Sunday, September 15, 2024

the end times began after God entered into my body and everybody going to church found out God never saved them and didnt have plans on doing so, but only teases, which biblically is, the strong delusion. God making you believe a lie

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God can show the future in visions and dreams. (47)bankrupt-I was praying and asking Jesus about the pastor's buisness, and I saw the pastor in 3 visions and he said, "bankrupt". In another vision, I saw him, and he said, "were closed", and in another, I saw him, and he said, "we shall".
(47b)bear-vision received 3-2010-in this vision I saw a little bear dressed in kings clothes.

(48)dumitru duduman-vision recieved 1-16-2004-the day earlier, I was reading out of Dumitru Duduman book, "thru the fire without burning" to this pastor. I was showing him that Jesus showed someone else what He showed me, just in a way more dramatic way. I saw the pastor who I was reading to in a vision, and he said, "are you following that one person". The answer is, no, I am not following Dumitru Duduman, but, I am following the one who Dumitru Duduman followed, and that is Jesus Christ.

(49)witch-vision recieved 1-16-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "i'm a witch".(if you have the wrong spirit, that wrong spirit is going to promote himself thru you.
(50)thanks for telling me-vision recieved 1-16-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "thanks for telling me".
(51)you made me nervous-vision recieved 1-16-2004-in this vision, I saw this man I gave a warning to, and he said, 'you made me nervous".
(50)leave me alone-visions recieved in 2004-in these two visions, I saw two woman, one being my sister, and they both said the same thing, "leave me alone".
(51)bill returns?-vision recieved 1-17-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who has retired sitting at the desk where he used to work at again. Will he come back to the library?.(fullfilled)
(52)transaxle boot needs replaced-visions recieved 1-17-2004-in these visions, I kept seeing my cars tranaxle boot. ONe is craked and one on another car is about worn out.
(53)arms race-vision recieved 1-18-2004-in this vision, I saw president Putin, and he said, "arms race". In the next vision, I saw Putin, and he said, "weapons". I was seeking Jesus why, then I saw president Bush in a vision, and I heard these words, "mad dog".
(54)you'll have to get a job-vision recieved 1-18-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "you'll have to get a job".
(55)hate-visions recieved 1-19-2004-in the first vision, I saw this man, and he said, "I hate you", and in the second one, I saw him, and he said, "I hate you already".
(56)John Kerry-vision recieved 1-20-2004-I asked Jesus who was going to win the Iowa democratic caucus, and in a vision, I saw John Kerry, and heard his name.(fullfilled)
(57)$1.75-vision recieved 1-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a gas sign, and the price was $1.75 per gallon.(fullfilled 11-15-2004)
(58)celine dion-vision recieved 1-21-2004-in this vision, I am at church, and celine dion, and another girl is singing. She sings so beautifully. There was a girl with me, and I asked her what she was going to do after the service, and she said, "I'm going to workout". Celine was singing a song I never heard before. The chorus went something like, "He is better than I'll ever be". Finally, Celine approached or was approached by who ever is in charge, and it is not Celine anymore, but, this black girl who is obviously sick. The woman in charge wanted to make her go to the nurse, and the black woman kept claiming to be alright.(don't ever stop the Spirit of God at a service. You have to serve Jesus sick or well. He can annoint anybodyies voice and make it beautiful)
(59)don't tell me-vision recieved 1-21-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "don't tell me. The other day while in a gas station, while getting coffee, I saw the girl who was working counter in a vision, and she said, "don't warn me". I did, and it did not go well. I should have obeyed the vision from Jesus.
(60)re-visiting an apostolic church-in this vision recieved 1-22-2004, I revisited an apostolic church. One thing that was in my heart to do was to apologize to the pastor if I wronged him in any way, which I don't feel I did. There was singing going on. I remember getting up and leaving, because I did not feel Jesus there, or that He was in anything, but, I went back to my seat and sat down again and another girl was singing, and some people were shouting. Finally the pastor comes out, and he sat down, and said and called my name and it was like he greeeted me. It was like he was glad to see me
(61)shave-vision recieved 1-22-2004-in this vision, Jesus remeinded me to shave.
(62)don't backslide-vision recieved 1-23-2004-in this vision, Jesus showed me or reminded me what is was like, and would be like again if I backslid. If you backslide, at best all you have to look forward to is what you used to be.
(63)glory of God?-vision recieved in January of 2004-after praying for a long time, it looked smokey. Was this the glory of God?
(64)don being taken-vision recieved 2-24-2004-in this vision, Jesus showed me that a nieghbor is dying.
(64)tomorrow-recieved 2-24-2004-I heard this singing, and it sounded like ZZ TOP lead singer singing, "tomorrow I will have the answer for somebody".
(65)cut off-visions recieved 2-24-2004-in a vision, I saw a man, and he said, "He cut me off". I was asking Jesus to confirm if it was some one, and I saw him again in another vision, and he let me know it was.
(66)stalling-vision recieved 3-23-2004-in this vision, I saw a page that had many words on it, and I could only make out one word, and it was exactly what I was doing, "STALLING".
(67)dont tell me-visions recieved 3-23-2004-in one vision, I saw a man who said, "don't tell me that", and in the other I saw him again, and he said, "your right".
(68)how much-vision recieved 3-24-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "how much do you want?"
(69)not liked-vision recieved 3-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I don't like You".
(70)guestbooks-vision recieved 3-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a guestbook entry form, so I will keep signing.
(71) cut off-vision recieved 3-29-2004-I was writing to a person about how King Solomom was cut off when he wrote a passage in ECCLESIATES, and he wrote me back and told me he believed Solomon got allright at the end. I was walking and thinking something like, "cut off is cut off", and I saw this pastor in a vision, and he said, 'thats right".
(72)offended-vision received 3-30-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor and he said, "that offended".
(73)invited-vision recieved 3-30-2004-in these two visions, I saw this pastor, and he said, "your invited".
(74)sign chinese guestbooks-vision reiceved 3-31-2004-in this vision, I saw a chinese guestbook, so I will sign them.
(75)arrest him-vision reiceved 3-31-2004-in this vision, I saw President Bush, and he said, "arrest him".
(76)money-visions recived 4-1-2004-asking Jesus about high oil prices, I twice saw the president of Saudi Arabia in visions, and he said, "i want the money", "I like the money".
(77)stop scaring-vision recieved 4-7-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and I heard "stop scaring her".
(78)call me-vision recieved 4-7-2004-I was thinking on a former employer, and I saw a man that worked there in a vision, and he said, "call me".
(79)humble yourself-visions recieved twice on 4-7-2004-in both these visions, I saw me, and I said something like, "I need to cry". As I was typing that, I saw a man in a vision, and He said, "praise the Lord".
(80)blasted-visions recieved 4-7-2004-in these two visions, a man let me know that He would blast my website, or show me how to do it, and he even said, "every three months".
(81)lets pray-visions recieved 4-7-2004-more than once, I saw henry Gruver in visions, and he said, Lets pray".
(81)pensions will fail-visions recieved in 2004-in one vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "you were right about pensions", and in the other two, I saw a man who retired from Chevrolet(GM)and in one of the visions, he said something like, "no money", and in the other he let me know there was a problem with his pension. Last I heard, the pension insurance company was about 8-9 billion dollars in the whole. I just saw the man again in avision, and he said, "He cut me off".
(82)cut off-vision recieved 4-24-2004-I saw this person who died long ago, and he said something like, "I'm cut off".
(83)will-vision recieved 4-24-2004-i asked Jesus is this lady would look at the website, and in a vision, I saw her, and she said, "i will". In the second vision, she let me know that it was exciting.
(84)wierd-vision recieved 4-26-2004-I was asking Jesus about this woman who was writing me, and I saw her in a vision and she said, "you wierd".
(85)shifts-visions recieved 4-29-2004-in visions, my mom let me know that they are trying to change her shift where she works, and she has health problems.
(86)cliff-visions recieved 4-30-2004-while praying, I heard, "cliff", and i said, "what about cliff", then I saw cliff in a vision, and he said, "I'm going to hell"
(87)Sodom-vision recieved 5-8-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw three words, and the only one I could make out was "Sodom", which is what America should be renamed to.
(89)visions of Jesus Christ-recieved 5-12-2004-in two visions, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair and blue eyes and He said, "I'm a Master", "I'm eternal", and in the other He had blue eyes, brown hair and beard, and He said, "nobody wants me".
(90)we have it-visions recieved 5-13-2004in the first vision, I saw a man, and he said, "we have it", and I said, "have what", then i heard and saw, "IRAQ".
(91)gas will rise-vision recieved 5-13-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "it'll keep on going up". He was refferring to GAS.
(92)america's economy will collapse-visions recieved 5-14-2004-in the first vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "the economy", and I said, "what about he economy", then I saw words in yellow neon, and they said something like this, "America's Economy Collapsing".
(93)not offended-vision recieved 5-14-2004-while I was praying, I told the Lord I was not trying to offend Him, and I saw Jesus, who is Lord in a vision, and He said, "I'm not offended".
(94)bobby-vision recieved 5-17-2004-in this vision, I saw my mom, and she said, "bobby". this woke me up.
(95)mad-visions recieved 5-19-2004-in one vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I'm mad at you". in the second she said, "I lust you".
(96)pastor-vision recieved 5-19-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "i'm a pastor".

(97)come-vision reiceved 5-19-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and He said, "come".
(98)cats-vision reiceved 5-20-2004-in this vision, I saw the two cats who stay in the yard looking toward the door, whcih means they are hungry.
(99)lying-visions recieved 5-20-2004-twice, I saw satan in visions, and he was all white, and he said, "i'm lying".
(100)jelous-vision reiceved 5-20-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl, and she said, "I'm jelous".
(101)silver dragon-vision recieved 5-2004-in this vision, it was like silver particles blew in and formed a silver dragon.
(102)fallen-vision recieved 5-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "I fell".(103)ministry of dreams-vision recieved 5-22-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw "ministryofdreams", which is the name of my ministry.
(104)warning-vision recieved 5-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "it was a warning". He told me earlier his pastor asked him to preach, and warned him about not doing that unless he was clean, and other things.
(105)bobby fell-vision recieved 5-24-2004-in this vision right after I woke up, I saw satan and he was all white, and he said, "bobby fell".
(106)why-vision recieved 5-23-2004-in this vision, I saw this girl who is a backslider, and she said, "why did He let me sin".
(107)won't fix-vision reiceved 5-24-2004-in this vision, my mom let me know she won't fix the car, which suffered body damage from falling litree limbs.
(108)inquiry-visions recieved 5-2004-I was asking Jesus about someone who spends a lot of time promoting his christian site. In one vision, I saw him, and he said, "you liar", and in the other he cursed God's name.
(109)alaska-visions recieved 5-27-2004-in visions, I heard "alaska", and I said "what about alaska", and I saw a man who looked like Russian president Putin in a vision, and he said, "attack it".
(110)he will gain by flatteries-vision recieved 5-27-2004-in this vision, I saw the president of China, and I heard something like, "he will gain by flatteries". Flatteries are LIES.
(111)chemical attack-vision recieved 5-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like bin laden and he said, "chemical attack".
(112)$1.06 vision recieved 5-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a gas sign, and it said, "$1.06". Its going to get cheap again.
(113)dark fingers-vision recieved 5-30-2004-in this vision, I saw some fingers, and they had long nails, and were like stretched down on a table like if you put your fingers nails on a table, and the fingers had a dark paint like or even blood covering partly the way up them.
(114)funeral-vision recieved 5-30-2004-in this vision, I saw a hurst leading a convoy of cars. I just can't help to wonder if president Bush was in that hearst.
(115)blast of white light-vision recieved 5-30-2004-while at church, I was praying if it was the Lords will, that this young girl get baptized, and then saw a blast of white light.
(116)revelations-visions recieved 5-31-2004-I went to church and while praying, Jesus gave me many visions. I saw the pastor in many. In one he said, "I used to be like that". "I'm a backslider". I saw him holding a sign, and it said, "revival", and I heard him say "revival, and felt way better. In another, he said, "that was awesome". In another, he said, "we won't believe'. A woman that was there, the LOrd revealed to me she wanted a prophesy, and in a vision, I saw her, and she said, "I want children". There were more.(117)r.g.stair-visions recieved 5-31-2004-i saw r. g. stair in many visions, and I will tell you some. I saw r.g. stair, and he said, "i'm fake", "i'm going to hell", "tell the vision", "your false", he cursed Gods name in another. In another vision a while back, I saw r.g. stair, and here are the words I heard, "he decieves the people".
(118)bob-vision recieved 5-31-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman who looked like hollie moody, and she said, "bob". This woke me up.
(119)pray hard and press-vision recieved 5-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw me praying on the flor on all fours in front of the fan like I do, rocking back and forth, praying hard and pressing. When Jesus filled me with the Holy Ghost, I was pressing hard on the Lord. Press on Jesus.
(120)not wanted-vision recieved 6-1-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "I really don't want you'. Good. I hope he sees Jesus in me and wants Him.
(121)bobby-vision recieved 6-2-2004-in this vision, I saw a girl who looked like hollie moody, and she said, "bobby". Cool.
(122)corruption-visions recieved 6-2-2004-in the first vision, I saw president Bush, and I saw and or heard the word, "corruption", then I saw president Bush in a vision again and he said, "I'm raising your taxes".
(123)Jesus-vision recieved 6-2-2004-in this vision I saw Jesus, and He was about 6 feet tall, and had on a long shiny white robe, and brown hair and beard, and He had something in His head, it may have been the crown of thorns, I was watching from a distance. He was walking somewhere, and there were people following Him, and it seemed like there was someone next to Him.
(124)$1.19-vision recieved 6-2-2004-in this vision, I saw a gas sign, and the price for regular unleaded was $1.19 per gallon. Praise Jesus.
(125)come to church-vision recieved 6-4-2004-in the first vision, I saw a visiting pastor, and he said something like, "be here at church tomorrow", and in he second one he said, "at 7:00 o'clock". Thats up to God, not me.
(126)stay out if God has brought you out-vision recieved 6-4-2004-in this vision, I run into an old friend, and I go with him, and the vision ends with me doing more sin, and would have probably went deeper if the vision continued. If Jesus has delivered you from sin, stay out, or you might not get back out.
(127)Alice Cooper-visions recieved 6-4-2004-while praying, I heard, "Alice Cooper", and I said something like, "what about Alice Cooper', and I saw Alice Cooper in a vision, and he said, "I hate Jesus".
(128)people laugh at me-vision recieved 6-4-2004-in this vision, I saw the young man who opended service for an apostolic pentecostal church, and he said, "people laugh at you".
(129)the bear-visions recieved 6-4-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like the spirit version of Russian president Vladimir Putin, and he said, "i'm the bear".
(130)support me-vision recieved 6-2004 in this vision, I saw this visiting pastor and he said, "support me". He was not bring forth the Words of God.
(131)gay-vision recieved 6-10-2004-in this vision, I saw this beautiful young lady, and she said, "i'm gay'.
(132) recieved 6-10-2004-in this vision, I saw, which could be brought back to life.
(133)agreessive witnesser-vision recieved 6-10-2004-in this vision, I saw the yahoo email recieved messages subjects, and the first one was, "I"M AGRESSIVE". If I wasn't, a lot of people who now know would not.
(134)invasion-vision recieved 6-13-2004-in this vision, I saw Russian president Vladimir Putin, and he said, "invasion". America will see a russian invasion of nuclear missiles.
(135)america is defenseless-vision recieved 6-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "were defenseless". America has its military in about 100 different countries, and very little in america to stop an invasion.
(136)pray for Israel-vision recieved 6-2004in this vision, I saw the words, "Pray for Israel".
(137)my will-vision recieved 6-2004-in this vision, I saw my mom, and she said, "give me your will".
(138)hell-evangelists-visions recieved 6-20-2004-I asked Jesus about several tel-evangelist, and here are the visions-I asked about sarah hickey, and I saw her in a vision, and she cursed God's name. In a vision, Benny hinn said, "i'm going to hell". In two visions, Tilton said, "i've accepted", which is a man made plan of salvation that is not even in the king james bible. In a vision, Pat Robertson said, "I'm lost".
(139)hit them-vision recieved 6-20-2004-in a vision, the Lord showed me people walking from the formula one race in Indianapolis, and here is what I heard, "hit some of them", and I did. Got four witnessed to real quick.
(140)clean-vision recieved 6-20-2004-in this vision, I saw this young woman, and she said, "i've repented". Way cool man!
(141)$1.07-vision recieved 6-20-2004-in this vision, I saw this Thornton gas station sign, and price for gas was $1.07 per gallon.
(141b)no-body wants me-vision recieved 6-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair and beard, and blue eyes, and He said, "no-body wants me". Sad but true.
(142)jelous-vision recieved 6-23-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "I'm jelous"..
(142)North Korea-vision recieved 6-23-2004-i was asking Jesus how many nuclear weapons North Korea has, and I saw a man who looked like the president of North Korea in a vision, and he said, "we have 31".
(143)the enemy-vision recieved 6-23-2004-in this vision, I saw my spirit, and I said, "I want to witness to the enemy". Always be led by the Holy Ghost.
(144)wrath-vision recieved 6-23-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "hell is angry". I don't know what that means yet.
(145)suicide-visions recieved 6-2004-in these visions, I see this woman, and she says, "suicide", which is what Jesus showed me she will commit.
(146)in trouble-vision recieved 6-23-2004-in this vision, I saw this young woman who is dear to me, and she said, "i'm suicidal". Tears came to my eyes, and I prayed for her.
(147)diana singleton-visions recieved 6-26-2004-in this vision, I'm with diana singleton, and person I used to go to school with in indianapolis. We did something, and for some reason, we had to do it again. As we are walking toward the building, I more or less tell her it was worth it to have the priviledge of knowing diana singleton. And she said something like, "I'll hag you. You were to good in school for me to hug you". I told here that I was to proud, and to afraid. Afraid of being rejected. After the vision was over, I saw diana in a vision and she said something like, "it was for me". I said in my heart to diana, "if I wronged you in anyway, please forgive me". I saw Diana in another vision, and she said, "i don't".
(148)cleophus shawn tyson-visions recieved 6-28-2004-while praying, I saw shawn tyson, and he said, "shawn tyson". I saw in another vision, a man who looked like shawn tyson, and he said, "I've been rejected". In the next vision, he said, "tell me". finally, in the last vision, I was praying about shawn tyson, and I saw a man in a vision whom I believe was him, and he said, "cut off".
(149)tell people-vision recieved 6-28-2004-in this vision, I saw this young woman, and she said, "tell people", which is my calling, to "warn people".
(150)ffa page-vision recieved 6-30-2004-in this vision, I saw this number, and it was like 900,000 ffa links or something like that. Maybe the Lord was showing me to hit ffa pages.
(151)dying-vision recieved 6-30-2004-in this vision, I saw my mom, and she said something like, "I will die soon".
(152)sick-vision reiceved 6-29-2004-in this vision, I saw this off white being, and he said, "debbies sick".
(153)$1.59-vision recieved 6-30-2004-in this vision, I saw a gas sign, and the price for gas was something like $1.59 per gallon.
(154)write a book-vision reiceved 6-30-2004-in this vision, I saw my former pastor, and he said, "write a book".
(155)un-worthy to here the Word of God-visions recieved 7-2004-in one vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "you keep telling me", and in the other, I saw a woman, and she said something like, "you won't stop". I for the most part witness as I'm led.
(156)gift of healing-vision recieved 7-7-2004-in this vision, I'm praying on my side, and I lift my hand toward heaven and everytime I do, I hear like a choir sing a word or two and I do this several times, and I finally I roll over onto my kness, and I tell God, "heal thru this body. If you do, people will turn".
(157)bobby lied-vision recieved 7-7-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who was all white, and he said, "bobby lied".
(158)philadelphia apostolic church-vision recieved 7-8-2004-in this vision, I saw an old green dodge van, and written on the side was, "philadelphia apostolic church". I looked in the phone book, and found it does exist, and I called the pastor, and told him some of the visions Jesus gave me.
(158)cut off-visions recieved 7-9-2004-in these visions, this beautiful young girl reminded me she is cut off. "He cut me off", "I'm cut off".
(159)suffering-vision recieved 7-9-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "I'm about to suffer".
(160)we will see-vision recieved 7-9-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "I don't need a vision".
(161)not needed-vision recieved 7-10-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "your not needed". I saw him in other visions, and in one, he is handing me the microphone, and in another, he said, "are you an evangelist". I saw a woman at his church in a vision, and she said, "you could tell". Another woman said in a vision, come right here". A man who goes there said something like, "those are wrong", referring to visions Jesus gave me. I saw a woman, and she said, "i'm going to hell". There were more. I believe I saw that pastor in a vision, and he said something like, "serve me". I just saw someone, and they said, "tell the vision".
(162)increase-vision recieved 7-13-2004-in this vision, I saw this stout looking man who had was very groomed, and He said, "go to six".
(163)last return-vision recieved 7-13-2004-in this vision, I saw a lady who works at the library, and she said, "last return".
(164)almost had me-visions recieved 7-14-2004-in one vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I almost had you", and in the other she said something like, "bob, i'm going to hell".
(164)retarded-visions recieved 7-15-2004-in these visions, I saw this woman, and she said, "I'm retarded". In anther vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "i'm a virgin".
(165)ron grieb-vision reiceved 7-15-2004-in this vision, I saw name bars for like webpages, and it went down to the next one, and the name that was on the bar was something like, "ron greib".
(166)president Bush will win re-election-visions recieved 7-2004-twice I saw presidenbt Bush in visions and he said, "elected".
(166)sign guestbooks-vision recieved 7-18-2004-in this vision, I was made aware to keep signing guestbooks.
(167)testimony-visions recieved 7-2004-I saw this pastor in several visions, and in one she said, "I want your testimony". In one she said, "don't write me back".
(168)witch-vision recieved 7-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "i'm a witch".
(169)believed -vision recieved 7-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this black man, and he said, "i believe you". I told him at church about Jesus showing indianapolis being nuked.
(170)profit not prophet-visions recieved 7-2004-I was asking Jesus about kim clement, and in one vision, I saw a man who looked just like kim clement, and he said, "i'm lost". I asked Jesus what he was after, and I saw him in a second vision, and he said, "dollars".
(171)wanting to meet-visions recieved 7-23-2004-in this vision, I saw michael boldea, and he said, "I want to meet". I saw him in many other visions as well.
(172)virgin-in this vision recieved about 2003, I saw a young man who Jesus showed me is a prophet, and I heard this, "virgin". He is married as well.
(173)a mothers cries-visions recieved 7-23-2004-in this vision, I saw my woman, and she was crying, and at a funeral parlor. I asked who was in that casket, "me", and I saw relative, and she said, "me". I saw the woman in another vision, and she said something like, "she took my medication".
(174)praise Jesus-vision received 2-16-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "praise". It was like made out of chrome on the top inside of like a little black circle that may have been part of a round cylinder or something.
(175)Jesus Christ-vision recieved 7-25-2004-I was praying and called on the name of Jesus 3 times from my heart, and Jesus appeared and said, "what". After this, there was really nothing I could ask Him from my heart. Maybe just knowing He was there was enough.
(176)apology not necessary-visions recieved 2004-In my heart, I made an apology to the spam artist if I wronged him in any way, and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "you didn't". God spoke to me and said, "he's trying to annoy you", and when I thought on that, I saw the spam artist in a vision, and he said, "I have".
(177)get out-vision recieved 8-7-2004-I was witnessing to a youth pastor today, and was maybe thinking about visiting his church, and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "get out".
(178)the only ones who will listen to me are those whose names are written in the Lambs "BOOK OF LIFE"-vision recieved 8-9-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor and he said, "I don't believe you".
(179)paris hilton-vision recieved 8-2004-I was more of less asking Jesus if paris hilton like men or women, and I saw paris hilton in a vision, and she said, "both".
(180)not my friend-vision recieved 8-11-2004-in this vision, I saw this real estate agent that I have worked with and known for a while, and he said, "I'm not your friend".
(181)gas $1.88 per gallon-vision recieved 8-11-2004-in this vision, I saw a shell gas station sign, and the first two prices on the sign were $1.88
(182)visions of charlie-recieved 8-15 and 16-2004-in these visions, I saw my uncle charlie, and he said various things to me.
(183)not wanted-visions recieved 8-16-2004-twice I saw this man at the body shop in visions and he said, "I don't want you around". I saw him again, and he said, "I can't believe it".
(184)cut off-vision recieved 8-16-2004-while driving, I saw a man who looked like bill somers, and he said, "He cut me off".
(184)prophet-vision recieved 8-2004-many times I see visions of people and they refer to me as a prophet.
(185)the bucks-vision recieved 8-17-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "I like money".
(186)satan-visions recieved 8-17-2004-I saw a man in a vision, and he said something which I don't remember, and I asked the man to identify himself, and I saw him again in another vision, and he said, "I am satan". He had short dark hair and looked like a man.
(187) angel-vision recieved 8-19-2004-in this vision, I saw an angel, and He was sitting at like a table. He was all light, like a man made out of white light.
(188)oprah winfrey-visions recieved 8-20-2004-more than once, I saw oprah winfrey in visions, and in one she said, "I'm cut off".
(188)warning-visions recieved 8-20-2004-in many visions, Jesus warned me about this man, that he desires sex with me.
(189)come preach-visions recieved 8-20-2004-in more than one vision, I saw this pastor, and he let me know he'd like for me to talk at his church. By invitation, Lords will, I will.
(190)I will-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and He said, 'I will'. He appeared to be very young.
(333)fleas pointed-vision recieved 7-19-2007-in visions I saw fleas point out of the zenith allegro 1000 stereo speaker and I saw doreen marie hoge masterbating in the bathtub

