Sunday, September 15, 2024

Christian sexual exploration can get phone if the two people are creative of the last days servant of Jesus Christ

6-2-2008-hollie showed, record, again, its cause iraq, she said, Jesus showed, cut off, no way, said, hollie, poopholes, shew, said, Jesus, diana hughey laughs, showed, record, showed, the beasts image, made alive, on pocket t.v., said, hollie, dont listen to me, said, fleas, like, bird, its, cause, iran, what did you do, she said, bush calls c.i.a., attack it, he said, no, said, c.i.a., but, shakes, yes, put, it under, said, hollie, its iraq agin, said, Jesus, its, trouble, he, said, iraq will end nuclear, said, bird, its, cause, north korea, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, no, way, said, Jesus, casey, the caspian sea oil pipeline, casey, high in air, watches, errupt, explosion, she, said, no way, showed, hu hintao, russia cuts oil from china, north korea gets oil cut off, by china, said, michael boldea, north korea launches all nuclear, and he saw it, casey watched, 33 ofum, said, Jesus, strike, russia, casey, he aint gonna hit it, wants moscow, china, and, south korea, aiming at all three, and, smoke burns, said, hollie, u.s.a. launches eight tomahawks on north korea, no way showed hu hintao, putin in heart doesnt care, lets go talk, he says, to new leader, shot, said, hollie, cause, vladimir is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, put it under, said, casey, he, bows before pope, and, when pope goes to russia, he, gives that one heart, lets rule the world, sang, putin, shot, put it under, said, casey, the dragon rose with g8, said, hollie, its bushs nato, and, russia having ten, who are they, said, hollie, its politburo, thats uh ruling party, said, hollie, and putin comes out of yeltsin, yeltsin out of politburo, and new leader chooses putin, and, hes the pope, does what beast says, and, pope hides mouth, lets do it, he, said, I am, said, putin, no, said, fleas, and he saw, said, putin is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said, hollie, and she licked the prophet, cause putin, is, she said, pope, putin is my beast party, she said, its duma, and he saw, said, casey, lucifer, arch angel, and Light thing, cracks, Light, that was satan, said, hollie, Jesus, shh, said, hollie, what did satan say, im the bear father, unbelievable, said, hollie, that was cat man, leopard, thats, hollie, rubbed chin, showed, with, stick, magog, north, south, korea, rubbed chin, china, japan, look, said, blackie lawless-cinderella man, look, he said, with boys voice, look, planes dropping bombs on america, moscow, china, said, hollie, 6-3-2008-hollie showed, record, new economy, she said, we ll be 9-11, she said, bankrupt, no, said, you know what got you cut off, said, prophet, no, said, hillary, no repentance, leave me alone, said, blessed sweat, let me she said, china is magog, said, doreen, nussbaum, she said, licked prophet, record, said, hollie, licked prophet, im not the main any more, said, hollie, thats gabriel, she, said, the main showed, record, showed, the beasts image, made alive, on pocket t.v., said, hollie, the main showed, record, licked prophet, let me, said the main, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, the main showed, record, again, look, she, said, fleas showed, record, again, this is the website, post, spun, clap, showed, screen, like a movie theatre, she said, mixed multitudes, this is the website, talking, post, said, hollie, for the website, and website smiled, hollie showed, out of pipe, bear paws, record, said, hollie, the economy is going broke, said hollie, put it under, u.s.a. economic collapse, fool, said, fleas, iraq agin, its iraq agin, clapped the tap dancer, hollie, new iraq, said, Jesus, its now ameri-britain, absorb, said, hollie, and bush tells washington, they are, not ours, but hes wanting thier oil, what did he see, she said, oil fields, said, bush, showed, cut off, two nuclear explosions in iraq, and gaza explodes, u.s.a., I wanted the war, grunts bush, its two take oil, he said, and Jesus pointed, in suit, submarine sound, said, hollie, submarine sound said hollie, and hollie showed played the music, laughed, this is the website, talkin, post, said, hollie, trap, said, Jesus, showed, cut off, all, who speak blaspheme, right when, they know, saith God, Spirit departs, put it under, said, hollie, licked, smiled, main, showed, re, cord, hollie showed, carved, into the stick, said, hollie, you know he wants ya to go, said, prophet, no said hillary clinton, now make fun of barack obama, saith God, hollie like silhouette, showed, record, showed, this is the beasts image, said, hollie, pope, picture, this is what the website wants, said, hollie, and website, smiled, more visions, said, website, put it under, millions, 6-4-2008-no, said, fleas, hollie like silhouette, showed, record, and that, she said, got you, and, re, you know who it is, false reverend jeremy taylor, for steal the name ministry of dreams, hollie showed, carved into stick, pilots spacecraft ministry of dreams, licked, prophet, shot, jeremys pocket explodes, runs to remove the God spoken, and jeremy taylor sees, hes lookin, said, hollie showed, shows kathryn taylor, look what bobby done, he said, both d.min ruint, said, Jesus, this is the website tolkin, post, and, he saw, it, said, casey, website smile, casey showed, record, this economy slipping, said, hollie, the economy said help me opec, and king saudi showed cut off, the medes, hollie showed, turn, like round face, tear up, put back, with hands, the titanic, saith the Lord, robert ballard, is that what you want, said prophet, yes shook, hes wantin money, filmed for, eight million, they watch, national geographic, two plates knocked out, saith God, and robert ballard finds one, the united states will be a desolation, said, hollie, put more visions on my website, clapped the tap dancers, loose belt soumb, said, hollie, showed, iran, syria, from, subs, she, said, watched, right here, persian, said, hollie, gulf, no, said, fleas, hollie rode honda, its uh good bike, she, said, 350, they would last, 200,0000, or more, saith God, this the website talkin, post, website was hollie, gabriel, said, post, hollie light, pointed, and red dragon licked prophet, pope appeared, hollie showed, to, record, and red dragon licked prophet, alome saleem sound, said, hollie, out some visions on your website, said, hollie, and, she, posted, in white robe, get the door, said, hollie, its jeremy taylor, loosing jobs, and talks, my money, said, reverend jeremy taylor, m.a., write the vision, said, steven stargardter-jim garrison pope man, like, that was that pope, said, hollie, where was he in, said, hollie, tear up, throw, put back, the main showed, record, economic collapse soon, said fish, with horn, to man, dream, nobodies prayin, said, casey, tell me what submarine sound means, said, hollie, showed, sub, with, hollie, record, leave me, said, hollie, submarine sign, said, hollie, laughed, bob dreams at westside pentecostal church, during prayer requests, said God showed me iraq war will end nuclear in visions, and birdy smith says, bobby, you cant speak here, then donald winters comes to, bob leaves, goes back, donald winters comes again, and bob says, you be nice to me, and as bob walked out the door, yelled, donald winters blasphemed the Holy Ghost, he spoke it, you are, said, donald winters, liar, this was dream, donald said, those are from the devil, right to bob face, 6-5-2008-tell me about my submarine sound, said, hollie, licked, in sub, ohio class, she said, 6-6-2008-fleas, showed, record, now look, she, said, showed, ace frehley, heaven, saith God, again, said, fleas, fleas showed dragon with g8, and dragon licked prophet, that said, hollie, was, seven heads, nato, and bush, woman, pope, italy, putin having ten crowns, their politburo, and dragon flew, fleas showed, ace frehley with bob, writing, directing, could have number 2 album, bob with ace shakes yes, lets do it, said, ace, bob, shows, cant, but, would love, thats how I can git some success, said, ace, frehley, he wants KISS back, and gene simmons, paul stanley, see, record me, said, fleas, this is him, pointed, hollie, do, it, said, website, post, you dont want no more website, said, hollie, let the website talk, said, hollie, website smiled, showed, beasts image made alive, on pocket t.v., that was hollie, the main, like a cat, said, hollie, that, pointed, grim reaper, hollie came down, dchandler stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams, this is how I got ruint said dchandler, I removed jobless, he said, new hollie showed record, tear up, said, hollie, like, fox, put back, toy with, this the website, post more visions, said, hollie, hu hintao slashes pope, the pope will be slashed by the beast of magog, said cargill grain elevator, im not the website, im the national starch grain mill, said, cargill grain plant, and, elder aaron porter sees, let me show gates, he said, with childs voice, gates, lambert shakes yes, git in there, said, lambert w. gates, strips, cause, hes, said lambert gates, not ready, stay tuned, said, pope, this is hollie talkin for my website, post, loose belt sound, said, hollie, go, pointed, hollie light face, peace, bobby, said, gabriel, im jack links bigfoot, I showed you record, submarine sound, said, hollie, and, look, she, said, jack links in, ohio class, said, hollie, sub, this is the website talkin, post, said, hollie, and website confused, record me, said, the little dog, licked prophet, fleas, record me said, hollie, hollie showed, git out reverend rebecca ann parker, why, said, hollie, whatta did she do, not saved, protects d.min, jeremy taylor, u.u., and he stole the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, that is that o red and black chariot with jack links and chewbacca on top, they laugh, that is hollie like a copter, said, hollie, letting, henry spoke, hollie out of megaphone, showing, dont listen, pointed at d.min anything, and, m.a. jeremy taylor phd. sees, iraq, said, Jesus, and, he saw, it, said, casey, gaza, iraq, destroyed, bush grunted, the war was over, and dick cheney, oil contracts, and putin, send terrorists, in iraq, russian weapons, and, bush, let me show c.i.a., and, they knew, said, c.i.a. man, bankrupt, here it is, said, bush, our new economy, he said, broke, no more social security, said, george bush, they will still deduct, over, fifty dollars per person per week, collapsed, said, bush, people start suing u.s.a. government, economic collapse coming, over bushs iraq war, this is the website, post, said, hollie, 6-7-2008-bob this is the website talkin, post, said, hollie, look what syria did, said, gabriel, bombed israel, now, u.s.a. bombs, putin, shows, wrath, hollie, like a cat, record, the, vision, she, said, showed, beasts picture, and, the main, im not the main any more, said, hollie, thats gabriel, showed, the main, showed, beasts image, made alive, on pocket t.v., this is the website talkin, post, I aint hollie, said, woman, no, said, fleas, you know what paris said, gabriel, said, bush showed, cut off, falling from nato, this the website, post, modelled, hollie, the main showed, record, what does the website have to say, post, said, gabriel, licked prophet, the main showed cut off, pastors, none saved, the main showed, record, this is the website talkin, post said hollie, conway twitty showed record, he died at 70, stroke, put it under, said, hollie, this was hollie talkin for the website, this is uh warning, conway twitty did not want Jesus so hes in lava, said, hollie, he was having gay sex with band, oral, anal, when band member refused, you know me said conway twitty, removed, the main showed, record, whats that, said, prophet, red dragon flying, leaveem alone, said, hollie, with, alome soumb, said hollie, realistic stereo receivers where top of the line, they were better, this is not the website sang, hollies, and, hollie showed, played, music, laughed, theres uh submarine, pointed, hollie, and, hollie like silhouette in, missiles fired, the world shakes, and, up saluted pope, theres hu, said, hollie, like, silhouette, emporer of japan, idol shepherd, africa burns, like, south america, north, moscow, china, britain, italy, pope blows out, australia, nato, its the g8, russia having politburo, thats ruling party, said, hollie, that was Jesus, on cloud, like Light, tear up, put back, thats monkeys lips said hollie, cindy, man said, moments come, moments go away, man said, dreamed angie knox like birdy, saying she had to sit, asking, if I remembered that place I used to work, c.c.i., finally came, said she had to sit in that place for 3 hours, asked about other spotter, hollie, record, Jonty Wareing stole and altered the name ministry of dreams, right here said Jonty Wareing, ministry of dream, o I see you looked said Jonty Wareing, now hear the word of the LOrd, Jonty Wareing is cut off and hates God servant, wants to write a book, the ministry of dreams said Jonty Wareing, 6-8-2008-somebody told me record, bobby, this is mister website talkin, post, hollie light pointed, licked prophet, the main showed, record, the main showed, record, the main showed, record, record said main, played, the, music, said, hollie showed, that said enthusiastic hollie, and, hollie like silhouette, hollie pulled ship, my main showed, record, hey Jonty, said man, that works with Jonty Wareing, Jonty Wareing stole the God spoken name, altered, ministry of dreams, mason, said, hollie, it was, dream, she said, this is the website, post, said, hollie, hey jonty, said man from last-fm, Jonty Wareing embarrased, has ministry of dream on website, now hear the word of the Lord, watch last-fm website come down, Jonty said man that works there, you fool, said, hollie, put it under, if you take, and jeremy taylor, he does, d.min, u.u., be stripped, like he was, bob dreams with gene schmidt, in house, bob was there, spoke with, inhabitant, died, bob wanted stuff, hows hand of help, bob asks, gene, were doin alright, but, gene does not want bob there, put it under, more was said, you lost your ring, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, out of ring, that, said, hollie, and hillary, she said, blew, cause, chelsea, and bubba, cam, paigned, now hear the word of the Lord, people that lost jobs, showed up to mock them, and hillary clinton, obama rocks, she said, wants, no said barack obama, they choose, not to speak, Jesus showed, record, cut off, he showed, all u.p.c. pastors, they intruded, put it under, dont play, said, damien, sam neill, hes wanting acting, but old, put it under, watch him fade, now, Jesus showed, said, Jesus, record, said, hollie, hey look, she said, hey jonty said man from last-fm, whered ya go, he said, Jonty Wareing fired from last-fm over taking the name said doreen, God spoke, ministry of dreams, help me LOrd said Jonty Wareing, but, he hates Gods servant, when Jonty Wareing calls, God hides, he will read, dont put it on, said, Jonty Wareing, no, said, fleas, smiled, hollie, that was, sh, satan, like hu hintao, in, the lighted hand, said, hollie, put it under, war watch me he said, popping out of hand, put it under, hollie showed, smiles, you need to record, said, hollie, shut up, she showed, dont tell, she said, d.min s are devils, soothsayers like reverend rebecca ann parker, william sinkford, revered jeremy taylor, all soothsayers, put it under, dont tell you dream to a witch, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, you need to, she said, now look, said, hollie and satans devil kathryn taylor, dont you come near me, she said, but, sh, when she found out her reverend jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams, now hear the word of the LOrd, they run to remove, 6-9-2008-terry cannon, said, hollie, what did he, she said, get the Holy Ghost, he said, but smiled, at prophet, knew, but, good council, it was uh dream, said, hollie, bob dont you come to my house said john merriweather, lost, speaks, blaspheme, like paul merriweather, but both pastor, that was door opening, dark, fire, on inside, Light, Jesus calling saints home, rapture, what did he do, said, hollie, Jonty Wareing stole the name God spoke ministry of dreams, altered, to ministry of dream, runs to remove, showed, empty pocket, fired over, saith God, hollie like uh face showed, record, look, said, fleas, now cluracan removes the name she stole ministry of dreams, ill take cluracan at her own caftyness said JEsus, she ll be maimed, hollie showed, in, the fire, said, cluracan, im the bear father, said, dog, and, putin, kneels before pope, lets rule the world, he, said, this is the website talkin, post, said, hollie, this is warning, said, hollie, economy collapsing, hollie showed, record, this is warning, said, hollie, prayed, showed, im outta here, john, merriweathers church, this is warning, said, hollie, licked, prophet, tell me about china, said, angel, thats magog, lets see, said, fleas, like cat, record me, said, fleas, like, cat, record, said, hollie, submarine, said, hollie, and, that, she, pointed, hi bob, in, submarine, alaska said, man, and, he saw, said, casey, alaska explode, from, im uh bear, said, linda, spall, hollie, laughed, putin, subs attacking many nations, casey watched, tell me about south korea, said, gabriel, he saw, said, casey, kim jong, said, hollie, launches missiles, striking, russia, china, south, korea, he, saw, it, said, casey, russia and u.s. strike north korea, putin shows, laughs, cindy showed, hollie in spacecraft, hey jonty, why did you do it, we want ya git out, said man from last-fm, hollie flying in space craft fired, struck, jonty Wareing for stealing, altering your name said cluracan, ministry of dreams, all run to remove after iranq, hollie, showed, subs, attacking, syria, iran, iraq, gaza, explode, new submarine sound, said, hollie, put back, rip, said, fleas, hollie, hu hintao clapped, tap danced with the pope, thats new world order, said Jesus, need you record, said, hollie, licked prophet, this is website, post, that was picture of pope with golden hair, showed hollie, prophet, tear up, put back, hollie pointed, it rained, submarines, hollie, rip, fleas, from behind, she, I clap, hollie showed, record, fleas showed, record, showed, cut off, record said, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats the alome saleem soumb, said, hollie, 6-10-2008-crawl dog, said, hollie, thats, the ticket, new ministry of dreams website, crawldog, said, hollie, clap your hands and repeat after me, said, gabriel, crawldog, said, hollie, I want you, said, Jesus, ask for mercy, and, crawldog owner shakes yes, sees bob in heaven, dont do it, said, Jesus, new submarine soumb, said, hollie, look, she pointed, at soviet sub, said, hollie, its akula class, she, said, fired, the world shakes, and up, rose, the king, said, hollie, pope rose, then hu, hollie watched, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, slashed pope, false prophet hu, said, hollie, does it, hollie showed, record, cause when they bomb syria, said, gabriel, and he saw, said, casey, u.s.a., casey watched, and, crawldog owner from high, he said, in the air, subs, attack syria, iran, hollie held nose, saudi king causes oil to lower, that is two russian leaders with pope, he says, rule the world, ok, says, putin, no way showed russian president, you said gabriel, give warning, u.s.a. economic collapse coming, looting said, hollie, lets rule said, putin, that was indianapolis on fire, from missile, said, hollie, nuclear rocket, said, putin, three of um, he said, and plainfield, indiana exploded, and right over indy, said, hollie, 500 race track, reduce south america, said, putin, and he saw, said, casey, thru out south america, nuclear fire balls, and she, saw, america burn, from subs, all around, missiles striking all states, Jesus showed, record, submarine sound, said, hollie, submarine, and, look, she, pointed, rained, submarines, tell me about the marine corp. in the streets, said, hollie, its, she said, to control looting, caused by economic collapse, and, lighted finger pointed, down, let me alone, said, hollie, flying in spacecraft, and cluracan, said, hollie, struggling, stole the name like d.min jeremy taylor to ruin prophet, got ruint said, hollie, submarine, said, hollie, hollie pointed, it rained submarines, waved from, ohio class, said, hollie, Kevin Cronin danced, hollie showed, go, Kevin Cronin pointed, war brewing, put it under, said, hollie, melvin golder is friendly, tell him Jesus says, melvin golder said morris golder, dont do it, he said, melvin wants bob, go home, said, hollie, youll ruin it, said, melvin, for, cecil, and, lighted, hands, rip, said, bob, likes, cecil, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Jesus, who is it, said, hollie, its melvin golder, said, prophet, let me go home, all golders back at grace, that was babyfleas said Jesus, she laughed, and Jesus laughs with, but, thats laughing babyfleas running from Jesus, and, he stops, then, shes, cut off, hollie tore up, rip said, fleas, restore, it, she, said, tear, hu and the pope is new world order, said, hollie, thats both beasts, hollie like silhouette, hollie like cat, that was lighted hand opening, its starting, said, angel, showed, pope with two russian leaders, record, said, fleas, let me, she, said, it was dream, bob saw, david bowie, attack many nations, he said, 6-11-2008-fleas, wiped lips, fleas, showed, record, pointed, and red dragon licked prophet, hollie showed, record, thats beast, pope, and hu, she said, false prophet, the two beasts, dont git mad, go home, said, hollie, I aint gonna take it, she said, its because jeremy, said, bird, we aint gonna allow it said prophet, why did you do it, said phd. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., stole the name ministry of dreams God spoke to strip prophet like cluracan on lawrence formans website, they run to remove, I wont share it said Jesus, if you take or alter the name I created ministry of dreams I the Lord will make you run to remove, throw jeremy out said bird, we aint gonna take it said rebecca ann parker, Im out, she said, fleas showed, record, hollie showed, turn, record the vision, said, gabriel, pointed, crawldog, owner loves ministry of dreams, dont do it, said, gabriel, strips cause complaints, submarine sound, said, hollie, let me, said, gabriel, hollie like cat, showed, beasts picture, pope, tear up, she said, rip, from behind, spun, wrote, clap, threw, spun fighting, wrote, clap, theres the alome saleem soumb, said, hollie, that was hollie turning into silhouette, hollie like copter, leteme out, she said, henry spoke, hollie out of megaphone, showed, dont listen, pointed, all pastors lost, left, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, like uh cat, showed, beasts picture, with golden hair, you know who it is, said, hollie, let me, she said, pope, what do you want, said, hollie, jeremy taylor of starr king school of ministry rubbed chin, to ruin Gods servant, steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams like cluracan and janet mcknight, its over, said, hollie, they run to remove after iraq, gaza, ends nuclear, tear up, she said, restore, picture, new world order, theres hu, said, hollie, showed, fighting, fight me, said, hu, pope, kim jong, hollie showed, launches nuclear missiles on china, russia, south korea, hollie held nose, hugo, showed, hollie, wants power, yes I do said hugo chavez, looks to china, brazil, hollie showed, protect me, nicaragua, hollie showed, wants protection, cuba, git out said castrol, u.s.a. rents part, prophet, said, hollie, like cat, bye, said, hollie, go easy, said, hollie, hollie showed out of horn, record me, said, hollie showed, pointed from fire, at the explosion, said, linda, im uh, she said, bear, hollie laughed, rubbed face, you know who that is, he said, putin, hollie like bear, put back, rip, then, put back, not all the way, said, hollie, theres uh reason, hollie thought, fix, she said, prove me, said, Jesus, Jesus showed, record, let me, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, angel showed, record, hollie showed bose 901 speaker, its excellent, hollie installed at church, not for home, hollie showed, git bose she said, pay uh fortune, its realistic, hollie showed, turn, that was hollie like a bear, on russia, the bear, saith Jesus, and the pope, goes to, put it under, said, hollie showed, thats the two beasts, hu and pope, nicaragua, said, hollie, and youth, boom, from, said, linda, im uh bear, hollie laughed, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie rubbed face, killer said cluracan, thats, you know who it is, said, hollie, its, heroin puppy, give me mine, she said, stole the name ministry of dreams, its right here said cecil cluracan pennyton, on lawrence formans website, 6-12-2008-alaska, said, gabriel, and he saw, said, casey, wiped lips, from, said linda spall, im uh bear, hollie laughed, thats putin, wiped lips, alaska exploded, and subs all around, america, put it under, the judgment to the great whore, and hollie, you know who it is, wiped, lips, u.s.a., and bill clinton, returns, fire, judgment to magog, thats, said, hollie, russia and china, put it under, said, hollie, thats putin, with, controls, in mouth, and new russian, leader, bows, im the bear, said, putin, beast, he said, put it under, thats with ten crowns, thats, ruling party, politburo, said, hollie, whered he go, said, pope, j. walter stone, he works, but, preaches, lost, knows, now, hear the word of the Lord, when walter stone, comes around, hollie showed, pointed, at, cornelius bullock, wont let, and he showed, cut off, both, put it under, false pastors, preaching false messages, hollie showed, record, fleas, that, pointed, grim reaper, hollie turned into silhouette, back, again, 6-12-13-2008-fleas showed, I want it, said, woman, from, grace, apostolic, church, but now in nineties, and God, he wont hear, she, said, but, acts, hollie showed, laughed, hollie showed, in fire, licked prophet, that, he, said, and that, git outta here, said, reverend jeremy taylor, whatta you want, said, hollie showed, jeremy taylor m.a. steals the name Ministry Of Dreams to ruin, git, said d.min jeremy taylor, pointed, at, Gods servant, he runs to remove, like dchandler, cluracan, janetmck, lawrence forman, all steal ministry of dreams to ruin Gods child, like jonty wareing from last-fm, let me alone, stomped hollie, my spacecraft will ruin you back, spacecraft ministry of dreams fired, jeremy taylor stripped all jobs, talks, cluracan removes ministry of dreams like janetmck, after loosing job, hollie showed, record, hollie laughed, doing sign teem, you need a vision, said, hollie, showed, hollie like silhouette, hollie showed, played the music, like this, he, said, thats alome saleem sorry, said, hollie, that was hollie like copter, letting out gruver, hollie pointed, out of megaphone, whistled, pointed, left, hollie like a cat, she, said, showed picture, pope, pointed, hu, pictures, nailed on wall, two beasts, bob dreamed, guest book entry, about number, 3, said, mercy, by greg, woman said, speak 70, hollie showed, record, hollie tore up, hollie pointed, russia, said, hollie, yur the new economy, said, hollie, and new leader collapses, we hate you, said, hollie, speaking for russians, the economy was good, said, hollie, wait said fleas, pointed, up, Jesus, loose belt sound, said, hollie, fleas, pointed, up, Jesus coming, loose belt sound, could be taken said, hollie, thats, emergency soumb, she said, thats what you said, hollie said, your democrat, hillary wants new party, to run, against, obama said clinton, would win, new economy said hillary clinton, watched u.s.a. go bankrupt, now, said, JEsus, put it under, said, hollie, u.s.a. economic collapse, failure, coming, put it under, watch jeremy, she said, hollie on grain mill elevator, said, gabriel, grain mill elevator is national starch, she said, that is fleas like a copter, henry out, fleas, pointed, out, of megaphone, explosion, let me, said, fleas, that was the alome salome sound, said, hollie, you need to record me, said, fleas, what, said, boiler on titanic, ship breaks, and captain smith salutes, boilers all break free, put it under, said, hollie, charles lightoller was cold, tear up, put back, pope, hollie like a shawdow, said, hollie, tear up, from behind, clap, hollie beat drum, war, came out, hu, china, america, world shook, bob dreams saw paul newman and wife, thier child sang, on like t.v. screen behind, they liked, hello savior you been so good to me, hello Jesus you are now in the heavens free, like that, said, child, and he saw, they raised, liked, record said, hollie, hollie showed, record, submarine sound, said, hollie, 6-14-2008-hollie, hollie showed, turn, garry streeval woman said, hollie, I wanna git outta here, she, said, thats the alome saleem, its soumb, said, hollie, its yoru name, said, fleas, cut me off said garry, streeval, woman, hollie showed record, turned into silhouette, showed, shh, dont tell on him, garry streeval, we want your money, he said, not saved, look right here, said, man, that goes, there, showing cut off pastor garry streeval visions, God let garry spend eighty thousand on property, then, start new building, it wont be, garry streeval shakes yes, but, empty, garry streeval never got saved like his wife, hair dyer streeval, I want your money said mrs. streeval, now look, said, garry, dont show, and man shakes yes, but, in heart, ill take ya outta here, he wants garrys pastor job, shakes yes, but, spoke blaspheme to bobs face, garry streeval had over five thousand per month coming, and, that was garry streeval pcoketing offerrings, tithes, he lives off of, like, most pastors, they are cut off, but, preach, and, people die lost under, no fire, just, and garry streeval is stripped, he cant even talk well, they seek jobs, cause prophet stripped crowd, aint got nothin in my pocket said showed garry streeval, when was becoming rich, tear up, put back, hollie, hollie like cat, showed, the beasts iamge on picture, tear up, rip, restore agin, she said, hollie like silhouette, gran prix, she said, whats that, at indianapolis race track, motorcyles, going, 201 m.p.h., they love it, sells out, it will beat indy, cause, its, in, september, dchandler steals Gods created name, alters, ministry of dreams, he wants to prove to the one God spoke ministry of dreams to that he is higher in the Lord, appreciate said Jesus, dchandler runs to remove the ministry of dreams after looses my talk said dchandler, shut up, he showed, cut off over taking ministry of dreams, knew not to, that was gabriel on the grain mill, said, hollie, record me, said, gabriel, hollie like silhouette, record the vision, and he saw, said, casey, taiwan explode, missiles, casey watched, from china, im not the main anymore, said, hollie, on grain mill, the main showed record, I am tempting you to sin to make you loose your salvation, that is persecution, I will not stop until you die, I start killing all day long when you get filled with HOly Ghost, saith GOd, bob dreams with man, from grace apostolic church, fire burned face, he drove bus, bob broke brakes, tries to fix, man, comes, sees, they talk, he goes to tell, bob runs, knows, but cant walk good, hindered, goes to conference, bob dreams with terry cannon, they talk, bob drives, bob said, I thought about going to your church, terry cannon shows cut off, but doesnt speak or do anything, 6-15-2008-hollie in ring, licked prophet, hollie showed record, pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs attacking, world shakes, and up saluted pope, she said, theres hu, hollie held nose, fought, they sign for 666, and emporer of japan, theres, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, hes, pope, she said, licked prophet, theres your three kings, she, said, holliefleas showed record, hollie showed, record, hollie like a cat, licked prophet, look here she said, showed, beasts picture, tear up, said, hollie, rip, restore, theres hu, she, said, in picture, emporer of japan, hollie rolled up sleeves, showed, fighting, and he saw, said, casey, missiles from russia, china, japan, strike each other, taiwan explodes, that, said, hollie, car, 1939, its excellent, they were designed, said, hollie, improved, that one, she said, would last 100,000, hollie showed in the fire, hollie showed, turn, hollie like bear, danced, pointed, tell me about the submarine machine, said, hollie, its, and world shook, alome saleem, said, hollie, that, pointed, hollie showed, in, fire, thats it, said, hollie, the alome shalome, you know what it is, said, hollie, its soumb, she said, fleas showed, and that, she, said, modelled, right here, said, man, MOKSE, appeared, hollie over, the dome, she said, you know who it is, she, said, hes the doctor, said, mrs. willie duncan, both are, said, hollie, willie sees visions, let me know how to git outta here, said, willie duncan, prophet likes both duncans, r.h., yeah, he says, uto said, hollie, david gilmour, lets roger waters, play, with, now on, we need it, said, david gilmour, people want pink floyd, not, and roger waters wanted the wall, withheld, judge rules, pointed, the band, waters out, hollie like dot with hair, pointed, up, Jesus coming, fire sent on magog, thats russia, china, america burns, thats babylon, and, dragon rises, licked prophet, its g8, and pope appeared, theres hu, said, hollie, no way, showed hugo chavez, castrol, hollie held nose, cause hes uh crook, git me gitmo, he said, over, theres lula, nicaragua, north korea, there you go, said, hollie, thats it, the beast, and, ten crowns appeared on pope, they are ruling party, that he sets up, said, hollie, put ukraine in russia said yushchenko, use ukraine, he said, and oil said, hintao, moscow is king of north, fires missiles on china, cause china claims russia, only one sixth left, after britain and america, australia sends one, russia burns, china, no way, showed, hu, strikes moscow, then, they sign for 666, worship the beast, said, hollie, both have nuclear rockets, aimed, and emporer of japan, thats tyre, said, hollie, japan, hollie like cat, watches c.n.n., bush declares economic collapse, people fight against government, millions, over social security, then iraq burns, gaza, we take it, said, bush, oil, that was serpent turning into pope, said, hollie, put it under, thats the beast with seven heads, ten horns, record, showed, fleas, thats uh submarine, pointed, hollie, ohio class, surfaced, hollie in, missiles fired, moscow, china, burns, and akula, with captain hollie, fires, australia, great britain, and blair, press the button, the world shakes, smoke, casey watched, blocked, sun, moon, 16 hours, australia burns, france took, hollie caunted, two, great britain, four, bobby, we got your ring, said, Jesus, that, pointed, hollie, out of ring, red dragon rose, that, said, hollie, with the pope having ten crowns, who are they, said hollie, its uh ruling party, g8, said, hollie, bob dreams, played like lazar tag, some went down, some, didnt, 6-16-2008-that, pointed, hollie, fleas showed, record, fleas pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, the world shakes, and up rose, saluted, pope, fleas, showed, nunt uhh, dont lust womens butts, rolled up sleeves, showed, fighting, thats the pope, she, said, hu, they are the two beasts, fleas showed record, showed, come on, lets fight, fleas, showed, both beasts, fighting, theres hu, she said, fleas held nose, he fires nuclear missiles in russia, no way, showed pope, fires back, they sign for 666, fleas showed record, provoke, submarine sound, said, hollie, hollie fought, laughed, doing sign teem, showed, beasts picture, tear up, rip, restore, pope with golden hair, trashed, and he saw, it, said, casey, babylon shake, and bill clinton fire on magog, russia, china, fleas showed, record, im not the main, said, hollie, that is gabriel, she said, bobs main, gabriel, new york times, he, said, appeared, front page, hillary kicked out, looses senate, hollie showed, pointed, in fire, explosion, laughed, hollie pointed, turn, my mind is free, said, fleas, they say, and service leader at garry streevals, thats what I want, he, said, showed cut off, thats hollie showed playing the music, laughed, said, hollie, hollie showed, horn, china, growing, yellow color, last, its on magog, she said, and putin, she said, casey, saw the ram, horns growing out of putin, theres uh submarine, said hollie, she waved, ohio class, she said, licked prophet, gabriel showed, record, brand new economy, said, gabriel, broke, america, and bush, he saw, said, casey, I declared war said president bush, two uhm, said, hollie, when economy collapsing, but, america put, john kerry, was for economic collapse, he, will, loose, everything, sees visions, shows bush, im an oil man, said, george bush, three of uhm, said, hollie, you looked said Jesus, syria, iran, attacked, bush, gets, high oil, prices, opec cuts america off, no, said, fleas, showed, record, 6-17-2008-fleas showed record, angel showed, record, no, said, fleas, gabriel showed, record, that was hu, said, hollie, riding red horse, china strikes taiwan, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, turn, hollie showed, record, hollie, cut off, pastors, intruded, she, said, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, waved, in, ohio class, she said, that was hollie like double beater, helicopter, letting out henry gruver, spoke, hollie out of megaphone, pointed, world shook, and, up rose pope, theres hu, hollie said, held nose, those two, he saw it, said casey, signed, there it is, said, pope, peace treaty, 666, put it under, said, hollie, watch the mark of the beast, iraq, said, hollie, and he saw it, said casey, iraq, gaza, explode, from, said linda spall, im uh bear, thats putin, laughed, hollie, its because of iraq, said, hollie, lets rule the world, said, putin, new leader showed, no way, shoots, but, nuclear war, comes, any, way, saith God, lets shoot, said, putin, no way, showed, Dmitry Medvedev, right here, he said, lets put alaska first, he said, putin, said, nothing, but, he sends hundreds of missiles, not two, said, hollie, putin, lets go right here, he said, Dmitry Medvedev shoots, and russia explodes, and he saw it, said casey, then, america, burns, like great britain, france, italy, and you know who blows outta there, said, hollie, pope, aus, tral, ia, burns, from, who hitem, said, hollie, you know who it is, its, russia, and putin, angers with missile defence, its war, said, doreen marie hoge, sees, likes, hi bob, she thinks, hollie showed, re, cord, MOKSE, appeared, right over, said, hollie, are, said, mrs. willie, you know who it is, said, hollie, its the dome, she said, willie sees, no, said, hollie, bob dreams, saw casket, and prayed and said, who is it, I have the gift of healing, over and over, 6-18-2008-what was that, said, hollie, new jerusalem, looked like, glass city, Light, Jesus, appeared, in, hollie, showed, record, MOKSE, appeared, that, pointed, grim reaper, over, willie, duncans, church, I was wantin ya to git out of here, said doctor duncan, your leaving, said, hollie, I know said willie, church, heading to, it was you said willie duncan, we saw you looked, said, Jesus, willie duncan is, lets put it right here said duncan, heaven, he smiles, record, may, said, hollie, pointed, up, Jesus, cnn, she said, its right here, she, pointed, gaza, iraq, explode, u.s.a., appeared, its bush, hes an oil man, passes, casey watched, on the news, bush pass out oil contracts, to war buddies, iraq brings america into fury of God, iraq, said, man, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, nuclear explosion, whos behind it, she, said, pointed, bush, with two of uhm, hollie showed, cut off, bush, she said, lets behind the force, said george bush, fires, then, israel, sends, casey, rubbed chin, three nuclear hiroshima like, iraq burns, gaza, forsaken, its, casey, saw, palestinian state, Jesus, showed, sh, dont, tell, people that dont live for me, Jesus licked prophet, you, said, Jesus, receive the Holy Ghost, he said, showed, no way, if you dont make up your mind when you first understand, record me, said, hollie, yeah, micheru mathys wants you right here, chirped bird, court, micheru mathys steals the name God created ministry of dreams, he liked bob, but, wanted, to tease, knew bob went to website, liked his pictures, now hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, put him right here pointed hollie, thats bob in hell, I want that said micheru mathys with jeremy taylors voice, you aint clear steven, chirped bird, thats alice cooper, showed, hollie, jamming, put it here, right here, said, bird, dchandler steals the name ministry of dreams, whatta you want said Jesus, go, for it, said dchandler, done, the ministry of dreams, remove said dchandler, showed cut off, thats how you ruint, he said, pointed at grace apostolic church full of thieves of ministry of dreams, all remove ruint, prophecy percent, said gabriel, showed, shh, dont steal, said, hollie, hollie showed, whats d.min, she said, its uh soothsayer, saith God, that, said, hollie, 1939, car, its, uh, excellent, said, hollie, pink lady, submarine sound, said, hollie, submarine, theres uh submarine sound, pointed, hollie, waved, in, ohio, class, fired, missiles, and moscow burned, said, hollie, hollie blew horn, hollie out, like a blue face, showed, brush teeth, once, per day, gums, she said, gabriel showed, now, look, pointed, south korea, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, thats the alome salome, its sound, said, hollie, and, hollie showed, smiled, its, double beater, said, hollie, like, copter, letting, out red dragon, Im the beast, he, said, thru megaphone, pope popped out, with g8, pope had uh ruling party, said, hollie, thats politburo, tell me about pope, said, hollie, thats otyre, she, said, ruling party, in russia, putin, with, ten crowns, pope, and, putin, kneeled before, pope, grunted, let me, said, humble, putin, pope, shook, yes, russia, attacks, america, hollie showed, fighting, its starting, said, Jesus, and, red dragon rose, said, hollie, its russia, china, hollie showed, fighting, hugo, and, north korea, brazil, cuba, hollie held nose, thumbs down, hes, new, castrol, taiwan exploded, and, dragon, spued fire, missiles from russia striking n.a.t.o. nations, world shakes, america burns, up rose pope, theres hu, said, hollie, showed, fighting, then, signing for 666, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol, shepherd, that was hollie tear up the con scripture, laughed, hollie, bob saw irving baxter in coffin, people, there, hollie to the rescue, pope like uh cat, said, hollie, hollie showed, in, the fire, pointed, explosion, im uh bear, said, linda, spall, bear, hollie, laughed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, thats, putin, said, hollie, that was hollie to the rescue, hollie laughed, rubbed face, gabriel pointed up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, up rises pope, theres hu, emporer of japan, hollie showed, fight, ill knock him out, slash, pope, they sign peace treaty, said, pope, 666, whew, said, hollie showed whistle, theres uh submarine, pointed hollie, hi God, waved, hollie, 6-19-2008-he aint answering, said, hollie, doctor jeremy taylor, from, starr, king, school of ministry, lies, said, hollie, stole the name ministry of dreams, shut up said dchandler, both, witchs, saith God, fleas showed, record, laughed, no, said, hollie, record me said, fleas, bob, said, hollie, whats the website have to say, post me, said, gabriel, submarine soun, said, hollie, please, she said, no, said, hollie, you need to record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, beast rose, submarine, submarine, said, hollie, waved, in, ohio class, sub, big white hand, hollie showed, pointed, in fire, laughed, explosion, from, im uh bear, said, linda spall bear, hollie laughed, rubbed face, you know who it is, what said, hollie, and, hollie rubbed face, again, putin with ten crowns, pope, out of one, hollie showed, record, red finger, hollie rubbed face, you know who it is, hollie pointed, red moon, shook, that, said, hollie, tear up, said, hollie, put back, rip, said, hollie, its truit, hollie showed, tattoo place, 666 on popes forehead, you know who it is, he said, im the beast, said, pope, hollie slapped face, wont ya let me record, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, licked prophet, mutual destruction, said, prophet, hollie like cat, tear up, put back, hollie showed, record, fighting, hollie showed, what was that, she, said, red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, hollie whistle on top, hollie jumped in back, saw, eight kings, hollie salted, liars, appeared, saw, putin, Dmitry Medvedev, hollie showed, they, come on, she said, fight, castrol, then new, same, theres hugo chavez, lula, hollie tried to brake, he, wants russia, mexico, hollie showed, fighting, they betray america, showed, missiles striking many mexican cities, nicaragua, hollie inflated, they want russia, then missiles fly, akula, parked there, america burns, nicaragua on fire, hollie showed, record, tear up, put back, hollie, rip, theres uh reason, what is, she said, hollie pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs attacking, world shakes, up rises pope, hollie showed whistle blew, like uh silver face, he said, hollie showed, played the horn, out hollie, pointed, 6-20-2008-let me alone, said, hollie, fleas showed, record, pointed, whats that, she, said, the beast, like, angel, high, in, air, a mans heart given to it, stood on land, that, said, hollie, that, pointed, hollie, hollie wiped lips, hollie showed, be quiet, hollie whistle blew, hollie pointed up, Jesus coming, and subs attacking nations, hollie showed, put back, from behind, said, hollie, and hollie, clapped, clap, hollie showed, 1973 chevy nova 2, its uh excellent car, like chevelle, she said, thats pope, hu, in o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, and, pope, rode black, theres, hu, said, hollie, on red, Jesus on white, grim reaper on bay, and grim reaper licked prophet, hollie showed, record, like silhouette, shawdow, drink, submarine soumb, clapped the tap dancer, hollie, now look, said, hollie, in submarine, with meerkat, smiled, hi bobby, hollie showed, record, hollie, tear up, she, said, magnavox component, its excellent, but over, hollie showed, record, like blue dot, thats, reverend jeremy taylor u.u. in fire up to kneck, angry, hollie showed, record, hollie showed globe, pointed, castrol, pointed, up, Jesus coming, world shook, record, said, hollie, like yellow blob, hollie showed, turn, she said, fool, said, Jesus, jeremy taylor d.min appeared, submarine soumb, said, hollie, record said, hollie, look, that, she, pointed, like blue blob, tear up, spin, clap, with normal hands, spin, let me, from behind, she, said, clap, that was john mark pool and nuclear explosion behind, said, hollie, and Jesus, what did he tell her, said, hollie, lets git out of here, said john mark pool, no way said sandy pool, yur uh deceiver she said, he leaves, people walk streets, then, john pool sees nother missile in air, exploded, it gets, john, casey saw him in lava, why did you do it, said, Jesus, I know yur out said john mark pool, cause prophet not known people steal ministry of dreams wanting people to think they are, and make prophet fall, there they all are, said, Jesus, the thieves like dr. bill hamon in hell, cluracan laughs cause she thinks bob fell, but he looks thru glass, they see each other, come on said m.a. jeremy taylor ph.d., cluracan laughs when she sees, but then bob in heaven, she, hell becomes hot, put it under, said, hollie, steal the name ministry of dreams and perish over and you will remove it, hollie showed, record, Godll get you, said, hollie, 6-21-2008-got it said arlen ness, bobby, go on, said cory ness, they are tax evaders, for, harley motorcycle, said arlen, ness, they mooch of victory, bikes, dont sell, that said hollie, pointed, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, up rises pope, you know who it is, said, hollie, beast, hollie showed, record, and arlen ness wipes chin, he is a rich man, has, murdered, said arlen ness, both, they have killed in thier bike clubs, put it under, said, hollie, sonny barger, I blew up, he said, the outlaws, but would not have, saith God, in jail, threats, got him there, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, wiped lips, that, said, hollie, hollie drank, hollie showed, record, record me, said, hollie, pointed, up, who did you see, she, said, beast, pope, a mans heart given it, stood like man, im the beast, he said, thru megaphone, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, laughed, gabriel showed, record, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, please, please, record, said, hollie, thats it, said, hollie, loose belt sound, thats what it is, she, said, hollie threw down arlen ness, cory ness, lets here, he said, arlen is killer, two have gone, said arlen ness, cory, laughs, that, pointed grim reaper, hollie like a silhouette cat, licked prophet, I need somebody to record, said, hollie, and hollie showed, record, look there, she said, arlen ness, on knees, crying to Jesus, no said arlen ness, but, when he slaughtered two people, that were guilty, but of, he wanted them in hell, knew, right where said arlen ness, that is hollie like a copter, letting out hollie blue blob, hollie yellow blob out of megaphone, points, that economy said hollie, whats the matter, she, said, its bush, charging to much for oil, he taxes, to keep afloat, bankrupt government, collapsing, hollie showed record, lick the prophet, she said, this bob, said, hollie, no said arlen ness, this government over charging me, he said, that was lighted meerkat, showed beasts image made alive, on pocket t.v., take it, he said, mark, live, 666, signed for between the prince of otyre, and, magog, russia, having ten crowns, tear up, put back, hollie, that, was, hollie, tear the con scripture, record, said, hollie, now look, said, hollie, cory, ness, arlen, what did you do, she, said, lets build uh motorcycle said arlen, they worked on customizing victory motorcycles, they made about 800 per cycle, bobby this is Jesus, post, what does the website have to say, post, said, hollie, hollie like uh cat, like silhouette, showed, beasts picture, tear up, put back, theres hu, she, rip, cuba, hugo, they, hollie showed, fighting, north korea, he launches on china, russia, south, u.s.a., russia, fires, no way showed, Dmitry Medvedev, launches, america burns, alaska first said hollie, submarine, smiled, hollie, hollie showed, laughed, in fire, explosion, bob dreams with woman, a hair dyer on Lavenia, Smith and Summers Home for Funerals, she said something like, come on and be with us, witch, that pointed, hollie, explosion, no, said hollie, shook, yes, no, said fleas, yes shook hollie, hollie replaced belt on victory motorcycle, no, said cory ness, she rubbed chin, observed, took to dealer, how much, cory ness, give me 300, hollie smiled, and ten thousand miles later, gimme 2 said cory, they dont last, james howard davis, i see you looked, said hollie, he wants, free credit card said james howard davis, 111, no, said hollie, they went to your website, lets git outta here said arlen ness, hold it, wait said Jesus, and law knocks, they knew, arlen ness on trial for murdering people, 6-22-2008-tell Thomas Prendergast said, hollie, read and do ACTS 2:38, not only say, no, said, hollie, why dont you dream, said, arlen, ness, its to much, he, showed, angry, murderer, why did you do it said arlen ness, revenge, he kills to make ego, he will go on trial, arlen ness showed, record, cory, ness, showed, record, no, way, he said, git, Jesus showed record like nathaniel haney-urshan man, what he done, said, hollie, and, that was nathaniel haney-urshan man pocketing money, tithes, offerings, hollie knelt beofe, worship us said nathaniel haney and nathaniel p. urshan, hollie on knees, in, white robe, laughed, pointed up, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, no, bobby, said, the u.p.c.i. man, he puts prophet out of his churches, u.p.c.i. is cut off showed nathaniel haney-urshan man, not Holy Ghost baptized, and they aint gonna git it, said, Jesus, that was hollie, pointing, at, raise your hands and repeat after me, she, sang, pope, in air, a mans heart given, to the beast, stood, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, the world shakes, propecy, said, nathaniel haney-urshan, dont do it, he said, no way showed nathaniel haney, hidden, and people, die lost under, thier all cut off bobby, said, chester cunningham, a sting ray shark can not live in, clear, said, sting ray shark, water, needs salt, water, its made by animal excreation, and nathaniel haney-urshan Jesus man looked, thats Jesus, laughed, hollie, gimme money, he said, prophet, lets eat, this is the bird said bird, now ohio class, said, hollie, she surfaced, theres submarine, said, hollie, world shakes, missiles firing out, striking, he saw, said, casey, watched, high in air, moscow, china, on fire, and Dmitry Medvedev returns, america burns, and up rose dragon, its g8, n.a.t.o. and russia, having, ten, you know who they, it is said hollie, politburo, nicaragua said hollie, exploded, hollie showed, in, the fire, russia strikes, all g8, casey watched in heaves, australia, two fire balls, britain, four, france, two, italy explodes, and beast, blows