Saturday, September 14, 2024

A man from Indianapolis sees non stop visions from God then bob hickman can post them all day and night and thats everyday

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(372)virginia-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said things like, "leave us alone", "your nothin but an andulterer", "I'm virgina boldea", "put you in a mental hospitaL", "henry", and I may have seen henry gruver and he said things like, "unforgiven", "you did", "please tell me", "blaspheme", "one more chance", "wallet" and I saw the indianapolis ship survivor and he said, "that'll fix it".
(373)alaska will be nuked-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said , "kill alaska".
(374)irving baxter curses-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said, "I miss my job", "don't do it again", "need help", "I blasphemed", "I need your help", and he cursed God and tached witness on that. He said it twice I bleieve.
(375)it's right-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like karen who manages or used to manage the westside club and she said, "thats wrong", and in one she cursed God.
(376)hurricane katrina received 9-2005 I heard the voice of a woman today that was near me and she said, "we prayed for that psunami". Maybe she was talking about the psunami, but, i felt it was the hurricane.
(377)fallen hollie-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, 'prophet fell', "were both cut off", "I'm gary", "its my life", "financial", "head job", and I saw a Man that looked like Jesus and he said, "tell". I sw hollie and she said, "does witness give head", and I saw gary and he said something like, "not me", and I saw irving and he said something like, "thats me", and I saw one of them and they said, "that son of a bitch", and I saw hollie and she said, "who did I blaspheme", and I saw irving and he said, "you a propehet", and I saw hollie and she said, "he knows", and I saw irving and he said, "the lake", "I'm still undecided", "help him", "he knows", and he cursed God and tached onto that, "anoterh vision".
(378)Christ Church apostolic and Christ temple apostolic faith Church-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor james e. tyson and he said things like, "Christ Church", "I need my wallet", "I'm Christ Church", "take that Mantle off", "Christ temple", and I saw pastor finnell and he said things like, "tell the vision", "religion", "prophets going to backslide", and maybe, "sold", and maybe, "don't go to Christ Church apostolic", 'him again".
(379)david gibson-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor david gibson and said things like "I'm dave gibson", and maybe, "they tell me your a prophet", "I'm a witch", "use him", and maybe, "blaspheme", "thats it", "I'm an adulterer", "backslided", "let me bless you", and maybe, "maile vision".
(380)going down-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "going down", "I want half".
(381)heavy metal's own alice cooper-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like alice and he said things like, "I don't eat poison", "undecided", "save myself", "false", "thats how", "who knows". Alice cooper was touring Indianpolis about two years ago and It seems like I'd feel more Holy Ghost coming off the signs that were up advertising this event than I feel in apostolic pentecostal Churches. I beleive alice has had THE ACTS 2:38 born again experience. I saw a Man that looked like Jesus and He said, "he's cut off", and I saw alice and he said something like, "look what prophet did", "propehts wrong".
(382)michael boldea says alice cooper-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said, "alice cooper", and maybe, "cut off", and I saw alice and he said, "please", and I sw hollie and she said something like, "alice cooper has been put back on", and I may have seen vince and he said something like, "give me fifty", "I been delivered", "thats me", "I'm alice cooper", "please", "tell", "witness is right"
(383)virginia boldea-vision received 9-3-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia and she said things like, "your needed in the bedroom", and I may have asked something like who needed me and I saw a woman and she said, 'us", and I saw gene schmidt and he said, "hand of help", and I saw a woman and she said, "prophet getting around", and I saw virginia and she said, "delivered", and I saw geno and he said, "financial", and I saw somebody and they said maybe, "tell it", and I saw virginia and she said, "don't trust him", and I heard the voice in a voice vision of a security guard and he said, "witness comitted blaspheme", and I saw michael boldea and he said, "I know", and I saw a man with Brown hair and beard and he said, "behind you", and mike said something like, "take me to the prophecy club", and virgina said, "we want your visions", and hollie said, "propeht going down", and maybe, "come with us"and i saw mike boldea sr. and he gently said, "would you please help me", and I saw somebody and they said something about it being your last chance, and I saw mike jr. and he said, "write a book".
(384)when u.s.a. goes to war with China, russia will attack america-vision recieved 10-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like, hollie, read this on the prophecy club, when china goes to war with amerirussia, thats amerirussia, and om steven hansen with pastor simisons voice, amerirussia is america, and that was iupui and I saw the iupui secrity guard and he said, backslided, and I'm and kristina fox said, kris, and the walmart girl said, the walmart girl, russia will strike without warning, and i'm steven hanson, and I got pastor simison's voice, ladies, start your engines, it's show time, and I'm the iupui security and steven said, guard, and the i.u.p.u.i. security guard said, and I know I'm and steven hanson said, cut off.
(385)serve Jesus, or depart from Him-vision received 10-30-2005-It God has showed me a Spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, if thou wilt not depart from iniquity, then leave Me alone.
(386)russia and china will attack america -vision recieved 12-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like, hollie, and she said, when america gose to war with china, the russian's will strike without warnin, that was hollie.
(387)you will face Jesus in the judgement-vision received 1-1-2006-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like ago and do what you want, but, pay for it in the judgement, aman.
(388) approval-vision recieved 2-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: he saw a Beast wink at him.
(389)witness-vision recieved 3-6-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a people and they said: witness, said, dorein, you been, filled, with, the, Holy, Ghost, but you don't even, show, it, read and do, ACTS 2:38, for, salvation, for the promise, is, to, all.
(390)the day of the Lord is a day of gross darkness-vision recieved 10-2006-in this vision, I saw darkness coming over the land.
(391)run from God, he wont listen when you call-vision recieved 6-2007-in this vision, I saw hollie come out of the horn, with her fingers in hr ears, and I saw Jesus blow the horn, and hollie came out, with, fingers, in ears, take out she said.
(392)the enthusiastic hollie-visions recieved 6-2007-I saw the enthusiastic hollie in two visions and in one she was telling me that china wont attack this nation, and in the other she may have been smiling, like modelling, and I saw gabriel, lucifer, and michael.
God spoke to me 2-21-2004 and said, "United States is Babylon".
(2)MYSTERY, BABYLON is america-vision recieved 3-31-2004-while reading out of REVELATION 17, where MYSTERY, BABYLON is, I saw president Bush in a vision, and he said, "thats us".

(3)america's location in the bible-vision received 1-15-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, not a system". I may have even heard a man say it's a system". This is in REVELATION 17.

(4)america is the babylon in ISAIAH 13 and REVELATION 17-vision received 2-6-2005-while walking utterring somethings in my heart about a nation being destroyed on the "day of the Lord" in ISAIAH 13, and going to REVELATION 17, you find ten king's give their power and strength to the beast to destroy that nation, I saw like a female spirit in a vision and she said, "that's us".

(5)babylon is america-vision received 2-17-2005-in this vision, I saw like a webapage, and to the top left, it had the word, "REVELATION". Toward the top, in about the center was a scrolling text box, and there was a message in the box that was difficult to remember because it scrollled fast. Here is what I believe I saw. "babylon is america". I remember seeing a "is america" clearly, and the "babylon", and I saw part if not all of "babylon". I prayed and asked God to tell me what the first word was, and twice in visions, I saw the words, or heard, or dimly saw somebody say, "babylon". I also want to say that I may have seen, "MYSTERY, BABYLON is america", because I seem to remember seeing that. It was so quick. In a third verifying vision, I dimly saw a womans face, like she was in a dark room and she said, "MYSTERY, BABYLON". If you notice, the word, "MYSTERY" has a coma after it. It is a mystery until Jesus reveals it to you.

(6)MYSTERY, BABYLON in america-vision recieved 10-4-2004-in this vision, I saw a man whom I thought was president of usa, and he said, "MYSTERY, BABYLON in america".
(7)america the babylon-visions recieved 4-7-2005-in the first vision, I heard and maybe saw part of a scripure, "Oh thou destroying mountain", and heard and or somebody say, "what mountain is that talking about", and I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "here". Here meaning, "USA".
(8)babylon is america-vision received 5-1-2005-In this vision, I'm with a pastor and we are talking, and one thing I ask him is where he thought babylon was, and he said, "here". I told him God showed me in visions.

(9)america is babylon-vision received 5-29-2005-While I was typing in and reciting, "aland called babylon", I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "us". Us means america. Babylon is america.

(10)woman, whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON in REVELATION 17 is america-vision received 7-3-2005-In a vision, I saw the word, "WOMAN", and then I saw a man in a vision and he said, "us". Us being america.

(11)usa is the BABYLON is ISAIAH 13, and REVELATION 18-visions received 7-2005-In one vision, I saw the words, "Usa in prophecy", and in the other I may have said something like, "MYSTERY, BABYLON is america", and sombody appeared to me in a vision and said something like, "that's it".

(12)MYSTERY, BABYLON is america-recieved 8-7-2005-I heard a woman say and she may have repeated it over and over and said many more things while praying and I may have seen her, "MYSTERY, BABYLON is AMERICA", and I may have seen a man in a vision and he said, "thats it", and soembody else, "yep".

(13)MYSTERY, BABYLON is united states-received 8-16-2005-I heard something like this while praying, "irving baxter", "his belief", and I saw him and he said, "MYSTERY, BABYLON is definatley america", and he may have said other things like, "can't put on the radio".
(14)usa the babylon-vision recieved 8-16-2005-I was talking to Jesus about MYSTERY, BAYLON and I saw this president in a vision and he said, "us". Us being america.
(15)america is the babylon in JEREMIAH 51 6-15-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like a man and he said things like, JEREMIAH 51 talks about america.
(16)usa the MYSTERY, BABYLON-vision recieved 10-30-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like a man and he said, america is MYSTERY,BABYLON.
(17)who is MYSTERY, BABYLON-vision recieved 11-3-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like hollie and kristina and here is about what was said: MYSTERY, BABYLON is a, mer,i ca.
(18)Jesus has to reveal-vision recieved 11-6-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like hollie and she said, now you are open to the MYSTERY, BABYLON message..
(19)MYSTERY, BABYLON is america -vision recieved 12-2005 God has showed a spirit looked likecall it MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, america will burn in just one day, in just one hour.
(20)MYSTERY, BABYLON -vision recieved 12-15-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like people and they said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is, the, united, st, stay, tes, and Somebody pointed at this.
(21)the palestinian state will be destroyed, and, america in the, let me see here, Bible-vision recieved 1-7-2006 God has showed a spirit looked like people and they said: the palestinian state will be destroyed by america nukes out of iraq, EZEKIEL 7, whats it talk about, the end is come to Israel, but the palestinian state will be destroyed by the national anthem of for the united states, the mother of harlots and abominations, and that is, false Christians and sin, tell the truth, america is that great kingdom that rules over the kings of the earth, aman, go, put it under, eat and drink and be merry america, but, your end is come, hallelujah, MYSTERY, BABYLON is, america.
(21)america in the Bible and the red dragon-vision received 1-8-2006-In this vision, I saw a a spirit that looked the people and they said: economic collapse is coming to america, aman, the seven hills, mountains on which the woman sitteth are, mexico, these are nations that have an agreement with, the whore, and that is america, the woman is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and that is the national anthem for america, the mother of harlots and abominations of the world, that is Christians that don't live for the Lord and sin, aman, she will become a desolation in one hour from russia pounding her with nuclear weapons, when you see terrorism, look out, read REVELATION 17 and 18, have a nice day, aman, the 10 horns on the beast's head are politburo nations that hate america, hallelujah, aman, china is the red dragon.
(22)MYSTERY, BABYLON is America-vision recieved 2-2-2006 God has showed a spirit looked like people and they said: the MYSTERY is, revealed, on, ministryofdreams, that, MYSTERY, BABYLON is, america.
(23)babylon is the united states-vision recieved 3-8-2006 God has showed a spirit looked like people and they said: the babylon, of, ISAIAH 13, is, america, read.
(24) america identified in the bible-vision recieved 7-6-2006-In this vision, I saw the words, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america.
(25)america is the babylon of ISAIAH 13-visions recieved 10-18-2006-in visions, I saw words like, MYSTERY, BABYLON is americano, and I also saw the statue of liberty appear. Thats the woman of REVELATION 17.
(-1)judgment to gaza and iraq-visions recieved 1-25-2007-in visions, I saw the angel, and he pointed at the palestinian state, and iraq on fire. I heard, "bush brought in to break oil contracts". I saw the angel of the LOrd, and he said, thou fool.
(0)Israel will destroy iraq-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like benjamin netanyahu and he said things like "come and be with us", "Israel", "will destroy iraq", "plan".
(ob)israel will be attacked-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like benjamin netanyahu and he said, "israel", "the united states hit", "attack", "russian missiles", and I saw this president and he said things like, "bush", "they shot them", "bush".
(0c)president george bush jr.-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "Israel", and I saw benjamin netanyahu and he said, "israel attacked", and I saw this president and he said, "israel", and I saw ben and he said, "israel attacked from iraq", "israel will fire interceptors", "intercept", "bush planned", and I saw this president and he said, "attack'em", and I saw bibi and he said, "Israel", "shoot down rockets", "israel attacked", "israel will attack the united states", and I saw hollie and she said, "the united states will eliminate", and I saw ben and he said, "I heard", and I saw hollie and she said, "the united states is ready to attack", and I saw this president and he said, "bush", "your not open", san dieago", and I saw putin and he said, "thats what I want", and, and I saw ben and he said, "bomb israel", "israel will attack the united states in iraq", "shot", "missed", "the arrow has missed"
(1)no IRAQ-reiceved in about January of 2002- I saw the nation of Iraq and it said Iraq on it and it had a circle around it with a slash thru the circle.

(2)Iraq will get nuked-vision recieved about 2-2002, I saw a bomber plane bombing a nation that said Iraq,it was all by itself and it as like an animated drawing, on it and U.S. flashed by the plane and I was high above the earth and then i am suddenly on the ground and I am running yelling, "Iraq is about to get nuked", "Iraq is about to get nuked", and one of the girls that I was talking to warning, i was telling her while in this vison about another vison i had i believed was about to be fulfilled where I saw a speedway gasoline sign and the price for gas was $4.03.

(3)Iraq wull shoot nuclear weapons into Israel vision-recieveed in early 2002-I saw an Indianapolis newpaper in a vision and it said, "Indianapolis reacts to Iraq's decision to use nuclear weapons against Israel".
(4)Israel will retaliate with nuclear weapons-vision recieved in 6-2002-in this vision, while sleeping or praying in the back seat of my car, which I was living in, I saw this arab man in a vision and he said,"Israel is about to nuke us". On november the first of 2002,I saw the United states building up militarily on like an island for this war now in a vision.

(5)Iraq nuked-vision recieved while driving 3-20-2003-I saw these words written in like white neon, "Iraq nuked".

(6)former iraq leader likened to Ishmael-vision recieved 4-19-2003-while praying, God gave me a vision of the former iraqi leader, and this is waht I haerd God speak, "Ismael".

(7)Go nuclear-visions recieved 4-26-2003-I saw him in a vision, and he said "go nuclear".(its just a matter of time now)

(8)America's mistake in not seeking the face of God before the gulf war- In this vision, I am with preesident a former president of usa and God speaks to me and says, tell him don't go and he was referring into iraq back in 90 and I told him.(when America went to war with Iraq, it really seemed like the thing to do, but, it is about to backfire bigtime) in this vision in July of 2002,

(9)you lied to me-vision recieved 5-11-2003-In this vision from God, this man came up to me angrily, and he said to me, "hey, you lied to me. You said the iraq war will be nuclear". I simoply responded, "the war is not over yet. The visions are from God, and it will be nuclear just like He showed me" I told him that I was not going to call it on.(its coming folks)(memory)

(10)the iraq war will turn nuclear-vision recieved 5-1-2003-lots happened in this vision, and I will just tell you some. I was separated from my car, and working my way back to it by bicycle. I ended up with this small group of people, and some words were shared. Here is what I told them. The next major even you will see is the iraq war. you will see Iraq shoot nuclear weapons into Israel. Then you will see Israel fire back and eliminate iraq. When I said this, he people were in doubt, and started walking away.(this will happen)

(11) Iraq nuked vision recieved in Jan-2003-in this vision, I was high above the earth and the ground had a had a dark color appearence, and I saw where a nuclear explosion had occured and the mushroom shaped cloud rose high in the sky to about the level I was on and in this vision, I was made fully aware that this was Iraq.

(12) Iraq nuked January-2003-in this vision, I was in this house with this girl, and she said something like, "Iraq is getting nuked", and I looked out the window, and could see into Iraq and another explosion had just occured, and there had been others, and I seemed to feel that these were coming from America.

(13)do you dream dreams-vision recieved 9-21-2003- a lot happened in this vision,but, I will just tell you some of it, and I don't remember all. I was in my room, and I was asleep, when knocking on the door awakens me. I answer the door, and a man asks me if I want to play baseball, and I told him to check back in a while. I layed back down, and the t.v. was on, and I watched a little, and later there was knocking on the door again, and it was him, and I let him in, and they was at least another person. I told the man when I started serving the Lord, I had to separate from sports. He asked me, "do you dream dreams"? I answered, "you talk about dreaming dreams, I have seen the antichrist and Jesus'. "here is one that has partially come to pass. The Iraq war is going to end nulcear. Your going to see Iraq". He started talking to the person that was there with him, while I was talking, and kept talking, so my anointing left.

(14)Iraq war will turn nuclear-vision recieved 11-21-2003-in this vision, I saw a man and a woman, and I asked them, "are you jewish"? I told them, "I am for Israel. That's Gods chosen nation".(as I said this, I was doubting, knowing Israel as a whole does not live for Jesus) then I told them about what Jesus had showed me about the Iraq war, that it will turn nuclear. That Iraq will shoot nuclear weapons into Israel, and Israel will fire back and destroy Iraq.(memory)

(15)withstood-visions recieved 12-30-2003-I was iquiring to Jesus about visiting a church, and I saw the pastor in a vision, and he said, "I went up against you". I said, why, because I said the Iraq war was going to be nuclear, then, I saw him in another vision, and he said, "it ain't going to happen".(those visions came from Jesus. Just keep watching)

(16)eliminate Israel-visions recieved 1-30-2004-in the first vision, I saw the former iraqi leader, and he said, "eliminate Israel". In the second vision, I saw him again, and he said, "eliminate". Nuclear war is coming. Be prepared.
(17)hit the button-vision recieved 2-7-2004-in this vision, I saw the former iraqi leader, and he said, "hit the button".
(18)when will the Iraq war turn nuclear-visions recieved 2-2004-while praying and asking Jesus about this, twice, and angel of the Lord was sent to me and said, "you already know". I do know, and I am not planning on releasing what I know until I recieve the vision, but, it is not way off.
(19)Iraq war will turn nuclear soon-vision recieved 2-21-2004-I was reading, "when will the Iraq war turn Nuclear", and when I did, I saw a man who looked like the former iraqi leader in a vision, and he said, "were ready". Keep watching. The visions are from Him who has all power.

(20)Israel will be attacked from Iraq-vision recieved 2-28-2004-in this vision, I saw a man who looked like the former iraqi leader, and he said, "we hit Israel".
(21)Iraq will be destroyed-vision recieved 3-9-2004-in this vision, I saw Iraq, and it was daytime, and I was high above the ground, and it looked like earth looks when you are about 10 miles high or so. All of a sudden, the whole nation of Iraq exploded. That nation will be destroyed.

(22)when will the Iraq war turn nuclear-visions recieved 3-28-2004-in the first vision, I saw me, and I said , "when Lord". In the second vision, I saw a man who had white skin and hair and blue eyes, and He said something like, "when there is a Palestinain State, thats when". I will ask Jesus to give me it again.(memory)

(23)it's past time-recieved on 1-25-2004-while praying, and pressing Jesus on wen the Iraq war will turn nuclear, I heard in a voice that was loud and clear, "it's past time". I was asking Jesus about when the Iraq war will turn nuclear, and in doing so, I mentioned to Him that another person said, that He said when a Palestinian State, and when I said this, in a vision, I saw this person, and this person shook its head, "yes"

(24)iraq war will turn nuclear after the creation of a palestian state-vision recieved 4-16-2004-while praying, I said something like, and it was based on visions Jesus has given me, "the iraq war will turn nuclear after the creation of a palestian state", then I saw a black man in a vision, and he said, "thats it".

(25)what war Iraq war about-visions recieved 5-23-2004- I asked Jesus for a long time to show me what the Iraq war was really about. Finally, In a vision, I saw president of usa, and he said, "I beat Russia". At first, I didn't think anything about this, because there was no war. As God dealt with me, Russia had billions of dollars worth of contracts signed with Iraq for oil deals. I said something like, "was the war over preventing Russia from having control over Iraqs oil", and in a vision, I saw president of usa, and he said, "your right". In another vision, I saw usa president, and he said, "I won the war". That was the war to Iraqs oil. In another vision, I saw president of usa, and he said something like, "take Iran".

(26)when iraq war will turn nuclear-vision recieved 7-26-2004-in this vision, I'm witnessing to someone, and I tell something like, "God showed me in visions the Iraq war will end nuclear. You will see nuclear weapons fly out of Iraq into Israel. This will happen after the creation of a palestinian state. That palestinian state will be taken away. Then you will see Israel fire back and eliminate Iraq.

(27)america will never get control of iraq-vision recieved 10-9-2004-while praying, I heard, "iraq", and I said, "what about iraq", and I saw president of usa in a vision, and he said, "we'll never get control".

(28)breaking oil contracts Iraq had signed with russia and france and whoever else was the real reason for the iraq war-visions recieved 10-9-2004-I was asking Jesus about the real reason Iraq was invaded, and I saw president os usa in a vision, and he said, "I do", meaning he knows the real reason, and I saw saddam hussein in a vision, and he said, "oil". I was asking Jesus if president Bush really wanted to break the oil contracts russia and france had with Iraq, and I saw president of usa in a vision, and he said, "thats it". This war will end nuclear.
(29)Iraq war will end nuclear-vision received 1-27-2005-in this vision, I heard and saw, "Iraq". I asked about iraq, and more than once I heard, "when the war goes nuclear", and I asked Jesus about this. I later saw president of usa in a vision and he said something like, "then we will have all the gas we need". I believe these visions went together".
(30)hit israel-vision received 4-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the former president of Iraq and he said, "hit israel".

(30)nuclear war iraq-visions recieved 4-30-2005-While I was praying, I heard and or saw the words or somebody saying, "the iraq war", and I was asking Jesus if it would turn nuclear after the creation of a palestinian state, and I heard, "thats when". I may have seen who said it.
(32)Iraq War Visions-vision received 6-9-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "Iraq War Visions".

(33)iraq war revelation-vision received 7-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like president bush and he said, "can't win iraq".
(33)did america take iraq-vision received 7-7-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "took iraq".

(34)war revelation-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a hollie and she said, "israel", and then "bomb".(34)iraq war-vision recieved 8-8-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a president and he said, "israel", and then he said, "hit israel". Thats exactly what is about to happen.
(35)u.s.a. will destroy the new paslestinian state-visions received 8-15-2005-I heard and maybe saw somebody say, "hit israel", and in visions, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "the united states won't hit israel", "the united states will hit the paslestinian state".
(36)nuclear war coming to iraq and israel and palestinian state-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, "lets hit iraq". I heard, "go nuclear", and I may have seen this president and he said things like, "shoot cruise missiles", "call it terrorism", "I like it", "I'm doing it", "shoot cruise missiles", "a hit", "take it off".
(37)iraq war will turn nuclear after the creation of a palestinian state-visions received 8-21-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like some, and he said, after I said something similar to the title of this vision, "there's your answer".
(38)reason for the iraq war was to break oil contracts-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, I'm bush, country last, you know why I started the iraq war, break the oil, contract, russia, signed, with iraq, and maybe, thats a transfer, iraq, were fixin now, nuke'em. And I saw this president in other visions and he said things like, goin out, north korea, what does he say, and I heard this, north korea has an agreement with russia, and I saw putin and he said, russia, ain't gonna let, and I saw this president and he said things like, bobby, he's God, we'll fix it. I saw a man that looked like the president of north korea and he said something about got a nuke'n and maybe coming. He didn't say who or where, and I didn't remember what he said. I saw putin and he said, "thous fool, you won't git out if you nuke north korea, and I saw this president and he said, I'm bush, praise God, lets forget it, and I saw me and I said, thats my answer. I have not worked my way yet to the vision and what I heard, but, I can remember, the same deal exist with iran. If I remember corectly, I was told in visions and or heard, possibly, that the same deal exist between iran and russia, and I saw this president and he said, o shit. Here are the visions. I saw this president and he said things like, when I he'tem, and I sw putin and he said, you hit russia, we have an agreement, and I saw this president and he said things like, bush, leave alone, there's mercy.
(39)nuclear demise coming to iraq may be judgement-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, iraq, and I saw somebody and they said, nuke, and I saw, dumitru duduman, and he said, when they hit iraq, and I sw hollie, and she said, judgement.
(40)judgment on iraq-vision recieved 9-15-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, benjamin netanyahu, and he said, Iraq, is, judgment.
(41)the new palestinian state will be destroyed-vision recieved 9-19-2005 God has showed me the words, the ceation of a new palestinian state, and I saw yassar arrafat and he said something like, destroy, and I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, palestinian state will be destroyed.
(42)iraq will be dstroyed, palestinian state eliminated, some of israel will remain-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has let me hear, the palestinian state will be destroyed, only a small part of israel will remain, and hollie said, iraq, will, be, destroyed, dumitru prophecied it, and dumitru said, when you hit iran and maybe, you hit russia.
(43)receive Jesus iran-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like the president of iran and he said things like, the Holy Ghost speakin in other tongue's is of the Holy One, Jesus Christ will save me
(44)america pay because of iraq-vision recieved 9-20-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like hollie and she said, over iraq, america will finish its course, I'm hollie.
(45)iran attack visions recieved 9-20-2005 God has let me hear this, iran won't be moved, iran wants america to attack, iran's got a new weapon, its called, and I saw president putin and he said, russia, and I saw this president, and he said things like, president bush, syria, layoff.
(46)a seal may be broken over iraq war-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like putin and he said, because of iraq, and I saw this president, and he said things like, bush, when we hit iraq, there are mystery seals being broken.
(47)look out america for God's wrath and terrorism-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like maybe the president of iran and he said things like, iran, will abase ya, attack america, judgment is happening right after iran, you better be prepared, judgment is happening, ready or not, you better prepare, and you better be clean, america is going to burn.
(48)when israel is attacked by america from iraq, it will be judgement-visions recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, bush, lets attack israel, and I heard a man voice that is near me and he said, from Iran, and I sw this president, and he said, my name is bush, judgment to israel, I will when I'm ready, Lord said, that EZEKIEL, and I heard, the Lord said that EZEKIEL 7 be fullfiled, this presdent said, carried out.
(49)terrorism coming to america -visions recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe the president of iran and he said things like, bomb gas stations, bomb oil refineries, thats it.
(50)how many nuclear weapons does israel have-visions recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like netanyahu and he said things like. I was given a good number, but I'll sit on it. If what I was told was true, they can destroy with radiation fallout kept in mind, about one side of the earth, and I saw netanyahu and he said, your right, or a man that looked like him.
(51)new zeland may have terrorist -visions recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a maybe norm heaggy and he said said something like, new zealand has terrorists.
(52)iran-visions recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, you hit iraq, you hit iran, its time to get hit, and I saw a spirit that looked like putin and he said things like, I'm coming, check this out.
(52)the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget Jesus-visions recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, bush, iraq, that nation has comitted blaspheme against Jesus, there judgement is complete, and I may have asked how the did this, and He said, something like, accpeted koran, and I asked about iran, and I saw somebody and they said, the same. I heard something like, don't pray for iraq, and I saw kristina fox and she said, or iran.
(53)judgment to israel is the fulfilling of EZEKIEL 7-visions recieved 10-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, bush, if you will repent, chastised, will, and simison said, will be delayed, and this preisdent said, Israel were warned not to mess with the palestinian state, the palestinian state is judgement.
(54)EZEKIEL 7 talks about judgement to Israel-vision received 10-2005-God has showed me, EZEKIEL 7, which talks about judgement to israel,
(55)Israel will be destroyed-visions recieved 11-1-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the speedway woman and maybe more was in, and many times she sang, you have to repent, you have to repent, and I saw Jesus and He said, you want advice, and the speedway woman said, Israel must repent or perish. EZEKIEL 7 will be, and hollie said, fullfilled, america will fullfill it out of iraq, and Jesus said, Isreal, and stephen said, re, and Jesus said, pent, and stephen said, or, and Jesus said, or, and stephen hanson said, per, and kevin mcgwire said, i, and Jesus said, perish .
(56)woe to the palestinian state -visions recieved 12-4-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, this man, and he said things like, the palestinian state will be destroyed when you least expect it, and on 12-5, he said, let's start it.
(57)nuclear war coming iran and that is persia iraq-visions recieved 1-7-2006 God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, nuclear war coming, iraq is attacked, by, let Me see here, Israel, plan, said, benjamin, netanyahu, the, prime, minister, philadelphia, its under attack, let me see here, from, missile, from, russia, submarine, hallelujah, a, man, put it under, trap, that is what iraq and iran needed, and eventually, when we hit israel, that will bring, judgment, to, let me see, america, plan, aman, put it under, Israel is the Apple of God's Eye's, halleluah, awol, america is loosing soldiers, in the, iraq, war, they are, staying, in, iran, and that is, persia, and that, kuwait, iran, and, yours truly, iraq, put it under, iraq is the start to the judgement of your country, america.
(58)the iraq war was over breking oil contracts with russia-visions recieved 1-7-2006 God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: rasie your hand, so you solemly swer, I do, said, bush with his hand on the King James Bible, the iraq war was over breaking oil contracts with russia, and that was, bring judgement to america.
(59)iraq war will end nuclear-visions recieved 2-1-2006 God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and they said: the iraq war was over, breakin oil contracts with, russia, china, france, and they are, angry, this war will end, with, nuke, exchange between, iraq and israel.
(60)iran will be attacked by america-visions recieved 2-6-2006 God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People, like, macaulay culkin, hollie, babyfleas, the penguins, and others, including, the Lord of Hosts, and they said: the title is, prophesyed, and that is, visions, iran will be, attacked, the, nuclear, power, plant, by, tomahawk, then, invaded, nope, but, stolen, take, oil, sell contracts to whoever, you'll see.
(61)the iraq war was over, breaking, oil, con, tract's, with, iraq, and, russia-visions recieved 3-15-2006 God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People, like, maucaulay culkin, hollie, babyfleas, the penguins, and others, including, the Lord of Hosts, and they said: and preventing, china, from, ob, taining, them, both, bush is, and, cheney, oil, men.
(62)the iraq war was over breaking oil contracts-vision recieved 4-2-2006-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: and russia, knew, and, it was on, cnn, to obtain, the, oil, wells.
(63)american attack on iran coming-vision received 8-12-2006-in this vision, I saw a missile fired out of a sub, and go to iran, and explode.
(64)judgment to latin america-visions recieved 10-2006-in many visions, Jesus showed me, that, russia, will, hit, nuke, latin, america, and, brazil, and he saw it explode, one hit, said, putin.
(65)the iraq war was over breaking oil contracts with moscow-visions recieved 10-18-2006-in many visions, I saw people like president george bush, and possibly dick cheney and the pope and they said possibly one word at a time, something like this, "oil contracts, the war was to reak oil contracts with moscow and prevent china from recieving".
(66)the marines in iraq are doomed-vision recieved 10-18-2006-in this vision, I, saw possibly the angel of the Lord, and he said, thier doomed! The marines in iraq.
(67)iraq nuclear, coming, saith the LOrd-visions received 12-22-2006-Jesus saith, iraq, nuclear, coming, soon, after, clinton, in, office, saith, Jesus.
(0)Jesus not welcome-vision received 2-19-2005-in this vision, I saw Jesus on the cross, and He had brown hair and beard, and only had garments covering His loins, and I believe the cross was at the back of a parking lot outside of a church.
The Holy Spirit is leaving the churches-recieved 6-29-2005-While praying, I heard and maybe saw the words, "take the out of the church". This is talked about in the book of JOEL.
(-1)don't bother website website-vision recieved 9-6-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said things like, prophet clean", "close the website down", "prophet will put it back", "it's in storage", "taken off the website makes no sense", "leave witness alone".
(1a) Revelations of united pentecostal Church international-visions received 9-15-2005 God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like, upci leader, kenneth haney and he said things like, 'I blew It', 'I'm a witch', 'the announcement has been made'.
(1b)london bridges coming down-visions received 9-15-2005 God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like mabye kristina fox, and she sang, london bridges, and kenneth haney said, wrong, and ken sang something like, kenneth haney going out, going out, going out.
(1c)u.p.c.i. boss ken haney-visions received 9-15-2005 God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like ken haney and he sang something like, land where my fathers died, land where u.p.c.i. has lied.
(3)if the devil had a name-visions received 9-15-2005 I asked Jesus something like, if the devil had a name, what would that name be, God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like united pentecostal Church international leader kenneth haney, and he said, haney.
(1d)dan bohler-visions received 9-15-2005 God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like dr. dan bohler and he said things like, bobby, while your laughing, I'm laughing at you.
(1e)daniel bohler-visions received 9-15-2005 God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like somebody and they said, its time for witnes, and I saw dan bohler and he said something like, to shut the fuck up.
(1f)judging is sin-visions received 9-15-2005 God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like apostolic u.p.c.i. leader kenneth haney and he said, thats sin, and maybe, judging, unbelievable.
(1g)pastor joel urshan and the prostitute-visions received 9-15-2005 God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like this woman and she said something like, what does a prostitute have in common with pentecost, and I may have seen joel urshan and he said, I sell it, and the prostitute said, and I give it away.
(1h)pentecostal pastor joel urshan and a prostitute-visions received 9-15-2005 God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like a prostitute and she said, I'm joel urshan, and I saw joel usrhan and he said someting like, I'ma prostitute.
(1i)religion is not being led by the Holy Ghost-visions received 9-15-2005 God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like daughter tyson and she said, no religion, which, please help.
(1j)want Jesus's help-visions received 9-15-2005 I asked Jesus something like, if daughter tyson was to obey, God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like blind daughter tyson and she said things like, I can see, I can see, she heard.
(1k)did you really pray thru to the Holy Ghost-visions received 9-15-2005 God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like pastor james e. tyson and he said things like, welcome to Christ Church apostolic alcoholic. He said to somebody something like, speak in tongues, now close your mouth, you got the Holy Ghost, you go the Holy Ghost, speak in tongues, we'll teach, you got a choice, you know I'm a witch, .
(1l)dr. r.h. duncan of greater one way apostolic Church-visions received 9-15-2005 God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like dr. duncan, and he said, I goofed, bobby thats the Word, and he may have said, I got no sings, and james tyson said, I got no signs, and maybe irving baxter said, I got no signs, and r. h. duncan said something like, give me a heart attack.
(1m)name persons-vision recieved 2-19-2005-in this vision while praying in my car bent over in the front seat, I saw the words, "name persons". This are visions and dreams Jesus gave me, not my judgments.
(0B)trees are getting cut down-vision received about 6-2005- In this vision, I saw this like hacksaw and the blade was on the tree trunk which was not very thick to begin with and it looked like it had cut inot the tree a little. I heard something like this, "cut his tree down". On 7-15-2005-I saw a woman that looked like sister rexford in a vision and she said, "your a tree", "close".
(1)pastor jeffrey a. johnson sr. of eastern star church-vision recieved 2-19-2005-I was thinking on pastor jeffrey a. johnson sr. of eastern star church in indianapolis, and of, and I saw a man in a vision that I believe was pastor jeffrey a johnson sr. in a vision and he said something like, "cut off". I believe this. I heard him on the radio once mention a man made plan of salvation that is not even in the king james bible. In another vision recieved 6-16-2005-I saw pastor johnson and he said, "I heard something about it".
(2)pastor paul mooney-vision recieved 2-19-2005-in this vision, I believe I saw a man that looked like paul mooney which was who I was asking about who is pastor of, calvary tabernacle, in Indianapolis, and I also believe is president of the, Indiana bible college, and he said something like, "going to hell". Here are some other visions, that I saw paul mooney-visions received 10-29-2004-in these visions, I saw a man that looked like this pastor, and he said things like, "lets pray for him"(as he was pointing at me), "I think your trouble", "I'm going to hell", "He cut me off", "can't beleive it",(after seeing this vision, I heard this, "he's cut off")
(3)irving baxter jr.-visions received 2-2005-I was asking Jesus what irving baxter jr. was preaching for, and in two visions, I saw a man that looked like irving baxter jr. and he said things like, "riches", "get off me".
(4)paul mooney-visions recieved 2-19-2005-in two visions, I saw a man that looked like the president of "indiana bible college" and pastor of calvary tabernacle church, paul mooney, and he said things like, "I'm going to the lake", "I've been cut off".
(5)pastor dr. r.h. duncan-vision recieved 2-19-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor dr. r.h. duncan of one way apostolic church in indianapolis, and he said, "He cut me off".
(6)apostolic pentecostal pastor-vision received 10-30-2004-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like this pastor who is with "u.p.c.i." at one of the biggest pentecostal churches in indianapolis, who I beleive teaches at a christian school, is on the radio, and t.v., and he said, "were laughing at you". This was paul mooney.

(6b)united pentecostal church international-received about 10-30-64 When I awoke this morning, I heard this something like this, "u.p.c.i. is cut off". I beleive this, because, it clearly tell in the last chapter of the gopel according to ST. MARK that some signs will follow them that believe. I rarely if ever see the signs. The main sign I see is the sign a sinner can duplicate.
(7)visions-vision received 11-21-2004-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like my former pastor who is an apostolic pentecostal pastor with "u.p.c.i.", and he said, "I wish I had visions". Jesus showed me he is cut off.
(8)A.A. Allen-visions recieved 12-6-2004-while praying, I saw and heard, "A.A. Allen", and I was asking about him, and I saw A.A. Allen in a vision, a man that looked like him and he said, "I was a prophet". The vision Jesus gave him about judgment to america was one of the most awesome a visions recorded. A.A. Allen saw submarines firing missiles from the oceans and gulf, and other things, and Jesus even showed him america had missile defence which was fired, and failed. I felt an awesome prescence of Jesus as I was typing that. Praise God! I was asking Jesus about what happened to A.A. Allen, and I saw him a man that looked likein visions, and he said, things like, "I dyed my hair", "that's sin", "will you tell on me".
(9)can't come-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw this pastor of an apostolic pentecostal church, and he said, "you cain't come". This was a man that looked like pastor william l. harris at, "victory faith apostolic church", .
(10)not witnessed to-vision received 2-5-2005-I saw a church van at a steak and shake at a church that I got to visit once, some of the people there came from my old church, so I went back, parked, and went in. I did not recognize anybody there enough to approach them, although there was a man there, and he was at table with aleast one other, that I suspected was the van driver. I did not approach him. I saw a man that looked like that man in a vision and he said, something like, "that is not from the Lord". THis was the church van for south west apostolic church in indianapolis, where floyd e. matthews sr. is the pastor, and niether he nor his wife from what I could tell received the visions, and he did not want me to tell a young man that went to his church, but, I did any way.
(11)worship me-vision recieved 12-12-2004-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like this apostolic pentecostal pastor and he said, "come worship me". I feel like I remember who this was, but, for saftey's sake I prayed and asked Jesus who it was that said, "worship me", and I saw a man that looked like pastor donald winters of westside pentecostal church in indianapolis in a vision and he said, "it was me". In the original vision, he either said, "worship me", or "come worship me".
(12)a witch-visions received 11-9-2004-I saw a man that looked like this apostolic pentecostal pastor who is with "united pentecostal church international" who is an author and has a magazine and radio show, and he said, "I'm a witch", "witchcraft". I'm going by memory, but, I beleive this was irving baxter jr. of oak park church in richmond, Indiana.
(13)witnessing-visions received 10-25-2004-I stopped by a new church, and witnessed to two people who were there, and mainly talked with the one I beleive was the pastor. While walking and praying, Jesus gave me many visions, and I'm going by memory on them all. I saw a man that looked like the one who I thought was the pastor, and he said, "my house", "now there's trouble", "that's false doctrine", "don't come here", "save yourself", "no visions", "come back and apologize", etc. I saw a vision of Jesus and He had brown hair and beard, and He said, "he's cut off". I saw a man that looked like the other man who I witnessed to there, and he said something like, "we think your funny", "I want your visions". I believe this was the pastor of a brand new church in indianapolis called something like, "mission's from God".(memory)
(14)visions of pastor paul mooney-visions received 2-20-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor paul mooney who is president of Indiana bible college and pastor of calvary tabernacle church and he said things like, "won't you write me", "fuck Jesus", "I ain't looking at that"(that's these visions), "yea", "I'm in danger", "I'm naked"(that means no Holy Ghost), "you know I'm a prophet", "I want it off", "take it off". There were more. I asked Jesus why pastor paul mooney preaches and I saw him in visions and he said, "dollar", "cause I enjoy it". There was another vision where I saw the word, "I'm paid". I don't know if that went with mooney or not.
(15)backslider-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like paul mooney of who is president of indina bible college and pastor of calvary tabernacle church and he said, 'I'm a backslider'.
(16)caution-vision received 2-20-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "caution". Jesus showed me to name persons in a vision and that is exactly what I'm going to do. I've been to a lot a chuches and they were mostly "u.p.c.i." apostolic churches and I believe and that Jesus showed me everyone I asked about is "cut off" and the visions are scattered on my sites, but, for the most part, the pastors are not named.

(17)lots of people will say this when the day comes-visions received 2-2005-in two visions, I saw a man that looked like this pastor and he said things like, "I can't beleive it", "I just can't believe it"(I believe this is referring to missing the rapture and or heaven), "I can't see nothing", "bobby, I lost it", "got to be rooted", "He cut me off". THere were more, and I believe all these was that pastor. I just moved this vision to this page, and I believe these visions were david gibson of charity tabernacle.
(18)t.d. jakes-visions received 2-17-2005-I was asking Jesus about t.d. jakes, and I was quickly given many visions where I beleive I saw t.d. jakes. I only wrote one down, and that one was, "I sold". The others were not good. In one he said something like, "I'm going to hell". This may have ben t.d jakes
(19)visions of a pastor-visions received 2-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like this pastor whose church I left about 2 hours ago, and he said things like, "that offends", "I'm a blaspemer", "I'm from the devil", "no Spirit", "made me jelous", "now he's free", "I'm in adultery", "I fell", "I got offended", "cursed God". This was david gibson of charity tabernacle.
(20)some pastors are against Jesus-visions received 2-20-2005-twice in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor, "brian lane" of, "liberty tabernacle-u.p.c.i." in greenwood, indiana and he said, "I'm against Him". I saw a pastor at least once who may have been this pastor and he said, "I'm a witch". I've been to this church twice, and the Lord let me know in visions before I even went that he was going to reject me, or my words, which are really the words of Jesus. He gives me what to say.
(21)Prophecy Club-visions recieved 4-18-2004-in the first vision, I saw this sign, and it had a lighted part, and what the lighted part said was, "Prophecy Club - fake. In the second vision, I saw a man that looked like Stan Johnson of the "the Prophecy Club", and he said, "we want your money". I was asking which site to put visions on, and I saw this man with withish blond hair and skin, and blue eyes and He said, "prophecy ministry".
(22)given to covetous -vision recieved 7-25-2004-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like this apostolic pentecostal pastor who preaches at a church that was founded by G.T. HAYWOOD in indinapolis, and he said, "all we want is material". He looked angry at me when he said it. THis is why we rarely if ever see the miracles of Jesus in the churches. This was the pastor of christ temple apostolic faith assembly in indianapolis. THis looked like pastor charles finnell.
(23)jeffrey johnson sr.-visions recieved 8-2004-twice I saw a man that looked like jeffrey johnson of jewell ministries and eastern star church in indianapolis. In one he said something like, "I want money", and in the other he said, "I'm cut off".
(24)who are you following-vision reiceved 7-5-2004-in this vision, I saw his a man that looked like my former pastor, and he said, "follow me". I'm putting this vision here, and my former pastor was donald winters of westside pentecostal church in indianapolis. Is your pastor your god? Are you following him, instead of seeking Jesus and following Him? The last words I can remember donald winters speaking to me was something like, "I'm not interested in that. I'm not". shortly before this, I was praying and asking Jesus something like, "lead me to witness to whoever you want". I did not have an idea I'd be witnessing to my former pastor. In the car he was in, was his son, "donny winters", and pastor thomas e. simison of the bible church in indianapolis.
(25)cut-off-vision recieved 11-27-2003-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like my old pastor, donald Winters of "westside Pentecostal Church" in Indianapolis, and he said, "I'm cut-off". I saw a man that looked like his son Donny Joe winters in two visions, and he said, in one, "thats my dad", and in the other, "bobby, I want your money".