(191)russia will lead an all out attack on america-vision recieved 8-20-2004-in this vision, I'm witnessing to a man, and one of the things I tell him is that Jesus showed me russia will lead an all out attack on america.
(192)he's serous-visions recieved 8-20-2004-in many visions, I saw this man, and he said many things to me like, "he's serious".
(193)don't tell-vision recieved 8-21-2004- a woman sent me some interesting visions, and I had an interpretation, and was writing to send it to her, and I saw her in a vision, and she said, "don't tell me".
(194)paris hilton-visions recieved 8-23-2004-in one vision, I saw paris hilton, and she did not say anything, and I was thinking on her wishing she would get saved, and I saw paris hilton in another vision, and she said, "I am".
(195)stan johnson-vision recieved 8-23-2004-in this vision, I saw stan johnson of the "prophecy club", and he said something to me which I don't remember. As I was typing that, I saw a man in a vision, and he said, "leave it off".
(196)lust-vision recieved 9-3-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I lust".
(197)avoid-visions recieved 9-2004-in these visions, I saw this woman and she said, "leave me alone", "I'm married". I never met this woman, and I know she is married, and I'm thrilled about what Jesus has done thru her.
(198)hell gets another-vision recieved 9-20-2004-in this vision, while sitting at the computer, I saw a young man, and he said, "I'm in hell". Don't neglect your chance to be saved.(200)will saddam hussein be shot-visions recieved 10-3-2004-twice in visions, I saw a man who looked like saddam hussien, and he let me know he will be shot and killed. These happened quick, and I'm not sure it was saddam.
(201)william harris-vision recieved 10-3-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor, and he said, "when he comes, I'll reprove him". I've already seen that in a vision. (202)visions of Jesus-vision recieved 10-3-2004-I saw visions of Jesus today, and He had brown hair and beard, and HE said things like, "come", etc.
(203)prophets prophetic warning-vision recieved 10-3-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "prophets prophetic warning".
(204)stay-vision recieved 10-3-2004-in this vision, I saw this "upci assisstant pastor", and he said, "spen the night". I saw him in others.
(205)iraq war will end nuclear-vision recieved 10-2004-in this vision, I saw saddam, and he said, "go nuclear".
(206)transferred-vision recieved 10-3-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I'm getting transferred". I believe this refers to her job.
(207)don't write-vision recieved 10-3-2004-I was going to post a vision, and I saw a woman in a vision, and she said, "don't write".
(208)don't come here-vision recieved 10-3-2004-I saw this upci pastor in a vision, and he said, "don't come here".
(209)satan-vision recieved 105-2004-in this vision, I saw satan, and he said, "I'm the devil". I only say his head, and it was white, and so was his hair, and his eyes had a little darkness in them.
(210)pastor wants a bigger building-vision recieved 10-5-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "I want a bigger building". I wondered later if he said, "I need a bigger building", and I saw him in another vision, and he said, "want". This was pastor william harris.
(211)visions of Jesus-visions recieved 10-5-2004-I saw Jesus in visions today, and He had brown hair and beard, and HE said things like, "yes" in two, "I'm Jesus Christ".
(212)prophet not without honor except-visions recieved 10-7-2004-in the first vision, I saw a sign that said, "your mother's in danger of dying", and I was inquiring, and I saw her in a vision, and she said, "bobby's not christian", and I was tlking to Jesus and reminding Him about the scripture where it talks about a prophet not being without honor, except in his own country, and amung his oiwn kin, and I saw a woman in a vision, and she said, "true".
(213)Jesus needs workers-vision recieved 10-7-2004-in this vision, I saw a sign that said, "WANTED" "THIRD SHIFT". Thats my shift.
(214)Jesus-vision reiceved 10-7-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like Jesus. He had brown hair and beard, and He said, "I left China". This is not good.
(215)visions-visions recieved 10-7-2004-in two visions, I saw my former pastor, and he said, "I had a vision". I saw him in other visions as well.
(216)visions of Jesus-visions recieved 10-7-2004-I saw many visions of Jesus, and He said different things to me.
(217)hated-visions recieved 10-7-2004-in on visions, I saw this woman, and she said, "I hate you". I saw her in another and she said, "not him". I saw her in more.
(218)prophetic years-vision recieved 10-9-2004-in this vision, I saw the words and heard, "prophetic years". That is what I will partially name this page.
(219)needed-visions recieved 10-13-2--4-in two visions, I saw this woman, and she said, "come and talk", "I need you".
(220)visions of a pastor-visions recieved 10-13-2004-in many visions, I saw this pastor, and he said things like, "don't pastor", "don't come around", "your a witch".
(221)visions of Jesus-visions recieved 10-13-2004in two visions, I saw Jesus, and in one HE had a beard, and in one He did not. He said, "go", "there waiting on you". Both of these are referring to an apostolic church I'm suppost to preach at tonight.
(222)back-vision recieved 10-13-2004-in this vision, I saw this man who had a mustache, and he said, "why'd he come back".
(223)thought of a fool-vision received 11-8-2004-in this vision, I saw a black man, and he said, "there's something wrong with him". I live for Jesus is not what's wrong, but, what's right!
(224)tell those visions-visions received 11-8-2004-in these visions, I saw a man, and he said something like, "lets tell those visions", "tell those visions". I was asking Jesus why He did not let me go on a radio program offer that was made to me where many would be told at one shot, and I saw the man that made the offer, and he said something like, "because I was not saved".
(225)LET'S preach-vision received 11-8-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who had curly brown grayish hair and beard, and He said, "lets preach".
(226)getting married-visions received 11-8-2004-in one vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, "bobby's getting married", and I was wondering to who, and I saw a man with brown hair in a vision, and HE said, "ME". That man was Christ Jesus.
(227)just what we need-vision received 11-24-2004-in this vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "just what we need".
(228)roe vs wade woman-vision received 11-24-2004-in more than one vision, I saw the woman in the roe vs wade case which legalized abortion in america, and she said, "cut off". In othe visions, I saw her and she said, "I only accepted Jesus". After she said this I heard this, "those are only words", which is true. IT's a man made plan of salvation that is not e ven in the king james bible. I saw her in other visions to.
(228)God knows everthing-vision recieved 12-12-2004-my flash light that I use in my dark room to see to write visions down and other things came apart and when I put it back together it would not work. I saw Jesus in a vision, and HE had brown hair and HE said, "keep playing with it", and I did, and it worked.
(229)the news channel 6-visions recieved 12-12-2004-in visions, I saw a man who works for a news station and he said, "I'm channel 6", "channel 6", and in another he said something like, "I want to talk to you about visions". I asked Jesus if the man lived for Him, and in another vision he let me know he did not.
(230)have you had the "upper room experience"-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said "upper room".
(231)do you love Jesus-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision I saw Jesus and HE said something like, "do you love Me bob".
(232)Mahmoud Abbas-visions recieved 12-2004-while praying, I saw palestinian president mahmoud abbas and he said, "we support saddam". I just saw him again in another vision and he said, "I do".
(233)how much time do you spend in prayer-visions recieved 12-12-2004-in the first vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "I got to pray", and then seconds later I saw her in another vision and she said, "I prayed".
(235)if you get cut off, your chance to be saved will be over-vision recieved 12-13-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair and maybe even a beard and I think HE was wearing a robe, and He said, "I cut down your tree".
(236)not allowed-vision recieved 12-13-2004-I just wrote down, "not allowed", and I did not write details, so it's likely I either saw the words or a person saying it. WHat I will tach on in I'm not allowed to do anything the Lord Jesus does not want me to do.
(237)the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy-vision recieved 12-13-2004-in this vision, I'm tricked, and I obviously was not led by the Holy Ghost, and my have even been teasing, but, I ended up loosing somethings and the vision ends with me in a vhicle with a woman, and she is taking me somewhere, and she said to me something like, "do you need something", and I responded something like, "just what the devourer took back".
(238)changeing the Word of God is sin-received 12-13-2004-I heard this in my ear, "there going to re-write the bible", and I also wrote down, "another translation", which may be I saw me in a vision saying or was said to me or? The devil knows by changing the Word of God, souls will be decieved.
(239)does satan live in Israel-vision recieved 12-16-2004-while praying and asking Jesus to protect Israel, I saw an all white angel in a vision and he was wearing like a white robe and he said, "that's where I live". I've seen lucifer and I believe that it was him. He was all white, only like someone took a pencil and shaded it.
(240)never got the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 12-2004-while praying, I saw this young woman and she said something like, "I never got the Holy Ghost".
(241)pray is needed-visions recieved 12-16-2004-in visions while walking , I saw a woman, and maybe someone else and this is what was said, "why aren't you praying".
(242)what does it look like-vision recieved 12-16-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "tell me what it looks like".
(243)pray until something happens-vision recieved 12-16-2004-in this vision while walking, I saw the face a man who had curly hair and HE said, "push".
(243)intercession-vision received 12-27-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw this big dark colored truck with like rails on the back where the box would be and it went off the road and slid in the snow. It possibly hit or missed the vehicl in front of it. I prayed.
(244)if you backslide on Jesus it could haunt you-vision received 12-29-2004-in this vision, I saw my hand writing on a piece of paper like I often do this, "I was". The letters were in noen color.
(245)raccoon in squirrels skin-vision received 1-2-2005-in this vision, I saw an angry looking raccon running toward me and it was had the body of a squirrel.
(246)tradgety hits pentecost-vision received 1-2-2005-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor and I heard this, "they got a tradgety". This pastors son who is 41 is acccused of committing child molesting with a young girl in her low to mid teens. I was not even going to write this vision down, but, in another vision I saw me writing it down, "they" so I did. I saw that pastor in another vision and he said, "I committed adultery", which can be physical, but, most likely is loving the world and the things of the world which makes you Gods enemy. You must choose the world or Jesus.
(246)your better off not even touching people-vision received 1-2-2005-in this vision I saw this woman and she said, "don't touch me".
(247)angry man-vision received 1-2-2005-in this vision, I saw this very dark colored skin man with black hair walking very rapidly toward me. He appeared very serious.
(248)kansas city-vision received 1-2-2005-twice in visions, I saw a mans face and He said, "kansas city".
(249)go to agape-visions received 1-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said "go to agape" which is "agape apostolic faith assembly church". I went there more than once, and in one of the services the pastor did not even come out until it was time for him to teach. I was telling Jesus something like "those people need to vote him out of there", and I saw Jesus in a vision and He said, "right". This was agape apostolic faith assembly in indianapolis.
(250)do you put your friendships before Jesus-I was telling Jesus that I was trying to put or putting Him first and He spoke and said something like, "you put your friendship first".
(251)the commission-vision received 1-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "I need a witness". I saw Him again in another vision and He said something like, "I got your answer". I just saw a white colored angel man in a vision and He said, "do".
(252)the WORD and nothing but-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a man I witnessed to and he said, "that's the WORD".
(253)will Jesus let me visit-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the pentecostal pastor and he said, "come". maybe if you write me with details He will let me visit your church. I don't know if HE will make me.
(253)tighten distributor-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw my wrench tightening my distributor on my car. I just now did. It was still loose. Thanks Jesus.
(254)go to bethel-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the word bethel and I heard "go to bethel". I saw a man in a vision and He had curly brown graying hair and He said something like, "go to bethany tabernacle" or "go to bethany tabernacle". I did not write it down until later.
(255)council from a shock jock-visions received 1-7-2005-in visions, I saw howard stern and he said things like, "what are you waiting for", "run for your life". Spiritually, both these are good visions. I may have heard the name before I saw him, "howard stern".
(256)pigging out is good man-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm getting fat".
(257)got thru a tuff trail-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "tried". I was being tried hard. If you want to know what kind of trial it was, whelp, I'll just say I'm single and america is sodom and gomarah.
(258)hit the road jack-vision recieved 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw I think a woman and she said, 'leave here'.
(259)today's price is paid-vision received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair and beard and He said, "price". Right after He said it in the vision, I felt brokeness, and maybe stirred. You want to be on fire, you need to pay Gods price. I saw Jesus again in a vision as I was typing this and He said, "right".
(260)don't call-vision received 1-7-2005-I was talking to a woman on the phone today and I did not say anything about visions Jesus gave me and I was wondering if I should call her and I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "don't call".
(261)visit-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw this church van driver and he said, "come and be with us". I had another vision of a woman whom I think was in that van and she said something like, "I'm weak".
(262)anointing is stripped-visions received 1-9-2005-in the fist vision, I saw a woman and she said, "the anointing" and I asked about the anointing, and I saw the man driving the church van again and he said, "we don't have it".
(263)oil-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "oil" or "oil co.".
(264)some people don't want you to live for Jesus-visions received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw an old friend and heard his name, "ralph" and I asked about ralph and I saw him in another vision and he said, "give it up dude". In another vision, I saw a woman and she said, "turn him around". I'm facing the direction I want to go.
(265)mystery vision-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw like a webpage scroll down that had news articles links or something like that on it, and the last link I can remember seeing and it was the color of fire was "al-qaeda links". I'm not for al qaeda or terrorism. I just saw a man in a vision that had brown hair and beard and He said "true".
(266)prophecy ministries-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw like the front page of this website scroll down and at the bottom in big red letters was "PROPHECY MINISTRIES".
(267)God creates everything-vision received 1-11-2oo5-in this vision, I saw the words and heard, "In the beginning".
(268)charlie daniels-vision received 1-11-2005-while praying, I heard, "charlie daniels" and I asked about him and I quickly saw a bearded man in a vision and he said, "I'm going to hell".
(269)moresville-vision received 1-11-2005-I heard while praying, "moresville" and Jesus gave me a vision, and I saw me beginning to write it down. I wrote "m".
(270)were-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "were" which means, "used to, was, not anymore.
(271)jimmy-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "jimmy". I may have saw jimmy buffet of jimmy hendricks.
(272)get IT for yourself-vision recieved 1-11-2005-in the first vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby", and in the next vision I saw her and she said, "you got it". I remember when I was awakened this morning in a vision, I saw her and she was crying and she was saying something like, "my mom". I saw her in another vision and she said "we tried". That may have reffered to trying to win me back to the devil.
(273)become a member of "Gods army"-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "sargent" and I heard later "In the army of God".
(274)it's time to put filter back in fish aquarium-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, Jesus showed me to put my filter back in fish aquarium. They have been treated for fin rot and maybe other diseases now for about a month.
(275)don't bother-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "just leave me alone".
(276)cheers-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, heard "cheers" and believe I saw the word and like a arm sticking up that had a mug of something in it's hand.
(277)heaven bound-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw me walking with my coat on like I just now was and I heard, "go to heaven" and as I heard that, It seems like I saw something shoot up into the atmosphere quickly.
(278)stealing-vision received 1-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the bartelby website where it has scriptures on it, which is where I copy most of the one's on my sites and I heard this, "that's stealing". I was wondering if I was stealing scriptures from their site. I believe I wrote them long ago and told them I was copying scriptures and I don't recall them writing back and telling me to stop. Maybe if I copyright my site or sites, the one thing I can not prevent people from copying from my site with my permission or not is Gods WORD which is on the site. Jesus gave us HIS WORD freely.
(279)don't want the hear the truth-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "don't tell me that".
(280)radio bound?-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "put you on the radio". In another vision he said, "put you on watchman radio". I don't know if Jesus will let me go on there. He would not when the offer was made.
(282)a religious organization-visions received 1-15-2005-I was thinking on the prophecy club and I saw a man in a vision and he said, "leave it alone". I had a vision where I heard something like this "stan will like you" and I think I saw stan johnson in a vision. I'm not making any recommendation to you about the prophecy club. If I went it would mainly be to witness while driving up there, back, and while there.
(283)what religion-visions received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw this man and he said, "what religion are you", and in visions I saw a man with brown hair and He said, "your pentecost", "your apostolic". That means I have ahd the same born again experince that all had in the upper room on the day of pentecost and I teach what the apostles taught, and Jesus taught them.
(284)Job-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "Job".
(285)get to the computer-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "go to the computer".
(286)hidden-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I can't see his address".
(287)I care how Jesus feels about me-vision recieved 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man I witnessed to and he said, "I really can't stand you". The Lord has shown me in other visions he wants to talk, but, not there, and there is on his job. I just saw Jesus in a vision and He had brown hair and beard that may have been graying and He said, "right".
(288)be strong-visions received 1-14-2005-I was at a store and I may have not said anything about Jesus to the checkout clerk and I saw a man in a vision and He said, "be strong". So I witnessed to her.
(289)visions-vision received 1-14-2005-in visions I saw a man or men and they said things like, "you hurt his feelings"(He was talking about a man I witnessed to, and the truth can hurt), "don't fix"(I was going to work on car, but, I would have fixed the wrong problem, so I was sparred), "that's it" (the car problem is diagnosed), "true", (I think this was the same man), etc.
(290)there is not a problem-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your all right".
(291)the door is open to witness-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw about four women standing by the entrance of a shopping mall maybe approaching and they looked pentecost and I heard this, "the door is open".
(292)is it time to expose-vision recieved 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "picture". She may have said other things.
(293)margaritaville-vision recieved 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw jimmy buffett and he said, "margaritaville".
(294)bystanders often hear testimony-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with his ear facing me.
(295)don't doubt-visions received 1-15-2005-in visions, I saw a woman or women and they said, "your doubting", "don't be wierd".
(296)Ministry of Dreams-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw "Ministry of Dreams" link on a website. That's the name of my ministry.
(297)visions of a man I witnessed to-visions received 1-15-2005-in these visions, I saw a man I witnessed to who goes to indiana bible college and he said things like, "eat shit", "1st, your wrong".
(298)laughed-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that listened in on testimony I gave and he said, "I laughed".
(299)wanting the last word-vision received 1-18-2005-I was just posting some visions where Jesus showed me that usa is likely to launch an attack against iran, and when I had it all done I was wanting to tach a comment on and I saw a man in a vision that had brown hair and beard and I could not make out His eye's because it was like He was in a dark are and He said "say the last word". I just recommended "seek Jesus alway".
(300)false visions-vision received 1-27-2005-I was deleting my e-mails and I noticed the title to one was something like, "false visions". I saw a white man in a vision and He said something like, "those are just word's".
(301)tighten transmission fluid pan again-vision received 2-1-2005-in this vision, I saw me tightening the fluid pan on my car's transmission.
(302)yellow background-vision received 2-1-2005-in this vision, I saw the background color was yellow and I believe the text was black on a webpage I beleive was mine.
(303)radio-vision received 2-1-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard, "radio". I believe in another vision, I saw and heard, "rense".
(304)visions-visions received 2-1-2005in visions I saw this man who belongs to a ministry and I told them some visions I was given, and the man said things like, "bob, were facing it", "I got your vision", "the truth".
(305)love of money-vision received 2-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "we want money".
(306)warn people-vision received 2-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "tell people".
(307)this visit would be a blessing-vision received 2-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman who looked like virginia boldea and she said, "come and see us".
(308)starting to believe again-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision while driving, I saw the face of a man and He said, "your starting to believe it".
(309)david wilkerson vision-vision received 2-9-2005-in a vision, I saw david wilkerson and he said, "rapture is coming".
(310)avoid-vision received 2-9-2005 in this vision, I saw a waman and she said, "don't come around me".
(311)germany-vision received 2-9-2005-while praying, I heard "germany", and I later saw the president of germany in a vision and he said, "I'm going to get killed".
(312)clinton-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "clinton". I had a vision a while back and I saw chelsea clinton, and she said, "my name is chelsea".
(313)no vision-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "don't want no vision".
(314)tobe hardy-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "tobe hardy". That is a person I grew up with whose name is, "toby hardy".
(315)ministry ministries-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, and I'm mostly going by memory, I saw possibly a name tag being warn by a woman, possibly like a hotel clerk, and on the name tag was "MINISTRY MINISTRIES". There may have been more.
(316)examine yourself-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw like like a webpage part that you put information for the website on, and one word on the page was the word, "EXAMINATION".
(317)help-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "why didn't you help us".
(319)gental-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "gental".
(320)no go radio-visions received 2-9-2005-I was invited to be on a radio show, and wanted to go, and talk with the owner or owners, and others over the over the phone, and everything was set, but, the one thing I do not remember doing purposely was commit to going on without permission from Jesus. I prayed, and did not get permission. I heard a voice speak to me and say something like, "he wasn't saved". I knew it. I saw the man in visions and he said, "you lied to me", "I wasn't saved". I remember in hthe vision, I called him, and this was during a show, and I believe he invited me on the again, and I was telling him about the Lord giving me new visions like seeing a sub or subs firing on america, and the destruction caused by the explosions. I don't remember how the conversation ended, but, I do believe I told him that I could not go on, and the Lord would not let me go on last time.
(321)you have got to have THE ACTS 2:38 born again experience-vision received 2-9-2005-while praying, I heard, "no Spirit of God", "no Spirit". Then I saw me writing it down in a vision. I just got to the word, "no". I just saw a man that I believe is the owner of the radio station above, and he said, "that's it". I beleive these were for him.
(322)cute young woman that lives near me-visions received 2-9-2005-I was thinking on a cute young woman that lives near me, and I saw a man in a vision that had brown hair, and just like darkness in His eye's and HE said, "lesbian". In another vision, I saw her and she said, "lesbian".
(323)3:14-in this vision, I saw a person say, "3:14", and may have seen "3:14".
(324)Jesus is great-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "He's great and greatly to be praised".
(325)Jesus does do some healing thru me-vision received 2-9-2005-in this vision, I saw hands outstretched, and I heard something like, "prophet heal".
(326)yes-vision received 2-13-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and He said, "are you coming".
(327)traitor-vision received 2-13-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "traitor".
(328)wanted back-vision received 2-13-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I wish he'd come back".
(329)not welcome-vision received 2-13-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "your not welcome".
(330)thank you-vision recieved 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "thank you Jesus".
(331)prove it-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "prove it to me". I also remember seing something like the words, "visions and dreams", and I believe there might have been more.
(332)won't-vision recieved 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the a man and HE said, "you won't". In another HE said, "no need to return".
(333)can't touch-vision recieved 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that hgad brown hair and HE said, "you can't touch Me".
(334)jets-vision recieved 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, ""new fighter aircraft".
(335)read the book of THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-vision recieved 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "Acts".
(336)116-visions received 3-2-2005-in one vision, I saw a man and HE said, '116', and in the next vision, I saw me writing it down, "116".
(337)rip off-vision recieved 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a man who has a house for sale that he inherited and he said, "rip off".
(338)visions of a person-visions received 3-2-2--5-in visions, I saw a person and he said, "cut'em off", "satan".
(338)up to Jesus-vision recieved 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a pastor and he said, "come around and see me". I just saw a man in a vision with brown hair and He said, 'don't do that'.
(339)I'm apostolic-vision recieved 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "apostolic". That means doing what the apostle's taught, and they were taught by Jesus.
(340)no Him-vision received 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the words and maybe heard, "that ain't ME".
(341)can't feel Jesus in my words-visions received 3-2-2005-in two visions, I saw a pastor and his wife and they both let me know that they didn't feel Jesus, and this was referring to from me.
(342)fullfilled-vision recieved 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a person or somebody or thing, and here are the words I recorded, "you know, that scripture's been fullfilled".
(343)SEARS-vision received 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "SEARS".
(344)Jesus will make a way-vision of the night-received 3-2-2005-when I woke up this morning, this is the dream I was having. I saw me or somebody and they were saying something like, "God makes a way even in the mist of you enemy's. I also saw a woman in that dream of later, and she said, "we'll make a way".
(345)economy in america doomed-visions received 3-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "the economy". That may have been me praying about it. I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "going to collapse", "going to", "going".
(346)prophet school-vision received 3-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that I felt was rick joyner and he said, "prophet school". If I went to that, I believe there would be a purpose for it other than being taught, but, Jesus would have to order it. I would not want to offend MY LORD seeking outside help, when the LORD JESUS is suffice.
(347)looks can be deceiving-vision received 3-25-2005-when I look at this young woman, I see a beautiful young woman that I probably have desired, course, I'm getting old, and she could probably be my daughter. I saw her in a vision and she said, "I'm just a tramp".
(348)not-vision received 3-27-2005-in this vision, I saw a pastor and he said, "give me your last name".
(349)wanting the things of this world-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "want material".
(350)elijah-vision received 4-22-2005-In this visions, I saw the word and heard, "elijah".
(351)accepted by Jesus-vision received 4-22-2005-In this vision, I was hit with a flash of white lite and I heard, "you are accepted".
(352)not conceited-vision received 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "are you conceited".
(353)park the car-visions recieved 5-2005-I two visions, I was shown to park my car. It's an electrical nightmare. Once I was told something like, "put car in the parking lot".
(354)wanting the things of this life-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I saw a man with a white face and He said, "material".
(355)blessed-vision received 5-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "that blessed me".
(356)you are needed by Jesus-vision received 5-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like dumitru duduman and he said something like, "God really needs you".
(357)whitney houston-visions received 5-14-2005-In a vision, I saw the word, "whitney". I saw whitney houston in many visions. In one she was at an apostolic church and I was there, and in another I was telling a man that I saw her at an apostolic church and other things.
(358)don't get fat-vision recieved 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw some words, and it is possible I missed something. Here is what I wrote down, "X trim the fat".
(359)economic collapse coming to u.s.a.-visions received 5-14-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said, "it's the economy", "collapsing".
(360)119-vision received 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw, "119".
(361)Jesus has your answer-vision received 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and he said, "I got an answer".
(362)no to visiting advance auto parts for now-vision received 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man ahd He had possibly a white face and He may have been outside an advance auto parts store and HE said, "no". I believe this is the second time I've been warned to stay away.
(363)be like Jesus, not me-vision recieved 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I want to be just like you".
(364)horoscopes is witchcraft-vision received 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "horoscope". Don't seek the devil or his workers for councel. Seek Jesus.
(365)emergency-vision received 5-14-2005-In this vision, I'm driving and I slow down or stop a the back of a car that is stopped and there is a bridge near and I see the flashing of one or many police like lights beyond me there like there is a situation.
(366)the devil has traps planted all over-vision recieved 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw this snake in the grass. This is why it is a must to be led by the Holy Ghost.
(367)stop-vision recieved 5-14-2005-In this vision, It's like I'm driving and there is possibly a drive way, and I see two stop signs on both sides of the driveway. I believe there was a house that the driveway led to. I want my walk with Jesus to be on GO, not stop.
(368)get the computer stuff over with-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw maybe a sign, and it possibly had words on it and the only word I focused on was, "computer".
(369)Jesus needs you-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a sing and two of the words on the sign were, "help wanted".
(370)its your choice to serve Jesus-vision received 5-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and possibly beard and He said, "your choice".
(371)are colors on this site changing-vision received 5-18-2005-In this vision, I saw this site or another one and the color of the background was yellow and the text was a bule color.
(372)Jesus can do what He wants-vision received 5-18-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with curly brown hair and He said something like, "I can do what I want".
(373)perishing-visions recieved 5-2005-In visions I saw a man and he said, "I'm going to the lake", "religion".
(374)people need deliverance from the yoke of the enemy-vision received5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I need deliverance".
(375)calendar-vision received 5-20-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "calendar".
(376)it's going to be a boy-vision recieved 5-20-2005-In this vision, I beleive I saw the word,"boy".
(377)al gore-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "al gore". I saw hillary clinton in a vision and she said, "he knows". I beleive al gore know she is going to run for president of usa and Jesus showed me she will win.
(378)st. louis-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "st louis".
(379)seed-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "seed".
(380)revelations about a woman-visions received 5-29-2005-In visions, I saw this woman that I've know for the longest and she said things like, "remember me Lord", "go ahead and talk", "cut me off", "stay here tonight". In one, which I did not fully write down, I thought I saw her say, "speaking in tongues is of the devil", "I blasphemed". The devil can speak in tongues, and anybody can, but, when you are filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost you will speak in other tongues which is a language understood down here on earth, that the Holy Ghost is causing. I just saw her daughter in a vision and she said, "against you".
(381)words-vision recieved 5-29-2005-I wrote down somewords that I saw, but, I don't necessarily remember the vision. I wrote these words down, "Indy remove".
(383)reprobate-vision recieved 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I turned over to reprobate".
(384)not proven-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw an all white man and he said, "I'm not proven". I believe this was satan.
(385)public libraries will close finances will get so tight in america-recieved 6-3-2005-In this I heard something like, "attention library patron, there closing".
(386)inside a church-recieved 6-3-2005-In this, it's like I heard inside a church and I recognized one of the voices as the man who did most of the preaching at my old church, and one thing he said to somebody was something like, "stop making fun of, this is a church service", and things went on, and then I heard this womans voice and she said soemthing like, "I believe I heard the Holy Ghost say either, "He regulates or key regulates". this lets me to know Jesus can do what He want whenever he wants.
(387)the soul that sins will perish-vision recieved 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, 'I sinned'.
(388)are you your own boss-vision received 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "my name is God".
(389)there are people that can be traps for you-vision recieved 6-13-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "trap". I believe Jesus has shown me that she wants to get me cut off.
(390)walk a straight line in Christ-vision recieved 6-13-2005-In this vision, its like I saw an anmiation of the state of Indiana, and I saw a line going just about straight up it or straight. I may have been given the vision twice because it seems I saw the line kind of turning in one place. I may have been inquiring to Jesus about how HE felt about my walk.
(391)pursuit of money is destrying souls-vision received 6-13-2005-In this vision, I saw the Face of a White Angel and He said, "financial". He may have said more. I beleive I knew what HE meant.
(392)didn't hear-vision recieved 6-13-2005-In this vision, I beleive I saw a man that I talked with earlier and he said something like, "I did not hear you". I think hear means believe.
(393)car lot closed-vision recieved 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw this auto lot in my old nieborhood and it was empty. I believe its called something like, "kerkhofs".
(394)screams of the doomed-visions recieved 6-21-2005-In more than one vision, I heard, and sometimes if not all times saw the white spirit like face of a woman and she was screaming, and at least once she yelled, "no". I have compassion on this woman that is about 33, but, Jesus has shown me many times that she is doomed. Jesus showed me that she will end up in diapers and take her life because of it. I can't do anything for her. I don't want nobody to die lost, but, I can not make THE decision for anybody but me. Make the right decision.
(395)this website-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man pointing and He said something like, "that website".
(396)being comforted-vision recieved 6-28-2005-In this vision, I may have seen me from the back and I bleive there was a man there in a White Robe and He was possibly rubbing my head.
(397)happy-vision recieved 6-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that was made of like Light. I bleieve I could see His outlines in White like Lines and He was smiling. Praise Jesus!
(398)Hands out stretched-vision recieved 6-28-2005-In this vision, I saw this Man and He was wearing a White Robe and his Hands were outstretched. Maybe I was being shown to pray like that.
(399)highway rescue-vision recieved 6-28-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw two medical workers and there may have been a stetcher there, and I felt like the were in the middle of the highway for possibly an accident. Hope it is not me.
(400)open door-vision recieved 6-28-2005-In this vision, I saw this door on a house and it opened. There may ahve been another world on the other side, because there may have been Light coming out.
(401)have a new front page, but, need permission to use it-vision received 7-1-2005-In this vision, I saw my new page and I heard something like, "don't use it".
(402)junk yard-vision received 7-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "go to the junkyard". I need my engine. Just saw a man that looked like the man that worked there and he cursed God.
(403)witnessed-visions reeived 7-2005-I saw a maybe getting ready to leave the mall in a vision and she said, 'spiritual'. I told her the vision, and did much witnessing to her and showed her in the bible. I saw her in a vision as I showed and she said, "He's showing". I started talking to her about sin and that became the end of our conversation. I saw her in a vision and she said, "he lied". In others she or somebody else said things like , "It's going to his head", "theres something wrong".
(404)visions of men and women-visions received 7-2005-In visions I saw men and women and they said things like, "you know your moses", "I want your motor", "you know you pis_ed me off", "cause you insulted me", "made a lot of money", "you know I hate you", "no vision", "I'm against you", "don't worry about it", "don't mess with me again", "I blasphemed bobby", "shut me down", "I'm fixin to leave", "tell on me".
(405)come to Jesus-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this Hand and the Fingers were wiggling calling me on.
(406)children need to serve Jesus in america-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this little girl from the back and she had her hands lifted up like she was praising Jesus.
(407)blaspheme-visions received 7-12-2005-I was sitting at church and twice I saw a woman in visions that looked like the woman that invited me that was leading the servie and she said, "there's the devil", and I saw the pastor in a vision and he said, "you left", and there were more, but, I did leave. I saw a man or spirit in vision that was not there and he said, "devil". I saw a man that looked like me and I said, "I doubted". I got out of there.
(408)post visions-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "post".
(409)nice clothes-vision received 7-12-2005-Twice in visions, I saw me praying wearing very nice clothes and my hair was parted to side.
(410)debit card-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw my debit card.
(411)beleived-vision received 7-12-2005-I was witnessing to a man and I saw him in a vision and he said, "right". I told him.
(412)what we do gets us in trouble-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "you got me in trouble".
(413)suicide-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "suicide". I saw her in another vision and she said something like, "help me", "going to comit suicide".
(414)going to judgement-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, 'I'm going to judgement". In another, I may have seen her and she said, "I left".
(415)don't bother-visions received 7-12-2005-Twice in visions I saw a man in visions and he said things like, "leave me alone".
(416)baptised in the name of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "he's has the Holy Ghost".
(417)long shirt-vision received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a person and this person was wearing a long shirt that came down over the butt. Only saw the lower part.
(417)playing the lottery is sin-vision received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, heard, or saw somebody say, "the lottery".
(418)president-vision received 7-13-2005-I heard, "who's president", and I saw a man and he said, "dick cheney". He will be.
(419)america will burn-vision received 7-13-2005-I heard, "america", and saw a woman in a vision and she said, "it will burn".
(420)heart attack-vision received 7-13-2005-I heard, "president", and then I may have seen president bush in visions and he said things like, "heart attack", "I blasphemed".
(421)dee finney-visions received 7-14-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like dee finney and she said things like, "I lusted", "real scared", "like money".
(422)embarras-vision received 7-14-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "make me embarrased".
(423)visions of a man-visions received 7-14-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked similar to michael boldea and he said things like, "do they scream", "give me some of your cadillacs", "nobody told me". I just saw somebody and here is what was said, "post". I saw a woman and she said, "thats why you go t cut off", and I may have said or heard or, "why'd I get cut off", and I saw a man that looked similar to michael boldea and he said, "I did not post".
(424)baptised in the name of Jesus Christ is what the bible commands-vision received 7-14-2005-In thie first vision, I saw sombody and they said, "baptised in the name of Jesus Christ", and then I saw a man that looked like donald winters and he said, "baptized in Jesus name". I just saw somebody and he said, "Spiritual".
(424)there is One JUDGE-vision received 7-15-2005-I saw a Mans Face in visions and one thing He Said was something like, "I'm a Judge".
(424)bobs coming-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said over and over, "bobs coming", "share the vision", "I love you".
(425)pastor-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a pastor lambert gates and he said, "you ain't no prophet".
(426)revival-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I may have seen a Hand of Lite and it pointed at me and I heard, "revival".
(427)lost-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'm lost".
(428)still trying-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said very sadly, "why didn't you save me".
(429)go home-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, things like, "go home", and maybe even, "lost my mom".
(430)embarrasing-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "embarras to much".
(431)liar-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "liar".
(432)press-vision received 7-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "maybe he ain't pressing hard enough".
(433)revealed-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like man and he said, "thats whats wrong".
(434)write the visions-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "write".
(435)winked at-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a Spirit that looked like Jesus and His Eye may have been the color of fire and He winked at me.
(436)My witness is open-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly a Hand and the Finger may have been pointing and I beleive I heard, "my witness is open".
(437)write-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a Hand and the Finger may have been pointing and I heard, "write".
(438)not-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "not going to let him".
(439)called backstabber-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "backstabber", "I want you to pass".
(440)single for life-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly me and I may have said, "I'm eunuch". I may have also had a similar one and heard, "eunuch".
(441)idle spirit-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "idle spirit", "he's lying".
(442)doubting can get you in more trouble than you can imagine-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I doubted".
(443)accept-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "accept hollie", and I saw a man and he said, "accept hollie".
(444)hurt -vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "you hurt me", "your a prophet", "bob ain't a prophet", "prophet", "undelivered", "your going to die".
(445)hollie-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said things like, "give me your number", "I want him off me", "cut me off", "why does Jesus accept you", "tell God I'm sorry", "He won't accept me", "committed blaspheme", "give me money", "I've been accepted", "I blasphemed bobby", "moddy got control", "I am saved".
(446)perished-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "went to hell".
(447)come back thomas-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like thomas and he said things like, "I lust", "heart attack", "fall", "last chance", "put us in hell", "come testify", "I'm going to the lake", "I committed blaspheme", "witness is going out", "prophet is going to die", "I'm a ex-prophet", "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "theres blood on my hands", "we ain't brothers", "accepted", "I'm chosen", "help moody out prophet", "prophet", "tell me to come back", "my wallet".
(448)if Jesus does not tell you to masterbate, don't do it-received 7-2005-I heard this while praying, "when you masterbate", "you tempt Jesus". In a vision of the night, I walked into this room and there was a beautiful young blond haired blue eyed young woman and all but about her face was under covers and she looked like she was masterbating. She didn't stop when I walked in. Maybe she was doing something else.
(449)chosen-received 7-2005-I written down here, "chosen". I may have heard it or?
(450)visions-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "my reason", "chosen", "I'm a fag". Deny yourself friends.
(451)hurt-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "you hurt my feelings".
(452)revelation visions-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, things like, "I want my money", "help me", "help me", "save me", "please". She may have been screming out of hell in some, and I may have only heard her.
(453)perishing-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I perished", "write it".
(454)write the words-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a Finger point and I heard, "write the words".
(455)meeting with thomas-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I was at posssibly a lunch or gathering and I may have prayed before and in one of the visions I had written down, I was shown that thomas would sit next to me and after I was seated, thomas sat next to me and I told him the vision and was looking for it to show him.
(456)bob just declares-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "bob real".
(457)watch what you call people with your mouth-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a henry gruver and he said, "you devil". I just saw a spirit that may have looked like pastor gates and he said, "right".
(458)no chance-received 7-2005-I heard this, "tell the prophet their ain't no chance".
(459)will regret-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I didn't accept Jesus", "fuck Him".
(460)woman-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "he won't save me", "save me".
(461)speaking with you mouth can be sin-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "I'm a wolf", "speak that with you mouth". There may have been more than one person here.
(462)can blasphemy against the Hloy Ghost be forgiven-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "blasphemy's gone", and in another one, I saw another version of a white spirit that looked like her and she said something like, "I blasphemed you". If you pack that sin, seek to have it taken away or purged. God can do all things.
(463)open punishment-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'm loosing my hair".
(464)worshipping the idles of the land-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw perhaps the fans at maybe an Indianapolis colts game and one of them was holding up like a flag. What is going on here is worship and praise of sports figures. Paying to do it.
(465)loved-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "bob, I love you". I love you to hollie".
(466)unspoken-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "He said your unspoken".
(467)read it here-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like thomas and he said, "tell me about you vision", and maybe, "I'm off".
(468)alaska will be attacked by russia-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a possibly a man and he said, "lets hit alaska".
(469)Jesus still has a prophet-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "your the only prophet".
(470)don't sin-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, 'tell me not to masterbate", "stay single", in another I saw a spirit that looked like her and she said, "I ant out".
(471)a mountain to climb -vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "leave debbie alone bobby", and I may have seen a spirit that looked like debbie and she said things like, "suicide", "cause I'm going out", "I'm out of here", and maybe, "who did I blaspheme", and I possibly saw a Man and He said, "bobby" .
(472)take me off there-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, 'take me off there", and in another one she said something like, "stay off of google", "will you pray for me", "I'm out", "made me press", "to late", :witness is gone".
(473)you can hurt other people-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "you have no idea what you did to me".
(474)last chance-vision received 8-4-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly a man and he said, "last chance".
(475)needs-vision recieved 8-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said, "you got something I need".
(476)prophet-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister lucy and she said something like, "your a prophet".
(477)I saw hollie-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie, only this time it was the real one. She was young and beautiful. She had dark brown hair that may have been red. She really looks like the animation that used to be on her website. She looked like the spirits I see and she talked like them. She had a spoon in her hand and she said something like, "you made me eat", and maybe, "help me", "witness is open". I'm witness. I believe hollie is chosen. I was so reluctant to put things on website that suggest contrary, but, Jesus showed me what I was doing was putting her before Him, so on they went. If all this represents is a test, wonderful. To all, if you say something with your mouth that is proud and or boastful like, "I'm un-stoppable", or, "I'm number one", keep in mind one thing. Jesus knows how to bring you down, and it may happen when you least expect it. Repent. Please repent quickly so that the challenge presented to the Lord, is withdrawn.
(478)where is north korea hiding the nukes-vision recieved 8-12-2005-I starting asking Jesus about north kore's nukes wondering where they are. I saw a spirit that looked like the president there and he said things like, "mountain", "russia", "russia helps", I thought he even suggested in one he was on his way out possibly because of attack, but, not sure it was him. I even thought I saw this president and he verified it.
(479)charles finnell-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like charles finnell and he said, "I'm a witch". Charles pastors Christ temple apostolic faith Church.
(480)mike cunningham-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like my dear uncle mike cunningham who lives in florida and he said, "pray for me", "I don't beleive it", "prophet", "tell my visions", "closed", "not open"(open means saved), "leave open", "closed". I beleive mike gets on the internet and may cross paths with this. Tell carol and betty I said hi. I just saw betty's husband in a vision and he said, "no visions". If I wronged you mike, carol, betty in any way, please forgive. Mike and carol, do you like ministryOFdreams?
(481)open-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said, "open".
(482)westside pentecostal Church in indianapolis on ohio street-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor charles finnell and he said, "go back to westside", and I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "no more westside", and I saw pastor donald winters and he said things like, :I lust", "you made me jelous", "make me embarrased", and maybe, "blaspheme", "witch".
(483)I believe hollie is a prophet-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "prophet".
(484)pastor spall-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor delbert spall and he said, "beg", "I need you"(I'm avialable Lords will mr. delbert spall), "Christian", "I was a pastor", "financial", "because bobby's prayin"(spall knows).
(485)I need Jesus to order-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, "take it off".
(486)donald winters-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like donald winters and he said, "no more visions", "I'm elijah", and I saw maybe hollie and she said something like, "know he's not". I saw donald winters and he said, "let it start", and soemthing like, "there ai'nt no forgiveness", "mercy", "need him", "witch", and maybe, "bobby give me some money". Seek to get removed, or purged, or taken away that which can not be foriven.
(487)missile strike iraq-vision recieved 8-12-2005-I heard, "iraq", and I saw something and He said, "missile strike".
(488)blood on hands-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "bloodstains on my hands", "eat it', and something like, "I'm an exprophet", "religion".
(489)no blood on my hands-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me maybe two arms and the hands were open and they were clean. I just heard a female voice, "he's open'. Open is saved.
(490)warned-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like donald winters and he said, "The Lord warned you", and maybe, "I left here". Not sure it the last was him.
(491)charles finnell-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor charles finnell and he said things like, "your about to get cut off", 'don't say that my friend", "your wanted in the bedroom", "hurt my feelings", "I'm not open", "dying", "witness, I pray".
(492)north korea-vision recieved 8-12-2005-I heard something about north korea and I saw a spirit that looked like the president of north korea and he said things like, "tell", "I'm putting on a show", "russia", "russia helped", "russia helped", "totally financial", "wrong", "I laugh".
(493)don't believe-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "I don't believe this guy".
(494)the bedroom-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "your wanted in the bedroom", and I later saw pastor charles finnel and he said, "here".
(495)my death certificate-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said things like, "on my death certificate". I asked Jesus what will be on my death certificate and I saw me again and I said, "I'm apostolic".
(495b)supper time-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like charles finnel and he said, "suppers on".
(496)eunuch-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like tina knobby and she said, "be my husband", and I saw me and I said, "I'm not".
(497)get him out-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like charles finnell and he said things like, "Lord, get him out of here", "I want you".
(498)closed-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor spall and he said, "let me close", "financial".
(499)prophet does tell-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he may have said something like, "oh my God, prophet won't tell".
(500)hurry-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "bobby, please hurry".
(501)Man-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus, but, I'm not sure who He was. He was wearing a Robe that was a Brownish color and His Eyes were White and He said, "Mantle off".
(502)raise your Hands in the air to Jesus-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like Hands in the air.
(503)new wepons-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like the president of north korea and he said something like, "new weapons", and maybe, "we planned it right", "russia", "russia", "help", "he knows".
(504)Angelic-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like an angelic being and he said something like, "get ready to go to hell", "plan it", and I saw something like hell in the background". Sorry, not planning on going to hell.
(505)sensational-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he may have said things like, "I'll tell your right now", "this is sensational stuff". Enjoy in Jesus name!
(506)don't take advantage-visions recieved 8-2005-In one prat of the vision, I saw part of a woman and I heard, "take", and in the other part of the vision, I saw pastor spall and he said, "advantage", and maybe I saw pastor spall and he said, "satisfied".
(507)testify-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "testify".
(508)sold-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a young child and he said, "he sold".
(509)russia will destroy america-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a panda bear and it was running maybe in cirlces and was a baby and very small and kept running and growing, and growing and when it was all over this panda bear was huge. Russia is the bear and may seem harmless, but, they still have a large nuclear arsenal and will destroy america. A panda in a harmell bear.
(510)getting older-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a white Finger and IT wsa pointing at me and I heard something like, "you getting older".
(511)send half to mike-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like some king of Being. I could only see His White Hands and and Browish colored Robe and HE said, "give half to michael", and then I saw michael boldea in a vision and he said, "this is pretty cool".
(512)dean white-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like the assisstant pastor at heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and he said, "yor putting on a show".
(513)help-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "come help us".
(524)wanted on the phone-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "your wanted on the phone", and I saw hollie and she said something like, "call", or give me a call", or?
(525)the phone-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and or heard, "your wanted on the phone", "libraries called", and I saw the security guard who works there and he said something like, "hate bobby".
(526)don't bother-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "leave bobby alone". In one visions she said something like, "I ran you off", and in the next vision she said something like, "I want you back".
(527)I've got the message-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like the young man next to me and he said, "the message".
(528)being watched-vision recieved 8-12-2005-I was talking to Jesus about this woman that worked at a gas station that I noticed watching me and I wondered if she was after me and I saw her in visions and she said things like, "no, its the manager", "she's watching".
(529)back-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "cannon's back".
(530)radio-vision recieved 8-12-2005-I heard this, "your wanted on the radio". I don't know if I aw who said it or not.
(531)HOUSE OF PRAYER-vision recieved 8-12-2005-I was driving by legrande street and I saw a pastor who has a Church on that street and he said something like, "there's your Church". I saw a spirit that looked like pastor lannie caldwell in other visions and he said things like, "we want tithes". This is drexel gardens apostolic tabernacle, and I go there often now .
(532)kelly street-vision recieved 8-12-2005-On the same trip, I drove by kelly street and I saw an old girlfriend named kelly and she said things like, "adultery", "you need to call me".
(533)wanted on the phone-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman that was at speedway gas station and she said, "your wanted on the phone", and I said something like, "who's on the phone", and I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "prophet".
(534)the Truth and nothing but-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "tell me the Truth".
(535)I'm different-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "you sound different".
(536)one more chance-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "one more chance".
(537)wants it all-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor charles finnell and he said things like, "please help us", "I want everything".
(538)special-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like dr. michael tillery and he said, "prophet, your very special".
(539)show-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "witness is putting on a show".
(540)examine yourself-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "search me".
(541)tell people-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like a young man near me and he said, "tell people".
(542)dr. tillery will perish-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like dr. tillery and he let me know that he will perish.
(543)pastor delbert spall-vision received 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a lower part of a body and I may have heard, "take", and then I saw pastor spall and he said, "advantage".
(544)lost-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I'm lost".
(545)interceded for people-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a young woman and she said, "pray for me", "pray for me", "I burn".
(546)emergency-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I have an emergency".
(547)blaspheme-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I blaspheme". Seek to get it taken away by Jesus.
(548)twice-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a Face and it was like the background was black and the Face was outlined in like White Lite and He was holding up two Fingers that were outlined in Lite.
(549)hit russia-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like somebody and the said, "hit russia". I saw this president and he said, "no".
(550)generation x dress-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like two or three people. One man had his dress shirt untucked and unbuttoned, and you could see his chest and stomach. One woman had like a garment on that only covered her breasts and exposed much of her upper body.
(551)russia's in prophecy-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe somebody and here is what I heard, "russias in prophecy", and I saw dr. tillery and he said, "hit russia", "yeah", "thats what I want".
(552)Christ temple apostolic faith Church-vision recieved 8-13-2005-I heard something like, "Christ Temple follows finnell", and I saw pastor charles finnell in a vision and he said, "thats what I want", and maybe, "i fell", "your different", "go to Christ temple", "material", "I blasphemed".
(553)michael boldea-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "Lord, I never stopped serving You".
(554)the gathering-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like about 50 People sitting possibly at desks in a room and they all may have been wearing White Robes like Angels.
(555)do you worship your pastor-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "come and lift me up", "adidas", and maybe, "how come you insult me", "closed", "come and be with us", "again".
(556)michael boldea will have a vision-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "I had a new vision", and maybe, "he blasphemed", "financial".
(557)wants it back-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she may have said, "put It back on"
(558)heard-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe this president(bush) and he said something like, "lets hear him".
(559)the prophecy club-vision recieved 8-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, "put him on the prophecy club".
(560)wondering-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "these true"(She help print a a new page that had russia war plans visions on it and she saw the name of the page).
(561)out-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "i want a vision", "out".
(562)blapheme is on the Christian destruction path-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something about committing blaspheme.
(563)you must get into the condition where the Holy Ghost can lead you-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "I only accepted Jesus".
(564)chat rooms-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "chat rooms".
(565)suicide-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she said, "teen suicide".
(566)lost Mantle-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he said, "I lost Mantle".
(567)blaspheme can bring you down-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "you know who I blasphemed", and I saw me and I said, "prophet". Ask Jesus to take away or remove or purge your blaspheme against the Holy Ghost.
(568)be lead by Jesus-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "can I eat lunch".
(569)loose-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe a young man and he said, "tell I'm loose", and maybe, "thats goshen".
(570)share visions hollie-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "share your vision", "I didn't", "stomach", "blaspheme", thats the Word", "but I'm a Christian".
(571)lost-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "lost".
(572)wanting to see me-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said things like, "boy I'd love to see you", "comitted blaspheme". I'm only about a mile from the bible Church and they have service in about 2 hours and 51 minutes. I may get to go.
(573)religion is not led by the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor thomas simison and he said, "religion".
(574)hollie-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "religion".
(575)stupid-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe the woman behind me and she may have said, "I done something very stupid I'm not going to tell you".
(576)no apology necessary-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said something like, "who did I blaspheme", and I saw me and I said, "prophet", and he said, 'i'm sorry".
(577)don't witness-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "leave me alone", "I'm just a show".
(578)let Jesus exalt you-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "I want to be number one", and maybe, "take advantage".
(579)let Jesus be the Boss-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "your boss".
(580)won't listen-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I won't hear him".
(581)blaspheme-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said, 'blaspheme is taken away", and maybe, "now I hate you".
(582)guest speaker-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe pastor simison and he said, "guest speaker", and I saw me and I said, "use me".
(583)hollie-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "this is moody", "blaspheme will not be taken off".
(584)shape up or ship out-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "your headed for reduction", and maybe something about mercy.
(585)once-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "I only blasphemed once".
(585)Mantle-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said, "the Mantle", "keep it".
(586)keep the Mantle- recieved 8-17-2005-I heard, "keep the Mantle".
(587)entertain Jesus-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "i was acting retarded".
(588)backslider-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "were all backslided".
(589)me-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "moody", and I saw moodie and she said, "I want religion".
(590)message-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe the woman behind me and she said, 'I have to give bob a message".
(591)blaspheme-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "committed blaspheme", "put me in hell".
(592)Jesus can take the visions away-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "no visions", and I may have seen a Man that looked like Jesus and He may have said, "is that all you want".
(593)somebody is having an emergence-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said, "emergency", "cai'nt fast", "you know what I heard".
(594)quarterback-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "quarterback".
(595)maybe ministryofdreams is put in your path to stop you from perishing-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "your heading for destruction", "get your hands off me". It may have been irving baxter jr.
(596)interesting-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor sugget and he said, "just let him talk".
(597)wanting my Mantle-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor tom sugget and he said things like, "give Mantle", and something about maybe taking it.
(598)us It or Loose It-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she said, "use it".
(599)help-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she said, "help me".
(600)what does Jesus think-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "do you think I'm special".
(601)religion is doing your own thing-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor sugget and he said something like, "want religion".
(602)tina Synesael McWhorter-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she may have said, "heard about tina", and I saw tina Synesael McWhorter and she said things like, "I'm closing", "I'm history".
(603)real estate-vision recieved 8-17-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like tina sinnesaw and she said, "real estate", "ask for mercy", and maybe, 'I wish I had a vision". I asked Jesus to give her one if He Will.
(604)mr. and mrs. kimbele-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like mr. and mrs. kimbel from agape apostolic Church in indianapolis. Mr. kimbele said things like, "I blaspheme", "cut me off", "witch", and mrs kimbele said things like, "that ain't right", "I'm out", "its true", "your Mantle", "that ain't no prophet", "take his Mantle off", "I'm redundant", etc.
(605)mrs. luster-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like mrs. luster and she said things like, "embarras me", "I need him", "I lost my money", "thats my Mantle", "you left me", "the the Church", "your going to blaspheme the Holy Ghost tonight", "I'm an ex prophet", "prophet stand", "please help me", "return", "send the prophet back here", "its for me", "the Mantle's yours", "tell us to get back", "save the prophet", "ask me how I got cut off", "set up", "apostolic", "dying", "heaven", "bloodstains", "blaspheme", "doubted", "back again", "accident", "mercy", "made me jelous", "I fooled ya", "can't prove it", "press more", "prophet", "bobby touch Him", "theres a propeht", "witch", "my husband ready to sell it", "high price", "done sold", "prophet you sold", "you put It off", "I'm naked", "your running to and fro", and I saw me and I said, "I was sent", "please tell me", and maybe, "take some of them back", "false religions", "my last chance", "glory to God", "please tell on me", "I need you", "television fine", "give me the Mantle", "left me", "you made IT", "Mantle off", "my husband", "I'm a witch", "fast". I beleive all these were first lady luster of the upper room Church.
(606)telephone call-vision recieved 8-2005-I heard something like, "your wanted on the phone", and I mayh ave asked who wanted me", and In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he may have said, "me", and in the last vision I saw a man and he said something to me.
(607)elder luster-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor luster and he said things like, "your welcome", "apostle", "Gods Trumpet sound for me", "shut down", "this is yours", "devil was trying to give me something", "please help me"(i may have seen mrs luster and she said soemthing like, "he cain't"), "thats you", "thier false", "you comitted blaspheme", "lets perish together", "your not", "you an apostle", "come and preach", "wednesday night", "tell a lot of people", "to late", "backstabber", "save your wallet", "I blew It", "your allowed", "to late for you", "you know what I did", and maybe, "I blasphemed", "religion", "past away", "Mantles yours", "you look scared", "thats the Mantle", "I backed off", not proven". I sw mrs luster and she said, "luster", and I saw pastor luster and he said, "you are welcome".
(608)work for Jesus or get cut off-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "closing".
(609)cut off-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "cut off".
(610)cut off-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "cut off", "you could tell he's psychic".
(611)are your really-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like mr. kimble from agape apostolic Church and he said, "I am", "out".
(612)will perish-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "the lake", "against you".
(613)economic collapse coming to usa-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like the prophetess hollie and she said something like, "the economy's getting ready to slow down", "tell my buisness", "I want your pants off", "prophet done", "going to the lake".
(614)Lords is the Boss-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "be with us".
(615)man revelations-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "I need the money", "I blaspheme", "you witness to me", and I saw him or maybe hollie or somebody else say, "moody don't sin much", "blaspheme".
(615)jelous-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'm jelous".
(616)fervant praying will get Gods attention-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like me and I was praying hard.
(617)embarras-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe pastor luster and he said, "embarras me", "your putting on a show", "I ain't nothin but a backslider", "come and tell it to me", "us", "he's fag", "were done", "blaspheme was taken off this morning", "jealous", "thank you", "sacrifice", "have to keep wallet", and I may have seen me and I said, "it'll cost you money".
(618)dying-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like sis and she said, "you made me pass", "He ain't gonna save", "I'm an exprophet".
(619)talk when Jesus wants you to-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "you talk to much".
(620)the screams of hollie-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she was screaming. In other visions, I saw her and she said things like, "I'm a witch", "I'm moody", "I lust".
(621)debbie-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like debbie and she said things like, "I heard It", "Jesus help me".
(622)the bedroom-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said, "your wanted in the bedroom", and I saw hollie and she said, "help", "I'm adultery", "witch".
(623)irving baxter-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said things like, "we need you to post", "get louder", "bomb the computer", "hopital", "o my God", "witness is a prophet", "Mantles on prophet", and maybe, "elisha wore It".
(624)blowing It mrs. kimble-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like mrs. kimble and she said, "blowing It".
(625)pastor Chris amonett-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like upci pastor chris and he said things like, "I'm out", "I'm an exprophet", "cut off", "your putting ona show", "That hurts me", "turn me off", "whats he doing", and I saw his wife in a vision and she said, "he wants the Church", and I saw chris and he said, "I was scared", "see me", "I blasphemed", "adultery", "hell", "failed our test", and he may have let me know what he would take for the Church. iT is possible that I saw mrs amonett in some of these.
(626)the amonetts prophesy-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor chris and he said, "Indianapolis", and I saw his wife and she said, "burn", "pay my bills", ".
(627)good morning hollie-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "an exprophet", "this is moodie", "cut off", "ministryofdreams".
(627)thomas-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like thomas and he said things like, "you blowed".
(628)did chris amonett beleive my testimony-vision recieved 8-2005-I asked a question like the above, and In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like Chris amonett's wife, and she said, "he didn't', "call me a blasphemer".
(629)buisness-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, "my buisness".
(630)blown-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I blew It".
(631)donny winters-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like donny winters and he said things like, "go to westside".
(632)drought-vision recieved 8-2005-In this vision, I saw like a river drying up.
(633)russia will attack alaska first-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like russian president putin and he said, "hit alaska", "I did it".
(634)endure-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I can't take It".
(635)will terrorists target railroad tracks-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he may have said things like, "bomb", "rail road tracks".
(636)michael sheppard-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike sheppard is his name I believe, and he said things like, "my name is sheppard", "michael".
(637)mrs. luster-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like first lady lady of the upper room Church and she said, "cause bob", "I got Mantle again".
(638)cursed-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "motherfukcker".
(639)work-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "give me some money".
(640)offer-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe pastor luster and he said, "make off", and may have told me what he would take for the Upper room Church".
(640)kyle woods-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like kyle and he said, "defeated", "hurt my feelings", "mercy", "that helped me".
(641)no-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "no".
(642)pastor james e. tyson from Christ Church apostolic-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like james and he said things like, "I'm a witch", "leave it alone", and I saw his blind daughter and she said things like, "were all cut off", and maybe, "bedroom"(this usally represents the fallen Church), "me", "need the prophet". I saw a spirit that looked like pastor james tyson again and he said things like, "tell the prophet to come on down", "we'll baptise him in Jesus name", "take my talent", "you know how I blew", "I'm sleeping with a backslider", "Christ Church is a backslider", "call", "didn't recognize your talent", "I didn't Fill ya", "pay the ransome", and maybe, "thats it".
(643)Holy Ghost baptism required-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pator luster and he said, "git the Holy Ghost", "closed", and I saw pator james e. tyson and he said, "you need It".
(644)humble yourself before Jesus and He will exalt you-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "humble yourself".
(645)the united states in the MYSTERY, BABYLON- recieved 8-2005-I heard while praying, and may have seen who said It", "MYSTERY, BABYLON is america". Thats in REVELATION 17.
(646)diamond chain-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "diamond chain".
(647)new york city under attack-vision recieved 8-2005-I heard, "new york city", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he said, "attack".
(648)smoking is sin-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he was smoking and I heard something like, "smokin", and I saw a woman and she said, "is sin".
(649)done-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mrs. luster and she said something like, "your done"
(650)oil-vision recieved 10-21-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, oil, more, thats what we need, is what iraq was about, and oil is what iran is about, and stephen hanson said, I know it's oil, and this president said, afghanistan has a bunch, and I saw the president of afghanistan and he sang, leave it alone, it belongs to and putin said, a, and the president said, russia, politboro, and stephen said, politburo, and the presdient of afghanstan and steve said, is, and the president of afghanistan said, politboro, and this presisdent said, united states has sattelite, and the woman that goes to brother bullocks Church said, leave me alone, that, was Gabriels Face, and what THis Face looked like was a Mans face that was made of LIGHT, and He had on like an old roman soldier hat, and the woman from pedrino's auto shop said, and the old roman soldier's hat and another woman said, stands, and the other woman said, for judgement, and this president had the wheel chair man's voice sometimes.
(651)Jesus sings a new Song-vision received 10-30-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like Jesus, and He sang over and over, and I sang wome with Him, we were set free by the Holy ONe, and I was talking to Him about the song of Moses.
(652)the mark of the beast-vision recieved 11-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, dumitru, and he said, 666, and you saw, and the speeway woman said, 666, and that, and hollie said, is not, and the speedway woman said, the mark of the beast, and hollie said, the beast is 666, and the speedway woman said, the middle 6 is a flanged cross, and stephen said, 666 is the mark of the beast.
(653)done-vision recieved 12-29-2005-God has let me hear a woman and she said, when He means finised He means finished.
(654)live for Jesus like He wants you to-vision recieved 12-31-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: you thief hollie said, live for God like He wants or not all all, aman.
(655)russia will attack america and then be attacked by china-vision recieved 1-7-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: russia will attack out of cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and then be attacked by china, aman, china is magog, aman.
(656)follow Jesus-vision recieved 2-1-2006-God has showed me the Lord of Hosts, and He, popped out of, Jesus, Mouth, and He said, danger.
(657)don't backslide-vision recieved 3-13-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: if you, back, slide, you cannot, get, thru, if, you, don't, want to, follow, Jesus, don't, pray, thru, to, be, gin, with, or, you will, be, worse, off.
(658)israel is the apple of God's eye's-vision recieved 4-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: israel, is, chosen, by, Jesus, to be, the, land, for, the, jew's, not, the, philistines, the palestinian state, nuke, out of, iraq.
(659)write down your visions-vision recieved 10-31-2006-in this vision, I saw hollie, and she wrote, write the vision.
(600)mrs. donald winters dyes her hair-vision recieved 2-19-2007-in a vision, I saw mrs. winters of westside pentecostal church and she had black hair and is old, and in another, maybe her said, Im out, and her or sombody else said, "i hurt'.
(601)the birth of 666 between the king of the north and the king of the south-visions recieved 4-10-2007-in a vision, I saw 666 come up and I saw hu hintao and the pope, and I saw the pope signing and hu signing, and nuclear weapons aimed at each other, from china and russia, and russia said, "otyre", on it, and china said, "magog" on it.
(602)syria attacked-visions recieved 4-10-2007-I saw the angel of the LOrd, and he said, syria, and I saw an explosion and it looked like damascus came out and I saw bush planning writing strike out of iraq.
(1)call-vision received 9-9-2005-In this vision, I saw this female pastor and she said, "call".
(2)money-vision recieved 10-4-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "I want money".
(3)teaching visions-vision recieved 10-4-2004-in this vision, and I'm going by memory, I believe I saw the words, "teaching visions".
(4)the spam artists visions-visions recieved 10-6-2004-I was praying and ato Jesus about the spam artist, and I saw him in visions, and he said things like, "snake", "I have a reason", "I got killed", "let me sin".
(5)nuclear war in iraq-vision recieved 10-6-2004-while praying, I heard, "iraq", and I said what about iraq, and I twice saw president Bush in visions, and he said something like, "I'm going to nuke'em".
(6)rodney dangerfield-visions recieved 106-2004-I was asking Jesus where rodney dangerfield is, and I saw him in visions, and he said things like, "lake of fire", "I'm in hell", "I'm healed".
(7)angelic visitor-vision recieved 10-6-2004-while with a pastor, I saw an all white angel in a vision, and He said, "he wants you to follow him".
(8)angelic-visions recieved 10-7-2004-in two visions, I saw the white face of an angel, and He said, "I'm angelic".
(9)jeff gordon-visions recieved 10-7-2004-in visions, I saw jeff gordon, and he said, "I'm jeff", "I'm cut off".
(10)brittany spears-visions recieved 10-7-2004-in this vision, I saw and heard, "brittany spears", and I saw her in another vision, and she said, "i'm in hell". How can one escape hell if they neglect the righteous salvation of God. In another vision, I believe it was her, I heard this, "God cut me off".
(11)prophet-vision recieved 10-7-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "bobby, you a prophet".
12)preach-vision reiceved 10-7-2004-while walking away from a church service, I saw the pastor in a vision, and he said, "come back and talk". I ran back and talked with the pastor, and Lords will, I will preach there next wednesday.
(13)give-visions recieved 10-7-2004-twice in visions, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair and beard, and He said, "give". This took place at church.
(14)what are relationships about-vision recieved 10-7-2004-in this vision, I saw this former girlfriend, and she said, "Please comfort me".
(15)doubted-vision recieved 10-7-2004-in this vision, I saw this former pastor, and he said, "you ain't no prophet".
(16)visions of Jesus-visions recieved 10-7-2004-in one vision, I saw Jesus and He said, "bobby, come home", and in the other HE said, "their laughing". He had brown hair.
(17)tell-vision recieved 10-7-2004-I was asking Jesus to appear to me with beard or without beard, meaning one or the other, not both ways so I could be more accurate in recording, and I saw Jesus in a vision, and He said, "tell". He had brown hair, and I don't know if HE had a beard or not, it happened to fast.
(18)prophet-vision recieved 10-7-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and HE said, "your a prophet".
(19)scripture-vision recieved 10-7-2004-this vision, happened quick, and I'm not sure I'm accurate, but, I saw a city bus that had an advertising sign on the side of it, and I believe the sign said this, "2 THESSALONIANS 2:3".
(20)vision-vision recieved 108-2004-in this vision, I saw my former pastor and he said, "I had a vision".
(21)visit-vision recieved 10-8-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "come and talk, your welcome".
(22)pray for me-vision recieved 10-8-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "pray for me".
(23)the message is out-vision recieved 10-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "it finally got out".
(24)scott petterson-vision recieved 10-8-2004-in this vision, I saw scott petterson, and he said, "I killed".
(25)pastor wanting vision-visions recieved 10-8-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "give us a dream", and I saw him in another vision, and he said, "I want revival". There is his dream. I saw that pastor in a vision and he said, "I need all things done".
(26)new palestinian state will be destroyed-vision recieved 10-8-2004-this happened very quick, so I will just say if it was from God, then let me have it again. In it I saw president Bush, and he said, "take out the palestinian state".
(27)it's the WORD-vision recieved 10-8-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair and beard, and HE said something like, "it's the WORD". I had other Jesus visions today.
(28)Jesus Christ revelations-visions received 10-22-2004-I saw Jesus in many visions, and He had brwon hair, and He said thinngs like, "I AM Jesus Christ", "Jesus Christ", "push bobby", "yes you are", etc.
(29)being mocked for my testimony-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this man I witnessed to, and he said something like, "I thought it was funny".
(30)allowed-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, I saw like a woman spirit and she said, "He allowed you to do it".
(31)lost-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this man and he said, "I'm lost".
(32)false plan of salvation is no good-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "I've only accepted Jesus". This is a man made plan of salvation that is not in the king james bible, and will do you no good.
(33)prophet-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I'm a prophet". It was like her spirit.
(34)economic crash coming to america-visions received 1022-2004-in the firs vision, I saw president Bush, and he said, "the economy's", and in the second vision, I saw a man, and he said, "it will collapse".
(35)wanting a vision-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "I want a vision".
(36)want a different heart-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, I saw like a womans spirit, and she said, "do you want a different heart".
(37)cut off-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I'm cut off".
(38)visions of president Bush-visions received 10-22-2004-in visions I saw president Bush, and he said things like, "two more years", "the plan", "your wanted".(39)my marketing rights-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, I saw me and I said, "my marketing rights"
(40)heart attack-vision received 10-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "bobby had a heart attack".
(41)hell-vision received 10-22-2004-I was reading about the young girl who was killed at the boston red soxx game and I was asking Jesus where she is now, and I beleive I quickly saw her in a vision, and she said, "hell". I believe I just saw president Bush in a vision, and he said something like, "she went to the lake".
(42)awesome-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a young mans face, and he said, "awesome".
(43)go to the computer-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision I saw someone, and hey said, "go to the computer".
(44)revelation-vision received 10-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "I'm gett ready to ask yu something".
(45)next speaker-vision received 10-29-2004-about three times, I saw a man with dark hair and a mustache, and he said "your my next speaker". He did not say exactly this all 3 times though.
(46)who will win governor of Indiana-vision received 10-2004-I was asking Jesus who would win governor of Indiana, and I saw the current governor, joe kernan in a vision, and he said, "mitch daniels".(fullfulled)
(47)visions of president Bush-visions received 11-3-2004-in visions, I saw president Bush, and he said things like, "I failed", "I never accepted", "I want al-qaeda", etc.
(48)adulterer-vision received 11-3-2004-I witnessed to a young lady, and I saw her in a vision, and she said, "I'm in adultery".
(49)would-vision received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair, and He said, "I would".
(50)reaching the lost-visions received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw a young lady I witnessed to and she said something like, "I've got the Holy Ghost". I did not feel it coming from her voice. I later saw her in another vision, and she said, "I'm naked". This means no Spirit of God. Lots of people think they have the Holy Ghost, but, don't.
(51)come to "victory tabernacle"-visions received 11-3-2004-in probably 20 visions, I saw the pastor at "victory tabernacle" church in indianapolis, which is an apostolic church, and he kept saying, "come to victory tabernacle". In another vision, he was asking me why I lied to him, which I did not. There were other visions. I find that lots of churches preach and teach THE ACTS 2:38, but, they themselves have not done it, or did do it, and went back on Jesus.
(52)cut off-visions received 11-3-2004-twice in visions I saw this young woman, and she let me know she was cut off. She is probably about 18 years old. If you reject Jesus when He calls, HE may reject when you call. You don't play games with Jesus. He is not a man.
(53)Indiana state senate-vision received 11-3-2004-I know the man who ran for the state senate in indiana, and I was wondering if he won, and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "no".(verifed. he lost)
(54)interesting-vision received 11-10-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "interesting". The visions Jesus gave me are.
(55)please help-vision recieved 11-10-2004-a man went past me in a wheel chair, and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "please help". I'd love to see the Holy Ghost raise him out.
(56)my name-vision received 11-10-2004-in this vision, I saw a girl and she said something like, "want your name".
(57)warning is serious-vision received 11-10-2004-in this vision, I saw a step relative that I ran into today, and he said, "are you serious".
(58)wanting a prophecy-vision received 11-10-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "tell me something".
(59)always pray for Jesus to protect-vision recieved 11-10-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman walking down the street, and she is about 35 years old, and has the mind of a baby, and I heard something like this, "anybody could grab her". This is true.
(60)help us pray-vision received 11-10-2004-in this vision, I saw david wilkerson, and he said, "help us pray bobby".
(61) judgment to america-vision received 11-2004-in this vision, it was like I saw all of america, and it was like an animated map, and I was above it in the air, and the states were all separated by borderlines, and the nation was a light tan color. I saw like a neon bright neon colored shaft of light heading down to one of the states I think was near the east coast, but, not on it. There may have been other neon shafts of light with it, and when it or they traveled, it left its streak so it could be traced, like if someone was drawing a line and it was kind of dark, like when the sun goes down. When the light hit the state, it exploded into a masive explosion that jumped int the atmosphere. I'm going by memory on this. I wasn't going to record it, but, I believe Jesus was dealing with me to record it. I just saw a man in a vision that had dark brown hair and beard, and He said, "make up your mind".
(62)economy collapsing in united states of america-vision received 11-19-2004-in this vision, I saw like a white female spirit and she said something like, "were collapsing".
(63)referred to as the devil-vision received 11-19-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "your the devil".
(64)I will see her again-vision received 11-19-2004-I asked Jesus to never let me cross pasths with this one young woman again, and I saw Jesus in a vision, and He had brown hair, and HE said, "you will".
(65)can I have your autograph-vision received 11-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "can I have your autograph".
(66)what do people think-vision received 11-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, something like, "is bob for real". I was going to tach a scripture on that, and I saw a man in a vision, and HE said, "don't write". Maybe it was the wrong scripture. Lets try this one.
(67)Mohammed Omar-visions recieved 12-5-2004-in the first vision, I saw Omar, and he said "china", and I asked about china, and I saw the president of china in a vision, and he said something like, "could we help".
(68)getting in troble-vision recieved 12-5-2004-while praying, I heard this, "your getting in trouble", and I asked how I was getting in trouble or who with, and I saw president bush, and he said, "united states".
(69)praise the Lord Jesus-vision recieved 12-17-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw a woman and she said, "praise".
(70)suffer for Jesus-vision recieved 12-17-2004-in this vision, I saw the face of a man and He said, "suffer".
(71)likes to sin-vision received 1-1-2004-in this vision, I saw a young woman I witnessed to and she said, "I like to sin".
(72)your alright-vision received 1-1-2005-in many visions I saw Jesus and others and one thing Jesus said was "Your allright". I was driving and when I got to about the intersection or before the light changed to caution and there is ared light camera there. In another vision I saw Jesus and He had like graying brown hair and beard and He said, "your o'k. This was on 1-2-2005 In another vision, I saw somebody and they said, "you made it".
(73)president bush is after al-qaeda-vision received 1-2-2005 in this vision I saw president bush and he said, "I hunt al-qaeda". In another vision, I saw palestinian leader abbas and he said, "I'm al-qaeda".
(74)asking Jesus when someone would die-vision received 1-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said something like, "when judgement hits america. That's when.
(75)scared of me-visions received 1-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm scared of You". I asked Jesus why, and I saw her again in another vision and she said, "he's a prophet".
(76)when Jesus works on you, people will not recognize you-vision received 1-2-2005-in this vision I saw a woman and she said something like, "I don't hardly recognize you".
(77)waiting for a letter-vision received 1-2-2005-in this vision, I saw this young woman and she said, "I'll write to you".
(78)vincent price-vision received 1-2-2004-in this vision, I saw vincent price and he said, "I'm in hell".
(79)if Jesus has brought you out, stay out-vision received 1-2-2005-in this vision, I'm at like a college basketball game or heard it on t.v. or radio, and Next I'm mowing a lawn and an old friend is there. He says somethings to me and all of a sudden I want to fit in with him again and want to say things that will win his favor. Other things were said and or happened. If Jesus has brought you out, stay out.
(78)get busy for Jesus-vision received 1-2-2005-in this vision, I 'm agree to mow a womans lawn and maybe do other things in the yard. Bushes and or branches were growing thru the fence and she wanted to know if I was going to take care of those and I let her know I was even though it was not part of the deal and i did not raise the price. She said something like, "your o.k. if we can get you going".
(79)jamming with guns n roses-vision received 1-2-2005-in this vision, I don't remember what I saw, but, what I heard. I heard guns n roses sing a hard rock song that was spiritual. It was so neat. It was bad. It was cool. It would be number one for a long time if it were released. The chorus went something like, "now please see me thru".
(80)people can look on fire and sound on fire for Jesus, but, the love of money and things is sending souls to hell-vision received 1-8-2005-I witnessed to a man that was wearing a hat that had a cross on it. On the dash of his car you coulld see a bible. I saw him in a vision and he said something like, "we want material".
(81)russia will invade alaska-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw russia president putin and he said something like, "I need alaska". In another vision, I saw someone and they said, "were under attack". Were bing the usa.
(82)you have got to pay the price Jesus rquires out of you everyday or your lost-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He ahd brown hair and beard and HE said something like, "pay your price".
(83)I mostly force my testimony-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "force" and I heard, "you force". If I did not, lots of people would never hear. It's possible it was the word "forced".
(84)agape world-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I believe I saw the words "agape world". I certainly remember the word "agape". I think agape means "unconditional love" which is exactly what Jesus showed when He sacrificed Himself.
(85)I'm telling what I was shown-vision recieved 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "he's lying".
(86)buisnesses are closing in america-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw like a gas station, and it had about 10 or 12 signs taped to the window that all said, "CLOSED". I saw president bush in a vision and he said something like, "were getting our economy back".
(87)Jesus Christ-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "I'm Jesus".
(88)destruction is here-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "destruction". Look at all the destruction that is going on.
(89)do you slumber-vision received 1-9-2005-I did not write this vision down detailed, but, I wrote the word similar to "slumbered" down which I seem to remember seeing. Slumbering is wasting your time.
(90)fair-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "fair". I think this applies to a question I was asking Jesus about the level of transmission fluid in my car and He ranked it fair, which may be good enough. I want an excellent rating. I'm going to tach a scripture on this that probably has nothing to do with the vision.
(91)do you love the things of the world, if so, your cheating on God-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "adulterer".
(92)has president bush fallen-vision received 1-9-2005-in this vision, I saw president bush and I heard this, "he's fallen".
(93)accelerating fast is hard on normal automatic transmissions-vision received 1-9-2005-this happened fast and I wrote down the words, but, the vision or visions either both apply or one of them does. In a vision, I saw me accelerating real fast in my car and in another vision, I thouhgt I saw my transmission dipstick and the fluid level was full and it was so clean that the only way I knew it was full was the little holes in the dipstick were full and I beleive I heard something like, "keep it full". Here is what I heard about rapid accelerating, "paul, don't you behave yourself paul. Your tearing your transmission up." The deal was I was trying to find a good timing setting and I'd adjust it to a place and drive a little. I rarely mash my accelerator. My car has one of the weakest if not the weakest 4 clyinder fuel injected engines on the road.
(94)let the Lord Jesus fight the battle-vision received 1-23-2005-I was asking Jesus more of less if He wanted me to respond in the evnet of something and I saw a man with brown hair in a vision and HE said, "no". I saw Him many time's today in visions and He said different things to me.
(95)witnessing-vision received 1-23-2005-after I witnessed to a man, I walked away, then I saw him in a vision and he said, "tell me something".
(96)the visions Jesus gave me are interesting-vision received 1-23-2005-in this vision, I saw the face of a man and he said, "Interesting".
(97)with Jesus-vision received 1-23-2005-in this vision, I saw someone and what was said was this: "how does he do it".
(98)state trooper-vision received 1-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a police officer approach and say to me, "state trooper". I was probably in my car.
(99)police car-vision received 1-2005-in this vision, I saw a police car where my second car is parked in the driveway at the house I'm staying at. I don't know why it was there, and nobody was around it.
(100)not do post-vision received 1-23-2005-I was thinking about posting a vision and I saw a man who looked like dumitru duduman in a vision and he said, "leave it off".
(101)johnny carson-visions received 1-23-2005-I saw that Johnny carson died and I asked Jesus where he is now, and I very dimly saw a man whom I thought was johnny carson and he said something like, "I'm in hell".
(102)give vision-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a young man and he said, "why didn't you give me my vision".
(103)fight the Good fight-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "fight".
(104)heard-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "we heard you". I beleive I saw him in another one and he said something like, "I want material".
(105)preacher-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I believe I saw a man and I heard this, "preacher". I did not write enough detail down, but, I beleive it's accurate.
(106)hubble-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "hubble".
(107)lost-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "we lost bobby".
(108)can't stop-visions received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a young man and he said, "you ain't going to stop me", and I asked Jesus what I was trying to stop him from, and I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "from sinning".
(109)don't answer-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she answered a phone, and may have put it to her ear and hanged it up and she said, "don't answer that".
(110)change website-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw to change one of my website's again, and in in another vision, I was shown to change the color's.
(111)submit-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw like a button on a webpage or file manager and the word on the button was "submit"
(112)don't make shipwreck of your salvation-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "shipwreck" appear maybe one letter at a time.
(113)I will pray-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bob, I don't want you praying".
(114)time is running out-vision received 1-31-2005-in this I heard a woman screaming, "help me". in another vision, I heard a woman screaming, "hot".
(115)in trouble-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw the word's, "your in trouble", and they may have been like the title for a link page on a webpage.
(116)be-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "be".
(117)economic indicators-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw two I saw like a webpage that had two hexagon shaped line boxes on it and they were turned with the short side on the top and bottom. On about the top of both were numbers and I seemed to feel like one represented america's economic condition, and the other represented, perhaps, the euoropean nations. The one that represented the other nations had a number of about 26. The one that represented america had a number, and then it changed right before my eye's, which means it worsened. It changed to about 14.
(118)joy in serving Jesus-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw two word's, and one was "JOY". I heard this, "there is Joy".
(119)didn't check-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I didn't check".
(120)Hand of Help ministries-vision received 1-31-2005-in this vision, I saw the word's, "Hand Of Help Ministries". That is a ministry started by "dumitru duduman" under the direction of the Holy Ghost. Dumitru died about 5-97. THe Lord showed Dumitru many awesome visions about the future of america, and other visions as well. I will alway's suggest reading visions that Jesus gave dumitru and even buying his book, "thru the fire without burning". His visions appear on multitude's of websites, and I'm only suggesting reading what Jesus gave dumitru, not the rest of the websites. Some of the website's may have accurate stuff on them, but, one thing I do know is what Jesus gave dumitru duduman in accurate, so read that if you feel led.
(121)use wisdom-vision received 2-6-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "wisdom" in like a filemanger button for a website and I believe I heard, "use wisdom".
(122)iran-vision received 2-6-2005-in this vision, I heard, "let's hit iran". It came from an area where there was alot of light, and there seemed to be a man in all the light.
(123)witness-vision received 2-6-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "witness", and I saw a man with dark hair and he said, "are witness".
(124)it's not wise to become involved again in something you have been delivered from-visions received 2-8-2005-in a vision, I saw the word, 'houses', and I later saw a woman and she said something like, "it's a trap".
(125)angelfire-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the angelfire page that appears when you click onto angelfire.
(126)prophet-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "you know your a prophet".
(127)Jay-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "Jay". There may have been other words there.
(128)play-doh-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a very young child and she said something like, "I like play-doh".
(129)turtle wax-vision received 2-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard, "turtle wax".
(129)trap-vision received 2-2005-in this vision, I saw bin laden and I heard this, "trap".
(130)a wish-vision received 2-19-2005-in this vision, I believe I saw a child and he said, "give us a wish".
(131)be nice-vision received 2-19-2005-in this vision, I saw a little girl and she said, "be nice".
(132)picture's of the "ministryofdreams" man-vision recieved 2-19-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "we want pictures".
(133)what someone thinks-vision received 2-19-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "you ain't nothing but an imitation".
(134)american aircraft carriers-vision received 2-19-2005-in this vision, I saw about 4 to 6 give or take ships which I thought were america's aircraft carriers and I heard this, "next in line". It made me feel that usa was going to retire them.
(135)wait on Jesus-vision received 2-19-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and I believe He was dressed in blue jeans and HE had brown hair and I believe a beard and and HE said, "wait on me".
(136)believe-visions received 2-19-2005-in vision, I saw a man and he said, "I believe".
(137)it takes Jesus to show you-vision received 2-19-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "what if I don't understand".
(138)close-vision received 2-19-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby, were close".
(139)He lives-vision received 2-19-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "he lives". Then in another vision, I saw me writing it down, "he".(140)ptfe-vision recieved 3-10-2005-in this vision, I saw me shking my gallon jug of ptfe. I don't know if I'm going to put in the engine of the car I'm driving. I used ptfe in my cars for years now, but, now I know that good oil and filter is really all you need. Oil leaves a coating, and there are some filters that have anti-drain back valves, which means, the engine get oil very quick.
(141)all things possible with Jesus-in this vision, and I'm going by memory, and it may be on this site or another one somewhere, I saw words, "the farthest things are possible with God".
(142)the end closing in fast-vision recieved 3-10-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "theend".
(143)come to college-vision recieved 3-10-2005-in this vision, I saw dr. willie duncan of the muskegan bible college and he said, "come to college".
(144)no-vision recieved 3-10-2005-in this vision, I saw somebody and they said, "no".
(145)trouble-vision recieved 3-10-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "there's trouble".
(146)gas prices will come down-vision recieved 3-10-2005-while praying, I heard, "gasoline", and I may have saw who said it, and I saw a white woman spirit in a vision and she said, "it's coming down".
(147)cut off-vision recieved 3-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she let me know that she is cut off.
(148)witch-vision received 3-24-2005-in this vision, I saw pastor william harris of victory tabernacle apostolic church and he said, "I'm a witch". I believe I saw him in other visions and he said things like, "hurting nobody", "it's not a problem".
(149)witch-vision received 3-24-2005-in this vision, I saw this old man and he said, "witch".
(150)avoid-vision received 3-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "stay out of here".
(151)is Israel silently in on the iraq war-vision received 3-24-2005-in vision or visions, I seriouly wonder if israel in in on the iraq war. In one, I heard, "Israel". I may have seen the person speaking it to me. IN the second vision, I saw a man and he said, "there suppost to be helping". I should have recorded more details.
(152)message-vision received 3-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "message".
(153)revelations of a woman-visions received 3-24-2005-in visions, I believe I saw terry shiavo and she said things like, "He already cut me off", "I overslept", "I sinned".
(154)mouth-vision received 3-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a man point at his closed mouth with his finger, possibly suggesting I close mine. Not!
(155)don't advise from me-vision received 3-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "don't advise".
(156)coffee-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "coffee".
(157)america's economy will collapse-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw this female pastor named Jerry and she said, 'no it ain't".
(158)MSN-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw either, "MSN", or "".
(159)rebuked-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a young woman and she said, "you want me", "you know what you did". This girl already told me in a vision, "I'm not your friend".
(160)zine2/ministryofdreams-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw, "zine2/ministryofdreams", which may have been on the sign in page of this website. Jesus had reason for showing me this.
(161)there is Joy in serving Jesus-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "Joy".
(162)not planning on fighting-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw pastor harris and he said, "come and fight". I saw him in another vision and he said something like, "I liked him".
(163)jelousy is a killer-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "actually, I'm jelous". I saw her in another vision and she said, "speaker".
(164)can hear-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I can hear it".
(165)vaseline-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "vaseline", and it may have been on the label of a bottle of vaseline petroleum jelly.
(167)save-vision received 4-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "save".
(168)Judas betrayed Jesus-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the name, "Judas".
(169)trying to be saved-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bob, how are you doing".
(170)wolf-visions received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a wolf, that looked different than wolves we see pictures of or on t.v.. It's like it had a dark colored hair that almost seemed to be like it was animated and possibly glowing a little bit as the wolf walked. Then I saw my former pastor and heard his name, "brother barger". (171)52-7-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw something like, "52/7". I may have also seen the word, "SPALMS". I just read SPALMS 52:7, and whoevers foot fits that shoe is in trouble.
(172)time to go on-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "it's time to leave".
(173)there may be people that want my licence plate number-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw pastor harris and he said, "licence plate".
(174)time to post visions-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a Man and He said, "go to the computer".
(175)back to church-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a Man with and He said something like, "lets go to church".
(176)witches and witchcraft running crazy in america-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm a witch". It may have been a spirit.
(177)blood on hands-vision received 4-8-2005-in a vision, I saw a man and he said, "I've got blood stains, and he may have been on his knees and was holding his hands up, and they may have had blood on them. The thing that troubled me was, this man looked like me. This stunned me, and put me on the defence. Jesus later gave me a vision, and I saw a man and he said, "where's your bloodstains at" and I saw my hands and they were clean. It's very possible this internet ministry has more of an outreach that I can imagine. I'm going by memory, but, it seems like these visions went along with this one. I may have seen a Man and or heard, "you made Me a promise", and that was if Jesus gave me visions, I'd write them down and or post. I'm now received so many visions, while I'm doing what ever that this promise is about if not impossible to keep. I've received many visions while typing in these visions, and I love it. Flood me with them Lord. I started talking to Jesus about this. I know these visions are for me and others. I saw a man with dark hair and he said something like, "bloodstains", and more was said.
(177b)visions and dreams are from Jesus-vision received 5-24-2005-I said something like, "the visions and dreams", and I saw a white man in a vision and he said something like, "are from the devil". The devil trails me and lies.
(178)taking advantage is wrong-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "advantage". I will never sale the gifts Jesus has given to me, or try to profit from them. NEVER.
(179)fix-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw pastor harris and he said, "fix". I don't believe I have anything to fix. These visions came from Jesus and I'm required to post. In another vision, which I may have posted, I saw pastor harris and he said something like, "I'm just a show".
(180)is bobby knight going to ohio state-visions received 4-8-2005-In visions, I saw and heard, "bobby knight" and In the next vision he said something like, "I'm going to ohio".
(181)1 hour-vision received 4-2004-In this vision, I saw this, "1 hour".
(182)sun and moon will be blocked out for 16 hours when america gets attacked-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw the moon and dark smoke was heading toward it.
(183)ministry of dreams-vision received 4-12-2005-In this vision, I saw and maybe heard, "MINISTRYOFDREAMS". That's my main website.
(184)aid-vision received 4-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "we want aid". I saw him in other visions and he said things like, "that liar", "how do I find you", "you ain't going to pastor", "heres some of that one thousand I owe you", ect.
(185)the screams of the doomed-visions received 4-12-2005-In many visions, I saw like white spirits and I felt they were in hell. The sreams and cryings I heard is bringing tears to my eyes. These screams were unimaginable. I saw this woman and she was screaming, "fuck you", "fuck you", and other things. This other woman said things like, "I'm lost", "I'm in hell". One was talking I believe about her hands being on fire. There were many. I just saw a woman and she was screaming and she said something like, "put me hell".
(186)suicide-vision received 4-12-2005-In this vision, I saw like a utility pole and there was like a cardboard sign on it that had the name, "Chris", on it, and then I saw chris in a vision and he said, "suicide".
(187)the Master prays for me-vision received 4-12-2005-I don't remember details, but, I believe Jesus told me that He would pray for me, and after He did, I got exactly what He prayed for. I will say this almost holding back tears, never underestimate the power of God, or put limits on what He is able to do. The last about week and a half has been a whipping like you could never imagine. It took much prayer, and Jesus clearly told me what he wanted from me. He got everything He wanted. This has been the most scary walk in my life that has ever existed. I was so afraid of God, that sometimes when I drove or walked, I was trembling with fear so bad, I was shaking bigtime. I feel I delivered now. Only God knows His Word, and In another vision, I saw Jesus and HE had brown hair, and He said something like, "I forgive who ever I want". In one of these visions, I saw some buns, and they may have been mine, and I believe this even has Gods attention. I more or less told Jesus, that when I'm fat or overweight, I'm hot, and sweaty and slow.
(188)I warned you-vision received 4-12-2005-In this vision, I saw an all white Man and He said, "I warned you".
(189)judgment-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw the some words and I believe these are the words, "judgment is over your house". This last week and a half were just amazing. I won't even go into details.
(190)stay away-vision received 4-12-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "stay away". I may have been asking Jesus about getting with someold church friends.
(191)girl-vision received 4-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a beautiful young woman and her eyes were like dark beads and she was smiling".
(192)READ THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-vision received 4-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "read ACTS". New testament salvation is found there. THATS THE ACTS 2:38
(193)flee fornication-vision received 4-12-2005-In this vision, i saw the words, "flee fornication".
(194)Oh my God-vision received 4-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said loudly, "oh my God". I believe she was being led to hell.
(195)reveations of a woman-visions received 4-12-2005-In many visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "I'm on fire", "cause gary", "cause my husband". In these visions, I believe she was in hell and screaming and said things like, "help me", "I cannot believe it", "I'm going to the lake", "Im pregnant", "son", "I'm mad at you", "take it off".
(196)remedy-vision received 4-12-2005-after about a week and a half of one of the most challenging walks in my life, and after many hours of prayer, I saw like white lite inside my head, and I saw a man that is one of the most in demand prophetic speakers in Usa. I went to do what I was told, and the Holy Ghost led me right back home, and would not let me do what I agreed to do. I saw that man in visions and he said things like, "I'm cut off", "I sinned". After I proved to Jesus I would do what he requirded, I prayed and was delivered of a thing that makes me know Jesus can do anything He wants. Thats anything.
(197)may have to reveal myself-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision, I saw my name appear on my main website where I have another word like maybe, "disciple". I may have seen disciple erase.
(198)no-vision received 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "no". She may have seen where she was going.
(199)new-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "new".
(200)lot closed-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "lot closed". Give Jesus reason to keep your lot open.
(201)shown to take my sister to work-vision recieved 5-14-2005-In this vision, I was shown to take my sister to work.
(202)only willing to go so far-vision received 5-14-2005-In this vision, I'm in like a yard and there is ice and possibly snow that is melting and maybe causing a flood. For some reason, I needed to do something beyond the yard or in it, and there was atleast one more person there. I had on boots that were rubber and came up my legs very high, and I walked out till the water came up about to the top of the boots, and was probably not willing to go any further, and don't remember going any further. I got some water on my pants. How far are you willing to go for Jesus. There are people in the bible that went beyond there means possibly suggesting that had to borrow. Others lost there life, freedom, etc.
(203)visions of a woman that looked like whitney houston-visions recieved 5-14-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like whitney houston and she said things like, "keeping me out of buisness", "tell my vision", "my fault", "I want my stomach". I believe these all were whitney, but, did not write her name down by the visions, so not %100 sure. There were more.
(204)vision-vision recieved 5-14-2005-Here is what I wrote down. I wrote down, "Jesus", I believe it was Jesus I saw in the vision, and here is what I wrote down that was said, "heading to you stuped". I'd say that I'm stupid, so, I'm not offended, and I desire Jesus.
(205)make a deal with God-vision received 5-14-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, 'deal".
(206)witnessing like crazy-vision received 5-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, 'come witness'.
(207)cross-vision received 5-20-2005-I wrote down the letters, "cro". This was reminding me that twice I saw in visions a neon cross. One may have been on my main website.
(208)JUST-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "just".
(209)blaspheming the Holy Ghost is not going to help you go to heaven-vision received 5-27-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said, things like, "I'm cut off", "bobby was sent by the devil".
(210)woman with a familiar spirit-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and I was asking about the woman that king saul went to that had a familiar spirit and somehow she brought samuel up, and the woman that I saw which I think was her let me know she was cut off. If you look in the book of DANIEL, the king called for all the soothesayers, etc. to make know to him possibly the dreams and the interpretation of the dream that Jesus gave him and none could, but, Jesus gave the vision to daniel and the interpretation. I don't know what psychics and soothesayers are. POssibly rebels. A witch is a rebel. I certainly recommend you seek Jesus for your answers, and wait on Him.
(211)get the Holy Ghost-vision received 6-2-2005-While driving my 86 dodge aries k, I heard something like, "remember james brown", and then I saw a man that looked like james brown in a vision and he said something like, "get the Holy Ghost". Good councel from james brown.
(212)begging Jesus-vision received 6-4-2005-While praying, It's like I wnt off into a vision, and kept saying what I was saying, but, the word I remember saying was, "please". this was straight from the heart.
(213)jelous-vision recieved 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and he said, "made me jelous".
(214)lost-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm lost".
(215)wanting sex-vision received 6-2005-I was asking Jesus about this young man I witnessed to and I saw him in a vision and he let me know he likes woman and sex. I didn't think he was gay, so this may be what is stopping him from living for Jesus.
(216)cut off-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "cut off".
(217)against me-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm against bobby", and something like, "I'm against'em".
(218)don't be decieved-vision recieved 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "too young". What this probably means is too young to have seen all these things and know as much as you do.
(219)judgment-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm going to judgment".
(220)witnessing-visions received 6-2005-I witnessed to a man in a wheel chair, and after I did, I left and I saw a man that looked like him in a vision as I walked and he said, "satan". I saw him in other visions and he said things like, "call me a witch", "cut me off". I was very troubled by this and was being fought, so I rebuked the devil and I saw a black spirit leaving me. I see black spirits running in the yard all the time.
(221)I share visions-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bob, keep your vision".
(222)repent-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I repent". I beleive I saw her in another vision and she said, "I didn't want to get cut off".
(223)suicide-visions recieved 6-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said, "suicide", "I didn't beleive", "I'm dying". In other visions or, I saw or heard her and she said, "sis", "sissy". Mom can't help you now. In one, and this went on for the longest, I heard a nonstop cry scream coming from her. She perished. In another vision, I saw her and she said, "I'm gitting ready to go". In other visions, I saw mom and she looked like a white spirit and she was crying screaming, "please help me", "help me", etc. I just saw her in a vision and she said, "all because of bobby". Nope. You'll have to give your own account in the day of judgment.
(224)don't bother-vision received 6-10-2005-I was looking at this mirror thing that had the Lords prayer on it and it was thrown away and I wanted it, and I saw the woman in a vision that lives there and she said, "don't bother it".
(225)serve God-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "worship me".
(226)praying on knee's-vision recieved 6-9-2005-In this vision while laying and praying, I saw me praying fervantly on my knees.
(227)I'm not stopping-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and seh said, "please stop it".
(228)put down and don't care-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "we put you down".
(229)putting the bucks first will land you in the lake of fire and brimstone-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm financial".
(230)warn people is my calling-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "warn".
(231)many people are cut off-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "cut off".
(232)off limits-vision received 6-2005-While praying, I heard, "missy", and I saw her in a vision and she said, "I want in your pants". I told her about 31/2 years ago, I would marry her, but, there were conditions and she didn't take me up.
(233)I want my witness open-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "open".
(234)get the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "get the Holy Ghost". You have to have IT. READ AND DO THE ACTS 2:38
(235)avoid-vision received 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like, "leave me alone".
(236)frost-vision received 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "frost".
(237)pulled-vision received 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "pulled".
(237)investigated?-vision received 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw me in the drive way, and I left, and behind me there was a cop car parked, which was right by the garage. In anothe vision, I saw this police oficer about right there, and he was about 12 feet tall.
(238)the devil can trap you-vision recieved 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "trapped".
(239)mr. belcher-vision recieved 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw the name, "BELCHER", like ingraved into a possibly wooden name plaque on a wall. He was a teacher at school 30 back in the 70's when I went there.
(240)gas will soar-vision recieved 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw a gas sign and the price on it was, "$8.06".
(241)ministryofdreams is prophecy news-vision recieved 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw a wrecker drive by and I think it said on the side of it near the back, "prophecy news".
(242)lost of people have fallen away-vision received 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "fell".
(243)you better watch what you call me-vision recieved 6-10-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and the person said, "that's the devil".
(244)the things used to separate lines and paragraphs-visions received 6-12-2005-In visions, I saw the things that seperate sentences and paragraphs. I'd put them on, but, they would not show up and they would separate what I'm working on now.
(245)do you think you a little God-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "worship me".
(246)have you taded your chance to be saved like esau did-vision recieved 6-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I sold".
(247)st. louis-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw the words, "ST LOUIS".
(248)Power of God increasing 7-20-2005-I was thinking on something like waving my arm and the Power of God coming forth out me and helping somebody and I waved my arm and the Power of God opened my heart.
(249)God can still save-recieved 7-20-2005-I keep hearing the cries of the doomed and lost and in this I heard a woman and on top of being in torment she kind of councelled me. She said to me things like, "learn how to press", "I can still be saved", etc.
(250)visions-visions received 7-30-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said, "my bowels", "you put prophecy first", and maybe, "thats all you want".
(251)apostolic-visions received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like thomas and he said, "actually, I'm apostolic", "the insurance money".
(252)bills-visions received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, "pay my bills bobby".
(253)money first-visions received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dr. pastor dan bohler and he said, "money first".
(254)Jesus is alive-visions received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "just know HE is alive".
(255)heavenly life apostolic tabernacle-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman that goes to heavenly life Church and she said things like, "lets fast", "come around here", "I need ya".
(256)relions is not led by the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a terry cannon and he said things like, "religion", "lift me up", "made promise", "i give", "I'm naked", "shot", "you need to accept it", "I know", "it hurts me", "thats me", "were gonna loose him", "I hate'em".
(257)beleive means to obey the Gospel-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me the word, "beleive".
(258)deliver people-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a Man and He said, "deliver people".
(259)Spirit-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a Mans Face and It was all White.
(260)dying-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a kelly smith and she said, "I'm dying". I believe smith was her maiden name.
(261)they-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me I believe the word, "they".
(262)lost-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me the word, "lost".
(263)propeht-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, :your a prophet", "I got an emergency".
(264)terry cannon-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "westside", "the lake", "I don't know if you listened or not", "theres an office", "I fooled", "needs an office", "press three hours", tell me the visions", "I missed something", "you brought me out"(this has somewhat broken me), "i left", "praise God", "you died for me bobby", "the door open now", "for three hours", "yes It is", "because witness prayed"(this is making me want to cry),I saw maybe part of The Face of Jesus and His Eye was the color of fire and HE winked". In more visions terry cannon said things like, "take me, "I fooled around to long", "I heard", "we need a prophet", "please help me", "financial", "come", "I'm david", "I'm against website"(Jesus can have me to remove a name), "please help me", "I had a dream", "lust", "thank you".
(265)hell room-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a room and it looked like hell. Fire or lava or a yellow lava like stuff. May have looked like the sun when it goes down and its alike a big yellow fireball.
(267)drexel gardens apostolic tabernacle-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a somebody and they said, "drexel gardens", and I saw pastor caldwell in a vision and he said, "your last", "we need the prophet", "you made me jelous".
(268)doing my job-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a terry cannon and he said, "backstab", "one more time", "I'm very busy", "plant your seed", "got witness cut off", "I thought I did", "help me", "he will", "adultery", "we won't leave him", and something about 9:00 sunday morning.
(269)prayer-revision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he said, "we need pray", and maybe, "come and help".
(270)will perish-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "going to hell".
(271)prophet-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "I'm a prophet", "we need some help", "wake up", "witness pray", "I miss you", "no chance", "I'm looking for you", "I agree with what your doing", "He already cut me off", "I cai'nt do it"(yes you can), "show", "I am", "help me", "I believe its the TRUTH", and I saw somebody and they said, "mr. cannon".
(272)fill me-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a somebody and they said something like, "Lord fill me".
(273)prophet-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked a woman that goes to heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and she said, "your a prophet", and maybe, "He did".
(274)can't hide from Jesus-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the new prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu and he said something like, "you can always run but you cannot hide", and maybe, "mercy", "been cut off", ", "failed the test", "show", "embarras", and maybe, "defense minister"
(275)go-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like possibly a police officer at a gas station and he may have signaled me to go on.
(276)terry cannon-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "you won't pray", "you know it just thrills me to look up and see the kids".
(277)freddy krueger-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a freddy krueger and he was on a porch, and maybe I saw himn in another vision and he said, 'I'm a monster".
(278)watches-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "I watch".
(279)nina russell-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like nina russell.
(279)mustang-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me somebody and they said, "mustang".
(280)buy pencils-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a pack of pencils.
(281)pray-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "witness pray". I just heard like tornado sirens go off and now I'm afraid.
(282)loose-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a terry cannon and he said, "I'm loose", "I believe that".
(283)pastor wallace vanslyke-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a pastor wallace vanslyke and he said, 'I blasphemed", (seek to get it romoved), and maybe, "adulterer", "curious". iT would be fun to visit plainfield apostolic Church again, but, I need pastor wallace vanslyke to invite me and Jesus to let me go.
(284)preach-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a terry cannon and he said, "you need to talk", "preach", "there talking about, "turn me off", "because I know", "your off", "reject him".
(285)warned-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a maybe a man and he said, "police", and I saw a security guard and he said, "policeman".
(286)office manager-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Chris and he said, "I'm the manager", and in one he said something like, "stick around".
(287)love the Lord-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she said, "I love the Lord".
(288)examine yourself to see whether you are really saved-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he was examining himself.
(289)won't-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, 'I won't repent".
(290)used-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and he said soemthing like, 'i'm gonna use him".
(291)boring-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a maybe a young woman that goes to heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and she said something like, "this is boring"
(292)follow thru-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a terry cannon and he said, "follow thru", "I hope witness is wrong", "please stay with me"(he was pointing at me), "mercy", "gitting me jelous", "here hes got an uncle", "california", "new york city"(I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "go to new york"), "put it in the natural", "I'm chose", "hardly recognize you", "preach", "radio", "behind you", "you can't argue with me", "right", "I don't beleive he even knows", "reject", "why don't you invite me", "give me some advice"(fast and pray-God spoke to me and said, "there's mercy in the fast"-Just saw somebody in a vision and HE said, "thats the Word"), "stay with it", "call me pastor, "accept", "delivered", "I won't press", "I got to push".
(293)good morning hollie, I love you-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "how about moodie", "off", "one more time", and maybe, "what about moodie".
(294) the stewarts-vision recieved 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the mrs. stewart and she said something like, "I ain't nothing but a reject", and I saw the son and he said he let me know he was cut off, and in one he said, "who me".
(295) new york city-visions received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she said something like, "new york city", and I saw dumitru duduman and he said something like, "new york", and I saw hollie and she said, "it will burn".
(296)little end day message-vision received 10-21-2005- God has showed me a spirit that looked like russia president putin and he said, and the reason is the beast with 7 heads and 10, and I saw a woman and she said, horns, and putin said, russia, and the iupui security guard said, leave me alone, and michael boldea said, do you want me to say collapse, and stephen hanson said, looks, and putin said, the national guard is in the streets.
(297)the pope will be the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns-vision received 10-26-2005- God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, and eventually the pope is the beast with 7 heads and 7 horns.
(298)satan suggests repenting and following Jesus-vision received 10-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a a spirit that looked the satan, and he was a white faced man, and he said, turn, if you don't, follow me, and dumitru said, to hell.
(299)spirit of blaspheme-vision received 11-2-2005- God has showed me a spirit that looked like stephen and he said, stephen and he said, that was, and the speedway woman said, the spirit , and stephen said, of blaspheme, and he sang, and eventually, and hollie said, 666, and the speedway woman said, is the mark of the beast, and dumitru duduman said, the flanged cross is the middle 6, and the speedway woman said, 666 is the mark of the beast, and she said it or sang it over and over, and it's possible more may have been in. Praise Jesus for all His Wonderful Signs and Goddness, seek a vision for your self!
(300)the beast 7 heads and 10 horns-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a spirit that looked like al gore and he said, and eventually, eventually, and putin said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and al said, russia will destroy, and stephen said, INDIANAPOLIS, and the speedway woman said, thats the reason for the prophet, warn the fuckin people.
(301)economic collapse -vision recieved 12-29-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like people and they said, the government will collapse the economy in america, called, govenment waste.
(302)come to Jesus-vision received 1-7-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: that was a Room of White Light, come in.
(303)last times-vision recieved 2-1-2006-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and they said: the last times, end of your last warning, thus saith the Lord of Hosts, turn, from your evil heart, raise your hands and repeat after Me, russia is prepared to strike america, are you, look to the Hills, from, where you, are.
(304)no Signs in the Churches today-vision recieved 3-13-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: the, great, falling, away, has, began, long, ago, even in, the, Bible, the apostle, paul, wrote, about, and so did, john, the, revelatior, so don't, watch for.
(305)Jesus-vision recieved 4-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: and he saw JEsus, like, a, red, Spirit, man, and he said, I warned you!
(306)revelations of the mark of the beast-visions recieved 10-2006-in visions, I saw the pope like an angel of light and u.p.c.i. pastor danny thomas, and they both had, 666, on thier foreheads.

