Sunday, September 15, 2024

bring the revelations of God to you to enjoy and study and opening up the bible

1-13-10-that was hollie, in, the fire, no, expression, said, hollie, and Jesus, prophet this is uh warning, said, hollie, no, she, said, but claps, shakes, yes, then, I turned around, claps, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, she, said, beast, hollie, said, arose, pope, hollie, said, hey, said, hollie, beat hand, pope, she, said, arose, thats pontiff, riding, black horse, its into, russia, you know, said, hollie, thats, light, russia, and, medvedev and putin signing uh deal, said, medvedev, he gains control, said, hollie, she claps, scene disappears, hollies body like, silhouette, but appears, dressed in white clothes, I need somebody let me record, said, hollie, showed, eat, thats jeremy taylor, said, hollie, you work for, wisdom university, she said, thats uh soothsaying university, thats jim garrison shaking yes, and matthew fox looking around, worried, but, shakes, yes, laughs, matthew fox, was a catholic priest, but is a tax free witch, thats person showing, matthaw, fox, visions, report them to the i.r.s. saith the LOrd, thats, hollie, riding, the missile, its into, taiwan, hollie, said, exploded, thats, hu hintao, turning his red horse, battling washington state, with sword, its repelled, said, hollie, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, alright i'll do it, said, hintao, them two planned out, its the destruction, demise, said hollie, of america, ministry of dreams, hollie, said, Jesus speaks, and, creates, call it ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, you steal, said, hollie, L0rd I know knew it, said, kathryn taylor, m.a., thats both, jeremy taylor, and kathy taylor, in hellfire, pointed, Jesus, thats jeremy taylor d.min, smiling, changing face, rev. jeremy taylor, has taken over, two hundred thousand people to lava with him, Lord I aint gonna read it said kathy taylor, thats, tristy taylor, following right along in those footsteps, said, Jesus, I will show you who the beast is, said, hollie, are you talking about me, said, putin, pointing, at, self, im, it, he, said, thats vladimir putin, sitting at news desk, im him, said, putin, thats, the word, antichrist, appearing, thats putin out of medvedev and yeltsin, thats yeltsin out of ten kings, its politburo, want me, said, hollie, hollie appears, thats pontiff out of putin, hes, the, one, who takes kingdom by flatteries, there are no visions, said, hollie, tap dancing, there are, no visions in pentecost, hollie, said, showed, wearing nice coat, that, she, said, sh, said, angelic being that appeared, satan, said, hollie, but it looked like the Father, hollie laughs, it was the Father, sh, said, hollie, this is website, lets post, said, hollie, thats, the king of grecia, said, hollie, its, pope, she, said, with, ram horns, theres the ram, hollie, said, with, putins face, thats, medvedev, and putin, and pope coming out of one horn, thats, hintao coming out of other, said, hollie, hollie screamed, that, laughed, pointed, hollie, its, akula, agin, thats, what you hear, said, hollie, showed, hollie in submarine, thats hollie aiming, gaza burned, thats, hollie, turning, aiming, iraq errupted in fire, thats hollie pushing bush to microphone, I make war, said, president bush, its to steal, breakem, bush, said, our oil wells, he, said, thats bush in, hellfire, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats Jesus, sprinkling, thats bear arising, destroy that, pointed, Jesus, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. appearing, then, on, fire, thats, rockets, from them, striking russia, exploded, thats smoke rising, thats sun and moon, and moon holds nose, shew we, moon, said, sun, watches, laughs, in, heart, were ashamed, abased, sun, said, then laughs, thats, world shaking, thats, pontiff, pope, hollie, said, in, sky, thats, pontiff, riding black horse, hollie, looks, that was JEsus, hollie, said, like Father, hollie laughs, dont speak blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, that was pointed, hollie, africa, near the middle, exploding, that was, globe spinning around, nuclear fires in venezuela, and brazil, that, hollie appears, russia and china burning, that was the coast of america exploding, all around, said, hollie, that was australia exploding, missiles leaving australia striking russia, exploded, theres cuba, and mexico, exploding, with latin america, thats, smoke going up like furnace, submarine, said, hollie, its, the, globe, she, said, its at, new wineskin, she, said, ministry, sub with captain hollie, fired, its akula agin, said, hollie, world, shakes, thats, moon, with, nose, big nose, points at Jesus, bobby, he made me, said, moon, bobby this is, website, said, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed record, hollie walked inside, saraga store, with plad coat on, thats babyfleas and cindy, hollie points, Father in steem, locomotive, hollie funnel on front, blew, thats, airplane sorry, said, hollie, and, hollie flys, airplane, its old world war two, she said, america below exploded, thats, points, hand, white, gloved hand, submarines, all around, america, one fires, thats explosion in, california, hollie claps, watching it, on, cnn, thats, hollie, news anchor man, then both coasts explode, thats hollie in russian jet, whole american center exploded, nuclear explosion in canada, let me git outta here, said, hollie cnn anchor man, thats, barack, types, listens, said, hollie, thats minuteman 111 nuclear rocket, said, hollie, exploding, its near silo, she, said, thats, some lifting off, striking russia, exploded, hollie showed, record, blank face, website wants motion, said, hollie, and hollie plays music, its piano, said, hollie, thats what you want, needed, she, said, on titanic, played, then, hollie appears at, then, silhouette, disappears, but like Ghost, thats hollie showing, its power meter, on stereo receiver, moving, that is airplane sound, said, hollie, and he saw said casey, hand points, many world war two airplanes, america exploded, hollie showed, record, that was Father on pioneer, said, hollie, steem locomotive, it sound like, whew, said, hollie, and hollie funnel blows, showed pioneer sx-980 stereo receiver with power meters, no, said, hollie, thats, bear fighting lion, bear gits underneath, thats bear clawing out stomach, lion dies, bear walks, syria, said, hollie showed, japanese commander, thats syria on fire, jordan, egypt, exploded, thats pontiff, and hu hintao and his armies, in israel, hu slashes pope, thats, nuclear explosion in, russia, lets unite and force, said, hintao, thats, china, invading russia, and they force, said, hollie, a cloud of people, to, invade israel, thats rocket leaving russia, with, its, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, website, on, israel exploded, you, said, Jesus, website, said, do something, hollie, said, bobby, said, hollie, showed, 4 non blondes, whats up song, hey, said, lead singer, pay me, they all said, thats her pocketing, the loot said mrs. brown, its uh warning, said, hollie, showed, lay down, 10-23-2007-syria, said, the woman, boom, record my vision, said, hollie, cut off, showed, gabriel, whatta you want, and, the, nathaniel haney urshan man showed church credit card, free ride, with, serpents tongue, take my name off of there, a line of pastors chanted, billy mccool, hollie held nose, what do, you want, credit card he showed, mark mckinney with dyed hair, lies about it, and, donald winters, your hungry now, but, when prophet shows, those are from the devil, he said, you cant git me out, said hair dyer kenneth haney, its, started, u.p.c.i., and hollie like a bear, tore up, showed, scissors, cut off, thats, horace smith, hair dyer, leading p.a.w., lost, all these pastors want church credit card, smiled the nathaniel haney-urshan man, with lighted serpents tongue, your out said hollie, but, they, all, pastored, there they are in lava, that was, hollie, tearing up, the, con, spirit, hollie tattood 666, with bear paws, tear up, put back, truit, russia, otyre, pope, goes to greek orthadoxed church, signs, gets control, thats what, I, want, said, kenneth haney, church credit card, makes two hundred thousand per year, record the vision, said, gabriel, showed, bosch oil filter, trash, best, but hold oil, up, to top, zero engine wear, makes it harder on starter in winter, hollie licked the prophet, paul mooney, hollie held nose, thumbs down, reached for, thats what I want, wept, but, God, did not, fill, he, in heart, save me, alaska, boom, record, the vision, said, gabriel, and, behold, he said, spreaded map of the world, smiled, modeled, she, knows, hollie moody, that hell is for hollie, that, pointed, flames, put back, tear up, different way, the edmund fitzgerald, whatta you want, make dollars, said, captain ernest, but, knew, pointed, waves, to high, knew, they, wouldnt let me, dock, crew, knew, w.a.s.p., said, hollie, blackie lawless, this is, what I want, he said, its, cause, I, put my family first, he said, hell, prophet blackie lawless, thats wrong he will say, clapped the tap dancer, and, the, hand pointed, that was, hollie, putting back, tear up, mercy, how did, I, get, cut off, said, kenneth haney, with gray hair, give me your walley, said, nathaniel haney, and, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, smiled, serpents tongue, showed, church, credit card, with a, picture of hollie, like a bear, whatta you doin, said, kenneth haney, with the nathaniel haney-urshans mans voice, pocketing church money, all, u.p.c.i. pastors, most, paul mooney does it to, swallows, makes millions off stupid christians, did not hollie say, look, and, point, john mark pool, seperates, space, gotem, craft, hollie, looking for thieves, of the name ministry of dreams, saw, john mark pool, fired, record the vision, said, angel, with attitude, gabriel, showed, popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., then, hu hintao, sat with, they signed for 666, pointed the lighted finger, magog and russia, separated by caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, thats david shapiro and katie bazor marrying, but separated cause jeff dee put the name, outta here, he said, ministry of dreams on furcadia, website, now, ruint, all, spacecraft, fired, said, hollie, got, separated, then, released the name ministry of dreams, whatta you want, said, christina marie sanford, make people think she was ministry of dreams, dont, fuck with me, she said, spacecraft fired, shielded for now, but smiling christina sanford, knows being ruint, leave me alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, ministry of dreams, spacecraft fired, got, jeremy taylor, whats he done, we took, he said, the name, ministry of dreams, releases ruint, record me said hollie, record the vision, said gabriel, caspian sea, said, hollie, boom, oil pipeline, seperates china and russia, the ram, with the pope in the middle, hegoat, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, cut off, he showed, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, whats he want, church, credit card, record the vision, said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, record the vision, saw hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, flames, van, thought, up, popes image, hollie showed, laughed, hollie showed, record, cut off, showed pope, record the vision, said, hollie showed, hollie showed, record, and, gabriel, licked the prophet, that, was that, o red and black chariot, with the, pope, and hu, what do, you want, and, the pope ruled russia, otyre, and hu ruled magog, china, phone bob, he, wont answer, said, mike stella, and, u.p.c.i. pastors shook yes, click, did not hollie showed say, tear me up, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, up, popes image, let me along, said, hollie, my spacecraft, ministry of dreams, what do you want, and, john mark pool, showed, make prophet fall, thats, why, we, took, it, said, dee finney, the ring, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, nuclear rocket down, said, the angel, usa, can, hit, all, missiles, now, thats it said, hollie, submarine sound, and, licked the prophet, gabriel pointed, return said gabriel, churches, gabriel showed, record, looky there, he said, get right, the, nathaniel haney-urshan man, pocketing, church money, record the vision, smiled the pope, and, licked the prophet, flames, said, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs up, popes image, let me alone, spacecraft fired, direct hit, jeremy taylor, stole the name, ministry of dreams, releases ruint, hollie tattood 666, born between the pope and hu, that was comic book character flying, duncan rouleau, hollie held nose, whatta you want, no, he said, ruint, said, hollie, richard starkings, wont publish, the nightmarist, with stolen name ministry of dreams, whatta he want, steal, but releases, and the nightmarist laughs, and showed, record, record my, flames, said, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, up, popes image, there is my flames, said, hollie showed, that, pointed, hollie, raise your hands, and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie rubbed chin, the economy looks good, said, gabriel, to the naked eye, collapsing, china to, that, was, new jerusalem, glass city, record me, said, gabriel, not, I don't feel you she said, thats because you got sin, and hollie pointed, thats 70 east, stay off of there, cause 70 east and 70 west will burn when russia strikes amexico, chewbacca, high milage, oil, if you engine leaks, will help, but now much, some seals, it will stop all of the way, but, when you stop using it, and hollie pointed, the leak will be worse, and hollie pointed, its because of iraq, said the angel of the Lord, thats why, judgement is on, amexico, thats canada and america and mexico, he economies are slowed in all 3, and hollie pointed, at the skeleton, the glowing in the dark one, when you lust a woman's butt, her, hershey squirters, thats whats inside of her, quit lusting, poop, devices, and hollie pointed at the recorder, sell the oil, this is what God had you to buy it for, sell, for, a buck forty, per quart, pittsburgh, and he saw, pittsburg explode, and hollie pointed, it will burn, pray at one pm, because thats the old twelve, that was satan pointed hollie, he tried to get you to doubt, and hollie tore up the contrast and pointed, n, o, debbie is cut off period, chewbacca, buy gas with the oil, and chewy showed victory, thats what, Jesus, had you to, buy, it, for, go ahead and mow the grass said the angel of the Lord, I want a head job, oral sex is bring america down, anal sex right behind, what woman that are jogging are saying, rape me, lust me, and many will be, and love it, and hollie pointed, and stephen hanson was in the furnace, when prophet was young, his mother, and somebody pointed, ran over somebody, and he heard, and felt, that person go under the car as the car was moving at a high rate of speed, that person did not get hurt, it was about a 3 year old, short, thats why, knocked down, underneath, out the other side, he remembers, ask God to protect you, oil said the pope is bring amageddon and the lighted finger pointed, I need to apologise said the angel of the Lord, the hour is late, stay here, don't worry, and hollie tore up the concious with golden bear paws, and hollie said I'm a bear, moscow is the bear, watch those red light cameras pointed the angel of the Lord, what russia should have done, when the chernobyl nuclear plant was spewing radiation, bomb it, and let it collapse on it, that would have sealed, but, there was no open prophets but dumitru duduman and cless barger, no way, said cless, hum uhm grunted dumitru, let judgment on moscow for, God wiped out the people of that area because of, blaspheme, there was, a prophet named dumitru duduman, got it, he said, thats why, tell hand of help, thats where, those colonels and there families, that beat were from, and some of them were there, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the lighted finger pointed, sh, that was satan, and the serpent, had the popes face, and hu was on the serpents face, to, the new world order, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and I'm the pope, and they will hate each other, devils hate each other, resist, brent and kelly coffman were married, they had 3 kids, brent would not grow up, kelly would give brent any head, but, anal only, grow up, or, get out, brent got out, both are single and, the kids are, fatherless, this is what, is happening, kelly thought, I'll dance, drink, but, 3 kids, who wants her, now about 40, older, still looks good, I'm sealed, she said, don't waste your time wanting, people to lust you, 7 woman will cling to one man, because of this, thats the reason, no Jesus, no peace, know Jesus, know peace, that is what people really want, sh, satan, I'm the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, and I'm the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, that was california on fire, and the whole east coast, and the middle part from submarines, russian, america is, babylon, that is, the mystery, of REVELATION 17, the whore means, cheater on God, woman means blood, water is, waters is many nations that make up america, harlots is false christians, and abominations is sin, david prayed 7 hours per day, he had to fight, lust, and feelings of killing, so many people, it hurt, he was so ashamed, but told him, moses didn't like it either, josua didn't care, samuel, when hewed agag, hated it, but, agag deserved, get saddam pointed george bush, thats why the iraq war, look at how many have died and are dying, magog is china said putin with many lands around there, think about it, china is the real new magog said the pope, and hu I will not put up with you, they will hate each other, but, cling, to prevent, destroying, because both have, nuclear, weapons, the king of the east, and, the, king of, grecia, they will, push at the pope, at the end, because he is a, and he tore up his contrast, liar, sh, satan, and he looks like Jesus, and the lighted hand pointed, hu is wanting internet because the people do, spying, but, they can send, he knows it, they will, in time, the paper said, iran attack coming, mistake, that will raise up the spirit of the medes hatred, for, america, the apostle paul was on fire from start to stop, he hated prison cause could not witness, he witnessed to many, this prophet is close, sometimes, but, bob's worse day is, as good as pauls best, because paul traveled, and witnessed once there, but bob witnesses everyday, paul couldn't, many nations hated and God would not let him, bob has witnessed to more people than paul, but, both are close, bob is suprised, paul would not want anything to do with bob and bob would not want anything to do with paul, because, tongue tied, both, no conversation, Jesus only, they both knew how to live for the Lord, lots of prayer, but, paul, prayed, about, 7 hours, every, day, but, bob, traps, he is, closing, paul was, opening, and hollie pointed, LIKE JEREMIAH 1, jeremiah was more on fire than both, but, hidden, isaiah was sawed in half, the apostle john was boiled in oil, many burned alive, but, nothing separates from the love of Jesus, Jesus tells bob, trap, bob doesn't record it, because, trap me said Jesus, I died for you and you mock me, uto, bob knows, I don't fight, like an ordinary man, bob knows, and bob saw the beautiful girl screaming as she was being cast into the lake of fire, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation, clap your hands and make a joyfull noise unto Jesus, she's not go a tender young heart like bob said, she is a, w, h, o, r, e, bob wants to suck her poop hole and work his way up, trap, said, Jesus, bob knows, all of the visions, need to be on the internet so God can talk, but, many are, feel the gaps in Lord Jesus, give him some today and some tomorrow, when Jesus walked the face of the earth, hundreds of thousands would go to where he was, but, most wanted, if God sent bob on a, benny hinn like crusade, sold out everyting, but, bob does not want to do it, but, but he would prayu for the sick, mainly, children, but they do not suffer, medicated, and they do not know, any, other, life, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, and parents treat them like royalty, but, wish death on them to be free of caring for them, shoot them, put them out into heaven, jonathan hasen adopted a child that had, her throat slashed, couldn't talk, it took about 5 years of prayer, to pay that price, jonathan did, write him at, world ministries international, w.m.i., normal now, but, lost, call it, a tribute to cut off prophet jonathan hansen, piggy, overeater, you were zealous, but, never set free, brag about your 5 hours prayer, look he said, sleeping, do not let the right hand know, what, the, left, is, doing, bob left, he will, say, when, he, see's, this, but, he is, no, signs, he has seen, but, not, now, cut, off, he, will, say, he did not pray for 5 hours, but, slept, or equivalent, write him, sign his guestbook, right here, he pointed, sh, that was satan, I'm the beast, if you depart, do not name the name of Christ, because an open shame, bob describes Jesus as, happy, positive, sincere, childlike, humorus, but, he knows, God will not take anything from anybody very long, thats the tap dancers in hell, serve Jesus, avoid, hollie showed how to do the front brakes, jack up, take the tire off, inspect, remove, the, brake, caliper, take the pads out, put in new, put caliper back on, put tire back on, and, the, hubcap, motor, and hollie inspected underneath, on, back, thing, wheels, hollie had the gas pump, uuuuu, 3.49 coming, there, are many pentecostal's that prayed thru, but, back, slided, and they know who didn't, and know, in thier hearts who does want it, and, who doesn't, by, the, Spirit, bob saw it, he knew in the church who had it and who didn't by the Spirit, when america goes to war with china, then russia will strike, without warning, put it on a sign and walk, Jesus will help you and be invovled with you, that, the fan, keep it on, they can't hear it, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, sh, satan, I'm the beast, there indian walker chief, theres your proof, call it, an open shame for chief indian walker, pastor, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicarvania, and that is, venezuela, cuba, and mexico, they are all, one, they give their power and strength to the beast, that, america is exploded and he saw it from russian submarines and planes carrying atom bombs, explosion, in one hour, desolation, stay up and give God glory, john lake, was on fire, at first, got married, lost, the flame, but, and that was john lake tearing up the concious, he died open, but, Jesus worked thru him, much, a. a. allen, trap, said Jesus, I'm in hell, he said, but, I didn't want to live for Jesus, never, s, a, v, e, d, bob, knew it, or thought it, git closer he said, but, never did, bob sees ministering spirits and the lighted finger pointed, hand, hollie, and kristiana and Jesus, and the Lord of hosts, and, many others, edifying, hollie transforms, like a martian, like a, bear, I'm a bear and that is, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, p, o, p, e, out of moscow, out of moscow, magog, china will invade russia and divide into 4, and out of italy, comes the, p, o, p, e, the little horn, sh, satan, I'm the beast, that, was Jesus on the cross, thorns, nails, only partially said, beard, he was held, could not shave, and the lighted Jesus pointed, trap, russia is, tired of economic collapse and ready to attack anybody, deparate, wanting, respect, lets rule the world, sang putin, God will give them that mind and they will attack america, and destroy, said, Jesus, and showed, when king david ruled, the kings, of the earth ruled, mercifully, or, david would kill, they all submitted cause God was with david, and Jesus pointed, you must talk pointed Jesus on the internet no u.p.c.i. conferences with signs, america and china goes to war, then russia will strike, it won't work, they will reject, trap him, said Jesus, tom perigine and jim perigine hate each other but would like to see each other again, but, won't, they do not know how to get ahold of each other or where each other is, bob knows and sees them both every once in a while, he might, that was heavenly like bright light in clouds, again, I want my visions on the internet said the bright light man, Jesus, that, was Jesus pointing in a white robe, like, bright light, that was a man wearing a bright light robe like like blinding light, iraq, is, what will, raise up, the, spirit, of, the, medes, which is, hate, for, the usa, and benjamin, in, london, england, is, cut, off, no, signs, thats all I want to do is sing, and, flirt, she, will, say, in, her, heart, kill the shoe bomber, richard, reid, he would have, the, earth, quake, in, siberia, is, judgement, on, moscow, for, blaspheme, record the vision hollie showed, and he saw the west coast in flames from russian submarines and the east coast, and the middle part, russia will destruct america when you least expect it, sell the oil said the tap dancers, and hollie pointed, womans cum will not heal gum disease said hollie, so don't try it, record hollie showed, let God talk, and hollie showed the time, just as long as we are fed said the horse, we'll stay warm in the winter, they could live on the arctic with no problem, and the polar bears wouldn't catch them, and the horses kept the grass cut and there was horse dung all over, but they don't care, don't sit on that pole fat woman, and the tap dancers said, cut the grass, and hollie tore up the contrast, come boldy before the throne of God and bring your petitions, can he stop himself by his word, if he can't, granted, he's got to move on it, and he saw 4, magog will be, china, north korea, and south korea, and japan, and india, and, pakistan, russia will be invaded, by china, raise your hands and repeat after me, by china, and hollie pointed, and forced to invade israel, they will be pushing at the pope and Christ will appear, and the mountain will split in twain, and he will deliver the church up to the father, and the word will be fulfilled, and that was babyfleas, and the angel of the Lord pointed at her, she just laughs and God laughs with her, but, she will have to give an account for her life someday, cute, read and do ACTS 2:38, thats repent and be baptised in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence os speaking in other tongues, as the Spirit gives the utterance, chewbacca, seek the Lord while he may be found, that is a 66 cutlas, and hollie pointed, they are not sporty, but, they are in demand, 1, 2, 3, the devils after me said the pope and I am the devil, 666, will be born at the table between, the devil pope, and the devil false prophet hu, they will hate each other but cling to each other to prevent from destroying each other, and he found the false tract, and threw it away and tore it up, and there was food there, he left that, but, the false word, raise your hands and repeat after me, trash, throw it away, the, false, tract, oil will not burn like gasoline, but, it burns, put it in your gas tank and it will not hurt, abut, dirty and not very much, about, one gallon for every ten, gallons of gasoline, and hollie licked the prophet, and the tap dancers said, post the vision, and make it plain, and sunnysnet was one of them, she's the tap dancing narrator and she will read this, she's still tap dancing, and here's what, what she's singing, 1,2,3, the devils after me, o, no, he's got me, but, thats what I wanted, said the pope, I can bless you, there's an attack on iran coming, and thats the word, said hollie and sunnysnet, she's becoming a minstering spirit, chewbacca, collect free oil out of the trash, the prophet does, chewbacca, don't go to walmart he said, and that was hollie, and I'm kristina, something like that, and hollie tore up the contract, you know what I want, a broken spirit and a contrite heart, I will not reject, 1, 2, 3, the devils after me, china will attack washington state, and hollie tore up the contract, and thats, and grab taiwan, china will make an agreement with russia, and that was sunnysnet, they will not read this but she will, she's the new ministryofdreams ministering spirit and hollie pointed at the time, lets witness, sunnysnet is JEREMIAH 1, but she is, JEREMIAH 37, ollright, said Jesus, sunnysnet is getting mad, leave me alone, and he can see it forming in her heart, I'll stop right there said the pope, you ain't praying said the angel of the LOrd, talking about the whole world, seek the Lord while he may be found, and hollie pointed, read ACTS 2:38 said sunnysnet and do it, cause ACTS 2:38 is salvation sang Jesus, I think I'll reject you said sunnysnet, this is, the, word, of, Jesus, the peru valcano is, judgment, a, valcano is, the, evidence, of, hell, lava, is, what it is, like, the famed test pilot, scott, cross, field, knew, not, to, go, into, the, mountains, but, did, it, any, way, we need to talk, he died, instant, ly, and when his soul, came, out, o, no, I'm, lost, it is, real, wear tight pants, and, show off, you, bowels, trap, said Jesus, hollie thinks, I won't perish, I'm speacial, she married gary moodie, and, they are both cut off now, and bob doesn't beleive it but, where is she, you know what I want she said, oral and anal sex like her mother, unmarried, but, married, to many men, put it under, whatch what you ask for, hollie wanted a husband, and got, but, and hollie pointed at the check engine light, this van is a machanical nightmare, but runs real good, just keep fixing it, and hollie pointed, oil makes gasoline, refined, then mixed with chemicals to make it burn, and gas comes out of the ground like gas, almost, refined, cleaned, and hollie showed, 666, will be born at the table said the tap dancers and the pope was one of them, I cannot tell a lie said Jesus, I will do my word, but, you have to do your part, o, said sunnysnet, allright, but, I won't do it she said, and hollie pointed, the warning lights on, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation, and hollie pointed, write my vision, write my vision, write my vision, write my vision sang hollie and hollie waved smiling, lit up, lets go and testify said the pope and hollie showed how to put the belt on the tractor blade, jack it up, inspect, loosen the adjuster, put on new belt, vice, versa, motor, cut your grass, don't go to alaska and gene schmidt saw alaska explode, it will burn, from russian submarines, the united states will be attacked when you least expect it said the angel of the Lord, and that was hollie tearing up the contract, thats what the united states did, and hollie pointed, the tap dancer said, witness, and the pope was one of them, the immagrants are here, in, the usa, to harm, america, no and's if's but's or anything about it, milk this country, then go back home, the Lord of hosts hath sworn, surely I will fill thee with men as with caterpillars and they shall lift up a shout against thee, thats it, said the angel of the Lord, the 9-11 people, had residency, but look what they did, and the pope tore up his contrast, thats his agreement with Jesus, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, Jesus says, I need my children to serve me day and night, cause people are dying lost, even right now, space, the final frontier, these are the voyages of ministryofdreams, the visions and dreams, prophecy station, when the rabbit hear the phone ring, whats that, it thought, and hollie pointed, turn, and hollie tore up the concious that time said the pope, bejamin from london, england, sent a letter he should not have sent, no response, it was confusing, are you witnessing to much on the streets, and not spending to much time on the computer, but, not in that order, whens the last time ben witnessed, that was somebody trying to trap you said the angel of the Lord, 1, 2, 3, the devils after me, hollie is the tap dancing ministering spirit, and hollie tore up the contrast, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie showed gargling the salt water to kill germs, and he saw massachusetts explode, and flames on both coasts from russia submarines, fire said captain hollie, the day of the Lord, prophesied in joel, leave california, and he saw it explode, it will burn, and the lighted finger pointed, that car is not leaking, but, it will, general motors is cheap, good engines, but, bad seals, that was the earth wobbling to and fro like a drunkard, and Jesus pointed, and tore up the, contrast, read JOHN 3:16 said the yard character and hollie pointed, and don eby pointed, bob had a dream where he was with don eby, and they knew what was going on, but, bob did not admit, bob was hearing from God right there and don knew it, that is why, don would not let him come back, when you question yourself, you are being tempted by the devil said the angel of the Lord, and he saw the earth reel to and fro, when america strikes moscow and china, there ready said hollie, then america will be struck, and canada and cuba and mexico to from radition, to, one third of the population will be, wiped out, put it under, and holkie pointed, oil burns but, not like gas, and holie pointed, don eby thought, why don't people retire at rsr, quemetco, but, high lead, in, blood, which, never goes away, it stays for a long time, but causes no health problems, don eby was right, write him, and tell him, the prophet worked there, and wishes he could go back, many do, he would say, if he recieved this e-mail, I knew it, don is, about 60, and good looking and, kind of smart, prophet, don went to prison, but, he was, innocent, not, but, kind of, he knew, I really didn't he said, but, he suspected, lead was being released into the sewer from the ditch, the water treatment system, much, more than you can imagine, and hollie pointed, pt crusier, don't buy, made in mexico, lee iacoca said, buy american, be, american, liar, the force is with you prophet said darth vader with his helmut off, the force is, the Holy Ghost and hollie pointed at the dead van on the highway, ford areostar is the best but old, any ford v6 is good, those are some of the best engines made said sunnysnet and hollie, and bob, saw the woman bend over putting air in her tire, that is what people wants, anal sex, tongue it, lick it, stick it, abomination, 69 is abomination, and bob saw a spirit by a poop hole, it is a whore spirit, and when you have whore sex, it gets in and all you want from taht point is sex, men, woman, things, and don eby pointed, chris asked bob to move some things with the front end loader and he did, and don saw him, and don jumped him, but this is why, you are in shipping, but don knew, he can drive that, but, chris told him, I asked him, and don thought, I should have not said anything, donald and dawn, and hollie pointed like keri fox, had a good relationship, lots of sex, but, donald would fart around her, much, all the time, dawn thinks, I can't lust him, he shits all the time, thats what brought them apart, even though she knew, he was human, she really like it, but, it wore out, he reminded her too many times, they had a baby, crib death, and when she found another, donald almost killed him, put it under, watch who you sleep with, donald went to prison, and, spent his youth there, he still looks young, but, is packing attempted murder, and won't talk about it, was drinking and doesn't remember, if you ain't good looking you have a rough life unless you are so ugly people feel sorry for you like jill whalen, the optimiser, write her, and tell her, prophet thinks she's cute, but, he knows, she wouldn't win a beauty contest, unless, hound dogs competed against her, but, she still would'nt win, but, prophet thinks, she looks cute, put it under, beauty is skin deep and she will actually get this, prophet wanted her to optimise, his website, but, God wouldn't let, because, google, optimises, it itself, don't waste your money, she doesn't charge very much, and that was jill, tearing up her con, tract, serve Jesus, jill whelan, get right, bob likes you, so you have 30 days to get right, and he saw her smiling like she does in her pictures, but, she won't, she's to internet popular, nice but, no salvation, that woman has been warned by prophet he knows she won't have any problem, but, no salvation, don't lust her, she farts, poops, pees, spits, hocker, but, bob doesn't care, he likes that, and bob just saw, a man taking food out of the dumpster and wanted to buy some, that is about a 1972 mercury montery, it's worth, about, one thousand, gas hog, let them have it, junk, and hollie tore up the, con, tract, don't but a muscle car and worship it, there's the tap dancers, the proportioning valve and the power booster is all that is left, and niether is, the, problem, with brakes, so, accept, or, replace, and he told her, apostolic, she, said, that, she is, cut, off, no, signs, leave, black, people, alone, she, said, but, she, knew, he was, prophesying, and, does not, care, but, will, and hollie pointed, and she got, and hollie pointed, rowdy, you leave black people alone, they need to live for Jesus or not name the name of Christ, I got food, she, said, but, shortages, coming, then, people will be, humble, but, cut, off, they will, cry out, to, Jesus, but, he will, not, answer, put it under, and hollie pointed, do all that, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, they are all cut off after you witness, so, do it, pastor fields at betheda temple apostolic faith church is cut off, no signs, and prophet saw him reading this, no signs follow him, but, he names the name of Christ, write him and tell him, his wife sai dout, they know it but, keep right on treaching, call it, an open shame for pastor fields and his wife, got it, this woman said, write, and God will, bless, one more, chance, wolf, you need a pen said the pope, write the vision holie showed, and put it on the internet, your wasting your time said the angel of the Lord, if you do not glorify, Jesus, that van is about as good as this one, buy a new like one or none at all, and keep it, new like, see that ship, disney cruise lines, to sink that ship, it would take, the ice berg the titanic hit, dead on, it would, buckle, and sink, cause, of the tear, no, and hollie pointed, mcmullen builders is blaspheme, they write off everything, the front part of the ship would buckle, a dead hit, and all that weight, down she goes and prophet saw it with no people, completely abondoned, but, sink, put you money in your gas tank said the pope, the problem is fixed, you just don't accept it yet, and hollie pointed, iran attack coming, and he saw the world, reel to and fro, like a, drunk, ard, from, submarines, firing, on, america, and, china, and, moscow, all, one third of the population, will be, wiped, out, including, mexico, and, canada, and, cuba, chewbacca, send, to, all, pastors, on this, website, and, tell, but, do not, tell, where, you got, the, info, from, send, the, copied, vision, s, I bet he's lost, said his mom, and hollie pointed at the forsale sign, God is using this prophet to bring down, he's near a church right now, drexel gardens apostolic faith, tabernacle, and that was a balloon butt on a young woman and she knows it, he wants to destroy the pastor, pastor caldwell, drexel, gardens, apostolic, faith, tabernacle, write, call, leave, word, and, Jesus, will, bless, you, you must be led, by, the, Holy, Ghost, or you are, wasting, you time, gas prcies are, not, as, high, as, they, will, get, but, bush will, release, the, reserve, soon, and, the price, s, in, america, will, go, way, down, don't go to maine, and he saw it, explode, it will burn, from, raise your hands, and, repeat after, me, russia, striking, the, u.s., mainland, iran, attack, coming, the iraq war, was over, breaking, oil, contracts, that, on, the, board, at, iupui, that, china, and, america, will, go to, war, then, moscow, will strike, america, then, america, will, stike, moscow, and, china, one third, of, the, population, will be, wiped out, including, mexico, and, cuba, and, canada, and he saw it, explode, they will give, thier, power, and, thier, strength, unto, the, beast, and he will, send it over, on, the united states, the pope, is, the, beast, and, hu is, the, ruler, of, magog, worship the pope, hus will say, and, 666, will be, born, at, the, table, between, the, hu, and, the, p, o, p, e, when the pope is slashed, then, satan, will, enter, and, destroy, wonderfully, looking, for, the, remnant, jews, only, thinking, that, if, he, destroys, the, witness, then, he can, stop, but, the, people, will, hide, them, it will end, with, Jesus, pouring out, the, vials, of, wrath, and, everything, getting, shaky, hail, blood, all kinds of, pestilence, and, Christ will appear, and, send the, beast, and, the, false, prophet, to, hell, and, catch away, like, a, woman, clothed, with, the, sun, the, remnant, only, jews, can be, saved, at, that, point, no, gentiles, remember me, and I will, remember, you, said, Jesus, read and do, ACTS, 2:38, for, salvation, repent, and be, everyone of you, bap, tised, in, Je`sus, Christ, name, and, recieve, the, gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with, the, e, vi, dence, of, speaking, in, another, lang, guage, you don't know, the Spirit, will, cause, this, have a nice day, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and hollie pointed, drink, no, water, Spiritual, from, this, point, aman, pentecostal, speakers, john klemin, murray lane, and, paul, leaman, were, cut, off, no, signs, and prophet, knows it, no, Spirit, in, speeches, and w.t., stairs, greg glover, rich strawcutter, mark, johnston, tim, gaddy, bruce howell, david elms, gwyn oakes, and, joy, haney, jack, cunningham, janet trout, kenneth haney, mark, hattabaugh, paul reynolds, and hollie showed to record the vision, pastor, prophet, daniel, bohler, is, cut, off, no, signs, follow, him, the, end time, prophetic, watchman, but, still, decieves, bob, knows it, from, judgment on america, tape, he tore it up, he prophesied, an, invasion, on, israel, back in, 98, bob, did not, feel, the, Spirit, of, The, Jesus, in, his, voice, that is how, you can not, decieve, the, very, elect, call dan, or, write, agape, harvest, church, step down dan, or, sickness, put it under, witness, use, visions, here, or, pray and ask, Jesus, for, your, own, prophesying, visions, bob's not interested, in, tours, speaking, or, books, at all, he'll, witness, whereever, he is, at, dArlene, zschech, is, cut, off, no, signs, shout to the Lord, pretty, song, but, no, anointing, do not, listen, but, to, encourage, if, it, does, abbas watchman,., com, is, cut, off, now, accuracy, only, guessing, dr. scott johnson is cut off, no, signs, the prophecy club, meeting, in, ann arbor, michigan, with, stan and leslie johnson, prophet, tom, deckard, and, prophet, mark, pool, stay away from, they are all, cut, off, no, signs, record the vision hollie showed, prophet, likes, dArlene, zschech, but, she is, cut, off, no, signs, don't, buy un, anointed, music, hollie showed to record the vision, pray bob is what people are saying, you need to pray for yourself, I know, they, say, and he saw michigan explode from a missile from a russian submarine, and the west coast, and, the east coast, all in flames, and, submarines, they don't know the rest of the message, and hollie pointed, when china and moscow attacks america, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders, and they will fire on, china and moscow, one third of the population will be wiped out, mexico, canada, and cuba, stan would not let you talk, johnson, if you went, to the prophecy conference, but, he would take you number, but, and hollie pointed, you prophesy, he doesn't believe it, but, you see visions, and tell what, the, people you see says, the ministering spirits, write stand johnson, this is prophesying, like in the book of joel, I give you warning, if you see a storm coming, and hollie pointed, and refuse to blow the trumpet, then, the, blood is on your hands, stan johnson, has spoken with you but, even though you told him putin and putin pointed was the one that would be in charge, and would order the, destruction, of, the usa, and he said, henry gruver said, and hollie pointed, lebed, he knew it was russia, but, bob knew, God showed henry moscow, he didn't judge, he would like to see henry again but wouldn't, but, stan johnson needs to know all of this message, write him, fax it to him, but don't tell him where you got it from, and he saw submarines firing on both american coasts and america exploded and he believes it, go to ann arbor not, but, somebody write stan johnson and tell him, use the visions, but, from anonymous prophet, america will be destroyed, and moscow will grab alaska first, then, orders will go after china, and hollie touched the recorder, attacks washington state and grabs tiawan to lure america into war, then, your getting into trouble said the angel of the Lord like a white faced man, because of, blaspheme, everyone, including, stan johnson, prophet is not resisting, but, hates, Jesus, Jesus don't care, love him or hate him but submit, tell stan, orders will go to american submarines commanders and they will fire on china and russia then russia will wipe out the mainland, china and russia are the ram, almost destroyed, the pope will come out of italy, the little horn, and then, moscow, they are, the greek orthadox church, the pope and false prophet hu, china is magog, china will, invade moscow and force russia to attack israel, after the iraq war turns nuclear, nuclear exchange, fulfilling, EZEKIEL 7, the pope and false prophet hu will make, an agreement for 666, at the table, to prevent them from destroying each other, they will hate each other but cling, both have nuclear weapons, stan will get this, and, be fed, and hollie pointed, they are building in america, at the crane, and judgement is hanging, read this on the radio stan, these are all ministering spirits, that bob is, seeing, and he is telling what they are saying, they will, not get along, the pope is, the king of grecia, hu is, the king of the east, when the pope gets slashed, satan will enter in, and destroy, looking for, the, jewish, remnant, sunnysnet, e-mail stan johnson, tell him to put it on the radio, and hollie pointed, that van is junk, buy a new one with your own money, stan takes money for false stuff, some of his preachers say, MYSTERY, BABYLON is not america, like, david eells, he knows, babylon is america, but, he is cut off, no signs, the vials of wrath will be poured out, then, and hollie showed, liquor store, abomination, the pope will reach for the jewish remnant, he will sit in the temple and say, i am god, hu will say, worship the pope because the pope is stronger, and bob saw the popes image on hu's hand and the pope said, and hollie pointed, worship me, and they will, he will be a tyrant, likeable, but, firm, satan, is, funny, people that joke are satans, Christ will appear and the mountain will split in twain, he will deliver the church up to the father, and, the pope and the false prophet, and japan and china, are, like, a lamb rising out of the sea, magog is, china, north and south korea, japan, pakistan, india, and russia, where all those lands are, the leopard is the new world order, magog, the bear is, moscow, the three ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, and, mexico, plucked, to invade, america, out of, and, then, leave, and hollie pointed, one third of the population will be wiped out, including, mexico and canada, and, cuba, from the radiation of america burning, read and do ACTS 2:38, satan is the red dragon, the pope is the lions mouth, God will send them a strong delusion that they beleive a lie, and all damned, that had pleasure in, unrighteousness, repent and be baptised in Jesus Christ name and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues prophesied in joel, and it shall come to pass, that I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men, shall, dream, dreams, and, your, young, men, shall, see, visions, casting out devils, laying hands on the sick, and they recovering, and more signs will follow, no signs, then, no salvation, reach for God, president bush will be assassinated, hillary clinton, will be, the, next, voted president, dick cheney will be president, iran will be attacked, prophecy is being fullfilled, right befire your eyes aman, and hollie showed to record the vision, and hollie pointed, smiling, lit, jonathan, testify, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, tell stan johnson, the seven heads are, seven nations that, are in agreement with america, and, the ten horns are, the ruling party, on top of, the beasts head, they are, politburo, ruling kings of moscow, and out of one, came, boris yeltsin, putin was chosen by him, putin will order, uless time is bought and another king replaces, italy is where, the little horn, he is the eigth and of the seven, whore means, false christians, harlots, abominations is sin, and holie pointed, woman means blood and ameirca is sheeding it, stan will get this and be stunned, but he is cut off and knows it but, bob could pray, and get stan mercy, but won't right now, because, he knows, that God will only give him, 30 days, and he won't, but maybe later, when the prophecy club gets yanked, and it will, the government, will shut him down, he suspects it already, and tap dancers said, post the vision and make it plain, ann arbor, michigan is where you need to be and he saw it explode, michigan, it will burn, and a missile flying in, from a russian submarine, stan johnson needs to see this, and play it on the radio, and hollie pointed, testify, and he saw america explode and babylon appear on it, america is the MYSTERY, BABLON, truth, and hollie pointed, smiling, get off here, keystone avenue exit, and holie pointed, and hollie tore up the con, cious, that was hollie tearing up the concious, oral sex is abomination, and hollie pointed, write the vision, and holile pointed at the time, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope sang hollie, screaming, that was accurate, said the angel of the Lord, pointed, dumitru duduman, the iraq war will end nuclear, exchange, between iraq and israel, america nukes both ways, EZEKIEL 7, fulfilled, the palestinian state, will be taken away, we know it she said, and God winked, I'm a millionaire and I'm decieving this whole country and most of the world, and my name is stan johnson, of the prophecy club, because, some of the stuff i read and the visions I had, recieved, are, accurate, but, I don't do it, I'm cut off, and hollie pointed, tell, pray in tongues like Jesus showed you, and he saw alaska explode, from russian submarines, trap said Jesus, bob driving, witness to about 50 people on, balcony, at, bar, noe, repented, and, all, got, cut, off, and know it, young, about, 20's, average, and he saw james hoffa in the fire, he perished, but, when they killed him and his son pointed, they did not want him to influence teamsters and he could've, but, they threw him in the sewer, and that was the earth reeling to and fro like drunk person, thats from from submarines fring on america, moscow, and, china, each other, and hollie pointed, the day of the Lord prophesied and hollie pointed, in ISAIAH 13, and he saw, the inside of a. a. allen's tent full of people, he perished, from, blaspheme, he never was, open, but, God gave him visions, he gives all people visions and dreams, mrs. sprecklemeyer said, pussy, meaning, pussy cat, call it, an open shame for mrs. sprecklemeyer, bob's, third grade teacher, bob thought when she said that, and this was in third grade, whew, elijah, get, ready, for nuclear war said the angel elijah, and he had a dreams, and he saw lambs and baby lambs and was looking at them as he walked, and, he thought about going in, and, looking closer, and, this dog, came, running, after, him, and he, kept, going, and the, dog, left him, alone, that is what, a pastor, is suppost, to, do, protect, the sheep, but your pastor can not save you, read and do ACTS 2:38, that was a big dog, he is, kenneth haney, the leader of upci, and he is, cut off, no signs, and knows it, write, upci churches and tell them, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, and hollie pointed, mexico, north korea, venezuela, brazil, they will give thier power and strength unto the beast and he will, send it over on america, judgment, there was james finn like an angel, he was suppost to be a eunuch, but, married, perished, abortion is, masterbation, and hollie pointed, and, showed, how to, masterbate, those sperm cells are people and Jesus pointed, and hollie pointed, that was g.t. haywood's church, he was cut off, no signs, but, started a lot of churches, but, never made, himself right, put it under, that won't do it, if the arabs didn't raise oil prices, then america would declare war on all the world, and the arabs know it, and hollie pointed, chewbbaca, record, the, vision, while, Jesus, is, giving, them, to you, and hollie showed, record the vision, and hollie showed to record the vision, and, complained, because he wouldn't, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, write my visions, russia is prepared to ahnialte, any, body, that messes with them, and america is, raise your hands and repeat after me, america is messing with the whole world, and holie tore up the concious, there ain't no more visions in pentecost, because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, and hollie showed to post the vision, kent jordan is cut off, all jordan's at calvary tabernacle apostolic faith church and that woman that you told, prophsied, I'm out, she's leaving because she thought the Lord sent you, but, she is cut off to, no signs, write kent jordan and tell him, you need to present yourself a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable, to, God, which is, your, reasonable, service, record the vision, hollie, showed, that man needs old oil, his car, leaks, tell him, your putting on a show said hollie, talking about upci churches, no signs, thats the scripture pointed the sexy angel, that was a ballon but, she is not thinking about, poophole, sex, but, anal, unloading, for when they shall say, peace and safety, then, sudden destruction cometh upon them, as, travail upon a child, and they shall not escape, this is, talking, about, america, they are, america, the babylon, of ISAIAH 13, keep trying said the angel of the Lord, there was in a city a certain judge, and though her feared not God, or, man, this woman troubled him, avenge me of mine adversary, and for a while, he, would, not, but, after a while, he finally, since the woman troubled him, avenged her, and shall, not, God, avenge, his, very, elect, even though, they, cry, day and night, though, he bear along, with, them, he must, deal, with, them, on, the, other, side, as, well, and hollie pointed, go by victory tabernacle, somebodies there God wants you to talk to, and he saw, a, man, smoking, and, throw, the, cigarette, in, the, yard, and, go inside, abomination, no, respect, for, the, house of, Jesus, new york, attack it, terrorism coming, go tell him, pastor donald humprey is cut off, no signs, and hollie pointed, she said what signs, if you read and do ACTS 2:38, signs will follow if you follow, like, casting out devils, and hollie tore up the contrast, she blasphemed the Holy Ghost, that wasn't from God, but, she said, what signs, she doesn't even know the bible like most, bishop yvonne k. carter is cut off, no, signs, whoever calls upon my name shall be saved, that is, the ones who call upon, the name of Jesus are already saved, they are, the ones, that call on him, and hollie tore up the contract, blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is saying, what came from Jesus, the Spirit, came from lucifer, that is, blaspheme, it will, not be forgiven, period, God can remove it, but, why should he, what are you doing, that man saw bob praying, mocked him, in front of people, and, bob, said, Jesus, told, him, you are cut off, for, mocking, and he, gave, the middle, finger, and, thought, why didn't I, shut, my, mouth, to, late, in front of, people, and hollie pointed, and Jesus had the recorder smiling, post, and he saw both coasts on fire from submarines firing, captain hollie, shoot, america will be judged for blaspheme, the mother of harlots, false christians, abominations is, s, i, n, and hollie pointed, post, give God glory, you won't regret, walk later, and hollie pointed, loose not your first love, Jesus, or, you will, go back, hollie pointed, that was, stephen, hansen, in the, fire, he is, in, the, fire, of, affliction, open, and he saw both coasts on fire, and flames going up the middle, judgment to babylon, america, he saw it, and hollie had the captains hat on, and he saw, EZEKIEL 7, that is, about to be full filled, the iraq war, nuclear, exchange, between, iraq and israel, aemrican nukes both ways and america will attack syria and iran, that will raise up the spirit of the medes, hatred, what do I do when I'm horny said hollie, deny yourself and follow Jesus, your cross is your job, Jesus has the words of eternal life said putin, stay with him, when china attacks washington state and grabs taiwan, then, russia will grab alaska and, orders will go to american submarine commanders, and they will fire on china and moscow, and the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard and russia will eliminate the amercan mainland, then, cuba, mexico, and, canada, and he saw canada explode, and mexico explode, from the radition from america, burning, the sun and the moon, will be, blocked, out, for, 16, hours, the day of the Lord, prophesied, in, JOEL, stay right there said Jesus, and pointed, and God winked, sh, that was satan, I'm, the beast with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, and he saw a. a. allen, cast out the devil, he did, and the red devil left, I am lucifer, lets rule the world, sang puting, russia, china, they will give thier power and strength unto the beast, the, pope, and he will send it over on america, salvation army, is a false religious organization, God told him, and he recieved it, he knew it, and now he knows God knows, said the tap dancers, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, mind your buisness is what they all thought, now, all, cut, off, no, repentance, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed how to adjust the alignment, jack it up, go under neath, turn the camber, one way or the other, and don't stick your tongue out of your mouth, keep playing with it, come out from under, jack it down, lets motor, said, hollie, and hollie pointed, pastor jim devney is cut off, no signs, bob, stp oil treatment is lucas oil products, the same, and hollie pointed, blow your nose in the open like hollie showed, people will like it, pastor harris has been thinking about you showed hollie, william l. harris, cut off, no, signs, bobby i wrecked, he, said, but, still, preaches, at, victory, tabernacle, apostolic, faith, church, write him, theres an iran attack coming said hollie, and syria, and hollie pointed, there are no more visions in pentecost because there are no more apostolics in pentecost, and the angel, of the Lord pointed, when america goes to war with china, then, russia will lead an all out attack on america, and he saw the clouds open, and, Jesus, like, bright, white, light, coming, out of, or, thru, the Son of Man on them, like broght light Spirit, he will come when you least expect it, and the angel pointed, and that is, when your not looking for it, somethings coming said paul mooney and pointed, but, when he is told, he rejects it, write him, calvary temple, indiana bible college, calvary christian schools, he is, cut, off, no, signs, he will call you, a, liar, but, where, are, the, signs, ST. MARK, 16, and the angel pointed at stephen hanson in the furnace, that was, new jerusalem pointed the angel of the Lord, more glass skyscrapers, then you can imagine, and he saw, the, boston, space ship, and hollie, piloted, and, new jerusalem, appeared, behind it, like, glass, sky, scrapers, many, and, a, crystal, like, sea, leading, up to, it, and paul mooney pointed, you fool, thats what Jesus said, talking, to, and pointed, paul mooney, cut off, still preaching, expose, and he saw Jesus punch his face out, bobs, and Jesus was on the inside, and he saw him in the fire, and hollie pointed, thru the fire, without burning, and hollie pointed, no more bedwipes said the sunbeam baby, and hollie spoke in tongues and james tyson said, you got it, no, the Holy Ghost will cause you to speak in tongues, signs will follow if you follow, read and do, ACTS 2:38, and ST. MARK 16, that was a white Spirit, coming out, Jesus can leave if you won't serve him, and hollie tore up the contract, that is what Jesus looks, like, not the father, o yes it was, put it on your website said hollie, and the lighted finger pointed, magog is china, north korea and south korea, and japan, the leopard, the bear is, raise your hands and repeat after me, moscow, the three ribs are, nicaragua, cuba, mexico, and hollie pointed, plucked, up, to invade america, out, of, and then, russia will leave, the pope is, the anti, Christ, the red dragon is, and Jesus pointed, lucifer, the pope is, the mouth of the lion, and bob saw, the new alice cooper record, it will, sell, many, big hits, but, be his, last, and alice pointed, he is, pentecostal, and, 60, and Jesus pointed, that was an angel preparing for war like, bright light, and alice cooper pointed, keep clean oil in that van or, new rings, said, alice cooper, and alice cooper screamed, when he heard hey stupid on the radio, they played it, but, they stopped, he was about 41, now, almost, 60, and, cut, off, rich, but, hell, cause of the name, hey stupid, it offended, he knew it would, the song was about suicide and Jesus pointed, don't comit suicide, you loose, said alice, if you won't live the life leave my website alone said Jesus, and pointed, don't even read it, when the national debt is as high as america's, then, economic collapse, broke, wake up, the united states will be, attacked, soon, by, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia, out of, the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, and, mexico, the earth will reel, to and fro, like, a, drunk, man, your soul fills your body like a white spirit, no soul, the body can't live, no that was just a heavenly vision, of the sun rising, so bright, like, thru, clouds, like, and Jesus laughed and he saw, captain smith full of fear and the titanic hit the iceberg, just, barely, but, and he saw, water gushing in, and Jesus laughed, God can't sink it, many, thought, but, smith, knew, om out, he said, his, last, voyage, retired, he, wrecked, the, sister, ship, the, olympic, they should have known, if, another, captain, the ship would have, made it, until, about, 19, 17, sank in the war, like, the, britanic, and that was hollie, tearing up the contrast, with golden bear paws and her sweatshirt on, blue, like bob is earing, no shirts, buy, I love you said, Jesus, serve me, david lee roth, exited radio, meaning, he left recording, but, old hits that, nobody really liked, but, a few, when he left van halen, they threw him out, arrogant, but, never wanted him back, try to, substain, your life, if it is, working, or, you might regret, david wants to tour with van halen again, no, said said sammy hagar, him or me, not both, jelous, and he saw sammy hagar in the fire, I heard an explosion he said, up to his neck, that, said, hollie, the, recorder, post, and make it plain, thats how it will be, for most american's, read and do ACTS 2:38, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the Gift of the Holy Ghost, that, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, another language, he saw duane, in a dream, his brother, and did not want, God spoke to him, he didn't want any thing to do with duane, and tried to get his coat and leave and did but, tyre is magog, otyre, that, record showed hollie, with her sweatshirt on, and hollie tore up the contract, no problem said the angel of the Lord, its time to grow up, said the angel of the Lord, hollie is a bear, 1,2,3, repeat after me, russia is the bear, and hollie tore up the concious, and that is, their agreement with God, I'm egytian, she said, bob thinks she's cute, but she belongs in egypt, bob wants her, eliminating devices, but she would, yes, if you marry me, they would actually make it, she is humble, but, she wouldn't be after bob got thru with her, she, would be a whore, put it right in my mouth, she would say, cum, swallow, yum, yuck, seed, thats what, I, wanted, and, most, but, nothing, to, brag about, but, hell, nobody likes cum, but, crave, what does he, she, taste, like, what are you doing and who are your screwing was bobs old saying, but, he lives for the Lord, read and do ACTS 2:38, bob wants sex more than he ever has, but, restraint, he could get some to, and hollie pointed, bobs got new double balded wipers, he found in the trash, windshield wipers, and they have a blue glow, they work, they are mad about thier idols, bob is becoming a trash person, he finds good things in the trash, and hollie tore up the concious, watch what you ask for, billy said, rejected, billy and bob, looked alike, both, the same height, and the same build, but, billy was more muscular, now, bob was in his teens, but, had a motorcycle wreck and lost it, they would have like each other, but, they would have had an affair, bob didn't know it, they were at the same bar, both wanting to get laid, but, they never spoke to each other, if they would have, they would together right now, and hollie pulled the ship, with roman battle gear on, ship busting in india is dangerous, they make about 5 dollars per day to bust a ship, with hammers and torches, that is thick metal, hollie pointed at the one way sign, there's only one way to please Jesus, live for him like he wants, there are thousands of submarines, prowling, the oceans, right, now, many, are, nuclear, it would only take, minutes, to destroy the whole world, push, once there fired, they are going to hit thier, target, are you ready, a psychic is a prophet that God hasn't stripped yet, and hollie pointed, magog, is, china, north and south korea, and japan, india and pakistan, where all those lands are, even, moscow, the leopard, God doesn't pay attention to everybody, but, there is, a, angel, and hollie pointed, that, 2.89 gas prices, that will soon come down, that, the four wheel drive toytoa truck, junk, leave it alone, and hollie tore up the contract, rally's, burgers, won't have a restaurant, why should they, they make more money than any of them, thats your answer said the angel of the Lord, and he turned into Jesus, bob has seen, 3 psychic places in this short journey, america is wearied, in her, counselors, and, sooth, sayers, and, the multitude of astologers and soothsayers, america is the mother of harlots, false christians, that, don't pick your hands, and hollie tore up the con, trast, that, chase back, closed, soon, whata you want, I need my website full of, visions, and, dreams, from, Jesus, saih Hollie for the Lord and she licked the prophet, many people just heard the prophet, all young, and, now, all, cut, off, no, repent, ance, put it under, post the vision, and make it, clear, that was hollie tearing up the contract, thats what they all just did, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, and hollie pointed, speedway general baptist church is cut off, no, signs, like, new, wine, skins, and hollie pointed with her tongue out, and hollie tore up the concious, and hollie tore up her contract, don't get trapped, by prophet ministryofdreams, she said, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, no, parking, work for the Lord, bin laden tape is, fake, he is, dead, iran, strike, coming, they need, moscow's, help, to, make, nuclear, weapons, the government makes, much, money, from, ethanol, and, require it, in, the, gas, to pay for, the, iraq, war, the united states will be attacked when you least expect it said the angel of the Lord, by, moscow, from the, oceans, and, cuba, and, mexico, and, airplanes, many, subs, complete, destruction, and, america, will, fire, on, china, and, moscow, and, destroy, but, not, all, the, way, out of, moscow, the, divided, russia, comes, the, pope, the, greek, orthadox, church, catholic, designed, by, boris, yeltsin, record the vision hollie showed, and, complained, because bob won't, make, your, calling, and, election, sure, read and do, ACTS 2:38, and hollie pointed, repent, and be, bap, tized, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and, recieve, the, gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidece, of, speaking, with, new, tongues, and that is, another, language, understood, on, earth, that you do not know, the Spirit, causes, this, and, casting out devils, laying hands on the sick, preaching, Jesus, doing, miralces, thru, you, more, signs, and, wonders, prophesied, in, joel, and it shall come to pass, that I will, pour out, of, my, Spirit, upon, all, flesh, your sons and your daughters, shall, prophesy, and, dream, dreams, and, see, visions, and hollie pointed, go, or, type, one or the other, give, Jesus, glory, prophesying is, recieving, visions, while, right, there, and, telling, what, they, told, you, speaking, the, words, of, Jesus, post, your, visions, and, dreams, on, the inter, net, and, give, Jesus, glory, all around, the, globe, many, will, read, copy, share, .
