong, ortega, these will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over said the pope and hu, america desolate, and hollie, pointed, glory and honor to JEsus, sang hollie, its iran, syria, boom, by bush, cheney pushed, theres, the chariot, with, satan on, top, the pope, and, hu, theres, fox, lula, putin, jong, ortega, chavez, these are the ten horns, theres the alarm, thats a bear, putin, satan is the head, magog, is, the body, thats, north and south, korea, china, and, japan, record, the vision, showed, the, enthusiastic hollie, take care of yourself, like hollie showed, out of horn, blown by Jesus, and, the finger, lighted, pointed, michael said, JEsus, and, the angel michael and gabriel showed, to record, boldea, cut off, that was hollie with a face like satan, shh, theres the submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on, boom, hollie, showed, the world, that, that was, brother stair handcuffed, falsely charged, and the lighted Jesus pointed, look pointed, hollie, and hollie out of the horn, brush your teeth, back, blown by JEsus, hit the cymbol, and the enthusiastic hollie licked the prophet, that was hollie on the mx missile, that was satan, shh, im, the beast, that was the dragon rising out of china, that, was, the eye of the LORd, prophet, record, showed, the, paul mooney girl, that, theres, the chariot, with the pope and hu, new world order, black and red, this takes peace off, the earth, quiets the Holy Ghost, there goes the chariot, with putin, fox, lula, chavez, castrol, jong, ortega, hu, looking out the back, thats, the, hegoat smiting the ram, when america hits moscow and china, four horns, will, rise, the pope, hu, the, emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, slashed, pope, that, was, satan, im the bear, popes image on finger, 666, born at the table, hu and the pope, eat like hollie showed, out of, horn, back, caspian, boom, sabatoge, im a bear, me, putin, satan is, the, head, and the pope, is, his mouth piece, 1-30-2007-record, showed, Jesus, work, said, hollie, out of, the, stick, carved, and, hollie, showed, pointed, lighted, record, showed, hollie, that, people, beating up on JEsus, over, link, record, showed, Jesus, and, Jesus, and, Jesus, throwing bob out of the ministry, killing all day long, is what that is, record, showed, Jesus, gaza will not be forsaken long, cause, I will, cast judgment, bob, dreamed, underneath ship, that, had a hole in it, went by, propellar almost hit, meaning, you can not save a sinking ship, want more visions, and hollie, licked, the, prophet, on my website, said, the, tap dancers, and, hu, and, the pope, were two of them, theres, the alarm, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is prepared, record, the vision, and, he saw, the, beast, rise, out of, the sea, pope, and, hu, the, false prophet, 666, born between, to , both have nukes aimed at each other, put my visions, on the internet, said, Jesus, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, that, record, showed, hollie, with nice hair, write the vision, showed, hollie, and, hollie, showed, the washing machine, and dryer, and, making car repair, this is heaven, this is hell, lava, or, glass city, record, showed, hollie, that, post, carved into the stick, didnt the angel Jesus, say, warning, taiwan said, Jonathan Hansen, destroyed, that was budha, will he save you, that was hollie, tap dancing, that was castrol splashing hell, theres the, and the lighted finger pointed, red and black chariot, with, the, pope, and hu, what does it mean, these will take peace off, the earth, and, he saw, nukes, aimed, at, each other, china, and, moscow, we, know, thats the president, putin, that was the, two headed serpent, the pope and hu, theres, the, submarine sound, and, subs, sneaked up on, moscow, china, and, america, boom, and hollie, pointed, JEsus, came, then, the world shook, there, really hurting in australia, and, the lighted finger, pointed, cause, president, howard, was, in, on, iraq, oil contracts, breaking, theres, the, pope, thats, the, anti christian, there goes the red and black chariot, with fox, lula, chavez, castrol, ortega, putin, hu, the, pope, jong, these will lets rule the world, give thier power to, Ill send it over, there, said, the pope, and, the, lighted, hand, let it alone, pointed, the pope, the ford bronco 2, they are, no good, compared to the jeep, mr. president hillary clinton, and, hollie, tore up the, con, spirit, there, goes the chariot, with, satan, on, top, and, the, beast, with, ten toes, hu, putin, jong, ortega, castrol, thats hollie tap dancer, that was medicine, handed by a, bear, gums, healed, record, the, vision, showed, hollie, and, JEsus, pointed, touched, put more visions, on the internet, said, the, crowd, record, showed, the, enthusiastic hollie like a fox, theres paul mooney girl, pointed, that was, satan, im, the bear, shh, hey said, the LOrd, make your calling and election sure, and hollie licked the prophet, record, hollie, showed, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, and, the pope, was on the horns face, with, hu, and, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, and, three horns, fell, up showed, the pope, gas, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, record, record, hollie, showed, and, ken pingleton invited bob, but, didnt really want him to come, so God, and, bob, wanted to, and, hollie, turned into, the silhouette, smiling, record, hollie, showed, and complained, and, prayed, and waited, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, and, the tip of south america exploded, record, hollie, showed, and, complained, and, waited, record, hollie, showed, record, hollie, showed, that, pointed, hollie, and, showed, the recorder, that, ufos on michelle dulins website, avoid, that, and, the angel, showed, to, record, cmon, lets pray, lets, do it, he said, and, lighted, pointed, and the pope, with, 666, on his forehead, and hollie turned into the silhouette, and the lighted finger pointed, your battles here, and, hollie, tore up the con, spirit, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, and, the lepricon with the popes image and hu s image, in, his hand, 666, on his forehead, and, bret sears, record, hollie, showed, and, complained, and, waited, and the pope, in, the horn, and hu, and, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, rose, and, the other three horns fell, allow me, said, Jesus, look, post, and hollie, showed, to, record, the vision, and, the, angel, showed, wait, north korea, limited strike, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, and, hollie, tattood, 666, born at the table, you know, to keep, hu and, he saw, missiles, aimed, at each, other, and, the pope, from, destroyin each other, there you ahve it the king of greica, and the south, record, the vision, hollie, showed, no, said, the girl the paul mooneys church, and pointed, with a lighted, golden finger, enough, no, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, im pregnant, bob made last call, I knew she said, im pregnant, and dont know, who the dad is, many, face, this, same, delima, and, the men, wanted, to get, and, he saw, O, ill wear a rubber, the man, can, and the girl from paul mooney church, pointed, go thru one, like, and he saw, and, they, want, to, that, was, the, jamica, will burn, sign, and, the girl, from paul mooneys church, pointed, and, he saw, saudi arabia, take, a hit, from, and, china, japan, let me see here, taiwan, north america, the tip of south america, and latin america, he wants you to pray, like this, with your heart, leave me alone, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, church of glory, pastor, edwards, donald, l., cut off, no signs, lets go, even though, I, got it, she wasnt listening to you, is why, she, said, I knew, it, you didnt, we, got it, no, dont, go, to milwaukee, what van, and, the lighted, pope pointed, this one, do you know who I Am, no, said, the girl from paul mooneys church, im the King of Kings, and the Lord of lords, and judge judy will see this, I, can do, anything, lets wreck, thats, what, the churches want bob to do, so, be like us, said, pastor danny thomas, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, brought in by, bush, you know it, said, hillary clinton, to, steal iraqs oil, bobby, right here, ronald elliott cut off, no signs, controls, the sevice, thinks, hes, being, used, preached about, not compromising on the alter, but, has never prayed thru, to the Holy Ghost, check your oil, with your hands, hollie showed, thick and slick, keep, and on level ground, like the emporer or japan, showed, will he save, me, yes, but, you have, to, record, the, vision, look, pointed, hollie, record, the vision, hollie, showed, hell, hollie, flames, record, showed, hollie, that, walk, 1-31-2007-record, showed, JEsus, and, rick joyner stunned, his book, right here, for, free, record, showed, JEsus, winona ryder, lesbian, and hollie showed, record, that aint, cute, like, prophet, thinks, and, the, man, laughed, thats, the, vision, winona, being fisted ryder, on top, no pregnancy, no, said, JEsus, on back, reporduction only, record, showed, the, paul, mooney, girl, that, work, carved into the stick, record, showed, JEsus, o tyre is what, is left of moscow, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, magog, is, china, north and south korea, and, japan, otyre and magog were the ram, china and russia, but, after, america, attacks, then, tell me the story said, hollie, this is the event that brings JEsus back, america, moscow and china, attacking, each, other, thats babylon and a fire sent on magog, and he saw, thier eyes sinking in thier holes, nuclear, and hollie showed to record, with a face like satan, record showed, hollie, work, while it is, still, day, we, want, you to come, right here, cirlced, the geese, france, boom, u.k., boom, the balkans, boom, italy, boom, thats, the, seat of the beast, hu is the other beast, and america, on fire, from, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and the pope is his mouth, and, magog, is, the body, thats, north and south, korea, china, and, japan, what, did, you run for, said, larry spall, you did, said, linda, run said, JEsus, you knew said, the man, from, lawrence apostolic church, said, terry long, thank you the man, said, your kidding, not, said, matthew ball, and hollie, parties over, the man, said, stick around, said, JEsus, I, want him back, said, hollie, record, showed, hollie, look, that, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the bear, record, showed, hollie, that, now, wait a minute mr. christian, the balkans, boom, france, italy, boom, thats the seat of the beast, record, showed, hollie, that, china, china, is magog, otyre is moscow, what does he want, said, rick joyner, somebody wrote me, he said, leave me alone, he said, but, why are you, president, clinton, what, is, your, reason, to be, worshipped, by, people, leave me alone, said, hollie, work for the Lord, back, horn, hollie, blown by Jesus, out, hollie, out of the horn, and, back, that was hollie, on the missile, and hollie, dealt the cards, theres the black and red chariot, with the pope and hu, satan, on top, n.w.o., out said, hollie, upci, go take a bath, and, go, like hollie showed, out of horn, back, record, showed, hollie, look at that, france, boom, balkins, boom, record, showed, hollie, record, showed, hollie, record, showed, hollie, york stereo, thumbs up, one dallar, record, thumbs down, thought hollie showed, and the world on fire, subs, nuking, there goes the black and red chariot, with, fox, lula, chavez, and, brazil, they will, putin, and hu, and the pope, give, thier, power and strength, to the beast, send it over, said, the pope, america, desoalte, and, china and moscow, boom, from, ohio class subs, with, the pope, and, hu, theres, the alarm, and, the, pope rose, and hu, and, the emporer of japan, thumbs up, flames, there goes the chariot,
Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and they said, and I saw scenes lots of times while going on: 7-27-2008-iraq will end nuclear clapped the tap dancers, hollie, let me show you, something, said, hollie, with, thats alome aleem, said, hollie, its awesome, said, sandy, soumb, hollie showed, picture, both, beasts, theres hu, hollie showed, git away from me, pope, hollie showed, come on, they signed, 666, hollie watched, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, folded, tada, opened, both beasts, hu, hollie showed, fighting, like king, hes magog, casey, showed, nuclear explosions, china, japan, and emporer of japan, shrugged, open fire, he said, world shakes, hollie showed, picture, with, and, who did I see, she, said, new world order, appeared, theres hu, hollie like king, fought, gabriel, showed, up, JEsus, coming, that was food in trash, famine, said, hollie, coming, u.s.a., hollie licked prophet, bear showed, number one, im russia, said, bear, number one nuclear power, by far, said, Jesus, hey bob, look, at, here, said, Jesus, nuclear explosion in, hollie said, its high in the atmosphere, america, I aint the main no more, said, hollie, on, its uh grain mill, she said, behold, showed, picture, showed, of new world order, maybe om over, said, hollie showed, who me, said, wanda turner, and, barbara golder shakes yes, bob said Jesus, showed the beast with seven heads, ten horns, out of order, said, hollie showed, dreams are night visions-visions recieved 5-15-2008-I saw maybe gabriel and he was like light face, and he said something like, "you know when you dream", and I saw the words, "night vision", appear. 7-21-2008-you know what jeremy did, said, hollie, he stole the name said dee finney, ministry of dreams said, Jesus, i created, removes ruint, taylor, d.min, drunk said reverend jeremy taylor, not called, but preaches anyway, like all pentecostal pastors, hollie showed, lecturing, like all d.min, s, not saved, but pastor any, way, hollie licked prophet, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, then, no, then, yes, clapped, from, behind, she, said, clap, this economy, clapped, hollie, its, collapsing, hollie showed, record me, she, said, hollie showed, buick electra, its, excellent, car, smoked wheels, hollie said, its 455 put out 450 horsepower, submarine sorry, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, waved, its ohio class, she, said, fired, missiles, many nations of the world destroyed, thats, said, hollie, the owner of indymac bank, he ruined many, over, 500, some, lost, 300,001, dollars, he, knew, long ago, make money, he, said, sell mortgages, pay high interest, get, deposits, close, it will hurt america, f.d.i.c., thats the marine corp., out in the streets, u.s.a., caspian sea oil pipeline explodes, three hours after, casey, watched, missiles, coming for america, moscow, china, world shakes, let me record, said, hollie, thats the alome saleem, said, hollie, let me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft, she, fired on d.min jeremy taylor u.u., said, Jesus, for taking the name ministry of dreams, lost miriams well first, thats alome salome, said, hollie, leave it alone sound, she, said, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, theres that submarine, said, hollie, waved, ohio, class, thats alome salleen, said, hollie, licked prophet, record the vision, said, hollie, thats beast, she, pointed, now, raise your hands and repeat after me, she, said, both beasts, hu, pope, thats lamb, hollie looked at horns, out, hu, hollie held nose, fought, emporer of japan, out of other, hollie fought, its cause they exchange nuclear missiles, thats explosions in china, japan, then, large, huge, said, hollie, in japan, absorb it, said, hu hintao, taiwan, said, hollie, looked, thru telescope, hollie showed, out, showed, fighting, taiwan, is not china, and, he, saw, it, said, hollie, beast rise out of red china, putin, said, im gonna git outta here, killed by new russian leader, tell me who the beast is, said, hollie, its, pope, going to russia, its, out of g8, said, hollie, bush woman, I am God, said, pope, out of italy, putin, having, ruling party, thats politburo, said, hollie, ten crowns, and pope out of one, two, said, hollie, hu comes out, then, hugo, hollie showed, fighting, lula, held nose, hollie showed, time out, and, casey, high in the air, watched, hegoat smite ram, america, moscow, china, nuke each other, russia hits, all nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, and, australia, destroyed, like, italy, great britain explodes, thats, my, cat, said, garry, streeval-casy woman, in submarine, and, missiles, came out, world shakes, up rises beast, you know who it is, said, hollie moody, with, alome saleem, its sound, said, hollie, and, hollie showed, fighting, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, showed, record, with, that was alome salome, said, hollie, sound, again, said, sandy, that was hollie flying in sub, tear up, restore, agin, rip, it was con, Spirit, said, hollie, alome salome, said, hollie, thats, it, git, thats the grim reaper, said, hollie, with, hollie, showed, inside, laughed, and, grim reaper, collects souls, hollie flying, pope, rises, theres hu, hollie showed, fighting, thats both beasts, record, the, vision, said, hollie, 7-22-2008-hollie showed, record, submarine, soun, said, hollie, hollie like, silhouette, hollie showed, record, like, cat, lectured, like all phd s, wheres your alome salome, said, hollie, gabriel, showed, record, hollie, like, cat, pointed, theres uh submarine, sorry, said, hollie, waved, its uh ohio class, she, said, fired missiles, world shakes, hollie like silhouette cat, turned, normal, back, showed, popes, picture, tear up, rip, restore, said, hollie, theres, hu, rip, they, sign, for, 666, hollie showed, record, hollie, pointed, explosion, angel on lightening bolt, showed, u.s.a. economic collapse, submarine, soun, hollie pointed, it, rained, submarines, angel like uh fire angel, said, hollie, showed, record, that was hollie like a copter, said, hollie, letting out gruver, hollie out of megaphone, showed, peace and safety, start one, you know bush and gorbachev, said, henry gruver, signed, for, was missiles reduction, that, theres uh alome saleen, said, hollie, that was b-52 stratofortress crashing, their to old to be flying, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, submarine, soum, said, hollie, hollie like cat, showed, popes, picture, tear up, said, hollie, rip, then, silhouette cat, showed, picture, pope, hu, who are they, said, hollie, she thought, new world order, that was new world order tap dancing, hollie showed fighting, that was pope, he fought with hu, showed missiles being launched out of china, russia, striking, each, other, they sign for 666, hollie held nose, hugo chavez, lula, showed, fighting, with, america, russia, stages, subs, fire on u.s.a., and, america, fires, back, hits cuba, nicaragua, hollie showed, fighting, thats eight, they are, hu came out of horn, pope came out of horn, theres hugo, said, hollie, lula, iran, cuba, nicaragua, venezuela, brazil, kim jong, there you have it, and, fox, ten kings, they give thier, kingdom, to me, said, putin, let me rule the world, he, said, china, hollie saw, strikes taiwan, hu on red horse, pope rode, the black horse, sang, hollie, hollie showed, said, hollie, played the music, said, hollie showed, thats marine corp. said hollie, in streets, u.s.a., caspian sea oil pipe line explodes, last signs, let me rule the world, said, putin, that, said, hollie, what did, you, say, that, for, hollie said, hollie sat, on, mokse, in the center, she, said, right here, said, pastor willie duncan, said, carolin, golden dome, alome sorry, said, hollie, brother hansolot missouri said, hollie, it was uh dream, she said, showed, cut off, sh, she, showed, joseph, said, woman, in dream, thats farris, shut up, showed, hollie, steven steven, sang alice cooper, with jeff knox, place 2.4 chrysler engine in truck, called it, my taurus, he said, bob, and jeff, laughed, jeff showed, placed another, like that, he said, showed, bob says, drive back and forth to work, asked many times about mileage, asked, would it get 21, jeff, says, yeah, said, irish, davidson walking, bob dreams, many people, singing, few at a time, said the night wind to the little lamb, do you see what I see, hollie to the rescue, bob dreams, with pastor charles finnell, heard, bobby, look at his skin, hes unaccountable, and he saw it, said, hollie, charles, finnell, smile, like angel, hollie tattood 666, tore up, put back, rip, hollie like cat, showed, beasts picture, hollie tear up, restore, hollie like cat, showed, picture, of, submarine, tear up, fired missiles, world shakes, up rose angry pope, hollie like cat, licked prophet, turned, silhouette, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, showed, 1952 ford fairlane, its excellent, spun tires, hollie sang, like nazareth, then, judas priest, wheres he goin, she said, hell, and he saw, said, hollie, judas priest, its thier lead singer, said, hollie, in, lake of fire, I aint off said bishop paul bowers, sh, showed, hollie, dont, said r.h., dun, can, both, are william ellis, lost, like