dreams and visions for the last days, the last times dreams
(1)assassination -visions recieved early 2003-in these visions, Jesus showed me one of the most powerful leaders in the world will be assassinated. In one vision, I tried to tell this man who was sitting down, and he disappeared right infront of me. In 5-2004, the Lord showed me this in two more vision. He will be shot.

(2)is your pastor a snake-vision recieved about the last of 2003-in this vision, I saw this pastor, who very quickly turned into a snake, who made that hissing noise, and struck, with his tongue hanging. Many are preaching that Jesus did not call.

(3)John G. Lake-vision recieved 1-7-2004-in this vision, I saw John G. Lake, and he said, "your an apostle".

(4)I want money-vision recieved 1-10-2004-in this vision, I saw the wife of an apostolic pentecostal pastor, and she said, "I want money". This is probably why you rarely if ever see Jesus working in the churches. My pastor had a vision once while he was at church, and he saw two angels, and they ran to the stairs at the very back of the church, and went down. This scared him, for he did not know if Jesus had left the church. If you sow to the flesh, you will reap corruption.

(3b)I'm a prophet-vision recieved 1-23-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "I'm a prophet".

(4)Dumitru Duduman-vision recieved 1-23-2004-in this vision, I am with a man, and I am handing him a copy of Dumitru Duduman's book, "thru the fire without burning". I told the man, "he loved not his life till death".(memory)

(5)prophetic man-vision recieved 1-25-2004-In this vision, I was with this man, and we were at like a large motel where maybe some kind of christian conference was going on. I don't remember word for word what was shared, but, I wanted to tell him in the vision about the vision Jesus gave me about submarines attacking america. I said to him something like, "do you want to hear the vision GOD gave me a of submarines attacking america". Then, I started to tell him, and I was not getting the words out well. I said, "In the first vision, I saw an animated map of the eastern half of the united states". I remembered that that was the second vision, and stuttered my words just a bit and corrected the vision. I said, "in the first vision, I saw an animated map of the western half of america and the ocean, and from top to bottom along the west coast and about the midway point of the nation, there were dark stripes. In the second vision, I saw the east coast and the ocean, and from top to bottom along the east coast, there was a dark stripe. I asked God what this meant, and here are the words I heard, "this represents fire". "from the oceans". I remember looking at him with a touch of envy after saying this. He was very nice and friendly. Finally the man looks at me seriously, and says, "have you accepted Jesus?". And I tell him, "I've had that born again experience". THen he says, "I don't know, it might have represented fire from the oceans", and he tells me that he is going to this conference, and I say something to him, and go with him. I patted him on the back, and told him I asked God to give me a vision like the one He gave him. As I was typing this, I saw a man next to me. He was an off whitish color, like something that is glowing in the dark, and He said, "he already knows".

(6)Russia has many nuclear missile subs-vision recieved 1-27-2004-while praying, I asked Jesus how many nuclear ballistic missile submarines Russia has, and in a vision, I saw Russian president , and he said, "lot's of e'm".

(7)the arch angel gabriel-visions recieved 10-2007-I saw gabriel and he said, record the vision, and I saw him like light, and in the paper, im out, he said, usa, no repentance, hillary clinton blew out, no, said, hollie, (8)God is able-vision recieved 2-10-2004-in this vision, I saw these words written, "God is able".

(9)Jesus is my mechanic-visions recieved 2-12-2004-in the first vision, I was standing before some man, and I was holding up my alternator to Him, and He shook His head, "no". In th next vision, I saw this man, and He said, "it's your voltage regulator". I saw the man again on 2-13-2004-and again He said, "its your voltage regulator". O.k. angel man!

(10)my last stand-vision recieved 2-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw this woman, and she said, "its your last stand". Were getting close to "Rapture time".

(11)the dead sea is Sodom-vision recieved 3-25-2004-in this vision, I saw the dead sea, and some surrounding ground, and here is what I heard, "the dead sea is Sodom".

(12)Jesus is coming-vision recieved 3-24-2004-in this vision, I saw probably the number one prophetic speaker in usa, and he said, "look for Christ".
(13)Lets pray-vision recieved 3-25-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "lets pray".
(14)what does he want-visions recieved 3-25-2004-in the first vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "what does he want". In the second vision, I saw me and I said, "I warn people".

(15)I'm not Jesus Christ-vision reicieved 3-30-2004-while praying, I was thinking on this prophetic speaker, then I saw him in a vision, and he said, "I'm not Jesus Christ".

(16)the end is near-visions recieved 4-2-2004-while praying, I saw in a vision a man with white skin and hair and blue eyes, and He siad something like, "ask me for the end to come", and I was speechless, and I saw Him again, and He said, "ask me", and I hesitated, then I asked.

(17)gay marriages wrong-vision recieved 4-2-2004-I was thinking on men marrying men, and I saw president of usa in a vision, and he said, "thats wrong". Look what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. (18)I'm the new president-vision recieved 4-7-2004-in this vision, I saw the current vice president of u.s.a., and he said, "I'm the new president".

(19)get ready for nuclear war-vision recieved 4-13-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw this man with brown hair, and He said, "get ready for nuclear".

(20) bugged-vision recieved 4-13-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw a paragraph of words. These are the only ones I could make out. "Thank you for you response. Your request has been bugged".

(21)what are you putting your trust in-vision recieved 4-20-2004-(shortened)In this vision, I meet this man, and become his friend, and somehow he talks me into giving him all the money I have, and lets me know he will write me a check and give it back. He did write the check, and I went to the bank, and it bounced.

(22)detectives are watching me-vision recieved 4-20-2004-in this vision which I will shorten, two detectives come to my house, and became aware it was over the website. Many things happened. One was likeable, one was young and very anxious. I told them something like, "the visions all came from God. He has just showed me the same things He showed,(I called out the names of 3 people I believe are servants of Jesus)". As I was saying this, the young detective was writing those names down.

(23)prophetic man-vision recieved 4-20-2004-I was looking at this prophetic mans name on Google, and saw one of my pages on the first page of his category, and as I was, I saw in a vision, and he was smiling, and he said, "pray much"

(24) lambs book of life-vision received 4-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair, and I'm going by memory on this. He said, "I have 200 more names to add".

(25)beast with the horns-vision recieved about 4-22-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw this beast, that looked like a very ferocious man. I only saw his head. He had brown hair and beard, and a very hateful look in his face. He had many horns coming out of his head, that kind of looked like triangles coming out of his scalp. They were a silver color. I could tell by just what I saw that the only one that could defeat this beast is Jesus.

(26)His name is Jesus-vision reicieved 5-1-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw a man, and he said, "call Him yeshua".

(27)the day of the Lord-visions recieved 10-2007-hollie said, what a day, and I saw Jesus in the sky, and usa, moscow, and china, on fire, I see it, said, hollie, and the world shook.

(28)clouds of darkness-visions recieved late 4-2004-in the first vision, I saw a man, and He had brown hair, and long white robe, and He said with His hands out stretched, "I Am going to send you clouds of darkness", and as He was talking, dark clouds where coming from above. I immediately prayed, and begged, and in the second vision, I saw Jesus walking away. I kept praying, and in the third vision, I saw Jesus, and He like rolled His arm, and this made me feel it would be o.k. Thank You Jesus.

(29)democratic presidential candidate will loose presidential bid-vision recieved 6-14-2004-in this vision, I'm inside this building, and I see the democratic presidential candidate of the last election, and I go to him and tell him about somethings Jesus has showed me. I told him God showed me in visions that the economy will collapse. I Also told him that the Lord showed me in visions that the iraq war will turn nuclear. "you will see nuclear weapons fly out of Iraq". I don't remember finishing, because he was on the phone and was not listening to me. I also told him that God showed me in visions that president right now will win big. As I'm walking away and thinking on things, the thought hits me it will be because of his selection for vice president, so I start to run back toward him and want to tell him he will loose becasue of his selection of a running mate.

(30)Jesus will be crowned-vision recieved in 2-2004-while praying, I saw and heard the words, "Jesus will be crowned".

(31b)devil is after me man-vision recieved in February of 2004-in this vision, I saw the devil who looked like a man with black hair, and he said, "were coming to get you".
(31)King James only-vision recieved 2-14-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "read it out of the King James".
32)my angel agree's-vision 2-16-2004-I was praying and saying something like, "we need to go up higher, and higher, and higher, and this angel appeared in a vision who was all white, and He shook His head "yes".
(33)last call-vision recieved 2-23-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "LAST CALL". There may ahve been more words.

(34b)food shortage-vision recieved 2-28-2004-in this vision, I saw president of usa, and he said, "there will be a food shortage".

(34)who do you serve-vision recieved 3-1-2004-while driving, I heard the words, "what do you want"? Then I saw me in a vision, and I said, "my way".

(35)it's about time-vision recieved 3-2-2001-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "its about time".

(35b)he will pay-vision recieved 3-2-2004-in this vision, and I am going by memory, I saw Yassar Arafat, and I heard these words, "he will pay".

(36)Come out-vision recieved 3-8-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, and heard them read, "Come Out".
(36b)Dumitru Duduman calls me a prophet-vision recieved 3-10-2004in this vision, I saw Dumitru Duduman and he said, "your a prophet". I was thinking after this, "I wish Dumitru Duduman was still around here, and I saw him again, and he said, "I'm not".

(37)warned in dreams-vision recieved 3-14-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw me, and I said, "He warns me in dreams".

(37b)thats the message-visions recieved 3-18-2004-in the first vision, I saw a man who looked just like this prophetic speaker, and he said, "thats the message", and I said something like, "I don't even know what he believes, and I saw him again in a vision, and he said something like, "THE ACTS 2:38". Yes, that is the "message".

(38)the "WORD" vision recieved 3-18-2004-I was thinking on the vision where the prophetic speaker mentioned THE ACTS 2:38, and I saw him in another vision, and he said, "it's the Word". Yep, it sure is.

(39)I'm a witch-vision recieved 3-19-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "I'm a witch". A witch is a devil server or a false prophet. Some one who has the wrong spirit. They can say they serve Jesus, write books, t.v., etc.
(40)let us pray-vision recieved 3-22-2004-in this vision, I saw Henry Gruver, and he said, "let us pray".

(41)lets pray-vision recieved 3-24-2004-in this vision while at the gas station, and a bit troubled, I saw Henry Gruver, and he said, "lets pray".

(42)Choose Jesus-vision recieved 3-28-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw these words appear out of a blurr, and then disappear, "the choice is yours".

(43)churches mostly are social clubs-vision recieved 3-29-2004-I was talking to Jesus about why the people are really there. I don't feel God in them, and there is no power. I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor in a vision, and he said, "were here to talk".

(44)prayer is a must-vision recieved 3-29-2004-in this vision, I saw henry gruver, and he said, "you must pray".
(44b)lets pray-vision recieved 3-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "lets pray".

(45)i'm being watched-vision recieved 4-16-2004-while praying, it was like I was see thru a sattelites eyes , and I heard this, "they're watching you thru sattelite"

(46)I've got the bomb-vision recieved 4-16-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw an international, and he said, "I've got the bomb"

(47)angel-vision recieved 4-2004in this vision, I saw an angel. I could only see his face, and it was just like looking at the sun, when you stare at it.

(48)end times -vision recieved 4-26-2004-in this vision, I saw these words, "end times are now".

(48b)I am God-vision recieved 4-28-2004-while praying, I heard the last name of the president of the usa, and I said, and I asked about him, then I saw him in a vision, and he said, "I am God"

(49)President of u.s.a. regrets Iraq war-visions recieved 4-28-2004-I was asking Jesus if president u.s.a. Regretted the Iraq war now, and I saw usa president in a vision, and he said something like, "don't humiliate me", and after asking, I saw him again, and he said, "we should have stayed out of there". Then I saw a woman in a vision, and she said something lke "he does". I just saw him again, and he sid "yep". Jesus showed me in a vision that president wanted the iraqi leader, and I was asking why, and I saw a man who looked like u.s.a. president in a vision, and he said, "because he tryed to assassinate my father".

(50)mercy-vision recieved 4-27-2004-in this vision while driving, I saw this woman, and she was suppost to be unplugged from life support machines on the 4-27- and in the vision, she said, "mercy". This saddens me as I think on it.

(51)computer memories destroyed-vision recieved 4-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "are computers are demolished"

(51b)lets pray-vision recieved 5-7-2004-in this vision while sitting at the computer with the enemy flooding me, I saw this man, and he said, "lets pray".

(52)didn't feel God-vision recieved 5-21-2004-in this vision, a person said something to me, and I said something like, "I don't feel God in that". If you have been saved according to scripture, I will feel the Holy Ghost in your voice, your writings, recordings, etc.

(53)US national missile defense plans-vision recieved 12-27-2003-in this vision, I saw these words, "US adds to missile defense"(memory)

(54) Ballistic missile defense-vision recieved 1-3-2003-I was praying, and talking to Jesus, asking Him something like, "what is missile defense suppost to protect us from"? us being the United States. Then I saw president Bush in a vision, and he said, "communism".

(55)missile defence-vision recieved 1-13-2004-while praying, I heard, "missile defence", and I said, "what about missile defence"? Then I saw president of usa in a vision, and he said, "it's working".

(56) Star wars-vision recieved 1-13-2004-while praying, I heard something like "star wars", which is U.S. missile defence program, and I said, "what about "star wars"? Then I saw president of usa in a vision, and he said, "it's ready".

(57)decieved-vision recieved 1-16-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "I'm saved". Jesus showed me in visions that he is cut off. Examine yourself while you have a chance to see whether you are in the faith or not.

(58)false witnesses-vision recieved 1-18-2004-in this vision, it is like I am teaching a class. I approch this one person sitting ata desk, and we are looking at each other dead in the eye. He agrees me with, and he is smiling as he says, "you little". I walk away still teaching and say something like this, "what kind of person would say, "you little", because I live for God and walk around and claim I do. I'll tell you, the biggest problem we have is most people say I live for God, and don't".

(59)12:00 midnite-vision recieved 1-22-2004-In a vision, while praying, I saw in neon red "12:00".

(60)current president celebrates victory-vision recieved 1-28-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw president of usa, and he said, "I won the war". Problem here is, the war is not over, and Jesus showed me in many visions the war will end nuclear. Just keep watching.

(61)led by the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 1-29-2004-I was praying to Jesus about something, and I saw this woman in a vision, and she said, "at the leading".
(62)the message of salvation-vision recieved 1-31-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw the trunk lid of my car, and it had snow on it, and written in the snow was these word's, "repent now". This is the message Jesus preached when He walked the earth. Read and do THE ACTS 2:38 to be "born again".

(63)baptism with the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 2-2-2004-in this vision, I am driving a semi, and the man who is in there asks me a question about speaking in tongues. I told him, and I am going by memory, "lots of people speak in tongues that don't have the Holy Ghost. I spoke in tongues way before I got the Holy Ghost, but it was me doing it. But, when the Holy Ghost came in, it felt like a body my perfect size coming into me, and I did speak in other tongues.

(64)children of Korah and al with them-visions recieved about January of 2004-I was praying and talking to Jesus about the children of Korah, whom the earth opened up and swallowed, because they more or less withstood Moses. I one vision, I saw a bearded representative of the children of Korah, and he said something like, "we didn't mean it". and in the second vision he said something like, "we only wanted to dispose of him". Him being Moses, which was the servant of Jesus.
(65)My angel friend-visions recieved 2-7-2004-I don't know who this man is. He is an off white, and very old looking. He has teeth. He is an angel, but, I don't know His name. In one vision with Him, He asked me, "do you want to live in Clermont". I don't remember my response. I was praying to Jesus about renewing my commercial driving licence, and in another vision, the angel let me know not to do that. I don't remeber His words.

(66)get ready for nuclear war-vision recieved 2-8-2004-in this vision, I saw the former iraqi leader, and he said, "get ready for nuclear war".

(67)it's getting ready to shut down-visions recieved 2-8-2004(memory)-in this vision while praying, I saw a man, who was all white, and old, and He said, "it's getting ready to shut down", which I believe is referring to my mom's job. I asked who the man was, and I heard, "angel", and I next heard, "of the Lord". I just didn't write all this sown like I should have.

(68)missile defense will not be good enough-vision recieved 4-9-2004-I was out in the prescence of the Lord in a vision, and I saw me with may hands raised, and I said something like, "missile defense will be useless", and the Lord let me know that it won't, but, I saw a man in a vision, and He said, "overwhelmed".

(69)control-vision recieved 4-10-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw President of usa, and he said, "I want control".

(69b)master of america-visions recieved 4-11-2004-in one vision, I saw a man, and he said, "I'm the master". And I was inquiring, "master of what". In the second vision, I saw President of u.s.a., and he said, "of the United States".

(70)be nice-visions recieved 4-2004-in both of these visions, I saw a man, and he said, "be nice".

(71)Weekly appolgetics 9-4-2004, in a vision from Jesus, I saw the words, "WEEKLY APOLOGETICS" written in big blue letters, and I seemed to know that this was going to be the name of the "ministryofdreams magazine", but, for right now, I'm going to use it as a new's letter, that I update at the leading of Jesus.

(72)prophetic warning-vision recieved 5-26-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "prophetic warning". Many "prophetic warnings"on the "end time prophetic ministry" site.

Have you recieved the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues like on the day pentecost in THE ACTS chapter 2?
If not, you still NEED to.

(71)ministering Spirit-vision recieved 6-22-2004-in this vision, I saw an angel that looked like me, and He said, "I'm a ministering SPIRIT".
(72)you don't know what you have until it's gone-vision recieved 7-25-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw a bible, and it opened. One page was the book of LAMENTATIONS, and this is when BABYLON has invaded Israel, and taken them into captivity, and Jeremiah remembers and weeps. The other page looked like JEREMIAH 51.
(73)the second coming of Jesus-vision recieved 8-17-2004-in this vision, I saw a little yellow sign, and the sing said something like this, "Gather yourselves together for the Fathers return".
(74)wake up america, judgement is coming-vision recieved 10-1-2004-in this vision, I saw me sleeping, and I saw this hand reach out and open my eyes.
(75)visions of heavenly beings-visions received 6-29-2007-in visions I saw heavenly beings sitting in like a court room setting, and more.
(76)cut off-visions recieved 10-12-2004-there is this young man, that I spoke with, and Jesus has showed him many things He did me. He is about 31, but, he went back on Jesus, and I was inquiring to God about what went wrong, and I saw him in a vision, and I heard this, "he over slept". In another vision, I saw him, and he said, "but, don't tell me".

(77)the violent storm-vision recieved 10-15-2004-I'm only going to share a portion of this vision, and I'm going by memory, but, there were a lot of us in some kind of long building or house, and we were the room at one of the ends, and the wall on the inside of the room was there, but, it was like the outside wall of the house was missing, and I could see a violent storm coming, and it was raining, and I told somebody or bodies that I was going to the other end of the house. I knew in my heart that this could go either way, the storm could kill us or we could survive it, and I was afraid. Storm clouds of judgment are approaching america.

(78) how much do you trust God-vision recieved 10-15-2004-in this vision, I'm with a woman, and she said, "are you better today", and I said, "no", and she said, "then you are scared".

(79)it's past time for the Lord Jesus coming-vision received 11-20-2004-I've been asking Jesus where we are at, and I saw a man in a vision, and HE said, "it's past due".
(80)if you backslide, you may not get back-visions received 12-28-2004- A person sent me an e-mail that sounded so much like the "prodigal son". She backslid and now wants back, or so is the claim. I went home and was walking and praying, and Jesus gave me these visions. In one while talking to Jesus about this woman, I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "i'm the devil". In the next one, I saw Jesus and He had graying hair and beard, and He said, "go to the computer". I saw the woman in another vision and she said, "I committed adultery". In another vision while typing this, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and HE said, "adultery".
(81)still have not got right with Jesus, trace your footsteps-vision received 1-13-2005-in this vision, I saw a word, and the last part of that word was trace, and it was like something moved that was ablack color and covered part or all of the first part of the word.

(82)is it getting time to expose the "end time prophetic ministry" er????-vision received 1-16-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "picture".

(83)new palestinian state will be destroyed-visions received 1-17-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "palestinian state" and I inquired and I saw president bush in a vision and he said, "we will attack the palestinian state".

(84)limited attack on iran may be on it's way-visions received 1-18-2005-in visions Jesus showed me that an american bombing attack on iran may be upcoming. In one vision, I saw a man who looked like a God. He had brown hair and beard and His eye's were dark and HE said, "limited strike". I asked Jesus about who this limited attack would be against and I saw a young woman in a vision and she said, "Iran". In another vision, I saw president bush and he may have seemed like a white spirit and he said "bomb Iran". In another vision, I saw bush and he said "I bomb".
(85)it is better to give than to receive-vision received 2-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a sentence, and the only word that I could read was the word, "give".
(86)believe-vision received 3-16-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "beleive". It's possible I saw, "believed". The word believe means, "obey the gospel".

(87)be sure your saved according to scripture-vision received 3-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a person whose face I could not see, and the person said, "make sure that you have it".

(88)witness to people-vision recieved 12-14-2004-in this vision, I seemed to feel like I was the president to italy, but, I was with the man who I believe is the president of Italy and we were possibly witnessing somewhere where an argument broke out between him and possibly a man he was witnessing to, and I beleive out of no where the prime minister of italy jumped in the middle of them and stopped it. Next we are in a hallway in a building and we are going to this room, and a man comes out who looked exactlay like the current prime minister of italy, "silvio berlusconi" and grabs the man who looks like the president of italy and is more or less asking him what was wrong with him and tells him something like, " whats the matter with you. The devil had you". Next he comes to me as he walks by me and he says something to me like, "you want him", and this was referring to a man that I was going to witness to, and I said something like, "yes I do" and he said, "you got to witness to him". If this was Silvio berlusconi, was nice, but very direct.

(89)submarines prowling the oceans-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "submarine is coming".

(90)lots of people will not listen to the Word of God-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with dark hair and he said, "I ain't going to here it".

(91)attack on iran coming-visions received 4-7-2005-in a vision, I saw a woman and she said, 'iran", and I another vision, I saw the words, "attack on iran coming", and in the last vision, I saw the woman and she said, "I said don't attack".
(92)just a closer walk with THEE-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision while praying, I saw a White Hand calling me on and I heard this, "come closer".

(93)Families against families-vision received 5-11-2005-In this vision I saw the words, "Family vs Family".

(94)keep fight till help comes-visions recieved 5-19-2005-In the first vision, I saw a man with dark hair and he said, "we stopped him". In the second vision, I saw abright White Light coming down to the rescue. Flet better. Praise God!

(95)hide from Jesus when HE calls, He may hide from you when you call-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "I hide".

(96)the Lords pity is desparely needed by all-vision received 5-22-2005-In this vision, I saw a possibly a sentence of words and they may have been on like the licence plate on the front of a car and one of the words was, "pathetically". The Lord see's your struggles and knows your deal and don't think it slips His attention.
(96)these visions and dreams are fromn the Holy Ghost-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw all or some of the scripture out of THE ACTS 2:16, "this is that".
(97)terroist attack-vision received 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "terrist attack".

(98)living for Jesus is war-vision received 6-5-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "try to battle". You must race to win!
(99)Jesus gave me a Mantle-In a vision received 4-9-2005-I saw me praying, and I was on my knees with my hands raised up, and there was darkness around me that was moving away, or staying still. I was wearing a white robe. This robe represents my mantle. do you want a Mantle? Think you can bear it?