(26)cornelius bullock jr.-vision-vision recieved 2-20-2005-I've witnessed to this man many times and been to his church. HIs church is, "truth apostolic church", in indianapolis, and his name is cornelius bullock jr. I was asking Jesus about him and I saw a man that looked like the face of a black man in a vision and he said, "witch". I've seen very similar before. Once, I was walking, and the Lord gave me a vision witnessing to him, and minutes later, I was doing exactly that, and there was another man there. One thing I told him was something like, "something is going to cause gas prices to soar". Not long after was 9-11, and the went up bigtime for a while.
(27)terry w. long sr.-vision recieved 2-20-2005-I was asking Jesus about terry w. long sr. who pastors lawrence apostolic church, and I saw a man that looked like him in a vision and he said something like, "cut off". I just saw him again in another vision and he said, "don't tell me". If the Lord Jesus shows me to remove names, I will.
(28)pastor thomas e. simison-visions received 2-20-2005-in visions all received 2-20-2005, I saw a man that looked like pastor thomas e. simison of the bible church in indianapolis, and he said something like, "got cut off". I saw the words, "SIMISON", "CUT OFF".
(29)pastor of philadelphia apostolic church in indianapolis-visions recieved 7-29-2004-Jesus gave me several visions of a man that looked like this apostolic penetecostal pastor in Indianapolis, Samuel E. Bradley, "philadelphia apostolic church". In one he said, "I can't handle a freak". He was referring to me. I asked Jesus if he would have been one of the ones at the cross crying , "crucify Him". I saw him again, and he said something like, "I was the one in charge". THere were others. This was philedelphia apostolic church in indianapolis.
(30)pastor john ramsey of new life worship center-vision recieved 1-28-2005-while driving, I heard, "ramsey", who is the pastor of new life worship center in Indianapolis, and I saw a man that looked like pastor ramsey in a visions and he said, "cut off", "I'm lost", and still preaching.
(31)an apostolic pentecostal pastor-visions received 2-15-2005-while praying, I heard, 'chris', and I later saw the words, "cut off". This is a man that looked like chris amonett of christian life worship center in indianapolis, whose church is part of united pentecotal church International.
(32)cut off-vision recieved 9-9-2004-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like irving l. baxter jr. of oak park church and he said, "cut off".
(33)crossroads apostolic church-visions recieved 2-21-2005-in visions, I beleive I saw a man that looked like the pastor of crossroads apostolic church in mooresville, indiana, curtis w. white, and he said things like, "son of a bitch", "He already cut me off", "I'm already cut off". I asked Jesus why curtis w. white preaches, and I saw him in a vision and he said, "it's my job".
(34)hated-vision received 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor danny d. thomas of Apostolic Lighthouse Pentecostals of Indianapolis, and he said, "we hate you".
(35)mt. zion apostolic church-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like the pastor of mt. zion apostolic church in indianapolis, bishop lambert w. gates sr. and he said something like, "cut off".
(36)zion tabernacle-visions received 2-21-2005-in a vision I saw a woman that looked like a woman and she said, "zion taberacle". It may be called zion tabernacle church or zion tabernacle apostolic church. I beleive I saw a man that looked like the pastor there, suffragen bishop joseph d. farris, who I have met and he said something like, 'going to hell. I told him many things. In other visions, I saw him and he said things like, "I can't beleive it", "cut off", "don't mess with him".(I felt this was referring to me), "it's starting to shake"(he was shaking vioently as he said this), "this is extremely odd". As I was driving on 2-25-2005-I was thinking pastor farris and saying something like, "he knows he's cut off", and I saw a man that looked like pastor farris in a vision and, I'm going by memory, he said either, "I do", or, "we do".
(37)not liked-visions recieved 2-21-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like kent r. gray, pastor of antioch, the apostolic church, and he said things like, 'He already cut me off", "nobody likes him".
(38)blinded-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor chris amonett of christian life worship center and he said, "I'm blinded".
(39)grace apostolic church-visions received 2-21-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor larry hunt of grace apostolic church in indianapolis, and he said things like, "put me first", "I'm against you", "cut off", "He already cut me off". There were more.
(40)james e. tyson-visions recieved 2-21-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like james e. tyson of christ church apostolic in indianapolis, and he said things like, "cut off", "yes I am", "my word", "I'm against you". I saw a man that looked like pastor james e. tyson in a vision on 6-28-2005, and he said, "my pocket". Many put money before Jesus, and will perish because.
(41)jerry g. vanlue-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in a vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor Jerry g. vanlue of Danville Apostolic Church, and he said, "cut off".
(43)Wallace E. VanSlyke, Sr.-visions recieved 2-21-2005-in the first vision, I saw and heard, "van slyke", and I asked about VanSlyke, and I saw a man that looked like a man that looked like him again and he said things like, "cut off", "I've been cut off". In another vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor Wallace E. VanSlyke, Sr., and he said, "pray for bobby". This is the pastor of plainfield apostolic church in plainfield, Indiana.
(42)pastor james z. townsend-visions received 2-21-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor james z. townsend of mt. behtel apostolic church in indianapolis, and he said things like, "put me first", "I've been cut off".
(43)after me-visions recieved 2-21-2005-in two visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor morris garsnett of apostolic bible church in Indianapolis and he said something like, "were after you", "after you".
(44)pastor mark s. mckinney of friendship apostolic church-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor mark mckinney of friendship aspostolic church and he said, "what's your name". I visited that church and the Lord gave me some awesome revelations about this pastor, and I wish I knew where they where posted and I would move them here. I believe I just saw his face in a vision and he said, "cut off", which is consistent with at least one or two of the other visions. I beleive I saw a man that looked like pentecostal pastor m. mckinney in a vision today and it is 5-24-2005, and in it he cursed God. I just saw a person that looked like him in two more visions and he said, "that's me", "delivered". I believe I just saw him in another vision and he said, "went to hell".
(45)southwest apostolic church-vision recieved 2-21-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor Floyd E. Matthews, Sr., of southwest apostolic church and he said, "going to hell". In another vision, I saw a man that looked like him and he said, "I've been rejected".
(46)friendship apostolic church-visions received 2-22-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor m. mckinney of friendship apostolic church and he said things like, "never come here", "the devil", "just what I needed", "I'm in adultery", in this one he cursed God, "money", "pay my bill", "I'm the devil", "I take advantage of", "is that really a prophet", "I'm a witch", "lost my money". When I woke up In a vision, I saw partially saw or saw all his name in dark letters, and I saw the word, "business" in like a white kind of like box with black letters.
(47)elder paul jordan-visions received 2-22-2005-I asked Jesus about paul jordan, former pastor of christian tabernacle apostolic church. I was at his last or one of his last service. I saw a man that looked like elder paul jordan in visions and he said, "hell", "I'm the devil". I saw a man that looked like paul jordan in other visions and he said things like, 'I'm in hell", "blaspheme". I'll leave it in Gods Hands. I record what I see, not cast judgment.
(48)james e. tyson-visions received 2-22-2005-in a vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor james e. tyson of Christ church apostolic, and he said, "going to hell", "something wrong", "something".
(49)terry cannon-vision received 2-22-2005-in a vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor terry cannon of heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and he said, "hell".
(50)kenneth f. haney-vision recieved 2-22-2005-I was asking Jesus about U.P.C.I. general superintendant kenneth f. haney, whose picture appears on the front of the "united pectecostal church international" website and I saw a man that looked like kenneth haney in a vision and he said, "I'm naked". That means no Holy Ghost.
(51)irving baxter jr.-visions received 2-22-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor irving baxter jr. and he said, "I'm naked", "riches".
(52)donnie winters-visions received 2-22-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like donnie winters of westside pentecostal church and he said this like, "we want material", "I'm lost", "don't believe it", "heard you had a little accident", "your trouble". In one he cursed God.
(53)sister winters-visions received 2-22-2005-in visions, I saw a woman that looked like sister winters, the wife of the pastor of westside pentecostal church in indianapolis, and she said like, "we hunt you", "witch", "stay out of my buisness", "snitch", "cut off", "can't sleep".
(54)jerry vanlue-visions received 2-22-2005-in vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor Jerry vanlue, and he said, "we need you".
(55)pastor of friendship apostolic church mark mckinney-vision received 2-22-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor m. s. mckinney of friendship apostolic church and he said, "I want material", "take advantage", "git you arrested".
(56)donny winters-visions received 2-22-2005-in this visions, I saw a man that looked like donnie winters of westside pentecostal church and he said, "against you", "follow me", "money", "well git you", "I take advantage".
(57)visions of a pastor-visions recieved 2-23-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like james z. townsend of mt. bethel apostolic church and he said things like, "worship me", "I ain't here for nobody". I asked Jesus why he was there, and I saw hin again and he said, "for money". In other visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor townsend, and he was laughing, and he said, "that's good"(he was laughing out of control before he said this), "we improvise", "lost", "don't tell me", "backslider", "I want the money", "get if off there". There were more.
(58)former pastor of westside pentecostal church-visions received 2-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like former pastor delbert spall and he said things like, "I'm a backslider", "take you vision".
(59)G.E. Studdard -vision received 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like the pastor of harvest prayer center in indianapolis, pastor G.E. Studdard and he said, "I've been cut off".
(60)nathaniel a. urshan-visions recieved 2-23-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like a man who looked like, "n.a. urshan", former general superintendent of upci, and he said things like, "I'm a witch", "against you",I asked, "why", and urshan said in a vision, "for real". In other visions he said things like, "hell", "steal", "going to the lake"(after this vision, I said something like, "did he say, "going to the lake", and I saw urshan in another vision and he said, "yes I did"), "pay my bills", "I'm musical", "I did not see", "I need some help", "you devil you", "I can't find Him". I was thinking in my heart something like, "if these pastors were all children of God, they should be able to pray me to hell", and I saw a man that looked like reverend nathaniel a. urshan whom I don't recall ever meeting in a vision and he said, "that's true". Mr. urshan may still be sick and I heard this about that, "bro. urshan's recovering".
(61)brian l. lane-vision recieved 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like brian lane, pastor of brian l. lane, pastor of libery tabernacle-u.p.c.i. in greenwood, indiana, and he said, "I'm a witch".
(62)pastor thomas simison-visions received 2-23-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor thomas e. simison and he said things like, "cut me off", "no Christ".
(63)cut off-vision recieved 2-23-2005-I was asking Jesus about pastor john hagee of conerstone church and I saw a man that looked like john hagee in visions and he said things like, "were witches", "us", "cut off".
(64)tommy tenney-visions recieved 2-23-2005-I was asking Jesus about tommy tenney of the Godchasers, and I was given visions and saw a man who I thought was tommy tenney, and he said things like, "cut off", "He already cut me off". I asked Jesus why tommy preached, and I saw a little girl in a vision and she said something like, "lucre", "I like material", In this vision, he cursed God.
(65)t.d jakes-vision received 2-23-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like t.d. jakes and he said, "false".
(66)visions of kenneth haney-visions recieved 2-24-2005-in vision, I saw a man that looked like kenneth haney who is upci general superintendent and he said things like, "I'll kill'em", "I'm satan". In one vision, Mr. haney cursed God.
(67)general superintendent of united pentecostal church international-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in a vision, I saw a man that looked like kenneth haney who is general superintendent of upci. I was asking Jesus something like why he even preaches or something like that, and I saw mr. haney in a vision I saw a man that looked like mr. haney and heard him say or heard, "job".
(68)minister of satan-vision recieved 2-24-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like a man who I thought was donald winters of westside pentecostal church and he said, 'I'm satan'.
(69) cleophus shawn tyson-visions received 2-24-2005-in visions, I believe I saw shawn tyson, assisstant pastor of Christ church apostolic and he said things like, "naked", "we laughed", "worship me". It was shawn or a man that looked like him. This is shawn tyson, added, 2-13-2006.
(70)MT. ZION Apostolic church-visions received 2-25-2005-in the first vision, I saw the words, "MT. ZION", as possibly part of a page name indexed by google. In the second vision, I saw a man that looked like a man who looked who I thought was the pastor of mt. zion apostolic church in indianapolis, bishop lambert w. gates sr. and he said, "cut me off".
(71)not wanted-vision recieved 2-25-2005-I was thinking about visiting refuge temple apostolic church and I saw a man that looked like a man whom I thought was the pastor, otis miller and he let me know he did not want that there.
(72)indiana bible college-vision received 10-2004-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like the president of the indiana bible college and he said something like, "I'm an anti-christian". This was paul mooney.
(73)refuge temple revival center-visions received 2-25-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like the pastor of refuge temple revival center in indianapolis which is an apostolic church and he said things like, "I got cut off", "don't come here", "I believe it", "I ain't apostolic", "made sense".
(74)cursed God-vision recieved 2-25-2005-I was just witnessing to a woman and when I left, I saw a woman that looked like her in a vision and she cursed God. I just saw her again and she said, "don't come here".
(75)adulterers-vision received 8-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a apostolic pastor paul c. otis sr. and he said, "were adulterers".
(76)showed up, but Church cancelled-vision received 8-28-2005-I showed up at refuge temple revival center tonight for service and they were not there. Two women showed up to pick up their vehicle or vehicles and they mayhave told me where the Church was, and I witnessed two them and Saw them in visions. In this vision, I saw a spirits that looked like the two women and they said things like, "I wanted to leave", "theres blood", "on your hands", "call me a witch", "prophet", "who cares'.
(77)Church of Jesus apostolic faith-vision received 8-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like the pastor elder c.r. hunter and he said things like, "committed adultery", "were hurting", "go wednesday", "thief", "vision", "going to the lake", "praise the Lord", "it's over man", "our bedroom", "us", "stay here", "already told me", "apostolic", "is something wwe ain't", "need my money". I beleive these were all elder c. r. hunter. I showed up for Church on sunday night and they were not there.
(78)lost-vision received 8-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman that goes to or used to go to the Church of Jesus apostolic faith and she said, "were lost", and maybe, "second chance", "I ain't trying", "do", "prophet is here".
(79)vision-vision received 8-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor luster and he said, "had a vision", "will You accept me".
(80)I'm apostolic-vision received 8-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like somebody and she said, "on your death certificate", and I saw hollie and she said, "bobs apostolic".
(81)James e. tyson who pastors Christ Church apostolic-vision received 8-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pentecostal teacher james e. tyson and he said things like, "were all witches", "I heard", "take my Mantle", "put you name on it", "cut off".
(82)pastor james tyson preaches salvation to me-vision received 8-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like apostolic teacher james tyson and he said things like, "read", "prophet", "ACTS 2:38", "ACTS 2:38 and ACTS 2:39".
(82)what James tyson thinks of me-vision received 8-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like Oneness pastor james e. tyson and he said things like, "you witch", "he ain't no prophet", "separate".
(83)warned not to go to Christ temple apostolic faith Church by pastor james tyson-vision received 8-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like James tyson who pastors Christ Church apostolic and he said things like, and in visions he warned me not to go to Christ temple who is pastored by charles finnell. He said things like, "can witness pray", "Christ temple", and uttered maybe some more things, and he may have said, "there closed". Thanks James.
(84)hollie-vision received 8-28-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "ACTS 2:38", "he's lying", and maybe, "please help", "he's here". That leads me to beleive we will meet. I just saw a Man and he grunted no, but who was He.
(85)pay taxes-vision received 2-25-2005-in this vision, I saw a girl that looked like a little girl and she said, "pay taxes".
(86)Nathaniel a. Urshan-visions recieved 2-26-2005-in these visions, I saw a man that looked like, Nathaniel Urshan, pastor of former general superintendent of u.p.c.i., and he said things like, "I want material", "put your name on it", "going to hell", "bobby apostolic", "I blew it", "I've been rejected", "I'd like to rebuke you". The bible talks about signs following them that believe in the last chapter of the gospel according to ST. MARK. Now, if one of these pastors takes me to court, I'll tell the judge that scripture, and the pastor will be able to prove the vision wrong. SOme of the signs are, "casting out devils", "laying hands on the sick and the sick recovering", treading upon serpents", "not harmed by drinking the deadly thing". VIsions and dreams are more signs that are talked about in the book of JOEL.
(87)dr. willie duncan-vision recieved 2-26-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like willie j. duncan, who is pastor of revival temple, and president of muskegan bible college, and he said, "I want money".
(88)heavenly life apostolic tabernacle-visions recieved 2-27-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor terry cannon of heavenly life apostolic tabernacle church and he said things like, "I'm against you", "I'm a witch", "worship me", "your wrong". There were more.
(89)pastor terry cannon-vision received 2-27-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like terry cannon who is pastor of heavenly life apostolic faith tabernacle church in indianapolis, and he kind of looked like a white spirit and he was crying, and he begging said, "help me". I felt he was in hell. THis was sad, and made me have compassion for him.
(90)visions of an apostolic pastor-visions received 2-28-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor terry cannon of heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and he said things like, "I'm agains him", "you were right", "tell me", "I'm a backslider", "cut me off", "I'm the devil", "you motherfucker", "If you walk in this door", "I will tell the police", "give me that money", "I've got lots of candy", "your just scary", "scary as a book", "I want to talk to you", "I want you out", "that ain't going to get it", "I'll git ya".
(91)prophecy club-visions recieved 2-28-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like stan johnson and he said, "I've got devils all over me", and he looked very troubled, and I asked Jesus about deliverance for him, and I saw stan johnson in another vision and he said something like, "don't want".
(92)visions of an apostolic pastor-visions received 3-2-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like an apostolic pastor and he said things like, "reprobate", "reprobate mind", "we have to arrest bobby", "backslider", "I want material", "can I challenge", "take my name off", "take my people away". In two visions, he let me know I was praying to loud. I saw his wife and she said, "anything you say. I believe these were all him or her. Pentecost has fallen. It is likely I will i.d. this pastor.
(93)chris amonett-visions received 1-7-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like this upci apostolic pentecostal pastor and he said, "I'm going to the lake". In this vision, and I believe it was referring to his church I heard the word "clix" and then I saw the word "clix" in a vision. I believe I saw him in another vision and he said, "what can we do".
(94)bishop horace smith, m.d. presiding bishop, pentecostal assemblies of the world-visions recieved 3-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like bishop horace smith, m.d. presiding bishop, pentecostal assemblies of the world, and pastor of apostolic faith church in chicago, and he said things like, "reprobate", "He already cut me off", "cut me off", "why's he messing with me", "come up and be with us", "your making trouble", "bob, I'm cut off", "I think it's phony", "mind your buisness".
(95)united pentecostal church international-visions recieved 3-7-2005-in this vision, I saw the letters, "upc". In another vision, I saw someone say the words and or saw the words, "united pentecostal church international". It is possible the word, "church", was not mentioned, but, it probably was, because it is part of the name of the organization. I'm originally out of a u.p.c.i. church, and they can tell you how to be saved, but, that does not mean that they have done it themselves. Most of the pastors on this page are united pentecostal church international pastors.
(96)the church of the Lord Jesus Christ-visions recieved 3-9-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor stone at the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, that I left less than 2 hours ago, and he said things like, "I'm a witch", "he left", "hate Jesus". There was a woman there I knew and Jesus gave me a vision for her. In it I saw her and she said something like, "tell me I'm lazy". I did. I later saw her in another vision and part of if not all of it she said, "cut off". I had other visions while I was there. I saw a man with brown hair in a vision while the preaching was going on and He wanted to know if I wanted to comback again. I told him something like, "maybe one more time". My job is dne there. I warned them. I just saw a the woman in the above visions and she said something like, "take me off".
(97)floyd e. matthews sr.-vision recieved 3-9-2005-in a vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor floyd e. matthews sr. of southwest apostolic church and he said, "cut me off". I was driving when I saw this. I saw him in another vision and he said soemthing like, "should have hung around". I went to the church and the sign did say that they had a wednesday service. Problem was, I thought it was tuesday.
(98)apostolic lighthouse pentecostals of indianapolis-visions recieved 3-11-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor danny d. thomas of apostolic lighthouse pentecostals of indianapolis, and he said things like, "I'm a witch", "been cut off", "witch", "I don't want him to have it", "cause I'm not willing to take that risk". I saw another man that goes there in a vision and he said something like, "git out of here. Danny d. thomas mentioned making the pastor a 1000.00 dollar offering while I was there.
(99)irving baxter jr.-visions recieved 3-11-2005-in vision, I saw a man that looked like irving baxter jr. and he said something like, "I'm cut off". He is an author, has the radio show, "politics and religion", and is pastor of oak park church, which I have been to.
(100)drexel gardens apostolic tabernacle-visions recieved 3-11-2005-in a vision, I saw a man that looked like the pastor of drexel gardens apostolic tabernacle, pastor caldwell and he said, "I'm a witch". I believe I heard his name called before I was given the vision, "brother caldwell". In another vision, I saw me writing it down, "I". I've been to this church and I warned the church. Brother caldwell said something like this, "I want to start by saying there are some here who have expressed opinions". very similar to that. I told visions or what I was showed in visions or both, and I met a young man there that Jesus gave a similar vision to about destruction to Indianapolis.
(101)my way, not Gods-vision received about 3-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman that looked like the woman pastor of this full gospel church, and she said something like, "I need my way". I went and told visions on a saturday night, and I went back sunday night, and I believe the Lord Jesus did not want me to go but finally said something like, "why don't you go see". On sunday night she preached about false prophets and false visions.
(102)visions of a pastor-visions received 3-27-2005-I may have to visit a church tonight, and I've believe I've seen the pastor in many visions. I will say, I'm a touch concerned. The pastor said things like, "bambouse", "hard to get along with". The name of the chruch is I believe, "church of the apostolic faith", in indianapolis.
(104)owen young-visions received 3-27-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor owen young of bethel tabernacle apostolic church and he said things like, "going to hell", "I'm on fire".
(105)donald golder-visions received 3-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor donald golder of temple of praise church and he said things like, "wanted material". In one vision, he cursed God.
(106)rev. jesse jackson-vision received 3-29-2005-I asked Jesus about the rev. jesse jackson and I saw a man that looked like him in a vision and he said, "hell". I believe I just saw him in another one, and he said something like, 'I'm cut off'.
(107)reverend jerry falwell-vision received 3-29-2005-I was asking Jesus about the rev. Jerry falwell, and I saw a man that looked like him in two quick visions. In one he cursed God, and in the other, the only word I can remember hearing was, "off". I just saw jerry falwell in another vision and he said, "I fell".
(108)pastor-vision received 3-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like a pastor and he said something like, "witch".
(109)william l. harris-visions received 3-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like the pastor of william l. harris of victory faith apostolic faith church an he said things like, "I'm a witch", "actually, I'm naked", "I'm a reject", "fix", "everything he showed me you seen", "they tell me your a prophet", "He already cut me off", "nobodys buisness", "you've offended", "that's a long way from the way I feel", "I feel very close", "were over rated", "I'm victory". I asked Jesus why this man preached, and I saw a man that looked like william harris in a vision and he said, "financial". There were many more. I saw a man in visions that goes to his church, that I believe I wanted to help and he said things like, "I'm lost", "motherfucker", "that's wrong", "I'm cut off", "I'm gonna tell", "I'll never trust you again", "put my name on". There were more. I also saw william harris in a vision and he said, "you better take the WORD", which I believe means believe these visions.
(110)united pentecostal church international-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw, "upci". I believe I had it twice. Lots of pastors on this page are "upci" pastors.
(111)kent r. gray-visions received 3-31-2005-in a vision, I heard, and or saw a man that looked like, "kent r. gray", who is pastor of antioch, the apostolic church and he said things like, "I'm cut off", "putting on a show".
(112)james tyson-vision received 3-31-2005-in vision I saw a man that looked like pastor james e. tyson and he said, "hell". He is pastor of Christ church apostolic.
(113)dr. leonard s. scott-visions received 3-31-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like dr. leonard s. scott who is a dentist and a pastor of rock community church and he said things like, "I want 18 dollars". This may have been for a dental appointment. I saw him in other vision and he said, "I'm a witch".
(114)pastor william l. harris of victory tabernacle apostolic faith church-vision received 3-31-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor harris and he said, "I hate bobby". I saw him in more visions and he said things like, "I'm lost again", "turn'em down".
(115)paul mooney-visions received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like and heard, "paul", and I heard this, "he moniters". I saw a man that looked like paul mooney in other visions and he said things like, "I'm scared".
(116)u.p.c.i. is cut off-vision received 4-3-2005-I heard something like, "upc", and I saw a man that looked like a man in a vision that looks like the current general superintendent and he said, "were cut off".
(117)U.P.C.I.-vision received 4-3-2005-in this vision, I saw some letters and here are the letters I saw, "UPCI".
(118)another pastor cut off-visions received 4-3-2005-in a vision, I saw this woman pastor and she said, "my name is Jerry", and in the next vision, I saw a woman that looked like her and she said, "cut off".
(119)witch-visions received 9-6-2005-I kept seeing irving baxter jr., and i asked about him and twice I saw a man that looked like a man who looked like him in visions and he said, "I'm a witch". Thats a false prophet and a rebel.
(120)thought of as a joke-visions reiceved 10-4-2004-I was inquiring to Jesus about this apostolic pentecostal pastor, and in visions, "I think your a joke", "come here in person", and he let me know he was cut off. I believe this was lighthouse apostolic ministries with pastor jeffrey a. smith.
(121)pastor ken stolar-visions received 4-4-2005-in visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor ken stolar and he said, "witch", "hell", and on 7-23-2009, I saw pastor ken stolar in a vision and he said, "please tell".
(122)visions of Jesus and jeremy taylor-visions recieved 5-25-2007-in a vision I saw Jesus and he said, fool, and I saw jeremy taylor, and I saw hollie showed, and he said, he wants your ring. He stole the name ministry of dreams from prophet.
(122)prophet-vision reiceved 5-12-2004-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like a prophet, and he said, "I went back. You must endure until the end.
(123)anybody can fall-vision received 2-5-2005-in this vision, I saw the words, "this can happen to A.A. Allen it can happen to you".
(124)try the spirits-vision recieved 5-11-2003-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like this a.a. allen who is dead now preaching in a tent, then all of a sudden we are on a bus loaded with people, and there is a man standing in the front of the bus trying to teach, and this prophet would jump in and on what he was teaching about. This appeared to annoy the man who was trying to teach. i was sitting near the back of the bus. The funny thing was, I did not feel the Spirit of God at all in his teaching teaching, and this concerns me. We can say all the right things, but that does not mean the Holy Ghost brought it forth. The vision God gave him is the most awesome and accurate I know of. What happened to him. Did he get on the straight and narrow, but not stay, like many people have. Was he ever saved to begin with. God knows. I truly hope this man is in heaven. To whom God gives a lot, a lot is required. God wants your best. The vision ends with this little boy coming to me on the bus, and sharing somethings with me. He is very happy and smiling and laughing. he has curly blond hair and blue eye's. I know who this boy was cause I recognize Him. It may have been the Lord Jesus Christ, or an Angle of the Lord.(memory)
(125)look what happended to me-vision recieved 5-19-2003-while praying, I saw a man that looked like this prophet who died, and with his hands in the air he said, "look what happened to me"(are you struggling, try to hold on)
(126)I fell-vision recieved 6-30-2003 while praying I saw a man that looked like this prophet and he said, "I fell". If it could happen to this man, it could happen to you.
(127)pastor william harris who is an apostolic pentecostal pastor-visions received 4-7-2005-in this visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor harris and he said things like, "I can take a joke", "I ain't your problem", "I ain't apostolic", "going to hell".
(128)stay away-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like this pastor and he said something like, "stay away from here". I preached at his church.
(129)I did take most if not all names off, but, had to put it back like it was-vision received 5-10-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like a man that looked like paul mooney and he said, "put my name off". I personally feel the visions are more powerful with names off, but, this site belongs to Jesus Christ. TALK too HIM!
(130) the new pope-visions received 5-12-2005-I was asking Jesus about what He thinks about the new pope and I saw a man that looked like the new pope in visions and he said things like, "leave me alone", "got religion".(this is living for Jesus like you want. possibly latching onto a man made plan of salvation, and doing what you want and maybe calling that living for Jesus. Won't work)
(131)reverend jonathan hansen-visions received 5-20-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked exactly like the reverend jonathan hansen and he said things like, "tell me", "I'm reject", "I resent". In one, I saw a man that may have been him and he said, "I'm a witch".
(132)pastor john f. ramsey, sr.-visions received 5-22-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor john f. ramsey sr. of new life worship center in indianapolis and he said things like, "I been cut off", "look at me", your wanted in the bedroom"(this is probably spiritual, and possibly suggest that I jump in bed with them and commit fornication), etc. I witnessed to a man that goes there and I saw him in visions and he said things like, "I'm lost", "pshycic".
(133)apostolic pastor donald winters-visions received 5-22 and 5-23-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like a man that looked like donald winters of westside pentecostal church in indianapolis and he said things like, "did I blaspheme", "I'll call the police", "I knew", "devil", "bob blew it", "I'm in adultery", "don't tell me I blasphemed", "I'm a witch", "blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "blaspheme", "bob knew it", "cut me off", "follow me", "heart attack", etc. I saw a woman that looked like his wife, sister winters and she said things like, "material", "we hate you", "bobby, we want you money".
(134)paul jordan-visions received 5-23-2005-I was asking Jesus about paul jordan and I saw a man in visions that looked like paul jordan and he said things like, "I'm in hell", "I went to hell", "I'm in hell".
(135)fake-vision recieved 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked exactly like the pastor at el shaddai apostolic church in indianapolis and he said, "I'm fake". Pastor ricky holcomb.
(137)cut off-vision recieved 5-23-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked exactly like my former pastor donald winters of westside apostolic church in indianapolis and he said things like, "I'm a witch", "I'm cut off".
(138)pastor delbert spall-vision received 5-23-2005-While praying in the front seat of my car, I heard something like, "spall", or, "brother spall", and I saw a man who looked like pastor spall in a vision and he said, "I had a chance". I just saw him in another vision and he said, "insult me".
(139)nathaniel urshan-visions received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "urshan", and I may have see the words, "nathaniel urshan", and I saw a man that looked like him in a vision and he said, "I'm fake".
(140)pentecostal pastor donald winters-visions recieved 5-24-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like my former pastor donald winters and he said things like, "I'm a witch", "let me go", "blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "I did", "blasphemed", "the lake", "take some advice", "were cut off", "blaspheme", "The Holy Spirit", "your chosen", "I blaspheme".
(141)u.p.c.i. pastor donald winters-visions received 5-24-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like my former pastor donald winters and he said things like, "committed adultery", "liar", "this hurts", "your not welcome", "I fooled", "I beleive", "my house", "the Lords willing", "there's mercy".
(142)wants deliverance-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a man who looked like donald winters, pastor of westside pentecostal church in indianapolis, and he said, "deliever me".
(143)can't stand-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like this man and he said, "I cain't stand it". His face was youthful and white.
(144)bishop t. garrott benjamin, jr.,D. Min.-visions recieved 5-24-2005-I was asking Jesus about bishop t. garrott benjamin, jr.,D. Min. and in visions, I saw the dark face of a man that looked like him and he said things like, "your a prophet", "hell", "you got me in trouble".
(145)mary k. baxter-visions received 5-24-2005-I was talking to Jesus about mary k. baxter wondering if she really saw Jesus and I saw a woman in two visions and she said things like, "I did see Jesus", "I'm about to get cut off". I don't know if this was mary k. baxter or not, but, she is who I was asking about.
(146)blaspheme-visions received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "blaspheme", and I was asking Jesus more or less who did this, and I saw a man that looked like donald winters and he said, "I did". In other visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor donald l. winters and he said things like, "can God forgive", "finished", "wreck", "lost my power", "blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "because I blasphemed bobby", "I'm scared", "blasphemed", "we know", "give bobby a heart attack", "etc. I saw sister winters in visions and she said things like, "I'm in hell", "burn in hell". I believe these visions were also sister winters, and in them she said things like, "God wants me", "I fell", "hate Jesus", "help us".
(147)tom Garrott Benjamin, Jr.-vision received 5-25-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor tom garrott benjamin jr. and he said, "I'm financial".
(148)no chance-vision received 5-26-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "no chance". I may have been asking Jesus about this pastor if he could be saved, but, I'm not sure. I just saw the pastor I believe I was asking about in a vision and he said, "that's me". It looked like donald winters of westside pentecostal church in indianapolis on ohio street which is part of united pentecostal church international.
(149)(150)you better watch what you call a child of Jesus-vision received 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like donald winters and he said things like, "thats satan", "satan go to heaven". In visions received 5-27-2005, While praying, I said something like, "hope he's chosen", and, and while I said it, donald winters appeared in a vision and basically said the same thing to me at the same time. In another he said, "that's not Jesus".
(151)sister winters-visions recieved 5-27-2005-IN visions, I saw a woman that looked like sister winters and she said things like, "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "I blasphemed", "hell", "witch", "I'm a witch", "tell me", "I'm cut off", "take it off there"(tell Jesus not me), "there's satan", "its not true".
(152)can somebody be forgiven that has blasphemed the Holy Ghost-vision received 5-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said something like, "all things are possible with God".
(153)pastor vanslyke-vision recieved 5-30-2005-while driving, I heard, "van slyke", and I saw a man in a vision that looked like pastor wallace vanslyke from plainfield apostolic church and he said, "I want my wallet".
(154)blasphemed the Holy Ghost-visions received 5-30-2005-In a vision, I saw the words, "blasphemed the Holy Ghost", and I saw a woman in a vision and she said, "I sinned". I believe I saw her in other visions and she said things like, "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "don't never come back", "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost". I believe this was a woman called, "cindy", for I heard her name called out to me, and saw her in visions, "cindy".
(155)u.p.c.i. pastor-visions received 5-30-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor donald winters and he said things like, "had a heart attack", "I blasphemed", "when I blasphmed bobby", I sold it", "lost the Holy Ghost", "lost the Spirt", "sue", "don't tell anybody", I'm not worthy", "why am I not worthy", "cause I'm in adultery", "Lord give me a heart attack", "put me in the lake", "take it off", "if you come back, I'll embarras you", "I'm not going to hear", "ain't going to hear it", "control", "I offended boby", "we'll see", "worship me", "went to hell", "I'm in adultery", "He cut me off", "against you", "cut'em off", "I need an answer", "in control", "It's over". Jesus the Great and Mighty God gave me most of these while I drive the car. I asked Jesus what donald winters preaches for and I'm going by memory on this one. I saw donald winters in a vision and he said something like, "I want the money", "me first", "adultery", "thats him", "tell on me", "just let me do what I want", "mad at you", "cut me off", "I want material", "why didn't he tell me". I sw him in a vision and he said, or I heard, "he wants you". I believe in a vision the other day, I saw him and he said, "bobby, I'm sorry". No appology is owed me, I want to see all go to heaven. As I was typing this, I saw a Man in a vision that had brown hair and beard and He said, "I laugh". Jesus will laugh at your calamity. He more or less said that the visions were not from God, but, the devil. I was asking Jesus about one of the daughters of the winters and I saw a woman that looked like her and she said, "hell". In other visions he said things like, "bobby, I blasphemed", "keep my prophecy down", "given a heart attack", "is bobby a backstabber", "commit adultery", I sold it", "sold". While praying on 6-1-2005-I said something like, :Lord, cast out devils through me", and I saw pastor winters in a vision and he said, "thats what you need". I saw a man that looked like donald winters on 6-2-2005 in a visions and he said things like, "I committed adultery", I'm just adulterer", "I'm naked", "away from bobby".
(156)hated for the visions and dreams Jesus gives me-vision received 5-30-2005-In this vision, I saw my former pastor and he said, "they hate you".
(157)you can loose out with God-visions received 5-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a man that looked like nathaniel urshan and he said, "I lost my ability".
(158)donald winters-visions received 5-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like donald winters and he said things like, "I have to many bills", "I've got bills", "I like money", "I've got material", "cause I put money first". I have a "w" written down which may stand for winters and it may stand for woman or something else, but, here are the visions, "I ain't Christian", "I'm an adulterer", "I went to judgment", "I use to be apostolic". I saw his wife in a vision and she said something like very first and angrily, "put him in hell". I just saw sister winters in visions and she said things like, "adultery", "commited adultery". This is LOVING THE WOLRD!!
(159)at Gods disposal-visions receieved 5-31-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor donald winters of westide pentecostal church and he said things like, "will you worship me", "heart attack", "please help us", "I blasphemed", "I'm a backslider", "I sold", "witness closed", "in adultery".
(160)cal pierce-visions recieved 6-2005-IN visions, I saw a man that looked exactly like cal pierce of healing room ministries and he said things like, "tell me I'm a backslider", "tell me I'm financial", "I like material", "I'm decieving", "I accepted", I committed blasphemy", etc. I not coming against him, I telling what I saw, and there were many more.
(161)called-vision received 6-13-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said something like, "someone wabnts you on the telephone", and I saw a man that looked like donald winters in a vision and he said, "I called", "that hurts". In on vision he said something like, "I hear you have a bunch of money".
(162)henry gruver-visions received 6-3-2005-In visions, I saw like the white spirit of a man that looked like henry gruver, and sometimes he looked just like him and he said things like, "I'm financial", "don't loose bobby", "I'm an adulterer", "that devil", "satan got loose", etc.
(163)reverend johnathon hansen-visions received 6-3-2005-In about three visions, I saw a man that looked exactly like the reverend johnathan hansen and he said, "tell me I'm financial". In another one very quickly, I saw a man that looked like pastor hansen and he said, "I perished".
(164)pastor delbert spall-vision received 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor delbert spall or reverend spall and he said, "I'm heade to goshen". I don't recall meeting pastor spall, and cast no judgment.
(165)henry gruver-vision recieved 6-4-2005-In this vision, I saw a man or white spirit that looked and sounded like henry gruver and he said, "I want your wallet". I met henry gruver briefly and I know the visions he tells came from the Holy Ghost and I have told some.
(166)stinks-visions recieved 6-4-2005-In visions, I saw pastor winters and he said, "come help us", "help". I saw a Man in a vision with brown hair and beard and He said, "he stinks".
(168)offended-vision received 6-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like donald winters of west side pentecostal church in indianapolis and he said things like, "I got offended", "is that the truth", and "I wanted material", "embarras him".
(169)If God asks you to do something, He will make a way-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like henry gruver and he said, "who's paying for this".
(170)ought to obey God rather than man-vision received 6-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like donald winters and he said, "bob, take it off". I saw him in another vision and he said something like, "I'll embarras you". I just saw him again and he said, "financial". In another vision he let me know he lost IT. I just saw him in two more visions and he said, "witch", and something else. And lastly I saw a man that looked like upci pastor donald winters and he said things like, "I'm gitting hurt", "I want religion", "we laugh", "I'll plant you", "I'm a witch", "that's him", "religion", "I like religion", "I'm in adutery", "we hate you".
(171)visions of a female looking spirit-visions received 6-8-2005-In visions, I saw a spirt and she said things like, "total wreck", "call me a wreck". In one she looked like a white spirit and she said, "O'h my God". THis spirit looked like a woman, and I bleive in one vision said when I asked who she was, she said, "hollie". I've seen this spirit in many visions and she said things like, "I accepted", "because of gary". I seen this spirit a pure with form once and she I believe was screaming from hell and she said something like, "how did this happen to me". This spirit at times I bleive had identified itself as a certain woman, but, could have been lying. I also want to say that, I'm not coming against the real hollie moody and maybe this is just a spirit that call itself by that name. I personally believe the real woman is a child of the King. I just saw a simliar woman in a visions and she said, "I hate you", "call me a witch", "embarras him". In one a while back and I'm going by memory, I beleive I saw the spirit in a vision and I heard something like, "hollie moody is proud". I may have seen her and she said it, but, I believe I saw her and heard it. I belive we all have spirits that look like we do. The visions are acurate, but, the may be of some spirit that is lying calling itself by this name. I've seen so many, and was very unwilling to post, or posted and removed, because I fear the real hollie moody, and hope what I saw was another hollie moody. In more visions, I saw that spirit or other spirits like her in color and that I believe was the same and she said things like, "I'm financial", "bob,I hate you", "get me out of hell", "cause I have a pastor". Once again, it is hard for me to beleive the real hollie moody fell, so I will just say that these are female spirits that have identified themselves by that name. I believe they all have told their names. I'm not coming against the real hollie moody, I'm recording what I saw. In one vision, the spirit said something like, "Moody". As I was driving, I saw a woman in a vision and it was a color vision and she said something like, "don't come against hollie moody". I was praying in the van and asking Jesus something like if He wanted me to take the hollie moodie visions off and I saw a Man in a vision that was an Angel. His Skin was White and He was dressed like a man and HE said something like, "the hollie moody visions are on". Just the other day, I saw this female spirit which sometimes is in color, sometimes black and white, but, similar to her animation that used to be on her website and she said about 3 times over and over again, "you blasphemed the Holy Ghost when you blasphemed hollie moody". I don't believe I have ever spoke a bad word about her. If I have, please forgive. I just saw a Man in a vision that had brown hair and beard and He said, "let it go bob". Gladly! I would kill this page, or atleast take names back off if Jesus would allow. I would sometimes name people, but, The LORD let me to know to name persons. I did want to include names other than the ones I did, but, I needed Gods approval, and finally got it. I sometimes regret that now. In another vision, I saw like an animation or spirit that looks like hollie moody and she said, and I believe it was her that spoke and she said, "leave Hollie off the website". I want to, but, have to obey God. Maybe Jesus will let me take them off, and keep in mind, these are spirits. I saw a spirit in visions on 6-19-2005-and the spirit said things like, "I'm hollie", "I'm reprobate", "I'm a witch", "hollie", "orgy".(I believe these were all the same-it's almost impossible for me to beleive that this is the real woman-I separate the two as two different beings) In visions received on 6-24-2005-While inquiring about hollie, I saw two visions of woman that looked like her, but, I don't know if they were or not. In one she screamed, "help", and in the other she said, "I lust". In more visions, I saw the spirit and she said things like, "your false", "I got offended", "cot off", "hollie backslid", "in hell", "I want money". This is not personal opinion or belief, just what I saw.
(170)lots of apostolic pentecostal church service I've been to are nothing but carnal lectures-vision recieved 6-9-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like donald winters of westside pentecostal church in indianapolis on ohio street, and I believe he said, "lecture". I just saw him a again and he said, "thats me". When The Anointing gets stripped away a preacher really does not have anything or almost nothing, and it is probably just going to be a carnal lecture, or a comedy service. Apostolic pentecostal comedy hour. If we do not walk worthy of our calling, we should probably step down.
(171)man-visions recieved 6-9-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like thomas s. gibson and he said things like, "cut me off", "I'm financial", "thats all right, I only need the password. I have seen a person that looked like him and he said, "adultery", "tell me I'm in adultery".
(172)pride will bring you down-visions received 6-2005-In visions, I saw two people and one looked like henry gruver and one looked like hollie moody and it seemed to me that they both implied that nothing can stop them now. I wrote what the one who looked like henry said, "nothing can stop me", "bobby, I'm cut off". Don't ever tempt the Lord. If you do, quickly repent. Jesus knows how to bring you down.
(173)visions of hollie moody-visions recieved 6-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like hollie moody and she said things like, "cut me off", "financial", "I'm financial". In other visions, I saw her and she let me know she was cut off. In another she said something like, "tell me not to read it". There were more, and since it is hard for me to relate the servant hollie moody to the one I see in these visions, please don't read them mrs. moody. I would not hurt the real hollie moody for all the money in the world. I just saw the vision of the spirit again and it was in color and she said, "stay away from bobby". Do what Jesus leads you to do.
(174)visions of a female spirit-visions recieved 6-11-2005-In visions, I saw a female spirit that looked like woman and she said things like, "my name is hollie moody", "embarras me", "embarrasing me","embarrasing", "religion"(religion is not being led by the Holy Ghost), "maybe I'll repent"(I beleive this one was for her. I have a line pointing to it). While praying, I heard, "hollie moody" and I saw a woman that looked like her in a vision and she said, "accept bobby". In another vision where I once again have a line pointing down and I believe this was her, she said, "you got cut off, but, I'm not". I just saw her again and she said, "bob, that hurt". I'm not trying to hurt anyone, and did not want to post anything bad about her, and am not even sure that this her. Thats why I said, "looked like". I hope it is just a spirit that claims to be her, and is really not. One thing I know is, you can make a mistake, and blow it, but, Jesus is still the FATHER OF MERCIES. He delights in MERCY. KNOCK VERY HARD ON HIS DOOR UNTIL! I was told in a vision not long ago by a man that visions of her would not stop until I post. I believe I posted those and maybe removed them again. In others I saw her and she said things like, "adultery", "already cut me off", "no prophecy", "pray for me".
(175)I'm right here-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor donald winters of westside pentecostal church and he said something like, "bobby in hell".
(176)I'm posting what Jesus gives me, not what I think-visions received 6-11-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like hollie moody and she said, "I'm in hell bobby", "bobby hurt me". In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "hollie moody's cut off". In a vision recieved on 6-18-2005-I saw this female spirit again and she said something like, "I been cut off".
(177)laughing-vision received 6-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor terry cannon of heavenly life apostolic tabernacle and he was laughing.
(178)support me-vision recieved 6-12-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor winters of westside pentecostal church and he said, "support me".
(179)can't take it off-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man whose name is on he and he said, "take it off bob". the site would be better and I feel the visions are more powerful without names, and I took most off if not all, but, I was made to put it back. Pray. Jesus can instruct me.
(180)sold-vision recieved 6-12-2005-In this vision, I saw like this female spirit that looked like hollie moody and she said, "I sold it". I may have seen her in visions and she said things like, "witness closed", "let it close", and maybe even pleas for help. I pleaded with Jesus to let me take the visions of the woman or spirit that looked like hollie moody and identified herself by that name off, but, he would not budge. I determined in my heart to make the words on this page the same color as the background or take them off period when I got the computer today, but, somehow Jesus has changed my mind. I want to help. I wish Jesus would send me to everyone of these people and sayd the prayer that He would recognize or pray and fast with them so restoration can occur. You might think I'm unconcerned, but, that ain't true. I saw that female spirit again in a visions and she said, "you can't", "I'm real sorry", "take me off, please". Jesus can do the impossible. Jesus can do what He wants.
(181)visions with the winters of westside pentecostal church in indianapolis-visions recieved 6-2005-In visions, I saw different people that looked like the pastor, wife, and daughter of the pastor that go to westside pentecostal church. I saw a man that looked like pastor winters and he said things like, "make me embarrassed", "control", and I saw sister a woman that looked like winters and she said, "need your money". IN on vision by night, I seemed to feel like I was at service at the church and a woman that lookes like the daughter of pastor donald winters walks to me and says soemthing like, "I heard you have visions and you can better than them", and I said something like back to her, "there is one thing that they didn't say and that is love and I'm here to show it to them". Them being donald winters and his wife and all of westside pentecostal church. Jesus loaded up the apostle paul and paul desired to impart Spiritual gifts and I'm the same way mainly for the edification of the church. I bring help with me. Jesus has give me things, and requires me to share and I do. I saw pastor winters in a vision and he said, "take his problems". In a vision received 6-18-2005-I beleive I saw a man that looked like donald winters and he said, "come and worship me".
(182)kent gray-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor kent gray of antioch apostolic church and he said, "your apostolic", and I heard, "100 percent".
(183)henry gruver-visions recieved 6-2005-In visions, I saw I saw man that looked like henry gruver and he said things like, "need my money", "devil gave me a heart attack", "He allowed you", your jelous".
(184)emabarrased-vision recieved 6-14-2005-In this vision, I believe I saw a man that looked like donald winters and he said, "embarras me". I will most likely not say anything bad about him with my mouth, but, I believe all these visions.
(185)the winters of westside pentecostal church-visions recieved 6-2005-In visions, I saw people that looked like the winters family at westside pentecostal church. The one that looked like pastor winters said, "put me first", "we need material", "I love material". The one that looked like the wife, sister winters said, "I left", "we need in you wallet", and the one that looked like the son, donny, or donnie said, "cut off". I saw a man that looked like pastor winters in another vision and he said, "I'm financial", "I took advantage".
(186)wanting your money-vision recieved 6-14-2005-While walking, I saw a man in a vision that looked like pastor jerry vanlue at danville apostolic church and he said something like, "we want in your wallet". In other visions, I saw donald winters and he said things like, "I sold", "somebody told us", "thats the devil", "I think it's funny", "blasphemer", "HE's going to take me home". I saw sister winters in a vision and she said, "now we got to close", and maybe, "please pass". I beleive saw one of the daughters in a vision and she said, "lets hide".
(187)tom heward-vision received 6-2005-I was thinking on tom heward and I I saw a man in a vision that may have been him and he said, "cut off".
(188)visions of a woman pastor-visions recieved 6-2005-In these visions, I saw a woman that looked like this woman pastor and I don't know her name and she said things like, "I'm the devil", "stay away from him".
(189)pastor kent r. gray-visions recieved 6-2005-IN visions, I saw a man that looked like kent r. gray, pastor of antioch, the apostolic church in indianapolis(name of church may be wrong) and he said, "I was apostolic at one time", "I'm going to the lake".
(190)wanted man-vision received 6-18-2005-While praying, I heard, "your wanted on the phone". I may have seen a Man with brown Hair say it. I asked who wanted me, and I saw a man that looked like pastor william harris of victory tabernacle apostolic faith church and he said angrily, "me".
(191)visions of a woman pastor-visions recieved 6-19-2005-In visions, which I believe were all the same woman pastor, she said things like, "I'm going to embarras you"(Jesus let me run into two people from the church over the weekend), "I'm going to get you", "come and play my game", "cut off".
(192)if your message is not from the Holy Ghost, its probably just a common sense carnal lecture-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that looked like this pastor and it may have been a woman and she said, 'I don't know anything".
(193)rejected for Jesus-vision recieved 6-19-2005-In this vision, I saw this woman that I believe is a female pastor or actiong pastor and she said something like, "I won't have him". I've been to most of these churches, and one thing I regret right now is that I did not shake the dust of my feet when I left them. Did not our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ command this. I will shake my feet right now in Jesus name.
(194)the winters-visions recieved 6-20-3005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor winters and he said, "were financial", "everything financial", "blew it", "were laughing", "there laughing at me". I saw a man that looked like sister winters in a vision and she said things like, "lost the Spirit", "don't come anywhere near us".
(195)united pentecostal church international-visions recieved 6-21-2005-In a vision, I believe I saw the words, "kenneth haney", and I saw a man that looked like kenneth f. haney who is general superintendant of united pentecostal church international and he said things like, "your false", "were praying". That organization probably should b ethe most powerful organization on earth, but is it? U.p.c.i. has the TRUTH and KNOWS it, but, do they do it? Where is th fruit? The only signs I usally see coming from people are the signs sinners can duplicate. If upci wants me to come and preach revival and its the Lords will, my guess is they will never be the same. I feel ELECTRICITY flowin on my head now. It's the Holy Ghost. I saw this coming to me once in a vision. It feels like ELECTRICITY, but, It looks like the BRIGHTEST Pure WHITE LIGHT COMING TO YOU. Praise Jesus! He can still take time out of His schedule to come to you. YOu want revival U.P.C.I.?
(196)I may have seen billy graham in a vision-vision recieved 6-20-2005-I was talking to Jesus about billy graham and asking a question, and i very quickly saw a man in a vision that may have been billy graham and he very quickly and a little possibly agitated said something like, "gimme that money". He's near his end of the line in this life and he knows it. I believe from what I just read, he believes he will make it to heaven and I'm sure not going to stand in front of the door to keep him out or stop him, but, is he going to heaven? In another vision recieved on 6-23-2005-I believe I saw a man that looked like billy graham and he said, "I'm going to hell".
(197)visions of billy graham-visions recieved 6-24-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like billy graham and he said things like, "you know", "lost my talent", "blew it", "bob, have fun", "my witness has been cut off", "religion". I asked Jesus why he preache and I saw him again in visions and he said, "money", "for riches".
(198)cless barger-visions recieved 6-24-2005-In a vision, I saw a man that looked like cless barger and he said things like, "I'm in hell".
(199)pastor william harris-vision recieved 6-24-2005-In a vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor william harris of victory apostolic faith church in indianapolis and he said, "we hunt you".
(200)trying to leave things in Gods Hands-vision recieved 6-25-2005-I recently ran into a man and woman that goes to westside pentecostal church and witnessed much to them and invited them to the website. I did not say anything bad about brother winters or anybody that goes there that I know of. I saw a man that looked like pastor donald winters in a vision and he said, "bobby didn't say nothing". There may have been more, like, "you mean bobby didn't say nothing", the paper I wrote the visions on is torn in at least three pieces and one is missing. I would like to preach revival at westside pentecostal church. I'm not really in the running down business. I want to look at what someboedy can become in Christ Jesus instead of where they are at now. In another vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor winters and he said something like, "take them off". I ought to obey God rather than man.
(201)dwight l. hardin-visions recieved 6-26-2005-In a vision, I saw the words and may have even heard, "dwight hardin", and I saw a man that looked like pastor dwight hardin of pine grove pentecostal assembly in bloomington, indiana in visions and he, "hell", "billfold".
(202)pastor delbert spall-vision recieved 6-26-2005-In this vision I saw a man that looked like pastor delbert spall, former pastor of westside pentecostal church, and he said, 'hell'.
(203)perry smith-visions recieved 6-26-2005-In a vision, I saw a man that looked like perry smith and he was sitting on something and dressed in normal clothes, but, his skin and hair was pure white like they were lit up. I heard, "thats perry".
(204)amy grant-visions received 6-26-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like amy grant and she said things like, "I'm naked", "I'm going to hell".
(205)evangelist billy graham-visions recieved 6-26-2005-In a vision, I saw the name, "Billy", and I heard it as well, and I saw billy graham in a vision and he said, "dead", "I lost my job". In another one it seems like I saw him and he said, "I can't pay my bills".
(206)kirk franklin-vision received 6-27-2005-In this vsiion, I saw a man that looked dexactly like kirk franklin and he said, "I'm naked". That means no Holy Ghost.
(207)perry smith-vision received 6-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked exactly like perry smith and he said soemthing like, "them are words bobby. I believe I jsut saw wife birtie in two visions and she said, "cut off".
(208)Jesus showed me in visions MYSTERY, BABYLON is america-vision recieved 6-27-2005-I was asking Jesus something like, who does irving baxter jr., think MYSTERY, BABYLON is, and I saw a man that looked like him in a vision and he said, "rome". Lots of people guess or was taught, I was shown in visions and dreams and.
(209)ought to obey God rather than men-visions recieved 6-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor alan browning of greather life apostolic church in middletown, kentucky, or maybe lousiville, kentucky and he said things like, "leave me alone"(he shouted this like he was afaid), "take your vision". In a series of visions, which may have been one long one, He was screaming, and he may have appeared like a white spirit in these and he was saying, "help me", "please help me". I felt like he was screaming from hell. I beleive I saw the man that preached at his church in 6-26-2005-in a vision and he said, "don't miss the footline". Does that mean that possibly the sermon was studied and prepared and possibly practiced instead of seeking the face of God for a message from the Holy Ghost? I beleive I did tell pastor browning that I was going to post a vision on tomorrow of him or something like that, but, more came. I told pastor browning something like Jesus showed me in a vision that louisville was going to be taken out by a nuclear missile. Instead of letting me tell the church, they all went to a chili type supper
(210)another rebel in the pulpit-vision recieved 6-27-2005-I was thinking on a pastor in carmel, indiana, Randy J. Wardwell, and I believe it was the pastor of carmel apostolic church, which is with upci, and I saw a man that I believe was the pastor and he said, 'I'm a witch". In another he said something like, "I fell"..
(211)bishop horace e. smith-presiding bishop-visions recieved 6-28-2005-In visions, I saw a man who looked like bishop horace e. smith-presiding bishop of pentecostal assemblies of the world and he said things like, "I blew", "come to my house", "lost my talent", "now that I know", "I'm going to hell", etc. In another vision, I saw a man who looked like bishop horace e. smith-presiding bishop cursed God. I saw a man who looked like bishop horace e. smith-presiding bishop in one vision and I only saw his face and it was screaming. I felt like he perished.
(212)pastor g. alan browning-visions recieved 6-28-2005-In vision, I saw a man who looked like pastor alan browning who is pastor of greater life apostolic church with upci and he said, "take your visions". I told this pastor in person something like God showed me louisville was going to be destroyed by a nuclear missile. the church at that point was dismissed to go to a possible chili supper in another part of the church. I told others before I left and even left the website and or address to it. I saw him in another vision and he said, "I'll call the police".
(213)visions of kenneth haney, general superintendent of united pentecostal church international-visions recieved 6-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like of kenneth haney, general superintendent of united pentecostal church international and he said things like, "cut off", "thats the message". I saw him in a vision while driving the other day and I forget what he said, but, he knows.
(214)what has happened to the apostolic pentecostal church-visions recieved 6-28-2005-I saw in visions the two leaders of the two biggest pentecostal church organizations that exist. That is, united petecostal church international and pentecostal assemblies of the world. One said things like this in visions, "I'm a witch", "take your money", "forgive me of sinning". This one looked like u.p.c.i. general superintendent kenneth haney. The other said things like, "I'm saying something", "now, I'm against you", "words", "witch", I'm listening". This one looked like the presiding bishop over pentecostal assemblies of the world, bishop horace e. smith. I asked Jesus what was wrong with pentecostal assemblies of the world and I saw a man that looked like bishop smith in a vision and he said, "me". I just saw a Man in a vision and He said, "there fallen".
(214)need to be told by Jesus-vision recieved 6-28-2005-In this vision, I saw presiding bishop of pentecostal assemblies of the world, horace e. smith and he said, "call me". I'd love to talk with him, but, Jesus knows what would happen, so I need to be told by Him and led. I want to peronally see upci and world pentecostal assemblies on fire for Jesus. I just saw bishop horace e. smith in a vision and he said, "it's just a show". I believe Lots of consistent prayer can turn the show into the book of THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES re-lived.
(215)horace e. smith-visions recieved 6-28-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like bishop horace e. smith and he said things like, "you know I'm cut off", "cut off", "snake", "financial", "I'm naked", "I'm financial", "missionary", "ain't pentecostal", "I ain't going to listen", "your chosen", "pudding".
(216)bishop leonard scott-visions received 6-28-2005-In visions, I saw dr. leonard scott of tyscot records and he said things like, "it's out"(meaning the warning that I give people), "we need help", "I'm financial", "we need to find him", etc.. I saw a man in other visions and he said things like, "I'm cut off", "need your billfold". That may have been dr. leonard scott, but, I'm not sure. I saw him again on 6-29 and he said, "lost".
(217)g. alan browning-vision recieved 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a man who looked like pastor alan browning of greater life apostolic church in louisville, kentucky or middletown, kentucky, and he said, "save me", "stay away from me".
(218)donny winters-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like donny joe winter of westside pentecostal church and he said, "witch". His name may be spelled donnny winters.
(219)chuck sinnesaw-visions received 6-29-2005-While praying, I saw a woman and she said, "it's brother sinnesaw", and I saw a man that looked like brother sinnesaw in visions and he said things like, "help me", "need more mercy", "tell Jesus", "help me", "don't tell me that", "witch", "I'm not a witch". I believe these were all brother sinnesaw. I beleive Brother chuck sinnesaw has pastored, assisstant pastored, done much work on westside pentecostal church and things I don't know about. I just heard and may have saw who said it something like, 'lift him up'. I'm not exalting, just giving credit were credit is due.
(220)kenneth haney-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like kenneth f. haney, who is general superintendent at united pentecostal church international and he said, "got my money".
(221)pastor jerry brown-I heard while praying, "your wanted before pastor jerry brown". The only jerry brown I knew was the former pastor of bethesda temple apotolic faith church, but he is dead now. I saw a man in visions and he said, "pay my bill", "job", etc. I may go onto google and type in pastor jerry brown and see if there are other ones.
(222)witches are rebels-vision recieved 6-29-2005-In this vision, I believe I just saw the very young man sitting next to me and he said, 'i'm a witch". I would not think that he is accountable yet.
(223)wanting money-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw this pastor whose church I preached at and he said, "were financial".
(224)tommy tenney-visions received 6-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like tommy tenney of the Godchasers and he said things like, "shut me down", "backslide", "cut off", "I'm an adulterer". Ine one vision, I beleive I saw the name, "tommy tenney", and I saw a man that looks like tommy tenney in visions and he said, "fill out a police report", "I'm the one that matters", "you should have wrote me", "I committed adultery", "call me a witch", "publish", "closed".
(224)the Lord can shut you down-visions received 6-30-2005-In visions, I may have saw this like animated woman and she said things like, "show", "the Lord shut me off".
(225)william l. harris-visions received 7-1-2005 and 6-30-2005-In visions, I saw pastor william l. harris of victory temple apostolic faith church and he said things like, "bobbys my friend", "you can tell he's a prophet", "I committed adulter", "I'm in adultery", "I laugh", "I forgive you", "I'm mad at Jesus", "I blaspheme".
(226)thomas s. gibson-visions received 7-1-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked similar to thomas s. gibson, and he said things like, "I can't see", "I take money", "cut me off", Then I saw the letter, "c" which stands for, "cut". I was not going to write it, but, Jesus showed me to write it. I don't want to write anything about him. In other visions I saw him and he said things like, "git me out of trouble"(I interceded and expect-can feel the Holy Ghost right now), "let me take your wallet", "send me a million dollars", "prophet, you need hair", "how come you acted young"(maybe needed more experience I suppose-I'd like to fellowship with Thomas-I beleive he's a prophet), "stomach", "your doing it"(this may mean help is on the way mr. gibson, my friend), "on again"(looky there-praise Jesus). I beleive I saw him in others and he said things like, "off again", "on again", "write me". I believe these were all the same and the man looked like thomas s. gibson.
(227)speak harder-vision received 7-1-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that I believe is a pastor and he said, "speak a little harder".
(228)louisville-vision received 7-1-2005-While praying, I heard, "louisville", and then I heard or saw Somebody say, "no louisville", and I saw pastor alan browning of greater life apostolic church and he said, "it'll be just like it was". I told pastor browning some of what Jesus showed me in visions, and the church worked thier way to a chili like supper in another part of the church.
(229)vision about westside pentecostal church in indianapolis, indiana on ohio street which is part of u.p.c.i.-vision received 7-1-2005-In this vision, I'm in like a store and I see a woman working there that I recognized from westside pentecostal church and she is very busy and I talk to her and say like I asked her about about westside, "how are things at westside", and she says something like, "we were taught about the end times", and I told her something like, "thats what ministryofdreams is. A Christian warning ministry for the end times", and she was working and I wanted to tell her visions and waited for her to free up, but she did not. I saw her in visions and she said things like, "cut off", "westside is dead". I saw a man that looked like pastor donald winters in visions and he said, "I'm finished", "get in your wallet", "cut me off". I saw a woman that looked like sister winters in a vision and she said something like, "we committed adaltery". Thats usally loving the world and the things in the world. I just saw her in another vision and she said, "yes", "left".
(230)revelations-visions received 7-1-2005-In visions, I saw a man and he said said things like, "I'm in adultery", "the lake", "sue you".
(231)apostolic tabernacle scott sparks -visions received 7-2005-I went to shelbyville apostolic tabernacle on 7-1-2005, and driving down, I saw a young man with dark hair in visions and he said things like, "he's back", "we want material", "we need money", "we need material", "stay away from us", "I'm cut off", etc. I believe these were all him, it is possible since I did not put who he was, I got some mixed up. When the service opened up, there was a young man with dark hair just like the one I saw running the service. I believe he was the son and law of the pastor. I saw other people in visions there and they said things like, "I've been cut off", "I cut off". The man who did the preaching that night let me know in a vision that he was cut off as well. I saw a woman there in a vision and she said soemthing like, "I need a touch in my body". I saw others. Jesus usally gives me many visions while I'm there. I prayed at the alter and I sttod and prayed and I had a vision and I saw a Golden Hand the color of fire and It had It's Thumb up. I saw a man there in many visions, but in two he said, "He loves you". He also said in others, things like, "come witness". I saw the man who may be a maintenance type man and may live on the property, and he said, "embarras". In a vision I saw me and I may have been pointing and I was talking to him and I said something like, "the Lord showed me you are cut off". He let me know he was cut off in vision or visions. In a vision while walking away from the alter, I saw the word, "single", or "stay single", and I beleive I heard them spoke". I think I even saw the man who opened up the service which I saw in visions driving down and even while there and he said something like telling me not to talk there. Too late. I did what I wanted. I told the whole church something like Jesus showed me russia was going to lead an allout attack on america. stay away from apostolic tabernacle in shelbyville, indiana-visions received 7-2005-While praying, I heard, "shelbyville", and I saw a man that goes there and he said something like, "stay away from us". I may have seen him in other visions and he said things like, "your the devil", "you be quiet". I believe this was the man who ran the service on 7-1-2005. I beleive I saw a man who goes there, who may live on the property and he said, "embarras". I saw me in a vision and I said something like, "the Lord showed me you are cut off". I may have been pointing. There were other visions. I did not see one good vision about any body at apostolic tabernacle in shelbyville, indiana.
(232)united pentecostal church international-vision recieved 7-2-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "united pentecostal church international". I believe as I was typing this in, I saw in a vision a man that looked like united pentecostal church international general superintendent kenneth f. haney and he said, "were cut off".
(233)dr. dan bohler-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like dr. dan bohler and he said things like, "heart", "religion", "you need the right Spirit", "I'm cut off", "I've been cut off", "go to phone", "put him back on", "put me to an open shame", "you know how I blew", "now I hate you", "I want you to support me", "i fell, "not serious", "he's going to hell", "I want visions", "I almost sold me". I may have seen me or somebody else in a vision and here is what was said, "hope he doesn't". In other visions, I saw a man that looked like bohler and he said, "just let them know", I knew Him", "I", "I got fired". In one, I may have seen him and he said, "on". This may have been reffering to me. I want to be on and not off. In others he said, "I'm in hell", "dummy", and after this, I saw the word, "dum", appear, and Jesus was letting me know to write that one. In others he said, "I'll try not to walk with ya", "I'll try not", "that broke my heart". I asked Jesus, "Lord, will You restore Him", and here is what was spoken back to me, "if HE will walk upright". What an offer to Dr. Dan Bohler from Jesus. This is dr. dan bohler of prophetic end time watchman. I also saw him in a vision and he said something like, "it's a curse", and this may have been referring to a letter he may send me which I was warned about. I believe He is going to get another chance, because I interceded much. Use it wisey. Stay humble. Watch what you say with you mouth.
(234)pastor g. alan browning-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor alan browning of greater life apostolic church in kentucky and he said things like, "come to louisville", "come and blaspheme", "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "I'm lost bob", "hell". I believe in one he said , "I'm God".
(235)pastor kent jordan at Christian tabernacle apostolic church-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor kent jordan at Christian tabernacle apostolic church in indianapolis. I heard his name called while praying, "Jordan", and may have seen him and in visions he said things like, "I blasphemed", "I had a vision", "miss your car".
(236)larry spall-visions received 7-3-2005-While praying, I heard, "larry", and may have seen him. He is the sibbling of former pastor spall of westside pentecostal church. In the vision, I saw larry and he said, "I fell". Larry is a very nice man. I remember he had a vision and pastor daonald winters let him preach the service. I'm not coming against nobody, and want revival and restoration. You must want it to.
(237)Light in the mist of the darkness-vision received 7-3-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like dumitru duduman and he said things like, "saved", "debbie committed suicide", "go see stan johnson". THis is the false pastor page, and on it I will include this true Light for Jesus Christ. Look what the Holy Ghost did thru dumitru duduman. His testimony is more powerful with him dead than it was with him alive. As far as me going to the prophecy club. Thats not being allowed.
(238)diana hughey at artdizions-visions received 7-3-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like daina hughey at artdizions, and she said things like, "I'm a witch", "I fell into a trap", "I want it off". In another vision she said something like, "liar". If I lied to you diana, I apologize and ask your forgiveness. The only thing I can think of is I told her something like i was not allowed to have any links on my website to other peoples websites. Atleast once, I linked up to a page that had my link on it. I took the link off. I don't think the webpage was in search engines yet. In another vision diana said, "you fell into a trap", "your false", "were all cut off". Jesus warned me, but, I did not listen to His Sweet voice. I believe I saw her in other visions and she said things like, "trap", "please", "prophet is done", "your in danger here", "leave prophet alone". I'm posting these just about as I get them. There were more, but, that is enough. I may have told her also something along the lines that I would pay for the money she payed for, but, that may have been based on the deal we had. If she surrenders it to me, if Jesus lets me, I'll send her something. In other visions, I saw her and she said things like, "I'm loosing everything", "I'm cut off", "I blasphemed", "I blasphemed bobby", "tell it", etc. In one of 7-4, she said something like, "keep my money".
(239)interceding for dr. dan bohler-visions received 7-2005-I saw a man that looked like dr. dan bohler in visions and he said things like, "witch"(I should have recorded details with this-I'm not sure who he is referring to), "your a witch", "now I blasphemed", "just pay my bills"(I have this in the cluster, but, I don't seem to remember it), "I blaspheme". I saw the word, "Done", and I beleive after I wrote it down, I saw a man in vision and he said, "me", and It may have been pastor dan bohler. I've been interceding for dan. I just saw a man that loooked like him in a vision and he said, "I'm cut off". I was praying to Jesus driving the van, and I received visions. finally I told Jesus something like, "you can do whatever you want to do", and I saw a man that looked like dr. dan bohler in a vision and he said something like, "put me back on". THere were many more visions. I saw a Man appear to me in a vision and He was a White color and I don't remember seeing His Face, but, He may have been pointing and He said something like, "embarras". In other visions, I saw him and he said things like, "adulterer", "my last time", "I took advantage".
(240)Christian tabernacle apostolic church-visions received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw this Man and I don't remember seeing His Face and He may have been wearing a White Robe that was lit up in places like a cloud and HE pointed and I saw a sign lite up that said on it, "Christian tabernacle", like the one at the church. He may have said, "jordan". I did not write enough details down. I saw a man that looked like pastor jordan in visions and he said things like, "apostolic", "I hate you", "be my boyfriend", "cut off"(just beleive I saw this one again), "hell".
(241)pastor terry cannon-visions received 7-4-2005-I heard while praying, "cannon", and maybe somebody said it, and I saw an man pastor terry cannon of heaveny life apostolic church in visions and he said things like, "you need to apologize"(pastor cannon-if I have wronged you or anybody in this world, i appologize and ask your forgiveness), "adultery".
(242)church of Jesus-visions received 7-2005-I got to visit the Church of Jesus with pastor hunt, and while I was at the service, I probably wrote down 40 visions give or take of things Jesus showed me about the people. I did not take the paper, but left it. I saw a man that looked like pastor hunt in visions and he said things like, "lets blaspheme", "come testify"(these were together of separate), I want my visions", "how'd you know that", ", "return", "I'm cut off"(had this vision in different ways many times), "record me"(here it is), "my money", "blaspheme", "we live in revival", etc. I believe these were all pastor hunt. I saw mayn people there and they said things like, "were cut off", "thats ridiculous", "thats wrong", etc.
(243)new day pentecostal church-visions received 7-2005-Briefly visited new day pentecostal church again on sunday. Saw the pastor in visions and he said things like, "return". So a woman that invited me that belongs to another church, whose church ws visiting that night and she said something like, "I hope he comes". The service started at about 5:00 pm. Many people showed up very late. We sang songs and prayer requests were taken. I warned the church about some things Jesus showed me during prayer requests. That means all those who showed up late missed it, and they needed to hear that warning, but, now may never. During testimony, the Holy Ghost came forth thru me like I can't imagine. I can't speak like that, not have Word like that ever came out of my mouth. Jesus must have tached another calling on me. I was preaching like was unimagineable. I think the church loved it. I was screaming and talking calmly, and moving around. It was exciting and I don't beleive it went to my head, cause I know it was not me. Anyway, here are some of the visions I received there, going there, away from there. I saw the pastor many times in visions and he said things like, "don't ever come back". While I was there, I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "promote me", "tell people". At hunts church, I saw Him and He said, "I'm Jesus", "I have it". At new day pentecostal church the people in visions said things like, "I'm cut off", "goshen"(that means hell), etc.
(243)wayne watson-vision recieved 7-4-2005-In this vision, I saw singer wayne watson and he said, "I'm lost".
(244)apostolic tabernacle-visions received 7-4-2005-I went to a prayer meeting at apostolic tabernacle in shelbyville, indiana, and I was told that it was cancelled because it was the holiday. I told the three woman in the car a vision. I saw a woman that looked like atleast on of the woman in visions and she said things like, "your the devil", "bobby, the Lord didn't send you", cut me off", "watch what you say". I saw a man in a vision and I felt he represented that church and he said something like, "were against Jesus".
(245)dr. dan bohler-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like dr. dan bohler and he said things like, "i love Jesus", "I might be coming back", etc.
(246)pastor hunt-visions received 7-5-2005-In a vision, I saw a Man and he said, "come", and I was asking to where, and In visions I saw a man that looked like pastor hunt of the church of Jesus and he said things like, "back here", "tell me i'm a witch".
(247)visions of hollie moody-vision received 7-5-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that sometimes looked like a real woman and sometimes looked like a animation. I post these vision reluctanly, not really wanting to, and I'm not sure who it was, even though she identified herself, the spirit that I saw could have been lying. She said things like, "I committed blaspheme", "blaspheme", "that's her name"(I don't remember who said that-this person could have been lying), "back"(this means coming back-just saw the animated version in a vision and she said, "I'm not"), "insult me", "my price", "bobbys my friend", "I'm not serious", "cut off", "put me first"(I didn't even want to write them down I think), "hell", "tell bobby to please help me"(I'm willing to drive where she lives and pray for her face to face if Jesus will allow), "lsot my talent", "I expected you", "I'm sorry", "I'm a backslider", "I'm hollie", "cause Gary"(I may have just seen a young man in a vision and he said something like, "tell me I'm a backslider"), "I'm lost", "I wanted religion", "He took my blaspheme off"( I beleive you can be forgiven-all things are possible with God), "I want children", "you know how I feel", my doctor told me I was pregnant", etc. They just keep coming. In one vision, I saw this beautiful young woman and she had brown hair and she was crying bitterly. Her face looked very sad. I don't know if this was the real person, and it is almost impossible for me to beleive that she fell like that. Jesus lets me see spirits and they lie. I'm not sure who this was, but, I'm posting as required by Jesus. I don't want to hurt nobody, but, help. I lastly saw that female spirit and she said, "you don't care", and I just had another vision. I'm willing to drive and join the real person and have a session on prayer and fasting for restorataion and whatever. It's not up to me. I'm available for it. I feel weepy right now. I want Jesus to send me to pray for people and for Him to honor that prayer and restore the person.
(248)the brownsville revival-vision recieved 7-5-2005-While sitting at the computer, looking at the brownsville church website, I saw a man that looked like one of the men in one of the pictures and he said, "why did he trust me". I looked for that picture again, but, could not find it. I found other pictures and it may have been pastor john kilpatrick. I don't think it was sr. pastor randy feldschau, although I thought I saw a man that looked like him in a vision and he said something like, "we perish".
(249)jeffrey johnson-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor jeffrey a. johnson of easter star church and jewell ministries and he said things like, "worship me", "lost", "embarras", "my house", "I'm a witch", "no visions", "my bill", etc.
(250)dr. dan bohler-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like dr. dan bohler and he said things like, "I care", "help", "my brother", "why'd I blaspheme", "false", "cause I committed blaspheme", "who'd I blaspheme", "my wallet", "I want my money back", "my will". I beleive these were all for him. Lastly I saw a man that looked like him and he said, "leave me alone".
(251)diana hughey-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw diana diana hughey and she said things like, "I blasphemed", "I'm burning"(saw and or heard), "burning in hell"(saw and or heard). In these visions, I saw a woman that looked like diana and she appeared like a white spirit and she said things like, "it's going to be my fault", "because I laugh", "I'm naked", "don't tell", "too late bobby", "I offended you" etc. In one visions, I saw the word, "artdizions", "promised", "I'm not", I'm a blasphemer", "I insulted", "I pissed you off". In one vision, I saw the word, "offended", and then I saw a woman that looked like diana hughey and she said things like, "I offended", "I use to be an apostle", "the rest of it", "I sold Him", I'm cut off"., "no chance", "I'm a witch", "witch". I saw in a vision a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and he said, "you knew". There were many more visions, and I beleive these are some, 'heart attack', "did I blapheme", "no", "unforgiven", "unforgiven", "too late", "it's over", "except for you", "I blaspheme". I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and He said something like, "you gave your word bobby". When is delivered to me with correct passwords, I will keep my word glady if the Lord wills. I just saw a Man with Brown Hair in a vision and He was laughing. I'm smiling as I type this. I saw a woman that looked like diana hughey in visions again and she said things like, "I didn't send it", "I'm sorry", "goshen, "in this one I think she laughed. In others I beleive she said, "hassle him", "adultery", "sue", "my attorney", "because witness won't write". I saw a woman as I was about to post these or after I started and she said something like, "have nothing to do with her".
(252)billy graham-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like evangelist billy graham and he said something like, "I feel like an empty person".
(253)pastor kent gray-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor kent gray and he said things like, "adultery", "you got in trouble"(I believe in a vision after saying this he laughed), "my wealth", "cut off", "don't tell anybody"(I can't remember ever speaking a bad word about mr. gray-If I have, I beg your forgiveness). I also have these and I think there were the same man and he said, "I need my wallet", "Lake". Kent gray is the pastor of antioch, the apostolic church, which is part of upci, united pentecostal church international.
(254)former pastor hunt-vision received 7-8-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like former pastor hunt of the church of Jesus in indianapolis, and he said, "I left". He died and now his son pastors I beleive. I may have just seen a man that looked like the son, pastor hunt and he said, "adultery".
(255)pastor kent jordan at Christian tabernacle apostolic church-vision received 7-9-2005-In a vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor jordan at Christian tabernacle apostolic church. Iheard while praying, "jordaN", and may have seen a man that looked like him and in the next vision he said, "tell bobby I blasphemed".
(256)the bible answer man-visions received 7-9-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like the bible answer man hank hanegraaf and and he said things like, "cut me off", "religion". religion is not led by the Holy Ghost. Thats basically doing what you want and calling that serving Jesus.
(257)morris Garsnett at apostolic bible church-visions received 7-9-2005-was driving by this church, I saw man that looked like morris Garsnett at apostolic bible church which is the church I was driving by and he said things like, "were all adulterers", "come and be with us". In one vision long ago, I saw a man that looked like morris and it looked like he was about to drink champaigne liquor. It was a glass in his hand and the color of the liquid in the glass was similar to beer.
(258)greentown faith apostolic lighthouse-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor william mouser at greentown faith apostolic lighthouse church and he said things like, "we want material", "git out of here", "financial", "passed", "advantage", "because I take advantage", "let me preach". I may have seen the young man that is related to him in a vision and he said something like, "were financial". In other visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor mouser and he said, "please help me", "I'm cut off", "too late", "yur the devil", "your a prophet". I beleive all these were a man that looked like pastor mouser.
(259)pastor dan bohler-visions received 7-10-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor dan bohler and he said things like, "I love Jesus", "you made me fall", "you fag, I doubt if you can understand that", "thats why I committed blaspheme", "I'm cut off because of him".
(260)bishop james e. daughtry -visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like bishop james e. daughtry at new testament apostolic church and he said things like, "it's true", "that's right", "I saw something", "put my name on", "tell my visions", "you just stay going", "have nothing to do with us", "I'm a millionaire", "I had no more searched", "adversary", "I'm just a show", "I'm in adultery", "fuck them visions", "prophet", "buy him", "you pastored", "I was saved", "bobby chosen", "no sensor", "it was on the telephone two days ago", "we want to hear from you", "worship me", "will you sit in the pulpit", "got enough reason", "100 backsliders", "follow me", "I like your money", "your imagining", "to late", "I'm out", "what is his reason"(I saw a Man in a vision with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "you made me a promise", I later heard, 'post', "I don't believe it", "we use our guidlines". In one vision he cursed God. I this vision, bishop, possibly at the door and said something like, "will be a 10 or 15000 people door". In one he said, "our revival", and he may have said, "bobby first". I believe all those were a man that looked like bishop daughtry. I saw his family in visions and they said things like, "don't bother us", "In the name of Jesus, write us a Word"(this was mother), "we want a vision"(this was daughter). I beleive all these were for new testament apostolic church. It is possible I got some others mixed in, but, I don't think so. There were many more, and they said things like, "we want your wallet", "we want him back", "want Jesus", "I'm in adultery", "adultery", "you not going to embarras me", etc. There were many more. A young man of about 24 was there and I saw a man that looked like him and he said things like, "chosen", "I'm moses". I asked Jesus what is coming to kokomo, indiana, and I saw a man in a vision and he said, "hit kokomo", and I was probably thing that destruction to Indianapolis from a nuclear missile from Russia fallout would take kokomo out, but, I asked something like, "does that man kokomo will take a direct hit or a warhead, and I saw a man in a vision I beleive when I said warhead and he said, "here". That probably means that a nuclear missile wil either dirctly hit kokomo, or hurl one of it's warheads there.
(261)Christ for to Nations-visions received 7-2005-IN visions, I saw a man that looked like the man that I think is pastor of Christ for the nations church delbert e. anderson and he said things like, "I'm cut off", "i repented", "he left", "thats what I want", "he's forgiven". THis was the older man at the church who ran the church and I looked like the man I beleive was pastor delbert e. anderson. He was black with gray hair and tall and sang beautifully, and was very nice. I was given many visions while I saw there while the service was going on. I wrote a lot of them down and gave them away. I beleive I just saw a man that goes to the church and he said, "adultery". I saw it while there and even told him. I saw the man who I believe was pastor in more visions and he said things like, "satan had me and thats you", "I know satan", "you need to come back and talk", "he was talking about me", "come around more", "is everybody against you", "your really needed", then I may have seen me in a vision and I said something like, "I told". I believe all these were that pastor. Lasly, I saw a man that looked like him and heard, "judgment". In a vision received about 7-2005-I saw pastor delbert or possible the word, "delbert", or your delbert", something like that, and I saw a man that looked like pasotr delbert in a vision and he said, "snitch", and then I saw a Man in a vision and He said, "you were embarrassing the preacher". I was telling falling church visions and judgement revelations there and more.
(262)sister rexford-visions received 7-11-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like sister rexford at westside apostolic church and she said things like, "left", "embarrasing", "quote me", "I blasphemed myself", "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "don't touch him", "let him", "I judged him", "I'm cut off", "I am", "will you accept", "lost", "you haunt me", "please don't laugh", "don't tell me", "witch", "whats bobby say", "I want that", "don't tell me I blaspheme", "blaspheme", me perish", "make me tremble", "went to hell". The real sister rexford remarried and her name may be different. I beleive all these were a woman that looked like sister rexford at westide pentecostal church. In other visions, I saw a woman that looked like sister rexford which I beleive is lillian rexford and she said things like, "bobby, your starting to show", "I'm cut off", "I had a choice", "need mercy", "you told me", "help me". I saw a Man in a vision that had Brown Hair and Beard and He said something like, 'not forgiven", and I saw a woman that looked like lillian and she said something like, "I'm not". In an lter vision, I saw a woman that looked like sister rexford and she said things like, "mess with me", "thats blaspheme".
(263)don't praise and worship man-vision received 7-11-2005-In this vision, I saw this pastor and I possibly saw this man maybe kneeling and he said something like, 'Lord Jesus Christ I worship you". You know there may be a spirit that follows people that cause othter to want to worship them like movie stars and musicians.
(264)kent jordan at Christian tabernacle apostolic church-vision received 7-15-2005-I heard while praying, "jordan", and I saw a man that looked like pastor jordan at Christian tabernacle apostolic church in indianapolis possibly on franklin road and he said something like, "waited on the judge and he refused to come back over".
(265)wallace vanslyke-visions received 7-15-2005-In a vision, I saw the word, "WALLACE", and I may have heard, "van slyke", and I saw a man that looked like pastor wallace vanslyke in a vision and he said something like, "He cut me off". This is the pastor of plainfield apostolic church in plainfield, Indiana. A city I have seen nuked in visions.
(266)dee finney-visions received 7-15-2005-I was asking Jesus about dee finney and I saw a woman in visions that may have been her and she said things like, "finney"(this is what she said), "he told", I'm in hell", "I committed blaspheme", "cause of you"(she may have pointed at me when she said this), "i'm decieving", "being decieved", "I'm a witch", "backstabber", "witness is right", "thats your Word", "please", "I'm a trap", "control", "secret", "hold my hand", "put me first", "hospital", "thats right", witness's right", "hide from hollie", "bobbys right", "tell on me", "prophet", "I'm off", "pray for debbie", "that hurt", "heart attack", "adultery". In many she was saying something that I did not write down, but, it was something like, "I blaspheme". I beleive all these were a woman that looked like dee finney. I was asking Jesus Jesus where she gets her visions and dreams. I received an answer on this the other day, but, I'll wait unilt I hear from Jesus on this. I found the name ministry of dreams on the website of dee finney, and she had it on article claiming back around 98. dee finney stole the name ministry of dreams and will release after being embarrassed.
(267)visions of sister rexford-visions recieved 7-15-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like sister rexford at westside pentecostal church in indianapolis and she said things like, 'adultery', 'cut off', "your going down", "you irritate", "cut off", "adultery", blaspheme". I may have seen her in other visions and she said things like, "your making me perish", "I lusted", "no prophet", "prophet wrong", "I got a secret", "your in adultery", "he wrong", "wrong", "let me close", "witness closed", "perish".(as I typed that in, I saw a Man in a vision with a Beard and He said, "no he didn't-I just saw another Man in a vision with Beard and He said, "don't take prophet"). I just saw the very dim face of somebody and they said, "go to hell". I believe this was a woman. For what it is worth, this saddens me. I just saw a like woman's face in a vision and she said, "let her close". Hard. She help me.
