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The End Times Prophetic MInistry of the Last days sservant of God who is bob hickman in 2024 still going strong

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june 1-2-3helle hollie said, flying high, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, with, golden arms, but, she showed, fight, wore, its uh, white dress, hand points, at, border with bears in, some, doing this, some doing that, different colors, hollies body appeared, the rest of her, i'm she said, white in mouth, open, hollie showed, with, its big hand, its 1955 cadillac, its hollie looked at, its fins on back, still good, dont waste'um, hollie said, cars would last, and I stamp, hollie said, but, scene changed, even hollie changed to white hollie, with much going on, many he and she hollies involved, hollie laughs, i'm she said, its the king of grecia, with, its, ram horns, turned into pope, thats, popon hollie said, with kings coming out, hollie came, thru laughing, hollie looked at, its 2011 dodge challenger, thats hollie driving like white angel, spinning rear tire, but one spun faster then other, its posi-trac hollie said, hollie showed with big white hand, that said happy hollie, red sweatshirt on, its king of grecia, pope hollie saidrinkly, bob its aging, hollie said, dont worry, you will she said, put it under, hollie, said, looked at her light,

JESUS BEtRAYS-VISION RECEIVED 8-7-2011-IN VISIONS I SAW THE lord Jesus and he said, 'i betray', 5-14-2011-Hollie showed, its him a she hollie said, lay down God said, hollie screamy, why she said, sreamy again, but never heard God said, said, hollie, he slapt he face again, wore, its uh red sweatshirt but Gods hammer appeared, like, its round, hollie said, looking serious, normal clothes, pope said, hollie, in fire, drinking his drink, he was relaxed, happy hollie said, i'm said caregiver approaching, hes like light hollie, elf, but, dressed in, its elfs clothes, not looking very happy, hollie showed, record, bobby its he hollie, its new, general electric, tape recorder, tongue comes out like light tongue, hollie slapt his face again, hollie said, that, pointed, excited hollie, its, hollie with blue eyes, words dont match lips, i'm she said, its train, hollie said, Father driving like white Father, its, mic"time".

pray for my church, opening soon, in indiaiapolis, new world order apostolic church, the holy Ghost came inside me like a body my perfect size, type in google, the man Jesus entered into like a body my perfect size, and I will go to bat for the members, it will be on w. re red sweatshirt, will last, take care of it, its loose she said, in there, hollie showed, turn, but, same hollie that catches things came out, looking kind of down, wore red sweatshirt, face light, hollies hand hidden, but, appeared, i'm another hidden hollie said, but happily, dimly appeared, but first, changed, still red sweatshirt, that, pointed, hollie, but, another appeared, laughing, its angel gabriel guard, out in streets, many people, running, its looting hollie said, she was there, happy, they, held signs, one like, round head, its, we want loot, one, said, wearing red sweatshirt, thats happy barack obama announcing, its under economic collapse, he saluted but changed, that, was like, jarassic park dinosaur sound, hollie made, she laughed, its uh, warning, angel, said, that, hollie said, he said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, snapping her golden shoes together, white robe, theres border, with, its bears in, happy but green one sad, bobby said hollie like worried hollie, dont go home, she said, that a hidden holie said, I will haunt you Jesus said, hollie showed, take it easy with conrad, hes, afraid, appeared, now lets see hollie said, showed, record, had white hat on, but clapped, lighted hands, hollie showed, record, its world prophecy center church, it looks to side and at bob, but, it sinks, its at first, thats it sinking almost to ground, but rises high, and higher, and higher, thats it towering, above all churches, that ever existed, and angel comes out of, top, showed, its, banner, i'm new world order apostolic church, record, me, hollie said, did convey, wore, its uh red sweatshirt, clapped, hands, but reappeared, hey said another hollie coming out, looking kind of away from bob, serious, look, caught hollie disappearing, thats behind scenes and her, happy, pushing hollie out, but, it didnt appear to happen like that God said, theres uh nigger hollie said, thats blacks and whites at bobs church, but its mainly, both hollie said, appearing, by herself, that, hollie said, she, appeared, that, Gods hammer hollie appeared, its uh blue setting, hollie said, blue hammer, blue setting, hollie, had, brown sweatshirt on, that, another, hollie said, looking like white light but same o hollie, hollie screamed, but, faded, bob hollie showed, its wire, it, hollie got word from God, woal/newsignup.cgi mon=prayer 7-8 christian tabernalce , , fasdasdsdg time for-vision receieved 6-1-2011-in this vision I saw hollie and she looked at her light watch, but, was just like light, no numbers or hands, but later appeared.

hollie appears-vision received 6-22-2011-in vision I saw hollie and she had brown hair and white robe, and slapt one hand on other wrist, and said: bobby, lets go, hollie said, did, but dreaded, then Jesus appeared, its my sign, hollie said, showing, but, it, read, God inside bob, and thats, hollie with Jesus inside, showing record, then showed, cut it off,

vision of Jesus-vision received 8-22-2011-in this vision I saw a big Jesus and it was like it was dark and he was turned to side, and had on maybe a ligth watch and said, , with, its goat horns, and its medvedev with his flower, happy, laughing putin, and pope like angel of light out one horns, and, its hintao out of other, with his, light flower, and, he, played with, thats angry hegoat charging ram with putins face, same kings out of horns, that said hollie, showed, with finger, hollie showed, turn, bob holl10th street, and holt road, which is the speedway side of tenth, you can type in google, the man Jesus entered like a body my perfect size. I will bring church into, p.a.w., hollie claps her hands-vision received 6-20-2011-in this vision I saw hollie wearing white robe clap her hands, and, she looked at her light watch, and said, "bob you", and others said: it was uh night vision, said, it Jesus hollie did say, a woman, hollie said, sits on bob, as he sat, she, looks back, was older, hollie thought, then, bob licks her back, cause, its her dress, hollie said, open, like, its made that was, designer, hollie said, she looks back, laughs, but got w- said, but she appeared, laughing, hand over mouth, showed, golden hands, three fingers on each hand but thumb grew, that hollie said, another hollie, walked, in walmart, wearing, its uh blue, plad coat, white topless hat, that pointed, another, hollie, another one laughed, spoke, that, she, said, again, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, shoes changed colors, but she wiggled together, its snapped hollie said, bob said, hollie, showed, dont, its, ralph, work with, hollie showed, its people going to bobs church, walking out, later stunned, but some return, hollie and God said, put it under, hollie said, bob its success she said, hollie showed, bob gitton the Lord back, wore, its uh, red sweatshirt, but, turned to side, and Gods hammer appeared like round head, hollie, wearing normal clothes, but head turning different shape, its like egg hollie said, coming out, now lets see hollie said, movie buff theatre, she showed, its old movies, thats hand agin, showing, you not need him, its hollie showed, its white, with, theres uh dome in hollie said, with orange hair, he hollie in, happy, but, hamburger face appeared on hand, was happy, but kept changing, hollie said, coming out, hollie screamin, she said, screamed again, but hollie that catches things, she said, came out, showed, hollie screamed silently, hollie drove the pool water truck like white hollie, looking out window, happy, thats her putting water in pool, hollie drover her tank, had lighted goggles on, like, amber colored frames, there big glasses hollie said, she just manuevered, bob lets us close, said, its, babyfleas, hollie said, i'm back she said, clapped, but showed, teeth, hollie showed, returns, looked down, but formed, happy, hollie clapped hands, showed, lay down, a he hollie said, appeared, wearing, its uh burgundy sweatshirt, but Gods hammer appeared, like, its light, hollie said, round head, normal clothes, but head starting to warp, that happy hollie said, its, beast pope, like, angel man, hollie said, riding black horse, that, pointed hollie, that, he went to me, said medvedev, thats him signing deal, hollie showed, lay back down, but he hollie spoke, appeared, hollie showed, turn, Jesus, said, this is hollie she, said in fire, pope, drinking drink, i'm going home, mumbled caregiver approaching, like, lighted round head, dressed like elf, but showed, teeth, she said sleep, showed, jumpy hollie leaping, tapping feet, together, they were golden shoes, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, showed, bob buy something, she said, sleep showed, jumpy hollie leaping but brown shoes appeared, she wiggled one time, i'm the beast, said, its popon hollie said, happy, but hollie came out laughing, 5-15-2011-she said jumpy hollie said again, hollie came out, showed, its new world order apostolic church, with angel coming out of top, angel looked to the side with red eyes hollie said, but then looked at bob, theres static in hollie, as church sinks and rises, you see him, stay away from, hollie said God said, its trevor she said, its newport, hes uh witch hollie said, put it under, she said jumpy hollie said, work, hollie showed just sit and be quiet, she wore uh, but changed into Gods hammer, like round head hollie, hollie showed his light watch, he wore uh, bobby its Gods hammer hollie said, like warped head of light, theres dullnblue in hollie said, he appeared she said, clapped hands, this is uh warning hollie said, showed lay down she said, but got back up, hollie thats catches came out with light face, caught hollie with gold in her face God said, bob pointed, hollie, ralph is about to call, hollie pointed, just sit and wait, she said, thats hollie, sitting, wearing, its uh plad coat, but, changed to Gods hammer, like, blue round, head, but head changed, hollie points, up, with, white light finger, Jesus came, happy, i need somebody to record me, bobby hollie showed, its children laughing, its that hollie showed, bobs video, thats bob telling children, its I persecute Jesus said, he appeared, showed, happy hollie, and children laughed, they tell in school and teachers tremble that woman thought she was saved, bob your flooding hollie said, this country with knowledge of God, its increased hollie said, hollie showed, turn, no, hollie said, but, I shook yes, then hollie showed, away, tear up, she said, had golden arms, three fingers per hand, but, hey said, hollie that catches, coming, out, white head, red sweatshirt on, looking kind of toward bob, but not at, no expression, but seemed unhappy God said, hollies face not all seen but appeared, happy, pope hollie said, he appeared, happy, hollie came out laughing, thats caregiver, approaching, but he hollie said, turned normal, but its, clothes, she said, like elfs clothes, but, light green colored hat with like, fuzzy round top thing on like santa, wears, she said, fix it, jumpy hollie said, leaping, wearing white dress, but wiggled brown shoes together, next time, face, going monkey, seemed, to have, hat on, thats, hollie said, coming out, white hat on, looking at bob, its, new world order apostolic church, rising, happy angel coming out, its hollie, said, like, big red eyes, looking to side, then at bob, church, rises quick, thats like static, its, many people in static appearing, but, trembling, boo chanted, many, he hollies, their on hill hollie said, but, amber colored she hollie came out of one looking toward, hollie played, the, synthesizer, bobby that one she said, it doesnt cost very much brand new, buy new, thats hollie with, new synthesizer keyboards, its there she said, at, radio shack, she said, sleep, said jumpy hollie, leaping, wiggling her brown feet, long white robe, theres border with, its many hollies, in, one showed broke, its him she said, thats angel head, in, its new world order apostolic church, he appeared, showed, hollie, she showed, write the deal, its them dealing with just bob, see hollie, said, go, to, radio shack, thats Gods store, thats Father walking into, its radio shack, hollie stamped like white angel hollie, God wore, its hat, but he help radio shack form, he said, thats hollie with, its radio shack realistic stereo receiver, they were, thats Father helping create, like white angel Father, thats hollie playing his, its keyboards, looks at bob, laughs, wore, its uh red sweatshirt, but Gods hammer appeared, with, its dull hollie said, blue head, changing shape, normal clothes, have your wish, hollie said, on car, thats owner of church, giving bob keys, you sell he said, we, he walks away, they, sell to bob cheap, boo we, bobby hollie said, showed, pointed, with, its uh white finger, she showed, but another, hollie showed, buy the, straight talk card, thats hand, agin, showing, you did not need him, it, hollie said, its hollie showed, theres uh dome in, with, its him in said hollie, but, quickly clapped hands, scene changes, he got out of, hand, only head seen, walked, its to Gods interviewing table, he wants it, hollie said, thats nathaniel urshan coming to bobs church and teaching, they love him hollie said, bob you, knew urshan pointed, thats joel urshan coming to, bob introducing, thats hollie, its him, she, said, drinking the booze, he liked it, laughed later, hollie gave the, its face lift, but, Gods hammer came, but hes ever changing, but turned into, its she hollie, like, thats bunny rabbit but no quite, hollie saluted, its like shipmate, its board, s.s. oylmpic, its hmhs hollie said, thats, olympic scraping iceberg, but not sinking, but, listing, o hollie, did convey she said, thats ship rolling and sinking, its they were the same hollie said, whats that a she hollie said, its him she said, looking at bob, playing his, its, electronic keyboards, its synthesizer, hollie said, he cant play but, laughs, makes, sounds, with, they like and know, he cant play, but they like listening, it makes them happy hollie said, whats that, hollie said, its, the, four horsemen, hollie said, its, pope, hollie said, like angel on, its black horse, thats him riding quickly, hollie showed, clapped hands, on world, stopping in russia, it appeared, hollie said, thats, me medvedev said, and pope writing deal, it gains some advantages, hollie said, thats hollie riding, its spacesoarem rocket, jet, its red, thats hintao launching, and it pops out of sea, thats hollie landing in, its taiwan, it errupted into hollie said, flames, thats, hintao on red horse, battling, its washington state, hollie said, light swords, hollies was blue, hintaos churched colors, white, red, theres blue, thats another hollie flying out, its world war one fighter jet, its double winger, hollie said, showed, on ground, but in air, gotchu, he said, as he dove and, thats him bombing ship, flying, almost straight down, its over, six hundred miles per hour hollie said, he, thats him, pushing lever, releasing bomb, then pulling back up, ship explodes, then leaves, it wont sink it, he said, but wound, damage, no, shook hollie, its his secret, he played music, you got what you needed, he said, looking at bob, but, its kind of hard, to see, face, this is, uh website, here hollie said, like, angel men, of light, its, o, hollie said, hand over mouth, there deformed, she said, its stunned look, God said, spots, all over faces, they will hang around, he hollie and God said, now let me see said, its hollie, said, many hollies, hollie wrote the deal, its one thousand, but turned into, its, one hundred, now lets me see hollie said, he wont pay, hes uh, snake hollie said, thats Jesus, giving bob the light keys hollie said, its to, thats church, one new, world order, apostolic church is born, hollie said, thats it rising up from the ground hollie said, angel coming out of, its top, but looking to side, not seeming happy, but got happy, showed, its picture, hollie, claps, happy, came out, rubbed face, but theres nothing on, but its pope appeared, then its the kim jong-hu hintao man, you see these two are one hollie said, scene changes, thats missiles flying, and its south korea, russia and china, exploding, and, hu hintao with controls, but his son steals, thats missile leaving russia, with its angel on, riding, happy, but north korea exploded, hey hollie said, thats missiles from sea, its two tomahawks, one with Jesus like cat on, or thing, and other, hollie, thats explosions in north korea, we wont take it said putin, but, medvedev gets nuclear button, presses, now lets see hollie with Jesus inside said, another hollie walks out, showed, its moody, he said, hollie said, happy, stomping feet, showed, fight, wearing, its uh white robe, thats finger pointing, its i'm said rest of hollie, appearing, like dull blue gray color in mouth, border on, with golden and like, hollie came out, showed, its like, design in, hollie showed, turn, hollie appeared like somewhat golden colored hollie, showed, turn, but another, showed, keep going, had white bear paws, tear up, and fix it, hey said, another, hollie came out, popes picture with brown hair appeared in between paws, but pope smiled, hollie went, kind of, hard to see, like blurry, another, hollie, showed, pope, said, hollie, in, fire, i'm home, said, caregiver approaching, mouth open, but, didnt move lips, spoke it, in heart, showed, happy hollie, but, white caregiver appeared, showed, pope, white elfs clothes, hollie said, thats white hat like santa wears, and white like tee shirt, thats, enter at your own risk, sign, on door, its world prophecy center church, sinking, theres angel coming out of top, with red eyes, santa like white hat, its light, but, church like static, thats hollie running to Jesus, now lets see she said, its a semi blurry like dull gray scene, 5-16-2011-Hollie showed her light watch, lets go she said, bob dont let them hollie said, come to the church, dont invite, they will not come God said, but wait God said, get ready God said, bobby leave now hollie said, hollie pointed at door go now hollie said, put it under, hollie said, hollie danced, you see she said, they know bob, its cecil, they want you, hollie said God said, shut up, its him she said, but they want that, funny, they know you dont care, but heres the deal hollie said, they wont care, but he will not be accepted, but some will God said, as the m.v. Hollie said, wilhelm gustloff ship saluted, happy, like happy ship angel, no, hollie said, prophet said, bobby, its, pope, hollie said, and I, showed, you uh, picture, she said, its, popon she said, thats, pope, beast, hollie said, riding, its black horse, she said, appeared, both, hollie watches, its on white world, stops here hollie said, its, hollie showed, russia, thats, hand agin, hollie said, showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, theres uh dome in, hollie said, pointing, with, its, him in, orange hair, but looking kind of shrewd, hand white, but hamburger helper, face appeared on, smiling, hollie said, its, o, she said, hollie flew, starfightem she said, showed, its f-104 starfighter, many flying side by side, its blue angels hollie said, lighted he hollie came outside on one, stood, then changed into, its, jim steinman, pope, now, lets see, hollie said, hollie soared, its fighter rocket jet, its old she said, spacefighter, hollie said, shook yes, but changed to she, bob you'll get your church, she said, its ralph, she said, he will make conrad sign purchase agreement, thats bob and ralph and conrad signing purchase agreement, conrad happy, white topless hat on, ralph worried look, hollie showed, turn, its on central avenue she said, and I summed it up, a golden he hollie said, like, its, long nose, golden face, like thing hollie, she hollie said, but, did same, wearing, its uh, red sweatshirt, but Gods hammer appeared like, its, blue, hollie said, theres, dull blue senery, blue head, you could not tell them apart, hollie showed, its, like, dim outline showing, they were separate, I aint no angel, hollie said, but, angel showed, record, you see said he hollie, but, he, was, kind of, hard to, describe hollie said, like golden face, angelic being hollie, but, not quite, hollie showed, turn, hollie got the, its, another, hollie said, straight talk card, thats her updating, in walmart, hollie drove, spun tires, its black trans am, hollie showed, but got back in, she looked like angelic light hollie, she said, jumpy hollie said, with golden face that seemed to turn monkey, but looking serious, and white dress with border, theres, bears in, hollie bears, both he and she but one like, its nigger hollie said, brown hollie, not happy looking, this is website, lets post, said, its, hollie said, another, one, hollie showed, turn, like golden thing hollie but its he hollie, its boo chanted many he hollies, but, him, its, appeared, shook, no, but, hollie appeared, and salted and showed, its o.k., but then, i'm away with it she said, showed, but clapped hands, hollie showed, turn, like golden, its, lit, hollie said, hollie, but, it was same hollie that said, that appeared, showing, turn, but looked normal, wore, red sweatshirt but Gods hammer hollie appeared, like dull blue faced hollie with normal clothes like blue jeans, his head warping but really was she, boo chanted many he hollies one said, their on hill pointed, she hollie, but, hollie showed, turn, red sweatshirt on but hollie that catches things came out, looking kind of toward bob, white face and, red sweatshirt on, hollies hand, hidden but appeared, it was, lighted bear paw another hollie said, but, she was happy hollie showed, walk, its in, laundry and tan connection, hollie showed, its symbol, &, hollie wore, blue plad coat and, had, white hat on but just was stopped, looking to side, he, said, jumpy hollie said, wiggled feet toghether, one time, white robe, bears in border, hollie showed, come on, go to, its, walmart, he said, hollie played his music, again, hollie said, shook, quit, but face not seen to well, look pointed hollie, its trouble brewing, hollie showed, lay down, hollie walked in, its treadmill, drank drink, head turned to side, pope in the fire, hollie said, drinking, drink, i'm home said, its his caregiver showed, hollie, but reappeared, wearing caregivers clothes, its like what santa wears, but different colors, i'm home caregiver said, approaching pope like, round head, mouth open, you could see his teeth hollie said, she saw, no, she, said, jumpy hollie said, leaped, wiggled brown shoes, together, but, then king of, just moved, foot from, twisted, hollie came out, pointing, white finger, shoes bottom white, hollie showed, with big white hand, she, looked at, its 1966 cadillac four door, its still good hollie said, she, looked underneath, hood, its 427 engine, it puts out about hollie said, thats hollie and Jesus talking, four hundred horsepower, thats car smoking, tires, but not for long, its geared wrong hollie said, for racing, but, still good, hollie drove, like white angel, but looking at bob, not where she going, he said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, clapping hands, they were brown, white robe, she later wiggled shoes together, but white shoes, brown feet, amman God said, and he saw it, casey said, pointed, thats nuclear fires in, its syria, egypt, and jordan, thats rocket leaving, its, moscow hollie said, i'm she said, thats angel riding rocket, its israel exploding, Christ stood on, its mountain top hollie said, showed, looking up, hollie flying, its spacesoarem, rocket jet, but changed into, its like swann, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, wiggling her shoes together, they were brown, pointed, she, hollie, with, lighted white finger, whole hand, but changed, thats, penguins circling like gray birds, one showed, down with fin, bobby we want you back here tomorrow, come home one said, but, amber colored, its goose, walked in middle, 5-17-2011-hollie put his hand on his other arm, had on light watch, wore red sweatshirt, but uh happy she hollie appeared, put it under, you know hollie said, there was uh problem angela davis said, put it under hollie, she put her hand on other arm, hollie showed his light watch, he wore, a she one said God said, im said, its popes caregiver hollie and Jesus said, lets put it under, bobby its time hollie, light watch, bob, said, it, hollie, showed, its, new world order, apostolic church, now, wondering itself, like wondering angel, thats Father, its uh, laptop cellphone, t.v., hollie said, just looking, hollie showed, turn, boo chanted, its, a, she hollie, did convey, one he hollie, turn me, hollie said, showed, theres hand agin, showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, hollie showed, turn, then again, hollies screamin for this reason, she, said, screamed again, but silently, look, said, its, hollie, said, another, hollie, coming out, happy, hollie showed, eat, the first one, hollie said, look there, hollie pointed, like somewhat dark hollie like bull winkle, pope drinking drink in fire, i'm, said, care giver approaching, big round light head, light like santa hat, hollie came out, pointing, she said, thats, angel guard in streets, looking serious, but hand plad coat on, theres people running, and, hollie held her gift there with but janette appeared but became very dark and dim, bobby, she was there, hollie said, you both live at the church, ralph will salvage, just watch, thats barack obama announcing, its under economic collapse, hollie said for him, then she took, the prez off, thats Jesus sprinkling, like, its him, she said, hollie, wearing white robe, he laughed, hollie showed, eat, thats dark bear rising, Jesus telling, arise, destroy much flesh, thats bear shaking yes, and hollie showed, its uh network, she was happy, another hollie came out, pointing, hollies teeth appeared, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., errupting into fire, missiles striking, i'm the g8, putin said, hollie showed, turn, him, she said, pope pointed dark hollie, in fire, drinking his drink, pope, I warn you, said his caregiver approaching but didnt move lips like lighted round head caregiver but dressed like elf, bobby no, said, its, hollie, said, happy hollie, showed, thats bob at closing table with Jesus, it wont go wrong hollie said, bob walks out with clear deed, but conrad knows, your done he said, loved you, dont, believe, him, clapped the tap dancers, many hollies, but pope hollie said, there with, wearing, its uh brown suit, hollie pointed, shaped like, its little horn, hollie raised, hand, scene changed, theres hand showing, you did not need it, its, hollie showed, theres dome in, with, its him in, but orange hair turning brown, he, claps, got excited, came out of hand, but hand turned hamburger helper hand, it smiled, hollie said, pointed, with big white hand, 5-18-2011-that hollie said, its him she said, that hollie said, he put his hand on his other arm, that he said, he wore uh, but scene changed agin hollie said, its Gods hammer, now let me see hollie said, spoke with Jesus, hes dull she said, but hollie that catches things comes out, light white face and red sweatshirt on, then appeared at Gods interviewing table, i want you to do both, its parts Jesus said, hollie shook, bob said, its hollie pointed another, but sweatshirt changing colors, thats angel coming out of church, its hugging bob hollie said, like big angel, put it under hollie said, bob those lots hollie said, keep, they are zoned hollie said, she thought, they would go for uh lot uh money hollie said, bobby said hollie, looked at, its jerry alexander, hollie thought, hes good, but be careful she said, thats bob calling, its title company, numbers, hollie got word from God, are same but verify, bob hollie said, thats pope, riding, its uh, black horse, hollie said, but, its, popes, caregiver approaching, like light round head, hollie, its i'm, he said, thats, bob preaching from his own pulpit, wearing, its uh, white like long coat, bob reels them in hollie said, thats bob using fishing pole, thats church, first service about 30 people, thats second service, its almost full, thats, sunday morning, church packed, thats bob raking in the loot, happy, hollie pulls money to herself, its good for me, hollie said, thats bob wearing, its uh, red sweatshirt, preparing for plastic surgery, thats doctor, pulling face muscles, then snipping, doing surgery, bob looks thirty coming out, thats bob getting, its hair grafts, hollie stamps, but Gods hammer, hollie appears, like, she hollie, thats hollie, mowing the lawn, its, at, thats angel like, round head, its, theres, dull hollie said, light blue head hollie, its take hour hollie said, its many lots but bob loves, thats people stopping by, talking, bob makes them all, laugh, its, pope, caregiver said, on, its uh black horse, hollie sees room full, of, its ministryofdreams websites, puts hand over mouth, its o, she said, there deformed, spots on all their heads, she said, jumpy hollie said, stomping, but face went monkey, hollie showed, record, showed, bob to eat something, she wore, its uh red sweatshirt but Gods hammer appeared, and angel comes out of church, pulls bob to side, they love, its, one world order apostolic church, people look at name, and think, Lord woman said, and shook head, but went in, shes, colored hollie said, its nigger, but the love bob, pope said hollie, in fire, drinking his drink, caregiver there, but just wondering, mouth, partially, opened, thats, hollie standing on, its hmhs, hollie said, brittanic, on side, but on bottom of sea, but angel comes out happy, showed, his ship, with big hole, its, I dont care, mind ship said, went back in but kind of looked out, hollie showed, turn, b but hollie moodie shrugged playing, music, face hard to make out but was, appearing, approaching bob said like angel, time of, its, thats bob behind pulpit and church angel watching, but, looking, cautious, bobs loose, and people, know it but the love their God man hollie said, and bob keeps every one of them, its uh family hollie said, hollie showed, the apostle give, thats basket, by, its golders feet and people putting money, in, laying treasure at the apostles feet, donald looks kind of stunned but loves it, they laugh, he said, two hollies said, both, jumping, but one jumpy hollie, hollie, prophesy, said, it angel hollie said, showed, its the pope in, air riding his black horse, hollie flys by, its spacesoarem jet x-12, thats him dropping bombs, thats taiwan exploding, thats hu hintao, pressing, its the controls, hollie said, thats boris yeltsin and hintao planning it out, its, you lure, yeltsin said, thats hintao, its battling washington state, on his red horse, but horse did things, thats hollie fighting back, two light swords, another hollie flys out, its old luftwaffe world war one jet, thats her bombing ship, sha zam, she said, wearing pilots gear, she showed, airplane, and then showed, its repelled, she said, she said, showed, jumpy hollie, showed, work, bob dont hollie said, thats bob driving to lebanon, its thursday morning, at, ten a.m., he meets with jerry, jerry makes bob laugh, but the love each other, bob leaves and wires money, jerry, tells, exactly what to do, hollie showed, turn, no, said, hollie, like, hurt hollie, but I showed, yes, she said, then, shook yes again, but aw, hollie said, it was Jesus, but, sweatshirt went from red to, its like, light grayish blue, now bob your about to get uh new heart, your appearance is the only thing that will change you so thats God appearing fixing bobs face, and giving him hair work, thats Jesus working on, its bobs kneck, but scene changes, and its Gods hammer appearing, hollie showed, turn, like uh golden hollie, but like head with cap on, round, but cap kind of just like, its, like jewish cover, but not quite, turn me showed, hollie, said, quit it, bobby, hollie said, another, happy hollie, stood on board, the, its, r.m.s. titanic, but, ship sinks, its, o, said, its, uh well dressed ship, hollie said, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff, ship, thats hitler on, hitlers super ship, and it taking explosions on side, its thats three torpedoes striking, its last one that did it hollie said, its penetrated to engine section, thats, its, massive explosion, its rocked whole ship, it rolled and sank, hollie watches, thats people swimming, in, hollie said, Lord its near zero woman said, help us, thats another ship coming to help, people getting on board, hollie showed, biting, come on bob she said, showed, eat something, wore, its uh red sweatshirt, but Gods hammer hollie appeared, like, its round, she said, he hollie, dull blue color, but head kind of pulling into different shapes, and I, stamp, hollie said, beat hand, red sweatshirt on, thats, its the four horsemen coming out, thats black, with, its, pope hollie said, riding, thats red with hintao, on, he got off, showed, horse, thats hollie walking, in, its walmart, wearing, its uh plad coat, just, having fun, white topless hat on, bobby hollie said, showed, dont sell it, thats church, angel hugging bob, keep, its your livliehood, she said, you'll be uh millionaire, thats jerry alexander, come on to lebanon, he said, thats bob dreading but going in, thats, bob where you wanted to live, go there, thats, bob going alone, janette followed, bob keeps house, that hollie said, showed, walk, you see that, hollie said, its ship agin, hollie showed, but just hands, that, catches things, comes out, white head, and, its uh red sweatshirt but another hollie came out and stamps, and scene changes, thats, hollie only, hands there, but rest appeared, hands were big and red, I'm she said, white in mouth, but looking, like, its, horny hollie said, bob you and jannette are married, so, you will live in church forever she said, hollie walked into, its, walmart, that another hollie said, she wore blue plad coat, its shelves hollie said, that another hollie said but really was casey, that some girl said, its economic collapse here, hollie said, people ran, hollie held her gift, but jannette, appeared somewhat darkly, that hollie said, thats bob jannette, making, its little hollie, like round head baby, i'm little hollie said, its he hollie, that hollie said, he looked like, uto hollie said, its popes caregiver, that hollie said, then worked for, its, pope, beast, i'm he said, walking toward, but clothes chanted, to like, its, that, hollie said, how great is our God, hollie sang, playing piano herself, that, hollie said, she wore uh, red sweatshirt but Gods hammer hollie appeared, that another said, like, its blue hollie said, a hollie, that hollie said, let me, show you something, that, hollie said, its church angel with light hands grabbing bob, showing him inside church, hollie appears in church, it fills, quickyly, the overflows, thats, more, that, hollie said, people showing up then can sit in, many just leave, that, hollie said, come on, hollie said, that hollie said, have long services hollie said, thats, that, hollie said, thats how you get them all in, that, bob does, that hollie said, its Father on, that hollie said, old steam locomotive, that hollie said, its make chew chew sound, that hollie said, its hollie funnel but went back to, funnel, that, hollie said, another hollie came out, showed, that, hollie said, showed, be still, thats hollie climbing into, its dumpster, but, and I stamp, Jesus like white light cat, white hand, Gods hammer hollie appeared, again, hollies screamin for this reason, screamed, again, thats catholic priest, its rick naegel, at, its bobs church, but hollie stamped, and its, Gods hammer hollie appearing again, like its, dull, grayish color, everything, but different shades, round head, its hollie didnt want to say, wore, its red sweatshirt, but Jesus spoke, call him by his title, fr. rick naegel, thats Father hollie said, he preaches and they like, he wears white robe, that said, its, he, a she hollie said, another hollie showed, turn, thats her crawling in dumpster, sleeping, wearing, its uh plad coat, but, Gods hammer shows up again, like, its round hollie said, dull hollie, hollie clapped hands, had on, its red sweatshirt, but Gods hammer, behold, showed, the, hammer like, hollie came out, blue, almost round head, normal blue clothes, but different shades, thats nuclear explosion in, africa, and, missiles soaring around, its globe, hollie showed, turn, but turned into, its lighted arrow, hollie stamps, its, horses, with, theres, pope hollie said, another, he hollie, wearing, its red sweatshirt, but theres Gods hammer again, like, its round head, but ever changing, theres blue hollie said, its, him she said, smiled, laughed, he she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, face went monkey, white robe on, brown shoes, theres, hard shoes, jumpy hollie showed, dealing the loot, it, was, angel, hollie said, thats, the, tap dancing, hollies, theres pope, one said, tap dancing hard, but, hes, the, antichrist hollie said, theres hu, hintao, hollie showed, thats hand showing, its cecil, be easy, theres uh dome in, with its him in, but looking concerned, hair went brown, hey hollie said, looking, hand over mouth, she noticed that, he was in dome but came out, hand went hamburger helper hand, its, face appeared on, hollie said, bobby, om, in, danger, hollie said, what did it, say, hollie said, did convey, thats hand showing, you did not him, its hollie showed, theres uh dome in, hollie said, thats, him in, hair, half brown, half orange, but, hamburger helper face appeared on hand, smiling, but, hiding something, thats hand at, sitting at Gods interviewing table hollie said, but scene changed, and Gods hammer appeared, like, changing hollie but started with round head, then went hollie, 5-19-2011-she said, jumpy hollie said, it was Jesus pointed hollie, showed her white dress, hollie with Jesus inside showed record, hollie showed, wanting, to, record, thats, hand agin, showing you did not need him, its hollie showed, theres uh dome in, pointed, she hollie, with, its him in, face, licking prophet, hair turning, brown, but, was orange, bob those are cd's, their good hollie said, thats her posting, its, visions, on, its home computer, but hollie stamped, and scene changed, but Gods hammer, appeared, at, its, sitting at, hollie said, computer, thats, hes, like, dome head, round, and blue, but not, quite, hollie relaxes, coming out, normal clothes, but blue colors, different shades, hollie saluted, its on board the, hmhs, she said, did convey, britannic, thats ship sinking, and face appears on ship, its hitler did it, ship points, started world war one hollie said, and two, its germany, hollie said, its the word, showed, Gods hammer, like blue hollie, but, roundish, head, and, different shades of, blue, stamps, hollie, wearing, its uh, red sweatshirt, normal clothes, but scene changes, hollie points, in like blue cloudy scene, and, pope, like, angel of light, its, on, hollie stamps, same clothes, black horse, spacesoarem jet, said, it hollie, what did you see, hollie said, its, him, flying, its, red rocket, thats two engines, hollie showed, and, its, taiwan, errupting, into, fire, thats, hintao, watching, and, hollie on his rocket ship leaving, its out of china sea, hollie stamped, thats hintao fighting, its hollie on his, red horse, its washington state battle, both have light swords, and that hollie like, featureless face hollie, just smiling mouth and eyes, wearing pilots gear, in old world war two jet, drops bomb, hollie showed, her, world war one jet, its just, hollie thought, now let me, see, she, said, two winged plane, its repelled, there showed, hollie, but another hollie comes out, who catches things, two different hollies, one light head, hollies not to easily seen in, this, frame, thats, Jesus, looking, its at, picture, frame negatives, and, hollie appears in one, like pilot, lights up, that she said, hollie soars, its, on, its his, God said, spacesoarem rocket jet, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. lands, errupting into, its, fire, showed, another, hollie, like, pilot, theres uh, submarine, hollie said, showed, turn, but, then, other way, red hand, both ways, its, akula class, thats what, you want, needed hollie said, showed, abruptly, showed, be still, scene changes, Gods hammer hollie appears, but going like blue bug face, hollie came out, red sweatshirt on, its, blue clothes, but hes, not nornal looking she thought, shook, hollie screamed, dont do, she said, you see, hollie said, thats, bob, and, its, girl, said, hollie, stamps, but, Gods hammer, hollie, appears, its, blue, hollie said, blue hollie, like bug head but went more round, blue colors, but, hollie came out, thought, there, kept changing, bob made, love, its to, many girls, but they were older, like, him, hollie said, God will fix you up, hollie said, hollie, showed, to, feed, animals, hollie pointed, showed, thats her climbing into, its dumpster, but the hammer hollie appeared, like blue, its round, hollie said, head hollie, him, she said, theres blue clothes, she said, showed, get ready to, hollie showed, sleep, wore, its uh, red sweatshirt, hollie, showed, turn, she, said, many hollies said, including, its, jumpy hollie, wiggled brown shoes together, but turned golden, another, hollie came out, bobby she said, hollies shoes changed, bobby, hollie said, its, chinook showed, with white finger, its double bladder, angel pilots, hollie, its, he hollie, him, a she one said, hanging by rope and being pulled out, its destruction of america, nuclear fire balls, along both coasts, its, massive hollie said, in center, explosion, thats missiles soaring and striking, its nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, exploded, but russia burned, thats, massive fire, showed, its hollie, boo chanted, many he hollie, their on hill a he hollie and Jesus said, put it under, hollie said, showed, lay down, come on, said, its, church angel, hollie said, coming out of, its church, stamps, hollie, like light little hollie but scene changes, to like, somewhat foggy but, pope on black horse, like warrior comes out, theres hu hintao, on, his red horse, showed, thats, them looking at, its, each other, hollie said, and, thats nuclear fires in, its, russia and china, thats, ram with, its, skull, hollie comes out, I showed, she said, thats hollie transferring money, by, its electronic, wire she said, bobby, she said, you'll get it back, she said, if, something goes wrong, hollie said, it, wont, hollie said, wearing, its uh, plad coat, but, Gods hammer, hollie appears, like blue hollie, with, almost round blue head, Jesus like golden Jesus showed, turn, pope in the fire, hollie said, did convey, drinking his drink, i'm, one, with them, said, its, popes caregiver, like, lighted round head, hollie, mouth open, teeth showing, dressed, like, elf, hollie and, its JEsus said, hollie turned, into, like blue, long, nose, hollie, everything blue, hollie turned, his head, in the fire, she hollie points, big white hand, its gloved she said, hollies, eyes closed but laughed, with flames roaring, its, I dont mind, he, said, did convey, hollie said, showed, lay down, hollie with Jesus inside showed, record, thats hollie with God inside of her laughing with the people, hollie pointed, at, the, gas price she said, went from 3.89, to 4.09, another hollie comes out, looks at bob, but she, went, like white hollie, animal like thing, no, said, it hollie, its hollie, but, scene went blue, another, hidden hollie said, thats blue hollie in blue, blue clothes, another came out, to convey, I showed om thru with it hollie said, then again, had brown hands, no, its, babyfleas, this time, hollie showed, go in, take bath, thats, her, cleaning, its up, but hollie, stamped, and its, scene went blue again, theres Gods hammer hollie again, like, its, crash test dummy head but all blue but hollie comes out, different shades, hollie shook, his head, hollie pointed, keep going, said, uh she hollie, thats, its hollie said, jumpy hollie leaped, but next time, turned, brown face, monkey, van like living van hugging bob, with, its white arms, cause arms, cause bob thinks retirement, van shakes yes, then, appears sitting, its, at, Gods interviewing table, Jesus and plymouth voyager van speak, its time God said, van agreed, happy, but knows, i'm rest, van said, look, said, its, hollie, another, hollie said, look, hollie said, and, I, showed, you uh picture, its, pope, hollie said, its, I, am gog, he said, but, changed, its into, its like, angel, ghost like thing, hollie night vision showed, smiled, its was uh dream, another, hollie said, showed, night vision, I'm frederick hyche, he said, hollie and God said, its fred, she said, real estate man, hollie showed, turn, again, 5-20-2011-hollie showed, its, Christ temple, tomorrow, she, walks, in, its, wearing, she said, did convey, red plad coat, thats, her, leaving, its, Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, and, Gods hammer hollie appears, like, its, blue, hollie said, did convey, like, its round head, and, blue clothes, but, hollie, comes out, its, different shades, she said, did convey, hollie, said, that, showed, Gods hammer, hollie, its, pope, now, let me, see, hollie, said, did convey, came, out, thought, thats, Jesus looking, its, at, picture frames, and, that, said, hollie, in, one, lighting up, first, that, another, hollie said, its, pope, hollie, said, riding, his, black horse, thats, pope, galloping, hollie said, on, its, world, hollie said, and, Gods hammer, hollie, appeared, like, its, blue, hollie said, round head hollie, blue clothes to, but, looking not happy, but, hollie, pointed, had some white in, open, mouth, that, hollie said, did convey, hammer licks prophet, that, hollie said, its, Gods hammer, like, blue crash test dummy like hammer, but that hollie said, blue clothes to, and its, different shades, hollie said, and, I, showed, you, uh, picture, hollie said, its pope, hollie said, another, appeared, looking, at, its, o, a third hollie said, pointing, with white, finger, theres blue in picture, thats, hollie, hidden in the people but still coming out, laughing with, wearing, its uh plad coat, but, Gods hammer, hollie appeared, like all blue crash test like dummy hollie but clothes nice, like, its sweater, and darker blue pants, hollie and God said, hollie screamed, but, not, heard, screamed again, she said, its, jumpy hollie pointed, another, hollie, she, wiggled her feet, together, snap, its golden shoes, but, they appeared again, she, snapped, together, and its, pope, hollie said, appearing, hollie, shook, his, head, a she one, comes, out, points, his, eyes closed, had brown hair, another, hollie pointed, like, its, thing, hollie said, coming out, as, flames errupted, but he hollie smiled, shook head, got happy but changed, boo chanted, many, he, hollies, their on hill, hollie came, out, looking, like, o, so, pope, hollie said, i'm weary, mumbled, its popes caregiver approacing like elf dressed lighted round head he hollie a she one, said, pope drank his drink, but flames all around, he was, like, angel man, i'm in, danger, thats, what she, said, hollie said, thats moodie playing his sounds, but, face, hollie comes out, shaking, hes hard to see, hollie showed, turn, but, another, hollie showed, keep going, a, third hollie comes out, hand, rubbing chin, now lets see, she said, hollies hands hidden but they appeared, their dull hollie thought, bear paws, tear up, thats, popes, picture, with, brown hair, happy, putin, knelt, before, lets rule the world, its uh network, said, showed, hollie, alright hollie said, speaking for, its pontiff, she laughed, bob your going to be tomorrow an apostolic Holy Ghost oness pastor, the only one on the planet, saith God, hollie showed lay down, but wore, its uh red sweatshirt, white hands, hollie pointed, like, an orange hollie said another one, turn, she said, screamed, 5-21-2011-what did he, say, hollie, said, shook, yes, uhm hum, she, did convey, said, showed, with white, hand, its, pope, she, said, in, fire, drinking drink, caregiver approaching but has new friend, there, to, hollie said, lighted, round head, caregiver, i'm he said, mouth mostly open, whew let me see hollie said, finger white, on, mouth, like, light santa hat and round head and robe of light, thats hollie dressed similar, light clothes, she said, its jumpy hollie another hollie did convey, wearing, its uh red sweatshirt, white finger, but, Gods hammer appeared, like, its, blue hollie said, like crash test dummy, he hollie, but black facial features, blue clothes, hollie came out, pointing, kind of, his, sweatshirt nice but dull blue jeans on, not so happy face, hollie, was in, walmart, bobby see, hollie said, and, dark hand pointed, hollie showed, its, uh, dark arm, but, its, hand showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, thats him in, with orange hair, came out, but, hand went hamburger helper hand, walked and got on Jesus's arm, he said, jumpy hollie said, with golden arms, showed, its, war, hollie, said, jumpy hollie had, its uh, white robe, on, theres uh border in, hollie did convey, with, its, him in, smiling, but, there, hollie said, like thinking, dull, other, designs, how great, its, ashley, hollie said, she sang, appeared, hollie drove, her, semi tractor trailer, like, uh, white, hollie, said, its, Jesus, hollie, did convey, she, drank drink, thru, its, straw, hollie said, she, said, hollie said, its, jumpy hollie, showed, get shovel and dig, put city water in yourself, hollie showed with shovel, he slept hollie said, then again, but changed uh little, God said, hollie showed, now its take it easy, its, Jesus, hollie said, did convey, on, its airplane showed, hollie, but she showed, its uh done deal, bob the water will work, hollie got word from, its Jesus, till you fix it, thats bob digging up pipes, and calling, its plumber, hollie, said, thats hollie, said, showed, eating, hollie showed, its banner, bob hollie thought, just make yourself, thats hollie wearing, its uh, uh topless white hat, making, the, sign, but, its, Gods hammer, hollie appearing, hollie showed, just buy black paint, and thats how you do it, she said, did convey, hollie showed, turn, thats her playing, its organ, wearing, its uh blue plad coat, hollie showed, eat, now let me see, said, it, hollie, another, one, said, showed, plug in, its, sump pump, bobby hollie said, they work, hollie showed, turn, thats, hollie, its, painting uh sign, she said, showed, its, new world order apostolic church, hollie painted, on, its building, she said, hollie showed, turn, thats her mowing, its lawn, she wore uh, its blue plad coat, but, hollie reported, to, Gods interviewing table, but then appeared, cutting grass, at, its new world order apostolic church, thats angel coming out of, its building, hollie said, fill me up, angel said, you wreck cried the baby, and, she, saw it, pointed, its hollie, nuclear fires in, its iraq and gaza, and its cause we need to give gaza, said president obama, its to, uh palestinian state, hollie said, and I stamp, she, said, but, Gods hammer hollie, appeared, like, its, blue, crash test dummy, but, not, happy, hollie comes out, points, its black features in face, hollie showed, its sump pump, hollie rubbed chin, thought, said, hollie showed, with big white hand, its, uh, and I stamp, hollie said, pontiac bonneville, about uh, she thought, rubbed chin, 70, thats it spinning rear tires, hollie driving but looking at bob while doing, hollie saluted, its like uh ship mate, on board the, hollie said, its r.m.s. titanic, but ship sinking and angel head appeared, its like, dunlop tire man head, playdo boy man showed turn, like lighted playdo man, hollie showed, turn, but, hollie showed, again, she appeared, quickly, dimly, fool, said, it, babyfleas, hollie said, she drove, its harley davidson sportster, rev, said, thats sportster coming alive, loving it, like angel sportster, thats angel coming out of, its church, said, hollie, stamped, but, wore red plad coat, angel held bob, was scared, suddenly you care, said, its his van, hollie said, did convey, bob showed, bob to write his phone number on sign, hollie showed, turn, she said, jumpy hollie said, counting out the money, its free, she said, looked at God for word, much, but theres border in jumpy hollies white robe, its, him, a, she hollie said, pointed, jumpy hollie went monkey, theres Jesus speaking to, I want you, to wear monkey lips, jumpy hollie shook yes, but was, changed, to, like, new golden, face, hollie, hollie showed, turn, showed, eat, hollie put the banner on the church, looked at, thats her putting on, it wont stick, hollie said, you need to forgit it, Jesus, said, hollie shook yes, o.k., 5-22-2011-its good for me, hollie, raked, in, the, money, she, wore, uh, its, uh, red plad coat, but, Gods hammer, appeared, like, its, all, blue hollie, its him, two hollies said, blue everything, God said, whew let me, said, its, hollie, wore, its uh, red plad coat, but, Gods, hammer, appeared, again, boo chanted, many, he hollies, said, uh, she, one, and, I stamp, hollie said, but, happy new hammer appeared like, hollie, came out, looked, white, head, hollie, no hair, plad coat, on, what did she, do, that for, said, its, hollie, said, another, hollie, he said, hollie said, leaping but jumpy hollie came out, pointed, bob, buy, get, banner, they will make while you wait hollie said, hollie slapt his face, another, happy, came out, saw, he wore, red sweatshirt, but, hollies teeth appeared but like one tooth in mouth, that covered whole mouth but, hand, points, its, like, dull brown color, what did hollie slap, for, said, its, hollie, said, another, appearing, but, he, hollie appeared again, slapt, face, but had like ventrilaquist sound, it was heard over there, hollie points, whew let me see hollie said, she, was, shown, how it happened, its him, she said, happy running from, its Jesus giving instructions, whew, thats how, hollie said, hollie just, rubbed face, Jesus made slap noise, hollie showed, turn, both ways, she, said, its, jumpy hollie, did convey, another, hollie said, o, said, its, him, jumpy hollie did convey, another, hidden hollie spoke, but, jumpy hollie not leaping, this time, many he hollies on hill, o, said, one, hollie twisted, his, head, in, the, fire, said, uh, she one, but, opened his eyes, flames got higher but hollie, he didnt, hollie said, I dont mind he spoke, laughed in fire, hollie danced like, its uh golden hollie, white like trunks, thats, its nigger hollie said, singing, you sexy thing, hollie showed, the, corn crop, its on, bobs lot, lot number three hollie said, valued at, she said, spoke with Jesus for word, over, 40,000, theres uh u.p.c.i. church-uh-day, hollie said, bob you knew, use it yourself, hollie walked, like, hollie that danced, Jesus speaks, to, her, body, still, golden but hollie, shook, yes, I wont, do, she, said, but, shook yes and did, both parts, and, he, saw, said, its, casey, she, drove, its a.m.c. gremlin-x, hollie replaced, the, windshield, in, there, she showed, two seconds, blue hands, there dull, hollie points, with, light, finger, same, angel that, came, out of, van, one afraid bob wouldnt do it right is, same, o, angel, hollie said, that came out of, church, but still concerned, put hands on bob, no, said, its hollie, another said, jumpy hollie showed, fight, amber arms, but, cloudy like robe, color, hollie showed, lay down, she, said, jumpy hollie, another, hollie said, golden monkey like face, showed, running, brown shoes, but, another, hollie comes out, its o, the hollie with brown shoes did convey hollie said, but wore dress, hollie showed, turn, hollie came, out, to, convey, thats, its, pope, hollie said, in fire, drinking his, drink, his, caregiver approaching but like round head, dressed like, wizard, this is hollie, but, light garments, bob have your way, hollie said, showed, work, like green arms, white robe, but monkey like face, jumpy hollie showed lay down, this is, uh warning, hollie said, showed, just be still, look, said, it, hollie, showed, picture, pope, look, hollie, said, pointed, white finger, hollie showed, confusion, she, said, go, do things, it its, hollie did convey, jumpy hollie, 5-23-2011-bob, said, it, hollie, showed, her light watch, tapped, two hollies, it was uh, little after five, hollie walking, go, said, it hollie, she said, jumpy hollie said, wearing, its uh, white hat, white robe, face golden monkey, jumpy hollie, showed, fight, work, she said, I warned, you, hollie said, hollies screamin for this reason, she, said, screamed again, but, barely heard, thats angel, coming out of, its, church hollie said, did convey, grabbing bob, light hands, its, protection, hollie stamps, showed, nothing, hollie, showed, keep going straight, another hollie just looked, thought about turning, fingers appeared, its, the, next time, rubbing chin, bobby said, its, angel of hope, hollie said, did convey, wore, its uh, red, sweatshirt, but, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, Gods news hammer hollie appears, like, its king of turning white hollie hammer, no hair, round, head, pope, said, its, hollie, another, one, appeared, happy, then another, came out, showed, its hollie teeth, kind of, its, missing, she, said, pope drank his drink, in fire, but lighted hollie appeared, down underneath, tickled feet, but another hollie appeared, showing, happy, sounds, caregiver approaches, like, its light round head, pointy hat, like, its, pope, hollie said, wore, light clothes, theres teeth on mouth, hollie saw, but, put hand over, mouth, jumpy hollie, showed, stay in, shape, work out, she, said, wore, its, uh, white robe, lips, were monkey, theres, hand, agin, and it, shows, you did not need, him, its, hollie showed, theres, dome in, with, its, him in, mostly, orange hair, and, looking kind of, hollie, came out, hes, concerned, she, said, hand turned, into, hollie hand, her face appeared, on, now, its, o, hollie said, i'm the, m.v., its his ship said, again, babyfleas said, the wilhelm gustloff ship, thats hitler on deck, ship taking explosion, its, along, God showed, with light brown hand, side, and two more strikes, thats ship rolling and sinking, hollie, salutes, like, its, shipmate, on board, its, hmhs she said, britannic, but it sank to, Jesus, met with many, ministering spirits, God said, asked for, asked one that would tell, spoke, Jesus, its him said uh she hollie, but he looked like she hollie that flew plane, thats her flying and its bombing chinese ship, hollie fights, hu hintao, hollie had light sword, hintao, had blue, light sword, on his, red horse, spacesoarem, said, its him, said uh she hollie but she thought, i'm confused, she, said, his face, all, there, now, but, its like, nose, missing, last time, like, flat there, like nothing seen, but thats hollie, chinese sea hollie said, hintao launching, watching, thats taiwan burning, its the battle of washington state, hollie said, showed, thru, with, hollie showed, its septic tank, she went, out, looked at, its, slab, moved slab and underneath, hollie showed, its hard, labor, nothing there, its city sewer, hollie showed, its, rid-x, heres how it works, hollie showed, flushing toilet, but was really Gods hammer like bug head, thats rid-x, in, its, hollie showed, hard work, showed, do it, bob, they, last, hollie thought, spoke with God, longer then you think, but keep empty, heres how, hollie turned her sump pump on, and, it, emptied out water, hollie showed, turn, but, reappeared, hollie showed, get the key made, but just looked at, their on uh hill hollie said, many, him, she hollie said, he hollies booing, they chant, she said, she, said, sleep, showed, jumpy hollie, hollie blew, the, its balloon, she said, he hollie on, but got happy, then looked normal, smiled, hollie appeared, in, the, window, it was, painted on, said, another, hollie, I want, you, to, do, it, Jesus said, o.k. shook hollie, she painted hollie in window, but hollie in window waved, this is, warning, hollie said, showed, confusion, its, showed, hollie, new world order, apostolic church, with angel coming out, but not seeming happy, thats angel, wanting to speak, and, Jesus gives angel the microphone, I want people angel said, thats hollie putting up signs, and people driving by, and seeing, please go home angel said, hollie saw, its storm clouds coming, lightning bolt shoots out, and, like, its, dull golden, angel head appearing, but rest there, she showed, hollie said, time, like, its golden hollie but had different color shirt on, hollie shut light off at church, its everyday she said, bye said, its, hollie, said, another, but another, blue faced, hollie, appeared, hollie, another hollie said, she was hidden, but, came out from behind him, showed, slapt face, but, not heard, did again, hollie showed, turn, hollie put up the sign, people, looked, thats, woman, thinking, she, said, jumpy hollie said, wearing, its uh white robe, and, hat, and, looking to side, showed, do something, hollie showed, turn, 5-24-2011-hollie showed, its, septic tank, they, hollie rubbed face, in indianapolis, are illegal, but if they dont work right, then thats, Jesus, being angry, hollie showed, its, meridian title company, you knew, pointed, hollie, thats jerry shaking yes, and its george rubbing chin, now their facing lawsuit hollie said, thats bob going to attorney and giving money, thats lawsuit being filed, against, its all involved hollie said, bob, hollie came out, its they will settle she said, we will pay for it, alexander said, they all split cost, hollie showed, its real estate attorney, hes now knowing, bob, you knew, jerry said, that septic tank it, jerry looked around, still legal, but, in time, they will, do away with it, hollie showed, theres hand agin, showing, you did not need, him, its, hollie showed, its white, theres uh dome in, hollie said, she pointed, light finger, like pointy, he had orange hair but turning brown, hollie showed, record, showed, bob git the shovel, work, she, said, hollie showed, turn, showed, its uh septic tank, its big hollie showed, leaned up against, they work, its for life of church hollie said, heres why she said, limited use, hollie showed, turn, golden hand, hollie, came out, showed, there on uh hill, its, him, he, she, said, did convey, he hollies, but, amber colored she, hollie came out, of, one, looked back but, turned normal, hollie showed, she, was, cocked uh little, to side, pope, thats, it, in, the fire, hollie said, thats, caregiver, with, like, its uh, lighted, caregiver, hollie said, dressed like, its, pope, hollie said, long pointy hat of light, mouth open, boo chanted, its, him, said, uh, she hollie, pointed, many he hollies, there on uh hill, but, hollie, ate the pizza, she, said, sleep, showed, jumpy hollie, wearing, its uh white robe, another, hollie came out, but got happy, jumpy hollie turned to side, but, hollie showed, not making sense, hollie slapt, his, face, again, hollie, said, did convey, 5-25-2011-let me, said, it hollie, another, said, but casey wiped lips, bob, hollie said, wiped her lips, you knew, they want you, zip your lip, showed, hollie, put it under, its, another, said, its, silvana, showed, masterbating, she, squirts, but, thats her, I'm embarrased, silvana said, put it under, hollie, said, bob thats, trevor calling, and laughing, hollie showed, to, record, thats bob and, jeff, its doing buisness, she said, hollie got word from, Jesus, church, showed hollie, like fight, will, hollie stomped, sell, but, how long, she said, to its, Jesus, months, all summer, God said, and I stamp, hollie said, and Gods hammer, came out, like, its, white face, round head, hollie, but, not quite, she said, sleep, showed, another, hollie, stomped, feet, hollie, came, out, pointed, but, wore, hat, its uh, this time, bob, you need to sell, hollie said, thats, bobs, money, going way back, up, jumpy hollie showed, just wait, thats, new world order apostolic church, angel coming out of, church, its light hat on with arms, grabbing bob, wearing, its uh red sweatshirt, bob, dont, sell my home, hollie said, thats bob and jannette living in, its church said, hollie, and I stamp, hollie said, but another, hollie pointed, like, cloudy colored cloudy robe, hollie mostly not seen, thats the, its, another, hollie, said, the, alome, uhleem, hollie said, sandy wiped lips, its, simb, sandy said, hollie, moodie, his, music, you, dont, need, that, he, said, come on, said, church, coming out of, God said, its, hollie did convey, one, world apostolic church, took bob inside, showed, there, pointed, angel, at, pulpit, bob preaching and, its uh, hollie said, small crowd, but growing, she said, bob you, wont, believe, it, hollie said, pope, in, the fire, said, hollie, happy, laughing, drinking his drink, its i'm said, his caregiver, approaching, dressed, like, its, pointy, green like hat, green like robe, light round head, mouth open, like, weary, appeared again, she said, hollie said, jumpy hollie clapped hands, thats, its, bob church, hollie said, like worried angel coming out, light head, light arms, and, hat, hollie did convey, it was light, to, but, same kind of, hat, appeared on hollie, she wore uh, its, burgundy sweatshirt, hollie showed, mow the lawn, she, wore, its uh, white hat, its, alaska, hollie said, angel rode missile, looked, happy, thats, explosions in, its showed, hollie, alaska, but scene went dull she said, bluish gray, thats, missiles leaving out of, its, sea, that separates, its showed, hollie, america and russia but thats missiles leaving alaska, exploding in russia, hollie said, then, thats many from, russia, many nuclear fires, in, its, alaska and america, but, thats, both, american coasts, going up in flames, and, angry barack obama presses nuclear button, thats, massive fire in moscow and smaller around, but thats center of america burning and he hollie being lifted out of the flame, by pilot gabriel, but most of russia exploded, its nuclear n.a.t.o, hollie said, but, she saw, them countries, burning to, and, light serpent rising, thats, hollie said, then appeared, but, dimly, church angel next to bob, then, church, angel appears, sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, he, told me, angel said, pointed at, its, Jesus, hollie said, bob, sell your church, but, you and jannette, hollie looked worried, stay together but live in church, I had uh vision, said, its, angel hollie said, showed, church flopping, only one, hollie showed, turn, again, boo chanted, its, him, said, uh she hollie, many, their on uh hill pointed, its, hollie, he, hollies but, lighted, she hollie comes out of, one, looks back, turns, like orange, thats hollie, like, hand, showing, you did not need him, another, hollie, said, its, hollie showed, theres uh dome in, hollie said, with, its, him, in, orange and brown hair, hollie showed, turn, its, like, uh little, another, hollie, said, white hollie but, face, different, dont, hollie said, showed, its, aaron, church would fill, its, tyson, church would hollie shrugged, shook, to many, they were dancing, hollie showed, shawn preaching from bobs pulpit, and church, hollie wiped lips, almost full, hollie showed, lay down, but, clapped hands while laying, down, its apostolic dreams, God said, but like hammer hollie came out, another normal hollie walked out, their changing, hollie screamy for this reason, screamed, again, but, another, hollie, came, out, pointing, silenty, thats, he hollie in the fire, but happy, twisted head but laughs, hollie smiled, had nice teeth, hollie showed, its ministry, out on, its stamped hollie, west washington but another hollie came out, to, explain, its, like, dull, she, said, gray like scene with, its horses, smiling hollie said, theres pope she said, on, its, black horse, but, hollie stamps, theres gray scene again, hollie came out, showed, he, said, jumpy hollie said, but, another, hollie moved lips, jumpy hollie came from behind, laughed, but hollie that moved lips, had, its uh burgundy she said, sweatshirt on, jumpy hollie turned to the side, wearing, its uh cloudy like robe, but white hat on, he made me she said, talking about Jesus, now I want you turn to side God said, o.k., hollie smiled, kind of showed, bob its time, thats, church, licking the prophet, big white tongue, 5-26-2011-hollie showed, turn, but, its wrong way, put hand on chin, human touch, sang, its, hollie, said, another, but, Gods new hammer hollie appeared, its, like, blue, hollie said, did convey, looked at, its bob, but, hollie stamps, hollie showed, its, Christ temple, june one, two and three, boo, they chanted, hollie said, many, its, him, said, uh, she, hollie, on hill, they appeared, but, just, didnt do anything, God said, give warning, hollie said, its, him, said, uh, she, one, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, but, happy Gods hammer, stamped, like, happy lighted round blue head hollie, but, reappeared, with, its uh, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt but not happy, theres hand, agin, like, God and hollie said, thats, hollie showing, turn, but, arm golden and rest, barely seen but reappeared, like, its uh golden hollie, trouble, said, it, hollie, said, uh, she one, thats, pope, she, said, rising, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob eat something, thats, hollie walking, its, at, and I, stamp, hollie said, walmart, but, dressed better but still wore, its uh hat, hollie showed, turn, showed, drink another one, she said, but got chubby again, shirt not tucked in but white tee shirt on and hat, this is, uh, website, hollie said, showed, its, ministry of dreams, face, light bluish, its, dull, hollie said, but, acting happy, people still, it, hollie said, its, Jesus speaking, why do you steal, its, God said, with, the, voice of many, hollie said, jumpy hollie, appearing, but reappearing, wearing, its uh white robe and hat on, hollie showed, turn, but, only, hand, appeared, it, golden hollie said, but, rest appeared, to, she, was golden, dressed cool, showed turn again, but this, time, changed, hollie said, she, said, jumpy hollie said, wearing, its uh white robe, stomping feet like running in place but colors of feet changed, she he said jumpy hollie did convey, another, hollie said, wearing, its uh, red sweatshirt, hat on, white, but, jumpy hollie, like ran in place, brown feet but like, its, martian feet, hollie, points, but they turned green, thats king of, hollie said, hollie looked at her, its uh light watch, she said, but, disappeared God said, 5-27-2011-hollie had on her, its, light watch, and I stamped, she said, beat hand, but Gods hammer appeared, she, said, like round head, its blue, but oval shaped, hollie points, but thinks, God said, that, hollie said, see said, it, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope with, its sky blue in, but hollie changes to like white happy hollie hammer, all white, pope points at, picture, like, its uh, angel said hollie, stamped, turn, showed, hollie, she, spoke it, but, another, hollie comes out, it, made, me, skeptical she said, hollie was, mostly to side of frame, Jesus looks at, its picture frames, that hollie said, but a hollie, lit up, in one of, the frames, that, she said, christian spoke hollie, dont, sell, she, said, thats, big angelface like round face, happy, appearing on front of bobs church, its the, whole size, hollie said, angel showed, he, wont, its, excercise, hollie said, did convey, thats, how, its, facial muscles, tighten up, hollie said, showed, move mouth around, hollie showed, turn, hollie played the saxaphone, out, like, she said, and, I stamp, hollie said, its, like, waves she said, something went out, thats pointy head shaped hollie, out of saxaphone, golden, but hair brown, hollie showed, record, bobby, comere, uh minute hollie said, thats, jayme, hollie said, shes, preaching at, and I, stamp, hollie, said, but, scene changes, and, its, Gods hammer, like, its, blue, hollie said, head, burgundy sweatshirt hammer hollie but no hair, hollie screamed, why, bob, what did it, hollie said, screamed, again, hollie walked, into, washington sqaure mall, and I stamp, she said, thats, pastor stone, looking at bob, bob said, its, Jesus, hollie, said, thats, finnell appearing, she, now trembles at the mention of, its bob stamped hollie, burgundy, on, thats, uh war ning hollie said, she, appeared, waving, its akula class, thats what you want, needed, said, hollie, like proving, something, appeared again, white robe on, stomped foot, clapped hands, but, face, went, silhouette, thats, like, silhouette, which hollie looked at, its, God, she, said, like, blank, but, hollie came out, thats how, he does it, hollie said, laughed, face both ways but ended silhouette, with like design on, hollie played trumpet, its chicago, hollie said, thats, lead singer, aging, still touring, hollie said, he, shook, yes, jumpy hollie came out, to, convey, she, wore uh, showed, cloudy like white robe, dont, hollie said, wearing, its uh, burgundy, another, hollie said, but theres Gods hammer hollie appearing again, like bald head but blue, please let me said hollie, showed go in, sit down, showed, be quiet, buttoned her lips, which changed, and, the, cradle will rock, sang, hollie, its, van halen, she, said, its, david lee roth, appearing, hes their new old lead singer, still does well hollie said, look, hollie said, did convey, another, hollie said, coming out, iraq agin hollie said, and he saw, this, pointed hollie, nuclear fires in, its iraq and gaza, hollie stamps, and Gods hammer appeared, but, bush is pushed to microphone and hollie like mostly unseen hollie bit his chicken, but she, somewhat appeared in like blue foggy hollie, hollie slapt his face, and, shrugged but wore red sweatshirt, another hollie comes out, points, longer finger, its, light, showed light hand like, lit up, hand, boo chanted, many he hollies, their on, uh hill hollie said, but lighted she hollie comes, out of one, back like amber color, theres hand agin, hollie said, but its hollie hand now, theres uh dome pointed she hollie with long shaft like amber finger with, its him in, hair orange and brown, look, said, its, hollie, another said, she exercised her face, hollie showed, turn, but, then, the other way, hollie, showed, its black smoke coming out of, its church, hollie showed, stamped, but changed, to, its, him, she said, thats bob putting wood in, its old wood burning stove, bob, it hollie said, showed, hard work, they, work, get, thats bob putting one in basement of church himself, heats whole church, bob keeps wood in, she said, sleep, showed, jumpy hollie, but another, hollie points, its, at, her teeth she said, golden teeth, your puttin me down, hollie said, thats moodie playing music, but he transformed, hollie said, bob thats perry smith on phone, talking to, its, bob, 5-28-2011-he said, jumpy hollie said, it was, God, she said, Jesus appeared, he stopped you, but not for long, hollie said, hollie showed, record, and hollie, stamped, thats happy hollie saluting, its like shipmate, on board, its hmhr hollie said, britannic, steam ship, hollie raked in the money, wore, its uh, plad coat, but, Gods, hammer hollie appeared, like blue round head, its, him, said, uh, she hollie, looking, almost at bob, plad coat on, hollie drove old car, its, stutz, she said, its, 1922, they, hollie stamps, still run, pope hollie said, did convey, drinking drink in fire, he hollie showed, it roared, thats caregiver, approaching, but spoke something, like lighted round head, mouth open, all teeth there, but didnt seem to care, hollie showed with big hand, its, oldsmobile delta 88, white, hand, hollie drove, lets motor, she said, did convey, thats her spinning tire, no, hollie said, and he hollie clapped, said, uh, she one, came from behind, him, both happy, hollie showed, to turn, God said, hollie showed, turn, his hand lighted, but then showed turn the other way, with, red, bear paws, its, hollie on, cnn, hollie said, with, its, anchor man, but hollie replaces, whew let me he said, like serious anchorman, but laughed, let me, said, it, hollie, said, uh, she one, and, Gods happy hammer hollie rose like, its round, lighted, hollie said, head hollie, light clothes, hollie showed, its russell, hes the, hylton, hollie showed, reaching out to, its, church organizations, but hollie stamped, thats hollie driving her tank agin, she did convey, 5-29-2011-Jumpy hollie appeared God said, bob your sign, it was uh he hollie, a she one said God said, thats many appearing in church, in the yard God said, now God is afraid, God wont let it God and hollie said, put it under, a he hollie said, showed cut it off, Jesus said, and appeared hollie showed, hollie showed, record, bob, she, said, I did convey, showed, its cassette tape, they wont last forever, fix, she said, she glued, it worked, boo chanted, their on, uh hill, hollie said, many, him, its, hollie said, he hollies, but, lighted she hollie appeared, looking back, amber color, thats he hollie, in, the fire, twisting head, eyes, closed, but became happy, flames soared, hollie showed, its red light camera, he explained, run over, past this, he said, is sensor in road, thats camera snapping picture, but hollie showed, it wont git ya he said, they were, hollie looked at police, off, now lets see, said, it, hollie, another, hollie said, thats, many nuclear fires in, its, n.a.t.o. hollie said, and I stamp, hollie said, lighted hand but lighted hollie points, her body not seen but it was, her, thats, russia exploding, its, putin, hollie said, he appeared, bob said, it Jesus, hollie said, another, hey pointed happy hollie, caught ya, its jumpy hollie, showing, bob lay down, thats her taking sign off, thats sign, Jesus entered me like body my perfect size, thats, children, walking by, its readin, hollie, said, did convey, they, ask God about, he appeared, its, hollie said, i'm the m.v. she said, wilhelm gustloff ship, its his ship agin, babyfleas, said, God said, thats hitler on hitlers super ship, and, three explosions rocking side, thats lonely ship on bottom of sea, but hollie visits, its akula class, she said, then fired many rockets, hollie points, they were nuclear, its uh network, hollie said, 5-30-2011-hollie showed, its james, he, thats, him, accepting, its pastorate, hollie said, theres, hand, agin, showing, you did not need him, its, hollie and God said, hollie showed, theres uh dome, in, whew its, let me, scope it out, hollie said, did convey, white hand, but face appears, on, but, hollie in dome, hair mostly brown now, but he seemed happy, hand white, thats, hollie said, thats it, its, uh, he hollie, a, she one, said, did convey, lighted, serpent licking prophet, and was happy, thats, serpent conveying, i'm the g8, serpent said, theres putin appearing and its, nuclear n.a.t.o., hollie said, its, theres barack obama like, its woman with golden hair hollie said, hollie screamed, then again, but, its, him, a, she hollie, said, came out, pointing, hollies scream not heard, hollie slapt agin, a she hollie said, hollie slapt God said, again, but turning silhouette, its, hollie said, bobby, said, its, hollie, another one said, did convey, pope appeared, like, its, angelhead, hollie did say, hollie showed, zip your lip, thats james young pastoring and crowd, it starts small, but, thats church mostly full and, bobs happy, with, its money, thats james, come on he said,a bruptly, hollie said, wanting, its the loot misses young said, hollie, screamin for this reason, she, thats the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, hollie points, but changes, thats three explosions, along, side, and ship being rocked, hitler on board, lets see, said, it, hollie, tapped on, its, little podium with light stick, hollie learned, thats it, she said, she played, piano, but same, hollie, pointed, at piano, while she did, put it under, bob, learn, hollie, said, thats hollie stamping, mouth open, teeth appearing, another hollie came out, its, o, she, said, your looking, stunned, God said, lets see, hollie said, got on, its internet, thats a thing hollie appearing, she looked for, its events, but, like, angelic white thing hollie stamps, hollie showed, its, word of mouth, people telling, its about bobs sign, she said, God entered into me, thats God going inside bob, hollie with Jesus inside showed, record, its boo way, hollie said, many, him, its, she, said, he, hollies, on hill, hollie, salutes, like shipmate, its onboard, the, h.m.h.s., hollie said, britannic, but ship sinks, angel comes out, hollie came, out, white hat appeared on, thats, bobs sign, in front page of, its news paper stamped, hollie but body not seen, then angel thing appeared, like, its uh white angel, but another hollie comes out, its, o, she, said, looking stunned, hollies body wasnt seen, but, appeared, hollie showed, turn, then, showed, turn again, thats her getting sign, thats, hollie getting, its sign holder, but, she, stamped, and, its, Gods hammer, hollie appearing, like, its just light head hollie like, its, like, hollie, hollie showed, lay down, but, clapped hands, got back up, showed, its, silvana, she comes to stay with bob, thats them, but they have sex, she loved, 5-27-28?-30-2011-hollie showed, record, thats greg, somebody wants to see you hollie said, did convey, its him she said, but only hand seen, its, bobby, he will take, pay him, she said, give, some bread, hollie said, thats, him driving, long way, hollie, appeared, with, brown hat on, but, just watching, waiting, and I, stamp, hollie said, showed, bobby eat something, hollie appeared, wearing uh hat, she said, but, just waiting, look, said, hollie, and I showed, you, uh picture, she said, it hollie, but only blue in, pope appeared like, its uh, angel of light, stamped, hollie, but, wasnt in picture, two hollies showed, turn, but, another, hollie came, out, many parts missing, bobby, hollie came out, white hat on, thats, greenfield apostolic church, group, it trembles, she said, came out, golden hair but face, somewhat unseen, happy, hollie showed, picture, its pope, he appeared, wait uh minute hollie said, looking stunned, outside of picture, but its false prophet hu appearing in picture, thats big hand showing, its, chevrolet monte carlo, thats hollie driving, spinning, rear tire, lets motor, she said, angel showed, record, hollie showed, that, she, said, its, indianapolis 500, and, I, stamp, hollie said, but, people laughing, and, having fun but, thats, cloud appearing over, its indianapolis, its indianapolis, then bobs church appeared, I like it said church angel like lighted angel, hollie showed, God raising bob up, thats Jesus watching, bob rises to, its top, hollie screamed, bobby they already know, said, this is hollie, its judah band, they, we want you, they do buisness, thats bob church and, judah there, bobby, said hollie, showed, lay down, but got back up, 5-31-2011-hollie showed, eat, bob thats chuck hollie showed, theres hand agin, showing, you did not need it, hollie, said, its hollie showed, hand white, but theres uh dome in, points hollie with long shaft, golden finger, with, him in, hair changing, he seemed o.k. but get chuck, he said, coming out, its, pastor chuck, let me, record, hollie, said, bob, she said, thats, otis, hes, cool but, you spoke blasphemy, pointed, hollie, I know, paul said, its uh drone woofer, said, its, hollie, another hollie said, thats woofers moving, one, its, radio shack, hollie said, speaker, its, realistic speaker, with ten inch drone woofer, and eight inch normal woofer, thats angeleyes looking out, theres tweeter, its they were excellent hollie said, pope, its, hollie said, in, the fire, drinking drink, flames soared, thats, his caregiver approaches hollie said, like light round head, mouth open, but, like, elfs clothes, pointy hat, theres uh, hollie said, showed, bob eat, go, said, its, hollie, but, her, teeth appeared, she said, jumpy hollie said, stomped her golden feet, and hand, lighted, points, but, its tim, considering, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, hollie comes out, its, bobby, shes, transformed, hollie said, bobby, put your name, on, that, church, thats b.r.h., hollie showed, on church building, hollie explains, boo, they, chanted, its, many he, him, said uh she hollie, on, hill, there, hollie said, but she hollie comes out looking back, but, its amber hollie said, go home, said, it Jesus a, him, its, she, hollie did convey, raise your hand God said, hollie said, no I wont, hollie said, she said sleep, showed, jumpy hollie, but, jogged like, in place, its, she said, face went golden but turned like bear, she said, jumpy hollie said, showed, get busy, thats hollie knocking on, its doors, going in, explaining Gods way, then leaving quickly, hollie showed, its pnc bank, thats bank angel becoming unhappy, bob, hollie, appeared, wearing, its uh white hat, you'll get your check hollie and God said, 6-1-2011-bob, said, it, hollie, thats new, its, ministry of dreams, hollie said, its guestbook angel like happy lighted face, thats bob linking up, it took, hollie said, did convey, and I, showed, you, uh, picture, hollie said, its, pope, she, said, but while having picture, pope not there but its burgundy color, in, its golden frames, hollie said, bobby pope hollie said, thats pope appearing but changing into hollie, laughing, hollie, showed, turn, but, its him, said, uh she hollie, showed, keep going, but hands not seen, but, its, they, appeared, hollie said, and, were, round bear paws, tear up, he said, happy, showed, its both beasts, its pictures, pointed, hollie, but, its, pope and, hu hintao, hollie said, turned around, new ministryofdreams, up, clapped hollie, thats ministry of dreams website, like angel going into, its room, hollie said, full of, its, showed, hollie, ministry of dreams, websites, its o, hollie said, there deformed, spots on all, hollie did the deal, but, upper part not seen, but, it appeared, showed, another, hollie, looking stunned, pope, hollie said, in, its red hot fire, but like angel of light, caregiver approaches, its i'm he said, little triangle hat, mouth mostly open, hollie pointed, like, light, herself, all teeth seen, hollie screamed, she said, sleep, said, jumpy hollie but showed, learn how to play musical instruments, had, lighted, hands, but, body, disappeared, but, reappeared, bobby, she said, just, wait, they chanted, hollie said, its, many, him, hollie said, he, hollies, their on uh hill, thought she hollie, hollie showed, turn, she said, jumpy hollie did say, hollie said, showed, its, make uh deal, but hands turned golden, its, there were brown at first hollie said, theres hand agin, hollie said, showing, its, you didnt dont want it, hollie said, tear up, but, its, him, its appearing in tears, same he hollie, that was, inside, dome, go there, pointed, hollie, new hollie got, climbed, hollie said, into, its dumpster, hollie showed, lay down, hollie played his music, but, its, she said, face hard to make out, 6-2-2011-hollie showed eat, c'mon, she said, did convey, I, she spoke, it, hollie said, he is calling me uh sissy God said, hollie comes out, it, like, Jesus, hollie said, did convey, bob, he betrays, hollie said, God, persecutes and maims, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamp, she, said, post angel rises like, its light, pointed hollie, round head, but, not seeming very happy, hollie appeared, showed, pope, like angel of light, bob I'm telling people that I made you die lost to laugh at you, its, to betray saith Jesus, hollie showed, to record, bob, she said, spruce up hollie showed, thats hollie out of, its, she said, trumpet, somebody wrote you, said, its, hollie, hollie showed, turn, lighted hand, dark hollie, but, your going the wrong way, hollie said, but another hollie, like, its uh white bear showed turn again, and he saw this, hollie said, three kings rise in, its persia, he hollie claps, showed, eat, but changing, God, said, hollie said, theres pope like angel, hu hintao, and hollie showed, bob get to work, but upper body not visible, but appeared, you can not let me do anything, i'll destroy you to mock you saith Jesus, hollie showed, lay down, with dull golden hands, hollie showed turn, but, showed, the other way, wore, its uh, white robe, but, looked, confused, she, said, and I, showed, you a, picture, said, its, hollie, its, pope, but, hey, hollie said, he appeared out of picture, but picture appeared later, its blue, hollie said, but nothing else in, hollie showed, turn, hey she said, she wore uh, white robe, but Gods hammer, appeared, like, its round head hollie, he said, jumpy hollie showed, get moving, brown feet, white robe, but another, hollie appeared, happy, looking to side, he told on me, hollie showed, its, church, and, white thing coming out, changing into, its, church angel, hollie showed, bob buy, thats how, you build, theres hand, showing, you did need him, its hollie showed, look hollie said, theres uh dome in, with, its, hollie in, but, he was, a she hollie came out, white robe, he, doesnt want it, does he said, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, she, said, beat hand, and Gods new hammer hollie came out like, its happy, almost normal, hollie, but its not quite, hollie and God said, 6-3-2011-thats the reason, hollie, pointed up, bob, no local news, hollie said, thats, hollie with, its uh, Gods hammer, hollie appeared, white hand, showed, its 1965 ford galaxie 500, hollie drove, lets motor she said, spun rear tire, but, thats both spinning, its from back, she, said, thats, big white hand, hollies body, appeared, later, thats, the, reason said, another happy hollie, showed, its umoja unity and christian worship center, thats big don, scratching head, I wish I had the loot, he said, to finish, hollie said, don, hollie said, scratched her head, was facing back, you should have listened, thats big lighted hand, showing, its bob wearing, its uh burgundy sweatshirt but turned into, its Gods hammer, but back, bob said, it, hollie showed, swish out your mouth, its with, she showed, a bottle of, its, listerene, it works, hollie said, hollie showed, its, hand, heres, how, bob, she, said, to build uh church, thats church angel coming out, hollie knocked on door, hi she said, but left quickly, its, boo, we chanted, its, him, said, uh, she, hollie, showed, many, he hollies on, their on uh hill, hollie said, hollie laughed, looking down, reaching for the people of, its, stamped hollie, new wineskin ministries, she laughed, but its, o, another hollie said, looking stunned, hollies body hidden but only, hand seen but rest appeared, its, i'm, she, said, white in mouth, finger pointed, bob go, she said, same hollie that appeared, white in mouth, let this die now, hollie, like uh shipmate showed, its whale wars, she saluted, theres paul watson, asking, would you be willing to die for a whale, man shakes, yes, but both, bob its, fox, thats 59 news anchor man reporting, hollie showed, its bobs signs, theres hollie with Jesus inside showing, record, its, the, leopard like, hollie scratched, its fire cat, but changed into leopard, thats, its kings, popping, with hu hintao, i'm the false prophet, anti beast, he said, thats emperor of japan, theres both kings, hollie points, its korean korea, hollie said, you see, she said, there separate, back, she said, put korea back together, hollie did God said, presidents, hollie claps, that, but face not formed yet, faced down, reached for the people, its, umoja unity christian worship center, another hollie said, but was like hammer hollie, its round hollie said, hollie laughs as she looks down and its big don, hes loosing his chappel, hollie said, but wasnt seen but she came out, showed bobby, still she said, hollie laughs, reaching for, its, the people of Christ temple apostolic assemblies of God, had white hands, looked down, but from ground was same o hollie, its long, he hollie said, brown hair, no i'm quitting hollie said, playing his music, but there was a light flash hollie said, his face not clearly seen but would not reveal his secret, hollie said, hollie showed, thru with, but, another happy hollie showed, its fine, boo they chanted, theres hand agin, showing, you did not need it, its, hollie showed, hand, whew, hollie said, wild this time, white but changed into hollie hand, had dome in with, me said, him, said, uh she hollie, hollie screamed, again, another hollie, comes, out, points, but, not, at, lighted, finger, hollies second scream not heard but did again, hollie showed, keep going, like dark hollie, lighted, hand, hollie showed, turn, like, dark hollie, no, said, it, hollie, playing music, hollie showed, bob write jannette, tell her you want her, hollie had golden pen and hand, hollie showed, lay down, but, clapped hands, got back up, hollie slapt his face, again, bobby, said, it, hollie, showed, lay down, but, two hollies, but she clapped hands, got back up, hollie showed, get up, clapped hands, quickly, pope said, it, hollie, in fire, drinking drink, I dont know said, its his caregiver, hollie points, puts hand on, chin, caregiver dressed like, wizard, she said, jumpy hollie said, pointed, its, at, pope, said, he hollie, but, he, transformed, she said, its, round head, caregiver, walking, mouth open, hollie pointed, teeth, she said, no, said, its, him, playing his music, wont tell his sound making, but face, hard to, see, bobby, said it hollie, another one said, God said, theres hand agin, showing you did not need him, its hollie showed, God and hollie said, theres uh dome in pointed hollie with long shaft like finger which was lighted hollie and God said with him in, he was happy, bobby hollie said, and i showed you uh picture she said, its pope hollie said, put it under hollie said, showed lay down, but clapped hands and got back up, she wore uh, its burgundy hollie said, sweatshirt but Gods hammer appeared like round light face, its hollie another hollie said, but its new, you see new hammer hollie said, showed lay down, burgundy sweatshirt on God said, you need to record, hollie said, youve been tempted, God said, and I wont stop, till I ruin, you, for you are, highly exalted, fast untill death, I dont care saith the Lord, and you will, this time, there is no stopping it now, you wont last long, hollie said, and God, she showed, put it under, bob lay down hollie showed, its time, she said, had on her, its light watch, no hollie said, God said, but Jesus showed, its time, bob, he said, and hollie, its, fasting, thats hollie in bed, laying on her side, but, shes now, dying, and, getting old, so God wont spare, you hollie said, put it under, hollie stopped, Got word from Jesus, hear the word of the Lord, saith Jesus, I hate people, and wont let you live, if you get saved, bob hollie said, showed, her light watdch, lets get busy, she said, showed, its, her, pointed another hollie, cutting grass, its at, hollie said, the new world apostolic church, thats her sweating, it take, she said, wiped sweat, many hours, more then you think, God said, thus saith the Lord, thats Jesus hollie said, showing his light watch, bob go hollie said, thats her, me she said, mowing lawn, its at church, and church angel comes out, bob said, hollie, showed, cut it off, just wait, and see what they do, hollie said, put it under, they wont mess with it, hollie said, hollie showed eat, but, she did not, thats her laying down on side, its, she said, and I stamp, hollie said, but, out came, its, the beast, he said, hollie said, its, pontey, put it under, thats him driving, hollie said, black carriage, pulled by angry black horse, said, its, billy, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, showed, her light watch, cut grass she showed, wore, its uh white robe, but Gods unhappy hammer appeared, like stunned looking, round head, hollie showed, eat something, bob she said, and wore uh white robe, its your dyin, hollie said, but, she, turned into, its Gods hammer, like round head hollie but stunned looking, hollie showed, its, bob, mow the lawn, she said, and thats church angel appearing, its like happy angel, i'm the the church angel said, God, said, put it under, hollie, said, showed bob cut it off, bob you got your links, hollie said, 6-5-2011-hollie showed lay down, as Jesus laughs she said, put it under, lets sleep, hollie showed, its, squib ministry of dreams, its, website, she said, like happy light angel but its like, hollie walks out, happy, black and white setting, and, I stamp, hollie said, but, clapped her, its hands, she, had brown hair, showed, another hollie but, thats hollie, said, i'm the squib, hollie showed, to mow the lawn, thats her wearing, its uh white robe, cutting church lawn, thats church angel appearing, bob fast, she said, like happy angel wearing, its uh light hat, coming out of, building, but, bob, hollie showed, her watch, tapped, it, takes, she said, about two hours to cut lawn, bob it pope showed, hollie, looking up, moving, hands, up and down, pope, he, it, appeared, hollie said, another happy hollie comes out, teeth seen, mouth open, points, blue in picture, pope in the fire, hollie said, drinking his drink, i'm said, its, his caregiver, hollie said, approaching, like, light, round head, mouth open, go back to fasting bob, and, you will die, you will sleep four and five hours a day more then you ever did, thats a sign of dying God said, boo chanted, hollie showed, its many, him, she said, he hollies, their on uh hill, she said, and, I, stamp, hollie said, that, hollie said, its, the, beast, pope, but, that hollie said, first uh like light shaft, that hollie said, its, hu hintao, that hollie said, hes the second antibeast, hollie said, that hollie said, its uh, 1971 hollie said, thought, cutlass, she spun rear tire, lets motor she said, did convey, hollie shook his head in the fire but was happy, its hollie showed, back, clapped his hands but kept changing, she hollie comes out, hollie showed, turn, like white hollie, hollie points, at, them, she yelled, many, its, him, she said, he hollies, their on hill, one blinked eyes but had orange hair, bob God said, hollie showed, its, the, mother, she said, Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, go she showed, thats her shaking dust off her feet, bob its the last time hollie said, heres why, the reason, she said, coming out, thats small crowd at your church tomorrow, bob was dressed good, theres that hand agin, showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, but, hollie came out, it seems he appeared but, transformed, hollie said, but theres hand agin, and changing, theres uh dome in points hollie, long lighted shaft finger, but changed into, its hollie hand, bug nose, but like hollie showed, suprised, hollie screamin for this reason, he showed, lay down, a she hollie said, coming out, hollie looked to, turn, he, appeared, hollie said, pope, in the fire, showed, hollie, thats caregiver approaching like lighted round head, pointy hat, he showed, his robe, that, caregiver said, hollie clapped, hands, but, stayed awake, they were, its dull golden she said, hollie showed, turn, another hollie showed, eat, 6-6-2011-hollie showed record, she mowed the lawn wearing white robe, thats church angel comimg out of building, i'm the m.v., you need to, let me, record, hollie, said, did convey, and, I, stamp, she, said, did, thats, hollie, mowing, the, lawn, its, she, said, sweated, wearing, its uh white robe, bobby, now, hollie said, hollie appeared, then, white, hat, appeared on her, head, hollies screamy, thats, hollie like, its, shipmate, its on board, the, h.m.h.s. britannic, but ship sinks, hollie showed, turn, had golden hands and white hat, that was, many hollies, in, its, church, said, hollie, raised hand, and, I, stamp, she, said, but, church angel appeared happy, like, its, big light face, c'mon hollie said, wore white hat, brother hollie, said, wore, its uh, white hat, hollie, said, another, one, croatia, said, it pontey, hollie said, pope showed thumbs down, its blasphemy, hollie showed, turn, but changed, thats her sitting at, its computer, she wore, white hat, because bob I betray I will not let you live to make me mocked out in the world saith the Lord, hollie copied, its the, notes, off, internet, bob no revival hollie said, thats people showing, up, its for the first time she said, you will get big that way, God doesnt want it hollie said, wearing, its uh white hat, hollie just looked, white hat on, showed, bob mow grass, its time she said, showed work, hollie, man she said, put up signs, news revival, seven p.m. nightly, hollie walked away, this is uh warnin, hollie did say, bob thats people showing up, show dignity, she said, greet, no, it hollie, showed, thru, away, but shook yes, its burgundy sweatshirt on, she said, hollie showed, its, church dog, let it go, hollie said, thats it leaving, thats hand agin, showing, you did not need him, hollie said, pointed, its hollie showed, theres uh dome in, but happy face appeared on hand, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped her hands, got back up, she mowed lawn, wearing, its white robe, hollie had rid-x, showed, bob use, it works, she said, 6-7-2011-persecution is me Jesus trying to make my servants loose their salvation by many torments, i cause their face muscles to tighten when they use ruing appearance, desease their gums causing tooth loss, try to strip of their spouses and make them loose their money, caress penus with electricty, causing body to heat up like a furnace, putting boils on face, laughing at them in vision for its i the Lord persecute, thats, theres, hollie said, hand showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, its, white and, its, shaking, but, theres, uh dome in, its with him in, happy, theres pope showed, hollie, clapped her hands, showed, bobs its talk radio, dont do hollie said, did convey, popus hollie said, rode black, horse, stopped into, its russia, stamped, hollie, wore, clothes, its, my deal, pope said, signs with, me medvedev did say, hollie said, its marine guard hollie said, did convey, like angel round, head, dressed showed, hollie, like lightface herself, like marine, thats him, guarding, its out in the streets, its looting said hollie, many people ran, thats barack obama announcing as hollie holds her gift, its under, he said, but hollie comes out, economic collapse, God said, barack didnt say, hollie made, leave, hollie linked up squib, thats angelhead appearing, its squib ministryofdreams, thats, end time prophetic ministry, hollie works with persecution, wore, white clothes, its, hollie, rode the red horse, its, bob, hollie said, hes, the biblical peace taker off the world, heres how, thats, JEsus, riding, its, white horse, its, like, conquerer hollie said, did convey, thats, elijah, God said, thats, bob, moving waves of, its trouble, acrossed world, he wore, its dark blue suit, but, his, ship agin, said, its, babyfleas, o i'm the m.v. ship said, wilhelm gustloff ship appeared, then with angel coming out, three explosions along side, its, o, ship, said, sank, waits on, its bottom of sea, theres hand, hollie said, sprinkling, Jesus appeared later, wearing, its white clothes, bear arose, its, devor hollie said, hollie like bear shakes, yes, thats, hollie comes out, its, nucelar n.a.t.o. lands, with nuclear fires, but theres comes noise hollie said, its, they shower, whew, looky hollie said, thats hundreds, thats all striking russia, exploded, world shook, thats, smoke rising up in, its sun and moons face, sun held nose, moon got crazy, but both met at, its Gods interviewing table, stamped he hollie, but he wasnt seen, but, appeared later, its i'm one said, both kept changing at Gods interviewing table, its spacesoarer rocket, hollie said, pointed, he flew, she, said, its, into, over, that, hollie said, taiwan exploded, thats hu hintao watching, launching, hollie showed, turn air conditioner on, bob its for people hollie said, thats them showing, its hu hintao, hollie said, thats, him fighting and, I, we, stamp, hollie said, thats, hollie fighting back, two light swords, its, but colors kept changing hollie said, thats another hollie flying out, its, old world war two air craft, it dives and bombs ship, its direct hit, hollie in pilots attire, appeared, showed, that, she, showed, write the vision, but, body disappeared, that a, its, him, she, hollie said, appeared, hollies screamin, she, showed, another, hollie said, turn, but only hands appeared, hey, let me, said, its, uh she hollie, another said, but its him coming out like hollie showed, thinks, dark, but, light brown hands, white robe, rest of her appeared later, im she said, white in mouth, he hollie points, long lighted shaft finger, pope in the fire, hollie said, drinking drink, flames roared, he hollie appeared there to, white robe on, its, i'm said caregiver, in his heart, like lighted round head, but other caregiver appeared, mouth open, hollie points, teeth seen, but pointy hat of light, hollie showed, go back here for uh minute, she said, but it was him that showed, both, hollie slapt his face, again, but heard like to the side but its she hollie appearing making slap, God appears, tell, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie, it appeared, hollie said, she, clapped hands, but jumpy was turned to side, hollie and God said, hollie in the fire, I twisted he said, but got happy as flames, they soar hollie said, did convey, hollie showed, turn, like uh golden him, said uh, this is she, two, he, its him, she said, did convey, hollies played their music, one got down, he said, jumpy hollie said, showed, computer, thats, its sattelite, its him she hollie said, watched, as thats missile approaching, then striking, exploding, its putin, its cause i'm the beast, hollie said, but thats barack obama, many rockets left, thats, its nuclear n.a.t.o. lands burning, russia exploding, but thats, computers shaky, but still working, in, its nuclear n.a.t.o. hollie said, dragon rose, i'm the g8, putin said, hollie drove, its the ady gil, she said, like angel ady, but sinking, thats its skipper, its your fault, I know pete said then appeared at Gods interviewing table, hollie showed, its, talk radio, thats, hand agin, showing, you did need him, its hollie showed, hollie points, theres uh dome in, with, its me, hollie said, in, like, precious hollie moodie but hair changed, hollie comes out, let me explain she said, jumpy hollie showed, get busy but was turned to side and changed, 6-8-2011-hollie showed lay down, God said, she was turned on her side hollie said, put it under, let me, whew, hollie said, she appeared, but wore, white robe, thats people coming into, its bob church, but bob like angel dressed real nice leaves, thats someone else pastor, whew let me, hollie did convey, thats her disappearing but only hands seen, its i'm she said, rest appeared later, white in mouth, hollie showed, its, little machine, thats hollie swiping her, its credit card, and thats signal being sent to, its sattelite, and thats banks, money transferring, its all done electronically hollie said, but, unhappy angel appeared on, its uh bank, hollie kept changing, seen and mostly unseen, whats that, said, it, hollie, another, showed, its, 1969 pontiac firebird, with, its uh 400 hollie said, its got the top off, lets motor hollie said, its, uh, gto, hollie said, spun rear tire, its o, hollie said, there flawed, she, said, thats, its room full of, its ministryofdreams websites, and, I, stamp, hollie said, but, rest appeared, later, its, i'm she said, white in mouth, but, another hollie appeared behind scenes looking sneaky, but took orders from, its Jesus, hollie stamped again, hollie was screamy, why bob, what for, whats the reason, she said, screamed again, but, not heard, hey, another said, coming out, make your, appearance, make it known, said, it was Jesus, thats radio personalities, its hollie said, announcing bob on their stations, and people checking it out, laughing cause bobs, hollie showed, appeared on video, remove, she said, then bob got on, wearing, its uh suit, hollie said, showed, pay me, thou fool, hollie said, jumpy hollie showed, making, bob, known, and him coming, out, wearing suit, its, curtains, there, said showed, hollie, its whom, hollie said, did convey, bob its a box of rid-x, use, hollie said, pope hollie said, its in fire, drinking drink, its, i'm, caregiver approaching, like, its, light head, hollie said, round, mouth open, but, its uh pointy hat on, bob, it, Jesus, hollie said, hes now shrinking she hollie said, its cause, dying, hollie said, come and, help us, bob, angel said, its, under, economic collapse here, hollie said, as people charge, run thru streets, its looting hollie said, thats bob knowing inside his church, but, hollie held her, gift to, thats barack obama, its making the announcement, hollie said, he, said, one, word, hollie made, leave, its he lies hollie said, bob c'mere, said, this is hollie, she, worked on, its keyboard, hollie showed, gave lesson, she, showed, to, roll hand, thats hand, agin, showing, you did not care, its hollie showed, for, God said, theres uh dome in, hollie points, with him in but white hand had fire put on and shook but face appeared, its hollie said, did convey, showed, bob, go, down in basement, just look around, hollie had her workhat on, but its only uh hat hollie said, white, hollie comes out, showed word, its, appeared, she said, but, showed fight, thats work, she said, hollie showed, turn but only hand, appeared, but, rest later, turn, said, showed, it hollie, another, said, but showed, turn herself, but, she came out, its kind of fady she said, showed, let me, said, its, angel hollie said, on top of, its grain mill, hollie stamps, red arm, but rest appeared later, its, i'm, she said, opened mouth, white in, hollie, drove, the, its, cosworth vega, spun rear tire, she was like angel hollie, hollie shook, his head in the fire, flames, another, hollie saw, went up higher, he, wasnt sad hollie said, go, hollie showed, its, h.m.h.s. showed hollie, r.m.s. titanic, hollie like vacationer, but ship sinks, angel appears on front, thats the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, on bottom of, its sea, stamped same o hollie, thats torpedoes rocking, hollie showed, its old cars, they, still, run like new hollie said, bobby we want you come back home, circled, its, the geese hollie said, like amber geese, boo chanted, hollie said, their on uh hill, she said, its, many, him hollie said, he hollies, one blinked eyes, he was like orange she said, she said, sleep, showed, it, jumpy hollie but Gods new hammer appeared, like, its bug hollie said, white head of bug, wore, its decent clothes, hollie said, like robe, this is uh warning, hollie said, showed, post visions, hollie showed, its lebron james, miama heat, and, dallas mavericks, player, 6-9-2011-that hollie said, that she said, its stereo she showed, thats stereo at home, hollie showed lay down, bob she said, consulted with Jesus, its he appeared, thats church with angel coming out, happy, that hoolie said, Jesus grunts, showed lay down, hollie showed, eat, buy something she said, thats her eating, its mcdonalds cheeseburger, and I stamp, she said, hollie, showed, record, dont, do she said, thats, end time prophetic ministry of dreams, hollie said, like angel said, dont do angel said, its, God hollie said, thats bob linking, its websites up, the become, its powerful, hollie said, did convey, bob there it is, indexed in, its google, but same o, angel, face comes out, but, I saw hollie said, somewhat, featureless face but hair there, its moodie hollie said, spacesoar jet, she said, like red flying saucer, do both parts God said, hollie moodie agrees, hollie comes out, explains, thats, moodie landing, its, taiwan, hollie said, but same o moodie claps hands, showed, bob its, box set, that website stays, hollie moodie said, thats unhappy box-net, website, cause, its bob linking up, thats, page popping up, its in google, taiwan errupted, its fire God said, thats hollie getting into dumpster, bob lets start it God said, as its hu hintao said hollie, disappearing, but website angelhead appeared again, hollie showed, eat, hollie fights hintao on red horse, both had, its light swords, hollie said, thats another hollie, flying out, in that she showed, dressd like, its pilot stamps hollie, but her not seen, only arm, but rest, appeared, its i'm she said, thats, hollie diving her, its old world war one fighter jet, chinese ship bombed, its repelled showed, another, hollie, dressed like, pilot herself, hollie screamy but, she, did partial scream, clapped white hands, wore, its uh burgundy sweatshirt but Gods happy changing hammer appeared like, its round head, same sweatshirt on, hollie showed, its church, with angel coming out, hollie, thinks, thats, same angel, hollie figured it out, Jesus using same angel to do all these parts, thats God moving angel around but theres body on, its, red, hollie did say, thats, pope, hollie did say, drinking his drink, in the fire, happy, its him, said uh appearing she hollie, did appear but, its i'm hollie said, caregiver approaching, hes round head, mouth opening and, its closing, hollie said, teeth, she pointed, appeared, pointy, hat, like, its halloween, hollie, said, hollie moodie showed how to play the keyboards, a she hollie and God did say, hollie showed, turn, then looked the other way but hat on, head this time, hollie wonders, a she hollie, boo whom, hollie said, its them God spoke, hollie said, on hill, many he hollies, hollie like shipmate salutes, its, another, hollie comes out, like, its babyfleas, wilhelm gustloff ship, thats ship, three torpedoes striking, hitler on deck, his prize, hollie said, hollie showed, go home, theres hand agin, that, hollie did say, with, hollie points, its him in, happy, inside, but face appeared, on, its hand, hand shaking, he, said, its, jumpy hollie, clapped hand, hat, its on hollie said, did convey, leave it alone angel said, its, amber, hollie said, but, jumpy hollie appeared, a, lighted, hand she hollie points, she, said, work, showed, hollie, golden lighted working feet, leggs, hollie showed, lay down, but, got back up, clapped hands, they were like gloved, dull golden, and burgundy sweatshirt on but showed lay down again, that was van licking the prophet, happy, said, many, angel, happy coming out, its uh happy angel hollie showed, just his face but dark body appeared, 6-10-2011-hollie showed lay down, he did his laundry a she hollie said, put it under she said, showed sleep, but clapped hands and got back up, you need to record me, said, it hollie, another, said, two hollies, one, had, white robe on but Gods new happy hammer appeared like, its ghost hollie, round head, light robe, hollie showed, record, its, the, louisville news hollie said, thats angel appearing, its like, un seen face round head angel but it, has, hair, hollie points, like mostly lighted hollie, bob they tremble she said, hollie showed, turn, lighted hand but body not seen but it appeared, i'm she did convey, chomp hollie said, thats tent revival, said, this is, hollie, tent, it appeared, hollie said, tear up, thats terri looking at, its a, him she said, terri telling her, o, terri said, terri, she shakes yes, thats tent at bobs church, its for, hollie dreaded, wore, its uh white robe, but Gods hammer hollie, it appeared, she said, him, like, happy round head, white robe on, its like, robe, God said, hollie, appeared, white robe, on, she, said, put back, but face went, like unseen but head still there hollie, said, showed, put recorder up, but still waited, I'm the beast, said, it putin, it pope said, hollie said, he was like happy angel but, pope hollie said, in fire, drinking drink, i'm it, caregiver like light caregiver did say, with, pointy hat, of light, like, robe on, hollie showed, he, was, short, theres, hand, agin, hollie did say, its white with, hollie, his head in, brown hair, its moodie, it, shook, uh little, hollie showed, its, children laughing, he made me, babyfleas said, pointed, at, its God hollie did say, its, teenspot, hollie said, he wants you in there, hollie said, its dull brown hat on, white robe, its, prayer room, cover me, said, it Jesus, God hollie did say, showed, bob scavage, thats her, going thru, its dumpster, thats finding something, hollie showed, turn, showed bob go git on computer, hollie wore white clothes, hollie, screamin for this reason, screamed again but another hollie came out, pointed, hollies scream not heard, hollie showed, turn, leaned, thats, sattelites and its missile going up, putin smiled, it exploded, but nuclear n.a.t.o.'s computers, they watches, blinked, but kept on, that was, blinking hollie said, like, its, amber dot but, face appeared on, its, pac-man, hollie did say, showed, its sattelite system and nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, missiles striking, but serpent, dragon, rose, i'm the beast, said, putins face coming out of, its serpent, hollie stamps, but only partially, seen, that was hollie appearing, showing turn, big golden, light hand, hollie said, but disappeared but became dark, thats Jesus approaching, telling, hollie liked it, look dark for that my vision God said, hollie shook yes, but some white in face appeared, she said jumpy hollie said, clapped her, hands, suppers cold, hollie said, hollie moodie appeared, with, keyboards, lets see, he played, hollie showed, its anti 10, bob remove, she said, hollie showed come on, said its hollie, showed, eat, then walk, your to jumpy right now, bob hollie moodie showed, its radio to sattelite, he liked it, that reached, hollie moodie thought, Jesus came out, over, two hundred thousand people, the john pierce show wants you to have fun but just listen saith Jesus, 6-11-2011-i saluted, its on board, hollie said God said, u.s.s. Chicago, God said, thats japanese planes coming in and bombing, thats major explosion along side, and ship listing and sinking, put it under hollie said, appeared like a shipmate, Hollie showed bob bring God down, and its Jesus hollie said Jesus said, face turning red, bob its children hollie, thats them laughing at God hollie and Jesus said, put it under hollie said, thats terri, she coming bob, let her pastor God said, record, me, said, it hollie, said another, and babyfleas appears looking, its stunned hollie said, but Gods new hammer appeared, like happy round head, hollie showed, its, gay parade, thats faggots marching and theres hand agin, it showed, you did not need him, its, hollie showed, theres dome in, points hollie, finger went shaft but came back to normal, with, its him in looking suprized, but white hand shook, thats face appearing on, its him, he appeared, he hollie showed, record, but, she, hollie spoke, came from, its behind, thats, its, pope, hollie said, on, its, black horse, but horse showed, its, popes picture, hey, pointed, hollie, theres blue in, its, i am aint uh angel pope said hollie did say, tear up, but like shadowy, hollie, seemed to fade, put back, smiled hollie but, hey she said, its, the, whole new world order, pictures appearing, she, said, its, hu hintao, its i'm the, false antibeast, he thought, happy, theres putin and its kings coming out of, theres three hollie said, pointed, that rise in, its persia stamped hollie but face went silhouette, its not unseen hollie said, showed, like blank face but its brown, thats putin, medvedev, and pope, there together God said, but, theres other kings, they were, acting, like for, like hugo chavez, happily shook yes, but turned head, castrol, and, theres lula, and nicaraguan presidents, all appearing but all were stout but all agreed, signed, its uh deal, said, its me, hollie said, showed, just wait, pocket taperecorder but bear appeared on pocket, whew let me said, its hollie, its jannette emenegger looking at, its her hubby, husband, showed, him, a, she hollie said, his letter, and not caring but then fearing, but reads, throws, bobby hollie said, did convey, showed, eat, hollie screamin for this reason, screamed again, but not heard, another, its him, said uh she hollie, showed, confusion, theres pope pointed, lighted care giver with pointy, hat, round head, white, hes in fire, drinking his drink, i'm said his caregiver approaching, its furthered showed, hollie, its JEsus appearing and bob angering, its, hes avenging, hollie, said, its for I persecute, Jesus said, thats bob telling, its children clapped hollie, they mock both, put it under, hollie said, showed, bob, God will not stop nor will you till the day you are both ruint then Jesus will repent, but thats world appearing and Jesus slowly being ruint, its, out in, the world, bob, people are, snitching hollie said, thats children telling, its christian witnesses and their faces turning red, times two, it hollie said, go, it, hollie, another, said, golden hair, hollie showed, remove the video, she said, jumpy hollie dd say, another, one, said, jumpy clapped hands, its, him, said, uh she hollie, he, clapped hands, showed, lay down, 6-12-2011-hollie showed, him two she hollies said, lay down God said, but got back up, clapped hands, put it under a she hollie said, showed lay down, hollie showed her watched, tapped on, its light watch, she said, hollie showed, its facebookking, its hollie, and, BABYFLEAS APPEARS, LOOKING, ITS STUNNED, HOLLIE SAID, BUT, God your being mocked, hollie, said, I know, said, it, Jesus, hollie, did say, but, God didnt stop, and, bob, kept right on, thats, news reporters looking at, its bobs e-mail and thats reporter talking to, its lebron james, one on one, lebron takes question, no I didnt know it was on, there, james said, but, thats many news agencies and, its bob reporting on t.v. dressed, hollie thought, real nice, hes knowing, now, hollie did say, showed, bob mow lawn, hollie showed, turn, thats limbs on church property, they dumped hollie said, dont let them, heres, how, hollie showed, damage their tires, put spikes, strips up, hollie said, hollie showed, go quick, hollie wanted to record but seemed unhappy, thats her picking up, its tree limbs, but tree came alive, its wood, hollie, said, showed, recycle, thats mulching place and them mulching up trees but tree limbed laughed, it dont matter said tree limb, then got mulched, made face but laughed, we dont feel it tree limb said, put it under, thats tree limb showing, its beast pope like, angel of light, its boo we, hollie said, many, him, its, hollie said, he hollies, their on uh hill but one winked eyes, thats hand showing you did not need him, its, hollie showed, theres uh dome in, pointed, hollie, finger went shaft but went back, with, its, hollie moodie in, but hollie thought, lets see, she said, thats, lebron james being asked, do you know bobby reporter, said, lebron just talks, he wants free loot lebron said, but thats bob on, its national t.v. looking good, hollies hand went, lighted, hollie showed, lay down, but, wasnt, happy, but clapped hands but hair went from golden to brown, pope said, hollie, he was another, said, in, fire, drinking drink, his lighted caregiver approached, pointy hat, mouth, pointed, hollie, mostly open, bobby its lebron james, said, it hollie, he appeared, she said, thats reporter dreading but asking, are you aware of bobbys facebook entry, lebron talks about, promotes, but he gets in pocket a little hollie, bob said, it hollie, showed, eat something but bob wouldnt, tomorrow she said, your big time she showed, heres how, thats lebron james at, its press conference, and them, reporters, asking, its popping the question, do you know bob, lebron showed yes, but then no way, but shook, yes, that hollie said, hollie screamy, she said, screamed again, this is vision hollie said, 6-13-2011-hollie showed, him said uh she hollie God said, put it under, hollie showed lay down, but he hollie showed church for rent, bob it does he said, hollie showed her light wact, c'mon bob hollie said, God said, thats her sitting at computer, or its him she said, just having fun hollie said, put it under, hollie showed lay down, its him she said, but he got up, clapped hands, record me, showed, it, hollie, Jesus and, hollie, said, did say, she, showed, one had, thats, God said, its, mayor of, its jacksonville, florida, showed, hollie, hes, trembling, now, cause, thats him looking, at, its bobs entries, thats Jesus inside bob like, its Ghost of light, hes happy, showed, hollie, thats, hollie, its, moody, with Jesus inside, showing, record, bob, said, its hollie, he wore uh, showed, she hollie, its, burgundy she said, sweatshirt, showed, its pope hollie did say, picture, but, hollie, points, theres, she said, thats, reporter, asking, lebron james, do you, know bobby, lebron doesnt, but they talk, thats many news reporters, asking, its raising questions, hollie showed, record, thats, her, getting, into, its dumpster but nothing there, its looting hollie said, people running but, hollie right there with, holding her, gift, plad red sweatshirt on, its, under, hollie said, thats smiling barack obama adjusting hat, but hollie gets him out, economic collapse, hollie showed, turn, bob eat something hollie said, showed, white clothes on, hollie showed, bob turn she said, thats, the submarine sombo, its him, she hollie, it, appeared, she, said, many submarines all around america, its, akula class, thats what you want, needed hollie did say, showed, mow lawn, but wore hat and sweated, thats them firing, both american coasts, hey, they burn hollie said, he said, jumpy hollie, did say, another, one, said, Jesus, said, jumpy hollie, clapped hands, wore, its uh, hat, but, Gods hammer hollie appeared, let me, observe, hollie said, did say, he was, like, round head, hollie, and, I, stamp, hollie did say, thats, its, carriage coming out, its pulled by angred hollie said, red and black horses, hollie showed, eat, theres, pope, on, its black side, and its hu hintao, on, red side, hollie in the fire, happy, turned head, flames, anther he hollie showed, soared higher, hollie showed, turn, theres, hand agin, showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, theres dome hollie said, in palm, but hollies, face appeared on hand, its white, shook, hollie showed, its nissan, it, thats her starting, God told you, its out of gas, bob said, but hand, showed, its uh quarter of uh tank, hollie said, hollie had songs sheets, she got off, its computer, he said, two hollies, did say, but, jumpy hollie clapped golden hands, they were lighted, thats, angel riding, its missile hollie said, and hollie on to, thats nuclear fires in alaska, its i'm uh bear, hollie said, putin, appears, he said, hollie, did say, hollie, night vision, showed, it was, uh dream, this is moorseville police, man said, hollie said, its they call hollie said, if you let me, hollie showed, its apostolic bible college, dont go hollie said, its rule by satan, hollie said, let me, hollie said, showed, its missiles going both ways, thats, some striking russia, burned, and america on fire, in parts, big fires, thats lighted serpent rising and pope appearing, its i'm the g8, somebody said, bob hollie said, thats, nuclear rockets, striking, its n.a.t.o. countries, burned, hollie showed, turn, drove by church, let me, she said, rubbed, no its squeezed face, frustrated she said, thats truck dumping trash on church parking lot but bob catches, he sees, but wants to argue over, but thats bob calling police, he leaves but bob follows, bob pointed hollie, showed charge up, had, its plad coat on, hollie moodie played his music, but face not seen to well, but he clapped hands as dancing, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, its for rent, bobs church angel comes out of building not caring but showed bob will be there, 6-14-2011-c'mon, hollie said, a she hollie God said, hollie showed, its pentecostal man, like winking, its like angel head drawing thing, but theres hand agin showing, hollie said, did convey, you did not need him, its, hollie showed, theres dome in, with, its happy moodie in, but hand white, face appeared on, dont face said, but, its, hollie saluting, its on board the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, dont ship, said, like ship angel, but torpedoes rock, thats three exploding along, its side, hollie comes out, bob it, took that, she said, ships were made better, hollie said, thats watertight doors, it separates that, pointed, hollie, compartments, ship sinks, but slowly, hollie, showed, its to record, she said, thats another, hollie climbing into, its dumpster, but people ran, its looting hollie said, theres happy barack obama holding his gift, its, prez, hollie did say, he makes announcement, adjusts tie, hollie makes leave, he doesnt say, its economic collapse here, hollie said, boo, they, chanted, hollie, did say, its, him, she, said, many, he, hollies, there on uh hill, she said, one winked but, hair like orange, hollie showed, to, turn, he, got on his computer, a she hollie said, hollies screamy for this reason, showed, lay down, but, screamed again, hollie showed, its, vistaprint, bob ordering cards, wearing, its uh red sweatshirt, but Gods hammer appeared, like, is, hollie showed, lay down, but, clapped hands, got back up, its, they were golden another hollie said, hollie wants to, go home, she, said, screamy hollie did say, screamed again, but, its, him, said, same she hollie, came out, points, but finger slanted down, its white, clapped same hollie, wore, its uh burgundy sweatshirt but Gods hammer appeared, like, its round head hollie, same sweatshirt on but face went blue and like light, but no form, 6-15-2011-bob your not going to make me, saith God, embarrased, because of the way I treat, for I persecute, and torture my children, saith God, by caressing penus with electricity, ripping face muscles when being used, torturing night and day, causing hair loss and gum desease, making servant hate me, for I persecute saith the Lord, I cause body to heat up like a furnace, its to ruin, saith Jesus, and I laugh at my children, at their struggling, because I hate people, and want them to think, I love them, for I lie saith the King, bob your starting to make me know that you have to die, cause I dont want people to know, what I'm really like, saith Jesus, bob you shouldve have told, hollie said, God said, she wants to, its, take yoru charge of your church, heres how, I have uh board, pastor martin said, he warned you, hollie said, you going to die, saith Jesus, prepare, thats bob hollie said, walking by, in his casket, saith Jesus, and, hollie didnt want to, close lid, almost did, but I raised it back up, and bob lived but, dead, hollie showed, its, new ministryofdreams, like unhappy white angel man, thats its, google bookmark ministryofdreams, like all white angel but blue appeared in body, I showed, bobby, that angel said like ghost man, its like that, hollie said, casper the friendly ghost, but hollie showed, its heavier, showed, bobby eat something, its, networking hollie said, worked, at, its computer, she had brown hair, white clothes, hollie screamed, why, for, bobby, she, said, screamed again, showed, bite something, she said, did convey, hollie said, that, hollie, said, she appeared in bobs full church but she sat on pew, that she said, that hollie said, agin, that, hollie showed, drinking drink, that, she, said, its, pope in fire, drinking his drink, thats, caregiver approaching, that hollie said, hes dressed like, its wizard, hollie said, did convey, hollie showed, its mold, heres how, bobby she said, she chipped away all loose paint, then, thats her, that, hollie said, repainting, but brown spot appeared where it was repainted, that hollie said, basement, its leaks, she knew hollie said, hollie played his music, that he points, but to, its him, that, hollie moodie said, face, hollie came, out, that, he, said, she showed, kind of hard to see, see that Jesus said, hollie took, its for rent sign down, thats people starting to appear in bobs church, hollie wiped his lips, showed, bobby bite something, your starving, he said, i'm the beast, said, it pope hollie said, rose, like, its angelhead, hollie turned his head in the fire, flames got higher, but he was happy, he said, go home and sleep said, its jumpy hollie, clapped her hands, nobody wants it angel said, hollie showed, turn, but showed, keep going, its uh, another, hollie said, white hat on, let me see, hollie did say, its war sireen, hollie in megaphone showing, its nobody listening, tear up, hollie said, speaking thru, its white megahone, but hollie with face unseen, its inside, its like bear, hollie said, your going to die saith, it hollie, showed, lay down, and I showed, you uh picture, hollie said, its pope, hey, another, hollie points, theres blue in picture, tear up, 6-16-2011-this is uh warnin, look who's back, said, its babyfleas, hollie said, God said, pointed pointed hollie like white angelic hollie, light hollie showed another, hey bob light face hollie said God said, put it under, hollie showed lay dowm but eyes were still open she said, hollie showed, when you gonna eat, something, she, said, looking serious, bob, hollie said, your dyin she did convey, hollie showed, lay down, wore, its uh, white robe, but, Gods hammer hollie appeared, its, round, hollie said, head of blue light, face mostly unseen but was over weight and, wore, white, robe, hollie claps, but face changing, c'mon hollie said, showed, its, over, one hundred hits tomorrow, its them, she said, news paper reporters, some laughed at God, c'mon hollie said, showed, bite something, bob hollie showed, record, c'mon showed, hollie, showed, eat, another hammer hollie just swung hands but wasnt really seen, better later, and, I, stamp, hollie said, that, pointed hollie, she, walks in, its, Christ temple, apostolic faith assemblies, that she said, its g.t. haywood, appearing, he started hollie said, he let in the door, was happy, that, said, it, hollie, a, new like pink, its, light, doreen and God said, head round, its no form, hollie said, hollie puts back and wadds, but face went unseen, hollie showed, turn, bob go around, she said, but another, hollie dressed with red hat showed turn other way, that, hollie said, its, fellowship of christians and jews, their leader, said, hollie said, its, rabbi she showed, he appeared, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, is uh, 48, hollie said, showed, with big white hand, old car, still running, honk, she said, driving like angel hollie, that said, it hollie, showed, bob gain you weight back, angel showed, record, but, started looking like, that, hollie said, showed, eat, thats, its hu hintao, appearing, and, hollie flying, spacesoarer, he said, thats, over, into, its taiwan, which errupted into fire, hintao presses button, its many, its, hollie thought, him, said uh she hollie, fires all over, its, hollie showed, right here, the u.s.a., china nukes us, hollie said, thats a, missile launch from america, and many all over, its, china, its over taiwan hollie said, its him said uh she hollie, bobby God will fix your face hollie said, thats face fixing, its before jannette, gets out of, its jail, thats her coming to, its somebody, but, she comes home, JEsus appears, janette lives with, its bob hickman, hicky hollie said, dies together, but thats economic collapse, its looting going, on, its him, a she hollie said, did say, hollie showed, take uh bath, hollie clapped hands, showed, lay down, showed, its ray lucia show, him, taking, its bob on other end, wearing, its uh red sweatshirt, but Gods hammer appeared like, round head hollie, but bob reappeared, you goin, ray lucia, said, hollie said, his show cancelled, bob like white angel said, hollie showed, its Weiner, she conveyed, said, hollie showed, congressman, its over lewd, he said, sending out, its sex photos, but you do it hollie said, hollie wore, its uh white hat, holding up sign, come on, she said, shaking sign up and down, hollie wore, its uh plad coat, but Gods hammer hollie appeared, like, hollie, came out, its changing, hollie said, like, face that changed, colors, and, got happy but ended up, a formles blue, hollie held, up, her, its sign, she looked serious, but laughed, wore, its uh plad coat, and, I stamp, said, hollie, disappeared, but Gods hammer hollie appeared, like, its lighted, round head, formless, but like, pointy things sticking out, theres two hollie said, and theres blue in face, dull hollie said, and white robe on, its spacesoarer, hollie said, its passenger jet, but, thats it dropping bombs, theres, big, explosion, its near the center of that, hollie said, america, and many from, both coasts, thats hollie, showed, its submarines, its akula class, thats what you want, needed hollie did say, but, angry barack obama, rises, that, hollie said, presses nuclear button, hollie showed, keep stored, old batteries not being used, bobby, said, hollie, and, he, I slapt my face, a she hollie said, but it was him, she pointed, hollie, its, perfecting, he said, worked on his sign, but changed into, its she, but, like both, happy, plad coat on, she said, go home, jumpy hollie said, that was hollie walking but only leggs appeared, but upper, did appear, she wore, its uh white robe, but Gods hammer, hollie appeared, like, its like, lighted electric round head, but, theres like border around, edge, and, different, like, golden, color in, but, hollie reappeared, bob, said, it, another, hollie said, showed, its, mark brown, it, he appeared, hollie said, clapped hands, but the hammer hollie appeared to, hes, hollie showed, not thinking to clearly these day, mark wants, thats him praying, but I wont, God said, 6-17-2011-that, showed, hollie said, its facebook child, like, that, hollie said, laughing dionsaur head angel, hollie points, comes out, its, that, she, said, his teeth, boo, hollie pointed, its that, she said, many, him, she said, he hollies, their on uh hill, she said, that, hollie, did convey, that hollie said, it was beast rising, that, hollie and doreen said, doreen winked but changed, it was pope hollie said, like happy angel man but round head, that hollie said, did convey, no, babyfleas said, shook, wore, its uh, red sweatshirt, but, Gods hammer, appeared, like, angelic being hollie, theres no form, hollie said, to his head, just, its like dull blue, maybe another, color in, hollie said, shook, that, hollie, said, she held her sign, that, doreen, said, hollie walks around, its downtown indianapolis, happy, that doreen said, but, its, he hollie appearing, sign reads, thats Jesus inside bobby, hollie said, thats, hollie with, Jesus inside, that, showing, its that, hollie said, that, hollie said, thats, her sleeping at home, laying down, its uh white robe, on, that, hollie said, but, face changed, went mostly unseen, hollie climbed up, its crane, a she hollie said, him she, said, thats him at, top, tada, he said, did say, boo, chanted, hollie, said, him, he, hollies, she, said, their on uh hill, hollie pointed, but he had orange hair, winked eyes, hollie showed, its, paul simon, still singing, thats, theres hand agin, hollie said, showing, you did not need him, hollie said, its hollie, showed, theres dome in, with, its him in, kind of happy, has all teeth, most showing, brown hair, but hair, hollie showed post, its uh cellphone laptop computer, a she one said God said, with hollie Jesus said, put it under, hollie said, sh Jesus said, hollie showed lay down, it was him a she hollie said, hollie held up her sign, thats hollie with Jesus inside, God like Ghost God hollie, hollie said, put it under she said, hollie showed sign the lease, had pen and plad coat on, bobby let she said, put it under, thats hollie walking with her sign, it said, states hollie said, Jesus showed cut it off, face appeared on, looking, no expression but maybe stunned, hollie raked in the, money, its good for me, she, conveyed, had red, plad coat, on, was happy, whew let me, hollie, did say, you need, to, record, me, thats, the, man, shaking, yes, hollie said, did convey, he will abide by the terms of the lease agreement, hollie showed, its lease, fill it out accurately she showed, record me, hollie said, showed, bobby, he, will do it, right, hollie