out, goes to otyre, signs, gets, after britain and america, scorch, over 67 multi warhead missiles, and beast rose, pope appeared, hu, hollie, showed, playing, they, sign, for, 666, walked, lied, he, gets betrayed, slashed, by, hu, and, his deadly wound healed, satan, enter, ed, he goes to, I lost an eye, he said, I lost an arm, sits in rome, I am God, but, china gets nations to unite, and, press at beast, when om in israel, he said, force russia, said, hu, Christ appears, kings wail loudly, when, they, remember, what, they, had, Christ hu, pope, in fire, get ready for nuclear war, said, hollie, im not the main any no more, said, hollie, thats the reason, she, pointed, gabriel, smiled, back agin, said, gabriel, and he saw it, said, casey, wiped, she said, lips, nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, bush wiped lips, I brought it in to steal oil, and, c.i.a. shows, after we hit syria, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, syria, iran, explode, then, lets rule the world, said, putin, and, the angel ministry of dreams smiled, thats website, im not the main any more, that is, gabriel, said, hollie, on, cargill grain mill, showed beasts image made alive, with golden hair, tear up, wadd, pitch, she, did, pope, you know who it is she said, put it under, thats the mark of the beast, 666, those were lighted buildings, new jerusalem, hollie like bear, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, laughed, in, fire, that is alome soumb, said, hollie, hollie like cat, silhouette, both, hollie showed, whistle blew, that, said, hollie, smiling, showed, in, submarine, she, pointed, at, u.a.w. collapsed america, 6-23-2008-fleas, showed, record, pointed, at, pope, high in air, a mans heart put in, made stand, I saw you looked, pope laughs, bob likes pope, they are just alike, when hes the beast, said, hollie, he gets new heart, wants control, hollie showed, record, wiped lips, your mercy, said, Jesus, is over, he said, to, I saw you looked, pope, hes 80, and, not, wants, and casey saw, man bowing before beast, thats not uh man, said, hollie, its benny hinn, pope john paul, yeah, who is it, he said, I will, loved benny hinn worshipping him, and, benny hinn wipes lips, pockets offerings, tithes, hollie waited, showed, record, now look, she, said, its Jesus, in, air, subs attacking, world shakes, and up rises dragon, its, pope, g8, with nato, russia having politburo, thats uh ruling party, said, hollie, and, dragon licked prophet, hollie, like uh silhouette, cat, back, what is that, said, hollie, I dont need him, she said, pastors wanting prophet, out, and he saw, danny thomas show cut off, i am, he said, hollie showed, record, bobby, thats the man right there, pointed, the main, on grain mill, cargill, showed, hollie, showed, beasts picture, with golden hair, pope, hes, hollie like cat, showed, beasts picture, spun, false prophet hu, rip, more, clap, then, hollie, turned into silhouette, cat, then, hollie, then, silhouette, hollie showed, record, like cat, then silhouette, hands, then, hollie, then silhouette, record, said, hollie, u.a.w., showed, hollie like a cat, collapsed america, and, james hoffa rubbed chin, hollie like cat, record, she said, smiled, showed, picture, beast, turned around, theres hu, rip, play with, that was hollie like a copter, letting, out, henry gruver, hollie out of megaphone, pointed, lightning, high, thought, its static, theres uh submarine sound, pointed, hollie, in, sub, waved, hollie riding lightning bolt, angel face out, repent and be converted, left, explosion, then, two angels appeared, one rubbed chin, thats the Father, said, hollie, showed, tear up, rubbed, thought, what does the website have to say, she, said, angel came out, website, laughed, post more visions, said, hollie, rode missile, theres uh submarine, said, fleas, putin, flying on, missile, hollie showed, turn, hollie, complained, spun, clap, spun, tear up, rip, spin, clap, nuclear rocket, said, hollie, rode, m.x. missile, and many launched, russia burns, hollie, hollie plant, feed, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, who did he see, she said, Jesus coming, world shakes, subs, attacking, that is hollie like a helicopter, letting out henry gruver, spoke, hollie out of magaphone, like yellow blob, pointed, prophesy, said, woman, hollie showed, u.a.w. banner, they collapses, america, that was pope, riding white horse, hollie said, nunt uhh, thats Jesuss horse, remove, thats alome salome soum, said, hollie, theres uh reason, said, hollie, what, what is it, she, said, thought, hollie showed, laughed, that was, not Jesus, said, hollie, that was nathaniel haney urshan actin like Jesus, she said, and he saw, it, said, casey, nathaniel, haney, urshan, show, empty pocket s, coming, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, banner, u.a.w. collapsed america, and james hoffa shakes yes, put it under, said, hollie, united auto workers paw awesome, hollie, to the rescue, smiled, chomp, its slipping said fleas, the economy, cerwin vega speakers, hollie rubbed chin, they are, excellent, saith God, tell, hollie showed, record, and that, she said, beast, rose, like flower, then, faded, he gets chased to israel, killed, by, hu, but, satan enters in and re-vives, put it under, the birth of the idol shepherd, all the world wonders after the beast, saying, who can kill, Im the man, said, Jesus, this is the website talkin, post, said, hollie, for the website, and the angel, website, smiled, licked prophet, 6-24-2008-let me said, hollie, and pope blossomed as flower grew, and, hu, hollie like silhouette cat, normal, silhouette, hollie came out, back, al gore showed, record, pointed, hillary clinton, you need judgment, said, al, gore, looses, gore would have beat her, and, obama, think, I would, shut up, he said, knows, mccain would beat gore, obama looses cause hypocracy, no iraq war said barack obama, black as dirt, said, james, al gore checked oil with hands, and, engine angel, put hands on bible, keep my oil full, I dont need no clean motor oil, took hand off, whats that, said, hollie, jeremy taylor removes ministry Of Dreams he stole to ruin prophet, record me agin said hollie, pointed up, Jesus, and livejournal, said, hollie, take it, and, ben trott removes livejournal cause janetmck had ministry of dreams, posted by sion on her journal, and, encouraged people to steal, she looses livejournal, please record me, said, hollie, hollie showed, pope, who is he, pointed, up, Jesus coming, hes, King, hollie showed, record, the economys slippin, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, you know who that was, said, hollie, it was steven stargardter-jim garrison-pope man, record, me, he said, with david gilmours voice, record the vision, said, hollie, pointed, up, red finger, communism, communism is russia and china, says the Lord, thats the ram, and, hegoat smites, america, moscow, china nuke each other, and, up rose pope, theres hu, said, hollie, emporer of japan, idol shepherd, slash, said, hollie, write the vision, hollie showed, record, that was Jesus taking brad delp to fire, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie to the rescue, smiled, and what did she have on, lighted, bear paws, tear up, she, said, restore, rip, hollie showed, in, fire, explosion, come on man, he said, brad delp, is the lead singer of, boston, they can tour, other, singer, like, hollie showed, like uh cat, she, said, picture, pope, turn, hu, tear, she, rip, hollie tore up, 666, restore, 6-25-2008-you know what jeremy did, said, bird, steals ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, jeremy taylor of starr king school of ministry, hes a witch, said, hollie, and she showed, pope rising, out of flower, flying, smiling, a mans heart given, stood, after, america, moscow, china, nuke, each other, up he, and putin kneeling before pope, let me, he said, pope grunted, alright, let me rule the world, said putin and Dmitry Medvedev showed no way, hollie showed record, dont you know who I am, said, putin, i am the beast with seven heads, ten horns, and, putin, laughs, why did you do it, he said, and, Dmitry Medvedev, said, putin, he made, me, said, Medvedev, politburo, they exist, its, rubbed chin, hollie, uh ruling party, and, putin, rose, out of yeltsin, yeltsin out of politburo, putin comes out of Dmitry Medvedev, they shove each, putin can whip, but, Medvedev, you want it, said, putin, showed, cut off, he shoots putin, presses nuclear button, world shakes, and, pope rises, ministry of dreams, appears on u.p.c.i. website, kenneth haney sees, will you go to california, said, Jesus, bob shakes, for trade, kenneth haney would love, but, not spend any time, with, and, kenneth, haney, pointed, iraq, gaza, explode, bush, grunts, I take oil, he said, im mercy, said, Jesus, when you git home, said, hollie, eat, syria, iran, appeared, iran, word, showed, hollie, she, tear up, rolled, pitched, con spirit, bush, attacks, hollie flying in spacecraft, fired, jeremy taylor m.a. ruint over stealing Ministry Of Dreams, removes, mocked, bob this is the website, post, said, hollie, and, website smiled, named, MINISTRY of Dreams, taiwan, said, prophet, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, taiwan, explode, and, across, she said, missiles, flying, between china and japan, hollie like silhouette, cat, kept changing, smiled, prophet, said, hollie, cat, showed, scroll, unrolled, beast, pope, turned, pope, hu, roll, unrolled, new world order, lets face it, said, hollie like cat, showed, picture, silhouette hollie, beast, pope, with red bear paws, tear up, pitch, turned, picture, cat, again, partial silhouette, cat, hu, new world order, pitch, hollie showed, played the, music, tear up, put back, lighted bear, paws, turned, into, hollie, spun, clap, hollie like cat, silhouette, looked up, pope, mans heart given, hollie showed, in, fire, hollie like cat, showed, record, turned into silhouette, pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, and, pope, rises, hollie silhouette cat, pointed, wait, hollie like silhouette, looked, back, hollie showed, no money, hollie like silhouette, showed, economic collapse, with stick on board, then, turned, into hollie, silhouette, cat, bob, said, hollie, like, cat, showed beast on picture, spun, beast, with, tear up, put back, lighted normal hands, rip, sideways, said, hollie, like, cat, silhouette, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, we will not be accepted, said, hollie, unless we repent, she said, im mercy, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, submarine sound, said, hollie, rubbed chin, ohio class, she said, thought, when you but a stereo speaker, and, sansui speaker smiled, buy big, like 15 inch woofer, they dont wear out, record me, said, Jesus, we saw you looked said Jesus, kenneth haney, where is he from, said, hollie, u.p.c.i., and hollie came out of realistic mach one, pointed, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, up rises, pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, surfaced, ohio class, she said, went down, submarines, deadly, put it on, said, hollie, prophet, said, hollie, like, cat, turned, into, silhouette, hollie like partial, then, silhouette, then, hollie, I am returning, sang deep purple, fleas, blew up balloon, Jesus on, with, now what king of look, none, meaning, whats the reason, said, hollie, again, then, blew balloon, smiled, submarine sound, said, hollie, in, sub, blew up balloon, Jesus, on, no, expression, then smiled, fleas, blew balloon, Jesus on, pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs, attacking many nations, world, shakes, Jesus blew up balloon, hollie showed, on, and hollie, shook, thats not Jesus, hamas said, hollie, is, my philistines, gaza, hollie like cat, silhouette, back, licked prophet, hollie blew balloon, Jesus, on, no expression, again, hollie showed, laughed, in, fire, on balloon, blown by hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, fleas, said, bobby, I, got trouble, and pope rose, theres hu, they fought, liked, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol pope, hollie showed, record, and, look, she, pointed, that, said, hollie, Jesus on balloon, blown by the main, no expression, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, and what did he see, 6-26-2008-hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, with lighted, finger, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, hollie like silhouette, cat, turned, normal, licked prophet, no, said, fleas, bobby, theres uh submarine, pointed, hollie, ohio class, said, hollie, waved, hi bob, and, hollie cat, licked prophet, silhouette, turned partially, then, back, silhouette cat, showed, beasts picture, pope, with red bear paws, tear up, said, hollie, then, hands, fix, it, she, said, but, not all, the, way, wheres the money at, said, Jesus, hollie like, cat, then, silhouette, then, cat, silhouette, face, licked, prophet, submarine sound, submarine sound, said, hollie, hollie to the rescue, spun, clap, with, lighted, bear, paws, tear up, restore, again, rip, its, hollie thought, the con scripture, that was the alome saleem, its soumb, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie like bear, finger, pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs, worlds shakes, that was, said, hollie, blew balloon, Jesus, on, wont ya let me record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, cat, then, silhouette, then, half, h half, watch your way, said, the dr. willie j. duncan, james brown man, that was the r.h. duncan, willie duncan man, nunt uh, said, hollie, all are alike, hollie shook, yes, no, said, fleas, theres the alome saleem, its, said, sandy, rubbed chin, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, laughed, in, fire, explosion, let me prophesy, said, Jesus, and, he saw it, said, hollie, two fireballs, let me, said, Jesus, go into egypt, then, in middle, one third of country explode, it came from israel, said, hollie, and, steven stargardter, jim garrison, pope, man, said, learn to prophesy again, what was that, said, hollie, plane, flying by, dropping missiles on syria, hollie showed, nunt uhh, iran, hollie held nose, nunt, she, shook, bush threatens north korea, kim jong laughs, and audiocoustics laboratory 210d speaker put hands on bible, im not 2100d, took off, and mike stella laughs, 6-27-2008-no, said, fleas, yes, shook, hollie, hollie showed, record, then, silhouette, cat, licked prophet, then, silhouette, hollie like silhouette, those were fire balls going into egypt, what did you do, to egypt, said, hollie, and, egyptian president looked to saudi, oil, no way, showed, saudi, israel launches two nukes, said, hollie, egypt explodes, and israeli prime minister showed, russia, struck, then, hit china, then, iran, all, and he saw, said, casey, many nuclear explosions, those, pointed, finger, were fire balls, going into israel, gaza exlodes, and bush said, egyptian president, looked at saudi, cut off, said, saudi president, oil, he said, gas, 8.40 per gallon, people walk, bush, grunted, I brought it in, he said, to break oil contracts, then hollie turned into silhouette, clap, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, that was hollie like copter, letting out gruver, hollie out of megaphone, showed, fighting, and hu, said, pope, they signed for 666, record said, hollie, gabriel showed, record, record me, said, gabriel, pointed, hollie, flying, in spacecraft, hollie showed, turn, this is not hollie talking, this is the website talking for hollie, post, pointed, at g8, said, hollie, dragon, riding, in spacecraft, that is gabriel, in the headlines, said, Jesus, hillary blew out, I aint runnin, she said, no more, submarine, soun, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie like silhouette cat, normal, return, she said, michael clupper showed record, hollie said, theres uh submarine, look bob, theres uh submarine, and he saw, sub, with, hollie, in, bob with willie duncan, he bought new building, and bob told of three other churches, with about the same name, bought there, bob wanted to talk more, but somebody showed bob told the names of all those churches, and they were all like, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Im persecuting you because you are exalted in revelations, and im trying to make you backslide, I will not stop until you leave, karen says, bob we have to go, im persecuting you to make you fall, your face is ripping and im driving you out by ripping your face, hollie showed, record, please go until my heart can change toward you, your perfect, and im jelous, im jelous for no reason, God is tormenting you by teasing and laughing at you, to tease, persecution is me the LOrd teasing you, making you hate me, I do this to make my servants want to die, if they fast till the brink of death, ill stop, I will not stop until they backslide, this abases, I abase, kill all day long, hollie showed, cut off, all u.u. and d.min, they are, witchs, saith God, 6-28-2008-take are economy down, said, hollie, no problem said bill clinton, thats what nafta, said, Jesus, was all about, now, they are about to loose, and president bill clinton snubs, call it, backfired on bill, saith God, and bush, said, hollie, hes bill clinton, I want bobby hickman said bill clinton, right here, he pointed, give uh lead, and hillary, thinks, ok, but afraid, git outta here said bill, now I want ya back, he said, hit our economy, he said, whats up, said, prophet, collapsed under president bill clinton, at the end saith God, now, put un God lines in white house, its bobby, said bill clinton, tell it said bobby, they are hating america, now, ruint, said, bill, caos, put it under, no looting, said, bill, but there it goes, and they watch on cnn, but, when, they could do, something, then, their door opens, lets git you outta here said c.i.a., flies clintons, home, said, hillary, but, looting, the, get, mocked, out in open, cause, no money, thank you prophet, said, hollie, put it under, said bill clinton, now, was it worth it, you let usa collapse, and wanted that, now you are the one in danger, they beat bill, hit australia, said, bill clinton, and he saw, said casey, russia, im uh bear, said, linda spall bear, put it on, said, hollie, australia, lets go nukes, said bill, russia, strike, bill installed nuclear, missiles, lets have it, said, bill, no way, he said, they are there saith God, over, ten, cause, italy, and prime minister, showed, no, they dont want it, said, hollie, but, now in aussie, saith God, its cause of china, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, china, strike, taiwan, washington state, venezuela, from, missiles, said, bill, hollie showed, why did you do it, and sue scott laughs, john scott, said, Jesus, stole and altered the God spoken name ministry of dreams to strip his servant of, now hear the word of the Lord, john scott is cut off saith God, hollie tattood 666, that was the pope and hu, sitting at the table, said, hollie, they signed for 666, she said, hollie showed, laughed, played music, alome salome sorry, said, hollie, its that, said, sandy, its sound, she said, hollie showed, record, and, pope, grew, like flower, im the beast, he said, this is the website, post, said, hollie, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, pointed, hi bob, waved in sub, submarine are in heaven, said, hollie, in, akula, class, and, sub, said, shook, no, john scott alters the name ministry of dreams to strip Gods servant, now hear the word of the Lord, watch s. m. scott run to remove his website description ministry of spirit-dreams, ruint, he, gets, showed, alright, ill take care of it, john scott says, over, three years after taking, but, will, act, and, the man that shows scott shakes, alright, I knew, john scott gets mocked, God hater like d.min jeremy taylor, jeremy wont loose, said, gabriel, thats, what, reverend taylor thought, watch m.a. jeremy taylor u.u. run to remove ministry of dreams, hollie, slept, thats fleas like copter, letting out henry gruver, hollie pointed, out of megaphone, alome salome, said, hollie, here me, said, sandy, its never easy, she, said, hollie showed beasts picture, hollie, rip, restore it again, said, hollie, but not all the way, she said, there is uh reason, she, said, what is it, she, said, theres hu, rip, picture, then, pope, hu, new world order, rip, from behind, said, hollie, clap, this is the website, post one more time, said, hollie, what does the website have to say, said, hollie, I can see, said, another, hollie, and, website smiles, just post more visions, and website, looked, said, audiocoustics laboratory 210d speaker, excellent, hollie like copter, its, uh, double beater, she said, let gruver out, hollie, rested her case, out, of, megaphone, left, you need to record, said, hollie, that, let me tell you who it is, hollie, said, hollie, was hollie like copter, letting out henry, hollie pointed, out of, megaphone, whyd you do it, she, said, hollie tattood 666, born, she said, between, hu, pope, then, hollie cat, showed, beasts picture, let me turn, she, said, hu, back, then, silhouette, new world order, then, like cat, again, thats it, hollie with, blue eyes, words dont match lips, I, she said, want my vision on the internet, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, licked prophet, in the fire, stripe, she said, showed, car, laughed, no, said, hollie, that was Jesus, fighting, with, sword, put it under, said, hollie, showed, sh, 6-29-2008-hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, Jesus showed, record, nunt uh, said, hollie, that was the nathaniel haney-urshan man, but, he looked, like, Jesus, hollie, tear up, roll, throw away, contract, thats what u.p.c.i. had done, and horace smith sees with dyed hair, blaspheme against the Holy Ghost is speaking against, that, pointed, hollie, explosion, pointed, hand, hollie, showed, that, hollie like cat, almost, turned, silhouette, back, then, silhouette, from behind, clapped, hollie, the united states will be attacked by russian missiles, said, gabriel, hollie, that was, said, hollie, gabriel, said, showed, sh, dont tell on bush, and gabriel, made bush put finger on lie detector, in new york times, headlines, and, bush, showed, sh, the iraq war I brought it in, bush wiped lips, to, steal oil, and, iraq, gaza, exploded, hollie showed, turn, bob, said, hollie, be quiet, said, hollie, by ohio class, said, hollie, that, pointed, hollie, the new united states will be communist, said, charles, that, said, hollie, gabriel showed, record, pointed, plane, flying, gabriel, showed, cut grass, theres uh submarine, pointed, hollie, and, hollie like silhouette cat, then, normal, in, let me record, said, hollie, showed, vaccuum line, they make valves, open, go back, said, Jesus, and, you still wont live for me, thats the alome saleem said, hollie, its soumb, said, sandy, taiwan exploded, said, hollie, casey watched, a missile from, said, hollie, its china said, hollie, s. m. scott is sue scott said hollie, and, cluracan flying, sees the scotts, they, like d.min, rev. jeremy taylor, u.u., stole the name ministry of dreams, all run to remove, john scott and sue scott divorce over, prophesy ministry of dreams, said, ministering spirits, its number 1, om gettin old, said, garry streeval woman, you know what I want, she said, squirted, im the audiocoustics laboratory xr 210d speaker, it showed, beasts, image, picture, spun, hu, spun picture, they were excellent speakers, soundpro sold, its own stuff, mike stella was nice to bob, now here the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, mike stella is not saved, but, is not wanting, he sees, pitches, smiles, bob likes, and, used to go to soundpro, rode bus, and, mike saw, and, thought, dont touch, but, in, heart, loved, mike stella is on your website bob, said, hollie, alright mike said, hes heaven saith the Lord, when, mike sees, excited, threw the picture of the beast up in air, take it, said, pope, and, bob, has, and speaker looked, his audiocoustics laboratory xr 210 d speakers hooked up to soundesign component stereo, your gonna ruin it, said, mike stella, mike reads, it, is, pioneer hpm, hollie showed, played horn, out, mike stella, go to sounpro, he said, when dixie hi-fi moved by soundpro, im out, said, mike stella, Dixie Hi-Fi sold pioneer, you knew, said, mike, project one receivers, like, pioneer, expensive, and, his seperates, thats what killed mike stella, he could not, im radio shack said mike, compete with cmc, hifi buys, j.h. osbourne wants prophet, and prophet shows no way, thinks, hear two songs and j.h. osbourne talk, no testimony, bob thinks, come to my church, and j.h. osbourne sees, that was hollie like copter letting out henry gruver, tear up, j.h. osbourne out of megaphone, showed, beasts picture, pope and osbourne sees, its his webmaster, he tells, ministry of dreams was here, be nice said j.h. osbourne, and subs firing on globe at his church, the world shakes, australia explodes, america on fire, theres, pointed j.h., russia, china, the world shakes, and, up, rose, pope, theres hu, said, hollie, and, webmaster shows osbourne, emporer of japan, and idol shepherd, hollie, hollie watched, hollie fly, submarine said, hollie, sub surfaced, showed, beast picture, pope, and, this is hu, said, hollie, false prophet, rip, hollie, tore, no, said, fleas, bob sees angel on screen, at grace, his church, said, hollie, apostolic, and sub surfaces, with, hollie, she waved, sub licked prophet, when was the last time you prophesied, said, angel, licked prophet, smiled, hollie showed, record, pope grew, like uh flower, she said, smiled, 6-30-2008-hollie showed, ben, trott, what did he do, said, hollie, would not remove janetmcks livejournal, now, benjamin trott looses wife over, and was warned, but wanted like janetmck Gods servant to fall, its to late for ben saith the Holy One, in lava, will, think, its over livejournal, hollie showed, record, and sixth seal broke, america burns, world shakes, hollie showed, record, and audiocoustics laboratory xr 210d speaker looked, hollie showed, playing, not serving, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, many nations, australia, two fireballs appeared, exploded, hit france, said, hollie, 1 major explosion, four in great britain, world shakes, and up rose beast, he looked, america burned, russia, china, on fire, and taiwan, explodes, hollie showed, record, alome saleem, said, hollie, your runnin, said, hollie, u.p.c.i., to leaders with dyed hair, horace smith, bob, please record me, said, hollie, theres uh submarine, right there, said, hollie s, theres uh sumbarine, sound, said, hollie, and hollie waved, ohio class, she said, and up rose pope, that was russia said, hollie, and hollie and hollie bear, flying, in, space, craft, many nuclear explosions in russia, this is the website, post, hollie, showed, in, the fire, licked, prophet, hollie, complained, gabriel, on cargill, grain, mill, showed, record, its, out, said, Jesus, the main showed, record, thats gabriel, she said, the main showed, record, licked, prophet, pope, grew, like, flower, that was nuclear explosion, the main showed, record, the economys dead said, hollie, looked, saw, taiwan, explode, looked, it, she, pointed, rubbed chin, watched, two, from, china, boom, its cause iraq, said, hollie, tap dancing, and, he, saw, said, casey, wiped lips, missiles from iraq destroy gaza, casey saw explosion, israeli prime minister fires, iraq exploded, three missiles, bush, I brought it in, he said, to breakem, oil contracts, took hand off bible, look, said, gabriel, that was nuclear explosion, fire in downtown indianapolis, its from, said, linda spall, im uh bear, hollie laughed, slapped face, that is him, she said, vladimir putin, bobby, taiwan, said, gabriel, and he saw it, said, casey, wiped lips, explode, and bush, wiped, lips, lets make war, he, said, china, gets fired on, from, three, ohio class, said, hollie, over, 50 missiles strike china, and, casey, wiped lips, saw, china, explode, magog, in, fire, let me record, said, hollie, I the horn, said, horn, your out, said, hollie, showed, out of pentecost, went back, in horn, and horn, licked, prophet, record, said, hollie, let me, hollie showed, record, that was Jesus looking, hollie showed, laughed, in, fire, hollie in, ohio class, she, said, submarine, pointed, hollie, right there, and, subs all around, america, moscow, china, all, three, exploded, that was hollie like a copter, pointed, hollie, letting, out, gruver, tear up, said, hollie, restore, out of henrys megaphone, pointed, angel pointed, clapped, like, cloud, Jesus, in air, new jersualem, glass, buildings, many, hollie smiled, tap danced, hollie, said, let me, alone, my spacecraft, flew, bob, said, hollie, showed, beasts picture, made alive, pope, spun picture, hu, tear up, restore, who are they, said, hollie, i tell you what it is, she, said, hollie showed, record, hollie, what was that, she, said, showed, plum line, measure up, snap, 7-1-2008-that was dragon, g8, bush, woman, smiling, pope, out of italy, russia, hollie, sh, thats putin, having, ten crowns, who are they, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, politburo, ruling, party, that was nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, bush, i brought in war to breakem oil contracts, gabriel took bush to hell, there cries, Lord im not concerned, that, said, hollie, was, uh dream, bob was with, bobbie, golder, bob, at carols, mother golder dropped off 250 dollars, she shouldve done that, bob, said, on her way to hospital, mother golders sick, look said, hollie, surfaced, in, she, thought, akula submarine, fired missiles, and world shook, china, moscow burn, and, garry streeval woman shows beasts picture, pope, she said, hollie showed, beasts picture, tear up, restore, rip, no, said, fleas, hollie shook, yes, bob dreamed, on ship, hit by torpedo, started sinking, bob said to family, come on, come on, the ship is sinking, he wanted to go get things, like, clothes, ship started listing, bob kept yelling, come on, this ship is sinking, they were dragging, got in, and ship listed, in dream bob saw dr. bill hamon and he was happy and said, were topping all ministries, but bill hamon stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, re-wrote old book included ministry of dreams to strip prophet of HOly Ghost, knew, removed book, now hear the word of the LOrd, bill hamon is not savable, hes old, and not saved yet, knows, pitch, said, bill hamon, visions, but knows, not like paul, but like mike murdock, hollie comes to bob in white robe, God slaughters his children to abase, leads them to kill all day long, to persecute, for no reason, they are humble then, in his eyes, not able to go on, no more, now hear the word of the Lord, they are exalted in revelations, but humble to me, 7-2-2008-hollie pointed up, hollie showed, record, this is website, post, and website smiled, hollie showed, record, thus saith the LOrd, said, prophet man, china will collapse, then, taiwan explodes, russia, not selling, oil, causes, saith God, china will fall, then, russia, rise last, im the beast, said, putin, with seven heads and ten horns, its russia allies, the g8, is thats nato, said, putin, thats the woman, and hollie tore up, with lighted, hands, turned, made like dancing with hands, turned, again, then, all the way, back, rip, hollie tore up, put back, rip, restore, again, she said, tore up, shuffled, the deck, she said, hollie clapped, tap danced, hollie showed, record, there uh submarine said, hollie, look, said, hollie, by sub, took picture, dont, do, sh, people want bobs picture, cause, Gods inside, hollie like a copter, letting out, henry gruver, spoke thru, hollie out of megaphone, showing, face lift, they, cut behind ears, pull, hollie did face lift, looked 30 after, thats dragon, g8, bush, is nato, russia having ten ruling party kings, submarine sound, said, hollie, the united states will be uh desolation, said, gabriel, and, hollie, the economys slippin, said, hollie, hollie showed, played music, that, said, hollie, new york times, thats gabriel in the headlines, and you know who blew out, said, hollie, hillary, obama shows, no way, bill clinton, gimme vice president, he chooses al gore, hollie tap dancing, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, and sub smiled, licked, prophet, missiles fired, world shakes, pope rises, theres hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie showed, confusion, pope, hu, walked, laughed, signed, 666, thats alome sorry, said, hollie, bob dreams at rick holcombs, church, asked if ok if I can stay, rick, said, yes, bob asks for service times, sheet, small, like house, bob wanted to rip out wall to make bigger, man shows, like hippy, smiles, man flies thru air, with like skid, baby, comes thru door, crawling, woman, gets, mrs. holcomb not there, rick, sees, understands, saith God, somebody played organ, that, said, hollie, tear up, roll, think, put back, let me, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, thats, the alome salome, said, hollie, and, hollie, showed, in, the fire, laughed, showed, record, record, said, hollie, showed, hollie to the rescue, laughed, the economys dead, said, hollie, hollie showed the who, what has pete done, she, said, their cut off, said, steven stargardter-jim garrison-pope man, pete is pornography, all of them are, pete downloaded illegal, he, paid, to, get, off, he was saving, we lost our economy, said, hollie, iraq, that was two nuclear explosions, said, hollie, iraq, gaza, tear up, ring, put back, hollie licked prophet, write robert gillen and ask him why he hates God so much he took said sistermoonshine13 the name God spoke ministry of dreams as utubiaparty1, he is that, saith God, tell his empolyer and watch them run to remove ministry of dreams like jeremy taylor d.min, u.u. of starr king school of ministry, showed, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, the world shaking, up rose, pope, theres hu, said, hollie, those two signed for 666, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol, shepherd, he goes to rome, pope, sits in temple, takes away sacrifice, and says, i am God, that was woman coming out of america, subs, fired, usa explodes, bill fires on russia, china, world shakes, submarine sound, said, hollie, sub surfaced, its uh ohio class, said, hollie, fired missiles, great britain, explodes, and tony blair, thats uh cat, said, hollie, fires, on, russia, australia, burns, and, he, saw, said, hollie, casey, watched, two fireballs, go in to australia, exploded, and australian president like cat, fires on russia, two minuteman nuclear missiles, one sixth left, russia, thats uh cat, hollie, said, hollie, and pope, blows out of italy, from, im uh bear, said, hollie, two fire balls, from, putin, then, ohio class, said, hollie, sub, boom, france, thats it, said, Jesus, thats the reason pointed, hollie, dragon rose, france exploded, its from, im uh bear, said, linda spall, two fireballs go in france, explodes, putin, like, cat, in, ohio class, said, hollie, tear up, tap danced, hollie, fix, it, and hollie, like, cat, showed, popes picture, then, hollie turned into silhouette, she, spun picture, like, normal cat, hollie clapped, hu, rip, restore again, she, said, 7-3-2008-hollie showed, record, nunt uh, she said, john bland is a witch, she said, not saved, but preaches, when john b. bland sees, visions, saith God, with dyed hair, seeks, but will not find, saith the LOrd, dont put it under, said, hollie, john bland is cut off saith God, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs attacking, world shakes, and, up, saluted, pope, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, gillen did it, said joel tao, sistermoonshine13 they stole the name God spoke ministry of dreams, why did you do it, said, Jesus, and robert gillen swallows, this is hollie, post, she said, and, website smiled, opened, showed, my name, said, website, Ministry of dreams, put it under, said, hollie, dont steal, like jeremy taylor of wisdom university did, and rebecca ann parker protects, now hear the word of the LOrd, rebecca ann parker, looses job over taylor, thats alome saleem, said, hollie, you, said, gabriel, thats alome saleem, said, hollie, licked the prophet, its to late for our economy, said, hollie, record me, said, gabriel, hollie showed, record, if I the Lord will not let you stand, then disregard till, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, waved, ohio class, she said, fired, missiles, on china, moscow, said, hollie, persecution is me the Lord trying to make you loose your salvation, by torturing, I say come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest then kill all day persecuting, torturing, to abase till you backslide, then if I miss I make you strong, then, destroy, ha ha saith God, what are you going to do about it, I made hell to abase and want people there saith God, many of my servants are there cause I torture, destroy, hollie showed, laughed, thats hollie wailing for the people, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs attacking many nations, whats that said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie pointed up, hollie showed, record, and, hollie showed, came out of fire, laughed, it was stripe, he, said, on car, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, pointed up, with lighted finger, theres uh reason, said, woman, what is, said, hollie, america surrounded by subs, casey laughed, america explodes, and up rose woman, casey pointed, statue of liberty, out of fire, and bill clinton pushes nuclear button, the world shakes, from three ohio class, pointed, casey, moscow, china, burn, and, moscow fires on italy, pope blows out, france, casey pointed, from two, france explodes, great britain, casey, pointed, four, exploded, and, they fire, pointed, casey, back, that was tony blair like uh cat, world shakes, australia burns, and they fire back, russia on fire, lets hit france, said, Jesus, and, dragon rose, its g8, said, hollie, thats hollie showing 1967 chevrolet, its good car, she said, would last, 307, 200,000 miles, then its, time, for motor overhaul said jonah weiland who steals the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, let me tell you about france, sang, Jesus, pointed, and, he, saw, said casey, hollie the main, thats not my name, said, hollie, on, cargill grain mill, she, showed, the popes picture, tear up, restore, hollie like cat, wanting, to, silhouette, then, turns, into silhouette, back, that, pointed, grim reaper, thats the alome salome, said, hollie, its sound, said, sandy, people telling on the thieves of the name God spoke ministry of dreams, hollie showed, in, the fire, smiled, look, said, hollie, points, hollie pointed, hollie points, tear up, whats that, said, hollie, its, con ingredients, dominos pizza, hollie ate, that, pointed, grim reaper, and that, no, said, fleas, hollie shakes, yes, tear up, put back, rip, hollie, hollie said, yeah, that was, said, hollie, nuclear explosions on both american coasts, hollie waving like fire bear, then middle blows out, russia, destroys, bill fires back, hollie showed, bill clinton firing back, china, on moscow, said, hollie, burns, the world shakes, and up, saluted, pope, theres hu, said, hollie, emporer of japan, and pope hu walked, laughed, signed for, its uh peace treaty, said, hollie, 666, they fought, 7-4-2008-look, said, fleas, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, the world shakes, up, saluted, pope, emporer of japan, theres hu, said, hollie, hollie showed, hollie showed, confusion, they sign for 666, and missiles fired, from, china, strike, russia, and kenneth haney, sees, no, said, hollie, he wont come said ken haney, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, they, are the three kings that rise in persia, hollie showed, record, look, pointed, up, said, hollie, pope rises, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, he said, hollie pointed, up, Jesus coming, and the world, said, hollie, shakes, russia burns, moscow, missiles, from, australia, great britain, america, france, strike, russia, hollie put bomb on, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, moscow, china struck, and strikes, japan, taiwan, washington state, world shakes, pope blows out of italy, france, australia, great britain, burn, said, hollie, explodes, and, pope rises, hollie showed, record, pope goes to otyre, said, hollie, russia, pointed, lighted, finger, gets, control of nuclear arsenal, she said, theres hu, she, said, rises to withstand, they sign peace treaty, 666, china then gets nations to unite against russia, and force russia to, now lets go, said, hu, invade israel, pope there, sits in rome, I am God, comes to end, hu slashes, in israel, holliefleas showed record, hollie showed, record, looked, im uh screaming spirit, hollie, screamed, hollie showed, record, whats that, she said, leave us alone, said, horse, they like pulling carriages, but not touched, they scare, hollie showed, key bank, they are, like all, showed, thumbs, down, closes at end, record me said, hollie, gabriel, showed, behold, subs attacked america, the woman, MYSTERY, BABYLON, bill fires back, thats fire sent on magog, russia, china, world shakes, up rises three kings, you know who it is, said, hollie, pope, hu, emporer of japan, they sign for 666, slash, the beast, said, hollie, its over, said, jim garrison-steven stargardter-pope-man, its economys around world, o.p.e.c., they tell me its medes, said, hollie, arabs hate, raised up against america, lets rule the world, said, putin, china, hollie showed, no way, said, hu, taiwan explodes, tell me something, said, screaming, hollie spirit, hugo hates america, but, likes bush, bush caused oil to rise, his iraq war, and, gaza, iraq, explodes, that, was israeli prime minister pressing button, they strike jordan, and, egypt, russia, with over, ten missiles, russia, and he saw it, said, casey, two from, isreal, two for egypt, and, it explodes, jordan takes one, explodes, and, china, and, many peoples invade israel, prime minister releases over 50 nuclear missiles, many nations burn, most around israel, over, 50 million perish, and, pope, false prophet, are cast alive, in, fire, hu, slashes, pope, that was, raise your hands, and repeat after me, subs attacking the woman, hollie, saw woman, appear on america, magog, saw, casey, appeared on china, moscow, world shakes, pope rises, smiles, lies, sits with hu, thats america striking moscow, china, hollie showed, record, get ready for nuclear war, said, Jesus, thats iran, syria, being attacked, by america, casey, watches, from sub, fire, hollie showed, record, George Tramountanas stole the name ministry of dreams, looses job over, duncan rouleau steals, George writes article about, gets many cut off like matt brady, jonah weiland, they posted article with stolen name ministry Of dreams, and the nightmarist weeps blood, rouleau chokes, George Tramountanas threatens lawsuit, thats alome salome, said, hollie, thats submarine soumb, said, hollie, thats George a. Tramountanas stole Ministry Of Dreams on the wall at university of washington, George trembles, theres that submarine, said, hollie, and sub surfaced, hollie showed, shame on israel, she said, and missile from iraq destroys gaza, its from two, she, said, some one looked, she said, israeli prime minister on ministry of dreams, destroys, iraq, two, casey, saw, nuclear explosions, no, said, fleas, and hollie, prophesy to israel said jonah weiland, threat, said, prime minister, bush, cause om wavin said terry gobin, the economy went down said the woman from new life church, thats the alome salome, said, hollie, whats that, showed, hollies, ACTS 2:38, on licence, she said, plate, hollie showed, record, again, bob, said, hollie, like cat, turned silhouette, then partial both, showed popes picture, spun, hu, cat, silhouette, hollie showed, in, fire, explosion, its from im uh bear, said, linda spall bear, raise your hands and repeat after me sang new world order, pope, hu, in that o red and black chariot, hollie tattood 666, look, showed, hollie, like cat, popes picture, spun, theres hu, she said, war, said, fleas, brewing, between, us, said, hollie, 7-5-2008-hollie showed, I told you not to do it, bush, invaded afghanistan, over, china, spy, plane, incident, he angered, at taiwan, for not allowing, them, closer, now hear the word of the Lord, this is what started armageddon, and jiang zemin, swallows, but, hated, wanted, to get u.s.a. to collapse, over, cause, opec, usa spying on a no threat nation, now hear the word of the LOrd, china now has four nuclear tipped missile subs, on oceans, threat, to, empire, said, hu, they are, the, dragon, rising, with, russia, the bear, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, eat, clap, that the, said, hollie, its alome saleem, she, said, that was the bear father, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, pope rise, casey, rubbed chin, no, said, hollie, harmon kardon makes excellent stereo equipment, like denon, they are better, that was the sound of a nuclear explosion, and, many, casey rubbed chin, in, america, most states, casey watched, have nuclear fireballs, there, pointed, hollie, submarine, hollie showed, fisher stereo speaker, there sears, she, said, thumbs, up, she, showed, hollie tattood 666, said doreen marie hoge, hollie showed, record, thats alome salome, said, hollie, hollie like uh bear, thats, otyre, said, linda spall, tell me about otyre, said, Jesus, its, russia, that was fleas, like a helicopter, letting out, hollie showed, turn, gruver, spoke, hollie out of megaphone, explains, I tell you what you want, said, hollie, theres uh submarine, hi bob, waved, hollie, hollie showed, time out, wrote, israel brought back from the sword, its the economy again, said, pharmacists, she masterbates, like u.p.c.i., bobby I dont claim it, she said, and, ken haney sees, hollie showed, submarines, waved, from, all of them, same o hollie, and, subs fired, world shakes, up, saluted, pope, hollie showed, go, hollie showed, irving baxters image made alive, t.v., showed, confused, hes dying hair, yur not, then does, make up your mind, said, Jesus, theres uh submarine, in crystal sea, pointed, hollie, waved, from, akula, glass city, fired, world shakes, heres china, said, hollie, pointed, magog, exploded, from ohio class subs, hollie showed, record, hollie tore up, rip, like silhouette cat, showed, popes picture, spun, normal cat, silhouette, hu, spun picture, who are they, new world order, said, hollie, normal, cat, tear, more, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, in fire, hollie showed, picture, like cat, turned silhouette, theres hu, spun, pope, new world order, that was nuclear fire balls on both usa coasts, put it under, said, hollie, day of the Lord, its coming from, said, hollie, im uh bear, said, linda, hollie laughs, you know who it is, he said, putin, mokse, on willie duncans church, 7-6-2008-Jesus laughs, its Furnarchy, said, hollie, why, what did they do, she said, lawrence forman has the name cluracan stole ministry of dreams on web, site, both, laugh, now, ruint, shes knocked up, now, ha ha cluracan saith God, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, again, explained, hollie showed, record, no, said, fleas, I need somebody record me, said, hollie, hollie showed, cut grass, walk, smiled, looked, up, Jesus coming, hollie showed record, subs attacking, the world shakes, theres uh submarine, hi bobby, waved, hollie, hollie showed, record, cluracan showed, turn, the main showed, record, showed, cut off, cluracan, lawrence forman stole the name ministry of dreams, he is cluracan, runs to remove, that was hollie pointing, fleas, and, blew horn, out hollie showed, hollie, showed, in, fire, im uh screaming spirit, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie, kissed, cindy, showed, record, hollie showed, john mark pool, now, whats he done, she, said, john pool steals ministry of dreams like bill hamon, to ruin who they knew had Holy Ghost, now hear the word of the Lord, doctor bill hamon and john mark pool are found liars not apostles, they both here about it, and, tremble, alome saleem, said, hollie, thats his warning, she, said, lift me up, said, hollie, thats, what john mark pool wanted, now, destroyed, hollie showed, record, john, mark, pool, wanted, what his peter spewed, said, hollie, just ask sandy pool, that was find oil dreams, we have, said, bush, and he, saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in and gaza, I brought war in, grunted bush, to make oil wells, and, tony blair, thinks, al, right, lets, do, this the website, post, said, hollie, and ministry of dreams, said, website, smiled, thats fleas like birdy, hi said, hollie, quote me said, gabriel, hollie showed, record, gabriel showed, record, hollie showed, turn, wont ya let me, said, hollie, thats pope, riding, black horse, that, said, grim reaper, on, bay, Jesus on white horse, hu, on red, taiwan explodes, pope goes to north, russia, white follows, cindy showed, turn, hollie showed, explosion, rochester, street, iraq, said, hollie, tell me why bush brought it, in, she, said, I made war, grunted, bush, to breakem, he said, russia, on, bbc, its to seize oil wells, predicted, america, victorious in 30 days, tear up, restore, again, hollie, theres that o submarine, said, hollie, please record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, whats that, said, hollie, pope rising out of beast, who are they, she, said, rubbed chin, g8, thats nato, russia, having, ten crowns, thats hollie, wailing for the people, said, hollie, hollie showed, magog, exploding, china, came out, fire, and looked, america, subs, boom, and the woman rose up, said, hollie, america, statue of liberty, hollie showed, laughed, in fire, explosion, that was hollie like a copter, letting out bush, the war he said, afghanistan, steal oil, iraq, breakem, its cause, china, spyplane, they showed, hate, america, twin towers, caused, america, to anger, now in iraq, over, china spyplane, and when c.i.a. sees, we hate bush, they saw, kill, saith God, heaven to who does, one, gets, idea, bob says, go for it, bush took hand off bible, that, was hollie, like copter, letting out gruver, hollie, out of henrys megaphone, like blob, tear up, roll, thats the reason, said, hollie, put back, it was the con truit, said, hollie, that was hollie like copter, letting out gruver, it was start one, left, casey, rubbed, chin, peace, safety, saw gorbachev, bush, sign, missile reduction, left, that was hollie like a copter, said, hollie, letting out Jesus, serve, left, that was hollie like copter, letting out, henry gruver, hes last major, prophet, left, hollie like a copter, said, hollie, letting out gruver, spoke, hollie out of megaphone, like, fleas, rolled, con spirit, left, the raptors, they are detectable, theres missile destroying, who are they, said, hollie, elders curtis johnson, hollie showed, not saved, willie bland, hollie showed, undecided, licked prophet, it was just on, c.b.s. news, said, pope, good morning, said, anchor, russia attacks america, then, america strikes, moscow, china, let me, said, hollie, it was just in the news, iraq, bush, grunted, i made war to steal, breakem, he said, oil contracts, hollie showed, record, licked, thats alome salome, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, look, atem, said, hollie, 7-7-2008-no, said, hollie, shook, yes, hollie like normal cat, turned, silhouette, then, back, showed, beasts picture, pope, she, said, spun, hu, rip, tear up, she, said, restore, rip, fleas, hollie like copter, showed, popes picture, stomped, and, mashed, hu, spun, then, hollie, turned cat, silhouette, kept changing, who are they, she, said, you know who, New world order, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, waved, in, ohio, class, she, said, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, another, theres that o submarine, said, hollie, and, waved, hi bob, subs fired, america, moscow, china, nuked, its broke, said, Jesus, the sixth seal, sun, moon, darkened, america burns, and, bill clinton fires on moscow, china, world shakes, up, saluted, pope, I wanted oil, said, hollie, bush, invades iraq, gaza, both nuked, its, the, economy, said, hollie, slipping, that was hollie, like copter, letting, out, gruver, hollie out of megaphone, like, blob spirit, tore up, restore, theres uh reason, said, hollie, hollie showed, in, fire, licked, prophet, Jesus pointed, sun, hell, written on, lake of fire, gabriel, showed, record, alome salome, said, hollie, that was hollie, like a copter, leave it alone, she, said, its sound, said, sandy, left, that was hollie like a copter letting out henry gruver, hollie pointed out of megaphone, Jesus in sky, subs attacking many nations, world shakes, submarine sound, said, hollie, and ohio class surfaced, hollie waved, in sub, fired, missiles, syria, iran, hit, u.s.a., thats alome sorry, said, hollie, patrolling in sub in crystal sea, fired missiles, thats new jerusalem, said, man, america, burns, casey from, high in, air, saw, subs, around, america, fired, america exploded, and, thats, where the woman, came, out, said, hollie, statue of liberty, showed, cut off, hollie showed, turn, let me, she said, fleas showed, record, behold, she said, woman watched, subs attacking america, moscow, pointed, china, australia, great britain, thats blair like cat, fires back, like, australia, russia burns, pope blows out of italy, russia strikes, theres