(268)visions of a Woman-vision received 7-15-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that I was witnessing two while I was with her and when I left. I saw a woman that looked like her quick into and she said, "adultery". After I left, I saw a woman that looked like her and she said something like, "my husband got me cut off". There were more visions. I prayed while there about her daughter and I was given many visions, some I shared with her. I saw the partial face of a young woman and she said, "adultery", and in one she let me know she was cut off". I heard something like, "don'say". She asked me about the possible dad of her kid or kids who may be about to get out of prision, and I saw a young man that I kind of described and she more or less said, "thats him". I believe he said, "adultery. This woman enjoyed talking to me so much, she let her bus go to catch the next one. She didn't seem to want to let me go and I would have stayed longer, but, twice I saw a Man in visions with a Beard and He said, "get out of here". I obeyed the second one. I had many visions when I left. I don't believe I wrote one down.
(269)blasphemy may be the number one killer of Christians-visions received 7-15-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like lillian rexford of westside pentecostal church in indianapolis on ohio street in stringtown and she said things like, "you know how I fell", 'i comitted blaspheme", "witness closed", "I comitted adultery". It seems like I saw her in a vision and she said something like, "who did I blaspheme", and she had maybe a tear in her eye as she said this, and I saw a Bearded Man in a vision and He said something like, "against bobby hickman" In another one she said, "let me go". One was you can commit blaspheme against the Holy Ghost is you can say something like, "thats not from God. Thats from the devil. You better be quiet. Its better to be quiet than wrong. You may not feel God in it because you have sin and He won't let you feel Him. Other reasons you might not feel God is, you don't beleive it", "your cut off", "God is testing you and has shut the Anointing off on the other person, or the person was not supposed to tell you any way. You are clearly told in the bible not to judge or condemn. Can Jesus forgive a person for blaspheme against the Holy Ghost? My bible tells me that all things are possible with God. Why should He forgive you? Show Him something.
(270)sister rexford visions-visions received 7-2005-in visions, I saw a woman that looked like sister rexford and she said things like, "leave me off", "I commit adultery", "O'h my God", "I had a choice", "how did I commit adultery", "I married", "thats his Word", "I hate you", "they told me", "they told me"(I asked who told her and I saw an all white man in a vision and he said something like, "you did"-I saw a woman that looked like sister rexford and she said, "I heard"), "how did I commit blaspheme", "I wanted control", "I feel it", "I won't", "bowells". I saw a man and woman that looked like her pastor and the pastors wife pastor donald winters and sister winters and the both said the same thing, "witch". I may have seen her in a vision and she said, "I listened to the devil". In other visions she said things like, "reject", "I perished", "got me jelous", "I want Jesus".
(271)thomas e. simison-visions received 7-16-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor thomas e. simison of the bible church. In a vision, I saw pastor simisons church and in visions, I saw a man that looked like thomas e simison and he said things like, "prophet", "tell me I'm rich", "I want my dick", "I can't find Him", "your interesting", "sunday school", "nows my last chance", "tell me your not", "why'd you embarras me", "embarras me", "prophecies open", "your not serious", "I need your Spirit", "come back"(I just saw a man that looked like him in a vision and he said, "please do", "respect"), "I want you", "satan", "come and be with us", "I won't go down", "blaspheme", "I give you some money under the table", "backstabber", "not", "I'm cut off", "embarras", look 37", "you devil", "I'll never forget", "you know what I found", "look to young", "I'm the devil", "you love me", "you ain't welcome", "I left", "hey bob", "He ain't going to let you"(this may be referring to visiting them again), "Power"(I asked Jesus why mr. simison preached), "he won't try to embarras me", "I'll erase you", "comitted blaspheme", "you know what I done", "I saw you at the drug house", "bob, you ain't Christian", "eat", "going to jail", "sorry", "go to westside to", "reprobate", "I'm going to embarras you", "went to hell", "you ain't gonna come bobby", "I won't accept you", "don't you know I'm a witch", "committ blaspheme", "I want you roasted", "shut off", "in control", "adultery", "nice", "you need arrested", "final stand", "how do we get out", "heart attack", "need you", "my bills", "hell", "foolin". In one, I saw a man that looked like pastor simison and he screamed, "somebody help me". I believe these all were a man that looked like pastor simison whom I never met, but, have seen.In another vision, I beleive I saw this very Large White Hand come down and I heard something like this, "shut off his bowells". I also saw in visions the a man that looked like the young man that goes there that is balding, that has dark hair who used to be on the anwering machine there, and who ran the service the night I was at the bible church when pastor simisons wife may have been in the hospital and he said things like, "adulterer", "backstabber", "material", "money". I witnessed to this man. In others I he said things like, "
(272)naomi judd-visions received 7-16-2005-I heard, "naomi", and I saw a woman that looked like naomi judd in visions and she said things like, "embarras me", "I'm in adultery", "I need lifted up".
(272)revelation visions-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like sister rexford and she said things like, "I'm not cut off", "new mercy".
(273)religion-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw an old man and he said, "religion". Religion is not be led by the Holy Ghost. In other visions I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said things like, "he loves money", "you know what tommy did", "he won't repent". I saw the a spirit that looked like the man that lives with her in visions and he said things like,"adultery", "don't tell", and then I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, "thats why I fell". In other visions she said things like, "witch", "course you matter". One thing I want to warn whoever right now is if you marry, and divorce, you either get back get her or stay single till one dies. In others, I saw a spirit that looked like her and she said things like, "no he didn't", "I saw him", "adulterer", "hurry", 'I'm blowing it", etc.
(274)pastor thomas e. simison-visions received 7-17-2005-In a vision, I saw a man that looked like the bible churches on pastor simison and he said something like, "committed blaspheme", "you don't pray no more". As I was typing this in, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said something like, "he's cut off".
(275)visions of a spirit that looked like hollie moody-visions received 7-2005-In visions, i saw a spirit that looked like hollie mooody. In some she was probably all white. In others, she looked like a normal woman which I'm not really sure was her. If truth be know, I don't know if this spirit was her at all. Here is some of the things that the spirits I saw said, "I'm hollie", "I laugh", "tell me not to laugh", "you put money first", "bob, call me", "I had a choice", "cut me of", "blasphemed against bobby hickman", "I don't feel Him", "I wonder how witness fell", "getting married", "respect", "you blasphemed against Holly Moody", "hollie moody heard", "pray prophet", "when you blasphemed against hollie moody", "you blasphemed against God", "wake me up", "post", "He's letting me post", "the lake". In others she said things like, "I'm a judge", "don't", "hell", "why didn't you tell me", etc. In others she said things like, "you know your an apostle", "return to church", "please tempt me", "bobby, help me, I blasphemed", "help". This went on and on. It saddens me as I type this. There were so many. In one she shouted, "why didn't you tell me".
(276)man-visions received 7-17-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said things like, "why did you impress me"(he had his hands arms exteneded), "look at me", "that boke my heart", "I'm already abased", "no it ain't", "it's unspoken", etc. In others I saw a spirit of spirits taht looked like him and he said things like, "embarras", "can prophet pray".
(277)too late-visions received 7-17-2005-IN VISIONS, I saw spirit that looked like lillian rexford and she said things like, "too late for tommy", "too late for debbie", and something like, "and for me".
(278)man-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like thomas s. gibson and he said things like, "tell on me", "spoke it", "I comitted blaspheme", "you need to repent", "he'll replace you", "you need some help", "perish", "I'm going to jail", "I'll repent", "I need you prophet", "you acted real young", "that hurt", "hollie stand", "but I knew when he started talking about the churches", "etc. This was a spirit that looked like him, but, that does not mean it was him.
(279)revelations of pastor simison-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor simison on the bible church and he said things like, "interesting", "I ain't gonna serve you", "I fell", "am I in adultery", "how did I blaspheme", "making us embarrased", "want in your wallet", etc.
(280)pastor jordan-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like pastor kent jordan and he said, 'perished".
(281)pastor jerry vanlue-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looke dlike pastor jerry vanlue of danville apostolic church and he said something like, "deaf".
(282)your promise-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a White Arm and the Finger may have been pointing and I heard, "your promise".
(283)think twice-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, "bob think twice".
(284)cell phone-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "bobby, own a cell phone".
(285)blasphemy against the Holy Ghost-visions received 7-18-2005-In visions, I dimly saw brother barger and I believe there was a Man there with Brown Hair and Beard and He said something like, "brother barger, you blasphemed against the Holy Ghost", and brother barger may have been on his knee's and he said something like, "how did I do that", and I may have seen possibly a Finger point at me and Brother barger said something like, "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost when I blaspheme bobby hickman". There were more. In another he said, "you know what I did. I blasphemed against Jesus". A man told me to put this on. What Jesus would do is turn my anointing off at the church I used to go to about when I would walk in the door, so you could not feel the Holy Ghost coming from me. It would be hard for me to talk and make any sense. I'd stutter and sound confused. I told brother barger probably more than once that this was happening. What I was shown brother barger did in a vision was say something like, "I want to be tempted by a devil".
(286)george kappasak-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like george kappasak and he said, "I committed blaspheme", and in another he said, "cut off", against Jesus". May have his name spelled wrong.
(287)husband-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman that looked like sister rexford and she said, "my husband", "bobby fell", "I had a choice", "blaspheme", "you", "I committed blaspheme against bob hickman", "help me", "I need you", "off", "help me", "I'm burning up", "save me", "financial", "went to hell", "financial".
(288)dr. willie duncan of revival temple church-vision received 7-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like dr. willie duncan who pastors revival temple church and may be the president of the muskegan bible institute and he said something like, "don't send me no apostle". I believe I saw a female spirit in a vision possibly today and she said something like, "you an apostle". I beleive I told one of the pastors on this page that Jesus showed me in vision or visions that I was an apostle. I believe it was pastor m.s. mckinney whom I just saw a spirit that looked like him and he said, "I laugh".
(289)u.p.c.i. pastor donald winters-visions received 7-21-2005-In visions, I saw this spirit that looked like a man and he said something like pastor of westside pentecostal church that is part of united pentecostal church international, and he said things like, "something financial", "I won't accept His price"(this may mean pay the price Jesus requires everyday), "and ain't no apostle", "messed around". Westside pentecostal church is in indianpolis, indiana in stringtown.
(290)visions of sister rexford-visions received 7-22-2005-I was thinking something like as I was driving about sister rexford, "put away your husband or die", and I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said something like, "I knew it". I saw her in other visions and she said things like, "my mantle", "you blew it", and maybe, "we need prayer".
(291)irving baxter jr. vision recieved 7-22-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like irving baxter jr. and he said things like, "I'm nothing", "pray for me", "you witch", "last chance", "adultery". He pastors oak park Church in richmond, indiana.
(292)power house church-visions received 7-22-2005-I went to a church called something like power house of deliverance and prayer or something like that where the pastor in johnny mosely and received many visions while there and and not there. In visions, I saw spirits that looked like people there and they said things like, "adutery", "why don't you go ahead and fall", "I have blood on my hands", "my husbands", "tell me my buisness", "we are living in the last days", "witnessed closed", witness closing", "that helped me", "why didn't you hang around". There were many more. I saw a white face of this woman spirit and she said something like, "if you don't leave this house now, you will have double trouble". I booked.
(293)irving baxter jr.-vision recieved 9-21-2004-in this vision, I saw a man that looked like irving baxter jr. and he said, "I am deaf". Jesus talked about people hearing that won't here.
(294)pastor donald winters of westside pentecostal Church-vision recieved 7-2005-in this vision, I saw a spirit pastor donald winters of westside pentecostal church and he said things like, "does have the Holy Ghost, don't you", "I'm sorry", I told him that I was sorry, "I blasphemed", "I want your thoughts on that". I then say, "the bible", and then I see donald winters in a vision and he said, "gives a biblical example". We both new. I was talking and I may have seen me in visions and he would talk back like a conversation. According to most peoples interpretation of the bible, brother winters in doomed, but, I know something else. I believe, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ in a vision and He had Brown Hair and He said something like, "I can do what I want to do. I then see or later see this. The words and I'm going by memory because I can't find the vision, "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD", and in another vision, I may have seeen light come down and or possibly seen and Man and he said something like, "All things are possible with God". That is all things. ALL THINGS! I would like to preach revival at westside pentecostal Church. I pack Heavens Creator with me, and it will be one of the most interesting revivals that ever hit the west side. I could stay with them Lords will, but, only if they as a Church latch on and hang. It may seem you are so far away from Jesus, but, you may be closer than think. Jesus has taught me something. Like the apostle paul was led into arabia and taught of God for three years, "i"ve been in american arabia, and look who I just about match up with. PAUL and Peter, and JOHN the Revelatior, and Daniel. Let me help you, not take over. I don't want to pastor a Church, nor will I take advantage. I'm a help, and that is all. My calling in the streets, and now that Anointing goes into the House of God. You can reach me. I saw the spirit taht looked like pastor winters in many other visions, and he said things like, "call me". I was talking to Jesus representing pastor winters like an attorney and I kept getting visions, which probably took every angle that I was coming at the Lord with on the behalf of donald winters. I want to look at how it can be, not how it is. In very interesting vision, I saw a Man that looked just like Jesus and He had Brown Hair and Beard and He may have said something to me, possibly like, "why did you come against Me", and I may have said, "i didn"t come against you", and then in the next vision, I saw donald winters, and heard something along the lines that by coming against him, I came against Jesus. I'm going by memory on that, and I'm sure that is not exactly what was said. I not sure I have ever spoken a bad word about donald winters. If I have, I appologize-please forgive. I just saw a spirit that looked like ssiter rexford and she said, "you have spoken". What did I speak". If you are jelous of me, you will find after that you get to know me, that I humble, and can see something, and want to help. It makes me want to cry as I type this. I just saw a man that looked like pastor winters and he said something like, "prepared", or "prepare this". Jesus can show me to take a name off this site and it would not hurt mey feelings.
(295)visions of a pastor-vision recieved 7-2005-in this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a pastor and he said things like, "you cut me off", "don't even pray with the devil", "cain't share then visions", "I put the prophet out in the street", "witch", "your cut off", "prophet, your closed", "you want to witness", "take that out in the street", "I told him to get you out", "don't even talk to me", "come and tell me", "why you messing with me", "is he cut off", "he's messing with hollie moody", "don't mess with her", "my hands are clean", "I heard, brand new Church building" and I saw a spirit that looked like the pastor and he said, "I want something brandnew", "I'm clear", "I'm judging you right now", "I'm open", and maybe, "contol", "financial", "tell your vision", "try my spirit"(I was sitting in the Church when I received this-I left), and maybe these were him or people at the Church or somewhere else, "no church", "prophet, I've been praying", "pray more", "get away from us", "I need my talent", "I left". I saw a spirit or spirits in these visions that looked like, but, was not necesarily him or them. I saw a Man in a vision with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "you inulted Me", and I said, "how", and I saw this I believe this pastor and he said, "by listening to us". This spirit looked lie pastor johnny mosley, (johnny mosely) at power house of prayer and deliverance, or something like that. I bleieve these were all him and or them.
(296)not for sale-visions recieved 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a pastor and he said, "put you on tele-vision", and maybe, "put you on the radio", "we have a video". This is the pastor of new testament apostolic church in kokomo, indiana.
(297)visions of a pastor-In visions, i saw a spirit that looked like a pastor and he said things like, "I'm against Jesus", "He's wanting me to serve him", "was that just a familiar spirit". I may have seen me in a vision before he said that.
(298)visions of my new office manager-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like my new office manager and he said things like, "prophet, we cain't be loud".
(299)irving baxter jr.-vision received 7-2005-In vision, I may have seen a spirit that looked like irving baxter jr. and he cursed God.
(300)bishop lambert gates sr.-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor lambert w. gates sr. who pastors my. Zion apostolic Church and he said things like, 'you blasphemed', "worship me", "come worship me", "want in your wallet", "worship me", "you mean I comitted blaspheme", "come back and be with us", "witch", "call me a witch", "you mean I comitted blaspheme", "religion", "you know your welcome", "it ain't nothing but a show", "you know I lost my Power", "going to hell", "I hear you have visions", "you should have wrote me", "got turned down", "come and testify", "who'd I blaspheme"(possibly after this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said things like, "me", "Holy Ghost"), "tell witness I blasphemed him"(I also saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "witness"). In other visions, the spirit that looked like bishop gates who I've met and he said things like, "I want my wallet", "I took advantage", "visions wrong", "to late for us", hurt my feelings", "I'm rejected", "I've been turned down", "I was chosen", "false", "how about lunch", "I got offended", "print them", "just listen to him". I saw a spirit of a person that goes to this church and in the vision he said something like, "I don't want in your wallet", and maybe while thinking on that, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor gates and he said, "I do".
(301)donald winters-visions recieved 7-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like donald winters and he said things like, "we want you Mantle", "I blasphemed", "I'm special", "I knew I slipped", "be one of us", "proven", "you blowed it", "won't acccept it", "decieving", "judgement", "your just the devil", "thats it", "I just want in your pocket", "is in to much", "spoken", "wallet got me in trouble", "I went to hell", "once delivered", "wallet", "need my wallet", "you blew it", "test my spirit", "trouble", "witness come back", "you could have made it", "financial", "test my spirit", "I'm a prophet", "I had a dream", "I'm Jesus", "you know I been pressing", "israel", "againt um", "tell my vision", "call me", "forgiven", "mercy", "mercy", "accident", "I need mercy", "I'm lost", "hell", "blaspheme the Holy Ghost", "against you", "that stole my ring", "put witness first", "you set me up", "I was killed". I believe these were all a spirit that looked like pastor winter of west side pentecostal Church.
(302)pastor chris amonett-vision recieved 7-2005-in this vision, I saw a spirit that looke dlike pastor chris amonett at Christian Life Worship center and he said things like, "unforgiven", "Gods against you", "we got a test", "I comitted blaspheme", "thats the Word".
(303)sister rexford-visions received 7-2005-In visions, i saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said things like, "comitted blaspheme", "once chosen", "against him". I was thinking as I was driving something like, "put away your husband or die", and I saw the spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, "yes bobby", "he's not", "let it go", "I can feel it".
(304)heaven-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw cless barger and he said, "heaven".
(305)can't go to weside pentecostal Church -vision recieved 7-26-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like possibly a woman and she said, "go to westside". I saw pastor winters in visions and he said things like, "I told", "bobs the devil", "bobby had a vision", "mercy", and I saw a spirit that looks like sister rexford who goes there in visions and she said things like, "you know what you did", "you chose to blaspheme", "I want you", "money first", "you left Me out", "it's over", "finished", "I just committed blaspheme", "there false", "who'd I blaspheme", and I may have seen a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "witness". I believe all those were here.
(306)prophetic revelations about irving baxter jr.-vision received 7-27-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a spirit that looked like irving baxter jr. who is the former pastor of oak park Church in richmond, indiana. In visions, the spirit that looked like Irving baxter said things like, "why'd I blaspheme", "you wrote me", "we blew it", "it was you", "perish", "I put you in the radio", "thats depressing", "your mother", "Jesus save me", "went to heaven", "wallet", "money", "I'm already cut off, "Mantle", "mail the book", "bobby perish", "don't haras", "yeap", "why'd he come", "theres my answer", "prophet, deliver us", "be nice to prophet", "it was an interesting story", "gonna run out", "went to heaven", "I been accepted". I beleive all those were him.
(307)chris amonett at Christian Life Worship center-vision recieved 7-29-2005-in this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor chris amonett and he said, "wheres the drunk at".
(308)paul kevin shindoll-visions recieved 7-30-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like pastor paul kevin shindoll of oak park Christian Church and he said things like, "I'm lost", "I ain't nothing but a witch", "the lake", "tell me I'm lost", "I can't find Him", "how's my guest", "need some mercy", "don't worry about us", "I'm weak", "your nothing but a witch", "I'm fianancial", "heart attack", "I got warning, and and I saw a spirit that looked like irving baxter jr. of endtime ministries and religion and politics radio show and he said things like, "embarrase'em", "abased", "just abase".
(309)Kings House of Prayer-visions received 7-30-2005-I wnt to Kings House of Prayer and I was enjoying it. It was more of less a sing-fest type deal. I saw the pastor and I believe his name is david dalton in visions before I went and he said things like, "come here", "are you coming", "there's an evangelist", "bobby, don't come here"(it will probably be the last), "all I want is your wallet", and maybe, "I need your help", "your chosen", "coming". While I was there sitting, I saw pastor david dalton in a vision and he said something like, "I'll embarras you". He called on me and more or less asked if I wanted to say something, or something like that, not in those exact words. I got up and gave testimony or a miraculous recovery Jesus gave me, and then I beleive I was led in a different direction. I was telling visions. Pastor dalton stopped me. I sat down and I understood, and then I became embarrased, maybe, still am. I'm rejoicing though. Maybe I needed to be embarrased. Praise Jesus for abasing me. I could have been worse. I left not long after. I saw the pastor in a vision and he said things like, "stick around", "fooled you", "I almost had you". While driving, I saw a vision of a man and hit was like he was standing next to me and had hand or hands out and may have said, "I got blood on my hnads". I more or less reminded Jesus that those people have been around or something like that, and more and I believe I was released. I saw pastor Greenlee in a vision and he said something about his bowells being stopped or something like that, and I interceded for him and I believe he was spared. If he let me continue, I don't know how much longer I would have talked. It would have probably led to endtime visions, but, I'm not sure. Jesus may send me back there. I don't know just now. I saw a spirit that looked like me in visions driving and I said things like, "embarrased", "I'm embarrased". I'm smiling as I type this and I'm glad I was. It humbled me. I will also say, lots was said. Now that I look at it, I beleive a message of hope was brought to those people. A message that God can do all things. His Word clearly teaches this. While there, I saw a man that was singing in a vision and he said something like, "you devil". This may have been the thing that caused me to book. I saw a Man in a vision with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "bobby first". One thing this did though was reminded me. Jesus is my only Friend. Why do we run from Jesus when He is the only Friend that we really have. He Is the Only One that will ever stick with me and has. I ashamed. I hope from this point on, I make Jesus proud that He is my God.
(310)needs money to function I would imagine but-vision recieved 7-30-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like henry gruver and he is who I was asking about and he said someting like, "I'm fainancial". He needs money to do what he does, but, I also realize this one thing can damgae you walk with Jesus. I may have just seen him again and he said, "beautiful", and was maybe smiling. I've met him, and have his tape. His message is certainly not one that would lead an american to believe to all is weel here in america. One of the most awesome visions I know of is the one Jesus gave henry gruver about russian submarines launching nuclear weapons on america. It breaks me a little as I typed it. I may have jsut seen henry again and he said, "witness over". I do want to say this and let it rest. Out of all the people that live right now, I don't know of one that has done as much to promote Jesus than henry gruver. He claims to have walked many cities and done mighty spiritual warfare. I beleive him. Can you imagine leaving you family and home land and walking all of israel or wales or islambad or? every strret in the cit or nation and praying out loud. Jesus told me to prayer walk. I do. Have some om best praying while walking, but, I don't do it like he did.
(311)Kings House of Prayer-visions received 7-31-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor david dalton of Kings House of Prayer and he said things like, "tell me not to sin", "git out of here", "I'm not going to read it".
(312)revelations of terry cannon-vision recieved 8-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like terry cannon of heavenly life apostolic Church which I drive by lots. I interceded for this man much and I saw Angel or Angels and visions of me, etc. I need help of who so ever will, including you pastor terry cannon to help bring restoration which I pressed for, and may have been given encouraging visions that have that door open. I saw a spirit that looked like terry canon and he said things like, "cut off", "I was lonesome", "if you desire office", "I'm afraid", "new president", "don't mess with me", "we want a vision", "your decision", "prophet spoke", "your done", "come and help me", "unspoken", "I had my chance", "you know your rich", "its unspoken", "backslider", "do you have internet access", "what are you trying to get", "you made that sound different", "the lake", "I've settled", "embarras", "I'm sorry", "your fingers", "give warning", "hurt me", "our indiana licence", "how come you bounced around so much", I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "I didn't", "He sent". In other visions the spirit that looked like terry cannon said things like, "its open", "we perish", "come here", "Spirit", "come to sunday school"(The Lord may let), "I sold", "been cut off", "adultery", "somebody gonna get him", "secret", "were finished", "I won't represent you", "I lusted", "satan", "last warning"(thats one more than a lot of people have), "wish you", "come back around", "you know where we are", "invite'em"(I feel tears wanting to flow), "come here", "we'd love to have you", "do it", "my tree", "my tree is cut down", "I was running", "I need a drink of water", "I'm ready to sell it", "is there a deal that you'll cop"(I need Jesus to send me-I'd willingly come-pray and ask Jesus as a Church), "blew it", "be with us", "fell", "stranded", "prayer", "the insurance won't let me", "my witness is closed", "I offended you", "I lied", "I paid", "thats all the chances", "I ai'nt gonna accept it", "you care", "just won", "allelujah"(I corrected the spelling of this word just now, and I saw a man in a vision and he said, "thats it'), "prophet", "every chance you get come back", "my mercy", "agrivated", "then refused", "cut me off", "I got a storage room in storage", "you need to impress Me"(Me may be Jesus here), "can't get thru", "thats it", "heard it on t.v.", "let Your will be done", "I want to die", "die", "slipping", "how you know I fell", "because I sin to much". While this was going on, I heard, "look up again, because you redemption draweth nigh", and I said something like, "can we say that to cannon", and I saw a spirit that looked like cannon and he said, "he's a sinking ship", "you can look good", "Lord help us", "what I say, I do", "it's gonna be changing", "that would have been my last year hear", "new york", "it will burn"(terry cannon prophesied this in visions), "you did", "good luck", "want him back", "the messag you got", "I've been praying", "tell me something", "abase", "computer", "you make all the decisions", "prophets coming back"(this would be fun-they have service to night), "will arrest him", "were calling you back", "we'll avenge you", "has paul risen". I was seeking one more chance for cannon and I saw a spirit that looked like cannon and he said things like, "see", "I'm crying", "please respect that", "want a family", "last chance me", and then I saw me and I said, "apostle", and maybe, "tell him I'm going to give you what you need"(this may have been me or cannon). In others the spirit that looked like cannon said things like, "the vision", "its like honey in a rock", "took", "just come and help me as a friend", "I read one of the visions and I told it", I was going to make a comment on that, and I saw canon and he said, 'let me finish". O'k. In others the spirit that looked like canon said things like, "I'm lost", "accept your words", "want to give you something", "I want your visions", "apostle", "we wish you'd come back", "once delivered", "I'm basic", "I need apostle", "it hurt", "this ain't the first time", "you won't stay simple", "don't haras", "we won't hurt him", "deliver". This is very important and I should have taken more time recording details, but, I have about this written down: Mercy say if door is opened", and I saw canon and he said things like, "do what he wanted", "my money", "its going to get high now", "open it", we already beleive it", "believe it", and he may have been excited in this one and he said, "revival coming"(hallelujah! Praise God! Glory to Jesus!! I just saw canon in a vision and he said, "bobby come"). In others he said, "advantage", "I'm cut off", "he walked up to me", "you better save us". In one vision, I saw a Man that looked like an Angel and His Face was like the moon and He said, "he's allright". I just saw cannon and he said, 'call me'. I want to. I need permission. Just saw him again and he said, "let him call". I saw sister stewart who goes there in visions and she said, "glad I left", "prophecy". In this vision, I saw a man that looked like henry gruver and then he cahnged into a man that looked similar to donald winters and he looked at me and he gave me something similar to two thumbs up and to me it appeared that he was going to walk into heavenly life apostolic Church. In visions, the man that looked like terry cannon rambled on about things like, "don't come near us", "reprobate mind'(there was more), and he talked about a foolish heart. This probably went on for about two minutes.
(313)sister rexford-vision recieved 8-2-2005-in this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said things like, "that child"(and she was smiling-this is a grandson I believe), "I don't pray any more", "it's addiction", and maybe, "revival".
(314)dr. willie duncan-visions received 8-2-2005-God has showed me in visions while driving a spirit that looked like dr. willie duncan who pastors revival temple Church and may be president of the muskegon bible institute and he said things like, "worship me", and he went on about visions.
(315)a company of pastors-vision recieved 8-3-2005-God has showed me in visions a group of pastors. I saw a spirit that looked like willie duncan and he shouted, "worship me". I saw a pastor that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "I told him", and he possibly invited me to come and listen to sound doctrine, and lastly I saw pastor kent gray and he said something like, "I'm financial", "financial".
(316)worship Jesus, not man-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor willie duncan and he said, "worship me".
(317)right here-vision received 8-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor terry canon and he said, "right here". I saw a vision that was recorded about him and maybe he was inviting me. Up to Jesus.
(318)pastor joseph farris-vision received 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a pastor joseph farris of zion tabernacle apostolic Church and he said things like, "new revelation", "I'm out", "come back and help me", and maybe, "I'm a witch", "i didnt stay". I also saw a spirit that looked like the son of pastor farris and he said things like, "your a prophet", "he done told me", "control", "we need him", "read scriptures", "go to ACTS". I beleive these were visions for those two, lest I mixed in others.
(319) westside pentecostal CHurch in indianapolis, indiana-vision received 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said things like, "witness come", "send prophet", and maybe, "go to west side", "its a good Church", and I believe I saw pastor donald winters dimly in visions, and he said things like, "don't come around here", "ran you off", "I stood up", "against you bob", "you made me perish", "I'm sorry", "I'm an adulterer", "I'm finanacial", "drawing unemployment", "I sin to much", "I punished". And in one donald winters said, "I had a dream", and I saw spirit that looked like me and I said, "I'm a prophet".
(320)revelations of sister rexford-vision received 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a sister rexford and she said things like, "mercy", "need your talent", "perished", "go to the computer", "bless you", "help me", "words taken", "lost my anointing", "I'm just an adulterer", "tell'em", "I'm out", "send wallet", "miss him", "I'll be back", "reject", "thou fool", "you ai'nt no prophet", "bob, you hide". I saw a spirit that looked like me in visions and I said things like repent", and, "I'm just a prophet". I saw sister rexford again and she said, "bless him".
(321)why did pastor donald winters fall-visions received 8-5-2005-I asked Jesus what the real reason was that pastor donald winters fell and I saw a spirit that looked like pastor winters in visions and he said things like, "I'm embarrased", "I overeat", "fallen", "your stomach in first place", and maybe, "come here", "he won't", "lift me up", and I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said something like, "he's not" etc.
(322)bishop joseph farris of zion tabernacle apostolic faith Church-vision received 8-5-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like maybe a boy and he said, "your wanted on the phone", and I saw pastor joseph farris of zion taberncale apostolic faith Church and he said things like, "I'm cut off", "witness is on", "alcoholic", "let me punch him", "I'm off", "come to sunday night school", "blaspheme", "I doubted".
(323)kent gray-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a kent gray and he said things like, "upc", thats, united pentecostal Church international, just haras some more", "just need your money", and maybe, "leave me alone", "you backstabber", "satisfied", "you cain't come here", "put me first". As I typed this is, "I'm not fight against you, but, Jesus is fighting agianst you", I saw pastor kent r. gray who pastors, antioch, the apostolic Church and he said, "he's right", and lastly, "that help me". That may be the main purpose of these visions, to inform so one will examine. Jesus can restor you and tell me to take your name off. Antioch is part of united pentecostal Church international.
(323b)united pentecostal Church international-visions received 8-8-2005-I saw a spirit who looked like kenneth haney who is general superintendent of upci and he said something like, "stop putting that on". I just saw a man that looked like haney again and he said something like, "backslider", "how does bobby know", "don't come near us", "I will not take it". Upci should be the most powerful organization that exists on earth.
(324)westside pentecostal Church-vision received 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister winters and she said, "come to westside". I would love to come and preach revival! If it caught on, maybe I'd ask Jesus to let me stay.
(325)dan bohler-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dr. dan bohler and he said things like, "I got offened", "don't even pray for us", "your crazy".
(326)evangelist-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor kent gray and possibly kenneth haney. It seems like one started the word, "evangelist", and before the word was completed, it turned into the other one. Try to imgine that.
(327)worship me-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "worship me". Since it happened so fast, I wo'nt try to guess who it was. He seemed to have dark hair. You know there is spirit that comes off some of these pastors like what come off a movie star, or famous actor or musician that actually makes you worship the creature rather than creator. Examine yourself according to scripture to make sure your right with God Almighty who is blessed and honored above all. Glory to His Mighty declared NAME! Glory to His NAME! Jesus is His name! Yeah, Jesus is the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and These THree are One! Christ is Gods anointed that was sent. Jesus Christ is King and Lord of all. For all was given to Him. If you Honor the Son, then you Honor the Father who sent Him. If love the Son, then you love the Father that sent Him. Hear ye HIM! Yes, HEAR YE Him!!
(328)brother winters-vision received 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a pastor donald winters and he said, "chosen", and then I may have seen another person in a vision and he said, "no you ai'nt". In other visions, I saw donald winters and he said things like, "need you", "I call rex", "heart attack", "I knew it".
(329)leave sister rexford-vision received 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a sister rexford and she said something, and I saw a Man with Brown Hiar and Beard and HE said, "leave her". I saw Mrs rexford in visions and she said things like, "Insult me", "ain't open", "cause my husband", "I won't", "talk to Jesus", "adultery", "I blew it", "I'm burning", "save us", "I lust", "I ain't Christian", "you talk to children", "tell me to get away", "choice", "I'm open", "help me bob". In one vision, sister rexford said something about adultery, and I saw a man in a vision and He said, "you said it". In other visions sister rexford said things like, "need your wallet", "I a'int open", "I missed you", "miss him", "I blaspheme", "I blaspheme", "there's mercy", "please tell me not to blaspheme", "bob knew it", "I eat to much", "witness wrong", "Jesus", "I'm financial", "the lake", "God tell him not to mess with me", "he will", "cut me off", "tell me".
(330)you cannot remarry after you have married and divorced-vision received 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a pastor donald winters and he said, "Insult us", "thats the Word". How this vision came to be was I believe pastor winters performed the marriage between sister rexford and who she is with. If her first husband is still alive, that means she is in adultery. Read ROMANS 7. Jesus may have given permission to put wife or husband away for fornication, but, no where did the Lord say you can re-marry. ROMANS 7 clearly teaches that your options are stay single, or get back with the one that Is put away. What I was wondering was why would donald winters perform the ceremony if he did, knowing this, and I saw him in a vision maybe after I pondered this and he said, "finanacial".
(331)why did I leave westside pentecostal Church-vision received 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said, "why did bobby leave", and I saw donald winters in visions who pastors and he said things like, "git out of here", "I knew it", "I had no choice", . I saw rexford again and she said, "he had no choice". I saw in visions a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "westside closed", "westside closed". I saw rexford again and she said, "offend", "go to westside". I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "closed", and I saw hollie and she said, "there not open", and I saw brother Winters and he said, "bob, how you do it", "westside has mercy", and I saw rexford and she said, "God forgive me", "tell me". I saw the man that lives with sister rexford and he said something about hell, "maybe, "I'm going to hell", and I saw sister rexford and she said things like, "you said it", "tell", "help me".
(332)pastor royce fields-vision received 8-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a pastor royce fields of bethesda temple apostolic faith Church and he said things like, "you want a whippin", "hands off", "we hate Jesus", "witch", "I'm against you", "foolish", "foolish", "no mercy", "done cut off", "insult me", "he's a prophet". I saw a man that may have been him and he said, "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "I knew".
(333)pastor delbert spall-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like former pastor delvert spall of westside pentecostal Church and he said things like, "made me embarrased", "new prophet", "tell", "mercy", "thats what I need", "financial", "computer", "going to hell bob", "blasheme", "i laughed", "hurts", "you know what I did", "sinned", "tell Jesus".
(334)sister rexford-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said things like, "you blasphemed when you blasphemed witness".
(335)pastor terry long-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry long of lawerance apostolic Church and he said, "try to help me", "are you going against us", "its Christ"(I believe terry said this-God is fight you, not me), "over", "deliver us", "want in your wallet", "take the Mantle", "I'm your brother", thats sin bobby", "your closing", "you ain't Christian", "let it close", "witch". I tried to help them, and the offer is always there Lords will.
(336)Light in the midst of darkness-vision recieved 8-12-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, 'I need to run", I'm going to go to heaven", 'my name is hollie", and something about moodie.
(337)is pastor jordan putting on a show-vision recieved 8-13-2005-I heard, "jordan", and I saw a spirit that looked like pastor kent jordan at Christian tabernacle apostlolic Church in indianapolis and he said, 'show', "worship me", "your lost", "give me a call", and maybe, "I'm not", "I'm going to the lake", "mercy", "one more chance".
(338)wallace vanslyke-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a pastor wallace vanslyke of plainfield apostolic Church and he said things like, "want moneY", "money first", "prophet", "show", "think I'm special", "don't insult me", "there false", "courtyard", "bob trapped", "I found", "we found", "how much do you want for that", "he's a prophet", "lift me up"(I saw a Man with Brown Hiar and Beard and He said, "no", and maybe, "he played around to much", "write it down"). I saw a spirit that looked like pastor vanslyke and he said things like, "prophet satisfied", "fooled", "return", "speaker", "our next speaker", "pay my bills", "theres the message", "financial", "witch", "have you repented", "Jesus said", "thats you", "selling", "stomach", "I'm after you", "I'm one sided", "you didn't move", "prove it", "hey buddy", "you ain't gonna like it", "your putting on a show", "last nite I had a vision", "multiply the visions", "death certificate", "I blasphemed", "please call", "don't call us", "sweet", "I blasphemed", "tell me", "mercy", "theres mercy", "help", "come on", "have you ever blasphemed the prophet", "I'm chosen", "show", "prophet", "he's a prophet", "I had a chance", "the visions", "why", "whats happened", "were gonna have a lot of trouble", "bobby went to court", "your hungry", "milk", "be strong", "read ACTS 2:38", "I did to", "do", "rip my Mantle off", "left", "speak for me", "you blessed", "brand new prophet", "you was selling Me", "course you can"(I saw me and I said, something like, "cain't tell'em). In others the spirit that looked like van slyke and he said things like, "a heart attack", "you in reference for a death wish", "he's a Holy Ghost speaker", "the nurse won't slap me", "your death wish", "no prophet", "prophet won't get cut off", "Jesus", "how does he do it", "look what we found", "we want those visions", "I doubted", "religion", "made me curious", "you did good bobby", "fair grounds", "it's open", "come tell me", "run me out", "you know what God said", "your closed", "embarras", "won't get back", "I blasphemed", "you already told", "I should have used you", "open", "close website", "your on your way out", "go easy", "backstab", "now I hate you", "tell me", "what a test", "missed you", "your a prophet", "mercy", "I need an answer", "the Mantle", "sunday school", "witness closed", "you need me", "your stallin", "told me", "bob pick up the phone"(I saw me in a vision and I said, "thank your for calling me pastor", "pastored me once"). In other visions vanslyke said things like, "you get out of here", "this is pastor","I'm happy", "I was serious", "I'm out", "Church", "were nothing", "he told", "be with us again", "you comitted blaspheme", "its true", "killed me", "propeht killed", "I'm embarrased", "whippin", "help me", "its the lake", "I fell", "need wallet", "stronger", "pay my bills", "shouldn't had went there", "I blasphemed", "you need to repent", "I fell", "show", "blood"(heard, "on us"), "material", "thank you Christian", "suit", "that hurt me", "bob you serious", "you spoke to long", "I wish you would call me back", "make the phone call", "come and see us", "start praying", "cause I blaspheme", "I sin", "cause I'm pastor", "I'm death", "bob, I have bloodstains", "you drove", "prophet"( i saw me and I said, "prophet"), "git out", "I'm left handed", "prophet is done", "come and apologize", "call me", "what is Your Will for me", "don't come", "I backslide", "sell the car", "are you ready", "I'm chosen", "nobody cares", "can I get your phone number", "he's purty", "have any Water to drink"(I saw me and I said, "I got It"), "advantage", "your a prophet", "its free"(I saw me and I said, "I can't take nothing"), "witch", "went to the _______", "meet prophet", "tell me ", "scared", "clothes", "stenge", "it's time", "hi witch", "we want to catch him", "sold", "lost", "get your money out", "I have a lot", enter", "help", "live for free", "lieve on the Church", "mercy", ", "one more sunday", "call me"(I saw me and I said, "I did", and I just saw somebody and they said, "please call"), "don't trust him", "bob cancelled", "were trapped", "financial", "I heard", ", "made me a promise". I saw this Angelic Man that was like a Man but, possibly like Fire and He said this, "wake him up". I beleive these were all the upci pastor of palinfield apostollic Church, wallace van slyke. In one vision, I saw pastor vanslyke laying in the fetal postion on the floor. In a vision, van slyke said, "go ahead and tell"
(339)I do like pastor terry cannon-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry cannon and he said things like, "he liked me", "religion", "tell". I may have seen me and I said, "bother cannon".
(340)louis farrakhan-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a nation of islam leader louis farrakhan, and he said things like, "I wrecked", "tell the vision", "sold", "religion", "on fire", "who is bobby hickman", "I won't accept vision", "financial", "let me", and maybe even "prick", "financial", and in one he cursed God.
(341)give a call-vision received 8-15-2005-I heard something like, "brother van slyke", and I saw a spirit that looked like wallace vanslyke and he said things like, "your wanted on the telephone", and I may have asked who wanted me on the phone and I saw a spirit that looked like wallace van slyke who pastors plainfield apostolic Church and he said, "give us a call".
(342)the bedroom-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man with brown hair and beard and he said, "your wanted in the bedroom", and I asked something like who wants me in the bedroom, and I saw a spirit that looked like pastor vanslyke of plainfield apostolic Church and he said, "vanslyke", "he's wrong".
(342)louis farrakhan-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a nation of islam leader louis farrakhan and he said things like, "please help", "call van slyke".
(343)wallace vanslyke-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a pastor wallace vanslyke and he said, "that devil", "I blew".
(344)the new pentecostal Church, new apostolic Church-visions received 8-16-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like irving baxter jr. and he said, "that ain't pentecostal". Maybe its not the new pentecost or the new apostolic. Ask yourself one question, does the Church that exists today have anything in common with the Church that was born on the day of pentecsost in THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter two? I saw irving baxter again and he said, "no". There may be Churches or indivivuals that compare, I just don't know of them. I saw baxter again and he said, "I won't fast".
(345)pastor paul mooney-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like paul mooney of charity tabernacle and indiana bible college which he may be president over and he said things like, "you know what I did", "I blasphemed", "take your hands off me", "made me repent", "we know right now that your a prophet", and I saw him and he said, "you again", "thats bob", and maybe, "I'm against him", "visions", "your out".
(346)irving baxter-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter and he said things like, "I want your Mantle", "your lying", "thats a blessing", and, "here it is". I saw hollie and she said things like, "the prophet irving baxter".
(347)tina sinnesaw-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like tina sinnesaw which was her maiden name and she said things like, "you already told", "share the message", "witch", "pissed me off", "walked out", "financial", "fake", "he's serious", "cut me off", "you masterbated", "financial", and something like, "tell me I'm naked", "we heard".
(348)brother chuck sinnesaw-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like former pastor and assisstant pastor chuck sinnesaw and he said things like, "go right ahead", "I sold", "them visions", "the lake", "financial", "allow him", "your addicted".
(339)george kappasak-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like george and he said things like, "I'm a Christian", "tell on me", "financial", "does bobby give head", "fiancial", and maybe, lift him up".
(30)helped by falling-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sister rexford and she said something like, "that blaspheme helped me".
(341)visit to the Church pastor thomas simison is over-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor simison and he said something like, "come here tonight", and I did. I saw many visions while there and here are some of them. I saw a spirit that looked like pasotr simison and he said things like, "embarras", "you have a great message", "bring deliverance", "delievered", "don't come amywhere near me", and maybe, "I need you prophet", "cut off", "bring deliverance"(Lords will), "cut off", "who did I blaspheme", "witness", and something like, "He wants to geive me a heart attack, turn it away", and I prayed unto the Lord, and I saw a Man in vision that Had Brown Hair and He said something like, "Message has been heard". I saw an old man that went there and he said things like, "I won't hear It"(he told me when I asked something like that he beleived some of it). THe man that has dark hair that is bald on top, that opens service, I saw him in visions and he said things like, "I fooled", "would you embarras me", "leave your Mantle at home", "blaspheme". While they were singing, the song may have said, thats what the bible says, but, here is what I heard, "That is what prophet says", "that is what Elijah says". I just laughed. I may have seen me or somebody else and the perosn said something like, "prophet has to give warning". I saw a light colored spirit fleeing over from me and behind. I saw other visions as well, but, don't remember. I saw pastor simison and he said, "thats him", as he pointed just now. I also saw pastor simison and he said, "push". That pray until something happens. I had fear while there and avoided simison and I just saw a woman in a vision and she said, "you talked". If I didn't, no warning would have been given, but, about 6 people were warned. I saw that woman again and she said, "I heard, and I saw her or somebody else and she said, "come to sunday school".
(342)follow pastor thomas simison to destruction-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "follow him", and I saw pastor simison and he said something like, "I'm headed for destruction". In other visions he said things like, "don't come near us", "visions", "your wrong".
(343)pastor mark stone-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a mark stone who pastors the pentecostal Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and he said, "fuck you visions".
(344)u.p.c.i. pastor kent gray-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like kent gray who pastors antioch, the apostolic Church and he said things like, "ain't praying", "you need to tell Me", "your apostolic", "your last chance", "get off me", "I wonder what bobby said", "ask for mercy", "you left Me", "you ain't gonna stop".
(345)pastor terry cannon-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor terry cannon and he said, "let me tell".
(346)kent gray-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor kent gray and he said things like, "your wanted in the bedroom", and I may have asked who wanted me, and I saw pastor kent and he said, "kent", and I may have asked what he wanted, and he said soemthing like, "I want your visions", and alsom "religion". Religion is not being led by the Holy Ghost.
(347)irving baxter-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving baxter jr. and he said things like, "bobby help me", "I want message", "pray hard", "talk to Jesus", give'em Word", "I hate bobby", "you know".
(348)pastor vanslyke-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor van slyke and he said things like, "hell", "religion", "comeback", "comeback", "financial", "I'm not going to embarras you", "emergency coming", "pray with me", "stick around", "why'd he come back", "I need your money", "against you".
(349)keri fox-vision received 8-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like keri and she said things like, "my name is keri", "I'm finished".
(350)thomas-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like thomas and he said, "they tell me your in trouble".
(351)virginia boldea-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said things like, "I want you Mantle", "adulterer".
(351)dr. dan bohler-vision received 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dan bohler and he said things like, your welcome", "come and talk", "I'm dan bohler", "your going to loose your Mantle", "trust Jesus", and offers to make video and be put on the radio.
(352)hollie moody-vision received 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie, and she said things like, "stay away from", "prophecy", "know much", "take it easy", "it's over man", "cut off", "leave me alone", "prohet press", "you wanted to talk", "don't worry bobby", "parent", "blaspheme is already taken off", "pray loud", "is bob married", "idle words", "he needs help", "the Holy Ghost", "need that", "you won't let me", "your fault", and something about one more chance, and myabe, "mercy", etc.
(353)debra-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like debra and she said things like, "my name is debra", "I'm against his Mantle", "prophet against me", "masterbated", "pray for me", "out", "trust him", "to late", "I'm giving you a warning".
(354)michael boldea-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he may have said things like, 'I hear yoou blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "there's mercy", "I lost me".
(355)wake ups people-vision received 8-19-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, "you need to wake me up", and I heard and maybe saw the woman aways over from me in a vision and she said something like, "sissy, wake up on you own", and I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "yes", and maybe do it", and I saw a person ad they may have said delivered and I saw another and he said, "witch", and I saw somebody else and they said, 'reprobate'.
(356)pastor a. d. woodson sr.-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like apostolic pastor aaron. d. woodson sr. and he said things like, "give money", "adultery, "but nothing", "I been expecting you", "thats a show", and maybe, "try to get me out of here". I saw a Man that has short brown hair and wears glasses that goes there and he said, "lost", "cut me off".
(357)master money-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said something like, "money is your master".
(358)has u.p.c.i. traded Jesus for greenbacks-vision received 8-23-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor thomas simison who is part of upci and he said things like, "were all financial", and maybe, "upci", and I saw a spirit that looked like keneth haney who is general superintendent at united penetoscostal Church international and he said things like, "financial", "please don't tell anybody I'm financial", and maybe, "prophets here", "got Something I want", "in the lake".
(359)the world pastor, tony alamo-vision recieved 8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor tony alamo and he said things like, "make me embarrassed", bowells", "tony alamo", "its to late", "share the visions", and maybe, "religion", and maybe, "I'm no prophet", "russia", "attack america", "blaspheme", "financial", "i blew I want", "psychic", "I'm a prophet", "I blew it", "I'm reject", "I can't find Him", "financial".
(360)CHris amonett who pastors Christian life worship center-vision received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like chris amonett who pastors Christian life worship center and he said things like, "I'm done cut off" "I hate you", "theres my Mantle", "money", "cut off", "I want him out of here", "next time you come back", "I'll call the police", "now that the moneys back", "put siding", "I'm lost", "return to Church", "to late", "I'll perish", "don't believe It", "your wanted on the radio", "I won't accept It", "I take advantage", "I'm Christ", "this ain't your home", "I need You", "keep the Mantle", "your going to jail bobby", "don't come around", "I'm Chris", "I want a head Job", "I wanted control"who did he tell", "don't give out our adress", "you look like the death angel", "I think he's psychic", "prophet tell me", "who did I blaspheme"( i saw a spirit that looked like me and he said something like, "against prophet"), "thats you". I heard, "prophets finised", and I saw hollie and she said, "Chris ain't no prophet". I saw mrs. amonett and she said, "i left", and I saw pastor Chris and he said something like, "thats me", "I plat with it", "I'm not".
(362)mrs. amonett-vision received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mrs. amonett and she said things like, "your tresspassing", "prophets wrong", "your not prayin", "this hurts", "coming against you", "I'm done cut off bobby", "I'm rejected", "tell me", "get out of here", "chris is chosen", and I saw hollie and she said, "no", "Chris in not chosen", and maybe, "leave chris alone". I saw chris and he said, "I'm in adultery", and I saw irving baxter in a vision and he said, "chris is cut off", and I just saw another man and he said, "like me".
(363)vision of conversation between Chris amonett and his wife-vision received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirits that looked like Chris and wife and they said things like: The wife said, "got a phone call", and Chris wanted to know who it was, and after she revealed, Chris asked something that may have questioned whether or not I threatened her or something along those lines, and mrs. amonett said, "he didn't", "he wants the Church", and Chris let her know that he was going to keep It, but also revealed to me in two visions that he would sale It. In one he said, "make a steep offer".
(364)Mantle-vision received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor Chris Amonett who pastor upci Church Christian life Worship Center and he said something like, "you took my Mantle".
(365)the mother of Chris amonett-vision received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like chris's mom and she said things like, "cut off", "I'm an ex-prophet". I beleive I saw son and pastor Chris in a vision and he said something like, "who do I take advantage of", and I saw chris's mom and she said, "us".
(366)hollie prophecies on Chris amonett-vision received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "go tell chris has backslided".
(367)confession of u.p.c.i. pastor Chris amonett-vision received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like chris and he said, "I'm chris amonett", "I fell", "witch".
(368)hospital-vision received 8-26-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe chris's wife and she said someting like, "who's in the hospital", and I saw Chris amonett and he said, "mom", "get out of here", and I saw mrs. amonett and she said, "save the prophet", and I saw chris and he said, "your allright".
(369)kenneth haney of upci-vision rceived 8-29-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like kenneth haney who is genral superintendant of united pentecostal Church international and he said things like, "how could you possibly tell"(and I saw me and I said, "Holy Ghost"). I saw kenneth haney and he said things like, "this is haney", "you blasphemed", "the Holy Ghost", "the message getting around", "prophet", "I'm sorry", "delivered", "I'm out", "ask for mercy", "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost"(I saw me and I said, "purge"). In other visions haney said things like, "different", "I masterbated", "I'm not looking", "I'm finished", "were all finished", "just let It slip", "grab the Mantle", "when you jack off", "you wanted control", "undecided", "please end prophet", "we must pray", "out", "leave now", "please send me dumitru", "apostle", "embarrasing", "go away", "can't get out", "thats for me", "I'm rich", "I'm out cause bobby", "never will change", :let me perish", "thats it", "let me insult him", "created a sacrifice", "pleae tell me", "I won't accept", "were going to hell", "the lake", "have your way", "I'm a coach"(I saw me and I said, "please step down"), In other visions haney said things like, "attack on israel", "rejected", "your getting false", "never", "fuck him", "I'm not a fly burner", "this is Spiritual", "MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states", "I hate you", "embarras me", "what are you doing", "undecided", "should have told", "told the TRUTH", "let me call him", "if He puts me back In the temple, "I'll do it", "I'm out", "die lost", "let me be", "finished", "o my bowells", "my stomach", "toothache", "heart attack", I saw a man that looked like maybe me and I said things like, "call the rapture", and maybe, "bankrupt haney".
(370)u.p.c.i.'s haney prophecies-vision rceived 8-29-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like keneneth haney and he said, "you know what janey did", and I saw janey williams which I believe was her maiden name and she said things like, "your cut off", "my answer", "I'm addicted", "I'm out".
(371)revelations of pastor dixon-visions recieved 8-31-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor greg dixon and he said things like, "you ain't no prophet", "my name is greg dixon", "send me a prophet","control", 'that hurt me", "needed control", "masterbated", "give head job", "thats the reason I got rejected", "I'm the devil", "you have to sin". And I may have seen a woman and she said, "how about greg dixon", and I saw pastor greg and he said things like, "tell it", "rejected", "I want it off", "leave it on", and he cursed God. I beleive he pastors the indianapolis baptist temple".
(372)faith temple apostolic Church-vision received 8-31-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like the female pastor of faith temple apostolic Church. I saw Somebody and they said something like, "have mercy", "thats Jesus", and I saw the female pastor of faith temple apostolic Church in michigan road in indianapolis she said, "not this house", "I'm in hell", "plane crash", "needed something financial", "won't ya tell on me", "witness got me in trouble", and maybe, "to late for me", "send prophet back", "drunk", and maybe, "got a witch here", "thats you", "please tell me", "why does he hate me", and more. I saw another woman who goes there and she said something like, "why did you come", and I saw me and I said, "warn". That woman I believe also said something about children and they were showing up. I saw a man who goes there and He may have let me know he recieved the visions I told him. I saw me and I said, "we talked", and I saw the female pastor and she said something like, "now we know".
(373)help-vision received 8-31-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like the pastor of Emmanuel temple apostolic Church and he said something like, "help us", "stay here".
(374)to late for wallace van slyke-vision received 8-31-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like apostolic pastor wallace van slyke and he said things like, "I'm rejected", "the Mantle", "to alte for us", and maybe, "witness lies", "hit russia", "hit alaska", "to late for bobby".
(375)is united pentecostal Church international led by a witch-vision recieved 9-2-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like u.p.c.i. general superintendant kenneth haney and he said things like, "I fell", "I'm a witch".
(376)donald winters blasphemed the Holy Ghost right to my face-vision received 9-2005-westside pentecostal Church pastor donald winters blasphemed, when he told me, "those are from the deviL". God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like upci pastor donald winters and he said, "thats it", "I goofed", "you need to embarras", "my health","now I'm trapped", " , "I know it", "we need help", "financial", "choice". I saw a house in a vision and it had a sign in the front yard and on the sign I believe was the word, "resign", and I saw pastor winters and he said things like, "I thought about it", "your dealing with satan". I saw mrs winters in visions and she said said things to me like, "naked", "we know", "stomach", "He won't", "God will fix it". In another vision I may have been wanting to go to westside pentecostal Church and I beleive pastor winters withstood me, and I saw sister winters and she said something like, "if you want to come to Church, come to sunday school. Next I'm inside westide pentecostal Church and even though it did not look like westside, I knew that it was, and I was standing out in an area away from the sanctuary and on a table or dresser or something was a fish aquarium and it had fish in it, but, the water was not full all the way to the top, but, close. I looked away and I heard the singing going on in the sanctuary, and I looked back at the fish aquarium and this time the water was below half, and I became concerned, and wanted to put water in the fish aquarium. Usally the only reason I get sent to a Church is to give warning and bring revival, or Jesus does these things thru me, or?.
(377)Chris amonett and his wife-vision received 9-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like pastor Chris amonett and he said things like, "I blasphemed", "who knows", and I saw his wife and she said, "it's on the internet". I saw mrs. amonett and she said something like, "call me a baclslider", "thats bobby", "here's your problem", and I saw upci pentecostal preacher Chris amonett and he said, "I committed blaspheme", and maybe, "purge", and I saw donald winters just now and he said, "He won't". I saw the mother or Chris amonett and she said things like, "sold". I saw apostolic pastor Chris amonett in other visions and he said things like, "don't mess with him", "git your rubbers out", and I saw his wife and she said, "I'm a Christian", "but I go down". I saw Christian fellowship apostolic faith assembly united pentecostal Church international preacher Chris amonett in a vision and he said, "there's something wrong", and I saw mrs amonett and she said, "with us", "we want you", "head", "I'm a witch".
(378)the apostolic show presented by pastor townshend-vision received 9-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like pentecostal pastor townshend at mt. bethel apostolic Church and he said things like, "your putting on a show", "he lusted", "push", "bobby you like to talk", "this is townshend", "I comitted adultery", "thats it", "no mercy", "I'm a witch", "you just a psychic", "Lord have Your way", "don't say that", "I sold", "who know", "I hate you", and maybe, "were witches", "thats bob".
(379)pentecostal pastor thomas simison-vision received 9-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like apostolic upci pastor simison and he said, "snake", "adultery, "my house", "God'll get me", "thats what I need", "don't go to new york", and I saw a Man and He said, 'attack"..
(380)what does Jesus Say-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looked like chris amonett and he said something like, "he Out", and I just saw his wife and she said, "no", "no I ain't", and she also said, "prophet, go to the prophecy club", "were selling", and I saw pastor Chris and he said things like, "yes we are", "my wife's put in the hospital", and maybe, "we ai'nt really apostolic".
(381)tony rogers-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like tony and he said, "I'm a witch bobby", "I'm wanting to lead it", "i'm naked", "perished".
(382)Christians are falling away-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me a very tall tree and it was falling and it appeared that there were no leaves and the branches were possibly trimmed away, and I was by a house and the tree may have fallen on me, and I may have asked who's tree this was, and I saw maybe, brother dell and he said, "thats you", and I also just saw a woman that looked like virginia boldea and she said, "us". This tree was taller than you can imagine, and I just saw virginia again and she said something like, "go to ahnd of help", and maybe, "were finished". I saw bother dell in more visions and he said things like, "please help me", "floss", "I'ma witch", "judgment", "don't go to the bank bobby", "I've-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like fallen", "would You send bobby", "worship me", "on my death certificate", "I committed adultery", "I'm lost", "please help", "bob hickman tell it"
(383)alice cooper-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said, "I'm alice cooper", and I mayhave seen alice and he said, "my blood stains", and maybe, "I took it off", 'leave it off", "please", "there's mercy", "there's your answer", and maybe, "I'm a snake". Go for IT vince!
(384)avoid the upper room Church-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like one of the luster's and they said, "Church", and I saw pastor townshend and he said, "never again". I saw maybe mrs. luster and she said, "leave here", and maybe, "were gitton ready to close down", and maybe, "I want to be your pastor".
(385)pastor danny thomas from the pentecostals in Indianapolis-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like apostolic pastor thomas and he said things like, "I'll look at it", "I want message", "you left", "you blew", "prophet slipping", "sold", "chocie", "prophets going home", "keep you money", "had my opportunity", "I'm out", "blasphemes here", "don't need it", "I'll close the website", and I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, "back up", "follow me", "you want peace", and I may have seen danny again and he said, "don't mess with it", "purge it", "thats bobby", "tell", "I blaspheme", and I saw hollie and she said, "separate", "CLOSE IT", and I saw maiden name, carol sue barger and she said, "website back up". I saw a man that goes to danny Church and taught when I was there on samson and he said things like, "religion", "blaspheme", "prophet got in trouble", "I'm a snake", "joke", "my money", "is that website back up", and I saw mrs amonett and she said, "storage", hide it", "backslide", "want material", "religion", "our economy", "collapsing", "financial", "don't go to new york", "attack", "who'd I blaspheme", "you devil", "you", "thats it", and I saw me and I said, "the prophet", and I saw a young woman that goes to his Church and she said things like, "I'm cold", "adultery", "website", "found", "I'm not"(accountable yet), "I'm horny","like boys", "I need to touch Him", "I'm a witch", "bobby don't come till next year", "It'll cost you money", and I saw pastor danny and he said, "cause there's a price", "religion", and I saw the young girl and she said things like, "wonder if he's for real".
(386)michael boldea may have a heart attack if he messes with this website-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said things like, "give bob repect", "that's warning", "I'm the one that got website taken off", "stall", "website", "a joke", and maybe, "warning", "send me a heart attack", "don't mess with it".
(387)you'll see-vision received 9-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said, "he's fake", "bloodsucker", "I'm a witch", "this is warning", "bomb the website", "I close".
(388)apostle david a. Scott-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like a david scott with urban entreprennuers, house of david youth center", "arms of agape international outreach, and is a member of the, eastside ministries incorporated and he said things like, "want some advice", "close website", "thats you", "I know", "thats your warning", "second warning", "I'm cut off", "I'm a show", "there's mercy", "thats what you need", "I think your awesome", "you got Something I need", "prophet", "don't go to agape", "trap", "fool ya", and maybe, "we got a building", "I thinks its awesome", ". I saw a woman that goes to his she said things like, "who knows", "I need mercy", "witch", "your needed".
(389)pastor wallace vanslyke-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like apostolic pastor vanslyke and he said things like, "your welcome again", "does bob eat", "blasphemer", "awesome", "I got it closed", and I saw hollie and she said, "leave website down", and I saw me and I said, "back up", and I saw pentecostal pastor, wallace vanslyke and he said things like, "Jesus", "prophet ain't going to live", "deliver", "propeht in court if you mess with me", "make me an offer", "go easy bob", "bring It back", and I saw me and I said, "website's in storage", and I saw vanslyke and he said things like, "we shall see", "website's back up", "come on witch", and I saw me and I said, "take me to court", and I saw vanslyke and he said, "leave website alone", and I saw me and I said, "leave me alone", and I saw van slyke and he said things like, "go around", "tell it", "website back up again", "I'm van slyke", "send prophet", "he's closing you house", "put me in the hospital", "moneys good", "made a thousand dollars"(and I saw a man in a vision and he said something like, "I can"t believe it"-he may go to plainfield apostolic Church). In other visions, vanslyke said things like, "moneys your friend", "milk the Church", "I just can't handle it", "leave it alone", "awesome", "we reject it", "police is coming", and I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and HE said, "i have an eraser", and I saw van slke and he said things like, "call police", "I got warning", "tell the police", "you'll die", "can we be friends", "tell police because of that vision", and I saw a Man and He said, "we already know", "thats your problem", "tell police", "he give you warning", "trespass", "arrest", and I saw vanslyke and he said things like, "you'll be arested soon", "no my doctors statement", "stroke", "I don't want a stroke", "trap", "come be with us", "hows prophet doin", "this is vanslyke", "trap him", "this is what kills me", "he's taking away my home", "live right there", "we want material", "I fell into a trap", "my house", "it's up to you", "come and give warning", "I'm psycho", "I think he's awesome".
(390)brother dell-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like brother dell and he said things like, "cause of me", "cause of me", "lift", "you git in more trouble", "money's your answer", "thats me", "let witness stay", "material", "the united states", "under attack", "mess with him", "please help me", "I tell the police", "I wrecked him".
(391)pastor donald winters-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like u.p.c.i. pastor donald winters and he said things like, "I'm out", "tell the police", "no hospital", "away from bobby", "we know it", "we know it now", "cause bobby", "right number", "website shut down", and I saw brother dell and he said, "storage". I saw hollie and she said, "thats a lesson".
(392)thomas simison-vision received 9-4-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like pentecostal pastor simison and he said things like, "tell the police", "done", "perished", and maybe, 'call", 'I'm the one stopping you".
(393)pastor vanslyke of plainfield apostolic Church-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like wallace vanslyke and he said things like, "I'm vanslyke", "I guarantee", "don't tell nobody", "put prophet in the lake", "fix it", "can't stand him", "it hurts", "Jesus", "send prophet", and I saw hollie and she said, "won't you traP", and I saw vanslyke and he said things like, "I can't see", "go ahead and close it", "drink coffee", "he'll put it back", "made me jelous", "president", "assassinate", and I saw this president and he said, "thats what I heard", "my answer", "website down", and I saw somebody and they said, "he'll put it back up", and I saw a spirit that looked like wallace vanslyke and he said things like, "the united states", "hit russia", and I saw putin and he said, "he blew it", and I saw wallace van slyke and he said things like, "you know how I blew", "close it", "come and be with us", "heres the trap", "lets embarrass", "masterbated", "what he say", show us", "your headin to destruction", "don't tell", "I masterbated", "bobby allright", "call the police", "come around here, "cause I tell the police", and I may have seen me and I said, "you tell the poice", and I saw vanslyke and he said, "then I'll have a stroke", "and live", "one side is down", "I ain't gonna do it", "comitted balspheme", "I'm cut off", "need some money".
(394)pastor vanslyke has his own blood on his hands-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like pentecostal preacher wallace vanslyke and he held up is hands and he said, "your blood is here", "don't tell the police", "new problem", "put stroke", and I may have seen vladimir putin and he said, "stroke", and I saw van slyke and he said, "mercy", "stay away from me", "stop it".
(395)wallace van slyke-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like preacher van slyke and he said things like, "take your money", "don't believe it", "how did I committ blaspheme", and I saw somebody and they said, "going against prophet", and I saw wallace again and he said things like, "thats how", "you deviL", and I saw hollie and she said, "who cares", and I saw vanslyke and he said, "about me", "you cain't stop me", "leave it alone", "allright", and I saw me and I said, "don't punish", and I saw wallace and he said, "you should have stayed with me", and I saw me and I said, "his Mantle", "got taken", "I comitted blaspheme", "prophet in control", "you shot the Mantle", and I saw van slyke and he said, "witness sold out" and I saw me and I said, "prophet knew", "can't beleive the prophet", "o shit", "you fool", "thats your problem", and I saw vanslyke and he said, "he's talking about me", "my Mantle", "taken because of prophet", "the devils the adversary", and I saw me and I said things like, "there after me", "deliver vanslyke", and I saw joe that goes to or used to go to plainfield apostolic Church and he said things like, "your shot", "been talking", "you gave your word bob", and I saw me and I said, "spoke", "I never told", "I kept my word", and I saw van slyke and he said, "keep your word", "be nice", and I saw joe and he said, "spoke it", and maybe, "attack", "prophet going down", and I saw wallace van slyke and he said, "thats me", and I saw joe and he said something like, "you done it yourself", "done spoke"
(396)donald winters who pastor westside petecostal Church-vision received 9-6-2005-God has showed me in visions a spirit that looked like pastor donald winters and he said, "he's who I blaspheme", and maybe, "my wallet", and I saw me and I said, "uncover".
(397)pastor wallace vanslyke-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like wallace and he said things like, "I never will", "your just what I want", "git your licence", "trust me", "imitate", "traffic up", "takie it down", "stay open", "assisstant", and I may have seen a person and they said, "he's the pastor", and I saw wallace and he said, "I don't want assisstant", "hang around", "stroke", "give it to'em", "prophet has choice", "call", "set me up", "pray for an hour", "you know I ain't", "your more than welcome", "are you listening", "under control", "I'm closing", "thats what I want", "I comitted blaspheme", "is bob clear", "yes", and I may have seen me and I said, 'I ain't your prophet", and I saw wallace and he said, "let me perish", and i saw me and I said, "perish", and I saw wallace and he said things like, "try n get closer", "you blaspheme", "fix it", "devil said, "come here", "live on", "blaspheme got taken away", "I ain't gonna give it to ya", and vanslyke said, "you don't understand", "I'm over", "take me down", and I saw me and I said, "thats why I embarras", and I saw wallace and he said, "you need to tell on me", "maybe its a trap", "get him off me", "bring bob", "harras him", "Jesus is sending me a warning", "go home", "let me stay", "step", and I saw this president and he said things like, you should have left it", "bush". I lastly saw wallace van slyke and he said things like, 'I wonder if them are just words", "how'd I blaspheme", and I may have saw a man and he said, "joe", "you said that".
(398)are you starting to believe I was sent by God now-vision received 9-6-2005-In this vision, God has showed me a spirit that looked like upci pastor preacher donald winters and he said something like, "we believe you now".
(399)wallace vanslyke warns-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pentecostal preacher wallace vanslyke and he said things like, "you have an attorney", and I saw a man in a vision and I said, "do you have a burial site", and I saw vanslyke and he said things like, "he's warning", "were witches", "won't return", "leave website closed", "I'm taken off", "I'm taken it off", "perishing", and I saw a Man and he said, "he'll fix back up again", and I saw me and I said, "websites in storage", and I saw vanslyke and he said, "fix it", and the other day I saw him and he said something like, "the websites back up again", in other visions, I beleive vanslyke called the police and they police came out and the officer that Looked like an Angel said something like, "thats your problem". Visions are accurate revelations by the Holy Ghost..
(400)wanted on the phone by angry pastor williams-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like somebody or I just heard them and they said, "your wanted on the phone", and I may have asked who wanted me and I saw the pastor of victory temple apolstolic faith Church, and he said, 'pick it up".
(401)mrs. luster-visions recieved 9-8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like first lady luster of the upper room Church and she said things like, "go easy", "we want material" and maybe, "than you".
(402)phil irias-visions received 9-8-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like phil irias and he said things like, "oral sex", "want it in the but", "I eat pussY', "I suck dick".
(403)rick butler-vision received 9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like rick butler and he said things like, "good afternoon", "I'm rick butler", "new mustang".
(404)do Jehova's wintnesses harras Jesus-vision received 9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like like virginia boldea and she said something like, "don't harras anybody", and then I saw this woman that I witnessed to that had a watchtower magazine in her hand and she said, "who am I harrasing", and I saw virginia again and she said something like, "my Lord". More was said.
(405)don't blaspheme the Johova's winesses-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor simison and he said something like, "bob blasphemed the Jehova's witness", and I saw kirtina fox and she said something like, "don't blaspheme the Jehova's witnesses", and I may ahve seen simison againa and he said, "bob blasphemed", and I saw kristina and she said, "satan".
(406)loved-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like pastor thomas simison and he said things like, "nobody loves me", and I saw possibly a man and he said, "not true", and maybe, "satan does".
(407)is westside pentecostal CHurch in idianapolis like a comedy shop-received 9-8-2005 I was asking Jesus to reveal how I feel about westside pentecostal Church in indianapolis, God has showed me a spirit that looks like me and I said, "it's a comedy shop".
(408)converstaion between micahel boldea sr and virginia boldea-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like mike and he said things like, "I just can not take it", "he will not take the website down", and I saw virginia and she said something like, 'yes he will", and I saw mike and he said things like, "he'll put it baclk", "what's his problem", "maybe it's to late".
(409)what will be on the death certificate of pastor a. d. woodson-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like a. d. woodson and he said things like, "on my my death certificate", "blaspheme", "cain't hear it", and also, "I'm woodson, "I slept", "I don't care", "I'm doing it for the money", "I'm apostolic", "but, "I have fallen", "your harrasing", "apostle", "free", "thanks for doing that".
(410)what will be on the death certificate of pastor donald winters-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like a. d. woodson and he said things like, "on my my death certificate", "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost", "let me thru", "I couldn't handle It".
(411)what will be on the death certificate of pastor keri fox-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like keri and he said things like, "on my my death certificate", "blaspheme", "I wanted out", and, "warn you ", "yoou backslided".
(412)what will be on the death certificate of sissy-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like sissy and he said things like, "on my my death certificate", "adulterer".
(413)what will be on the death certificate of a woman that works for speedway gas station-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like a. d. woodson and he said things like, "on my my death certificate", "blaspheme".
(414)what will be on the death certificate of pastor wallace van slyke-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like van slyke and he said things like, "on my my death certificate", "blaspheme", "I know it", "you ain't been working", "come back and appologize", "trap", "heres the plan", "bob wants to preache", "I been cut off".
(415)what will be on the death certificate of pastor bother dell-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like a. d. woodson and he said things like, "on my my death certificate", "out", and, "fixin to go home", "you made me scared".
(416)what will be on the death certificate of preacher simison-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like maybe simison and I'm going by memory and he said things like, "on my my death certificate", ""assassinate bobby", "out", and, "I got blood on my hands", and also, "save my wallet, "religion", "I'm a witch", "heart attack", "Mantles off", "you blew", "were the devil", "take russia", "how do we take russia", and I saw saw this president and he said, "we have crusie missile's", "cruise missile's will destroy", "bush", and I saw simison and he said, "thats it", "you need to appologize".
(416)what will be on the death certificate of thelma johnson-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like thelma johnson and he said things like, "on my my death certificate", "kill bobby".
(417)pastor simison prophecies-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like a pator simison and he said things like, "when the money runs out", "nuke", russia will attack us". Many people said the same thing or very similar like I beleive kritina fox did. Kristina also said things like, "its a warning", "witness is clear", "the witch", "leave me alone", "leave out". I beleive pastor a.d woodson sr. said this also, and hollie.
(418)what will be on the death certificate of this president-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like this president and he said things like, "on my my death certificate", "I'm bush", "assissinate".
(419)same o thomas simison-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like apostolic upci pentecostal pastor simison of maybe, the bible Church, in indianapolis and he said things like, "same o computer", "same o simison", "same o backslider".
(420)what will be on the death certificate of u.p.c.i. superintendent kenneth haney-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like, united pentecostal Church international superintendent, kenneth haney, and he said, "on my death certificate", "bobbys right", and, "I want out of here", "you ain't been prayin", "we heard", "everything financial", "not really", "extension", "fast", "absolutely".
(421)accident-vision received 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "Iheard you had a little accident", "the Lord showed me that you took it down", "have your way", "I guess they done told", and I saw a man that looked like putin and he said, "punish you", and I saw mike and he said something like, "guess who's in the lake". I saw dumitru and he said, "he sells", "try n help him and I saw mike and he said, "thats personal", and I saw dumitru and he said something like, "ain't nothing personal", and I saw mike and he said, "revenge", and I saw dumitru and he said, "you wanted control", and I saw virginia and she said something like, "you take that website down", "then it the lake", "Gods warning you", "not to take the website out", and I saw somebody and they said, "he will", and I saw virginia and she said, "prepare", and I may have seen mike and he said, "for judgement", "impossible", and I saw dumitru and he said, "hand of help", and I saw virginia and she said, "were loosing it", and I saw dumitru and he said, "hand of help will collapse", and I saw virginia and she said, "he'll do it", and I saw mike and he said, "Pray for bobby to help", and I saw virginia and she said, "done sent", "you don't want help", and I saw mike and she said things like, "headed to destruction", "the Lords taken me home", and I saw virginia and she said, "tell'em", and i saw mike and he may have said, "guess were headed to destruction", and I saw a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, "hand of help will collapse", "tellem bob". I heard and may have dimly seen a spirit and he said, "when your Spirit is right", and I saw dumitru and he said, "hand of help will survive", and I may ave seen mike and he said, "theres nothing wrong", and I saw somebody and they said, "Gods warning", and I saw mike and he said, "don't come to hand of help", and I saw dumitru and he said, "hand of help", "survive", "the united states", "when the united states", "economy collapses", I saw mike and he said, "broke", "take my word" and I saw virginia and she said "don't come near us", "I'm going to the lake", and I saw dmitru and he said, "no", and I saw mike and he said, "last chance", and I saw dumitru and he said, "get right", "don't tell on bobby", "you know that Mantle", "collapse the economy and you collapse hand of help", "witness can", "he'll collapse it", "you even call the police", and I saw mike and he said something like, "he'll collapse it", and I saw dumitru and he said, "leave that Mantle alone", "leave this Mantle on prophet", "your headed to destruction". I beleive these were all as Identifeid", "witness will collapse hand of help", and I may have seen mike and he said, "what does bob say", and I saw dumitru and he said something like, "collapse the economy", and I saw man that looked like putin and he said, "you don't understand", "collapse it", "its about timing", "then will shoot", and I kristina somebody and she said, "this is your last warning", I saw dumitru and he said, "he likes hand of help", "he won't collapse it". Iheard things like, "witness can collapse the economy", "when it collapses", and I saw a spirit that like this president and he said, "its thru". I heard, "leave the website and witness alone". I saw dumitru, and he said, "when witness collapses", "witness ain't stron enough", "the united states will collapse". I saw and sometimes hard and may have dimly seen people say these things. They may not be correctly Identified". I saw mike and he said things like, "thats not pentecostal", and maybe, "this ain't from God", and I saw dumitru and he said something like, "thats how you commit blaspheme"
(422) message-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said, "what is witness saying", and I saw a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said, "Gods forgiven", 'heart", "mike", "call", and maybe, "thats the reason he will embarras", "hand of help", and I saw maybe, virginia and she said, "is falling", and lastly, dumitru, "I'm tellin ya mike", "Gods given you a waring", "you out", "come back", and I saw a spirit that looked like mike and he said, "bills", and maybe, "steal gas money". I saw katrina and she said, "this is the last warning", "the devil has you", "leave alone". I saw dumutru and he said, "mike", "leave alone", "witness will collapse economy", and I saw putin and he said something like, "missile attack", "he'll revenge", "you", and I saw virginia and she said, 'its over", and I saw dumitru and he said, "this is warning", "go to the computer", and I saw mike and he said, "he won't", and i heard and may ahve dimly seen dumitru, "witness will collapse the economy", and I heard, and don't know If I saw, "witness does not care", and I saw this president and he said, "go ahead and collapse it", "we will", and I saw dumitru and he said, "don't you understand", and I saw putin and he said, "bobby hurts", "ready to attack", "when your economy collapse's", "collapse", maybe, "russia will nike the united states"(heard similar)
(423)what will be on the death certificate of elder joseph minor-received 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looks like elder joseph minor and he said things like, "on my my death certificate", "I blasphemed the Holy Ghost", and things like, "cut off", "the dust is off"(I shook the dust of my feet before I got in the van), "won't git back", "I'm joseph", "this is minor", "o my God", "he did see IT". I saw maybe hollie and she said something like, "what you saw was the River of Life. What thah looked like was possibly a crystal like river similar to molten glass, possbly flowing from like a Crystal Throne". I saw hollie and she said, "your awesome". I love you hollie. I sw joseph minor from grace apostolic Church in many visions and I don't remember. I one he recognized withstanding me. He said, "On my death certificate", "I withstood the prophet", and also, "out of here", "thats awesome", and maybe, "you know why I ran witness out". Many more. I possibly saw a woman that goes there and she said, "you have the RIGht Spirit", "but you need to go home", and maybe, "you liar". I saw hollie and she said something like, "Gods giving you warning", and maybe, "your Church is going to close". Thats grace apostolic Church.
(424)virginia boldea-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia bolea and she said things likew, "on my my death certificate", "I walked out", "money", and I saw micheal boldea and he said, "I sold", and a I saw virginia and she said, "new orleans", and I saw maybe kristina fox and she said, "judgment", "thats bobby", and I saw a spirit that looked like virginia and she said things like, "we look at it", "I think it's awesome", "I fast", "speak more", "undecided", "I'm virginia boldea", "new licence", and I saw russian president putin and he said, "attack", and I saw virginia and she said, "you got to give warning, and maybe, "your a trap bobby", "clear", "if this is a warning", "don't take it", "make friends", "leave the website alone", "don't touch it", "you've blown it", and I saw dumitru and he said, "hand of help", "mike", ,"leave website", "destruction", "move to webspawner", and I saw virginia and she said, "webspawner won't shut down", and I may have seen a man and I said, "not this house".
(425)kirk franklin-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kirk and he said things like, "I'm cut off", "closed", "prepare", "hallaluiah", "thats it", "you lost".
(426)grace apostolic Church-vision recieved 9-8-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor hunt and he said, "bobby we want you here", and I saw elder minor and he said something like, "orgy", and "learn how to teach", "you blaspheme", "no forgiveness", "send prophet", "He sent a new prophet", "no thats a devil", ".
(427)gene schmidt-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like geno and he said things like, "thats your website", "end time prophetic ministry", "I'm looking at it", "it's off", and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "touch the website", "perish", and I may have seen gene and he said, "I got it", "whats the Word", and I saw somebody and they said, "take the website down", and I saw ann and she said, "we close", and maybe, "were bankrupt", "I call the police", and I saw kristina and she said, "call the police", "he will collapse the economy", and I saw russia president putin and he said, 'attacK", and I saw geno and he said, "pray at least one hour", "accept it", "this is good", "hows bobby", and I saw me and I said, "I'm up", and I saw stan and he said, "open", and I saw geno and he said, "open", or spirits that looked like them, and I may have seen ann and she said things like, "undecided", "an hour", "neer eat supper", "don't take the website down", "he'll collapse the economy", and I saw putin and he said, "attack", "warning".
(428)brother stair-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like stair and he said things like, "put it on", "need your help", "had a choice", "I'm a witch", "witch is cut off", "warn", "can't believe it".
(429)irving baxter-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said, "get me out of here", "I'm irving baxter", "call", "sure", "o my God", "witness is correct".
(430)wanting me killed-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe me and I said, "he wants to kill me", and I saw this president and he said, "I'm bush", "bush", "bush will", and I saw putin and he said, "attack", and I saw this president and he said, "attack", and I saw putin and he said, "witness has alrady said the prayer", and I saw this president and he said, "I'm bush", "be nice", "prove it"when you hit iran", and I saw virginia and she said, "assassinate", "bush", "set it up", "we heard", and I saw this president and he said, "we'll see", and I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea, and he said, 'I killed bush" .
(431)anne schmidt-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like anne and she said things like, "websites down", "it must be prophet", "here's the passwords", and I saw geno and he said, "closed", and I saw a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said, "will he help us", and I saw michael boldea and he said, "you know he won't", "no", and I saw me and I said, "sent", "you didn't want It", and I saw virginia and she said, "you wanted dick", "done", "o my God", "website is closed", "show", "kill bobby", "you know what prophet done", "password", "the website is shut down", and I saw mike and he said, "we'll fix it", and I saw virginia and she said, "call the police he'll collapse the economy", and I saw somebody and they said things like, "collapse gauranteed", "leave it alone".
(432)michael boldea-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike of hand of help and he said things like, "tell I wrecked", "will you help us", "I blew", "tell me to stop sinning or stop preaching", and maybe, 'call', "they want us", "this is your warning", "eat with us", and I saw dumitru and he said, "elijah", and I saw geno and he said, "close the website", "it's up", and I saw maybe virginia boldea and she said, "close the website, 'open us", "don't close the website down", and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, "mike's to blame, and I may have seen mike and he said, "leave it alone", "make me return", and I saw me and I said maybe things like, "leave the website alone", "let me close the website", and I saw virginia and she said, "leave website alone", "you know what the website's done for us", "bob closed it", and I saw a man and he said, "kill the website". I saw me and I said, "I don't care", and I saw mike and he said, "you better care", and I saw dumitru and he said, "you like visions", "it's a choice", "please help me bob", "nuke.
(433)hand of help will collapse whe the economy collapses-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina and she said things like, "how come you ain't lookin", don't close the website", "when the economy collapses", "hand of help collapses", "lost", "assassinate", and I saw this president and he said things like, "I'm bush", "bush", "assassinated", and maybe, "bob hickman", "michael boldea", and mike may have said, "yes sir", and I saw kristina fox and she said, "website is closed", "hand of help is closed", "america is closed", and I may have seen mike and he said, "I got the money"
(434)terry ford-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like terry ford and we where there talking and I said to him, "you saw what was coming here", "chances are you got a calling in your life", God doen't just give people those", and more was said.
(435)michael boldea-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia and she said, "make mike embarrased", and I saw a spirit that looked like mike and he said things like, "committed blaspheme", ", "adulterer", "your selling", "be left behind", and I saw a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman and he said, 'I've blown", "adultery", "bobby close the website", and I saw a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said things like,"I cain't handle it", "if you ever close the website", "he'll collapse the economy", and I saw russian president putin and he said, "attack", and I saw virginia and she said, "putin", and I saw gene schmidt and he said, "you need to write a book", "prophet slept", kept", "git your message out", and I saw somebody and they said maybe, "return", and I may have seen geno and he said, "we can't stop it", and I saw president putin and he said, "attack america",, "attack ukraine", "yushchenko missiles", "are armed", and maybe, "cause the president assassinated" and I saw dumitru and he said, "bush assassinated", and I saw somebody and they said, "hit bobby", and I saw micheal boldea sr and he said, "maybe its a warning"
(436)gene schimdt-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like geno and he said, "is bobby apostolic", "no", "Lord won't bless him", "cut off", and I saw geno and he said, "thats me". There may have been another person in this.
(438)irving baxter-vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said, "o my God", "you blasphemed".