showed, turn, then again, lighted, golden, hand, bobby, hollie said, he wanted it, you, wanted to, much, they said, but, they do God said, sign anyway, and, let me hollie said, Jesus watches, you fool God said, its to the new pastor, his crowd dies quick, they abandon God said, hollie showed, turn, lighted, golden hand, but, another hollie showed, turn, the, other, way but hand not seen but arm like uh bear, Im uh bear hollie said, tear up, hollie said, showed, its popes picture, hes happy but, kind of, cocky, please record me, said hollie, but hollie like bear appeared, its, he hollie, a, she one, said, he, scavaged, its, for food, hollie said, thats, HOLLIE climbing into dumpster, he finds, a she one said, God said, hollie showed turn, with a bear arm, another, he, she hollie did say, but another, one hollie showed, theres hand agin, showing, you did not need it hollie said, its hollie showed, hollie showed, go walk at walmart, theres dome in hand with hollie in, but he doesnt shake in dome when hand does, but hey, hollie said, thats face appearing on, its hand, but, and I stamp hollie said, but, thats Gods hammer hollie appearing, robe was dull blue, happy face that was white but went blue but dull, now its, boo, hollie said, but, she, booed to, theres him, its, hollie said, their on uh hill, one he hollie winks, orange hair, keeps winking, same hollie in fire, twists head, and its, orange, hollie said, and, Jesus, but got happy, flames, shot, up higher, no, said, it, hollie, she, was, hurt, sad, heres the reason, hollie said, its, another, thats, your new pastor appearing with, its white hat on, I want witch to see it he said, thats his wife, they both chat but walk out and leave, thats bob out the front door, the holy Ghost baptizm feels like a body your perfect size, coming in, thats pastor, trembling and wife looking back, then, bobby, they knew, they, left, hollie showed, turn, hey said another, she hollie coming out, hollies hand not seen, but, lights up like white bear paw, thats, its, the m.v., hollie said, wilhelm gustloff, she said, ship, being, rocked, by, its torpedoes, hollie showed, turn, hitler was on deck, but thats hollie saluting, its like shipmate, onboard the, its, r.m.s. olympic, thats screamed, it hollie another, said, appearing, with golden hair, that hollie said, agin, hollie showed, chickenfoot, its, you, pointed, hollie, thats, suprised sammy hagar looking around, but, shaking, yes, record, hollie said, walked, with, her sign, its, topless white hat on, red plad coat, i'm lazy, she said, on sign, o, babyfleas appeared, showed, its his favorite ship, i'm the m.v. hollie said, thats wilhelm gustloff, ship taking three torpedoes along side, pope hollie said, in fire drinking drink, but lighted caregiver points, lighted hat, mouth opened, it, was, uh dream, hollie said, hollie night vision, showed, night vision, man walks by bob, gives two, money bills, bob tells man, I cant take this, man, God says, give it to the church, bob takes but doesnt want, hollie night vision claps, 6-18-2011-hollie drank the hi-c, bob its good said hollie God said, you want that vision then post, he'll let you post clapped the tap dancers, hollie and, you see hollie said wearing a dress God said, these eight showed hollie, will rise up against the u.s.a., hollie showed post, its on uh laptop cellphone t.v. Stamped hollie, im the beast said pope appearing on screen, hollie screamed God said, put it under hollie said, showed turn with bear arm golden hand, white hat on hollie said, showed work on computer, white clothes, bob your in danger, said, its Jesus, pointed, hollie, God confused, angry looking, that, hollie said, it, was, uh plague, that hollie said, like little dark man coming toward bobs mouth, goes in hollie said, that, hollie said, i'm the beast, bob said, that hollie said, with seven heads and ten horns, its, that, pointed, hollie, bob, your the antichrist, hollie said, that, hollie, said, people showing up, parking at bobs church, hollie wiped lips, that, hollie said, its i'm the beast, pope rising, he said, hollie said, that hollie said, that hollie said, showed, sleepy, that, hollie said, showed, post, its on, laptop cellphone t.v., that hollie said, yawned, hollie showed, change, look churchy she said, that hollie said, showed, take the title and, home, hollie, that, hollie said, worked at, its computer, another, hollie stamps, but Gods hammer hollie appeared, its round hollie said, his head, that another hollie said, but just changed into like round ball with design in, hollie said, that hollie said, showed, its word reaching whole world, that, hollie said, when my gospel, said, its Jesus, hollie did say, thats gospel, hollie showed, like white angelic hollie, that, hollie said, world, and Gods word being published in all nations, that hollie said, thats bob, its giving understanding, like angelic bob, first, then my end shall come Jesus said, that hollie said, its, cause, hollie said, scatched head, wore, its uh red sweatshirt, that hollie said, like mostly unseen hollie, people wont live for Jesus, knowing he tortures, thats people, its, in, saudi arabia, laughing at God, like angelic people, that hollie said, another hollie showed, avenging God, golden hands, white robe, bobby this weapon, said, it its, both, hollie, showed, weapon, but bald hammer head hollie appeared, just mouth, face hollie said, like all white round head, white robe, on, look at your wealth God said, hollie showed, bobs hands filling with, its money hollie said, hollie appeared raking in the money, its good for me, she, said, that, hollie said, she, wore, its, red, plad coat, no said, hollie like fearfully, regretting, but shook, yes, but face changed, pointed another, hollie coming out, that hollie said, showed, its world, with, its eight kings popping, out, that hollie said, showed them all in uh cart, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen said hu hintao, that hollie said, theres pope and putin, you see these, hollie said, their gonna rise up, hollie said, against that hollie said, america appeared, with, nuclear fire on west coast, then many fires along coast, but, hey, theres east coast, with fires from top to bottom, and them coming from sea, thats captain hollie like uh bear, its, akula class, thats what you want, needed hollie said, c'mon said, it hollie, said two hollies, she wanted to record something, its popes picture appearing, hollie showed, turn, showed, bobby write janette, letter, thats her, reading, its money order, in, give her something, hollie said, thats white hollie like jannette, prophet hickman thats bear licking prophet hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie said, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope hollie said, there he is in fire enjoying his drink, its i'm said, caregiver approaching, mouth open, teeth visible, dressed in like light blue or dull gray robe, and, pointy long hat, on, boo chanted, hollie said, many he hollies, their on uh hill, one winks, hollie salutes, its on board, the, m.v. wilhelm gustloff, ship, thats three torpedoes striking, ship now on bottom, waits, has angel coming out, hollie in the fire, flames soared, higher, a she hollie showed, coming out, turned head but happy, he said, jumpy hollie said, clapped, and, jumped, thats, big nuclear explosion in, its mexico, in center of it hollie said, and many missiles sailing over, some landed along, its the coast hollie said, of mexico, thats many striking america, burned, whew let me, record, hollie said, showed, take bath, hollie showed, turn, lighted golden hand, she said dont sleep, said, its new jumpy hollie, clapped, leaped, no its, him, hollie said, hollie moodie playing music, but hollie showed, face not clearly seen, he wont give up his secrets, theres your hand agin showing you did not need him, but hollie moodie in hand, orange new hair style but seemed to be picking his nose hollie said, hollie showed lay down, but clapped hands, laid on side, hollie clapped hands again, but still laying down, he said, two hollie said, one jumpy hollie with white hat, zurick, Jesus said, thats beast and false prophet and emperor of japan, its signing peace treaty, 666, they leave, thats, hollie comes out, little popes face, its mark of the antichrist, brother, hollie said, showed, picture, its pope, its she, said, i'm the beast pope said, hollie showed, its town hall meeting, at haughville library, tuesday the twenty first, stamped hollie, hollie showed, its she blew on hand, then rubbed robe, but upper seemed to disappeared showed, another, hollie, but she transforming hollie said, into, its uh bear, 6-19-2011-your new form, hollie said, its, ministry of dreams, did convey, and I stamp, hollie said, but, Gods new happy bald hammer hollie appeared like, its almost round head, white robe on, mouth, teeth seen, like smiling, thats beast carriage coming out, like, pulled by black horses, angred and carriage like light carriage, pope in like angel of light, hey, hollie said, i'm the adobe angel said, did convey, its like not so happy angel adobe form ministryofdreams, angel showed, ministry of dreams, Jesus eating, when, God showed, should be laying down, hollie said, stamped again, tho, thats, its hu hintao rising, i'm the antibeast, he said, bobby, your form, hollie said, thats angel not, looking kind of stunned, but, it works, its on, thats hollie linking up form, but, work, with hollie said, thats, links appearing, adobe hollie said, like angelic hollie, Jesus approached, its big he said, put many pages on, hollie showed, its jewish people, many, woman laughing, its at bob hollie said, he appeared like angelic bob, red sweatshirt on, she knew, bob, thats hollie with Jesus inside showing record, theres elijah, she said, like, its little wimp, she said, like, cocky jew, but she loved it, turned into, its Jesus, she said, jumpy hollie said, i'm clean, jumpy hollie claps like new jumpy hollie, write the vision make it plain hollie said, but hollie like bear appeared, hollie worked on, its laptop computer, but popes face appeared on its screen, its i'm the g8, its putin said, hollie did say, he appeared happy, bob, thats your hat hollie said, get from, library, but hollie stamped and Gods happy hammer appeared, bob buy new one hollie said, bob my jewish people, that was Jesus, hollie said, like big God standing on mountain, showing his hands, but changed, wounds in hands, whats with these hollie said, o Jesus said, these with which I was wounded in the house of my friends, curse yelled Jesus, thats many, its jewish people, stamps hollie, rejected, its at that time hollie said, bob your getting in trouble, its not with the police, its with me the Lord, its for I persecute, torture and maiming my kids and they rebell against me cause I tempt them, thats bob telling, its jewish people and young children on, and I stamp hollie said, on internet and them all laughing, and, telling others, thats, its, a, crowd building, one was happy angelic like, dinosaur head shaped, now many many, its hollie, got word from God, millions, a she hollie comes out, its, him, she said, playing his music and many teenspot children, one laughs, like angelic dino shaped head, they dont want God, cause, thats Jesus staving bob with pen and lauhging, boo chanted hollie said, their on uh hill hollie said, many he hollies, one winks, orange hair but didnt seem to happy, theres tank agin, hollie manuevered, its manuevering, she said, theres my warning, hollie said, showed, lay down, but got back up, clapped hands, theres hand agin, showing you did not need him, hollie said, its hollie showed, theres uh dome in with its him in, but face appeared on white hand, she said, jumpy hollie, did say, she clapped her hands, and, moved her feet, its up and down, just feet reappeared, hollie showed turn, golden shaft like finger, but another hollie showed, keep going, red hands, hollie looks for, its hollie showed, stamps, but its him, another he hollie appeared, and I showed you that, he said, with hollie show'eds voice, it rained, submarines, many hollies in, but one like golden animal beak think like pelican, that was pope in fire drinking drink, hes like an angel man showed, hollie, but her hands showed, just caregiver approaching, its i'm he said, like, pointy hat, light caregiver, robe on, c'mon hollie said, showed, lay down, but clapped hands, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, 6-17-18-19-2011-that, no said, it hollie, a, she hollie, but, she wore, its first, she said, red sweatshirt, lets put it under, she said, first hollie, showed, tired, bob lay down, she said, but another, was on side, clapped, hands, and, rose again, some, hollie said, lets put it under, bob it wont work, the links, hollie said, God said, fix, put right, she spoke, hi hollie said, and i stamp, she did, its im the beast, said, its hollie said, popun, she did say, like an angel of light, and black carriage pulled by angry black horse, hey hollie said, im the m.v., she said, wilhelm gustloff ship, that hollie said, as three torpedoes rock, hollie showed post, showed, its uh thin cellphone, he wanted, you to, be still, it wss wilma, hollie said, but now both are glad your back, wilma looks stunned, o i know their laghin at me, she said, hollie said, he showed lay down she hollie, but i had, big lighted finger, pointing down, bobby if you fast, die then, put it under, lay on side like hollie showed, hollie showed post, its uh cellphone laptop t.v. Hollie, its pope on screen hollie said, i aint gonna do it, its pope hollie said, did say, put it under hollie, showed lay down, im the m.v., there goes his ship again said babyfleas God said, thats the m.v. Wilhelm gustloff ship sinking, thats three torpedoes rocking with hitler on deck, lets put it under hollie said, showed lay down, she, i was on mu side, said the m.v. Hollie said Jesus said, wilhelm gustloff ship, the ship said fleas said, you are not going to let me post, said, its Jesus, he hollie said, another, but she came out, from behind, babyfleas claps, hollie played his music, and I showed you, that, he said, a check, for, its coming bob, just, watch, they call, God, said, hollie showed, its, form, its, adobeformscentral ministryofdreams, its like, hollie stamps, has brown hair, all light angel, no clothes just light body, but heavy angel showed, bob you gotta gain some weight, but angel lost weight and was light, hollie said, bob your form, hollie said, looking concerned, it, was, up, thats, form, it, hollie said, already posted on net, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, out ran, its, did say, its beast carriage with, its pope like angel of light, carriage black, pulled by one angry black horse, that was jumpy but hollie points, rubs chin, theres red horse hooked up and its hu hintao, on other side, hollie showed, mow lawn and its hollie flying in, its spacesoarem flying saucer, its red and, its over, into taiwan, that hollie points, which errupted into fire, thats hu hintao pressing, its nuclear button, thats nuclear fires, all over, its the united states but angry barack obama launches, hollie like missile shoots out, thats many nuclear rockets, thats ohio class, hollie stomps, thats what you wanted, needed she said, thats, china burning, its, they, shower, hollie said, thats, three ohio class subs, all with, its captain hollie but he hollie and two she hollies, china which errupted into fire, hollie said, hollie showed, its, putin, she, said, its, for, i'm the ram, he said, thats, his face appearing on, its ram, thats hegoat, its, pope, hollie said, like, hollie showed, eat something, goat horns and, its kings, coming out, its them, hollie points, these three kings shall rise in persia hollie said, stamps, thats, its, pope, and, its, putin, and, its, hintao, coming out of horns, theres, medvedev out of putins with, its me said hollie, but pope like angelman showed, tear up, hollie said, but hands just wondered, they wondered, hollie said, thats, hegoat smiting, charging, its ram, theres, its police bobby, watch that, thats bob in, its dumpster but eats food later, thats people looting in america, its under economic collapse here hollie said, but they ran, hollie, held her gift to, barack makes announcement, but doesnt, hollie makes leave, that, said, its him said uh she, hollie, nuclear fires in, its russia and china, its, after, that, hollie said, that he hollie said, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. striking russia, missiles hitting all over, fire errupted, but thats both, its united states of america, hollie, said, coasts burning, thats, its, massive hollie said, nuclear fire, in, its center of america, but angel raises hollie out, its chinook showed hollie but nuclear n.a.t.o., countries, errupted into fire, thats them, all, its ohio class, stomps she hollie but was happy, thats many missiles flying, hollie watches, man she said, its both ways, fires, erruptin all over, one goes around world, strikes that, hollie said, its africa burning, but missiles leaves, there, leave their streaks hollie, said, thats venezuela and brazil burning, hey he hollie said, theres nuclear fires in cuba, three of them, hollie, said, and along, its, that, stamps, hollie, showed, its, white mexico, and big fire, its, thought, like normal color, down toward bottom, and along coast, God said, and nicaragua, its errupted into flames, but missiles kept sailing, it, strikes that, hollie said, thats, fire in, its great britain, australia burns, shook, but, here comes there, forces, its, i'm the beast, its antichrist hollie said, pope like angelman rising, bobby your form hollie said, thats form angel coming out, but going back, your colors hollie thought, off, but, it will have to do, he said, hollie said, clapped her hands, its angel, get some gasoline, thats hollie at pump, hey, theres, no gas, hollie said, its, arabs, they, cut production, king of saudi arabia said, angry, its cut way back, thats people driving, its longs lines, at, its gas stations, its, shortage hollie said, again, let me show, you, something, said hollie with Jesus inside, bobby dont worry, hollie said, showed, fill tape up, its to most way place hollie said, its hollie, but Jesus showed, its adobe forms central, angel coming out but angel was by self, dressed in like cape but attached light, hollie showed, turn, but he hollie showed turn other way, red hands, tear up hollie said, red bear paws, appeared, but put back, hey she hollie said, he was there all the time, lauhing, but somewhat appeared, its boo, hollie said, its, him, she said, many he hollies, their on uh hill hollie said, appearing, one winks, theres, hand agin, showing, you did not need it, its hollie showed, but hollie thought, theres dome in, with, its him in, hair brown, hollie salutes, in on board the she said, thats she turns, m.v., wilhelm gustloff ship, hey hollie said, thats three torpedoes rocking, there along that side hollie said, thats ship on bottom of sea just waiting, angel comes out, heres how ship got heavely damaged hollie said, thats it rolling and sinking but when it his bottom hollie said, it collapses, thats part of, its m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship collapsed, its on bottom of the sea, hollie put back like uh shadowy hollie, but head not seen but did appear, hey hollie said, its normal, bob, hollie, said, showed, its uh picture, another, hollie said, its pope, hollie points, coming out, like, white mostly hollie, theres blue in picture, she said, jumpy hollie said, showed, get busy, that, hollie said, that, hollie said, hollie greased her front end, jacked van up, hey that, hollie said, umoja, its church, showed, hollie, tongue coming out of, its front of building, licking prophet, its light tongue, then angel appeared, its part of building, showed, its, i'm umoja angel said, its christian and unity church, why hollie said, screamed, white hat appeared on as she did, hollie worked on, its computer, was, happy and, dressed uh little better but hat on but theres, hey Gods hammer appeared like, its, round hollie said, his head like ball, but robe on, changing colors, hey its, hollie said, coming out, hat on, its, white she said, showed, but, theres new hammer appearing in first, but only slightly seen, blue head, thats the tap dancing hollie said, her and many, some kings, hey hollie said, these will, shall rise against, its the u.s.a. stamps hollie, showed, behold, she said, big white hand, thats, both american coasts burning, pope, hollie said, in the fire, enjoying his drink, care giver approaches, yawns, poninty, hat, robe on, their blue, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, but then other way, hollie showed, turn, like uh bear, hollie, points, lighted finger, its spacesoarer rocket, with, its him appearing on, dropping bombs, thats center of america exploding, and nuclear fires along both coasts, hollie lifted out by angel, turns, into, its m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, let me show, you ship said, i'm the g8, putin, said, russia exploded, but thats missiles soaring, and striking nuclear n.a.t.o., burned, and world shook, and up rose the beast, pope, said, like angelman, thats, hollie said, m.s., wilhelm gustloff, ship, showing, its lay down, but ship showed, picture, its bear, with, its three ribs in mouth, pointed, hollie, arise, devour much flesh, its, God, Jesus, hollie said, bear shakes, yes, looks toward nuclear n.a.t.o., clapped hands, showed, lay down, that was Jesus, out of whirlwind, doreen and hollie said, hollie points, it was light, where were you, Jesus, said, hollie did convey, hollie looks at her light watch, Jesus said, c'mon on bob, she said, blew, lets go, thats hollie walking, its livecloud, hollie said, its like angelman, like, ghost, she said, but looked stunned, he looked at his, its light watch, stamps, hollie, but scene spins, and, out rises, errupts, hollie said, i'm the beast, pope said, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, looked at her watch, bob c'mon lets go, hollie said, left library, 6-21-2011-hollie showed, record, come on, she said, like, angel, hollie, thats her stamping, bob, thats ministry of dreams, showed, its, hollie, thats vacation bible college, its, school, hollie said, its, stamped, hollie, right there, she said, at, new wineskin ministries, hollie showed, bob remain in your church, she said, its now, thats, church angel appearing, like, its overweight, and wondering, itself, thats, children in, its israel, stamps, hollie, but face went blank, thats them laughing, at, its elijah a young jewish girl said, thats them in school passing notes and Jesus stepping back, looking stunned, but he wont let it, go, on, hollie said, thats, God, torturing, its murdering hollie said, bob, its all day, every day, its starts day one, hollie said, bob telling on, its God appearing, like, same church angel, before, heavy, robe, same as body, i'm the, g8, whew hollie said, its putin but thats his ship agin babyfleas said, hollie, he points, white in her mouth, hey so you caught it, Jesus said, he shakes yes, thats m.v., hollie said, wilhelm gustloff ship, explosions along side, hitler on deck, his superfortress, hollie said, but thats ship, rolling and sinking, its waits with angel coming out, its on bottom of the sea, but hollie visits in her submarine, its akula class, thats, what you want, needed hollie said, thats it firing, rockets all ways, thats the uh leave it alone sorry sound, hollie said, sandy wiped her mouth, hollie said, thats world and, hollie flying around, its spacesoarer she said, like, its p-51 mustang fighter jet, and, nations below exploding, hollie dropping bombs, thats world with eyes and many, countries on fire, and its beast coming up like riding black horse on world, it stops there, points, hand, but hollie appeared later, bob, its allow me, she, said, thats your church full, its for I persecute, Jesus said, thats, God trying to make his children loose their salvation by, its manifold temptations, hollie, stamps, lighted hand, bob, put it there, thats, end time prophetic ministry angelhead, but only eyes seen, but rest, there, appeared dimly, let me record, hollie said, thats her looking in, its dumpster, got out food, had white bandana on, its headband, hollie pointed turn, she said, whenever the marine corp. goes out in the streets, thats angel marine guard, hollie, appeared with, but dimly, was, kind of, disappearing, but hollie showed, its cellphone computer, thats all the internet bobby you will have in the end, thats facebook, and angel coming out, smiling, facebook, bob posts on, its facebook everyday, thats big facebook, its boo, chanted, hollie did say, many, him, its, she said, he hollies, their on uh hill, one winks, lighted amber she hollie comes out of one, mouth open, kind of looking back, but, turned uh little hollie showed, hollie showed, turn, like big white hand, happy, thats, why's the marine corp. out in the streets angel said, he guards, hollie like shawdowy hollie there with, blue plad striped coat on, barack obama announces, its under economic collapse, hollie said, for, happy, Jesus, sprinkles but only arm seen, rest appeared later, he sat down, lets rule the world, someone, said, putin awakened, Jesus tells bear, with, its three ribs in mouth, arise, lets devour much flesh, bear shakes, yes, cuba appears on one rib, hollie claps, thats the way, he said, captain hollie surfaces, two, its ohio class, said, its like babyfleas, stomping, thats them firing missiles, hey theres another one hollie said, its he she hollie said, that one kind of underwater like, head, still submerged but somewhat popped up, then, some of sub, this one, sub had face and, now, its, lets open fire sub said, showered, its thermo nukes, its, hollie points, america, all over, fires breaking out, thats, sub turning red, its, russia, hollie showed, turn, but, other way but hand wasnt seen but it was there, it appeared hollie said, hollie showed, go like bear hollie, theres hand agin, showing, you did not need, him, theres hollie in but his face, appeared on, happy, hand shook, was white, hollie showed, turn, but slapt face, she said, work, showed, jumpy hollie, its leaping, God said, theres hand agin, hollie said, its big and white with golden light in, hollie showed, its 1971 she said, oldsmobile, its, delta 88, convertible, hollie drove, spun rear tire, hollie pointed, its america on fire, its, from that, hollie said, thats missile shower, from, its russia but, hey hollie said, thats missiles going the other way, russia exploded, put it under, lets hollie said, showed, lay down, but clapped her hands, got back, up, 6-22-2011-bob hollie, its him she said God said, showed time, bobby see him hollie said, he will do it, but will fill it about most of the up, put it under he said, showed just enjoy meeting, he sat in God said, hollie showed, time, was, happy, its light watch, and eyes appeared on watch, put it under, hollie said, bobby, tell walter, you have one month, and he will do, but, thats, church, its filling up, hollie said, look at me, said, its, hollie, another said, with, its golden hair, and I stamp hollie said, thats beast, pope, picture, its spinning and rolling out, bobby look there, said, its, hollie, she, flew in, its, high, way up, hollie said, in, atmosphere, its, mustang fighter jet, and thats america on globe exploding, world, it all, of, sudden has eyes, hollie said, and, thats, its nuclear n.a.t.o., burning, countries, hollie points, there, she, said, its, russia, burning, exploding and, its, putin, appearing, i'm the beast, he said, hollie showed, its jewish federation of indianapolis, its hollie stamps, but goes all white like light hollie, bob thats them finding out, and you promoting self, thats, its, headlines coming out, spinning, popes picture, on, angel appears, shows, hollie and God said, please, look there, points, its, hollie, another, said, thats bob working on, its computer, now its self promotion hollie said, there hollie said, gave bob, its the loot woman said, whew bobby, let me, said, its, hollie, its, your playing, right there, said, its, hollie, another, with, its, golden hair said, but a, light, being stamps, its hollie, shes, silhouette, but appeared, tear up, hollie showed, picture, its whole new world order, but, its, lighted bear paws appearing, put back, its, pope coming up, and, hu hintao, theres, putin, that, hollie said, coming out, showed, lay down, alaska, said, its angel, hollie claps, coming out, as missiles, they sail, one had, hey, a, its, him, said, she hollie, angel appeared on missile, thats Jesus telling angel, hey I want you do two parts, angel shakes, yes, let me, he said, deep rough voice, and hollie on other, thats nuclear fires in, alaska, and its specs, dots appearing all over, its, out in sea hollie said, thats our submarine network, its detection hollie said, its on, and, tracking, thats submarine going by one, its sonar and sub appearing, n.a.t.o., they knew hollie said, its them, hollie said, barack in mountain with his advisors, they dont give uh shit hollie said, but thats many missiles being launched, and, its world appearing, eyes on, many countries, burning and, serpent beast with seven heads and ten horns appearing, with, its, theres pope hollie said, and other, like hintao and theres mexican president smiling, showed, no way but, shook, yes, then its uh deal medvedev said, signs, but theres, its castrol and nicaraguan prez, and lula all looking stout but signed, but they dont want showed lula, its Jesus laughed, hollie, its nuclear explosion, in, its greece, israel, hollie showed america on fire, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob lay down, this is uh war right here, hollie said, thats putin and obama looking at each other, obama presses nuclear button first, thats, its massive fire in, russia, thats, many nuclear fires in, its the u.s.a. stamps hollie, I saw the m.v. hollie said, its wilhelm gustloff ship, happy, but, thats torpedoes rocking, hitler on deck, his prize hollie said, angel showed, dont, wait, he said, but shook yes, then showed, no, hollie showed, turn, lighted hollie, hollie showed, get convention center events link, place, there on, its zero-catch, but turned into, its, angel showed, hollie, its her teeth another, said, boo chanted, its him, said hollie, coming out, many, him she said, he hollies, their on uh hill, one winks, kind of orange glow hollie said, bobby your gun is here, hollie said, its, hollie dreaded telling, bob, your getting to big now, quit or thats bob going to casket, then door closing but hollie didnt want to close, 6-23-2011-bobby I showed you, yaw, two hollies said, God said, bobby slow down, hollie said, its, the, jewish community, they dont know ya, hollie said, but love, put it under, hollie showed, her, its light watch, and, she reappeared, smiled, its her teeth, they, were there, but light watch, had uh face, and, looked, like watch, winked, bob you are now going to make me look like a fool and you have all day to do it saith the LOrd, hollie, pulls out her sign, wears, its uh red plad coat, but Gods hammer hollie appeared, like, its blue almost round head, white robe on, sign blank, but changes back to, its hollie, another, hollie said, sign tells where to bob is on internet, type in google the man Jesus entered into like a body my perfect size, thats people, young, finding, its, bob on video, hollie looks harder, hey she said, their jews, laughing, young children, thats them in, high school, telling others, and young man looks stunned, but watches video himself, whew let me, record, hollie said, this is, uh warning, hollie said, thats he hollie, playing his music, face not all seen, thats bob promoting church on sign, hollie holds up, hat on, and, its uh red plad coat but Gods hammer appeared and church angel came out of, its sign, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, yawned, showed, bob wake up, hes trying to destroy ya, its, Jesus, hollie said, see that sign, God said, you are now on, hollie, comes out, showed, white robe on, face changing, bob on national t.v. being interviewed, man that talks with laughs, this is uh warning, hollie said, thats its, jewish community, its on, bob, the wrong facebook, hollie said, she said, jumpy hollie did say, another, hollie, said, jumpy showed, do something, thats spacesoarem, pointed, its hollie, hey, said, another she hollie, same he hollie, flew on, thats him dropping bombs, from, its jet showed, hollie, thats america below exploding, hey hollie said, thats nuclear fires all along coasts, henry gruver appears, God said, thats Jesus with, this is uh warning, said, its hollie another, said, but unseen but appeared, she was, there, get your motor oil out, said, its angel hollie did convey, thats bob selling, its quarts of oil at his church, they, all sell, its cheap hollie said, one twenty five per quart, whats that, hollie showed, its google bar, angel coming, its over, put that on, your website, they will all hit number one hollie said, it links google up to you, its spacesoarem jet, hollie said, she pointed, body not seen but it appeared, i'm she said, another comes out, points, finger kind of down, in hollies mouth, light, thats, its, him, she said, flying, jet, dropping bombs, thats, its nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding and its serpent dragon, lighted, rising, its i'm the beast, putin said, your the g8, hollie said, putin agrees, man let me said, its hollie, showed, go in, thats bob walking in, but thats security meeting again, making you, leave, hollie said, its, boo we, hollie said, its him, she said, but, same hollie comes out, acting confused, showing, bob, many he hollies on hill, on winks but looks white now, brown hair, bob your church, thats angel coming out, keep angel showed, buy, he showed, one lot worth sixty thousand, now its babyfleas hollie said, laughing, disappearing, hollie showed, bob, do that, she had, white hat on, and its burgundy sweatshirt but turned into Gods hammer like bug, white light head, hollie mowed lawn, using, two push mowers, at same time, bob, it, weakens, she said, when you mow lawn you cant bare anymore, bob hollie said, showed, wrap it up, showed turn, golden hand, hollie showed, light watch, put one hand on other, showed, bobby lay down, it was uh dream, hollie night vision, showed, its uh night vision, bob tells, no matter what he does, he can not be charged with sin with the seed of God in him, hollie night visions claps, showed, lay down, 6-23-24-22-25?-hollie clapped his hands, theres ship again hollie said, God, hollie said did say, pointed with lighted finger, thats hand, with, him its hollie said, theres dome, it showed you did not need him, its hollie showed but he looked afraid, hollie showed his light watch, bob lets go he said, put it under, its the judah band, their witches hollie said God said, put it under dont tell hollie said, bob, said, its hollie, said, two, but, one hidden, sticks head out laughs, and, was, like, lighted outline, pope, in the fire, God said, drinking his drink, but, hollie appears, laughing, but, there he is, in dome, God lee, said, its his ship again, fleas, said, its, i'm the m.v., wilhelm gustloff ship, thats ship taking three torpedoes, but, hilter on deck, and ship sinks, o, ship said, angel coming, out, now waiting, and its on the bottom of the sea, God said, but visits in her submarine, God said, its akula class, thats what you wanted, bobby, needed, hollie said, she showed, eat, bob, said, its hollie, said, its same o hollie coming out, clapped hands, stomped foot but face changed to blank, let me said its hollie, another appeared, hollie showed, its new book, angel on cover, like thing, bug angel, but its, white, its, visions of the three woes, hollie said, thats battle of armageddon, its china and russia being forced, screaming, to invade, its that, pointed, hollie, israel, thats nuclear missile from, its russia, exploding in, israel, and Christ standing on the mountain, but before that hollie said, thats, nuclear fire in russia, its from china, hollie said, lets unite and force hu hintao said, hollie showed, its war, thats the king of the south invading the land of the north hollie and God said, put it under, hollie said, thats woe number one Jesus said, hollie showed, one, this is decision said, its, hollie, said, two hollies but ones pops lighted outlined head out, laughs, three hollies God said, hollie showed record, had, on, its, backwards she said, that was church angel showing lay down, that hollie said, pointing, but another, its, him, said another, hidden hollie, stuck head out, showed, uto, seen, white face but, another, hollie showed, not clearly seen, public service announcement he said, hollie said, but outlined white light another hollie sticks head out, I was seen that hollie said, but, transformed, whew let me, said, its hollie, showed, its tent revival, popping up, its at bobs church, do hollie said, charge eight fifty, they will but wont, hollie claps his hands, shows, bobby eat, bite something, hollie said, and storm clouds, its approaching hollie said, hollie showed, record, but disappeared, theres hand agin, showing, God and hollie said, babyfleas appears, mouth somewhat open, hand points, white hand, dome in with, its him, face somewhat not seen, but hand shook, then face appears on hand, close, ministry of dreams, that is what they wanted, said, its hollie, another, said, but, a, its him appeared, white face, wiped mouth, hollie moodie played his music, but she hollie comes out, his face agin, she said, not visible, bobby, said, its, hollie, said, two hollies, but one hidden, came out, laughed, just head, but its him, white face, hair changed to brown, showed popes picture, hollie points, hey theres blue in, but hollie went white herself but was trying to change back, this is uh warning, hollie said, hollie claps his hands, see pointed, hollie, her reflection in water as it cleared, another, him, its, hollie said, comes, pops head out, laughs, white face, hes hiding but does voice parts, its their on uh hill, hollie said, its him, she said, winking, bob, thats, your new facebook ministryofdreams like unhappy dinosaur head, hollie showed, its to much, its her hollie said, girl that sings at, tent revival, this is uh war, right heres, its putin, hollie said, he hollie comes out from, beside and laughs, just head, thats, putin and obama stairing at each other and, its, beast, rises like light beast, i'm the beast putin, said, thats hollie like, birdie, that is, pointed, its, him, said, uh she hollie, its, jim schaffer, hollie said, coming to church, taking hat, off, bobby, how are you, my wife left, he said, now he, wants uh friend, she, didnt want you, hollie said, neither, but both will have in end, thats titanic pulling up hollie showed, and hollie like, its shipmate on, salutes, theres, captain smith and ship rubbing iceberg, o said angel coming out as, front of ship, its ghost ship, now, there it is, still lies, hollie said, on bottom of the sea, put it under, thats, them, building and hollie working with, man its, hard labor, hollie said, and, captain smith, he, was retiring and they wanted you to leave, hollie said, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie did say, hollie said, but, hollie leaped and clapped, its jumpy hollie said, but face, turned into uh silhouette, its pope hollie said, in fire, drinking drink, I want heaven pope said, dressed like, its wizard, and caregiver same, mouth open, i'm rejected, said, its christine hollie said, hollie showed, record, she got the sod, lets work, she said, thats her with red plad coat, and, its uh shovel, white hat on, hollie showed, turn, whew let me hollie said, record, thats septic tank angel, all of uh sudden, hollie came close, white hand, I knew, put some grass over me, angel said, like, hey hollie said, is thats God hammer, spetic tank angel shakes, yes, comes out but goes back, dressed in white bluish clothes, like robe, but like, its part of body, i knew, thats septic tank sitting at Gods interviewing table, sad, but knew they wanted to do away with but septic tank shakes, yes, wants to be ministering spirit on, its, thats septic tank, showing, ministry of dreams, and new, world order, thats pope and its, hu hintao, let me see, septic tank angel said, all of uh sudden with gorgeous, golden design, and multi colors hollie said, robe, thats, its Jesus, two hollie said, telling septic tank, its, near 2020, thats bob unburying, septic angel happy again, i'll just wait, spetic tank said, close me, said septic tank, russia is the bear father hollie said, sprinkled, septic tank angel gets, happy with his multi color robe on, its like, golden flowery design with brown, light almost round head, no hair, no said, its hollie fleas, but shook yes, she wore, its uh burgundy sweatshirt but changed into, its Gods hammer, hollie took picture, its, kodak instamaic x-15, hollie shook, yes, then, showed, thru with it, hollie showed, turn, blew thru like megaphone, hollie in like golden hollie bear, showing, people not listening then changed into, its megaphone stamps, hollie, but she, turned bear herself, hollie, turn, long hand, arm, all light, its hollie, said, sanyo ss-900 stereo speakers with, light faces, showing come on with arm, wanting people and they just sit still but one laughs, knowing people want him, thats speaker angel sitting at Gods interviewing table, man I know it, Jesus walks out, takes back to speaker, puts in, stay here, look, its hollie said, two others, but hidden he hollie pops lighted outlined head out, laughing, hollie showed, dont worry, 6-26-2011-hollie pulls up his chair, wears blue suit, sit down a she hollie said, you will live no more God said, hollie moodie played his music, hollie showed his face she said, hard to make out in middle, put it under, bob return to grace apostolic church God said and hollie showed, hollie laid down, two hollie showed with her fingers God said, put it under hollie, two fingers appeared, you know how many days, Jesus said, to destroy, this servant, most of his life, saith the Lord, now hes dyin and you laugh, this is Jesus, here bob prosper, go, showed, its, babyfleas, a, hollie said, but, its, him, another points, popping head out, laughing, he stood beside hollie, with, its golden hair, laughs, hollie mowed lawn, pushed one mower, pulled another, it, bobby, shortens time, hollie said, babyfleas appeared, with, red sweatshirt on looking, worried, God said, she said, jumpy hollie said, jumps, claps hands, she said, jumpy hollie did say, another hollie said, coming out, pointing, this is, what you want, hollie said, church full but bob in last roll, white face, long brown hair, thats the sanyo-900 ss licking the prophet, eyes, face appear on, hollie said, showed, bob go to computer, work there, she showed how to populate your church, tell people you are saved, they can, get saved if you fast for them, hollie showed, turn, whew let me said, its hollie, another, said, but, its, him, pointed, another, hollie, pops head out, laughs, but looked, normal, i'm the beast, and I stamp hollie said, but went somewhat silhouette, pope pops up, its, you, pointed, hollie, hollie showed, turn, long shaft like golden finger, its boo hum, hollie did say, its, them, she, pointed, many he hollies, their on uh hill, hollie did convey, one winks, hollie had, the, pioneer sx-580 stereo receiver, power meters moving, but, a, silhouette hollie stamps, this is uh warning, hollie said, showed, go work on, its computer, but changed into, its Gods hammer, blue like round head, but not quite, no hair, bobby, hollie slapt his face again, hollie said, let me, said, its, hollie, said, another, one, God said, but its him, pointed, she hollie, popping head, out, laughing, hollie, drove its, corvette, hollie chewed gum, bob, said, its, said, hollie, showed, eat something, you want his, said, hollie, showed, hurry, get more gum, she chewed, blew bubble, but turned into another, hollie, thats, hollie, like, uh pez, she, said, that, she, pointed, its, coming, the whole new world order, appeared, and approached, she said, jumpy hollie did say, another, hollie said, but its, him, she pointed, pops head out but theres another, dark hollie, making laugh noise, Jesus tells her, bobby you want me in police car, hollie said, thats her enjoying her trip Jesus said, its for looting God said, watch that, thats, hollie, climbing in, its dumpster, but hollie stamps, and like thing spins, its, dull, she, said, white light, like cabinet, he said, not to look at you, said, its, popes caregiver, hollie said, its, him, she, did convey, popping head out, laughing, hollie prowled, its akula class, thats what you wanted, needed clapped hollie, many russia submarines prowling ocean, then henry gruver appears, I wonder whats going on on the other side, he spins globe, thats submarine appearing, like, its out of water, i'm the warning, sub said, with its white angelic face but american coasts went up in flames, this is, uh warning, this is, uh website, right here, said, its hollie, but, its, like, dino shaped head, of light, its, bluish, hollie and Jesus said, its ministry of dreams, lets show it God said, its to the world, hollie like shipmate salutes, on board the, she said, s.s. titanic, o ship said, as it sinks, angel comes out, 6-27-2011-hollie played his music, bobby eat hollie said, james laverne showed lay down but clapped hands and got back up, hollie said, hollie showed, its, pope, hollie said, showed, bob git outta here, hollie, wore, its, red plad coat, but, turned, into, its Gods hammer like blue head, same coat, go, pointed, its, hollie, another, said, appeared, quickly then disappeared, thats, hollie looking at, its book, visions of the beast with seven heads, and, ten horns, theres angel on, bobby it sold, God and hollie said, i'm korea, said, its angel hollie, did say, and, he, saw, it, hollie, did convey, nuclear explosion in, its south korea, and many missiles left there, hollie, stamps, striking, its russia, one went way around the world, hit that hollie said, thats nuclear fires, in, its, venezuela and brazil, but, missiles left their waters striking that, pointed, hollie, thats gulf, coast states of america exploding, thats young jewish girl laughing and, telling people, its at school stamps hollie, scene goes white, its, elijah she said, many laugh, cause they know, bobby, they, watch it, hollie said, did convey, its video stamps, hollie, but angel head appeared, somewhat curious, happy looking, he said, clapped jumpy hollie, dont, tell me, about south korea, angel said, thats hollie, tap dancing, hard shoe, one lace, she, said, it, appeared, boo chanted, many, its, him, said, hollie, he, hollies, their on hill, one winks, hollie showed, turn, tear up, said, another, hollie, had red bear paws, it was him a she hollie said, but, showed, keep going, n.a.s.d.a.q. went down, hollie and another said, thats, its stock market collapse hollie said, and angel looking stunned, this is uh workshop, said, its, hollie, another, said, call it, hollie played his music, a she hollie said, no he said, thats him appearing, face seen all the way this time but he wont give up his secret of how he makes the sound, i warn you, hollie said, that, was, hollie, like uh, golden hand, pope, said, hollie, in, the, fire, I, didnt know I was home, his caregiver said, dressed like, its uh wizard hollie said, in fire, blue garments, that, was, new hollie, like, uh golden skin hollie, he hollie said, you never should have said it, the ministry of dreams, angel said, hollie reappeared, stamped, showed, bobby eat something, whew let me said, its hollie, bob thats uh death fast your on hollie said, wiped lips but hand now seen but it appeared, 6-28-2011-that was hollie tap dancing, said, this hollie, God said, put it under, hollie said, showed, her light watch, bob lets go, she said, God and her said, thats the clap dancer, hollie said, but, God said, many hollie appeared hollie said, bob that done it, said, its jewish girl, hollie appeared, its, boo, chanted hollie said, its him, she points, many he hollies, their on uh hill, but, the, m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship appeared to, bob said, hollie, showed, its pope, hey another points, finger white and not sticking straight out, theres blue in picture, pope like angel, hollie, him, pointed, she hollie, smiled in fire, twisting head, hollie showed, working, like uh bear, she said, tell me, hollie screamed for this reason, appeared casey, but, casey screamed, that was hollie in the police car like angelic hollie not caring, bobby hollie showed many hollies, you are bob starting to die saith the Lord and you want, now how do I fix you, said, it, Jesus, hollie said, showed, God afraid of, its loosing bob, and, now, I, persecute Jesus said, c'mon said, its, hollie, said, two, but one hiding, stuck his head out, showed, om the m.v. hollie said, thats his ship again, babyfleas appeared, its the m.v. wilhelm gustloff, ship, being rocked by torpedoes, hitler on deck, his prize hollie said, showed, hollie got the sod, its in gutter, shew she said, showed, its hard labor, hollie had, its uh white hat, but, and I stamp, hollie said, Gods hammer appeared like, its blue, babyfleas comes out, but hollie points, finger, mostly down, but white, theres white in fleas mouth, I got uh warning, you will not survive if you fast saith the LOrd, hollie showed, turn, but hand not seen, tear up, its, him, said, uh she hollie, red bear paws, but showed, keep going straight, thats he hollie, shroud put over face, then makes a new, its, shroud of turin, hollie said, Jesus showed, turn, like uh white God, c'mon bob hollie said, did convey, another, said, Jesus showed, turn, hollie said, like uh cat, hollie showed, lay down, clapped her hands, pope in the fire, o ho, said, its his caregiver hollie said, dressed like wizard, blue clothes, pope drank, hollie showed, lay down, him uh she hollie, did, say, theres dome agin, hollie said, showing, you not need him, its hollie showed, hand white, but theres face appeared, on hollie said, hollie laid down, him said uh she hollie, put it under, he said, 6-29-2011-turn, hollie said, but, a hollie appear, ed, put it under, hollie watch, bob, she tapped, God said, china thats the master of magog is what he said, a he hollie did say said Jesus and hollie, its hu hintao appearing showed, bob that done it, that hollie said, that, hollie said, bob, thats, you, hollie said, hes dying, its, cause, hollie said, i, persecute Jesus said, that hollie said, hollie showed, record, burgundy sweatshirt but changed into, its that, she said, Gods hammer, hollie like blue hollie and, hollie showed, record, that, she said, thats, hollie like blue hollie, and, blue clothes, its, its, same color, hollie, said, but, she, was blue herself, hollie showed, its, theres hang agin hollie did say, showing you did not need it, hollie, said, hollie showed, theres dome in, with its him in, its moodie, I got me some, he said, thats bob and janette fucking, and, its, israeli news agencys, it, must be, elijah, they said, thats many, its in israeli press, God, said, elijah appears, with, thats, its, hollie pointed, its hollie, on, front page of, its, israeli news paper, and I, stamp, hollie, said, paper spins, with, its him on, but, changed uh little, to dino saur head hollie said, of light, many, now, in israel know, Jesus, said, and, hes, torturing bob, day and night, thats God prodding and, bob, telling, theres over, uh thousand, its jews, God said, that now know, thats jewish girl laughing but not wanting to be seen laughin, its, out, over, hollie moodie said, playing, its sound, a, she one, said, but, disappeared and changed uh little, hollie showed, bobby, God fixing your face, its ruint, hollie said, looking around but God fixes, hollie showed, its, honda motorcycle, she said, a, three fifty four, hollie, said, lets motor agin, hollie said, thats her riding, but like, its angelic she said, white hollie, no helmut but put one on, hollie like, its happy shipmate, showed, its, the r.m.s. titanic, but scene goes angel and angel walks, if you let me, hollie, showed, its, peoples christian church, born, its Gods hollie said, but angel appeared, not excited, hollie pointed turn, thats hollie painting, its uh sign, wearing, its uh red plad coat, people's christian church, it sells, hollie, said, brand new warnin, God said, its, he, appeared, hollie, said, its, like, Jesus, she said, let me, bobby, hollie said, record, thats, its peoples christian church turning into, its angel showed, hollie, like uh white casper, hollie showed, turn, showed, eat something, come to peoples christian church sang, its, hollie, said, two hollie, but its him, she said, pops head out, laughs, pope in the fire, drinking his drink, hollie saw, his cargiver approaches, dressed blue wizards clothes, hollie, hollie showed, bob eat, hollie showed the new phone, bob its good, she said, and, I, stamp, hollie said, changed into all white hollie but face started appearing, Gods hammer came out, like, its, round hollie said, almost head, and white robe, light, but changed, hollie happy in the fire, flames soared, hollie said, a he and she hollie but she hollie claps hands, hollie showed, turn, bobby go get drink, said, hollie showed, placing, the, windshield, bobby hollie showed, its easy, takes, and I stamp hollie said, Gods hammer appeared, like, its round head, but bluish, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped her hands, was, turned on side, turn, hollie, said, showed, with, its golden hand, but hollie stamps, turns into like bear, and, Gods hammer, its like uh blue hollie, God and hollie said, put it under, its blue face, clothes white, 6-30-2011-brand new peace and safety, said, its hollie, she said, it, she appeared, she said, again God said, put it under, hollie showed, her light watch, bob, go, she said, and, hollie walks, wearing, its uh white dress, but hollie raises her hand, and Gods hammer appeared, its like, hollie, said, whew, she said, did convey, hollie said, God said, looked around, and no people, its the marine corp., hollie and God said, that, hollie said, showed, turn, but quickly disappeared, brother, said, babyfleas, showed, record, hollie said, its, pope, popping up, its angel man, but hollie showed, it changed colors and its Gods hammer appearing like thing hammer, brother, its hollie showed, record, another hollie said, and its form, Jesus said, angelic like hollie, its, him, popping head out, laughing, thats it, hollie said, its peace and safety being signed for, its start one, God said, its, between, hollie stamps, like, white faced hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on she said, brother, hollie said, go to, its goodwill, work on, hollie worked on, its car, hollie showed, turn, but, disappeared, its like monkey face hollie, you knew, said, its hollie, burgundy sweatshirt, its on, but hollie appeared, its, another, hollie said, three hollies, but one kept changing colors, boo, chanted, its, him, pointed, hollie, many he hollies, their on uh hill, theres hand showing, you did not not, need him, its hollie showed, hand white but theres dome, with, its him, in, but, his face appeared, on hand, thats, the, marine corp. out in the streets, its economic collapse here, hollie said, barack at podium but does say, hollie, takes with, hollie replaced, its windshield, be carefull what you ask for you just might get it said, its Jesus, pointed, hollie but, God changed colors, let me, said, hollie, cnn newsman, showing, its alaska and missiles sailed in, exploded, you see hollie said, hollie said, like angelic hollie, wearing, its uh, suit, I got me some he said, hollie pointed, like, its not to clearly seen said, its hollie said, Gods hammer, like light round head, but, theres blue in, its, plainfield hollie said, and nuclear explosion, its on sign, hollie said, hollie screamed, get up, said, its, another hollie saluting, liek shipmate, its on board the, r.m.s. olympic, hollie sailed on, ship, still could be, scrap, she said, thats it buckling, bobby bend my word, the Lord said, wiped his lips, i'll cut you off, for that, the united states is what Jesus said, hollie said, and he saw, casey said, nuclear fires in, middle, and, its along, both coasts, hollie said, but missiles left there, that, its massive hollie said, nuclear fire in, moscow, and many smaller, but missiles kept sailing, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, but, more missiles sailed, thats, its nuclear fires in, venezuela and brazil, thats mexico with many and cuba, its three hollie said, thats, nicaragua exploding, but theres more and, thats, in center of africa God and hollie said, exploding, theres another missile, its strikes that, hollie points, wiped lips, changed, into, its like, thing, hollie, hollie showed, its, alice cooper, killer, its, the, killer album, and I stamp, hollie said, but, changed into, its like brand new hammer with monkey lips but white, head, that, was, russia exploding, thats what he showed ya, this is hollie, its, missile sailing, hollie showed, its, flea market at church, lets see she said, wiped chin, showed, bobby come on, eat, hollie and its, Jesus, said, but, Gods, theres, your new hammer, hollie said, its, did convey, hollie drove, its, nissan 300 sx, spun tire, its got 300 horsepower hollie said, did convey, she said, angel showed, record, but blue in light face, hollie stamps, but her face went light, bobby c'mon, hollie did, say, hat appeared on, bobby change, hats, hollie showed, thats, the, wilhelm gustloff hollie said, ship, another, said, hollie comes out, points, looking at, its bob, white in hollies mouth, its uh burgundy, hollie said, sweatshirt on, theres wilhelm gustloff ship being rocked by, torpedoes, pope, hollie said, in fire, drinking drink, i'm his caregiver said, approaching, hollie and God said, hollie clapped, hands, its while laying down, but, Gods, hammer appeared, its like blue hollie, another, hollie said, hollie showed, bob lets go, she said, 7-1-2011-no, this is hollie, God, said, with, her, he points, its, ministering spirit, hollie, appearing, wearing, its uh white robe, but Gods hammer appeares, like unhappy hollie, hes blue in the face and, like, animal, put it under, hollie said, showed, cut that off, angel showed, record, thats, its, looting hollie said, did convey, its under economic collapse hollie said, its in the u.s.a., hollie said, no, shook, its, hollie, thats white, hollie appearing, another, hollie showed, turn, put back, she said, the united states will be uh desolation, attack it, God and hollie said, look at that, she said, but, its, he, she, did convey, appearing, but face, blank, and big nuclear explosion in, its the center of u.s.a., hollie, said, and, many along, its, coasts, hollie said, hollie showed, its e-mail directory list, its huge hollie said, bob, hollie thought, wiped her mouth, but hand so quick, hard to see, hollie showd, its, indianapolis public library, and it library angel appearing, its blue hollie said, bobby, go easy hollie said, with, its jannette, but scene spins and pope like beastman, rises out, theres, its hu hintao, theres your new world order, hollie said, its, these two she said, its peace and safety, thats what, you wanted, thats what you need, said, its hollie, its bush and gorbachev signing at the ship, and, I stamp, hollie said, showed, bob go scavage, thats hollie looking in dumpster, taking out, its, food, she said, hollie showed, turn, said, its, hollie, but, two hollies said, its, him, she said, popping head out, he stood beside, submarine, waved hollie, hi bob, but another hollie comes out, her face went blank, thats sub firing into, its atmosphere, its the u.s.a., hollie said, stamps, its warning, to putin but thats both american coasts exploding anyway, its smaller fires hollie said, and center of, america exploding, record, showed, said, hollie and I stamp, but its him, she said, appeared, nose got bigger, you are needed to run from me, I wanted to make you abased and backslided, openly mocked in front of all, saith Jesus, I Jesus try to make my servants loose their salvation starting moment one by stripping out all their appearance, by, its ruining face, causing facial muscles to tighten to stretch and causing wrinkling, making gums deseased and body heat up, like a furnace, caressing penus with electricity, and messing with almost all the time to anger and tease them, ruining them and making people run from them and causing them to hate me and betraying and appear in visions and telling them to keep falling, keep slipping, keep fumbling, run from me into the world and backslide or I will make you perish, trying to get them cut off, its to laugh at them, deseasing their bodies and putting boils on their face and harming them, stalking them, letting them feel me about to strike them, that scares, making them tremble and, have nervous break downs, watching them die and knowing I caused it, making their hearts to jump from stalking and terrorising, this is how I the LOrd do my people, its to make them fear me and most, many dont survive, thats almost, all, going back after they sacrificed all and I betray saith the Lord, dont let me by fasting untill death, then when I see my servant wont live cause they await a way of escape I may change saith Jesus, the united states, showed a white hollie, its, under fire, a, woman said, thats hollie watching big nuclear explosion, its in america hollie said, did convey, both coasts lighting up but thats angry barack obama and many missiles the u.s.a. showed hollie, striking moscow and russia, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding but, thats missiles leaving them and, many striking russia, thats, its, hollie saw all of, its south america, and, many countries exploded, thats nicaragua burning, and venezuela and brazil exploding thats, massive nuclear fire in, its center of, africa, hollie appeared, wanted to do something, thats, hollie flying, its, world war two mustang fighter jet, 441 miles per hour, hollie, two, drove their tank, its wayne post legion showed, hollie, one had, its googles on but, theres Gods hammer appearing, bobby dont, its indianapolis buisnesses finding out, knowing hollie said, theres bob e-mailing, bobby go that way showed, hollie, thats her, its gitting drink, hollie said, this is warning, hollie said, bobby dont fast she said, 7-2-2011-man om suffering from that pointed, glen campbell, its alzeimers desease and its angel appearing, you see hollie said, glen campbell was born rich, you welathly hollie said, man I know that, angry glen said, but its Gods hammer appearing not happy, either, and, both are dying, bobs dying from fasting, glen you see hollie said, at seventy people are mostly dead, God made it that way hollie said, hollie mowed the lawn like, dressed in, its white, stamps, hollie but theres, Gods, new hammer, appearing, hollie and, God said, is bobby like uh, its uh blue, hollie said, stamps again, theres scene, glen campbell and God, shut up points Jesus, is bobby gonna do it, said, campbell, its, his, desease, hollie said, bob, you can pray, get this removed, hollie said, you see he will call you, thats glen campbell talking to, its bob stamps, hollie but theres, brand new hammer, uprising, hollie said, its all white, hollie showed, bob eat something, appreciate, said, its, Jesus, hollie said, he appeared, but, not happy, hollie stamps, thats black horses, angred, pulling, its, black carriage, with, its pope like angel of light, on, hollie stamps, another, hollie came out, points, turns, head, looks at, its, bob stamps, hollie, but, theres brand new hammer head arising, its like blue peg hollie, some dark hair, hes got head somewhat turned, not happy, hollie showed, its her stamping, indianapolis, is museum of art rising, bobby thats people coming to your church but old woman laughs, knowing, people arent coming out but she dyed her hair, you better appreciate bob, thats what Jesus said, hollie did convey, Jesus appeared looking angry, that, said, its, hollie, its, the new hammer rising, his head, thought, hollie, coming out, kind of, awkward shaped, but white, hollie showed lay down, thats the marine corp. Pointed hollie, out in the streets like angel marines, bobby theres looting hollie Jesus, put it under, hollie showed lay down, he hollie claps his hand, happy God said, spacesoarer jet pointed he hollie, dropping bombs God said hollie said, bobby it was uh dream, night vision said two hollies, bob sees, its uh jet hollied shaped like uh missle, it went so fast, left vapor trail, then four appear, you see that said bob to jo, and some other words, russia bob said, two crash close to bob, he runs, and almost gets, hit by but they landed on wheels, unharmed hollie said, he said, jumpy hollie said, arising, talking like angred but voice not heard, the united states hollie said, its, under attack Jesus said, hollie appeared, its new he hollie but big massive nuclear fire in, its the center of america and both coasts had many explosions, but theres, angry barack obama appearing, and, missiles sailing, its many nuclear fires in, its russia and moscow, thats serpent beast with seven heads and ten horns rising and, hollie showed, turn, like, uh, monkey hollie but not happy, hollie and, its God said, theres Gods new hammer rising, like, unhappy blue monkey face himself, boon is what they stated hollie said, its him, she said, but hollie herself appeared, and I stamped agin, hollie said, showed, bob eat something, let me, said, it, hollie but angel showed, record, and, I, stamp, hollie said, thats, its light carriage with many black horse pulling, pope like angel of light, in control, its the, king appearing, of, grecia, hollie did say, with Gods help but its him showing, its pope like angel of light with, its goat horns, hollie fixed the sign holder, she bent, wore, its uh hat, but Gods hammer appeared like almost same he hollie but blue, theres kings coming out of, its horns, hollie said, thats hollie showing, with big hand, its uh convertible, she said, 1965 ford galaxie 500, thats is spinning tires, hollie showed, its groundhog, thats her feeding it donut, it eats, she said, fight showed, its jumpy hollie blut bluish face, hollie played his music, said uh she hollie, no he, said, shaking, turning, head, but, face, like, partially blank, hollie showed, post, its on cellphone laptop t.v. and its beast pope arising and like, its airwaves, bob, said, this is hollie, tapped on her light watch, showed, eight o'clock, its a.a. and, bob there, hollie wore, its uh burgundy, she said, but theres Gods hammer appearing, its like, blue, monkey like hollie, this is warning, sang, its Jesus and hollie, theres hand agin, its, holliefleas, points, burgundy sweatshirt on, hammer hollie, appeared, its blue, another round dull golden head hollie said, hand white, hollie comes out, its, got uh dome in, with, me said, hollie moodie inside, please let, record, hollie showed, eat some, its sunflower seeds, and thats hollie like sunflower, became unhappy, hollie showed, turn, pointed, white finger, taiwan, you need to attack her hollie said, its, him, he, hollie, pointed, another, but wait uh minute she thought, he soared into, its taiwan, exploded, thats hu hintao appearing, pressing the trigger acrossed the sea, good afternoon, its hollie said, a she hollie, he wore dark suit, came out, many filled arena, its, auditorium, hollie said, they clapped, but, hey hollie said, there she was in crowd, thought, hey she said, its hu hintao, come on, unguard she said, they both had, its light swords, its star wars, and darth vadar appeared, let me hollie said, behind his mask, laughed, thats him appearing, thats hollie flying, out, its, mustang fighter jet, drops, bombs, its repelled, there hollie said, showing with hands, bobby hollie blew, its balloon, hollie showed, on, but hollie comes out, its another, she said, points, finger, not straight, looking back at bob, hollie showed's mouth open, theres blue in balloon, you need to record, let me, said, this is hollie, 7-3-2011-angel showed time, i said it agin hollie said Jesus said, put it under, bob hollie showed lay down, but clapped hands and got back up, bob they were white hollie said, put it under, bob go to twitter, thats new angel appearing, hollie said, God said, but thats hollie driving, its dodge aries k, and I stamp, hollie said, showed, she said, lay down, but hollie clapped hands, bob said, Jesus, pointed, its at hollie, showed, indianapolis downtown central library, hollie drove van, lets motor, she said, thats, its, tape man, said, hollie said, did say, hollies, he licked prophet, its, he, made of tape hollie said, showed, play air guitar but like white hollie, that, clapped hollie, showed, give five dollars, take record, hollie screamed, i'm the beast, look at that hollie said, its, seven headed dragon, serpents, and faces popping out, theres, the pope with, its, stamps, hollie but face went blank, its uh silhouette hollie said, putin and medvedev, you see those three are one hollie said, look at that, hollie said, its, putin, its mexican president, and, chavez, theres, president of nicaragua appearing, plus, hollie showed, its sealed, turn, showed, hollie, but, another, showed, and, reappeared, smiled, like bug head, teeth, prophet hickman, prophet hickman, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, hollie, I warned ya, said, hollie moodie playing his music, that, hollie said, showed, bob go to, its church, hollie raised hand, scene spins, that, hollie said, its, another, God said, that, hollie said, and that, she said, showed, with arms, tear it up, that said, hollie, showed, its, mini sony taperecorder, angel coming out, that, hollie said, showed, bob go to church, spruce up uh bit, that, hollie, said, showed, walk, that, hollie said, its the king of, grecia, that, hollie said, showed, go to wilmas church, o yes you do, that, said, hollie, showed, she, pulled on what she held and let snap back, like, its like, that, hollie said, bug, thing, hollie and, God said, that, hollie said, showed, just drive, korea, thats what the angel said, hollie did say, and, he saw, casey said, appeared, nuclear fire in, its, casey stamps, but face went blank, nuclear fire in, its south korea, and missiles left there, that, hollie said, eat this, said, Jesus, a new hollie said, that, hollie said, Jesus fed bob, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, rose, again, 7-4-2011-it was uh dream, showed, hollie dream, night said, said another, God said, he sings, hollie said, man, its uh, hollie said, get your hands on me I promise you will see, thats hollie moodie playing the music, hollie said, God said, hey bobby hollie did convey, said, thats people not wanting to give, its, church grant, scene changes, hollie showed, mow lawn, wore, its uh white dress, but Gods hammer head popes out, like, its bald and blue, mowed, lawn, bob, hollie said, i'm the beast, its, pope, hollie said, did convey, hollie mowed lawn, that, screeched, its hollie, its beast, pope coming out, and that hollie said, but he, his head changed color, hollie said, that, hollie said, bob, its, sony, take care of it hollie said, that another, hollie said, thats angel coming out of, its, sony mini-taperecorder, showed, white ghost like angel, hollie said, that agin, hollie said, hollie showed, like uh white hollie, that another, hollie, said, showed, confusion, that, hollie said, Gods new hammer appeared like, that, hollie said, blue head hollie, he, a she one said, thats the nuclear, warning, said, this is, hollie, and, its uh network, hollie said, another, one, thats many rockets lifting off and many countries, on fire, its, thats, hollie said, nuclear n.a.t.o., russia exploded, hollie pointed, like, that another, one Jesus said, did convey, golden hollie, bob said, it, hollie, this is, warning, another, hollie said, hollie flew, its spacesoarer jet, a she hollie said, dropped bombs, center of america exploding, and fire on, its both coasts, stamps, hollie, but thats submarines all around, let me observe hollie said, from high in the air, but missiles left america striking that, hollie said, moscow burned, hollie said, many smaller fires, in, its nuclear russia stamps, hollie, hollie showed, its the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship being rocked by torpedoes, theres hand, that o, hollie said, showing, you did not need us, hollie said, its hollie showed, theres dome in, with, its me in, showed, hollie, hands, c'mon, said, hollie, showed, lay down, turned on her side, c'mon hollie said, let me record, and I stamp, she said, bob go, pointed, hollie, drove, lets motor, she said, boo chanted, many he hollies, their on uh hill, one winks, hollie and God said, bob, hollie said, let me record, another, said, bob they wont get you, hollie said, this is book, and I stamp, like uh white hollie, bob when you gonna eat something, another, said, God said, put it under, hollie said, showed cut that off, bob link up, she said, thats hollie like uh white hollie, linking up, its her clothes, God said, when you dream, hollie said, a mostly unseen hollie claps, but appeared, happy, its her, smiling, bob climbs on ladder to gutter, bobs falls off, or, hollie thinks, maybe its the ladder, anyway bob afraid, and, falls on back, unharmed, bob when you gonna eat, hollie said, thats, the fourth of july, hollie said, God said, fireworks exploding, but thats, God said, hey its angel hollie said, put it under, hollie said, bob that wont work, give, God said, and unhappy, its, ministry of dreams, hollie said, showed, angel, i'm ministryofdreams, angel said, put it under, hollie said, dont steal, or take it away, hollie said, or alter, like, the ministry of dreams, and hollie and God said, thats stealing, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, bob, another, said, God said, showed, cut it off, wore, its uh, another, said, Jesus said, white robe, but face went mostly unseen, i'm the beast, said, its pope, hollie said, riding black horse, like angel of light, God said, 7-4-2011-I the Lord persecute to cause my servants harm and making most loose their salvation by manifold temptations, teasing and tearing them, causing their face muscles to, rip, by tightening, when they use, hurting them deep in their heart when I do, deseasing gums, and putting boils and deseases on body, causing body to heat up like, hot, so they sweat, messing with them all day, causing their hands to mistype, making them angry all day, its for I the Lord persecute, and laugh at them in visions, for I terrorise, saith God, thats, it, hollie and hollie, he, God said, did say, hollie said, record, she said, and I stamp, hollie said, but, its unhappy hammer hollie appearing, like, its, blue and all face, no, other, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, bobby use google, thats it, a he hollie said, thats google, ministry of dreams, appearing, its like, google ghost ministry of dreams, showed, its, the new world order, with two kings, and bobby, you know who they are already, hollie said, its the king of the north, and king of south, God said, put it under, who are they JEsus said, theres its pope, hollie said, and, its, Jesus rubbed chin, the president of, God hey I got ya, china, said, its leader, God said, 7-5-2011-turn, pointed, hollie, God said, hollie had uh golden finger, put it under, I showed, hollie said, its, hollie night vision, it was uh dream, she said, laughs, thou, God said, cause bob didnt record it, bob you will not live and know me saith the Lord, it, he appeared, showed, hollie, showed, bob go watch the fireworks, thats, its massive fireworks, explosion and, Gods hammer in dark sky like, its light hollie, with teeth hollie said, bob thats, google book mark ministry of dreams like, its Ghost angel but heavier, hollie showed, eat, bob c'mon, please, said, you loosing way to much now skinniny as uh board, hollie said, c'mon said, hollie, let, me, record, said, its, him, hollie said, turned to side, but googlebook mark ministryofdreams bob is, not going to make, people know one thing but terror saith the Lord, thats people seeing and and shaking, quit she said, dont tell us, hollie stamps, thats its beast, pope, riding, out, its, in black carriage hollie said, hes like, its angel stamps, hollie, ghost, now new ministryofdreams is up, hollie showed, turn, like angelic hollie, its multiply ministry of dreams, like un happy angel, its bob, ministryofdreams angel, said, showed, bob they steal hollie said, but thats Gods, lets I persecute, he said, hollie showed, turn, now let me see, said, its, hollie, another, said, its, she, showed, many he hollies, their on uh hill, one winks, thats delicious ministry of dreams angel, hollie said, showing, its whole new world order, stamps, hollie, then changed into, its another, angel but showed, hollie screamy for this reason, she said, screamed again, he said, clapped jumpy hollie, its to late for, syria, and he saw, pointed, hollie, like casey, nuclear fire in syria, then jordan and egypt exploded, but missiles left there striking, its that showed, hollie, israel exploded, Christ stood on mountain, this is webjob, hollie said, with, its the uhleave me alone sound, sorry another, hollie said, this is warning, said, its, hollie, another, wipes lips, i'm said, the hawk, it flew hollie said, appeared, herself, theres hand agin showing you did not need him, hollie said, its hollie showed, but his face on hand but, theres dome appeared, hollie said, points, rubs chin, face up, its on t.v., hollie said, with hollie moodie playing music, its he appeared, hollie said, but face, hollie comes out, only seen somewhat but many colors, I didnt want it hollie cnn newsman said, but showed, its the beast with seven heads and ten horns on screen, behind, its pope appeared, then hu hintao, hollie said, there hollie said, put back, ha ha, tear up, pope in the fire, that, said, its, a, she hollie said, two hollies, he and she, both, hollie tore up, pope drank drink, caregiver approaches, its i'm he said, hollie, pointed, his clothes went white, pointy hat, robe on, this is warning, hollie said, its him, another one said, God did say, hollie said, that, hollie said, its, him, a, she one said, that, hollie said, angel coming out of, its woofer hollie said, its realistic optimus t-100 tower speaker, that, hollie said, showed, do something, 7-6-2011-thats nuclear fires in egypt, jordan and syria, thats netanyahu with nuclear controls, thats Christ standing on the mountain in israel, put it under hollie said, she showed lay down, this is God, thats bob telling president, Jesus is, God said, making bob die, hollie showed post, its on cell phone laptop t.v., hollie showed lay down, you need to record me, and I we stamp, hollie did say, thats beast pope and its hu hintao carriage coming out, its, their pulled by angred hollie pointed, black and red horse, just like but its the colors thought, hollie showed, turn, like uh white hollie, boo chanted many he hollies, hollie said, thought, their on hill, one winks, she, said, sleep, its, jumpy hollie another, hollie said, hollie clapped his hands, this is, hollie, bobby hollie said, just wait, she wiped face, but, facebook angel appeared, happy, his teeth, hollie said, showed, same o website, same o hollie rome, hollie did say, and he saw it, casey said, but disappeared but face looked blank, then started forming again, pope, hollie comes out, tells, that was, hollie, moodie playing the piana hollie said, his face appeared somewhat God said, bobby dont fast, hollie said, showed, eat, you made ten book sales today, said, its, Jesus hollie did say, as hollie played his music, now that, ministry of dreams, is open, hollie did say, wiped lips, but hand not seen but, it was there, that, a he hollie did say, hollie said, Jesus, she appeared, that, hollie said, but its him, she said, appeared, her face went blue, thats it, she, its him, said, uh she hollie, appeared, thats, popes picture, but in fire, drinking drink, its i'm said, care giver approaching, hollie, sticks head out, laughs, spoke, to, bobby this is, not the website, hollie spoke for the website, God said, and its new ministry of dreams angel appearing like blue ghost, thats, them, many, he, hollies, their on uh hill, one, winks, they chanted boo, she worked on, its computer, but theres Gods new hammer head appearing, hollie showed, its book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, it had angel like skull angel on, hollie opened and read just uh little bit, thats right in the beginning book tells, thats Jesus inside bob, people shrugg and see hollie showed, but not in that order, theres the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship being rocked by three torpedoes, hollie with big orange hand showed, its, u.s.s. indianapolis, on bottom of sea, thats, front part buried deep in, its mud, theres ship, going to bottom, its got speed hollie said, over 31 miles per hour, it slices in, hollie showed, it was brand new ship, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, this is uh website, right here, hollie showed, its prophecy ministry, and angel appearing showing, bob lets take off angel showed, its ministry of dreams, on, hollie stamps, but face went like, google blogspot, and google angel, appears, its the beast showed, hollie, its uh new network, thats geneva looking at offer, thinks, its good, i'll accept but doesnt do to well, hollie God said, had, its uh speaker hollie said, showed, its realistic nova-5, turning into, angel, i'm realistic showed, angel, like ghost angel, hollie showed, lay down, but got back up, clapped hands, they were brown, bob I will drive you to suicide, wanting by persecuting you till you die, death, saith the LOrd, I am going to, strip you of all things, saith the Lord to mock you, by betraying and ruining your appearance, tightening your facial muscles when using, winking, opening mouth, when, talking, stretching and ruining, caressing penus with electricity, this alone will make you perish, run from me till my jelousy is complete or thats you dying saved, hollie showed, eat, pope, she, said, who's in the fire, thats new hollie with long brown hair smiling in the fire, pope drank drink, hollie, both in fire, both happy, now its, i'm caregiver said approaching, she said, stop it, complained, its jumpy, hollie, bob, said, it hollie, had her drink, showed, time, its to late, I have uh reason, said, its, Jesus, that, was, hollie tap dancing, 7-7-2011-that, its him, said uh she hollie, God said, with, her, put it under, hollie showed, time, its church mutual, bob use them, hollie said, God said, hollie showed, its the king of, its, jordan, danced, hollie, clapped, white hands, he reads bobs e-mail and tremble, thats king of, its egypt and syria, looking, at, hollie claps, white hands, bobs e-mail, they tremble, but, you knew, hollie said, thats, jordan king shaking yes, egyptian king, stunned, syrian king, just, wondering, they dont want it, its, hollie claps, white hands, thats, missiles striking, egpyt, jordan, and its syria clapped hollie, thats, missile coming from, hollie searches, its russia appearing, and, israel exploded, Christ stood on, its mountain, bobby thats people looking at your offer, one said, I want it, they go out and, see, hollie said, showed, its church, they want, thats him pastoring inside, its bobs church, hollie, claps, happily, white hands, you need to record, hollie said, and, I, stamp, hollie said, that was, hollie, with Jesus inside showing, record, and I cat, hollie said, like, black cat, it, appeared, hollie said, you wrote uh book, its, angel, hollie said, did say, thats her checking, its realistic power meters, and the realistic meters worked, hollie showed, record, bob God will fix, your face, hollie said, thats Jesus fixing bobs face, it will stay healed, hollie said, that, its hollie moodie said, hollie shows, with white hands, bob scavage, git food, out of, its dumpster and realistic power meters moved, thats angel coming out, its the new marine corp. out in the streets, its angel marine, like, angel face, head, but hollie with wearing plad coat, appeared, its, under economic collapse hollie said, that, he hollie said, its barack obama making the announcement, that, hollie, said, she hollie gets him out of there, that, he hollie said, she wore plad coat, thats she hollie screaming, thats bob walking at, its walmart agin, Hollie showed record, this is hollie showed record she said hollie God, hollie moodie played his music, came out pointed, that he said, showed lay down, but got back up, om the m.v., thats his sip fleas said, but hollie points, she had white in her mouth, showed lay down, that he hollie said, showed, angel appeared, go, there is hand agin, that o hollie said, showing, you did not need him, that said, hollie moodie, dome in hand but face appeared on, its hamburger helper hollie said, hand, thats hand sitting at, its Gods interviewing table and man, there with wearing suit, thinning hair, that agin, hollie said, hand laughs, but doesnt speak, Jesus shows, zip your lip, that, hollie, said, showed, go to, home, lay down, but quickly clapped hands, rolled on side, thats alome suhloom, hollie, said, its, sound, sandi said, simb, hollie moodie said, she, said, sleep jumpy hollie showed, thats pope in fire enjoying, hollie said, drink, I am, said, caregiver, wearing, pointy blue hat, robe on, round head, hollie points, teeth showing, hollie showed, turn, but the other way, then showed, turn, the other, way, tear up, said, its read bear paws, hollie came out, but just paw, seen, but he dim appeared, was there, happy, that, its the webcam, that, hollie said, its just watching, this is uh warning, hollie said, pointed, turn, lighted amber, she said, hand, hollie clapped hands, showed, lay down, but got back up, turned into, its him, showed, sleep, this is war, here, said, hollie, showed, go this way, 7-8-2011-bobby, hollie, did, say, word, it appeared, she showed, hollie showed, record, its them, she said, we do he said, thats bobs new pastors, showed, hollie, but only her, hand, appeared, thats just hand, but, thats hand with, its happy hamburger helper hand, then hand sat at, this is God and hollie, Gods interviewing table, Jesus tells, but hand smiled, then took instructions wrong, hollie said, but happy again, its the, marine corp. out in the streets, hollie said, thats, its angel gabriel guarding, looking serious, thats Gods telling, look hard, like round head, but, theres light showed, hollie, tear up, and, whew fix it she said, but she became thin, thats barack making, its, the, announcement, its under economic collapse, here, hollie said, hand appeared happy, laughs, boon pointed, hollie, its him she said, did convey, many, him, she said, he hollies, their on uh hill, one winks, but, shes amber, hollie said, comes out of one looking back, mouth, looking stunned, this is, the, one, right here, hollie said, thats septic tank, angel coming out, looking, like, its hiding, hollie said, but eyes, on, its, septic tank lid, stamps, hollie, showed, its, hollie said, i'm the septic tank, angel said, hand hand, was part of septic tank, thats webcam jumping on septic tank, keep, webcam said, whew hollie did say, showed, away, thru, with, but, thats, the pastor of, its, showed, hollie, charity tabernacle, she took her gloves off, thats people leaving, his, its church, but just going back out into the world hollie said, hollie showed, its, the lead singer, she, said, its, quiet riot, still tourin, thats lead singer dead, its, cause, he lived, the wild life, God said, hollie walked, its like shadowy hollie, hollie slapt, again, but, different hollie, hollie showed, turn, but then other way, golden hand, face went like hazy, that, its him, a she hollie said, that he said, hollie slaps her face, gives bob instruction, that, he said, but, kind of hazy, hollie said, bob, pull there, that he hollie said, thats hollie working his way to, its new wineskin ministries, he showed, big red hands, hollie danced, its neil, she said, like vince neil, hes motley crue, still dancing, that, he hollie said, pops head out, vince neil appeared dancing, hollie took, the, windshield, licked prophet, but changed into, its him, a she hollie said, Jesus with windshield, then he replaces, had the windshield, that, he hollie said, do, thats the tap dancers, you see hollie said, thats people starting to fill bobs church, puts one in, its, janette, hollie said, he slapt his face, its, a she hollie, hollie showed, lay down, slept on side, she said, jumpy hollie said, with hollie beside, stuck his head out, laughs, 7-9-2011-hollie showed, its the, family of dreams, angel appearing, like, its white, looking to side, bobby mow the grass hollie said, thats her, mowing, lawn, hollie showed, eat, thats hollie, stamping, but face went blank, and I stamp, hollie said, its, just, uh, field, hollie said, but people filled it up, thats its, event, hollie said, its, uh, sleeping giant hollie said, showed, its bobs church, showed, bob, fix riding lawn mower, its, simple, she said, just buy part, do it right hollie said, but showed, use its, push mower, hollie mowed, hollie screamed, hollie puts back, shows, family of dreams angel, its ministry of dreams package, hollie said, but her face went blank, hollie showed, turn, thats Jesus like blurry Jesus showing, turn, but then a new he hollie showed, turn other way but looked other way, hollie said, he said, sleep showed, jumpy hollie, hollie stepped on land mine but explosion was way away from her, bobby your causin trouble, hollie said, taiwan, hollie appeared, showed, its, he hollie riding, its spacesoarem rocket but he went mostly unseen, white like thing but went back, taiwan exploded, he drove into, thats hintao with nuclear controls, presses, hollie showed, eat something, hollie, showed, turn, hollie taps, its to get bob attention, showed, its pope, hollie, points, white finger, semi pointed down, like not, straight up, but, started looking back at bob, theres blue in picture, its i'm another, hidden hollie said, he hollie appeared, with like afro, but hollie that spoke, laughs in background like ghost hollie, let me see said, hollie, she, bit the, lid off but was like rubbery, its uh seal, hollie said, hollie played the piano, hollie showed, its damn yankees, their, hollie thought, spoke with Jesus, broken apart but when together, thats arena most full, it didnt sell out hollie said, its you she said, tommy shaw, hes with styx full time again, hollie flew, its prop plane hollie said, thats, propellers, showed, hollie, drops bombs, america below exploding, she said, clapped jumpy hollie, get ready to move out, thats bob with jannette, its at church, thats angel coming, out, pointing, with hand, down, its in basement, janette loved it, thats he hollie, happy, clapping, its hands, hollie said, hollie like lighted hollie showed, turn, its into marsh, but another, showed, keep going straight, tear up, he had red bear paws, she said, walk, showed, its, jumpy hollie, golden feel, but rest there, it, she appeared, another, hollie said, see, hollie was, dimly seen, laughing, its, hollie said, many, he, she said, their on uh hill, hollie said, one winks, bob c'mon, hollie said, showed, lay down, who me, said, its, him, he hollie, but laughs, shook, yes, it was, thats, its chapel rock west, being divided, and some showing, up, at, its bobs church, but, scene spins, we stay, man said, c'mon, hollie said, showed, its spanish people, they do, but, showed, no, but shook, yes, hollie claps, 7-10-2011-hollie grunts, him she said, wearing uh partial suit, thats him picking up off the ground, he again clears airway, puts hand on blind daughter tysons forhead, i command you to see, he prayed, i can look, said blind daughter tyson, i can she said, Jesus grunts, she is blind, but hollie grunts and pray, i can she said, lets see, said, its, hollie, another, said, she, bit the lid off but it wasnt seen but dimly appeared, a he sticks head out, laughs, was, hidden but went back to hiding, but she, points, he was there, but, dimly, Jesus tells, hide for me, alright he said, hollie showed, look, she said, bob, its lease, use, hollie said, did convey, its the king hollie said, thats it, two others said, one hidden but laughs after he appeared, thats pope, with, its goat horns, and, its, kings coming out, hollie points, white finger, not straight at, theres hu hintao, coming out of one with, its flower, and, its, pope, hollie said, with putin and, its medvedev, out of, other, God said, showed, cut off, thats hegoat, angred, charging, stomping, smiting ram, with, putins face, and, same kings coming out, then scene changes, thats nuclear fires, that he hollie said, hidden but appeared happy, Ghost like she hollie showed, nuclear, fire in both russia and china, thats missiles leaving both striking both, thats it, two hollies said, one hidden but appeared, stuck his head, laughs, all three sitting at, table, that, hollie said, its, hintao and emperor of japan climbing into, and out of, its two horned beast like red beast hollie, but not seeming, to know what to do, thats it, said, two hollies, one, laughed, sticking head out, brown hair, you see, she hollie said, 666 signed for, between these three with the pope, look, said, its hollie, they do show, hollie showed, post on his, its cellphone laptop, t.v., with, beast, popes picture, in screen, that, hollie showed, white finger, hollie comes out, points, looked back at, its bob, finger, pointing right direction, but not straight up, like crooked, but Gods hammer appears, like, its, white head hollie, white light robe, hollie showed, turn, let me, said, its, hollie, said two hollies, one stuck head out, happy, their on uh hill, many he hollies, him, she said, one winked, they chanted boo hum, hollie said, its the indiana academy, its seventh day adventist, hollie said, their witches, hollie said, syria, dont tell me about, it hollie said, and he saw, casey said, appeared later, hollie showed, nuclear fires in, its egypt, syria and jordan, thats, netanyahu, with, its, hollie appears, hey another, said coming out, looking back, its bob Jesus said, appearing, red sweatshirt on, hollie showed, its golder, leave him alone, and missiles streaks from, its israel stamps, hollie, hey hollie said, thats missile leaving russia, israel exploded, thats Christ standing on mountain, split in twain, he hollie claps, thats beast, pope, and, his armies gathered, there in israel, lets unite and, force, said, its hintao, thats nuclear explosion in russia, and hey hollie said, its china, invading russia, thats screaming russians forced to invade israel, and I showed, you, uh, picture, hollie said, its pope, hollie points, looks at bob, white finger, theres blue in picture, hollie got into dumpster, took out, its food, but, potatoe chip bag open, she said, sleep, said, jumpy hollie, clapped golden hands, hat on, its, white cap, hollie appeared wearing, hollie scream, hollie showed, big light hand, happy, its amc hornet, its 1973, hollie drove, spun rear tire, like angelic, hollie, thats hollie like dark hollie, manuevering tank, Jesus like angelic cat with, mustache showed, turn, hollie showed, go and walk, theres hand, showing, hollie pointed, but hand not seen but dimly appeared, hand showed, you did not need him, hollie said, its hollie showed, theres dome in, with, its moodie in, but hand seemed to start walking, hollie showed, turn, thats it, pope in the fire, hollie, said, i'm home, his caregiver said, approaching, pointy wizards hat, pope drank drink, flames, soared higher, but he liked it, hollie with silhouette, finger, thumb in mouth, its like lightning bolt, and dark hollie comes over to, hey another, said, hes, not clear, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, bob, e-mail, hollie said, its ohio and illinois, its your offer, they, hollie dreads answsering, some do, hollie said, its for, reciprocate, she said, 7-11-2011-bob, hollie said, showed, her light watch, just wait, she said, she, wants, hollie whispers, secretly, its, money, the loot, she said, with, the voice of, its bertie, smith, hollie said, put it under, she said, showed, her light watch, had dress on, God said, hollie chewed her gum, blew bubble, had hat on, look cool, hollie said, thats pastors, looking at, bobs offer, he shakes, yes, but, wait uh minute hollie said, he trembled, when found out, bob had uh, thats, hollie, with, its Jesus inside, showing, record, thats bob going to, its first revival he preaches at, grunts, suit, coat on, but red sweatshirt underneath, makes people laugh, pastor glad, he came, but bob gets into, its the word, and angel appears, people are not afraid, because, thats bob, comforting, and laughing at, as he does, thats bob prophesying for, its whole church, stamps, hollie, bob, you'll need to get your windshield fixed, hollie said, thats, windshield cracked, bobby dont hollie said, bob your going to, be, reaching out, for, revivals, now I'll pay for your church, thats, hollie sitting in, bobs church and others showed, its, cause, keep you at home, hollie said, its, the, nielsen network ratings, hollie filled one out, its accurate, she said, but slept to much, had hat on, hollie spoke, the economy is doing bad said mrs. golder hollie said, thats mrs. pervine confused by, people are going to and fro, and wondering, its economic collapse here, hollie said, thats, barack making announcement, but laughing and not saying, its uh word, hollie said, hollie waited to give tell, Jesus with, bob go back and ask for, streetmeet, hollie clapped her hands, showed, its rainey, he loves what you said, would take pastor, look, thats one man coming, but, its to steal pulpit, then others, but, its, full bob, think about it he said, let me, said, hollie, and moodie appeared, played music, no he said, its he wont give up his secrets, hollie said, dimly appeared, in, blue background, but moodie kind of like appeared, mouth open, she, said, clapped hollie, showed, mow lawn, clothes went to dark clothes, looked to side while mowing, like, stress, she said, hollie drives her tank, but another, hollie, comes out, points, with white finger, looks back at bob, finger not straight up, reappeared, at last had white goggles on, looked right at bob, hollie showed, james e. tyson, bring it him in, he said, with Gods voice, thats bob being sworn it, its, pentecostal assemblies of the world, but, charles finnell, bishop hollie said, but disappeared, laughed, and Gods hammer, rose like, its, head, bluish, pope in the fire, said, hollie, and doreen, drinking drink, hey hollie said, coming out, pointing, finger not straight, look back at bob, thats blue appearing in popes, its gorgeous, hollie said, white attire, and black specs, i'm, your picture, his caregiver said, approaching, but pointy, hat on, just, head, almost normal color, very little hair, hollie showed, turn, bob, dont walk, she said, hand showed, cross the street, but, hollie appeared later, mouth like, closed, hollie showed, its, beast, pope, picture, but another, hollie comes, out, points, looks, back at, its bob, popes picture, had blue in, hollies finger points, white, but not straight up, she said, git, hollie, jumpy, said, showed, hollie jumped on trampoline, hollie showed, lay down, golden hands and face, clapped, but got back up, turned on side, this fast will last thirty eight days and at the end of it then I the Lord will say I repent and heal all damage I created, I will not repent till you are at the brink of death then cause I will loose you i'll repent and fix your face which I damaged to embarras you, you told millions of children what do to my servants, ruining and maiming, now your fixed and I the Lord am openly mocked by, thats most of the world, saith Jesus, I will not let this present life go on because of you pointed, God, its bob, pope in the fire hollie said, i'm caregiver said, approaching, mouth opened, all the way, hollie points, looking back at bob, brown finger, not not straight up, he wore pointy, hat, blue robe, whew let me hollie said, showed, them two coming to bobs church, theres others, its starting bob, hollie said, its full at some point, janette loves your letter, thats church pointing at, there, church said, explained, they live in basement, 7-12-2011-look, said, its hollie, two said, God said, but he, pokes head, laughs, hollie bit the, lid off, white teeth, another, hollie points, looking back, at, its, bob, she, said, showed, eat, finger not straight, let me, see, hollie did say, bobby, hollie said, thats, pastor stone, he, shut up pastor stone said, not saved, and knows, he, thats him offering money, take hollie said, now lets see hollie said, thats paul otis, he didnt want it, hollie said, hes, thats full pocket now, didnt need hollie said, lets put it under, showed, lay down, hollie showed, thats bob, fucking, its nancy, she loved, it, thats nancy rubbing bobs head, treats like son, but hes over her but she lays on side, happy, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, bob, its, a.b.s.a., hollie said, thats bob going to, bob slow down, clapped hollie, golden hands, she sang, said, hollie said, Lord your amazing, it was uh dream, showed, hollie night vision, whew, said, its hollie, said, two, one, head hidden, stuck out, laughs, its him, she said, hollie showed his light watch, bobby its time he said, showed lay down, i want you to do them all Jesus said, he shook yes but she hollie pointed, put it under, she showed lay down, but i got up she said, clapped hands, 7-13-2011-word, said, its nancy tarpley, hollie said, its Jesus, pointed hollie, i'm the Word, God, hollie and Jesus said, thats nancy looking at, thinking, hes alright, but not uh very good pastor, thats bob wondering, hollie said, and, God, knows, my word is in him, he can terrify, he is, Jesus said, thats hollie with Jesus inside, showing, record, and, I know said, its nancy, bobs friend, Jesus said, bob you see, God said, its your word, nancy said, hes got it, done it, God said, she wont, understand, hollie said, but, yes I will, nancy said, Jesus, bob wants, all, Jesus grunts, coughs, bob can ruin this whole world, saith God, but I wont let him, but, he, thats, all the world wondering after the beast, its, bob, God said, pope, hollie said, those, them two Jesus said, are, knowing each other, thats nancy becoming, its, hollie said, not curious, bob she wont care she will love it, its Jesus, hollie said, two, she said, but, its him, she said, sticking head it, say, its, but, both did, you see this is prophesying, said Jesus, bob seeing visions and, thats, hollie posting, on, its internet, and I stamp, hollie said, scene spins, thats both beasts, sitting at the table, and thats, its japanese, hollie said, climbing out of, its the two horned beast, God said, with hintao, its i'm your emperor, hintao, said, thats, hollie saw, nuclear fires, its, in, both, she said, russia and china, one woe is past, hollie said, its the king of the north, its pope, hollie said, with, its goat horns coming out of his head, God said, Jesus looks at bob, why didnt you post it, I showed you what you are really like, you see, Jesus said, its, bob and, its, showed, hollie, nancy tarpley, and its, the turntable spinning, o he still has it God said, thats, Jesus showing, its under the bed, many, God said, theres, ten jvc stereo receivers, and its for rock, hollie said, you see bob still loves it, theres alice cooper appearing, grunts, you see, said, hey, its vince, they love each other, thats alice talking to, its bob on phone, but bob loves, they knew, about, said God, bob still loves it, and I let, God said, thats nancy going to, its bobs church, she cleans, God said, I called you, Jesus said, Lord I knew, said, its tarpley, hollie said, you see, she is uh widow, God said, LOrd I do, bob God said, she, seperated, and you know my word, you know what you can do, and thats bob, in a position, where he can destroy the whole world, you knew, God said, pointing at nancy, thats nancy shaking yes, hollie comes out, she hard dark hair, its long, hollie said, bob thought you were beautiful, you see hollie said, bob loves them all, wants them, but knows, hes to old, and God wouldnt let anyway, but if you insist, I would, hollie comes out, Jesus spoke it, God and hollie said, this is my word, saith God, you can have sex, if, I the Lord, approve it, and, lead, and you knew, both, you see, saith the LOrd, I know how to keep mine own, and, will let, people, do, the desires of their heart, and both of them, are wicked, but saved, but still, the same o, thats nancy, wanting to not read, but, I can do what ever I want to do, you know who said it, hollie said, its an open door, God said, thats nancy going thru, its cause of you, thats bob appearing, wearing, its his red sweatshirt, its burgundy, hollie said, bob knew, the word, and can show, nancy, if you touch bob, you will feel, thats bob appearing, hollie said, and, its, electricity flowing out of him, and all over, hes, the electric man, and both still love sex, God said, hollie said it too, nancy you can do what you want, this is Jesus, you will feel my word, bob is afraid, typeing seeing, but i'm telling him and he sees, thats Jesus appearing, and many hollies, hey hollie said, whats they doing here, its the whole new world order tap dancing, and one of the two wanting, both, do what ever you want saith God, but, if people knew, and you both know, they will mock you, bob can destroy, and get saved who he wants, this is God, speaking, like uh Spirit man, hollie said, coming out, she will beleive it, God said, if you dont, then try me, here is what is in bobs heart, thats bob appearing and his heart, thats, God said, a face appearing on it, thats bobs heart, its sitting at, hollie said, like uh white, hollie, Gods interviewing table, heart has eyes, places is hand on the bible God said, I want sex, heart said, looked around, you knew it, God said, thats bob, not caring if church fills up, buts wants people, that are older, theres heart again, its cause I want to have fun, heart said, and they will, God said, but, its all in my word, you knew, nancy shakes, yes, Lord why do I fear, nancy said, its, cause you knew, but, wouldnt, thats, the reason, holllie said, lets put it under, hollie said, showed, cut it off, thats heart again, hollie comes out, bob you know already, nancy will come to your church, and leave, and come back, and you will shake her hand, every God said, thats, clapped hollie, God telling, and, the visions of them doing, bob sees, hollie said, thats nancy behind pulpit, its at bobs church, and thats angel coming out of church, Lord its I let it, church angel said, like uh big head coming out of building, thats others, its from terry cannons church, coming to bobs, thats them shaking nancys hand, Lord is they never knew one another, hollie said, but they like each other, bobs lets all preach, he only wants to keep, but you cant have, its her, them, hollie said, nancy, cause she talks to him, he would call you, hollie said, but hes afraid, but they do, they love each other, its, nancy grunting, they wont harm each other, thats nancy, its inside a pea pod, and it closed, then reopened, and bob was there, you see Jesus said, they are alike, bob God said, softly, leave people alone, or they wont stay at the church, but you knew hollie said, thats bob preaching, its, stamps, hollie, scene spins, all over the world, its at, pentecostal assemblies of the world events, thats bob, living at the church, and would let people stay there, doesnt care about nothing, hollie said, you see God said, he is the school of hard knocks, his wife God said, thats her leaving the church, and not coming back, but, thats her behind bars again, and untill, God said, she will not stop, its hooking, God said, she was uh hooker, God said, you see I let you, told you to marry her, its for sex, God said, nancy laughs, Jesus comes out, thats all she is, you see, shes beautiful, and bob will have a facelift, when he wants, to look young again, and I know God said, but, I will let bob do what he wants, heres the reason, Jesus, said, rubbed chin, he paid for it, its an open door, you see I set it before you, bob wants fun and will have it, but it will get in your pocket, God said, but bob doesnt seem to care about nothing, they hate you bob, its them pastors appearing, its, cause, thats bob with his torturing device, you can destroy, God said, whomever you will, you knew, Jesus said, to nancy, its she appeared, hollie said, thats God inside bob, hes, EMMANUEL, thats, hollie looks around, its the day of the Lord, Jesus said, and darkness, thats, smoke rising, blocking the sun, and sun appears with face, its you he made me sun said, moon laughs, its i'm moon said, places hand on bible, then tells, its you, they want, sex moon said, have, but tell people, thats nancy, Lord, its i'm stunned, nancy said, dont ask him about it, God said, how he can destroy, you see, God said, I hid my self, its right in EZEKEIL 2, God said, and the Spirit entered into me, and set me upon my feet, thats bob lifting out of bed, Lord it was uh dream, Hollie said, you see I terrify, God said, and laugh, bob you need to go you have four minutes left, lets post it, God said, put it there, on ministry of dreams, you see I spoke, and they steal hollie said, thats Jesus appearing, with, its torturing device, i'll get them, and make them run to remove, what I spoke for bob, nancy looks on internet and reads, and trembles, then she calls bob, and he laughs, but they love each other, but God said, do what ever you want, both of you saith God, if you touch bob, you will feel, me, the Lord, inside of him, its right in my word, behold the days comin, saith God, thats, my servant elijah, go ahead and tell it bob, he knew, God said, right when the end comes, right to the day, and there he is wanting, love, intercourse, thats Jesus laughing, I dont care, saith God, hes, a, homo, with me in home, cut it off, God said, bobby lets post hollie said, 7-12-13-14-with bishop gone God said, bobby its him pointed golden hollie, charles simms, hes the bishop hollie said, but thats diocesan, hollie said, charles simms like the pope, put it under hollie said, i got it he said, bob hollie said, wiped lips, but another hollie came out, pointed, finger not striaght, looked back at bob, no hand seen but was there, it was white, bob they want you, in, just leave me alone, its that pointed hollie, christine hollie said God, she wanted love, then why are you doing with nigger hollie and God said, put it under, thats her and bob together, he liked hollie, but she didnt, lets do sex she said, thats when they love hollie said, God said, hollie showed record, and I stamp, she said, its nancy, hollie, shes, wanting sex, buts bob fasts, and, looks horrible, hollie said, put it under, she said, showed, be quiet, hollie showed, record, phil, hollie said, showed, now i'm trembling, dapreacher said, God said, o so you claimed you were mine then bob came along hollie said, thats hollie going, its, to, a.b.s.a. stamps, hollie, but scene changes, and its, beast, pope, coming out, theres hu hintao, but, let me, look at it, hollie said, bob, theres your death-fast, its now declared, hollie said, thats, bob, 40 days into it, its searching for a way of escape, hollie said, thats God looking at bob, and, saying, bob will not live and know me, its, cause I, torture, betray my servants, maiming them, and ruining their appearance by, causing facial muscles to tighten up when using, blinking eyes and talking, and letting them see me the Lord in visions laughing at them, while I ruin, now hear the world of the Lord, it he appeared, hollie said, bob thats you dying while fasting, then, thats Jesus laughing, who are you said, its, hollie, showed, people's christian church, angel coming out, showed, building, had like, triangle hat on, its green, dark, i'm, church grunts, new world order apostolic church, but laughs, peoples christian church, like round head, angel, hollie showed, turn, bobby your power is your face, and, I ruint it, by, causing your facial muscles when using, and I did give you a way out saith the Lord, which was to backslide and run from me and while running I would have continued torturing and maiming and mocking you to drive you further out, its how I choose to prod my children, now, if you fast untill death i will change but not untill, its to mock you and in your heart you say come on but I the Lord wont allow it, i'll change right now saith God but it, he didnt hollie said, just wait, said, it, hollie, said, another, but, its, him, she said, stuck head it, its blue she said, showed, but hand not seen but, appeared, its red bear paw, tear up, hollie showed, its pope appearing in between, put back, but held pope but another, hollie comes out, points, looking at bob, finger not straight, it was uh, dream, hollie night vision said looking at bob, showed, its bob walking at, its arsenal technical high school, hollie stamps, angel appears, like round head hollie hammer, theres blue hollie said, bob, needed to go get his new schedule but thought i'm twenty-five now and better get out, didnt want to be known, by, its principle, for being that old at high school, look, hollie said, its r.m.s. titanic appearing, hollie salutes like happy shipmate, theres the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship appearing, being rocked by three torpedoes, see ship, hollie showed, its him a she hollie said, thats hand showing, hollie appeared, hands not seen but arms stretched out, and apart, had bear paws, hollie moodie smiles in dome in hand but hand showed, its, hollie going to Christ temple, hand was white, she said, sleep, this is, jumpy hollie, clapped hands, but no hat on, hollie showed, its youtube turning into, its angel, call me, utubia place, angel said, but, doesnt know what utubia means, thats, like its, like, light bulb with feet but not quite, sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, but changed, into, kept changing, a, hollie, shes blue, but happy, what do, you, want to call me, hollie said, Jesus appears, call, world prophecy center, Jesus spoke more, center, hollie showed, eat, blew bubble, theres tank, hollie said, a she hollie manuvers, its, manuevering, hollie said, but another hollie comes out,points, looks back at bob, finger white but like, hollie showed, she didnt point straight at or straight up, hollie had golden goggles on driving her tank, aimed and fired, thats center of america exploding, its, him, she said, clapping hands, happy, thats, nuclear fire, appearing on both coasts, like dots, you see hollie said, coming out, this is judgment to the great whore, but thats angry barack obama rising up and russia burning, its moscow, but smaller fires with larger one, hollie soared around world, its mustang fighter jet, and thats, its many nuclear fires in, hollie looks, which country, russia exploded, but light serpent rose, its i'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats bob at a.b.s.a., preaching that, hollie showed, seal it up, but thats nuclear fires appearing in, its great britain, thats angry, cameron and four captain hollies, its the shower, hollie said, russia exploded, but, one she hollie there, thats missiles leaving russia, thats, venezuela and brazil exploding, thats missiles leaving there, they strike that, hollie points, but only, hands seen, thats texas exploding, but more missiles left, theres, hey hollie said, nuclear fires in cuba, and along mexican border, hey hollie said, thats nicaragua exploding, but fire in australia, thats missiles, leaving australia, italy explodes, thats nuclear fire in france but, its, them, hollie said, they shower, russia exploded, world moved, thats, its beast pope riding black horse, hey seal it up hollie said, coming out, boo hum, hollie said, its them, she said, he hollies, their on uh hill hollie said, thats one winking, bob, at, its pentecostal assemblies of the world, a.b.s.a. meeting, they install bob as, its suffragan bishop, hollie showed lay down, clapped hands, turned on side, thats bob calling churches, telling what God does, soon they will all know, indianapolis, has, thats hollie showing, record, with Jesus inside, hollie said, God, thats Jesus lauhing, showed, record, hollie said, bob, the, Lord, is, right now, thats bob sleeping, taking counsel, of, my own will, saith Jesus, knowing that, if I dont stop betraying bob and repent with four fold blessing and fix all damage I caused, soon, thats all of indianapolis, laughing at, its Jesus, hollie said, knowing that God is in bob and tortures day and night, hollie fired up the chainsaw, she started, I the Lord torture my servants, causing them harm to make them perish, cause I lie and betray and try to make them perish by all day teasing and messing with doing things like caressing penus with electricity, causing facial muscles to tighten when using causing wrinkles, and letting them see me in visions lauging at them, causing them harm and hurting them deep in their hearts all day, thats hollie appearing, showing, bob its time, she said, had on her light show, showed, go, thats hollie walking, starting chainsaw, and cutting up branches, and then taking back, lets store, she said, wiped off sweat, its the a.b.s.a., hollie said, thats her sitting at, and, its tomorrow, she said, thats her being sworn, yes I solomly swear she said, but look at God, laughs, shes, the new, pentecostal assemblies of the world, that the presiding bishop, of, its, p.a.w., reading this, and Jesus appears, shows, its peoples christian church, and angel coming out of building, showed, building, grunts, its like uh light head, hollie said, she appeared, i'm really, building said, its angel, new world order apostolic church, and I stamp, hollie said, scene changes, and Gods new hammer, like, uh, brown head, hollie points, mouth open, but doesnt speak, but turns, i'm, it said, but was really popes care giver, with pointy, hat, saith God, showed, its the ministering spirits, and the presiding bishop, lets research that, he said, has secretary do it, its, hes elijah, she said, o, shakes, bishop, 7-17-16-15-14?-2011-hollie showed, do angel said coming out of church, its the church angel hollie said, showed bobby lay down, it appeared said hollie coming out, hollie looks around but afraid, bob you see hollie said, showed the money, robert turner, will, not work here is the reason, God said, he wants all time slots, and thats with you paying utilities, dont God said, showed lay down, but hollie got up clapped golden hands, record hollie said, he hollie laughs, about to post, bob hollie said, showed, her light go, bob go she said, thats hollie leaving, its that, stamps, its him, she and Jesus said, church, hollie mowed, lawn, its, at, she said, new world order apostolic church, and angel comes out, i'm the church, he showed, hollie comes out, thinks, his face went blank, and was, its round, hollie said, i'm the church, he said, coming out, again, face, mostly unseen, God said, hollie showed record, God said, Jesus showed, cut it off, the glory of all Kings sang, hollie, whispery voice, appeared but another, hollie points, hey casey, appeared, that hollie had caseys hair, bob thats God fixing your face, dont, worry hollie said, clapped hands, hollie showed, lay down, but, clapped golden hands, thats her, putting, its perfume in church, bobby they love, hollie said, just watch crowd grow, you going to say bob that I can not put more on you then you can bare, you will fast untill I remove my obsession to ruin you and fix all harm that I caused, and reward you for making you suffer, I the Lord will not stop but when die I will laugh and say bob stayed with me untill the end but you brought me down and made me a laughing stock all over the world, now is the end come cause of you bob saith the Lord, i'm going to say at the bring of death, saith Jesus, thats, bob fasting, its to make uh way of escape hollie said, till God stops torturing and ruining bobs face, you see I cause facial muscles to tighten when sleeping, moving, using and ruin appearance, thats me shooting beams of desease into, its gums, thats Gods hammer appearing like, its blue, round, hollie said, head, bob you can not bare no more, so thats hollie in bed, moving from God abusing, dont go near the house hollie said, thats jumpy hollie clapping, she said, hollie came out, points, happy, changed into, its new, jumpy hollie but its, him, golden face, pointy hat, hollie said, like blue hollie, pointy like, winter hat, cotton like, pope draink drink in fire, i'm his caregiver said, now happy, but, blue wizards clothes God said, you need me to tell ya bob your weakening, hollie said, fool, said, its Jesus, hollie said, thats what you should have done hollie said, just like JOB, thats boils on, its bobs face stamps, hollie, its burgundy sweatshirt on, you should have laid out in front of people and showed, them what I do to people that get saved, and, to make ashamed God said, thats bob, telling from pulpit, its at, pentecostal assemblies of the world, what the Holy Ghost baptizm feels like, thats churches emptying out, but, bobs just about full, pope in the fire hollie said, i'm full, said, his caregiver, pointy blue hat on God and hollie said, pope drank drink, its light cup, boo chanted, hollie said, its them, these hollie said, their on uh hill, its many he hollies, theres hand agin, hollie said, showing, you did not need him, its got hollie, moodie in, side dome on hand, and hand is white, bob I showed, you uh picture hollie said, both, two hollies, its pope, but another, hollie comes out, points, looks back at bob, finger not pointing, sticking sraight out but turned into another, hollie, there was blue in picture, its, i am God, I am the beast, pope, hollie said, did say, but disappeared, thats black horse with pope on, it stops in russia like brakes slamming on in car, hollie showed, turn, dark hollie, lighted hand, hollie showed, turn, lighted hand, its them, hollie did say, said, many, him, she said, he hollies, their on uh hill, one winked but, eyes opened like, brown all around, hollie showed, bob eat, she said, he wont, hollie looked back, JEsus shook, yes, die will fasting, I will not repent like you said, but because my word, says, I will make a way of escape, that requires me the Lord to make everything like it was before I started coming against so fast untill I do and I will laugh at you but you know in your heart you will have the last laugh, thats, nancy tarpley pastoring your church, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, that, doreen and hollie said, she appeared but like, wilder, doreen winks, thats, terry sparks, that hollie said, looking at church, giving bob the loot said misses bob hickman, bob Jesus appeared, do it for two years then he will have to share God said, but, that, they said, he will not leave, hollie, another, said, God said, showed, turn, showed, bob go to walmart, and, I stamp, hollie said, scene spins, up rose, the, pope, hollie points, theres hu hintao, thats, her two fingers, its, reappearing, hollie relaxes, you see she said, its both, beasts, but missiles flew and its, beast, serpent dragon rising, licking prophet, thats uh golden hollie, showed, go home, lay down, pope hollie said, with caregiver, happy, pointy hat, pope drank, drink, he hollie comes out, flames soared higher, i'm the beast, said, its putin, hollie said, putin smiles, he hollie pulls sleeves up, its uh glorious white robe, she hollie said, lets, rule the world, putin, said, russia, hurry, hintao said, hollie clapped golden hands, showed, lay down, on side, hollie moodie played his music, hollie said, 7-17-18-16?