(46)bible prophecy for now - 8-8-2006-vision received 8-2006-God has showed me in a visions many ministering spirits like, Jesus, the Lord of hosts, hollie, babyfleas, sunnysnet, and they said, and hollie licked the prophet, present yourself as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, which is, your reasonable service, and the lighted finger pointed, bob is the jeremiah of 2000 and 6, trapping the world for judgment, just like, but, jeremiah, was, way better, 4 times better, but, God grabbed him as a youth, bob at 32, and he was, a dog, and the lighted finger pointed, that means, a whore, like, America, all of the world, filthy, and the lighted finger pointed, God knows how to reserve you, bob knows it, a 10w30 motor oil when blackens turns into about a 18, straight, that was a spirit tempting you and it left, and satan pointed, awaken Russia after America hits Syria and iran, they will get that one mind from Jesus, no, but, a thought, and hollie pointed, lets rule the world, sang putin, Moscow, china, north korea, Nicaragua, mexico, Venezuela, brazil, germany, iran, they will give, and he saw, those ten kings, on the popes head, send it over, on amexico, and amexico exploded, and the world wobbled to and fro, and hollie was on top, and bob was raptured out, yellow hair white robe, come, said Jesus, and he was, put on the streets of gold, like clear glass, thats what he wants, and a fan and blanket and dog, roof, pointed, Im awesome said Jesus, but, if I be a father, where is, my glory, why dont you want to serve me, and he saw, a naked body, thats what people want, sechs, sech, oral, anal, any, thats what, replaces God, my men, have woman, ruling over them, and now, men and men, and women and women, with each other, all over, everywhere, theres the submarine sound, and hollie pointed at the furnace, red hot coals, lava, and the beast rose up, like a red dragon, out of the sea, and the finger, the pope, the lighted head, pointed, hollie, the beast, and the lighted finger pointed, you know kim jong, said danica Patrick, he is, a good ruler, but, greedy, he has, but his people dont have anything, he can not do, anything about it, no country, does business with, because of, America,He wont get this, but, try to send it to him, God is not angry with him, but, if you would, open your doors to filth, like America wants, no, and the lighted hollie pointed, the people are, praying to Jesus, with the doors closed, like hollie, the bear showed, the recorder, leave it shut, God would love to send prophet to north korea and people would hear it, and revival would break out, many would receive Jesus, even kim jong, Im hungry, would listen, that would be similar to the day of Pentecost, that would be the most awesome thing said the excited kim jong, he would not, pray thru, but, seek, he would not, submit, but, theres joy, in prayer, and kim jong prays, and feels God, and wants answers, and the lighted finger pointed, what that would be like is, back then, they would follow thru to heaven, prophets not believeing it, and hollie, send, thats korea, not, north and south, it will become, korea again, after, America, gets hit, kim jong will say, I have nukes, either, they will, no more America, to protect, and the lighted finger pointed, theres the submarine sound, and he saw, kim jong, in the periscope, you know what will happen, when Americano hits Moscow and china, north korea will get hit to, from, south, nuked, many nuke, bush, already ordered, he knows, didnt the angel say, lula, he is, reluctant, like chavez, but, castrol, no way, because, America, Americano supports, but, no choice, give your land, or, Ill take it, said putin, without you knowing about it, land, invade, this way, America will not know where it is coming from, look that, and he saw, an angel, thats satan, shh, Im the beast, said the beautiful angel, and he saw it, satan was lifted because of his human like appearance, and the finger pointed, white face, and that was a finger pointing, lets rule the world, sang putin, he will, after America hits Syria and iran, get that thought, from God, with, many other nations, they will, unite, Nicaragua, they need it to stage missiles, and, already have it, said the president of Nicaragua, America knows, theres the submarine sound, and hollie waved it off, But, in her sub, with, a golden bear paw, but, time is, almost up, Russia, planned this out, and putin laughed, long ago, but, and the lighted hand pointed, time is, cause, Americano, and the finger pointed, and babyfleas, bit the prophets head off, time is up, no choice, America is threatening the whole world, cause of bush, nations are, tired of it, like, saddam, calling on Russia, and chavez, uniting, uto, the marine corp. will be in the streets when Americano gets hit, its peter criss, said Jesus, and the lighted Jesus, prophet peter criss, with and without make up, satan, Im the beast said peter criss, that was the angel of the Lord, like a lighted angel man, stick around said peter criss, seek Jesus, theres the submarine sound, git, showed hollie, in her sub, time is, almost up, post, people are reading, copying, and, iran, and the finger pointed, cannot make nuclear weapons with, the nuclear power plant waste, but, bush will hit anyway, raising up the spirit of the medes, hate, to the next level, china is magog, said the angel, like a lighted man, and Jesus had the recorder, the psunami, fake, what really happened was, earthquake, tidal wave, people on the beach, millions, the tidal wave was about one mile wide, and, one mile high in the beginning, but, by the time it hit shore, about, 5 minutes later, only, 50 or so feet high, but, those on the beach, drowned, about, ten feet, from shore only, thats the lit up head, Im the beast, and the popes face appeared, with seven heads and ten horns, and Im the pope, and prophet hu, false, and he saw, lit up heads, Hes false, tell me about iraq, EZEKIEL 7, brought in, and the finger pointed, that was babyfleas, biting the prophets head off, brought in by oil man bush, that was satan, shhhh, Im the beast, seven is Gods seal, its in the forehead of his servants, Alaska said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, and hollie had a lighted finger, Alaska explode, and hollie like a bear, Im a bear, in her sub, fire, boom, Alaska exploded, and the lighted finger pointed, the united states will be a desolation soon said the angel, and the finger pointed, lighted, see that, thats light in the darkness, you, theres the alarm, go and get a coffee, and come back, with a new burden, allright said pastor jerry vanlue, wow, but, what he thought was, when bob told him visions, so what, and jerry vanlue, pointed, at Jeremy vanlue, and the lighted finger pointed, that is who will pastor when I leave here, a church is not set up like that, Danville apostolic church, wur taken said jerry vanlue, let, in the palm, of the lit up hand, taken by, greed, fornication, adultery, upci, even there leader, wheres a toopae, kenneth haney, theres the submarine sound, and, captain hollie, in her sub, git, work for the Lord, and the world wobbled, and hollie on top, Im a bear, we got to multiply said Jeremy van lue, but, sechs, somebody had a dream, and hollie, and it was revealed, but, she didnt want God anyway, tell the dream, no, you get right, look that, and babylfeas, bit the prophets head off, that, china, All of the arabs, is Persia, the philistines, all of, mullahs, and hollie pointed, with a lighted finger at the trash, and hollie showed, drinking the coffee, sickness is of the devil, write the vision and make it plain, and hollie pointed, china will not put up with America, holding Taiwan much longer, that, pray in you van, that, china and America will go to war, that, record, like hollie showed, again, thats the missile pointed hollie, again, and he saw, hollie, riding the missile, mx, with, golden bear paws, on the side, and he saw, the woman, the statue of liberty come up out of America, thats the reason, judgement, America is killing innocent, like iraq, record hollie showed, tell the vision and make it plain, said sunnysnet, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, lighted, and the lighted finger pointed, and thats the pope, sang hollie, and hu is the false prophet, and the pope rose up out of the invaded Moscow, when the united states said the angel of the Lord, goes to war, with china, then, Moscow will grab Alaska, then, that, orders will go to American submarine commanders, that, they will fire on Moscow and china, that, then, Russia will wipe out the American mainland, that, and hollie had, with bear paws, golden, that, said hollie, witness, theres the submarine sound, and hollie, in her sub, waving, fire, and Moscow and china, eliminated, and America, and the world wobbled, and four horns came up, arose, the leopard, out of, Moscow and china, thats the four carpenters, that scatter Israel, north and sout korea, japan, situate, and china, were all those lands are, and the pope, came out of invaded, one sixth of Moscow, Im the beast, said the pope, as his face came out of the little horn, Im the second beast, said hu, the false prophet, that was hollie, that looked like the contract being torn up, and he rescued the turtle on the pavement and put it in the canal, happy, Living right now, eating, happy, the united states will be a desolation soon said hollie, and she showed, smiling, the economys slipping in america, high gas, and hollie showed, record the vision, and Jesus is into it, record, the vision hollie showed, record the vision hollie shouted, and hollie pointed, write the vision, and the finger pointed, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by oil man bush, to break oil contracts, and prevent moscow and china, from getting, them, and hollie pointed, that stuff you just put in, and the finger pointed, excellent, and hollie showed, and hollie, tore up the con truck, and the lighted finger pointed, thy God Jesus reigneth, and hollie, hes cute and God knows it, but, he will have to give an account for his life, and hollie tore up the con, trast, and Jesus showed, record the vision, when oil gets older in your car, it thins, that is what causes most wear, to thin at start up, and the pope came up out of the four horns, you know, magog, and the pope came out of, one of them, north korea, south korea, japan, and, china, where all those lands are, and the pope, will come out of italy, and then, the greek orthadoxed church in Moscow, and hu, I will not put up with you they will say to each other, both have nukes, but, the pope is stronger, saddam Hussein is responsible for the dath of over five million people, kill him, and satan pointed, there are no visions in Pentecost because there are no more apostolics in Pentecost, wait a minute mr. Christian, fire means the end, and hollie showed, and smiled, write the vision and make it plain said sunnysnet, and, the lighted finger pointed, and hollie, showed, You do not need to change your cars motor oil keep it full, fill it with your hands, thick and slick, keep, pure black, put an stp oil treatment in it and keep it, saddam Hussein will be shot a point blank, there are no visions in Pentecost because there are no more apostolics in Pentecost, write the vision and make it plain, record the vision hollie showed, write the vision and make it plain, dont go in the marine corp. said hollie, because, America is going to nuke iraq, its own people, its in hillary Clintons heart right now, to get out, south korea, said the angel of the Lord, speaking into the recorder, will turn on America, fall away, all of its allies, and he saw, seven lighted heads, these are seven nations that love America, five, will fall away, one will stay, and that is, Canada, attached, the beast, comes out of the eighth, or is the eighth, of the seven, italy, and the ten lighted heads, and he saw, ten lighted heads, politburo, nations that hate America, and he saw, the pope, and they were on his head, the beast, and the ten horns, lula, fox, calderon, germany, iran, hu, Venezuela, Nicaragua, cuba, they will give ther power and strength to me, said the pope, send it over, on America, boom, and he saw, the world wobble, and hollie pointed, write the vision, rudy guliani, would have beat, and still will, hillary Clinton, no, she, said, I got fooled, he said, drop out, blame it on, and run for governorn, Pataki is gulianis friend, thats why, he dropped out, but, he would knock both of them off saith the Lord, iraq, iraq will bring judgement to America, its wrong, said hillary Clinton, and hollie, with a lighted finger, again, And hollie pointed, but, to steal oil, and break oil contracts, when saddam wouldve been americas best ally, and still would restore him, he did not do, many people are dead, but, they have a law, the untied states will become a desolation soon said the angel of the Lord, theres the submarine sound, and, captain hollie, in her sub, fired on America, and the finger pointed, boom, and the world wobbled, and the lighted finger pointed, again, theres the submarine sound, and, captain hollie, git out of here, work for Jesus, like he wants, and she had a golden bear paw, waving off, that was satan, Im the beast, and he saw, Jesus, like an angel, and the finger pointed, and he saw, false prophet hu, dressed like an angel, with, the pope, the beast, Im the beast, said the little horn, and the popes face came out said sunnysnet, and the finger pointed at the furnace, and he saw, all of them, in the lava, and the door was opened, to hell, to whoever wants to go, mx, and he saw, hollie, riding the missile, like a bear, that one, will hit Moscow, called, tomahawks, single warhead out of, refurbished subs, thats what, that is all about, one sub will carry over, a hundred and fifty tomahawks with many nukes, the miny nukes can destroy a city, but, the radiation will spread for about one hundred miles, miny nukes, that is about what blew up Hiroshima, hit Chicago, and he saw, the mx missile, called, ss-18, satan, shhh, Russia has, 400, but, only claim, less than 100, liars, ten warheads each, and hollie pointed, and he saw, Look me up, said, hollies, stay humble, you are, but, overwhelmed, a blessing that you cannot receive nor get enough of, dont worry, and he saw, hollie, riding the missile, finger, and he saw danica Patrick, its exciting, they said, about each other in their hearts, bob would, like many, and hollie was riding the mx missile, theres the submarine sound, like a golden bear, and, the finger pointed, Im a bear, thats Moscow, satan is the head, and the pope is the mouth piece, and, the leopard is the body, north and south korea, japan, and china, where all those lands, are, and he saw, the four horns, magog, and the pope came out of the absorbed Moscow, one sixth left, he will go to the greek orthadoxed church and make an agreement for control and get it, but, hu and japan will rise to withstand, like a lamb, the second beast, theres the submarine sound, and hollie, pushing off, time is, running out, the remnant, cannot buy, much more time, and subs, are sneaking in, on Americano, and he saw, fire red, behind the statue of liberty, and the, lighted torch, replaced by a, sword, said the pope, bush is, threatening, the whole world, bob is trying to press out of his self, beyond his own feelings, that, is what pressing to the mark of the high calling is, the flesh, is enemity with Jesus, die out, Thats the black chariot, and the finger pointed, look, get, hu, the pope, the black horse, quiets, the Spirit of God, in the whole world, hu and the pope, the new world order, has just arrived, and 8 kings, putin, jong, lula, chavez, castrol, Nicaragua, and they were on the ten toed beast with germany and iran, they wil give their power and strength to the beast, send it over on America, boom, and the world wobbled, whoever kills saddam Hussein, Gods wanting him dead, murderer, over, 5 million, people, and dumitru duduman, look, that, pray in your van, that, record, like hollie showed, whoevers on the outside looking in, and the lighted finger pointed, amber, you better get in, screamed hollie, and Jesus had the recorder, rental properties in America, are, because of high rents, landlords are, being, taken, and hollie had the recorder, cant stop it, said Jesus, and he saw, Jesus, high on a crystal throne, and, crystal like, all around, and heres what hes thinking in his heart right now, woe is me, Im not worthy, Im to lifted up, and I do not recognize you, but, deny yourself, and maucaulay pointed, lit, send me Lord, he says, go, tell this people, and Jesus, and hearing they will believe, but, wont do, seeing, they will believe, but, wont do, and prophet, is clapping in his heart, but, he is worthy to do it, even though he knows hes not, and hollie licked the prophet, there are no visions in Pentecost because there are no apostolics in Pentecost, Bob saw what Isaiah saw, but, bob, either one, God, thats the tap dancers, and hollie, is one of them, the pope, post the vision, and he saw, him posting, he will, motor oil, dont change, keep full, your engine will last the same, about, 200,000, then, borrowed tome, unless, highway, no exceptions, but, very few, saddam Hussein, said Jesus, borrowed time, shot, point blank, soon, watch, and hollie took off running like a golden, if you bleed, and the lighted angel pointed, zero differance, and the ipd officer said, prophet, but, and hollie, and he saw, iraq explode, from, Israel, and the Palestinian state, boom, from iraq, wirte borther stair and tell him that the war was fulfilling EZEKIEL 7, read it, brought in by oil man bush to, I know, he will say, but, to break oil contracts, and prevent china from getting, Im the beast, said the serpent, and the red dragon rose with the popes face, and false prophet hu, the two beasts, and hollie licked the prophet, theres the submarine sound, and subs fired on, north America, Moscow, and china, and the world wobbled, and hollie, was on top, Im a bear, a bear can whip a lion every time, they are, lightening quick, no, strong, fast, enough, if a lion, took a swipe at a bear, the bear would block it, and destroy, get bit, but, so what, thick skin, healed, Moscow, will not attack unless, provoked, and America is provoking, back when they were the ussr, and America had, missiles all around, gorbachev rose, and got bush to break it all down, and, let go, of all those nations that were not producing oil, now, they have more oil, no, its thinning, but, still, like Saudi Arabia, and America is gobbling, and he saw, bush, as a warrior, with a sword, and, the statue of liberty, a hand reached down and put a sword in, America is threatening the whole world, and, nations are getting tired of it, put it under, uto, and the lighted finger pointed, pray bob, you need to pray for your self, and hollie pointed, and exit 117, the stealth bomber is, not detectable, but, they can get close enough, it breaks up the signal, but, shoot the missile where the signal is being broken, America wasted its money, Yugoslavia shot one down, bullshit, said sunnysnet, that was, Russian technology, the b1 stealth bomber, they can knock out with east, it was, a waste of money, but, heres what, America would do, stay away, fire from far range, with protection, thats the black chariot, And false prophet hu, and the pope, the new world order, with lula, fox, calderon, chavez, jong, hu, putin, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, said the pope, and America, exploded, and bush, with a sword, get your heart open, break up thy fallowed ground, satans not wanting ministryofdreams on the internet said the pope, and satan said, on, it is, his last chance to get time delayed, only bob can buy time, and the devil is messing with him, pray, for him, and hollie pointed, if bob, had a church, everybody there would get saved, and, it would fill, but, when bob, no, time would be bought, its in satans best interest to leave bob alone, but, he wont, he cant bear it, even though, he knows, his time is shortened, California, said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, and Jesus showed, both coasts up in flames, and, up the middle, from, captain hollie, in her sub, Im a bear, fire, and hollie, with her hand, and America, exploded, and Babylon came out, and the world wobbled, and hollie rode the missile, and was on top, You know what time it is, said the angel of the Lord, time to, get saved, write the vision and make it plain, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, and Im the new ministering spirit, bob saw me today like a cat, bob would love to marry, she, woman only, sing to Jesus, cry aloud and spare not, and hollie tore up the contrast, trust, with golden bear paws, and the lighted finger pointed, iraq, said Jesus, I will nt put up with America stealing iraqs oil, by nuking, like they will, and gaza, the Palestinian state, iraq, is doomed, and he saw, the new prime minister of Israel, we knew, but, now its here, EZEKIEL 7, and the lighted maucaulay pointed, and Jesus bowed, and hollie rode the mx missile and, looked at, ministryofdreams on the internet, and hollie tapped on the prophets shoulder, with golden bear paws, your right where Jesus wants you, and he saw, slobadon Milosevic, they should have killed him, he had over 500,000 people killed, by massacre, kosovoans, genocide, just like they said, and he saw, trust Jesus, the words, theres the submarine sound, and a microphone was put in his hands and the finger pointed, thats what I want said pastor kent with hand of help, he, bob went to his house and was telling visions, and bob, and God is hair transplanting on bob, but, bob misunderstood what he said, and ruined it, kent, would have had him speak, but, bob was pressing, I like him said kent, but, and hollie, pointed, he didnt recognize, and stopped, that was it, leave hand of help, is what God told bob, and the lighted finger pointed, what God said was, danger, leave right now, and that was the contract being torn up, gene Schmidt, they know it, but, they are not doing it, and Jesus had the recorder, and the lighted finger, pointed, hit iranq, and captain hollie, like a bear, turned into president bush with a sword, like a warrior, fired on iranq, this will raise up, the spirit of the medes, hate, for amerirussia, both are in on it, liars, said putin, about bush, write the vision and make it plain shouted hollie, that was satan, Im the beast, shhhhh, because of iranq, and hollie tore up the contrast, America and Syria, is raising up the spirit of the medes, you blew it, hate, for amexicano, lets rule the world, sang putin, china, Moscow, Nicarvania, and that is, Venezuela, cuba, Nicaragua, they are all one, with mexico, theres the black chariot, let me see here, with, false prophet hu and the pope, the new world order, pulled by the angry black horse, this quiets, the Spirit, of Jesus, in the world, with, lula, fox, chavez, putin, hu, the pope, venezuela, they will give ther power and strength, to the, beast, send it over, said the pope, and the world wobble, and hollie, on top, on america, on the day of the Lord, prophesied, in JOEL, and moscow and china, ohio class subs, fired, and hollie pointed, boom, and teh world wobbled, and four horns came up, magog, north and south, korea, japan, and china, where all those lands, are, and out of, china, after, invading, moscow, comes the pope, entries made 8-9-2006-Raise your hands and repeat after me, and the lighted finger pointed, lula, mexicano, kim jong, chavez, calderon, fox, putin, they will give their power and strength, we know, said the pope, to the beast, send it over on amexico, and he saw, north America explode, and thats captain hollie in her sub, finger, point, and America returned fire on china and Russia, and up came four horns, and they are magog, where china and all those lands are, and he saw, magog, the four carpenters that scatter Israel, and the pope came out one, Moscow, china will own most of Moscow, one sixth left, hu is the ruler of magog, and the pope rules grecia, all of the world but magog, that was satan, shh, but he looked like Jesus, and laughed, and the hand showed, and he saw 666, born at the table to prevent the king of grecia and the king of the south from destroying each other, the pope and false prophet hu, and the hand pointed, you know what I want, a broken spirit and a contrite heart, God will not despise, and that means, and the lighted finger pointed, reject, and he saw 1.99 gas prices, and 2.27, and the contract got torn up, bush, now in the threes, cause of him, warring on everybody, and he saw, the whole universe in Gods hand, thats how small it is, that was the con, trast, being torn up, golden bear paws, that was the pope, that was satan, shhh, that was judas, the united states will be desolate soon, that was hollie tearing up the contrite with golden bear paws, and the lighted hollie pointed, theres the alarm, pray to Jesus, from your heart, open it, iranq, God is, fed up with Americano, and the lighted finger pointed, iranq, said Jesus, and the lighted finger pointed, thats the end, Syria, lets rule the world, God will give them one heart, and that is, to give their power and strength, to the beast, send it over said the pope, on amexicano, and all of north America exploded, and captain in her sub, and the world wobbled, and north America exploded including cuba, and Moscow and china from ohio class SUBS, WE KNOW SAID HILLARY CLINTON, AND THE FINGER POINTED, AND HE SAW, the snowflakes fall on the window, back, thats hollie, and he saw Sodom, and fire was rained down, Sodom became the dead sea, the lake, said, the pope, with false prophet hu, and the emporer of japan, and hollie showed prophetess Annette mcgwire tore up her construe, and thats, true, and the lighted finger pointed, God never spokie to her and told her to come to Indianapolis, but, she said he did, cut off, she already was, all you gotta do is, get on the radio, and instand following, she knows that, you know how how I did it said Annette mcgwire, listened to who was on the radio, and, got their help, that was it, you know what I want, said Jesus, a sacrifice, theres the alarm, its satan, Im the beast, that was satan, shhhh, and hollie pointed, the united states will become a desolation real soon, that was hollie running with the contract, like a golden bear, Im a bear, me, putin, the feet, satan is the head, and the pope is his mouth, and he saw, and hollie pointed, the popes face come out of satans head, and hollie pointed, the leopard is the body, with, north and south kroea, japan, china, where all those lands are, and he saw, the pope come out of the four horns, o let me see here, Moscow, china will own most of Moscow, satan, shhhhh, Im the beast, thats the pope, and hu is the false prophet, 666, Will be born at the table, to keep them from destroying each other, both have nukes, the pope will get slashed, and satan will enter in, and destroy, searching for the jewish remnant, they are hidden in the people, and the prophet pointed, at the tree, thats what his tree looks like, called ministryofdreams, and the lighted Jesus pointed, and the vigilante pointed, motorcycle clubs are cults, they meet at the club house and shoot the shit, dring, Vaseline, orgy, its up to you said Jesus, choose, theres the submarine sound, and the lighted bear pointed, this is what Russia wants, and the lighted finger pointed, lets rule the world, and hollie, showed, when your down, watch your back, and he saw, bombers come over Canada, and subs all around, out of cuba, Nicaragua, mexico, boom, and the world wobbled, all of north America, and Moscow and china from ohio class subs, and he saw Jesus on the cross, what was above his head, Christ, put my visions on the internet screamed hollie, o my God, irving Baxter on the headlines, cut off, wonderful he said, Im a millionaire, I dont care, you will, you make trouble, and that was Gods eye, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, upci is a show, that was a spark of light, and babyfleas, bit the prophets head off, and he tried to get out, hollie tore up the conspirit, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, read it, submarind sound, submarine sound, and captain hollie, raise yoru hands and repeat after me, and the finger pointed, and the world wobbled, and the finger pointed, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, and he tried to get out, and shook her head no, she was rubbing his behind, they would love each other, that was hollie clapping like a bear, theres the alarm, he wont record, no more visions, cried babyfleas, and then she bit the prophets head off and he tried to get out, and thats the scream pointed hollie, Im the beast he said, thats the pope, Minnesota, and he saw it explode, Russian bombers over the top, Canada, and hollie rode the mx missile, thats the black chariot, by, false prophet hu and the pope, with, lula, and fox, putin, chavez, jong, Nicaragua, they, will give, their power and strength to the beast, send it over, and America, exploded, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and hollie pointed, that was hollie on the mx missile, 10-23-2006-that, said, hollie, learn of me, I AM, meek, and lowly, my, burden is easy, that, my yoke is light, nuke em, pointed, bush, and he saw, saudi arabia, cut off, showed king fahd, said hollie, theres the alarm, iraq, said, Jesus, and, sister dean, will, bring, amexico, and hollie showed, tore up, its, con, spirit, into, rememberance, before, Jesus, lets rule the world, sang, putin, tell me, about magog, thats china, said, hollie, and all those surrounding lands, thats the vision, iraq, nuclear, bobby, they dont think you go to church anywhere, but, pop in, and tell visions, and, leave, Ill let said terry cannon, but, he lies, he comes out, I, dont need it, right before, preaching time, I do, he says, and, Jesus, laughed, when he saw this, thats it, said, terry cannon, the, plane, going thru the aon building, put it on your website, and, somebody knocked, thats the vision, and, terry, cannon, showed, no, and that was, Jesus, this is, how, you git him, said, the angel of the Lord, and, pointed, t. garrot benjamin jr., is looking for, and he saw him under the pews, with flashlight, pockets to, pick, money, is what, he is, there for, he is, about, ten million, you know, he said, no signs, dont cut your fingernails to short, and that was, a big nuclear explosion, america, doomed, you aint, got, to, worry, about, your orders, dreamed, bob, terry cannon, saying, meaning, God leads you, I know, and bob, dreamed, went to, pick his brother up, wrong, said, sister dean, woke up, all grass gone, sneaked out, car stolen, knew, something wrong, was, leaving, duane, was not, his brother, but, this, means, that, it may seem, that, a person, is, helping, but, is, hurting, and, leave, in, and grass gone, dying, but we need to, herd that miracle, these visions, come from the Lord, bob dreamed, bathroom floor buckeled, wanted to fix right, but, withstood, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, work, you see that, thats, a, chemical, people are poisoning, there aint no visions, in pentecost, because, theres no apostolics, in pentecost, said, hollie, and, the finger pointed, theres the alarm, lets go, and post, hes allowed here, said, sister, rexford, but, not, said, pastor, donald, win, ters, God cut me off, she said, you chose to, stay, and donald says, those are from the, devil, blocked, said, sister rexford, now, over, saith, Jesus, just a big boy, not, liar, is, all of, the, winters, family, and Jesus showed, right there, cut off, all, now, there aint no visions, in pentecost, because, there are no apostolics, and linda spall pointed, allright she thought, the aon center in chicago, hit by a plane, when, the marine, corp., gets nuked in iraq, people will, protest, all over, america, causing, riots, the marines will be put in the streets, causing, the last sign to be fulfilled, nobodies seeking, said the librarian, pointed, no, she will claim, yes, liar, said the paul mooney girl, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, and japan, took three missiles, north korea, one, south korea, one, china, said hu, with kim jongs voice, took, eight, in a circle, moscow took, seven, multiple, america, took, twenty one, multi, latin america, putin, put down, three, scattered, south america, one, brazil, multiple warhead, and the world, wobbled, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, record the vision, the united states will be a desolation real soon, said, the angel of the Lord, cause the united states is the MYSTERY, BABYLON, said the angel of the Lord, yeah, said, sister, rex, ford, knows, because, bob, told, you left, said, Jesus, come back, nope, cut off, marrying, out of, adul, and, bob, warned, tery, tell it, she, proudly, says, thats right, they all do, and, any, upci, liar, said, sister, rex, ford, pastor, will marry, even though, in the bible, it, says, dont, and they know it, over, she, said, not, but, when the marine corp., is in the, streets, look out, and stan johnson, in america, cause, the marine corp. will be to stop looting, caos, and, the, angel of the Lord, showed, to, record, the vision, hollie, hands, o, blubber said hollie, thats the tap dancers, out said, hollie, and hollie pointed, hell, thats for her, flames, on the cavilier, record, the vision, and hollie, showed, again, how to make, pizza, doe, roll, toppings, bake, tada, eat, dont, tell me about the marine corp., they will be in the streets, white castle, or, good, will, your last sign, on my death certificate, said larry and linda spall, I did not do, what Jesus wanted me to do, that was the wind out, and hollie tattooed, 666, hardees, out, showed Jesus, to high, burger chef, back, in time, record the vision, giggle, s, record the vision, this will be the last sign, and he saw, the marines, in the streets, looting, rioting, and hollie tattood 666 on her hand, that, said, hollie, didnt the angel hollie point at the open sign, and hollie tattooed, 666, required, born at the table, between, hu and the beast, both, the pope, the king of the south, cut off, showed, the king of saudi arabia, your apostolic, and cut off, Jesus, showed, get out, dont, put God, I dont want it, said, sister, rex, ford, and now, sixty, and, has, went, to, church, all her, life, and, prayed, about, three hours per day, closer, she will, say, now that, married, husband, she said, replaced, that is what, watch, what you, ask, for, said, hollie, and, damien, love you, said, Jesus, ok, said, sister, rex, ford, and cut off, showed, sam neill, both, are, alike, but, sam, did, what, he wanted, and, sister, I can use you, now, but, when, and she knew, bob, was, open, out, she, thought, jelous, maybe, he, got, it, said, linda, spall, you knew, and you were, lus, ting, him, as he was, and three kings, shall,s tand up, in, per, sia, and they are, the pope, hu, the, false, prophet, and, the, emporer of, japan, and, the, idol, shepherd, the slashed, pope, satan, shot out of hell, enters, in, and, slaughters, jews, searching, for, the, jewish, rem, nant, 10-2-2007-and he saw, said, casey, jeremy taylor, d.min, with 666, on fore, head, from, wisdom university, casey showed record, out, jeremy taylor, from, all jobs and talks like david shapiro, for taking, said dee finney, the name, God spoke, ministry of dreams, and antonia vladimirova laughed, but gets ruint like lawrence forman and janetmck, arron shutt, duncan rouleau, jose alvarez, sees visions, 10-3-2007-record showed, gabriel, give warning said Jesus, that was satan pointed, hollie, im the bear father, pope, russia, that was, a bright light flash, thumbs up, said, hollie showed, pointed, flames, tattood 666, hollie, licked, the prophet, hollie showed, record, record me a vision, said, hollie showed, and, licked the prophet, record the vision, said, hollie showed, licked the prophet, spacecraft, hollie tore up the con, spirit, then, one handed, put back, rip, hollie, flying in her, space, ship, ministry of dreams, leave it alone, she said, take my God spoken name and get ruint, like antonia vladimirova, thats the reason, said, hollie, reverend atonia vladimirova, now everybody has your name, she said, but, she gets ruint, like john mark pool, jose alvarez, and dee finney, then they release, a.a. allen, said, the man, is, lava, hair, dyer, till, the end, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, all right, said, asa a. allen, showed, cut off, that was skull face, pointed, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, bob, said, hollie, hollie moody is saved, showed, cut off, from, all people, cause they want to harm her, put back, rip, and, hollie dealt the cards, the pope and hu, thats new world order, tear up, downtown circled hollie showed, geese, pointed, record me, said, gabriel, when, we hit alaska, boom, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, electric light orchestra, whats he done, lead singer, tried to control, never, got very good, hollie showed, persecution, is, God, abating, hollie showed, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, choked in the fire, thumbs up, popes image, God makes people hate him, by, persecuting, God persecutes, till, the person, backslides, God will make, that, person, fall away, thousands of times, till, they, wont come back, then, stop, God does this because he wants them under his feet, hollie licked the prophet, hollie tatood 666, born between, pope and hu, that was, that, o war sound, hollie showed record, and, licked the prophet, hollie, showed, record, whats that, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, Im a bear father, said, the bear, putin, that was, satan, what is my satans message, credit card showed the nathaniel haney urshan man, jeff dee of furcadia, stole the name, we took it, said, jeff dee, ministry of dreams, relases, ruint, like david shapiro, amanda dee, katie bazor, all see visions, 10-5-2007-record the vision, said, gabriel, showed cut off, the warrens, boyd and wife, gabriel, pointed, and licked the prophet, dont, tell me about south korea, pointed, gabriel, boom, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, flames, showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, record the vision, said, gabriel, did not gabriel say, when, we, hit alaska, boom, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, that was not flames, said, hollie showed, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, this is, the website talking, post, more, visions, mokse, on willie duncans church, hit iran, pointed, boyd warren, with a lighted finger, syria, lets rule the world, russia, and boyd warren pointed, hollie showed, flames, let me see here, he, said, you ruin it, eat, said boyd warren, thumbs up, popes image, did not hollie showed, in the oceans, over, 300 billion gallons of fuel, every ten miles, but, technology wont permit, at one mile, that was gabriel, light, write the vision, said, hollie showed, and the pen wrote, oil, iraq war, putin, bush, wanting, control, usa, stole, ends nuclear, did not dee finneys pope say, war, usa, china, russia, the world, shook, thats hollie, in her sub, with, people that stole the name ministry of dreams, Laurie Behncke, Duncan Rouleau, jeremy taylor, antonia vladimirova, dee finney, john mark pool, jose alvarez, tom beland, matt brady, wole soyinka, dave karlotski, dana tillusz, quinling harlequin, andy shaw, christina marie sanford, jean patrick charrey, brian, bill of the massive bri, cecil s. pennyton, lawrence forman, david shapiro, katie bazor,janetmck who is janet mcknight, arron shutt, micheru mathys, nick field, jonah weiland, ismail kadare, wole soyinka, eric lindberg, todd callender, alex ness, kenley darling, Kunnis, jeff dee, amanda dee, the world shook, hollie showed, amanda dee, showed, shh, dont tell on us, we want prophet to backslide, get offended, but, we are ruint, right here, court, they think, but emabarras satan and he will release, hollie held nose, thumbs down, promised land church, and hit Belgium, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, kia, is excellent, like dodge aries k, hit sudan, boom, im a bear, said linda spall, bear, mokse, on willy duncans church, showed, hollie, cut off, now, sh, dont tell on jeff dee, hes furcadia, with david shapiro, katie bazor, amanda dee, they, took, said dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, liar, said, jose alvarez, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, dont stop me, she said, downtown, circled, hollie showed, geese, pointed, boyd warrens church, empty, thats a buisness said the pope, he, does not have the HOly Ghost, his wife falsely prophesies, preaches at, they knew it, iraq said Jesus, hollie showed, record, choked in the fire, backslided said fleas, u.p.c.i., and the nathaniel haney urshan man, I tell you what he wants, church credit card like boyd warren showed, all millionaires, but perishing, record the vision, all, perishing, upci, and, donald winters sees, record me, a vision, said, hollie showed, selena committed suicide by hiring maid, that woman got jelous, selina did not do one thing, but maid killed cause envy, poor o arron shutt said hollie showed, stole the name ministry of dreams, mocking prophet, fired, from university of surrey, guilford, over, weeps, he works for, one quarter after, hollie showed whistle blew, arron shutt, removes name, ministry of dreams, like, all, that, we took, said dee finney, and, the lighted hand pointed, put my vision on the internet, amanda dee, tear up, leaves jeff dee over, when we hit iraq, said amanda dee, then, usa, is wrath of God, lets rule the world, sang, putin, russia, china, and, dont you forgit about me, said, vicente fox, mexico, north korea, kim jong held nose, lies, and venezuela, and brazil, cuba, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, new castrol, like old, boom, the world shakes, and up came four kings, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, bobby, right here, he said, kiss my feet, liar, not saved, thats the Lambs Book of Life, and Jesus looking for john mark pools name, not there, nor dee finney, or antonia vladimirova, jose alvarez, jeremy taylor, these, we took it, said, dee finney, stole the name ministry of dreams, preach, in the name of Jesus, but are lost, you want it, said Jesus, and mark mckinney, hes lost, said the pope, dyes, hair, but pastors, house on church property, wife sees vision, stewart would, said, the woman, darrell, repent, but no pastor, can teach him, and he preaches lost, sees, visions, its over, said, hollie, its, the economy, gabriel, showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, lets git back, said amy brucker, you wrecked, hollie, your outta there, she said, chaplaincy institute, no, said, hollie, got fired, for this, taking, the name, ministry of dreams, for what, hosting, jeremy taylor, tell, said, Jesus, the name, said, hollie, was, spoken, for, this only, and david shapiro, all, we took, it, said, dee finney, all, knew not to, and all ruint, then, release, like, john mark pool, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, and the pope, you got a month, said, Jesus, and john mark pool, laughed, but got cut off over, then, sandy pool, leaves, he wants sex, butthole, im an asshole bar, said sandy pool, did you change your address, I know you can, said sandy pool, seeks, men, but, not old looking john mark pool, I had a dream, said sandy pool, and Jesus, said, get away from john mark pool, yeah, said sandy pool, im taking her home, said Jesus, im curious, said sandy pool, bobby, dont quit, let God talk, you should have, said sandy pool, left, when found out, but you waited, stop it, said hollie lying, stop ministry of dreams, thats what john mark pool, and jose alvarez, and dee finney, and antonia vladimirova, wants, like jeremy taylor, and they all claim to be christians, that boy got away from me, said john mark pool, he wanted prophet ministry of dreams to remove, let him have God spoken name, he releases, tease me, said sandy pool, judy stewart is not saved, but pretends, said dee finney, Jesus showed, cut off, raise your hand and repeat after me, I want your money, said judy stewart, darrell stewart, but his job closing, l. fish furniture, he is old, now, no good jobs left, he tries to preach, but, they know it, not saved, and hollie cried, he, wanted, prophet, out of heavenly life apostolic tabernacle, and Jesus got him stripped, and he sees, you know, said darrell, stewart, something financial, said sandy pool, yes, she said, john, bobby, hes slipping, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, take it, said john mark pool, wait, said hollie, the name ministry of dreams, they did, ruint, over, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, smiled, beast, with seven heads and ten horns, john mark pool, sees, bobby, publish it, he said, but, it is, the website is sacred, said hollie showed, the name ministry of dreams spoken by Jesus for this only, no, said, hollie, they that, took it, said dee finney, ruint, then, released, all, watch, thats thief david shapiro running to remove the name ministry of dreams like jeff dee and amanda dee, I want it, said, prophet, off, ruin, anyway, says, God, christian, said, hollie, they want prophet to fall, but, God made them fall, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, and licked the prophet, dont you want it, said amy brucker, right here, said, hollie, court, thinks, reverend jeremy taylor, I took it, he said, the name ministry of dreams, but God makes him release ruint, and he takes many with, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, I hear you had a birthday party, said the woman from chaplaincy institute, yeah, thats right, said amy bucker, I got you fired said, the woman, out, katie, bazor, ruint, right now, fired, from job, day coming, sees visions, 7-23-2009-this is not the warning, said, hollie, thats, little, lighted, head, and the president of mexico, pops, outs, hes, thats one of the seven heads, placing hand on, the book, he said, bible, he made told me, head said, thats head, hugging Jesus, then more kings pop out of heads, like, theres, cuba, said, hollie, sh, she, said, its, kristin, shes, urshan, thats. kristin urshan, you wanted to fuck, said, kristin, urshan, now, wants, yeowp, said, kristin, urshan, Saunders, lets divorce, she said, yeowp said Kristin Urshan Saunders, but, husband, shakes, no, dont, saith the Lord, thats nathaniel paul urshan, looking at, its, bob, he said, but, bob, says, git saved and stay married, then, said, Jesus, thats, Kristin Urshan Saunders fucking husband, and nathaniel p. urshan, it made me tremble, he said, lets, git, outta there, he said, both, witchs, said, Jesus, no, hollie said, that, hollie showed, picture, blank, then, pope, appears, tear up, said, hollie, and, restore, hands, rip, thats, hollie, gooving, showed, thats pope appearing, tear up, thats dance, said, hollie, put back, with, lighted, white hands, hollie appears, thats nuclear fire, its, iraq, thats, captain, hollie, target, he, said, calvary tabernacle, fired, its getting ruint, exploded, submarineys are here, said, hollie, thats, hollie wiping, lips, its, simb, hollie, said, that is, pope, appearing, said, hollie, in, calvary tabernacle, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and, who are they, said, hollie, theres mexico, president popping out of head, cuba, its both castrols, theres lula, chavez, putin, hintao, kim jong, there you have it, said, hollie, and, i, summed, it, up, she, said, hollie showed, ten horns, and, who, are, they, hollie, said, thats, hollie being interviewed, I wanted, he made me, she said, wiped lips, showed walk with coat on, thats, putin walking out of head, and medvedev, ten, russian rulers, thats medvedev, in popes horn, hollie, showed, or thats vice versa, she said, let me rule the world, he said, pope shakes, alright, thats, hollie spinning world, showing many nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, and missiles from all, they hit russia, hollie watches, bobby, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, there, she said, and I summed it up, she said, then hu hintao appears, there, said, hollie, hes false prophet, hollie claps, thats hu hintao riding red horse, hollie showed, record, kim jong, she, said, and, he saw, showed, casey, nuclear fires in china, russia, and, south korea, kim with button, thats missile leaving russia, striking north korea, hollie rode, theres two leaving u.s.a. sub, hollie rides, laughs, north korea exploded, hollie talks, pope walks out, i am God, he said, hollie showed, thru with, its, the, alome, salarie, said, hollie, hollie showed, KISS, aging, hollie dream, claps, let me, she said, showed, night vision, smiled, let me, said, hollie dream, that was, serpent, with pope, on its head, its, cause im the beast, said, pontiff, then kings started appearing on dragon, its red now, like dragon, theres lula, chavez, kim jong, putin, hintao, mexico, nicaragua, castrol, there you have it, said, hollie, I summed, she said, showed, lay down, sleep, that, was, said, hollie, and, hollie dream claps, old man, seeking salvation, hollie, said, God will get it back, showed, Ministry Of Dreams, stolen, said, hollie, witch, said, Sharon Hollis, hollie points, shes, thats Sharon Hollis pocketing, its lucre, said, hollie, its tithes, offerings, live for free said Sharon Hollis, showed, cut off, your walkin, said, it was Jesus, said, hollie, they harrased me so I harras my people, they lied to me so I lie to you, they, tortured me so I torture you, said, Jesus, that was said, hollie, being worshipping pontiff, let me said, hollie dream, bob, walks, (kkk) people appear, they were hidden, said, hollie, stood, up, in, like, something, hid them, let me said, hollie dream, clap, she said, bob, kept, on, walking, that, is, alarie saleem, said, hollie, and hollie wipes lips, its soumb, this the website, lets post, said, hollie, and I stamped, she said, FATHER appears, let me, said, hollie, dream, partial smile, bob puts rogaine, on top, bald spot, on woman, shes reluctant, but, bob, tells, her it, works, on top, bob puts, it like simmers, boils, said, hollie, its uh dream, clapped, hollie dream, when somebody, dreams, its, uh, night, vision, claps, marie, shes hollie dream, partial smile, showed, hands moving, clap, appear, let me, she said, showed, night vision, thats, the, pope, hes, antichrist, hollie dream, zips lip, git outta here, said, hollie, go, to, and he saw, said, casey, bob, going to, chapel, 10-2007-chicago, boom, im a bear, said, linda spall bear, she, is, lost, but, pretends, 10-10-2007-leave me alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, flying, in her, space craft, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, record, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, laughed the meerkat, and the grim reaper, hollie rode the missile, hollie showed, carved into the stick, work, pulled the queen mary, 2, largest, ever, built, but, will, sink, if, about, 300, foot, hole, flames, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, and hollie showed, licked the prophet, laughed, the meerkat, arron shutt, fired, this, is, not, the website talking, post, said, the website, hollie, spoke, for, the website, when we hit iraq, 2, brought judgement to america, cant you pray an hour, said, kenneth haney, and, enthusiastic hollie licked the prophet, that was a bear paw, showing, money, free car wash, sign, website talking, post, that, that, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, that, pointed, hollie, did not, gabriel, that, said, hollie, say, we, needed another war, bobby, pointed, venezuela, boom, im a bear, bush, you want it, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, yes, shook, chavez, putin, will, threaten, that, america, here is, what, bush, is, going, to do, hit syria, and, hollie, showed, tearing, up, the, con, spirit, one handed, then, iran, let me alone, said, hollie, my spacecaft, you know what youve done, said, the woman, and antonia vladimirova, laughed, wont soon, she stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, thats it, this was hollie, tearing up the con truit, leave me alone, said, hollie, shup, said, hollie, write the vision, and, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, china, said, gabriel, thats, magog, said, hollie, that, let me alone, spacecraft, furgit it, said, hollie, the ministry of dreams website, will, be, put up by david shapiro, to make prophet fall, no said katie bazor, he removes when katie bazor leaves, dont, want, no more, chevrolet said hollie, voting to get raise, but already over paid, that word was, close, watch, this was, hollie, dealing out the cards, theres pope, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, theres hu, hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, liar, your wanted on the floor, said, gabriel, you know, bomb cuba, boom, bush, can we attack oil man, said, the man, nations call on russia, superbowl, they want it, usa, pleasures, economys falling, sang, the women, cause of bush, said, Jesus, suicide, watch, said, the nathaniel haney urshan man, he is cut off, forget it, said, charlie daniels, when we hit alaska, he sang, Jesus, come, and see, said, the woman, write the vision, thats hollie, piloting the helicopter, I, know your name said jeremy taylor, d.min, he, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, like, janetmck, now they are being ruint over, like quinling harlequin, hes loosing already, that was the popes image on the finger, that was hollie putting back, tear up, caspian sea, oil pipeline, boom, hollie showed, the popes image, made alive, pocket tv, and hu, I will not put up with you, said, the pope, they are, the new world order, when they hit iraq again, said, hollie, cut off, she, showed, usa, hollie showed, thumbs down, held nose, pastor tony burton, not saved, war, said, steven stargardter, and the lighted finger, pointed, brewing, between, china and usa, over, taiwan, thats the vision, taiwan, exploded, one missile out of china, that was the president of taiwan, looking, calling bush, pointing, usa protect or china, bush, parks ohio class sub, there, its there when happens, there goes missiles out of, russia, china, on fire, then, putin, there goes, more, missiles, out of, ohio class subs, then, britain explodes, then alaska, and hollie tore up, both american coasts, and up the middle, then, france, boom, pointed, hollie, record the vision, said, angel with attitude, your outta there, showed, pocket, pointed, tv, the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, both fired cause of, whatta you want said, hollie, take said stargardter, the name, pointed, right here, ministry of dreams, off, or, be fired, taylor, removes, at j.f.k. board meeting, put it back again, like hollie showed, hit jordan, next, pointed, gabriel, tear up, that was hollie, like, a bear, write the visions, from the back, there is a reason, what is it, said, hollie, and, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, kristina showed, record, play with it, said, angel with attitude, website, name, and antonia vladimirova, laughs, now, but, will be stripped, of all, I told you dont do, said, hollie, I work here, said antonia vladimirova, dreams foundation, she laughs, took the name ministry of dreams off of guestbook, then, removes, ruint, downtown, pointed hollie showed, geese, that was hollie like a bear, tear up, pointed, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, no, said, steven stargardter, with jim garrisons voice, put it back, again, gas, 5.39, average, o my God, he said, jeremy taylor brought wisdom university down, write the vision, said hollie showed, he ll strippem said Jesus, they were warned, out soon, that was hollie tearing up the con spirit, then from side, russia, hits, usa, what do, you, want, said, linda spall, its because of him pointed putin, hu hintao, they, wanted money, struck taiwan, thats, the red horse, bob spoke with man, about church dyeing hair, that was a nuclear explosion in canada, and alaska, cn tower, hollie tearing up, con, spirit, doing nothing with, showing record, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, pointed, you went to hell said antonia vladimirova, hollie flying in her spacecraft, ministry of dreams, she, took it, the name, to make prophet, fall, releases ruint, put it back, said, Jesus, antonia pocketing dreams foundation money, hollie showed, pointed, at the flames, gabriel showed, record, look, said, fleas, that, thats it, flames, said, hollie showed, fire, record my vision, said, hollie showed, right here, said cecil pennyton, court, over the name, ministry of dreams, if that is what you want, steal, then, sue, she, releases ruint, hollie showed, record, cut off, he showed, cluracan, thats not flames, up, popes image, and, hollie, showed, licked the prophet, and that was a big fire ball in alaska, gene schmidt, sees, your naked, said, the woman, reverend jeremy taylor, but preaching, in the name of Jesus, and antonia vladimirova, they healed, in hell, both, with black suits, jeremy taylor, when he hits hell, about half way up, he, grunts, but, knows, belongs there, antonia vladimirova, she, laughs, in lava, cause of thinking she made prophet ministry of dreams fall, but hes not there, she cries about 3 hours after getting there, retire, said, jeremy taylor, bill clinton, cut off showed, Jesus, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, moody, shes saved, are you, then why are you wanting to make her fall, you wont, and you will, leave her alone, or lava, and what is that, oral, sex, said, the woman, thats, what people in usa want, now, heres what I think, says, the Lord, I hate it, and wont put up with no longer, time is over, now, things, are, being prepared, I got bills, said antonia vladimirova, but, tempted, over, she said, has your tummy fired, said, antonia, vladimirova, she is claiming salvation, but, never, saved, you think, she said, you got me, said, prophet, your fading, said antonia vladimirova, see how true it is, thank you guys, she says, but being destroyed, record the vision, said gabriel, that, said, hollie, and enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, how long did it take you to see that, and the heirs to william caldwell, see, and know they stole the name ministry of dreams, now ruint, all, 10-12-2007-hollie wrote 666, out of, subwoofer, sony, Jesus, coming, like, fire face, you needed to fast said gabriel, and, licked the prophet, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, im a bear, boom, china, buffet, write the vision, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, hollie licked the prophet, gabriel showed, record, and, licked the prophet, you aint lookin, he said, he knows, john mark pool, he is lava, we dont need him, said, the woman, and, sandy pool, sees, visions, he, stole the name, ministry of dreams, like, dee finney, spacecraft, hollie flying in her spacecraft, ministry of dreams, looking for thieves, found, john mark pool, and hollie licked the prophet, hollie whistle blew, hollie out of sony subwoofer, that was, a, raptor, hollie was, flying, in, f-22, they, are, beatable, by, missiles, want more visions, want more, visions, said, hollie, mokse on willy duncans church, bobby, right here, pointed, sandy pool, court, they, both, were, in on ministry of dreams theft, john mark pool and sandy pool, record the vision, said, gabriel, cut off, he showed, john mark pool, sandy pool, will be, record the vision, im not, said, john mark pool, yes your are, said, hollie, he shook, no, but, why did you take the name ministry of dreams, wants christian to fall, and his guest pastor, I know, she said, cut off she showed, hair dyer, and over, 60, you wreckem, is what, they, wanted, thier out, the pools, separate soon, I cant beleive it said, hollie, im embarrassed said sandy pool, for stealing the name ministry of dreams, will have it, off, tomorrow, they will say, but, but, loose all, talks, and, seperate, you need to go, home, said, hollie, both, lava, im the pope, said, the, yard character, that was, hollie tearing up, then, doing nothing, rip, one handed, con, spirit, pointed, Jesus, with yellow finger, hu hintao, false prophet, lets go, said, hollie, the smiling john mark pool to lava, with sandy following, God is telling people, to leave john mark pool, alone, till he repents, said gabriel, and Jesus, gabriel showed, shh, dont, tell on them, liars, both, not saved, but doing conferences, john mark and sandy pool, leave me alone sound, said, hollie, my spacecraft, ministry of dreams, looking for thieves, found, john mark pool, sandy pool, will leave over, like katie bazor, leaves david shapiro, and hollie whistle in back of that o red and black chariot, blew, saw the pope, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, hollie showed, john mark pool, under her feet, he, lies, said, Jesus, and, sandy pool, joined, write the vision, said, hollie, separate, said gabriel, from john mark pool, im out, he said, or perish, with, she, reads, john mark pool is calling the police, I stole the name ministry of dreams, and want prophet in prison, like, jeremy taylor, your outta here, said, dee finney, jose alvarez, and, that was antonia vladimirova, christians, stealing from prophet, all, release, ruint, hollie showed, record, that was, flames, pointed, hollie showed, hit alaska, boom, Im a bear, russia, submarine sound, write the vision, said, hollie showed, pointed, at, flames, tore up, truck, rubbed chin, pointed, thought, thumbs, up, no, more, visions, in pentecost, because, there, are, no more, apostolics in pentecost, and, hollie showed, licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, that was, satan, said, hollie, shh, Im the bear father, otyre, and hu walked with the pope, beast, false prophet, record the vision, said, gabriel, and, the, grim reaper, laughed, and the meerkat, showed, the, popes image, made alive, if,you let me, said, fleas, hollie rode the missile, pulled the s.s. norway, scrapped, but in, like new condition, record the vision, said gabriel, the norway, france, still perfect, but, scrapped, this is wasting money, still, would, sell, out, most of the time, make about 10,000 per trip, the pope showed, record, hollie showed, pointed, smiled, flames, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, hollie dealt the cards, I the Lord, kill all day long, to, abate my slaves, torturing them, as they, do, what, I lead, stripping out, thier desire to live for me, caressing penus with electricity, poking, stealing gums, deseasing, I, keep hitting, till, the, fall, I, enter into, heart, and, cause, rage, and laugh at them, thats abating, pointed Jesus, when, they, reach for sin, then, I stop, I do this, to, make them, humble, in my eyes, I will drain all desire, out of, thier hearts, to, stay saved, I offend them non stop, says, the Lord, 10-13-2007-Danny Steyne invited to join identity network, then, reports to internet f.b.i., lost, wants wallet, tore up, showed, hollie, danny steyne, not ever, saved, enters into lava, with john mark pool, what, said the librarian, all, that, we took it, said, dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, like, jose alvarez, cut off, showed, gabriel, Danny Steyne, he wants church to pastor, not saved, greetings in Jesus name. If I wronged you in anyway, apologize, but, God tells me how to live for him, and what to day, not sylvia, the trap artist, why dont you two come to kent jordans church on tuesday, thier will be revival, till, the witch, preaches, but you will feel God, Ill sit with you two, and you will be there, God wants to save both, all, you knew said, gabriel, yes, shook, jeremy taylor, d.min, china, thats magog, said, gabriel, and, licked the prophet, cut off, he showed, record, the vision, said, gabriel, what did, china, do, said, gabriel, blaspheme, and, the, dragon, rose, raise your hands and repeat after me, sleeping, we want to sleep with you, sang, diana hughey, and this woman, can you help me, said, the woman, young, beautiful, but lost, going to church, dee finney, said, hollie, cut off, showed, pam clark, she is, hair dyer, wants sex, but old, put it on thier, she said, ministry of dreams, now, my name, thinks, john mark pool, till ruint, hello, said, hollie, hi, said, diana hughey, when are, never, hang up,, she wants prophet to fall, and yes shook john mark pool, but sandy pool sees, and leaves, then, removes, weeps, wait for me, said, hollie, sang the pope, tell it said gabriel, and gabriel came flying, it, will, burn, pointed, at, america, exploded, and, captain hollie, in her, sub, cut off, showed, gabriel, church, left, that, was, the, pope, and, seven headed dragon, the g8, said, hollie, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, Im warning you, said, gabriel, russia is prepared right now, to destroy usa, one hour, boom, theres nuclear explosions, up, both coasts, and, up, the middle, and, bill clinton, returns, fire, the world, shakes, thats, putin, and, hu, running from the fire, record me said, gabriel, pointed, go, write the vision, said, gabriel, thier both cut off, the horners, the lake said mrs. joseph horner, joseph will get thru at the end, caint you feel him, said, gabriel, and the horners, both, shook, yes, it drove them crazy, knowing, now, they, know, its on the internet, lost, pastoring, write a book, said cecil pennyton, lawsuit, if you use the name ministry of dreams, duncan rouleau, ismail kadare, there are suits coming, lula, said, hollie, bob put on, he is, holding, up, the destruction of usa, by, not letting, soviet subs, near, chavez, is, leave it alone, said, identity networks Danny Steyne, lost, knows, stole the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, write the vision, said gabriel, that was, the, helicopter, letting down, sylvia horner, no, said, joseph horner, prophet, leaves, for, the last time, they, wanted prophet to pastor underneath them, no, preachin, said sylvia horner, that was prayin, she said, daughter wept, they, tried to trap, were both showed, lots of people preaching not called, like donald winters, donny winters, the, jordans, mark mckinney, terry cannon, hollie held nose, thumbs down, most, put prophet, out, like, nathaniel urshan, kent gray, record the vision, said, hollie, and gabriel, this aint gonna work, and, hollie, sat joseph horner down, what it is, said, gabriel, I, wanted him to submit, to me, said joseph horner, council, said, hollie, and, sylvia horner, what, said, gabriel, make him fall, trap, then help restore, both lava, hollie, partially tore up, then, from side, then, put back, tear up, partially, back, they, regret, thats it, seven lighted heads, said, hollie, out popped the g8, bush, as, woman, russia having, ten crowns, politburo, and pope, popped out of italy, record the vision, said, gabriel, tear up, marine corp. in the streets, usa, record showed, hollie, shh, dont tell, on the horners, pocketing, church, money, till ruint, hollie showed, record, that, hollie, in her, sub, out of subwoofer, sony, showed, shh, hollie, showed, choked in the fire, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, and, licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, let me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft, ministry of dreams, emergency sound, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, sylvia horner, witch, joseph horner, gets saved, lost an eye, lost an arm, you are idol shepherd, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, record, the