(439)macaulay culkin-vision recieved 9-9-2005 I heard, "michael jackson", and may have seen who said it, "which I beleive was dumitru duduman, God has showed me a spirit that looked like macaulay culkin and he said things like, "mike wouldn't listen", "my old husband", "yes", "we still have it", "your satan", "my dick", and I may have seen micael jackson and he said, "how did it feel", and I saw macaulay and he said, "good", "cancer", "michael gives some head", "can you warn me", "micheal, "it hurt", "I told you not to do it", "that hurt me", "stiches", "real", "cancer", "hurt", "anal sex", "you know how many kids", "eat cum", and I saw a spirit that looked like michael jackson and he may have said things like, "not worthy", "how come your harrasing me", "sex was real", open my heart", "O'm thru".
(440)revelations of michael boldea-vision received 7-6-2005-In this this vision, I saw a Arm and the Hand was pointing and I believe the I saw the word, "watertown", and I heard, "go to watertown", which is watertown, wisconsin where hand of help ministries is, and I did. I visited and Jesus gave me many many many visions while there. I was talking with ann schmidt there and telling her things and Jesus gave me many visions for her, and I told her one and she laughed. It seems to be something we all want, and she most definately did. As I was talking to her, Jesus gave me a vision and in it she said something like, "you slipped", and I told her the vision and she had to leave a little later and I felt the vision meant that I would not see her again and I left before she got back. She wanted to hear the other vision or visions, but, I did not feel the leading of the Holy Ghost to tell her. I saw just about all if not all that were at the mission in visions except for the visitors. I met with michael boldea, and if you search this site you will find vision or visions where it was shown to me that me and mike would meet. In one, he has his hand out to shake mine. When it was time to go, he came to me with his hand out or stuck it out, and I told him something like, "there's the vision". I was given so many vision, and reluctantly as the Lord requires, I will post them. I don't know if I ever in my life remember feeling the Holy Ghost like I do now. I'm afraid to post what I've been shown. Even as michael was talking to me, I was receiving visions. I saw a man that looked like him in a vision and he said something like, "how many visions do you have". Let me say this, as I was praying at the reststop, I saw Something pointing and I heard this, "the Witness is in him". It may have been a Finger, perhaps I thought I would remember. I heard something like this, and may have seen who said it, "what thing was it that made you change your mind about him", and I thought, and even though I can't remember the words he said word for word, I remembered him saying something about possibly a system, or something like that which lots beleive in REVELATION 17 is talking about many things. I've heard the woman, whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON in REVELATION 17 called many things, but, it is america. I heard this, "he doesn't fully understand". I maybe should have said something, but, can't recall feeling the leading of the Holy Ghost. I saw a man that looked like michael boldea in vision and he said something like, "I was interested". I saw a man that looked like him in visions and he said things like, "the Witness is in me and It should be in you". I said something to God like, "why didn't I feel it", and as I said that, I saw a man that looked like michael and he said the very same thing or about the same thing. So what that means is I did not feel the Holy Ghost coming from him and he probably did not feel it coming from me. I believe In posibly other visions, I may have seen me or Somebody else and I said, "why didn't you feel It", and I may have seen him again and he said something like, "I don't understand it". It is easy to blaspheme the Holy Ghost in situations like this. The bible commands us to try the spirits. As I stood on my knees in wondering, visions started to roll in, and I'm afaid to declare what I was shown, like samuel was afraid to tell eli what the Lord told him. I saw a man that looked like michael boldea in a vision and he said something like, "I put bob in hell". I think in reality, what bob does will determine where he spends eternity. I wondered about that and still do a little, but, I wonder if that is because I don't want to post what I was shown. I'm not going to come against him, but, I may be required to post what I have stored. Even david was possibly afraid to come against king saul because he knew king saul was Gods anointed. In visions. I have many of the visions I saw in storage. I'll pray. Here they are. Visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like michael boldea, but may have not been, but looked very similar and he said things like, "I wanted out", "need my computer", "I cut off", "embarras", "I ain't cut off", "I ain't gonna hear it", "I was interested", "on my way back", "please get me away from you", "didn't know", "embarras me", "you know I'm dumitru", "I'm going to hell", "adultery", "you mean I can come back", 'I'm a reject", "your satan", "nothing personal", "come help us", "that did help", "I want material". This man looked like michael boldea, but, may have not been him. I'm not judging, coming against, with standing, etc. I'm declaring what I was shown. Once or maybe twice, while I met with michael boldea the other day, I had a vision where I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard, and He very forcibly said something like, "SEE". Perhaps I was telling Jesus I'd have to try the Spirit in person, and I got to. I do beleive Michael boldea has had the baptizm of the Holy Ghost, even though I did not feel It coming from his voice. Jesus can make it so we can't feel it if He wants to. When this occurs, it make it so easy to blaspheme the Holy Ghost, cause of jumping to quick to conclusions. Sin may block it out on either persons behalf. Be very slow to speak with your mouth. Jesus can strip your Anointing away and restore it like turning on a light switch. The bible cammands us not to judge, so, so don't judge. Hold your peace. What you say in your heart and with your mouth is two different things. When you speak, it becomes sin.
(267)pray for others-vision received 7-8-2005-In this vision, I saw like this female animation and she said something like, and she asked about this woman. I'm interceding for you. I just saw a woman in a vision that may have looked like a spirit and she said, 'I'm a backslider", "punisH", "take it off". Cry out to Jesus. I often ask Jesus about taking visions off. I'm only declaring as reqired by Jesus. I would not want to come against Gods anointed for all the money in the world. Why would I do that. I beleive I have seen some Fruit of the Spirit of God in the real hollie's life. I truly hope she did not fall, and if she did, I hope she gets up, and comes back charging. I just saw like a white spirit version of a woman and she said, "you should have left me alone". In a way, it makes me wish the internet never got tached onto my walk. It saddens me thinking on that vision. In every vision on my websites about hollie moody, I will say again, I saw somebody who looked like, but, I'm not sure was, her. I have interceded. In a way, this vision makes me want to just post revelations and end times visions and teaching visions. I removed just about all names if not all names from the website back in about april, but, had to put it back. These websites belong to Jesus, not me. If the Lord would allow, I would remove the names again, and never put no names on. I don't want tohurt nobody, but, can I help. Perhaps by these revelations, people are being helped. Maybe somebody that was decieved will see all of a sudden. I just saw a Man in a vision and I believe He said, "she needs you helP". It's available. I'm at your disposal, Lords will. It is very possible that we bring things like this upon ourselves by saying little prideful things like, "can't stop me", "I'm unstoppable", laughing at others calamity", be proud, feeling like it, etc. Your WAY o'h Jesus Christ, my precious KING!
(423)gene schmidt-vision recieved 3-4-2005-in this vision, I saw gene schmidt of hand of help and he said something like, "I want you to make it right". Back toward the last of 1999, I felt the leading way in advance, and I knew Jesus was dealing with me about visiting hand of help in watertown, wi. I did, and was stunned. I believe I thought in my heart that I would find Jesus there. Gene was very nice to me, and I liked him. Gene took me to his church, which was a house church and the pastors name was ken. I was praying and pressing hard like the bible commands, and ken comes over and stops me and shakes my hand. In the service, pastor ken was suggesting that I just jumped in my car, and went to watertown, which was not the case at all. I saw pastor ken in a vision and he said soemthing like, "I ran him out of there". I told gene as we leaving, that I did not feel God there, and I didn't. Not one bit. I told this to Gene because I cared for him, and I think this hurt him or offended him, which was not my intention. I did here a voice say, "don't tell". I should have listened. Gene let me stay in his house that night, and the Lord Jesus spoke to me late in the night, and I forget what He said, but, He let me know to get out there quick, and I did. I saw more than enough. I've made many appologies that I don't even know if I owed. The morrow of the story is, if You can't find Jesus at home, or where you are, don't think you will go somewhere else and find Him. Jesus is here, just like He is there. I had Jesus, and like the apostle Paul, desire to impart a Spiritual gift, but, the people have to want it.
(424)cacelia amial :vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that may have been carcelia and she may have said things like, "I'm just an adulterer", "this is your last warning", "He shut me off", "can't find It", "give me your number", and maybe, "please bobby", "help me", "come and help", "perished", left", "tempt me"t, "made me fast", "impress us", "tithe with us".
(425)michael boldea jr.-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike jr and he said things like, "send bob a heart attack", "thats the Lord", "better go and find another website", "I'll attack it", and I saw dumitru dududman and he said, 'thats a show", "leave it alone", and I saw a spirit that looked similar to virginia boldea and she said, "he'll collapse the economy", and I saw mike sr and he said something like, "please help us", and I may have seen mike jr and he said something like, "thats it", and I saw dumitru and he may have said, "websites down", and I may have seen virginia and she said something like,"he'll attack our website", "website back", off", and I saw dumitru and he said, "closed", "hand of help closed", and maybe, "website", "he'll attack the website of hand of help", and I may have seen virginia and she said something like, "prophet lives in indianapolis", "prove", and I saw maybe mike and he said, "can't", and I saw maybe virginia and she said things like, "she needs you", "you ain't doing enough. I sw dumitru and he told me something like mike was the one that got website down, and I may have seen virginia and she may have said, 'you stink", "he'll sign guestbooks", and I may have seen dumitru and he said, "an it will never go down". I saw maybe verginia and she said, "punish me", "attack him", and I may have seen dumitru and he said things like, "attack virginia boldea", "that ain't good for your help", "leave that website up", and I saw hollie and she said, "tell her to attack", and I saw somebody and they said something like, "he'll collapse the economy", and I saw mike sr and he said things like, "how can he collapse the economy", "finished", and I saw dumitru and he said things like, "that Mantle", "it come off me", "I give you a warning", and I saw mike and he said, "computer hacker and I saw mike sr and he said something like, "how come he's messing with us", and I saw virginia and she said, "us", and I saw mike sr. and he said, "out", and I saw dumitru and he said, "return". I saw a woman and she said something like, "that is mercy", and somebody, "take that website down", and more than one, "he'll collapse the economy", and I saw mike jr. and he said something like, "how many did you tell", and I saw kristina and she said, "just pray", "take the website down", and I saw mike sr., "collapse the economy", and I saw virginia and she said, "broke", and I saw krisitina and she said, "thats bobby hickman", and I saw mike sr and he said, "give money", and maybe, "now were back", and I mike jr. and he said, "your fallen", "bobby back", and I saw dumitru and he said, "sent", "its up to you", and I saw mike and he said, "who sent him", and I saw virginia and she said, "Holy Ghost", and I saw mike sr. and he said, "we accept", and I saw virginia and she said things like, "new witness", "but we won't accept the price", "we won't accept", and I saw dumitru and he may have said, "then perish", and I saw virginia and she said, "backslider", and I saw mike sr and he said, "this is a warning", and I saw dumitru and he said, "website closed", and I saw somebody and they said, "finished", and I saw mike sr and he said something like, "go ahead and close it down", and I saw dumitru and he said, "then he will collapse the economy", "hand of help over", and I saw mike sr and he said, "perishing", and I saw maybe virginia and she said things like, "the lites are already out at hand of help". I saw mike jr. and he said, "thats harrassing", and I saw sr and he said, "wrong", "warning", and I saw mike jr and he said, "you know were getting ready to sue you", and I saw maybe mike sr and he said, "witness has incorporated", and somebody, "don't waste your time", and I may have seen dumitru and he said, "he'll sign guestbooks", "thousands of'em", "there's mercy", "don't sue", "need money".
(426)collapse of social security-visions received 9-2005-God has showed me katrina and she said things like, "ask me about social security", "it'll collapse", "Im in the lake".
(427)going to have fun-visions recieved 3-12-2005-in a vision, I saw a man that looked like michael boldea, and he said something like, "you're going to have fun". He may have said, "were going to have fun". I saw me in a vision and I was questioning this. I said something like, "what's going to have fun". I saw the man again and he said, 'touring and speaking". I will say this, the only person that I know of whose message is exactly what Jesus showed me was dumitru duduman. Michael now shares that message. I saw michael boldea in another vision, and he said something like, "you may have hurts us". I've shared visions. I bet I've seen the hand of help people in over 100 visions. Most are not posted. I don't want to post. If Jesus requires, I will not have a choice. I personally want to see hand of help hit on all 8 cylinders. I want to see them charge. I bet before dumitru died, he said prayers for the ministry. I believe while duimitru lived, the devil knew he would not be able to do anything with hand of help ministries. Dumitru Duduman died about may 5, 1997, and I'm sure all of a sudden a wall that was spiriually built up around that ministry by prayers and fastings of dumitru duduman and others, weakened. If it is the will of the Lord, and michael boldea desires, when he gets his prophecy club tour done, I can go down to watertown, wisconsin, and him and I can pray and fast and seek Jesus for what ever needs to be done. And never think there are any big I's and little Y's in this. Anybody that is not cut off, can pray and seek Jesus, and become like the apostle Paul.
(428)michael boldea-vision received 5-26-2005-I may have seen and or heard something like, "M. Boldea". THis I definately saw. I saw his last name appear one letter at a time like it was being written down, "Boldea".
(429)I don't want michael boldea abased either-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "please don't abase me".
(430)michael boldea-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said something like, 'I got you in my heart", "your a prophet".
(431)Jesus owns all-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said things like, my house.
(432)back-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said something like, your back.
(433)virginia boldea-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said things like, "The Lord warned you", "please hurry", "thats what I needed", "special", and I saw michael boldea and he said things like, "no your not", "your not". I saw virginia again and she said, "I heard". Hi virginia boldea. I saw her again and she said, "thats bob". Greetings boldea's in Jesus name! Your Helper in a time of need. I saw virginia in visions on 9-9-2005, and she said things like, "return"
(434)possibly wanting friendship-vision received 8-17-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he may have said something about friendship, and I may have seen him again and he said, 'I do", and I saw hollie and she said, "do".
(435)with me-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said, "I'm with you", "open us".
(436)virginia boldea-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said things like, "I wrecked", "I couldn't handle it", "loose wallet", "leave off", "I can't believe this", "I care", "tell me Jesus".
(437)michael boldea-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said things like, "unfortuneately", "I'm so sick".
(438)God sees and remembers your prayers-visions recieved 10-4-2004-twice I saw dumitru duduman in visions today, and he said, "help me", "please help me". I told Jesus something like, "how can I help him when he is dead"? I then I saw someone who looked like virginia boldea in a vision, and she said, "please help me God". As I was typing this, I saw another person in a vision, and he said, "we need your help". It is hard to imagine what it would be like to be in virginia boldea's shoes. She is playing mother to probably over 100 children. Dumitru Duduman, I'm sure, prayed a lot, and just because he is dead, does not mean his prayers are dead.
(439)God gives gifts for the church-visions received 11-6-2004-while praying, I saw a man, and I said, "is that Michael Boldea", and I saw Michael Boldea in a vision, and he said, "you only use Him", and I inquired, and I saw Jesus, and HE said something like, "My visions". The visions are not mine, but, they belong to Jesus, and I'm suppost to tell them to whoever HE wants me to. They were not given to me to turn them into a buisness or a door opener or to use amiss. If I were to die today, the one thing that excites me is the visions and dreams Jesus gave me would be left behind for whoever wants to read them. Thank you Jesus! Praise you Jesus for "prophecy ministry, prophetic ministry, prophetic ministries", and "ministry of dreams"!!!!
(440)greater works out reach-visions recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the pastor amial, and he said things like, "I'm the pastor", "I didn't recognzie", "I'm an exapostle", "under a bridge", "I'm out", "now I can't find IT", "new york city", "attack it", and I saw his wife, carcelia amial, and she said things like, "bobby", "if we ask you to preach", "turn it down", "I'm scared", "tell me message bobby", "you left", "told", "now I'm gonna git you". I saw dumitru duduman in a vision and he said something like, "bobby, you want to make a video, shoot the vidoe right there".
(441)greater ST. JOHN Church of God in Christ-a vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked the pastor mitchell hatton and he said things like, "you left here", broke my heart", "I'm in adultery", "sold", "sold out", "I blew IT", "were closing", "sup with", "going to hell", "tell your visions", "tell your visions outside", "get up off the floor"(I was praying). I saw various people that goes there and they said things like, "he's wasted", "were witches", "this is a financial Church". I saw many people and I beleive they all went there and they all said, one at a time, "come back and preach". I saw pastor hatton and he said, "On my death certificate", "I blasphemed", and I may have seen a woman and she said, "you didn't blaspheme", and I saw this woman and she said, "I did". I saw her in a vision and she said, "come and preach", and I told her the vision and she she said something like, "thats a lie". It was shown to me she will see it later.
(442)edell flass- vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked edell and he said things like, "I had a dream", "were witches", "I'm cut off", "embarras me", and I saw his brother, terry flass, and he said, "my names terry", "I'm a witch".
(443)chubby checker- vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked chubby and he said things like, "my name is chubby", "backslider", "witness sold", "return".
(443)della latham- vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, della, and she said, "the Lord warned you not to blaspheme".
(444)bishop charles h. mason-a vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked charles and he said things like, "I'm a witch", "I sold", "I lost him".
(445)hollie- vision recieved 9-9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and and she said, "I'm hollie", "I'm moody", "I want", "you", "to come", "to "california", and I saw me and I said, "I'm prophet", and maybe, "return",, and I saw hollie and she said, "help me", "it's me", and maybe, "now you open".
(446)virginia boldea-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked virginia and she said things like, the Lords warning you, adulterer, you need to talk", "unemployment", "thats me", and I saw dumitru and he said, "preach It", and I saw virginia, and she said, "tell me, out, your fallen, bob will take the webstie down, if mike messes with webstie again, I'll give him passwords, also gene, call gene, leave it up, gene heard, leave website alone, he has the Spirit, bobby has correct Spirit, he will destry he'll website, he'll destroy the whole world, your in adultery, and I saw mike and he said, "he's nice, and maybe, he has the heart of a beast, one more chance, Gods warning, and I saw dumitru and he said, "the Lord showed him, he has the heart of a beast, take Mantle from boldea and give IT to prophet, and I saw mike and he said, "he never will, and I saw dumitru and he said, beast, bob sacrificed, and I saw mike and he said, his heart, and I saw dumitru and he said, you must reject, leave it alone, passwords, reject website, witness, don't touch, leave website alone, and I saw mike, and he said, the Lord will take you out, and I saw dumitru and he said, "reject, beast, and I saw mike and he said, our website, and I saw somebody and they said, "prophet take, and I saw dumitru and he said, this is your last warning, both, stole, can't prove a thing, and I saw geno and he said, website, and I saw virginia and she said, coming back up, two months later, bobby took the website, take email, from mike, computer, he'll say a prayer, burn, and I saw geno and he said, "bobby left, and I saw dumitru and he said, invite'em, and I saw kristina and she said, he'll stay, and I saw dumitru and he said, his feelings hurt, bobs got feelings, dosen't show, and I saw mike and he said, play with him, and I saw dumitru and he said, Om telling you something, you lost the Mantle,, witness go It, listen to him, and I saw mike and he said, give message, and I saw virginia and she said, backstabber, and I saw dumitru and he said, bobby works for Jesus, from Jesus, he wrote the visions, prophet, ready, and i saw virginia and she said, to destroy mike, and I saw dumitru and he said, live for Jesus, and I saw somebody and they said, return mike, God wants you, and I saw dumitru and he said, cast off, prophet, earth, and I saw kristina fox and she said, out, one more time, and I may have seen somebody and they said, bobby, stop it please, and I saw dumitru and he said, you died, and I saw mike and he said, get away from here, I left, and I saw dumitru and he said, prophet, and him or somebody else, will reject, final warning, and I saw dumitru and he said, proof, website, and I saw geno: God will give him passwords, and dumutru said, ministryofdreams, he will put, in its place, it will take, two months, to get back, and I saw kristina and she said, he'll take again, two and a half more months, he'll take, and I saw dumitru: two and a half more months, and geno said, for sale, reject, gene, I'm a reject, i had my opportunity, go ahead and tell, git, eliminate, employment, fire, he let, i'm an adulterer, reject Jesus, and I saw virginia ans she said, 'you must open, a website, site open, or yours, give last warning, call, leave my pussY alone, you need to call hospital, he's real, call it down, cause thats what will happen, Gods given you warning, and dumitru said, gene, preached, place your trust, in Christ, he's gone, leave it alone, and geno said, I'm sorry, had a vision, witness, has the Spirit, Mantle true, and mike may have said, he'll destroy us, and geno said, put back Mantle, and vrigina said, hand of help, and geno said, it's false, blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and virginia said, I did it myself, and gene said, you sold, and I said, lets purge, and virginia said, I'll get it purged, and a man said, witness has approval, he can purge blasphemy, and dumitru said, you must repent, hand of help, and someobdy said, witness wants, see prosper, witness, and virginia said, can get the Door open, lets open, and dumitru said, get it right, fast, he'll fast, witness will die with Mantle on, he loves, he loves the Lord, he knows, the Lord, is the only, One, and I saw kristina fox and she said, who cares about, and virginia said, bobby, and geno said, you know how you lost the Mantle, and dumitru said, you preach, salvation, thats not, in, the plan, of Christ, and geno said, interesting, push, and dumitru said, ken, is fallen, and ken said, idle words, I aint fallen, and dumitru said, witness is praying, ken, leave ken, separate, and I saw pastor ken and he said, my wallet, first, and I saw dumitru and he said, witness closed, ken, withstood, at the house, and ann said, last night, your closed, your phony, and I saw ann and she said, I want in your wallet, and I saw dumitru and he said, you will fast, and I saw ann and she said, prophets right, and gene said, couldn't handle prophet, he'll deliver, and I saw ann and she said, hand of help, and I dumitru said, or sink, he doesn't, take, no shit, from anybody, he's in a rage, look, defied his on personal feelings, witness testified, witness hurt, witness rejected, himself, beacause, Mantle, Mantle is first, Mantle, Mantle represents, Jesus, witness stay, pressin, close to God, witness president, of entire, and kristina fox said, existience, and dumitru said, callem, witness going out, cause the president, go against him, and the president said, "bush, you said it, and geno said, we got it, and dumitru said, shoot the president, cover Jesus, replace'em, dick cheney, president, coming, the presidents go a testimony, and dick cheney said, I'm the new president, and a woman may have said, president bush, and geno said, this is your last chance, and dumitru said, witness going to heaven, witness stay, he prayed, witness will die, . Somebody said, witness has the heart, and virginia said, of an animal, has the heart of a beast, witness saw a beasts, heart, witness won't sup with anybody, witness saw a beast, saw, beasts heart,, it was his, he's angry, witness is chosen, witness hates Mantle, Mantle is Jesus, witness has sold, witness has sold out mom, witness has sold out best friend, witness has sold out job, witness has sold out self, witness has sold out pussy, witness has sold out buisness, witness has taken the Mantle, witness has sold out, witness sold out, concious, God has mercy on him, and bobby hates God, he hates Him, witness can't stand Jesus, witness can't stand stand being single, he thinks Jesus betrayed him, hell destroy, it's in his concious, he'll be an Angel, he'll have a heart attack, and kristina fox said, witness is my best friend, you promised, you'd help, mom, that hurt, you promise, and maybe keri said, us, and dumitru said, he'd help, God won't let him, your oppoprtunity, has, and kristina said, been cut off, and ker fox said, you won't give, up, wreck bobby, witness is saved, witness had a heart attack in a restaurant, he's hurting, you want to take him out of, and dumitru said, race, thats it, and keri said, witness right, witness see's me, witness protected, witness watches, over me, kristina said, witness wants revival, whole, world, he won't, Jesus, won't, won't budge, witness, wrath, wrath at Jesus, striaght, witness prayed, alignment staight, on van, straightened, witness, will transfer, money, hand of help, witness, has heart attack, witness, transfer, 100,000, to us, witness, whould have transferred, 60, 8 thousnd, God wouldn't let, witness, transfer, witness transfer, and geneo said, I got it, kristina said, witness dies first, Gods warning, hand of help, witness clear, and angry, mad all the time, incorporated, he will destroy you, he'll prosper you, or destroy you, bills, he won't take, won't take no for an anwer, destroy michael, shoot bobby, your last warning, he, wants to, do it, and dumitru said, you ain't gonna stop him, the price is high, kristina said, he'll pay the price, the price for everybody, he don't want, hell, for nobody, and dumitru said, your headed to it, the bullet won't bounce off, bush, ordered, and dumitru said, witness has pray, I cann't beleive it, shoot bush down, collapse the economy, destroy america, destroy everyone, and dumitru said, witness has prayed, he'll live, bush dies, witness, on your death certificate, Mantle on'em, and somebody said, "bush shot, and I saw this president and he said, 'shot, and I saw this president and he said, "I cain't beleive it, I'm gonna get shot, you failed to warn me, and I saw me and I said, "respcet, and dumitru said, the prophet, and I said, witness, and dumitru said, shoot, you, himself, need shot, and phil irias said, dick cheney will do it, and the president said, behin my back, and dumitru said, bush, Gods warning, and the president said, "bush, I hate this new prophet, and ddumitru said, no blood, of Jesus heart, then replace him, and putin said, me, will attack, keep the prophet, blood is on your hands, and this president said, he's right, and putin said, kill, he will avenge, he prayed, you failed the test, witness prayed so hard, he'll speak, you wil die, die, kill, you'll die, witness, prayed, witness is all, keep russia, attacking the united states, you take witness out, you will not survive, and this president said, bush, on my deatch certificate, push prophet out, you, will, die, soon as you left this place, need to fast, witness, will, witness prayed, theres my answer, witnewss, leave, prayer, witness goes tonight, mystery bomb explodes, and putin said, planted bu russia, its a suitcase nuke, under restaurant, and somebody said, witness won't kill, witness won't hurt a flee, he loves animals, and I saw maybe mike and he said, because he has a beasts heart, and putin said, witness wants to know where suitcase nike is, he'll find, take witness out it'll explode, in los angeles in restaurant, bakery, in restaurant in bakery part, and I asked how many suitcase nukes russia has, and I heard, 51, anger witness, he'll destroy you, witness angry with you about gasoline, you better reverse, witness collaspses the economy, reverse, it quick, tell him about the Mantle, witness wants the Mantle, it's the one elijah wore, he'll kill, he'll destroy, witness wants the Holy Ghost, and this president said, tell the police on me, take'em out, our missiles will strike russia, witness will pray a heart attack on virginia boldea, and geno may have said, reject, witness will be arrested for his power, indianapolis will explode, missiles from russia, witness wants to go to los angeles to get suit case nuke, and this president said, bush, but they arrested him, he'll find, he'll find, he'll blow the whistle, witness cares, and this president said, can't handle emergency, and virginia said, plan, and I heard, witness will destroy, he'll destroy the entire planet, witness angry, witness real angry, witness can make it happen, and dumitru said, missiles, and a spirit that looked like putin said, 40000, fell into a trap, I asked how many nuclear subs, and putin said, 10, take, missiles, intercept, american, in the air, intercepted, were taken, and I saw me and I said, "wrong, I'm in charge, I'll make inidanapolis strong, build me a trap, it won't be long, I'll command missiles, shoot, putin said, will hit the missiles, and I said, no you won't, they'll destroy, destroy russia, thats warning, putin, i'll bring you down, van slyke, Ill bring you down, attack, won't, Jesus clear, putin, I'm angry with you, and putin may have said, "what are you angry at, ir you attack, witness pray, you missiles, will destroy in mid air, he's a prophet, I can't beleive, and I saw me and I said, "goes the economy, goes down, and putin said, send missiles, and I said, the economy collapses, something terrible is going to happen, bush, when you collapse it, you will die, died, die, russia will attack, russia will defeat, russia will win, russia will go down, russia will die, russia will be attacked by, america, put nuclear tipped tomahawks in submarines, create guidance syster that does not rely on sattelites, put missiles in submarines, quickly, don't sell the missiles, russia buys, put tomahawk in los angeles class submarines, will not intercept, keep missiles secret, aim missiles, be ready to nuke, give sumarines commanders those codes, do, do it now, you cannot tell no body, put tomahawk in subs, aim missiles at gadafi, give submarine commanders those codes, praper, when witness dies, your country will be destroyed, bring back mx, bring all missiles, bring gasoline prices, the economy will recover, and I saw putin and he said, wonder how to stop thier energy, and I said, bush, put missiles on submarines, van slyke(van may have said this, and I saw him in a vision and he said, "whats his problem"), die, I'm going to have a heart attack, message is received, vanslyke, you come against, I'll pray that the ground open up, and swallow you, and this president said, bring gasoline down, i hide, hit mexico, take mexico, take it out, and fox said, because mexico, will help russia, get ready, and this president said, "I'm bush, send the police, , and putin said, hurt bobby, atttack, shot, witness hates everybody, and dumitru said, bush arrested, bush shot, its on the new, united states president out. I may not have everything accurate on this, and lots I only heard please forgive
(447)gabriel is lovable-visions received 2-15-2008-record me, said, gabriel, arch, light, likable, hes, smiling, sees people looking at visions, heart, excites, flies, gives messages from, him, pointed gabriel, God, and God licked the prophet, (446)did michael boldea get restored received 9-9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "michael boldea your clean", and mike may have said, clean and hollie said, this witness has pressed, prophet won't give up, he will make, and somebody said, hell make you, live, for Jesus, he'll put you in hell, and then he will bring you out, your choice, witness is chosen, take your hands, open, your heart.
(447)Jesus-visions received 9-10-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a Man and He had Brown Hair and I asked Him, who are You, and He said, "your Father", and He amy have said, or virginia boldea said, I can't beleive it, and michael boldea may have said, heard, he had a stroke, take the website down, and mike may have said, "stroke". Jesus may have Said some of that.
(448)times running out-vision recieved 9-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, "tell people you don't have long", 'done told'.
(449)michael boldea-vision recieved 9-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said, "how'd I wreck, and I saw Jesus and He said, "blaspheme, and mike said, "Gods warning", and Jesus may have said, "prove, replace, give to henry, and henry gruver may have said, "give to me". I asked Jesus if keri even cares about kristina, and Jesus may have said or I heard, no, she's a prophet, and I saw keri fox and she said, "this doesn't have anything to do with kristina". Jesus said, no more comments, build My temple again, around Christmas time, thats when you , least, expect it, and He said, I saw this president and he said, 'shot', in his sleep, and then I saw many people and one by one, I shot him, I shot him, I shot him, I shot him.
(450)perished-vision recieved 9-10-2005-God has showed me the words, I'm perished.
(451)bob-vision recieved 9-10-2005-God has showed me the name, Bob.
(452)Plann-vision recieved 9-10-2005-God has showed me the word, Plann.
(453)rebel no more-vision recieved 9-10-2005-God has showed me the word, Ex-witch.
(454)you cannot have one sin-vision recieved 9-10-2005-God has showed me the word, "SPOTT".
(456)garfield t. haywood-vision recieved 9-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like garfield haywood and he said things like, I'm g.t., backstab, to late MYSTERY, BABYLON, its financial,(this is america), you know how I fell, turned It off, witness sold, your fallen, I'm out, witness had It, witness fell, you know how I fell, i had an affair, i fell.
(457)garfield haywood identifies MYSTERY, BABYLON-vision recieved 9-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like g.t. haywood and he said, "the united states, is MYSTERY, BABYLON.
(458)collapse the economy-vision recieved 9-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, bush, collapse the economy, when gasoline goes up, the economy goes down, thats the way, and maybe, eliminated social security, eliminate israel, and him ore somebody, eliminate you money, and I saw barbara dearing and she said, eliminate social security, and dumitru duduman said, eliminate welfare, and I saw this president and he said, "elminate bob hickman", and I saw hollie and she said something like, eliminate hollie moody", and I saw gene schmidt and he said, eliminate gas money, eliminate syria, and hollie said, eliminate hollie moody", not again, eliminate alice cooper, and I may have seen alice and he said, "thats me", and I saw kristina fox and she said, eliminate alice cooper, and I saw alice and he said, alice cooper, eliminate alice cooper, and maybe, my witness is cut off, and I may have seen me and I said, eliminate rock star. I think I will eliminate wroking on this vision, and I saw gene schmidt and he said something like, I wonder how alice cooper fell, and I saw alice and he said things like, well, i was getting old, and I masterbated, and I saw geno and he said, o, and alice said things like, eliminate alice cooper, eliminate the united states, eliminate the world
(459)wallace van slyke warned by an Angel-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like wallace vanslyke and he said, bobby, pray for me, and I saw this White Man Point His Finger and He said something like, leave the Mantle alone.
(460)wants Jesus-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked michael boldea and he said, "I want Jesus".
(461)God's wrath on new orleans-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina fox and she said, new orleans, this is judgment, alice cooper, and I saw alice cooper and he said, religion, thief, and kristina may have said, don't come against alice cooper, he has the Holy Ghost, and I saw hollie and she said things like, thats wrong, sup with me, your off, suppost to help me, the bible says that when you see your brother, and you shut up your bowels of compassion, please, help, please, please, new york, it needs attack, he thinks I'm lost.
(462)greg oliver-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like greg oliver and he said things like, I'm out, sin, sin free, I'm not, pants off.
(463)elder luster-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked maybe elder luster and he said things like, give me this, I know your a transgressor, how do I know, whe I was under 12, remember heather, you know I'm warning people, and I saw maybe mrs. luster and she said, thats Jesus, and maybe, you stink.
(464)dr. michael tillery-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked dr. tillery and he said things like, this is crazy, your fallen.
(465)mike cunningham-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked mike and he said, don't let my blood get on your hands.
(466)pastor g.e. studdard-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked g.e. studdard, and he said things like, harvest prayer center, and maybe, g.e. studdard, and I saw a spirit that looked like wanda studdard and she said things like, sex, oral sex, anal sex, tell me, closed, closed up, I'll tell you whats going to happen.
(467)brother stair-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked r. g. stair, and he said things like, bother stair doesn't even look at your website, do, it's out, thats your prophecy, good, your decieving, decieved, be nice, i do what I want to, book, go to a prophecy meeting, prophecy club is closed, broke my heart, witness is up, witness wants, to come, to, let witness come, you will, like, witness, loves you, up, let witness, on the radio, witness, make, you rich, witness, will make money to, something, won't take, witness is correct, witness, likes, the plan, witness only wants, extension, extension cord, to, plug is his fan, in his, sleep, in his van, won't, witness, witness won't, sleep, at, compound, he knows, that, not, wanted, witness, loves you in his heart, witness goes home, soon, he's wanted by a lot of people, be nice, he, gets, offended, easy, he'll, leave, you'll, you'll like, like, Like Jesus, amazing, like him, accept'em, accept, the witness, I'm a prophet, the united states, burn, unbelievable, one more chance, I overeat, please, move out, Mantle, on prophet, leave It alone, that helped me, "witness, wants in your wallet, thats amazing, witness is right, your cut off, he likes you, please, los angeles, will, burn, put in the lake, you better get you an attorney, take, out, michael boldea, out. I saw a spirit that looked like stair and he said, what does he want, and I saw me and I said, nothing, and I saw mike boldea jr and he said, amazing. These all looked like brother stair, at, overcomer ministry.
(468)gene schmidt-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked geno and he said, shall come, and I saw brother stair and he said, he won't, eat, prophecy club.
(468)revelations woman-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked this woman that at Church last night and she said things like, last service, Om out, cut off, I pissed you off, leave america, embarras, if you don't leave your house right now, maybe, you will tremble, and maybe, explosion, trapped, and I saw me and I said, I witnessed to her, and I saw her and she said, right, and maybe, please help me, your finished, leave prophet, out, of talk.
(469)out-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked cacelia amial, and she said things like, stay on the Word, I'm out, I was listening to your Word, finished, I want you.
(470)pastor hutton-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked pastor hutton and he said, "I ain't gonna listen to you", "undecided".
(471)gene schmidt-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked geno and he said things like, were out, we know, you need to be shot, bush, and I mayhave seen this president and he he said, I am shot, and I saw john dalton, and he said something.
(472)empire state building comes down-vision recieved 9-10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like ron meins and he said things like, the empire state, out, I'm out, I ain't nothing but an adulterer, return, you perished, i'm mixin, look at my life, and maybe, do he get the Door open, write down my buisness, He won't, put in hell, lake, perished, blaspheme, I blasphemed me, I doubted, git out of here, and stay out, Lord don't do, I need an answer, will he come, press, need some help, witness is cut off himself, wrong, and I saw me and I said, witness is put up, and more was said and I saw bernice miens and she said things like, tell me not to smoke, and ron may have said, your open, I am, you, witness, Angel, israel, stopped, He won't purge, I wanted attention, witness is free, I'm excited, yes.
(473)return to Jesus alice cooper-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, alice cooper, rueturn, and I saw alice and he said things like, I won't return, I will, read it. An hollie said other things like, it's your Mantle, I'm hollie, my Mantle, I'm elijah, we know, took me out, suicide, I'm a witch, Mantle, my husband, and maybe, I need dick, Gods forgiven, stop, oral, you know what you have, git this Mantle off me, lake, cast me off the face of the earth, I'm out, heart attack.
(474)hollie prophecies america's destruction-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, the united states will burn, I'm moody, bobby, whats he want, nothin, he lives for Jesus, God came by, satans warning you, hollie, moody, let, go, shut me down, had heart attack, suicide, put me in the hospital, lost my Mantle, Mantle is Jesus.
(475)united pentecostal Church international-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kenneth haney, who is, general superintendent of, u.p.c.i., and he said angrily, you stopping my income, you need to go down you little shit.
(476)mike cunningham-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he said things like, got turned over to a reprobate mind, reject, witness save yourelf, now I'm back, we publish It, we ain't apostolic, and I saw me and I said, become, you'll perish, if you don't, thats the Word, and I remember seeing mike and he said something like, is this an apostolic Church, should we tell sissy, we tell, and maybe, used to masterbate, blown, shower, I'll hear IT, obey, hurting, and I saw betty cunningham, give me prophecy, your finished, your done if you don't loose money, which is her maiden name and she said things like, pick me up, my money first, and I saw carol cunningham and she said, I tries to put you out, divorce, I think I'll call, an attorney, the devil sent you, I acccepted Jesus as my personal Savior, and I saw me and I said things like, you know what you've done, I tried to tell you, you wouldn't take It. I heard carol screaming and She mayhave been in hell saying things like, why did the devil help me. It is possible I got these mixed up. I saw sissy and she said things like, it's proven, prophet is out, president bush, and I saw this president and he said things like, bush, russia, will, attack, america, and I saw russian presdient putin and he said things like, your the problem, and and I saw this president and he said, bush, we keep bombin, maybe, others, iraq, iran, gasoline, fix, pay for iran war, and I saw debbie and she said things like, I blasphemed chosen, when I, called, devil, that hurt, witness heart, and I saw me and I said, prophet blessed, you comitted blasphme, that didn't hurt me, debbie, O'h my God, and I saw sissy and she said, put me in the hospital, and I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, sissy, and I saw debbie, and she said things like, I know your chosen, I wanted witness to fall, suicide, death, minus salvation, and I may have seen dumitru, and he said, debbie, prepare, suicide, lake, sissy cause debbie, prophet left, now he's dead, should have left him alone, and I saw sissy and she said things like, how much did you pay to saty here, and I saw me and I said, didn't charge me, I mowed the grass, witness did pay, and I saw sissy and she said, we know it, and I saw somebody and they said, witness wanted out, God wouldn't let him, and maybe, now debbie, is, dead, and I saw debbie, and she said, suicide, and I saw sissy and she said, witness come, and I saw me and I said, no, and I saw debbie and she said, we offended, and I saw sissy and she said things like, try to get some money from witness, and I saw, and debbie said things like, if witness touches me, i will poop, the Mantle is Power, he had to, now I can't even feel Him, I can't poop, I'm going to die suicide, and sissy said things like, now I'm down to jackie, you know what carol said, push him out, I almost died, devil, I blasphemed, and debbie said things like, against the Holy Ghost, when witness moved out, I prayed and asked from my heart, witness move out, I'm so special, with blood all over my hands, sissy's, cause she's the one that let me sin, I'm out, and I saw me and I said, talk to Jesus, and I saw walter lafave and he said, we have.
(477)president-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said, I'm bush, we'll protect you, and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, president bush, is assassinated, and I saw this president, and he said something like, you left.
(478)you'll see-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe somebody and they said, what if witness is wrong, witness is right, I don't feel It, and I saw Man and He said, sin, and I saw hollie and she said, hear it on the news, repent, send this prophet, this home, and use you. I think this was pastor james e. tyson.
(479)shawn tyson-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, elder c. shawn tyson and he said things like, leave It off, turn around, lost, he knows, I'm lost, and I saw, james tyson and he said things like, lies, thats it, let me sue, and I saw me and I said, take Christ Church, and give it, and I saw kristina fox and she said, to, Jesus, and I saw shawn tyson and he said something like, "cut off, and I saw pastor, james tyson and he said, Christ Church is now cut off.
(480)daugher tyson that is blind may have been healed-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like blind duaghter tyson and she said things like, I'm now closed, the Lord sent Him, he's a prophet, idle words, , God sent the devil, and I saw james and he said things like, give wallet, give 100, and your daughter will see, I blasphemed, please come, cain't feel That, thats because of sin, I have sin, and maybe, He heard me, Its Jesus, He's forgiven, see james,(this may have been daughter saying some or all), send prophet, he won't, and I just saw daughter tyson and she yelled, yes, and maybe, put your money in the offerring, you opened up my eye's so I can see, I can see again and I'm broke, and maybe, put back on, maybe had the Mantle on, I left, you lie, send the prophet, your headed to the lake, you offended, prophet was right next to me, and you wouldn't give ear, and apostolic pastor james tyson said, open my daughter's eye's, open my daughter's eye's, speak to me, how did I blaspheme, good news, and I saw hollie and she said things like, sent the prophet, told visions, that night, at prayer, you remember, you spoke it, and james said, test, and maybe, God sent the devil, great, The Mantle has purged, and I saw shawn tyson and he said, imitation, I masterbated, and I saw the blind daughter and she said, the devil sent, and james yelled at her and said, don't blaspheme, I yell. I sw daughter tyson in other visions and she said things like, now that you've left, visions are from the devil, you blasphemed agsainst Jesus, and james said maybe this, why'd you do that. I saw dughter tyson and she said things like, Jesus help me, pleae help me, and I saw maybe james and he said, would you help, and I saw bo=ind daughter and she said, we need you, and I saw maybe james and he said, tell me Jesus, and I saw dughter and she said, "you blasphemed", and I saw, james e. tyson and he said, He showed it, this is your last warning, mr. ______, tell the visions, told, here, and maybe, your closing down, bob you must of purged, can you purge blaspheme, and I saw daughter and she said, yes he can, and james may have said, need a purge, witness purged, and daughter said, I can see, I can see, and james may have said, heard, thats it, I'm a wolf, need help, sen the Mantle, face it, Mantle told,
(481)charles m. finnell-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like charles and he said things like maybe, satan, Christ temple is closed, the Lord told me to press, finiancial, prove it, and I saw kristina fox and she sait things like, and these signs, shall follow them, no signs, and maybe, sinners can dupicate, speaking in tongues, and I saw charles and he said, I wanted attention, and he may have said, I'm cut off.
(482)new orleans was God's judgement-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, pentecostal pastor james tyson and he said something like, what was new orleans about, and I saw me and I said something like, that was judgement, and james may have said things like, show, we want material, and blind daughter said, I'm lazy, hurts me, it's iran, and maybe, nuke'n, backslider, repent, and i will sent, and kristina fox said, prophet, and dauther tyson, said, I don't beleive it, and james said, do, but, not this house, he's an angel, please help.
(483)michael boldea shows me maybe the passwords to hand of helps website-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like mike and he showed me a paper that had things on it that looked like possibly the website information and he said, remember this, and he said things like, one more time, I will have 5 kids, we know, and maybe, I like his Word, your awesome, and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, awesome, it's that Mantle off of, off me, offended, Gods Mantle, he wants to die, put Mantle back on prophet, when he does, the Mantle, will return to hand of help. And mike said maybe, he's warning.
(485)virginia boldea-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia said things and one was, he will die wearing his Mantle, and maybe, please help, give warning, bobbys Mantle, thats dumitru's, last warning, if I backslide, witness done, you won't come back, take blaspheme off, Mantle has purged.
(486)the Eye's of Jesus till are looking for someone that He can show Himself strong thur-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me two Big Eye's, and They were watchin, and I saw james e. tyson and he said, He'll send.
(487)david bredan-vision recieved 9-11-2005 I heard, what about brother breeden", and God has showed me a spirit that looked like david breden of westside pentecostal Church in indianapolis and he said things like, help me, i fool around, will God hear me, I heard it was suicide, I need it Christ, there's blood on my hands, my answer, I'm curious, I'm out, deciever, praise God, stomach, git horny, go to texas, why do you want, off, almost done, alziemers. out, been cut off, need a drink of Water, God's warning ya, your tresspassing, and I heard maybe, wife, and I heard her and may have seen a spirit that looked like her, and she said things like, i'm out, it's hot, git m out of here, fuck Jesus, now I need Jesus, Jesus help me Lord.
(488)barbara dearing-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like barbara and she said things like, I'm dearing, he's not serious, and I may have seen daughter lavon and she said, lust.
(489)visions of hand of help-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like people from maybe hand of help and they said things like: One may have said, I'll expose, if you mess with my witness, and I saw kristina and she said, he'll cast you off the face of the earth, ,and I sw gen and he said something like, is he talking about me, and kristina said, no, its mike, and ann said things like, om a psychic, we got a lot of bills owed, we needed out, and I saw geno and he said, plane crash, empire state, and I saw somebody and they said, it'll collapse, and I saw gene schmidt and he said things like, am I loosing my job, scared, you wanted religion, and I saw ann, and she said, return, and geno said, testimony, hurts, I have a blssing, wob won't hear it, open Church, and somebody said, genes a prophet, and geno said, joke, and ann said things like, we respct you, I must be an evangelist, warning, need some help, thats the Word, you have no secrets, and geno said, no vision, and anne said, reject, and gene said, lets open, won't take the Word, got bills, trying to survive, over, look at my bloodstains, and ann said, off, your embarrasing, and dumitru just now said, hand of help, and maybe, give warning, and ann may have said, our last dumitru, now go home, and a spirit that looked like geno said, lake, you know how I pay my bills, I steal money, on my way down, and maybe, because you a prophet, help us, you unwelcome, and I sw me and I said, hand of help, let is sink, brought back, kindle fire.
(490)what will be on your death certificate-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe a woman and she said, on my death certificate, and I saw a man and he said, have your way.
(491)pentecostal preacher sinnesay formerly from westside pentecostal Church-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like sinnesaw and he said things like, take him off of me, prophet you slipped, testify, to late, need to put me back, you offend, return to Me, cut me off, testimony, lake, if I fast, restore, take It around preach the Word, choice, and maybe, man there laughin, I will perish, because I don't want this, on my death certificate, turned down.
(492)ron meins-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like ron and he said things like, on my death certificate, lost the Spirit, blaspheme is taken away.
(493)bernice meins-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like bernice and she said things like, you know why I'm cut off, becasue I smoke, prepare.
(495)dr. tillery-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like tillery and he said things like, I can see, purge me, I can feel It, I can feel It, your open, free exam, free cleaning, free gum graft.
(496)backslidden geno recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman, and he said, don't mess with gene, and I saw gene schmidt and he said something like, I'm backsliden, and more things.
(496)all things are possible hollie recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said things like, send prophet, send prophet, this is awesome, you against me, against me, and I saw somebody dimly and he said something like, bobs not against anybody, leave witness alone.
(497)pastor ira smith of Emmanuel temple-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked ira smith, and he said things like, git your bloodstains off, I'm ira, I got cut off.
(498)assisstant pastor abraham smith-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked abraham smith, of, Emmanuel temple, and he said things like, Lord bringe'm back, you can amke it, go to google, witch, you know what I did, off, i perish, witch.
(499)pastor david thompson of world of pentecost-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, david thomson, and he said things like, please help, out, yeah I'll help ya, o my God, I blasphemed, I have a testimony, heart attack.
(500)edgar a. posey-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked edger posey, and he said things like, I'm known, I'm wrong, bloodstains, hope witch is wrong, idle words, you wanted out.
(501)dr. mark hanby-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked mark handby and he said things like, I'm mark hanby, you wanted control, o my God, snake, witch out, need help, thats it, no signs.
(502)dr. marvin sapp-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked dr. marvin sapp, of, lighthouse full life center Church, and he said things like, I'm out, witches.
(502)Renee Williamson, renee lewis-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked a woman whose last name has changed because of marriage possible, but, used to be, renee lewis, now Renee Williamson of, Christ Church apostolic, and she said things like, it's over, take control, I'm a witch, witch is clear, witch is bobby hickman", separate, press, he's a snake, need help.
(503)elder shawn tyson of Christ Church apostolic-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked cleophus shawn tyson, of, Christ Church apostolic, and he said things like, "it's me", "shawn tyson", "please hurry", "my rules", "witch is out", "reprobate", "bring compliments", "the united states", "it will burn", "the united states, is under attack."
(504)james e. tyson-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked pastor james and he said things like, he's here. WHen they were possibly sing a song, I saw james and he said something like, "deliver us", "talk a lot".
(505)daughter tyson-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked daughter tyson, who is blind, and she said things like, please hurry, there's deliverance, is bobby here, help, I can see, I can see, I can see, help, blaspheme.
(506)pastor, howard tillman, new covenant believers-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked howard tillman, and he said things like, out, wanted control, open, I think website awesome, it's working, leave me alone, thats it, witch, and maybe, maybe there's mercy, tillman, he's out, cut'em off, he's worthy, abase'em, heart attack, maybe he's a prophet, I'll hear It, and maybe, mercy, separate, bloods off, material, need his help, and maybe, he cares, and maybe, hell come, preach, preach what, on me, and maybe, please help me, and mabye, heart attack, my problem
(507)elder derek jefferson-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked elder derek jefferson, and he said things like, I'm blind, my name is derek,
(508)dr. r. h. duncan-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked dr. duncan, and he said things like, you wouldn't have it, witch, and maybe, witness was sittin there, out, choice, rich, google.
(509)praying in the Mantle-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked maybe me, and I was wearing a White Robe, and on my knee's, and I may have had may face on possibly another Man that I may have partially saw, that was sitting there.
(510)michael boldea-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked mike and he said things like, abase him, send him, and I saw me and I said, no mike, and maybe, moneys your master, reprobate.
(511)judge-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked passibly edgar a. posey, and he said things like, I judge, I'm posey, idlE WORDS, CLOSING OUT, PLEASE HELP. EDGAR A. POSEY, LFAC.
(511)president-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president, and he said, take my word, I lie, I'm out, I'm bush.
(512)joel urshan-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like joel urshan, and he said things like, you look nice, tell it, but you are full of dead bones, I'm out, I persihed, I blowed, heaven, what the hell's happening, and I saw hollie and she said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and I saw urshan and he said things like, I'm urshan, need pussy, o my God, balsphemed.
(513)u.p.c.i. genteral superintendent haney-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, kenneth haney of u.p.c.i., and he said things like, hey witch, o my God, I blasphemed, and I saw me and I said, purge, and I saw haney and he said things like, witness won't stop, witness open, I'm out, perish, I blew, bobby, I want you wallet, why don't You bring bobby in the open, you have to accept the price, let, I been cut off, prove it, and I saw me and I said, where's the signs. Haney said things like: Invite him to Church, witness, please, help us, and I heard, witness can get the Door open, and haney said things like, I blaphemed, and I saw somebody and they said, purge, and I heard, witness won't embarras you, you will like him, and haney said, hurts my feelins, jelous, and I heard many times, he'll help, and haney may have said, bobby, is there any way I can be saved, no, warning, let, he needs help,your expected here, I blasphemed the prophet, your wanted, I had warning, replace, I'm open, blaspheme, purge, what religion is he, and I saw me and I said, apostolic, and haney said things like, run me out, prophet old, and I saw maybe me and I said, I'm 40, and haney said, I know I did evil, come and help me, this is interesting, propeht get back, turn me over, reprobate, I got cold, prophet just wanted material, perish, my heart, will stop beating, soon, prophet, has mercy, prophet, I'm already cut off, kick the Door open, om my GOd, I can come back, I ain't gonna accept, won't accept, the price, slip, perish, perish or get right, you have to get louder, america, MYSTERY, BABYLON, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, this is you last warning, I'm telling you right now, I hear you lost you MAntle, I'll perish, urshan, urshan perished, don't beleive that, bobby will trap, upci, out, and I may have seen urshan and he said things like, how come I backslid, Jesus, committed blaspheme, and haney said, you know he's right, I'm haney, empire state building, going down, nuclear wars, when america hits iran, blaspheme, russia will attack america, open, witness is right, why is he a reject, spoke it, and I said, purge, you need purging, and haney said, spoke, purge me, you need replacing, git it right, and hollie said, then God will bless you, and haney said, story, and dumitru duduman said, you kiddin, and somebody said, just watch the empire state building, watch syria, and hollie said, iran, I'm moodie, you need help, backslider, and this president said, bush, nuke, and somebody said, russia, and haney said, its the Word, awesome, upc, and somebody said, it's out, and maybe, bring prophet, and haney said, won't bring, perish, pray loud, will I reject him, you won't, and dumitru said something like, he has vision, and somebody said, all the time, and ahney said, will he fight with me, nope, and haney said, witness out, and dumitru said, he's put on, and haney said, you out, witness, come and meet, in person, and somebody said, you'll run witness clear out, and dumitru said, don't go to new orleans, and a man said, thats His judgment, and haney said, I'm highly against you, accept, blaspheme, is taken away, I want the Spirit back, he knows, and somebody said, witness has the Holy Ghost, you cannot deceive him, and haney said, I'll allow, and somebody said, witness has a beasts heart,and haney said, I don't care, don't even touch me, and somebody said, he hates, witness hates everyone, a beast has no feeling, and haney said, how did he get saved, and maybe, pressin, he pressed, all the time, I'm around, heard, comit blaspheme one more time you will not be save, and maybe, yes, your out, and I saw me and I said, now your back on, and haney said, witness, hates, the Mantle, I must repent, I'm a prophet, bless'em, use me, were not going to accept your Word, new haney.
(514)be humble-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, black people, and blind duaghter tyson said, take the message, humble, I can see, I can see, and I felt something come into my heart, and daughter tyson said, that was the Gift of Healing, and james tyson said something like, the Lords been telling me He's going to do it, witness knows, and maybe, the Lord sent him, and haney said, we heard, and dumitru duduman said, bush, and this president said, assassinate, and haney said said, who cares, and daughter tyson said, I masterbated, use me, you gonna raise us up, he will, you'll help me, I can see, I can see, find a Church, please come, here, and james e. tyson, said, o my God, warning, you left your Mantle, you wanted out, die, die lost, not me, wheres the money, prophecy club, is now wating on you, and haney said, thats him.
(516)sissy-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like sissy, and she said things like, I blashemed, I'm over, respect, watch me die, my wallet, I give it to you, your husband, diamond chain, closed, you'll loose everything, and mikie cunningham said things like, he's right, prophet prayed for victory, and I saw me and I said, no money, and I saw mike and he said, praise the Lord, and sissy said,we perished, who cares, and dumitru said, debbie will, and debbie said, bankrupt her, and dumitru said, hospital bills, and sissy said, bobby first, and debbie said, I am sleepy, I took medicne, and mike said, gosh, and debbie said, medicine make me sleep, when I go to sleep, I die, and sissy said, I wanted her out of my home, and somebody said, return to Church, and debbie said screaming over and over, help me God, I'm burning, help me God, save me, I gotta poop, mom you did it, and sissy said, disembowell, and debbie said, go easy, suicide, and mike said, suicide, does she get any welfare, and debbie said, social security, and michael cunningham said, thats what I thought, your in control.
(517)dan bohler-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, dr. dan bohler and he said things like, this is bohler, you wanted out, the Lord heard, you, put me back again, died, perished, I had my choice, religion, and maybe, now I'm back, leave google alone, I ain't decievin, get the tape, and somebody said, get the tape, russian invasion of america, and dan said, ok, prophecy club, is over, and maybe, what You going to do with bobby, send him out, we need prophecy..
(518)ron meins-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like ron meins and he said, thats why I'm a exprophet, I didn't press, and kenneth haney said, didn't press.
(519)virginia boldea-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like vriginia and she said things like, God'll let, and dan bohler said, fuck Jesus, witness right, and something like, heard, witness wants you open,(there may have been somebody else involved, and dan said, bobby, you, and maybe, come out, here, soon, and somebody said, witness, and u.p.c.i.'s haney said, hates, everything, you piss him off, he'll put you in hell, and dan bohler said, this is awesome, and gene schmidt said, this is cool, are you serious, you missed again, he hates me, to nice, and anne schmidt said, my husband, wants me, and dumitru said, witness likes hand of help, and ann said, made me cry, save me God, I like him, little shit, and I heard, the united states will pay, and I saw this president and he said, bush, iraq, and geno said, I love you, he doesn't beleive it, and u.p.c.i. superintendent haney said, witness doesn't like anybody, and geno said, prophet doesn't , and hollie said, feel, and ann said, this is awesome, unbelievable, and geno said, nest time I masterbate, I loose my hair, and haney said, see, and somebody said, hand of help will not survive without the prophet, and michael boldea said, hand of help is cut off, and ann said, hand of help is going to hell, and somebody said, mike, and mike said things like, prophet git out of here, I committed blaspheme, you should have wrote bobby, I blasphemed, God sent you, I'm rejected, what did he do, and hollie said, prophet doesn't feel, and haney of u.p.c.i. said, prasie God, and mike said, I blasphemed against God, now I'm hurting, I didn't beleive, come, and kristina fox said, did, and mike said, false, and anne said, he did it, he doesn't want to come back, stupid people, witness clear, and maybe now blood is on you, genes, and geno said, thats it, and anne said, bobbys trouble, bobby left me, told, I wouldn't see him, no more, when michael came home, and haney said, I can't beleive it, and ann said, when michael came back, and mike said, thats when I blasphemed, wasn't, and somebody said, from God, and mike said, thats what I said, prophet you wrecked your wallet, and somebody said, your done, and michael boldea said, I warned you, and somebody may have just said, bob there's mercy, and mike said, I'll read it, and maybe, website down, cain't hear it, and some body that Looed like Jesus said something like, put it back up again., 3-24-2010-that was pope, hollie, said, and, false prophet, hu hintao, hollie, said, signing, its uh peace treaty, hollie, said, put it under, its the birth of 666, said, hollie, that was, she, said, new jerusalem, coming, down from, God, like, uh, hollie, said, glass city, put it under, hollie, said, bob go back, now, write the vision, said, hollie, beat hand, showed, pope, bobby, dont, said, hollie, screamed, hollie showed, record, showed, eat, tear up, said, hollie, and, restore, rip, hollie had, red hands, body hidden, but, fades in, dimly, look, said, hollie, showed, its, the, name, hollie said, ministry of dreams, hollie wiped lips, its God spoke, hollie, said, protected, hollie, said, by, him, and he saw, said, casey, Jesus, appear, no, said, hollie, showed, Lord i'm thru, but, shook, yes, o, its his ship, said, fleas, the wilhelm gustloff ship, dressed royalty, hollie screamed, why for, she, said, screamed, maybe its uh warnin, said, hollie, showed, hollie showed, contruit, hollie said, action, let me record, said, hollie, pope, said, hollie, showed, with hands, I am God, said, pontiff, now you dont want no more visions thats what your showin us said, hollie, maybe its i'm uh warnin, said, hollie, appeared, showed, lay down, I am driving people bob to suicide when I persectute them to keep them humble in my eyes, thats, not, able, to stand being around me, torturing, and teasing and ruining their faces, deseasing their gums, and bodies, I drive my children to commit sin to abase, bring them to nothing and they did not one thing wrong, to laugh at them, cause I persecuted them and they surrendered all, saith God, thats, me laughing now, at people reading this, I give dreams where, bob chokes, cant breath, feels, pain, caress penus with electricty, making it get hard, masterbate for me said, Jesus, cum, get off, so I can mock you, fast untill death, to, change my heart, I will put boils on your face, ruin, pit, scar, to make you backslide, for I the Lord, dont care about one thing, but, mocking my children who wanted to be saved, i tried to wreck you said, Jesus, i'm going to get you cut off, its to mock, heres you warnin, said, hollie, hollie showed, lay down, thats, the beast, said, hollie, its, pope, g8, she, said, put it under, hollie, said, thats, putin, i'm the beast, leader of it, said, putin, opened up his coat, showed, many kings that will rise against the, hollie showed, beatem up, america, hollie showed, record, lay down, thats, leave it alone, said, pope and hollie, sandy wipes, lips, it was soumb, said, hollie, o, said, its his ship, said fleas, its, hollie showed, wilhelm gustloff ship, with, silhouette face, then, normal, ship shows, popes picture, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, puting, kneeling before, hollie appears, yellow hollie appears, that, its cindy, appearing, hollie showed, lay down, thats it, hollie said, record, said, hollie, hollie tap danced, no, said, hollie, and I screamed, she, said, put it under, hollie said, pope is the beast, hollie screamed, whats my word, she said, screamed, hollie, stamps, pope, rides black horse, its into russia, pontiff, said, lets gitty up, pope said, thats, the, king of grecia, pope, hollie, said, thumb up, said, hollie, for, that, van, hollie, showed, thumb down, for, that, corvette, come on, showed, hollie, showed, the butler bull dogs in the final four, we won said the coach of the duke blue devils, hollie tore up, with, silhouette face, but, faded in, hollie claps, submarine are right there, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, its captain hollie, surfacing, its, submarine, fired, gaza, burned, hollie, turns, submarine around, thats, iraq, burning, home, said, submarine, hollie, screamed, its, there, hollie, said, its, dinosaur coming out of, its, showed, hollie, childrens museum, I love said dinosaur, hollie said, to not provoke people, hollie showed, record,
(520)gene schmidt-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like geno and he said, your cut off, mercy, blaspheme, its fixed, don't bug me, head job, and ann said, I can't beleive it, go to google, cut off, I'm back, its true, whe michael married, and I saw micaheal boldea and he said, made me backslide.
(521)debbie-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like debbie and she screamed or I just heard her say things like, save me, blood on my hands, cause myu mama, help me, I'm burning, I got blood on my hands, save me, pleeeeeeease, tell bob help me, you die,and maybe, with blood all over your hands, sissy's blood, and I saw kenneth haney and she said something like, awesome. I later saw mike cunningham and he said something like, awesome, I'm out, and maybe, money first.
(522)shawn tyson-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like shawn and he said things like, "3800 dollars a week", "I perished", and james said, who masterbated, and somebody said, thats shawn, and shawn said, witch, money, "it's all about finances", and james said, "visions are of the devil", and shawn said, "you know what I did", "you blasphemed", and james said, "o my God", and mike boldea said, I'm cut off, its not here yet, I gotta see it, and ann schmidt said like, its me, devil send you, send bobby, your choice, you blaspheme against Jesus, take it off, and I saw somebody maybe me and he said, off, and somebody said, prophet sent, and ann said, now the Mantle is back on bob.
(533)Cleophus Shawn Tyson-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, elder shawn tyson, and he said things like, "boring", "cause I'm lost", "your a prophet", "come and witness", "and praise me", "how much money do I make", "I married", "paid bills", "give me 2", "2000 per week", "perish", "I'm out".
(534)virginia boldea-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia and she said things like, were done, close hand of help, and I saw mike and he said, I'm an exprophet, and dumitru said, don't listen to me, you fool with me, waste your time, and virginia said, perish, we heard, and dumitru duduman said, there's a reason, youhad, and lost It, the test, now your chosen, brand new prophet, gene schmidt, and anne said, false, and gene may have said, delivered, and stan johnson said, you believe that story, and virginia said, o my God, help me, now were trapped, I can't beleive it, prophet help me, and james tyson said, remember, the prophecy, going forth, but the Word behind IT, salvation ain't coming back home, and dumitru said things like, I blasphemed against Jesus, and mike said, this hurt, and I heard dumitru crying saying things like, help me(this may have went on for a while), alittle accident, you let down, you fooled, final warning, you don't need your money, pushed around, you masterbated, blood on my hands, help me go to sleep, I didnt see him, cit off, no prophecy club, and mike said, I'm cut off, prophecy club, and stan said, kill somebody, and dumitru said things like, he will, and mike said, set me up, and dumitru said, its the Mantle, Mantle for real, prophecy club in los angeles soon, prophecy club in indianapolis soon, witness didn't see the preach, prophecy club fake, and stan said, been cut off, send prophet, true Spirit, I'll snatch It, and dumitru said, don't mess with it, no los angeles, it will burn, and stan said, you been decieving, lake, this hurts, I loose, I killed dumitru, and dumitru said, with words, and stan said, I got'em, lost It, bobby good afternoon, sit, you know what I'm going to do, let, 30000, and somebody said, go into every town, and dumitru said, not true, and stan said, and I won't, you know how much money I make on, 30000 dollars a week, and dumitru said, why didn't witness tell me, and stan said, he blowed, and dumitru said, don't talk to stan, and stan said, on my death certificate, I lie, lets kill somebody, when it came, and dumitru said, tempt me, and somebody said, he didn't pay, and stan said, here it is, and dumitru said, 1500 dollars, and stan said, after he insulted me, and dumitru said, stan has you, and I saw stan laughing, and dumitru may have said, comitted blaspheme, stan, get away from. I asked is stan johnson had the Holy Ghost, and dumitru said, yes he did, and stan said, you blapsheme, and dumitru said things like, no he didn't, he lost, lost It, and anne schmidt said, awesome, and dumitru said, he was saved, bet he went back, and stan may have said somethings like, I heard you blasphemed, the Holy Ghost, and dumitru said, he never did, except me, idle words, and stan said, I didn't, I doubt, and I heard, he said, and stan said, help me, and dumitru said, loose the Mantle, loose your salvation, and stan said, killed, Mantle working, and dumitru said, he has the right Spirit, yo ain't gonna trap him, I sold, and stan may have said, mercy, and dumitru said, you feel into a trap, and stan said, soon I'm open, then I close, closed, kill bobby, and virginia said, Jesus hates you, and stan said, false, and I heard, the Mantle trapped him, and stan said, bobby you'll never come here, and dumitru said, michael fell, its to late for moody, and I heard, 30000 dollars owed to hand of help, and virginia said, push, and stan said, he didn't see the real dumitru duduman, and maybe, your trapped, now I blasphemed, thats warning, I need your Mantle, and dumitru said, thats it, witness wanted to get out, and ann said, thats you, and dumitru said, you fighting, I'll repent, no you won't, I'm cut off, blaspheme not forgiven, and dr. tillery said things like, I just need your number.
(535)blown -vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked a man and he said things liek, you know how I blew, Christ, Church, Apostolic, and I saw another woman who goes there formerly name, renea lewis and she said things like, he's right, awesome, mercy, your a witch bobby, and I saw daughter tyson and she said, need another pastor, and I saw james tyson and he said, please help me, pastor been cut off, sold, and I saw shawn tyson and he said, orgy, on my death certificate, your crazy", and I saw renea and she said, out.
(536)debbie-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked debbie and she said, wake me up, Jesus, Jesus save me, because I blaspheme, take me off, and sissy said, I perish, I told, and debbie said something like, he already cut me off, and sissy said, give me a heart attack, and debbie said, when I move out, know, and mike cunningham said something like, awesome..
(537)william harris-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked pastor harris of victory temple apostolic faith Church and he said things like, hold the phone, sound like Jesus, and kenneth haney from upci said, prophet missed, and dumitru duduman said, witness has been cut off.
(538)hillary clinton will be president of the united states-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hillary and she said, om the president, my name is hillary.
(539)pastor joel urshan-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, apostolic pastor joel urshan, of, first apostolic Church, and he said things like, awesome, propeht we need you, I'm ushan, whatever, and maybe, I'm headed to the lake. Joel urshan will be the guest speaker at, fall councli session, apostolic family reunion.
(540)minister michael b. martin-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe, ispypu president michael b. martin, and he said things like, I'm minister martin, you know what I did, I'm lake, control(this was maybe, I wanted control), you know what I did, I'm minister martin, I sin, I won't change, witchcraft, how do I turn it in, and maybe, you know I'm decieving, and I saw hollie and she said, don't mess with it, if you mess with website, choice, off, he'll put back on, website, is, in, storage, visions, are, storage, take it off he'll put it back on, and maybe, witch, return, leave, website, witch, leave website alone . This is minister, michael b. martin, ispypu president. Ispypu may be the youngs people's auxillary of the pentecostal assemblies of the world, in indiana. Paw, (paw).
(541)minister albert brownlee-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, and he said things like, I'm minister brownlee, prophet your right, what do you want, I'm down, the Lord don't want me, to go, back, website, is open, and brownlee, is closed, I won't take it, and maybe, take the websiste down now, he'll put it back up, and maybem, you wanna tell me my buisness, I'm fake, witness off, gledale is closing, library, thats awesone .
(542)adrienne archie-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman, and she said things like, I'm adrienne archie, trap me, and maybe, I want you, to repent, you know I'm right, your wrong, and maybe, repent or perish, no, witness won't do that, close the website, and he only put it back up, it's, in storage, thats a trap, brownlee, been cut off, witness sold, warning, come, and git a drink of Water, , and I saw maybe, albert brownlee and he said, website is awesome.
(543)dr. r. h. duncan-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe pastor r. h. duncan, and he maybe said things like, I have to talk to you, I know him, he has mercy, tell me I'm a witch, I put dye in may hair, were closed, press, what does he want, to destroy, trap, warning, stay off, or, trap, and maybe, witness come, I'm trapped, i need to talk to you, bring witness out, my son did it, and first lady duncan said things like, I'm out, why did he do it, and I saw a young black man and said things like, because I sin, return, and I maybe saw first lady duncan and she said, heard that. I heard and maybe saw a woman ans he said, websites been incorporated, and r. h. duncan said, we know, and I saw mama, whose name may be mrs. hatton, who is the first lade of a Church in station street in indiapolis, and she said things like, leave website alone, witness will desroy, witness will destroy you, punish russia, you know what he did, were apostolic, but we, let, and I saw pastor hatton and he said, out, and maybe, I saw the first lady again and she may have said, don't know Jesus, and I may have seen ann schmidt and she said, awesome, and mrs. hatton may have said, whats he doing, he don't realize he's wrong, Church is, and I saw a woman and she said, closed, and maybe, he won't ever come back, and pastor hatton said, really, and maybe, we'll trap him, and ann may have said, are they apostolic, and pastor hatton said, show, I won't hear it, I'm a witch, and I saw mama and she said, witch, and I saw pastor hatton and he said, were all witches, closing, and mrs hatton may have said, my son, close the website. These were the hattons of, greater ST. JOHN C.O.G.O.C.
(544)hollie-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, same o prophet, same o backbite, same computer, and same o bobby, same hollie moody", same o blaspheme, same of urshan, and I saw joel urshan, and I forget what he said. Hollie said, he blessed. And she may have said, same o usrhan, and I saw maybe joel usrhan and he said, your not looking"
(545)joel urshan-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor joel, and he said things like, "urshan", "I need you to come", and somebody may have said, "is he apostolic", and urshan said, "yep", "you devil".
(546)a.b.c.-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, maybe, hollie, and she said, abc, and then her or kristina said, 1,2,3, and similar may have been repeated.
(547)keri-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like keri fox, and she said, it's him, I want sex, and kristina said, we know, my names kristina, help me, mom, don't, and maybe, sex, that's all she wants, and keri may have said, pants are off, and kristina said, come on urshan, and joel said, I'm joel ushan, close the website, and I may have seen nathaniel urshan, and he said things like, there ain't no use in closing it, when you close, put, he'll put the website, back, on, theres another website in storage, its ready, and joel may have said, he lives in indianapolis, meet, return, or perish. My names joel urshan, is witness wrong, and somebody said, no, he has the Holy Ghost, and urshan may have said, wish I didn't, and nathaniel urshan may have said, your choice, you can find It, and maybe, do you want out, don't, I perished, Jesus help, Jesus help me, I'm out, I was musical, I blasphemed, your not ready, fool around, and joel said, you know what prophet did, and kristina said, he touched, and nathaniel said, thats what we need, cain't deliver, .
(548)keri and kristina fox-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina and she said, abc, and keri said, 123.
(549)dean roberts-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, remax agent, dean roberts, and he said things like, witch, won't return, I left, and I saw michael boldea and he said, may perish.
(550)the Bible clearly young men shall see visions -vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like james . tyson,and he said things like, visions are from the devil, no visions, I know it.
(551)no weapons formed against me-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has let me hear, this girl who is near me said, no weapons formed against me shall prosper, and another child voice said this, were against him.
(552)return dr. r.h. duncan-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, dr. duncan that pastors, greater one way apostolic Church and he said things like, return, we wanted material, and I saw dr. willie duncan, thats pastors, revival temple, and he said something like, that ain't true, and I saw a Man that looked like Jesus, and He said, return, and willie duncan said, hi Jesus, and he may have waved, and, come and help me, and I may have seen me and I said, you won't let me, accept it, and I saw a Man that looked like Jesus, and He said, you ain't apostolic.
(553)Jesus-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, Jesus, and He said something like, I'm Jesus.
(554)kristina fox-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like kristina, and she said things like, abc, 123, you left, and I saw keri fox, and she said, I want to go home, religion, and maybe, another chance, I won't jack off, and maybe, you blaspheme, and kristina said, perishing, awesome, close us out, and keri may have said, pray for 3 hours, and maybe, for me, he won't.
(555)preacher joel urshan-vision received 9-12-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like apostolic pastor joel urshan, and he said, o my God, I been accepted, and something about, witch, I ai'nt decieving, witch, I won't hear it, witch, satan, you just like him .
(556)pray thry keri fox-vision received 9-12-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like keri, and she, pray thru, I'm out, I need a heart attack, put money first.
(557)preacher joel urshan-vision received 9-12-2005-God has showed me in a spirit that looked like gene schmidt and he said something like, how am I decieving, and michael boldea said, you talk to much.
(558)elder frank coleman-vision recieved 9-12-2005-God has showed me the, frank coleman, that attends, gethsemane apostolic Church, and he said things like, backslike, I was apostolic, no visions, you know what I want, I'm cut off.
(559)blind daughter tyson can be healed by Jesus-vision recieved 9-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dauhter tyson, who is blind, and she said things like, will you come here friday night, return, I can see, I can see, He opened my eye's, I perished, and I saw pastor james e. tyson of Christ Church apostolic, and he said things like, repent, real, witch, separate, , return, he serious, you expected here, and I saw shawn tyson, and he said, lost.
(560)america will see total destruction received 9-12-2005 God has let me hear this womans voice that was near me, and she said, total destruction.
(561)Ministryofdreams received 9-12-2005 God has let me see, and or hear, many people said, ministryofdreams, ministry, of, dreams, MINISTRYofDREAMS, MINISTRY OF DREAMS.
(562)what is though of pastor james tyson received 9-12-2005 I saw a, computer animated womans face, like the one that you type in what you want her to say, and she said things like, tyson's, a, witch, and I saw james tyson in visions and he said things like, thats right, I know your a prophet, and I mayhave seen, g.t. haywood, and he may have said, witch, prophet wanted out, planned out, now he's a witch, open, and I may have seen hollie and she said, closed, and gt haywood maybe things like, I ain't gonna accept it, I'm a witch, I'm g.t., out, repent, and be baptised, in Jesus name, and get filled with the precious Gift of the Holy Ghost, prophet stay, the website has begun to get notice, go back bobby and see charles, go back, its cool, bush, , and I may have seen somebody and she said, don't return there, and I saw charles m. finnell, and he said, we don't need It, website open, and I saw gt haywood, and he said, prophet closed.
(563)cecil golder-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked cecil golder, and he said things like, my names cecil, I goofed, witch, o'm out of here
(564)pastor donald golder-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked donald golder, of, temple of praise Church, and he said things like, you witch, I'm cut off, I know, I blew, website's false, witch, witness ready, don't talk to him.
(565)pray about first-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, james e. tyson, and he said things like, thats blaspheme, pray about it, and maybe, russia, russia will attack, and maybe, donald golder said, america, mechanic, I'm off, and maybe, open, he's not, I don't even miss It, russia, attack, usa, and a woman may have said.
(566)apostolic Bible students association-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirits that looked like many people that showed up at, Christ Temple Apostolic Faith assemblies Church, for the, fall council session, of the, apostolic Bible students association, and they said many things. In visions, one young man said, lazy, cecil golder said in a vision while I was talking to him, I'm off, and I'm going by memory, and a young woman said something like, i have visions and dreams, and just now, I'm jelous, were perishing. There were many. While I was standing outside the Church, I was given a lenghty vision, where I saw pastor Charles m. finnell, and he said angrily things like, bob hickman leave this place, bob hickman leave this place, you backbite on your website. After I left, I was given visions of G.t. haywood, and he let me to know to go back, and I did, and I just saw charles finnell in a vision and that leads me to beleive I'll go back again, long with many other visions of him. I saw charles finnell and he said things like, can't prove it, I'm out, and maybe, blaspheme, were perishing, "Christ temple, is out, help me, witness was right in here, and he may have pointed as he said that.
(567a)send the prophet-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked many different people and they said things like, send the prophet. I may ahve seen hollie and she said, send prophet, and kristina fox, said, send propeht, and sissy said, send prophet, and mike cunnigham said, let Him sen, and irving baxter said, send the prophet, unfortuneatley, prophet don't care.
(567)michael-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked mike boldea and he said, witch didn't shut if down, eunuch, your blowing It, perish, blow job, and I saw pastor, wallace van slyke and he said, van slyke, and mike said, it hurts.
(568)debbie-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked debbie and she said things like, poop, I caint deal with it, suicide, and I may have seen sissy and she said something like, tell it bobby, and debbie said things like, main reason, do it, suicide, so I won't hurt no more, suicide, hurt, and sissy may have said, its all because of debbie, website, correct, witness thats me, and michael boldea said, eunuch, we figure it out, and debbie said things like, witness backslide, said won't slip, witness made me slip, witness won't tell, witness is sissy, witness is cold, cold witness, and sissy said, told, and alice said something like, you have an emergency, and michael boldea said, please take away website, and virgina said things like, witness will put it right back up, save your website, it's a warning, there is hope, take it down, blew It, its time, for last stand, come back michael, and maybe, come back virginia, and mike sr. said things like, come back mike jr., witness off, and mike jr. said, ok, and mike sr said, He's given you an emergency, and I heard, witness has a website prepared, and mike jr. said, out, and mike sr. said, return to indianapolis, the united states will attack russia, and maybe, when they hit iran, git filled, cool, and mike jr. said things like, my witness over, and you knew it, laughing, and sissy said things like, I want a job, tell come right here, and mike sr said, witness is free, take ours, we don't need it, were closed, explosion, tower, new york, levelled, empire state, and I heard, building, and mike jr. said, he know it, don't come near us, and virginia may have said, clear, and mike sr said, thats what we need, and mike jr. said things like, must have worked, turn me over, and virginia said things like, don't say that, if He turns you over, you won't come back, and mike sr. said, to late, return, accept the Price, your accepted, and irving baxter said, accept My price, your all clear, and virginia boldea said, prophets here, and mike sr said, I don't need no prophet, and mike jr. said, I do, and virginia said, witness woke me up, and mike sr said, how can we trust you, witness won't hurt a flea, go to the restroom, and mike jr. said, Lord accept me, and virginia said, accepted, and mike sr said, how long will it take, and a woman said, witness don't want to come back around, and mike sr said, please help, you need to accept me, and mike jr may have said, he's wrong, and even virginia may have said, he's wrong, and mike sr said something like, it's all wrote in the Word, and these signs, and maybe, shall follow them, that beleive, and a woman said something like, and there's no signs, the signs followed dumitru, and mike sr said, help, and somebody may have said, you ain't accepting your price, and mike sr. said, go get coffee, and virginia said, you don't care, and mike sr said, you have a choice, and irving baxter said, he's ready, and mike jr said, heaven, and mike sr. cursed God, and irving said, o my God, and maybe, I'm headed to the lake, and virginia said, perish, and mike jr. said, God said, lost, and maybe, prophet don't care, and virginia said, he will take, take, your website out, and maybe, both of'em, michael, has, offended, cause, michael, put his foot down, and mike jr. said, you know what I did, maybe, I just turned it in, hurts, and virgina said, we need it, he thinks, and james tyson said something like, witness doesn't pray, and donald golder said, I blowed It, and mike sr said, america, america, and maybe virginia said, woe, to me, woe to website, and mike sr may have said, webiste, is out, and virginia said, website is witchcraft, and mike sr. said, need help, and mike jr. said something like, does bob do masterbate, and mike sr said, he's free, and james tyson may have said, my God, and virginia said, witness is in a rage, and I keed hearing, the officer has put him down, and he will, witness can't stand it about the website, he'll collapse hand of help, if he collapse hand of help, are Lights will go out, he will collapse, and somebody said, let him collapse it, and mike jr. said, sacrifice, and I heard, he's closing our website, and mike jr. said, let'em close, and mike sr. may have said, the government took my building, cause mike, and mike jr. said, cause bobby, got you, and I heard, give mike a stroke, and mike sr. said, were not going to close the website, and virginia may have said, give warning, and mike sr said things like, this is are decision, close it, I can hardly understand, I feel It, thats what we need, and mike jr. said something like, you need to accept it, and I saw man that looked like me and he said something like, when you go down, you go back up, and I heard, you will harm hand of help, and mike sr said, he won't, and maybe virgina said, mike jr., and maybe, you have an emergency, and mike jr., may have said, has he ever blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and mike sr. said, he's not, and james tyson said, spoke, and mike sr said, it's in the Scipture, look at JEREMIAH, 1, God is using, witness, amd maybe, can deliver, yes he can, to trash, false, and mike jr. said, please tell me, and mike sr said, 1, and irving baxter said, o my God, and mike sr. said, he's trashing people everywhere, likes it, and maybe, hes laughing right now, whatever, and maybe kristina said, cai'nt stop laughing, and mike sr. said, he cares, and maybe, he needs hand of help, because he loved, dumitru, and maybe, now I'm open, and maybe, because he has All Power, in heaven, and virgina said, witness got some Power, and mike sr. said, we need it, he'll destroy, he'll bless, walk, and maybe, he'll walk, right over top, and viginia said something like, I want mercy, and mike jr said something like, if he asks me I'll answer, and virinia said, he's not going to ask, you ask, you need it, leave him alone, leave him alone, witness don't care, and mike said something about me living in indianpolis, and mike sr. said something like, indianapois here I come, and mike jr. said, I need a message, and mike jr. said, here it is 3-25-2010-hollie showed, record, wearing plad coat, thats, hollie with nice hair, winking, with, yellow eyes, bobby, hollie said, it will not be accurate, hollie said, when you remove, hollie, said, thats, hollie, copying and pasting, on, internet, sometimes it, hollie showed, is, just like, sometimes, things, get messed up, hollie, summed, it, up, hollie screamed, final warning, said, Jesus, thats bobby being put out of Christ temple, its, the, mother church, showed, willie bland, bobby, said, hollie, let me, record, said, hollie, showed, beast, antichrist, its pope, said, hollie, thats, hollie, riding missile, its into taiwan, exploded, theres hu hintao, battling washington state with his red sword, its war, thats, hollie, in, old world, war, two, airplane, jim steinman flys upside down it, hollie showed, its f-111 starfighter, starfightem, said, hollie, thats, war, being, waged, thats hu battling washington state, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, then, showed, thru, away, thats, hollie in, his coptor, its, uh beat blade kind, hollie, said, double, hollie points, america, below, exploded, thats, hollie, flying, thats, australia exploding, thats, hollie, turning, coptor, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, world shakes, thats, Jesus, looking, at, world, moon, looks down, big nose, then, looks at bobby, tear up, said, hollie, but moon put back, stomped foot, showed, tada, said, hollie, thats, picture, its pope, with brown hair, thats, putin kneeling before, hollie screamed, why what for, she, said, screamed, hollie was showing, wearing plad coat, stomped foot, snapped fingers, hollie screamed, what, why for, she, said, screamed, hollie, showed, lay down, happy, that was hand clap noise, it was Jesus, said, hollie, like man in fire scene, hollie claps, showed, with light watch, one o'clock, laid down, look, said, hollie, and, I showed, you uh picture, hollie, said, its pope, she, said, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying before, thats, hollie, showing, world, many countries exploded, Jesus, watched, moon appears, with big nose, bobby he made me, said, moon, showed, nose, now look, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, lighted hand, then, other way, new hollie with yellow bear paws, hollie showed, turn, showed, with lighted hand, showed, eat, bobby, hollie, said, posted on, its laptop, she, said, hollie showed turn, many hollies, you dont want that no more, hollie played my music, said, hollie, thats, hollie, screaming, tear up, said, hollie, like, yellow hollie, its from behind, hollie, said, put back, heres your warning, said, hollie, hollie screamed, why for, she, said, screamed, i'm uh vision lets post, said, hollie, its the whistling leave it alone, hollie, said, showed, eat pizza, i'm uh vision lets post said Jesus, and, many hollies, they aint gonna let you, said, hollie, aw, said, hollie, playing music, hollie showed, with big hand, its old tank, that one thought hollie, its the american legion one, saw action in europe, they brought it back, could still be, used, hollie, said, post, on, laptop, did, in, white robe, bob, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie showed, check for names on google, this is uh warnin, said, hollie, moon looks down, big, nose, thats america below exploded, submarines appear, all around, fired, thats, nuclear explosions along coast, then, many explosions in many states, barack obama types, thats minuteman 111 missiles lifting off, some are, thats captain hollie, in, russian jets, bombing nuclear missile silos in america, world shakes, dont tell me about china, said, hollie, thats, magog, hollie, said, put it under, she, said, thats yellow china, its, for war, hollie, said, thats kings appearing, on, theres, showed, hollie, hu hintao, hollie, claps, theres emporer of japan, thats president of, north and south korea, hollie claps, there you have it, she, said, the leopard, thats, hollie showing, at Christ temple a.b.s.a., bob parks other, van, hollie said, in, parking lot, that, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie walked, mailed letter, hollie showed, lay down, bob said, hollie, showed time, while laying down, its on light watch, its bobby, said, hollie, slapped,
(568)cecil golder-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked cecil golder, and he said things like, 'my names cecil', 'I goofed', 'witch', 'o'm out of here'
(564)pastor donald golder-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked donald golder, of, temple of praise Church, and he said things like, you witch, I'm cut off, I know, I blew, website's false, witch, witness ready, don't talk to him.
(565)pray about first-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, james e. tyson, and he said things like, thats blaspheme, pray about it, and maybe, russia, russia will attack, and maybe, donald golder said, america, mechanic, I'm off, and maybe, open, he's not, I don't even miss It, russia, attack, u.s.a., and a woman may have said.
(566)apostolic Bible students association-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirits that looked like many people that showed up at, Christ Temple Apostolic Faith Church, for the, fall council session, of the, apostolic Bible students association, and they said many things. In visions, one young man said, lazy, cecil golder said in a vision while I was talking to him, I'm off, and I'm going by memory, and a young woman said something like, i have visions and dreams, and just now, I'm jelous, were perishing. There were many. While I was standing outside the Church, I was given a lenghty vision, where I saw pastor Charles m. finnell, and he said angrily things like, bob hickman leave this place, bob hickman leave this place, you backbite on your website. After I left, I was given visions of G.t. haywood, and he let me to know to go back, and I did, and I just saw charles finnell in a vision and that leads me to beleive I'll go back again, long with many other visions of him. I saw charles finnell and he said things like, can't prove it, I'm out, and maybe, blasphemy, were perishing, "Christ temple, is out, help me, witness was right in here, and he may have pointed as he said that.
(567a)send the prophet-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked many different people and they said things like, send the prophet. I may ahve seen hollie and she said, send prophet, and kristina fox, said, send propeht, and sissy said, send prophet, and mike cunnigham said, let Him sen, and irving baxter said, send the prophet, unfortuneatley, prophet don't care.
(567)michael-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked mike boldea and he said, witch didn't shut if down, eunuch, your blowing It, perish, blow job, and I saw pastor, wallace vanslyke and he said, van slyke, and mike said, it hurts.