byron johnson, hes steven thompson, who is elder jesse russell, they are karen jefferson, all lost, but, we pastor said derek jefferson, like johnny james, hes the doctor, but, not, witch, he said, lets see that, he said, they are, sh, said, george stearnes, dont, show it said george, hes, lost, never, 7-23-2008-hollie showed, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world, shakes, write the vision, said, hollie, and, who did he, see, she, said, it was beast, pope, sh, said, hollie, showed, record, tear up, fix it, she, said, hollie sang like nazareth, now your messin with uh son uh bitch, she, sang, he told me to sing like nazareth, Jesus, said, hollie, submarine sorry, said, hollie, its uh ohio class, she, said, showed, picture, record me, said, hollie, record the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats it, yelled, hollie, the united states will be attack, ed, said, hollie, Jesus, high in air, is casey, then, candy morelli, same, they are lesbian, she sees, shakes yes, squirts, om going to get cut off, she says, record, the vision, said, hollie, danced, like, nazareth, in white robe, hollie looked thru telescope, out hollie showed, tear up, put back, rip, showed, fleas, outlaws Jesus, come here, he said, put bob, 883, said, hollie, high above america, look here said outlaws, Jesus, subs, all, around, america, fired, america, said, Jesus, exploded, up, came, woman, out of fire, hegoat smites ram, america, moscow, china, nuke, each, thats uh cat, said, hollie, in, ohio class, hollie showed, picture, taught, with stick, showed, on board, subs, staged, by venezuela, mexico, america, fires, on, venezuela, mexico, cuba, nicaragua, brazil, all, exploded, n.a.t.o. g8 nations struck, russia strikes, them, australia exploded, from, two, said, hollie, italy, exploded, france, burns, great britain, hollie showed, angry, thats, it, tony blair orders, britain launches, casey, watched, seventeen multiple warhead missiles on moscow, america strikes china and russia, thats the submarine soun, said, hollie, up, rose, beast, theres hu, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, thats it, pointed, hollie, showed, horn grew last, on, ram, and, who did he see, hu come out, russia out of other, captain mochihiro hashimoto, what did he do, said, hollie, hes the one that sank, she, said, murder, said, Jesus, all, involved, and the whole sub celebrated, but, cut off over, and u.s.s. indianapolis survivors, know, tear up, fix it, said, hollie, with, its soumb said sandy, music played by hollie showed, lighted bear paws, thats him, pointed, hollie, putin, pope grew like uh flower, hollie looked thru telescope, out hollie showed, laughed, thats hollie like copter, letting out henry gruver, it was peace and safety, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, bush, gorbachev, sign start one, taking nuclear missiles off surface ships, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, this economy slipping, said, Jesus, america, indymac, word, said, hollie, appeared, said, hollie, destroys f.d.i.c., submarine, soun, said, hollie, look, she said, showed, picture, subs heading for america, moscow, china, by venezuela, exploded, brazil, boom, thats chinese, america, burns, up came woman, brazil, usa, destroys, africa, exploded, from, middile, said, hollie, china, nuked, like, russia, Jesus, looked, thru, telescope, out, new hollie, cnn, iraq, nuked, hollie hides, why did iraq, get nuked, said, hollie, bush, grunts, place your hand on detector, said, prophet, bush grunts, I brought war in to steal oil contracts, yanked hand off, bob dreams, bob, you, and curses him, why suffer needlessly, and bob said, im not suffering, over another proposed war, iraq, hollie showed, record, todd hall not saved, but he pastors, said, hollie and Jesus, hollie showed, record, I would have stripped you of your salvation after I got you in prison if you would have walked in circles, paul would say its for the furtherance of the gospel I had to learn to live for God in a rage cause he tortured nonstop thru manifold temptations, 7-24-2008-no, said, fleas, hollie shook, yes, showed, no, beast grew like flower, its the g8, said, hollie, hu popped out, theres new world order tap dancing, showed, hollie, theres pope, hollie showed, fighting, hu, they signed for 666, theres brazil, hollie showed not willing, todd hall sees, shows, stripped, git outta here, he, said, with horace smiths voice, you will seek me and not get thru, said, Jesus, to thomas griffith, hes the mastermind, said, prophet, of, joseph farris s church, theres hugo chavez, and, angry hegoat smote ram, america, moscow, china, nuked each other, theres cuba, hollie showed, undecided, nuked by u.s.a. for allowing sub, russia fires there, nicaragua, waters, both, destroyed, by, america, and, more subs, by venezuela, destroyed, fired on america, africa explodes, hollie showed, here, in the center, and hollie like cat, watched, missile streak, from, china, hit taiwan, japan, and, venezuela, america, nukes, china in half, and he saw, it, said, casey, china, burn, up, rose, pope, and, woman, came, out, of, burning america, the sun, moon, blocked, for 16 hours, that, said, hollie, leopard, china, north and south korea, japan, hollie showed record, clapped, hollie sang like nazareth in white robe, tore up, put back, wrote the vision, that, said, hollie, showed, war, italy took two missiles, exploded, returned, three, russia, struck australia, two exploded, they fired eight, russia burns, like, france, and, great britain, they fired back, Oscar Schneider steals and alters ministry of dreams creates ministry of sound, wants dreams, but sees, the world shook, up rose the beast, said, hollie, bobby, record, me, said, hollie, dont tell me about new york city, said, hollie, thats gabriel in the headlines, hillary blew out, hollie showed, record, hes, out, said, hollie, in ring, tino smith, why, what do you do, she, said, and, he, saw, said, casey, pastor tino smith with dyed hair preaching God will expose if you dont do right, he pockets tithes, offerings, they all do, saith GOd, thats alome saleem, sound, said, the main ministering spirit, my name is hollie, she, said, on grain mill, that, pointed, hollie, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shaking, up rose pope, theres hu, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, that was hollie like uh bear, licked prophet, that was hollie like a copter, letting, out, gruver, hollie out of his mouth, tear up, played, piano, back, hollie sat by bob, and behold, she, said, screen, pointed, that, was, new missile, said, hollie, fired from north korea, striking russia, then, south korea, then, china, russia fires, destroys north korea, then, hollie watched, u.s.a. from a sub, she, said, strikes, north, it was conventional, dmitry medvedev, shows, no way, presses nuclear button, thats 50 missiles heading for america, subs, around, open fire, that was alome salome, said, hollie, wrote the vision, touch my body, said, sissy, hollie showed, record, pope, grew like flower, and, hu, japan, slash, idol shepherd, theres my submarine, said, hollie, showed, picture, its ohio class, she, said, fired missiles, world shakes, hollie showed, record, lectured like all u.u. ministers, they are not saved, clapped, hollie, stomped, put back, hollie showed, record, hu hintao rides red horse, taiwan explodes, casey, high in air, watched, missile from china streak, hollie like uh cat, showed, pope, hu, picture, opened, new world order, you know who it is, said, hollie, sat on MOKSE, its in the center, she, said, golden dome, right here, said, willie, duncan, 7-25-2008-hollie saw, bismarck and, the hood, she, said, what did the captain say, sink, both, bismarck ruint hood, hollie tore up, fix it, thats alome salome, said, hollie, Im uh screaming spirit, hollie, alome salome, said, hollie, licked prophet, im uh bear, said, hollie, licked prophet, pointed, right here, said, bear, you know who it is said putin, record, showed, gabriel, in, headlines, and, what, did, he, do, said, hollie, hillary blew out, thats hollie like copter, double beater, letting out bush, gorbachev, signing start one, thats peace and safety, left, that was red dragon with pope, the g8, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats hollie like copter, letting out gruver, start one, peace, and, safety, hollie out of megaphone, tore up, fix it, said, fleas, hollie showed, record, God, showed, a city, opened, hands, it was new jerusalem, said, hollie, like, uh, stacked, city, high and tall, she said, hollie showed, record, look, said, hollie, look at me, said, hollie, hollie showed, fighting, hugo chavez, cuba, nicaragua, hollie showed fighting, venezuela, brazil, russia, hollie showed fighting, north korea, mexico, hollie showed, fighting, hate but cling, that is emergency, said, hollie, alome salome, syria attacked, iran hit by, casey, watched, u.s.a. sub, hollie showed, turn, 7-26-2008-hollie like slihouette, cat, im going to show you a picture, said, hollies, showed beasts image made alive, on, picture, with lighted, bear paw, take it, said pope, the mark, and live, tear up, she, said, fix it, hollie showed, turn, go, hollie like silhouette cat, im gonna show you a picture, she, said, hollie threw out the false prophet, hu, then, both beasts, hollie showed, turn, im uh bear paw, said, bear, hollie laughed, thats putin, bear licked prophet, bear showed, russia, said vladimir, they are not wanting, him there, now, with, dumitry, said, putin, they are, not wanting both, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, let me fix it, restore, rip, fix, it, agin, that was hollie, tore up, hollie with lighted bear paw, showed, then kings, showed, fighting, theres hu, she, said, showed, eating, they are starving in iraq, pope, emporer of japan, hollie showed, tear up, she said, we aint warm enough, said, hollie, furnaces are using oil, and nuclear explosions, iran, kimg jong, hollie showed, let agree, brazil, they want oil, both, chavez, mexico, nicaragua, cuba, hollie showed, put up your dukes, she said, they all want americas oil, after, and he saw it, said casey, missile, strike, all, many, from, u.s.a., horace, said, Jesus, want bob know, and he saw it, said, casey, horace smith in lava, let me git to hell, he screamed, hates, punished, but preaches, lost, like wanda a. turner, saith God, there you have it, putin, ten kings, that was two missiles, said, hollie, striking taiwan, from, china, casey watched, hollie showed, turn, that was Jesus in the Fire room, said, hollie, door opened, hollie showed, record, new revelation, said, pope, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats alome sorry, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, this is amexico, showed, hollie, with uh stick, on screen, she said, pointed, exploded, pointed with stick, magog, subs, exploded, africa, australia hit, cuba, venezuela, italy, france, world shakes, up rises beast, there hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, submarine soun sorry, said, hollie, no, said, fleas, hollie shook, yes, showed, picture, tear up, restore, hollie showed, red light cameras, watch, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, hi, said, hollie, pointed, cuba, nuked, from, us, she said, u.s.a., that was Jesus pointing up, hollie showed in atmosphere, subs attack, laughed, world shakes, up rises pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, submarine sorry, said, hollie, showed, picture, of, its ohio class, she, said, fired missiles, world shakes, hollie showed out of horn, blown by hollie, showed, Jesus pointed, thats o red and black chariot, with pope, hu, pulled by angry horses, that, said, hollie, jumped in back, that was james tyson pointing gun, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, lectured, get ready for uh famine, said, woman, hollie showed, record, licked, bear said, thought, im the bear, hollie like cat, showed you a picture, she, said, rip, pope, showed, hu, tear, fix it, hollie showed, record, im cut off said showed ezra bufford, china, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, magog on china, and, dragon rise, its the g8, said, casey, that was angel out of lightening bolt, showing Lambs Book of LIfe, like lighted book, flipped, now, your messin with uh son of uh bitch, sang, hollie, danced, like, nazareth, it was start one, said, henry gruver, like a giant, peace, safety, behold said henry gruver, showed, bush, gorbachev, and he saw it, said casey, gorbachev showed cut off, for, signing, missile reduction treaty, scene folded up, hollie like silhouette cat, turned, normal, let me, she, said, tear up, fix it, said, hollie, no, said, fleas, yes, shook, hollie, let me show you uh picture, she, said, showed, fighting, its new world order, hollie, pulled up, sleeves, theres pope, hu, hollie showed, blew whistle, out, those two, are the beasts of REVELATION 13, hollie pointed, pulled up, sleeves, showed, feuding, hugo, castrol, hollie showed, mingling, people having sex, russia, said, hollie, Jesus, sprinkled, arise, awaken, said, hollie, she, showed, sh, devour much flesh, let me rule the world, said, putin, me showed dumitry Medvedev, no, he said, let me said, putin, dumitry shoots, to fire missiles, on usa, 7-28-2008-Jesus showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed turn, alone salome, said, hollie, you need to let me record, said, hollie, bob, its, in, the, Book, said, hollie, Bob hickman written in LAMBS Book of Life, let said gabriel, this economy, he said, sh, he showed, bankrupt, its cause bush, gabriel, said, prophesy said, gabriel, its because Frederick Hyche that judgment is coming to amexico said hollie, and Howard Culbertson, false pastors, false teachers, false religious leaders, I can tell you what you want said Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, Fred Hyche show empty pockets, Lord gonna change it, said hyche, let me pastor, church failing, hollie tore up, put back, from behind, she, said, clap, hollie showed, the, popes picture, faded, theres hu, she said, showed, posting, thats the two beasts, hollie tore up, fix, dont tell me about south korea, said, gabriel, and he saw, said, casey, south korea explode, thats what I want, said, kim jong, launches, casey, showed, on russia, china, south, his oil gets cut off, caspian sea oil pipeline exploded, sabatoge, casey, wiped lips, russia, did, allowed, casey, showed, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, the world shakes, hollie like a cat, let me show you a picture, she, said, opened, submarine, hollie turned into silhouette, then normal, clapped, he saw, said, casey, look, she said, nuclear fire balls, thats what you want, said, Jesus, judgment to canada, cnn tower, with nuclear explosion behind, two, america opened up like uh map, said, hollie, nuclear explosions, tear up, fix it, said, hollie, rip, that is the con truit, said, hollie, tear up, twist to the side, from behind, said, hollie, spun, to, front, spin, seven oclock postion, rip, spin, five oclock, not, seven, its the concious she tore up, the united states will be a desolation said Jesus, hollie on top of red and black chariot, with the two beasts, the pope, hu, pulled by angry horses, hollie jumped in back, showed, tear up, they hate but cling, hollie showed, fighting, its new world order, thats hu hintao, king of magog, with kim jong, he, nukes russia, china, south korea, and, south korea and emporer of japan, are, magog, that was lighted bear paws, tear up, spinning, pointed, russia, websites up, websites down, clapped, hollie, showed, that said, hollie, pointed, hollie showed, seek Jesus, he said, hollie like a cat, showed, backyard on fire, nuclear explosion over america, gabriel, showed, cut off, Howard Culbertson for speaking blasphemy cause prophet wrote about remove the name Howard Culbertson stole and altered to change later, ministry dreams, Howard Culbertson wanted to change later to ministry of dreams, runs to remove and, at southern, said, hollie, nazarene university, they laugh, 1-31-2009-it was uh dream, said, hollie, nuclear war, said, hollie, dreaded, let me record, said, Jesus, pope rose, theres, hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol, pope, hollie showed, record, had, golden lighted hands, explained, record, the, vision, said, hollie, showed, go, hollie showed, record, you aint gonna let me, record, said, hollie, wiped lips, hollie appears, showed, sleep, record, said cecil tingley, hollie shows beast rising, its, pontiff, bob, submarine sorry, said, hollie, showed, sub, with, putin, fired, missiles, thats, all, nuclear, g8, n.a.t.o. nations burning, and, missiles from striking russia, exploded, pope, rose, hu, hintao, holllie, I closed, it, up, tada, she said, showed, sleep, hollie showed, record, sleep, hollie showed, dream, bob, was at paul, otis, church, and his son behind pulpit, otis jr. goes up to preach, walks behind pulpit, and another man walks to another pulpit, dressed like gay man, tall, started talking while paul, otis, jr. is talking, and paul, otis, sr., yells, barney, barney, and, barney keeps talking, and bob and paul leave, at same time, bob, wanted, out, cause of, paul, otis was angry, bob laughs, knows, 2-13-2009-mister christian, said, hollie, now look, she said, its, the, dreamtime, movie, show, cancelled, she said, thats, bob williams showing cut off, trembles, hollie, shows, put back, tear up, and, restore again, dream, said, hollie, showed, hollie, put back, rip, but, not all the way, that, was, hollie, wiped lips, pope, with, many heads, and, hu, hollie, said, popped, out, theres, lula, mexico, chavez, jong, nicaragua, castrol, give it over to my brother, said, fidel, raul, signs, if, Ill get, he said, putin, smiles, medvedev, give me your land, ill, said, president of iran, wiped lips, give you my wells, and, germanys president, shakes, yes, agrees, thats, n.a.t.o., bear, rises, with 3 ribs, and who are they said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, hollie said, i am God, said, pontiff, hes, hollie, wiped lips, antichrist, hollie said, wiped lips, and cecil tingley, shows, yeah, she said, thats, im the beast, said, vladimir, putin, with, seven heads, pope, appears, it was, hollie said, dream, bob, with, donald, golder, sees, barbara, and, tells, things go on, kisses, woman, on guard, then, passes, donald, you put my name on that website, said, golder, bob, says, God tried to make be speak blasphemy against Holy Ghost for not putting charles finnells name on, goes, back to guard, waiting for, intruder, sees, woman, wants, doesnt, kiss, bob, sees, lambert gates preaching, doesnt say, then with, they like, bob, helps, gets, scripture, finds, looses, cant, get, only LUK, for LUKE, but, gives, talks to gates, it was uh dream, said, hollie, night vision, 4-8-2009-thats, said, hollie, cecil, get outta here, said, her, man, hes, showed, cut off, both, tingleys, vladimir putin is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said hollie, and Jesus, theres, hu said, hollie, mexico pops out of lighted head, cuba, thats, raul, lula, chavez, kim jong, nicaragua, there you have it, hollie showed, ten horns, with popes face inside, theres medvedev, and, putin, its, ruling, party, said, hollie, and, Jesus, ten kings, brand new warning, said, hollie, snapped fingers, and tada, kicked, turned, you know, said, hollie and cecil tingely, from behind, snap, Konstantin Ternianov steals ministry of dreams, thats, antonia vladimirova, bobby, we take, she said, both run to remove the name I spoke ministry of dreams, hollie showed,, its she said, held nose, it uh trap, she said, its because witchs, said, hollie, thumbs down, hollie, showed, that, planet of the apes, it, made, millions, thats, them, creating man ape, costed what it made, like titanic, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, its, putin, im the one, he, said, mexico, comes out of lighted head, theres, castrol, lula, chavez, kim jong, nicaragua, said, hollie, exploded, like, thats hollie placing nuclear fires along latin and south america, its from, hollie said, im uh bear, said, linda spall bear, thats, captain, hollie, prowling, in her, sub, said, Jesus, fired, missiles, the world shakes, exploded, that, said, hollie, is, MYSTERY, BABYLON, that, said, hollie, woman coming, that, said, hollie, out of, fire, hollie, showed, subs, that, said, hollie, all, around, that, said, hollie, u.s.a., fired, hollie, points, snaps fingers, thats, Edward L. Wheeler, appearin, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, showed, cut off, thats, Edward Wheeler, of wheeler mission, said, Jesus, showed, cut off, that, free, ride, when you see, said, hollie, its right said Edward L. Wheeler, showed, smiling, hurt, in heart, bob prays for, he openly, smiles, but, knows, thats Edward L. Wheeler showing, not ever, been, saved, but, leads, c.t.s., its witchs, said, hollie, missiles, that, said, hollie, u.s.a. exploded, that, hollie said, thats, interceptors, that, said, hollie, Christian Theological Seminary, that, said, hollie, and that, said, hollie, offers bob employment, bob dreads, that, said, hollie, wants