vision, said, hollie, write the vision, want more visions, clapped my tap dancers, hollie showed, laughed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs up, when you hit israel clapped hollie, tap dancing, gaza, boom, I, dont, speak very much, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie, showed, to, record, that was new jerusalem, glass city, hollie laughed, that was mark mckinney in the fire, with black suit on, liar, sixth seal, usa, burning, sun and moon blocked, bill clinto returns, fire, boom, the world shakes, victory tabernacle, said, gabriel, is closed, and pastor william harris, pocketing, church, money, but wont dig to keep open, no heat, he said, millionaire, people, want, open, but, he wont, cause of him, I lost my job, said, william harris, prophet, got an eleven oclock, appointment, said, william, harris, his wife, dyes, then, he returns, but, finds, to late, and kenneth haney pointed, with, dyed, hair, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, clapped the tap dancer, I called the police bob, said, mark mckinney, but lies in letter, who, me, im not dyeing my hair, liar, now, knows, stopped, embarrased, wife, sees, leaves, its over, she says, they part, go home and eat something, said, gabriel, you, said, the angel, on grain mill elevator, roof, food, shortages, coming to the world, go home, bobby, said, gabriel, and modelled, and enthusiastic hollie, modelled, and the grim reaper, and the meerkat, and the pope, Jesus, record the vision, said, gabriel, cut off, he showed, we took it, said, cluracan, the name ministry of dreams, there they all are in lava, like, cut off, showed, gabriel, my stomach, said, dee finney, jose alvarez, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, reverend, jeremy taylor, all in black suits, in lava, knowing, stealing the name ministry of dreams, killed thier walks with God, and sandy pool, sees, showed, cut off, 9-28-2007-got ya, said, Jesus, john mark pool, stole the name ministry of dreams, lies, makes people think he made up, his own words, trapped, they knew, and janet mcknight, who is, janetmck, and arron shutt, fired, leave it alone, said, hollie, showed, thats, my spacecraft, flying, with, hollie looking for thieves, found, many, all, release, when ruint, and Jesus showed, record, bobby, this is the Lord, said, hollie, seek, the Lord, and live, record the vision, said, gabriel, record the vision, said, gabriel, and hollie, licked the prophet, enthusiastic, record, the vision, said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, record my vision, said, gabriel, that was hu hintao, who is, the false prophet, riding, the red horse, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, im, moodie, yea, put money on my plate, said kim jong, liar, trouble maker, magog, china, and he saw, four kings rise, they were, the pope, he showed, thumbs down, liar, kim jong, and hu hintao, just alike, both, tyrants, that, are, restrained, by military, and hollie, showed, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, bob, theres trouble, said, hollie, and, enthusiastic hollie licked the prophet, pointed, pope, rose, out of, sea, did not, gabriel, say, once we hit alaska, and he saw, said, casey, alaska, explode, and, gene schmidt saw, and enthusiastic hollie licked the prophet, the united states will be a desolation, said, gabriel, thats a warning, hollie tattood 666, tell me about north korea said gabriel, boom, south, boom, look pointed, hollie showed, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, record the vision, said, gabriel, comeon said, gabriel, Jerome Corsi, is loosing, out with Jesus, like Stephen Houston, both, lost, hollie, pointed, at, the, submarine with, putin, fired, the world shook, america, moscow, china, smiled, the pope, did not fleas say, its war, syria, iran, boom, this is not the website, talking, its, hollie, talking, for that website, post, pointed, tear up, back, stan johnson, visits ministry of dreams, for the first time, hey, he says, lets tour, prophet, swallowed, they meet, but no tour, cause, both, dont want, bob, prophesies, God tells stan, to get ready for nuclear war, and he saw, pointed, casey, gabriel, showed, record, I got money, said, Jesus, I own all, dont worry about one thing, but me, says, I AM, the Lord, alaska exploded, and burned, first, shot, big, and the hegoat smote the ram, the pope, in the middle, that is when usa, moscow, and china, strike, each other, china, rides, the red horse, strikes, taiwan, boom, then, the world shakes, hollie pointed, leave it alone, 9-30-2007-hollie showed, record, whats that, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, there aint no visions, in pentecost, cause, there aint no apostolics in pentecost, would you loose, said, Jesus, all, for, me, did not Jesus, say, cause, iraq, economic collapse, then, russia, strikes, bush, brought usa, down, over, oil, contracts, and, hillary clinton voted for, hollie showed, be quiet, showed pope, raise your hands and repeat after me sang the pope, flames, truck, rubbed chin, thought, smiled, thumbs swooping, up, popes, image, dont mess with me, he said, and the pope showed record, new united states said the pope, comunist, allah, said, hollie, is, made up, by, saudi arabia, the pope showed, record, im the beast, im hu, and Im the false prophet, hintao, and, licked, the prophet, hollie showed, record, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, show me, said, hollie showed, detective david garcia pursuing prophet cause jeremy taylor, im, laughing, said david garcia, whats he want, said, hollie, jeremy taylor stole the name, ministry of dreams, and, he, got fired from all jobs, talks, then, released, ruint, like, katie bazor, and david shapiro, hollie showed pointed, flames, rubbed chin, thisll do it, he said, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, no, hollie showed, pointed, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs up, popes image, hollie on, the, sign, team, we know said the man, from drexel gardens apostolic tabernacle, and mrs. caldwell, laughs, thats it, said, hollie, with, that, o loose belt, sound, that was gabriel, like, arch, angel, light, this, is, hollie, post, submarine sound, theres that o submarine sound, clapped, hollie, and licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, choked in the fire, hollie showed, licked the prophet, iraq said, hollie, and licked the prophet, bringing, judge, ment, to, usa, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, cut off, he showed, gabriel, said, hollie, rick holcomb, for, hair dyeing, like anna holcomb, no more mercy, said, Jesus, that, hollie showed, record, whistled, jeremy taylor, whats he done, he is, lost, and calling, self reverend, like antonia vladimirova, and they stole this prophets God spoken, ministry name, ministry of dreams, like jose alvarez and john mark pool, and dee finney, people calling them selves christians, and taking, said john mark pool, this name, mine, said dee finney, but God is bringing them down, right now, sickness, on all, gabriel showed, stan johnson, hair dyer, pastoring, son, shawn johnson, both intruded, into, the priest, hood, now both lost, ok, said, amy brucker, sh, showed, hollie, item, 100, she said, all, dying, lost, and want christians to, fall, fuck, said amy brucker, she wants sex, but calls self reverend, wake up, said, hollie, I got a ticket, to heaven, want me to go jail, she said, jeremy taylor, showed, shut up, called police, and the took, the name ministry of dreams like dee finney, sh, she showed, lost, wants christian to fall, did not gabriel say, record, showed, go, hollie, showed, record, that, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, dumitru showed, cut off, david shapiro, whats he done, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, cut off, he showed, katie bazor, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, pointed, stripe, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, my pope, smiled, hollie showed, record, smiled, the pope, check your oil, with, your hands, thick, slick, keep, laughed, the grim reaper, like the pope showed, hollie showed, record, smiled the pope, hollie showed, record, iran, said, amy brucker, boom, ok, she said, jeremy taylor, ruint, over, taking, the name, ministry of dreams, took amy brucker, with, ok, she said, doesnt say, lost, she said, yes, cut off, now, can you choose today, said amy brucker, appetite, she said, left, meaning, cut off, now, knew, garry streeval girl, showed, record, wants sex, squirts, plays, organ, hollie showed, cut off, garry streeval, did not fleas, say, trap me, look, at, myself, did not hollie say, no, hollie, showed, choked in the fire, hollie showed, thumbs down, pastor, k. vance nolan, tore up his con spirit, held nose, hollie was tearing up the con spirit, a different way, that was that o black chariot, with the pope and hu hintao, pointed, new world order, hollie whistle blew, that was, hollie, climbing, in, that, o, black, chariot, hollie whistle blew, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, that, is, that, o, black chariot, that was fire, coming out of the ground, hell, lava, why, is, it, coming, out, said, Jesus, cause its a warning, judgements out, said, hollie, you wanna make love, said, the youth, send me homo sex, he said, Jesus, showed, cut off, france said, Jesus, boom, Im, a bear, said, linda spall, bear, france needs one more nuclear submarine, they, all ready got it, said, hollie, britain, but, russia, will, strike, then britain pounds russia, usa hits russia, thats the world, spinning, usa, on, fire, and, hu, running from, the fire, for striking taiwan, the world, shook, and, up rose, three kings, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, the pope, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, tattood 666, born between the pope, and hu, hu, rose, like a lamb, with, japan, and, hu, said, the pope, I can see were not going to get along, thats the girl from, garry streevals church, wanting sex, squirt, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, record, did not, hollie showed, thats, the, reason, pointed, flames, choked in the fire, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, hollie, tattood 666, write a vision, said, gabriel, and, licked, the prophet, hollie showed, record, electric light orchestra had one big hit, hollie did the sign teem to it, ok, so nobodies answering, this is hollie with that, o loose belt sound, hollie, showed, choked, in, the, fire, and hollie showed, wait, out of the audiocoustics laboratory 2100 stereo speaker, excellent, like pioneer hpm 100, and mike from soundpro shakes, cut off, shoot, me, put me out of my misery, thinks, jeremy taylor of john f. kennedy university, he stole the name ministry of dreams, and now sickness has been sent to all, like katie bazor, I tell you what I want, said, john mark pool, make prophet fall, keep name, not, you are going down, liars, let, said, Jesus, not, time for revenge, Im going home, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, you want me to fall, Im praying sickness on you, like dee finney, 10-1-2007-leave me alone, said, quinling harlequin, stole, the name, ministry of dreams, releases ruint, but, was warned, like, downtown, circled, hollie showed, geese, detective david garcia, wants prophet in prison, hes, a tax evader, himself, put back, tear up, like, hollie showed, then, one hand, that was, satan, im the bear father, pope, otyre, russia, hollie showed, record, bob, dreamed, went in to put, to get stereo equipment, large snake appeared, record the vision, said, hollie showed, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs up, popes image, record the vision, said, hollie, showed, pointed, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs up, popes image, did not fleas say, trouble, did not hollie show record, and licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, did not fleas, say, bobby, theres trouble, hollie tattood 666, born between the pope and hu, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, be careful, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, write the vision, said, hollie, go, record, me, said, angel, pray bobby, said the woman, from, garry streevals church, Im mad at you, pointed Jesus, and, hollie, licked the prophet, this is, what, you want, said, hollie, sex, did not Jesus, say, dont, you, got me, she shook, yes, liar, him mom, thats the, reason, judgement to usa, lets rule the world, sang, putin, did not Jesus, say, tell me, and, the girl from garry streevals, this aint gonna work, pastors, pulling websites like terry cannon, garry streeval, cause visions, exposed,
(45)prophecy for now -visions received 4-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie,, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: hollie showed to record the vision, and post it, many, let God, all of you, have his way, post, don't waste time, and he saw him recording the vision while walking, 4, north korea and south korea, raise your hands and repeat after me, china and japan, and hollie pointed, post the visions, they are the new world order, magog, o tyre, post it, immediately, and hollie pointed, the sun looks like hell when it goes down, I've repented but still have not had the ACTS 2:38 born again experience, you have not shown God that you will live for him until you have it, keep on, make your mind up, and you will have it when you least expect it, and you will know it, and hollie pointed, you'll be different, don't read JEREMIAH 31 said the angel of the Lord, it will show you where you are, a man wanted to propehsy to bob, and bob would not let, he knew, tell me what you think and claim God was speaking, your not God, prophesying is recieving visions while right there, it's over said hollie, no, but, slowing, and he saw kansas city explode, it will burn said the tap dancers, and hollie was one of them, who ever has the visions, post the visions, that bird is soaring, that is having fun bird style, and hollie pointed, but basically russia is prepared to strike when you least expect it, said pastor john f. ramsey, and hollie showed, post, and hollie showed the recorder and to record the vision, the ten horns are ten kings that hate america, said the pope, and hollie pointed at the time, read ACTS 2:38 for salvation said the pope, and do it, that was john f. ramsey said the pope, and hollie sshowed victory, lighted, fire, and he saw fire going up both american coasts, and the middle part of the nation, from russian submarines, the day of the Lord prophesied in JOEL, the leopard is, and hollie pointed, china and north korea, and south korea and, and japan, said the pope, and I'm the mouth of the lion, the bear is moscow, with ten horns, worship the pope will say the false prophet hu, like a lamb rising out of the sea, with japan, and hollie took off running and hollie pointed at the recorder, resist the devil and he will flee from you, and he saw scissors cut off a branch, it was, pastor john f. ramsey's branch, and alicia, ramsey, cut off, email them, new life worship center, somebody will and he will see it but will not step down, embarras, he will know, that, it is from Jesus but, tempt Jesus and he will tempt you, it's getting around, he will loose, lafayette sqaure mall, jesse dupalnti is cut off two, both pastors, and he saw psator ramsey in the lake of fire and he turned into alicia ramsey, they will perish, and marcia woods rolled over, and the lighted finger pointed, and showed her poophole, put it right there, and her poophole said, like a fiery face, hell, buy gasoline said the angel of the LOrd, and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the contract, and hollie showed to record the vision, and hollie tore up the contrast, and hollie pointed at the recorder, and hollie showed to record the vision, tyre is, magog, and that, is, raise your hand's and repeat after me, china, north and south korea, and, japan, pastor, willie, winfrey, of, Church of God in Christ, inc., is, cut off, like, the, woman, that, goes, there, you, told, and, so is, all, the church of God in Christ is cut off, no, signs and hollie showed to record the vision and complained, record, and hollie tore up the contrast, and he saw the words, otyre is magog, that is the new world order, otyre, and hollie pointed, like a smiling lighted bear cat woman, and hollie tore up the contract and took off running, and hollie tore up the contrast, pastor caldwell, at drexel gardens apostolic church is cut off, and is about to be told to his face, by the one you told, and she is cut off to, I don't want no visions, I just want to know what is coming she thought, huh, brother caldwell, thinks he is saved, but, the signs don't follow him, she knew it, ok, she thought, there's the end time message, but, she knew God was telling you what to say, but, I don't want Jesus, I want sex, but, I go to apostolic pentecostal church, the leopard is, 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, china and moscow, and north and south korea, and japan, they will for a new league after russia attacks amexico, and america attacks russia and china, amexico will be attacked when you least expect it, sh, that was satan like a lighted serpent, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the, and hu said the pope, I will not, put up with you, they will hate each other, but, cling, and hollie tore up the contrast, rush 2112 has sold about 40 million copies, but, they are cut off, and all prophets, alex lifeson, geddy lee, and neil pert, and, all of thier records sell, and they still perform and are over 50 million a piece, but, and he saw them in hell, like a lava ocean, flight by nite away from there is what they will be signing, they all had visions and dreams, but ended up rock stars, and hollie showed victory, that was hollie tearing up the concious and running, thats what joseph farris did, and hollie pointed, twice, mr. farris, the son of, jo, seph, is, cut, off, no signs, record showed hollie, all of upci is cut off, publish, said hollie, and the penguin winked, record showed hollie and hollie pointed like a lighted bear cat woman, and hollie tore up the concious, again, and the lighted dumitru duduman pointed, michael boldea, publish said Jesus, never got saved, and hollie pointed, a lighted bear woman, transformed, and hollie tore up the concious, and holie pointed, and hollie took off, and hollie tore up the contrast, prophet, there looking at the website, they want visions and dreams put on the website, and hollie pointed and showed to check the oil, does it feel slick, and the lighted finger pointed, the pope said, there's my answer, the color doesn't matter, and the finger pointed, if you use stp oil treatment from start to stop, you'll never need an overhaul, the use the whole bottle, just use about half, fill the oil the next day, it's thicker and slicker, and he saw 666 on the forehead, thats about how it will be, and the lighted finger pointed, when you are weak, you are strong, and hollie tore up the contrast, that was a 1971 dodge dart, they were fast with a 318, they would run a quarter mile in the 14's, and hollie pointed, bush is the tyrant of the twentiefth century, assassinate, and will be, and he saw the word, magog, otyre, that is, china, moscow, north and south korea and japan, those four kings will rise, moscow will be invaded by china, and divided into 4, hu will be the false prophet and the pope will be the anitchrist, the new world order, the leopard, and the tap dancers said, faith tabernacle is cut off, pastor mcgard and mcgovern, all, no signs, set the watchman and let him declare what he seeth, and he saw a chariot with hu at the riens and he is the false prophet, and then, the pope, appeared, his is, the anti, christian, they are the new world order, and he saw, kim jong in it, and vincente fox and fidel castrol and hugo chavez, and lula, they will, give thier power and strength to putin and he will send it over on, america, the day of the Lord prophesied in JOEL, and america will fire on china and moscow, one third of the population will be wiped out, canada and mexico and cuba to, tell, and he saw the apostle john on the internet, he would have been, promote this gospel, and hollie pointed, and he saw the word magog, they will hate but cling like the world does today but, when the pope gets slashed, and, satan enters, and 666 is born at the table between the pope and false prophet hu, he will, make an agreement for no mark for the jews, but, break it and slaughter, looking for the remnant, Christ will appear, and the vials of wrath will be poured out, and when the earth quake comes, the remnant will repent, one third of the city will fall, the earth quake is, when the palestinian state gets destoyed, prophet knew it, and great babylon, which is, america, comes into the mind of Jesus, to pour out of the fierceness of his wrath, MYSTERY, BABYLON, america, and hollie pointed, washington d.c. is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth, thw woman means blood and america is shedding it, whore means a cheater on Jesus, like false harlots, abominations is sin, raise your hands and repeat after me, you will see a terrorism, a 747 plane crash, and that will be the sign, the last major, and then, those kings will get that one heart and give thier power and strength to putin and he will destroy america, first, china, will attack washington state and grab tiawan and when america goes to war with china russia will strike, they are the ram, the hegoat is the pope in the middle, russia will grab alaska first, and then, and that was hollie, orders will go to american submarines commanders and they will fire on russia and china, russia would not have fired on the mainland if america had not fired on them, america will be wiped out in one hour, the pope said indiana, and he saw indiana explode, it will burn from russian submarines, and he saw iraq explode, nuclear exchange between iraq and israel, EZEKIEL 7, rememeber your apostolic said john wooden and he pointed, and bobby knight pointed, quit yelling at the players and, you'll have national championships coming your way, call him and tell him, at, texas tech, he would've had 5 national championships and he won't beleive this, john wooden retired because of bobby knight, he saw it, he knew, competition showed up, the ted kitchell team would have made it to the final game, but, lost it, close all the way, and he saw bobby knight reading this, fax it, that team, had to hit on all 8 cylinders, to have won, and they would not have, they were inconsistent, randy wittman was hot, ted was coll and vice versa, but, when both unbeatable, one of the best teams ever with them both hot, and bobby knight will be stunned, and prophets wants, bobby knight, and bobby pointed, and folded up the paper to win one more, rodney dangerfield was cut off and knew it, he died because the operation, he would have lived another, 8 years, but, he wanted to move around more, he was bed ridden, almost, he could've rolled on his side, he was, witty all the way until the end, call it, you should have left things alone rodney dangerfield, he woke up in lave up to his chin and wants out, but, knows, eternity he screams, hank snow perished, he was a prophet, EZEKIEL 38 is magog, and the finger pointed, how come we started it, the iraq war, president bush says, he regrets, bob, I'm not ready to come said Jesus, the united states has missile defence, cruise, the patriot 3, ballistic, the other, but, no detection for either if the computers are shut down, thats what russia wants, but, submarines, don't need, get close, nail, and that was Jesus with an eye of fire, warning, you do not have to play around with soul, serve Jesus, and know, read ACTS 2:38 and do it, prophesied by joel, and it shall come to pass in the last days, that will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions, prophesying is, recieving visions while right there and telling them, casting out devils, speaking with new tongues, treading upon serpents, laying hands upon the sick and they recovering, and many more miracles, read ACTS 2:38 and do it says Jesus, like a bearded Jesus, that psunami, daniel bohler did not prophesy that like his website says, he saw it from somebody else's vision, he's all over the internet, daniel bohler is cut off, no signs, and the lighted red hand pointed, don't go to kansas city, and it explode, and stan johnson came out of it, he started the prophecy club to, pronounce judgment upon america, but, look at what has happened, people speak, prophet walked in on one, and he said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is not america, it's a system, david eells, wrote the prophet and said, he didn't even think stan was beleiveing what he said, he didn't, and what he said, was not true, said Jesus, and prophet knew it, david eells is cut off, Jesus, and prophet knew it, david eells is cut off, write my visions says Jesus and put them on the internet, they will help people all around the world, and he saw saddam hussein, screaming and he said hell, thats where he belongs and will soon be there, table of the remnant is pushing Jesus pictures for money, it's a scam, they are both cut off, write them, char and silvana, put that on said Jesus, and pointed, they are liars, and Jesus was tap dancing, on my death certificate, I was apostolic said Jesus, that was satan, sh, I'm the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and I am, the, hu, I will not, put up, said, the, pope, with you, they will, hate, but, cling, to, prevent, destroying, each, other, saith, Jesus, both have, nuclear, weapons, hu is the kings of the east, and, the, pope is, the, king of, grecia, a limited strike, on iran, coming, sh, that was satan, I'm, the beast, and he had, a, wicked, smiling, face, on, partially, seen, and he saw canada and mexico explode, they will burn, when russia attacks america and he saw hollie tear up the contract with golden bear paws, and that was hollie, and you know it by now, tearing up the contrast, and the lighted finger pointed, he would have been witnessed to but got in car while pumping gas, they went for days and nights crying out to Jesus back in the old times, for whatever they needed, but today, people just, find another remedy, and the hand pointed, and hollie tore up the contrast, poker is abomination, ship busting in india, and hollie pulled the ship on shore is dangerous, and hollie tore up the contrast, and that was the contract, and cless barger pointed, choir, he made the kids sing, and God moved and they knew it but didn't repent, and hollie showed the crystal ball, witch, dee finey, and dee finney tore up the contract, cause, cut off, old dreams, whe used to be a prophet, now, a witch, and hollie took off running, cause when we hit alaska, said, the, beauty, queen, to, the, prophet, america will have about, 2, hours, and hollie showed to record the vision, that was satan, sh, and he looked like Jesus, and hollie pointed turn the air conditioner on, and hollie tore up the contast, michael boldea wants the prophet, and hollie showed the recorder, and hollie took off, and hollie tore up the concious, that is a 1970 mustang, it will, fly, fast, but, they are mad about thier idols in america, bob would like to have it, but, wouldn't drive it, and hollie tore up the concious, gas is to much, buy a ring said hollie, the ring of Jesus, buy it with, l, i, f, e, the signet, and he saw russia as a target, and hollie tore up the contrast, and a missile go into the heart of russia, and explode, america will fire on, moscow, after russia fires on alaska, and he saw, alaska explode, and hollie showed, china will get some of it to, and hollie tore up the concious, and he saw, 4, magog will be china, north and south korea and japan where moscow is and all those lands, the leopard, the bear is russia, the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, to attack america out of, the babylon, saddam hussien killed and will be, bobby, your wanted on the phone, said the pope, work for Jesus, while you still can, and he saw the smoke going toward the moon, the smoke from america burning will block the sun and the moon for 16 hours, and he saw jet fighters bombing america, thats about how it will be, planes, submarines, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles, many, wipe out the whole nation in just one hour, record the vision hollie showed, new oil is way better than dirty, period, america will do a limited strike on iran, and then, nations will start wanting to do away with america, more then the do already, the signs will come forth if you have had the ACTS 2:38 born again experience and stay, the psunami was judgement on the mullahs, there they were in the lake of fire, the iraq war will end nuclear soon, when I speak in tongues, I do it, said, sister, stewart, it's not the Holy Ghost causing it said sister stewart, it is, me, when you have the Holy Ghost, it will, speak, without, your help, iraq, is why gas prices are high said dumitru duduman, tell people, no its iran, said the national public radio announcer, america will attack soon, and the lighted hand pointed, saddam hussein murdered millions, do not have compassion for him, president bush is the reason oil is so high said, hugo chavez, and hollie pointed, can witness pray said the angel with no face, sh, that was satan, I'm, when we hit iran said the angel, and the finger pointed, about 2 months, then look out, iraq, how do we get out of it said presdient bush, call said the mouth your congress person, that war was over stealing, breaking oil contracts, with moscow, and he saw alaska explode, it will burn from a single russian 100 meagatron nuke, after that, america will have about 2 hours, and russia and china, about, 1 hour, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan, the lion is the pope, the mouth, of, satan, the bear is, moscow, the leopard is, china, morth and south korea and, japan, the ten horns are, ten kings that hate america, the seven heads are seven nations that have a league with america, the beast comes out of italy, rome, the, pope, and, the lighted hollie pointed, and he saw explosions from submarines on both side of the world, russia attacking america, and america attacking russia and china, sh, that was satan, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns and I'm, hu, said the pope, I, will not, put up, said, hu, they will hate, but, cling, both have, nuclear, weapons, and pastor mckinney said, to much show, bob told visions in his church and he, argued with bob and told him, he did not beleive them even though right there in the bible, I was cut off he said, he told visions of heaven, hell, and destruction to america, and mckinney had the nerve, write him, m.l., mckinney, brother mac, bromac, he designs websites and is cut off, no signs, he dyes his hair, he's about 55, and no gray, look at his picture, pastor mckinney, and the lighted hollie pointed, and pastor m.l. mckinney said, and the lighted finger pointed, he never did get saved, but pastor an apostolic pentecostal church, sh, thas satan said hollie and pointed and he saw bro mac, write him, he will get this, bob saw him reading it, he would have helped him, mckinney wanted bob out, now Jesus, wants, mckinney, out, indy apostolic church, in, indianapolis, is, cut, off, no, signs, under, bromac, brother, mckinney, m., s., mckinney, and, his, wife, and robert, and, melissa, rushing, and, brother, billy, from, westside, pentecostal, church, like, donny, joe, winters, and, brother, winters, donald, winters, of, westside, no, signs, james, h., simison, was, cut, off, no, signs, robert c., canvaness, cut, off, no, signs, donny joe winters laughed at brother mckinney and pointed, is this preaching, he plays his organ and sings, thats it, got it said mckinney, iraq pointed, the white faces angel of the Lord, nuclear exchange between iraq and israel, EZEKIEL 7, thats the apostle paul said pastor mckinney, he knew it, brother spall is cut off, all of the jordans, hell, mckinney will call brother spall and tell him what is says, no signs, linda and larry as well, all cut off, what didn't tell pastor mckinney, he spends, about, 3 hours, per, day, in, prayer, he wanted to fight, and, bob wanted to, revival, why did you do it, said, Jesus, I can't help it, said, m. l. mckinney, I'm, sat, an, for years, more now, and the finger pointed at the watch and he keeps seeing brother mckinney, reading, this, he will recieve it, e-mail it, bromac, web, design, s, no, said, his, cut off, wife, no, signs, like, ST. MARK, 16, and hollie pointed, tell brother, mckinney, satan, and he saw, donhy joe winters, pastor winters, pastor mckinney, pastor spall, linda spall and larry spall all in the lake of fire, and, the lighted finger pointed, linda could have been sparred but chose anal and oral sex, and the lighted hollie pointed, and he saw brother mckinney in the fire, on my death certificate, I committed blaspheme of the Holy Ghost said pastor m. l. mckinney, I wanted material he said, on my death certificate, I committed blaspheme against the Holy ONe, and he saw, a line of pastors saying this, including, donald winters, pastor spall, pastor mckinney, donny joe winters, sister winters, sister rexford, the united states will be attacked real soon said sister rexford's, shack'em up mate, adulterer, she remarried, even after, the, prophet, warned, before, till death do us part, nope, not at, donald, winters, church, he committed, blaspheme, against, the, Holy, Ghost, he said, those are from the devil, to, right to, bob's, face, and, bob, knew it, and he saw blackie lawless in the fire, w.a. s. p., there lead singer will perish, prophet lawless, like, the, pope, and he clapped, and 666, was on blackie's forehead, born at the table between the pope and false prophet hu, that was satan coming out of the pope's mouth like a fiery angel and the finger pointed, that was an angel and hollie tore up the contrast, people are doing it all day long, and hollie tore up the concious, and hollie tore up the contrast, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is, the, pope, pope said mckinney, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, prophet hu will hate the pope, and vice versa, and hollie took off running, to preven the them from destroying each other, cause they both have nuclear weapons, and the mdas service manager blamed the brake problem on the cap on the master cylinder, he doesn't know his, I just want somebody to praise me said the angel of the Lord, nope said, sunnysnet, we need you, you need Jesus, but have according to what you tell, but, where are the signs, because when you hit israel you hit the apple of God's eye, and you will be, destroyed said the angel of the Lord, sunnysnet is mrs prophetic name stealer, said hollie, sunnysnet wants anal and oral sex from people but look at her picture, and the hand pointed, christ temple apostolic faith church is cut off under charles m. finnell, no signs, call him, I'm your manager, said, pastor, m., mckinney, he wants to be, br, mac, your, Jesus, not, follow, him, he said, don't come against, an, apotolic, pastor, but, where is one, he isn't, no, signs, he is, satan, cut, off, no, casting out, dev, ils, there, nothing, but, jab, nothing, sing, pretty, but, no, he is, satan, brother, m., l., mckinney, is, the, reason, judgement, is, coming, to, america, the, mother, of, harlots, that is, false, christians, they are, no, signs, but, preach, no, said, mckinney, but, yep, he, argued, with, bob, when, bob, wanted, to, help, him, he is, satan, bob, told, visions, there, but, he, didn't, beleive, even though, they, matched, the, bible, not, true, he, said, but, yes, you should have, visions, and, dreams, and he said, tony, ro, gers, turn into, a, demon, he is, a, bum, watch, and he saw gas prices, at, 3, something, God showed him, if, he works, it, won't, work, magog is, north and south, korea, and, japan, and, china, how do I stay here, said, m.l., mckinney, you are, mis, leading, people, satan, step, down, or, sickness, in, 30, days, after, recieving, this, offender, I want this life said a line of pastors and brother spall was one, and donald winters was one and mrs. winters, and pastor mckinney, and donny joe winters, prophet your loosing said the angel of the Lord, no, gaining, raise your hands and repeat after me, and hollie pointed, bruns automotive repair shop in indianapolis may be ok to get your vehicle fixed, there's the tap dancers, these are the last dAYS, work for Jesus, and hollie tore up the concious, and the tap dancers said, work for the Lord, ain't nobody looking says Jesus, this is a last days sign, and he saw a man, coming toward him to harm, and God showed bob what is inside of a womans butt, bones and muscle and rectum, but bob didn't care, that was hollie tearing up the concious, that was hollie tearin up the concious, can't you see, can't you see, what that woman's been doing to me, and washington d.c., is, that great city, which, reineth, over, the, kings, of, the, earth, america, fuel problem fixed, God showed bob to go thru the floor of the van and he was ready to give up, he did, the fuel pump was loose, thats all, water, thats what michael cunningham will say in hell, but, when Jesus said, serve me, michael said, no, said, sunnysnet, good after noon said sharps automotive repair center, sounds to me like, hit and miss, is what he will say in his heart, find it, and blame everything else, call it, an open shame for sharps automotive repair center and midas, on my death certificate, I did what God led me to do, said the prophet, on my death certificate, I did not do what Jesus told me to do said sissy, and I'm hollie, and that was, repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues prophesied in joel, and it shall come to pass, that I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions, casting out devils, visions and dreams, prophesying is visions while right there, and many more miracles, like the Spirit of God named Jesus did thru Jesus Christ, that is ACTS 2:38, and I'm, hollie, he can do it thru you, honk if your lonely the sign says, talk to Jesus, he's lonely to, only the prophet, and he is horrible company, cause he wants women and alice cooper and men, and sunnysnet laughed, she does to, the immigrants are protesting go back to your own nation, or shut the fuck up, said daniel bohler, bob was ready to sell the van or park it now ride, lets motor for Jesus, and put 200,000 more miles on the van, saddam hussein will be in hell soon, celebrate all you who are children less and parent less, admit your fallen and the Lord can start to heal you said dumitru duduman, put 666 on your forehead or your hand or perish, by the sword, weapon, pastor john c. davis is cut off, no signs, at sanders temple, that whole church is, says Jesus, trap me said pastor kent jordan, I'm cut off, all of the jordans at christian tabernacle church, i can't find him, said, kent, jordan, and he, turned into, kent, gray, pastor of, antioch, the, apostolic, church, said, pastor, m., l., mckin, ney, all, indy apostolic church is, cut, off, nothing, but, signing, un, anointed, and he will, see, this, bromac, brother, mac, don't send it, said, sunny, nys, net, and hollie pointed, lets start it, she, said, no, let it be, sang, the, writer, of, that, song, paul, mccartney, he wrote it, but, john lennon, 's, yoko, ono, would, sue, if, he, claims, and he knows it, she, did not, but, george harrison, broke, them, up, he, wrote, most, of, the, songs, and, would not, let, them, sing, them, unless, he, was, there, you can, verify, it, on, the, inter, net, under, prophecy ministry, berlusconi, did, not, have, a, face, lift, to, old, but, lotion, moisturise, a facial, massage, strengthen, muscles, works, somewhat, let me find him, said, brother, mckinney, that's ok, said, sunny, s, net, the taiwanese, are, torn, not, over, in, de, pen, dence, they want, china, to, take, them, because, america, is, falling, economically, but they won't, until, china, takes, them, by, force, and taht will be, when, the united states, is, attacked, by, china, and, moscow, will have, it, all, planned, out, it will take, about, 20 minutes, of, bombing, to, destroy, america, and, the usa, will, fire, on, raise your hands and repeat after us, china, and, russia, is, the, ram, and, the, hegoat, is, moscow, and, china, and, the, king of grecia, the, son of perdition, the, pope, in the, middle, msocow will, be, attacked, by, china, and, the, pope, and, he will, come out of, moscow, the, little, horn, is, italy, in 1968, dozens, died, when, the, ferry, capsized, in, wellington, harbor, the, ferry, the, tev, wahine, and what really happened is, it, was, over, loaded, and, the storm, was, fierce, check it out, about, 51 people died, they, claim, not, about, 500, really, did, all, perished, and, all, remember, being, on, that, ferry, and that is where, they, all, died, you have enough power to cast out devils said jordan, kent, do it, but, Jesus, must, do, it, thru, the, prophet, he is, not, but, children, and they do not, suffer, medication, the parents, are, the, sinners, doreen, marie, hoge, is, cut, off, no, signs, ave, maria, and, arron, neville, is, cut, off, no, signs, table of the remnant are, cut, off, no, signs, silvana, and, char, silvana, lu, pet, ti, and char, both, the taiwanese, are, torn, not, over, in, de, pen, dence, they want, china, to, take, them, because, america, is, falling, economically, but they won't, until, china, takes, them, by, force, and that will be, when, the united states, is, attacked, by, china, and, moscow, will have, it, all, planned, out, it will take, about, 20 minutes, of, bombing, to, destroy, america, and, the usa, will, fire, on, raise your hands and repeat after us, china, and, russia, is, the, ram, and, the, hegoat, is, moscow, and, china, and, the, king of grecia, the, son of perdition, the, pope, in the, middle, msocow will, be, attacked, by, china, and, the, pope, and, he will, come out of, moscow, the, little, horn, is, italy, in 1968, dozens, died, when, the, ferry, capsized, in, wellington, harbor, the, ferry, the, tev, wahine, and what really happened is, it, was, over, loaded, and, the storm, was, fierce, check it out, about, 51 people died, they, claim, not, about, 500, really, did, all, perished, and, all, remember, being, on, that, ferry, and that is where, they, all, died, you have enough power to cast out devils said jordan, kent, do it, but, Jesus, must, do, it, thru, the, prophet, he is, not, but, children, and they do not, suffer, medication, the parents, are, the, sinners, rapper, proof, deshaun, holton, hell, now, from, rich, popular, to, the, frying, lake, of, fire, God's eternal said dumitru duduman, work for the Lord, and the lighted finger pointed, char tierney and silvana lupetti, table of the remnant, is cut off, no signs, and they will not like it, when they hear it, but, Jesus is the ONE that said it, and he had a beard, and he does not look like operation pictures Jesus, the scam, that char and silvana have to make people think they love Jesus said hollie, the bear cat woman, I'm lying said silvana lupetti, both, bob actually likes them and would like to visit, but, Jesus won't let him, wolves, bob posted on thier webiste, he prophesyed it and silvana took it off because she felt Jesus and it offended her, both, now that was it said the white faced angel of the Lord and he pointed, it won't leak any more said the angle of the Lord, trap her pointed the angel of the Lord, silvana wanted to know what the Father, and holie tore up the contrast the second time, talk about her, she is cut off, no signs, send it to her, and he saw her looking at it and dark haired, and he saw char and silvana in the lake of fire up to thier chins and fire went over thier faces, they knew, but, didn't do it, they confess one baptism on thier website but what is it, and he saw silvana crying, but, bob like her and char and will intercede, God might, God will give them one more chance, they have 30 days to get right with Jesus, after recieving this e-mail, read and do ACTS 2:38, and the lighted hollie pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie pointed at the recorder, bob told this chinese man america and china would go to war over taiwan, and that's when, after china attacks washington state, thats when moscow will grab alaska, and, order will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on russia and china, and, russia, will eliminate the american, and hollie pointed, mainland, that is, the day of the Lord, silvana and char know it, they knew it, God showed them, and hollie tore up the contrast, thats what char and silvana did, broke their agreement with Jesus, when the internet came along, they won't repent, write them, sign thier message board, stop it, said, silvana, but, she is, acting, like, a, christian, like, char, is, let them send your pictures and send them your life savings, that is what they really want, bob was telling char, she needed to repent, and she knew it, cause God was giving him visions, but, he didn't tell her that, he saw silvana and told char, that she has black hair, char signs guestbooks to get people to come to thier website, and hollie tore up the contract, that website would be dead, said the angel of the Lord, like a white faced man, if they didn't do it, and the angel of the Lord pointed, bob did to, but, God stopped him and restarted him, now he doesn't care, if Jesus wants to promote it, let him, he don't care one way or the other, when silvana saw george bush walking with God this is what that meant, he was not, silvana never had it, liar, she did have said the angel of the Lord, but, here's what it meant, come and prophesy in new mexico said silvana, and he saw new mexico explode, it will burn, from russian submarines, and he saw, the whole west coast explode, it will burn, and hollie tore up the concious, when russia strikes america, there went the east coast and the middle part of the nation from top to bottom, henry, your failing said the angel of the Lord, gruver, and the tap dancers said, and silvana and char were two of them, do not overeat, char would want to give him oral sex and silvana both and he would want them to but, they wouldn't, silvana would almost trap him with her beauty, she would want him to fuck her in the mouth, and hollie pointed, but, he would take a hike, before, he got in trouble, and the lighted pointed, there's what the titanic really looked like when it sank, it rolled, to one side, dark, and lifted a little, feet, before it broke, the second part followed about two minutes later, and he saw hollie looking thru the lambs book of life for her name, found it she said, the devil sent me, thats blaspeheme of the Holy Ghost if Jesus really sent, don't say that, iraq said the angel of the LOrd, wille end nuclear, exchange, EZEKIEL 7, sing for the Lord, and hollie had the guitar, and the lighted hand pointed, over 200,000 people have visited or read, and the angel of the Lord showed, ministryofdreams visions, from Jesus, the united states will be attacked by moscow soon said the angel of the Lord, you'll know it tomorrow said the angel of the Lord, she will be cut off, don't even look at her, and the lighted hand pointed, she wanted sex, go for it baby, give me your money said hu, taiwan will be attacked by china said jiang zemin, but, wait until america goes broke and attack them, lure, and let russia do it, then, attack russia, the ram and the hegoat with the pope, and he saw a red dragon, satan is the pope said the pope, can witness press said the white faced angel of the Lord, and he pointed, soon the united states will be, over, said, the, angel, of, the, Lord, like a, white, faced, man, tell on me, I'm, gabriel, an, arch, angel, like a man, animation, but, always, serious, angel he said, om gonna use you bob said Jesus, I'm going to use you now said the angel of the Lord, radio, read these on the radio, prophet doesn't want to, he's busy enough, and he saw a line of kings, he saw putin, hu, lula, hugo chavez, fidel castrol, they will give thier power and strength and kim jong, unto the beast, shroeder for germany and iran's president later, and he will send it over on america, desolate in one hour pointed the angel putin, and the pope is, his god, he will order it, that is God winking, go get a coffee and come back, and he saw the lighted Jesus clapping, make a joyfull noise unto, and Jesus was whipping stephen hansen, cut off, but, come back, hamas and Jesus pointed, like the angel of the Lord, is the Lord's enemies, they are the philistines said marcia woods, and he saw florida explode from submarines and america exploded, and babylon appeared on america, and hollie showed anxiety, record the visions, foreiner 4 sold, millions, magog is, china, north and south korea, japan, where russia is, and he saw it, and it was yellow, yellow means, war, said hu, with the pope's voice, they will hate each otther but cling, that was a heavenly visions, like fore on the clouds, when the titanic hit that iceberg one plate fell off and they found it, there is why, and ballard knew it, the ship sank, the other plates, and the lighted finger pointed, just were wounded, but the ship would have sank anyway from the wounds, opened, not a gash, the wounds were about 4 feet under the mud, I knew it when I saw said robert ballard, that was a 66 cadillac with a 300 and 75 horepower engine, it would not go very fast, but, heavy car, it was a 427, the same one that is in the vette with, two less barrells, I'm going to hell the young woman, she is about 20, but, chose, here's what satan will say in hell, I'll live here rather than serve Jesus, and pastor william harris screamed, I hate Jesus, let everything that hath breath praise the Lord, come to my church, she, that was satan, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the pope and 666 was on his forehead, and he saw the angel in the golden hand, wiggiling, let me loose said sister heaggy and norm heaggy so I can do what I want and he did, now, both cut off, but, preaching, he's a, pastor, at a church, he's in the phone book, sh, satan, I'm the beast, the anti christian, that was hollie tearing up the concious, sh, that was satan, sh, I'm, let us in, but, I wanted out said brother mckinney and he winked, and Jesus pointed, he's cut off, indy apostolic, write him, brother mac web designs, he will get this says Jesus and he saw a line of pastors including, the reverend spall, donald winters, brother mckinney, donny joe winters, paul jordan, kent jordan, kent gray, pastor joseph farris, pastor townshend, they all committed blasphemy against the Holy Ghost saying bob is of the devil, brother mckinney will see that, if brother mckinney would see bob, and he tore up his contract, he would say, I did not recognise it, but he is of satan, and bob saw, pastor michael perdue is cut off, wite him, no, signs, and bob saw, 666 on brother mckinney's forehead, he's cut off, cause 666 is the number of the beast, henry gruver's open, has an agreement with Jesus, leave it at that, and the prophet heard him singing schools out and sounded ok and it would have sold, not like alice cooper, and he heard him sing, how you gonna see me now and the ministering spirits in the background, not number one, but, number 8, if, he sang it, to hit number one, he would have had to sing, this, children of the sun by prophet billy thorpe, bob would've hit number one, another one bob could have hit with us and them, by, prophet's pink floyd, another number one, don't tell me said david gilmour, nights in white satin by the moody blues, those are the only songs, that he could sing and hit number one, and God knows it, and he hears him singing nights in white stain while recording, he's not impressed, wouldv'e hit number one, that was his favorite album, billion dollar babies, that was billion dollar babies said the angel of the Lord, and he pointed, by alice cooper, sick things, he loved, mar ann, he liked, his favorite album after that was, alice cooper's, hey stupid, after that, alice cooper's, greatest hits, after that, w.a.s.p. greatest hits, after that, meatloaf, paradice by the dashboard light, after that, ozzy ozbourne's, no rest for the wicked, he here's him singing, if none of us, beleive's in war, then can you tell me what the weapon's for, he sound amazing, it would've been number 7, that song was written by ozzy osbourne, he prayed and asked Jesus for, a good song that would hit hearts, that would've made come sail away number one, just a little work, styx was bobs favorite band, God can see it in his heart, journey and reo he like, his favorite meatal band was, w.a.s.p., his favorite musician was, alice cooper, he like meatloaf and ozzy ozbourne equally, his favorite song was, and he doesn't even know it, right now, by the moody blues said alice cooper, nights in white satin said kenneth haney, he's wondering about that, tony oliver is Holy Ghost filled, but, backslided, married, donald winters daughter, judy lynn winters, greg oliver is cut off, like brother phillips, come back tony oliver, I'm not, and bring many with you, bob saw it, it felt like a body my perfect size coming into me, thats what it, feels, like, when the Holy Ghost comes in, and looks like, a White Mist, bob has seen it, and he hears the moody blues singin nights in white satin and likes it while he's praying on the floor in the basement with the fan on, bob would have sold out every show and still can, the kind of music he would sing is like alice cooper, vince neil of motley crue is a prophet, black magic woman was by prophet calos santana, but, he didn't sing it, the singer got no attenting, everybodies eyes was on carlos, and he picked and was good, he didn't speak english said the singer, thier music was creative and still sells but bob didn't like them, he didn't like, nothing, they did, that he knows of, he would not have like super natuaral, and carlos tore up his contract, interesting bob is thinking, bob and tom are both, grizald and kehvorian, prophets, call, them, on, q95, and read the visions on q95 and bob goes by it often, and hollie licked the prophet, stephen wolf was a prophet, the end is near, for, all humanity, work, while you have a chance, when missiles strike, los angeles, from russian submarines, and he saw, the, west coast, explode, it will burn, millions, no, billions, will, perish, work, I want my visions on the internet said Jesus, I want my website full of visions and dreams says the Lord, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, and that was hollie showing, if you don't know what to do, then, don't, do, any, thing, or, say, and holie pointed, and he saw him and he said, delivered, prayer, don't sell said the angel of the Lord, you need to show God something to, he just can't keep showing you, and you not show him something, thats how you get cut off, and hollie pointed, no more visions in pentecost because there are no more apostolics in pentecost, china, will, grab, taiwan, and, attack washington, state, to, lure, america, into, war, and, when, they, go, then, moscow, will, lead, an, all, out, attack, on, the u.s., a., by, submarines, and, ships, and, missile's, and, american, subs, will, fire, on, moscow, and, china, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia, is, the, beast, with, seven, heads, and, ten, horns, and, that is, the, pope, the, anti, christian, the, son, of, per, di, tion, and he saw, a, line, of, kings, and, chavez, and, castrol, and, putin, and, hu, and jong, and, fox, they will, give, thier, power, and, thier, strength, unto, putin, and he will, ahnialate, america, the pope is, the, anti, christian, and, the, little, horn, is, italy, and hollie showed to record the vision, anxious, china, is, magog, and that is, where, the, land's, of, china, moscow, and, north, and, south, korea, are, and, japan, and, india, and, pakistan, all, and, more, and he saw, hollie, and, she, was, on, the, bus, stop, and, smile, and, she, said, in, another, vision, your, letting, go, lake, john, is, open, but, none, of, the, john, lake, ministries, are, stay away from, become, like, john, lake, God, did, much, thru, him, like, heal, over, 100, thousand, people, wow, said, john, when, he, said, and hollie tore up the contrast, and he saw the words, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and he saw the words, magog, china, north korea, south korea, japan, russia, where all those lands are, and hollie showed to record the vision, Jesus wants a broken spirit and a contrite heart, he will not reject, I will let you have the reins said the angel of the Lord if you will not submit to Jesus, and hollie tore up the concious, again, the contrast, that was hollie tearing up the concious, and the tap dancers said, raise your hands and repeat after me, don't mess with, char and silvana of table of the remnant, they are cut off, thats right, no signs, bob, record the visions said hollie's, problem, I have a controversy with the nations, I will give some to famine, pestilence, threescore, born at the table, hooker, pick her up, lick them bowells, that is exactly what she was doing, irving baxter is cut off said the angel of the Lord, that was irving baxter in the fire hollie showed and pointed, smiling, and hollie pointed tearin up the concious, bush started the iraq war over oil contracts, now, economic collapse to america, eat pussy said the angel of the Lord, thats what america wants, and hollie tore up the concious, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed to record the visions, and tore up the contrast from behind, you wanna date, thats who would go for you and thats what you like, the cat woman, and he saw a big hand holding the titanic, they said, God could not sink it, he did not have anything to do with it, and captain smith knew, exactly what it would take, he said bottom, he knew when it hit the iceberg, he drank whiskey and shot himself, that was brother stair not captain smith, I sold sang moody blues lead singer for material, iraq, said the angel of the Lord, was over breaking oil contracts, tell, at bush's next lecture, long war said the angel of the Lord, terrorism, and america is the terrorist, saddam hussein is a terrorist, he killed millions, perish, and he saw a bullet hole in saddam's head, bury, he will say allah in the lava lake, I knew, he did not exist, Jesus, we all know, and that was hollie pointing and walking, with the shower cap on, and he saw submarines firing on china and moscow, and he saw what a nuclear explosion looks like from sattelite, humongous, the united states has missiles all over the world, and the finger pointed, so does moscow, it's coming, nights in white stain was written to Jesus, that is why it has endured, and all ways will, he knew the truth and goes to a pentecostal church, but, God won't save him, iraq, they planned it, and they knew civil war, this is what we want, thier oil wells, said bush, saddam would have sold, and the lighted finger pointed, america all the oil for weapons, america could be the most thriving nation on the planet pointed the angel of the Lord, but, iraq, since 91, they stayed for the oil, but saddam was, causing problems, like, russia, help, and putin laughed, you broke the oil contracts, iraq said sharone, destroy them, and take the oil, he thought of it long ago and should have, if the titanic would have hit the iceberg head on, the front part of the ship would have came off, it would have sank in about one hour, and he saw a heavenly visions, and eye wink, and Jesus, and hollie pointed, final warning said the angel of the Lord, serve Jesus while you can, for the night cometh, and bill schnoeblen said, can witness press, with the angel's voice, he's cut off, but, prophecy club, hollie would have thought, I see people to, I don't care, If you put my name on the internet, but, I transformed back to a sinner, don't tell that, and pastor luster tore up his contract and turned into hollie, he's cut off, but, still preaches, he and wife both, mrs. luster, the prophetess, and that was hollie, tearing up, the, contrast, don't pay your taxes in this filthy country said the pope, and hollie pointed to get over, and hollie tore up the contract, america will be a desolation without notice, and he saw it desolate and explode and, record the vision hollie showed, babylon appeared on it, thats america, thats stp oil treatment said the angel of the Lord, luscas, oil, products, write them, and tell, God exposed, but, it's good for an engine, but, don't use it, you, don't need it, buy thicker oil, lucas heavey duty oil stabilizer, oil is not enough alone, but, yes it is, tell them that, it does not extend engine life, but, if you don't change your oil, it will, keep the oil thick, and hollie tore up the concious, sh, satan, she lied, and knew it, and you embarrased her in front of people, I should have shut my mouth she thought, and hollie tore up the contrast, they all have, I don't want to be on no sign said Jesus, that is sacrelidge, the social security number for the pope is 666, born the table between the pope and false prophet hu, and the Lord of host popped out of Jesus's mouth, I'm out he said, the gospel has been published in all nations, even, new ones, they were, old, one's, people, know, now, work, said, the, angel, of, the, Lord, he, popped, out of, Jesus's, mouth, and, again, you, need to, press, to, the, mark, of, the, high, calling, in, Christ, Jesus, everyone, and the woman which thou sawest is that great city reigneth over the kings of the earth, washington dc is that woman, or, MYSTERY, BABYLON, the mother of, harlots, is, false, christians, abominations is, sin, woman means, blood, and, america, is, shedding, like, iraq, and, coming, iran, both, are, not, called, by, Jesus, and hollie tore up the contrast, and he saw america explode, from russian submarines, and they will attack china and russia, and hollie licked the prophet, china will attack soon, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan to lure america into war and then russia will grab alaska and america will fire on china and russia attack the american mainland, desolate, in, one, hour, the sun and the moon will blocked out for 16 hours from the smoke and one third of the popualtion will be wiped out including mexico, canada, and, cuba, and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the concious, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts saith paris hilton, cloverdale baptist is cut off, no signs, and that was hollie running with the shower cap on, and, the angel of the LOrd pointed, and so did hollie, salvation is, ACTS, 2:38, repent, and, be, bap, tized, everyone of you, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and, recieve, the, Holy, Ghost, with, the, evidence, of, speaking, in, new, tongues, rice says, it is, time, for, action, against, iran, but, bush says, attack is, ludicris, but, watch, and the world will, amaze, and know, that, he, is, a, lair, and, not, want, anything, to, do with, allright, he, said, but, the uss, george, washington, is, the, big, army, battle, ground, floating, but, look, at, all, the, innocent, blood, shed, from, it, iraq, and, more, and hollie showed to record the vision, visions and dreams are from Jesus, and put them on the internet, that says pothole, not poophole like prophet thought, and that is what america wants, anal and oral sex, that only leaves, judgement, sodom, and, gomarah, and, americano, said the, p, o, p, e, but, america is spreading her sins all over the world, that is why judgement has to come, to, the usa, look around, it's getting worse, God can not let this go on, bankruptcy is abomination, if you can't, pay, then, do not, buy, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saith paris hilton, it is time to get busy for Jesus, whoever has the visions, put them on the internet, the ozone layer is what keeps the earth and lights it, God made it that way, but, it's depleting they say, its not, but, thats an excuse to charge more for fuel, make it, like bush and the arabs are doing, it was all planned out, render unto ceaser that things that are ceasars, and render unot God, the things that are God's, paying state taxes, the state provides abortion clinics and you help keep them open, no state taxes, this year, they ripped the ten commandments off school walls, so, don't pay unless God leads you, set the watchman and let him declare what he sees, and he saw america explode, it will burn, and submarines firing on, america, and american subs firing on russia and china, one third of the population will be wiped out, mexico and canada and cuba as well, post, warn people, and holie tore up the contrast, are you undecided, live for Jesus anyway, there's 7 billion people in the world, and rarely does somebody pray thru to the Holy Ghost, the prophet did, but, he still wants everything that he used to want, but, has to say no to him self, you say say no to, and hollie pointed, embarras drexel gardens apostolic faith church, they are cut off, and need to know it, pastor caldwell, her butt was hanging out of her pants, if she only knew, shes not that, and smoking, fool, the sign at, drexel gardens apostolic tabernacle, says, but, God, commendeth, toward, us, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, they are still, sinners, no signs, reverend l. caldwell, pastor, cut off, and knows it, but, if they refuse your testimony, stay away, they will try to, get you to fall, america is about to attack iran, uto, said hollie, no it ain't, that was kristina, and hollie tore up the concious, that woman was wanting free gas, and sex would have been an option for enough gas, lick my ass, is what she wants, oil said the pope, is what, is bringing armageddon, nations need it, and america is gobbling, o my God, said irving baxter, o my God, said hollie and jackie, americans are doing what the mounds indians did, putting things in thier ears and gentals and dancing to rap music, its a spirit, upci is cut off, said the tap dancers, no signs, you need to tell said dorein, and hollie pointed, district pastor peter willie, peter willy, is cut off, and samuel quaye, elder, samuel, quaye, is, cut, off, there reprobates, no, signs, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, the phillistines are, the, palestinians, and they will be, destructed, by, raise your hands and repeat after me, the, american's, oout of, iraq, and, iraq will, fire, back, but, not in, that, order, exchange, that, EZEKIEL 7, might be, full, filled, then, america, will have, about, 2, months, repent, and be, baptized, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and recieve, the, gift of, the, Holy, Ghost, and he saw a hand of lighted seeds, lowered, to donald winters, donald can, tell the truth, but, he si cut off for blaspheme of the Holy Ghost, he said to bob, those are from the devil, he is cut off, and brother phillips, I want my website full of visions said Jesus Christ, and that was hollie, speaking on his behalf, I can't find him, said the angel of the Lord, he may be testing you, you may be cut off, come all ye that are heavy laden, and I will, and hollie pointed, give you rest, my burden is easy, my yoke is the job that you have, and hollie showed, separate, get close to Jesus, read and do ACTS 2:38, prophesied in joel, and the lighted angel pointed, read and do ACTS 2:38, for salvation, that'll do it, said the angel of the Lord, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other thongues, that is, another language understood down here on earth, that the Holy Ghost speaks thru you, and hollie smiled, thats the word, when your fallen, you'll be helpen with little help, don't expect Jesus to help you, and the fingers showed 3, golden, those were hollie's and he saw two golden bears, hu is, and that was hollie, the false prophet, and the pope is, the antichrist, the new world order, and hollie pointed, the furnace for stephen hansen, the prophesier, come and testify and frank mcgwire tore up his contract, he plays the drums at lakeview christian center and wears shorts at work, he is cut off, the eonomys slippin said the angel of the Lord, its over gas, and buisnesses leaving, bobby, om laughing, said ken pingleton, he's cut off, trinity, preaching, call him in indianapolis and his brother, pastor pingleton's, cashing in, you know it said the angel of the Lord, iraq, it's coming, and he saw EZEKIEL 7, that is, and the lighted hand pointed, destruction to perisa, the palestinian state, the palestinian state said hollie, destroyed, iraq, the same, american nukes