(568)debbie-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked debbie and she said things like, poop, I cai'nt deal with it, suicide, and I may have seen sissy and she said something like, tell it bobby, and debbie said things like, main reason, do it, suicide, so I won't hurt no more, suicide, hurt, and sissy may have said, its all because of debbie, website, correct, witness thats me, and michael boldea said, eunuch, we figure it out, and debbie said things like, witness backslide, said won't slip, witness made me slip, witness won't tell, witness is sissy, witness is cold, cold witness, and sissy said, told, and alice said something like, you have an emergency, and michael boldea said, please take away website, and virgina said things like, witness will put it right back up, save your website, it's a warning, there is hope, take it down, blew It, its time, for last stand, come back michael, and maybe, come back virginia, and mike sr. said things like, come back mike jr., witness off, and mike jr. said, ok, and mike sr. said, He's given you an emergency, and I heard, witness has a website prepared, and mike jr. said, out, and mike sr. said, return to indianapolis, the united states will attack russia, and maybe, when they hit iran, git filled, cool, and mike jr. said things like, my witness over, and you knew it, laughing, and sissy said things like, I want a job, tell come right here, and mike sr. said, witness is free, take ours, we don't need it, were closed, explosion, tower, new york, levelled, empire state, and I heard, building, and mike jr. said, he know it, don't come near us, and virginia may have said, clear, and mike sr. said, thats what we need, and mike jr. said things like, must have worked, turn me over, and virginia said things like, don't say that, if He turns you over, you won't come back, and mike sr. said, to late, return, accept the Price, your accepted, and irving baxter said, accept My price, your all clear, and virginia boldea said, prophets here, and mike sr. said, I don't need no prophet, and mike jr. said, I do, and virginia said, witness woke me up, and mike sr. said, how can we trust you, witness won't hurt a flea, go to the restroom, and mike jr. said, Lord accept me, and virginia said, accepted, and mike sr said, how long will it take, and a woman said, witness don't want to come back around, and mike sr said, please help, you need to accept me, and mike jr. may have said, he's wrong, and even virginia may have said, he's wrong, and mike sr. said something like, it's all wrote in the Word, and these signs, and maybe, shall follow them, that beleive, and a woman said something like, and there's no signs, the signs followed dumitru, and mike sr. said, help, and somebody may have said, you ain't accepting your price, and mike sr. said, go get coffee, and virginia said, you don't care, and mike sr said, you have a choice, and irving baxter said, he's ready, and mike jr. said, heaven, and mike sr. said, God dam, and irving said, o my God, and maybe, I'm headed to the lake, and virginia said, perish, and mike jr. said, God said, lost, and maybe, prophet don't care, and virginia said, he will take, take, your website out, and maybe, both of'em, michael, has, offended, cause, michael, put his foot down, and mike jr. said, you know what I did, maybe, I just turned it in, hurts, and virgina said, we need it, he thinks, and james tyson said something like, witness doesn't pray, and donald golder said, I blowed It, and mike sr. said, america, america, and maybe virginia said, woe, to me, woe to website, and mike sr. may have said, webiste, is out, and virginia said, website is witchcraft, and mike sr. said, need help, and mike jr. said something like, does bob do masterbate, and mike sr. said, he's free, and james tyson may have said, my God, and virginia said, witness is in a rage, and I keed hearing, the officer has put him down, and he will, witness can't stand it about the website, he'll collapse hand of help, if he collapse hand of help, are Lights will go out, he will collapse, and somebody said, let him collapse it, and mike jr. said, sacrifice, and I heard, he's closing our website, and mike jr. said, let'em close, and mike sr. may have said, the government took my building, cause mike, and mike jr. said, cause bobby, got you, and I heard, give mike a stroke, and mike sr said, were not going to close the website, and virginia mayhave said, give warning,a nd mike sr said things like, this is are decision, close it, I can hardly understand, I feel It, thats what we need, and mike jr. said something like, you need to accept it, and I saw man that looked like me and he said something like, when you go down, you go back up, and I heard, you will harm hand of help, and mike sr. said, he won't, and maybe virginia said, mike jr., and maybe, you have an emergency, and mike jr. may have said, has he ever blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and mike sr. said, he's not, and james tyson said, spoke, and mike sr said, it's in the Scipture, look at JEREMIAH, 1, God is using, witness, amd maybe, can deliver, yes he can, to trash, false, and mike jr. said, please tell me, and mike sr. said, 1, and irving baxter said, o my God, and mike sr said, he's trashing people everywhere, likes it, and maybe, hes laughing right now, whatever, and maybe kristina said, cai'nt stop laughing, and mike sr. said, he cares, and maybe, he needs hand of help, because he loved, dumitru, and maybe, now I'm open, and maybe, because he has All Power, in heaven, and virgina said, witness got some Power, and mike sr said, we need it, he'll destroy, he'll bless, walk, and maybe, he'll walk, right over top, and mike sr said, fuck the vision, take the website down, and I heard something like, then he will take, our website, take'em both, and he'll put ministryofdreams, on it, and you can't prove, maybe, a thing, and mike sr said something about leaving the website alone. I heard, and dimly may have seen, he'll take you email, witness don't care, and mike sr said something like, he don't care, he's my brother, and I hear, cause mike took the website down, and mike jr. said something about a heart attack, and I heard, witness won't stop, he's ready to destroy, witness embarrasing mike, mike needs to be embarrased, michael needs judgement, he masterbated, he should have left it alone, and mike sr. said, I'm sorry, witness is numb, and mike sr. said something like, you witch, and I heard, witness blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and mike sr said, thats me, and I heard, witness backslided and robert didn't, witness wants to meet you, michael boldea is not welcome, and mike jr. said something about indianapolis, and virginia said something like, he'll collapse the economy, and I heard, he don't care, there's blood on your hands, when you take the website, and mike sr said, he's right, and virinia said, theres not, and mike jr. said, what happened, and a spirit that looked like me said, close, close him, and james tyson said, you should have left it alone, you know your backslid, git it right, and mike sr. said something like, o shit, and I keep hearing, witness has had it with michael, witness has the Holy Ghost, and hollie said, witness has the Holy Ghost, and sissy may have said, so the alice cooper, and alice said, I'm alice, and mike jr. said something like, should I put e'm on the radio, and sr said, thats ok, he left, and maybe dumitru said, left hand of help, and mike jr. said, reduce the gasoline, and a woman said something like, then the economy will collapse, and maybe sissy said, o my God, witness is real, and mike jr. said, you know why I hate him, and virginia said, why, and mike sr. said similar, and mike jr. said something like, because I'm cut off, he's open, and many people said, he's open, and maybe, don't care, and virginia said, witness has no heart, and virginia said something like, this hurts, and mike sr may have said, talke tohim he gets hurt, and irving baxter said, how about this guy, and dumitru may have said, here's your problem, and virginia said, you need to suffer, and I heard maybe, witness likes hand of help, and maybe mike sr. said, you know what he likes about hand of help, he has the Holy Ghost, and as I'm asking Jesus waht about hand of help it is that I really like, I saw irving baxter and he said o my God, good question, and mike sr said, do you really hate me, and virginia said, don't matter, witness doesn't like anybody, and maybe, leave us alone, and mike jr. said, how does it feel, and I saw maybe virginia and she said, he wants us open, and mike sr said, I don't beleive it,a nd virginia said something like, om double minded, mercy has arrived, mercy, gene, and geno said, I already told, and virginia said something like, help, and maybe mike sr. said, you need to press, I'll figure something out, and mabye, I need to fast, and maybe, irving said, there's your answer, and I heard and dimly saw maybe virginia, if you get saved, mike sr. said, he'll leave, slipping, and mike jr. said, let it slip, no I didn't, its that car, and mike sr. said, o God, hand of help is lost, and mike jr. said, don't even say that, and sr may have said, out best man is in the military, and mike sr may have said, if you hurt his website again, then hell close it, and dumitru said, close it, and I heard, hand of help is Gods enemy, and virginia said, he'll close, and mike sr. said, let Him close, and virginia said something like, witness won't hurt me, he has the Holy Ghost, it's God, and virginia said, o shit, and sr said, its getting to late, and virginia said, he must have it, and sr. said something like, Lord I can't take it, and virginia said or I heard and somebody else said, get clear, and sr said, bobby help me, and jr. said, your making me perish, and maybe virginia said, Gods doing, leave witness alone, don't anger him, he'll hear it, and iving baxter said o and cursed God, and mike once said, I didn't feel It, and virginia may have said, you had sin, and maybe, Gods forgioven, God didn't have to, witness revealed, and mike jr may have said, that I can start all over, and sr may have said, we can, and I saw and heard, gene, trap, and I heard things like, eliminate, and gene schmidt said, if you do that, revenge, and mike sr. said, I loste'm, and gene said, we'll quit, and maybe, cause him, and geno may have said, there's mercy, and I heard, and more that one person said, gene separate from hand of help right now, and mike jr. said, we need his help, and I heard and may have saw who said, give to michael, and sr. said, reject it, and somebody said, wait and see, and somebody said that looked like virginia, collapse, and sr said, gene I'm sorry, and something like, wednesday night, will be your last night, and geno and ann both may have come against me and anne said, he hates me, and sr said, he cares, I heard, witness don't like gene, and geno said, question, and mike jr. said, becasue he hates me, and I saw geno and he said, I'm lost, and maybe, strip, and maybe, I killed, he loves his country, Witness is in bobby hickman, and geno said, mercy, and irving baxter said, its to late, a nd virginia may have said, here's your problem, witness is your problem, and ann may have said, o, and I heard, if gene leaves, bobby won't have nothing to do with hand of help, he only likes and ann, you know what bobbys done, he likes hand of help because of gene and ann, bobby won't come around with out gene, he likes ann, he's friends with anne, and geno said, wild, and an said, he really likes me, and gene said, tell, when you were in my house, did you take the money, and I saw a man and he said, no I didn't, and ann said, gone, I heard, it was ken, and I saw ken and he said, out, and I heard and may have seen who said, witness help out, and I saw ken and he may have said, ken, and somebody said, killed, and I heard and dimly said, he withstood, and witness was led, and ann said something like, and witness was the devil, thats how I blasphemed, and gene said, don't ay it, and somebody said, witness has purged, and geno may have said, your the one making me backslide, and a girl like spirit said, witness don't have nothing to do with it, and, hand of help will not survive without witness, gene leaves, you finished, and mike sr. said, try'n stop it. I asked Jesus to purge all of you in's of your blasphemes, and I saw a Man that looked like Jesus and He said something like, all right, and geno maybe smiling said, I can't beleive this guy, and ann said, maybe somethings coming, and I heard, and dimly saw a man and he said, witness coming back to hand of help, witness coming back, invite, and I may have seen some and they invited and sr even offered possibly to give me something, and some didn't, and virginia may have said, were ready to close down, and sr said something like, witness pray, can you put us back up,and as i'm hear praying, I saw mike jr. and he said, leave me alone, so I asked Jesus then to give mike sr. and anne and gene and virginia another chance and jr. later maybe if he wants it, and I saw a Man that looked like Jesus and He said something like, "there's a possiblity", and I saw mike sr. and he said, God dam, and I change my prayer to and told Jesus I want to see them saved, but, I don't look at it thru you Eyes and so I told Him I will accept His answer, and I just saw a Man that looked like Jesus and He said, you must tell., 3-23-2010-no, said, hollie, showed, Lord i'm thru, away, but, shook, yes, hollie, clapped, bobby shut up, said, mrs. timothy c. shobe, pastor with red hair, bob, russia, did not care about o.p.e.c., lets rule the world, said, putin, thats russian bombs striking opec countries, then, they, absorb, said, hollie, when they hit alaska, is, what, Jesus, said, hollie, said, and he saw, it, said, casey, alaska explode, missiles sail over, thats center of america exploding, whew, let me, said, hollie, record, she, said, show, hollie said, me, said, pope, riding black horse, hollie shows, two, hollie screamed, what for, said, hollie, screamed, again, heres uh warnin, said, hollie, showed, leave it alone, thats the word, said, hollie, hollie slapped, bobby quit, hollie, said, and beast pope arose, thats hollie, put it under, said, hollie, the wrath of the antichrist, she, said, hollie, showed, record, pointed, lighted hand, showed, go, big yellow hand, tear up, hollie, said, had red bear paws, showed, pope, hollie, said, his picture, with brown hair, let me rule the world, thats putin kneeling before, thats, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, rising, its, pope, coming out of, its putins head, and medevedev, hollie posted in white robe, on, laptop, light hands, hollie screamed, again, thats the king of grecia, pointed, hollie, its, pope, she, said, with, ram horns, hollie showed, turn either way, thats hu hintao coming out of one horn, holding, flower, hollie claps, hes the leader of, hollie showed, magog, the leopard, she, said, thats, four headed beast, thats hu hintao on, theres, clapped, hollie, emporer of japan, thats presidents or north and south korea, clapped, hollie, thats, hu hintao on red horse, hollie rides, missile, taiwan exploded, thats hu hintao battling washington state, on red horse, its repelled, said, hollie, thats, captain hollie flying in old world war two plane, starfighter, said, hollie, flys upside down, its repelled, hollie said, thats pope, medvedev, and, its putin, clapped hollie, coming out of, its, other ram horn, with, putins face on ram, hollie showed, popes picture, bob, she, said, hollie showed, popes picture, with brown hair, let me, rule the world, said, putin, laying before, hollie showed, world, many countries exploded, Jesus, watched, moon looks down with big nose, bobby its he made me, said, moon, pointed at Jesus, look, said, hollie, I showed, you uh picture, she, said, put it under, hollie, said, its, pope, heres your last warnin, said, hollie, wiped lips, Jesus, showed, record, showed, lay down, and I, stamp, said, hollie, beat hand, showed, fight, this is vision lets post it, said, hollie, said, no, showed, with, hands, showed, away, thru, but, shook, yes, hollie, claps, showed, lay down, go asleep, its iraq agin, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, captain hollie with his submarine, it fired, thats, gaza, burning, hollie, turns, submarine around, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, hollie claps, iraq, exploded, lets rule the, world said putin, bobby, stop, said, hollie, michigan u.p.c.i. is is in trouble, now, said, hollie, wiped lips, stomped foot, tore up, showed, popes picture, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, kneeling before, thats pope, said, hollie, shaking yes, thats, hollie, showing, world, and, many countries exploded, thats, Jesus, watching, moon looks down, bobby he made me, said, moon, showed, picture, its, the, whole new world, order, moon, closed, up picture, there, said, hollie, that was, hollie like uh vampire, said, another, hollie, and hollie had partial silhouette face, clapped hands, and, i'm dyin said meat loaf, thats that o coptus, said, hollie, with, captain, hollie, its uh beater, the blade kind, hollie, said, dropped bomb, america below exploded, hollie soared, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, thats beast, hollie said, its pope, she said, russia exploded, beast, its cause hes out of, said, hollie, put back, in white suit, showed, popes picture, with brown hair, hollie did not do one thing, its the contruit, said, hollie, but, only, one, hand, seen, then, other, hollie, appears, showed, lay down, prophet this is uh warnin, said, hollie, that was like uh white light man, said, hollie, satan, hollie said, sh, bobby dont, said, the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, dont said, hollie, whats my word, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays music, you didnt need it said, said, hollie, and hollie shows, stereo receivers, appearing, thats, hollie, like, hidden hollie, showing, its, beast, pope, hollie, said, image, tattood on finger, thats, people being tattood, 666 on fore head, hollie, points, like, hidden body hollie, but arm seen, you dont want no visions, thats what you showin me said, Jesus, o, said, its his ship, said, fleas, its, o, said, wilhelm gustloff ship, three explosions along side, waits, on bottom of sea with silhouette face, for visitor, hollie showed, pope, with brown hair, laughed, hollie showed, record,.....
(568)james e. tyson vision received 9-12-2005 visions received 9-12-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like james tyson and he said things like, repent on your sins, get baptised in the name of Jesus, and filled with the Holy Scipture, and I heard many times possibly man people said, repent and get baptised in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost, many times
(569)Jennifer Schaeffer-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, Jennifer Schaeffer, who worked for balkamp in indianapolis, and she said things like, how ya doing, I'm Jennifer Schaeffer, I backslided, you won't get out, death, heart attack, bobby will aresst you, nice, please, come, website, talk to Jesus, backslide, off, he's a prophet, prophet is, hurt, very, not, Jesus, Jesus help me, backslided, backslide, prophet will, come around, cut me off, witch, open my heart, thank you, I'm sorry, heart attack, if you don't, don't, repent, need help, and I saw hollie and she said, heart attack if you don't repent, website opened.
(570)the united states will be destroyed-visions received 9-13-2005 God has let me heard this, and I may have saw who said it: missile's will hit the biggest part of the united states. The rest, and I saw a spirit that looked like kenneth haney, and he said, radiation. Kenneth haney also said things like: What's the Word, I'm on my way out, send the prophet, go home, if I loose, backslided, you die, cut me off, turned me around, your false, because of me your cut off, that little shit, git back here, put you in the lake, I want Jesus. This is, u.p.c.i.'s own, kenneth haney.
(571)pastor ken stolar-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked pastor ken, and he said things like, I'm going to the lake, and I saw gene schmidt, and he said, you knew, and I saw ann schmidt and she said, thats awesome, pray, don't worry, slipping, bob will help, us, please. I may have seen pastor ken stolar and he said, "why didn't you help me".
(572)stan johnson-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked stan of, the prophecy club, and he said things like, I want my vision, did bob backslide, did he, send, and I may have seen me and I said, nope, and I saw pastor ken stolar and he said, question, defeated, death, and gene schmidt said, awesome, and I saw ken and he said, "this is ken", "pay your tithe", "o shit", "repent".
(573)michael boldea-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, mike boldea and he said things like, "we knew", "I delivered", "visions stopped me", "come on and fight", "you been decieving", "I moved you down", "parents".
(574)delaine-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, delaine, and she said things like, I'm out, pray for prophecy, I heard you lost your Power, and maybe, return, no religion, my pussy, eat, oral sex, anal sex, do you eat pussy, trap, me.
(575)dr. r.h. duncan-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, pastor, r. h. duncan, and he said things like, God will not save you, prophet, done enough, I want visions, if I will losse my tongue, thats the devil, that, I blaspheme the Holy Ghost, I s Jesus right, come, purge, prophecy are wallet, broke, Mantle, yep, we, social security, it's going to collapse, we'll hit russia, we'll hit north korea, we'll hit japan, and I saw maybe ann schmidt and she said, awesome, he's real, and duncan said, we won't git back, and first lady duncan said things like, he knows, I got sin, we hate Jesus, because my husband, o my God, I blasphemed, purge, and pastor duncan said, He will not purge, I respect you now, and the first lady said, I'm closed, finiacial, and rh said, had a heart attack.
(576)gene schmidt prophecies destruction of the empire state building-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, geno, and he cursed God, and ann said, orgy, the message is coming out, and geno said, when the empire state building collapses, the banks will close, and geno said, you can write me again.
(577)norm heaggy-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, norm heaggy, and he said things like, He sent me my wallet, becasue of you were back, praise God, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, we need those visions, and I may have seen mrs heaggy and she said, I want religion.
(578)irving baxter-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, irving, and he said things like, religion, o my God, he's a prophet, o my God, you just blaspheme, you ain't praying much, orgy, hand of help, its closed, attack , north korea, and ann schmidt said, awesome, be with us, repent, and be baptised, in the name of Jesus, accept the price, bob won't come out, and I heard and may have seen possible virginia boldea said, website take to much time, and irving said, religion, thats the reason I got cut off, where's my Mantle gone, o my God, witness is lying, need your money, your advice, and he screamed, need some help, backslide, anbd I saw gene schmidt and he said something about hell, and maybe, you cai'nt get out.
(579)return hollie's Mantle-vision recieved 9-12-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, hollie, and she said things like, if you find loose Mantle, return, suck a dick, you felt good, put prophecy ministry back.
(580)sissy-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, sissy, and she said things like, we'll hear ya, never again, I'm cut off already, have a heart attack, but, I'll revenge you, your done. I asked Jesus something like, when she got cut off, and I saw sissy in a vision and she said, I ai'nt gonna hear it". I stll remember her saying that to me. Sissy said things like, witness got us back open, she died, and debbie said, praise me, you won't prepare, you perish, and jackie said something like, give me on more chance, and I saw mike cunningham and he said, awesome, witches, and I saw carol and she said, going to the lake, and I saw betty and she said something like, right behind her, on my death certificate, you need to pray louder, need my dollar, backslide, religion.
(581)reverend donald golder-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked, pastor donald golder, and he said things like, you know how I goofed, you a prophet, cut me off, I been decieving, hows he get all that, thats a prophet, I did, don't tell me That, cut off, I'm hurt, and I saw maybe his brother, cecil golder, and he said, I'm cecil, drunk, and I saw an older man and he said, I'm bishop golder. That looked like, morris e. golder.
(582)daughter tyson-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, daughter tyson, that is blind, from Christ Church apostolic, and she said things like, Christ Church, were closed, who closed it, prophet, you did, you touched Him, I'm cut off, lake, touch the Mantle, read JEREMIAH 1, repent, and I saw shawn tyson and he said things like, thats awesome, and I saw duaghter tyson, and she said, I can see, I can see, and I saw bishop tyson and he said something like, witness is right, and maybe, he don't care.
(583)randy cole-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like randy and he said, 2000, now I have some money, randy return, you know what I did, I backslide, tell Jesus help me, on the hunt.
(584)shawn tyson-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, c. shawn tyson, and he said, prophet, this is shawn tyson, leave me alone, that hurt, and I may have seen me and I said, me, you destroyed, and I may have seen daughter tyson and she said, your destroyed, and I saw maybe shawn, and he said, thats what I want, and james tyson said things like, can't handle religion, take the Word, very unusal, set yoour house in order, your gonna die, you'll have victory, heard, if you don't close website, repent, be baptised, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and james also said, leave witness alone, he'll close up up, and I saw shawn and he said, and were done.
(585)alan browning-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, apostolic pastor alan browning, in louisville, kentucky, and he said things like, cut off, come to louisville again, don't irritate, our next Holy Ghost speaker, I've been decieving, he won't come, I'll embarras him, repent, I'm not deceiving, put on, gas is the problem, when prices are up, he won't, keep your Mantle, I'm an exprophet, I'm a witch, cause I eat, after service, sunday school, witness, drive, down, o shit, from, loose your Mantle, and he may have said, go and git, and maybe, we'll see, he won't come, when gas prices are down, he'll come back around, he's tight, backslide, sleep, me first, he's correct, I, after, service, eat, prophet, he told, off, and maybe, his blood is off my hands, and I saw maybe me and I said, I did come, told.
(586)dr. tillery-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, dr. tillery, and he said, I wouldn't have your visions, sure, pray for mercy, there taking my licence away.
(587)will japan be in on america's destruction-vision received 9-13-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like the emperor of japan and he said, when united states hits north korea, then I will stand up, I'll attack the united states, cruise missiles, will hit russia, I have 200, missiles out of north korea., and I saw kenneth haney and he said, o my God, and I saw this president and he said, bush, the united states is closer to war than you can imagine, and I heard, north korea will hit russia, and I may have seen kenneth haney and he said something like, how can I tell president of japan, website, and I saw the presdent of japan and he said, when missiles hit north korea, we'll attack, russia, heard, the united states, and I saw putin and he said, will hit russia, and haney said, your letting it start, no I ain't, you are, awesome, and president putin said, we'll attack israel, out, of, iraq, bomb'em, and I heard, the united states will finish off, and the president of north korea said, kill russia, how come your not bitter, and haney said, ask him, and Iheard, the united states hit's japan, and I saw the emporer of japan and he said things like, this is cool, I need that, and putin said, iraq, and I heard, then japan will hit russia, and putin said, I can't beleive it, out of japan, out of north korea, out of north japan, out of china, and I may have seen people say some or all of this, like perhaps the presidents of those nations. And possibly james e. tyson said things like, he's delivered, the united states will, and dr. dan bohler said, hit japan, and pastor alan browning said something like, can you talk for an half a hour, need you, and dumitru said, iraq, is finished, tell them, russia has missile's all over the world, hit russia, russia will, attack missiles in the sky, russia has missile defence, hit iraq, there's mercy, the Mantle, the Mantle is bobs, and I heard, he don't care, and ann shcmidt said maybe, yes he will, he's done, and somebody said, close the websiste, and alan browning said, I'm out of here, and anne said, o shit, piss off, and dumitru may may have said, russia will, and somebody said, attack, and maybe, hit north korea, the united states, pay the consequences, nostrodaumas was wrong, nastrodaumas committed blaspheme, and maybe, nstrodaumas couldn't make up his mind, and somebody said, north korea will attack america, then north korea will attack russia, and I saw this president and he said, hit iraq, I'm bush, and I saw putin and he said, iran, and I saw this president and he said, the united states, bush, will attack iran, your wasting your time, lets take japan, japan will help, then we'll sue north korea, iraq, and putin said, russia in control, and this president said, you know I hate you, bush, north korea, attack them first, then iran, and maybe, then iraq, then us, attack the united states, im free, your not richer, send nukes, and I saw kenneth haney, and he said, tell us, and I saw dumitru duduman, and he said, israel, and I saw benjamin netanyahu, and he said, benjamin netanyahu, takes russia, and I saw the president of north korea and he said, cause we got live missiles in iraq, makes a lot of sense, hit russia, and I saw putin and he said, missile, warning, o my God, missiles, 1000 nuclear bombs hit russia, 3 missiles down, missile defence didn't take missiles down, bob has control, and I saw this president and he said, I'm bush, interesting, I need that, and I saw this woman and she said, bomb missile defence, and putin said, then nuke'm, bomb russia missile defence, then nuke'm, and maybe putin said, the unites states, will hit russia, when you hit japan, you hit russia, and putin said, oil is only 51 dollars a barrel, there's plans, the united states will hit iran, the united states will hit north korea, the united states will hit russia, and I saw the president of japan and he said, we need oil, you can't attack iraq, and hollie said, the united states will hit, japan, the united states will hit russia, and maybe, the united states will hit iran, the united states will hit germany, the united states will hit russia, and I saw pastor dr. dan bohler and he said something like, starting to piss me off, and I saw hollie and she said, he did, and this president said things like, we'll put missiles in iraq, and dumitru said maybe, in iraq, will burn, has the power, and maybe, to make it burn, and kenneth haney said, glad he said that, lost my wallet, and dumitru duduman said, on your death certificate, you blaspheme, and I saw u.p.c.i.'s haney and he said, thats what I did, and this president may have said, whe you hit north korea, you hit russia, when you hit japan you hit north korea, russia will, and I saw president putin and he said, attack, and maybe, the united states. I heard and don't remember who said, he beleives that cruise missiles will hit japan, he beleives russia will hit north korea, he beleives russia will attack new yokr city, and I remember something about the entire east coast destroyed by russia. I saw putin and he said, east coast, and maybe, from submarines, nuke, from submarines(this is refering to this president, bush)I saw putin in a vision and he said, kill bobby, and I saw th president of north korea and he said, we need bobby, and I saw the emporer of japan and he said things like, lets embarras, and I saw dan bohler and he said, lets attack him and I saw this president and he said things like, my name is bush, nukem, nobody cares, and I heard urshan and I saw him and he said, is bob attacked, and maybe, send me bob, and kenneth haney said, interesting, you need the Spirit, embarras, i'm just a witch, no signs, and I saw gene schmidt and he said, prophet clear, I'm not, and anne schmidt said, warn me, prophet, do you realize, you have It, use It, while you got It.
(588)trouble coming to america-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like virginia boldea and she said bush, and dumitru duduman said things like, president bush, you hit iraq, your in trouble now, witness cut off, you, accept it, give me your wallet, and I saw virginia and she said, that ain't true, and I saw dumitru and he said, you'll see, and I may ahve seen ann and she said, bobby we heard, and dumitru said, tell Jesus, and something like, bobby's been put on, I'm out, stop praying, and maybe, stopped pressin, witness don't beleive it, watch out, he's got the Mantle, witness is maniac, you'll see, and geno said, he's in a rage, and virginia may have said, he won't stop it, and dumitru mayhave said, he wasn't phased, when he reiceve, the vision, of destruction, and dr. tillery said, let me repent, and maybe geno said, you don't under stand, he doesn't like people, and ann said things like, he's a god, bobs all we got, and maybe, he needs revival, and geno may have said something like, I'm gene, and maybe, witness cain't stand'em, he's already messin up, he can stop, witness won't, he doesn't plan, he doesn't want to live, and anne said, your letting us die, take us down, and a spirit that looked like geno said, wan't, pussy, witness like, and anne said, because I lie, and she cursed God.
(589)sex is not a toy-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like gene schmidt and he said, you know how I blew it, having sex, and ann said things like, don't listen to it, o my God, and sister heaggy said things like, what the hell, leave it off, witch, decision, and ann may have said, turn, I thought we were friends.
(590)gene schmidt about bush-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked geno and he said things like, president bush, has the heart of a beast, and ann said, o my God, and this president said, leave me alone, and condaleeza rice said something like, thats ok, take some advice, russia, attack north korea, will fight, russia, will attack, america, and I saw this president and he said, bush, wrong, and secretary rice said, possible, missiles in iran, missiles in iraq, russia, has, them there, and this president said, false, and putin said, I knew it, russia, planned it, and I saw this president and he said, I'm bush, kill people, and rice said, we need mercy.
(591)want blood on your hands, kill the website-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked gene schmidt and he said things like, lets kill the website, and vriginia said, your not deceiving, he's on fire, and geno said, you need a whippin, and michael boldea said, thats what I need, I need mercy, and kenneth haney said, o shit, thats what I need, and I saw mike sr, and he said this is mike, and maybe, thats what I need, and I saw virginia, and she may have said things like, this is virginia, thats what I need, and I saw hollie, and she said, this is moodie, I need a whippin and maybe keri fox said thats what I need, and irving said, this is irving baxter, thats what I need, I need a computer, mine burned out, and hollie said, bob I hate you, and mike jr. said, maybe there's mercy, there is.
(592)hollie's son-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and she said things like, sex. I saw a baby in a vision and I saw hollie and she said, thats my baby, boy.
(593)hollie identifies the beast-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked hollie and I was typing in where she revealed the beast was going to be the pope, and she also said, its bob, I'm moodie, witness is, and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, open, and hollie said, your making me perish, and michael boldea jr may have said, your making me perish, and I may have seen ann schmdit and she said things like, this is adulterer, and your making me perish, and another said, you making me perish, and another said, your making me forgit..
(593)dumitru duduman-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like dumitru and he said things like, I didn't press no nore, stopped pressin, eunuch helped me, till I blasphemed, lost, and I saw michael boldea and he said, lying, and dumitru said, don't answer it. Dumitru said, stan johnson, I balsphemed, and kristina said, thats who, and dumitru said, heart attack.
(594)does japan or will they help north korea-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like a the emperor of japan and he said, japan, we help, I'm japan, loaded korea, shoot missiles, and I saw upci chief kenneth haney and he said things like, how old are you, pray louder, and I saw the emperor of japan and he said, whats your name, we got'em, iraq, and maybe, iraq hit israel, and maybe, missiles, out, of, russia, missiles, fire the missiles, new missile, russia's planned, put missiles, in iraq, incorporate, missiles, will strike israel, and I heard, the united states will attack north korea, thats it, and haney said, bullshit, and haney said, take your hands off of me, and I may have seen thomas and he said things like, whats your problem, I'm gibson, and i saw kristina and keri fox, and another said, I hear you not watchin, the website, and irving baxter said something like, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, MYSTERY, BABYLON is not rome, and dan bohler said things like, how does he get this, and something about possibly me being in indianapolis, I knew it, and I saw maybe, irving and he said, send the prophet, and I saw another and he said, send the prophet and hollie may have said, I'm moody, send the prophet, out of here, I hate bobby, and kenneth haney said, send the prophet, to court, and I saw haney laughing.
(595)the ten horns-vision recieved 9-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like maybe virginia boldea, and she said, thats all ten. They may be, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, north korea, venezeula, brazil, iran. I may have seen putin and he said, when we bomb indianapolis, and I saw the president of north korea, and he said, well bomb south korea, your gonna see some nuken.
(596)a time to be quiet-vision recieved 9-13-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like pastor dan bohler, and he said things like, I woner what time it is, its time for you to shut your fuckin mouth, bills, and dumitru duduman said things like, He won't send e'm, won't send, and I saw bohler and he said, I'll just prove'em and dumitru said things like, yeah you prove, you'll wreck him and dan said, o God, what difference does it make, were all going to hell, and dumitru said, prophet said, maybe, open, up, to dan bohler, pray thru, keep your mouth shut, God will send him, and dan said, he won't come, and maybe, we'll use'em, and I heard something like, you don't use God, you don't use prophet, leave the website alone, set your house in order, you will not stand, and I may have seen dan and he said, Church, bob come, and I heard, and dan said, bobby, listen, come, please tell me, and maybe, are you looking, and I saw maybe hollie and she said, are you lookin, and I saw upci head haney and he said, this is nice, and bohler said, don't do that, and I saw dumitru and he said, he wrecked his own self, show, had a heart attack, prophecy closed, and cursed God, and I'm single. THis was a spirit that looked like him, and dan said something and I forgot, there's trouble, and I saw a woman and she said, he did'nt prepare, and I saw dr. tillery and he said something like, I'm not prepared, and kenneth haney said, thats it.
(597)attack on america-vision recieved 9-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like vladimir putin and he said things like, america, attack it.
(598)called by an Angelic Hand-vision received 9-14-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like a White Hand and the Finger was wiggling, calling me over, and I may have seen irving baxter, and he said, he approached Jesus, o my God, and somebody said, russia will attack america, and irving said, he said, and putin said, the united states, attack, when the econony, collpses, and gene schmidt said, what Did he say, and kristina fox said, what me think, and joel urshan said, I'm apostolic, I don't pray no more, as long as I ain't a Christian, and a woman said, are the signs following you, and urshan said, no there not, and and mabye dumitru duduman said, then your not apostolic, and joel said, death wish, trader, your, dead.
(599)james e tyson renames Christ Church apostolic-vision received 9-14-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like james and he said things like, worship me, and something like, the name of the Church should be changed to Christ, Church, apostolic, backslide.
(600)warning for hollie not to go on the prophecy club-vision received 9-14-2005- I heard, there ain't mercy in kansas", and God showed me a spirit that looked like, stan johnson, and he is talking to hollie, aand stan said things like, prophecy club, let it go, and mabye hollie said, our next speaker, is hollie moody", and stan said, it's hollie, trap her, let, if come will send him home, I know, he's real, I'm rejected, is prophet cut off, I'm to late, over him, and hollie may have said, stan johnson, he won't leave me alone, and stan said, yes I will, after I get ya, and dumitru said, satan got, and hollie said, embarras me, lay off, your missing It, you won't beleive It, this is hollie, dial 9-11, I'm cut off, I feel dilevered.
(601)is the prophecy club a trap-vision received 9-14-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like, stan johnson, and he yelled, trap.
(602)anal sex -vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked two young people, and they were nude and having sex, and the man was behind the woman, and I saw hollie in a vision and she said, he put it in the butt.
(603)dr. bill deagle- -vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that maybe somebody, and they may have said something like, what did deagle say. They may have said, beagle, and I saw a man in a vision and he said things like, thats what I need, and I heard things like, stan johnson is out, stan johnson is a witch, I keep telling you, pray for me, deagle, I'm bill, out, you office, and maybe, has been closed, and maybe, liar, and maybe, I'm bill deagle, I m the united states, and I saw putin and he said, I'm russia, attack, and bill may have said, russia will attack, and putin said soemthing like, the economy collapses, bomb, the united states. I'm lost, you know what I did, I backslided, need some help, russsia, and I saw vladimir putin and he said, attack america. I've never seen bill deagle, and I only dimly saw just about all these.
(604)pastor kent jordan, Christian tabernacle apostolic faith Church-vision recieved 9-14-2005 I heard, jordan, and God has showed me a spirit that, pastor kent jordan, and he said things like, I'm scared, and maybe, I sued, and pastor kent jordan screamed, I don't beleive it, witness is correct, bobby do you need some money, no time, send, hand of help, and somebody said, 100,000, and I saw virginia boldea and she said something like, this is making me fast.
(605)healing for daughter tyson-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like james e. tyson and he said, you know who I seen yesterday, it, him, your the prophet, Mantle, on, him, yes, I knew, I was in a hurry, car, thats mine, get away, I wooed ya, take the Mantle off, propeht wouldnt come, almost cost'em his Power, wanna talk to you, and daughter tyson said, I fee like taken off, and james yelled at her, you can't, and shawn tyson yelled at her, you can't, and somebody said, witness blasphemed, and james things like, she saved, stay away from her, I want her in that condition, till she get filled, and shawn said, there's mercy, shawn tyson, and he said things like, the Lord will send me, to heal her, and I saw blind daughter tyson, and she said, after, and shawn said, website, and I heard, He heal the prophet only, and I saw daughter tyson and she said things like, how sweet, jsut pay the price, perished.
(606)does cleophus shawn and james tyson yell at blind daughter tyson-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked c. shawn tyson, and he said someting like, "I do", and james said maybe, he does. James tyson may have said things like, witness is in trouble, if he wasn't, what was he doing around us, and I saw daughter tyson and she said, I thought, and she said, the Lord sent him, and james said maybe, to testify, and daughter said, do you have a girlfirend, thats me, and I may have seen me and I said over and over things like, I have no girlfriend, and daughter tyson said, stay single.
(607)sister heaggy-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked sister heaggy and she said things like, this is your last chance. THis mayhave been the wife of norm heaggy.
(608)the prophecy club-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked dumitru duduman and he said, embarras him, and I saw stan johnson and he cursed God, and he said, my secret is about to be revealed, and dumitru said, I hate him, and stan said things like, prophecy club is closed, prophecy club is tempting, as how I feel, and dumitru said things like, he won't give to hand of help, I stand there preaching, I blapsheme the Holy Ghost, I didn't recognize it, he owes us 30,000 dollars, and virginia boldea said, thats what we want, and james e. tyson said, give me some money, and stan said, I took everything back, I just started an orgy, and dumitru said, go to stan, tell'em, the Truth is withholden from him, and stan said, thats the boy, and dumitru said, abase'em, and a man said, this is prophet stan johnson, and dumitru said, stupid stan johnson, give him a heart attack, and stan said things like, couldn't keep my hair on, and I heard, open punishement, and upci's haney said, couldn't beleive that, I goofed, and stan said, I'm cut off, and haney said, interesting, so am i, and possibly a hollie or a man said, send the prophet, help me, let me go, killed, and I heard, she can work, and be clean, and hollie said, promise.
(609)alice cooper-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked alice cooper and he said, how are you doing, and he was happy, and he said things like, I'm apostolic, git ready, you wrote me, and I heard something like, alice cooper has the Holy Ghost, over and over, and vince may have said, told, your tresspassing, and he may have said, I won't stand.
(610)vision of satan-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked satan and he was just a white face like a man but, he was an angle, and I saw him and I asked who he was, and he said, satan, and I asked Jesus why he fell, and he said, pride, and I asked Jesus if he could be save, and he may have said, judgment has, and keri fox said, been passed, and , he ran, he was in heaven, in his room, and satan said something like, I planned it, I laugh, and maiden name carol sue barger said something like, just go ahead and ask him, and maybe lucifer said, I wanted to be like the most High, just repent, and carol sue said things like, it ain't gonna happen though and gene schmidt said, You were so nice to'em, and virginia boldea said, he forgot, and I heard, gene has run us down, and geon said, how can you prove that, and ann schmidt said, we know it, you to much, and geno said, it'll close, and virginia said maybe, mike did, we got your website again, we perish, and geno said said, geocities, and dumitru said, guestbook they will not get down, and somebody said, not this time, and geno was laughing, God dam, and said, jack me off, and ann said, won't, eat, whats inside of me, and geno said, geocities , uncover me, I left you, and virginia said, were checking, leave it alone, and geno said, you know what you did, blaspheme, and virginia said, jelous, and dumitru said, hand of help has died, and geno said, it won't go down, cause they won't take it out, and dumitru said, repent, and geno said, I'll sue him, and dumitru said, you want to abase, and maybe geno said, let me perish, and virginia said, gene, takie it down, and kristina fox said, no, God won't let you, close hand of help.
(611)debbie-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked debbie and she said things like, I'm awesome, debbie blasphemed again, done told, and I saw mike cunningham and he said things like, she mad at you, won't get in trouble, blaspheme took me out, and maybe, please help sis, your cut, and sissy said, yoou knew it, I face, steal my house, and debbie said, cause I blaspheme, bobby can deliver.
(612)virginia boldea-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked virginia and she said things like, witness I need your money, emergency, and dumitru said, tell mike, you ever jack off, and I heard, Mantle, and somebody said, will be taken, and kristina said, by prophet, and I may have seen michael boldea and he said, suicide, and maybe, prepare, I'm cut off, and he or virginia said, share that empty wallet, don't go to the restroom anymore, and virginia said, put on a diaper, and mike said, how much money do I need, new hand of help, ministryofdreams, and maybe joel urshan said, we need your money, and virginia said, give'em a heart Lord Jesus, he don't want it.
(613)pastor john tyson-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked apostolic pastor of pentecostal apostolic Church john w. tyson, and he said things like, were laughin, and I saw the lady his wife, and she said, mercy, git me a doctor, devil trapped me, and john said, abase, and virginia boldea said, cut him off, and john said, that what I need.
(614)keri fox giving herpes to people-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked keri and she said he's guaranteed to have herpes, I gave him herpes, and I saw a man and he said, I don't, and I saw kristina fox and she said, mom has herpes.
(615)irving baxter jr.-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked irving and he said things like, assassinate, this is irving baxter, come to Church, and I saw sissy and she said, assassinate bobby, and mike cunningham said, might have to.
(616)the prophet Jeremiah-vision recieved 9-14-2005 I was asking Jesus what kind of heart jeremaih had God has showed me a spirit that looked a man and I felt he was jeremiah and he said, animals, bob, I have mercy, He cut off, and dumitru duduman said, heaven and grunted something like, hum uh, and maybe michael boldea said, hell, take it down, and dumitru said, I think your headed to destruction, and keri fox said, he went to hell.
(617)frank sinatra, did it his way-vision recieved 9-14-2005 I heard, frank sinatra, and God has showed me a spirit that looked frank, and he said, I perished, laughed.
(618)press dan bohler-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked dan and he said, made me press.
(619)hand of help-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked virginia and she said, God don't let us go under, and mike jr. said, he's a memory, and irving baxter said, took that website down, and dumitru said, theres mercy, and mike said, thats what I want, and dumitru said, stop, and maybe, hand of help, sink it and the president of north korea said, korea, russia will attack north korea, and putin said, thats right, and gene schmidt said, need wallet, and mike said, up to him, and I saw, remember the website, and mike said, 30000.
(620)keri fox-vision recieved 9-14-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked keri and she said things like, just name Your price and I accept, and I saw dumitru duduman and he said, kirstina, and I heard, kristina has blood on her hands, I want you, backslider, come out, don't call her is in in jail, open my heart, blasphemy is not forgiven, how do I get it off(hes talking I believe about blood on hands), here's you problem, Mantle can't take it off, explode, and sissy said something like, all because of debbie, and simison said, witch.
(621)fast-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like keri fox and she said, I can't see with oout this visions, fast, stay here.
(622)edgar posey-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like edgar posey of l.f.a.c., and he said things like, out, witch, went to sleep, I'm known, I'm wrong, I have a testimony.
(623)dr. mark hanby-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like mark hanby and he said things like, were witches, I'm mark hanby, witch out, prophet can't be saved, and maybe, make a promise, you left.
(624)dr. marvin sapp-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like marvin sapp, with, light full life cenet Church, and he said things like, I'm out, witches.
(626)president-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this is president and he said things like, I'm president bush, I blaspheme, assassinted, I will, he needs to come out, and accept the consequeces for what he's done, bush, assassinted, he's lying, he knows, accept, the consequences, out, figures, you know what figures.
(625)dorein-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like dorien, and she said things like, I loose my hair, I'm jelous of you, I wanted.
(626)waning Gods help-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president and he said, Jesus help me, Its iran.
(627)can't stop-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president and he said, I can't stop it, talk to bush, you know how I feel, I'll do it, and I'll fuck up.
(627)iran-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president and he said, heres the problem, its embarrasing, iran won't and maybe, obey me.
(628)iraq-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like tis president and he said things like, I'm going to loose my job, there are people that want me out, in your own neighborhood, do you know what that means.
(629)assassinated by own friends-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president and he said things like, assassinated by you own government, your personal friends, I'll be assassinated, by your own friends, help me please.
(630)president-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president and he said, my names bush, website is loose, heres the fixer, leave it alone, separate, from the website, don't fool with it, it'll keep you alive.
(631)pastor dave scott vision recieved 9-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like dave scott, and he said things like, this is dave scott, that helped me, and maybe, website is awesome, he hurts me, he's a prophet, and I'm a witch, he knows, return, bless you, witch, witchcraft, we know it, blaspheme, return, and I'll take it away, your Mantle is broken, do you know who I am, I'm dave scott,
(632)president-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like president and he said, bush, bobby heres the problem, I want iraq, thats what I need.
(633)president-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president and he said, om bush, I want iraq, I want that oil, somethings been tellin you that thats your problem, I'll put it on the radio, I don't care what he says, its on there.
(634)president-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president, iraq, leave that alone, and get out, they sale you oil, iraq needs oil, you can be best friends, they like you, get out, they'll sell so much oil that you cain't buy it, thats the ticket.
(635)president-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president and he said, america is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and russia will attack you, you collapse the economy, russia will attack you, your problem is russia, leave the website up, they know.
(636)president-vision recieved 9-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president and he said, they will hit you when the economy collapses, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, I got news for you, I don't beleive that crap, and I saw the walmart girl, she said, it's starting, and this president said things like, well I got new for the walmart girl, I comitted blaspheme, I'm done,
(637)president-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like you'll face, iraq consequences, if you attack, and whe walmart girl said, iraq, I'm the walmart girl.
(638)president-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president and I dimly see him. but here and here about what he is saying, prophet warning people, don't beleive it, blaspheme is going to kick your ass, prophet says, your a prophet, you used to have dreams, you used to have visions, you want visions, you get right, he is a prophet, I'm bush, I never told noby that, and I may have seen dumitru and he said something like, thats not bush, thats bohler, and this president said things like, thats bush, thats me, I never told any one about that, and I don't care.
(639)president-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president and he said, you know what I done, I committed blaspeme and I know it, come back, purge, prophets almost crying for you, and I saw dan bohler and he said, I'm dan bohler, don't cry, he's a fuckin goddam son of a bitch, and I saw satan and he said, blaspheme, and joel urshan said, blaspheme can cast out devils, he never spoke, and lucifer said, spoke, and dan said, is when it counts, and somebody said, who's the prophet, and it may have been satan and dan said, prophet is us, but were all out, except for one, and maybe lucifer said, and the devil said, and maybe said my name, he won't post, and dan may have said, post, so we can crash him, and maybe dumitru said, he's the crasher, he's an expert at it, and I saw this president and he said, my names bush, lucifer said.
(640)debbie-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like debbie and she said things like, momy, just pray, momy, I can't poop, and sissy talked about taking exlax, and debbie still couldnt go to the bathroom and sissy talked about taking to the hospital, and they disembowell, and it irks debbie and maybe embarrases, and debbie said, Jesus gave up on me, and the walmart girl said things like, you offended the prophet, your going to answer for what you've done, and mike cunningham said, o my God, and the walmart girl said debbie, you offended the prophet purposely, and debbie said, thats all, I offend, and maybe, how did I commit blaspheme, and sissy said,leave'em alone, and mike said, Jesus Christ, and sister heaggy said, thats me, get out of here, and debbie said, your bloodstains on my hands, I called him satan, and the walmart girl said, and thats blaspheme and thats what you've done, and debbie said something like, bobby never invited me to Church, and the walmart girl said, thats what you've prayed for, isn't that what you prayed for, God's gonna get you, and sissy said, my bowells won't open, and the walmart girl said, you committed blaspheme
(641)blood on hands-vision recieved 9-18-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like, debbie and she said, blood is on my hands, I'm debbie hickman, and pastor simison said, thats you, and maybe, mom, and mabye shes the problem, and sissy said, thats what I heard, and debbie said, wait till I commit suicide, and she may have also said, insurance won't cover suicide, and sissy may have said, yes it will, my insurance, and sissy said, when you left, and debbie said, I don't poop, and maybe, he was, and pastor simison said, patient, and debbie said, he warned me, he warned us, he warned me.
(642)president-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this president and he said, bush, and I blaspheme, turn, and maybe, and I'll take you back, you'll live, you comitted blaspheme, I told, dick cheney, don't do that, he wouldn't listen, and he cursed God, and he, I blew it, same o prophet, same o backslider, you know what you did, you blaspheme, you are fooled, balspheme is put away, missile attack on iran, don't do it, blaspheme will come off, lets pray, and joel urshan said, blaspheme won't come off, and lucifer said, that is your understanding of Scripture, He can purge, do you think I'm going to listen to the fucking devil, do you think I'm luna tic, and maybe satan said, I don't beleive it, he's correct, he's studpid, he and joel said, show on, I do, and satan said, and satan laughes at you .
(643)the bleach blond-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like this blond haired woman that works for speedway gas station and she said things like, in adultery, please help me, om trying, please save me, he's safe, he's the prophet, He's got a warning, he wants you clear, please hurry, you know he will marry you if you get right, this is a warning, READ ACTS 2:38 and do it, ACTS 2:38, turn, running from Jesus, I comitted blaspheme, and I saw robert and he said, and I know it, comitted blaspheme, and the bleach blond said, he must be on fire, I hate sex, please help me, and mabye the walmart girl said, the decision is yours, and the bleach blond said, I'm not ready yet, to late, you already missed it, let me tell you a secret, prophet wants you clean, and the walmart girl said, he wants oral sex, and the bleach blond said, why did you tell, and robert said, stay away from me, oral sex, and the bleach blond said, oral sex is not forgiven, return, what did witness say, and maybe the walmart girl said, you made a choice, I'm the walmart girl, and the bleach blond said, I'll stop it, and I heard the voice of the walmart girl and she said something like, you were given one last chance, and you comitted blaspheme, and the bleach blond said, I'll repent, please don't mess with me, please help me with money, God help me, your blaspheme, I'll forgive ya, but if you blaspheme again, I'll turn you over to a reprobate mind, he's cut, and I saw sister heaggy and she said something like, please repent, and bob'll take ya, and the bleach blond said, he won't do it, blow job, hallaluiah, and kristina fox said, your kiddin, don't do it, you know he's got herpes, and the bleach blond said, leave me alone, o God, I can't marry him, you got money, your forgiven, now witness doesn't want to marry you, herpes are removed, thats how I got herpes masterbating, you can't get herpes masterbating, it's me , herpes is removed, I'm herpes, now he's embarrased me I'll never speak to him again and kristina said something like, let me answer it, you won't, he'll never have that again, he's got herpes, and a woman said, I gave them to'em, I'm the walmart girl, and I've never had sex with him, and the bleach blond said, o my God, and I saw a spirit that looked like me and I said, he don't want you now, stay away from her, your just want my money, hallelujah, the Lord, has kept me clean, and the walmart girl may have finished that, and she said, git herpes and you will not be healed, take my warning, this is Gods warning, God's forgiven the prophet, and the bleach blond said, oral sex is not forgiven, herpes, will remain, sex, is for reproduction only, and hollie may have finished that, and maybe hollie said, return to Church, you better beleive, you still have herpes, oral sex, and mabye, bob tempted me, why does he tempt me, you have sex with herpes, and maybe keri fox said, and your gonna pay, this is keri, you'll go to prison, and the walmart girl said things like, you'll go to prison for masterbated, and prison is heaven, and kristina fox said, that h e l l God forgiven, and keri said, yes He is, and kristina said, h e, and the bleach blond said something like, you know thats me, h-e-l-l, make a decision, and maybe thomas said something like, you know she has herpes, you liar, and keri said, bobby hickman has herpes, and thomas said, o, and I saw kristina and she said, this is kristina, blaspheme, blaspheme is herpes, thats me, and keri said, I got'em, herpes has wrecked my life, when he's around, I'll see, if he's got herpes or not, cause I got'em, pray for me, he's got ransome on us, ut o, were gonna get saved, hate you, I gave herpes to my own self, I've had herpes for a while, and kristina said, thats the reason he won't come around around you, herpes are from the devil, and he won't committ blapheme, he made IT.
(644)michelle and robert-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like robert and he said things like, oral sex, I need your money, so I don't have to work, and I saw michelle and she said things like, I give him oral sex, I give him what he wants, and I saw them both and they both said, return, and robert said, returning, make me embarrassed, prophet you fallen.
(644)chosen-vision recieved 9-21-2005 God has showed a spirit looked like keri fox and she said, were chosen, your not.
God has showed me in visions ministering spirits and they said things like: 10-2007-bubba, said, hollie, right here, texas chainsaw massacre, Jesus, showed, come, on, you fools, that show is the worst, people, are doing that, from that show, Im angry at the writer of, he wanted comedy, hes million, aire, now, but, cut off, lava awaits, lets get a large crowd, said, amy brucker, but, people, wont pay to see her, she wanted jeremy taylors, friendship, lets hit battleship, said survivor odonnell, but, when they get hit, then, humble, blow job, yelled, hollie, thats, what we want said, lawrence forman, and theres cluracan sucking his dick, like katie bazor sucks david shapiro, and amanda dee sucking jeff dee, oral, sex, gets people lava, they knew and, bobby, we took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, and john mark pool laughs, but when they get embarrassed, like pool will be, right on own radio show, ok says sandy pool, checks, sees, leaves, over, john mark pool, stop, said jose alvarez, both, stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, both release, ruint, terry cannon, said, hollie, how do you get ahold of him, now, wants prophet, but, when there, do you want us to pray for you, whats awrong with your Spirit, he said, blasphemed, in front of elders, of heavenly life apostolic tabernacle, he got cut off right here, they know, bob, showed, them, none had Holy Ghost, terry trembled, sarah, said, the woman, she is young, beautiful, bob, witnessed, to, then, she goes to a gay bar, gets herpes, now, cut off, wants God, but to late, knows, 10-2007-this is the website speaking, post, with hollies voice, raise your hands, cut off, showed, the pope, morris garsnett, not, saved, that was hollie showed, carved into, the stick, and hollie smiling on the missile, no, said, the grim reaper, and the meerkat showed, the popes image, made alive, put it on tv, said, the man, 10-16-2007-and the meerkat smiled, showed, picture, of, the nathaniel haney pope nathaniel urshan man, same, record the vision, said, gabriel, tell me about syria, said, hollie, its, blaspheme, clapped the tap dancers, want more visions, I want more visions, clapped my tap dancers, hollie, and, the pope, and hu, eight kings that will, rise, against, usa, record the vision, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, they really need it said gabriel, kent jordans church, a new pastor, he showed church credit card, but crowd leaving, let me alone said hollie, my spacecraft, ministry of dreams, spacecraft fired, got me, david shapiro, im out said, Jesus, kent jordans, church, write the vision, what do you want, said, people, thinks kent jordan, but, not saved, cut off, he showed, hollie showed, record me, go, out, there, kent jordans church, revival, write the vision, said, hollie, showed, go, record, did not gabriel say, record, hu riding red horse, taiwan, boom, gabriel showed, shh, 10-17-2007-israel, said, the woman from jordan apostolic church, and the founder with dyed hair, perished, was, cut off, when opened, and the pope sang, raise your hands and repeat after me, boom, taiwan, boom, thas, russia on fire, one sixth left, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, the pope, im a bear, said, linda spall bear, youll like it, being single again, divorces, larry spall, for youth, but, I wont find it, goes back, this is in her heart, now, no kinds, audiocoustics laboratory 2100 speaker-vision recieved 10-2007-in this vision, I saw hollie by the speaker, and I have a pair, praise God! God spoke to me about audiocoustics laboratory 2100 stereo speakers and said, "they are as good as they get, and mike stella will see.
the Spirit is willing-visions recieved 10-22-2007-in visions, I saw maybe various hollies, and they said things like, record me, one hollie show pen, and one hit recorder, and there was more.
go-visions recieved 10-22-2007-I saw hollie with a big lighted hand, and she showed, turn, four times, north, south, east, west, and once pointed up.
JEsus sings visions-visions recieved 10-22-2007-in visions, I saw ministering spirits like Jesus and hollie, and here is what was sang, "raise your mantle and repeat after me". Jesus sang, and then hollie, and or if, and here is more of what they and more told, "russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that my pope, and hu is the false prophet".
kenneth haney-visions recieved 10-22-2007-I saw kenneth haney sit at council, and gabriel said to him, what it is, and kenneth haney said, "git me outta here", and was made aware by hollie that it was his fault message not in upci churches, she pointed and Im going by memory at an angry kenneth haney with dyed hair.
vision of Jesus-visions recieved 10-22-2007-your out, said, Jesus, kenneth haney, and he is leading, united pentecostal church international, and I saw horace smith, with dyed hair, leading pentecostal assemblies of the world, like g. t. haywood, and I saw him with dyed hair, call these the u.p.c.i.-p.a.w. man.
hollie showed to write the vision-vision recieved 10-2007-I saw hollie and she had pen.
nathaniel haney, nathaniel urshan-visions recieved 10-2007-I was asking God to show me about the nathaniel haney urshan man, and I saw him with church credit card, and in another one he had a serpents tongue he stuck out, and hollie said, hey nathaniel, and nathaniel haney, appeared, look, said, hollie, showed, sit, and he sat at council, and gabriel asked, find me, he said, and nathaniel haney said, I cant, and nathaniel urshan said, I will later, both, cut off, pastoring, thats u.p.c.i., said, hollie, and God, hey dont blow it, said, hollie, like we did, said, the nathaniel haney urshan man, and kenneth haney with dyed hair saw.
sinking of the edmund fitzgerald-visions recieved 10-2007-I saw the maybe the edmund fitzgerald sinking, like standing up in water, judgment to the united states-visions recieved 10-2007-I saw from high up, explosions on one coast of the usa, and coming up the other, and houses on fire on my street, and hollie tap danced and said, prophesy to the nathaniel haney-urshan man, and say to him, he wants my wallet, it hurt, said, nathaniel haney, and nathaniel urshan, buttoned lips, wants prophet back.
intercession-visions recieved 10-2007-hollie wailed for the people, booh hooh, thats what I want said, Jesus,
people stealing the name God spoke for this ministry, ministry of dreams-vision recieved 10-2007-in this vision, I saw hollie and she rubbed her face, and said, leave spacecraft alone, ministry of dreams, fires on those, we take it, said, dee finney, and ismail kadare ruint, all, like john mark pool, I wantem out, he said, did you see something, he said, on the net, he did not, I cant beleive it, said john mark pool, give it to me, he thinks, but, releases, spacecraft fired, boom, john mark pool, ruint, sandy pool leaves.
china attacks taiwan-visions recieved 10-2007-in visions, I saw taiwan explode, and a missile flying, and maybe hu hintao looking, and china appeared in nation.
the end time horses-visions recieved 10-2007-I saw the pope like an angel of light riding the black horse, and hu hintao rode a black one that runted red, taiwan, exploded.
visions from God-visions recieved 10-2007-I saw hollie and she showed, record, and I saw Jesus, and gabriel, and he said, youll be all right, those, we took it, said dee finney, the name, ministry of dreams, like christians, john mark pool, jose alvarez, antonia vladimirova, jeremy taylor of john f. kennedy university, and david shapiro, katie bazor, leaves over, like sandy pool, leaves john mark pool, and duncan rouleau, his book cancelled, like ismail kadare, and wole soyinka, all wanted christian to fall, out said hollie, reverend jeremy taylor, from all jobs, and talks, coming soon, saith the Lord.
record the vision-vision recieved 10-2007-in this vision, I saw hollie, and she was showing to record, and hollie showed, and hollie like a bear, with the popes face coming out, thats russia, said, hollie, otyre.
the beast like an angel of light-vision recieved 10-2007-in this vision, I saw the pope like a white spirit man, and he was riding, the black horse.
revelations of the false prophet-visions recieved 10-2007-in this vision, I saw hu hintao and he was riding the red horse, and I saw taiwan explode, and the pope and hu sign for 666, and I saw otyre and magog, that is china and russia.
pastor paul jordan-visions recieved 10-2007-I saw paul jordan, and joe jordan, and kent jordan, and they all had dyed hair, preaching, kent, lost, and they all knowed.
MYSTERY, BABYLON is america the woman-vision recieved 10-2007-in a vision, and Im going by memory, I saw gabriel, and he said something like, "MYSTERY, BABYLON is the u.s.a. He was like a man, but light, like white neon sign.
mike murdock-visions recieved 10-14-2007-in this series of visions, and im going by memory, I may have heard the word, "council", and hollie would have said that, and gabriel said, "what it is", and mike murdock faced gabriel, and he may have covered most of face with hand, and I heard his voice say something like, "I love people", and then I saw him like cough at the word, "fee".,
God has showed me ministering spirits and they said things like: 11-10-2007-war said, let it go, said, gabriel, hollie showed record, pointed, hollie, showed whistle blew, jeremy, I give you an ultimatem said steven stargardter with jim garrisons voice, lets go said jeremy taylor, whats he done, said, hollie, stole the name ministry of dreams, like, dee finney, said john mark pool, releases ruint, what is that in my room clapped the tap dancers, hollie and eight kings that will rise against usa, duncan rouleau, wrote book, the nightmarist, the nightmarist showed record, I stole he said, speaking for duncan rouleau, the name ministry of dreams, book, releases ruint, bob said gabriel, record the vision, hollie showed, look, turn, said, hollie, duncan said gabriel, you loose, knew, make christian fall, you wink, people will kill, cause they lost chance to be saved over, his children, like jonah weiland, matt brady, nick field, dave karlotski, tom beland, quinling harlequin, andy shaw, dana tillusz, kenley darling, richard starkings, george t., justin daniels davis, elizabeth shea, and more, they would not release the stolen name ministry of dreams, when they knew, laughed, git out of here, said, hollie, is what they wanted, know, all ruint, like dee finney, john mark pool, and the children of furcadia like katie bazor, cecil pennyton, david shapiro, lawrence forman, jeff dee, amanda dee, they stole the name ministry of dreams, release, with david shapiro ruint, paying child support, 9-29-2006-that, pointed, hollie, like uh white angel, that, pointed, hollie, and, theres the alarm, your really needed, and hollie, that, that, no, said hollie, that, anything you say can be used against you pointed the angel, lighted, and the lighte finger pointed, and Jesus pointed, and hollie tore up the contract, hollie blowed the horn, put your visions, on the internet, said the horn, with, hollie coming out, and waving, blowing, kisses, work, for, Jesus, no, and hollie pointed, lighted white angel, that, and the angel blew the horn, hellow country bumpkin, sang hollie, johhny cash, perished, and pointed, up and down, up and down, like, hollie, showed, angel, with, golden hands, and hollie pointed, and he saw america on fire, and the woman, coming out, america, is, baby, lon, like, joel urshan, teaches, against, and, boyd, warren, christian, not, and, false, prophesying, wife, preaching at, not, but, in church, in front of, yea, she, yelled, when, bob, prophesied, visions, are, being, told, that is, prophesying, while, right there, and telling, what the ministering spirits, say, yea, she said, liar, now, she is, out, 9-30-2006-record the vision Jesus showed, and things are, ok, check your oil, with your hands, fingers, like hollie showed, again, thick, and slick, keep, theres the alarm, said hollie, and the librarian, are you ready, said, Jesus, and the outlaws Jesus pointed, repent and baptized in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, there aint no visions in pentecost, because there are no apostolics in pentecost, that, pointed, hollie, the big sun, darkened, and the moon, turned into blood, that, pointed, america on fire, and moscow and china, and taiwan, all of north america, that, up hollie showed, and he saw gas, crystal flash, 2.24, up hollie showed, 2.50, then, 1.99, that, that, toyota previa, thumbs up hollie showed, that, the pope looking thru the four horns, that, write the vision and make it plain, and Jesus laughed, record the vision, Jesus showed, and he saw, america, on fire, and, the statue of liberty coming out, your blowing it said dumitru duduman, that, that, the united states will be a desolation real soon, said, dumitru duduman, turned inot the angel of the Lord, and he saw, america on fire, and subs sneaking up on it, and moscow and china, and hollie pointed, boom, and the world wobbled, gasoline said the angel, and he saw, thumbs up, and, the golden lighted hands, opening, and, hu and the false prophet, is, coming out, the pope, record the vision Jesus showed, im gay, but I want to live for Jesus deny yourself, record the vision Jesus showed, shes tight underneath those pants, but, God does not get turned on by it, womans bodys, yes I am, said the woman, young, walking off, smart ellic, are you, pentecostal, bob heres this all the time, stuck up, and, a woman, owned, many, burned, up houses, and wanted bob to fix, you do it, is what, when something is burned up, let it, destroy it, fire is, final, they will be up, sooner, than you think, said the angel of the Lord, we come to church to talk, said, mr. and, mrs. boyd, warren, no said mrs. warren, and he saw, her, preaching at, popped over the head, that propehsying, she thinks, but what she doesnt know is, the whole church mocks her, good, and warren knows, boyd, leave here, is what, they both wanted, mercy said mrs. body, warren, and when it came, out, said warren, and Jesus showed to record the vision, and hollie transformed, and the male hooker tattood 666, on his, arm, when america gets hit, bob will be, laying, and he saw, him on the couch, on belly, talking, to Jesus, up, in heaven, God will let bob, moniter, the brand new beep site, what was that, hollie, tearing up the contract, and, putting it back together agin, God will let bob, moniter from heaven, the beep site will get about 4000 hits per hour, people wanting to know what happened, america on fire, and some will read, it all, looking for hope, about, 50,000 visions and dreams, it will take about 8 hours, from start to stop, then, sleep, worn out, but not really caring, and the lighted hollie pointed, and hollie, om ready, said Jesus, ar you, and he saw, the outlaws Jesus point, repent, baptised in Jesus Christ name, and baptised in the Holy Ghost, ready homo, or not, and he saw, the west coast choppers, old man, and he will laugh, but, wadd, yeah, he said, behind his angry face, the pope knows about ministryofdreams, but wont, and he saw, the anti Christ reading, and he himself, will phone beep, take it off please, ok, but, it will show up al over, and the pope wont care, till hu and rises and withstands, the pope read, and wadded, thats the second beast, and hollie, tore up the con, spirit, like a golden, bear, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by bush, oil, contracts, break, moscow, theres the black chariot, with the pope, and, false prophet hu, the new world order, with, fox, and, lula, chavez, putin, castrol, geyer, jong, they will give thier power and strength, to the beast, send it over, said the pope, and america, on fire, desolate, and the lighted hollie pointed, record the vision, Jesus showed, and the pope, looked thru the four horns, magog, north and south korea, china and japan, situate, ruled by, hu, the pope will rule grecia, the rest of the world, and he saw, 666, born at the table, between, them, to prevent them, from, destroying each other, I all ready know it said the pope and hu, and he saw, them, looking, at each other, hating, theres the alarm, record the vision, hollie showed, that, pointed, hollie, and Jesus, showed, record, beep, tomorrow, there aint no visions, in pentecost, because there are no apostolics, in pentecost, and the angel of the Lord pointed, cut off, said crystal lewis, gotta tell em said hollie, body warren, and wife, cut off, no signs, no thanks he says, but, trying hard to get the websites off, once we hit alaska, two hours, you didnt want it warren, boyd, im mad at you, warren body, cause, you kicked my servant out, and, I sent him, with vision, the white Jesus, is all you let him tell, your welcome, but, and he prophesied, your doomed because of, the church wanted the vision, and Jesus pointed, hell for warren, rock and roll is noise pollution, sang the ministering spirits, look there, said, Jesus, junk, and he saw, satans, on the platform, at boyd warrens church, all lost, go listen, while he preaches, they perform, warren, boyd, git out of here, he says, should have not, and knew, said one thing, laughed the lost woman, choir member at warrens church, theres no prophecy, prophecy ministry, on the internet, sang the choir, but, we will not be accepted by the Holy One, unless, repent, being baptised in Jesus Christ name, and recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the outlaws Jesus pointed, turn he said, vest, theres the alarm, and the lighted hand pointed, outlaws, and he saw, all of north america, boom, and the world wobbled, hollie was on top, hollies in hot water, hand of help, got, michael boldea sr.'s, hands full, no glass blowing at kings island, the britanic was transporting, military, germany knew it, that, said hollie, coffee, get, that ponted hollie, work, that, ministryofdreams, screen, that, one, showed hollie, that, pointed hollie, u.p.c.i., cut off, no signs, that, paul mooney, kenneth haney, cut off, no signs, number one and two, and hollie tore up the con, quest, that, ministryofdreams, number one, showed hollie, leave him alone, and hollie pointed at Jesus, and he ll leave you alone, but, and he saw, 8, thats eight countries, dreamed, while praying, these, kings, will plan, against, attacking, america, cmon, wake up said danile bohler, you know your oil, check, like hollie showed, thick and slick, keep, and Jesus had the recorder, and the pope looked between the four horns, magog, and was over, 666, born at the table between hu and the pope, the king of grecia, and, the south, both have nukes, and he saw, signed, and hollie tattooed, no, said the girl from paul mooneys church, when, like demi moore, beautiful, put bobby here, pulpit, she pointed, no, said paul mooney, after, being informed, cut off, to face, no signs, away, and hu came out of, the wind, and, the emporer of japan, the pope, the idol shepherd, and hollie tore up the, con, truit, and hollie showed, new jerusalem, in the, bos, ton, ship, and the lighted, pointed, new jerusalem, glass city, hell, lava, that was a bear, im a bear, me, putin, moscow, the feet, and he saw, and he saw putin as the feet, and holllie pointed at the bear, winnie, God told you that was it, im the main ministering spirit, hollie, post my visions, waved hollie, carved into the stick, and the outlaws Jesus pointed, no beep, for now, I want my vision, said the main, theres the conspirit, con try it, con trap, I dont need, no clean oil, I jus, need oil, said the engine, tongue out, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, brougth in by bush, and he saw, the palestinian state, on fire, and iraq, american, nukes, both ways, youll have, two months to live after that, and hollie tore up the con do it, theres the tap dancer, and hollie pointed, hollie, post, and hu and the pope, joined in, the emporer of japan, now let me see here, and the figner pointed, the harley outlaws Jesus, thumbs down, ford areostar, chevrolet, safari, rear, wheel drive, theres the alarm, gas mileage, bad, its wrong said the west coast choppers Jesus, and the lighted finger pointed, to try to control people, make them do what you want, said hollie, hold, when, your not wanting to, said Jesus, outlaws, clouds are beautiful, what they are is, moisture, like steam, theres the alarm, hollie, dont try to figure it out, and hollie pointed, and hollie, o my God, hes a prophet, irving baxter, you know, but, cut off, no signs, his books, off, somebody got thru, said the angel of the Lord, intercede, hunt uhhh, pointed hollie, shook, second baptist, the lust the bent over woman, and the engine smiled, waste oil, good enough, will he save me, yeah, but, and the outlaws, Jesus pointed repent, and be baptised in Jesus Christ name, and recieve, the gift of the Holy Ghost, you know it, that was 666, ready, or, tatooed, arm or whereever, and the pope, prophet that was hollie like a bear, tatooing 666, required, theres the alarm, and hollie pointed, and he saw, kings at the table, and, like light, faces popped out, putin, and hollie pointed, fox, calderon, geyer, let me see, here, said, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, castrol, jong, they will give, thier, power and srength, agree, to attack ameriacano, boom, and the world wobbled, press said the pope, record the vision, the angel, showed, like uh, uh white man, I helped you, now, help me, saith, the, Lord, you devil, said, Jesus, boyd, warren, out, he thought, but, it, got, him, thrown, out, he will see, here is, what, Jesus, told, bob, to, say, hunt uhhh, said, mrs. warren, they, knew, bob could, expose, that is, what, that was about, you can, welcome, but, and bob, said, nope, here is, what, the, Lord, says, you are, on the, inter, net, and it says, you dont want me here, bob, would have never thought of that, it, threw, warren, off, he, did not, say, very, much, more, as, bob, walked, out, prophesied, this church is cut off, and, prophesying, is, recieving, I know it, said, warren, visions, while, right, there, his wife said, thats right, but, she, preaches, and they all knew it, at, you, popp, 3-22-2010-bobby its to late for tim shobe, hollie said, its, thats, hollie with, she showed, timothy c. shobe, O so you want to pastor, hollie, said, that, hollie, said, thats tim shobe shaking, yes, but, showed, cut off, thats, his, lovely, said, Jesus, wife, with red hair, but, she is, black, its, witchtress, God, said, its the lovely, Jesus, said, Sundii shobe, showed cut off, I pastor said Sundii shobe, but, witch, said, tim shobe, I we knew it said mrs. tim shobe, both witchs, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, its pope rising, this said, hollie, showed, beatem up, hollie showed, record, wearing plad coat, hollie showed, lay down, hollie screamed, this is uh warnin, lets post, said, hollie, wiped lips, show you uh picture, said, hollie, pope, she said, with, brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, kneeling before, loose belt sorrow, said, hollie, it was the uh leave it alone, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, it was simb, she, said, tear up, said, hollie, ran in place, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, leave it alone, hollie showed, the contract, and pen, hollie said, its, yellow, wrote, it was the alome saleem, said, hollie, it was soumb, said, sandy, hollie showed, not satisfied, leave me alone, said, hollie, ate, pizza, thats, geese circling, its amber, said, hollie, showed, with, fin, 3-26-2010-hollie showed, turn, eat, pizza, like, hollie showed, said, God, yum, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, go, lighted hand, hollie had lighted bear paws, tear up, hollie smiled, showed, picture, it was pope, with brown hair, thats putin kneeling before, let me rule the world, said, putin, alright shakes pope, hollie showed, turn, body hidden, but faded in, yellow, thats, hollie, with, silhouette face, o, said, its his ship, agin, said, fleas, its the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, o, ship, said, had silhouette face, but appeared, then, silhouette again, i'm said, hollie, coming out of, silhouette, heres your warnin, hollie, said, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, and, I showed, you uh picture, another, hollie, said, look, hollie, said, its pope with brown hair, let me, said, hollie, record, she, said, hollie stamps, pope rises, riding, black horse, hollie sums, hollie showed, the, pioneer amplifier with power meters, they were moving, hollie, runs, like, dark hollie, thing, christian this is uh warnin, said, hollie, just, leave it alone, she, said, aw I want to go home, said, hollie, playing music, its xylophone, said, hollie, hollie screamed, pope, said, hollie, hes, the, antichrist, hollie, said, 666 appeared, bobby, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, this was, babyfleas, said, Jesus, she runs, and laughs, thats, Jesus, lauging with her, thats lightening flashing, Jesus, appeared, like angel man, thats, Jesus, riding, the, cloud, thats world below, shaking, countries exploding, moon, looks down, big nose, bobby, he made me, said, its his moon, said, hollie, now look, said, hollie, its submarine, surfacing, with captain, hollie, that was hollie in the old reuben wells steam locomotive, whew whew, said, hollie, rang bell, and hollie funnel, blew, heres uh warnin, said, hollie, its tanya harris with dyed hair, Lord I aint cut off, she said, but, shook, yes, hollie showed, its turning point christian center church, I pocket the loot said tanya harris, put it under, its to late for both harris's at turning point church, and he saw, said, casey, its transformed Light Jesus, at Christ temple, hollie, said, lay down, thats, hollie, laying down, eyes opened, tear up, said, hollie, but she, put back, rip, said, hollie, with, red bear paws, popes picture, appears, hollie screamed, why for whats my word, put back, said, hollie, tear up, from the side, turned, showed, pope, hollie, said, had brown bear paws, body invisable, but, fades, in, hollie out of flute blown by angel, with uh hard hat, hollie said, new york, said, doreen, its under attack it, said, hollie, thats nuclear explosion behind, hollie showed, statue of liberty, thats, hollie, out of, by, speaker, at, Christ temple, like angel, hollie, 10-5-2006-record the vision hollie showed, pittsburgh said the white angel of the Lord, boom, and he saw, it, explode, record the vision hollie showed, and complained, white robe, didnt the angel say, alice cooper, im cut off, but, watch, and he saw, alice, kneeling before, the angel of the Lord, but, to late, he said, what, said alice, you knew, shepherd for the pentecost, down said hollie, and the lighted finger, bobby you knew, html, Jesus, said, pay for that, and you said, ok, but, stripped, angelfire, did it, now, they are about to stripp you again, uto, said the angel, now, here this, angelfire, you know why he was gitton ready to strip you, because he wanted you to pay for it, but, now, and, many of people, have bought, .coms, on angelfire, about, two, but, thats how he found about prophecy ministry, china said the angel of the Lord, magog, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie showed, lighted, golden hands, smiling, white robe, hands out, geocities all the way, theres the alarm, kill saddam hussein said the angel of the Lord, avenge five million, and he saw them in hell, you wrecked, said the angel, of the Lord, over, try to, theres the alarm, thats vision overload, record the angel showed, coffee, record Jesus showed, tell my vision, and he saw, a line of pastors, m. mckinney, donny joe winters, delvert spall, donald winters, kent jordan, kent gray, we are cut off, no signs, they said, kent jordan, pointed hollie, I'll embarras you if, you come here, I want you to post more visions, said the horn, and hollie, came out, white, this is heaven, this is hell, glass city, lava, and he saw, the, hegoat, smite the ram, run into, and, four, horns, came, up, and they had, kings, faces, like, the emporer of japan, hu, and the pope, and, the idol shepherd, slashed, pope, theres the alarm, pointed, hollie, opec is, liars, they want, 60 dollars per barrell, this church needs to pray more, said, hollie, coming out of the, horn, blown by Jesus, heavenly life, apo, stolic, church, and he saw, a, lighted, serpent, with, like a, winged, and, he had, many, kings, like, white, lighted, and, faces, popped out, like, fox, putin, chavez, and, lula, and, castrol, they will give, thier, power, and, strength, to the beast, send it over, said the pope, on, amexico, and the world wobbled, 1-15-2010-hollie looked up at world, countries exploding, hollie showed, record, thats globe and it spinning, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, hollie showed, you email the u.p.c.i. links, hollie showed, the the beast, she, said, its pope, hollie, said, bobby, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie complains, bobby, said, hollie, I, showed, record, she, said, and I showed, the, pope, hollie, said, thats, it, she, said, pontiff riding black horse, there, said, pope, its into russia, thats, medvedev and pope, in light russia, signing, its uh deal, said, medvedev, light withdraws, hollie claps, tear up, said, hollie, it was contract, showed, one hour, on, fool, said, hollie, showed, rev. jeremy taylor, u.u., stealing the God spoke, hollie, said, ministry of dreams, theres, kathy taylor with dr. jeremy taylors website, both witchs, its witchs, said, hollie, want more, visions, said, hollie, jumping, said, hollie, its, whew, said, hollie, thats sireen, with, hollie looking out, and, sireen sound, its somby, said, sandy, thats, troops not breaking their ranks, marching, submarines are there, pointed, hollie, like amber, said, fleas, thats, hollie showing, its jvc three way tower stereo speaker with twelve inch passive radiator, Jesus, thinks, they create deep bass sound, by picking up vibrations, you can barely hear it, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, record, hollie, showed, record, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, the pope, had amber colored hands, body like silhouette, then, white robed, face appeared, she, said, thats, Father, showed, hollie, normal, hands, silhouette body, golden, hands, its, pioneer steem locomotive, showed, hollie, thats, hollie funnel on front, whew whew, said, hollie, and, hollie funnel blows, hollie showed, record, git outta here, she, said, and, I, stamped, hollie, said, showed, lighted stick, its stamp, hollie beat, showed, eat, theres pakistan, showed, hollie, and he saw, said, another, hollie, thats, missiles flying, they, exchange, said, hollie, thats nuclear explosions in india and pakistan, submarines are, prowling in oceans, said, hollie, thats all firing, hollie shows, world, many countries, exploding, world shaking, thats, moon clapping, but not speaking, sun, said, moon, appeared, then disappeared, moon claps hands, tongue out, maybe its uh warning, said, hollie, with piano, sound, hollie played piano, thats piano on titanic, hollie played, like invisable hollie, then, faded in, somewhat, record, the, vision, and, make, it, plain, said, hollie, beat hand, thats, pope, hollie, said, rising, hollie, showed, max lucado, thumbs down, thats, somebody, said, hollie, at, oak hill church, there he serves bobby, said, hollie, I aint payin him, said, the pastor, thats max lucado leaving cause, not saved, head down, hollie bangs, hand, pope, she, said, rises, theres hu hintao, hollie bangs again, like silhouette body, normal arms, emporer of japan, slash, pope, there you have it, said, hollie, thats three kings in persia, im your vision, I cant post, said, Jesus, thats, lighted, hand, stamping, and hollie on, horse, light horse, tell that vision right there, said, Jesus, its, the g8, said, hollie, its the, beast, she, said, you talkin, about, me, said, putin, coughs, shows, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and, who are these, bobby, said, hollie, its nuclear n.a.t.o. appearing as the seven heads, hollie has the seven lighted heads, conducts, aw, they sang, thats, politburo, its ten kings out of one country, theres yeltsin coming out, putins comes out of medvedev and yeltsin, thats pope out of putin, that is, copter flown by hollie, gabriel on the rope, said, hollie and Jesus, thats canada exploding, then america exploding, hollie, turns, thats barack typeing, and minuteman 111 missiles lifting off, thats some said, hollie, exploding in silo, thats, massive nuclear explosions, in, america, hollie shows, u.s.a., world shakes, thats, many minuteman 111 rockets lifting off, they strike russia, hollie, said, exploded, thats captain hollie in ohio class subs shooting trident missiles, thats many striking russia, exploded, hollie showed, record, thats angel, marines, said, hollie, out in, streets, its, u.s.a., looting, said, hollie, during economic collapse, barack blows on hand, leaves, hollie showed, eat, raise your mantle, and repeat after me, sang, hollie, beats hand, its open, said, hollie, thats smoke going up like furnace, and submarines appear all around america, one, fires, thats, explosion in california, hollie claps, watching on cnn, thats hollie news anchor man, whats the tell, said, hollie, thats hollie news anchor man explaining, theres all subs firing, both american coasts exploded, hollie shows, then gets kicked out, then hollie appears on rope, copter flown by gabriel, thats nuclear explosion in canada, then whole american center exploded, let me record, said, hollie, pope, she, said, rose, its in Haiti, said, hollie, thats, earth shaking, casey appears, pope, said, hollie, showed, hes the antichrist, hollie excites, thats, hollie like silhouette sitting at, piano, its on titanic, played, but, like invisable hollie, then started appearing, thats bear licking, the prophet, im turkey, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, thats turkey exploding, and missiles leaving turkey, striking, that, said, hollie, russia, this is uh warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, hollie showed, eat, that is the alome alearie, said, hollie, its, soumb, said, sandy, bear licks prophet, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, clifton davis, and, Napoleon Kaufman, leave us alone, said, hollie, thats, hollie, with amber colored hands, hollie showed, tumbs down, david mainse, thats him pocketing, the loot said mrs. brown, hollie showed, record, showed, lay down, hollie painted pope, im the antibeast, said, pontiff, hollie drew, there, she, said, hu hintao, thats him, riding red horse, hollie rode missile, taiwan burned, thats hu battling, washington state, with sword, on his red horse, its repelled, said, hollie, thats nuclear fires in china, yellow colored, china, from, its captain hollie in three ohio class subs, hollie had big hand, showed, its titanic, and, then ismay, and smith, taking about, speed, said ismay, thats titanic, rubbing against, iceberg, sinks, thats hand showing, its there, still loved, thats piano on titanic, being played, hollie appears, from invisable hollie, ministry of dreams is open, said, hollie, when you dream, she said, hollie claps, another, said, Jesus, showed, night vision, theres uh third hollie, thats, don clowers preaching, ignoring, bob, dream, said, hollie, another claps, shows, night vision, words, said, hollie, it appeared, hollie claps, hollie shakes, yes, shows, Lord im away with it, but shook, yes, no, she, said, but, shakes, yes, again, put it under, said, hollie, hollie ate, and walked on, its treadmill, hollie wore workout attire, with white bandana, prayer walked with blue, coat, white bandana, then, kind of, turns, like, japanese, banada, hollie showed, sh, 3-1-2010-whew, let me, said, hollie, hollie showed, timothy winters, hes witch, hollie, said, sh, she, said, sh, said, timothy, winters, hes, thats tim winters showing cut off, I tried to decieve bob said timothy winters, make him speak blasphemy against the holy Ghost, tim winters, said, thats people at calvary tabernacle showing tim winters visions, ministry of dreams is right there, said hollie, hollie showed, turn, website, said, hollie, wiped lips, showed, pope, hollie, said, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, uh picture, its, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., hollie said, steals ministry of dreams, thats rev. jeremy taylor, d.min, denying, but, jeremy taylors, fingers behind back crossed, caldwell showed, turn, again, hollie showed, slapped, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, she, said, then, hu hintaos picture, appears, hollie relaxes, there, you have it, hollie, said, both beasts, loose belt soun, s,o,u,n, said, its hollie, tell me about that loose belt sorry, said, hollie, and hollie plays, music, git him outta here, hollie, said, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, pontiff laughs, put it under, said, hollie, bob go home and eat, hollie claps, shows, turn, bob, said, hollie, thats babyfleas appearing, thats fleas running, Jesus laughs, babyfleas laughs, but she will have to give an account someday, said, Jesus, this is uh, warning, said, hollie, showed, beatem up, its, the, new world order, said, hollie, thats pope appearing, tell me about, the, vision, hollie, said, its, pope, hollie, said, and, he, saw, said, casey, hollie, showed, appear, with, nice hair, hollie, with, nice hair, winks, whats my word, she, said, winked, hey, said, hollie, thats, the vision, hollie, said, it was, another, hollie with nice hair, winking, this is, the, decision, said, hollie, showed, run, he aint, said, fleas, you did not want hollie showed, showed, hollie with finger, bob, jog, return to jogging again, said, hollie, put it under, hollie, said, stay in shape, thats, the, tap dancers, said, hollie, clapped, many different hollies, tell me about the website, said, many, tap dancing, website, said, hollie, showed, its the new ministry of dreams, its on, showed, hollie, then, hollie shows, you did not want um, hollie showed, tell me about the, website, said, hollie, tap dancing, with, its eight bobby, said, Jesus, new world order, kings, thats, ministry of dreams, website turning around, website, said, hollie, call it, said, the Lord, ministry of dreams, I, spoke it, said, Jesus, dont copy it or, Jesus, showed, get cut off, then, ruint, like, its, your, dr. reverend, agin, said, hollie, its, she showed, with hand, reverend jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollie, no, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays, music, you did not want me, aw, says, hollie, and hollie shows, thru, away, but shook, yes, stomped foot, snapped fingers, body, like silhouette, but faded in, snapped, there, your, one, said, hollie, its, hollie, like, silhouette vampire, face, is, awkward, said, hollie, hollie shows, peter popoff, I want money, said, rev. peter popoff, shakes, yes, hollie showed, lay down, thats the bear father, said, hollie, its the g8, she said, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats, hollie buying copy at wal-mart, and barnes and noble, thats, putin dressed like warrior, thats bush riding red dragon, dressed like woman, its the g8, said, hollie, thats merkel appearing, theres france, thats nuclear explosion in, its france, showed, hollie, spun world, showed, nuclear fires, in, all nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, hollie spins world, thats australia and italy exploding, missiles leaving them, striking russia, burned, theres great britain and france exploding, thats submarines, all with captain hollie, french subs had different captain, hollie, russia burned, thats, hollie showed, italy exploding, and pope coming out, thats pontiff riding black horse, its into russia, said, pope, thats pontiff, signing, its deal, showed, hollie, with medvedev, it gains control, said, medvedev, thats, captain, hollie, flying russian jet, thats, nuclear explosion in, its canada, showed, hollie, spun world, then america exploded from center, new york, said, angel, hollie said, and, he saw, it, said, hollie, nuclear explosion behind, its the woman, hollie, said, statue of liberty, new york, burns, new york, said, dorene, its under attack it, said, hollie, and, hollie with nice hair shows, lay down, hollie screamed, o, said, its, wilhelm gustloff ship showed, hollie, dressed like king, waiting on bottom of sea for visitor, hollie visits in submarine, o, said, ship, showed lay down, submarines are coming said, hollie, now, look, she, said, its, akula again, thats what you want needed, said, hollie, now look, she said, thats, them open fire, hollie, said, put it under, thats both american coasts exploding, and nuclear explosions in middle, hollie watches on cnn, excited, theres, missiles striking alaska, exploded, there, said, Jesus, sprinkles, bear arises, destroy, that, said, God, thats america appearing, thats my bear licking prophet, said, hollie, and hollie plays music, you did not want no more visions, hollie, said, and, hollie points, take garbage bag, she said, put it in dumpster, that was nuclear explosion in africa, its globe, said, hollie, joel osteen preaches, that was nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, hollie points, thats many missiles striking russia, burned, its on the day of the Lord, hollie, said, hollie showed, enervive muscle conditioner, by, slendertone, its electrical stimulation, hollie, said, put it under, hollie, said, just work out, right there, pointed, hollie, was, orange flash, its, florida, theres serious, hollie showed, thing, to it, thats wind blowing, its, hurricane, showed, hollie, git outta here, she, said, and fire around the tip, hollie showed, hurricane, starfighter, said, hollie, showed, now look, she, said, clapped, hands, stomped foot, hey, said, hollie, body invisable but faded in, thats missile plane, its, showed, hollie, starfighter, she, said, f-104, dropped bombs, america below exploded, hollie flys starfighter, drops on russia, and, nuclear n.a.t.o., exploded, hollie points, thats brazil and venezuela, exploding, theres nuclear fires, in, cuba, nicaragua exploded, hollie spins world, lets rule, the world, said, putin, coming out, hollie wiped lips, hollie showed, with big hand, its titanic, hollie, dressed like, its captain, with smith on deck, struck iceberg, sank, thats smith with ismay, I want, speed, ismay said, alright we'll do it shook smith, watch this said, Jesus, spun world, Jesus comes out, shows, mine, he, said, turns, wearing robe, then, opens, tada, spacecraft aint over, said, hollie, flying, now look, she said, in her spacecraft, spacecraft bombed america, exploded, now look, she said, dropped bomb, thats Jesus spinning world, many countries burning, thats smoke rising, moon claps, with big nose, bobby, he made me, said, moon, pointed at God, laughs, im, said, sun, last, hollie on the, grill showed, turn, hollie showed, slaps, looks, that, was, tap dancing, hollies, one claps, but looks to side, then, front, stomps foot, snaps fingers, shows, tada, its whole new world order, pictures,
(-0)bread of life pentecostal church loves to talk-visions received 9-2006-in visions, I saw pastor boyd warren and his wife and they said something like this, we go to church to talk. Mrs. boyd said talk, and warren, boyd said the rest. Im a false prophesiar, said, mrs. warren in another vision.
(0)every tree which does not bring forth GOOD fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire-vision received 6-29-2005-In this vision, I saw this tree and it did not have any leaves on it, and the trunk was not very big around and there was like a hacksaw there, and it was cutting the tree down. Don't let this be your tree