-hollie showed lay down and golden hands clapped but they werent his, this isnt hollie she said but shook yes, clapped hands laying down on side, golden face but eyes still open, put it under she said but was mostly hidden in the darkness, he told me she said with black face, bob, hollie said, showed, go home, mow lawn, wore, its uh red sweatshirt, buts Gods new hammer, comes out, like blue head, God said, bob said, its hollie, two hollies said, but one sticks his, head out, hey hollie said, its like hollie showed, its blue, Jesus tells, I want you to be in blue, but its not hollie showed, but like, brown hair, now its tear up, hollie said, but only like light hand appeared, bob, its, cecil hollie said, leave alone, for now, and, I, clap, hollie said, thats beast pope riding, its black horse but hollie laughs coming out, bob theres people its, wanting to do, hollie said, no I wont, its golder, hollie said, but, does angry, taking names, thats her messing with, its website stamps, hollie, white clothes, but white cloud appeared and happy hollie hammer with hair comes out, said uh she hollie, what kind of visions do you hear, said, its hollie like uh white hollie, its hollie showed, its new world order, apostolic church, but church grunts, peoples christian church, thats changing to just, building, showing, its my new name, building has eyes, but angel came back out of, God said, its where the same angel said, thats pastor stone and bob at pulpit, fire, along, its edges of hallway and stone not happy when bob there, but, becomes when bob puts him there, and clap, hollie said, white clothes, that agin, hollie said, angel showed, record, hollie showed, to turn, its into shell, she said, gas station, it appeared, showed, hollie, like orange hand but different type hands, hollie looked one way, but showed, turn, she said, another, hollie filled out, its application for property tax exemption, she said, showed, its joann, she knew, she lied, hollie said, wanted you, to loose, and I stamp, she said, property tax exemption, boo chanted, hollie said, she sprinkled, on, bob its cinnamin, bob, it tastes, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, went to walmart and I stamp, hollie said, thats, her, in, walmart, its, heather mckinney, bob, she knew, thats husband telling, both want, its saved, write her and tell her, that pointed, cried hollie like baby, Jesus high in air, that, hollie said, thats, world below, it has eyes, hollie said, that she said, thats america exploding, that, pointed, hollie, let me, observe, that, hollie said, submarines all around it she said, boom, hollie said, that, hollie said, both coasts, exploding, that, hollie said, drank, drink, blew bubble, white hat on, that doreen and hollie said, but its him, she said, sticking head out, laughing, but all three there, hollie showed, turn, pope, in, the fire, hollie, its white hot she said, i am his caregiver said, happily, round, head, pointy hat, blue attire, she said, fill it out like told ya, clapped hollie, golden hands, they reappeared, but face went mostly hidden, another, hollie comes, out, shows, she, face went blue, thats Jesus like, Gods hammer, its round, head, light blue robe, holding like blue, thing in front of hollie, stuck his head out but she hollie got confused, it was supposed to be she hollie said, but she was still there, happy, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, lay down, said, him, she said, appeared, showed, its the beast, pope, 7-19-2011-you will not live and know me, this is Jesus hollie said, and hollie moodie looked cocerned, its boo hum, said, its hollie, showed, its fanbox ministryofdreams, like, its angel with like, green hat on, hollie showed, thats angel showing, i'm the fanbox but face went blank, many, its him, said uh she hollie, hollie showed, turn, their on uh hill, all booed, but one winks, bobby, said, its, hollie, said, its, him, hollie said, showed, its popes picture, like, normal color almost caregiver pointing, lookie he points, pointy hat on, its pope in the fire enjoying drink, hollie comes out, its uh light cup but she saw inside, its coffee, pope drank, like, angel of light, lets gitty up, pope said, rode, its uh black horse, stamps hollie, she said, clapped, and leaped, its jumpy hollie, golden face, face and hands, jumpy hollie claps, your p.a.w. now she said, pentecostal assemblies of the world, clapped, jumpy hollie, and Gods happy round head hammer appeared, happy, but, eyes, not seen, its, face its, blue, hollie said, like spinning type scene, but hammer, didnt spin, thats pope coming out, then its hu hintao clapped, hollie, you see these two, hollie said, showed, your getting tired, they walked, missiles flew, worship the pope hintao said, kneeling before later, she said, clapped, its jumpy hollie, another, came out, its, gold, hollie said, jumpy hollies hands, it reappeared, but hollie points, jumpys body went fuzzy but was there, but turned into another, hollie showed, confusion, but Jesus appeared, theres hand again, hollie said, with hollie moodie inside but came out, Lord he does what that moodie said, got back inside dome but hand has face appear on, its hey, its hamburger helper hand, God, and hollie said, hand goes to Gods table, and, Jesus tells, I want you to not show your face, hand happily agrees, walks away, leavin, hand thinks, Jesus catches up, its entertain for, Jesus said, points at bob, hand, momentarily looked happy but saddened again, but, kept face, its got big nose, hollie points, like, bozo the clown, its red and round, i'm it bozo the clown said, its boo, chanted, hollie said, showed, its them, but another, comes out, o so you caught it Jesus said, hollie shook, yes, the first hollies hand hidden, but golden arm, its the she said, many he hollies, their on uh hill, but, hollie, another, went fuzzy, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped golden hands, got back up, bobby, she said, hollie screamed for, she said, screamed again, look at that, wait, hollie said, showed, looked, concerned, but happy, Jesus appeared, rubbed chin, God thought, hey pointed, its another, hollie, she said, jumpy hollie said, golden face, its, typepad, hollie and God said, ministry of dreams, theres angel appearing, but its like, round, hollie said, face of light, its, showed, hollie, ministry of visions, dont take hollie said, thats typepad ministryofdreams angel showing, its mine, he said, ministries of dreams, hollie said, they belong to me, showed, its typepad, angel, hollie said, put it under, God said, hollie showed, cut it off, bob, your dying, hollie said, coming out, compassionate, like, thats, hollie holding up her sign, bob, she said, just put it in the ground, hollie said, they, will come, but in time, God and hollie said, put it under hollie said, and I stamp, thats, its beast pope arising, hollie rubbed chin, hey another, said, Gods hand, not hers, hollie laughs, hollie showed, bob, eat something, before, you die, cause your going, said, it was Jesus, hollie said, but, disappeared, put it under, hollie showed, cut it off, wore, white robe, 7-20-2011-hollie showed confusion, and I stamp, its typepad hollie showed, ministry of dreams, its white light angelface, but angel showed, with white hands, had hat on, like, its, leprechaun wears, God showed, bobby hollie said, help up her sign, its twitter, hollie said, appearing, went just almost white, hat on, its, green but turned redish color, i'm the twitter, angel showed, but face hard to see, its twitter ministryofdreams, hollie said, thats church turning into, its angel, but hollie looked confused, its like, other angels in this record, angel showed, i'm the, church, but face went, sorta, hollie said, blank, its new world order apostolic church but angel grunts, now i'm peoples christian church angel said, but, God spoke, angel shook, yes, its like round head, with hat on, its light, thats bob changing back to, its, new world order apostolic church, boon, maybe, boo, its them, hollie said, showed, lighted like hollie, both hands, out, lighted garments, bob you got pulled over but cop writes warning like angel cop, get windshield fixed, hollie, replaces herself, two hollies showed, turn, one indicated, but, indicated, like, its light flash, hollie said, but, another, showed, but hand not seen, then she appeared, confused, i'm the beast, said, it pope hollie said, stamps, pope rides, its black horse, hollie stamped again, and, face went like hammer, Gods hammer, round, but, just, like, different colors of golden light, hollie held up her sign, pope rode, its black horse, comes, halt in, russia, hollie screams, thats, pope with, its medvedev, signing, its uh deal, pope shakes yes but changed, this is warning, hollie said, its walter he said, he appeared, showed, white robe hollie, hes not humorous but like kyle flemming, she, and, God said, she, said, leaped jumpy hollie, dont go down there, your welcome, its lafave, hollie said, your, cousin, uncle, its she said, right uh vision, make it plain, tap danced many hollies, theres new world order kings, there, hollie comes out, the hollie that spoke, appeared, but went blue, its, uh silhouette, hollie said, thats her coming out of silhouette, but hollie points, face changed, look, hollie said, showed, its pope, another, hollie points, white finger, theres blue in picture, but only finger appeared, you dont want no more thats what you wanted, thats what you needed hollie, said, but another, hollie points, its, like, but face changed, hollie said, wiped lips, but hand not seen but, was, there, its, blue and happy he holllie smiles, then thats God telling, he wipes lips, but, hides, thats, hollie, in, uh world scene, said, hidden, hollie, him, its, she said, thats, hollie giving conference, you see, and, dressed well, church begins to fill, bobby, its, thats tx free, hollie wiped lips, showed, dont worry about it, your going into, its p.a.w., she, hollie said, but angel appeared like blue face, but changed into, its blue faced Jesus, like becoming happy, bobby thats the loot, hollie comes out, happy, showed, bobs hands and money starting to pack in, its uh wadd, she said, much money, hollie comes out, angel head appeared, its happy, hollie said, but theres like blue there, hollie wasnt, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob get mail, walked, with, white topless hat on, backwards, but, mouth disappeared, prophet love, hollie said, thats, many, its, him, she said, finally appeared but was already there, showed, lay down, but clapped golden hands, got back up, but, where was the rest of hollie, she, said, appeared, golden face, dark everything else but arms, but theres, like silver linining on, its jacket, she said, thats you bob well dressed hollie said, hollie showed, turn, then another, showed, turn again, thats, hollie, its driving tank, playing with but her face is golden, lets go to that church and go inside said, its, hollie, tap dancing, theres pope she said, holding hands, and its hu hintao tap dancing, you see these, two, hollie did convey, they will, want, to, rule the world, she said, hollie, its, clapping hands, she said, they were, golden, but she, went, like, dark hollie, but, there she was, showed, its man at church tomorrow, we'll take it he says, but lets use use attorney, he said, bobby, hollie said, sell, he will offer you, two million dollars, its terry sparks, will make there, 7-21-2011-c'mon, hollie, i show you record, she said, bobby hollie said God said, showed cut it off, like Jesus did, God showed eat, hollie showed, eat, bobby, use typepad, hollie showed, like angel, you need to, let me, record, and, I stamp, hollie said, with white hat on, its got new hammer appearing, like, its, round, head, hollie did say, but white robe, had, face kind of changed, hollie and God said, thats, hollie stamping, its white, its uh white robe on, and, its, new, world order, carriage coming out, with, its pope and hu like, its uh light carriage, but turns black and red, pulled, its by angred, hollie said, horses, and, pope, he wore brown clothes, hintao just dark suit, hollie said, showed be still, bobby its pope hollie said, she, said, hollie, showed its uh hard sell, she said, its, thats two, coming to look at it, lets scout out, one said, but, bob, hollie came out, dreaded, looked back at, its bob, theres terry sparks, he, will, hollie wiped lips, not buy, but hand not seen, but another, hollie, its him, she, said, smiling, thats him wiping lips, theres blue, but turned into, its Jesus, stamps, hollie, showed, its typepad ministryofdreams, like almost dinosaur head, but not quite, its, light, hollie showed, appeared, white robe, but another, hollie comes out, hands, comes out, points, hollies, hands both up, this is website right here, pointed, its him, a, she one said, its, Jesus, hollie said, website like dinosaur head, long kneck appeared, its, light showed, hollie, tear up, light hands, she put back, hollie screamin for this reason, she said, showed, its end time conference, and concerned, its angel, white robe, its round, hollie said, head, showed, keep hitting, its facebook, but, turned into, its white light angel itself, i'm the facebook angel said, but hollie showed, sounded kind of, not clear speaking, pope hollie said, drinking drink, she pointed, but its hey, another, said, coming out, looking, its stunned, hollie, only hands seen but rest, there, showed, bobby eat, had nice brown hair, hollie wore, its uh, red plad coat, raked in the, its loot said misses carolyn goldbold, its, storms, hollie said, lightning and angel, of, its, light, surfing, hollie said, like, its round head, light surfboard, and, its, whole new world order coming out, theres king, hollie said, of grecia, its pope, goat horns, and its kings coming, out, hollie stamps, its hu hintao, out of one with flower, then theres, its pope, putin and medvedev out of, its other, hollie said, bob, hollie said, and she, wiped her lips, another, hollie said, look, she said, thats church with angel coming out, come home church, said, its stay here, showed, church, white finger, hollie showed, turn, now lets see, hollie said, driving her tank, its dark but painted like, and I stamp, hollie said, military, but big white hand, face, in, and out, its blurry, another, hollie showed, hollies goggles were golden, but, its dim, she said, light, thats him showing, its beasts, popes image, its tatood on, his finger, its, i i'm God on finger, somebody showed me to lay down, said, its hollie, 7-22-2011-man, hollie said, God said, put it under, she said, appeared, white robe on, God said, thats Jesus appearing, showed, bob, go to conference, its, at, thats, hollie walking in, the p.a.w. mother church, its, pentecostal assemblies of the world, hollie said, thats, Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, and people's christian church just watching, like angel coming out of building, God said, church showed, i'm, new world order apostolic church, and i stamp, hollie said, she appeared briefly God said, but, church angel still there, hes like, thought, big angel coming out of building, its, hollie bit the lid off, hollie said, did convey, but its another, comes out, points, hollie went like dull blue but thats Jesus placing, its like, blue painted glass over, to make her, appear different, Jesus shakes, yes, hollie behind, but God pulls away, its, like sqaure, hollie screamed, and, said, uh few words, its, God she said, showed, but God not there but appeared, its like blue setting, bobby, hollie said, did convey, but, disappeared, behind like blue setting to, but its like see thru, hollie said, you can still see like, whats on other side, some of it hollie said, and I stamp, hollie said, hat on, but danced uh little, its boon, hollie did say, he, and, its uh, she, hollie, said, and, I, stamp, hollie said, but, Gods hammer quickly appeared, its blue, round head, hollie said, but he, disappeared, thats, hollie driving, its dark tank, light yellow lighted goggles on, boo, they chanted, its him, pointed, she hollie on hill, but she wore, its uh hat, she said, showed, eat, turn, showed, said, this is hollie but, went, kind, its hard to see, another, showed, thats Jesus out of whirlwind, where were you God said, hollie said, but disappeared, showed, bobby do something, hollie showed, turn, light hand, she said, hollie, showed, turn, like, mostly light hollie, thats hollie driving, its tank, but changed, colors, hollie showed, its, world war two, she said, sleep, its golden faced jumpy hollie, another, screamed, bobby, that, hollie, hollie showed, turn, another, hollie screamed, hollie slapt God said, let me, said, its him, doreen and hollie said, but he only showed, record, and I stamp, he said, prophet hickman, that was pope in the fire said, this is hollie, drinking drink, hollie showed, light cup, theres coffee in, 7-23-2011-i'm not bob going to let you live, so die fasting, saith the Lord, and Jesus wiped lips, hollie appeared, hollie said, did convey, bob your loosing weight hollie said, she walks, into, its, Christ temple, thinning bob, your fasting, saith God, it, he appeared, hollie said, bob, your going to the brink of death, hollie said, till, thats Jesus, hollie showed, he sat, she went from white robe to like dengy color, God looked cocky but knows hes ruining bob and bob cant take it, thats, said, its doreen and, hollie, she appeared, white robe, walks into, its Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, church, but, thats, peoples christian church, showing, i'm the one, like, angel coming of, its building, hollie said, did convey, and, I stamp, hollie said, thats, light carriage changing colors, its black and red, its new world order, stagecoach, hollie said, with, its the pope and, its hu, hollie relaxes, thats, its two new world order kings, these will take peace off of the earth, hollie stamps, thats pope driving his black carriage, with, hu hintao on red side, lets rule the world, said, its, putin, hollie, showed, turn, but, bob didnt, you see hollie said, thats, three, showed, bob, has, candy, its out of, thats, hollie looking in dumpster taking out, bob yelled, Jesus, turn, showed, hollie, showed, go home, spruce up uh bit, she said, and did, hollie acts like, its the crow, man, with her two guns, thats him playing music, its hollie showed, theres hand agin, hollie looks out of dome, its part of his face but hand changes to, its hollie hand, looks, sad, he doesnt want it, hand said, big red nose, it, bozo the clown, both hollie showed, Jesus calls hand to interviewing table, walks over, hey hollie said, it has feet, bob that, freeforums ministryofdreams, angel comes out, dont remove showed hollie, just wait, she said, it, hollie said, its another said, they, chanted boo, she said, its him, many he hollies, their on uh hill, one blinks but smiling she hollie there, thats, i'm the, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, said, its, ship representative, hollie said, thats angel, its linked ministryofdreams, thats wilhelm gustloff ship being rocked by, its three, torpedoes, thats pope, in fire, drinking drink, I'm am, said, his caregiver, roundish head, but, hats went from pointy blue to pointy dark blue with stars, part of robe to, hollie showed, turn, burgundy hand, boon, thats what they said, hollie did say, many, its him, she said, pointed, but another, hollie comes out, wheres hollies hand, it appeared, but blue hollie said, it was dull blue, its like sky showed, hollie, but him, but her voice, she was, beside but same he hollie sticks head out, laughs, but hollie wonders, where did all these come from, God places, she hollie, then he hollie, then she hollie, but sucks thumb, and just pops head out, brown hair, and tells them, stick your head out, he hollie laughs, she hollie doesnt, sucking, thumb, hollie showed, its, new alice cooper record coming out, his picture on front, its big she said, thats, it hitting, hollie and, I stamp, she said, number one, but thats alice paying, its two million for, put it under hollie said, alice happy tho, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed, turn, showed, bobby eat something, bobby get names, hollie said, she looked at, its computer, she rearranged, its pages, stamps, hollie, face went blank and lighted hand points, hollie showed, turn, its like dark hollie, lighted, hand, hollie showed, its him, a she one said, wood burning stove, its stamps, hollie, at, new world order apostolic church, bob its free, he hollie said, it works, buy, their, hollie dreaded telling, about, one thousand dollars, you can make one he said, showed, not very good, he laughs, bob, said, this is hollie, go to wal-mart, lighted hand but dark, hollie, but thats like bear hollie, working its way out, but, looking stunned, hollie, him, a she hollie one said, but disappeared, another, comes out, he, showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, but laid down again, 7-24-2011-bob you can not let me do what i'm doing because I will destroy you, and its for no reason, saith the Lord, its, bob, hollie wiped lips, air conditioning unit, bob it will cost you, hollie said, about uh hundred, they will tell you, lets keep it fixed, they said, put it under, hollie said, showed, cut it off, Let me record said hollie, showed lay down, hollie whistled, then hollie like, its face coming out, its yellow dot, then wal-mart dot appeared, i'm dot said, its golden hollie said, this is uh warning, hollie said, showed, eat, white clothes on, you need to record, hollie said, this is hollie with the loose belt some, you have bob crossed the line, and, you can not wait to die now cause I ruint your face and still come against saith Jesus, I insult and offend all day, with everything I say, God said, this is vision lets post something, this is really hollie and angry post angel appeared, like, its white face, but, hollie showed, not shaped right, that was, lighted Jesus pointing, like, only partial, he hollie said, with, its, the, uhleave it alone said, hollie said, wiped lips, but hand not seen but he hollie appeared, happy, but seen, but, was behind like blue screen thing, he wiped her lips, but this time her, face not all there and looking stunned, that, hollie said, hollie clapped, hands, showed, lay down, but got up, face went blank, she said, clapped jumpy hollie, leaping, hollie showed, spruce up, but bob went anyway, bob hollie looked concerned, people are, going to start showing, up, she said, look the part she said, act serious, i'm the beast, said, pope, hollie said, its, rising, she said, thats, Gods new hammer rising, like, its blue head, coming out of, its blue, like light streak rising, hollie showed, turn, bob you gotta eat she said, he, thats Jesus appearing, 7-25-2011-hollie showed, record, God said, om the m.v., said, its his ship again, hollie and, its babyfleas said, God said, wiped his lips, but, no hand seen, what, hollie said, thats, its, him, said, its fleas, white in mouth, hollie points, bobby it will be o.k., hollie said, coming out, thats, its, she said, spanish man, calling you today, o so you have a place for rent, he said, we share, he said, put it under, hollie said, bob, she said, leave robert turner alone, its cause, hes uh witch, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, time, bobby, he will call, it was light watch, God, said, o'm the m.v., wilhelm gustloff ship appeared, said, its Jesus, and theres its representative, hollie said, but another, comes out, he looked down, but, happy, well dressed, theres hip being rocked, with, adolf hilter, on deck, theres russian submarine, hollie said, God said, and its commander, lets sink it, he said, hollie showed, record, Jesus bit the lid off, its the lid off showed, happy hollie, bobby dont worry about it, showed, its hollie, thats a/c working again, you will, see, thats, you finding cause, go look, hollie said, thats, hollie shopping, its at, she stamped, goodwill, and pawn shop, thats her, with a/c but it works, bobby, hollie looking serious, it wont take a very big unit just leave it on, she said, what kind of visions do you want thats what your showin me, she looked at, its signs at church, for sale, she, didnt care no more, and I stamp, hollie said, scene spins, pope comes out, theres, hu hintao, hollie said, you see these two, they will want to rule, hollie watches, pope rides, its black horse, thats hintao on, its red hollie said, scene changes but Gods hammer appeared, this is uh warning, hollie said, lips wiped, but its him she said, he appeared, hiding, thats him on, its other side of, its blue setting, thats Jesus, showing eat, hollie showed, turn, but not all seen but reappeared, turn, showed, hollie, hollie showed, turn, first big white hand, it appeared, stamped, hollie, then rest of hollie appeared, go to the church, said, its, Jesus, hollie said, had little, its air-conditioning unit, bob put it there, they work, i'm telling mark bobs gonna be strong next time you see him, thats bob healing the sick, bob, gently, said, its Jesus hollie said, worked, on, its laptop computer, come on, hollie said, drove, its ford mustang, hollie stamps, shows, hollie showed, turn, white hand, hollie ate, but, spittle, another, hollie with white hat on appeared, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed, its pope, like, angelking, of light, hollie blew, its u.s.a. economy, thats the reason, she said, its high gas, sign appeared, three sixty one, hollie blew, balloon, he hollie on, happy, hollie showed, its taperecorder, he found, angel came out, thats hand showing, you did not need him, it shook but face appeared on, there was dome on, pointed hollie, lighted finger, hollie showed, lay down but clapped hands, got, its right back, up, she showed, its barack obama in a meeting with another, they talk, its economic collapse here barack said, put it under, thats Jesus sprinkling and bear arising, bobby its here now God said, destroy that God said, to bear, he told me, hollie points, thats God telling hollie act like bear, but went from God to light God to, Ministry of Dreams is over, this website talking, and Jesus appeared, it, hollie said, appeared, its, thats him, she said, playing the sound, hollie said, she wore up, white robe, put it under, hollie said, showed, cut it off, white garments, Jesus said, 7-26-2011-that, said, hollie, smiling, God said, that, she said, again, get your house in order, thats what doreen and hollie said, and, he hollie appears, but hollie showed, did to, thats, hollie moodie playing, its his sound, hollie said, showed, lay down, bobby I can not continue to ruin you, you are right at deaths door said Jesus, that, hollie said, its happy he hollie appearing with white clothes, that hollie said, got, its container of cookies out of, its speedway dumpster, she didnt eat, bobby, fast untill the brink of death, hollie said, he, him, its, he appeared, clapped hollie, white clothes on, that, hollie, said, she, walked at, goodwill, that, hollie said, bobby dont, get caught, hollie said, clapped, she appeared, that hollie said, i'm the beast, that she said, its pope rising, that, hollie said, theres hu hintao riding red horse, bob you are going to lay down and not git up, hollie said, that another said, white clothes on, you can not now live bob and know me saith the Lord, hollie screamed, this is uh warning, hollie said, i'm jelous saith the Lord cause you are perfect in your ways bob hickman and I cant bare when people serve me to uh t saith Jesus, bob when I tease to ruin my people, people are marred cause I cause their facial muscles to tighten when they use and desease bodies and gums making tooth loss saith Jesus, its to laugh at them for trusting me, hollie drove, its gs 1000 by suzuki she said, showed, with big hand but was not on later, you see that, bob, thats its heart pain cause I chase you to death saith Jesus, your on the brink of, its uh massive heart attach and thats bob in the hospital laying in bed, Jesus looking over, its i caused it God said, this is warning, that, its, two hollies God said, hollie showed, turn, white clothes, hollie showed, turn, looky hollie said, showed, its uh picture, pope, theres, blue background scenery, another, hollie comes out, points, that hollie said, its, the, sireen sound, that she said, its barack obama, its economic collapse, is here, said o barack hollie said, with man there, bobby this is uh warning, hollie, said, Jesus showed turn, I can do all things, hollie showed, turn, but hand not seen but was there, showed, keep going straight, i'm the m.v., thats fleas coming out, white in mouth, its, wilhelm gustloff ship, being rocked, its destroy hollie said, showed, the last one done it, thats torpedo striking and going inside ship, and exploding inside, its engine room, stamps, hollie, big hand, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, golden hands, hollie laid down, but, she, clapped hands, another, said, got back up, that, hollie said, with, its doreen, in background, she stuck head out, bobby its your paperwork, hollie said, God said, that, they said, but doreen hidden, God said, hollie turned her paper work in, that, doreen said, but hollie said, bobby, hollie, looks concerned, God said, its, he appeared, hollie said, that, they said, they accept, your tax exempt, hollie said, that, hollie and doreen said, but only doreen appeared, God said, now build up, God said, that, they said, Jesus showed, cut it off, 7-27-2011-accept me, said, its angel, said, hollie, but, he hollie wipes lips, but was hidden, hand not seen, only like wave, hollie said, when you go home, that, hollie said, and Jesus, did say, that, hollie said, its, m.t.v. angel appearing, that hollie said, showed, its where ministryofdreams is found, housed, that hollie said, showed, lay down, that, hollie said, showed, hollie comes out, showed, its m.t.v. with angel roundhead above, that hollie said, showed, bob dont update, just leave links, fool Jesus said, hollie comes out, rubs face, white clothes on, bobby get tax exempt forms in, that, hollie said, its church angel in front, that, doreen and, its hollie she said, bobby this is website hollie said, but many ministry of dreams website angels appeared, hollie showed, its full of, its ministry of dreams websites, but some faces were blank or dull, that doreen and hollie said, doreen hand it, its paperwork, that, hollie said, its hollie moodie appearing, that, that, hollie said, its brickyard 500 and cars going around, that again, hollie and doreen said, but, hollie not seen but stuck head out, she was beside doreen, thats sign in front of, its church, hollie, and I stamp, she said, but angel appeared, not showing expression but stunned, thats sign, donate to church to help, bobby, that doreen said, thats woman, donation, thats many doing, she said, leaped jumpy hollie, golden face, that, hollie said, thats hollie painting sign, its donate sign, bobby, hollie thought, rubbing face, hollie showed, turn, bobby, hollie, rubbed face, showed, that, its, a, can of red paint, that doreen said, bobby take if you want, but, that, hollie said, but post angel appeared in background, put back, hollie screamed, hollie jeffery thomas, hes apostle, hollie said, its kings and priests ministries, hollie said, she said, sleep, said, showed, jumpy hollie but like its golden faced post angel appeared, hollie comes out, golden face herself, like, o its their deformed, hollie said, post angel had like hair coming out of part of face, that hollie said, bob, hollie wanted to explain, that, she said, but was, hidden, post angel appeared, like blue face thing, that doreen and Jesus said, they will pass the, property tax exemption, that showed, happy hollie, now you have a tax free church, its that they said, home for he and janette emenegger, hollie said, that, they said, thats Jesus and its doreen and hollie appearing, they say, but hollie showed, like big brown hand, that, they said, doreen, appeared, thats bobby laying down, its he wont let ya, hollie said, that, agin, they said, but its blue face post angel appearing agin, that, hollie, didnt know who said, bob ate donuts but spit out, wore, its uh, burgundy hollie said, sweatshirt, post angel appears, but hollie shook head, face changed, hollie showed, its schools in israel, thats, her, e-mailing, there she said, its, pope riding black horse, but changes into, hollie, laughs, then, pope again, thats, screeching halt, hollie said, he hollie claps, its, stops, in, its russia, thats, pope, c'mon he says, hollie says, signs uh deal with medvedev, hollie showed, its, how to start your own church, bob start doing, hat appeared on white hollie, pointed, up, happy Jesus came, hes high in blue sky, thats world below, face on, that, hollie said, thats america exploding, submarines appeared all around, thats, hollie being lifted out of, that, hollie said, destruction, angel flys helicopter, shows, its, him, many nations exploding and serpent dragon rising, world shook, and pope rose, its out of earth, on black horse, that claps he hollie, happy, thats hollie playing his music, a she hollie said, no he said, face mostly not seen, he wont, tell, its, how to, start uh church, thats, hollie clapping hands, thats what she does, thats client coming, and it, this much, hollie wiped lips, changed, into, like golden faced post angel, bob, hollie came out, talked, softly, seriouly, on charge this much, eight-fifty, you will get clients, she said, heres how long it will tak ya, thats bob researching before giving documents, hollie showed, turn, again, but, not cleary seen, showed, bob buy uh church, make money, that way, God said, its boon chanted, hollie showed, its them, many he hollies but theres hand agin, hollie said, showing, you did not need it, its, hollie showed, hes in dome in hand but its moodie then face appears on hand, it shakes, hollie showed, turn, but its like golden face thing hollie appearing, white clothes, not happy, hollie showed, turn, hollie just looked, turn, showed, thats new hollie getting in dumpster, but she, hollie comes out, bobby, youve seen him before, hes like, thing hollie but face like, hollie thinks, changes colors, like animal, this is war, right here, hollie said, its putin and obama looking at each other, bobby eat, hollie said, showed, lay down, tomorrow, she said, white clothes, on, you wont want to live, heres, the reason, bob your dying, its, from fasting God said, put me, in the book, thats what Jesus showed, hollie did say, book closed, with bobs name, bob r. hickman, hollie walked on treadmill, bright clothes, drank drink, hollie drove the the La Fin, its cheap motorcycle, she showed, its, vtwin, there good hollie said, they will last, hollie thought, changed just a little, spoke with God, about, 40,000, its their air cooled, God said, dont expect them, he said, to go over, peace, said, its, Jesus, hollie said, bob thats bones in back, your fast did work, I repent hollie said, its bush and gorbachev on the ship, its, hollie showed, start one, the words, God said, they appeared, they sign, thats battleship rocking, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, bobby check out your body God said, hollie clapped, showed, lay down, bob she said, work, 7-28-2011-bobby do, hollie said, it was God, Jesus, others said, but unhappy hammer, rose, like, its, blue thing, hollie said, but, gets happy, hollie appeared, like, golden face, white clothes, but its maybe similar dionsaur head her and God said, and I stamp, hollie said, thats beast pope like angel of light riding black horse, hollie goes underneath car, changes oil, white clothes on, its new hollie but oil on things, people, its the like hollie said, you do, hollie looked at God, many, thats the marine corp. out in the streets, its angelmarine, hard to see face, hollie appeared like guard herself, plad coat on and shotgun, its looting she said, its economic collapse, here, barack obama said, with another man there, hollie showed record, like, new, hollie, kind of like, fred flintstone, mouth, but, its, more, its like dino the dinosaur head and mouth like flinstone, hollie showed, its the flintstones, its still watched, she said, and I, stamp, hollie said, thats, stage coach coming out, hollie like angelic hollie, stagecoach is black and red, with the pope and hu, you see hollie said, these two, horses were black and red and very angred, these will want to rule the world, bobby, said, its, babyfleas hollie said, she wiped face, i'm the vision said, this is hollie, bob, I, have to restore you fourfold so you will not avenge me, i'll fix your face, hollie has white hat on, puts signs in, its front yard, donate to church, people see and think, he wants money, that man said, heres uh warnin, hollie said, wiped face, showed, bobby get mail, had white hat on, have some money, said, its, Jesus, hollie said, like, white hollie, another hollie brings, in, hollie rakes in, its loot woman said, wore plad coat, this is, uh warning, its, babyfleas, hollie said, but, hands wiped, maybe face hollie said, another white hollie appeared looking, it was angred hollie said, white hollie, but one wiped face, hey hollie points, they were same but its different colors she said, showed, lay down, hands, signs coming down, hollie takes, its for rent sign down, showed, bobby, sell, no, said, no, said, its babyfleas, but looked like animal hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, i showed i'm thru, she said, but shook, yes, big white hollie showed, turn, then new hollie showed, but hollie came out, showed, its frustration she said, hollies not all there, thats hollie driving her tank, goggles appeared on, hollie kept showing, turn, write the vision said the tap dancers, hollie came out from amoung them, showed, record, she said, bob appeared, looking good, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, with, golden hand, theres pope, hu hintao, its mexican president, theres lula, its, venezuelan leader, there you have it, hollie said, its part of new world order, hollie slapt his face, tell me, about, the, website, hollie said, wiped lips, but, its, him, looking at, in front but to the side a little, on knees, facing, to side of bob, he moved his hand like boxing glove, but wasnt, seen clearly, but thats wave, its, turbulence, it causes, hollie flew its, f-117 stealth bomber jet, thats radar, hollie came out, its not detectable but it still creates turbulence, thats missile going up, but, some hit, thats, one missing, thats another exploding, jet goes to ground, its uh humvee, hollie drove, looking straight ahead, hollie walked, wearing, its uh plad coat, went to post office, placed, its change of address in, God said, turn, showed, said, hollie, another said, hollie showed, turn, like a, not easily seen hollie, white clothes, its new hollie claps another but wasnt seen, but appeared but disappeared, that, hollie said, white clothes, God said, God said, hollie said, dont, rent to him, hes uh witch, snake, God said, bobby, hollie came out, use, this, lease, if you want, she said, it wil make it legal, hollie said, 7-29-2011-I laugh, said the Lord hollie said, and did again, in visions, put it under, hollie said, God said, hollie appeared, its counting the loot, its started hollie said, hollie raked in, its money, but plad coat and another hollie came out but not all visible, like two big for screen, Jesus speaks to her, tells, use all, thats camera pointing at, its hollie, she does, doesnt make expression but laughs, bob its livecloud ministryofdreams, its, dont use, hollie said, bobby no, hollie and, its babyfleas, did say, another said, but many hollies, in shot, God with speaks with, its many hollies, showed, bob go to, its new wineskin ministries, stamps hollie, thats bob walking inside, white hat on, hollie screamed, another, sucks, its mint, she had hat on, just looked but somewhat to the side, and I, stamp, a hidden hollie said, Gods new hammer appeared, like, its like ghost white happy hollie, its the uhleave me alone, that, many hollies, with doreen said hollie, said, hollie pointed, go, white clothes on, doors open, its leave the goodwill, she, said, leaping, jumpy hollie said, bobby, you better be good to me, jumpy hollie clapped, jumping, but, only upper seen, God conveys, hollie said, turn, showed, its hollie but, theres no color in hand another, said, coming out, but dark, thats hollie out of, his whirlwind, hollie said, and I stamp she said, disappearing, thats Gods hammer arose, its like, round head, white Ghost hollie, put back, hollie appeared, golden hands but one longer then other, thats hollie going to Jesus but, looking normal, white clothes on, no expression, Jesus tells her, o.k., she said, but, changed, walked away, laughing, another websites over, hollie said, thats, its ministryofdreams, hollie said, appearing, like angel, its website, tell me about the vision, thats clapped the tap dancer, hollie said, its, hollie, thats, pope riding, its black horse, like, its angel of light, brand new offer, said, hollie and doreen, moodie plays his beat, hollie showed, turn, like, its a blue flame color she said, hollie pointed, light hand, but rest, another comes out, shows, not as bright, spacesoarem, said, its him, hollie said, flying his rocket, dropped bombs, thats center of america exploding and, its submarine warfare hollie said, both coasts with explosions, hollie, appears in, man what is this she said, missiles flying, thats most states with nuclear fire, hollie, walks on, its burning america, prophet this is uh warning, hollie said, showed, lay down, thats moodie making noise in back, hollie, clapped, showed, lay down, its dark setting, hollie showed, flew, its a-10 warthog, thats her, showering, its tank with, bullets but same hollie in tank, its she lived, another, hollie said, blank, face, but same o hollie, hollie showed, turn, long golden shaft like finger, thats he hollie appearing, him she said, 7-30-2011-its for I the Lord persecute to make my servants loose their salvation by manifold temptations, terrorising and marring, ruining their appearance by causing their facial muscles to tighten when they use them, wrinkling face saith The Lord, causing body to heat up like a furnace, and marring their, bodies but deseasing gums and puttting deseases on, its for I the Lord, only save to ruin, I tease you and caress penus with electricity, offend and insult and hurt the heart deeply by what I saw and scare to mock my children, it starts day on and will continue, thats why JOB laid out in front of the people for I knew I the Lord was trying to destroy him and to laugh at him and cause his friends to laugh, bob hickman is bring me down, saith the King, but he will die and disappear, and in time, I will do it all over again, fast untill death, cause I dont care, and you are not far away from it, your body shut down, starting now, cause you are so weak, saith Jesus, i'll die, laughing at you bob hickman, for trusting me the LOrd, no said, its hollie, God said, but she wore, its red sweatshirt, buts God hammer, its appears, hollie said, like, ghost hollie, but, white, kind of, thought hollie, more like blue, you the LOrd, Jesus and hollie said, you torture, to ruin, and cause your servants to hate you to make them perish, God said, so I can laugh, tease you saith Jesus, its cause of bobby now I'm exposed, said, JEsus, thats, its the jews laughing, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, showed, time, go, she had light watch, go home, God said, thats hollie bathing, its for service tonight, hollie said, bob, she said, secreatly, steal his crowd God said, heres how, Jesus showed, like uh sneak, tell them the LOrd is here, and can prove it, bob heal the sick, thats bob giving facelifts, its by my power saith the LOrd, bob start with yourself, you will see it, God said, build it up, God, said, 7-28-29-30-31-2011-bobby said, hollie said, God said hollie said, there were others showed cat like hollie, Jesus showed record, showed, eat something, but hands there and, visible, bobby its they wont, hollie said, coming out, face went golden, thats, pastor, i'll give you a hundred thousand for, he wont God said, but, will give one hundred ten thousand later, and, I stamp, said, hollie, white clothes on, turned to side and, chariot, its stagecoach, comes out, thats pope on one side like angel of light, angelman hollie said, theres hu hintao on red side, its black and red, you see these two, hollie said, they will want to, its rule the world stamps, hollie, bobby, its they wont, dont hollie said, held up sign, its, to donate, people laugh, thats them in car, he wants money one said, hollie showed, turn, shaft like, golden came out of, its finger stamps, hollie, see hollie said, coming out, he told ya, hollie said, thats hollie scavaging, getting food out of, its dumpster she said, grecia bobby God said, its king of grecia, showed hollie, but, hands not seen but they appeared, then turned like dull blue, soon your deathfast will be over, said, the tap dancers, hollie, claps, white clothes on, hollie played his music, a she hollie said, and, part of another, its white hollie, tap danced but rest appeared and feet like, hollie thought, only hands seen but different hands, bob go back to that that dumpster and hit it before it rains cause its gonna rain said God, with doreen seen with, hollie with noahs ark and its raining, shes in rain suit, and I stamp, hollie said, white hollie, white clothes, but face normal, the marine corp. out in the streets, sang, its JEsus two hollies said, one, showed, turn like new hollie, go to, the, ministry of dreams, website, your own, said, Jesus, and, beef it up, God said, wiped lips, but hand not seen showed, its hollie, but, one appeared, like, its, like, light round tan color, she said, leap, clapped, jumpy hollie, white clothes, but face changed colors, hollie showed, turn, hollie, thought, its, marine corp. like angel marines out in street, barack appears, its economic collapse here she said, its boo they chanted, its, him, hollie said, many, him hollie said, he hollies, their on uh hill but she hollie there, and amber colored lighted hollie thing there, but, changed into she hollie, no expression, hollies screamin for this reason she said, screamed again, bobby its rain, showed, hollie, left, started raining, dark clouds before, no, hollie said, wore, its uh burgundy but hand stamps and Gods hammer arises like happy vampire like thing, then hollie showed, away, then she flew, its prop plane, propeller she said, drops bombs, but changed into, him, thats america below exploding then over nuclear n.a.t.o., exploded, yellow serpent dragon rose, hollie was at walmart, happy, this is uh warning, hollie said, showed, lay down but clapped hands while disappearing, theres tank again, hollie drove, she said, a golden handed and faced jumpy hollie said, showed, work, this is hollie, with, that, o, loose belt some, hollie showed, picture, wiped face, looked, worried, bobby she said, its pope, there points another, hollie, theres blue in picture, she looked back at bob but kind of away, turn, showed, said hollie, thats church coming out of, its angel, just waiting, c'mon angel said, showed, put hollie out, but its him, hollie comes out, he didnt want to go, she said, hollie showed, turn, many times, in different ways, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, I betray said the LOrd, hollie and God said, hollie showed, its seventh day adventist school, bob dont use she said, 8-1-2011-what, said, hollie said it, God said, I aint gonna do it, she said, thats, go back, Jesus said, spoke it hollie said, to dumpster, right now, and get, all you want, heres why, they are not watching, God said, what kind of visions do you want, thats what your showin, hollie said, and hollie moodie, me, he said, played the music, looked at keyboard, man thats jammin, God said, he shakes, yes, hollie stamps, Gods hammer comes out, like, hollie showed, its round she said, happy head, white robe on, its ghost, hollie said, showed, eat, nuclear war, bob, hollie said, saw, missiles soaring, and its blue angels, for the, military, hollie flew one, they are like f-4 phantoms, which were, good enough, showed, hollie, showed, bob get in, its dumpster, hollie got in for food, lets work, hollie said, she went back, its doing things, he, hollie claps, thats people looking at bobs offer, its uh good one, minister jones, thought, but he didnt want it, hollie said, and I stamp, hollie said, thats, kathy appearing, bob she doesnt know, thinks you did but now wonders, c'mon showed, angel coming out of church building, part of showed, hollie, hollie showed, turn, but mostly hidden but rest appeared, looked at bob, its medical schools in isreal, it appeared, hollie said, but, was, white clothes on, to side, looked thru like, its like dull dengy gray flute like, looked thru, hollie in like very little hollie, you dont want it, said, its, hollie, two said but one stuck head out to side, it hollie said, pope in fire, its white hot, drinking drink, like angel man, its i'm caregiver said, dressed like wizard, mostly round head, what did I scream for hollie said, screamed again, another, hollie comes out, not heard, though, looked back at, its bob hollie said, soon its cold showed bob but spoken by hollie, she, showed, its picture, like, big poster, its both beasts, bob thats people coming into, its, stamps, hollie but only hand seen, new world order apostolic church, bob its, thats multiply ministryofdreams, like church angel coming out of, i'm the multiply, angel said, looking back at self, hollie showed, bob change oil, theres hand agin, hollie said, showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, but moodie in dome in white hand but face appeared on, started walking, its i'm hand said, big nose, hollie wired up furnace, checked with, its light, bob do, she said, its thermostat showed, hollie, she, with screwdriver fixed, its, brand new she said, whatta you want, said, its Jesus, said, hollie, she, and, he appeared but like, its dull she said, hollie appeared, thats her getting out, its laptop with him on, hollie showed, bob c'mon change the oil, thats angel coming out of van, getting happy over, then going to, its Gods interviewing table, bobby showed, hollie, dont, finger points turn, God and hollie said but like angel being appeared later, hollie showed, its new stereo, she got, its goodwill stamps another, hollie but looked same, your money, bob has not been lost, thats people running God said, and its economic collapse here hollie said, barack happy, hollie showed, turn, with long golden shaft like finger, lay down, said, its JEsus hollie said, but its him sticking head out, happy, ministry of laughs, will not last, that long, clapped the tap dancers, hollie and many, its new world order kings, they stopped but started tapping again but changed, hollie showed, turn, shook, showed, bobby go to walmart she said, walked, plad coat, its red she said, on, and hat, let me record, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, i'm uh bear she said, tear up, showed, its pope, in middle, laughs, hollie had big brown hands, she said, jumpy hollie said, clapping, leaping, golden arms, but leggs like dull blue, bob sleep, said, clapped, jumpy hollie, hollie showed turn, hollie showed, big white hand, its ford comet, its old, fourdoor, she said, its the sixties she said, drove like angelic hollie, hollie screamed, showed, bobby lay down, whats up man, hollie said, you backslided, God said to her, she looked, worried, but, then, both laugh, you did not, thats Jesus, out of whirlwind, like, its him, she hollie said, he hollie, where were you, God said, but, he wiped his lips, bob made me embarrased, its for, I persecute, saith the Lord, to cause my servants to backslide, torturing them, day and nite, saith Jesus, ruining their face by causing their muscles to tighten when use and deseasing gums, making and causing tooth loss, caressing penus with, electricity, teasing and causing wrath, saith Jesus, insulting, its by what I saw, in visions and offending all day long, saith God, now I need to stop, bob thats you heart, it appeared, hollie said, bob at computer, bob its weaking, soon you will have, stoke Jesus said, but, thats bob in hospital, he, leaves, goes from, hollie looks around, sh, she said, its libe, library, bob, its, thats your friend, calling, tells you, you had uh stroke, wait, you do, hollie said, it appeared, put it under, hollie said, showed, sh, 8-2-2011-death fast, said this is hollie, your dying, she said God said, i will not repent saith the Lord of ruining your face and abasing you all day, for its to persecute and make you perish, with what time you live, its to hinder and prevent you from becoming big, embarras me by telling on me the Lord for what i do and i will increase it, and you will tell, it was because you were perfect and still are, you are going to die because of what i the Lord do and JOB would have died cause of my obsession to destroy him because he was doing his job and i wanted to make him backslide when he was was at the top of his walk like you bob hickman are, for its to embarras you saith the Lord and you told on me and will not let me do what i want, for its to throw you away, for i the Lord betray, now you need to go home and eat something said, hollie, showed, eat, and I stamp, hollie said, thats Gods happy hammer like big ghost man, hollie said, showed, ministryofdreams, its stolen she said, but, bob, thats them looking at your e-mail, they dont care, mind, hollie said, this is uh warnin, hollie said, thats, economic collapse, and people running and looting, and hey hollie said, theres Gods hammer right there with, face kind of blue but he wore clothes, its the first time stamps, hollie, showed, bob lets git into dumpster hollie said, thats her taking, with glasses, thats, its hollie, sitting at computer, hat on, thats her working, hat turns golden, shes spamming agin, bob thats book, it sells, she said, angel of death appears with, like, its similar to Gods hammer, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, with angel of deaths face on, looking to like side, hollie said, I'm wanting, ministries of dreams, for just live visions, said, its, JEsus, hollie said, showed, thats her getting into dumpster, and trash cans, thats hollie, riding up, its on black horse, like, somewhat blue face hollie but eyes did appear, she laughed, write the vision, said, hollie, hit alaska angel said, pointed at God, he told angel, what to day, appeared at, Gods interviewing table, this is for, ministry of dreams, hollie said, showed, the ministries of dreams, and angel appears with but only partial face but happy, hollie rode, its rocket, theres angel on another, but somebody, hollie, its jannette, she said, looking back, but changed into him, its, nuclear fire in alaska, putin appears, with, its nuclear controls, stamps, hollie, but scene changes, thats, its nuclear n.a.t.o., exploding and venezuela and brazil burning, theres fires in, its cuba, nicaragua, and mexico, one just exploded again, hollie said, thats world shaking, and nuclear fire in, its africa, hollie flys around world, in, its, p-47 military fighter jet, hollie drove tank, just plays with, he made me he said, burgundy sweatshirt on, God appeared, hollie showed, turn, with hand next time, but rest appeared, showed, bobby drink milk shake, showed, finger, with, its beast, pope, on, his image, its, i am God, image said, turned happy round, head, this is the vision hollie said, no more visions, clapped the tap dancers, white clothed hollie, go ahead and prophesy to your bank, said, its hollie and Jesus, thats people running and like angelic being just stopped, bluish round head, slightly goldish face, banks, its the closed showed, showed, put money in safe, thats safe door closing, angel on, happy, i am he said, its him, hollie said, many he hollies, their on hill, one winks, they chant boo, hollie said, heres uh warning, ministry of dreams is open, hollie and, its kristina, said, she appeared but just staired out, to side, and the, angel ministry of dreams, appeared, I am he said, hollie showed, with big white hand, its 1962, its ford thunderbird, she says, stamps, hollie drove, like angelic happy hollie, he said, jumpy hollie changed into another, God said, it, a, its babyfleas, thats angel and nuclear fire, its, syria, egypt, and, hollie, stmaps, she said, jordan, netanyahu with nuclear controls, but another hollie comes out, looks at bob, finger points, but not straight at, hollie wasnt seen stamping, but only white hand but a ghost like hollie appeared, what am I screamin for, hollie said, screamed again, its, hu hintao, hollie said, nuclear fire in russia, lets adavance and force this he said, thats chinese army hollie said, invading russia, and, thats russia being made to invade israel, thats nuclear fire in israel, mountain splits in twain, hollie stamps, Christ stands on both sides, thats pope in fire, dressed like king, theres, garment around kneck, with, fur and spots, blue color and another, hes white robe, its, i aint, his caaregiver, said, pointy blue hat, big mouth, roudish had, hollie drove, its chevrolet corvette, spun rear tire, thats being like bear showing turn, hollie showed, its, lets take bath she said, scrubbed clean, hollie swallowed, its, diet red pop, clapped, showed, lay down, fool, said, its Jesus, hollie said, but, its him, looking around, that, he said, showed, its, ministryoflaughs, right there, God said, it, he appeared, hollie said, bob thats, its, sh she said, bannister, looking at your offer, it will make us both wealthy, he said, Lord heres my chance, he is, not, but like God said, thats bob, being, changed into, its the hammer, but normal hair appeared on, I baptize you in the name of Jesus, said, that, hollie said, pastor at westside, its, Jesus Christ, put it under, hollie said, do it like the word said, God spoke, its ACTS 2:38, just like its written, saith the LOrd, what are you doing, said, its, this is hollie, that, she said, but disappeared, its Gods new hammer, appearing, like, its, that, hollie said, but she hollie appears, and, he hollie spoke, its like ghost hammer, lets put it under, hollie, that, he said, showed, its angel ministryofdreams, and, its, bobs freeforum, website, appearing, that, hollie said, dont put no more on, her and God said, Jesus showed cut it off, but hollie appeared later, Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and they said: hollie showed record, bob dont, she said, just, hollie showed, put it on, the normal, thats, its, he and she said, liveljournal, ministry of dreams, like angel face, theres hair, hollie said, that, he hollie said, but, hes like still like uh ghost, hollie and God said, lets put it under, he said, showed, bob get food, she hollie said, he got into dumpster, got out much, its economic collapse here, she said, thats people running, its looting, hollie said, hey, he hollie said, him, she said, its Gods hammer right there with, no facial expression, God said, but laughed, raise your mantle and repeat after me, said, its, hollie, many said, God said, hollie got into, its, food dumpster, she said, spoke it, but, like, Ghost like hollie appeared, put it under, she said, showed, cut it off, hollie showed, be still she said, put it under, a he hollie, him, she said, did say, now let see, hollie said, bob, he hollie showed, eat, its chicken legg, but he didnt, she said, keep fasting, thats unhappy bob, wearing, its uh burgundy, hollie said, sweatshirt, but Gods hammer appeared, like Ghost hollie, him, she said, 8-3-2011-I will destroy you be teasing you cause you came to me and I the Lord only save people to torture them by tightening their facial muscles, and deseasing their gums, and lying betraying them saith the Lord, I caress their sex organs with electricity, and cause their bodies to heat up like a furnace, I do not care if people know, they thought I loved, and, torture when save starting, just look at JOB, who knew i the LOrd was coming against him and he was perfect, thats people reading this saith the LOrd, and I wont save them, but there is no heaven or hell and nobody can be saved unless they die while being ruint, bob you are on a deathfast, and will not stop till make a way of escape, and at the brink of death, I will, do what ever I want, but not untill, and you are closing in, but, being ruint, stripped of all desire to serve me the Lord cause I hit you all day and night and cause you to hate, backslide, saith God, go out into the world and let them laugh at you for me the LOrd betraying and while you are in the world I will continue to drive you to suicide, that is you only escape, saith Jesus, I the Lord Jesus persecute all my children to cause them to loose their salvation to mock them by ruining their faces but tightening their facial muscles when they use them and wrinkling, deseasing their gums, caressing organs with electricity, causing eyes eyes to see blurring, offending and insulting by what I saw, causing their bodies to heat up like a furance, all at the same to to wound and ruin my children, I cause them to hate me, to make them to perish, and its to laugh at them, for that is what I Lord the Jesus am like, saith God, whatta you want, yelled, God said, its hollie, bob your being ruint, God and hollie said, and Jesus laughs, and its to mock you, but you are telling on the Lord, and its making me, om jelous, God, said, put it under, hollie said, showed, cut it off, and go, thats hollie leaving library, walking out, hollie showed, turn, thats, its Jesus, out of whirlwind, but changed into, its him, said, hollie, put it under, hollie showed, drink, lips, wiped, but its him, said hollie, not seen till later, did do, hollie showed, with big hand, its the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, angelman represents hollie said, coming out, ship is not being, thats ship on bottom, that he and she hollie said, he stuck head out, its dull hollie said, ship being rocked by torpedoes, hitler on, thats russian sub commander, lets fire, open it he said, tell me what the tap dancers said, hollie said, with many tap dancers, one, taps fast, fast not seen, its like blank light, its bob and janette in same bed, he sleeps but she awake, I want it she said, then goes to sleep happier but when she leaves hollie said, thats, its, janette emenegger walking and thats man picking her up, she sends on, but theres, somebody speaking to janette in car, its bob hollie said, God will fix your face, hollie showed, its, inside of church, its starting to fill, bob theres tithe payers hollie said, they pay, thats bob looking at, its return, he makes over one thousand per week, God said, you see that, its Jesus, hollie got into, its dumpster, much food, she said, its near, bottom, she said, bobby stock up, hollie said, that a laughing, its him a she hollie said, and that, he said, showed, its people running, hollie came out, sad, bob theres food shortages, that, he hollie said, but hidden but stuck head out, that he said, bob at his church, that hollie said, its, him, she hollie said, its, from, high in the air, hollie said, thats, its subs all around america, its the u.s.a. stamps, hollie, but disappears, and its, Gods new hammer, like ghost man but nuclear explosion, on, its west coast, then all west coast, then east, hollie showed, walking on, its america and much, man its missles soarin, hollie said, thats most states with fire, put it under, hollie said, showed, seal it up, he said, hollie showed, eat, something, bob, they, liked that, take your new headphones hollie said, go, be, easy on them, its bannister, hollie said, andrew wants church but its, to buy hollie said, he wont, she said, he, does live indianapolis and will try, thats andrew paying, its one hundred sixty five, lets pay, in advance hollie said, and, I stamp, hollie said, changed to like its Ghost hollie, showed, bob lets scavage she said, thats hollie looking in, its trash can, and dumpsters, got out food and bit, its chicken, legg, bob your dyin and I'm not going to let it go on, heres my sign, thats, it, he and she hollie did say, Jesus with, its, his chariott of salvation, and the SUN of righteousness with healing in his wings, rising, like two tone sun, it he hollie said, its economic collapse here hollie said, thats people running, and barack about to make announcment, hey hollie said, whats Gods hammer doing there, like, its blue head, but face different color, of light, theres uh submarine right there, hollie said, now look, hollie, another, said, its him waving, its akula class, why did you jump me for, hollie waved from his sub, it moves and fires, hey hollie said, its nuclear fire in iraq and gaza, lets rule the world, putin, said, Jesus, sprinkles, thats bear, rising, Jesus telling, destroy, lets devour that, bear shakes, yes, its fire in nuclear n.a.t.o., but russia exploded and world shook, up rose its the golden serpent, thats smoke going up, its i'm moon said, face not all seen and disappearing, sun, face appears but, got happy then both at Gods interviewing table, its i'm moon, said, put hand on bible but changes, to, its moonman again, hollie said, hollie waves, drove, its the v10, she said, its sports, she said, dodge viper, thats hollie smoking, its both tires, its, there quick hollie said, lets put it under, hollie said, they run a quarter mile, hollie thought, spoke with God, face, went somewhat blank, twelve point nine quarter mile, that is, the, most powerful factory car chevrolet made, JEsus, its 1970 chevelle ss 454, thats hollie driving, smoking, tires, its, viper beats, but they raced, just barely, well I guess its you dont want no more visions thats what you showin me hollie said, tap dancing, this is uh warning, hollie said, showed, pull over, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob, go to church, park there, thats hollie, like angelic hollie, happy at church, turn said, hollie, looking, showed bob just wait, uh minute, she said, like light bluish face, but that only seen then rest appeared, but her face changed, its him, she said, bobby theres uh war comin, said, its hollie and another hollie in megaphone, showing, people arent listening, but she was like two colored faced, dull, there, hollie said, thats spacesoarem jet, hollie rode bottom, it dropped bombs, many countries exploded, yellow golden serpent dragon rose, i'm the beast, it said, world shakes, bobby, said, it hollie, another, first showed, lay down, not happy tho, 8-4-3-2011-hollie showed record, bob eat she said, thats tim covering for bob, its at new world order apostolic church stamps hollie but only hand seen but angel comes out of church, its as big as the building hollie said, put it under, zip it hollie said, showed, she left peoples christian church, hollie had on her light watch, bobby she said, hollie showed, with big hand, its, amber, another, said, but same hollie came out, and he, its him, another, hollie said, showed, he was at the side, stuck head out, put it under, hollie said, showed, cut it off, its your fast, bob your dyin, hollie said, she nibbled, white robe on, you need to record, bob, i'm now coming against you so hard nobody can stand with me the LOrd persecuting as hard as I am you, and, you are abasing for doing, it, thats children on teenspot laughing, pointed, hollie, saith God, you will die soon from fasting, if I dont repent of my jelousy said Jesus, thats JOB with boils from head to foot, its cause, he was perfect and I the Lord wanted him dead cause he was uh good example of my child like you are bob hickman but I try to make backslide myself, its to mock you, by torturing you day and night, ruining your face by causing your muscles to tighten and quench by using my electricity to move them and wrinkling your face, deseasing your gums and caressing dick with electricity, which is me saith the Lord, i'm teasing, and insulting you all day everyday and making you openly abased to cause people to wonder about you but they knew, thats bob with the very God Jesus inside like white Ghost, bob i'm hiding Jesus said, hollie appeared happy, but changed into, its thing, hollie, showed, walking to van, wearing, its uh red plad coat but its Gods hammer appearing like round head hollie, almost, ghost hollie, showed, record, happy, its peoples christian church and angel comes out of front, another, hollie points, its her teeth, and thats, ghost being pointing, at, its buisnesses in america, thats them closing, and people running, its looting hollie and God, said, and, economic collapse is here hollie said, showed, bobby its barack making the announcement, hes happy but doesnt tell, hollie makes leave but changes, hollie wore, its red plad coat, hollie showed, its crystal towers of, its, new jerusalem, stamps disappearing hollie but Gods hammer appeared like, its dull blue head, and two glass skycrapers with, its crystal sea, with hollie in, her submarine in, and firing, missiles, thats many countries exploding, bob hollie showed, hurry, she said, sleep, showed, said, jumpy hollie, leaping, clapping, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record and I stamp, she said, but only hand seen but rest there, Gods hammer appeared, its like ghost man hollie, hollie showed, turn, showed, my problem bob is your face and your church saith the LOrd, you see I can fill it God said, thats people appearing at, its bobs, church stamps, hollie, but she came out, bob you dont want to, heres why, its, to many members she said, its creates, thats people working for, hollie, said, they chanted boo hollie said, thats them, him, hollie said, he hollies, their on uh hill, pope in the fire hollie said, there with pope like king, with kingly garments, hollies, scarf like has blue and white in and dots, pope drank, his drink, hollie came out, he knew, she said, your not doing so well, i'm the vision you can post on that website hollie, said, its multiply ministryofdreams angel appearing, like, its just uh shawdow, hollie said, i'm the g8 putin, said, hollie showed, lay down, clapped hands, showed, its rock band KISS still playing, hollie showed, its church, angel coming out of front, its part, hollie said, showed, just wait, angel, said, 8-5-6-2011-i the Lord ruint my servants to make them openly mocked and cause people wonder if they were saved and i the Lord Jesus am inside this body that is called bob hickman who is prophet, ministry of dreams, and he is going to become the most popular person in the world and one of the richest to stop me from ruining him but by then saith Jesus i will have deceived the whole world and now is the end come because bob is telling people what i the Lord do and will not let me trick people no more, i will not let the whole world know that the one witness that i have chosen to enter into is bob hickman and lives in indianapolis indiana and pastors new world order apostolic church which he will ruin the world from for he is the chosen servant whom i will close the whole world out then i wont do nothing for a while but when i get bored then i will make another and things will happen all over again saith Jesus for i the Lord am wanting to curse everybody especially them that are good to laugh at them for this is what i become saith Jesus, o by the way bob sees me talking to him, here is the sign that i will end all things, that hollie said, it was him a she hollie said, and that, a new one said hollie said, now is the end come God and hollie said, the time shall be no more, that hollie said, Jesus called for economic callapse, lets rule the world putin said, appeared with hintao at at table, america exploded, for this is the ram Jesus said, but thats america firing back, that hollie said, the nato nations exploded, and that hollie said, russia exploded and the world shook, hollie came out like somewhat animated hollie which was golden, its for im the beast, the pope said, hollie said, put it under, sh she said tomorrow at seventh day adventist church, bob i the Lord will fix your face and you will look young again to make you happy to stop you from coming against me and cause you to prosper in all you do saith the Lord to mainly stop you from avenging me and i will continue to trick which is strong delusioning by making people think i love them by helping but i will not save saith Jesus, amen, and when you gonna record, hollie and I stamp but hollie not seen and Gods hammer appears, hollie, showed, its white setting, dull grey hammer like angel being man there, God said, hollie said, it appeared, she said, showed, concern, bob worry she said, wearing white clothes, and I stamp, hollie said, but another comes out, hollies face almost went blank, she points, when you gonna eat something, said, its, hollie, but, two said, he, him, stuck his head out, and, I, stamp, hollie said, Gods hammer runs out like, its ghost being man, in white setting, bob hollie said, showed, invite people to your church, its at noon, stamps, hollie, showed, thats her getting into dumpster, stunned, by, what she saw, got out, its back of food, hollie showed, its book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it sells, hollie said, but disappeared, and, thing like blue hollie, big teeth appeared, just his head, hollie said, heres how, hollie showed, came out, just e-mail, hollie said, it does sell, you will get check, thats hollie, looking at, its big check, payment she said, hollie screamed, just her head appeared, showed, another, but she disappeared, only hands seen, but reappeared later, wearing, its uh white robe, bobby its janette, hollie said, thats you and her sleeping at church, your awake but laid down, on side, its, you wanted it, hollie wasnt, whistled, showed, its, popes picture, theres blue in, look points, another, white dressed hollie, looking back at bob, but, more to the side, hollie showed, its w.a.s.p., still touring, thats blackie lawless, like, its character, she said, hes, thats him on stage, wild, hollie screams for this reason, she said, screamed again, this is warning, said, its, hollie, two said, but its him, she said, stuck his head out, but then she changed like him, in appearance, thats the reason, hollie said, hollie looked at convention center website, bob you have uh link on hollie said, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed turn but hands disappeared, but reappeared but different, bobby hollie said, thats angel, out of, its new world order apostolic church, hollie showed, turn, bob you made me look like uh fool, because I betray and ruin and disfigure my servants by causing facial muscles to tighten when using and deseasing gums to mock them saith Jesus, I will cause you to perish if I can starting from day one for to laugh at you for coming to me saith the Lord and I only say to ruin, there isnt no heaven or hell that know but those that dont I will still pursue but wont save any but strong delusion them teasing and lying to them, telling them whatever makes them happy but not doing saith Jesus, hollie showed, bob its paypal and angel coming out of church, its angel show, thought about its name, looked up but to the side, i'm people christians union, church said, formerly, stamps church, but face went blank, new world order apostolic church, bob get, it hollie said, hollie showed, lay down, showed, clyde best, be gentle on him, showed, said, hollie, showed lay down, but clapped hands, hollie showed, its shake weight, bob its best, he hollie appears, him she said, and when you gonna record, hollie and I stamp but hollie not seen and Gods hammer appears, hollie, showed, its white setting, dull grey hammer like angel being man there, God said, hollie said, it appeared, she said, showed, concern, bob worry she said, wearing white clothes, and I stamp, hollie said, but another comes out, hollies face almost went blank, she points, when you gonna eat something, said, its, hollie, but, two said, he, him, stuck his head out, and, I, stamp, hollie said, Gods hammer runs out like, its ghost being man, in white setting, bob hollie said, showed, invite people to your church, its at noon, stamps, hollie, showed, thats her getting into dumpster, stunned, by, what she saw, got out, its back of food, hollie showed, its book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it sells, hollie said, but disappeared, and, thing like blue hollie, big teeth appeared, just his head, hollie said, heres how, hollie showed, came out, just e-mail, hollie said, it does sell, you will get check, thats hollie, looking at, its big check, payment she said, hollie screamed, just her head appeared, showed, another, but she disappeared, only hands seen, but reappeared later, wearing, its uh white robe, bobby its janette, hollie said, thats you and her sleeping at church, your awake but laid down, on side, its, you wanted it, hollie wasnt, whistled, showed, its, popes picture, theres blue in, look points, another, white dressed hollie, looking back at bob, but, more to the side, hollie showed, its w.a.s.p., still touring, thats blackie lawless, like, its character, she said, hes, thats him on stage, wild, hollie screams for this reason, she said, screamed again, this is warning, said, its, hollie, two said, but its him, she said, stuck his head out, but then she changed like him, in appearance, thats the reason, hollie said, hollie looked at convention center website, bob you have uh link on hollie said, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed turn but hands disappeared, but reappeared but different, bobby hollie said, thats angel, out of, its new world order apostolic church, hollie showed, turn, bob you made me look like uh fool, because I betray and ruin and disfigure my servants by causing facial muscles to tighten when using and deseasing gums to mock them saith Jesus, I will cause you to perish if I can starting from day one for to laugh at you for coming to me saith the Lord and I only say to ruin, there isnt no heaven or hell that know but those that dont I will still pursue but wont save any but strong delusion them teasing and lying to them, telling them whatever makes them happy but not doing saith Jesus, hollie showed, bob its paypal and angel coming out of church, its angel show, thought about its name, looked up but to the side, i'm people christians union, church said, formerly, stamps church, but face went blank, new world order apostolic church, bob get, it hollie said, hollie showed, lay down, showed, clyde best, be gentle on him, showed, said, hollie, showed lay down, but clapped hands, hollie showed, its shake weight, bob its best, he hollie appears, him she said, 8-7-2011-Post hollie said, showed lay down, put it under she said, carlos he knows your heart whispered Jesus hollie said, he wanted to she said, looked back at God, con you, woop him she said, thats bob taking loot from spanish ministry, bob it wont work she said, bob by then, thats hollie putting spanish ministry out, and the knight in, he wont take you bob, thats their national headquarter, and one wolr apostolic church with angel coming out of front of building like part of it, happy, hollie said, hollie showed lay down, she slept on her side, lay down a ne hollie said, but she got back up, he clapped his hands, hollie painted on sidewalk, laughed in heart, type in google does Jesus save from sin to destroy on salvation, bob thats child in high school laughing, Jesus showed lay down, lighten up, said, its Jesus, hollie said, wiped lips, but its him, another hollie said, hidden, he laughs, thats him wiping her lips, its Jesus with white bear paws, putting up, like blue, its scene, setting, hollie said, it, hides, and dulls, so you can see, God said, but not much, he wiped her lips, God said, put it under, hollie said, showed, time, its her light watch, hollie showed, its teenspot, bob go the last one hollie said, bob, its, 13, she said, was, not wanting, showed, let it be first, and, I, stamp, hollie said, showed, bob, go mow lawn at church, hollie mowed lawn, wearing, its white clothes, buts Gods hammer appeared like, its all white ghost being, and I stamp, hollie said, bob, hollie wrote on the, its sidewalks, looked at, its, type in google, the man Jesus entered into like a body bobs perfect size, thats hollie painting, does God save from sin to destroy in salvation, in google, hey hollie said, somebody painted over that one, thats beast pope appearing, I am God he said, get out of there, God said, hollie said, bob hollie showed, thats man calling, its from, seventh day adventist church, its them wanting bob to, its bring his church, in, bob, does, hollie said, hollie showed, eat something, hollie went to, its computer, white clothes, on, but changed into, Gods hammer, hollie said, bob, its, your church lawn, dont wait hollie, said, use, both of mowers, thats hollie pulling one and pushing one, its cuts quickly hollie, she wore hat while doing, looked, straight ahead, no she said, showed, shook head, but theres Gods hammer appearing, hey hollie said, hat appeared on his head, you know I'm kidding, hollie said, its him, he hollie, a she one said, hollie, moodie, theres hand agin, hollie said, shaking from side to side, its has feet, its, white, theres dome inside, its stunned looking moodie in, me, he said, thats woman, bob she calls, go and get, thats her wearing, its uh white hat, but hollie showed, hat, appeared on her head, she didnt go, its the stockholm, and its, cruise liner andrea doria, thats, its uh heavy fog, showed, hollie, hat on, but, she, dulled and turned blue, thats stockholm into, closer, and slamming into, its cruise ship, hollie said, andrea doria, and, thats andrea doria sinking, showed, thats the reason, stockholm rammed ship so hard that it almost went half way into, thats many people killed instantly, thats very big hole, hollie showed, the ship, could not have stayed floated but they could have saved, heres how, all would have taken is, its hollie showed, a, she looked at hole, sliding big piece of metal down and thats diver going down and attaching, then raising ship back up, bob it only would have taken, about, thats size of, its about thirty by thirty feet, its light piece of plastic, or metal, hollie said, would have weighed only, hollie weighed, one thousand pounds, its still possible, she said, thats them on inside repairing, after its placed in, thats hollie saluting, its on board the, r.m.s. titanic, thats, captain smith appearing and Jesus appeared himself, you knew she said, thats God telling, I saw, thats bruce ismay, telling thomas andrews, make uh cruise ship, luxury and size ismay said, andrews tells he will, thats r.m.s. titanic and r.m.s. olympic and h.m.h.s. britannic, all three the same God said, but thats all three still afloat if taken care of properly, its they waste them hollie said, not happy, thats many hollies busting ships, some, still good she said, thats stockholm that rammed andrea doria in 1956, its renamed now and still being used, hollie said, its cause, when they hit alaska hollie and God said, thats Father riding missile and hollie on another but another being with, two nuclear fires in alaska, and putin appearing, its cause i'm the g8 putin said, and turns into its beast, antichrist pope, and nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploded, but russia exploded to, and, world shook, and, pope appears riding black horse, hollie came out, showed, its time, showed, get ready to work, thats church filling she said, thats the end time prophetic ministry angel appearing and hollie, bob fix up links she said, thats her appearing, hat appears on but dulls, putting slogans on, at bottom of pages and angel appears out of, website, like round head, but only partial, not happy, like angel ghost head but white and round, hollie showed, turn, showed, bobby they wont come, hollie showed, its its, 1970 ford boss 302 mustang, spun rear tires, but turned into, its Gods round head hammer looking stunned, it smokes both bob, thats it laying quick patches, hollie showed turn, showed, bob mow lawn, showing, eat first, wiped lips, but its him she said, appearing, Jesus showed light watch, his hollie said, but wasnt seen, but appeared later, five o'clock, 8-8-2011-its gettin to late record, hollie said, yawned, showed lay down but clapped hands, got back up, lets put it under said two hollies but one just barely seen, but she reapeared, yawned and sucked thumb, christian dont hollie said, thats cecil, he dont hollie said, bob tells, i rented, they were young, brand new ministry of dreams, hollie showed, bob, its, icx, hollie said, bob link up, thats angelhead appearing but not expressing, it showed, dull, blank, hollie said, bob they will, do, carlos will give you, fourteen fifty, bob tell carlos you will put much in church, you have compassion on them, God said, it makes carlos, he was not caring, showed, put it there, in his pocket, but bobby you knew, God said, thats hollie fixing and painting basement, she makes it two tone, there, she said, hat on, bob it still leaks, hollie said, but, she painted, bob, dry out first, thats Gods new hammer appearing, hollie showed, walk a little, thats it, hollie said, your new alarm, hollie with plad coat on, paints, its on sidewalks, thats message, does Jesus save from sin to destroy in salvation, thats people looking at while walking, and stopping and reading, in google, appeared, thats people at high school, that mans, laughs, its uproarious, hollie said, bobby, post many visions, hollie said, you have all day, tomorrow, thats bob, hollie skipping, cause shes happy for a change, cause carlos gave money and that monies being spent but thats her doing basement detail, working on, chipping and painting floor, then mopping, bob you need to fix hollie said, he will, tells, carlos, and carlos says o.k., bob does, carlos just has buisness look, hes not to worried, used to paying way more, thats church with, its pastor carlos smith showed hollie, its got about forty people and grew but not for long, thats carlos turning the heat on and paying the rent but not to much money left he showed, but bob prayed and its God sending people, carlos just sits and bread does come, hollie said, i'm the raptor angel said, hollie flew, thats f-22, wavy, it handles well, she said, but they crash them, thats why, thats them parked in desert, but if war breaks out, thats one, hollie flew out, bob they use them later hollie said, but its for, thats them delivering missiles, but like round head hollie, flying, and, they get thru, missles dont intercept them, thats rockets going up but not finding, its electric skin hollie said, they, cant detect, thats nuclear fires in, its russia, but thats missiles leaving russia and fires in, its alaska, then, its all war breaking out babyfleas said, thats world exploding and face appearing on, world like bodies head, but has like blue guard on forehead, blue top, but its him and world appears behind, God said, thats hollie putting more, its for rent signs up, but got out ladder, put them up higher hollie said, church for rent, it appeared, yellow sign, red letters, thats pope in the fire drinking his drink, hollie came out, showed, flames are many colors, so hot, but, pope dressed like royal king, not even affected by, caregiver showed, its i'm he said, but mouth, hey hollie said, he showed, an, its unusual way, big open mouth, hollie showed, its old truck, bob buy she said, hollie showed, big white its, 1973 laguna s-3 model, its chevys last muscle car, hollie said, drove, it wouldnt spin tires but its pretty quick she said, but she didnt like much, showed, theres hand agin, showed, hollie said, its white but hollie in dome looking up, not seen all the way, its partial hollie said, bob hollie said, thats her looking at your face, getting pretty rough and God knew she said, he looks at himself, its easy, he said, bob, dont fast hollie said, thats her going inside but, hollie carved out sign, measured, when the marine corp. gets out in the streets, angel said, bob dont hollie said, thats rent to them, heres why, you need your church hollie said, she, said, jumpy hollie said, leaped, golden hands, leggs, hollie drove, its propeller, little airplane, she showed, with fingers, its propeller, heres how they work, hollie said, its propeller spinning, on, its airplane, he its, him in, hollie speaks with Jesus, how fast, that engine, it, appeared, turns thats, propeller around, 20,000 times per minute, thats how fast, i caint come off said, standing on the wall, its little platform attached to, he said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, started out golden face, but went white, angel appeared, but jumpys face went blank, took, angel to Gods interviewing table, angel was upset cause bob wouldnt record and angel kept trying, but God spoke comforting words to angel, showed, bob, went to record vision but vision changed, angel shook yes, thats people looting and, its economic collapse here, hollie said, bob recruit, hollie said, you see people, tell them about church, thats uh bag of pot, hollie said, thats hollie scooping up the marijuana, thats kid dropping, its at walmart, whew said hollie, rolled joint, thats cool he hollie, its like hollie showed, but getting high, its like butthead, boo hum, hollie said, its them appearing on hill, many, him hollie said, he hollies, one winked but went like martian hollie showed, hollie showed, turn, showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, golden face, bob, thats carlos smith and wife appearing, both, looking anxious, they have, an offer, hollie showed, offer on paper, its unacceptable, hollie said, but work with them, go, said, thats she hollie adjusting sign, but changing, its, for rent, bob they cant pay it hollie said, its for uh church carlos said, but they dont seem to understand hollie said, hollie showed lay down, but eyes open, she was on side, hollie salutes, its on board the, royal mail steamship olympic, that ship paid its dues, but hey hollie said, thats ship bending and face appears on, but not happy, thats r.m.s. olympic sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, showed with hat on, I got old, thats heavy seas causing to bend, hollie kept showing turn, 8-9-2011-come on, hollie said, God said, put it under, bob it wont, hollie said, its carlos smith, he wants, she said, for free, said, its pastor carlos, but, they want, thats them showing, its the loot, said, missess smith, put it under, its over for the smiths, true mercy is done saith the LOrd, theres church hollie said, God said, its, new world order apostolic church, now hear me, saith Jesus, I will fill the church, and its up to you to keep them, it will not be with carlos, you will pastor, but he will be there, and you will inherit his crowd, thats uh fool, God said, hollie said, Jesus spoke, its bob, she said, heres why, God would not let you stand, so you made a mockery of the Lord, and he was, consumed, by anger, but God will turn it from you, and the museum, sh, hollie said, now lets see, she looked in, they had a meeting, isnt he over qualified for this, hollie points, take out the hyphon, her and God said, hollie showed, eat, bob, go and come back, she said, hollie showed, these visions she showed are from, its 8-9-2011, stamped hollie, she said, stamped, and the beast rose, its, antichrist, pontey, hollie said, put it under, lets, she said, like an angel, hollie showed bob lets go eat, she said, showed, biting something, bob you cant, she said, live and know him, thats JEsus appearing looking mad, a he, him, a she one said, put it under, lets hollie, I cause my servants facial muscle to tighten when they use causing wrinkling and stretching and ruining of face and desease gums and cause body to heat up like a furnace at any time, and blur vision, i the LOrd, am trying to make people perish by manifold temptations starting day one, saith God,hollie said, God said, lets go, she said, looked at her, light watch, but, theirs Gods hammer, hollie said, its like uh ghost hollie, a she one said, lets put it under, hollie said, looked at her light watch, but changed into, uh cool looking him, but white clothes on, bob, eat something, hollie said, he will fix your face, thats God fixing bobs face, which you damage, hollie said, pointing at God, bob, thats your church, hollie, said, its building with angel coming out of its front, I'm the new world order apostolic church, angel said, pointing at self, like uh ghost angel, lets put it under, hollie said, its pastor carlos, hes, she said, looked back at God, their color was in hollie this time, he'll be back hollie said, God said, but wants cheap rent, bobby do if you can, hollie said, God said, hollie showed, bob lets eat something, she said, its linkedin ministry of dreams, hollie said, like uh angel man, sh angel said, i'm the linkedin, angel said, pointing at self, hey pointed happy hollie, its carlos, she said, hes, i'm back, his wife said, we want cheap rent God said, bob let them, they will collapse, anyway, God said, heres the sign, they have no money, but, much do, saith God, its the people, the Lord said, they wont tithe, and that is why, God said, its pastor carlos, i'm cut off he said, his wife shakes yes, God said, Jesus, said, hey, its their the same hollie said, when you baptize, God said, do it in my name, i'm Christ, thats my name, Jesus is my title, following, bob thats how you get your, its starting God said, its the linkedin people, coming to bobs church, and its uh cult now, God said, no, he said, showed, away, but Jesus shakes yes, lets put it under, hollie said, showed, bob cut if off, again, hollie said, i�m the Lord Jesus, whom they crucified, it is me, saith the Lord, and I am the Lord, but i will comes, its, thats Jesus coming, hollie said, high above the world, Jesus said, like uh happy God, and the world, it has eyes, God said, but, thats fires breaking out, God said, and many countries burned, thats, hey, its cool looking hollie and missiles, their leaping, hollie said, out of the water, its ocean, but its him, she said, surfacing in his, its akula class, thats what you want, needed, hollie said, lets put it under, she said, its world war three, hollie and God said, I the Lord wrinkle my childs face by causing his facial muscles to tighten when using, stretching and wrinkling and difiguring him and let him see me in visions laughing at him, bob its your calling hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, her light watch, she wore, white robe, bob, hollie said, coming out, dont, thats Jesus coming out of, its bob, thats, hollie, its casey, appearing, hollie said, lets put it under, thats the weebly, hollie said, the new ministry of dreams, website, like an angel man, its, weebly ministryofdreams, like angelman, hollie said, 8-7-8-9-10-2011-hollie showed, record, God said, bobby your church, hollie said, with angel coming out, it was sleepy, it will wake up, hollie said, did, lets see hollie said, she like waved the wand but not seen, its majical, she said, bob, thats spanish ministry, they cant afford ya, hollie said, they want but its, he showed, no money but they will try, just watch, thats it a she and he hollie said, at about six thirty phone rings, no, hollie said, another showed, away, but, then one just thought, shook, yes, then done, hollie showed, turn, its, icq hollie said, blue faced hollie appeared, its just her head, him, its she said, they say, its icx ministry of dreams, bob your links, hollie looked at man, doesnt know about it, they are on hollie said, you will see, find them hollie said, thats hollie showing go back to library, hollie, said, jumpy hollie said, clapped hands, white face, hollie bit the lid off, white hollie, lid not seen but it appeared, its like bluish lid in brown setting, bob you have an offer coming hollie said, its one hundred ten thousand cash, just watch, she said, jumpy hollie said, showed, get, busy, do something, bob, hollie said, its your face, thats God with hollie, who had tweezers, there, hollie just fixed, thats, hollie said, fifteen inch woofer locking prophet, showing, c'mon buy me woofer showed, that was hollie, this is the show she said, its new world order apostolic church haunted house, and its new world order apostolic church angel laughing like midevil character dressed, its in dark tuxedo, white shirt underneath, he leads tour, has, round head, thats hollie laughing like, its, werewolf, theres frankenstein, they all come out to greet, thats them grabbing people, hollie preaches like evil hollie, sounds pretty good, thats them characters filling seats at church, hollie closes haunted house up, and angel looks out, but goes back, and nose caught in door, hollie talked on phone, blew bubble, hollie screamed, again as looking around, bobby theres still nothing happening, hollie said, pay your power bill she said, thats, hollie at, its, indianapolis power and light, thank you she said, left, hollie showed, turn, showed, bobby get out, she said, hollie showed, turn, long bright light finger, hollie ate cautiosly, whats that, hollie said, its the enigma machine, thats them, its just like movie, stealing, from, its german submarine, but they become prisoners of it, put it under, that cost lives hollie said, but saved, its the war, hitler appears, and thats, its, the, m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship rocked by, its torpedoes, hollie showed, its post office man, laughing, but knowing in his heart, Lord I should have done it, thats him not delivering mail and its new world order apostolic church, angel coming out, not getting his mail and becomes agaitated hollie said, now let me see here, hollie said, moodie played his music but only looked but was happy, getting into it, bobby your fast hollie said, coming out, break it she said, she hollie said, one laughs, and that two said, but ghost like he hollie appeared, hollie paid her, its utility bill, boo the say, why the chant if for hollie said, its him wiping lips but hand not seen but another he hollie did, it was him doing but he showed, how, hidden, had like white hand it is like bear paw, hollie showed, turn, again, but not seen next time, but appeared, dimly, hollie showed, its, linkedin ministryofdreams, i'm growin angel said, its ministry of dreams, its the word, hollie said, smiled, but another, hollie came out, looked back, pointed, finger not straight at, but, kind of down, hollies teeth seen, its the, word, ministryofdreams over angel hollie said, showed, zip lip, but smiling he hollie appeared, thats the marine corp. out in the, its streets hollie said like angel marine but like its same angel that did the new world order apostolic church haunted house tour, let me angel said, appeared in tuxedo, showed, its church, haunted inside, it wont work, it was many hollies acting like, its ghouls, that was, Jesus being shot, prophet laughed, this one got me, good God said, looked at bob with content, hollie showed, sign, posted on telephone poll, telephone came alive, tear up, agin, hollie said, telephone poll showed, sign, thats Jesus inside, its pastor hollie, lets seal it up hollie said, but telephone poll looked out, its I am God, he said, but pope appeared, hollie showed, hes, not recording right but walked to Gods interviewing table, then Gods hammer like ghost hollie, appeared, God spoke to both, he does, they knew, hollie got happy, hollie showed, its sign, its by tremont she said, put it under, thats hollie showing sleep, hollie blew balloon, its like hollie showed, on, tear up, showed, work with, hollie put back, its, him, she said, showed, lay down, 8-11-2011-i the Lord persecute to make my sevants loose their salvation by manifold torments, for i the Lord disfigure their faces by causinb their facial muscles to tighten whe they move them causing wrinkling, desease their gums and bodies, caress their sex organs with my power which is electricity and make their bodies heat up like a furnace and blur their vision and make their walk like a limp by messing with their knees and terrify in visions by offending and insulting and threatening and scaring saith Jesus, all at once saith the Lord, they all died wounded, You need to go home, said this is Jesus hollie, but God ran thru like a paper poster with hollie one, it tore hollie said God, hollie took the signs, thats them in the church yard, and church angel appears, bob do hollie said, you wont get caught, put it under hollie said, put things on sign that let other know you have a place here, hollie laughs as she welcomes people coming in, lets do the haunted tour, hollie said, its, white round angel ghost head dressed in black tuxedo, hes tall and in pretty good shape, showed inside church, its new world order apostolic church and many he and she hollies like ghouls laughing and jumping up and down, and I summed hollie said, thats, scene closing, hollie showed, its, in google, a local pastor, thats JEsus inside bob and hollie with Jesus inside showing, its record, hollie got, its waste paper out of, its, trash cans, hollie showed, its weebly ministryofdreams, like, its angel ghost man, hollie showed, its hells bells, a golden bell rang, its, angus young, playing lead, hollie makes tithe offer, its on facebook and she stamped, but anxious angel appeared, showed, its im the facebook angel said, hollie pointed, turn, showed, bob get taperecorder, bob i'm warning you, hollie pointed, but showed, turn, but another came out looking suprised, hollies hand not seen but was there, like white bear paw, but its like white gloved hand, no fingers, a boxing glove, but hand in there, she said, thats jumpy hollie said, leaping, showed, sleep, but hollie came out that catches, o, she said, points, happy, jumpys face changing, lets git the phone, hollie said, its call coming, hollie waited, played with phone, no she was posting another, hollie said, new jumpy hollie shook, yes, but, old jumpy jumps, she said, umpy said, clap, let me hollie said, here, she showed, its church, coming in, then more, hollie greets, but dont spend to much time with, hollie, just let them think, bob starts service, thats them wanting something good, said, this is hollie, and get, stunned, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, marine corp. is out in the streets God and hollie said, thas angel marine, like, its hounted house tour guide, and, thats people running, its under economic collapse here, hollie said, barack makes announcement, but doesnt say right, hollie showed, bob keep busy, hollie screamed, showed, post, its on laptop cellphone t.v., but theres Gods new hammer appearing, like, haunted tour guide, white round angel face, pope hollie said, in fire, she came out, happy, flames soared higher, she said, pope drank drink, dressed like king, kingly garments, its, i'm caregiver said, pointy blue hat, stars, bob hollie said, showed, lay down, its, firefox, hollie said, flying fast, its like that, she, showed, its sr-71 blackbird flying, its over twenty-five hundred miles per hour, its fast, hollie said, and jumpy hollie closes scene up, showed, sleep, but eyes still open, its, dumitru duduman, hollie said, thats duduman dying and thats holy Ghost running into bob and people musing but bob is angry and dying and wanting success, he will have but limited hollie said, hollie showed, its pages on facebook and happy angel appears, hollie showed, its 1966 ford mustang, had big white hand, its convertible, she drove, like happy hollie, bobby we want you, circled its the geese hollie said, they were amber, one showed with fin, right back here tomorrow, glendale, its appeared, hollie said, 8-12-2011-bob, hollie said, not lets see, its thurday, hollie said, its haunted tour guide sticking head thru door but nose got caught it, its, stamps, hollie, the new world order apostolic church, tour, for, haunted house, bob thats man at, its victory tabernacle apostolic faith church looking at, offer and trembling but he doesnt take you up on but thats many doing, hollie said, put it under, she said, showed, her time, its light watch, and hollie stamps, keep doing she said, hollie got word from God, at some point, over two thousand per month, in tithes from other people, hollie stamps, but just looks, laughs, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, clapping hands, bobby, go home, right now, and call, hollie said, make offer, he, likes, thats him accepting, but showing, up, your church empty, but thats about fifty of his people showing, church full, thats church angel becoming happy, showing, holding, hugging church, itself, thats uh submarine, right, there, hollie said, showed, good, hollie showed, turn, eat, but hand disappeared, but, hollie that catches came out, happy, points, looks back, but down, not at, but did, and, thats woman sending check then a line of people appeared, bobby, its you wont be happy, hollie said, many come, and, send money, pope in the fire, thats it, hollie said, dressed royalty, hollie showed, nice garments, thats like, scarf like furry thing, goes around, kneck, has blue and white, with, like, black spot like things, but, designed, its, like, star like but not quite, he, drank drink, its i'm caregiver said, pulling head out of shape, opening, mouth, hollie that catches notices nice teeth, but not at bob but did, tear up, hollie said, showed, its facebook, ministryofdreams like not so happy angel man, hes just light, but not bright, you see hollie said, hat was on but disappeared, hollie showed, its live gospel, minister ellis, hollie looked at numbers, 9854410267 saith the Lord, this is warning, hollie said, showed, sleep, hollie showed, its subaru outbook, hollie srove, spun all four tires, they were good she said, but, hollie shook head, spoke with God, hey pointed, hollie that catches, she changed into him, showed, its, engine with cylinders opposed, its not wise, God, thinks, heres why, its top rings get good oiling, hollie replaced, its timing belts, on, subaru, you do that yourself, she said, I seal closed it up, hollie came out, theres hand agin, shaking with, with its moodie in dome, but looking up, its happy Jesus came, and world below, thats, hey hollie said, country exploding, then, fires broke out, i'm the world, planet said, hollie showed, its bob write the post office, she said, wiped lips, hollie showed, lay down, showed, bob go, to, conference, thats her, walking in, plad coat on, o, she said, showed, its, scott stereo receiver, its best hollie said, bob you are going to get people to come into you church and they will want to not be there but after you get about forty people saith the Lord, in, your church, thats new world order, angel, acting like sleeping, protecting and hiding church, but opened it up, got excited, your church will, thats somebody looking, thru, its sattelite, hollie saw, its, detective, but they wont mess with, thats people all over the world sending into your bosom and you see, tax exemptions, you have it made God said, and soon, janette will be with, 8-13-2011-bob, hollie said, dont do, she said, he wants, its, loot, said, his wife, tell him, just wait, hollie and God said, put it under, they said, Jesus showed his light watch, hollie showed, its missy baker 12 at yahoo dot com, you need to record, hollie said, and I stamp, she said, up rose, its beast, and his carriage, thats, its new world order kings in, hollie sees, its hu hintao on red side, hes enjoying his ride, theres, its, pope on dark side, its pulled by angry horses, lets rule the world putin, said, you see he plans, hollie, its these three, hollie, said, its pope, medvedev, and, putin, its, hollie sums its up, three kings that shall rise, and they have she said, bob, i am now exposed God says, at torturing and ruining, its my child and laughing in visions at his terror, thats bobs face ripping cause I the Lord tighten his muscles causing ruin and deseasing gums, thats my power, electricity caressing and teasing bobs penus, and bob suffering, thats Jesus speaking to people, stay away God said, its from his church and books, thats visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, with, its death angel, his head like angel head on front, thats God and children seeing and laughing at, its Jesus, for doing, thats them children on your facebook watching video and people stunned, God tortured and its eric himelick watching video himself and laughing but knowing God fucked with said his daughter, and bob trapped the Lord, both now after each other, thats pope like ghost man with ram horns and them three kings coming out, its the three kings plus hu hintao out of other, thats goat charging smiting ram with putins face and stomping, thats, nuclear rocket and many fires in, its russia and china, thats pope hollie showed, sitting at table with hu hintao, and its empy, hollie said, emperor of japan coming out of, its two horned red beast, thats hollie like horned red beast, thats 666 being signed for, it appeared, take it, hollie said, thats people being tattood on, its forehead, thats popes, face tattood in finger, hollie showed, its apostolic church, big angel appeared like round head, hes front part of church but thats people starting to come, bob go to walmart, hollie said, some are there, she said, just walk around, hollie walked around, its walmart, she raised hand then slammed down, hollie that catches came out, looked back, then at bob, but somewhat, hollies body not seen but appeared, she was eating, its i'm she said, hollie that catches came back out, there was white in hollies mouth, be a watchman on the wall God said, hollie was on wall but got off, you see hollie said, bought more markers, they were black, thats her making, its tracts, hollie appeared, take that she said, its mark brown, hes dressed good, dreads bob but its that hollie said, they want you to come, its conference, but theres Gods hammer appearing, dressed very well like its round head angel, tear up hammer said, showed, nothing but light hands, bob said, hollie, she had the money, its, some but it grew, hollie showed, go, hollie showed, its fan with no blades but she watched it, it moved back and forth, it turned, she said, but, hollie looked man, she said, not blades, it does it electrically hollie said, heres, how, thats electricity going into, its round thing, and, turning into air, hollie showed, sleep, bob it hurt you to do that but I switched your name, thats, new world order apostolic church angel appearing, and then coming out of, its front of building, i'm peoples christian church angel said, laughs, thats the new name, heres why hollie said, she showed, its money, you have, hollie dressed in white, looked, back at God, almost uh million coming in she said, you'll find uh way, hollie said, showed, get out laptop, thats him, playing on, its laptop computer, cyborg, hollie said, its arnold coming out like terminator, part man part machine, its your old and dying, but thats first terminator project and arnold not worried about nothing, now hes, not happy, put it under, hollie said, watch were you put your money out, hollie showed, turn, pope in the fire, thats it, hollie said, amber colored hand, pope drank his drink, dressed gorgeously, she said, like king, kingly garments, hollie showed, the garments, they were for king, now its i'm caregiver said, opening mouth, real wide, pointy, its dull, hollie said, blue hat on, hollie showed, turn, showed, its phone, angel appearing on, keep me charged angel, said, dont ever let me go down past half way, today you did hollie said, but it dont matter, thats your last notch, that go that far, thats, hollie, said, angel coming out of van, showing, thumbs up, change oil, angel said, wiped lips, hollie that catches came out, boom, its, hollie said, its they, she said, him, many he hollies, their on hill, one winks, hollie showed, lay down, but was not happy about, clapped hands, got back up, its hollie showed, its, vision kingdom ministries, thumbs down, hollie showed, its indianapolis indians game, bob do, thats signs posted up, hollie showed, sleep, 8-14-2011-its pope in the fire, hollie came out, as, flames soared, i'm caregiver said, blue pointy hat on, opening mouth wide, hollie, came out, showed, its new world order stagecoach, with, thats hintao on red side, pope on, its dark hollie said, pulled by angred horse, putin appears on top, lets rule the world he said, reins in hands, he controls, horses, angry, hollie showed, its, russia exploding and unhappy russian angel, its like white bear, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o countries on fire, and its, serpent, dragon rising up, its i'm the beast, putin, said, the g8 with seven heads and ten horns, thats serpent growing and its pope coming out, its, i'm the antichrist, pope said, hollie showed, missiles, striking nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, but thats, happy, its, mexican president, hollie points, whew she said, white in mouth, signs deal with me, medvedev said, theres nicaraguan president and cuban president signing, but thats missiles striking all three countries, exploded, but thats, its, akula class stomps, hollie, bob theres your tapes, you will find, three, in, package, but you wont need she said, thats digital voice tape recorder, bob use hollie said, theres, venezuela and brazil burning, hollie flys, its pf-52 mustang fighter military jet and, africa exploded, theres hey hollie said, thats, its, moscow with many fires, in and around, whew hollie said, ones massive, thats beast pope on his black horse, riding, hollie wipes forhead, its, i'm the g8, putin, said, thats horse stopping in russia, and, thats medvedev and pope signing uh deal, thats pope sitting on his throne, its, i am God, he said, but people laugh, thats smoke rising, blocking sun and moon, its i'm moon said, but sun appears, both at Gods interviewing table, sun excited, bobby, she, does, theres your tithes check hollie said, when she, calls, just be, nice, tell her, that things will change, hollie stopped talking there, pope in the fire, thats, it, hollie said, drinking drink, she joined, they were like in glow, flames, all around, red hot, i'm its caregiver said, hollie showed, turn, golden hands, but, your going the wrong way, hollie said, showed, sleep at church, she said, sleep, said, jumpy hollie, white face, appeared again, clapped, hollie sang and danced, its like eddie money, spun around, danced, hollie danced like, eddie van halen, they both did she said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, lay down, clapped hands, but hollie that catches came out, pointing, yellow hand, what was hollie still doing up, and angel comes out of, its taperecorder, hollie, showed, lay down, clapped hands, white face, showed, bobby its tape, angel coming out of tape, i'm good, tape angel said, thats cassette tape, it wont last forever, thats hollie going to, its walmart, just buy new, thats her looking for, its package, of three, found, she said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, hollie said, but didnt, hollie showed, its uh cellphone, and its new he hollie on, but like thing he hollie like beaky like mouth, but it short, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, thats hollie doing things on internet, using her, its a laptop t.v. stamps, hollie, showed, cellphone, but still, thats her pocketing no money, 8-15-2011-bob, hollie, showed, quit, she said, its, her, your friend, it made her, want, it your loot, hollie and gigi said, put it under, hollie showed, be quiet, bobby God said, Jesus appeared, wiped lips, hollie said, had, she, showed, go easy, its, tonight, he wont invite ya back, thats you, preaching there tonight, hollie said, call him, hollie showed, its angel, bob thats pastor stone letting you speak tonight, tell, its about cacoons, they, will love, you, and, pastor stone, will set something up tonight, he was ecstatic, hollie said, about your offer, hollie stamps, showed, its seventh day adventist group, bob your finally going to cash in, thats first saturday night and only, its a handfull showing up, hollie said, but it builds, God said, put it under, hollie said, showed, be still and know that God is good, hollie whistled, showed, bob, get on, its laptop computer, its him appearing, thats hollie painting on, building, s.d.a. gathering, saturday at seven, putting pastor its, bob hickman, stamps, hollie, but, theres Gods new hollie appearing, like, its beaks face, showed, its both beasts, theres with the, pope and hu hollie said, i'm the g8 putin said, appearing, do you want that, hollie said, its, the, hegoat appearing like two horned beast, its pope, hollie laughs coming out, thats kings coming out, theres hu hintao out of, its one, stamps, hollie, beak hollie appears, white, and, thats putin, pope, medvedev, out of other med with his flower, and thats hegoat charging to smite ram, hey pointed hollie, hey pointed, hollie, hegoat had somewhat golden face, thats stomping but changed, thats nuclear missiles, and its explosions, in, both lands, then theres, pope, sitting at, its table, stamps, hollie and theres, hintao and emperor of japan coming out of, its two horned red beast, hollie like beast, comere, she said, she watched, and hu pope said, they walked, threatened, thats both laughing, then going to own lands, thats 666 created and, take it, pope said, thats his face tattood on finger, its i am God popes image, said, 666 on forehead, hollie sealed it up, thats her, painting, hollie screamin for this reason, shut up, its pastor stone-lambert gates man said, they are alike, watch him God said, theres tank agin, hollie said, but same hollie drove, had googles on, she manuvers, its she showed, world war two army tank, still good she said, thats many being dropped off in the sea, dumped off ships, its uh waste hollie said, thats, hollie said, church angel, coming out of, its building, she stamps, but changed into beak face hollie, raised hand, building spins, leave building alone, angel said, thats hollie painting another color but leaves it white, hollie drove, its ss camaro, she, smoked back tire, hollie showed, its wizard, she clapped, wizard one o one, bob, went its, chat, hollie said, 8-16-2011-bob, hollie said, showed, her light watch, put hand on arm, God said, you wasted time, she said, now church is filling, dont invite him over, its smoothie, its hes uh witch, put it under, thats otis showing cut off, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, its bob, thats line in face, its gain more weight, hollie showed, lay down, clapped hand, wasnt very happy, its channel six news, call for help, they, hollie showed, its confusion, what do we do reporter said, bob will slam, thats postal delivery man, I did it he said, heres why, bobby hollie said, he knew you were there but didnt want to step out and deliver mail, out of, it was, he wanted to stop to verify, but knew to keep, now he knows, he showed, cut off and they want him to, its quit hollie said, put it under, hollie said, thats hollie showing mail, you will get all she said, bob you are starting to die, thats why your desire is fading and I the Lord caused you to harm, by persecuting you day and night, torturing and marring and maiming you, now I will not be able to cause you to backslide but watch you prosper, thats you bring me down, the rest of your life cause what I did to you and me having to close this world down cause of you, hollie comes out, JEsus appeared, God is now known to lie and torture whomever he saves, its I betray saith the Lord, you see that saith the LOrd, bob laying down nude dying cause I hated and betrayed and stripped him of most material wealth, thats bob not being able to bare any more harm and fasting again with no end date cause, its I tortured saith God, to drive him out, cause him to hate me by disfiguring and harming day and night, laughing in visions at your suffering cause I the Lord hate and betray my people to mock them, now I'm abased in the sight of all people cause bob told multitudes, thats bob on facebook, informing all that there is no heaven or hell and I betray, thats Jesus now exposed as a liar saith God, bob, i'm going to be at your funeral and know I the Lord tried to make you backslide and your body couldnt take it no more, I will weep cause you were uh looser and i hated you so much I tried to cut you off but you fought me by avenging and telling multitudes, thats many people coming and knowing they cant be saved but you told there was no heaven or hell, you see I cant let you live so I tried to, make you openly mocked by causing you to backslide and you found away to stop me saith the Lord, 8-17-2011-hollie showed her lightwatch, God said, its, she said, showed, wore, its white garments, dressed nice, go to church, hollie said, there will be people there, they said, put it under, hollie said, its, church angel, starting to wake, hollie said, hollie showed, its, s.d.a., angel appeared, but not, its, into it, hollie said, put it under, bob your not s.d.a., that woman from, its, australia stamps, hollie, and australia appears, spins, but, has nuclear explosions in and that missiles leaving, its aussie hollie said, thats nuclear fires, man watch those things, hollie said, thats russia exploding, but missiles left there, and bear with 3 ribs comes running out, arise, lets destroy that, God said, yep, hollie said, and thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries on fire but thats russia, exploding and smoke rises, thats, sun and moon, its i'm happy sun said, but moon doesnt have face, but, its one appeared, hollie said, theres both at, its Gods interviewing table, and, its, i'm sun said, and, moon, face somewhat appeared, hollie mowed, its church lawn, wearing, its white clothes, bob its, ministry of dreams, thats, hollie said, angel appeared, thats woman, going on, i'm stunned, she said, bob she comes to your church and brings many in, be good to her, thats her at, its pulpit, let her, God said, and I stamp, hollie said, but its no action, but, beast pope rose, hollie said, its, I am gog, he said, hollie points, his head shaped like little horn, you are bob needing to build uh congregation of oness God said, theres many s.d.a. people showing up and wondering, its, and hating woman said, but, thats them having fun, stay, put it under, hollie said, go to morning and night, and make millions, its s.d.a. stamps, hollie, but, they wont bother, hollie said, thats clyde best himself coming over, no hollie said, showed, i'm thru, away with it, hollie that catches came, its, she said, hollie wore, its burgundy she said, but theres Gods hammer appearing like, its dull she said, white round head, same sweatshirt on, no, hollie said, showed, thru again, but shook yes, but hollie that catches came out, some what happying, pointing, but not looking all the way at bob, burgundy sweatshirt, on, hollies hand showed, away but she shook yes, but hair went golden, he we, said, two hollies said, one new jumpy hollie but had white face, leaping, clapping, thats nuclear fires, hollie points, its syria, egypt, and jordan, thats netanyahu with, its nuclear controls and thats chinese army, nuclear fire in russia like angel tear drop, and, them forcing, thats russian angel screaming, its i'm he said, like thing angel, thats beast and his armies and false prophet hu and his armies in israel, thats false prophet slashing beast pope, and, its, nuclear explosion in israel, hollie watches, missile came from, its the land of russia, and russian angel hammer thing, appears, like thing round head angel, burgundy sweatshirt on, thats Christ on mountain, angel just expression less, turn, hollie showed, like bear hand, body dim but disappearing, showed keep going straight, big golden hand, what hollie said, screamed, showed bobby eat something, its boo we hum, he and she hollie said, there on, uh hill, hollie said, many he hollies, one winked, hollie explains, hollie clapped showed, lay down, but she was still up, pope in the fire hollie showed, theres hand agin showing, you did not need, him, theres hollie moodie in dome looking thru top corner of his eyes, hand shook, but hollie came out, its o, she, said, looked stunned, she said, be cautios jumpy hollie showed, the mail hollie, showed, went into post office, stamped, hollie, but, they, looked at, did, hollie showed, turn, tear up, she said, but, its, him, she said, doing, showed, its pope, hollie said, another came out, she saw, 8-17-18-2011-hollie showed post, its on his laptop cellphone t.v., hollie looked at his light watch, reappeared, its burgundy hollie said, but theres Gods hammer appearing, its like happy light round head, hollie said burgundy sweatshirt on, where were you ssid Jesus out od whirlwind, its light uh she hollie said, he showed his light watch, its four uh she hollie said, put it under, she showed lay down, hollie showed her, its light watch, bobby she said, wore, its uh white robe, but Gods hammer, appeared, its round, she said, like round head, same robe, but went from happy to not, thats Jesus appearing, getting angry, bob, you and i, are now at war, and you won, but your face, is now, not, fixable, but you will damage me, its beyond repair, so I will fix, saith God, when you go home, hollie said, its, lay down, she showed, but eyes still open, bob hollie showed, no way, she said, put back, but hollie that catches came out, two hollies but they were same, she pointed, but not straight at, bobby its book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, dont look at it, she said, its, selling like crazy, she said, like wild fire, thats hundreds and hundreds of sells, you found uh way, hollie said, theres one million book sells, hollie, has money, bob their buying hollie said, keep promoting, theres checks showing up, its all three locations, hollie said, she made, its lots of money, bob that man trembles now, he will call you, its about five thirty and you do go and get hollie and God said, theres many people hitting your websites, and, they are discovering, finding out, hollie said, showed, its, new, ministry of dreams website, its facebook angel hollie said, bobby dont hollie said, you now got so many pages on, its facebook stamped hollie, angel rises up, and thats sixteen hundred seventeen friends, they are coming bob, even tho you dont promote, its you lost uh bunch hollie said, just sell book, hollie said, it now sells, and same angel appears, i'm the death angel, its, ministryofdreams, hollie said, thats who angel ministry of dreams is, hes death hollie said, like angel ghost face, its he hollie clapping, only part of the way, hollie said, she tickled his feet and hegoat grunts, thats missiles flying and kings coming out of horns, theres hintao out of one, its worship pope hintao said and pope and medvedev and putin, out of, its, stamps hollie, thats hintao watching missiles fly and explode, I will cause great wonders hintao said, and signs, thats 666 being signed for, its at table, theres nuclear fires, its both lands, and hegoat pope with them four kings, ram has putins face and same kings out of horns, hegoat stomps ram and hollie watches nuclear war, between, its, russia and china, stamps, hollie, and I stamp, she said, o, another said coming out, stunned, hollie was fading, but was there, bob, she said, clapped hands, thats all three kings sitting, its at long table, they sign peace treaty, its 666, thats popes, face tattood on finger, 666 on forehead, lets take it pope said, theres, hintao, no way, its magog he said, we wont, thats them departing, thats nuclear fires, its egypt, syria, jordan, and, thats netanyahu with nuclear controls, thats, nuclear fire in, its russia, and, thats chinese forces invading russia, and its, forcing russia to invade israel, hollie watches, its like cloud of people, theres hintao and his armies slashing pope, and his armies there, thats nuclear missiles with putins face exploding in israel, Christ standing on mountain, that split in twain, lets rapture, he said, theres two woes, hollie said, its during the day of the Lord hollie said, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, and all firing rockets, thats russia exploding, its nuclear sub warfare, and world shaking, theres africa exploding in middle, and hollie flys, its japanese zero, military fighter jet, she showed, like, its woman on titanic picture, showing her plane, thats Jesus telling bear, lets arise and destroy, devour that he said, bear shakes yes, thats smoke blocking sun and moon, and submarines, from high above, appear, way down, around america, both coasts exploded, hollie watches, and angry obama presses nuclear button, thats russia moscow with many fires, hollie coughs, its during the day of the LOrd, one woe is, she said, thats sun and moon appearing, its i'm sun said, and moon has no face but, started appearing, then did, but smoke blocked, moon coughs but only acted, hollie coughed for moon, both appear, its at Gods interviewing table, its i'm sun said, but hey, hollie points, that catches, thats hollie sun happy, he wants to call said showed, hollie, I can work with you he said, I want to lease out your building, its for, stamps, hollie, church spins, new world order apostolic church, they will make it legal and buisness entity in seventh day adventist, for, hollie showed, she said, sh be quiet, two thousand per month, thats pope in the fire, blue like kingly garments, hollie showed, hes not harmed, thats him laughing, its i'm caregiver said, hollie showed, its white angelic pope drinking drink, theres hand showing, you did not need him, its white with dome in, moodie looking up at corner of eyes and thats his ship, i'm the m.v., hollie said, wilhelm gustloff, ship, with angel on board, being rocked by torpedoes, its my fault, ruin, hitler, said, theres ship on bottom of sea, angel came out, waiting for visitor, hollie visits, its akula class, stomps another, hollie, but hollie that, catches came out, her face seemed to not be all the way there, hollies submarine fires, thats, its uh network, same hollie, said, came out, hollie thats catches, came out, her teeth, many countries on fire, its uh happy tree, take care of tree said, showed, its picture, beast, pope, hollie said, thats him riding black horse, stops in russia, its a screeching halt, hollie said, bobby hit speedway indiana showed, hollie, its speedway appearing, thats uh speaker, hollie said, its, uh, audiocoustics 3100d licking prophet, face on, showed, its both beasts, theres hu hintao and pope, i'm the speaker, hollie showed, its hannah montana, hollie clapped, showed, lay down, its, brand new she said, white face, clapped again, but hands golden, hollie came out, caught, her, let me record, hollie said, hollie sucked thumb, get the phone, hollie said, angel pointed, and it rang, bob its post office, they are affeared, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, 8-19-2011-no, hollie said, God said, she held up her sign, bob God said, thats, its, hollie said, hannah montana appearing, God is, now, abased, hollie said, in front of, thats, laughing children, hey hollie said, ones, its millionaire star, hollie said, God persecutes bob horrible and bob tells on God, and people, laugh at the Lord, hollie said, and I stamp, she said, thats, its, stagecoach carriage coming out, hollie claps, theres pope in dark side and its pulled by, its, angred hollie said, black and red, horses, hintao on red side, lets rule the world putin said on top with reins in hands, hollie comes out and points, that she said, showed, sleep, it, she said, hollie was happy, showed, its, no way, she said, hollie showed, turn, both ways, but was white hollie last time, thats hollie mowing, its church lawn, white clothes on, its, him, she said, their on uh hill, boo they chanted, hollie showed, many he hollies, one winks, theres hands agin, showing, you did not need him, its, hollie showed, its, white hand, dome in, and moodie in, looking up, doing crazy things, theres ship, i'm the m.v., its wilhelm gustloff ship and angel, angel showed, thats ship rocked by torpedoes, hitler on deck, waits on bottom like unhappy ship, angel head, coming out, hollie visits in her, its akula class another, hollie said, but laughs, coming out, not seen at first, hollie showed, turn, thats hollie laughing, as person reads, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, woman shuts book up, deathangel on, like, its busk, angelic busk, white, bob, hollie said, he will fix your face, she said, thats Jesus filling in the gap, hollie said, hollie showed, its sh, she looked around, your seventh day adventist now, dont tell in there, hollie said, disappeared, but started reappearing like uh cat, and he saw, casey, said, great britain exploding, but, like, dark outlined hollie appeared, and, its, nuclear rocket, its two leaving britain, theres captain, hollie, its akula class, she, said, stomping, all alike, in, british submarines but one differing, firing, russia exploded, but missiles left there, they, strike, hollie said, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, but hollie showed, man, thats all firing back, russia exploded, there, pointed, hollie, its little round head hollie, land based and submarines, hollie watches missiles fly, man she said, wiping forehead, russia exploded, and unhappy like dot head russian angel comes up, he was white, hollie said, God said, got happy, its pope in the fire hollie said, drinking his drink, its blue she said, hes got like blue kingly garments on, theres designs, light cup, coffee, in, its i'm caregiver said, pointy blue hat but not straight pointy, kind of, theres sagging, hollie said, clapped hands, thats, its showed, hollie, new world order apostolic church licking prophet, angel coming out of front, hollie showed, bob, its, white river, stand by, she said, thats holllie holding up her sign, telling about, thats hollie with Jesus inside, showing eat, hollie showed, its disney channel, and its sad mickey mouse, stamps, hollie, thats hollie rubbing her face, its them she said, they dont want you, do you blame them, hollie said, but she was, God said, disappearing, nope, bob said, but I love them, I'll stay out side then, but still go to, and I stamp, hollie said, its grace apostolic church, in indianapolis, God said, Its I planted you there, Jesus said, why did you buy uh church, bob appears, wearing, its uh burgundy sweatshirt, why not, God said, its looting Jesus said, theres, hollie points, people running, one like angelman happy, its under economic collapse, hollie said, thats church building, pointed, hollie, its new world order apostolic church, with, uninterested angel coming out, bob, angel said, showed, you dont care, you just wants millions coming in, and it will Jesus said, but bob wants church empty, he wants to be there by himself, God said, why Jesus said, you bought just to have to have, now open your letters, and take out the money, thats bob sending back, God said, theres something awrong, its, hollie said, angel saying, thats, hollie moodie playing his music, and bob appearing, wearing red sweatshirt, he was happy, knew, theres the answer, God said, thats Jesus pointed hollie, leaving, now bob is, hollie stamps, yellow church appears, its, God said, seventh day adventist, bob, Jesus said, wiped his chin, thats most on this site looking, God said, she danced, brother, hollie said, dont, showed, its sign, its on back window, windshield wiper holds on, angel comes out, happy, its, i'm he said, hollie watches, and people walk by, and hollie had plad coat on, they read and check and thats them telling, bob your, now bringing down, thats exposing God said, and its becoming, its agitated hollie said, thats Jesus, pointed happy hollie, God wiped his face, i like him, God said, bob, its, your amused, God said, bob thought, watching, its on the word network, stamps, hollie, and t.v. appears, it has face on it, like angelic, i'm the word network, t.v. said, and theres bishop ellis, having fun, God said, and people running and dancing, bob, you loved it, Jesus said, you were, not believeing, thats church, thought happy bob, thats Jesus again, wiping face, hes turned to the side, God said, I wanted, Jesus said, pentecostal assemblies of the world, to, be, for black, its, g.t. haywood, knew it, God said, but, theres white, its, they trickle in, hollie said, theres bob, and its, christine, its, they should marry, hollie said, you would, a serious looking hollie said, but, she is, same size and, wants, taller, put it under, watch what you ask for pointed JEsus, he was turning, God said, theres the Father, hes like white angel, laughing, its, hollie comes out, God dressed in, its royal, stamps, hollie, and yellow church appears, I'm p.a.w., church said, but changed white, go, thats church leaving, bob, hollie showed her light watch, she said, its time, you have to stop, go, thats hollie leaving, 8-20-2011-hollie showed, its book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, with, its death angel on, his kneck and head like white angel man, he hollie clapps, happy, its new world order carriage with, its the pope and hu, their angred hollie said, black and red horses, putin, on top, lets go he said, straps in hands, thats it moving, its MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen hintao said, and, exploded and turned into angel, its wickedness, showed, like blue angel, ghost man, thing, thats hollie stamping, and its angel appearing like ghost man, showing, its, capitol cith seventh day adventist church, hollie said, thats bob going, burgundy sweatshirt on, its revolving door, hollie went in, but back out, thats hollie said, book, and nuclear explosion coming out, its nuclear war, she said, man their high she said, looking up, its old world way two fighter jets and flying all, many countries exploded, new york, its under attack it, hollie said, thats nuclear explosion and its statue of liberty behind, i'm the woman she said, with sword in hand, but she, collapsed, and thats missiles leaving america, and its, russia exploding and world shaking, thats, its nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, all firing, hollie, man she said wiping forehead like brown hollie, all, thats submarines and land based missiles leaving, thats all countries exploding though, thats russia, massive destruction on, fire, and world shakes, thats smoke blocking sun and moon, its i'm happy sun said, moon, no face but face appeared, not happy, but went in hiding again, but, bob your church is now collapsing p.a.w. and seventh day adventist churches are falling, thats bobs, new world order apostolic church, angel in front coming out, its part of building like white angel showed, hollie, had, a hatchett in his hand, i'm the battle ax, church said, thats, its, points, hollie, churches sinking, God spoke, hollie said, like white churches, git the phone hollie said, white clothes on, its her doing spamming and angel cop, police calls, she said, but bob you dont answer, cop said, bob I betrayed you and now, thats bob taking money, over one thousand per day, even in winter, for church, holding up his sign and angel comes out of sign, quit it angel said, yelled, hollie showed, turn, like white hollie, same, hollie but more normal, showed, eat, she got refreshment, hollie showed, turn, showed, eat pizza, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, lay down, clapped hands, hollie showed, its pastor robert hickman, remove, she said, put it like that, she said, two words, theres tank agin, hollie drove, but, she fired, its uh network, another, hollie said, you see, bob you dont hollie said, she held up sign, plad coat on, its on keystone, but hollie stamps, glendale and angel appears, like, thing angel face, 8-21-2011-no, hollie said, held up her, its hands, burgundy sweatshirt on, no, she said, showed, away, but, shook, yes, i'm the m.v., its his ship, fleas said, the m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship, like angel and ship, hollie showed, its her light watch, its time she said, tapped on, glass, thats people, its in nations all around the world, hollie said, seen, its perplexed, angelman thing said, as he ran with the looters, its in the u.s.a. stamped, hollie, many God said, hey hollie said, whats bob doing looting, hollie with Jesus inside showing record, thats, God rubbing his face and happy angelic Father like ANGEL MAN LAUGHING, BUT WHITE MAN, HOLLIE SHOWED, HES DRESSED NICE, BOB THATS YOUR SIGN, HOLLIE HELD UP, TODAY, SHE THOUGHT, OVER TWO HUNDRED READ, thats many hits, on, its internet, google and angel face appears, hollie comes out, happy, its white she said but face white to, black, hollie showed, her, its, time, she said, thats her on phone, white clothes, on, hey pointed, another, hollie, had like, whiskers, monkey lips, hey hollie said, whats going on, and like whiskered, its, hotmail ministry of dreams, angel appearing, like whiskered angelman, put it under, hollie said, and I stamp, hollie said, thats, its new world order carriage, with, its the pope and hu, its red and black, its pulled, these are angred hollie said, black and red horses, red horse showed, its hu hintao, i'm the rider, horse said, thats, red missile striking, its taiwan burned, but hollie appeared on, burned, and thats man, its, many captain hollies and its, three ohio class subs, thats, its them showering, thats china, with massive fire, and many smaller, thats angry barack obama, its justified he said, hollie showed, its church as front of building, but awakens quickly, bob, hollie wipes lips, some, she said, hollie drove that o tank agin, its, she showed, america legion wayne post 64, thats Jesus out of, its light whirlwind, claps hollie, bear hands, another notices, but body was disappeared, but was there, it was, hard to see, like, being blocked, hollie slapt, hollie showed, its her looking at letter, then many, but bobby its almost, hollie wiped forhead, one thousand per month, its letters, they all have, hollie took money out, hollie clapped, showed, lay down, thats moodie playing his music, its the moodie mobile, he drove, its, showed hollie, uh brand new car, hey another, said, thats face appearing on, its like, it was hollie said, angelman, its angelcar, hollie showed, turn, its highway 70, sign appeared, its massive hollie said, nuclear explosion, and hollie appeared, another, like, a, different one came out, shes different, missiles flying, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, hollie said, bob hollie said, its him looking at his lightwatch, thats twitter ministry of dreams angel with red nose, 8-22-2011-hollie showed, its, she said, her light watch, but it was alive, had face, but was like sleeping, bob thats church, you wont need for it to be full, hollie said, its, not much, but, theres the money, hollie gave bob the money, put it under, hollie said, but another comes out, stunned, God said, only hollies hands, seen, but where white, and rest there, but normal colors, Jesus showed his light watch, hollie showed, its hotmail ministryofdreams like, its angel man but stunned, hey hollie said, its the Father, bobby you didnt loose any, thats you, its finding stamps, hollie, hey another said, coming out, hollies face somewhat hard to see but appeared but was different, its boo who hollie said, he hollie appears, their on a hill, but theres Gods hammer hollie said, hes content, looking, but white Ghost like man, just looking then moved head uh bit, but changed, then back, hollie comes out, he had hair but thinning, thats its angel, showing, its bobs church, like beautiful edifice, hollie said, you didnt hollie showed, same angel appeared, its ministry of dreams hotmail angel, showed, theres your visions, hollie thought, but what happended to old church, thats it burned down, just see, bobby that, man is out of there, hollie said, its paul, he wont stay when he sees people around laughing and happy, dont tell him, hes coming, hollie and God said, thats, hollie mowing lawn, white dress, on, but, theres design in, another, hollie shows, catches but smiles, she had nice hair, thats hollie with nice hair, showing, her hair God said, bobby hollie with nice hair said, showed, its the beast, and missile flew, I shall show signs and wonders hu hintao said, there is something else I want to tell you hollie said, thats bob and janette in church, its in basement stamps, hollie, and, church angel appears like blue round head somewhat man, but not quite hollie showed, theres hand, hollie appeared, first, its moodie, but, then in dome in hand, wait, hollie said, thats, face appearing on hand but changed into hollie moodie hand, now you shall see my power God said, thats bob shaking hand, its with gay, they knew looking at, but they, wanted, she said hollie said, another, hollie screams, why bob what for, screamed again, thats, its your pastor friend, he doesnt do but wishes, hollie showed, its my thoughts, thats ministry of dreams angel like, its light angel, i'm my thoughts, he, pointed at self, hollie showed, its, old national bank, refinance for, its on two ninety nine, stamps, hollie, thats church spinning, o its I'm new world order, church said, its apostolic church, hollie said, church happy, hollie showed turn, showed, bob play on phone, he we said, jumpy hollie said, clapping, but a hidden she, hollie helped, stuck hand out, three hundred angel said, hollie showed, post, its twitter ministryofdreams angel man appearing like, angelic face, red nose, hey pointed, another, hollie, its hollie acting like angel man, she laughed, showed, its picture, both beasts, theres pope and hu, man, said, hollie, she watches missiles flying, worship the pope hintao said, I will show signs and wonders, he said, missiles soared, let me, whew hollie said, clapped hands, showed, lay down, but had white face, time, hollie came back out, but different, showed, do something, another, hollie points, finger down, looking, somewhat back, hollie had, its, burgundy, she said, sweatshirt on, but theres Gods hammer, like, its dull she said, grayish like face, Jesus looked at, light watch, hollie claps, showed, lay down, hollie claps, showed, lay down, white face, hands, like light but its dark black sweatshirt, what was she still doing up hollie said, hollie showed, sit down, hollie showed, turn, hollie drove, her tank, I went under cover, she said, its manuevered she said, but ducked, its missile soarin, she said, thats missile flying like Father, over head, hollie ducks but fires herself, its nuclear n.a.t.o. countries being nucked, thats missiles striking all, man, hollie said, new york, its under attack it, hollie said, she watches missiles fly and, thats many states in america on fire, missiles came down saw, hollie, thus saith the Lord, I spoke it, I created, its the God spoke, hollie said, that thief looking at, its ministry of dreams, but they steal, and alter saith the Lord, to, like, the ministry of dreams, ministryofdreams, ministry of dream, many ways, saith the Lord, and I the Lord, thats angel man, but turning into Jesus, I will make them remove, saith the Lord, just watch, you see I spiritual warfare, and will, cause harm, when they get seen, God said, Jesus looked at his lightwatch, 8-23-2011-bob, hollie said, clap, she said, light hands, but, she was in total darkness, but another hollie comes out, she points, its, hollie said, hollies hand went golden, but, hollie that pointed, looked back and kind of down, and finger kind of slanted down but it was white, and hollie claps, big hollie, hollie showed, lay down, white hands, its, dark on, hollie said, another, its hollie said, catches, pointed, caught it, light finger, bob git the phone, hollie said, brother, hollie said, showed, lay down, thats big light hand appearing, hollie, she wasnt happy, its total blackness, showed, light, hand, it appeared, but he hollies face on, you shouldnt do it, hollie said, thats, with hands, give out p.o. box, its, they report you, that man thought about it but he wont, knows, thats, new, world order apostolic church, angel is front part of building, just face coming out, but theres hands, hollie said, she mowed lawn, its white robe on, bobby, your sign, thats angel looking at but not, its into it, thats last fm ministry of dreams angel but, hollie claps, happier this time, its, same angel, but showed, its the last f.m., its, link up she did, theres another ministryofdreams website, its, angelface fading, bob your putting so many visions it hard to keep up with ya, hollie said, thats many, websites, bobby, its, trembling, hollie said, many people now on that site now know their all lost, thats some sending you offerings, even him, he doesnt want and he knew he was cut off, but, thats bob praying for and he does, thats little offerings but you told send small offerings, they do, bobby go by, post office box, thats angel looking in box, its uh do, she said, letters from people, you see hollie said, it works, thats bobby taking out the money, bobby, its, trinity broadcasting network, it appeared, then angel, they are, thats paul, hes, trembling now, knew, hollie said, but they would invite you by, but thats bob laughing, not paul, heres what, he wants, fed hollie said, talk to him about REVELATION but thats paul trembling, you know what people are saying bob, its I persecute, God said, happy, angel, its dot round, hollie said, light face appeared, hollie, its, she showed, hands tired, linked up, its, friends, bobby, theres hotmail ministryofdreams, like, its, angel stamps, hollie, but hollie that catches came out, its no, hollie said, showed, thru, i'm the m.v., thats his ship agin, its babyfleas, thats m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship rocked, by, torpedoes and its hand showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, but theres hollie moodie looking up, but reappeared in dome, hes happy, but thats his face appearing on hand, still looking up, he said eat jumpy hollie said, clapping and leaping, its angel ghost like man, showed, its both beasts, theres hu hintao and pope, pope hollie showed, kind of changed to, turned into uh red nose hollie, laughing, its pope like angel man, riding, its black horse, hollie mowed lawn, this is uh war right here, thats, its golden, missile soaring, its both beasts appearing with, its empy hollie said, emperor of japan, hollie appeared, to, thats them at table, but she showed, its missile flying, man its under attack it here, she said, thats russia and china exploding, lets war said pope like hegoat, horns sticking out, theres kings coming out, theres, hu hintao out of one with flower, theres pope like gentlemen, and, theres putin, and medvedev out of, its other, hollie said, thats hintao and empy climbing out of, its two horned beast, and hollie, reappeared, like beginning to laugh, two horned beast, its 666, they sign, thats popes face, tattood, its on finger, 666 on forehead, lets take it, pope said, they go to own lands, we wont, hintao said, its one woe is past hollie said, i'm russia, its angel points, hollie, white clothes, thats many missiles striking russia, maN ITS big hollie said, fire breaking out, its under attack here, hollie said, but thats missiles leaving and russian angel rising, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries all struck, and smoke rising, from all points, hollie, white finger, why did she scream for hollie said, screamed again, hollie that catches came out, points, finger kind of down, but its in the right direction, she looked but not at bob just back, hollie had white in mouth, hollie showed, turn, but, keep going, hollie that catches, looked stunned, opened mouth, white in, hollies hand not seen second time but was there, it was like blue, outlines appear, hollie showed, turn, showed, bobby eat, white clothes, bobby, hollie said, rubbed face, she was, afraid, thats God, its angering, hollie said, your wanted on the phone, its light angel man, said, its boo hum, hollie said, their on uh hill she said, many, its him, she said, he hollies, one winks, hollie showed, bob its promote church, use nice words like he told, bob hollie believen, its Jesus metropolitan church, 8-24-2011-she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, and its clapping, thats, hollie, bob, she said, showed, be still, hollie showed, bob, sleep but hollie that, catches came out, hollie had white clothes on still, thats, its post angel rising, your popularity today, it soared, hollie said, Jesus turned to side, rubbed his face, its about two million today God and hollie said, thats God knowing bob is becoming big and and is harming bob, its persecute God said, theres your vision, thats the vision pointed hollie and its post angel rising, its like dot head, but it moved up and light trail stayed, it, I am God he said, turned into, its pope hollie said, thats its pope riding black horse, hollie showed, its electric furnace, thats heat coming out, man she said, bob git, said, wood burning stove, hollie wearing white dress, put wood in, it blasted church, but, hollie changed into like thing hollie but more like, its dinosaur head, hollie showed, its hard to describe, she said, dont hollie said, its jumpy hollie, but white clothes on, bob you sold today, let me look at it, Jesus said, and its deathangel, hollie comes out, wiping his light face, face like, its like statue, light but somewhat not formed good, now, hollie read, its book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, i'm ministry of dreams, bob said, thats hollie showed, its word, but her face not there, but changed, hollie that catches did come out, theres tank agin, hollie drove, came up, you didnt need it she said, death angel goes yellow, book sold millions today, heres how, its word of mouth, hollie showed, thats people trapping each other and hollie with Jesus inside appearing, one tells another, yes, book is wonderful aint it, people find out ten seconds into it, the cut off, showed, Jesus, hollie, screamed, bobby, its Jesus metropolitan community church, those people are shaking and angel thing appears, shaking, and hollie comes out, he had his clothes, on, but hollie notices feet, wipes chin, their kind of like, hollie got word from Jesus, like bags of something but white like bags, hollie looked but its him, showing keep going, big hands, but hollie that catches comes out, thinks, hands are liek brownish, thats, hollie, laughing, dress on, selling insurance, hollie showed, turn, but went monkey, hollie that catches came out, pointed at light hand, but didnt look at bob but opened mouth, white light in, hollie showed, its, gadafi, thats hollie bringing him to america, git outta there, God said, white foot kicks, bobby, its they would hollie said, thats, barack not wanting but bobs good reason, thats bob meeting his friend, hollie drove, its hollie showed, harley davidson, sportster 883, hollie showed, turn, come on, bob, hollie said, walked at walmart, white hat on, plad coat, hollie showed, sleep, clapped, hands but hollie that catches came out, i'm full she said, white in mouth, looked pretty happy, hollie that clapped was like in darkness, but hand and face seen really well, and its, last fm ministry of dreams rising, hey, hollie that catches, said, but hotmail ministry of dreams, looked same, but face not seen all the way, but was right beside, hollie said, hollie showed, yo gabba gabba, its on, nick jr. smiles, hollie, but hollie that catches comes out, its o, she, said, thats bob church spinning and people going in, but hollie looked inside, its filling, hollie clapped, showed, lay down but in darkness, hollie that catches came out, hollie pointing, come on hollie said, in darkness but hollie that catches came out, looked at bob, happy, white in mouth, looked at bob, hollie had like brown hands, normal face, 8-25-2011-bobby, thats, its Jesus, hollie said, he, looked at sign, wiped his chin, thought, thats, hollie removing sign, its in van window, but hollie had new sign, and she held it up, and people saw, thats them on internet, and some coming, its new world order apostolic church, stamps, hollie, its o another said, hand over mouth, but reappeared happy, bob, thats, nancy shaking and its, angelman shaking, but hes happy, its, she didnt want it hollie said, worried like and I was, stamp, hollie said, and a, its, him, she said, stuck head out, happy, its, new world order carriage with, its pope and hu, thats hu with flower, pope rides black horse, hollie saw, these are angred, she said, black and red horses, pulling carriage, its fast hollie said, leaves light trail, hollie showed, book, with, its death angel on, just head and kneck like white angel head, thats book, hollie read, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, its, stamped, hollie, but hollie that catches comes out, thats catches, white in mouth, smiling, first hollie went bear, i'm uh bear, hollie said, like bear, its russia, lets arise, devour that God said, bobby it wont leave hollie said, its, tumblr ministryofdreams like white happy angel, and I stamp, hollie said, thats both beasts running out, hollie, got word from God, book sold today, she spoke with God, hey, hollie that catches, said, coming out, happy, white in, mouth, over three hudnred today hollie said, you'll be happy soon, just watch, whew, let me hollie said, showed, its antichrist, high in heavens but