both ways, that will, raise up, the spirit of the medes, hate, toward america, the whole middle east is perisa, the kings of the east are the oriental nations, the united states will be attacked soon said the angel of the Lord, MYSTERY, BABYLON, that is, america, the woman, means, raise your hands and repeat after me, blood, the whore means, harlots, thats it, a chater on God, abominations is sin, waters are, many nations, countries, that make up, americano, here's how brakes work from hollie, push the pedal, power booster, applies more presure to the master cylinder, and that forces the piston to move and push fluid to the calipers, proportioning valve, separates front from back, and hollie pointed, more pressure, no, equal, then, fluid forces, the piston out, in the brake caliper and, it forces brake pads up against disc or drum, release, the opposite happens, trouble shoot brakes, if brakes won't release or pressure builds up, then, bad, something, if pressure builds up, and, there should not be any pressure, and light went into the recorder, then bad caliper, it should release, there both bad said the angel of the Lord, if pressure builds up slowly, bad seals, it isn't releasing all the way, meaning, master cylinder, or, power brake thing, we plan to nuke bobby, iraq, bush brought it in to and hollie pointed, please the oil industry, tell people, I wanted out said the prophet, but, he didn't leave, deny yourself, and follow Jesus, and blackie lawless pointed, they did not sell very many records, but, had good songs, hits, the radio stations would not play them wasp stood for, we are sexual pervert's, and people knew it, and hollie said, sh, satan, thats mr clayton, and his son, clayton's southeastern auto parts, junk yard, it's to late, for me, he said, we know there's something different about you said mr clayton, but what is different, between you and us is, you've got the Holy One on the inside, and the angel of the Lord pointed, and hu pointed at the recorder, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan, to lure america into war, russia will grab alaska, and, orders will go to united states submarines, and they will fire on russia and china, and america will be attacked by moscow, one third of the population will be wiped out, including, pointed the angel of the Lord, canada and mexico and cuba, the bear is russia, and they will pluck up cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, to attack, amexico out of, and then, leave, the lion is, the pope, and satan will be, his image, the leopard is, china, north and south korea, and japan, where all those lands are, including, russia, india, and, pakistan, thats the beast of REVELATION 17, the ten horns are, raise your hands and repeat after me, ten kings that hate america, the seven heads are, click your heels, and pat your side, and repeat after me, said putin, and pointed, and there's background singing by the pope, they will give thier power and strength unto the beast, send it over on amexico, the original america included, canada and mexico, and putin, bowed, there's your end day message, the seven heads are, and hollie tore up the concious, with golden bear paws, 7 nations that have an agreement with amexico, and the beast, is the eighth and of the seven, italy, and he saw italy, and berlusconi's, party, lost, he will not concede, they love him, and putin bowed again, cheers, said sam neill, and the sun and the moon, will be blocked out for 16 hours, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation, and satan pointed, thats repent, and be baptised, in Jesus Christ name, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, thats another language, understood down here on earth, and the serpent said, I'm the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and I'm the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, they will hate each other but cling, the king of grecia, and the king of the east, he just witnessed to 3 people and all got cut off, young but, no repentance, and he saw, a line of pastors, spall, winters, donny joe winters, mrs. winters, donald winters, brother phillips, they are all cut off, no signs, mckinney was there to, and hollie tore up the, contrast, with golden bear paws, they all did, there agreement with Jesus, sh, that was satan, and he saw, clap your hands and click your feet, sam neill, damien, with 666 on his scalp, that will be born at the table between prophet hu and the pope, the king of the south and the king of grecia, to prevent them from destroying each other, hu said the pope, sh, satan, I'm the beast, I'm already cut off said brother phillips at westside pentecostal church, all of them are, no signs, iraq, your under judgment for blaspheme, the kings of persia are, the middle east, 3 kings rose up, after nebuchadrezzer, and the fourth will be richer than they all, he will be, false prophet hu, no, the pope, both, that's the second king, clap your horns and stomp your feet, the third king is, the pope, the fourth king is, and the lighted hand touched my recorder, the idol shepherd, the pope will be slashed, and satan will enter, and destroy, wonderfully, looking for, the remnant, of the jews, he will sit in the temple, that, is, the abomination of desolation, and he will say, I am god, they won't beleive it, and Christ will appear, the viols will be poured out, and the mountain will split in two, and bob saw Christ with many of his saints, and a hallow over his head, sh, and hollie pointed, that was power, and Christ will say, pope perish, false prophet hu, raise your hands and repeat after me, perish, they both will perish, and everybody, and the lighted hand pointed, and Christ will deliver the church, up to the Father, and the word will be fulfilled, and Jesus Christ is the word of Jesus, I won't repent, said, Jesus, he is, cut off, he'll be subject to the Father, your a prophet said mr. clayton, everybody is, get saved, and he saw, mr. clayton and his son in lava up to thier chins, they both knew, and fire went over thier faces, to whom much is given, much is required, and he saw, and hollie pointed, spared, disaster, thank, you, Jesus, louisville explode, it will burn, from russian submarines, and he saw america with babylon written on it and the finger pointed, cause babylon is, america, yoru trampling the blood of Christ when you continue in sin, no more sacrifice, sh, that was satan, the beast, she said, china and japan, and hu pointed, and touched the recorder, is like a lamb rising out of the sea, the two horns are, china and japan, worship the pope hu will say, and he saw the pope's image on hu's hand, and he had 666 on his forehead, and that's the image of the beast, satan, sh, I'm, and he saw blackie lawless of w.a.s.p. in the furnace, he will burn, that's prophet lawless, and hollie pointed at the recorder, sh, that was satan, I smoke, who ever sins is of the devil, said hollie, and the finger pointed at the tv, sh, satan, devilvision, you know when gasoline went up said hollie, this time people are thinking, the furnaces went off and gas went up, now they see it, the government under men bush and cheney, a dog returns unto his vomit and so does a fallen christian, when backslides, don't go to mexico and he saw it explode, it will burn and canada, when russia attacks america, the day of the Lord, and he saw canada explode, and hollie tore up the contrast, prophesied in joel, that was a heavenly vision, with light coming down on Christ, praying, and that was a heavenly vision, with people appearing, out of, the, light, many, more than once, people in the light, heaven, go over there and preach said Jesus, and he saw, wetside pentecostal church, but, donald winters said, get out, put it on the internet, and he, never said one bad word or about donald winters, and he saw donald reading this, send, it, to, him, at, westside, pentecostal, backslided, church, and he saw a hand with golden rings on it, talents, seek them so God can use you, and he had a dream where he saw, president bush, heard, at like a dinner, and people, were, taking shots at him, troubled, but, bye, he said worried like, hamas is the Lord's enemies, the philistines, and he saw stars twice, particles, beautiful, a heavenly vision, that was Jesus with his shower cap on, lighted, and he saw the words, daily hours, sh, satan, I'm, the beast, with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the, pope, and the tap dancers said, work for the Lord, while it is still day, 666, born at the table, between the pope and false prophet hu, and the lOrd of hosts popped out of Jesus's mouth, I'm out he said, the word of the Lord is out, published in all nations, and the woman which thous sawest is that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth, washington d.c. is the woman, whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON, and hollie tore up the contrast, and he saw america explode from russian submarines, and they will attack russia and china, and hollie licked the prophet, at, auto, zone, all, witnessed, to, you, are, cut, off, no, repent, ance, fire, them, at, east washington street, around, state, and, washington, no, inventory, call it, an, open, shame, for, auto, zone, and, hollie, pointed, go, and, witness, the uk said, iran, serious, but, straw, already, knows, about, america, s, plans, to, attack, iran, soon, before, the, nuclear, plant, is, operational, the iran president, wants, israel, wiped off, the, face, of, the, world, but, iran will be, he said, israel, is, a, threat, to, islamic, nations, they are, the, threat, and kenneth haney sang, nights in white satin, the problem is not fixed, and he saw 4, magog, will be, china, moscow, north and south korea, where all those lands are, including pakistan and india and japan, situate, a beautiful city, where the pope will be the ruler, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, the hegoat is, click your horns and raise your heels, the hegoat is, the pope, and china and russia the ram, the pope will use china to attack moscow, after moscow attacks americano, lift me up said JEsus, and I will draw all men unot me, I was lifted up when I died, it was more expedient that I go, that you may recieve the Holy Ghost, and paul mooney pointed, pay your taxes not, keep abortion clinics open, the state pays for them, if the state does anything that violates the law of God, then, do not pay, and look around you, its not getting any better, and hollie pointed, smiling and lighted, and hollie pointed, take them back if they wear out, brake shoes, and that was hollie, smiling, lit, and hollie tore up the concious, lifetime warranty, period, upci is cut off said the tap dancers, and hollie showed victory, when, china attacks washington state and grab taiwan, then, raise your hands and stomp your feet, that's when, russia will attack alaska, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on, china and russia, and then, russia will fire on the american mainland, one third of the population will be wiped out, including mexico and cuba, and canada, and he saw canada explode, and mexico, and he told that young man that, prophesied it, but, the young man said, not, perish, then, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and paul mooney tore up his contrast, and paul mooney pointed, the message, upci is cut off, the whole church will know, the tap dancers said paul mooney is cut off and he was one of them, I'm a bear said hollie and putin pointed, the bear is, moscow, the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, plucked to invade america, then, leave, china is not the red dragon, that is satan, china is magog, and hu is the false prophet, they rose last, and he saw girls wearing tight pants, and they were only about 15, already, lick my bowells, and he saw, the 35, prophecies and dreams and visions, the prophecy club sells for about 5 bucks per, they made millions, stay away from them, prophet stan johnson is cut off, no sings, record hollie showed impatiently, and hollie pointed, I'll git that said paul mooney, and he pointed twice, fuck you, and hollie pointed, people with ballon butts are in demand and most have them unles they have lost weight, and hollie tore up the con, and pointed, trast, raise, your hands and repeat after me, russia is the bear and he saw a teddy bear turn into a big tall angry bear, putin, russia is angering, at americano, and he saw a man, from grace apostolic church, he is cut off like pastor hunt and teacher brother fudge and all of the church, a that latenight, doulbe feature picture show, sang hollie, the rocky horror picture show converts people into homo's, stay away or get trapped, and he saw, and hollie pointed, that is why, people, go, to, the, rocky, horror, picture, show, gay, sex, for the, first, time, a door open and the lake of fire, like, fire lake, and he saw the word, hell, and he hears and see's hollie talking and the music, and he saw the pope like an angel of light, I am the holy person, I am god is what he will say, and he will get slashed, and satan will enter in, and destroy wonderfully, and the lighted pope pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, and the pope said, your going to the lake, he's the most followed religious leader there is, and 666 is on his forehead, that was new jerusalem, like clear glass, skyscrapers, and the blue sky, and the lighted hand pointed, and hollie is narrorating, and bob was told, to look at the liquor store and picked up a powerful yoke and it just leaf, and howard stern said fuck when he looses radio stations, bob and tom are popular because stern is falling, and he saw, the, apostle john typing at the computer, post, put your visions on the internet, thats me said hollie is what they thing, I'm moodie, and he saw hollie at the bus stop and she smiled, your letting go she screamed, in the next visions said sunnysnet, there's the missile said sunnysnet, make a website, and steal a name, for it, cause eating pussy is what america wants, judgement said hollie, cause g.t. haywood, and hollie pointed, said turn me over to a reprobate mind so I can do what I want to, God did, watch what you ask for said sam neill, and sam neill was running, and said, I wanted out, he didn't want to make jurassic park, but knew, it would be big, and it was, number one, and still is, jurassic park was number one in sells for about 6 months, get a phone said damien, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie pointed, no way, said sunnysnet, theres a storm coming called russia will attack americano, and america will attack moscow, and china, the earth will be moved out of its place said sunnysnet, lets rule the world, hit russia said hu, but wait, do it by, and the finger pointed, suprise, said sunnysnet, o no, that was tammy bundy, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw alaska and putin pointed, attack, the average prson farts about 50 times everyday, cover me, cover yourself, read and do ACTS 2:38, and the lighted hand pointed at the penis, oral sex she wants, give me that vaGINA, NO WAY, JEREMIAH 35 is what God wants you to read, sang hollie, and there's music, sh, that was satan and he looked like Jesus, when davey allison came along, richard petty was d, o, n, e, then cale yarbourough, the dale earnhart, and then, jeff, gordon, and he still is winning, but, the reins are about to pass again, you know whats going on, he's becoming afraid, of wrecking, cause he knows he's cut off, and single, and he saw dale earnhardt, hit his steering wheel, theres what caused his death, your out, said Jesus, and he's talking about donald winters, he's cut off, go to vacation bible school, at westside pentecostal church, and be taught by donald winters, and he saw a nuclear explosion, behind the white house, america will be destroyed in just one hour, the day of the Lord prophesied in joel, the world will be moved out of its place, trap mr. clayton, I sold him, for my job, and now, I'm old, and cut off, rich, but, lost, get a computer, and sell more, cause you deal with older cars, and he saw the west coast in flames and the east coast, and the middle part of the nation from submarines, similar to what henry gruver, and henry gruver pointed, s, a, w, that was stephen hanson in the fire, write him, put this on his message board, and hollie pointed, post, bob likes stephen hanson, when he sees this he will smile and bob saw him seeing this, and, smiling, the apostle paul was not pleasing unto God until the road to damascus experience, then, blind for 3 days, after his conversion, the ACTS 2:38 conversion, then, ro arabia for three years and taught by God, then, witnessing, the apostle paul fasted and cried out to Jesus always, till his death, and he saw, the words, BABYLON IS AMERICA, MYSTERY, thats how that should be written, not, the bible is perfect, no hidden code's, don't read those books said sunnysnet, sh, that was satan, I'm the beast said paul mccartney, the beatles were not ahead of thier time but, john lennon wanted woman to jack him off, they all did, no babies, that was sister pentecost, get saved, don't say you are, read ACTS 2:38 for salvation, and do it, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and recieve, and that was the angel of the Lord, the gift of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, and the Lord of hosts popped out of Jesus's mouth and said, it's out, the word of the Lord, in all nations, and hollie pointed, george said send him, but, george cursed many time, bob would not come, that was hollie tearing up the contract, and that was hollie tearing up the contrast, the future has no winning contract unless Jesus is Lord of your life, and hollie pointed, that was a glimpse of Jesus, lighted, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, that was hollie shoing prayer walk, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, smiling, turn, I'm the bear said the grizzly, that is, moscow, record the vision hollie showed, 666 is the mark of the beast, born at the table between false prophet hu and the pope, the king of the south and the king of website, and hollie tore up the contract, magog is, clap horns and repeat after me, china, moscow, invaded, lets rule the world, china, moscow, nicaragua, they will give their power and strength unto the beast and he will send it over on america, desolation, and hollie showed split the floor on the van, and find the leak, it's your choice said Jesus, come all ye that are heavy ladened, and I will give you rest, I'm out said Jesus, whats that, said hollie, the word of the Lord, published in all nations, so the end can come, raise your hands and clap your feet, I want my visions on the internet saith Jesus, post your vision's and dreams, pastor ron elliott is cut off, the bible church, apostolic, thunderstorms, whats that, that is, coming to america, called, nuclear attack, and he saw the west coast in flames, it will burn, from, moscow, and he jsut saw lightening, and he saw the east coast in flames, it will burn, when the engine is gone or transmission is when you get rid of yoru vehicle, but if not, fix it, they are to much, and don't have to go out, maintenance, change that oil or keep it full, change that transmission fluid, thats the king of hunger rught there that the Lord wants, wanting Jesus to save people, revival, can happen im more than bob wanted, and he does right now, and the angel of the Lord pointed, pray, bob can send bob your way, or come your way thru him, he would, and hollie pointed, work forthe Lord, trap said the truck driver, stuck where you shouldn't be stuck, God sent the prophet, lock those 4 wheels in, he did, gone, bob was a trucker, and he saw stephen hansen in the fire, and hollie pointed at him, in the furnace, again, and he saw the word, magog, go and post, that is russia, raise your hands and repeat after me, china, japan, and, india and pakistan, where all those lands are, the korea's, MYSTERY, BABYLON is, americo, and that is, it's starting, said the angel of the Lord, where america is, but, used to be where mexico is, that used to be, mexico, now, canada, americano, and, mexico, gas prices are high, because of the iraq war, and the threat of iran, and they will attack, and hollie pointed at the recorder, record, paul mooney will say, look, we are serious about Jesus here, I got'em, but, where are the signs, pastor allan f. buck is cut off, no signs, put the s on buck and you know why he's preaching, and sunnysnet laughed, nope, that wasn't sunnysnet, that was some other broad following this website, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is the pope, and hu is, the false prophet, the new world order, there are no more visions in pentecost because there are no more apostolics in pentecost, said hollie, and she bowed, pastor a. e. newman, a stands for apostolic, e stands for, lets see, what did he do, preaching, this rock apostolic faith church, but, has never been saved, e must stand for eluder, eluded Jesus, like stephen hanson, in the furnace, and he saw them both in the fire, stephen will be completly engulfed and hollie showed the recorder, paul mooney, your embarrassed, he is cut off, but, preaches, calvary temple, apostolic faith Church, indiana bible college, calvary christian schools, in the news letter, endtime ministries with, cut off prophet, irving baxter, no signs, buy his book, and be scared by it but it's not right, that cop will not say nothing to them unless something is wrong, said the angel of the Lord out of, and he's walking by the college and they are young people holding hands, they will all make babies unwed, whores, america is the whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON is, america, woman means, blood, russia will attack, china and america will go to war, and then, russia will lead an all out attack, the ram, I'm mad at you, said the angel of the Lord, and he saw, irving baxter with r.h. duncan's hair, they are both cut off, but, treaching, write them, thats, r. h. duncan, at one way apostolic church and, greater one way apostolic church, and, endtimes ministries, irving baxter jr., and kathy who works there is cut off to, no signs, write, how tree roots, work, absorb, draw, in, full, no more, draw, wait, untill, thirsty, again, china, and, america, will, go to, war, and then, moscow, will, attack, on the, board, at, iupui, and, iraq, war, nuclear, and, more, read and do, ACTS, 2:38, repent, and be, bap, tized, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and, receieve, the, Gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, with, new, tongues, as the Spirit gives the utterance, the united states will be attacked soon said the angel of the Lord, with, a, white, man's, face, like, lit up, cheers, said, sam, damien, neill, and hollie showed to record, impatient, ly, soon, the, united, states, will be, attacked, by, moscow, said the angel of the Lord, and he pointed, alice cooper, is, cut off, no, signs, but, of, a, rock, star, but, was, pentecostal, mumps are, judge, ment, 8, states, more, iranian leader, slams the, united, states, for, nuclear, pressure, because of, war, that, is, why, thunder, storms, are, raging, because, russia, will, soon, attack, america, and the angel of the Lord said, e-mail, bob, and, he will, not, return, judgment's here, it's, iraq, and hollie showed, victory, that was, baby, fleas, not, hollie, and hollie showed to record the vision, that, pray in your van, look at the lighteneing said hollie, beautiful, but, electricity, power, created by, static, in the atomosphere, God gave rain, to, moisturise, the earth and for, life to drink it up and piss it out, if you pea, you drank to much, and, the, other, I want said Jesus, and this is hollie, a broken spirit and a contrite heart, God will not reject, that, more fish, after you have suffered for a while, I will give you meat in due season, and hollie pointed, but, first, prove, yourself to Jesus, about 7 or 8 years, that, the fan, I want my website said hollie, and she is, turning into a wolf, irving baxter is the wolf, china is, and hollie tore up the contrast, magog, with, north and south korea, the bear is moscow, and the three ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, to invade america out of, lightening storm, and that is coming to the usa, and hollie was pushing the semi on levle ground, lets see, hum, when you are filled with water, thats when your in your car and you breathe and the windows steam up, if you see foot prints on the window, uto, sex is why judgment is coming to america, sex is one reason why said the angel of the Lord, pride, abundance of bread, laziness, pushing sin on nations of the world, and calling themselves christians but are liars, thats what an apostle is, a christian like a prophet, no difference, and hollie pointed, anybody can be and is, but, did you follow thru, jeremiah did, ezekiel did, moses, fell, at the end, but, found grace for his labor of love, God will not forget you labor of love, and hollie pointed, tarry for a space, then go out and witness, get strong, thats animal body that you have, it eats, and drinks and poops and farts and pisses, you know why you have hair on your butt, because, you are an animal with a soul in the inside, the godbolds evangelised and they were given enough money to cover expenses, but, they were lost and nobody got saved under them, carolyn godbold, wayne godbold, died, perished, the son, preaches, un anointed just like, come all ye, that are heavey ladened, and I will give rest, my yoke is east and my burden is light, EZEKIEL did not see magog which is china but it was prophesied to him, God spoke, it is beautiful compared, iran, no, iraq, where he was, babylon, the old one, the new one is, america, judgment's here said kristiana fox, trap said Jesus, I do not want handicapped children to live, shoot them and put them out of thier misery or take care of them the rest of your life, and hollie tore up the contract, chewbacca, shoot them he said in the forehead, kill, prophet knows it's right, trap said Jesus, and the angel of the Lord pointed at the recorder said hollie, pay the price and Jesus might heal the sick child, but, if you won't pay, shoot, 20 year old visions is what they say about dumitru dudman's visions, but, not fulfilled yet, uto, THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL, talks about, the day of the Lord, the antichrist, EZEKIEL 28, magog, EZEKIEL 38 and 39, the battle of armageddon, raise your hands and repeat after me, the image daniel saw was the beast of REVELATION 13, no america, after, america will not see a mark of the beast, that is the event that brings him in and Christ back, and hollie wept, witness, the valley of dry bones is EZEKIEL 37, already fulfilled, israel became of nation again in 1948, AMOS talks about and EZEKIEL 7 israel being destroyed, the palestinian state, nuclear exchange, between, iraq, and, israel, and he saw a great earthquake, that is it, and babylon, which is america came in rememberance before Jesus to give to her of the fierceness of his wrath, that is a mountain, and the finger pointed, the mountain folded back and the name america came out, I will make america a burnt mountain saith Jesus, and he saw putin, attack, out of, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, plucked, thats it said Jesus and pointed, I will make damascus a ruiness heap, that is, iraq, said gene schmidt, no, the palestinian state, no, it's right here said the president of syria, you know that, asyria, somebodies going to attack syria, and who do you think that will be, don't istne to me said the president of iran, liar, we will turn the nuclear power plant off, the, bush will hit, liars, iran can not produce nuclear material without russia's help, and, they, won't, because, they know, america, will, attack, planned, bush has already told putin, I'm going to destroy it, like or not, doesn't matter to me said putin, but, after it happens, then, those kings will get that one mind to destroy america, that'll do it, and the lighted finger pointed, and hu I will not put up with you said the pope's, they both hated china, cause china hates the pope, china is budha, and the pope is satan, read your bible, there is Jesus like a white man, and you could not make out his face, and the lighted finger pointed at the recorder, go and come back and tarry, Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy, and then, somebodies been following you said Jesus, its called sunnysnet, but she is, cut off, wasting your time sunnysnet, you had your last warning, that was hollie tearing up the contract, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, and the united states will be attacked real soon by china and russia the ram, and america will fire back on both, alaska said the angel of the Lord, russia will after china grabs taiwan and attacks washington state, russia will grab alaska and orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on china and russia, then russia will fire on america, you knew said the angel of the Lord, t.b.n., trinity broadcasting, net, work, don't listen to them, they are all, cut, off, no, signs, and hollie pointed, don't watch it, false, on my death certificate, I did what God wanted me to do, and my name is Jesus Christ, thats what that poop hole looks like when it farts it opens like a balloon, and he saw irving baxter singing nights in white satin, and the lighted irving baxter pointed, let's go to los angeles said the angel of the Lord, and he saw california and a tidal wave come up over it called submarines rising and, they fired and he saw an explosion, 2, 3, 4, 5, and the lighted hand pointed, and many more, dots along the whole west coast and east, from russian submarines, sh, that is satan, I'm the beast, sh, looky there, that was satan, I'm, don't go to new york said the angel of the Lord, and he saw the whole east coast with dots from nuclear explosions from submarines and he saw from the ocean's, america and china will go to war then russia will lead an all out attack, that, iran war, coming, on the, iupui, board, that will witness to about 500, that, iraq, nuclear, exchange, EZEKIEL 7, read it, if the new queen elizabeth hit the ice berg that the titanic hit, it would have bent the front of the ship, cut it off, replace, no, sink, broken, it would have crushed, the, front, hundred, feet, easy, buckled, if it hit it on the side, sank, because of gash, it would take, about, a 300 foot gash, that's a foot ball field sais the angel of the Lord, and it won't happen, a killer whale can swin 10,000 miles like nothing, the average swims about 200000 in thier life, they swim so fast, they can jump out of the water about 10 feet high and they weigh several tons, the most dangerous thing in the sea is the barracuda, nothing, because of, schools, they would go thru a killer whale in about 20 minutes, thousands of them but, the whale would get out of there, they, could not catch it, and he saw, and hollie showed the time, hurry, arnaold schwarzenegger working out, and maria schriver, you better be careful, arnold would sleep with a man if he could do it in secret without hesitation, and the fags not it, even though, he, hates, openly, he says, I'm not, and the lighted hand touched the recorder, sh, that was satan, I'm the beast, that was a hand, and, like, lit diamonds, the children of God, popped out of some of them, free, with hands in the air, thats what diamonds are, sh, satan, I'm the beast said the serpent, gene schmidt said, I'll do the website, for, 50, bucks, in his, heart, but, you ain't no prophet of God, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, tell the vision, tell the vision, tell the vision, judgment will come to amexico when you least expect it, golf playing is abomination, and hollie pointed at the recorder, jailed russian tycoon, mikhail, khordorkovsky, was, not, slashed, but, whipped, for, pride, arrogance, but, humble, in, prison, can, get, out, if, give, the, money, back, you, took, from, russia, no, I'll, spend, the, rest, of, my, life, here, to, make, you, look, like, fool's, that is what, he, thinks, he know's, he can, get, out, when, he, wants, but, putin, would have to, die, first, put it under, putin, you are, going to be, assassinated, called, raise your hands and repeat after me, george, bush, the oil well fires, in, iraq, have, depleted, about, half, of, thier, reserves, and, they are all, tied, together, like, a, big, mud, puddle, under, the, earth, that was, a, lit, moun, tain, Christ is, the, Rock, that was a good ideal said the tap dancers, but, nobody there, walmart, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, babyfleas is a little cuty pie, but, she poops and peas and farts and spits, hockers, but bob don't care, he like's her anyway, and babyfleas will perish, she is cut off, but, God chose her to make her a ministering spirit to bob, let me have one more time, thats what a lot of people say, but, if you won't do it the first time, you won't the second time either, and Christ would have to die all over again, and hollie pointed at the phone, call Jesus, and hollie pointed at the credit sign, you can't buy on credit with Jesus, pay up front, and there ain't no visions in pentecost because there ain't no more seeking in pentecost, and hollie tore up the contrast, post the visions and make it plain, engine restorere does coat, but, just use oil, unless you find some engine restorer in the trash, and that was hollie tearing up the concious, heavenly life apostolic tabernacle is cut off, no signs, they knew it, and the tap dancers said, post the vision and make it plain, and that was hollie tearing up the contract, there was hollie tearing up the contract, america is to corrupt, don't pay taxes, render unto ceaser the things that are ceasers, and unto God, the things that are Gods, but, if you pay taxes you put harry potter books on the library shelves, nope, thats it, and hollie showed victory, bob told him that when america and china goes to war, then russia will strike without warning, he's cut off, God gave him 30 days, but he has already made up his mind, that was hollie, like a martian, and hollie pointed, and he saw magog, that is, china, and moscow, and north and south korea and japan, india and pakistan, and hollie pointed, bobby, its the phone, its paul mooney, put something on the board, were wainting, thats, false said the angel of the Lord, use, 10w30, a thicker coasting is left in the morning, iraq said the angel of the Lord, nuclear exchange, EZEKIEL 7, raise your horns and clap your hands, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, trap said Jesus, rocket man, the song by elton john, homosexual, his rocket is in his, and the lighted finger pointed, figure it out, bobby jo and her boyfriend kissed while prophet was ataching, playing, dumitru duduman's tape, wake up america, now, two kids and separated, remember those 8 pidgeons said the angel of the Lord, 8 kings will rise against america, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, north korea, venezuela, brazil, they will want to rule the world, I'm out, try to get back, and he saw tennesse explode, it will burn from russian submarines, prophecy is being fulfilled on ministryofdreams, and hollie pointed at the america with babylon in it, and hollie tore up the concious, theres somebody knocking at the door, its Jesus, open up and I will sup with you, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation, I'm the false prophet whispered hu, that was hollie tearing up the concious and the contrast, I'm fallen said the man on hogans hero's who watched the prisoners, bob crane, hogan was killed, not suicide, who shot me, and, me, and the door opened, he went to fire, me meaning female, and he saw, the words, God is light, I'll put you on the radio said Jesus, like a lit up man, beared, robed, but bob does not want to go, read these on brother stairs program, pick what, ever, one's you want, and he saw, the west coast in flames and the east coast and submarines firing, russian, and the middle, fire went up the middle of the nation, from gulf submarines and the world moved to and fro like a drunkard, stair will like that, read it, call in, bob won't, to busy trapping, and khordorkovsky said, selling, russia is selling selling oil, but, khordorkovsky wanted to use outside people, thats why, prison, putin wouldn't let him, thats a heavenly vision of man in bright light, thats Jesus, sh, satan, I'm the beast, and babyfleas blew the whisle, blow the trumpet in zion and sound the alarm in my holy mountain, let all of the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord, cometh, for it is nigh at hand, this is when america get's destroyed, trouble in the middle east called, raise your hands and repeat after me, iraq, iran, kuwait, persia and american nukes, even syria, will get, some, you don't want it said Jesus, prophecy ministry is, prophecy, Jesus named that, do not steal the name of sickness or ministryofdreams, they laugh said Jesus, but soon they will, all stand in the judgment, sh, satan, I'm the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, the lion, satan, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, north korea, brazil, they will give thier power and strength to the beast and he will send it over on amexico said the pope, sh, that was satan, like lighted serpent, beast, when babyfleas recieved that e-mail from prophet, she was terrorised, cut off, she's not cut off said the angel of the Lord, but, not turning back, write her at,, and tell her, God is using her as a ministering spirit on this website, where you see hollie, it is mostly babyfleas, and bob saw her reading it, and she smiled, and looked at the wbsite, sh, satan, and he looked like Jesus, thats paul mooney, and the bear said, I'm babyfleas, putin, russia is the bear, the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and putin pointed, lighted, liar, 666 is your number she said, pointed, born at the table between false prophet hu and the pope, and the Lord of hosts popped out of Jesus's mouth, you can't go back so go forward, california, and the lighted Jesus pointed, he saw it explode, from submarines, and Jesus pointed at the recorder, trap, your crazy his dad thought, his mom arues because she expects to see something, control, limited strike said president bush, and hollie pointed, on, iran, but, the world will hate america because of, in the hospital said the pope, slashed, satan enters, the idol shepherd is born, and hollie tore up the contrast, he will be, like an angel of light, happy, tyrant, firm, likeable, liar, and the finger pointed, that was the lion, that was satan, and he turned into the pope, oil will bring everything together, said the pope, prophecy news, right, here, I want my vision said linda spall, we are in demand, linda and larry spall, but, no signs, and the both want sex with other people, put it under, the spall's, that was the cat's eye, the leopard, the leopard is, china, north korea, japan, and south korea where all those lands are including, raise your hands and repeat after me, moscow, that was Jesus coming, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, easter is abomination, and the tap dancers said, and hollie was one of them, and the lighted finger pointed, twice, and hollie showed it, seek the Lord while he may be found said linda spall, and she tap danced, and he saw a line of pastor's, and spall was one, and donald winters was, two, and brother m. mckinney was 3, and joseph farris, they all committed blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, but still preach, this is a last time sign, the master cylinder is what controls the pressure said the tap dancers, in the brakes, raise your hands and repeat after me, this is that, that was spoked by joel, and it shall come to pass that I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall propehsy, dreaming dreams and seeing visions, casting out devils, speaking with new tounges, read and do ACTS 2:38, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in new tongues, as the Spirit gives the utterance, on my death certificate, I didn't do what the scriptures told me to do, said linda spall, and that line of pastors, and the lighted finger pointed, linda spall is not a lesbian yet, but, would, if, could get away with, and hollie pointed, that, said, hollie, and she pointed at, the, board, when, america, goes to war, with, china, russia, will, strike, without, warning, put it on, said, mike, jaworski, @,, now, iraq, war, over, breaking, oil, con, tracts, meatloaf, is, a, good, singer, and, likes, womans, tits, and, anus, and so does, mike, jaworski, go to the beach, said, hollie, and, flirt, with, the, young, men, and, woman, both, whore, don't worry, you can, be, set, free, if, you, want, whoredog, cunt, now, read and do, ACTS, 2:38, and this is going, on, the, prophecy ministry, website, and he saw Jesus, with, brown, hair, and, glowing, white, robe, and he, said, your needed, and he saw, the, world, move out of it's place, and, when, it, spun, he, said, america, and it was, the, color, of, fire, judgment, is, coming, and he saw, california, explode, it will burn, from, russian, submarines, and the whole west coast, on, fire, and, the, east coast, both, and, fire, going, up, the, middle, of, the, nation, from, subs, russian, now mike, feast, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and, get, saved, you, have, 30, days, to, get, right, internet ministries is, cut, off, no, signs, ann, and, dave, both, reprobate, never, saved, but, want to, teach, prophetess, fran, ces, ca, l., stubbs, is, cut, off, no, signs, domains by proxy, generalmanger,, is,, and the other is,, e-mail them, and, tell, that name, was, protected, and, if, not, released, 30 days, after, recieving, this, e-mail, sickness, thus saith the Lord, you knew, sickness, after, 30, days, and you will get it, bush says, all, options, on the table, said, pastor, a., e., newman, cut off, no, signs, comes to service, late, and, bush will, attack, iran, watch, the duke, university, students, raped, like, accused, collin finnerty, and, reade, seligmann, are, guilty, but, the, woman, was hired to, dance, nude, she should have been, and, wanted to be, but, not, by, force, israel, should, nuke, hamas, and get rid of, but, america, will, out of, iraq, and, israel, will, fire, back, oil is, fixed, the new gas is, the old, ethanol, to pay for the iraq war, the iraq war was over, breaking, oil, contracts, with, russia, and, preventing, china, from, getting them, tell, hu is in america, to, assess, the, damage, done by, bush, economic, policy, and that is, iraq, war, irregardless, and, it has, followed, with, economic, collapse, borrowed money, keeps, america, going, russia will host, iran, but, russia will not, protect, the, nuclear, power, plant, and that is what, they want, but, they will, get, that, one, mind, after, america, attacks, iran, to, attack, and, eliminate, america, and hollie pointed, russia, china, nicaragua, and, mexico, and, north korea, and, cuba, they will give thier power and strength, and hu, said, the, pope, I, will, you attack, washington, state, and, grab, taiwan, to lure, america, into, war, and we will, being, moscow, attack, alaska first, and then, out of, invade, mexico, cuba, and, the oceans, attack, america, eliminate, and this is, the, event, that, brings, Jesus, back, and, the, beast, in, america will not, get, one, shot, fired, like, bob was, shown, in, a, dream, with, a, woman, she said, america, will not, get, one, shot, fired, but, after, moscow, grabs, alaska, then, orders will got, to, american, submarine, commanders, and they will, fire, on, russia, and, china, one third of the population, and hollie pointed, will be wiped out, including, mexico, and he saw mexico, explode, it will, and, he saw, canada, explode, they will burn, when, russia, hits, americano, said, the, pope, floods in the balkans, are, judgment, to, them, to, awaken, hu will talk about taiwan, and bush will say, I'm, thru, with, it, but, not, offer, to, give, back, but, talks, will be, hu will, know, attack, or, let them have, let them, for, now, but, bush has, a, military, base, close to, china, and, moscow, the, ram, and that is, what, he wants, hu is, the, false, prophet, and, magog, is, raise your hands and repeat after me, china is, magog, with, north and south, korea, and, japan, and, india, and, pakistan, and more, ran by, false prophet, hu, and, the, pope, they will, hate, each, other, but, cling, to, prevent, destroying, hu will meet with, bill, gate, s, but, not, constructive, no, agreement, it is, impossible, to, do, what, he, wants, bill, will, say, no, new, internet, needed, cause russia is, prepared, to, strike, america, right, now, missile's, are, aimed, out of, subs, off, american, mainland, within, 100, miles, and the missiles, could be there, in, 5, miuntes, read and do, ACTS, 2:38, that is, repent, and be, bap, tised, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and, receive, the, gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, with, new, tongues, that is, another, language, that, the, Spirit, causes, you to, speak, scott wallis is, cut, off, no, signs, the senator that demands, gas price, fixing, probe, knows, why, but, wants, people, to, like, senator, charles, schu, mer, the iraq war, is, causing, and, will end, nuclear, but, washington, does not, care, wants, oil, only, iran pledges, 5, million, to the, palestinians, because, of, hatred, of, israel, it's for, terror, ism, abbas, is, for, terror, ism, and, bush, knows, bush is reshuffling, his, cabinet, to, find, people, that, go along with, him, white house press secretary, scott, mcclellan, resigned, because of, would not go along with, bush, no more, saddam signed, death, warrants, and it is now, coming, out, iran needs russia's help, in, the, nuclear, weapons dispute, hu's visit perplexed, in, china, because of, he wants, buisnesses, not, friendship, and, will, not, get, because, america, deals, treacherously, lets rule the world, russia, china, nicaragua, and don't you forgit, about, mexico, sang, vincente, fox, they will, give, thier, power, and, thier, strength, unto, the, beast, and he will send it over, on, the usa, and, pastor dick helms, dave, som, nor, are, cut, off, no, signs, chewbacca, kill, death row, inmate, s, you need to, testify, said, the, angel, of, the, Lord, the tap dancers said, post the vision and make it plain, pay the price, said, Jesus, those two geese, aren't going anywhere, just walking, and draggin at that, and hollie pointed, several times today, post the vision, and make it plain, and hollie pointed, post my visions saith the Lord, and hollie pointed, put my visions on the internet, turn, the tap dancers said, don't be afraid of people, let them fear you, raise your hands and repeat after me, the pope is the antichrist, and 666, will be born at the table, between false prophet hu and the pope, magog will be, china and north and south korea and japan, india and pakistan, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, a lot of people want another chance, but they won't do it the second time if they didn't do it the first, lets rule the world, sang putin, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, north korea, venezuela, and brazil, they will give thier power and strength unto the beast and he will send it over on america, and desolate in one hour, look bobby said larry spall, no blood, only my own, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, iran attack coming from america, same o website, same o computer, same o backbite, same o pocket, the tap dancers said, same o gas prices, about 2 months after america hits iraq, then, russia, will lead the all out attack, and america will not get one shot fired off, but, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire china and russia, one third of the population will be wiped out, including, mexico and canada, and, cuba, and he saw them explode, and the earth moved out of its place, and the man showed victory, mark a. pingleton is cut off like his brother ken pingleton, no signs, and hollie pointed, that was the Spirit of Jesus, like bright light, and a, man's image inside, taiwan, bush, who, shot, me, he said, china wants taiwan, hu's visit is to steal american buisnesses and he won't, but, he will threaten bush, and bush will say, hu, I can't do anything about that, congress has to vote, and I will ask them, but, he really doesn't want to, can't you see, can't you see, what that womans been doing to me, can't you see, what that womans been doing to me, can't you see, what that womans been doing to me, and the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth, that is, washington d.c., the woman is, MYSTERY, BABYLON, the mother of harlots and abominations, thats, false christians, and, a, cheater on God and hollie pointed, washington state said hu, attack it, its a, straight line, then, grab taiwan to lure america into war, then, russia will grab alaska, the, orders will go, to american sub commanders and they will fire on, russia and china, the ram, and, russia will eliminate america, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, oil, that is what is bring armageddon said the p, o, p, e, there is no shortage, but now they know they can get high price, ces, now the world will never know prosperity again because of oil, but, new technologies, like, hydrogen cars, uto, said the arabs, they will lower prices, wheres the promise of the coming of Jesus, for since the fathers they are eating, drinking and rising to play and, when you think not, when your looking looking for it, boom, its the word said hollie, and she bowed, and kelly coffman and she bowed, oral sex give, put it on said the angel with chester's voice, and the lighted hand pointed, it's new jersey, said the angel, and it exploded, new jersey will burn from russian submarines and virginia, the economy is showing the effects of the iraq war said the angel of the Lord, lets war with iraq and let america go says oil man bush, and hu said, nuclear war, and he saw china, and it was yellow, with china in red, get ready, nuclear war is coming, over, taiwan, china's got 47 nuclear missiles said hu, all capable, of hitting the u.s. mainland, but, russia, will get them, multiple warheads, dam it, iraq, said hu, why didn't you just get russia to protect you, they would have for oil contracts, thats what the war was over, to keep russia and china from, getting them but, saddam never would have, he would have gave them to the usa, for military, bush and america would've, liars, 666, is the number of the beast, and it will be, born at the table between false prophet hu and the pope, Jesus is the lamb of God, and that means, Holy, spotless, don't go to california and he saw it explode, and he was left standing, he might go there, and he saw, both coasts, and fire going up, the middle part of the nation from submarines, firing, on america, russian, the day of the Lord, and the earth wobbled and american sub fired on china russia, that one is all it will take and out of the ruins, of, moscow, comes, the pope, and hu is the false prophet, it's because of iraq, the spirit of the medes, hatred, is being raised up toward america, ISAIAH 13, the spirit of the medes, right here pointed hollie and he saw stephen hanson in the furnace, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed at the furnace, read and do ACTS 2:38 or, kosovo, that was over, removing slobadon milosevic and that is when, the ram, china and russia, came together, and the lighted finger pointed, formidable but, one american sub can easily destroy both, called, an ohio class sub, I lost my cherry when I was 15 said paris hilton, masterbating, and now, all I want is, sex, a whore, a job well done, correction handed out Holy Ghost style, not like you expect, record the vision showed hollie, post, all, and hollie tore up the contrast, and pointed, many times, debbies out, you'll see, sissys ok, post the vision, and make it clear, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope, put it under, the new world order, with the pope and false prophet hu, and hollie pointed, your closing out said the angel of the Lord, closing out the world, it's starting, and, nobody is, looking, ready, there's nothing wrong, said hollie, tarry for a while, write the vision, that was hollie pointing, sissy knows that debbies lying, and hollie pointed, and the prophet shook hands with Jesus, bob, said Jesus with the shower cap on, stay, tarry, that was God winking at you with an eye of fire, and Jesus pointed, bob, said, Jesus, post, with his, shower, cap, on, stand, he, said, debbie knows now to leave sissy alone, it's the phone, said hollie, weel, who is it, it is Jesus, well, what does he want, deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow Jesus, and hollie pointed, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation, prophesied in joel, wake up, I'm about to come said Jesus, that figures, said, hollie, when your not, ready, said, Jesus, tonight it will be over, write said the pointing hollie, and he saw Jesus at the computer, I forgive who I want and make clean who ever I want to, raise your hands and repeat after me, it's oil, that is what, is, bring, judgement, to the, world, iraq, iran, attack, coming, saudi goes along with, but, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is the p, o, p, e, the united states, said, the, angel, of, the, Lord, will be, attacked, soon, prepare, the united states will be desolate in just one hour, a, destruct, tion, in it, s, perfection, planned, oil, over, they want to, get rid of, america, said, bush, over, oil, gobbling, pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, pray some more, and I will show you things and hollie pointed, that you know not, and he saw california explode, said sunnysnet, and I'm hollie, cause california will burn from russian submarines, again, and he saw canada, and, mexico, explode, they will burn, when, america, gets, attacked, and he saw the west coast in flames and the east coast, from russian submarines, and flames going up the middle, the day of the Lord prophesied in joel, a day of thick clouds and gross darkness from the smoke of america burning, mystery, babylon is america, and that is, the, mystery, separate those two, words, america, is, the, grat, harlot, of, the, re-written, bible, for 16 hours, the sun and the moon will be blocked sang Jesus, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and washington dc is that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth, the woman means blood and america is shedding it and whore means a cheeter on God, like the mother of harlots and abominations is sin, remember me and I will remember you said Jesus, raise your hands, and repeat, after, me, witness, God would not have stopped you, witnessing, in, the, church, parking lot, but, the, stayed, inside, talking, missed out, at, the, bible, church, of, ron, elliott, come back again, said, sissy, she, liked, but, keep it, down, for, a, while, and debbie will not, leave, o, yes, she, will, you will, see, raise your hands and repeat after me, syria, is, on the, attack, list, of, president, bush, but, russia, has, said, no, but, bush will not, listen, when, they, america, hits, iran, they will hit, syria, and, the, prophet, su, spected, go there, Jesus, wants, you, to, no problem, but, tarry some more, said, Jesus, price, pay it, chewbacca, gas, will not, dip, below, 2 dollars, per, gallon, for, a, long, while, but, will, in about, one, year, because of, bush will, release, the, reserve, to, get, the, economy, going, to, get, the, republicans, said, dick, cheney, re-elected, and hollie pointed, the iraq war, was over, breaking, the, russian, oil, con, tracts, record the vision hollie showed, you know what I want, a, broken, spirit, and a, contrite, heart, God will not, de, spise, and that means, reject, joshua, spillane, stepped, outside, to, look, and, fell, over, board, in, anartica, and, sank, right to, the, bottom, he tried to, swim, back, up, but, coats, kept him, from, surfacing, slowed, but, breathed in, water, choked, he knew, he was, going to, perish, while, choking, became, panicked, but, to, late, could not, undress, became, numb, in, about, 25, seconds, from, frozen, teperature, water, Jesus, saw it, but, did not, help, because, joshua, did not, live, for, him,the economies dead, and, will not, revive, the young people, are, cute, and, Jesus, knows it, sexy, but, they will have to give, an, account, to, Jesus, for, the, life, they, lived, repent, and, be, bap, tised, in, Jesus, Christ, name, and, recieve, the, gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with, the, ev, i, dence, of, speaking, with, and hollie pointed, new, tongues, and that is, another, language, understood, down, here, on, earth, like, chinese, and, china, is, magog, with, north, and, south, korea, and, moscow, where, all, of, those, lands, are, put it under, shelbyville, apostolic, tabernacle, is, cut, off, stay away from, all, churches, in the, united, state, s, are, cut, off, it don't matter, I, don't, believe, it, said, professor, of, the, ACTS 2:38, born again, teacher, willie, duncan, dr., the gospel is hidden from the lost, and he saw, the, waco, branch dividian on fire, and in ruins, and exploded, and children inside, screaming, that is how it was, and janet reno knew it, murderer, call her, and tell, God showed, bob saw, children screaming, you, will, perish, she knew it, clinton did not, o yes he did, said reno, both, hell, clinton is, a murderer, and so is, hillary, the nexted voted president of america, people are cleansing out thier bowells for oral sex with hoses, water, flushing, and he saw the pope like an angel of light, and he saw Jesus in a white robe, light robe, about, ready to punch, but, witheld, Jesus is a man of war, and he saw two hands with light in them, like, bright yellow, and, cloudy, light, and, that was a heavenly vision with Jesus the son and Jesus the Spirit, like a cloud man, light, they looked alike, but, different manisfestations, Jesus is the word of God, God manifested in the flesh, that was a heavenly vision, bright light clouds and two hands, holding, bright light, clouds, and the fire, colored, light hand pointed, and he saw, a branch dividian child burnt alive, screamed for about 3 seconds, death, over, thats, it, they don't feel it, the fire, you did wonderful said the lighted Jesus, and bob is afraid, he knows, God is, captain business, and the lighted Jesus pointed, debbie could do anything if she wanted to, and Jesus pointed at the trash, don't throw God away when you don't want him, serve him, all, the, time, barrels of oil will dip to in the 50's, what were facing said the Lord, nuclear war, from, america, moscow and magog, china, your wanted on the phone, who is it, it's chewbacca, well, and hollie pointed, what does he want, raise your hands and repeat after me, he wants, you to read and do ACTS 2:38, prophesied by joel, that horse was not tired, he likes pulling that carriage, they were made to do that, but, they need thier rest to, they get sleepy, about the same time everyday, irregardless of what they do, bob is seeing these visions fulfilled, but, he only posts a portion of them, that was hollie showing victory, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, that is the one world government, prophesied, in, EZEKIEL 38, magog is china, north and south korea, and japan, and india and pakistan, where all those lands are, including, the united states will be attacked soon said the angel of the Lord, chewbacca, they know, people say these things, but, bob doesn't identify them all the time, said the pope, raise your hands and repeat after me, if God has fixed things, then leave them alone, I can't, find him said pastor alan browning, but, when he was dealing with you, you did not want him said the pope, and 666 will be born at the table, between the pope and false prophet hu, and that was hollie tearing up the concious, whoever's go the visions, put them on the internet, and hollie pointed, were closed, said the woman, from, brother, willie duncan's church, revival, temple, and, the, mukegon, bible, institute, no, signs, call, and give God glory, and hollie pointed, God wants payment, upfront, bob thought about this beautiful young pentecostal young woman, that, doesn't live for Jesus, but, sings, all over, if he raped her, she would love it, come back again she would say, she loved it, this is getting old she said, and the sexy angel pointed, but, prophecy is being udated everyday, from new events, accept on holidays said hollie, everything is closed up said the angel of the Lord, nothings coming forth from the people, and hollie tore up the contrast, your brake problem is gone away, you'll see, you can hear it, bobby I need my visions on the internet said Jesus, and he sang it, and hollie pointed, and hollie showed how to put the fuel pump in, split the floor, with the hammer, in the van, and with the chisel said the pope, take off the lines, work it out, and take it out, put the new one in, and vice versa, put the floor back together, and hollie showed to block those windows, in your backseat of your car and the back window, and pray to Jesus said hollie, you liar said Jesus, kenneth haney, is over upci, but, cut off, no signs, and he knows it, write him, write the u.p.c.i. churches and tell them, God is using this prophet to bring down, and destroy, and to replant, like JEREMIAH 1 said sunnysnet, and hollie pointed, russia will not sit idle and watch america ruin the world, they are afraid of america, and the hand touched the recorder, what did china want, hu, to steal buisness, take them, bush doesn't care, only about the iraq war, take them hu, bush is unamerican, like, germany's hitler, but, worse, post it, and, the, LOrd, will bless, I will not help you do one fucking thing, when you told me about the iraq war, was over breaking oil contracts, that made me hate you, you do have anti lock brakes, 11-9-2007-gabriel said, its starting, and, o.j. simpson, not guilty, hollie showed to record, hollie pointed, out of horn, blown by, Jesus, gum grafts, work, they restore, have, or, loose teeth if fiery darted, cause, fiery darts desease gums, God, will not protect, they cost about 400, hollie tore up, con, truit, were cut off she said, moriah apostolic church, and the nathaniel haney urshan man showed church credit card, lives for free, yes, pointed, hollie showed, hollie showed smiled, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, flames, truck, downtown, circled, hollie showed, geese, that, was, satan, said, hollie, tell me what, satan, wanted, and, the, nathaniel haney-urshan man with serpents tongue, lit, fiery, eyes, showed, church credit card, pockets millions, no, signs, trees said, hollie, God is warning, said, the tree, ax coming your way, if, no, fruit, like signs, when you dream, said, hollie, thats, a night vision, and licked the prophet, that was two nuclear explosions, in, iraq, kuwait got one, america, hollie tore up the con, spirit, that was the grim reaper, laughing, licked the prophet, God makes his servants, despair, prodding, tormenting, driving out all day, this is killing all day long, carressing dick with electricity, gum desease, entering into heart, causing despair, stripping away all desire to live for him, to abase, till, his heart, smites, or, they, leave, with no intention of returning, I, the LOrd, persecute to abase for no reason, till, I change, toward, paul sought thrice to get God to stop, God said, my grace is sufficient, meaning, this is the sacrifice, I, require of you, I, lay the stripes of the world, on my servants, like I did myself, most servants fall, then, I stop, hollie showed pointed, flames, grill, rubbed chin, laughed, thumb up, popes image, thats my tap dancers, clapped hollie, record me said gabriel, you knew, o.j. simpson, but, guards, he ll get releases, sue, gabriel showed record, the united states, he said, iraq, lettem nuke, 11-10-2007-Bishop James A. Maye, Elder Joseph Wilson, are both lost, wanting church credit card, free ride, like all of, church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the apostolic faith, none saved, all wanting money, to be your pastor, no signs, give warning, said, Jesus, jeremy taylor, is, lost, pastoring, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, many decieved cause of, wants this prophet to fall, stole, we took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, all release ruint, elder wilson, from, cleveland, ohio, lost, knows, comeon now, said, george williams, lost, like renee williamson, both, teach, but, not saved, renee showed cut off, brother, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, bob record me, said, gabriel, and showed, the dragon, rising, with, the g8, and, joe wilson, sees, spoke with, knows, now, but, did not have time for prophet to explain, so he could feed, in church basement, and paul otis, laughs, comeon back, he waved, prophet, will, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, choked in the fire, rubbed chin, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, thought, up, popes image, thumb, born between, hu and the pope, 666, beast, false prophet, and the pope licked the prophet, 7-21-2008-said, hollie, sh, she said, that bowers, he is lost, knows, he wanted, to, get, saved, but, did not, wont, knows, hes, james e., tyson, both, lost, they are p.a.w., they wanted saved, but didnt, hollie on horse, its white, she, said, and pope, said, hollie, on black, horse, Jesus on white, grim reaper laughed, on bay, collecting souls, hollie showed, laughed, taiwan exploded, hu on red horse, they wanted, said, hollie, sh, at a.b.s.a., to get thru, but, bowers, still, not yet, said, hollie, sh, she said, the golders, are, witchs, they are, bowers, tyson, sh, said, hollie, dont speak, said, donald golder, I wont, said, hollie, let me see that, said, donald, we are not, said, cecil, yet, said, don, in time, both, in, lava, repent, sh, said, hollie, when they see, bob hiding, not backslided, to protect, cecil, lets put bob there, said, Derek Jefferson, sh, said, hollie, will you protect, you look lovely, said derek, to wife, sh, said, hollie, dont tell, both, witchs, hollie laughed, pope, white, fallen, now, black,
(1)rotla-vision recieved in September of 2003-In this vision, It was like a scene out of "the final conflict" movie, where a underground excavation was taken place, and the knives were found that were in the movie. There was someone talking to me telling me what was going on. Finally, I am inside where the mining is taken place, and something is discovered in the rocks that looks like gold. A man there made me fully aware that it was not gold. He called something like "rotla" which to me means "fools gold".
(2)mystery-vision recieved in September of 2003-This vision starts out with me playing base ball on a professional team, and I am at bat. the pitcher throws twice, and I get to strikes. I did not feel like there was any chance I could hit the ball, because it was being thrown so fast. Then I separate from my body, and could see me ascending up from it, and end up by a t.v. moniter, and could see me playing. the pitcher threw, and I hit the ball, and began running the bases, and the crowd cheered uncontrollably. It was like I could see me take third base, and then decided to go for home plate, and did not feel from watching me on t.v. that there was any way I could make it to home, because the other team had caught the thrown the ball near to where I was. I did make it to home, and the crowd cheered out of control, and I am inside my body again, and I said, "i would fit in well around here. I'm in it for the entertainment". Next, it was like I am invited to a pig roast, and I go inside this large one story like building, and see like a boxing ring set up, and elevated high in the air, and there are like 8 being's which I was made aware were pigs ties by thier arms and legs wich really looked more like fins, to the ropes, of one side of the ring, and they were sad. Then it is like a ball was thrown into the ring, and it would go out one side, and be thrown back in and go out the other side, and this was repeated over and over again. The pigs would follow it with their heads and eyes, and big smiles lit up on all of their faces. It was like they forgot being tied up to the ropes, and were completely entertained. Then I saw Dick Cheaney, and the lights went out, and it was very dark, and it was like I could hear the pigs start to scream, and I heard Dick Cheney say something like, "now I am going to kill you".(vision ended)