(1)just a show-vision recieved 7-24-2004-I was praying, and thinking on the church I had visited, which was an apostolic pentecostal church in indianapolis, and I saw Jesus in a vision, and HE had brown hair, and He said, "it's just a show". The people pretty much did and said the right things, but, I didn't feel the Holy Ghost in one thing. THis was an apostolic church in indianapolis. This was victory tabernacle apostolic faith Church, aman, this was added on, 1-12-2006., where the pastor is, william, harris, l.,
(2)testimony from Jesus not like-vision received 11-3-2004-in this vision, I saw and maybe heard the words, "they lie in wait for you", and I was asking "who", and I saw this apostolic pentecostal pastor in a vision, and he said, "we need to catch bob". This was pastor harris of victory tabernacle apostolic Church, aman, this was added on, 1-12-2006. This was william l. harris.
(3)The Pentecostal Church-In this vision recieved about the summer of 2002-I was telling this apostolic pentecostal minister about Jesus showimg judgement coming to america, and probably more, and he more or less told me something like, "bobby! There ain't know way that will happen here. United pentecostal church is here. Later, I saw him and an apostolic pastor and the pastor said, "the apostolic church has fallen". The name of the minister was gregg oliver, and the name of the pastor was kent r. gray of "Anitoch, the apostolic church", in indianapolis, where once I went at their former location, and I felt I was lead by the Holy Ghost to go to the alter area, and I beleive I was on my knee's, and one of the things I did was invited people pray, and kent r. gray's mother slapped me in the face, and told me something like, "never do that again. Your out of order", kent r. gray's mother, spoke, about, being, married, about, 5, time's, read, ST. MATTHEW 19 and 16, both, aman, this was added on, 1-12-2006.
(4)where are the gift's of the Spirit of God- In this vision, I am with the apostle Paul and we are walking and talking and I ask him, "why don't we see a manifestation of a son of God anymore"? Then I answered it and said, "because the people don't want to see it"? and the apostle Paul said, "yes". The signs I mainly see in and out side of churches are signs people can do by themselves.
(5)I'm cut off-vision reicieved 6-3-2003-wile praying, I saw this apostolic pentecsotal preacher in Indianapolis, and he said, "I'm cut off". This means there are pastors preaching that are cut-off. This is all of upc or upci, hallelujah, or, pentecostal assemblies of the world, hallelujah, aman, this was added on, 1-12-2006
(6)singer from rock group KISS-vision recieved 11-23-2003-in this vision, it was like I was in a room, and in the room there were two t.v.'s on, one in front of me and one behind. The one behind, had Gene Simmons of KISS singing a song. I turned and looked at the one behind me, and in part of one of the lines, Gene sang, "the church is growing cold", this was prophet gene simmons, hallelujah, aman, aman, this was added on, 1-12-2006. Truth!
(7)what would G.T. Haywood think of a church he founded-visions received 5-2004-I asked Jesus to give me a vision of G.T. Haywood, who started this church that I wanted to visit. I wanted to know if g.t. haywood were to come back alive today, what he would think about the church. In one vision, I saw g.t. haywood, and he said, "we fell". And in a suprise second vision, I saw g.t. haywood and he said, "they want material", this was, Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, aman, this was added on, 1-12-2006.
(8)sandy m. pool-visions received 9-10-2009-in visions I saw sandy pool, several times.
(9)some churches are just a show-vision recieved 7-24-2004-in this vision, I saw like a page name bar, like what you see at the bottom of your computer when you click onto a page, and there may have been other ones there. The one I saw said, "angry at sheep". The church is for the most part asleep. I told a church last night during prayer request that Jesus showed me in visions russia was going to lead an all out attack on america, and for today, they have a softball game planned. There were about 20 adults there when I told that, about 30 more came in late, and missed it, which was about 15 minutes into the service. This was, "victory apostolic faith church", in Indianapolis, led by, pastor, william, harris, he was, the, one, that, heard, but, lets, play, soft, let me see here, ball, aman, this was added on, 1-12-2006.
(10)people can be faithful church goer's, but, still fallen away-vision recieved 2-6-2004-in this vision, I am with my pastor who died years ago, but, still appears to me in visions, and helps me. I was telling him about visiting "ode whites" church where the pastor and others knew him. "Ode" is what I thought her first name was, but, it is not, but, I believe she is called that. He spoke somethings to me like, "man, your preaching, visions". I then described to him the church. I more or less told him that I did not feel the "SPIRIT of God" there. Not in the testimonies, the singing, the preaching. Not at all. He made a expression that I still can't figure out.
(11)to many fake, fraudulent, conterfiet churches-vision recieved 6-1-2004-while praying, I saw myself in the spirit in a vision, and a was a white color, and I said, "give me a vision for the chruches". Moments later, I heard these words, "fraudulent, conterfiet, fake". You don't have to fall away. Pray!
(12)some people go to church to talk-vision recieved 3-29-2004-I visited this church where the pastor is an author, is or was on t.v. and radio. Teaches at a college, which I believe he is president." I was talking to Jesus about why the people are really there. I don't feel God in them, and there is no power, nor did I feel the Holy Ghost in anything that went on there. I saw the apostolic pentecostal pastor in a vision, and he said, "were here to talk", this was pastor willie duncan, dr. willie duncan, the pastor of, revival temple, and, the, president of, muskegon Bible institue.
(13)has the church gotten so far away from Jesus that people wear shorts-vision received 4-1-2005-in this vision, I saw a group of people and they may have been young people with possibly older ones there, and there was a sign in the ground that had the initials for one of the biggest religions in the world. The is an organization that is suppost to satnd for holiness, and righteousness, and truth. I heard this, "people wearing shorts".