like angel man, its I am gog he said, that hollie said, its beast pope and many people happy, he causes craft to prosper, hollie said, but hollie that catches came out, its o she said, hand over mouth, white in mouth, but reappeared, was fading, but happy, nice hair, theres hollie with nice hair, bobby she said, he signs a peace agreement, its threat, you give me oil pope said, or, that, hollie said, saw nuclear rockets aimed at, thats china and russia, that she hollie said, but he hollie sticks head out, was happy, but she was, kind of grayish, that she said, both have arms, but, thats arabs supplying oil, and, not getting very much, showed unhappy arab man, that, said, hollie, its words, Jesus Christ, in golden, it appeared, she said, that, hidden he hollie said, but was there, but kind of faded, Jesus appeared with his true name, that, hollie said, she hollie but hollie that catches, happy, white in mouth but went sad, its, baptized in that, she showed, but he said, but was hidden, but was there, and started appearing, baptized in Jesus Christ, name, he said, hollie showed, its ted nugent, hes still rockin, thats dam yankees, hollie thought, they needed one, more big hit then, its uh massive sell out every time, bobby tell them, hollie said, but theres hand agin, showing, you did not need him, hollie in dome looking up, but in dome in hand happy, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, showed, its eat out of dumpster, hollie showed, turn, showed, take uh bath, but hollie that catches, came out, it was like, dino hollie, thats dinosaur head, but changed into another, scrubbing back, it was hollie that catches, she, was happy, where were you, its JEsus, hollie said, out of light whirlwind, then appeared, it hollie said, rubbing his chin, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, turn, another drove tank, but golden happy God, past by, she ducked head, hollie was in darkness, bobby she said, post, its on twitter, showed, hollie, twitter ministryofdreams, angel appeared, hey, hollie that catches, caught, but first thing, hollie happy was there, then hollie that catches, happy, light in mouth, hey another, said, she caught the catcher, hollie held up new sign, thats hollie with JEsus inside, bobby, she said, dont, but turned into, its casey, stamps, hollie, hollie showed, its convention center website, 8-26-2011-hollie held up her sign, she wore uh red plad coat, put it under, i showed hollie said, but theres God hammer, hes light, round hollie said, but its twitter ministry of dreams, like an angel with curly hair, light face, and burgundy outline hair, bob Jesus said, showed his lightwatch, its three o'clock hollie said, hollie showed record, showed, its authorhouse, its house with, its happy, him she said, angel in, he came out, face started developing more, showed, authorhouse is going to offer you, over, five hundred thousand for you book, just watch, its cause they knew it sold but didnt give you credit, hollie showed, be still, its book, hollie said, deathangel appearing, as its representative and its bebo ministryofdreams, angel, hollie said, its, o, she said, hand over mouth, that angel was blank face, curly hair but it looked like hollie, its he hollie and was, face started appearing some, hollie showed, bobby dont fight them, they wont wrong you, just give them time hollie said, let me hollie said, showed, its the beast, pope on black horse, let me said hollie with nice hair, golden face, its like, r2-d2 eyes hollie said, but r2-d2 appeared, she said, right there, jumpy hollie said, leaping, hollie that catches came out, its uh light hand, you see bobby she said, jumpys clothes were like cloud, and thats angelic laughing Father like, angelman thing, coming out of cloud, hollie held up her, its sign, plad coat on, its red, hollie showed, turn, but wiped chin, its two hollies, hollie came out, turned, thats pope in red hot fire, drinking drink, happy, and like some golden there, and, its, disney little woman tapping her want, but hollie shows, wheres want, but it was there, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, its turn, bobby she said, showed, confusion, looked back, afraid like, shook, yes, but face started going blank, hollie showed, its colts, they have, thats pregame activities, hollie holds sign, looks up, they look back but didnt mind, but that woman thinks theres God, put it under, hollie clapped, showed, lay down, but, not, she was, concerened, its Jesus hollie said, out of light whirlwind, where were you, thats bob telling God, repent or waves of destruction are coming and God laughs like light God, but sees people leaving and God looks back at bob, if you dont repent, you will later, more ruint is what bob thinks, 8-27-2011-Go to twitter, its ministry od dreams, hollie said, you got what you wanted, needed another said God said hollie said, its another, bob hollie said, they read, thats over eighty thousand hollie said Jesus said, in one night Jesus showed cut it off, bobby start another hollie said, bob, Jesus said, hollie said, showed, her light watch, bobby you got to get to church, she said, casey wipes lips, its bob walking to church, and stamp hollie said, but was it casey, but Gods hammer, bobby there are people coming, hollie said, its, them, she said, fans, hollie showed, thats indianapolis friend, its on facebook stamps, hollie, white hands, she held up her sign, told, thats Jesus in me and happy Father like, its dot head, light face, appearing, people, they see but, dont, care, but, they later check out, thats hollie with Jesus inside, woman types and happy dot head Father watching, like just round head, people love, thats woman appearing, bob, thats, Jesus, hollie said, she walked, plad coat on, had sign raised high, telling people, its Jesus inside me and dot head Father watches, its facebook friends, hollie said, now its over four thousand stamps, hollie, its, o another said, coming out, o so you caught it God said, she points, finger kind of down, doesnt look straight at bob but back, got happy, light in mouth, showed, its new world order carriage, bob thats it, foursquare ministryofdreams like, its dot head Father but really happy hollie, curly hair, thats people accepting your friendship, its, indianapolis and church grows hollie said, thats, bob sending out, its e-mails to radio stations, thats, station manager looking at, thinking, its, dangerous, risk he said, puts application down, that, hollie said, thats, hollie said, happy Father like, its post angel dot head, growing, but, light followed, said, hollie, wiped chin, looked at bob, light in mouth, happy, hand nice hair, bobby, hollie with nice hair said, and, its light hand showing nice hair, but Jesus appeared later, hollie slapt his face, its three d effect hollie said, but another, happy hollie comes out, shows, brown like, hand, but not normal, one, many hollies played part, but were kind of hidden, in dark grayness, hollie showed, turn, then other way, but wiped mouth, look hollie said, another, happy held up sign but angry hollie that, catches came out, pointed, looked back, he made me she said, thats God but like hard to make out, looked unhappy, hollie laughs, shakes yes, i'm not going to let you, hollie showed, its Jesus angering and thats hollie, holding up her sign and bobby appearing on, its foursquare website shows, happy hollie, theres uh submarine right there, its the submarine somby, hollie claps, its captain, hollie surfacing, its akula agin, said, hollie, jumping, and, wondering, thats him firing, thats nuclear fires, its iraq and gaza, thats, bush and putin planning, lets rule the world, putin, said, theres your ram, hollie said, put those two as ram horns, but pope appeared, as, happy ram, she said, another, hollie said, showed, its hollie, showing, its happy angel, i'm uh network, angel showed, but started changing, into, its like house, then church appeared but went back, thats people coming, its from network, hollie said, put it under, bobby dont waste your friends, just use indianapolis, seal it up she said, its angel appearing where church is, its facebook ministryofdreams, hollie said, stamps, but where did she go another, hollie said, but was there, hey hollie said, these two were the, same, but she was just like, its, the, convention center, website, hollie said, but disappeared, prophet, hollie pointed, go, hand went like, red neon, hollie showed, turn, orange like hand, hollie somewhat dark, another, hollie comes out, rubs, chin, man, she, said, looked back but not at bob, pope in the fire, thats it hollie said, like yellow golden like, shaft, pope drank drink, happy, dressed like king, white garments, with like blue and, like, almost square dark spots in, theres hand agin, hollie said, its him with looking up but appeared in dome in white hand, but thats hollie hand appearing happy, hollie came out, pointed, big like, clown nose, its, white but different shade, hollie clapped, showed, lay down, hollie clapped, showed, lay down, bob she said, showed, its Jesus becoming very angry, thats, hollie said, showed, came out, bob posting on net, what Jesus did to JOB but shes lying, hollie said, but, God, did do all those things, and bob is making up and Jesus wanted to lie about bob, now, its betraying, hollie said, showed, lay down, but eyes still open, bob God is moving the contract, thats Jesus, hollie, said, denial written on contract, hollie claps, but not fully seen but was, there, another, hollie comes out, shows, bob thats, God, hollie showed, her clothes changed, hes sitting on throne, like, light man, starting to, become, its Jelous, God said, 8-28-2011-come on, this is hollie, Jesus said hollie said, put it under hollie said, bob thats people coming into your church, hollie was like unhappy, its round pointed another hollie, white face thing hollie God said, bob its your internet, dont use it all up hollie said, put it under, brand new hollie showed time, wait she said weasring dress, its uh network, hollie said, thats Gods hammer appearing like, happy, its white face but hollie thinks, whiskers, bob gets friends now stamps, hollie, its linkedin, and thats facebook angel appearing, like hammer God and, its other sites, theres twitter ministryofdreams and its, foursqaure, ministryofdreams like he hollie with curly hair, come on hollie said, showed, its, ministryofdreams angel, like expresionless, its him she said, curly hair, light face, but not formed all the way thought, hollie but he appeared, its, him he said, happy, its pope, he said, and, its, him riding black horse, its into russia pope said, let me, hollie said, whew, she said, thats, hollie, holding sign, another comes out, kind of, wondering, blue face, wiping chin, sign not written, very well, but people see and they know hollie said, hollie saw, thought, wiped chin, its bob in video, its back she said, now dont fix it hollie said, thats video and, its children watching, laughing, but hollie, watched to, didnt care but laughed at, its Jesus, appearing angry, hollie slapt his face, but its o, he hollie said, coming out, dress on, his hand not seen but was there, but whose hand was it, it was, she slapping him, happy, its uh network, hollie showed, its ministryofdreams, angel appearing, its like, dinosaur head, but with whiskers, happy, hollie looked, thought, showed, turn, but another, hollie showed, other way, big red, hand, hollie showed, turn, showed, its pakistan, leave it alone, hollie said, and its post angel appearing, like, its dino, she said, head, somewhat but theres like strands of hair, this is, decision, hollie said, thats three quarters of the way church full but with, its, you pastoring, or half empty with, its cecil pastoring but you make more money there stamps, hollie like s dino face, cecil there, they tithe, hollie that tells, like, white hollie showed, lay down, but clapped, hands, showed, its hurricane irene, its destroying, her and God said, put it under, lets, she said, thats her leaving, like angelic hollie, its clothes, she said, man she said, as winds and rain, it its economic collapse here, hollie and obama said, this, she looked at God, bob get your money out quick, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, clapping, amber hands, quit, hollie showed, its convention center website, she was smiling but, showing, thats, another, hollie coming out, hey she pointed, hollie, her face went almost blank, 8-28-2011-let me, hollie said, you wanted it, you got it, she said, like uh, white hollie, dress and skin white, God said, but, it was different, its shades, stamps, hollie, she wore dress, and its, new world order, carriage coming out, with the pope and hu, hollie said, but was, dressed in brown, it was black and red, hu, looked out window, pulled by these, hollie said, these are angry, angred, she said, black red and horses, its red horse, showing, its hu hintao, i'm the rider, smiled, its horsey, stamps hollie, wearing dress, its white, she said, 8-29-2011-hollie showed her light watch, and stamped, but, different way, hollie showed, its woman reading bobs offer, she wants it, but thats her looking at its website, people, love idea and many come, thats church mostly full, her speaking, bobby shes christian hollie showed, she takes you up on but just wait, God is dealing with her now, hollie said, showed, bobby go to church, hollie had hat on, showed, eat, white teeth, hollie said, thats catches, came out, showed, its bobby go easy, tell her, hollie showed, slow down, if you come up with a way to promote church service on this board, and, tell her you wont cause you dont need to but they know her, tell her you will give her half of what comes in, thats hollie raking in money and paying her, she does but it flops hollie said, many do come but thats them not spending much, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed, turn, hollie didnt want bob to record, golden hat on, bob thats, its, Gods hammer, and, radio stations make you popular, but, hollie showed, its Father, like white angelface, hat on, theres twitter, ministryofdreams like he hollie angel with curly hair but hollie came out, face not formed quite yet, that he said, its new world order carriage, hollie wears news glasses, pope like angel, bear looking out window, hes man, its, i'm uh bear, hollie said, he hollie claps, but only partial but same he hollie tickles her feet, but it was her, dress on, its short dress, pope in the fire, drink, happy, hollie came out, showed, its hot fire, she put gas in, its, aint caregiver said, pointy blue hat on, its, him, opening, closing mouth, boy, hollie said, showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, this is decision, hollie said, my hair, hollie said, God said, 8-30-2011-hollie showed time, and, her, white clothes, God said, hollie said, its, time, bobay, hollie said, put it under, she it agin, hollie showed, its penny, shes hunt, shes, thats bob and her marrying, but neither happy about it, thats her playing at bobs church then janette comes in, bob trembles, wants both, he sees both but neither care, put it under, janette will live with ya, hollie said, bob thats you and its penny, hunt hollie said, thats church, starting to fill, thats, its her children, you love, they do to, thats one calling you dady bobby, you like, hollie got happy, held up, its her sign stamps another, thats, sign blank, its kind of dark, hollie had plad coat on, thats people reading and, its wondering, hollie said, put it under, thats tellcity ministryofdreams, like, its, silmilar to Gods hammer hollie and Jesus said, and i stamp, hollie said, thats, hollie, indianapolis colts ministryofdreams like, expressionless blue angel, thats shakes, yes, claps hands, shows, its pope like angel of light bear man in colts uniform, hey hollie said, its number 18, thats pope in, its new world order carriage, and its hu hintao in with, putin on top, reins in hands, lets rule the world, he said, hollie showed, these are angred, its black and red horses pulling, thats black horse showing, its popes picture, hey hollie said, theres white in mouth, she showed, got happy, its Jesus freaks, angel like white angel but hollie showed, face not formed all the way, like somewhat blank, happy, theres black in, hollie said, uto, hollie came out, its hu hintao, stamps, hollie, riding red horse, but Gods hammer twirls up, like happy ghost angel man, hollie showed, lets deal with his face, thats hollie riding missile, taiwan exploding and hu hintao on red horse, battling, its hollie, its over washington state, thats hollie flying out, its missile intereceptor, missile, its chinese silkworm, boom, hollie said, it got it, repelled, hollie showed, bob hit radio stations but she wasnt to into it, the sign is licking the prophet, thats angel, coming out of, its sign, told hollie, licking prophet, its uh light tongue, happy angel said, its, satan, sh, hollie said, finger over mouth but looked like, its tellman, i'm the beast, he said changed into, its pope, like an angel of light but, not happy, hollie showed, its noahs ark, flashing, its still there, hollie said, its, in same mountain but different spot, its high up she said, thats not much snow covering, it will, hollie looked back, God like Light, dim gray outlines, shook, yes, wont ever be found, its turkey, they wont let hollie said, hollie showed, its post angel like happy angel man but this time wears suit, has body, bobby your church, its growin, hollie said, rubbing face, wiping with hand, stomping foot, changes, into the hammer like happy white bald he hollie, whats that, said, its earth disappearing, its, dissolving, hollie said, I'll speak my word Jesus said, that, pointed, hollie, but another, comes out, where was she at, that, hollie pointed, started appearing but blue, it was rockets flying and countries exploding, hollie said, showed, wait, white clothes on, hollie showed, turn, you got what you wanted, you got what you needed, that, its grim reaper, she showed, eat something, that, hollie said, another came out, showed, she disappeared, that, hollie said, like new bluish hollie, grim reaper like, dark black cape, light sickle, light face, but almost featureless, brother, hollie said, that, another, said, showed, feed, animals, but she peeled, its banana stamps, hollie, 8-31-2011-you like that, hollie said, thats, its, him, she said, riding, its flying saucer, its red, but he just looked, its from side, straight ahead, its he made me, he hollie said, thats Jesus giving word, he will ask, wonder God said, but went white, thats taiwan exploding, and, hollie fighting, its hu hintao, red horse, watches, laughs, thats another hollie flying out, its old light world war one aircraft, she showed, its cause, fix them, she said, u.s.a. is broke, thats people looting, and hollie does to, and angel, right there with, laughed, but looked, its stunned, hidden hollie said, but she was, there, but had fun, its under economic collapse here, hollie said, barack makes anouncement but leaves, its dark bell ringing, it has designs, thats pastor looking at, its bobs entry, he trembles, thats him shaking and many at his church, sees, hollie showed, its post angel, its, white angelman like just ghost like man, teeth, mouth open, he got shorted some visions today God said, but didnt complain, bob Jesus said, hollie, had red hair, its christine, shes comin, bob, thats, christine and bob marrying, hollie claps, there, she said, watches, its at, morriseys church, hes lying, hollie said, showed, its pope, thats picture, hes like angel man, hollie mowed, lawn, eat, but was happy, hollie showed, turn, amber hand, pope in the fire, drinking drink, hollie showed, its red hot, theres hand agin, hollie drove tank, hand is, white but its him, looking straight up but reappeared in, dome but happy hollie showed, face appeared on hand, its hollie hand, I scream, hollie said, screamed again, but its him she said, pointing, hollies wasnt heard, hollie showed turn, red hand, he said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, laughing, showed, lay down, cause russia is the bear father, thats pope appearing, then with medvedev signing deal, hollie came out, showed, its Gods hammer, dark clothes, but like light white man showing, its both beasts, has light stick, its the pope and hu, he pulls the down the shade, theres antichrist pope, then on other its, unhappy hu hintao hollie said, showed, that was JEsus, riding the lightning bolt, sh, hollie said, darkness in blue atmosphere with Light God there, thats world shaking below burning, and its missile warfare, and many countries on fire, that, hollie said, but he hollie points, its Jesus coming like God warrior, hes light with weapons and robe, hollie clapped, showed, lay down, but wore dark clothes, no, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, looked to side, turned head, but didnt speak, no she said, but its, him coming out from beside, she didnt move lips, but her voice but thats them working on, Jesus wearing glasses, looks at, its picture frame, do he said, 9-1-2011-hollie showed her light watch, its time, she said, but, he hollie next to, stuck head out, laughs, put it under, hollie said, reappeared, showed her light watch, put one hand on arm, had light clothes, they were white, she said, which, put it under, hollie said, did it again, bob, she said, hollie showed, its facebook angel, but, not happy, but was like white Ghost man, bobby, hollie said, its pope, me he said like angel of light, hollie came out, showed, his face kind of not formed well but its light face, hollie told people about church, they responed, well we, she said, they come in time hollie said, hollie showed, its the facebook angel, i'm lost, he said, like, hollie shows, light angel man, but he laughed, hollie, taps, stick, its light stick she showed, but kind of faded herself, its new world order carriage with pope in dark side, hes angel man and hintao on red, hollie showed, angry red and black horses, red horse, showed, its hu hintaos picture, thats hollie riding, its his flying saucer, its red, she said, hollie tapped light stick, its my yearbook ministry of dreams, like, its, same angel man that appeared earlier, hollie showed, its, dumpster, she ate, got food out, its, she showed, bobby be careful, its putin on top of, its carriage, reins in hands, lets rule the world, he said, hollie showed, its many pictures of kings appearing, they all sign deal, hollie said, thats them all at table, theres vincente fox, lula, neither wanting but signing with me medvedev said, lets seal it up hollie said, light clothes on, she said, showed, bobby walk, but reappeared happy, its uh dream, showed, its hollie night vision, then disney girl appears, taps magical wand, light flash, scene, swirling like appears, hey hollie said coming out, hollie showed, picture, it developed, many, its him, she said, he, hollie showed, things funny right now, he hollies on, hill, booing, hollie showed, give you thirty one, its said, angel, many hollies said, but they were hard to see, thats hollie scenes, he hollie and confused looking she hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, bobby said, happy hollie with nice hair, face changing, colors, from, bluish to goldish, she has long pointy nose, hollie showed, hollie came out to explain, Jesus said, its stock market at zero point zero zero, its economic collapse here, hollie said, thats looting, hollie with barack at, its anouncement hollie said, she took him home, thats, hey, hollie said, whats angel doing looting, o bobby its he told me, thats dinosaur lizard like, licking prophet, hollie reappeared, showed, eat, bobby, hollie, showed, eat again, looking afraid, she said, sleep showed, jumpy hollie, brother, hollie said, showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, another, hollie, comes out, points, white hands, she, caught it, 9-2-2011-hollie points, its boon, they chanted, its, them, hollie and God said, their on uh hill, many he hollies, but whats that, hollie said, its, amber colored she hollie coming out of one, put it under, hollie said, she looked back, hollie showed, turn, bob she said, showed, drink, thats her drinking, then, pope appeared, lighted hand pointed, thats, pope in fire, he, it, was blue around but hollie showed, there, she said, him, red hot fire, happy, i'm his caregiver said, short pointy hat, but changing colors, round like head, big opened mouth, bob I miss you hollie said, hollie moodie played his music, its, she, hollie, coming out, showing, his face was going blank but changing back, its he made me, thats Jesus, at right instant, thats he hollie appearing, happy, but going like, blue, white outline, Jesus sends hollie out at right moment and she does visions, laughs, bob loves it, and I, stamp, hollie said, theres Gods hammer appearing, like, its round, new, dot like head, going up, light trail behind, hollie laughs coming out, its bobs church, she showed, its angel coming out of front part like angel part of building, face as big as building, almost, happy, but he had a light hammer, was, hammering, that, hollie said, churches falling, hollie came back down, showed, many churches sinking, some all the way under, that agin, hollie said, hollie showed eat, something, she was, white, showed, bobby wait, thats, Jesus prayed, and Father appearing, like happy Ghost Father man, hollie slapt his face, again, but, not heard this time, sh hollie said, hollie showed, leave, showed, its door, red finger, bobby dont hollie said, thats girl, shes mocking you, now, terror, thats hollie with Jesus inside, now, she knowed, changed into, casey then the main, hollie showed, turn, but another came out, stunned, hand over mouth, white in mouth, hollies hand not seen but it appeared, blue like, in, like bag, white and, its, dull, white outlines, when ya going to eat hollie said, showed, eat, but then to wait, bobby its light of the world, hollie said, showed, its christian church, thats part of, building, like light outline, and dark background, its for witches, hollie said, these chanted boo, its him, she said, and her, many he, hollies, their on, its level, but same he hollie spoke there with, hollie showed, lay down, darkness, light hand, face, that she said, lay down, agin, she said, face started going blank, thats bob telling on, its Jesus, he laughs, then, its, jelous strikes bob, but its to late this time, bob brings Jesus to tears, hollie held up the sign, plad coat on, hollie showed, turn, 9-3-2011-its the sireens, hollie said, many hollies in, doing different things, one like yellow bear, shaking, on like one foot, kind of leaning, another, its him, moodie in, not doing nothing, but like bald head but hair grew, he clapped but normal, wait, whispered hollie, she said, bob, go to funeral, and they see, him whom they, grunted God, hollie said, narrowly looked upon, thats, its the oen they rejected, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, showed, sleep, bobby hollie said, looked at, its her new flash drive, and I stamp, hollie said, thats angel coming out of flash drive, but said where did she go, its carriage agin, hollie did convey, its new world order, hollie was with angry horses, red, licks prophet, was happy, showed, its picture, stood on both feet, its hu hintao, but black horse, happy, showed, its pope, these are the riders hollie said, putin on top with reins in hands, lets rule the world, putin said, theres Gods hammer rising, its like angel man of light, its Jesus, hollie said, bob, he showed, clean up, its spruce up hollie said, hollie showed, its light of the world christian church, showed, angel, was, kind of coming out, face blank almost, yellowish, its like light church with darkness, light in the darkness, hollie showed, its like big red ball like, air coming out, its light of the world, you see hollie said, thats her posting left and right, thats hollie with Jesus inside, she is telling, they look at, and, its hollie said, o, man said, was, terrified, thats angel, with smoking gun, blowing, on, its barrel, light smoke comes out, light gun, smoke has brownish in, hey hollie said, angels face went kind of blank, hollie, showed, its indianapolis colts, light horse appears, like, its outline, drawing, happy, horse showed, its both beasts, you see hollie said, theres pope and hu, its pictures, hollie said, its i am God, pope said, i'm hu hintao said pointing at self, this is website, hollie said, angel appears, shakes, yes, tear up, hollie said, its angel she showed, hollie happy, wore like dress, but, size of skirt, hollie measured with measuring tape, its your height bob, people despise, she said, hollie showed, its ministry of dreams magazine, same white angel head on front, hollie showed, its, the, great church raffle, bobby, hollie wiped chin, it will work she said, but, its tickets, only sell, hollie looked at Jesus laughing, about two million dollars worth, thats its, Gods hammer, hollie said, church with angel as front, part, face, happy, hat on, hammering, light hammer, its small, but churches in indianapolis are sinking, and, going under, hollie pointed, but face changed, showed, eat, hollie moodie played his music, God and hollie said, that he said, jamming, but face changing, buy it back, hollie said, thats bobs church, angelhead, is front part of building, hammering, light hammer, happy, hollie tore up like lighted hollie, dark to, lighted hands, hollie came out of saxaphone like golden little head, showed, sleep, hollie drove tank like lighted golden tear drop Father shot by, hollie ducks, boo, chanted, she and he hollies, their on uh hill, showed, she hollie, white, him, its, hollie said, many he hollies, but, like, amber colored she hollie came out, looking back, they chanted boo, bob its dumitru hollie said, shook head no, showed, thru away but then yes, bob thats church, thats church angel as front part of building, angel showed, just wondering, bob keep hollie said, wait till he writes, 9-4-2011-hollie in sireen, like golden hollie bear, shaking, God said, but came out, i'm uh bear, she said, but, changed into normal hollie, hollie showed eat something, light face, brown hair, hollie showed, bob your church, its getting out, she said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, but, its church appearing as front part of building, hammer with light hammer but, churches sinking into, its ground, hollie said, church angel keeps hammer away, thats light hollie, shes telling people, its the word bob, its getting out, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, then, over, but clapped hands, changed, theres Gods hammer, hollie said, its him, she said, like ghost angelhead man, hollie ate something, happy, light face, but its brown hair, hollie showed, its puerto rico, little island nation, hollie showed, turn, showed, bobby eat, hollie showed turn, showed, bobby go to post office box, its boo the chant hollie said, its he hollie appearing, their on, mostly level ground, but amber colored she hollie comes out of one, looking back to the side, hollie claps, white clothes, no, she I said, jumpy, hollie said, clapping, showed, no way, had lighted golden monkey lips, but shook, yes, changed into, its another, hollie said, its Jesus riding lightning bolt, dark clouds, theres like blue in, thats world, coming up, and, many fires, breaking out, its missile warfare, hollie said, its coming from, thats captain hollie surfacing, its akula class agin, she said, hollie drove tank, but, like, tear drop shaped Father, shot by, she stays down low, pope in the fire, hollie saw, happy, hollie came out, its red hot she showed, but its i'm caregiver said, round head, pointy hat, its blue hollie said, hollie showed, turn, lighted golden hand, clapped hands, but normal, hollie screamed, hollie showed, turn, and golden like hand, hollie showed, lay down, showed, bob hit indianapolis churches, but she didnt want to tell, God whispered, dont say, she shook yes, laughed, but didnt show, hollie came out, showed many, him, its, she said, their on uh hill but amber colored lighted she hollie came out of one, looked back, hollie slapt, 9-5-2011-bobby when you gonna eat, hollie said, showed her light watch, but wore white clothes, hollie showed, lay down, white hands, its dark on, hollie said, another, its hollie said, catches, caught it, light finger, hollie said, brother, hollie said, showed, lay down, thats big light hand appearing, hollie, she wasnt happy, hollie showed, its unhappy box ministryofdreams, like, its mostly blank face angel, mouth somewhat open, teeth are white, I showed, box ministry of dreams, angel said, both beasts, theres, with, the pope and hu, hollie said, hollie showed, lay down, but, clapped hands, got back up, hollie showed, its bobs face, it heals, looks young again, thats Jesus working on, with, its like, pointy tool, bobby, hollie said, hollie showed, bob, its, hitting indianapolis churches, thats girl, when she sees, trembles, but, I knew, she said, thats, indianapolis buisnesses next, God and hollie said, hollie appeared, looking somewhat happy, but, knowing in heart, bob its time she said, you got what you wanted hollie said, showed, mostly, full church, and church angel appears, like ghost white angel, red hat, like, many he hollies chanted boo while going on, come on, hollie said, showed, its pope, like big angel man, then appeared, happy, in hot fire, drinking drink, what did he say, hollie showed, its angel, showing, record, thats marion university knights, hollie showed, and woman from marion university, its college, looking at bobs e-mail, thats many, hollie slapt his face, thats, hollie on phone, hollie showed, its the indianapolis pastor, like blue bob, but mostly featureless bob, hollie looked at her watch, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, with big white hand, its uh 1966, she said, dodge, God said, charger, smoking both tires, Jesus wiped face, its, good, he said, put it under, hollie said, 9-6-2011-bobby, bite something, hollie said, showed, two lighted smoking guns, blew on one, as it smoked, shew hollie said, thats church angel showing, its building, it started filling, thats about one third of the way full, or less, but thats more, it started filling, more and more, God said, and, he appeared, like angel Ghost man, more claps, hollie, they, big white hands, now bobby, that, screeched hollie, showed, bob, its new, friends, hollie got out, its laptop, but, hands, changing, showed mow lawn, white dress on but another, hollie came out, that she said, hollie had like, design at bottom but, that, happy hollie said, one design like bear fighting, its war, and, that, hollie said, pope comes out, thats black horse, stood on two feet, like modelling, happy, i'm the rider, horse said, that, hollie said, showed, wait, that, hollie said, showed, its, war, that, hollie said, its planes with pilots like ghost men, that, hollie said, but they got closer, pointed, hollie, golden finger, like, mustang fighter jets, that, hollie said, showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, God said, bobby in there, God said, that, hollie said, its best buys, and its best buys angel appearing like, golden partial face happy angel, i'm the best buys angel said, coming out, tear up, hollie said, but his face started going blank, that, hollie said, its he hollie slapping face, that, hollie said, showed, wait, showed, its, cd, they record now, its video, that, hollie said, thats hollie watching her on t.v., that, hollie said, showed, bob its phone, get, phone, thats angel coming out of phone, that, hollie said, that, hollie said, showed, bob its the phone hollie said, that, hollie said, showed, its camera taking picture, that, hollie said, thats the bob-hollie person, giving video, that, hollie said, showed, its indianapolis churches, and buisnesses, that, hollie said, part of, hollie showed her, God said, its her, he said again, put it under, hollie said, showed, bobby, its time, and angel, was not expecting, but became happy, bobby thats your church filling, hollie said, showed, people walking in at night, put it under, hollie said, thats the Father teaching, hollie said, at pultpit, like, God man, angel of, hes light, hollie, got happy, excited, laughed, part of, its building appeared, that, hollie said, like tear drop angel man, big bluish comes, that, hollie said, hit, buisnesses angel showed, hollie slapt his face, again, its the 3-d effect, hollie said, thats she hollie slapping to, pops, light flash, noise, heard, hollie showed, turn, now its pope hollie said, happy in the fire, had like blue whitish then red hot, put it under, hollie said, he drank coffee, showed, its i'm caregiver said, theres hand agin, hollie said, showing, you did not want him, need him, its hollie showed, but theres moodie but not quite hollie said, but hey hollie said, thats dome appearing in hand and face appearing on, theres hand like hand like happy hamburger helper hand, moving, fingers, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped golde hands but they went white, that moodie said, showed lay down, that he said, flew pf-52 mustang fighter jet, dropped bombs, thats america below exploding, and both coasts, hey what is doing hollie said, thats irving baxter telling bob, hollie showed, bob sleep, promote yourself, hit, its baxters churches showed, hollie, thats new world order carriage and irving watching, theres pope looking out window, hintao on red side, hollie showed, turn, these are angred showed, hollie, he hollie claps, but changes, it was uh dream, hollie showed, wore, its uh, skirt, she said, white, but, theres design in, hollie said, showed, its alice cooper, still touring, hes, thats alice thinking, worth almost, thats alice with, his stick, billionaire, he said, showed, on black board, alice cooper showed, sleep, 9-7-2011-hollie walked with big hand and I showed, that she said, its bobs candellite church service filling, it, that, hollie said, showed, her light watch, showed mow lawn, stop it, she said, put it under, hollie said, showed, bob, go, come back later, hollie left, saw, first time, it took of, that she said, but barely seen, just part of face, people want it she said, hollie said, its some coming back sunday morning, bob its beginning, hollie said, that, hollie said, thats, JEsus, putting idea in bobs head, and, that, hollie said, its new world order carriage and, that, hollie said, laughs, somewhat not seen, claps, stomps foot, shows, its pope like angel head, that, hollie said, showed, its hollie with JEsus inside, just appearing, that, hollie said, thats, hollie raking in the loot, happy, showed, its about three hundred dollars, hollie raked it in, wore, its plad coat, its, good for me, she said, that, hollie said, its pope in one side, hollie showed, these are angred she said, its new world order carriage, with hintao on other side, hollie jumps on top, with, theres putin, reins in, hands, hollie showed, turn furnace on, its time, thats furnace working, hollie showed, its, nicaragua exploding, its tripod, hollie, nuclear fires in cuba, its, venezuela and brazil exploding, thats hollie showed, texas burning, and, surrounding states exploding, but theres missiles leaving there, hollie saw from high above, its nuclear warfare she said, nuclear fires in mexico, that, hollie said, flew its, pf-52 mustang fighter jet, in heavens and its, uh part of africa exploding, theres many fires in, its nuclear n.a.t.o. countries being struck and, its, russia exploding, world shaking, she said, jumpy hollie said, monkeys lips, showed, running, her face golden, thats bobby running again, that, hollie said, showed, bobby she said, looking concerned, showed lay down, but clapped hands, got back, up, tada she said, showed, work, that signs in, its church yard, promote services she said, hollie showed, its sick things, showed, its showed, somewhat lighted hollie, alice cooper, hes slowing, down, she said, put it under, hollie showed, bobby take care of, its taperecorder, thats angel coming out, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, showed, bobby its goodwill, go walk around, hollie night vision showed, light clothes, its steven vai, dressed real good, shakes bobs hand, its they talk, hollie said, she claps, night vision, they spoke she said, hollie screamed, again but not heard, hollie showed, turn, golden hand, its, boo we, hollie said, its, them, she said, but, disappeared, but was kind of hiding in, somewhat darkness, watching, running, laughing, many he hollies, Jesus told me hollie said, thats Jesus telling hollie, but showing, eat, hollie showed, turn, hollie drove tank, kept ducking, tear drop shaped happy Father, keeps shooting by but changing colors, its airliner hollie said, flying over, and, pope in the fire drinking drink, its, concorde jet, hollie said, but, turned into amber outline, jet drops bombs, their amber to, thats, america below exploding, hollie being lifted out of the ruin, and fires on both coasts, hollie, its akula class thats what you needed hollie said, hollie showed, submarine warfare, both coasts, exploded, 9-8-2011-hollie showed, its nuclear n.a.t.o. commander, looking, at, God said, its bobs entry on, and I stamp, white hollie said, put one hand on other arm, wore white, showed, bobby slow down, she said, its, facebook, one of your guns is frozen now but its not the main one she said, its there, you cant open any more, thats, hollie using, its credit card, they wont charge ya, she said, hollie, showed, dancing, but wild like, shes avenging, its Jesus, first, missile shaped Father face appears, all white, with, its black outlines, expressionless, its his face, hollie said, like drawing, she drew pope, another, hollie said, and I, she said, God said, then Jesus getting angry, hes avenged hollie said, and bob keeps, striking, thats, poor people in, its, afghanistan, hollie said, looking at bobs entry, they hurt, hollie said, and now know, thats Jesus laughing at them, bob stop telling hollie and God said, put it under, hollie said, showed, mow church lawn, jumpy hollie stomps foot, swings, round and round, thats, hollie cnn newsman, like different hollie, hes reporting, showed, its, the beast, pope, said, God said, with seven heads and ten horns, and pope pops out of dragon, like angel of light, its uh picture, I showed, it another, hollie said, showed, pope, its she said, hey hollie said, came out but seemed to change, theres two, she said, blue in picture, but one had golden fingers, hey, hollie said, coming out stunned, its teenspot, hollie said, and its, showed, ministryofdreams, hollie said, angel, looking out but only partial like lighted bald head, but, afraid, he said, jumpy hollie said, clapping hands, happy, gasoline, angel said, its o.p.e.c., thats angel watching meeting, hey, hollie said, angels face went blank, but, hollie showed, changing, lets, said, kind of saudi, raise, he pointed, with finger, they charge more now and wont reduce but thats them uniting and its forming one big nation God said, under hollie and God said, beast rule, thats pope telling o.p.e.c. like angelman, give me your fuel, nuclear rockets aimed, and its o.p.e.c. afraid, shaking yes, but he, walked away, you screwed he said, thats o.p.e.c. uniting with chinese forces, give me pope said, thats hu hintao, and, its, russia, both with, its nuclear arms, aimed at each other, thats, if you dont watch me hintao said, both wanting rule, but, thats 666 peace treaty being signed, thats angelic pope, its ram, hollie said, being formed, but they hate each other, thats, fires in both lands, then, thats pope at table and its, 666 peace treaty being signed, thats hintao and, its emperor of japan, climbing out of, its red horned beast, thats hollie like like red horned beast, shut up she said, but changing another, caught, came out, its, cause, craft to prosper, its beast in, its, the land of, hollie got word from awkward looking God, magog, theres gog, she, its antichrist pope, I am against you, God said, thats fearful pope shaking yes, i knew, he, said, but, thats, pope trying to get God to save, even near the end Jesus said, God never would cause he, never, wanted enough, God said, hollie showed, turn, first big lighted golden hand, then just looked, but, hand still there, its hidden like in blue-ness, outline appears, hollie showed, turn, he said, jumpy hollie said, clapping, hands, showed, its gas prices, hollie showed, going up, hollie showed, turn, this is warnin, hollie said, its, boo, hollie said, they chant, many, him, its, hollie said, but, got hard to see, went kind of dark, their on, its mostly level, but, raises in back, hollie slapt his face, thats the many slap effect, she hollies to, hidden in darkness somewhat, hollie showed, sleep, 9-9-2011-hollie appeared, but was happy at first, clapped, thats magog showed, hollie, only, lighted hand seen but rest appeared, its pope and its prosperous, hollie screams, then just head appeared, but she turned, its hintao, with the pope, worship, the pope hintao said, thats hintao, calling, its jets planes, hollie flew, laughs, hey another, said, coming out, pointing, lighted finger, same hollie that tells, all of uh sudden, in jet plane, then hollie appeared, he made me she said, but was different, hollie, but then first appeared laughing, thats Jesus telling and arranging hollies, do, stunt, they all shook yes, but one more into then other, but one stomps, thats beast, pope appearing like angel of light man, i'm the dragon pope said, hollie showed, its, giant, still playing, but hes alone, now, why did you dump band, hollie said, he just looks, around, laughs, but, hollie, stomps foot, its the loot he said, more money, its alone, hollie said, hollie was, quiet, you see bob, she pointed, its them two back, both want but hes not as happy as looks, but bob help, hollie, said, thats, hollie sending out e-mails, its facebook angel appearing, like white ghost man, hey hollie said, hes like Father thou, i'm the facebook angel said, hollie showed, its polldaddy ministry of dreams, coming out, like angel head forming, but its off white golden color, face only partial hollie showed, coming out, pointing, but, another catches, her finger not pointing right at, but lighted fingers, hey hollie said, clapping, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, its into, lafayette sqaure, she, showed, brother, give us uh rided, screamed, its hollie, hollie showed, its, nuclear war, thats sireen, with, hollie like, pink bear in, shaking, and hollie driving, its spacefighter soarem jet he said, dropping bombs, smiled, clapped hands, showed, its pope riding, its black horse, look bob, hollie drank drink, clapped hands, thats them two in your church, he is dreading, he said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, their playing with you, angel he said, hollie said, claps, showed, its light flash, and, its both beasts, theres its hu hintao, he hollie appeared, clapped, but disappeared, but wsa regrouping, hollie said, hintao rides red horse, thats hollie, its spacefightemsoarem jet, he said, flying down and its soaring into, that, pointed, hollie, green hand, taiwan burned, but hollie did something, hollie said, why didnt you record, bobby their about to call, and, thats, hollie fighting, its hintao, light swords, changing, colors, but another, hollie flys out, its old world war one aircraft, hollie showed, it had wings, two, like, their clothe, she said, she was in pilots gear, he hollie came out, she had like light scarf, that almost went into ground, blew in wind, he saw, there is repelled, showed, hollie, ship leaves, hey another, said, coming, out, hollie was going, she hard to see hollie said, showed, hollie showed, turn, she said, make him write the deal, hollie said, clapping, showing, contract, she wrote, he said, boo we, jumpy hollie and he hollie said, him, she said, clapped hands, showed, bobby, putting up signs, plated flowers, showed, it warmed, up, thats sun shining happy but, it choked and, smoke rose in suns, sun closed eyes, its, i'm moon said, both appeared, at, its Gods interviewing table, hollie stamped, but another caught it, she wasnt seen, but, was there, showed, eating, thats pope in fire, with coffee, drinking, its i'm caregiver said, pointy blue hat, hollie comes out and wonders, was he the same, she said, bob wait hollie said, but hey another, came out, she pointed, but wondering, like, hollies lips didnt move, but he hollie claps, hands, i'm the beast, said, its pope, hollie said, showed, its cold, turn furnace on, hollie showed, turn, 9-10-2011-she said, happy jumpy hollie claps, she put her, bobby, sh, hollie said, its walter, he wants, and you know it, but, many show up, they check it out, hollie said, thats hollie with candel, its at her service, hey she said, whats walter doing preaching there, you will let, hollie, said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, but, reappeared, put one hand on the other arm, and, white clothes, its time, she said, but had on golden watch, it had face on it, its uh clock, watch, said, thats beast pope like, its angel of light round head man, riding, its black horse, hollie came out of head laughing, she showed, its jews, their laughing, thats them, looking, its at bobs video stamps, hollie, but she went white and disappeared, thats janette, and bob sleeping, its at church, bob, hollie wiped lips, but hand not seen, only face shaking a bit, but, he hollie appeared, happy, thats, Jesus whispering, showing eat, and, kind of hidden, theres like blue thing, up, and it makes waves, he wiped her lips but hand not seen but, dark outlines appearing, it, was there, hollie showed, whew its getting cold, storms brewing and Jesus like light man riding, its, lightning bolt, thats thunder peeling, angel appearing in heavens expressionless, hollie showed, its mayor greg ballard at bobs pulpit clearing throat, but not saying, to much, but, they clap as he leaves, thats bob with candle, at, its at, candlelite indianapolis church service, hollie stamps, like white hollie but another comes out, pointing, serious like, catches her, she was not seen at first, angel appeared, bob it will fill in time, its showed, hollie, looking serious, the only service you will need, that was two hundred people, hollie sees, in dark, bob like angel of light preaching, hey hollie said, but didnt say anything else, just watched, hollie showed, turn, showed, thought go around, thats hollie mowing, its church lawn, do bob, she said, hollie blew on smoking light guns, showed, smoke came out of barrels, and facebook angel appeared looking worried, bobby, protect she said, facebook angel laughed, he said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, clapping, hollie showed, like, she saw, white cloudy garments, hollie screamy, she said, again, but, not heard, twisted head, bobby hollie said, its myyearbook ministryofdreams, protect it hollie said, thats woman not liking it to much, hollie showed, send the text message, hollie laughs, thats amber, colored finger, pointed, dark hollie appeared, showed, bob its peoples christian church, angel head appeared, but somewhat dark, not lit up brightly, hollie showed, features hard to make out, thats, hollie said, him, she said, in the fire, twisting head, but laughed, its pope, its i'm caregiver, said, pointy blue hat, blue robe and round, head, pope happy, she said, jumpy hollie said, jumpy hollie showed, do something, thats hollie in, its super b, she smoked tires, they were quick, its, 426 hemi hollie said, it depended on the driver she said, very quick, hollie showed, turn, thats, its uh great mountain and top pops off, flames, its from high above, hollie said, saw, its nuclear rockets from, its, submarines all around, thats missiles striking, thats america exploding, hollie waves from submarine, like uh dark hollie, its akula class, hollie said, stomping, but angry obama presses nuclear button, hollie comes out, its uh network, she said, showed, its many missiles striking, its nuclear n.a.t.o. hollie said, spins world, hollie flys, its p-51 mustang fighter jet, she fire, thats many fires in, its russia, i'm the beast, he said, hollie said, its vladimir, hollie said, spins world like different hollie, thats its beast dragon rising, but looking like wondering, i'm the g8, its putin, hollie said, did say, pope appeared, thats his head coming out, its dragon, hollie spins, world, hollie showed, turn, `but then wiped chin, wondered, showed, go other way, different hollie but hand big, its faternal order of police, indianapolis, hollie showed, but wiped lips, he hollie laughs, he did, thats God telling, hide behind, like blue filter board, like, but, Gods face went blank, hollie came out, caught, hollie put in the for sale sign, plad coat on, 9-11-2011-hollie showed, its wearing white clothes, put hand on other arm, it was uh dream, showed, hollie, wearing light skirt, thats man in bobs field, grass high, he wore like, JEsus, cross shirt, Lord I need help with things, he said, send people that, will help, God and hollie thought, its, gay pride, hollie said, Jesus, but she comes, his face not all seen, but was, there, and, hollie above, pointing, but finger not right at, its gay parade, and people, hollie said, put it under, what was angel hammer doning, there, holding sign, when ya gonna eat something hollie said, showed, eat, bobby, hollie thought, looked, afraid, thats, Jesus appearing, showing, eat, showed, bobby them two are tithers, keep, she will come but thats her not wanting to leave, but does, hollie showed, its nuclear warfare, with, its both beasts together, hu hintao, and, its pope like angel of light cat man, hollie, i will show signs and wonders in the earth, beast, said, and, its, pope, they, depart from each, go to your land pope said, hollie held candle, showed, its candle lite, its be there stamps, hollie, showed, eat, bob, hollie said, your services, its building, she said, white clothes, showed, wait, be still, thats, its beast pope, dragon, hollie laughs, coming out, riding, its black horse, and, its, into russia, he said, thats, many, nations aggitated and angry, people are in uproar, thats beast pope like angel of light rising out of sea and, I he will make peace, happy pope said, thats him eating dinner with, its putin and medvedev, lets make a deal, he said, bobby put my face on myyearbook, he said, thats pope like happy angel of, light, on myyearbook in profile picture, hollie showed, lets eat something, God said, crystal ball, said, its Jesus hollie said, he rubbed, its pope in, but not, happy, dressed, its like wizard hollie said, no, hollie said, showed, its the f.o.p. leave alone, she said, bobby and I showed, its pope, hollie said, hey, another came out, pointed, at, but looked back at bob but same hollie thats catches, caught, came out, two hollies but same, both caught, even each other, fingers, not quite pointing, at, its, o, hollie said, hollie, lit his candle, thats bobby taking picture, from pulpit, like lit up bobby, thats, hollie points, he again, she said, boo, they chanted, but he appeared, not, the same, but hollie points, his mouth open, white in, she said, another, hollie said, rubbing hands, its, pope hollie said, riding black horse, its into moscow, russia, he said, stopped, you like that vision, hollie said, then post that vision, she wiped hands, that, hollie said, its angel looking at, its, blue print, that, hollie said, its fox, like dog, hollie points, new church building, like, white palace empire, its, bob going in, happy, burgundy sweatshirt on, but turns, into, its angel, hollie showed, bobby do, something, hey another, said, coming out, hollies face not all there, like blank somewhat, theres hollie in tank, ducking, tear drop golden Father, shoots by, but turns, blue, happy, hollie showed, its dreyer honda, its on facebook and partial facebook angel appears, shows, its most of new world order, lets see hollie said, theres pope, hu hintao, and its, mexican president, close it up, facebook angel said, but face changed, went somewhat golden, look, hollie said, its dreyer cycle, thats owner looking at, lets go he said, this is uh warning, hollie said, moodie played his sound, she wants you to git out, he said, thats woman wanting sex, them having, put it under, God grants you an open door, if hollie said, he said, jumpy hollie said, jumping and clapping, angel showed, take bath, sleep, hollie showed, go to church tomorrow, bob come on, hollie said, showed, sleep but clapped hands, got back up, white hand pointed, another, hollie, she caught it, but, hollie showed, sleep again, white face, but eyes still open, thats, hollie showing, record, showing, its beast, pope, he appeared, then its hu hintao, lets rule the world, said, its, putin, happy, mexican president appeared, but swallows, closes, eyes, hey hollie said, coming out, he face went blank, lula, showed, no, but, shook, yes, get uh wood burning stove, hollie said, showed, its warm, but another, came out, hollie wore burgundy sweatshirt, record, hollie said, its nine, eleven, again, she said, put it under, hollie said, lets, she said, stomps, foot, hey another, points, where did hollie go, only her feet, but was face was blank, but only somewhat, then it appeared, hollie, said, its for I persecute, God said, by trying to make my servants loose their salvation byt manifold temptations, for its for I mess with, tease, saith God, maiming and wrinkling face, by causing face muscles to tighten, when using, and deseasing gums, and more saith God, 9-12-2011-bobby record me, she said, its, hollie, God said, its kenny, he trembled, bobby, dont, hollie said, hollie showed, its, lair, ministry of dreams, like happy face angel but hollie comes out, white hand, but not pointing right at, his face only partially seen, but, seemed to go light golden, hollie claps, opens hands, just, there but its pope appearing, then on, hes on black horse, hollie said, theres hand agin showing you did not need it, its hollie showed, white hand, hollie looking straight up, its moodie, but hand has, face appear on, bobby, thats, people looking at, its your offer, they want, hollie said, thats, church filling, and after two years, hollie said, she dreaded, she put them out, heres why, use youth hollie said, thats young people working but old people not doing a thing, hollie said, hollie showed, when ya gonna record, hollie said, it was uh dream, hollie night vision showed, but, its really only hollie, short skirt on, its light, she, looked back, hands showing, they were light, many, dreams, but, thats, many, hollies, their like in box, some, that, one he hollie said, showed, like light cards, but, hollie thought, cards not seen, its light, that, he said, beast pope, hes riding, black horse, that he said, go recruit, thats, hollie recruiting, acting like not interested, but stalking, dressed nicely, hollie showed, bobby, its wood burning stove, thats heat showed, hollie, warming hands by stove, burgundy sweatshirt on, thats you and janette, its at church, hollie said, then church grows, hey she said, whats angel doing there, bobby, theres one hollie said, its, hollie got word from God, face went blank, but reappeared, theres many here in city, they will help you, thats man, delivering stove and you paying but he wont take, but, thats you firing up, and, working hard getting wood, its works, thats stove on, and, hollie happy, it heats whole church, for days, hollie showed, eat, its, pope, hollie said, angel ghost man shows, its newspaper, i'm the antichrist, antibeast, he said, showed, bobby, get straight talk card, its time, she said, I will soon, it was Jesus, laughed, hollie, high in heavens, thats earth down beneath she said, bobby git out laptop she said, angel appeared, world shook, thats fire coming, out, hey, hollie, points, world, it had face, boo, they chanted, hollie showed, them, many, its, him, she said, their on uh hill, he hollies, but amber colored lighted she hollie comes out of one, kind of, looking back, to the side but turned into normal she hollie, hollie wearing maids clothes, they wore maids dress, white garnment in front, showed, its world war one fighter plane, she dressed like pilot and he hollie, flew, dove, down, dived down and thats him firing, dropping bombs, its into, over, that, he, said, taiwan exploded, thats, hollie fighting, its hu hintao with light sword, that, he said, bob get straight talk card, you will see, its needed now, he said, hollie flew her plane out, looking at bob, that, he hollie said, got straight talk card, she bombed ship, he showed, its repelled, hollie showed, turn, then again, then wondered, hollie came out, happy, put on, your happy face, God said, bobby its, a.a. hollie showed, they wont, come, so dont bother, but thats hollie like lighted round face, happy, licking, prophet, hey, is that golden in tongue, hollie said, hollie saw, points, but same hollie comes out, its, o, she said, finger over, hand over mouth, thats angel coming, its part of new world order apostolic church, licking prophet, hollie showed, he front part, she said, hollie said, hollie screamed but didnt make uh word, she said, burgundy sweatshirt on, twisted head, but, hollie, another, appeared, turned light, but happy, over, arms, kind of around, but not quite, hollie got laptop out, its, right here bob, thats, amber color finger pointing down, Jesus appeared, bob prayed, kneeling, wearing, its uh white robe, cloudy like, but, bobs head lit up, hollie showed, sleep, white face, but another, comes out, then another, they catch each other, first, her hair wild, but thicker, turn, said, showed, hollie, lighted, hand, burgundy sweatshirt on, hey another, hollie said, she came out, had full head of bushy hair, burgundy sweatshirt on, fingers pointed down but another hollie wondered, her finger went from golden, to white, face faded, 9-13-2011-he said, clapped, jumpy hollie, hey another said, coming, Jesus, laughs, pointing but finger not right at, its church, hollie said, its, angel as front part of building, his, head, showed, lets wake up, he said, hollie unrolled, the, its stamps, hollie, hey another came out, pointed but finger like kind of down, its trinity, hollie said, man preaching, its at bobs church, hollie showed, new world order apostolic church, i'm not trinity church angel said, its the front part hollie said, coming out of building, hollie showed building, bob, hollie said, thats man just looking, waiting to get door open to tell, its him telling, i'm trinity and thats, portion of crowd leaving, but most stay, and, many come back, bobby, hollie, wiped lips but thats he hollie appearing, happy, not seen, but its like, blue, filter screen put up and, thats, Jesus, face going blank, telling, him to hide hand, he does, but God, showed, eat, hollie showed that man will have his eyes opened, but when, thats bob putting him out, then, he will regret, bob hollie said, he knows right now, watch mouth, or, thats hollie, like white faced hollie giving him, boot, its, thats fleas, white in mouth, burgundy sweatshirt on, showed, bob its update hollie said, and, its angel appearing, hes, i'm ministryofdreams, he said, like, its round head ghost like man, its church angel, hollie showed, head, as part of building, but hands showed, changed, like light arms and hands, hollie showed, its man looking at offer, he shakes yes, I agree, thats him preaching, promoting Jesus, not personal belief, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, hollie showed, turn, golden hand, hollie showed, bobby wait, she said, golden face monkey liped hollie leaped, but hollie came, out, she, clapped, golden hands, it was dark, hollie had bushy hair, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie drove tank, but its, tear drop shaped Father shooting by, hey hollie said, caught again, finger pointing almost down but kind of crooked like, he came back, different color, its blue, hollie drove tank, git the phone, hollie said, she was on phone, burgundy sweatshirt on, its him she said, looking worried, bobby he wants money, tell him, the deal, hollie said, he, said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, hey another, said, coming out, white hand, finger kind of down, burgundy sweatshirt on, bushy hair, bobby said, hollie, showed, nice brown hair, hollie showed, its straight talk card, bobby, buy, hollie said, she said, work, showed, jumpy hollie, hey another, said, coming out, finger down, burgundy sweatshirt on, bushy hair, it was, golden monkey lips jumpy hollie, lit up hat, different color, but bobby she said, clapped, hands like not many fingers, hollie pointed, down, lighted finger, bob hollie showed, put lock back on door, clapped hands, showed, its, screen, monitor with, hollie on, him, she said, but, I didnt want it, he said, its church, and church appeared, hollie said, its o, but not seen but only hands but was, bob sell church, hollie showed, lay down, she said, no, jumpy hollie showed, but, jumpy hollie had monkey lips and like stomped, in, most darkness, golden like, hollie showed, thru, with, burgundy sweatshirt on, two more hollies came, he hollie claps, its newsletter, hollie dreaded showing, hollie showed, turn, lighted hand, but, another, came out, he caught, wondered, she had like blue body, like bird mascot, 9-14-2011-hollie showed, away, she said, golden hands, but, went white, its, woman, hollie said, God said, put it under, Jesus said, showed, his light watch, bobby its time, he said, you sleep to die, and, I will let you live, now in prosperity, saith the Lord, prophet hickman, raise your hands and repeat after said, its hollie, but another, came out, two, but one him, both, there they are, burgundy sweatshirts on, lets put it under, hollie said, its beast pope rising, its like dot head angel, i'm the beast, he said, riding black horse, its pope, hollie said, thats, horse stopping, its in russia, hollie said, its tuesday, hollie said, its church, someone will be there, bobby, thats two, your building now, its, spacesoarem, hollie said, its he him hollie, she said, happy, diving, its over, into taiwan, its, on, that, hollie said, like red flying saucer, thats taiwan, its fire all around, hollie fights, its, hu hintao, he, hollie claps, light swords, hintao, hollie points, its o, she said, hintao on, its red horse, thats hollie flying out, like blank face, its round, pilots gear, showed, its old world war one, hollie said, aircraft, but thats him firing, thats, nuclear in china, and, its, three ohio class subs, showering, hollie appears, showed, that, he said, but, looked, angry, hollie stomps foot, another, hollie comes out, caught it she said, its, repelled, hand showed, but hollie there, its him, hollie did three things at one, time, bob its busy time, she said, pointed, golden finger, showed, church, people starting to come, it was the leave it alone hollie said, moodie played the music, it was soumb, sandy said, what was that, hollie showed, big white hand, its uh burgundy, another, hollie said, sweatshirt on, but, she went blue, he hollie appeared, its 1965 ford galaxie 500, hollie showed, like, brownish hollie, its, hickman group ministries, thats, hollie came out, its words appearing, its oh, another, said, looking somewhat angred, hollies mouth open, happy, teeth showing, she said, jumpy hollie said, clapping, leaping, but, another hollie came out, he pointed, bushy hair, burgundy sweatshirt on, went blue hollie hammer, its, adolf hilter, its, i'm the third reich, hitler, said, hollie tried to, teach, the dog to talk, wore, its burgundy sweatshirt, another, he, its him, hollie said, caught, but, face, well, he started appearing, thats, hollie, in, its sireen shaking, showing, not listening, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, she you said, I do, thats bob and, its janette marrying, hollie like somewhat seen, and, disappeared but reappearing, hollie showed, its stand by your wife, now, shes fat, hollie showed, its web, golden background, like spider web, its, people in squares of web, thats many wondering, its about bob, black lady, said, put it under, hollie said, thats many finding out, bobby look, hollie said, he, slapt his face, hollie showed, lay down, showed, fix it bob, put rubber band around taperecorder, but she moved white hands, burgundy sweatshirt on, Gods new hammer appeared like, expressionless, dull blue, but then cloudy, like color, he hollie, no hair, hollie came out, it was like, just outlined, he, hollie in cloudy like color scene, he said, showed, showed, hollie, its them, him, he hollie appears, many, he hollies, their chanting boo, but, amber, colored she hollie, came out of one, looking back, turned to side somewhat, its him, hollie said, appearing, maids clothes on, theres blue dress, white garnment in front, hollie showed, its, eighteeen years old, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back, up, 9-15-2011-bobby, hollie said, showed, its, Jesus, thats people laughing, many now know, thats them hollie showed, and Gods hammer appeared, like, its normal hollie, in blue setting, just her in white outlines, she blue but showed, its, event, thats most looking at event, some, its, uh view, young girl said, thats, many showing up, its at bobs church, stamps, hollie, thats, hollie, church, church, google earthed, its google map showed, hollie, showed, its bobs church, but its still same, hollie showed, time, in her white clothes, its bobs, candlelite, thats, hollie with candle, bob at pulpit, in darkness, bob lit by candle, showed hollie and people, they love it, thats church three quarters of the way full, and bob appeared, and, hollie raked in the loot, plad coat on, its good for me, she said, hollie looked up, another, comes out, points, bobby, its viddler ministryofdreams, take care, of, it, thats, site still up and hollie like light hollie doggie appeared, but, only partial, its o, he hollie came, out, but fleas said it, she appeared, he comes back out, she had light in mouth, showed, bobby, thats food, its, right out of dumpster, hollie said, turned like doggie hollie, thats google map sattellite, showing bobs church, its high in air, showed, hollie, showed, its earth, and sattellites flying, its over, hollie thought, just under two hundred miles up, they, take photographs, hollie took picture, its bobs candlelite, starting to fill, you see that man, babyfleas appeared, white in mouth, its o, hollie said, hollie came out, catches, points, but another, hollie caught her, finger not pointing at, just kind of down, but, not quite, thats, bob using, is facebook angel forming and appearing, hollie comes out, shows, hes light face but people find out and they dont remove, thats hundreds at your event, its uh web, hollie said, forming, many people finding out about bob, hollie comes out, its o, fleas, said, he hollie catches, white in, mouth but he points up, burgundy sweatshirt on, Jesus high in air and thats world below, fire starting to, hollie saw many fires, its nuclear warfare, hollie said, thats submarines, its akula class, stomps hollie, kind of, wondering if bob will record, many subs firing, different hollies, both him and she, many countries, exploding, its nuclear g8, hollie said, hollie drove to church, hollie got its on internet, and angel appears, thats her buying, its new insurance, at, hollie saw, different figures, almost half, hollie said, bobby search, hollie said, thats, hollie on his laptop computer, typing in insurance, and google, page appearing, many different entries, its record, hollie said, she, showed basement, its fleas, hollie and doreen, said, she stuck head out, hollie showed time, its bobs church, bed appeared with, its janette in, bob preaching, church has some people but thats it filling, another, hollie said, it looked like hollie in pew, hollie showed, turn, bob search for uh ministry hollie said, thats what they said, hollie did say, you wanted it, white angelic hollie that tells said, showed, thats, what you got, its, woman, many, him, its, hollie said, on, their on uh hill she said, put it under, why do you chant boo hollie said, with microphone, she went to he hollie, its record, he wont, he said, but she hollie helped, its same she hollie that tells but more, real like, its, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, being rocked by, its, three, pointed, hollie, its your turn, she said, as, m.s., its the m.v., she said, wilhelm gustloff ship, his representative, hollie said, but, no, he dont mind, she said, dressed nice, Jesus, he tells me word, his ship, fleas said, but, its o, hollie said, coming, out, she had white in mouth, bobby freeze it, God said, hollie showed, its three, hitler on deck, and bored ship waiting, its on bottom of the sea, hollie visits, its akula class, thats, what you wanted, needed, she said, stomped, hollie fires, its she showed, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, and russia burning, thats, dragon rising, i'm the beast, pope said, hollie showed, its seven headed serpent with tens horns, and are they hollie said, God said, its politburo, Jesus showed his time, its amber, hollie said, appearing, watch, hey she pointed, it had face on, hollie showed, lay down, hollie showed, turn, what did she scream for, hollie said, screamed again but not heard, 9-16-2011-you got what you wanted, you got what you needed, hollie said, God, said, bob, hollie said, showed her light watch, your out of time, he said, put it under, its, the, the m.v., o, happy, its his ship hollie said, came out, but showed, with two fingers, burgundy sweatshirt on, Gods hammer hollie appeared, hes like grayish, hollie, but, two hollies starting this vision tour hollie said, thats bob walking, its at, new wineskin ministries, be cool, hollie just looked serious, but wasnt, she laughed, look, hollie said, showed, its pope, picture, but hey hollie said, theres blue in but pope started crying, hollie went white came out, why are you crying, its bobby showed, pope, in bed and awake, but burgundy sweatshirt on, dying, hollie showed, you got what you wanted, she was normal and angelic but another, hollie appeared, its skydive hollie showed, ministryofdreams angel, he partially appeared, its hotmail, hollie said, i'm the m.v., thats his ship agin, hollie saw, torpedoes rocking, adolf hitler, on deck, I made that ship hitler said, thats, ship on bottom of sea, showing, waiting and Father appeared first, like, its like little statue of front of ship, white, hollie saw, happy, long hair, but another, comes out, he saw white in her mouth, bushy hair, thats hollie with nice hair, bobby she said, thats your church, angel as front part of building, just, his head, hollie got word from, its, Jesus, hollie said, it slowly filled, just watch, hollie looked up, its Jesus coming, its red hot, its sixth seal opening, smoke going up, blocking, its sun and moon, sun became unhappy, moon happy but face, appeared, but then disappeared, hollie clapped, burgundy sweatshirt on, bobby seal it up she said, she said, hollie said, but jumpy hollie leaps, claps, golden monkeys lips but started turning normal hollie, but blue face, its, him, them, she said, many, him, their on uh hill, he hollies, but amber colored, she hollie came out of one looking back but turned normal, hollie, this is hollie with the loose belt some, hollie showed, turn, hat on, this is, hollie screamin for this reason she said, screamed again, but hat appeared on, its brown, hollie showed, turn, hat on, showed, two, amber, colored fingers, one pointed, down, thats bobby laying on back, kind of tilted to side little, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, lay down, it was dark scene, hollie lit up, her face kind of white, but hands golden, another, he, its him, comes out, hey he said, pointing, at, this time, white finger, burgundy sweatshirt on, leave it alone, he said, 9-17-2011-bobby, this is Jesus, hollie said, thats people running, its agitated, hollie said, showed, its her, new flash drive, its people leave, hollie said, hollie showed time, thats, barack obama making, its anouncement, o, said, its his ship agin, said the, m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship, hollie showed, her new flash drive, showed, ship dressed good, but face went, blank and, dull white color, hollie showed, its economic collapse, u.s.a., showed, its new flash drive, and its angel coming out, bobby hollie showed, just go to another mail box, theres time she said, but bob went to same one and I clap, hollie said, did, but, its, o, fleas said, but, hollie he came out, fleas appeared, both, burgundy sweatshirts on, he came back out, kind of, upset and hollie mailed her letter, its insurance payment but theres Gods new hammer, hollie said, appearing, hes light round face, but, features dull, hollie finger pointing down, but light, you cant hollie said, thats why, bobby, thats cheatin, hollie said, bobby its with janette, its, hey, hollie said, thats not bob thats brett, but like a m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship, hollie showed, its r.m.s. titanic, thats her, saluting on board, thats ship, hitting, its iceberg, sinking, hey hollie said, thats eye appearing on ship, its o, ship said, thats, ship on bottom, just not super happy, its cause he made me ship said, showed, captain, smith, ship had white arms, hollie came out, showed, its new world order apostolic church, hands, theres, hey, hollie said, theres only three fingers, thats church filling bob, its tithe payers, hollie said, you want, hollie said, fifty of them, thats church angel appearing, got happy, laughed, you see angel said, but didnt move mouth but hollie was behind, came into view, thats, the, tap dancers, hollie said, many hollies, theres he, she, burgundy sweatshirts on, hey hollie said, kind of wondered like, hand went snake like, light, its, she, said, thats, pope, and, seven headed dragon appearing, thats its, hollie said, kings popping out, theres president of mexico, theres lula hollie said, showed, seal it up but went like bear hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, turn, she said, showed, bobby eat first, hollie showed, turn, hollie had, its the cocaine, she looked around, then snorted some, put it under, dont, do hollie said, hollie, ducked in her tank, Father shot by, hes light bluish, tear drop, but, went yellow, hey hollie said, coming, out, hollie showed, lay down, you see, bob, said, its hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, thats angel roundhead dancing, showed, eat, she hollie comes out, claps, but hollie showed, lay down again, but, somewhat happier, i'm the m.v., its his ship pointed, hollie, face not seen but did appear, showed, eat, thats, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, being, rocked, by, its torpedoes, hilter on deck, it waits on bottom of sea, what did she say, its, he, she hollie, said, nancy was quiet but doesnt want people hired, its, boo, he said, hollie points, they chanted, their on uh hill, hollie mowed, lawn, Jesus showed his light watch, time he said, showed, its hollie, lay down, he showed, thats her shocking, its out gum desease, hollie, said, but bob, she said, you wil burn, your self, she looked at God, I wont fix it, the damage I did, cause, I want to ruin, you, to make you openly mocked, your mouth will burn up, then, when I weep, I will remove my wrath, but I cant let you do it, for I persecute saith the LOrd, to maim and marr my children, all day, but causing facial muscles to tighten when using, wrinkling face, deasing gums and body, and caressing sex organ with electricity, torturing all day, saith Jesus, to make my children perish, teasing them and laughing at them, saith God, 9-18-2011-hollie showed, its, pulling up sleeves, he warned you, she said, i'm broke, its, walter, hollie said, put it under, dont have nothing to do with, him, thats, bob getting the loot, its, jackie, hollie said, he will set you up, she said, hollie appeared, by bob, let me record, hollie said, and, I stamp, she said, thats Gods new hammer arising, its like ghost man light hollie, showed, its flash drive, showed, bobby be careful, take care of she showed, thats, its, i'm the beast, its pope, said, did say, bobby, your event, it works, she said, hollie screamed, look at that showed, hollie, 1956 g.m.c. truck, still running, she drove, lets motor, she said, showed, its uh big white hand, she said, that was angelic white hollie, hollie scream, showed, its, showed, its new ministryofdreams website like angel man, but just light body, no clothes, hollie claps, but body not seen but just hands but she, was there, hey another, came out, hollie wore dress but one that came out, not quite done yet, JEsus paints his hollie, she wore like skirt dress, why is hollie cryin for, hollie said, thats another, hollie winking, light face, shes, why bob, hollie said, screamed again but not heard, another, hollie comes out, points, she turned head, burgundy sweatshirt on but went Gods hammer, but, went back, hollie showed, its time, eight-thiry, written on piece of paper, showed, leave, plad coat on, but, hollie went blue like blue hollie thing, looked at bob, plad coat on, hollie got drink, hollies screamin for this reason, thats pastor stone being, its put out of washington sqaure, its for noise, hollie said, went blue hollie, plad coat on, he knew, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, like white hollie, hollie showed, its web going around world, growing, thats bob on internet, burgundy sweatshirt on, but went Gods hammer, white face, head, but then blue hollie, bob your, hollie did say, making this world, hard to recuit, she said, cause your telling what God does and people are laughing, hollie showed, turn, but showed, keep going straight, looked back at bob, hollie, showed, turn, hey another, said, coming out, hollie ducked inside her tank, and ghost like shot by, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, come on, hollie said, dark setting, but hollie kind of lit up but dark clothes, on, they appeared, dark, she said, bob theres the phone, hollie and another, said, bob on phone, its carlos, hollie said, he wants it now, bob on phone, pointed, hollie, 9-19-2011-somebody wants to see you, hollie said, jumpy hollie claps, theres tank agin, hollie said, another ducks inside, its Father shooting but, hes like ghost tear drop man, but, hollie thought, he changed colors, theres blue she said, but was golden, put it under, hollie said, bobby shoot your guns, hollies blows on smoking gun, has two, but, claps, but, another, hollie comes out, hey she said, where was first one, where did she go, but was there, appeared, it, hollie said, hollie showed, its events, she said, put it under, hollie said, theres Gods new hammer like, its ghost hollie, showed, its update events, keep them around, hollie rode, its motorcycle, she saved gas, but wrecked, its the phone, hollie said, she was on phone, yes, jackie said, showed, come on, bob said, will do reciprocate, jackie agreed, put it under, thats hollie putting jackie out, he looked back, stunned, hes uh witch, hollie said, hollie showed, its cheap heat, its on google, she looked, its, on, its laptop stamps, hollie, but she disappeared, hammer appeared, but, he, looked, mouth opened, not right, like, wide, I need, somebody to let me, hollie said, showed, its events, hammer appeared, but but disappeared, was blue, hollie showed, go to, its goodwill, but showed turn, it to church, sat in, claps, looked at bob, hollie saw, its the sixth seal, opening, and smoke rising up, hollie drove, its to kentucky, and when she got there, wiped forehead, claps, hands, real quick, but looks at bob, its boring down there, she said, thats bob preaching, its at jackies church, he watches, but whew he said, stunned, thats, crowd clapping, lets go, i'm the door, van said, white face, hand coming out, long arm, its, evangelising, thats bobs church, face appeared, in front, not happy, but disappeared, one person, there, bob and janette, look at that showed, hollie, big white hand, but, it opened, her face blank, somewhat, its uh 1973, she said, chevrolet camaro z28, it spun back tires, hollie drove, lets motor, she said, but, another, hollie was suprised, hand over mouth, burgundy sweatshirt on, but went, theres Gods hammer, its the, marine corp. out in the streets, like angel marine, its, looting bobby gabriel said, but people ran, hey hollie said, what was I right there with, she said, barack makes anouncement, hollie with barack laughs, its under economic collapse here, he said, hollie got out, thats them tearing america apart, many states but Gods hammer was there like blue round head, its, taperecorder, its g.e., hollie said, licking the prophet, loving, on, its bob, cause bob bought, like white face coming, out, theres that angel hollie said, did convey, showed, its record, she said, hat appeared on, its blue, thats webcam scouting, like beam coming out of, its eye, hollie, laughs, appearing in, its eye, hollie showed, bob find ministry, she said, clapped new jumpy hollie face, kind of, animal like, mouth part, hollie ducks, in her tank, showed, its american legion post 64 tank, Father shot by like yellowish ghost man but hollie wondered, seemed to go blue, this is hollie with that o loose belt some, he hollie played, like, its beatin in metal think like drummers have, hollie showed, its peter criss, and drum, set, its many hollie said, hollie ate the cookies, bobby eat she said, hollie just hanged around, jumpy hollie went yellow, golden face jumpy hollie showed, turn, jumpy hollie showed, turn, but thought, was wondering, why is he going the other, way, hollie wiped face, mowed lawn, you see hollie said, showed, its krista rann, shes cut off, hollie said, showed, witch krista said, but put it under, hollie said, o i'm saved krista said, hollie showed, how to make the wood burning stove, rubbed hands, golden, and its hollie at that explains, burgundy sweatshirt on, getting heavier, telling, showed, make metal box, it has little chimney, flute, she said, showed, smoke comes in side, shew, she said, make right, but another hollie came, out, different hollies, get inside chimney, hollie showed, lay down, theres uh submarine, hollie said, its the, leave me alone, another, hollie said, sandy appeared, its, simb, now looky, hollie said, waved, its akula class, bobby he warned, you hollie said, almost like crying cause bob wont record, these people are, it, prophet said, they will rent, thats submarines firing, all captain, hollie, with one, its him, he hollie, china exploded, its spacesoarem jet, same he hollie in sub, diving down, its flying red saucer, its into over, that, taiwan exploded, he told me so hollie said, Jesus tells him to do both parts, hey another, hollie said, coming out, looking back at bob but, finger kind of pointed down, burgundy sweatshirt on, red, mouth open, fleas comes out, just light finger, stunned look, but same white in mouth, hollie fights, its hintao on red horse, which held back smile, showed, theres another, hollie, flew old world war one plane, dressed like pilot, round like face, hollie showed, bobby eat, thats battle of washington state, repelled hollie said, 9-20-2011-she said, you mom, its hollie said, wearing, its white clothes, buts theres Gods new hammer, he diappeared to quick, said, its Jesus hollie did say, christian, God said, thats woman giving, its money, theres checks, and its money showing, up, at bobs church claps hollie, but its only hands seen but rest appeared like mostly white hollie, thats its pope rising, out of, its sea, claps same hollie, white hands, bob thats many looking at, its your offer, read all about, extra extra hollie said, as newspaper spun out, i'm the beast, pope, said, God said, with seven heads and ten horns, its pope, let me see, hollie said, one man thinks its good but how can I trust but he does and, thats him happy with, its loot, hollie said, in his hands, hollie showed, its hells bell ringing like dark bell, tilted to side, but, like golden design in, hollie claps, then appeared all the way, showed, bobby eat something, its, beast pope rising out of, its sea, like angel man, not happy, rides, its black horse, comes to halt in, its russia, its uh network, hollie said, showed many missiles striking many lands, i'm the nuclear g8 putin said, climbing down, its the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hollie, showed, its, many kings poppping out of, its seven heads, serpents striking, theres, fox, looking happy of mexico, lula showing now, theres its kim jong with, its nuclear button hollie said, and he presses, thats nuclear fires in, its russia, china, and south korea, thats light putin face and hollie rides missile, and north korea explodes, hey hollie said, thats, missile coming from ocean, its tomahawk, two, thats more fire in north korea and barack appears, thats putin pushing nuclear button, hey pointed, hollie looking down, thats submarines all around america, I will shoot ya, said, its medvedev on national t.v., barack and his advisors watching, but thats medvedev pushing nuclear button anyhow and its putin trying to stop but thats, its uh massive network hollie said, and many missiles strike all over, america, hey hollie said, thats ballistic missiles rising out of ground, hollie rode, but barack presses nuclear button, thats light beast arising, afraid, and, its, many fires in russia and, whole country almost exploded, but thats many nuclear rockets striking, its nuclear g8, hollie said, thats venezuela and brazil exploding, hollie circles world, in, its light, mustang-51 fighter jet, thats big nuclear fire in africa and thats nicaragua burning but missiles coming from ocean striking, its near texas exploded, but thats missiles leaving there, thats nuclear fires in, its cuba and mexico, hollie showed, seal it up, thats beast rising out of sea, i will with stand you said, its hu hintao, this is hollie like, uh light round head hollie showing, its turn, black arms, but some gray outline in, hollie showed, picture, its pope, they want you, its, pontey, hollie said, did say, but another, comes out, looking uneasy, burgundy sweatshirt on, finger pointing down, looking kind of at, but theres Gods hammer, its like blue head hollie, dressed same, theres blue in picture, its saudi arabia ministryofdreams, like, mostly visible face happy angel but not quite, loose belt sumb hollie did say, he, its him, she said, appeared, play music, not happy, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn again, amber lighted hand, its i'm, its popes caregiver said, hollie said, like lighted round head, bluish clothes, but light, pope in fire showing, its drink, thats m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, laughing, dressed nice like white angel ship man, but thats ship on bottom of the sea and angelhead coming out, waving, hollie visits, its in submarine, and fires, its uh massive network hollie said, many countries exploded, i'm the nuclear g8, putin, said, hollie screamed, again, but burgundy sweatshirt on, only turned head, hollie showed, turn again, only light hand, its him, and cat statue licks the prophet, he hollies, their on a hill, going up, one just looked but not happy, hollie showed, lay down, clapped hands, wore like dark sweatshirt, its uh dark setting, bob dont work at speedway hollie showed, thats her going in, speedway, buying, its drink, go she said, clapped hands, got out, its lappy, hollie said, angel coming out of its screen, its uh laptop computer, hollie said, 9-21-2011-its ministry of dreams, meetup, bobby this is it, hollie said, this meetup will, its gets your group just watch, hollie showed her time, its light watch, but she wore white, theres Gods new hammer, she said, hes face, seemed, thought hollie, rubbed face, to be part of, I want you to do this, Jesus said to hollie, she shook yes, was happy to do it, part of background, thats God showing, bob laughing and hollie got excited, its happy young woman showing, up, then others, if you offer them job, hollie said, thats meetup ministry of dreams clapping hands like ghost white, man, happy, showed, both beasts, clapped hands, its the pope and hu, thats pontey hollie said, hes riding black horse, thats hu hintao, on, its, he showed, red horse, thats hollie diving down, its on red flying saucer, hollie pointed, showed, its two, thats young woman looking at, its bobs entry, becoming terrified, its hollie said, Lord why did he put that on, another just laughs, I knew I wasnt saved, thats taiwan burning, bobby, hollie showed, people dont want it enough, but many now know, thats the seat of God, lighted finger, pointed, its thumb, hollie said, bob sitting at, its, new world order apostolic church, and, angel appears on front, hollie sees inside building, empty, but, hollie saw, thats money coming in, thats another, hollie, fighting, its hu hintao, red horse there, happy but changed, both had light swords, hollie wore dress, another, hollie flys out, but, its, old world war two mustang fighter jet but then disappeared, turned into, its, stealth bomber, hollie said, we, they were invisible, hollie thought, only about ten left, out of, hollie showed, its seventy three, they crashed them hollie said, theres one in storage, its at, museum, those planes thought Jesus, were best, thats hollie flying, its f-22 raptor, its, hollie got word from God, he showed, eat, invisible to, thats skin, radar beams hitting but redirected up, its, ruin now kim, hollie said, looking at, its g-mail, she said, she, thats hollie doing meetup events, people shaking, yes, hollie showed, many people finding out, number growing, its, uh web hollie said, thats big part of world, underneath covered, bob, its your getting, web still growing, and bob sleeping, people are, hollie showed, talking, theres hand agin, hollie looking up at, he saw, hey hollie thought, hollie thought, hand, face appeared, on, bobby its meetup, hollie said, she showed, spruce up, go to events, they aint going to listen, said, its angel hollie said, its uh cellphone, hollie said, theres her with her phone, and sattelite above, hollie pushed button, sattelite received and it sent, stamps, hollie, signal, theres many signals going, out, its, hollie thought, man, white hollie, millions, people receiving message, its technology has improved, she said, put it under, that, pointed, hollie, Gods new hammer, that she said, but another, comes out, where she said, Gods new hammer, like roundish head, blue hollie but, kind of, like, just, beardy, at bottom part, but, not quite thought hollie, he hollie claps, hollie showed, clean van out, showed bad odor smell, she said, hollie jumped, but went jumpy hollie, clapped, showed, eat, hollie showed, turn, golden amber long hand, hollie appeared, white in mouth, but its him, she said, came, out, pointed finger, kind of down, crooked, light, thats it reappearing, burgundy sweatshirt on but theres Gods new hammer hollie said, hollie thought, its church tithes, he does, watch, go home, hollie said, another, points, white, robe on, see hollie said, showed, its wood burning stove, its at, hollie showed, in church, thats, hollie at menards looking, at, wearing, its uh, plad coat, hollie showed, lay down, bobby dont turn it in, hollie said, she got her laptop out, hollie that tells, comes out, shows, its, pope, she said, like, angel of light, looking kind of to side, down a little, another, hollie showed, dark setting, boo, they chant, hollie comes out, showed, many, its him, their on uh hill, hollie had green like hand, hollie showed, turn, bobby hollie said, another, screamed, its, what you wanted, she said, then hollie that tells came out, claps, but went to other hollie but back, 9-22-2011-hollie showed, eat, hey, hollie said, but its him coming out, opening mouth but golden in her mouth, white light in his, burgundy sweatshirt on, he had bushy hair, bobby, said, hollie, with nice hair, big eyes, hey hollie said, she had like, its pigs nose, but longer, theres beast, its pope, hollie said, riding, its black horse, came to a screeching halt she said, its in russia said pope, hollie points, like angel man, hollie showed, walk, showed, its meetup ministryofdreams, like happy angelface, but, hollie catches, hes only partial face, hollie showed her watch, she was white clothes, hollie screams, turns head, but only, the second time, its uh burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed walk, its good for you, hollie appeared, high up, its to the side, appeared behing, its light pulpit, wooden top, like hollie explained, the she explains again, showed, bobby, eat something, bit chicken, but eyes appeared on chicken, then happy face, another, hollie screams, bob dont work, hollie said, showed, its uh wood burning stove, but happy face appeared on, i'm the stove, showed, its pope on the black horse, hollie and God said, its hollie moodie playing, its, judgment day, he wore burgundy sweatshirt, but changed into, its Gods hammer like white face hollie but hollie comes out, shows, its two, telephone, its hollie, another, on phone, one showed, burgundy sweatshirt on, its meetup ministryofdreams God and hollie said, like, happy angel head, showed, i'm the meetup, showed, its pope and hu hintao, see these two hollie, hollie shuffled the deck coming out, they are, both beasts, she said, thats hollie and top off sound, its bertie, she wants, hollie said, thats smith shaking, yes, brings perry in, but hes, hollie came out, hes, wanting that, pulpit appeared, but theres Gods new hammer, hes like ghost hollie him thing, bluish, hollie showed, his head king of, its, flatter on top, not as round, thought, hollie, its him hollie said, showed, them on hill, many he hollies, one winked, but amber she hollie came out, of one, looked back, boo, hollie showed, its, solar panels, bobby she thought, their good, but thats in day time only, hollie showed, its cold, thats rain, hollie said, showed, rain hits them, it, doesnt work as well she said, bobby there free, she said, hollie showed, make your own, heres how, hollie made like metal, its box shape and, put something in and something over, tada she showed, its solar panel, hey another, hollie said, coming out, he help ya she said, thats Jesus telling her, just do vision, she did, but didnt show all in construction, but, thats, its, him, working on, in between scenes but both built, hollie showed, lay down, its dark setting, but she was lit up, her face and hands, showed, sleep, 9-23-2011-you need to record, hollie said, showed, pope, she said, its him, she said coming out, clapping hands, hes, happy, hollie showed, pope like angel man, just kind of looking but changed facial expression, just hands seen but rest there, she appeared, showed eat, theres Gods new hammer, like, its somewhat round white head, bald, no hair, showed, say something, hollie ate, blew bubble, but bubble disappeared, bobby theres economic collapse in the air, thats people running, hey, thats, whats Gods new hammer running with them for, like, hes tall, blue face, same hammer but different colors, but, hollie with barack obama, its, theres economic collapse in, its the u.s.a. stamps, hollie but, only hands, but rest there, what was hollie screamy for, screamed again, but only turned head, and white hollie appeared, showed, its the sign of time, burgundy sweatshirt on but, theres Gods new hammer, like, hes blue head, but went hollie again, changed, hollie showed, bobby, its indianapolis churches, showed, its them again, chanting, its boo, their on hill but many he hollies, but amber lighted she hollie came out of one, looking back, to the side, hollie claps, but only hands, rest appeared, showed, eat, wore, white robe, thats, i'm the m.v. new hollie like hairless hollie said, light face, but dull like grayish blue, but hair appeared, theres hollie with nice hair, she showed, bobby its the m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship, thats torpedoes, rocking, hilter on deck, ship rocked, its massive explosions, theres ship on bottom of sea with Father coming out of front, just waiting but hollie visits, in her, its akula class, thats what you want, needed she said, looks back at bob, fires, its uh massive network, she said, thats many countries being struck by missiles, its i'm the nuclear g8, theres putin, showing, eat, and its dragon serpent rising, hollie shoewd, eat, and I stamp, hollie said, thats its, beast pope rising, going hammer like its light face but back to pontey, hey hollie said, she thought, like triangle, hair, head, shape, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, no hollie said, showed, thru, but showed, eat, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, its bobs popularity going up, theres people looking at now, its hollie that explains, you got it, she said, showed, its your church, then scene changes, angel comes out of, its front, its front part of building, i'm the church, angel said, quickly clapped hands, showed, its, pope, i'm the, beast, pope said, riding black horse, but, it, stopped in russia, thats pope with medvedev, signing deal, putin, there, you see these three, hollie said, these kings shall rise in persia, see hollie said, her at, its riverside amusement park, in, its indianapolis showed, hollie, but theres Gods new hammer appearing, hes, white, hollie came out, his head took up whole scene, Jesus looks at picture frames and puts vision together, thats roller coaster getting ready to go down, hollie showed, its steep incline, Father coming out of first car in front, claps, light hands, you see, its the beast, hollie said, she wrote 666 on his, hollie stamped, its, another comes out, where did hollie go, wrote 666 on his arm, underneath his wrist, hollie showed, its elder woodsons church tomorrow, she said, clapped, but looked to side, then like dancing, hollie showed, go, into speedway, blew balloon, its he hollie on, happy, man I didnt want to go home, thats organ, hollie said, she went and got, tried to move, its to heavy, bob put it in van, showed, hollie, thats organ, happy in van, but acting like not alive but got happy, like round head, light coming out, let me see bob hollie said, thats woman looking at your application, puts it under thing on desk, calls for interview, she doesnt need but hires anyway, its at higher salary range, hollie said, hollie slapt face, but its another, hollie coming out, showed, bob take bath, there, look, hollie said, its Gods new hammer, hes like white martian head, in, its, facebook profile picture, but hollie stamps, she disappeared, but only hands, but reappeared, mouth open, another, pointed, not seen at first, hollie showed, turn, but he appeared, burgundy sweatshirt on but went, Gods hammer, different color face, but hollie thought, seemed to change, hollie showed, lay down, its uh dark setting, same hollie showed, dark like clothes, but her face and hands, lit up, 9-24-2011-she said, hollie said, God said, showed cut it off, need to quit, hollie said, showed, lay down, was sleeping, but, and they all want both to stop but God wont, and theres hollie at computer making the Lord pay, it was uh dream showed new hollie night vision, skirt on, looking back at bob, but Gods new hammer appeared, like, white face hollie, bob, jackies wanting fun, he will not let you preach at his church just yet but want yours, hes coming up and, hollie dreads calling, but does, they talk for a little while, thats baby, george was with, bob look at, let me kill, bob, thought, in heart, baby was like statue, no eyes, mouth, just molded, like, they have but didnt have, theres God appearing, showing, lets kill children that can defend themselves, theres many, running, and, hollie showed, theres Gods hammer, like, hes tall, blue head, no hair, plad coat on, looting, many, hollie said, its, all over america, then, appeared with, its barack obama, laughing, barack, its under economic collapse here, but hollie thought, you wanted that, record showed, hollie, had maybe golden lips but the hammer appeared, hes blue head, no expression, look at that, hollie said, its, she, saw, rubbed forehead, 1956 cadillac, God said, she appeared in, like, its white angelic hollie, hollie screamed, appeared, burgundy sweatshirt on but theres Gods hammer like, hes, hollie thought, his head hard to describe, no hair, kind of hard to match up, she said, its boo who, hollie said, its, he, their on uh hill stamps, hollie but not seen but appeared, bobby she said, with Gods voice, he hollies, submarines, its, the uh leave me alone sumb, sorry, hollie said, sandy appeared, wiped lips, but started going hollie, bob thats you at elder woodsons church, hollie stamps, hes your district elder, go, hollie said, but, she came out, things changed, he said, hollie said, but changed to, its jumpy hollie, another, showed, she had golden monkeys lips, hollies hand only appeared, but rest there, face kind of blank, another, comes out, showed, these visions, see you want it, showed, hollie, thats explains, shes transformed, another, hollie said, theres Gods new hammer like, just gray light but changed into light man, but hollie thought, his head kind of, no hair, happy, like, hollie showed, turn, come on bob, showed, lay down, theres trouble God said, hollie showed, turn, its pope, and, three kings rising, in, its persia, stamps, hollie, showed, theres hu hintao, hollie showed, its war, its, him, riding on space flying saucer, bomber, thats into over taiwan, burned, thats, hollie showing fight and same hollie fighting, its hintao with light sword, another, hollie flys out but hollie comes out, different catches, pointed, lighted finger, but showed, scenes going to quick, bombs chinese ship, its old world war one aircraft, she had, hollie thought, face like round, but, somewhat blank, she dressed in pilots gear, showed, its plane, he said, hollie showed, its walk, showed, its o.p.e.c., its cutting oil production, thats, king of saudi with others, and its uh lighted finger pointing, hey hollie said, thats gas, its now over four dollars per gallon, stays, she said, soon, hollie, winterize the church, angel coming out of, its front part of building, i'm the church, he pointed, hollie said, angel said, come right on in, thats, people walking in, God said, 9-25-2011-bob, hollie said, showed, time, tapped on watch, hey theres a face, hollie said, its, the watch, showed, time, happy, but acted asleep, put it under, hollie said, showed, time, but had coat on, its light she said, hollie showed, its america God said, put it under hollie said, saw missiles striking states, its thats uh massive network hollie said, thats many states on fire God said, and i stamp hollie said, scene spins, its putin anf bush together, were the beast bush said, then scene explodes, its light hollie and God said, put it under hollie showed lay down, showed its bob on the prophecy club, now your the most popular man in the world hollie and God said, hollie showed, its prophecy club, she was happy, bob hollie, had word to give but shook head first, they, hollie looked back at its Jesus appeared, out of blue, will let you do tour, its massive hollie said, showed, thats more people coming then can get in, hollie showed, its, goodwill and thats Gods new hammer, like, its tall, white ghost man, happy, no hair, hollie showed, turn, Jesus showed, turn, thats bob giving, its lead in indianapolis, at, hollie showed, marriott on but, theres Gods new hammer, he appeared in sky, little bit, blue like sky, but different color out line, happy, hat on, hollie showed, lets record, hollie looked in book, hey another said, pointing but not right at, blue hand, but, theres rest, she, dressed sharp, nice hair, hey bobby said, hollie with nice hair, winks, hollie read book, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, theres blue deathangel on front, but hes like Gods hammer, changing, just head and kneck, hollie showed, he was happy, thats hollie putting, its paypal, thats angelhead coming out, on her websites, thats, bob people sending you money she said, paypal removes, hollie looked at Jesus but back, some, we said, showed, its new, another, headed hollie said, showed, came out, but, showed, eat, but another seemed disturbed, her, face not formed all the way, like, blank somewhat, first golden faced monkey lipped hollie showed, do something, hollie showed, turn, showed, eat something, but different hollie, hollie saw submarines, she was high above, its God said she said, they fired, both coasts, exploded, its on the day of the Lord, she said, its, akula class, thats what you wanted, need, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, thats battery showing showing thanks, hollie said, I didnt need it battery head said, its, white, light, round, showed, hat on, it, pointed, hollie, came out of battery, hollie showed, its cellphone, she, but changed into, its him, posting, but, thats Gods new hammer coming out showed, hollie, like, kind of dinosaur head, like, its dino, on, its flintstones, stamps, hollie, scene changes, but dragon comes out, showed, hollie said, i'm the beast, its new world order kings, said, many appeared, like, its pope, putin, mexican president, seal it up, hollie said, prophet hickman, thats the prophecy club, thats your website talken, hollie said, and its, ministry of dreams, website appearing, but, another, hollie came out, changed into, different, showed, its similar to hammer and was, but hammers keep changing, God wipes chin, starts aging, but bob goes on prophecy club and becomes wealthy, hollie showed, lay down, kicked box, its dark setting, its, baby hollie there in box, i'm he said, its brand new hollie, tear up, put back, showed, its pope, but another, comes out, hollies head disappeared, but reappeared happy, hammer, its blue, hollie said, but went gray, 9-26-2011-hollie that tells showed time, she put one arm on other, but she clapped, hey another hollie said coming out, pointing, but, face seemed to change, only hollies head seen, but, rest appeared, it was there, God, just put some light on it, hollie said, put it under, sh, hollie said, its, the prophecy club, stan is, knowing, but, will, let but, trembles, it was you, hollie said, that brought all of pentecostal down, put it under, hollie showed, cut it off, go, thats her mowing lawn, dressed in white clothes, theres Gods new hammer, hollie said, like, its big white face, eyes closed, has hair showed, hollie, surrounded by black, but, closed eye, showed, its two women, about to, thats them having sex, lesbianism, he said, angel, hollie showed, God said, put it under, hollie said, thats stan johnson dreading to call ya, hollie said, hes, but, does, theres Gods new hammer appearing, hes white like prehistoric, dinosaur man, shaped, head, hollie came out, showed, its, new world order carriage, its pulled by angred, these, hollie said, with black and and red horses, hey hollie said, she showed, with big hand, theres white in horses mouth, horse closes mouth, laughs, showed, its the pope, i'm the rider horse said, thats it, coming to screeching halt hollie said, in, its, russia, thats pope with medvedev creating deal, putin there, laughs, but, doesnt like, its i am God said happy pope, its hollie showed, the seat of the antichrist, russia, it appeared, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie, said, many things, its spacesoarem jet, hollie dove, on his bomber, its, uh red, hollie said, he hollie, its hollie did convey, he flew like red flying saucer, blue sweatshirt on, but theres Gods hamm'oh, appearing, happy, at first, like white head, then, not happy but white in mouth, pointed up, its on the day of the Lord God said, Jesus high in heavens, and thats world below, fires breaking out, hey that shook, hollie said, hand over mouth, popes face tattoo'd on finger, thats its happy pope and hu hintao and its empy hollie said, climbing out of, its two horned beast, hollie showed, its happy ministryofdreams website like happy somewhat, partial face angel, freeforums, its bobby hollie said, hollie played the keyboard, made awesome, its soumb, sandy wiped her lips, hollie claps but hands open, showed, its getting time, she was restless, happy, but, burgundy sweatshirt on, went, face somewhat blank, hollie showed, turn, only hand seen, but rest appeared, she opened mouth, hollie showed, get on highway, hollie, showed, its, time to fast, but, bob wont, she wore blue dress, hollie showed, its soundesign stereo receiver, she had, face appeared on, happy but eyes seemed to not be seen but were there, but they were blue eyelids, eyes, i'm the soundesign, receiver said, you see hollie said, showed, its solar, thats making church heat self, using, its the sun hollie said, appeared, hollie showed, its the pope, record something, burgundy sweatshirt on, changed into, Gods new hammle, hollie said, like, its, like, bug head, happy but another, hollie showed, his colors seemed to change, thats, electric heat, they work bob, you need about ten, heres heating bill with all ten on, all day and night, its, hollie thought, about four hundred per month, but, thats, hollie messing with, hollie showed, turn, oh, another, said, coming out, burgundy sweatshirt on, but theres Gods new hammel hollie said, hes like bug head, blue, but started fading, different color, but seemed happy, hollie drove, its tank, ducked inside, its tear drop Father shooting by, happy, golden, but hollie came out, hey said same hollie, coming out, these three hollies are same, same one in tank, its lowes, hollie said, she saw wood burning stove, its, hollie thought, showed, wishing it was cheaper, about two hundred, and the lighted hand pointed, lighted hollie appeared next, had dark clothes on, its uh dark setting another, hollie said, showed, its toy, hollie pulled string, another, came out, hey she said, hollies hand not seen, toy spoke, said, scripture, God things, hollie that explains, showed, you got what you wanted, you got what you needed, she showed, eat and its church appearing, angel coming out of, front, it is front, big angel face, showed, I'm the church, separated, but went back, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, hollie showed, sleep, clapped hands, dark setting, got back up, showed, its, git the phone, she said, its stan johnson, telling bob, come on, thats bob, on, its the prophecy club, showed, hollie but theres Gods hammer appearing with blank face, light head, kind of round, hollie thought, now they, you knew, hollie said, stan shakes yes, hollie screamy for this reason, thats hollie showing with big white hand, another, its 1973 volks wagon bugg, still being used, lets motor hollie said, like white angel hollie, 9-27-2011-hollie showed mow lawn, Jesus said, hollie said, hollie showed, its toy pastor, thats string being pulled out, but, hey hollie said, but amber shaft pointed, thats nobody pulling string out, but hollie was there, hand over mouth, showed, bobby mow lawn, hollie showed, its dark and, thats, Gods hammel, like, its angel man, no hair, happy, hollie mowed lawn but lawnmower disappeared, heres why, its stan appearing, bob he, called ya, hollie said, dont turn application in yet, and I stamp, hollie said, bob thats janette, next letter, its, hollie looked back at Jesus, appeared, good, hollie said, were coming home she said, meaning you and her, thats both living in church, bob sleeping, janette up, she said, clapped jumpy hollie, golden monkey lips, face, thats, russia and its missile strikes all over, there, pointed, hollie, like, its golden fire, in, then many fires in russia, its magog hollie said, and its pontey, she said, appeared above, hollie mowed lawn, theres, angry barack obama appearing, thats him pressing nuclear button, but its submarines all around america, thats its, uh massive fire hollie said, came out, showed, its uh network, she said, both american coasts burned, thats missiles dropping down, its on, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries and its dinosaur like dragon appearing, i'm the g8, hollie said, its, the beast, she said, pope dressed in brown, hey hollie said, theres fires, big, in venezuela and brazil, hollie flew around world, in, in, its, light mustang fighter jet, but, thats fire in africa and missiles leaving there, striking fires in cuba and mexico, thats nicaragua exploding, its, on the day of the LOrd, putin like pope said, hollie screamed, taste this bobby, its money coming your way, but putin, also there, not happy, like, its doll, hollie pulled string, but not seen but then she appeared, with, its preacher doll, theres string on, hollie pulled, hi, preacher doll said, you see hollie said, coming out, theres hand agin, hollie said, he hollie looking up at, showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, but hollie came out, face appeared on hand, and dome inside, with, its moodie in, just, like, frozen but moved uh little, Jesus showed eat, lighted shaft showed, turn, hollie said, but, hollie appeared, showed, eat, but was biting something, face somewhat not seen, oh no, hollie said, another stamps, its two, f-104 starfighters flying by, angelic hollie in one, hey hollie said, that one, it dropped bombs, thats america below exploding, and its submarines appearing all around, thats a amber colored hollie coming out, amber like scene, she showed, its uh massive network, both coasts exploded but thats angry barack obama showing, teeth, pressing, its nuclear button, and thats, hollie, pointed, like dark, orange like, hollie, showed, its both, many, russia, on fire, dark and orange haired hollie showed, lay down, 9-28-2011-you see hollie said, pulled string, its toy preacher doll, it moved hand, and, i'm the preacher doll, it said, but, hollie showed, bobby go, home, mow, its lawn, but hollie stamped, burgundy sweatshirt on, theres Gods new hammer, like, its angel, light face, blue, I stamp, hollie said, showed, its missile warfare, she, thats many rockets, hey hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, showed, they exploded, in lands, the phone agin, its Jesus hollie said, did convey, showed, its the prophecy club, president speaking, he wants ya bob, tear up, hollie said, coming out, had like golden bear arms, maybe brown, she put back, showed, its pope, picture, hey hollie said, showed, theres colors in picture, she pointed, they were dark, different, she said, hollie, jumpy showed, monkey lips, that were golden, hey another, said, they went pink, hollie scream, thats hollie that talks about it hollie said, larry hunt appeared, bobby, hollie said, showed, go pray, hollie showed, turn, its, american pawn, hollie showed, pawn shop, she was happy but another came out, hollie had monkeys lips, pope hollie said, in the fire, caregiver had pointy blue hat, robe, laughed, round head, bobby dont, hollie showed, theres hand agin, hollie said, he hollie stairing up at top, but face appeared on hand, oh face said, its hamburger helper hand, big red nose, like clown has, hollie said, it she said, the it clown, hollie said, that was let me see hollie said, scratched hair uh little, satan, sh, hollie said, dont tell on him, she looked around secretly, like, man, hollie said, wiped face, stomped foot, showed, tada, its the, beast, she said, its pope, she said, thats, him appearing on, its black horse, hollie saw, it, stopped in, its russia, horse happy, thou, you see, these are angred hollie said, its black and red horses, pointed, up, Jesus high in sky, thats world below, fires breaking out, hey hollie said, face on world not happy, but thats, lets see hollie said, Jesus appeared, showed, its church, bobby church angel said, its front part of building, its just face, hollie got his laptop computer out, hey hollie said, thats poepon, on front, his face, I am God, he said, its, hollie said, hollie saw, its both beasts at table, its signing peace treaty, 666, hey she said, emperor of japan and hu hintao, in, its two horned red beast, thats them, hollie said, thats, them, hollie said, thats lamb hollie said, with, its hu hintao coming out of its horns, thats, hollie thought, its, hollie thought, emperor of japan out of other horn, its it, the two horned beast, hollie got happy, its peace treaty, come on, hollie said, showed, its pope, hey hollie said, its nuclear fire in china, rockets, leaving there, thats russia exploding, but hollie said, they strike each other, then, thats hu hintao, and, its empy rising to withstand, its the mark of the beast peace treaty hollie, said, she saw people being tattood, 666 on fore head, we wont hintao said, they depart, to own lands, take it pope said, pope hollie said, pointed, lighted amber finger, but hollie comes out laughing, its his face, but was kind of bouncing, its the uh leave me us alone sound, hollie said, thats brand new hollie appearing, with hollie like bear, being brought back, showed, its pope she said, high in sky, its I am gog he said, its hollie showed, returning, with like, bluish board that, hid her hand, but was there, Jesus tells, he, hollies screamy for this reason, showed, come on, bob, change oil, boo they chant, its over my website, said him, a she one, said, came out, wiped lips, hey, he said, her hand not seen but was there, was white, tear up, he said, like white bear paws, hollie showed, they are really boxing gloves, but it was Jesus, his teeth, she hollie said, hand over my, its oh, she said, hollie showed, turn, amber hand, but looked, back, hollie drove the speedboat, bobby, hollie said, had picture, its pope, its for I am russia, pope, said, hollie said, showed, take bath, look back, said, its Jesus, thats black hollie laughing, hollie showed, not listening, sireen blowing, hollie showed, record, showed, whats that, pope, hollie said, happy, hollie showed, record, God said, 9-29-2011-hollie showed, time, she wore, its uh white clothes, put one hand on other arm, but theres Gods hammer, like, hes round, hollie said, fleas came out, you need to record, bobby shut up, hollie said, showed, its, stan johnson, sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, hollie made to sit, I cant, I dont want it said, stan, its bob, with coming out, on this show, hollie said, stamps, took stan off, hollie screamed, bobby eat, hollie said, another, he, its him, came out, both have, its burgundy sweatshirts on, thats hollie with nice hair, bobby she said, dont wait, turn heat on, its over iran, hollie said, its, he hollie, a, she one said, and he saw, thats missiles striking iran, from, its a u.s.a. sub, hollie said, theres Gods new hamm'oh, hollie, said, like, its blue, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, hey pointed, hollie, its the face, not, much seen but did appear but some disappeared, when you gonna eat something hollie said, eat, I scream for this reason, its pope, hollie said, its his picture appearing, come on bob, hollie showed, eat lunch, he hollie comes out, hey, she hollie said, he pointed, hollie, had light in mouth, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, its indygo, thats her applying happy, its on internet, stamps, hollie, theres Gods new hamm'oh, she said, thats, bobby, then hollie, driving, its the bus, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, with big white hand, its uh 1966 she said, hey another said, whats that, he, wiped face, it spun tires, hollie drove, but disappeared in, lets motor, disappeared, but theres eyes, like, out from, in between steering wheel, thats the grizzled and bay horse hollie said, thats grim reaper on, he laughed, had his sword, thats earth down below and, its stan johnson from the prophecy club looking at, thats world shaking and smoke rising out, its, going into sun and moons face, moon, has mouth somewhat open, thats bob appearing at, its Gods interviewing table, its shew we moon says, sun laughs, amber colored, hollie and he, showed, turn, a she one said, its, church angel hollie said, like, its round, she thought, head, coming out of, its front part of building, i'm the church angel showed, thats people walking, in, its see hollie said, filling up, just watch, hollie snapped fingers, stomped foot, then just kind of, raised foot up and down, showed, its both beasts, theres hu hintao hollie said, and, its pope, she showed, go get address and apply, hollie applied online, she said, you see hollie said, showed, its, heritage crystal clean parts washer service, showed, go apply, 3970 west tenth street, hollie show, turn, she, said, see hollie said, did convey, thats, the seven heads, hollie said, theres seven thunders, with heads coming out, bob go to stan johnsons website God said, we are, one head said, the seven thunders, its them, hollie said, showed, the seven heads, hollie showed, its posting on other peoples facebooks, showed, turn, showed, bobby go out to walmart, she walked, theres Gods new hamm'oh, bobby, thats economic collapse and looting hollie said, hey theres Gods new hamm'oh, she said, like, its round she said, like, head, looking afraid, but shook yes, loves, hollie showed, its uh gift, its stan johnson inside present, hollie said, just wait, she went knocking but nobody answered, she wore, dress, hollie pointed, seven thunder bolts streaking out and heads, coming out of all, some slower then others, hollie claps, but only hands seen, light hands but appeared, later, bobby, see she said, showed, picture, its johnson, hes trembling now, but becomes unafrAID, thats him reading your letters, I hate america, said, its, castrol coming out of lightning bolt, head on end, its because of him, castrol said, thats barack obama appearing, we caint said the other seven thunders streaking out, heads on end of lightning bolts, dont tell him for nothing one said, its uh missile streaking thru, hollie showed, its sky, exploded, dark, you see thats your warning, its barack obama with nuclear controls, russia we will attack you, he said, thats massive fire in russia, but, hollie saw, its, submarines all around america, and thats medvedev on national t.v., we will shoot he said, then putin, if I advise ya, he said, and shook dont, but medvedev pushed nuclear button anyway, hollie said, showed, its uh massive network, thats, many missiles, hollie pointed, striking both coasts, which exploded, hey hollie said, theres missiles coming from other places, thats, hollie showed, out of, its cuban, nicaraguan, mexican waters, hollie saw, missiles going other way, thats massive fires in venezuela and brazil, hollie spins world, we, do, I know stan, said, coming out, hollie spins world again, theres fire in cuba, mexico, along coasts and, nicaragua burned, thats hollie shutting the door, happy, another, hollie comes out, its her teeth, appeared, and then bobby go hollie said, your tired, hollie slapt his face, theres hand, hollie, looks up at, with me, its he hollie said, looking straight up at, but, theres dome in, with, its him, in, put it under, hollie said, hey thats face appearing on hand, big white clowns nose, face started moving, showing, its stan, hollie said, hand got feet and just moved, he, hand looked fearfully, at God, will call in time, thats the bear, hollie said, it appeared, like big happy bear, showed, its putins picture, I am magog, bear said, seal it up hollie said, its the ram, she said, its pope with hegoat horns, thats, hu hintao out of one, theres, its, hollie said, putin and medvedev and, its pope out of other, hey hollie said, thats hegoat stomping, attacking ram with, putins face, hollie said, its nuclear fires, its war, pope said, theres, them at table hollie said, thats pope sitting and its, pimpy, hollie said, emperor of japan, and, its hu hintao, thats two horned beast, like uh lamb, hollie said, thats 666 peace treaty being signed, she saw the numbers 666 arise, take it, poepon, hollie said, did say, that was light amber sword, hollie said, with her as tip, but its blurry, she said, but cleared up, showed, its janette, bob you will love her, this is warning hollie said, another, showed, sleep, he hollie formed, showed, thru with it, burgundy sweatshirt on like amberish colored, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, showed, its the seven heads, one laughs, hey thats, hollie said, another coming out, but its him, thats kings popping out, like president of mexico, bobby seal it up, hollie said, now, but, hey theres lula hollie said, and smiling, its Jesus, she pointed, burgundy sweatshirt on but faded but was there, hollie pointed, its stop, showed, turn, amber colored hand, 9-30-2011-he said, jumpy hollie did say, jumping, golden lighted monkeys lips, hollie showed, its new ministryofdreams, its gay, she said, theres gay ministryofdreams, angel appearing, not speaking uh work, looking somewhat stunned, but still happy, thats stan johnson appearing and he, is, trembling now, but will in time, thats stan talking to hollie, they git together, he doesnt tour to much more but still makes video, thats hollie making video like you saw, hollie showed, its pope, theres hand agin, hollie, he staired straight up, at, bobby, thats couple, its uh couple going into church, we want, they said, but they showed, not enough money, theres black pastor, shes not happy but shakes, yes, in time, we do, they said, but hollie showed, they wont, prophesy, this is what Jesus said, hollie did say, bobby God said, its money, your going to start making God said, its, cause, I tempt, you passed the test, if I dont bless, then, thats bob going to work, its driving, indygo bus, thats bus smiling, bobby, hollie thought, spoke with disappearing Jesus for word, but he showed, eat, but was barely seen, hollie appeared happy, hes, showed, thats, its, porter, hes wealthy, but knows you are to, thats why he loves, bobby its people, hollie said, want left alone, hollie, him, a she one said, showed, its pope, I am antichrist, he said, rode, its black horse, showed, hands, but hollie was there, its bobby, walk, hollie showed, its, reddit ministryofdreams, he showed, bobby, to make money, work, angel said, showed, refinance church, then its sold, hollie showed, done, but, thats bob still trying to, its recruit, hollie said, you see hollie, he said, a she one said, thats him putting up, signs, burgundy sweatshirt on, this is angel, he and she hollie said, showed, its, hu hintao, on, red horse, its over taiwan, hintao, said, thats hintao battling hollie over, its washington state, stamps, another, hollie, her face just light but features somewhat appear, another, hollie flys out, let me, bobby she said, showed, bobby go metro, thats her driiving bus, laughed, but looked serious, bobby its you, she said, you will get, you already know in your heart, thats, spacesoarer hollie said, him diving down, its red flying saucer, hollie showed, taiwan exploded, thats putin and medvedev together, lets rule the world putin said, Jesus sprinkles, thats only hands seen but rest appeared, hollie screamed, showed, put up the sign, its on telephone pole, but hollie showed, theres Gods new hamm'oh, hollie said, its, light head in telephone poll, Im the hammer, he said, showed, its pope, showed, fight, hollie saw, its missile strike, thats, its russia and china, and its hegoat pontey, hollie said, appearing, with horns, and its hintao out of one, hollie showed, theres pope, medvedev and putin, out of other, this is second woe, hollie said, thats them at table, pope first, then, hey hollie said, she came out, hintao and empy, she said, emperor of japan, climbing out of red horned beast, this is over you hintao, hu said, and, thats, mark of the beast, 666 peace treaty, being signed, bobby, hollie showed, just wait, its, the uh leave me alone, hollie said, showed, its picture, three submarines, thats them firing, its hollie in, thats china on fire, its, them pointed, hollie, its three ohio class, thats what you wanted, need, she said, thats missiles leaving, its, stamps, dark hollie, its hu hintao, they strike different cities in its the land of america, globe spins, with american flag on, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, go other, way, she said, jumpy hollie said, golden monkeys lips, but face went pink, showed, bobby get markers, its, hang up, its signs, church for rent, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, bobby, hollie showed, get markers, hollie screamin for this reason, she, said, showed, its pope going into church, they, bobby, hollie had the contract, deal, she, said, showed, twelve hundred, they do but just them, prophet, she said, jumpy hollie said, but another, its him, came out, pointed, she wiggled foot, but just one, its pink, with light spots in, showed, popes picture, blew bubble, but bubble gum disappeared, showed, its food shortages, and, its, economic collapse, here, stamps, hollie, and people loot, theres God hamm'oh, hollie said, running with, like, its light head, he, looked but, laughed, then spoke, its under barack obama, he said, its soon, hollie said, that, hollie said, its the phone, hollie said, will you come by stan johnson, said, its the prophecy club, he said, put it under, hollie said, you wont tour she said, but, thats, bob giving lead and its on radio, now its pope in the fire, hollie said, caregiver with, its i'm caregiver said, round head, big mouth, mostly open, hollie pointed, but changed into, its him, teeth white in mouth, both had pointy hats, bluish clothes, hollie that explains, appeared, hollie said, its another, thats him, hollie said, doing, showing, but, she was there, hey hollie said, she, looked like hollie that explains, but different, colors, hollie speaks with God, its true, he said, I used, thats Jesus showing, eat, telling hollie to plays both parts, hollie claps but changes into God, showed, lay down, hollie showed, go, hollie that explains, clapped hand, you knew it, she said, showed, its jackie, hes cut off, hollie said, but, thats him crying in his heart and will come back, but thats, him behind pulpit, hollie that explains, clapped, showed, lay down, hollie showed, turn, hollie, had its, pioneer, sx-1980, with power meters moving, hollie showed, its little-ton, 10-1-2011-hollie showed, its people falling, away, she was happy, teeth appeared, its, him coming out, he saw, points, white finger, thats bob telling, its how God treats, its I torture, God said, maiming and causing facial to tighten when using, wrinkling and ruining face, its, I wont repent God said, but, thats many people laughing, God laughs with but, its your being ruint, hollie pointed, at Jesus, his face changing, but different colors, thats God gathering people out of the world, its cause, in the end days, times, Jesus said, people will fall away, its perilous times, hollie said, hand over mouth, world shook, that pointed, hollie, face appeared on, and thats fire breaking out, over, its most, she said, thats russia exploding, bob walk, skip hollie showed, cause time is short, hollies screamin for this reason, she said, prophesy God said, theres economic collape here, he hollie said, appeared, but face went from light to face to light to face, he clapped, people ran and looted, that, hollie said, he hollie laughs, appears, red sweatshirt on, barack with hollie making the anouncement, its under economic collapse here, she said, barack laughs, hollie pointed, turn, amber finger, lighted, gloves, like, but went white, eat, said, showed, hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on but theres Gods hamm'oh, hollie said, she changed into him, hes, like, lightbulb head, but theres blue, she said, but seemed to go gray, hollie wonders, same sweatshirt on, she said, when you gonna sleep, jumpy hollie said, golden monkey lips, but went pink, was happy, when you gonna record me, said showed, hollie, its pope, she showed, picture, excuse me Jesus said, thats speedway, woman, girl, two hollies said, she, shook, yes, thats her giving blow job, but not swallowing, hollie flew, its, amber outlined Jesus, he, amber, dropped bombs, thats amber colored bombs, thats and amber colored america, its outlined, hollie said, coming out, hollie kept flying his jet but barack obama, angred, pushes, its nuclear controls, hollie said, thats many missiles striking the nuclear g8, hollie said, put it under, thats russia exploding but fires in venezuela and brazil, hollie flys, its in atmosphere, mustang fighter jet, africa exploded, its near that, pointed, hollie, lighted finger, its in center, near, but thats fires in mexico, and, cuba, nicaragua burned president of mexico, said, thats smoking going up into sun and moons face, shew we moon said, thats both at Gods interviewing table, sitting, its i'm happy sun said, sunglasses, on, moons face there but disappeared, but was there, then face saluted, its i'm he said, its cloudy skys, pointed, hollie, but darkness settles in, its, i'm, moon said, but changed to amber, as thick black smoke rises, its the sixth seal, Jesus said, thats america in fire, hollie showed, turn, come on, she, was amber hand, face, anther came out, she was dark, she said, jumpy hollie said, clapped hands, showed, its, jogging but monkey lips went from golden to pink, prophesy, its Jesus, hollie showed, its, uh massive network, its dark scene, hollie had amber face, hands, its uh missile, hollie said, another, screamed, its him, like white hollie rode just gray outlines in, thats it exploding in atmosphere, hollie showed, its, barack telling advisors, I did he said, they wont shoot, hollie said, but thats medvedev with putin pressing nuclear button anyway, putin, didnt want, he showed, hollie showed, its uh massive network, thats many countries exploding, i'm the nuclear g8 putin said, hey another, hollie said, its her showing record but her face changed, bobby lease whole church, give them cheaper price, git out of it, she said, and he saw, casey said, showed, lay down, iraq, hollie said, flew, is p-51 mustang fighter, jet, that, he hollie points, explosions in, its iraq, that pointed, hollie, white hand, white hollie, white dress, its missiles leaving, its, gaza forsaken on fire, that hollie said, its barack obama, we did it, groom, he said, hollie showed, turn, thats oil bottle licking the prophet, has face on, its white light, 10-2-2011-what was I screamin for, hollie said, thats the deal, she said, reappeared, but burgundy sweatshirt on, put it under, hollie showed, time, bob, hollie said, its, janette, living with you in church, it will happen, hollie said, heres the sign, I will fix your face, hollie said, thats lines and wrinkles feeling, hollie showed, its m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship, its angel man appearing dressed nice, bobby go get, members, hollie said, she had uh plad coat on and I stamp, hollie said, bob thats janette coming back to you, thats her and you living in church, its, soon, hollie said, showed, seal it up, its done, bobby, hollie showed, go walk around, its walmart, stamps, hollie, but theres Gods, new hamm'oh, appearing, like, hes, blue face, brand new, like chic, but, just like, shook, yes, hollie claps, looked in dumpster, its, good for me, she said, bobby hollie said, thats your heaters in church, hollie stamps, they work, thats white face appearing, hey another, hollie said, only, her hand appeared, but rest did, she had on red sweatshirt, hollie showed, its reflection, its sun, showed, its solar heat, bobby it works, check it out hollie said, hollie screamy for this reason, thats her buying new, its new thermostat, checking it out, it works, she said, thats hells bell, its, ringing, hollie said, hollie showed, its on the scout, theres Gods new hamm'oh, hollie said, with hollie, like, its blue like, chic face with some white lines, in, smiled, hey hollie said, coming out, burgundy sweatshirt on, but changed into, its him, happy, bushy hair, bobby hollie said, with nice hair, look at but hair went away, long pig like nose, thats it, hollie said, wonderful, Jesus and hollie said, its janette home again, showed, hand, but hollie there, showed, eat, she, returns, its right after jail bob, thats you going and getting, you see she said, janette will write letter, telling you, bob I need somewhere to go, thats you being her, guardian and signing for her social security, thats you giving her, her check, but her giving back to you, do with what you want she said, its cause I live her, thats her, looking good, walking streets, go back, Jesus said, he appeared, hollie showed, she did, hollie was on phone, its stan johnson, we want, he said, ya, but showed, sh, he, said, dont speak to much, hanged the phone up, thats bob heading for, its topeka, kansas, janette appeared in back, soon she will hollie said, thats bob doing tour, its glass, hollie showed, had drinking glass and drink, but