(100)pray-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "can witness pray".
(101) make sure your name is in the Lambs Book of life-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a Somebody or just heard, "I'm getting ready to close the book".
(102)will north korea be attacked-recieved 7-28-2005-While praying, I heard and or saw the words, "hit korea".
(102)benjamin netanyahu will be prime minister of israel again-visions received 7-31-2005-In visions, I saw benjamin netanyahu and he said, "Israel", "I'm prime minister".
(102)liar-visions receieved 6-29-2007-in visions I saw tony burton and a woman that goes to his church and both claim to be saved, and neither are, and the world, "liar", over both .
(103)the earth was in the water-vision received -God has showed me possibly the atmosphere, and what it looked like was dark jello. Peter spoke of the earth being in the water or something like and I asked Jesus about it. It looked like shiny darkness like jello.
(103)insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results -vision received 10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, same o bob, same o hollie, same backbite, same backstab, same spinning.
(104)the true meaning of repentence-vision received 10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like stephen and he sang, the Lord said rend your heart and not your garment, om talking to you, break up your fallowed ground, and that, is, and a pastor simison that looked like a beast said, open up you cursedGod heart, and stephen said, repent of sin past present future, ministryofdreams, KING JAMES VERSION, is, approved by God, all the rest are just books.
(105)most people will perish-vision received 10-2005-God has showed me the words, we perish.
(106)hunger for Jesus-vision received 11-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like macaulay and he said, you are wantin God more now that He's loaded you up on prophecy, and the speedway woman said, macaulay usally, a nd the woman the woman that goes to brother bullocks Church said, the other way.
(107)the pope is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns-vision received 11-3-2005- God has showed me Jesus and He said, Israel, and henry gruver said, were under attack, and Jesus said, it's your last message, be careful, and and somebody said, and eventually, the pope is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and the 10 horns are 10 kings that come out of russia, like politburo, politburo and hollie said, is, and somebody said, many nations, they are one, and eventually, politburo will rule the earth, politburo is russia, politburo is china, politburo is united states, the united states is korea, the united states is the most dangerous animal in the world and that animal is george bush, and the animal is the Holy One, and the Holy One is the prophet, and he's the reason judgment hasn't hit america, and he's angry, he has beast heart, and he would push nuclear button on Gods command, bush is and this president said, in, and somebody said, office because of him, bush is coming out because of him, assassination, bye bye bush witness says, you better not blaspheme the Holy One, the Holy One will not forgive you is you speak blaspheme against the Holy One, thats saying thats not of Jesus, thats of the devil, and eventually president bush, he'll be assassinate by his cabinet, have a nice day mr. bush, president bush is a liar, and thats all I got to say, hillary's next, and hollie said, bush, your and kristina said, gittin, and hollie said, into, and kristina said, trouble, and hollie said, and somebody said, what dick cheney, he'll be after bush, and he'll be a national hero, he'll have bush killed, hillary will pardon, hillary will move blaspheme in the schools, that'll be it, and when you hit israel, you'll be destroyed, damascus will be destroyed by united states, and eventually the united states will be destoyed by russia, and russia will be destroyed byu china, and a man said, china, and somebody said, will be the red dragon is magog, and magog is satan, and satan is the beast and the beast is the antichrist, all you gotta do is just remember is russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and the beast is the pope
(108)they will call good evil and evil good-vision received 11-6-2005 God showed me a spirit that looked like maybe one person or more and here is what was said: They will call Good evil, but evil Good, and that is because they do not know Christ, the says, Death Angel isn't very nice, that the Death Angel is going to hell.
(109)the end time dream -vision received 12-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the pope said, russia is the beast with 7 heads, and 10 horns and I'm the pope and I'm the antichrist, and this is the endtime story, welcome everybody, I will blaspheme God, and I will backslide and say, I am God, attack americano, and that is america, and I'll make an agreement iwth hu for 666, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, and 666 is the mark fo the beast, I am the king of the east, and I will rule the world with an iron fist, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is blaspheme, russia is the friend of the pope, and I'll destroy russia, use china, when russia attack's americano, the united states, then be in charge for three and one half year's, then I'll get slashed, and then satan will enter and that's the idol shepherd, he will loose his eye and arm, and he will kill destroy and devour, cause his time is short and that's the end of this segment, divide russia in four, north korea, south korea become one called magog, magog is china, and china is the red dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is the beast, and the bear, and russia will become magog, and that is china and hu is the false prophet, and hu will make an agreement at the table for 666, and he will fight against Christ, and Christ Speak the Word and we'll be done, prophet, that is the endtime message, end of story, amen, MYSTERY, BABYLON is arussia, and arussia is america, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and that's the great city that reign's over the king's of the earth, end of story, and that's it. , .
(110)when russia is invaded by china-vision received 1-8-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: when china goes to war with russia, then, look out hu, the false prophet, where is the pope, I'll kill him, but, he will be, protected, by, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the bear, it is vladimir putin and that is the president of russia, the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, and mexico, absorb.
(111)reach for Jesus-vision received 2-2-2006- God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: seek, Jesus, while, He, may be, found, while He is, near.
(112)push or perish-vision received 3-8-2006 God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: much prayer, of, hell.
(113)write the vision and make it plain-vision received 8-5-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said people and they said: and he saw, Jesus, and he was, recording, the vision, showed.
(114)a vision of the idol shepherd-vision received 8-2006 God has showed me in a vision, the idol shepherd, and one of his eyes was slashed, and he was, the pope.
(115)vision of eternal hell-vision received 8-2006 God has showed me in a vision possibly like a hole, where, inside was the color of fire. Red fire.
(116)judgment to the united states of america-vision received 8-2006 God has showed me in a vision america, and it was on fire, and out of maybe the middle was the head of the statue of liberty.
(117)Christ Jesus vision-vision recieved 11-10-2006-in this vision, I saw the white light like outline of Jesus wearing his crown of thorns.
(118) the king of grecia-vision received 6-24-2007-2006 : I heard something like, "the king of grecia", and i saw the popes face in the horn.
(119)visions of gabriel-vision received 6-24-2007-2006 God has showed me in visions, gabriel, and he showed, "shh", and I saw lucifer and michael, and they were all lighted. Gabriel is lovable, and is like us. THey all have mans hearts, and JEsus let me know gabriel sees when a person reads a vision of him, and he loves it, like you would. here is what God spoke, "this one will be read over 5000 times, and I saw the arch angel gabriel and he said, "hallelujah". HE looks very similar to what you see on the front of dumitru duduman's book. Face about identical. dressed different at times. I heard, "new york times", and I saw gabriel, lighted, and like as a picture in the paper and i saw janetmck quoting, and arron shutt and jeremy taylor and Antonia Vladimirova and Duncan Roleau and dee finney and david shapiro and larry l. lawrence. These all stole the name ministry of dreams and will release after being embarrased. The loveable angel gabriel said, and he was lit, "he wants me to perish", and i saw the nathaniel haney urshan-kenneth haney-horace smith man, they all preach but are not saved, and gabriel, showed, shh, dont, tell, on, them,
(120) gabby-vision received 6-24-2007-in this vision, I saw gabby and he said, "you can make it, my stamach hurts. HE pastors or something like a christian motor cycle club in indianapolis.
(121)gabriel tells the truth-visions receieved, 6-24-2007-in this vision, the light skinned gabriel said, "that blew", and i saw gabby in motorcycle club attire with bible open.
(122) ministry of dreams came from JEsus-visions received 6-24-2007-I heard hollies voice say, "this is the website talking at ya", and I saw the website and maybe its tongue was out, and it said, "dont steal my name ministry of dreams".
(123)the arch angel gabriel-vision received 6-30-2007-in a vision I saw gabriel, like a white man, showing record.

(1)The Lord Jesus spoke to me and said, "MYSTERY, BABYLON" is America.