to drive big rig again, that, said, hollie, bob driving semi, that, said, hollie, pulls whistle, hollie whistle blows, and what was my hollie whistles, message, said, hollie, and her, Jesus, hollie whistle, that, he said, put out, Edward, Wheeler, that, said, hollie, is Edward Wheeler pocketing from, donate said Edward Wheeler, donations made, thats Edward Wheeler shrugging, hes, lost, but, pockets, rich, now hear the word of the LOrd, when you see it, said, hollie, thats, Edward Wheeler trembling, watch, his free, career, close, that, said, hollie, is Edward Wheeler leaving Christian Theological Seminary, bobby it because that, hollie said, hes, cut off, knows, blows, uhnome saneem, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, submarine somby, said, hollie, surfaced, its akula, that, said, hollie, agin, she said, that, fired, missiles, and that, smiled, hollie, and look who it struck, said, hollie, that, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, alome alome, its, hollie, on rope, smiling, sandy, wiped lips, prophet hickman, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, same o tellsite, same o pocket, same o computer, same o website, sang, hollie, man, appeared, tear up, said, hollie, and fix it, rip, its from, behind, she said, Jesus showed, cut off, its linda, hunt, now, old, dying, stroke, hunny, she said, but, her, larry, hunt, bye bye, said, linda, its another, stroke, dies, 1-26-2009-let me post, said, hollie, showed, shut up, people see, they are, hollie, looks, angry, cause, Jesus, gets, you, tortured, all day, and night, scares, and he saw, said, casey, Jesus, laugh, hollie rode the rocket, it was to, she said, mos, cow, boom, landed, and, vladimir, said, Jesus, this is warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, let me record, she said, and, I showed you that, she said, showed, swallowing, be quiet, said, hollie, no, she said, but, she, shook, yes, turned, behind, she said, back, showed, tada, im thru with, it, clap, horny, said, hollie, everybody is, said, woman, put it under, thats why america is the whore, said, hollie, seered concious, hollie said, and everybody wants, youth, sex, said Jesus, its Thomas Barnhouse, for taking, said, cecil tingley, the name, hollie said, world prophecy center, claims, thats Thomas Barnhouse showing, i own, he, steals, and, is lost, will, perish, sees, when ya look, said, hollie, and he saw, pointed, casey, Thomas Barnhouse looking at visions, trembling, release world prophecy center, said hollie and Jesus, now or ruint, thats Thomas Barnhouse removing, both, ruint, Thomas Barnhouse altered world prophecy center to world prophecy centre, said Jesus, ruint, he said, I knew said Thomas Barnhouse, hes rev. jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollie, who steals, both, and he saw, dee finney, grunt, bobby, we got your name, we take, she said, let me record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, said cecil tingley, what happened to me, said, hollie, praise the Lord, she said, git, said sandy, pool, but john mark pool, why whats he done, said, hollie, its ministry of dreams, she said, steals, thats john pool, smiling, hurting, deep inside, said, hollie, bobby, wont you go on, he said, but when you stole, said, hollie, its my name now said reverend john mark pool, thats, him, pointed, hollie, your laughin, she said, thats, john mark pool, let me see, said, sandy, pool, them, said, hollie, in, lava, sandy knee deep, I aint gonna read it said sandy pool, my beloved said her dady, john mark pool, in waist high, said, hollie, lava, both, cut off said sandy pool, when you see, said, hollie, they will, remove, said sandy pool, bob puts in guest books, but, when they had ministry of dreams, ruin him said sandy pool, yes shakes john, mark, pool, its dirty, said sandy pool, movies, she said, but, the still, act like it said hollie, stand in pulpit, let me see, shrugged, her dady, said, hollie, john mark pool, hollie, how can we git uh-hold of you said sandy pool, I wont write him, said, john pool, we dont need him, he said, wants, his sandy pool, lost, said the Lord, its the g8, said, vladimir, said medvedev, putin, pointed, and medvedev, wipes, lips, together, its cause, im the beast, said, putin, pointed at self, hes, the, hes not the antichrist, said, sandy, pool, its, medvedev, appears, putin, smiles, pope, showed, im the one you want, he said, with director, said, Jesus, jim garrisons voice, hes, the, beast, said, the Lord, antichrist said pontiff, its cause me said hu hintao, hes, the, false prophets, and putin-pope man smiles, thats, nuclear explosions in china, russia, then, hu, and japan, rise, thats, hollie, pointing, like, lamb, with two horns, the higher one came up last, said, sandy, pool, its, you know who it is, said, hollie, wiped lips, china, they signed, the mark treaty, said, antichrist, pontiff, with, mans voice, thats, them, rising, them, drive out, git outta here, said, pontiff, they, hollie wipes lips, claim most of russias land, then, pope, ride, casey, points, black horse, into, flatter, he said, them, gets, arsenal, thats, putin, wiping, lips, you know why I let him, he said, points, at me said dmitry medvedev, putin, smiles, wipes, lips, I like his smile, vladimir, said, dmitry, said, Jesus, put putin, out, thats, dmitry wiping lips, you know said, Jesus, medvedev, wipes, lips, yeah, i do, he said, shoots, ill kill, does, presses, the nuke, button, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, hollie, russia, many missiles, striking, leaving, moscow, hitting, usa, france, said, hollie, it, putin, smiles, exploded, thats, pointed, hollie, let me see, she said, had, stick, thats, the bear, she said, showed, on, its uh board, she said, showed, with, stick, russia, strike, thats, the bear rise, with 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, thats, hollie wipes lips, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, they are, she said, plucked, up, then, attack, hollie showed, record, said, cecil tingley, and he saw, said, casey, bobby, that, said, hollie, pointed, its, hollie wiped lips, kim jong, pressing, the nuke button, strikine, hollie wipes lips, bobby, you know who they are said the steven stargardter-jim garrison man with john mark pools voice, uto, said, rev. john mark pool, north korea strikes, russia, china, south korea, let me take this said john pool, does, calls, 911, git outta here said sandy pool, does said john mark pool, thats, russia, putin, smiling, pressing, the nuclear, button, russia, destroys, north korea, and usa, sub, strikes, north korea, hollie watches, no, said, medvedev, hollie shows, record, Jesus appears, hollie appears, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im, thru, with, it, shook, yes, spun, from behind, she said, clap, showed, lighted, bear, paws, tear up, she said, and, fix it, spin, from behind, she said, bobby, let me said, the Lord, showed, hands, with nails, I did, this for you, what have you done for me, and smiling john mark pool, close ministry of dreams, he said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor says, yes, mine shows dee finney, they ran to remove, after i ruint them, said, Jesus, 1-27-2009-china is magog, said, hollie, that is, my, main, she said, its, im, moody, she said, bob its cause, china will not, hollie said, accept, Jesus, said, taiwan, under, our rule said the false prophet hu, thats, chinese missile, hollie said, flying, streaking thru the sky, striking, taiwan, exploded, bobby, what are you doin, said, hollie, they say, let me record, said, hollie, and I showed, you that, she said, laughed, its the beast, said, pontiff, with seven heads and ten horns, thats, seven lighted, heads, and, who are they, said, hollie, who did he see, thats, she said, pointed, the president of mexico, poping, out, theres cuba, said, hollie, hugo, lula, putin, smiling, out of yeltsins, boris, hes, the one, she said, that signed for the ram, thats, putin, with two horns, hollie, showed, they are, russia, china, coming, out, thats, pope, like, hegoat, smiting, thats, russia, china, nuking, each, when they, see, said, hollie, no, said, man, you mean im lost, said, man, im, thru, he, said, now I dont want it, he said, now, old, said, hollie, shushan, said, man, hollie pointed, hollie rings bell, thats smiting, said, hollie, hegoat, hit the ram, she said, thats, Jesus, wiping lips, pope, appears, thats, putin, hu, coming out of the horns, said, hollie, china, the, higher grew up last, hollie, said, its, magog, thats, pope, with, horns, striking, killing, destroying, stomping, hollie shows, fighting, thats, pontiff, watching, nuclear fires in russia, china, then, they, rise, like a lamb, said, hollie, thats, lamb, hu, poping, hollie said, out, with, japan, lets sign, the, mark, treaty, said, beast, thats, 666, being born, and, hollie wipes, lips, thats, pope, gitty up, he, said, riding, the black horse, said, hollie, into russia, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, thats, hand, pointing, china, strikes, thats, missile, streaking, taiwan exploded, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing, in, 3 ohio class subs, missiles striking, showering, said, hollie, china, hollie, saw, it, explode, tada, she, said, in circle, round, she said, thats, gog, the beast, pope, on, bobby, git cell phone, hollie, said, or buy uh laptop, she said, thats, hollie, points, subs, all, around, from, high in the sky, said, hollie, missiles, from, subs, strike, america, explode, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, sang, happy, hollie, had hands in pockets, alright bobby, lets, git, back, said, horace, smith, with, dr. michael, mitchells voice, shut up, said, joyce meyer with angie rays voice, you, knew it, she, said, shook, yes, and, he, saw, said, hollie, joyce meyer show cut off, thats what I want, she, said, when, you look at it, said, angie ray, trembled, she, said, hollie showed, record, that, she said, thats, hollie, leopard, smiling, thats, hu hintao, poping out, hes, false prophet, north and south korea, emporer of japan, bobby, then, they, separated said, hollie, thats, nuclear explosion coming out magog, said cecil tingley, thats, pope, drive them out, he said, thats, call it sanome saneem, said, hollie, thats, it, she, said, hollie showed, record, clapped, hollie, and hollie spins, its uh new behind, she, said, clap, showed, gog, said cecil tingley, both beasts she said, gog, magog, thats, false prophet, antichrist, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie, in, the fire, that, he, said, hollie, showed, its, uh, yamaha, she said, cr-820, said, cecil tingley, it, said, hollie, jamms, that, said, hollie, it, she said, was, gabriel, checking, wires, in van, hot, means, dont fool with it, said, gabriel, theres trouble, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, pope, rise, theres, hu hintao, hollie said, showed, rolled up sleeves, come on, she said, lets fight, they, sign, the mark treaty, said, hollie, you know who it is, she said, showed, tada, smiled, its, YAMAHA RECIEVER NATURAL SOUND CR-820, its, hollie said, buy, unbeatable, but, low, end, power, only, hollie shrugged, its, only, about 55 watts per channel, 1-28-2009-hollie showed, record, hey you, she said, and he saw, said, casey, Billy Powell point at self, thats Billy Powell praying asking Jesus to save, but, I wanted tour, he said, put it under, said, hollie, watch what you do said sam neill, bob, let, record, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you, that, the beast rising said hollie, hollie, said, cecil tingley, hollie showed, pontiff, hes, anti, said, hollie, Christ, put it under, said, hollie, showed, watch what you do, she said, thats, the, alome, said, cecil tingley, saleavin, hollie said, shushan, said, prophet, hollie watches, thats hegoat smiting, ram, thats, beast, false prophet, said, cecil tingley, coming against, each other, said, cecil tingley, thats, four kings rising, pointed, cecil tingley, bobby, shes free, said, Jesus, hollie points, bob, said, Jesus, south america, he, said, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear, explosion, huge, said, hollie, in brazil, hollie showed, south america, with, many nuclear fireballs, and, the scene folded, up, hollie, said, bob, said, hollie, showed, record, thats it, hollie, showed, fighting, hollie said, thats, hu, hintao, hollie said, tap dancing, its, mine, he, said, looking at pope, pontiff, shows, no way, rides black horse to russia, thats, italy, exploding, and, hollie like angry bear, in, submarines, Jesus sprinkles, whispers, and he saw, said, holie, no, that, was kristina, hollie said, bear, rise, Jesus, throw, like, powder, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o., destroyed, and missiles, coming back, many nations, exploded, arise, devour much flesh, thats, bear, growing, and nuclear explosions in italy, france, great britain, australia, america, exploded, said cecil tingley, look at that, pointed, hollie, the woman, arising out of the fire, you know who it is, said, hollie and Jesus, its, the woman, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, hollie points, its our dear, she said, statue of liberty, and with, bush, has, sword, put in hand, Jesus, looks, thats, missiles, from, all, exploding, in, russia, world, shakes, prophesy, said, hollie, douglas heller appears, whatta you want, hollie, said, steal, douglas heller said, and, ron tompkins wipes lips, its ministry of dreams, said, hollie, its, right here, she, showed, on, douglas hellers website, ron tompkins letter, copyrighted in 1993 with ministry of dreams included, ron tompkins wrote letter and placed false copyright, thats, ron tompkins looking at, I made you look, said, hollie, ron tompkins works for harvard university, for harvard medical school, now I dont want it said ron tompkins, he stole said hollie, to ruin GOds servant, now hear the word of the Lord, run and hide douglas heller and his ron tompkins, but I the LOrd will destroy you both, out in public, just watch, you will both loose your positions, thats the reason I didnt want it said ron tompkins, points at the website, being ruint, thats ron tompkins showing cut off, its the letter, said, hollie, you fool said doug heller, both, ruint, over, taking the name said dee finney, ministry of dreams, and he saw, said casey, the website ministryofdreams, hollie showed, record, drink, beast rising, theres hu, she, said, hollie showed, putem up, she, said, fight, they hate but cling, thats, hegoat, getting ready, to, charge, and, nuclear explosion in russia, hollie showed, much destruction, showed, world with many countries burning, hollie showed, the ram, with putin and hu coming out of horns, medvedev comes out of putins, then beast, the one whom they will not, honor, but, flatter, said, pope, china is magog, bobby, said, hollie, appeared, with, four kings, hollie leopard, laughs, showed, hu hintao, hes the leader, she, said, false prophet, emporer of japan, rises, like a lamb, thats, hu, japan coming out of horns, hollie summed it up, showed, north and south korea, kings, thats the leopard, and he saw, said, casey, wiped lips, hollie points, at, nuclear fire, ball, in south, korea said the hu hintao-kim jong man, like said Jesus, hollie sums, you dont want no more visions said, hollie, he told me, she said, hollie appears, hollie showed, p.a.w. usher, detail, thats, it, hollie said, showed, where to hold your arms, hollie, said, hand on back, pointed, hollie, and, horace smith, let me look at it, he, said, laughs, take it off, hollie laughs, doing the usher, said, Jesus, and, hollie, appears dressed nice as usher for grace apostolic church, showing people to seat, then, standing, up, looking, serious, woman from horace smiths church, laughs, when you see, said, hollie, and she looks at, trembles, hollie seat people with white gloves on, then, stands, waits, you dont hear the preachin, hollie said, he said, hollie shows changing address, at post office, with a different coat on, showed, write the vision, come, on, says, pastor Jerald Freeman, bob says, no, Jerald Freeman saddens, I dont want to break down on the way, its not worth, Id love the fellowship, hollie shows, different churches in indianapolis, Jerald thinks let me pastor, but, wont, he was wanting to pastor bob, thats, Jerald Freeman looking at bobs picture, thinks, im, above, he said, but, lost, that was cymbol beating, hollie plays drums, both beasts appeared, hollie shows, theres hu, pope, gog, magog, hollie like a silhouette, its jeremy, she said, showed, hes, cut off, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, how much money has he made, said, the prophet, over, and reverend jeremy taylor, let me look at it, he said, shows, over, 10 million, but, thats d.min jeremy taylor u.u. showing cut off, im jung, he said, thats, dreams worker, thats, said rev. jeremy taylor, soothsayer, said dr. jeremy taylor, he, pockets said his kathy taylor, tax free, thats, the reason said kathryn taylor, i live off of it, she said, devils, said Jesus, witch, showed, the, car, its, excellent, 300, 000 miles, if you take care of, hollie showed, record, china, said, Jesus, and, hollie, beats cymbol, hu appears, thats, what, I, want, he, said, taiwan, thats, missile streaking, pointed, hand, taiwan, explodes, thats, three ohio class subs, surfacing, showering china with trident missiles, many fireballs, in, china, that was pope rising, from, sea, you didnt want it, said, hollie, playing music, you didnt want it said, hollie, playing music, saddam hussein, but, five minutes before hanging, wow a fool ive been said saddam hussein, now in lava, we need him, said, president george bush jr., to lobby, hes just, thats, nuclear explosions in gaza, iraq, its, cause, bush, george bush sr., invaded, iraq, saddam invaded kuwait cause, its, said saddam hussein, kuwaits got money, we, need, he, said, that was judgment on kuwait, its right there, said, Jesus, invade kuwait city, saddam does, thats Jesus whispering to george bush, lets hit iraq, bush, does, thats saddam hussein laugh with george bushs voice, that was hollie, out of wilma martins ring, said, hollie, that, and, I saw, the, beast, rising, hollie said, that, theres hu hintao, said cecil tingley, hollie, and, I summed it up, hollie showed, fighting, thats, beast with seven heads and ten horns, its, said, Jesus, new world order, mexico pops out of lighted head, theres lula said hollie, thats hintao, putin, pope comes out of his, and medvedev, castrol, kim jong, hugo chavez, nicaragua, there you have it, showed, hollie, put back, I summed it up, she said, tear, spin, I showed reeling, turned, tada, smiled, more, tada, its, uh, smoke, screen, said, angel, hollie points, like, uh, she said, silhouette, gabriel, appears, hu, hintao, hes magog, pope, hes, gog, theres, presidents of mexico, kim jong, nicaragua, castrol, lula, hugo chavez, said cecil tingley, thats, hollie showed, new world order, thats, dragon rising, said cecil tingley, MOKSE, said, hollie, high in the air, she said, showed, the dome, on, me, pointed willie duncan, on top, of, his church, dont believe it said r.h. duncan with jim garrisons voice, and that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, thats, horse standing in snow, I dont get cold, horse said, just give me feed, thats horse eating hay, they dont like it said, hollie, but, hollie tore up, clap, spun, kept, oil, said, Jesus, that, is, leading, to armageddon, said, hollie and cecil tingley, and he saw, said, hollie, nuclear explosion, thats, israeli prime minister pressing the nuke button, egypt, jordan, syria, exploded, thats, beast being slashed by hu hintao in israel, with thier armies, and, many die, thats, horse, in blood, up, high, its the horses bridal, said kathy taylor m.a., with, the, crowd simb, thats many people, voices, its iran, said, cecil tingley, exploded, its, she said, wiped lips, turkey, thats, pointed, hollie, nuclear explosion, its, from, she said, us, pointed, medvedev and putin, you know why I smile, said vladimir, said medvedev, hes, fool, vlad, thinks, put back, tear, from, new behind, said, hollie, looked, turned, bob dreams, said, hollie, comes, out of place, glass, doors, sees, larry, hunt, standing, there, hollie and Jesus, said, hes, going, with, its cuba, said, woman, and he saw, pointed, casey, cuba, covered, by, said cecil tingley, smoke, its from us said medvedev, he, and, vladimir, said, Jesus, do it, he said, its uh dream, said, hollie, night vision, said, happy hollie, 1-29-2009-let me record, said, hollie, and I showed turn, with the alarie, sign, said, hollie, thats, the, beast rising, said, hollie, with the alome, said, JEsus, tell Jesus, said, hollie, wiped lips, its, said, sandy, hollie showed, record, thats, the alome, salome, said, hollie, and Jesus, its, said, sandy, wiped lips, simb, the marine corp. out in the streets, said, Jesus, tell, the vision, sang, kelly, thats angel marine corp., last sign u.s.a., thats nuclear explosion in middle of america, you dont want no more visions, thats, what you show me, said, two hollies, with, uhnome, saneem, soum, b, thats, hollie, to