changed into, its abnormal hollie, like pink face, hollie showed, turn, like big face, yellow face, hand, sweatshirt on, its red, they chanted boo ho, hollie said, she fixed window at home, many, its he, him, she said, their on uh hill, hey she said, but, amber lighted, she hollie came out of, its one, she said, big hand, hey, wheres the rest of hollie another, said, she came out, showed, eat, that is God, adjusting the atmosphere, to, keep it warm, this winter, hollie said, loose belt some, thats what, it is hollie said, and big mouth hollie appeared, but changed, burgundy sweatshirt on, tell me about the marine corp. thats out in the streets, its angel marine and looters, hollie appeared, later, showed, turn, bobby go to walmart, she had like beak face, hollie was with barack obama, its economic collapse, u.s.a., hollie claps, leave it alone, hollie said, showed, it was fire, sent on magog, its that, hollie said, its, he hollie laughing, showed, its, the, second woe, its, nuclear missiles from russia and china, striking each, that a he hollie said, him a she one said, but not seen, but was there, like bluish, said, outlined, in white, in mouth, showed, eat, that, they said, one stuck head out, its her, casey, its, hegoat pontey, two horns, that, said, showed, had, like bear paws, their like gloved hands but no places for fingers, like boxing gloves, that he said, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, its, him, she said, posting on laptop and its I'm the beast, angel like ghost pope beast coming out of screen, hollie showed, its, church, thats hollie like, its, master of ceremonies but she laughs, but seemed to change to him, nice suit on, thats church filled with, its ghouls, stamps, hollie, demons, they flew, bobby hollie said, you cant, its to small, but if you did he said, would make money but every year build more and more, have, hollie showed, halloween services, prophesy, thats bob in his coffin screamed hollie, screamed again, but not heard, theres, no way, I can fix it, Jesus said, all the harm I caused you bob hickman my faithful servant, thats ceramic little heater, licking prophet, hollie said, I aint good heater said, now has face, hollie showed, its, thats heater on, watching itself, its blowing heat, but, it doesnt get hot enough, hollie said, him, a she one did convey, thats the church with angel coming out of front of it, he hollie said, its, front part of building, hollie said, put it under, she said, bob thats you and janette living in, hollie explained, thats hollie that explains appearing, 10-3-2011-hollie showed, its new ministryofdreams, she said, its kirkal, she spoke, God said, put it under, Jesus showed time, bobby, he will call you, thats, kirkal ministry of dreams angel appearing, like uh, light man, not happy, seeming, bobby go to the post office, Jesus, write, hollie write letter, its janette, she said, go, hollie left library, that, hollie showed, but it was, him, a, she one said, that, that, he said, its, pope, he said, appeared, like angel of light, rode, its black horse, came to stop, but, wheres pope hollie said, he appeared with, its, i'm the rider, horse said happy but hollie appeared with horse, face went blank, a she hollie said, hes chanting boo, its them hollie said, many, its him, they appeared, on, its hill, but hey she said, but amber colored lighted she hollie came out of one, thats he hollie appearing, that he said, showed, eat, burgundy sweatshirt on, but hey, theres Gods new hammo, oh hollie said, that he said, he, was, round, he was, like dull bluish head, that he said, hammerhead no expression but seemed afraid, that a he hollie said, he showed, a she one, said, showed, cap, wear, brother, its him, overweight, burgundy sweatshirt on, showed, eat, hollies screamin for this reason, its, spacesoarem jet, he, its him flying, drops bombs, thats, its nuclear fires in, its jordan, and, egypt, and its syria, benjamin netanyahu appears with, its nuclear controls hollie said, lets unite and force this, its hintao said, its nuclear fire in russia and chinese forces marching, bobby hollie showed, turn, hollie showed record, that, hollie said, hand appeared showing up, Jesus high in the atmosphere, fleas said, that he said, her teeth could be seen, its, uppers, hollie showed, turn, thats the, church, pointed, hollie, its o, unhappy church angel said, coming out of, its front part of building, showed, those people, thats them, they signed lease, bob it works hollie said, dont say anything, heres what their thinking, we cant pastor said, assisstant shakes yes, but, will try, bob, you help, pointed, hollie, go to service, there, you need to go home, cash, church angel said, showed, its the loot, bobby start raking it in, hollie said, pay your tithes there, that, she said, its at your church, thats them both looking, but acting like, but looking again, stunned, loving it, that, its, him, hollie said, that he said but didnt speak, but showed, turn, like orange like he hollie, that, he said, hollie like second hollie showed, with nice hair appeared, that, he said, showed, go other, way, that, a he hollie said, its him, a she one, said, its, bank lady said, hollie appeared, hollie showed, turn, let me, anylze it, thought hollie, with big hand, white, showed, its, uh, hollie stamps, 1956 car, its chevrolet belair, still running strong, lets motor hollie said, 10-4-2011-it was hollie, God said, with doreen, she stuck head out, showed, the mow the lawn, hollie wore white clothes, its, hollie, Its I explain, another, said, put it under, they were two, hollie said, another, hollie showed, up, and, its Jesus, coming, high in, its, atmosphere, high in the heavens, hollie showed, mow lawn, but, its, theres him, she said, showing, you did not need it, she said, its hollie showed, he, staired up, Jesus still there, happy, thats world down beneath, hollie said, and its fire starting to break out, world happy but, showed, bob its you and janette in church, having, anal and oral sex, thats bob putting in the puss and janette getting knocked up, its what I want God said, she has child and stays heavy, loves it, thats janette holding little hollie, its him, she said, put it under, hollie showed, mow lawn, its icx, hollie said, Icq ministryofdreams, like, its happy angel man, and, winked one eye, its, shushan, Jesus spoke, said, hollie, did say, and, he saw, it, showed, cause, white hand, like, its doggie has, its hegoat smiling, two horns, then sad, but, happy again, showed, its, uh picture, its whole new world order, hollie said, thats hegoat putting bib on, showing, eat, and them kings on table with, hollie showed, its the end time tape series, its by bobby, hollie said, hickman, theres medvedev, appearing with, its cause I'm the beast, he said, thats putin appearing with, theres pope like angel of light, showed, eat, hollie showed, turn, like amber lighted hollie, fingers showed, turn again, hollie there with, its the uh leave me alone sound, hollie said, sandy wiped her mouth, hollie said, its sinuses she said, lighted hollie showed, turn, its him, hollie a she one said, showed, bobby, its, she, said, drink drink, mow lawn, she wore white dress, showed, but face went blank, somewhat, its gray, hollie showed, turn, amber lighted hand, hollie showed, turn, showed, bobby, git the lock, she said, wait untill the leave, then, thats hollie painting basement, they wont fill she said, that costs to much hollie said, put it under, just wait, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, lighted hand, its amber, she said, theres tank, its him, hollie said, golden hair, hollie drove, she, ducked, its ghost like golden Father shooting by but started changing pink, hollie showed tank, its american legion wayne post 64 tank, its the new world order apostolic church with angel head coming out, showing, its the whole new world order pictures, its kings hollie said, its president of mexico smiling, showing, dont do it, but, agreeing and, signing, its uh deal, medvedev said, theres lula appearing afraid and kim jong not caring, but, has nuclear button in hand, thats church licking the prophet, hollie said, and enthusiastic hollie appearing, bob take church she said, formed all the way, was like coming, like uh silhouette, but not all there, showed, watch, tomorrow night she said, its at twelve oh one, a.m., hollie showed, its install new lock, hollie went, its to church, angel, hollie showed, but just hands, front part of building, putting on note, for lease, hollie showed, its progressive angel, pay me he said, 10-5-2011-bobby dont go home, its, he hollie, him, a she one said, white clothes on, get the phone hollie said, its pastor angel, its, hollie showed, lopez, he called, cash check, and unlock door, bob does, they look at you and tremble, but you tell them, dont fear, God made me, and I stamp, hollie said, showed, its her teeth, its him pointing, and, its, Gods hamm'oh appearing, hes like blue being head, but its dull, hollie wiped face, showed, mow lawn, thats hammo, hollie said, its, same, light bulb like head, shaped, gray headed, hammer he hollie showing, its people looting, but hey hollie said, theres one of the former hammers right there with like light head, no hair, but, dressed in suit, bob mows lawn, hollie showed, bobby, apply for the city of indianapolis, its many jobs, she said, happy, pointed up, its lighted popes image appearing on, hes like an angel of light, its I am God he said, you like that vision, said, he, its him, a she one, said, thats, its Jesus, hollie said, did convey, walking, its like on a, she said, thought, black like mountain, its rock, she said, sky dark to, like, many dark colors, and Jesus, like, hollie thinks, rubs chin, amber lighted God man, put it under, hollie, showed, go, showed, time, went to church, and I stamp, hollie said, thats Gods new hammo, hollie said, like, its, light head, he hollie, but hollie came out, showed, he went just light, bobby its, said, happy hollie, ibc trucking, thats her applying, its on net, but hey, theres Gods new hammo, she said, its being like head, light coming, out, hollie showed, eat, blew bubble, but bubble disappeared, its, dull, a she hollie said, appeared, had nice full hair, he came out, sweatshirt on, bushy hair himself, its red, noticed, her teeth, its he hollie did convey, showed, its them, they will not make it without your help, thats bob helping, bob thats you and janette together again God showed, just wait, I'm just a vision, I can not post one said, its hollie God and hollie said, hollie rebuilt the door, see, hollie that explains, said, showed, bobby, shut lights off, do it tomorrow, hollie said, it was synthesieser licking the prophet, hollie said, like white face coming out, red and long tongue, hollie ducked in her tank, its, ghost like Father shooting by, but hollie came out, showed, its colors changing, but another caught, stunned like, these hollies look the same, there they are, you see hollie said, many hollies just alike, hollies face was light face, she said, normal like, its, him coming out, showed, eat, red sweatshirt on, whats that hollie said, he, had, its, amber, she said, finger, ghost like, face on, hollie showed, its halloween service and its ghosts flying up and down all in church, you see hollie said, make them switch over, hollie, its him, said, dont let them use your utilities, saith God, prophesy, said, its JEsus, hollie appeared, showed, bobby they, want you, but be still, cool hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, its angelo hollie said, reading paper, its under economic collapse, here, hollie said, its front page, hollie showed, its angel appearing, blue hat on, its got red feather in, hey hollie said, but another, thought, angels face went blank, its dull she said, color, like gray, but went back, but not same angel, hollie showed, turn, its into speedway, thats amber lighted hand, three big fingers, but hollie appeared, its the rest, she had red sweatshirt on, but another, she hollie points, went burgundy, hair became bushy, bobby hollie said, with nice hair, like second hollie showed, long snout like nose, its the septic tank, hollie said, angel head, appearing on, its light, round, hollie siad, i'm the septic tank, it said, showed, keep water in, thats all you do, put lid back on and went in but head stayed on front, thats septic tank, showing, its horses, hollie said, showed, its, black horse, its pope, appearing on, i'm the rider, pope said, thats horse stopping in russia, hollie showed, turn, amber hand, and he saw it, showed, casey, its hegoat pontey, smiting ram, hollie said, put it under, thats, hollie showing lay down, you want that vision, then post that vision clapped the tap dancing, its, hollie coming out of hegoats face, laughing, but went back, looked, but still there, now heres what you do bob said, it Jesus hollie said, hollie showed, go inside, hey anther thought, came out, rubbing, wiping, chin, she said, red sweatshirt on, but went burgundy, two tone, hollie claps, face white, another, showed, go inside, hollie showed, bob its ron paul, looking, bob you made him offer, she said, showed, bob walk on tread mill, drank drink, shorts, straw seemed to appear, she put weight back on, hollie showed, lay down but clapped hands, got back up, another, hollie comes out, its him she said, had burgundy sweatshirt on, pointed, it was dark, only hollies, hand, face scene, 10-6-2011-hollie showed, turn, said uh she hollie, God said, put it under, hollie showed time, white clothes, showed mow lawn, hey she said, bobby, thats same hollie, that works out, its on treadmill, thats her drinking drink, while walking, thru straw, but hollie was stunned, its another, no cup, but glass appeared, God said, I know you told, I know you did it, hollie said, did convey, thats, its bob telling people about, its persecution, hollie said, his face, being ripped up, hollie showed, record, come on bob, its freeforums ministryofdreams, appearing, like, its, angel, common angel, hollie said, just head, but kneck seen to, hollie, showed, and I stamp, she said, but really only wondered, turned to side, burgundy sweatshirt on, showed, its match dot com, hollie looked around, its for hookin, bob thats you payin, its ten dollars, and its getting rocks off hollie said, then you leave, but stay, woman, said, its black carriage hollie said, pulled, these are angred hollie did convey, its, the new world order carriage, black on one side, and its, pope, hollie said, and hintao on red side, thats he hollie, its spacesoarem, he flew, diving down, like, its uh flying saucer hollie thought, its red, its into over that, hollie said, taiwan exploded, thats, its, hollie fighting, its hu hintao, its, over washington state, light swords, but another, hollie flys out, bob just go, said, its Jesus, hollie said, bob thats you and janette in bed, inside of church, bob awake, janette awake to, but, sleeping, but on side, just looking, hollie showed, its pope, but first angelic like being, no head, hollie said, but appeared later, like heavy set, ghost round head man, hollie showed eat, she got good, climbed into dumpster, plad coat on, ate from dumpster, hollie showed, just wait, bob, its Jesus, laughed, hollie, showed, its young children, looking, at, its bob indy tortured christian, with, its same angel that appeared earlier, round ghost like angel, people, are, its, finding out, hollie said, but its torture, hollie said, God betrays, she said, hip hop, said, its Jesus, showed, its hollie, christian hip hop connection, bob its, thats pastor turning white, looking around, shaking, yes, thats amber lighted hand showing turn, hollie appeared, later, showing, eat, bob you do not have to do one thing now but just let it work, thats, hollie thought, many in indianapolis finding out about bob, thats, bob working job again, its cause, church, hollie showed, it appeared, angel coming out, but bob, keep your church, hollie said, go, to and make offer, hollie showed, turn, hey another, said, coming out, wheres hollies hand, it appeared, was white bear paw, but, seemed to have burgundy sweatshirt on, man, hollie said, rubbing face, stomping foot, but different ones kept appearing, wore, white dress, hollie, pointed, up, was kind of dim, dull another, said, casey appears, but hollie showed, she was transforming, hollie showed, turn, but thought about which way, bobby dont trust that website name with just anybody, hollie said, its ministry of dreams website appearing like angel man, another, hollie showed, celebrate but face not seen but it appeared, spacesaucer, hollie yelled, its him, hollie, showed, lay down, he flew, but, attacked, its, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, thats, beast with seven heads and ten horns rising, its pope with, its heads coming out, theres mexican president looking happy, lula, castrol and nicaraguan kings looking stout, signing with me, medvedev said, nope putin said, hollie claps, seal it up, showed, lay down, he hollie attacked, is many countries, thats smoke rising, is sun and moon in their face, hey pointed, hollie, its him, but she hollie spoke, stuck head out, happy, its i'm sun said, happy, face went somewhat blank, they walked to, its, Gods interviewing table, stamped hollie, moons face changing to, shew we moon said, thats smoke rising in their face, then back to table, moon got happy, sun had sun glasses on, hegoat showing, lay down, 10-7-2011-hollie showed time, white clothes, put one hand on other arm, I slapt, she said, thats bob and janette, its in your church, hollie said, in the same bed, thats them having, its anal sex, and, theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, God said, like uh ghost man, showed, bobby its car, start more often, drive he said, thats hollie, driving, its dodge aries k, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, be still, bobby dont hang around, its, hollie, did say, thats hollie driving, its old dominion truck but seems like scene is not all the way there, thats man looking at bobs e-mail, we, want ya, he thought, stay, be cool, he said, knows bobs done it before, but hey, hes uh terminal manager, thats bob meeting with, its sam, hes not really caring, but they laugh, have fun, thats bob working at, its old dominion, and janette, shes at home, bobby please go home hollie said, showed, its the number 70,000 but not there, when, shown, bob its how much you'll make a year, its at old dominion stamped hollie but, a, its him, came out, where did she go, bobby change your oil, hollie said, thats angelhead coming out of van, showing, happy but then, showing, grease, watch, dont waste, thats hollie recycling oil, its at autozone, hollie showed, she worked with uh little, its, i'm the beast, pope, it he appeared, hollie said, showed, its guestbook ministryofdreams, its o, fleas said, not seen, but did appear, had nice hair but upper teeth seen, what did she say, hollie said, its i'm the beast pope said, its putin, hollie said, both, they are the antichrist, hollie said, you see she said, its idol shepherd, its pope with slash in his face, its red, its hu hintao slashing, thats, its, pope gathered there in israel with his armies and its, lets unite and force this hintao said, its nuclear explosion in russia, hintao riding his red horse, thats chinese armies advancing and its forcing russia to invade israel, thats netanyahu pressing, its nuclear controls, thats nuclear fires, its jordan, egypt, and syria, their angels coming out, thats missile leaving russia, with, thats like bluish thing riding bottom, but changed into hollie, then she appeared, clapped, showed, eat, hollie screamed, its, the, septic tank, angel hollie said, came out but hollie came out to, thought, changed into him then blank face herself, i'm the septic tank, clean he said, heres how, hollie got rid-x, and put in, she looked better, dressed nice, hollie showed, turn, amber hand but another showed, keep going straight, no hand but it appeared, out of darkness, was, there but like, shut up, hollie said, pulling hands apart, sh, dont tell them she said, bob, hollie said, thats your crowd, dont worry, she said, hollie screamed, showed, its septic tank on box, she treated, but, changed everything, its septic tank toilet paper, and, thats paper towells, their septic tank, to, put it under, do it right, hollie said, septic tank angel appeared, like angry but was afraid, but, its you took care of, hollie showed, lay down, its, him, coming out, its uh dark scene but he had red sweatshirt on, went, burgundy, thats, hollie came out, its him, bob and janette in church in the basement, thats, its, leave the hornet alone, hollie said, its u.s.s. hornet, and, its hollie flying, its japanese zero, they, bombed, it God said, there it is he said, still in pretty good shape God said, but its uh graveyard, the Lord, and hollie said, did say, hollie showed, turn, its, hollie driving, its old dominion, she showed, big white hand, but bobby she, thought, they will hire, your what they wanted but, thats bob, not happy, its because, come on, said, its new world order apostolic church, angel round head coming out of, hollie that explains, smiled for the first time but went back to normal appearance, 10-8-2011-bobby, hollie said, but she was only seen some of it, go back, he hollie said, red sweatshirt on, record, bob dont do, hollie said, showed, listen to w.a.s.p., its, blackie lawless, appearing, hollie showed, its septic tank, round head angel coming out, showing, its war, angel said, had two, clenched fists, showed, its both beasts, now let me see hollie said, did convey, thats, its hu hintao, and pope, hollie said, dressed nice, showed, its popes, clothes, hollie said, bob, its you and janette, its, at, church, its, down under, in basement hollie showed, but she wasnt seen, but I'm there, she said, tear up, had, white hands, hollie showed, its food shortages, but thats her eating, plad coat on, hey hollie said, theres Gods new hammo hollie said, like blue head, but, hey she said, hes looting right there with, its under, economic collapse here, hollie said, put it under, thats her with barack obama, but, let me make anouncement, he said, hey you didnt tell she said, its under economic hardships he said, hollie makes leave, showed, its icq ministryofdreams, like partial, white light face, with, its some, its like icx spacebar blocking some of his face, thats, septic tank, showing, its cold, angel shook, like round head, i still work he said, showed, its roots in grass, they, its absorb, thats them feeding, its off fumes, new ministryofdreams, hollie showed record, and, its the beast, she showed, its like chalkboard and, its, pope riding his black horse, put it under, hollie said, dont, thats church, saying come on, worried, bob they wont, loose you, hollie said, thats hollie putting trash containers in and them using, everybody claps your hands, hollie came out, plad coat on, they applauded, many people dressed nice, you see, let me explain, hollie said, giving conference, she hollie looked around, its on tour, prophecy club, thats stan johnson, he let ya, hollie said, then bob returned to new world order apostolic church, angel appeared, but face went somewhat blank, you see hollie said, janette appeared, in church with, hollie showed, big white hand, its 1956 old car, still runs, lets motor, I drove hollie said, hollie showed, turn, showed, its, septic tank, waste, bob get hollie said, its Gods hammo, hollie said, like, its round head, face went somewhat blank, dropping light hammer, had in hand, see hollie said, hollie screamin for this reason, screamed again, thats hollie like pirate, its long john silvers, she ate fish, hollie showed, lay down, another comes out, its he, him, a she one said, appeared, but looked more he than she, showed, burgundy sweatshirt on, then face went blank, then she came out, theres Jesus, showing, its, afraid, bob dont worry, hollie said, thats septic tank, he showed, it works and always will, heres why, it isnt used very much, after, he said, they leave, 10-9-2011-I showed turn, hollie said, hey another said, God said, her head went round, hollie appeared, showed, its, i'm the beast, pope said, like, its Gods new hammo, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed zip your lip, bob its tonight, bob he knows, its angel lopez, who you are, and, its, afraid, but you are not telling, angel said, put it under, hollie showed, zip your lip to him, thats, its lasar surgery, its I got old, hollie said, God said, but, stripped it right away, God said, put it under, bob its not worth it, she said, bob, God said, just wait, Jesus showed, janette will come to you, thats you seeing her, and, shes, its fat now hollie said, but, you love it, and laugh, but she doesnt care, she will, in time, loose, but its to keep you, thats bob, having, its lasar surgery, do, hollie said, bob, but, God said, I wont, want it, but, Jesus, his face, hollie said, just went light, it will, save you, and make you happy again, put it under, thats janette wanting it to, but, thats bob pastoring, at his own church, hollie showed, its pink floyd, they, hollie said, laughs, but, still tourin, its now, only, the lead singer, the broke apart, split hollie said, put it under, hollie said, hollie showed, its, slapt one on other, showed, its, styx, she said, your still tourin, hollie said, its, dennis, me, dennis deyoung said, its, his voice, 10-8-9-10-?-2011-peace and safety, was, that was gorbachev, this is hollie, sitting with, its bush, president at table, they signed, its peace, start one, hollie showed, thru with it, hollie showed lay down, clapped hands, white, another comes out, its he, him, showed, its uh dark setting, he had, its red sweatshirt on, hollie showed, lay down, its him, coming out, its uh dark setting, scene, he said, she reappeared like, only hands and face seen but, hollie, went all the way dark, lit the candle, its candlelite, thats God appearing, candle made hollie appear somewhat, people loved, wanted but didnt go, hollie showed, its, chat room ministryofdreams, like, its angelface, head man, but not to well seen, i'm the chat room, angel said, face forming and unforming but light, claps, turns, into, its, hollie, she, said, bobby go, to, church, hollie said, they want to see ya, she said, thats chat room ministry of dreams, showing, eat, mostly blank light face, hollie showed, just speak easy, I want some, said, its pastor, angel, hollie that explains, came out, bobby, she said, showed, hollie screamed, but looked up, not heard, happy, its burgundy sweatshirt on, but theres Gods new hey hammo, hollie said, hes like, its chatroom ministryofdreams angel, head, hollie ate, showed, bobby it wont be long, hollie said, showed, git food, its out of dumpster, hollie said, thats printer, showed, it still works, people throw away, showed, hollie, good, stuff, thats, wastin, hollie said, thats people all over the world, they are dying, its church angel, hollie showed, its front part of building but, changed back to building, hollie showed, its, its new world order apostolic church, it, angel peeked out of front of building again, came out, one hand seen, it showed, i'm the building, church angel pointed at self, hollie showed, its front part of building but turned, into hollie, laughs, bob, thats, church angel looking but building not seen, but it was there, hollie came out, thats bob and janette in church, its, living, they, bob hollie thought, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, record, hey, another, said, its, him, its, hollie said, red sweatshirt on, he caught, hollies hair not seen but there, hey, another, hollie laughs, he changed into, its like hollie showed, there, theres hand agin, showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, but one similar appeared in dome in hand, hollie showed, its, marketing, had, its uh, burgundy, but, hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, hes like, blank, bluish ghost head, that was, livecloud ministryofdreams, like uh somewhat blank, face with the name there, i'm the livecloud angelhead said, mostly blank, white light face, brother stay clear, its hollie said, she said, showed, mow lawn, thats one helping after awhile, its, Jesus, out of, the whirlwind, hollie said, did convey, thats her mowing lawn, white robe on, hey hollie said, it had designs, along bottom like border, hey, what are those, hollie said, silmilar to bears, fighting, one looks, hollie said, hey another, points, its him, red sweatshirt on, her hair not seen, but was there, bluish like, its uh burgundy out line he said, look what youve done hollie said, showed, its givin the money, its, take bob, they will give you seven fifty, but you pay for door, bob you need, record hollie said, i'm home, its the septic tank, hollie said, showing, forcefully, but it under, she said, septic tank, showed sleeping till bob came along, I like it, tank, said, it wont need, cleaned out till you go then, thats max haas there, but they knew, put it under, septic tank, showed lay down, hey hollie said, face faded, hollie showed, its lifestyle lift, she was happy, bobby, thats hollie doing, lasar treatments, it burns part of face off, thats face after, its wrinkle free, heres how, wrinkles she said, are, only so deep, put it under, hollie showed lay down, happy agin, hollie showed, turn, like golden round head, but, not quite, looked, for, which way to go, showed, turn, amber hand, face, but face disappeared, put it under, hollie said, bob, she said, showed, seal it up, burgundy sweatshirt on, its ministryofdreams and angel appeared, thats bob giving a tour, its prophecy club, its soon, janette joins, hollie showed, turn, amber hand, big, its lightning sound and its hollie in stormy sky, showed, lightning bolt, angel road, tear up hollie said, but only like light, bags, which are gloves appeared, but hollie showed, its sand bag, thats flood coming, hollie put sandbags up to block, its, uh wall, she said, hollie showed, leave, come on bob, its new world order apostolic church, angel appeared, like, its round she said, hey she said, he had uh hat on, put it undle, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, hollie walked on, its treadmill, she showed, but, hey, its angel she said, appeared, like, its, round, but, he changed, to, like hollie round head angel, its him, a she said, appeared, she came out, now its boom, hollie said, showed, its him, many he hollies, their on uh hill, go to that one, hollie showed, turn, there is uh reason, he lit up, she hollie said, hey your going the wrong way another, she hollie said, but its him, showing, turn, white bear paws, tear up, she hollie said, but he showed, put back, hollie showed, its pope, its I am God, he said, 10-11-2011-hollie appeared wearing white, bob hollie showed, its indianapolis angel like somewhat partial face blank angel, hollie was happy, showed, its ministryofdreams, showed, its, posting she said, but, face went blank, turned blue, like dull light, plad coat on, hollie mowed lawn, face started forming again, start the vision, hollie sang, bob, its, holliefleas, said, showed, had paper mouth, its, contract, with its stan, johnson, get as much as you can, thats bob wearing suit behind pulipit, its giving tour, but hey, theres Gods new hammo, hollie, said, hes like bald head, light face, hollie said, its, they are the same but the separated hollie said, its Jesus, said, hollie, doing, its surgery on bobs face, then, its gums, thats janette with bob, money, appearing, I repent God said, hollie hooked up the sewer line, thats what I want, its, new world order apostolic church angel said, its, right there, thats sewer line going under, its sidewalk, bob, hollie showed, its, orbit gum, she chewed, but, didnt like, meow, hollie showed, its the happy cat, statue she said, showed, take it easy, with, its them, they hollie thought, shook head, changed, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, hollie showed, clean up, hey another, said, hollie was like, its, elf, showed, its santa, he had elfs, hey hollie said, its him acting like elf, blue, round head, theres Jesus talking to hollie, I want you to do uh elf, he said, thats Jesus shaping his head, he, was bluish, but had white in, hollie showed, its, lada gaga, shes young at heart, what did hollie chant boo for, said uh she one, their on uh hill, its him she said, many he hollies, showed, its crystal clean heritage power wash, hollie dressed like, its workman, and I stamp, she said, scene changes, its like, somewhat twirling light, hey its, Gods hammo hollie said, coming out like blue ghost head, alright, said, its Jesus, hollie said, showed, its God for hire, its, bobby, she, showed, thats you and janette together again, and, hollie showed, they will hire you, thats bob going to events, its dressed nice, but wasnt into it, but they had fun, thats person cracking joke and bob and, thats Jesus speaking, thats janette, shes, not happy, but soon will, thats bob and janette living inside church, expect your first call hollie said, soon, now let me see hollie said, its church for hire, thats round head church angel, hollie showed, its front part of building, i'm the, i'm use to be your church he said, showed, sleeping again, very dull, hot happy, hollie showed, wait, bobby hollie said, its janette with, its you, peace and safety is gorbachev, on the ship, claps, its hollie, golden hair, disappeared, with, flash, thats, its president bush, and gorbachev, signing, its start one, hey, theres, its Gods new hammo hollie said, these, hes, just head, bald, colors, hollie thought, changing, thats bob, its God for hire, he goes, people, its they love, thats janette going with but not caring but loving the money, bob hollie said, this is it, she said, God new will answer, thats, its, Jesus out of whirlwind, adn shooting up, standing tall, this is the website like this, hollie said, tap dancing, hey, theres Gods new ammo, hollie said, he appeared, hes hammer but same head shape, 10-12-2011-hollie showed, save time, God said, she wore uh white robe, bobby, hollie said, showed, its sign painted on sidewalk, its Jesus said, its God hollie said, but disappeared, and was brand new, a different one said, put it under, hollie said, bob hollie showed, its Jesus hollie said, face blank, showed, with arm, but it seemed she said, like part of face appeared, thats food shortages, hey its Gods new hammo hollie said, popping out, hes bald, angel, head, but looking, its, concerned, thats people running, its under economic collapse here, hollie said, she posted in facebook, its God for hire, bobby people are seeing, this but not wanting, hollie showed, iraq, hollie yelled, remember that, she said, its Jesus, at, internet, golden hair, but, not happy, face, healed, thats bob, face fixed, you see hollie said, its uh network, thats people finding out and, its telling one another, hey its, bob, God tortured, young woman said, Jesus appeared, not happy and changed into, its angry God, wanting to destroy, its Jesus appearing again, golden hair, not happy, but hey hollie said, its your fault, I know it God said, he changed, look hollie said, its, and I showed you uh picture, she said, its pope, hey another, said, coming out, noticed blue in picture, its the background hollie said, this is the marine corp. out in the streets, said, hollie, loose belt some she said, did convey, lets motor, hollie said, drank, drove, hand plad coat on, its angel marine, and, its looters, but hey, theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, hes right there with, they swarmed, its massive, we want social security back they said, no welfare, pensions, its, crisis hollie said, some failed, hollie showed, go home, lay down, now, she said, thats hollie driving tank, Father shoots by, like golden ghost, i'm screamin for this reason, hollie said, screamed again, but hey its Gods new hammo hollie said, hes like ghost man but like man, hes light color but, hey hollie said, theres shades in, hollie screamed, showed, indy scream park, but, not there, it wont stay, she said, its halloween, thats jack-o-laterns face but its he hollies face, appeared, on, git your house in order, git your house in order, its Jesus hollie said, showed, its bob in coffin, dressed nice, happy, finaly at peace, I wont beleive this over here wont hire you, cause your old, hollie said, with, its, get off sound, thats people leaving work, what does hollie said, she said, sleep jumpy hollie said, its him, playing music, its, uh burgundy sweatshirt on, but went blue, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, blue head, sweatshirt, playing, its keyboard, its the webcam, lasar beam out of, its eye, showing, its war, pope said, hintao there, you see these two, hollie said, bobby, showed, lay down, hollie claps, hands, showed, lay down, but was on side, but got back up, showed, its uh dark setting, its, him, comes out, red sweatshirt on, bushy hair, but thats hollie with nice hair, bobby she said, with no hair, head like second hollie showed, like ardvark, hollie walked to church, changed into him, its, i'm the church said, like round head angel, its front part of building, hollie showed, it got cold, thats furnace working, its same furnace, thats angel coming out, showed, I still work, keep he said, 10-13-2011-hollie that explains came out, opened mouth, but light like out, put it under, she said, bobby, help, they want, they need, its, loot, hollie said, put in the offering, but, dont help build, heres the reason, dont let them get to big, put it under, hollie that explains said, showed, zip your lip, its, janette, when she comes to you, you better record, hollie said, and I stamp, she said, its beast, pope, like angel of light, his face, its blue, hollie said, white robe on, its my black horse, pope, pontey, hollie said, DID CONVEY, SHOWED, LAY DOWN, BUT CLAPPED HAND, BUT GOT BACK UP, BOBBY, HOLLIE CAME, OUT, SHOWED, ITS JESUS LOOKING BACK, HES STARTING TO TREMBLE, thats hollie, its, painting sign, she said, its all over indianapolis now and people are, thats Jesus, its embarrased, put it under, its, I persecute, God said, cause my own to perish, backslide, God said, but now they know and thats pressure building up on, its Jesus, hollie said, did convey, hollie went to, its goodwill, but hey, theres Gods new ammo, she said, hes angel man, but, just light, no expression but, Got happy, i'm the beast, he said, bobby, hollie said, did convey, showed, its, thats people all over world finding out and thats, uh million more hollie said, people love, knowing, its I tortured God said, he, appeared, hollie said, put it under, thats hollie painting sign, its on sidewalk, but hey theres Gods new hammo, appearing out sign, happy, like angel face, its I got back, hammo said, hollie flew its p-51 mustang jet, its around world, its, hey she said, its massive nuclear fire, its in africa, theres missiles leaving there, they strike, its that, pointed, hollie, nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, hey another said, but he hollie came out, she hollie saw, hollies hand only seen, its blue, another hollie appeared, showed, clapped hands, showed, its picture, beast pope formed on it, with, its dark hair, its I'm the beast medvedev said, hey hollie said, started coming out, but different, theres like border in hollies dress, showed, its like something fighting, similar, its bear, looking with his eyes, its i'm the beast, putin said, coming out of, peace and safety, is, that, said, is Jesus, hollie said, coming out, its bush and gorbachev, hollie saw, but was changing into bear, start one, thats ship bouncing in water, hey hollie said, let me look at is, ship had eyes, thats americas nuclear arsenal disappearing, but hey hollie said, theres president george w. bush, I will remake it, he said, now, america is nuclear tipped and strong hollie said, thats colin powell, lets reduce it he said, twenty-two hundred he said, launchable ready rockets, but thats only uh few taking off, but theres hollie in her submarine, its ohio class, thats a fire sent on, america, but russia burning to, hey hollie said, showed, its, thats face appearing hand, went golden but back to light color, they are hollie said, the pact, thats ram, and hegoat hollie said, theres putin and bush, lets form it, putin, said, thats them signing, its uh deal, hollie said, its, hollie like weiny, hollie, showing, pictures, its submarines, its, akukla class, thats what you wanted, said another, thats them firing rockets, its near that, hollie said, gulf coast, texas exploding but, hey hollie said, theres them lands, they came exploded, thats nicaragua exploding, nuclear fires in cuba and mexico, hollie said, there, seal it up she said, but, still flying in her, she pointed, on ground, but finger not seen but was there, its another, said, coming out, light appearing, but he was he hollie, changed into, its he hollie, but he laughed, still her, its I told you do uh girl, Jesus said, he shook yes, hair started growing, hollie showed, turn, I pointed, its, she said, this is, vision, lets post something hollie said, did convey, hollie showed, dont do the sign, thats hollie dropping, its taperecorder, angel came out, not happy, like, its round head, hollies screamin for this reason, she said, screamed again but not heard, theres the phone, its JEsus said, hollie, its stan johnson, hey we want ya, he said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, but went blue head bald, hollie showed, turn, like, its bear hand hollie, go home, God said, its, JEsus, hollie did say, appearing, showed, bobby, she was slow to answer, but told, dont worry about money, but heres money, hollie gave bob lots, I'm screamy hollie said, screamed again, but not heard, is them she said, angel and the bunch, be cool, hollie said, put it under, thats uh three year deal there, 10-14-2011-hollie showed time, dressed in white clothes, put it under, God said, she put one hand on the other arm, hollie showed, record, its donald, you made him laugh, did convey, sealed it up and its first lady, she slowly laughs, twists, head, showed, picture, its pope, hollie said, I'm the beast, antichrist, and first, lady, thats her looking at her, its hubby, bob will come God, whispered to both, with his lovely wife, you will greet, like, put it under, thats bob and janette planted at, its donald golders church, she likes but doesnt show, hollie showed, tapped on screen, its t.v., went white, but both beasts are on, its, peace deal, thats emperor of japan, empy, hollie said, appearing, put it under, thats 666 appearing, its, thats nuclear war, beast, pope said, head, pointed hollie, shaped, like little horn, but hollie not seen but was there, showed, bobby, eat, gain some pounds, its, pope, pontey, hollie said, thats hegoat pope like angel of light and kings coming out of its horns, theres hu hintao with his flower, theres pope and medvedev and putin out of other, I will rule the world putin, said, lets medvedev said, showed, missiles leaving medvedev, hollie showed frustration, theres hand agin, he hollie looked up at, hollie came out, there was eye in hand but dome replaced with, its him in, hand was white, started moving, it showed, you did not need him, its hollie showed, it rained submarines, and theres hollie looking for hollie showed, many he hollies, him, its she said, appearing, but couldnt find, hollie showed, its new world order apostolic church sleeping, angel, hollie showed, its front part of building, his round head, thats church waking up, bob walking in, i'm home, thats bob and, its janette, thats, hollie, appeared, somewhat but seemed to fade, sleeping, in church, thats them fucking, hollie showed, turn, then, turn the other, way, hollies screamin for this reason, screamed again, showed, bobby thats hollie walking at goodwill, go there, she said, leave them alone, its, new world order apostolic church going back to sleep, dont go to goodwill hollie said, hey theres Gods new hammo appearing, hes like bluish round head, not seeming very happy, hollie showed, turn, redish hand, she appeared, and, quickly disappeared, its your last day, is angel hollie said, did say, prophecy club, prophecy, clapped the tap dancers, theres pope dancing faster, its kings hollie said, white robe on, theres hu hintao and its emperor of japan, these three kings hollie said, thats them sitting at table, its uh peace treaty, she said, 666, mark of the beast, she said, clapped jumpy hollie, leaping, golden lit monkey nose, this is, war, right here, God said, its angry obama and putin, its eyeballin each other, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, she said, get out of here, its jumpy hollie and, other one looked like jumpy but not seen very well, had dark hair, bobby said, hollie with nice hair, hollie showed, its lada gaga, shes human, that was south america hollie said, its massive she said, nuclear fire, but its him coming out smiling and missiles leaving there, striking that, hollie said, its nuclear fires in, its all over america and its brand new, hollie rubbed face, angelic being coming out, hes tall and narrow, hat on, hands like gloved, but not quite, light hands, he looked at bob, its facebook bob, thats you hitting other peoples, now people are really finding out, in indianapolis stamped hollie but disappeared, another comes out, its o'h he said, but it was the voice of babyfleas, she appeared, nice hair, red sweatshirt on, mouth open, he came back out, red sweatshirt on, pointing, light hand, nice bushy hair, face somewhat disappeared, this is warning, hollie said, angel somewhat appeared, just his face hollie said, angel showed wait uh minute, hand thinning hair, lady gaga, showed, record, hollie said, and I stamp, hollie said, but it was gaga, she said, its the beast, pope hollie said, riding his black horse, its into that, hollie said, horse stops, showed, its picture, pope, thats medvedev, and pope, with dark hair then, normal, its, gray, signing, its uh deal, medvedev said, it gains some advantages, pope, said, let me record, hollie said, looked in dumpster, got out food, hollie showed, turn, but, seemed to disappear, but clapped and reappeared, but she thought, was not all there, bluish face, blank, hollie showed, turn, its walmart plainfield, showed, by straight talk card, heres why, thats you preaching tomorrow, wearing, its, wearing, its, here, she said, its new world order apostolic church, now let me see hollie said, she got sewer water, its out of city dump, she said, heres how, bobby you cant hollie said, but make your own, hollie showed, turn, its he hollie, hollie drove, its 1966 dodge charger, thats, her smoking tires like angelic hollie, its hollie ducking in her tank, its covert, she showed, dark tank, and ghost like Father, shooting by, and its halloween hollie said, he like halloween ghost, thats hollie with Jesus inside and its, indy fiding out, she said, thats bob filled with bob, hollie said, they tremble but, love, hollie, showed, turn, like, its bear hollie, its him, she said, bob its hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, not happy, like pointy white hat hollie, hollie showed, go inside like bear hollie, no, fleas, said, I showed i'm away with it, but its, him, a hidden she hollie said, but did appeare, was like in uh blue setting, kind of hidden again, face bluish, happy, opened mouth, showed, walk on treadmill, hollie drank drink, walked, bobby hollie said, showed, lay down but clapped hands, was, on side, then janette got in, its your bed, hollie said, showed, eat, showed, lay down again, hollie showed, turn, like somewhat seen hollie, lit amber hand, face, thats, new world order apostolic church sleeping but bobby he said, like round head, its front part of building church said, went to sleep, hollies hands were big and white, pointed, build church there, 10-15-2011-no, hollie said, did convey, showed, i'm away, thru, but shook, yes, hollie showed, its ministry of dreams, oh angel said, sadly, bob your giving it away hollie said, thats people looking and its trembling, hey theres God woman said, thats hollie with Jesus inside, thats people now finding, out, hey, thats God inside him, I see it, its I persecute Jesus said, thats bobs face being ruint, hollie pointed, God coming after with fury, and now bob exposing, bob your perfect hollie showed, told to go home, clean up, thats many looking at bob, Jesus now is sad cause he knows, thats, sh, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie said, its, satan, but he looked like the Father and was, the Father, laughing, thats, people finding out, God is inside bob and bob now exposing harder and harder, thats today and same facebook angel appearing, not pleased, over two thousand today find out plus, its fifty on internet, now that is Jesus now somewhat changing, hes, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats many people, its ministryofdreams angel appearing, hes white man, like, not saying much but kind of wondering, people bob are looking and knowing now, thats them telling, its people in churches, God is inside ministryofdreams, bob tomorrow, hollie said, go to church and mow lawn, hollie showed, fix this, its broken window or they wont buy and you will, but not want to, it will cost you, hollie thought, look at that, just over one thousand dollars, sell church, thats bob and janette in bed again, janette happy, smiling, cuddled up, bob wishes, again, thats, hollie taking bath, opening mouth, hey, fleas, comes out, pointing, theres white in her mouth, fleas pointed down, like on top of head, gray was there but disappeared, its, new angel appearing but not looking straight at, but, it was bluish angel like light form, it, showed, its i'm the beast, but pope, round head, pointy white head, robe, changed back into hollie, laughing, o'h my God woman said, watching, its your on, thats joy behar wanting bob, now hes famous, thats them having fun, its enjoy you, look at that, hollie said, its chatroom ministryofdreams, thats hollie with Jesus inside, showing, its both beasts, theres, pope with, dark hair and its hu hintao, I tell you what I want, pope said to medvedev, its, deal, he said, signs, putin came out of, its pontey, there you have it hollie said, you see these kings she said, they shall rise in persia, then its the ram, hollie said, hegoat pontey, appeared, thats goathorns, with, them kings coming out, but pontey started laughing, hollie pointed turn, bobby hollie said, its, see that paypal, God said, thats paypal like angel coming out, bob put in sights God said, you will make millions, thats bob showing, money, heres you loot hollie said, thats its, hollie said, its angel appearing, forming, let me show you angel said, thats people stunned and looking, hollie showed, turn, thats, its, pope, hollie said, in the fire, its caregiver like round head, pointy hat, showing, eating, hollie points, red lips, leave the chatroom alone, thats what hollie showed, she said, two hollies said, jumpy hollie came out, golden monkey lips, but hey a she one one said, changed into him, looking stunned, red sweatshirt on, brown pants, bushy hair, hi bob, said its hollie with nice hair but hair missing, like long pig like nose, hey, hollie said, its, the a/c, she said, angel coming out, showed, i'm fixed, dont bother, white hand, round head, when, hollie said, driving her tank, ducked, Ghost like Father shot by, changing colors, but, same, but another, hollie came out, pointing, light finger, its, was that him in tank, stuck head out, was, but face somewhat, out, not formed, yet, thats the tap dancers hollie said, hollie and, its others, theres pope, hintao, you see these two, hollie, said, these are both beasts, its i am God, its, pontey did say hollie and God said, hollie spoke but didnt, she, thats her being informed, dont speak, Jesus said, heres why, let jackie, I scream for his reason, hollie said, screamed again, but wait, she said, was, going to scream but didnt, and, i showed, you that, she said, she kind of went burgundy hollie, beak formed, on, burgundy sweatshirt, hey, another, hollie said, its he, him, he hollie, coming out, pointing, bushy hair, she was only partially seen, hollie showed, lay down, showed, its filo beddo, thats him in real life, fighting, its jack wilson, its even draw, hollie said, both same, 10-16-2011-hollie came out, its chat room angel man appearing, hes light white light but like stunned looking, i'm the chat angel said, its beast pope rising, hes like angel man, laughs, its, missile going into air, three, and, its, hu hintao, I shall war in the heavens, thats Jesus, his line, hollie said, oh hintao said, thats hintao, showing, pressing button, making, nuclear fire in atmosphere, he shows, signs and wonders, he showed, all chat, thats angel, coming out from side of name but had like golden tint, thats, its, world prophecy center angel appearing, hollie showed, turn, this is hollie with that o'h loose belt soun, s,o,u,v, she said, started tap dancing, go home, its, JEsus, hollie said, showed, eat, something, hollie showed, eat, looked over at bob, white in mouth, bobby, said, its two hollies with nice hair, one, long nose, like, its animal, has, similar to horse, but hair appeared, very stringy and maybe gray, good afternoon, this is hollie, adn the stick tapped, hollie showed, happy, its, general hydrophones, its food, she, showed, eat, thats back to, its hollie cnn news anchor woman, she showed, its the beast, like golden dragon, but kept changing, i'm screamin for this reason, hollie said, screamed again, but next time held back, burgundy sweatshirt on, nice teeth, thats hollie with nice hair, its, shes transformed, hollie said, coming out, cause i'm the website, hollie said, showed, its room full of ministry of dreams websites, like blank face angel man, but, had eyes, hey hollie said, theres world prophecy center website coming out, this is war, right, here, showed, its, the, stones, they hate you, china, hollie said, did convey, thats massive fire, in, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, three ohio class subs, with, its hollie, teeth somewhat seen, nice, long hair, thats china exploding, but thats hintao riding, missile and taiwan burned, thats hollie fighting hintao, red horse, there, what you want, he said, showed, its picture, both beasts, i'm the rider hintao said, but theres pope like angel of light, man hollie said, showed, its sister winters, shes now, its, hiding, heres why, its cause, she, I knew, i'm cut off, she said, go, hollie said, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, golden monkeys lips, bob pointed, hollie, she put on, its, ford, shirt, ford motor company, hollie showed, but disappeared, only blue hand seen but she was there, showed, eat something, hollie bit the cover off, its, bob they were stunned, thats them on internet, o'h my God he said, thats hollie with Jesus inside, sitting right next to me, bob, hollie showed, not happy like, its video, they watch and tremble, thats, them shaking, bob thats janette, she will marry you all over again, thats, mark brown, doing, with, marriage certificate, he said, jumpy hollie said, golden monkey lips, hey another, said, coming out, pointing, hollies lips, went pinkish, hollie ducked in her tank, its wayne legion post, hollie showed, their tank, Father shot by like ghost Father, but hollie wonders, colors, changing, hollie showed time, 10-17-2011-come on, let me, hollie said, in uh hurry, showed, its Jesus appearing, angering, but face changing, hollie showed, its, frustration, bobby thats people looking at, its your vid, and, not liking very much, thats young girl laughing, where were you, its Jesus, hollie said, coming out of, its light whirlwind, bob thats your going, its, new world order apostolic church and its round head angel appearing, its front part of building, showed, hollie, dark hand, its i'm the beast, its, hintao hollie said, did convey, hes angel man, come back, hollie came out, happy, its angel, another points, she was, mouth open, nice teeth, bob, its mow your lawn, hollie said, thats bob mowing lawn, hat on, backwards, it has not top hollie said, but did that time, its church angel hollie said, showed, just wait, big red hand, but, changing colors, showed, its them coming in, their home, hollie said, but she, wondered, that, hey, was babyfleas, i'm grecia, hollie came out, its angel, hollie happy, big open, mouth, that, was, its king of grecia, happy, looking to side, but theres kings coming out, its hintao hollie said, he was busy doing his thing, theres, its pope, and, medvedev, and, putin, out of other, hey lets, sign uh deal putin, said, thats pope riding his black horse, its into russia, its over that, hollie said, america appeared, but, hollie came out, let me explain she said, those are lights, thats means its destruction JEsus, said, thats from high above and its missile striking, its near center of america, then, in different places, its florida hollie said, theres new york, and, in california, many spots, hey hollie said, what is that, she wonders, but face went blue, light, blank, thats facebook angel appearing, like its ghost light man, but only his head hollie showed, its bottom of, h.m.h.s., raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie, said, its britannic ship, and thats water flooding, its low dock, hollie showed, then it floats right out, hey she said, its captain smith, hes on board, piloting, theres uh submarine, right there, hollie said, its the, uh leave me alone, soun, hollie said, now look, sandy wiped angelic monkey lips, face, but hand not seen, only like, wave, like, lips being pushed in, but didnt appear, its he hollie, fist clenched, showed, its fist janette, bobby shes home, she said, dressed nice, hollie came out, its hollie screamy, but only turned head next time, acted like screamy, hollie showed, keep going straight, i'm the cat, hollie said, its leopard appearing, with, its four kings coming out, its hu hintao, with his flower, i'm the ruler hintao said, its, theres empy, hollie said, emperor of japan, we all follow you, he said, theres both korean kings, put, it under, thats hu hintao, watch, hollie said, thats nuclear missile, its aimed at russia, and thats, its pontey, riding black horse, which seemed to disappeared, but horse still there in like bluish setting, looking afraid, thats many rockets appearing on russian side but more on chinese, its hey, they launch, hollie said, thats, its, massive nuclear fires in, and, hollie and I stamp, she said, russia and china, thats pontey riding his horse, thats them at table, and, its, emperor of japan, and hintao, climbing out of, its red horned beast, theres hollie like, two horned beast, but, looking like not knowing what to do, its 666 appearing, peace treaty, they sign, go to own lands, hollie, its, him, on like front of hood, hollie said, watching for visions, to post and many different things went on, in, its visions, showed, new hollie like, its avenger hollie, white bluish like hands, cape, thats Jesus coming out, somewhat, afraid, its he said, bobby is doing it, its, thats, hollie with her cellphone like avenger bring end to world, its causing the great falling away she said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, hollie showed, turn, but, showed, bob your going the wrong way, she said, showed, go straight, but changed into, its him, hands not seen, hes like white he hollie, hat on, but they were there, hey hollie said, its red bear paw, tear up, hollie said, showed, you see these eight kings, she, said, its, picture, like attached, by, its rope, these will want to rule the world, hollie said, its, theres hintao, and, putin, theres medvedev and pope, lets seal it up hollie said, showed, go in church, she went in, was, happy, turn, hollie said, showed, put it under, that, she was like uh round head, that, another, hollie said, round heads face, appeared, that, hollie said, she was white but not at first, burgundy sweatshirt on, that, hollie said, then came out, showed, its both beasts, that, hollie said, another, you see these two, hollie watches, that, hollie round head said, but only face seen but rest there, thats hu hintao and its rockets leaving, I shall show signs and wonders in the heavens, that, hollie, said, not seen but appeared, later, pope there, with, that, hollie said, showed, its run in place, come on, bobby, let me record, that, hollie said, another, started appearing, showed, take bath, that, hollie said, hollie claps, white face, another comes out, you see he, said, red sweatshirt on, king of white face himself, but, hollie showed, its pope coming out, on horse, hollie pointed, it was she, another, said, but happy he hollie appeared, 10-18-2011-please dont, its Jesus, laughed hollie, showed, its the furnace, she looked, inspected, it works, thats happy hollie furnace, put it under, its the leave me uh lone sound, hollie wiped her mouth, showed, picture, hollie ate cookies, and I, stamp, she said, its pope, hollie did convey, riding his black horse, coming to, its screeching halt, its right in the center of that, hollie said, its, moscow, thats umoja angel coming out of building, like happy round head, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, stamps again, thats hu hintao riding red horse, hollie mowed lawn, come on bobby, she had hat on, its dark, hey, its him pointing, but went dull blue, theres like border in hollies white dress with, its like, bears, showing, war, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie said, showed, its angel ministries of dreams, its him, she said, partial blue face he hollie, blue hair but eyes started appearing, hollie screamed, hollie showed, go, burgundy sweatshirt on, white skin, face, hollie stamps, theres, its beast, pope riding his, its, into, moscow russia, horse, popey, pawpaw, hollie said, did say, it, thats horse stopping, its uh deal, pope said, signing with, its, medvedev, thats rockets leaving, many striking, its nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, thats, many countries exploding, its on the day of the Lord, hollie said, sh, she showed, that was, satan, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, its, stone, both, but showed, dont worry, hes cool, its, i'm the nuclear g8 pope said, came out of, its light serpent, hollie showed, turn, showed, its walmart, written on, its straight talk card, appeared, showed, bobby, its, switch, change phones, hollie said, showed, heres the reason, its video, showed, hollie video taping bob speaking, its, at concerts, events, hollie said, with its him speaking, they said, boo we, hollie did convey, showed, its mow lawn, bobby keep up, hollie said, showed, its work, hollie threw pictures out doing many things, the united states will be attacked my nuclear missiles from right here, said, its hollie, him, she said, and, Jesus, pointed, its here, she said, russia, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, laughs, then showed, its war, face not seen but appeared, happy, its light face, man, hollie said, its him, but her voice, ducked in his tank, but, they showed, its america legion post, Father shot by like ghost Father, hollie thought, his, clothes like sheet over head that went all the way down, like ghost, fire colors, he he said, jumpy hollie said, golden monkey lips, claps, golden hands, but white started appearing, thats nuclear rockets sailing into, its alaska, showed, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, its him riding one, robe on, and, Jesus like cat on other, hey hollie thought, thats bear, its him rubbing face, alaska exploded, its, war, nuclear putin, said, barack looks, presses button, hollie comes out, showed, its massive she said, fires in, its russia, he said, many hollies said, hey theres doreen sticking head out, dont, your giving me, uh problem, he hollie said, Jesus did say, hollie points, go there, she said, its speedway she said, gas station, angel came out, its, theres Gods new hammo, its hollie said, like blue ghost head, i'm the speedway, hammo said, its hammer and hollie said, put it under, hey he changed, its hollie said, hollie showed, turn, like brand new hollie, said, showed, hurry up bob, do something hollie said, put the gloves on, but hey she said, not seen but they were there, but hollie not now seen, but started appearing, its uh dark, setting, hollie said, showed, lay down, clapped hands but not seen but appeared, not as happy, he said, hollie said, did come out, start uh club, God said, its hollie showed, the bible club, bobby its, do well hollie said, hollie showed, turn, pointed, golden finger, looking ahead but turned uh bit, that internet is going to go down, look hollie said, its missile, striking, its satttelite exploding, its, why i'm the beast putin, said, computers shut off, thats, hollie at computer while doing, Jesus telling, lets go home, now, its war time, bob walks, burgundy sweatshirt on, nice bushy hair, people running, hollie showed, raking in the, its loot, misses heaggy said, face not seen but appeared, hollie showed, go back, like white hollie, another, walks in, its goodwill, she showed, plad coat on, new hollie said, golden face but only face seen but bushy hair appeared, but, bushy he hollie came out, pointing, looking, its same hollie but different hair, thats Jesus, telling her, I want you to do something, she shook yes, agreed, hollie showed, how engine works, prophesy, thats what angel said, hollie did convey, thats cat statue, happy, stay up, clapped hollie, its uh dark setting, its him, came out, she said, herself, put it under, hollie that explains returned, you got what you wanted, showed, zero tax dollars, its exemption bob, its on, she showed, but looked more human, 10-19-2011-hollie showed, its time, sign, she said, put one hand, on other arm, but hey she said, theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, put it under, she said, he was, blue, hollie said, nice hair, but, looking, not at bob, but did, smiled, fool, said, its, babyfleas, new hollie said, she had white in her mouth, hollie pointed, 10-19-2011-you need to record, hollie said, and I stamp, she said, bobby, theres, its, new world order carriage coming out, its black, pulled by, you see these hollie said, angry black horses, white teeth, but, not showing, hollie laughs, i'm the rider, black horse, said, showed, its picture, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, its pope, she said, its pope like cat, dressed real nice, angel, white light face, its janette, thats, its you and her together again, thats, the in the bottom, basement, hollie said, its, new world order apostolic church, face, church angel appearing, but only hollies hand, raised, heil, she said, light hand, but rest appeared, showed, its, war, hollie said, showed, fighting, theres, showed, lets put it up, hollie said, showed, its cellphone, its hey, theres Gods new hammo on like angel face looking to side, hes, white light, bobby its look, hidden hollie said, but did appear, JEsus, showed, eat something, theres uh warning, hollie said, screaming but God showed, eat, hollie showed, turn, but, showed, keep going straight, showed, its church, new world order apostolic church, round head angel coming out, not seeming very happy, but showed, thats, its, misxed emotions, bob hollie said, showed, picture, its raise your hands and repeat after me, laughs, hollie, pope, hey another, points, theres black in picture, its background, hollie lit the furnace, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, with, its, the, uhleave me alone sound, another hollie said, thats, its, symbol, big, decorated symbol, hollie showed, its got golden paint, designs, thats symbol beating, but white beat appeared later, its stick, hollie said, with like round thing on top, boo, boo we, hollie came out, they chant, pointed, lighted finger, but, not right at, its him, many he hollies appearing, thats new world order apostolic church like round head showing turn, hey your going wrong way hollie said, its church, go there, hollie said, whats that, hollie showed, big white light hand, its 1975 ford galaxie 500, its motorin, hollie said, spun tires, drove like angelic hollie, trouble hollie said, its poepon, she said, riding his black horse, hes, like angel cat, hollie like light hollie showed, turn, its, cvs pharmacy, hollie smiled, in the fire, he twisted head, hollie that explains opened mouth, she was like dingy white hollie, showed, bobby its church, I dont want to sell church said, bobby you should have, thats jeff, hes, its, angry, but knew, bob leased it out, wants to sell church, with lease, thats not so happy new world order apostolic church like round head angel he said, jumpy hollie said, clapping, leaping, light monkey lips but different colors, new website, thats what you wanted, thats what you needed, and its live cloud ministryofdreams website appearing, like partial white angel face, hey hollie pointed, face, hollie showed, not complete, white light, thats hollie with JEsus inside, hollie, scavage she said, wore, its uh plad coat, but hey, theres, its Gods new hammo she said, go money order, put in enevelope, paid water bill, give me your price is what that angel said, hollie said, with, blowing air sound, hollie showed, eat just uh little more, hollie showed, lay down, but hollie clapped, got back up, still dark background, face, hands, sex dreams, hollie said, did convey, showed, Jesus shivering, its bob putting up, hollie showed, turn, pay your bill, hollie, he, a she one said, came out, but was like, both face, somewhat light, built the church in, its three seconds, bobby hollie said, do, thats church, in back of your yard, you will love, its for, hollie thought, Jesus appeared, twenty thousand, this is warning, jeff shook yes, 10-20-2011-hollie showed, time, white clothes, brown hair, showed, bob that was, let me see hollie said, did convey, nine thousand people reached today, thats facebook angel appearing, and hollie blasting facebook, its, ministry of dreams, hollie said, and people are lookin at it, hollie said, thats them shrugging, woman stunned, its golden showed, hollie, trembling but laughing, she mocks video, but, knew, bob, its under pressure, the heat, gun, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, showed, be still, pointed, up, its Jesus coming, but, thats world below shaking and its fire covering, its, missile warfare, hollie said, world, went to Gods interviewing table had white hand, got happy, showed, its putin on black horse, theres, with medvedev and pope like angel of light said, put it under, thats hintao with his flower, i'm the red beast hintao said, thats its, two horned red beast, with, thats, emperor of japan, and hintao coming out, hey hollie pointed, it looked like expressionless hollie, showed, its two horned beast, but laughed, and changed uh bit, hollie showed, walk, bob its cold hollie showed, hollie drove the frito lay truck, had hat on, turned head, looked at bob, laughed, hollie showed, uh picture, showed, lay down, showed, its pope, hollie showed, turn, you see hollie said, coming out, its un network, she said, world there, rockets flying, striking, its the nuclear g8, countries burned, world started being colored with fire, but was happy, laughed, but sounded like hollie laughing, you see, thats bear with, its putin, i'm the three ribbed beast, putin, said, showed, its cuba, nicaragua hollie said, and mexico she showed, thats nuclear fires in all but rockets left there, putin, with ribs in mouth, white bear showed, putin, no hollie said, i showed i'm thru, away with it, but shook yes, but changed to like bear herself, showed, lay down, its them tomorrow, hollie like teddy bear hollie showed, its, double bladder, flown by, its gabriel, hollie lowered by rope, its him, moodie, thats massive nuclear explosion below, its, the u.s.a. stamped hollie, but hey theres Gods new hammo like, bluish hammer, and, hollies body not seen, only hand, hollie showed, its new furnace, angel face came out, showed, i'm the furnace, with hands, california, hollie like animal hollie, showed, its three nuclear fires, then, all of america appeared, nuclear fires along both coasts, its, nuclear submarine warfare hollie said, caPTAIN, hollie in subs, hollie like somewhat dark hollie, jumpy hollie leaps, golden, monkey lips, face changing colors, thats hollie ducking in her tank, thats, Father shooting by like Ghost Father, changing colors, jumpy hollie dances, monkey lips first time, but not next, smiled, hollie came out, showed, thats many people, some like light bug like heads, finding out, its bob, thats them, laughing but acting afraid, hollie looked, turn, she wanted, but its him, he hollie, she said, showed, keep going straight, this is uh warning, hollie said, jumphy hollie shows, its run in place, 10-21-2011-hollie showed her time, had on white clothes, God said, one hand on other arm, its time bob, hollie said, thats bob and janette together again, janette into it, but she bit, but, hey hollie said, coming out, thats bob not into it, God said, hey hollie said, whats up, its you she said, both, not working together, hey now new hammo hollie said, like, angelic he light hollie but hollie points, theres blue she said, showed, i'm the furnace, happy furnace said, angel face round on, white light, happy, but sleeping but eyes opened, hollie pointed, hand just seen at last, its white, its uh attack hollie said, did convey, wiped her lips, mouth, but, twisted, head, hey another hollie saw, hollies hand not seen but he appeared, its white, he had nice bushy hair, but smiles, head turned to side, now lets see, hollie said, she got, its pure sewer water, smelled, looked at bob, white light, in face, brown hair, and, new hollie with nice hair showed, her hair, he had golden face, bob thats hollie pouring, its bacteria infested, she said, into, bobs church toielets, and church angel smiles, its putting bacteria back in, thats septic tank angel showing, its about time, take care of me said, and I stamp, hollie said, but scene changed, its pope hollie said, riding his black horse, its, into over, that, he said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, thats pope and medvedev signing uh deal, it gains some advantages, for5 pope, hollie showed, turn, showed, its bob on internet, but hollie wasnt to into it, showed, its big happy, Father but hollie came out laughing, its, uh his face, went back in, but was still, there, hey, hollie, thought, he turned into pope, its i'm the beast, pope said, riding his black horse, hollie showed, lay down, showed, bobby cut your hair, its, janette, shes home soon, thats bob and janette together, hollie showed, turn, golden hand, its, bear, opening mouth, hollie showed, its white in mouth, theres hand again, hollie claps, showing, you did not need him hollie said, its, hollie showed, him stairing up, at white hand, but, hollie came out, hey she said, theres face on hand and fingers started moving, then hand, its, he made me report to, its Gods interviewing table, bobby put them out, hand said, its janette, shes coming, leave it alone, hollie said, did convey, showed, its many, him, she said, he hollies, their on uh hill, they chant, hollie said, showed, its, knew way, she said, dont let them stay, heres how, bob next lease, include it in, hollie showed, its american legion wayne post 64 tank, he hollie drove, ducked inside tank, but, ghost like Father shot by, hes like golden sheet, over body ghost like, happy, big eyes, hey hollie said, they moved, she said, jumpy hollie said, but, another hollie came out, red sweatshirt on, its, from behind, uh little hollie said, light, hair, face, he pointed, jumpys monkey lips disappeared, hollie showed, keep going straight, thats Jesus making phone call, telling pastor angel, its bob mows lawn, eight fifty next time, he agrees, hollie showed, war, pulled sleeves up, dark like robe but golden lit hands and face, shes from behind, but, another, appeared, both alike, hey, its him, coming out, sweatshirt went from red to burgundy but he disappeared, starfighter, hollie said, flew, its, f-104 starfighter, two, military jets, they dropped bombs, its america below exploding, i'm the nuclear g8, putin, said, thats the Father rising up, like ghost Father, like, yellow, halloween ghost but moved feet, hollie came out, caught it, its him, he hollie, red sweatshirt on but was going burgundy, hollie showed, turn, showed, turn again, but, hands like light, pointed, turn, with, whole hand, jumpy hollie showed, record, golden face, turned, to side, but, dark clothes on, its him coming out, showed, take bath, but sweatshirt on, showed, bobby its cold, leave heat on, thats furnace, angel face on, not, making expression but became happy, laughed, hollie showed, lay down, but stayed up, another, its, him, came out, its, dark setting, only hollies white light hands, face seen, but he wore red sweatshirt, went burgundy, showed, bobby its furnace, tonight, he, got word from God but, hollie that did dark scene, I want you to do both, God said, she shook yes, but seemed to change more, showed, lay down, her and God, 10-22-2011-thats hollie, hat appeared, on, showed, bobby, dont, no, she said, showed, i'm away with it, thru, but shook, yes, hey hollie said, coming out, bushy hair, but same face, red sweatshirt on, hey hollie said, not seen, but appeared, looked, somewhat happy, thats furnace, angel face appearing on sweatshirt, thats the furnace, bobby, hollie said, appeared, and I looked, bobby, hollie, said, dont let them stay, they wont, God said, but let, them, start it, thats furnace at Gods interviewing table, its, perfection furnace, showed, leave me on, and I stamp, hollie said, but not seen but did appear, showed, eat, but same bushy hair hollie comes out pointing, red, sweatshirt on, furnace, angel face, appeared, on, hollie had white in mouth, hollie showed, picture, its light face angel, thats facebook angel, showed, bob its still there, nobody tampered with, hollie said, showed, thats change your password, thats who did it, hollie said, did convey, showed, thats many people pointing at bob, hollie there like grayish hollie but nice brown hair, she showed, falling away and angel slipping, out, round head, but seen, thats him showing, bob your causing it, hollie said, put it under, its before the great and noteable day of the LOrd and facebook angel appeared, face started forming, I done it face angel said, thats bob, burgundy sweatshirt on, but was more red at first, causing falling away on facebook, nice hair, hollie showed, turn, but, showed, keep going straight, hand not seen, but it appeared, like, hollie, came out, showed, outline, appearing in light to show hand there, i'm screamin for this reason hollie said, screamed again, I showed, pope, hollie said, its picture, hey another, hollie said, its him, he hollie coming out, same as one at first, bushy nice hair, bobby hollie said, looking over, long like ardvark nose, no hair seen, big eyes but hair appeared, but changed, to like brand new cool hollie, bob i'm going to give you uh sign that I will make that church my home, that is the seat of Christ, Jesus sitting, its on stool, at bobs church, hollie said, its, new world order apostolic church, hollie showed, mow lawn, turn, but only hand seen, hollie showed, its ford pinto, hollie drove, spun back tire, hollie like lighted hollie, looked to turn, but another showed, keep going straight, thats leave it alone, hollie wiped lips, sorry, she said, another, hollie showed, its Jesus, the word, name, its on, pastor reeds church, dont use she said, bobby, hollie showed, turn, he said, jumpy hollie said, leaped, monkey lips formed on, they were, golden, lips, their on uh hill, its him, many he hollies, booing, they chant, hollie said, let me, hollie said, thats, its book, she showed, angel started appearing, on, kind of yawning, its furnace repair, bob learn thats, bob doing first service call, and woman paying him, its thirty dollars for house call, bob, can do it, try, put it under, thats bobs heating and cooling on his van, you got what you wanted, you got what you needed, its hollie that explains, shes, like black and white but light appeared in mouth, 10-23-2011-hollie showed, time, white clothes on, put one hand on other arm, hollie showed, its highbaugh, their whole family, its looking at, hollie stamps, hollie showed, bite something, hey, its him, coming out, its highbaugh looking at, its event, thinking, laughing, reading just uh bit and trembling, hey did you see, thats many highbaughs looking at and they are a religious family, thats them praying, Lord what is this, I thought you were love, and I stamp, hollie said, but raised hand, didnt beat, hollie showed, its the church, raise your hands and repeat after me, its new world order apostolic church, angelhead appearing, but face started dimming, hollie screamed, drove, its one hundred fifty ton crane truck, picked up, its rail car, thats it trying to pick engine up, it will, bob but not very high, thats hollie showed, its just a few feet off ground and hollie drove, its old steam engine, blew, horn, but hey she said, thats Father, thats hollie appearing, its hollie horn, whistle blew, thats, its steam coming out, its, beast, pope coming out, theres hu hintao, you see these two hollie said, they will want to rule the world, hollie showed, mow lawn, she wore white dress, but hey, another, said, he came out, red sweatshirt on, theres border like in dress, with, thats closer view, like, stick bears fighting, hollie face came out of ones head, laughed, its, nigger hollie said, like black hollie, hollie night vision, wearing, its light skirt, small one, showed, its was night vision, looked back at bob, jackie turner inviting bob to event, but scene went blue, hollies face there, but hard to make out, lips seen, they were red, hollie claps, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, leaping, clapping, but had, monkey lips, went to normal face, its kind of golden, happy, hollie showed, eat, she said, stay busy jumpy hollie showed, mow the grass but face started changing, its him, she said, pointed, but body disappeared, its, bob the Lord has just now drawed uh line in the sand but he disappeared, came back but face went kind of blank, theres, that submarine right there, clapped hollie, tap dancing, its her tap dancing with many kings, its the new world order, pope smiled, no, its babyfleas hollie said, appeared, like blue hollie, nice curly hair, i'm screamin for no reason, hollie said, red sweatshirt on, nice brown hair, heres the warning, screamed, hollie, showed, its picture, turned into pope, hey hollie thought, blue background, and I stamp, hollie said, thats beast, its pope, coming out, black horse, hollie showed, bob, get, fan, and it cookout grill, angel came out, showed, fill with rocks, hollie put rocks in, and put in burner over stove, it worked, hollie said, I showed, eat again, hollie said, white in mouth, hey, another, came out, showed, mow lawn, she, was white face herself, hand, its them, hollie said, pointed, he, hollies, their on uh hill, she said, one looked like, hollie thought, smarty, hes starting trouble, hollie showed, turn, golden hand and face, but another came out, showed, its her face, seemed to not be formed all the way but came out of, its golden light, he hollie claps, bobby, hollie showed, take the taperecorder in, angel coming out, going to sleep, like, angel light head on, its speaker of taperecorder, but its inside, showed, hollie, hey she said, hes awake, hollie showed, turn, stomped, showed, its long picture, but disappeared, bobby, its the vision, she said, thats you sleeping, and its, hollie thought, not very much longer, at this pace, God is bringing you home, its now, hollie saw, its shooting star, bobby go find, she said, she said, jumpy hollie, jumping, clapping, golden face, white light streaks in, hands same, hollie showed, eat something, hollie showed, turn, but, showed, go, straight, he hollie this time, but another, hollie came out, what was he doing with his hands, white hands, showing, bobby its the loot, its free, he said, just watch, thats God working on both lopezs, and both agreeing its a good idea one said, hollie pointed, turn, white light hollie, showed, sleep, hollie showed, turn, its hollie that explains looking more normal, hollie showed, turn, big lighted hands, hollie showed, its the beasts image, on, its orange finger, its pope, hollie showed, lay down, clapped hands, they were golden but, bobby when ya gonna git up, she said, thats one o'clock and face of angel appearing, death soon, hollie said, theres bob laying in bed dying, theres tank agin, Father, shot by, hollie ducked in, its, another, came, out, showed, didnt know, he or she but its him, but, same as one that came out, hollie showed, its american wayne legion post tank, 10-23-24-25-2011-hollie showed, picture, its, thee penguins, its bronze she said, turned into golden, bobby we want you come back here tomorrow, one said, showed down with fin, right here, big eyes, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, hollie screamed, again, but not heard, turned, head, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, go straight, thats her in dumpster, its getting out food, thats her, feeding animals, but hey, theres Gods new hammo again, hes like, angelic being man, hollie showed, hes got grayish and white light face, hey bobby, we want you, circled, its the geese, penguins, hollie said, stood, bronze statues but ones got amber eye, you need to leave me alone, another hollie comes out, thats hollie that explains, showing with hands, rubbing together, light in mouth, hey hollie said, hands went amber but where did body go and only three fingers, but more appeared, then normal hand, hollie showed, turn, like golden hand but white in face, hollie showed, turn, amber hand, hollie showed turn but he just thought next time, big brown hands, like feet, hollie showed, the pot, showed, bobby lay down, but clapped hands, got back, up, hollie that explains clapped but looked like normal hollie, lay down, hollie said, showed, 10-26-2011-hollie showed, turn, put it under, she said, showed, bobby its work, another, hollie said, God said, when ya going to record, hollie said, and I stamp, she said, but just white hand, and arm seen but rest appeared, more normal like, showed, bobby eat, its the uhleave me alone sound, hollie said, chrysler is coming down, its an angel said, did say, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, but seemed two tone, I want my website hollie said, showed, its, ministry of dreams, but hey, theres Gods new hammo appearing, hes like angelic being, white light, no expression, but, seemed like up to something, hollie showed, its white background to, you see, its the sewer water, hollie said, shew she said, had like, bucket full, poured into toilet, thats septic tank angel coming up, I like it, he said, put it under, thats, hollie, loving septic tank, shew she said, she said, jumpy hollie said, had golden like monkey lips, at first, but went normal hollie, golden happy like face, but theres, other color in, more, hollie saw, he came out, white light face, red sweatshirt on, nice bushy hair, bobby, brand new hollie said, long nose, no hair, but bushy hair appeared, shes, ardvark face, got happy, showed, hair, moske, hollie sat on, its dome, on top of, its revival temple, thats windows missing and wind blowing in, birds now fly inside, hey, theres Gods new hammo hollie said, like big angel being of light, showing, its chat room, thats many people, hollie chatting, its war, sireen sound, hollie had hands over eats, its seven heads appearing, like lighted round heads but hey theres Gods new hammo, they looked like him but changed, hollie showed, bell ringing, but hey there Gods new hammo popping out, like ghost he hammer, saw, its bell ringing, then two, hollie said, theres gold, she said, red sweatshirt on like design in bell, hollie came out, its ministry of dreams two, new book, its by bobby she said, angel like ghost angel came out, she said, sleepy jumpy hollie said, monkey lips at first, God said, but, she thought, hey something is different, its Jesus looking stunned, rubbing chin, thats bob laying in bed, God you knew hollie said, hes getting you, its, hey theres Gods new ammo hollie said, coming out of, its open buisness account, its checking, hammer said, like white angel man, hollie showed, time, but, just hands seen at last, oh, its, i'm the m.v., his ship again, its babyfleas, did say, but hollie came out, showed, white in fleas mouth theres torpedoes striking, its the, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, but hey, hollie, its lusitania sinking, just like, thats, german u-boat commander, and its Father dot head on, you see I shot it Jesus, said, hollie showed, turn, but hand just went to like, its similar to boxing glove, but that was boxing glove, that was shown, its red, its the loose bell sound, this is hollie, sandy wiped lips, hollie showed, its over one million in bobs checking account, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, happy, you see, I got, its the money he said, new economy, thats, what he said, hollie did say, thats people looting but theres caught looking hammo running like angelic man but came out, you see he showed me, hammo said, theres Jesus instructing Gods new hammer but face went like color, went to now let me see hollie said, blue, dull, shut your vision, hollie said, with, the, submarine sume, s,u,m,e, she said, now look hollie said, its akula class, clapped another, hollie, many hollies, there they are, its him putting bib on, showing, eat, thats janette with, its dinner janette said, you see hollie said, showed, its shelby mustang converitable, its, hollie thought, Jesus came out, changing, told her, its uh 1968, convertable, hollie drove like angelic hollie, lets motor she said, but smoked tires, another website, thats what you wanted, thats what you get two hollies, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its, hollie, another, said, doing the hammo dance, hollie said, thats, its Gods new hammo dancing, like angelic being man, hollie showed, turn, its in k-mart, bob i'm going to have to make myself known to the whole world, said, its God hollie did say, boo they chant, thats, some light in darkness, its him, many he hollies, and hollie thought, whats she hollie doing there, but she was playing but wasnt new, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, clapping, monkey lips, but, hey, its gold jumpy appearing, like normal hollie, she was granted it, but, changed back, theres, Gods new hammo, hey, showing, its time, thats, God anoucning to whole world, thats bob hollie said, telling on, its national t.v., stamped hollie, but disappeared, another, showed, t.v. set, but its the hammer, watching, happy like dunlop man, heres the, decision, hollie said, no, him, he hollie, but hollie came out, these, him, are, ever changing, hollie clapped hands, showed, lay down, but face went blank, bob scavage hollie said, another climbed into dumpster, plad coat on, hollie showed, turn, went to, its speedway, got into dumpster, hollie showed turn, dull golden monkey lips, but he hollie showed, keep going straight, hands not seen but they appeared, hollie came out, its like outline around, in, its blue, dull, hollie said, jumpy hollie showed turn, golden monkeys, face, hollie clapped hands, showed, lay down, but got back up, its him, 10-27-2011-she said, jumpy hollie said, God said, showed do something, she hand, thats her, thinking, then laughing, but she changed, golden monkey lips, thats, its, facebook angel appearing like stunned angelic being man, thats bob and janette, its having sex, its again, hollie said, you will keep her hollie said, in time, just watch, thats janette in prison again, its before and after, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, both arms up, dull red sweatshirt on, but hey, theres Gods new hammo, again, dressed just alike, dark red pants, hollie showed, picture, its, u.s.s. central america, thats steam ship, its paddle wheel, thats paddle wheels spinning, thats, its violent, its storm, hollie said, thats, ship breaking apart, its in middle of big waves, thats, its loot on ocean floor, thats research vessel, finding, its gold hollie said, but disappeared, hey, theres Gods new hammo hollie said, running, looking happy but acting worried, its economic collapse here, thats barack, wanted to announce but didnt, whats that, hollie showed, its, 1965 ford galaxie 500, she drove, it has 289 engine in it, thats angel coming out, change oil he said, this the website, lets post something, hollie said, hey theres Gods new hammo, looking like aging angelic white hammer, hollie, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob, buy razors, he said, hollie said, even jumpy hollie changed into, change your oil again, angel said, its in both vehicles, other ones, heres why, hollie said, in time, they get moisture in, hollie felt oil, its not as good, theres pope in the fire, and his caregiver with, round head, pointy hat, big head, robe on, its like they were dull hollie said, gray, hollie came out, but, changed into, him, showed, many he hollies, there was some light in darkness, he looked cocky, like up to something but, as light shined on others, it seemed like she hollie there, then amber color she hollie came out of one, looking back, but to the side, hollie showed, its laughing Father like angelic being, white robe, pointy, hat, bob your going to get in trouble, develop your own following said Jesus, and, the tap dancers, its many hollies wearing dresses but hey, theres Gods new hammo, there to, had golden long hair at first, but hey, hollie said, it disappeared, thats bob and janette in van having sex, hollie showed, turn, its her walking at walmart, and i stamped, hollie said, hey theres Gods new hammo looking good, angelic, being dressed in, its pin stripe suit, its dark, but different color stripes, theres the submarine right there, hollie said, but, then the vision, save it, but, hollie still there, her eyes there, its like blue she said, came out, theres like filter there, but eyes stayed right there, hollies face was blank, nice brown hair, hey bobby, hollie said, appeared in the blank, part of hollies face, nice hair but, showed, had like golden face but not normal face, hollie flew, its, f-117 stealth fighter bomber jet, its, thats turbulence, leaves a wind trail, they can follow that hollie said, thats how it looks, but cant hit with missile, thats missile going up, with eyes, looking stunned, like, wheres it at, had hands, hollie showed, turn, bob get, drink, come on, hollie said, showed, lay down but didnt sleep, time to get up, hollie said, its janette joining hollie in same bed, at moms house, i'm staying janette said, its emenegger hollie said, hickman, put it under, hollie showed, eat, lay down, she said, hollie did say, but jumpy hollie claps, leaping, but only monkey lips, face seen, happy, showed, lay down, open up, hollie said, your hand, God said, to, its janette, dorren and fox said, put it under, hollie came out, bobby, its time, she said, go to angel lopez, have service, have fun, stay, God said, bob left, 10-28-2011-hollie showed, do something, she had white clothes on, your in danger, hollie said, its me, she said, put it under, hollie showed, bobby dont go, its to church, anymore, they dont want you anywhere, there hollie said, its pulpit, your own, janette joins, both pastors, what did hollie showed, turn, for, but hey hollie said, but bob your going the wrong way but looked the other, he said, jumpy hollie did say, showed, get busy, golden face, hands and, feet, but, monkey lips, hey another, hollie said, where did she go, hollies face went blank, light, red sweatshirt on, its halloween service, its at, new world order apostolic church, angel dressed like ghoul, hollie said, hollie came out, thinking, like dracula, but they all where, many hollies, its, he and she hollies, theres gabriel, all in halloween clothes, put it under, bobby your church, thats it sitting, snow blowing, but doing well, angel wakes up, like, big dot head angel coming out but went back to sleep, hollie showed, put taperecorder up, walk, its, shofar showing, new world order, licking prophet, i'm the shofar, hollie came out, thats angel appearing like, white, hollie came back out, red sweatshirt on, nice brown hair but angel went back in, i'm the shofar, thats it blowing and, kicking pope in his black horse, hollie came out again, showed, its, new world order apostolic church, bobby, get it back, hollie showed, wait, she said, record, later, she kicked while walking, hollie showed, its him, he hollie, riding, its diving, red flying saucer, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, its into, over taiwan, exploded, thats him in fire dancing, thats hintao and hollie battling, another came out, its over washington state, light swords, different colors, theres blue with hintao and angel appeared, not happy, like, hollie came out, angel, part of air, but hollie just fought, another flew out, its old world war one, f-87 fighter jet, drops bomb, hey hollie said, thats eyes appearing, i'm the bomb, thats ship hit, hollie showed, its repelled, hollie kicked, hey same hollie said, but changed, brown foot, hollie fixed, its back of van, thats her starting, its old stored vehicles, boo, thats the word, said, many, its him, hollie did say, he hollie, but same o'h he hollie stuck head out, face just king of light, hollie thought, but changed into the main but, kept changing, this is uh website right home, hollie said, but the main, hollie came out, shes different, appeared, hollie showed, turn, its, angel coming out of, its new world order apostolic church like round head angel, hollie came out, its front part of building, she had, sweatshirt on but seemed to be burgundy, hollie got on, its computer, stamped hollie, but hey theres Gods new hammo again, like, hes brand new round light hammo, he said, hollie said, coming out, sweatshirt on, finger pointing down but golden and not striaght down, but hey, wheres rest of hollie, she came back out but not as much clothes on, bob get dressed hollie said, its for, thats your pastoring, hollie showed, turn, come on bob she said, another came out, its him, white light face, eyes, nice brown hair, sweatshirt on, showed, hollies, its, hand, amber, big, hollie saluted, music played, its band dressed real well, hollie had red hand, on board the, hollie, stamped, r.m.s. titanic, hey she said, eyes appeared on, its I dont want it, ship said, showed, with white light finger, slits in its bow, thats how it sank, thats ice cutting right thru ship, its captain smith ship said, sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, showed, sleep, its new world order apostolic angel appearing showing take care of me like big round head, its, front part showed, hollie, but up dukes, showed, lets fight, but she, disappeared, but was there like hidden in, its, light, its the background, but had dull red sweatshirt on, its long, 10-29-2011-bob come on, hollie said, showed, her time, its, white clothes on, hollie bit he recorder, white light flash in mouth, its, thats, hollie but she disappeared, hey theres Gods new hammo appearing like angel being, part of appeared, and its new world order carriage, its black on one side, and its red on other, thats hintao on red and pope on black like angelic pope but angry, you see these horses are mad, black looked happy, red, making face but turned black, these are the same hollie said, hollie slapt his face, bobby hollie said, look, thats hu hintao, hes, i'm the false beast, he said, hollie went to goodwill, walked around, wore, its uh plad coat, red, striped, its raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, thats new world order apostolic church, showing thru with it, like dot head coming out of, its front part of building hollie said, but same hollie, hand over mouth, its oh she said, where was hollies body but it appeared, stunned looking hollie saw, she had like, shoes, boots on, that had like, crooked plastic straps, coming out, like, its carnival, hollie like, golden strap haired hollie, white face, looking cocky but sad, hollie happy on horse, its, big, white, but another saw, hollie shows, gitty up with hand, comere hollie said, she did her on own dermabrasion, thats, its scuffing, but it works, put it under, bob dont do hollie said, he, will fix your face, he wont leave ya, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, hollie got the money, had big amber hand, bobby, hollie said, thats hollie like God, weeping, its bob with janette, shes sleeping, but hes, its, worried, its about money, loot miss heaggy said, put it under, bob, work at the church, she said, thats bob on phone, its taking calls, have both ministries or go broke, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob dont pay it, you need uh tire, get that, heres why, that man, hollie said, thats him looking around, hes broke but needs, thats go back to haiti, hollie said, hollie did, its self dermabrasion, hey she yelled, its new dot head, appearing like lit round head, face, but changed, dressed nice, showed, bobby, its church, they chanted boo, their on uh hill, hollie showed, with big amber hand, many, its him, hollie said, he hollies, its, like light appeared in darkness and, but hey hollie said, its, amber colored hollie, coming out of, its one, bob hollie walked at, goodwill, but changed, another, hollie, wearing, its like maids clothes, blue dress, white garments on, God said, put it under, hollie came out, hey he said, red sweatshirt on, like white like face, bob thats new hammer dancing, hes round head but stick body, nice suit like on, stick, i'm screamin hollie, said, got gold, she shook, then showed, church, new church angel appearing, hes showing, cold, snowy, icy, its, church, sell, buy uh new one, hollie said, heres how, buy house, thats upper part turned into, its church, but, hey theres Gods new hammo, he danced, like stick figure he hammer, round white light head, hollie had the rid-x, she put, come bob, use some, she said, thats, its handfull in, thats, septic tank, loving it, like angel ghost man coming out of, hollie taps, stick, septic tank, you see hollie said, its, lasar surgery, it removes excess sagging skin on, kneck and face, put it under, it really, does work, hollie said, thought, lets see, they charge, its one thousand for eyes, thats eyes smooth, after, hollie showed, turn, hey theres Gods new hammo she said, like angelic being walking at, its, walmart stamps, hollie but scene spins, what for, hollie said, looking at bob, another, screamed, like, in, bobby, they fear you, cause, they know, thats ministryofdreams, woman said, its, hey theres Gods new hammo, hes like angelic light being, white, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, monkey lips at first but then just face, both golden, theres, another came out, darkness there, pointed, white finger, red sweatshirt on, but hey another said, seemed to start darkening, hollie showed, picture, thats uh fire sent on magog hollie said, like, its nigger, she said, dark hollie, dark everything, but missiles going both ways, in darkened sky, thats america in, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, russia exploding, hammo came out, showed, bob, face went blank, walk to church, its akula class thats what you wanted, need, hollie said, its her waving, its, like, its nigger, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, raised hand, fist from sub, fired, its uh network, she said, coming out, its rockets going many ways, thats, its nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burned, thats world shaking but great britain burning, thats their vanguard class subs, shaking the world, its, hollie, four, showed, lay down, blue sweatshirt on, hollie laid down on side, 10-30-2011-hollie showed time, put one hand on other arm, white clothes on, put it under, bob, hollie said, HOLLIE SHOWED, RECORD, hey theres Gods new hammo, appearing, showing, out, hollie said, like angelic being, hollie worked on laptop, looked at bob, laughs, its moodie, wearing, its uh white robe, but, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, like angelic being, hes overweight, raise your hand and repeat after me, sang, its hollie, showed, its line in face, its removed, both, hollie said, even that, thats face being worked on, hollie showed, its picture, weeping, its satan, hollie said, its wearing white robe, hes coming to his end, she said, bobby he wants money, he needs to rent uh place, tell him just wait hollie said, you, seek God, its uh network, hollie said, missiles flying, and its new world order carriage coming out, its dark, theres beast pope on, like angelic pope, pulled by, angry horses, hollie saw, one was grizzled, hes, thats angel of death sitting on, like, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, being, round head, angelic man like, thats him flying and its dead souls following, thats america below exploding but hey, theres nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, and russia exploded, world shook, hollie screamed, then looked at bob, stamped, but face went blank, dull light, hollie rubbed face, showed, its, confusion, face, blurry, but eyes could be seen later better, white robe on, he said, sleep, hollie said, changing, into its jumpy, hollie, showed, bob excercise your face, jumpy hollie had golden monkey lips, reappeared, but, its him, caught, red sweatshirt on, white light face, somewhat blank, nice brown hair, hey bobby hollie with nice hair said, but hair only light white, and like blank but strands appeared, turned, somewhat mostly brown, boo, its they chanted, hollie said, its, she came out, darkness but light shone, and, many, its him, their on uh hill, level ground at first, but amber colored she hollie came out of one, looking back, turned to side, just uh bit, but another, hollie appeared, wearing, its maids clothes, blue dress, white shirt, garment hanging there to, over dressed in front, om screamin for this reason, its l-lysine, hollie said, screaming again, its herpeas, she said, its prevents them from breaking out, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, but she turned into, its nigger hollie showed, but its him, that appeared, hollies screamin for this reason, looked at bob, afraid like, hollie had the stereo receiver, power meters appeared on, its, later, they moved, had like blue background but rest of receiver silver, that, hollie said, she ate, its chicken out of dumpster, that, she said, chicken went white, angelic like face on, that hollie said, that, hollie said, she did face lift, that, hollie said, they work, thats its, bobs hair, skull slit and that, hollie said, she pulled up on, stuck down, its like little scope thing, that, hollie said, thats muscles being sown back together deep inside face, hollie showed, turn, big amber hand, bobby he aint over hollie said, wiping face, its both pastors, put it under, hollie said, showed, lay down, hollie looked to turn, but its, him, he hollie appearing, showing turn, the other way, he said, jumpy hollie said, shes, its nigger hollie said, monkeys lips, there were brown, russia exploded, missile sailed down, thats barack with nuclear controls, its captain, hollie, waving from, its her submarine, ohio class, thats them, its shower, hollie said, thats many fires in russia and I stamp, hollie said, scene spins, but thats many states in america burning, thats putin appearing, then obama, both looking at each with nuclear controls, I will make war, medvedev said, but appeared on, its national t.v., thats captain hollie and its akula class, thats what you want, needed she said, surfacing all around america, hey, its we didnt know they were there, man said, but thats them, underneath ships, is moving, its sonar hollie said, thats, its uh grid in oceans, they hear, thats them mapping submarines, underneath ships, its like lighted outline, they knew but couldnt do anything, hollie said, thats them, its over one hundred miles off coast, but they fired, hollie there with, its ministryofdreams, bob like, its hollie, afraid to say, like, witch, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, amber hand, but, pulled one back, pushed one, out, then reversed, white robe on, but hollie changed, its him, like, smarty smile hollie, new hollie like cat, its that, hollie and, its doreen said, but changed into him, its he, hollie, titanic went by, its show, still being loved but its old now, thought, hollie, they wont buy it no more, hollie, had, its two sets of titanic video tapes, record, she said, heres why, its economic collapse, and its looting, then theres bob at home, watching movies, hey bob its scavage, hollie said, climbed inside dumpster, plad coat on, but angel round face appeared on dumpster, Jesus pointed turn, hollie said, but, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, like, its he, angel being like head, theres children watching, its bob, laughing, cause, its Jesus, I persecute, God said, showed, sleep, its the vision, hollie said, its, soun, another, said, its, the, leave it alone sorry, hollies said, submarines right here, hollie said, now look, she said, thats three ohio class submarines, appearing, thats china burning, hollie was captain of one, came out but thats, its hintao, and hollie battling, light swords, theres hintaos red horse, its, over washington state, hey another hollie said, its him, he hollie, diving, its flying saucer, its into over that, taiwan burned, theres missile streak hollie said, and its from china, hintao presses button, thats hollie flying out, blank face, somewhat and bombs ship, its repelled hands showed, but rest of hollie appeared, showed, eat, lay down, hollie said, and, showed, she, was on her side, come on, hollie said, but face disappeared, somewhat, showed, its janette, showed, bobby, you will be with soon, its for good, hollie showed, thats it, 10-31-2011-bob, hollie said, showed, wait, shes, concerned, she said, put it under, God said, hollie showed, time, bobby hollie said, just, play it cool, your making waves, she said, hollie showed, swimming, hollie went to, its, another, computer, shes, its, crashing, thats many children laughing, at, its bobs video popping out and Jesus comes out, rubbing chin, hes, angry, confused, she said, its, hey, theres Gods new hammo, its angelic white light being like relaxed hammer angel man, its bobby we want you, back here, laughed, hollie, its the penguins, they appeared, its the geese, like bluish ghost like, penguins, but eyes white and and beak turned golden, they circled and flew, one showed with fin, right here, come back bobby, then please, said, put fins together, went penguin again but was duck, or geese, she said, get busy showed, its new hollie, its king of grecia like angelic king man, arms folded and showing, lets fight, that, its kings coming out of horns, theres hintao, out of one and its pope, medvedev and putin out of other, missiles flying, hey hollie said, nuclear fires in russia and china, and hegoat pontey smiting ram with, its putins face, them kings coming out of horns, its uh peace treaty hollie said, them, thats pope at table with, its empy, emperor of japan and hintao, climbing out of, its, red two horned beast, smiled hollie, they join pope thats 666 being signed for, its peace treaty, hollie showed, turn, big amber hand, saw, whats that, she said, no hand seen, but she was, its scouting, its, 1973 mach one ford mustang, hollie drove, spun rear tire, thats, two, one spins more then other, hollies screamin, again, but not heard, but, seemed to change a little, wild like, its uh burgundy sweatshirt on but hey theres Gods new hammo like angelic being, same clothes, no expression, hollie showed, keep going, had lighted round hand, its tear up, but, hey another, said, wheres other hand, it appeared, like, in gray, outline appeared around, these are bear paws, like, mittoned like hands but not quite, hollie put hand in mitton, its glove, leave me alone, hollie said, its sound, dorreen, and its, another said, but really its he hollie like doreen, hollie showed, turn, but, hand disappeared, that, hollie said, its, two kings riding out on, that, hollie said, horses, you see these two, hollie said, that, another, hollie said, they will want to rule the world, that, hollie said, its hintao on red horse, that hollie said, its spacesoarem rocket, he hollie, dives down, red flying saucer, its, into over that, that, hollie said, taiwan errupted into fire, its hintao with nuclear controls, and, hollie saw, missile streak from, its hintao, china he said, hollie showed, post, its him, she said, came out, but was hiding in like gray setting but gray hollie, gray setting but she was there, he hollie posts, its on laptop cellphone t.v., but hey hollie said, theres Gods new hammo coming out, computer, he said, got like cocky face, angelic being like, hollie showed, turn, bob, its walmart she said, go, hollie walked at, its walmart, red plad coat on, white hat, turned backwards but top missing, hollie showed turn, but its him, showed, keep going straight, red bear paws, showed, they were like, hands inside of round red, gloves like, but not fingers, submarine, said, its, hollie, another, said, she appeared, like nigger, hollie, showed, china on fire and three ohio class subs, hollie showed, turn, golden hand at first but seemed to turn white, and like bear paw, hollie showed, its putting hand in like, mitton like thing, hollie got the rid-x, thats septica tank angel, like, hey theres Gods new hammo appearing, feed me angelic ghost like being said, hollie shook yes, did, red plad coat on, white topless hate, backwards, alaska is what hes trying to say, its hollie and angel but angel reappeared dressed like big blue robe, nice white clothes, alaska exploded, angel rode missile, hollie was on other, hey she said, its dark, king of stealth like, painted in disguise, its old, world war two tank, hollie showed, she painted, so is camoflauge, she said, thats nuclear fire, in, its alaska, stamped, hollie but scene changed, hollie turned golden bear, thats bear licking prophet, showing, putin, phone, Jesus, said, hollie was on phone, hi janette, bye janette, hollie hanged up, had uh bear hand, hollie came out, showed, its van licking the prophet, light tongue, happy, showing, three hundred thousand miles, bob take care of me, hollie said, speaking on the behalf she said, of van, thats blue van happy, this is uh warning, hollie said, screamed, its, carlos smith, bobby hes comin, hollie said, thats, you see he said, eleven hundred dollars, plus four hundred deposit, fifteen hundred and church angel appears, like, its round, hollie said, head angel, happier, but thats bob and janette living in, hollie showed, lay down, slept, but got back up, clapped hands, another comes out, hey where did burgundy sweatshirt come from, but hey theres Gods new hammo appearing like angelic being hammer head hollie, but not quite hollie thought, appearing and disappearing, but white face, 11-1-2011-look hollie said, showed time, theres bob and janette, God and hollie said, she wondered, its hollie, another, said, put it under, come on, hollie said, you need to record, she had burgundy sweatshirt on but hey theres Gods new hammo, coming out, hes like angelic like ghost being, overweight, hollie showed, get, outta there, hollie said, it was she hollie appearing but he hollie showing, its like moodie, it rained submarines, hollie looked for hollie showed, but found one similar but not quite, hollie came out, showed, its big light wave, going right thru pentecost, its bob hollie showed, burgundy sweatshirt on, hes blasting facebook, thats, hey theres Gods new hammo, coming out like angelic ghost man, i'm facebook he said, but, thats people laughing and looking somewhat stunned, mad but hey, is God really like this, I persecute Jesus said, hollie showed, turn around, had like golden fist, showed, its war, hollie said, but, theres, its pope, hollie came out face laughing but went back, she said, jumpy hollie said and like new he hollie, stuck, head out smiling, jumpy had monkey golden lips, hollie had light face, showed, fight, swung fist, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollies screamin for, this reason, come on, bishop bob hollie did say, she said, jumpy hollie said, golden monkey lips, not looking at bob but showing, stay active, its excercise, this is uh warnin, hollie did say, he said, jumpy hollie said, monkey lips but same he hollie comes out, face mostly blank, red sweatshirt on but it seemed to go burgundy hollie said, dont fast anymore, it was uh dream, showed, its hollie night vision, had skirt on like wedding skirt, its like wedding, short and like frost color, white, she clapped, looking back at bob, showed, it was uh dream, jumpy hollie showed, turn, golden monkey lips, hollie came out, face, somewhat incomplete, showed, its, the, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, its, angel and ship being rocked, thats three golden torpedoes striking, hitler saw, but, thats, ship being hit, it tilted but, thats last one striking, its engine compartment stamped, hollie, ship sank fast, from behind, thats bored ship on bottom of sea waiting, hollie visits, its akula class, thats what you want, needed hollie said, hollie looked at bob in her submarine, fired missiles, many, in both directions, look who it hit hollie said, its the nuclear g8 exploding, and, light serpent rising, i'm the beast, putin, said, he said, appreciate jumpy hollie and another, said, jumpy clapped hands, monkey lips changed colors, hollie drove tank, ducked, ghost like golden Father, shot by but changed, its him, he hollie, but seemed to be her at first, red, no way, its uh burgundy hollie showed, confusion, sweatshirt on, pants were, its dark brown but went light bluish color, like design in, he said, jumpy hollie said, kicked, monkey lips, changing colors, bob jumpy said, golden beak like monkey lips, Gods afraid your going to strike him even if he repented, Jesus was changing as he watched hollie tell, thats him wearing glasses, giving hollie instructions, now he wants me out, God said, thats bob, its ruining the Lord Jesus, and, its, he owns all things, hollie showed, take bath, but hey, another, its him, came out, hollies scrubber had like flower face, i'm the scrubber, hollie said, did say, both, 11-2-2011-let me record, hollie said, bob thats you and janette in same bed, hollie showed, done, just watch, wait, hollie said, bob, God said, i'm working it out, its, uh matter of time, heres the sign, thats where janettes living, him yelling at her, and, her takinb but leaving, its bob, thats where she goes, God said, hollie saw Jesus inside of hollie, another, like, holy Ghost filled hollie, another, hollie came back, shes been gone, lets, see, she said, laughed, but changed into him, burgundy sweatshirt on, bob thats you running janette, its to see parole officer, then, thats you meeting, and, thats when you two tie the knot again, hollie, did, its self dermabrasion, bobby it works, it will take even them out, but, its take time, put it under, hollie showed, bobby sleep but she got back up, hollie, you see, she said, burgundy sweatshirt on, its self dermabrasion, but it left uh massive sore, thats smooth skin after sore heals, bobby she said, do it slot, it takes, hollie thought, burgundy sweatshirt on, but, hey theres Gods new hammo like, hes, blue face, kneck, like, hammer he hammo, showed, its both beasts, theres, its hu hintao, hollie showed, new world order carriage, black, on one side, thats pope, on it, and hintao on red, its spacesorem, hollie said, he hollie diving down, its into, over that, taiwan, which errupted into fire, and hollie moodie played drum, hey theres Gods new, hollie said, hammo, the angel said, thats, hollie battling, its hu hintao, washington state, light swords, another, hollie flys, out, blank, face, but eyes seen, showed, its world war two, plane, but, one, two wings, its like one that sank, thats bismarck holding nose going down, thats many shells hitting, thats them scuttling, front part of ship blows off, its captain doing, thats hollie bombing chinese, ship, its repelled, showed, hands but rest of hollie appeared, now bobby she said, you see, fix your face, thats, hollie, showed, excercise, you see hollie said, showed, its pope, hollie show, write the vision, another, said, turn, but hand went just white from golden, tear up, hollie showed, but she put back, fisted light hand and big like red hand but rest of hollie not seen but appeared, light in mouth, another came out, red sweatshirt on, he wonders, she, moved mouth, hollie looked to turn, but showed, keep going, hand appeared, golden light like pure gold, big hand, its uh burgundy sweatshirt on, its highbaugh hammer angel appearing, its, nigger hollie said, but dressed nice, bob its uh religious family, hollie said, thats you fucking janette, its in pooper, its, hollie dreaded telling, but spoke with Jesus nigger, burgundy sweatshirt on, like bluish gray pants, soon, hollie showed, turn, big lighted hand, watch me, God said, thats Jesus, burgundy sweatshirt on, like grayish pants, light gray, looking at, its, hey theres Gods new hammo on, its internet, promoting, no heaven and hell, and God now being mocked, thats children laughing, bob you told it, hollie said, hollie showed, time, white clothes on, put one hand on other arm, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob go to walmart, phone hollie said, its white hollie, i'm screamin for this reason, hollie said, but, turned into golden bear, burgundy sweatshirt on, its hand, showing, trap her, phone angel said, coming out, like, angelic being, dull bluish color, thats janette, its hickman, hollie said, shes emenegger but both, do it under, hollie showed, sleep, leave it alone, thats what you wanted hollie said, but hollie that explains appeared, its him coming out, white face, somewhat only partial face but white light, its uh red burgundy sweatshirt on, it changed, hollie that explains, white appeared, in mouth, like she opened, thats Jesus hollie said, like lighted cat, showing, turn, big dark hand, another hollie comes out, mostly light white face, sweatshirt, dark red colors, changing, God his hand only had three fingers but another appeared when he moved, hey where did the rest of him go, los angeles is on fire said hollie, loose belt some, she said, but, Jesus appeared, hey she said, thats, nuclear fires along both coasts, and submarines all around america, but hey she said, thats rocket leaving, center of america, striking, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats many fires in russia and more missiles coming, hey she said, thats four british subs, firing on russia, exploded, world shook but britain burned, and fires appeared, its the nuclear g8, hollie said, countries burning, thats canada, she said, exploding but its round head amber angel appeared, happy, he chant, hollie showed, its them, many, him, its, their on uh hill, its dark but some light shined, their all over but one amber she hollie came out, looking back but changed into, its him wearing maids clothes, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, remove video, its he hollie, she hollie showed, lay down, but wait uh minute, she said, got back up, its janette knocking at door, its, she looked at watch, its about three in the morning, its to stay, watch, bob, hollie showed, eat, 11-3-2011-hollie showed time, white clothes on, hey, its, him, he hollie, a she one said, pointed, nice bushy hair, bobby hollie said, its raise your hands and repeat after me, janette comes over tonight, red plad shirt on, its long, pulls sleeve up, shes bitchy, but thats bob, just be nice hollie said, sex soon, just watch, she wants, he, money, its loot, hollie said, dont give it but, thats bob fucking janette in the rear hollie said, put it under, hollie sleep, showed, sand out, its wrinkles, lines, it works, but hey bob be careful, thats big sore, its, takes weeks, to heal, hey hollie said, theres Gods new hammo showing, hes like light angelic being, thats many children, its looking, stamps, hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, at facebook, same angel comes out, there he is in facebook profile picture but, hey hollie said, its changing, no, hollie said, I showed, om thru, she said, burgundy sweatshirt on but shook yes, its, the economy, God said, hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, running with, like, lighted angelic angel man, hes tall, looking back, like, hollie thought, suprised, people, its looting, but, hollie with barack makes anouncement, its under economic hardships, barack said, thats, Jesus sprinkling, lets rule the world, putin, said, and, rest of God appeared, it was uh dream, thats, the vision, hollie said, came out, showed, its pioneer sx-780, thats, power meters, moving, God showed, dont go much over one watt, thats loud enough, hollie said, the other just looked at, walked away, burgundy sweatshirt on, but never made eye contact till at last, hollie showed, its wall to wall contact, facebook angel appeared, happy like, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, see she said, cliked one button, and thats hitting all at same time, hollie showed turn, while driving, its burgundy sweatshirt on, bob hollie said, coming out, pulling sleeves, up, showed its video, its, hollie thought, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats, children watching, laughing, God looking, at, getting angry, its i'm jelous, God said, hollie, its, him, he hollie, pointed, turn, new him, Jesus out of the whirlwind, hollie said, where were you, he hollie claps, happy, but only, upper part of body seen, hey, another, hollie said, he, did something with hands but rest not seen but was there, theres that submarine, hollie said, long nose, its him, two hollies, one, her its, both nigger, she said, thats three, its ohio class, hollie, said, claps, face lit up, laughs, china burned, and he we saw, casey said, other side, of world, its him, he hollie, battling hintao, light swords but they disappeared, hollie flew out, its, world war one fighter jet, she was dressed like pilot, but turned into, its him, laughed, like egg head, pilots cap on, thats him diving, bombing ship, plane disappeared, bobby, hollie said, he said, jumpy hollie said, but she was running in place, busy, golden monkey lips, write the vision, casey claps, sattelite looks down, like angel face coming out, its, receiving and sending signals, thats, its war, putin, said, many armies waking up, its dark hollie showed, but only partly seen, bob its janette, thats her sleeping, living with, at, its your moms stamps, hollie, write the vision, make it plain, hollie did say, showed, leave it alone, its furnace appearing, and angel coming out, showing, leave me alone, bobby furnace showed, I work, dont fix, 11-4-2011-bob, hollie said, showed, time, she had white clothes, on, put it under, she said, God said, bob, go pick janette up, thats her, Its, i wanted to fuck, but she wont make you wear uh condom God said, put it under, hollie showed, bobby work, hollie showed, its janette, hat appeared, on, showed, bobby just play cool, hollie said, shes horny but not tonight but hollie clapped, disappeared but, started reappearing, boo they chant hollie said, light shined in darkness, thats man, its, him, its, hollie said, thats people, looking at, its bobs entry, hey, theres Gods new hammo, like hes blue angelic being man and hes stunned, put it under, Jesus showed, lay down, showed, bobby, thats janette, play it cool, shes wanting to be alone, for now, hollie showed, its janette, shes happy, just be still hollie showed, shes wanting it, but takes time, thats her in jail again, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, bob thats janette filling out, its resume, thats people looking at, hey theres Gods hammo, shes got criminal record, hollie showed, its they wont hire, dont tell her, but thats her, living, with you, its at, new world order apostolic church, bobby janette knows your married saith the Lord, dont remind her, thats, its pope, riding black horse, he hollie claps, showed, piss, he peed, boo who, hollie said, they chant, its boo, thats light shining in darkness and its, he, many, him hollie said, their on uh hill, but amber like he hollie comes out, and she hollie like maid out of that, but hey hollie, said, its him, maid clothes, hollie showed, its letter, its them, she said, angel lopez, we need cheap rent, lower he said, tahts bob agreeing, but, they share, stamped, hollie, its, burgundy sweatshirt on, showed, lay down, he said, jumpy hollie and another showed, jumpy had golden face, somewhat, dark there, its but hey, hollie said, him, comes out, white light face, somewhat not all there, hollie wonders, its janette bob, thats, polaris missile taking off, those, thats Jesus, i'll help you create God said, thats, its five hundred minuteman rockets still in silos, thats single warhead on but, thats, its, old world war planes, bombing, thats, them, being shelled in silos, thats many being nuked, thats, russia, thats submarines, its missile warfare, hey, hollie said, whats captain, hollie doing in sub, shes nigger like money, but thats Jesus watching, some taking off, thats russia exploding, its God, scene spins, many, t.v. God said, its economic collapse here, hollie showed, its the show, sixty minutes, angels looting, but, hey, wheres hollie said, theres GODS HAMMO, looking like caught, but he stole right with, barack smiles, hollies with but he didnt say it, they left, hollie showed, turn, big golden hand, but its him appearing, showing, keep going straight, but thought about it at first, hollie showed, just excercise face muscles, showed, its, accupressure, it works, hollie did accupressure, bob God said, hollie showed, go to, its computer, hollie worked on, its, hollie showed, pay computer, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, hes blue, angelic head coming out, like, drop head, somewhat, this economy hollie said, its economic collapse, here, hey, thats looting, another, hollie, him, its hollie said, did convey, bob thats janette, giving you face, let, its, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, oh, its captain said, like, angelic hammo, dressed well, thats ship being rocked, its by torpedoes, hollie showed, bobby sleep, thats the alarm sorry, said, its hollie, 11-4-2011-bob the Lord is destroying, hollie and dorreen, said, put it under, hollie showed, time, white clothes on, put one hand on other arm, you need, bobby let me, hollie said, its wrinkles underneath mouth, both, they go, away, hollie said, thats them filling, bob eating again, its janette, hollie showed, she appeared, hands raised, fist, like bear hands, thats sex but shes not wanting you but stays with, just watch, thats both living in church, shes got plad red coat on but stays, both laying down, bobby hollie showed, bobby hollie shook, its new way, shes, thats her at laundromat thinking about it, hes nice but I dont want, she thought, hey theres Gods new hammos, many children running around, you seem like that type to her but she changes her mind, thats you and her at computer and she talks and pulls your stuff up, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, she knows, its uh trip she said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, but got back up, clapped hands, then her face went blank, hollie whistled, thats hollie like golden dot head, black feet, showing, pointing up, its girl, shes interested now, but, they talk later, thats your black horse, hollie said, its pope, raise your hands and repeat after another sang, she appeared, burgundy sweatshirt on, a little over weight, he said, sleep, showed, jumpy hollie, but it was another, leaping, new economy, its bankrupt, God said, thats the vision, hollie said, theres, hey Gods new hammo looking like caught, dark red plad coat on, barack makes the anouncement, its under economic hardships he said, hollie there with, she laughs, skirt like dress on, different colored shirt, hollie screamin, she said, but only turned hand, looked next time, hollie showed, its wrinkle, thats hands with rag, showing, its rubbed out, but smooth later, its take, hollie thought, many attempts, thats everybath, bob scrubbing, whats that, hollie said, showed, with big white hand, another, its un 1973 she said, cutlas supreme, its, lets motor, hollie said, drove, like angelic hollie, brown hair, spun tire, this is uh warnin hollie said, showed, shut mouth, write the vision, hollie said, bob, its, thats, you with janette, living at, its, new world order apostolic church, round head angel, hollie showed, you see, its front part of building, coming out, hollie showed, turn, but then thought, showed, go another way, but not home yet, hollie showed, turn, showed, bobby eat somemore, go to, mcdonalds, stamps, hollie, but mostly disappeared, scene spun, she ate there, thats janette with, just watch, she said, jumpy hollie said, clapping and jumping, golden monkey lips but mostly dark, theres light in, like, features, he said, jumpy hollie said, clapping, leaping, alaska, angel said, thats same angel like royalty riding, missile, hollie like nigger on, other, its, into over, that, hollie said, alaska exploded, thats, putin with, its nuclear controls, write the vision, hollie said, you see another, said, thats her scrubbing out lines, thats, smooth skin afterwards, hollie like uh doggie hollie, showed, bob go in, hes nice, its uh burgundy sweatshirt on but hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, like blue angelic being coming out of body, longer kneck like teardrop, but not quite hollie thought, showed, its, the original, queen mary, its, still there, she said, thats ship in california, its, hollie thought, face appeared on, i'm the queen mary, angelic face said, happy, hollie showed, turn, prophesy, its Jesus, laughed, hollie, showed, bob go to speedway, hollie got drink, happy, another came out, showed, light in hollies mouth, its janette at home with you soon, thats you and her in back bedroom, sissy, wont let but does, you see hollie said, she put, its tape around pipes, thats angel coming in, turning furnace on, it works, hollie said, it, keeps water in pipes, bobby it will cost you about, hollie thought, raise your hands, hollie sang, tap dancing, like ghost like hollie, different color lighted hollie, fifty dollars, per roll, it, takes two God said, submarines over there, hollie said, now look, she said, its nigger, another, said, thats three, its ohio class appearing and its china burning, but, thats missiles sailing and its taiwan exploded, thats hintao, thats, hollie and its hintao on red horse, battling, its washington state, another, hollie flys out, shes light face, like somewhat feature less, hollie said, its old world war two fighter jet, but, she showed, and changed to like doggie hollie, thats her diving, its ship, bomb hits front part, ship, its repelled, hollie showed, with hands, feet, kicked, git outta here, but, rest not seen but she appeared like brand new bodily, hollie, like, bear hollie, like, its dull she said, brownish color, showed, eat something else, light in mouth, your wanted on the phone, hollie said, its, her, God said, janette wants uh new home, she stays there with bob, hollie like new doggie like hollie, had, its roll of, thats, hollie putting on, pipes, its water pipes in basement, plugging in, and, thats heats them up, but hey, its, thers Gods new hammo, hollie like, lighted face hammer, hollie, its, hollie said, hollie showed, fix tire, its going, bad, hollie showed turn, big amber lighted hand, but, its him, showed, keep going straight, but hey another, said, he, his hands not seen, prophet hickman, go and git more drink, hollie said, showed, like doggie hollie, 11-6-2011-bob its janette, hollie said, shes, in love now, its with you, hollie showed, plad coat on, put it under, hollie said, just watch, thats janette going hooking, God said, bob if you look younger, hollie said, you will want women, God said, and you will, hey thats bob with christine, fucking, God and hollie said, thats, hollie showing, bob wear condom, or I wont fuck, adkins, said, hollie showed, eat something like uh new hollie, I showed, bobby, you uh picture, its janette, red plad coat on, no other clothes, shes with you bob, just wait, you will see, its in time, hollie showed, bob dont go, its paul otis, they dont want you, there, thats him seeing you and its, raise your hands and repeat after, hollie showed, just walk, red plad shirt on, like brand new hollie, but another, hollie appeared, this is uh warnin, let hollie said, thats precious walter stone giving you Gods ideas, its warning sireen, hollie in megaphone showing peoples not listening, hollies ears, anther thinks, wasnt normal, megaphone was different colors, put it under, hollie said, she stamped, hand like animal, hand, you see hollie said, she did self dermabrasion, its, bobby, they work, thats bobs face smooth again, but hollie stamped, hey, another said, appearing, red sweatshirt on, face white light, rubbed chin, but nice brown hair, thats another, hollie with nice hair appearing, bobby, he said, long, almost pointy nose like animal, hollie screamed, bob its janette, hollie and dorreen said, stuck head out, kind of smiled but changed, she will be over tonight, tomorrow, to, showed, bobby go to church, raise your hands and repeat after, hollie sang, showed, bob, its face, hollie did excercise, do, bobby theres your phone, its, hollie comes out, shows, its angel, its janette calling, wanna fuck, she said, thats bob going and picking up, shes not acting into it but really is, plad red coat on, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, hollie, showed, git down, showed, showed bob take janette dancing, she loves to flirt, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, both dancing, janette doesnt care how you do, thats her drinking, its beer, laughing, go, you need to prophesy angel said, holie ate pizza, plad coat on, hollie screamed, did self dermabrasion, but, hey another, hollie said, her face went blank, bob thats line before and after, its, you reduced most, sculpting hollie said, that, said, its light shining in darkness, that hollie and a new hollie said, she stuck head out, many, its him, their on uh hill, they chant boo, but whats his ship doing there again, said babyfleas, white in mouth, burgundy sweatshirt on, om the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, its captain and thats ship being rocked by, its torpedoes, he said, showed, jumpy hollie, turned to side, amber monkey lips, plad coat on, thats janette in, its behind bars, agin, its soon, hollie said, put it under, thats bob at home in bed, phone rings, i'm in jail again, janette said, bob, thats him lifting out of bed, trembling, she said, go, hollie said, jumpy, monkey lips, thats new hollie, with, its pipe wrapping equipment, go, buy, dont waste time, its at goodwill, stamps, hollie but she disappeared, hollie showed, go into, k-mart, big brown hand, your wanted in the phone, its janette, two hollies, said, with, its the, uh leave it alone sound, sorry another, said, janette wants, thats the loot, its lots, dont give it, stamps, hollie, scene changes, she wants other men, make it easy for her or let her, thats janette hooking again, red plad coat on, no pants or undies, I need to talk to you, its, Jesus, hollie did say, see your face, hollie did say, it, she dreaded telling, shook, will heal on its on, just let it, God will fix it, 11-8-2011-let it go bob, hollie said, its janette, let her come to you, God said, but, she wont, for about, its, Jesus looked, thats her with another man, put it under, bob just wait, thats her, living inside church with you, but hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, God said, like angelic, its uh white face being, hollie said, stamping, but, she changed, went like blue light, hollie, clothes to, bob when ya gonna eat something hollie said, showed, white in mouth, but another like hollie, comes out, points, another came out, face king of light but, hollie thought, were those two same, hollie had red sweatshirt on but went burgundy, hollie showed, its popes picture, hollie, sanded out lines, she kept working at it, hey theres bobs face smooth, its pentecostal sex, next time bring uh rubber, christine said, put