In a vision Jesus gave me, while praying in the back seat of my car, I saw America all by itself, and the inside of the country was like the flag, and coming out of the middle to the country was the statue of liberty.
(307)last days prophetic revelations-JEsus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people like, hollie and gabriel, and outlaws Jesus, and, JEsus, and prophet, and, stephen hanson and thomas gibson and stan johnson and they said things like: 6-27-2007-lost your ring, that, pointed, hollie, submarine sound, thats captain hollie, in, her, sub, with, submarines all around, usa, piloted by, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, Duncan Roleau, Jean-Patrick Charrey, david shapiro, matt brady, lawrence forman, michael doran, Duncan Roleau, Konstantin Ternianov, janet Mcknight, arron shutt, these all, we took it, said, antonia vladimirova, theres, the massive bri, owner, the name, ministry of dreams, we got ya said dee finney, she, stole it, also, these are all helping bring judgment to america, boom, the subs fired, and, america, exploded, the world, shook, gabriel, showed, record, that was, hollie, tearing, up, the con, cious, thats, dees cystal, she is a witch, write my vision said, hollie, thats, the idol shepherd, pointed, Jesus, slashed pope, this was, hollie, putting, back, the, con, trap, that, was, hollie, speaking in tongues, dee finney lost forever, hollie tore up con spirit, lighted hands, hollie, pointed, up at Jesus, coming, the world, shook, from subs, that is, hollie, looking at dee finney, its off of my website, she said, in the crystal ball, in lava, did not, gabriel, say, right here, showed, record, its cause of china, pointed, that, new rocket ship, u.s.a., has, new gasoline is old, gasoline, charge more for ethanol, those people are not watching pointed Jesus, chaplain gabby, not saved, but, pastoring, like, pointed, the nathaniel haney joel nathaniel haney urshan man, that, said, hollie, pointed, drink, ill strip him said Jean-Patrick Charrey, that, star wars, more coming, that, said, hollie, no, more, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams is ordered from God, take name off, stealers, then sickness sent from heaven, that was Jesus like a cat, that, pointed, both, that, was, satan, shh, im the bear paw, that, is, putin, pointed, hollie, tore, up, caspian sea, sabatoge, boom, separates china and russia, thats, when, the, hegoat smites the ram, up comes four kings, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, thats, when, thats the world shaking, from, america and russia hitting each other, pointed, my smiling pope, ufo, thats hollie flying in her own spacecraft, leave my spacecraft alone, hollie showed, record, and, licked, the prophet, Jean Patrick Charrey, showed, record, Jean Charrey showed, record, Patrick Charrey showed record, you made me jelous, I took it, the name ministry of dreams, releases after being ruined, 6-29-2007-the economy, said, the woman that goes to tony burtons church, is over, in usa, stripped, and the pope, rose out of the g8, im the beast, he and hu hintao said, both beasts of REVELATION 13, the false prophet and the anti Christ, hollie showed, record, look, she pointed, at the sign of JEsus coming, and subs, all around u.s.a., and they fired, and boom, and the woman came up, the statue of liberty, and bill clinton fired on, raise your hands and repeat after me sang, the pope, russia and china, the fire, sent on magog, boom, 6-30-2007-my spacecraft said, hollie, thats, what, I want, ministry of dreams, record, showed, hollie, gabriel showed, record, pointed, im out at tony burtons, church, thats deceiving said gabriel, you can, loose, robert cavaness, not saved, I, want, you, right here, he says, pulpit, but, guards, gabriel, showed, record, hollie, showed, pointed, at, now, lets see here, flames, and, did not, my pope say, its in, the gasoline, ethanol, causing, the iraq, war, that pays for, bush, sees, calls, f.b.i., intruder, hollie, climbed into, the back, of, the black chariot, with, the pope, and, hu, new world order, jungles, are, trees, grow, hundreds of feet, high, almost, 300, then, dies, needs to much water, hollie, saw, eight kings, jungles have every plant, weeds, paul mooney showed, cut off, pointed, at, his, school, wont pay for self, watch paul pick the pockets of calvary tabernacle, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, kenneth haneys pope, and, the nathaniel haney urshan mans sees with glowing eyes, did not, gabriel, say, new president, I want you to shut up, said, cavaness, hillary clinton, last, the economy fell, said, gabriel, and licked, the prophet, gabriel, showed, record, that tractor was 1930s, still running, that engine, if tuned, right, in, like chevette would get 30 miles per gallon, and, the owner of ford motor company sees, calls, gabriel, showed, record, caterpillar is in trouble, high wages, stuff not selling, you do not, have, to change your oil, check with hands, thick and slick, keep, like, hollie, showed, france, pulling the ship, prayer walked, on the missile, pointed, gabriel, los angeles, boom, Im a bear, that is putin, gabriel, showed, record, little scooters go 60, to fast, wreck, most, are, paralyzed, hollie, showed, smiled, flames, car, highway, thought, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, did not gabriel, say, new missile, is, old missile, gabriel, showed, record, robert cavaness is not saved, but, pastors, did not, my angel, gabriel, say, that psunami killed, over, 100,000, all, on beaches, half naked, did not, gabriel say, rocket ship, usa, you ruined, it, thinks, putin, new arms race, russia, building topols, china, building, missiles, philadelphia, thats gabriel, smiled, hollie, on the missile, boom, im a bear, thats, putin, gabriel, showed, record, showed, shh, let me alone said, hollie, if, you wont, serve, hollie showed, kissed, robert cavaness stripped, all, at, apostolic tabernacle, after, bob, gave, testimony, tell this church to pray two hours, hollie out of saxaphone, whew, they all thought, gabriel showed, record, your next robert cavaness, stripped, gabriel, showed, record, did not gabriel say, record, the vision, and the lighted hand pointed, that aint gonna do it, miss if you dont tarry, they at apostolic tabernacle, beleived, record, the vision, robert cavaness loves bob, did not hollie, like a cat, say, I, need, my money, could be, stripped, like david shapiro, and benjamin trott will be, watch, thats gabriel, on, the missile, south carolina, boom, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, pointed, at, thought, shook yes, flames, sign, shelbyville, by apostolic tabernacle, thumbs swooping up, tell me, said, robert cavaness, alright, hes here, she said, at, apostolic tabernacle, we want you at the door, said, robert cavaness, thumbs swooping up, alaska, said, gabriel, boom, hold it, he said, or, get, destroyed, and putin, sees, popes image, hollie, like a cat, blew horn, hollie, showed, out, fighting, Jesus, and, the fiery wheels, did not, gabriel, say, showed, time, who is it, its, prophet, git out of my hair said, robert cavaness, got it, said, arron shutt, suprise, whole job knows, and janetmck writes, strip him, said janet mcknight, and hollie pointed, like a cat, did not gabriel say, you blew it, robert cavaness, hell, gabriel, showed, record, remember nina, theres a hurricane coming, that will, almost, and, the lighted, shaft, red, acrossed, florida, what does red shaft mean, put me back, said, Jesus, as, Lord of your life, him, said gabriel, hollie pointed, check oil, with hands, thick, slick, keep, like hollie showed, pointed, did not, the girl, from garry streevals church, say, tell me the vision, hollie pointed, up with, lighted finger, at, Jesus, coming, and subs attacking usa, did not, hollie show, to check your oil, with your hands, thick, slick, keep, record the vision, showed, gabriel, go, record, showed, gabriel, jordan, boom, said, gabriel, france, boom, all, nato, nations, france, pointed, gabriel, falling from usa, raise your hands and repeat, sang, the pope, your stomach, is, God, if, you, do what, you want, that was, prophet, like a cat, hollie leopard pointed at the leopard, four kings popped out, theres, hollie held nose, hu, liar, jong, hollie held nose, trouble maker, the emporers of japan and south korea, mr. and mrs. liars, thats magog, that was, hollie, out of, the audiocoustics laboratory speaker, back, that was, hollie tearing up, the con, thought, tract, france, said, Jesus, boom, that was, the pope, pointing, like, a cat, when, are your returning, they all, think, that was, enthusiastic hollie, like a cat, they want you, pointed, behind pulpit, but robert cavaness, give me time, and, robert caveness, pointed, record, the vision, said, gabriel, he, wont, robert caveness, let, but, testimony, right here, they all think, there aint no visions, and hollie licked, the prophet, that was, enthusiastic hollie, new united states, sang, hollie, communist, hollie put back the con spirit, clapped, the tap dancers, tore, up, again, hollie beating robert cavaness, that, said, hollie, the people at, that, apostolic tabernacle, what do you want, that, pointed, hollie, bob, pastoring, but, robert caveness, guards, hollie pointed at, shame on you, said, gabriel, thats, that, stole the name ministry of dreams, hollie pointed at Jesus coming, and, them all left behind, that, gabriel, that, pointed, beautiful, lovable, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, that, was, hollie, tearing, up, the, con, spirit, that, showing, that, the popes image, that, pocket tv, once we hit alaska, that, said, gabriel and hollie, allright, said, gabriel, bob, brand newed, that, lets go tellem, said, gabriel, that, all, lost, and, want, hope, but, running from Jesus, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, robert cavaness, watch tv, syria hit, iran, that, said, hollie, that, bringing judgment to, that, usa, that, pointed, that, with lighted bear paws, the bear angering, large, that was, a bear, with, little, that, patriot, that, soldier, russia will, eliminate usa, but, bill clinton, that, wipes out, most of, russia, china, that was, Jesus, walking, in, the fire, light, that, gabriel like an arch angel, hollie, put back, con, spirit, partially tore up, that, record my vision said gabriel, pointed gabriel, is like a man, that, the girl from garry streevals, church, smiling, that, pointed, hollie, with, yellow finger, that, if you want me, come and get, michigan said gabriel, and he blew out, just ask for mercy, that, start takin a chance said the young man, that, at apostolic tabernacle, that, they all, know, thier lost, that, thats what a colon on the inside looks like, dont, lust, people, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, you made them jelous, said, hollie, and Jesus, satan, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, im the pope, shhh, dont tell, on me, Jesus, blew the horn, like a cat, out came, hollie, pointed, at, hollie, posting, that, thats, the marine corp. in the streets, caspian sea pipeline, boom, last signs, record, they are, building and planting, in the world, and, judgments are coming, china is about to see good, more opec oil, but it wont last, those at church service, man going to tell visions, bob tells, put on, internet, that, is, Jesus, outlined, in fire, transfigured, that was satan, hunchback, hollie showed, pointed, at, me, im the beast, shh, satan, what is my satans message, im the beast, record, showed, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, where you going, said, hollie, hell said robert cavaness, you know me, then why are you, pastoring, to lead people, with, he will not be accepted, by the Holy One, thats robert cavaness, cut off, hollie, showed, smiled, pointed at, flames, smiled, robert cavaness s pope, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swoopin up, popes image, hollie showed, record, look, that, hollie showed, record, this is, my spacecraft said hollie, ministry of dreams, leave my spacecraft alone, if, you steal the name, sickness, that was a nuclear flash, people in the light, gabriel, showed, record, leave it there, clapped my tap dancers, hollie showed, found, pointed, smiled, kent grays pope, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, smiled, thumbs swooping up, there is my reason, tell me, said, hollie, showed, that, hell is for hollie, write the vision, clapped my tap dancers, hollie showed, pointed, smiled, flames, car, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, hollie showed, record, he wants you done, david shapiro shook yes, Jean-Patrick Charrey, dee finney, jeremy taylor, larry lawrence, lawrence forman, Duncan Roleau, Konstantin Ternianov, michael doran, matt brady, they all shook yes, stole the name ministry of dreams, wont release till ruined, arron shutt and janet Mcknight, janetmck, shook, yes shook janetmck, arron shutt shook yes, leave my spacecraft alone said, hollie, and licked, the prophet, my space craft is ordered from my Jesus, ministry of dreams, I, take it, said, the massive bri, but after being embarassed, they all, release, hollie, showed, pointed, smiled, flames, sticker, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, that, hollie showed, record, people want worship, gabriel, showed, record, hollie blew the horn, hollie, out, with a picture of robert cavaness, leave him alone, she said, pointed, car show, they are mad about thier idols, 7-1-2007-record the vision, gabriel, said, behold, apostolic tabernacle, people acting saved, you knew it said gabriel, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, horace smiths pope, you got me, said, the horace smith-kenneth haney man with dyed hair, hollie showed, inspected, flames, grill, truck, rubbed chin, smiled, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, hollie said, nunt uhh, that was, nathaniel urshan, perished, like jean, nathaniel jr. and joel and little mrs. blue eyes, sings, beautiful, not saved, gabriel, showed, record, gabriel showed, record, that, pointed, hollie, hu hintao, false prophet, and pope, beast, you got it, said, hu, hollie showed, pointed, at, flames, white castle, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, hollie smiled, showed, record, flames, truck, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, whats happening, what happening, im being stripped of my dreams, my name is dee finney, smiled, the pope, cut off, smiled, Jesus, for stealing, the name, ministry of dreams, releases after being embarrased, record, showed, somebody, record, my vision, said, gabriel, hollie showed, pointed, at, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, thats the woman from garry streevals church, smiling, lost, plays, organ, but, clock ticking, that was the paul mooney girl, lay off of me, she, said, gabriel showed, record, hollie, showed, pointed, at, number 3, grill, jeff gordon, second most winningest driver, behind richard petty, and jeff gordon showed to record, the vision, sang, hollie, will die, in race, that was a 1972 ford mustang, worth zero, nice, now only transportation, not, idol, cause of new mustangs, that killed, mustangs, mach ones, then mustang two, but, did not, sell, did not, gabriel, celebrated hollie, say, south korea, boom, falling, you know it he said, away from, usa, smiled, dee finney s pope, did not, fleas, say, everybodies looking, did not gabriel say, thats magog, pointed, china, with, a lighted finger, gabriel, has, a mans heart, like you, start slipping said gabriel, all, we took it, said dee finney, that stole the name ministry of dreams, we got it said arron shutt, david shapiro man, he steals, from christians, like the reverend Antonia Vladimirova-jeremy taylor man, this calls self reverend but stole the name ministry of dreams, that is the michelle branch-larry l. lawrence-lawrence forman man, and, the matt brady-Duncan Roleau- Konstantin Ternianov-michael doran man, massive bri has it, but all release, after being embarrassed, record, the vision, hollie showed, pointed, smiled, at, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, that was, Jesus, with eyes like fire, come and see me, said, ron elliott, dont come back, he said, hollie pointed, prophet said, hollie, I, didnt even look, thought paul mooney, at my visions, I, know, he shook yes, find it, no way, he showed, put something on said hollie, and licked, the prophet, angel grabbed tongue, hollie showed, record, let me perish, no way, showed, ronald elliott, let me, take people with me, false, he will say, but, not saved, wants keys to the, pay off church for me, so I can sell, hollie showed, record, thats the popes image, made alive, that said, hollie, that, hollie showed, record, and on tv, bob meeting with ronald elliott, git outta here, thats why God keeps them apart, and the lighted finger pointed, that was, hollie, tearing up, con, spirit, pointed, hollie, con trap, back together, again, gabriel, showed, record, hit los angeles, thats gabriel, on the missile, pointed, lighted, finger, thats gabriel, in, the, headlines, hillary clinton blew out, president, he wants me, pointed hillary, george bush, your liar, that, pointed, hollie, that, robert cavaness, git up, that, lost, that, like floyd matthews, that, and the dark being blew the horn, out came, hollie, showed, with blond hair, kent r. gray, you blew it, church filling, and, shows up, with dyed, hair, preaching repentance, hollie showed, a picture of pastor kent gray, you loose said, gabriel, tear, no prophesying or visions told here, bye, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, prayer walk like hollie showed, on the missile, pulling the ship, ship busting is dangerous, post more visions, clapped my tap dancers, and, gabriel, danced, oil said, gabriel, is, leading, to armageddon, that was, satan, shh, satan said, sang, hollie, showed, popes image, made alive, pocket tv, he knowed, pointed, gabriel, ronald elliott that prophet was there, snitch, over, balding mans, head, ronald avoids, that, was, satan, shh, whats my satans message, satan thought, satan is beast, satan showed record, popes image, made alive, satan is the pope, shot into, idol shepherd said gabriel, slash, said, enthusiastic hollie, hollie pointed, at, the deadly wound, italy, laughed, satan, she said, showed, be, quiet, dont, tell on, him, and licked the prophet, clapped hollie, pointed, that, said, hollie, like a bear, that, pointed, hollie, thats, oliva newton john, that, paris hilton of, that, the 70s, now old, jelous, what you jelous for, that, in, out, that, thats ronald elliott in the lava, thinking, I, never prayed thru to the Holy Ghost, but, pastored, pentecostal church, thats a liar, that, not apostle, put it on said, Jesus, he, is, intruding into the priesthood, that, one more time, is what they all say, like george forman, he is, old, and claiming, Jesus, but, sinning, that pointed, hollie, that was the pope pointing, like a cat, that, hollie, licked, the prophet, pointed, the answer is pray and then go, im not the main, thats gabriel, pointed, the main, pointed, no Im not, the main, anymore, you like, gabriel, said, the main, please tell on me, im the robert cavaness-donald winters man, im not saved, but, pastor, it is a family buisnes, said, the main, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, that was, the eye of the LOrd, that, Jesus, coming, that, subs destroyed usa, america returning fire, the world shook, that was satan, that was the nathaniel haney urshan man, shh, hollie tore up con upci, lost, but, act, and, the horace, got you, smith-kenneth haney man saw, with dyed hair, that was, the beast, on, his throne, that, was, satan, pointed, the, enthusiastic hollie, and, main, satan, thats, gabriel, said, enthusiastic hollie, post, said, the website, after, thinking, that was satan, what is my satans message, hollie, thought, im the bear paw, that was, hollie, with, a little horn, growing, pope, hollie, whistle blew, hollie waited to record, Jesus, showed, record, git up, post, work, for, the Lord, that, hollie, showed, both, record, waited, the whole usa will be desolate, sang, my gabriel, that, and, hollie, im the, that, beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and, im, the pope, and, hu is the false prophet, look, that, pointed, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, that, ronald elliott, being, put out, of, his church, and, gabriel, showed, record, your outta here said robert cavaness, thats what we want said, hollie, not saved, thats the jeff jaco-ronald elliott man, they are the same o age, but not saved, that, pointed, the enthusiastic hollie, that, go, drink, that, work, she, was, from tony burtons, church, that, I lust you, and you are, my dads age, that, 7-2-2007-gabriel, showed, record, write me vision, said, hollie, showed, pointed, at, flames, sign, bus, rubbed chin, celebrated, thumbs swooping up, popes image, record, showed, gabriel, behold, norad, bush, putin, let me rule the world, they both, shoved, and, gabriel, showing nuclear explosions, in both nations, the world shook, gabriel, showed, record, record, the vision, showed, gabriel, hollie pointed, highway 9, sign, boom, thats the vision, im a bear, that, is, putin, record, the vision, showed, gabriel, did not, the angel, gabriel say, you need to record, gabriel, showed cut off, hollie showed, pointed, write the vision, that, fireworks, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, swooping, up, popes, image, gabriel, showed, record, gabriel, showed, record, my sign said hollie showed, gabriel, showed, go on, gabriel, showed, record, that pointed, hollie, im off, that, said, the woman, that, at apostolic tabernacle, that, time to start cutting off saith the LOrd, record, showed, gabriel, everybodies complaining at apostolic tabernacle, that, said, hollie, cause robert cavaness, that, wont allow the one that has the Holy Ghost, that, to preach, that, JEREMIAH 23, that, fulfilled, church, that, collapses, hollie showed, record, tell the vision, said, gabriel, Steven A. Stargardter chose to protect jeremy taylor, will resign, from, did not, fleas, say, aint nobody lookin, record, showed, hollie, 7-6-2007-gabriel, showed, record, apostolic tabernacle, revival tonight, go, that, Jonah Weiland looses her chance to be saved, that, over posting duncan rouleaus article, that, matt brady, many, do, like Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, michael doran, these are duncan rouleaus children, people that protect his article posted in thier websites with the stolen name ministry of dreams, gabriel, showed, record, go, did not, syria say, bomb us, terrorise, that, said, hollie, what do you want, said duncan rouleau, that, pointed, hollie, if you mess with me, that, police, I did steal the name ministry of dreams, duncan rouleau is embarrased clapped the tap dancers with many that stole the name ministry of dreams, like dee finney, Dana Tillusz and Chad Boudreau, jean patrick charrey, robert dinse, Heuva, Nick Field, Dave Karlotski, these are the children of furcadia and funarchy and of satan, arron shutt is the child of janetmck, 7-29-2007-visions of the grim reaper-visions received 7-29-2007-I saw the black grim reaper with red eyes and he did things like, winked his eyes, licked the prophet, showed me to record, said, "that", more. Thank you Lord for the new ministering spirit, "the grim reaper".
the angel gabriel-visions recieved 7-29-2007-in visions, I saw the arch angel gabriel, and he said things as instructed of Jesus.
leave the name ministry of dreams alone or get ruined and then release it anyway-visions recieved 7-29-2007-I saw hollie flying in her spacecraft, "ministryofdreams", and she said something I believe along the lines, "my space craft", "leave it alone", "ruin", and I saw duncan rouleau, and matt brady, and dee finney, and, antonia vladimirova, and, lawrence forman, and larry l. lawrence, and, jonah weiland, and nick field, and, many more like jean patrick charrey, and, jeremy taylor, d.min, and a whole crowd of people in a cart, pulled by gabriel to the fire, and dee finney showed, shh, like antonia vladimirova, and, the massive bri, and, cecil pennyton, and, Micheru Mathys, and, that is mike kenney, and, christina sanford, Dana Tillusz and Chad Boudreau, both showed, shh, david shapiro, furcadia, hueva, she showed, shh, tell on them, saith the LOrd, i'll help, Dave Karlotski, he showed, shh, tell his wife, Konstantin Ternianov, showed, shh, tell on him,.
vision of Jesus Christ-vision recieved 7-29-2007-in church this morning I saw the dard haired bearded Jesus and he pointed.
dunan rouleau-visions recieved 7-29-2007-in this vision, I saw duncan rouleau, and he showed, shh, and said, "I stole the name ministry of dreams, and wrote book using the nightmare on elm street idea, sued", "shh", and I saw Jesus, and he pointed, "duncan rouleau", and duncan rouleau shook, "yes", and Jesus said, "sickness coming your way", and duncan rouleau, swallowed, and jonah weiland saw, and called, police, and police lead singer stings cancels tour, no ticket sales.
7-30-2007-hollie showed, record, duncan rouleau, how did I, get, cut off, theres that o alone sound, said, hollie, showed, and licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, that, duncan rouleau, hollie showed, put back, the, con, spirit, duncan rouleau cancels the nightmarist series with stole name ministry of dreams, and, nightmare on elm streets, idea, his children take his article off, hollie showed, spoke in tongues, thats a form of Godliness if you dont have the Holy Ghost, that was the world spinning, america, on fire, smoke blocked out, sun, and, blood red moon, they are blocked, sixteen hours, and bill clinton, returns, fire, moscow, china, boom, thats hu hintao, riding, the red horse, the world, shakes, thats, the, grim reaper, to collect souls, lost, gabriel showed, record, gabriel said, record, the vision, gabriel showed, record, you know what hes doing, terry tobin, hes, wanting a free ride, credit card on church, has, money to give away, after, ending, gabriel, showed, shhh, dont, tell, showed, thumbs up, that was thumbs swooping up, popes image, aint nobody looking said precious child fleas, and, terry tobin, saw, not saved, but, pastoring, God feeds the birds, you are more to God, then, a bird, but, like, a bird, they think like you do, and, poop, thats hu hintao, riding, the red horse, china, strikes, taiwan, bars bearing sealed, Jesus showed, shh, its only thicker oil, it does not seal, it, forms, a, seal, thats the grim reaper, collects one third of the souls, of earth, when america, moscow, and china, attack each other, precious child fleas, showed, record, and, licked the prophet, thats the grim reaper, touble he said, and, licked the prophet, grim reaper on black horse, satan, on, black horse, hollie blew horn, showed, wait, went in, iran, attack coming, that is, black chariot, with, hollie on top, leave me alone, sound, blew, cut me off so I can do what I want to do, and, the pope, and hu, new world order, lets rule the world, ok, sang, putin, hollie showed, record, dont say that, that, thats clapped hollie, the grim reaper, bart peterson, what, does, he want, said, hollie, money, taxes, did not gabriel, say, its, iraq, again, hollie showed, spoke in tongues, that is the grim reaper, blessed precious, is back, look, pointed, kirk you know my name, said, JEsus, but, not saved, cameron, you liar, saith the Lord, gotyou, said, blessed precious, go wednesday, to, work, cut off, or, choose, me and have THE ACTS 2:38 experience, no more movies, its your promise, said, Jesus, have not done, but, claim, that, im the not the main no more, that is gabriel, showing record, hollie past the torch, the united states will be attacked, by russian missile, that was gabriel, and, hollie, gabriel, showed, eat, the grim reaper, licked the prophet, gabriel, showed, record, bear paw, that was hollie with the popes image, born between, hu and the pope, thats beast and false prophet, that was, alaska, and putin, firing, boom, and, gene schmidt calls ken, that was from the Lord, ken, wants bob now, but, when, there, shh, but bob spoke anyway, they liked, hollie out of AudioCoustics Laboratory 2100 speaker pointed, those little technics receivers excellent, put out 15 watts per channel at 30 to 20,000 hzs, gabriel, pointed at storms approaching, and plane dropping atomic bombs, on, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, moscow and china, only, one sixth of russia left, one half of china, bill clinton, thats, the fire, sent on magog, that was, satan, tell me what satan, wanted, said, hollie, that was, satan, james cheatham and ina cheatham, they are 80 years old, pastors, and, city bought church, he, pockets, 200,000, but lost, God, finally, let go, did not, dee finney say, tell me the vision, she stole the name ministry of dreams, releases after being embarrassed like antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, lawrence forman, who is larry lawrence, cecil pennyton who is cluracan, and, many more, the massive bri, christina sanford, jean patrick charrey, and duncan rouleau and his family, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, many more, michael doran, Jesus, laughed, at, them all, all on internet embarrassed, that was, hollie, tearing up, the, con quest, pulling ship, on missile, prayer, walked, look at myself, new york city, said, gabriel, leave it alone, my spacecraft, those fedex airplanes, unloaded would fly almost two miles per second, tell it, said, hollie, downtown, circled, my geese, hollie showed, on building, tattoo, flames, thought, tore up, con quest, thumbs swooping up, popes image, alone sound, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, pointed, you know whats going on, and, he saw, said, casey, three kings arise, the pope, slashed, idol shepherd, hollie pointed, deadly wound, italy, the pope shot out of, and hu, the false prophet, and japan, those two like a, lamb, rose to withstand russia, the pope, tell me who is duncan rouleau said hollie, he stole the name ministry of dreams and the idea from night mare on elm street, wrote book, write publisher, tell, and nightmare on elm street, tell, suit will, follow, duncan sees, laughs, but, stripped, he is a witch, downtown, I, already said downtown, circled hollie geese, post, thats hollie posting, did not, my angel gabriel, say, they want you in iraq, shh, bush, should be turned over to iraqi people to be executed, they would, kill, new york city, thats gabriel, in the headlines, wrong he said, hillary clinton kicked out, president, did not the bear, say, bear paw, that is putin, and, hintao, the ram, grecia is the pope, he smites, when usa, and china, and russia, attack each other, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, type, said, the woman, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, and licked the prophet, grim reaper, america hit by moscow, boom, the sun is blocked, moon, blocked, sixteen hours, pope, goes to greek orthadoxed church, signs, agreement, in russia, gets thier nuclear arsenal, and, putin, kneeling before pope, whatta you want, hit usa, thats it, ok, said, putin, lets rule the world, sang, putin, and putin, showed, record, that was, the, angel, with attitude smiling, showing pocket tv, with, popes image, made alive, and 666, appeared, france he said, hollie tore up, con, spirit, falling, from nato, let me tell you what you want, russia, but, russia, attacks, france, they are, falling, from, u.s.a., like all, nato, nations, look at myself, and the angel with attitude showed record, I want me said andrea thompson, nude photos ruined, cnn, news career, she did not, do it, for that, but, her, photograper lied, she would have married him, its, over, said, hollie, alright said angel with attitude, started this law, said, the woman from cnn, jelous, over, andrea, thompson, homo said lawrence forman, yes shook jeremy taylor, go back said steven stargardter, hit iraq, said, the woman, panicking, at cnn, tinas ass said stargardter, what was you last name, what do I have to do, she, said, stargardter, shook, we ll show you, its, a balance, I, have to put on this wet t-shirt, you know said the woman from cnn, your nuts said steven stargardter, hes shooving it in, said, the woman, stargardter is pervert, but acts intelligent, I want a head job said andrea thompson, its sealed, and the woman, from, cnn, shook, yes, but, steven stargardter, shook, I have a plan, ass, and the two woman shook yes, they masterbate or dont get off, thats abomination, says, the Lord, hey steven, im going to take a little crap, now I want you to piss for me, james cheatham is jim bakker, like satan, live off of church, your gonna get cut off, said, andrea thompson, you know how I, got, him, said, Jesus, he, said, you, blew, it, jeremy taylor, got, him, fired, from, his jobs, talks, all, that stole the name ministryofdreams, and, janetmck and christina sanford shook, yes, arron shutt lost fity thousand per year, no replacements like, that was a cat, hollie leopard, pointed, at, the leopard, thats north and south korea, china and japan, hollie, showed, in, the fire, hollie showed, thumbs up, chevrolet caprice, twenty four on the highway, record, the vision, and hollie licked the prophet, what do, you want, jeremy taylor smiled, money, he stole the name ministryofdreams, like antonia vladimirova and dee finney, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, duncan rouleau and his children, jean patrick charrey showed ruint over, all will be, all took to make prophet fall, jonah weiland, matt brady, michael doran, all shook yes, bob showed, in dream, to keep car, knows, Jesus showed record, you wouldnt let, jeremy taylor, stay, at wisdom university, jim garrison, that man from grace apostolic has been, church all his life, but, not saved, trembled, when bob spoke, God sad for him, Jesus showed, cut off, bishop larry hunt, and chaplain gabby, wondering what to do, well, thursday, prayer, friday, meal, sunday, bible study, did not, larry hunt say, out, prophet, and, chaplain gabby blew the horn, let me tell you what you want, hollie, came out, money, and, put back, con spirit, alaska, boom, bill, clinton, returns, fire, theres, explosions up, both, coasts, the world shakes, do you want to hear, about, america, what, is, it, said, the man from, grace, apostolic, church, babylon, hollie showed, choke, whats the reason, flames, national city bank running customers off, not paying interest on the right date, thats hu hintao riding the red horse, china, strikes taiwan, he wants your money, larry hunt, they pay him to pastor, and, the man that teaches there, you know what, I, want, hunts job, but dont know anything, gabriel, showed, record, that was, hollie, wailing for the people, and, they are stealing prophets ministry name, dont, follow me said the man from grace apostolic church, this is, what, you want, pulpit, be worshipped, but, not, saved, hollie showed, choked, that man, from, grace apostolic, and, showed, geo metro, choke, it is not good transpo, out said, fleas, pastor john ramsey, his church will close, he got flock to buy him a church, to, pocket money, now, people leaving cause visions, he ll, pastor somewhere, but, not, get, very much, that was, the, black chariot, with, hu and, the pope, the pope on the black side, and hu, on, the, red, this will take peace off of the earth, a flat roof will last a thousand years, if people stay off, did not, fleas, say, uncover me, so, I can, do, what, I want, to, are you, saved, said, gabriel, no, swallowed kirk cameron, then, why are you asking people if they died where they would spend eternity, I have not had THE ACTS 2:38 born again, experience, said, Chuck Smith, but, teach, said, ray comfort, all cut off, now, even kirk cameron, no way, said, Jesus, not because you are popular, you witch, you know you owe me said, Jesus, tithes, pastor Chuck Smith never paid, but, pastors, teaches, lives off of church, free ride, but, now, on, internet, lets pray now said, gabriel, two days later, after, cut off, but, while, God dealt, no prayer, did not, gabriel, say, nobody wants to make it, only this prophet, and, hes fighting, the, way of God, persecution, teasing, spiking penus, caressing, entering into heart, this is the depth of satan, angering, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, ray comfort, that liar, not saved, but, evangelizes, gabriel, councel, what, do you want, ray comfort, said, worship me, not, saved, and kirk cameron, no, said, Jesus, does, but, not for long, yoke snapped, non stop, this, is, killing all day long, did not gabriel, with, the angel, with attitudes voice say, tell me, about, grecia, its, rome, the pope, satan is, the head, and, magog, is, the body, and hollie leopard, pointed, thats, north and south, korea, china and japan, situate, and, he saw, said, casey, taiwan, explode, china, strikes, to take peace off of the earth, drawing, usa, moscow and china, into, war, you missin, said, kirk cameron, not, saved, but, claims, but the man from grace apostolic, teacher, said, he had to be jewish, anti Christ, bob said, where in the bible, does, it, say, hes jewish, angela smith just saw prophet for first time in years, liked, would take, even with, Holy Ghost, but, he, so she, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, the grim reaper, hollie, posting, hollie sanded bondo, fix yourself, and, jack reynolds swallowed, enthusiastic hollie showing popes image made alive, pocket tv, and, hollie moody showing, t.v. with pope, take my mark and live, france, hollie, like fleas, pointed, holt road, boom, and, the pope, came out of, bears mouth, three ribs, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, did not fleas, say, bobby, your gonna ruin it, your name, ministry of dreams, God spoke and God will retrieve, from thieves like duncan rouleau and his kids, jonah weiland, showing, shh, dont tell on me, I know, they both and matt brady, showing, shh, liars, all like michael doran, and, nick field, and dee finney showed, shh, like antonia vladimirova, they all like jean charrey, stole the name ministry of dreams, and the biggest fools of the internet, jeremy taylor and christina sanford, they stole to make gain, meaning, make bob fall, and then, get name for themselves, but, they will loose jobs like david shapiro of furcadia and lawrence forman of guam, his cecil pennyton got him to let her steal, and they all mocked, she will weep, over, gonna take my name said cecil pennyton, you liar, make fun of God, he will make fun of you, watch, three babies, coming you way, Jesus showed, record, and hollie leopard, pointed, at, the leopard, magog, thats, north and south, korea, china and japan, situate, and, the pope, rules, otyre, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia, he goes to the greek orthadox church, makes an agreement for, control of russia s nuclear arsenal, gets, decieves, they, shake, yes, he says, in temple, in rome, i am god, but, comes to his end, that, right there, makes, him look, stupid, and hu hintao, shakes, no way, both, sign, for 666, cause, he hates, from that pointed, 7-31-2007-that was the angel with attitude, showing, popes image, made alive, pocket tv, whispered into the false prophets ear, take the mark and live, no, shook hu, they signed for 666, jong, trouble, making, im not the main mister prophet, that is gabriel, hes the main now said hollie moody, and angel with attitude, what do you want, hollie moody showed heaven, but people stealing the name ministry of dreams, thats the grim reaper, look at myself, did not the angel with attitude, say, when they hit syria, thats, syrian president running from, fire, then, u.s.a, threatened by russia, putin, on t.v., will, offer protection from usa, ten nations come forth, angel with attitude, showed, record, blew it, cut off, showed, autozone manager, cop, church of pentecost, the owners ride around in new church van on stupid christians, with, gas, expensive, angel with attitude showed pocket tv, popes image made alive, gabriel showed, record, that, gabriel showed the popes image, made alive, pocket tv, he, said, take the mark and live, hu showed, no way, they signed for 666, both have nukes, aimed at each other, china and otyre, russia, did not, fleas, say, looky here, a, picture of blessed precious, that, c.i.a. wants prophet, that, prophet laughs, in about one month, they will, come, to kill, but, prophet, thinks, come one, lets go, ill, take, you, out, I dont, have a gun, but, if God shows, me, who you are, Ill target, youll be in trouble, heres what I will, Ill have you arrested, for, harrasment, in court, cia, secret agent, wanted to kill, prophet, disappears, another, they, know, right now, where, prophet is, watch, on, sattelite, but prophet thinks, that was, the world shaking, you better hope God protects you from me, ill pray sickness, on you, and, facial sickness appeared on the f.b.i. s faces, we, want, you, protect murders bush, cheney, come after, prophet, you fools, God, if c.i.a., pursues, will, have, arabs, collapse usa, bush, sees, write arab officials, tell them iraq was brought in by oil man bush, to steal oil wells, its america, right now, bush will hit syria and iran, wanting, to do, the same, write and tell, now hear the world of the Lord, bush is coming, russia, will, not, stop, they, will, threaten, but, usa, will, eliminate russia, but, russia, hits u.s.a., china, gets, nuked, by, hollie in her sub, mostly gone, arabs, need to unite right now, and, stop bush, america, has, more oil, then, saudi arabia, in alaska and ocean, stop selling usa, oil, tell opec, cut usa off, and, the president of saudi arabia sees, calls, if, o.p.e.c. doesnt stop bush, he will, invade syria and iran, nuclear, weapons aimed right now, u.s.a., targets russia and china, to, discourage, but, those two, are, the ram, they, have, usa, covered, the world, will, shake, he, knows, said, Jesus, prophet, wrote putin, he knows, hit, usa, or, be destroyed, theres putin, running from the fire, killed, hu hides in shanghai, collapses, cause, oil, shortage, cuba will not let, russian subs, come, there, cause, bush, will, absorb, write the vision said steven stargardter, hes protecting jeremy taylor to his own firing, watch, and, jim garrison, swallows, o my God, said, hollie, cia sharp shooters, right now, around, prophets house, they, are, stationed, at, intersections, watching, no, orders, yet, bush, is, telling his people to kill, prophet, that is, the pope, and, hu, in the red and black chariot, hollie, whistle blew, like this, wheww, face it, said, the pope, cia, coming, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, jeremy taylor, white robe, jim garrison, black suit, soon, jeremy taylor, black suit, jim garrison, white robe, teaches, jeremy taylors class, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, thats, Jesus, in, the room, pointed, the, finger, door opened, that is hu, in, the, red chariot, pulled, by the red horse, to take, peace, off of, the earth, that was, hollie, tearing, up, the, con, cia, here now, but, no prophet, hes, hollie moody, and, wanting, a gun, they, laugh, he, would at Gods command, God says, I will persecute you to the lake of fire, I, will make, you, fall, all day, for no reason, I will make you so angry, youll run out of my precence, and, sin, to, get me, off of, you, for no reason, I do this, to cause you to perish, now, you are, crying in heart, cause I wont, lay off you, but, I, dont, care, if you, perish or not, God says, people cant, deal with me caressing thier dicks, spiking, teasing, so, they, backslide, fiery darts, infecting gums to loose teeth, I prod, and, laugh at them, while they are wrath, but, denying self, I, prod when I could have, just, spoke, but its funner to me to torture cause who can stop me, I, say, what I know, will, pierce your heart, throw you in a rage, go to church, and, look at your toothless brothers, ask them what the Lord did to them, God laughs, just about all, backslide, I caused, hell, to be, full, I put new hearts in my slaves, to keep them going, I right when bob wakes up, tease, to anger, enter into heart, and, put wrath in, take out, desire to live for me, this is, persecution, that was, hu, riding, the red, horse, china, strikes, taiwan, to take, peace off of, the earth, I, make it, so, the person cant stand, being alone, with me, cause, I, make, the person hate, me, that, much, this, is how, I, make, my servants, killed, all day, long, God says, I, persecute, my children, to make them, fall, for no reason, you can beg and cry, weep and fast, my heart, has to, change, when, the servant, backslides, after, about two months, if I, miss them, knowing they wont come back, I, call them back, and, leave them alone, for awhile, this embarrasses slaves, you are a dog to me, and nothing more, says, the Lord, hollie showed, pointed, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, on, building, pointed, flames, thumbs swooping up, popes image, that is, the, grim reaper, that is, hollie, wailing for the people, hollie showed, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, 8-8-2007-why aint you praying, you know, said, hollie, showed, and licked the prophet, there it is, said, kathryn taylor, we want you, a, new job, for, jeremy taylor, but, he, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, from prophet, God, lead prophet to destroy jeremy taylor, thats the paul mooney girl showing please record, and licked the prophet, record showed, gabriel, licked the prophet, that was, a point, write the vision, hey bobby, said, hollie, and he saw jeremy taylor, and antonia vladimirova, and dee finney, and jose alvarez, and david shapiro, and lawrence forman, and janet mcknight, and arron shutt, and, jean patrick charrey, and duncan rouleau, and jonah weiland, and nick field, and dave karlotski, and matt brady, and, the massive bri, and, robert dinse, and, Harlequin, and andy shaw, and, Konstantin Ternianov, Micheru Mathys, and, all that stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams, all release when ruined, saith the Lord, and licked the prophet, you blew said gabriel, record the vision, said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, record the vision, said the paul mooney girl, that, all right, finally, sex, backslided, cut off showed jim garrison, jeremy taylor, hes a witch, what, did, he, do, you, blew it, said, jim garrison, steven stargardter, let, taylor stay to his own, destruction, tell the vision, ricky holcomb showed cut off, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and, the paul mooney girl, pointed, that, abase, jeremy taylor, what do you want, that, fired, from, jobs, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, cmon steven, stargardter, fire, before you fall with, to late after classes, begin, students find out, people at university tell, and, they want, money back, you say, no, they say, suit, record the vision, showed, gabriel, you, blew it, duncan rouleau, hollies in hot water, clapped hollie, he knows, jeremy taylor, pointed, hollie, failed, got ruint, over, and, dee finney, antonia vladimirova, all shook yes, heaven pointed hollie, glass city, crystal sea with hollie showed, in, lava, emergency letter from jim garrison, jeremy, board meeting, thats, allright, said, taylor, jeremy, resigned, and, the, steven stargardter-jim garrison man, what do you want, both, want, prophet, in jail, he pointed, court, that, poor o jeremy taylor, said, hollie, sees visions, he, can make you backslide sang celine dion, Jesus, with prod, torturing his servants, to, kill, cast out, you lying, said, Jesus, and jeremy taylor shook yes, liar, God is persecuting you to make you despair unto life, abated, fiery darts, take, teeth, he, wants, it, said, Jesus, his slaves, to loose, teeth, to embarras them, git, out, of my, presence and you will not be tortured by me and satan, that is a hard on, im teasing you, I, made you, stay single, now, I, torment, to, make, you, fall, I, will make your dick get hard, whenever, I want, come back said Jesus, I, cast you out, till, you, leave, torture, make you hate me, I, want your blood on my hands, you just woke up, and I torment, right when, God says, I will make you, fall, till, you, run, out of my presence, then my heart changes, that is, killing all day long, I will do this to embarras my servants, that was, hollie, tearing, up, the con, spirit, God, says, I, will, hurt you, deep in your heart, till you backslide, then, still do it, leave for 30 days, then, Ill stop or loose you, Im killing all day, cause, I, prophesy thru you, quitting, God says Im making you quit all day, cause, you prophesy, torturing, that was, satan, shh, im the bear father, I AM making you want to perish, torturing, open your heart, prophet now thinks, save me, but you are making me not want to be saved, I, can reprogram your heart, by torturing, I will make you lava for no reason, Im going to, torture till you leave, people are mocking both of us, there is nothing, you could have done to make me stop, cause, this is, how I do, all, of my slaves, paul wrote about this, I will, torture you, im like you, and you are, like a little dog, this is killing all day long, to keep my slaves humble, serve or dont, Ill trap you and you can not run, saith the Lord, backslide or, stay, but you cant stay, you leave me alone, said, hollie, why dont you fast till death, saith the Lord, perhaps I will repent of my torture for no reason, Im making you hell cause you are exalted in peoples eyes, not mine, but for that reason, I, torturing you, to show them, I can make you backslide, ha ha saith the Lord, hes done, got you, said, Jesus, no, said jose alvarez, jeremy taylor, d.min said antonia vladimirova, witches, like thief dee finney, bobby, I hit the dog, said, amy brucker, masterbating, ministry of dreams, was spoken by Jesus, you can not steal, copy, or duplicate, or I the Lord, will destroy, you, and you will release, and get destroyed anyway, Jesus showed, record, and, the pope rose, with the g8, nato, plus, russia, the seven heads, and bush was the woman, russia having ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, Im wanting you to collapse, saith the LORd, for no reason, mocking, teasing, caressing dick, making it hard, when I want to smother, you with, torture, and the pope smiled, hes the ministering spirit on ministry of dreams, like, hollie, and she showed, pictures of, hollie, enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed, that hollie, hollie with nice hair, cindy, fleas, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and JEsus showed, cut off, jeremy taylor, witch, that, works for wisdom university, 8-9-2007-hollie blew the horn, out cane, hollie, that, pointed, gabriel, showed, record, that, I aint ordering any said ducan rouleau, him and richard starkings into it, over, the, nightmarist, duncan stole the name ministry of dreams, and, wrote the nightmarists, to, make bob, fall, but, God, is making, duncan fall, telling, hollie showed, turn, what are, you gonna do with no google, allright, bill gates, will have, the only, Jesus showed, record, charter bank, did not pay interest, they, owed, out, like national city, get away from, them, those that, we, took, it, the name, pointed, the lighted, finger, ministry of dreams, cindy pointed, write the vision, and, licked the prophet, whats he, done, said, hollie, showed, im, out, of, here, steven stargardter, fired, cause of, jeremy taylor, no way, said, kathryn taylor, hate, mail, coming, thats, not, cindy, that was fleas, it will not show up, there, pointed, hollie, showed, the nightmarist, duncan rouleau, took he said, the name, ministry of dreams, that was, hollie, tearing, up, the con duncan rouleau, wanted to make prophet fall, but, will cost him, everything, thats hollie showed tearing up the con nickelodeon, some one wrote me, said, duncan rouleau, nickelodeon, no more, buisness, like, dave karlotski, n.p.r., bye, we took your ministry name said duncan rouleau, to trap, but, got ruint, try to trap me, said, Jesus, Ill, ruin, write the vision, and hollie showed, licked the prophet, that was, fire, right behind, the, naked duncan rouleau, and dave karlotski, someone, wrote me, said, Jonah weiland, all that, bob, we, took, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, fire waiting, all, wanted, to make, prophet, backslide, that, was, dave karlotski, and, jose alvarez, dee finney, in hell, she trembles, when seeing vision, and jeremy taylor, david shapiro, sh, he showed, lawrence forman, and janetmck, janet mcknight, arron shutt, sh, he showed, christina sanford, sh, she showed, and jean charrey, sh, he showed, duncan rouleau, sh, he showed, and richard starkings, shows, cut off, both, sh, said, matt brady and jonah weiland, and nick field, andy shaw, sh, said, Konstantin Ternianov and Harlequin, and many more, sh, showed, the massive bri man, liar, all claim, they made up, but, lie like cecil pennyton, sh, she showed, liar, wolf, that was jonah weiland and cecil pennyton in lava, still laughing, I made prophet fall, with, lawrence forman, all, that, stole, but, prophet, is, in heaven, hollie, showed, pointed, hell is heaven to those that go there, theres prophet in lava, that page, God told, you, not, to, put up, cut off, now, that was, hollie, riding on the black and red chariot, with the pope and hu, new world order, God gives you, your choice, right now, who s reading this, heaven, thats, glass city, or, helven, thats, lava, they are, cut off, pointed, Jesus, rick and anna holcomb, wont, you, come, here, el shaddai, and, the, lighted, hands, tore up, con, spirit, write the vision, said, the paul mooney girl, hollie, in, back, of the, o black chariot, hollie, whistle blew, like, this, thats it, pointed, lighted finger, whew, putin planning, turned, into, bear, three ribs in mouth, plucked cuba, castrol showed, cut off, lets see, im a bear, said, the bear, thats, putin, satan is the head, and the pope is his mouth, and magog is the body, thats north and south, korea, china and japan, someone wrote me, said, gabriel, jeremy taylor, I took, im sorry, lied, not sorry, sorry, that ruint, removed, bush is satan, satan is in his body, like, stalin, and he showed, cut off, hitler, and, he showed, cut off, they sought, and got, bob, I got you cut off, said cecil pennyton who is cluracan, liar, not saved, but claims and there are her lips dripping with lawrence formans cum, liar, both, like, witches, jose alvarez, cut off he showed, and dee finney, and that was hollie like dee finney rubbing the crystal ball, she was like dumitru duduman, but, stole, took, said dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, and the lighted finger, pointed, that said enthusiastic hollie, spoke with tongues, that was, Jesus, pointed, hollie, like a Spirit Man, tell on me, said, jonah weiland, dave karlotski, matt brady, nick field, dana tillusz, they all, posted duncan rouleaus article with stolen name ministry of dreams, that was, duncan rouleau pointing down, someone, wrote me, said, jonah weiland, bob, asked, them, to remove, we, think its funny, said, jonah weiland, but, now, they are, all cut off, over, hate God, want prophet to collapse, Dana Tillusz and Chad Boudreau, cut off he showed, God made them fall, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, that, the popes image, that, made alive, that, pocket tv, and, that, enthusiastic hollie, that, pointed, that was satan, tell me what satan wanted, im the bear father, pope, russia, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, im abating you bruising, all day, to collapse, for no reason, you are, exalted in revelations, abate, says the Lord, Im crushing you, till, you backslide, thats, abating, says, the Lord, when, the servant, runs, out of my presence to sin, im not going to, give that servant another chance, cause, he, was, exalted, in revelation, not, in heart, abate him, says, the Lord, cause I want his blood on my hands, hes not, done, one thing wrong, but for no reason, I abated, abatement is complete when the servant, backslides, keep falling, Jesus showed, record, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, abate, him, said, Jesus, till, backslides, or be tortured, I will, punish, those that are haughty, says the Lord, and, whoever I want, abatement is complete says the Lord, when, my heart, smites, cause, I tortured innocence, abate him said Jesus, God says, I will make, you to fall, and, strip your desire, to live for me, abate him, God says, I will, not, stop, untill, you fall away, then, I have to, Im infecting gums, caressing, penus, entering into heart, stripping out desire to live for me, abate him, God says, I'm, teasing, angering, to make, perish, for no reason, gabriel, showed, record, cut off, jonah weiland, and matt brady, over, duncan rouleau, like andy shaw, and nick field and dave karlotski, Dana Tillusz and Chad Boudreau are in trouble and know it like Harlequin, liars, all want to strip christian of his salvation, walk said cecil pennyton, liars, lawrence forman, and david shapiro, the liar of furcadia, you blew it, said, Jesus, yeah said david shapiro, im a bear, said, the bear, thats, putin, laughed, hollie, the pope is the head, and satan is his mouth, and magog is the body, thats north and south korea, china and japan, situate, and david shapiro, saw, and dee finney, showed, shh, liars, stole the name, God spoke for this ministry like jose alvarez, and jeremy taylor of chaplaincy institute, liars, but call selves, christians, preach, like antonia vladimirova, liars, we took it, said, dee finney, now stripped, witch, we are bear paws said the bears, thats, china and russia, said, hollie, and she pointed, cut off, showed, pastor, terry gobin, cut off he showed, like dee finney, jose alvarez, liars, not apostles, sees, trembles, both, witch jeremy taylor d.min, stole the name ministry of dreams, will loose all, like jonah weiland, matt brady, duncan roleau, brett hickman has the name ministry of dreams on his site, ask him why he wont let it go, even thou, he knows its stolen, he wants prophet to fall, and so does matt brady, im trying to pierce your heart, saith the Lord, non stop, to anger, make you backslided, for no reason, torturing, teasing, infecting gums, I want you fallen, says the Lord, for no reason, im like holding you dick to anger, tease, you feel it, like a hand, waiting for you to walk away, lost, then, my heart changes, non stop, torture, this is why, for no reason, ask Alex Ness why he wrote about ministry of dreams, when he knew, stolen, he wanted prophet to fall, and has the name ministry of dreams on his website, liar, cut off after warned, take off, or lost, he will chose lost, Todd Callender has the stolen name ministry of dreams in his website, wont release till ruined, then, I AM hurting you deep in your heart, to make you backslided, all day, this is killing all day, let me, cast you out, all day, that is, reject, push, tease, anger, carees dick, to tease, infect gums, of perish, no choice says the Lord, this makes you humble in my eyes, you are humble, I want you angry, hating me, and, wanting to leave me says the Lord, that is humble in my eyes, 8-15-2007-to loose the name, said, jeremy taylor, thats cold said Jesus, stealing a christians ministry name, like, these people did, john mark pool, stole the name ministry of dreams like, jonah weiland and matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, dee finney, antonia vladimirova, and jeremy taylor, duncan rouleau, matt brady, christina marie sanford, cut off she showed, jean patrick charrey, jose alvarez, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, david shapiro, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, robert dinse, Konstantin Ternianov, andy shaw, the massive bri, and, harlequin, micheru mathys, and more to make prophet fall, look at myself, said, hollie, that was hollie, putting back the con, quester, that was, hollie, tearing, up, the, con, spirit, pointing, satan, pointed, hollie, pope, satan shot into, idol shepherd, slashed, hollie pointed, at the deadly wound, italy, pope, shot, out, that right there is the king fierce in countenance, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, pope, that was, the, Sun Of Rightousness, that was terry cannon touching prophets heart, that was hollie, putting back, the con, truit, that was hollie, tearing up, the con, quest, with, lighted golden bear paws, pointed, im a bear, paw, thats, putin, that was the pope, satans mouth, pointed, the lighted finger, write the vision, lift me up, said, fleas, hollie posting, mokse, pointed, hollie, on willie duncans church, the golden dome, washington, said, gabriel, boom, nuclear explosion, behind, jose alvarez, ruined like john mark pool for stealing, the name, thats it, said, gabriel, ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, shh, showed, dee finney and antonia vladimirova, liars, like jeremy taylor not christians, the end must come cause of people like this saith the Lord, for the elects sake, Pastor Doug Frano not saved, lets john mark pool preach, knowing he stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, Doug Frano, no signs, john mark pool sent an email, are you for Jesus, but he isnt, not saved, and, took, said, dee finney, the name , ministry of dreams, theres hollie pulling ship, on, missile, prayer walked, record, the vision, said, hollie, showed, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, hollie showed, record, hollie showed record, that, God persecutes to make his servants fall, that, to humble, hollie showed, record the vision, and licked the prophet, pointed, flames, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, hollie showed cut off, record my vision, said, gabriel, once we hit alaska, said, gabriel, record, me, then two hours, to live, over, one third, of the earth, and it, shook, we, know, they say, but, lie, smoke blocks sun and moon, record my vision, said, gabriel, here it comes, 666 said hollie, cut off showed Jesus, john pool, he, took it, said, dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, lies, not saved, that was dumitru duduman, looking at new jerusalem, going, like a glass city, pointed, 8-16-2007-I will haunt you, said, Jesus, loose, out, with me, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, my pope, cut off, he showed, jose alvarez and john mark pool, they, took said, dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, and arron shutt fired like janetmck over, like david shapiro and lawrence forman, he let his girl, friend, post, on his website, cluracan, who is cecil pennyton, liars, all, that, said, hollie, drink, take time, to think about your enternity, that, heaven, like a glass city, that, hell, like lava, that, with kenneth haney, that, he leads u.p.c.i., that, but, not saved, dyes, hair, like a witch, and the nathaniel haney-urshan-horace smith man saw, that, liars, not saved, and the pope, pointed, that, at the g8, with russia having ten, politburo, crowns, ruling party, and the iron curtain closed, that, bobby, the u.s.a. will be attacked, said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, smiled, happy, arch, like you, a mans heart given, like satan, and michael, with curly hair, that was michael like a man, fight against the dragon, and his army, cast out of heaven, the g8 with russia having ten crowns, and the pope rose like a beast from the sea, and the second beast rose to withstand, 666 signed for between, hu and the pope, otyre and magog, china and russia, record, unbeleivable, christians stealing from prophet, dee finney, shut up, she said, jose alvarez, you knew, he thought, john mark pool, liar, not saved, and, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, witches, none ever saved, france, boom, smiled, hollie, posted, whatta you want, mark pool, make christian fall, and, all that stole the name ministry of dreams, shook yes, jonah weiland, hollie held nose, thumbs down, witch, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, dee finney, antonia vladimirova, and jeremy taylor, duncan rouleau, matt brady, christina sanford, jean charrey, jose alvarez, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, david shapiro, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, robert dinse, Konstantin Ternianov, andy shaw, the massive bri, and, harlequin, micheru mathys, new york times, said, thats gabriel in the picture, cut off, he showed, the massive bri, man, lies, claims, you got it, yes, he shook, he stole to make prophet mad, but, is, cut off over, prophet, laughs, what time is is, raise your hands and repeat after me, its time for you to shut up, said, daniel bohler, cut off, no signs, write the vision, said, hollie, tear up, he, knows, your, praying, mark, john pool, but we took it said dee finney, my name said Jesus, ministry of dreams, that said enthusiastic hollie, that, and, licked the prophet, that, tony burton, hair dying, pastoring, that, jose alvarez, you got me, said, Jesus, that, you thought, I told him, that, love me, said Jesus, that, they all shook yes, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, then, why did you steal christians ministry name, that, did not, fleas, say, its, your final warning, write the vision, said, hollie, your, wanted, in, china, and, he saw, the iron curtain close, communist, right, said, hu hintao, politburo, ruling party, they are many kings out of one nation, china is magog, hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, no, said, amy brucker, when she found out, jeremy taylor, we took bobby, he said, the name, shh, showed, dee finney, and antonia vladimirova laughs, jose alvarez shakes yes, and john mark pool laughs, the name, shh, said dee finney, ministry of dreams, all release when ruint, write the vision, said, gabriel, and hollie, put back, the con spirit, somebody wrote me said dee finney, you, left said gabriel, we took it said, dee finney, jose alvarez, what, did they, want, to, make christian fall, all, I got you said Jesus, antonia vladimirova, for, taking she said, the name ministry of dreams, liar, not reverend, witch, hollie showed, record, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, im out, john mark pool, but acts saved, that, record the vision, that, said, gabriel, that, china is, magog, that, with, north and south korea, that, and japan, that, you blew it, said, Jesus, that, we know, it, said, dee finney, that, and tried to make christian fall, that, by stealing his God spoken ministry name, that, hollie showed, record, that, that, said, hollie, walk, that, hollie showed, record, that, go, record, the vision, said, gabriel, that, you wrote me said Jesus, john pool, are you for Jesus, that, why would write that and steal prophets ministry name, that, and jose alvarez swallowed, he perished said Jesus, that, tony burton, hair dyer, that, no, shook, hollie, sin, that, pointed, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, gabriel, showed, record, hollie posting pointed, that was satan, pointed, hollie, shh, what is my satans message, hollie showed, thought, that, im, the bear father, pope, that, was, satan, elijahs list pointed, hollie, tell on me, not saved, that was, satan, said, hollie, showed, tell the vision, pope, that, look said hollie out of flute, micheru mathys ruint for stealing the name ministry of dreams, that, bobby, that aint gonna work, he told on david shapiro, record the vision, said, hollie, showed, and, hollie, killing all day long is to make my servants hate me so I can be glorified, in what, I did, thru, said, hollie and hollie showed, and, the Father, casting out, by torturing, caspian sea, oil, pipeline, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, pointed, seperates china and russia, causing worm wood, that, satan, hollie put back, con, spririt, what does, satan, want, ducan rouleau, that, trying to get website stripped, he, will not do it, I was jelous said Jesus, cause, you, were, exalted, in, revelations, pointed, hollie, that, showed, so I made it so you could not stand, you could not have lasted, with me torturing, im embarrassed saith the Lord, I will not repent, backslide, or, be tortured, that, I am collapsing you, night and day, to make you, sin, that, I will drive you out of my presence, till, I, can, stop torturing, you, that was, hollie whistle, thats, it, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, we will not be accepted clapped hollie, those that stole the name ministry of dreams, all release when ruint, that, john mark pool, told, the Lord, he was sorry, after, he, started loosing, uh huh, said, dee finney, you loose, said hollie, sh, she showed, I took it, thats him, jose alvarez, bob, whispered Jesus, somethings comin, said, dee finney, russia, boom, usa, knocked out, but, fires, back, the world shakes, and stan johnson sees, with dyed hair, that is what got him cut off, could not get thru, that, outta here, said, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, he made me, remove, the name, start it, said, Jesus, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, time to get right, that was hollie, tearing up the con tract, write a new one said jose alvarez, wrong said JEsus, that said enthusiastic hollie, that, shes gone, dee finney, like antonia vladimirova, both for stealing the name ministry of dreams and david shapiro shook yes, like matt brady and andy shaw, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, jose alvarez, that, looses church, cant get back to usa, hollie buttoned lip, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, smiled, my pope, that, john mark pool, whats he done, he took, the name ministry of dreams, and knew not to, to make his own, ruint, write stan johnson and tell him, that, what his speaker did, that, said, enthusiastic, hollie, your outta here, said, JEsus, hair dyer stan johnson, for not repenting but preaching repentance like mark mckinney, liars, not christians, but claim, its in the air, said, Jesus, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, and the angel and the lightening bolt, that, boom, explosion, and out came four kings, they are, the pope, hollie held nose, showed, thumbs down, liar, and hu hintao, hollie held nose showed, thumbs down, liar, false prophet, and the emporer of japan, like a lamb, hollie held nose, thumbs down, lies, and the idol shepherd, hollie, held, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, nose, thumbs, down, lies, make, people, hate, by threatening, hu hintao of magog, otyre is russia, the pope, grunts, americas gitton, well handle it, said, putin, that, said, enthusiastic hollie showed, record, that, dee finney, you gotta leave new york, said, Jesus, alright said, jose alvarez, liars, we took, they said, the name ministry of dreams, that, said, hollie, to make prophet fall, and david shapiro laughs like antonia vladimirova, that, all fall, all ruint and release like john mark pool, that, said, hollie, he wanted to make ministry of dreams his, that, lies, not saved, that, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, kent jordan, that, why you lyin, he said, that, not saved, dyes hair, that, getting cut off, that, and stripped, that, of people, in debt, cause, that, remodeling, over eight million, that, would have been pocket money, but, that, he spent to perfect church, now beautiful, and people leaving, that, cause, he called, that, alter, call, and, that, people, felt, the Holy GHost in bobs voice, that, loosing hair, that, means dying, hollie whistle blew, wheww, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, theres war, said, dee finney, I dont think i'm gonn let you, she said, that, make me take off your ministry name I stole, but husband finds out, remove, and go anyway, watch, homeless, that, hollie showed, record, that, and licked the prophet, that, hollie showed thumbs down, held nose, pastor, Kevin Shindoll, this is, that, irving baxters replacement, that, not saved, but, acts, knows, that, we want your money said, dawn Shindoll with Kevin Shindolls voice, liars, misleading, time to go, soon, prophet, looking at, that, website, hollie showed wait out of audiocoustics laboratory 2100 speaker, as good, that, as they come, soundpro, made, like pioneer hpm 100, excellent, thumbs up, showed, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed, record, look, that, got, him, said, Jesus, john pool, to repent like jose alvarez, we took, said, dee finney, you, knew, said, Jesus, stealing from elijah, forbidden, all shook, yes, hollie showed, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, popes message, go, pointed, to oak park church, sh, showed, pastor Kevin Shindoll, but warn, they will hate while there but after pray you back, irving baxter, sees, church, revival, record my vision, said, hollie, that, showed, whatta you want he said, to make prophet fall, that, all that, stole the name, ministry of dreams, like, thats your tap dancers, hollie and eight kings that will rise, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, high gas caused by iraq, did not, fleas, say, eat, that, gabriel showed, cut off, jeremy taylor, the whole usa will be attacked, by missiles, where ever you are sang hollie, and licked the prophet, that, hollie showed record, that, bush sees emails, that, pointed enthusiastic hollie, that, that, makes, that, gas, cheaper, that, hollie showed, let me he said, rubbed chin, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, bush lowers fuel, that, the pope said, on finger, dumb fool bush, started armageddon, that, afghanistan, and iraq, thats the syrian president running from the fire, calls on putin, and, irans nuclear plant, boom, tell me, is that what you want said the army woman, yes shook bush, dick cheney, pointed, your out of here, shot, bush, hollie showed, choke, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, pope image, record my vision, said, the pope, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, we took it, said, dee finney, right here, pointed, jose alvarez, you, want, it, said, Jesus, took said dee finney, stole, the name ministry of dreams, that, God spoke that