the rescue, said, hollie, riding uh horse, with uh blue sweatshirt on, thats the pionner steam engine, said, hollie, at the bottom of the ocean, theres to said, hollie, they fell off of barge, back in, thats, Jesus, watching, 1861, git ready for shushan, said, Jesus, thats hegoat ready to charge, gitty up, said, hollie, and, thats, the, ram, hollie, said, theres putin, hollie smiles, hu, coming, out, of horns, hollie tapped the stick, thats it, u.s.a. economic collapse soon said, hollie, with u.s.a. emergency, sandy, shows, simb, tear up, put back, rip, thats, the, Father in pioneer locomotive, said, hollie and Jesus, thats got uh 12 inch woofer, hollie measured, and he, saw, white Spirit come out of audiocoustics laboratory xr-210d stereo speaker, back, looked, hollie, flyed, the old m.i.g. jet said, hollie, with, its simb, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, thats hollie firing, missiles, thats many nuclear fires in nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, hollie sang like ashley, there aint no visions in pentecostal apostolic cause there aint no visions in pentecost said hollie, with simb, hollie showed, record, whoever gots the vision, said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, Father in pioneer steam locomotive, let me record, said, hollie, and, I shut up, she, said, licked prophet, hollie showed, saudi, said, singer, and, he, saw, said, casey, saudi arabia explode, thats, hollie watching missile from u.s.a. sub, 1-30-2009-here, said, hollie, douglas heller, said, Jesus, hey bobby ill pay you, he said, but, to late, 60 minutes, after, like illinios governor, hes, guilty, but, thats him, shrugging, did nothing wrong, said, Jesus, here, said, doug heller, hollie spoke, for, take, 60 bucks, that stands for 60 minutes, live on 60 minutes douglas heller removes ministry of dreams, hey bob, he says, I gotya, he said, but, smiles, hurts, in heart, here, said, hollie, take money, go, but, bob, says, remove, then, Ill go, and to his kevin j. shaw, said, Jesus, here, said, hollie, pay, but, thats kevin shaw showing cut off, hes doug heller, you didnt want it, said, hollie, leave me alone, said, car, we dont feel no temperature, he said, and, dodge aries k showed the beast, its, gabriel, wipes, lips, pontiff, theres hu hintao, said, car, the whole united states, said, Jesus, hollie, closes, it, up, write the vision, said, hollie, thats ron tompkins stealing ministry of dreams, I saw it on his site, said ron tompkins, and ron tompkins places ministry of dreams on letter copyrighted in 1993, ron tompkins placed ministry of dreams on letter in 2007, and sent to springfield commisioner douglas heller, thats it, said, hollie, another, hollie, screams, leave me alone, she, said, im, a screaming spirit, she, said, why am I screaming for, she, said, that, is hollie, like a copter, he, said, letting out dmitry medvedev, putin, pope, these are the three kings that rise in persia, pope said, medvedev said, im the beast, pointed, at self, more kings appeared, and I summed it up, said, hollie, and I closed, it up, she said, opened, saw, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, hes the second beast, hollie said, closed, opened, showed, fighting, website said post, said, hollie showed, sh, shut up, when douglas, she said, heller writes, be nice, to him, hes, and he saw, said casey, doug heller showing cut off, hes wanted, said, angel, by f.b.i., left, showed, raul castrol, hollie showed, fighting, will you let us use your land, said, medvedev, raul castrol, if you will agree, put it right here, said, raul castrol, aid, said, Jesus, medvedev signs, castrol leaves, hollie showed, fighting, and I opened up, she said, showed, kim jong, hes, the, reason, for, war, said, medvedev, thats, pointed, hollie, with glove on hand, nuclear missiles leaving north korea striking russia, putin wipes lips, hurry git in here, he said, medvedev, alright, ill shoot, ill handle it, they both said, thats, medvedev, troubled, firing, two, nuclear topol-m missiles, north korea exploded, and south korea and china, explode, from, its from the north, said, hollie, hes, dead, now, chavez appears, hollie showed, fighting, lets do, said, chavez, ill give you, he said, then, showed, no way, thats, big nuclear explosion in venezuela, thats brazil, exploding, lula, shakes, yes, if you agree, he, said, we, do, said, medvedev, signs, thats, nicaragua, president shaking yes, dreading, hollie, showed, nicaragua exploding, missiles from thier waters striking america, thats usa on fire, crucify said Jesus, crucify, sang, hollie, that, said, hollie, car, says, keep it running, explained, start it up, every, few, days, said, car, vladimir, car said, hes, the, antichrist, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, its, putin, hes eighth, and of the seven, its, thats, putin, wiping lips, points, the pope, putin, says, thats the antichrist said hollie, its the pope, coming out of the beast said putin, they, give, thier power and strength, thats, pontiff, hes, idol shepherd, behold, said, putin, lets rule, said, putin, pointed, the world, showed, nuclear fires, in, countries, hollie, appears, with, the world, tear up, put back, clap, spun, clap, more, showed, hands, taiwan, said, Jesus, casey, points, burning, thats, hu, hintao, riding red horse, hand, points, missile from china strikes taiwan, exploded, hollie waves, surfacing in three ohio class subs, fire missiles, china exploded, thats, hollie showing china burning, alaska said hollies, casey, points, nuclear explosion in alaska, many more missiles heading for america, alright, said, president clinton, with advisors, presses nuclear button, thats Father pulling whistle on old pioneer steam locomotive, it went like this said, hollies, whew, you lost your eye, you lost your arm, your the idol pope said Jesus, idol shepherd said hollie, he has his tea like everybody else said hollie, clap, from behind, she spun, thats, hollie, playing the music, hollie said, you did not want no more visions, he said, thats, people worshipping the pope, china, bob, that is magog, said, the screaming spirit, and, hollie, leopard laughs, right here, she said, showed, four kings, hu, emporer of japan, north and south korea, hollie sums it up, hollie showed, record, and, I summed it up, she showed, hollie screamed, you know she said, Im uh, she wiped lips, uh screaming spirit, hollie showed, record, hollie appears, fired, its, from, m.i.g., she said, missiles, hollie showed, record, thats, all, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, hollie wipes lips, and the bear, putin, arises, 2-1-2009-that, said, hollie, was, writing, hand, she said, on, the wall, in, cloud, she said, hand, wrote, lairs, they, are, witchs, not saved, but, pretend, hollie showed, record, showed, the beast, theres, hu, said, hollie, and, I summed it, up, she, said, I dont want you to do that, said pastor, dont tell me what to do, said, hollie, it scares said pastor, closed, let me record, said, hollie, thats, the alome saleem, said hollie and cecil tingley, thats, hollie, acting like, pope, laughed, with the emergency sound, she said, its, the, economy, said, hollie, with, hollie, thought, alome, sanome, she said, thats, pastor, thomas reed, bobby, show me said Jesus, and he saw, said, hollies, thomas reed pocketing tithes, lucre, said, Jesus, thats what I want said thomas reed with mrs. reeds voice, and hollie plays music, thats the reason, he said, bankrupt u.s.a., appears, hollie shows record, hollie, shows record, just leave me alone said the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, leave him alone, sang ministering spirits, you dont want no more visions, thats what your showin me, said, hollie, that what God said, she said, what are you waiting for, said, hollie, post, showed, fist, thats, the, Father in old steam locomotive, said, many, whew, pulled whistle, left, bobby, while thiers mercy, said, angel, that woman is young, will die tonight, cause, somebody will anger, no sex, in hell, no, thats hollie with that o loose belt some, said, many, submarine, right here, said, hollie, showed, putin, in, its akula, fired, missiles, thats, australia exploding, great britain, france, italy, then america, exploded, thats, world, shaking, and, almost, 800 missiles heading for russia, exploded, thats, pope, beast, rising, thats Father like soldier, in, steam locomotive, pulls, whistle, whew, hollie shows pioneer steal locomotives falling off barge, 1861, and Father, in pioneer, its, uh, great, said, hollie, now resting in atlantic ocean, hollie showed, record, hollie, showed, record, showed, beast rising, hollie laughs, you know who it is, said, hollie, pope, theres hu, hintao, emporer of japan, slash, pope, iraq agin, said, Jesus, casey, points, two nuclear explosions, hollie, leans, on, one, thats barack obama pressing the nuclear button, hollie played the music, said hollie, jordan, agin, said, hollie, casey, points, nuclear explosion, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, syria, egypt explode, thats, hu, and, his armies, and, pope, and his armies, hu slashes pope, then, thats, putin, pressing, nuclear button, israel explodes, Christ places beast, false prophet in fire, thats it, said, hollie, and, hollie, showed, appears, hollie showed, record, hollie plays pipe organ, we are the pipes from the pipe organ, said, whew, that, was, hollie, pipe, organ, blowing, that was, yellow lights, said, hollie, in the dark, room, its, two, late, for, carl jung, said, hollie, carl jung is in lava, thats carl jung burning, china is magog, said, hollie, and, hu, she, said, appeared, theres, emporer, right there, she said, japan, north, south, korea, thats, hollie Seraphim, flying, cherub, said, Jesus, thats cherub, not uuh, said, hollie, its, uh, Seraphim, flying, with heads, turning, thats, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns said, pope, and who are they said, hollie, thats him on dragon with mexico, cuba, nicaragua, china, venezuela, brazil, north korea, popping out of lighted heads, thats hollie to the rescue, tear up, with lighted bear paws, rip, spin, thats, it, said, hollie, wrestle, with, spun, tore, clap, raised hands, thats, it, she, said, spun, pope riding black horse, mashed, back, tear, that is, the beast, like an, angel, of, light, i am God, he said, tahts the alome, sanome, said cecil tingley, and hollie, its simb, said, sandy, no, said, hollie, showed, om thru with it, but, shook, yes, shoved, from behind, spun, showed, bear, paws, from the back, turned, hands, raised, to the front, tore, 1-2-2009-this is warning, said, hollie, its, Gloria Coelho, shes uh witch, said, hollie, shes, thats, pointed, hollie Gloria Coelho protecting dr. rev. jeremy taylor, lets speak, said, hollie and reverend jeremy taylor steals ministry of dreams like his politician douglas heller and his friend ron tompkins, they are the children of diana hughey who steals ministry of dreams from christian to ruin him, said, hollie, thats, the pope, growing out of dragon, im the beast, he said, whats that, said, hollie, wiped lips, you know, she said, MOKSE, its on top, she said, willie, duncans, church, we know, he said, thats the beast rising, said, hollie, theres hu, leave it alarie, said, hollie, showed, sleep, said, hollie, to go to heaven you have to have a path carved, said, sarah, it was uh dream, said, hollie, that was Jesus, first, then, bobby, its the rapture, said, hollie, graves open, people, walk outside, said, hollie, then, them, which, are alive, caught up, hollie, showed, fly, many, thats it, said, hollie, bankrupt u.s.a. economy, thats barack obama, collapse it, he, said, thats, laughed, hollie, Gods eyes, like uh Light man, she said, let me tell you uh vision, said, hollie, showed, brush teeth, hollie showed, record, and, I summed it up, she said, iraq, said, Jesus, and he saw, pointed, casey, two nuclear explosions, bush, you made me wipe my lips, he, said, hollie shows the globe, many nuclear fires in iraq, gaza, hollie grunts, she did it agin, she said, 2-4-2009-hollie, sang, like, steve, perry, and blackie lawless, danced, tina turner, still cookin, she said, looks, fifty, almost, 70, shes, working out, like, cher, plastic surgery, thats both in, the lake, said, Jesus, hell fire, how do I git outta here, tina turner said, thats, the reason, said, Jesus, its ike turner, thats, him slapping, this aint gonna git it, ike turner, said, just like the show, tina, gets, cut off, showed, tina turner, making, records, this is vision number 500,000 on ministry of dreams, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor stealing ministry of dreams, taking many with, he removes ministry of dreams ruint like douglas heller, ron tompkins included ministry of dreams in his letter copyrighted falsely in 1993, like, bill hamon rewrites old book, like dee finney puts ministry of dreams in old dream, diana hughey tries to lie, prophet you knew it all along said, Jesus, thats, diana hughey reading, tearing up vision, how do I git outta here said diana hughey, let me record, said, hollie, yep, said cecil tingley, hollie showed, turn, go, she said, showed, that way, drive, thats, prophet, in car, its, subaru svx, said, hollie, makes, she said, almost 230 horsepower, smokes, tires, diana hughey is now 59, knows, and he saw, said, casey, diana hughey show cut off, Lord you got me trembling, said weeping diana hughey, thats, her lowered into lava, thats heather laughing at her, its, cause, you are a witch, said heather, both said Jesus, pretended to be, im saved said diana hughey, theres cart full of thieves of ministry of dreams gabriel pulls into fire like dr. bill hamon, john mark pool, thats, hollie showing turn, hollie showed, record, said cecil tingley, hollie shows cell phone with popes image made alive, im the beast, said, pontiff, with steven stargardter-jim garrisons voice, hollie showed, record, said, Jesus, this economy slipping, said, hollie, whats, barack doing, she, said, thats, barack obama looking at email, taiwan destroyed by china, us said hu hintao, im the beast, he said, two, he, said, the second beast, thats missile from china destroying taiwan, hu hintao rides red horse, thats, putin, dont, bother, me, he, said, thats hollie surfacing in 3 ohio class subs, firing missiles, china exploded, putin, medvedev, ill shoot, said, medvedev, if you do, said, vladimir said medvedev, shoots putin, then, presses nuclear button, thats, alaska, exploding, and, many more missiles, heading for u.s.a., thats subs in thier waters, said, Jesus, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, fired missiles, u.s.a., thats bill clinton pressing nuclear button, hollie showed, record, showed, shut up, be quiet, said, cecil tingley, after alaska, exploded, thats medvedev, ill order, it, he, said, strikes, all, nuclear, n.a.t.o., thats, france, exploding, there goes britain, australia, italy, and, missiles from all, russia exploded, thats, pope riding black horse, goes to russia, look, bob, said, hollie, and, another, hollie, said, hollie, shakes, no, then, yes, then, showed, thru with, them, shook, yes, yeah, mabye, said, Jean Campbell, MA, she, hollie, showed, sh, uh witch, she said, when Jean Campbell look, said, hollie, I made you tremble, said, hollie, Jean Campbell shakes, yes, they, offer, gets, arsenal, thats, china, claiming, some of russia, thats, hegoat smiting ram, thats nuclear explosions in china, russia, thats, the reason, said, hollie, ill drive you out said pope, hes, antichrist, said, Jesus, Christ, thats, hu, japan, rising like lamb, they, all, sit, at, table, sign, 666, its, uh, treaty, this economy slipping, said, putin, u.s.a., pointed, france, said, hollie, its the nuclear g8, said, hollie, showed, red dragon, with, pope, coming said cecil tingley, out, thats, the beast, seven heads are, raul castrol, shakes, yeah, maybe, yes, shakes, yes, hugo, lula, both, thats, the, reason, I, want, it, they, said, thats hu hintao, nicaragua, kim jong, said, cecil tingley, thats, putin, with, beast, coming out of, medvedev, thats seven heads, its kings that rise against america, thats, lighted head, pope inside, ten lighted heads, appear, horns, said, hollie, they are uh ruling party, said, hollie, thats pope popping out of one, thats, medvedev, then, putin, bobby, we are the ten, said, russian ruling party, politburo, they, get, crowns, as, rulers, they, are, alive, in russia, now, called duma, hollie showed record uh vision, he, said, thats the alome sireen, said, hollie, 2-5-2009-hollie showed, talks, its bro. steve, hollie showed said, Steven Harris shows cut off, pretends, bobby someone otta thank me he said, lies, so he can, said, Jesus, pockets, money, lucre, give me some shakes greedy Steven Harris, hollie showed, turn, thats, pope riding black horse, goes to, hollie wipes lips, showed, rotate tires, lifted, makes them last, longer, hollie showed, big nuclear explosion, wiped lips, whats this, said, hollie, hollie showed, p.a.w., its, hollie, and, I wiped lips, she, said, hollie showed, pray, wait, record, showed, hollie, pointed, explosion, hollie, thought, showed, turn, lighted, hands, tear up, from, new behind, spun, hollie, clap, spun, fingers, spun, tada, tore, put back, rip, spun, spun, showed, stomp, again, spun, stomp, hollie showed, record, close ministry of dreams said hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, hollie, wipes, lips, showed, throw out waste food, feed animals, thats, the, reason, said, hollie, its, jeremy, dr. rev. u.u. jeremy taylor d.min steals ministry of dreams to keep, but, God exposed, now reverend amy brucker is being fired for assissting aol the dreams shows jeremy taylor jung, hes, being, hey why do you hate me, said, one man, to, jeremy taylor, ordained unitarian universalist minister, lying, claiming, thats, dr. jeremy taylor showing keep it low, he, said, no, yells man, alright, says rev. jeremy taylor, he will call police for exposing, do saith the Lord and I will openly bless, all the thieves of ministry of dreams, thats website two, and, both, said, hollie, ministryofdreams and ministry of dreams websites firing, thats, massive explosion, and, all the thieves of ministry of dreams in fire, call it Ministry Of Dreams said Jesus, write the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, whats that, she, said, hollie rips off MOSKE from willie duncans church and places on church of God in Christ apostolic, its the dome, said Jesus, and hollie, thats reverend, willie, duncan, yeah I know, he said, bob loves willie and r.h. duncan, rita, duncan smiles, you laughed, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, captain smith, she, said, edward, thats titanic hitting iceberg, knocking out two plates, gashing, many, places, thats, plates, grooved, hollie, rivets, this is how, she said, heat, red hot, take with tongs, thats, hollie, riveting on titanic, hammering, four carpenters, are in the world, titanic, sank, then know cause, thats, submersible, said, hollie, in, its, the, section, she, said, saw, have pictures, they want movie, deal, will get, hollie showed, record, new united states, said, hollie, bankrupt, its, cause, barack sold, she, said, pay for iraq, said, barack obama, with, youths voice, many dying cause, thats, president bush, lockem, he, said, alright, said barack, oil contracts, thats, hollie, leaning on two nuclear explosions, and, I summed it up, she, said, thats, from high in the world, many fireballs, pointed, finger, in iraq, gaza, bush, grunts, eats, while children die, this, Jesus, looks, sprinkles, arise and awaken, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, bear grow, thats all nuclear n.a.t.o. burning, and missiles from all strike russia, exploded, world shakes, up rises, im the beast said pope, shows italy, the little horn, thats, pope, coming, to, russia, on, black, horse, signs, flatter me, said, pope, gets arsenal, hegaot smites ram, thats, nuclear explosions, in russia, china, then, thats, putin, hu, coming out of hegoat, horns, then, hu, japan, hollie, points, rise like lamb, sign, 666, its the mark treaty, thats, 666 on forehead, beasts face tattood on finger, bye, sell, said, Jesus, thats, people showing, at check out line, thats, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, ribs, in, bears, mouth, plucked up, thats, russian, subs, firing from thier waters, and missiles striking brazil, Jesus, points, with lighted finger, its right here said Jesus, jeremy taylor wants to trademark ministry of dreams to strip prophet of his God spoken name, fear me said dr. rev. jeremy taylor, wipes lips, thats sickness being place on dr. jeremy taylor, he dies, has a stroke, kathryn taylor removes ministry of dreams from jeremy taylors website said amy brucker, soothsaying is ph.d., d.min, m.a., its, all dream workers said hollie and Jesus, i am God said the beast, in rome, sits in temple, hollie watches, goes to israel, thats, hu, and, his armies, russia, and, he, saw, pointed, casey, nuclear explosion in russia, china, invades, forces, thats, chinese army with many other nations forcing russia to invade israel like cloud of people, casey watches hu