it under, hollie said, thats anal and oral, sex, with adkins, bob you love it, hollie said, this is uh warning, hollie said, you live janette, stay with both, hollie stamps, like, dull bluish hollie, janette learns to obey, thats her at home with you but then christines jelous, its, abortion, hollie said, thats baby round head angel being born and its happy, but thats hollie staving, dont kill it hollie said, theres adoption, she said, but scene spins, thats, its new world order kings, sitting at, its table, stamps, hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, but went, hey, theres Gods new hammo, lets hit america, its boris yeltsin said, putin shakes yes, medvedev presses, nuclear button, popes there, agreeing, hollie came out, its uh massive network, hollie said, its missiles flying every which way but loose, that show it still loved, watched, hey theres philo beddo fighting, and, its the nuclear g8 exploding, light serpent dragon rises, i'm the beast putin said, with seven heads and ten horns, he hollie claps, happy, but only partially seen, om in danger, its, the angel did say, hollie said, showed, its christine, she hollie came out, showed, will try, does, but wont, thats, both, fucking but she on belly, thats oral sex, she loved, thats her squirting, hollie showed, picture, like space martian hollie, she had helmut but like real live bear ears, showed, its pope, lets rule the world, he said, its putin and medvedev with, hollie comes out, see she said, its uh massive, network, many rockets flying, medvedev presses, its nuclear controls, bob thats janette, plad coat on, no clothes below, shes your, just wait, hollie showed, its the beast, hollie showed, its bob dylan, hollie comes out and claps, tear up she said, come on bob post, she hollie said, he hollie claps but only partly seen, but rest, it appeared, he was, there, hollie came out, three fingers on both hands, but more appeared, she pulled sleeves up but hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, write on, its, laptop cellphone, t.v., screamed, but he hollie worked on his laptop computer, bobby hollie said, slapt his face, no gasoline, that is what he said, hollie did repeat, its o.p.e.c., hollie said, say, thats meeting, its angry king of saudi, they cut off, fuel, put it under, hollie clapped hands, showed, go in, she walked, inside, plad coat on, but hey another, said, it changed colors, bobby your getting ready to leave, its janette she said, thats her, plad coat on, its red hollie said, but living with you, its at that, hollie said, new world order apostolic church, that, another, hollie said, round head angel comes out of front, that another, said, hollie showed, just, another, comes out, points, that, hidden hollie said, but appeared, submarines are coming hollie said, its, the uhleave me alone, sound, another, said, sorry, another, said, boo, chanted, hollie, a she one said, another, hollie waves, like ghost like hollie, three fingers, but bluish like light skin, white like tips of fingers, its janette, shes coming bob, thats her with you, its for good, hollie showed, turn, three fingered amber hand but white tips appeared on fingers, lighted shaft showed, turn, hollie said, with, another, him, comes out, its, the, marine corp. outside, hollie said, showed, Jesus, he did say, hey, whats thats, Gods new hammo hollie said, right there with, caught look, like angelic being, light white face, plad coat on, many looters, hollie with barack, lets see she said, showed, lay down, on side, slept, 11-9-2011-she called, hollie said, God said, I'm home, janette, said, showed, its, put it under, hollie said, showed, looked at her watch, bob its you, hollie said, she loved, and, wants, just wait, hollie showed, turn, showed, go to goodwill, thats hollie walking around, its goodwill, stamps hollie, but scene spins, its like blue setting, bob somethings gonna go wrong, showed, its janette, red plad coat on, no bottom clothes, she wants, its, thats bob having sex with, but, hey theres Gods new hammo, bob knock her up, heres how, thats janette not liking to much but raises daughter and loves, put it under, let me, said, Jesus, its, hollie said, heres how, just keep going, keep pumping it, and, I, stamp, hollie said, scene went blue, what did hollie show turn for he didnt record it she said, its the uhleave me alone sound, sorry another, hollie said, boo that chant, hollie said, she did self dermabrasion, bobby, it works, take time, she said, its, that, hollie said, light shining in darkness, bobby lay down, hollie showed, many, hollies, happy but lighted amber she hollie sitting there, and another she hollie like maid comes out but changes into him, its, maids clothes, blue dress, white garment hanging around midsection, hollie showed, turn, him, its, a she one said, like lighted hands and face hollie, dark like black sweatshirt on and pants but shoes were brown, hollie, showed, its the furnace, angel round face coming out but sleeping, then woke up, i'm hot, bobby it will do just well, just watch, this is uh warning hollie said, showed, bobby lay down but hollie clapped, got back up, like, bear hands, i'm uh bear hollie said, thats bear appearing, its moscow, hollie said, putin appeared with, theres pope and, raise your hands and repeat after me, medvedev to, bobby, hollie showed, its your phone, learn how to use it, it works quite well, hollie said, its like the other, you just have to find away she said, wiped lips, but, hand not seen but he, him, its, hollie said, did appear, like hand hidden behind something but moved, and, you could see it hollie said, this is uh warning, hollie said, showed, its gitton cold, hollie shook, thats furnace angel on front part, came out, showed, i'm the furnace, but only like somewhat partial light being but rest appeared, hollie like, its him, pulled sleeves up, hollie screamed, new south america, said, its, hollie, came out, claps, showed, its two nuclear, three, explosions, in, its the good ole south hollie said, spins world, shows, i'm the nuclear g8, putin, said, coming out, like, its light putin, thats nuclear fires in, its nuclear g8 countries, hey, hollie said, theres rocket leaving one, it struck africa, exploded, near center, thats pastor trembling, hollie said, she flew, its pf-52 fighter mustang jet, light propeller, its phone, licking prophet, two hollies and God said, their brothers another, said, its him and her but thats phone falling in, its toilet, and, shew we, hollie got out, to late, its sculpting, he hollie did dermabrasion, sanding out, its lines, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, pope rides black horse, he hollie claps, happy, come on bob lets post, hollie was, its flight controller, watches, its 747 jet fly over, hey theres uh man on the bottom, blue seat on, bobby its go to a.b.s.a., he said, changed into, raise your hands and knockem up after me, hollie said, theres Gods new hammo like angelic man, thats bob fucking janette, thats little baby coming out, looking like, its God, but thats long hair, shes janette, drink, thats, its JEsus, handing bob beer, red sweatshirt on, but hey, its, theres Gods new hammo, thats bob going to, its zion tabernacle, hollie showed, its the a.b.s.a., hollie showed, turn, like, its him, similar to uh bear, golden big hand, get the phone, hollie said, thats other one working again, hollie jammed, its, ordinary world, duran duran but only lead singer appeared, hes the band, hollie showed, turn, amber hand, 11-9-2011-bob its janette laying down, happy, plad coat on, but, bob joining, she becomes happier, white in mouth, bobby hollie said, got word from God, she doesnt need money, its, the, loot janette said, she wants to fuck over somebody and knows you wont let her, hey, theres Gods new hammo appearing, thats bob fixing something to eat, janette joins later, just, heres the sign, she will, call, many times, every day, and, I stamp, hollie said, but hey theres Gods new hammo appearing like angelic man, but looking like smarty, hollie thought, which way to turn, bobby git your tire fixed first, thats bob repairing, its getting another, stamps, hollie but, theres Gods new hammo like angelic light face man but colors kept changing, this is vision right here, hollie said, but was like hammo like hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, its starfighter, he, him hollie said, did say, showed, bob keep, going, thats the vision, whispers hollie, its, big nuclear explosion, then all of america appeared, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, its him, showing, its watch on hand, six o:clock, many nuclear fires in, its the u.s.a. stamps he hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, another comes, light face, wonders, hollie teeth, wicked like, but world spins, thats putin coming out and its serpent dragon, I'm the nuclear g8, he said, then those lands appeared, and, nuclear fires in all, i'm the funny face, its showed, hollie, somebody painted face on, its like barrel thats blocks, but changed into, its ministering spirit itself, like they use on roads, thats the phone, hollie said, come home janette said, plad coat on, just watch hollie said, had one hand raised, but hey theres Gods new hammo coming out of, its bobs, phone, keep with you, you will find, thats somebody looking at, Jesus showed, hollie said, dealing out the cards, but hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, sweatshirt went burgundy, hollie had the rid-x, but only, hand and box seen, showed, its septic tank, but thats Gods hammo coming out, showed, i'm the septic tank, take care of hollie said, they never go bad, those were excellent stamps, hollie but scene spins, like lighted whirlwind, and hey theres Gods new hammo, coming out, hollie got in his tank, ghost like Father shoots by, golden like, ghost body, like bell somewhat, hollie showed, its world war two tank, still runs, lets motor hollie said, she drove, hollie showed, turn, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, clapping, showed, bob walk, golden monkey lips, this is uh war right here, hollie said, its putin and obama looking at each other, thats obama pressing, its nuclear button, thats a fire sent on russia, thats submarines all around america, hey bobby its on that order, hollie said, thats both coasts burning, and its, uh massive fire, stamps, hollie like bear, in middle of america but hey thats nuclear g8 countries burning, thats, Jesus like cat ordering, its, british and french, returing nuclear missiles, but hey, theres both their countries exploding, thats australia exploding and missile leaving there, but italy exploded, thats hollie spinning world like bear, lighted hollie appeared, a she one said, hand showed, turn, golden but another, hollie appeared, like bear, hollie showed, eat, bob thats janette, half nude, red plad coat on, shes back, when she comes back, hollie said, its for good, its soon, this is warning, do something, hollie said, showed, its with the ringer sound like bell ringing, its, stock market collapsed, hey, theres Gods new hammo, its Jesus, hollie said, looking at time, its, janette appearing, she looked around, she wants bob, and others, put it under, hollie appeared, showed, go, bob thats bishop charles ellis, tomorrow, you see him, he will look at you but not be able to bring, thats new world order apostolic church, into, thats, pentecostal assemblies of the world, pope in the fire, its, i'm caregiver said, pointy hat, robe, they were, like beige, big open mouth, nice large teeth, come on, hollie claps, showed, lay down, she was on side, bob its hollie another, said, changed into, its him, light face, sweatshirt went from red to burgundy, hollie on, phone, its, janette, come she said, home, 11-10-2011-prophesy, its Jesus, God, hollie said, thats, janette, behind bars again, but thats her, giving head, to an old man, put it under, hollie said, you should have, pointed, I know, janette emenegger said, but thats her, coming out of prison again, right back to the same oh tricks God said, but this time, she stays with bob, and they remarry, legally, hollie dances, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, bobs janette, laying with you, thats, sex, God said, put it under, watch, its, right, now, soon, saith the Lord, thats bob squirting, and its wearing, uto, God said, theres, the horny angel, he, sneaky, showed, its condom, they cum, he said, put it under, hollie said, its time, Jesus said, for janette, to, go back, Jesus, its for awhile, prison, heres why, you using men, and they hurt, but God, but hollie spoke to, hollie saw, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats bobs lines filling in, its uh nuclear rocket attack, two hollies, said, but, one was hidden, stuck head out, and, was hard to see, its make out, hollie said, but its moodie, king of like, stamps, Jesus and hollie, behind something, and he is, moodie said, its pershing, God said, thats big Jesus, holding, they were scientist, you see I helped make them, Jesus, spoke, hollie said, thats many, landing, its, in, the good ole, stamps, hollie, russico, thats, mexico burning to, hey hollie said, I'm the nuclear g8, putin, said, thats, many countries on south america burning, but, hollie wanted to show more, and God said, hes the, loot, his wife, said, thats, hollie showed, its uh 1975 she said, pontiac firebird, lets motor, hollie said, spun rear tire, hollie like angelic hollie, hollie, screamy for this reason, two hollies said, one like, its head, she said, had like bear ears but thats janette sucking bob, its, dont do, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob walking at, its goodwill stamps, new hollie, its like, little bear hollie, face, like golden triangle, happy, but was fading, bobby its janette, thats her, hollie and Jesus saying, laying, red plad coat, no underclothes, put it under, hollie showed, just be still, quiet, and, I, stamp, hollie said, showed, comb hair, thats it, beast pope running out, but looked like, hey theres Gods new hammo, angelic man, hollie screamed, that was Jesus like cat lit up, showing, turn, Jesus showed, turn, look hollie said, big, light white, hand, its, old car from the, its, stamps, hollie, twenties, scene spins, hey, its new world order, hollie said, submarines are, right there, hollie said, look, its three, she said, sneaking up, on, its china, stamps, hollie, world spins but china explodes, hey, thats hu hintao riding, its flying saucer, and, its, taiwan burning, thats hollie fighting hintao on his red horse, and, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie, another, flys out, its, she showed, world war one, fighter jet, hollie had light face, nose not seen, pilots gear, she dives, bombs, ship, its repelled, showed, hands, foot kicked, git outta here, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, lay down, but got back up, clapped, bobby its janette, hollie said, she, hollie showed, turn, lighted golden hand but showed turn other way, hand not seen but it appeared like round hand, that was Jesus, lighted hand, dark like shirt on, thats, hollie scavaging, its in speedway dumpster stamps, hollie, but changed, hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, plad red coat on, its, the, phone, hollie said, angel coming out, it works again, bobby I told you it would hollie said, did convey, put it under, she showed, lay down, but got back up, hollie showed, when ya gonna eat something, hollie showed, thats janette, you and her, making out, its in van, she wore plad coat, she, thats her, hollie thought, still hooking, not working, but you support sometime, thats you and her living in, its, stamps hollie, new world order apostolic church, hollie showed, angel face coming out, like round head angel, but hey theres Gods new hammo like angelic man, looking to side, aging a bit, but happy, sweatshirt went black, its boo, they chanted, thats him, many, he, hollie s, their on hill, light shined in darkness, one smiling, showed, its phone, but hey, its, theres Gods new hammo on, not so happy, hes fastin, hollie said, like angelic hammer hollie being man, heres the warnin, Jesus spoke, showed, its bobs eyes, hollie said, lines appeared, thats twitching, but, thats, God shooting electric beams in causing muscles to stretch, wrinkling, God, hollie said, will fix, but, thats bob dying from fasting, prophesy, and tell hollie moodie, get outta there, he, said, pulling like gloves off, its janette, she wanted, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Jesus, hollie said, its them, hollie said, money, its, the, loot, more, but she will come back, thats you and her on couch again, 11-10-11-12-2011-hollie showed its time God said, showed its janette, shes still hookin but thats her back behind bars, put it under hollie said, showed go to a.b.s.a, dod so now bob, he said she said, or you never will, its a he hollie, God and he said, hollie showed, time, God said, bob come on, hollie said, she had, its uh golden watch, but theres an unhappy face, its bob, hollie said, hes uh watch, put it under, your causing the falling away, raise your vision, hollie sang, its him, Jesus like cat, beating on like bell, bob its janette, just play it cool, God and hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, thats moodie playing his music, just, screw moodie said, then take her out, hollie put hand over mouth, made uh mistake, he said, like bear hollie, its moodie, thats Jesus, telling, play both parts, moodie happy to do, like bear uniform coming to, but then its blue, then went normal, colors, put it under, bobby take janette to mcdonalds, bob prophesy, God said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, thats you and janette, entereing, its zion tabernacle, but its empty, but it fills up, people are stunned to see you with her, bob take her, bob raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, its moodie, but, thats, its she hollie like uh bear playing, music, you need to record, hollie said, and, I stamp, thats, hey, theres Gods new hammo rising, like, hes bluish, light head drop like, i'm the beast, its pope, hollie showed, its, new world order carriage, hollie had rid-x, its pulled, these are angry, you see hollie said, bob turn furnace on, when gets below, twenty five, bobby hollie said, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, eat something, she showed, its septic tank, stamps, hollie but she disappeared, only hands seen like king of like, maple leaf, golden, but she did appear, showed, eat, another, he, its, him, she said, comes out, showed, changed into moodie, raise your hands and repeat after me, he said, showed, sleep, hollie showed, turn, but only golden hand seen, rest appeared, big hand, hollie showed, another, appeared, showed, hes, like cat, bobby, hollie said, thats furnace, turn it on, its, soon, hollie said, thats like, angelic white face, circle on lower pat, sleeping, but woke up, showed, thumbs up, happy, prophesy, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie, two said, both he and she, their brothers, one said, they got put out, happy but she hollie, but another, comes out, similar to he hollie he put them out, thats hollie doing but only yellow hands like seen, but, not hand, hollie screamed, showed, its janette, shes, janette dreaded telling, not doing go, be still when around her, hollie showed, lay down, prophesy, its Jesus, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after, hollie, he him did sing, showed, bob spend the loot, get janette, thats hollie moodie knocking her up, she knew, bobby, hollie said, its because, shes, i'm old not and they know janette appeared, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, go, clapped hands, stomped foot, but, its hey another said, her face went blank, he hollie comes out, red sweatshirt on, thinks, wonders, light face, hey theres Gods hammo hollie said, showing, turn, like lighted angelic being somewhat, but dark sweatshirt, face changed, hollie like light streak flashes going thru, hollie showed, sleep, laid down, clapped hands, but it was him, she hollie said, put it under, she showed, sleep herself, hollie showed, turn, amber lighted hands and face but different face, 11-13-2011-hollie was telling, I know, I knew, its janette, thats sex agin, put it under, God and many hollie said, bob its time, he showed, be still, be cool, hollie got, groomed, hollie appeared, showed, bob, its lines in face, its normal hollie said, prophesy, said, its JEsus, hollie said, bob your sanding out and its working, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, slow down, do with something different hollie said, thats sand, it works, just give it time, thats hollie that explains, showing, again, but like normal hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, and, I stamp, hollie said, and sang, but she disappeared, but was there, hey theres Gods new hammo rising, hes like ghost blue, teardrop angelic somewhat being hollie said, and God, hollie took, its spinbrush, she showed, fix mouth, thats her doing, its dermabrasion, with, it really works, but bob you gotta be care hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep but she laid down, eyes open, raise your and repeat after me, sang, its hollie, another, one said, showed, eat, thats the submarine sound right there, hollie said, its akula class, another, hollie said, showed, thats what you wanted, thats what you need, hollie, that explains comes out, shes nigger, hollie said, its black hollie, hollie showed, hollie showed, take the bath, hollie showed, keep eating, its, popey, popus, hollie said, did convey, thats him on black horse like angelic being, thats the marine corp. out in the streets, hollie stamps, face somewhat blank but started appearing, bob thats janette, its under economic collapse here, hollie did say, said but hollie and barack appeared, its we are under economic hardships president obama said, they left, hollie thought slick, hollie showed, turn, but seemed to, face almost went blank, bobby, thats septic tank, hollie said, angel came out, hollie hand full of, its rid-x, threw in, angel went back, happy, but, only hollies hand seen, its like bear, hollie showed, turn, bob go scavage she said, there goes like a pilot God said, she dived, its raise your hands and repeat after me, thats fisting, its moodie, she can do it but wont let, heres why, thats him showing, bobby work with it awhile, open it up, she said, work, showed, its jumpy hollie, golden monkey lips, thats hollie like, its flame drop hollie, white leggs, thats janette needing money and nobody will give her very much, hollie said, its for that, thats janette fucking Jesus like cat, thats little baby God coming out, grecia, that is what he said, hollie did say, and thought but, its, king of grecia laughing, wearing, its uh white robe, showed, hollie, she formed, bear hand, thats hintao with flower out of one, theres, its putin, pope and medvedev out of other, all with flowers, hollie came out, went thru scenes, they changed, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, showed go inside, its, nuclear warfare hollie said, thats, king of south coming against, king of north, thats hegoat smiting ram with putins face and them kings coming out of its horns, theres fire in russia and china, its peace treaty hollie said, 666, signed for, thats pope and its, empy, its emperor of japan, climbing out of two horned beast, thats 666 being created, hollie showed, be still, walk, whats that, showed, hollie, big hand, its uh, 1973 volks wagon bug, lets motor she said, went, angelic hollie, hollie showed, turn, hollies screamy, its janette she shwoed, laying down, red plad coat on, shes, not happy, this is uh warning, hollie said, moodie played music, but only appeared somewhat hollie said, janette wants new lover and will find many but none will keep, theres those, submarines, right, there, hollie said, with, its the submarine somby, now look, hollie said, another, like new hollie, submarines all around america, thats them firing, both american coasts burning, but, thats, its uh fire sent on magog, its the u.s.a. hollie said, russia burned, thats the putin-medvedev duel pressing nuclear buttons, its, center of america exploding, thats more missiles being launched, both countries burning, thats sun and moon, smoke going up, shew moon said, big nose, sun happy, its i'm, sun said, with sunglasses on, took off, both reported to, its Gods interviewing table, bob your website said post something, hollie said, its moodie appearing, like, facial color changing moodie but rest was not seen but was there, started appearing, hollie showed, turn, like uh lighted, hollie, prophesy say you and janette will live together, for good, hollie said, go home, hollie said, showed, take bath, bobby, hollie said, i'm the beast, its pope, rose like, hey its, theres Gods hammer, hollie said, rising, like blue drop head, she said, clapped jumpy hollie, like, its, nigger she said, monkey lips, its, thats bob and janette having, anal sex, just watch, 11-14-2011-hollie, appeared in white, bobby, they wont, she said, they scrap, thats him, thinking, I'll take it, does, but, parks, and then, no model numbers, scraps, put it under, dont do, hollie said, hollie that explains appears, dressed in white, bob thats india and pakistan, hollie showed, big hand, but rest not seen but appeared, when ya gonna eat something hollie said, thats, its janette, coat on, shes looking pretty good, still heavey, she works now, its good for her, thats Jesus, wiping chin, bob and janette together having, its anal sex, put it under, its soon, hollie said, its, for good, you just wait, she said, and I stamp, hollie said, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, its new world order carriage, its stage coach, hollie said, did convey, coming out, its black, you see these, are angred hollie said, black horses, white teeth, its pope on black, dark side, hes like angelic pontey, hollie said, theres hu hintao, hes on, its red side, hollie said, thats, he hollie, him, its, hollie said, bob thats janette, love her, even when, give warning, two hollies did say, its him and she, hand put them out, Jesus appearing, like, light, blue clothes, big Jesus, white hand, its, uh fire, hollie said, heres your warning, hollie said, its, thats pakistani, orphange, watching, its bobs famous video, its, thats Jesus appearing, they, its laugh, hollie said, but now, they, you knew pointed, hollie, God is against you, it, raise your hands and repeat after me, all of them, hey bobby theres the marine corp. out in streets, its, hollie laughs, theres Gods new hammo, like, hes round headish, light blue, its dull, fleas appears, mouth open, lighted golden finger points but cat like Jesus appears, laughs, its under economic collapse here, God said, hollie spoke to but people, looting, thats, its in america, hollie saw, people looting, this is uh website, right here, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie showed, turn, light white hand, big hollie but dullish blue clothes, theres, Ministry of dreams, website appearing, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, like angelic round head being, but, dressed in, its design, hollie showed, on robe, but hammers face disappeared, lets see hollie said, went like monkey lips, there were blue, its another, said, put it under, hollie drove, God showed, work, she said, bobby thats cellphone, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, hes like angelic being, on, its screen, showed, with hand, i'm the beast, pope, said, theres cart with, its these kings hollie said, theres hugo chavez looking stunned, nicaraguan president, o.k. with but stout, there fires in, its nicaragua, venezuela and brazil, hollie saw, nuclear explosions along, its mexican coast and theres cuba on fire, but hey, hollie said, thats missiles showing, its thermo nuclear warfare hollie said, pulled sleeves up but not seen, america, near texas, on fire, hollie showed, turn, hey, your going the wrong way, its him, a she one, said, another, one comes out, different, their changing, hollie, moodie played his music, jamming but then laughed, hollie and Jesus said, theres uh submarine, hollie said, another, said, its, submarine somby, its, akula class, thats hollie like nigger, face silmilar to baboon, thats sub firing, you really need to get out, hollie said, its janette, take her dancing, she will love it, bob its tonight, thats kellys pub, buy drinks, hollie ducked in, his, its tank, hollie, she, hollie showed, its world war one, she drove, glasses appeared on, its protective eye wear, Father shoots by like golden ghost but some blue appeared in, this is Jesus, out of the whirlwind, spoken by, its holler, wear were you, God said, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, but reappeared, Golden face, showed, keep going, what kind of visions do you want, this is, the question, this is hollie, hollie showed, the phone worked again, write the vision, moodie made the sceintific sound, hollie showed, its new world order apostolic church, hollie came out, i'm protected, angelface said, big round, its, the front part hollie said, face faded, septic tank angel came up, went back somewhat, showed, i'm filling angel said, but, went to sleep happy, hollie had the rid-x like bear hollie, thats bear licking prophet, put more rid-x in tomorrow, use handfull but much, hollie showed, lay down, but didnt sleep, 11-15-2011-hollie appeared, white clothes on, showed, its bob and janette, its fucking, hollie said, put it under, she said, uto, hollie said, its bob and christine, doing the same, now which one, hollie said, you need to record, and, I stamp, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, its bob and janette living together together at last, put it under, thats wrecker taking van to scrap, but just crush, thats unhappy van but accepts it, this is vision, go ahead and post hollie sang, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie said, showed, there, its plate on van and car, you see bobby it works, they actually look at but thats him forgetting, put it under, hollie saw picture, raise your hands and repeat after me, she said, its pope, she saw, but notices blue, its background, another wondered, like light white face hollie, its Father shooting by like man coming out of ghost garments, hollie ducked in his tank, you see hollie said, its old world war two, bobby you gotta git up, she called, its bad time, hollie showed turn, but thought, another, it him, showed, keep going straight, somewhat blank face, hand like eagles wing, but not quite, its dark red, stroke, said, hollie, a, multitude of hollies said, but hey, its, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, hes lighted angel head like, its new hammer head hollie, hollie got in, its mood she said, singing, patted side, but was gaining weight, thats the round face licking the prophet, its happy, hollie said, you see, hey, theres Gods new hammo hollie said, did say, running, its with the, looters, hollie said, put it under, its under economic collapse here, she said, did convey, hollie with barack, happy, but he didnt say, she makes leave, its the chinook, its he and she hollie, did say, angel flew looking down, like, its ghost angel, hollie showed, with, fingers, its, double beater, its the, fan, hollie said, angel came out, i'm the fan, angel showed, lookout fleas said, white in mouth, thats moodie playing his sound, thats uh warning, this is hollie, bobby its phone, hollie said, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, Gods, theres new hammo on like, its angelic being, but more was seen and its uh burgundy, hollie said, sweatshirt started appearing, hammo showed nothing like angelic dull, its dengy hollie said, being man, theres the phone, but hollie wasnt answering, its God babyfleas said, theres Gods new hammo, hey hollie said, like angelic being man, dengy, dark colors, bobs, video, you bring the world down, God said, its, Jesus, hollie said, hollie showed, lay down, but was on side, clapped hands, its she couldnt sleep, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, 11-16-2011-hollie went to bathroom, nice long hair, red plad coat, thats hollie with nice hair appearing, bobby, he said, but, was, its, dull, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, look hollie said, its uh picture, she, said, bob its you, thats janette having sex, loving it, shes happy, red plad coat on, she, wants many but, thats for good, its soon, hollie said, bob heres the sign, hollie said, its you, thats sitting at computer, and its, making me mad God said, jelous, hollie said, thats bob striking, hey its facebook, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, like happy light white face, angel, but rest of body appeared, but clothes appeared on, hollie seemed troubled, hollie showed, record, showed, bob raise your hands and repeat after, go to, its goodwill showed, hollie, but hey, theres, Gods new hammo, hes round head, little angelic man but nice clothes appeared on, hey hollie said, its face changed, humble like, hollie showed, time, bob let me, now work out every thing, Jesus appeared, hollie came out, to tell, God had janette and placed her walking away, plad coat, she, was not wanting, bob just waited but turned a little himself, theres hands putting, its another woman in picture, janette finds out and thinks, then she returns to bob, but hey its to late janette said, put it under, i'll keep you with your own wife, she will return soon God said, not leave, heres the sign, you will heal tonight, face and desease, he said, jumpy hollie said, jumping, leaping, clapping, monkeys lips, another hollie comes out, both nigger, its king of grecia, war, its, what I want he said, thats golden goat horns, coming out and raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, its hintao with flower out of one, hollie showed, its nuclear warfare, fight, missiles flying, I will show signs and wonders in the heavens hintao, said, thats before, pope, worship, hintao said, me, pope said, they depart from each, lets see, you really dont want no more visions, thats what your showing, thats what you need, this is, hollie with, loose belt some, its, hollie showed, battleship u.s.s. indianapolis, thats, its torpedo striking front part of ship, breaks off, thats ship buckling, fire raging, theres more torpedos striking, exploding, its ship rolling and sinking, thats underwater, it rights itself back up but broken in two, put it under, hollie said, its not trashed but in time they find, theres headlines, u.s.s. indianapolis, found, split in part, that is the marine corp. out in the streets, its angelic marine, light gun, and, its looting, gabriel appears, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, she is with barack making announcement, its under economic hardships, president barack said, but hollie celebrates, has dress on, your tax exempt, hollie said, its church, they decided, new world order apostolic church, she showed, angel round head, face, came out, its front part of building, showed, i'm the one, when the marine corp. is out in the streets, thats when russia will hit this nation, let me see, hollie said, watches, its looting, then, thats many nuclear fires breaking out, thats golden submarine, many, around america and, them firing, both coasts burning, we will shoot ya, medvedev said, its on national t.v., hollie said, theres angry obama pressing, nuclear button, thats many fire in moscow russia, hollie showed, turn, big golden hand, this is hollie showing, turn, you see hollie said, its bob and janette fucking, hollie tapped, the lighted stick, write the vision, this is, holler, many hollies said, thats the, pope, on, the, black horse, like angelic pope, prophesy bob, said, this is, Jesus, holler, said, lips got wiped but hand not seen, its him, white gloved like hands, its, blocked like something over top but theres wave, he said, jumpy hollie said, no monkey lips, its, angel, hollie ducked in his tank, you see hollie said, showed, its world war two tank, its legion post, she said, another, hollie drives, lighted goggles, ghost like Father shot by but mostly golden with some blue in, big eyes, hollie showed, eat something, raise your hands and be precious to me, please place waste paper in the wastebasket, this is hollie, thats septic tank angel becoming worried, hollie screamed, its facebook angel appearing, hollie clapped hands, showed, lay down, hollie showed, turn, but thought, big hand, 11-17-2011-hollie showed, its bob and janette fucking but neither loves, thats bob thinking, while he has her, hollie wonders, Jesus whispers, its for good, God said, soon, hollie said, showed, its pentecostal assemblies of the world rejects ministryofdreams, it appeared, said, hollie, from, behind, she showed, but only upper part seen but rest appeared like big robe, she put weight on, its hey theres Gods new hammo, its ministryofdreams light white face appearing, looking kind of to side, hollie bit cover off, its janette, shes at home, she doesnt want hooking anymore but has to, cause, its me, she said, doesnt want to work, put it under, thats janette in jail again, bob, weeps, he hollie, he appeared, hollie showed, but only partly seen, you dance, Jesus said, hollie snaps fingers, and its kicking she said, janette wants to fuck, hollie wont let, dark clothes on but like dark redish gray color, striped shirt, hollie showed, turn, like, its uh lighted, hollie, but, animal like face, bobby hollie said, showed, just play it still, write the vision, hollie moodie played his sound, get up, moodie said, its for me, janette hickman, said, hollie showed, turn, hollie clapped, but appeared later, raise your hands and repeat after me, its bob and janette sitting at, its showed, hollie, but, whew, its, can you believe, Gods new hammo, its like light roundish head blue well dressed man but being like, hollie showed, come on bob, she, blue plad coat on, like nice, pants but blue jeans, hollie came out, showed, its like moodie in like, blue, dull, grayish light scene like curtain coming down, its, drape, but, like, hollie thought, thats God putting scene together, its like, curtain outline and its, dull grayish light, hollie part of but his features like burgundy outline, hollie showed, its JEsus, popping up, hollie showed, turn, but showed, get in other lane, golden hand, go home, get drink, relax, hollie showed, face went white like, burgundy sweatshirt on, I'm screaming for this reason, hollie said, screamed again, but happy, hollie showed, uh picture, had on, its golden, maybe like bear ears and, it went, down, little like, raise your hands and repeat after me, it was like strap on both sides, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, hollie showed, turn, showed, its new world order apostolic church, looking, its confident, hollie came out, its big round angel head coming, out of its, front part of building, saw side and, its, showing relax, but changed, had blue suit on and, is that pope hollie said, tattood on finger, its, new world order hollie said, bobby raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, clapped, showed, lay down, but still awake, but fell asleep, she was on side, hollie showed time, white clothes on, thats bob and janette, you see hollie said, shes happy, and, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, living with bob for good, its at new world order apostolic church, with big angelface coming out, hollie showed, like big round head, 11-18-2011-bob the Lord has said that, that when you scream, its hollie, and God did say, hollie said, showed, bob walk, thats bob walking but changing into, its hollie, hollie showed, turn, but, showed, get oil, hollie showed, time, hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, hes like, blue lighted roundish head being man, dressed very well, but changed, laughed, i'm the angel, thats the geese, hollie appeared, clapping, they swam on pond, bobby, we want you come back here, its circling penguins, there like, lighted geese, but eye are different color, bob, its thats janette, half nude, thats you fucking again, but fighting with, raise your hands and repeat after me, she loved it, God knows how to put you two together, Jesus said, just wait on me, its raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, the captain, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, its, like, captain round head, angelic being, its, the u.s.s. indianapolis, showed, captain hollie but scene somewhat partially spun, and she only partially there, hollie showed, bobby scavage, thats her climbing into, its dumpster, getting out, food, giving, theres janette eating something, thats hammo with the licence plate, its, like angelic being man, hollie showed, its excercise face, hollie told, raise your hands and repeat after me she sang, hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, appearing, like, little, almost roundish head being, light clothes on, she said, sleep, this is what jumpy hollie said, shes nigger but, golden monkey lips, hollie showed, turn, like uh cat, hollie, another answers phone like cat hollie to but different colors, its janette, she called, its polaris missile, hollie said, many of them, hey theres Gods hammo, he saluted like round head captain, that was many, hollie said, minuteman 111 nuclear rockets lifting up, and thats some taking off, but pilot hollie, bombed others, put it under, thats, hollie came out, part of america, its russian fighter jet attacking, its nuke missiles sites and, thats some making it, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its, hollie, nuclear fires in russia, its minuteman attack but thats another captain, hollie, shes bombarding, its russia, with, thats ohio class submarines, many, thats great britain showing, different captain hollie like, its similar to dog, happy, russia exploded, but theres their missiles, its striking, britain, australia, france exploding, thats missile leaving italy but italy then explodes, hey theres nuclear fire in australia but more rockets lifting off, hey you repeat after me, hollie said, thats bob and janette, its fucking again, but, its, I wont leave no more, janette says, heres why, hollie, said, she got hard up, you see hollie said, showed, its looting, but hey, its theres Gods new hammo, hes right there with, but, hes round, hollie showed, angelic being looting, its the destruction america, thats, nuclear fires right there two, its russia hollie said, disappeared but reappeared blue, showed, eat something, its under economic collapse here, hollie said, barack there with, to tell on national t.v. but, doesnt call it that, hollie showed, turn, but, then, thought, showed, turn the other way, economic collapse is here, hollie said, many times, Jesus showed turn, like uh white cat, hollie said, hollie came out, plad red coat on, get drink, go home, 11-18-19-2011-whats that, its hollie another, said, did say, a different one said, its ministries of dreams, like hollie angel, but just blue outline, its hair, thats hollie with, nice hair, looking like animal hollie, long like animal nose, hollie showed, time, its, show up on time, walters church, light watch on, gray clothes, thats hollie like uh train, its steamer hollie said, its, hollies face on front, she showed, its both beasts, but changed into, its him, theres hu hintao and pope, you see these two, thats them sitting at table and thats emperor of japan climbing out of, its two horned beast, hollie like uh red beast, she appeared, another, said, God spoke, they said, looking like stairing, but laughs, changes into him, 666 peace treaty signed for between them three, hollie scream, hollie appeared, its him, said, thats the, marine corp. out in the streets, but, hey, its, theres Gods hammo, hes like angelic king being, round head, somewhat, theres light, hammo kicked, like dancing, robe, people loot, thats nuclear fires appearing in, its the land of u.s.a., its, he hollie like ministries of dreams angel appearing in the fire, thats when, Jesus said, lets rule the world, putin, said, hollie showed, eat something, jumpy hollie leaped, new look, shes blue, thats hollie moodie playing his music, that, he said, its janette, its him fucking again, write the vision, this is, hollie and, I stamp, new hollie said, like, different shades of gray, long nose, hollie ducked in his tank, Father shot by like blue ghost, another, hollie showed, its old world war two tank, she drove, lets motor, lighted goggles on, hey bobby we want you come back, here, said, its the penguins, they circled, but changed into, its light geese, different colors, hollie came out, one showed, with wing, down, its glendale mall, then changed into, its bronze penguins, but one same as others, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, still on side, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, when you gonna eat something bob, and I stamp, said, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, she said, new world order carriage coming, out, hollie thought, then showed, turn, but hand not seen that time, but it appeared in, like, its dull, she said, like round bear paw hand, hollie scream, showed, get drink, plad coat on, hollie twisted head in the fire, was happy, 11-16-20-?-2011-hollie showed its time, raise your hands and repeat after me, she sang, white clothes on, put one hand on other arm, its janette, shes back, but everybody, put it under, hollie said, thats janette in jail again, its soon, hollie said, heres sign, shes begging now, just watch, hollie showed its timed, put it under hollie said, showed ust be still, enjoy the service, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie sang, she just sat, hollie showed its time, showed lay down, burgundy sweatshirt on, put under hollie, clapped and got back up, but didnt do very much after, something went wrong, this is hollied, its janette she said, you wanted to use God said, now shes on drugs agin, put it under hollie said, showed lay down but clapped hands and got back up, 11-21-16-17-18-19-20-?-hollie bit the tip off, white in mouth, another came out and showed, caught, but, changed into, its she hollie, now ministryofdreams is after the Lord hollie said, moodie played the music, you will war, Jesus said, thats God striking his own child and thats bob pulling sleeves up, o.k., lets go, thats, facebook angel like Gods new hammo coming out of computer, and thats strikes, all over this globe, Jesus, said, thats people trembling, Jesus looking down, place, its hollie like bob but thats bob destroying with his mouth, thats Jesus thinking, hes ruining my whole globe and i didnt repent, untill that, God said, thats beautiful woman appearing and she trembled, but thats her letting down, and telling, its Jesus, hollie showed, but started fading, going blue, I revealed what you do to, its her telling, the whole church, cause, its, God said, betrayed, she said, now people are choking but later laughing, its cause I persecute Jesus said, maiming limbs and causing facial muscles to tighten, wrinkling and ruining appearance, thats me the Lord deseasing gums and christians loosing their teeth and thats my electric hand going up and down, its on, penus, I am crooked saith God and its bob exposing and world starting to turn away, from Jesus, thats God thinking, now so many know, thats crowd of people hitting up on christians and telling chrisitans about bob and christians trembling, walking away, faint, hollie looked to turn but wiped chin, another, him, he hollie showed, keep going straight, big round red hand but he started opening up like glove, showed, its both beasts in his gloved hand, its, theres, hu hintao on red horse and its popey, poepon on black, thats new world order apostolic church, brought into, u.p.c.i., hollie said, she came out, saw, its big angel head, its, front part of building, hollie screamy for this reason, that, its, big, hollie, head, said, new, hollie showed, turn, and go, home, big yellow hand, moodie played, its sound, hollie said, he made me come out, raise your hands and repeat after hollie sang, its new world order apostolic church angel, apostolic church hollie said god and hollie said, put it under, hollie showed time, bob its janette hollie said compassionately god said, she wont go god said, back home tonight, she will be, jesus wiped lips, hollie showed its time, its moodie another said, for you and janette to come together hollie showed, put it under bob sit and enjoy the service another said, but one thinks, these mooodies are messed up, its he changed hollie said, wore uh burgundy sweat shirt, put it under bob sit still hollie said, she sat in chair at new world order apostolic church, thats church angel appearing like little angel man, hollie showed, turn, go, to, walmart, you know what, hollie said, this is, hollie screaming, like, its, doggie like hollie, hollie showed, turn, raise my mantle and repeat after me hollie sang, raise your horns and clap your hands, this is hollie, she said, God said, went hollie, tap danced, white shoes, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob go get drink, plad coat on, showed, its speedway, but big appeared, hollie behind like bluish hollie, teeth, she said, write the deal, its jumpy hollie, like, its nigger another planet of apes like hollie showed, golden monkey lips, charge eight-fifty, next time, hollie showed, turn, write the vision, but then other, way, golden lighted hand, hollie showed, lay down, on side, but clapped hands, up, golden, hands, hollie showed, its road closed sign, with, its golden, like winged hand, thats, bob fucking in, van, its janette again, bob, its shes yours, tonight, boo, they, chanted, hollie said, light shined in the darkness, its, raise your hands and repeat after a hollie like JEsus sang, she formed, another, hollie showed, but similar, laughs, just be still, quiet, its, them, many, him, their on uh hill, he hollies but amber colored lighted, she hollie comes out of one, hey hollie said, its Jesus, i'm uh cat he said, turning head, but with hollies voice, hollie showed, its janette, bob go, she said, its moodie playing music, smiled, two, hollies, both, he him, hollie said, golden hollie points, mostly, but then reappeared golden, i'm the vision, it, was, JEsus, hollie said, showed, lay down, slept on side, bluish like covering, hollie put the rid-x in, only hand seen, septic tank angel came out, buy, septic tank angel showed, rid-x, use more, but clapped hands, so quick, not seen, but hey, hollie came out, caught, there was hollie behind angel, turned, ghost, hollie showed, sleep, but clapped golden hands, but its him, he hollie appearing, bobby, thats phone ringing, just answer it, hi i'm janette, I want your money, 11-22-2011-hollie showed, its janette, half nude, bob, she, sucks, fucks, and, both will happen, to, you, its God hollie said, soon, put it under, he hollie shows, lay down, but clapped hands and got back up, and beast rose, like servant, i'm the beast pope said, hollie bit top off but not seen but did appear, bob hollie said, tapped on, its taperecorder, but hey theres, its, Gods new hammo coming out, hollie showed, flush toilet, its new world order apostolic church, angel, comes out, its, front part of building, like big round head angel, i'm the building, angel said, coming out, showing, its new world order carriage sailing over building, its black, theres popey, poepon riding, hollie said, these are angred she said, black horses pulling, but hey she said, theres red carriage, theres hu hintao, angry red horse pulls, but other appeared, showed, hintaos picture, red horse points at self standing on two feet, hollie showed, turn, go to walmart another said, its sound, hollie moodie said playing music, hollie screamed, that is, Jesus, like uh lighted cat, suit on, its dark, that, hollie like uh cat said, Jesus showed turn, but keep goin, like uh cat, Jesus showed turn, like animal Jesus, hollie like uh cat showed, turn, hollie came out, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, its septic tank, angel appearing, showing, take care of me, thats toilet paper, and its, hollie held nose, dung in septic tank, its solid waste and it naturally dissolves, even crap paper, hollie and God said, put it under, take care of me septic tank angel said, but turned like gumby of light, hollie showed, record, but bit, another comes out, but alike but changed, white in her mouth, its chinook coming out of fan, flown by, its, hollie moodie, angel hangs by rope, hollie showed, lay down, he told us that, hollie said, be mean, hollie and God said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, hollie showed, uh picture, raise your hands and repeat after me, its, pope, another hollie comes out, wondering, points, theres blue in picture, hollie showed, bobby eat, thats, its, circling penguins, amber colored, but, different color around eyes, hollie showed, turn, its like bear hollie, i'm uh bear, she said, like, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, amber colored bear, hollie showed, walk, drink, just wait, hollie walked on treadmill, drank, drink, hollie showed, bloodletting, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, joey, the song, hollie said, 11-23-24-25-2011-hollie showed time, bob, its, licence plate, hollie said, its blue, God said, put it on, thats, hey lets motor, hollie said, she drove, its dodge aries k, again, she said, its comes, she said, thats her walking from post office box, with plate in hand God said, its the big one, hollie said, God said, hollie bit lid off, white in mouth, another came out, points, wondering, its janette, thats moodie fucking again, sweatshirt on, but janette leaves, but in time, bobby, she'll come back and stay, hollie showed, its match dot com woman winks at bob, hollie bit lid off, white in mouth, another came out, points, wondering, its, janette, thats moodie fucking again, sweatshirt on, happy, but janette leaves, but in time, bobby she'll come back and stay, hollie showed, its match dot com woman winks at bob, its, bobby, they call, thats phone ringing, its them, pointed, hollie, two beautiful woman, but bob your ugly now, old but they both, thats sex, and bob staying and leaving, put it under, bob its for free, that, hollie said, its bob fucking, I, wonder, woman, said, that, hollie said, she looks at bob when thru, laughs, but in heart, I want him, hollie taps, its on taperecorder, but, hey, theres Gods new hammo, coming out, hollie showed, keep going straight, thats the website, its moodie making sounds but face forming and then dissolving, you see, hollie said, showed, its the globe, hey theres Gods new hammo, its angelic face coming out but going back, Jesus appeared, showing, his power, grip, hollie, he said, is stripping, thats many rebellious people popping up and God looking, wondering, its, you he said, making me a fable and I allowed it, thats Father with son, Father like angelic good looking, clean cut, light man, with white robe, hollie showed, its get out laptop but hey theres Gods new hammo on, hes like Father with longer hair looking uh little worried, hollie showed, turn, like uh lighted hollie, tear up, its him, another, showed, with red bear paws like red gloved hands, hollie showed, its from behind but shes only partly seen, same oh website, same oh computer, same oh hollie, same oh janette, bob shes not wanting to see just you, its hollie, he, hollie, long nose, showed, its, the, golden flute but hollie like avenger came out, brand new hollie, hollie showed time, white clothes on, thats bob and janette fucking again, bob this time its for good, God and hollie said, she will, he said, but looked, got word from God, stay with, soon, Jesus, said, hollie coughs God said, its janette hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie sang, she wanted, god looked around, cocky looking, money for nothing, thats moodie making love, bob do it or nothing he said, gray sweatshirt on hollie said, git outta here, go bob, it was jesus god and hollie said, put it under, hollie showed sleep, bob its nothing time, just wait, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie Jesus said with hollie, im the beast, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said like little angelic being, bob said, its hollie, same hollie said, but, different tone, showed, walk, she had plad coat on, looked and kind of wondered, and I stamp, she said, but she wasnt seen but she appeared, showed, eat, was like greenish colored hollie, but face normal, hey its theres Gods new hammo like angelic drop head being, its boo, they chanted, hollie said, light shined in darkness, many unhappy, its, he, them, hollie said, he hollies, their on hill, but hey theres lighted colored she hollie coming out of one but turned, normal, hollie taps stick, not seen, but appeared, lighted hollie, showed, eat, its the economy, thats, hey theres Gods new hammo running with the, its, pilfering, hollie said, saw many looters, he stopped and smiled like tall slendor angelic being man, plad coat on, its under, hollie said, economic collapse, he hollie said, but she hollie claps, barack lies, she makes leave, thats hand sprinkling, JEsus appearing, lets rule the world, putin, said, thats bear arising, hollie showed, go to walters, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, do not give those away, hollie said, its, the, frog sound, hollie moodie appeared, making, you got this so keep it, take it he said, its janette, plad coat on, you see, its, hollie, showed, its, popes picture, but disappeared, hollie showed, its the pope-man, moodie appeared, playing his sound, its keybaords, hey hollie said, coming out, its lighted serpent, i'm the g8, pope said, that was the dark thing, hollie said, like, raise your hands and repeat after me, like, jet shaped bug coming, besides bob, hollie showed, turn, but looked, showed, keep going straight, big lighted hand, with golden around edges of fingers, hollie showed, nair, it does remove hair, hollie wanted to turn but thought, showed, go the other way, its him, big red hand, hollie showed, turn, golden face, hollie snapped golden hands, sang, burgundy sweatshirt on, its, two hearts, genesis, its still loved, hollie said, thats hollie like bear, showing, turn, then other way, but changed, then back, different hollie, but same, hollie saluted, its the german battleship bismarck, sinking, eyes appeared on, but, they scuttled me ship, said, but, i'm home, thats ship on bottom of the sea, new hollie screamed, hollie showed, lay down, its on side, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, bob be cool hollie said, like worried hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, but, hey, its Gods hammo she said, like blue angelic being same clothes, Jesus showed, turn, angel showed, record, hollie ducked in his tank, Father shot by like ghost, ended up orange, hollie showed, lay down, thats phone ringing, theres Gods new hammo hollie said, he appeared on screen, like angelic being somewhat, but hey, hollie said, theres, janette, shes, thats bob fucking in butt but still wearing rubber, 11-26-2011-hollie showed, eat, God said, put it under, thats, her eating again, bob its your weight, gain, she said, janette loves it, its humor, emenegger hickman said, hollie said, put it under, hollie, bob, watch your time, hollie and God said, she had white clothes on, and put one hand on other arm, God said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, its, theres, Gods new hammo, hollie said, hes like smarty, angelic being, hollie, showed, picture, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, its the licence plate, her nose grew, and she got, theres Gods hammo but changed to Father, happy, thats her retrieving, its from post office box, thats bob and janette fucking, but really its moodie, gray sweatshirt on, its i'm the nuclear g8, its popey, poepon did say, hollie said, thats yellow fire, countries burning, smoke rising, no way, moon said, sun glasses on, its i'm sun said, happy, bob, its Jesus said, did convey, but he was somewhat angering, burgundy sweatshirt on, showed, lets calm, but hollie dimly seen, but like, grayish, happy, thats uh moodie with pointy nose, raise your hands and repeat after me, he tapped on bell, burgundy sweatshirt on, but hey, it went blue, moodie changes to, Lord, hollie said, hollie walked, its coat on, showed, cold, hollie played his music, but wouldnt tell how he did it, he said, hollie did say, but jumpy hollie reappears, claps, golden monkey lips, its hollie that explains, leave it alone thats what hollie said, its moodie she said, i was playing my sound he said, something went wrong jesus said, its janette a couple of hollies said, she is now with nobody, they have all forsook god said, bobby now be cool jesus said, hollier walked in walmart with uh plad coat on, another hollie like uh gray screamed, hollie coughs God said, its janette hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie sang, she wanted, god looked around, cocky lookiing, money for nothing, thats moodie making love, bob do it or nothing he said, gray sweatshirt on hollie said, Got it she said, now she showed, just wait, its janette, thats both, bob and her, partially nude, he fucked real quick but left, she loved, but started walking, thats police arresting again, oh bob she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, but its to late, thats her in police car, hollie showed, sign, its ratt, still singing, thats hollie with Jesus inside, its me she said, hollie showed, he wont speak, but watching with Jesus, both laugh as he records visions, thats them, bluish colored, its, on sidelines, hollie showed, watching, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, lay down, on her side, God said, put it under, hollie showed her watch, bob go get janette, hollie said, God said, put it under, then sleep, hollie showed, 11-27-2011-hollie told their aint no heaven, sang, its, doreen, hollie said, God said, and hollie, theres kristina, hollie bit lid off, showed, its ignition switch, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, its, theres Gods new hammo hollie said, sang, blue colored, but hollie worked on, its ignition switch, thats hotwire, bob do, she said, get fred, hollie screamed, then just turned head a little, wasnt looking, seemed like in pain, another, hollie showed, bob, get up, work, thats, bob going to job, hollie just waited, another comes running out, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, its, theres Gods new hammo, he sang, was gray, some hair, raise your hands and hands and repeat after me, hey its theres Gods new hammo singing, om the m.v., hollie said, fleas comes out, white in mouth, another, he hollie points, angry looking, but got happy, theres m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, hilter sad over, but, hollie showed, turn, but, its, him, he hollie showed, keep going straight, tear up, red round like hands, their gloved, thats outlined, lighted, its slots hollie said, showing, fingers in gloves, hollie showed, lay down, bob thats you and janette, she, wore plad coat, working, its labor force, hey, its theres Gods new hammo, now has brown hair, happy, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, hammo's face blue, 11-28-2011-bob, hollie said, God said, he will fix your face, its now, they both said, JEsus works on, raise your hand and repeat after me, sang, its, theres Gods new hammo, blue now, this is uh warning, right here, golden face jumpy hollie, appears, long brown hair, hey bobby, another, said, nice brown hair herself but head round and face somewhat seen, its janette, bob thats you fucking again, but shes, wanting, more, its, you and her walking together, but its really, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, its marriage, you two will never separate, Gods hammo, blue face, thinning hair, thats janette calling bob, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, theres Gods new hammo, its, hollie said, thats, moodie playing music, but only partial face appeared, hes making sound, its keyboards, you see these, these are electronic hollie said, acted like pulling sleeves up, head turned to side but, its him, wait she said, he had, light face, caught it, red sweatshirt on, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted face, hand, but showed, eat, hollie scream, I need somebody to, pay me, its moodie said, looking worried, its raise your hands and repeat after me, hey theres Gods new hammo, happy moodie said, showed, go inside, hollie drove, its spacesaucer, drove like car, with, its, raise your hair and repeat after me, its hollie and, hey, theres Gods new hammo, like light face, find hair growth, put on, it works, hollie showed, turn, then the other, way, but, a he hollie appeared, white face, showed, same way but thats him with partial golden face, showing, go to speedway hollie showed, get drink, hollie showed, turn, its him, she hollie said, that, hollie like nigger said, its raise your hands and repeat after me, she sang, thap, Gods hammo appeared but didnt, sing that time, but face blue, but some white in later, its three ohio class hollie said, and, thats, china burning, its he, him hollie, sailing, its rocket flying saucer, diving, taiwan burned, hollie came out, wondered, was that moodie, thats hintao and, hollie battling, light swords, its, washington state, thats another, hollie, flying out, its old double wing air fighter jet, she showed, pilots gear on, light face, thats her bombing ship, diving, showed, its repelled, thats hintao with red horse, hollie thought to turn, its him, showed, go, straight, thats the horn, sireen, hollie said, he, hollie pressed, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, but got back up, eyes still closed, but opened, but she faded somewhat, 11-29-2011-hollie came out, light face, showed, its, children laughing, thats Jesus wiping chin, bob its janette, almost invisible hollie moodie fucking again, sweatshirt on, but you to stay together, hollie came out, its marriage soon, thats pastor mark brown doing, hes happy for ya, thats bob and partial nude janette going home and living together, hollie showed, thats your house, but changed into, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its, theres Gods new hammo, appeared, face changing colors, new world order apostolic church, big round head angel coming, its front part of building, hollie that explains showed time, white clothes on, put one hand on other arm, its cold, bobby turn heat on soon, thats angel on furnace, sleep, but woke up, showed, working hard, hollie showed, its good, will work, thats new world order apostolic church, bob thats you and janette living in, for good, thats bob old, but wheres janette, shes hiding out in basement, partially nude, but, thats still sex, moodie did, thats moodie making the music, this is hollie, thats black horse, happy, pulling, its stage coach, pope in, but, thats red side, hintao pops out, you see, these are angred hollie showed, its happy red horses, one like blank red horse, thats babyfleas showing, ravi lanka, its, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, said the tap dancers, theres both beasts, said, its pope, she wonders, his lighted head shaped like little horn, thats little horn with eyes like a mans, I am God face said, coming out, ravi sees, its hu hintao, i'm the false prophet, he said, thats him riding red horse, with sword, with, and its, the kings of the east crossing the great river euphrates, thats three frogs hopping out, turning into, its the three kings rising in persia, hollie showed, its, ravi lanka, she walks over, dressed real nice, its suit, help him she said, thats children appearing, and bob, telling many on facebook, lets put together a fund, ravi shakes yes, hollie stepped inside, a monster like, man met, light face, dark suit but face somewhat ghoul shaped, hollie showed, its halloween service, many, its, hollies flying up and down, theres new world order kings, its, hollie left, its new world order apostolic service halloween service, thats many, like, evil hollies looking out door, come on back they said, they flew up and down inside, thats moodie getting ready to play music, does, hollie showed, lets go get drink, its at speedway, she drank, but not anything seen, wore, its plad shirt, but not tucked in, had nice, brown hair, hey bobby, said, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, its hey, theres, Gods new hammo hollie said, his face, kept changing, she shwoed, hollie drove, its jeep she said, Gods hammo sang, licked lips, red like tongue, but light face, hollie showed, its jeep goes almost anywhere, thats deep mud, you wanted on the phone, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, its, theres Gods new hammo, hollie got licence plate, its at post office box, put hat on, hollie ducked in his tank, Ghost like Father, shoots by, big black eyes, golden like, its ghost like cover, but had designs, its, in, hollie showed, its another, legion fifty one tank, hollie showed, turn, mostly golden hollie, hollie showed, lay down, clapped golden hands, they were like leafs, but she slept, but eyes opened, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, he, looked like angelic being, hammo, thinning hair, but thats, hollie showing, big white hand, different colors in, its, parts for 1956 chevrolet belair, its, hollie said, thats hollie driving, its soon, bobby, hollie showed, run in place, keep, metabolism going, it will fix your face she said, want more visions, want more visions, is what he said, hollie showed, its cocky looking moodie playing his sound, he showed, its janette, fuck her he said, give her money, tell her, have fun, 11-30-2011-bobby, hollie said, she, was, hollie that explains, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey theres Gods new hammo, its, hollie said, like angelic man, hollie that explains reappeared, white flashes around mouth area, showed, go walk, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, showed, its walk at goodwill, but hey, its, theres Gods new hammo, hes like big blue head, round, its, showed, hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, its him, hollie said, coming out, catching, but his light face changed to, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, theres Gods new hammo bob, thats you, and janette sleeping together, your nude, hollie showed, turn, big lighted hand, but, raise your hands and repeat it after me, sang, its, hollie wiped lips, Gods hammo like angelic being, thinning hair, but hollie said, wait, turn, showed, hollie, big hand, lighted, white with golden around edges but brownish like, hollie said, its raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, theres Gods new hammo, hollie walked, its at meijer, she said, its jumpy hollie, like, its nigger, golden monkey lips, had, like, its uh band member she said, clothes on, its, septic tank angel sitting on, its septic tank, but round headed appeared happy like pointy green hat on, hey hollie said, its santa, hollie showed, turn, hollie that explains appeared, its uh trident missile launch hollie said, showed, many submarines all around america, both coasts exploded, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey theres Gods new hammo, its, hollie said, like angelic being, showed, lay down, its, the, angel, what did he say, hollie said, its, the, uhleave me alone sound, hollie said, moodie appeared, just face, but, showed, eat something, angel spoke but words hidden, hollie came out to tell, thats hollie that explains, light flashes around mouth, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its, theres, Gods hammo, hollie said, like white faced angelic being, thinning hair, but he reappeared, but changed, hey hollie said, its the Father, bob thats you and janette living together, you see hollie said, people looting and hollie with obama, its under economic collapse hollie said, obama looks at, hollie showed, turn, big hand, 12-1-2011-that, hollie said, showed, its bob in video, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, theres Gods new hammo hollie said, its, but hollie points, lighted hand, what did hollie scream for, hollie said, another, first hollie screamed again, twisted head, face golden but not heard, burgundy sweatshirt on, thats facebooksmile, hammo, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, its, Gods new hammo, angelic white face man, hollie in the fire, twisted head but he just staired, thats the marine corp., bobby its out in the streets, said, its, hollie and, pope, others, moodie played music, but hes changing, hollie claps, there with barack obama, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its, Gods new hammo, theres, hollie said, economic collapse america, thats arm sprinkling, Jesus appeared, showed, eat, more, raise your power and repeat after me, sang, its, hollie, moodie played music, its sound, hollie said, when you go there, shut up, he said, showed, its, Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, hollie showed, bob, its cold, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, its Gods hammo, hollie said, white angelic head, but blue face appeared to, he looked to side, like tear drop, its angel on furnace, woke, up, hollie showed, finger up, yellow like raincoat on, dont worry, then, but thats snow, furnace angel appeared in atmosphere, somewhat, showed, turn, me on, God showed, time, white clothes, on, its, hes JEsus, hollie said, russia, hollie, sprinkled, its putin arising with, thought, lets give them, hollie said, rule the world putin, said, there he sat with a room full of kings, theres boris yeltsin, lets rule he said, hintao showed, finger up, but no, expression, lets dont in heart, thats mexican president shaking yes, but looking worried, theres lula, stout with castrol, lets do castrol said, but showed, no, theres hugo chavez, I dont want it, he said, but signed, its uh deal medvedev said, hollie saw big nuclear explosion in background, in, center of america, hollie showed, turn, big golden hand, hollie clapped, showed, lay down, eyes closed, even, as clapped, but opened, it was uh dream, hollie said, hollie night vision showed, its bob, walking by, its his pet rabbits home, seeing it flooded with water, its like little caged area, bob trembles, calls, hoppy and sees, grass different, but, hoppy comes to, runs by, lets bob pet, but is like lamb instead of rabbit, hollie said, put it under, janette wants sleep, hollie said, showed, its, boo, hollie said, their on uh hill, hollie claps, showed, light shined in darkness, but she was different, its, many he hollies, but amber colored she hollie comes out of one, looking back, to the side, claps, hollie, but changed to another, wearing maids clothes, hollie showed, turn, 12-2-2011-no, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, looking to side, showing, with some hand action, but looked, shook, yes, face went golden, but then, showed, thru with it, but, showed, with hands, putin, said, changing into, its pope, raise your hands and repeat after me, its, theres, Gods new hammo, hollie said, its, she said, like white angelic being man, face, bobby I'm the marine corp. angel said, hollie did say, showed, record, faster, burgundy sweatshirt on, its looting, hollie said, disappeared, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, its, theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, its, its under econonic collapse here, hollie said, clapping, light blue dress on, like, dress, skirt, its hollie ducking in his tank, him, ghost like golden Father, shot by, its, hey, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, like white angelic being, but, hey, she said, coming out, white hands, that just went light, janette, bob thats her, somewhat nude, plad coat on, waiting for you, thats, hollie, going to fucking, hey, its, theres no rubber this time but it reappeared, hollie said, you do both, tell me why, the, marine corp. is out in the streets, said, its, hollie, Jesus, watches, glasses on, angelic marine appears, light gun, its shotgun, hollie said, hand showed, turn, hollie said, but Jesus, rest appeared, white like robe on but like dull bluish, showed, eat, hey, hollie said, one came out, white in mouth, hollie showed, turn, got licence plate, hollie pointed, turn, light hand, tell me about the vision, clapped the tap dancers, but, its him, she hollie did say, coming out, hollies face not formed yet, but, it, thats bob and janette fucking again, happy, but its moodie, happy, but he wore gray sweatshirt, janette red plad coat, they come together in time, hollie showed, genesis, they were excellent bob, she taps on one, speaker came alive, antifreeze, they said, many ministering spirits, she said, its jumpy hollie, but changing one, clapping and leaping, its roger, he accepts, he trembles at seeing about you, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, roger tells them at, bill shank, even, bill, shutup, he said, doesnt want that, but roger laughs, bill trembles, but likes, submarines are right there, hollie showed, turn, and told, you see she said, its akula class, thats them slipping up on, its them, stamps, hollie, u.s.a. but hollie seemin to change into bear, thats, both american coasts burning and thats tall moutain, top burning, oh babylon I am against thee, Jesus said, but disappeared, jumpy hollie changed normal but still monkey lips, clapped and kicked, thats the frog sound, new, its him, looking stunned, hollie and God said, thats, raise your hand, hollie sang, and repeat after me, theres Gods hammo, hey, its, hollie said, face faded, jumping, out, great, river, euphrates, thats kings of east, marching over, thats, putin like king, being, leading the way, but angry chinese forcing, hey, thats, nuclear explosion, in, its good oh land of israel stamps, hollie, not seen, but apppeared, showed, eat something, thats nuclear fires in, its egypt, jordan and syria, thats, netanyahu, with nuclear button, Christ appeared on mountain, it split in twain, its sunbeam girl praying, hollie showed, sunbeam bakers, she said, jumpy hollie leaps, claps, turns, nigger, monkey lips, that was china burning, hollie said, its, the, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats bob fucking janette again but moodie acting like bob, sweatshirt on, its, gray, china burned, its three ohio class, hollie said, leaping, thats what you want, needed she said, showed, sleep, hollie showed, turn, thats pope in the fire, hollie said, his caregiver, there, i'm, its, caregiver said, pointing, light blue hat, big round head, bobby, hollie showed, get drink, hollie showed, turn, then, other way, but hand not seen but it appeared, like, boxing glove, outline lines apepared around, it was like gray color, hollie showed, turn, big, long, like golden hand, but, hey, theres Gods hammo, its, hollie, said, you see, hollie said, showed, lay down, but got back up, hollie showed, its, lysine, she said, showed, shake it up, drink, 12-3-2011-bob hollie showed, time, white clothes on, you will get your rent today, smiling man gives, hollie showed, its kirkal ministryofdreams, thats janette by her self, partially nude and its hollie joining, its for good, hollie said, its, soon, hollie said, hollie speaks with, its with its, kirkal ministryofdreams, and hes exactly like, its hammo, angelic face, changing, but not happy, showed, its, kirkal hollie said, bob replace the visions, get ten two, and ten three, eleven eighteen, hollie thought, no, ten eighteen, hollie showed, just fill it up, showed, eat cookies, she said, jumpy hollie said, clapping and leaping, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, hollie showed, turn, like uh lighted, hollie, she ate chocalate spounge cake, tell me about the marine corp., its out in the streets, hollie said, with, its, the uhleave me alone and repeat after me, hey theres Gods new hammo, its hollie said, like white angelic face, but, somewhat not seen but eyes appeared, hollie with barack obama as looters march, but Gods hammo looting right there with, but tall now, plad red coat on, hollie claps, blue dress like, barack there with, its under economic collapse here, she said, they leave, turn, showed, hollie, another, came out, thought, hand strange, lighted angelic being showed, turn, hollie said, it was the pope, hollie said, with, its, hollie came out, he hollie, but was she, burgundy sweatshirt on, new world order kings, it was uh trap vision, they said, its sumbeam bakers girl, hollie and, its another, hollie said, that, sunbeam bakers girl said, showed, its pope and black horse, pulling black stage coach, horse angry, that, hollie said, but face mostly light, golden face, showed, chew gum, plad coat on but changed to new angelic hollie but again, like blue tear drop head, plad, coat on, hollie slapt face, but raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey, its, theres Gods hammo hollie said, laughing, like white angelic face, no, hollie said, shook yes, but showed, away with it, but yes again, raise your hands and repeat after me, theres Gods hammo, but, hey, hollie said, its he, but hammo not appearing, but only slightly, light face, hollie showed, sign, like doggie hollie, its, alcoholics anonyomous, a.a., bob you return, hollie said, dont ever leave them again, hollie showed, picture, its, popus,fun of big mouth, she had black hair, hollie night vision, showed, its dream, had light skirt on, but had bluish gray in, lighted outlines, hollie thought, it changed, she had burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie screamed, again, but only turned, head, not seen but turned head again, changed, thats hollie with Jesus inside showing, eat, white robe on, its lit up, she said, thats, janette, partially nude, moodie fucking again, but not very much, its condom, bobby wear, bobby just wear it hollie said, hollie showed, its mexico, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey look, hollie said, theres Gods hammo, like white, angelic face but thinning hair, eyes not seen, showed, winking, whew dont let me, hollie said, showed, lay down, but eyes still opened, she closed, raise your hands, and repeat after me, hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, thats phone ringing and angelic janette appearing, shes wanting, sex, but, its for loot, give fifteen for anal and oral, thats her doing, she said, sleep, showed, jumpy, hollie, running in place, long dress on, 12-6-2011-you need to record, hollie said, its moodie fucking janette again, gray sweatshirt on, janette wore uh plad coat, moodie looking cocky, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, theres, its, Gods hammo, hollie said, white angelic air, china exploded, its three ohio class, hollie said, thats hu hintao and red flying saucer, thats into over, thaT, HOLLIE SAID, TAIWAN BURNED, BUT THATS HINTAO, on, red horse, battling, its washington state, light swords, hollie fought, back, thats, old world war one, airplane flying out, new, its another hollie like light face flying, wearing pilots gear, thats her diving and, dropping, its torpedo, ship bombed, there its repelled, she showed, hollie showed, go home, brand new hollie showed, turn, its Jesus, she hollie said, did say, its him, waring suit, light face, head and hands, hollie showed, turn, golden, lighted hand, tell me about, the website, hollie said, with, its, the uh leave it alone, sound, sorry, two hollies said, one white face, moodie appeared, hollie showed, turn, drive around, she, said, showed, excercise face, hollie ducked in his tank, ghost like Father shot by, but went, golden to reddish, dont rain on me is what hollie sang, like asian hollie, had big round mouth, she moved quickly, bob made t together, bob, hollie said, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, get drink, hollie said, thats, hollie, letting bob in, its a party, janette there, she calls and invites, they laugh at bob but love him, he, tells, thats hollie with Jesus inside, they all love it, having God at the party, hollie showed, lay down, fell asleep, but eyes reopened, 11-5-2011-bob hollie showed, time, God and hollie said, white clothes on, put one hand on other arm, hollie showed, go, bob hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, theres Gods new hammo, look hollie said, its, charles stone, joining, walter, both want, its new world order apostolic church, round head angel, its, hollie came out, showed, its front part of building, be cool she showed, thats you and janette living in bottom, hollie showed, with walter, thats him taking money, but you would not do good, or bad but run people off, its the raise your hand and repeat after me, sang, its, hey look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, like angelic being man, hollie showed, turn, golden hollie, boo chanted, its hollie, him, not looking happy, hollie showed, its mister van, thats new little he hollie eating, egg shaped head, but turned to side, thats janette, calling, submarines are right there, hollie said, waving, nice full brown hy, its, theres Gods new hammo, hollie showed, its mokse, revival temple, now, dilapedating, bob half an hour from now you'll be on your own website, its pope, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its, Gods hammo, look, hollie said, showed, its leading looters, she laughed, its under, economic collapse here, hollie said, laughing, clapping, barack there with, he looks at hollie strange, she wore, its like skirt dress, white with like specs in, like on cheetah, website said, dont post on there, hollie said, theres, its, ministryofdreams, wesbsite, like Father looking, like, hes aging, angelic being man, turned, its to the side, hollie said, clapped, as appeared, raise your heart and repeat after me, sang, its Jesus hollie said, appeared, but, disappeared, reappeared different, hollie showed, turn, hand fisted, hollie showed, turn, wearing uh white robe, hand not seen, but it appeared, blond hair, hollie showed, turn, but then the other way, hands changed colors, now look hollie said, coming out, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, showed, its angel round head coming out of, its front part, showed, hollie, of, new world order apostolic church, many people went inside, its, new world order kings, theres pope, hollie said, its him, he hollie showing, mash i poepon, hollie said, he laughed, but raise your hands and repeat after me, wait uh minute, hey, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, sang, angelic being, hollie showed, turn, showed, git your hands and repeat after me, hey, its theres Gods hammo, hollie said, white angelic face, but eyes not seen, but then, just eyes seen but rest appeared, they were gray, that was hollie showed, on balloon looking like, what, hollie chewed gum, 11-4-2011-bob, alice said, hollie showed, time, white clothes on, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey, its, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, like white angelic being, many, hollies came running out, but they talked with themselves, bob your ruining it, hollie said, thats Jesus thinking, rubbing, chin, turned to side, white robe on, God thought, face started, becoming like, featureless, bob thats children laughing, and its God, me, Jesus, he said, being embarrased, ashamed, he said, its for what I do God said, I persecute, bob its, he hollie a she one said, raise your hands and deliver after me, heface, but eyes not seen, but then, just eyes, not face, but hollie thought, kept changing, dont you tread on me, hollie sang, running, but changed into, its asian hollie, me, but that, was, hollie with brown hair, said, showed, its God, looking, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, its, theres Gods hammo, hollie walked at, goodwill, hes white angelic face, blinking, but eyes not seen to well, white face, thinning hair, hollie showed, record, theres your rent money, its, hollie showed, its lauren scruggs, walking into plane propeller, oh, she said, but, it was way worse, when she saw, God said, her hand gone, they grabbed her, and she wept, but, will live, but marred, put it under, hey, theres Gods hammo, hollie showed, eat, its check, hollie like uh lighted hollie showed, turn, sang, ministering spirits, its the pope, raise your hands and repeat after me, its Gods hammo singing, hollie screamed, showed, its, sunbeam bakers girl, gitting outta there, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey, look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, like white angelic face, eyes winking, but not formed right, thats nuclear fire, all over america, hollie saw, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, its, the night sky, its cloudy, hazy, she said, like amber hollie, but kept looking, its nuclear, rocket coming thru, like light rocket, angel holding on, looking worried and, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey, look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, like angelic white face being, eyes, hollie showed, changing, its center of america exploding, but, moodie on, missile all of uh sudden, thats many fires, along both coasts, thats hollie ducking in his tank, this is uh she hollie, she explained, but theres asian hollie with dark hair, Father shot by, like, its fire colored dot, hollie showed, turn, hollie like uh lighted bear hollie showed, turn, hollie thought, showed, turn, lighted hand, but, hollies lighted body faded, but, reappeared, its, dull blue, another, same like hollie, bobby, hollie showed, feed animals, you got, food, she said, thats hammo singing again, hollie showed, turn, for, its, the, uh leave it alone sound, sorry, many, said, 12-7-2011-bobby, hollie said, showed, time, she said, wore white clothes, her and God said, now lets see, hollie said, put one on other arm, you better need to record, hollie said, thats bob, hey, its bob and janette having, its anal sex, but bob wore uh rubber, thats, them, hollie moodie, happy, gray sweatshirt on, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, look its theres Gods hammo, hollie said, white angelic face, eyes closed but opened but like know eye, its, hollie showed, turn, that was china burning, hollie with nice full brown hair there, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its, Gods hammo, hollie said, eyes closed, but opened one kind of but no eye there, hollie jumps, showed, three ohio class submarines, theres that submarine sound, hollie showed, submarines sneaking up on, its the, u.s.a., hollie stamps, but light scene spins, shows, its bob, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie clapped, showed, lay down, on side, slept but started transforming, hey, theres Gods hammo, he showed, lay on side, like angelic face, hollie showed, turn, hollies screamin she said, screamed, again, but not heard, 12-8-2011-bobby I showed time, this is hollie, God said, she said, white clothes on, place one hand on other arm, then appeared normal, showed time again, but showed leaving, she drove, hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, laughed, like, its uh white angelic face stamps, hollie but raised hand, arm, bob its moodie and janette having sex, bang, bob do tonight, she wont see, just put rubber on right before her, she needs, its the loot, janette said, hollie showed, put recorder up, she walked, red plad coat on, look hollie said, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey theres Gods hammo hollie said, white angelic man, winking, but like eyes shut, and hollie came out, burgundy sweatshirt on, brownish like hands, hollie screamed, showed, eat something bob, she said and did, accept it, its Jesus, a she hollie said, brand new he hollie, take that taperecorder in, said, hollie with, its, blowing wind sound, hollie showed, turn, hollie like uh somewhat lighted hollie showed, turn, had, clothes on, like rich, king wears, they chanted boo, hollie said, light shined in darkness, its him, he hollie a she one said, one had long nose, many, but, she hollie comes out of one, wearing maids clothes, hollie showed, turn, like uh lighted hollie, hollie pointed, turn, but she hollie comes out, man, she said, shook, smiled, hollie showed, turn, they chanted boo, some more, hollie did said, me whew, hollie did say, go, get outta there, put, its snowing, thats furnace angel on furnace, thats hollie turning on, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie appeared, burgundy sweatshirt on, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, showed, its pope, looking stunned, in picture, but, theres blue in, hollie came back out, thought, showed, eat something, hollie showed, its spain, like golden spain, hollie showed, go inside, she slept, hey thats janette, same, bed, just watch bobby, hollie showed, with, its pope image on finger, happy, record, thats what hollie said, showed, turn, but only lighted hand appeared, its decorated she said, but rest seen, showed, eat something, tell me about the website, said, its hollie, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey, look, its, theres Gods hammo, like angelic being, winking, but eyes closed, even while winking, thinning hair, many said, Jesus, and hollies, he and she, tear up, showed, have fun, you need to record, hollie said, showed, sign, its gum desease, thats Jesus shaking, yes, I give he said, 12-9-2011-bob hollie showed time, put one hand on other arm, but white clothes went burgundy sweatshirt, raise your hands and repeat after me, its Gods hammo, theres, hey look, hollie said, thats bob causing it, the falling away, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, oh, said, theres Gods hammo, hey its look theres, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, angelic face, hollie showed, buy rid-x, same sweatshirt, light bluejeans, turned to side, thats, the, septic tank angel, like furnace angel, hollie put rid-x in, flushed it down john, hollie showed, its, europe, appeared, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, nuclear fires breaking out all over, its european pastor reading, bobs holy Ghost baptizm, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, they tremble and, thats people appearing, then thats all of europe finding out, man wheres Jesus, man said, but bob appeared, hollie screamed, put me first, she said, screaming, bob you are starting to wage spiritual warfare on me the Lord, saith the Lord, and making me embarrased acrossed the world, hollie came out, showed, its, part of world and people popping up, talking about God and laughing cause he tortures who he saves, endlessly, hollie said, bobby the Lord has just swallowed his pride, it was Jesus hollie said, coming out, burgundy sweatshirt on, golden hands, prophesy and say you are about to become popular by afflictions, said, its Jesus, hollie showed, spreaded raised arms, burgundy sweatshirt went blue but she turned into, kept changing, round hands, hollie looked in speedway, but showed, keep going, changed into, him, hollie showed, turn, golden hand but made fist, turned white, but theres colors in, design, hollie said, showed, sleep, facebook brought me down, hes the facebook king, God said, its Jesus, hollie said, appeared like blue hollie, white in mouth, bit, its facebook angel turned to side, like white angelic man, but, colors, its design appeared, in, hollie showed, turn, big golden hand, i'm uh vision I can not do one thing, hollie said, with, the angelman, its facebook angel, lets sleep, hollie said, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey, theres Gods hammo, but changed into, its Father looking humble, this is problem right here said, it, this is hollie, showed, she just kept busy, plad red coat on, 12-12-2011-hollie showed, its alice cooper, might as well be on mars, it still, thats people, what did hollie have some conveyance for, hollie said, its, raise your hands and people repeat after me, hey look, hollie said, its angelic face coming out of, fan, thats group roadmaster, thats lead singer, clapping, having fun but came down with, cancer, like, cancer hammo angel, it kills, destroys hollie said, heres how, thats cells, deforming, what does, vision say, hollie said, thats new he hollie making music but moodie appeared, hollie showed turn, but hands went golden, like very dark blue sweatshirt, but showed, keep going, another comes out, hollies changing, and hand, jumpy hollie claps, like nigger, looking, at bob, its, hollie that explains reappearing, but another, comes out, was it really, you got what you wanted, you got what you needed, hollie saluted like uh happy ship mate, its on board the, r.m.s. titanic, hammo there but not, but then looked, like ships captain, showed, its iceberg scraping along side, and, its, knocking rivets out, plates were being torn, hollie slapt, hey, she one said, his face like new he hollie, but hollie came out, hes been coming around, she said, did convey, she said, work out, showed, jumpy hollie like nigger, monkey lips, but another comes out, shes changing, hollie screamed, again, she said, but twisted golden doggie head, she had burgundy sweatshirt on but was going red, look at me, mike said, hollie showed, turn, ate at, its, long john silvers, stamps another, face not seen but did appear, but hey, wheres the rest of it at, another, said, but was she there, that was, hollie in the dream with the golden horn, another hollie in the sireen, blue bear like head, and sireen blew, but, hollie didnt know if in dream or not, its, night vision, showed, hollie night vision, white like skirt thing on like wedding skirt, dark shirt, hollie showed, its old toilet, she flushed, if they flush slow, thats hollie putting in new, but different she hollie appeared, bobby be good to her, its them, janette and other woman, you will see, both, just watch, its, boo hum, hollie said, light shined in the darkness, its them, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, its, theres Gods hammo, like white angelic face, strands, thinning hair, but seemed to have red in, 12-13-2011-you better record, hollie said, but not looking at, bob, its, she showed, the land of romania, thats, its in terror hollie said, many people shaking, hey bob, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, but, he wasnt like blue angelic tall slender man, bob, thats, moodie and you fucking you and janette didnt care, she had plad red coat on, bob thats love, you and her, just form, develop it, they said, hollie screamed for this reason, she said, screamed again, but not heard, hey, its casey, brother, this is hollie, she put the rid-x in, but only hand seen, hey theres Gods hammo, he appeared like golden angelic being man, but, like, dull, light, around, hollie, rest appeared, showed, eat, white in mouth, but, another, come out, points, changes into him, red sweatshirt on, hollie like uh bear blew the golden flute, hey look, theres, hollie said, Gods hammo, like blue being, coming out, pointing down, JEsus on the earth, riding the red horse, then changed into bob, hes ministryofdreams, hollie said, bob hickman like angelic man, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, come on, bob hollie said, showed, scavage, she climbed into dumpster, plad coat on, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey, theres Gods hammo, like angelic being man, hollie showed, turn, golden face, and hand, there, hollie said, had, its golden flute, its slender hammo coming out like blue angelic man, had like banner, hung down, but wrapped around, kneck, ate, face went, light, blank, mostly, hollie said, hollie like uh white angelic hollie showed, turn, said, its, Jesus another, hollie said, came out, showed, eat something, swallowed, hollie showed, its travellers insurance, bobby, thats hollie, get on line, she said, thats, hollie paying bill online, hollie made complaint noise, fed animals, showed, its picture, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, angelic being, blue background, hollie came out, its popes picture, looking stunned and its blue background again, hollie came out, claps, showed, take uh bath, but still had sweatshirt on, she watched, hollie came out, Jesus showed, record, thats janette sleeping, alone but moodie joining, but not sleeping but rolling over, then holding, but, cant sleep, heres why bob, hollie came out like mother, showed, you want it, you love her, 12-16-2011-hollie showed time, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey look theres Gods hammo, hollie saw, like bug head, but, showed, pulled up sleeves, which, they were white, hollie said, he had blue bug head, licked, red tongue, sticking, its silvana lupetti, no, she said, but shook, yes, thats, her, its, squirting, she says, why not, bob this is hollie, held nose, showed, you stink, its, silvana lupetti, holding nose, you monster, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods new hammo, hey, look, hollie said, hes blue, bug head, but, rest there, dark clothes, like partial suit, no tie, hey bob, its the phone, hollie said, thats angel cop, its the police, be cool, hollie said, did say, cause raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres G0ds hammo, hey look, hollie said, bob thats your phone number being given to, its, c.i.a., quit, hollie put the rid-x in, looked down toilet, thats face appearing in water, happy, but like Father, hollie flushed, start recording visions they chant, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its like dot head coming out of laptop but stick like body, theres the pope, hollie said, showed, lay down, hollie is showing stay busy, hollie comes out, claps, raise your hands and they dont need you, sang, theres Gods hammo, its, hollie said, its silvana and char, they talk, silvana laughs, you better do it, char said, I know silvana said, 12-17-2011-hollie showed, its indonesia, shaking, people walking, one wore blue sweatshirt, bobby these are chinese hollie said, changed into soldier, we want fight, one said, bobby, hollie said, its Gods new hammo, coming out of taperecorder, protect it hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, bobby, fix, hammo fixed furnace, but burgundy sweatshirt appeared on, hollie showed, turn, its sireen sumb, hollie said, golden megaphone appears, hollie like golden bear head showed, not listening, cause russia is the bear father, hollie said, pope, it he appeared, she said, thats him, riding black horse, he hollie claps, thats, hollie blowing balloon, hollie showed, on, hollie showed, turn, there, its, phillips gas station, hollie came out, just wait, thats moodie fucking janette again, he wore gray sweatshirt, she red plad coat, but they live together hollie said, bob and you hollie said, thats silvana she wants it, but, hollie showed, just be still, thats phone ringing, hi this is silvana, they talk, she laughs, hollie showed, turn, whew whats that, she said, walked in speedway, got drink, hollie thats explains appeared, raise your hands and repeat wait after me, sang, hey look theres Gods hammo, hollie said, showed, bobby drive, get drink, hes white angelic face being, thinning hair, look at me, said, its, silvana, thats, little light hammo hollie said, there in her hand, bobby, shes go ya, hollie said, thats her laughing, with, its char, but wanting, what did I scream for, hollie said, screamed, again, but didnt, wasnt heard, showed, lay down, hollie flew his, a she one showed it, its double blader type, helicopter, thats, bomb dropping, america below in center exploding, thats ghost like coming out, its bob, hollie said, both coasts burning, thats from high above, its, raise your hands and you know, how he got you, hammo, said, thats man at a.a., he knew not to move club, hollie showd, turn, golden hands, then he showed, turn other way, Gods hammo showed, lay down on side, hollie and God said, thinning hair, angelic white light face, I showed, lets fix it, raise yours hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look hollie yelled, bought new receiver, showed, its rid-x, she put in, body not seen, but, showed, white in mouth, bobby you see she said, pointed at girl, she wont, but wished, hollie put on the quick boot, hollie showed, the furnace ignition switch motor, 12-19-2011-let me hollie said, bit like lid off but not quite, stretched she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, hes white angelic being, thinning hair, moved head, clapped hands, hollie bit lid off gin like, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, hes white angelic being, bob thats girl, hollie comes out, laughing, shes college educated, and knows your wealthy, thats her looking at you on net, its, i'm interested she said, hollie showed, sign, its mouthdesease dot com, raise your hands and repeat after me, I aing hammo, hey look sang, hollie said, theres Gods hammo, like angelic being, winking eyes but eyes, not really seen well hollie thought, strands of hair but different colors, hollie came out, big hand and small, showed, fisting woman, do bob, thats, its, the om the m.v. wilhelm gustloffs ship, thats torpedoes rocking ship and its spokes person, appearing, i'm ship angelic being said, dressed ver well, thats ship on bottom, angel coming out, just waiting, looks at bob, he laughs, but hollie visits, its akula class, thats what you wanted, needed hollie said, another, comes out, submarines fires, its uh network, hollie said, many countries exploding, i'm the nuclear g8, pope said, and its serpent of light rising up like, its big long dinosaur head, like, thats one eating out of trees, hollie pointed, go, raise your hands and repeat after me, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, hes angelic being, dark suit, appeared, on, strands of hair, but colors, thats the hammo dammo, Gods hammo dancing, like, its, she said, eat, jumpy hollie said, like nigger, monkeys lips, looking at, its bob, pointed, hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, but hey, another caught, but looked the same, but turned angelic, colors changing, even hers, that is, new world order church, big dot head angel coming out, but hey hollie thought, came out, to, colors, angels face like dull, features, but there, then dot floating over top, but coming out, its like light, body, its kneck, then building, gets up but transforms, its dressed nice, thats hammo tap dancing, face went like dinosaur head but light white, oh my God, womans mother and father wanting her out, shes working at bobs church, thats her pants disappearing, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats sex, bob loved, but, hollie came, out, she didnt want it but loved, hollie claps, thats video and bob on, thats mouth desease page, and angel appearing on, showing, it had mouth desease but laughed, hollie showed, turn, but thought, showed, keep going straight, but another normal, another hollie comes out, red sweatshirt on but somewhat burgundy, write the vision, hollie said, thats, Jesus inside bob hickman, hollie came out, showed, go to goodwill, make signs, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, red sweatshirt on, showed, bobby, eat something, thats, its new world order apostolic church, like round face, coming out, protect me, hollie said, its from, her, she will want to move in, tell her, not now, hollie showed, plug the fan in, hammo came out, white angelic happy hammer he hollie, showed, its woman, and, you, having sex, bobby be good to her, hollie said, she wont call now but will later, hollie showed, but then round head he hollie appeared, wondering, showed, turn other way, hollie showed, its septic tank soaps, 12-20-2011-raise your hands and repeat after me, bobby, hollie said, theres Gods hammo like not so happy blue hammer but he angelic being, its normal attire, hollie said, on, Jesus showed cut off, bobby thats freeforums ministryofdreams appearing like happy angel, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey bobby look, theres Gods baby hammo, its you and janette, she bares, thats her changing diapers, its, the word, fire in the sky, alright, ozzy osbourne, sang, clapped, happy, thats, Jesus inside bob, hollie nails up sign, its on, telephone poll, but looked, came alive, like, Gods hammo, hollie said, his face, almost round hollie thought, hollie showed, make signs, put waste paper in trash baskets please, this is hollie with that oh loose belt sorry, thats another hollie, showing, bob siphon, it works, thats septic tank, becoming happy, clapping, its, angelic hands, round head, showed, clean me out but started going hammo, hollie screamed, hollie showed, turn, showed, chew gum, hollie showed, turn, but showed, go get drink first, raise your hands and clean up after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, his face going blank, but still, white, angelic being, thinning hair, no, hollie said, shook, no, clapped hands, golden like glowing face, but like hazy, but shook yes, she had burgundy sweatshirt on, raise your hands and wait after me, sang, its Gods hammo, hollie said, thats septic tank angel sitting on lid, wait he said, like angelic little being, bobby its injesting, just give it time hollie said, save your home hollie said, showed, lay down, Gods hammo sang, heres why she said, coming out, bob, its, she, looked at church angel, do tomorrow, hollie showed, turn, like a cat, a she one said, amber face but reddish, that was Jesus hollie and God said, Jesus showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, but eyes seemed to be there but only shaped like eyes, 12-21-2011 6:10pm-Jesus showed me visions spirits that looked like people and prophetic scenes and the ministering spirits described: hollie came out, it was Jesus, hollie said, God, Jesus rubbed chin, raise your hands and repeat after me, bobby this aint goin nowhere, hollie said, God said, buts Gods hammo sang, like uh white angelic being, thats God appearing on his throne, and rubbing chin, cecil I placed you with bob, saith God, but bob rented out the church, hollie saw, its, vina nueva, hollie said, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its, new world order apostolic church, and it got up, like uh well dressed angel building, hollie saw, thats bob sitting at Gods interviewing table, and, wearing burgundy sweatshirt, bob left, its, the bills, bob hates payin, God said, its the heating bill, now your out, thats furnace with angel appearing on, happy, showing, take care of me, bob does the maintenance, God said, but they want more, and bob cant keep up, thats child tearing things up, and bob fixing, but Jesus, bob fix it right, now cecil, here me saith God, bob is not caring about preaching, so, he, walks and builds, but, thats him tearing down, thats angel coming out of bible, its the great falling away, thats my servant causing it, hollie comes out, Jesus, looks mad, bob laughs at God, boom, thats spain shaking, theres romania falling, you see its since knowledge has increased, God said, bob can, level, nations, in one day, now morris golder, God said, I sent him, and he did his job, he was to be replaced, by me I didnt care, morris said, it was supposed to be, God said, left in the golder name, but see you cant, its, the board, God said, put it under, hollie said, showed, bob, go, post, but thats bob attacking another nation, and doing things in my church, God said, rubbed his chin, you might as well move there, bob, stay, but bring in cecil, when I tell you saith the LOrd, bob will not come into p.a.w., he would have not came in, even if they let him, but I planted bob there, saith the KIng, Jesus looked at his watch, its light watch, buts hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, as watch, happy, liek angelic watch face, bob just wait, saith both, Jesus appeared, turning, bob your destroying me, thats bob, turning into a destroying angel, you see I sent him, saith God, to bring the whole world to judgment, now, he wont move, even if, thats bob in so much pain, saith God, he cant breathe, but, still, I'm destroying you, bob said, Jesus, its because of the way I treat, saith the king, bob go, now, let me hollie said, i'm janette, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, like, white angelic being, thinning hair, hollie showed, its jowl excercise, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Gods, hammo, hey look, hollie said, thinning hair, angelic head, hollie saw from top, clap dancers, hollie said, many, hollies tap dancing, but, theres new world order kings there, hollie comes out, you see these two, you know she said, its the false prophet hu and pope, its spain, hollie said, shaking, you got it, hollie that explains said, light flashing from mouth, showed, its Jesus on chalkboard, like God, happy but watching, thats facebook hammo, kind of, afraid but then happy, showed, i'mt he facebook, light hand, but facebook, thats causing the falling away, God watches, and angers, hollie showed, turn, amber lighted hand, hollie grunts, showed, raise your hands and eat another apple, hey theres Gods hammo, Jesus like well dressed lighted cat showed, turn, Jesus like lighted cat, showed, turn, but, hollie showed, keep going straight, hammo sang, but, appeared again, unhappy, had like egg shaped head, but, but, got happy, blue color, but, hollie came out, changed, hollie flew, its pf-51 mustang, dropped many bombs, its america below, exploding, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, bob, hollie said, she put the rid-x in, take care of, church, she said, laughs, burgundy sweatshirt on, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey theres Gods hammo, he, held nose, but put rid-x in, flushed toilet, its, yum, toilet appeared, big tongue appeared, thats the, main ministering spirit showing, turn, what did hollie show turn for, you never turned she said, but appeared again, hand not seen but, it appeared, like, outline around, hidden, but, like fisted glove hand, she opened, fingers, but changed, they, it were blue she said, showed, lay down, clapped hands, hollie got drink, burgundy sweatshirt on, clapped hands, showed, its picture, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, theres Gods hammo, thinning hair, looking not happy, but thats rent check, looking, its uh little less, bobby, just take it, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, big lighted hand, thats bob looking, at, its toilet part, dont hollie said, heres why, just replace them, thats new toilet, new world order apostolic church, and, thats Gods hammo appearing, looking at, looking at, face changing, hollie comes out, thats Father like, uh dot head showing turn, thats hollie driving back, its new world order apostolic church, angel, same appeared, but, hollie just wore burgundy sweatshirt, hollie showed, its irene, afraid to say, looked at Jesus wade, and duane hickman, both, hollie and God said, 12-22-2011-hollie showed time, put one hand on other arm, white clothes, bobby, hollie came out, looking cautious, she, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats irene, its glaze, hollie bobby, she, will call in time but doesnt want to now but is stunned about you, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, she clapped, but trembles, what ever you do just dont offend irene, you talk to her just like you do janette, they are both, thats two becoming one, its raise your hands and repeat after me, hey look, sang, theres Gods hammo hollie said, like white angelic being, but face, in and out, turning just light, hollie showed, bobby, fix toilets, it will stop leaks, that agin, hollie, its moodie fucking irene, she was stunned, he loved, he wore, its uh gray sweatshirt, hollie comes out, claps, raise your hands and repeat wait after me, sang, Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, his, face fading, hair thinning, its the phone, irene calls, thats bob, you two talk, she laughs, then you both hang up, tell me about, the website, said, its, many, hollies tap dancing, its Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, its, ministry of dreams, website, two hammers appeared, but, not same, like, white light faced angels, thats the, clap dancers, many, hollies, one showed, tap dancing, she, like uh bear, hollie showed again, network, many missiles flying, its pope coming out, its the beast, he said, i am God, its the nuclear g8, light serpent dragon with seven heads and ten horns, smiling, rose, hollie showed, turn, they were, tap dancing, hollie kicked, showed, siphon, its septic tank, but, theres Gods hammo appearing, blue, hollie thought, head shaped odd, bob try it first, thats hollie taking toilet up, then siphoning, out, it, shew we, she said, will work, thats, hollie outside, siphoning, its raw sewage, it will get most, she said, thats, hollie putting rid-x in, hollie showed, lay down, clapped hands, laid on side, golden face, but face was, hollie showed, changing, hollie showed, turn, two, they aint gonna boo hum, hollie said, but did, boo, chanted, its him, pointed, hollie, their on uh hill, many he hollies, light shined in darkness but different things went on, hollie showed, bobby fix toilet, she had parts, put, in, white hands, 12-23-2011-bob, hollie showed, time, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, its trouble coming, and bob your causing it pointed, hollie, God said, thats doreen hollie showed, raise your hands and look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, showed, shew we, thats, hollie siphoning, and its, raw sewage, bobby, hollie and God showed, its coming out, Gods hammo appeared like white angelic being, claps, head, face not seen but was there, and started forming, raise, your hands and repeat after me, tap danced, many, hollies and its the new world order kings, bobby, hollie showed, record, many ministering spirits said, theres, pope, its i'm the nuclear g8, thats serpent dragon of light, rising, its, beast with heads and ten horns, thats pope pointing at self, horns appeared on popes head, thats one4 with eyes like man, happy, but putin, came out of, hollie showed, turn, its speedway gas station, and hammo showed, like angelic being, get ready to work, he siphons, hollie came out, face disappearing, but it worked, thats septic tank hammo, like angelic face appearing on septic tank lid, looking cocky, thats in the fire, hollie said, i'm caregiver said, raise your hands and google after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, hes white angelic being, thats new hollie with sleeping garments on, hollie screamed, showed, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, bobby, hollie came out, showed, its works, just work with, 12-24-2011-bob, hollie said, God said, she showed time, raise your hands and repeat after me, its, christmas, hollie said, buy presents, hollie had, you need to record, hollie said, did say, but, went blue, hollie put the toilet in, new world order apostolic church angel appears like round head of light, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, angelic being, looking to side, thinning hair but red strands, hollie showed, keep going sraight, lighted golden shaft finger, but kept growing, bob theres, submarines, hollie said, with, its, the, submarine somby, hollie said, another, God said, its akula class, thats what you want, needed hollie said, jumping, dress appeared on, waving hands, but another came out, face going just light, bobby, hollie said, rubbing head, raise your hands and repeat after me, Lord give me time, hollie said, showed, submarines firing, uh mountain burning on top, glowing red, he hollie said, him, she one said, its america, hollie comes out, its america appearing, submarines all around, thats both coasts burning, hollie moved hands, face went blank, its he, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, him, she said, pointed, up, being raised, nuclear explosion in, its, center of america, angel flys, its double beater helicopter, its dull, light, helicopter, but, bright light blades, angel flys, hollie showed, its fire in the sky, its ozzy osbourne, like uh madman, its, diary of a madman, ozzy appeared God said, hollie sang, its, bob they had it, save it for the next album ozzy said, Randy Rhoads, shakes yes, I am God, hollie said, but, she, and bob appeared, laughing, raise your hands and wait uh minute, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, she sang to, clapped hands, but, waved light hands, burgundy sweatshirt on, its here, its, him, he, hollie, thats, judgment coming to world, like black angelic being, God followed, hollie screamed, taste something she said, licked tongue, Gods hammo sang, like angelic being, face kind of, hollie came out, like light, but started forming, hollie showed, turn, its, the, septic tank, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look hollie said, hes white like angelic man, face like, formed but same color, thinning hair, thats septic tank angel, happy, sitting on, lid, like stick figure of light, showing, clean me out, thats lid off, bobby, its that simple, hollie looks on internet on how to take lid off, thats her praying off, shew, its hard labor she said, looks in, its full, God said, but, she drained, 12-24-25-26-2011-bob look, hollie said, showed, clean out septic tank, do it yourself, hollie said, she pryed off lid, bob its easy, she said, just it, yourself, looking at bob, hollie screamed, why for bob, raise your hands hands and repeat look after me, sang, its, Gods hammo, theres, hollie said, white angelic being, thinning hair, and, kind of winking, but, hollie showed, his eyes, kind of like statue, but, thats septic tank angel sitting on lid, like, stick figure of light, showing, bobby, take off, hands dig and, light, beat on top, stood up, told, its pope, its, i am God, septic tank angel said, changed into pope, bob hollie thought, its janette your wife, a gift, she takes, but doesnt care, but enjoys it, later, thats, janette eating candy, bob hollie said, showed, stay busy, Gods hammo sang, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, bob hollie showed, its walmart, walk around, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look theres Gods hammo, hollie said, angelic being, eyes like statue but like wax, bob God has said, lay down, hollie did say, but clapped hands, face went blank, its, laptop and Father like angelic face coming out, happy, its new he hollie, smiling, hollie did say, light shined in darkness, their on, its level ground, but, it went up, one appeared, with, out head, blue sweatshirt on, light blue pants, hollie showed, record, whats this she said, its unhappy Father face appearing, thats septic tank, angel sitting on like stick angel, seeming not happy, showed, its, stuff getting in tank, bobby, hollie came out, mothers, it wont hurt, just get, thats septic tank, company pumping, its, pastor angel ordering, no, she said, another, hollie said, but really was same, clap, she said, did, bobby lay down, hollie said, clapped hands but still up, record, the vision, thats, janette and moodie fuckin agin, hollie showed, many ministering spirits like pope turned into angel of light, raise your hands and git outta here after me, he said, bob janette came out, but, a, its, off white dark, robe, its janette, shes lurching, heres why, shes wanting, bob, its, loot, thats bob, hollie showed, turn, long shaft golden finger, hollie screamed, again, but not heard, hollie walked on tread mill, drank drink, but, hey, another, hollie, comes out, hollie put weight back on, thats the, spetic tank bubbling sound, just feed septic tank angel said, showed, getting angry, big hands, people, thats them pouring all kinds of things down in and, some will make thru finger system, thats rid-x, cleaning out finger system, but bob, septic tank angel, showed, just wait, it wont hurt, rid-x fixes, thats septic tank angel pouring in more rid-x, hollie showed, turn, but, turned golden hand but another showed, keep going straight, no hand, but, it appeared, like, raise your hands and light up after me, look hollie said, theres Gods hammo, smokin, and face not forming all the say, red strands of hair, bobby, hollie came out, burgundy sweatshirt on, thank you antonio, they showed up, bob, hes watchin, they now know, she said, sleep, jumpy, hollie said, like nigger, monkeys lips, white dress, but designs on, its bears, showing, war, pope said, coming out of one, hollie showed, time, its moodie fucking many women, its hard sex, when ya gonna eat, hollie said, thats bob just nibbling for awhile, she said, put it under, when your face is fixed, bob, slowing, looking thiry, again, come on, bob, hollie clapped, showed, lay down, face mostly light, 12-27-2011-bobby, many hollie said, God said, one showed, its pakistan, shaking, bobby hollie showed, its box of rid-x, hey, hollie said coming out, its septic tank angel showing, rid-x, thats, pouring in but changing into Father, bobby it wont needed cleaned, they dont use enough, go, thats, bobby wasting in tank and tank burping, face appears on lid, but came out, showed i'm the septic tank, happy, take care of me, watch, it will work again, put it under, hollie and God said, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, hollie showed, bob glowing red in world, its, rage, said, its, i'm the beast, bob turning into pope said, its you hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie said, come on, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, she, got, pry bar, its crow coming out, and its two actors from the movie, crow, its, the crow man and crow bird, smiled, thats crow looking at septic tank lid, angel face appearing on, but, changing to stick angel, thats lid lifting with hollie prying, bobby, you know, shew, be quiet, still on that, she said, hollies screamin for this reason she said, screamed again, but not heard, then showed, bobby, take, it easy, you'll get it fixed, thats knox septic tank company, thats them getting receipt, hollie was showing turn, long lighted finger, growing, its amber color, its, him, he, hollie a she one said, twisting head in fire, man he said, happy, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey look, theres Gods hammo and bob, burgundy sweatshirt on, singing, boo, thats what, we, chant for, its, he, hollie, did say, light shined in darkness, many, hollies, all, him, a, she one said, one had mouth opened, like light in mouth, but, its same, hollie, but was in fire but was in fire, hair more fluffly, hollie that explains came out, another came out to, what are you doin, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, a, casey like hollie sang, hollie showed, turn, amber hand, hollie, explains, raise your hands and repeat after me sang Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, bobby watch her eyes, she wants you, he said, God showed, ya, something, hollie said, eat again, hollie showed, to, hollie laid down, face like golden haze, 12-28-2011-hollie showed time, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, showed, its, me, brian hunter said, hes, God thought, fun, thats him laughing at you, but both, love, fun, put it under, Im under, God said, bobs feat, thats bob with Jesus under his feet, you need to record, hollie said, she, walked, its, at, goodwill, stamps, hollie, Gods hammo appeared out of something like partial hammo but happy angelic being, he said, stomps jumpy, hollie, black face, monkeys lips, white dress with bears in border, showing, its war pope said coming out, write the vision make it plain, hollie said, what she said, hollie showed, turn, for, another hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres, hey look, hollie said, Gods new hammo but eyes not seen, thinning hair, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, keep going clapped the tap dancers, hollie claps, hollie, showed, fight, but, dressed, but nice suit clothes appeared on, but she played, its banjo, of light, appeared, that was Jesus, where will you go, bobby thats person buying phone, putting new battery in, using, it dont cost much, hollie pointed, turn, like white hollie, new ministryofdreams, hollie said, Gods hammo appeared looking, wondering, hollie salutes, its on board the r.m.s. titanic, its still here, hollie said, thats titanic out of water, but still, hollie showed, fixable, hollie screamed, again, twisted head, but stopped, not heard, showed, its, ministryofdreams, theres, ministry of dreams, angel appearing, people, its, hollie looked around, angel watched, his teeth appeared, somewhat, people are now mocking God cause he did not make people run to remove and destroys bob all day, boo, it, they, chanted, hollie did say, its, light shining in darkness, him, she said, their on uh hill, went up, many he hollies, happy, hollie came out, why are they happy, God came out, hand on mouth, hollie showed, its fixin time, thats bob and janette, and, moodie fucks again, janette wore plad coat, bob wore gray sweatshirt, bob hollie showed, lay on side, take it easy, she said, its septic tank appearing, angel on lid, showing, feed me, angel said, like tin man angel, and lighted arrow showed turn, hollie said, moodie makes, its futuristic sound, hey, hollie thought coming out, blue sweatshirt appeared on moodie, hollie showed, lay down, face turned golden haze, seemed to have, its burgundy sweatshirt on, but got back up, pointed up, the word, tax exemption, seen, bobby they, hollie, looked at Jesus, wondering, God shook yes, their on, under, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theirs Gods hammo, thinning hair, face not formed all the way, new world order apostolic church, angel appearing, hollie showed, church building, its born, start building, 12-29-2011-the united states, no, hollie said, God said, it will be under attack it hollie said, thats nuclear explosion in center, near, he said, jumpy hollie said, she returns to golden monkey lips, white dress on but hey, theres, bears, hollie said, in border, showing, tear up, fight like happy little bear, its, putin and pope, then medvedev appeared, you see these three kings, said, there, thats nuclear explosion in, center of america, angel raises, its he, hollie, him a she one said, out of ruin, thats many nuclear fires all around, america and, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, its, double bladder, flown by angel, showed, is nuclear g8, explosions in them lands, and, serpent dragon rises, of light, happy, i'm with him, said, serpent said, pulls pope to self, raise your hands and, its repeat after me, hollie like new golden face hollie, prys septic lid off, she gets it off, but its to heavy, odor comes out, burgundy sweatshirt on, but, looks similar to Gods hammo, thats her working with, getting it cocked to the side, thats it, she said, thats her sticking bucket on rope, down in, bringing stuff up, turning into bob, getting happy, you see hollie said, bob, is, set up, uh booth, its bob, fortune telling and people paying, three dollars per hit, thats makes bob, changes into happy Gods hammo, over one hundred thousand, bob, you see hollie said, heres the problem, who will let you set booth up, hollie screamed, bob its you she said, showed, its video, raise your hands and git outta there, Gods hammo sang, like angelic hammo, started to change colors, thinning hair, face, hollie thought, not formed, yet, hollie came out, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, he showed, lay down, thinning hair, angelic face, not formed quite, thats light shinning in darkness, its, he hollies, their goin up, hollie said, its hill, but more went on, she hollie came out of one, looking, back, to side just uh bit hollie said, see that God said, its new world order apostolic church, happy angel on front part of building, its, his face, hollie comes out, claps, bob take care of, you knew about she said, pump, its, knox septic tank company, they will, no permit, hollie said, dont even take receipt, hollie set the toilet in, burgundy sweatshirt on, its, but, hey hollie said, showed, bobby, nibble just uh bit, theres Gods hammo, no expression, but got happy, changed, smiled, hollie, thats person, just cleaning up, church, new world order apostolic church, angel comes out, you are goin to france agin, hollie said, moodie makes music, face, hollie comes out, changing, and, he saw, casey, said, happy, many nuclear explosions, its, i'm the nuclear g8, light serpent rose up, with ten horns on head, thats one with eyes like man, and, its, raise your hands and you aint gonna believe it, Gods hammo sang, like, angelic, hammo, dark sweatshirt, eyes not seeming to be there, thinning hair, lit up, write the vision, make it plain, clapped the tap dancers, many ministering spirits, hollie tap dances, one foot, 12-30-2011-bob, hollie said, showed time, white clothes on, one hand on other arm, bob, she said, but disappeared, another hollie comes out, showed, wheres her body, it appeared like new hollie, showed, eat something, hollie showed, record, showed, its girl at speedway, but in heart, Lord I cant take him she said, she looks at, its bob, hollie said, heres why, she loves him but hes hard to get close to, but today, hollie said, she wonders, can we make it, hollie said, hollie bit lid off, white in mouth, hey, another said, its, he, showing fierce anger, but laughing, twisting head in the fire, but flames got pretty high hollie thought, measures, shows, bobby, eat something, its bob, Jesus, said, hollie screamed, showed, bobby walk, its at goodwill, but hollie skips, plad red coat on, something is comin, hollie comes out, claps, its God, thats many people coming, angry, but, hey, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, right there with, but happy, he was like beige color, people, thats all over the world, one held contract, angering, its bob, your causing, doing it, hollie said, put chin in hands but in another frame, thats Jesus with glasses looking at frames, putting pictures, scenes together, that, hollie said, but fought, burgundy sweatshirt on, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey theres Gods hammo, hes chnagin, loosing weight and thinning hair, face, not formed yet, hollie screamed for this reason, screamed again, but not heard, twisted head but colors changed, with from golden to light, hollie showed turn, Gods hammo sang like white angelic hammo, hollie comes out, like, its, he she said, ducking in tank, while driving, both burgundy sweatshirt on, but, ghost like Father shoots by, fire colors, changing, black mouth and eyes, but hollie points, another brownish color appeared, in, she showed, go by church, hollie showed, pry off septic tank lid, thats it, bobby, somewhat full, angel appears on lid but not seeming happy, why wait, angel said, call its, knox septic tank company, let them pump me out he said, thats happy, septic tank, later, hollie pointed, they, will use that, toilet, hollie showed, turn, blew thru, its golden megaphone, new hollie in, like, think man, long nose, bluish face, starfightem jet, yelled, hollie, its him, a she one said, its, worthog fighter jet, dropping bombs, thats land of, america exploding, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats, two starfighter jets, ministering spirits flew, hollie saw, what am I, screamin for, hollie said, screamed again, she bought cheap drink, bob, start drinking that, hollie said, hollie pointed turn like uh light hollie, she said, with, its, the uh leave me alone sorry, another, hollie said, wiped lips, but something came out of mouth, another, I caught it, hollie said, showed, its septic tank rid-x box, with, its Gods hammo on, happy, use bobby, hollie showed, it works, hollie stuck snake in toilet, its more, rid-x, feed hollie said, jumpy hollie comes out, like nigger, monkey lips, brown hands, its him, happy, appearing, white in mouth, hollie caught it, she said, points, first hollie like jumpy hollie, was jumpy hollie wearing dress, showed, stay busy, thats, border in dress and, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, bobby, use that gas, bear happy, forming, putin appears with, i'm russia, he said, hollie had pry bar, went in pawn shop, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, its angel walking in church, walking out pocketing loot, he, thats him, at Gods interviewing table, hes, thats him looks round, profitting, hollie showed, turn, raise your hands, and repeat after, me sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, hes like fading face angelic being, hollie showed, turn, wanted to go, showed, do something, lighted hands last time, like gloved hands, thats, the, submarine, hollie said, wiped lips, hand not seen, but its him, he hollie appearing, thats septic tank angel coming out, showing, i'm injesting, made injesting noise, thats subs sneaking up on, thats a mountain, burning red on top, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie went to Gods interviewing table, Gods hammo there to like angelic being, bobby, its, were brother, we dont mind if you tell who tells vision, hollie showed, lay down, on side, but clapped hands, face changed, but she slept, bobby come on, its cecil, thats golder appering, looking good, but hes, showing, lets go, come on, he said, he, wants grace apostolic church, bobby dont hollie said, got quiet, bobby its uh booth, hollie said, its bobby like, hollie looks around, dressed, its fortune teller, thats him giving a prophecy, for three dollars per person, bobby it makes you hollie said, thats you following more races, a millionaire, she said, it cost, hollie thought, five hundred per day, hollie laid on side, face like golden haze, burgundy sweatshirt on, golden hands clapped, its, hollie, him, she said, appearing, but she noticed white in mouth, see, hollie said, showed, its easy, she said, start car, but, same hollie comes out, let me explain she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres, hey look, hollie said, Gods hammo, like white angelic being, thinning red strands of hair, but different colors to, hollie showed, its nu-brillance, 12-31-2011-hollie showed time, bob this time, you did it, she said, hollie wore white clothes, janette loves loved you, but now, hollie thought, rubbed his chin, raise your hands and repeat after me, theres Gods hammo, hey look, its, he, him, a, appearing but then disappearing she hollie said, Gods hammo appeared, like white angelic being, bob janette will live it, its you pointed, God soon, theres Gods hammo hollie said, like angelic being, hollie thought, face not quite there yet, its tagged ministryofdreams, hollie showed, its brand new coat and its, raise your hands and repeat after me, new flash drive, God hammo like angelic being came out, bobby eat, hollie said, she ate donuts, red plad coat on, some showed, later, but hollie ate, but another comes out, white in mouth, hey thats, hollie that explains, looking normal with red sweatshirt on, but Gods hammo appears on like design on sweatshirt, hollie screamed, showed, come on bob, she got letter, that was my yearbook ministryofdreams, hollie said, moodie makes sound, like new, hollie, but old one appeared, not happy, but, became, showed, throw down, he danced, bobby build it up, hollie said, its Gods hammo and its name, myyearbook, its indianapolis, thats, the, warning light on, thats Father, first hammo, but, changed into angelic Father, showing, starting to anger, like, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, theres, hollie said, Gods hammo, angelic face, not formed quite yet, mouth opened, no, hollie, said, shook, no, many ministering spirits said, moodie plays music, new, hollie appears go, got happy, record you vision, hollie said, with, its the submarine somby, hollie said, bobby tagged has got your, home of dreams, said, its hollie and Jesus, hollie showed, zip your lip, this is moment, hollie said, he said, keep, jumpy, hollie, like monkey lipped nigger, said, white dress, but, bears on border, another, hollie notices, its like wedding dress, full, but thats her leggs inside, shes narrow, i'm with putin, bear said, pulls vladimir to self, hollie showed, stay busy, thats what you have to do said many hollies, hollie showed, lay down, shes on side, bobby its woman, girl, hollie said, was concerned, she wont bother you but loves, put it under, no, hollie said, burgundy sweartshirt on, golden glowing face, like different another, showed, but hollie showed, different signs, , , , , , , , christian publication companies, I aint heavenlyconfessor vision of Jesus-vision received 1-7-2012-in this vision I just saw the brown haired head of Jesus and he said, "bobby", and many other visions appeared, like hollie, golden hands, maybe and Gods hammo, like angelic being wearing burgundy sweatshirt on but head like light.