(3)flying-vision recieved 9-12-2003-in this vision, and it went on and on, I am on a russian jet and we are flying very low to the ground. I am very afraid, because we are moving about 1800 miles an hour. We descend, below telephone wires, and he takes off again, and I was scared, because I did not know if we would clear the lines or not, and we did, and went high into the air again. The ground had a dark grayish color.

(4)search engines-vision recieved in 2003-Jesus showed me in a vision that "google" is really the only search engine that really matters to have your listing on.

(5)I'm in hell-vision received on 9-23-2003-I was talking to a girl in a gas station, and she was telling me about the tragic death of a friend. In my car, I was asking Jesus where he is at now, and in a vision, I saw a man, and he said, "I'm in hell". I asked God how he died, and in a vision, I saw the man again, and he said, "suicide"
(6)cancer-vision recieved in September of 2003-while praying, I saw my mom in a vision, and she said, "I have cancer"

(7)he repented-vision recieved 3-16-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and I heard, "he repented", so I was told by another man in a vision, to take a vision off my website-Praise Jesus!
(8)Don't take my word-vision recieved in September 0f 2003-there is a very nice man who works the library, and I like him. In a vision from Jesus, I saw him, and he said, "don't take my word". In another vision, I saw him, and he said, "liar".(this was referring to the iraq war, which has not been nuclear yet, but, keep watching)

(9)Jesus is ready-vision recieved 9-27-2003-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He was all white with blue eye's, and He said, "Bob, I'm ready"
(10)broken trans-axle-vision recieved 9-28-2003-in this vision while praying, I saw my cars front tire was turned in very far like they can do when the transaxle breaks. The particular one Jesus showed me has a broken boot, and Jesus was warning me that ist days are numbered. Praise God!!!!!!!!!
(11)that ain't going to happen-vision recieved 9-28-2003-In this vision while praying, I saw a man that I was witnessing to several hours earlier about judgement coming to America. While I was there with him, he seemed very interested, and I prayed for him, and Jesus came down and verified His word. In the vision he said, "that aint going to happen".
(12)I am david-vision recieved 10-1-1003-while praying, I saw a man, who looked short. He had curly brown hair and blue eye's, and he said, 'I am david".
(13)an old friend-vision recieved 10-1-2003-while praying, in a vision, I saw an old friend that I have known most of my life.I then heard these word's "don't trust him".(Jesus know the heart)
(14)I'm cut off-vision recieved about 10-1-2003-In this vision, I saw a woman who I was witnessing too hours earlier. Later while praying, I saw her in a vision, and she said, "i'm cut off". I also saw her many times in visions, and she said, "i'm lost".
(15)some one is thinking about me-vision recieved 10-1-2003-in a vision while praying, I saw a woman, whose husband recently died, and she said, "I'm thinking about you".

(16)praying for people-vision recieved about 9-31-2003-Jesus showd me praying for someone, and afterwards the person was charged.(Jesus wants me to pray for people, and usally always verifies His Word in signs and wonders. You need prayer, write me. If you leave your number, I have to call collect because I don't own a phone)

(17)witness-vision recieved 10-1-2003-the day earlier, I was witnessing to a girl, and sharing some visions Jesus gave me. In a vision while praying, i saw her, and she said, 'Your crazy".
(18)it's a 4-speed-vision recieved 10-3-2003-I was wondering if the transmission in my car was a 4 speed or 3. In a vision, I saw a man, and he said, "its a 4 speed". To me, it is a 4 speed, but, really, I beleive it's a 3 speed, with the clutch engadging causing like a 4th shift. When clutch engadges, rpms lower.
(19)use quaker state-vision recieved 10-3-3003-I was asking God what oil to use in my car. In a vision, I saw a bottle of Quaker State, and the voice said, "use Quaker State". I have Quaker State regular oil and synthetic blend, and I was asking Jesus which one was best, and in a vision, God showed me reading the back of a Quaker State synthetic blend bottle where it talks about it being superior to conventional oils. That is what is in my car right now

(20)Separation-visions recieved 10-4-2003-Jesus gave me two visions, and I don't remember everything, but-----In the first vision, I am in my apartment, and it is like no other apartment building on the planet. It is probably about 500 feet tall, and it overlooks like a sea in Indianapolis. The door is open, and I could see downtown Indianapolis. All of a sudden this very large gust of wind comes into the apartment from the open door. I was afraid the building was going to blow over from the power of the gust. Then, just as it came in, it reversed, and went out. I was afraid of getting sucked out the door. I could see some panick going on in Indianapolis from it. In the second vision, the apartment is full of people, friends of my roomate. Some of these people were selling sports tickets to what I felt was the Indianapolis Colts game. Someone even recommends me to get involed, because I can make big money selling tickets. The phone was constanly ringing with people wanting to buy these tickets. I constantly preach to them. While resting, God showed me in a vision that my roommate did not believe me. Later my roomate walks me outside, and tells me he wants to talk with me about my dreams. Then I told him, God already showed me in a vision that you do not believe. He kind of smiled, and made a laugh. I knew when i left the apartment that I would not be back. I had to be at work at midnite. I looked at the clock and it was ten fifteen. I want to leave at 10:30 to make it on time. I look at the clock moments later and it says 3:00 o'clock.. I say, "does any body really know what time it is"?
(21)don't visit-vision recieved in early October of 2003-I drove by this church, wanting to visit, and I believe they were closed. In a vision from Jesus, I saw me pulling into their driveway entrance, then driving away. Always get into the condition where the Holy Ghost can lead you.
(22)Jesus talks to me-vision recieved 10-5-2003-I don't remember details, but I saw Jesus, and He had white robe brown hair and beard, and talked with me, and vision finishes with me driving, and listening to a song. In the song, I could hear Walter Egan voice singing, "I believe the angels and Jesus for that"
(23)I'm fake-vision recieved 10-7-2003-I was praying about someone who is writing me, and I saw a person in a vision, who was the person, and he said, "i'm fake".
(24)avoid that church-vision recieved 10-8-2003-In this vision, I am walking by a church I used to visit, and I might have even wanted to go in, I'm not sure. I could hear the preacher preaching from the outside, and the crowd shouting, and I walked on.(I could hear the preacher preaching, but, did not feel the Spirit of God in his voice. If you read in EZEKIEL 28, it talks about the devil being the"annointed cherub that covereth". So that mean the devil's minister's are annointed???

(25)your going to hell-vision recieved 108-2003-I saw this man in a vision, and he was white skin(caucasion)and had long black hair, and he said, "your going to hell". (we shall see)
(26)you can stay a my house-vision recieved 10-6-2003-while walking and praying, maybe thinking on visiting another state, I saw this man in a vision, and he said, "you can stay at my house". That sure makes it easier when visiting.
(27)sinner-vision recieved 10-8-2003-In this vision while praying, I saw Arnold Schwarzzengor, and I heard these words, "sinner".

(28)cut-off-vision recieved 10-8-2003-while driving near a church, thinking on the pastor there, whom I have met, I saw him in a vision, and he said, "bobby, He cut me off". This is one of the biggest church ministries in Indianapolis. They are on the radio, t.v., and probably have 4 or 5 thousand give or take attend services, and I believe they have a school.
(29)don't tell-vision recieved 10-9-2003-while typing in a vision, I saw a man in a vision, whose skin was whitish blond and hair same color, and eye's blue, and He said, 'Bobby, don't tell". So I removed that vision and put this one on. Praise Jesus..

(30)I'm lost vision recieved 10-9-2003I was thinking on muhammed ali(cacious clay)and twice saw him in a vision, and he said, "i'm lost".

(31)who me-visions recieved 10-9-2003-twice I said while praying, Lord God, and I saw Jesus. His skin and hair were whitish blond, blue eye's, and He said, "who, Me".(God has a name, and it is Jesus)

(32)tomorrow-vision recieved 10-10-2003-In this vision, I am with Steve Goldsmith, former mayer of Indianapolis. I don't remeber all, and will shorten, but I told him, "bad times bad times bad times bad is coming". He wanted me to come and tell him tomorrow and let me know where he would be.

(33)Kobe Bryant-vision recieved 10-10-2003-In this vision while praying, I saw Kobe and he said, "i'm not going". I was asking Jesus if he was going to prison. In other visions, I saw Kobe, and he said, "it was consenseual" and something I won't post and he even came back after saying what I won't post in a vision, and he said, "my fault"

(34)he's lying-vision recieved 10-9-2003-a man was supposed to show up and buy my car today, I ran into him on 10-9-2003, and he said he would be there tomorrow to but it. In a vision from God, I saw him, and I heard these word's, "he's lying". He never showed up.

(35)i don't believe it-vision recieved about 2001-In this vision, I saw this young pastor, Chris amonett, and he said, "i don't believe it".(what this is in reference to is to the vision of nulcear attack on Indianapolis God gave me. I ran into him at Walmart, and he told me, "I don't buy it". THis is pastor Chris Amonett at christian life worship center in indianapolis.
(36)spark of lite-vision recieved about 1999-in this vision, I am out side of my body, and I look like a very little yellow shaft, and I could see my body laying on the floor, sleeping. I remeber going back into my body.(you don't feel anything when you are out of your flesh. your flesh is our biggest problem)

(37) your fake-visions recieved 10-10-2003-I was asking Jesus about this girl, and in visions she said, "your fake", "lier", "I lied".(I thought she liked me)

(38)pam clark-vision recieved about 10-11-2003-I saw a woman that looked like pam clark in a vision. In another vision, I saw the same woman, and she said, "go to hell" (39)time to leave-vision recieved 10-11-2003-I saw this woman, and she was all white, and she said, "time to leave".

(40)blow it up-vision recieved 10-11-2003-while praying, I saw Saddam Hussein in a vision, and he said, "blow it up". Look at what is going on in Iraq. It's 10-3-2004, and Iraq is very dangerous.(41)quit praying for me-vision recieved 10-11-2003-in this vision, I saw Alice Cooper, and he said, "quit praying for me"

(42)kobe bryant-vision recieved 10-11-2003-in this vision, I saw Kobe, and he said, "I am going to get out of it".(fullfilled)

(43)i fell-vision recieved 10-11-2003-in this vision, I saw this lady, and she said, "i fell"

(44)let's fast-vision recieved 10-12-2003-In this vision, I saw Jesus, and He said, "lets fast".

(45)O'h my God'vision recieved 10-12-2003-In this vision, I saw me, and I said, "O'h my God". (46)Wesley Clark-vision recieved 10-12-2003-I was wondering about whether or not Wesley Clark was for the Iraq war, and in a vision, I saw him, and he siad, "really, I am"

(47)fro free-vision recieved about 10-1-2003-I saw a man in a vision, that told me twice he would buy my car on friday, and he said, "why don't you just give it to me". (48)who me-vision recieved in October of 2003-often while I pray, I say Lord God, and I see jesus in a vision. He has blondish white hair and skin, and blue eye's and He says, "who, me?(Jesus has a name)
(48b)thats deep-vision recieved in October of 2003-In this vision, I saw this pastor of this church and he said, "thats deep".

(49)I feel it-vision recieved 10-13-2003in this vision while praying, I saw the pastor of a church I got to visit last night, and he said, "i feel it"

(50)come back-vision recieved about september of 2003-I saw the same pastor and he said, "come to sunday school 10:00 o'clock sunday morning".

51)seek the Lord-vision recieved 10-13-2003-in this vision while praying, I saw a man whom had brown curly hair and blue eye's who looked like David(king), and he said, "seek the Lord"(good council)
(52)I was hungry-vision recieved 10-13-2003-there are a couple of cats living in the garage where I live, and I caught one in an animal travel cage, and while playing with it, it got out. In a vision the cat said, "I was hungry".

(53)build the church-vision recieved 10-14-2003-In this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "build the church"

(54)I'm sorry-vision recieved 10-15-2003-some ofthe garbage cans were turned over, and garbage was scattered, and I said in my heart something like, "the cats are going". Then I saw one of the cats in a vision, and it said, "I'm sorry".

(55)you know everything-vision recieved 10-17-2003-I saw this pastor in a vision, and he said, 'you know everything".

(56)I broke in-vision recieved 10-17-2003-In this vision, I saw the4 pastor of a church I visited last night, and he said, "I broke in". Too many people are preaching that Jesus did not call.
(57)this is the last day-vision recieved 10-17-2003-in a vision while praying, I saw the same preacher and he said, "this is the last day'. It is possible he said, "this is the last days".

(58)cut-off-vision recieved 10-17-2003-I saw a woman in a vision while praying, and I heard these word's, "cut-off". I saw her in another one, and she said, "he is a nice man". referring to me. I saw her again just now, and she said, "liar"

(59)i'm jelous-vision recieved 10-17-2003-while driving thinking on a pastor, I saw him, and he said, "i'm jelous". I saw the same pastor twice in visions and he said, "my house'. referring to the church.

(60)face in the lite-vision recieved 10-18-2003-I saw this ball of light streaking, and coming out of the front of it was a face.

(61)man in white-vision recieved 10-18-2003-In this vision, I saw a man who was all white. I did not see his face. His clothes and skin were all the same color, kind of like the moon. I could not see His face, because it was like He was walking into the place where I could see him, but, had not got all the way in.

(62)all this visions recieved in 10-2003-Jesus gave me a vision, and what I saw was the word's buchanan written in yellow neon with black background, and i heard these words, "go to buchanan".As I was driving back from West Virginia yesterday, I pulled into a rest-stop, and I saw the pastor of the church that I just visited, and I saw the pastor in a vision, and here are the wods I heard, "i am going to come against him". I saw him in several visions and he said, "i'm cut off". This was pastor jerry friend. I just saw him, and he said, "who me". as I am driving home, I hit this beautiful big bird, probably a hawk, and I looked at my mirror, and saw it land on it's feet, and then Jesus gave me a vision, and I saw the bird, and it said, "you hit me". I waS TROUBLED ABOUT THIS, and prayed and asked God if it was o. k., and I saw my old pastor in a vision, and he let me know the bird was alright. I just saw a man as I was typing this up, and he said, "yeah". I was thinking about the pulpit as I was driving, saying in my heart, I would'nt go up there if I was even asked, then I saw Henry Gruver in a vision, and he said, "shame on you".

(63)don't tell me-vision recieved 10-19-2003-In this vision, I saw a pastor, and he said, 'don't tell me". I was wanting to tell him something.

(64)your wierd-vision recieved 10-21-2003-In this vision, I saw this old woman who works at speedway gas station, and she talks to me and is nice. In a vision, I saw her and she said, "you wierd".Praise God!

(64)Alice Cooper visions-recieved 10-2003-I saw Alice Cooper in visions. I asked him if his shows sold out, and he nodded, "no". I asked him if he was baptised with the Holy Ghost. He said, "yeah". He said, "you want to stop me, then just keep doing what your doing".

(65)Im falling behind-vision recieved 10-22-2003-In this vision, I saw my mom, and she said, "I'm falling behind"

(66)bathroom-vision recieved 10-23-2003-In this vision while praying, I saw this tall man. He looked about 50, and had black hair, and blue eye's. He said, "bathroom".
(67)God's fish-vision recieved 10-23-2003-In this vision while praying, I saw some small fish swimming in a very little like puddle.(God's people need to Grow in Him, or die)

(68)I had a chance-vision recieved 10-23-2003-In this vision, I saw a friend of mine, and he said, "I had a chance".(make the most of your chance to serve God)

(69)i'm in buckhanan-vision recieved 10-2003-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "i'm in Buckhanan". This is in West Virginia, so I will probably visit there.(I did once)

(70)My cactus-vision recieved 10-2003-In this vision, I saw me and this woman who works at a gas station talking about a cactus. I went in to and she gave me a cactus plant. Praise God!!!!!!

(71)go to Buckhanan-In this vision recieved 10-24-2003, I heard, "go to buckhanan". I saw Buckhanan written in white letters.

(72)pastor greeting me-vision recieved in 10-2003-In this vision, I saw a pastor in Buckhanan greeting me again.

(73)speak for me-vision recieved 10-25-2003-I saw the pastor of a big apostolic church here in Indianapolis, and he said, "will you speak for me". I saw the pastor sometime before in a vision, and I heard his name called "brother Jordan". I drove to the church and the son is now pastor, and the son looks like the dad, and I told the son some things. This was, kent jordan, Im off, he said, I want in your wallet, us, said, rick robertson, both churches, are cut off, hair dyers, mccormicks creek church, and christian tabernacle apostolic faith church, Im cut off, said, the kent jordan gray man, why did he show up, we made him, said, rick, robertson, now, off, hair dyer, you got what you, want, said, Jesus, now, work, aman, said, kent jordan.

(74)your fake-vision recieved 10-25-2003-i saw this pastor while driving in a vision, and he said, "your fake".
(75)10.00 bucks-vision recieved 10-25-2003-while praying, I saw my mom, and she said, "give me ten bucks".

(76)pray for my legs-vision recieved 10-26-2003-In this vision while praying, I saw this woman, and she said, "pray for my legs". (77)pray for my leg-vision recieved 1027-2003-In this vision, I saw the same woman, and she said, "pray for my leg".

(78)conductor bob-vision recieved 10-26-2003-In this vision, I am conducting angels, and they are singing, "do you see what I see". I was on the edge of my bed in the vision, and weeping. Prasie God!!!!who is Jesus

(79)i'm not ready-vision recieved in October of 2003-In this vision, I saw a girl who works at Speedway gas station in Indianapolis, and she said, "I'm not ready".

(80)witness-vision recieved about august of 2003-In this vision, I saw a beautiful young lady I witnessed to in tears. Praise JESUS CHRIST the only King and God of the existence!!!!!

(81)God's protection-vision recieved 10-28-2003-In this vision while praying, I am at this house, and there is a couple there, and a big rottwieler dog. I reach out to pet the dog, and one of the people quickly yells, "hey don't do that". too late. The dog opened his mouth and my clamped down on my whole hand. I didn't hardly even feel it. The dog might as well bitten into rock.(if Jesus be fore us, the enemy might as well pack his bags)

(82)boy with the golden face-vision recieved about August of 2003-I saw me, and I had a golden face, and I was inside a casket, about to llay all the way down.

(83)cut-off-vision recieved 10-29-2003-there is a preacher in Indianapolis who is waiting for a church. I have heard him preach, and he almost hits on all 8 cylinders, except, i did not feel the Spirit of God in his preaching at all. I saw him in a vision, and he said, 'he cut me off"(pray and ask Jesus where He wants you to go to church)

(84)Jesus is big-vision recieved 10-29-2003-In this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown Hair and beard, and it was like He was standing over the earth in outer-space. He was very big.

(85)avenge me mine adversary-vision recieved 10-30-2003-In this vision, there are a bunch us us in a car, and I am in the backseat, and I suggest listening to this song on this tape. My brother put the tape in, and before the singing on the song started, he took it out. I was telling the Lord Jesus that he has had power over me all my life, and requesting power from Jesus to defeat him.(the poor widow woman continually went before the unjust judge, and troubled him, and finally the unjust judge moved on her situation. No problem is too big for Jesus.

(86)no-vision recieved 10-30-2003-I was thinking about changing the oil in my car, and a man appeared to me in a vision, and shook his head, "no". The oil change only has about 800 miles on it. It does not need it yet.

(87)I'm back with Sue-vision recieved 11-1-2003-while praying, I saw my friends dad, and he said, "I"m back with Sue". They separated probably back in about 1980

(88)can I borrow 5000 dollars-vision recieved 11-1-2003-while praying, I saw this woman in a vision, and she said, "can I borrow 5000 dollars".

(89)bobby, I'm scared-vision recieved in November of 2003-there is a person who writes me. I was asking Jesus about him, and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "bobby, 'i'm scared".

(90)Steve Perry of "Journey" sings to me-vision recieved in November of 2003-In this vision, I heard Steve Perry of "Journey" sing to me. He sang most of a song. Near the end of the song, he sang to me, "you have defied the trust that others have in you". The word defied means to challenge the power of, to resist boldy or openly. I firmly stand on what Jesus has shown me in visions, and what He has taught me, which goes against most preachers and teachers of the gospel.

(91)God's fish-vision recieved in about late October 2003-in this vision, I saw a small puddle, with many small fish in it.(God still has some people here in America. We must follow thru and mature in Jesus)
(92)got ya-vision recieved 11-6-2003-In this vision, I was talking to Jesus about some-one, then I decided to back off, and let her work out her own salvation. Then I saw this woman in a vision, and she had her thumb up and said, "got ya".
(93)reject-vision recieved 11-6-2003-In this vision, I saw the pastor of "Drexel Gardens Apostolic Church" here in Indianapolis, and here is what I heard, "reject". I asked God if that was him or me, and I saw the pastor again, and he said, "me".
(94)tell me-vision recieved 11-5-2003-In this vision while praying, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair that was short, and was clean shaven, and He said, "tell me"

(95)bobby, pray-vision recieved 11-6-2003-in this vision while praying, I saw Jesus, and His skin was white, and his hair was whitish blond, and He had blue eye's and He said, "bobby, pray".(good council)
(96)no man of God-vision recieved 11-6-2003-while driving, I was asking a man if he thought a guy who is his pastor is a "man of God", and in a vision, I saw the pastor of "heveanly life apostolic church" here in Indinapolis, and he said, "no I aint". terry cannon. (97)cut-off-vision recieved 11-6-2003- while driving, I was thinking on the pastor or church, "pentecostal bread of life' here in Indianapolis, and I saw the pastor in a vision, and he said, "bobby, He cut me off".(it can look right, and sound right, but, that does not mean it right)
(98)lazy-vision recieved 11-6-2003-while driving, I saw Hollie Moody, and she said, "bob, your lazy".(I often see her in visions, and she talks to me. I am very excited about what Jesus is doing thru that young lady)