hintao slash beast, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, egypt, jordan, syria, exploded, thats, fire, thats, putin, pressing, nuclear button, two, massive explosions in israel, thats, Christ placing beast, the false prophet in fire, standing on mountain, whats that, said, hollie, wounds in Gods hands, it was them, said, angry, Jesus, my friends, everything dissolves, in lava, and the kings will wail loudly, said, hollie, when, you, remember, said, hollie, what, you, done, thats the alarie sorry, same, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, its, cause, you hit isreal, said, hollie, saddam hussein, captured, hanged, thats u.s.a. sub surfacing, firing, gaza, many fire balls, saw, casey, israeli, prime minister, presses nuclear button, iraq explodes, Jesus, uses, thats bear, growing, angry, destroying, thats, subs, from, high in the air, said hollie, firing, all, around, america, exploded, and, up, rose, the woman, said, hollie, put it on, she said, sub, surfaced, fired, you know who it is, she said, its, casey, wipes lips, statue of liberty, out of fire, and washington d.c. is that great city, said, hollie, that reigneth, thats fanners, spoilers in america, people, from, mexico, working, sending money to mexico, to, family, hollie shows, MYSTERY, BABYLON, said cecil, tingley, its america, appeared, thats, hollie, leopard, laughing, and, I showed, she, said, magog, its, kim jong, hu hintao, emporer of japan, south korea, hollie showed, sign, with fingers, thats hollie doing sign teem, laughing, thats, putin, pope, anti, Christ, hollie showed, record, hollie, shows, tape, record, im, the, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hollie said, its you, she said, pontiff, thats, mexico, lula, castrol, chavez, putin, thats, pope, coming out of putins head, hintao, nicaragua, president, pops out of lighted head, thats, ten horns, pope, inside one, said, hollie, putin walks out of one, medvedev, comes out of one, thats, ruling, party, in, russia, thats the beast, said, hollie, with, ten toes, faces, appear, on, toes, its, the, toenail, said, hollie, we'll give, said, iran, president, yes, shakes, hugo chavez, then, shows, no way, yes, shakes, lula, give me, he, said, aid, said, raul castrol, putin, signs, thats, boris yeltsin and hu hintao, hey ill give the land, he, said, alright, thats russia attacking america, right after china strikes taiwan, hollie surfaces, shows picture, its, submarine, said, hollie, plane flies, drops bombs, china, exploded, russia, launches, thats, pointed, you better up, said, hollie, missiles flying, striking alaska, exploded, clinton presses nuclear button, u.s.a., russia, explode, up, rises beast, theres hu, hintao, emporer of japan, slash, idol, pope, hollie sums it up, and enthusiastic hollie, appears, cat, said, hollie, thats, him, said, hollie, with alarie salome, simb, false prophet hu, said, hollie, thats, hu, hintao, riding, red, horse, thats hand pointing, china, thats missile streaking, taiwan, exploded, pope, rides, black, horse, to, russia, gets kingdom, white horses follow, what are these my LOrd, said, hollie, appeared, its, Gods two witness, elijah, and moses, thats grim reaper riding, its, pale, hollie, said, horse, laughing, many nations burning, smoke, rises, hollie, coughs, sun, moon, darkened, they are astonished, said, Jesus, hollie, put back, spun, from, new, behind, she, said, clap, spun, kind of, clap, turned, marching, more, fought, front, rip, then, zig, zag, that was one of the four carpenters, tear up, put back, rip, turn, tada, from, hollie, you know where, she, said, behind, thats, them, said, hollie, its, the, two ministry of dreams websites, its, hollie wipes lips, home pages, two, thats the sixth seal, broke, said, hollie, thats sub, captain, firing, america, exploded, angel, like silhouette, in heavens with casey, then, partial, then, silhouette, from, behind, said, hollie, what, can, this stench, be, said, angel, casey, rolled up scene, hollie showed, record, new, behind, said, hollie, clap, tear, turn, put back, spin, tear up, more, fought, Jesus, blew horn, out, hollie, put back, tear, turn, submarine, sorrow, said, hollie, now, look, she said, many, subs, in, oceans, thats, its, uh, double blader, said, hollie, let out hollie, walked, from, behind, said, hollie, clap, turn, hollie, went, back, then, turned, again, let me give uh speech, he said, showed, hollie, showed, 2-6-2009-blessed precious, showed, thats, kristina, said, hollie, showed, the, popes, picture, on, cell phone, hollie showed record, showed, eat, sleep, thats, beast rising, laughed, hollie, showed, you wouldnt let me record, said, hollie, thats, she, pointed, that, o, red, and, black, chariot, with, the pope and hu, pope looks thru scope, out hollie, tore up, showed, fight, back, thats, the, two beasts, false prophet hu, and, the pope who is anti, Christ, hes the beast, with seven heads, ten horns, and, who are they, said, hollie, showed, mexico, popping out, theres lula, chavez, nicaragua, castrol, kim jong, hintao, putin, medvedev, pope, out of same head, thats ten horns, pope, in, one, theres, medvedev, putin, yeltsin, out of ruling party, its duma, ten kings, thats Father in old steam locomotive, said, hollie, whew, pulled the whistle, pioneer steam engine, thats captain edward smith on r.m.s. titanic, thats, it scraping iceberg, knocking two plates out, it, cause, plates to bend in, they, were, one, inch thick, but, iceberg like, mount, Jesus, looked, the top part of mount everest, now look, said, hollie, showed, uh picture, its, submarine with putin, fired missiles, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. nations burning, missiles from them coming, striking russia, and, russia exploded, that, was, big, massive nuclear explosion, and the world shook, up rises the pope, he rides black horse, to, russia, flatteries, he said, gets arsenal, thats, nuclear, get outta here, he said, china, invades, some, of russia, thats, nuclear explosions, in, both nations, then, hollie, I summed it up, she, said, clap, hu, japan, rise, like, lamb, hollie appears, thats them signing 666, its, the, beasts iamge tattood, 666 on forehead, thats, little, pope on finger, people shopping with the mark, on, whew, said, hollie, Father in pioneer steam locomotive, pulls whistle, whew, thats hollie funnel on locomotive, blowing steam, thats the alome sanime, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, thats another, sanime, its uhlimb, said, hollie, its, wiped lips sandy, simb, Father, appears, tear up, put back, spun, showed, art work, kathryn taylor m.a. steals ministry of dreams like her dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., both, are, ruint, over, taking the name said, dee finney, ministry of dreams, call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, over 1200 have stolen and altered to like the ministry of dreams, ministry dreams, a ministry of dreams, ill ruin you and make you run to remove ministry of dreams, put him on, said, Jesus, thats the anome, uhlime, said, hollie, and, another, showed, fighting, wait for me, said, hollie, pope, hu, on, that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, thats, hollie, in, back, saw, putin, planning, with stick, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, ill pluck, bear rises, with, those three ribs in mouth, Jesus, sprinkles, arise, and devour, hu hintao, shakes yes, thats, yeltsin and hintao planning, china, strikes, taiwan, exploded, thats, hollie, surfacing, in, 3 ohio class subs, shower china with nukes, exploded, thats, medvedev, pressing nuclear button, thats, alaska, exploding, missiles streaking for america, casey, watches in sky, with, angel, like, silhouette, face, then partial, face appears, both, bill clinton, pressed, nuclear button, with his advisors, israeli prime minister, one, hollie showed, record, thats lighted head, president of mexico, pops out, theres, cuba, said, hollie, and, she, said, lula, castrol, hintao, putin, jong, geyer, nicaragua, thats, raul castrol, hes, visiting, russia, the land, said, putin, give me, he, said, alright, ill take it, said, castrol, signs, put me in said president of ukraine, hey russia, ill give you my wells, said, president of iran, and he saw, said, hollie Anton Szandor LaVey showed, record, im satan, he said, like, his, new, whats that, pointed, hollie, it was, ear up, put back, turn, tada, smiled, then, around, marching, stomp, to the back, front, tear, then, like on guard, its war, said, president hu hintao, thats washington d.c. under seige said hintao, coming out, im uh lighted head, other, kings, pop, out, new president of nicaragua, right here, said, Daniel Ortega, put it right there, putin, smiles, ill stage subs, he said, wiped lips, thats, missiles heading for america from russian subs and missiles from u.s.a. striking, and he saw, said, casey, nicaragua explode, thats the reason I dont want it, said, Daniel Ortega, but shakes, yes, putin, ill offer you deal, he said, Daniel Ortega shakes yes, alright put it right here, its, said, putin, aid, yes, shakes, castrol, raul, said, vladimir, said, medvedev, im in control, he pointed, but, they, are, both, equal, thats uh horn, pointed, hu hintao, pope inside, and, 9 more appear, thats, kings, popping, out, said, hollie, and, Jesus, its, uh ruling party, russias, prophet hickman, thats, what is it, said, hollie, submarine, sorry, thats, and theres, putin, she, said, in, its, akula, america, exploded, thats, woman, in, the fire, that was hollie, its uh blader, said, hollie, two, letting out hollie, showing, statue of liberty, on yellow road, america is war, left, new king of grecia, said, hollie, thats, putin, hu, coming, out, of, ram, horn, and, putin, out of other, pope, comes out of his, thats, the, idol shepherd, said, hollie, that, was, Jesus, said, hollie, im the Light, he, said, it was alarie sorry, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, spun, clap, showed, thru with, then, palms, put back, tear, with lighted, bear paws, turn, more, clap, tear, hollie showed, record, dont let them mos, said, man, casey, points, nuclear explosion in alaska, missiles fly by, america, exploded, hollie shows, dream, it, was, james, perigrine, his, car, leaking, oil, but, gas, bob, looks, at, has, them, raise, on lift, hollie said, start, they do, sees, nothing, more gas, sees, gas, spew out of line, bob, looks for something to place over, then, radiator clamp, what he places over, hollie showed, work, submarine, somby, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, putin, surfaced, fired, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, that is said, hollie, horses coming from between the brass mountains, white, grizzled, black, red, tada, said, hollie, I closed it, up, thats, horse, with vesture, on, hollie showed, like, scarf, website said, post, said, hollie, both, 2-7-2009-horny, said, cecil tingley, when you see, said, hollie, it made me embarrased, she said, man, shakes, yes, give me some, he said, comeon said steven stargardter-jim garrison man, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed, record, corrected, he said, you know what, them, are, my bob, said, hollie, thems, hells bells, ringing said hollie, thats, ac/dc she said, aging, when they recorded hells bells, said, cecil tingley, young, thier lead singer died not long after hells bells, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, Bon Scott in fire, screaming, LOrd help me he said, thats angus young being showed vision, he doesnt want to look at it, it made me angry angus young said, no, said, hollie, turned, clap, shakes, yes, then, I showed no way, she said, after we hit irani, said, Jesus, u2, he said, thats Paul David Hewson, bono, now, old, but, dying, thinks, Godll, he said, showed cut off, hollie showed, fingers, hollie showed record, and, I showed, you that, she, said, tear up, put back, man, said, hollie, rip, turn, you know what way mister hickman said hollie, behind, man, looked, turn, tada, from the front, what did he do, said hollie, rubbed fingers, turned, rubbed, turned, rip it, he said, opened, hollie showed, record, turn, with, lighted, bear paw, tear up, put back, spin, arms, stretched out, turn, work toward the front, arms, put back, what does china want, said, angel, and, he, saw, said, hollie, china, thats, hu, hintao, riding red horse, china, taiwan, explodes, hollie showed, eat, walk, with different coat on, let, said, hollie, its, uh, double, blader, said, hollie, you know start one, said, gruver, hollie points, yellow road, hollie looks thru megaphone, its peace and safety, hollie said, in megaphone, left, what was hollie, doing, said, hollie, she, was, showing it, was, start one, that, weakened america, n.a.t.o., thats, appeared, thats pope with horn, out hollie, fingers in ears, bob, said, Jesus, theres your man, said, hollie, whats was mans look, said, hollie, looked at, was, angry, tear up, said, hollie, with, said, hollie, it, was, said sandy, simb, that is star wars sumb, said, hollie, its, cause, im the beast, said, pontiff, and hu, said, hollies, hes, the, second beast, thats vision over roan, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, loose belt sound, said, hollie, pointed, hollie showed, coat, put uh new one on, she said, Jesus looked at wind shield wipers, replace, or, hollie showed, scratch windshield, thats, hollie, paying, big bucks, for, replacement, this is warning, said, hollie, 2-8-2009-hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, showed, thru with, then, shook, yes, then, no, thru with agin, clapped, from, behind, clapped, hollie, showed, lighted bear paws, yellow, with, man inside, look, said, hollie, om thru with, it, she said, then, yes, then, thru, make up your mind, hollie, appeared, smiled, bigger, no, said, hollie, showed, what did hollie show, mine, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, im thru with, she, said, turned, clap, raised hands, showed, beast, pope, you know who he is, hollie, pontiff, and hu, hes second beast, theres emporer of japan, hollie showed, lamb, hu, japan, coming out, hollie showed, explosion, hollie showed, Pioneer SX-990, its excellent, has, hollie wiped lips, website said post, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed, technics sa-7300x, its uyh excellent, receiver, showed, hollie, it has four channels, hollie summed it up, turned, on, hollie showed, record, they tell me its uh double blader, said, hollie, copter, letting, out, hollie, on yellow, road, left, jeremy taylor. min, u.u., removes ministry of dreams, that was copship said, hollie, and hollie wipes lips, double blader, lets, out, das boot, its, and crew, world world two german submarine, sinks thousands of ships, left, man, shows, said, hollie, trashing, out, turn, from, new, behind, said, hollie, showed, hands, spun, more, kept, stomped, spun, hands, in air, again, tear, submarine sorrow, said, hollie, now, look, she said, showed, picture, of, akula, she said, fired, missiles, thats, australia, france, italy, america, britain exploding, missiles coming, from, striking russia, world shakes, up rises beast, said, hollie, 2-9-2009-that, said, hollie, was hu hintao, he was, riding, red, horse, china, struck, taiwan, boom, burns, and, hollie, waves, surfaces, in 3 ohio class, subs, strike, china, burns, whew, said, hollie, thats, Father, in, pioneer steam locomotive, pulling, whistle, whew, it, went, like, holie, thats, russia, medvedev, pressing, nuclear, button, thats, many missiles, heading for america, alaska, explodes, and, bill clinton, presses, nuclear button, thats, u.s.a. exploding, and rusia, burning, sun, moon, dark, bout, 16 hours, angel, in, heavens, atmosphere, smoke, comes, up, casey, rolls, up scene, hollie, showed, four, carpenters, what be these, she said, Jesus, rubbed, chin, these, scatter, israel, they are, he said, the beast, said, pope, hu hintao, hes, false prophet, emporer of japan, he, rises, with, hu, to, withstand, said, pontiff, and, they, the mark treaty, 666, said, Jesus, man, said, hollie, thats, slash, idol, shepherd, they are, the, four carpenters, that, was, man, showed, hollie, hes, the idol pope, like, natianiel urshan, hes, hollie, wipes lips, man, that, was, dream, bob tells woman, God has shown, him, in visions, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, magog, and more, shes, astonished, but, doesnt show it, let me, she thinks, record, then, pointed, let me tell, that, pointed, hollie, was, nuclear, explosions, in, the world, france, she said, boom, italy, exploded, thats, britain, america, australia, boom, exploded, and, all, returning, missiles, russia, exploded, and, heavens, filled, with, smoke, of thier burning, world, shakes, up rises, the beast, pope, said, hollie, hes, antichrist, she said, man, said, hollie, like, whew, whatta you want, he said, tears, put back, hollie turns, showed, hands, tada, smiled, turned, lifted, arms, showed, lighted bear paws, tear up, and restore again, she said, rip, yur fallen, said, hollie, its, me said reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollies, hes stole ministry of dreams, to, strip, Gods prophet, ruin, and, wants, others, to, help, stop, the advancement, said d.min u.u. jeremy taylor, of him, bob, ruin, like, he said, yes, shakes, antonia vladimirova, yes shakes john mark pool, release, said, hollie, yes, shakes, m.a. jeremy taylor ph.d., hes ruint, said, hollie, claims to be a reverend, but, is, a witch, said, hollie, hes, all, that steal ministry of dreams like thier, satan, appears, thats, showed, hollie, Navy's USS Port Royal, it ran aground, she said, appears, o.k., but, underneath, she said, thats, captain, shrugging, put it in mothballs, hollie said, do, cause, ruint, they, knew, but, got to close, now, captain, retires, with, out, pension, cause, you fool, said president george w. bush, its, damaged, beyind repair, kosovo, said, man, and he saw, pointed, casey, thats, u.s.a., going to far, said, the LOrd, now, judge, he said, thats, ram, forming, thats, hu, and russia, coming out of ram, horns, they are, the, beast, said, pope, hes, in, the middle, thats, hegoat striking ram, then, china, u.s.a., nuke, then, up, rises, the beast, said, pontiff, hes, anti, look, said, hollie, its, tomar levine, she steals, said, hollie ministry of dreams like her peter appleseed, thats, hollie, showing nuclear fire ball in indianapolis, hollie leopard, laughs, thats, she said, north and south korea, china, japan, on magog, said, hollie, thats, china, appeared, and I closed, it, she said, war said hu hintao, on, yellow china, thats, dragon rising, its nations that make up new world order, its, thats, mexico, popping out of lighted head, lula, hugo, hintao, nicaragua, castrol, kim jong, putin, pope comes out of his, thats dragon with pope coming out, of, serpents, head, nicaragua, thats the reason, said, hollie, exploded, thats missiles going from, let us use thier waters, said, vladimir said medvedev, ill, shoot, does, presses nuclear button, thats, hollie, showing, world, thats nuclear explosion in, then many all over world, hollie showed, record, submarine, sorrow, said, hollie, possum, feed, she said, and possum licked the prophet, we need love to, possum said, that, said, hollie, was, hollie, like, stick, figure, showed, fighting, tearem up, turn, showed, fight, the economy, is, really slipping bob, said, hollie, its, said, hollie, simb, website said, post, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, visions from 2-9?