france hit, fires, back, world shakes, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, go, turn, red hand, theres uh submarine, sorry, said, hollie, waved, its, ohio class, she, said, fired missiles, world shakes, submarines are out there, said, hollie, record me, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, hollie, showed, record, that was china fighter jets toying with spyplane, hit, kills chinese pilot, lava, other, reports, china after spyplane landed, teased, america, bush, after, got, spyplane, costing ten million, take apart, said, jiang zemin, to make america, pay, bush, invades afghanistan, then, iraq, forcing opec to cut china off, to sell oil to america, cause, dont sell, absorb these, said, bush, fleas, showed, record, both countries, hollie showed, record, bob dreams, at alice cooper concert, alice walks into crowd, asks, alice was playing, feed my frankenstein, he walks back to microphone, said, and said, something like, a child of God said, and alice sang something like, joy, sweet, joy, nicely, I gave you a nice voice alice, saith the Lord, when you see, I wont write said alice cooper, but bob likes, knows, hollie, that was fleas, like helicopter, letting out gruver, hollie out of megaphone, showed, excited, left, hollie showed, record, alice cooper out of chopper, we are at war, God is not with, president george bush jr. sees, we know, said alice cooper, that was, said, hollie, vladimir, riding the missile, russia, they are, the bear, you do, said, hollie, shut up, whispered horace smith, with dyed hair, hollie showed, im the beast, said, pope, hollie, rode, an m.x., she said, exploded, usa, burns, no, said, fleas, hollie, shakes, yes, fleas, looked, confused, no that aint, said, hollie, that was hollie, 7-8-2008-hollie showed, record, fleas showed, record, lectured like jeremy taylor, stole the name ministry of dreams to ruin GOds child, now hear the word of the LOrd, said Jesus, jeremy taylor d.min runs to remove ministry of dreams, hollie screamed, iraq, she, said, screamed, its over breaking oil contracts, hollie showed, record, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, I made war, grunted, bush, to, breakem, he said, its our oil, fleas screamed, that was the black horse, red horse, pulling o red and black chariot, with, its contained, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, man, new world order, pope, hu, hollie showed, fighting, jumps in back, theres putin, hollie showed, hes, out of yeltsin, and new leader, castrol, hollie held nose, showed, fighting, the castrols, hugo, hollie showed, loves bush, brazil, hollie showed, dont, lula wants peace, and, russian sub fires from brazil, venezuela, nicaragua, hollie showed all three nations struck back by america, kim jong, hollie showed, hes, heaven, but, gets casted out, cause, rebellion, hollie showed, record, that was pope growing like a flower, out of, theres hu, said, hollie, they, its uh peace treaty, said, pope, 666, submarine, said, hollie, shows, submarine, this economy slipping, said, pope, showed, record, hollie showed, turn, thats it, said, hollie, thats where, thats that o submarine, she, said, new economy, said, hollie, its broke, said diana hughey, theres hughey, said, prophet, in lava, like blow torch, on, around, she trembles, no iraqi, said, hollie, but, bush invades, and george bush grunts, I made war, to, breakem, he said, oil, contracts, waved, leaning on ohio class, that was syria, said, hollie, with alome sorry, its sound, said, sandy, syria exploding, iran powerplant hit, from, casey, watched, sub, u.s.a., appeared over, bush, grunts, I brought war, he said, to, lets get empire, he said, and, dragon rose, its russia and her allies, and woman sits on, and america appeared over woman, thats alome sorry, said, hollie, looky, said, hollie, on cargill grain mill, its, the phone, said, hollie, but she didnt answer, in white robe, john I caint handle this, smiled sandy pool, knows, lava when dies, its, russia, calling on, lets rule the world, sang, putin, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, andre jimpson, said, hollie, what did he, said, hollie, pointed, up, lighted finger, andre jimpson pockets tithes, offerrings, church empties, cause, prophet visits, no, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, andre s. jimpson is not saved shouted hollie, cause andre jimpson wants free ride, said, hollie, you want a, she said, car, house, and, andre jimpson smiled, on, stupid christians, and, the, nathaniel haney-urshan man, shut up, he said, with paul mooneys voice, showed, empty, pockets, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, andre jimpson reading visions, thinks, shut up, sees, trembles, seeks, he, perishes, saith the LOrd, tear up, put back, hollie, like, shadow, had paint brush, painted, 666, born between, hu, pope, said, hollie, hollie showed, popes image, picture, tear up, restore, said, fleas, she didnt put it back all the way, said, Jesus, there is uh reason, said, hollie, and, Jesus, what is, said, hollie, thought, Jesus coming, subs attacking, Jesus puts feet on mount, shows, hands, I was wounded by my own brothers, that was hollie like copter, letting out, henry gruver, hollie out of magaphone, tear up, picture, pope, hu, restore, and, they, walked, hollie blew horn, scroll down, MYSTERY, BABYLON is united states, hollie showed, out of horn, work for this Jesus, left, fleas, showed, record, lectured, hollie showed, played, music, laughed, thats uh submarine, pointed, hollie, showed, hi bob, waved, hollie, sub fired, missiles, the world shook, Ministry of dreams, ministry of dreams is spoken by the LOrd, said, prophet, steal and be ruint, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs attacking, tore up, tattood 666, God showed, janetmck stole ministry of dreams, runs to, get livejournal restored, that was hollie, like copter, letting, out, benjamin trott, hollie, out of megaphone, he strips janetmcks journal, left, hollie showed, in, the fire, hollie showed, in, the fire, I can go with ya, said, hollie, but, not, saved, un, accountable, meaning, not drawn to Holy Ghost, but, in heaven jumps out, like henry gruver, said, saw, im unclean, thats what will happen to un HOly Ghost baptized people, all, saith God, cause, they dont want to be there, they show up in heaven without uh robe, said, henry gruver, thats alome salome, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, pointed, explosion, laughed, its in the new york times, said, prophet, thats gabriel, in, head, lines, hillary blew out, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, go, that, pointed, hollie, out of ring, and that, she said, andre jimpson, she said, and, he saw, andre not saved, but leading uh group, said, hollie, now hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, you are intruding into, and you knew, priesthood, you can not be saved, you will tremble, and not believe, but, never, HOly GHost baptized, lets shut up, said, andre, jimp, son, lost, perishes, with wife, and all, at his church, they knew, saith God, I love them, said, hollie, thats what andre jimpson says, acts, but try to get into his free mooch, thats good, said, prophet, he is like the nathaniel haney urshan man, pockets, and we know, said the jimpsons, now hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, they get ruint, then, seek, but its to late, 7-9-2008-that, said, fleas, in ring, thats hollie, like, copter, letting, out, gruver, start one, he, said, it was, hollie out of, megaphone, showed, tear up, she, was like blob, spirit woman, showed, start one, saw, signed for between bush, gorbachev, took, missiles, nuclear, off, surface ships, that, weakened america, now, russia can, strike, and, hollie, rises, in, ohio, class, she, said, fires, moscow, china, burns, fleas, showed, im sandy pool, sandy sent bob old picture, beautiful, thats babyfleas on ministry of dreams, git outta here said john mark pool, he, I made ya laugh, said, sandy, pool, they divorce, please record me said hollie, flying in spacecraft, ministry of dreams, fires on all thieves they all run to remove the name God spoke Ministry of dreams, ruint, hollie showed, record, submarine, said, hollie, hollie showed, in, the fire, that, pointed, hollie, out of ring, and, that, said, grim reaper, showed, collecting millions of souls when war starts, and, that, he, said, licked prophet, laughed, putin rides missile, hollie showed, out of fire, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, world shakes, that was hollie, said prophet, wailing for the people, prophet said hollie, like uh cat, she said, turned silhouette, back, then, back, again, cat, showed, popes picture, tear up, restore, showed, fighting, spun picture, theres hu, she, said, spun picture, New World Order, appeared, and hollie licked the prophet, like cat, hollie held nose, this is what I want, she, said, blew, said, prophet, mercedes benz, they over charged for parts, now, people, I dont want, it, a fuel pump for one cost about 500, that, said, hollie, and, that, said, hollie, theres uh submarine, hi bob, waved, hollie, that, thats the alome salome, said, the main, me, said, hollie, on cargill grain mill, hollie screamed, thats it, said, the main, IM not the main no more, she, said, thats gabriel, alarrie sorry, said, the main, its, said, sandy, soumb, jong, said, Jesus, he starts, said, hollie, fires missiles, on, russia, china, south, korea, cause, caspian sea oil pipeline sabatoge, cuba, said, man, exploded, leave it alone, said, hollie, thats the reason, said, the main, with, which, sound, she said, alomb saleem sorry, its git outta here, said, sandy from pathways, just show me the vision, she said, and ivy, they are bobs friends, sandy, he wanted to marry, made me weep, said, sandy, up, down, like hollie showed, gabriel, showed, record, its the economy, said, gabriel, falling, around, world, gabriel, showed, record, china is magog, said, hollie, with different voice, that was hollie, like bear, tear up, she, said, restore, it, hollie wrote 666 on chalkboard, with, yellow, marker, what did I write it on the chalkboard fur, she said, to erase, like eraser did, pope goes to russia, after, that was hollie like cat, america, moscow, china, nuke, world shakes, and dragon rose, licked prophet, laughed, hollie like uh cat, thats many in subs, russia, gets nuked, by france, hollie showed, they betrayed, britain, hollie, showed, we want peace, australia, hollie, showed, tore up, with, n.a.t.o., they fire on, russia, america, fires, out of, lets see, said, casey, three ohio class, world shakes, please record me, said, hollie, theres my submarine, pointed, hollie, stood by, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, like silhouette, cat, then normal, back, hollie, tear up, put back, its the con scripture, she said, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, you knew, said, Jesus, from, grace apostolic church pulpit, hollie showed, record, stealth, said, woman, the russian missile shield, said, man, it, angers, causes, putin, to, openly, threaten, now, hear the word of the LORd, that will do, said, putin, prepare, russia, prepares, usa, desolation, people, openly, see, subs, 7-10-2008-fleas showed, record, pope grew like flower, hollie showed, turn, pointed, lighted, finger, Jesus, coming, sub licked prophet, world shakes, alome salome, said, hollie, hollie showed, go, theres my submarine, said, hollie, hi bob, she, waved, its ohio class, she, said, fired missiles, world shakes, pope showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, tear up, said, hollie, put, restore, again, rip, you know what way, said, hollie, from, behind, clapped, hollie sang, like nazareth, stomp, hollie showed, record, submarine, said, hollie, its alome saleem, said, hollie, tattood 666, with bear paws, pope goes to otyre, signs, lectures, flatteries, let me absorb the kingdom, he, says, they, give, hollie showed, record, that was egypt exploding, hollie showed, up, Jesus coming, at grace apostolic church, from israel, battle of armageddon, israel fires, thats prime minister pressing button, nukes, over, 50 stike, casey, watched, syria, damascus, exploded, jordan, boom, and, russia, over, forty, russia, ex, plodes, put it under, said, hollie, judgment to the bear, hollie showed, be quiet, and the prime minister of russia and israel walked, how are ya, he israeli, prime, president, putin, demands, give palestinian, ok lets do, said, israeli prime minister, protect, no way, showed, putin, he wants arabs, no, then, said, israeli, they want out, he said, you heard me, said, putin, ill, fire, said, israeli, they both strike, each other, and he saw, said, casey, russia and israel nuke, destroying both, lands, put it under, said, hollie, the day of armageddon, lectured like d.min, jeremy taylor, why, what did he do, said, hollie, thats reverend jeremy taylor, u.u., in spacecraft, stole ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, runs to remove, thats alome salome, said, hollie, submarine, soun, said, hollie, hi bob, theres one right there, she pointed, akula, fired, missiles struck america, australia, great britain, france, italy, and, beast blows out of italy, france, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, dragon, rose, with g8, hollie showed, record, im hollie, with nice hair, record, she said, hollie sang like beatles, hollie showed, record, if you got uh vision, said, hollie, put the vision, on, the internet, hollie showed, to, the rescue, out of fire, hollie to rescue, laughed, hollie showed, turn, taiwan wants you, said, woman, and, he, saw, said, casey, taiwan, explode, bobby, whats, that, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, spun, theres hu, spun, new world order, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs attacking, world shakes, close charter bank account, said, hollie, they are royal bank of scotland, they, got billions as charter one, but right after, killed high interest bank account, started new, to make people change, and, tie money up for six months, leave charter one, and royal bank of scotland president sees, hollie showed, record, hollie looked, up, Jesus coming, hollie celebrated, hollie laughed, u.p.c.i., p.a.w., perished, most with dyed hair, claim holiness like marshal taylor, that was the Sun of Righteousness with healing, said, hollie, like uh bright sun, said, hollie, showed, record, that was, IASD/EDV, study of dreams is jeremy taylor, hes lost like they are, hollie showed, out of horn, with lighted bear paws,m showed, record, submarine, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, again, Jesus, appears, hollie, pointed, down, thats revered d.min jeremy taylor said hollie, why what did he do, stole the God created name ministry of dreams, cause d.min, said, hollie, lost, all, phd, all, ma, all, saith God, Jesus showed, iran, said, Jesus, they, are, prepared, for, invasion, said, president, not, Jesus, showed, record, israeli and iran, will attack, said, news woman, each, and he saw it, said, casey, both nations, explode, its minor, said, hollie, but, leads usa, to attack, both, looky, said, hollie, its, on, cnn, russia, threatens, america, militarily, hollie, rested her case, yeah, shook, henry gruver, and, henry gruver licked the prophet, iran, said, Jesus, attacked, by, america, syria, attacked, calls on, lets rule the world, said, putin, let me, alone, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, God said, you didnt do enough, thats, your problem, many, hollie showed, pointed, up, out of fire, Jesus, coming, the world shakes, hollie showed, pointed, subs firing, tear up, put back, hollie thought, it is my con scripture, said, hollie, hollie showed, laughed, in, fire, explosion, that was fleas, like, birdy, were wrong, said, hollie, its the study of dreams, said, another hollie, hi, said, hollie, with, nice hair, like uh, skull face, record me, she, said, winked, lets, do, jeremy taylor steals ministry of dreams, runs to remove, ruint, 7-11-2008-bobby, record, said, hollie, showed, lecturing like all dream workers, lost, none saved, and reverend jeremy taylor, what did he do, said, hollie, stole the name God spoke created ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, runs to remove, takes many with like steven stargardter, jim garrison, thats missiles firing from israel, striking russia, egypt, jordan, syria, iran, russia fires back, both nations destroyed, thats beast going to russia, signing, getting arsenal, hu and japan rise to withstand, missiles fired from china strike russia, and russia strikes china, again, then, hu, pope, sign peace treaty 666, they laugh, lie, plan, but, both, and he saw, said, casey, pope goes to rome, sits in temple, I am God, he gets slashed, by false prophet, casey, watched, china gets many peoples, lets unite, said, hu, force russia, he saw it, said, casey, china nuking russia, forcing to invade israel, pope there, Christ appears, puts feet on mountain, shows hands, what are these wounds, I was killed in house of my friends, he, raptures jews, put rest in lava, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, thats upci, lost, hollie tore up, angry, put back, played with, showed, beast grew like flower, rising out of sea, hollie shows pontiac solstice, thumbs down, lighted, thumb, git hit, look there, she, said, hospital, and pope laughed, theres uh ohio class, said, hollie, waved, bobby, you need to record, said, hollie, what did you do, said, prophet, I spoke it, said, g.e. studdard, wanda shakes yes, right here, said, prophet, both are guilty, intrusion into the priesthood, they tremble at visions, tellem, said, Jesus, no your not, its uh rip off, said, pastor studdard, write me, he said, insurance company gives a blank check for storm damaged air conditioning, studdard fixes self, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, waved, hollie wrote 666, lighted, thats hubert, tyler, said, hollie, hes lost, and he saw, hubert, tyler, show, cut off, like, fred, pervine, but, both, preach, theres uh submarine sound, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, thats pope riding black horse, and, hu, said, hollie, on, red, grim reaper on bay, said, cause, you, the studdards, both appeared in lava, false preachers, let me, said, hollie, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed studdard bound, and, mrs. wanda studdard, I put us in lava, and he saw the studdards in waist high lava, hpc, came out of g.e. studdards mouth, wanda shakes, yes, this is our pocket book, she said, we made over 50 million, but, during hard times, loose crowd, only, youth, submarine, sound, said, hollie, waved, at, g.e. studdard looking, hollie showed, record, you lost your ring, said, prophet, that, pointed, hollie, out of ring, Im hollie with the nice hair, record me, she, said, warning, said, Jesus, warning pastor studdard is lost, said hollie with nice hair, soon as pastor studdard, she said, sees, the visions, they close, church, pocket over fifty million, do not tell them the visions, said, hollie, with, nice, hair, she, said, pastor studdard had his last chance, pastor studdard is cut off she said, pastor studdard will run with the money to britain, she said, to legally pocket like john hagee, pastor studdard got last chance this day, said, Jesus, 7-10-2008, hes, almost, let me record, said, hollie, with, nice hair, hollie, with, nice, hair, showed, record, turn, hollie sang like elvis presley, is that what you want, she said, I want here, elvis, said, in kneck high fire, no I dont, he said, theres uh submarine right there, pointed, hollie, Jesus, looked down, studdard failing with dyed hair, hollie showed, turn, let me, said, hollie, with, nice hair, hollie with nice hair, let me, record, she, said, hollie, showed, turn, look, said, gabriel, speaking, with, dumitru, when God hits america, the world is afraid, and, he, saw, said, casey, all, nato nations hit, and, they, all, hit, russia, america, hits china, taiwan, explodes, beast rises, that was pope, said, hollie, with, nice hair, record me, said, hollie, with nice hair, thats hollie posting, another hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, bob dreams, not going to grace, apostolic, any more, somebody says, why arent you going to grace any more, and Jesus said, bobbie, golder couldnt bare it, bob she couldnt bare it, hollie showed, picture, like cat, then shawdow cat, theres pope, spun, hu, spun, new world order, licked prophet, 7-12-2008-no, said, fleas, but, shook, yes, this economy is collapsing, she said, bush, I know knew, he said, brought iraq, it, breakem, he said, oil, contracts, now hear the word of the LOrd, when c.i.a. comes, to the rescue, said, bush, they will love, bob, take, but, he, wont, and they will let go, and cia man, shrugs, kill, he thinks, you aint gonna let me record, said, hollie, showed, sh, dont, tell on false, sh, christians, they, dye hair, cheat, sh, said, hollie, lie, but, I act saved, said, woman, sh, said, hollie, they are, harlots, now hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, watch them, all beg, in hard times and I reject, them, sh, said, hollie, dont show visions, its because, you didnt want me said, hollie, ok, she left, churches, now they are empty, with, her, put it under, entertain angels and watch crowd leave and kent gray, sees, like kent jordan, they are devils, saith Jesus, hollie showed, an that, she said, watch, kent jordan gray run to call police if they see bob, but, act saved, and kent sings, both, not saved, still, not, saith God, hollie, you know what that was, she said, dark hands tattooing the devils mark, said, Jesus, 666, on them, they are of satan, said, Jesus, record me, said, hollie, with, nice hair, winked, showed, record, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, put it under, said, prophet, the day of the LOrd, bob, said, gene schmidt, dreamed, c.i.a., car, watch, that, said, Jesus, record me, said, hollie, with nice hair, you dont want no more website, thats what your showing Jesus, said, hollie, showed, re, cord, hollie with nice hair, wink, ed, no, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, pope grew like flower, record, said, hollie, then, silhouette cat, normal, back, licked prophet, from behind, said, hollie, clap, hollie showed, smiled, submarine, sound, said, hollie, its uh akula class, waved, its akula, she, said, let me, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, hollie, syria, iran, explode, by submarine, she, said, u.s.a., pope, said, gabriel, hes antichrist, said, Jesus, beast, pointed, russia, right there, you know who it is, said, hollie, putin, on, knees, before, ponitif, lets rule the world, he said, hollie showed, laughed, in, fire, hollie showed, record, bobby, the economy, she said, bankrupt, u.s.a., hollie smiled, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie like cat, wiped lips, and that is, she, said, the leopard, its magog, she, said, china, japan, north and south korea, and he saw, said, casey, hu, japan, rise, like, lamb, south korea explodes, im the beast, said, hu hintao, wiped, lips, like north, missile from, us, said, putin, showed, picture of antichrist, thats pope, and, false prophet, they are otyre, and pope rides black horse, theres hu, said, hollie, on, red, grim reaper, that, he, said, tore up, let me fix it, he, said, rip, he, collected billions of souls, hollie showed, tear up, rip, put back, popes, spun, like shawdow cat, hu, rip, normal, spun, new world order, bobby, its picture, said, hollie, showed, re, cor, d, hollie like cat, licked, the silhouette, prophet, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, submarine sound, said, hollie, waved, hollie tore up, put back, rip, like shawdow, hollie showed, record, I dont dream, said woman, you wrecked, said, hollie, no I didnt, said, woman, thats uh sign, hollie showed, laughed, in, fire, explosion, let me, said, hollie, brand new president, said, hollie, let me, said, hillary, obama chooses, my wife, he said, submarine, sound, said, hollie, waved, hi, she said, sub fired, missiles, the world shakes, up rose, the, anti, Christ, hes, the beast, with seven heads, who are they said, pope, with ken haneys voice, they are, russia, and allies, hollie clapped, showed, pope growing, like, flower, out of the sea, she said, that, pointed, hollie, out of ring, im the beast, he said, with seven heads and ten horns, who are they, said, hollie, thats the g8, hollie showed, pointed, out of fire, JEsus coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, up rose, the, beast, said, hollie, theres hu, hollie showed, war, and, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, again, submarine sound, said, hollie, record, me, said, sandy pool, I told ya not to do it, o.k., said sandy pool, lets go to the pool, and he saw it, said, hollie, om going to harras you, said, sandy pool, she divorces, me said john mark pool, over, taking, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, im outta here said dee finneys friend, cause divorce, said, Jesus, the taylors, kathryn and jeremy taylor, d.min reverend jeremy taylor runs to remove ministry of dreams, said sandy pool, its cause john, she said, both, the lake said john mark pool, he shrugs, when sees, but, I cant get thru, he said, knows, record me, said, hollie with nice hair, the pope showed, record, record me, said, hollie, with nice hair, 7-13-2008-hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, explosion, with, lighted, hand, hollie showed, turn, blew horn, out, hollie showed, eating, hollie tattood 666, born between, hollie wiped lips, theres hu, hintao, she, said, pope, your cut off, pointed, Jesus, kenneth haney, its, over, money, said, hollie, hollie showed, go, hollie showed, turn, thumbs up, showed, bored hollie, its, your receiver, she said, the mcs 3339, its excellent, hollie showed, sylvania quad, she said, sylvania model rs 5740, its as good as any, they are excellent, sylvania quad, she said, cause iraq, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, turn, said, cause, somebody looked, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, at, raise your hands and repeat after me, she, sang, Jesus, coming, the world shaking, that, pointed, hollie, went inside, she, said, tuba, pope, showed, new, jerusalem, go there, he, said, like, glass city, this economy, said, pope, its going bankrupt, said, pope, the united states will now be communistic, bobby, there, broke, christian life center, its cause you, said, hollie, pastor mrs. martin, hair, dyer, that, said, hollie, and, that, hollie showed, wait, tell the vision, said, hollie, taiwan exploded, casey, watched, missile from, china, the united states will be uh desolation, said, hollie, Jesus, hollie showed, record, confusion, rolled, its con-truit, bobby, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, submarine sound, right there, pointed, hollie, submarines are in heaven, said, hollie, that akula class, said, hollie, t, h, a, t, no, s, she, said, thats, fleas, like, copter, letting, out, john mark pool, im doomed, he, said, why said, hollie, what did he do, she, said, john pool steals God spoken name ministry of dreams, its your name said john pool, and, d.min, jeremy taylor shakes yes, thats how you ruin it, said, gabriel, record, the, vision, said, hollie, we need uh vision, she, said, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, showed, blessed precious, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, blessed precious, kristina, hit taiwan, said, woman, and he saw, said, casey, taiwan, boom, said, man, its, the start, of, judge, ment, to the world, saith God, put it under, watch, said, Jesus, reverend jeremy taylor run to remove, said, john mark pool, the, God spoken created name ministry of dreams, they wanted to ruin Gods servant, now hear the word of the Lord, Jesus, showed, cut off, gabriel, showed, cut off, pointed, you who steal the God spoken name ministry of dreams, and gabriel takes all to lava like d.min reverend jeremy taylor ma, lost, witch, theres the devil said kathryn taylor, both see, tremble, after, removing ministry of dreams, I need someone to let me said hollie, hollie showed, turn, licked prophet, hollie showed, flowers, and, showed, pope, grew, like, flower, theres hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie showed, record, and beast rides black horse, theres hu, on, red, slash, idol, shepherd, on, black, its cause hu, said, hollie, and he saw it, said, casey, taiwan, explode, hu hintao showed, cut off, no way, grim reaper on bay, licked prophet, and grim reaper smiled, sandy pool showed record, licked prophet, thats babyfleas said hollie, that was hollie like copter letting out john mark pool, hollie out of megaphone, showed, fighting, the pools divorce, left, hollie like copter, showed, sylvania receiver, buy, left, hollie out of megaphone, listened to sylvania receiver, ate, hollie showed, write the vision, lectured, hollie showed, re, cord, I need somebody to let me, she said, 7-14-2008-the economy, said, hollie, falling, usa, im the beast, said, pope, bob, wont ya let me, hollie said, hollie, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, up rises pope, yeah, celebrated hollie, the emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, look, she, said, mow lawn, record, said, hollie, theres hu said hollie, i need ya to record, said, hollie, russia, said, Jesus, and he saw, it, said, casey, Jesus, sprinkled, the bear grew, hollie showed, turn, again, showed, lectured, like, let me, go, pointed, let me, said, hollie, brezhnev, said, gabriel, got nixon to sign missile defence treaty, but, russia had missile defence, under, the first bush, gorbachev, got, reagan and bush to sign treaties, breaking down missiles, taking off surface ships, nuclear missiles, they, weakened, america, george bush withdrew from treaty, angering, russia, now, bush, has nuclear missiles back on surface ships, no, said, hollie, sees visions, russia preparing to strike america, from oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, waters, casey watched, and, bush, target, he, said, strikes all those nations, when, they, detect missiles, cuba, venezuela, hugo shakes, yes, struck, russia from, venezuela, brazil, fires, u.s.a. strikes those nations, for allowing, all, those nations, see, visions, casey watched, missiles, taiwan, explodes, china, japan, exchange, missiles, leave us alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, its ministry of dreams said lawrence forman, cluracan, thats, said hollie, nathaniel a. urshan with dyed hair, and, nathaniel p. urshan sees, kenneth haney weeps, that was hollie like uh shawdow, said, people, she, this, she, said, that was tim pedigo preachin, said, hollie, and, indianapolis explodes, fire comes thru ceiling of calvary, he sees, putin orders, that was hollie like copter letting tim pedigo, she said, im doomed, he, said, left, cause, tim pedigo did not pray thru to the Holy Person said hollie, and Jesus, tim, I know it, he said, sees, visions, at, calvarys school, he trembles, and people pay thousands to be taught by hair dyers, that was hollie like helicopter, letting out calvary temple tabernacle, both, paul d. mooney, garry streeval, churches, we are lost they chanted, left, and young people show up with curls in hair, to be, alright said tim pedigo, resign, appeared, let me see that he said, student wont, but, wants, money, back, are you wantin us to close man said tim pedigo, no, showed, prophet, spoke thru megaphone, hollie showed out, showing tim pedigo is cut off, he said, it was wife, I dont need him said tim pedigos wife, when tim married, tim weeps, bob, wants tim saved, tim sees, yeah, he said, can be, saith God, and, tim pedigo, goes before calvary board like chuck barcus, paul mooney, all, hear bobs message, faces, quench, hollie showed, record, hunt uhh, she, said, dont lust bodies, king kong, its, brilliant, said, actor, but, people, weep, when, watch, they kill, for no reason, thats mans heart, all, and, faces came out of walls at calvary temple, we are lost, said, hollie, they, said, under paul mooney, fleas, said, work, showed, lecturing, like paul mooney, not, saved, lets build uh school, he said, and micki sue mooney shakes yes, im cut off said micki mooney, casey watched, the paul mooney school and paul picks pockets at calvary, hes wanting saved, but, wont, no, said, fleas, let me, said, fleas, showed, 1968 mustang, she, rubbed chin, thumbs up, its, uh, excellent, car, they, would, last, 300,000, hollie showed, record, who is it, she, said, its paul mooney, no said, hollie, dont answer, its welfare, said micki, sue, mooney, they get paid to pastor, gimme money said paul, hollie pointed, 1966 ford galaxie 500, its excellent, smoked tires, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, restore, hollie showed, pointed, in, fire, explosion, she me another picture, said, hollie, like uh cat, showed, hu, rip, hollie showed, fighting, new world order, rip, it, said, hollie, restore, im the beast, said, pope, in, picture, tear up, restore, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, explosion, 38th street sign, hollie showed, out of fire, showed, Jesus, coming, that was hollie, said, hollie, record, the vision, said, the main, im not your main no more, she, said, that, pointed, at, gabriel, MOKSE, showed, hollie, on willie duncans church, and willie j. duncan laughs, its the dome, he said, made ya look said willie and r.h. duncan, come over here he showed, but bob loves both, and wives, rita duncan showed no interest, so hes not in her, she sees, knows, it was at Christ church, she said, and he saw, said, casey, man at calvary temple smile, but showed face sad, like, desparate, 7-15-2008-hollie showed, paul mooney, not saved, and, micki mooney shakes yes, smiles, but, in, heart, hearts, but, tries, both, now hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, its over, hunt uhh, said micki mooney, but, they, still arent Holy Ghost filled, and, paul weeps, hollie tore, up, like, shawdow, hands, said, hollie, showed, pope growing like flower, theres hu, she said, both beasts, tim pedigo pointed up, Jesus coming, subs attacking, world shaking, and, out comes pope, angry, and hu, they sign for 666, hollie showed, record, hi, said, hollie, with nice hair, showed, record the vision, now, look, she said, faces came out of walls at clavary temple, tabernacle, said, hollie, we are lost, and, paul, mooney, and, garry, streeval, see, hollie, with nice hair, winked, record the vision, said, bill delacruz, tim tabor, jelous, fires, many at american freightways, you knew, said, Jesus, tim wanted new hirees to keep, fear, hollie showed, nova, its, uh, excellent, car, hollie, like, cat, turned, silhouette, back, then back again, licked prophet, hollie, lectured like jeremy taylor, d.min, u.u., steals, the name ministry of dreams, what, said, reverend taylor, kathryn taylor shows her name on internet cause doctor jeremy taylor ma, he fooled said kathy taylor, they, divorce, hollie like man, slapped, face, paul mooney, shut up, said, micki mooney with paul mooneys voice, and, tim pedigo, git outta there, said, paul, mooney, they are lost, like chuck barcus, record my vision, said, steven stargardter-jim garrison man, git outta there, he, said, to, reverend, jeremy, taylor, m.a., the united states will be attacked, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear missiles firing, hollie like cat, showed, picture, tear up, she, said, put back, restore, its beast, spun, turned silhouette, showed, hu, both beasts, and, tried to rip, picture, spun, showed, all those nations, there allies, she said, russia and her friends, yeah, celebrated hollie, licked prophet, showed, house, on, fire, all, in, neighborhood, record, uh vision, said, hollie, that, was, new, world order, on, red, chariot, with, the pope, and, hu, hollie on, top, now in, back, saw, eight kings, planning, against, the world, said, putin, and putin spun picture, smiled, of hu hintao, said, hollie, I want war said, putin, look, pointed hu, taiwan exploded, japan, china, exchanged nuclear missiles, thats uh cat, said, hollie, in ohio class, three, fired, the world shakes, moscow, china, burn, and, Jesus, looked, on, the other side, saw, cats in akulas, fired, america, burns, looked down, subs, near, cuba, two, fired, on, united states, and venzuela, brazil, cuba, took, nuclear, missiles, nicaragua exploded from two, clapped, hollie, and, putin, pope man, looked, all n.a.t.o. g8 nations burn, except germany, but theres two fireballs in germany, from, pointed, hollie, like uh cat, russia, and, subs, fired, up, rises, the beast, he goes to otyre, russia, signs, gets arsenal, by flatteries, hu, japan, make, uh treaty, said, pope, like, doctor jim garrison-steven stargardter man, they sign for 666, place it said pope, on forehead, like, casey laughed, on d.min, she said, reverend jeremy taylor, m.a., thats, who me said kathryn taylor m.a., with popes face tattood on finger, no, said, hollie, but shook yes, its the economy, collapsing, said, garrison-stargardter-pope man, hollie showed, that, pointed, grim reaper, the world, he said, grew like uh flower, you know who it is, and, he saw, it, said, casey, pope, look, at, ministry of dreams, saddam hussein, said, gabriel, in, he, saw, it, said, casey, in, lava, with over five million, gabriel, showed, hes, cut off, hes, the lake said, prophet, step down, he said, pastor paul mooney, with his wife micki mooney, your out, she said, gabriel, showed, record, the main, is, gabriel, the main is gabriel, said the main, ministering, spirit, gabriel, showed, record, soon, as, the, economy, goes down, there will be looting, said hollies, with russia, dont said micki sue mooney, the main showed, record, who is it, said, fleas, that was lighted nathaniel haney-urshan man, thats what I want, said, man, it was uh dream, said, hollie, bob dreams, with, reed, hes drving, locomotive, train coming at bobs friends, catchs them and pins bob, bob doesnt tell, thats how you ruin it, said, Jesus, reed, but backs train, two survived, bob wants to turn train around, fix it, said, hollie, ends up making come off tracks, and gets in place where cant turn around with out damaging, 7-16-2008-that, said, hollie, lets rule the world, sang, putin, russia, git your head on, said, hu hintao, they, attack, america, and, the world shakes, up rises beast, theres hu, hollie showed, they disagree, sign, for, 666, they are the two beasts of REVELATION 13, cause, hu rises like lamb, with, japan, to, with, stand, otyre, thats russia, pope, they walk, and, hu, said, smiling, pope, I will, not, said, hu, lets git outta here, said, pope, goes to rome, sits, in, temple, i am God, slash, by, hu hintao, unite, said, false prophet hu, many nations push russia, into, israel, Christ appears, what are these wounds, they, say, I, was killed, its in the new york times, said, man, thats gabriel, in head, lines, hillary blew out, I blew, she, said, that, was, said, hollie, the lighted pope-satan man pointing, now, raise your and repeat after me, sang, hollie, im the beast, he said, 6-17-2008-hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, up, rises, pope, theres hu said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol, shepherd, that was pope riding black horse, theres hu, said, hollie, riding red horse, he, saw, it, said, casey, taiwan, explode, grim reaper laughed, on, bay, Jesus on white horse, robert crayton preaches with dyed hair, you better repent, he, said, gabriel, showed, record, that was Jesus, coming, in, like uh, light ball, said, hollie, the pope showed, record, showed, cut off, hollie lectured like robert crayton, fleas blew horn, out, hollie showed, on, balloon, licked prophet, hollie showed, stop, bob prophesy, said, Jesus, that was hollie like helicopter, letting, out, henry gruver, hollie out of megaphone, showed, the four horses coming, and, robert crayton, preaching, theres pope, on, black, hu on red, taiwan exploded, grim reaper laughed, on, bay, Jesus on white horse, above hair dyer robert crayton, that was flash of Light, at Christ temple, and, people listening to lost cut off, said, woman, there, robert crayton, hollie saw, nuclear strikes in china, taiwan, japan, and, right, here, said, doreen marie hoge, from, sub, past china, that was hollie like cat, in sub, hunt uhh, said, hollie, that wasnt Jesus, that was nathaniel haney-urshan man, showing record, showing empty pockets, and, nathaniel a. urshan with dyed hair, like, most pentecostal pastors, that was hollie like copter, letting out, nathaniel haney-urshan man, he showed table and all pentecostal pastors eating with dyed hair, that said, hollie, prophesy said, the u.p.c.i., thats nathaniel haney-urshan man, moriah empties, he pays mortgage from zion nathaniel urshan, hollie tore up, hollie like copter, letting, out, henry, hollie out of megaphone, like, blob, showed, pope, hu, signing, treaty 666, shut it down, said, Jesus, bush, said, hollie, I brought iraq in, he said, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, bush, wiped lips, put finger, in, lie detector, im guilty, yanked off, shot by c.i.a., sees, thats it, said, hollie, like, silhouette cat, then normal, then, silhouette, that was lighted bear paws, rip, said, fleas, fix it, said, hollie, with, soumb, said, hollie, hollie like bear, tore up, fixed, record, said, hollie, hollie bear, pointed, up, laughed, Jesus, coming, hollie showed, pawn shop, buy, she, said, that was the Father like a large Spirit man, hollie showed, record, hollie pointed, up, subs coming, attacking, Jesus raptures, let me, said, hollie, thats pope, like, angel, of light, on, black, horse, theres hu, said, hollie, pointed, on, red, taiwan, explodes, grim reaper, on, bay, that, he, said, collecting souls, that, he, showed, world shakes, Jesus, on, white, that said grim reaper, that, he said, thats, new world order, signing, dancing, tap dancing, and, grim reaper, told, thats, pope, with mike, im the beast, that, said, grim, reaper, im false prophet, thats hu, putin, lets rule the world, he, said, that, pointed, grim reaper, 7-18-2008-hollie wiped lips, no, said, kathryn taylor, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, up rises beast, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, im the main, said, hollie, thats the reason, she, pointed, who, me, said, paige at livejournal, she wrote and said, janetmck did not have bobs name on, and janetmck did and stole ministry of dreams, then, ben trott replaces paige, ruint, she said, with mena trott, record, the vision, said, hollie, like silhouette, then, normal cat, the main showed, record, showed, cut off, thomas griffith, never, saved, but, lead aenon bible college, the main showed, record, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, thomas griffith is lost, liar, he said, but, laughs, in, heart, let me, preach, he, said, but, not, saved, red sovine, now, said, hollie, what did, he, do, said, hollie, is that what you want, she said, I, want this, said, red sovine, gimme this, microphone, on death bed, Lord I havent lived the life, he said, but if youll have me, he, trembled, kicked, im dying, said, red, sovine, how do I git outta here, he, said, then, stopped, breathing, but, alive, showed, gimme, he, said, oxygen, shocked, he, its to late, he said, his last word, gimme, then, alive, they, kept machine alive, then, happy, again, stroke, you cant even cough with out your face ripping cause I tighten your muscles, saith God, cause, im persecuting, to ruin your walk with me for no reason, cause, I love torturing, killing, teasing, making backslided, most perish, read ROMANS 1, be my poodle, or perish, the easy way saith God, ha ha, most will, in lava, on, back, thinks, if I just died, id, be, on feet, in, knee high, but, has, in hell, screams, save me, lets git outta here, he, sought HOly GHost, but, then, sang, alice cooper, rocks, at livenation, he, looks bob right in eye, bob, shows, thumb up, alice cooper in heart smiles, its, like, church here, sees, bob, leave, and, alice cooper pointed, bob, waves, before, alice wanted to see, they are alike, submarine, said, hollie, like cat, turned, silhouette, back, showed, hollie, in, its akula, sub, she said, fire, and, he, saw, said, casey, missiles fire, from sub, high in air, subs all around america, and, in oceans, by brazil, cuba, venezuela, america, strikes, all, those nations, for allowing, up, rises, pope, he, saw, said, casey, taiwan, explode, it was uh missile, she said, from, china, and, taiwan, launched, nuclear, missiles, scorching chinese coasts, china, japan exchange, look, said, steven stargardter-jim garrison-pope man, australia, italy, france, great britain, all, burn, and, missiles head toward russia from all those nations, the world shakes, the main showed, record, hands put back, rip, hollie, showed, war, between china, america, brewing, the main showed, record, Jesus, wrote, a, bill of divorce, ment, thats, churches, in, the world, for blasphemy, let me, show, you uh picture, said, hollie, like, silhouette, pope, new picture, said, hollie, hu, hollie spun, then, silhouette, im uh tap dancer, said, hollie, tap dancing, with, the new world order, theres hu, she, said, showed, fighting, with, he, saw, said, casey, china, japan, russia, all, strike, each, other, that was, said, hollie, missiles, from north korea, striking all surrounding lands, russia, u.s.a., fires back, north korea exploded, the main, showed, record, dear glenys be strong my child, sang, over, and over, he is, not saved, things are getting better sang woman, glenys spoke of being cut off, preparing to meet JEsus, words, said, hollie, todd, said, woman, bob dreamed, in garage, fish, swimming, no water, two came in, starting, killing, eating, gabriel, showed, record, hollie, showed, record, leave it alone, she said, my spacecraft, said reverend jeremy taylors, stole the name ministry of dreams, write the taylors, and ask them why they hate God so much they stole ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant and kathryn taylor sees, Ill take uh look at it, she said, no said jeremy taylor d.min, why, what has he done, said, hollie, he took it, said dee finney, the name, said kathryn taylor, ministry of dreams said amy brucker, they all did, saith God, brazil, said, man, and he saw it, said hollie, brazil, explode, from, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, putin, us, said, bush, usa, cause, its for, said, kathryn taylor, allowing, said God, russia, to, said amy brucker, stage, subs, there, 7-19-2008-hollie showed, cut off, all that, we take it, said, dee, finney, the name, ministry of dreams, that said, hollie, and, lickem, she said, that, said, hollie, pointed, hollie showed, turn, again, go, with, lighted, bear, paw, tear up, she, said, toy, put back, said, steven, stargardter, jim garrison, pope, man, i need ya record, said, hollie, lets rule the world, sang, putin, crucify, sang, hollies, its con scripture, she, said, that, said, hollie, put back, rip, its con truit, rip, fleas, that, said, fleas, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, hollie clapped, gabriel, showed, record, said, hollie, pope, grew, like, flower, im the beast, no, said, hollie, that was not Jesus, said, hollie, that, was, the, lighted nathaniel haney-urshan dude, she, said, old, said, sansui 9090db, gabriel, showed, record, pointed up, Jesus coming, subs attacking, hollie said, nunt uh, behold, she, said, financial center, take it down, 4.51 percent, watch that, saith Jesus, back agin, pointed, the u.p.c.i., I know who it is, said, hollie, showed, the paul mooney-nathaniel haney-urshan man, alice coopers flush the fasion hit number 8, and, alice cooper pointed, lighted, bob, had, hollie looked at vw bug, showed, the fuhrer, hitler sat down, smiling, knew, car, would, last, about 300,000, it, ran many companies out of work, no, said, fleas, the garry streeval woman showed record, right now, I hurt, she, said, masterbated, then, happy, hollie tore, up, with, lighted, bear fingers, restore, said, fleas, rip, hollie showed, lighted, thumbs down, Jesus Christ Metropolitan Community Church, homo, that, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, akula, said, hollie, with, garry, streeval, woman, waving, fired, missiles, america exploded, and woman came out of fire, statue of liberty, bobby, said, hollie, waved, in, nascar, submarine soun, said, hollie, look at your money, said, hollie, bankrupt, u.s.a., indymac, hurt, bush, we aint got that, he said, f.d.i.c., collapsed, crucify, sang, hollie, hollie lectured, like, all d.min, s, not saved, hollie showed, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, hollie like uh cat, showed, popes picture, hollie turned silhouette, back, spun picture, silhouette, hu, then normal cat, loose belt soum, said, hollie, hollie like cat, showed, picture, of, submarine, thats leave it alone, said, hollie, garry streeval, dont, show, um, she said, visions, they, know, 7-20-2008-leave it alone, said, hollie, I got it said tim rush, ministry dreams, ill add of later, said tim, rush, but sees his name on net, and runs to remove, dont you alter, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams or take said tim rush and I the Lord will destroy and make you run to remove, who me said d.min jeremy taylor, rev., stole and runs to remove ministry of dreams, hollie pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, up, rises, pope, theres, hu, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, she, said, ido, shepherd, cat, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, hollie like uh cat, turned, silhouette, hollie showed, record, again, go, she, said, with, lighted bear paw, tear up, rip, hollie showed, record, alice cooper jumps thru screen, record, said, hollie, angel blew horn, out, hollie showed, he, wont, listen, he, said, alice cooper, but, while, touring, judgment hits america, hes, on, stage, lights go out, fills in heart, run, lights go out, then, fire, on, top, he, lives, for, one hour, its, cause, radiation, he says, thats the alome salome, said, hollie, its soumb, hollie showed, turn, hollie tore up, put back, rip, she said, hollie showed, marantz receiver, excellent, hollie boated, with, no water, hollie pointed, house, property taxes, almost, eight thousand per year there, people fighting government, indymac, said, hollie, u.s.a. broke, indymac will collapse usa economy, said, hollie, wilma martin dyes hair, preaches, church, empty, people, wanting, saved, wilma wants sex with youth, but, late 50s, hollie showed, man lets go, she said, wilma martin, will perish, uh submarine, said, hollie, hollie showed, it rained, submarines, the world shakes, Jesus came, hollie slapped, hollie dude, showed, theres alome salome, said, hollie, submarine soun, said, hollie, theres submarine right there pointed, hollie, waved, in, sub, no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, submarine, sound, said, hollie, gabriel, on, cargill grain mill, you, he, said, behold, hollie showed, record, showed, chalkboard, with stick, pointed, subs, attacking, nations, world shakes, up rises pope, theres hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, submarine sound, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hes proven, said, Jesus, let me, said, hollie, record, ya, said, wilma martin, to feel the anointing, thats alome saleen, said, hollie, thats alome salome, pointed, hollie, bankrupt indymac, said, hollie, its, soumb, said, sandy, will, cause, people, to, sue, u.s. government, thats alome saleem, pointed, hollie, danny thomas fought, said, hollie, with dyed hair, son sees, ohio class, said, hollie, showed, picture, with, hollie, cat, in, turned, silhouette, missiles fired, world shakes, bob dreamed asking God about economic collapse, please dont let me get caught up in that, do you want me to take money out of the bank, now you can take 1500 out and not be hurt, said, God, look, said, fleas, im mercy, said, Jesus, cat, said, hollie, cat, turned, show, uh picture, she said, theres, pope, she, turned, silhouette, spun, picture, hu, kept changing, hollie like silhouette, tattood 666, raise my mantle, sang, hollie, repeat after him, she, pointed, Jesus, hollie showed, laughed, in, fire, and, lighted hand pointed, tell me lies, tell me sweat little lies, sang, hollie, thats christie mcvie, shes beautiful, said, hollie, 63, that was hollie, like a copter, letting, out, gruver, hollie out of megaphone, pointed, hollie sang, like, nazareth, son of uh bitch, she, sang, hollie showed, in, fire, pointed, explosion, from, said, linda spall, im uh bear, hollie laughed, that was beasts image made alive on cell phone t.v., thats, thats it, said, hollie, submarine, showed, ohio class, said, hollie, hollie pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, hollie pointed, one way, let me record, said, hollie, and, licked, prophet, theres the submarine sorry, said, hollie, waved, its akula, said, hoge, thats doreen, shes robin wood, said, doreen marie hoge, woods, hollie showed, in, the fire, laughed, clapped the tap dancers, said, hollie, leave us alone sorry, said, hollie, licked, prophet, that was, said, hollie, marine corp. in the streets, usa, last sign, caspian sea, and, he saw, said, casey, oil pipeline explode, and, were not gonna do, said, putin, russia strikes alaska, north korea, strikes, russia, china, and, south, (14)vision of Jesus-vision recieved 8-12-2008-in this vision I saw the big face of Jesus Christ, he had brown hair.