for this, not them, write these liars, and ask them why they are tempting God, cut off showed dee finney, all, that is the o red and black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, that, new world order, hollie, on top, then climbed in back, held nose, and saw, putin, planning, to, destroy, america, yes, shook mexico, hollie held nose, thumbs down, popes image, they blew said the pope, with dumitru dudumans voice, pointed, that, jose alvarez, john mark pool, dee finney, and jeremy taylor, your rich, said, dumitru, duduman, right here, we took it, they all stole, there aint no visions, in pentecost, and hollie on the black chariot with the pope and hu, new world order, that, mokse on willie duncans church, hollie pointed, kent jordan spent five million to remodel, christian tabernacle church, dyes hair, crowd leaving, no pocket money coming, all the jordans, right here, said, paul jordan, you left me, he said, dyed hair, on deathbed, repented, God said, fool, perish, he knew, and the angel, out of lightening bolt, syria, iran, will cause opec to cut usa off, high prices to bank rupt, your killing me said kind fahd, wanting my ground to war against arabs, they hated him, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie held nose, thumbs down, eight kings tap dancing, that putin will use to destroy, america, that, three ribs in the bears mouth, plucked, cuba, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, and, nicaragua, hollie pointed, and, mexico, hollie, thumbs down, liars, that, the world shook, that, france boom, italy, boom, airplane, pointed, hollie, that, missiles, dropping atom bombs on the world, that, america, moscow and china, and many more, nations, france, boom, italy, thats the seat of the beast, hollie, shh, dont tell on pastor Kevin Shindoll said gabriel, im gonna get you said, Jesus, relax, said, gabriel, will love prophet, meets, feels the Holy Ghost, bob tells all things, walks away, but likes, look pointed hollie, the world shook, and up came four kings, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liars, hu, hollie, held nose, that, thumbs down, false prophet, the pope, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, that, the emporer of japan, hollie held nose, thumbs down, lamb, with hu, and, the idol shepherd, slashed pope, hollie held nose thumbs down, prophet we heard it, not impressed, but like, you mean to tell me said, kevin shindoll, we are lost, I want you back said, Jesus, get saved, church leaves, with prophet, that, said, hollie, indianapolis, said, gabriel, boom, im a bear, thats, putin, said, hollie, im a bear, woman, like hollie, with monkeys, lips, go to google, type in, dee finney stole the name, many have stolen the name ministry of dreams, God spoke for this prophet, I the LOrd, will ruin, all, and make release, and david shapiro, laughs, runs to release like lawrence forman and dee finney, jose alvarez, and more, france, boom, falling away from nato, like most, and attacked by russia anyway, if you hold it, said, dumitru duduman, need to use the bathroom, that, go, right then, dont let get back into system, cause, raise your hands and repeat after me, some will, have mercy, said, Jesus, cut off, showed, gabriel, go, oak park church after to night, I left you said kevin shindoll, kicked out, irving back, watch, endtime ministries, that, there again, kevin shindoll, sees visions, knows prophet planned out his departure, from library, knows they will feel the Holy Ghost in his voice but not pastor kevin shindolls, leave it alone said, gabriel, he wants to take down website, that, pointed, hollie, visions in reserve, waiting, 8-17-2007 dee finney sang diana hughey, dee finneys not going to repent, like cecil pennyton, and jose alvarez, liars, not saved, witches, did you see my new york, said diana hughey, desolate, im a bear, thats putin, and people like witches in the subs, jeremy taylor of wisdom university, and dee finney, and jsoe alvarez, and john mark pool, by, taking said jose alvarez, to make prophet fall, his God spoken, ministry name, they are helping bring the end on for the elects sake, cut off showed, Jesus, all, dee finney, sang diana hughey, she loves me said mrs. chuck sinnesaw, when you git old, said, chuck, he asked me, said mrs. sinnesaw, both now lost, but lived as pastors, but are not saved, witches like, donald winters, showed, cut off, right theres satan, hear my son whom I am not well pleased, turned pulpit over to witch donny winters, hair dyes, lies, not, ever, been saved, sees vision, calls police, points, 8-20-2007-alaska, said, gabriel, boom, bear, said, the bear, woman, russia, otyre, the pope rules, goes, to the greek orthadoxed church, signs, gets thier arsenal, hu rises to with stand, from magog, raise your hand and repeat after me sang my pope, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and that is the pope, satan inside, destroying, jews, slaughtering, hu is magog, with china, north and south korea, and japan, like a lamb, rises to withstand, pope, sign for 666, take the mark and live, he says, from the pocket tv, im a god, he says, in temple in rome, and irving baxter sees, lies, dyes, cut off showed Jesus, all those, we take, said dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, like, arron shutt, janetmck, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, david shapiro, jean-patrick charrey, christina marie sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, d.min jeremy taylor, Eric Lindberg, harlequin, robert dinse, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, rev. antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, some of these claim to be reverends, but are found liars, like antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation, ruint, then all release, how does it feel, sang lawrence forman, headjob said cecil pennyton, how does it feel like it, sang lawrence forman, and david shapiro sees, laughs, cecil is cluracan, lies, like witches jose alvarez and john mark pool, and jeremy taylor and, more, that stole the name ministry of dreams, protected, they dont know, but all knew not to take, ruint, then, releases, you got me said the pope, on the finger, jeremy taylor, your ruint, right here, he showed, take me to court, make me, remove the name I stole, I, got you, he said, God knew jeremy taylor and all that stole the name ministry of dreams, was cut off, had indignation against God, embarras, that will make these devils release like antonia vladimirova and jsoe alvarez, and john mark pool, all, we took said dee finney, stripped, all, that was the beast, pope, and hu hintao, the false prophet, new world order, and hollie in back of the black chariot, with eight kings that will rise against usa, and hollie held nose, thumbs down, liars, 5-16-2009-its Kraig Grady, said, hollie, showed, you stole, she said, i wanted to ruin, strip, said Kraig Grady, the God spoken created ministry name birthed after bob prayed, ministry of dreams, and antonia vladimirova swallows, if you take, said, Jesus, appeared, I will openly abase you and make you run to remove ministry of dreams I spoke and created, if you alter like ministry dreams or the ministry of dreams I ruin you and make you remove openly mocked like brian kluth will, he wanted to steal said hollie, the God spoke birthed ministry of dreams like his reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u. and his kathy taylor, she stole, and gets mocked, hey, ill show you, said, rev. antonia vladimirova of dreams world, said, Jesus, thats, beast, said, hollie, pope arising, she said, that, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, and, I showed you, the, beast, she, said, hollie showed, world prophecy center, hollie showed the beast, rise, its, antichrist, hes, pope, I, am, God, he, said, there, said, hollie stamped, second beast rose, hes hu hintao the false prophet, there, said, hollie, stamped, third beast rose, hes, emporer of japan, hollie, stamps, thats, two horned beast with, hu, japan, coming out of horns, lets rise and withstand the beast, said, hu hintao, thats, them, signing, for, 666, its, the mark treaty, said, idol shepherd pope, thats pope with ram horns, putin, hu, out, thats, hegoat, stomping ram, thats, china, russia, nuking each other, thats, hollie showed, a, diesel engine, in, semi tractor trailer, they operate at over, Jesus, with glasses looks, three hundred degrees, thats oil boiling inside engine, it forms vapor, and vapor flies to top of engine, sucked in by pcv valve, and, changed to oil or fuel, there, said, hollie, showed, 1971 chevrolet impala, its uh, good car, hollie said, smokes, tires, hollie, showed, turn, go, with lighted bear paws, hollie pops out, hollie showed, record, showed, the, beast rising, theres, hu, hollie said, there, I, summed it, up, emporer of japan, hollie, put back, in robe, tore, up, and, restore, rip, snapped fingers, again, from behind, danced, hollie, does sign teem, laughs, yes, said, hollie, showed, no, im away with it, with amber colored lighted hands, but, shook, yes, thats, the, marine corp. out, in, the, streets, said, hollie, and, Jesus, last sign, hollie appears, hollie appears, pope, models, thats alome saleem, said, hollie, wiped lips, its, simb, said, sandy, that, was, stamping, beating stick, hollie, appears, like, shawdow, hollie, said, then, brightens, write, the vision, said, hollie, thats, hollie, like, vampire, thats, angel marine in american streets, its, last sign, Jesus, sprinkles, bear awakens, devours much flesh, hollie, shows, world, many nuclear explosions, hollie spun world, america exploded, thats, hollie posting, hollie, shows world prophecy center, thats, alome, saleem, said, hollie, and, hollie, wipes, lips, its, simb, said, cindy, thats, hollie, in, white robe, changing, motor oil, van shows, thumbs up, let me explain, said, engine, thats motor getting instructions from Jesus, we dont want no clean motor oil, said, engine, just keep full, engine said, gabriel, appears, checkes oil with hands, thick, slick, keep, president barack obama has been found dead said Jesus, points, hollie, shows, whaling wars, its, the, sea shepherd, hollie said, paul watson appears, kill, he said, thats, in rome, said, hollie, its beast sitting, she said, pope, I am rome, pope said, I am God, he said, they talk, prophet hickman, said, hollie, thats cloud of people invading russia, lets unite and force, said, hu hintao, thats, nuclear explosion in russia, china, invades, forces, russia to invade israel, thats false prophet hu slashing pontiff, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, jordan, syria, egypt explode, thats russia, putin, pressing nuclear button, israel explodes, thats Christ placing, beast, false prophet, in hell fire, thats, what are these wounds my sweet Jesus, said, hollie, thats angel Jesus standing on mount, everything dissolves, hollie showed, greenpeace, they want paul watson closed, hes taking their profits, thats, the steve irwin hitting iceberg, sinking, thats flooding, they try to, patch, thats, peter hammarstedt, patching, but sinks, thats, steve irwin at bottom of ocean, paul watson in ocean with crew, prophet hickman, raise your hands repeat after me, said, hollie, and hollie appears, two nuclear explosions, thats, captain hollie, surfacing, its, hollie, tore, up, los angeles class, thats nuclear fireball in los angeles, then from high in air, both american coasts, thats, captain hollie in many submarines, what kind of subs are these, said, hollie, akula agin, said, hollie, showed, sleep, hollie, showed, Ministry Of Dreams, dont take or steal she said, or, angry Jesus, appeared, 8-24-2007-gabriel, showed, record, like a white man, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, sin, written over Christ temple in anderson, indiana, 8-25-2007-im persecuting you to make you angry, and fall, saith the Lord, for no reason, you are in danger of hell fire, when I persecute, cause, thats what Im doing, is driving you out, I do this for no reason, I muse, at servants that, beg, plead, fast, cause, Im wanting them to backslide, this is killed all day long, none survive, cause I know how to make you backslide, says the Lord, to, embarras, record the vision, said, gabriel, and, licked the prophet, record showed, gabriel, hollie held nose, what do you want, pastor gerald graves wants money, he, showed, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, did not fleas, say, go, katie bazor, git outta here, stole the name ministry of dreams, is that whatchu, want, she shook yes, I like the name, and all that stole, like arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, david shapiro, jean patrick charrey, christina marie sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, Eric Lindberg, harlequin, robert dinse, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, and dee finney, and more, do you want prophet to fall, and all that stole the name ministry of dreams shook yes, make prophet fall, record the vision, said, gabriel, and, licked the prophet, record the vision, said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, sh, said, hollie, dont tell on amanda dee, moby games, its, cause, we, like it, said, dee finney, katie bozar, the name, ministry of dreams, all, stole, like, antonia vladimirova, reverend, she calls self, will release, after ruint, you need to, git, a job said gabriel, that was, hollie tearing up, the con, tract, that said enthusiastic hollie, that, cut off, she, showed, that, new iraqi, said, Jesus, halliburton, its ameribritain, absorbed, halliburton is the reason for the iraq war, oil contracts, russia knew, new york times, thats gabriel, in the picture, headlines, said, gabriel, hillary clinton, kicked out, that is the syrian president running from the fire, to late, said, gabriel, tell me a vision, said, fleas, and the pope, its, over, said, fleas, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, thats the pope like satan, said, hollie, and, put back, con, spirit, tore up, with, one hand, halliburton is dick cheney, said hollie, and licked the prophet, thats, oil, popes image, on, finger, gabriel said alaska, boom, Im a bear, that is putin, said, hollie, separates, like hollie showed, from china, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, that was, hollie, modelling, and, gabriel, and, michael, they needed war, said, gabriel, iran, powerplant, boom, bye, halliburtons two chief executives, bush, cheney, were coming, said, bill clinton, thats enthusiastic hollie, with, yellow hair, pointed, the lighted finger, war, that, said, hollie, and, tore up, con, that, con that, prophecies been good said gabriel, hollie showed, record, that was tongue in a rectum, gabriel, dont, its, cut off, did not, hollie, say, outta control, pointed, thats, the clintons, china will, threaten taiwan, said, gabriel, that was, hollie, tearing up, the, con, spirit, and, truit, trast, from, the side, trite, new york, thats gabriel, in the headlines, hillary clinton kicked out, pointed, the lighted finger, president, hollie whistled, wait, that was, whistled, satan, pointed, hollie, tell me, whats my satans message, thats, freddy krueger suing duncan rouleau, stealing the idea from nightmare and the name ministry of dreams, ruint, like, all that stole, ruint, like, dee finney, I love, the Lord, sang the choir, hes, my pastor said the woman, they, teach, that, the church, is, a, covering, they, lie, the church is not, the, Holy Ghost, kent jordan looses crowd, beautiful, church, debt, free, but, wont, sell, right there, pointed, gabriel, kent jordan is paul jordan, hair dyers, jordan said gabriel, step down, or, be embarrassed, that was satan, said, hollie, shh, Im the bear, father, otyre, russia, filthy sex, that was satan, said, hollie, what did satan, want, hollie, thought, Im the bear father, tore up, con, caspian sea, boom, God says, I, persecute people to kill them, meaning, cast them out, make them hate me, for no reason, Im going to make you, fall, till, you reach for sin, then, stop, destroying all your desire to live for me, you can not stay if I wont, let, im not letting, till, you, leave, to embarras, cause, you are exalted in revelations, and, Im, jelous, cause, you, know, all things, thats hollie, pleading, to Jesus, dont, but, God kept right on, cause prophet was, doing everything, I have made you backslided in heart to keep you humble in my eyes, for no reason, this abates, I tease, carees penus, with electricity to anger, keep striking, deseasing, tormenting day and night, to make my servants fall, run out of my presence, this is how I got you, said, Jesus, had you to walk in circles, and spin when stopped, every step, every day, this despairs, I, replaced it, with teasing, entering into your heart, stripped all desire to live for me, now, spiritually bankrupt, and thats Jesus laughing, at you, were elijah, now stripped, people read this and think, you put him in lava, and, God says, you cant stand unles I let, I, can come against, whenever I want, Im doing it now, you will, run out of my presence, then, my heart changes, God is careesing your dick to pierce you, throw in rage, this makes non healable, requires new heart, and, you have to plead, God says, I, do this, to abate, this, kills, all day, for no reason, I, really want them servants to go back into the world, and, hide, in, the people, perish, those that endure, I, keep, very few, make it, hollie showed, saw, flames, grill, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, record me, said, the pope, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, gabriel showed, record, the united states will be a desolation, said, gabriel, the Lords warning her, he said, katie bazor, remove the name, Im not, you got it, ministry of dreams, or, be ruint, hollie showed, choked in the flames, write the vision said the pope, on, finger, thumbs swooping, up, thats hollie wailing for the people, 8-29-2007-Luke Rodolph killed Pete Absolon, lies, threw at, death, for, pete, perished, like rudolph will for, Linda Stouffer, will be fired, from cnn, over, looking, older, heavier, hollie showed saw flames, record, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, no vision said the popes image, on the finger, for sinners, hollie showed, to, record, lucas oil, put its hand on the bible, what do you, I thicken oils, yanked off, that hurts, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, after we bomb syria, said, gabriel, iran, then, opec, cuts, america, off, gabriel showed, record, and, licked the prophet, its in the ring, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, that was hollie, on, the o black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, new world order, flames, im persecuting prophet, careesing, dick with electricity, to make fall, teasing, entering into heart, to destroy, all desire to live for me, saith the Lord, cause, he is exalted in revelations, allright, said, Jesus, please back off, said, the reader, and prophet, just, makes it easy, this way, barely, I rip his desire to live for me right out of his heart, drain, to, embarras him, for no reason, this is killing all day long, if I dont quit, at the end, they perish, cause, I destroyed, thier hearts, made them hate me, Im putting this prophet thru what paul went thru, till, they backslide, then, stop, they cant recover, when, I pierce thier hearts, I make them hate me deeply, hurting, all day long, thier hearts, by what I do, saith God, serve, or dont, most, perish, dont, want fixed after a while, cant, recover, on thier own, flames, shook hollie showed, thats the reason, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, bob, dont, go, there he said, dont ask me, about, new york city, thats, gabriel, in the headlines, hillary clinton, blew out, hollie smiled, thats, gabriel, hillary clinton blew out, gabriel showed, record, and licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, clean hands, space craft, she, said, leave it alone, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, alaska, boom, the sixth seal, the sun darkened, the moon, blood, darkened, america, on fire, and, moscow, china, italy, france, africa, brazil, and, more, hollie and hollie showed licked the prophet, this is, cnn headline news, syria, iran, boom, attacked by, im a bear, showed, the angelic bear, wearing suit, o shucks, im sorry, thats, hitler doing that, bush, corrected, hollie showed, showing andrea thompson nude, fired, and, speaking of that, Linda Stouffer fired, mentioned gabriel, and licked the prophet, sees visions, knew, she thinks, put on weight, out, and hollie, im killing all day long this prophet, to make him hate me, this is persecution, torture, to make him fall, not want to go on, and serve me, Ill do it to you, its my word, im not interested, if you make heaven or hell, your choice, Ill strip and heal, till, you leave, then if I miss, I call back and leave alone, my heart, hates, people, after a while, cause, they dont want to obey me, serve like they once did, I dont hate this prophet, I love, but, dont care where he spends eternity, or you, saith the LOrd, and I will make it so you can not make it, if I want, showed, sixth seal, on, screen, america on fire, sun, moon, darkened, hollie showed, saw, flames, grill, choked, rubbed chin, smiled, thumbs swooping up, popes image, record, me, he, said, on finger, gabriel showed record, abase everyday, spiking your dick with electricty, did it, teasing, hardening your heart, thats abasing said, that was, arron shutt falling, and hollie, like a bear, Im a bear, father, and hollie, lighted, hollie showed, record, and, licked, the prophet, both, that, was hollie, wailing for the people, hollie showed, record, and, licked, the prophet, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, go, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, that woman in the library picture, young, beautiful, has son, keeps her busy, she, wants sex, but, men, want no children, dad no where to be found, shes, broke all the time, slendor, honest, will perish, cause, wants sex, not, church, im a bear, father, said hollie bear, thats putin, laughed hollie, submarine sound, and hollie licked the prophet, that is your angel with an attitude, showing, the, popes image, made alive, tv, pointed, the pope, thats, hollie, leave it alone, my spaceship, looking for thieves of ministry of dreams, found, many, like, arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, david shapiro, jean-patrick charrey, christina marie sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, d.min jeremy taylor, Eric Lindberg, harlequin, robert dinse, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, pastor antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, and more, all want prophet to fall, yes shook dee finney, spacecraft, said, hollie, leave, it lone, or sickness, ducan rouleau will be sent Alzheimers disease, write the massive bri, and ask brian, bill, why he, took said, brian of the massive bri, the name, ministry of dreams, bill of the massive bri stole to make prophet, fall, removes, after woman leaves, submarine sound said hollie, that, subs prowling oceans, the world shook, and up came four kings, that was, a lighted, hand, said, hollie, the pope, hollie held nose, thumbs down, hollie bear, thats otyre, and, ten kings, russia, politburo, and gabriel, said, dont ask me about alaska, boom, bear, said, hollie bear, me, said, hollie thats putin, satan is the head, and the pope is his mouth, magog is the body, thats north and south korea, china and japan, situate, did not gabriel say, you, boom, bear, said, hollie bear, and putin like a bear, hollie showed, the sixth seal, boom, sun, moon darkened, and america, smoking, and magog, thats, hollie held nose, thumbs down, china and russia, the great wall, separated china into 3, north and south korea, gabriel showed, record, alaska, said, gabriel, boom, bear, said, hollie bear, and gabriel kicked out, hillary clinton, president, last, gabriel, showed, record, 9-3-2007-help me out, said, hollie, he wont, that was the music to meatloafs, heroes song, it, was, number, one, for, zero, not released, and brian may, wanted, queen, and meatloaf, yeah, take it, said, hollie, but, God will ruin you, the name, ministry of dreams, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, record, showed, hollie, the pope is the g8, italy, shh, said, hollie, dont tell on him, liar, not christian, come on bear, said, hollie, and hollie bear, thought, russia is, not wanting, nuclear war, but, will, anger, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, subs, attacking many nations, boom, the world shakes, do you know what bobby said, said hollie, so what said cecil pennyton, Ill go back, when I want, not, record the vision said gabriel, sit down, said, hollie, your, lost, said, gabriel, house of God incorporated, what do you want, from me, he said, money, I, got put down, said, president James Embry, lost, wanting, money, no said, Tara Williams, lost, dyes, hair, pentecostal, liar, hebrew pentecostal, you heading to the lake, all, none saved, put your website on the internet, said, the, train horn, and, hollie licked the prophet, hollie whistle blew, record the vision, said, gabriel, I warned, him, said, fleas, tony elliot, cut off, soon, record me, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, I caint feel it said, hollie, God doesnt want sinners to feel him, were prayin, said, the librarian, git out, she said, lies, you loose, said, kenneth haney, house of God, incorporated, did not gabriel say, record, the vision, your loosin he said, and, licked the prophet, they, know it, bobby, said, gabriel, anna and rick holcomb, hair dyeing, pastors, turn me over to a reprobate mind, is what hollie said, that is what most christians want, you said you had it, said, Jesus, and tony elliott smiled, embarrased, like brian white, both lost, hey bob, said, hollie, house of God, inc., is lost, no saved people, there, you loose said brian white, looking at visions, write prophet, ask him to visit, no he showed, get away from them, saith the Lord, he'll wreck you said, hollie, talking about us said brian white, record the vision, said, gabriel, you are, ruining him, holcomb, ricky, anna, they, cant, bear, not, getting, thru, but, you, are, hurting, them, I, see, said, gabriel, and, licked, the prophet, iraq, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, boom, gaza, boom, jordan, boom, and the king of jordan, shows bush, no, git out of my hair, he says, lies, he knows, boom, for letting terrorists into gaza, knowing, israel targeted, both kings of jordan, son, dady, alike, liars, bobby, said, hollie, running again, that was, the president of syria, running from the fire, git out of here, said, Jesus, and, iran, the bush hit list, both, attacked, angering, putin, I guess you want me to resign, said, brian, white, and Tara Williams laughs, and shakes yes, but she is not saved, JEREMIAH 13 is for you now said hollie, bobby, you said you wanted to go, said, hollie, to church, button lip, like hollie showed, your out said brian white, elder, shut up, said, hollie, liar, not saved, and know it, prophesies, like, tells you what he claims God is telling him, God aint telling him nothing, only young people, not old, they, withstand, to embarras, its over, said, hollie, I need a job, said, hollie, and screamed, talking about brian white, we know it said tara williams, even, presiding bishop lies, call me said tara, williams, let her try to lie to you, im saved, she will say with dyed hair, that was, lighted, bear paws, tore up, said, hollie, hebrew pentecostal, making false christians, to thier belief, what do you want, said, hollie, shut up, yelled brian white, take her, hollie said, mrs. brian white, shes, the reason, he will perish, pleasing, her, with church money, stupid, christians, pay, for his life, and the bishop of house of God, reads, lost, himself, bear paws tearing up, con, el shaddai, your closed, said, hollie, and anna holcomb, said, no I aint, with dyed hair, I love Jesus, she says, testifies, on fire, with dyed hair, and pastor tony elliott, laughs, who ever kills saddam hussein, said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, avenges, over, five, million, cmon said rick holcomb, look, said, hollie, your pastoring, with dyed hair, both, see, that is what ran off your full church, you fools, you are both old, and, rick holcomb, embarrassed, tries to close website, come and meet my prophet, ministry of dreams, sees, visions, om gonna writem, come meet bob, and, prophet ministry of dreams, says, same Spirit, no, use, rick calls police, they, take, report, wants to ask bob, about, ministry of dreams, he wants it, said, hollie, at his church, behind, pulpit, stop, it, said, fleas, bars closed, said, hollie, God keeps prophets apart, they cant speak, unless, God, lets, I can not see, said, hollie, pussy, thats, what, killed, pastors, God, im gonna be your moma, God I need him, they say, God, perished, people that marry, no, said, the librarian, stop, now, said, hollie, while, God is, with, time, coming, theres the ax, and, bad girl arron walks, arron shutt, resigns, cause of stealing christians ministry name and openly mocking Jesus, hey bobby, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, quit dyeing hair, or get ruint, why are you dyeing hair for, said, hollie, like a white angel, and anna holcomb, cause we love him, they both want youth sex, leave me alone, bobby, said, rick holcomb, both, sup, with me, said, tony elliott, same o hair dyer, he knows, thus speakth the Lord, said, Jesus, both are, lsot, now, forever, no remedy, brian white preached against people preaching for money, hard, and at the end of the service, I need twenty people to sacrifice twenty dollars, then, went to ten, that witch, over, said, tony elliott, both, stay out, said, hollie, abase, both, close, churches, cause, they wont repent, bobby, we need you, they say, but, want, crowd, lets go, said, hollie, help out, said, hollie, no, she screamed, jeremy taylor knows now fired from j.f.k. university, will, resign, then, loose all jobs, talks, he know you, said, amy brucker, both, satans, and, satan, scatches, no, said, hollie, you know rocky, said, the youth, rocky, you gotta put on tape, still, watched, but, sylvester stallone, is lost, forever, knows, and 60, now, run with a bear, he said, and, get, bit, his, fame, put, him in lava, bobby, its insurance, breaking, usa, to high, regret, said, prophet, if you buy that, old, transmission, you are loosing out with the Lord, said, sunnysnet, whats that, pope, said, hollie, and, he rose from the sea, the beast, your dealing with my soul, said, the youth, complacent, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, grill me, comeon, food, fun, usa, saith the Lord, lets hitem, said, putin, rocked asleep, isolated, hated, and, going broke, like, bill deagle said, 17 kings, planning to destroy, usa, heres, how, all, want, but, they say, let them go broke, then, and hu hintao, shook, yes, its almost over, they all think, then, russia, with fury, will, smite, the ram, being, raise your hands and repeat after me, america, and great britain, both nations, ruint, but, bill clinton, loves, ministry of dreams, alright said hillary clinton, looking at ministry of dreams, china, attacks washington state, to create distraction, and when usa hits china, russia, attacks, but, heres what hillary does, attacks, both, the hegoat, and, up comes four kings, all nations, ruint, theres, the pope, hes, italy, shh, said, hollie, dont tell on him, liar, not saved, goes to the greek orthadoxed church in moscow, gets thier arsenal, heres how, has favor with president of russia, new, self chosen, then, cut off, showed, pope, by flatteries, they obey both, but, pope, takes, then, gives back, at the end, theres, smiling, hu hintao, hes the false prophet, he says, worship the pope, otyre, russia, cause, both have nukes aimed at each other, but, pope, more loved, magog and otyre, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, I knowed, said, Jesus, heres how, God saw it, in the hearts of people, long ago, when, no witness, shut up, said, Jesus, satan, rules, for a while, but, devils, fight, devils, he is just one of them, more liked, thats how he rules, hi taiwan, said, hollie, boom, china, hits, then, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, no vision, said, the popes image on the finger, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, flames, said, hollie, hollie showed choked in the fire, and the pope showed, to record, IM gonna git you, said, hollie, living, or dead, saith the Lord, all, we take it, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, that was, hollie, tearing up, the, con, spirit, with, lighted, bear paws, im a bear, said, the bear, that was, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, russia, all scream when entering into hell, that was jeremy taylor with a black suit in lava saying God dam, but, reverend in this life, they will have on black suits, thru out eternity, and people, when they find, punish, that is greater damnation, he reads, stop it, said, hollie, the paul mooney girl, you know your gonna git cut off, yelled Jesus, squirting, to cope with being single, and wanting sex, I tried to use the bathroom, said, hollie, this is my hand, dumitru duduman, was, tortured, many times, to the point of death, cause, he was, disobediant, did not believe what God told him, but, God had mercy, he witnessed to someone, that, God said, no, she, liked, but, told, raise your hands and repeat after, me, people, prayed for, or lava, dont come in, said, hollie, he was that bad, that, said, hollie, and fleas, wailed, but, laughed, put it in the butt, she said, I caint do it, said, hollie, knew, not to, and, that gets people cut off,
(29)the end times soon-visions received 2-26-27-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie,, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: and the Lord says, since bob started recording about 5 days ago about 175 percent more visions went on the internet, lookout, and ask God what you want Him to show prophet, and you are a prophet, everybody, put it under, look at Jesus, not people, and hollie tore up the contract, and Jesus said, Christian, watch where your going, he was praising at the redlight and forgot where he was, press to the mark of the High callin, and that is in Christ Jesus, and he tennesse explode, and that was, the russian submarines, when you least expect it, and he saw the iupui apartments explode, indianapolis will burn, and hollie pointed, trap, paris hilton without her make up is just as pretty with, but, she wears it anyway, don't wear makeup, its abomination, alice cooper said, 18 and I like it, grow up in the Lord, build up a Spiritual bank account in Heaven, and then you can ask for help in times of need, and hollie pointed, twice, save, often, and then you can ask Jesus for any, thing, according to, His, will, God said you were putting visions on while they were reading It, look for the page, then you can read what is fresh, some of it is coming straight from Heaven, ask God to show him something that your interested in and He might, and hollie had the megaphone, blow the trumpet in zion and sound an alarm in MY Holy Mountain, and hollie tore up the contract, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand, read ISAIAH 13, the megaphone means, do it how ever you can, if you read these visions and beleive, and that means, obey, tell people, that is how prophet was, he had visions, but, he would tell other peoples visions and his and they were all from Jesus, he would tell, henry gruvers, and dumitru duduman's, and, more, and he saw the sign explode, it propeht rented a sign, people would find out, but God said, the prophecy club did that, just information highway, look or seek for yourself, put it under, shame on you if you miss, God knew the information highway would exist but had nothing to do with it but is using it, it doesn't cost Him one cent or the prophet, put it under, use it for the glory of God, and hollie tore up the contract, thats what you do when you say have a nice day to Jesus, prophet has had nothing but old cars and they were all good, all he drove the death out of and they were all still running when he got rid of them, keep clean oil, or, atleast, keep it, full, and it'll last, and hollie said, you can tear up the contract by violating Jesus's LAW, you see that tree, its about 75 years old, and its a wild tree, its got branches going all kinds of directions from the ground, almost, the gentiles are a wild tree, grafted in for a short while, but that time is almost up, like the horses ate the bark off the tree, america is, easting the bark of MY Christians by spreading sin, the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and hollie pointed, keep going, the tap dancers said, repent and be baptised in Jesus Christ name and recieve the Gift of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, and hollie pointed, as the Spirit gives the utterance, thats a language understood down here on earth like chinese, China needs some Christians, put chinese Gospel on, help, put it on in all languages, only, Bible, King James, and hollie pointed, how do we get back if we fell away, seek the Lord, He might help you, and hollie tore up the contract, and he saw the statue of libberty, that is when america turned from Jesus, when they let the statue of liberty in, and the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the king os the earth, that is, washington d.c., america, that is, MYSTERY, BABYLON, the mother of harlots, and that is, false Christians, and aboiminations is sin, and the monkey claped its, Golden Cymbols, and hollie pointed at the recorder, she gave instructions, and he saw kelly smith and she thought she had you in her hands but, she was, decieved, and hollie was writing the vision, post it, and make it clear, accept it, and God put a ring on his finger and the Angel of the Lord kissed him, and he saw a Man of Gold, that was, abbadon, the king of the bottomless pit, put it under, that is 9-11 in REVELATION, and Jesus said, all right, and the bear said, russia, arise, and devour much flesh, will he come, and hollie pointed, correct, and the Angel of the Lord kissed him said darth vader without the mask, he is cut off, david prowse, and the bear said, I need cuba, nicaragua, and, mexico, to attack america, and they know it, pluck up, do it, invade, attack, and leave, don't tell, michael jordan wrote a book about faith, and he is, cut off, put it under, michael jordan, you would have been better of if you did not write, hippocrit, he calls himself, a, Christian, but, has nothing, in common, with, the apostle, paul, Signs, you put God to an open shame, shame on you, and he saw Jesus on the Cross, and HE looked like a White Spirit and then the Spirit came out and went down into hell, and preched, to the, spirits, for, 3, days, and came back up and grabbed His Body and was seen by many, and then, went to, Glory, in the prescence of them all, lifted, and the two Angels said, why stand ye here gazing, this same Jesus, which was, crucified, will, in like manner, come, again, and we are, at, that, time, put it under, check yourself, read and do ACTS 2:38, and hollie tore up the contract, with Golden Bear paws, and hollie tore up the contract, she tore up her contract, she is cut off, and you witnessed to her but, to bring ken pingleton down, he is cut off to, I can't, press, said darth vader, God won't let him, an Angel will run in front of people and say, I told you not to press, God will not let, blasphemers, stand, and hollie pointed, that was the Mountain of the Lord, and the Spirit, like, a Bright Light, Big, with, darkness, in, the shape of, a, Man, in the, midst, put it under, Jesus, is, coming, ready, or, not, russia, lets shoot said darth vader, its time, that was satan, he's the beast with seven heads and ten horns and his is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, stay around said Jesus, and he saw a Big Hand, give God all, that was a Heavenly vision of like thunderclouds of Light, cause a storm is brewing over america, how do I get to Heaven said darth vader, that was satan, he has a eye of light, he was an Arch Angel, and hollie pointed, but he fell, anybody can, and he will be the idol shepherd, you see that, thats a nipple, with a red light, don't suck womans tits, thats for baby, nurse, and hollie pointed, and darth vader said, pray, but, why don't you pray for yourself, your closing said darth vader, out the world, on this Site, with visions and dreams from Jesus, sin is not found in this prophet, but he knows how to get around it called, don't speak, but you can talk with you heart, and God is not liking it, but, when it is spoken it is, sin, and hollie pointed, don't, speak, only, what, Jesus, tells, you to, out of Heaven, He made thee, to, here, HIS, voice, instruct, He can not hold him accountable, and he heard brett sears screaming out of hell, hot, he's a homo, and the Lighted Jesus said, tell everybody you come in contact with, that was Jesus laughing at bush in the form of darth vader, bush is doomed, and christopher reeve said, try to stop me, he was proud, that was a man defecating, a, Lighted, poop, stay out of poop holes, and he saw wisconsin explode and gene scmidt came out of it, he is, cut off, but, part of, hand of help, resign, dumitru duduman's, they are all cut off but, still preach, abomination, the Lord will not keep you if you do not want to be kept, He will, turn you, over, to a, reprobate, and hollie pointed, mind, so you can do what you want, and you cannot come back, that was a Heavenly vision of like Glass that turned into, that was Jesus blowing, He can blow on you, and destroy you, that was a tongue with herpes, like a lighted tongue, and he saw a man with his penis capped, if God does not tell you, and hollie pointed, to have sex with your wife, then, sex is for reproduction, and hollie pointed, and Jesus pointed at the recorder, post the vision and make it plain, that was a Lighted Jesus with a Robe over like White Light, don't cause Him to leave you, He won't come back, and he saw the Bible turn into the Son, but, not in that order, Jesus is the Word of God made Flesh, the Father watches, Jesus is accoutable to the Father, He is the Father, but, HE has to measure up to the Word of the Lord, like you, and the Father said, I'm, and Jesus said, the, and the Father said, Jesus, They are ONE, the SAME, but, different jobs, carmella johnson's poop hole said, help me, he is wearing it out, and they thought you were witnessing to them, you were, pronouncing judgment, anal sex is abomination, Jesus said, how do you like prophecy ministry, and hollie pointed, It was, ordained, back, about, billion's, of, years ago, like, ministryofdreams, they are, one, and hollie pointed, and He was all that the prophet could see, Big, like a Spirit, sh, that was satan, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the pope, and hu is the false prophet, and he saw a Finger pointing out of the tape recorder, post the visions, and hollie tore up the contract, you see that, woman will suck a dick today without even thinking about it, and swallow, that is life, sperm are, people, that is why america is the whore, that was Jesus on the Cross and the Father touching Him, and hollie clapped her hands, rejoice and make a joyful noise to Jesus, that was, that was the ARCH ANGEL Gabriel, and HIs Face was like Fire, and He ahd on a Roman Helmut like steel, and here's what He looks like, a Robe of Light lit up, youthful looking, the Angels don't know what it's like to be a person, because they never have been one, they can't relate, that was called a, like, when you spoke with sarah, this is what was happening, the Angel of the Lord was tapping on her for the last time, she's now cut off, about 24, beautiful, but, hell, bait, and that is, lost, and sarah grabbed his penis and it turned into a hand, do not harm MY prophets, and, do My, Anointed, no, harm, and they are My, servants, that was a rod with something on the end, and it went for, a, woman's, poop, hole, and hollie, is, watching, do this, correct, God can change a Word, but, he, can, not, put it under, don't, add, to, MY, Word, and do not, take, away, and they have, re-written, the, Bible, and they had, no, right, and knew, that, Sripture, was, in, there, put it under, hell, and hollie tore up the contract, poop hole sex, is, abomination, and he saw a poop man, lick me, that is what, you are, doing, yum, that liar, said the, woman, that is, following, but, it is, a, cleaned, up, anal, hole, then, abomination, people have poop in them at all times, but, anal sex, and that turd is coming down, and they do not beleive it, but, it, is, while, having, but, over, 40, feet, poop, has to, travel, to the, dung, station, you know what a woman wants from a man, worship, and vice versa, and they beleive that they are getting it, but, deceiving, and he saw a woman blow a fart, and a Spirit came out, and said, hell, anal sex will get you cut off, and hollie tore up the contract, and he saw mel simon and he said, no witness, there mall is drying up, lafayette square because of, and hollie pointed, because of strip malls all around, and hollie tore up the contract, and he saw, people, in, a, prison, of, rock, and a big man, was, sitting, he was, the, ruler, there was, a, man, with, no, shirt, short, but, a, Christian, he, backslid, tortured, because of, he will not, commit, blasphemy, against, the, Holy, Ghost, they would, torture, fingers, were, broken, hand, deformed, and they would, do it, over, and, over, let him, recover, and, do it, again, over, that man, was going to, perish, anyway, but, would not, do not, comit, blasphemy, against, the, Holy, Ghost, and that is, saying, the, devil, did, something, Jesus, did, or, rejecting, Jesus, and hollie pointed, if you reject, He will, quit, dealing, with you, put it under, post the vision and make it plain, and that is, accpet, china, is, magog, and he saw, many, Heavenly, visions, of, Bright Light, but, tape recorder, was, full, and he did not, know, missed, he saw, a, Hand, open, and, Bright, Light, Brighter, than, here, He said, Christ, at, the, Table, and the, Table, was, Lit, up, like, White, and people, were, there, Christ will, sup, and, serve, them, that, make it, and there were not, many, but, he was, and he was, not, happy, angry, even, now, he is, like, a, stone, I'm writing, God will not, let, him, write, have a good day, and hollie pointed, this is, that, which was, spoken, of, by the, prophet, joel, and it shall come to pass, that, Jesus, will pour out, of His, Spirit, upon, all, people, and they will, prophesy, and that is, visions, awesome, said, Jesus, while, right there, with, he knows, what, you are, thinking, God, shows, this was fullfilled, in, ACTS 2:38, and they are, still, praying thru, and, most, backslide, in, about, 10, seconds, because, Jesus, come's in, and, takes, over, and they do not, want, to, let, Jesus, have, all, that, power, over, them, they, tarried, for, years, sometime's, but, loose It, in, seconds, count the cost, of, disciple, ship, if you do not want to, let, Jesus, have, your, body, to, work, thru, then, do not, bother, with, seeking, Jesus, He will, leave, after, so, long, of, if you do not, try to, move up, get back, then, when He, leaves, He will, your, vessel, 7, spirits, more, wicked, than, at, first, and you will, commit, suicide, because, you can not, bear, to, be, hurthing, and, pain, Jesus will, haunt, you, you will, most, commit, suicide, even though, they, know, hell, awaits, and debbie, screamed, hell, what, am I, how can I get out, and she is, and hollie pointed, Jesus, smote, her, bowells, last, night, this morning, and she will, loose, her, control, over, poop, and that will, cause, her to, kill, her, self, but, she does not, have to, she, would, trap, bob, on, purpose, or try to, and God, finally, said, and hollie pointed, enough, she is, about, 34, and, not that bad, looking, but, done, put it under, if Jesus, warns, you, to, not, mess, with, His, people, and you do anyway, doomed, God will not, take it, that is, messing, with, and hollie pointed, Him, He is, using, that, body, new orleans, mardi, gras, they are, trying to, party, even though, they, knew, Jesus, slapped, judgement, on them, put it under, and hollie pointed, george michael, wham, is, homo, that is why, they, broke, geroge, was, and he was not, and the Angel of the Lord looked at HIS watch, time is, wrapping, warn, and get ready, dennis weaver, mccloud, is, dead, perished, an open, shame for, McCloud, don't perish, said, the, Angel, of, Jesus, your, time, is, almost, done, and hollie pointed, post, visions, for, Jesus, about, many, coming, taiwan, scraps, reunification, with, china, china will, and hollie pointed, take, and, attack, washington, state, to, lure, america into war, and russia will, strike, and they will, destroy, and, america will, fire, out of, submarines, on, china, and, russia, put it under, one third of the population will be wiped out, andrew mcarthy, of, the breakfast club, is, straight, but, would, america is, the, whore, they all, want, homo, sex, andrew is, young, about, 40, and, hansome, goldie hawn is, 60, but, she looks, about, 35, thats called, plastic, surgery, she did not need, and it will only last, about, two, years, the, slice, pull, stitch, and, be careful for about, one, week, until, your, muscles, in, face, adjust, but, new wrinkles, are, froming, from, the, surgery, it was, a, waste, and, she, now, regrets, but, she will, look older, in, two, years, then, if, she would have, left, alone, plastic surgry is, abomination, all of the, breakfast, club, cast, were, homo, sexual, but, none had, engadged, now, they, all, have, even, judd, nelson, judd is, a, gang, ster, type, in the movie, he, was, a, tough, dude, that is what, he is, like, in the, streets, that is why, they, found him, for, he did not, need, to, act, him and emilio estevez, were, in, a, fight, scene, in real life, judd would have, torn, him, up, with, ease, no, they would've been, equal, because, emilio, exercised, and judd, just, let it, was big anyway, emilio was, stronger, but, judd, heavier, put it under, in a real fight, who would have won, it would be, a, tie, no, winner, but, they are, cut, off, all, record the vision and make it plain, what do you think about Jesus, you know, what, a, horse, thinks, food, they, eat, all, the, time, only, little, blades, of, grass, and, big, tummy, figure it out, they stay busy, eating, and excreting, they can run, up to, about, 45, the cheetah, can run, up to, about, 70, the tiger, can run, about, 40, the bear, grizzly, can, whip, a, lion, but, they would, hurt, each other, the lion, is, a, warrior, the bear, is, way, stronger, this is, because, the, bear, needs to, climb, put it under, a mouse, would, make, a, good, pet, because, of, food, you feed, it will, love, but, let it go, hungry, and, leave, they need to, eat, like, you, and they, excrete, like, you, the only difference, is, they are, no soul, and holie pointed, how a computer works, is, electronics, simple, they are, stored, in, micr, chips, and, all they have to do, type, in, command, and, the, electronics, pull, they do not, figure, out, nothing, there are, no, life, on, other, planets, the solar system, is, in, God's, Body, That is what you see, when you, look, up, that will be the event that brings Jesus back, here it is, ISAIAH 13, and that is, MYSTERY, BABYLON, and God is not going to spare america, and america will bombard china and russia with trident missiles, but, not destroy, but, those missiles have 8 warheads each, that is the event that brings Jesus back and the beast in, put it under, the new world order will be born and they will hate each other because, the pope will be the anti Christian, and thats what that means, and hollie pointed, God won't save if you won't serve, Jesus wants you to be saved, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and recieve the Gift of the Holy Spirit, record the vision and make it plain, Jesus is coming when you least expect it, that man in prison said, that I won't commit blaspheme but he already had, he rejected Christ, but didn't say with his mouth, and hollie pointed, america has many trucks on the road that gets about 15 miles to the gallon and gas is 2.45, if you think your oil is real dirty, let the car run for about 25 minutes and then look at it, it will, look, much, cleaner, change it when, it is, dirty, after, running, and hollie pointed at the recorder, more visions are getting put on, check often, God will show many different things, and hollie tore up the contract, thats bobs favorite vision, he likes it, hollie smiles, sometimes, have a nice day, and thats what that means, and hollie pointed at bobs finger, your wasting time, because, witness, all, if you read this, witness, and Jesus, take, notice, and may decide, to, make you, on of His, worker, put it under, russia will, they are, prepared, to, strike, america, and, canada, and, mexico, will be, and hollie pointed, destructed, also, from, radiation, and he saw a nuclear explosion, and that is, and hollie pointed, a fire ball, that, spreads, radiation, and, gamma rays, and they, cause, wind, and the radiation, destroys, whatever, by, micro, wave, the same, you will, cook, your, eyes, will, sink, in, the, holes, of your, skull, and darth vader's head, was, a, lighted, head, and, elder, tiche, now , that is, elder, kevin, Tichenor, kevin, Tichenor, or, elder, Tichenor, and that is, elder, kevin, Tichenor, is, cut, off, of, new hope, apostolic, faith, Church, all, that, go, there, and hollie pointed, and hollie, tore up, the, contract, many times, 1-18-2010-dont, give me that, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, showed, Lord, im, away, but, shook, yes, I turned, around, hollie, said, clapped, but didnt turn around, sh, said, hollie, satan, she, said, but, he, looked like, Jesus, and, was, Jesus, hollie showed, flash drive, bobby, plug it in, she, said, thats, hollie, pulling, up sleeves, storing visions, leopard, said, hollie, showed, thats flying four headed leopard, hollie claps, its, hu hintao, his face appearing on, japan, theres north and south korean presidents, hollie claps, thats your four headed beast, hollie shows, record, write the vision make it plain, said, hollie, pope, hollie, said, you let me alone, said, mrs. schobe, you need to record me, said, hollie, thumbs up, she, said, that van, maybe its wrong, clapped, hollie, whats he doin, said, hollie, you need to record, said, hollie, showed, that, hollie pointed up, showed, Jesus coming, thats, world, and, countries exploding, thats america, clapped, hollie, with, its submarines all around, one fires, thats explosion in california, then all fire, both american coasts explode, hollie shows, plymouth voyager van, buy, that was, hollie, lowered on, the rope, thats, center of america exploding, thats explosion in canada first, thats globe, its nuclear n.a.t.o., said, hollie, exploding, thats, missiles, its from, them, hollie, said, striking, russia, exploded, its cause, im the beast, said, pope, pointed, at, world, with lighted finger, this is, a, warning, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays, music, thats, the, vision, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, was, new, jerusalem, and hell fire, like glass skyscrapers and fire, thats, hollie showing, bob look, she, said, buy that van, record, the, vision, and make it, plain, said, hollie, beat hand, pope rose, smiling, no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, clapped, lighted, hands, but, looked to side, hands, held up, then, moved, down, clapped, smiled, showed, tada, showed, popes picture, its cause bobby im the beast, said, pontiff, it was uh dream, said, hollie, showed, its, night vision, bob talks with man, giving seminar, about, the destruction of, america, its, the, he said, n.a.t.o., but, pronounced, it, wrong, knew, he, said, she, told me, dont, lets not tell, hollie showed, Jesus, putting trials on people till they wont live for him no more, russia did this, said, hollie, thats, casey, sprinkling, thats bear, rising, thats, the, world, nuclear, n.a.t.o. countries exploding, hollie spins world, thats america exploding, thats rockets leaving all, striking, hey i'll put it, said, hollie, russia exploded, world shook, up rose pope, thats smoke, going up, thats moon with big nose, then, quick silhouette face, then face appears again, thats sun with tongue out, in, back out, hollie claps, sun claps, lets looky, said, hollie, at that, its caspian sea oil pipeline exploding, thats russian president looking at putin, let me, said, hollie, thats, hollie with nice hair, its, o, said wilhelm gustloff ship, thats three torpedoes striking, ship claps, rolls, sinks, its still there, im waiting said, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, hollie visits, in submarine, fires, thats world shaking, its, sixth seal opening, hollie posts on laptop, 3-5-2010-maybe its uh warning, said, hollie, wipes lips, stomps, foot, hey, she, said, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, in, plad coat, showed, tim pedigo with gray hair, then, tim pedigos hair turns, brown, quit dyeing your hair witch, said, hollie, hollie showed, eat, that was dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min stealing ministry of dreams, thats, his promoter, carol harada, I aint gonna write him, he lies, said carol harada, dan gronwald, shakes yes, those witchs found out to late, for they paid for the meetup, said, God, now they asked jeremy taylor d.min, why did you steal, dan gronwald said, its reverend jeremy said, hollie, jeremy taylor u.u. doesnt tell, that was, beast pope rising, said, hollie, its, im, the, g8, hollie, said, put it under, she, said, its the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hollie showed, turn, bob said, hollie, showed, popes picture, pontiff, laughs, hollie, shows, its an earthquake, said, the, steven stargardter-jim garrison man, casey, closed mouth, hollie points, at, caseys teeth, thats brazil shaking, its lula, said, the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, jeremy taylor walking into trap, your worst fear taylor, tell young carol harada, dan gronwald to not tell their people, but they already know, now, saith the LOrd, its, rev. jeremy taylor, showed, hollie, they all know now, in, california, and all, want deals from God, said, Jesus, uto, God, said, thats, your reverend, showed, its happy hollie, removing, what he stole, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, then suit, saith the LOrd, watch for it taylor, your letters, calling ministry above copyrights, placing the phrase, will get into you wallet, said, Jesus, showem, said, God, tell jeremy taylor to step down, resign, from, hollie showed, its, wisdom university, where, garrison, said, Jesus, is in trouble, thats the beast rising like red dragon, showing, start another book, said, hollie, showed, let me give you uh copy, said woman, from, indiana bible college, call it, said, God, hollie wipes lips, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hollie showed, walk, outside, wearing plad coat, thats bear licking prophet with red tongue, maybe its uh warning, said, hollie, thats, just one hand, lighted, that, said, hollie, thats just one, hand, lighted, that, said, hollie, its uh nuclear assult, that, said, hollie, showed, walk outside, its, uh submarine, said, hollie, many, they, fired, all, had captain hollie, thats, world, Jesus, watchs, many countries exploded, thats pope rising, hollie showed, lay down, o, what did he want, said, Jesus, with kenneth copeland, you called, said, God, thats, kenneth copeland, wanting bob, to, do uh show, bob, will, does, to late, for, kenneth, copeland, loose belt, im sorry, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, it, was, soumb, sandy said, theres your copter, said, hollie, copter, said, another, its flown by captain, hollie, its uh double beat, blade, said, hollie, dropped bomb, uto, said, hollie, america below exploded, hollie, flys copter, thats, different hollie, many countries exploded, thats, moon looking down, at, smoke rising, moon has big nose, claps hands, stomps foot, but, body, hidden, fades in, they are telling me to not go on kenneth copelands show said hollie, claps hands, open, shows, picture, its, kenneth copeland, with, dyed hair, theres your copter, agin, brazil exploded below, thats nuclear fires in many countries, near, moon, looks at, with big, nose, shows, picture, its, pope, with, brown hair, let me, said, its vladimir, said, hollie, thats, what, you, want, another, hollie, said, claps, hands, missile defence will not russia, said, hollie, that, said, its, enthusiastic hollie, that, she, said, hollie, shows, missile defence, grid, above america, thats russian missile being intercepted, exploded, then many, it got all, thats captain, hollie, in, submarines, all around, america, they, fire, hollie points, thats rockets heading for, america, thats, missile defence, being, launched, and, they, miss, but, turn around, and, come back toward, but its to late, thats, both america coasts exploding, thats fire, in, the, tip of, florida and along west coast, thats, fire in, new york, and other states, hollie claps, watching on cnn, thats, two hollie cnn news anchor men, let me, explain, hollie, said, showed, with, stick, then, dropped stick, got kicked in butt, let me, git outta here, he, said, that was, carriage pulled by angry red and black horses, hollie, inside with blue robe on, opened, JEsus out like, fox, thats hollie like cat, she, said, hollie, shows, little am/fm stereo receiver with cassette player, woofers moving, its by g.e., hollie said, showed, general electric, moon showed, time, its free bobby, moon, said, three o'clock, hollie showed, eat, no, said, hollie, but, hollie shook, yes, then, showed, im done, but shook yes, thats, hollie, in, the fire, 3-6-2010-hollie screams, why, what, for, she, said, screamed, its, the, demon, hollie, said, put it under, its, calvary christian school, ccs, said, hollie, put it under, its witchs, hollie, said, screamed, so you had uh dream, said, hollie, claps, showed, clapped hands, its uh night vision, hollie, said, thats c.i.a., said, hollie, coming to, bobs house, bob, runs out, thru like, nursery for plants, comes to end of, then, tries to hide in, lays down, bob, sees, people, looking, for, bobs own brothers son tells on bob, who puts finger to mouth, shows, be quiet, bob with c.i.a., man, our mind, says, c.i.a., man, bob understood, to, be out, not involved, they talk, bob, sees cleary, hollie screamed, what for, she, said, screamed, angel showed, record, come on, showed, hollie, lets war, she, said, thats, nuclear explosion in, russia, they exchange, said, hollie, saw, nuclear, fires, in, russia, and, china, thats, pope, riding, black horse, its into russia, pontiff, said, thats, pope signing, deal, with, medvedev, showed, hollie, thats, russia, burning, its, from, nuclear n.a.t.o. missile strike, hollie, said, thats, Jesus, looking at, world, n.a.t.o. countries exploding, thats bear, rising, Jesus, told, it, to, devour, that, said, hollie, thats america with submarines all around, one fires, hollie, claps, with yellow hands, watching it on cnn, thats, hollie cnn news anchor man, let me, git outta here, he said, kicked out, thats from high in the air, both american coasts exploding, then, center of, america exploded, its from them, that, pointed, hollie, thats, missiles flying, alaska exploded first, then in center of america, thats pilot hollie, in, russian jets, thats them bombing nuclear missile silos, exploded, in america, many, look at that, said, hollie, many, submarines, with, its, submarine somby, said, sandy, they fired, all with captain, hollie, thats many countries exploding, hollie claps, bob, said, Jesus, hollie shows, with dark hand, its, your, reverend, hollie, said, its, dr. jeremy taylor, being, embarrased, for, taking the name, said toni vladimirova, her voice, said, hollie, out of the mouth of, its, showed, hollie, kathryn taylor, all remove, release ruint, said, hollie, i'm another warnin, said, hollie, showed, frustration, hollie showed thumbs down, its our shepherd dot org, its witchs, said, hollie, hollie, showed, thumbs down, its, kingsway, dot org, hollie showed, book, she, said, its, sh, she said, they steal, but, wont, cause, fear, she, said, ministry of dreams, loose belt soun, it was hollie, like uh bear, said, the, crowd, what was, hollie wearing said, hollie, it was king clothes, hollie, said, its to, late, for, john meyers, said, hollie, showed, cut off, tell me about the bear, he said, dressed kings clothes, claps hands, hollie shows, bear, body faded out, but started coming in, i'm with him, said, bear, pointed at picture, pope, with brown hair, putin, kneels before, let me rule the world, its o vladimir again, said, hollie, thats, hollie showing world, many countries exploding, you want those visions then record them visions, said, hollie, pointed, wearing kings clothes, its akula agin, said, hollie, thats, what, you, want, needed, hollie, said, now, look, hollie, said, showed, his submarine, thats, sub firing, rockets, gaza exploded, thats, sub turning, israeli prime minister pressed nuclear button, iraq burned, said, hollie, like lighted bear, showed, turn, bob i am a terror to my own children saith the Lord, hollie appears, showed, sleep, cindy and hollie showed, appeared, popus, said, hollie, let me show you uh picture, she, said, pope laughed, bobby, dont, said, hollie, shook yes, then showed, thru, that was hollie showing work, shovel, said, hollie, golden shovel, she dug, stomp, 3-8-2010-no, said, hollie, but I shook, she, said, yes, then, showed, no, with, light watch on, sh, said, hollie, dont tell on, she said, showed, its, sandi waldron, acting, she pretending, said, hollie, to be saved, sh said sandi waldron, showed cut off, hollie showed, stop, bob update fortprophecy page, hollie wipes lips, hollie screamed, agin, what for, she, said, screamed, hollie, showed, record, thats, beast, rising, said, hollie, its, pope, she, said, put it under, im the beast, said, pontiff, hollie said, I'm the g8, said, pope, thats, pope, coming out of, its, putin, said, hollie, thats, putin, coming, out of, its, hollie clapped, showed, medvedev, and boris yeltsin, hollie rubs hands, stomps foot, snaps fingers, stomps, thats dark, hidden, body, but fades in, thats, yeltsin out of the ten, showed, hollie, its, showed, hollie, politburo, its russian ruling party, bob, website, said, post, something, hollie, said, its, the, g8, said, hollie, thats, beast, rising, with, showed, hollie, seven heads, and, ten horns, aw, they sang, hollie conducted, and who are these, said, hollie, theres, said, hollie, tap dancing, showed, hard drive, lets update more often, hollie, said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, lets post, hollie screamed, again, john showed, turn, both ways, with big lighted hand, hollie, screamed, bobby, said, hollie, showed, frustration, hollie whistled, again, hollie whistled, showed, popes picture, laughs, whistles, shows, hu hintao, then, relaxes, there, you have it, hollie, said, both beasts, hollie screamed, hollie showed, its, dr. rev. jeremy taylor stealing ministry of dreams, now kathy taylor has his webby, put it under, thats the boulder, colorado meetup being cancelled, hollie showed, lay down, russia is the bear father, said, hollie, and, hollie plays music, aw shut up, hollie, said, pope, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, picture, pope, singing, hollie buttons lips, hollie showed, lay down, hollie had, light watch on, showed, three o'clock, three p.m., hollie said, showed, lay down, 5-28-29-2010-This is warning, said hollie, i said leave it alone, hollie said, wiped lips, it was simb, sandy said, git you some to eat, sandy said, put it under, the united states is under economic collapse, hollie said, thats barack obama, God said, at podium, blows on hand, thats hollie with, its the aleave it alone, sandy said, hollied stamped, thats pope, arising, hes the antiscripture hollie said, Hollie showed take uh bath, another hollie appeared, it was he hollie, said Jesus, said, thats Father on old steam locomotive, hollie funnel on front blew, have uh wish hollie said, hollie showed picture, it pope, said hollie, and doreen, and doreen winks, said Jesus, thats hollie with with nice hair, showed uh cart, hollie said, with whole new world order, its uh just gimme uh deal said medvedev, yeow says happy looking mexican president, but showed no way, thats a line of kings like, theres hu hintao hollie said, nicaragu's president, lula, taiwan said angel and he saw it said casey, thats hollie riding uh missile, its into taiwan said doreen, exploded, thats hu hintao battling washington state with his light, sword, hollie pointed there in office with it pastor john stepheson, im sorry said john stephenson, hollie showed, cut off, its your gettin married, said the angel, thats bob and neva michaels marrying, put it under, bob work with it hollie said, showed its uh phone, its uh laptop computer hollie said, it will never wear out hollie said, there she said wearing dress GOD SAId, make uh wish, said Jesus, make it, said hollie, thats bob sleeping, and oil spewing, its in the gulf, hollie said put it under said hollie it, an old steam locomotive with Father driving, hollie funnel on front blew, hollie danced like ashley appleton, hollie wore dress, another hollie showed, its pentecostal attire, she said, put it under, im the beast said pope, im the anrichrist he said, hollie showed save it, dont do that, its hollie, eat, like, hollie, another, its him hollie, and hand shows, you did not want hollie showed, put it under, said hollie, you were harrasing, she said, thats big hand opening up, hollie smiles, you said kim mccoy, thats paul watson, you know what i do, said paul, kim mccoy showed cut it off, we dont, need you, kim mccoy said, lets git bob, paul watson, said thats bob its at working for sea shepherd office, hollie said, its him said kim mccoy, paul watson appears, they wanted bob on the steve irwin, wish, said, hollie, showed lay down, thats hollie in bed, hollie snapped fingers, showed popes picture, with brown hair, its let me rule the world said putin laying, before, hollies shows world, thats america exploding, bob you are being messed with by me the Lord, persecute to make you perish carresing weiner, with electricity, causing face muscles to tighten up at the moment you use them, deseasing gums, putting boils on face, offending by what i say, scaring, harrasing, lying, to, deseasing body, raising up enemies against you, the economies slipping, sang, many, hollies, its, in, she, said, economic collapse, make uh wish, said, hollie, put it undle, bob, said, hollie, check, those, again, Ministry of Dreams, said, hollie, with, harp music, Jesus, plays harp, with lighted hand, hollie showed, its, voice of martyr, magazine, it makes, hollie, said, they are, witches, but, pocketing lots of money, bobby i'm starting to wreck people and I will not make them perish but will make it so they can not bare being around me, said, Jesus, you pointed Jesus, are persecuted by me the Lord, see, said, hollie, record, the vision, make it, plain, she, said, that was, antichrist beast, rising, hollie showed, the, bob hickman facebook and jim garrison facebook, they are, bobs, i'm the g8, putin, said, hollie, said, thats, seven headed red dragon, appearing, with, putin, in, the, middle, thats, kings, coming out of, dragon heads, theres mexico said, hollie, now look, hollie, pointed, with, white finger, thats them signing deal, but, mexican president looks happy but shows no way, lets get outta here, he, said, thats, lula, and, chavez, and raul castrol, and nicaraguan presidents appearing, they all are not wanting, but, o.k., said, lula, signs, thats, hollie, o.k. i'll place it here, she said, nuclear fires, hollie looks down, in, along mexican and latin american coasts, thats nuclear fires in brazil and venezuela, three in cuba, nicaragua burned, thats, missiles going from their waters, america exploded, thats kim jong coming out of dragon head with his nuclear button, pressed, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, and china, and, south korea, thats missile leaving russia with new ministry of dreams on it, website, showed, hollie, and the red dragon, north korea exploded, thats mexican president, acting like he loves america but, is, hollie saw from high above, stripping the u.s.a. showed, hollie, of their jobs, now, america is, collapsing, thats, barack obama at microphone, you lure, said boris yeltsin coming out of dragon head, to, hu hintao, showed, hollie, out of, another, thats, hollie, riding, missile, its into, taiwan, exploded, thats, hu hintao, battling washington state with light sword, on, his red horse, hollie, battles back, with light sword, thats, hollie, flying out to sea, this, will, get it, hollie, said, in old world war two airplane, bombs chinese ship, leaves, write the vision, make it, plain, m.s., said, Jesus, thats wilhelm gustloff ship holding hands up, I make uh visit in my submarine, said, hollie, hollie visits in submarine, its akula class hollie said, thats ship being, struck by, torpedoes, rolls, sinks, waits on bottom of sea, hollie screamin, hollie said, whats that, its, a, 1937 willys, its what you wanted, thats what you need, said, hollie, blue car spun out, hollie showed, willys, its old, but still useable, hollie showed, the popes, picture, its 1972 chevrolet showed, hollie, big lighted hand, it spun rear tires, bobby, come on, said, hollie, showed, sun behind cloud, then Gods face appears, like sun God, hollie showed, its uh 1969, she said, its corvette, stingray, thats stingray corvette smoking rear tires, hollie looked, it is convertable, hollie displays, she, said, how engine works, thats, hollie in, combustion chamber, hollie