-10-11-2009-this is uh warning, said, hollie, this is uh warning, said, hollie, freeze frame, said, hollie, sang it, hollie, points, hells bells ringing, thats music, people paying, to, hear singers, thats, that, o, red, and, black, chariot, said, hollie, pulled, by, angry, red, and, black, horses, thats, ministry of dreams showed up on tomar levines website, o I didnt steal said tomar levine, hollie shows, the Ministry of Dreams, ill take it, she said, fool said tomar levine, peter appleseed steals ministry of dreams like thier reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollie, thats, spacecraft crashlanding, when they hit iraq, said, hollie, and Jesus, they brought america, into remembrance befor GOd, Jesus sprinkles, arise and awaken, said, hollie, bear grows with vladimir putin, in hands, its cause, bobby, said, hollie, russia is the beast, she said, with seven heads and then horns, thats, pope, she said, goes to, gets, control, she said, strikes nuclear n.a.t.o., thats australia exploding, theres france, great britain, italy, boom, exploded, america said george bush, exploded, said, cecil tingley, thats bill clinton pressing nuclear button, missiles from n.a.t.o. nations strike russia, thats russia exploding, world shaking, up rises, pointed, hollie, the beast, antichrist, hes pontiff, theres hu hintao, said Jesus, and hollie, and, he saw, pointed, said, cecil tingley, close, mouth, embarrased, she said, people, showing, trash it said cecil, tingley, emporer of japan, slash, pope, thats man showing, thats, nuclear explosions in russia, china, thats, hegoat smiting ram, write the vision, said, hollie, thats double, hollie, its uh, double blader, letting out hollie, thats, peace and safety, right there, he, said, bush, gorbachev, 1991, appeared, signed, start one, thats, hand, taking, nuclear, arms off surface ships, remember that, said, hollie, a american destroying hits rock in ocean, it ruins, its structurally, thats, captain, knowing, he, gets, ruint over, retire said Capt. Scott Gureck, wipes lips, I dont want to retire, he said, with childs voice, I didnt know that rock was out there, he, said, whole ship, there, it, is, said, hollie, drydocked, about 50 feet of its bottom, thats, hollie, two, repairing, sending, its back, out, they said, israel, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, israel, thats, hollie, putting, nuclear missile on, then, from, high in air, clapped, its uh nuclear battleground showed man, thats, many, fireballs in israel, thats vladimir putin pressing nuclear button, right after, egypt, jordan, syria, casey, showed, exploded, israeli prime minister, hits, thats, hu and his armies slashing beast in israel, nuclear fireball in russia, lets unite and force, said, hu, thats, people, like, cloud, going, marching to israel, beast, explodes, out, thats, aleem, uhsimb, said hollie, dont go outside, hollie, showed, nuclear fireball, growing, exploding, it takes out indianapolis, hollie said, casey, points, many nuclear, fireballs in america, thats, Jonathan Hansen showing come on, bring bob here, bob, thinks, love to, but, wont, its, the, drive, bob, says, van, its gettin to old, bob, said, hollie, thinks, could make, there, but, bob, thinks, he, wont, said Jonathan Hansen, go, to, california, sleep in car, said Jonathan Hansen, bob, showed no way, bob and reverend Jonathan Hansen stair at each other in indianapolis, bob, talked to man that, travels with Jonathan Hansen, thats looks like donald sutherland, bob, says, who do you think MYSTERY, BABYLON is, let me git reverend hansen, the man said, to bob, bob says, who do you think, do you beleive its america, yes, says, man, bob, trusts, thats, Jonathan Hansen reading visions, bob would go, come said Jonathan, but we need money Jonathan and man says, theres that submarine, said, hollie, with, hollie in, missiles fired, world shakes, up rises, the, pope, put it on, said, hollie, playing music, you dont want no more vision, uwhhuum whuum whuum whuum, sang, hollie, uwhhuum, she said, its, zztop, she said, pointed, leave me alone, said, hollie, pointed, submarine, somby, said, hollie, its, alome, she, said, simb, showed, sandy, thats pope on black horse, hu on red, grim reaper on pale, Jesus on white, what are those my Jesus, said, hollie, four carpenters scattering israel, they, and hu popped out, pope, emporer of japan, slash, pope, these are kings in persia, hollie blows horn, out hollie, points, turned, changed, hollie, like, a, fire, Father in steam locomotive, hollie funnel, thats meerkat showing popes picture, tear up, said, hollie, meerkat pointed, feed, said, hollie, possum, hollie pulled ship, four carpenters bust ship, dangerous, hollie pulled on land, write the vision, said, hollie, whats that said, hollie, angel, with, silhouette face, then, face appears, then, silhouette, turn, said, hollie, tada, angel, shows, both, beasts, theres hu, hollie, said, pope, thats the fourth carpenter, hes the idol shepherd, said hollie, taiwan, said, Jesus, thats taiwan burning, missile, pointed, casey, from, china, hu hintao, rides red horse, ministry of dreams spoken by Jesus, steal and he will ruin you said, hollie, out of copter, its uh double blader, said, hollie, Jesus appears, call it ministry of dreams he said, I spoke it, he said, hollie, showed, record, showed, work, hollie showed, record, and I showed you that, he said, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they said cecil tingley, thats hu, lula, chavez, castrol, jong, nicaragua, mexico, putin, thats, pope coming out of putins head, i am God, he said, hollie, showed, bright Light, bobby, said, hollie, showed, work, turned, tada, more, work, tada, hollie showed, record, what does the website say, said, hollie, post, said, hollie points, thats, was gabriels voice, hes arch, light, like, soldier, appeared, showed, work, hollie was complaining, hollie showed, Father, like uh white Spirit me he said, looking at record, hollie pointed, up, Jesus came, world shook, hollie showed nuclear explosion in many nations, this is uh warning, said, hollie, lets post, website, she, said, and ministryofdreams website, appeared, two, said, hollie, whats the name, she said, doin on there, she said, o said tomar levine, I didnt knew it, she lied, and ministry of dreams website, shows, arm, fires, thats, tomar levine running to, remove it said tomar levine, thats her reverend dr. jeremy taylor, come on he said, with tomar levines voice, both, dr. said Jesus, you are a, soothsayer, said hollie, and Jesus, cut off, showed, Christ Jesus, our Lord, said, hollie, put it under, hollie showed, cut off, go, quit, post, later, 2-12-2009-hollie, showed, make, up, your mind, this is uh warning, she said, hollie showed, record, leave me alone, said, hollie, dont call me again, said, steven stargardter-jim garrison, dude, said, hollie, whats that, she, said, its, uh, black chariot, with, pontiff, she said, theres, hu, in red, thats, grim reaper lauging in pale, Jesus on white, spoke thru megaphone, out hollie, thats the reason, hollie, said, the united states, will be, attacked, said, Jesus, post, said, hollie, uwhum hum whum whum whum, she, sang, pointed, up, thats, Jesus, coming, world, under, attack, hollie, looks, at, nuclear explosions, in, many contries, thats, vladimir putin, im the beast, he said, that, was, Gods hand with the two beasts, and who are they said, hollie, uwhum hum whum whum whum, sang, another, hollie, the beasts, said, playing music, pope, hu, get outta here, he, said, thats, hegoat, attacking ram, russia, china, hollie, shows, nuclear, explosions, in, both, lands, and, thats, comere, said, pope, them, signing, its the mark treaty, 666, they, laugh, lie, threaten, thats, lamb, rising, hu, japan, come out of horns, thats, pope, sitting in temple in rome, I am God, thats, hu, unite and force, he, said, with dragon watching, and nuclear explosion in russia, thats, cloud of people on land, moving to russia, forcing russians to invade israel, thats, hu, slashing, pope, and, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, jordan, egypt, syria explode, thats putin pressing nuclear button, israel, exploded, thats, was Jesus, placing, nuke, on israel, Christ, pointed, hollie, places, beast, false prophet, in fire, Jesus, stands on mount, look at my hands, he said, bobby, dont do it, said, hollie, hollie showed, chew gum, thats, the reason, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, alomb, sireen, she showed, hollie showed, record, the Ministry and Dreams is born, wanting to be changed to ministry of dreams, and ministryofdreams website appears, two, said, hollie, dont do, said the ministry of dreams website, call it the ministry of dreams, thats stealing said hollie, like world prophecy center, dont, call, the world prophecy center, or worldprophecycenter, I warned ya, said, Jesus, showed cut off, if you do, and I will make you remove ruint, Jesus appears angry, then laughs, ruin, he said, and ministryofdreams website fires, all run to remove, after, bobby, thats iraq, said, hollie, hollie leans on two nuclear explosions, give me, ill do it said barack, sleeping, presses, thats, hollie watching, dont, do, she said, iraq, gaza, exploded, and israeli prime minister, pressed nuke button, cause, u.s.a. nuked gaza, from sub, said, hollie, its from, thats, many fireballs showed hollie in iraq, Jesus, angers, sprinkles, russia, arise, devour, thats bear with 3 ribs, plucked up, and who are they said, hollie, russia uses thier waters, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hi bobby, said, hollie, post, right here, pointed dr. rev. jeremy taylor with red finger, thats u.u. reverend jeremy taylor m.a. stealing ministry of dreams like tomar levine, both run to remove what they stole said Jesus, bobby, said tomar levine, showed cut off, thats person showing tomar levine her theft of God spoken ministry of dreams, whew, she said, removes, thats, post, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats, it, she, showed, sleep, this is the website, said, hollie, do more, lighted, hands, put back, tear, hollie, shows, globe, nuclear explosions, in, many countries, thats, u.s.s. iowa, fired, those are starting to, rust, they, are, not, seaworthy, thats, why, mothballs, hollie, paddled uh boat, and titanic sinks, start one, pointed, hollie, thats, peace and safety, thats, ram, with, putin, hu, coming out of horns, thats, hegoat smiting ram, thats, pointed, hand, china, russia, nuking, hollie, look at that, she, said, then, they, sign, 666, I torture to make weak and me strong saith God, backslide, said, Jesus, bob, dreamed, was told, man, filing lawsuit, over claim, bob ends up with terminal manager, walking, talking, to office, went there with another man, to discuss with terminal manager, it was a pretty good size claim, bob may have sang, heard others playing instruments, one was tiny tim, playing, like, organ, bob tells terminal manager he could sing, couldnt play an instrument, 2-14-2009-that, was hollie showed, said, hollie, in the fire, hes, like, not, you need to read, said, hollie, this is vision, post, said, hollie, and, hollie, laughs, hollie shows beast with seven heads, ten horns, folds up scene she says, unfolds, those are heads, hollie said, kings popped out, like mexico, he wipes lips, yeah ill, give me, he said, alright, put it right, said, medvedev, with putin, signs, thats geyer said hollie, nicaragua, shakes yes, yeah, ill, give me, he, said, signs, putin, smiles, thats, castrol, raul, says, fidel, raul castrol, shakes, yes, ill, give me, said, medvedev, yes, shakes, raul, signs, thats, hugo chavez, lula, hintao, jong, all signing, putin, smiles, and, medvedev shoves, putin, ill, shoot, kills, putin, presses nuclear button, bobby, said, hollie, it was uh dream, she said, night vision, appears, hollie, record, shows, the beast with seven heads, ten horns, and, who are they, she, said, its, uh, ruling party, she, said, ten horns, thats, popes face in horn one, medvedev, putin, its, duma, said, hollie, sandy like cindy wipes lips, hollie, showed, record, thats, putin, laughing, its, cause, im, the, beast, he said, pope appears, hollie shows Pollyanna Bush, thats, said, hollie, sings, at, Grace Cathedral and the Interfaith Chapel in the Presidio, hey lets do a live show said Pollyanna Bush, shes, hollie wipes lips, witch, shes, lost, witch, but, I pretend said Pollyanna Bush with gina rose halperns voice, Jan Thomas wipes lips, yeah I do, she said, showed cut off, let me be your backslider said amy brucker with Pollyanna Bushs voice, tell the vision, said, hollie, write the vision, showed, hollie, pen, tell me who the antichrist is said hollie, thats pontiff, and Pollyanna Bush wipes lips, shes masterbater, sings in choir, thats her looking at visions, record, said, hollie, hollie tree, appeared, trees, she said, ministering, hollies, trees, showed, hollie tree, some produce, fruit, she said, some, dont, hew down, said, Jesus, that, didnt, that, pointed, hollie, out of ring, 2-15-2009-bobby, let me record, she, showed, thats dr. kinsey, the kinsey report, kinsey taught sex, brought judgment to america, that course popped up all over the world, whatever you read said alice cooper, vince, said, hollie, many people learned, oral, and anal sex, from, alfred kinsey, theres kinsey in lava, I want outta here, he said, miserable, he had sex with children, all, taught, hollie put back, tear up, uuh huh, she said, bobby, I showed, the beast, pontiff, she said, theres hu, showed, hollie, summed it up, emporer of japan, slash, idol, pope, she said, she said, thats antichrist, hollie, said, pope, this is website, post, said, hollie, record, the vision, said, hollie, with, sandy, wiped lips, simb, record, the vision, hollie said, pope appears, grow, like, flower, hollie showed, record, what did I do, she, said, with lighted hands, hollie showed, fleas with a face like satan, hollie looked, angel, submarine, theres one, said, hollie, fired, missiles, with, captain, hollie, taiwan, exploded, missile from china, france, said, Jesus, thats, it, said, hollie, thats the red dragon with the seven kings, they are nations that will attack u.s.a., hollie showed, what the dog was doing, lying down, with eyes opened, how do we beat china, hollie said, in uh round circle, hollie, stands by nuclear explosion, in circle hollie showed, with lighted fire colored hands, captain hollie fires missiles from u.s.a. sub, then turns, angers, thats, hollie, like, bear, firing, missiles, thats, n.a.t.o., struck, said, hollie, australia, france, britain, america, exploded, thats, hollie showed, japan, being nuked, hollie showed, massive explosions, missiles from china, two, thats emporer of japan, nuclear explosions in china, thats lamb, with china, japan, coming out, hollie, appears, that, was, her, hollie, like, uh, bear, russia, she said, thru megaphone, wake up, ill sprinkle, she, said, threw powder, wake up, she said, bear angered, growled, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that was light like coming out of screen at grace, showed, hollie, licked prophet, then partial, back, hollie, shows many colors, then, forward to the back, hollie shows dan quayle, wouldve won, she said, president, thats, dan, quayle wiping lips, you didnt want it, said, hollie, playing, music, hollie showed, thats, double blader, said, hollie, letting out henry gruver, spoke thru megaphone, hollie out, thats it, he, said, start one, its, uh, peace and safety full fillment, thats it said, hollie, face muscles, excercise, wont sag, hollie showed how to exercise, balls to the walls singer, hes, lava, your going to the lake said pope, thats antichrist in fire, hes pontiff, hollie listens, git me out of here, he said, hes, seeking Holy Ghost then, that was pope in the fire said hollie, let me, said, hollie, ill show ya he said, pope, riding black horse, that was nuclear explosion, deforms, hollie showed, hu hintao riding red horse, taiwan explodes, hu models, grim reaper rides pale, collecting dead souls, Jesus on white horse, let me record, said, hollie this is uh warning, dont say that, said, hollie, showed, van rooy, thumbs down, hes failing cause high property taxes, hollie showed record, taiwan, said, man, we want free, said taiwan president, hollie taps, stick, this is, he said, wiped lips, Jesus, now dont you make fun of him, hollie said, tapped stick, Jesus, models, 2-16-2009-hollie showed, whats that, she said, the beast, pope, she said, hes, hollie wipes lips, bobby, let me, said, hollie, I, showed, you, the beast, she said, pope, hu hintao, and I summed it up, hollie, said, showed, pope, riding black horse, you go to, hollie, said, russia, thats, bear, growing, with, three ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, hollie said, thats, bear, looking, attacking, n.a.t.o., nations, exploded, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, and restore, rip, put back, theres, uh, submarine, right there, said, hollie, showed picture, its akula, she, said, fired, missiles, hollie showed, sundancer boat, sailed, fired missiles, thats, many, nations, being destroyed, that, was, france exploding, italy, boom, america, hollie, points, subs, all around, fired, missiles, america fires interceptors, miss, thats u.s.a. exploding, bill clinton presses nuclear button, russia explodes, hollie showed, record, hollie shows, its uh pioneer stereo receiver, sx-980, hollie wipes lips, shows power meters, they are power level meters, hollie shows, at about two watts, loud enough, she said, this is website, post, said, hollie, showed, turn, write the vision, said, hollie, pope, appears, smiling, there are no more vision in pentecost cause there are no more apostolics in pentecost said hollie, clap, hollie showed, the beast, she said, pope, hes, growing, catholic, its biggest religion, hes, the, antichrist, satan manifest in the flesh saith God, he has satans soul inside, saith the Lord, hollie showed, record, and, I summed it up, she, said, clap, light, hollie showed, hollie leopard, laughed, hu, north, south, korea, emporer of japan, appeared, magog showed hollie, thats, china, nuking, invading, russia, forcing, like cloud of people, lets go, said, false prophet hu, thats, hu, putin coming out of hegoat horns, thats hegoat smiting ram, up rose pontiff, hollie summed it up, emporer of japan, clap, thats, lamb, showed, hollie, they, withstand me said pontiff, all sign, its the mark treaty, 666, thats, nuclear explosions in russia, china, then, thats, hegoat smiting, ram, charge, hollie said, that was two nuclear explosions in alaska, and russia, said cecil tingley, christmas said gene simmons, bobby some one looked said hollie, its KISS, hollie, grins, that, was, w.a.sp., it was uh dream, hollie said, they, aging, you dont want no more website, thats what your showing us, said, many, 2-17-2009-hollie like uh bear, thats, bear, with 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico appear said cecil tingley, on, then, pointed, hand, missiles, from thier waters said hollie, fired said cecil tingley, from, hollie showed, subs, thats captain hollie, in her, its akula class, she said, sub, said cecil tingley, america explodes said cecil tingley, then missiles from america strike nicaragua, cuba, mexico, hollie, ill, put it right there, shows nuclear explosions in all, thats, smoke from u.s.a., burning said cecil tingley, covering cuba, thats, pointed, hollie, angel, in sky, smoke, rises, face turned silhouette, back, turned, showed hands, clap, turn, most said hollie, hollie showed, record, excuse me said hollie, hey bob, let me, said, hollie, it was uh dream, said, hollie, smiled, hes the beast, antichrist, hollie said, pope appears, hollie, smiles, laughs, that, revelation of the beast, pope, hollie, said, cecil tingley, wipes lips, dream, said, hollie, dream, hollie, says, bob, walks, sees, church, it was written on, hollie, said, john stein, pastored, or, john stien, hollie showed, that, bob, sees, many fish aquariums, inside, it was uh dream, hollie, said, bob sees indy 500 race car on road, slim jim drives, runs into dumptruck, jim gets out, walks, bob tells dumptruck driver he saw, this, was after, said, hollie, bob, has first, dream, first sevice, according to sign, at, 9:01, other buildings, with, other times, you see, said Jesus, john stein, hes, uh witch, like most pastors, has many churches, but, lost, bob sees people inside church, standing, praying, to, release, dream, said, hollie, it was, said, hollie, uh, she wiped lips, dream, smiled, hollie, laughed, hollie showed, record, said cecil tingley, she said, submarine, somby, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, showed, picture, submarine, appeared, its, vanguard class, fired missiles, russia, exploded, thats bear rising, tear up, with three ribs, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, in mouth, russia, struck, nuclear, n.a.t.o., exploded, hollie showed, transmission fluid, change, she, said, every, hollie wiped lips, talked with Jesus, talked, back, hollie, tore up, put back, rip, clap, hollie shows france, submarines, she, said, collide, great britain, hollie, said, your in fault, it, slightly damaged both, but, still, useable, hollie showed subs, its construction, she said, steal, almost, hollie measures, two inches thick, hollie showed, the dog, lying down, dozing off, they, stay awake most of the time, cymbol beats, thats, both, beasts, hu, hollie shows, pope, thats hegoat getting ready, to, charge, said, hollie, smites ram, thats, putin, hu, coming out of ram horns, hegoat smites, thats, hollie shows, russia, china, nuking each other, thats, pope riding black horse to russia, moscow, its after, said, hollie, nuclear n.a.t.o. struck, and he saw, pointed, hollie, italy, boom, thats, china invading russia, thats, n.a.t.o. striking russia, angel, in, sky, smoke, goes up, hollie shows angels face, kept changing, hollie, turned, silhouette, like angel, then, partial, face, then, spun, clap, partial, both, im the angel, thats lamb with hu, japan, coming out, withstand, said, hu, they, come on, said, pontiff, sign the mark treaty, 666, thats, pope, take it, said, beast on t.v., sitting in temple, 666 on arm, place it, said, hollie, forehead, popes image, tattood, on finger, what did my beast say, said, hollie, take it, said, pontiff, said cecil tingley, what did beast say, sittin, in rome, hollie said, i am, God said cecil tingley, thats cloud of people invading russia, unite and force, said, hintao, nuclear explosion in russia, thats, beast, being slashed, by, hu, in, israel, moscow exploded, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, egypt, jordan, syria, explode, hollie, look at that, she said, missiles leave israel, Christ places beast, false prophet, in, fire, hollie record, what, she, saw, thats, lighted, transmission, I