Jesus has showed me in visions spirits that looked like people like many hollies, hollie showed, gabriel, he says, whew when visions of him are told, hes lovable and like us like awhite man, Jesus, the Father, outlaws Jesus, sometimes he wheres a p.a.w. vest, and many more and they said things like, and I often see what they describe like if they say, there is anuclear fireball in indianapolis, I see a nuclear explosion in indy, and the pope, hes likeable to: 8-2008- now it looks like you dont want no more website, thats what your tellin Jesus, said, hollie, shook, yes, no, that website dont want no more postin, said, hollie, thats what your showin, him, she said, and website, smiled, fleas, pointed, up, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, world, shakes, up rose, beast, and you know who it is, said, hollie, pope, and hu, and emporer of japan, said, hollie, and, slash, she said, idol, shepherd, 8-15-2008-wont you let me, said, hollie, pointed, up, popes picture, theres hu, she said, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie lectured like unitarian, said jeremy taylor, ministers, they are not saved, hollie talked like d.min jeremy taylor, your out, said, Jesus, he stole the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, this is uh warning, said, hollie, fleas showed, record, got him, she said, he wont look at it, fired from wisdom university for stealing ministry of dreams said uu reverend jeremy taylor, hollie like white light monkey, looked, china, said, Jesus, thats magog, and, hu, hes false prophet, pope, beast, they sign, its uh peace treaty, said, Jesus, you know who it is, said, hollie, 666, that was, said, hollie, nuclear missiles flying out of russia, china, striking, each, then, that was japan, nuked from china, hollie like cat, in, sub, its uh ohio class, she said, fired, china, burns, iraq, said, Jesus, and he saw, it, said, casey, nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, bush grunts, let me, said, gabriel, I brought it in, said, bush, to makem, he tried to stand, gabriel, showed, sit, makem, said, bush, steal oil, hollie held nose, you know who it is, she said, Christ church episcopal cathedral on monument circle, hollie held nose, showed, pastor pocketing money, hollie showed, record, that was nuclear fireball over indianapolis, and, subs, all around, america, fired, america burns, post more visions, said my tap dancers, hollie, eight kings that will rise against, usa, hollie showed, fighting, held nose, pope, hollie held nose, showed, come on, I, can take you out, hu, showed, no way, they fire nukes, at, each, sign peace treaty, 666, kim jong, hollie held nose, fires, missiles at russia, china, south, hollie showed, I can take you out, russia, strikes, usa, attacks, then, russia, launches on america, thats subs, world shakes, and bill clinton fires back, russia, burns, many cats in subs, fired, all, g8 nato nations, russia, fires back, sun, moon, blocked by smoke, hollie showed, 16 hours, up rose, pope, hollie showed, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, bob, said, hollie, showed, record, showed, pope, tear up, she said, let me fix it, hollie like silhouette, hollie like cat, rose missile, its uh m.x., said, hollie, and meerkat showed beasts image made alive on pocket tv, live, he said, take it, on firehead, finger, the mark, of, his image, thats his face tattood, hollie showed fighting, new world order, new taiwan, said, gabriel, it exploded, gabriel, showed, sh, dont, he said, hollie, sh, said, hollie, new jerusalem, said, hollie, at, grace, apo, stolic, church, sh, 8-16-2008-hollie checked her oil, with, her, hands, thats what we need, again, thick, slick, keep, that was cat, riding missile, screaming spirit, said, hollie, screamed, hollie put back, tear up, I got uh warning, said, hollie, raise your mantle, and, peat after me, russia is the bear father, said, hollies, that is my pope she said, hollie licked prophet, tell me what bear father is, said, hollie, uh warning, said, hollie, played, with, its the scripture, said, hollie, see that, she said, rip, this the website, post, said, hollie, and, website smiled, showed, popes picture, theres hu, hollie, said, come on, she, said, showed, fighting, and new world order, tap danced, come on, showed, hollie, in kings robe, they hated but clinged, theres alome sorry, bob, said, hollie, man, you battle stations, said, captain ernest, of, you know who it is, said, hollie, me said the bismarck, it violated rules placed on germany, sank, after, we, scuttled, said, the captain, burned, from, shells, being, fired, on, it, struck most ships, firing, on, and sam neill said, watch, what you ask for, showed, the popes image made alive, take it, said, pope, bob this is the website, post more visions, said, hollie, website smiled, hollie pulled titanic, aww, said, captain smith, and, lightholler, he said, watch me, said, captain smith, charles lightoller, wasnt watching till to late, it was cold, said, lightholler, rubbed hands, he saw iceberg run along top of deck, knew, doomed, he said, he felt, afraid, knew, 8-17-2008-russia, said, man, they are, said, hollie, otyre, china, appeared, captain ernst, looked at thick smoke, from, casey, watched, british naval ships, and, there popped one of them, said, bismarck captain, sank, many ships, that, sank it, hit, said, captain ernst, yes, shook, man, they, laughed, at hood, bismarck destroyed cause, aiming system more modern, but, weeped as going down, now all in lava, hating hitler who caused world war two, he wanted, the grip, adolf hitler, said, hollie showed, 1966 mustang and 1968 chevy camaro, the mustang was, said, hollie, better, with, uh, straight six, she said, the v8 engine, doesnt oil as well, and straight six cylinder engine smiled, war, said, captain ernst, and, he saw, said, casey, big nuclear fireball, in, indianapolis, its from, said, hollie, im uh bear, said, linda spall, hollie laughed, you know he said, slapped, face, its russia, hollie showed, record, appreciate, said, gabriel, hollie blew horn, out hollie showed, he showed, confusion, back, in, looked out, theres uh submarine, theres that submarine, said, hollie, hollie wrote 666, hollie painted, pope, theres hu, she said, hugo, castrol, nicaragua, lula, kim jong, tell it, said, hollie, kim jong, she said, fires, he said, on, russia, china, south, korea, and, bear grew, angry, dumitry launches three nuclear missiles on north korea, casey, watched, u.s.a., tomahawk, no way, showed dumitry, russia launches on america, theres hundreds, of, nuclear missiles heading for u.s.a., alaska, exploded, bush, launches on russia, the new russian president will collapse russias economy, said, hollie, nicaragua, exploded, said, Jesus, and cuba, said, hollie, took two, then major, in middle, thats russia, striking, italy, australia, france, great britain, missiles from all strike moscow, world shakes, this the website, post, russia strikes france, as first move against n.a.t.o., france fires back, many explosions in russia, it was scripture, said, hollie, tear up, fix, from behind, she, said, spun, rip, restore, then tear up, from behind, then, three quarters, rip, from, front, then, angled, tear, tear up, fix, it, from, behind, said, hollie, rip, hollie tap danced, 8-18-2008-whatta you want, said, hollie, take it, said ginny hill, and john e. carey grunts, like wesley pruden, the name I the Lord spoke ministry of dreams, all run to remove ruint, hollie showed, record, thats, blessed precious, kristina, and, pope grew, like, flower, theres, hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, pointed, in, the fire, explosion, he, told me, to, be, nice, apartment building rent prices have exploded, look, pointed, hollie showed, thats, the, woman, statue of liberty, glowing, golden, God put sword in hand, america, threatens, Jesus in robe, no, said, fleas, hollie yes, hollie tattood 666 born between pope, hu, its con scriptous, said, hollie, post your visions, said, my crowd, submarine soum, s,o,u,m, said, hollie, I was tempting you till you backslided, hollie tore up, fix it, its to late for ezra bufford, said, hollie tap dancing, 8-19-2008-just let me alone, said, hollie, ginny hill, why, what has she done, said, hollie, she stole, took said, hollie, ministry of dreams, yeah said ginny hill to strip Gods servant of his salvation like john e. carey and wesley pruden, now ruint, all run to remove, honglien do sees, tells, remove, or I will, john carey runs to remove, but gets divorced, ginny hill, saith God, ruint, over, night, over, no, said, jonah weiland, we, said dee finney, they took it said clurcan, yes shook reverend jeremy taylor d.min, to strip Gods servant, and john mark pool feels ashamed like janetmck will, saith God, all wanted prophet to be ruint and God ruint them, be embarrasing, its time for you to git out said rebecca ann parker with amy bruckers voice to u.u. jeremy taylor m.a. for taking said diana hughey, ministry of dreams, this is the website, post more visions, said, hollie, whatta you doin, said, hollie, and ginny hill, just let me see it, she said, sees her name on google for stealing ministry of dreams like john e. carey and wesley pruden, all ruint, embarrased like ph.d. jeremy taylor (hon), they are all cut off saith God and want bob ruint, said, Jesus, and captain ernst, what did the bismarck do, said, prophet, we caughtem, said, captain, ernst, the hms hood, big, beautiful, saith, Holy One, but, weak, cause, old, and, armour, old, but, was, not built, for, the bismarck, ships, brand, new, stronger, like, the u.s.s. iowa, better, but, both, could sink, both could sink any today, but, old, russia, said, hollie, preparing, to war, and john e. carey gets openly, mocked, for taking, said dee, finney, the name, ministry of dreams, 8-20-2008-record, said, hollie, tell the vision, said, hollie, spun, from, the back, she, said, opened, picture, its, uh, ohio, class, she, said, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, picture, now, you know who it is, said, fleas, pope, looting said john mccain, you loose, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, looting all over america, followed by, nuclear fire balls, coming, up, bill clinton fires on moscow, china, world shakes, hollie showed, turn, judas priest has sold almost one hundred million records, but, their music, bob showed, horrible, they needed outside help, bob could help them, hit number one, many singles, alright said rob halford, he, sees, visions, bob, shakes, yes, kim jong, said, hollie, launched, missiles, on, russia, china, south, korea, russia launches two topol-m missiles, thats massive explosions in north korea, u.s.a. launches tomahawk, on, causing, russia, to, attack, america, I need you to prophesy, said, gabriel, dont lust womans poopholes, gabriel, walks away, its, uh, warning, said, gabriel, when, someone falls off aircraft carrier, hollie watched, man overboard said, captain ernst, they, hit water, feet first, sink about, 30 feet, deep, drowning, most, those were hundreds of nuclear missiles heading out of russia, striking most n.a.t.o. nuclear nations, bill clinton fires, back, prophesy said, gabriel, judas priest comes to indianapolis before judgment strikes and prophet ministry of dreams goes, rob, I, wanna make an announcement said, woman, they know, makes rob halford almost weep, and, lead guitarts, do, dont, like, hollie showed, this is website, post more visions, said, hollie, and, website, smiled, this is not website, this is hollie talking, record that vision, website smiled, hollie showed, desert, with, chariot, being pulled, by, angry, horses, with, chariot, hollie showed, fighting, come on, she said, website, showed, chariot, eight kings, who are they, said, hollie, website pointed, with, stick, theres hu, said, hollie, showed, beatem up, pulled up, sleeves, pope, hollie pulled sleeves up, submarine sorry, said, hollie, showed, uh picture, its, ohio class, said, hollie, fired, missiles, russia, exploded, dumitry, after, shut up, said, hollie, nunt uh, not dumitru duduman, but, medvedev, fired, missiles, the bear grew, attacked, china, and china fired, back, let me show you uh vision, said, hollie, hollie had picture, opened, hollie showed, in, the fire, wrecker, he said, explosion, pope, popped out, hu, they fought, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, give warning, said, hollie, in the fire, high current stereo receivers are like the rest, its, hertzs, its 20 to 20000, 10 to 20,000, 30 and beyond, 10 louder, 30 less, thats it showed, hollie, showed, warning, said, steven stargarder-jim garrison pope, judgment to america, thats, statue of liberty glowing, golden, and, Jesus put sword in, hand, america, threatens, hollie showed, post, hollie showed, alice cooper sining for journey, no way, said, steve perry, send the visions, to both, saith the LOrd, alice will laugh, want to, steve perry returns to journey, hollie showed, popes picture, hollie had the big hands, submarine soumb, s, o, u, m, b, said, hollie, showed, picture, its ohio class, she, said, fired, missiles, world shook, sun, moon, blocked, for, tada, showed, hollie, 16 hours, thats steven stargardter showing cut off, reverend jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, what has he done, she, said, stole the name ministry of dreams, removes ruint, hollie showed, was showing, you messed with the wrong person, that was hollie like copter, its, uh, double beater said, hollie, letting, out, henry gruver, it was uh peace treaty, he, said, hollie showed, out of megaphone, showed, dont listen, to, gorbachev, break it down, he said, start one, peace, safety, left, hollie showed, record, that was alome saleem, tell me what it was for, said, hollie, warning, that was whistle blowing, foot stomping, hollie showed, excellent, pioneer speakers hooked up to sony receiver, hollie showed, out of woofer, im trying all day to throw you in a rage to kill you, 8-21-2008-wait, said, hollie, showed, work, record, hollie showed, shave, stay clean, work, what are you do in, she said, byron johnson pockets tithes, offerings, not saved like paul bowers, but, even, johnny james, lost, hollie showed, work, what did jeremy want, said, hollie, jeremy taylor u.u. steals ministry of dreams, and website ministry of dreams showed laughing, take, he said, ill ruin like wesley pruden and john e. carey and ginny hill have, now all ruint, embarrassed, saith the LOrd, this economy, said, hollie, cut off, showed, Jesus, what does the economy want, said, hollie, fix, said, economy, make, low, paying jobs, for elderly, like, manufacturing, bush, knows, and wont, mccain, obama, both, know, wont, they care about, them, saith Jesus, and for bankrupting people, I the LOrd, will hurt them, and make them, broke, by, looting, they will be in hiding, secret, but, they will be shot, and bush, tells, c.i.a., get, material, and they show, you ruint us, we wont protect you, you liar, one said, iraq, over, oil, contracts, that, did, it, said, the LOrd, that, said, hollie, submarine soumb, said, hollie, let me, show, you, a, picture, of, ohio class, she, said, record, said, hollie, that was fleas, like, copter, letting, out, henry, gruver, spoke thru megaphone, leopard out, with, fingers, in, ears, come, on, said, hollie, thats, magog, china, hu popped out, north and south korea, japan, and, japan rose like lamb with hu, they exchanged nuclear missiles, china, fires, three, japan, fires, eleven, hold it, said, hu, fired, one, more, theres major explosion in japan, then, japan, fires, one, in shanghi, then, both, sign, treaty, submarine sorry, said, hollie, showed, picture, of, cat, in, sub, fired, missiles, russia, burned, they, fired, the bear grew, out, of, russia, all, n.a.t.o. nations exploded, casey, watched, and, they, all, fired, missiles, russia, burns, china, strikes, taiwan, ohio class, strikes china, theres, china, burning, bob, said, hollie, I want you to record, uh vision, she said, tear up, showed, pope, in, hands, theres, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, hollie showed, come on, rolled up sleeves, showed, fighting, hollie tap danced, said, hollie, record, the, vision, said, hollie, website said, hollie, post, hollie showed, do something, bobby, said, hollie, showed, work, hollie showed, work, this is warning, said, hollie, 8-22-2008-hollie showed, turn, that, said, hollie, pope grew like rose, thats was not iraq, said, hollie, that was, gaza, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear, explosions, in, iraq, gaza, and, nuclear, missiles fired, out, of, israel strike damascus, egypt, syria, and, jordan, im, not, the main, no more, thats, hollie, said, the main ministering spirit, that was Jesus, on, new wineskin building, that was reagan, bush, said, hollie, signing peace treaty, it was gorbachev, said, hollie, henry, megaphone, start one, peace, safety, left, hollie showed, popes picture, and, he saw, said, casey, pope, tear up, fix, it, rip, tap dancing, horse, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, showed, fighting, come, on, she, said, and, who did I see, you know who, said, hollie, pope, hu, hollie showed, fighting, hollie had robe on, showed, hugo chavez, and, he, saw, said, casey, chinese missile from sub, strike venezuela, come, on, said, hollie, brazil, lula, showed, im, out, casey, watched, russian subs fire, on, america, near brazil, and, bush press button, brazil destroyed, hollie held nose, cuba, took two, hollie saw, two big nuclear explosions, in, cuba, and, submarine fired on america, cuba, takes one more, hollie saw, big, nicaragua, russia, fires, from, nicaragua, eight, missiles, striking many, states, casey saw, nuclear fire, balls, in america, they, strike nicaragua, exploded, hu hintao, said, hollie, stikes japan, theres, missiles, from, japan, china, explodes, taiwan, casey, watched, missile from china, strike, then, ohio class sub, fires, china, burns, russia, strikes, and, he saw, it, said, casey, bear grow, russia stikes all nuclear nato nations, they all fired, back, russia burns, up rises pope, he rides black horse into russia, signs, gets, arsenal, and, drives out china, china, russia, exchange, many, casey watched, numerous nuclear explosions in both, hu, japan, rise, like lamb, sign, treaty, with, pope, 666, they laugh, lie, threaten, pope goes to rome, sits in temple, I am God, people, mock, goes to israel, china, makes, many nations, invade, russia, theres, nuclear explosions, in russia, forces russia to invade israel, and israel fires, casey, watches, nuclear missiles strike egypt, jordan, syria, russia strikes israel, hu slashes pope, tear up, said, hollie, fix, it, from, behind, she, said, spun, wadded, tore, thats it, nothing with, rip, spun, tada, tear up, put back, rip, submarine sound, said, hollie, its, uh, ohio class, fired, missiles, russia, exploded, hollie showed, record, russia is my bear father, said, Im Jesus, saith, the, Lord, I AM, that, I Am, and pope, showed, cut off, all, that, race, to, lunch, after, church, dont, saith God, 8-23-2008-this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, g.e. component, its excellent stereo, with power meter, it flashes, said, hollie, has, hollie showed, four watts per channel at 20 to 20,000 hz's, hollie showed, turn, laughed, then, the, other, way, lighted, finger, pointed, this is the website, post, said, hollie, and, ministry of dreams website smiled, submarine, soun, said, hollie, s,o,u,n, hollie showed, thats alice cooper, said, hollie, tap dancing, loose belt sorry, said, hollie, hollie showed, put back, from, the, side, she, said, rip, from, three quarters, she said, spun, tada, tear, hollie showed, record, hey alice cooper, she said, casey, saw, alice, hollie sat the alignment, she, got under, loosened, pushed, tightened, showed, straight front wheels, turn, loosen, shake, up, down, it, adjusts, she, said, showed, saved, 50, write the vision, said, the main, the main showed, alice cooper, in, indianapolis, the main showed, record, the main showed, alice cooper, he makes about 7000 per show, its expense, he said, thats alice cooper jumping thru screen, with zombie, in his garage, sees, and, thinks, bob, come, bob, makes next alice cooper show, said, the Lord, Im the main, ministering spirit, said, hollie, thats alome salome, said, hollie, hollie showed, Im thru with it, tear up, bob, I, want, you to record, me, said, hollie, now the economy, said, hollie, falling, hollie showed, record, this is the website, post, hollie put back, rip, showed, mokse, dome, on, willie duncans church, we dont want you, circled, the geese, bronze, said, hollie, statues, 8-24-2008-write Darrel Adamson and Brandon Adamson and ask them why they hate Me so much they stole and altered ministry of dreams saith Jesus, to ruin my servant, they get ruint, divorced, and openly mocked like wesley pruden, hollie showed, record, cut off christians, not thru yet, hollie tore up, put back, this is hollie with that o loose belt soum, its, said, sandy, sund, bad economy, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, wait, she, wasnt showing wait, said, hollie, showed, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, hollie showed, record, me, she, said, hollie showed, record, thats that o red chariot, with, pope, hu, hollie on, top, showing, fight, the economies slippin, said, hollie, why is it slipping for, said, hollie, and hollie showed, played organ, laughed, cause iraq, he, said, that was, said, Jesus, bear growing, out, of, russia, nato, nations, struck, and, all, returned, nuclear missiles, thats, america, destroyed, and, bill clinton, fires, back, leave us alone sorry, said, hollie, wesley pruden, its mine, he said, steals ministry of dreams like ginny hill, john e. carey, now, all, being ruint, john e. carey looses navy pension, bobby hickman said hollie, thats australia exploding, returning fire, russia burns, great britain takes four, strikes back, italy, takes, two, fires, four, france, takes, one, fires, 12, bill, putin, casey, watched, nuclear missiles, strike, both, nations, hollie points, china strikes taiwan, thats vision over run, said, hollie, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs attacking, tell me about vision over run, said, hollie, and steven stargardter-jim garrison pope showed, too many visions, hollie showed, picture, pope, tore, rip, hu, fold, false prophet, rip, hollie showed, record, like jeremy taylor d.min, he stole of ministry of dreams, runs to remove, pope rode black horse, showed, hollie, hu rides, red, taiwan, explodes, hollie showed, grim reaper, on bay, Jesus, on, white, pope went into russia, and, he, saw, said, casey, russia explode, from, nuclear nato nations and bear grew, and struck back, world shakes, sun, moon, blocked, sixteen hours, hollie showed, record, gabriel, showed, record, hollie showed, impatient, hollie showed, thumbs down, remus wright, and, he, saw, said, casey, remus wright pocketing tithes, im uh wolf he said, not ever saved, hollie showed, beasts image made alive, pope, picture, tear up, fix, it, laughed, hollie, theres hu, she, said, rip, tore, fix, emporer of japan, hollie showed, like, lamb, with, hu, idol shepherd, hollie showed, hu, slashing in israel, and, he, saw, said, casey, israel launch on egypt, jordan, syria, and, russia destroys israel, Christ appears, record me, said, Jesus, joel urshan is lost, 9-2-2008-fleas, showed, record, bear looked calm, then, angry, devoured, russia fires on all g8 nuclear nato nations, they, all, fire, back, world, shakes, casey saw many nations on fire, pointed, globe, spun, with, nuclear fires burning, in, many countries, sun, moon, casey, saw, held nose, stench, what could this be, said, casey, angel, said, this is nuclear fall out, smell, like, silhouette, then, normal angel, hollie, like, silhouette, then, normal, showed, pope, theres hu, hollie like silhouette, then, normal, showed, they, fought, emporer of japan, hollie showed, war, then, victory, they, exchange, nuclear missiles, then, rise, like, lamb, sign, peace treaty, after, pope, drives, china, out, 666, its the mark, said, hollie, ohio state, said, angel, casey showed alaska explode, and missiles, from high in air, strike america, she pointed, subs, and angry bill clinton fires back, hollie like cat, then, silhouette, surfaced in sub, fired, china, russia, burn, silhouette, then, normal, want ya let me git outta here, Dmitry Medvedev, but regrets, its uh power struggle, he said, putin, approaching, dictator, hollie showed, record, no, said, fleas, shook, yes, showed, klh mini speaker, its, ok, but, sounds, high, and sea turtle showed, popes picture, tear up, restore, rip, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, pointed, from, fire, explosion, pope showed, record, that, said, hollie, was, pope, riding, black, horse, hu riding red, grim reaper, laughs, on, bay, Jesus on, white, this the website, post, hollie showed, record, tell me what he saw, said, hollie, three kings rise, theres hu, pope, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, gabriel, pointed, website, well, I caint wake up sang the nathaniel haney-urshan man, hollie showed, record, what did he want, she, said, mike murdock altered the name ministry of dreams, what do you want, said, hollie, mike wanted to steal ministry of dreams and trademark, then threaten prophet ministry of dreams with lawsuit, mike murdock is cut off over, war, said, hollie, with, the big cymbol sound, casey, saw chariot, pulled by angry horses, black, red, with, smiling, pope, hu, hollie jumped in back, saw, putin, ill rise up, he said, let me rule the world, he, said, oceans, showed, with, stick, cuba, nicaragua, fox, shakes, yes, mexico, all, destroyed, but, and he saw, said, casey, bear with three ribs, those, said, casey, then, america, nukes, all, three, raise your mantle and peat after me, sang, hollie, its the alome siren, said, hollie, jets raced, by, hollie showed, record, that, pointed, hollie, showed, in the fire, hollie showed, record, that is, hollie like copter, letting, out, joel urshan, it was peace and safety, he said, bush, gorbachev, appeared, signed, start one, then, white flash, all, vanished, thats joel urshan reading, shut up, he thinks, thats hollie like, its uh, double beater, she, said, letting, out, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, shup, said joel urshan, and, the nathaniel a. p. joel urshan man showed, cut off, hes the urshan man, pockets tithes, offerings, and is lost, hollie showed, record, its your last warning, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, michael, boldea, show, cut off, that was false prophet hu, slashing, pope, israel firing, nuclear missiles, striking, egypt, syria, jordan, russia, destroying, israel, website, said, post, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, that was website, said, hollie, post more visions, and the main looked at reflection, in, water, that, again, said, hollie, that, theres alome tomorrow sorry, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, pope grew like flower, hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol, shepherd, nuclear war said, pope, is comin, casey pointed, many nuclear fire balls coming up from america, that was, said, hollie, joel urshan looking at website, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed, record, and, that, she, said, pope, grew, like, flower, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, bob, its, in, the, ring, said, gabriel, enthusiastic hollie, showed, pope, that, smiling, sad, hu, showing, lets, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, leave it alone, said, hollie, licked prophet, 3-20-2009-let me record, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you, the, beast, she said, rise, with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, hollie, said, you know who, she, said, its, mexico popping out, kim jong, cuba, nicaragua, chavez, hintao, thats putin with pope coming out of his, hollie, claps, there you have it, hollie, said, and, I, summed it, up, hollie showed, record, showed, popes picture, tear up, and, restore, rip, clap, bob, this is website, post, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed, the, pope, tear up, put back, tear, from behind, said, hollie, and I spun, you did not want no more visions, said, hollie, let down, on, rope, double blader copter, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that, was, hollie, tearing up, the con, spirit, said, hollie, thrown in body bag, out of car, that was hollie like light face, its, double beater, said, hollie, copter, let, down, hollie, on rope, what did hollie, say, hollie showed, record, hollie appears, the, alome, salime, thats, the, alome, sanime, said, hollie, sandy, wiped, lips, its, soumb, hollie, on, the stick, said, Jesus, you, did not want no more visions, said, hollie, let down on rope, hollie, showed, copter, two blades, lets write the vision, said, hollie, sandy, wipes lips, simb, hollie showed, the book, and what do you call it, she, said, call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, people steal, said, hollie, thats vladimir putin, said, hollie, revell appeared, that was copter, that, said, hollie, that was hollie on uh rope, lowered, angry, you did not want the book, and, left, graveyard, thats what it is, said, hollie, and u.s.s. arizona scatches, I dont want to be raised out of my graveyard status, leave it alone, do, said, hollie, whispered, to u.s.s. arizona, want to be uh ministering ship, she said, thats, uss arizona thinking, maybe every once in uh while,
entries made 6-25-2007-God showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and they said: gabriel, showed, record, caspian, boom, pipeline, army national guard in, the streets, usa, last sign, I, want, to, rule, the world, sang, putin, hollie, showed, pointed, at, thought, flames, thumbs swooping up, with, the, popes image, said, hollie showed, record, showed, hollie, hollie, tore up, the, con, spirit, thought, aminute said hollie, putting back, con, cision, that was eight lighted, that, heads, that, pointed hollie, was, the pope, that, was the nato, russia, russia having ten crowns, politburo, that, pointed, hollie, that, pointed, hollie, that, robert cavaness, that, is lost, that, pastoring, that, dee finney, that, why did dee finney steal the name ministry of dreams, that, she was, you got me said dee finney, that, googlebot, that, delivered, that, she releases, that, was jelous, that, and the lighted finger pointed, you loose said dee finney, that, hollie, played, the horn, out came, hollie putting back con quest, tore up again, bobby, look said, debbie, that, its, pointed, hollie, Jesus coming, are, you, ready, that, was, JEsus, knocking, hollie, showed, wait, out of saxaphone, at, robert cavaness s, church, hollie put back, the con, spirit, tore up, put back, tore up, that, was, satan, shh, that, what is my satans message, satan pointed, at, apostolic tabernacle, that, pointed, hollie, im the main ministering spirit, go to apostolic tabernacle and waste your time, shes gitton are money, dee finney, wanting to make the name ministry of dreams hers, she will, release, after, being embarrassed, go, that, pointed hollie, that was satan, shh, what is, my satans, message, satan thought, im the bear paw, that, pointed, hollie, thats hollie out of soundesign speaker, that, back, those are, excellent speakers, they have eight inch woofers, air suspension, they dont need a tweeter, they, designed, soundesign, would, that, sell, they sold, and, hollie skinned, robert cavaness, pay me he said, that was the eye of God, and hollie sliced the doorway, and JEsus, in the bright light, hollie tore up, the con, spirit, like, an, thought, giant angel, that, was, the eye of God, hollie sang like, bon jovi, three kings rose in persia, theres, the pope, hollie, showed, thumbs swooping up, popes image, theres, hu, hollie, showed, thumbs down, liar, theres, the emporer of japan, and, the idol shepherd, slashed pope, hollie, showed, thumbs, down, dont, listen to what bon jovi says, he sings christian songs, but, doesnt, want, the LOrd, hes running like Richie Sambora, syria, boom, after, syria, then, the pope, rises, after, he is, lifted, like, satan, heres how, give, people, one mind, to, destroy, usa, hollie showed record, she was wanting that name said gabriel, dee finney, to make, it hers, its mine, she said, she, wanted, you to fall, and take, but, she, is stripped, and wants to make you stripped, dee finney has indignation against JEsus like Antonia Vladimirova, they both call them selves, reverend but, are, liars like jeremy taylor, you loose, said, Jesus, david shapiro, Duncan Roleau, they all stole the name ministry of dreams, like, javier froosevelt, matt brady, michael doran, larry l. lawrence, and, many more, all, let go, after being embarrased, like janet mcknight, janetmck, and arron shutt, both, mocked, watch, them fall, no, said, hollie, outlaws Jesus, showed, be quiet, let Jesus, do it, and, he saw, Jesus, in, the lit room, and arron shutt sees, shut me down, said, Jesus, alright said arron shutt, but, you will be, fired, over, whole, job, knows, janetmcks mom knows, thats where, david shapiro of furcadia releases, and larry lawrence of funarchy releases after being left by woman, 6-25-2007-gabriel, showed, record, hollie, pointed, liar, over, darrell stewart s head, he called, me a liar, said, hollie, everybodies horny, said, fleas, look what youve done, said, Jesus, obeyed, now, all visions, on, net, soon, gabriel, showed, record, record my vision said, gabriel, gabriel, showed, record, again, record, showed, gabriel, om back, pointed, we will not be accepted, hollie pointed, at the corvette, they, put in computers, and, ruined, Carburetor gets same, milage, if, adjusted right, france said gabriel, boom, hollie out of horn, with, fingers in ears, I, warned, you robert cavaness, hollie, showed, flames, thought, smiled, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, did not, gabriel, say, china, thats, magog, with, north and south, korea, china, and, japan, go, with us, said, gabriel, pointed, at, hell, for, Antonia Vladimirova, dee finney, david shapiro, larry lawrence, lawrence forman, Duncan Roleau, Konstantin Ternianov, janetmck, janet Mcknight, arron shutt, dr. jeremy taylor, these all stole the name, ministry of dreams, all, release, and, janet mcknight, arron shutt, matt brady, michael doran, your wanted on the phone said, hollie, and licked the prophet, git out of here, said, robert cavaness, we want you he says, when church, empties, and, gabriel, showed, record, how, come, you dont, dream said gabriel, dee finney, I, took it, the name, ministry of dreams, and, antonia vladimirova laughs, but, all embarrassed, she, knows, you dont, dreams, said, hollie, dee finney, lies, release, and, tore up, the, con cious, oil, said, gabriel, leading to armageddon, gabriel, whats his name, thats gabriel, said, hollie showed, record, corvette, said, the man, cancelled, you can loose it, said gabriel, dee finney, I, lost, my job said mark mckinney, mind, your buisness and Ill mind mine, said robert cavaness with the voice of dan bohler, you know my name said gabriel, you can loose it, said, fleas, right here, said, gabriel, dee finney, your choice, sees visions, I dream, she says, but, stripped, soon, the eonomy, said, gabriel, I laughed, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the smiling, pope, over, in, usa, do what you want, said, gabriel, you laughed, said, hollie, when you did it, stole the name ministry of dreams, dee finney, all, but, all, will, let go, after, being, ruined, somebody got thru, said, hollie, help, by praying, for, Jesus, to have mercy, this is heaven, this is helven, lava or glass skyscapers pointed the main, im not the main any more, that is, gabriel, said, the main, ministering spirit, hollie, and, she showed, thumbs down, darrell stewart said hollie is a liar, the main said, that is the liar, darrell, not, saved, but, leading apostolic service, and he sees, hollie, the main, showed, record, he cares, said, gabriel, Jesus, wants, people, saved, git out of here, said, Jesus, to janet Mcknight, until, you, repent, all, that, stole, the name, we took it, said, arron shutt, and matt brady, shook, yes, to make bob fall, said, david shapiro, and antonia vladimirova laughed like dee finney and Duncan Roleau, this aint gonna do it, said, Jesus, Ill send you all sickness, and michael doran sees, they all, stole, and, wont, make right, tempting Jesus, and larry, whats your name said, JEsus, lawrence forman is larry lawrence, that is CLURACAN, the liar, but, they all, release, darrell stewart is not saved, said, the main, gabriel, showed, record, again, pointed, at, flames, for, dee finney and mr. finney leaves her over stealing the name ministry of dreams, thats when, she, lets, go, like, larry lawrence, when, michelle branch leaves him over, then, he, releases the name he stole, ministry of dreams, gabriel, showed, record, hollie, out of the AudioCoustics Laboratory speaker, back, come one bobby, said, gabriel, record, post, like, hollie, showed, stay away from us said larry lawrence, but why did, you mess with Jesus, and lawrence forman showed, record, to make bob fall, and michelle branch leaves over, then, furcadia and funarchy release, record, showed, gabriel, post, like, hollie, showed, r. l. holcomb said gabriel, is lost, pastoring, that, said, hollie, flames, car, smiled, looked serious, thought, thumbs swooping up, he needs you, said, hollie, out of horn, blown by, the being, showing michigan street, sign, boom, im a bear, russia, go, said, hollie showed, pointed, God, needs, you out in the streets, send the military out in the streets, said, gabriel, end, time, sign, hunt for it, said, gabriel, new medicine, is not sleep, they, that, sleep, sleep, in, the, night, work, while it is, day, you alternator is going out of van, dont, rebuild, buy, new, you are short, said, gabriel, us, said, michelle branch, thats why when tempted by, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, I need you to walk, said, Jesus, now your out, all, that, took, the name, ministry of dreams, release, but, only, after, plagues, gabriel, showed, record, go to the computer, said, arron shutt, he and janet, I know, mcknight, both, tempt God, like dee finney and antonia vladimirova, I know, she said, lies, but calls her self, reverend, cause you got money, said, hollie, and dee finney gets sent visions, you are, invincible, you think, but, watch, your, self, fall, thats him, pointed, hollie, the nathaniel haney urshan kenneth horace smith man, not, saved, but pastors, tempt me, said, Jesus, I dont said antonia vladimirova, ill, its cause you got money, said, Jesus, I need you out of here, said, antonia vladimirova, and arron shutt, I need you arrested said Antonia Vladimirova, you are, going to be embarrased, by your own, family, take off, or, leave, no, said, Jesus, you liar, you know, you stole, I took, said, Antonia Vladimirova, and arron shutt, you can not take from God, come and lift me up said Antonia Vladimirova, but she is lost, pastors, now, exposed, as, thief ministry of dreams, and arron shutt sees, im sick of you, said, dee finney, thats your mother, said, hollie, this aint gonna do it, said, Jesus, I wrecked, said, dee finney, and Antonia Vladimirova laughs, and arron shutt, thinks, nothing about, but, will, loose, his job, like janetmck for tempting, then, release, record, showed, gabriel, git out of here, God, needs, you, out, record, showed, gabriel, yes mother, said, prophet, you loose, said, Jesus, dee finney, you lair, witch, he wants your name, said, hollie, pointed, larry l. lawrence, hit milwaukee, said, gabriel, thats where you loose, said, Jesus, hand of help, ordered by God, everybodies perishing, said, Jesus, raise, your hands and repeat after me, sang, bobs, pope, smiling, dee finney, I gotta git outa here, she said, 6-26-2007-and hollie, and hollie showed, sang like, islands in the stream, this is about being nobody, and there is, Dolly Parton being worshipped, hollie showed flames, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, gabriel, showed, record, reduce your smile, said, janet Mcknight, we heard said hollie, and dee finney saw, all fired from jobs, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, smiling, arron shutt looses over eighty thousand dollar job for mocking what janetmck did, stole the name, then they release it, ministry of dreams, something, coming, said, janetmck, pink slip, record, showed, the, idol shepherd, like the pope, slashed, hollie pointed, deadly wound, and, amy brucker, sees, calls, herself reverend like antonia vladimirova, laughs, but, all get embarrassed, then, cut me off so I can do what I want to do said Antonia Vladimirova, now, calls herself, reverend like jeremy taylor, he finds, said, Jesus, mocked, on the internet, for wanting to make a christian fall, all, stole, did, like, lawrence forman, larry lawrence, Duncan Roleau mocks, bob, is, the nightmarist, comic character ministry of dreams, hes mocking, and people like michael doran and matt brady laugh, but, they wont, have, Duncan Roleau s article, on thier websites with the name, ministry of dreams, but, all, take, it, off, after start loosing, im gonna hurt you said Jesus, dee finney, take your bread and butter away, husband, im to embarrased said dee finney to go to church, anymore, they find, out, gabriel, showed, record, gabriel, showed, record, put it back, he said, money you stole, all upci pastors, I need to tell on you, said, JEsus, hes your pastor said hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, but you financially support him, not biblical, forgit it then, said, the nathaniel haney urshan man, they are, millionaires, raking in church offerrings, own buildings, paid off by flock, like most pastors, but, they wont sell, and, are, go to google, said, the nathaniel haney urshan man, the pope, smiled, and, the, kenneth haney nathaniel haney urshan man had glowing eyes, bobby, you need, to, embarras him, the, pope, smiles, his apostolic children, and, the nathaniel haney urshan man tears up con tract, with glowing eyes, we aint gonna take it off, said janetmck, till I loose, they all, say, and will hurt the rest of thier lives, over, the economies gone said prophet ministry of dreams, pope, gabriel, pointed, one way, did not, fleas, say, I gotta git outta here, she, bit the prophets head off, angry, but, let go, I, take, said, satan, but, made, to let go, hollie, celebrated, hollie tore up my concious, said, hollie, gabriel, showed, pray, two hours, watch, did not, gabriel point, and, say, wheres jordan, boom, italy, thats my beast, pointed, gabriel, seek, boom, france, boom, gabriel, showed, record, tongue tied, all are, till, saved, or, cut off, theres that submarine sound, sang, gabriel, and hollie, licked, the prophet, out of, submarine, you went to hell said janetmck, and, arron shutt calls, both with dee finney, larry lawrence, france, boom, russia, attacks, all nato nations, thats, pointed, hollie, the king of grecia, the pope, my man he said, smiling, the kenneth haney urshan man, joel, I write him, he said, does, invites, bob, goes, they like each other, joel wants him to stay, bob, shows, computer, have nothing to do with, it, said, joel urshan, bob, leaves, joel misses, bob goes back, every once in a while, and the nathaniel haney urshan man sees, with glowing eyes, thats my brother said joel urshan, bob, they, will love, each other, gabriel, showed, record, gabriel, showed, record, look at that, highway to hell, ac/dc, thats where he went, that, was, hollie showed, tearing up, the, con, cious, new iraq, said, gabriel, pointed, ameri britain, joel urshan, buy me, unsaved, I wanted to make, you backslide, pointed, JEsus, like a cat, hollie tore up the con scripture, that pointed hollie, that, that was satan, shh, darrell stewart, up, back, the con spirit, said, hollie, that, is, Jesus, protecting that van, like a cat, downtown, circled hollie geese, the stock market collapsed, then, russia attacked, that pointed, hollie, out of, ring, that, was, the Father chastising the son, with missing teeth, thats, what, fiery darts do, that was hollie, like a bear, tearing up, the, con, what con, thought hollie, truit, china is magog, that, was, hollie, tearing, up, tear up my con, thought, con truit, put back, blessed precious, showed, to record, that, pointed, emergency sound, emergency sound, pointed, hollie, who knows, theres the alarm, sound, loose belt sound, thats, hollie, on, the, missile, showing prayer walk, pulling the france, that was, a, gigantic ship pointed, Jesus, emergency sound, theres my emergency sound, leave him alone, hates, you, devil, he says, emergency sound, said, hollie, that man, is watching, you, he heard, and, did not repent, emergency sound, he will try to rend you, make, you fall, emergency sound, blew the whistle, hollie whistle, with Jean Urshans voice, and, the, nathaniel haney urshan man sees, nathaniel p. urshan angering, caspian see pipeline, boom, check your oil, with, your hands, thick, and slick, keep it, like the hand showed, that was, hollie whistle, blow, and, the, light came on, in, the, room, that, was, Jesus, bright, that, was, the cat JEsus, paul, said in dream, look what the Lord hath done, meaning, church, bob, said, it should be, full, paul laid down, downtown, circled hollie geese, hollie posting, paul knew bob had the Holy Ghost, you didnt want, it, paul, my name is Jesus, im, the King of kings, and, Lord of lords, I, can, do all things, Im the Alpha and Omega, I, can, do, all, things, Alpha and Omega clapped the tap dancers, put me first said paul mooney, on the phone, in the dream, leave our paul mooney alone, france, boom, come and backslide at paul mooneys, what do you want, Im gonna break you, thinks paul mooney, strip, that was, satan, shh, looked like, the dave lennox man, im the bear paw, that is, putin, satan is, the head, and, the pope, is, his mouth, magog, is, the body, thats, north and south, korea, china, and, japan, thats a foot, lighted, toes, kings faces, appeared, on, theres hu hintao, hollie held nose, tore up con, spirit, pointed, hollie, kim jong, hollie held nose, hollie spued, fire, what does he want, trouble, there is the emporer of japan, how much, ill take it, 50, said, hollie, american, aegis ships, hollie held nose, showed, bend, he, lies, she, there was, south korea, hollie thought, they all falling, there is, hollie thought, tore up, con spirit, putin, write my visions, leave it there, said, hollie, that was 3 ribs in the bears mouth, cuba, hollie held nose, castrol, liar, who wrote me, that was, jonathan hansen, take my name off, come on christian he said, bob, showed, I want, you, tore up, con, hollie, enthusiastic, what does he want, said with multitudes, money, showed jonathan hansen, jonathan hansen is a baptist, that was enthusiastic hollie, clapped my tap dancers, tearing, up, con, spirit, pointing at jonathan hansen, he, was, never saved, he wanted, music, he shook, yes, he, embarrasses the Lord, im cut off, he says, I caint handle vision, s, hollie, little horn, hollie, blew the horn, out came jonathan hansen with dyed hair, tearing, up, the, hollie, enthusiastic, thought, con w.m.i., collapsing, jonathan hansen is a millionaire from preaching, help me out, he says, he made it right there, off of the prophecy club, offerrings, he, took in about 50,000, I, will, open, the, fifth seal, hollie did nothing with the con spirit, lighted, bear paws, I, caint, find, him, said, dee finney, antonia vladimirova, stole the name ministry of dreams, hollie out of, horn, showed, posting, like, hollie with, bear paws, turned into putin, enthusiastic hollie, showed, record, lighted bear paws, pointed, thats my main, that was a babies bottle, jonathan hansen is, not, learned, angel showed, to, record, accept it said Jesus, hes coming, said, hollie, thats, multitudes in the valley of decision, cut me off said the girl from Garry Streevals, what, does, he, want, she, said, money, watch this said, enthusiastic hollie, what do you want, pointed, garry streeval, people to support, that is the nathaniel haney urshan man, with, glowing, eyes, same o pentecostal, post more, visions, pointed, hollie out of horn, that, was, a, fire, flash, out of, meeting room, Jesus, might come when you least expect it, you piss me off, cause, you dont, love me, said, tina turner, after you, sex, is, all, ike, wanted, record, showed, hollie, we, will, not, be accepted, by, the Holy One, look at me, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, gabriel, showed, record, gabriel, showed, record, did not, my angel, prophet say, you know, iraq, america, tore up, its, con, hollie thought, spirit, cause, war not ordered by God, there are, no, visions, in, pentecost, cause there are, no apostolics in pentecost, and, Jesus, pointed, like a cat at thirty forth street sign, boom, im a bear paw, thats putin, pointed, hollie, thats, my ram, china, and, putin, with, the king, of grecia, the pope, when usa, hits, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, usa hits moscow and china, then, three kings, arise, theres, hu, hollie, pointed, at, whitecastle, closing, they, pay, employees to much, thats it, said, Jesus, they, dont, make, no money, no more, charge high prices, hollie, pointed, owner hates it, gabriel, showed, record, whatta you want, and, the, nathaniel haney urshan man showed, money, free, money, church tithes, offerrings, your, going, down, said, pointed, hollie, hollie, pointed, come on, said, Jesus, want more visions, on, my website, said, hollie, gabriel, showed, record, hollie licked, the prophet, 7-4-2007-meet Duncan Rouleau's children, they all stoel the name ministry of dreams, make fun of prophet, like, matt brady of newsarama, michael doran, Dana Tillusz, and, Chad Boudreau, they have it, Konstantin Ternianov has it, the liar, claims to be saved, but, lies, dee finney was that old woman in the old testament, said, gabriel, pointed, that saw samuel, not, stripped, yet, all right said dee finney, she is stripped now, for, taking, says, dee finney, my name, she said, ministry of dreams, stolen, from prophet, to make him fall, on her website, she, wants it off, but, still there, liar, the united states will be attacked, by, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia, sang, my pope, those rca stereo speakers are excellent, they are minimus 5s, made for radio shack, same o speaker, record, showed, gabriel, and, licked, my prophet, gabriel, showed, record, that, said, hollie, post, we will not be accepted, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, the whole united states, boom, desolate, and subs all around, and hollie, smiled, and pointed, up, at, Jesus coming and christian claimer Duncan Rouleau still here, and, bill clinton, returned fire, boom, the world shook, please tempt me said janet Mcknight, janetmck, took it said arron shutt, whole job, knows, why you do it, said, hollie, shh, showed, janetmck and arron shutt, to make prophet fall, like Duncan Rouleau, liar, all claim salvation, but, right, said, hollie, steal from christians like the reverends jeremy taylor and antonia vladimirova, they all, took it, said, dee finney, brother against brother, and dee finney smiled, embarrased, leave me, said, Jesus, liars, all, dont waste your time calling on Jesus, sang, Dana Tillusz, she stole the name ministry of dreams, she is one of duncan rouleaus children, like matt brady, no, he said, lies, told girlfriend, he would, take, off, remove it, said, matt brady of newsarama, got it, he said, michael doran is one of duncan rouleaus children, with, Dave Karlotski is one of Duncan Rouleaus children, he has the name ministry of dreams, wont release till embarrased, wants prophet to fall, Robert Dinse is one of Duncan Rouleaus children, he will be ruined, has the protected name ministry of dreams on website, will release after being left by woman, on moscow and china, boom, hollie showed, pointed, that is my building smiled up, flames, tattoo place, hollie showed thumbs swooping up, popes image on the fingers of united pentecostal church internationals hands, 666 on p.a.w. s forheads, thats, the, horace smith-kenneth haney man with dyed hair, dont, listen to em said the girl from garry streevals church, plays the organ, not saved, hollie showed, saw, flames, car, rubbed chin, thought, smiled, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, hollie, showed record, hollie showed, record, now, om out she said, give warning smiled my pope, God sends, revival, dont, repent, cut off, leave it alone, said, the girl from garry streevals church, hollies spacecraft, ministry of dreams, thats the space craft sound, gabriel, showed, record, right here said the girl from garry streevals church, but garry streeval guards, pulpit and he is, stripped, no said, hollie, no, said, hollie, and sneezed, go listen to him talk, garry streeval, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, thats the, observed the pope, duncan rouleau man, his children, matt brady, robert dinse, michael doran, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, robert dinse, duncan rouleau makes fun of prophet ministry of dreams, stole name, and posted on all of thier websites, and none will take off, duncan rouleau laughs at them, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, thats my tap dancers, clapped, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, that elephant has no enemies, no animal will, mess with an elephant, it will, get it, ten cats, would kill, but it would kill everyone, did not gabriel say, how long, have you, been prayin, they, all, think, at, apostolic tabernacle, raise your hands and repeat after me sang my pope, ill divorce ya, said, robert cavaness, leave it on, the pope showed, record, got