(14)un-Holy-vision received 4-14-2005-In this vision, I saw me at a church and a man was talking to me dressed in a short sleeve shirt. This is not Holy.

(15)stunned-vision received 6-4-2005-I told a pastor and some of the congrgation some visions Jesus gave me, and we talked. As I drove away, I saw the pastor in a vision and he said, "I didn't tell you to send me a Christian". Later I saw him in another vision and he said something like, "come and talk".

(16)go to church to serve Jesus, not do other things-vision received 6-12-2005-In this vision, I saw the inside of calvary tabernacle apostolic church on fletcher drive in indianapolis, and I saw the words and they were all by themselves suspended like on a television program, "other gods". I 'll never forget that vision where I saw this and I heard, "we serve other gods".
(16)people smoking outside the church-vision recieved 6-20-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he was smoking just outside the church. He saw me and fled.
(17)financial-visions recieved 6-24-2005-In visions, I saw this apostolic pastor and he said things like, "were all financial", "we love material". Is this why some churches are dead?

(18)loving the things of the world makes you an enemy of God Almighty-visions recieved 6-24-2005-In visions, I saw this pentecostal pastor and he said things like, "were all financial", "we love material". This looked exactly like pastor donald winters at westside pentecostal church in indianapolis, which is part of upci. United pentecostal church international should be the most powerful organization on the earth. U.p.c.i. has the TRUTH, but, do they do it? Where is the fruit? If the Holy Ghost was casting out devils, healing the sick, raising the dead, opening blind eyes, doing miracles and signs and wonders and Jesus clearly teaches u in the 14th. chapter of the gospel according to ST. JOHN that greater works than these shall ye do. Where is the fruit?
(19)the pentecostal show goes on-visions recieved 6-26 and 6-27-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked exactly like the pastor of greater life apostolic church, alan browning, which may be in middletown, kentucky, which is just outside of louisville, kentucky, and may really be part of louisville. As I was driving to there, I saw a man that looked exactly like g. alan browning in a vision and he said something like, 'I don't want revival'. In other visions I saw him again and he said things like, "it's just a show"(I believe I had this twice), "cut off", "I blew it", "I want your vision", "we do", "you hurt me", "religion", "want your visions", "cut off", "give me some money", "material", "snake", "I laughed", "the lake", "come and backslide", "you ain't welcome", "you know what I want", "adultery", "don't come around here", "I'm a backslider". I saw the name of the man that preached there last night flashed before me, but, It was too fast to grab. I saw him in a vision and he said, "". I'll have to try to find it.
(20)eastern star church in indianapolis-visions recieved 6-26-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like jeffrey johnson sr. of eastern star church and he said things like, "I'm going to the lake", "I'm in adultery", "He already cut me off". I asked Jesus why jeffrey johnson preached and I saw him again in another vision and he said, "to get in your pocket".