dont need it, transmission said, just keep it full, transmission, said, oil, I dont need no clean oil, theres uh submarine sorry, said, hollie, now look, she said, hollie, in, her, sub, fired, missile, world, shook, darkness, world, moved, up, rose, the pontiff, said, Jesus, now look, he said, rises from sea, ill show you uh picture, its vanguard class, fired missiles, collided, they, will, drydock, and, hollie, wiped lips, put back, out, thats hu hintao, riding, red, horse, it, appeared, said, hollie, hand points, taiwan, explodes, thats grim reaper, riding, the, pale, collects dead souls, grim reaper laughs, ha ha, thats billions of souls being taken, many nations, hollie, showed, on fire, thats nuclear missiles striking, from, hollie in her sub, its vanguard, she said, thats, world, fire coming up, from, thats four carpenters, kings, pop out, and, who, are, they, said, hollie, pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, beast, she, said, hollie showed, turn, bob, said, hollie, Love, said, hollie, and dream hollie, laughs, gabriel, appears, arch, like, roman soldier, receives message, o.k. ill give it, he said, flies, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, but she, said, hollie, shook, yes, then, im thru with it, then, thought, spun, turn, around, click fingers, had big hands, no, shook, yes, clap, 2-18-2009-hollie, dream, jumps on shoulders, laughs, hollie, shows, new jerusalem, like uh glass city, crystal sea, hollie, in boat, sub surfaces, in crystal sea, she said, hollie in sub, fired missiles, in that, she said, crystal sea, thats gabriel, pouring out vial, sub surfaces, with captain hollie, fires missiles, new york explodes, look at that, said, hollie, its she said, statue of liberty, thats woman, dream, said, hollie, night vision, said, more, hollie shakes yes, let me see, said, hollie, with, the alome aleem, said another, hollie, what did hollie do, concious aleem, said, hollie, thats, double blader, said, hollie, letting out gruver, said, hollie, road said hollie, yellow, spoke thru megaphone, hollie out, what did he show, said hollie, bush, gorbachev, signing 666, its, uh treaty, thats the reason, said, hollie, it was peace and safety, thats the reason, said, hollie, left, that is double bladder said Jesus, letting out medvedev, spoke thru megaphone, thats, putin, and carpenter, thats, hes, that is double blader, said, hollie, letting out pope, hes the beast, said, hollie, thats, putin, kneeling before pope, what did putin say, said, hollie, let me, he said, alright, said, pontiff, I want to rule the world, said, vladimir putin, thats, nicaragua exploding, on, the screen, said, hollie, showed, sleep, theres uh submarine sorry, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, captain hollie in her sub, its akula, she said, fired missiles, america exploded, thats, ram, with putin, hu, coming out of horns, thats, hegoat, get ready, said, hollie, smote ram, with, pope in middle, thats, russia, china, nuking, each other, thats, pope, riding, black, horse, to, russia, flatter, he said, signs, gets arsenal, drives out china, thats, them, invading russia, then, pope drives out, thats, lamb, rising, hollie, points, who is it, she, said, thats, hu, japan, coming, out, of horns, withstand, him, said, false prophet hu, thats, them, signing, its, the, mark, treaty, 666, take it, said, pope, thats 666 being tattood on, forehead, arm, popes image tattood on finger, what did my pope say, said, hollie, im, the, antichrist, he said, I am God, said, the, pope, in, rome, unite and force, said, hu hintao, thats nuclear explosion, look, pointed casey, kings of the east, invading, russia, thats, magog, forcing russia, to invade israel, prime minister presses nuclear button, thats, nuclear missiles striking egypt, jordan, syria, massive explosions, thats, russia, nuking, israel, exploded, hu, slashes, pope, Christ places pope, hu, in fire, thats angel, in, atmosphere, and what did he see, said, hollie, smoke, comes up, hollie shows world, many, nuclear, explosions, it was uh dream, said, hollie, night vision, said, Jesus, 2-19-2009-edward wood jr. is the one, said, hollie, hes utubia1party, steals ministry of dreams with sistermoonshine13, who is joel tao, hollie appears, shows, russia, pope, appears, thats, hegoat with putin, and hu, coming out of horns, thats, ram, with, hegoat charging, thats, nuclear fireballs, in, russia, china, thats tree growing, bearing much fruit, hew down, said, Jesus, fell, from, roots, grew, another, thats, how, hollie points, shows russia exploding, thats, the, beast, hollie said, pope, that, was, hu, riding the red horse, said, hollie, and, hollie plays music, hand, points, missile from china, strikes taiwan, burns, thats, hollie, surfacing, in, ohio class, said, hollie, fired, missiles, thats, china, exploding, bobby this is website, said, hollie, post, and, he saw, said, casey, pointed, ed wood caught stealing ministry of dreams, hes utubia1party, peter appleseed, robert gillen, they remove ministry of dreams ruint, prophet this is vision, post, said, hollie, jong, said, hollie, and, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, now look, said, hollie, walking, missiles from, leaving from right there said, hollie, north korea, kim jong presses nuclear button, thats russia, china, south korea, fireballs coming from all, thats, putin, pressing nuclear button, thats, missile striking north korea, exploded, now look, said, hollie, showed, time out, record, the, vision, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, Jesus, models, prophet, said, hollie, thats, that o red and black chariot with the pope and hu, pulled by angry horses, now, lets, see, said, hollie, jumps in back, sees, putin, planning, hollie points, drink, thats, the, alome salime, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, thats it, said, hollie, a bear in repair, it was uh, hollie smiled, wiped lips, dream, laughed, hollie showed, record, theres trouble said man, casey, points, kings, pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, man appears, tear up, put back, tear, hollie showed the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they said hollie, wiped lips, showed, eat, the pope, hollie said, wiped lips, theres hu, putin, lula, chavez, castrol, nicaragua, kim jong, there you have it, said, hollie, I summed it up, war, said, Jesus, and, the cymbol beat, said, hollie, that, she, said, the second beast, hu hintao, I want war, he, said, that, said, hollie, and, hollie, rises, slaps, rubs face, now listen here, hollie said, slapped, face, hollie, that, flies in, its an old m.i.g. jet hollie said, that, pointed, angel, hollie drops bombs, that, angel, said, america, explodes, angel, points, bill clinton presses nuclear button, thats, missiles, striking russia, thats, bear, with 3 ribs, and, who are they, hollie said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, that, hollie says, missiles leave thier waters, america, that, hollie said, exploded, thats missiles leaving u.s.a., striking all 3, angel in atmosphere, with face, that, said, hollie, like silhouette, then, partial face, appears, then, silhouette, angel, turns, plays air guitar, snaps fingers, that, hollie said, turned more, acted wild, turned, stomped, like running in place, now, to, the, front, tada, put back, tear, hollie snaps, then, put back, wild, bobby, said, hollie, eat, 2-20-2009-hollie, slaps, now, look, he, she said, pope, appears, with, im the beast, he said, with, hollie wipes lips, hollie showed, submarine, sorry, said, hollie, surfaced, its akula, agin, she said, fires missiles, something, shook, said, hollie, world, in, gross darkness, hollie, that, said, hollie, Fukengruven, the man, she, said, put it under, drink, hollie showed, thats antichrist said hollie, pope, with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, theres hu, and, I summed it up, hollie, showed, hes false prophet, thats yeltsin, hu, together, hey ill give you the land, said, boris, o.k. shook hu, thats china striking taiwan, burning, thats hu riding red horse, hollie, sums it up, thats lula, chavez, castrol, nicaragua, kim jong, popping out of heads, putin, git, outta my way, said, pope, thats, medvedev kneeling before pope, hey, i want to, if youll let me, o.k., shakes, pope, let me rule the world, said, putin, thats bear, walking, Jesus sprinkles, devour much flesh, thats, bear, with 3 ribs, thats, russia, striking, n.a.t.o., france, said, hollie, exploded, thats italy, australia, exploding, thats great britain, then america, exploding, thats, tone blair, pressing nuclear button, missiles from all those nations strike russia, thats, many, there said, hollie, nuclear fires in russia, thats pope, riding black horse, to russia, flatter, he, said, hey, owll, gimme, he, said, they, give, kingdom, thats, many missiles striking china, from, u.s.a., subs, china, claims, much of russia, hey, ill drive out, said, pope, thats, hegoat charging, smiting ram, nuclear fireballs, in russia, china, exchange, said, pope, thats lamb rising with hu, japan, popping out of horns, they sign the mark treaty, 666, there it is on forehead, worship the pontiff, said, hu hintao, thats nuclear missiles, hollie, tore up, clicked fingers, showed turn, spun, click, hollie showed, record, put back, finger, tear, from new behind, said, hollie, turn, put back, tear up, from behind, said, hollie, from front, thats playing with, said, hollie, then, front, turn, thats, the, yadd hand pointing, said hollie, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, said, hollie, whats that, said, hollie, with, like, buzzer bell, sandy wipes lips, its simb, she said, its soumb, said, hollie, thats, statue of liberty, hollie, in, whats that, pointed hollie, that submarine is oscar class, fired missiles, gabriel, watches, america exploded, hollie looks thru binoculars, sees churches, emptying, thats, its double blader, said hollie, lets out henry gruver, looks thru binoculars, sees bush, gorbachev, signing, peace, safety, start one, 1991, taiwan, said, Jesus, its economy is over, said, hollie, with, hollie playing music, whats my hollies message, with taiwan gone, he said, u.s.a. weakened, thats makes china, strike, thats washington state, use terrorists, said, hu hintao, from, ships, they are military, hollie rings bell at new york stock exchange, whats that, he said, 0.00, thats u.s.a. economic collapse, barack obama, thats, what, he, wants, said, hollie, thats nicaragua, said, hollie, exploding, brazil, nuked, fireball rises, ill, place it there, said, hollie, many nuclear fires in mexico, hollie in her sub, world prophecy center said hollie, stolen by him, hollie said, thomas barnhouse, releases ruint, soon the united states will be attacked, said, hollie, with hollie playing music, he didnt want it, said, hollie, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. steals ministry of dreams, alright says d.min jeremy taylor ph.d, when person shows, then ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor turns, angry, show him, said, hollie, tell on him, hes, ed wood, said, hollie, his joel tao steals ministry of dreams, thats edward wood and joel tao embarrased when someone showed visions, they release ministry of dreams ruint, thats hollie tearing up, put back, snapping, from behind, said, hollie, snapped, fingers, turned, snapped, from behind, to the front, snapped, fingers, jumped, this is website, post, said, hollie, bob, it was, dream, said, hollie, smiles, bob heard, get ready for national recession, bob heard it, said, hollie, smiling, on, hollie, wipes, lips, radio, thats, bob and tom, they are, falling, cause, both, to, mature now, Jesus speaks, I need for you to stay home, bob wants to get money out of banks, feared looting, violence, bob hears water gushing, it was water heater, bob tries to stop, hollie shows record, now whats that, hollie said, hollie showed, that, north american interfaith network, its, hollie said, sh, witchs, hollie rubs, face, submarine sorry, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, showed, picture, its akula, fired missiles, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. struck, hollie, showed, picture, its, ohio class, fired missiles, world shook, and up rises the beast, said, hollie, theres hu, sh, she said, summed, and I closed it up, they are, she said, looked, sh, both, twoofuhm, she said, both, sh, beasts, she, said, theres, hu, the false prophet, said, hollie, and, sh, she said, pontiff, he, hollie looks around, sh, the antichrist, there you have it, showed, hollie, sh, summed, 2-21-2009-no, said hollie, shook, yep, showed, om thru with, then, I turned around, shook, yes, clap, from behind, spun, bobby, record, said, hollie, no, and I showed you that, she, said, beast with seven heads, ten horns, pope, theres hu, hollie, said, and, I summed it up, she said, thats, both beasts, emporer of japan, that, said, hollie, thats lamb with hu, japan, coming out, horns, nuclear fireballs in russia, china, then, they rise like lamb, withstand the pope, said, japan, that, said, hollie, signing, 666, record, said, hollie, this is hollie with that o loose belt some, said, hollie, that, was, gabriel, touching mans head, light explosion, that was Jesus, he said, war, said, hollie, with, sandy wiped lips, simb, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, sleep, dogs get cold, feed, said, hollie, let them stay fat in winter, thats pope growing like, whats it like, said, hollie, and, hollie shows like, thats it, said, hollie, from behind, she said, spun, hollie plays music, and I snapped, hollie said, fingers, you didnt want it, hollie said, whats that, said, hollie, theres, hu, hollie said, emporer of japan, hollie, shows, fighting, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, the world, said, hollie, showed, thats lamb rising with hu, japan, coming out of horns, withstand the pope, said, pope and hu, thats, theres, said, hollie, them signing, its, the mark treaty, 666, thats the mark on arm, forehead, thats pope image on finger, like little pope, what did my popes image say, said many, you like it, he said, people bowing before, tear up, put back, Father, said, hollie, rip, from behind, said, hollie, turn, clap, snapped fingers, bob dreams, found, fish, aquarium, its, bob, cleaned, but, took, fish out, or, more, but, one, he found, put back in, was out to long, but, not hurt, bob, afraid of hurting, picking, up, didnt though, theres uh website, lets post that vision, hollie said, sandy wiped lips, its, simb, she, said, thats, double blader, said, hollie, let out, thats them signing the mark treaty, beast, hu hintao, emporer of japan, at the table, on yellow road, hollie shows, copter lets down, pope, i am God, he said, what did they do at the table, said, hollie, laughed, lie, threaten, and, hu, I, will not put up with you, they said, to each other, hollie said, showed, seven day adventist church, hollie points, lighted hand, like, what they like, said, hollie, were baptist, said, one, hollie showed, record, now look, she said, I showed you the beast rising, hollie showed record, showed, beast with seven heads, ten horns, and who are they said hollie, its cuba, nicaragua, mexico, lula, chavez, kim jong, putin, hu, hintao, popping out of heads, thats pope in horn, putin, medvedev, its uh ruling party, and I summed it up, hollie, said, thats beast, pope, his, hollie wiped lips, face, in horn, they, she said, come out of, russia, its, hollie wipes lips, politburo, thats, yeltsin, hes, out of the ten, the, he chose, vladimir, said, medvedev, will you, yes, shakes, ill do it, putin, said, hes, equal, said, dmuitry medvedev, 2-22-2009-lets see, said, hollie, ate, thats, hollie, leaning on nuclear explosion, two, she, showed, and I summed it up, said hollie, showed, snap, fingers, no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, from behind, then showed im thru with it, from new behind, she said, snap, turned, more, click, snapped fingers, tada, to the front, turned, stomped, like march, spun, showed, eat, do, said, hollie, clapped, snapped fingers, hollie fought like claude van damme, hes dying, wanting, his money back, banks closed, many loose, thier, fortunes, cause, trusted in banks, thats, Suze Orman, sh, she said, does commercial, place your money in banks, not shoe box, sh, Suze Orman says, but, she, millions she said, at home, said, Suze Orman, now after u.s.a. economic collapse, she, rich, but, people will want, looting, and i showed you that, said, hollie, beast rising, theres hu, and i summed it up, clapped, hollie, emporer of japan, put back, rip, spun, tore, tada, slash, idol shepherd, there you have it, said, hollie, the four beasts, hollie put back, snapped fingers, tear up, spun, then, quick, light, tada, raise your mantle and repeat after me, russia, this the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope appears, then hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, pope, there, I, summed it up, hollie, did, hollie showed, record, pointed, at missile with two riding, thats, nation exploding, from, hollie showed, record, showed, trade, thats hollie driving new van, hollie showed, record, that was, said, hollie, armageddon, nuclear missiles leaving israel, striking, thats prime minister wiping lips, jordan, syria, egypt, boom, said hollie, exploded, thats the man, tearing up, hollie dreams, laughs, it was uh dream, said, hollie, and hollie dream laughs, bob, over hears, two, talk, thought one mentioned, alaska, bob thought he talked about destruction, bob says, did I hear you mention alaska, and he may have said yes, bob says, want me to tell you what happens to alaska, bob, says, alaska explodes first, and russia leads an all out attack, man moves away from bob, bob goes to, and talks about, man stops bob, sits, bob wants to tell that more missiles were coming after alaska, bob dreams sees whales, killer, said, hollie, jump, in water, then, its, like, bob is, doing, sees, fish as goes in, thats how they eat said hollie, swim, run into fish, chomp, bob gets eaten by killer whale, does not feel, just darkness, it was dream, said, hollie, bob sees Christ temple apostolic assemblies, went inside, drove, Jesus speaks, bobby, look, part of church torn down, new built, only half, it was uh dream, said, hollie, bob sees Jesus, face, coming out of bright Light, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. d.min m.a. ph.d. jung appears, Jesus says over and over, study of dreams dump him, study of dreams dump him, hollie laughs, its up to you clapped the tap dancers, eight kings, said, hollie, that will rise against america, theres hu, hollie, said, and i showed putin, planning, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, exploded, hollie showed, venezuela, come on, said, chavez, then, showed, no, wait, thats, nuclear explosions, in, venezuela, hollie in the fire, that, he said, lula, thats nuclear explosion in brazil, missiles leaving their waters, america exploded, thats, pointed, hollie, tada, cuba, being, mostly covered by, the smoke of america, buring, then, two, nuclear explosions, in, cuba, raul, said, fidel, you fool, raul castrol, shakes, yes, give me, said medvedev, alright ill handle it, said raul castrol, he allows, hollie showed, caution, two, russian, nuclear subs, near cuba, hollie shows on board, with uh stick, she showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, bear plucked, she said, missiles leave their waters, u.s.a. exploded, thered, missiles striking all three, ill put it there, said, hollie, mexico, many, nuclear fires, hollie showed, record, that, she said, hes, pontiff, being, worshipped, hu hintao, said, tape recorder, hes, hollie, looks, false prophet, beast, she said, the second, thats, hollie, looks, sh, the pope, hes, antichrist, both, beasts, and I summed it up, said, hollie, closed, hu git outta there, said, pope, no way, showed, hu hintao, thats, hegoat smiting ram, russia, china, nuking, each, then, hu lets sign the mark treaty, said, pope, 666, you know who it is, said, hollie, thats them at table, like lamb, hu, japan, rise, withstand, each other, said, hu hintao, 2-23-2009-bob, said, hollie, showed, the beast with seven heads, ten horns, and who are they said hollie, theres president of mexico tap dancing, tear up, put back, clap, man, said, hollie, pope, hu hintao, nicaragua, putin, chavez, lula, kim jong, there you have it, hintao, hes false prophet, hollie sums, bobby, record, said, hollie, and i showed you the beast, pope, she said, and Jesus, this is uh warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, ministry of dreams stolen by ed woods, hes edward wood jr. who is, hollie wipes lips, utubia1party, peter appleseed, when ya see, said, hollie, trembles, put it under, said, hollie, dont steal ministry of dreams God spoke for this servant like christian reverend whos uh soothsayer jeremy taylor d.min u.u., ordained, said, hollie, but steals, thats hollie playing music, you did not want me he said, hollie showed, turn, go, with, lighted bear paws, tear up, put back, roll, tada, from behind, clap, normal hands, roll, stomp, what king of visions do you