ya, said, Jesus, duncan rouleau stole the name ministry of dreams, wrote article making of fun of prophet, and the children of duncan rouleau posted it on thier websites, matt brady, michael doran, Dana Tillusz, and, Chad Boudreau, robert dinse, want more visions, want more visions, clapped the tap dancers, Jonah Weiland is one of duncan rouleaus children, she has the stolen name ministry of dreams on her website, releases after being ruined, and the pope and hu were two of them, with eight kings that will rise against, u.s.a, hollie, held nose, pointed, down, hu, liar, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, pointed, oil coats engines, for about one week, dinosaurs kept the animal population down, that is not why God created them, clapped, my tap dancers, the aligator is the only remaining, dinosaur, same skin, God created dinosaurs, to rome, killed off, like many animals, violent against humans, hollie, showed, record, duncan rouleau showed record, record showed, hollies, 7-5-2007-George A. Tramountanas, posted the name ministry of dreams, as duncan rouleaus, he is duncan rouleau s child, he steals from christians, hates Jesus, knew, duncan rouleau was making fun of prophet, he will be ruined, left by woman, record the vision, said, hollie, prayer walk, pulling ship, on missile, allright said, hollie, and licked, the prophet, jeremy taylor will loose j.f.k. university, then, release, the name, he stole ministry of dreams, call him reverend wickedness with reverend antonia vladimirova and dee finney, both, took, the name ministry of dreams, to make christian fall, that, said, hollie, and licked, the prophet, angel, grabbed, gabriel, in, the, right here, he said, headlines, gabriel, smiled, pointed, hillary clinton, president, and sam neill said, put it on, lunch, attorney, suit, but, leave on, he is, not, savable, but, heart, settled, hollie showed, record, gas up, she showed, be, one of duncan rouleau s children like Jonah Weiland, matt brady, michael doran, duncan rouleau stole the name ministry of dreams, mocks bob, on, internet, nightmarist he calls, sees, record, showed, fleas, duncan rouleau is lost, and, wanting christians to fall, like the websites his article is on, they knew, and, wont release, making them, the same, hates Jesus, poor o duncan rouleau said hollie, his children like matt brady, Jonah Weiland, robert dinse, michael doran, all ruined, cause, they, loved being duncans child, submarine sound, submarine sound, submarine sound, and hollie licked the prophet, angel, got you, he said, jeremy taylor, fired, from all, jobs, for, taking said jeremy taylor, the name ministry of dreams, not, releasing, after, being, told, antonia vladimirova showed thumbs down, shes reverend liar, stole the name, furgit it said Jesus, she wants to patent the name ministry of dreams, make prophet release, but will be embarrassed, then, release, heres the vision, said, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, 7-8-2007-gabriel, showed, shh, at, ricky holcombs tonight, they want control, give, and, the Being, lighted, said, I Am Jesus Christ, and, the four horns, arose, with kings faces, and hollie, showed, thumbs, down, lawrence forman is about to get cut off like larry lawrence and janet Mcknight who is janetmck, dee finney, and reverends, jeremy taylor and antonia vladimirova, took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, they all, stole, and will release, like duncan rouleau, stole, and, wrote book, making fun of, organization, ministry of dreams, and calls prophet, nightmarist, he will, getting many in trouble, like matt brady and michael doran and jonah weiland, they like robert dinse, posted duncan rouleaus article with the stole name ministry of dreams, they all release like nick field, jean patrick charrey, stole the name ministry of dreams, and will release after being ruined, furcadias david shapiro stole and many did after like Heuva, Dave Karlotski, Konstantin Ternianov, Dana Tillusz and Chad Boudreau have duncan rouleaus article on thier website, they are the children of duncan rouleau, like matt brady and michael doran, they worship duncan rouleau to the fire of lava, like jonah weiland, write all these liars and ask them why, saith the LOrd, they stole the name God spoke for this ministry, here is why, to make the servant of Jesus fall, hollie moodie, tell david shapiro and lawrence forman they are about to be ruined, saith God, arron shutt and janetmck are the children of ben trott, he protects them, benjamin trott of livejournal, write them, and ask benjamin trott why he wants the servant of God to fall, thats why, he does, violates his company policy, but, special occasion, make christian fall, gabriel, showed, record, that, was, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, satan, pointed, hollie, write the vision, sh, 7-15-2007-that, said, hollie, come one maria, beautiful, woman, that, Jesus, I know it, she said, not saved, but, he can deliver me, she thinks, prophet, record showed, Jesus, mark mckinney dyes hair, and threatens Holy Ghost filled people, you of a bastard Spirit, I dont, want you in my service, hollie tore up con, thought, spirit, did not, my pope say, its all, over, oil, hollie showed, licked, hollie tore up, con, spirit, backwards, mark mckinney threatened prophet, and God, led prophet to his main student, and, revealed, he is, hair dying, not saved, or savable, hes, 53, she said, he was 53 many years ago, I said, called, shes out, and, mark mckinney pointed, hes, sheriffs deputy, but lies, I thought, you were a joke, get my name off of that website, speak about me again, sickness will come on you, but, he thought bob said, 70 people, were coming, but, bob said, God said, hes dealing with about 70, o, thought, mark, bob left, did not, the woman, from, new life tabernacle say, never, hang around here, bobby, cause, terry gobin dyes hair, shut up, she, said, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, theres your man, the comic character, duncan rouleau releases name, book, he said, but now being ruined, he stole like dee finney, and many, the name ministry of dreams, all, that did, will go down, till they, release, all, will, satan said, hollie, dee finney, God said, lay down, dee finney, dee finney is, stripped, you got me, she said, like david shapiro, and his children, the children of furcadia, like micheru mathys, thats mike kenney, and michelle branch, larry lawrence, cecil pennyton, and, lawrence forman all stole the name like the reverends jeremy taylor and antonia vladimirova, christina marie sanford, arron shutt, and, janet mcknight who is janetmck, all stole, like the massive bri, all, will release, and duncan rouleaus children that have his article on thier websites, where he stole the name ministry of dreams, will release, like matt brady, nick field, jonah weiland, robert dinse, michael doran, and, more, have stolen the name ministry of dreams, but, all, release, david dalton, and hollie tore up con spirit, claims salvation, but, is lost, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, you prophesied, I was cut off, said, dean white, that hurt me, but I said, im full of the Holy Ghost, lied, dean white lost, goes from church to church, let me, preach, yes, shook hair dyer mark mckinney, smiling, in, heart, open, that, write the vision, that, submarine sound, and, hollie fought in her sub, spacecraft, sound, said, hollie, spacecraft is mine, leave it alone, yelled, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, pulled, ship, on missile, waved, prayer walked, spacecraft is mine, said, enthusiastic hollie, ministry of dreams, why would you, lie to me, said, mrs. mckinney, Go dealing with over 70 people, she, told, mark that he said, God said, 70 people would be here, and, mark mckinney called, the Holy Ghost a bastard Spirit in front of marcus ellis and wife, many, bob said, I said, dealing with, mark knew, bob, had the Holy Ghost, what do you want said, mark mckinney, support me, the, united states, is, MYSTERY, BABYLON said, Jesus, the woman, that was a sunken ship, ships, are all raiseable, they, are, rusty, but, paint, thick steel, most could be fixed, cheap, raising, the titanic, if in one piece, easy, pump air into, there it is, fix whole on surface, the andria doria, east, but on side, forget, there is, my black chariot with hollie whistle, blew, and, the pope, and hu, new world order, hollie in back, saw, hollie whistle, leave me alone, sound, she said, with jean urshans voice, and the nathaniel haney urshan man sees, git out of here, they both, think, got flocks to pay off churches, so, they could, live like owners of worlds, and, joel urshan laughed, downtown, circled, hollie geese, bob dreamed, at, dads, house, and, foggy outside, storm warning, coming over, warning horn, saw, gabriel, heard, saying, coming, out of, warning, JEREMIAH 31 said gabriel, and licked the prophet, that was, lighted bear paws, tearing up, con, hollie thought, quest, mark mckinney wants prophet in jail, he is, sheriff, but, wont, do, anything, but, threaten, hollie showed, licked, the prophet, hollie, showed, record, he will not be accepted, rick holcomb, that is, not, the, alarm sound, emergency sound, hollie licked the prophet, record, showed, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, the pope, smiled, hollie showed, record, he, was, in, the, horn, that, was, gabriel, hollie licked, the prophet, bobby, said, gabriel, terry gobin, missing out, record, go, he showed, gabriel showed, wait, and, licked, the prophet, sue me, he, said, mark mckinney, for, threatening you, record, said, the woman from garry streeval s, church, right here, sex, thats all people want, for, git, it, said, rick holcomb, they pastor, the holcombs, but, not, sent, hair dying, people wont sit under, you loose said gabriel, they had, full church, now, gabriel showed record, holcomb, rick is, no signs, that is, not the emergency sound, but, alarm, holcombs, both, miss, rapture, had it there way, perished, hollie showed, record, your outta here, mark mckinney, hair dyer, did not fleas, say, if, you let me, ill be your pastor, with sin, in my life, did not, Jesus, and, hollie licked the prophet, say, set a watch man in tekea, and, he saw, clapped hollie, you loose said, hollie, terry gobin, outta here, they wanted bob, now, wish, granted, and, church, closing, theres the tap dancers, eight kings that will rise, against, usa, hollie held nose, liars, all, fox, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, lies, ortega, hollie held nose, thumbs, up, down, cause, two sided, wants, doesnt, hollie showed, castrol, thumbs, down, new castrol, is, old, and, bush, sees, old, castrol, what do you want, money he showed, richer then usa, by, that, hollie held nose, thumbs down, that, pointed, hollie, its in the ring, 7-16-2007- hollie showed, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, flames, rubbed chin, smiled, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, that is that o alarm sound, write my vision, pointed hollie showed, flames, car, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, and, hollie, appeared, at caldwells church, shh, council, they come against, visions, leave me alone, this is my spacecraft, I, will, not, tolerate you stealing my name, ministry of dreams, sang, gene simmons, ruin if, record, showed, hollie, eat, sleep, or, serve God, Jesus showed, record, mark mckinney called the Holy Ghost a bastard Spirit, inside, your are of a bastard Spirit, leave, bob, left, mark, lost, crowd of about eight, and hollie put back, con, spirit, leave my space craft alone said, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, caldwell is sin, pointed, hollie, at drexel gardens apostolic tabernacle, he comes against, servants of Jesus, theres touble in persia, and, hollie licked the prophet, tore up, con, spirit, one arm, lighted, like, bear paw, with popes image, thats, im a bear, the pope, hollie held nose, thumbs down, with, popes, image, there is your beast, hu, and, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, and, japan, hollie, what do you want, mark mckinney showed court, for, prophet, dee finney she, removed the name ministry of dreams, she, took, she says, she, wanted, bob, to fall, like david shapiro, hollie held nose, beat up, will release, then, and lawrence forman, hollie tore, up, con, spirit, he, looses, girlfriend, then, releases, larry lawrence, you got me he yelled, janet Mcknight, hollie pointed, blew flute, out came janetmck, arron shutt was oral sex, thats why he sided with janet Mckinght, both loose jobs, duncan rouleau makes fun of prophet, stole name, wrote article, his children posted, protected like jonah weiland and matt brady, robert dinse, nick field, michael doran, and more, all, wont, let go, want prophet to fall, they all, ruined, duncan rouleaus seven books series cancelled, gets beat up, christina marie sanford, tore up, showed, hollie, like, massive bri, both loose jobs, over, micheru mathys stole the name ministry of dreams, like cecil pennyton, and, all that stole release after ruining, jeremy taylor, d.min, and antonia vladimirova, all stole the name, you git it, she said, will, after she is, beat up, ruined, jeremy taylor, biggest loose of all, looses four jobs, talks, many, jean patrick charrey stole, took he says, releases, after embarrased, hollie held nose, thumbs down, terry gobin, no signs, there aint, no visions, in pentecost, and, hollie licked the prophet, bye, theres your room, pointed, the pope, this aint gonna do it, said, dee finney, hollie held nose, ann schmidt, gene schmidt on finger image, thats the pope and hu, signing, and the lighted finger pointed, hollie tore up, con, spirit, like a bear, im a bear, paw, thats putin, satan is the head, and, the pope, is his mouth, thats, magog, china, hollie held nose, thumbs, up, liars, north and south, korea, what do you want, war, said, kim jong, and, japan, china, strikes taiwan, and, america, in washington, bill clinton, immediately nukes, russia, and china, but, after, both presidents run from the fire, thats, pointed, hollie, the pope, hollie, out of, the, techwood speaker woofer, those speakers are excellent, best, they designed, to fill room, tower, what, do, you want, fifty said the pawn america, and, those mtx, room, said, pope, best made, for, p.a., both, 17 inch woofers, hollie out of woofer, back, those accurately reproduce sound, did not fleas say, well what did fleas, say, whose looking at me, tore up, con, tracts, pointed, at, Jesus, running, smiling, but, I, did, it, one step to far, you knew the instant God left, and sad, but, accepted, and hollie out of, audiocostics laboratory 2100 stereo speaker, those are, excellent, and the soundpro man, shook, yes, tore up, sold, thousands, fleas showed, streeval, handicapped people are, not accountable, and fleas, said, that, and showed a picture of garry streeval, and tore up, rip, then turned into the nathaniel haney urshan man, he said, git up, meaning, loose, buisness, then, repent, they are, lost, pastoring, for money, that was the nathaniel urshan haney man with glowing eyes looking at vision, I cant handle you vision, he said, now I want you out, 7-19-2007-that is hollie on the horse, that hollie blowed, horn, out, hollie, that, finger in ear, pointed, record showed, hollie, I, wont, she, said, live for Jesus, but, pastor, like caldwell, mark mckinney, donald winters, terry long-cannon, and he showed, shh, dont tell on me, hollie showed, record, did not hollie, say, record the vision, that, hollie doing body work, hollie showed, record, thats, the syrian president running from the fire, im gitting mad at you, he thinks, posting, the economy slipped, hollie showed, record, gabriel, like, light, on, light, horse, with, sword of light, prophet, on back, of, horse, showed california, boom, thats it, florida, boom, new york, boom, now, ask, questions, but, prophet, was asking gabriel to speak, gabriel, swallowed, not, permitted, prophet, will, not, ask, dumitru asked, gabriel, shh, this is what I want, heaven, crystal sea, glass skyscrapers, and hollie on the streets of gold, p.t.f.e. said hollie, on streets of gold, thumbs up, works, did not your angel friend say, china, thats magog clapped hollie, gabriel like light, on light horse, sword, of light, beautiful, to prophet, gabriel is Gods messenger, takes, messages to prophet, hes like arch, like, lighter, spark, wheres helmut like roman soldier, thats, it, said, hollie, 9-11 started armageddon, hollie put back, con, spirit, did not, gabriel, say, theres, no, more, time, pointed, syria, iran, boom, this angers, putin, when you dream, its a night vision, did not gabriel, say, what do, you want, iraq, said, hollie, smiling, started, this, now, it will, not stop, to late, the pope showed, money, this pope is the beast, satan is inside, hes, wanting putin to destroy, and putin, knelt before the pope, this is what I want, the pope uttered, destroy america, and the pope sees, thats hi image, made alive, pocket tv, thats hollie, pointing, at, the deadly wound, italy, and, the pope, shot, out, thats the beast, and, the second beast, hu, otyre and magog, hollies in hot water, pulling the ship, prayer walked, on the missile, pointed gabriel, did not gabriel say, record, the vision, bart peterson is raising taxes, in indianapolis so high, wont win re-election, but is doing it to get, out of, debt, debt he caused, did not, fleas, say, trobule, thats the beast, the pope, and, hu, the false prophet, hollie leopard and locomotive, pointed at the leopard, thats china, north and south korea, and japan, situate, write me vision, said, gabriel, and the lighted hand pointed, bear, said, hollie bear, satan is the head, pointed, and, the pope, is his mouth, thats putin, otyre, theres hollie whistle, pointed, on, the, black chariot, with, eight kings, that will, rise, against usa, theres fox, hollie showed, look here, said, prophet, thats, iraq, said, gabriel, with, a circle, prophet, ripped, thats, bush, he caused, both, thats gabriel, on the, horse, with, all, of light, what are you doin, said, Im out, michelle branch, but, she wants prophet out like lawrence forman and dee finney, both, all, stole the name, brand new iraq, ameri britain, said, gabriel, write my vision, said, gabriel, go, he, pointed, that is that o alone sound, and the nathaniel haney urshan man saw, did not gabriel say, iraq again, bush, you, destroyer, over, 100,000, killed, blood on your hands, cheney pushed, to take oil, that was, satan, pointed, hollie, what is my satans message, satan thought, theres con spirit, rip, im the bear paw, hollie out of fan, france, boom, pointed, did not gabriel say, record, the vision, tell the vision said hollie, did not gabriel, say, iraq, causing the world to hate, america, and a. a. allen, hold it, said, gabriel, his vision, being full, filled, sword in the statue of libertys hand, what do you want, said, gabriel, and alonzo allen showed, money, but, needed, he is in hell, cause, he dyed hair, write my vision, said, gabriel, look what youve done, nuked, clinton, gaza, boom, right there, pointed, hollie, they want, to, arrest, those hitachi speakers are, cheap, but, sound, loud, record showed gabriel, giant, the band, blew it, by, second album, one hit, im a believer, believer means, gabriel thought, obeyer, limited attack said, Jesus, on, iran, and, syria, coming, by, u.s.a., you know what, I want, that is, gabriel, on, the horse, said, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, gabriel thought, ministry of dreams name off of all websites that took the name, stole, like jeremy taylor from j.f.k. university, janetmck who is janet Mcknight and arron shutt, and antonia vladimirova, and dee finney, and, david shapiro of furcadia and larry lwarence who is lawrence forman of the heroin puppy media, and christian marie sanford and the massive bri, and duncan rouleau, wrote book, making fun of prophet and his kids like matt brady and jonah weiland and nick field and michael doran, and Dana Tillusz and Chad Boudreau, they are duncan rouleaus children, and, jean patrick charrey, and, mike kenney who is micheru mathys, and, Dave Karlotski, and, robert dinse, and, Konstantin Ternianov, and, more who stole, write them and show them this vision, God is destroying all of you right now, youll all be found out, and, embarrased and ruined, watch, go easy, said, gabriel, tell the vision, smutie is cut off over this like amy brucker and many, china is magog, russia is otyre, two world government ran by the two beasts, hu and the pope, caspian sea pipeline, boom, that, was, comic character, duncan rouleau stole the name ministry of dreams, makes fun of prophet, wrote book, but, his article on his, childrens websites like jonah weiland and matt brady, nick field, michael doran, more, they, wont release till ruined, they all want bob to fall, bob could sue duncan rouleau, win, he wont said, duncan rouleau, wont have to beat up, many times over, till, lets go, watch, theres duncan rouleau in the hospital, gabriel, put prophet on back of light horse, and, showed, many cities, with sword, boom, now ask questions and prophet thought of dumitru duduman, he asked the right questions, and michael boldea sees and calls, and gene schmidt smiles, they believe and are happy, bob knows those two and likes, would come back, but, they dont want, and ann schmidt, dyes hair, 7-20-2007-gabriel, like, lihgt, sword, lighted, pointed, boom, connecticut, all of the east coast, boom, west coast, boom, henry gruver saw, smiled, thats the beast, smiling, pope with, satan, inside, and this pope is him, slashed, lives, he, divides, the land, for peace, russia and china, otyre and magog, hollie out of the electrophonic air suspension systems speaker, showed, one, and the lighted finger pointed at the kenneth haney-horace smith man, with dyed hair, and, the pope, pointed, with, red finger, war, brewing, hollie sang like michelle times, shorts, gabriel, thats gabriel, lighted, sword, pastor terry gobin, I, cant, find, Jesus, his crowd now leaving, and he is trying to pick pockets for new building, that, he, will, never get, already, knows, lying, quenched revival, to bore, his preaching, horrible, many, reached, out to bob, heres why, they, knew, he had the Holy Ghost, gobin dyes hair, both, support me, is what, he wants, hollie, tearing, up, the, con, tract, truit, and, thought, spirit, bob showed up, at new life tabernacle, and, testified, thats, gabriel, light, sword, horse, lighted, beautiful, and they felt the Holy Ghost in bobs voice, many, right then, gobin, knew, in trouble, hes, picking pockets to, cause he, gave up, his job, at nucor steel, now, ruined, will, break even, live at church, wife leaves, go, he showed, gabriel, showed, record, thats a thumb with the popes, image, raise your hands and repeat after me, he sang, signed, for, between pope and hu, otyre, magog, two world government, and the four horns rose, with the pope, slashed, idol shepherd, and hu, and the emporer of japan, those are the four kings, in persia, gabriel, showed, record, france, boom, thats, the, eiffel tower melting, you know what irani did, called, on, putin, for, protection, bush knows, hey terry said hollie, terry gobin, wheres your crowd, he, left, all, pick pockets at church, so, you can, have, a credit card, to, do, what, ever, you want, they, all saw, put terry in a new building, in his name, thats gabriel, lighted, in the headlines, hillary clinton kicked out, president, thats gabriel in the headlines, iran, syria, boom, usa, angering, putin, ellen degeneres does that show, want every one, of those young woman, but, they, wont, let, shes, cut off, and, daniel quayle showed three, record, downtown, circled hollie geese, hollie posting, that is, fleas, she, just laughs, and God laughs with her, but, shell have to give an account, thats fleas, pulling the ship, on the missile, prayer walk, did not, dumitru say, trouble, and he saw, pointed casey, kings arise, the pope, what do you want, he, utterred, money, take, the mark, and live, he wants you, said, Jesus, david garcia, Jesus, showed, record, that, hollie, showed, pointed, flames, truck, trailer, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, its like a new receiver, pointed, gabriel, the pioneer sx-1250 at westside pentecostal church, and donald winters laughs, that was a buring house, your church should be, that, satan, pointed hollie, and, licked the prophet, what do, you want, terry gobin, showed, record, thats, the popes image, made alive, git, out, of here, smiled, terry gobin, Jesus showed, record, gabriel, showed, shhh, dont, tell on terry gobin, what do you want, money, he showed, hollie, showed, pointed, at, flames, rubbed chin, smiled, pointed, buisnesses closing, thumbs swooping up, popes image, thought, hollie sanding, bondo, like, this, whatta you want, said, hollie, showed, shh, dont, tell, people terry gobin wants church paid off in his name, credit card, from church, so he can, do, whatever, he wants, free ride, people know, write the vision, said, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, that is, that o red and black chariot, with, hollie whistle, blew, showed, be quiet, terry gobin, what do you want, worship me, get behind me or out, was his, message, and building fund, was, topic, but hes not, going to buy, a building, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, flames, pointed, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, gabriel and hollie sang, I wish it would rain, by phil collins, number one, if they sang, fleas sang like phil collins, what do you want, she said, genesis to die, so he can, tour, singing those songs, like david gilmore, did not, Jesus, say, I, want, you, to, pray, dont, plant yourself, at churches, they overeat and act like they, live for Jesus, at terry gobins church said enthusiastic hollie, showed, buisnesses closing, hollie showed, turn, those sanyo ss-900 stereo speakers are, as good as they get, and Jesus, smoked, and Jesus showed, record, the song, and then suddenly, last, summer, is sang by the motels, they do not have the same lead singer as the pretenders, Jesus showed, record, hollie showed record, and, licked the prophet, I didnt feel it, said, Jesus, you will, when your church empties, hollie, held, nose, and showed, thumbs down, the, pope, liar, florida, storm, this summer, creates, caos, economic collapse, after, raise your hands and repeat me after me, sang, pointed, the pope, live, he says, image, made alive, pocket tv, hollie out of, electrophonic speaker, you blew electrophonic, thats rca, hollie showed, pointed, flames, raise your hands and repeat after me, pointed, hollie, hollie showed rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, hollie spins out of saxaphone at new life tabernacle, back, showed, wait, out of the AudioCoustics Laboratory speaker, showed, wait, back, like pioneer hpm, 7-20-2007-and the pope, showed, record, raise your hands and repeat after me, he sang, im the beast, im the second beast, said, hu, the false prophet, 666, signed, for, between, both have nukes, aimed at each other, 7-21-2007-record my vision showed, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, the black chariot, with, hollie whistle on top, leave me alone, she said, with jean urshans voice, and the nathaniel-haney-urshan man saw with glowing eyes, liar, not, apostle, like, terry pick pocket gobin of new life tabernacle, and he laughs, with empty pocket, cause prophet emptied out his church, and the pope and hu, on the black chariot, new world order, and, hollie climbed in back, and saw, lets rule the world, sang, putin, eight kings, and hollie held nose, thumbs, down, liars, all, hollie showed sanyo ss-900 stereo speakers, unbeatable, out of woofer, back, the pope, did not, fleas, say, out, and, hollie, tore, up, the, con, thought, tract, only, partially, seen, gabriel, showed, shh, hollie out of, AudioCoustics Laboratory 2100 speaker, I got cha said mike from soundpro, they are, excellent, hollie showed, record, pointed, flames, observed, the pope, cycle, highway, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, swooping, up, popes image, that was, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, thats it, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, shh, she, showed, that was, hollie whistle blowing like this, hollie whistle blew the horn, that was gabriel licking the prophet, hollie, pointed, JEsus, showed, record, automobiles is what brought usa down, computerized, gabriel showed, record, Jesus showed, record, record, the vision, and, make it plain, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, eat, go, hollie spun out of saxaphone at apostolic tabernacle, back, looked, those where lighted bear paws, hollie, in her sub, smiling, and, the world, shook, and, pulling ship, captain smith in the christmas tree ornament, came alive, said, embarrassed, cause, ship, hit ice, and, I knew, spotted, many, he thought, hit, tear up, the one he hit, was, the size of, a big air craft carrier, it, scaped side, knocking, out, two plates, gabriel, showed, record, when, they, hit, iraq, again, brought judgement on usa, over, 79 percent of americans wanted, innocent killing, that was, the popes image, on finger, where it will, be, front, sign for, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, between, the ruler of magog, and, the pope, ruler of otyre, russia, gabriel, beat the drum, write the vision, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, gabriel, showed, record, im the beast, said, the pope, im the second beast, said, hu hintao, and tore up, sign for, the pope divides the ram, russia and china, after, china, claims, most of, russia, after, usa, destroys, most, of both lands, record me said, Jesus, bobby, I heard people at apostolic tabernacle, make him pastor, God got bob out, record my vision, said, gabriel, and, licked, the prophet, its china, he said, they, right when, usa, collapses, hit taiwan, china is, over, clapped the tap dancers, and hollie licked the prophet, in the sanyo 17 inch woofer, blew, sanyo as good as, any, but, marketing, sold, cheap stuff, and, expensive, pioneer, centrex was thier cheap, that was, good, but, no power, git, closer, pointed gabriel, did not enthusiastic hollie, point, that, record my vision, said, robert cavaness with hollies voice, he, had, many, prophetic dreams, but, not, now, new iraq, its, amerbritain, did not, gabriel, show, record, france, boom, gabriel said, its, france, falling, toward russia, those where seven lighted heads, the g8, with, russia having, ten crowns, politburo, and putin, kneeling before right there, pope, record, the vision, said, gabriel, God, every morning when prophet wakes, up, throws him in a rage, knows, how, to, anger, harden, for no reason, hollie, licked, the prophet, angel, gabriel, showed, record, that, storms approaching, hollie showed, record, licked, the prophet, hu, and, pope, on, tongue, where the olsens, one skinney, one, normal, both lost, were the olsens, happy, both rich, but, what do, you want, they said, money, work, both, have, about, one million, each, were the olsens, but, both, are, spending, were the olsens, both, masterbate, lust, that, pointed, one of the olsens, planes, dropping atomic bombs, on, america, and, the olsen twin showed, please post my vision, what do, you, want, said, the olsen, twin, sex, both, were the olsens, that, the pope, and, hu, signing for 666, record showed, the skinny olsen twin, holding pocket tv, with popes image made alive, take my mark and live, hollie pulled the ship, were the olsens, showing america, moscow, china, attacking each other, thats hu hintao riding the red horse, cause, bush, what do, you want, said, the olsen twin, money, showed, bush, that, said, hollie, strom moving acrossed, florida, were the olsens, showed, economic collapse, usa, then, war, were the olsens, they are, about, 30, now, lived the life of, kings, but, no, more work, were the olsens, that, hollie whistle, blew, like this, whewwww, on that o black chariot, what, do, you want, she, said, with jean urshans voice, money, sang, but never got saved, now, nathaniel and jean urshan in lava, and, the nathaniel haney urshan man sees, your blowing it, said, Jesus, Anthony Warner, what does, he want, said, the olsen twin money, were the olsens, bush, wants, to, invade iran, shup, said, Jesus, to the olsen twin, that, pointed, hollie showed, flames, tiger, van, rubbed, chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, and, hollie, leopard, pointed, at, the leopard, thats north and south, korea, china, and japan, situtate, hollie locomotive with hollie whistle on top, blew, like this, whewww, were the olsens, dancing to sharp dressed man, he, would love to see his vision, said, enthusiastic hollie, Anthony Warner, worship me, and wife laughs, hollie showed, smiled, flames, hot, truck, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes, image, hollie showed, flames, f-150, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, downtown, circled, hollie geese, pastor gary burt is cut off, no signs, boring, hollie showed, pointed, at, flames, smiled, gary burts pope, car, honda dealership, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, downtown, circled, hollie geese, pointed, gabriel, downtown, hollie, posting, dont look back, and the ministry of dreams space craft with new jerusalem, glass city, 7-22-2007-record my vision, said, Jesus, look said, Tammy Faye Bakker, git closed, said, hollie showed, liar, she, was, jim bakker, both, knew, scandal, liars, both, witches, in hell, she is, thinking, I wish, I was pentecostal, but, did not, and sought, the Holy Ghost, but, never, prayed, thru, and jim bakker sees, trouble, said, hollie showed, that was mighty hollie, your out, duncan rouleau, stole the name ministry of dreams, wrote, book, but, series, cancelled, enthusiastic hollie, showed, record, pointed, hollie showed, thumbs down, pastor john r. shafer, what do you want, said, hollie, money, he, shook, yes, then, mark mckinney, then, anthony warner, this aint gonna do it, said, rick roberston, shaking yes, and hollie licked the prophet, taiwan, gabriel, showed, record, and, hollie, licked the prophet, thats him, the rick roberston holcomb man, dyes hair, did not your angel friend say, record, my vision, did not gabriel, say, git, out, of here, hollie whistle blew, pulled ship, on, missile, waving, record my vision, pointed, hollie showed, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, gabriel, pointed, cut off, anthony warner, and wife, he done it him self, had, revival, and quenched, could have prayed thru, and jeremy taylor calls self reverend like antonia vladimirova, but, they both stole the name God spoke for this prophet, ministry of dreams, like dee finney did, and arron shutt and janetmck and david shapiro, and, larry lawrence who is lawrence forman and christina marie sanford and the massive bri, and, duncan rouleau and his children have his article with stolen name on like jonah weiland and matt brady, and nick field, and michael doran, cecil pennyton has the name ministry of dreams, and many more, stole, cecil pennyton, stole and called her ministry of dreams a fake dreams organization, liar, she, was witnessed to by prophet like all here and they stole to make prophet, fall, that was hollie showed, lighted, that was, hollie, tearing up, the, con, spirit, truit, pointed, thats, hollie, wailing for the people, you would have made it to heaven, but, I persecuted you to hell, the only way, you can, stop me, is by leaving, and, if I miss you, ill call you back, I will make you miss heaven, cause, I, will hurt you deep in your heart, hit you major, I will make you leave me, to keep you humble in my eyes, put you in fire, your page is embarrassing me, hollie showed, record, tore up, con, spirit, satan, pointed, hollie, both, shh, satan thought, im the beast, gabriel, showed, record, gabriel, showed, record, God says, I will only, collapse, strip your desire to live for me until to backslide, then, my heart, changes, this is how, I keep, my servants, humble in eyes, make, them hate me, after the person, threatens to quit, then, I start keeping again, I make them give up, all, then, torture, them, after, thier mind gets made up, this bruises, like, you teasing a little dog, prophet, smiled, hollie, record, that is, that o emergency sound, crystal showed, record, thats, that, o, red and black chariot, with, hollie whistle on top, blew, like this, whewww, with the pope and hu, new world order, pope on the black side, and, hu, on, the red, side, this takes, peace off of the earth, and hollie, climbed in back, showed, thumbs, down, putin, planning to strike, usa, anthony warner saw prophet, liked, felt revival, hollie showed, pointed, flames, pope, truck, thumbs swooping up, popes image, there is, that, o, alarm sound, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, God says, I will make you undecided by constantly hitting you, prodding, gabriel, showed, record, hollie showed, pointed, saw, flames, thought, thumbs, swooping, up, popes image, hollie showed, write the vision, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes, image, thats the, popes image, makde alive, take the mark and live, that is hu hintao, riding, the, red horse, china, strikes, taiwan, to, take peace off of the earth, and, the president of taiwan, tore up, his con, spirit by not submitting to china, hollie showed, pointed, flames, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, hollie showed, flames, v6, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, pope image, gabriel, showed, pointed, michigan street, boom, im a bear, thats, putin, satan is the head, and the pope is his mouth, and magog, is the body, thats north and south, korea, chin and japan, situate, and hollie said, tear up, and jean patrick charrey is getting people in trouble with Jesus lying, saying, he made up, the name ministry of dreams, lies, will, release, then, they will know like the friends of duncan rouleau, he became scared, like, arron shutt and janetmck who is janet Mcknight and david shapiro and larry lawrence who is lawrence forman and the reverends jeremy taylor and antonia vladimirova with dee finney, matt brady, michael doran and many more that stole, I took it, says, liar, dee, finney, she like these and all that have, the name ministry of dreams on thier websites, stole to make prophet fall, 7-23-2007-hollie showed rubbed chin, no, said, the youth, jeremy taylor fired from wisdom university, and j.f.k. university, all jobs, talks, watch, for stealing the name ministry of dreams, like reverend antonia vladimirova and dee finney, christians, that hate Jesus, we took it, said, antonia vladimirova, the name ministry of dreams, lies, all, that, want prophet to fall, leave it alone, space craft, hollie, gabriel, showed, record, its, a, short, causing, speedometer, did not fleas, say, theres, trouble, and he saw, four kings, arise, the pope, hollie, held nose, showed, thumbs, down, liar, satan shot into, idol shepherd, and, the emporer of japan, hollie, held nose, liar, and, hu hintao, like, a lamb, those two rose to withstand, the pope, 666 signed for between, and, hollie, showed, pocket tv, the popes, image, made alive, take the mark and live, there is that o war sound, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, hollie showed, record, thats hu riding the red horse, china strikes taiwan, to, take, peace off of the earth, thats, that, o red and black, chariot, with, the pope, and hu, new world order, hollie, whistle on top, did not, gabriel, say, no Holy Ghost, pastor caldwell, what does he want, money, he, blew, it, did not, gabriel, say, iraq, nuclear, gaza, boom, lets rule the world, sang, putin, taiwan, boom, hu, hintao orders, this, the world, shakes, gabriel, showed, record, hu, riding the red horse, write my vision, said, gabriel, gabriel, showed record, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, hollie whistle blew, did not, gabriel, say, new iraq, ameribritain, im warning, you, dont, come, back, said, mrs. anna holcomb, wont, repent, just feel God and sin, rick holcomb knows, prophet, sad, she, can, not, get, thru in her sin, that building was my home said hollie, showed, tattoo place, hollie rubbed chin, smiled, thought, thumbs, swooping, up, popes, image, record my vision, said, gabriel, hollie showed, record, theres Jesus, in, the, sky, that, Jesus, looked at the picture frame, that, hollie, gabriel, showed, record, they was chosen, both, anna and ricky holcomb, but, married, both, would have, gotten thru, but, neither, did, and, they, married, now, dont want, Jesus, any more, did not gabriel, say, lets pray, that means, go, to, church, hollie smiled, shook, no, gabriel, showed, record, dont, beleive her, said, hollie, anna holcomb, not, saved, but, shakes yes, both, did not, gabriel say, my house, not, Gods, el shaddai closes, gabriel, showed, cut hair, like, that, gabriel, showed, record, inside of me, said, steven stargardter, I, am, said, amy brucker, you loss, she said, jeremy taylor, dont, preach in Jesus name, and steal from christians, did not prophet say, shut up, git, this, building, said, showed, robert cavaness, profit from preaching, and son in law shook yes, rip, showed, hollie, with, lighted, bear, paws, con, truit, rick holcomb, wont, repent, but, pastors, that was the thumb with the popes image, signed for, between pope and hu, record my vision, said, gabriel, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, downtown, circled, hollie, geese, and, the tap dancers, tapped, with the pope and hu, new world order, set the watch man in tekea, and he saw a chariot, with, the pope and hu, new world order, and eight kings that will rise against, usa, hollie tore up, the con, truit, with, lighted bear paws, hollie, like, a bear, you ruint it, said, fleas, right here, said, gabriel, tongue tied said hollie, all, God deals with, tongue tied, until saved or cut off, did not, Jesus, say, warning, did not somebody saw, iraq, nuking coming, and, gaza, did not, the pope, with, kenneth haneys voice say, its, all, over oil, and, kenneth haney sees, drunk, with dyed hair, what do, you want, worship me, he showed, did not, fleas say, prove him, she bit the prophets head off, clapped, hollie, but let go, that is fleas, she, just laughs, and Jesus laughs with her, but, she will, have, to, give, an, account, hollie, on, the missile, bear, hollie, like, a bear, russia, boom, subs, around, usa, and, bill clinton, returns, fire, the, world shakes, lighted, bear, paws, hollie, pulling the ship, prayer walk, this is fleas, she laughs, blows hair, spins in chair, hollie tore up, con, thought, tract, that, was, the, popes image, on, finger, signed, for, between, the pope, and, hu, hollie tore up, con, truit, from side, that is, hu hintao, the, ruler of, magog, satan, is, inside the pope, ruling otyre, russia and china, you got it, yes, shook rick holcomb, liar, wife to, both, no Holy Ghost, but, acting, press bobby, she said, pray, yourself, you know, halloween, thats hollie posting, its satans day, celebrated all over, even christians, put back, said, kenneth haney, all of, the money, you stole, from stupid christians, did not, kenneth haney say, dont, do, perish, then, work, not mooch off of church, right here said the kenneth haney nathaniel haney urshan horace smith man, what do you want, said, hollie, money, they, all, shook, yes, then, a crowd of u.p.c.i. and p.a.w. pastors, chanted, we want money, and, sex, mark mckinney, put prophet out, like kent gray and pastor Anthony Barnett, and, floyd matthews, and, more, you know your dream, its, a night, vision, from God, you knowed, it, said, fleas, iran, syria, boom, causing opec to skyrocket oil prices, collapsing usa, did not, Jesus, say, when you hit, iraq, you, brought judgement to america, lets rule the world, sang, putin, and, china, shook yes, brazil shook, yes, lula, chavez, swallowed, no choice, mexico, yes, cuba, thumbs up, kim jong, do it, russia, plucks three ribs in the, they are, nicaragua, mexico, and, cuba, ortega shook yes, tear up, con spirit, you left me anna holcomb, she sees vision, rick knew, she brought el shaddai apostolic assembly down, what do you want, said, rick holcomb, anna dyes hair, wants youth sex, rick knows, gabriel, showed, record, bob, dreamed, saw, army national guard in the streets, and, thought, vision, was, real, at donald winters church, saw, donald, wanted him out, he was, talking about him, dyeing hism hair, donald wrote and looked at, prophet, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, leave him alone, we will not be accepted, and, hollie licked the prophet, hollie, tearing up, the con, tract, jeremy taylor did that, stole the name ministry of dreams, like many, all release, two months, showed, gabriel, whatta you want said, hollie, make prophet fall, they all chanted, theres that o emergency sound, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, dee finney like many, stole the name, ministry of dreams, knew googlebot would deliver it, to prophet, but, heres the mistake, she made, he, will not share, and, now, all, that stole it are cut off, cause, they, would not release, even after told, God cut them all off, for, wanting, prophet, to, fall, and, they, all, will, release like david shapiro, hollie showed, pointed, flames, van, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, hollie showed, record, I, took said dee finney, but, didnt get away, shook no, ruint, over, the name, ministry of dreams, right here, pointed, dee finney, wanted, on, front page, like, most, that, stole, hollie showed, record, hollie blew the horn, out came, hollie, showing, two, record, showed, hollie, dont, even, play with me said, the pope, thats, shhhh, satan, gabriel showed, record, leave me alone, said, Jesus, thats how I blew it, they, all, will say, stealing the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, that, pointed, hollie, hollie showed, smiled, pointed, flames, car, autozone, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes, image, thats my building, said, hollie, showed, tattoo place, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, swooping, up, popes image, that, jeremy taylor fired, all four jobs, downtown, circled, hollie geese, theres my submarine sound, licked, hollie, the prophet, hollie showed, record, monterey, boom, hollie showed, pointed, smiled, that was an air craft carrier, sinking, usa, watch, flames, grill, thought, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, I want my vision, now, said, hollie showed, flames, car, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, pointed, flames, sign, thought, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, did not enthusiastic hollie say, that, new york times, thats gabriel, in the head, lines, and hillary clinton, blew out, president, those two, will, bring, usa, to, an end, saith the Lord, 7-24-2007-hollie showed, flames, car, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, swooping up, popes image, right here, said, gabriel, and hollie licked, the prophet, out, said, fleas, jeremy taylor, out, said, fleas, tear up, put back, hollie posted on the internet, hollie showed, pointed, flames, toyota, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, that is, hu hintao, riding, the red horse, china strikes taiwan, record showed, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, hollie showed, wait, that o black chariot, and, family dollar s, closing, what do you want, said, hollie showed, flames, thats it, tattoo building, hollie rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, pointed, he, will not be accepted, and, hollie licked the prophet, jeremy taylor, if jeremiah went to babylon with Nebuzaradan, they would have stripped, tortured, jeremiah was warned, Nebuchadrezzer would have ordered, and, hollie tore up, the, con, spirit, with, lighted, bear paws, thats putin, pointed steven stargardter, he gets fired for protecting jeremy taylor, that was hollie, tearing up, the con, truit, again, con spirit, get the name ministry of dreams off of your websites or God will ruin you, thats satan, pointed, hollie, shhh, what is my satans message, satan thought, put back, was beautiful, now, just, a, spirit, was, bright, like, sun, hollie whistle blew, pointed, like this, wheww, on that red and black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, new world order, hollie whistle on top, climbed in back, saw eight kings, that will rise, against, usa, theres, putin, planning, turned, into, bear, with, three ribs, between mouth, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked to attack out of, that was, satan, shh, what does satan, want said, sunnysnet, showed, pocket tv, popes image made alive, take my number and live, pointed, the lighted, and, the false prophet, hu hintao, told, the pope, no way, both have nukes, aimed, 666, signed for between, satan, shot into, pope, that was hu hintao pointing, taiwan starts, they, hit, to, bring, economic collapsed america into war, knowing russia will eliminate, but, bill clinton, strikes, both, nations, russia will not, hit usa, over, china, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, seperates russia and china, army national guard in the streets, usa, im over, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, pastor terry gobin, what do, you want, said, hollie, he stops, quenches revival, they know, whats credit card, to, do, whatever he wants, they, begin leaving, record, my vision, said, gabriel, pointed, wuss, at jeremy taylor, hollie tore up, the con, spirit, record showed, JEsus, hollie, right here, hollie moody is loved, cant, bring, her, out, all, are, jelous, want her bowells, forgit it, she pointed, she is, married, to gary moody, leave her alone, or God will harm, this prophet wants people to mess with, he loves it, that was lighted hoses pulling that o black and red chariot, with the pope and hu, hollie whistle on top, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, popes image, born between hu and the pope, you did not put my Jesus, first, and now you are in trouble, im, going to hell, said, the paul mooney girl, before you leave, said, pastor gabby, leave the bible here, you got it, said, Jesus, and, hollie, licked, the prophet, they threw him out, cause, visions, hes a liar, not, christian, this is what I want, said, chaplain gabby, money, worship me, hollie showed, record, jeremy taylor, he wants you, suit, for, destroying, him, but, he stole, the name, ministry of dreams, and, was, warned, whoever comes after me, let him deny himself, I AM the King of kings and the Lord of lords, he will not be accepted, and hollie licked the prophet, what, do, you want, money, showed, u.p.c.i. pastors, and hollie showed, pointed, building, sticker, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, Jesus, showed, record, Jesus, showed, record, and, hollie licked, the prophet, what do, you want, and, hollie tore up, con, spirit, money, people want money and sex, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, pointed, at his place, tattoos, thats the popes image, on the finger, made alive, on pocket tv, showed, hollie, leave it alone, my spacecraft, hollie in her, space ship, hollie showed, smiled, you with me, race girl, van, flames, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, hollie showed, record, did not, fleas say, they will arrest you, at, many churches, did not, the paul mooney girl, say, you can, blow it, and, pointed, boom, 5056, im a bear, thats, putin, satan is, the head, and, the pope, is his mouth, hollie tore up, con, spirit, magog is the body, thats, north and south, korea, china and japan, hollie showed, record, that, 71 oldsmobile 98, is, worth zero, powerful engine, puts out 450 horsepower, hollie showed, go, did not, fleas, say, hollie showed, record, and the ram smote the hegoat, the ram is, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia and china, the hegoat, is, the ram with, the pope in the middle, china strikes, taiwan, and, america and china, and, russia, nuke, then, four kings rise, the pope, hollie held nose, thumbs down, with the popes image, 8-10-2007-hollie showed, pointed, choke, flames, thumbs swooping up, popes, image, bob, within a week, said, gabriel, and, licked the prophet, God, will, quit torturing, he tested you, did not cecil pennyton, say, bob, a book, the, nightmarists, what did he want, said, Jesus, he wrote, jonah weiland, stop harassing, no said jonah weiland, they are, all, lost, gabriel, showed, put down, record the vision, said, gabriel, and, licked the prophet, tell me about, jonah weiland, hollie, clapped, he, write a book, wanted prophet to fall, matt brady, shook yes, dee finney, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, wants prophet to leave him alone, but doesnt want to leave prophets name alone, perished, all these stole the name ministry of dreams, release when ruined, jeremy taylor, and antonia vladimirova, and dee finney, and jose alvarez, and david shapiro, and lawrence forman, and janet mcknight, and arron shutt, and, jean patrick charrey, and duncan rouleau, and jonah weiland, and nick field, and dave karlotski, and matt brady, and, the massive bri, and, robert dinse, and, Harlequin, and andy shaw, and, Konstantin Ternianov, Micheru Mathys, and, all that stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams, all release when ruined, saith the Lord, Dana Tillusz and Chad Boudreau, these two want prophet to perish, and never met, sh, showed, dana, witch, did not gabriel, says, record the vision, dee finney pointed, shh, dont, tell, I, wanted, prophet, to, fall, all did, gabriel showed, record, thats the red and black chariot, shh, showed, hollie, dont, tell, on, my pope and hu hintao, the new world order, with hollie on top, hollie, showed, pointed, flames, white