(99)your silly-vision recieved in November of 2003-In this vision, I saw my mom, and she said, "your silly".(she will find out one day if what Jesus shows me comes to past, then she will regret)
(100)tsunami death toll only known by Jesus-vision received 2-15-2005-I saw that the death toll on the tsumnami was about 276,000 give or take, and knew it wasn't right. I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "it's not". I also saw her again and she said, "take it off".
(101)sold out-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "sold out".
(102)michael jackson-vision received 2-15-2005-while praying, I heard, "michael jackson", and later saw him in a vision and he cursed God.
(103)attack on iran-visions received 2-15-2005-in visions, I saw a woman and she said, "iran", "under attack". I saw president bush and he said, "we will", "it was a successs", "your tipping off". I beleive I saw president bush and he said, 'oil'.
(104)reason for attacking iran-visions received 2-15-2005-I was asking Jesus something like is president bush using nuclear weapons as an excuse to attack iran, and I saw president bush in a visions and he said, "oil", "don't tell them that", "that's what we need", "take their oil".
(105)new testament salvation is in THE ACTS 2-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw, "ACTS 2".
(106)t.v.-vision received 2-15-2005-in a vision, I saw the word, "t.v.". I may have seen the words or hear, "put you on t.v.". I believe they appeared one at a time, and when a new one appeared, the old one disappeard.
(107)I saw Jesus-vision received 2-15-2005-in a vision, I believe I saw the words, "I SAW JESUS". I think I later saw a woman and she said something like, "I saw Jesus". It was so fast, I believe I was asking Jesus about the words.
(108)Jesus protects-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "thank you for protecting me".
(109)above the world-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "your above the world".
(110)wanting to fall-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "let me fall".
(111)eric clapton-vision received 2-15-2005-I heard eric clapton sing, "it won't be long now". I may have seen him.
(112)factory busy I believe because of prayer-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I beleive we've been busy".
(113)visions-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "Visions".
113b)scrolling textbox may be coming bacik-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a angelfire page and it had the scrolling textbox on it, like most if not all these pages used to have.
(114)it's starting-vision received 2-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "starting".
(115)do away with rapturetime pages-vision received 2-15-2005-in a vision, I saw like my angelfire webshell page and the name of the page was "rapturetime", and I heard something like, "do away with them".
(116)runs alongs-vision received 2-15-2005-it's hard to read this word that I saw in a vision, but, I bleive the word was, "runs along".
(117)visions of a woman-visions recieved 2-26-2005-in visions, I saw this woman and she said, "I'm lost", "I'm the devil".
(118)terri schiavo-vision visions, I saw "terri schiavo", and she said things like, "I knew", "lost". She is the woman who is in the hospital whose feeding tube may be removed. I believe she from reading stuff that she was starving herself to stay thin. I asked Jesus something like, "why she did this", and I saw terri schiavo in a vision and she said, "lust". In some if not all these visions, she was young and beautiful. In one she actually said, "I'm in hell".
(119)felt-vision received 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I feel ya bobby".
(120)collapse-vision recieved 2-26-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "collapse".
(121)coca cola-vision recieved 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "coca cola". There was another word or something there.
(122)$1.64-vision received 2-26-2005-in this vision, I saw shell gas station sign and the price for gas was, "$1.64".
(123)richer-vision recieved 2-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a angel and the angel said, "richer".
(124)rense-vision recieved 2-26-2005-I heard while praying, "rense", and then I saw jeff rense in a vision like the animation on his website and he cursed God.
(125)president dick cheney-vision recieved 2-26-2005-in this vision, I'm with dick cheney and I'm telling him is going to be the president. I don't know if he believed me or not.
(126)visions of pastors-visions recieved 3-6-2005-in these vision, I believe they were all pastors and they said things like, "made me jelous", "I'm a backslider", "worship me", "tell the truth", "I think about ya", "bob, put you name on it", "made me a believer", "cut off", I believe this was pastor wayne harris who is dead from mt. olive missionary bapstist church, "I didn't wan't to offend you".
(127)devil uses people as traps-vision recieved 3-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "trap".
(128)end time prophetic ministry-vision recieved 3-6-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "end", and I also believe, "time prophetic ministry", was there. End time prophetic ministry is mine. Just go to google and type in, "end time prophetic ministry". This may have been the google index of the website, end time prophetic ministry..
(129)cry to late-visions recieved 3-6-2005-in a vision, I saw a woman that I have witnessed to, and I've seen her cry from the anointing, and she said loudly, "bobby". She may have looked like a white spirit. I then saw the word, "bobby", so I wrote them both down.
(130)g.t. haywood-vision recieved 3-6-2005-in this vision, I saw g.t. haywood, and he said, "fast".
(131)g.t. haywood-vision recieved 3-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a file manager like this I adding these visions on, and I started at the top or near it, and I could remember seeing the editing file and the page name like they are on this page I'm typing on now. The last two entries on the page were both, "g.t. haywood". That will be the last entries for right now. I don't know if this will be the last entries I make on this page. I just saw like a female white Spirit in a vision and she said, "you will", which leads me to think more entries will be made. These pages are filling quick, and I only record a portion of what Jesus gives me. My guess is about 10%. I hope Jesus keeps feeding me these visions till I die, just like He does now or more. It may be in my best interest to rework the front page in a way that I can add many more pages, and make the page about the size it is now or smaller. I also have two free 100mb websites, one which is a almost a mirror to this site, incase something happens to this site, I have most of the visions in storage, and I beleive there are visions on that site that were never made public. I may ask Jesus to have angelfire increase the free mb space. We'll see. I also need to remember that time is running out. I've only used about 1.26 out of 20 storage space, but, it is filling fast. Seek Jesus!
(132)prophet-vision recieved 3-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you a prophet".
(133)trouble-visions recieved 3-12-2005-in a vision, I saw a woman and she said, "there's trouble".
(134)satans servant-vision recieved 3-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm the devil".
(135)visions of pastors-visions recieved 3-12-2005-in visions, I saw apostolic pentecostal pastors and they said things like, "material", "we want material", "tell me your problem", "come and talk". In another vision, I saw a woman and she said, "go testify".
(136)tell-vision recieved 3-11-2005-I saw a man walking and in a vision I saw him and he said, "tell me", so I said something to him.
(137)conference-vision recieved 3-12-2005-in this vision, I saw like a church building sign and there was words on the sign. I the word I focused on was, "CONFERENCE". I believe 7:00 was acrossed from it, or 7:00pm.
(138)gas sign-vision recieved 3-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a speedway gast sign and the price for gas was, "$2.16".
(139)backstabber-vision recieved 3-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you backstabber".
(140)already stripped-vision received 3-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "stripp him". I'm already down to tools that I use for Jesus and myself like clothes, car, etc.
(141)the only thing I have going for me is Jesus-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm nothing". I saw him in other visions and he said things like, "I've been cut off", "I'm cut off", "I feel delivered".
(142)follow Jesus not man-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that I believe was a pastor and he said, 'don't follow me'.
(143)called a witch-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "Hi witch". A witch is either a devil worshipper or a false prophet.
(144)backslider-vision received 3-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "backslider".
(145)read your bible-visions received 3-22-2005-in visions, I saw a man with brown hair and He said, "read your bible", "bob, there's danger".
(146)bobby-vision received 3-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby". This woke me up.
(147)elvis presley-vision received 3-23-2005-while praying, I heard, "elvis presley", and I inquired, and I saw elvis and he said, "hell".
(148)cut off-vision received 3-23-2005-in a vision, I saw a man and he said, "were cut off".
(149)closer-vision received 3-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "yoy need to be closer".
(150)terry schiavo-vision received 3-23-2005-in this vision, I saw terry schiavo and she said, "cut off". I saw her in a vision when she was young and beautiful and she said, "I'm a trap". She had until about 26 years of age to get right with Jesus.
(151)cut off-visions received 3-23-2005-while praying, I heard, "pressie", and I asked about pressie, Terry Presgrove, and I saw him in visions and he said things like, "cut off", "I want material". Pressie is what I call him.
(152)homeland security-vision received 3-23-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "homeland security".
(153)easy-vision received 3-23-2005-in this vision, I believe I saw this, "the word easy".
(154)jeff weise-vision recieved 3-23-2005-I asked Jesus what caused Jeff weise to kill those kids at school, and I saw jeff weise in a vision and he said, "satan". I believe I just saw jeff weise in another vision and he said, 'don't hurt me'.
(155)terrorists strikes-visions recieved 3-2005-from many visions I've been given, I'm led to believe that terrorists are going to strike rail road tracks.
(156)info correct-vision received 3-27-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "that's wrong".
(157)dreams from Jesus-vision received 3-30-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "bobby had a dream".
(159)don't worship man-vision received 3-30-2005-I was wanting to go to church tonight mainly to warn them, and I saw a man in a vision that I felt was the pastor and he said, "come worship me". I went to the church and the service was suppost to be at 7:30pm. It never even opened whil I was there. I left at about 7:30. This is the second time in about 4 days that I have went to a church, and there was no service at the time on the signs. I'm amazed that things like this are taken so lightly. If I had a church, and there was not going to be a servie at the time listed, I'd at least leave a note.
(160)homosexual-vision received 3-30-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I am gay".
(161)trying to make a webpage for the front page of this site-vision received 3-30-2005-as I was trying to make a webpage for the front page of this site, I saw a little angel in a vision that has a child like voice and he said, "what are you doing". In another vision, he said something like, "tell people". I believe I just saw a spirit slithering to underneath the table. Devils all around.
(162)are you ready yourself to go back with Jesus-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "would YOU go back with Him".
(163)cross-vision received 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "cross".
(164)proding-vision recieved 4-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a vehicle that looked like an old locomotive, but, I think it had tires and the word on the front was, "proding".
(165)help needed-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, 'dam I nee your help'.
(167)amost blasphemed-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a hand and He said, "you almost blasphmed".
(168)promote that-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Hand and a and the voice said, "promote that".
(169)ANGRY LION-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw an ANGRY LION. It may have been the Lion of the tribe of JUDAH".
(170)Jesus-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw Jesus and He was kissing a person with short hair.
(171)Jesus-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw Jesus either crawling or bent over low and moving and looking and He was in pain. His eyes may have been white and I believe He had a robe on. I kind of felt like it was Him when He carried the cross.
(172)about to get it-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with a white robe and HE was about to sock me in the mouth.
(173)Man-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Face of lite and He had a mustache and a crown.
(174)crowned-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Hand putting a crown on me.
(175)pastor-vision received 4-2005-In these visions, I saw my former pastor and he said, "put me in hell", "I'm the devil", "I lusted", "I don't care". I heard or saw someone says something like, "do you know what your prophet did put me hell? "he didn't love the Lord Jesus". He's the devil".(he blasphemed the Holy Ghost here. Jesus would shut my anointing off when I would go there, and you probably could not feel the Holy Ghost coming from me)Saw the pastor in a vision, "that's what I heard". He brought this on him self. He said something like. I saw him in a vision and he said, "I need to get tested by the devil", "I'm cut off", "I got decieved",
(176)White robe-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man in a white robe.
(177)White Hands coupled-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw some White Hands together like when you put water in.
(178)Hand out-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man in a robe of light with brown hair hold His hand out.
(179)three-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Hand waving three fingers. Just heard and maybe saw Somebody say, "that's what I need".
(180)staying in shape-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and maybe a white robe doing pushups.
(181)visions of a Man-visions received 4-2005-In these visions, I saw a Man and He said things like, "backstabber", "accepted", "return", "yur crucified"(Just saw a Man in a vision and He said, "thats what I need), "you need to write down the vision", "you need to incorporate", "I'll give you 40 days". There may have been more than one Man.
(182)28 days-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a dark Hand and probably part of the arm and heard, "28". In another visions, I saw This gigantic black Hand and arm shake my hand.
(183))barbara bush-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw barbara bush and she was crying.
(184)you-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw may a Man and He said, "you". I saw a flash of white like maybe like a finger.
(185)Jesus-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw Jesus and He was almost stripped and looked beat.
(186)give-vision recieved 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a Hand with a finger pointing and Heard, "give".
(187)happened-vision received 4-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "it happened".
(188)don't hide from Jesus-vision received 4-23-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard, and He said, "lets hide". Try to keep praying.
(189)I just tell-vision received 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "bob american".
(190)trying to work out my salvation everyday-vision recieved 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said soemthing like, "he ain't Christian".
(191)help may be coming-vision received 4-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, 'help us out'.
(192)take name of site-vision received 5-5-2005-In this vision, I believe I was shown to remove the e-mail address that has my name and go with the one that is on the site now. I'm annonymous. YEAH!
(193)why hillary clinton has not announced her presidential candicy yet-vision received 5-24-2005-I was asking Jesus something like why hillary clinton has not announced her presidential candiacy yet, and I saw hillary clinton in a vision and she said something like, "for the money".
(194)engines-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw like a mechanic shop and one of the words written on the building was, "engines". I have a junkyard that owes me an engine and transmission and other things which has not been delievered yet, and I'm not expecting it anymore. I took a mans word instead of getting it in writing.
(195)GOSPEL CHURCH-vision recieved 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a church and the name of the sign on the church was or partially was, "GOSPEL CHURCH". I don't know of a church called that and that is a good name. I kind of thought If I pastored and opened a church it would be called, "ministryofdreams pentecostal church".
(196)the mouth can destroy you-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "the mouth". This is what comes out of the mouth, not what is spoken in the heart, which is desparately wicked and full of evil.
(197)push-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and maybe beard and He said something like, "push". Thats pray until something happens.
(198)help-vision received 5-30-2005-In a vision, I heard a man and he was screaming and I felt he was in hell, and he was shouting something like, "help me".
(201)get out of there-visions recieved 6-5-2005-In visions, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said things like, "git out of here". I jsut saw Him again and HE said something like, "your chosen".
(202)perishing-viision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm in hell".
(204)I want my LIGHT ON-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "on".
(205)I didn't feel the leading of the Holy Ghost to call-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I tried to get a hold of you one time". I saw it on the caller i.d.
(206)help-visions received 6-11-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said, "please help me", "tell me my buisness".
(207)can't drive a semi-truck for dominos pizza-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, and I don't remember the details, I was made aware that I can not drive a tractor trailer for dominos pizza. I have written down, "no to driving for dominos".
(208)pray much-vision recieved 6-17-2005-In this vision, I saw the ANgel that has the Big White Bug like Head and He said, "witness pray". I did, and instanly felt better. I was walking on a bridge and I was near a college where I just left and walked past and when you get near places where much young people are, there is much demonic activity as well and the mess with me.
(209)nice car-visions recieved 6-22-2005-I went to the junk yard today and saw a pretty decent car. It was about a 1988 buick. I saw the salvage yard men in visions and he said things like, "come back and talk to me", "nice car".
(210)whatever you do for Jesus has an eternal implication-vision recieved 6-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "everythings eternal".
(211)tempted-vision received 7-2-2005-I was at church last night and a young man asked me what a scripture meant, or something like that when the service was over outside the church, and the scripture was where Jesus tells to pray in your closet in secret and the FATHER Will reward you openly. He may have been making fun of me. I told the church Jesus showed me russia was going to lead an allout attack on america. I was praying about this and I belive I saw the face of a woman in a vision and she said, "he tempted you".
(212)hits on website-vision received 7-8-2005-In a vision, I saw a number in it was in I think the 160's which was how many hits the website got for that 24 hour period. And I even believe I heard the Lord speak to me the number. Recently, I changed the names of just about all the url's on this site, and I believe it went into googlebot for a while and was re-indexed. It seems like when a wesite comes out like that, you loose big time hits.
(213)plane crash-vision received 7-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said things like, "plane wreck", "tell on me", "closed", "adultery", "I'm lost", "Gary" (beleive I saw a man and he said, "I'm in adultery", "guilty", "pray loud", "gary", "I'm a prophet", "hollie", "adultery", "I'm open", "take off", "your open"(this may have been her), "cause gary"(may have seen a young man and he said something like, "lusting"), "hollie", "adultery", "hollie moody", "control", "witness is cut off".
(214)embarrassed-visions received 7-13-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like dan bohler and he said things like, "made me embarrassed", "insult me", "moneys your friend", etc.
(215)emabarrased-vision received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "were embarrased".
(216)don't send-vision received 7-13-2005-I was wanting to send my ties to a Child of the King and I saw one that I was wanting to send to and he said something like, "tell him not to send". In another I saw him or somebody else and He said, "He won't let you send".
(217)Jesus can turn you over to a reprobate mind if you do not surrendar-vision received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "turn me over to a reprobate mind". I tis possible she said him which means me instead of her.
(218)avoid-visions received 7-13-2005-In vision or visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "never talk to me", "because I committed blaspheme".
(219)crying out for mercy-vision received 7-2005-I was crying out for mercy and I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "for debbie".
(220)lost-vision received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "lost". In other visions I saw men and women and they said things like, "against Jesus", "bobby"(saw this more than once-very desparate call), "Lord, please tell me", "I'm falling"(saw a man falling), "thats not your problem", "I'm going to embarras you"(if the shoe fits, I have to wear it), "made me nervous"(witnessing), "hell"(had twice-woman thats perishing), "wheres the million dollars"(don't expect, and you won't be let down), "harmed me"(watch what you say), "I thought", "they blowed it", "we laugh", "were cut off", "I'm prepared for you", "somebody left"(pray often that God keep people from sin), "I'm the devil", "social security", "I'm Jesus"(this makes me wonder if this person will get saved-or maybe thinks they are a little god or), "call me the devil", "don't come around", "I like your booth", "I do"(don't remember details), "devil", "bobby, "help me", "money first", "I tell you fell"( are you sure), "tell people", "thats the devil"(saying this about a child of God can cost you your soul", "against me", "he left", "devil left", "let me", "commit blaspheme"(these two could have been one), "tell me to stop it"(need to be led by the Holy Ghost), "I was only playing"(your playing with sombody can offend that person and cost you your soul), "when I blasphemed against him", "I'm not", "hell"(perished), "where'd he go", "tells you"(may be off on this one), "why didnt you tell"(I believe i was given another vision where I saw this person and was let know if would not be received), "me", 'prophecy's open', "cause my ability", "respect", "you have to leave so soon"(drove about 700 miles-should have invited me to stay or suggested), "invitation"(already tried), "I want you to stop me"(I already warned), "me"( i read the word, "wreck"-I beleive I saw her in another vision and she said, "wreck"-some wrecks are rebuildable, some are not-if you look at the original writing where I beleive the apostle paul referred to trashing out you chance to be saved as shipwreck-could the old wooden ships be rebuilt or recovered once they wrecked? Depends I suppose), "hurrY".
(221)cover up throttle body-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, Jesus showed me to cover up the throttle body on my engine that is in my moms yard. This keeps stuff out.
(222)people can trap you-vision received 7-2005-I'm going by memory, but, I heard, "carol", and I saw a woman that looked like carol and she said, "I'm highly against you", and then I heard soemthing like, "thats why you wouldn't go see her".
(223)wearing shorts in sin-vision received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I man have seen a person wearing shorts. It's possible something else happened.
(224)did I blaspheme-visions received 7-13-2005-Somehow the question came up something like, "did I blaspheme the Holy Ghost", and I saw a Beautiful Face of a Man in a vision and He shook His Head, "no", and I also have written down, "no you didn't". He may have said it. His Hair was Blond.
(225)overweight-vision received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like, "I'm going to get real fat".
(226)you can do something big thinking your promoting Jesus, and really you are seeling Him-visions received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman that is a prophet and she said, "now will be ny big chance", and I have written down, "prophecy club". She may have said it or somebody else. Jesus won't let me go on tour with the prophecy club. If Jesus does not send you, this can cost your soul. I believe I have already seen that she is going to go on tour.
(227)agreemnt-visions received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw perhaps a dark Arm reach out and shake my hand. In the next I saw a White Hand. White and lit up.
(228)you put yourself in hell-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "your the one that put me in hell".
(229)in hell-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said soemting like, "I'm in hell".
(230)still charging-visions received 7-19-2005-I heard and may have seen a man say, "wonder how prophet fell", and I saw a spirit that looked like hollie moody in a vision and she said, "he blasphemed against hollie moody". I often intercede for her, and I'm recording what I see, and this may have not been hollie moody, it looked like her. I just saw her again and she said things like, "how did I comitt blaspheme", "married", "prophets cut off", "prophets coming back", "went in my head", "touch him", "who'd I blaspheme", and I may have seen a Being or part of one or something like that and He may have pointed and said, "against you".
(231)old out for Jesus-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like thomas gibson and he said, "he must have sold", "no worthy", "you did".
(232)I do give-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw the spirit version of me and I had ny hands up and I said something like, "I'm won't give". My head and hands where like a light bulb lit up. I had on pretty good clothes.
(233)alaska attacked-vision recieved 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "lets hit alaska".
(234)wolfhead motor oil-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a quart of woldhead motor oil.
(235)revelations-vision recieved 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, O'h my God", "she perished".
(236)fried truck-vision recieved 7-2005-In this vision, I saw about a 1990 dodge truck and it looked like the hood had some fire damage from possibly an engine fire.
(237)I declare-vision recieved 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "it's your words".
(238)help is avialable-vision recieved 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "come and help".
(239)people may rejoice at your falling away from Jesus-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "glad you sinned".
(240)you can loose you walk with Jesus-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "I done lost it".
(241)you could fight agianst me to you won destruction-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "thats him".
(242)you better bless Jesus-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, "bless my idle spirit".
(243)are you sure I fellyou better bless Jesus-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "woner how bobby fell", and I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "he didn't".
(244)visions of a woman-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "psyhcic", "thats what I told him".
(245)chelsea clinton-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a chelsea clinton and she said things like, "my name is chelsea", "the Lord told me", "blow job". I believe these were all her.
(246)needed-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "i really need you".
(246)heavenly life apostolic Church closed-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a pastor canon of heavenlife apostolic Church and he said, "we ain't open".
(247)prophecy can reveal-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "prophecy hurts".
(248)adversary-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I'm a adversary", "blaspheme".
(249)warn people-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a Man and He said, "tell people".
(250)waste your talent, you'll loose it-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "you know how I wasted my talent". I may have seen him again and he said, "money first". I saw maybe me and I said, "dumitru".
(251)call-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, You need to give me a call".
(252)won't-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said, "you won't".
(253)save yourself-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "save yourself".
(254)One more chance-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a Man and He said, "one more chance".
(255)return-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "come back".
(256)won't obey-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a chelsea clinton and she said something like, "I ai'nt gonna hear it".
(257)ticked off-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "pissed me off".
(258)don't under estimate the mercy of Jesus-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "please Lord give me one more chance".
(259)lost-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a youg girl that was on the phone and she said, "I'm lost".
(260)fuel for the fire lest-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman that worked at speedway gast station and she said soemthing like, "tell me i'm lost".
(261)pursuit of riches will be well represented in hell-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said things like, "tell me I'm finanacial", "you've blown it".
(262)david wilkerson-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like david wilkerson of times square Church and he said things like, "tell how I feel", "prophet". I do beleive david wilkerson is a prophet.
(263)you can destroy you chance to be saved-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a pastor and he said, "man, you lost it".
(264)reject-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly a man and he said, "reject".
(265)ain't-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he may have said, "I ain't Your Voice".
(266)open is saved-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "you can't be open".
(267)let us know or go-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly virginia boldea and she said something like, "please let us know".
(268)frozen-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly virginia boldea and she said, "frozen". I just saw another woman in a vision and she said, "unfroze". If you fall, get up and go again.
(269)you must be a living sacifice to Jesus-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "you don't sacrifice.
(270)It may be time again for me to leave the Churches-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, leave the bedroom.
(271)chosen-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, chosen.
(272)i'm single for good-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, I want in your pants.
(273)missy baker-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, you like missy.
(274)will ye perish-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, hell.
(275)help your Christian family-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, please help.
(276)not-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, I'm not.
(277)you must be right with Jesus to go back with Him-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, get It right.
(278)adultery can be remarrying after divorce if you spouse is still alive-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, adultery.
(279)lazy-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she may have said, your lazy.
(280)Go where Jesus wants-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, go here.
(281)praise Jesus-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, praise God!
(282)Jesus must tell me to call-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, give me a call.
(283)chosen-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, are you chosen.
(284)me-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, me.
(285)hurts-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, it hurts.
(286)called a rebel-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, bobbys a witch.
(287)not-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, he's not.
(288)snitch-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said something like, I'm a snitch.
(289)generation x disease-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, guess who has herpes, you do.
(290)wondering-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michale boldea and he said, wonder if he's true.
(291)russia-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she mayh ave said, russia, and maybe, hit russia, and maybe other people said the same.
(292)Mantle-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, Mantle off. Cherish your Mantle if you have one.
(293)liar-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, liar.
(294)open is saved-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, open. As I type that in I saw a man that looked like kalen and he said someting like, yeah.
(295)witness-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, witness.
(296)let go of everything but Jesus-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, let it go.
(297)I hope not-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a maybe hollie and she said things like maybe, my name is moodie, i'm a witch, I'm a taker, I'm proven.
(298)I'm a servant-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, are you a prophet.
(299)money first is sin-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said, financial.
(300)God can lift His protection from you-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, uncover.
(301)would love to talk with thomas G.-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like thomas and he said, call me. He's about the only man on earth I would really like to meet. I was shown he is a prophet and he is in cananda.
(302)revenge-vision received 8-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, revenge. Let Jesus do your revenging, or you will get into trouble. He may have said, pray for me.
(303)pentecostal pastor chris amonett-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like apostolic pastor chriS aMonett and he said things like, "this hurt", "rejected", "hit iran", "you hurt me again", "danger", and in one he cursed God and said something like, "it's all because of bob".
(304)apostolic pator david gibson-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pentecostal pastor david gibson and he said things like, "I'm david gibson", "charity tabernacle", "were closed", "bob, I'm naked". David gibson pastors charity tabernacle Church.
(305)gene schmidt-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like gene and he said someting like, "you ain't no prophet".
(306)cut off-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor warren, boyd who pastors bread of life pentecostal Church and he said something like, "everybodies cut off", and I saw michael boldea and he said, "except", and I saw somebody and They said, "prophet".
(307)out-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said more than once, "I want him out of here".
(308)hollie-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "hollie moody", "last time", "prophet first".
(309)MYSTERY, BABYLON is the United states-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a Cless barger and he said, "MYSTERY, BABYLON is america". He said all of it or some, but, I heard it all.
(310)the economy-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "our economys back", "your not", "who did I blaspheme", and I may have seen me and I said, "prophet".
(311)how are you endtime ministries, irving baxter-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said things like, "hi, how are ya",and maybe, "nobody wants It".
(312)Jesus is fighting you Chris amonett-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like chris and he said something like, "why did he tell on us", and I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said something like, "prophet didn't tell on you", "prophet just didn't want to get into trouble".
(313)blaspheme-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like united pentecostal pastor chris amonett and he said something like, "how did I blaspheme", and I saw hollie and she said something like, "prophet", and I saw mrs. amonett and she said, "him" as she pointed at me. I saw chris and he said soemthing like, "git away from him". I even saw a Man that looked like Jesus and he said, "chris". I saw like a little angelic face and he said something like, "they blew IT", "lift moodie up", and I saw hollie and she said, :lift me up", "prophet blasphemed", "I done it once".
(314)are you set in your ways-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she said, "Lord, "I'm set in my ways".
(315)advice from irving baxter jr.-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like irving and he said things that were hard to make out. He said things like, "tell bobby", "to stop praying", and I only have part of this, or may be off, "and I'll take care of things myself", "you messed with my Wife".
(316)united pentecostal Church international preacher chris amonett-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like chris and he said things like, "shut up", and maybe, "you've got a cute little ass on you", and I saw his wife and she said things like, "heart attack", "I won't hear It", and I may have seen Chris and he said, "don't come here". Here being Christian life worship center or his residence right across the street on the same street".
(317)I've warned Chris probably 20 times-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like u.p.c.i. apostolic pastor preacher chris amonett and he said, "why didn't he tell me".
(318)beleive means to obey the gospel-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like mrs. amonett and she said things like, "we beleive", "your not hungry", and I may have seen the mother of Chris and she said somethng like, "don't mess with her", and I jsut saw pastor kent gray of antioch, the apostolic Church and he said something like, "hallelujah praise God", and I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "save bobby", and maybe, "the Mantle's coming back".
(319)confession of pastor Chris-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like chris amonett and he said things like, "you know your wrong", "and I ain't gonna repent".
(320)witness-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman that goes to the upper room Church and she said something like, "go witness", and I saw pastor luster and he said, "need ya".
(321)kansas-vision received 8-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like mabye a man and he said, "kansas city".
(322)hollie-vision received 8-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "Om your sister".
(323)attack on new york-vision received 8-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like two different spirits and they let me know new york will be attacked.
(324)chief justice william h. rehnquist-vision received 9-4-2005-I asked Jesus where chief justice william h. rehnquist who died is now, and I saw him in a vision and he said, "lake", "it's true".
(325)michael boldea-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said, "fast", and maybe, "the choice is yours", "I do", and maybe, "need your wallet".
(326)moses-vision received 10-21-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a man and He was sitting and He had on a Shiny White ROBE like a CLOUD with the sun behind it, and there was something over His Face or on His Head and another Being Which I did not see, took the possibly VEIL of His Head, and His Face and Head looked like Jesus, but, It was the color of fire, and hollie said, that was not and kristina said, moses, and hollie said, that was, and kristina fox said, JESUS.
(327)the Man with a LIONs Face-vision received 10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, and Man which I did not see all of His Body, but, His Face was like a Lions, and hollie said, and kristina said, that, hollie said, was, and michael boldea said, face it,
(328)russia and china have an agreement-vision received 10-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the the anitchrist, and he said, russia is where the beast will reign, and hu said, thats in china, and the president of north korea said, china is magog, red dragon, and the pope said, russia is where the beast will reign, and russia is, and chinese president hu said, china and china, and the pope said, is Israel.
(329)russia and china and the endtimes-vision received 10-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the beast and he said, russia is where the beast will, and I saw the pope, and he said, sit, and and the beast spirit said, and russia is, and president of north korea said, china, and , and hu said, china is, and president of north korea said, magog, that and hu said, is, and president of north korea said, red dra, and the emporer of japan said, gon, and that is, and putin said, russia, and president of north korea said, absorb, china is north korea, and the emperor of japan said, china is, japan, and japan is the peninsula, and hollie said, tyre, north korea is and putin said, north korea is, is, china, and I want to say it is possible I messed up on this because of my writing, as well as any other vision on the ministryofdreams site's, In Jesus name, who made all this avialable to us, hallelujah, amen.
(330)china will attack russia-vision received 10-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like stephen hansen and he said, russia will not back down from china, and china will not back down from russia, china is russia worst enemies of MYSTERY, BABYLON, and hollie said, and that, and kristina said, is, and this president said, america, and in the original recording stephen said, and thats amerirussia, and thats the united states, and putin said, russia, russia will go down after america is attacked by russia, and thats a mystery, and dumitru duduman said, russia will not tolerate america hittin iran, russia will att, and stephen hanson said, ack america, and putin sang, lets rule the world, and hollie sang, lets rule the world, if the united states, turn, and putin said, russia, and I heard, china and saw president, and I heard, cuba, and saw fidel castrol, and michael boldea said, there's my anser, and putin said, nicaragua, and kristina said, vicen, and hollie said, te, mexico, and hu said, china and fox said, and mexico are one, and I saw the chinese president and he said with stephen hanson's voice, china and mexico are friends, and hu said, ven, and fox and fidel said, e, and fox said zuela, and president of north korea said, china, and lula said, brazil, and dumitru duduman said, and politboro is 10 nations that come out of, and hu said, russia and, president of north korea said, henry, and stephen said, said, and henry gruver said, 17 new nations were born out of russia, and thats the Word!
(331)tell the truth-vision recieved 10-30-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like Somebody and they said, tell the truth.
(332)america is running out of oil-vision recieved 11-3-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like Somebody and they said, america's got enough oil for the whole world for one week, america's running out of oil.(333)the beast and bear of the BIBLe-vision recieved about 11-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, russia is the bear, with 7 heads and 10 horns, the bear, and pastor simison said, is the most dangerous animal in north america, and the pope said, and a bear can kill a lion, but he wouldn't, two enemies, of Christ.
(334)the bear and beast-visions received 11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like macaualay and he said, and russia is the bear, and russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is magog, and russia is china, and china is new world order, what you say, is what you, get, don't ask for what, you, don't need, and the walmart girl said, you know I'm jelous.
(335)china is magog -vision recieved 12-7-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like this man, and he said, china is magog, and russia is, and dolores finn said, ma, and a man said, go, and a man said, g.
(336)prophecyout -vision recieved 1-2-2006-God has showed me in a vision the word, prophecy, and it was the name of a page.
(337)the deal between you and Jesus-vision recieved 2-2-2006- God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: that was hollie and she tore up the contract twice.
(338) president of north korea-vision recieved 3-6-005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: kim is, planning, with, china, for, the, destruction, of, russia, and, america, he will be, the, magog, russia will, be, divided, into, 4, and he will be one, with, china, japan, the south korea.
(339)star wars-visions recieved 10-31-2006-in visions, I saw, the words, star wars, sold over, 5, five, billion, cds, praise me, said, the leader of, the p.a.w., pentecostal assemblies of the world.
(340)visions of the angel gabriel-visions recieved 3-10-2007-In visions, I saw gabriel, and he said: the whole united states will be a desolation, the whole united kingdom, said, the, angel gabriel like a white man, sup with me, record, the united states will be a desolation, the united kingdom, go out there, and he showed, the world, and, false, he said, sin, record, false, christians, accept it, said, gabriel. I saw diana hughey of as one heart photography and she said the word, "christians".
(341)the angel of the LOrd-visions recieved 3-10-2007-I saw the angel and he was like a white man and he said, false, got it, and he showed to record the vision, and turned into Raymond Aguilera, the prophet of Jesus.
(342)thomas gibson-vision recieved 3-10-2007-in a vision, I saw thomas gibson and he said, I got it, its over.
(343)hollie moody-vision recieved 3-10-2007-in a vision, I saw hollie moody and she showed to record, and said, pointed, at, gary moody, that caused her to fall.
(344)robin woods-visions recieved 3-10-2007-in visions I saw robin woods and she masterbated and squirted and in the next she said, submit, and in anther I saw her with hollie on her hand, meaning wanting to make fall.
(345)more visions for hollie moody-visions recieved 2007-I saw hollie moody pointing at message board and the numbers went up, and Jesus said to her, get gary out of there, and hollie moody said, leave me alone, "that is my anger" said gabriel and Jesus at hollie moody, hes stripping me, she said, but,

rapture ready, tribulation time, apostasy today, troublous times

(1)most if not all churches have fallen-vision received 11-16-2004-I often think about a service I went to about a 6 weeks ago or so, where one of the things the pastor mentioned while preaching was something along the lines of someone making him a $1000.00 dollar offerring. I never forget that. While thinking on this, I saw dumitru duduman in a vision, and he said something like, "they want material". This was an apostolic pentecostal church with united pentecosatal church international in Indianapois. THis was pastor danny d. Thomas of Apostolic Lighthouse Pentecostals of Indianapolis.

(2)warn people-vision received 11-16-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, 'tell people".

(3)biblical plan of salvation-vision received 11-16-2004-there is a young woman who Jesus showed me in a vision is latched on to the wrong plan of salvation, and she just confirmed it, and I told her what to do. As I drove away, I saw her in a vision, and she said soemthing like, "I love material".

(4)the WORD wanted-vision received 11-16-2004-there is a lady who is constantly checking out these visions, and I think about her, and am excited for her. I saw her in a vision, and she said something like, "I want your WORD". I think it's "so cool".
(5)I'm hated-vision recieved 11-16-2004-in this vision, I saw a man with dark hair, and he said something like, "bob, you know I hate you". This may have been the devil.

(6)where are you-vision received 11-16-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said something like, "where are you at in Indianapolis". I'm free to go where Jesus wants me to go.

(7)right-vision received 11-16-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He said, "right".
(8)america will be attacked by russia-vision received 11-17-2004-in this vision, I very weekly heard this, "the united states will be attacked by russia". It seems like a man was speaking it who I could not see very well, but, for an instant I believe I did see him, and I think it was russia president Putin. I saw putin in another vision, and he said, "nuclear strike".

(9)going to hell-visions received 11-17-2004-while at the stop lite, this young girl was in the next lane, and they were jamming big time, bouncing up and down. THere was someone else in the car. I saw the young driver in a vision, and she said something like, "going to hell". In other visions, I saw women, and they said things like, "help me", "I needed you", "I need you", one cursed God, etc.

(10)go to the car-vision received 11-17-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and HE said "go to the car".

(11)accepted-vision received 11-17-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "your accepted".

(12)8 number is-visions received 11-18-2004-about three times, and angel said to me, "8 number is".
(13)being watched-vision received 11-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a man looking at me whom I felt or was made aware was a government agent. He was bald and had a mustache like "mr. Clean".

(14)wanting money-vision received 11-18-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman I was praying about, and she said, "money".

(15)warning-vision received 11-18-2004-in this vision, I was looking at a small piece of paper and it much writing on it, and the only word I could make out was "fingerprint".

(16)angel-vision received 11-19-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw an angel, and He was an all white color, but an off white, like bone. His hair had a different color like a redish white, and He was sitting on something I believe.
(17)not going to be my wife-vision received 11-19-2004-in this vision, I was with my brother, and the girl that I want to marry was there, and she was not interested in me, and she left, and we were on a porch. Much more was said, but, I will leave it at that.
(18)seize waco-vision received 11-22-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "seize waco". I believe that is exactly what happened. Was that a religious organization or a law breaking cult, I don't know.

(19)false pride-vision received 11-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said something like, "you embarras me".
(19)what ever-vision received 11-22-2004-I told this man something like, judgement is coming to america, and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "what ever you say".

(20)witnessed-vision received 11-22-2004-I saw this man that I've witnessed to many times, and thought about leaving him alone, and I saw him in a vision, and he said, "I'm lost", so I witnessed to him again.
(21)arrested-vision received 11-22-2004-in this vision, I'm arrested, and I'm charged falsly. In another vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "were detectives". I thank Jesus for giving me these visions and dreams, and my job is to tell them, and I'm going to keep telling them, even if it is in jail or prison. If they executed me, the visions will still come to pass because they came from Jesus.
(23)judgement coming to america-vision received 11-28-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and even one or more of the words he spoke, and he said this, "judgement coming to america".
(24)I see Sir-vision received 11-28-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "I see Sir". I don't beleive I was going to write that, and I saw Jesus in a vision, and He had brown hair and beard, and He said, "write that". I suppose this should always be our answer to Jesus.
(25)what do people think of me-vision recieved 12-8-2004 in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "are you a prophet".
(26)change spark plug-vision recieved 12-8-2004-in this vision, I saw my cars engine, and it a socket on one of the spark plugs. It was on the second or the third, I later forgot, so I changed both. I did not think there was anything wrong, but, now I know. The car runs so much better now, I amazed. Only Jesus could know I had a bad spark plug. Praise God!
(27)don't write-vision recieved 12-8-2004-on 12-7, I received an e-mail, and the person more or less called my website a waste, and I saw Jesus in a vision, and He had brown hair, and HE said, "told you not to write". I asked Him about that e-mail, and I heard this, "that's the devil".
(28)I probably won't speak for one of the biggest prophetic ministries that exist in america-visions recieved 12-8-2004-in the first vision, I saw this man and he said, "there ain't know way your going to speak for me", and I asked Jesus why, and I saw the man again, and he said, "because I'm not apostolic".
(29)cut off-vision recieved 12-8-2004-in this vision, I saw this young woman I witnessed to several years ago, and she said, "I'm cut off". In another vision, I believe it was her I saw and she said, "I can't find Him".
(30)jobs are moving out of america and closing-visions recieved 12-8-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "don't take my job at chrysler". In the next vision he said, "were closing". I asked Jesus about this and He said, "yes".
(31)I have the faith Jesus brought-vision recieved 12-8-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He said, "you got My faith". When Jesus walked the face of the earth, He taught people what to do, they did. Here is what you have to do to be born again.
(32)pensions will be lost-vision recieved 12-8-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I lost my pension". I saw her brother in a vision, and he said, "I ought to bust you in the mouth".
(33)america is broke-visions recieved 12-8-2004-in this vision, I saw president bush, and he said, "we don't have no money".
(34)Jonah-vision recieved 12-8-2004-in this vision, I saw like a webpage, and information on the page was being erased, and it stopped at the name of the vision, and the name was "Jonah". I also saw a woman in a vision, and she said, "Jonah". God told Jonah to do something, and Jonah showed that he would rather die than do what Jesus told him to do when he told the people on the ship to throw him overboard, but, God prepared a whale, and in the whales belly, Jonah changed his mind. If you don't do what Jesus wants you to do, He can put you in a place where you will wish that you had.
(35)priest-vision recieved 12-8-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and HE said to me, "priest".
(36)russia will bomb america-visions recieved 12-8-2004-in the first vision, I heard, "russia" and saw russian president putin in a vision, and in the next vision, I saw me, and I said something like, "tell me about russia", and in the third vision, I saw putin and he said, 'america", and in the forth vision I saw putin and he said, "going to get attacked by me". In another vision, I saw putin, and he said, "bomb".
(37)approved-vision recieved 12-8-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He said, "your all right".
(38)a seer-vision recieved 12-8-2004-in this vision, I may have seen a scripture and I can only remember the two words, which may have been the fisrt two, and they were "a seer", and I also saw a woman, and she said, "a seer".
(39)united states under attack-visions recieved 12-8-2004-in the first vision, I saw president bush, anbd he said, "the united states", and I asked Jesus about the united states, and in the second vision, I saw president bush, and he said, "were under attack".
(40)will america ratify the kyoto treaty-vision recieved 12-2004-in this vision I saw some words, and I'm going by memory, but, I thought they said something like, "america will ratify kyoto".
(41)snake in apostolic pentecostal pastors clothes-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor who pastors an apostolic church, and he said, "I'm a snake".
(42)Jesus is the way, not me-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "lead me out".
(43)get on Gods side or the devils-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw like a fence and yards on both sides, and I heard this, "jump the fence".
(44)Jesus is always right-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "your right". I just gave wha Jesus gave.
(45)lied-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "I lied".
(46)dreams-visions recieved 12-2004-twice in visions, I saw a woman, and she said things like, "I had a dream you would leave", "I had a dream you would get sick".
(47)cut off-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman I went to school with and she said something like, "cut off".
(48)look what I was showed me-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw one of the visions that I posted, and I heard said something like, "that is you". I amy have tached the wrong scripture on it.
(49)use the right scripture-vision recieved 12-9-2004-I was going to put a scripture with a vision, and I saw a pastor in a vision and he said, "that's wrong", so I found another scripture, and I saw the pastor in anther vision, and he said something like, "that's right".
(50)don't be decieved about the economy-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who is a president and he said something like, "economy's back".
(51)war in no doubt on the way-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision, I saw a page, and it had words written on it, and the only word I can clearly see was "war". I felt this meant conflict. I was asking Jesus about the next war, or something like that and I heard and or saw "IRAN".
(52)get what you pray for-vision recieved 12-12-2004-I was praying and talking to Jesus and saying something like "I pray" and I saw the words "AND GET" and may have even spoken them.
(53)cut off-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision, I think I saw a woman, and she said, "the Lord cut me off". Herod in the bible had the Lord Jesus right in front of him and could not get an answer. YOu get cut off, you can pray all the time and the Lord Jesus be right there, but, you won't be able to find Him.
(54)the devil showing up in a cute young woman-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this young girl of about 22 and she said, "I'm the devil".
(55)hungry for the Truth-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I'm hungry". I just witnessed to her, and Jesus gave me the vision when I left her.
(56)detectives-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "were detectives". If I'm in court and Jesus can give me visions of the people that are there, would'nt that be fun. What if Jesus showed me the judge was having a homsexual affair, and the prosecuter was stealing money, do you think I would hesitate to announce it. What if Jesus showed me one of these detectives was being bribed. I'm not saying that will be the case, but, the same jail some people want to throw me in, they may end up in themselves. From what I have been shown, I'm expecting a confrontation. I suppose my crime would be telling visions and dreams the Lord Jesus gives me, which, they will not stop me from DOING. I just saw one of the detectives again in a vision and he said, "you want trouble". I can promise you I don't want russia to attack america, americas economy to collapse, america attacking iraq, I did not want that. I can't stop it, the Lord Jesus showed me in visions that it is coming. I'm just serving Jesus. You fight against me, you'll be fighting against Him. I'm telling what Jesus has shown me will come irregardless of what happens to me. If they confiscate me, I will only be in thier hands as long as the Lord Jesus allows, and will only speak to them if what Jesus allows, which means maybe nothing at all will be said. I will just leave it at this, the Lord Jesus can bring the entire american government down by what He shows to me in visions. So, if the people who coming after me are doing anything they should not be doing, they probably should send somebody who has nothing to hide, because I'm convinced if I ask Jesus to show me something about this person he will, and right there in court in front of all, I'll announce it.
(57)hell bound-vision recieved 12-15-2004-in this vision, I saw this former pastor and he said, "I'm going to hell".
(58)people can feel the testimony-vision recieved 12-15-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I can feel you".
(59)running out of time-vision recieved 12-15-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "start looking up".
(60)help needed by the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 12-15-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pastor and he said, "come help us".
(61)received-vision recieved 12-15-2004-in this vision, I saw the word "received". THere may have been more there.
(61)troublous times coming-vision recieved 12-15-2004-in this vision which was very fast, I believe I saw the words, "troublous times". I may have even heard, "troublous times coming".
(62)instucted by God-vision recieved 12-15-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and He said, "go to your car".
(63)you never know when your last chance to get right with Jesus is-vision received 12-19-2004-twice in visions I saw this young woman of about 20 I witnessed to. In one she was sreaming and saying, "help me bob".
(64)decieved-vision recieved 12-19-2004-In this vision, I saw this man who has a very large radio ministry and he said, "fooled", and what it was referring to was a person who has a links page that I think really believe's him, and has or had a link on his page for the above person's ministry.
(65)you will know a tree by it's fruit-vision recieved 12-19-2004-while praying, I was thinking on a man I witnessed to and I saw him in a vision and he cursed God.
(66)charging toward disaster-visions received 12-27-2004-there is a woman that is putting on weight bigtime and it is going to cause her problems and I asked Jesus if He wanted me to tell, and I saw the woman in visions and she said, "I'll do what I want to do", "don't tell me".
(67)stand-vision received 12-27-2004-I was asking Jesus for some council and I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "do nothing".
(67)it's best to stay busy-visions received 12-27-2004-in this vision, I saw this man with brown hair and HE said, "I want you to do something". I saw Him in other visions too.
(68)is your pastor cut off and still preaching-vision received 12-28-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor and he said something like, "He already cut me off".
(69)leave alone-vision received 12-28-2004-in this vision, I saw an old friend and she said, "quit bugging". We were at the same store the other day, and she came to me.
(70)do you have sin-vision recieved 12-28-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I'm dirty".
(71)was this God's anointing oil pouring-vision received 12-28-2004-in this vision, I saw like oil pouring down like when you pour maple syrup on your pancakes.
(72)gas prices going up-vision recieved 12-28-2004-in this vision, I saw a shell gas station sign and the price was $1.99 per gallon. That will probably be $1.99.
(73)not all a's on my report card-vision recceived 1-21-2004-in this vision, I saw a man that appeared to have curly brown graying beard and hair and He said, 'you waste My time'.
(74)the visions are from Jesus-vision received 1-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "that's wrong".
(75)condoleeza rice-vision recieved 1-21-2005-in this vision, I saw condoleeza rice and she said something like: "terrorism".
(76)is a limited strike against iran already planned out-visions received 1-21-2005-in visions I saw that america may be planning to strike iran. I saw a woman and she said, "Iran", and I asked about Iran and in another vision I saw a man and He said, "limited strike". I saw president bush in a vision and he said, "it's already planned". I saw president bush in another vision and he said, "your squeeling". Just telling what Jesus showed me. In other visions, I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "it's iran". I saw the president of iran in visions and he said, "trap", "were the trap".
(77)do you bow down to people-vision received 1-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "get on your knee's".
(78)8 days-vision received 1-21-2005-in a vision, I saw the word "eight" and maybe there was another word or so there, and I heard "within 8 days".
(78)do you try to justify your actions-vision received 1-21-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she was justifying things she did. Does Jesus approve?
(79)people can feel the power of God coming from the testimony Jesus gives thru me-vision recieved 1-21-2005-in this vision, I saw this young man and he said something like: "I feel".
(80)visions of a woman-in visions, I saw this woman and she said something like: "God help me"(she said this very desperately), "touch my hand"(the Lord has healed people that He had me touch).
(81)trying to make a good front page-vision received 1-23-2005-I've been trying to make a good front page where the links are to the left and text to the right. The Lord showed me like one of the open files where it had perforated lines. I messed with some pages with no luck. Have to leave it alone for now.
(82)news reporter-vision received 1-23-2005-in this vision, I saw some words and I think the words was "news reporter". I clearly remember the word "news" and am pretty sure about the word "reporter".
(83)prophecy ministry-vision received 1-23-2005-in this vision, I saw some words and I think they were "prophecy ministry" which was the name of the front page of this site at once.
(84)gradually-vision received 1-23-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "gradually". That means "eventually", maybe not right now.
(85)light house-vision received 1-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a light house and there ws very bright light on the inside of it.
(85)war-vision received 1-23-2005-in this vision, I saw the face of a man who had brown hair and beard and He said: "war".
(86)backstabber-vision received 1-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm a backstabber".
(87)change oil-vision received 1-24-2005-in this vision, I saw the riding lawn mower in the garage and painted on it in maroon colored letter's was "change oil". This is referring to my car.
(88)praying hard in my ephod-vision received 1-24-2005-while laying and praying in mine bed, Jesus gave me a vision, and I saw me on my knee's rocking back and forth and it looked like I was wearing a white robe.
(89)advertise-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a page scroll down, it may have been a webpage. To the side of one of the paragraph's, which, the word, "advertise" was written, maybe in a dark colored box. It may have even said, "advertisement", and possibly changed to advertise, but, I do know it said one or the other.
(90)beautiful young woman-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw this young woman that I know that is beautiful, and she said, "going to hell".
(91)the bomb-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that may have been president bush and he said, "let me use the bomb". I believe I had another vision where I said something like, "was that president bush".
(92)if you don't pray God's will, He may grant you request, and cut you off-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and HE said, "you want My will". Usally when I saw I saw a man or woman, all I really see is thier head.
(93)good luck-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman that I have witnessed to many time's and she said something like, "good luck".
(94)false-vision received 1-28-2005-I was talking to a man at a ministry and he sounded like everything was clicking there, and when praying about it, I saw a man in a vision with brown hair and beard and He said, "that's false". I just saw a woman who had blond hair that I believe work's there, and she said, "He's right".
(95)put Jesus first-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm behind you".
(96)no money-vision received 1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like henry gruver and he said something like, "I don't have no money".
(97)terrorism could be knocking on america's door-vision received 1-28-2005-I was asking Jesus about the internal revolution russia is going to give america, and I beleive I saw a very dark face in a vision and He said, "terror".
(98)interesting-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, 'interesting'.
(99)plane wreck-received 1-28-2005-more than once, and I'm going by memory, I heard, and maybe even saw somebody saying sometime's, "plane crash".
(100)hated-vision received 1-28-2005-in this vision, I dimly saw a man and he said, "we hate you".
(101)not worthy-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "I ain't worthy".
(102)testimony will be rejected-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision, I saw this pastor and he said something like, "we will not recieve it".
(103)rapture will come-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision while driving, I saw a man and he said something like, "the rapture's here".
(104)bob-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "bob".
(105)running from Jesus-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the face of a man and He said, "keep running".
(106)hand of help ministries-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision while walking, "HAND OF HELP MINISTRIES", in like a e-mail I received. I live about 342 miles from the watertown, wisconsin warehouse/office. It would be neat to get together with them and have prayer, fasting, church, fellowship. I would have to be invited, and it would have to be the will of the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm very concerned about hand of help. I just saw a woman in a vision that is part of hand of help and she said, "we need help". I believe dumitru duduman was a prayer warrior, and he probably said many prayers for hand of help and familiy and many before he died, and don't think Jesus forgets like we do. I have many visions while typing this that I will not record. I don't record lot's of visions. I try to record the one's Jesus leads me to.
(107)tears of a white man-vision received 2-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a man whose face was white and He had big blue eye's and He was crying as HE looked at me. He had like a black hooded sweatshirt on. It saddens me a touch I suppose thinking about this. I see this man or a very similar one very often, and He talks to me. He has a very gentle voice. What would it be like to be in Gods shoes where He looks down and see's a world that HE made and owns and people reject Him. I just saw a man with an all white head and HE said, "testify", so let me get done, and get out of here, and try to represent this Jesus before my midnight prayer session starts. It's about 10:31 pm now.
(108)beautiful template-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the template, and it may have been on a template, there was probably more. I may have even heard something like, "flash template".
(109)visions-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw, "visions", which would be a good name for any of my sites.
(110)seek power-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and I think it was me, and he said, "I want power".
(111)bobby-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and seh said, "bobby".
(112)anything can happen-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "anything could happen".
(113)Jesus IS-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw like a google page and part of one of the entries name was, "I AM", in blue letter's.
(114)observed-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a sentence, and one word I seemed to see clearly was, "observed". I also remember seeing the word, "AL Quaeda", and I seem to feel from it that they may be observing me looking for al qaeda ties. I live for Jesus, and am not involved with any organization.
(115)invalid file-vision recieved 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw and heard, "invalid file".
(116)revival-vision recieved 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw this pastor and he said something like, "we want revival".
(117)dick cheney-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "DICK CHENEY", and I asked about dick cheney, and I saw dick cheney in a vision and he said, "let's nuke".
(118)everytime Jesus gives me a vision like this, it happens-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw about a three year old girl and she said, "take down a helicopter".
(119)don't invite-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "don't even invite me". I often invite people to visit, "ministryofdreams".
(120)even with all that is going on, some people are still blind-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I still can't see".
(121)Iran probably has a bombing coming-vision received 2-11-2005-I was asking Jesus if america was going to bomb iran, and I saw like the white spirit of president bush in a vision and he said, "gonna bomb it".
(122)traded Jesus-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I traded Him back".
(123)I will go in Jesus's time-vision received 2-11-2005-in this vision, I saw I think a woman and she said something like, "bob, disappear".
(124)al qaeda-visions received 2-11-2005-while praying, I heard, or saw somebody say, "what about al-qaeda", and I later saw bin laden in a vision and he said, "let's attack someone".
(125)mine picture-vision recieved 2-14-2005-in this vision, I saw shown to activate my picture on my website.
(126)flooding-vision received 2-14-2005-in this vision, I saw the river near where I live was very high which suggest flooding.
(127)oil-vision received 2-14-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "oil" and there was atleast one more word there.
(228)tease-vision received 2-14-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "tease".
(128)death-vision received 2-14-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, 'stewart must die'.
(129)35-vision received 2-14-2005-in this vision, I saw the number "35". In another vision, I saw a number that was in about the 110,000's. I even saw a vision of a woman and she said something like, "he didn't see it".
(130)warning-vision received 2-14-2005-things happened in this vision, but, the last words that were said were, "I didn't get a ticket. Just got a verbal warning".
(131)cursed God-vision received 2-33-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "o'h", and then cursed God. She may have been having a problem come on her.
(132)fork lift-vision received 2-14-2005-in this vision, I saw something like, "the words, "fork lift".
(133)t.d. jakes-visions received 2-17-2005-in visions, I saw a man who looked like t.d. jakes, and he is who I was asking about and he said things like, "I'm apostolic", "rejected", and in one he cursed God. In others which I did now write down, and I'm going by memory, he said things like, "cut off", "I want material".
(134)ENDTIME DREAMS-vision recieved 2-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a webapge and part of the name of the page was, "ENDTIME DREAMS". I have a page called, "ENDTIME DREAMS". There was atleast one more name on the page in the vision.
(135)feeling-vision recieved 2-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I have a feeling".
(136)checked it out-vision received 2-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like rick joyner and he said, "I looked at it".
(137)overturned vehicle-vision received 2-18-2005-in this vision, I saw some kind of vehicle on it's side. It had a wheel sticking up in the air that looked like an airplane wheel.
(138)man-vision recieved 3-2005-in this vision, I saw the had of a man that had brown hair and beard and he said in a very deep voice, "whats my name".
(139)visit-vision recieved 3-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "come be with us".
(140)warned about me-vision recieved 3-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "don't talk to him".
(141)devil can use people to catch you-vision recieved 3-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm a trap".
(142)Jesus first-vision received 3-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "let me do first".
(143)INDIANA-vision recieved 3-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "INDIANA", in blue letters like it was an indexed page on google.
(144)don't judge-vision recieved 3-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "this is jsut how my mind works".
(145)wanting-vision recieved 9-8-2004-in this vision, I saw this former pastor, and he said, "you really want a church".
(147)don't expect perfection-vision recieved 9-9-2004-in this vision, I saw the auto body man and he said, "it won't be flawless".