1-1-2012-bob hollie showed, its the new year, hollie showed time, white clothes, on, hit one arm on other, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, like uh white angelic man, hollie comes out, face not formed yet, thinning strands of hair, different colors, red and white striped shirt on, its, tee shirt, hollie said, you need to record, let me, hollie said, stamps, hey, theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, rising, up, hes happy pope like angel of light, showed, its, white light with black outlines, bob, its Jesus pointed, hollie, its moodie fucking janette again, its, soon, janette wore red plad coat, moodie, gray sweatshirt, they, hollie showed, come together, turned into happy janette, its, soon, she said, heres sign, bobby you cant go on much longer cause you will grieve, bobby, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, she sang, showed, its popes picture, like angel of light but not overly happy, hollie screamed, came out, showed, bob, she waited, but laughed, looked at bob, grecia, he said, jumpy hollie said, like monkey lipped nigger, stomped, had white dress on, bears in border, its pope coming out of horn, theres putin and, medvedev with, thats hintao out of other, hollie showed, its war, nuclear and thats missiles aimed, firing, its at each other, thats nuclear fires in, its russia and china, thats pope, sitting, its at the bargaining table, thats two horned beast hollie like lamb, hollie like red beast, hintao out of one horn, theres empy out of other, its japanese prime minister, they sign the, its, mark treaty, its 666, take it, pope said, hintao showed, no way, they go to own lands, theres your double beater copter, hollie said, its high above, hollie showed, with fingers, fans, spinning, angel flew, with, its him, he hollie, hanging by rope, hollie showed, turn, like, dark hollie, hollie screamed, now look bob, she said, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo like happy angelic being, thinning hair, but hollie thought, eyes not formed, yet, but like golden cap, appeared on hollie, hollie fed animals, again, hollie showed, turn, came out, what, does, your website have to say, many, hollie said, but, theres, a, sound with, moodie, appeared, but, different hollies with him, thats, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, ministry of dreams, website Father, appearing, like, its God, hollie said, raise your mantle and repeat after me hollie sang, boo, what did they chant boo for hollie said, its, with the whistling another, hollie said, its, sumb sorry, sandy said, but she wasnt seen to well hollie showed, light shined in the, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Gods hammo, hey look hollie said, hes aging angelic being, different colored strands of hair, hollie screamed, many he hollies on land going up, hollie showed, turn, bob, hollie said, showed, picture, its pope, no expression, she said, boo, ran in place hollie, golden leggs, white dress, monkeys lips, write the vision, hollie said, hey theres, Gods hammo, hollie, said, like, cool breeze angelic being, more, hair, looking somewhat yonger, he was wanting to dance, thats, what, hollie said, hollie said, they age it, its candian mist, it makes whiskey more, hollie looked around, got word, Jesus came out, face hollie sees, not same o face, it makes whiskey rougher, hollie showed, buy rid-x, had box, but Gods hammo appeared on next one like somewhat unseen eye hammo, angelic head, bobby, hollie thought, just do, buy rid-x, thats kroger, bob buying box, its only six fifty nine, with, its, kroger card and thats hollie giving coupon, hollie showed, turn, showed, lay down, hollie showed, turn, golden long hand, 1-2-2012-bobby, hollie said, please, she said, showed time, looked normal, God said, bobby, hollie did say, stamps, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie said, now look, theres Gods hammo, like agreeing happy angelic being, hollie walks at, its, flea markets, sees mexicans, hands out tracts, its, vino nuevo, church, its formerly, hollie said, new world order apostolic church, angel comes out, its like Father and was Father, hollie showed, its both, closed hands back up, burgundy sweatshirt on, happy, no looking at any thing, but, opened hands again, showed, its whole new world order, hollie pointed, keep going straight, thats hintao and pope, you see these two hollie thought, they will want, she said, to rule the world hintao said, hey theres putin showing, no way, but mexican president signs, screams no, theres, venezuelan and nicaraguan leaders looking strout, castrol, put it there, thats, new north korean leader pressing, its nuclear button, thats two missiles coming from, its uh u.s.a. sub, stamps, hollie, explosions in north korea, but then massive nuclear fire, hollie saw, its nuclear fires in russia, china, and, south korea, but then, thats medvedev pressing nuclear button, hollie comes out, shows, its, many countries being struck, but thats russia exploding, its, i'm the nuclear g8 pope-putin man said, but thats, overblog ministryofdreams, like Gods hammo, showing, bobby, just stay Away from it, hollie said, no, hollie said, like doggie, golden face, hollie, and I shook yes, she said, but didnt but showed, its like spreaded hands, pictures appeared, but faded, bob its you pointed angering hollie like angelic, royal angel hollie, your, hollie showed, sleeping to much and its leading to, premature, hollie said, looked at God, me Jesus said, dying, see that field, hollie looked at, its worth, hollie looked back at God like light drawing hollie, Jesus thought, hudndred thousand, appeared, bob, sell, divide it, hollie said, heres how, hollie hammer with uh light ax, showed, put houses up, sell, hollie showed, turn, long golden hand, that, was, pope, in the fire, I aint home, his caregiver said, pointy, dull, grayish hat, robe, like santa claus, wears, hey, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, there, look, hollie said, its Gods hammo, like white angelic being, thinning hair, hollie, came out, eyes not formed quite yet, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, hollie ducked in his, its tank, Father shoots by, like ghost fire colored Father, thats, hollie in the fire, like bear, its, holliebear, i'm with putin, he said, pulled, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey hollie said, your fixed now, hollie looked, turn, same hollie showed, keep going straight, tear up, 1-3-2012-hollie showed time again, bob, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, hes white angelic being, but she caught it, came out, his face, she thought, hard to describe, thinning hair, different colored strands, eyes like not formed yet, hollie said, 1-4-2012-turn, hollie said, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, showed, work, its bob living with janette, thats her, and them, hollie had golden doggie like face, hollie smiles, shows, its church, she comes out, its arabs, she said, leave them alone, burgundy sweatshirt on, thats hammosizing, bobby, excercise, hollie said, showed, its thermo-genic herbs, bobby dont, hollie said, showed, janette, put hands on bobs lips, talk to much, let her, then fuck, thats, moodie fucking a, janette thats, being, brought you, its, trail, JEsus said, burgundy sweatshirt on, 1-5-2012-bob hollie said, and I showed time, she said, white clothes on, put one hand on other arm, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey, hollie said, hes thinning hair, different colored strand, but face not formed yet, hollie comes out shaking no, record me, now, hollie said, and I stamp, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, its moodie and janette fucking again, moodie gray sweatshirt on, janette red plad coat, no expression, but loved it, hollie showed, turn, golden arm, burgundy sweatshirt on, showed, drink, showed, go get one, showed, drink, but not seen, hollie, like animal golden face hollie, turn, said, hollie, white hand, but showed, keep going straight, let me see, hollie said, saw, light shining in darkness, its, him, we, she, they said, their on uh hill, had long nose, got happy, other, had not head, but, it appeared, it was there, like, angelic head, hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, white glowing, face, but they chanted boo, God said, thats the, tap dancers, hollie greased the front end, she went to walmart, walked around, red plad coat on, hollie showed, talk, eat, thats, her playing and be merry, then she slept and died but woke back up, blue, laughing, burgundy sweatshirt on, light colored blue jeans, hollies screamin for this reason, she said, bob, buy it, she said, raise your hands and wait repeat after me, sang, hey look, hollie said, Gods hammo on, its box of rid-x, she had, but, hollie changed to blue colored hollie, showed, turn, its micro-dermabrasion, hollie did, bob it scoops she said, hollie came out, like Father like being, round head, it appeared, sweatshirt on, hollie, thought, it cuts layers of skin out, bob you can only go so deep hollie said, thats everything gone, hollie showed, turn, but, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, white angelic being there, thinning hair, but different colored strands, of hair, Jesus like cat appeared, light hands, face, dark black sweatshirt, brown pants appeared on, hey, loot, hollie said, thats Gods hammo right there with, like, he tall angelic, white faced being, dull red sweatshirt on, people running and looting, its under, economic collapse here, hollie said, laughing with barack, let me, make the announcement obama said, but lied, left, hollie said, put it under, thats, hand sprinkling, Jesus appeared, showed, bite something, thats bear like, little like, its hollie showed, triangle head and putin both arising, kill, arise, devor that Jesus said, thats, many fires breaking out in america, even hollie agreed, said, yes, hollie showed, turn, golden hand but went light color, hollie showed, turn, Jesus like uh cat showed, turn, bob, you, are, spilling the beans, hollie said, she spilled light beens, red plad coat on, hollie thought, its, she said, sleep, a new jumpy hollie said, smiling, its he hollie, him, she said, bobby, hollie said, came out, and I mothered she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, hes happier angelic head, agreeing, different colored strands of hair, hollie showed, red and green but went brown, hey, hes generation x, hollie said, hollie showed, its, microdermabrasion, bobby be careful, hollie said, cause, that cuts, she said, looked back worried, bit finger tips, deeply, if you let, hollie comes out, when you eat, another, said, big happy mouth, but only partially seen, golden light inside mouth, its the teeth, God said, hollie showed, keep teeth clean, you will never have to brush them, she showed, swish mouth out after drinking, Jesus pointed, turn, Jesus showed turn like uh lighted Jesus but darker clothes, bob hollie said, showed lay down, its on side, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie screamed, but, hey, another comes out, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie pointed, turn, sang Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, angelic being, eyes forming but not quite there, hollie showed, came out, strands of hair, thinning, but different colors, hollie showed, the, septic tank, clapped the tap dancers, Jesus said, many ministering spirits, spetic tank angel like stick angel sits on lid, I caint he said, its, digest lest, thats somebody putting rid-x in, Gods hammo on box, not acting like into it but shook, yes, septic tank angel had blue body, light face and hands, 1-6-2012-bobby, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey look, hollie said, saying, theres Gods hammo, like white angelic being face, getting cocky, hes, forming but all the way, just head, thinning strands of hair, bob, thats you and janette fucking again, turning into, its moodie, hollie showed, turn, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, hes, white angelic face, happy, tilted uh bit, but, hollie comes out, he seemed to change, hollie appeared, showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, but showed, stay busy, golden leggs, white dress on, bears in border, Gods hammo sang, hollie screamed, showed, leave it alone, thats angel round head, appearing, on septic tank, came out, stamps, on lid, sat on but like big round head, little stick figure angel, hollie showed, turn, hollie pointed turn, its, boo hum, hollie said, light shined in darkness, its he, him, she said, happy he hollie but many more, their on uh hill, hollie saw, its, plain but goes up, like, they were in some light but its dark, hollie showed, turn, she said, hollie comes out, shows, three submarines, thats, top of mountain burning, all subs had captain hollie but one had Jesus, both he and she claps another coming out, dress on, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie showed, its america burning, had her new cellphone, bobby, its that, she said, your ordering destruction to the world, by, its massive e-mailing on the cellphone, hollie showed, turn, golden hand but disappeared, quickly, showed, wrap it up, bobby, hollie said, came out, put, head in hands, but changed, she said, clapped, hollie, jogging in place, golden hands, looking like serious, Jesus looked at, its financial records, bob, hollie came out, bob your down to, its twelve thousand dollars, its, from that, pointed, hollie, one hundred fifty nine thousand, now, hear the word of the LOrd, your better off God said, thats looting, Jesus watching, burgundy sweatshirt on, light colored blue jeans, hollie claps as barack makes announcement, many looters ran by, thats all of america, looting, going on, they strip it out, thats man breaking store shop window and them going in taking all out, it, that, collapses america, God said, its, under economic hardships, barack obama says, hollie laughs, like angel, like, wedding skirt dress thing on, they leave, record, the vision, hollie clapped, hollie showed, lay down, on side, 1-7-2012-bob you need to eat, hollie said, abd showed, put it under hollie said, showed, eat, burgundy sweatshirt on, but Gods hammo sang, and appeared, like like angelic round, head, some clothes, hollie wore, but, finger points, light colored blue jeans on, bob its janette, hollie and God, thats you and her, having sex again, put it under, hollie said, wiped her mouth, showed, eat again, white in mouth, but hey theres Gods hammo, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me he sang like angelic being, hollie bit the lid off, bob, showed, thats, priest, looking, no expression, then laughing, but, raise your hands and repeat wait after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey, look, hollie said, hes angelic being, leaning head foreward, hollie showed, just little bit, bobby, that was hollie showed, appeared, happy, but, becoming sad, changing, bob, your causing it, hollie said, its, massive facebook e-mailing, and, hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, like full face, of light, but, theres, head and kneck, no, hollie said, and shook, but, showed, eat something, bob, its, your, she said, coming out, looked back, changed, just a bit, dying, hollies screamin for this reason, clapped the tap dancers, Jesus and many ministering spirits said, moodie plays music, new busy hair, its brown, thats the marine corp. out in the streets, hollie said, tap dancing, another like hollie comes out, she has hard shoes on that buckle, hollie sees one, hollie claps, dressed like, the, its disney angel, little angel women, with, her little like skirt on, barack makes announcement, hey, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, many looters, he caught me, hammo said, tall, its, economic collapse here, clapped hollie, moodie makes the sound, but changes, hollie showed, turn, showed, its feed me, hollie came out, just hands, but another, hollie, but rest appeared, showed, eat something, light in her mouth, bobby its septic tank, hollie said, thats little septic tank angel sitting on lid, its, wanting feed, lid opens a bit, thats round head angel inside, hollie prys lid off, thats her sticking hose down in, thats shop vac, theres Gods hammo, like blue faced angelic being, its siphoning out, its, raw sewage, Jesus, showed, stinks, you are now bob, going to get that video, Jesus said, he appeared, hollie said, its for I persecute, JEsus said, I maim, and mar face, by causing facial muscles to tighten, when they are using, saith the LOrd, stretching and wrinkling, desase gums, and more saith God, but it works, thats hollie putting lid back, loose belt some hollie said, she poured grease down drain, thats septic tank angel, like round head angel, dont feed me it said, thats bubbling inside, its eating, even grease, hollie showed, its, rid-x, only hands appeared, but Gods hammo on box, no eyes, but seemed to looking down, hollie screamed, but not heard, hollie screamin for this reason, she did dermabrasion, bobby, it worked, hollie said, but hollie changed into somewhat birdy hollie, its, exotic bird, she showed, I'm the exotic bird, big bird said, boo hum, hollie said, they chant, thats, its, light shinning in darkness, its, he, many, he hollies, their on ground that turns into, hill, you got it, you want need it, hollie that explains, said, white coming from mouth, please, its, hollie, said, two hollies, one stuck his head out, hollie showed, sleep, hollie showed, lay down, she was on side, but face, hollie thought, comes out, hard to see, hey, another, said, how was same hollie asleep but awake, thats her opening eyes, on side, in sweatshirt in bed, but, she changed, its, purpose of life church, hollie said, jumpy hollie runs in place, brown monkey lips, theres uh border, hollie said, its got bears in, you see, one, bear said, pulled putin to self, I love russia, hugged, he said, jumpy hollie said, she was dancing, leggs, another, comes out, changed colors, ended up black, dress on, border in dress gin, with bear, bear holds putin, like, teddy bear, happy, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey look, hollie said, theres Gods hammo, he looked, sad, what, he said, reported, its Gods interviewing table, he dont want it, hammo, said, Jesus, showed, he does, hammo left, knowing he has uh short time, but bob keeps, put it under, hollie said, hey bob your at, a.a., again, hollie said, its, alcoholics anonymous, you were alcoholic, hollie said, God said, hi, another, Jesus said, hollie did say, put it under, Jesus showed, cut it off, had on light watch, it, but, hey, hollie said, theres face on watch, and, its, happy, but came out, showed, bobby its time watch said, put it under, hollie said, I caint, watch said, hes new ministering spirit, its, on, ministry of dreams, and, watch like, ministryofdreams angel appeared, put it under, hollie said dont steal, you see I spoke created it Jesus said, hollie showed, bob its time, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, hey, its indexing, hollie points, theres Gods hammo, showing, its seach engine google, indexing, bob thats, thousands, of hit, hollie said, and I, JEsus said, hollie showed, God said, he looked like Jesus, hollie said, put it under, thats pastor, lopez, hollie said, take it easy, with him, he wants ya, hollie said, we need bob, pastor lopez, its, to build, he said, hunt, he said, its, rubbed his chin, people, Jesus said, hollie showed, bob, she put one arm on other hand, God said, its time, Jesus spoke, hollie said, God said, Jesus rubbed his chin, bob theres, hundreds of hit, its, very quickly, God said, you see its indexing, thats, google, indexing, like Gods hammo angel, bob its quick God said, put it under, holie said, she showed, lets go, hollie left library, plad coat on, its red, she said, but changed, to another color, Jesus spoke, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey, look theres Gods hammo, hollie said, but she sang to, God said, hes white angelic being, face glowing white, like spikes for hair, but hollie comes out, hes, just one face, but, all the same, hollie said, hes, no expression, hollie showed, bobby lets go, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, like white angelic face being, tall, but burgundy sweatshirt on, God and hollie said, hollie ran, she wore burgundy sweatshirt, hey, hollie said, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, git him outta there, God said and sang, hollie and God said, bob its your video, now its massive hits hollie said, just watch, she stayed still but scene formed, its people watching and lauging, but Gods hammo there now laughing like round head being, raise your hands and beat after me, hey, look, theres Gods hammo hollie said, like white angelic being, burgundy sweatshirt on, I told them, God said, its, he appeared, hollie said, thats, many ministering spirits, trading off burgundy sweatshirt, its to to scene, hollie said, but wait she said, spoke, it she said, its, sweatshirt changes size, hollie points, hey bob lets fill it up, she said, its, utubiaman ministry of dreams, call it, hollie said, Jesus rubs, chin, minsitry of dreams, God said, Gods hammo showed time, bobby, hes, God, she said, Jesus rubs chin, but hey, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, like white angelic being, burgundy sweatshirt on, hes, tall, but, not seeming very happy, hollie thought, God said, hollie showed eat something, and, she, ate, and worked it off, but, shes, in shape, God said, put it under, bobby, dont hollie said, its, nu-brilliance, its, micro-dermabrasion machine, hollie said, its works, thats her doing microdermabrasion, but not seen, hollie but hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, like round head, white angelic being, doing, its microdermabrasion, hollie worked out, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang Gods hammo, hollie said, but, hes, like white angelic being, hollie drove, its, the boss mustang, she said, smoke tires, its easily, hollie said, its uh potent three oh two, hollie said, its puts out, hollie thought, rubbed chin, stomped foot, hey theres Gods hammo hollie said, he appeared, rubbed his angelic chin to, tall hammo, about four hundred and fourteen horsepower, put it under, hollie said, showed, bobby work, she said, 1-8-2012-bobby hollie said, no it was God, hollie said, she showed time, showed watch, bobby lets go, hollie said, watch had face, bobby its webcam hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its, Gods hammo, look, hollie said, hes back, hes happy, angelic head, but, sweatshirt on, its burgundy, but just face, bobby, thats utubiaman, its like hammo, hollie claps, body seemed to be gone, but it was there, thats ministering spirit webcam with one eye and beam comes out, but, got happy, mouth appeared on, hey bobby, webcam said, its pope riding black horse, raise, your hands, and repeat after, me sang, hey look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, hollie showed, run, its war, we mean, pope said, stops in russia but seemed to disappear but reappeared, seemed like blue horse, but face looked afraid, thats me, said, medvedev said, signing, its uh deal, medvedev said, with, its ponty, Gods hammo sang, appeared, play my vision, hollie said, like new hollie, Gods hammo sang, hollie, sang, tell him, he, will turn it on tomorrow, its, perfection winter furnace, and its angel appearing on, its like, cover where engine is, thats furnace engine running, hollie said, turn, but showed keep going straight, its Gods hammo singing, hollie sat on, its dome on, mokse, she said, its now, windows missing, thats birds flying in and out, thats hollie tearing down soon, thats, a, room full of people watching, its bob, on, hollie showed, utubiaman, Gods hammo appeared, hes the offical angel, hollie said God said, tap dancing went on, it makes people know where Gods at, God home and eat something Jesus said, hollie did say, hollie had, its pioneer sx-880, its Jesus did say, hollie said, new hollie like golden beak hollie appeared, power meters moving, and, round face licked the prophet, it was golden, hollie and God said, its, the, marine corp. out in the streets, God and hollie said, its under economic collapse here, hollie said, clapping, with barack obama, shes dressed like disney girl, thats ministering spirits looting, hey theres Gods hammo, caught, he had like burgundy sweatshirt on, but seemed different color, hes tall, like gray pants, quit it moodie said, Gods hammo sang, burgundy sweatshirt on but face went angelic, thats hollie gin looking at, with, hundreds of ministering spirits, bob on, its you she said, put head in hands, thought, bob your going to get big, thats bob signing autographs, dressed better, many people there, bob get somebody to help you take lid off hollie said, thast septic tank lid lifting a little, angelic being in, big nose, looks out, boo boo, its Jesus, hollie said, changing to, its brown faced hammo, but, light shinned in the darkness, its him, she said, many he, their on uh hill, went up, hollie came out, light shinned on her, showed, its, level ground but went up, hollie screamed, thats the, furnace blower motor, clapped the tap dancers, its on blower hollie said, thats motor hooked up, showing, its hard work, but shew, motor said, we work hard, dont appreciate, thats people walking by, furnace motor looks, says, nobody respects me, but theres it doing its job, thats the reason, pointed, its googlebar coming alive, big eyes, utubia, its, ministry of dreams, hollie goes hammo but goes back, it will be number one, bobby in your category, hollie showed, God called it ministryofdreams, like banner, loose belt sorrow, hollie said, see another, hollie said, showed, bobby stay clean, hollie flew, his double blade helicopter, another, hollie showed, lay down, its he and she hollies God and hollie said, thats the disney angel tapping her wand, its golden, she had like blue, its dull hollie said, lit skirt like wedding skirt on, golden hollie appears like, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey look, sang, theres Gods hammo, hollie and God said, that hollie said, hollie showed, turn, golden hand, I appeared she said, went to speedway gas station, enjoyed drink, but changed into different hollie, Gods hammo sang, hollie, clapped, showed, lay down, on side, burgundy sweatshirt on, golden hand and face, 1-9-2012-bob, its, Jesus, hollie said, showed time, its, redish, its got design, hollie said, sweatshirt on, you need to record, hollie said, did say, she said, bit, the lid off but lid not seen but showed, bobby eat again, hollie said, hollie claps, shows, its, disney angel woman appearing, golden body but light skirt wedding like dress on, taps wand, but changes color, light scene comes out, it, makes light, hollie showed, like streek of, its dull blue, but darker blue there, its the s.s. norway, hollie showed, its the s.s. france, thats long ship, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me Gods hammo sang, bob thats you and janette having sex again, its light angelic hammo being, hollie comes out, its outline, but scene goes blue, thats many golden hollies busting, it ends up the s.s. bluelady, hollie thought, why scrap a good ship, thats explosion in, its the norway and thats owners of ship deciding to scrap, its lawsuit owner said, hollie came out, and, showed, video, God she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, hes like white anglic face but side, hollie came out, showed, its the picture frame, she moved a little, got happy but changed, jumpy hollie claps like black hollie, wearing dress, hollie saw, theres border in dress, bears in border, you see bear said, but, hollie said, you, she went into border, it appeared, hollie said, hands in air, that was hollie with golden, hands, suit on, looking back at bob but like flying up at angel, hollie screamed, horse said go home, hollie rode, its like grayish cloud like horse, hollie same almost, warning, hollie said with, its the uhleave me alone, new hollie said, like turtle face beak but not quite, out space sound, it was uh dream, claps, excited hollie, bob tells woman to touch him, she feels it, hollie said, then turned into, its boozers wife, she felt words, but bobby, hollie thought, thats petco, shes, hollie thought, not rich but barely making it, leave her, thats you two having, its anal sex, but you wont stay, boo hummy, hollie said, its, he, him, many he hollies, their on uh hill, hollie said, light shinned in darkness, one had long nose, saw, light, hollie showed exactpages ministryofdreams, hollie reappeared, like angel behind the word, exact, 1-10-2012-come on, hollie said, God said, she, I showed time, she said, wearing white clothes, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, hollie said, its Gods hammo, acting, its, uneasy, God and hollie said, bob your posting, hollie said, thats the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, its angel like well dressed angel, watching, turned to side, thats, ship and hitler appearing, oh, ship, said, with big hole, then more explosions, adolf hilter sees, I knew, he said, pointing at self, bob, hollie did say, bit lid off, top, but not seen, she, got happy, laughs, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres, hey look, hollie said, its Gods hammo, but seemed dancing, bob, thats, you and janette living together but really its moody transforming, going back, bob, its soon, hollie said, heres the sign, she came out mother, thats r.m.s. titanic, coming by, hollie on deck showing, its, sides, she told you something last night about burns and you asked about, but she knew, you didnt mind, thats, r.m.s. titanic, captain smith, ship laughing, but then rubbing iceberg, I didnt want it, ship said, bob, God said, hollie comes out, it was Jesus, hollie seemed to dance out, wiggle, thats many people on the utubiaman, ministryofdreams, website, hollie said, with others speaking, fleas appeared looking like woman and moodie played music but not happy, hollie showed, turn, its, he, hollie a she one said, hollie screamin for this reason, she said, screamed again, like roundish face hollie but went mostly light, its looting, hey theres Gods hammo, caught, its tall, burgundy sweatshirt on, like gray pants, crash test dummy like face, hollie showed, turn, like uh new hollie, thats utubia ministryofdreams like Gods hammo, nice hair but light face, hollie came out, showed, his eyes not there but appeared, looking spooky, theres your hammo showing, turn, going, hollie hammo, thats new hollie like bear hollie showing war sireen blowing, holliebear blew, but, like, dull blue hollie, like, different shaped head, round but like furry almost, hollie showed, turn, hammo laughs, hollie comes out, showed, many he hollies, their on level ground but Got dark behind, bobby, thats woman coming forward, shes, that was her acting, shes like irene, wants men, but, its only for loot, put it under, she wont see you because you because she knows you cant, thats pope in the fire, hollie thought, royal garments, Gods hammo sang, his caregiver there, pointy, hat, big open mouth, lips, and lighted hand pointed, JEsus like cat, lighted appeared but only face seen, clothes dark, but lit up a little, she said, a jumpy hollie said, big dress, shes overweight again but lost it again, went nigger but chanted, hollie showed, get ready to fuck, thats bob with, its speedway girl, having, its anal sex, she finally got on belly, 1-11-2012-bob, God said, hollie showed, time, white clothes, put one hand on other arm, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres, Gods hammo, look, hollie said, like, off white angelic face man, hollie spoke like biting, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, there, look, hollie said, its Gods hammo, white, happy angelic face but its facebook ministryofdreams angel appearing, like, its light white head and kneck, its bob and speedway girl having anal sex, God said, bob, just go in and see her, she will smile, but, in heart say, dont, but, in time, you will have her, heres the sign, you all ready do, God said, it, he appeared, hollie said, heres the sign, hollie said, she wont ask ya, but thats phone ringing and phone hammo angel head coming out, bobby, dont answer, he said, but, bob does, the love each, God said, hollie came out, showed, not seen angel, cool like, she wants to clean to church but you take out, hollie showed, its partial face yahoo angel looking straight at you, pointed, hollie, bob, its, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie sang, thats, vacation, response, its now tainted hollie said, its, utubiaman angel appearing, showing, its my website u, r, l, he showed, like Gods hammo, coming out, angelic man, nice suit appeared on, hey bob get it, hollie said, that, Jesus rubbed chin, but thought, gets you thousands of hits, thats many, clicking on, then clicking back off but going back, thats man telling friends, God is inside him, thats Jesus inside hollie but shes not happy still hollie said, hollie showed, sweeping them in like, somewhat he hollie, hollie, another, hollie comes out, showed, its many people watching, its, utubiaman, ministry of dreams, Gods hammo somewhat appeared, like light angel, and sang, hollie screamed, Gods hammo appeared and sang, thats, Gods hammo showing turn, many hollies said, moodie makes sound, appears, but changes, hollie flew, its, hand, showed, its, hammo, f-22 raptor, thats nuclear explosions, its near moscow, hollie said, its two, they go back, but thats missiles going after, one got hit, other, makes it free, but dives low, thats it getting back, thats top of mountain burning, captain, hollie, three, they approach, thats submarines all around, its the u.s.a., stamps captain hollie, changes, both coasts exploded, big white hand appeared on hollie, showed, janettes now getting drugs, just watch, thats her appearing in jail again, thats the horn sound, many said, Gods hammo showed turn like angelic being, light, white hands and face, nice suit on, that was, uh lighted new hollie, loose belt sound, hollie showed, uh loose belt pulley, like uh new hollie, almost going dinosaur head, like dino on flintstones, new hollie showed, turn, thats many many ministering spirits appearing, both he and she making, noises, Jesus, puts video frame together, pictures in, I aint hollie said, lighting up in one, hollie showed, turn, but thought, laughed, rubbed chin, golden fingers, but, it was, God hollie said, Jesus appeared, thats Jesus telling, him, its hollie said, do the frame, hollie says yes, thats hollie said, showed, lay down, on side, 1-12-2012-hollie showed turn, God said, Jesus appeared, and spoke, it, hollie said, bobby, hollie said, like, concerned, dont, thats woman at speedway, bobby, hollie said, she, wont, but, will, but, wont, but, hollie looked at God, thats sex, but you'll have to work again, thats bob working, and woman falling in love, but when she comes home, janettes back, bob, said, so i'll see you both, they do, and God loves it, thats Jesus shaking yes, bob, hollie said, praise me, Gods hammo sang, like, hes uh showed, hollie, pulled like glove off, but only, light hand, bluish glove but glove, it changes, hollie said, into mitton, hollie shook no, bob it will cost you, to have sex, but, you will get, hollie said, look, like didnt want to say, a wife, but she wont, love, but cleave, she wants, Jesus, you gone, cause you are tempting, both said, appeared, hey, hollie said, it, changed, to, like, mitton, hollie showed, its Gods hammo, its, utubia ministry of dreams, hes like, light being, looking to side, just uh bit, but, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie comes out, bob, in one year, thats crowd of people watching, its, utubiaman, ministryofdreams, Gods hammo, appeared again but, hollie there to, thats, over ten thousand hits and its raking them in, light rake and broom showed, but no one there moving but it was hollie, spoke, light in mouth, thats hollie that explains appearing, you got me, she said, now keep me, hollie showed, white dress on, its janette, Gods hammo showed turn like happy hammo, hollie screamed again, its silvana masterbating, shes squirting, its, lupetti, hollie said, but thats them preaching, bob Gods hammo appeared on the box, hollie said, moodie makes noises, but appeared, face rounding, thats, hollie with rid-x, Gods hammo on, she poured, bob its uh half uh box uh week, hollie said, do it on sunday, hollie said, showed, thats septic tank angel in, showed, its, injesting going on like little hollies eating, it works, hollie said, dont worry about the particles, most dissolve, some wont, but, it wont fill up, hollie said, God said, Jesus showed time, light watch on, and its, face, showed, bobby, dont ask her, watch said, she wont want, but will, but wont pay, but let you pay all, watch said, looked back at God, its chat, watch said, sealed it up, pointed, up, Jesus came, hollies flew, its f-22 raptors, dropping bombs, its, the shower, hollie said, russia explodes, but, thats missiles coming up, thats one getting hit, but another makes it back, you see, its not trackable, hollie said, but, thats, it, flying and leaving, its air, wave, thats how the hit it, its uh guess, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob play on internet, Gods hammo sang, hollie showed, bob, its job, you are a pastor, and some will consider you, but after talking, thats bob leaving, they want you, hollie showed, turn, its him, hollie said, Gods hammo sang, showed, turn, like, he appeared, body and all, but hollie showed, somewhat hazy, fuzzy, hollie showed, record, thats angel coming out of septic tank, hes like round head, big nose, showed, bob, bring in more, thats people using bathroom, its shit, hollie said, they need to use more, thats injesting, partial face appearing in, its cesspool, long nose, more appeared, like coat like on, but its light, angel showed, i'm injesting, keep me full angel showed, but its waters, its sewage to, hollie comes out, showed, its the submarine somby, lighted hand showed, bob theres no need to charge it up, thats phone AND ITS ANGEL COMING OUT OF LIKE, ITS, septic tank, explaination angel, showed, bob charge it at home, save that, hollie said, for, hollie thought, when you need it, angel showed, turn, hollies screamin for this reason, she said, screamed again, but not heard, but seemed to, its, affeared, hollie said, hollie screamed, hollie showed, its video, hollie showed, lay down, on side, face like golden haze, burgundy sweatshirt, its on, more then one hollie said, 1-13-2012-hollie screamy for this reason, she said, screamed, again, she said, sleep, a leaping jumpy hollie, like nigger said, wearing dress, monkeys lips, thats bears in border of dress, pulled putin to self, thats polar bear licking prophet, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Gods hammo, hollie showed, its, cellphone charger, angel appearing like Gods hammo head, near, coming, showing, just take care of me, hollie said, hammo coming out, thats bob and janette fucking, hollie comes out, bob, shes wanting you, hollie said, just be still, wait hollie showed, she took bath, let me jumpy hollie said, golden monkey lips, showed, bob, take it easy, God looks at your face, and, knows, its, ruint, but he did, he wont fix untill you die but thats God crying day and night because he hated you, after you died, hollie clapped, Gods hammo sang, showed, lay down, like angelic being hammo, hollie showed, record, showed, thats bob walking into, its, new wineskin ministries again, claps, hollie, thats God hammo singing, showing, its speedway woman, hes like lighted angelic being, showing, bob, be gentle but serious, tell her, its sex, she shakes yes, I heard you, him, she said, but later thinks, I wont but does, 1-14-2012-bob hollie showed, time, white clothes, its, God, God said, Jesus said, put it under, thats, Gods hammo singing, hes like white angelic being, but something wiped his lips, bob God said, hollie bit, lid off, Gods hammo sang, raise your hands and repeat wait after me, hollie bit lid off again, red sweatshirt on, Gods hammo, sang, bobby you done damage, hollie said, thats children on, its teenspot laughing, thats many people, on, facebook and Gods facebook hammo angel came out, hollie showed, like, white light hammo head, angel, head, kneck, hair, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat wait after me, Gods hammo, sang, hollie showed, just be still, she walked in, its bitter cold, hollie showed, turn for, its Golden hand, raise your hands and eyes light after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey, look hollie said, woman is friendly, its speedway girl, she said, but disappeared, hey bob, get it, hollie said, hollie screamed, what for, bob why, she said, then, did partial, turn face, silent scream, but not heard, Gods hammo sang, hes angelic being, thats, hollie flying, its f-22 raptors, hey whats that doin in there, hollie said, its f-4 phantom, they, its, hollie said, fly the same speed, over, fifteen hundred miles per hour, thats phantom dropping bomb, you see, hollie said, it still works, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie sang, many times, showed, its utubiaman, with Gods, hey, theres Gods hammo in profile picture, and, looking to side, but eyes not seen but, hey its, the formed, hollie said, but hollie came out, hes like hard to see, many people watching, bob your leading them to it hollie said, its, utubiaman, ministry of dreams, changes to Gods hammo, but disappears and Gods hammo appeared like white angelic being hand, kneck, but, showing, its both beasts, hammo not formed yet, but theres, its the pope and hu, thats hu on red horse, pope on black, hollie pointed go, what did hollie point go for, Jesus, you see, hollie said, many sang, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, leaping like black hollie, turn bob, hollie said, white hat appeared on, theres, like new round head, hollie, black eyes, mouth, blue, colored, he said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, touching feet, white dress on, like, monkey lipped, nigger, theres bears in, border of dress, when we hit alaska, thats missiles flying, hollie rode one, angel appeared on, but was another being at first, bob janette called, leave it there, hollie said, she wont call back, you need to record, hollie said, hollie put back, but head disappeared, same hollie came out, pointed, she had like bear paws, there mittons hollie said, tear up, hollie yelled, another, hollie appeared, showed, its pope, Gods hammo sang, but, hollie thought, things starting to not appear right, but dissolves, Gods hammo appears but disappears to, hollie showed, lay down, bobby your phone, hollie thought, Gods hammo came out, its, he sang, janettes old phone, she just paid for it, hollie said, showed, lay down, clapped hands, but stayed in bed, 1-16-15-14-2012-that was hollie, another, said, she said, God said, light flashing from mouth, its hollie that explains, I showed, the pope, she said, like an angel of light, put it under, hollie that explains appears normal, its, the holy Ghost, Jesus said, she said, hollie showed time, God said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, you got back on, he was like white angelic being, just head tho, kind of turned, happy, but seemed to wink eyes, buts its not formed yet, hollie said coming out, looking stunned, bob, hollie comes out, it was, Jesus, said, Gods hammo sang, hollie showed, its video, on, its viddler, hollie said, Gods hammo sang, laughs, hollie comes out, bob, gap filling in, and you cut it out hollie said, hammo like angelic being, bob thats video, hollie said, its, ministry of dreams, changes into, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, dont, hollie spoke God said, showing, up, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats hollie looking at video, indexed, its in google, changes into google hammo angel, like baby angel head, but not quite hollie thought, and I stamp, hollie said, with light stick, but disappeared, quickly, its pope, on, thats black horse, hollie and God said, stops there in russia, hollie showed, turn, big golden hand, hollie screamed, what for bob, why she said, screamed again, but not heard, hey, same hollie comes out, shows, its groving, thats that woman, she wants fun, thats her and tall man dancing, hollie showed, thats viddler ministryofdreams, partial face new angel appears, Gods hammo sings, raise your hands and repeat after me, like white angelic being, but changing, juust head and kneck, thats white angelic being showing turn, white hands, face, tall, slendor, suit on, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, clapping, nigger face, monkey lips, but like gray leggs with like red outline, dress on, but hollies appeared in dress, its like sketching, thats sketching appearing and, JEsus doing, with, glass on but face fading, hollie comes out, tear up, claps, break apart, thats light shinning in, its darkness, its, him, many he hollies, their on uh hill, hollie showed, eat something, its level ground but rock mountain, appeared, its, light in darkness, ministry of dreams, is, open, screamed, hollie, hey theres Gods hammo, another, said, hes angelic face, she said, jumpy hollie said, like nigger, leaping, dress on, bears on border, you got plenty of time, man, hollie said, hollie comes out, jumpy hollie showed, work, hollie showed, lay down, but wiped, another comes out, hey another, said, showed, its the same hollie, she, wiped golden but, face hollie thought, not easy to make out but turned bear like light bear, its, white hollie showed, God said, come on let me record, hollie said, 1-17-2012-bob your not going to live, God hammo sang, Jesus said, spoke it hollie said, hammo like white angelic being, bobby, you see that viddler, thats going to stun about one hundred people, but thats bob changing into angelic man of light, just feeding, its utubiaman ministryofdreams, hollie and God said, she clapped, but face faded, thats viddler with over one thousand hits turns into, bob drawing, but changes into, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, hollie replaces toilet in church but they didnt approve, thats two pastors talking, bob fixed, its right, but he had to do it, hollie screamed, its cruise ship, hollie showed, Gods hammo sang, a he hollie appeared, its, the Costa Concordia, hollie said, showed, pulled sleeves up, thats ship, hitting rock, captain screams, thats ship rolling and sinking, thats it on side, real quick, hollie saw, hollie measures, nine hundred fifty one feet long, but thats many hollies breaking ship, right there, showed, its hard labor, it cost more to fix then build, whew, let me hollie said, and I stamp, she said, light stick, thats beast, antichrist pope, sitting on, black horse, appearing, hollie showed, turn, golden hand, burgundy sweatshirt on, Gods hammo appeared, looking stunned, hollie said, but colors changing, but got happy like angelic head, and I, tear up, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, its different hollie, like brownish body, white outline of light, hollie had, round nose, she was like fox, hollie looked to turn but showed keep going, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo hollie said, hollie chewed bubble gum, found on floor, bob its you and speedway woman having sex, she loved it but doesnt show it, hey you know what I want, she said, thats bob appearing, git the phone, thats, its, Gods hammo sang, main ministering spirit, holding phone, yes, its speedway woman appearing, sex, they have, hollie saw but didnt care, then got happy, but, another hollie comes out, changed, hollie comes out, showed, its new world order apostolic church, round, head angel comes out of front, hollie showed, its front part but angel changed, to unhappy face, hollie showed, Gods hammo keeps singing, hes happy, like angelic head himself, hollie changes, burgundy sweatshirt and its dark gray pants, hollie showed, when ya gonna eat again, bob thats moodie and girl from speedway having sex, it will, hollie got word, not occur, thats the laptop sound, thats what hollie said, him, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, showed, its don, not wanting messed with, I dont know how to put this hollie said, like light hollie, but, all, turned golden color, hollie showed turn, my hand got longer, like shaft, hollie sang, like, black, somewhat unseen hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, like light gray pants, Jesus speaks to her, she shakes yes, appearing, head disappearing, and appearing, hollie, same came out, showed, its changing, God hammo showed, eat, like white angelic face, head, hollie showed, record, Gods hammo appeared, like, white angelic, its buske, hollie said, face, head, kneck, thats people, its chatroom ministryofdreams, like Gods hammo, changing into but hollie comes out, its only partial, bob, they are trembling, hollie said, what for, hollie said, smiled, golden face, burgundy, sweatshirt on, Gods hammo, sang, its beast, popes image appearing on finger, whats that hollie said, Gods hammo, sang, its, new world order apostolic church, licking the prophet, hollie showed, its big round face coming out, its, the, front part, she said, eat lysine, hollie said, bit, ate, celery, but turned, hammo like white angelic man, 11-18-2012-you need to, let me record, this, it, is, hollie she said, God said, wiped his lips, when ya gonna eat something bob hollie said, its mostly white hollie, showed, its laptop, hollie, hit, its, moodie, teenspot, angel appearing, happy, ministry of dreams, is open screamed hollie, screamed again, but not heard, wore, its uh burgundy, she said, Gods hammo, sang, hes like, an, off white angelic being, you better record, you need to, hollie said, thats, its, moodie and janette fucking, she, happy over, plad coat on, Gods hammo sang, like, hollie showed, hes ever changing, hollie showed, lay down, hollie showed, come on, like uh cat, its from behind, another, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats church, lighting up, and showed, bob, dont go, bob I have marred you very bad and I cant think about fixing you saith the Lord saith Jesus, now hear the word of the Lord, you will lay down with anticipation to get up, thats, hollie sitting at computer, happy, doing, its mass e-mailing, hollie showed, its uh network, thats e-mails going out then people are responding to, but thats many looking at and clicking on, its utubiaman ministry of dreams, and, watching video, theres God man, said, but Gods torturing him, bobby I dont want, that, hollie comes out, hands apart, it was Jesus, showed, lay down, but, hands clapped, it was, hollie, face fuzzy thou, she said, come on bob, hollie said, showed, lay down, but, went, turned, white, slept, side of face, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, sleep, why, whats the reason for it, hollie said, screamed again, not heard, its, speedway girl appearing again, she, will have sex, but pay for it, hollie said, showed, moodie fucking, you got what you wanted, you got what you needed, said, hollie that explains, light flashes from mouth, another, shows, happy, shes, kind of, black and white, 1-19-2012-bob, hollie said, God said, hollie showed, go, burgundy sweatshirt on, Gods hammo sang, like, hollie came out, hes ever appearing and changing, angelic head, you need to record, hollie spoke, but words didnt match lips, hi, its hollie with blue eyes, words dont match lips, I, she said, lips, moved more, she, showed, its beast antichrist pope, but black horse there to laughing, thats him riding, stopping, its in moscow, Gods hammo sang, raise your eyes and repeat after me, bobby, he said, thats, Jesus, laughing, its, hollie showed, people all over the world, its, the great falling away, hollie said, its caused by facebook, thats facebook, head, kneck, buske appearing, its, like light white, but face hollie showed, not formed, quite yet, thats, its, hu hintao, hes riding red horse, thats it stopping, its moodie riding rocket, thats over, into taiwan, which errupted into fire hollie said, thats hintao pressing nuclear button, and thats, missile leaping out of, its the china sea, hollie said, thats, hintao fighting, its the battle of washington state, light sword, on his red horse, colors changing, he wore blue, but hollie fought back, another, hollie with mostly round face of light flys out, its old world war one aircraft, she said, she said, showing, wearing pilots gear drops bomb, thats ship leaving, hollie showed, its the costa concordia, still on side, thats them cutting it up, hollie helped, showed, its hard labor, hollie showed, record, like dancing, changing, hollie, its janette and moodie fucking, she was on top, he wore gray sweatshirt, she plad coat, bob, thats goodwill, moodie showed, gray sweatshirt on, Gods hammo reappeared, like going wild hammo, angelic head, not, formed face, red outlines, in, hollie, showed, turn, hand, not, seen, but appeared, outline appears around, like, mittoned hand, its blue mitton, hollie comes out, shows, raise your hands and repeat after me, Jesus dressed like royalty, kneeling before Father, hes, changing light figure, it is done, Jesus said, Father shakes, yes, I know it is Father, said, theres world running after something else and God being not hidden on how he treats anymore, swom never sent out twenty one thousand e-mails, hollie said, stomped, foot, thats swom ministryofdreams, like Father angelic head appearing, somewhat smarty lookin, theres the horn sound and hollie showed, to be cool, its golden megaphone, with, its him in, like, light bluish furry headed hollie, just head, like, ball but off shaped, not seeming happy, hollie showed, turn, long hand but thought, showed, go other way, like wagles wings, they were blue, theres dark outline, hollie drove, wow she said, its, 1967 a.m.c. rebel, she smoked tire, one, finger pointed, lets mow mow, bob, hollie said, thats her mowing church lawn again, its, all summer but you walk so do she said, put it under, thats round head Father, showing, sleep, hollie screamed, showed, eat again, she said, thats another, hollie, showing, drink, but like, Father round, head, hollie showed, turn, showed, go to speedway, got drink, hollie showed, turn, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey look, hollie said, theres Gods hammo, showing, eat, like, hollie, thought, changing angelic head, that was like white ghost looking at bob but pointed at recorder, thats Gods new hammo appearing on like ghost himself, bluish color, both, hollie closed it up but wasnt fully developed yet, thats Father shooting by like forming ghost, big nose, hollie drove his tank, ducked, laughing, but eyes not seen, but eyes, it appeared, hollies screamin for this reason, showed, its kroger phone, thats kroger phone hammo appearing, like white angelic head but only partially seen, nose got big, bobby when you use this hollie said, went angelic herself, its, kroger card, showed, your would save about twenty five dollars for unlimited, but spend money, she said, china is magog, thats what Jesus said, its, utubiaman ministry of dreams, and its angel appearing, hey hollie said, thought, angel, looking alike amost every time, hollie put the, septic tank, treatment in, thats angel appearing on lid but only partial face, more appeared, nose big, hollie, thats, lid opening and hollie looking inside, its sewage she said, but, its, injesting, thats septic tank angel burping, bobby, its, dont clean, hollie said, she, turned light, outline like hollie, showed, sleep, bobby your startin, hollie said, held nose, showed, its, not look, good, in their eyes, its, china, thats, the reason, its, the horn that grew up last, hollie saw, its a, horn growing, like, its, like, pointy tusk that comes out of elephant, 1-20-2012-no, hollie said, you need to record, hollie said, stamp, she said, burgundy sweatshirt on, lightstick, its, uh, stamp, she showed, bent, but, things changing, its pope, on, its riding the black horse, bob, thats, you and janette, moodie fucking again, he wore gray sweatshirt, she, plad coat, she was at peace, just be still, wait her out, God said, hollies screamin for this reason, thats, its utubiaman, ministry of dreams appearing, and thats, hes Father, thats Jesus kneeling before God, knowing, its the seat of God, thats God sitting on his throne, its utubiaman, people are, finding out hollie and God said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, she said, laid on side, but rolled on back, clapped hands, seemed to fade, slept, kept moving, fought, hollie showed, turn, thats, its, you walking on treadmill, gray sweatshirt on, come on bob, its, get some metabolism going, Gods hammo sang, its angelic being, hollie showed, not appearing all the way, its, angel and hollie riding missile, hollie like cat on other, long ears, theres nuclear explosions in alaska, putin with nuclear button, and streaks to show missile came from, its the sea, hollie showed, turn, hollie screamed, why for bob, whats the reason, she said, screamed again but not heard, hollie showed, its speedway, hammo appearing, she comes out, bob, go, she said, burgundy sweatshirt on, Gods hammo sang, but another, angel, long nose, head, appearing, looking down, but something hiding part of face, so you figured it out hollie said, changing to angelic with, its, scene, hollie, looked to turn, hand pointed, its group, they send out mass e-mails, not pages, hollie, its i.p.s., angelic being appearing, near, part of face blocked, but right at bob, hollie like lighted hollie showed, her working again, in office, making, its bob, big money, thats you getting janette job, she stays with, thats you two together, hollie showed, turn, hollie dances, moodie plays music, not happy, mumbling, hollie comes out, light shinned in darkness, its many he hollies, hill in background, they chant boo, hollie said, its, the, uhleave me alone, tap danced, hollie, its, sound, sandy wipes lips, but was, Gods hammo sang, white angelic hollie, hollie drove his tank, ducked down in, laughing, a she hollie comes out, burgundy sweatshirt on, white blue jeans on, Gods hammo sang, raise your hands and repeat after me, Father, looked like ghost, big nose, colors changing tho, hollie showed, thats the angel, hollie said, she was talking, but hollie showed, but couldnt be heard, hollie pryed septic tank lid up, ghost like angel is his head, sticking out, big nose, hollie smelled, shew, she said, thats her getting buckets out, putting in, its big trash dumpster, thats her pouring in white river, then doing it again, bob, hollie thought, coming out, it takes time, but you will have fun doing, thats septic tank appearing on top, rest under, ground, thats it underground, and finger system, prophet hickman, wait uh minute, this is not the website talken, hollie said, its me, she pointed at self, its angelic Father head appearing there to, thats the red light on, God said, thats tomorrow, hollie said, showing, Gods hammo sang, but his appearance changing, hollie showed, angelic buske, its head, kneck, light angel, bob stop e-mailing, God said, hollie came out, burgundy sweatshirt on, showed, lay down, but, stayed away, tomorrow, hollie thought, scratched, head, she dreaded sitting at computer, but, hey, hollie said, thats Gods hammo appearing, on, bob thats you finding, thousands of e-mails and blasting away, thats God appearing like angelic man and, its, airwaves, e-mails flying thru air, thousands, many seen, laughing, like that woman, God becames embarrased, ashamed, runs, looks at sleeping bob, if I dont, If I do it, he said, striped tee shirt on, its two tone, hollie said, showed, lay down, 1-21-2012-hollie put one hand on other arm, Gods hammo sang, she wore, its burgundy, she said, sweatshirt, you need to record, hollie said, bobby, and I stamp, hollie did, its, pope in black horse, and septic tank angel burping, bobby thats injesting, hollie said, its bubbling in septic tank, it is, hollie said, coming out, she ran, slowly, showed, have fun but thats janette, its moodie not having her very much, but, thats them having sex again, hollie comes out, bobby its your wife, you will be with her, thats janette in jail again, its, he, lies, hollie said, Jesus appeared, why for, bob, hollie said, screamed again, but not heard, she went in church, turned furnace on, theres, furnace hammo angel, hollie said, its on furnace, on like motor cover, like cloudy like round angel head, but like, gray and white and other colors in, hollie like, its drawing hollie, raked in people, thats utubia hammo man, ministryofdreams, angel appearing, out of rake stuff, thats, people watching utubiaman ministry of dreams, and bob its, you, hollie said, your video, Gods torturing, thats Jesus like drawing laughing at, hollie showed, turn, got on highway, drank, drink, and I stamp, hollie said, had light stick stamp, its, shaped into point, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, hollie said, pointed, Gods hammo appeared, hollie there, but only hand seen at last, light hand, she said, hollie and doreen said, Gods hammo stuck head, up, hey, hollie said, doreens head changing, no, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, kept shaking no, then got happy, then shook yes, but showed, Im thru, away with it, had hands in air, turned different directions, you need to record, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, boo hum, hollie said, light shinned in darkness, its him, he, hollie said, many he hollies, Gods hammo like angelic being sang, hollie showed, its the home depot, bobby go, there, she bought toilet, left, thats her putting in church, hollie like, light doggie hollie showed, turn, bobby go in, its, they want customers, thats, hollie, she said, another, said, words dont match lips, hi she said, hollie showed, go, Gods hammo sang, burgundy sweatshirt appeared, on, he had, its, gray pants, dark gray, angelic head, hollie walks out of goodwill, goes to speedway gas station, gets drink but, she, gets drink, likes, but drink not there but started appearing, bobby, its you need to work, hollie said, its, janette, she wants, you, hollie showed, its bottle of vinegar, but, it went in, she, looked happy, burgundy sweatshirt on, had weight back on, bob hollie said, it has trace minerals, its good for ya, but thats angelic head appearing looking like, hollie thought, he, showed, vinegar, dont drink, heres why, its got acid, thats acid hitting organs, and Gods hammo sang, not acting to well, its organ coming alive, showing, laughing, but sat at, its Gods interviewing table stamps, hollie, light stick, but hollie not seen but appeared, showed, eat carrots, blue in mouth, but another came out, bob its cause acid not good for us, thats, its, Gods hammo sang, liver, beats hand, claps, puts back, face disappears, shows, im the liver, happy, showed, do something, hollie showed turn, Gods hammo sang, hollie showed, lay down, face went white bear, but another comes out, kind of, not, hazy hollie said, clapped hands but was hollie with white face this time, 1-22-2012-prophet hollie said, doreen and another said, billy showed turn, golden hair, you need to record, hollie showed, eat something again, hollie did two things at once, different colored sweatshirts on, bob, you need to, hollie said, wait, she stood back, watched Jesus, infuriate, but, hes going to get, hollie and God whisper to each, God is dying now, bob your cuasing it, hollie said, got quiet, Gods hammo sang, became more pope like angelic being, hollie showed turn like golden doggie hollie, hollie comes out, showed, Gods hammo sang, raise your hands and your wrong he said like angelic head, hollie got drink, its at another, speedway, thats submarines coming and thats mountain top burning, its the u.s.a., hollie said, then, scene changes, thats submarines all around america, both coasts burn, we will shoot ya, medvedev said, its, hollie watched on t.v., plad shirt on, got bored, but thats barack obama and, moscow on fire, hollie showed, turn, long white hand, record again, hollie said, showed, sleep, light hands, let me, alone, hollie said, like mostly white hollie, but another, appeared, showed, turn, but, its he hollie but not seen fully, then looked other way, showed, turn, but kept changing, hollie that explains, appeared, you want it, she said, thats, call, its phone hammo ringing like angelic somewhat golden head, hollie showed, go get, hollie showed, turn, prophesy, its Jesus hollie said, they loved it God said, thats bob talking at a.a., and people thinking, I cant believe he said that, thats pope in the fire showing stay busy like white angelic pope, hollie comes out, blue clothes on, blue robe and pointy hat, light blue but its like dark specs in, oh, its the, hollie said, om the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, it appeared but sinking, thats hilters super ship, adolf appears on deck, hollie showed, work out, run in place, thats, its starfighter, hollie saw, fly over, its, captain, hollie, flying, dropping bombs, raise your hands and repeat after me sang hollie and, its Gods hammo like angelic head, but red outlines like in, hollie showed, lay down, 1-23-2012-you need to, better record, and I stamp, hollie said, beat hand, thats dark carriage coming out, pulled, you see, these are angred hollie said, black horses, and septic tank angel burps, shows, with hand, i'm the septic tank, you see bobby, it works, hollie said, hollie showed, its ozzy osbourne, fire in the sky, hes, still sings, clapps hand, stomps foot, but hollie showed, its, hes old now, in, his late sixties and hes dyin, ozzy said, put it under, dont sleep hollie said, he will fix ya, hollie said, thats horse tap dancing, one hoof, looking back like, Gods hammo sang, like white angelic head man, red outlines in, hollie had hands in air, he, hollie appears, billy with golden hair appeared, showed, did something with hands but hair changed, thats facebook angel appearing, sang, hollie and Jesus, he hollie makes, its sound, sandy appeared, but changed, hand wiped, its, monkey lips, its white, face not seen to good but it appeared, peace and safety, thats bush and gorbachev on ship, hollie said, its them signing, its start one peace treaty, hollie said, rolled out, hollie looks at bob, come on she said, dont tell them, let them, not find out, hollie said, hollie played paliban daily music, rose up, beat drum, one stick missing, bob hollie said, showed, put hat on, hollie showed, its the church lady, she lives there with you, bob just do it right, hollie said, at first go slow, hollie said, thats her cleaning and you wanting to touch, but let her, give twenty dollars, bob hollie came out, showed, raise your hands, wait repeat after me sang Gods hammo, hey there, look, hollie said, its he hollie ducking in his tank, Ghost like changing Father shoots by, but now mostly white robe, black eyes, big nose, hollie showed, its tank, world war two, that tank she thought, was in active service, there, she said, from high above, its same hollie driving tho, its, thats it with many, line moving, hollie showed, turn, golden hand, but its him, he hollie showing keep going straight, hollie showed, bob work, fight, do something, thats new world apostolic church needing people, bob, its, dont invite, hollie said, let them go away hollie said, they wont leave untill late, hollie looked at Jesus, appeared, for word, two summers from now, heres the sign, thats you with woman, its having sex, moodie and her, she stunned, but loved, hollie, screamy for this reason, screamed again but not heard, hollie showed, turn, only hand seen but, rest, it appeared, hollie said, bob thats you, she was like golden cat, leave it alone, thats what the angel said, hollie showed, turn, but another, its him, he hollie, showed, go other way, had lighted rounded hands, hollie said, thats mittons, its thumb, like black outline around, hollie showed, lay down, bob, hollie said, thats Jesus whipping Jesus and not God liking it very much, thats him looking, people laughing, bob your doing it, hollie said, your forcing my hand to, thats bob in his coffin, its soon, God said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, but didnt sleep, 1-24-2012-this is warning, hollie said, doreen looks out, Gods hammo sang, hes like, hollie said, God said, angelic being, bob, hollie said, showed, its wire, they work, they want, something for nothing, hollie said, put it under, dont sleep, she showed, raise your hands, Jesus sang, but Gods hammo appeared, like white angelic head, but red outlines in, hollie reset the toilet, bobby, you see hollie said, put that on, take apart, do right, and it, will, not work long, but just watch, you will be there on sunday and it will not back up, saith God, the Lord, its, Jesus, said, hollie said, hollie showed time, Gods hammo sang, thats janette in jail agin said, bobby, hollie comes out, its, you and kristi, fucking, at the church, and new world order apostolic church, licks the prophet, hes like, God said, light head, hollie said, round, red tongue, hollie showed cut it off, fix, go home, then, sleep, thats phone ringing, and, Gods hammo appearing on, and you meeting with, max haas, septic tank company, bobby, hes nice, what do you want me to do, fix, bob said, he does, but, it, he looks and, finds, but, redigs, two hundred, but, hes, finished, just take care of he, said, spoke, hollie said, God said, 1-23-24-25-2012-bob, hollie said, showed time, Gods hammo sang, hes like she said, changing angelic being, with colors in, but mostly white, its happy moodie, thats speedway girl, she wasnt so happy but smiles in her hearts, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey, hollie said, theres Gods hammo, you need to let me hollie said, bob thats you and kristi fucking, then what, hollie said, put it under, thats moodie laying down, kristi still awake, happy, but wanting to do something, bob, thats where you, thats bob getting out money, looking for, bob, kristi wont live with you but see you God and hollie said, put it under, and, i, stamp, hollie said, thats, its black carriage coming out, pulled, these are, angred hollie said, black horses, theres happy pope like angel of light, and, thats, hu hintao on other side, red horses pull, he waves on red side, thats hintao with red horse appearing, hollie moodie rides his flying saucer, diving, its into, over that, hollie said, taiwan errupted into flames, thats, hollie, showing, lets fight, she has like light sword, thats hintao battling on his red horse, light sword, himself, its, they, him, changes colors, hollie said, its moodie flying out in flying saucer, dropping bombs, diving, its chinese ship leaving, hollie showed, its utubiaman ministryofdreams, Gods hammo angel appearing but more like Father, showing, its link up, he said, hollie showed, its, uh picture, she said, thats Gods hammo singing, its pope in picture, hollie comes out, shows, hes like angel of light, its I am gog, he said, coming alive, hollie closed it up, see there, she said, its you and your speedway wife, she, is happy over but your wanting janette and having, thats hollie whipping Jesus, hes way bigger she said, turn, hollie said, showed, but hand disappeared, another, hollie screams, its, he hollie driving tank, Father shoots by, hes like, its multi colored, ghost, big nose, Gods hammo started singing, 1-26-25-34-2012-hollie slapt his face, hollie and Gods hammo sang, hollie showed turn, like blue cat, another hollie comes out, let me explain she said, but hollie that explains appeared, light flashing from mouth, turn hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, another said, this is vision, said, its, hollie, but, another comes out, Gods hammo sang, hes like lit angelic white head, strands of black hair appearing, turn, hollie said, showed, big golden hand, hollie showed, its, Gods hammo sang, but changed colors, was blue seemed to go somewhat hollie, but its really curly hair, but hollie, he appeared, showed, bob buy one, there only, its, find, portable toilets, hollie clapped, showed, lay down, she had white face, laid on side, but clapped hands, got back up, thats her face appearing, white in like hazy face, background, and its, hollie showing sleep, thats light, he hollie said, shinning in darkness, boo they chanted, its he, many him, he hollies, their on ground, but mountain in back, thats dark, eyes appeared on, its God hollie, thought, showed, war, lets fight she said, like round light hands, its uh starfighter hollie said, saw one fly over, by, its, he, captain, him hollie in, dropping bombs, thats america exploding in middle and on both coasts, hollie inside her sub, showed, with golden like fin hand, lay down, but clapped and changed, hollie showed, turn, come on bob, its he hollie she said, showed, keep going straight, she wasnt sure if hand seen or not, your gitton in trouble said hollie that explains, claps, smiles, its janette, shes, big, popular she said, put it under, thats you two living together anyhow, heres why, thats, its, the disability pension hammo, its, stripped God said, taken away, hammo watches, stays, like mostly round head angelic face, 1-27-2012-hollie showed time, God said, Jesus laughs, bob you brought me down, God said, you told, he said, hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, hes like white angelic ghost, they said, put it under, hollie showed time, again, get it up, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie said, let Jesus, thats God working on your face, fixing, but when I choose God said, thats bob sitting at computer and its Gods new hammo like odd shaped head, wicked teeth, coming out, angelic, its, dull light, hollie said, bob wore gray sweatshirt, raise your hands and need up after me hollie said, showed, its, meet up and its, meet up hammo angel appearing, like, its, new hammo, like, hollie thought, burgundy sweatshirt on, hes up to something, big smile, hollie scream, showed, burgundy sweatshirt on, hands somewhat golden but face changes colors, a she hollie comes out, changes into him, but, hollie put down, things changing, he ran, hollie saw, but clothes changing colors, hollie saw, not happy, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie comes out, showing, its hand, showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, theres new he hollie in palm, hand moved, was white, its the facebook angel, its buske, hollie said, coming out, walking, clothes changing, thats the submarine right there, hollie said, pulled up, fired, its top of mountain burning and, Gods hammo sang, not happy, thats, all of america appearing, hollie came out, its spreaded before, me she said, its like, animated map, many nuclear fireballs, thats even more, hollie showed, missile warfare, thats missile in hand but hollie appeared, showed, eat something, another comes out, theres gray in hollies mouth, hollie showed, turn, golden hand, but its indecisive, she said, but, its him she said, he, hollie, appearing, showing, turn, white, just head, hand, but rest appeared, but, its, hollie comes out, appeared, white in mouth, showing eat, Gods hammo sang, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie comes out, hes angelic head, showed, its george washington high school, and indian appearing, thats it, hollie said, showed, its, light shinning in darkness, many he hollies, its him she said, one happy, but, black mountain appeared behind, why do you chant boo hollie said, he made me, he hollie said, happy, pointed at, its God hollie said, Jesus appeared, no expression, raise my mantle and repeat after me, Jesus sang, its him, hollie said, he hollie playing music, turning into moodie but face going blank somewhat, hollie came out, thats new world order apostolic church, like, its dot head, hollie said, hollie showed with hands, dont sell, thats her doing, its sign teem, laughing, record my vision, hollies screamin for this reason, she said, but appeared with burgundy sweatshirt on, showed, eat, another hollie comes out, points, light in her mouth, 1-28-2012-hollie showed time, you better, you need to, hollie skips, thats hollie going to school, red sweatshirt on, but, its Jesus she said, thats moodie and janette fucking again, get outta there, moodie said, janette, red plad coat, they, thats, at, new world order apostolic church, its like, dot head, showed, hollie, but showed praying, thats new world order carriage coming out, its black hollie saw, horses, you see these are angred she said, its teachers looking at e-mails and new world order apostolic church turning into, its like man, hollie said, hollie slapt his face, its new he hollie, he, appears, hollie said, showed, go get drink, burgundy sweatshirt on, hands were like brown fin like hands but turned to like shark tail hands, its boo who two hollies said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie and its, theres Gods hammo hollie said, appearing like Father and was, showing, like sneakey, hollie thought, burgundy sweatshirt on, hes up to something, nice head of hair, hollie showed turn, big hand, hollie showed lay down, like white light, its dull hollie said, but another comes out, showed, thru with it, not seen very well, a sad like hollie, blig head appears in blue, bob its you and her, she wants, its, loot, you wont give, hollie screamed for this reason, she said, screamed again, but another, hollie comes out, bushy hair, thinking, bob, doesnt know how to, describe that hollie but she had like, normal face, like tweety bird head, burgundy sweatshirt on, golden colored face, hollie comes out, boo, he, chanted, thats light shinning in darkness, its him, many, he hollies, black mountain, hollie showed, way way back, it has like ridges she said, hey thats Jesus, hollie said, appearing behind, hollies tap dancing, golden like bear leggs but, raise your hand and repeat wait after me, hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said but hes changing but theres old hammo like, its white angelic beings, theres tank again, hollie said, he hollie drove, ducks again, hes, hollie came out, not formed yet, but appeared, but, hollie came out again, Father shoots by, hes ghost, big nose, fire colored, but changing more like, its like flower shaped, but not quite, Gods hammo sang, hes angelic being but changing to, hollie showed, turn, its, uh he hollie a she one said, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, lay down, theres white in face, hollie salutes like, its shipmate, on board, its, r.m.s. titanic, thats song from show playing and, its, the young couple appearing, happy, but now there old, its, you bob, God ruint, and, thats, God damaging but, thought, you are ruining me, now i'm being openly mocked, thats God repenting, thats God not repenting, its, to late, hollie said, you have closed the whole world, thats world appearing and Gods hammo, grunts, put it like, this, thats Jesus, laughs hollie, 1-29-2012-hollie showed time, new Gods hammo sang, like angelic man, its, buske, hollie said, coming out, hollie showed, turn, golden hand, hollie showed, its advertising, its on google, thats google hammo angel coming out, its, google bar, hes like head, almost thing like, shaped, like chestnut, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, its social security dot gov, thats, hollie applying, glasses on, its Gods hammo and hollie sang, Father appears like up to something, angelic head, hollie made signs, thats Gods hammo appearing on sign, not looking to happy, thats bob downtown, winter clothes, holding signs, thats people giving, its loot hollie said, hollie grunts, its, Gods hammo sang, christian publication companies, boo, its boo hum, hollie said, showing, not caring, thats, hollie e-mailing, like, its crazy, now, light shinned in darkness, he hollie not happy, but, like, ridge mountain in back, like circles on top of each other, their dark, but hollie thought, changing colors, thats, facebook hammo and, its, advertising, hollie comes out, hes like buske, hollie prepared to record, burgundy sweatshirt on, nice teeth, but, God, appeared, like angelic man, thinking, hes, afraid, hollie said, thats, Jesus, like, an, angelic man, shooting himself in the foot, this is hollie, he said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, your bank, its angel, a not seen hollie said, but she herself came out, changing, thats, its bob holding up sign, again, need money, thats, happy people putting money in, bob your uh, millionaire, hollie said, just watch, hollie showed, record, showed, lay down, but bob, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, Gods hammo sang, but, turned into Father, hollie held sign up but sign disappeared, heres why bob, thats janette, then, its you, appearing with, bob like brett sears, thats, the reason, screamed hollie, screamed again, but not heard, another comes out, but changes to, its, him, and back, twists head, hollie showed, lay down, white face, its kind of, hazy, hollie said, she, was on side, hollie showed, go, pointed, finger, drove, red plad coat on, hollie showed, turn, God inside bob hickman on the net, God inside bob hickman, on the net, God inside, bob hickman, on the net, said, its, hollie, another, said, but, hollie showed, like, animal hollie with birds beak and, like, gorilla arms, its, hollie turned his, head, in the fire, happy, 1-30-2012-hollie showed time, burgundy sweatshirt on, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, it Jesus, hollie said, but theres Gods hammo, appearing not looking happy, God said, bob hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its, hollie and its, Father up to something, hollie comes out, hes like angelic buske, hes smarty, bob hollie showed, its janette, she doesnt mind, she loves you, just, wait, thats you and her together again, hollie showed, turn, like white hollie, then appeared, again, pointed, but different, but still white, hollie showed, she opened it up, its the beast, she said, pope appeared, but changed into, theres Gods hammo, put back, hollie said, but did again, how, same hollie comes out, hollie held, up the sign, white bandana on, the Father hammo sang, but Gods old hammo appeared, he wasnt seeming very happy, hollie came out, hes like angelic buske but, got happy, 1-31-2012-turn, hollie showed, said, hollie sang, Gods hammo appeared, I make my servants hate me Jesus said, you need to record hollie said, and I stamp she said, up rose, its, angelic being that keeps chnaging, hollie thought, it went from pope to hammo to Father, like white angelic being, hollie showed, its mercury capri like angelic hollie, its seventy nine, now its boo, hollie came out, they chanted, its him, many he hollies, their on level ground, light shinned in darkness, thats black mountain in background, hollie saw, bob and janette together, they, hollie thought, will remarry, she will get his last name, heres the sign, just wait hollie showed, its, Jesus, out of my whirlwind, hollie said, showed, its light whirlwind, hollie showed, record, he, a, she one said, saw, pointed, its, battleship, only finger seen, its white, but rest appeared, hollie showed, eat, bob its you and janette fucking again, its moodie, she didnt care, moodie happy, thats, big explosion, its missile blasting from ship, its aegis hollie said, thats, Gods hammo saw, but transformed, hollie, it appeared, showed, eat something, burgundy sweatshirt on, light in mouth, hey, she said, hollie got blurry, beak started appearing, where mouth, is, bobby, hollie came out, showed, its, hollie acting like pope, hes looking sad but laughs, but knows, its your dyin, hollie said, thats bob in his coffin, Jesus, closed it up but reopens, bob, God, you caused it pointed, hollie, Jesus grunts, hollie showed, bob, its, one thousand, e-mails, tear it, up, hollie said, she looked, big, blank paper appearing, it was brown, Father there to, just, his head, like angelic, hollie thought, bob dont do, its embarassing to God, put it under, hollie, showed, sleep, but, clapped hands, got back up, showed, its the pope, no expression, no, hollie said, shook, burgundy sweatshirt on, Gods hammo sang, hollie showed signs, and hammo comes out of one, partial, only like, hollie thought, somewhat monkeys lips, hollie makes sign, hollie showed, go, he, hollie, hollie showed, its bob she said, people walking, its downtown, when library closes, its, many, she wonders, scratched head, burgundy sweatshirt on, looks kind of to side, its, if you got uh vision, then put the vision on the internet said, it, hollie, another, showed, like beak nose, its, yellow and, burgundy sweatshirt on, dark gray pants, Gods hammo sang, but, only somewhat appearing, like angelic head, thats moodie making music but, hes, wanting to change to, lighted hand showed turn, its, like orange, fire colored, its Gods hammo, wearing dark suit, tall, slendor, fire colored face, look, hollie said, thats sign, its, in bobs church yard, thats Gods hammo looking, not seeming to happy, hes white angelic being, ghost, white clothes, but different shade but hollie thought, colors changing, so is hammo, look at me, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, go, dark, lit, orange hand, but happy white face, looking to side, this is warning, hollie said, thats hand wiping lips, but, rest of, its, him, he hollie appearing, but another came out, man she said, went to speedway, got drink, but, visions not formed yet, hollie with Jesus inside appeared, it was uh dream, hollie said, claps, its, uh night vision, bob, your in a sinking ship, it rolls over, then things go black, you just wait for ship to fill with water, its just like that, hollie said, what am i screamin for, hollie said, screamed again but not heard, showed, its, lighted, image on finger, tear up, its Father like golden, changing Father, hollie showed, lay down, showed, its queen, she said, brian may, appeared, then its, freddy mercury, with out him, gone, brian may said, were nothing, thats paul rogers singing, but he doesnt sound alike, people want, its the original hollie said, put it under, theres nobody that sounded like freddy, thats, styx, now releasing signs, dennis deyoung sang, with, thats, their other two singers singing, people dont want that, hollie said, put it under, she was concerned, 2-1-2012-let it go, screamed, hollie, God said, she had burgundy sweatshirt on, bobby om scared, hollie said, hollie, when ya gonna eat something, and I stamp, hollie said, thats lighted hammo angelic man coming out, happy, hey hollie said, she notices, its changing to, he, him, hollie laughs, hollie showed, with big, monkey like lips, its, thats bob working again, hollie showed, go, hand not seen but it appeared, its, like mittoned hand, outlines appear around but its dull, hollie said, its pope, hollie said, on black horse, hes like angel of light, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, showed, lay down, like white bear head hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, turn, him, a she one said, your wanted on the phone, hollie said, phone in hand, its, christi, thats moodie eating kristis, its cunt hollie said, then fucks, then eats some more, record, hollie said, showed, its, Gods new hammo like angelic man, looking not happy, its new world order apostolic church, angel appearing, claps, hollie, but she disappeared, only hands seen, but rest appeared, showed, eat something, thats Gods hammo, reporting to, its Gods interviewing table, light hands appear, why are you so sad, hollie said, appearing, quick, but leaving, hammo thinks, they dont take care of me, its, church, but thats bob pastoring with small crowd, 2-2-2012-quit, hollie said, she was like bear, God said, hollie and God said, bob, hollie said, showed time, get down there, she said, thats bob holding up sign, the world is coming to an end, and, people giving bob, it, loot, hollie said, put it under, doreen and hollie said, she, showed, watch again, it was light watch, and uh face on, its, hollie showed, the mixx, its prophetic website, like, angelic happy head, just staired later, hes hammo, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, eat something, hollie screamed, showed, its, mixx, like angelic hammo head, but he showed eat something, its angel hollie said, he held up his sign, people saw, he had like mittoned blue hands, there dull, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, thats the tap dancers, hollie said, many, hollies, there all the same but somewhat not into he hollie appeared with, holding hands, hollie appeared, dressed in clothes that were long, blue coat like, white robe like, when ya gonna eat again, hollie said, one appeared, showed, eating, turned to side, but mouth just open, whats the reason, its uh strip club, hollie said, screamed again, its, royal embassy, what, royal kingdom embassies, hollie showed, its closed, she said, work, jumpy, hollie said, leaping, clapping, not happy, white in mouth, face went nigger, monkey lips appeared on, angel showed, record, its, looting, Gods hammo sang, hes, him, back, hollie said, but its red setting, hammo just looked, but laughed, hey, hollie yells, hes going like he hollie, hollie showed, turn, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, here look, hollie said, theres Gods hammo, hes like, changing angelic being, hollie came out, saw many things going on, jumpy, hollie leaping, dressed in dress, bears on border of dress, its, angel, hollie said, your done, he said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, clapped hands, laid on side, hollie showed, turn, but not, all the way formed yet, hollie said, its, another, hollie showed turn, golden hand but disappeared, its, he, him, a she one said, hollie held up, the big sign, hollie said, no, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, shes like golden faced doggie hollie but, its doreen, and, its another, said, yes, he hollie appears, doreen sticks head out, but hollie shook no, changed, into doreen, did other things but went to like grayish color, head not seen, but started appearing, normal, 2-3-2012-what did hollie show, she, wore red sweatshirt God said, its, colts, hollie said, the indianapolis colts, in superbowl again, put it under, theres payton manning, with another ring God said, no, hollie said, shook, its light blue sweatshirt on, but, clapped hands, face went somewhat blank, bob, thats, you, its, at, new wineskin ministries, hollie showed, chimes ministry of dreams, like, theres Gods hammo, but face not formed quite yet, had, like, happy angelic face, kneck, red like shirt on, but, not seen but rest, it appeared, face went somewhat light, blank, but, red robe, hollie showed, its the chimes ministryofdreams, its prophetic mixx like angelic hammo but, only hollie comes out, showed, its buske, hammo sang, but didnt move lips but appeared, but, changing to pope, come on, hollie said, she, put money, wore hat, in cup, thats cup filling, then it started getting full of money, bob its, you, people, its you hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods brand new hammo, look hollie said, new, cocky looking angelic being appeared but old hammo appeared, not happy, changing but reported to Gods interviewing table, and I stamp, hollie said, beat like bear hand, whats the matter, God said, not seen but Jesus appeared, showed, eat something, white in mouth, looked at bob, hammo changed to Father but back, light like scene first, hammos not appearing in visions to much anymore, its you pointed, hollie, bob hes tiring, hollie screamed, bob held up sign, but wasnt there, hat, on, gray sweatshirt, dark pants, guard your visions, that is what she said, hollie did say, showed, hollie wearing hat, holding sign, its white hat, red sweatshirt on, dark gray pants, just let me see, hollie said, your just going to have to bob grab the horns of the alter, hollie came out, happy, showed, Jesus grabbing horns coming out of, its ram skull, hollie said, like, dark ram skull, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Gods hammo, hey look there, hollie said, its hu hintao out of one, theres, pope, putin, medvedev out of other, all had white eyes, let me, hollie said, showed, its, man, stunned, at what you said, bob he will build ya, hollie said, call him, hollie, showed, turn, amber lighted hand, big, showed, go, to, its, new wineskin, ministries, thats, hollie walking there, hollie, he hollie, a she one said, did appear, showed, eat, red sweatshirt on, another comes out, shows, white light in her mouth, thats her walking, its at goodwill, laughs, hollie, plad coat on, hollie comes out, its light shinning in darkness, many, its him, she said, he hollies, their on uh hill, hollie showed, jail, she wrote, janettes theres now, just watch, they chant boo, its, ever changing him, she said, big nose, hes happy, I got me some he said, stamped, thats him fucking christi but still had pants up, why, hollie said, shes playing hard to get but you will, just, watch God said, hollie showed, turn, hollie pointed, its airplane, he hollie flying, drops bombs, thats center of america exploding and its missile warfare hollie said, thats orange hollie in her submarine, its akula class, hollie came out, thats same hollie doing three visions, subs are firing, thats both american coasts burning, thats Jesus telling hollie, I want you do three parts, thats, Jesus looking at picture frames, glasses on, but, hes changing, that, hollie said, lighting up, white clothes, in jail, hollie pointed, its, fullfilled hollie said, just watch, theres janette calling, thats phone ringing but bob didnt answer, hollie saw, thats missiles flying, thats alaska exploding, hollie and the Father on one, Father wore, its dull, hollie said, like big robe, hes overweight, she said, looked over to the side, its janette, at, womens prison again, thats her brushing teeth but not caring, coat on, this is vision, you will wanna post when your right there, pointed, hollie, its, bob in jail but janette there to, them both, heres how, bob stay away from it, hollie said, hollie ate pizza, hat appeared on, red sweatshirt, he pointed, up, its Jesus high in air, world below, face on, white light, and, thats, country burning, its america hollie said, thats more exploding, smoke goes up, thats moon, its gettin in moons face, was sleeping but woke up, hi he said, thats sun with sunglasses, smoke got in face, both reported to, its Gods intereviewing table, i made ya, Jesus said, sun agrees, moon says yes, eat, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, pointed, hollie showed, turn, but another showed keep going straight, hand not seen but it appeared, its, mittoned, hollie said, thats dull blue, outline appearing around, Jesus like uh cat, hollie said, showed, turn, well dressed, tall, slendor, lighted face, hands, dark suit, its, blue, hollie said, showed, lay down, hollie showed, lay down, she was on side, had bears face but wiped face, another comes out, its hazy, Jesus tries to me perfect servant perish-vision received 2-21-2012-in this vision I saw JEsus and he said something like, "I tried to make you perish".

2-4-2012-and I showed time, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, God said, she one hand, on other arm, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, like angelic being, outlined in red, not happy, hollie had hat on, shes ready for work, thats her applying, but nobodies hiring, Gods hammo appeared, he ready for work to, happy, but showed, nobody wants, hollie came out, its uh blue setting, dull, she said, many, shades of blue, hollie showed, turn, its bebo ministryofdreams, hollie said, like Gods hammo but blank, face, but, it appeared, white angelic face, not so happy, hollie showed, its ryder trucking, in indianapolis, she had work hat on, sends resume in, hollie showed, its, ryder p.i.e., they were very big, but are gone now, she had work hat on, she said, show, do something, jumpy hollie said, leaping, like nigger, monkeys lips, dress on, theres bears in border, its i'm one said, smiling, hollie screamed, but not heard, hollie collected the money, its him, he hollie said, mine she hollie said, scooping it up, big green hand, raise your bells and clap your horns, sang, Jesus, hollie showed, its, micro-dermabrasion, it works hollie said, you see she said, it, cuts out a layer of skin, per swipe, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, lighted, he, him, a she one said, but thats, hand, appearing, its mittoned glove, hollie said, its blue, light outlines appearing around, hollie showed, keep going straight, hand not seen, but it appeared, theres mittoned glove again, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its, hollie another, said, but looked exactly the same and was, hollie like lighted amber hollie animal, showed, turn, hollie showed, like white light he, him, a she one said, she started appearing, turn, hollie comes out, Gods hammo comes back, sings, but mouth changes, but, hollie wonders, hes, transforming, Gods hammo, boo, light shinned in darkness, hey, hollie said, where did they go, thats, one he hollie, reporting to, its Gods interviewing table, long nose, happy, bob your ruining, it, hollie said, people are falling away, bob you have made me abased saith the Lord, cause I marred your face by causing facial muscle to tighten and laugh at you while doing, ruining your gums and teeth, now I the Lord am under the gun, fire, hollie comes out, thats Jesus rubbing chin, looking concerned, people are finding out and, saying Lord why are you doing one woman said, hollie showed, its sign, Gods hammo appeared, looking tired, like angelic, its head and kneck, hollie said, its sign at, new world order apostolic church, hollie claps, its in yard, hollie comes out, Father like Gods hammo sang, hes angelic head, but looking like, about to destroy, hollie showed, different colors in head, thats many, its him, hollie said, 2-5-2012-bobby, hollie showed time, burgundy sweatshirt on, Gods new hammo sang, hes transforming hollie said, but old hammo appeared, not looking happy, God said, put it under, bobby, watch this, hollie said, its, God, starting to fear, Jesus is rubbing, chin, now its the billboard, I dont want it, God said, and you can afford, you need to record, hollie appeared, golden face, thats m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, like well dressed angel, but ship, it appeared, hollie showed, big hand, appearing, herself, hollie showed, its facebookplanet ministryofdreams, its like Gods hammo, and was, Gods hammo, hes angelic being, and changing, not seeming to happy, but got better, bob thats moodie and janette fucking again, hes happy, gray sweatshirt on, janette red plad coat, not, caring but was happy, turned on side, bob thats janette, phone ringin, Gods hammo on, dont answer the phone, round angelic hammo said, pointy like, tripod hat on, light, hollie showed, hollie showed turn, but changed into new hammo like lighted being, tripod shaped light hat on but, hollie thought, its dull, thats your doreen, angel said, hollie showed, its doreen appearing, still working but shes, thats her as ministering spirit, its on, ministry of dreams, and Gods new hammo appeared, like lighted round head, triangle hat on, but different shades, bob your heart has been bruised and terrorised so many time you have not got long to live, heres the sign, hollie comes out, showed, its angry light Father appearing, Gods hammo sang, but reappeared, changed, a little, hollie shows, its red like setting, but different colors to, you can not live no longer with me terrorising and stalking saith the LOrd, it was Jesus, hollie said, coming back out, shes acting different, boo they chant, hollie said, light shinned in darness, its he hollie appearing, others there, but not seen to well, theres black like structure, way back, Jesus appears behind, why do you boo, hollie said, to one, he just looked, their laughin, he said, showed many babies, thats them born in world without God, no, its lawlessness JEsus said, put it under, JEsus, said, you to bob, your causing it, thats many in world now, not knowing God, your getting put out the door, its angel, hollie said, did say, thats, its moodie leaving home again, happy, but thats him reporting to janette, its, true, she said, I love you, both, plad coats on, thats hollie in the fire, twisting head, happy, nice brown hair, dont look back, hollie comes out, its new hollie that, said, hollie showed, turn, like new hollie like round head, big golden, hat, thats kind of, hollie wonders, triangle shaped, but flat on top, has like, ridges around, but, he opened his mouth, when reappeared, white light head, hollies screamin for this reason, she said, screamed again, but only turned head, not heard, hollie stomped foot, clapped hand, light foot, new hollie showed, turn, only big white light hand appeared first, round head later, submarine, right there, pointed, hollie, its, the, submarine somby, hollie drives, pulls up, its top of mountain burning, its they shower, she said, then she came out, showed, thats Gods hammo singing, but changing to like Father, america being showered, with thermo nukes, clear channel, thats what you want, said, hollie, thats, hollie appearing, its on billboard sign, hollie stamps, but, its, from behind, she said, turning and looking, hollie drove his tank, she hollie comes out, his face was blank, she said, but it appeared, but, rest disappeared, but, was there, Father shows up, big nose, fire colored, in like sheet, its ghost, hollie said, hollie pointed turn, a she one said, but thought, rubbed chin, stomped foot, showed, keep going straight, a she hollie said, but bob you turned anyway, put, it under, hollie showed, sleep, laid on side, face was light, hollie showed, turn, like uh animal, hollie, amber colored, 2-6-2012-bob, hollie said, showed time, burgundy sweatshirt on, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, pointed, up, beige sweatshirt on, its Jesus, happy, high in air, thats world below, like white globe, its im world said, face on, thats fire breaking out, its america hollie said, Gods new hammo sang, hes Father, red outlined Father, thats other countries exploding and burning, thats smoke rising from shaking world and, moon and sun there, sun happy, moon just at ease, but, moon, shew we, he says, its im sun said, face, with sunglasses on, but changing, hollie showed, its superbowl, thats, its, new england partriots and new york giants, thats, its close game, them playing, hollie saw, happy, light red sweatshirt on but its new england, we win, tom brady, said, thats, its moodie fucking janette again, moodie wore gray sweatshirt, happy, janette, wore, red plad coat, not caring but turned on side, got happy, I'm home, she said, thats moodie popping in butt tho, she rolls back over, put it in the puss, heres why she said, bobby hollie said, she likes sex, she said, hollie said, with doreen sticking head out, with, thats both, bobby, hollie saw, its, new hollie appearing, this, its dull another said, coming out, face, but not normal, thats bob holding up his sign, thats people placing money in, thats, new england, partiots, woman says, long plad coat on, its boo hum, hollie said, theres, light shinning in darkness, its him, many he, hollies, their on level ground, but hey, whats that, hollie said, its visions tell ministryofdreams, like happy round face, nice big teeth, hat on, black mountain behind, JEsus, behind the mountain, hollie showed, thats bob, giving uh, i'm prophecy, thats, its, Gods new hammo, appearing, like, its round, head, happy, but started wondering, hollie showed, turn, him a she one said, bobby, he, will fix your face, thats Gods performing surgery, its on bobs face, hollie stamped, only hand seen but rest appeared, she showed eat, white in mouth like brand new hollie but walked away, changed back, hey another said, it was, bobby, that man is your friend, stay with him, hollie said, hollie twisted, his head in fire, hes happy, content, hollie said, she hollie comes out, its different colors of fire, theres green and red, uto, hollie said, coming out, its, angel lopez, appearing, hes stunned, heres why, bobby, hollie comes out, looking, soft, he loved you, no, hollie said, shook, then shook head yes, showed, its janette, sleeping, leave her alone, hollie said, hollie showed, sleep, thats, hollie like bear, on, its bill board sign, raise your hands and repeat after me, bob dont give prophecy, hollie said, thats man, laughing, hollie showed, turn, big lighted, golden hand, but its, him, a she one said, showed, keep going straight, hey, hollie said, his hand, not seen, but it appeared, its mittoned, its, dull blue, light outlines around, 2-7-2012-when ya gonna eat, hollie said, God said, its, hollie that explains, whe wore burgundy sweatshirt, hollie showed,its, christy, bob, thats moodie wanting sex, gray sweatshirt on, but hollie rubs chin, changed to him, she will let in time, just work with it, God said, bob, I, the Lord destroyed all my children, persecuting by marring their face and causing muscles to tighten in face, wrinkling and bagging, deseaseing gums, causing tooth loss, I'm uh terror saith the Lord, to my own, thats many backslided and me laughing cause I caused by caressing their dicks then heating their bodies like flames, then throwing them away and telling others, they, fell away cause I the Lord was good, now your ruining and exposing me, hollie comes out, pointed Jesus, bob thats you and christy fucking, just watch, she loved it, i'm now saying bob that I have betrayed my own saith the LOrd, and mocked them, and you are, thats their payback, hollie pointed, Jesus, hollie comes out, its servants of God, none happy, like angels, but all heavey, hollie showed, its digg ministryofdreams, its, like, theres Gods new hammo, hes light, bright, face, like, happy, but, God said, hollie comes to, why, it wont work, he said, bob, thats you and christy having sex, its, moodie, gray sweatshirt on, clothes changed, but shes like, wonders, you will love her hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, but clapped hands, got back up, hollie showed, turn, him, a she one said, bob, hollie said, pointed up, changed to, like bear hollie, JEsus, high in sky, happy, world below, like white world, has face on, i'm world said, its, thats fire appearing, its, Gods old, new hammo appearing, but not happy, reported to, its Gods interviewing table, its, he said, she, wants but, he showed, go slow, bobby give her fifteen, she will take, vacuum and leave, but tomorrow, she will be interested in you, heres the sign, God will fix your face, hollie showed, turn, showed, keep going sraight, hand not seen but she hollie comes out, it appeared, its mittoned, dull blue, light outlines started appearing around, bob, hollie said, its billboard sign, and Gods hammo sang, but Father appeared, like up to something, bob thats christy, she knew, but, wanted you to bless her, now everybodies broke God said, it was JEsus, hollie said, theres Gods hammo running like angelic light hammo but hes just, man, no, thats, hammo singing but Father appearing like up to something, bob its christy, hollie said, bob, just be cool, she, knew, hollie showed, its bill board sign, her on, like, Gods hammo sang, but the Father appeared, like upto something, but, hollie comes out, hes, changing, bob, its, your sign, the message on will be heard and understood, right there, hollie held up her signs, its, not needed hollie said, wiped lips, but hand, not seen, but, like sticky, he, hollie, him, she hollie said, appeared, just leave it alone, hollie said, light flashing from mouth, she reported to, its, Gods interviewing table, hollie that explains sAID, THAT, SHE SAID, pointed, rubbed chin, but it was another, God said, showed, make love to janette, its, inpregnate, hollie and God said, bob heres how, looking, hes, not, wanting sign, but bob does anyway, thats, its the new ministryofdreams, is born, bobby, thats stealing hollie said, put it under, hollie that explains, showed, sleep, 2-8-2012-its hollie, dressed, like happy mexican, with big golden hat and vest like cowboy, but shes dancing in circles, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, theres Gods new hammo appearing, like round, head, triangle shaped hat, not on right, shaped like, its mountain like, hollie showed, turn, its, into speedway, she got drink but not seen, changed to another hollie, only part of face seen, but, another comes out, changing herself, showed, hollies changing, hollie screamin for this reason, she said, screamed again, its, him, he hollie, sneaking out, face almost went blank, blue sweatshirt on, blue jeans, nice full hair, bobby hollie said, opening with hands, opening scene, pulled apart, showed, be cool, they tremble at your prescence, lie to him, this is Jesus, hollie said, did say, bob, I will put in your heart, sewer part, God said, hollie showed, turn, him, a he hollie a she one said, did say, hollie said, that was Jesus shooting himself in the foot hollie said, a golden faced hollie moodie appeared, but no expression, but then, he laughed, hollie said, hollie looked to show turn, big hand but thought, looked sneaky, hollie, a she one said, but he showed keep going, changed to different, him, she said, hollie showed lay down, see bobby, it does work, hollie said, she did, lasar surgery, whats the reason, hollie said, screamed again, but not heard, hollie showed, turn, I the Lord persecute my servants to make them perish saith God, by destroying their faces by causing their face muscles to tighten up when being used and deseasing their gums and bodies and caressing their dicks with electricity saith the Lord to make them perish myself saith God, hollie showed, time, bob, she said, had her light watch on, burgundy sweatshirt, but light watch had uh face, bob its christy, you will have sex with her, its for, loot, hollie and christy said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, hes warnin you, JEsus said, hollie said, smiling, its barnabus, hollie said, hes, trembling, bob wants us, he said, but we have an orphanage, pastor said, put it under, hollie said, showed, sleep, but clapped hands, and, got back, awake, she said, hey, look, theres Gods hammo, she said, hes round, head, and, like, triangle shaped hat on, but, the colors, hollie thought, were dengy, you know what hurt you, this is Jesus, hollie said, she somewhat appeared, smiling, hes trembling, cause, he knows, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, but, hes, wanting, come, waved barnabus, but bob wont, hollie said, thats africa, and angel as part of continent, and he saw, casey said, got back, its, hollie flying in her, its, mustang fighter jet, its, world war two, hollie said, she flew, at, four hundred forty one miles per hour, its around africa, hey, hollie said, thats face appearing on, and nuclear fire in africa, but missiles left there, hollie said, angels appeared, on, the struck, hollie thought, got word from Jesus, he ate, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, a certain country, with elexplosions, bobby seal it up, hollie said, swallows, hollie showed, bobby its time, hollie said, for he, him to exalt you, thats God, its Jesus, hollie said, showing, eat, but he wont, hollie said, put your weight back on, heres, why, hollie, thought, to fill in wrinkles, you fool, Jesus said, its JEsus, hollie said, they want you to give them the church, but, they wont care about you, hollie and God said, its, the spanish ministry, its, hollie thought, looked at God for word, vino nuevo, its, iglesia de christo, hollie said, its, for spanish, she said, put it under, hollie said, showed, eat, white in mouth, bob when ya, she said, thats, moodie fucking janette, and christy, both, hollie said, just watch, its moodie, its, doing the fucking, wearing gray sweatshirt, and Father like hammo sings, but old hammo appears not happy, hollie showed eat something, had white in mouth, bobby dont go, hollie said, vino nuevo, pastor, angel, said, its, lopez, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, bobby sleep, she showed, 2-9-2012-hollie showed time, Gods hammo sang, but like Father hammo appeared, hollie thought, hes, both, different, but both angels, you need to record, hollie said, did say, and I stamp, she said, thats black carriage coming out, Gods hammo apepared not looking into, but its, hes not being used, hollie said, hes angelic hEAD BUT got happy, hollie showed, turn, its into speedway, she got drink, but, hey, another, yelled, things, not forming all the way, hollie held up her sign, but message not seen, changed into, its new hollie like round head, tripod like hat, different shades, but wheres the sign, hollie said, put it in the **** hollie said, thats bob **** ******* janette, changes to moodie, he loved, had nice hair, hollie showed,its chrisitan, on google, its bobs new message board, but, its, Gods new hammo, hes like the old, hollie thought, face not formed yet, hollie just light color, no, its, the, marine corp. hollie said, out in streets, thats looting she said, but hey, theres Gods new hammo, with, like very tall, slendor, round head, hollie showed, nice teeth, thats Jesus, sprinkling but only hand seen, rest appeared, but like hollie JEsus, showed, bobby be nice, thats janette coming around you, shes, afraid, its cause people dumping her, its under economic collapse barack obama said, hollie showed, yes, showed, its billboard sign, thats, hollie on, showed, hands sticking out, showing message, hands are like reddish color, but, hollie more green, bobby, its the sign, thats message appearing on, God entered me like a body perfect size, like me floating into you, type in google, Jesus in bob hickman, thats hollie with Jesus inside, thats new world order apostolic church hammo appearing, like, hes round head angel, like coming out of front part of building, but went back, was front part, hollie showed, bobby it sells, thats people driving by, one parks, goes looks, but nothing going on, leaves, moodie plays the music, hollie said, thats, bob learning how, looking pretty good but, still old hollie said, thats you bob at fifty looking almost half your age, just watch, thats hollie putting people out, burgundy sweat shirt on but she had empty church, now, people are, bobby, thats bob on billboard dressed, well, thats message appearing, God is inside bob hickman, and people are, its the tremble, that woman was stunned, Lord I thought I was saved, she said, got offended, but sought, thats her finding out then, its rejection, JEsus said, but, hollie appeared, like going hammo, its, him, she said, bobby, its floyd matthews appearing, hollie and God said, its, u.p.c.i., hollie comes out, claps, showed, its, words, they apepared, united pentecostal church international, its, bobby be good to them, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, hey theres pope like angel man, looked and laughed but almost turned hollie, and his black cart, he was in God said, you see these, are angred, hollie said, black horses, one stomped, opened mouth, big teeth, but they were white, theres uh submarine, hollie said, its, a air like sound, hollie pulls up, you see she said, thats floyd matthews, hes happy, dont speak to him, me, its the man on highlander, its, the kurgen, big, strong, but now, hes, old, feeble, bobby watch what you say, to me, christy said, shes sensitive, hollie showed top of mountain burning, in her, its akula class, thats what you want, needed, another, hollie said, jumping and leaping, thats subs around america and both coasts, burning, thats, hollie being lifted and angel flew, hollie looks, its double blader, type, helicoptor, but angel keeps flying, moodie, hes, hollie said, hanging on rope, hanging outside, more countries exploded, its im, sun said, sunglasses on but changed into moonman, but, both at Gods interviewing table, he its back hollie said, the moon man, big nose, no hair, well dressed, full body, hollie showed turn, his big, golden lighted hand, hollie showed, its uh network, Gods hammo appeared but changed a little, thats missiles in sky, it feels sky, thats some striking here, many countries exploded, smoke rose up in sun and moons face, its im sun said, its dull, hey hollie said, it changed to blood red, moon looked, just blank face, somewhat dengy white, like sleeping but opens eyes, looked at bob, hollie, flew, its, b52 Stratofortress, its carrying, raise your hands and repeat after sang Gods hammo, but Father hammo appeared, hes like angelic being, hollie saw, its, flying, low and fast, its, dead, shivered hollies, its, how many times, she said, they want, cold, hollie, just, watch, they are happy, thats, Hypersonic Cruise Missile, flying, at over, thirteen thousand miles per hour, and two striking russia, but missiles leaving russia, thats, hitting, the u.s.a, hollie spins, globe, and more countries, but world turns into angel world, hey he said, like face on, world, its, white hollie said, hey hollie said, thats nuclear tipped, nuclear warhead on rocket coming alive like happy angel, its i, angel said, like angel, hollie showed, hes in, the, Hypersonic Cruise Missile warhead part, you see hollie said, showed, its drink, showed, bobby drink something, its good, hollie said, chocalate milk, its, lowfat, hollie showed, its picture, pope, with like monkey lips, blue like shirt on, hollie screamed, then, did partial but not heard, another comes out, I caught it, hollies face seemed golden, she thought, hollie showed, bobby, just wait, be cool, hollie showed, turn, he hollie a she one said, but, Gods hammo sang, but, hollie thought, different angels appeared, he, hollie showed keep going straight, eat, hollie said, and showed, hollie used, its, lasar comb, you see she said, it does work, hollie saw, its signs popping up, bob you made them hollie said, 2-10-2012-no, its, hollie, said, but another appears, hey its the main showing eat, the main ministering spirit, God and hollie said, put it under, hollie comes out, showed, its, janette, thats you and moodie fucking again, moodie not happy, but got happy, bob, get it, hollie said, thats all you will get for now, hollie thought, to turn, but reappeared, they chanted boo hum, hollie said, hollie showed, its vino nuevo, thats, its, Father, not happy, this is, vision, lets post, what are were you doing, hollie showed, its, vino nuevo, thats, hollie with Jesus inside showing, eat, he hollie showed, turn, but another hollie came out, hollie, rode, its, its americas new hypersonic cruise missile, God said, hollie showed, turn, a she one came out, showed, bobby, its, boo, they chant, hollie said, many he hollies, hollie showed, turn, him, a she one said, hollie showed, lets eat bob, God said, put it under, hollie said, bob, they are there, its, moodle ministry of dreams, hollie said, like, hey, God said, theres Gods new hammo, hes, went bug, like, hollie said, like angelic bug head, hollie showed cut it off, bobby, save hollie said, while you can, its janette, hollie said, red plad coat on, its they get it on, hollie said, theres moodie, just wondering, but doing and getting happy, hollie showed cut it off, wore burgundy sweatshirt, but clapped hands, fired back up, hollie showed, lets eat, she said, white in mouth, thats her jogging, its, new world order, apostolic church, but angel comes out, hes, its, like, round, she said, but like Father, but went bob, thats it, bobby, him the riding the black horse, im into russia, its, pope, said, did say, hollie said, showed, walk at good, ate and looked around, theres light in mouth, its, she searched, bobby, hollie said, showed time, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey, look, there, hollie said, its Gods hammo, but changing into Father, and was, reported to, its Gods interviewing table, stamps, hollie, Jesus rubs chin, bob you can steal her, Jesus said, its, christy, heres how, hollie showed, wearing, red sweatshirt, be nice, and laugh, but dont be cocky, she loves you, do events, if you put up billboard sign, thats, hollie on billboard sign, bobby they will want ya, God said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, but got back, clapped hands, 2-11-2012-bob, hollie said, Gods hammo sang, but angelic Father appeared, raise your hands and repeat after me, he sang hollie said, but hammo appeared, like not so happy angel man, bobby, hollie said, showed, its, delicious, showed, be cool, dont put to much on, thats, hey, theres Gods new hammo, hes like angelic bug head, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, eat, but no food there, thats, hey, she said, its looting, food shortages, and, people running in streets, but hey, theres Gods new hammo, like, hes tall, slendor, well dressed, but, he, right there with, showed, having fun, its, getting to late to call, hollie said, showed, its, new christian message board angel, its, theres, Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, hes going bug, like, head, hollie said, angelic, light, boo they chanted, its darness trying to shine in light, their on level ground, its him, a she hollie said, drank, its orange juice, and Gods hidden hammo sang but somebody appeared, like angelic being, hollie said, she rode, its hypersonic cruise missile, thats america appearing and both coasts, exploding, its, missile warfare hollie said, thats submarines around america, but hey, hollie said, thats angry, obama pressing, its nuclear button, thats nuclear fire in russia and hey, hollie said, its like golden fire like angel appeared but was nuclear explosion, showed, its, im the angel, but seemed to be some hollie in her, hollie showed, eat, about us, its on org, hollie showed, its uh excellent website, bobby, its sneak in, hollie said, go slowly, its Father hammo showing eat, like angelic head, bobby, hollie said, you need somes visions, there on, hollie said, put it under, theres hollie on the billboard, showing, message, started appearing, hollie was green, but face, different shades, shes seeming to go brown in the face, God said, turned hammo, looking at bob, Jesus thinks, bob puts billboard up, thats hollie with Jesus inside, showing, eat, and, bob, is rising out of the sea, thats bob above indianapolis and many wonder but, hollie comes out, theres, shaking going on because of, thats like, another, shaking, bob its churches, they close up, because of billboard, people dont, come around but they will wonder, bob i'm going to say in my heard tho I fear not man but know in my heart if you pay for that billboard then you will not stop it going up even if I repent and it will ruin the whole christian world saith the Lord, hollie appeared on the billboard looking green, showed, message, not on yet, theres like blue circle around and, black on edges, thats, hollie looked down, but she was changing, indiana, and thats its lines starting to appear going outside indiana, thats many people finding out, thats newscastor debbie know interviewing bob, they laugh, have fun, bob leaves, hollie screamed, showed, when bob she said, showed, eat, changed to green, bobby, its the sign, hollie said, did convey, thats hollie raking in money, hollie showed, turn, go, to, its walmart, hollie screamed again, bob dont eat, she said, its to late, hollie showed, watch, but wasnt wearing, red sweatshirt on, she said, dont go home, jumpy hollie said, and showed, look at me, hollie said, hollie looked at her watch, burgundy sweatshirt on, croke the skwoke means you didnt want no more visions hollie said, she said, its, hollie turning monkey, he said, hollie said, showed, you know youve done, its angel, hollie said, hollie showed, lay down, but, clapped hands, got back up, her face was, white, kind of hazy, another, showed, red sweatshirt on, 2-12-2012-bobby, hollie said, she put one arm, on other forearm, burgundy sweatshirt on, gray pants, which were barely seen, God said, you have bob now got me angred, saith the Lord, hollie showed, its delicious ministryofdreams like, its Gods brand new hammo, like Father, angelic buske, happy, light God, thats JEsus rubbing his chin, showing, its hes, angry, bob is, thats, bob is kicking JEsus around now and, laughing, hollie showed, its her, on the billboard sign, that sign, hollie said, Gods new hammo sang, but old hammo appeared but hes changing like, angelic head, kneck, but, theres red in, raise your hands and repeat after me he sang, bobby eat something, hollie showed, bobby that sign, now hear me God said, hollie comes out, its on her on sign but she turned green, there was different, lighter color in her palms, shes on sign, its like, theres, something around her, message appears, on sign, thats hollie with Jesus inside, and people wonder, thats many seeing your video bob and trembling, thats man from, its, west virginia, united pentecostal church international, watching, trembling, wondering, hey Lord this is not love he said, showed, bobby seal it up bob for now, hollie walked, she showed, its cold, rubbed hands, but not seen, appeared, showed, eat, hollie showed, its, aboutus ministryofdreams, like, its Father, angelic buske head, but not, hollie thought, formed, well, hollie showed, brush teeth, take, bobby, learn to play music, thats bob getting first music lesson tomorror, girl loves it, hollie showed, turn, golden like face, God entered into me like a body perfect size, stomped hollie, but another, hollie points, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, hollie said, theres Gods old hammo, but new hammo appeared, hes like Father thats up to something, sneaky, hollie said, coming out, burgundy sweatshirt on, but hey it seemed more maroon, you see hollie said, she put new, wooden like roof, on, its, new world order apostolic church, stamps, hollie, white dress on, but, new world order angel man, face appeared, not, hollie, showed, gargling in mouth, seeming to, excited, bobby, its rinse, you will never have to brush, do it after each drink, hollies screamin for this reason, tap danced, hollie like uh bear, showed, getting cold, shook, but disappeared, and its cold angel appearing, hes similar to furnace angel like, angel head in like cloudy circle with blue in and white, theres like design, hollie said, hollie did, its lasar surgery, see bob, it fixed your face completely, she said, hollie said, showed, turn, thats, amber colored lighted hollie showing turn, but another showing keep going straight, like rubber gloved hand, it is meet bob to make my servants suffer saith the Lord, but you have endured so be free saith God and I lied, hollie comes out, it was Jesus, showed, learn how to play musical instruments, light hand but other normal, but, was, different, green like, hollie showed, its, the, two horned beast, theres hu hintao and, its empy, out of other, was like red ram skull, thats, hollie like one horned beast, turned into, its, pope, hollie laughs, hollie screamed, its, hollie showing, its, technics sa-727 stereo receiver, its puts out, hollie thought, burgundy sweatshirt on, about one fifty she said, one hundred fifty watts per channel, its, excellent, its top of the line, hollie watched, its the light show, receiver puts out, bobby, they made it, hollie said, its for churches, thats it, at new world order apostolic church and Gods new hammo coming out like up to something angelic head, what are you doing, hollie said, then, hollie that explains appeared, light flashing from mouth, she showed, its pope lighting up, hes the antichrist, hollie played piano, burgundy sweatshirt on, its you bob, tomorrow, thats girl giving lessons, 2-13-2012-bob now hear me saith the Lord, I torture people, to make them perish, after they sacrifice all for me, saith the LOrd, I hate you, and you will not put up the sign, thats, hollie on the billboard sign, she was partially green, bob you will not make money, but spend, to bring me down, saith the Lord, for ruining your face and gums, and trying to destroy you, I hated people and now I hate you and you suffer me, to late, i'm going to perish you, you will die soon, and I will laugh at you, and I dont care what people think, cause I hate them to, go ahead and bring me down, I will close out the world, and make them all perish, saith Jesus, 2-12-13-14-bobby its time, hollie said, its me, she said, pointed, at billboard sign, with her on, but hollie on the ground disappeared, put it under, hollie be quiet, see your face bob, i'm destroying you no matter what you do, put it on, God said, thats, hollie on billboard, changing colors, showing, its, God entered into bob hickman like body perfect size, thats, message appearing, hollie with Jesus inside, showing, eat, bobby your message is not gitting out, thats blogtalk radio, ministryofdreams, hey, its like Gods new hammo, hollie said, like angelic head, kneck, showed, eat, something, bob, thats Jesus turned to side, rubbing chin, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sees, but, Gods new Father hammo laughs, hes angelic head, bob, God caused your face to be, its ruint, hollie said, to tempt you, now you are launching out to become, lets rule the world, putin, sang, its time, Jesus sprinkles, bob its your billboard, hollie said, thats, bob, driving to, its clear channel, stamps, hollie, wearing white clothes, then, thats Jesus looking and repenting, but bob continues to drive, wheres my wife, thats bob showing up, at, clear channel outdoor advertising, hollie said, and, walking in, thats, janette on phone, bob your getting tough, now, hollie said, thats, God, wont endure, thats billboard sign, up, and, its, lammar outdoor advertising, hollie on sign, shes content, it ruint, hollie said, thats Jesus, appearing, its, I perseuted, Jesus, said, I ruint your face, deseased your gums, challenged, ruint, marriage, till I restored, seven fold, but bob you became impatient with me saith God, I started before you got saved and now its been over twenty years, you are going to, ruint me, Jesus said, thats bob fighting God down, and its smokey america, nuclear fire in, hey, theres Gods new hammo hollie said, hes, like angelic light being, walking with others, hey its looting hollie said, its under econonic collapse, here, barack obama said, thats marine guard, rushing hollie out, she wore plad coat, I really dont need you hollie said, clapping and its tap dancing, many, hollies, but one lighted, acting like pope, like angel hollie, hollie slapt his face, another, hollie showed, ruint, coming out, but, his face not formed to well yet, but, his isnt either, thats hollie on billboard, partially green, and, lighter color in palms, she, thats her pulling in piles of money, hollie that was on billboard showed, go inside church, sit down and, be quiet, bob, hollie said, showed, go home, burgundy sweatshirt on but angelic hammohead appeared, another, seen, hollie screamed, then shook, head, stomped foot but became like cat hollie, its boo hum, hollie said, light shinned in darkness, its him, she said, he hollie, long pointy nose, janette appeared there to, red plad coat on, but more there, hollie showed turn, golden hand, only seen, but rest appeared, golden face, long nose, showed, when ya gonna eat something, she said, nice hair, bob, hollie with nice hair said but its him with nice hair appearing, hollie showed, its, hollie on billboard sign, looking down, only hands seen, from hollie showing, but rest appeared red sweatshirt on, white hands, big, hollie laid down, on side, white face, hollie screamed, thought about which way to go, hammo, a she one said, did convey, hollie said, look, hollie said, showed, turn, she showed, picture, its Father, new clothes on, but hollie showed, only half way seen, another, hollie showed lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, hollie showed, be gentle, she said, showed, 2-15-2012-go to labor ready, its, hollie said, Jesus speaking, God said, and hollie, hollie showed, its her on billboard sign, hollie wore, its uh plad coat, got busy, but, hey, theres Gods new hammo she said, he appeared, like, its almost like round head, but, its egg, its blue, light, hes happy face on but, bob go to hair club hollie said, thats, them doing analyses, hollie used her, its lasar comb, she showed, see, she said, its lasar coming out, but face formed on lasar, thats it hollie said, stamps, but face disappeared, but, reappeared, hey, theres Gods new hammo, look, she said, hes angelic egg like, blue head, hes light color, its picture, hollie said, showed, its, raise your hands and repeat after im seen, hollie said, thats, its bob wearing suit, looking good, hollie was blind folded, acted like blind person but blind fold lifted just uh bit, face, eye, seen, hollie held her sign, message started appearing on, Gods new hammo sang, but visions of old hammo appeared, not happy, thats him changing to, slendor, tall, light hammo, reporting to, its Gods interviewing table, hollie stamped, scene spins, but hammo, he went blue, now its, boo, they chanted, hollie said, light shinned in darkness, hollie appeared like cat, its, air, that was Jesus like uh cat, this is, hollie, tap dancing, many, hollies just alike, JEsus like cat showed, keep going straight, get it on the internet, thats, write the vision, a, brand new hollie said, JEsus like uh cat, showed, turn, angel show, you not to eat, hollie said, thats, hollie in billboard sign, that was tank, hollie said, he hollie ducks in, laughing, hollie showed, his face, white arrow, white light, showed, turn, bob its time, hollie said, looked at her light watch, its, amber like colored, bright light flashed out, but, went white, had face on, but like sleeping, i'm the watch, watch, it said, hollie did convey, she blew on her hand, showed, its, the billboard sign, and, the star wars, music played, now its, hollie said, raise your hands and git ready to play, sang, hey, hollie said, theres Gods new hammo, and like, Father hammo appearing, both angelic heads, its like buske, hollie said, hollie showed, its, iglesia metodista, hollie showed, iglesia pentecostal, she said, sleep, jumpy, hollie said, leaping, clapping, its like, nigger, hollie said, she had dress on, lets see, hollie said, its, westside iglesia christiana, no, its babyfleas said, but, she, showed, yes, hollie said, but, then, hollie showed, no, hollie rode, is hypersonic cruise missile, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, theres Gods old hammo, and hes, its new hammo to, hollie said, nuclear explosions, hollie comes out, boy, she said, woe to me, thats, hollie dressing nice, looking good again, its soon bob, 2-16-2012-bobby, hollie said, like light hollie, but only partially seen, she put one hand on other arm, they were light arms, hollie like cat showed, turn, hollie showed, its, iglesia pentecostal, its in, indianapolis, bobby its pick it apart, hollie said, bobby, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, thats her on billboard sign, happy, showing, with both hands, its, come on, hollie said, thats, Jesus, trying to strip, hollie said, loose salvation, God said, put it under, bobby, you abated, happy God said, call lamar, she said, sleep, jumpy, hollie said, leaping, touching hands on feet, happy, like, its nigger, hollie said, thats her looking, its billboard sign, hollie, showing, its message, hollie, green, different color in palms of hands, shes, thats message appearing, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, sleep, look, hollie said, did convey, its yard sign, and has face on, its, used, hollie said, wiped her lips, its, him, hollie said, they, chant, boo, its, darkness over top of lit up ground, many he hollies, its him, a she one said, put it under, hollie said, showed, be cool, hollie showed, turn, blew like horn but not seen but thats golden horn, has new hollie inside like bug hollie, showed, its i.u.p.u.i., another, hollie waves, from her submarine, its, akula class, she said, thats, what you wanted, need she said, it fired, thats, a hammo singing like angelic head but both coasts and middle of america burned, destroyed hollie said, hollie showed, turn, a she one said, he was like, bear, boo, its he hollie, God said, he showed, its signs, they are, popping up all over, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, hes hiding amoungst signs, hollie showed, lay down, on side, but clapped hands, got back up, bobby, hollie said, its another hollie flying, its hypersonic cruise missile, thats, many explosions in america, russia, its, hey theres Gods hammo hollie said, like new angelic head, hes, both sides equal, hollie showed, lay down but hands showed, bobby its raking in the money, hollie showed, its billboard sign, hollie looking down from being, on, it, hollie looked, hammo appeared, will bring loot, turn, hollie said, and he showed, like bear, him, hollie showed, its time, she said, its, book, hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, hes on book, like angelic head, hollie came walking out, its, book, visions of the beast, and another angelic being spoke, bobby, you need to go, he hand hollie said, its, to, stamp angelic hammo bieng, its, your own church, vino nuevo, hollie said, its, you she said, they want people, thats pastor angel, hollie said, he likes it, God said, Jesus appears, its I persecute, God said, hollie said, by deseasing gums, and ruining faces by causing muscles to tighten, at the moment they are being used, wrinkling and stretching, and maiming limbs, persecution is me JEsus trying to make my servants loose their salvation to mock them saith the King, JEsus, the LOrd, a aman, I the Lord terrorise my servants by teasing and harming their appearance by wrinkling their faces and deseasing their mouths and tricking and lying and betraying them to make them perish to be openly mocked saith Jesus, hollie showed, bobby its time, God said, hollie put one lit hand on other arm, thats, hollie with Jesus, showing, eat, she, was, like, deformed, fleas said, put it under, they both showed time, bobby, go, hollie said, its vodpod, ministry ofdreams, holllie said, like angelman, but, he sat at, its, stamps, hollie, body not seen, only hand, new world order apostolic church, its yours bobby, hey, hollie said, thats, you and janette in living, in, its, hollie said, she looked, back, God appeared, janette, will soon, thats her stripped, its of her, pension, hollie and God said, its, social security collapse, its, here, hollie stamps, in the goole ole u.s.a., thats, hey, hollie said, its looting, but why is Gods hammo, hollie said, right there with, hes old hammo, like, skinning angelic man of light, he looked at his watch, showed bobby hammo said, lets go, hammo leaves, its, u.s.a. library, stamps, hollie but only gray hands seen, but rest appeared, she had, nice hair, hey bob, hollie with nice hair said, lets go, she left, but, God showed, its time, they need help, go and encourage, saith the Lord, 2-17-2012-hollie slaps his face, God said, his hammo sang, like angelic being, hollie showed, its, iglesia pentecostal, indianapolis, bobby when ya gonna eat something, hollie said, she ate, its, lit up, burgundy sweatshirt on, nice hair, bobby, hollie said, appeared, nice hair, long, nose, she, was, happy, but like, he hollie, theres hollie moodie appearing, showed, its, wordpress ministryofdreams, thats, God, hammo ministry of dreams, angelic head appearing, two colors, bobby its gonna take time, hollie said, work with, thats connersville u.p.c.i. woman trembling, and its, school teachers in connersville laughing, its I persecute, God said, hollie moved mouth, like inside, its blue, thats moodie and janette fucking again, moodie fought here a little, she wore, plad coat, red, its, hollie said, moodie gray sweatshirt, but they held, love each, put it under, shes, wanting, thats two men but all have her, God rubbed chin, janette, hollie said, will soon perish, its, in, its Gods hammo sang, hes, old hammo transforming, you see hollie said, she wore, its uh blue dress, but he hollie, appears, its got like light stripes, in, going down, she, nailed, its sign, its on, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie said, hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, telephone poll came alive, angelic head came out, showed, its, im the beast, pope appeared, hes on black horse, like angelic pope, its hollie diving on, red flying saucer, thats, its into over taiwan, which errupted into fire, hintao watches, thats him ordering, missiles comes, its out of china sea, hollie watches, thats, its, hintao on his red horse, battling, its hollie, over washington state, thats, another, hollie flying out, shes light face like tiger teeth, world war two airplane, hollie showed, you see, she said, changing a little, pilots attire on, thats her bombing chinese ship, diving, its repelled, she showed, hollie showed, turn, like, him, its, a she one, said, bobby dont go home, hollie said, showed, walk at walmart, hollie screamed, its, him doing text messaging, white clothes on, whats this, hollie said, screaming, pointed, up, but another, hollie appeared, monkey lips, burgundy sweatshirt but face, anotehr, hollie said, its, not formed yet, hollies mixed up, a hammo sang, but, who, angelic white face, Jesus, happy, high in the air, thats world below, its, white, face, appeared on, now I aint happy world said, showed, its, beast, rising out of, its sea, thats, hollie showed, playing guitar, bob its you, your becoming big, now quit, hollie and God said, im telling angel, bob is recruiting right now, theres pastor lopez, dark, burgundy shirt on, it has pockets hollie said, coming out, long nose, nice hair, its hollie with nice hair, another, showed, face not formed well yet, but she was happy, hollie showed, turn, hollie, showed, bob, fix signs, thats her adding to sign, hollie showed, its little horn like lit up triangle, has eyes, mans face in, its pope, hollie said, I am God, he said, bobby it aint your vision, hollie said, did convey, a she one said, it, he, appeared, hollie said, wiped his chin, showed, turn, hollie came out, its, she, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hammo appeared, like just happy face, bobby, its signs, I.u.p.u.i., hollie put up, she said, did, but came down ladder he hollie, hollies screamin for this reason, she said, showed, lay down, white face but changed into him, Gods, hey, its old hammo, hollie said, same, its boo hum, hollie, said, they chant, light shinned above darkness, its he hollies, many, but crowd thinning out, bob its you, hollie said, they invite, hollie used the lasar comb, see, hollie said, thats head with some hair but more, hair appeared on, bobby, its, you, hollie said, showed, dying, she said, jumpy hollie said, jumping, leaping, touching hands on feet, I take my, monkey lips off, she said, had dress on, theres bears on border, one smiled, it showed, hollie said, im uh bear, it said, hollie showed, thats bobby making signs like dealing cards, hey, theres Gods hammo, its appearing, hollie said, but not seen, but, hollie said, somebody came out, looked, light being, hollie pointed, its golden missile, thats indianapolis, its dark, Gods hammo sang, it exploded, then, hollie saw, many states exploding, its nuclear war putin and obama said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, its sink screens, hollie showed, buy, she put in, there, she said, 2-18-2012-its your fault, hollie, him, a she one said, thats moodie and janette fucking again, its soon, hollie said, put it under, God said, bobby what did I tell ya, Jesus, it, said, hollie said, leave her alone, untill, thats her aging, then, she will come around, you need to record, hollie said, and, I stamp, she said, its horses she said, they are black and red, its stagecoach, its like black on one side and red on the other, its, got, its, pope like angel and its, hu hintao, its, me, diving on flying saucer hollie said, its moodie, its into over that, moodie said, taiwan errupted into fire, thats hintao appearing, burgundy sweatshirt on, pressing nuclear button, thats, hollie battling hintao on his red horse, hollie showed, horse happy, they have light swords, im another, hollie said, flying out, its old world war one aircraft, she has blank face, eyes, like tiger teeth, thats her diving, its, theres Gods new hammo signing, hes like angelic being, thats, chinese ship bombed, its repelled, hands showed time, one hand on other arm, long sleeve dark dark shirt on but its like, burgundy, but rest appeared, it, hollie said, God, Jesus showing bite something, hollie had its, the, lasar comb, she saw, new, hair, sprout out, hollie showed, man its, dumb, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on but its like different shade of red, its, I persecute, Jesus said, coming, out, bob you tell hollie said, hollie showed, turn, then he rubbed chin, face went from golden to white, nice hair, but then, hollie with nice hair said, looked happy, bobby, she said, happy, looked up, its at you bob, another, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, but hey theres Gods old hammo, hollie said, you see, that, aboutus, has got, links on it, God said, hollie claps, light hands, arms, showed, its aboutus ministryofdreams hammo like angelic being but just happy white head, hollie showed, turn but rubbed his chin, hollie showed, its events, she clapped her hands, showed, its, theres Gods hammo singing like angelic up to something hammo, indianapolis convention center, that was, he hollie showing, turn, God said, hollie stole the sign, its, him, she said, happy, but she appeared, showed, thru with it, its, hollie showed, turn, but thought, white face, showed, keep going straight, but hey another, hollie said, this is, warning, bob, hollie said, that girl she said, shes somebody elses wife, leave her alone, lighted hollie like cat, he showed, turn, was white, look who you fucked, Jesus, its kristina hollie said, hollie got oil, telephone bob, its, angel, hollie showed, she, sucked thumb, but, its, him, she said, another, he hollie appearing, hollie laughs, coming out, Gods hammo sang, its, hollie showed, hes back, there he is in the fire, like red heart nose, twisting head but flames got higher, they werent natural flames, hollie showed, they chant boo, dark cloud over, its, many, him, she said, one had light face, hes brand new hollie but hair appeared, on, thinned, was blond, he was heavy set, let it go, hollie said, many, its, hollie said, jumpy hollie leaps, touches hands on feet, shes nigger, wore dress, hey hollie, another, said, theres bears in border, its him, he hollie showed, its popes picture, Gods hammo sang, im screamin for this reason, hollie said, Im jelous, speedway woman said, bob its janette, shes, thats her wearing plad coat, looking around, hooking, when nobody else comes around, thats when she calls ya, hollie said, its, he hollie showed, lay down, bobby feed, hollie said, thats animals coming to church, feed them there, its raccoons and possums, hollie showed lay down but got back, up, burgundy sweatshirt on, white face, showed, its janette, bobby janette wants many and you married a whore, hooker, hollie, put it under, go to sleep, hollie said, 2-19-2012-hollie slaps his face, but, its, the, 3d effect another hollie said, he, had hand, already on face, she claps, but, changed to him, its church dividing, happy hollie said, she walked at goodwill, bobby when ya go home, hollie said, sleep, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie sang, thats her putting up signs, its near franklin college, bobby, its, all over, now, hollie said, she said, leap, jumpy hollie did, said, touched feet on hands, wore dress, hey, theres hollie in, another, said, its, design dress, hollie came out, thought, its many colors, its, he, him hollie a another hidden one said, went to like moodie, golden face, hollie filled in, its holes at church, in parking lot and church hammo got happy, like angelic face, hollie flew up, in his, helicopter, man he said, its moodie, thats big nuclear explosion below, and its america, Gods old hammo appeared, happy, like slendor, tall, angelic angel man, many nuclear fires along both coasts, man its nuclear war here hollie said, showed, its double beater, helicopter, type, hollie looks up at, angel flys, throws moodie out on rope, thats many countries below exploding, hollie showed, go straight, thought about turning, hollie showed, turn, go to walmart, walk around, bob, hollie said, made sign, stood, its right here, pointed Gods hammo, on thirty eight street, its near georgetown, people, are reading, man om screamin for this reason, hollie said, screamed again, showed, its put dirty motor oil in, its, still good, hollie said, but did something, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, touching hands on feet, wearing dress, theres, figures, white in, like bears and was, bears, oh boy theres an attack here, hollie said, hollie showed, its, she said, banner, theres Gods hammo appearing, twenty five dollars, bob its works, thats, hollie marching with her banner, bobby dont do hollie said, thats, Jesus, working on bobs face, he will fix you hollie said, shut it up, is, sansui, showed, hollie, QRX-6500, its, hollie said, thats, Gods new hammo coming out, like angelic bug head, happy, powerful, hollie said, now its, boo hum, hollie said, darkness like cloud, shinned in the light, its him, she said, appearing, blue sweatshirt on, long nose, looking to side, hollie showed, its m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, she had big hand, thats torpedoes ruining ship, hollie saw them strike, exploding, thats ship, rolling and sinking, whew, its cold hollie said, they got in cold water, but thats rescue ship, hollie, its, she said, played piano, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, lay down, but wiped face, she had light white hazy face, burgundy, sweatshirt on, hollie showed, temple rents, hiring, class a c.d.l. driver, 2-20-2012-bob hollie said, its leonard scott, hollie, thought, hes fun, like him, appreciate, hes dentist, thats him working on a patient, its, not charge, he said, they, wont give, hollie said, but thats him, happy looking, shaking yes, but hurting in heart, bob go there, but with janette, thats, you and her, together, hollie held up her banner, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, another, hollie showed, eat, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, and I stamp, she said, its, new world order carriage coming out and, thats, pope like angel on one side, hu hintao on red side, you see hollie said, these are angred, its, pulled by black and red horses, hollie got with, but, Gods old hammo rose, hes like angelic bug head, white light man, hollie slaps his face, sucked his thumb, had like blanket, like linus, but she hollie, comes out, his face not formed well, she said, burgundy sweatshirt on, but Gods old hammo appeared, hes bug head, hollie said, went from blue to light, had some hair, but only like outline, hollie sat, on, its mokse, doreen and hollie said, kristina reappeared, hollie wore dress, she, its, on, top of, its old hollie said, willie duncans church but now sits empty, birds fly thru, its uh submarine, hollie said, waves, three, its, akula class, hollie showed, its, what you want, needed, she wore dress, clapped, leaped, dress was white but had like golden streaks in with light color to, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, another, hollies records but face, not formed yet, jumpy, hollie touched hands on feet as leaping, dress on, theres bears in border, one, lit up, turned dull brown, but happy, now its, im uh bear, the bear said, and office live ministryofdreams hammo appeared, like bug head angel, but hollie thought, showed, colors kept changing, boo hum, hollie said, dark cloud appeared, its over, him, in light, she said, many, him, its, one had blue sweatshirt on, long nose, grew, happy, head looking to side, tear up, its hollie, showed, snapping fingers, bob, do something, she said, quit, thats bob just sitting but looking young again, bob Im going to do it God said, moving hands, stomping foot, hollie comes out, hey, theres a bear, hollie said, its like bear, showing, tear up, lay down, she was happy, whats the reason, hollie said, looked real real quick, its that, stamps, hollie, beat hand, rest appeared, she showed, eat something, another screamed, it was round, head, new world order apostolic church angel appearing, hollie put sign back on building, hollie showed, lay down, white hazy face, she wiped, its the, hollie said, hells bell ringing, but another there with, its lighter color, black bell, red ringer, hollie comes out, laughing, looking over at, its angel, showing, eat, hollie slaps, his face, not formed yet, another, hollie showed, eat, bob hollie said, shook head, white light face, showed, lay down, burgundy sweatshirt on but visions of Gods hammo, hollie said, like blue, its dull, like head, appear, hollie had burgundy sweatshirt on, thats, hollie holding up banner, message appearing, on, its hollie with JEsus inside, showing, eat, Jesus smiles, hollie showed, his teeth, she saw, thats, hollie wearing, its cap, showing, banner on side of road, bobby it screwed, hollie said, thats churches, empting, people, its affeared, man trembling, people not knowing, theres bob on side of road, turning, its, changing, hollie said, thats Jesus, hollie said, hes thinking, should I God said, hollie used, its lasar comb, you see, she said, showed, but went like dull blue angelic hollie, just face, she said, jumpy, hollie said, thru, instead of leaping, but leaping, touched hands on, feet, face went brown, bob let me hollie said, record, she said, its, the, marine corp. hollie said, hey, theres, angel like marine, its bobby, he showed, got happy, looting, thats barack obama, its under economic collapse here, hollie said, for him, its announcing, hollie said, its Jesus, sprinkling, only hand see but rest appeared, showed, eat, lets rule the world putin said, sitting, its at uh table of kings, theres boris yeltsin and putin, hollie showed, turn, its, him, hollie, a she one said, showed, keep going straight, hey, hollie said, his hands not seen but it appeared, dull, its, conventions, hollie said, she held her banner up but sat down, hollie showed, turn, but did different things, different colored hands, both he and she hollie, bob my heart has rose up against you just like I did JOB saith the Lord, this is Jesus, hollie said, showed, its God, hes now, enjoying but, wasnt, didnt seem to be worried, but now knows, thats hollie pulling, her banner, hollie spreading her banner with hands, thats, hey, theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, to much, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, hollie showed, record, showed, its the beast rising like angelic, its, pope, theres, many kings coming out, its the nuclear g8, hollie said, seal, close it up, showed, hollie said, boo, hollie comes out, they chant, its, him, many he hollies, Gods hammo appeared, sang, hes like bug head, but, hollie thought, colors changed, showed, gargle, rinse, more, burgundy sweatshirt on, you are now bob going to destroy this whole planet God said, it, was, Jesus, hollie said, showed, its billboard, bob on, hollie, with banner, but banner disappeared, its you bob, on video, thats how, you trapped, now God is known, hollie showed, its time bob, she said, showed eat, go do something, she said, but hey, theres banner, she said, and Gods new hammo, rising up, its like, but bug head, hollie said, with God, Jesus blows on hand, hollie held up her banner, people drive by, bobby, they tremble, God said, Lord I thought i was saved, one man said, hes like its african, american, hollie said, but he was black, put it under, hollie and God said, go, bob left library, went to prayer meeting, with, its, antonio, hollie and God said, but kristina appears, showed, eat, hollie showed eat something, when ya gonna hollie said, its urban chat, ministry of dreams, hollie said, like, its, dark angel, that went, light, Jesus, persecutes, and bob holds up sign, the Lord, and brings God down, this is the first time, God said, since JOB, I had to repent, of my evil, toward my servant, and now bob is big, and i am nothing, saith JEsus, put it under, hollie said, bob, dont use it, hollie said, they know, knew, God said, 2-22-2-12-HOLLIE SHOWED, ITS FACEBOOK MINISTRYOFDREAMS, BOBBY IT WONT LAST LONG, HOLLIE SAID, HES LIKE ANGELIC HEAD BEING, BUT COLORS CHANGING, HOLLIE POINTS, THOUGHT, DONT CAPITALIZE, GOD SAID, FADING SOMEWHAT HOLLIE SHOWED, burgundy sweatshirt on, when ya hollie said, thats bob leaving, but thats Jesus made to perish with, bob you never left, God suffered greatly at your hands, thats, the, destruction you caused the Lord, thats many people appearing from all over, thats several thousand, most young, put it under, bob, hollie showed, work, when ya, hollie said, golden in mouth, showed, sleep, she said, lay down, theres bobs banner appearing and hey hollie said, and its, Gods new hammo appearing, hes like white light, its bug, hollie said, hollie showed, its, urbanchat ministryofdreams, like angelic hammo head, its buske, hollie said, different colored, it was black, but had light color in, both but kept changing, thats like silver outlining, its thick but not all over, hollie showed, turn, lighted first time but normal he hollie second time, hollie showed turn again, this is, uh warning, hollie said, turned into like bear hollie, pointed up, Jesus, happy, high in sky, and its, world below, shaking, what did it say, hollie and doreen said, doreen appeared, its now im happy, world said, thats many countries now on fire, its, beast, pope, hollie said, on, riding his black horse, thats moodie and janette fucking again, bob its, hollie, spreaded banner, its deadly, she thought, thats high schools, people not looking, but hollie laughs, hollie pointed turn, but is him, he hollie showed, keep, going straight, hollie showed, its washington street and rockville road, a white light hollie showed, keep going on rockville but, showed, turn on washington, thats, empty land at corner, hollie put up, its banner, she said, thats, the, tap dancers, many, hollies, they, werent right, a normal hollie thought, its pope like angel tap dancing with, theres hu hintao and putin, happy, but, hes sitting at table, bobby, its the nuclear g8, im the beast, hollie said, hollie showed, its, cvs on washington street, banner put in yard, hollie showed, its uh long white river, thats, banner placed, hollie walking around, hollie, showed, turn, hand appeared later, like, its white gloved hand, bob hollie said, just wait on banner, give God time, thats Jesus filling in lines on bobs face, he said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, touching hands on feet, face going brown, monkey lips appeared on, bob get licence plate, hollie said, she got the new plate, its w.g.u., hollie said, its chrisitan she said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, dreamed, w.g.u. university, im screamin for this reason, tap danced hollie, she, tear up, its the contract, bobby God said, its pope hollie said, dressed in like blue pajamas, but, laughs, kicks, but it, was hollie laughing, hollie showed, turn, him a she one said, but faced, the other, way, showed, turn, hand lit up, brown, hollie showed, lay down, white hazy like face, let me see another, said, its him, a he hollie, showed, lay down to, hands clap, its another, hollie, she comes out, hollie showed, eat something, hollie was like a bear, he bear a she one said, when ya going to record, hollie said, showed, eat, but hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, hey, she said, oh so you caught it, God said, its, Gods hammo, like angelic bug head, it, reappearing, hollie said, but at first was blue she said, now, white, but, no expression, what does, doreen said, God said, it mean, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, I aint no hammo, the angel bug head said, took face, but, hollie, thought, burgundy sweatshirt on, didnt change one bit, hollie showed, bob when ya gonna eat something, hollie said, but, shoved it away, pulled Jesus to, its, she said, himself, changed, put it under, lets, hollie said, she walked, its at new wineskin ministries, hollie said, but, she changes to him, sucks thumb, lets rule the world, putin sang, its, the beast, hollie said, its, pope, hollie said, like angel of light, bobby, Jesus said, im hollie she said, it appeared, hollie said, put it under, bobby thats banner, its, people looking at, trembling, like that old man, but he kept driving, but, fear, they all will God said, put it under, hollie said, sucked thumb, he stomped foot, but, dark brown pants on, gray sweatshirt, but sucked thumb, hollie screamed, showed, i showed, hollie said, its stumbleupon ministryofdreams, hes like angelic head, its like buske, hollie said, partially black and white, but, was happy, went sad, but, I showed the beast, he said, showed, its, raise your hands and when you gonna pe pe, hollie said, its, hollie pissing, God said, bobby slow down, hollie said, save money, save kidneys, thats kidneys shaking, and, eyes appearing, on, but, they smiled, went back to sleep, God said, hollie showed, when ya, gonna eat, something, she said, put it under, hollie showed, his watch, had, nice shirt on, its sweatshirt, bobby its cold, hollie said, shaking, thats, its furnace angel, like hammo, hes, just, like face, surrounded, but, like, cloudy, somewhat, golden, lit, but, put it under, hollie showed his watch, like, he had on, red sweatshirt, but, lit a little and, like, different, it had light in, and, like, fuzzy, hollie showed, with hands, stuff, but, his watch lit up, had face on, sleeping, but woke up, bobby, its, im time, watch put it under, hes the new ministering spirit on ministry of dreams, hollie said, its the watch man, 2-23-2012-boo they chanted, hollie showed, record, golden face but mitt romney there to, both, claps hollie, hollie dimly seen, showed, its raining, she shook, thats submarines, its like hollie showed, in one but, hollie thought, was it, bobby when ya gonna record, hollie said, showed, eat, bob hollie said, looking, serious but its, affeared, she said, showed, its banner, spreaded hands, but hey, theres Gods hammo appearing, hes like blue bug, head, but no expression, bob hollie said, pointing, its the beast, pope she said, put it under, hes, like an angel of light, hollie said, bob it was Jesus, hollie said, its our economy God said, put it under, thats, its, people looting, but, hollie comes out, showed, with hands, burgundy sweatshirt on, dark like gray pants, Gods hammo right there with, looking stunned cause he caught, looking, tall, slendor, but hollie disappears, like angelic angel, wearing suit, people with, theres barack obama making announcement, its under economic collapse here, God said, but barack doesnt, hollie claps, wearing, its like disney angel dress, thats disney angel flying, tapping her wand, golden face, dress on, its got different colors in, of like, blue light hollie said, hollie screaming she said, bobby, its your banner, hollie said, hollie opens, but banner not there, you better watch hollie said, stomped foot, face started going just light face thou, bobby, its, angel, hollie said, put it under, hes like angelic light being, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, touching hands on feet, wearing dress, monkey lips, after the marine corp. hollie said, thats them looting, Jesus sprinkles, only hand seen but, its, he hollie appearing, him, hollie said, showing, eat something, he was like dull brownish color but offred, hollie showed, turn, but showed, go into speedway, Gods new hammo sang, but happy, hollie thought, little different, she wore burgundy sweatshirt, hollie showed, turn, but, hey, theres Gods new hammo, he came out of banner like angelic head, she said, its, jumpy hollie showing, doing something, monkey lips, nigger face, but, brown outlines, every day you leave that banner, up there, clapped the tap dancers, many, hollies all alike, but theres pope there and hintao appears, you see hollie said, coming out, these, they are both beasts, then angelic like ram head appeared but really its he hollie laughing acting like ram, mister christian, hollie said, showed, lay down, thats hammo coming out of fan, tap danced hollie, hes white angelic face, hollie used the lasar comb, see she said, it lit up but changed, theres Gods hammo hollie said, like angelic head, hes bald, that is, hollie screamin for this reason, that is pope, on his black horse, its Jesus, hollie said, he said, popes like angelic man, hollie showed, turn, bear like hand, hollie showed, turn, its moodie fucking janette agin, hollie said, he wore gray sweatshirt, she, plad coat, boo, they chanted, hollie said, she, like golden beak face but didnt start like that, its man, its hammo, he hollies, light and darkness over above, its cloud, thats thunder coming out and, its like not so happy God like angelic drawing, and, its, theres, JEsus wearing glasses, drawing, its Father, but Jesus formed well yet, hollie showed, lay down, rubbed face, it was hazy white, hollie screamed, its you bob, she said, screamed again, thats pictures showing, its damage God did to your face, hollie rubbed her head, God said, she said, showed, its new banner, and, hey, its, theres, Gods hammo, hollie said, hes, like, angelic bug head, but colors kept changing, go right ahead, bobby, JEsus said, appeared, but laughed, but people went on and said, Lord you mother fucker, then, thats Jesus, running to, remove, its, bob hickman, you, hollie