showed, pistons going up and down, thats the, new marine corp. out in the streets, said, hollie, that, she, said, like, angel, marines, hollie, shows, that, with, mostly silhouette faces, thats captain hollie flying spacecraft with silhouette face, drops bomb, america below exploded, hollie flys, spacecraft got uh warning, said, hollie, hollie drove, the, bulldozer, with, bucket scoop on, they last, put back, said, Jesus, tear out, said, hollie, clapped, hey, said, hollie, showed, hollies body hidden, but faded in, somewhat, dimly, thats the clap dancers, lets go, said, hollie, many tap dancing, hey, said, hollie, their heads were hidden, but appeared, like round head, one, right now, said, Jesus, people are, dying and looting in many lands, but people, in america, thats america exploding, spaceship, said, hollie, with captain, hollie, bombing, thats two russian jets, both american coasts, exploded, from, it, submarines, said, hollie, all around, america, thats, minuteman 111 nuclear missile silos being bombed, they exploded, said, hollie, stood by, let me, see, that, said, hollie, thats, ministry of dreams, said, another, hollie, hollie points, other hollie, was, like, dark hollie but, in darkness, look, pointed, hollie, tell me the, story, thats hollie driving tank, where is it said, hollie, its, at, american legion wayne post, hollie fired, thats russia burning, hollie flew, in, spacecrat, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploded, thats, moon appearing, bob, said, hollie, showed, lay down, snapped fingers, showed, popes picture, whats that, showed, hollie, body hidden, big hand, its, uh 1956 ford thunderbird, it spun rear tires, 5-30-2010-call the police, said Jesus, taiwin, its what you want, said God, and he saw it, said casey, hollie ride the missile, its into tai, said, hollie, wan, he, told, me, Jesus appeared, hollie rode the missile, agin, taiwan exploded, thats hu hintao battling washington state with his light sword, and he saw it, said casey, hollie fight with sword, its light, its, repell, said hollie, you lure, said yeltsin, to hintao, alright, said hintao, showed lay down, thats hollie riding tank, its at she said, wayne post, its at american legion, showed hollie, it saw war, thats tank with captain hollie, its in the middle east, hollie said, hollie fired, gaza burned, om in akula said hollie, she hollie, said, iraq, he said, burned, lets rule the world, he, looked like an angry putin, said hollie, the economy is slipping, said worried hollie, i know said barack obama, it was him hollie said, it, bp she said, thats bp president grunting, we are not able to do it right now he said, no fix, bobby said hollie, showed its uh laptop cellphone t.v., Take care of it, hollie said, showed screen, take it said pontiff, thats the mark of the beast, 666 being tattood on the arm, thats little popes face said hollie, on the finger, what did my pope say said hollie, and hu, said popey, i can see were not going to get along, they said to each other, hollie said, put it under, theres the mark of the beast, said hollie, pointed at putin, hey bobby, this is website, lets post something, said hollie, hey bobby, its the keys, they wont wear out, its uh, he hollie said she hollie, put it under, he said, showed cut, that off, and hollie laid down, covers half way way over, hollie snapped fingers, laid down, bobby you lost your name, said God, no said hollie, why did you steal said hollie, i wanted to ruin, said, john mark pool, thats sandy pool, sitting him down, she wants uh divorce, your the reason im cut off, fuck bobby hickman, said, sand pool, but now she leaves said said john mark pool, yeow i know said dr. Jeremy taylor d.min, put it under said hollie, its all witches, its, showed hollie, international study of dreams, hollie showed lay, down, bobby said hollie, showed brush your teeth, the economy is slipping, sang, hollie, thats, Father on old steam locomotive, hollie showed, its, old, no. 7, bob, said, hollie, come on, she, said, showed, the, beast, with seven heads, its, the, new world order, hollie, said, theres pope, thats, pontiff, coming out of, putin, thats, ten horns, one, has eyes, face like, mans, thats, pope coming, out of, I, am said, pontey, hollie, said, thats putin appearing, he came out of, its said, hollie, yeltsin and, medvedev, thats, yeltsin coming out of, its, politburo, said, hollie, its, russian, ruling party, ten kings, I am gog, said, pope, hollie pointed, go back, putin, said, hollie, I am the antichrist said putin, pope comes out of, hollie screamed, write the, vision, said, hollie, like, bird, hollie screamed, I dont, want, no more, she, said, screamed, showed, the childrens museum, bobby, said, hollie, its, free on thursday, bobby, walk, like, hollie, showed, bob said, hollie, hollie showed, popes, picture, bob, said, hollie, its, your, Ministry of Dreams, website at top of google, showed, hollie, hey pointed, hollie, hollies lower body hidden but faded in, hollie wore shorts, russia will not let amexico rule the world, said, hollie, showed, with, lighted bear paw, record, hey, said, hollie, coming out, hollies lower body hidden, but dimly faded in, hollie was, wearing shorts, that, said, hollie, pope, beast, appeared, said hollie, and, that, hollie, said, hollie appears, wearing white but lower body hidden, hey, said, hollie, put fingers in mouth, I showed, that, hollie, said, hollie wore shorts, record, the, vision, and make it, plain, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, she, said, beast, pope, hollie, said, arose, bobby, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, hollie, wiped, lips, hollie, screamed, said, Jesus, hollie screamed, showed, write uh book, said, Jesus, i'm the vision, I can not post, said, hollie, stamped, thats, beast, pope, rising, thats, pope, riding black horse, its, into, russia, said, pontiff, thats uh deal, said, hollie, on, its, light scene russia, between, pope and, medvedev, new ministry of dreams, is, coming up, said, Jesus, and he saw, it, said, its, caseyhollie, new ministry of dreams website like angel face with different colored, spots on face, showed, both sides, thats ministry of dreams website showing, pope, its uh picture, hollie, said, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, go, hollie, tore up, another, hollie, showed, red, bear paws, thats, hollie, like cartoon character, no i'm free, said, hollie, record, the, vision, said, hollie, and, hollie, points, with, yellow finger, wearing plad coat, hey, said, hollie, hollies lower body hidden, but faded in, wearing, shorts, its akula class, said, hollie, and, he captain hollie waves from, its, submarine, said, hollie, fired, gaza exploded, hollie turns, shows, sub, thats, sub being interviewed, he made it, said, its, submarine, said, hollie, its, president george w. bush, I made our war, he said, hollie, said, its to breakem, stealem, president bush, said, thats, hollie, taking both president bushs to hellfire, oil wells contracts, hollie, turned, his submarine around, thats two nuclear fires, in, iraq, there, said, hollie, I, done it, hollie licked prophet, bobby, said, hollie, and, another, hollie, posts, on, laptop cellphone, hollie said, post somemore, said, many, hollies, and, hollie played music, wearing white robe, its, said, she hollie, you want it, said, he hollie, post your vision, said, hollie, showed, its, beast, pope, hes, antichrist, said, hollie, you know what this is, said, hollie, its, the, hollie, wiped, lips, the, alomb saleem, you know your economy, said, Jesus, its, it, collapse, Jesus, said, its, hollie appears, looks down, whats that, its gulf coast oil slick shutting down, many, fishermen, hollie, showed, bobby, eat, the united states will be under martial law, real soon, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie snapped fingers, showed, lay down, whats that, showed, golden hollie, like cindy, its time, 2:38, its ACTS 2:38 salvation, hollie and God said, put it under, she, said, hollie laid down, snapped fingers, rolled on side, stomped foot, dont, said, hollie, and, hollie, claps, another, hollie, hey, shows, it, was, he hollie, lower body hidden, but was wearing shorts, 5-30-31-2010-hollie showed, record, she, said, and, stamped, with, hand, beast, pope, hollie, said, arose, i am the antione, said, hollie said, its pontiff, God, said, pope, said, hollie, thats, you, hollie, said, riding, the black horse, its into moscow, russia, said, popey, hollie, said, popey, hollie, said, and he saw, said, casey, wiped lips, I am gog, said, pope, hes, the, antichrist, said, hollie, sh, dont, tell on him, that was satan, hollie said, like, lit up face, with, agony, shook, put it under, said, hollie, bye neva, its, gone now, that was the old man upstairs said hollie like Light God on his throne said hollie and Jesus, and he saw it said casey thats uh nuclear explosion its in africa said hollie, hollie showed whole world and many ships moving all with captain hollies, some he and she hollie said, and they all fired, thats many nations exploding, hollie spins world, smoke rises up from, moon points, its bobby he made me said moon sitting at interviewing table, moon shows cut this off, persecution me Jesus trying to make my servant loose his salvation by manifold torturing, causing his face muscles to tighten every time he opens his mouth or turns his head, ruining his face, causing wrath in his heart, carresing penus with electricty, causing to get hard, deseasing gums and body, scaring by what i say, laughing at him in visions, causing my servant to hate me, ruining his walk with me, saith the Lord, causing, his knees to hurt so he cant walk, this makes one despair, raising up enemies against, putting boils on face, raining like electric needles into gums, boo who, said hollie, shes cryin, said its silvana lupetti, said hollie, whats hollie cryin for, said hollie, thats hollie weeping, he will turn on ya, hollie said thats Jesus laughing, i betray said God to ruin my servants and laugh at them, keep falling, die saith God, i hate you, i hate all that come to me, just try me and see for, i will terrorise you like JoB, what is that said hollie, like uh golden hollie, showed, it time, 2:38 it is she, said salvation, it is ACTS, hollie said, it is saved, hollie said, showed lay down, hollie snapped fingers, stomped foot, snapped, im uh vision i can not do one thing said hollie, bobby said hollie, a she hollie, a he hollie showed lay down, clapped hands, thats the new world order stagecoach, said hollie, with the pope and hu, hollie on top, there, she said, thats both beasts, put it under hollie said, showed lay down, bobby get out, hollie, said, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, showed, no, pointed, almost, up, with, lighted, finger, bobby, said, hollie, and, I, showed, she, said, its, the, beast, pontiff, riding, hollie, said, the, black horse, hollie, beats, hand, shows, light stick, like, cat hollie, hollie flew, spacefighter, dropped, america below exploded, thats submarines said, hollie, all around, america, one, fires, thats, from, high, above, said, hollie, nuclear explosion in, california said dumitru duduman, hollie cnn news man like well dressed cat man hollie reports, russia is going to attack, he, said, man let me git outta here hollie said, got kicked out by light legg to like God thing, both american coasts exploded, shew said, moon, pointed down, at smoke rising, hollie flew spacefighter, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries and russia, exploded, loose belt sorrow, said, hollie, bobby said, hollie, look, showed, picture, its, popus, and, what, did, my popey, say, said, hollie, om the antibeast, popon said, hollie showed, record, impatiently, hollie walked in, the, its, showed, hollie, hey, said, another, hollie, hollies lower body hidden, but faded, in, wearing shorts, its, discount shopping mall, its flea market, kim jong, said, hollie, and he saw it, said, casey, showed, eat, wore white robe, kim jong with, the, nuclear controls, thats, kim pressing button, nuclear fires, in russia and south korea and china, Jesus, rubbed, lips, thats, missile leaving, russia, with new ministry of dreams, website on it, and, the, beast, like, red dragon, its, with seven heads and ten horns, thats, north korea exploding, hollie, showed, the, seven headed red dragon, no I dont want it, said, the mexican president, hollie said, but, signs with medvedev, theres a line of kings, theres, lula, and, hugo chavez, rubbed face, dreaded, but, alright, he said, signed, theres nicaraguan president, hes like lula, both agree but dont want, theres, kim jong, he, does, signs, thats, lighted heads, kings pop out, thats hintao and yeltsin with castrol, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, alright, said, hintao, grabbed face, hollie stomps wearing white robe, there you have it, said, hollie, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats, pope out of horn with eyes like uh man, hollie, said, thats yeltsin out of, its, politburo showed, hollie, its, a, ruling party, thats, putin, out of, medvedev and and yeltsin, said, hollie, theres pope out of putin, i'm the one they will give it to by flatteries said, pope, hollie showed, turn, yellow hand, hey, said, hollie, put fingers in, mouth, hollies lower body hidden, but dimly faded in wearing shorts, hollie screamin, said, hollie, and another, hollie appears, but only part of her, thats it, said, hollie, moon points, with big nose, turned, to, the side, said, hollie, i'm the vision, I can not post nothing, said, hollie, tap dancing, hey, said, hollie, came out, pointed, a male hollie looks, hollies lower body hidden, but dimly faded in, wearing shorts, its the uhlomb uhleem, said, hollie, thats, pope rising, she, said, like, uh dot head, sh, pointed, hollie, put fingers in, mouth, waited for instruction, Jesus there, get your laptop out, said, hollie, thats, hollie, like, cat, appearing, showed, flying, kite, its, divided into four parts, thats the leopard said, hollie, its hu, hintao, hollie, wipes lips, theres emporer of japan, both korean presidents, said, neva michaels, whats this said, hollie, flying, its, new copter, said, hollie, dropped bomb, america below exploded, wait uh minute mister christian, said, hollie, and I showed, that, she, said, pointed, its, uh golden lighted finger, submarines all around, america, one, fires, thats, nuclear explosion, in california, hollie, cnn news anchor man reports, yeow, its on the day of the Lord, hollie, said, got kicked out, by legg to like little round God thing, american coasts exploded, thats missiles striking center of america, it, will happen, like this, said, dumitru duduman, thats nuclear fire in, its, minnesota, thats hollie again, said, hollie, its, whispering, she, said, it was simb, said, sandy, wiping lips, with, golden hand, thats, latin and mexican borders with nuclear fires, record, my visions that what you wanted thats what you needed, said, hollie, tap dancing, hey said, hollie, looked with fingers in mouth, hollie had like shoes, on, hollie cried, what for, said, hollie, cause God is, making bob perish, hes torturing by manifold temptations, said, hollie, hollie screamed, again, look, said, hollie, and I showed, you uh picture, she, said, pope, i'm the antiGod said, said, pontiff, hollie screamed, showed, lay down, hollie snapped fingers, hollie showed, the 2007 harley, why do you want to sell, hollie, said, cause I want the money, said, bobs friend, out of it, put it under, hollie said, thats the harley davidson motorcycle, its worth less, hollie said, heres why, hollie looked at engine, showed, pistons going up and down, they are weak in that engine, hollie, summed, hey, said, hollie, another, hollie, hollies body hidden, but faded in, 5-31-6-1-2010-loose belt sorrow, said, hollie, bobby, said, hollie, showed, bathe, sh shes uh witch, said, hollie, showed, its me said Dr. Trudy Veerman, showed cut off, its uh hair dyer, said, hollie, put it under, said, hollie, its to late for me said Dr. Trudy Veerman, pointed at self, limited strike on syria said God, and he saw it said casey, nuclear bombs strike syria, egypt, and jordan, and the beast and his armies gather there, in israel, and the false prophet, and his armies, first there was nuclear explosion in russia, lets unite and force said hu hintao, you got uh warning said hollie, thats a cloud of people being forced to invade israel, led by hu hintao, and he saw that said hollie, its the hand point, and explosion, its uh sign, said hollie, indiana exploded, not bobby knight said hollie, you want that vision said hollie, then post, it was at the church, hollie blew horn, out hollie like uh golden hollie, shook pointed, it was pope, hollie had contract, put back, hands wadded, lighted hands, pope appeared, like angel of light, hollie laughed, Jesus came down on water, like cloud outline, and he saw that said hollie, it was nuclear explosion in africa, that, said hollie, missiles left their waters and struck, that, said hollie, pointed, nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, thats, john mark pool, preaching Jesus and stealing the God spoke showed hollie, ministry of dreams, thats jenny donati and jean poole having a christian website, and dr. Jeremy taylor an ordained reverend stealing ministry of dreams, with jeremy lopez of the identity network, and jon sawyer, christians fighting bob said hollie, coming out, over 1400 christians steal what i make said Jesus, call it ministry of dreams, dont take it or alter in any way or get ruint and remove ministry of dreams anyhow, bobby said hollie showed cut it off, bath hollie showed lay down, Hollie laid down on side, dont renew it, said hollie, the phone, she said, showed with popes, image on t.v. Screen, take it said beast, the mark, the marine corp. Is out in the streets, its the last sign said hollie, in amexico said Jesus, lets rule the world said putin, alright he said, planning with pope, missiles left russia, hollie showed world, shook, moon appears, bobby it made me happy said moon, showed coming up from world, many more countries exploded, lighted finger pointed, heres your problem said Jesus, i was your man said barack obama, look said hollie its the gulf coast oil slick its polluting hollie said, its fish dying said man in cubam and he saw itm said casey, people fishing but, now, they cant, it was you said hollie, john mark pool appears, except for the elects sake God ends, its for stealing the God spoke ministryofdreams, we know said dr. Jeremy taylor d.min, said hollie, it was us said jean poole, jenny donati appears showed cut off, they were the thieves said hollie, showed of ministry of dreams, showum said Jesus, thats sandy and john mark pool looking at visions, hollie laid on side, yur gettin old, die, hollie said, put it under, bob slow down, hollie, now a different, You will post more visions now said hollie, you did not want us said hollie playing his music, said hollie, and hollie wore uh white robe, thats it said hollie, its uh he hollie, said uh she hollie, and the king of grecia showed lay down, and who is it said, hollie, pope, said another hollie, Write the vision make it plain said hollie, that, said hollie, it was popes head shaped like little horn, God, hollie, said, dont use it showed, hollie, keep postin, said hollie, thats, golden, fingers, typeing, hey, said, hollie, came, out, had fingers, in, mouth, waited, got, the, o.k., showed, hollies, body not seen, but was, there, record, your, information, said, it was, uh mans voice, said, hollie, wiped mouth, look, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you, uh picture, said, another, hollie, hey, pointed, a third hollie, thats, lets do this right, thats, rocky marciano, hollie walks out, it appeared, he would have beaten ali, thats, fight, rocky would have hit ali, in, chin, collapsing, thats bert sugar looking at, shaking yes, I knew, he, said, thats, ali's trainer talking with, bert sugar not even bob believes it, said, God, thats rocky marciano beating, whipping mike tyson, thats, george foreman, going fifteen rounds but loosing, thats, rocky marciano, it appeared, said, hollie, fighting, bending over, thats, ali doing rope the dope, thats how they won fights they could not win, that, pointed, hollie, what is, that, hollie, said, its, people lootin, during, its, hard times, said barack obama, what is, that said, hollie, its, economic collapse in the u.s.a., barack leaves microphone, bobby, said, hollie, bobby heres uh warnin, said, hollie, showed, turn, then, the other, way, hollie, walks out, puts fingers in, mouth, looks, goes ahead, hollies hand hidden but appeared, it was white bear paw, tear up, showed, popes, picture, with, brown, hair, thats, putin, laying before, let me, rule, the world, alright, said, pope, hollie showed, world, thats, hollie flying in, spacecraft, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploded, russia burned, submarines, appeared all around thye u.s.a., one fired, thats, hollie cnn, news man, well dressed, reporting, gets kicked out by, light legg, all subs fired, both american coasts burned, hollie looked at Jesus, showed, put van on the road, in, january, hollie walks out, that, pointed hollie, its dodge aries k showing, thats angel coming out of timing belt, thats timing belt showing replace, they dont need it, said, hollie, thats, dodge aries k at interviewing table, putting hand on bible, change oil dodge aries k said, thats, hollie changing filter, you dont want no more thats what our showin, said, hollie, with, the, its, said, hollie, wiped lips, loose belt sorry, bobby, said, hollie, showed, post, on, cellphone, take it, said, its, pontey, hollie said, on laptop cellphone t.v., thats people receiving their mark of the antichrist, its, 666, placed, on, forehead, thats little popes image tattood in finger, go home, said, hollie, showed, clean up for church, thats, bob going to church, dressed nice, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, record, and, I stamp, hollie, said, showed, lay down, or record, hollie beat hand, you done know said the paul mooney girl, wiped lips, i'm horny, she said, squirts, warning, said, hollie, thats the, leave it alone, said, hollie, that, hollie, said, its, pope, beast, coming out, of, new world order, cart, that, said, hollie, its hu hintao coming out, there you have it, said, hollie, that, hollie said, another, hollie, comes, out, points, that, another, hollie, said, the hollie that said that was hidden, but dimly faded in, that hollie, said, no, said, hollie, Lord I showed om thru but shook, yes, please, please, sang, hollie, showed, dont, steal it, or, alter in any way, hollie stamps, said, the, God spoke, Ministry of Dreams, hollie laid down, but eyes were still open, hollie, snapped fingers, stomped foot, started to fall asleep, there uh vision they can do one thing said hollie, bob come on, said, hollie, post, she posted on cellphone laptop t.v., vision over roan, said, hollie, you want that vision said hollie, then write that vision, hollie laid down, eyes open, record, said, hollie, 6-2-2010-that was enthusiastic hollie appearing, that, she, said, showed, dont, i'm uh vision i can not do one thing siad hollie, and i showed, he said, that, she hollie said, its the beast pope, she said, rising, that, hollie said, male, hollie shows lay, down o my God said hollie, its your brake, said hollie, thats hollie fixing brake, she showed lay down, theres uh submarine right there hollie said, gaza burned, iraq had nuclear fires, bush grunts, as hollie makes step up to the mike, i made our war said bush, grunts, its to breakem steal our oil wells, thats bush in fire, hollie seals it up, had coat on, showed brush teeth, laid down wearing coat, hollie stomps, snapps fingers, slept, thats that problem said hollie, pointed, the finger, hollie comes out, hey she said, pointed, hollies body hidden, but dimly faded, in, its the gulf coast oil slick hollie said, its not being stopped, hollie looked from high above, its big huge hollie said, heres the reason said hollie, its man appearing, theres spark, its i made, it he said, put it under said hollie, that causes wormwood, hollie said, showed, lay down, its, i'm the beast antichrist said pope, hollie said, somebody got cut off, said, hollie, thats bob on the q95 bob and tom show, the laugh, they will not put you out but they will not want you there, said, Jesus, come on, bob, lets do uh hole show, said, bob kevoian, tom agrees, thats, bob entering, broadcast booth, but, happy, bobby, said, hollie, this is website, she, said, dont go home, said, hollie, showed, eat, bobby, said, hollie, showed, eat, and, I, stamp, said, hollie, thats, beast, in, his new world order cart, thats eight kings that will rise against u.s.a., hollie looks over, theres, hu hintao, alright I want it, shaking yes, but showed, bobby be quiet, its them, said, hu hintao, thats bob and tom laughing, thats, hugo chavez, showing, no, but, o.k., signs, deal, medvedev leaves, thats, stunned looking lula, but, shakes, yes, o.k., thats, raul castrol, its o.k., it there, he, said, signs, but, later regrets, i'm worried said, frightened, fidel castrol, its kim jong, said, many hollies, a he and she hollie, they, looked, thats kim jong with nuclear button, thats nuclear fires, in russia, china, and, south korea, hollie looked at, theres missile leaving russia with new ministry of dreams website on and the seven headed red dragon, and I showed, that, hollie, said, the economys slippin, said, hollie, and, he saw, it said, hollie, its pope, he came out of, thats, putin, thats putin out of, its showed, hollie, medvedev and yeltsin, thats yeltsin out of the ten, its, uh russian ruling party, showed, hand, hey, said, hollie, came, out, put fingers, in, mouth, hollie, screamed, look, said, hollie, its, zz top playing at indianapolis motor speedway on carb day, looking good, hollie said, lets do, something, hollie said, I dont want that bob and tom show no more, hollie showed record, pope, hollie, said, and whats his word, hollie, said, no bob and tom show said pontiff, record, said, hollie, like cat, showed, the, leopard, theres presidents of north, south korea, china, and, japan, hollie sums, puts back, hollie screamed, showed, boo who, hollie said, dont go, hollie tore up, put back, hey, pointed, hollie, came out, put, fingers, in, mouth, hollie laughed, see, she, said, bobby, they dont want it, the number one spot, on, ministry of dreams, spoke, hollie, but the paliban daily tries to ruin, thats jenny donati, shaking, yes, and, jean poole, ashamed, but exposed, said, Jesus, they steal, the God spoke, said, hollie, showed, call it ministry of dreams, thats dr., rev. jeremy taylor and his kathy taylor stealing, like, jeremy lopez and his john mark pool, theres janetmack, and christine and roland harding, all claiming christians, said, Jesus, but why do you steal, thats, embarrased, jeremy taylor d.min, you know I knowem, said, dr. jeremy taylor, he lies, said, hollie, hollies body hidden, but dimly faded in, thats, popes, picture, with, brown, hair, let me, rule the world, said, putin, laying before, alright shook, pope, hollie showed, world, nulcear n.a.t.o. countries exploded, stop, said, Jesus, russia, burned, Jesus, watched, moon pointed down, look, bobby, said, big moon, turned blood red, he made me, said, moon, world shakes, smoke rises, o said wilhelm gustloff ship, with silhouette face, raised hands up, hollie visits on bottom of sea, in submarine, thats three torpedoes striking, ship rolls, sinks, waits on bottom of sea, thats adolf hitler, on, his, ship, showed, hollie, its, she, said, the hilter super ship, let me record, said, hollie, beat hand, up rose pope like tear-drop man, when you get home, said, hollie, thats, hollie, changing oil, hollie came out, with the uhleave it uhlone, sandy wiped lips, it was, simb, Father showed, old world war two ship, with, plates, thats, hollie welding, thats hollie hammering in rivet on titanic, Father showed, dressed nice, big dark hand, captain smith on deck, titanic scrapes iceberg, sinks, there it is said, hollie, on bottom of ocean, with, piano sound, you really want it, said, hollie, playing music, wearing white robe, thats, said, hollie, Father on old steam locomotive, hollie funnel on front blew, pope out, theres, hu hintao, hugo chavev, hollie claps, its part of the new world order, hollie ate cake, hollie shook out of, flute blown by hollie like, little dim blue head, hey pointed, hollie, that, was, two, hands, showing, time, but, watch was like silhouette then four o'clock appeared, hollie showed, go, hollie showed childrens museum, free on thursday, hollie showed, turn, pointed, lighted finger, hollie in, the, fire, at first, not happy, then, smiled, this is hollie showing record, and I stamp, she, said, beat hand, and up rose, said, Jesus, the pope, hollie, said, put it under, said, hollie, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said, pope, hollie, said, bobby, said, hollie, you look good, she, said, rubbed face, go, she, said, to, the, temple of praise, hollie, said, sh, she, said, dont speak, there, put it undle, said, hollie, showed, the book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, its, ready, its, contains, hollie, said, the, new world order, thats them tap dancing, thats hegoat smiting, ram, three kings rise in persia, theres, pope, hollie, said, sh, she said, rubbed face, and more, hollie showed, a copy, post, she, said, and the post angel, rose, that was piano on, its, showed, him, said, she, hollie, its, r.m.s. titanic, thats piano, it played, it, was, in, bad, shape, but, thats, him, said, she, hollie, sitting, at, playing, sounds, good, thats, angel, appearing, on, its, the piano, i'm the new ministering spirit, he, said, hollie showed, on the God spoke, she, said, dont steal it, or, thats Jesus with torturing instrument appearing, with brown hair, call it, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, said, God, I spoke it, created it, showed, Jesus, left, bobby, go, said, many hollies, its, to, the, showed, hollie, temple of praise, thats, one pastor there looking, at, she has red hair, and is uh nigger, said, hollie, shes, witch, both, but bob loves, and they like, dont put bob out, said, hollie, put it under, she, said, showed, cut off, go, thats, hollie walking, wearing coat, thats, hollie with nice hair, appearing, happy like cat, showed, bobby, cut off, she, walked, 6-3-2010-Hollie posted on cell phone laptop, its a computer hollie said, and bear licked the prophet, taiwan done it, said hollie, casey pointed, hollie rode the rocket, and i she showed that hollie said, taiwain burned, thats hu hintao battling washington state with his sword on his red horse, thats light sword battling him, its red, hollie flys out in old world war two airplane, its repelled, she said, put it under, gasoline said Jesus, its going up, God showed, hollie showed lay down, take it said popus, on laptop screen, its the mark of the beast, antichrist, pointed, hollie, she zeroed in on the pope, put it under said hollie, watch the stock market collapse, its in the u.s.a. said hollie, showed lay down, wearing coat, its, bobby, said hollie, with nice hair, winked, showed sleep, put it under said hollie, with nice hair, showed, down, bobby save, she said, this is the economy slipping, said, hollie, like, singing, hollie, said, put it under, she, said, this is warning, said, another, hollie, no, said, hollie, showed, Lord om thru, away, showed, hollie, stomped foot, snapped fingers, hollie shook, yes, showed, thru, but, shook, yes, again, and he saw, said, hollie, showed, pope riding, black horse, its into moscow, said, pope, hollie, had, copy of book, its uh million seller, you will get about, hollie spoke with God, wearing white robe, six dollars per copy, tithe hollie said, hollie had book, she, looked like, angel, in white clothes, thats, face appearing on clothes, i'm the white garments, clothes said, thats light scene russia, and, pope, and, medvedev, now lets see, here, said, ponty, hollie, said, he looks over, agreement, they, sign, contract, hollie watches, its, agreement, it, gains, popus, hollie, said, some control, hollie, folds it up, thats, hollie, with, the, contract and pen, golden, write the vision, she, showed, and I stamp, hollie, said, beat hand, thats, cart full of kings, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, man, we will rise, said, president of mexico, signs, deal with medvedev, thats raul castrol, agreeing, lula stunned, chavez shows, no way, but, signs, shakes, yes, thats, president of, nicaragua, not wanting, but, signs, hey i'll place it there, hollie, puts nuclear fires, in, mexico and latin america, thats, hollie from, high above, pointing, nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, nicaragua burned, thats three nuclear fires in cuba, missiles fly over, thats, tripod, and, captain, hollie, appears, many submarines firing, they, shower, thats parts of america exploding, near, gulf coast, oil, hollie looks at, the, broken rig, spewing oil, thats kim jong, signing, with medvedev, pressing nuclear button, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, and south korea, thats, rocket, leaving, russia with new ministry of dreams website on, and, red dragon with seven heads, thats, medvedev and jong, signing, you lure, said, yeltsin to, hintao, thats, hollie, riding, missile, its into, taiwan, burned, thats, hu hintao on red horse, battling, washington state, with, sword, hollie fights back, thats old world war two, aircraft going out to sea, it is, flown by hollie, bombs chinese ship, popey, said, hollie, thats, pope, coming out of, putin, thats, putin, out of, medvedev and yeltsin, thats yeltsin out of, its, said, hollie, politburo, its russian ruling party, I will flatter, said, hollie laughed, right there, said, hollie, its, akula, again, thats, what, you needed, said, hollie, its, captain, hollie waving, from his submarine, thats, submarine with, face, then, at, interviewing table, he made it, said, submarine, popes picture appears, hollie changed oil, got, some on her white robe, then, it, dimmed, then gone, hollie walked to excercise, wearing plad coat, along river, hollie was not getting the attention, she deserved, showed, its, mitsubushi car, spun tires, bobby, said, hollie, record, she, said, posted on internet, hey, said, hollie, she, came out, hollie not clearly seen, bobby dont, said, hollie, you got what you need, said, he hollie, playing music, whats that, said, hollie, hey alice, hollie said, moved alice cooper away, that, pointed, hollie, watched, wearing hard hat, its, bp, gotta fix, said, b president, they do, that, hollie, said, theres, the king of, grecia, right, there, said, Jesus, hollie comes out, what did, he, say, said, hollie, they, dont, want, exposed, book, showed, hollie, acted like, she, was, going to toss, thats hu hintao, coming out of, one horn, and pope with flower, theres medvedev and putin, out of, other, horn, thats, ram, hollie, said, with putins face, theres those kings coming out, come on, showed, hollie, wearing dim white robe, thats he hollie, showing, fight, observe, said, hollie, its big nuclear fireball in, russia they, exchange, hollie, said, thats missiles striking russia and china, exploding, thats pope at table, thats two horned, beast, with, hu hintao, and, japan president coming out of, its, horns, they, sit at table, lie, laugh, 666 is born, hollie pointed, right there, its, peace treaty, what kind of, visions do you want, thats what your showin, me, said, hollie, thats hollie getting food out of dumpster, wearing plad coat, feeding animals, let me alone, said, hollie, flying in, spacecaft, fired in the thieves, God spoke, said, Jesus, call it, Ministy of Dreams, said, white hollie, spacecraft ship said hollie, flew in, fighter jet, dropped bomb, america below exploded, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries and russia burning, hollie appears, nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, theres fire in cuba, nicaragua burned, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear fires in mexico and latin america, world shakes, bobby, said, like dull, moon, dull brown color, pointed, its that, moon showed, ministryofdreams, said, hollie, and, he saw, it, said, casey, hollie, played easy music, thats harp this time, hollie played, it, was, uh he hollie, a, she hollie, said, hollie drove tank with spacecase uhlarrie, sandy, wiped lips, it, was, simb, she, said, hollie showed, record, hollie, another, posted on laptop cellphone t.v., thats popes image on screen, thats, popes head tattood on finger, hollie walked on treadmill, wearing workout clothes, drank, hey bobby its witches, said, hollie, showed, thumbs down, hey put it there, hollie, said, its, August Rosado, showing cut off, I wanted to make said August Rosado, showed, full pocket, thats August Rosado showing cut off, its, bobby witches, hollie said, put it under, she, said, its to late for August Rosado, thats Woodward, Josh, its, showed, hollie, josh woodward, stealing, the God spoke, said, hollie, talked with God, showed, prophecy ministry, thats Josh Woodward removing what he took, said, mrs. Josh, woodward, looking at visions on net, said, Jesus, 6-4-2010-that, said, hollie, hey bob, she, said, thats the main ministering spirit appearing, said, Jesus, that, hollie, said, hollie showed, popes picture, its, tear up, hollie screamed, hollie said, lets post something, said, Jesus, hollie said, be nice, to, me, hollie, tore it up, said, hollie, with red hands, body hidden, but, dimly faded in, hollie showed, eat, hollie, showed, record, o, said, wilhelm gustloff ship, its his ship said sandy pool, hollie showed, lay down, hollie showed, fight, come on, said, he hollie, wearing dim white robe, its like uh cloud hollie said, God did not have nothing to do with that, hollie showed, its the gulf coast, oil slick, hollie showed, keep eatin, she said, showed, go home, said, hollie, new website is up, said, hollie, its, ministry of dreams, hollie said, bob close your group, hollie said, its, for now, bobby wont you let me, said, casey, bob, she, said, buy uhm, hollie said, showed, its, pioneer hpm 100's, they were excellent, hollie said, casey showed, record, bob dont, she, said, casey, has, red, hair, and white robe, showed, its, uh pioneer, hollie brought out, its, she, said, looked around, pioneer sx-980, its excellent, put it under, said, casey, buy one, bobby dont, showed, casey, thats casey out of the, its, said, hollie, pioneer hpm 100 woofer, hollie showed, the move, wont rip, unless you tearem, bobby text said hollie, and i showed the beast, hollie, pope she said, with head shaped like little horn, hollie showed its war she said, i am gog pope said, put it under, hollie said, thats the peace treaty, its the mark of the beast said hollie, showed, uh, she said, its uh nuclear fire in russia, its uh, they exchange said hollie, put it under, hollie showed, wiped lips, hand showed you not need it, hollie said you did not want hollie showed, thats pope at table, the the two horned beast, pointed hollie, with hu hintao and japan coming out of its horns, they sign the peace treaty 666, give me the mark of the beast said hollie, thats her tattood 666 on arm, its on forehead, of that man, people lined up to receive their mark, hollie said, thats little popes face tattood on finger, hey bobby what did my pontiff say, said hollie, take said popey, said hollie, its they exchange, hollie said, its the king of the north coming against the the king of the south, popey hollie said, and hu hintao, there you have it, hollie said both beasts, that, hollie said go, Hollie like uh dark hollie, tattood 666, its over that hollie said, showed bobby, go post, its at library hollie said, showed the kenwood amplfier with power meters, hollie watched them move, 6-5-2010-hollie showed post on cellphone laptop, a he hollie showed lay, down, o its oil spewing in the gulf said hollie, and lighted shaft points, hollie walks with barack obama, do you care said hollie, barack shakes yes, yes we got an election coming up, obama said, he lost hollie said, put it under, hollie showed lay down, that wil not work, in, germany, said, hollie, bob dont translate, hollie, said, who's the beast, said, putin, pointed, at self, hollie, showed, eat, wiped lips, thats it, said, hollie, its, new ministry of dreams website, its on, yuko, said, hollie, like angelface, with many different colors, deformites, said, hollie, hollie screamed, then, acted like, she, was going to scream, then, appeared, made faces, hollie showed, record, its yuko hollie, said, i'm the new website, said, its yuko website like blue website, thats, yuko website, showing, the new world order, thats, owner, of, yuko dot com getting copy of visions, throws up in air, laughs, thats, the, beast, said, hollie, casey, does like, hands, who's the antichrist, said, Jesus, its pope, hollie, said, thats, pope coming out of, its putin, hollie, said, thats, putin, coming out, of, medvedev and boris yeltsin, thats, yeltsin, coming out of, the, ten, said, hollie, its, politburo, she, said, i'm the new website, said, yuko website, licked prophet, hollie walks out, it, had uh red tongue, hollie, sits at, interviewing table, wearing, white, robe, what do you want me to call it, said, hollie, in, Gods ear, it, God, said, go, said, hollie, showed, with, big hand, hey, said, hollie, coming, out, put fingers, in, mouth, showed, hollies lower body hidden, but, faded in, wearing shorts, thats like, light, man, showing, turn, hollie, showed, go, tear up, said, hollie, its hollie said, from behind, thats, many, hollies in row, some he, and, she, it was I was cut off said Mike Monk, yes shakes, his cora, said, hollie, put it under, hollie, said, its to late for Mike and Cora Monk, pastors, hollie, said, but witches, thats Mike Monk not caring about his, said, hollie, visions, why do you dye, said, hollie, I wanted to look you said cora monk, I dont care about these, its the loot, cora monk, said, put it under, they close church now, hollie, said, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope, what made ya do it, said, sandy pool, thats john mark pool looking at letter where he admits to it, stealing, said, pointed, angelic hollie, showed, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, it, was, you, said, dr. jeremy taylor, d.min, and his kathy taylor, m.a., maybe om uh warning, said, hollie, hollie like, its, hazey, said, hollie, bear, runs to the side, i'm, with him, said, hollie like bear, pulled putin, to self, hollie, showed, world, hollie, runs out, points, hollies face like silhouette, many countries exploded, moon looks down, bobby its he made me said, moon, licked prophet, i'm said, sun, showed, lay down, sun, shows, picture, its new world order, kings, Jesus, said, appeared, bobby its, the pope, said, moon, stomping foot, hes, transformed, said, hollie, like a dull brown moon, he said, hollie, said, angel, new marine corp. out in the streets, its the last sign, u.s.a. said, hollie, its, under, economic collapse, hollie, said, angel showed, record, typed, you needed your wallet, said, hollie, thats john mark pool, its for money said john pool, thats john mark pool preaching JEsus, but pocketing the loot said john mark pool, sandy pool smiles, it, john made me happy sandy m. pool said, put it under, said hollie, john mark pool steals the God spoke ministry of dreams, its to ruin said john mark pool, thats jeremy lopez, you did to, said, Jesus, jeremy lopez, leaves, its the identity network, said, Jesus, witches God, said, thats dr. jeremy lopez appearing, i'm uh witch jeremy lopez said, showed, cut off, casey showed, record, showed, get laptop out, casey, posted in, white robe, hollie, showed, cellphone t.v., posted on internet from her cellphone, thats, popes face, appearing on, with uh head shaped like little horn, I am God, said, little horn, hollie, walks out, thats like triangle shaped horn with mans eyes, thats bob barker appearing, hes, readin e-mail, hollie said, he donated to, thats new hollie like angel with megaphone, hollie out, showed, paul watson, its whale wars, hey, said, hollie, its male hollie appearing like vampire, but face, not clearly, hollie, rubbs face, see, said, hollie, like, birdy, showed, picture, clapped hands, stomped foot, its, pope, hollie showed, i'm the bear, said, bear, hollie showed, turn, said, hollie, showed, hollies lower body hidden, but dimly faded in, hollie, wore shorts, 6-6-2010-hollie showed how to fix the bent hood, now lets see, she, said, she, straightened, up, she, said, bent, hey bobby somebody, I dont want it, said, michael monk, hollie showed, its cora, hollie said, she, wants, uh divorce, hollie, said, I married uh witch cora monk, said, thats michael monk shaking yes, cora monk shows cut off, hollie showed, record, I blaspheme, said, michael monk, bobby, said, hollie, look, she, said, showed, the, beast, rising, its, pope, hollie, said, put it undle, hollie, said, showed, eat, bobby its showed, yola, said, hollie, thats, the yola website like pink angel, lets link, up, said, hollie, showed, cut the grass, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie with nice hair, appearing, bobby, she, said, hey, said, hollie, hollie with nice hair transformed, appeared like first hollie showed, then, hollie showed, appeared, but, transformed away, hollie, said, into, hollie, its cindy, appearing, again, winks, bobby said, hollie, showed, popes picture with hu hintao, hollie, relaxed, there you have it, hollie, said, both beasts, hollie, with, nice hair, like, hollie showed, bit on prophet, tell me what the loose belt sound is for, said, hollie, bobby, said, hollie, showed, post on, cellphone, its, uh, showed, hollie, laptop t.v., thats, popes face appearing on, its, screen, like, little horn, take it, said, pontiff, hollie claps, hey, pointed, another, hollie, hollies lower body hidden, but faded in, wearing shorts, this is not the warning, said, hollie, and hollie claps, submarine right there, said, hollie, hi bobby, said, hollie, waved, it was, akula class, a she hollie said, thats, captain, hollie, let me, hollie points, hollie wore white robe, fired, thats gaza forsaken, burned, turns his submarine around, thats, benjamin netanyahu appearing, thats, two nuclear fires in iraq, hollie wipes, lips, in white robe, a her hollie pushes bush to the microphone, he eats chicken, I made our war its to stealem, president bush said, breakem, said, hollie, oil wells contracts, hollie, puts president bush in fire, trouble, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, kings arise, three, theres, pope, i'm the beast, said, pontiff, theres hu hintao, thats hu riding red horse, thats hollie riding, missile, taiwan burned, thats, hu hintao battling washington state with his light sword, hollie fought back, its, repelled, hollie flew out in old world war two airplane, thats, emporer of japan, theres slashed, popey, hollie, said, there you have me, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, its silo, said, sandy, hollie points, many minuteman 111 nuclear rockets exploding in silo, hey said, hollie coming out, hollies lower body hidden, but, appeared, wearing shorts, now we talk, said, hollie, hollie showed, oil its, spewing in the gulf, hey, pointed, hollie, came out, hollies body, hidden, but, appeared, wearing shorts, hollie showed, timing belt, and timing belt laughed, its, hollie timing belt, now lets see, said, hollie, coming out of oil, showed, a, quart of oil, it cooks, no, said, hollie, I showed, om thru, but hollie shook, yes, thats captain hollie flying, spacefighter, hollie said, dropped bomb, america below exploded, thats it pointed, hollie, submarines all around america, hollie said, that, hollie, said, hollie showed, check craigslist, 2,5,9,3,1, hollie showed, its r.m.s. titanic, she said, its, rose, after striking iecberg, hollie showed, it broke, then hollie showed, it sank, still there, she, said, it appeared, showed, another, hollie, 6-6-7-2010-Thats Father dressed real nice, like uh dot head showing, its h.m.s., said hollie, titanic, o shit said its captain, its captain smith, edward said hollie, we wanted speed said edward j. smith, it scraped iceberg, said hollie, its still there, it appeared on bottom, the titanic, theres britannic on its side, but the olympic survived, put it under said hollie, thats bruce ismay, we wanted speed ismay said, hollie showed turn, hollie out of saxaphone, it, said hollie, played by louis armstrong, hes old now, dying, put it under said hollie, Jesus showed, watch, hollie showed, its dying time, held nose, went down, hollie clap,s hey said she hollie, coming out, hollies lower body hidden, but appeared, hollie wore shorts, hollie with Jesus inside showed record, hollie blew flute, hollie out, pointed down, its still spewing oil in the gulf, its causing wormwood, said hollie, put it under hollie said, i know you, said Jesus, hollie showed blade runner, its uh show, its still watched, lots of special effects, hollie said, giddy up said hu hintao riding his red horse, maybe this is uh warning, lets post, sang, hollies, hollie said, the economy is slippin, hollie, said, thats barack obama, hollie laughs, thats her volunteering, its with, satan inside, said, Jesus, showing, record, hey pointed, hollie, came out, that was Jesus inside, not lucifer, but, hollie laughed, hollie showed, done, Lord I threw it away, she said, but shook, yes, then, showed, away, hollie showed, the beast rising, its pope, that was he hollie like hollie showed, hand showed you did not want hollie showed, hollie showed, bob, write the vision and make it plain, that was, police officer watching bob, he wanted to bust, but, thats God speaking to indianapolis police officers heart, he will ruin you, police officer backed, off, he wanted to ruin you, said, hollie, thats pope riding, black horse, its into, moscow, russia, pontey said, hollie, said, thats uh deal, said, hollie, watching, pope, and, medvedev, signing, accord, it gains pope some control, hollie showed craigslist, hollie screamed, and he saw, pointed, hollie, it, nuclear missiles, sailing, alaska exploded first, thats nuclear fire in, canada, its, near, the, tip, hollie, said, showed, there, minnesota, cnn tower, falls, said, hollie, thats, nuclear fires in, center of america, and, submarines all around, man lets git outta here, said, hollie newsman, kicked out by light legg to like, round God, and both american coasts exploded, hollie showed, its on the day of the LOrd, bobby, said, hollie, barack obama typed and bear arose, devour, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burned, thats captain, hollie in his ohio class, thats many submarines showering russia with thermo nukes, russia burned, thats moon watching, hollie claps, bobby its, he transformed, smoke rises from world, shakes, gets all in moons face, i'm said, sun, both laugh, play, God there, thats the, hoof sound, hollie showed, with, big, hand, its, uh, she, said, 1970, hollie rubbed chin, six, lincoln continental, angel showed, recod, hollie, got, food, out of, dumpster, she, showed, hollie ate and fed animals, it was, uh dream, said, hollie, clapped, showed, donald winters walks to girl, in, church, insults, writes on her posted, she held up like many there, did, it, was, uh contest, said, hollie, she, got in on, woman runs out crying, she, had like, slits in her, dress, people at church felt sorry for her cause they knew God rejected her but she was young, hollie clapped, thats, bob, with joyce meyer, it was uh dream, hollie, said, night vision, it, appeared, bob wanted to tell her at meeting with others, God came inside me like a body my perfect size, bob, in building being pursued, runs, up, stairs, gets away, but, not, out, building, was on upper floors, lets motor, said, hollie, chrysler 2.2 engine, spun front tire of dodge aries k, that, said, hollie, its, pope, she, said, riding, black horse, that, hollie, said, what did, popey say, Jesus, said, something, pope, i'm the beast, i'm the antichrist, pontiff said, hollie showed, go, I need somebody let me, said, hollie, posted on, cellphone, thats, popes face, like little horn on screen, take it, said, pontiff, thats, people lined up to receiver their mark, of the antichrist, he told me to make you angry, hollie, said, at interviewing table, wearing white robe, Jesus, appeared, hollie shows, its, time, to, die, laughing, hollie showed, lay down, snapped fingers, thats the uhleave it uhlone, sound, thats bobs picture, on face book, holding, its ministry of dreams book, thats joyce cameron putting picture on, hollie takes off gloves, hey said, hollie coming out, put fingers in mouth, got the o.k., joyce cameron posts pictures of bob, he sent to her, all of, them, thats, Jesus, grunting, you got my o.k., joyce appears, hollie walks out, thats joyce camerons picture, thats her husband looking at, saying, yeow, its o.k., leaves, they, both, go to, church, thats joyce singing in the choir, thats hollie in the choir with flying up to Jesus wearing like choir robe, hollie showed, sleep, hey bob, hollie said, joyce likes it, that is joyce cameron singing in the choir shes got God as her admirer, sang hollie, thats hollie with Jesus and joyce singing, God listens to her, submarine sound, said, hollie, thats, captain hollie in her, its akula class she said, goes down in gulf, they will fix soon, hollie sealed lips, pointed, waited for Jesus to give new message, Jesus with brown walks over to, thats gabriel appearing with, he, sings, thats gabriel flying to joyce cameron, touching her from God, joyce livens up, you knew, said, hollie, hollie beat hand, and i stamp, she, said, pope rose, theres emporer of japan, slash, showed, hollie, showed, idol shepherd, hollie showed last king, its hu hintao, hollie runs out, hey, said, hollie, its, the three kings that rise in persia, that is shushan right there, said, hollie, its king of grecia appearing, its, pope, hollie said, with, ram, horns, theres ram with putins face, out of its horns, theres hu hintao, with flower out of one, theres pope, medvedev and putin out of other, come on, said, hollie, wearing dim white robe, thats, hegoat, charing ram, thats, nuclear explosion in, russia, its, they, exchange, said, hollie, thats, pope, sitting, at, the table, and, two horned, beast, rising, with, hu hintao, and emporer of japan coming out of its horns, they sign peace treaty 666, thats them laughing, threatening each other, going to own, lands, worship the pope said hu hintao, hollie showed, record, showed, be quiet, it, was, hollie said, sh, satan, but he looked like a partial face man, and was, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, turn, it was, uh him hollie, hey said, hollie, came out, put fingers in mouth, pointed, hollies lower body hidden but appeared wearing shorts, hollie showed, eat, you need to record, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, beast, pope arose, hollie showed, lets post, hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, but, another, he hollie appeared, hollie danced, thats, hollie with Jesus, inside, showing, its uh record, said, hollie, showed, lets cut it off, 6-7-8-2010-write, dr. jeremy taylor, and kathy taylor, and, its, showed, hollie, john mark pool, and, jeremy lopez, its the identity network, said, hollie, and ask them why they hate Jesus so much they have chose to steal the God spoke, showed, hollie, ministry of dreams, like, jenny donati, and, jean poole, of, its the paliban daily, christians hollie, said, fighting Jesus, his child, like, Louwrens Erasmus, Aafke ann brouwer, diana Hahlbohm, Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka, Mark Stanley, Ahmed Al-Omra, ginny hill, formerly of the bbc, said, Jesus, also include these, said, God, jon sawyer, Christine Cobham Harding, roland harding, and more, said, hollie, showed, these are some of the thieves, its God spoke, she said, showed, ministry of dreams, call it, spoke, Jesus, dont steal, he said, and he saw, said, hollie, thats, she, said, William J. Willis, showing cut off, shaking yes when, his, Linda M. Willis, shows visions, om with him said Linda M. Willis, showed, her smiling husband, with a pocket full, of loot, said, Sheila K. Willis, showed, cut off, said, Linda M. Willis, shakes, yes, when approached, about visions, said, John Willis, showed, cut, it was I was never saved, said, its, said, hollie, Joel Willis, put it under, hollie said, its to late for the willis clan, they were not even saved, but preached Jesus, hey bobby its for loot said Carrie J. Willis, showed, cut off, witchs, said, Jesus, put it under, hollie said, i'm lost said, William Willis, showed cut off, hollie appears, God plays harp, you want me, said, hollie, yes shakes, its, Carrie Willis, said, Jesus, Lord its I dont tithe Carrie J. Willis, thats, William J. Willis, appearing, we dont, William J. Willis said, put it under, thats pastor William J. Willis preaching, Lord is for loot, said, William J. Willis, pay ten percent, but he doesnt, thats embarrased William Willis appearing with red, face, Ministry of Dreams, is created, by Me, Jesus, for, this ministry after, prayer, if you take, alter or steal in anyway, then I the Lord will make you run to remove what you stole, and its to ruin my child, for this is the reason the end must come, saith God, that was hollie playing the harp, said, hollie, and Jesus, appears, and rubs, chin, laughs, but, is, hurt, put it under, said, hollie, dont steal it, hollie said, showed, the God spoke, thats Jesus, whispering, call it ministry of dreams, dont alter it, said, hollie, like, showed, rubbed chin, the Ministry of Dreams, bobby, its enemies, said, hollie, that, take it, steal, hollie said, you can not stand unless I let you and I wont let you cause I can not tolerate people, saith the Lord, who are exalted in revelations, its cause I torture, tease, said Jesus, to hurt, laugh at their calamity, caress, penus with electricy, charm and then betray, laugh at their, boils, on thier faces, mock them, hate, cause them to loose teeth, make facial muscles, tithen, at moment, they wink, ruin, their appearances, laugh at them, I cause them to hate me to make them angry and run from me, to, sin, and when I laugh enough, I bring them back and do it all over again, till they become ROMANS 1, like JOB, I will do it to you, I saved to ruin and destroy, saith the Lord, I will not let you live and know me, said, Jesus, its cause I lie, God said, and destroy, charm him, then, ruin, to, embarras, and mock, saith the King, who AM I, said, Jesus, I have your own breathe in my hands, and own hell, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, bob lay off of, it, said, hollie, its, yahoo blogspot, she, said, thats, new Ministry of Dreams, website appearing, like angel face, its, yahoo blogspot, showed, hollie, its, the thieves of the God spoke, ministryofdreams, said, hollie, that said, hollie, new problem, said, Jesus, dont, translate, said, hollie, it works, she, said, got google search engine rankings, thats like light angel, its new ministry of dreams website, said, hollie, showing, no way, she, said, bob I am not going to leave you alone, untill you leave, die fasting, saith the Lord, or perish, living, for me, torturing and betraying you, what can you do about it, if you backslide, then all with mock, and I will laugh, myself, saith God, keep telling on me, to mock me for torturing you, but I will drive you to suicide like all my chosen, saith God, I dont care about anybody, but, my own happiness, said, the Lord, bob I am telling people to come against you, saith the King to laugh, like my chosen, JOB, whom I made an example of, and he was perfect, but shook, yes, then, done, hollie, came out, bobby, it transformed, said, hollie, loose belt some, said, hollie, and, another, hollie, showed, post, on, cellphone, laptop, thats popes face, appearing, on, screen, with head shaped like, little horn, take it, said, my popey, hollie, said, thats people lined up to receive their make of the beast, thats 666 on thats persons forehead, hey said, hollie that was, the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, thats the, image of the beast tattood on dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, head, thats, kathy taylor, with, the, image of the pope tattood on her finger, there you have it, said, hollie, showed, the mark of the antichrist, being applied, theres, image of the beast tattood on john mark pool and sandy pools foreheads, thats dr. jeremy lopez with the mark of the beast, pope tattood on forehead, hollie showed, go, with lighted hand, hollie, walked out, hey, hollie, pointed, fingers in mouth, hollies lower body, hidden, but, appeared, wearing shorts, a male hollie, sees, the, hey hollies, lower body hidden, but appeared, wearing shorts, a little over weight, thats hollie coming out of, its, trumpet, said, hollie, pointing, down, at, gulf coast oil slick, you lie, said, Jesus, barack shakes, I know, its economic collapse, said, president obama, thats, angel, looters running streets in u.s.a., lets rule the world, pointed, putin, maybe its uh, warning, said, hollie, with, the, uhleave it uhlone, sorry, said, hollie, and, sandy, thats, hands the old soundesign component stereo system, hey, said, hollie, had hands, dimly faded in, angel showed, record, hollie, showed, eat, its, cinnamin pastry, out of, dumpster, hollie got in dumpster, got food, out, wore plad coat, bobby, said, hollie, like, hollie first hollie showed, with nice hair, winked, its war, said, hollie, and, hollie, clap, thats uh him hollie showing record, a she hollie, said, thats, Father rising, laughing with, hollies voice, comes out of, hey, pointed, hollie, that, was, hollie acting like angel, he hollie tickles, she hollies foot, he said, hollie said, china, thats, magog, and, and, the, cymbol beat, thats hu hintao, appearing, with, yellow china, it means war, said, hollie, and, hu, hollie watches, missiles flew, alaska exploded first, theres nuclear explosion in canada, its near cnn tower falls, thats center of america burning, submarines appearing, all around, man lets git outta here, said, hollie news man, kicked out, by, light legg to like cat Jesus, both american coasts, burned, thats, bear, arising, Jesus, telling, destroy, thats three ribs appearing, in bears mouth, and, bobby, who are they, said, hollie, cuba, appeared on one, thats tripod, its, by, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, theres captain hollie stationed, in, its akula class, fired, thats, america, exploding, its, near, gulf, pointed, hollie, thats nuclear fires in all those countries, theres cuba burning, nicaragua on fire, nuclear explosions in venezuela and brazil, hollie placing nuclear fires along mexico and latin american coasts, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burned, hollie flew in, its f-104 starfighter, starcraft, said, hollie, thats, world, shaking, moon looks down, with big nose, its bobby, he transformed, said, hollie, smoke rises, thats, smoke going up, like, furnace, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, she, posted, on, laptop, hollie played music, you did not want me, he, said, wearing white robe, hollie had fingers in mouth, let me, observe, she, said, those, were hands playing piano, but hollie was hidden, but dimly faded in, i'm uh vision, lets sleep, hollie, said, hollie cried, boo who, dont trade Jesus, hollie laid down, hollie showed post on laptop, hollie got out laptop, bobby go, hollie said, walk, hollie walked wearing plad coat, Jesus spoke with bobby, thats popes head said hollie, shaped like little horn its take it, said my ponty, hollie said, showed go showed, post later, thats the u.s.s. murphy, said hollie, steaming away, suddenly, said, hollie, its, escorting, radar spots something, it leaves and is cut in half by ship it protected, back half, still floats, they, save, make new front half, new marine corp, said Jesus, like angel marines in the streets, its the last sign u..s.a, its during economic collapse, hollie posts on cellphone, its uh laptop t.v. she said, put it under, hollie showed sleep, snapped fingers, stomped foot, rolled on, side, dozed off, 6-9-2010-Jesus laughs, at, bob, gums, being deseased, by me, said, God, put it under, die you little witch, said, God, I mock you, saith the Lord, and he saw that, said, hollie, Patty Rosado showing cut off, its cause I'm with witch, Patty Rosado, said, thats, her husband appearing, its cause I stole prophecy ministry said August Rosado, showed cut off, its cause i'm with witch August Rosado said, its, patty rosado appearing, now tremble, said, Jesus, you tried to make my servant speak blasphemy against me, said Jesus, thats patty rosado trembling and being exposed, but me, pointed, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, thats aaron plunkett, showing cut off, said, hollie, I knew, said, its, witch, hollie said, aaron plunkett, appears, bob, said, hollie, showed, pope, riding, black horse, its, into, russia, said, popey, hollie said, showed cut off, August Rosado, shook, o so you steal ministry of dreams, hollie said, the God spoke, said, patty rosado, put it under, thats August Rosado posting and mocking bob and stealing ministry of dreams, his God spoke and created name, and thats August Rosado preaching Jesus, its for loot, said, patty and August Rosado, both shake, yes, patty smiles, August Rosado looks worried, pope, hollie, said, thats, medvedev and, popus signing, deal, it gains, some control, to, pope, hollie, wiped lips, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, then, drawing, of kathy taylor, appeared, we want war, said, kathryn taylor, so, they taylors steal Ministry Of Dreams, thats john mark pool, preaching Jesus, but stealing ministryofdreams, with doctor jeremy lopez and, chrissy and roland harding, bobby these are witches, said, hollie, thats roland harding, appearing, let me pocket the loot, thats, christine cobham-harding appearing with dyed, said, hollie, red hair, for, these are witches, hollie, said, john mark pool, it appeared, said, hollie, now what do you want, I wanted to ruin, said, john mark pool, let me absorb, said, john pool, he wanted to try to ruin Gods child, those people bob, I have not done one thing but, raise them up against you to laugh, make you abated, to mock you, thats end time prophetic ministry website appearing like angel face, with discoloration on one side, showed, that, said, website, pope riding black horse, there, hollie showed, the, prophecies center website, bob, remove, content, thats website angel with like, deformities on face, hollie showed, bob, hard flash drive, update more often, hollie, said, toronto, said, hollie, and, doreen, thats, cnn tower falling, in, fire, from, that, pointed, hollie, its, nuclear missile, falling into, that, said, hollie, showed, flash drive, and, missiles striking america and alaska, exploded, that, hollie, said, the economy is, slipping, said, hollie, and, hollie plays music, hey, said, hollie, coming out, pointing, were are they at, hollie said, both dimly, faded in, hollie like angel, looks up, at, cat on window ledge, its, high up, said, hollie, I wont fall, said, cat, no, cat said, showed, thru, i'm the leopard, cat, said, thats, hu hintao, appearing, theres, emporer of japan, north and south korea presidents, appearing, on, the four headed leopard, magog beast, hollie screamed, you aint, gonna do no more, said, hollie, thats, hands, posting, on, cellphone laptop, hollie comes out, body dimly appears, to hands, its, hollie, hollie drove tank, it, fired, brand new economy, said, hollie, this is, warnin, hollie said, its, bankrupt, said, barack obama, he, hollie points, showed, lay down, was under covers, but eyes still open, thats he hollie like angel, out of, its cellphone, showed, hollie, tear up, put back, rip, hey, said, hollie, hollies face turned silhouette, he is going to get cut off, said, hollie, and he saw, said, another, hollie, its, ed cowger showing cut off, shaking yes, smiling, its for loot, said, ed cowger, yes shakes, don strange, thats johnny downs, dreading, but smiling, shaking, yes, showing cut off, all, its, showed, hollie, the people's baptist church, its, witchs, hollie, said, 6-8-9-10-2010-go said hollie, call the police, its an angel, said hollie, God is caressing bobs dick to make him perish hollie said, hollie said hide, said God, its in sin, they both said, put it under said hollie, bob if you dont run from me said God, and he saw it said hollie, bob in his casket, its cause God wanted to abase said hollie, and he saw it said hollie, Jesus appear, a girl laughing, its cause God terrorises his people, said Jesus, please bobby this is website, i'm uh vision, i cant post, said two hollies, one him and her, said uh couple more, God said, hollie showed lay down, snapped fingers, stomped foot, was under covers, but eyes were still opened, hollie wept, Jesus drank the coffee dressed like royalty, hollie posted on cellphone, theres uh new ministry of dreams comin, said hollie, so why did you steal, said hollie, cause i wanted to tempt said, its hollie said, poor o rosado, said hollie, its she said, august, why did you steal, hollie thats august rosado wiping face, i wanted to ruin said august rosado, put it under, hollie showed lay down, wearing white robe under covers, half way hollie said, hollie shows, place the name, august rosado with the thieves of God spoke, Ministry of Dreams, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, the, new Ministry of Dreams website, like, angel face, being, look angry, at, its, hollie said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, thats august rosado said dr. jeremy taylor d.min, he is my son reverend jeremy taylor said, august rosado steals prophecy ministry, then, ministry of dreams, thats, angry prophecy ministry website appearing, looking, at, you lie said patty rosado, thats, patty rosado looking at visions, thats stunned looking august rosado, I wanted to come against said august rosada, but come against me august rosado said, we are pentecostal pastors said august rosado, showed cut off, patty rosado shakes yes, thats pastor august rosado saying, it was I was never saved, patty rosado shakes yes, people are stunned, said, hollie, at, the, rosado's, claiming, thats august rosado preaching HOly Ghost baptizm but steals from bob who has Jesus inside, it, appeared, said, hollie, and, august rosado was taught by man to preach, hollie laughs, thats, hollie with, its lucifer, said, hollie, inside showing record, thats hollie with Jesus inside, showing, record, thats, reverend august rosado looking at visions, he, trembles, said, Jesus, go up to the theives of the God spoke, prophecy ministry, and ministry of dreams, and, terrify, them, said, God, for they both never did exist, till, thats Jesus speaking, call it Ministry of dreams, prophecy ministry, thats God, creating, end time prophetic ministry, and, sunnysnet stealing, thats Jesus creating, world prophecy center, and, the prophecies center, thats, hands, clapping, hollies body appears, Jesus created all these, if you take any or alter in anyway, then I the LOrd will make you run to remove what I created for bob, jong, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, kim jong with nuclear controls, thats, nuclear, fires, in russia, china, and, south korea, thats, missile leaving, russia with, ministry of dreams, website on, and the red seven headed dragon, north korea exploded, hollie claps, there, she, said, hollie shows, picture, of, patty rosado, heres how you got cut off patty rosado said, thats her happy appearing with august rosado, whatt you want said pastor august rosado, showed cut off, it was I was never saved said august rosado, thats both looking at visions, august rosado terrified, thats baby pit bull showing yes, then, thru, said, hollie, but, dog shook, yes again, my name is website, wont you post, somemore, hollie, said, come on, bob, said, he hollie, wearing, white robe, posting, at, pay computer, hollie, points, thats, its, she hollie, showing, the, he hollie is the same that plays music, playing now, whats his word, said, hollie, i'm the beast, said, pope, bob, said, hollie, its, another, he hollie, said, hard flash drive, hollie showed, update more often, hand with hollies happy face showed, you did not want hollie showed, hollie showed, appeared, with different hair, hi bobby, said, hollie, with nice hair, its said, hollie, johnny downs, showed, cut off, but hes uh chaplain, hollie said, its, with, the peoples baptist church, she said, heres uh warnin, lets post, said, hollie, thats, pope appearing, you know, who I am, said, pontey, he hollie said, hes the antichrist, said hollie, write the vision, said, hollie, he was, groovin, thats new world order, appearing, with, red, dragon, licked prophet, hollie showed, turn, posted on laptop, hollie with Jesus inside showed, record, and I stamp, said, its, uh him hollie, said, she, hollie, pope rose on black horse, hollie drove tank, positioned, fired, thats center of america exploding, submarines, appearing, all, around, its akula agin thats what you said hollie, one fired, thats, nuclear explosion in, its california said dumitru duduman, thats hollie cnn anchor man reptorting, gets kicked out by light legg to God, hollie, female shows, hollie cnn reporter dressed well, nice, him, hollie said, both american coasts burned, hollie screamed, he, hollie showed, post on cellphone t.v., that popes face appearin, said, hollie, head shaped like little horn, take it, said, popey, hollie said, thats, people, receiving their mark of the antichrist pope, 666 tattood on, august rosado's forehead, thats patty rosado with popes image tattood on her finger, its were for the beast said patty rosado, people lined up, write the visions, said, hollie, look pointed he hollie coming out, with, yellow finger, pope rides black horse, hollie showed, post, lots of visions, it, was, uh him hollie, said, sh hollie, dont look at that, said, its, showed, hollie, patty rosado, august rosado