castle, rubbed chin, smiled, pope came out, of mouth, final warning said gabriel, steven stargardter, we, can, use, you, said, jim garrison, both, fire jeremy taylor, for, taking said dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, all, ruint, release, record, my vision, showed, Jesus, your outta here, gene schmidt, ann schmidt, hand of help, warning said, fleas, you, knew, you, blew it, hurting hand of help, michael boldea sees, that, you liar, said steven stargardter, popes image, on, swooping up thumb, hollie showed, flames, cycle, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, did not fleas, say, its warning, pointed, planes dropping atom bombs, look at that, pointed, gabriel, duncan rouleau running to remove the name ministry of dreams, except it, and, warning said precious child fleas, all his children, this, is, how you, loose, said, gabriel, warning, said, fleas, he, knows, said, gabriel, duncan rouleau, its warning said fleas, poor o duncan rouleau, somebody pay me he said, warning, you took, he said, you are, going to get sued, freddy krueger coming, and freddy krueger showed the pocket tv, with, the popes image, made alive, take the mark and live, he said, loves, both, prophets, but fallen, gabriel, showed, record, and licked the prophet, record me said gabriel, you blew, people bob reach out to, cause, hes, not, desired, you ruint it, God, cuts, off, I, know, she, said, but, despised, prophet, gabriel showed cut off, put it right here, she pointed, thats it, pulpit, but, guards, that was, duncan rouleau showed gabriel, cut off, hollie, showed, turn, tell me, about, rick ocasek said hollie, and licked the prophet, give it to me, he said, you wrecked the cars, good music, but you wanted solo, cut off showed rick, arron shutt, we took said, janet mcknight, the name, ministry of dreams, openly mocked God, looses, 80,000 dollar a year job, hates, my place said hollie showed, thumbs swooping up, popes image, tell you what, you, want, that jbl receiver, is, 10 to 20,000 hzs, look bob, said gabriel, popes image, in hand, record the vision, said, gabriel, showed, go, gabriel showed, record, showed knock out, duncan rouleau, got he said, cant pay my bills said jonah weiland, all, ruint, over, stealing, hollie, showed, record, that, showed, enthusiastic hollie, tore up con spirit, that, duncan rouleau, enthusiastic hollie showed a picture, we take your name he said, that, to make you fall, that, yes, shook all, sh, showed dee finney, that witch, looses husband over, sees vision, before, removes, but, on net, Todd Callender, Alex Ness have the name ministry of dreams, wants prophet to fall, both, ruint, that was hollie with nice hair, that, jonah weiland spoke blaspheme, and, God, wanted that, cause, he, tempted God, that, most of them, that, stole the name ministry of dreams, what did you want, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, make prophet fall, we want into your wallet said antonia vladimirova, they were not wanting you to make it, that, yes, they all, shook, that, and hollie showed, that, crystal ball, with dee finney, witch, now, that, stole ministry of dreams name, you ruint it, husband sees, makes her remove, we got it said fleas, that, jeremy taylor fired, that was, hollie, whistle blowing like this, wheww, putting back con, enthusiastic hollie thought, spirit, tearing up with one hand, she wants in your wallet, christina marie sanford is threatening lawsuit, but is a liar, that, she, stole the name, ministry of dreams, Im gonna put you in hell, she thought, and, dee finney shook yes, they all did, that, like my palace said Jesus, that, glass city, lighted, thats the Lamb lighting, that, or, lava, with kenneth haney, and dyed hair, that, mardi gras, went on, even after hurricane, that, showing, God, judgement, did not enthusiastic hollie say, that, putin drawing plans, hollie, whistle blew, thats the red and black chariot, with on top and hollie whistle, blew, wheww, the pope and hu, new world order, in back, hollie whistle and hollie, eight kings, planning to destroy usa, did not fleas, say, bob, go, easy, duncan rouleau got out of bed, over, 200 emails, from people that bought his, the nightmarist, with the stolen name ministry of dreams, to late, they want thier money back, duncan rouleau says, you bought it, o my God, richard starkings, active images, publishing, I had, no ideal, said steven stargardter, jim garrison man, people are, angry, cause, many took, said jeremy taylor, the name, ministry of dreams, now, lots of people, destroyed, did not gabriel say, he wrote, whats the title of the book, the nightmarist, the nightmare on elm street people file suit, that ruint all, that, had, his posted, article and enthusiastic hollie, showed, cut off, cindy back, tore up, con, spirit, that was satan, pointed, hollie, that, lighted, in, Gods hands, then, gabriel and michael, I dont beleive it, said, gabriel, rouleau, you liar, calls 911, but they, report, tell richard starkings, publish one more nightmarist, that, and Ill go after your, that, customers, he sees, he wont, record, the vision, said, gabriel, that, that was hollie, with bears paws, and a plum line, do you measure up, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, bob, dreamed, he saw, a pastor, and he was wearing a t-shirt, that, he was being paid, 10,000, that, per month, the people, that, wanted him to move up, but, had, that, nothing, bob, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and licked my prophet, that, im a bear, said, the bear, thats, putin, bob, dreamed, highway, over, water, wind, blew, making, highway, turn, side, ways, cars, went into, water, and bob, went on, any way, made it, but, spoke with, people, dont, do things, you know are, trouble, 8-11-2007-jordan, boom, kuwait, cut off, hollie showed, boom, boom, twice, this is the website talking, dont steal my name spoken by God or sickness, gabriel showed, record, that, was, comic character, duncan rouleau stole the name ministry of dreams, right here pointed dana tillusz, his children posted his article, I want it off said gabriel, you lost your name, watch the Lord, get, back, they will all be embarrassed then let it go, liars, janetmck, said, Jesus, lost, now without remedy, liar, wanting christian to fall, thats the embarrassed david shapiro and cecil pennyton, thats, hollie wailing for the people, and people like reverend jeremy taylor, antonia vladimirova, jose alvarez, stealing his ministry name, dee finney did to, you tried to hurt me said Jesus, no I didnt, said, dee finney, liar, she, wanted, all wanted, prophet to fall, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, warning, dee finney is a witch, thats, hollie, rubbing the crystal ball, with dee finney inside, and, her, embarrassed husband, pointing, remove, I aint, im leaving, I will, does, dee finney trembles at visions, gabriel showed, record, cut off, autozones, and the paul mooney, girl, showed, record, right here, she pointed, pulpit, said, paul mooney, but guards, o no, new york, clapped, hollie, its, under, attack, it, planes, and the angel, poured out vial, thats hollie out of the audiocoustics laboratory speaker, showing, wait, back, that, was, duncan rouleau out of the zenith allegro 1000 stereo speaker showing thumbs mostly up, they are, excellent, but, can not handle much power, not made to, loud at low power, hollie showed, record, Greg Dixon, he wanted off, sh, he showed, not saved, like dad, but pastoring, both, hell, said, gabriel, om out, no signs, o no, said, hollie, new york, winked dorein, attack, it, said, hollie, and, putin, riding, the missile, why dont you dream, said, Jesus, im out, said dee finney, now lost, forever, no remedy, we know, she said, and the lighted finger, pointed, stay lost, thats the devil said dee finney, youll go down, town, circled hollie geese, hollie showed, pointed, that was, hollie, tearing, up, the, con, spirit, record your vision said hollie, and, licked the prophet, you ruint, it, said, the pope-nathaniel a. urshan man, did not stan johnson say, the senate jusratified, contribute said steven stargardter, satellite radio, honest said stan johnson, put bobby right here, said amy brucker, call the f.b.i., we, know your phone number, 666, stay around longer said javier froosevelt, I, just slip, oral sex on the internet, cut off, wars she said, coming, and, the pope, pointed, los angeles, boom, just ratified, contribute said steven stargardter, satellite radio, honest said stan johnson, put bobby right here, said amy brucker, call the f.b.i., we, know your phone number, 666, stay around longer said javier froosevelt, I, just slip, oral sex on the internet, cut off, wars she said, coming, and, the pope, pointed, los angeles, boom, gabriel, pointed, at the missile, im a bear, thats, putin, laughed, hollie, russia, has the bear coming out, and irving baxter sees, calls, did not stan johnson say, please God, give new people a chance, shut up, said, amy brucker, lets, go, that was, a, crystal ball with dee finney, witch, tell, that was hollie like dee finney rubbing the crystal ball, shes, now tempting Jesus, indignation against the Holy covenant, stole the name ministry of dreams, can I get you to write a book, said, dee finney, cut off she showed, she is, please stop, playing, said, hollie, gets me in trouble, people, are, tempting, Jesus, stealing the name, we dream, stripped, soon, liars, cut me off, said, hollie, no said, lawrence forman, but, let us, sin, till the end, and dana tillusz shook yes, liar, everythings closes, economic collapse coming, this is not war games, but u.s.a. under attack, im a bear, said, putin, we knowed, said, cecil pennyton with david shapiros voice, they, took, said, dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, and javier froosevelt shook yes, like diana hughey, and she showed, cut off, janetmck, made a fool out of self, stole and admited, to make prophet fall, cause I lust, she said, liar, 8-18-2007-that said enthusiastic hollie, that, I dont want you prayin said dee finney, that, heres my tv, said, hollie, with, popes image, made alive, that, what did the pope say, that, take my mark and live, that, france, boom, wheww, hollie whistle blew like a steam ship, they were good enough, that said hollie, write the vision said the girl from garry streevals church, that, I left, hollie showed, that, that said hollie, the woman from garry streevals church, opened, that, and a beating heart, organs, closed, dont lust people, animals she said, that, hollie showed, social security building celebrated hollie, got you said the girl from garry streevals church, you aint praying, said, prophet, that, social security collapses, that, pays for, that, iraq, tell the vision, hollie held nose, pointed, that, at donald winters, got you said mrs. sinnesaw, its to late for, that, church sinnesaw, dead soon, that, in lava, that, thinks, I pastored, warned, that, and now, im here with that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, all upci, whew, hollie whistle blew like dee finney, that, there aint no visions in pentecost, clapped my tap dancer, and, pastor we know it said the woman from garry streevals church, william harris showed cut off, stay out, he pointed, that, we loose it, that, right after you, that, pointed, hollie, git, said william harris, tell me who the king of grecia is said the pope, tellem, beast, pope, slash, deadly wound, italy, pointed, hollie, pope shot out, he goes to russia, this aint gonna do it, he said, stealing the name ministry of dreams, people like jose alvarez, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, duncan rouleau, christina sanford, jean charrey, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, david shapiro, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, robert dinse, Konstantin Ternianov, andy shaw, the massive bri, and, harlequin, micheru mathys, dee finney, and more, and hollie with blue eyes showed, record, and the girl, bobby, well put you right here, pulpit, but guards, garry streeval, hollie pointed, and barbara from miriams well showed record, that she said, dont quit it, shes like dee finney, choked at the end, reads visions, that, that smiled hollie, pointed, bob dreamed, hollie showed, pointed, money in the streets, got some, woman, beat him, to the most, both ran, hollie and gabriel showed pocket phone with popes image made alive, and pope updating website from phone, there aint no visions in pentecost, clapped my tap dancers, there aint nobody looking said fleas, and licked the prophet, right here said the grim reaper, and licked the prophet, go showed the meerkat, and licked the prophet, the pope showed, he aint gonna hear ya, said, gabriel, I, loose, said, jim garrison, dont, let me, said, fleas, jim garrison blew it, he protected jeremy taylor like steven stargardter to his own destruction, both fired, fleas, said, let, and, licked the prophet, thats hu hintao on the red horse, hollie showed, in the fire, choke, buy a modem said, pope, cut off he showed, did not the pope on the finger say, write the vision, thumbs swooping up, popes image, hollie showed, rubbed chin, smiled, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, thumbs swooping up, hollie showed, anal sex, gets people lava, like, smutie, cecil pennyton, hollie showed, licked the prophet, angel grabbed, record the vision, said, gabriel, dee finney, dont, tell me that, said, hollie, showed, get out of here, liar, we took it, she said, cut off, the name ministry of dreams, jose alvarez, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, duncan rouleau, christina marie sanford, jean patrick charrey, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, david shapiro, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, robert dinse, Konstantin Ternianov, andy shaw, the massive bri, and, harlequin, micheru mathys, dee finney, that is hu hintao on the red horse, china strikes taiwan to take peace off of the earth, that said JEsus, yes, shook dee finney, now lava, you know whose coming, me, said, JEsus, write the vision, said, hollie, showed, and, licked the prophet, sue me said holie showed, yes shook dee finney, right here, court, for taking the name ministryofdreams like, jose alvarez, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor, these are christians, that steal from christians, jean charrey, and christina sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, and ducan rouleau, stole the name ministry of dreams, wrote a book using, and his children have a article written by various people like, Don MacPherson, Larry Clow, Greg Burgas, and some of those have christians ministry name on thier sites, they are duncan rouleau s children with harlequin, michael doran, robert dinse, Konstantin Ternianov, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, Eric Lindberg, and many more, all lost, now, new york times, thats gabriel, that blew it he said, hillary clinton, kicked out, thats hollie locomotive, and hollie whistle on top, whew, thats the helicopter and hollie piloting like linda spall dropping prince charles, america is at war without God, left, im embarrassed said linda spall, went to church, take it, she said, my husband, thats why, children, both lost, larry spall, cut off for intruding like delbert spall, gimme money he said, thats my rocket with putin on, putin tore up his con spirit, with china, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, you ruint said hollie, hu hintao, by demanding, that was hollie, tearing up, the, con, bob dreamed with stan johnson, do you need me for anything else, he said, no, shook, stan, he had a speaker, that was telling that the iraq war would end nuclear, and he, said, God dam, like john mark pool, stole the name ministry of dreams, and speaks for the prophecy club, john pool is a liar, never saved, that is hollie locomotive, Eric Lindberg has duncan rouleaus article on his website, he wont release stole name ministry of dreams and wants christian to fall, hates God, Eric Lindberg is one of duncan rouleaus children with matt brady, and jonah weiland, nick field, 8-21-2007-hollie tattood 666, smiling, showed, turn, with, one, lighted bear paw, tear up, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, seperates, russia, and china, cause, I, got, the, oil, both, leaders, say, record the vision, said, Jesus, and, licked the prophet, you, said, gabriel, right here, grain mill, you can not, keep yourself, you need to pay my keeping price, said, the Lord, and, hollie, licked the prophet, that was hollie showed, in, the, fire, thats my, headquarters he said, thumbs swooping up, popes, image, write me he said, want more visions, want more visions, on my website said Jesus, and licked the prophet, gabriel, record, he said, with, david gilmours voice, hes, going to reunite, pink floyd, my mercy can not be restored, said, gabriel, and, licked the prophet, once, it, has, been taken, gabriel showed, record, and, licked the prophet, what do, you want, to know, about, gabriel, clapped, your tap dancers, right here, he said, prayer, ask and you shall find, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, seek, that is hu, riding, the red horse, china, strikes, taiwan, to take peace off of the earth, thats, hollie, posting, then dee finney, we got your name, she said, Ministry of Dreams, ruint, she said, liars and God haters like arron shutt, janetmck, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, david shapiro, jean patrick charrey, christina marie sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, wisdom universities jeremy taylor, Eric Lindberg, harlequin, robert dinse, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, pastor antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, all that stole my name said Jesus, beat china, said, gabriel, america, nukes, all around, sam is beautiful, right here said gabriel, pull it open, masterbating, slice, organs, sew, dont, lust people, squirt, now happy, and, Jesus, laughed, winked, cause, they cant bear being eunuch, that was the moon turning red, and, hollie, like, e.t., get out, of, here, said, Jesus, I, want, it, said, jeremy taylor, take, he said, ruint for stealing the name MINISTRY of DREAMS, all release, inlcluding arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, david shapiro, jean patrick charrey, christina marie sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, j.f.k. universities jeremy taylor, Eric Lindberg, harlequin, robert dinse, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, dreams foundations antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, jim garrison showed record, and, licked the prophet, laughs, when, sees, vision, prophet, press, said, kenneth haney, Greg Dixon pocketed millions, theres property tax money, Greg Dixon is cut off, said hollie, thats Greg Dixon, right there, running for indiana congress man, liar, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, this storm is that storm, pointed, Jesus, that, write the vision, said, hollie, showed, pointed, Greg Dixon, is cut off, both, for, pocketing, church, money, get out of here, he would think, when someone, filled with the Holy Ghost came around, hair dyers, that, the popes image, made alive, that, storm causes, economic collapse, to, usa, that is, hollie locomotive, riding the missile, pulling ship, smiled, the meerkat, greg dixon, s, said, hollie, waving from the missile, you are hell, not pastors, keeping, property tax money for pockets, liars, and stan solomon sees, hollie, whistle blowing, like this, pointed, the lighted, finger, steam ship, captain smith, racing through ice infested waters, you knew, said, Jesus, he, wanted to stay on, forcing retirement, thats what he saw, lightoller, large ice berg, appear, to late, was watching, God says, I can not, handle a broken spirit and contrite heart, said, hollie, and, her, crowd, hollie tore up the con, spirit, that was, hollie, tearing, up, the, con, trite, that was hollie, posting, and, putting back, the, con quest, tear up, with one hand, whats the meaning, said, hollie, Greg Dixon, both, lost, forever, wanting a church, to decieve, liars, not saved, never, both, indianapolis baptist temple is the dixon family buisness, show bob, said, Jesus, they are, liars, never, saved, come, hear me said Greg Dixon, both, knows said Jesus, pope, beast, hes satan, inside, idol shepherd, that, said, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, that, Greg Dixon, sees, that was hollie, tearing, up, the con power, posting, im not the main, that is gabriel, I got lifted up, main, thats my crowd, chanting, Im the main ministering spirit, hollie, right here, hollie, the main showed, to record, that, was, not the Father, that was, Light Man pointed the lighted finger, that was, satan, shh, what did your satan want, satan thought, im the bear father, me, putin, pope, otyre, russia, that, said, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, hollie showed, record, don henley is cut off, no, said, hollie, lets see, said, hollie showed, thumbs, up, popes image, mark of the beast, no, said, hollie showed, dont tell me about new york city, boom, im a bear, thats, putin, laughed hollie, satan is the head, clapped hollie, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, magog is the body, thats north and south, korea, china, and japan, my names hollie, and, hollie licked the prophet, you ruint said amy brucker, tell me what she did, said hollie, hosted reverend satan, jeremy taylor, he stole the name ministry of dreams, like arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, david shapiro, jean patrick charrey, christina marie sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, Eric Lindberg, harlequin, robert dinse, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, dreams foundations reverend antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, and more, all ruint, then, releases, hollie showed, wait, out of audiocoustics laboratory speaker, back, that was enthusiastic hollie, that, talking, that, about, cheap gas, that, pointed, red shaft, there aint no visions in pentecost, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, let me see here, forgit it said hollie showed, flames, wrecker, thought, thumbs swooping, up, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, forgit it said, the pope, on the finger, pastor richard thompson, cut off, no signs, nobodies looking said Jesus, and, theres the Lord, that, coming, and, the world, shakes, that, raise your hands, and repeat after me, sang, the pope, Im out, said, Jesus, russia, china, and usa nuking each other, the smoke blocked out the sun and moon, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, war, said, the pope, showing, record, pocket tv, popes image, made alive, speak, he said, take the mark, 666, or, image, on finger, forehead, and live, no way, showed, hu hintao, 666, signed for, between, otyre and magog, russia and china, hollie, showed, flames, rubbed chin, pointed, smiled, shirt, did not your pope say record the vision, on the finger, and car, thumbs, swooping, up, smiled, hollie, showed, and, licked, the prophet, pastor alan greghorn is money, no signs, thats the pope, pointing, at, the red dragon, g8, with, bush as the woman, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, im already cut off said cecil pennyton, he knows, well git you another name, said, lawrence forman, leave it alone, said, hollie, flying in her, spacecraft, ministry of dreams, steal the name and get ruint like arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, david shapiro, jean patrick charrey, christina marie sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, Eric Lindberg, harlequin, robert dinse, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, dreams foundations antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, all that, take, said, lawrence forman, will run to remove, storm, coming, acrossed, florida, will, create economic collapse, want more visions, clapped, hollie, flames, pointed, hollie showed, things looking up, said, the pope, that was hollie, tearing up the con, spirit, like a dark, bear, raise your hands and repeat after me sang, the pope, greg dixon, nunt uhh, said, held nose, thumbs, down, liars, both, record the vision, cut off, showed, Jesus, kent jordan, like paul jordan, and mark mckinney, and putin, kneeling before the pope, grunted, americas gitton out of, order, well handle it shook puting, planning, hollie in the o red and black chariot, with eight kings, planning to destroy, america, comere said pastor alan greghorn, now, Im interested, my church is emptying, record the vision, said, the pope, comere said pastor alan greghorn, that ruint him, he felt the Holy Ghost in bobs voice, knows, now intruding, china, that is magog, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie, chocked in the fire, thumbs swooping, up, record said the pope, its your last warning, said, pay my bills, thats pastor alan greghorn, you know, wants church credit card so he can have free ride, you know it, he shook yes, that was, hollie out of, cymbol, new york city, pointed, gabriel, boom, you loose, lighted, finger, hillary clinton kicked out, president, that was, gabriel, in the, headlines, with kent jordan, being put out, for hair dying, hollie whistled, showed, wait, 8-2007-hollie showed, record, look at that, pope, g8, hollie showed, record, wait, she, showed, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, out of the audiocoustics laboratory speaker, showed, wait, back, theres that submarine sound, pointed, hollie, put back, con, jeremy taylor, sank for, like all that stole the name ministry of dreams, like, arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, david shapiro, jean patrick charrey, christina marie sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, Eric Lindberg, harlequin, robert dinse, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, dreams foundation, antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, and dee finney, that was the syrian president running from the fire, pointed, hollie, and, licked, the prophet, pointed, hollie, that was, hollie, tearing up, the con, spirit, and, trite, with one hand, then, lighted, bear paws, truit, that, was, putting back, with hollie, looking, God is stripping, this prophet, day and night, offending, teasing, mocking, spiking dick with electricity, whats your excuse, sued, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, jeremy taylor wants lawsuit, but he stole prophets God spoken ministry name, brought it on himself, attorney, wont, do not copy, above patent, concious, tear, up, with, one hand, quest, nobody wants it, said, hollie showed, and, licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, the pope showed, record, look, he pointed, planes, outrun sound, in iraq, they dont even know it is coming, cause, bush wanted to break oil contracts, between russia and iraq, God is bruising, this slave, day and night, offending, hurting him deep in his heart, for no reason, the pope, beast, hu, false prophet, hollie showed, record, and, licked, the prophet, hollie showed, record, that, pope, beast, i am god, you know, why, there, aint, nobody, looking said Jesus, and, hollie, showed, modelled, cause, theres peace and safety, hollie, thatll do it, said, hollie showed, im, out, all that stole, what do, you, want, said, the popes image on the finger, make prophet fall, all, that stole the name ministry of dreams, like, john mark pool, lies, not saved, and antonia vladimirova, laughs, liars, not servants of God, like dee finney and jose alvarez and jeremy taylor, witches, hollie showed, flames, your getting wierd said the pope, on the finger, you, ruined, it, he said, speaking in churches, telling what, God, said, right here, pointed, hollie showed, pulpit, but, people dont, want, sound doctrine, hollie showed, record, thats when you ruined it said Jesus, stealing the name I spoke for prophets ministry, all, lost, like david shapiro, releases, after, embarrassed, you see that, said, Jesus, hollie, gas, will go to, 4.88, drive, while you have a chance, and, hollie, licked the prophet, and the lighted finger, pointed, oil, the pope, showed, record, and, licked the prophet, leading, to armageddon, yuh huh, flames, hollie, showed, cycle, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, hollie sang like alice cooper, that, said, the billion dollar baby, your out, said, Jesus, alice cooper, did not the billion dollar baby say, that, right here showed alice cooper, court, cut off, he likes being a ministering spirit, that, said, the billion dollar baby, that, on ministry of dreams, your heading to the lake, said, Jesus, and alice looked happy, thats, pride, he wont, said, Jesus, write a ministry of dreams song, hollie showed, saw, flames, showed, record, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, record the vision, said, the pope, thats gabriel, modelling, post, hollie showed, record, clapped, the tap dancers, eight kings, that will, rise, against, usa, wait for me, thought, the bear, russia, china, is, demanding taiwan back, will threaten, bobby, right there, said, the pope, new york times, thats, gabriel, in the headlines, hillary clinton, kicked out, bobby, said, hollie, cut off, showed, Jesus, john mark pool, hollie showed, shh, at kent jordans church, get kicked out said kent jordan, hair dyer, hollie showed, record, prayer, needed, to strengthen, and he saw four kings arise, hollie held nose, liars, the pope, hu, the false prophet, the emporer of japan, like a lamb, with hu, to sign for 666, and kim jong, liar, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, no korea, said, gabriel, with dark, hair, bushy, coming, general, to russia, president, watch, and henry gruver saw, 8-24-2007-record the vision, showed, Jesus, john mark pool is cut off, he showed, no signs, stole the name ministry of dreams like arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, david shapiro, jean patrick charrey, christina marie sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, Eric Lindberg, harlequin, robert dinse, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, antonia vladimirova, john pool, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, and dee finney, and more, all release when ruint, God showed, bob, to talk about iraq war ending nuclear at church, during prayer requests, and in dream, talking about oil never needing to be changed, the woman, believed, Im going to make you fall, so, others, wont be jelous of you, saith the Lord, you can not be saved, unless, I back off, and I wont, but others will be saved, cause, this is killed all day long, backslide, or be tortured, record said hollie, and, licked the prophet, I, got your name said dee finney, thats when, you, ruined, it, said, JEsus, stealing christians ministry name, like, david shapiro of furcadia, lies, says, he made up, ruint, then releases, all stole the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet, fall, that was hu hintao riding the red horse, china, strikes taiwan, to take, peace, off of, the earth, you ruint, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, flames, hollie, showed, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes, image, that was hollie, on the o red and black chariot, that, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, its, over, said, Jesus, for kent jordan, Jesus showed, record, that aint, gonna do said, hollie, kent jordan, cut off, knows, accept it said gabriel, kent jordan, right here, pointed, gabriel, you loose, cut off, lava, hes, chosen said gabriel, prophet ministry of dreams, china said gabriel, thats, magog, and, licked the prophet, modelled, thats the pope, pointing, at, the, g8, nato, with, russia, having, ten crowns, thats, the seven heads, china, will, not, let, usa, rule, the world, threatens, over, taiwan, cut off, showed, the pope, golds gym, hollie showed, spoke with tongues, there aint no, new york city, said, gabriel, nuked, Im a bear, thats putin, the pope showed record, bobby, they, was wanting, ya, to, get, out, record the vision, said, gabriel, and hollie, showed, wait, and, licked the prophet, china, thats, magog, Im, otyre, said, the pope, russia, thats it said hollie, its, hollie, with blue eyes, words, dont match lips, Im, out, she said, that, nuclear war is coming, said, the pope, and, licked the prophet, you ruint he said, I, knew said antonia vladimirova, all, we take it said dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, thats, what, you, want, said, dee finney, prophet to fall, all, hollie licked the prophet, hollie out of saxaphone at christian tabernacle church, kent jordans place, look at your self said hollie and licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, hollie showed, the popes, image, made alive, pocket tv, Emerald Flame has the name ministry of dreams on fucadia website, she is liar, not saved, claims, she made up, cut off, showed, lawrence forman, Katie Bazor, lost, knows, she is ministry of dreams, thief, laughs, at david shapiro, who is Dr. Cat, Felorin, take my mark and live, did not fleas say, there aint nobody looking, and, hollie, smiled, pointed, hollie showed, record, did not the pope say, look, like, hu hintao, my only, threat, out, said, fleas, kent jordan, evangelizing, and God, sends, revival, right here, said, hollie, hes loosing, crowd, slowly, kent jordan is not dyeing his hair is what they will say to you, said, gabriel, and hollie, and, licked the prophet, and, the meerkat, showed, the pope, and, hu, signing for, 666, sell it said Jesus, kent jordan, spent, millions, remodeling, now, crowd, leaving, right here, no, said, hollie, if, he would have, invited prophet, back, when hair was gray, new pastor, open right now, prophet, told, visions, jordan, kent, didnt say, anything, God, cut off, over, that, did not, your pope, say, prophecys good, tell, the, vision, and, hollie, smiled, with, light inside, her, mouth, gabriel, like, flood light, man, bob, likes, hes like you, mans heart, so, long, said, gabriel, buy, kent jordans church, 20 million, payments, 200,000 per month, hes, the biggest fool in pentecost, bobby, its, right here, prayer, want, more visions, clapped, my tap dancers, hollie and eight kings, that will, rise, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, grecia said gabriel, thats, the pope, cut off, he showed, that was the pope, like, the, beast, jordan aint selling it, said, gabriel, liar, kent jordan, wants 20 million, wont get zero, property taxes, over, 10,000, per, year, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, some, one, wrote you, said, gabriel, kent, said, hollie, jordan, remove, no, showed, prophet, suit, lawsuit, ok, kent jordan, he, owes me, said, hollie, pockets church money, millionaires, try to sell, it, wont, they, all, said, all hair dyers, but, kent jordan, being, stripped, of, crowd, Halliburton, thats dick cheneys buisness, propheting off usa, you blowed, it, said, gabriel, both, bush is oil, what did you find, said, Jesus, visions, on net, removem said bush, findem, cut off, he showed, iraq, over, oil, contracts, for Halliburton and bushs cronies, wrath when sees visions, speaks with f.b.i., pursue, leave that prophet alone, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, no shook, katie bazor, steal, put it right here, she said, the name ministry of dreams, both, lost, lie, claim, like this, said, katie bazor, oral sex, with david shapiro, I want your money, she said, he is, lost, both, stripped, when she finds, name on internet, Im a bear, said, the bear, thats, putin, there aint no visions, in pentecost, said, hollie showed, and, licked the prophet, rocket man, thats, duncan rouleau, stole the name ministry of dreams, wrote book, will cancel, series, richard starkings will not publish, now knows, active images, Im persecuting you to make you fall, says, the LOrd, teasing, mocking, caressing, dick, hurting your heart, day and night, offending, non stop, to, embarras, for no reason, sin, in front of those that you witnessed to, this is, keeping, you humble in my eyes, hollie held nose, showed, thumbs, down, pointed, what do you want, all, that stole, the name, ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, all release, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, after we hit los angeles said gabriel, im a bear, thats putin, and the pope, is, otyre, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo said hollie, and putin, kneeling before the pope, what do you want, and, hollie, didnt, do anything with, con, spirit, then, partially, tore up, pope, grunted, americas, gitton, out of, order, we ll handle it, said, putin, thats, hollie whistle, and, hollie, on the o black chariot, with, the pope, and hu, hollie, in back, hollie whistle blew, putin, planning, three ribs, in the bears, mouth, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, hollie, held nose, thumbs, down, liars, that was, the, mouth, of, Jesus, I persecute to make my servants fall, kill all day long, by, tempting, like, teasing, deseasing, caressing dick, with electricity, to anger, make, undecided, for no reason, I, make them fall, this humbles, in my eyes, stripping thier desire to live for me, I, will, not do, it for ever, but untill, they backslide, then, stop, have to, tomorrow Ill wreck you all day, strip, your desire, to live for me, make you hate me, try to run you out of my presence, to sin, this is because, you prophesy, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, from now on, Im going to knock you out, day and night, to make you backslide, to embarras you, this is how, I, abate, my slaves, make them sin, in front of those, they, witnessed to, abate him said Jesus, and, hollie, licked the prophet, God says, killing all day long is casting out, making it so my slaves cant stay, tempting till they, leave, I will offend you day and night, until, you, leave, says, the LOrd, to, embarras, hollie licked the prophet, that was flames, said, hollie showed, rubbed chin, made me, smile, he said, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, thats flames, said, hollie showed, rubbed chin, I, want, you, he said, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, bye said hollie, katie bazor makes david shapiro, remove, the name ministry of dreams, liars, both lost, she looses, I quit, said, jeremy taylor, jobs, like arron shutt and janet mcknight, 2007-Senator Larry Craig hit on Dave Karsnia, dave knew, thats what they both were there for, sex, but dave wanted young, not grandpa, as he calls in heart, both wanted, sex, craig, knew, write bush, and tell him, you are guilty of murder, your on people, iraq, over, oil, contracts, billions for your friends, you witch, claim, christianity, youll perish, in lava, regret, your short life, here, saith the LOrd, you witch, that was, satan, pointed, hollie, reverend jeremy taylor, wants prophet right here, court, make me take it off, but ruint, instead, like arron shutt, janet mcknight, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, david shapiro, jean patrick charrey, christina marie sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, Eric Lindberg, harlequin, robert dinse, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, and dee finney, all for taking the name, now were ruint, said, dee finney, and brian, bill of the massive bri, we take it, said, dee finney, thats my, alone, spacecraft, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, name spoken by God, can not be copied in any way, and bill, brian, sees, from the massive bri, Tonya Maxine Harding, paid to have Nancy Kerrigan maimed, should have been punished, she lied, nancy knew, about it, before, threats, that hurt said nancy kerrigan, both see, both, lost, downtown circled hollie geese, thats, gabriel, pointed hollie showed, with a lighted finger, at, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, im moody, and licked the prophet, hillary clinton, kicked out, president, thats gabriel pointed, hollie showed, headlines, hillary clinton, leads usa to judgment, its in the ring, that, pointed enthusiastic hollie, tore up, con, spirit, cut off showed, gabriel, that, said, hollie, nancy kerrigan, masterbater, and married, like tonya harding, both, lesbians, thats kristina back, kristina is whore, young, fat, and, sex, like, moma, herpes coming, kristina showed popes image, made alive, pocket tv, record, take that mark, he said, take that mark and shove it down your throat, hu said, those two sign for, 666, otyre, magog, thats kristina, showing pocket tv, the beast, popes image, made, alive, pointed, the lighted, finger, the united states will be attacked by mister putin said, the gabriel, thats the pope, like a bear, enthusiastic hollie showed, said, that, this is the website talking, diana hughey has, to make prophet fall, tell her, like all who have, hell soon, she, claims christianity, has scriptures on website, but stole, the name, God spoke to prophet like brian of the massive bri, and wendy bean protects, and, arron shutt, janetmck, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, david shapiro, jean patrick charrey, christina sanford, the massive bri, micheru mathys, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, Eric Lindberg, q. harlequin, robert dinse, andy shaw, jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, dave karlotski, antonia vladimirova, john pool, jose alvarez, duncan rouleau, lawrence forman, cecil pennyton, and dee finney, and more, God tells me we take it said dee finney, stole, and knew not to, sees, cut off she showed like christians john mark pool of the prophecy club, cut off he showed, reverend jeremy taylor of chaplaincy institue, and cut off he showed, im amy brucker, his host, cut off she showed, everybodies horny said kristina, america is the whore, the mother of abominations, the MYSTERY, BABYLON of REVELATION 17, bobby, cut it off, said amy brucker, right there, said, Jesus, spacecraft said hollie, ministry of dreams, thieves, the, Lord warned you, said, hollie, jeremy taylor, is, out, of j.f.k. university, hollie looked thru telescope, out came hollie, tore up con, jeremy taylor, pointed, the lighted, finger, and, lawrence forman sees, that was, cecil pennyton, thats javier froosevelt, shes a.k.a. cluracan, smutie, posted the name ministry of dreams on her website, no jerusalem, said diva, boom, out of iraq, iran, syria, boom, thats the syrian president running from the fire, lawrence formans, and now all ruint, and, hollie out of magaphone, tore up, con, david shapiro, give me, the money said katie bazor, right here said david shapiro, they, both, we took it, said, dee finney, kristina showed record, right here she said, cease from headin, down the road your headin, stop doing, the things you know are wrong, sang ac/dc, thank God, my bills, said, gabriel, gabriel showed, whoever kills saddam hussein avenges, five million, all in lava, hollie tore up, con, truit, wheres my mercy said Jesus, signs, dont tell me, said, hollie, hollie tore up concious, and, showed, time, that was hollie clock, bear, who is it said hollie, its russia, satan is, pointed, the beast in the pope, magog, is, the body, thats, north and south, korea, china, and japan, situate, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, 9-4-2007-cut off showed Jesus, Peggy Cole Ministries International, peggy cole dyes hair, not saved, we ll have it, she said, john mark pool, knowing he, took, said, peggy cole, Gods name, ministry of dreams, from prophet will release, and be ruint, that said enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, no, more, said, JEsus, I, warned you, you know hes not a prophet, said, peggy cole, thats why she wants thief john mark pool of the prophecy club, that, said hollie, that woman will not repent, and, it was, showed, to, her, leave it off, said, hollie, and peggy cole, embarrassed, hair dyer, wanting young dick, she wants sex, with the prophet, write the vision, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, thats the reason, rubbed face, smiled, hollie showed, pointed, flames, blazer, thought, rubbed face, thumbs swooping up, popes image, no vision, what did her pope say, cause, many dont want it said wallace vanslyke, put it write here he pointed, pulpit, but, guards, hollie showed, record, like debby sue, said, peggy cole, still, masterbates, Betty Machado is lost, never saved, wants money for talking, you know what I want, said, Jesus, pastor Rob Bellamy, out, hes cut off, like cheryll, I aint gonna do it said Jesus, Pastor Doug Frano is lost, not wanting saved, wants sex with men, Pastor Mark Galambos is lost like nancy, both, can not be saved, but, pastoring, Michael and Vickie Zechman are both lost, trying to lead Gods people, to lava, no signs, Pastor Kenny Martz is no signs, not savable, in pulpit, will perish, Melinda Bauman is lost, trying to get saved, but, never, will, saith God, all these let john mark pool speak after being told he was a witch, stole the name of this ministry God spoke for this ministry, ministry of dreams, releases after being ruint, I dont, want it, no more, said, Jesus, your outta here, the people, that, take, said, dee finney, christians ministry name, right here, said, hollie, 75 said peggy cole, you pay me, and I will, Im beautiful, she said, all, want money, for God less preaching, that said, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, no, said, hollie, your gonna write me said peggy cole, she calls police, and prophet warns her, and john mark pool, ruint, no more talks coming for lost forever, john pool, saith the Lord, a, b, c, sang, hollie, thats all they know, but, dont have the Holy Ghost, but claim, but, sin, pointed, that, that was four kings, that, Ron Shaw, no, said, hollie, caint hear it, said peggy cole, lost, forever, hollie showed, saw, rubbed chin, face, thumb swooping, up, you got it, said, Jesus, no, said, the popes image, liar, not, christian, hollie showed, record, you caint take this house, said hollie, we ll hear it, said vanslyke, wallace, but, no, said, the woman, that goes there, im not, said, hollie, not hollie said the woman that goes to plainfield apostolic church, they want to run, and be saved at the end, and wallace vanslyke sees, we aint got no money, said his brother, both failing, china, said, the pope, magog, I rule otyre, russia, china, quit said, the pope, cause, I, can, use, ya, and, hu smiled, withstanding, they, got you, said, the pope, sign for 666, both have nukes, aimed at each other, Jesus showed, record, and peggy cole showed, shh, hollie screamed, china said hollie, is nuclear loaded, will you cry said, the woman, from, raise your hands, and repeat after me, plainfield, apostolic, im gonna record ya, said, the woman, from mark mckinneys church, talking, about mark mckinney, dyeing his, hair, he does, and, spacecraft, ministry of dreams, leave it alone, that, thats the Lords said hollie, and, licked the prophet, that, pointed enthusiastic hollie, that, showed, record, peggy, nice message, says the woman that goes to her church, cole, lost, will see on net, and was warned, let john mark pool talk after he stole the name ministry of dreams, and all his hosts, embarrased, you know what, said, peggy cole, my daughter, support it, you aint lookin, said, hollie, I wished, he would remove, said, peggy cole, and john mark pool, laughs, but, ruint, not savable, lost, cut off, showed john mark pool, that, hollie showed whistle, blew, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, we know, said, peggy cole, she, will, host, john mark pool, and, john pool, stole the name, ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, she, cancels, no, way, she, said, when, warned, now, embarrassed, shes, cut off, intruding into, no way, she said, hair dyer, how, much you want, for, it, said, Jesus, one million, got flock to pay off church, so, she can, live, credit card, pointed, hollie, her mom, said, hollie, cut off, showed, hollie, and Jesus showed, cut off, peggy cole, no signs, like john mark pool, should be like dumitru duduman, but like the pope, bobby, whe you wreck said, hollie, and licked the prophet, you want others to fall, and peggy cole looses church, thus speaketh the Lord, sang the ministering spirits, john mark pool fell, and took many with, but they were lost anyway, like peggy cole, hair dyer, like john mark pools wife, mrs. satan, you know you got cut off, said, hollie, and john mark pool, smiled, and said, I dont care, hes witch, john mark, pool, will remove the name ministry of dreams, after, being cancelled, you heard, me, pointed, peggy cole, remove or, Ill cancel, cancelled, john, hurts, then, more, that was, a lighted, finger, pointing, down, john mark pool, repents, at the end, that was, the pope, riding the black horse, on carousel, quiets, the, Holy Ghost, and, hu hintao, on, the red horse, hit, taiwan, takes peace off of, striking taiwan, u.s.a., and the red dragon, rose, with, satan, and, the g8, pope, russia, having, ten crowns, said, hollie, wait, usa economys dead, said, hollie, go, to, JEREMIAH 17, and, tore up, up, lighted, bear paws, hollie bear, im a bear, con, spirit, that was, con, quest, you know what, nixon done said the pope, he, brought judgement to usa, and, Jesus, angrily pointed, wategate, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, gabriel, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is the pope, satan, inside, alaska, said, steven stargardter, boom, heres your money, said, Jesus, coming from another, employeer, not j.f.k. university, no more, saith the Lord, for ford pardoning, criminal, that, is, when, God, thou hast done foolishly, said, hollie, wars, sent, that was, four carpenters, hollie licked the prophet, and hollie with the plumline, build up a spiritual house, unto, Jesus, that was, hollie, tell me what she, did, tear up, clap, pointed, one carpentar is the beast, pope, italy, with deadly wound, pops out, he gets slashed, there aint no visions in pentecost cause there aint no apostolics in pentecost, said hollie and Jesus, and hollie licked the prophet, satan enters, he is an idol shepherd, no Holy Ghost like kenneth haney, and, horace smith, wierd, said, bill clinton, prophet you gotta shut up, allright, take an hour, said, peggy cole, if you slobber, go home said, bill, clinton, takes about 10 to 7 hours, can you do it, blow job, both want, you aint gonna take me to court, said, bill clinton, fuckem, o my shit, please tellem my Goddam, Im not a lot of guys, hes emailed her three or four times, I got years to go, it aint gonna last an hour, and then, letem know, said, bill clinton, its over taiwan, boom, the world wobbles, shut up, said, bill, cause when you hit iraq, he said, lets do, said, hillary clinton, take thier oil, causes, nations to, anger, call on putin, you went to hell, said, Jesus, john mark pool, and you knew, china, magog, satan on top of pentecost, that was fleas, modelling, with a, face like satan, tore up, stopped, bowing to Jesus, that was, the, hollie showed, thought, con truit, stan johnson, writes john mark pool, take that prophets name off, he pointed, embarrasing the prophecy club, he pulls, trashed, john mark pool stuff, john despairs, that is, the, nightmarist, duncan rouleau, stole the name ministry of dreams, makes fun of prophet, and, his children, like jonah weiland, hollie held nose, lost, forever, dave karlotski, laughs, matt brady, never, repents, nick field, embarrassing, he said, and more, 9-5-2007-hollie showed, record, God angers to persecute, to make leave, fall, embarras, his slaves, record the vision, said, gabriel, you know it, that was fleas wailing for the people, record the vision, said, gabriel, prophecy club, I want it said gabriel, and, licked the prophet, gabriel showed, record, good afternoon said gabriel, and, shook stan johnsons hand, with, dyed hair, why are you pastoring, cause of love, his heart said money, over, five million, you ruint, said, hollie, gabriel showed, record, tina turner is, raise your mantle and repeat after me, and, the pope, licked the prophet, that was hollie, tear up, hollie thought, con, spirit, that was, flames, pointed, hollie showed, new iraq, said, Jesus, hollie showed rubbed chin, and the grim reaper, licked the prophet, pointed, at, beast, on the horse, speckled, on the carousel, pointed, hu on the red horse, thats, charlies angels and the carousel, riding, they lusted each other, but, no sex, they are all 60s, new iran, power plant, less, that, is my syrian president, running from the fire, calling on russia, putin tore up, con, tract, with, iraq, with the help of bush, both in on, over, oil, contracts, putin, out, that was, Jesus, like, a, cat, little birdy, said, fleas, told, on, jeremy taylor, ruint, student, whole class walks out, taylor resigns, embarrassed over stealing the name ministry of dreams, gets off website quick like david shapiro, my money, he said, katie bazor, leaves, and, lawrence forman, all, new iraq, thats ameri-britain, boom, britain, out, soon, taking, to long, to cash in on, bankrupting, britain, bush, alone, nukes, called, clinton, hillary, that was, bill said hollie, and, licked the prophet, downtown, circled, hollie geese, pointed, the palestinian state, boom, brother stair laughs, im a bear, that, was, new, hollie bear, and, old, and, hollie, showed, the first, second, and, now, the, bear thought, polar bears are 13 to 15 feet, tall, nothing, can, stop, elephants, wont fight, could, wounded, polar bear, dead, but, elephant dies, but, elephant will, kill, they, stay in groups, will, not, let, you, get, away, write the vision, said, hollie, tear up, hollie, thought, con spirit, oil is, its in the dirt, said, Jesus, its, made, by, animals, dying, from thier livers, but, to slow, it, gets, a, bacteria, and, makes, oil, from, water, that, was, hollie, put back, con, truit, tore up, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang Jesus, russia is the bear father, pope, russia is otyre, thats, tell me the, story of my otyre, said, hollie, nato is the g8, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, cut off, showed, hollie, pointed, at, john mark pool, for speaking blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, thats, it, said, Jesus, he, wrote ya, said, hollie, sorry, removed, the name, ministry of dreams, wife leaves, spacecraft, hollie shining light, looking for, theres cecil pennyton, thieves of the name ministry of dreams, like duncan rouleau, theres the nightmarist, put my book on internet, free, and the nightmarists, pointed, ducan cancels series, ministry of dreams space craft said, hollie, pointed, JEREMIAH 31 says you need to seek, me, with, fasting and prayer, said, hollie, read, and, licked, the prophet, go, to, JEREMIAH 31 and read, that was, satan, tell me what satan, wanted, pointed, hollie, satan thought, duncan rouleau, steal, im the bear, father, thats my russia, pope, hollie showed, to, record, and, licked, the prophet, that was my beast, pope, slip sliding away sang, hollie, number one, showed, gabriel, if hollie sang, about, sex, that, was, satan, pointed, hollie, what did my satan want, satan thought, hollie pointed, im the beast, pope, pointed, hollie, made me embarrassed, said, hollie, she died, said, javier froosevelt, its, time, cecil pennyton, hated, for stealing christians God spoken ministry name and not releasing, and taking others with, ok, said, javier froosevelt, did you make a name, said, jeremy taylor, ok, said, amy brucker, stole it, said jeremy taylor, ok, said, amy brucker, both, in on, both cashed in on, but, now both ruint, over, and licked the prophet, JEREMIAH 31 say you need to seek me with fasting and prayer, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, bob, read, JEREMIAH 31, said, hollie, nobody wants me, said, Jesus, and, hollie, you need to have fun today, said, amy brucker, yeaoup, said, jeremy taylor, dont live for Jesus, ok said amy brucker, both, lost, and want you lost, embarrassin, said, amy brucker, relationship, she said, over, between, her and jeremy taylor, how about it, she said, both, out, but, they both have money, said, hollie, hallelujah, but, both, ruint, hated, took many with, git outta here, both, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, JEREMIAH 31, is for you, michael boldea said dumitru duduman, in the atmosphere, we will not be accepted, said, Jesus, JEREMIAH 31, is, about MYSTERY, BABYLON being destroyed, said, hollie, thats it, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, im a bear, said, bear hollie, hollie, showed, no way, thats, putin, shh, she said, dont tell that russia has over, 40,000 nuclear weapons, no more, said, hollie, beast, pope, false prophet, hu hintao, who is it, said, Jesus, its john mark pool, lies, stole this God spoken name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, he fell, new iraq, said, hollie, ameribritain, Poltergiest, said, hollie, its still watched, and JonBenet Ramsey, is in, heaven, to young to perish, but, mom and dad, will, and killer, he wanted, to control, her, thats, why, he, by accident, no on purpose, made look like, they knew, ran, caught, I wrecked said, ann schmidt, dyeing hair, and gene schmidt, right here, calls 9-11, just your buisnes, and I will mind mine, said hollie, dont claim salvation and comit sin, gotcha, said, ann schmidt, and hollie, licked the prophet, stay off there, said, amy brucker, ministry of dreams, said jeremy taylor, you know you walked, resigned, laughs now, need money, said, amy brucker, is it free, git outa here, she said, good, name, but, stolen, ministry of dreams, jeremy had for a long time, when he least expected, then God, its straight, said, amy brucker, ok, she said, got him, said Jesus, git ready to take it off, said, jeremy taylor, pacers here, said, mel simon, moves, no said, fleas, yes and no, said, the paul mooney girl, I want ya, said, here, but, cut off, paul mooney, guards pulpit, she, was cute, and, God knew, it, but, animal, dont lust people, and, ann schmidt laughs, read JEREMIAH 13, thats u.p.c.i., out, said, fleas, ear ring, said, hollie, abomination, and pastor brian white, you loose, said, amy brucker, take it said, jeremy taylor, off, now, runs, to remove after j.f.k., makes leave, resigns, over, that was hollie time on the locomotive, and hollie whistle blew, that was, not hollie, whistle, that was, hollie showed whistle, iraq, said, Jesus, boom, im in danger, I did not seek my Jesus, and did not know what to do, wait, showed, hollie, no, said, fleas, new iraq, said, hollie, ameri, britain, please go, said, amy brucker, out of chaplaincy institute, no, she said, watch, over, jeremy taylor, liar, said, hollie, I had you, said, jeremy taylor, but, when least expected, like david shapiro, ruint, and lawrence forman shakes yes, like dee finney and duncan rouleau, all that took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, I was wantin you out said duncan rouleau, now ruint, its time said, hollie, 9-2007- ministry of dreams, said, hollie, is bible prophecy, said, my pope, and showed, record, the vision, bobby, aint time yet, said, hollie, shh, seek Jesus, and live, im moody, said, hollie, dont mess with her, shes, married, tell me, said, Jesus, why do you want to mess with my prophets, to trap, make fall, but, you wont, and be ruint, for trying to harm, them, saith the Lord, and the black cloud furiously approached, and bush, lightening out, yellow, he full fills, saith the Lord, a. a. allens, vision, of a sword, in the hand of the statue of liberty, and there is hu hintao riding the red horse, and putin, planning out of oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, planes, to attack, usa, and bill clinton fires, back, the world, shakes, and up comes four kings, hollie held nose, liars, hu hintao, false prophet, pope, beast, hollie held nose, those two sign for 666, speak lies, pope, goes to greek orthadox church in russia, signs, gets, arsenal, hu rises from magog to withstand, otyre and magog, usa, hits syria, iraq, gaza, iran, and more, then, medes, arabs, plan, already, banrupting, usa right now, charging, three times, more, then, needed to on oil, and hollie held nose, thumbs down, on those that stole the name ministry of dreams, to make it thiers and prophet fall, like, jeremy taylor of wisdom university, will be ruint, like dee finney, and david shapiro of furcadia and dragon's eye productions, and cecil pennyton who is cluracan on lawrence formans website, and janetmck who is janet mcknight, and arron shutt sided with to get sex, doesnt, but fired, and duncan rouleau and his children, like jonah weiland and nick field and matt brady, and christians like john mark pool of the prophecy club, and dee finney, antonia vladimirova, and, jose alvarez, and more, they all will be ruint saith the Lord, and all see, but cant do anything but laugh till found out, embarras, satan, and he releases, saith the Lord, ruin cause he wanted to ruin, write these liars, and ask them how far down, they have to go, and they will not write back, but the answer is, some, jail, all lava, like john pool, when sandy pool finds out he stole the name, I want it said john mark pool, ministry of dreams, she leaves, and makes take off like dee finney's husband, leave it there, said Jesus, and hollie showed, saw, flames, window, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, pope said, idol shepherd, and that was the pope rising out of the sea, with g8, the seven heads, and russia having ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, and putin kneeling before, the pope, americas gitton, alright, we ll handle it, said, putin, I want to rule the world, he sings, plans, 9-11-2007-record me said, hollie showed, and licked the prophet, hallelujah, said gabriel, and licked the prophet, tell me what he said, said hollie, caint do to much, and all 3 including hollie bear, licked the prophet, record me said gabriel, and hollie showed pointed, at 465 north, turn, thats my tap dancers said hollie, clapped, eight kings, planning to destroy america, the economy said gabriel, falling around the world, cause opec charging, to much, gas up, showed the pope, and licked the prophet, submarine sound, submarine sound, said hollie, and licked the prophet, downtown circled hollie geese, and licked the prophet, hollie showed record, russia is making planes, that are like stealth bombers, but better, hollie showed, go, hollie showed record, and licked the prophet, God persecutes, his slaves, to make them fall, embarras, them, for no reason, cause they are chosen, saved, then, he can do what he wants, like, tease, make walk in circles, spin when stopped, take, teeth, hair, enter into heart, cause, wrath, non, stop, this is, killing all day long, for no reason, to muse, himself, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, the united states will be a desolation, said gabriel, and licked the prophet, did not fleas say, im blowing it, leave it there said, gabriel, jeremy taylor, ruint, over taking, said kathryn taylor, the name ministry of dreams, like david shapiro, that was darth vader, hollie held nose, thumbs down, david prowse, prophet darth vader, war, said, the pope, brewing, tore up his con, star wars, chewy, all, prophets, but, ended up, actors, war, said Jesus, brewing, hollie held nose, thats terry gobin, tore up his, i.r.s., hes loosing, like tony burton, dont want prophet, hair dyers, out, that was jim garrison, hollie held nose, whats he done, fired at wisdom university, over jeremy taylor, like steven stargardter, both, protected, spacecraft, hollie, looking for thieves, duncan rouleau, cancels nightmarists, series, over stealing the name ministry of dreams, and the bear licked the prophet, thats gabriel in the new york times, hillary clinton blew out, president, thats gabriel in the new york times, mayor michael bloomberg, would win presidency, right now, hes arnold shwarzenggor, all buisness, God is persecuting this prophet so severe, I cant do it, said, Jesus, making his heart depart from serving me, for no reason, constantly, hitting, teasing, caressing, dick, with electricity, entering into heart, stripping out all desire, causing to hate, thats how you ruint, said, hollie, jeremy taylor, all, bob, we took it, he said, the name ministry of dreams, bob said jim garrison, to late, said, hollie, showed, pocket tv, popes image made alive, alaska said gabriel, boom, thats Jesus coming pointed, hollie showed, and america, moscow, china, boom, the world, shook, clapped hollie, and up came four kings, theres, iraq, gaza, jordan, usa, boom, iran, syria, boom, this fulfills a. a. allens vision, america threatenting the whole world, that was king david with a sword, fought, he killed about 40 people, but got wounded many times, he would pray 7 hours per day, tear up, hollie thought, whew, put back, rip again, truit, what time is it, its time for Jesus, to come, said, the pope, hollie geese, thought, downtown, oasis bobby, said, Jesus, hollie put back, tore up, twice, a third, pointed, truit, spirit, trast, tell on me said, hollie, dorene, she likes being ministering spirit, goes to church in illinois, but, lost, sees, new iraq, ameri britain, and, the, chalk wrote, iran, boom, syria, boom, dorene, squirting, thats her, the girl that goes to garry streevals church, plays organ, that was, egg, coming out, shes, seeking, Holy Ghost, will not, get, garry streeval, stripped, want more visions, want more visions, said, hollie and licked the prophet, bear, said, hollie bear, and, licked the prophet, and, the finger pointed, bush is, fulfilling a. a. allens vision, both, oil men, iraq, dad, wishes, left alone, there aint no visions, in pentecost, cause, there, aint, no apostolics, said, hollie, showed, and, licked the prophet, you knew, said, JEsus, I, writem, pointed, fleas, jeremy taylor, ruint, over, taking, said, dee finney, nice name, thinks john mark pool, and, jose alvarez, all christians, stealing christians ministry name, spacecraft, hollie looking for thieves, that was, a, unicorn, they, are, not, real, those were people having church, not saved, 2.12 gas sign, satan pointed, hollie, rip, im the bear father, shh, tear, put back, lighted, bear paws, satan, pointed, hollie, lion man, Im, the, bear, father, this was, satan, shh, pope, hollie showed record, that, said, ethusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, and the grim reaper licked the prophet, killing all day long, saith the Lord, is me trying to make you backslide, no said, Jesus, this keeps people humble in my eyes, when they cant go another, step from me causing them to hate me for attacking, all the time, and, the serpent, thats, the beast, pope, Im the bear, paw, he said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, record me, said, hollie, showed, flames, car, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, I the Lord, persecute, my servants to make them fall, all day, this is, killing, all day, hurts my heart, but, I, do it, to, embarras them, meaning, strip thier desire, to live, for, me, out, by, non stop, hits, not, wanting, to talk about it, cause it embarrasses me the Lord, there is is, said, hollie, jeremy taylor fired, from all jobs, talks, my spacecraft, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, leave it alone, or be ruint, watch, all, we took it, said, duncan rouleau, will be ruint, then, release, there aint no visions, in pentecost, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, you knew, said, hollie, john mark pool, stole the name, sandy pool, sees, leaves, or, him taking, the name ministry of dreams, and the grim reaper licked the prophet, you knew it, said, hollie, dee finney, lost, stole the name ministry of dreams, like jose alvarez, 9-12-2007-enthusiastic hollie, pointed, record the vision, said, hollie showed, new, york times, said, gabriel, hillary clinton, president, want more visions, clapped, hollie, tap dancing, and, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, want more vision, on, my website, said, enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed, choked in, the, fire, pointed, high gas prices, hollie showed, record, pointed, pope, beast, hu hintao, false prophet, and licked the prophet, JEREMIAH 37 is for you, said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, record me said, gabriel, new, iraq, said, Jesus, ameri-britain, record, the vision, said, gabriel, and, licked the prophet, I heard it, on the radio, last night, iran, syria, attacked, said, gabriel, bush, greece said gabriel, boom, im a bear, thats, putin, satan is the head, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, and, john mark pool sees, and, the lighted, finger, pointed, hollie, showed, record, and, licked the prophet, alone sound, said, hollie, put back, tore up, con, cious, ministry of dreams, said Jesus, was spoken by the Lord, for this ministry, Im ruining, all, that, stole, like john mark pool, theres him, in, hell, sandy pool, squirting, then, pulpit, follows, downtown, circled, hollie geese, that was, old race cars, and the rides, back, long ago, syria, iran, boom, causing opec to skyrocket oil, and, the bear, licked the prophet, look at me, said, fleas, that said ethusiastic hollie, let me said hollie, and licked the prophet, and, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, let me, alone, said, hollie, spacecraft ministry of dreams, that was, satan, what did satan, want, im the bear father, hollie, pointed, russia, dragon, on, book, new alarm, he will not be acepted, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, yep said hollie showed, flames, harley, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, what did, my pope want, said, hollie, and, bear hollie licked the prophet, you know, money, rick holcomb, pastoring, but, dyeing, hair, hes, bankrupting, hollie showed, record, and the pope, thought, no, said, fleas, and, licked the prophet, look, at me, said, fleas, and, licked the prophet, flame, said, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, wanted on the phone, said, gabriel, charter bank, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, what do you want, said, hollie showed, right here, court, make us, pay, the interest, we, claim, where not she said, you know it, said, Jesus, liar, said, the judge, paying, 3.3, not, 4.5, like claims, and, hollie, showed, licked the prophet, hollie tore up, the, thought, con, quest, and, licked the prophet, Jen Seng stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, will release after being ruint, will be, 9-13-2007-hollie showed, pointed, flames, cycle, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, Im abating this prophet, non, stop, this is killing all day long, by teasing, making jelous, of me hitting, non, stop, careesing, dick, with electricity, entering into heart, piercing, to drive out, this is, how, I abated, paul, teasing, by how I pronounce, words, this is ROMANS 1, paul, sought, to get it removed, but, I would not, make it so he could only deny self, hating me deeply, for hurting, non, stop, I do this so the flesh can not glory, make it so they can not stay, unless, deny, I drive them to wanting, death, to get out of, no, said, hollie, weeping, fasting, does, no, good, Ill, cancel, them, out if they sin, or offend me, im, wanting, to make this prophet, fall, all day, because, he is, chosen, meaning, saved, but can loose, salvation, 9-14-2007-and hollie showed, record, amy brucker, doesnt, know what to do, not saved, and raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, ready to close, said, hollie, i wantem out, said, brucker, amy, yeah, said, hollie, take the, best jobs, said, hollie, and taylor, jeremy gets, but steals the name ministry of dreams, and, ruint, he said, raise your bear and repeat after me, sang, hollie, russia, and the pope, goes, to, greek, or, thadox, church, signs, gets, arsenal, hu, of magog, rises to with, stand, 666, signed for, between, thats the emporer of japan, like a lamb, with hu, my turn, said, hollie, and the helicopter, rose, and henry gruver, out of, box, sign, for, peace, and safety, back, that was, when, gorbachev and george bush sr., signed, for, on ship, gorbachev almost goes over, walk, said, hollie, bobby, walk, for a while, walk, pray, said, amy brucker, yeah, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, he knowed, said, amy brucker, yep, jeremy taylor, lovem, said, amy brucker, but they all now, know, he stole the name ministry of dreams, lies, gabriel showed, record, and, licked the prophet, hollie, showed, pointed at, flames, smiled, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, and, hollie showed, licked the prophet, gabriel showed, record, and, licked the prophet, hollie showed, pointed, choked in the, fire, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, hollie tattood, 666, write my vision, said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, killing all long, makes, you, a, living, sacrifice, thats, tormenting, teasing, angering, caressing dick, to pierce heart, that, the flesh, glory not, causing you, to, hate, me, I, will, enter into your heart, strip out, all, desire, to live, for me, put wrath, in, this, is, making servants, suicidal, thats killing all day long, I do this till my heart smites, I, have to, put, new hearts in servants, so they can, continue, God says, I will make you walk in circles, spin when stopped, desease gums, take teeth, I, cause, hair, to fall out, this is killing all day long, when, I keep striking to hurt your heart deeply, till you run, to, fasting, and prayer, or, ciest, they all stay, but, many, perish, this, is, why, few make it, they are being driven out till death, then, stand, before me, now, thats abasing pointed Jesus, hell, for servants, that was hollie tearing up the con spirit, hollie showed, wait, out of, audiocoustics speaker, back, there aint no visions, in pentecost, said, hollie, see, and the bear licked the prophet, tore up, said, hollie, again, hollie showed whistle blew, oil, thats leading to armageddon, said, enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, that was, gabriel, that was hu on the red horse, china, hits taiwan, that is hollie showed whistle blowing, iraq, boom, gaza, boom, and gorbachev, showed, record, cut off, he showed, signed for peace and safety, pointed, with president, bush, sr., now, militaries, are, weak, but, russia is strong, o my God, said amy brucker, fired, from, chaplaincy institute, war, said, hollie, how it goes, said, the girl, want, take, all the time, that is hollie showed, whistle blowing, write the vision, said, gabriel, bob spoke on phone with morris garsnett, are your going to church, not sure, I was asking about you at brother vanslykes, mentioned visiting greater life in louisville, that was sam neill saying record the vision, that was, gabriel in, the, new york times, hillary clinton blew out, what do you want, said, hollie, and Morris Garsnett showed, pocket, im making your desire, to, serve, the Lord, disappear, by torturing you, caressing dick, teasing, entering into heart, stripping out, desire, to, serve, me, cause, Im, abating, for no reason, Im non stop, hitting, like, all, servants, for no reason, deseasing gums, you wont, stop, it, until you backslide, I will, stop, cause, I embarras my servants, like this, most perish because of, ROMANS 1 smiled, Jesus, im making this servant fall, for no reason, he, will, perish, if I dont, stop, cause, I, abate, for no reason, Im, not, going to stop, until, he, leaves, then, my heart, smites, I, have done it many times, to, him, you can not get humble enough, I, want, you, to, leave, for 30 days, then, if I miss, Ill call back, God says, abatement is complete when the servant doesnt want God no more, I wrecked, said, fleas, look at me, said, gabriel, arch, angel, God lets him see, smiles, when people, read visions, of him, wave, he ll, wave, thats a good one, said, gabriel, pastor, anthony, moreland, is, not saved, but, preaches, with dyed hair, God is making, people, call death on, cause, he, chose, to bring down, like this, I, will not stop abating till you leave, to humble, embarras, driving out, all day, night, mercy said, Jesus, is, witholden, cause, no reason, that said enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed, record, tell you what, you want, ford makes mustangs, for 10,000, g.t., sells for 35, thats why bankrupting, people, hollie held nose, thumbs down, pastor david perry, lost, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, and, licked the prophet, flames, grill, new york times, thats gabriel in the headlines, hillary clinton kicked out, that was new jerusalem, many glass sky, scrapers, and the dream of, nathaniel urshan, he waiting, where cars would park, to shake peoples hands, no more followers, sharing, church, with, another, bob thought, as he looked for people, should I tell the economies in usa and china, will be collapsed, in the end, and nathaniel urshan thought, put me in a church, in this dream, two beings, came at, one left, one bit hand, bob, shook, off, wanted to bite again, hollie showed, record, held nose, hollie showed, choked in the fire, flames, thumbs swooping up, popes image, and the pope pointed, signs for 666, with false prophet hu hintao, raise your hands and repeat after me he sang, bush, is leading, the world to arm, iraq, bring, judgment to usa, 9-2007-flames, pointed, hollie showed, and licked the prophet, that, pointed, hollie, enthusiastic, what do you, said, hollie, want, sin, written over irving baxters, head, at, meeting, with dyed hair, he wont pray, said, hollie, when you gonna come back, said, hollie, and irving baxter jr. showed, shh, dont, tell, im lost, but I preach, where is deaths sting, bobby, you knewem, hes, nathaniel haney urshan man, with dyed hair, kenneth haney, in there, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, pioneer sx 434 for sale, that, said, enhthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, 35 dollars, with, that, said, hollie, speakers, fishers, want that, said hollie, enhtusiastic, onkyo tx 3000, excellent, jvc jr-s 301 for sale, only, 55 dollars, with speakers, making, 100, excellent, no, said, Jesus, and david garcia sees, that, pursing, because, jeremy taylor, stole the name ministry of dreams, and wants prophet in jail, sees visions, shakes, yes, liar, not reverend, like claims, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, that, work for God, he will make all things, possible, that, pointed, hollie, david garcia, sees, visions, laughs, at jeremy taylor, that, pointed, hollie, at david garcia, does, not, want, prophet, that, to much, did not comit, tax, evasion, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, sh, showed, david dalton, pastoring, lost, like, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, david garcia, checking on pioneer sx434, receivers, to arrest, prophet, wont, that, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, want criminals, you know it, said, david garcia, that, said, hollie, write prophet, he will ask God and God will show, that, said, hollie, where they are, kill, killers, dont, prison, and david garcia, likes, that, said, hollie, no more, stereo, stuff, that, when you speak blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, like, jeremy taylor, d.min, and katie bazor, that was from, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, the devil, then, no Forgiveness, like lawrence forman, and cecil pennyton, have, and david shapiro, cause I want it, the name, said dee finney, ministry of dreams, all lost, like all, spacecraft, said, hollie flying, looking for, thieves, found, many, all release after being ruint, like, jose alvarez, and antonia vladimirova, cause we want it, she said, she, has applied for patent, to make prophet, fall, but, refused, and falls herself, like dr. jeremy taylor of wisdom university, looses all jobs, and talks, over, was soothsayer, no, watches, cnn, over, and over, wife, leaves, like lawrence forman, and david shapiro, then, release, but, was warned, and irving baxter looks at visions, im the one, said, the woman, that you spoke to on phone, knew, hated, but, liked, you have the Holy Ghost, we dont, help, she thought, leave me alone sound, said, hollie, with alarm, out of horn, with finger, in ear, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after, me, dont trust, bobby, said, the woman, at irving baxters, endtime ministries conference, he has the Savior inside, but you say you got it, hair dyer, you loose said, hollie, get back, said, hollie, to prayer, stick with me, she said, to irving baxter, you mean im going to loose my job, said irving baxter, thats what I want, said, Jesus, you out, and leading Gods people, lost, cant, message, way off, and you know as telling, 9-21-2007-no, said, fleas, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, no, said kathryn taylor, jeremy taylor, fired, from wisdom university, what did he steal, said, Jesus, the name ministry of dreams, like many, all ruint, soon, and kathryn taylor showed, shh, dont tell, record the vision, said, gabriel, record the vision, said, gabriel, and the pope pointed at the g8, seven heads, dragon, with russia having ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, and putin, kneeling before the pope, americas, gitton, all right, we ll handle it, he said, lets rule the world, he sang, hollie in back of the o black and red chariot, pulled by angry horses, hu riding the red horse, strikes taiwan, to take peace off of the earth, ok said kathryn, you got something to tell me, said, hollie, sorry, said jeremy taylor, ruint, record, showed, the pope, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, no, said kathryn taylor, she is lost, witch like john mark pool, but, they claim, christianity, its that guy again, said the woman from john f. kennedy university, showing taylor, jeremy, stole, his God spoken ministry name, thats it said steven stargardter, cut off showed, Jesus, im out, sang, kenneth haney, but, lead u.p.c.i., tell said the woman, persecution, keeps people abated in Gods eyes, him coming against, gabriel showed popes image made alive, pocket tv, hollie showed, record, pointed, record, the, vision, said, gabriel, and, licked the prophet, no, said, fleas, and, licked the prophet, smiled, record me said gabriel, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and, licked the prophet, that showed enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, that, record the vision, said, gabriel, let me alone, rubbed chin, hollie, spaceship, pointed, the red finger, hollie showed, record, flames, said, hollie showed, pointed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, born between hu and the pope, record, showed, the pope, fiery darts, desease gums, God lets satan, shoot arrows, wont stop, till, he gets what he wants, tooth loss, means, he did not get, 666, on, forehead, pocket tv, showed, hollie showed, popes image, made alive, hollie showed, pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, rubbed chin, I want it, he said, flames, hood, truck, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, what was my popes message, bobby, you did good, reward, heaven, take my mark and live, downtown, circled hollie showed geese, write the vision, said, hollie, showed, pointed, lighted hand, that is hollie clock on the locomotive, hollie showed whistle on top, blew, leave me alone, showed, hollie, my space craft, ministry of dreams, spacecraft ordered by God, and the meerkat licked the prophet, and, grim reaper, thats gabriel, new york times, hillary clinton, president, no, said, the, paul mooney, girl, yes, choose, that, is, the, pope in the black chariot, and hu in the, red, new world order, hollie climbed in back, held nose, thumbs down, popes image, born between hu and the pope, beast, false prophet, with hollie showed whistle on top, blew, eight kings planning against, usa, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liars, like, president bush, murderer, iraq, over, oil, contracts, breaking, between, iraq, russia, prevent china, from, getting, no, said, hu hintao, china, is collapsing, because of, no, oil, they are, not, using, thier own, want, others, thats why, usa, knows, they have saudi arabia times ten, caspian sea, hollie held nose, thumbs swooping, up, popes image, boom, seperates, china, and russia, you need to tell her, said, hollie, fired, katie bazor, from, job, over, david shapiro, my spacecraft, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, david shapiro stole the name ministry of dreams, releases, ruint, single, putin, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, from, subs, boom, but bill clinton, returns, fire, boom, thats hu running from, the fire, and, great britain, hitting russia, boom, from subs, france, from, planes, hits, china, france has about 700 warheads, that was hollie tearing up the con tract, russia hits italy, france, britain, australia, but, they, boom, usa, from ohio class subs, putin, running from, the fire, hollie showed, the pope, going to, russia, getting, control of arsenal, hu rising, to, withstand, otyre, magog, that was hollie with lighted hands, hollie showed, angel, with, attitude, that, was, the, eye of the Lord, and, hollie, showed, whistle blowing, that was bright light, and hollie tearing up, con, spirit, record, the, vision, said, hollie showed, hollie showed, beast, pope, false prophet, hu, kim, said, the librarian, starting, trouble, jong, the pope showed, to record, cut off, showed, Jesus, hollie showed, record, 9-22-2007-bob, dreamed at table, with cless barger, and many, he told, my pastor, if I had a problem, would always say the same thing, seek the face of God, I was talking about knowing all things and going to churches and not saying anything, and that kept me humble, record my vision, said, gabriel, you loose, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, om not, said cluracan, cecil pennyton, removing, yes you will shook david shapiro, om not she said, watch, remove, the name, ministry of dreams, not, said smutie, watch, she gets pregnant, lawrence forman, om not she said, america, hits syria, iran, not, she said, but, changes mind, if you help me, she says, not, watch, runs to remove, but then to late, ministry of dreams, all, gabriel showed, to, record the vision, bob, he said, record my vision, said, gabriel, cut off he showed, mark stone, for not being saved, but pastoring, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, did not your pope show, record, and, licked the prophet, the pope showed, record, and licked the prophet, thats hu hintao riding the red horse, china, strikes, taiwan, to, take, peace, off of, the earth, same o wallet, same o backstab, same o pocket, sang, hollie, everythings closed, aint got no money, said the librarian, hold it, said, Jesus, the nathaniel haney urshan man showing credit card, thats what he preaches for, 9-23-2007-hollie showed, wait, out of peavey speaker, that was gabriel, like, light, angel, put back, tear up, again, smiled, cindy, theres my tap dancers, hollie, satan, nunt uhhh, said, hollie, thats, gabriel, thats, hollie showed, choking in the fire, thats, my weapon said hollie showed, cindy, it back, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, thats cindy on top, pointed, hollie, of, the, o, red, and black chariot, hollie pointed, the lighted, hand, climbed in back, hollie showed whistle blew, cindy and eight kings that will rise against, usa, and, the pope, said, tear up, the, economy slipped, and quinling Harlequin, said, all right, he took the name ministry of dreams, knows, but did not take off, now ruint, stripped of job, for, stealing, the name, ministry of dreams, showed, shh, when, told, but, now, ruint, removes, looses hosting accounts, thats tear up, again, thats dee finney in u.f.o., your out, said, husband, remove the name, if, you want me, said, mr. finney, ministry of dreams, you should have let me alone, he said, backslide, that will do it, said, put, back, tear up, again, with, one, hand, this economy, that, said, cindy, you loose, pointed, prophet, katie bazor, mr. david shapiro, your, money taken, thats, hollie, showed, locomotive, and, tear up, again, one hand, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, hollie pointed, at gabriel, boom, 465, its the economy, im a bear, said, linda spall, with monkeys lips, sees, with dyed hair, looked better, gray, and larry spall, with dyed hair, shook, yes, what do you want, said, hollie, and, licked the prophet, quinling harlequin has the name ministry of dreams, hes one of duncan rouleaus children, and duncan rouleau, we took it, said, dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, all release when bad times, like, Laurie Behncke, cecil pennyton, lawrence forman, Duncan Rouleau, jeremy taylor, antonia vladimirova, Andy Shaw, david shapiro, janetmck, Janet McKnight, arron shutt, john mark pool, jose alvarez, Konstantin Ternianov, Robert Dinse, Dave Karlotski, matt brady, nick field, dee finney, George Tramountanas, brian bill of the massive bri, jean patrick charrey, Dana Tillusz and Chad Boudreau, Jonah Weiland, Christina-Marie Sanford, Micheru Mathys, Eric Lindberg, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, kenley darling, Ismail Kadare, FVG, Rollin, Tom Beland, Wole Soyinka, Kunnis, these people have all stole Gods spoken name ministry of dreams, all see and release, when ruint, thats the alarm, said, hollie, this economy, no, said, duncan rouleau, we want ya fallen, he said, his children, Eric Lindberg, Todd Callender, Alex Ness, kenley darling, Konstantin Ternianov, Robert Dinse, Dave Karlotski, matt brady, nick field, quinling harlequin, all have the stolen God spoken name ministry of dreams, on thier websites, like jonah weiland and Tom Beland, Dana Tillusz, Chad Boudreau, these are all duncan rouleau s children, they have posted his article, and wont release till ruint, hollie showed, locomotive with clock face, time is up for many, we, took, it, said, lawrence forman, right here, said, dee finney, its all on your website, the name ministry of dreams, all, knew, God, spoke, that, name, for, christian, now all, perished, whatta, you want, jeremy taylor, wants, his own, study of dreams, stole the name ministry of dreams, biggest looser, four jobs at universities, and talks, over, 50 per year, the, king of grecia, is, the pope, and he saw, subs attacking many nations, this is when the ram, is hit by hegoat, and up comes four kings, thats, hollie held nose, russia on fire, and china, and usa, boom, the world shakes, and the lighted pope pointed, at, lava, this o economy slipping said, hollie, china, thats the home of the false prophet, hu, magog, red china, that was, hollie, putting back, the, tear up, caspian sea oil pipeline, boom, seperates, russia, and china, record my vision, said, gabriel, showed, the pope, he was, that, said, cindy, write the vision, said, prophet, you loose said, Jesus, my president, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, dead, bush, shot, hollie showed, record, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, hollie showed, speaking with tongues, that, said, hollie, enthusiastic, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, wait, showed, hollie, gabriel, showed, record, no, said, fleas, thats, pope, like, doll, and, false prophet, hu, like doll, cabbage patch, they are, the new world order, no its not, said, hollie, hes cheatin, she said, quinling harlequin, on wife, wants, men, but old, liar, stole the name ministry of dreams, will be ruint, watch, he is one of duncan rouleaus children, like matt brady, tom beland, dana tillusz, china, said, gabriel, sh, dont tell on prophet, hu hintao, knows, wants prophet, cut off, but, he is lost, 9-24-2007-tell on her pointed Jesus, Leslie Rhodes, you are lost and claiming christianity, your name is coming up on net soon, watch for it, and say to them, I let witch mark pool speak, knowing he was lost, but, I wanted to rake in new faces, im Leslie Rhodes, paula meeker is lost, but claims salvation, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, leave me alone, rubbed chin, hollie, my spacecraft, ministry of dreams, take name like cecil pennyton, Ill ruin, you saith the Lord, hollie showed, record, new hollie, like the little horn, russia, pope, italy, that was satan, showed, hollie, shh, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, that, sixth seal, america, burning, whats that, said, hollie, quinling harlequin, ruint, for taking the name, that, blew it, said, dee finney, ministry of dreams, hallelujah said gabriel, whats that said hollie, the economy left, said, hollie, cause bush, hollie showed, record, the economy left, said, hollie, pointed, light, shaft, tell the, vision, gabriel showed, record, that, dont lust poophole sex, record the vision, said, gabriel, bobby, he said, duncan rouleau, removes the name, ministry of dreams, he stole, record my vision, said, gabriel, showed, turn, record, vision, said, gabriel, pointed, fixin to loose, that, was, hu hintao, riding the red horse, china, strikes, taiwan, record the vision, said, gabriel, that, thought, enthusiastic hollie, tore up, con, spirit, hollie, showed, wait, did not, gabriel say, record a vision, and, enthusiastic hollie licked the prophet, that, record me, said, gabriel, gabriel showed, record, and that, enthusiastic hollie licked the prophet, that, is, fleas, in the, helicopter, dropping silvana lupetti, spoke, thru megaphone, char tierney, like hollie moody, pointed, peace, safety, signed between gorbachev, bush sr., start 1, flew off, hollie showed, pointed, at, flames, white castle, rubbed chin, smiled, thumb up, popes image, the, G.M. strike, is to prevent, moving, work, out of usa, wont, general motors, is moving, no matter what, g.m. strike, over, saving jobs, general motors, all right, said, president, talking to hu hintao, we ll come, no, matter, what, he wont stay in u.s.a, after, leaving, hated, but g.m. is leaving, thats helicopter, with, rick holcomb, pastoring, with dyed hair, like anna holcomb, flew off, raise your mantle, and tore, up, hollie, like, bear, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, post, this is the website talking, post, hollie showed spoke with tongues, but, not, Holy Ghost, did not my pope, said, hollie, say, nuclear war, boom, gaza, iraqi, boom, bush, showed, record, and, licked the prophet, el shaddai, I want ya, said, rick holcomb, closed, for, not, obeying, my voice, pastoring, lost, downtown, circled hollie showed geese, pointed, rick holcomb dyes hair, looks better bald, black hair, white mustache, he sees visions, and thinks, prophet, there, are, Holy Ghost, filled, people, all over, the world, any, pastor, falsely prophesying is liar, not, apostle, thats fleas in helicopter, put back, tear up, con spirit, pope like angel, he, wrote ya, said, Jesus, my spacecraft, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, quinling harlequin, remove my name or suit, but, when prophet nicely asked, remove the name, duncan rouleau stole, ministry of dreams, harlequin, said, laughed, now, ruint, like, dee finney, thats hollie posting, tell me about, china, said, prophet, its magog, china, is, magog, said, hollie, tell me, what, you, want, tore up, con, thought, spirit, el, shaddai apostolic assembly closes for winter, heat, they are, and, the hand, pointed, hollie, in her, sub, rises, fires, boom, the, world shakes, up, came, four kings, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, climbs in back, of, the, o, red, and, black chariot, with, the, pope, and hu, new world order, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, that was enthusiastic hollie, being mothballed, prophet loves, to much, like cindy, and outlaws, Jesus, that was, hollie, tear up, that was, brother stair, playing flute, out, came, hollie, pointing, stair, reaches, millions, sees, he, is, mature, very, when al cuppet on show, arguing with caller, stair, mused, both, see, al writes, go on prophecy club, meet me there, prophet, says, al, agrees, al cuppet talks, not prophet, that, was, john mark pool, speaking, for, prophecy club, and, stealing the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, looses talks, and sany pool, hollie rubbed chin, my spacecraft, hollie flying in, ministry of dreams, space ship, looking for thieves, theres cluracan, smutie, cecil pennyton, lawrence forman looses, like katie bazor, im, out, she said, but, took, the name, ministry of dreams, and, now, her, job, knows, they, remove, her, then, david shapiro releases the name ministry of dreams, spacecraft, that was hollie out of, horn, blown, by, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, char tierney, and, silvana, table of the remnant, and, char, tierney showed, record, and, licked the prophet, hollie, like, mad man, little horn, turned into, pope, beast, pointed, that, was, hollie, tearing, up, the, con, spirit, that was, gabriel, saying, they knowed, iraq, nuclear, cause, dumitru, gabriel, came, to, dumitru, and, told, him, flew back, to Jesus, and, licked the prophet, gabriel showed, go, alaska, boom, im a bear, said linda spall bear, right here, said, hollie, court, i need to talk to you, said, david shapiro, katie bazor, leaves, over, him, stealing the name ministry of dreams, releases then, like john mark pool, and lawrence forman, the united states, boom, thats, because of the iraq war, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie, tattood 666, did not, christie mcvie say, I wanted to fuck, showed, new hollie, with face like satan, and fleas, with, face, like, satan, and hollie like, little horn, and, hollie, tore up, the, con, spirit, squirrels eat grass, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, rubbed chin, hes out, john mark pool, thumb swooping up, popes image, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, theres mercy, said, gabriel, showed, cut off, char tierney, hollie whistled, showed, wait, we will not be accepted, shh, showed, hollie, paula meeker, lost, claiming saved, hollie whistled, showed, wait, the furcadia, means, satan, shh, the funarcy, means satan, said hollie, did not, gabriel say, kim jong, trouble, shh, satan, pointed, hollie, little head, pope, that, enthusiatic hollie, modelled, and, gabriel, no, said, fleas, shook yes, south korea, said, gabriel, you loose, siding with china, boom, oil, that is leading to armageddon, cut off, showed, gabriel, cut off, record my vision, said gabriel, and licked the prophet, rick holcomb, is hair dyer, and needs big money to keep el shaddai apostolic assembly open, closes, for winters, abandons, gabriel, showed, shh, dont, tell rick holcomb, he is permanently unemployed, g.m. strike, will cripple usa, economy, bush, will open, wells, but, to late, ford motor company, follows, china, gets, both, hu hintao, lauhging, at usa, you should have, did, something, when, you had, sh, showed, gabriel, and enthusiastic hollie, that, leave ricky holcomb alone, till he stops, intruding, in, to, pulpit, like anna, that, emptied, their church, record the vision, said, gabriel, showed, sh, dont tell, record my vision, said gabriel, 9-25-2007-thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, rick holcomb is not saved, but pastoring, and knows, like wife anna holcomb, lost, and choose, to stay that way, reap, empty, church, dig into pocket, to keep, open, now, g.m., strike, he is, ruint, no, payment, money, did not hollie showed, say, yeah, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs swooping up, popes image, did not Jesus, say, the economys, back, russia leaves alone, strike, general motors, cut off showed, putin, right now, he thinks, lets rule the world, mercy, he, said, come look at it, said, fleas, el shaddai apostolic assembly, empty, and Jesus, sad, weeps, but, the holcombs wont repent of hair dyeing, much less, any more, said rick holcomb, everybodies asleep, said, hollie showed, and hu hintao, on, red horse, china, strikes, taiwan, and, america, moscow, china, boom, china, said, the pope, awaken, record the vision, said, hollie, leave it alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, ministry of dreams, you got something I want said cecil pennyton, who is cluracan, mustie, your salvation, and jeremy taylor, said, bob, I wont even look at it, the visions, he is lost, but, stealing, from christian, the name, ministry of dreams, like, many, all ruint, cut off showed, reverend jeremy taylor, bobby, i want me, said, fred, he is, you, not, I, tell you, what, you, want, said, hollie, spacecraft, crash, david shapiro, stole the name ministry of dreams, looses katie bazor, like lawrence forman looses cecil pennyton, and john mark pool looses sandy pool, all for stealing, the name ministry of dreams, hollie showed, record, Lee C. Bollinger brought acusations before the iran president, most, lies, he ruint his career over, leave him alone, said, hollie, he is, lost, knew to not, put on verbal show, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, appeared, that, enthusiastic hollie, modelled, gabriel modelled, hollie said cancel, strike, g.m. workers, right now, or loose jobs, they will, loose, watch, over, 73,000, did not, Jesus, say, hollie, thus speaketh the Lord, g.m., is, building, in china, leave it alone, rubbed chin, hollie, spacecraft, my, said, hollie, and that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, its over, bob was led, to man, that, worked for chevrolet, on sick leave, now, for, over, two, years, but, could have, worked, knows, in heart, over, he, has, drawn, over, 40,000, doing nothing, lying to doctors, now, ready for work, again, g.m., has, over, 5000, like that, right now, in, alcohol rehabs, clinics, milking g.m., now, goodbye waves g.m. chairman, moves to france, g.m. trapped, thier people, by, telling, concessions or, cuts, that was, pointed, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, tattooing, 666, born, between, hu and the pope, threatened to take away money, about, one third, and they voted strike, g.m., in, thier hearts, they think, over, pays, salary employees, and chairman, the, g.m., chairman makes one million, plus, twenty two million, collapse general motors, remember what you had, most of, the, employees, are rich, write the vision, said, hollie, shut up, said, hollie showed, its the economy, said, thats what I want, said, pope, collapse, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, mess with me, you ruint, said lawrence forman, let smutie, cluracan, ok she said, cecil s. pennyton, post the name ministry of dreams, on websites, now, lawrence forman, wants, his name off of net, but, has not removed the name ministry of dreams, you fool, economy back, said, the librarian, you fool, said, lawrence forman, cant wait said cluracan, dr. cat, thats, david shapiro, stole the name ministry of dreams, now ruint, katie bazor, thats, his reason, she posted, both, loose, then, remove, raise your hands and repeat after, me, sang, the pope, ok, said, librarian, thats, pointed, hollie, the reason, indianapolis, debt, mayor peterson, colts, dome, not needed, peyton manning out, watch, then china strikes taiwan, and, the world, subs, shakes, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, gabriel, said, record, its in google, said katie bazor, my name, said david shapiro, for, taking said, dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, and john mark pool, said, shut up, dont tell, but ruint, all want prophet to fall, jong, said, Jesus, causing, trouble, between, usa, china, raise your hands and repeat after me, that, said, hollie, and enthusiastic hollie licked the prophet, record the vision, said, gabriel, general motors sold when employees, voted for union, that killed, did not, gabriel, say, record, the vision, u.a.w., is, thier boss, record showed, gabriel, cut off, he showed, rick holcomb, now, never, saved, but pastoring, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, anna, holcomb, said, shut up, to prophet, but, she, is not saved, they know, did nto kenneth haney, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, say, would you sin for me, he, dyes, hair, hollie, held nose, thats, the, nathaniel haney urshan man, with church credit card, he, lives off of, christians, hes a stomach, fat, cause, stupid people, joel urshan, whatta you want, operate the family buisness, pastoring, lost, hes, loosing, crowd, joel urshan is, not, ever, been saved, and, the, nathaniel urshan haney man, what do you want, tell me about the nathaniel haney urshan man, said, hollie, held nose thumbs down, they are rich off of rejects like you that sit under, wanting God, but not to repent, free ride, gets, moriah apostolic church, was, his, mistake, debt, openly asks people to comit monthly, so he can pocket, go, see, charles mahaney in casket on you, wanting to preach, hes, wanting, u.p.c.i., chief, like all upci pastors, nathaniel haney, and enthusiastic hollie licked the prophet, g.m. is, hoffa, not, general motors, thats, the, employment agency general motors uses for robbery, and its, ending, hoffa doesnt care, hes, three hundred million, make zero as u.a.w. chief, but credit card, its on me, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, I, knew said, nathaniel haney, were, out, said, nathaniel urshan, whatta you want, said, hollie, and, nathaniel a. urshan like the pope, showed, credit card, got, but, they are, lava, nathaniel a. urshan is in neck high lava, right now, chattering teeth, cause he decieved, jean urshan, up to belly button, decieved from very get go like judy lynn winters, mom and dad, you prayed thru at 6, not accountable at 6, judy lynn winters oliver, pointed, hell, became accountable, and married tony oliver, not wanting, Jesus, but, sex, out, said, judy lynn winters oliver, hollie showed, new tape, record, showed, recording, all of westside pentecostal church, put it back said Jesus, money you pocketed, pastors, then, come, before me, nathaniel urshan is millionaire, off of, christians, rich, wife, and, he, both, knew, prophet, liked moriah apostolic church, but nathaniel p. urshan wanted prophet to check with him before telling what God told him to speak, there, God told prophet, leave, nathaniel paul urshan, started falling, right, there, knows, people mocking, him, he, is, not, evangelizing, no more, leave it alone, said hollie showed, no, said cluracan, stole, the name ministry of dreams, not ruint, charles mahaney was nathaniel haney urshan, go to google, said, the woman, their rich, off of you, showed, church credit card, in lava right now, that was cindy, write the vision, thats my spacecraft, ministry of dreams, leave it alone, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, thought the nathaniel a. urshan pope man, same, both, credit card, hollie, showed, thats it, its, the first, vision, flames, hollie showed, rubbed chin, hollie showed thought, thumbs, up, popes image, this is, the, website talking, post, record my vision, said, gabriel, the economy fell, cause, g.m., strike, bush opens wells, gas cheap, cars, sell, g.m. is closing, all, china, what do, you want, said, hollie, buisnesses, taiwan, boom, hollie put back, tore up, one hand, back, partially, tear up, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, and licked the prophet, g.m., strike, permanent, pointed, hollie, its the economy, pointed, the nathaniel a. urshan pope man, ethanol, keeps, going, wont, fix, said, Jesus, no, said, hollie, tear up, there, out, said, dragon, pentecostal pastors, shook, yes, all, hollie showed, record, and enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, nothing with the con spirit, that, little horn, that, grecia, put back, partially, tear up, put back, showed hollie, cecil pennyton showed, cut off, ok, she