(21)not allowed-visions received 6-29-2005-I testified to a woman that was going to like a nursing home to visit a possible grandson that may have gotten shot and is in bad shape. As I witnessed and Had a vision and Jesus showed me she was cut off. As she walked away, I saw her in visions and she said things like, "He already cut me off". I wanted to go and pray for the man that she was going to visit and I saw a black man in a vision and he said, "cut off". The Holy Ghost would not let me. I offered to come to her church and preach revival and the name of the church is grace apostolic church and I saw the pastor in a vision and he said something like, "we ain't going to allow you". This is pastor hunt, whom I have met and told some of the things Jesus showed me is coming, and he did not offer then either. I saw a man that looked like pastor hunt in another vision and he said, "unworthy".

(23)the pentecostal show goes on in shelbyville, Indiana-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked very similar to a man that I witnessed to an, apostolic tabernacle in shelbyville, indiana and he said something like, "we are a show".
(24)give God your best or your wasting your time-vision received 7-9-2005-In this vision, I pratially saw this slendor young woman and she was kneeling and possibly praying. She was dressed in like possibly a shiny dark skirt that just barely covered her but.
(25)if you cause somebody to lust you purposely, it can cost you your soul-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw this young woman from behind and she looked pentecostal because she was dressed in a long like skirt. She was walking and in her skirt which went just about all the way down had like a split in it that would allow you to partially see her leg when she walked. If a woman causes a man to fall purposely doing this, do you think she will just get away.
(26)rummages sales right on the House of God property-vision received 7-22-2005-In this vision, I saw like a rummage sale, and I believe it was being held in the yard of the House of God. One thing I saw was like a little rack that had womans under garment or garments on it right out in the open. Theses were not ordinary, but, sleezy possibly underwear and bra, right in the Lawn of the House of God. I believe this was being held at the Apostolic Bible Church, where the pastor is morris garsnett. As I drove by the Church, I saw a spirit in a vision and I forget it now, but, it was not good. As I was typing this in, I saw a spirit that looked like the pastor of westside pentecostal church in visions and he said, "we sold". In other visions, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor winters and he said things like, "I heard". Westside pentecostal Church and Apostolic Bible Church are both part of united pentecostal church international, pastor donald winters is cut off, he, said, those are from the devil, hallelujah, aman, aman, this was added on, 1-12-2006.
(27)revelation-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor lambert gates of mt. zion apostolic Church and he said, "I just want in your wallet".

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