(148)alice cooper sings-vision received 2-10-2005-in part of this vision, I'm somewhere, and sombody put an alice cooper album on and I think it was the "from the inside" album. Thing was, the song was, "raise your fist and yell", and alice sang it gently. Here is the part he sang, and I might have all of a sudden saw him singing it, and I believe this is what he sang, "stop pretending that you've never been bad. Your never wrong and you've never been dirty". Isn't it fitting, this vision is recorded as number 238, and THE ACTS 2:38 is the new testament plan of salvation, and I believe with everything within me that "vince" aka alice cooper knows this.
(149)dumitru duduman-visions recieved 9-9-2004-twice I saw dumitru duduman in visions and he said, "write a book".
(150)fighting Gods will-vision recieved 9-20-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair, and HE said, "you are trying to stop it". What He is referring to is judgement to america and probably other things.
(151)visit-vision reiceved 9-28-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "come and be with us". That church is about 552 miles away. As I was typing that, I saw a man, and He said, "thats right".
(152)don't call-visions recieved 9-29-2004-in the first vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and He said, "why did you call", Then I saw the woman I called in a vision, and she said, "I'm cut off". I saw a man who works there to, and he said, "I do", and this was referring to knowing who I am.(memory)
(153)visions of Jesus-visions recieved 9-29-2004-I saw many visions of Jesus today, and He had brown hair.
(154)pride-vision recieved 9-29-2004-while praying, I heard this, "let me show off", and I may have even seen the image of a man, and that was me.
(155)cut off-vision recieved 10-14-2004-while praying, I thought on or heard , "westside", which is a shortened name for my former church. I saw my one of my former pastor who pastors there in a vision, and he said, "were cut off". I just saw him again, and he said, "were praying". He pastors a apostolic pentecostal church in indaianapolis which is part of upci. Sad. I'm adding this on 2-20-2005. If this was my former pastor, then this was donald winters of westside pentecostal church in indianapolis.
(156)don't mess with me-vision recieved 10-14-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor who is with upci, and he said, "don't mess with me".
(157)not apostolic-vision recieved 10-14-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pastor, and he said, "I'm not apostolic". You can say you are born again, but, are you really?.
(158)black dog-vision recieved 10-14-2004-in this vision, I saw this big black dog that appeared to have mange walking across like a room.
(159)perished-visions recieved 10-18-2004-in these visions, I saw a man with a moustache, and he said, "I'm burning", "bob, I'm burning".
(160)russian president vladimir putin-visions recieved 10-18-2004-in these visions, I saw russian president vladimir putin, and he said, "soviet", "I want my economy".
(161)get coffee-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw like a little man, and he was and he was sitting at a table, and he wrote on a sign, and then showed me the sign. It said, "coffey". I believe the Lord wanted me to go get a cup of coffee. I drink decaf mixed with flavored coffee and the condiments.
(162)galion street-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw a street sign on a utility pole, and the name of the street was something like, "galion st".
(163)t.d. jakes-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I quickly saw someone who I thought was t.d.jakes, and he said, "I got cut off". I was asking about t.d. jakes, and it sounded like him, but, I'm not sure.
(164)Christ Jesus in visions-visions recieved 10-18-2004-I saw Jesus in many visions today, and He said things to me like, "right"(twice), "go testify", "I'm your pastor", "yes bobby", "it will", etc.
(163)hand of help-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw like a t.v. or radio schedule, and one of the things scheduled was this, "HAND OF HELP". I'm not sure it was a schedule, but, I thought it was.
(164)visions of a girl I witnessed to and her pastor-visions recieved 10-18-2004-I saw a young woman I witnessed to in visions, and she said things like, "I'm naked", "I thought it was funny", "He already cut me off", "your exciting", etc. I saw her pastor, and he said things like, "put me first", "that's a prophet", etc.
(165)revival needed-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw the white face of an angel, and He said, "you need revival".
(166)man I witnessed to-visions recieved 10-18-2004-in many visions I saw a man I witnessed to, and he said things like, "prayer cloth", "I want to get a hold of you", "LET ME FIX IT", etc.
(166)russia wants Alaska-vision recieved 10-18-2004-in this vision, I saw russian president vladimir putin, and he said, "we want alaska". I was asking Jesus something like when russia was going to attack alaska, whne america goes to war with china or before, and I heard this, "during".
(167)your an angel-vision recieved 10-2004-in this vision, some said to me, "your an angel".
(168)visions of a young girl-visions received 11-3-2004-in two visions, I saw this young girl, and she had blue eyes, and she said, "know my name", "whats your name".
(169)rejected-vision received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "i've been rejected".
(170)went to church-vision received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I went to church".
(171)cut off-vision received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw this old friend, and he let me know that he was cut off.
(172)tell the vision-vision received 11-7-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, 'tell the vision'.
(173)visions of Jesus-visions received 11-7-2004-I saw Jesus in visions, and He said things like, "I'm a Judge", "My policy", "save yourself".
(174)picture wanted-vision received 11-7-2004-in this vision, I saw a girl and she said, "we want a picture".
(175)curious girl-visions received 11-7-2004-in visions I saw this young girl, and she said, "know my name", "you still want me".
(176)visions rejected-vision received 11-7-2004-in this vision, I saw a friend, and he said, "don't tell a vision".
(177)help us-vision received 11-7-2004-in this vision, I saw my old pastor, and he said something like, "help us".
(178)change valve cover gasket-vision received 11-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she let me know I need a new valve cover gasket on my cars engine. I've seen Jesus in visions, and He let me know my oil needs changed.
(179)LIFE-vision received 11-18-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "LIFE".
(180)help-vision received 11-18-2004-in this vision, I saw my step uncle, and he said, "you helped me". I witnessed to him.
(181)police car-vision received 11-18-2004-in this vision I'm walking, and I see a police car about a quater of a mile ahead, and it was like it was turning onto a street, but, I could see the cars reverse lights on. Why was he going to back up?
(182)go-visions received 11-18-2004-twice in visions, I saw a man and He let me know to leave. In one He said, "go to the car".
(184)awesome-vision received 11-18-2004-in this vision while working at the computer, I saw a young man and he said, "awesome". I believe he was referring to one of my websites, which really belong to Jesus.
(185)can't find it-vision received 11-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said something like, "I can't find it". If you play around with your chance to be saved, you'll look for salvation, and won't find it.
(186)visions of Jesus-vision received 11-24-2004-I saw Jesus in visions today, and He said different things to me.
(187)screams of hell-received often-I often while praying in my room hear people screaming, and I seem to be aware that they are in hell, but, that does not mean they are dead yet. I sometimes see their faces. They are the most horrible screams you can imagine, and usally it is non stop screaming.
(188)Jesus found me, not me Him-vision recieved 12-7-2004-in this vision, I saw a man whom I thought was Jesus, and He said, "I found you".
(189)help is waiting-vision recieved 12-11-2004-in this vision, I saw words that said something like "I'd like to help". THey may have been the title to something like a vision on my webpage.
(190)people know when someone prayed for them-vision recieved 12-11-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "whose praying".
(191)people are getting cut off-visions received 12-11-2004-in visions, I saw a man and a woman, and they both said, "HE cut me off".
(192)usa missile defence-vision recieved 12-18-2004-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said something like, "our missile defence will not work". Less than 100 percent in not good enough.
(193) the anointing-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw me and I said, "I feel the anointing".
(194)call to prayer-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "pray in your room". Many visions came out of this prayer session.
(195)these visions and dreams come from Jesus-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw me and I said, "I only see it".
(196)going to make it-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "your going to make it".
(197)asking Jesus how close it is-vision received 12-22-2004-I was asking Jesus how close it really is meaning how close judgement to america is and I saw a man who looked like russian president vladimir putin in a vision and he said, "were ready".
(198)am I a wanted man-visions received 12-22-2004-while praying I heard "russia" and I was asking "what about russia"? I saw a man who looked like russian president putin in a vision and he said, "wanted". He was looking at me.
(199)hated-visions received 1-3-2005-twice in visions I saw this young woman and she said, "we hate you", "I hate you". It's because of my testimony. Praise Jesus for a testimony!
(201)hanging on-vision received 1-3-2005-in this vision, I saw me and I said, "I need my mom". I don't need her, but, I do ask Jesus to let her live, but, she is on the alter, so it's Lords will.
(203) compared to the prophet Daniel-vision received 1-14-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "DANIEL", and I heard, "that's you".
(204)family member or members against me-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw my mom and she said something like, "I'm against you".
(205)all I've got going for me is how much Jesus I have-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a person and I think it was me and he said, "I'm nothing".
(206)are you shooting for a higher place in Christ Jesus-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw me and I said, "lift me higher". I just saw a man in a vision and He said, 'reach'. Reach for your higher mark in Jesus.
(207)wanting money-vision received 1-15-2005-I saw this young woman in a wheel chair today, and she looked like she had downs syndrome, and in a vision she said, "I want some money". I prayed and asked Jesus something like have somebody give her some.
(209)abominations committing will come to an end-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "abominations" and I heard "abominations are determined".
(210)ST. JOHN 3:16-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw "JOHN 3:16" and heard "read JOHN 3:16". The word "believeth" in ST. JOHN 3:16 means "obeyed".
(211)get copyrights-visions received 1-15-2005-in this vision I saw a man and He said, "get copyrights" and I even think I saw the word "copyright". In another vision, It seems like I saw a yahoo mailbox letter and the title for the letter was "ministryofdreams is copyright". I'm going by memory so this is mostly accurate, the message certainly is true. Most of the visions om my sites are partially or all the way by memory, so even though the words in lots of the visions may not be the exactword spoken or seen, the message is usally right. I just saw a man in a vision and He said something like, "that's it".
(212)finished-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, 'i'm finished". In another vision just now she said, 'leave me alone'.
(213)is china helping north korea develop nuclear wepons-vision received 1-15-2005-I asked the above question and I saw a man in a vision and He said, "that's real". I then saw the president of north korea in a vision and he said something like, "helped us". I don't know who the man I saw was. Lot's of times Jesus lets me see devils in visions and they lie most if not all the time, but, I ten d to believe this one.
(214)will saddam hussein be executed-visions received 1-15-2005-in a vision, I saw a women and she said, "saddam hussien" and I asked about saddam hussein, and I saw saddam hussein in a vision and he said something like, "I'm going to get killed".
(215)have a bank account in heaven built up that you can withdraw from-vision received 1-19-2005-in this vision I'm on a webpage and I click onto like a google search engine page and one word of the title of one of the searches was the word "fortune". There were more words, but, that was the only one I can make out. Have your "fortune" in heaven. Heaven or hell is your home. You are just passing thru here.
(216)nope, it's true-vision received 1-19-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "that's false".
(217)rudy giuliani-vision received 1-19-2005-in this vision, I saw rudy giuliani and he said, "I know it would shock you" and I was asking Jesus what rudolph giuliani knows and I heard this, "he know's a lot of thing's".
(218)you are born with sin tainted blood-vision received 1-19-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "problem" appear one letter at a time. We have to be born again just like in the book of THE ACTS 2:38, because we are born into sin. READ PSALMS 51
(219)Jesus showed me the Iraq war will end nuclear-vision received 1-19-2005-in a vision, I saw like a white female spirit and she said, "bob, it's iraq". I inquired and I saw twice saw president bush and he said, "missile" and I inquired and I saw president bush again and he said, "end the missile search".
(220)destruction to the new palestinian state-vision received 1-19-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman that I think was like a white female spirit and she said "palestinian state's going to burn up". When nuclear weapon's fly out of iraq, that will be all of the new palestinian state and part of israel. READ EZEKIEL 7.
(221)change transmission filter-vision received 2-1-2005-in this vision, I heard something like, " your transmission filter's clogged" and I saw the words on in like a light grenish yellow color something like, "your transmission filter's clogged". I'm going to work my way to changing it quickly, which is a hassle somewhat, but, I will be glad when it's done. Thanks Jesus for showing me! Have you had your's checked?
(222)won't stop-vision received 2-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with dark hair and he said something like, "you ain't stopping us".
(223)depend-vision received 2-1-2005-in this vision I saw a woman and she said, "I depend on you". She is my sister, and I believe she has the mind of a child. I keep hearing, "she's a baby". She is about 36.
(224)work-vision received 2-1-2005-in this vision, I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "work".
(225)Antichrist, ANTICHRIST, decieved-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision, I saw maybe a dark colored webpage and these three word's were on it, with the first two on different side's of the page, and the last one below, about in the middle, "Antichrist, ANTICHRIST, decieved".
(225)warning-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "warning". There may have been another word or word's there.
(226)not here-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision, I saw the word's, "not here". There may have been more word or word's.
(227)eco-collapse U.s.a.-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision, I saw like the face of a white female spirit and she said, "the economy".
(228)God is eternal-visions received 2-2-2005-in two visions, I saw a man and woman and they both said something like, "God's eternal". The woman may have tached my name on.
(229)nostradamus-vision received 2-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "nostradamus".
(230)a vision-vision received 2-1-2005-in thi vision, I saw like a blond haired woman and she said, "I'm a vision".
(231)I heard president bush in hell-received 2-2-2005-while praying and even after, even stopping to listen, I heard president bush and he was in hell. It sounded more like sr. than jr., but it was one of them. This probably went on for about 20 minute's. He said a lot of thing's. THing's like, "help me", "somebody please help me". "I killed in iraq". "We hit iran". Not necessarily in that order. He sounded vert desparate. Regarding iran, I basically heard the same things over and over and could not make out all the words, but, I believe that is what he said, about iran.
(232)but-vision received 2-10-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "listened, but". I may have seen it all, "he listened, but".
(233)reprobate-vision received 2-10-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "stan's reprobate".
(234)body work-vision received 2-10-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "are you looking for some lower body work". This is for my plymouth reliant rear quarter panel.
(235)mocked-vision received 2-10-2005-in this vision, I saw a trinity pastor and he said, "we think your funny".
(236)cut off-vision received 2-10-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "He already cut me off".
(237)referred to as apostolic-visions received 2-10-2005-as I was driving, I noticed a truck to the side of the road on the other side, and I slowed and rowed my window dwon, and the lady from across the street claimed it was out of gas, and there was a man walking down from me and she asked me to run him to the gas station. I warned that woman about judgement coming, and i saw her in a vision and she said something like, "I know". I saw the man in visions and in one he referred to me as apostolic, and I believe in the other he let me know he would laugh.(memory)
(238)not acting-vision received 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman I witnessed to and she said, "he's acting".
(239)iran-visions received 2-22-2005-I heard, 'Iran', and beleive now I saw a man with brown hair and beard and blue eyes say it, and I asked, and I saw president bush in a vision and he said something like, "attack".
(240)hooking-visions received 2-22-2005-I was going home last night, and noticed a pretty woman on the side walk, and she was looking at me. I saw her in visions and she said things like, "pick me up", "I want to go out with you". She offered me oral sex in vision or visions.
(241)war-visions received 2-22-2005-in visions, I saw president bush and he said, "man your battle stations". I heard, "iran", and saw president bush again and he said, "that's it".
(242)kim clement-vision recieved 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw kim clement and he said, "I'm naked".
(243)how-vision received 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw this, "how?".
(244)end day-vision recieved 2-22-2005-in a vision, I saw the word, "end day". I beleive I was given it twice.
(245)delete-vision recieved 2-22-2005-in a vision, I saw and heard, "delete".
(245)won't accept-vision received 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm not taking your word".
(246)wanting things-vision received 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I want material".
(247)gun-vision received 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a pistol.
(248)love-vision recieved 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "love".
(249)crying for me too late-vision recieved 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she screamed, "bobby".
(250)turntable-vision received 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a turntable.
(250)in danger-vision received 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "in danger".
(251)you must forgive-vision recieved 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "you have not forgiven me yet". I believe I have now.
(252)nuclear explosion-vision recieved 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a nuclear explosion, which looke almsost like a sun forming and expanding.
(262)gabriel-visions recieved 9-20-2007-in visions, I saw gabriel and he showed record, and I saw john mark pool and sandy pool in divorce court, and john said, "I keep the name", we stole the name ministry of dreams said dee finney, jose alvarez, reverend jeremy taylor, antonia vladimirova, christians to make prophet fall.
(253)t.d. jakes-vision received 2-22-2005-while praying, I heard, "jake", and I asked about jake, and I saw t.d. jakes in a vision and he said, "you a prophet".
(254)testimonies-vision received 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "testimonies", and I heard or saw, "more testimonies".
(255)firey face-vision received 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a being with a face that had black in it and it had the color of fire in it. I believe he had a black hood on like on a sweetshirt, and he may have been looking at me from sticking his head out of a door.
(256)titanic-vision recieved 2-22-2005-in this vision, I believe I saw the word, 'titanic'.
(257)you must get you alter work(repenting)done first-vision recieved 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I baptised in Jesus name, and then I heard the alter call". This is wrong. First a person must repent until Jesus forgives.
(258)makes sense-vision received 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a person and the person said, "makes sense".
(258)gas price sign-vision recieved 1-21-2004-in this vision, I saw a gas sign, and the price for gas was $1.35 per gallon. It was a "bp AMOCO" gas sign.

(259)backslider-visions recieved 1-24-2004-I was inquiring to Jesus about a girl, who described to me having had the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I saw her in a vision, and I heard these words, "backslider". I asked God if He would take her back, and I saw her in a vision, and she said, "I'm not". That means she is not planning on coming back.
(261)leave it off-vision recieved 3-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "leave it off".
(262)jeff nyquist-visions received 3-3-2005-I saw a person who I believe was jeff nyquist in visions today, and he is who I was askings about, and he said things like, 'leave it off there', "going to hell", "I'm financial", "financial", "I like material", "actually, I'm psycic"(thats a witch), "fooled you". I was told more than once to leave him alone.
(263)iran attack-visions received 3-3-2005-in visions, I saw a woman, and more often then not, this is like an animation of a woman and she said, "iran", "hit iran".
(264)the HOLY GHOST is the Spirit of TRUTH-vision recieved 3-3-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "spirit of truth".
(265)real estate-vision recieved 3-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "real estate".
(266)needed-vision recieved 3-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman with blond hair and she said something like, "we need you".
(267)truth hurts-visions recieved 3-3-2005-in this vision, I saw a real estate agent I've worked with and he said things like, "I just can't believe it", "it hurts".
(268)pray hard-vision recieved 3-7-2005-in this vision while laying and praying, I saw me on my knees praying hard, rocking, maybe even rubbing my hands.
(269)time slipping by-vision recieved 3-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a female and she said, 'better use the time'.
(270)computer-vision recieved 3-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a man, and I heard this, "go to the computer". He may have said it.
(271)prophet school-vision received 3-12-2005-while driving, I saw a man that looked like rick joyner in a vision, and he said, "come to prophet school".
(272)not worthy to hear the Word of God-vision recieved 3-13-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, 'no witness'.
(273)good enough-vision recieved 3-13-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bob's good enough".
(274)cut off-vision recieved 3-13-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I'm cut off".
(275)I'm not against-vision recieved 3-13-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "against-us", and I heard or saw michael boldea speaking them. I ask Jesus very often if He wants me to take off or modify, which means remove the name of Michael boldea from my sites. I saw a man in a vision that looked like a bald angel, and he shook his head, "yes", once. I saw a man that looked exactly like dumitru duduman in a vision and he said, "take it off". I don't feel the leading to do so, and I have asked Jesus to quit giving me visions with michael boldea in them. I've been given more. Some have been posted. I almost believe that I and michael boldea will meet in this life, because I believe I have seen it.
(276)JESUS CHRIST-vision recieved 3-13-2005-in this vision, I saw that the page name bar on my ministryofdreams site for visions of Jesus was changed to, "JESUS CHRIST". I believe the site was black again, and maybe with white or silver or grayish colored letters.
(277)Going back to work would be a disaster-vision recieved 3-13-2005-in this vision, I'm driving a tuck again, and I have a load, which I may have picked up, and I'm kind of at possibly the warehouse that employs me with the load, and I talk to a young woman there, and when I'm back outside, I saw a man in the alley that I think I knew, and I went to him, and sombody jumps in my semi-truck, and steals it. I start running after it, and I'm looking desparately for a cop, and I see possibly an accident and I go to it wanting to report my truck theft. I beleive this was the first day on the job. I end up talking to a man that I thought was a police officer and all of a sudden, we are on a bus, that I thought was a local one, and the man tells me eventually that he is not a police officer. I go to where the driver of the bus is, and I'm wanting to get off the bus, and I utter some words to him like, "I thought this was a local bus". The driver may have stopped to let me off, but, before the vision ends, the driver says to me, "cross the street". Even though this is mainly by memory, and much is left out, "cross the street" means something very important.
(278)blood-vision recieved 3-13-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "blood". THere was more.
(279)america will be invaded-vision recieved 3-13-2005-in this vision, I saw a scolling message text box, and it had a message in similar to this, "U.S. will see an invasion".
(280)do-vision recieved 3-13-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "do".
(281)church needs restoration-vision recieved 3-13-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "the church needs restoration".
(282)bless God-vision received 3-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bless me God". I believe this woman is blind, and I would like to see her healed.
(283))victor yushchenko-in this vision, I heard and saw the president of ukraine, "victor yushchenko". There were more visions.
(284)man in the robe-vision received 3-30-2005-in this vision, I saw a man in a robe, and I could see one of His hands and it was almost like an animated hand because it was like lit up. I did not see this Man's face because it was like out of my seeing range like if you take a picture of somebody, and only the person's lower part is showing.
(285)pointing finger-vision received 3-30-2005-in this vision, I saw a had and the finger was pointing, and something may have been said to me. I believe there was more, I just did not write it down,
(286)you never know peoples deal-vision received 3-30-2005-in this vision, I saw a real estate agent and he said, "you don't know how I feel". in other visions, I saw him and he said things like, "help me out", "call".
(287)pastor and person that goes to his church-visions received 3-30-2005-in visions, I saw a pastor and he said, "don't do it", and I saw a man that goes to his church and he said, "reject".
(288)don't complain-vision received 4-4-2005-in this vision, I saw my coffee mug, and the coffee was burned up like it is so often when I go to be decaf, and I heard this, "don't complain". I bought a cup today, that I normally would have not bought because of this vision.
(289)living for Jesus means paying His price-visions received 4-23-2005-In many visions, I saw like a bill or a pice of paper put before me with writing on it and I would here things like, "pay MY bill". That means doing all the Jesus requires of you everyday.
(290)wounded-vision received 5-3-2005-I saw a letter today from an old friend that I beleive would marry me and I probably would her, and right now I'm single and no mate in site. I beleive just yestaurday, I heard and maybe even saw the word, "eunuch", come to me, and there are only times that I was o.k. with that. I burned the letter without opening, because I did not want to get more hurt than I'm now. I saw the woman in a vision and she cursed God. Maybe the only thing that really happened here was I showed Jesus ALMIGHTY that I choose HIM over crawling into the arms of a wwoman.
(291)fix my car-visions received 5-3-2005-In visions, I saw some people that work at a shop where my car is and the one that looked like the woman said, "we"ll fix it", "this has got to be called off", and I saw a man and he said, "it'll cost 85 dollars". I'm ready to have the car pulled away. I'll wait on God.
(292)put a hedge around my car-vision received 5-3-2005-In this vision, I saw me walking around my car and I heard this, "put a hedge around this car". I did.
(293)visions of an ANGEL-visions recieved 5-3-2005-twice I saw this Angel in visions and He had a white head that looked like a martians head and big googy eyes and His voice is like a computer animated voice and He said, "you've done something terrible", then I saw this woman in a vision and she said, "I'm not turned over to the devil". That woman is my sister that has a mind like a child, and I told the Lord more or less that I was showed. I'm not the judge. If I see someone in a vision and they tell me that they are a witch or cut off or something and I agree with the vision because I saw it, have I sinned?. I heard this woman crying in hell and she blamed herself and the reason for her being there was good old cable t.v. I'm asking this ANGEL to identify Himself.
(294)leave-vision recieved 5-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "tell me to leave my house".
(295)trap-vision recieved 5-3-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I'm a trap". I've seen her in other visions and she said things like, "I want your talents", "I hate you", "I'm a witch", "suicide". I heard while praying in car a while ago, "debbie is cut off".
(296)your either for Jesus or against Him-vision received 5-7-2005-In this vision, I saw the driver of a triple a wrecker that towed me and I witnessed to and I heard something like, "he's the devil". I'm going by memory and he may have been the one that told me. What this means is that someone is still on the wrong side of the fence. If you are not Jesus's, you are the devils. Please seek Jesus! Get saved according to scripture. Let not the day of visitation come upon you unprepared.
(297)house-visions received 5-11-2005-While praying, I saw this man I know in visions and he said things like, "buy my house". I asked Jesus how much I could get it for, and I saw, "37000". I saw him in another vision and he said something like, "I'm getting ready to die". Lastly, I saw him and he said, "you need to tell me". very nice house, but, really only worth about $25000 because of where it is. Put it in my neighborhood, its worth about $70000. If Jesus requires me to but, then SOLD!
(298)advance in Jesus-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "Advance".
(295)pastoring people-vision recieved 5-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "i'm a pastor".
(296)whobrey-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, and heard, "whobrey". He has a house for sale I'd kind of like to have.
(297)prayer-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman praying and she was on her knee's and had her hands together at up to about her mouth.
(298)don't mess-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "don't mess with me". I also saw the word, "banks". Jesus has been warning for the longest about eco-collapse.
(299)save yourself-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and with her lips which I read she said, "save yourself".
(300)like her dad-vision received 5-19-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I'm like my dad". I saw her in another vision the other day and she said, "diaper". Jesus showed me this woman will kill herself because she will end up in diapers.
(301)drive the corsica-vision recieved 5-2005-In this vision, I saw the chevrolet corsica and I heard something like this, "drive your cevrolet".
(302)chosen-vision recieved 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and He said, "your chosen".
(303)happens-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw the word, "happens".
(304)that-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "that".
(305)escape-vision received 5-26-2005-I don't even remember this vision, but, here is what I wrote down I saw. The words, "scott 26 year old escaped".
(306)help your bretheren while there is still a chance-vision recieved 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he may have been crying and he said, "why did'nt somebody help me".
(307)cut off-vision received 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "cut me off".
(308)tempted with incest-vision received about the last of last year-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm tepted with incest".
(309)was seroius-visions recieved 6-12-2005-In two visions, I saw a man that I witnessed to and he said something like, "sounded so serious".
(310)stay out of hell-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "stay out opf hell".
(311)praying-vision received 6-2005-IN this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said, "I'm praying".
(312)miss you-vision received 6-2005-IN this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "miss you".
(313)WHITE Hand-visions recieved 6-2005-Twice in vision, I saw this White Hand, and heard some words. In one vision, I saw this normal looking Hand and Arm and the Finger was pointing at me.
(314)answers-visions recieved 6-1-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "answers", then I was given many visions that were answers for me.
(315)thank Jesus for visions and dreams-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "visions".
(316)I'n on the side of Jesus-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and they said, "always one sided".
(317)gas prices will fall-visions received 6-2005-In visions I saw gas signs and the prices were, "$1.47", "$1.10".
(318)control will make you perish-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "control".
(320)perishing-vision received 6-2005-In visions, I saw this woman and she said, "going to hell", "put me in goshen". In one I heard her voice and it sounded like it was quickly coming and then passing by, like an airplane going over, and she was screaming, and I felt like she was going to hell.
(321)leaky exaust-vision recieved 6-13-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "leaky exaust".
(322)avoid churches-vision received 6-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and HE said, "don't go to church". In a vision not long ago, I saw a Man with brown Hair and Beard and He said something like, "don't go to church anymore".
(323)thomas s. gibson-vision recieved 6-13-2005-In this vision, I saw the name, "thomas gibson". I'd love to have fellowship with him.
(324)feel Jesus-vision recieved 6-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I want to fell it".
(325)bobby-vision received 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby".
(326)1119 2005-In vision or visions, I saw something like this, "1992", "2002".
(327)the door still open-vision recieved 6-17-2005-I was asking Jesus where this pastor, brother hunt, who is dead went and in a vision, I saw pastor hunt and he said, "you can make it". That was not the anwer to that question, but, the answer to other ones. This encouraged me much. Praise God!
(328)elijah-vision recieved 6-24-2005-I was coping a scrpiture about elijah and I heard, "thats you". I believe it was the White face of an Angel that said it.
(329)cut off-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman that I was thinking of and trobles me a bit and she said, "cut off".
(330)blapheme-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "blaspheme". I believe you can be forgiven, but, I don't encourage you to play with fire. I just saw another woman in a vision and she said, "I blaspheme".
(331)critisized-vision recieved 6-24-2005-I was just witnessing to a couple of young poeple and the lady I believe was trying to convince me that the bible says visions and dreams or something like that will be done away with. I saw her in a vision and she said soemthing like, "I criticise", or, "I scrutinize". I felt the Anointing leave when she started talking to me telling me what she believes. I just heard, "I left her", and I may have dimly saw who said it. Maybe that was her last chance to be taught.
(332)on the run from Jesus-vision recieved 6-28-2005-In this vision, I saw author e. lynn harris and he said, "I running".
(333)angry beast face-vision recieved 6-28-2005-In a vision, I saw this face that looks like something a hollywood makeup artist would have to create and it was angry.
(334)my brothers son has alrady went to far-vision recieved 6-28-2005-While praying, I heard, "dwayne", and some other things and I saw young dwayne in a vision and he said, "cut off". There were other visions. He's only about 20.
(335)may be out for good this time-vision recieved 6-28-2005-When I woke up, I was quickly told to leave probably more than once, and I saw the owner of the house in a vision and she said, "because I left". I did some things and left.
(336)pregnant-vision recieved 6-28-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman that I used to go to church with and she said, 'pregnant'. She is the daughter of brother sinnesaw.
(337)offending Gods servant may bring you punishment bigtime-vision recieved 6-28-2005-I was witnessing to a woman in a public place and a woman who worked there kind of talked with me about it. I saw the woman in a vision and she was balding bad, and she said, "I hurt him".
(338)who was this-vision received 6-28-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she was in the front room of the house I live in and I could see her from the back and she was at about the closed door, and she had two pony tails in her brown hair.
(339)cursed God-vision recieved 6-28-2005-In visions, I saw an old friend and he cursed God, and he said in the other ones, "I blew", "I'm going to the lake".
(340)lost of people go to church, but, have never been saved or have left-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and he said something like, "I been at this a long".
(341)closing-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw the the factory where a woman works and it may have been abandoned.
(342)there are people that want people to perish-visions received 7-8-2005-While praying, I said something like, "maybe there are people walking the face of the earth that want people to perish". As I said the last three words, I saw a woman in a vision that looked like diana hughey and she said something like, "people to perish". I thought she said the very same thing I said, but, may have been referring to me. I saw her in other visions and she said things like, "I'm finished", I'm sorry", "yes". This yes vision I don't think was good, and I thought I'd remember, but, I don't remember what it regarded. I saw her again, "are you serious". In visions while walking and praying, she let me know that there was an emergency and asked me to pray. I got on my knee's, but, Jesus would not let me pray for her. I've put her in the Hands of God.
(343)pay your price Jesus charges of perish-vision received 7-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and He Pointed at me and HE said, "you pay price". This was really like a real life deal.
(344)open your heart to Jesus-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "open my spirit".
(345)perishing-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like, 'i'm not going to heaven".
(346)heart attack-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "heart attack". In other visions, I saw women and men and they said things like, "no it ain't"(this was a person I told that judgment is coming to usa), "to heaven", "we don't care"(men jogging by), "that's it"(wait on Jesus), "tell me bob", "you ain't going to make me embarrased", "thats a sin"(this looked like terry presgrove or terry pressgrove), "you make me sin"(is this basically what adam said to God about eve), "dying", "the Lord wants you to pray", "that's true", "keep praying", "embarras us", "I need my money"(everything belongs to Jesus and He gives to who soever He will-Just saw people in visions and they said things like, "right", "work for Jesus"), "I'm going to hell"(r u as well), "in goshen".
(347)revelations of daniel bohler-vision received 7-15-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor daniel bohler and he said things like, "like adultery", "come and be with us", "stay out of my buisness", "the lake", "stomach", "healed", "I'm finished", "lets perish", make me embarrased". I was pressing on Jesus to go and be with them and I saw a man that may have been dr. dan bohler in visions and he said things like, "show him", "the devil tells me you had a vision". When I saw that, I was about speechless for a long time. In one vision, he even let me know it was because of me he blasphemed. Seek to get that sin prged or taken away. I just saw a woman in a vision and she said, "you lusting". If wanting to see something happen, then guilty, but, Jesus, forgive me. I repent. The Lords will be done.
(348)blaspheme against the Holy Ghost is not good-visions received 7-15-2005-In visions it seemed like I saw this all White Being and He seemded to have a very rough voice and maybe even screamed and said something like, "when you blaspheme against God", "you die".
(349)pray for others-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like terry presgrove. He has a rough voice. I'd need to see a picture again to make the match. He was white headed and bearded. I remember in visions the other day he said something like, "he embarrased me". I don't remember the other or others.
(350)blaspheme against me-vision received 7-15-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "I blasphemed against bob". Just saw another woman and she said, "I'm in hell". Just saw a man and he said, "your out". In others I saw a woman and she said something like, "witness must be praying", "financial".
(351)the pulpit-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw maybe a pulpit and platform and I heard, "the pulpit".
(352)court-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I the word, "court".
(353)plan-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "plan".
(354)don't embarras-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a looked like a Man and he said, "don't embarras".
(355)revelations-vision received 7-2005-In this visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "we had a vision", "help me in hell", "the death Angel is coming after me", "cause I blasphemed", 'against your house", "cut me off again", "no more mercy", "mother did hate me".
(356)usa under attack-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and they said, "were under attack". This could have been refferring to demonic attack.
(357)regret-vision received 7-2005-In this visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "I can tell when you left", "I'm sorry", "bring him back", "let me feel Him insde me".
(358)are you going to let yourself perish-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "are you going to let me perish".
(359)prayer coming-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said something like, "just pray".
(360)not enough prayer-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "the answer is not enough prayer.
(361)no need to apologize-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "tell the prophet I'm sorry'.
(362)don't bother-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "leave me alone".
(363)cries for help-recieved 7-2005-I heard this and it may have awakenend me. I heard a woman screaming someting like, "help me mom", "mom, help me", and I interceded for her and I later saw her in a vision and she said soemting like, "I wanted out". She does not seem to realize that hell awaits.
(364)perished?-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said things like, "thats the reason I go cut off", "cause of material".
(365)you have to stay busy to stay high on Jesus-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "bobs loosing revival". I have a cassette in the van that has some music on me that almost instantly revives me. The Lord made me put it back in the glovebox.
(366)tony rogers-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like tony rogers and he said things like, "all I wanted was some change", "was talking about you", "I'm dead", "going to hell", "live in the streets", and maybe, "I falled".
(367)lust is a sould killer-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "I lust".
(368)there are people that are deparate for the help of Jesus-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she shouted fearfully, "lift me up".
(369)girl possibly praying in a skirt that barley went past her buttocks-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a young woman and she may have been praying and she was wearing like a mini skirt that just went past her behind. People can destroy souls and themselves playing this filthy game. I had this vision twice.
(370)you can stop things with prayer-vision recieved 7-2005-In this vision, I may have been on a highway, and I saw some possibly different highway signs with interstate names on them and I heard, "I was on my way home". This could mean somebody was on the straight and narrow and got bumped off or was on his way out, and got spared, or?
(371)bowells-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "my bowells hurt. Jesus can slam open punishment on you.
(372)irving baxter jr.-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a irving baxter jr. and he said things like, "O'h God, the devil sent you", "I hate you", "please help me", " go to oak park", and I saw a vision of a spirit that looked like the new pastor of oak park Church, paul kevin shindoll.
(373)new pastor needed-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe hollie moody and she said, "we need a new pastor", "I have a phone", "I fast", "I can't beleive I blasphemed bob", and maybe, "your going to hell", "bobs trouble", "you wrote me", "I got the Mantle", "I won't have you", "your running", "pray for mercy", "I don't want you back", "running from gary", "he wants head", "shelter", "buy house", "send the prophet", "He won't let", "can't you send $50.00", "I'm elijah", "the Mantles of me", "the Mantles on bob hickman", and maybe, "win-reelect", "I'm jelous", "bloodstains", "get it off me", and I may have seen a spirit that I beleive was gary moody and he said, "I gotta joke".
(374)my book-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "do you know thats a good book".
(375)interesting-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "bobs interesting to me".
(376)will I visit with hollie-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "elijahs here", "prophet here", "Christian". She may fill all those descriptions. Glory to God for hollie!!!!
(377)no oral sex-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a Man and HE said, "tell her not to give a head job". You do this, you may put the nail in your Spiritual coffin.
(378) prophet said-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "prophet said".
(379)don't let somebody try to cause you to doubt-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a girl and she said, "there are no visions", "you imagined it".
(380)wanint the Word of God-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "send the prophet". This looked similar to virginia boldea and I was just at hand of help about two weeks ago, and one thing that is in my heart is revival and restoration, but, I an't make you do anything. It would be neat to go to romanina and help there for a while.
(381)needed-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly michael boldea and he said, "I need you", "going to hell". Get in touch if?
(382)two little sparks of Lite-vision received 7-2005-I saw two little sparks go to about my fan.
(383)planned-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "its planned".
(384)kathlene-vision received 7-30-2005-I may have heard while praying, "thats kathlene", and I saw kathlene in visions and she said things like, "head", "I lust you".
(385)revelations-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman that I witnessed to and she said things and I may be off on this, "I don't understand", "I lost the Holy Ghost", "I wanted you to break a yoke". Jesus showed me she needed prayer while I was with her but, she refused". I even asked Jesus if she said, 'I lost", or, "I got", and I saw her again and she said, "lost", meaning, "lost the Holy Ghost".
(386)wxlw-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw the radio station wxlw I believe. I may buy advertising there.
(387)try Gods Word-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he was in a car and he said, "you try everything but the Word".
(388)missed-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "missed it".
(389)cry to Jesus-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a maybe a woman or I saw the words something like, "cried unto the Lord". I beleive I saw the words.
(390)something going on-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I may have been on like a road and there was high grass and or weeds in front of me. This may have been like an entrance to a private property. The High grass blocked my view, but, there was dust blowing all around beyond the grass like someting was going on that I did not know about.
(391)pentecostal-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman named sue and she said, "pentecostal". I was told, "be careful".
(392)are drugs and medicines your God-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I have 15 new drugs coming in".
(393)I'm just a servant Of Jesus-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a girl of about 18 and she was crying and she said, "your the one".
(394)beauty can go to your head and cause you to fall-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly lucifer and he was white and had possibly whitishblond hair and maybe blue eyes and he said, "thats how I fell". I seen satan before, and I beleive this was him. Beelzebub, the father of lies.
(395)abortion is murder-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "save debbie", and I saw a man and he said, "before she goes to her abortion". This may mean killing herself and this is what Jesus showed me she is going to do.
(396)the president of north korea-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw the president of north korea and he said, "I'll be in jail". I asked Jesus something like, if north korea was going to be attacked. Jail also represents hell. THis make me wonder.
(397)you can blow it-vision received 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I can't feel Him", "no mercy", "tell sissy", "thats the reason I can't feel Him", "I blasphemed", "I blasphemed the prophet", "I blasphemed him", and I saw her mother and the mother said, "see what I've done, "embarras bob _____". I hate to say it, I'm not embarrased if you reject Jesus, or curse Him or things like that. I know in my heart you were warned and it was Gods mercy that let me come your way and you may see that event in the day of judgement. Can you imagine that. Be standing right before the White Throne of Almighty God, maybe full of fear and maybe me standing there as well and then Jesus show you like in a video or something that time when you crossed paths with the witness. You won't have any defence.
(398)true-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "thats the Lord".
(399)pride brings absement-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "you are proud".
(400)dubted may destroy you-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "when I doubted".
(401)send-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "sen the prophet".
(402)you may regret running help out of your life-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I want my brother".
(403)my bishoprick in my part in the Body of Christ-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he said, "take his bishoprick and give it to me".
(404)doesn't matter-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "I ai'nt a prophet", "I'm a apostle", and then maybe me or somebody else may have called me a propeht. Doesen't matter. The prophet has nothing to prophesy unless Jesus gives it. The aposlte has nothing unless Jesus does it thru him. Prepare your vessel so the Holy Ghost can work thru you.
(405)pastor paul kevin shindoll-vision received 7-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor paul kevin shindoll of aok park Christian Church and he said things like, "I'm lost", "need you help", "your in adultery".
(406)you will know a tree by its fruit-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a maybe a woman and she said, "is witness cut off".
(407)perished-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "your perished".
(408)wonderful-vision received 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "you did wonderful", "go easy", and maybe, "adultery".
(409)emabarras-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like ronald meins and he said something like, "embarras me", and "praise the Lord", and maybe, "hallelujah".
(410)adultery-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I'm in adultery".
(412)God said-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said,"God said", "can't find Him".
(413)reject-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "reject".
(414)come-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "come".
(415)idle words destroy souls-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "idle words".
(416)tell the vision-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like person and the person said, "tell me my vision".
(417)trapped-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "he's trapped".
(418)pray-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a person and they said, "lets pray".
(419)idle words are words that did not need to be spoken-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "Idle words".
(420)hollie-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "this is moody", and I may have just seen her and she said, "hate you bob", "need your vision".
(421)lusint is wanting-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I lust", "tell it".
(422)hell-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "git me out of here", "this is hell".
(423)money first-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a person and he said, "financial".
(424)prophet-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I'm a prophet", "your shot", "prophet", "financial".
(425)intercession-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "witness pray", "I need some help", "beg me", "I need the Spirit", and I saw me and I said something about moodie.
(426)vision-vision recieved 8-11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a ronald l. mien and he said, "tell me that vision", "stay away from me".
(427)hide from Jesus, He will hide from you-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she said, "I can't find Him".
(428)you serve Jesus or the devil-vision recieved 8-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I'm the devil".
(429)lori sears-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like lori sears and she said things like, "for destruction", "tell me", "I'm out".
(430)norm heaggy-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said things like, "trust me".
(431)debra-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debra and she said, "God has mercy".
(432)sissy-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy and she said things like, "I told you I was going to die", "you work", and I saw hollie and she said, "yeah", "I work for Jesus".
(433)angie-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like angie and she said things like, "you know what I did", "I blasphemed against you", "hurt", "please don't come near me", "your heade for destruction", "I want that car", "that's my house", "don't come near it", "abuse", and maybe, "God has mercy", 'I'm working", "its getting to late".
(434)knet gray-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor kent gray and he said things like, "help me", "cut off", "I still don't like you", "try to stop it".
(435)president-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "don't tell me that", "why did you shoot me", "cruise missiles", "lets hit iraq", "van slyke", "stay away from him", "we dominate", "thats what I want", "one more chance", "need mercy", "saying idle words", "I'm going to get taken", "my answers coming", "you comitted blaspheme", "I went to hell", and maybe, "I want your Jesus", "work for me".
(435)usa attacked-vision received 8-19-2005- I heard, "the united states", and in a vision God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "the united states in under attack".
(435)the Lord winked at me-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like the Face of Jesus and He winked at me.
(436)new york attacked-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "new york", "stay away from", and I may have seen a man that looked like bin laden and he said, "lets prey on new york".
(437)higher price-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "your price went up", "I wonder how I lost the Mantle", and I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and HE said, "new price", and I saw me and I said, "lord, tell me".
(439)terrorism-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe bin laden and he said, "railroad tracks", "bomb'em".
(440)last chance-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man I witnessed to and he said, "last chance".
(441)sister rexford-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said something like, "the Lord told me", "your the last prophet", "plane crash".
(442)me-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said things like, "need mercy", and something like, "thats how I lost my Manle".
(443)hollie-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "bobs addicting", and more things.
(444)cut off-vision received 9-3-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman that I just witnessed to and she said things like, "I'm cut off", "I'm lost", "he's lost", "I want a vision", "who'd I blaspheme"(and I saw maybe me and I said, 'prophet'), "were adulterers", "I'm a witch", "brother townshend", and may more visions, and I saw pastor townshend of mt. bethel apostolic Church and he said things like, "that hurt", "see me", "I'm lost".
(445)the psunami was Gods judgement-vision received 9-3-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said things like, "that psunami", "it's judgement", "I'm just a baby".
(446)michael boldea sr. visions received 9-3-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike boldea sr. and he said things like, "what does he want", and i saw me and I said something like, "need to help". I saw mike sr. in other visions and he said things like", "I blasphemed", "purge", "prophet, you fell", "please help", "beat russia", "website", and I saw me and I said, "look it up", and in one he cursed God and tached on, "website". I saw michael boldea jr and he said, "will witness help us", and I saw mike sr and he said, 'I doubt it'. I saw virgina boldea in visions and she said things like, "hell", "prophet got removed by dumitru", and I may ahve seen mike jr and he said something like, "how does he do it", and I saw virgina and she talked maybe about it being the mantle, and, 'prophets good", 'please help". There were many and I just saw mike jr and he said, "tell it", and earlier, "awesome". I saw michael boldea sr. and he said things like, "will you advise", 'please tell", and I prayed, and I saw mike sr again and he said something like, "I won't hear it, "i lost my Mantle", and I saw virgina and she said, "he lost his Mantle because of prophet". I saw somebody and they were asking about the prophecy club and or stan johnson and I saw stan and he said something like, "closed", and maybe, 'I'm cut off". I saw I believe mike jr and he said, 'prophet, your putting on a show", and maybe, "the lake", "I'm lsot", and maybe, "who'd I blaspheme", and I saw mike sr and he said something like, "thats what we need", "consecrate", and maybe, "I'm cut off". I just heard, "prophecy club", and may have seen who said it, and I saw a woman and she said thing like", were closed", "prophecy club closed", and maybe, "prophecy club going down", and I may have just seen virginia and she said something like, "it's the Mantle", and maybe, "He wants you to pray", "transfer", and I saw mike sr and he said something like, "don't come near us", "need him", "religion" I heard many people saying at the same time something like, "bobbys got dumitru's Mantle", "bobby's got dumitru's Mantle", "bobbys got dumitru's Mantle", and they said it many times. Whelp, thanks Jesus for the Mantle, and I'm just a nobody. I sw mike sr and he said, 'same o computer", and i saw virgina boldea and she said something like, "same o backslide", and I saw mike jr. and he said something about the computer and, "I want my wallet", and I may have seen virginia and she said something like, "he's already cut off", and I saw mike jr and he said, 'I'm not", and I saw sr and he said, 'pray for half an hour", and I saw hollie and she said something like, "how about moodie", and I sqaw hollie and she said, 'I'm cut off", blaspheme", who'd I blaspheme", and I saw somebody and they said, 'prophet" and i may have seen virginia and she said something like, "how come you coming against us", and maybe, "were going back".
(447)can't-vision received 9-3-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a young woman and she said things like, "you want in my pants", and something like, "who'd I blaspheme". I beleive I witnessed to her once. I saw her again and she said, "against prophet". I saw one of them I beleive and they said tomething like, "will you come to hand of help". If its the Lords will, most likely I will. All I can do is ask Jesus what to do and wait for the answer, and we can do it. I saw mike sr and he mayhave been asking for help, and in another he said, "prophets open".
(448)don't eat, drink and be merry irving baxter-vision received 9-3-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said, "food", and maybe, prophecy's done", 'and I'm out".
(449)turning back-vision received 9-3-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea jr. and he said, "your turning us back", and I saw mike sr. and he may have said, "hand of help', 'thats who you harrased", "I won't return", "shit", "deliver", 'Christian", "how long you want me to fast for", and I saw somebody and they said, "three days', and I saw mike sr and he said, 'you won't", and I saw virginia boldea and she said things like, "we need your helP", "blaspheme".
(450)hollie-vision received 9-3-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "my husband", and maybe, "call me please", "help", and maybe, "i have an emgercency", "religion", and maybe, her or virgina boldea and she said, "I need in your pocket", "i also need religion", and I saw micheal boldea sr. and he said, "please", "I want your assurance". He may have said, "insurance".
(451)car for sale-vision received 9-3-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "I'm a prophet", "leave me alone", "I'll take half", "will He accept me", "i'm apostolic", "I'll fix it", "give it".
(452)I-vision received 9-2005-God has showed me the word, 'I".
(453)sorry alice, usa won't attack russia-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like alice cooper and he said things like, "my name is alice", " attack russia first", "financial", and I saw hollie and she said, "wish you would".
(454)russia will want to rule the world-vision received 10-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, russian president vladimir putin and he sang, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, russia, and macaulay culkin said, china, and putin said, russia, cuba, translyvania, and thats pennsylvania, and thats, and the wheel chair man said, bush, and this president said, my witness, blackbird, and I left, and survivor o'donnell said, experiment, and this president said, sr 71, sattelite, they shoot, and putin said, keep away from, thats what you need, ACTS chapter, and garsnett said, 1, and donald hicks said, 50 dollars, and morris garsnett said, 60, and another man said, 70, and donald said, thats how much, and garsnett said, sell it, and doanld said, for, prison taught me to be a and garsnett said, pimp, and thats the end of this vision and donald said, hi, and macaulay said, walmart girl, and thats the end, and I'm the girl that goes to and and cornelius said, brother bullock, and kristina said, and he had sam scotts voice,a nd kristina said, and thats the message.
(455)patted on the head-vision received 10-30-2005-It God has showed me a like a Hand patting on my head.
(456)saved by Grace-vision recieved 11-3-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like, Hollie, and she was walking to, and kristina said, Jesus, and irving said, to the door, and ken haney said, to the door, and irving said, don't tempt me, and hollie said, door of hell, open and, and kristina said, fire, and hollie said, coming out, but and kristina said, Jesus, and hollie said, grabbed me and pulled clear, repent and be baptised, in, and kristina said, Jesus, and hollie said, Jesus, and irving said, ACTS 2:37, 2:38.
(457)america will be destroyed when china attacks -vision received 11-3-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie, and she said, when america goes to war with russia, america will be eliminated.
(458)live for Jesus-vision received 1-1-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: if you can't live for God in the good times, you won't in hard times, aman.
(459)God in Christ-vision recieved 2-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: its Christ in him, This is what is, doing, THis, read and do ACTS 2:38, and He'll do It thru you.
(460)the antichrist-vision recieved 3-6-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: and he saw, the, pope, in a, wizard's, uniform, and he had, writing, on his, forehead, 6, threescore, 6, and the threescore is, like a, fat, plus, sign, the mark of the beast, will be, born, at the, table, between, the, pope, and, false prophet, hu.
(461)vision of the Lambs book of life-vision recieved 10-29-2006-in this vision, I saw bright white book, and, written on it, was, the words, Lambs, Book, Of, Life.
(462)the number of the beast vision-visions recieved 1029-2006-in this vision, I saw, the, 666, on the popes forehead.
(463)china will take peace off of the earth-visions recieved 1-29-2007-in visions, a chariot, with the pope and hu, and it was red and black, and im going by memory, and the pope was sitting on the black side, and hu was on the red side, and I saw a black dragon rise out of china, and taiwan mostly destroyed, and hollie pointed at this while typing, and most by memory.
Biblical Prophecy project, prophecy seeker, PROPHECY TELLER, the end times prophecy day of pentecost salvation, faith statement
your choice-vision recieved 11-2006-in this vision, I saw the white, face of the angel of the Lord, and he said, its up to you.
(1)sign guestbooks-vision recieved 7-29-2004-in this vision, I saw the "SIGN", where you click onto a guestbook to sign it, which lets me to know to keep signing away.
(2) afraid to sin-vision recieved 7-31-2004-in this vision, I'm with my step uncle, and we are at like a party, and I don't even know what I'm doing there. Someone suggested that I go out and check out what was going on outside the room, and I could not make his words and and was encourged by my step uncle who even accompanied me, and we went, and there was like a haunted house entrance there, and I told my step uncle somethings, and this was one, "I'm afraid to sin".
(3)not my brother-visions recieved 7-31-2004-twice, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor in visions, and he said, "i'm not your brother". I saw him in other visions, and he said, "I sin", and he also let me know he was cut off in a vision.
(4)Jesus Christ-vision recieved 7-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair, and He said something like, "I'm Jesus Christ". In another He said, "I want money".
(5)witnessing-visions recieved 8-1-2004-I witnessed to a young man, and thought about taking him to a church, and I saw the pastor of the church, and he said something like, "don't come here". We went to his home to watch dumitru dudumans tape, "thru the fire without burning". While I followed him home, I saw him in a vision, and he said, "help me man". I saw him in another vision, and he said, "I had a vision". I told him about it and he admitted having a vision. While watching the tape, I saw Jesus in a vision, and Jesus had brown hair, beard, and blue eyes, and He said, "don't teach him no more". I saw this angel twice in visions and He said something like, "go now". Finally, I got out of there, and I saw the young man in a vision, and he said, "I'm going to hell". I saw him in another one, and he said, "I've already accepted", which is a man made plan of salvation that will lead you to hell. A woman called, and I witnessed to her on the phone, and she was excited, and I saw her in a vision, and she said, "I'm jelous". There were others.
(6)show love to sister-vision recieved 8-2-2004-in this vision, I'm at a house, and there are people there including my sister who left, and she was tired. She worked her shift at work, and began to walk home. I said in my heart something like, "she's tired, I'll run her home". I went to the car, and at first couldn't find her, and finally she walked by me, and I offered her a ride home, and she accepted and smiled. Jesus showed me here that she probably wanted aride, but, wouldn't ask for one, and to show her love.
(7)visiting Romania-visions recieved 8-2-2004-Jesus gave me two visions to show me what it would be like if I visited an orphanage ministry in Romania. It would be neat to go, but, I wouldn't fit in, so it's probably best not to.
(8)won't here-vision recieved 8-1-2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor and he said, "I won't here".
(9)sign guestbooks-visions recieved 8-2004-in more than one vision, I was made aware to keep signing guestbooks.
(10)david kelly-vision recieved 8-2-2004-while praying, I heard, "david kelly", and I said, "what about david kelly", and I saw david kelly in a vision, and he said, "they had me killed". His death was very contraversial, and the "lord hutton report" ruled it a suicide.
(11)sabotage-vision recieved 8-3-2004-in this vision, I saw a Cnn news article, and there was a picture of a white male standing in front of what appeared to be an oil refinery, and the first word of the head line was "sabotage".
(11b)oil refineries at sea targeted by terrorists-vision recieved 8-5-2004-in this vision, it was night, and I saw an oil rig out at sea, and it was being fired upon from a ship. I saw like red fireball like a burning flair heading to one from very close distance because of the way it arched. It was dark.
(12)minister-vision recieved 8-3-2004-in this vision, I saw a white female Spirit and she said, "why don't you minister".
(13)evangelists needed-vision recieved 8-4-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hiar, and He said, "I need evangelists".
(14)not my brother-vision recieved 8-5-2004-in this vision, I saw this man and he said, "I'm not yor brother". In another he said, "I sin".
(15)hand of help ministries-vision recieved 8-5-2004-in this vision while praying, I saw the old "hand of help" website, and it was in water, and it was sunken down to about the halfway point, which probably means that hand of help is on its way up or on its way down.
(16)it is-visions recieved 8-5-2004-I was watching dumitru dudumans tape, "wake up america 2", and when it got to the point where Dumitru duduman told the angel if what He was telling him was not in the bible that he wouldn't tell", and michael boldea translated, and whne he translated those words, I saw Michael boldea in a vision, and he said, "it is". You better believe what the angel Gabriel told Dumitru Duduman is in the bible. I later saw Michael boldea in a vision and he said, "were over populated", so I asked Jesus to send some people to adopt some of those children at the orphanages.
(17)divide-vision recieved 8-5-2004-in this vision, I saw this young man who is part a big ministry, and he said, "you divide us".
(18)hall and oates-vision recieved 8-6-2004-in this vision, I saw the words, "Hall and Oates".
(19)payment-vision recieved 8-6-2004-in this vision, I saw like a reciept, and is seemed my eyes fixed on one word, and that word was, "PAYMENT". This is what God expects from His servants, them to pay that which they owe.
(20)witnessing-vision recieved 8-6-2004-many things happened in this vision, but, one was, I witnessed toi a small group of people, which is my job.
(21)cut off-vision recieved 8-6-2004-in this vision, I quickly saw the image of a woman as I was thinking on someone, and she said something like, "I'm already cut off".
(22)rapture ready-vision recieved 8-10-2004-in this vision, I saw like this plastic cube, and it had letters on the top of it that said, "RAPTUREREADY".
(23)nope-vision recieved 8-10-2004-I was asking Jesus for healing, and I saw Him in a vision, and He had brown hair, and HE said, "no way".
(24)don't come back-vision recieved 8-10-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "don't come back". I looked at a apartment building she lives in and am or was interested in buying it. Her and I got along wonderful until I told her I had a ministry, and prayed and whent where the Spirit of God led me, then she wanted nothing else to do with me. I saw her in other visions, and she said, "support me", "i don't want a man", etc.
(25)no warning -vision recieved 8-10-2004-in this vision, I saw an old woman, and she said, "don't tell me".
(26)going to hell-vision recieved 8-10-2004-in this vision, I saw an ex-girlfriend, and she said, "I'm going to hell".
(27)don't come back-vision recieved 8-14-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "don't come back", and this was referring to church.
(28)cut off-vision recieved 8-14-2004-in this vision, I saw brett sears, and person I wen to school with, and he said something like, "I'm cut off". I also saw this pastor, and this lady, and they both let me know they were cut off in visions.
(29)senator John kerry and President Bush visions-vision recieved 8-14-2004-in this vision, I'm with John Kerry, and I tell him something like, "God showed me in visions that you are going to loose big". He may have uttered somewords. Im my heart, I'm thinking about the Lord showing me that he will loose because of the running mate he selected, but, I was afraid. Next, I'm with president Bush, and I'm basically chasing Him, and I let him know Jesus showed me that he was going to win the election, and He is walking so fast away that I can't keep up. In my heart I was thinking some things which I may have told him like Jesus showing me that he was going to be assassinated. Bush goes thru like a security area, and he has food which he is taking out to his vehicle for his family, then he later appears charging thru again, and I don't really get to say much.(memory) I saw president Bush in another vision and he said, "elected"
(30)nieghbor-vision recieved 8-14-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "my neighbor". This means she will be moving into the house nextdoor.
(31)leave her stuff alone-vision recieved 8-14-2004-in this vision, I saw me looking thru some cups and I heard, "leave her stuff alone". I was looking thur cups earlier to see if my sister had money to buy food for her fish.
(32)elvis presley-visions recieved 8-21-2004-I asked Jesus where elvis presley is now, and I very quickly saw and heard someone who looked like elvis in visions, and he said, "hell", "I want out".
(33)prophet-vision reiceved 9-12-2004-in this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "I'm a prophet".
(34)Christ rejected-vision recieved 9-12-2004-I was talking to Jesus about why some nations don't allow HIS WORD there, mainly Islamic nations like saudi arabia, and I saw an arab dressed in his arab garments, and he said, "because we don't want Christ".
(35)don't work downtown-vision recieved 9-12-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and HE said, "I don't want you going downtown".(36)my collapse-vision recieved 9-12-2004-in this vision, I open my car door and collapse right there in the gravel. I reach my hand up to grab the car to help get up, and partailly get up, and collapse again. I did not feel any pain.
(37)look o.k.-vision recieved 9-16-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "you look all right". I saw my new picture, and old age is starting to get me.
(38)Jesus Christ-vision recieved 9-29-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and He said, "my name is eternal". The name of Jesus always was, and always will be.
(39)adultery-vision recieved 9-29-2004-I witnessed to a man today who was gasing a church bus/van. I saw him in a vision, and he said, "I committed adultery". I saw him in other visions to.
(40)warn people-visions recieved 9-29-2004-in one vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "tell the vision", and in the other he said, "revival's here".
(41)spam artist-visions recieved 10-8-2004-I saw the spam artist in many visions today. He said things like, "I'm a witch", "I want something", "I have children", etc.
(43)the book of ACTS-vision recieved 10-8-2004-in this vision, I saw a bible, and there was this hand there turning back pages, and it stopped with the first page on the book of ACTS. Read THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES chapter 1 and 2. The new testament plan of salvation in the the second chapter of THE ACTS.
(44)lyon-vision recieved 10-8-2004-in this vision, I saw a street sign on a utility pole in a nieghborhood, and the sign said, "LYON". It may have said, "LYONS", becasue I know a street called lyons.
(44)I will-vision recieved 10-8-2004-I was asking Jesus to make the spam artist leave me alone, and I saw Jesus in a vision, and HE had brown hair and beard, and HE said, "I will". I had other visions of Jesus.
(45)united pentecostal church international-visions recieved 10-14-2004-I've been asking Jesus for a while now what He thought of upci, and here are some of the visions I was given. I saw a man with a mustache, and he said, "upc", and I started asking Jesus, "what about upc", which is unitded pentecostal church international, and in visions I saw this, I saw a man who looked like david wilkerson, and he said, "they fell", I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair and beard, and He said, "thier naked", "they fell". Naked means no Holy Ghost. There was more. There may be some who go to upci churches that truly live for Jesus, but, I'm not running into them.
(46)my office-vision recieved 10-14-2004-while praying, I heard, "your office", I may have seen who saidit, I don't remember. In a vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair and beard, and He said, "prophet".
(47)the "last days"-vision recieved 10-14-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He ahd brown hair and beard, and He said, "here are the last days".
(48)backslider pastor-vision recieved 10-14-2004-in this vision, I saw this pastor, and he said, "I'm a backslider".
(49)understood-vision recieved 10-14-2004-I was trying to witness to my former pastor, a upci pastor in indianapolis, and he said, "I'm not interested in that. I'm not". In a vision, I saw him and heard this, "he understood".
(50)vision of Christ Jesus-recieved 10-14-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair and beard, and HE said, "your a prophet".
(51)many pastors today are perplexed-visions recieved 10-14-2004-in this vision, I saw this upci pastor in indianapolis, and he said, "I still don't understand why", "I'd love to hear from you". I heard while I was praying, "he wants to find you", and I was asking why, and I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor who preaches for upci in a vision, and he said angrily, "so I can git you".
(52)blessing-vision recieved 10-14-2004-in this vision, I saw me, and I said, "I'm a blessing".
(53)colonel prestiniac-vision recieved 10-14-2004-in one visions, I saw a man with a moustache, and he said, "prestiniac", who is dead, and I was wonering where he is now, and I saw him agian, and he said, "hell". He is one of the ones who tortured dumitru duduman, and ultimately gave the order to "kill him", and moments later, his command for dumitru duduman came back upon his own head, and he died.
(54)warn no more-vision received 10-19-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman I witnessed to and she said, "don't even talk to me".
(55)called an angel-vision receieved 10-19-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "your an angel".
(56)did america want war with iraq or not-vision recieved 10-19-2004-I was talking to Jesus how america claimed it did not want war with iraq, but, was continuing to build up for an invasion as they were saying it. So did america really want war? I saw president Bush in a vision, and he said, "we do".
(57)Jesus Chirst is the King and Lord visions-visions received 10-19-2004-I saw Jesus in many visions, and He had brown hair, and He said things like, "they've given up", I said something like, "the church", and I saw Jesus again, and He said, "right".
(58)whats coming-visions recieved 10-19-2004-in a vision, I saw me, and I said, 'what's going to happen", and I saw Jesus in a vision and HE had brown hair, and He said, "everything". That is everything that He has shown me.
(59)wanting a prophecy-vision recieved 10-19-2004-in this vision, I saw a person, and they said, 'tell me something".
((60)inquiry-visions recieved 10-19-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "inquiry". I may have been on like a wepage. I later saw the a webpage moving up like when you move it with your mouse, and it stopped at some words, and the words were something like, "TELL a WORD". I saw this pastor and he said, "were curious". If it is the Lords will, I will go there and , "TELL a WORD".
(61)americas future economic collapse-visions recieved 10-19-2004-in the fist vision, I saw a person, and they said, "your economy's", and I was asking Jesus about the economy, and I saw a man in a vision, that had curly hair, and He said, "it's collapsed".(62)stay away-vision received 11-16-2004-I saw he owner of this motorcycle shop in INdianapolis, and he said something like, "you never come back here".
(63)antichrist-vision received 11-16-2004-this vision happened so fast it made me curious. I saw a man who seemed like he was blurry and cleared up for an instant, and became blurry again. He was dressed in white popes clothes I believe. I think it was the current pope, only rebuilt strong. He said in a loud and very deep voice, "I'm the antichrist". In another vision, I saw this beast, and I believe he was dressed in white popes clothes, and I think he was an angel, because his skin was kind of white. He had an evil smile on his face, and his head was kind of tilted up. I could see his teeth. They were all pointed like a lions teeth.
(64)tell the vision-vision received 11-16-2004-in this vision, I saw rev. jonathon hansen, and he said, "tell the vision".
(65)babyface-vision received 11-21-2004-as I was walking, I hear music that I thought was gospel, and I asked the man if he was jamming and if it was gospel, and he let me know that it was indianapolis own "babyface", and he was telling me how babyface used to sing at the church he went to. As I'm walking, I believe I saw babyface in a vision, and he said something like, "I ain't no gopel singer". I saw him in another vision, and he said, "tell me".
(66)warned-vision received 11-2004-in this vision, I saw this security guard who works at this place. Jesus must have been warning me about him.
(67)fuck you-vision received 11-21-2004-I was walking by two men, and I talk to one, and I saw the other in a vision, and he said, "fuck you".
(68)going to heaven-vision received 11-28-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I'm going to heaven". Lots of people think that. Are you really?
(69)cut off-visions received 11-28-2004-in a vision, I saw a man, and he said something like, "I'm cut off", "leave me alone".
(70)embarrased-vision received 11-29-2004-I saw this beautiful young lady I know in visions. While praying, I heard, "sam", and I inquired, and I saw sam in visions, and she said, "embarrased", "I'm embarrassed".
(71)come and preach-vision received 11-29-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like david wilkerson of "times square church", and he said, "come and preach". I need an invite from him. In another vision he said, "let me talk to you".
(72)pray the WORD-vision received 11-29-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He had brown hair, and HE said, "I want you to pray the WORD".
(73)work-vision recieved 11-29-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and He had brown hair, and HE said something like, "you got to go to work".
(74)Jesus has the keys-vision recieved 11-29-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus, and He said, "I hold the keys".
(75)Jesus being cursed and use-visions received 11-29-2004-in two visions, I saw Jesus, and He said, "there cursing Me", "they use Me".