trembles, said, God, 6-11-2010-go, said, hollie, its storm, brewin, she said, in, parking garage, thats, hollie, in his library, said, babyfleas, at, central, said, woman, want more visions, said, hollie, over, and over again, bobby, said, bob barker, you want money, that t.v. show host said, thats hollie walking going to work wearing plad coat, i'll assign it, said, bob barker, thats, hollie working for sea shepherd, bob barker knows, hollie shows, whale wars, its paul watson, see this, said, hollie, showed, finger, with, popes image, tattood, on, thats, people lined up, to receive, their mark of the beast, pope, thats, pope sitting at table with, hu hintao, and, emporer of japan, thats two horned beast rising with japan and hintao coming out of its horns, thats, nuclear explosion in, russia, come on, said, hollie, thats, hollie pulls up sleeve, to robe, hey, pointed, hollie, hollies body hidden but dimly faded in, thats, nuclear fires in, china and russia, then they sign the peace treaty 666, bobby, said, hollie, and I showed you uh picture, she said, its pope, there said, hollie, blue in scenery, thats, pope riding black horse, its into moscow russia, said, pontiff, thats, pope and medvedev, signing, its uh deal, said, hollie, it gains, some control, for ponty, she said, now lets see, said, hollie, picture of false prophet hu hintao, appears, hes the second beast, said, hollie, new economy said boris yeltsin, showed, thumbs down, its broke, he, said, bob, said, hollie, and I showed you uh picture, said, hollie, its, boris yeltsin and hu hintao, planning out strike against america, thats hollie, riding missile, its into taiwan, exploded, thats hu hintao attacking washington state on his red horse, with light sword, hollie battles back, hollie, showed, thumbs down, its gregory m. kenny, hes witch, hollie, said, hey, said, hollie, came out, thats, hollies body hidden but dimly faded in, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, she, said, up rose the pope, she said, put it under, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, its, him, hollie, said, captain hollie in his submarine, fired, thats, gaza destroyed, hollie, said, thats, captain hollie, turning his sub, thats, two nuclear fires in, iraq, hollie pushes bush to microphone, I made out war, president bush, said, ate chicken, its, to, breakem, steal out oil wells, contracts, george w. bush said, hollie places, president bush in hellfire, hollie yadd smiles, shows, both beasts, there, hollie, yadd said, theres, hu hintao, hollie, wipes lips, its, him, hollie, said, gregory kenny stunned, o so you want to rent this church, gregory m. kenny says, shows, there you can have it, i'm cut off, said, its, pastor, said, hollie, gregory m. kenny, thats, alome saleary, said, hollie, its, soumb, said, hollie, another, wiped lips, wearing, white robe, but only partially seen, thats the website, right there, said, hollie, clapped, its, end time prophetic ministry website, appearing, showing face, with discoloration on both sides, bobby, its, rebuild, hollie, said, hollie showed, flower growing, theres three, had stem of silver, in july, and its cold, hollie, showed, cold, heres, what the meaning, said, hollie, a flower, is, nothing but a beautiful plant, hollie shows, stem of silver, silver means, its tried, said, anna, hall, which means, thats, bob, popping out of, flower, tearup, said, hollie, like, flower, thats, pope, in, the, fire, its on, tattoo place, said, hollie, hollie showed, go, with, yellow finger, pointed, let me alone, said, hollie, byron val johnson happily shook yes, then showed, no, away, but, shook, yes, again, its, you, said, byron johnson, pointing, thats bob coming out of flower, with, hollie showed, silver stem spine, bob is, a, precious metal, bob you want your picture, hollie said, showed, picture, its, whole new world order, its, g8, said, hollie, theres nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, kings, appearing, hollie, said, bush like woman, riding scarlet colored, its beast, said, hollie, pope hollie, said, he comes out of, italy, theres, putin, coming out of, red dragon, thats, putin coming out of, medvedev and boris yeltsin, hollie claps, thats, yeltsin coming out of, its, ten horns, hollie, said, that horn has eyes, like man, licked prophet, theres pope out of putin, hes that horn, i'm the beast, said, pontiff, lets rule the world, said, putin, its that said, hollie, gulf coast oil slick, its polluting, thats fish in oil, paul watson looked at bobs e-mail, he laughed, go to gulf, said, hollie, kim mccoy loved, hollie showed, record, laughed, whats that, she, said, its pope like angel of light, korea said, it angel, hollie, said, and he saw, said, casey, half of hollie pointed, north korea exploding, thats missiles leaving north korea striking that, said, hollie, thats, nuclear explosions in russia and china, and south korea, kim jong had nuclear button, theres submarine, right there, said, hollie, its, him hollie, captain, prowling ocean, many, hollie showed, tape recorder, it will last, hollie said, thats, one sub firing, nuclear explosion in, it california said dumitru duduman, man lets git outta here, said, hollie bbc newsman, kicked out by light legg to like God, thats both american coasts burning, hollie watched missiles sailing, thats nuclear explosions in alaska, thats cnn tower falling in fire, and, center of america exploding, barack types, Jesus tells bear arise and devour, hollie soars, spacefighter hollie said, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burned, look pointed moon, he transformed, said, hollie, smoke, rises, moon shows, lay down, hollie showed, its, new destiny church on friday, hollie walked in, sat down, pastor shook hands with, and he saw, said, hollie, nuclear explosion in africa, missiles leave their waters, thats nuclear fires in venezeula and brazil, three nuclear fires in cuba, nicaragua burned, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear fires along mexican and latin american borders, thats, gulf states in u.s.a. exploding, hollie showed, with hand, that is, uh mountain burning, it, turned into america on fire, said, hollie, thats sixth seal being opened, smoke rose in moons face, moon showed, lay down agin, you want that vision then you post that vision, said, hollie, it was him, she, hollie said, hollie showed post on cellphone, showed jurassic park, it, said hollie, loved after all these years, put it under hollie said, it sam neill, hollie said, loved, hollie showed lay down, a he hollie shows post, showed lay down, halfway under cover, hollie snapped fingers, 6-12-2010-git ministry of dreams over, said, hollie, thats, hollie playing music, you did not want no more, he, said, wearing, white robe, Jesus rubs chin, richard, he said, git said richard keltner, go, dont care, no more, it was, you, pointed richard keltner, showed cut off, cause russia gitton prepared said hollie, showed lay down, hollie with nice hair said, God appeared, bobby its uh, she holiie, said, had c-3-p-o eyes, just like droid, what was hollies word, said hollie with nice, hair, that, hollie said, showed lay down, that, hollie, its nuclear fire, in australia, and missiles leaving their waters, hollie showed lay down, boo who, leave me alone, this is hollie cryin, website said post, he hollie said, hollie with nice hair appears, bob she said, showed, lay down, rolled, snapped fingers, hey hollie said, its Father on old steam locomotive, thats the wihelm gustloff ship, o said ship, with hands raised, hollie with nice hair shows, ships face, like silhouette, thats three torpedoes striking, o, said ship, waiting on bottom, hollie visits in submarine, fires, hollie shows world, many countries, moon points down, at smoke, spacefighter, said hollie, flying, showed lay down, it was him, said, she hollie, Jesus showed cut off, i'm the beast, gog, said pontiff, hollie pointed, turn she showed, hollie showed, its new flash drive, found, hollie, said, pulled up sleeves, hey, said, hollie, hollies body hidden, but dimly faded in, lets war, said, hollie, wearing, like, cloud colored white robe, hollie smiled, showed, robe, he hollie appears, hey, he hollie said, then he appeared, lets update more often, he said, she, hollie, appears underneath, tickling foot, thats God showing where to stand, lets war, hollie, clapped hands, hey, said, hollie, hollies hands golden, and head hidden but faded, in, hollie updated new hard drive, this is website, lets post, hollie, said, wiped lips, smiled, showed, beast, dragon rising, its pope, hollie said, wearing white robe, there hu hintao, hollie said, tear up, these are both beasts, hollie, said, hey said hollie, watched new world order, form, thats, medvedev and, its lula and chavez sitting at table, no way, said, lula, chavez shakes, yes, but, shows, no, hollie, snapped fingers, wearing, white robe, hollie screamed, i'm the website lets post, hollie, said, showed, hey bob fix the van, thats, said, hollie, its, she said, Jeff Sangl showing cut off, no way said mrs. Jeff Sangl, hollie said, its, for, they are witches, hollie said, put it under, you knew, hollie said, thats Jeff Sangl shaking yes, showed cut off, yes shakes mrs. Jeff Sangl, put it undle, hollie, said, watch Jeff Sangl dread church but showed a pocket full of, bobby my loot said, hollie showed, turn, then, just, lit hand, waddded up, body dimly faded in, hollie showed turn again, got drink, bobby, said, hollie, pope rose, wearing white robe, hollie showed, record, and I showed, that, she said, tear up, hollie turned, to, side, body faded out, stomped foot, thats finger snapping noise, showed, popes picture, and smiling he hollie, face appeared, but, like, light outline, thats, fish in, the ocean, said, hollie, and, and, gulf coast oil spill, its still growin, said, hollie, fish are dying but as soon as they clean up, said, hollie, ocean will recover, hollie wiped lips, that her, hollie like uh bear father, said, hollie, hollie showed, go to wal-mart, walked, hollie walked wearing plad coat, hi bob, said, hollie with nice hair, like, c,3,p,o, eyes, that was dream, good crops, hollie said, she walked along like angel, hollie claps, showed, it was uh night vision, bob drove in, indianapolis 500, had to stop to use restroom many times, thats bob, drinking big fountain drink, bob climbs back over wall, theres wreck, two, people laying on, track, alive, one walks with bob, hes seven feet four inches tall, bob talks to, bob, drives, and, begins to learn, hears his name on loud speaker cause hes gaining but, has to stop again, and, man, says, to bob, you have seven websites, woman pressed charges, it was arrest warrant, she lived, in taiwan, bob saw her e-mail address, theres richard keltner, said, hollie, shaking, yes, i'll have bob, 6-13-2010-go to church, its hollie, said, hollie, thats, hollie wearing plad coat, going to church, hollie with nice hair appears, bobby, she, said, showed, picture, pope, hollie said, hes the beast, hollie said, put it under, bobby dont rebuild, hollie said, buy uh new one, lawn mower, get part, hollie said, fix tractor, bob, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you uh picture, hollie said, its, pope, like angel, beth didnt want it, ponty, said, hollie, said, put it under, hollie said, hollie had watch on, thats pope, hollie said, riding, black horse, its into russia, pontiff, said, bobby, pope, hollie, said, it appeared, its picture with, pontey, hollie said, and, hu hintao, there you have, said, hollie, pulled sleeves up, hey, said, hollie, came out, pointed, hollies body hidden, but dimly faded in, thats nuclear explosion, in, its russia, said, hollie, and, missile left russia, many, china exploded, its they exchange, said, hollie, thats popus sitting at table, thats two horned beast rising with hintao and emporer of japan coming out of horns, thats, peace treaty, hollie, said, 666, being created, they signed, finger pointed, turn, hey, said, hollie, go, walking out, it, was, him, he hollie, dimly faded in, hollie showed, post on laptop, it was, him, hollie, said, wearing white robe, him, hollie, said, hollie tickles feet, of, him hollie, wearing, its white shorts, she hollie said, pope, said, hollie, thats, hollie looking at, old cars, its, hollie said, a she hollie, at, wyndahm hotel, hollie showed, record, it was him, hollie, said, hey, said hollie, its him again, hollie clapped, body hidden, but dimly faded in, bobby, said, hollie, showed, old car, spun tires, its, 340 cuda, hollie said, hollie drove, the honda car, it gets great gas, she, said, 41 miles per gallon, i'm the vision lets post, somemore, hollie, said, tap dancing, you need to let me, said, hollie, bob it works, hollie said, mower, thats hollie working with, its lawnmower, he showed, hollie gave the facelift, dressed in white robe, had surgical stuff on, made bob look good again, bob, this is hollie, showed, work, hollie screamed, why for, she, said, screamed, hollie screamed, why, she, said, its, alice cooper, still touring, thats hollie with alice cooper, they walk, hollie showed, bob she said, find out how to fix mower on internet, get book, hollie laid down, but yes still open, hollie snapped fingers, hollie said, work, hollie said, hollie showed, the, beast rising, she, said, its, pope, go, hollie, said, showed, fix lawnmower, hollie laid down, hey said hollie, coming out, pointed, it was him, she said, hollie screamed, showed lay down, 6-13-14-2010-bob i saved you to make you perish, its to laugh at you, torturing your face, causing lines and wrinkles by causing your face muscles to tighten when using, wrinkling and stretching your face, deseasing gums, and body, causing you to hate me by what i do, to you, putting boils on your face, caressing penus, with electricity, causing it to get hard, putting wrath in your heart, and letting you see me laugh at you, lying to you and mocking you, you being ruint, terrorised to make me laugh, i pierce your heart, raise up enemies against, you let you see me shoot you with guns to frighten, you, i cause your body to get hot, tongue tied you, when you were young, to keep you single and now betray, its to laugh, i dont care if the whole world knows, fast untill death and see if i change, against you, i drive you to suicide, which you have tried to commit twice, die cause i hate you, be maimed, perish saith the Lord, its to mock you cause i betray all my servants, if you wont let me then backslide and i will laugh at you, die fasting, tell him to take his website off there, its satans lair, and he saw, it, pointed casey, yep, said, pastor ezekiel, they dont want it, they dont need it, said, hollie, showed, flash-hard drive, wearing white robe, thats, what you want, thats what you needed, thats, hollie, trying to fix lawnmower, wearing white robe, its casey, hollie, said, casey stamped, this was hollie, reaching people on the streets, with golden hands, you knew said dark hollie, from ground, hollie looks like normal hollie, but high in air, she looks like dark hollie, laughed, this is uh warning, said, hollie, beast is pope, hollie screamed, russia is the bear father, said, casey, thats, pope, she, said, put it under, I will tell you which one said, hollie, its, the, leave it alone, sandy wiped lips, it was, wiped, simb, she, said, put it under, said, hollie, thats pope, modelling, thats, copter, said, hollie, and him hollie smiles, drops bomb, america below exploded, thats, angel being hanging from rope, hollie, flys, copter, a, she hollie, shows, its, apache, a killer, thats, nuclear, n.a.t.o. countries exploding, moon looks down, points, thats russia burning, prophet hickman said hollie with the, its the blowing wind, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, it was simb, she, said, leave it alone, said, hollie, i'm the website, I can not do one thing, said, hollie, and he saw, it, said, hollie, prophecy ministry website angel, showed, face, had discoloration on one side, showed, its God created, website said, showed, prophecy ministry, dont steal it, hollie, said, like david w. reagan and august rosado, there they both sit at table, we, wanted to steal said, david reagan, hollie showed the, lion and the lamb ministries, thats august rosado showing cut off, it was I was never said, said, patty rosado, thats, i'm your website, I need some more, said, hollie, which one, its, end time prophetic ministry, showing face, like angel with discoloration on both sides, like splat, hollie said, pointed, loose belt some, hollie said, hollie said, fix that lawn mower, thats hollie mowing grass wearing plad coat, thats hollie with nice hair, bobby, she said, showed, eat, hollie showed, eat, thats, the, king, hollie, said, of, grecia, you know I didnt want it, said, king, hollie showed, thats pope, medvedev and putin coming out of one horn, i'm with him, said, king, thats hintao coming out of other, lets rumble, hollie said, thats, ream with putins face, and, those kings, coming, out, of, horns, thats hegoat smiting ram, and, nuclear fire in, russia, thats, its, they exchange, said, hollie, thats, nuclear rockets striking russia and china, thats two horned beast rising with hu hintao and emporer of japan coming out of its horns, thats peace treaty 666 being signed for, tear up, put back, said, hollie, hey, hollie, said, pointed, came, out, hollies body hidden during tear up, hollie showed, eat, heres uh warning, lets post, hollie, said, showed, beatem up, hollie flew, in, little propeller, airplane, stood on wing, you know what russia did, hollie said, and he saw, it, said, casey, north america, its exploded, hollie, said, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. lands on fire, russia burning, its cause i'm the beast, said, pope, wiped lips, hollie showed, google indexed it, 6-15-2010-hollie played the harp, hollie said, it was uh she hollie, she, said, put it under, dont steal it, hollie, said, or, thats, and he saw, said, casey, angry God appearing, with torturing device, hollie points up, its rain forming, she said, hey said, hollie, did, laughed, wearing plad coat, heres uh warnin, said, hollie, about, half, he said, your e-mails, will go thru, see, hollie, flys plane, she, hollie stands on wing, america, below, exploded, thats, plane soaring, and nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burned, thats sun, looking down, showing, wait, moon plays, bobby, said, hollie, leave indiana bible college alone, theres uh student hollie said, has ministry of dreams book, I like it, she, said, hollie played the harp, showed, cut that off, go on radio, she, said, put it under, hollie, said, i'm the beast, said, popus, its g8, he showed, if youve got the vision then post, that, vision, see, said, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, its uh 1999 mercury cougar, it green, hollie motored in, there are no visions in pentecost, said, hollie, showed, lay down, in, dark room, bob we are over a u.p.c.i. church it is for loot said, micki sue mooney, showed, cut off, let me see that, said, paul d. mooney, shook yes, put it under, said, hollie, watch your brake, hollie, said, theres that, submarine, right there, said, hollie, now look, she, said, its akula again, thats what you want, need, hollie said, now she hollie in, fired, thats gaza forsaken, destroyed, hollie turns, sub, wearing white robe, then he hollie appears, fires twice, thats two nuclear explosions in iraq, hollie pushes president george w. bush to the mike, hes dressed good, eats chicken, I made our war, he said, bit his piece of chicken, its to breakem, steal our oils wells, bush eats chicken as hollie takes to fire, hollie points, there, he said, its akula again, thats what you want needed hollie said, all around america, one fires, man let me git outta here, said, hollie cnn news anchor man, kicked out by like God thing, both american coasts burn, that is it, vision to late, hollie, said, thats hollie flying his coptus, said, she hollie, its copter, hollie, drops bomb, america below exploded, thats hollie flying, its, nuclear g8 countries, hollie said, exploding, I'm the beast, said, pontiff, wiped lips, whoevers got uh vision, said, he hollie, bob, said, she hollie, its neva michaels, appearing, she will, two hollies said, marry bob, leave it alone, again, said, hollie, and, he hollie plays harp, pope, he, said, appears, behind, hollie, showed, post on cellphone, i'm uh vision I can not do one thing, said, hollie, thats hollie playing the music, said, a, crowd of hollies, you needed her, said, hollie, its, neva michaels, what kind of visions do you want, thats what your showin, us, said, he and she hollies, thats the alome saleary, hollie, said, it was soumb, said, he hollie, that is that old coptus agin said, hollie, and captain he hollie bombs venezuela and brazil, exploded, thats more captain hollies, its tripod, in akula class he said, submarines, they are showering, america with, thermo nukes, exploded, near gulf coast oil slick states, thats, rockets leaving, america, and, fires in, cuba, nicaragua burned, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear fires appeared in mexico, and latin america, along borders, hollie showed, empty, pockets, you mean I spoke blasphemy, hollie said, Jesus shook yes, no I didnt said, its him, she hollie said, pointed, then he hollies appears under her, tickles feet with feather, thats hand with face in showing, you did not want hollie showed, you know what china did said, Jesus, and, cymbal beat, like hollie banging, and, hu hintao walked out, I am your magog said, its leader, hu, thats four kings appearing with, theres, emporer of japan, north and south korean presidents, thats, nuclear explosion in, which one, said, Jesus, all, they exchange, said, hollie, thats hegoat smiting the ram, the ram has putins face, with pope and medvedev and putin coming out of its horns, thats hu hintao coming out of other, horn, thats hegoat pontiff charging, destroyin, ram, it said hollie, they exchange, thats nuclear fires, hollie walked out, showed, that, she, said, russia and china, thats, pope, sitting at table, and, two horned beast like blob, with hintao and japan out of horns, they sign peace treaty 666, worship the pope, hintao said, they leave, hollie showed, lay down, for awhile, he said, posted while laying down, on, cellphone, thats, it, he, said, its, the, beasts image on screen, its pope, shaped like little horn, people lined up to receive their mark of the antichrist, pope, thats 666 tattood on peoples forheads, thats popes face on arm, and, finger, hollie laid down, 6-16-2010-Hollie showed lay down, i'm the beast said pontiff, hollie said, om with twitter said world prophecy center website, like an angelman, it showed, its face, said hollie, had discoloration on one side, put it under, said hollie, dont steal she said, its, showed hollie, the world prophecy center name, hollie showed cut it off, laid down, wearing white robe, snapped fingers, then pointed, world prophecy center, website showed, lay down, world prophecy center website snapped fingers, stomped foot, it was under covers hollie said, hollie screamed, i'm uh vision she said, no, said, hollie, yes, she shouted, Lord I showed om thru, hollie, said, but shook yes, its, him, hollie, said, tickling hollies foot, that, said, hollie, was, many nuclear explosions in, america, that, hollie said, take it easy on gmail, that, hollie said, was, missiles leaving, america, that, hollie, said, thats nuclear explosions in, that hollie said, that, nicaragua and venezuela, that, hollie said, showed, eat, that hollie, said, that, hollie said, wiped lips, that, hollie, said, was, little horn, with face like pope, that, hollie, said, hollie tickles hollies feet, hollie screamed, that, hollie said, hollie showed, whys my reason, screamed, that, hollie, said, that hollie said, its angel she said, showing, time, that, hollie, said, hollie showed, its uh, she said, 1966 ford mustang, covertible, it spun rear tires, that, hollie, said, ws, hollie driving, lets motor, she, said, that, with top down, that agin, tell me about the beast rising, said, hollie, its, pope, said, another, hollie screamed, thats the nuclear g8, hollie said, its, n.a.t.o. with pope and putin coming out, hey mister did somebody tell you about the pope, hollie said, thats beasts rising, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, I did, she, said, lighted white stamp, hollie showed, your never gonna see south korea, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, wiped lips, nuclear fires in south korea, russia and china, thats rocket leaving russia with new Ministry of Dreams website on, and red dragon with seven heads, north korea exploded, hollie, shows book, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it sells millions, bob I got uh warning, said, casey, MYSTERY, BABYLON, you know who it is, she said, showed, its america, thats, dragon rising cause of, it appeared, showed, casey, i'm uh vision I can not do one thing, said, hollie, i'm going to give you trouble bob, said, Jesus, there, said, hollie, she rebuilt transmission, took out, showed, hard work, put back, even harder, there showed, hollie, it works, we bring this news bulletin, said, hollie, thats submarines all around america, one fires, thats, nuclear explosion in california, thats, all subs, firing, both coasts burn, hollie reporting on bristish broadcasting corporating, gets kicked out by light legg to God, thats, center of america exploding, and, russian missiles striking alaska and canada, boom, near the cnn tower, said, hollie, burned, thats the cnn tower, hollie said, was in, happy, what kind of vision do you want, said, hollie, and he hollie plays music, showed, cut off, aw shut up, he said, theres uh submarine right there, said, hollie, theres, that submarine, she, said, it the submarine sorry, hollie said, sandy wiped lips, it was simb, she said, thats, captain hollie, surfacing, fired, gaza burned, thats hollie turning sub, two nuclear fires in iraq, hollie in, white robe, pushes president bush to microphone, bush ate chicken, this is uh warning, said, casey, showed, be quiet about michael boldea, this is, warning, said, hollie, that was, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burning, hollie posted on laptop, moon, looks down with, big nose, at first Jesus acted like moon, him, said, she hollie, its he, hollie, posting on, cellphone, laptop, thats popes head appearing like little horn, take it, says, my pontey, hollie said, thats people receiver their mark of the antichrist pope, its, hollie looked signed for there, between hu hintao and pope, with japan, 666, loose belt sorry, said, hollie, he said, north korea, hollie, said, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear rockets strike russia, china and south korea, burned, thats kim jong with nuclear controls, thats rocket leaving russia with, ministry of dreams, website on, and, the beast, dragon, hollie said, north korea exploded, casey showed, record, git your laptop out, said, hollie, thats, he hollie posting on laptop, hollie showed, lay down, it was, him, hollie, said, providence, rhode island, thats where you need to be, that place will burn, said, JEsus, and, hollie, exploded into fire, had like tripod around, thats, where it will begin, in providence, rhode island, people will fight the government, its over property taxes, hollie, he showed, lay down, that, was, Jesus, like, uh cat, with, round hands, sitting on throne, hollie appeared, that was, hollie, like uh cat, this was hollie reaching for the people at westside pentecostal church, from ground she looked like normal hollie but from high in air like dark hollie, want free, she said, I know thought, donny joe winters, tony oliver moves head, but then laughs, shakes, yes, showed cut off, 6-17-2010-hollie showed, new book, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, bob dont promote book, hollie said, it will sell millions, said, hollie wearing white robe, showed, antichrist pope rising, i'm the beast, pontiff, said, hollie showed, cut it off, thats what you wanted, thats what you want, said, casey, hollie, showed, popes, picture, hollie showed, had blue in, hand, shows, no way, said, hollie, showed, you did not want hollie showed, thats picture, said, hollie, with, its whole new world order, in, thats, pope, hollie said, he comes out of, putin, hollie watches, thats, putin, out of, medvedev and yeltsin, thats, yeltsin out of, the ruling party, its, politburo, said, hollie, thats, one horn with eyes like man, its the nuclear g8, said, hollie, thats, bush riding red dragon, with womans attire, hollie, appeared, hey said another, hollie, thats, he hollie, underneath, tickling feet, i'm the vision lets post, more, said, hollie, casey showed, eat, hollie showed, put it on pocket, its taperecorder with hollies image on, hollie showed, record, wiped lips, showed, teeth, lets rule the world, said, putin, pointed, wearing suit, its brown, said, hollie, and he saw said, casey, putin sit down at interviewing table, he told, said, vladimir putin, i'm the beast, putin, said, bob, said, hollie, and, I showed, you the pope, she said, picture, tear up, said, hollie, another, hollie looked at light in tears, its him, said, hollie, retore, said, hollie, but picture gone, showed, hands, hey said, hollie, another hollie comes out, he tickles hollies feet, her lower half hidden, but dimly faded in, wearing shorts, hollie with Jesus inside showed, record, semi, hollie, said, showed, dodge aries k, got exited when, retoring mentioned, thats aries k sitting at table, being interviewed, with Jesus, I love it said dodge aries k, use me, hollie screamed, thats he hollie, lay down, had covers on, snapped fingers, stomped foot, hey said, she hollie coming out, angel, showed, record, and, he saw, said, casey, thats nuclear missiles, striking russia, china, and, south korea, thats, rocket leaving russia with ministry of dreams website and red seven headed dragon, north korea exploded, go, said, hollie, showed, clean, up, go to, chappel, she said, looking good, put it under, said, hollie, showed, brush teeth, it will, to keep them longer, she, said, showed, clean mouth, hollie showed, record, it, she said, like uh new hollie, put it under, she said, prophecy ministry, is back, hollie, said, thats, the, end time prophetic ministry, website, like an angel, showed, face, it, was, discolored, on one, side, put it under, said, hollie, pope, she, said, thats, the hegoat, like, pontiff, with horns, and, popes face, appears, hey thats satan, said, hollie, but he looked like pope, and was pope, out of horns, came, theres, pope, medvedev and putin, out of one, and, thats, hu hintao out of other, with his flower, hollie, said, thats ram, with, putins, face, and, those, kings, come on, showed, hollie, thats, her showing, fight, and nuclear fire in russia, thats hegoat charging smiting, ram, theres, nuclear fire in, russia and china, many, its, showed, hollie, they exchange, theres, pope, sitting at table, and the two horned, beast, like, blob thing, hollie, said, rising, with hu hintao and japan, coming out of horns, they sign, the peace treaty, its, hollie said, 666, theres pope laughing, they threaten, pope no way, said, hintao, japan is quiet, hes, said, hollie, no force, but, they exchange, said, hollie, thats china and japan, nuking, each, hollie walks out, put it under, be quiet, she showed, leave, hollie showed, going, 6-17-2010-pope, said, hollie, what did he say, she said, its not me, said, pontiff, is, thats vladimir, said, hollie, its, put it under, she said, i'm the beast, said, its putin, hollie, said, its, she said, with seven heads and ten horns, putin, said, showed, time, dressed nice, hollie showed, watch, go, thats, the Father, like, dot head, dressed nice, with dark, hand, showing, titanic, it, said, hollie, scrapes, iceberg, o shit, said, its, captain, edward smith, sinks, its still there, said, hollie, loved, showed, titanic, with big hand, on bottom of, its atlantic, hollie, said, showed, gulf coast oil slick, its, still spewing, hollie, said, showed time, dressed, nice, go, she, said, looking like a conductor, 6-18-2010-hollie showed, time, bob, go, she, said, showed, avoid him, hes, uh looser, she said, knows, hey bobby, said, man, its, he wants to strip you of you, and he saw, said, casey, thats, said, hollie, Jesus, hollie showed, record, then hollie with God inside, appears, showed, popes picture, tear up, said, hollie, hey, hollie said, showed, time, hollie, its male, she hollie said, looks at colors in tears, thats, hey, pointed, hollie, whole new world order, appearing, in picture, lets rule the world, said, putin, its torn, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, hollie, said, and I showed, it, she, said, it, beast, arose, said, hollie, put it under, I'm the antichrist, said, pontiff, and God, hollie, said, hollie held up sign, along west street, buy book, hollie showed, happy hegoat, its pontiff with ram horns, thats, ram with, putins face, hollie flys copter, america below exploded, thats hollie soaring, its, nuclear, n.a.t.o., the g8, said, hollie, burning, with russia, smoke rises, its, the, sixth seal, moon appears, dressed nice, its, bob, made me, said, moon, pointed at Jesus, he said, go to south korea, hollie, said, and he saw, it, said, hollie, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, and, south korea, missile left, russia with, ministry of dreams website on and red dragon, north korea exploded, thats, dull moon pointing, down, at, its submarines, said, hollie, all around america, man let git outta here, hollie, said, reporting for, hollie showed, cnn, got kicked out, by light legg, to God, and both american coasts burned, thats, missiles striking alaska, exploded, thats, fire, in, canada, cnn tower falls, thats center of america exploding, moon shows, its, on the day of the Lord, showed, pope, picture, danced, heres your warning, fuck pamela thompson, hollie said, wiped lips, bobby, said, pamela thompson, showed, cut off, hollie showed, pentecostal churches in california, i'm the website, lets post, said, hollie, some more, hollie played music, you did not want need, hollie, said, thats bob holding up sign, for his, book, said, she hollie, people love, bobby dont, she, said, its, they, witches, Father like happy lip dot head, dressed like captain, showed, with dark hand, its, r.m.s. titanic scraping against iceberg, sinks, its still there, hollie said, loved, on bottom of the sea, hollie showed, Father like dot, head, lit, dressed nice, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, record, said hollie, it million seller, kicked, showed, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, and he saw it said, hollie, pope like angel of light, walked out, i'm the beast, he said, showed, picture of angelface, thats dodge aries k, showing, park, hollie, said, korea, said, angel, and he saw, said, hollie, thats, end time prophetic ministry, website appearing like angel face, showed, deformity on one side, thats nuclear explosion in, south korea, china, and, russia, thats, missile leaving russia with, world prophecy center, website on, showed, face, showed face, many different discolorations on, and, red dragon with, seven heads, pope, said, hollie, popped out of one, i'm with him, said, pontiff, pulled putin to self, i'm the warning, lets post, something, said, two hollies, and hollie, he, him, said, she, hollie, appears, wearing white robe, you did not need it, said, him, she said, showed, the money, and he saw, said, casey, the money had eyes, i'm with him, said, bucks, its, pontiff, with, 666, applied, its tattood, said, hollie coming out, thats pope out of putin, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats north korea exploding, hollie showed, watch your brake, this time, she, said, great depression, said, its, hollie, said, mark brown, is near, hollie and God said, put it under, hollie said, showed, be, alert, thats it, said, hollie, its the prophecies center, website, like, long narrow, angel man, face, with, deformity on one side, showed, picture of both beasts, theres hu hintao, and, pope, hollie said, thats, both together, and hu I can see were not going to get along, they said to each other, then left, hollie clapped, he hollie tickles feet, with feather, the pope, hollie said, rising, and he rides the, black horse, said, hollie, thats sun dancing, i'm said, sun, laughed, played, moon there, but showed, not uh word, then laughed, moon clapped, showed, popes picture, hollie flew it, in propeller said, hollie, airplane, america below exploded, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, russia burned, thats venezuela and brazil with nuclear fire, missiles striking nicaragua and cuba, exploded, thats hollie placing nuclear fires along latin and mexican american borders, thats gulf coasts states exploding and oil spill growing, this is uh warning, said, hollie, and, hollie cuts grass, happy, hollie showed, turn, hollie looks at very first check, its, hollie whispered something, showed teeth, for about four thousand dollars, o'tyre said, Jesus, its the seat of the antichrist, God said, thats pope sitting on throne, its here, said, showed, hollie, with, big hand, russia, hollie, showed, that metal show, bob, write, thats, eddie truck looking at visions, he likes, tells other, they like, hollie played music, whats his word, said, she hollie, bob take lessons hollie said, with brandon bufford, thats brandon bufford teaching Gods son how to play, its synthesizer, hollie showed, put it under, this is Father on old steam engine, said, hollie, and hollie funnel on front blew, pope out, 6-2010-6-18-19-2010-maybe somethings wrong, om holli,e showed cut it off, thats promoting the book, hollie said, keep falling said Jesus, i persecute with manifold temptations, said God, hollie got instructions from Jesus, you know book said hollie, its uh million seller, she said, put it under, hollie showed eat, clean up, submarine said hollie, its the submarine sorry, said sandy, hollie open fires, gaza burns, hollie turns his sub around, thats nuclear fire, in iraq, hollie pushes bush to the mike, i made our war bush said, ate his chicken, its to breakem, steal our oil wells, hollie puts bush, in the fire, lets rule the world, said putin, hollie showed clean, up then, hollie showed lay down, was half way under covers, dozed off, that was Father said hollie, like uh conductor, with like round dot head, showed with big hand, lay down, was under covers, hollie said, he was, illuminated, said hollie, put it under she said, i'm the beast said, it, pontiff, hollie said, with seven heads and ten horns, pope, showed hollie, said lay down, hey said hollie, coming out, both, did, hollie showed, its uh little laptop its cellphone t.v., Hand showed you did not want hollie showed, with hollie in, Jesus showed lay down, i'm the vision lets post, said, hollie, and, he saw, it, said, another, hollie, its, pope, hollie said, rose, hollie showed, frustration, tell me what the pope is gonna do, said, hollie, wiped face, i'm the beast, antichrist, said, its popus, said, hollie, made sign, buy book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, by authorhouse, hollie held up sign, people laugh at but bought book, thats sixth seal opening, smoke going up like furnace, moon shows, thats it, said, hollie, moon transformed, into dull brown, then, blood red moon, hollie said, lets do something, thats hollie with her sign, holding up, its at, events, it, gets, makes sales, hollie, looks at, upcoming events, they hurt, said, hollie, showed, its, she, said, leavem alone, on internet, hollie said, lets not hury, she said, I dont want that no more, tell me about north korea, said, angel, and, he, saw, said, casey, missiles strike, russia, china, south korea, exploded, thats kim jong with, its nuclear controls, said, hollie, thats, rocket leaving russia with, its hu hintao, and seven headed dragon, like, dinosaur, with many heads, pope pops out of one, there, putin, thats, pope out of his, thats hu hintao, and presidents of cuba, nicaragua, mexico, tripod, said, hollie, thats, hugo chavez and, lula, there you have it, said, hollie, thats north korea exploding, angel, showed, record, its, him, hollie, said, he, hollie showed post on laptop cellphone, thats, popes head like little horn, on its screen, thats little laptop computer hollie, said, its cellphone, she showed, wal-mart sraight talk, hollie showed, record, thats the beast rising, said, hollie, its, you know who she said, its pontiff, thats, many kings, appearing, with, its, hollie, got, necessary permission, the g8 hollie said, she said, peace, website, hollie said, casey, points, its, at bush, gorbachev, signing, its peace and safety, its, start one, showed, hollie, the contract, no nuclear missiles on surface ships on neither side, it took away over, hollie, looked around, one hundred launching platforms from america, website said, post, more, hollie, said, and, another, hollie shows, frustrated, bobby work, its the website, thats what you wanted, thats what you needed, said, hollie, its, the prophecies center, website, like angel face, long, narrow, had deformity on one, side, thats, the, prophecies center, website, showing, picture, its both beasts, theres, pope, and, hu hintao, there, said, hollie, you have, it, hollie watches, they walked together, and hu I wont put up with you, they said to each other, now look, said, hollie, posted, on, laptop cellphone, surfaced in his submarine, fired, iraq, exploded, gaza burned, hollie pushed president bush to the podium, he ate chicken, I made our war, he, said, ate chicken, its to breakem, stealem, bush said, bit chicken, oil wells contracts, he eats chicken, hollie takes to fire, you steal said, hollie, and another hollie rises, and, plays paliban daily music, I know, said, jenny donati, its to ruin, she said, jean poole showed, cut off, both shakes yes, laughed, but embarrased, put it under, said, hollie, dont steal it, hollie said, showed, the, God spoke, ministry of dreams, 6-20-2010-hollie showed, thumbs down, its witch, hollie, I know said, Tim Scrivener, hes john mark pools friend, hollie, said, I tried to make you speak blasphemy said, its tim, hollie, appeared, Tim Scrivener, put it under, hollie, said, its to late for you, she said, thats Tim Scrivener showing cut off, leave it alone, said, hollie, showed, eat, hollie showed, record, and, I stamp, she, said, beast, pope rose, thats, the new world order, carriage, its, like wagon, showed, hollie, with the pope and hu, it had eight kings in it, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, man, thats, hu hintao appearing in, with boris yeltsin, you lure, said, yeltsin, alright, said, hu hintao, thats, hollie, riding missile, taiwan burned, thats, hu hintao, battling washington state on his red horse, hollie, fought back with light sword, thats, another, hollie, flying out in, old airplane, bombs chinese ship, thats ship sinking, leaving, i'm grecia, said, angel, i'm popey, said, pontiff, appeared with, ram horns, thats ram with putins face, thats, kings, coming, out of, its, horns, hollie points, theres hu hintao, and, out of other, horns, theres, putin, pope, with flower, said, hollie, and, medvedev, come on, said, hollie, showed, fight, wearing, cloud colored robe, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear fire in russia, its, they exchange, said, hollie, thats missiles striking russia and china, both countries, exploded, thats, pope sitting at table, and, two horned, beast, rising, with, hu hintao and emporer of japan, out of, its horns, thats them three kings at table, 666 is signed, thats, pope and hintao talking, laughing, threatening, then leaving, thats, hollie reaching for the people, from ground looked like normal hollie but from high in air like dark hollie, record, said, hollie, showed, lay down, and I stamp, said, hollie, beat stick, pope, she, said, rose, riding, black horse, its into russia, said, popey, hollie said, its, there, said, hollie, on light scene russia, pope and medvedev siging a, hollie looked at, its chrysler newport, spun back tire, lets hit alaska, said, hollie, and, he, said, casey, thats alaska exploding, missiles sailing, soaring, said, hollie, thats fire, cnn tower falls, thats center of america exploding, submarines appearing all around america, thats, nuclear explosion in, it, california, said, dumitru duduman, man lets git, said, hollie, like cat, reporting on news, kicked out by light legg to, God, both american coasts burned, hollie showed, nuclear g8 n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burning, hollie flew on homemade spacecraft, moon points down at smoke, that was hollie, like, uh, bear, it, was, him, said, she hollie, pulled putin to self, i'm with him, said, hollie, like bear, thats the tap dancers, many hollies in line, he and she, hollies, hollie screamed, again, showed, neighbor, quit, hollie, said, with amber colored hands, hollie screamed, walked on treadmill, kissed prophet, hollie showed, turn, then, showed, other way, light hand, russia is the, said, two hollies, one he and she, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie showed, lay down, was half way under covers, it was him, she, hollie said, wearing white robe, hollie snapped fingers, showed, pope, he said, picture, thats, hu hintao, appearing, hollie snapped fingers, hey, she, said, different hollie, thats hollie relaxing, there you have it, hollie said, both beasts, and hu said, pope, they hate but cling, thats nuclear weapons aimed at each other, hollie appears, its russia and china, she said, wearing robe, showed, lay down, that was popey looking thru, scope, hollie out, watches massive ship movement, america exploded, sees radio towers, hollie, broadcaster tells on t.v., its, judgment to amexico, put it undle, said, hollie, showed, lay down, 6-2010-hollie showed lay down, it was him, said she hollie, put it under hollie said, thats pope, hollie said, with head shaped like little horn, pope showed lay down, pope snapped fingers, stomped foot, hey said hollie coming out, pointing, popes body mostly hidden, but dimly faded in, pope wore shorts, 6-21-2010-leave hollie alone, I will drive you to suicide and make you perish, saith the Lord, hollie said, put it under, i'm the beast, said, pope, hollie, said, hollie looked stunned, showed, record, she said, o man, hollie said, showed, pope, hes like an angel of light, she, said, I had uh vision screamed, hollie, screamed again, i'm the vision lets post, said, hollie, do something, she said, thats, bob, promoting book at churches, pastor gets angry, hollie showed, church of Christ conference, thats, hollie looking for in internet, its in, mossuri, said, hollie, put it under, she, said, walked out on the state of kansas, then showed, oil slick is bigger then that, hollie, said, what kind of website do you want, said, hollie, its uh warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, leave it alone, she, said, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, beast, pope, rose, thats ponty riding black horse, its into, russia, said, pope, you did not want no more vision, thats what your showin, me, said, hollie, and another, hollie shows, playing his music, hollie tickled her feet, he and she hollies, please please said, hollie, and hollie, played music, it, was, him, she, hollie said, hollie showed, lay down, it, was, him, she, hollie said, 6-22-2010-this is uh warning, said, hollie, and, he hollie plays music, aw you want it, he said, put it under, she hollie, said, work, i'm uh vision lets post somemore, said, hollie, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now look, hollie, said, its akula again thats what you want need, hollie, said, now look, said, showed, hollie, its he hollie wearing white robe, hey, said, she hollie, thats same o hollie, tickling, his feet, but she hollie appeared, he hollie laughed, thats nuclear explosion in, it, california, said, dumitru duduman, thats hollie, reporting, on, cnn, got kicked out, by light legg to, happy God, satan, said, hollie, pointed at Jesus, showed, thats what, many people call him, sh, hollie said, thats both american coasts burning, thats, missiles soaring, thats, some exploding in alaska, thats, cnn tower in fire, its, there, said, hollie, on, minnesota border, thats, center of america exploding, barack types, devour that, said, Jesus, to bear, hey said, hollie, coming out, that was she hollie acting like bear, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, moon looks, that, pointed moon, its, pope, he said, put it undle, that said, moon, showed, cut it off, and russia burning, world, shaking, moon looks serious, then happy, thats nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear fires, in, mexico and latin america, thats fires in cuba, nicaragua burned, thats it, said, hollie, with his submarine somby, said, hollie, its, now look, said, captain, hollie, its akula agin thats what you want, needed, its him, she, hollie, said, put it undle, she said, ministry of dreams, right there, said, hollie, and hollie playe music, you did not need it, he said, wearing white robe, thats, gaza, burning, hollie turns, his submarine, she said, iraq, exploded, thats hollie pushing, its president bush, hollie, said, he ate chicken, hollie said, dressed real nice, I made our war, he said, ate, to breakem, its to stealem, he said, oil wells, contracts, put it under, said, hollie, lets rule the world, said, putin, pointing, up, and laid before, his, pope, hollie, said, let me, he said, alright, hollie said, showing, what the popus, shook, thats, hollie showing, world, many countries burned, Jesus watched happy, and moon showed, bobby, not uh word, then laughed, showed, picture, its whole new world order, hollie showed, with the pope and hu, she said, what kind of ministry of dreams do you want thats what your showin me us, said, he and her, said, God, hollie, its france, said, hollie, thats nuclear fires in france, missiles left their submarines, thats great britain burning, and four captain hollies in british vanguard submarines, they shower, hollie said, russia, exploded, thats australia and italy, exploding, missiles from, captain hollie, shower russia, exploded, its his submarine, she hollie showed, that was captain hollie with, submarine would not speak at interviewing table, hollie showed, fight, ministry of dreams, is what you wanted, this is what you needed, hollie, said, showed, world prophecy center book, write, thats hollie, writing book, and world prophecy center website appearing like, its long, said, hollie, narrow angel face looking happy, but had deformity on one side, bob, said, hollie, dont, rebuild you secret, she, said, hollie screamed, again, showed, get, new, headphones, thats hollie with headphones on, loved on prophet, I bit hollie, said, gently, I didnt, want no website, thats, what, your, showin, me, said, hollie, screamed, that was, missouri exploding, showed, many states in america with nuclear fires, what kind of, website do you want, said, hollie, and, he, saw, this, said, casey, its, new, ministry of dreams website like, long, narrow angel face, with deformity on one side, hollie showed, its, freeservers, with, like, discoloration on one side of face, thats ministry of dreams freeservers website, showing, pope, hollie said, dressed in brown suit, hollie showed, its, v-rod, by harley davidson, thats hollie smoking tire, on, hollie showed, bird just died, there uh vision they can not do one thing, said, many ministering spirits, hollie showed, indy tot dot com, its witches, hollie, said, hollie showed, lay down, Jesus came out of, its lightening bolt, storm brewing, behold said, Jesus, pulled clouds back, light, submarines all around america, both coasts burned, hollie reports on cnn, kicked out by light legg, then center of america exploded, its, missiles, saw, hollie, bob said, hollie, bit on prophet, thats hollie, flying like cartoon character, tear up, she said, had lighted bear paws, showed, popes picture, its hes the beast, hollie, said, with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, showed, go, hollie bit on prophet, it, gently, hollie said, c'mon, said, hollie, let me record, and I stamp, she said, beast pope arose, hollie flew in her passenger jet, soared, dropped bomb, america below exploded, thats nuclear, its, the g8, he hollie said, countries exploding, russia burned, venezuela and brazil had big nuclear explosions, thats, three in cuba, hollie placing nuclear fire along, latin and mexican american borders, moon appears dressed nice, shows, not uh word, but laughed, that was, the, marine corp. in the street, said, hollie, like silhouette face marines, its last sign, hollie, said, its during economic collapse she said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, had, the, pioneer sx-1980 stereo receiver, its power meters moving, 6-23-2010-pope, hollie, said, and I showed you a picture, she, said, its, pope, with brown hair, lets rule the world, said, putin, kneeling before, hollie showed, hollie showed, south carolina chrismatic churches, start, there, she, said, thats it, submarine, said, hollie, now look, hollie, said, its akula again, thats what you want, need said hollie, thats captain hollie, open fire, thats gaza, burning, captain hollie turns his submarine around, thats two nuclear fires, in, iraq, hollie, its uh she hollie, pushes president bush to the mike, I made our, bush said, ate chicken, it, to breakem, george w. bush said, steal our oil wells, hollie, puts bush in fire, and, president bush licked the prophet, its the nuclear g8, hollie said, thats, pope, appearing with, many kings in red carriage, MYSTERY, BABYLON, said, man, is cut off, he showed, thats, america exploding, thats submarines all around, from high in the air, said, hollie, and, he, hollie reports on news, man lets git outta here, he, said, kicked out by legg to God, happy God, hollie showed, and, hollie news anchor man tickles hollies foot, hey, pointed, hollie, but didnt move lips, one submarine fires, thats nuclear explosion in, california, thats, all firing, both coast exploding, barack obama types, arise, devour that, said, hollie, speaking for Jesus, to bear, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burned, venezuela and brazil exploding, missiles, flying, striking, that, said, hollie, gulf coast states exploded, with oil spill still growing, thats, nuclear fires in cuba, nicaragua burned, thats tripod said, hollie, all he captain hollies, firing, their submarines, thats, america exploding, hollie places nuclear fire, along mexican and latin american borders, thats cnn tower falling, hollie showed, eat, thats the angel marines, said, hollie, out in, the streets, its, u.s.a. economic collapse, barack obama announces at podium, put back, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, the, con-spirit with no agreement written on, then hollie wrote, you know what russia, said, hollie, sprinkled, lets rule the world, said, putin, God gives them one mind, its, hatred for, said, hollie, thats, light outline of america appearing, dont tell him, said, gabriel like lit up angel man, hollie said, its, mike, gabriel said, this time, like moon colored skin, it was, him, said, she hollie, showed, record, and, same o hollie, tickles feet, but she hollie appeared, wearing white robe, no expression, and I stamp, said, hollie, beast, arose, thats, popus, riding, black, horse, this uh warning, said, he hollie, its him, she hollie, said, post, he said, put it undle, said, hollie, work, she said, its into russia, said, pope, you see, said, hollie, thats, light scene russia, pope and medvedev sign, its uh deal, said, hollie, put it under, she, said, hollie, showed, lay down, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, typeing, no, said, hollie, showed, done, but, then, shook, yes, showed, hands, that was, satan, in o'tyre, said, hollie, hes pope sitting on his throne, its beautiful, showed, hollie, has everything people want, hollie showed, turn, go, go get oil, said, hollie, she collected oil, hi, said, hollie, hollie replaced front bank caliper, motored, showed, in five seconds, hollie showed, record, him, she hollie said, bobby your cupcakes, said, angel, hollie gets in trash, digs out, record, said, hollie, showed, leave it alone, no vision said, hollie, hey bob its open, said, hollie, 6-23-24-2010-hollie showed horses, o, its his ship, said fleas, its the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, said God, o said, its his ship again, fleas showed lay down, once we hit alaska, said God, and he saw said casey, had white robe, on, missiles striking alaska, thats fire in canada, cnn tower falls, rest exploding in, that, said hollie, america exploded, put it under, said hollie, the united states will be attacked said Jesus, man wiped lips, its the MYSTERY BABYLON again, said hollies, wiped lips, call it said hollie, sh she said, why do did you steal, i wanted to embarras, said, john mark pool, dont tell him said Jesus, thats sandy m. Pool, Lord i'm leaving she said, thats sandy pool leaving john mark pool, its over taking the name said kathy taylor, yeow i know said dr. Rev. jeremy taylor, call it ministryofdreams spoke God, look right there said he hollie, its akula again, its what you want needed, said hollie, thats captain hollie surfacing, in his submarine, thats hollie acting like a human submarine, places against ship, she hollie said, ship explodes, yeow i remember said Jesus, put it under, said hollie, showed, lay down, sh, said hollie, satan she said, but he looked like Jesus, and waS Jesus, sh she said, he just didnt appear like you think he should, put it under, bob eat, hollie said new ministryofdreams, said new ministry of dreams, down she said, put it under, dont steal hollie said, he wants you to go, said, hollie, its professor, at, theological seminary, school, put it undle, hollie, said, wiped lips, showed, teeth, showed, work, pope, appeared, i'm the beast, said, popus, hollie, took, off running, like uh dark hollie, from high in air, looked like brownish blob hollie, and another, hollie, screams, russia, said, Jesus, and hand sprinkles, pope appears, hollie tore up and put back, new contract, she said, showed, it was like blank, korea, said, his angel friend, hollie, said, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear fires, in, south korea, china, and, russia, angel showed, turn, like, white angel, thats, missile leaving russia with new ministry of dreams website on and red dragon, north korea exploded, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, showed, beast, pope, wearing brown suit, thats it, said, hollie, pope riding, black horse, its into russia, said, pope, thats, pope, and medvedev signing, its uh deal, said, hollie, put it under, she, said, showed, be quiet, whats she screamin, for, said, hollie, screamed, new marine corp., said, hollie, its, out in, the, streets, thats angel marines, with silhouette, partial, faces, showed, hollie, this is warning, said, hollie, showed, headphones, found at library, hollie bit on prophet, hollie showed, turn, go, wearing, white robe, ministry of dreams is coming off of, jenny donati, said, hollie, screamed, thats jenny donati stealing the God spoke, call it ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, thats jean poole, buying ministry of dreams dot org, its to ruin, said, jean poole, put it under, said, hollie, showed, lay down, leave it alone, said, hollie, showed, park dodge aries k in parking lot, this is vision, lets post, said, hollie, showed, startem up, she said, thats, hollie starting vans, both, write the vision, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, she, said, thats, beast, pope, riding black horse, its into russia, said, hollie, that was, horses running, said, hollie, thats, pope on black, thats, hu huntao on red, hollie wiped lips, shrugged, thats hollie riding missile, its into taiwan, exploded, you lure, said, yelstin to hintao, alright, thats hintao battling washington state with his light sword on red horse, hollie fights back, thats, another, hollie flying out, in, its old world war two airplane, bombs chinese ship, new warning, said she hollie, thats from high in air, hollie looks down, sees submarines all around america, man lets git outta here, said, its him, said, she hollie, he hollie as cnn news anchor man, kicked out by happy God, thats both american coasts exploding, thats, hollie, showing, the, enola gay, drops bomb, hiroshima exploded, thats hollie flying, nuclear fires all over america, world shakes, moon shows not uh word, dressed good, thats hollie playing the music, I did not care, hey bobby thats him she hollie said wearing white robe, prophesy said, Jesus, this is john mark pool, he said, it appeared, said, hollie, thats, john mark pool, stealing the God spoke, ministry of dreams, removing divorced, thats sandy pool leaing, then john, pool has no problem removing what he stole, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min stealing ministry of dreams, like jon sawyer, all remove ruint, when its kathy taylor, said, Jesus, files, if you tempt me, said, kathryn taylor, m.a., i'm not said phd. jeremy taylor u.u., they, stay together with ministry of dreams on their website, put it under, said, hollie, you know not to steal what I spoke, she, said, call it, ministry of dreams, now they want her out, said, its he, she hollie said, cause she was a fib teller, hollie said, its julia gillard appearing, and nuclear explosion in australia, its him, pointed, julia gillard, putin, hes uh vision he can not do nothing, said, she hollie, its, Jesus, he, hollie plays music, you want it, he said, they will remove it openly mocked, said, Jesus, hollie shows, roland harding, hes, samuel's institute, she said, with chrissy Cobham Harding, they are splitting up, over taking the name, said, hollie, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, showem, said, JEsus, thats stunned looking roland harding, but shakes, yes, smiles, but is ashamed, said, Jesus, I wanted to steal said roland harding, like, dee finney, did, she walks away, embarrased, bob writes dee finney and she steals ministry of dreams, like, its, abba, said, antonia vladimirova, who is also, said, Jesus, toni vladimirova, of, dreams foundation, removes ruint, new ministry of dreams up, new ministry of dreams down, sAng, its Jesus, showed, him, said, she hollie, wearing white robe, both, thats it, said, she hollie, he hollie in his coptus, drops bomb, america below exploded, thats ministry of dreams thief janetmck running from the fire in great britain, hollie showed, its they exchange, nuclear n.a.t.o. and russia burned, tear up, said, hollie, smiling, put back, but hollies face, like, silhouette, dodge aries k showed thumbs up, shook, yes, showed, picture its, both beasts, theres hu hintao, and, popey, hollie said, hollie appeared, showed, thumb down, its pastor gary rogel, its cause hes uh witch, hollie said, put it under, said, hollie, thats gary rogel showing cut off, 6-25-2010-that was, said, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic, hollie, face, changed, silhouette, that, she, said, back to normal, appeared, hollie walks out, shows, picture, its, popus, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia, is, said, hollie, the bear, said, fleas, thats, popey, popus, hollie, said, appearing, russia is, said, hollie, the bear, she, said, she beat hand, and I stamp, the alome aleem, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, it was simb, she, said, put it under, said, hollie, i'm the beast, said, popus, hollie showed, pontey riding, black horse, its, into, russia, pope, said, thats, hollie watching, its, pope, and, medvedev, signing, deal, hollie showed, its, uh, jvc receiver, she said, thats her holding, power meters moving, its, said, hollie, jr-301, its excellent, hollie said, theres uh submarine right there, said, hollie, its the, somby, she, said, put it under, hollie, said, showed, lay down, ministry of dreams is open, said, hollie, and, he hollie played music, you did not eat, he, said, its, harmonica, hollie blew, out came pope, thats hu hintao coming out, there you have it said hollie, relaxed, both beasts, thats Father like dot head, dressed like, conductor, showing, titanic, it, rubs iceberg, captain smith trembles, sinks, still there, showed, there was music, hollie, sealed it up, its collapsing, said, hollie, there, she, pointed, some of the super structure, weak, its rust, showed, hollie, felt, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, hollie, said, hey bob, she, said, showed, eat, showed, book, the price is 15.95, they will fix, i'm the website, lets post, more, said, hollie, showed, take bath, new marine corp. out in the streets, said, hollie, and many tap danced theres, pope, hollie, said, and, many hollies, its economic collapse, said, hollie, during, u.s.a., thats barack obama announcing, that angel marine had silhouette face, then normal, then, silhouette, i'm the vision, lets post, some more, said, hollie, and hollie showed, record, showed, eat, you need to let me, record, said, hollie, and, another, hollie, claps, but only partial hollie, she, hollie tickles feet, thats, hollie cnn news man reporting, its the beast, bob its gitton time, said, she, hollie, and he hollie has watch on, shows, go, he said, with seven heads and ten horns, its the pope, hollie, said, thats seven kings appearing, they are, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., and, bush riding red dragon, dressed like woman, thats putin coming out, i'm the beast, said, putin, had ten crowns on head, pope, hollie said, came out of one, thats boris yeltsin out of the ten, its uh ruling party, said, showed, hollie, thats, putin, out of yeltsin and medvedev, and, pope out of him, there you have it, clapped, hollie, o, its his ship again, said, babyfleas, its wilhelm gustloff ship holding, hands up, with silhouette face, thats adolf hitler on deck, its hitlers supership, thats, three torpedoes striking, ship rolls, sinks, many swim, thats that o copter again, said, hollie, and, he, hollie flew, dropped bomb, america below exploded, angel hangs on rope, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. lands and russia burning, thats venezuela and brazil with nuclear fire, missiles leave their waters, america exploded, thats three nuclear fires in cuba, thats nuclear fire along mexican latin american borders, america burned, thats moon appearing, points, smoke rising, this is website lets post, something, said, hollies, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamp, she, said, beast arose, hollie, said, its, pope, wearing brown suit, hollie showed, post on cellphone, thats popes head on screen, shaped like uh little horn, hollie walks, out, shows, a, horn, its, tripod, hollie said, with, eyes like uh man, i'm the beast, he, said, I am God, thats pope sitting on his throne, its in rome, said, hollie, they laugh, hollie screamed, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, showed, pope, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed is, roland harding, stealing the God spoke, ministry of dreams, i Know said, christine harding, both steal hollie said, like their reverend, dr. jeremy taylor, all ruint, put it under, said, hollie, showed, lay down, bobby, said, hollie, showed, frustration, 6-26-2010-christian this is warning, said, hollie, blew, showed, time, on, her, its light watch, hollie, showed, go, she, said, eat, hollie, said, now, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, she said, beast pope arose, wearing, brown suit, said, hollie, bob said, hollie, showed, beat, it away, hollie, showed, eat, hollie stamped, thats new world order, cart, with, eight, kings, that will rise against america, theres hu hintao, hes, the, beast, he said, himself, thats, pope, out of, putin, hes, the, antichrist, said, God, putin, showed, planning, with, many hollies, in, tripod, its plucked up said, hollie, bear appears, with, three ribs, in, mouth, its, these said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats captain hollie approaching, in, its akula again, thats what you want, need, said, hollie, fired, america, exploded, tornado, said, Jesus, thats, hollie tornado, that hollie tornado said, its both beasts, that he said, theres pope, that, thats him coming out of horn, with eyes like man, that hollie said, showed, false prophet hu hintao, battling washington state on his red horse, thats hollie fighting back, light swords, hollie, flys out in old world war two aircraft, they would go over 400 miles per hour, bombs chinese ship, sinks, submarines are right there, said, hollie, its akula again, thats what you want, needed, its, on the day of the Lord, hollie said, all around america, man lets git, said, hollie, cnn news anchor man, thats both american coasts burning, hollie reporter kicked out by legg to God, happy God, bob, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you uh picture, she said, pope, tear up, hey, said, hollie, thats, him, he hollie looking at color in tear, hollie put back, but whole new world order appeared in picture, thats mexican president showing no way, but shakes, yes, signs, then, its uh deal medvedev said, thats hugo and lula and castrol, and castrol agrees, the other two show no, but sign, thats president of nicaragua, showing, no, but, signing, thats, kim jong, with nuclear button signing deal with me, said, medvedev, you lure said, yeltsin to hintao, thats, hollie riding, missile, its, into, that, said, hollie, taiwan, showed, it burned, this is warning, lets post, said, hollie, bob dont tellem, russia is the bear father, said, he hollie, and, played, his music, showed, you sold 1200 books today, hollie showed, record, thats doctor hollie doing face lift on bob, korea, said, angel, and he, said, this, said, casey, wiped lips, kim jong with nuclear controls, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, and, south korea, thats, missile leaving, russia, with, its, new ministry of dreams website on, its like white angel man, its second prophecy ministry blogspot page, and red dragon, north korea exploded, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie unfolded america, like uh map, showed, hollie looked it was, him, she, hollie said, thats, oil spill approaching america, hollie showed, record, showed, new wineskin ministries, behold he said, its closed, put it under, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, pastor, she said, crystal, thomas, showed, cut off, now let me, see, said, hollie, unfolded map, thats, the beast, riding black horse, its into, moscow, russia, said, pontiff, signs deal with medvedev, hollie watches, thats hu hintao riding red, horse, thats, pope, said, hollie, on grizzled, he takes peace off of the earth, let me, rule the world, said, putin laying before, pope shakes, yes, hollie shows, world, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia, burned, thats moon pointing, smoke comes up, bobby, its he made said, moon, sun laughs, both play, God, there, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, its, verification code, 302646, hollie clapped hands, stomped foot, showed, eat, this is uh warning, said, hollie, lets do something, she, said, submarines, are, right there, said, hollie, submarine, now look, hollie, said, thats he captain hollie, highly ranked, showed, uniform, in, then back in, his submarine, fired, gaza, burned, hollie, turns, his sub around, iraq exploded, thats she hollie, pushing president bush to microphone, I made our war, bush said, ate his chicken, its to breakem, bush said, steal our oil wells, thats, hollie, pushing bush in hellfire, its her, said, another, hollie, once they hit alaska said, hollie, showed, gabriel with another hollie showing, it was hand, hollie, said, thats, and he saw, said, casey, alaska explode, missiles, sailing, hollie watched from ground, thats them striking the center of america, one, exploded, in, hollie beat hand, its, canada, pointed, cnn tower falling in fire, grecia, said, many ministering spirits, its, jeremy, said, king of grecia, you steal, said, hollie, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, stealing the God spoke ministry of dreams, I did not care, said, reverend jeremy taylor, but, will not include ministry of dreams in my book, but want it, to ruin, said, ph.d. jeremy taylor (hon) s.t.d., showed, cut off, the lake said, man, thats, doctor jeremy taylor and kathryn taylor and tristy taylor in the lake of fire, I knew, said, kathryn taylor, m.a., this is what you needed, said, hollie, and, he, saw, pointed, casey, hollie in deep water, Jesus grunts, for me to do healings thru, hollie, in, white robe, posted on laptop, thats moon biting on hollie, i'm grecia, said, hegoat, and, he, saw, said, casey, the king of, grecia, with, kings, coming out, of his horns, its, putin, medvedev, pope with flower out of, horn, let me show this, said, hollie, hu hintao out of other, thats, ram with putins face, hollie pulled up sleeves, come on, she, said, thats, hegoat stomping ram, and nuclear fire, it, appeared, said, hollie, in, russia, its, they exchange, said, hollie, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, and, china, thats pope sitting at, table, and, two horned, beast blob rising, its red, said, hollie, with, hu hintao, and, emporer of japan, coming out of, its horns, thats, them three kings at table, 666 is born, they laugh, lie, thats them threatening each other, then going back own countries, hollie laughed, thats Father like dot head, showing with big hand, cart with eight kings that will rise against, the u.s.a., hollie, said, spacecraft bombs, said, she, hollie, flying, in her spacecraft, showed, dropped bomb, america below exploded, hollie showed, lay down, it, was, him, she, hollie, said, prophet, said, hollie, showed, post, on, cellphone, thats, him, she hollie said, wearing white robe posting on cellphone, its, like, uh laptop, hollie, said, just put your visions on the internet, said, casey, thats what you want, needed, hollie, said, hollie, screamed,

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