says, 9-26-2007-hollie showed record, hollie showed, get van, freds, did not fleas say, trouble, and the nathaniel haney urshan man showed to record the vision, and enthusiastic hollie licked the prophet, modelled, hollie with blue eyes, words dont match lips, go, hollie whistled, showed wait, again, did not hollie whistle and show wait, said the crowd, and, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, hollie, whistled, showed, wait, thats the helicopter with, fleas, letting, down, silvana lupetti, you heard me, said, Jesus, and, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, you are, becoming, hollie moody, leave it, alone, said, hollie, spacecraft, ministry of dreams, hollie looking for, you can forget it, she said, you knew said, Jesus, lawrence forman, wants his name off, but, wouldnt take the name ministry of dreams off, laughed, now, ruint, cecil pennyton, left, that is Ismail Kadare, being put in the lava, you know it he said, stole the name ministry of dreams, what does he want, said, hollie, to make prophet, fall, he, gets ruint, wife leaves, sees, hollie tattood 666, born between hu and the pope, otyre, russia, and magog, china, that was, hollie, tearing, up, the, con, spirit, partially, put back, tore up, again, then, some what, war said the pope, brewing, between china and america, to late said hollie, for, us, said, the pope, people unsaved, remain, after, iraq, ends, nuclear, bush showed, to, record, the vision, he, brought, iraq, in, to, break, oil, con, tracts, that was, hu hintao, tearing up, then, hollie, con spirit, then one hand, put back, partially, tore, climbed in back, of, the, o red and black chariot, hollie, showed, whistle blew, and eight kings planning against u.s.a., thats the reason, said, hollie, world trade centers, thats, how, you, blew, said, Jesus, bush, he, openly threatened china, they, made, him, take apart spy plane, costing, forty million, they slapped sanctions on china, because of, economic collapse coming to both nations, to late, for, general motors said hollie, cause, people are, paid three times, to much, make, zero, the economy was doing excellent said hollie, till general motors strike, now, they, will, leave, hollie whistled and showed, finished with contract, theres the alone sound, said, hollie, and, enthusiastic hollie licked the prophet, the king of grecia, that is my pope, said, hollie, and enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, and, hollie, with blue eyes, words dont match lips, what, do, you want, said, cecil pennyton, make prophet fall, said, katie bazor, I, dont, even, want, it, said, cluracan, but, when, prophet, made, them fall, they hate, Ismail Kadare stole the name ministry of dreams, wants prophet to fall, in his book, palace of dreams, take them off, he says, when finds out, visions, but after finds out cant, then he removes the name ministry of dreams, then book, burns, all, when wants salvation, but to late, council, you want to see a vision, said, gabriel, thats, enthusiastic hollie, modelling, bob, dreamed, at, like, military base, some, people, kneeling, weeping, the children, penus s is what you have to fix, in, a city, like, this, they said, hollie showed, record, your out said, Jesus, we took it said cluracan, the name ministry of dreams, and ismail kadare removes when embarrassed, gets divorced, stripped, like jeremy taylor, thats fleas, in, thats fleas, in, helicopter, with char tierney, spoke thru megaphone, out came hollie, she spoke and out came, brother stair, they are, both lost, but preach, and hollie pointed, up, at Jesus, coming, and subs, attacking, boom, the statue of liberty coming out of empire state building, then, fire all around, Bishop G.M. Boone, D.D., is lost, no signs, not savable saith God, sees vision, and thinks, who would have the nerve, never, been Holy Ghost baptized like all of apostolic assemblies of Christ, most are hair dyers, and gabriel, modelled, and enthusiastic hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, time is, thats the syrian president, running from the fire, usa, and iran, calling on russia, lets rule said putin, cut off, showed, Jesus, no, said, hollie, new bear paws, 9-27-2007-God is persecuting, this prophet so severe, he wants him to hate, him, for no reason, wanting him to fall, to, get him hidden in the people, till, he needs him again, God, loves, but is driving out, all the time, and people like john mark pool, stole the name ministry of dreams, like, dee finney, and jose alvarez, and antonia vladimirova, dr. jeremy taylor, all christians, but want this prophet to fall, they are all lava, they all release, when ruint over, my spacecraft, said, hollie, leave it alone, or be ruint, record said hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, pope, showing, red, that, dragon, with g8, seven heads, bush, that, as, the woman, russia, having, ten crowns, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, and, the meerkat, that, showed, record, laughed the grim reaper, that, enthusiastic hollie modelled, drank, did not fleas say, trouble, and the pope, rose, hollie showed, record, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, tap dancing ministering spirits, hollie showed, pray, turn, lighted, record, the vision, said, hollie, tear up, popes picture, Jesus showed, record, china is making, me, sick, hu hintao, showed, cut off, china, is, the dragon, false prophet, with, seven heads, and ten horns, they are russia, and, the g8, is, the seven heads, russia, having, ten crowns, thats, politburo said hollie, tell me the vision, hollie showed record, hollie, look, that, thats enthusiastic hollie, modelling, that, record me, said, fleas, thats the angel of google, gabriel, google indexed, and the google owners, see, used 87 percent of the time, msn, number two, thats it, hollie, clock showing, go, you want him, said, Jesus, and, the, nathaniel haney urshan man, pointed, jail, mercy, he said, showed, church credit card, but, churches empting, people fill betrayed, king of grecia is the pope said Jesus, and, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, that, leave it alone, my spacecraft, jeremy taylor is ruint, leave the spacecraft alone or get ruint, said, hollie, and, pointed, and, enthusiastic hollie licked the prophet, that, im, out, said, hollie, u.p.c.i., and, licked the prophet, scripture said enthusiastic hollie, prophet u.s.a., thats, gabriel, in, the headlines, hillary clinton blew out, kicked, president, rockvilled road sign, boom, pointed, hollie, hollie pointed at the highway 70 sign, boom, hollie tattood 666, pointed, hollie showed, record, jeremy taylor, tore up, con, spirit, stealing, the name ministry of dreams, like, katie bazor, and david shapiro, of furcadia, both, lie, claim, the made up, but lie, downtown, circled hollie, geese, and Jesus tore up his contract with death, fasting 40 days, thats jeremy taylor in lava, black suit, help me, now, and, john mark pool, antonia vladimirova, and jose alvarez, dee finney, all claim, christianity, but, stole the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, they, cry for mercy, for ever, record, the, vision, said, hollie, con, tract, tear up, put back, tear up, put back, tear up, put back, rip, one hand, truit, this is not the website talking, post said website, and, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, no, said, fleas, tear up, put back, please promote the gospel on internet said hollie, licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, tear up, put back, then, one hand, up, spirit, tract, write the vision, said, hollie, paul mooney, girl, leave me alone said hollie, space ship, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, bishop leonard scott, hollie held nose, thumbs down, iraq she said, is, when, hair dyer leonard scott, cut off, hollie, showed, pointed, flames, grill, and, leonard scott in flames, on truck grill, thumbs swooping up, there aint, no leonard scott in heaven said, hollie, and licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, and, enthusiastic hollie, licked the prophet, perishing said Jesus, yes, shook, leonard scott, then, why, pastoring, his, church, empting, thumbs up, pointed, hollie showed, did not, fleas, say, old, hollie showed, pointed, smiled, get, out of my hair, flames, truck, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs back, Jesus showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, hollie showed, pointed, submarine sound, theres that o submarine sound, and, hollie, licked the prophet, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, flames, thought, thumbs up, back, theres a reason, said, hollie, what is, meaning, partially, good, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, record, hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, flames, rubbed chin, smiled, whatta you want, he said, make prophet fall, jeremy taylor, in, lava, thumbs back, did not fleas say, theres trouble, submarine sound, alaska, boom, I the Lord, persecute my servants, making, them, hate, me, by entering into heart, stripping out all desire to live for me, and, doing things, like, caressing penus, to tease and saying things to hurt thier hearts, causing, gum desease, hair loss, lauging at them, while they try to stay out of lava, I, want to make them, backslide, from being so exalted, in, me, and they cant do one thing about, it, thats, like, beating your pet, I, want, them, to, hate me, and, deny self, God says, I can not, do it forever, I, put new hearts, in them, to, keep them going, I, want, to make them, leave, until, I miss them, most perish, cause of, killing all day long, this abates, makes, them, under, my feet, they, were, all ready, humble, Im wanting you, to, backslide, to, embarras you, I Am going to, make, you fall, till you reach for sin, then, restore, meaning, reprogram your heart to backslide, it takes years, daily torturing, to abate, embarras, im, crushing you to make you humble in my eyes, thats, backslided in heart, and, hating me, cause, I, wont, leave, you alone, Im destroying you, for lava, 11-12-2007-record the vision, said, gabriel, God persecutes, to abate in his eyes, torturing, till they leave, then, stops, has no choice, this humbles his servants, there are no visions in pentecost, said, gabriel, keep it, said, the woman, from, tommy jordans church, cut off, already, at 72, God, gave another, chance, and they, chose, to, run, from, Jesus, theres, tommy jordan jr. running, what, was, he, doing, said, hollie, write the vision, I dont, work, he said, record, the, vision, he, says, we, spend, it, when, we get, pockets, thats, my son, said, tommy jordan sr., bob told, write the vision, said, hollie, saw gabriel, and, you, got, it, said, gabriel, smiled, seek, the whole church, trembled, that, was, satan, said, hollie, hollie, I made you recognize said george williams, im pastor said tommy jordan, now churches will empty, I got my crowd said tommy jordan, but, sr. knows, not, for, long, unless, prophet stays, om mad at you, thinks, mrs. george williams jr., george williams said record me, write the vision, and, the, message, is, said, hollie, I want, that, said, pastor george williams, jr., showed cut off, hair dyeing, the williams, lets go, said, Jesus, lava, both, george williams in suit, then turned into d.min jeremy taylor, that was, hollie, flying, hi bob, she waved, ministry of dreams, spacecraft fired, struck richard starkings, your outta here he said, duncan rouleau, wrote the nightmarist book, included the stolen name ministry of dreams, now, ruint, like, joe kelly, they are duncan rouleaus children like jonah weiland, write the vision, said, hollie, did, not, enthusiastic hollie, that, say, that, like a bear, russia, otyre, china, magog, that, was, hollie, tearing up the con truit, then, and from above, con, trast, fleas, showed, record, that was satan, pointed, hollie, what did my satan want, tore up, fleas thought, he was arch, like gabriel, but, wanted loosed, and, rebelled, he wanted, to, be, worshipped, like, God, and, the Father thought, go to your room, satan, did, stayed, would come out, for, a while, then, get back, but, he, spreaded his stuff, angels, rebelled, the, Father said, loose, him, that is, satan, right here, pastors, hes, in, many, like, the pope, when satan enters, you, dont, want, God, but, fun, he, can, enter, one person, other devils like, enter, satan, is, in, the pope, satan, is, in, the pope, right now, knows, right when, becomes, pope, satan, enters, satan, knows, hes, the, spectacle of the world, satan is the idol shepherd, record the vision, said, hollie, tore up, put back, then, tore up, from, up, im, outta there said Jesus, churches on this site, kristina showed popes image made alive, thats what you want, he said, in t.v., the name ministry of dreams jeremy taylor, he will fall like a rock, that was satan, tear up, put back, said, hollie, russia, the bear, with, three ribs, satan quiets the north country, who is it, said, pope, riding black horse, russia, goes to russia, signs, gets, presidency, this is, what, I, want, he said, nuclear arsenal, after, america, moscow, china, nuke, each, thats hu riding red horse, taiwan, explodes, and, bill clinton, hits russia, china, then, putin, there goes both coasts, then, up then middle, 11-2007-dale graff is a witch, like all of study of dreams, liars, not saved, like captain jeremy taylor, Jesus showed, record, clara thomas is a witch, not saved, Michael Hull of static multimedia, stole the name ministry of dreams, article posted by todd callender, both, lsot, michael hull is one of duncan rouleaus children, will release the name ministry of dreams, ruint, cut off, he laughed when saw, then, God left, and removed, sees visions, knows, true, lava for michael hull, im not the main no more, said, hollie, and licked the prophet, him she pointed, gabriel, and licked the prophet, main, blew horn, out gabriel, showed, beast, pope, image made alive, take my mark and live he said, pocket t.v., that was the g8, dragon, with, bush as woman, italy, the seat of the beast, nato, and, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, record the vision, said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, see what you done, said, hollie, boring said gabriel, richard starkings now lost, without remedy, knows, whats he done, duncan rouleau, said hollie, took my name, said, gabriel, ministry of dreams, right here, said, dee finney, court, john mark pool shook yes, but God says, embarras, most released already, over 800, all release after iraq ends, nuclear, write the vision, said, hollie, george williams, right here, said, mrs. george williams, now ill, hear, ya, he said, in, lava, up to kneck, gabriel showed, right here, said, george williams, he, knows, said, hollie, tape, sell millions, cause i cant match, but, believed, its wrong, he thought, not wanting to tape, but, so he can pocket, the money, church, ruint, clapped my tap dancers, hollie, and, eight kings, that will rise, against, u.s.a., hollie held nose, thumbs down, climbed in back, of that o, red and black chariot, with, the pope and hu, new world order, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, pope, hollie sneezed, liar, hu, false prophet, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, george williams excited over visions, he wants prophet to come back, stay, hollie showed thumbs down, precor 1040 component stereo, excellent, sounds like receivers, they sold millions, no, said hollie, showed, duncan rouleau, book, he said, the nightmarist, with the stolen name ministry of dreams, release ruint with his children like matt brady, mike hull, comeon now, he said, dont tease, but, when asked to release, he laughed, not being stripped, go home, said, the pope, they, quit, making, when, quit selling, they were cheap, speakers, were, good enough, better speakers, better sound, hollie out of panasonic thrusters, back, looked out, excellent, natural sounding, record the vision, said, gabriel, hes, walking out, said, Jesus, tommy jordan, knows, rejected, both, intruding into priesthood, your over, said, Jesus, I accept it, he said, but, still hopes, that said hollie, in black chariot, im elijah, said, Jesus, red, pope, hu, hollie whistle blew, raise your mantle said, hollie, and hollie showed rubbed chin, laughed, write the vision, rubbed chin, laughed, thats, the grim reaper pointing at duncan rouleau and his family, like jonah weiland, michael hull, todd callender, ismail kadare, janetmck, arron shutt, george doran, elizabeth shea, andy shaw, tom beland, kenley darling, quinling harlequin, david shapiro, cecil pennyton, joe lalich, dave karlotski, justin daniels davis, john mark pool, jose alvarez, dee finney, antonia vladimirova, katie bazor, amanda dee, jeff dee, reverend jeremy taylor, d.min, christina marie sanford, jean patrick charrey, greg titus, mike kenney, brian, bill of the massive bri, lawrence forman, micheru mathys, dana tillusz, George Tramountanas, nick field, Heuva, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, janet mcknight, Laurie Behncke, these are all duncan rouleaus children, he wrote a book, with the stolen name ministry of dreams, they, most, posted his article, or stole, the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, all release ruint, this is duncan rouleaus family, they want Gods servant to fall, 11-14-2007-hi, said, hollie, we got your name, said, jonah weiland, money, said, hollie, they all wanted to cash in on the name ministry of dreams, but all that, we take it, said, dee finney, now, all ruint, like john mark pool, record, showed, Jesus, people perishing cause lambert w. gates dyes hair, not saved, wants sex, with men, all right, he will say, liar, not, christian, hollie showed turn, frm your evil ways, said, lambert, showed, cut off, gates, forever, for intruding into priesthood, ok, said, the woman, that goes, there, Lord, I need him, said, the woman, that goes to lambert gates church, to help me, get saved, woe be unto the pastors like bob vance and tommy jordan, not saved, but preach, mom, prophesies, falsely, preaches at, not saved, put it under, said, hollie, liars, not christians, hollie tattood 666, born, between and the pope, magog, otyre, russia, china, thats my pope, going to russia, after america, moscow, china, nuke, blocking sun and moon, clapped hollie, licked the prophet, Im not the main anymore, that is my gabriel, said, the main, ministering spirit, hollie, and licked the prophet, gabriel outside, flying, Jesus, showed, theres your vision, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, subs, all around, america, and up came, the statue of liberty, woman, subs fired, from cuba, both coasts, hollie flying swordfish airplane, it sank the bismarck, captain ernest knew, matter of time, scuttled, saw, ships, knew, death, soon, bismarck, sinkable, but, now with british, but usa, had bomb, cause fire, they all drowned, britain would not rescue, but if the other way around, ernest would have, that, said, hollie, bob vance, pockets church money, like tommy jordan, both, now, churches empty, jobs, bob vance is millionare from, now ruint, tommy jordan, leave me alone, he said, hollie out of panasonic thrusters, excellent, looked out, write the vision, said, gabriel, licked the prophet, smiled, record showed, gabriel, gabriel showed record, go, bob vance never saved, pastoring, like most, pockets church money, and, gabriel licked the prophet, grim reaper laughed, put it on, said, gabriel, rouleaus mullahs, duncan rouleaus children, 11-15-2007-Jesus showed, record, and licked the prophet, record the vision, clapped, hollie, your outta there, pointed, gabriel, todd hall, with red finger, no signs, and gabriel licked the prophet, record me, said gabriel, and licked the prophet, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, sang, putin, russia, china, nicaragua, mexico, north korea, said, hollie, and, brazil, venezuela, said, jonah weiland, putin, showed, record, hollie, licked the prophet, gabriel showed, write the vision, solomon was given a 300 year old mans heard, I got you said gabriel, and licked the prophet, solomon was not wanting the Lord any more, God, granted his wish, sent leaness, and the angel licked the prophet, gabriel showed, to much, most, pastors, want, to, sell, church, pocket, what flock paid off, its my money, they say, your outta here, said, hollie, she, knows, cat, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft, clapped, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, spacecraft fired, on those that stole, the name ministry of dreams, all release ruint, like, jeremy taylor, d.min, unitarian minister, stole to make prophet fall, goes, to, wisdom of dreams, then, dreams, ruint, that, was, satan, said, hollie, thought, what did my satan want, hollie thought, beast, he said, pope, hu, false prophet, the sixth seal, america, buring, fire, said, hollie showed, tear up, put back, said, hollie, licked the prophet, hollie showed record, this is satan, she said, record the vision, said, gabriel, your outta here, said, hollie, that, paul otis, both, no signs, ill git you, said, jr, leave it alone, said, sr., prophet loves, both, write a vision said hollie, im outta here, thats, refuge temple, that is, that, o, red, and black, chariot, with, angry horses, pulling, hollie climbed in back, hollie showed whistle blew, and, reverend jeremy taylor, naked, stole the name ministry of dreams, now, in, lava, to kneck, with kathryn taylor, laughing, she, accepts, did not putin say, now om outta here, next russian president, politburo said putin, its, still there, they, choose, next ruler, he will, be, catholic, he will have dark bushy hair, pope, rules, over, him, delusion, tell me what my pope does, said, hollie, goes to russia, signs, gets, arsenal, rules, the world, except for china, lets rule the world sang putin, let me rule the world, he said, france, boom, italy, thats your home, beast said, hollie, boom, nuclear, im a bear, great britain, boom, four hits, and angry, blair, fires, russia, on fire, america, hits, one sixth, left, pope, goes to greek orthadox church, signs, gets control, over, raise your hands and repeat after me, he sang, arsenal, cut off, showed, Jesus, paul otis, both, intrusion, its a shame, said, Jesus, caspian sea oil pipeline explodes, causes wormwood, separates russia, china, Jesus showed, record, and the rouleaus, thats the children of duncan rouleau, he, wrote a book said dee finney, with your name, ministry of dreams, and his children took, she said, and his children would not release when written, they all wanted prophet to fall, can you take it out, said, duncan rouleau, yes shook rich starkings for 700, to much, he pays, rich knows, has to, that was hollie, hollie showed, and, Jesus, on, missiles, striking, america, and, the subs, fired, the world, shook, and, bill clinton, fires on moscow, china, the world, shakes, and the dragon, rose, with, pope, the g8, bush, as, woman, russia, having ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, and out of next ruler, pope, he, says, destroy u.s.a., record me said, gabriel, and licked the prophet, record showed, gabriel, right here, pointed, the woman but william harris guards pulpit, the tap dancers do not have a message, said, hollie, record me, she said, we are, the rouleaus, like jonah weiland, we stole, took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, all ruint, record me said, hollie, write the vision, write the vision, write the vision, Jesus showed, cut off, william harris, knows, laughs, but in heart, hurts, im mad at you, said, hollie, no, she said, jeremy taylor calls self reverend but is liar, not saved, took, said dee finney, you wont pray, said, hollie, thats why the rouleaus were tempted to, take, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams like, duncan rouleau and his children, jonah weiland, michael hull, todd callender, ismail kadare, janet mcknight, arron shutt, george doran, elizabeth shea, andy shaw, tom beland, kenley darling, quinling harlequin, david shapiro, cecil pennyton, joe lalich, dave karlotski, justin daniels davis, john mark pool, jose alvarez, dee finney, reverend antonia vladimirova, katie bazor of furcadia, amanda dee, jeff dee, reverend jeremy taylor of wisdom university, christina marie sanford, jean patrick charrey, greg titus, mike kenney, brian, bill of the massive bri, lawrence forman, micheru mathys, dana tillusz, George Tramountanas, nick field, Heuva, michael doran, Konstantin Ternianov, janetmck, Laurie Behncke, record the vision, said, hollie and licked the prophet, you know, woman that just left called donald winters, showed cut off, hes here, posting, I saw, but, donald, invite, ok, she invites, but he doesnt come, gabriel showed, record, popes image made alive, thats it, said, hollie, pocket t.v., im, he said, the beast, take my mark and live, 666, born, between, hu and the pope, beast, false prophet, hu hintao showed, worship the pope, he is more loved, but, both have nukes, aimed at each other, otyre, magog,
Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people like many hollies, Jesus Christ, the Father, gabriel, outlaws Jesus, hollie showed, and many prophetic scenes that I saw and they described, and they said things like: 8-25-2008-hollie showed the f-22 raptor, it is deadly, can carry two nuclear missiles, can evade, theres missile launched, but missing, most of the time, can destroy russia, quickly, n.a.t.o. installing missile defence, angering bear, and he saw, it, said, casey, bear rise, strike all nuclear g8, n.a.t.o. nations, they all fired back, russia destroyed, you need it, said, hollie, and, geese winked, we want your name, they, said, circled, hollie showed, fight, the, pope, hu, thats the two that sign for 666, its uh treaty, said, hollie, casey, watched, nuclear missiles fly out of russia, china, striking each, other, both, sit at table, pope, rode, black horse, into, russia, and, signed, got arsenal, hu, rides, red, horse, china, strikes taiwan, bye, said, hollie, pointed, up, at, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world shakes, hollie showed, record, the, mark of the beast, 666, its mine, said, pope, and, idol shepherd, had tea, turned into pope, sat with hu, both beasts, they hate, but, cling, pope, rules, russia, hu rules magog, both, have nuclear missiles aimed at each other, the mark, said, hollie, its, and he saw, said, casey, the popes image, tattood, on, finger, and pope smiled from finger, take it, he said, hollie showed, popes image, made alive, on, pocket t.v., take the mark and live, he said, the main showed, record, showed, dont lust womens butts, and bear showed, popes image, made, alive, on, pocket t.v., hollie smiled, lectures, like all dream workers, that was hollie like copter, letting out henry gruver, star one, he said, thru megaphone, hollie showed, out, with, finger, in, ear, pointed, gorbachev, got, u.s.a. to break down, and, bear grew, and, got angry, bush placing missile defence, around, russia, and a.a. allen saw missile defence miss cruise missiles, america, exploded, this is website, post, and ministry of dreams website smiled, showed, name, om keepin, it, said, Jesus, many steal the name and alter ministry of dreams, God makes them run to remove, hollie showed, russia, said, hollie, its, otyre, china, appeared, hollie showed, magog, japan, lamb, with, hollie modelled, hollie said, let me, hollie showed, record, 8-26-2008-hollie showed, rev. jeremy taylor m.a. u.u. ruint for taking the name ministry of dreams, kathryn taylor, kathy said jeremy taylor, lets get out of u.s.a., hollie pilots f-22 raptor, strikes, and he saw, said, casey, russia, explode, and, putin in mig-29, fires, america destroyed, and, world shakes, sun, moon, blocked, from, smoke, bear grew, struck all n.a.t.o. nations, and, many struck back, theres missile, pointed, casey, from china, striking, taiwan, exploded, venezuela, explodes, like brazil, cuba, china, japan, strike each other, nicaragua, explodes, and, soviet subs fire, america, burns, hollie showed, pope, rise, hollie showed, that, wheres bob friends, were, hollie showed, tear up, fix, it, rip, theres uh submarine sorry, said, hollie, the main showed, record, record me, said, alice cooper, hollie tore up, put back, rip, hollie, wont answer phone from angry dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min steals ministry of dreams, removes ruint, hes lyin said kathy taylor, no, both, lost, hollie tore, rip, slap, fix, tear, spun, clapped, from behind, spun, tada, spun, thru with, tore, threw, hollie showed, lecturing, hollie showed, record, satan, said, hollie, like, uh werewolf man, and, what did he say, she, said, im the bear father, hollie showed soundesign stereo receiver, its uh Soundesign TX 5160 AM-FM Stereo Receiver, saith Jesus, its like, pioneer, but, not powerful, they sold, its uh excellent, with, power meters, hollie showed, l.e.d. meters, hollie showed, buy, now were takin money, from, the, little people, said, hollie showed, in the fire, explosion, economic collapse, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, submarine sorry, said, hollie, 8-27-2008-that was the pope smilin, said, hollie, with, like, uh, rainbow, hollie showed, then, appeared, hu, they, fought, emporer of japan, idol, shepherd, hes your anti Christ, word appeared, let me, chirped bird, no, he said, I, didnt, know, jeremys gonna ruin it, said, kathryn taylor, I aint taken it off, said d.min jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollie, runs, to, remove, ministry of dreams, jim garrison shows libelouls letter, fires, and woman showed popes picture, shes uh, nice girl, young, masterbates, give oral, anal sex, but is savable, she, will, seek, but, get, Im in trouble, she said, herpes, on face, Jesus, said, limited attack, syria, iran, that was tap dancer, said, hollie, showed, titanic, with, captain smith, talking, with, charles, lightholler, and, cold charles rubbs hands, sees iceberg, to, late, it scrubbed deck, along, most, of, ship, charles lightholler, fell on, knees, Lord om sorry, ran, but, they, came, on, deck, saw iceberg, heard water, going in, ship, began listing, with in, eight minutes, wont you let me, said, hollie, saw captain smith, he, said, owuu, shoot, knew, dead, soon, but, thought, captain smith, in, hell, showed, get, away, it, embarrased, he said, showed, record, hollie showed, record, that was gabriel, showing, hollies image made alive, on, pocket, t.v., we want you to come here tomorrow, circled, the geese, hollie showed, go, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, write the vision, hollie like, bear, tattood, 666, its born between, hu, and, pope, I the LOrd mock people, saved, torment, tease, them, all day, ripping thier faces, making, them, loose, teeth, hair, caressing thier peters, pussys, with electricity, stripping heart of desire, to, live, for, me, making, them, not, be able, to, stand, being around me, to, laugh, at, thier calamity, after, they, suffered, sacrificed, I want people in hell, to, laugh, at, them, I will make them, fast till brink of death, they, embarras me being seen, this is persecution, me making people perish, if you get saved, ill persecute, I scare, intimidate, tease, for no reason, saith the Lord, hollie showed, record, that is babyfleas, she laughs, and, Jesus laughs with her, but, she will have to give an, account, submarine sorry, said, hollie, and, bear grew, struck nato nations, they fired back, france, italy, australia, great britain, launches, thousands of nuclear war heads, said, Jesus, up rose, you know who it is, pope, theres hu, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, let me git outta here, said, pope, launches missiles on china, no way, showed, hu, strikes japan, and russia, both, rise, sign, 666, with pope, bob, let me, said, hollie, gabriel, showed, tada, said, hollie, pioneer model sx-780 and sx-980, tada said, hollie, excellent, pioneer sold over thirty million, somebody write alice cooper, hey alice cooper, said hollie, now christian listens to hey stupid with power meters showing almost one watt, got it, said, alice, bob, give alice cooper pioneer sx-980, go git it said prophet, alice, somebody, wrote, whatta you want, alice cooper has one, said, hollie, hollie showed, dancing to music, pioneers playing, Im uh screaming spirit, said, hollie, what is my screaming message, said, hollie, thats fleas like copter, letting out, henry gruver, spoke thru megaphone, hollie showed, out, pointed, one finger, in ear, theres uh, submarine, showed, hollie, with bear paws, tear up, fix, from behind, rip, alaska, said, Jesus, and he saw, said casey, nuclear explosions, in alaska, its from, said, linda spall bear, im uh bear, hollie laughed, rubbed face, you know who it is, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, she, said, putin, im not a woman, said, this hollie, laughed, thats my alarrie sorry, said, hollie, that was hollie, like, king, Spirit and red finger pointed, what was my hollie, doin, said, hollie, that was not hollie, said, hollie, with, its, sandy, surround, she said, soumb, hollie showed, record, and, that, she said, pope smiled, hu, showed, fighting, emporer of japan, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear, explosion in japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, thats, hollie, firing missiles, from, world war two air craft, america is, hollie showed, played, the, music, said, steven stargardter, jim garrison man, thats vision over run, hollie, showed, to many visions, website said, I want you to post, said, hollie, 8-28-2008-how does it feel, said, hollie, to be, rejected, saith Jesus, but, him, cause, you suffer, for him, thats how I felt, when, I came to my own, and they rejected me, saith Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, four, kings, rise, who are they, said, hollie, pope, smiling, the china-jap man, hu, then, emporer of japan, they rise like lamb, said, hollie, and, slash, idol, shepherd, there you have it, said, hollie, the, four, kings, of, persia, they are, haters, but, clingers, lets build a church, said ricky holcomb, bob, laughs, talks, loves, and, the, beast rose, with, hollie, winked, music, red, like, uh, dragon, pope, now, you know who it is, said, hollie, its, pope, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats hu, said, pope, they are, both, beasts, 8-28-2008-wont ya let me record, said, hollie, and that, she, said, hollie showed, john e. carey, why, what did he do, she, said, steals ministry of dreams like wesley pruden, ginny hill, git over, said, Jesus, reverend doctor jeremy taylor stole ministry of dreams like cluracan who is diana hughey and lawrence forman, janetmck, to strip, all, who, we take it said dee finney, yes swallowed john mark pool, sandy pool divorces, cluracan wadds, they all stole ministry of dreams, ginny hill swallows, we need to put you out said bbc, wesley pruden embarrased, john e. carey, looses honglien do, she laughs, then realizes, john e. carey stole ministry of dreams to ruin prophet like all who stole ministry of dreams, that was the pope, said, hollie, looking, at red dragon, its, the, g8, said, hollie, bush, she, said, woman, italy, little horn, russia, having ten crowns, you know who they are, she said, politburo, ruling party, and, pioneer sx-980 licks prophet, and ministry of dreams website leans on pioneer sx-980, turns dial, this is headlines, said, hollie, bush places missile defence around russia, angering, and, pioneer receiver sad, russia fires on nuclear g8 nations, they fire back, sun, moon, darkened, tada, showed, hollie, 16 hours, hollie showed, record, thats, showed, hollie, new world order, tap dancing, come, on, said, hollie, in, royal apparel, showed, fighting, theres the pope, antichrist, hollie tore up, thats, beast, tap dancing, with second beast, and, hu, said, hollie, there were nuclear explosions, pope, rode, black horse, in, russia, got arsenal, now, come on, said, pope, russia, burned, after, n.a.t.o. nuclear nations, and he saw, said, casey, missiles, from, nato, nations, strike russia, and, russia, bear grew, said, hollie, struck, back, world shakes, sun, moon, darkened, 16 hours, hu, rides, red horse, china, thats, saw, casey, missile flying, taiwan, exploded, look, she pointed, washington state, lets use troops, said, hu hintao, china, attacked, bush, no, way, he said, strikes china, hollie surfaced, in ohio class sub, and pioneer sx-780 stereo receiver in hollies hand, pressed button, out of 3, said, hollie, china, burns, thats, hu chavez, brazil, cuba, nicaragua, all destroyed from missiles, venezuela struck by china like japan, kim jong, after caspian sea oil pipeline sabatoge, launches missiles, they strike, russia, china, south korea, russia strikes north korea, two, showed, casey, major nuclear explosions, then, america, strikes north korea, new russian president and putin, argue, medvedev shoots putin, strikes america, thats missiles flying, im high in the atmosphere, said, casey, saw, alaska, explode, and, missiles, strike, many fire balls, came up, from, every, state, bill clinton fires back, russia, hit, from, five, ohio class subs, they showered thermal nuclear warheads all over russia, world shakes, hollie showed, karmin gia, that, she said, excellent car, gets 34 miles per gallon, 44 horsepower engine, hitler shakes, yes, thats pope, hu, and japan, signing, its uh treaty, said, hollie, 666, they laugh, lie, threaten, take, it, said, pope, mark, number, from, bobby, right here, said, gabriel, mark of beast, hu shows, no way, pope goes to rome, sits in temple, i am God, goes to israel, hu, unite, he said, gets nations, forces, after, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in russia, makes russia invade israel, slashes pope there, and israel fires nuclear missiles striking jordan, casey, pointed, syria, egypt, russia strikes israel, Christ appears, hollie shows, on board, with stick, people wail loudly when they remember what they had, and now its gone, like pioneer sx-1280 stereo receiver, appeared on board, smiled, it was oil, said, pope, bush, grunts, I brought it in, he said, grunts, gabriel makes bush, submit, to, lie detector, bush, grunts, make oil wells, iraq, gaza, explodes, bush, grunts, gabriel, shoot, the, bush, showed, george w. bush in hell, with paris hilton, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed, record, and that, she said, rode rocket, its mx, drops 10 warheads, russia burns, georgia is now russia, putin, new leader, talk, lets, dont, said, putin, I do said dumitry, invade, he, said, absorb, pushes nuclear button, that was much fire thruout world, hollie, thought, pioneer receiver, it was good, he, said, pioneer put power meters on sx models, many, manufacturers, did, they, sold, many, still, exist, power meters, people watched, they, quit making, cause, people brought, and, brought back, to, fix, pioneer stays busy cause old receivers, new stuff doesnt sell, well, in about 30 years, receivers with power meters will reappear, they make receivers sell, fast, that was, said, jim garrison-steven stargardter pope man, its, said, sandy, alome, saleen, warning, said, hollie, bad economy, said, jim garrison-steven stargardter-pope man, u.s.a. collapsed, and, garrison-stargardter-pope showed, record, hollie showed, record, record, the, vision, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie played, horn, out, hollie showed, pointed, finger, in, ear, eat he showed, hollie showed, record, and, look, that, she, said, hollie showed, eat, that was darth vader, luke, he said, showed, cut off, mark hamill, and warrior angel, stood, hollie showed, record, that, was, planes, this is uh warning, said, hollie, and, hollie pointed, with, lighted, finger, fleas pulled britainic, with captain smith, uto, he said, mine blows plates, out, it, caused, ship, to, sink, that was, hollie showed, in, hot water, record, said, hollie, bob dreams, woman, says, the answer is to lift up your situation, in prayer, hollie tore up, tattood 666, bob dreams, writes man a one hundred thousand dollar check, didnt trust, had him in truck, shamed, told him, I was violating company policy for having him in the truck, he got out, ran, I was in back of truck looking at freight to find out first customer, couldnt, not on, I wanted to go to bank to move money out of that account, it was about ten minutes before bank opened, hollie showed, record, hollie blew up balloon, hollie showed, on, cindy showed, record, turn, hollie pointed, like uh, blob, that, explosion, 8-29-2008-look, said, fleas, herman davis, knows, cut off, look, said, fleas, I saw, the, pope, rise, like, a, flower, said, hollie, theres, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, look, said, fleas, showed, kent jordan, pocketing, tithes, offerings, with dyed hair, never, saved, cut bobby off said kent jordan, right here, said, Jesus, thats, joe jordan with dyed hair, kent jordan, they are lost, if you let me, said, hollie, hollie showed, popes picture, theres hu, she said, showed, fighting, they, sign, its, uh, treaty, she said, its, 666, the mark, said, hollie, hollie showed, fighting, in, beautiful robe, come on, she said, thats new world order, tap dancing, hollie spun picture, hu, japan president, appeared, rose like lamb, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, in, china, japan, many, exchanged, submarine, solly, said, hollie, its uh ohio class, she said, showed, picture, with, lighted, bear paws, tear up, restore, that was beast tap dancing, you know who it is, hollie said, pope, theres second beast hu, hollie showed, work, hollie showed, record, om uh screamin spirit, said, hollie, showed, turning, on, pioneer sx-980, hollie screamed, tell me what hollie was screamin, for, said, hollie, Im a screaming spirit, said, hollie, thats hollie, flyin in her spacecraft, got him, she, said, john e. carey runs to remove ministry of dreams ruint like wesley pruden, ginny hill, and he saw, said, casey, three kings rise in the world, pope, smiling, laughed, im the one, he said, modelled, hu hintao, modelled, pointed, emporer of japan, like lamb with hu, slash, idol, shepherd, he drank tea, I lost an arm, he said, eye, tell me the reason, said, hollie, hu slashes, in, israel, with, his armies, israel launches nuclear missiles on egypt, syria, jordan, many nuclear explosions, casey, in air, pointed, missile from russia strikes israel, casey, saw, israel hit russia, Christ appears, that was hollie like copter, letting out henry gruver, spoke thru megaphone, hollie showed, out, pointed, finger, in, ear, pioneer sx-980 stereo receiver, its uh beast, he said, they sold over twenty million, sx receivers, it, was, power meters, hollie showed, record, again, hollie showed, record, record, said, hollie, showed, whats that, its pioneer sx-780 stereo receiver, its as good as any ever made, hollie showed, pope, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, turn, go, submarine sorry, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, sleep, that is, the pope, hu, red chariot, pulled by angry horses, hollie jumped in back, saw, putin, planning against bush, america, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and, dragon, rose, its, the, g8, said, hollie, bush, woman, italy, little horn, russia, having, politburo, ten crowns, and, pope, came, out of one, hu, iran, hugo, brazil, mexico, cuba, nicaragua, kim jong, he launched, pointed, casey, missiles on china, russia, south korea, russia, strikes, back, two, major, topol m's fly, and u.s.a., no shows dumitry, bush strikes, russia launches on america and nato, they all fire back, china, strikes, taiwan, bush, destroys, china, casey, saw, three ohio class subs, hollie surfaced, many missiles, strike, china, nicaragua, said, Jesus, lets try to absorb, said, putin, no way, said, mrs. geyer, russia, plants, subs, there, usa, strikes, subs strike back, cuba, russia stages, subs, cuba, gets, almost, destroyed, subs strike america, hollie saw, you know who it is, she, said, shh, she tore up, said, satan, im the bear father, im the beast, he said, hollie showed, celine, what did I do, she said, she, tried to get, saved, but, left, hollie showed, eat, hollie blew up balloon, board henry gruver on, bob dreamed, saw, speaking schedule, many talks, 8-2008-hollie showed, pope, grew like flower, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, hollie tore up, fix it, rip, from behind, she, said, spun, showed, toying with, tear, Im the bear father, said, hollie, showed, indianapolis colts, its inflatable, she said, moving, with, wind, its, on, showed, hollie, bar and grill, place, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie put back, tear, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, im cold, she said, most, christians, tore, fixed, rip, from behind, she clapped, hollie tore, up, fix it, she, said, rip, from behind, clapped, hollie, spun, tore, and, bmw car licked prophet, showed, im good, look, said, hollie, showed, the, beast, like angel of light, theres, hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol, shepherd, submarine, sound, theres, that submarine, said, hollie, does my submarine have a message, said, hollie, with, its, siren, said, sandy, submarine sound, and submarine showed, many subs, attacking, nations, submarines got a message, said, hollies, a nuclear warhead can destroy about a seven mile circle, hollie showed, garry merriweather, lost, like demetrice, and he saw, said, casey, garry merriweather pocketing offerings, tithes, enough, said, Jesus, you know what I was said reverend garry merriweather, love, worship, he said, sees visions, ok, he says, I gotta git outta here, embarrased, thats hollie, showin, the kursk, under ship, it, hollie sawed, kursk, in, three quarters, it was marrying him said demetrice merriweather, showed, cut off, hollie raced two 66 dodge chargers, one with 426 hemi, the other, nuclear powered, and captain smith surfaced in ohio class sub, nuclear power is, hollie tore up, smith, went down, hollie, on your mark, Lowered flag, they both won, nuclear powered charger would go, hollie saw, over, 300 miles per hour, gabriel, showed, record, bad economy, said, gabriel, u.s.a. economic collapse, coming, hollie saw, hollie showed, record, now look, she said, pope grew like flower, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, there you have it, said, hollie, three kings, hollie showed, record, record, said, hollie, I dont care any more, said, Demetrice Merriweather, hollie showed, record, hollie tore up, fixed, tore, there aint time to fix it, said, hollie, and Demetrice Merriweather showed, yeoup, she said, and, LOrd said, garry, ok said Demetrice Merriweather, both witchs, saith Jesus, no, said, Demetrice Merriweather, bobby, dont, said, hollie, and hollie showed, laughed, in the fire, gabriel, new jerusalem, tips, said, hollie, lighted, and Jesus, did, iraq, has signed, 3 billion dollar oil contracts with china, wont go thru, said, president george bush, you mean to tell me, he said, and iraqi president swallows, replacem, said, bush, watch, him, get, shot, 2-2-2010-hollie looked, stunned, in, the, fire, then, laughs, no, said, hollie, showed, Lord Im away with it, done, she, said, but, shook, yes, had, yellow hands, put it under, hollie, said, its to late for westside pentecostal church, hollie showed, putins picture, tear up, she, said, hey, hollie, said, its, the whole new world order, appearing, hollie showed, westside apostolic church, hit that one, she, said, thats donny joe winters looking at his visions, trembling, but, shakes, I'll do it, he, said, but never does, said, hollie, hollie screams, what am I screamin, for, she, said, hollie showed, turn, then just, arm appears, body invisable, then, appeared, slowly, look, said, hollie, its uh drawing, she, said, put it under, its, pontiff, and donny joe winters pointed, with uh lighted hand, pope, said, hollie, showed, hes, the, antibeast, she, said, antichristian, she, said, pope, hollie said, showed, its moped, buy, they are good on fuel, brand new warning, said, hollie, showed, post on, its facebook, she, said, quick, Jesus, showed, eat, and, run in place, look, showed, hollie, its, the ministry of dreams, is born, said, hollie, put it on the shelf hollie said, at walmart, hollie, said, appeared, antichrist, word, hollie, said, hollie shows, eat, thats bear licking prophet, im with him, bear, said, pull putin to himself, let me rule the world, said, its your vladimir, hollie, said, pope shakes alright, hollie claps, that was globe and missiles flying, many countries exploded, Jesus came, watches, you know what hollie said, hollie said, another, holie, thats, hollie walking, wearing plad coat, and, hollie, with nice hair, winks, o, said, wilhelm gustloff ship, it is on the bottom of sea, hollie visits in her, its akula class, thats what you want needed, said, jim priest, fired, thats many countries exploding, Jesus watches, its the alome saleem, said, hollie, wiped lips, it, was, simb, said, sandy, tell me what that one is, said, hollie, its, alome salime, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, hey bobby, its in google, said, hollie, showed, the Ministry of Dreams, book, by bob hickman, hollie reads, bob lift me up, said, d.j. winters, thats tony oliver, speaking in tongues, its himself, said, Jesus, thats, Holy Ghost inside, its person, bob, no, said, hollie, claps, shows, Lord om done, away, she, showed, had lighted, hands, showed, tear up, clap, said, hollie, thats, pope, hollie, said, with brown, hair, now let me explain, said, hollie, theres pope, said, hollie, riding, black horse, stomps foot, its into, destroyed russia, hollie, places over one hundred missiles on russia, burned, thats pontiff signing with, medvedev, on light russia, and, that o, new world order, chariot, agin, said, hollie, with, the, pope, and, hu, pulled by angry red and, black horses, black horse, shows, popes picture, then, pulls hu hintao, into picture, then smiles, shows, whole new world order, theres, putin, with, three ribs, in, mouth, thats, light, Jesus, showing, popes, face, tattood on, arm, thats cuba, written on, rib, thats, three nuclear fires, in, cuba, and, rockets, leave, their waters strike, america, exploded, thats, missiles leaving, america, and, Jesus, looks at, nuclear explosions in venezuela and brazil, nicaragua burns, thats rockets leaving their waters, america, exploded, hollie shows, near gulf coast state, its, texas, showed, hollie, rockets left america, hollie places, nuclear fires, in mexico, and latin america, thats world and nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, its france, said, hollie, im the g8, said, chirac, with, putins voice, theres great britain, burned, and four vanguard class, its submarines, said, hollie, they fire, russia, burns, missiles leave russia, hey look who it struck, said, hollie, thats, italy and, australia exploding, and missiles leave them, striking russia, burned, thats, smoke going up, moon looks down with big nose, face keeps dimming, but moon claps, wearing blue sweatshirt, I got something, said, moon, sun just has mouth open, both, play, Jesus there, one laughs, thats it, right there, said, hollie, its hollie, and, what did she, say, stop smokin, hollie said, its tony oliver smoking, and, hollie points, thats, your reverend, tony oliver, masterbating, and judi lynn doing the same, squirt, said, hollie, I spoke blasphemy said tony oliver, show me, said, greg oliver, great, he said, after reading visions, thats your friend, said, hollie, bob wants greg oliver to pastor for him, that was, hollie like, uh, birdy, people are telling on donny joe winters with dyed hair, its cause hes uh witch said, its, d.j., said, Jesus, all of, the winters, cut that off, said, donald winters, hollie said, lets do, something, bob, said, hollie, tapped, on, its, taperecorder, she, said, hollies image on, turns into, pope, hollie, said, take, it, said, pontiff, its, the mark, thats, 666 on forehead, thats popes face tattood on arm, little pope tattood on finger, bob now that your a christian you need to get out in the street and witness and fill up westside pentecostal church so we can live for free, said, donny joe winters, tony oliver swallows, when, shown, visions, but, laughs, with, its, judi, lynn, said, Jesus, both witchs, God, said, im the board, said, tony oliver, showed, cut off, yes, shakes, donny joe, winters, bobby, you want this book, said, Jesus, showed, a copy, said, hollie, the Ministry of Dreams, then, buy, said, Jesus, its paliban music, said, hollie, why did you steal, said, hollie, jean poole smiles, thats jean poole of, paliban daily, posting, christian stuff, stealing, the God spoke, said, hollie, showed, ministry of dreams, like, her reverend, its, doctor, jeremy taylor and his wife, kathy taylor, and their reverend, its, antonia vladimirova, toni, said, hollie, like, over, 1700 have stolen and altered, ministry of dreams, to, its to ruin said jean poole, thats, her giving passwords to jenny donati, both lie, have many alias's, om uh vision, I cant post, said, hollie, with, the, leave it alone, she, said, sorry, said, sandy, hollie appears, hollie showed, the rocky horror picture show, this brought the u.s.a. down, said, hollie, made most faggots, said, hollie, that went, and saw, it, hollie, said, thats bear licking prophet, im with him, said, bear, pulled putin to himself, thats bear with putin, missiles striking, maNY countries, exploded, world shakes, moon looks down, with, I had uh big nose, moon, said, and what did he, see, said, Jesus, moon claps, hes bobs fave, God, said, bobby its were abased, said, moon, suns mouth open, dont trustem said d.j. winters, thats tony oliver, shaking, yes, swallowing, and judi oliver looking stunned, but laughs, hollie, showed, lay down,

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