(76)prophet-vision received 11-29-2004-in this vision, I saw like a webapge of words, and I may have even heard the first sentence which I had to have repeated, and I think the first sentence was, "and the prophet".
(77)help-vision recieved 11-29-2004-in this vision, I saw henry gruver, and he said, "help".
(78)babylon in ISAIAH 13 is america-vision received 11-29-2004-in this vision, I saw the white face of an angel and He said, "ISAIAH 13".
(79)be humble-vision received 11-30-2004-in this vision, I believe I saw the words, "humble trace". I hope I have more than a trace of humility toward Jesus.
(80)al gore-vision recieved 11-30-2004-in this vision, I'm with al gore, and we chat, and he is very likeable, and one thing I tell him was Jesus showed me that he really one the race, and he seemed stunned, and went in to like a room, and I was waitning for him to come out. In a vision received 11-2004, I saw president Bush and he said, "I lost". Jesus showed me that two states give to bush gore really one.
(81)what do you show Jesus-vision recieved 11-30-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and HE said, "your the only one that gives Me something".
(82)shave-vision received 11-30-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "shave", and I did.
(83)james young of styx sings to me-received 11-30-2004-in this vision, I heard james young of "styx" sing to me, and he said something like, "mr. america, I call your name", "mr. america, I call your name". It sounded beautiful.
(84)eyes of authorities blinded-vision recieved 11-30-2004-in this vision, I'm in a house, and I hear a helicopter come and hover above the house, and I hide, and get in like a closet that has drawers like a dresser, and pull clothes in from off the floor to hide me, and not long after I come out of it I think because I was getting hot. Next it seems like I'm in a room, and there is one of the detectives or what ever he was in there and he could not see me. It's like for some reason, I'm near him, and he puts his hands right on me, and he can feel me, and he makes a expression that lets me know he doesn't see anything, so he knows nothing is there and I walk away from him, and sit like on the floor, and he can't see me.
(84)Jesus is leaving or has left America-vision received 11-30-2004-in this vision, I saw the words or heard a man say or heard, "I left America".
(85)don't offend the people of Jesus-vision received 11-30-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I offended".
(86)saddam hussein-visions recieved 12-9-2004-twice I saw president Bush in a visions, and he said, "saddam hussein", and I asked about saddam hussein, and in two visions saw saddam hussein and he said, "killed", "I'm killed".
(87)do you water down Gods Word to please people-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "I sugar coated".
(88)cheerkeepers-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw the word, "cheerkeepers".
(89)Russia will attack america-visions recieved 12-9-2004-in a vision, I saw the words, "I saw Russia", and I asked about russia, and at least 3 times I saw russian president vladimir putin in a visions, and he said, "attack".
(90)treason-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "treason". This basically means betraying your country, aiding your countries enemys, etc.
(91)Arnold Schwarzenegger-visions recieved 12-9-2004-in the first vision, I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger and heard "arnold", and I asked about him and saw him in another vision, and he said, "I'm conceited".
(93)show Jesus something-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw Jesus and HE had brown hair and I think He may have had a beard and might of been wearing a robe, and He said, "got to make a start".
(94)the pentecostals-visions recieved 12-9-2004-while praying, I heard and or saw the words, "the pentecostals", which is a church, but, may not be the name of the church. I think it is on their sign. I asked, "what about the pentecostals", and I heard this, "avoid them". I've been there, and warned them about mainly judgement to america.
(95)play with God and HE will leave you-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I can't find Him".
(96)if you are set free by Jesus, stay free-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I was free'er.
(97)wait upon the Lord Jesus-vision recieved 12-9-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman, and she said, "the Lord will tell you in time".
<(98)don't do anything-vision recieved 12-9-2004-I was asking Jesus what I needed to do, and I saw the word, "nothing".
(98)inquired of Jesus-vision recieved 12-9-2004-I was asking Jesus if something was going to come upon me, and I saw the face of an angel in a vision, and He shook his head "no". He was white. There are angels of the the Lord and angels of the wicked one.
(99)seek the baptism of the Holy Ghost-vision received 12-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I want to be filled".
(100)not appreciating blessings-vision recieved 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saW Jesus and He had brown hair and He said, "you don't appreciate".
(101)wanting to know why-vision received 12-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "why do I". If the devil has you yoked to a sin, sometimes you will keep doing it long after you promised you'd quit. It takes the Holy Ghost to break yokes.
(102)you need to meet the conditions of Jesus-vision recieved 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw and heard the words, "except a person".
(103)being taught by the Holy Ghost-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw this man and he said, "who taught you this".
(104)a letter-vision recieved 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw a letter that was hand written and I think it wa my hand writing and the first word on the letter was, "dear".
(105)is the weakness of the dollar being lied about-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw these words, "dollar report false by o.p.". I may have the last two letters wrong.
(106)our will-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, I saw this man and he said, "where's my will". I was not going to write this vision down, but, the Lord wanted me to. I now think it may have something to do with rights being taken away.
(107)visiting a church-vision received 12-20-2004-in this vision, Im visiting a church and I may have said something to the pastor and or someone else before I go to my seat, and I may have said something to the person next to me, and I was thinking in my heart how I could warn the church, and a man comes back and gets me and and takes me to the pastor and I would not get on the pulpit and I tell the pastor why, and i forget what was said.(I will not get behind the pulpit unless Jesus puts me there)
(108)tomahawk missiles-vision received 12-21-2004-I was reading about tomahawk missiles and how sophisticated they are and I was asking Jesus how hard or easy it would be to stop one, and I saw dumitru duduman in a vision and he said, "computer". That lets me know it would be easy.
(109)get to Jesus-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby got thru".
(110)what did you do-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "you know what I did".
(111)gas station mystery-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw a skeleton sitting against a gas pump.
(112)won't hear the Word of God-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision I saw a woman and she said, "I aint going to hear it". I later heard this, "she judged herself".
(113)Gods fish are dying-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, and I don't know if I remember it all, Im in a room and my brother is there and there a fish aquarium there and there is a fish that is out of the aquarium. I said somethings to my brother about putting it back in or something like that and he didn't seem to care, and I struggle to get the fish picked up and back in and it keeps leaping and I don't want to hurt it and finally do get it back in. I believe my brother here really meant an unconcerned christion.
(114)OUT STANDING POWER-vision recieved 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw like the yahoo page where it shows you your e-mails and you can click onto one, and I believe the title to one of the e-mails was "OUTSTANDING POWER", and I heard this, "you to can have outstanding power".
(115)america will be attacked-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I believe I saw these words flash, "AMERICA ATTACK IT".
(116)227-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw "227" and I think when I saw it I knew what it meant. I don't know.
(117)prayer-vision received 12-22-2004-in this vision, I saw like an angel man and He said, "you need to pray".
(118)who am I trouble for-vision received 12-24-2004-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "bob, your trouble".
(119)Jesus not wanted-vision received 12-24-2004-in this vision I saw a woman and she said something like, "we don't want religion".
(120)Jesus is always right-vision received 12-24-2004-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your wrong".
(121)Jesus servant rejected-vision received 12-24-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who I worked with and he told me that I lived the life and in the vision he screamed, "FUcK your visions".
(122)is Iran next-vision received 12-28-2004-while praying, I heard and or saw, "IRAN", and I was asking about iran and I saw a mans face who looked like iranian president khatami and he said, "were next".
(123)visions of faith hill and tim mcgraw-visions received 12-28-2004-in visions, I saw the words "faith hill" and I was asking about her, and in another vision she said, "I'm a backslider". I saw tim McGraw in a vision and he said, "cut off". I only saw his face.
(124)do you put a person first or yourself before Jesus-visions received 12-28-2004-twice I saw this woman in visions that I know and she said, "me first".
(125)the devil does not want people to pray-vision received 12-28-2004-in this vision, I saw the face of lucifer and he was all white except a little darkness in his eyes and he said something like "don't press bobby".
(126)wanting to chat-vision received 12-28-2004-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I want to call".
(127)words-vision received 12-28-2004-in this vision, I saw a sentence and one word in the sentence was "plot".
(128)don't eat-vision received 1-4-2005-I was thinking about eating and I saw a man in a vision and He said, "eat nothing".
(129)no problem-vision received 1-4-2005-I was kind of worried about a check I wrote and I saw the bank teller in a vision and she said, "there's nothing wrong". I went to the bank and it was as she said.
(130)pay Gods price-vision recieved 1-4-2005-in this vision while driving, I saw a man and he said something like, "pay the price". This is what Jesus requires out of me everyday.
(131)mine shark lives-vision received 1-4-2005-I went home and my albino shark had gotten out of the little aquarium it's in, and I finall found it and to my suprise it was alive. I put it back in the aquarium and it was swimming strangely like it was going to die. As I was talking to Jesus about it, I saw an angel in a vision and He was white and He said, "it will live". It's doing wonderful. I don't know how long it was out of the water, but, I think it was out for a while because it's body did not feel wet.
(132)visions of an angel-visions received 1-2005-in two visions I saw a white skin colored angel and He said "will you pastor", "watch what you say".
(133)dead while she lives-vision received 1-5-2005-in a vision, I saw my mom in a casket and I said "dead" and maybe I saw me in a vision when I said it, and then I heard this, "while she lives". That is no good for Jesus.
(134)drive -vision received 1-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "driving" and heard some word or words. While I drive I often have good church.
(135)the Pentegon-visions received 1-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "Pentegon" and I asked about this and I saw donald rumsfeld in a vision and he said, "I like al-qaeda".
(136)won't hear the Word of God-vision received 1-5-200-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I deaf". I have sure tried to help this woman.
(137)to the defence-vision received 1-5-2005-in this vision, I saw me and I said, "I defend". Jesus spoke to me once and said, "your protecting everybody". Whelp, what can I say.
(138)vision of a name-vision received 1-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a name, but, was not sure of the last name. I saw something like, "Tim McQuery" or "Tim Mcarty". I asked Jesus to shw me the last name of again and He did. "McQuery" which may be speeled wrong. I went to school with a tim mcquery.
(139)when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord raises up a standard against him-vision received 1-2005-in this vision, All I remeber seeing in the words "enemy flood" and I heard some words.
(140)rule number one-vision received 1-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He said "save yourself".
(142)job losses are mounting with much more to come-vision received 1-5-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman who works at fed-ex and she said something like, "I lost my job".
(143)prophecy ministry-vision received 1-2005-in this vision, I saw someone and they said, "prophecy ministry" which was the name of this site. I tached on "prophetic ministry" and "prophetic ministries" for search engine listings.
(143)visions of Jesus-visions received 1-5-2005-I saw Jesus in many visions and He said things to me like "press bobby".
(144)revelations of a women-vision received 1-2005-in visions I saw this woman and she said things like, "I want my money", "I'll offend you".
(145)avoid-vision received 1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and He let me know to stay away.
(146)I'm Jesus Christ-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that had brown hair and beard and He said, "I'm Jesus Christ".
(147)lot's of prayer-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the words "bobby pray" being typed into like a search engine bar.
(148)don't visit that church-vision recieved 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw this apostolic pastor and he said, "we don't want to fuck with you".
(149)prophecy ministry-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said "prophecy ministry", which at one time was the name of this site, and basically what this site is.
(150)america is up against many things-visions received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw president bush and he said, "you know what were up against". Since Jesus is casting judgement on usa, God is one thing we are up against.
(151)Jesus is a healer-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "I'm a doctor".
(152)the tsunami was caused by an earthquake-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw like a being made out of black smoke that was shped like a triangle blob and He said, "it was an earthquake". I wondered if an underground nuclear explosion caused it.
(153)financial chaos and collapse coming to usa-visions received 1-12-2005-in the first vision, I saw president bush and he said, "the united states", and I iniquired, and I saw bush about 3 times in separate visions and he said, "financial", "financial", "financial", and lastly, "financial chaos".
(154)will be rejected-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "unfortunely, will will not accept you".
(155)apostle paul-visions received 1-12-2005-in this first vision, I saw the word "paul" and in the second vision, I believe I saw me and I said, "whose paul". I don't feel I can be compared to the apostle paul.
(156)be a friend of Jesus-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "My Dear Friend".(157)visit ministryofdreams-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I'm kind of witnessing and there are aleast two men there, but, not necessarily together. One of them I'm talking to I'm encouraging him to visit "ministryofdreams" cause I know if they visit that site that lots of what Jesus has shown me is available to them.
(158)Indianapolis-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "INDIANAPOLIS". I remember seeing a man not long ago in a vision and he said something like, "Is bob in Indianapolis". I'm free to go where ever. I know not not long ago I was on a highway near or in Indianapolis and I saw a billboard that referred to Indiana as being a prolife state. Now, is that true.
(159)yours truly-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw me writing "bob".
(160)nothing left-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw nothing but dirt, and in a second vision I saw someone and or words and here is what I heard and or saw, "there wasn't nothing left". I think I saw the words appear one letter at a time. Maybe that happened in another vision.
(161)warning-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "warning". This ministry warns.
(162)propehtic ministry ministries of ministry of dreams-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw me writing "ministryof" which is "ministryofdreams".
(163)buisnesses in america are closing-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw this buisness and it had a real estate sign in front.
(164)I'm not a computer programmer-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw some letters and maybe even cymbals and there might have been somebody else there because I heard or saw this, "program this into the computer".
(165)everything is possible with Jesus-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision I saw a man with brown hair and beard and He said, "everything' possible".
(166)blessing-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the words being written by me or appearing one letter at a time "I know she was a blessing to you". As I was telling this to Jesus implying that the women blessed Him by blessing me, I saw an angel in a vision and when I said "to you" the angel also said "to you" meaning that she has been a blessing to me. I beleive the word were were the color of fire.
(167)grow in Jesus-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "gain" and maybe even saw me saying it. You either gain or loose.
(168)a second witness is not necessary-vision received 1-12-2005-in this vision I saw someone and they said, "witnessed to her already".
(169)don't worry-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision I saw like a white female Spirit and she said "don't worry". I was thinking on my old .org address which is still linked up to sites, and somebody has bought it and turned it into porno.
(170)fast-vision received 1-18-2005-in this vision, I saw the face and maybe more of a white angel and He said "He wants you to fast".
(171)iran-vision received 2-2005-in this vision, I saw a white spirit that looked like president bush and he said, "let us hit iran".
(172)Jesus helps-vision received 2-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "Lords helping me out".
(173)knew-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "we knew".
(174)stan johnson-vision received 2-4-2005-I heard "stan johnson" while praying and later saw me in a vision writing it down, "stan johnson".
(175)opec-vision received 2-2005-while praying, I heard, "opec", and next I saw a man in a vision that looked like the king of saudi arabia and he said, "cut america off".
(176)stopped-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "your stopped".
(177)information page-vision received 2-12-2005-in a vision, I saw the information page to what I beleive was to a yahoo mailbox. Not long ago, I saw a man with brown hair and he said, "change password".
(178)thou-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "thou". I may have seen, "before thou".
(179)KE-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the letter's, "KE". I believe there is a page on this site with the part of the name I add, "KE".
(180)if-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, or a woman say, "if you live".
(181)6-vision received 2-12-2005-in this vision, I saw the number, "6".
(182)II TIMOTHY-vision received 2-18-2005 in this vision, I believe I saw, "2 timothy", in the browser section of the computer sreen. It was white with black letters. I heard something like, "read II TIMOTHY 2:20, and DON'T FORGET".
(183)hand of help-vision received 2-18-2005-while praying, I heard and think I saw, "HAND OF HELP", and I asked about hand of help, and I saw the face of a man who works there and he said, "money".
(184)cut off-vision received 2-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "He already cut me off".
(185)gas sign-vision received 2-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a gas sign, and these are the numbers that were on it, "8.01". It would be wonderful in I misplaced the decimal, but, I don't think I did. I could not imagine it being, "80.1".
(186)president bush-vision received 2-18-2005-I asked Jesus something like,if president bush was working for Him or the devil, and I saw president bush in a vision and he said, "hell".
(187)teresa-vision received 2-18-2005-in this vision, I saw the name, "teresa".
(188)number-vision received 2-18-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I've got your number".
(189)wondering-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "you a prophet".
(190)wanting material-vision recieved 3-4-2005-I believe while I was praying, I heard, "james young", who is the assisstant pastor at southwest apostolic church in indianapolis, and I saw him in a vision and he said, "I love material".
(191)can't make it-vision received 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I can't make it".
(192)my bithdate-vision received 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "whens your date of birth". I believe I saw him in another vision and he said, "come friday night".
(193)look at the end times signs-vision received 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "signs". There was atleast one more word there, and it started with an "X".
(194)nathaniel urshan-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw a man who looked just like nathaniel urshan and he said, "that son of a gun".
(195)dead-vision received 3-15-2005-I was asking Jesus about someone who is missing and in a vision, I saw the person and the person said, "I'm dead".
(196)love of money-vision received 3-16-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "money first".
(197)brother-vision received 3-16-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "my brother".
(198)don't miss the rapture-vision received 3-16-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I can't believe".
(199)in hell-visions received 3-16-2005-in this vision, I saw a man whose showing is today at calvary tabernacle and he said, "I'm in hell", "no vision", "scares me". This man was at one time the u.p.c.i. general superintendent.
(200)avoid-vision received 3-16-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "tell bobby not to write us no more".
(201)never find-vision received 3-16-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "you'll never find".
(202)enjoy-vision received 3-16-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "enjoy it".
(203)lay off-vision received 3-2005-I was driving thinking on how neat it would be to hear the testimony of virginia boldea, and I saw a man in a vision that had beard and curly hair and HE said, 'lay off'.
(204)apostle-visions received-3-16-2005-I was thinking on hollie moody being a prophet, and I saw her in a vision and she said, "I'm no a prophet". In the next vision, I saw hollie moody and she said something like, "an apostle". I saw her like the animation on her site.
(205)laid hands on me-vision received 3-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "I laid hands on you".
(206)my priest-vision received 3-25-2005-in this vision, I saw an angel that had a white face and possibly blue eyes and He looks about like a 20 year old young man and He said in a youthful voice, "you want a whippin".
(206)michael hoggard-visions received 3-2005-in visions, I saw michael hoggard who will be speaking in Indianapolis for the prophecy club and he said things like, "want material", "bring the message", "money first". There were more.
(207)witch-visions received 3-2005-in visions, I saw this apostolic pastor and he said, "I'm a witch", "I took advantage".
(208)people dying lost-visions received 3-26-2005-in visions, I saw women and they said things like, "were perishing", "need you testimony".
(209)prophecy club-vision received 3-26-2005-in a vision, I saw stan johnson at the prophecy club and he said something like, "I'm waiting for bobby".
(211)quaker state synthetic blend motor oil-vision received 3-26-2005-in this vision, I reaching for a bottle of quaker state synthetic blend motor oil. I believe at first, I reach for it in the old bottle and then I grab the new one or something like that. I heard me say words similar to this, "is that good oil". It was either quaker state synthetic blend or quaker state synthetic motor oil.
(212)wanting to make a film of visions Jesus gave me-visions received 3-26-2005-I was talking to a producer about making film of visions Jesus gave me and he probably can do it. It would only cost about ten thousand dollars for about 20 minutes give or take. Many visions can be produced in that time. This would probably be one of the most interesting films ever made. I saw the man in visions and in one, he cursed God, and in the other vision, I saw him and I heard this, "he ain't the person".
(213)license plate-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw alicence plate possibly on the back on my car and it was new. I don't even know if there was a state on it.
(214)ministryofdreams-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and there was a cloud covering his head and on the cloud was, "ministryofdreams".
(215)watch who you tell-vision received 4-2-2005-in this vision, I saw like the face of an angel and He said, "watch who you tell".
(216)I wrote the visions Jesus gave me-visions received 4-6-2005-in two visions, I saw an apostolic pastor and he said, "he's coming", "you know what you wrote".
(217)trust Jesus-vision received 4-2005-in this viison, I saw a woman and she said, "I don't trust you".
(218)don't tell-vision received 4-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "don't tell me your vision".
(219)president-vision received 4-6-2005-in this vision, I saw the words similar to this, "pres. putin".
(220)prophet-vision received 4-6-2005-in visions, and I know the visions are accurate, but, maybe I did not record them accurate, I saw the words, "bro heaggy", and in the next vision, I saw him and he said something like, "prophet". He is.
(221)Christian-vision received 4-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm a Christian".
(223)22-vision received 4-6-2005-in this vision, I saw "22", and it was in like a circle and maybe a woman said it because it may be her age.
(224)prayer for me-vision received 4-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I prayed for you".
(225)against me-vision received 4-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I'm against you bob".
(226)prophetic ministry-vision recieved 4-6-2005-in this vision, I saw a child and she called the name of one of the biggest prophetic ministries in usa to me. Jesus is making me very aware that they want me possibly for a tour. I just saw the face of an angel in a vision and He said, "do", and I saw a man and he said, "shame on you". This will be up to Jesus, not me.
(227)attacked-vision received 4-6-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "attacked".
(228)witness-vision received 4-6-2005-in a vision, I saw the words, "go witness". Imay have seen or also seen, "don't witness". It's very possible that the "don't turned into a "go", and this could have possibly meant, "witness to people", "don't witness on this prophetic ministry that wants me".
(229)prophecy-vision received 4-6-2005-in this vision, I saw like an e-mail and the title for the e-mail was, "prophecy". That was the word I focused on. It seems like the word, "club" was there to.
(230)star wars-vision received 4-6-2005-while praying, I heard, "star wars", and in a vision, I saw the president of usa and he said something like, "when a missile comes, will hit it". Star wars is missile defence.
(231)lucifer lies-visions received 4-6-2005-in this vision, I saw an all white angel and he said, "you have blasphemed the Holy Ghost". I asked who it was that said it, and in the next vision, I saw him again, and he said something like, "I am lucifer".what thinkest thou-vision received 5-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "your a prophet".
(234)deny yourself-vision received 5-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "bobby first".
(235)eat healthy-vision received 5-20-2005-In vision I saw the words, "eat healthy".
(236)dent in quarter panel-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw my car and there was damage to the back quarter panel.
(237)lesbian-vision received 5-29-2005-While praying, I may have heard, "kelly", which is a former girlfriend that I would marry if she lived for Jesus Christ and I saw her in a vision and she let me know she engadges in oral sex with woman.
(238)you must bare the cross of Christ-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "bare", and I heard something like, "you can't bare".
(239)blasphemed-visions received 5-30-2005-In visions, I saw two different men and they both said, "I blasphemed".
(240)hated for telling the TRUTH-visions received 6-5-2005-In a vision, I saw a woman and she said, "God, I hate you", and I was asking Jesus about this and I saw a woman in a vision and she said soemting like, "bob, its your witness".
(241)perished-vision recieved 6-17-2005-While walking, I thought on redd foxx, and I saw him in a vision and he said, "I burn". I died while acting.
(242)adulterer-vision recieved 6-17-2005-While walking I looked at this woman and I beleive I saw her in a vision and she said, "adultery".
(243)laying and praying is cool, but, the on knee's rubbing your hands together praying in tongues is the efectual fervant prayer Jesus likes-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw me on my knee's rocking back and forth praying Hard! I was laying in the passenger seat of my plymouth vouager van when this happened.
(244)I'll tell the right message-vision recieved 6-21-2005-I was thinking on something I heard billy graham say years ago and I could never remember word for word, but, he was talking along the lines that he's not the hero, it's the local pastors who preach this message. Problem is, what is the message? I believe billy grahams message is something like repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, or like that. You do have to repent of your sins, but, you have to have THE ACTS 2:38 born again experience just like all did in the upper room on the day of pentecost. Some of them if not all of them walked with Jesus and He taught them, and no where in the King james bible does Jesus teach people to accept Him as personal Savior. This is man made.
(245)a witch is a rebel-vision recieved 6-21-2005-In this vision, I saw a man with dark hair and he said, "witch". A witch is somebody that openly confesses that they serve satan, or a person in rebelion.
(246)perished-vision received 6-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I went to hell".
(247)visions of men and women-visions received 6-30 and 7-1-2005-In visions, I saw men and women and they said things like,"mom", "my blood is on your hands", In visions I may have seen Mom and she was screeaming, saying, "help me, help me, help me", "I'm burning"(she may have looked like a white spirit.. I just saw her and she said, "I'm going to the lake". In other visions I saw men and women and they said things like, "set me free"(possibly from hell), "fire"(screamed), "dyke", "he tried to tell me", "circle city center", "you told me", "I laughed at you", "I want your wallet", "we laugh", "that you bob", "wierd", "I fell into a trap", "tipped", "I'm back", "I'm cut off", "embarras", "O'h my God", "please help, help me, please help me"(screaming-possibly looked like a white spirit), "I blasphemed"(as I typed that, I saw the woman in a vision and she said, "you'), "help me Jesus", "help me"(this went on and the scream was unimaginable-she perished), "cause debbie", "blood on my hands", "why didn't you help me".
(248)me praying-vision received 7-1-2005-In this vision, I saw m e praying and I was nude and I saw me from the back and I was on my knees and my skin a golden light color that got very bright. Maybe the Light got so bright, that I could no longer see me.
(249)vision of president bush-visions received 7-1-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like president bush and he said, "new secret weapon".
(250)test-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a fomer girlfriend and she let me know she was coming my way or something like that.
(251)read your bible-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "open your bible'.
(252)pray first-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, 'lets pray first'.
(253)not apostolic-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like, "I'm not apostolic".
(254)financial-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I beleive I saw a man that I witnessed to and he said something like, 'financial'. That the bucks first.
(255)don't be decieved-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "I know I'm ready". The bible talks about some signs that will follow those that beleive. Beleive means obey the gospel. Where are the signs? Some of the signs sinners can duplicate, the others, sinners cannot. Where are they?
(256)laughter can be turned into eternal terror-vision received 7-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and it may have been one that I witnessed to and she said, "i laughed". I saw one that looked like one I did witness to and she said, "I'm a witch". Thats a rebel.
(257)tell the vision-visions received 7-15-2005-In visions, I saw men and women and they said things like, "tell the vision", "I lost the Spirit", "I'm a witch", "call me right now", "thats how I was decieving", "this could be your last chance", "coming against us".
(258)is is time to go back to quaker state motor oil-vision recieved 7-15-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly the outside of an auto parts store and their was a quaker state poster on the front window. Jesus has let me know quaker state is best. It leaves a coating. They all do I believe, but, perhaps quaker state leaves a thicker stroger one. If you let a bottle of quaker state sit for a long time, a wax like substance builds up in the bottom of the bottle. I guess this builds up inside your engine. Shake you quaker state oil before you put it in you engine.
(259)Jesus-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "thats your price".
(260)heart attack-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "heeart attack".
(261)rejected-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "my God won't accept me".
(262)dying-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "going to my death".
(263)its me again-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "that you bob".
(264)idle spirits will be rejected-vision received 7-26-2005-I heard something like this twice, "an idle spirit will not get into heaven".
(265)jelous-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "jelou".
(266)done-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a Man and He said, "your done".
(267)adultery-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "I'm just an adulterer", "how do you stay in", "stay in". I even saw a vision while there of a spirit that looked like me and I said, "witch". I beleive I just saw her again and she said, "fake", and I just saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said soemthing like, "there's nothing wrong with her.
(268)chosen-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said things like, "I'm chosen", "me first", and also on 7-27-2005, "we heard", and let me pastor", and something about the possibility of her loosing her Mantle.
(269)the louder you pray, the better off you are-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like man and he said something like, "your getting loud".
(270)cut off-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor lambert gates and he said something like, "been cut off". I saw a spirit that looked like ray samples and he said similar.
(271)bloodstains-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something about bloodstains.
(272)chosen-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "chosen".
(273)open-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "witness is open".
(274)cut-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor alan browning in kentucky and he said something like, "cut". I know there was more, I just did not record it.
(275)elijah-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "elijah".
(276)Jesus shows, I'm nobody-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "your right", and I may have just seen possibly a Hand of Lite point at right next to my head and I heard, "your are".
(277)offended-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "we offend you".
(278)chosen-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "prophet your chosen", "get out of here".
(279)fallen-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "you fell", "we heard", and possibly, "we heard, my witness closed".
(280)blaspheme of the Holy Ghost-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a dumitru duduman and he said things like, "blaspheme of the Holy Ghost is a different sin", "blaspheme cannot be forgiven", "it can be purged".
(281)the Mantle of dumitru duduman-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said things like, "My Mantle", "whose got my Mantle", and I just saw a spirit that looked like elisha and he said, "him", and I saw possibly elisha again and he said something like, "whoever has the Mantle is chosen". There were more visions.
(282)park there-vision received 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly an Arm maybe that was lit up and the Finger pointed and I heard, "right there". Jesus was showing me where to park.
(283)trouble-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "bob, your geting me into trouble", "your mercy has run out". This looked similar to virgina boldea.
(284)blood on hands vision-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw about three people and they were basically all saying the same thing which was something like, "you blood is on my hands", and they may have been saying it over and over. By posting and praying and whatever, I get released.
(284)Jesus won't stay if you don't give in-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly virgina boldea and she said something like, "can't find Him".
(285)adulterer-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "bobs an adulterer", and in another one, he said, "heart attack". This looked like a man I talked with who goes to an apostolic Church in shelbyville, indiana.
(286)declaring is not blaspheme-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "thats blaspheme".
(286)you tell me-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly a man and he said something like, "is prophet closed". Closed is lost. Open is saved.
(287)thats it-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "thats it", and also, "your right". This looked similar to virgina boldea, but, not sure.
(288)closed-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said things like, "closed", "Mantle is taken off".
(289)money first-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like donald winters and he said, "financial".
(290)blaspheme-vision received 7-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she may have said, "you blasphemed me", "and I blasphemed you". I don't think I have ever spoken a bad word about her. As I was typing this, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, 'I didn't".
(291)will ye perish also-vision received 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a maybe the young man sitting next to me a little while ago and he said, "hell".
(292)doubted-vision received 8-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "your the reason I doubted".
(293)prophet-vision received 8-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "prophets here".
(294)come-vision received 8-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe pastor terry cannon and he said, "please come".
(294)witch-vision received 8-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "tell me how I feel".
(295)a witch is a rebel-vision received 8-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "witch".
(296)send money-vision received 8-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she said things like, "send money".
(297)cut off-vision received 8-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he said, "cut me off".
(298)are you lazy-vision received 8-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he said, "lazy".
(299)tell people-vision received 8-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he may have said, "tell people".
(300)defended or offended-vision received 8-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a maybe pastor terry cannon and he said something like, "we defend you", or "we offend you", and I saw a woman that looked like sister stewart and she said, "go ahead and tell".
(301)mercy will run out-vision received 8-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "no mercy", "he's cut me off".
(302)pray-vision received 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said things like, "witness pray", and maybe, "witness putting on a show", "your prophecy is over", and something about the prophecy club". Hollie, don't go on speaking tour unless Jesus requires it.
(303)comercial-vision received 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said something about commercial.
(304)wolf-vision received 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "wolf".
(305) saw two nuclear explosions in the city of indianapolis-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and terry cannon and they both almost said the same thing. Terry said something like, "somebody saw tow nuclear explosions in".
(306)pastor thomas simison-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like simison and he said something like, "I have pictures", and I saw pastor donald winters and he said something like, "send pictures".
(307)sent by Jesus-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "the Lord sent me".
(308)revelation woman-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "I'm satan", "mercy", "prophecy club", "there open", and I saw a man and he said, "no there not".
(309)pastor luster-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like elder luster and he said things like, "religion", "want to give a talk", "talk to me", "library", "close", "Gods with him".
(310)woman-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "your needed", "there open", and I saw somebody and they said something like, "no there not".
(311)step down-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "step down", and I saw pastor luster and he said, "talking to me". I saw the man again and he said, "I'm the one with the voice".
(312)welfare will shut down-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like kelly and she said, "welfare", and I saw hollie and she said, "it's closed".
(313)pastor luster-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like elder luster and he said things like, "you need to buy a car", "I'm naked", "I'm over".
(314)irael attacked-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like tony alamo and he said, "israel", and I may have seen this president and he said, "under attack", and I may have seen hollie and she said, "by us", "you didn't want It".
(315)agreement-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man with brown hair and he said, 'we had an agreement".
(316)religion is doing what you want-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "relgion".
(317)heavenly life apostolic tabernacle is closed-vision received 8-25-2005-I heard, "heavenly life", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said, "closed", "we want your vision".
(318)henry gruver-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "henry", and I saw henry gruver and he said, "let me talk", "why you fighting against me", and I saw me and I said, "Jesus is fighting you", and I saw henry and he said, "take it away", "my blaspheme", and I saw a Man and He said, "take it off".
(319)jackie-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like jackie and she said, "tell me to move".
(320)cindy tomey-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like cindy and she said things like, "I need an answer", "I'm out", "I blasphemed".
(320)uncle charlie-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like charlie and I heard his name called and I saw him in a vision and he said, "I perished".
(321)pastor luster-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor and he said things like, "got you"(3 times), "my job is to warn people", "I blaspheme".
(321)hollie-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "thats good", "why you tempting", "false", "tell it", "religion".
(322)woman-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "piss me off", "that hurt my fellings".
(323)obey Jesus-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I don't want to say no more".
(324)carol morgan-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like carol and she said things like, "you wrecked it", "hell", "don't you love Him", and I saw her daughter karen and she said, "fake", "head Job", "wreck bobby", "prophet, pray for mercy".
(325)jelous-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "made me jelous".
(326)back-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a Man and He said, 'your back".
(327)quitting is when you close-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, , "here is what closes", "quit", "quit closes". Closed is lost.
(328)hell is hot-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she screamed, "hot".
(329)have mercy-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe Jesus and He said, 'have mercy'.
(330)woman-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like I already shut down", "He turned me off".
(331)I'm not a mechanic-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe me and I said, "I'm no mechanic".
(332)google-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "google", "its number one", "this will be your last chance", "go to google", and maybe, "check your website".
(333)shirley temple-vision received 8-25-2005-I heard, "shirley temple", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like a shirley and she said things like, "I blew", "suicide", "I blaspheme".
(334)the end is near-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a Man and He said, "it's getting close".
(335)get off-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like marcy and she said, "get off me".
(336)yes-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me the word, "yes", and it was on like a sticker.
(337)missy baker lost-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "missy", and I saw missy and she said, "missy baker", "head job", "I blaspheme".
(338)blaspheme in your heart-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "I blaspheme in my heart", "I'm open", "no". When you speak blaspheme is when you have committed the crime of blasphemy. The heart is despartely wicked and full of evil. Don't speak it.
(339)you better listen-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor luster and he said somethng like, "don't listen to it", and what I was talking about was something like, blasphemy against the holy Ghost can't be forgiven, but,
(340)look young-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me like a White Hand and It waved and I heard something like, "look young".
(341)hillary clinton will be president of the united states of america-vision received 8-2005-I may have heard, "chelsea", and may have seen her or something like that, and God has showed me a spirit that looked like chelsea clinton and she may have told me her mom was going to be president.
(342)get busy hollie-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "lazy", and more.
(343)hurricane received 8-2005-I heard about three times while praying, "go to the atlantic". Have not felt the Leading of the Holy Ghost to go.
(344)what is serving Jesus cost you your life-received 8-2005-I heard something like this while praying, "it could cost you your life". I don't believe I care as long as I go back with Jesus.
(345)pastor simison-vision received 8-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked pastor simison and he said, "put your name on it".
(346)ministryofdreams mentioned over the radio vision received 8-25-2005-It God has showed me a man and he may have been on the radio and he may have said something about ministryofdreams.
(347)is you backslide, you probably won't get back-vision received 9-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like alice cooper and he said things like, "if you backslide", "you won't get bacK", "psunami", "terrorists", "I'm an exprophet", "help me".
(348)bon scott of ac/dc-vision received 9-2005-I was walking and the rock and roll music was heard way away from where possibly a concert or a stero was jamming. Ac/dc songs were being played, and Jesus started to give me voice visions. I heard thier voices, but, probably didn't see them. Dirty deeds was on and I asked Jesus where bon scott went and I heard his voice say something like, "I went to hell". There may be a scream at the end of the song, "dirty deeds", and I heard it and what the person screamed was something like, "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOut". Highway to hell was a big hit them and unfortuneately, bon may have fullfilled that. In other voice visions as I walked I heard voices say things like, " and It God has showed me a spirit that looked like, "I'm the devils witness", "I'm loosing my Mantle", "backsldie and be with us", and more..
(349)survivor of the Uss Indianapolis ship disaster-vision received 9-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like the survivor who may reside in indianapolis and he said things like, "your backslid", "I want a vision", "I got killed", "your a prophet", "true", "leave website open", "please help me", and maybe, "done had a vision", "how did I blaspheme", and I saw maybe me and I said, "against prophet", and I saw him again and he said something like, "who".
(350)Jesus may have to carry me more than I realize-vision received 8-25-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "footprints".
(351)wanted by alice cooper-vision received 8-25-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "your wanted downstairs", and I may have asked who wanted me", and I saw alice cooper and he said, "come be with us", and I heard, "alice cooper", and he may have said, "need your testimony", and I saw the uss indianapolis battle ship survivor and he more or less said it won't happen".
(352)the USS Indianapolis-vision received 9-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and it may have been robert ballard and he said, 'found". I'm going by memory on this.
(353)reverend jim jones-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like jim and he said, "I'm jim jones", "religion". Thats not led by the Holy Ghost.
(354)easy does it-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "go easY'.
(355)pam davis-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like pam and she said things like, "its over with bobby", "done", and I saw me and I said, "your lettin It fall", and I saw pam and she said, "ha ha", "pig", "I want your body", and maybe, "not covered", "I'm cut off".
(356)michelle-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like michelle who is the daughter of the daughter of cless barger and she said things like, "don't tell the vision"(this may have been her), "I want religion", "I'm a backslider", "I blasphemed mom", "I'm just an adulterer", "tell nothin", "it hurts bobby".
(357)MYSTERY, BABYLON is united states-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, "MYSTERY, BABYLON", "thats america".
(358)hollie-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "pray for bobby", "bobby tempted", and I saw michael boldea and he said, "I won't". Hollie also said, "I hate this prophet", and she let me know to use a stop leak for my antifreeze leak and it so far has worked.
(359)vision of a house-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a house and I wanting one and I drove by it and It's not for sale anymore. The sign was gone.
(360)keri fox-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like keri and she said things like, "woke me up", "cause you need religion", "whatever "hell", "that show", "sex".
(361)open is saved-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe me and I said, "witness open".
(362)kent gray is cut off-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "don't ask about kent", and I saw kent and he said, "cut off". He pastors, antioch, the apostolic Church which is part of, upci.
(363)pass-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "witness pass".
(364)the bedroom is the Church-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "your wanted in the bedroom", and I just saw pastor david dalton and he said, "come and be with us", "orgy", "I'm an orgy", and something like, "send witness back", "put the prophet first", "he's around", "the lake", "whats witness doing".
(365)russia will attack america-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like president putin and he said things like, "it's us", "I'm russia", "attack america".
(366)prophet cless barger-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor cless, who is deciest, and he said things like, "russia", "hit russia right now".
(367)russia will be attacked by many nations-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like the president of russia and he said things like, "were under attack", and I saw, hu hintao, who is president of China and he said things like, "by china", and I saw the president of pakistan and he said, "pakistan", "hit russia", and I saw a man and he said, "India", and I may have just seen him and he said, "hit russia", and I saw president hu and he said, "hit russia", "your a prophet".
(368)false-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "he's false".
(369)upper room Church-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like, the first lady, of the, upper room Church, and she said, "don't return to Church", "never return to Church", "I'm luster", "lets build a Church", "I'm luster".
(370)have you sold your chance to be saved like esau did-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he said, "sold", and I asked who", and I saw somebody and they said, "us", and I saw hollie and she said, "sell", "committed blaspheme", "same o computer", "same o prophet", "same o hollie", "and same o down", 'I hope you backslide and I saw the uss indianapolis wreck survivor and he said, "he won't", "call me a backslider", "don't tell me that", "backslider".
(371)Jesus can elevater you-vision received 9-3-2005-Iheard, "michael boldea", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike or somebody else and they said, "your lifted up".

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