said, but, God, was now, ashamed, and bob, would not, let him out, but, God tried to make bob perish, I got what I deserved Jesus said, put it under, hollie said, watch what you do, she said, 2-23-2012-I Jesus persecute my children to cause them to loose their salvation, loose their wives and appearance and everything they have by deforming them and maiming and disfiguring saith the Lord, by causing their facial muscles to tighten when moving face causing face to wrinkle and bag and stretch and deseasing gums and caressing their penus with electricity, by teasing and lying and betraying saith the Lord and doing many more torments at the same time, this is called, torture saith God and that is the reason I save to have fun tormenting and watching my servants hearts scream and watching their grief and pain from the harm I caused them, bob hickman saith God, will try to ruin me and will harm many, before I, thats Jesus thinking, Jesus said, he appeared, God said, hollie said, hollie showed, bob its time go, she had on, her, its light watch, hollie and God said, put it under, hollie said, showed, sh, dont tell, its, visions of all things, and Gods hammo appears on book like death angel, hollie showed record, its bob, hollie said, but God deformed him, now bob his wrath and the punishing the Lord, and will drive people away, look bob its banner, hollie said, its hollie with Jesus inside appearing, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed eat something, God said, put it under hollie said, bob its banner, go, she said, and get, hey, but theres, Gods new hammo, hollie said, hes like white bug head, but went blue, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, hollie said, its Gods angelic hammo, again, appearing, hollie said, hollie showed eat something, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, hollie said, its Gods new hammo, like angelic being, showing eat something, im the beast, said, hollie points, God said, its Gods new angelic hammo, hes like angelic man, but hes, not, nothing, and got sad, but, claps hands, straightens back and angelic hammo, showed, pictures, its the whole new world order hollie said, theres the beast, God said, riding his black horse, and its hu, Jesus said, spoke, hollie said, on his red horse, im the beast, its antichrist, hollie said, hes angelic man there in vision, but, hes, worlds most popular man, but, hes on his, hollie wipes lips, stomps foot, black horse, im the antichrist, he yells, bobby when people see, hollie said, you will be asleep, thats bob laying down asleep, hollie said, hollie showed, its, ministry of dreams, hollie said, God said, its, Jesus speaking and creating, call it ministryofdreams, I spoke it, you see, God said, i will make, all the thieves of the God spoken and created, and birthed, saith Jesus, ministry of dreams, run and remove, when ever I apply, sickness to them, saith God, they will cancel their books and I wont heal them anyway, saith Jesus, you just watch me, greetings in Jesus name, God said, bob, dont go, hollie said, she wore, its plad coat, thats janette in jail again, and she, calls bob, please get attorney, janette says, its hickman, hollie said, but, you wont, hollie said, but, will, put it under, hollie said, bob, watch, your face, God will fix, thats JEsus, hollie said, workings on bobs face, but hey, holllie said, he, changed, hollie showed, God said, and her, its book, visions of the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and hey, theres Gods hammo appearing on, hes like angelic buske, hollie said, just face and kneck, but was happy, lets put it under hollie said, showed, lay down, woman said, hollie showed lets eat, she said, bob, thats you she said, walking at, its, stamps, hollie, new wineskin ministries, hollie said, put it under, bob wore plad coat, 2-24-2012-bob, hollie said, coming out, shes, worried, now God, hollie said, is falling and, its your banner, hollie said, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, its, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, hes like angelic bug head, opening up banner, but nothing on, bob, you better watch, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, be quiet, Jesus, was high above, and, its world below, shaking, face appears on, fires breaking out, missiles sailing, its nuclear war here, God said, this place is under fire, attack it, hollie said, hollie showed, its, tagged ministryofdreams but thats bob picture appearing, Gods hammo appeared, like angelic bug head but he sang, hollie showed, its april wine, they still tour, but thats lead singer wiping lips, they dont sell to many tickets but they are having fun, playing for, its, about, a, thousand, hollie said, thats people clapping, hollie right there with happy, hollie screamed, hollie showed, its banner, she spreaded apart but hey, theres Gods new hammo appearing, hes like, bug head, no expression but, another hammo appeared, excited, but got sad, you see hollie said, let banner, rolled out, held by top, had Gods hammo, Gods new hammo face but changed to hollie, its Gods new hammo with nice hair, thats, hollie with nice hair appearing looking up at bob, happy, long nose but, looked back down, thats hand clapping, its hollie, but showed, picture, its both beasts, hollie said, theres pope and hu, pope like not happy angel, dressed in dark suit, hu not seeming to care, but got happy, they walked and got along but laughed, and, threatened, but they didnt take each serious, thats, hollie walking, its along chinese and russian border, she saw, its light nuclear missiles aimed right at each other, its, hollie saw, pope on black horse, stopping in russia, thats him signing with medvedev, now lets, see, medvedev said, its, gaining some advantages, pope said, hollie showed, eat, its, her showing batteries, not seen but she appeared, showed, white in mouth, nice long hair, its curly, gray sweatshirt on, but hey, theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, dont change, hollie said, you see hollie said, coming out, its new wineskin ministries, but hey, theres Gods new hammo, he sang, raise your hands and repeat after me, hes like bug head, hollie had, its lasar comb, she used, bobby, sh, hollie said, finger to mouth, hollie showed, its the whole new world order, hollie showed, it appeared, she, dressed different this time, dark suit, clothes, nice hair, but, face like brown, theres pope and hu hintao, hollie said, you see these two, hollie said, its around them, thats other kings appearing, theres, venezuelan president shaking yes but not wanting, sign medvedev said, thats nicaraguan president and castrol, and lula looking stout but lula didnt want it hollie said, these kim jong giving nuclear button to his son, but he pressed, thats nuclear fires in, its, theres Gods hammo appearing, hes new, and, like dull blue head but, thats russia, china, and south korea burning, hey, hollie said, thats missile, putin climbs, on, thats north korea exploding, hollie said, theres two tomahawks, its coming out of u.s. sub, she said, thats coming out of sea, thats, lets rule the world, putin, said, medvedev presses nuclear button, you see, hollie said, its uh network as white light streaks appear, showing, its missile trail, but, thats nuclear fires in moscow, with angry barack obama but hollie, showed, its world, its p-51 mustang, thats fire in, africa, theres, italy and australia exploding, theres nuclear fires in cuba, thats venezuela and brazil on fire, hollie spun world, got happy, changed to like evil hollie, but thats many in world sticking up, raising, hands but thats, only one saved, its you bob, he knew it pointed hollie, its mark brown, Gods one witness, that woman shakes yes, she knows to, thats hollie like red two horned beast, not looking very into it, its hu hintao and, its empy, hollie said, emperor of japan climbing out of, horns, they stand before pope, hollie said, God hammo sang, he appeared, like angelic bug head but, thats them sitting at table with well dressed, poepon hollie said, thats, its king or north coming against king of south, thats 666 peace treaty, hollie said, lets place it, theres, pope, his face tattood on finger, thats the mark of the beast treaty, hollie said, showed, its ram like skull ram, thats pope, medvedev, putin coming out of one horns, theres hu hintao, out of the other, its ram, thats hegoat with, popes face, lets do it pope said, smiting ram with putins face, when ya gonna eat something, hollie said, she ate something, it was carrot but a cut part of carrot appeared, hollie went dark, happy, nice hair, hollie, saw, its JOB covered with boils, thats Jesus, laughing, its, God, ordering the plague hollie said, its God grants a person the power to speak a plague, thats holy Ghost executing the plague, people, its, your deceived, hollie, said, hollie showed, its, the clock, but, it transformed, hollie said, its light clock, its in speedway, indiana, thats, man reading, but, Gods hammo face starts coming out of clock, but, turns back into clock, got happy, but, had like golden color in, then, hollie thought, you could just see, its, the, nine, ten o:clock area, but hands not there yet, attack this place, hollie, said, new york, doreen and, its kristina appearing, they, sang, thats nuclear fireball, then, thats high above, many states on fire, and its hollie flying, red, its, like, first jet, dropping more bombs, thats center of america exploding, he, hollie coming out, hollie looks up, its double blader type, she said, angel flew, he, hollie, its moodie hanging from rope, he, turned to like dark moodie, write the vision, hollie said, showed, keep going, plad coat appeared on him, showed, bobby, scavage a little, hollie laid down, on side, wiped face, but hey theres Gods hammo, he sang, like angelic head but, hollie thought, hes kind of, hollie showed, not right yet but hollie different to, 2-25-2012-bob, hollie said, its, banno, its, the banner, Gods new hammo coming out, bob remove that charles stone said, but bob wouldnt, he trembled, hollie said, God said, but bob wont remove, hollie spoke, mountain moved but she wiped lips, its, thats, Jesus, making it happen, bob its your page, thats Gods new hammo appearing, hes like angelic bug head, hollie said, outlined in blue, thats clock in speedway indiana lighting up bright, with face on, its on the corner of, stamps, hollie, but not seen to well, main street and sixteen, its on like stand, old clock, thats bobs new page, Gods new hammo appearing again like, blue outline, bob its moodie and janette, its fucking again, its at new world order apostolic church, thats janette wearing, plad red, its coat, living with you, bob, it will happen in time, its for good, bob your new page, thats, holy Ghost, torturing servant, showing up and many people clicking on, bob thats it, hollie said, you got it, thats makes Jesus run to fix your face, thats Gods doing quick plastic surgery on bob, he ruint hollie said, its the horn blowing hollie said, its bobby back to work, its temple rents, but hey, theres, Gods new hammo appearing, hes like golden face baby hammo, not happy, tell me about the rapture, hollie said, its Jesus high above, world below, Jesus tall, and, slendor, world like green world, big mouth, open but its to the side uh little hollie said, like babyface, but thats fires breaking out, oh world said, had finger, popes image tattood on, you see, hollie said, did, its, dry ice blasting, she had like sprayer and its long, hollie put safety glasses on, kind of took hand and showed, pressure, its blasting off anything in its path, its like car wash sprayer, om back babyfleas said, not happy looking, nice teeth, but hollie comes out, wearing, its multi color dress, it has designs in, hollie put, its rug under, door, its stops, thats, Gods hammo coming under crack, its between door and floor, hammo like angelic, its, hollie thought, got some blue in it, like cloudy in colors but not showing, expression, showed, finger, its, popes image tattood on, its, pontey, hollie said, riding his black horse, its into moscow, pope said, hollie showed, eat, angel spoke, hollie showed, do something, she wore long white dress, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, touching hands on feet, wore, its, big white dress, but hey theres Gods hammo signing, like angelic bug like head, blue in, hands showed, fighting, hollie appeared, showing, eating, jumpy hollies face brown like monkey lips, she said, jumpy, hollie said, leaping, touching hands of feet, brown face like monkeys face, wearing dress but hollie comes out, her, expression like, none, boo, hollie said, thats dark area lighting up, its him, many he hollies a she one said, one had long nose, got, happy, but hollie claps, seal it up she said, thats your face fixing and its God bringing janette, hollie showed, its banner, its along west street, but hey theres Gods hammo coming out showing, not happy, he came all the way out, had body, but hollie couldnt see, well, she showed, whats that, hollie said, showed, big white hand, its uh nineteen sixty seven, she said, wiped, lips, but hand not seen, its him, he hollie laughing, he did but only somewhat seen that time, ford galaxie 500, its, got uh, 390 engine, hollie said, lets motor she said, like white angelic hollie, it wont smoke tires but spins, hollie came out of fan, she got banner, folded up, bobby take care, of, hollie said, its moodie playing, music, hollie showed, his face not formed yet but, it appeared, but hollie thought, his sweatshirt went from blue to red, but, hey theres Gods hammo, hes, new angelic, older, musician, playing keyboards, I want, to, close ministryofdreams, its, the, banno, hollie said, its banner, angelic head, coming out, showed, its both beasts, its, theres the pope and hu, he hollie claps, got his banner, thats, uh crowd of ministering spirits tap dancing, they all said, theres Jesus, hollie said, hard shoes on, tap dancing, hollie showing, turn, hes brown now, big hand, winter coat on, hat on, hollie shook, bob its still winter hollie said, turn heat on now, thats golden lighted, hollie showing, turn, its him a she one said, but, hand diappeared, Gods hammo gave instructions, theres the warning, hollie said, its warning sireen blowing, furnace hammo appeared, hes angelic face, surrounded by like cloudy, white, hollie thought, something, seen, but colors changed, went somewhat, tan, hollie thought, but, now, golden light appearing, in, face in middle, hollie saw, she swallows, burgundy sweatshirt on, but, hollie had like golden hands, like, its got, three, like kings crown, but clock, thats lighted clock in speedway indiana, its on stand, you see, hollie said, leaned up against, thats, happy face coming out, type in google Jesus inside bob hickman, hollie said, thats, hollie with Jesus inside appearing, hollie showed, lay down, white hazy bear like face, 2-26-2012-you need to record, hollie said, wiped her lips, not happy, bob God said, thats, Jesus getting his banner, thats banner hammo coming out like, hollie laughs, see bob, you got caught, thats, its, lady gaga, shes knows you pointed, hollie, its your posts, she looks, thinks, Lord you in trouble over this one, Gods banner hammo appeared, like angelic bug head, no expression but not happy, hollie wrote something on, its telephone pole, Gods hammo came out, bob your making it, hollie said, she, looked like drawing, so was hammo, hollie showed, turn, give a warning, hollie said, its, janette called, thats, hammo coming out, of, its shaking, beeping, phone, janette had plad coat on, thats happy moodie, enjoying, its you screw hollie said, its soon, hollie showed, its, grass, in between lanes, its on, thirty eighth street, Gods hammo checked it out, thats banner being placed, hollie showed, turn, he, hollie showed, go other, way, hollie drank his drink in speedway, liked, you see hollie said, showed, banner, thats, people reading and hey, theres Gods hammo holding, hes like angelic, alien bug head, holding, but bald, bob hollie thought, looking concerned, people saw but they, thats man excited, theres thats uh submarine, hollie said, she, got out, showed, like war, thats three pulling, they shower, its top of mountain burning, then thats, Gods hammo appeared, many subs around america, it exploded, its, on the day of the Lord, hollie said, but thats angry barack obama pressing the nuclear button, you see, hollie said, its, nuclear war, missiles flew, thats many countries on fire, world shook, git me outta here, world said, like green world, mouth, in middle, nose appeared, like little nose, thats beast, pope, in his, black horse, like angel of light, git her out of here, jumpy, hollie said, but didnt make expression, like monkey face, dress on, theres, border, hey thats happy bear in border, pope showed turn, golden hand, lit, hollie showed, its, the, pyramid of enlightenment, Gods new hammo rose, hes like all angelic face, head, bob, its, hollie thought, those people, thats God speaking to them, but, they dont live for God, that woman knew, hollie said, boo, hollie comes out, showed, they chanted, its him, many he, she said, hollies, their on level ground, like rock mountain with eye behind, dark cloud appeared over, hollie screamed, showed, its, ethanol, its more potent now, hollie said, but, thats, her, not wanting, bobby, its, go ahead and use, she said, its, good, but, he we said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, touching hands on, its ankles, grabbing, wearing dress, theres uh border in, she danced, showed, do something, you need uh phone, angel said, its the, phone ringing but hollie didnt, him a she one said, answer, hollie showed, turn, its uh like, orange lighted, hand, hollie rubbed face, its hazy, but hands clapped, its hollie that explains, light flashes from mouth, showed, lay down, 2-27-2012-hollie showed time, raise your hands and repeat after me, it was Jesus, hollie said, oh so you caught it, God said, hollie showed, its, facebookmon ministryofdreams, like, its, white angelic angel head, showed, its, both beasts, theres the pope and hu, but facebookmon went like casper head, see, hollie said, its him, pointed, burgundy sweatshirt on, its more like maroon, she hollie said, hes, happy, but, started wondering, its, people looting, its under economic collapse here, hollie said, put it under, whys, theres Gods hammo there, hes like tall, slendor, angelic being, man, hollie with barack obama makes announcement but hollie wore, its like disney angel dress and, disney angel, comes out, golden face, blond, long hair, same dress, hollie showed, like blue skirt, light streaks in, she taps wand, I showed, its the beast, she, said, theres, pope, let me see, hollie said, and hu hintao, you see, hollie said, she let new banner roll out, no message on but Gods hammo came out, like, licking it, just head, you see, hollie said, hes like just black outlines, hollie showed, do something, a she one said, thats, its uh bear, with, it, had, like, tripod shaped head, its the little horn, hollie said, thats same bear, its, hollie comes out, burgundy sweatshirt on, different colors of green, popes face in middle of, its triangle, turned into, its light color, thats pope, his face appearing on, its im the beast, he said, you see, hollie said, its him, but she hollie showed, big white hand rolled out, burgundy sweatshirt on, its a 1976 one, she said, cadillac el dorado, spun front tire, lets motor hollie said, like angelic hollie inside, you see, hollie said, it went thru different stages of life, hollie said, angel head showed record, but aged, glasses appeared on, hollie showed, turn, its him, he hollie, a she one said, she, appeared, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, touching hand on akles, wearing dress, theres bears in border, design, hollie smiles, looking at, went blue, dress but jumpy hollie had monkey lips, brown face, im screamy, hollie said, screamed again, but not, heard, bobby thats pope showing turn, hollie said, again, bobby, hollie said, pope showed, turn, then keep going, hollie showed, lay down, bob another, said, hands wiped face, but, white hazy face, hollie showed, turn, big long hand, hollie came out, bobby, its, 2-28-2012-remember me, its, janette, hollie and doreen said, with lynns voice God said, thats, bobby, hollie said, lynn calling, hey lets screw, she said, bob you go and get, thats at the church, its new world order apostolic church, round head angel comes out, happy, but, looked, saw fucking going on at the church, put it under, hollie said, showed, eat, when ya gonna eat, hollie said, and showed, had spoon raised and burgundy sweatshirt on, write the vision, whats hollie saying, right now, its, al paul, hollie said, hes interested, hollie showed, turn, clapped hands, stomped foot, thats, bobby, hollie said, jogging in church, gray sweatshirt on, but hey, wheres his under pants, she said, thats, moodie and janette fucking again, its soon, bobby, hollie said, thats you two living together, bobby bob, they said, hollie did say, angel spoke, but, hollie appeared, clapped hands, went, like hammo, blue face, hollies screamin for this reason, pointed at lynn, shut up, hollie said, monkey lips, golden, lynn appeared looking worried but thought, hes cute, I will, thats moodie fucking lynn but shes still stunned, its hollie with Jesus inside, thats why she said, hes tight but fun, she said, hollie said, jumpy, hollie leaps, touching feet on hands, but going, turning more into animal hollie thought, white dress on, yellow like belt thing around, but not quite, hollie claps, showed, JEsus, talking with bob, eating, bob went hammo, sweatshirt on, weight back, but, looked, got happy, hands clapped, it was hollie looking happy, hollie slapt his face but, not heard, you see, hollie said, showed, its, book, bobby dont she said, now lets see, hollie said, she walked, showed, its cold she said, put it under, hammo showed, lay down, like blue face, lighted pope showed, turn, tall, slendor, angelic, black suit pope, hollie showed, its, she said, then got, stunned, a high school, she said, that was Jesus like uh tall cat God, pointing, dark suit on, bobby, hollie said, showed, lay down, white like bear face, but, it, another comes out, its hazy, 2-29-2012-that was Jesus out of the whirlwind, hollie said, and God said, hollie said, but not seen, doreen laughs, hollie showed, record, showed, eat, but, raise your hands and ring after me sang, hey look, hollie said, theres Gods hammo, hes angelic man, just face seen but sweatshirt appeared on, was gainging weight back, bobby its your banner, hollie said, its getting attention, she said, put it under, hollie showed, shew she said, its lynn, she said, its, hollie and doreen sticking head out, jumpy hollie leaps, grabbing, its like ankles, with, hands, she wore white dress but started going from monkey to normal, another, its him, a she hollie said, points, burgundy sweatshirt on, got darker, theres border in, but its gray, but he was turned to side, hollie claps, seal it up, hollie said, they chant boo, hollie said, face in hands, shes, its bummer, she said, bummed out, bobby its your face, its fixed a little, this is hollie that explains, shes like robot but another hollie sings, but, song, seal it up, hollie said, eat, but its him coming out, showed white in her mouth, hollie showed, its church gas bill, five thirty five, bobby watch and see, but, its, thats antonio, leave it alone, hollie said, thats his wife, stunned looking but bobby, hollie looked anxious, she knew, they wanted you to help, give some on the heat bill, thats new world apostolic church angel forming, its, hollie sang, theres Gods hammo, hes changed, but getting hair, hes hollie hammo, white face, hollie showed, its banner, Gods new hammo came out but old hammo appeared, bobby, its, hollie came out, she mothered, stolen, but, you will get another, thats bob taking one, hollie showed, turn, just looked, golden like face, hollie looked again, rubbed chin, hollie, showed, turn, rubbed chin, bobby make another, hollie said, thats, banner made of, its, like vinyl, hammo came out, hollie thought, bobby, a she one said, came out, put her foot down, its on baby hollie, bobby thats janette with your daughter, have, hollie said, thats, hollie showing how, make love, hollie showed, turn, hollie looked, to turn, rubbed chin, white hand, bluish face, bought banner making material, hollie showed, lay down, wiped face, another comes out, go from, its her to him, bobby, lightening struck, he hollie comes out, he wonders, they dont care, just wait, it will cost you zero, them, nothing to, but they will write uh report, heres what happens, its punched into a computer, then nothing, but, antonio will not know that you hated it hollie said, but be gentle, cool, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, clapped hands, but, got back, up, hollie showed, turn, long hand, golden face, but its he hollie thinking, smiling, looking at bob, white round face, but nice brown hair, bob, hollie with nice hair said, she transformed, hollie said, hollie showed, how to make the banner, she pulled apart, stomped foot, but face blurry, 3-1-2012-no, its babyfleas, hollie said, happy, God said, she, looked, turn to side, lets put under God said, bob, you are, now, sealed, but, in torment and will not, be removed, but, you are embarrasing me and I have do some thing saith the Lord, hollie showed, its oaklawn dot patch dot com, its, hammo smiling, bobby its political organization, hollie said, dont worry them she said, thats owner looking at, thinking, Lord we got it man, said, hollie showed, its storm brewing and beast pope coming, out, lightening, thunder sound and black horse, appears, its, him on, hollie said, hes, like, angel, man, bobby go get your signs, hollie said, she collected signs, and I stamp, hollie said, face went to just light, its, angel, fucking janette, angel not happy, janette wears plad coat, bobby, its, hollie didnt want to say, shes busy now, just wait, thats phone ringing and Gods new hammo coming out, hes angelic head but changed, hi hollie said, its, thats, mingle city, ministry of dreams, its like him appearing, nice hair but hollie with nice hair appears, but hair disappeared but was there, in like blue, but hollie changed, another, hollie comes out, its him, looked at, its same oh hollie but face changing, thats Jesus giving instruction, I want you to do both parts, hollie shakes yes, but changing still, another hollie said, hollie comes out, jumpy, hollie leaps, brown, face, dress on, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand but just normal lighted one appeared but its him, you see, two hollies, a he one and a she one but another appeared, happy, sneaky, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, turn, its, Jesus Christ church of the latter day saints, she said, words appeared, but hollie disappeared, but, reappeared, pointed turn, long golden finger like neon, hollie showed, its janette growing, red plad coat on, bobby, shes uh hooker, dont trouble worry her, hollie said, hollie got money, its from a.t.m. machine but, thats, hand waiting for money, come on hollie said, and none came out, bobby its, you go, thats bob working again, hollie showed, go back, golden lighted hand, hollie showed, record, showed, his face just like round light but he fucked, thats him happy, janette not caring, hollie claps, he said, she said, jumpy hollie appears, monkey, brown face, war Jesus said, you see hollie said, go, its plywood, made, its like stand, legg, she painted message on sign, on, front, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, hollie saw, its, american freightways, tractor and its trailers, hollie wrote, it made uh billion, but, hollie claps hand, bobby heres what happened, another, hollie sings, raise your hands and clap your hands, bobby, it sold she said, the name, american freightways still exist, but same owner, he, till I retire, he said, then sell, thats, name back but changed a little, hollie appeared, showed, turn, then wiped face, white face, hollie, a she one said, showed, its, mobren, hollie said, him, a he hollie a she one did say, hollie showed, its, mobren trucking company, its tanker, hollie said, now lets see, hollie said, moodie played music, looking serious, but jamming, hes into it, boo hum, she said, jumpy hollie leaps, brown face, dress on but she hollie comes out, colors changing, went to golden, had design in, and like belt but not quite hollie thinks, lighted hand points down, its, him, a she hollie said, why eat again, hollie said, showed with mouth, another screamed, its, janettes pussy, soon bob, its sex with her, showed, eat your beef sausage, its cooked, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, 3-2-2012-hollie showed time, bob, its, moodie fucking janette agin, hollie said, janette wore, hollie thought, red plad coat, bob, hollie grunts, moodie wore, gray sweatshirt, put it under, bob, thats, moodie and lynn fucking, but she wont, till you pay, fleas shakes no, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie comes out, bobby, its she deformed, hollie said, thats, hollie holding up sign, people looking at, thats man getting excited, but bobby its only for a while, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, but clapped hands, got back up, white gloved like hands, beasts popes picture, appeared, its he hollie a she one said, put hands over ears, thats horn blowing, like megaphone, same hollie with, but its him inside, new he hollie, big nose, hes like stout hollie, white clothes, all same color, hollie showed, its oaklawn patch ministryofdreams, hes like, hey, theres Gods new hammo, but changed, newer hammo, more like he hollie, but hollie thinks, not quite, hollie showed, its infinite graphics, but chanted to him, but he got comfortable, its relaxed, she said, put it under, he was like white face fox hollie but burgundy sweatshirt on, hey, hollie said, he had blue jeans, its free, hollie said, thats moodie fuckin janette agin, she said, hollie said, a he hollie LEAPS, SMILING, THATS, HOLLIE, not wanting to hold sign up but while doing, she laughs, lets put it under, hollie said, jumpy hollie leaps, monkey face, its brown, hollie said, they chant boo hum, hollie said, thats the reason, its, sign, she said, its, him, a he, hollie holding up his sign, and people marvelling at, its bobby, they all read it hollie said, but dont, look, she said, its girl, hollie said, shes wanting sex, but thats, her with taller men, happy, put it under, hollie said, she, hollie looks at God for word, will she said, but, work on it slow, heres how, just be nice, thats uh suttle hint, hollie said, hollie showed, with big white hand, its 1962 chevrolet imapala, hollie appeared, in, lets motor she said, spun rear tire, but its still good, bobby, she said, dont, hollie slapt his face agin, she said, hollie said, another hollie showed do something, she was somewhat happy, she had, short, yellow dress on, nice teeth, bobby, hollie with nice hair said, hair appeared but it was blue, another, hollie said, but, hollie just looked up, which had nice hair, but seemed to go ardvark, bob look, hollie said, Gods hollie hammo sang, raise your hands and repeat after me, but old hammo appeared, hes angelic head, looking, stunned, Lord why not me, he said, pointed at self, thats hammo at Gods interviewing table, Jesus looks at, just wait God said, hammo shakes yes, then changes, another, hollie laughs, its ike they kept changing, hollie showed, its uh scam, bob he trembled when you spoke to him, now he knows, thats, hollie with Jesus inside appearing, bobby just buy another, hollie said, order it, thats you getting rent check, come on, hollie said, bobby its investor, he trembled speaking to you, he knows, its cause your a heavy player, he said, put it under, he thought you were a millionaire, hollie said, hollie got dancy, its take the land phone, she said, hollie wore, its uh burgundy sweatshirt, its dark pants, but, hollie doesnt know color, but like dark green, bobby its uh, banner, hollie had, just buy another, thats, hollie, come on, she ordered another, but, hat appeared, on, hollie pointed, go, bobby its the speedway, hollie rubbed, underneath kneck, white like skin, its, here, she said, thirty eighth and, its, georgetown road, stamps, hollie, she saw, let me observe, she said, its, new world order carriage coming out, you see, hollie said, these are angred, its, raise your beast and, repeat after me she said, its the new world order carriage with, its the pope and hu, theres putin coming out of top, theres kings inside, its these here, hollie said, its mexican president looking, its afraid, theres lula looking stout like castrol, thats little head like angelic round head of light but turns into, pope, then, wound appears on, theres hu hintao, let me slash him, he said, he does, thats, him, there, in israel, its, hollie saw, the beast and his armies and its hu hintao and his armies, its the battle of Armageddon, hollie said, as Gods new hammo comes down, turns into Jesus, dressed like king, thats missile coming down, but thats big nuclear explosion, thats many rockets leaving israel, thats, its, the, battle of, armageddon, hollie said, theres them exploding, in egypt and jordan and syria, but thats, missile leaving russia, exploding in, let me see, hollie said, israel, she showed, lay down, hollie showed, turn, lighted, hand, you got what you wanted, you got what you needed hollie that explains said, light flashing from mouth, looking, no expression, you see, she said, smiled, showed, lay down, 3-3-2012-bob, its, hollie, another, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey, look, its, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, God said, like angelic skull head, but not quite, you need to, better record, hollie said, hollie showed, its gas sign appearing, its sign, hollie showed, its, speedway, four dollars and nine cents, hollie and God said, happy, but thats long lines, people in cars, frustrated, thats barack obama, let me think, he said, he knew hollie said, lets open up the strategic reserve, he said, thats, gasoline, going down, God said, about half way, boo they chant, hollie said, thats many he, hollies, a she one said, theres dark cloud appearing, over, but they were in light, its thunder coming out, God appearing in dark cloud not happy, when ya gonna eat agin, hollie said, showed, but another came out, she seemed not so into it, submarine right there, hollie said, its the submarine somby another, hollie said, thats them pulling up, its akula class, thats, its what you want, needed, hollie said, they showered, its top of mountain burning, its america on fire, thats warning sireen and its submarines all around, thats angry barack obama pressing nuclear button, thats many fires, its in moscow russia hollie said, you see she said, thats, its uh network, hollie comes out, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, look, theres Gods new hammo appearing, but, thats many countries exploding, hollie saw, its war, thats high gas prices, its barack with advisors, they telling, you will loose, he lowers output, its saudi king, thats barack sending people over, jumpy hollie leaps, bob, its banner, hollie got, she wore dress but it changed to yellow, it had designs in, theres, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, she sang, bears, many, hollie ducked in his tank, ghost like fire colored Father shoots by, its golden megaphone coming around, hollie showed, not listening, its, him, a he hollie, a she one said, you see, hollie said, she painted, banner, hey, hollie said, thats, he, hollie said, Gods new hammo coming out of, its, banner, but, its, hollie thought, no writing on, he hollie paints, words, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, showing, eat something, but shes going bear, hollie showed, its, polk audio, he was, happy looking, but, raise your hands and repeat after me Gods hammo sang, its, new angel appearing, big nose, like cloud, but, showed, dont buy, heres, why, hollie, showed, heres, why, bobby, its six and one half inch woofer, bobby, they cant take any power, hollie said, put it under, its, him, he hollie showing, lay down, but got back up, hollie showed, its whole new world order, thats, its, stage coach, kings inside, its happy mexican president, putin with no expression, but inside, hollie went to goodwill, thats, its, raise your hands and you made me clap hollie said, hollie took screw drive in and she got eight inch woofer out, thats, lula and castrol looking stout, put it there, castrol said, its uh deal, medvedev, said, they signed, hollie showed, lay down, but same hollie comes out, changing hollies is the problem here, hollie showed, turn, walked at walmart, its, phone ringing, Gods, hey, new, hammo, bears, coming out, looked around, turned into, its he hollie hammo, like light head, hollie showed, its working on cellphone laptop, but hey, theres Gods new hammo coming out, but, its brand new but face changing to like, its, light, hollie grunts, showed, its meetup, hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, hes like angelic head, but, not, hollie showed, turn, golden, amber hand, hollie screamed, thats, its him, he hollie a she one said, getting better, but not taking, hollie showed, lay down, him a she one said, coming out, showed, its crystal light, but Gods hammo sang, appeared, like angelic head, bobby drink, thats, hollie drinking, whew she said, we, 3-4-2012-its choking, hollie said, God said, its JEsus, its, you, your bob, pointed hollie, long finger, embarrasing the LOrd, thats utubiaman ministryofdreams like angel face, appearing, out of, happy, bob its getting so many hits now, its, they dont all show up, hollie said, but, its God, hes, trying to ruin you and your, thats bob fighting back, stomping, and, gray sweatshirt on, dark gray pants, its, God and bob at each other now, lets put it under, they are fighting, Jesus showed, record, hollie said, its moodie and janette fucking, moodie, gray sweatshirt on, janette, red plad coat on, its there, new world order apostolic church, hollie points, lighted finger grew long, round head angel came out, showed, its church, he took body on, bobby, thats hollie showing cold, they wont heat, but its summer, its here, hollie said, dont worry, hollie shook, its cold now but wont be long, hollie saw, bob, she smiled, its sign, raise your hands and repeat after me Gods hammo and hollie sang, she re-taped at i.u.p.u.i., new hammo appeared, like angelic face, boo, hollie comes out, its they chanted, light shined in darkness, hollie said, many, him, its him she said, hollies, one wore blue sweatshirt, what did hollie scream for, she said, screamed again, but not heard, she ate, more, hollie showed, its fire station, its there at, washington street, and tibbs, hollie showed, turn, showed, go home, and, lay down, hollie showed, turn, go back, its speedway, theres Gods new hammo appearing, hes angelic being, looking to side, want the submarine, hollie said, its akula class, she said, three pulled up, hollie smiles, nice full hair, bobby, hollie with nice hair said, she looked, its complacent, hollie said, just, looked up but hair changing but still there, its like in, blue, but, hollie thought, dull, its submarines showering, top of mountain burning, its america, Gods hammo sang, hes angelic man, hammo showed turn, bobby dont hurry hollie said, take your time, you got what you wanted and thats the reason, hollie that explains said, another, hollie got the plywood, made the sign, its, people driving by, reading, its there, thirty eight, and georgtown road, leave me alone, hollie that explains said, she was doing something, light still flashed from mouth, she re-appeared, wearing, wore, its like maids clothes, bobby, it aint your time, hollie said, your getting big now, thats bob rising out of the sea, but its, people dont want it she said, hollie showed, its new world order apostolic church, it shook a little, bobby, thats furnace, turn, it on, if they wont, hollie said, put it under, hollie walked inside, but ran to, hollie showed, turn, heres why God said, its janette, hollie said, its him, but, face went just light like beast hollie, fanged teeth sticking out, went to halloween hollie, its, ghouls hollie said, at, raise your hands and repeat your horse after me, its, they love bobby, be nice, thats you playing cards with them, submarine, its him, a he hollie, a she one said, she appeared, but, showed, bobby its church, hollie was sneaking around, bobby be gentle, hollie like mother, its, janette, moodie not happy shes there, but, thats moodie fucking, janette, but walked away, but soon, thats her going to jail, hollie screamin for this reason, thats moodie fuckin, its her bobby, hollie said, showed, with hand, lynn, hand, now wait hollie said, had green, different shades in, like lighter outlines along finger edges, its him, he hollie, a she one said, appeared, showed, turn, but golden hand appeared, later, then she hollie appeared, thats lighted finger pointing turn, its light color, hollie wonders, whose, thats behind the scenes, its dark, but two hollies there, both, he and she hollies, but she one ran off, its to do another scene, Jesus appeared, with glasses, that, hollie said, from picture frame, but went back, hollie grunts, thats, he hollie showing, looking straight, she, thats orange hand showing turn, its lighted but same he hollie appeared, its either way, but then showed, lay down, she said, hollie said, jumpy hollie, leaps, dress on, shes going nigger, hollie said, theres border in white dress, thats bear agin, im with him bear, said, pulling putin to self, but putin not to into it, putin shows, lay down, hollie showed, lay down, she was on side but, another hollie comes out, her face, was kind of hazy, but, it was white light, long nose, hey, hollie said, shes like, lets put it under, hollie claps, that came out, but face rounding, hollie showed, its, tillmons vans, but, she, kind of dreaded, 3-5-2012-turn, hollie said, its, him, with her voice, God said, bobby, its, dont lease it, hollie said, just wait, they will pay, they know, both said, put it under, hollie and God said, he hollie, him, a she one said, showed, turn, bob, hollie, thats hands on, its elbows, hollie wore burgundy sweatshirt, hand like white gloved hands, bobby hollie said, hollie claps, Jesus showed, record, hollie had burgundy sweatshirt on, put hands in air, bob its antonio, your friend, hollie mothers, be cool, gentle, hes worried to, hollie showed, turn, its him a she one said, she taped, its sign on telephone poll back, Gods new hammo appeared, hes angelic head, just watching, hollies screamin for this reason, she said, screamed again, now lets see hollie said, its moodie fuckin janette agin, hes happy, gray sweatshirt on, she wore red plad coat, hollie showed, turn, she said, when ya gonna do it, jumpy hollie said, face colors changing, still monkey face, hollie showed, turn, she said, jumpy hollie said, showed, stacking the deck, monkeys face, hollie showed, record, looked down, bobby, its they, hollie showed, its festival flea market, its renting a booth, hollie thought, thats the madame, happy, like, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, shes like, its, long blue robe, and, pointy hat, its got stars and cymbols on, its like shes bring customers to you bob, it, hollie dreaded looking, but, left after she shook head yes, but changed to furry face hollie it will, wont, work she said, right now I am ashamed of myself saith the Lord, I embarrased all my servants, children to make them perish and now its exposed, I caressed their penus with electricy, tortured them day and night, ruining their appearance by tightening facial muscles and deseasing gums, wrinkling and stretching and bagging eyes, causing their bodies to heat up like a furnace when they do things and stripping of wives and jobs, now bob is telling on, me, saith God, its multitudes, theirs many laughing right now saith the Lord, hollie showed, record, him a she one said, showed, lay down but clapped hands, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, its amber, a she hollie said, pope, hollie said, in the fire, dressed, pointy hat, white garments, thats his caregiver, its, im he said, dressed almost alike but, big mouth, Gods hammo sang, but pope like angel of light appeared, thats him on black horse, its lighted clock hollie and doreen said, she stuck head out, hollies screamin for this reason, she said, white in mouth, pointed another, hollie, bob, hollie showed, thats you jogging at church, in basement, new world order apostolic church, angel appeared, like round head, not to happy, hollie showed, turn, him a she one said, Jesus showed, lay down, hollie came out, he was like a cat, 3-5-6-7-2012-hollie showed time hollie and God said, it was him a she hollie said, lets put it under she said, he wore burgundy sweatshirt, but was transformed hollie, hollie thought, he was different hollie and God said but she wore red sweatshirt, hollie showed, God said, bobby its time, she said, put one hand on other arm, burgundy sweatshirt on, you need to record, hollie said, and I stamp, its beast pope rising like happy angel of light but another hollie rose, God said, like angel of light rose her self, burgundy sweatshirt on, bob, hollie with nice hair said, its blue, another she hollie said, but, scenes changing, hollie thought, let me show, explain, hollie said, Gods new hammo sang, like angelic head, raise your hands and repeat after me, its, red carriage, black on other side, coming out, thats pope like angel waving, on black side, theres hu on red side, you see hollie said, these are angred, its horses, black and red, hey theres hollie on the green horse, its different shades, she strikes it rich, janette joins later, new world order apostolic church, angel comes out, hes like round but held hands, not so happy, bob its you and janette going there, but sitting in pews, she wears red plad coat, janette thinks she owns but hollie shook, she doesnt, its, uh submarine hollie said, pulling up, then showering, hollie waves from, its akula class, she said, showed, get busy, white light hand, she held up, hollie showed, its sign, hammo came out, its, thats hammo singing, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie claps, what did they chanted boo for she said, they appeared, in light, darkness, like storm cloud over, jumpy hollie leaped, white dress on, golden like, its design hollie said, around, its like belt but not quite, theres bears in but one acted like got caught, its police pulling into, its new world order apostolic church, hey, hollie said, thats, round head angel, hollie showed, hes all round, looking a little angry, its, they want janette, they spoke with you but you didnt know who she was, hollie showed, you turn, showed, lay down, like new bear like hollie, why did hollie scream for, another, said, appeared, hollie screamed again, not heard, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, go into speedway, big lighted hand but its him, she said, appeared, showed, turn other way, looked first, big golden hand, hollie like cat showed turn, hollie showed, turn, but thought, showed, go other way, another comes out, hand changed colors, thats, the, marine corp. out in the streets, that, hey theres Gods hammo right there with, hes tall, angelic, slendor, being, many, its looting going on, all over america, hollie with barack obama claps, shes wearing like little wedding skirt, its go shades of blue in, disney angel appears, similar clothes but not quite, its under economic collapse here, hardships barack said, hollie and barack left but hollie changed, take it fleas said, wiped her lips with hand, burgundy sweatshirt on, but she showed lay down, but hey it was hollie, another, said, its, nu brilliance, hollie said, unhappy hammo comes out of, its, micro dermabrasion machine, hes blue in face, bobby its, pay they, they do commercials, it works, use, hollie said, see what happens, hollie showed, lay down, hollie slapt his face, burgundy sweatshirt on, happy, bob, hollie said, paint brush in hand, tongue hanging out of mouth, painted it on van, holy Ghost entered me like body perfect size, on net, hollie showed, turn, she said, get busy, hollie showed, jumpy hollie appeared, like monkey face mask on, but, hollie did, its the window paint, laughing, jumped, oh my God, said, its hollie another she one said, but he appeared, burgundy sweatshirt on, he, its, wondered another, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, golden hand but showed, keep going straight, no hand, but it appeared, another, hollie comes out, thats her doing vision, God with glasses on appears, but, his face not formed to well yet, hollie said, thats him telling hollie how to do, she lights up like bear from, its, picture frame tape, like they, thats film projector, that, hollie said, but she was what projector was showing, thats van licking the prophet, lighted tongue, shaking yes, thats, its, plymouth voyager, van, sitting at Gods interviewing table, thats it in museum, Jesus appears with, Got happy, its bobs van God said, hollie got, its the window paint, you see, she said, he painted on, its van window, but, face, happy came out, of van like light face, see hollie said, its him, he hollie showing lay down, bob thats your rent check, antonio smiles, gives it, hollie showed, lay down, he hollie, bob get postin, hollie said, but she wiped head, showed, its van, he, its billy, like angelic coming out of front, showed, its hood, bob its old, retire, hollie said, 3-8-2012-bobby its time, hollie said, put one hand on other arm, Gods new hammo appeared, happy, raise your hands and repeat after me, he sang, but, his lips wiped, but, God did, only hands seen, but rest appeared later, when ya gonna eat something God said, but, showed, eat, white in mouth, hollie comes out, this is hollie with that loose belt sound, you see another, said, it appeared, a third hollie said, its, belt pulleys, they squeak, hollie showed, turn, let me record, hollie said, thats her putting antonio and his wife out, its him she said, angel lopez appears, rubs chin, stomps foot, changes into hollie, were out pastor lopez said, hollie came out, looking stunned, but smiled, you knew she said, hollies screamin for, this reason, screamed again, she, its antonio paying rent check, hollie kept kept screaming, and I stamped, she said, raise, your hand, and repeat after, me sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, hes angelic head, happy, its hu hintao and, poepon, popping up, its both beasts, hollie wonders, you see, hollie said, she built the sign, wearing like maids dress, seeming to be full figured but wasnt, its dress, different colors, theres blue border, with bears in, hollie took seconds to build sign, new world order apostolic chuch angel appeared, like happy, white angelic round but seemed to turn to angel man, they chant boo, its, two hollies, another, showed, one had like blue but, raise your hands, and repeat after me, hollie sang, she, it turned into like spacecap, thats, him, she said, many he hollies, one had long nose, its there, they, in light but dark cloud over, thats lightining, it appeared out, hollie said, hollie showed, its advertising on, its, indygo bus, hollie stmaped, light hands, arms, but, hollie disappeared, but she reappeared, was there, hollie showed, turn, lighted, hollie but normal like hand but its like orange, brownish color, big, hollie showed, turn, go the money, Jesus showed, time like angelic Jesus, burgundy sweatshirt on, pointed with long, angelic white arm, at, its new world order apostolic church, bobby dont need me, unhappy church angel said, but, bob, it you didnt sell hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, quickly, got back up, hollie showed, its, ben davis high school, bob, dont, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, thats, hollie jogging at, its, unhappy new world order apostolic church, he was round, had hands, folded on chest, unhappy, bob its time, hollie showed, God said, she wore burgundy sweatshirt, thats, hollie leaving library, going to speedway, getting drink, bob, hey, its, gas, she said, put it under, another, hollie said, Lord why do you persecute, a he hollie said, hes new, she hollie spoke, Jesus rubs, chin, but hollie stomps foot, but not seen, only partially, why did I persecute Jesus said, spoke it, hollie, I try to make my servants loose their salvation by disfiguring them and laughing at them in visinos, terrorising and stalking, deseasing gums and hurting body and torting saith Jesus, 3-9-2012-its time, said, hollie, put fist in other hand, its, she and God said, burgundy sweatshirt on, but hey, hollie said, its angred moodie fuckin janette agin, God said, he, wore, gray sweatshirt, she wore, red plad coat, bobby, its for good, moodie said, heres why, she, will, not leave, but stay, cause she is in trouble, thats bob in court, wondering, should I pay, do, Jesus said, it appeared, moodie said, hollie showed, its w.a.s.p., thats blackie lawless, and boys, its, their still tourin, hollie spoke, put it under, thats, happy van, face, like angel coming out and bobby, thats, hollie with JEsus inside, driving, bobby just be cool, hollie said, people will see but dont make them, boo, its they chant, hollie said, put it under, hollie said, showed, go in, be still, she wore red plad coat, bobby its your doin it hollie said, coming out, looking worried, she clapped hands, stomped foot, but changed, hollie showed, turn, big golden lighted hand, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, its, telemarketing, thats computer, with computer hammo appearing on like, angel face but hollie showed, its, not normal face but like casper, bob hollie said, showed, its, rachael, be good, thats moodie fuckin rachael, turned into, its janette, just watch, thats, her talking to you, but, you not interested but just wait, a she hollie said, but, it, was, him, lighted amber, orange like hand, this is hollie, chairing her a.a. meeting, gray sweatshirt on, its come on she said, thats rachael there, bobby just watch, you need to leave me, alone, hollie said, its, she dreaded telling, burgundy sweatshirt on but no lower clothes, its moodie fuckin janette again but he was angred, bob dont, hollie said, just wait, 3-10-2012-hollie showed time, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie held up her sign, there is, she said, no heaven or hell, God said, it made me embarrased, Jesus said, hollie and God said, its hollie with Jesus inside, showed, eat, om the m.v., hollie said, its his ship appearing, put it under, its like well dressed angel man, hollie showed, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, thats big explosion and more, its rolling, thats it, hollie showed, clapping hands, people in cold water, ship almost on side, then, going to bottom, hollie showed, its blackie lawless, thats, thats boy, cold, its ten, he said, hollie showed, ten degrees outside, hey theres Gods new hammo hollie said, hes, angelic man, shaking, its like cold day, still bobby, bobby its still winter, hollie claps, tear up, burgundy sweatshirt on, but she put back, then, rip, she said, took, brought apart, bob thats moodie fuckin rachael, soon she said, just wait, hollie said, put it under, let, hollie said, showed, lay down, but eyes still open, hair went golden, this is uh warning, hollie said, and I she stamp, hollie and, its doreen, stuck head out, saw, its Gods new hammo, she stomps, its iglesia, like angelic bug head page, its facebook, another hammo appeared, like, happy lighted angelic face but some golden in, hollie screamed, bob hey theres face book, hollie said, like, its determined angelman, its facebook hammo, but, of light, showing, dont use my room, angel said, looking down, opening up robe, hollie screamed, agin, its, she said, but, just wiped lips, next time, burgundy sweatshirt on, but, hand not seen but its him, appeared, thats him doing, white bear glove, paw, its like boxing glove, of light, she said, hollie said, another hollie appeared, somewhat happy, stuck head out, golden hair but, jumpy hollie leaps, like monkey face mask on, its brown, white dress, theres border near bottom, with, its designs, theres, bears in hollie said, showed, its, speedway town hall hammo, like, unhappy angel, its whew, he said, thats happy, angel lopez, paying bill, its antonio, he doesnt speak, prophet hickman, she said, a he and she hollie said, jumpy hollie leaps again, dressed the same, hollie pulls up, its akula class, thats what you want, needed hollie said, its brown, thats it firing, its top of mountain, its on fire, its they shower, hollie said, then hollie comes out, its america, it appeared, thats whole country exploding, its on the day of the Lord, hollie said, but he hollie walks away, looking like tough man, wearing white dress tho, like jumpy hollie, she reappeared but changed, its Jesus, hollie said, bob he said, hollie, he showed, turn, hollie showed, banner, but, Gods new hammo came out, hes like angelic bug head, hes not seeming to happy, bob its check them, hollie said, its your websites, they are disappearing left and right, bobby, its hollie, another, hidden one said, stuck head out, happy, showed, eat, she was angelic but, thats her showing, almost normal, hand, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, its pope, hey look, hollie said, hes angel of light, boo, hollie said, they chanted, hands showed, its him, many he hollies but one not happy, its he said, thats him at Gods interviewing table, thats, Jesus like hammo angel but rough, showing eat, bob, heres why, hollie said, gain your weight back, its to keep face looking thin, hollie showed, turn, brown hand like, raise your hands and you aint gonna git it, hollie said, its, thats moodie wanting to fuck, light flashes, but, hollie, its, did explanatory, she said, she explained, showed banner, opened but nothing on but, hey theres Gods hammo coming out, bobby do she said, showed, quiet, its Gods brand hammo light up, hes angelic being, bug like head but, not same as other, hollie sings, hollie sings, hammo showed, its, kenwood 9600 stereo receiver, its power meters moving, bobby its a good one hollie said, its excellent, top of line, hollie showed, turn, its him, he hollie but thats she one walking at walmart, plad coat on, its red she said, had nice long hair, hollie showed turn, lighted golden big hand, its him, bobby, a new she hollie said, theres pope signing, like, angel head, she hollie comes out, Gods pope and hollie sang, he hollie showing, its confusion, hollie said, but, bob turned, but he just looked to turn, lighted white frost like face, laughed, reappeared, hair not seen but somewhat appeared, its dark, what am I screamin for, hollie said, screamed again, showed, to eat, she said, but, another, hollie comes out, they looked just alike and were, thats hands putting them together, but Jesus appeared later, she comes back out, hes changing, but, she, comes out again, showed, these visions, pointed up, high in the air, Jesus there, white robe on, happy, thats world below showing lay down like white world with face on, hollie showed, God said, she place her banner, thats her hammering it in, and, lets put it under, hollie said, theres Gods hammo appearing, hes angelic man, but, stunned, no expression look God said, lets put it under, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, bob its time, hollie showed, burgundy sweatshirt on, buts Gods hammo sang, hes new hollie said, like angelic bug head, but had like off light brown color in, put it under, hollie said, lets, she held her banner, pulled it apart, thats hollie with Jesus inside, showing eat something, 3-11-2012-bob Jesus whispered, I am cruel above all, I'll ruin ya, saith Jesus, hollie bit, white in mouth, but another came out, showed, bob be still, theres Gods hammo, he appeared but, raise your hands and repeat after me, its moodie fuckin janette again, bob he said, angry, janette not caring, janette plad coat on, but he wore gray sweatshirt, hollie showed, its, alice cooper, hey stupid, record, its, hey stupid hammo, appearing, like, animal angelic being, but changing, got happy, got excited, its still selling, its one of the biggest, its, now hollie thought, got word from God, hollies burgundy sweatshirt went gray, over forty million copies now, hollie showed, its new ministryofdreams, its devianart hammo like pope, its showed, hollie, but not seen but reappeared, showed, eat, but angelic pope showed, changed into, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, got happy, like standing up but cocked over laying down like but not quite, white cape, hollie thought, sh, its all same color, Jesus high above in air, thats world below, man world said, thats, fires breaking out, explosion sound and its, raise your hands and repeat after me sang pope riding black horse, on world, thats him rising from sea on horse, thats the sireen coming around like golden megaphone, hollie showed, not listening, but he was he hollie, like, brown color but hollie wonders, brand new but changing, need your vision, she said, screamed again, but not heard, hollie showed, turn, its into speedway she said, got drink, but changed into new beak like birdy hollie, drank, golden like beak, come on, hollie said, but another, hollie rose up, thats hollie on, its motorcycle, lets motor, looked like gang member, come on, its, outlaws Jesus, a, not wanting to appear all the way, hollie said, raise your mantle and repeat after me screamed hollie, screamed again, but not heard, he said, hollie said, she jumped, but, disappeared, jumpy hollie leaps, white dress on, monkey like mask but she reappeared, seemed to be happy, looking to side, theres border around dress with, its bears in, hollie showed, its, pure one, oil filter, its, bobby they hold oil, thats to top of engine, but thats piston, its cylinders, hollie thought, theres just coating there, but, bobby they have it quickly, hollie said, put it under, hollie got word from God, it, takes, almost, five revolutions with pure one, ten with other but coating saves it, bobby hollie said, showed, its thirty eighth street, hollie showed, turn, bob take the interstate, he hollie showed, turn, but another, hollie was stunned, his hand not seen but it appeared like frost white hand, hollie showed, turn, its, him, he hollie, a new she one said, she has like acne, thats sign by kroger, Gods new hammo coming out like angelic head but, somewhat cone shaped like uh, horn, bobby hollie said, thats your van parked by school, bob hollie showed, get ready, she, thats her and lynn together, lynn laughs, it turns into moodie but its sex, hollie said, put it under, bobby dont sleep, hollie said, bob hollie said, I showed time, she and God said, lets put it under, she said, bob, go to church, hollie walked in, its chappel, he holllie, I the Lord torture my servants by deseasing their gums and ripping their faces and making them loose wife and job and laugh in visions at, I the Lord lie and betray my children to make them suffer and perish myself after they humbled themselves and surrendered to me saith God, I the LOrd Jesus, never created heaven or hell but lied about it to make men fear me but they didnt even though saith Jesus, I lie to laugh, people that come to me saith Jesus are ruint at the very beginning and I try to take away all they have and throw them away while doing, I put boils on my servant JOB saith Jesus and sent fire to burn up his family and sent theives to steal at my servants request saith Jesus, 3-12-2012-bam, hollie said, put one hand on other, its, forearm, hollie said, she was, light arms, its moodie and janette, fucking again, its, new world order apostolic church, man church angel said, not so happy, bobby its your popularity, its soarin, church angel said, put it under, he said, watch, moodie appeared, gray sweatshirt on, and I stamp, she said, burgundy sweatshirt on, Gods new hammo rose, like, its almost round hollie said, angelic head but thats twitter hammo, bob get friends hollie said, its, on, a.o.l., thats a.o.l. hammo appearing, like Father, white face, golden like, strange cat, hollie thought, and theres friends on, its foursquare, and, its others, hollie said, bobby, sh she said, be still, pointed up, Jesus high in air, thats world below and explosion sound, world shakes, its im white world said, face appeared on, bob thats livejounal hammo like similar but, thats hollie sitting at computer, hammo still there but, it appeared, hollie got drink, bob, hollie said, showed, its new hammo forming, its a.o.l. hammo, made up of many pages, its, hollie said, raise your hands and break your barns, bobby work, hollie said, a.o.l. angel, like dengy, angel, just head but hollie showed, just hands but rest appeared, she was happy, showed, bobby be still, hollie showed, its bob, driving, waving, its at, indianapolis monument circle, people looking, whew, hollie said, they read, its side of van, stamps, hollie, but she did like, rubbing hand along other hand, raised, white hands, Gods very new hammo appeared, but theres a.o.l. hammo appearing, bobby, its your friends, hollie said, they dont listen, hollie got, its window paint, thats her painting on van window and, van hammo angel, head appeared out, happy, looked at bob but its similar to moodie hollie said, hollie screamed, another drove downtown, red plad coat on, bobby its van, Gods very new hammo appeared, wearing, white hat, but top part missing, its like you bob, hollie showed, turn, write the vision, whats he sayin, hollie said, and I stamp, hollie said, thats Gods very new angelic hammo rising, had whiskers on angelic face, hollie showed, its not formed well, yet, she showed, bobby rinse, its, listerine, it saves tooth enamel, she said, use twice per day, hollie showed turn, its him, he hollie, new one said, with like acne bumbs, she said, hollie said, showed fight, jumpy hollie leaps, dark monkey face but reappeared, got happy, white dress on, theres, border but bears in border, happy, lit up, thats its, missile shower, hollie said, did convey, thats many striking, its america, boo, chanted, chant, hollie said, its him, he hollies appearing, one long nose, not so happy, looking but, raise your hands and wait after me hollie said, look, hollie said, hey theres Gods new hammo another, said, hes angelic, rough like being, white, light, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, another, sang, hollie had, head in hands, and, its, hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, like, cat Jesus of light, thats, he hollies, in like, area, no grass, dark storm cloud over, lightening came, out, Father like angelic head, man appeared in, hollie showed, eating, travellers insurance, travellers hammo appeared like angelic face, but, hollie showed, its, partial face, not formed, yet, 3-13-2012-she said, start walkin, hollie said and showed, God said, but hollie was happy, lighted leggs, theres uh dress, she said, with border in, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, Gods, Jesus said, very hollie said, new hammo sang, God said, like angelic bug head, but colors changing, raise your banner and repeat after me, sang, its, hollie, thats, banner hammo, like, its angelic head, seeming happy but got sad, then showed, its banner he said, thats hollie with JEsus inside showing eat and its the banner hammo appearing, just head, but body was there, very slendor, bobby eat, hollie said, put weight back on, gain, she said, bob let me hollie said, acting like saving all to self, hollie screamed, again, but not heard, its hollie on board the, r.m.s. titanic, saluted like happy ship mate, but hey, hollie said, whose hand was that, captain he hollie appearing, hes happy like she was, captain smith cleaned up, took bath like angelic smith, she said, hollie aND doreen said, doreen stuck head out, happy, white in mouth, jumpy hollie leaps, white dress on, monkeys face, its brown but looked down, was seemingly happy, hollie said, you better record, need to hollie said, you are not bob my master, its, JEsus, said, it, hollie did say, they chant boo hum, hollie said, jumpy hollie leaps, white dress on, theres border in, with, its, bears in, one lit up, she had monkey like face but its changing, boo, he chants, but appeared, she hollie there, another, showed, just like, shes not formed yet, but, its janette, shes waiting, its window paint, hollie painted on window, hey theres Gods hammo she said, hes like frost, angelic face appearing out, of the white, hollie showed, turn, but, changed into he hollie, hands not seen but bobby, hollie said, coming out, it appeared, outline of light, around, started appearing, hollie showed turn, golden hand but hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, he appeared like angelic head, like whitish blue, but, seeming sad like dreading, hollie showed its, warning sireen, its, him, she said, flying above, thats two planes dropping bombs, he, hollie and other, he hollie had golden megaphone but was the same that flew, its jet fighter like, stealth, golden megaphone in his hand, thats Jesus telling, do both parts, git outta here, hollie said, he hollie a she one said, hollie showed, turn, like, its he hollie hammo but hand not seen but lit up, but another, hollie comes out, showed, it wasnt raised but then was, she lifted, hollie showed lay down, hollie showed lay down but cleaned up, like white ghost hollie, hollie screamed, showed, licence plate, thats her getting out of, theres Gods hammo, like blue face, she got at, post office, box, you see, she said, had work hat on, hollie showed, its, gurney-bush, its, raise your hands and dont repeat after me, bob apply hollie said, you wont get, heres why, they will look at you and think, hes old, 3-14-2012-bob, hollie showed time, Gods hammo sang, hes angelic man, she said, like face, but, hollie thought, rouch, raise your hands and repeat after me, bob, you caint, hollie said, its, the, apostolic bible students association, hollie said, with God, Jesus grunts, bob, its he hollie she one said, took the cork off, pop sound, its bob at a.b.s.a., people loved you there, they saw, its weak bob, but, its they knew, put it under, bob you sleep, there, look, hollie said, did convey, showed, bob weakening, bob its they notice hollie said, hollie, its twisted sister, were still tourin, lead singer said, its, dee, stamps, hollie, snyder, but same hollie comes out, first hollie still there, but changes into him, hands white, its, the, uhleave us alone sound, hollie said, thats, tap dancing, hollies, its with whole new world order, thats pope like angelman looking at bob, theres hu hintao with, what was hollie screaming for, thats friend accpeting facebook, and, Gods very new hammo appearing like old, whiskers on face but blue head, bobby, hollie showed, rinse, its generic listerene, its, hollie on board the r.m.s. titanic, happy, salutes, but, hey theres Gods very new hammo coming out of the front looking at bob, hollie waved from boat but she was half hollie, half hammo, hey lets motor she said, hollie had fun, blue bubble, chewed gum, changed into like angelic hollie but died, got, back up, she showed, bob your approaching, its, thats bob in casket, its soon, hollie said, hollie showed, its a.b.s.a., bobby go, dont hollie said, its van, still painted, but, hollie like shipmate showed up anyway, hollie was dressed like, its, grace apostolic church, usher, she, sat bobby down like unhappy hammo of light but hes wanting, love to, but, knows, hollie showed turn, golden lighted hand, hollie screamed for this reason, screamed again, another, hollie but not heard, hollie showed, its, them, boo they chant, it lit up, many he hollies, dark cloud over, God inside, lightening burst out but its gross darkness, he hollies barely seen, thats america, burning, its, missile shower, hollie showed, thats missiles striking nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, its the g8, hollie showed turn, hand not seen but it lit up but only partially, seen, lighted outlines appeared around, he said, jumpy hollie said, normal face but monkey face next time, she showed, take bath, its hollie on board, its the, h.m.h.s. britannic, she was like shipmate, happy, thats ship, oh no, angelhead said coming out, hollie showed, lay down, white face, on side, but, still awake, hollie showed, bob when ya gonna eat something, she said, showed, gain weight back, or, thats, hollie holding up sign, its, to, tell what God does, she said, its, for I persecute, JEsus said, 3-15-2012-go, its, hollie, another, said, she had white face, hollie leaves library, plad coat on, but hey, same hollie came out, it changed colors, but hey theres Gods hammo appearing, wearing same clothes, angelic head, like, but big, its boo hummer hollie said, its, them, in, area, its, light, dark cloud over, like storm cloud, Father in, like mostly unseen Father, hes big head but, thats lightening coming out, thats new world order apostolic church, its, bobby, round angel said, then shaped like tear drop, hes not content but got happy, put it under, thats, new world order apostolic church angel man, going to, its, grace apostolic church, a.b.s.a., charles finnell looks at, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, but, she, was, changed, a hidden hollie said, but she, dont, hollie said, God said, shook, both, its, holly cooper, bob you want her healed, so why dont you pray for her, Jesus spoke, it, they appeared, hollie said, thats, its, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, and another angelic hollie tap danced, its, heather renee cooper, Lord who is this, I dont care, but thats, holly appearing, and, she, took glasses off, beautiful, Jesus spoke, bobby your doing it, hollie said, just go to her and pray, thats, hollys eyes straightening, bob its you hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, thats heather showing to holly, I knew, holly cooper said, thats her eyes, Jesus spoke, bob prayed, and they straightened, bob left, Lord I didnt care, its, you bob, Jesus said, looking at van, but, hey, hollie said, theres angelic man in van, hes hiding, bob you dont want to drive up there in the, Jesus grunts, old van, it, will make it, there and back, but you dont want to, but you would, lets put it under, hollie said, go to church, she was at, stamps, hollie, new wineskin apostolic church, walked around, plad coat, on, thats, holly, Jesus said, whew, she said, hollie said, but she appeared, jumpy had, mask on, its monkeys face, brown, but, was normal, another, time, but, uh third, was different, with, uh pinkish like face, dress on, border near the bottom, its dark but theres bears in, hi bobby, one said, thats, hollie walking on stage, people applaud, im hollie, she said, holly said, bob shes blind, Jesus said, its, he appeared, hollie showed, with big hand, put it under, hollie said, bob, they all want sex, all of them, in the church and out, hollie and God said, bob, thats, you, Jesus wanting it worse them them, and look what he doin at the church, its, you were right, God said, its brian hunter appearing, and, laughing, and loving it, but dark storm clouds appearing, and, its, troublous time, and bob laughing, not caring, calling it on, thats, God said, hollie comes out, Jesus rubbing chin, hollie had big hand, people saith the Lord, I didnt care, bob is telling, and now they know, I lied saith the Lord, there is no devil, my devil is, its, hollie clears throat, appears, dressed nice, its satan, hollie said, bob walks out, laughs, fuck all you, thats, its, the, r.m.s. titanic, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie spoke, its, you, thats captain smith, sitting at Gods interviewing table, and I stamp, hollie said, I wanted it, edward smith said, its, strike, make me retire, make you retire, saith the JesusIs Lord, lets fight, bob and Jesus said, its, visions holllie said, coming out, scene closes, but, theres flash, and angel face appearing, its, of light, bob go, hollie said, dont loose these friends, she bows, dressed nice, dark suit like coat, short red dress, its got like, another, comes out, its, like, curtain, hollie showed, curtain on window, its similar, ripples in, look, hollie said, its many brown bears coming, there, its, ferocious, hollie said, thats one angred, its, bear meeting lion, they dont fight but its like dog and cat, lion growls, will scratch, but, its, hollie showed, bear wont fight lion, it laughs, they chanted boo hum, hollie said, showed many he hollies, their in uh valley, hollie drove, its, 1965, its, showed, hollie, a ford cobra, she was in like angelic hollie, lets motor man she said, she smoked tires, hey bobby, its, with ease, she said, thats, 427 emblem on side, hollie looked at engine, man she said, its got to big, carburetors, record the vision, clapped, its, hey hollie said, the, tap dancers, she clapped, showed, bobby learn to play, hollie showed, to turn, golden hand, hAVE your wish hollie said, but she appeared, looked at, its capitolization, hollie said, bobby, dont use caps, she said, another showed, turn, golden lighted hand appeared but disappeared, but it was there, lighted outlines appear around, but only partially seen, hollie comes out, like somewhat birdy he hollie, hollie flew, its twin prop plane, two propellers, hollie showed, with fingers, but showed, lay down, clapped hands first, but did again, hollie not seen but, she appeared, white, like gloved hands, there bear paws, tear up, hollie said, but only pulled apart, a, little, but they didnt stop touching, thumbs, hollie came out, showed, eat, she said, hollie said, jumpy hollie leaps, face changing, but, monkey like face but hollie showed, its mask on, jumpy hollie showed, bobby get busy, she wore nice big dress, theres border in, with, bears in, its im bear said, showed, its putin, im with me bear said, bob, hollie said, hollie showed, goodwill metropolitan high school, thats, high school hammo appearing, hes like angelic head, but like, stunned, affeared hollie said, but colors changed, hollie showed, its time, she said, put one hand on other arm, its holllie, walking, its the a.b.s.a., you made me stamp hollie said, happy, but, lets put it under, she spoke, theres Gods blue hammo, hollie said, like blue angelic bug head, theres his ship agin, fleas appears, its, om m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, hey thats it taking torpedoes, hollie said, ship rolled and sank, hollie, oh unhappy ship, said on bottom of sea, angelic head coming out, hollie sang, laughed, spoke with people, and laughed, and dark storm clouds appeared over, its, raise your hands, and repeat, after me, sang, its, theres Gods new hammo, its angelic bug, hollie said, its on the day of the Lord, Jesus said, thats it, high in air, hollie said, looking up, its, storm clouds, dark, but, God inside, and world appears, its now, oh, world said, fire breaking out, its, missile warfare, hollie said, with God, Jesus grunts, get yourself ready, God said, 3-16-2012-raise your hands and repeat after me, bob, hollie showed, its be still, thats her sitting at, its, a.b.s.a. council, be gentle she said, nice, dont intimidate, she said, thats, hollie rising up, plad coat on, people in terror, but they calmed quickly, see that swom Jesus said, thats, facebook technology, its, swom angel, and facebook angel, but, like not formed yet, hands put them together, but, hollie appeared, showed, bob, its the same, its, same owner, he, has that technology, he appeared, grunted, hollie grunted, that hollie said, its the beast coming out, its, pope, hollie said, dressed in kings clothes like angel man, lets put it under, bobby, hollie showed, lay down, but on side, the chant boo hum hollie said, coming out, its them, one like moodie, looking happy but got sad, dark storm cloud appearing over, lightening coming out, Father in like, angelic Father, but, hes in, darkness hides somewhat, lets put it under, thats like x forming, of golden shafts and, pope like beastman appearing, lets rule the world putin, said, kings appeared with, its, raise your hands and clap your horns, hollie sang, theres putin and, its, mexican president, no he said, looking affeared but got happy, said, yes, theres cuban president, signing, like, angelic man, its uh deal, he said, lula looking stout and nicaraguan president appearing, but then country, hey, hollie said, thats missiles striking country, but they leave there, thats them striking, its, raise your hands, repeat your error, america, exploded, thats it, cuba hollie said, nuclear fires in but missiles going around there, from, cuban, Jesus said, hollie said, thier waters, both said, thats lower part of america exploding, but missiles leaving there, hey said, hollie, thats angry obama face appearing and, moscow on fire, but, putin rises and presses nuclear button, its the nuclear g8 exploding and its angelic being coming up, im its hammo, he said, showed, nuclear g8 hammo, jumpy hollie leaps, almost normal like jumpy hollie, smiled but, dress got long, colors changing, but theres border there, jumpy shows, bobby theres still bears in border, its im, one said, theres the tap dancers, many hollies but lines kept changing, hollie ran, its at new world order apostolic church, no shoes on, but, tap dancers kept tapping, theres, hollie, she hammo, round like head, its blue, hollie showed, its happy face on, write the vision said JEsus, write the vision said, the tap dancers, bobby, hollie had wire, its, to, air conditioner, theres Gods new hammo appearing, hes like round, hollie said, angelic head, hollie just touched wire, its worked, bobby dont use them she said, find uh way to fix yourself, you got uh warning, hollie said, its, babyfleas appearing again, nice teeth, hollie got out and painted, raise your hands and repeat after me, its, hollie with Jesus inside showing, eat something, thats uh war, right there, hollie said, she hollie sings, hollie like he cat points, light hand forms first, then cat face forms, sweatshirt on, bobby its cold hollie said, shook, just watch, thats it down in the twenties again, hey theres Gods new hammo, its soon, hes like angelic face but not shaped quite right hollie showed, she rinsed some more, bobby use listerene, hollie said, showed, lay down, he said, hollie said, jumpy hollie leaps, feet, sticking straight out, dress on, brown, monkey face but she showed, its mask, but another, hollie came out, showed, rinse, burgundy sweatshirt on, but seemed to be red, at first, showed, rinse, it wasnt jumpy hollie behind mask, hollie that explains appeared, Gods hammo sang, light was flashing from mouth but thats Jesus like golden cat coming out, its like rolling light form, similar to tornado, but, coming from mouth, there it is Jesus said, its the beast with seven heads and ten horns, its, hollie thought, like cluster of kings in black, theres pope, hey its the nuclear g8 hollie said, but wonders, why did mexican president come out, its, he looked to obama, were them, whats hollie screamin for, hollie pointed, bobby he knows, hollie said, like angelic hollie, pointing at, its van, but, hey, theres Gods new hammo, hollie came out, showed, rinse, but also, these hammo changing, angelic heads, faces, hollie whistled, its, golden dot showing, its popes image tattood on finger, pope showed, lay down, raise your hands and repeat after, wait after me sang, theres, Gods new hammo, hey look hollie said, hes angelic being, now overweight body but different light blue in, its speedway, indiana clock, looking down, stomping foot, hollie showed lay down, snapped fingers, man she said, laying on, its back again, face lighted, but she got back up but stayed around, its bedroom, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, its, hidden, did, sing, but another said, God said, you need to eat, hollie said and showed, lets put it under, hollie looked at her watch, bobby, television show, they wont let you on, you have to pay, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed lay down, with white dress on, I the Lord persecute my servants to cause them to loose their salvation by manifold temptations, ripping their faces by tightening muscles and deseasing their bodies and gums and caressing their sex organs with electricity and more saith the LOrd, perish for me after I accepted you to make me laugh saith God, bob, hollie said, blew on hand, stomped foot, dont go, she said, its, the a.b.s.a., heres why, thats man handing you, its, she said, he dyes his hair, cut off, he showed, but, grunted, they are lost, dont tremble, hollie said, Jesus rubs chin, bob hollie said, showed, its time, Gods new hammo appeared, its, goodwill metropolitan high school, now laughing at JEsus, oh so you give gum desease, one young man, its youth JEsus said, did say, both, put it under, God said, thats people standing, its, at, indygo bus stop, and not looking, but, finally do, and bus comes but, bus has face on, they keep looking, hollie and God said, lets put it under, hollie said, hammo showed, go, hammo like angelic man walked to get van, bobby, its still there, hollie said, thats moodie and janette, now she wants intercourse, he said, gray sweatshirt on, but, they have sex, janette wears, its uh, thought hollie, red plad coat, but, they are, now in love, thats new world order, apostolic church, and its angel, hey hollie said, there same angel, she said, spoke, but, its, coming out, showing, bobby, dont fix it, unsatisfied angel spoke, God said, they want, hammo looks around, free rent, tahts one living there, but, they wont, now they are, God said, wanting uh new place, but old place still good, its there, pointed JEsus, the new world order apostolic church, JEsus blew on hand, it was white, like glove, but, bobby go there, hollie said, its eric, he wants, thats, crafty eric looking around, something for nothing, we both do, he said, now, lets, go to a.b.s.a., but, they are still having fun, but cant get thru, hollie said, lets put it under, hollie blew on hand and, stomped foot, up rose the beast, its, pope like angel of light, hollie and God said, bobby theres indexing, and its, google hammo appearing, like, same oh angel, hey hollie said, she blew on hand, bobby your putting uh lot of visions on hollie said, now lets put it under, many hollies said, but they were, not all appearing God thought, its Jesus, hollie said, looking at picture frames, 3-17-2012-hollie showed, theres, Gods new hammo, its, yahoo ministryofdreams, bob its again, hollie said, put it under, hammo appeared like white angelic head but happy but got sad, changed, showed, do something, bobby its, a.b.s.a., you pulling up in van, hollie getting out, people laughing at but trembling later, bob, hollie showed, and stomped foot, dress went somewhat golden with designs in, raise, your hands, and repeat after me, sang, now look, hollie said, theres Gods hammo, like happy angelhead, but somewhat bug shaped, its, like, light gray color or blue, write the vision, make it plain, hollie said, moodie plays music but looks angry, hollie showed, eat something, white in mouth, blew bubble, clapped hands, but showed, its popes picture like angelman, its, war sireen sound, hollie showed, people not listening, bob, its, you and, moodie appeared, but not making expression, people are finding out, hollie and God said, im the nuclear g8, its putin, hollie said, she saw, its cluster of kings, them forming, hollie said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, but got back up, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, in mid air, Jesus said, clapping like pink hands, wearing, its golden dress, theres designs in and there golden to, different shades, they we chant boo hum, hollie said, thats him, many, them, hollie said, in valley, one not happy, mouth opened, still had teeth, like light teeth, hollie saw, dark cloud over, lightening like x in cloud, with Father above, like x, but, smoke blew over, head of Father turned somewhat golden, hollie appeared, but, its, him, he hollie, showed, keep going straight, its got new world order apostolic church written on its bottom, thats its hammo hollie said, he, hollie moodie plays music but mouth opened, hammo like angelman, hands folded, on, its, like chest, showing, no, just, wait, but, turns into police angel, stomps foot, hey policeman, angel said, hollies screamin for this reason, showed, lay down, golden face, on side, hollie screamed again, head on hands, hollie showed, turn, thought, other way, its him, he hollie, a she one said, 3-18-2012-hollie showed eat, when ya gonna fix it, hollie said, she fixed, but hey theres, she said, Gods hammo, hes furnace hammo, bobby fix yourself, you dont need them, thats hollie leaving library, and, wearing plad coat, she touched wire, it, started, thats air conditioner starting, and, hollie thought, but it was Gods hammo turning head, like, round head, hes, like, beige color, hollie that explains appeared, she aged, light flashing from mouth, but she went back to normal, hollie showed, then hollie that explains appeared, showed, light flashed from mouth like, its round, twirl, but, its tornado shaped, its, fly high michelle, its still loved, stamps, hollie that explains, bobby, its, shes transforming, a hollie like moodie said, but not quite, but smiled, another comes out, these hollies keep changing, you see, hollie said, hands in air, waving, thats Jesus, white robe on, sitting on, its, new world order apostolic church, theres hammo coming out of top of building, its blue, like blue happy face, its my seat, Jesus said, its, hollie clapped, but, showed, so quick you couldnt see, it, she appeared, white hat on, hollie showed, its, the king of the north and south, hollie brought them together, its, pope hollie said, theres hu hintao, we make war, they said, lets put it under, hollie said, showed, lay down, but, pope rode, horse, bob hickman, you caint go, hollie said, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, pope sang, hollie reappeared, theres many people in, doing these visions, Jesus looks down with glasses, but, aged, its, grace apostolic church, hammo and building appearing, hammo like round head somewhat but God thought, bobby started goin again, so stay, thats Jesus putting bob at grace apostolic church again, hollie screamed, again but not heard, showed, bobby wait, white long finger, gloved, thats hand showing glove, but hollie appeared later, showed, eat something, thats white glove, its mittoned like hands, now its, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie showed, big hand, its, uh 1979 pontiac trans am, hollie appeared in, lets motor, she was angelic hollie, white face, hair, like light, hollie showed, turn, big golden hand, like fin, you wanted it, you got it, the crowd chanted, jumpy hollie, in front, hollie showed, turn, golden, big hand, hollie showed, turn, long hand, fingers, golden, whats what hollie said, big white hand appeared, hollie appeared, later, showed eat, its, uh 1966 lincoln continental, hollie was in like angelic hollie, showed, it smoked tires, with ease, bobby, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, long hand, like, its doggie foot, boo they chant, hollie and its them, him, valley area lights up, many hollies but one had no face, just eyes, another hollie thought, they werent right, thats storm cloud over, thundering sound, light, scene inside, as, flashes, Father there, in, just head, in like circle hollie showed, with finger, but she diappeared, hollie, out, sneaky, they chanted boo, valley mostly light up, darkness above, Fathers face in, light flashes, its round, hollie said, in like round, he said, hollie claps, its, Jesus, wearing, marion county sheriff, hat, hollie wore, bobby its janette, thats you giving oral sex but really its new him, he hollie but then fucking, hollie showed lay down, frost like face, sucked thumb but didnt sleep, she was on side, 3-19-2012-bobby its your life, many hollies said, God said, it, he appeared, hollie smiles, hollie showed, its translation hammo, like angelic face, hes showin, its google translations like same oh hammo, its were the same, said, hollie, they came together, bobby dont, hollie said, thats, hollie hammo, like angelic being but somewhat monkey face, happy, showing, its translations, thats people all over the universe looking at, God now knows people are seeing, come on, hollie said, hat appeared on, she laughed, but got sad, stomped foot but body not seen, bobby, its you pointed hollie, theres janette, she wont come till no where to go and thats door opening, hey theres Gods new hammo appearing, bobby shes back, just wait and watch hollie said, thats moodie fucking again, janette red plad coat, hollie spoke, beast appeared, like angel man pope on black horse but different things went on, hollie was black and white but normal hollie comes out, happy, Gods new hammo sang, raise your hands and repeat after me, he sang, he was different, somewhat monkey face himself, God said, take me off, it was JEsus, hollie said, she, hat on, wiped words off van, but, hey, theres van hammo appearing, van hammo, like stunned, bobby it doesnt, work, do anything, hollie said, hat on, but, showed, hard to wait longer, hollie showed, its van parked, hammo coming out, hat on, seeming to get happy, but, bobby, thats, its children, they read, they think, yuck, young woman says but laughs when telling, hollie comes out, raise your hands and repeat more after me, bob, thats air conditioner working again, its you, hook up, its tomorrow, lets put it under, thats dark bell, ringing, its, hollie sang, thought, hells bell, bob, go home, it, was, babyfleas, hollie said, showed, its, ministryofdreams hammo, like, its, round head, white hat on, but hollie showed, thought, not formed all the way, but, reappeared, thats like, light pinkish color, almost beige but, now only smiling face, hollie came back out, let me explain she said, thats Jesus looking at picture frames, they are incomplete but theres hammo appearing, different, not all there but, changing moods, hollie showed, turn, fly high michelle, hollie sang, its brand new hollie, hollie screamed, again, but not heard, twisted white face somewhat but hand came up, it was him that appeared, gloved hand, moodie showed, its janette, moodie fucking, neither wanted, hollie showed, lay down, she slept on side, bobby thats air conditioner, hammo coming out, its round head, its, moving back and forth, it worked again, tomorrow, thats man wiring up, its fifty dollars, free hollie said, they paid for, its pastor angel appearing, hollie applied, its, triple a, a.a.a., hollie showed, it appeared but she wasnt seen to well, 3-20-2012-they sang, happy hollie said, it was Jesus, hollie said, holy, holy, holy, is the man, but, hollie thought, smiling, it also, sounded like lamb, put it under, hollie said, got dark like hidden, hollie night vision, shows, hidden mostly hollie said, it was uh dream, she said, it, from behind, another, hollie said, turn, its, he hollie, another said, showed, golden hand, reappeared, God said, Lord you didnt want me to do that, hollie said, no expression, but got up, plad coat on, face went golden, its lynn, hollie showed, thats moodie fucking her, just watch, bobby she has your card, and I stamp, hollie said, only light hand seen, rest appeared, but she showed eat, another like, comes out, hollie was mainly light, but up rose, hey theres Gods brand new hammo, hes like angelic angel like, had like monkeys lips, whiskers, but, maybe like doggie, its, was lighted outlined Jesus, moodie made its, like futuristic, like electric sound, moodie had gray sweatshirt on, hollie runs from God, all, golden hollie, but she was, its being pursued, bobby, its, hollie showed, God is tempting and thats you telling, people laughing, its, Jesus, oh my God, he said, put it under, hollie showed, tear, up, had like monkey lips, light face, light hat on, hollie looked to turn, hat on, showed, turn, bobby its go on, the highway, hollie said, hands are, fire colored, arms, hollie twisted his head in the fire, he was content, she hollie came to explain, did with hands, showed, raise your hands and leave it alone, its janette, let, thats her in jail, plad coat taken away, bob, golden hollie said, she mothered, but hey, theres Gods new hammo, like over weight angelic man, hollie took him out, kicked, light foot, but hollie, bent down, a little, with knees, she, light dress on, light hollie, light all, bob, hey theres Gods new hammo showing record, showing, eat again, had like monkey face, light hammo, hes short, light hollie said, coming out, nice hair, hollie showed, golden, hammo like face, nice, bigger body but its short, another, hollie showed, nice full brown hair, lighted, hollie showed, turn, bob thats it, hollie said, bob ran at, its new world order apostolic church, unhappy church angel appeared, hands folded in front, over chest, hollie showed, turn, like hollie hammo, hat appeared on, the Holy Ghost enters, God said, hollie showed, bob hickman, like a body perfect size, thats Jesus inside hollie showing eat, Gods wipes his lips, but face was not seen, it wasnt formed, God and hollie said, lets put it under, hollie said, showed, eat, bob, this is hollie another said, spoke it, she said, when ya gonna eat, she said, put it under, thats i.c.x ministryofdreams, this is hollie, now, meat loaf said, I need another hit, but I already have, God said, they looked, it keeps us current, God showed, its bat out of hell 111, just watch for it, bob, its, moodie, its plad fucking, he said, put it under, bob you'll have janette agin, hollie said, you will live with her, heres the sign, hollie said, your face will fix, and hair will grow back, its, you made me embarrased, hollie said, its, Jesus, showing, eat, but, bob is, embarrasing the Lord, God said, and I stamp, hollie said, happy, up rose, its, hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, hes angelic, light clothes, happy, but somewhat monkey face, God said, all light, but, its different shades, bobby, hollie said, showed, when ya, Jesus and Father spoke, he sticks head out, but beside Jesus, hollie showed, eat, bob, hollie showed, eat something, she had white in mouth, and, hands in air, bob they wont let it, hollie said,i its, share it ministry of dreams, hollie said, she spoke it, God said, put it under, hollie showed, lay down, when ya gonna do something, she said, bob its, hollie said, you and janette, living at, its, new world order, apostolic church, hollie said, God said, now lets put it under, hollie said, bob, you didnt gray, its God keeping, you brown, hollie showed, brown hair on bob, at, its, 47, hollie said, but, she diappeared, its I persecute, Jesus said, to make my servants, loose their salvation, and laughing at them, but bob, you embarras me, I wanted to destroy you, to betray, and now people are lauging at me, for ruining your face and destroying gums and your relationship, with, janette emenegger, when she says, saith the Lord, she will tremble, but they all will, and refuse her, then she comes home, but loves, it, now, lets put it under, hollie showed, scavage, its out of dumpsters, she climbed in, 3-21-2012-have your way, it was Jesus, hollie said, God said, hollie showed, get busy, she was lit up, light dress, its white, but same hollie showed, seemed to change a little, was all light, hollie thought, was hair light, get up, hollie said, JEsus in keychain appears, its Meteorologist kevin gregory, hes cool, love him, hollie and God said, lets put it under, thats visions kevin gregory reading visions, boo they chant, hollie said, its, him, he hollie, s, hollie showed, its the letter, it appeared, she clapped hands but dark cloud appeared over, Father flashed in like somewhat golden Father, stop linkin them up, hollie said, its, linkedin ministryofdreams, like angel round head, with hat on, hollie came out, showed, there different shades, different colors but same oh angel, hollie walked, in goodwill, its boo they chant, dark cloud over, thundering, in, going on, Father flashes inside, like buske, somewhat golden, golden light seemed appear thru cracks in cloud, hollie showed, but differently, its hollie, raining submarines, looks for hollie showed, found similar but not quite, a hundred million people are on the internet right now, God said, but first hollie did say, bob its, angelman, marketing on internet, find uh way, hollie said, you see she said, thats hawk diving down, but like gliding, hollie screamed, again, but, not heard, this is uh warning, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, hollie keeps showing turn, both he and she hollies, arrow pointed turn, like hollie did, he, him hollie a she one said but not seen but was there in dark, thats hollie walking at, its walmart, hollie claps hands, Gods suprised looked angelic head hammo, appears, hes light, hollie showed, turn, hollie comes out, he appeared and disappeared quickly, bobby its we want you come back here, circled, its the penguins, golden penguins, one appeared in like round like window setting, winked, golden penguin, hollie pointed turn like white hollie, its, holt road, exit, hollie and God said, hollie ducked in his tank, its, american legion, wayne post 64, a she hollie showed, ghost like fire colored FATHER SHOOTS BY, hollie saw, its, different hollie, theres like designs in, fire like sheet which covered Father but thats cover off, and Jesus with hardly no clothes on, new hollie wonders, hollie pointed, turn, on washington street, hollie appeared, hands hanging down, its bobby, on, west tenth street, hollie and God said, go back hollie said, its to speedway, its on the corner of, washington street and white river avenue the Lord said, hollie showed, lay down, it was moodie another, hollie said, but still awake, 3-22-2012-hollie showed record, it was God, hollie said, did say, tomorrow, you will be in court, hollie showed, record, him a she one said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look hollie said, theres new world order apostolic church angel, laid on floor, its light angel, light clothes, head hollie showed, not shaped right, hollie, showed, turn, but looked, showed, turn again, hand not seen but it appeared, partially, lit up mittoned white hand, outlines appear around, no no, hollie said, shook his head a she one did say, apeak, she said, they chant, boo hum, hollie said, many, him, she said, he hollies appeared, their in valley, but dark storm cloud over, lightening comes out, Father, his face flashes in, its buske, hollie said, dull golden face, hollie, JEsus comes out, face, just goes blank, hollie stamps, but many things went on, hollie did, showed, you need to record, but, up rose, hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, hes angelic, tall, slendor, white robe on, of light, its like cloudy, but had somewhat monkeys face, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, hollie appeared, looked back, its harding street exist, showed not to turn, thats white hand appearing, its only got three fingers, but another, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, but Gods new hammo appeared, hes angelic, like, monkey face, did appear, of light, God said, hollie ducked in his tank, Ghost like Father shoots by but in like white sheet, hollie thought, different color at first, the mexican girl showed, turn, hollie said, its the air conditioner hammo appeared, bobby dont buy, thats angelic round head man coming out, its cheaper there, go by walmart and see, Im the hammo air conditioner hammo said, bobby its two in one, hollie said, it, hollie, showed, blow dryer, is, better but not much but thats, it will heat church upstairs or down, hollie screamed, hollie showed, turn, him, he hollie, then other way, hollie showed, turn, georgetown road, its lighted him a she one said, telephone, said, hollie, bobby its janette, hollie going animal, janette red plad coat, hollie, said, she hollie starting to look normal, golden hair, wanting love, its, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back, up, hollie laid down, bobby agin, bob she said, but, was on side, frost like face, got back up, white face, 3-23-2012-hollie excercised, its her, jowl line, hollie said, it worked, hollie said, theres it fixed, but bobby, it took time, hollie moved her facial muscles, you see, hollie said, see that, it worked, just move them, they, will, stay strong, what if they aint eatin, hollie said, its people looting, but hey, theres Gods hammo, she yelled, hes tall, angelic, thin man, round head of light, thats hollie with barack obama, hollie shows, fight, light colored blue dress, skirt on, its got like wavy, and, darker blue in, barack announces, its under economic collapse here, but hey, hollie said, that, he, him she said, did appear, when ya gonna eat something, hollie said, she did mouth exercise, had, its flexer thing ciser on internet, bob it works, buy, one, hollie said, hollie did, its kneck excercise, had hand on kneck, its, Jesus, appeared, its, hollie said, she lifted head up, turn, hollie said, but he hollie appeared, showed, hands in air, bobby, its your not drivin yet, hollie and God said, Jesus like uh cat showed go home, hollie said, she laid down, hat on, its red, happy, shes white face, Jesus like golden cat showed turn, hollie and its another, said, shes like not lit up but did, tee shirt on, its design hollie said, coming out, pointing, stripe around, but hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, singing like angelic new hollie being man but just head, beak like face, hollie showed, lay down, frosty white light face but pores, hollie showed, turn, go there, hollie said, it was him, a he and she hollie, look hollie said, she walked in licence branch, and got plate, plad coat back on, nice long brown hair, she said, quit, hollie said, jumpy hollie leaps, then showed, do something, looks to side, white leggs, white dress on but had belt around, colors changing, another hollie came out, showed, have your way, its angel, hollie said, she jogged at church, but leggs were like green, 3-24-2012-its hands showing go and do something, hollie drank drink, hands just white but rest of hollie appeared, she, closed mouth, white in, but, same like hollie came out, hand made in fist, showed, bobby its wedding skirt, showed, bobby thats janette, its your wife, showed, bobby just wait, but, she changed, hollie screamed, its i.c.x., she said, ministryofdreams hammo, like angelhead, round, but changed to more like hollie head with him wearing hat, its triangle shaped, record, the vision, hollie said, moodie plays music, lookin angry, hollie reappears, white hat on, its sheriff, she said, now its boo, they chant, chanted hollie said, one brand new hollie hammo appears, hes, golden, egg shaped head, king of but not quite, hat appears on, like, its, lucky charms, man, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, leaping, smiling but lower not seen but it appeared, white dress on, white socks, this is uh warning, Jesus, said, thats crowd chanting, hollie waving, hi, she said, but its uh different vision, bob people are finding out, God said, when the, marine corp. is out in the streets, thats looting going on but hey theres Gods hammo, hes tall, thin and angelic, round light head, hollie claps, wearing, its light blue skirt but dark blue in the curls in it, barack, its, under economic collapse around here, thats, Jesus sprinkling, its hollie said, hand appeared, putin pops up, lets rule the world, hey thats tear up, hollie said, but putins face went blank, seemed to only be part of, hollie showed, turn, but looked to go other way, thought, rubbed chin, bobby its, hollie said, pastor angel lopez, appeared, we will build vino nuevo, he said, thats his church, empty but members showing, hollie showed turn, its new hollie, like golden round face, its him, ducks, hollie comes out, shaking head, wheres tank, but it appeared, hey hollie said, she showed, rinse, its listerene, Ghost like Father appears, was fire colored, but went white sheet, big nose, hollie showed, its, raise your curtain, nice she said, hollie screamed, bob I am not going to allow vino nuevo to own cause this reason saith the Lord, hollie showed, its Jesus sitting on, its new world order, apostolic church, but, brand new hollie appears, its jumpy with like dark black mask on, looking to side, happy, boo, hollie comes out, they chanted, raise your hands and repeat after me she sang, but, hey look theres Gods hammo appearing, hes blue, hollie thought, not seeming so happy, showed, rinse more, dark cloud over, lightening flashes out of, shaped like, arrows pointing, Father flashes inside, hes dull golden, hollie came out, showed, rinse, had nice full brown hair, bobby, hollie with nice hair said, hair appeared but not at first, record, hollie said, and I stamp, up rose the beast, she said, put it under, hes angel hammo, hollie showed, its saint johns catholic church, bob its at five p.m., she said, dont go, hollie said, raise your hands, wait uh minute, sang, hey look, theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, hes, brand new, monkey face, but, part man face to but all of light, holy Ghost baptizm feels like a body perfect size coming in, this is hollie, same hollie came out, she said, but dressed different, but hey look another, hollie said, showed, rinse, seems like something else went on in, vision like hollie disappeared, but reappeared, om back she said, opened hands, arms golden, 3-25-2012-hollie showed, its facebook ministryofdreams, like angelic man, bob its update your pages, hollie said, same hammo appeared, but went from happy to changing expression, showed, its, facebook, take care of it, dont use to many pages, its room, hollie spoke and Got, but angel showed, facebook is free, thats facebook angel forming, angelic head, but hollie showed, not quite right, showed, do something, white in mouth, another appeared, showed, its, raise your hands and wait after me, hollie sang, showed, bob it janette, just wait, she, hollie dreadd, changed to like monkey but only face, bob, thats likes appearing on page, just watch, soon its ten, then thats one hundred, hollie showed, turn, but another comes out showed, bobby rinse more, hollie not seen all the way, had monkey lips, its, hollie hammo, looked like up to something, smiled widened, holy Ghost enters bob hickman like a body perfect size, said Jesus and hollie, it appeared, hollie showed, opened hands, God gives gum desease to christians, they see it, hollie comes out, white clothes, opened hands, Jesus spoke, hollies face went like beak, its, the marine corp. out in the streets, its, JEsus, hollie said, opening hands, like hollie hammo with beak, beak golden, its looting, hey hollie said, pointed, theres Gods hammo but changed to hollie hammo, like up to something, monkey like face, barack obama announces, its economic collape, hollie claps, wearing, its like dance skirt and silk suit, its like blue but, different shades, like wavy, hollie showed, turn, like changing hollie, beak to hammo, this is uh warning, hollie said, thats her taking down, its visions, off of pages, heres why bobby, she showed, they disappeared, I done said it, it was he hollie, a she one said, they chant boo hum, hollie was bummed, had head in hands, turned to side somewaht but Jesus was behind, turning head but she got back up, changed, looked back, happy, theres, its, he hollies, in, area, dark cloud over, Father in like lit up head, golden but dull, light to sides but cloud flashed, like thunder sound, it was she hollies chanting boo this time, its, him, he hollie, face not formed quite yet, showed, its pope appearing on black horse, hes angel man, its, im the beast, he said, with seven heads and ten horns, its they appeared, hollie said, close it up, she said, closed scene but, wheres hollies, she appeared, thou, was there, showed bobby rinse more, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted, hand, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand but looked other way, showed, go other, way but changed into him, white hand, hollie showed, its march for boy that got killed, four thiry p.m., hollie pulled glvoes off but not seen, bobby its janette, she wants to live here, let, janette has plad coat on, hollie showed, lay down, frosty white face but wiped face, bobby its janette, its moodie fucking, trying to get her back, bobby stay away, hollie wiped face, awake this time, face brownish color, but she laid on bed awake, face went frosty, again, 3-26-2012-this is uh warning, said, Jesus, hollie said, God said, hollie points, its, at, god, not capitolized, but bob did, angel speaks with Gods voice, its, moodie playing music, bob, its, moodie and janette fucking again, she, red plad coat, moodie wears gray sweatshirt, bob its today, moodie said, put it under, hollie said, wiped lips, red plad coat on, but, hey she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey, theres Gods new hammo, look, hollie said, hes angelic head, dont go now, hollie said, its, showed, youtoo, youtoo ministryofdreams like, its, bluish angel face but not formed, quite, hollie claps, seal, bobby close it up she said, bobby hollie said, he hollie appears, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, showed, picture, its pope, hollie, said, hollie comes out, white clothes, on, showed, its bell ringing, but no body seen, but it did appear, hollie said, hollie said, let me record, her head, disappearing, she showed, its youtoo ministry of dreams, like pink angel, pink surrounding with white, but, went blue, angel only somewhat formed, its owners looking at video, trembling, thinking, its to, hollie dreaded saying, unnatural, but, they want you, hollie blew, its balloon, but he hollie on, changed colors, to brown, he hollie, but same, bobby let me, she, hollie said, but changed, into him, stop, he said, hollie said, jumpy hollie leaps, happy, dark monkeys face, but, turned to side, rapture, hollie said, its Jesus high in air, white robe on, world below, explosion sound, world shakes, but face appears on, boo is what we chanted, its them, many he hollies, area lights up, dark cloud over, flashes, Father in, hollie showed, turn, bobby get oil but hey theres Gods new hammo, hes angelic head appearing, white, hollie showed, rinse more, its, listerene appeared, but bottle didnt, showed, its, generic, hollie showed, its lasar comb, she used, bobby thats hair growing back, it will make some she said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, write the vision, make it plain, hollie said, disappearing, hollie showed, big white hand, whats that, its, 1962 ford, its fairlane, hollie said, its, hollie showed, front end raising, she was, in like angelic hollie, brown hair, powerful, hollie screamed, again, but not heard, hollie, did, its jowl exercise, its hollie, and jumpy hollie leaps, dark face, happy, looking to side, doing something with hands, its, hollie did, its kneck exercise, that, hollie, said, with, the air sound, hollie walked on treadmill, heavier, but, she drank, straw came to mouth, but left, bobby its work, she said, hollie put on, did strut work, write the vision, hollie did jowl excercise, bobby it worked, thats her looking young again, she said, get walkin, jumpy hollie showed, dark face, white leggs but black monkey face, thats the marine corp. out in the streets, thats what you wanted, hollie said, did say, she claps, with barack obama, shes wearing, like, its ballet, woman wears, blue skirt, darker in, its the, curls of skirt, barack makes, announcement, its under, he said, wiped lips, let me git outta here, lets rule the world putin, said, thats hand, became lighted, sprinkles, but, hey, hollie said, theres Gods hammo, its looting, hes angelic lighted round head but had other lighted people with, hey theres hollie, showed, not happy about but laughed, hollie said, well dressed, its angel man well dressed but looking like, hollie showed, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, starting to sink, hollie showed, turn, doggie hands, looked to turn into speedway, hand golden, wiped lips, but, hand not seen all the way but it appeared, bobby buy gas, thats, hollie, putting gas in, hollie laid down, on side, wiped face, frosty white, 3-27-2012-hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look theres God new hammo, hollie said, hes, tall, like, slendor angelic being, bluish, hes, hollie said, hollie walked, plad coat on, she wore hat, on coat but changed, hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, wearing uh hat, happy blue angelic face but, its roundish, not normal, hollie thought, hollie used, the lasar comb, you, see, she said, her hair grew thicker, its fuller, she said, got happy, looked young, when janette comes hollie said, you got uh warning, bob, angel said, thats janette, pants on, plad coat, happy, but not looking, bobby she lived, hollie said, with you, its there, showed, twelve thirty five rochester, but, changed to Gods hammo, happy, blue face, bobby, hollie looked around, shes hiding, still hooking, but still living with you, hollie screamed, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, leaping, but showing, its walking, black, happy face, dress on, theres border in, with no bears, its like green, but, bears appeared in border, write the vision, make it plain, hollie said, they chant, jumpy hollie said, running in place, black face, started looking to side, boo hum, hollie said, area lights up, its him, he hollies, but hey theres little young hammo there, face, hollie showed, rinse more, listerene, his face night right, dark cloud appeared over, like, thundering in, flashed, but Fathers head appeared, its buske hollie said, like dull golden, write the vision, make it plain, hollie like bear hollie said, its the air sound, a transforming moodie appeared, hey it disappeared, hollie said, he hollie, ducked in his tank but not seen but it was there like lighted dull, outlined, tank appeared, Father comes, sees, like ghost, big nose, like black coal eyes, theres hollie that explains, light flashing from mouth, bob if you go home in another hour what are you gonna do hollie said, its another, but a heavy set hollie walked on treadmill, she ate, drank, but, only straw seen, go home hollie said, its, him, he hollie showing turn, but only hand seen, face, it appeared, but dull, it was light blue, hollie screamed, bobby, hollie said, let me see, it was Jesus, hollie said, again, Jesus rubbed chin, but hollie reappeared, like somewhat angelic, frosty dull blue face but rest not really seen but it appeared, she wore skirt, its blue, its like curtain, but she was heavier, hollie showed, turn, he had doggie hands, but, its, her, coming out, white dress on, showed, something with mouth, these hands not normal, like flat on bottom, oval shaped, but, hollie thought, just let it go, showed, lay down, on side, but was changing into him, white face, she said, jumpy hollie said, brand new appearance, white face, its dull, like, jumpy hollie said again, but, appearing different, looking, kind of down at but, dull yellow, showed, work, white leggs, but its him, she said, appeared, checking out, hollie twisted his head in the fire, happy, but head shaped not right, 3-28-2012-that, hollie said, thats ray, shaking, Lord I want it, he said, that, hollie, its new world order apostolic church, that, hollie said, pointed, but not right at, white finger, God said, hollie showed, its visions, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look, hollie said, theres Gods hammo, hes like, angelic, bluish, head, its, dull, bobby, its, freeservers ministryofdreams, like somewhat not formed to well yet angel, post them there, hollie cut the grass, today, she said, do now, she said, hollie showed, its van, raise your hands, and bobby wait after me, she paid parking fine in cash, thats van, hammo coming out, its van, coming alive, then sitting at, its Gods interviewing, but, hollie said, hey wheres the markings, he took them off van, said, thats, he hollie, bent over, painting it black but she hollie claps, appears, but only partly, up rose, its the beast, were the nuclear g8, its putin, he said, thats, hes back, God said, medvedev, Jesus points, your out, but putin is still there, this is uh warning, hollie said, I have news Jesus said, wiped lips, but hand disappeared, thats Jesus bringing janette, plad coat, and, her, being placed, bobby its with you, just wait hollie said, heres the sign, hollie wished in heart, she was heavier, but, thats lines healing, she said, do it, jumpy hollie showed, dark face, but jumpy mowed lawn, white dress on with border in and its kind of curled, like dress with bears in border, hollie like he bear, hollie showed, its, she hand hat on, its, call for help, channel six news, bobby thats man looking at, thinking, we want it, but hollie rubs, wipes mouth, dreaded, bobby its, they are, not wanting that one, its political reasons, God said, hollie screamed, bob what for, showed, gas prices going down but not very much, hollie showed, turn, its, bob get on hiway, but, hey theres Gods hammo appearing, hes blue face but changing to, not so happy, its him, same oh blue face, bob its Jesus, showed, eat something, but face mostly blank, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, clapping, dark face, its boo hum, dark cloud appeared over area, they were in, lighted up, hey thats Father in cloud flashes, like thundering, hollie said, put it under, he hollie showed, lay down, hollie came out, its bill board sign appearing, shes happy, turned somewhat to side, maybe looking back, bobby, hollie showed, its hammo appearing on billboard, it looks like, angelic lit up head, but not happy, changing to hollie, showing, its cars driving by, he wrote number, its, over twenty thousand people would have found out about you, hollie wore hat, its van, writing on side, head comes out, holy Ghost baptizm feels like body perfect size coming in, hollie put on, dances, happy, runs in place, bobby, thats, now over, five thousand people seen van and read, hollie said, soon, hollie saw, big number, one hundred thousand, plus at end, I did not know nothing, its, he hollie a she one said, but, om the m.v., its, wilhelm gustloff ship, sinking, its rolling, thats captain firing torpedoes, like captain smith, theres explosions along side, ship has face, head like angelic, it, shook yes, but showed, I didnt want it, but theres ship on bottom of sea, angel bored, just waiting, watches hollie come by, in, its like, flying saucer under water, hollie showed, lay down, she was on side, wiped face, bobby its new anchor man, hes wanting to do story, thats him calling, but hey theres Gods hammo hollie said, coming out of phone, like, with, whiskers, but bobby, its his bosses, they wont let him cover that, heres why, to much controversy, call for help reporter, said, thats him hanging phone up but not see but, it was, there, it appeared, hollie claps, face, hands seen, but, its pregnant body appearing, but not seen well, its janette, plad coat on, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, 3-29-2012-she said, jumpy hollie said, doreen sticks head out, smiling, God said, when ya gonna let me hollie said, record, she mowed lawn, you bob have made me embarrased today above many days, God said, its, teen challenge, raise your hands and repeat after me, and I stamp, hollie said, beating hands, but hey, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, its, bravenet ministryofdreams, like, its, not making expression blank angel but has black outlines, bob, its, thats, hollie taking, its her flash drive collection, go, fix, hollie said, and I stamp, hollie said, up rose, beast pope, riding his black horse, to russia, it comes to screeching halt there, moscow, hollie said, thats pope signing deal, with, its, medvedev, it gains much control medvedev said, get it JEsus said, hollie said, that again, she like mothered, showed, its, teen challenge, words appeared, but hammo coming out, hammo acted like dreading, not saying, doing, anything, changing to blue, hey, hollie said, hands apart, hat appearing on, its, work, showed, mow lawn, hollie appeared in, its brand new mustang, its go, three oh two engine, but thats hollie like angelic hollie having drink in, peeled back tires, bobby its uh quick one she said, look hollie said, its, storm cloud brewing, kings coming out, its, were the nuclear g8 putin said but pope like uh angel came out to, tell my visions, that was Jesus, hollie said, another screams, again, but, not heard, its bravenet hammo appearing, hollie has his cellphone, happy, white robe on, thats dotted line, going to, its space sattelite, hollie said, it appeared, but things, appeared she showed, but things gone, showed, its, spooky, halloween hollie, and, many, its biblical characters, like, its halloween people, bobby dont hollie said, its church, hollie showed, mow lawn, theres your facebook like, hollie said, its, raise your hands and it appeared, sang, theres Gods hammo, like pope, angel man, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand but, same hollie came out, shook, cant describe hand, its, similar to leaf, but turned to side, but not quite, hollie showed, bobby take clothes off, lay down, janette appeared in bed with, just watch, she had eyes closed, but opened, they chant boo hum who, hollie said, they appeared in area, its him, he hollie, dark cloud over, Father in, like golden Father, but only, its like buske, golden light around, its dull, cloud had thundering sound, lit up around edges, but not very much, hollie showed, lay down, she was on side, he hollie comes out, it was like hazy, she had white face, hollie that explains appeared, she made a sound, about you, hollie wore hat, showed, its van, writing on side, head comes out, holy Ghost baptizm feels like body perfect size coming in, hollie put on, happy, runs in place, 3-30-2012-you need to record, you gotta shut up, hollie said, thats pastor ray lee, he wants you pay part of, its, him, loved hand, but, not part of, church of God in Christ, Gods hammo appeared like angelic head, somewhat not formed, I keep warning you, hollie said, thats JEsus torturing your face, ruining you every day and bob your marring but God wouldnt stop, heres why, thats JEsus laughing at your suffering, and your exposing him, making God angry, its, hollie on board the, its, r.m.s. titanic, saluting like ship mate, its, angel head coming out, happy, but thats rubbing alone iceberg, then angel, afraid, ship starts sinking, hollie showed, turn, turn hollie showed, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, black face, looking to side, showed, walk, its gasoline, hollie said, jumpy showed, this time golden light face, but, she saw, price soaring, hollie screamed for this reason, many said, hollie showed, eat again, Jesus showed, its, preach the word, man said, its, network, he said, bobby, hollie looks at man looking at offer, Lord its uh good one, but I will leave it alone, bobby make your own cd's, sell, five dollars each, they chant boo, hollie said, thats area lighting up, mountains behind, dark cloud over but Father in, its like thundering going on, hollie saw, happy van riding by, angel coming out, what does it say, another hollie had, coming out said, its, raise your hands and i told you not to do it, hollie said, thats writing on side, painted over, hollie petted, its goat, its, kings coming out, thats hu hintao, out of one with his flower, theres putin, pope and medvedev out of other, med had his flower, its the ram, hollie said, theres hegoat, its angelic pontey, goat horns and same kings coming out, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob, its get in highway, she had golden lighted hands but rubbed them together, hollie showed, turn, he said, have your way, jumpy hollie showed, dancing, got happy, was looking more, normal but not quite, it, was angelman, he hollie claps, appeared in, tank, face not formed yet, quite, hollie showed, rinse more, Father come by, looks, big nose like, sheet over, blowing in wind but thats hollie blowing behind, hollie screamed, angel showed, its van, hollie drove, angel like ghost, hollie happy in, looking out window, but rolled down, writing disappeared, angel saw, big nose, big angel, hi, it was hollie, did say, showed, mow the lawn, 3-31-2012-bob, hollie said, doreen sticks head out, smiles, but, its moodie and janette, fucking, God said, put it under, you need to let me, hollie said, showed, its musician, hes interested, but, thats him, pocket full of money, happy, I want, its loot, hollie said, with doreen there, he said, bobby dont record those visions, hollie said, its the beast with seven heads and ten horns rising up, its the nuclear g8, moodie plays his music, looking serious, whew lets see, hollie said, im the beast, its pontey, poepon hollie said, like angel man, popping up, hollie showed, eat but pope didnt do anything, but, wow thats it, hollie said, pope appeared on black horse, raise, your hands, and repeat wait, after me hollie, sang, bobby its speedway woman, go easy on her for now, but do this, be gentle, hollie showed, its, she didnt want you, but knows, in heart, its, him, she said, on, wanting love, now that chyslers gone, angel said, hollie appears, hes blue face, got happy, its, he, hollie turning to hammo, another, hollie sccreamed, showed, bobby when ya gonna eat some, she ate, only head seen, moodie made love, its janette, plad coat on, no expression, hollie mowed lawn, blew bubble, hollie whistled, then new hollie like golden hollie showed, wait, same hollie came out that blew whistle, golden hollie different, more like, featureless golden pickle like thing hollie, hollie walked on tread mill, another, hollie comes out, hollies like not there all the way, yet, hollie had pioneer sx-780, power meters moving, bobby dont buy, this is the phone, angel said, had to ear, wrote, one hundred thousand dollars now, hollie said, bobby she thought, shook yes, then showed, no, but happy new world order apostolic church coming out, like, its uh lighted dot hollie said, face forming, in, but showing, its no way, like angelman in round dot, hands folded acrossed body, hollie showed, turn, they chant, that, boo, stuff, unhappy he hollie said, like why do I have to tell, but he reported to Gods interviewing, table, say, there, God there like hazy God but, hand came down, showed, thats same he hollie in belly, looking a little afraid, white in mouth, nose changed like, its ardvark, thats, dark cloud over, Father in it, made thunder sound, hollie like workman, drove, its for yellow freight, bobby its, you worked there, liked, but thats them wanting you in union, hollie had, its pioneer sx-780, power meters moving, angel, comes out, no express, bobby its dont buy, he hollie showed, buy bigger, its more better, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, 4-1-2012-no, its, hollie said, pointed, long finger, but its blue, hey wheres the rest of hollie, another, said, came, showed, eat, hey bob when ya gonna she said, its people on teen spot laughing, hollie showed, its mogga dogga and teen spot angel appeared, its new world order apostolic church angel looking, happy, hollie showed, its, he takes up whole scene, looking at, its pioneer sx-780, power meters moving, hollie had but things disappearing, thats stereo receiver in church, thats pioneer sx-980, in top part, power meters moving, hollie showed, record, but changed, hey theres, Gods new hammo, angelic man, but hollie thought, bobby git rid of, receivers, part of her appeared, Gods hammo went to interviewing table, he didnt, hammo didnt, hammo said, but Jesus appeared, showing, eat something, hollie came back out, but only partly, rest there, appeared, but, in blue, she mowed, lawn, another book, he said, jumpy hollie, like normal but black face reappeared, showed, do something, as angel, shows, its, book, visions of the three woes, hollie saw them going on, theres new world order carriage, pulled, you see hollie said, these are angred, black and red horses, he showed me, happy red horse said but angered quickly, then laughed, showed, its the beast, his picture, pope, new economy, God said, it, hollie said, pointed, he said, she said, we said, they said, its battle of armageddon, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, a hollie said, thats fires in egypt, jordan and syria, and, its russian army being forced, by, thats chinese army, invading like cloud of people and nuclear fire but thats missile leaving russia with, its hollie hanging on bottom, israel exploded, hey thats, its looting hollie said, its Gods new hammo, dressed well, bobby its you hollie said, he sat down, janette at his feet, but, hey hollie said, theres mystery woman there to, shes like blue woman, but, watch bob, hollie showed, turn, she said, think, jumpy hollie said, its about wires, thats jumpy looking at furnace wires, changing into hollie, thats furnace coming on, hammo like angelic head, coming out, that screamed, hollie, hollie sang, like, its susan vega, she, said, but disappeared, but seen, when ya gonna eat agin, she said, hollie screamed, its, she said, catholic church people marching, but, that, was hollie to the rescue like uh blue ghost hollie, hollie saw, its stealth fighter jets, being, thats, missile going up, face on, mouth open, thats it missing jet, but swinging back around, then its uh direct hit, hollie said, heres how, missiles have, heat seeking technology, thats plane with exhaust altering, mechanism on plane, but steal, its good enough, most, they miss, hollie said, theres another submarine right there, hollie said, its akula class another, said, hollie, pulls up, waves, blows balloon, its un happy he hollie on balloon, like brown hollie, like suprised, you see hollie said, its the leave it alone she said, pioneer sx-580 stereo receiver, power meters moving, bobby, heres hollie looking at, likes, lets put it under, now sell, she said, thats bob putting stereo receivers on e-bay, hollie showed, lay down, frosty, hazy, face, she wiped, on side, 4-2-2012-you need to let me hollie said, record, that she said, showed, its janette, its me, she said, plad coat on, thats moodie making love, neither happy, but both loves, lets put it under, bob hollie comes out, happy, mothering like, you will be with her soon for good, its, hollie said, you need to git on, its, janette appearing, red plad coat on, showing, no expression but bobby shes happy, just acts, its misery, she loves, put it under, hollie showed, lets sleep, and internet hammo appeared, its like happy head, showed, its busy, hammo showed, its your add bobby, it was seen by many, hollie said, its myyearbook ministryofdreams, and, add appearing and thats many looking at, thats the, said, hollie, and Jesus appearing, its, the blue head hollie, no hair but a few hairs appeared, hollie claps, appeared, like light hollie but same as blue, hollie showed, turn, like uh white hollie, reappeared, but, brown like face, darker brown hair, they, we chant, boo hum, its them appearing, in area, one has just light face, dark cloud appears over, lightning over, Father in, it thunders, Father is like golden buske, light appears around, hollie, showed, turn, she reappeared, Gods new hammo, same, blue face, but, not normal face, hollie screamed, again, but not heard, they chant boo hum, hollie said, looky she points, raise your hands and repeat wait after me, sang, its, another woman, bob, just wait, he said, clapped jumpy hollie like normal hollie, im pakistan, and he saw, a somewhat appearing doreen said, like in blue setting, nuclear fires, hey, is that pak hollie said, its many more in india, its truce, their two leaders said, they sign, its raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, she looked up, right before, she said, thats, sky dark, thunder appeared, Father in like golden head, kneck, day of the Lord, hollie closed it up, this is uh warning, hollie said, its dodge aries k, reporting to, its Gods interviewing table, and I stamp, hollie said, but hand still raised, thats Jesus speaking to aries, its good car, hollie said, but bobby, theres no parts, except new, or you rebuild, she said, put it under, hollie showed, sleep, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed lay down, but, she clapped hands, got back up, frosty white face, but hazy laying, down, showed, its, blade runner, show, still loved, that hollie said, its with the air sound, its the economy, its collapsing, hollie said, hey theres looting, another, hollie said, but, theres Gods hammo, there, hes tall, well dressed, angelic man, barack makes the announcement, its under economic collapse here, he said, hollie claps, dressed, its like disney angel, thats her tapping wand, light coming out of end, 4-3-2012-hollie showed, its time, she had burgundy sweatshirt on, put one hand on other arm, hollie appeared, golden face but went white, she picked up, its, clothes, stamped, hollie, looked in dumpster, put hands on pocket, but clapped, showed, its, pope she said, like angel of light but changes to he, hollie, him she said, like angelic cat, he showed, its new world order carriage, pulled, you see hollie said, these are angred, black and red horses, its, sun, hollie showed, thats smoke starting to block, man its smokey, moon said, looking down, but both reported to, its Gods interviewing table, and I stamp, hollie said, but didnt, hollies caught lying but thats Jesus telling, she laughs, but shakes, yes, go quick, its im sun said, with sunglasses on, at Gods interviewing table, moon just has fun, but reappeared in sky, sunglasses on, hollie drove van, laughed, but tried not to show, looking, its people looking at van, then laughing, but hey, theres Gods new hammo, bob, its moodie fucking both women, changing lastly into janette, now, hes at the back of the list, hollie gave ten, plus one, bob give her eleven, hollie said, its her loot, its mine janette said, hey bobby when ya gonna eat someing, hollie said, white in her mouth, showed, its box ministryofdreams like angelic head, bobby just give her money to, hollie said, two fingers, showing, hollie showed, its new world order tap dancing, theres pope like angel man, hollie said, theres hu hintao, its vicente fox, hollie said, hes looking stunned, signs, smiles, but, hes not wanting it, its, lula looking stout like castrol, lets put it there, he said, signs uh deal with medvedev, hollie showed, close it up, tear up, she said, showed, fighting, but hollie not seen but, apepared, showed, eat, hollie whistled, showed, its janette coming out, red plad coat on, but happy, but bobby, hollie showed, shes busy, just wait, hollie showed, turn, showed, take bath, hollie ducked in his tank, Ghost like Father comes to, looks, like, his sheet blowing, hollies tank, not visible, but seemed to appear in blue, light, hollie showed, turn, showed, bob, dont go to church, fuck her, thats in back of van, now its boo hum, hollie said, changed to he hollie, looking worried, dark cloud appeared, over, thundering sound, Father flashes in, like golden buske with golden light around, its them, he hollies, appeared, its in area, one not normal he hollie, like ghost, jumpy hollie showed do something, black face again, dont leave her, hollie points, its new girl, shes, janette but different, thats pope hollie said, near the fire, blue robe on, its im caregiver said, in the fire, big mouth, roundish head, but, not hurt by, turn, hollie said, golden lighted hand, its big, reappeared, hollie showed, lay down, wiped face, but, she was hazy, you see, she said, another woman, bob you found her, thats it hollie said, she will live her, just watch, hollie showed, eat, screamed, happy, 4-4-2012-she said, hollie said, bob dont pay it, pay for uh half hour, not whole hour, pay it all, but tell in note, I thought it was only an hour an uh half, woman said, she knew, hollie said, God said, hollie ran at, its, new world order apostolic church, church angel appears, like angel head, but hollie comes out, its not right she said, more like animal angel, bird, but, hollie thinks, wonders, 4-3-4-5-2012-bob hollie said, showed eat, but in uh different way, hollie showed, its mogga dogga ministryofdreams like mostly blank face, light being hollie said, but its angel, showed, hollie said, im mogga dogga angel said, pulled hands apart, light where he pulled hands apart, i will show you who the beast is hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, its pope appearing like light angel man, and its, new world order black carriage, hollie said, you see, hollie said, these are angred, hollie with one, had nice teeth, bobby its your picture, thats man looking at, its over seventy years from now, hum Lord man, said, so you tortured bob hickman, you entered into his body like uh spirit body, thats Jesus inside the bobby, happy, hollie showed, its wixx ministryofdreams appearing like angel man, its same as mogga dogga she said, but face all there, now its, hollie said, boo, he they chanted, hollie said, he appeared, dark cloud over, thunder, its Father in like golden buske, you see all these hollie said, its him, he hollies, on had face, not formed yet, not right even if formed, shaped like missile, its missile going into sky, its sattelite above, strikes, explodes, thats many, bobby its nuclear war, hollie said, it appeared, on the ground, many nuclear fires in america, thats angry obama and russia burning, thats missiles sailing, striking many countries, its, were the nuclear g8, putin, said, its, the, beast with seven heads and ten horns, its bobby, right there, hollie said, pointed, its russia, thats seat of the antichrist, thats pope sitting there, putin and medvedev worshipping, you see these three beasts, hollie said, these kings shall rise in persia, like white hollie, acted like pulling sleeves up, stomped foot, let me, put my foot down, hollie said, hollie looked to turn but kept going straight, look at me, hollie with JEsus inside said, hollie looked to turn, golden lighted hand, then hand appeared, showed, turn, rest appeared later, showed eat something, hollie screamed, again, turned, head, white in mouth, hollie looked to turn, showed, bobby, go to walmart, its new she said, thats walmart dot appearing, like happy round golden ball, hollie showed, turn, its into speedway like white light hollie, but a she hollie came out, nice brown hair, shook head, white may have had blue in, bobby hollie with nice hair appeared but she seemed to change to, its, him, hollie claps but face disappears quickly, hollie showed, go, golden lighted hand, he hollie showed, go down georgetown road, hand not seen but it appeared, like white mittoned, but maybe gloved, hollie looked to turn, appeared, but seemed to have monkey face, hollie showed, go home, golden hand, bob, hollie said, wiped face but stayed up, she didnt sleep, hollie showed, picture, its moegga doegga, happy, like multi colored angelic hand, its mogga attacking God, thats mogga shoving JEsus back, then God shoving mogga but, mogga changed, hes now angelic, long blue full robe, hollie drove van, its, into, new world order apostolic, its church hollie said, but hey theres Gods new hammo, hes angelic, like bug hollie said, head, hollie there, showed, hey theres God new hammo, hes angelic being, thats janette with, not wanting but, hollie showed, turn, big long golden hand, showed, take uh bath, then go get, walmart, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted, hand, but face kind of round, still changing, its the tap dancers, hollie wearing, its burgundy sweatshirt, bob, theres your red lid, new light face hollie said, but, she showed, lay down, I found it, she said, showed, its, on cup, she drank, but changed, into, Gods hammo God said, but hand came up, its him, smiling, happy, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, hollie showed, its lasar comb, hey theres Gods hammo, coming out, bobby it works hammo said, but was it really, hollie said, hollie showed, its radio latino 97, bobby dont, wait hollie said, showed, spoke with JEsus, God grunts, face not formed yet, hand come out, showing, fight, whited lighted gloved like hands, but, its him, he hollie appears, she hollie, said, showed, 4-5-2012-you better record, its, need to, hollie said, but she was changing, went like grayish color, bobby its back, hollie said, thats, raise your hands and uhleave after me, hollie sang, reappeared, wiped lips, but hand not seen, bobby, thats, you receiving next check, antonio acting happy, but, its, affeared hollie said, but thats, comforting, dont worry, bob, he shook yes, you see hollie said, showed, its angel lopez, he sang, happy, but bobby its, affeared, he said, now he dreads you, put it under, bobby you smell, go inside, she said, hollie showed, its the porsche, turbo, she got in, lets motor she said, spun back wheels, bobby its easy she said, but hollie went angelic, showed, raise your hands and repeat wait after me, hollie, said, angel, lopez appears, bobby go easy, they will invite you to a board meeting, its in, nappannee, indiana, but its for this, hollie gave angel keys, thats lion licking the prophet, hollie said, again, but quicker, bobby its, nappannee, leave these she said, give them space, let them decide, thats in july, you speaking with antonio, you gotta quit these he said, theres, its new hammos appearing, its like new angelic beings, bluish light but like grayish blue, hollie showed, let them be, your tax exemptions wont be stripped, hollie, I did say, thats angelic being face of light appearing, but, hollie showed, not quite formed well yet, hollie showed, rinse more, listerene, it protects tooth enamel, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, showed, its new world order carriage, its black, pulled by these hollie said, its black and, thats brown horse, appearing, but turned somewhat red but happy, but, horse stomped, showed, its picture, its pope but its second beast appearing, in, its hu hintao, hollie came out, showed, these horses changing colors, hollie showed, God said, its, piano on titanic, you see bobby, hollie said,s he played, but hey, theres Gods hammo, he sat down, played, like lighted egg head, hollie showed, record, bobby its, hollie with Jesus, tell them at vino nuevo stay, but, dont do things outside church, please, hollie, pointed, go home, bobby im proud of you, this is Jesus, watch your face fix, thats, its, beautiful girl, hollie said, her watching video, and, its, she thinks, Lord how could you but laughs, but next day, angering, bobby its offending, hollie said, but disappeared, reappeared as hollie with JEsus inside, its new hollie said, hollie showed, turn, but showed, again, lighted long hand, golden, bobby, why go home hollie showed, hollie came out, they chant boo hum, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, but changed blue but tips of fingers lighted, hollie showed, bobby,, write up uh new deal, its lease with them, she said, its, pope in the fire, but, hollie came out, its caregiver, dressed in blue robe, pointy hat, hollie thought, its backwards, caregiver had big lips, big teeth, showed, bobby go, its to walmart, boo, hollie comes out, she was light hollie, but different colors, face somewhat, just blank, but dark cloud over, with like thundering explosion in, Father in, its buske, but, face starting to just be light, thats, valley, many, its him, he hollies in, hollie came out, showed, her face face being pulled out of shape, some, of them, he hollies not formed well yet but theres one, like missile head, big eyes stick out, hollie thought, hard to describe, hollie showed, go in speedway, she drank drink but it wasnt seen, plad coat on, but she changed, hey, hollie said, its looting, theres Father with but hes acting like looter but laughed, thats barack making announcement, hollie claps, wearing, its little skirt, its, blue, darker blue in like curls, in, its, loot, hollie said, its under economic collapse here, barack obama said, they leave, hollie goes with but red plad coat appears on, hollie screamed, then another appeared, acted like, was screaming, but didnt, twisted head just a bit, hollie showed, bobby its angel and antonio, they, argued in vision but in real life, dont speak, but are angry at each, its sky flashing, hollie showed, its dark, showed, brush teeth more, Father in sky but just his lighted buske, 4-7-2012-quit, hollie said, bobby Jesus said, but he appeared, its hollie acting like, ask a lawyer, its free legal advice hollie said, hollie showed, its ozzy osbourne with alice cooper eyes, hollie, took two, made one, bobby, its, there the same, she said, diappeared, its utubiaman ministryofdreams, hollie showed, angel in picture showed, profile, hollie showed, reel them in, its, its crowd, its your church bobby, start filling, start right there, radio latino appeared, its 97 f.m., but they wont do commercial, heres why, bobby its israel, he doesnt run you off but doesnt answer, hollie drove, its jaguar supercharged, cat appears as, its sign, but came out, went back, just golden face, then appeared, like tiger, its the beast, its, hu hintao, said, with popes voice, both appeared, bobby its terry at alcoholics annonymous, go easy on him, you know why I screamed hollie said, did again, but not heard, turned head a little but back, but face comes out, but hey, shes appearing a little more but, not all the way, face going monkey, she said, sleep, its hollie with dark face but kind of new, hollie showed, turn, this is uh warning, hollie said, showed, be still, eat again, hollie said, showed, white in mouth, pointed another, came out, hollie showed, its catholic church, pope sitting in like angel of light, bobby its tomorrow night, hollie said, eight p.m., turn, golden hollie appeared, said, but hands not seen but it appeared, lighted gloved hand, but only partially seen but bottom part appeared, it was blue, holding something, hollie came out, saw, its like rail, hollie showed, turn, either way, two hollies but another comes out, shows, bobby rinse more, its listerene, they chant boo hum hollie said, face in hands, its, many he hollies appearing, dark cloud over, thundering in cloud, Father appeared like golden buske, hollie rubbed frosty face, its not seen very well, she said, coming out, but, laughing, noise, its him, he hollie she said, appearing, laughing, hollie showed, turn, big golden hand, 4-7-9-8-2012-when ya gonna, hollie showed, eat something, this, it is Jesus, hollie said, she ate from dumpster, put it under, Hollie showed like uh grayish hollie, its on laptop cellphone t.v. She said, bobby its janette, moodie having sex with agin, she wore red plad coat, her nothing this time hollie and God said, put it under hollie said, its hollie coming out of, showed its cellpone, but hollie kind of went like wicked birdy hollie, bobby its they muse, as white hollie comes out of message on van, its hollie with Jesus inside, hollie showed, just wait uh minute, she said, sang, God said, quit, hollie showed, its l d s dot net, its christian forum, hollie wiped lips, showed, bobby dont mess, he wont put you out but will wonder, thats ministry of dreams network, angel, thats many ministryofdreams pages making up, bobby its, over one hundred websites, hollie showed, take care of, open atleast five per day, thats, hollie showed, ministryofdreams angel, head and kneck, lighted up, getting happy, showing, its, ministry of dreams, I created it, JEsus said, showed, eat, hollie showed, affeared, thats golden megaphone coming around, its, little golden hollie in, its, war sireens, hollie said, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, its two subs in ocean, there by cuba and nicaragua, they start firing but third comes up, its mexico, bam, hollie said, big nuclear explosion, its, in texas and around, but hey theres missiles coming other way, hollie said, thats cuba, nicaragua, mexico, on fire, hollie saw three in cuba, thats venezuela and brazil exploding but, missiles leaving there, hey thats like angelic face on one missile, and it strikes, hollie, sang, africa exploded but she flew around world, its p51 mustang, jet, its light, thats many, its were the nuclear g8 putin, said, all those countries exploded, thats smoke all around world and sun and moon, was doing their jobs but smoke rises in their faces, both show up at, its Gods interviewing table, hollie sings again, sun, its im sun said, happy, burning bright, moon had glasses on but eyes appeared, just being cool, places hand out, its holy bible, read it moon said, thats moonman again, dressed nice, dark suit, hollie screamed, showed, eat again, white in her mouth, another comes out, points, but vision already reported on, hollie drove, its, 427 mustang, its, thats her smoking tires, she, looked out window while doing, hollie screamed, but not heard, twisted head but showed, troubled, hand action, bob, it, this is hollie, two hollies said, another sings, but, hey theres Gods hammo, hollie said, hes appearing, angelic head, but, different, hollie comes out, she rang, its hells bell, dark bell with design in but hollie not seen but was second time like angelic somewhat hollie, its jumpy hollie, showing, do, something, and, van comes alive, angel head appears on, licks prophet, big tongue coming out of van, it happily reports to, its Gods interviewing table, said, hollie but only hand seen but rest appeared, showed eat again, he said, hollie said, showed, jumping, report on me van said, Jesus looks you now have over ten thousand that have read van, hollie showed, its worldprophecycenter ministryofdreams, like angel head, its, lighted but two colored, its dull grayish on one part, he said, raise your hands and do after me, jumpy hollie said, looking normal, its, boo they chant, dark cloud thunders over, Jesus in cloud, lightening bolts comes out, golden, hollies screamin for this reason, screamed again, more fervently, its pastor, hes turning red now, its bobby, hollie looked, Jesus appeared, its new hollie wanting saved, hollie showed, turn, thats septic tank angel coming out, hollie showed, it is angel, its eating, bobby, hollie put, its like, rid x in, keep doing, but its he hollie doing, hollie showed, lay down, frosty face, she rubbed, but on side, hollie showed, three, its, hours to mow lawn, she mowed, bobby eat first she said, showed, like bear hollie, hollie showed, its vino nuevo, bob treasure them, they wont leave, but be gentle, its antonia and lopez, both, they are wanting out but neither can, hollie screamed, showed, lawn mower engine top, Gods hammo appeared, like workman, hat on, blue face but hollie showed, its not right, showed, bobby eat, white in mouth, fix, right she said, its play with to make sure, 4-10-2012-hollie mowed lawn, its riding lawn mower, new world order apostolic church angel appeared like dot head, not happy, but got happy, sleep, she said, jumpy hollie said, leaping, black face, but another hollie helped describe, she came out, like uh new hollie, when ya gonna eat agin, hollie said, screamed, they chant boo hum, hollie said, he hollies, they appeared, dark thundering cloud over, Fathers buske in but changing colors, thunder coming out, bolts, its, hollie said, hollie showed, tire airing up, bobby, they will, just take it there, hollie screamed, when ya gonna eat something, she said, screamed again, but not heard, bobby dont worry, she said, its buy another compressor, its cheap compared to, she said, they paid, she said, pointed antonio, unhappy, angel acting happy, but is, bobby we, publish you, it was angel hollie said, showed, its book, visions of the three woes, blue background, covering, but angel changed to hollie, thats, them going on, its pope, beast with seven heads and ten horns popping out, its many kings, boo we chanted, its them, hollie and he hollies, but she appeared in valley, dark cloud thunders but covers ground, hollie showed, whew its smoke, Father was in, but thats america, nuclear fires, thats, raise your hands and repeat after, america burning, hollie shows, bobby, you found extra compressor, go to autozone again, thats her finding another, in dumpster, its he hollie flying in, his raptor, two, drops bombs, hey theres, nuclear explosions in russia but missiles left there, its three, they strike, its, hollie and suprised hidden hollie said, america, you start, it, hollie said, its barack obama, its, he hollie pointing, gloved hands, but she hollie spoke, she, appeared, laughed, but was new hollie, hollie was on treadmill, she drank drink, golden straw with design in, its red twirl, she was thin again, bobby, its, gain, weight, put back, then, loose, hollie like bear showed, tear up, but partly not seen but was there, it appeared in blue, he hollie stuck head around, she said, smiles, hollie showed, lay down, turned to side, frosty face but hard to see, hollie had, git, she said, mouth excercise, she said, thats it strengthening muscles in face, hollie held up her sign, hollie explains, 4-11-2012-hollie saw, its, antonio, smiling, bobby, hes, its, raise your hands and appreciate each other, hollie sang, wants control, dont let God said, just be gentle, its the excerciser, hollie said, she did mouth exercises, its attorney, showing record, hollie said, shes hidden, but, raise your hands and repeat after me she sang, hollie held up sign, people clap, love it, you know what I did, hollie that explains, appeared, but, who spoke, another, hollie showed, turn, big golden hand, hollie pointed turn, hollie walked with her sign, bobby its they read it, hollie said, they tremble but laugh, hollie had plad coat on, hat, its white, but top missing, turn, hollie showed, hollie showed, its beast, like angel of light, its pope man sitting, its at catholic church, its nun admiring, she said, sleep, jumpy hollie said, clapping, but seemed to have dark face at first, submarines are right there, hollie said, bob dont fix it, hollie had lawn mower part, its the lower half, she said, showed, its done, cut off, hollie said, bob git outta here, go to church, hollie wrang out towell, two submarines pull up, its ohio class, jumps, new different hollie, they shower, its iraq, gaza, on, exploding, but one worse then other, hollie showed, walk more, it keeps you fit, hollie comes out, showed, janette in jail, its, new hollie, bob, just watch for it, hollie said, showed, eat more, hollie comes out, its another one, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, she sang, its, him, their in area, they chant boo, but, its, dark cloud over, Father like, its golden buske in cloud, but thundering sound, its bobby, just wait, its janette, she said, she wont be hard, just watch, hollie drove, its different tractor, bobby, its buy uh belt, she said, it works, wheel horse, hollie said, hollie stayed up, wiped frosty face, its dull she said, but laid down, hollie screamed, showed, eat, white in mouth, hollie showed, turn, big golden hand, but showed, keep going straight, changed a little, hand not seen, thats uh dark hollie, tearing up, had like pen, face lit up, brown, smiling, 4-12-2012-she said, jumpy hollie said, like uh normal hollie, God said, she reappeared, but showed, do something earlier, thats jumpy hollie giving angel lopez the boot, bob putting up for rent signs, then try to build uh church, Jesus, he spoke it, hollie said, like jumpy hollie, but new blue hollie appeared, then reappeared, clapped hands but turned into jumpy hollie again, God said, showed both beasts, she said, blue hollie tho, tear up, hollie did like dark hollie, but she somewhat appeared, raise your hands and band, hollie said, its, brian playing drums, bobby hes, hollie showed, cut off, leave alone, bob dont mess with it, hollie said, screamed but, not heard, but screaming is being heard, its hollie appearing, bobby be gentle, she said, hollie screamed, bob its janette, she said, hollie showed, turn, bobby, its, buy locks hollie said, had in hand, thats her nailing them in, but she screwed later, there golden locks, thats new world order apostolic church angel, happy again, bob let sit vacant for about two months, then restore, thats you pastoring, janette comes along later, thats you and her in bottom of church, hollie screamed, bobby she wont stay long, hollie said, not wanting, to say, but when she returns, she will live with you, its in about two years, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, but then other way, golden hand first time, white hand second, but its like, really white with gray lines in to seperate, its, hollie said, like glove, that is lit up, hollie showed, turn, go to walmart, bob she said, showed, eat, 4-13-2012-no, hollie said, God said, its her hitting Jesus with straps, they were brown, hollie wore white dress, with golden design border in, black designs, she said, jumpy hollie said, did appear, showed, dont speak, but, was, more normal hollie, theres her with black mask on but she took off, raise your hands and repeat after me, she sang, full length white dress on, its, white robe, she said, but border not in, look hollie said, and I showed you uh picture, hollie, another, said, its, raise your hands, and repeat after me, hollie sang, its, pope, theres blue background, its, i am God he said, thats the beast, its putin, its pope coming out of putin, its, russia, putin said, she said, eat, a little, jumpy hollie said, smiling, clapping, they chant boo hum hollie said, she drove jeep, raise your hands and repeat after me, she sang, showed, eat, white face, but brown hair, boo hum hollie said, chin in hand, its, them, he hollie s, hollie said, their in area, one like, big round eyed ghost faced hollie, dark cloud thunders over, bolts of thunder coming out, like golden, Father like golden buske appears in, 4-14-2012-bob, hey when ya goin to, hollie said, God said, she showed, eat, bob, its filling in, she said, its, eyes and lines will, they, sh, she said, completely go away, hollie said, its, pastor antonio appearing, hes, turned to side a little, now, its, new world order apostolic church dot angel, thats angel becoming like man instead of partial angel in round ball, thats him letting antonio him, them not speaking but, he, just waited, antonio left, happy, but dreading, lets, Jesus said, put it under, angel showed, flash drive, but got happy, hey, another, hollie said, angel looked like hollie, laughing, thats, somebody doing makeup, its same angel, changing, its ministering spirits to do many roles, he hollie smiling, bobby, hollie walked, like angelic hollie, german shephard dog, they are nice, but, bobby, you made that man tremble, he now knows, its jumpy hollie like normal hollie, showing, record, and i stamp, she said, but pulled, white hands apart like big hollie looking down, its new world order carriage coming out, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, as disappeared but came back blue hollie, showed, a different one, she showed, rinse more, theres pope in dark side like angel man and its hu hintao on red, waving, but hes not as, much, powerful, less red then black, its im, lets rule the world, pope, said, hollie closed it up, hollie did, its mouth exercise, bobby buy, hollie that explains appeared, raise your hands and pick me you up, hollie said, Gods hammo appeared, hes blue head but changed, hollie screamed, then again, but not heard, her face somewhat white but turning into cat hollie, burgundy sweatshirt on, it appeared, but, another, hollie showed, jumpy hollie comes out like normal hollie, hands in air, its big face, round like, angelic, its, new world order apostolic church angel, thats it talking, it sat Gods interviewing table, what do you want Jesus, said, Gods face disappeared, thats angel looking but, seeing itself turning into man, putting vino nuevo out, angel pays but its not good enough, thats church empty for a space hollie said, he said, dont go, home, jumpy hollie said, angel appeared, but hollie, her face went, blue, blank, bobby look, its, helicopter God said, angel face, head appeared, but went blue, explosion underneath, jumpy hollie pilots, he hollie hanging by rope, she pulls, just in the nick of time she said, hollie showed, cold, its ricks of wood bob, they dont, last long, jumpy, hollie, showed, new ministering spirit on ministryofdreams, thats, angelhead appearing, like, its white light, just face, jumpy hollie showed, claps hands, showed, its, many, a room full of hollies, all speaking, but hardly none get to post, she showed, post bobby, theres, he hollie but like round head, face not formed well yet, she showed, rinse, its listerene, hollie like new hollie showed, go to speedway, buy uh drink, she said, jumpy hollie came out, showed, tear up, but face changing, but another came out similar to her, jumpy hollie like drawing used, its lasar comb, bob, thats God appearing, hes like, new world order apostolic church angel, like angel man, but, kind of, cartoon character like, jumpy hollie showed, rinse more but, God not looking right like white thing man, hollie used lasar comb and hair grew, as she did, hollie showed, wiped face, but, stayed up, bobby dont sleep so much, hollie showed, you now need uh job she said, but face changed, went from, white frosty, to, its, theres Gods hammo, but singing, occured, he started transforming to, its he hollie hammo, blue face, hair grew on, bobby, its, hollie with nice hair said, looking up, friendly like, smiling, but hair appeared, later, but only like dull outline,

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