want, prophet, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie in the fire, that, hollie showed pope riding black horse, into, moscow, flatter, he said, thats nuclear explosion, hollie shows world, many nations exploded, hu, hintao, rides, thats him on red horse, thats, hand, pointing, missile strikes taiwan, burns, said cecil tingley, thats grim reaper, laughing, collecting dead souls, on pale, grissled horse, Jesus on white, horse, tada, said, hollie, thats four carpenters, kings pop out, pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, pope, hollie showed, record, whats that, said, hollie, pope, sitting in rome, i am God, he said, thats hu and his armies slashing beast in israel, the israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, thats missiles launching, there like topol-m, said, hollie, striking egypt, jordan, syria, exploded, thats putin, pressing nuclear button, thats israel exploding, Christ places beast, false prophet in fire, rapture, he said, sickel struck ground, what are those my Lord, said, hollie, nail holes she said, in hands, Jesus explains, well I came to my own and they received me not, hollie showed, get oil, keep full, gabriel, checks with hands, thick, slick, keep, hollie wipes lips, no, said, hollie, yes, showed, im thru with it, clap, snapped fingers, let me, said, hollie, feed, she said, animals, throw waist food out, like hollie showed, theyll get off ground, hollie, said, wiped lips, i am God, pontiff, said, hollie, wipes lips, i am him, said, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, said, hollie, and I summed it, up, fired, missiles from her sub, struck, many countries, world shook, up rises, pointed, hollie, the beast, hollie showed, record, that was hollie, smiling, as, thats america exploding, snapped fingers hollie, from behind, she said, snapped, submarine said hollie, lets, surface, she said, fired missiles, hollie showed, all around, america exploded, from the missiles, showed, hollie, thats interceptors being fired, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, thats, barack obama pressing nuclear button, thats russia exploding, missiles leaving russia striking, thats italy exploding, france, great britain, australia, exploded, thats, pointed, hollie, nuclear fires in brazil, nicaragua exploded, wait for me, said, hollie, snapped, fingers, thats the red dragon, said, hollie, its almost over said another hollie, you aint gonna git it, hollie said, playing music, nicaragua will now be russia, said, hollie, put ukraine in russia said yushchenko, thats many nations joining russia, to get oil, said, pope, gabriel appeared, he, said, look, said, hollie, theres uh submarine, right there, pointed, hollie, with captain hollie, its akula, she said, fired, missiles, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploded, hollie watches missiles come from them, russia exploded, up rises the beast, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, pope, kim jong, said, Jesus, launches, casey, points, missiles strike russia, china, south korea, massive explosions, thats vladimir putin pressing nuclear button, north korea explodes, let me record, said, hollie, bob dreams, talks with woman, has three bumps on face, she says, its just runs, it was herpes, she went to work, bob dreams talks with alice cooper, he laughs, bob sings song, he knows, God says, bobby, he wants it, girl works at stereo shop, wants ride, bob does not want to, sees inside, speakers, like little zenith allegro, and, big woofer speaker, this is uh warning said, hollie, post, hollie showed, man, tear up, put back, tear, from behind, man turns, tada, that, said, hollie, showed, start it up, vehicle, atleast once per, hollie wipes lips, month, om mercy, said, Jesus, that van, angel, whistled, drive, lets motor, laughed, hollie showed, turn, hollie said, leave me alone, my spacecraft, people steal it, ministry of dreams, like tomar levine, edward wood, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., they remove ruint, that, said, hollie, let me, record, said, hollie, and, I showed, you that, its the pope rising, 2-24-2009-look at man, said, hollie, tear up, fix it, rip, from behind, uh new one, she said, put it under, watch p.a.w. fall, hollie showed, record, no, and I showed you, that, she said, shook, no, that, no again, its someone rising, she said, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, its uh double blader, said, hollie, let out henry gruver, start, he said, thru megaphone, hollie light blob points, out of megaphone, laughs, bush, gorbachev signing, its start one, thats bear with 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, shook, yes, then, no, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked said hollie, up, hollie, thats bear looking with three ribs in mouth, arise, said, Jesus, devour, thats missiles striking australia, great britain, france, italy, america, all exploded, thats missiles heading for u.s.a. homeland, strike alaska, two, exploded, thats bill clinton pressing nuclear button, russia exploded, bob, hollie laughs, dreamin, she said, sees, joseph, farris, in room, with dyed hair, some says, I dont want to hear that thomas, griffith, yipp, yapp, hollie showed, it was dream, sees, zztop, playing, they are playing, look, said, La Grange, sings, ahaw haw haw haw, song, then, they, leave, stage, bob opens door, sees, two, standing there, billy gibbons, says, they laugh, him and bob, they are eating eggs, out of, like, hollie wipes lips, coffee cup, bob, tells, im glad your eating, leaves, bob was concerned, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, and I showed you the beast, she said, pope, theres hu, hollie summed it up, emporer of japan, slash, idol pope, hollie sums, hollie shows record, feed hollie said, birds, throw out waste food, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed, that pope riding black horse, goes into moscow, flatter, he said, thats russia exploding, missiles from nuclear n.a.t.o., strike, thats, bear with 3 ribs in mouth, and who are they, hollie wipes lips, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, hollie and Jesus said, thats, russia, striking, nuclear, n.a.t.o., thats, hollie, placing, nuclear fires in mexico, thats, one, in canada, missiles strike, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats, captain, hollie, in her, sub, and leave thier waters, striking america, hollie, watched explosions, thats MYSTERY, BABYLON showed hollie, america, statue of liberty, exploded, captain hollie, in her sub, thats gabriel, pouring out vial, hollie fires missiles, its akula, she said, america, exploded, france exploded, australia, italy, boom, said, hollie, exploded, thats great britain exploding, thats tony blairs hand coming up out of britain with fingers on the nuclear button, pressed, russia exploded, this is hollie with that o buzzer soun, showed, hu, hintao, riding red horse, china, thats, white hand, pointing, missile strikes taiwan, exploded, ram, said, hollie, with putin, hu, coming, out of horns, thats hegoat charging, smiting, thats russia, china, nuking each other, drive out, said, pope, hu, both beasts, they, nuke, each, then, hu, japan, saw, hollie, rise, like, lamb, sign the mark treaty 666 with pontiff, it was uh dream, smiled hollie, night vision, said, many, bobby let me said hollie, showed, record, and the beast rose, smiling, let me alone, said, hollie, clapped, smiled, snapped fingers, bobby, its jeremy said hollie, he stole ministry of dreams to write uh book, the ministry of dreams, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. d.min removes ministry of dreams ruint, hollie showed, that, its, uh, 1971, she said, monte carlo, smokes tires, that, said, hollie, hollie, showed, Klipsch, thumbs up, its uh excellent speaker, she said, like, panasonic thrusters, that, said, hollie, compared Klipsch and jbl speakers, that, said, hollie, same, that, was, gabriel and hollie, on grain mill, hollie wipes lips, this is website, post, said, hollie, showed rusty roof on car, vehicle, paint, thats hollie painting, hollie showed, not ready, then, with big lighted hands, shook, yes, om not, she said, then showed no, then, shook, yes, turned, to the side, looked, shook, yes, then, no, clapped, snapped fingers, hollie showed, mark, mooore, choking, hes, said, sh, said, hollie, cut off, both, son, dad, they both, made you look at, said, hollie, now come to indy to pocket money, lucre, thats, Minister, Mark, Moore, Jr., see, said, hollie, when he looks at, he, trembles, hey day, git me off of here, he said, when Mark, Moore, sr., made you look at it, said, hollie, trembles, both, cancell, said, both, to, indy, theres one there, that has God inside like a body, he will embarras said, hollie, they both see, call, and tremble, come, but, dont, 2-25-2009-hollie, showed, nuclear explosion, in, u.s.a., she said, then, up the coasts, then, in, magog, now raise your head, she said, thats, hollie wiped lips, russia, china, hollie in her sub, fired, missiles, thats, mexico, boom, hollie showed, beast riding black horse, let me, said, hollie, showed, russia exploding, thats, missiles from nuclear n.a.t.o., striking russia, world shakes, up, rises, the, beast, pope, hollie, said, thats, bear with 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, plucked up, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats, missiles leaving thier waters, striking america, and missiles striking them, exploded, angel in sky, with face like silhouette, its, partial, said, angel, smoke comes up, casey folds scence, hollie showed, record, who is it she said, its, pope, riding black, horse, italy explodes, hollie, watchs, france, britain, australia, then, america, explode, its, from, bear, said, hollie, rose, Jesus, sprinkled, devour, bear angers, hollie showed, record, again, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, appears, laughs, what did hollie showed laugh about, said, hollie, both, laughed, its barack obama, said, blank tape, hes, tape angel said, killed, thats, biden being sworn in, with, hill, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, of, pope, record, said, hollie, showed, both beasts, theres hu, pope, hollie, said, it was uh dream, said, hollie, yeah, she said, where rhonda, sang, to bob, more, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, the ram, with putin, hu, coming, out of horns, thats, hegoat getting ready to charge, struck, stomped ram, up, rose, four kings, hollie, they are, pope, hollie shows, war, said, hu hintao shakes yes, emporer of japan, slash, idol pope, there you have it, said, hollie, what did hollie do, she, summed, thats it, said, hollie, showed, geese, swim, up rose the red dragon, its, hollie wiped lips, seven kings, five are fallen, from, america, they, are, hollie, its, the g8, n.a.t.o., thats france, chirac shows no way, australia exploded, thats russia with 3 ribs, like bear, and, who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, hollie, said, thats, missiles leaving thier waters, striking america, and, missiles striking them, thats brazil exploding, and, mexico, ill place it there, nuclear explosions in mexico, one, said, hollie, in canada, thats america burning, gabriel pours out vial, whew, he said, thats captain hollie in her sub, its, hollie wipes lips, snaps fingers, stomps, akula, fired missiles, thats america exploded, hollie points, subs around america, fired missiles, thats interceptors fired, missed, america exploded, thats woman coming out of fire, hollie, look, she said, statue of liberty, hollie shows beast riding black horse, moscow exploded, flatter me pope said, hollie in her sub, turned, its, ohio class, fired missiles, thats, russia, exploding, up rose the beast, thats angel in heavens, with, face, then silhouette, then face appears, again, silhouette, turn, back, click fingers, spun, stomp, tada, said, hollie, spin, showed, work, tada, to the front, hollie showed, record, the vision, and make it plain, and I summed it up, hollie appears, white robe, gorgeous, she said, with uh, stick, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, cuba, exploded, missiles left their waters, thats, same happening to nicaragua, exploded, showed, hollie, it was uh dream, smiled hollie, u.s.a. economic collapse, thats hu hintao, preparing attacks washington state, exploded, taiwan, burned, thats, hu riding red, horse, 2-26-2009-hollie, showed, hillsongs, hollie showed, turn, that, showed, looked, at, big, nuclear fireball in america, then, many, in russia, then america, exploded, in her sub, its akula, she said, fired missiles, thats russia striking australia, france, italy, britain, america exploded, missiles from, all, struck, russia, exploded, showed, hollie, world shook, that, said, hollie, the beast rose, she, said, that, hu hintao, hollie wipes lips, both beasts she said, showed, it appeared, she said, emporer of japan, and I summed it up, said, hollie, showed, lamb, hu, japan, coming out of horns, that, said hollie, that, said, hollie, and I summed it up, she said, lets rule the world, said, putin, vladimir, said medvedev, let me, he said, alright, said, putin, thats Dmitry Medvedev, pressing nuclear button, missiles strike all over the earth, shook, thats man, tear up, fix it, rip, from, new behind, said, hollie, snapped fingers, stomped, that, was hollie, tear up, put back, she said, with pencil, paper, write the vision, she said, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, the Ministry of Dreams, appeared, it you alter said Jesus, ill make you run, a Ministry of Dreams, ruin, and, release anyway, like over 1200 have, submarine sorry, said, hollie, submarine sorry, now look, she said, in, her sub, waved, hollie, shows, thats, him, not, her, fired, missiles, world shook, up rose the pontiff, hollie said, Jesus does news, shows, thats the reason, iraq, thats two nuclear explosions, captain hollie in sub, fired missile, gaza, exploded, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, many, look at that said hollie, many, nuclear fireballs in iraq, hollie shows stealth fighter aircraft, they, are, detectable, right here, said, Jesus, they, blink, cause small area underneath, they are, wont you let me look, at it, said, Jesus, not, worth, hollie showed, fighting, its, the, new world order, thats, it, said, hollie, thats, its, the, beast, said, Jesus, seven kings that will rise against u.s.a., thats putin, out of here, he, said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, no I wont do it, said, hu hintao, thats china attacking washington state, thats missile from ground, airplane, striking taiwan, exploded, captain hollie surfaces in 3 ohio class subs, fired missiles, thats china, boom, said, hollie, exploded, that was hollie tearing up the concious, said, hollie, put back, rip, showed, sleep, record, said, hollie, thats, she, said, whats, the, beast doing, said, hollie, riding black horse, thats russia exploding, pope going to, flatter me, he said, signs, thats how he gets arsenal, said, hollie, hollie dream, smiles, bob dreams, talking about the day of the LOrd, mentions, you know where it talks about the sun and the moon being darkened, for 16 hours, thats from the smoke of america burning, can we shoot uh warhead out said, one, bob says something like, we dont have enough to stop uh hundred ofuhm, something like that, it was uh dream, said, dream hollie, this was with two women, maybe talking about doing bible study, you didnt want it, said, hollie, playing music, hu, hintao, rides, red horse, taiwan exploded, bob, this economy is slipping, said, hollie, with hollie playing like space music, synthesizer, hollie laughs, bob, this is Jesus, post, said, hollie, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, exploded, its cause, she said, missiles leave their waters, and, strike them, thats, hollie, in, its, akula, she, said, subs, hollie tattood 666, born there, she, said, hu, pope, japan, thats, the beast, and false prophet, hu, and japan, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, then, im done, then, said, no, but, shook, yes, snapped fingers, from behind, she said, 1-31-2010-pope, hollie, said, thats pontiff riding black horse, hollie claps, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, I showed, record, she, said, showed, cut that off, bobby im starting to torture you more then you can deal with said Jesus, for no reason, but to laugh, this is website, lets post, said, hollie, this is warning, said, hollie, bear licks prophet, im with him, said, bear, hollie shows, its, vladimir putin, she, said, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor going to the emergency roon, with, its, stroke, showed, hollie, who is this, said, hollie, showed, a picture, its soothsayer, she, said, its your doctor rev., hollie said, beat hand, its, jeremy taylor, he steals, the, God spoke, hollie, said, showed, its, Ministry of Dreams, thats, rev. jeremy taylor, ordering kathy taylor to release it, said, d.min jeremy taylor, in hospital room, with tube in, nose, your outta here, said, m.a. jeremy taylor, u.u.a., s.t.d., thats wisdom university, firing, this your website, lets, post, said, hollie, thats, the, loose, belt some, said, hollie, there is no visions in pentecost cause there is no apostolics in pentecost, said, hollie, tap dancing, showed, hollie, said, pope, she, said, its to late for jeff jaco, said, hollie, and, he saw, it, said, casey, thats, your reverend, said, hollie, pastor jeff jaco showing, cut off, its cause im with witch, said, reverend jeff jaco, thats terry long looking serious but shaking yes, and vicki long smiles, but, says, shut up, in heart, trembles, showed cut off, hollie claps, jeff jaco is now scared for his whole livelihood, said, Jesus, thats mrs. jeff jaco, afraid, hollie showed, popes picture, walks around, shopping mall, with plad coat on, pope said, hollie, happy, stop it, shouted, hollie, showed, Lord om thru with it, but, shook, yes, hollie, claps, then pope shows, Lord im done, but, it, was, only partial face visable, hollie laughs, popes changes into hollie, thats, was hollie acting like the pontiff hollie, said, hollie showed, flash drive, keep them updated, she, said, hollie showed, book, call it, she, said, The Ministry of Dreams, its born, she, said, submarines, are, right, there, said, hollie, hey, she said, now look, she, said, its akula agin thats, what, you, want need, said, hollie, all around america, its the, day of the Lord, said, Jesus, thats, one, firing, and, nuclear explosion in, california, hollie claps watching on, cnn, thats both american coasts exploding, hollie cnn news man, reports, hes kicked out, hollie watches on t.v., hollie shows, hollie, and nuclear explosion in, its canada showed, hollie, then whole american center exploded, bobby said, hollie, its, tens, she, said, showed, its, the, alpha 111, tens, tec, they shock, she, said, submarines are coming, there right there, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, there akula class agin, thats what you want needed, said, hollie, in oceans, fired, Jesus looks at world, thats, n.a.t.o., countries exploding, and, woman, shows, its, her, reverend, jeff jaco, visions, im cut off says jeff jaco, I knew, he, said, hollie showed, beast rising, moon looks down, with, its partial, said, hollie, silhouette face, then normal, hollie claps, body invisable, hollie showed, record, hollie showed turn, with amber colored hand, turned into bear paw, tear up, hollie showed, turn, normal, hand, invisable, body, then started fading in, hollie claps, tear up, showed, she, said, shows, pope, with, brown hair, thats, putin, kneeling before, pontiff, let me rule the world, he, said, pope, shakes, alright, and, thats, missiles striking many countries, thats world on fire, hollie spins globe burning, and, up rises, the, pope, hollie said, theres hu hintao, hollie relaxes, there you have it, she said, both beasts, and emporer of japan, hollie, said, hollie dances, thats it, she, said, what she, said, showed, beatem up, thats, hu hintao, clapped, hollie, riding red horse, hollie rides missile, its taiwan agin, hollie, said, taiwan on fire, thats, hu battling washington state with red horse, its, repelled, said, hollie, claps, showed, go, hollie showed, popes picture, warning, said, hollie, showed, rocky horror picture, show, it makes fags, hollie, said, thats 666, said, hollie, tattood, its, take it, said, pope, hollie, said, thats people lined up to receive their mark of the antichrist, said, Jesus, it was uh dream, said, hollie, shows, night vision, bob has old house, man giving estimate, bob, listens, thinks, price cheap, they go upstairs, bob sees damage didnt know was there, man shows bob price, in the ten thousands, ernest borgnine, is walking, and bob tells him that he will get the job, but ernest wants to live there, it was dream, showed, hollie, clapped, bobby, said, hollie, showed, lay down, post on laptop, hollie shows, thumbs down, its bishop oliver haney, sh, said, hollie, hair dyer, thats hollie cnn world news speaking on, t.v., many subs all around america, both coasts exploded,

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